FfTF YH 02075 ,..,',. . ..- : ,... . . ; :v. . , . YH 02075 TABLE p S5-S- GIVING AT INSPECTION PROPER NET HAULING CAPACITY IN DAILY SERVICE ALL WEIGHTS AND TYPES OF LOCOMOTIVES ON ANY GRADE From Level to 528 feet per Mile According to the Actual Records of Practice on Numerous American Railways. BEING TABLE 170 OF "THE ECONOMIC THEORY OF THE LOCATION OF RAILWAYS," BY A. M. WELLINGTON, M. AM. Soc. C.E. Correct to nearest Ion for 1-t adhesion and H Ihs. rolling friction on tangents, even half-tons being dropped. These units are used as those giving results mc.st nearly corresponding with the- actual work of locomotives in prartice. Higher adhesion, up to !-;{ the wight on drivers, i.-. realized in tests, but not in daily work. Lower rolling friction, down to ; or 4 Ibs. per ton, is realized occasionally in the same way, but the engines cannot be loaded correspondingly and do their daily work. Applicable to cither Ions* or short tons, or any other unit, if the weights of engine be supposed to be given in inu: kind. Tlie table gives simply, in elf -i-t, the ratio of net load behind engine to the total adhesion, assumed at ' i the weight on drivers, for each even ton of adhesion, or each 4 tons on drivers. Intermediate weights c ;1 ii !>< Interpolated bv inspection. Adding total weight (as assumed) of engine and tender given in the heading gives the gross weight of ciin-in'c and train which an engine of any pattern whatsoever can take up any grade with J4 adhesion. For l-:5 adhesion the gross I. ad will be 33^ per cent, greater, and for 1-.1 adhesion 20 per cent. less. The net load varies . with the pattern of engine. For lank engines having any given weight on drivers, correct the table by the :w-een its actual weight in service, and that a.-sumed for an engine with tender, with same load on drivers, in preparing this table. The table skives I he fail- working capacity for locomotive^ in everyday service on de-facto grad the given rale, as euno-d by the daily practice of many lim-- (see Table i v s of the volume above referred to). In single tests they will run some _>. > per cent, higher ; in winter weather, about 10 percent, lower. Otherwise any considerable in re], oiled loads above the following table indicates simply that the grades are not in reality as high as reported, but are rated as momentum grades; and any ' onsiderable deficiency indicates either carelessness in loading engines to their capacity, or that the profile grades are in effect increased by unreduced curvature or stopping-points on the maximum grade-. Thus, a de-fac/o level grade for operating purposes hardly exists in the world ; nor can it, except with a very unequal trallic enabling all curves and stations to be on a descending grade without impeding up traffic. PASSENGER AND HIGH-SPEED TRAIN LOADS Vary greatly from those of the table. The probable maximum resistance on a level at various velocities is given in the following table (the first part of Table 166 of the " 1 '. -o:iomic Theory of the Location of Railways"). These resistances are probably one-third too high for high-speed work under favorable conditions, but approximate very closely to the ordinary working maximum for which trains are loaded. TRAIN RESISTANCE ON A LEVEL AS AFFECTED BY VELOCITY. TOIAI. WKIGHT OK RESISTANCE PER SHORT TON, FOR VELOCITIES. Freight Trains. HEAVY CONSOLIDATION ENGINE. TRAIN EQUATION OF RESISTANCE. Per Short Ton. Mi es Per Hour. Long I (HIS. Short Tons. 10 15 20 25 30 Engine only and 10 loaded cars. . . . 7 270 78.4 V" 4 4.82 4- .0428;"' + .0,5, r 9.10 6.33 M-47 8.22 21.94 10.86 3>-59 14.26 43 34 18.41 "20 ' " . . . . 47 56.4 + .OIOO/ 3 5.91 7-'7 9.18 "53 14.63 "30 " .. . 670 75" 4 " -i- .00028K" 5-75 6.91 8.53 10.62 13.17 " "40 " " .... 870 974-4 " 4- .00837 /'" 5.66 6.70 8.17 10.05 12.35 "50 ' 2070 1198.4 " 4- .0078;-' 5.60 6.58 7-94 9-7 11.84 " 75 " 1570 1758.4 " + .oo 7 o 3 F 5-52 6.40 7-63 9.21 11.15 too .... 2070 2318.4 " + . 00653 K 5-47 6 29 7-33 8.80 10.70 For formulae of resistances for trains of flat cars, subtract about .0012 from coefficient of F". formula; por Ions* toil, add 12 per cent. For resistances and TOTAL WEIGHT RESISTANCE PER SHORT TON, FOR VELOCITIES. Passenger Trains. OF TRUN. EQUATION OF Miles Per Hour. 17 X 24 AMERICAN ENI.INK. Long Tons. Short Tons. Per Short Ton. IS 20 25 30 40 50 60 70 Engine only and 2 cars 5 TOO 56 112 4. 82 4- .03214^" " 4- .01875*" 12 05 9.04 17.68 12.32 24.91 16.54 33 75 21 .70 56.25 34-82 85.18 51-70 120.54 72.32 162 32 96. 70 " " 4 " I 5 1 68 " f -OMS'" 1 8.04 10-54 13-75 17.68 27.69 40-53 5^.25 74.82 2 go " 4- 0107 v " 12 " . 350 392 " + .ooo,8r 6.89 8.49 10.56 '3-09 ig 51 27.78 37.88 49.82 " 16 " 450 504 " + oo3 3; /-3 6.70 8.16 10 03 12.32 18.15 2 5- 6 5 34.82 45-65 For resistances and formula 3 per Ions; ton, add 12 per cent. Weight of cars taken at 25 long tons, 56,000 Ibs. each, loaded. Grades, horoerer steep, affect fast trains very slightly unless long, or with stations on them or at their foot. Ordinary undulations not over 50 or 60 ft. high are virtually eliminated by small fluctuations in high speeds (see " Economic Theory of the Location of Railways," p. 546-375). The approximate maximum sliced vvliich any engine can attain in practice on any Ions* de-facto *ra*le at any speed may be determined as follows: 1. Take from the following short table the weight of train to be hauled. 2. Take from the main table the grade that the engine can haul it on at low speed, and subtract the actual grade from it. 3. Find from the following table the speed which increases the virtual grade by the amount of the difference thus obtained. INCREASE IN VIRTUAL GRADE PER CENT. DUE TO INCREASE IN VELOCITY ABOVE FREIGHT SPEEDS. (Abstracted from Table iSo of the " Economic Theory of the Location of Railways. 