UC-NRLF C 2 b75 335 SOITTII INDL\1^ CHRONOLOGICAL TABLES ;BY THK LATE W. S. KRISHNASYAMI NAIDU. ASSISTANT RKGISTBAB OF THE HIGH COl'KT >F M DE S. EDITED BY ROBERT SEV\^^.LL. il.C.-:, l.li.G.i., M.R. .»..-. M A D R i 3 : PRINTED BY THE SUPEEINTENDENT, GOVEHNMENT PRESS. 1889. GIFT OF HORACE W. CARPENTIER SOUTH INDIAN CHRONOLOGICAL TABLES BY THE LATE W. S. KRISHNASYAMI NAt^DU, ASSIstiNT BE6I8TRAB OF THE HIGH COCRT OF UADRAS. ^ bOited by ROBERT SEWELL, H.C.8., F.R.O.8., M.R.A.S. MADRAS: PRINTED BY THE SUPEEINTENDENT, GOVERNMENT PRESS. 1889. CE3? Cf.PPENVER EBITOE'S NOTE. To prevent misunderstanding it is desirable that some account should be given of the origin and scope of the present work. At the close of the year 1880, I was commissioned by the Government of Madras to prepare for the then proposed Archseological Survey of Southern India lists of all iho known antiquities and inscriptions in the Madras Presidency. In connection with that duty I compiled Vols. I and II of the Archaeological Survey Series. Vol. I contained a list of tMfe known remains, and with the publication of that book the task originally assigned to me had been completed. But there was still a great deal to be done, and the Government, appreciating' this fact, permitted me to compile Vol. II, the principal contents of which were lists of all known and authentic inscriptions in this Presidency arranged in various ways, with a historical sketch of the dynasties of Southern India. From the commencement of my labours I had formed the design of adding to Vol. II a thoroughly accurate set of chronological tables, which should enable students of history readily to convert into European reckoning the date of any inscription in Southern India. This could only be accomplished by laborious calculations such as I was unable to carry out for want both of leisure and of the special attainments, and in the Preface to Vol. I, published in 1882, I wrote " I earnestly hope that Government will see fit shortly to have these " calculations made and the results published in clear tables One thing, at least, is certain ; it will " be impossible to obtain an accurate history of the country till this is done." The present volume is the result of the encouragement given by Government partly to this scheme, and partly to a scheme for providing better chronological tables for the use of the law courts. The tables were intended to be published at the end of Vol. II, but they were not ready, and five years have now elapsed since the issue of Vol. TI. The delay was caused partly by the labour entailed in their preparation, and partly by the illness of the compiler. I first became acquainted with Mr. Krishnasvami Naidu' towards the end of the year 1881. He had greatly interested himself in chronology for some years previous to this, and was engaged in company with Mr. P. T. Ramanjulu Naidu,^ since deceased, a pensioned officer of the High Court, in preparing a work on chronology and metrology. In 1880 Mr. Ramanjulu Naidu had issued a circular asking for sub- scriptions to enable him to publish such a book, and, knowing that I was interested in the subject, Mr. Krishnasvami Naidu called upon me to secure my co-operation. In Jime 1882 Mr. T. Weir, then Registrar of the High Court, addressed a letter to Government urging tbe advisability, for judicial purposes, of the publication of Mr. Ramanjulu Naidu's work, and to this I added a similar request from the point of view of historical research. Government consented to take a number of copies of tlie work (G.O., No. 458, dated 27th June 1882), which, however, never made its appearance. Meanwhile Mr. Krishnasvami Naidu was constantly in commimioation with me and at last consented to prepare in addition to his own ' Krishnasvami Naidu belonged to a good Madras family and was shrotriumdar of Uttukadu in the district of Chingleput. He entered the service of Government in his seventeenth year, and rising to be Assistnnt Registrar died in 1887 in harness, after a short life of hard work. His labours merited the approval, and his character gained for him the friendship of many residents of Madras. - liamanjulu Naidu was also employed under Government in the High Court of Madras, and became a prominent member of the native community. He was a municipal commissioner, trustee of several religious and charitable institutions, and sat as a member of the Hindu religious endowment committee. 6384S9 iv editor's note. work the tables wliich are contained in the present volume, for archisological purposes, on condition of obtaining some assistance from Government towards the cost of the calculations. An immense quantity of figures had to be worked out in order to obtain tlie correct result for each year, and several clerks had to be employed. My appeal to Government in 1883 resulted in a grant of Rs. 400 to Mr. Krishnasvanii Naidu for expenses, and the work of computation was then energetically proceeded with. In a few months the rough calculations were complete, an 1 all that remained to be done was carefully to check the results. Unfortunately Mr. Krislinasvami Naidu's health began to give way shortly after this, and although the ■whole work was actually finished during the ensuing year, he could not bring himself to publish owing to his extreme anxiety that the tables should be absolutely faultless. The calculations were therefore gone through again and again, and checked and re-checked both by himself and others. Years passed and I failed to induce the author either to carry the work througli the Press himself, or to hand over the papers to me for that purpose. He was nervous for his own reputation, and his rapidly failing health contributed largely to render him disinclined to action, — so that it was not till after his death that I succeeded in securing the papers. I have now carried the whole through the Press. By the aid of Mr. T. Lakshmiah Naidu, a son-in- law of Mr. Bamanjulu Naidu, who all along worked with his father-in-law and Mr. Krishnasvami Naidu on their chronological tables, and who has now checked Mr. Krishnasvami Naidu's figures ; the calcu- lations have been carefully sjrutiuized, and several mistakes corrected, while additional notes have beau added. My earnest hopj, thifefore, is that the present tables may prove fairly free from faults. But, since a set of tables such as tiiese, when finally perfected, will form a standard work of reference for Southern India, It is necessary above all things that there should be no errors of any kind left therein, and therefore it seemed advisable to print at present only a few copies for immediate use, the tables being subject to very careful criticism both in Europe and India before being finally issued. On my representing this In the proper quarter, the M idr.is Government were pleased to accede to my proposal and to order the adoption of tlie course so recommended (G.O., No. 55, Public, dated 17th January 1888). I desire to add that I am not responsible for the accuracy of the initial dates given in columns 7 and 10 of Table C, mr for the intercalated and suppressed months. These are entirely the result of Mr. Krishnasvami Naidu's labours checked by Mr. T. Lakshmiah Naidu. ' The present tables therefore are tentative. Only a few copies will be printed. The type will be broken up. And oaly after thorough competent criticism and examination wiU the work be finally published. It is hoped that it will be found of permanent utility. I desire to add a note as to the scope of these tables. They are in no sense intended as rivals to the tables of Prof. Jacobi and other writers, whose aim is to establish the mathematical accuracy of a date down to the fraction of a second. These tables may often vary by some hours, but it is hoped that they will be found simple and useful to general readers and students for whom the more elaborate calculations contained in the works alluded to are unnecessary. It must not bo forgotten, also, that they are intended for use in courts and offices, as well as for historians and archaeologists, so that extreme simplicity and readiness of calculation are essential to their success. R. SEWELL, CONTENTS. Page TABLE A, giving the names of the months of the Solar year, Luni-solar year, and year of the Hijra, and the collective duration from the beginning of each kind of year to the end of each of its months . . . . . • • • • • . • . . • . . . 1 Rules and examples for converting Vernacular dates into English reckoning . . . . 4 EuLES AND EXAMPLES for converting English dates into Vernacular reckoning ., .. 7 Notes by Dr. J. Burgess, O.I.E., Director- General of Archseology Id TABLE B, giving the duration in days from the first day of an English common year to any day up to the end of the next succeeding common year . . . . . . . . . . , . 8 TABLE C, showing the initial dates of the Solar, and Luni-solar years, as obtaining in the Tamil and Telugu countries of Southern India according to the English calendar, and their corresponding Eerise or days of the week . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 TABLE D, showing the initial dates of the Hijra years according to the English calendar, and their corresponding Ferise or days of the week . . . . . . . • . . . . . . 78 APPENDIX— Extracts from Dr. Burnell's "South Indian Palueography, " relating to Chronology. (a) Expression of numerals by words . . . . , . . . . , . . . . 93 (J) Expression of nimierals by letters . , . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 (c) The Cycle of Brihaspati . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . 93 CHEONOLOGICAL TABLES. TABLE A. Table giving the Names of the Months of the Solar Tear, Luni-solar Year, and Year OF the Hijra, and the Collective Duration from the beginning of each kind of Year TO the end of each of its Months. Parti. Part II. Part III. Solar Year. liuni-solar Year. Hijra Year. Months. .si 3 Months in their order of succession in Ordinary Years. 3 r4 *• O o S3 ,n s 32 Tamil Name. Malayalam Equivalent. .a iz; OS Telttgu Name. Tulu Equivalent. a a 'A •a 1 Name. 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 1 Sittirai . . MSdam 31 1 Chaitra Paggu .. 30 1 Maharram 30 2 VaiyaSi . . Edavam . . 62 2 VaiSakha . . Be§a . , 59 2 Safar . . 59 3 Ani Midunam. 94 3 JySslitha Kartelu.. 89 3 Rabl-al-awwal . . 89 4 Adi Karkadakam 125 4 Ashadha Ati 118 4 Eabi'u-s-sani . , 118 5 Avard . . Clungam . . 156 5 Sravana 86na . . 148 5 Jamadi-l-awwal. 148 6 PurattaSi. Kanni 187 6 Bhadrapada . . Nirnala. . 177 6 Jamadi'u-s-sSiii. 177 7 Arppifii . . Tulam 217 7 ASvayuja Bontelu. . 207 7 Rajab . . 207 8 Karttigai. VriSehikam. 246 8 Kartika Jarde . . 236 8 Sba'ban 236 9 Margali . . Dhanu 276 9 MargaSira . . Perarde. . 266 9 Eamazan 266 10 Tai Makaram . . 305 10 Pushya Puntelu . . 295 10 Shawwal 295 11 MaSi . . Kumbham. 335 11 Magha Mayi .. 325 11 Zul-qa'dah 325 12 Panguui. Mlnam 365 12 Phalguna . - Suggi . . 354 / Ztll-haja 354 13 In Intercalary Fears. In Interca- lary Tears. 384 12 j In Intercalary (. Tea/rs. 355 EXPLANATION. For convenience sake, this table gives in one view, for tlie Solar, Luni-solar and Hijra years, the collective duration from the beginning of the year to the end of each of its months. It is designed to facilitate the exposition of the English equivalent of a given vernacular date. 1 CHEONOLOGICAL TABLES. Part I. — The Sauramana or Solar Calendar is chiefly followed in the Tamil Country, whera the year begins with §Uti.rai and ends with Panyuni as in this table. The durations of the months vary from 31 days, 55 ghadiyos, 32 mghadiyas and 1 pira, to 29 days, 20 (jhadiym, 53 mghadiyaH and 1 pira ; and in arriving at the co'lective durations for this table, fractions exceeding half a day in value have been taken as equivalent to one, and the rest omitted from the reckoning. Like the English Calendar, this Calendar admits of Leap-years, the Common year consisting of 365 days, and the Leap-year of 366. Such Leap-years recur, however, not at regular intervals, as in the English Calendar, but once in every three or foUr years. ■ There are also three other Styles, (I) the Tiunevelly Andu, which names its months like the TaroiJ. Calendar as in Column 2, but begins the year with Avani and ends it with Adi ; (2) the Sbuth-Maky alam (Travancore and Cochin) Kollam Andu, which names its months as in Column 3, but begins the year with CInngam ; and (3) the North-Malayalam (British Malabar) Kolhm Andu, which also names its months as in Column 3, but begins the year with Kanni. Part II. — The Ckandramdna or Luni-solar Calendar is chiefly followed in the Telugu and Kanarese Countries, where the year begins with Chaitra and ends with Phdlguna as shown in this table, and where one month with another has the same diiration, i.e., 29 days, 31 ghadiyas, 50 viyhadiyas and 7 piras. For the pui-pose of the collective durations in Column 4, fractions of days have been valued as in the case of the Solar Year. Every month begins immediately after the New Moon and is divided into two pakshas (fortnights), the first called the mikla- or suddha-paksha (bright fortnight), and the second the Krishna- or bahula-paksha (dark fortnight). The Tulus of South Kanara follow this Calendar, but call their months by other names as given in Column 3. The Grujarati settlers in Southern India observe a Bombay Style, according to which the year begins with Kdrtika and ends with Asmyuja, but in other respects, i.e., as regards the names of the months and their division into fortnights and the order of their sequence, the Gujarati Style follows the Telugu. There is a third Style followed by the Marvadi settlers in these parts, which also was imported from Bombay, and according to which, though the year