1 ') KIND OF TRAIN. WEIGHT OF CAKS Tons (2000 Ibs.) VELOCITIES IN MILES PER HOUR. 20 25 30 40 50 60 70 56 112 224 33 448 0.22 12 O.o6 O.O2 o.ol o .43 o 29 0.18 0.13 O.IO 0.68 0.48 0.33 0.25 0.22 i-34 0.98 0.73 0.58 0.51 2.18 1.62 1.18 o 99 0.88 3.22 2.41 1.72 1.49 '34 4-43 3-34 2-47 2.09 1.88 1 " .": " " 16 " Example I. Eight-car train on 1.5 per cent grade. Heavy American engine can pull 224 tons at slow speed on 1.72 per cent, grade, or 0.22 per cent, above the actual. This corresponds to but little more than a 25-mile per hour maximum, by the above table Example 2. Four car trnin, same grade and engine. Engine can pull 112 tons on 3.12 per cent, grade at slow speed ; 3.12 1.50 = 1.62, corresponding by above table to 50 miles per hour. Published and for sale by Price, $1.OO. Ten Copies, $5.OO. ENGINEERING NEWS AMERICAN RAILWAY JOURNAL T TABLE 170. MAXIMUM WORKING LOADS FOR LOCOMOTIVES IN DAILY SERVICE (BEHIND THE TENDER) ON ANY GIVEN de-facto RATE OF GRADE, UNCOMPLICATED BY CURVATURE OR FLUCTUATIONS OF VELOCITY. Adhesion, y. Rolling friction, 8 Ibs. Tons of 2000 Ibs. (sec nole, end of table). J3gr" J\atio in fourth column x % -wt. on drivers gross trT<'(V a/ any engine, wkiclt wt. eng. and tender = net tractiTt power, behind tender. Tot. weight eng and 1'ded tender tons 5 58 60 6 4 67 7 75 80 87 Weight engine only tons 3' 37 37 42 38 43 46 5' 55 62 Weight on drivers- 20 24 28 32 3 40 44 48 53 Tont tractive power l^ac h ) 5. <;. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Rate of Grade. Total Resist- ance, Ibs. per net ton. Ratio of gross w'gt of train to tractive power. American. Moguls and 10-wheei. Consolidations. Maifn. Per too. Feet per Mile. Light. 15 x 24. Heavy. 18 x 24. Light lo-wheel. 17 x 24. H'y lo-wh 19 x 14. Lt. M,,g. 17 x 24. Extra H-'avy MoK'ul. 20 X 24. Light (P. R.R.). 20 x 24. Average. 20 X 24. Heavy. 21 X 24. Ex ; H'y, 21 X 26, or 19 30- Level . O OO 8.0 250.00 1198 '442 1690 1936 2183 2430 2675 2920 3-63 3008 2868 2739 2621 2513 2413 3320 2335 3154 .02 04 .06 .08 . 10 . 12 M .16 .18 1.0.56 2. 112 3.168 4.224 5 280 6.336 7-393 8.448 8.4 8.8 9.2 9.6 10.0 10.4 10.8 I 1 2 ii. 6 238 10 227.27 217.39 208.33 200.00 192.31 '8s. 19 78.57 172.41 1138 1084 i35 99 948 910 874 841 Bio 37' 306 246 192 142 096 053 013 976 1607 '53" 1462 1398 1340 1286 1236 1190 "47 1841 '754 '675 1603 1536 '475 14, ? 1365 1315 2076 1078 1890 1808 '733 ,664 1600 '540 3" 203 104 013 930 853 782 716 6.4 =544 2425 2316 2217 2125 2040 10^2 1889 1821 2777 2647 2539 2420 2320 2228 2142 2063 1989 .20 12. 166.67 942 1107 1269 597 '758 1920 2080 .22 24 26 .28 3 32 34 36 18 11.616 12.672 13.728 14.784 15.840 16.396 17.952 19.008 20.064 12.4 12 8 Ij 2 1 3 .6 '4-o "4-4 14.8 15-3 ,5.6 If'1 .29 156.25 151.52 147.06 142.86 138.89 135 U *)' 58 128.21 754 729 706 683 662 642 624 606 589 879 851 824 799 775 753 73' 7" ,069 1034 1001 969 940 912 886 861 ?37 1226 1186 1148 I 112 '079 1047 1017 989 9-2 '339 '297 1257 1219 1183 IM9 1117 492 445 401 359 319 281 246 212 1699 1644 '592 '543 1496 '453 1412 '373 '335 855 '795 1738 1685 '634 1587 1543 '499 '459 2OIO '944 1883 1825 1770 1719 1670 1624 1580 .40 21 T2O 16.0 125 .00 573 558 543 529 5-6 504 49' 480 469 458 815 1058 r8o 149 120 093 066 041 017 994 973 950 1420 1538 -43 : .48 .5 52 2 .s8 22. 