commences with the mkla-paksha (bright fortnight) of Chaitra as with the Telugu Calendar, the order of the sequence of the fortnights is reversed, the Krishmi-paksha (dark fortnight) being reckoned the first in the month, and the mkla-pahsha (bright fortnight) the second. In other words, the Marvadi Calendar begins each month immediately after the Full and not after the New Moon. Below are given side by side these two modes of reckoning, and it will be seen that, while the iukla-paksha (bright fortnight) of a Marvadi month goes by the same name as in the Telugu Calendar, every bahula-pak&ha (dark fortnight) stands one lunar month in advance of the Telugu. Telugu Fortnights. Corresponding Marvadi Fortnights. Telugu Fortnights. Corresponding Marvadi Fortnights. ( Chaitra-§uddha. ( Chaitra-bahula. Chaitra-suddha. ( Asvayuja-Suddha. Asvay uj a- suddha. ( Vaifiakha-bahula. (, Vaisakha-suddha. ( A^vayuja-bahida. i Kartika-bahula. ( Vaisakha-Suddha. j Kartika-6uddha. ( Kartika-suddha. ( Vaisakha-bahula. I JySshtha-bahula. ( JySshtha-Suddha. ( Kartika-bahula. j Margasira-bahula. j Jygshtha-Suddha. { Margasira-suddha. ( Margaeira-suddha. ( Jygshtha-bahula. ( Ashadlia-bahida. ( Margasira-bahula. ( Pushya-bahida. ( Ashadha-Suddha. ( Ashadha-fiuddha. j Pushya-suddha. ( Pushya-Buddha. ( Ashadha-bahula. L 6ravana-bahida. ( Pushya-bahula. 1 Magha-bahula. I Sravana-suddha. ( Sravana-bahula. ( Sravana-Suddha. i Magha-suddha. I Magha-suddha. i Bhadrapada-bahula. ( Magha-bahula. i Phalguna-bahula. i Bhadrapada-Suddha. ( Bhadrapada-Suddha. ( Phalguna-suddha. 1 Phalguna-bahula. ( Phalguna-suddha. \ Bhadrapada-bahula. A§vay uj a-bahula . Chaitra-bahula. A fourth Style of the Luni-solar Calendar, called the Onko,^ obtains in a part of Ganjam. This is an Orissa Style. This Style follows the Marvadi in the order of the sequence of its fort- 1 Or anka ?— (K.S.) CHRONOLOGICAL TABLES. O nights, but. begins the year on the 12th (according to some, 11th) of Bhddmpada-suddha, calling that day, as with the Marvadis, the 12th or 11th, as the case may be, not the 1st. In other words, the Year changes its numerical designation every 11th or 12th day of Bhddrapada-huldlia. It is impossible, as yet, to say decidedly when the Ohko reckoning commenced. Some perfectly valueless records in the great temple of Jagannatha at Pml show, and Dr. Hunter repeats, that it commenced with the reign of Subhanideva in 319 A.D., but the absurdity of this is shown by the fact that the chronicler states that the great Mughal invasion took place in 327 A.D. in the reign of his successor ! ' Some say that this reckoning commenced with the reign of Chodagaiiga or Chorganga, the founder of the Gangavaiiisa, whose date is assigned usually to 1131-32 A.D., while Sutton in his Hidory of Orma states that it was introduced in 1580 A.D. In the zamindari tracts of Parlakimedi, Peddakimecji and Ohinnakimedi, the Ohko Calendar is followed, but the people there also observe each a special Style, only differing from the parent Style and from one another in that they name their years after their own zamindars. A singu- lar featm-e common to all these four kinds of regnal years is that, in their notation, the years whose numerals are 1 or 6, or whose niunerals end with 6 or (except 10), are dropped.^ For instance, the first regnal year of a prince or zamindar is called the 2nd Ohko of that prince or zamindar, and the year succeeding the 5th and 19th Ohkos are called the 7th and 21st Ohkos respectively. It is difficult to account for this mode of reckoning ; it may be, as the people themselves allege, that these numerals are avoided because according to their traditions and msiras they forebode evil, or it may possibly be, as some might be inclined to suppose, that the system emanated from a desire to exaggerate the length of each reign. There is also another unique convention, according to which the Onko years are not counted above 59, but the years succeeding 59 begin with a second series, thus, " Second 2," " Second 3," "Second 4," " Second 5," "Second 7," and so on. It will also be important to note that, when a prince dies in the middle of an Onko, his successor's 2nd Ohko (first year of reign), which commences on his acces- sion to the throne, does not run its full term of a year, but ends on the 11th or 10th day of Bhddrapada- mddha foUo'wing. To find, therefore, the English equivalent of a given Ohko year, it will be necessary first to ascertain the Style to which it relates, i.e., whether it is a Jagannatha Ohko or a Parlakimedi Ohko, and so on ; secondly to value the given year by excluding the years dropped (namely, the Ist, 6th, 16th, 20th, 26th, 30th, 36th, 40th, 46th, 50th and 56th) ; and thirdly to ascertain the day when the prince or zamindar whose name is given ascended the throne. There are lists of Orissa princes available, but up to 1797 A.D. they would appear to be perfectly unauthentic' The list of princes from that date forwards is reliable, and below are given the names of those after whom the later Ohko years have been numbered, with the English dates corresponding to the commencement of the 2nd Ohkos (first years) of their respective reigns. 0«Xo 2 (first year) of Mukundadeva .. .. September 2, 1797. Do. do. Eamachandradeva ., .. September 22, 1817. Do. do. Virakesvaradeva ., .. September 4, 1854. Do. do. Divyasiiiiliadeva ,. .. September 8, 1839. In the Luni-solar Calendar there are two peculiarities which should never be lost sight of. It admits of an intercalation which usually occurs once in two or three years, though sometimes it occurs in successive years ; and occasionally, but very rarely, there are even two intercalated months in a single year. Such intercalations are made whenever two New Moons occur in one Solar month, the period intercalated being one Limar month ; and the intercalation itself consists in reckoning a month twice, calling the first Adhika (added), and the second Nija (true). The first 8 months and the 12th are the months that so admit of repetition. At times also, though at long intervals, i.e., whenever there occurs no New Moon in a whole Solar month, a Lunar month is suppressed, the only months which admit of being so sup- pressed being the 9th, 10th, and 11th months. Whenever such suppression happens, the suppressed month is always preceded by the repetition of the 7th or 8th month in the same year, and also of the 12th month in that year or of the 1st month in the succeeding year, and the year in which a month is so suppressed becomes practically an Intercalary Year or an Ordinary Year according as the second inter- calation falls due in the same year or the next. These two peculiarities in the Luni-solar Calendar render it necessary that, when asked to find the English equivalent a of given Luni-solar date, one must be ' The real date of the Muhammadan invasion seems to be 1568 A.D. (J.A.S.B. for 1883, LII, p. 233-4, note). The invasion alluded to is evidently that of the " Yavanas," but as to dates these temple chronicles must never be believed.