170 33.2)2 24.283 25-344 20. 4 jo 37.4)6 28.512 29.568 30.624 16.4 16 8 17.2 ,7.6 180 18.4 18.8 19.3 19.6 121.95 119.05 116.28 113.64 Iil.ll 108 . 70 106.38 104.17 102.04 674 656 640 624 609 594 580 567 554 794 773 754 735 718 701 685 669 654 912 888 866 845 825 806 787 769 ' 1031 1004 980 956 933 911 890 871 8^1 '235 1204 "75 "47 1121 1095 1071 1047 1383 '349 1316 1284 '253 1224 '197 1170 "44 1498 1461 1425 '390 '357 1320 1296 1267 1240 .60 31.680 20. o 100.00 44? 542 640 7-- 833 930 io-.?5 1I2O 1213 .62 .64 .66 .63 .70 73 :3 .78 33 792 34-848 35-904 30.960 38.016 39 7 2 40. 128 4' - il 20 4 20.8 21.3 21.6 22.0 22.4 22.8 2 3 2 2 3 .6 98.04 96.13 94-34 92.59 90.91 89.29 87.72 86.21 84-75 438 429 430 4" 403 394 387 379 372 530 5"9 508 498 488 478 468 459 450 626 6,3 600 588 576 565 554 543 533 720 7"5 691 6-7 663 650 638 626 6.4 8,5 798 782 766 7^1 737 712 709 696 910 8 Q > 873 856 839 823 807 793 777 1003 983 963 943 925 907 8qo 873 857 1096 '074 IOC2 1031 roil 991 973 955 0?7 1188 "63 "39 1117 '095 1074 1053 '033 1014 .80 42.240 24.0 83-33 365 442 523 603 683 763 842 920 996 979 961 945 929 ! 9 t 88 3 86 9 855 .82 .84 .86 .88 90 .92 $ .,8 -1 ;. - 11 44-352 45 408 46.464 47 53 > 48.576 49.632 50.688 5'. 744 34-4 24.8 2S-2 2 5 .6 26.O 26.4 26.8 27.2 2 7 .6 81.97 80.65 79-37 78.13 76.92 75 76 74-63 73-53 72.46 358 35' 345 339 333 327 32' 316 310 434 426 418 4" 404 397 390 383 ;77 5>4 SOS 496 487 473 470 462 455 447 593 5Si 57' 561 551 543 533 5 2 4 5'6 671 659 647 636 625 615 605 595 5iS 750 736 724 7" 699 688 676 665 655 827 812 798 784 771 758 746 734 722 904 888 872 858 843 829 816 802 789 i.oo 28.0 7'-43 305 37' 440 57 576 6 44 7" 777 842 i. 02 1.04 i. 06 1.08 I. 10 I. 12 1. 14 i 16 1.18 53.836 54-9" 55-908 57.024 58.080 59.136 60.192 61.248 62 . 304 28.4 nS.8 29.2 29.6 30.0 30.4 30.8 3'-3 ,,.6 70.42 69.44 68.49 67 57 66.67 65-79 64.94 64. 10 63.29 300 295 290 286 281 277 373 268 264 365 359 353 347 342 337 332 327 322 43 l 426 419 4'3 407 40' 395 389 383 499 493 484 477 469 462 456 4-49 442 567 558 549 54< 533 535 5'7 510 503 634 624 6.5 606 597 588 579 57" 563 700 689 678 668 658 649 639 630 621 765 753 743 73' 720 709 699 689 679 828 816 803 791 780 768 757 746 736 1.20 6 $.360 ! 32.0 62.50 260 JI7 377 436 495 555 612 670 725 [ .22 1.24 1.26 1.28 1.30 1.32 I.M 1.36 i 38 64.416 65 472 66.528 67.584 68.640 69 . 696 70.753 71.808 32-4 33.8 33- 33-6 34 o 34-4 34-3 35-2 35 6 61.73 60.98 60.24 59 52 58.82 58.14 57-47 56.82 56 18 257 253 249 246 242 239 235 232 229 312 308 303 299 295 291 287 =83 279 372 367 362 357 353 347 342 338 333 43 4=4 4,8 412 407 401 396 39! 385 489 482 475 469 462 456 450 444 419 547 540 532 525 5'8 5" 505 498 492 604 596 588 580 573 565 557 550 543 661 6 t S * 641 634 626 618 610 603 594 3 6,6 68 7 6 7 8 66, 660 652 643 1.40 73-P30 36.0 55 56 226 275 339 380 433 486 536 587 >~ 620 612 604 597 590 58 I 57 570 i 42 '44 1.46 1.48 1.50 1.52 1-54 1.56 1.58 74.976 76 032 77.088 78.144 79.200 80.256 81.312 82 368 83.424 36.4 36.8 37.2 37.6 38.0 38.4 38.8 39.2 39-6 54-95 54-35 53 76 53-'9 53-63 52.08 51-55 51 02 50 51 223 220 217 214 211 208 206 203 201 272 268 2*5 261 258 354 251 248 '45 325 320 3-6 312 308 305 301 297 294 390 376 371 366 362 357 353 348 344 340 428 422 4'7 413 407 402 397 392 388 479 473 468 462 456 451 445 440 435 539 533 5i6 5io 54 498 492 486 48, ' 579 573 565 558 552 545 539 532 526 1.60 84 480 40.0 50.00 198 342 336 383 430 475 530 563 1.62 1.64 1.66 1.68 1.70 1.72 1-74 1.76 1.78 85-536 86.592 87.648 88.704 89.760 90 816 91.872 92 938 93.984 40-4 40.8 41.2 41.6 42.0 42-4 42.8 43-2 43-6 49-50 49.02 48.54 48.08 47.62 47-'7 46.73 46.30 45-87 '95 '93 191 1 88 186 184 182 '79 '77 239 236 233 230 228 225 222 . 220 217 286 283 280 277 273 270 267 264 261 333 328 334 331 3'7 3'3 310 306 303 378 374 370 366 362 358 354 35 346 425 420 4'5 411 406 402 397 393 389 469 464 459 454 449 444 439 434 430 514 508 503 497 49' 486 < 8 ' 476 470 556 550 544 538 S3* 526 520 5'5 510 1.80 95-040 96.096 97.153 98.208 99.264 loo 320 101.376 102.432 103.488 104.544 44-o 45-45 '75 215 258 300 342 384 425 465 504 1.82 1.84 1.86 1.88 1.90 1.92 1.94 1.96 1.98 44-4 44-8 45-3 45-6 46.O 46-4 46.8 47-2 47.6 45-05 44 64 44-25 43.86 43-48 43.10 42.74 42.37 42 02 73 T 169 167 '65 '63 162 160 '58 312 210 20 7 205 203 201 108 196 194 355 252 250 247 244 242 239 237 234 296 293 290 287 284 281 278 75 272 338 335 33' 328 3'4 32" 3'8 3M 3" 380 376 372 369 365 361 357 354 35" 4 *A 416 4'3 407 403 399 395 39i 387 461 456 45' 446 442 437 433 428 424 498 493 488 48 1 478 473 469 464 459 2.OO 105.600 48.0 41.67 156 '93 232 269 308 347 383 420 455 3.02 2.04 2.06 3.08 f .10 2. 12 106.656 107.712 108.768 109 824 110.880 111.936 48-4 48.8 49-3 49.6 50.0 50.4 41.32 40.98 40.65 40.32 4O.OO 39-68 '55 '53 '5' '50 148 146 190 1 88 186 184 182 180 2'.'9 227 225 222 22O 218 267 2fi 4 261 259 256 253 35 302 399 296 293 290 343 340 33 333 330 327 380 376 373 369 3J5 3' 4'6 413 408 404 400 396 450 446 44' 437 433 429 MAXIMUM WORKING LOADS FOR RATE OF GRADE. Adhesion, &~ Katio in fourth column x 14 int. TABLE 170. Continued. LOCOMOTIVES IN DAILY SKKVICE (BEHIND THE TENDER) ON ANY GIVEN de-facto UNCOMPLICATED BY CURVATURE O.R FLUCTUATIONS OF VELOCITY. %. Rolling friction, 8 ibs. Tons of 2000 Ibs. (see note, end of table). an drivtrs gross tractive />a:u,-r / any engine, -which tut. tag. and tender = net tractive power. I'thfiuf tt-intcr. Tot. weight eng. and 1'ded tender ions 52 58 60 64 67 70 75 80 87 Weight engine only tons 37 37 42 38 43 46 5' 55 61 Weight on drivers- 2O 24 28 33 36 40 44 48 5 font tractive power l':t ail h ) " . ... .-,. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. R-ate of Grade. Total Resist- ance, bs. per net ton. Ratio of gross \v'gt of train to tractive power. American. Mogu s and 10-wheel. Consolidation! Mast'n. Per IOO. Feet per Mile. Light. 15 x 24. Heavy. 