^(E.S.) 2 Mr. J. Beames states that "the first two years and every year that has a 6 or a in it are omitted," so that the 37th anka of the reign of Raraachandra is really his 28th year, since the years 1, 2, 6, 10, 16, 20, 26, 30, and 36 are omitted ij. A SB 1883, Vol. LII, p. 234, «ote).— (E.S.) ' Sewell's Sketch of the Vynatties of Southern India, p. 64. drchaohgical Survey of Southern India, Vol. II, p. 204. 4 CHRONOLOGICAL TABLES. careful first to note, by reference to Table C, what month, if any, is repeated and what suppressed, so that one may be able to reckon the intercalated and suppressed months in their proper places in the serial order, and then ascertain the serial number of the given month. An Ordinary Year consists of 354 days, and an Intercalary Year of 884. Occasionally, however, the former counts 355 days, and the latter 383. [Though these tables have been prepared solely for Southern India, it is right to notice that the order of titles of the 60 years cycle as used in Bengal varies from the southern reckoning. Thus A.D. 1850 is in Madras called ^adharana, the 44th title, but in Bengal it is Durmafi, the 55th title. These variations give rise to confusion and difficulty, and it is to be hoped that, some day, they will be worked out and tabulated. (R.S.)] Part III. — The Hi/ra Calendar is followed by the Muhammadan population. Its months count alternately 30 and 29 days, the last month consisting of 30 days instead of 29 in Intercalary Years. An Ordinary Year is thus one of 354 days, while an Intercalary Year counts 355 days. EULES. I. Given a vernacular year, months and date ; take down on a slip of paper from Table C or D, as the case may be, the English equivalent of the initial date of the given year, and then enter, in a line with the initial date, the given year's ferial number and date-indicator, i.e., the number given in brackets after the English initial date, and add to each of them, from Table A, the collective duration up to the end of the month preceding the given one, as also the numeral of the given date minus 1. Of the two totals thus obtained, the first gives the day of the week by casting out sevens from it and valuing the remainder left beginning with Sunday as 1 ; and Table B shows the date for which the second total stands, such second total, when over 365 in Ordinary Years and 366 in Leap-years, indicating that the date falls in the ensuing English year. The day of the week and date so found are the English equivalents of the given date. II. Where the date indicated by the second total obtained by Rule I falls on or after the English intercalated day, viz., the 29th February in a Leap-year, reduce the total by 1 day and then find the date by Table B. III. Where the given date is a Tinnevelly Andu or South-Malayalam date, convert it first into a Tamil date by reference to Part 1 of Table A, beginning the year from Avani {Chingam). IV. Wliere the given date is a North-Malayalam Andu, convert it first into a Tamil date by reference to Part I of Table A, beginning the year from Kanni. V. Where the given date is a Luni-solax Bahula date, add 15 to the given date, and ■ reckon the total as the given date. VI. Where the given date is a Marvadi or Onko date, convert it first into a Telugu date by reference to the comparative list on page 2 supra. VII. The Gujarati and Marvadi dates are always coupled with the years of the Vikramdditya Era. Given, therefore, a Gujarati or Marvadi year, find the English year and Kali year in which it commences, by subtracting 57 from the numeral of the given year for the former, and adding 3,045 for the latter. VIII. The Fasli years, as used in Southern India, are not divided into months and dates. The computation by Faslis was evidently commenced in these parts only in A.H. 1042, which began on 9th July 1632 A.D.,' and the first Fasli year was called " 1042" after the then current Hijra. The year was originally commenced on the 1st Adi of the Solar year. Subsequently, i.e., after the British power was established here, it was reckoned to begin on the 12th July of the English year till 1855 A.D., since when it has been reckoned to begin, as now, on the 1st July. To find, there- fore, the English year in which a given Fasli commences, add 590 to the latter. Note 1. — The calculations for Table C are all made in mean time for Lanka, a place supposed to be on the Equator, having zero for its Latitude and Longitude, and the equivalent, as expounded by ' In the reign of Shah Jahan. CHRONOLOGICAL TABLES. O Tables A, B and C, of a Solar or Luni-solar date, will very generally he the same all through the Country. At times, however, owing to the conversion of mean into true time and to small differ- ences between one place and another in the time of rising and setting of the Sun and Moon, the equivalent so obtained might differ from the actual one by a day. At times also, owing to small differences between the true time of the Sun's entrance into one of the Signs of the Zodiac and of that of the conjunction of the Sun and Moon in that Sign, an intercalation, which, according to Table C, Col. 11, would be due in a particular month of the Luni-solar year, might actually happen in the month immediately preceding or succeeding it. From the same cause also it might sometimes be that the name of a Lunar month is not suppressed where such suppression is shown to be due by the same Col. 11, and when this occurs, there tcill be no intercalation preceding it in the same year. In documents, however, such dates are often found coupled with the days of the week with which they correspond ; and in particular, Luni-solar dates tcill, as a rule, be found always so coupled. In such cases, therefore, the days of the week given will serve to fix the actual dates required ; for, the nearest date answering to the given day of the week, i.e., the one immediately preceding or succeeding it, will be the required English date. Note 2. — The results obtained from Table A for Solar or Luni-solar dates tcill be Old Style dates up to 8th and 3rd April 1753 A.D. respectively. But as the New Style was introduced with effect from after iind September 1752 A.D., 11 days should be added to the restilt, if between 3rd September of that year and 8th or 3rd April 1753 A.D. {both days inclusive), aa the case may be, and the total will represent the New Style date required. Similarly, the results for the Hijra dates will be Old Style dates tip to 1th November 1752 A.D., and they should be converted into the New Style as above, if between 3rd September and 1th Novembei- 1752 A.D. {both days inclusive). EXAMPLES. I, — Required the English equivalent of 20th Pangwni of Itudhirodgdri, Kali 4905. 