18 x 24. Light o-wheel. "7 * 24. rTyio-wh 19 x 14. Lt, Mug. 17 x 24. Extra Heavy Mogul. 20 x 24. Light (P. R.R.). 20 X 24. Average. 20 X 24. Heavy. 21 X 24. Ex. H'y. 21 X 26, or 19 x 30. 2.14 2.16 2 18 i 12.99.1 114.048 11= I"4 508 51.2 51.6 39-37 39 06 18.76 '45 "4.i 142 ' 7 2 176 216 213 211 25" 24 ! 246 287 285 282 324 321 3-8 358 355 35" 392 389 385 425 421 4"7 a. ao 116 160 52 o 38.46 140 209 244 279 3"5 348 382 4"3 2.22 2.24 2.20 2.28 2.30 2.32 34 2.36 2 3 8 118.272 119.328 120 384 "" .14" H.S.4.N 123 552 124.608 125.664 52.4 52.8 53 2 53 6 54-0 54-4 54 8 55-2 55-6 . 38.17 37.88 37 59 37-31 37 04 36 76 36.50 36.23 35-97 '39 137 136 "35 '33 "32 '30 129 128 '71 169 1 68 1 66 164 6.3 161 59 158 207 205 203 2OI "99 "97 "95 "94 192 241 239 237 234 232 230 228 226 224 277 274 27" 269 266 264 26" 259 257 3'2 309 306 33 300 298 295 292 290 345 34 2 338 335 332 329 326 324 3'" 378 375 37" 368 364 36" 358 355 35 409 405 402 398 395 39' 387 384 381 8.40 126.720 56.0 35 7" 127 156 190 222 254 287 3<8 349 377 2.42 2.44 2.46 2.48 2 . 50 2.52 2 54 2. 5 6 2.58 127.776 128. *v 129.888 "3 9-14 133.056 H4-"2 13; 168 i 36 224 56.4 56.8 57 2 57.6 58 o 58.4 58.8 59 i 59-6 35-21 31-97 34.7 2 34.48 34.25 34.01 33-78 33.56 124 123 122 120 "9 118 '17 1 1 6 '55 153 "52 150 MM '47 146 145 '43 188 186 185 '83 181 180 178 176 "75 22O 218 2l6 2"4 212 210 208 2o6 204 252 250 248 245 243 241 239 237 =35 285 282 280 277 275 272 270 268 266 3"5 3"2 310 37 304 302 299 297 294 343 340 337 334 33" 328 325 323 374 37" 368 364 36, 358 355 35" 349 8. lil) I7 7 . > 60.0 33 -i3 "5 142 "73 203 233 263 292 320 , 346 2.62 a. 66 2.68 2.70 2.72 3-74 2.76 2.78 ili 31* 140 448 r 4 I .504 142 560 143 616 144.672 145.7^8 14" 784 604 60.8 61.2 61.6 62.0 62.4 62 8 63.2 63.6 33.11 32.89 32.68 32 47 32.26 32.05 31-85 3"-65 3'-45 114 112 III no 109 108 107 106 105 141 38 17 ,36 "34 "33 132 "3" "72 "70 169 167 1'6 164 "61 162 1 60 2O1 "99 '97 196 '94 192 "9" 189 188 23" 229 227 225 223 221 2 2O 218 216 261 259 257 255 253 250 248 246 244 28, 287 284 282 280 278 275 273 271 3'7 3'5 3"> 310 37 305 302 300 297 343 34" 338 335 S3" 33 327 324 322 2.81) 147.840 64 .0 31.25 104 129 "59 1 86 2"4 242 269 295 3"9 2.82 2.84 2.86 2.88 2.90 2.92 2.94 2.96 2.98 3.00 148 896 149.952 151.008 152 064 153.120 "54.'74i 140 "37 "34 132 129 "27 124 122 1 68 165 161 "?8 "55 "52 "49 "47 "44 194 190 I8 7 I8 3 180 176 "73 170 "67 220 216 212 2o8 204 2OO "97 193 190 244 239 235 III 222 218 215 21 I 268 263 258 253 249 244 240 236 232 290 284 279 274 26, 264 260 255 251 3.5O 184 80 78.0 25-64 76 06 119 '4i 164 1 86 207 228 246 3-55 3.60 3-65 3-70 |:E 3.85 3.90 3 95 187.44 190 08 193.72 195.36 198.00 200.64 203.28 205 92 208 . 56 79.0 80.0 81.0 82.0 83.0 84.0 85.0 86.0 87 o 25.32 25.00 24.69 74.39 24 10 23.81 2 3.5S 23.26 22.99 75 73 7' 7 68 67 66 64 63 94 92 90 88 8? 85 83 82 80 "'7 ""5 >"3 in 109 107 105 103 1OI '39 "36 "34 "3" ,29 126 124 122 1 2O 161 158 "55 "53 150 "47 "45 142 140 "83 1 80 "77 "74 "7" 168 ,65 "63 ifo 204 200 '97 '93 lyo ,87 184 .Si 178 224 220 2l6 2'3 209 206 202 '99 196 242 238 234 230 226 123 219 215 212 4.00 BII.9O 88.0 22.7, 62 78 99 118 138 "57 '93 208 4-5 4.10 4 '5 4.20 4-aS 4.30 4-35 4-40 4-45 213 84 216.48 219 12 221 76 224.40 227 04 229 . 68 232.32 234.06 89.0 90 o 91 -o 92.0 93 o 94. 95 o 96 o 97-0 22.47 22.22 21.98 21 74 21.51 21.28 21.05 20 83 20.62 60 59 58 57 56 54 53 52 51 77 75 74 72 7" 70 68 67 66 97 06 94 92 9" 89 87 86 84 116 ""4 112 110 108 106 104 103 IO1 "35 "33 "3" 129 127 "25 122 1 2O 119 "55 "52 150 147 "45 "43 140 I3 l 136 172 ,69 167 164 162 "59 "57 "54 "52 190 187 ,84 181 "78 "75 "73 170 167 205 202 '99 196 "93 190 187 ,84 181 4.5O 237.60 08.0 20 41 50 64 83 99 I'7 i34 150 165 ,78 4.60 4.65 4.70 4-75 4.80 4.85 4.90 4-95 240 24 242 83 245.52 248. 16 250.80 253 44 256 08 258.72 09.0 IOO.O 101 .0 IO2.O 103.0 104.0 105 o 106.0 107.0 2O.2O 2O.OO 19.80 10.61 19.42 19.23 19 05 18.87 18.69 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 ^ 3 62 61 60 59 57 5 55 54 Si 80 79 77 76 75 73 72 71 9 I 96 94 93 9" 90 83 87 86 "'5 "'3 in 109 108 106 104 103 1OI '32 130 128 126 "24 122 120 II 9 1I 7 "47 "45 "43 "4" "39 "37 "35 "33 3" 162 160 .58 "55 "53 "5" 149 146 144 "75 "73 170 168 '< 5 "63 ,61 * 5 l n6 B.OO 264.00 108.0 18.52 4' 51 70 84 IOO "'5 129 142 '54 5-2 I'i *! 6.2 6.4 6.6 6.8 274o6 285.12 295.68 306 24 316.80 327-36 337-02 348 48 359-04 112. O 116.0 120.0 124.0 128.0 132.0 136.0 140.0 144.0 17.86 17.24 16.67 16.13 15.62 15.15 14.71 14.29 13.89 37 34 3' 29 26 24 22 '9 17 49 45 4 2 39 36 33 30 28 25 65 61 57 53 49 46 43 40 37 79 74 69 65 61 57 54 50 47 94 88 83 -8 69- 65 62 58 109 102 97 9" 86 Si 77 11 121 H5 108 IO2 97 92 87 82 78 "34 127 120 114 107 102 97 9" 87 "45 "37 "30 123 116 no 104 99 94 7.OO 369 . fio 148.0 13.51 16 23 35 44 55 65 74 82 89 7-2 7-4 7-6 7.8 380.16 300.72 401.28 411.84 152.0 156.0 160 o 164.0 13. ,6 12.82 12.50 12.20 '4 12 1O 9 21 "9 "7 15 32 30 27 25 4" 3 1 36 34 48 45 44 62 58 55 52 7 66 62 59 78 74 70 66 84 80 75 72 8.OO 422.40 168.0 ii .90 7 M 23 3" 40 49 5 63 7 8.2 8.4 8.6 8.8 432.96 44 i 52 454 08 4"4 6 4 172.0 176.0 180.0 184.0 ii .63 11.36 ii . ii 10.87 6 5 4 2 12' IO 9 7 21 20 18 16 29 27 25 23 38 35 33 3" 46 44 41 39 53 50 47 45 60 56 53 50 64 61 57 54 9.00 475.20 188.0 10.64 I 6 '4 21 29 36 42 1 48 5" 9.2 94 9.6 9.8 485.76 496.32 506 88 517-44 192.0 196.0 200. o 204.0 10.42 10.20 IO.OO 9.80 5 3 2 I "3 ii 10 9 3 16 14 27 25 23 21 34 32 30 28 4 37 35 33 45 42 4 38 48 46 43 40 10.00 528.00 208.0 9.62 7 I 3 20 26 3" 35 33 ST3 w " rt w *- *- QJ e 5 o " ~ **-" hfl O Ill This volume is rather a treatise on the operation and management of railways than on location merely. For its tables alone, which cover very fully all kinds of railway statistics, it is indispensable to every careful railway officer and engineer. Revised and Enlarged Edition, 1000 pages; 204 Tables, nearly all of which appear for the fir time in print; 313 Engravings and Plates. The plates and tables fill nearly half the book. Full and