'Kali 4905 commences (Tab. C) April 11, 1803 . . Add collective duration up to end of MdSi Given date (20) mintts 1 = Cast out sevens = Ferial Number. 2 335 (Pt. I, Tab. A). 19 Date Ladicator. 101 335 19 356 350 6 = Friday. 455 Deduct 1 (Rule II). 454=30tli March (next year). ^The answer is, Friday, March 30, 1804 II. — Eequired the English equivalent of 20th Avani of the Tinnevelly Andu year 980, or of 20th Chingam of the South-Malayalam Andu year 980.' {H j Andu 980 commences (Tab. C) in Kali 4906, which commences with Sittirai, the same (Part I, Table A) as Metam. vatii [Chingam), whi month of Kali 4906. S ] Avani {Chingam), which is the first month of the given Andu, is the same as Avani, the fifth Ferial Date Kumber. Indicator. (Kali 4906 commences (Tab. C) AprU_ 11, 1804. 4 102 Add collective duration up to end of Adi {Karkatakam) 125 (Pt. I, Tab. A). 125 Given date (20) minus 1=19 19 1-1 < Cast out sevens The answer is, Sunday, September 2, 1804.' 148 147 246 Deduct 1 (Rule II). Sunday. 245 = 2nd Septr. ' Compare tbe results in Examples II and III for the difference between the two Styles of the Malayajam Apdu reckoning. 2 CHRONOLOGICAL TABLES. III. — Eequired the English equivalent of 20th Chihgam of the North-Malayalam Andu jq&t 979.* p>: [ Aruiu 979 commences (Tab. C) in Kali 4905, which commences with Sittirai, the same (Part I, >-J \ Table A) as Metam. g j Chingam, which is the twelfth month of the given Andu, is the same (Part I, Table A) as Avani, the fifth month of Kali 4906. Ferial Kumber. (Kali 4906 commences (Tab. C) April 11, 1804 .. 4 Add collective duration up to end of Adi {^Karkatalcam) 125 (Pt. I, Tab. A}. Given date (20) minus 1 ^ 19 Date Indicator. 102 125 19 148 Cast ont sevens =147 246 Deduct 1 (EuLE II). The answer is, Sunday, September 2, 1804.' 1 =^ Sunday. 245 = 2nd Septr. IV. — Required the English equivalent of 2nd Kartika- (Tulu Jdrde-) hahula of ChitrahMnu, Kali 4924 (Telugu).* ^ ci { Col. 11, Table C, indicates 7, i.e., the month AH'aijuja, which precedes the given month, as the S • fq 1 intercalated month, and the foot-note shows that Pushya (10), which succeeds the given month, ^ « ° J is the suppressed month. p^ P^ ' Kartika, the eighth month, thus becomes the ninth month. < M Ferial Number. Kali 4924 commences (Tab. C) March 24, 1822 . . 1 Add collective duration up to end of 8th month . . 236 (Pt. II, Tab. A). Given date (2) minus 1=15 + 2 — 1 = 16 (Rules II and V). 253 Cast out sevens = 252 The answer is, Sunday, December 1, 1822.' Sunday. Date Indicator. 83 236 16 335 = 1st Deer. V. — Required the English equivalent of 2nd Chaitra-bahula of the Vikramaditya year 1879 (Gujarati). Eux,E Yll.— Vikramaditya 1879 commences in (1879—57) 1822 A.D., or (1879 + 3045) Kali 4924. p „ ( The given Chaitra, which is the first month of the GujarSti year, is the same as Chaitra, ( which commences the Telugu year [Kali 4924) in 1822 A.D. Ferial Number. ■ Kali 4924 commences (Tab. C) March 24, 1822 Given date (2) minw 1 = 15 + 2 — 1 16 (Rules II and V). 17 The answer is, Tuesday, April 9, 1822. Cast out sevens =14 8 = Tuesday. Date Indicator. 83 16 99 = 9th April. ' Compare the results in Examples II and III for the difference between the two Styles of the Malayajam Andu reckoning. ' Compaie this result with that of Example VI, and note the difference between the Telugu and Marvadi Styles. CHEONOLOGICAL TABLES. 1 yi. — Required the English equivalent of 2nd Margaiira-bahula of the Vihmmdditya year 1879 (Marvadi).' EuLE Yll.— Vikramdditi/a 1879 commences in (1879—57) 1822 A.D., or (1879 + 3045) Kali 4924. KuLE VT. — MdrgaSira-hahula of the Marvadis is equivalent to Kartika-hahula (Telugu). •-i V Hence the given date is equivalent to 2nd Kdrtika-bahula of Kali 4924, and this has been worked g < out in Example IV. ^ /The answer is, Sunday, December 1, 1822.' VII. — Required the English equivalent of 20th Muharram of Hijra 1260. Ferial Date Number. Indicator. f A.H. 1260 commences (Tab. D) Jany. 22, 1844. 2 22 Given date (2(p minufi 1=19 19 IS 21 41 = 10th Feby. Cast out sevens = 21 _^The answer is, Saturday, February 10, 1844. = Saturday. To CONVERT English into South- Indian Dates. Rules. IX. Given an English date, month and year. Take down on a slip of paper from Table C or D, as the case may be, the coiresponding vernacular year and the English equivalent of its initial date. If the given date falls before such equivalent, take down the next previous vernacular year, and the English equivalent of its initial date. Enter separately the ferial number and the initial-date-indicator of the year so taken down. Subtract tlie initial-date-indicator from the collective duration up to the given date from Part I or II of Table B according as the given date falls in the same English year as that so taken down, or the year following ; add the remainder to the ferial number. From the same remainder subtract the collective duration from Part I, II or III of Table A, as the case may be, for such number of months as falls short of the said remainder only by a fraction of a month, and add 1 to the remainder. Of the two totals thus obtained, the first gives the day of the week by casting out sevens from it, and valuing the remainder left beginning with Sunday as 1 ; and the second gives the date in the vernacular month following that up to whose end the collective duration from Table A was subtracted. The day of the week and date so found are the vernacular equivalent of the given date. X. Where the given English date is in a Leap-year, and falls on or after the 29th Febru- ary, or where the next previous English year taken down under Rule IX is a Leap- year, add 1 to the collective duration found from Table B. XL Where the required date is a Tinnevelly Andu, or South-Malaya lam date, find first the Tamil equivalent of the given date, and then convert it into the required date by reference to Part I of Table A, beginning the year from Acani (Chingam). XII. Wliere the required date is a North- Malayalam Andu, find first the Tamil equivalent of the given date, and then convert it into the required date by reference to Part I of Table A beginning the year from Kanni. ' Compare this result with that of Example IV, and note the difference between the Telugu and Marva4i Styles. 