Complete 'Mflat v *e fSSS^J Post-paid, $5.00 ; 5 copies by express, $2O.OO. ' NO NFwssiu Accessions No. . Class No. Published and for Sale by Engineering News, Tribune Building, New York. ^i^ *2 j o^ rf s ^ S f2 oj aj * ^ t/i *c -a QJ C ^ *S 13 ^" J !!! ^ tf , c a 'So H,5 _Q -^j rt C UJ \\\ W5 y c .9 u "' lo- ! ,3ll o| ^^ ^.S^^aj O 82^ 'cDn* & ^5 W) ^~ I "O4* to c 3 o ^ oJ ^Q CO O CO | 11*113:! Is -Hi :- s 2 'S S e >- 3 g .2 ^ 1 -a "1 1 'c'Z 5 2 Si "S c 'X s: '^-2.^>c => " 2***S-'S'E|S SJ P o *^ ttJC "O *; $ ^ 5 2 H J W '3 M .S c 5 wit tn = ^ - T? -C4J ^Sl QJ^ g- S g S " . w 4> C' 6jO S "5! ." bX i 3TI|nl U3d 133d ^3 X y v ^^~= CO 00 W >H ^ 1' |^ 1 E . ' | - g Q 1 O T <* tt- c &, ^ o " E ^ s g x x x .SSS8 _, . THE hNGINEERING NEWS LIBRARY ECONOMIC THEORY RAILWAYS. ling the Layine-out of Rail- Expenditure of Capital. By . Am. Soc. C. E.. late Prin. evs Mexican National Ry., Mans of fhfi Prnqrflss and Prospprf* of Contrrtmn. exC( l\fC0WCU . IoQ and Ch. Knpr of the American Line from Vera Cruz 10 Mexico. III 1 i w Nl 3QVUO S S S ** * - " O ing to established geometric methods, with a common origin for the two co-ordinate axes at their intersection O. It can best be studied by regarding the end of the diagram A to the right, as the horizontal axis (axis of x), and regarding the curves as indicating B the increase of net load from progressive diminutions of grade resistance. It is ex- C plained further in the discussion of " The Hauling Power of Engines." **** L - ^-'*"? : -r*" "^ ^^ L-K^, --"' ^^m* -- 1 * 1 \ Jr* Trf^fri *^* r ^-' -^ ^-* ^v" P*^^^*!^^ -f H" " ** . AMERICAX KAILWAY JOURNAL LOCATION OF Pub.ished Weekly at Tribune Building, New York. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. t^Effmth^S^jSdS^ $5.OO Per Year. ARTHTR MKKLEN WKU.INGTON. M Asst. Eniir for Location and Sur\ ^ ' -* irvfe* *^-r^ 3. ** uai 7 - < i^y ^ JTi4t< -a* ^2^?^ ' Tgy^^ J -^ -o ~ ~ "?" " c >^ >> . ,y ? t? ^P / ^1 ^? r< ?: " X ana fCfly / / K ' y J> 2 J A / // y f'l 4 '' JV** K ^H J J -j ^ 1 ' U \ ~\ . "O I I \l I i J to I I' i ' A ' *n S 2 IT /J| jr/ o li J/tf jf.|_ / - ~ " IT] TTOf ff[~' ~ Q pj 1 ' / 1 '/ ll CD " fl 1 1 1 1 1 i //'/ M \ ~ -| --] tn f /!r ~ / _(_J J- C NOTES TO DIAGRAM. This diagram, which constitutes Fig. 169 of "The Economic Theory of the Location of Railways," is reduced from one prepared by Mr. G. W. GUSHING, Supt. of Motive Power, Northern Pacific Ry., with certain lines added. It is somewhat confusing on first examination, from the fact that it is not constructed accord- J/H/7 r~ H 1 i It ill 1 _ i '// / 1 11X1 K . 1 S i ill/ 1 / Uli it i L .5 QOfi ~l (Jlf jflj llil-lll /I 1 i( Illl |P iJliI 5 -f S i j|jL J iflllr ifl ormation verms: the lone ENG Jjjln - - - en - jjjj^ 1 7: o rt . o illi 3 --JBlHj: unique feature, giving fu maps are issued per annur supplied, and for this feat iflff "- " " " - - E fjfjir^ fnr If Imr ----------_----- o ""jBrr 0011 null 'iHrF --Jjlj t " 1 1 1 1, 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 laotl