2* 7a CHEONOLOGICAL TABLES. XIII. («) Where the required date is a Luni-solar (Telugu) date, the second total, if less than 16, will indicate a Saddha date ; if more than 15, subtract 15 from the total and the remainder will indicate a Bahiila date. (It is customary to call the loth bahila the 30///.) {b) Where the intercalated month in a Luni-solar year (indicated in Col. 11 of Table C) precedes the month immediately preceding the one found by Rule IX, such immediately preceding month is the required moutli ; where the intercalated month immediately precedes the one found by the rule, such immediately preceding month with the prefix " Nija " added to it is the required month ; and where the intercalated month is the same as that found by the rule, such month with the prefix " Adhika " added to it is the required month. (e) Where the suppressed month indicated by the foot-note precedes the month found by Rule IX, the required month is the same as that found by Rule IX. XIV. Where the required date is a Marvadi or Onko date, find first the Telugu equivalent of the given date, and then convert it into the required date by reference to the comparative list on page 2 supra. XV. The Gujarati and Marvadi dates are always computed by the Vikramddifya Era. Required a Gujarati or Marvadi year, find the Vikratndditya year and Kali year which commence in the given year, by adding 57 to the numeral of the given Christian year for the former and 3,102 for the latter. XVI. To find the Fasali year which commences in the given year, subtract 590 from the latter. ( F/Vfe Rule VIII) . Note 1. — {See Note \, page 4.) Note 2. — The English dates given in Table C for Solar and Lnni-solar years are Old Style dates up to 8t/i and 3rd April 1753 A.D. respectively. Where, therefore, the given English date {New Style) is between 3rd Septetnber 1752 and Sth or 3rd April 1753 A.D. {both days inclusive), it should be converted into the Old Style by subtracting 11 days from the given date, and the remainder should be reckoned as the given date for the purpose of Rule IX. Similarly the dates given in Table D for Hijra years are Old Style dates up to 1th Nooember 1752 A.I)., and the given date should therefore be converted into the Old Style as above, if between 3rd September and 1th November 1752 A.D. {both days inclusive). See Note 2, page 5. Examples. VIII. — Required the Tamil equivalent of March 30, 1804. Ferial Number. Date Indicator. P3 Rudhirodgdri, Kali 4905, commences (Tab. C) April 11, 1803 Subtract the date-indicator from the collective duration up to March 30, 1804 Add the Eemainder to the ferial number . . From the same Eemainder subtract the collective duration up to end of MaSi Add 1 to the Eemainder 2 101 454 + 1 (Eule X) 455 (Pt. II, Tab. B) Eemainder = 364 354 335 (Pt. I, Tab. A) 19 1 Total . . 356 Cast out sevens ^: 350 20 = 20th Panguni. 6 = Friday. The answer is, Friday, 20th Panguni of Rudhirodgari, Kali 4906. CHRONOLOGICAL TABLES. 7b IX. — Required the Tinnevelly Andn or the South-Malayalam Andit equivalent of September 2, 1804. X! { Aniiu 980 commences in iToZj 4906, which com- mences (Tab. C) April 11, 1804 Subtract the date-indicator from the collective duration up to September 2, 1804 Add the Eemainder to the ferial number . . From the same Remainder subtract the collective duration up to end oi Add Add 1 to the Eemainder Total . . Cast out sevens : Kerial Number. Date Indicator. 102 245-4-1 (Rule X) 246 (Pt. I, Tab. B) Remainder = 144 144 125 (Pt. I, Tab. A) 148 147 19 1 20 = 20th Avani. 1 =Sunday. ,' Tamil date 20th Avani. Avani, which is the fifth month of the Tamil year, is the same i ^. " ""f" 7 , fJ^^-i . (Part I, Table A) as ^"mn* the first month' of the Tinnevelly \ ^"".TM^^f" ^a } o^^ Andu, or Chin^am, the first month of theSouth-M«%alam^"«c^. ( '^Sm Sle XI)^ Tlie answer is Sunday, 20th Avani of the Tinnevelly Andu year 980, or 20th Chingam of the South-Malayalam Andu year 980. X. — Required the North-Malayalam Andu equivalent of September 2, 1804. F.;rial Number. •a CO C Andu 980 commences in Kali 4906, which com- mences (Tab. C) AprU 11, 1804 Subtract the date-indicator from the collective duration up to September 2, 1804 Add the Remainder to the ferial number . . From the same Remainder subtract the collective duration up to end of Adi Date Indicator. 102 245+1 (RuleX) 246 (Pt. I, Tab. B) Eemainder = 144 144 Add 1 to the Remainder Total .. 148 Cast out sevens =147 125 (Pt. I, Tab. A) 19 1 20 = 20th Avani. 1 = Sunday. Avani, which is the fifth month of the Tamil year, is the same I Tamil = 20th Avani. (Pt. I, Tab. A) as Chingam, the twelfth month of the North- | North-MalaySlam Andu =20th Malayalam Andu j'ear 979. ( Chingam (Rule Xtl). ,The answer is Sunday, 20th Chingam of the North-MalaySlam Andu year 979. le CHRONOLOGICAL TABLES. XI. — Eequired the Telugu (or Tulu) equivalent of December 1, 1822. Ferial Numbor. ' Chitrabhdnu, KaliA92A commences (Tab. 0) March 24, 1822 Subtract the date-indicator from the collective duration up to December 1, 1822 Add the Remainder to the ferial number . . From the same Remainder subtract the collective duration up to end of Kartika 02 Date Indicator. 83 3.55 (Pt. I, Tab. B) Remainder = 2.52 252 236 (Pt II, Tab. A) Add 1 to the Remainder 16 1 Total •. . 253 Cast out sevens =: 252 17 Deduct 15 (Rule Xllla) 1 = Sunday. ija as intercalated month and it precedes Kartika, the month Column 11, Table C, indicates 7, i.e., the month ASvayuja as the \ iin- f mediately preceding Mdrgasira found by Rule IX ; MargaSira is I thus equivalent to Kartika by Rule XIII. ) 2 = 2nd MargaSira- bahula. = 2nd Kdrf.ika- bahula (Rule Xllli) ( Telugu = 2nd Kdrtika-bahim. Telugu Kartika is equivalent to Tulu Jarde (Part II, Table A). \ Tulu = 2nd Jdrde-bahila i. (Part II, Table A). ^The answer is, Sunday, 2nd Kartika- (or Tulu Jarde- ) bahula of Chitrabhdnii, Kali 4924. XII. — Required the Gujarati equivalent of April 9, 1822. Rule ( The Vihramaditya year and Kali year which commence in the given year are (18224-57=) 1879 XV. ( and (1822 + 3102=) 4924 respective^. Ferial Date Number. Indicator. ' VikramMitya 1879 commences in Kali 4924, which commences (Tab. C) March 24, 1822 . . Subtract the date-indicator from the collective duration up to April 9, 1822 Add the Remainder to the ferial number . , Add 1 to the Remainder 1 Total 16 17 83 99 (Pt. I, Tab. B) Remainder =16 1 Cast out sevens = 14 3 Deduct Tuesday. 17 15 (Rule XIII«) 2 = 2nd Chaitra- bahula. Chaitra, the first month of the Telugu year, is the same (Part I 5[®l"^'V ^o*^ Chaitra-bahda II, page 2) as Chaitra, the first month of the Gujarati year. ^p^rt jF l^e 3. '"'' ^The answer is, Tuesday, 2nd Chaitra-bahula of the Vikramaditya year 1879 (Gujarati). XIII. — Required the Marvadi equivalent of December 1, 1822. Rule ( The Vikramaditya year and Kali year which commence in the given year are (1822 + 57 ==) XV. ( IS79 and (1822 + 3102 =) 4924 respectively. CHRONOLOGICAL TABLES. 7d H. ^^ 'TheTelugn equivalent of the given date has heen worked out in^ rp i o a ir- f? j. i. i Example XI, and the answer was Sunday, 2nA Kdrtika-lahula I w-"^-^,= ^ ^ f '*'""*«■*''»"'''• oi Kali A^2A. ! Marvadi = 2nd MargaSira- { Kdrtika-hahula (Telugu) is equivalent to MargaSira-lahula of the I *"^"l'f ^-^^'^f "^^i (^°'^" Marvadi. "^ » ; -i y j parative List, page 2 w^ra). ^The answer is Sunday, 2n(i Mdrgasira-hahula of the Vikramdditya year 1879 (Marvadi). XIV. — Required the Hijra equivalent of February 10, 1844. M Ferial Number. ■ A. H. 1260 commences (Tab. D) January 22, 1844 Subtract the date-indicator from the collective duration up to February 10, 1844 . Add the Remainder to the ferial number * Add 1 to the Eemainder Cast out sevens ; 19 21 21 The answer is, Saturday, 20th Muharram of Hijra 1260. Eemainder Date Indicator. 22 41 (Pt. I, Tab. B) 19 1 20 = 201h Muharram. = Saturd.ay. NOTES BY Dr. J. BURGESS, CLE., DrRECTOR-GENERAL, ARCH^OLOGICAL SURVEY. I. — On the Muhammadan cycle. The Hijra year is purely a lunar one of 12 lunations, and to make it accord as nearly as possible •with the moon's motion a day is intercalated at the ends of 11 of the years in a cycle of 30 : tlius the mean length of the year is 364^^ days. Compared with the Julian year of 365^ days in use in Europe till near the end of the sixteenth century, the ratio of the Hijra to the Julian year is very nearly as 97 : 100 or as 100 to 103. Hence the following very simple "rule of thumb " for converting dates of the one calendar into those of the other : from the Hijra date deduct 3 per cent, and add 622 for the date A.D. ; and conversely, subtract 622 from the Christian date and add 3 per cent.' to the remainder, calling the fraction an additional uuit for the current year. It is evident that the commencement of the Hijra year will move l)ackward8 through the solar year at the rate of nearly 11 days each year. Thus 32 Julian years will be 6 days short of 33 Hijra ones ; but 33 Julian will exceed 34 Hijra years by 5 days ; 65 Julian years will be less than 67 Hijra ones by only about 1 day ; and lastly 293 of the former years differ less than half a day from 302 of the latter, and 521 Julian by only about a third of a day from 537 Hijra years. The correct ratio is 1 : 0-970203 or 1-03071 : 1. The intercalary years are arranged in slightly different order by different Musalman astronomers,, and accordingly vary in different Muhammadan countries, and sometimes at different periods in the same country. The different orders of intercalation usually employed are — (1) to make the 2nd, 5th, ' More correctly Z-h per eent., so that after the seventh century Hijra, this and nearly a year now. ■ Eule " may give half a year too ewly a dat«, 2t 7e CHEONOLOGICAL TABLES, 8th, 10th, 13th, 16th, 19th, 21st, 24th, 27th and 29th in the cycle of 30 intercalary ; (?) sometimes this is varied only by making the I8th intercalary instead of the 19th; (3) another system is to make the 7th, ]8th and 26th intercalary, instead of the 8th, 19th and 27th; and (4) a fourth, largely used, varies on this last by using the loth also in place of the 16th. Hence the tables may sometimes differ by one day from a recorded date. The Gregorian calendar, now in use in all Christian countries, except Russia, differs from the Julian, in there being 3 fewer intercalary days in 400 years of tlie former. 391 Gregorian years are almost exactly equal to 403 of the Hijra. The true ratio is 1 Gregorian year = 1-030691 Hiji-a, or 1 Hijra year = 0'970223 Gregorian. 11. — On finding the BaiHASPAn year. The following may be added after line 1 1 , p. 4, above. In Northern India a year of the Jovian cycle is omitted once on an average of 85 j\ years, or 22 in 1875 years; hence it has advanced on the Bouthern system by 11 in about 950 years. The year of the cycle in Northern India is found by multi- plying the &/.-« year by 22, adding 4291 and dividing the sum by 1875, then adding the Saka date to the integral of the quotient, and dividing by 60 ; the remainder is the year of the cycle. Thus for SaJca 1772, the first operation gives 23 and a remainder of 260 ; then 1772 + 2S —■ 60, gives as a remainder the 55th year of the cycle or Diirmati current. If the Kaliyuga year is used, the usual rule is — multiply it by 1-0117, and to the integers of the product add 26, and divide the sum by 60 as before. But this differs at certain points from the rule for §aka dates, which is equivalent to this : ' From 22 times the Kali date subtract 22 or diminish the Kaliyuga date by 1 and multiply by 22, and divide by 1875 ; to the integers of the quotient add 26 plus the Kaliyuga and divide by 60 as above.' The remainder from the first division indicates how far the proper Brihaspati year has advanced at the beginning of the §aka or Kaliyuga year for which the calculation is made : thus for S. 1772, the remainder is 260, showing that the Durmati year of the Jovian cycle has at the beginning of S. 1772 already advanced ^-^ or about l-7th of its duration, and consequently will terminate before the expiration of the Saka year. For the Tamil year add 11 to the Saka year and divide by 60, the remainder is the corresponding cycle year; thus for §. 1772, we have 1772-j- lI-f-60 == 29, and remainder 43 for Kilaka. III. — On finding the intercalaky months. To find the Hindu intercalary years. Let S = §aka year. — = Q + Remainder. CaU Remainder r. Then if r or r + 19, or r + 38, or r + S7 be divisible by 8 with a quotient of 2 or more and no remainder, B has an intercalary month, and, n being any of the integers 1, 2, 3, '^ ^ "' — = M + 1 ; — en \ 1= 1 it is Chaitra. 2 „ Vaisakha. 3 ,, JyeMha. 4 „ Ashddha. 6 or 6 ,, Srdvana. 7 „ Bh&drapada. Thus for 6 = 1810, ~ = 95+ (r = 5), and -^^ = 3 with no remainder. Then M = 3 — 1 = 2, or VaiSakha intercalary. So S. 1807 gives r=2, and ili? == 5 .-. M = 4 = Aehadha. 8 If ^- — ^ — give a remainder, there is no intercalary month in the year in question. CHRONOLOGICAL TABLES. 7/ IV. — On the Kollam Andu. The Kollam Andu began 25th August 825 A.D., on the Sun's entry into KanyA : this is the noi-them Kollam year, but there is a southern one which begins a month earlier on the sun's entering Sim/ia (or Chingam). On the first day of the Kollam Era 1,434,160 days of the Kaliyuga had expired : this is preserved in the chronogram. 6 1 4 3 4 1 The months are sidereal, and the year consists of 365(/, \ond, 31t't, 15/n' = 365'2586805(f, and the calendars are arranged to have every 4th year of 366 days and every 116th of 367 days; that is 116 yeai'S contain 42370 days, or the average year is 7 seconds less than the astronomical, an error which amounts to only 13 min. 32 sec. in 116 years. The chief difference between the northern and southern systems is, that if the sun enters a sign of the zodiac during the day time, that day is reckoned in the northern calendar as the first day of the month corresponding to that sign ; whereas in the south the sun must have entered the sign within the first 3 of the 5 parts into which the day is divided, others wise the next day is reckoned the first of the month. CHRONOLOGICAL TABLES. TABLE Tablb giving the Distance from the Fikst Date of an English Oommon Year Part I. Days of a year reckoned from the 1st of January of the same year. 1 JAN. FEB. MAB. AFB. MAT. JUN. JUL. 1 AUG. SBF. OCT. NOV. DEC. 1 1 32 60 91 121 152 182 213 244 274 305 335 2 2 33 61 92 122 153 183 214 245 275 306 336 2 3 3 34 62 93 123 154 184 215 246 276 307 337 3 4 4 35 63 94 124 155 185 216 247 277 308 338 4 5 5 36 64 95 125 156 186 217 248 278 309 339 5 6 6 37 65 96 126 157 187 218 249 279 310 340 6 7 7 38 66 97 127 158 188 219 250 280 311 341 7 8 8 39 67 98 128 159 189 220 251 281 312 342 8 9 9 40 68 99 129 160 190 221 252 282 313 343 9 10 10 41 69 100 130 161 191 222 253 283 314 344 10 11 11 42 70 101 131 162 192 223 254 284 315 345 11 12 12 43 71 102 132 163 193 224 255 285 316 346 12 13 13 44 72 103 133 164 194 225 256 286 317 347 13 14 14 45 73 104 134 165 195 226 257 287 318 348 14 15 15 46 74 105 135 166 196 227 258 288 319 349 15 16 16 47 75 106 136 167 197 228 259 289 320 350 16 17 17 48 76 107 137 168 198 229 260 290 321 351 17 18 18 49 77 108 138 169 199 230 261 291 322 352 18 19 19 50 78 109 139 170 200' 231 202 292 323 353 19 20 20 51 79 110 140 171 201 232 263 293 324 354 20 21 21 52 80 111 141 172 202 233 264 294 325 355 21 22 22 53 81 112 142 173 203 234 265 295 326 356 22 23 23 54 82 113 143 174 204 235 266 296 327 357 23 24 24 55 83 114 144 175 205 236 267 297 328 358 24 25 25 56 84 115 145 176 206 237 268 298 329 359 25 26 26 57 85 116 146 177 207 238 269 299 330 360 26 27 27 58 86 117 147 178 208 239 270 300 331 361 27 28 28 59 87 118 148 179 209 240 271 301 332 362 28 29 29 , . 88 119 149 180 210 241 272 302 333 363 29 30 30 • . 89 120 150 181 211 242 273 303 334 364 30 31 31 •• 90 •• 151 •• 212 243 •• 304 •• 365 31 JAN. FEB. MAB. APB. MAT. JUN. JUL. AUG. SEP. OCT. NOV. DEC. CHRONOLOGICAL TABLES. B. TO ANY Date up to the bnd of the next succeeding English Common Year. Part II. Days of a year reckoned from the Ist of January of the preceding year. 1 JAN. FEB. MAR. AFB. MAT. JUN. JUL. AUG. SEP. OCT. NOV. DEC. 1 366 397 425 456 486 517 547 578 609 639 670 700 2 367 398 426 457 487 518 548 579 610 640 671 701 2 3 368 399 427 458 488 519 549 580 611 641 672 702 3 4 369 400 428 459 489 520 550 581 612 642 673 703 4 5 370 401 429 460 490 521 551 582 613 643 674 704 5 6 371 402 430 461 491 522 552 583 614 644 675 705 6 7 372 403 431 462 492 523 553 684 615 645 676 706 7 8 373 404 432 463 493 524 554 585 616 646 677 707 8 9 374 405 433 464 494 525 555 586 617 647 678 708 9 10 375 406 434 465 495 526 556 587 618 648 679 709 10 11 376 407 435 466 496 527 557 588 619 649 680 710 11 12 377 408 436 467 497 528 558 589 620 660 681 711 12 13 378 409 437 468 498 529 559 590 621 661 682 712 13 14 379 410 438 469 499 530 560 591 622 652 683 713 14 15 380 411 439 470 500 531 561 692 623 653 684 714 15 16 381 412 440 471 501 532 562 593 624 654 685 715 16 17 382 413 441 472 502 533 563 594 625 665 686 716 17 18 383 414 442 473 503 534 564 595 626 656 687 717 18 19 384 415 443 474 504 535 565 696 627 657 688 718 19 20 386 416 444 475 505 536 566 597 628 658 689 719 20 21 388 417 445 476 506 537 567 598 629 659 690 720 21 22 387 418 446 477 507 638 568 599 630 660 691 721 22 23 388 419 447 478 508 539 569 600 631 661 692 722 23 24 389 420 448 479 509 540 570 601 632 662 693 723 24 25 390 421 449 480 510 541 571 602 633 663 694 724 25 26 391 422 450 481 511 542 572 603 634 664 696 725 26 27 392 423 451 482 512 543 573 604 635 665 696 726 27 28 393 424 452 483 513 544 574 605 636 666 697 727 28 29 394 453 484 514 545 575 606 637 667 698 728 29 30 395 454 485 515 546 676 607 638 668 699 729 30 31 396 •• 455 •• 516 577 608 •• 669 •• 730 31 JAN. FEB. MAS. APR. MAT. JUN. JUL. AUG. SEP. OCT. NOV. DEC. 10 CHRONOLOGICAL TABLES. TABLE C. Table showing the Initial Dates of the Solar and Luni-solak Yeaus, as obtaining in the ^Tamil and Telugu Countries of Southern India according to the English Calendar, AND their corresponding FeRIjE OR DaYS OF THE WeEK. XPLANATION. Col. 1 . The Hindu Cycle of 60 years, technically known as the Brihaspati Chakra or Cycle of Jupiter, begins with the year Prabhava (1) and ends with the year Kahaija (60), and the serial number given in this column indicates the order in which each year stands in the Cycle. Ool. 2. The earliest known inscription in which the mode of reckoning by the Cycle of 60 years appears is one of the Rashtrakuta King, Grovinda III, dated <§aA-« 725 (b03-4 A.D.), Subhdnu. The Cycle is referred to in the Sunja Siddhdnta. In Southern India, the first year of the Kali Yuga is reckoned to concur with Pramddi, the 13th year of the Cycle, but this concurrence was evidently secured by reckoning backwards. For the sake of uniformity, the Cyclic names are given all through, but with this distinction, that, till 787 A.D. (the beginning of a Cycle), they are inserted in italics, as indicating that they had apparently not till then been generally in use. Appended to the Tables will be found a list of these Cyclic years as given by Dr. Bumell with their correct spelling and variants. The spelling adopted in the text is the most usual. Col. 4. This is what is now called the Sdlivdhana 8aka. Mr. Fleet, who has lately carefully gone into the question (see Lid. Ant. XII, 207, 291) quotes inscriptions to show that in earlier times the years of the Saha Era went by the simjilo name of Samvatsara, a nomenclature more . generally used to indicate the years of the Vikramdditi/a Era, and that the Saka Era itself subsequently took various names in succession, siich as Saka nripa kdla, Saka bhupdla kdla, iSaka nripati mmvafmra, Saka nripa samvatsara, Saka nripati rd/i/d/jkisheka samvatsara, Saka kdla, Saka samai/a, Saka rarsha, Sakdhda, Sakahda, Saka vafsara, Saka samvat, Saka, Saka, Saki, and lastly Sdlicdhana Saka. He states that the prefix Sdlivdhana now used had not been in general use till the time of the Vijayanagar Kings (about 1336 A.D.), and that he has met with it in only one inscription of an earlier date, viz., 1272 A.D., at Thana in the Bombay Presidency. Col. 5, The Andu years obtain in the Malayalam Country and in the Tinnevelly District. In the former, they are known as Kollam Andu, and in the latter merely as Andu. The Andtt commences in the South-Malayalam Country (Travancore and Cochin) and in the Tinnevelly District with C/ii<'i{/am, {Avani), i.e., on the first day of the fifth month of the Solar Calendar (Tamil), and in the North -Malayalam Country (British Malabar) with Kanni, i.e., on the first day of the sixth month of the same Calendar. The Andu year is thus not synchronous with the Cyclic, Kali or Saka year, and this column simply shows what Andu year commences in the Cyclic, Kali or Saka year inserted in a line with it in Columns 2, 3 and 4. The English year in whichthe Andu year commences is the same as that inserted in a line with it in Column 8. Andu years would appear to have been originally reckoned in Cycles of 1,000 years each, and the second of them is stated to have expired in 825 A.D. However this may be, the ciurent Cycle, which was begun in 825 A.D., has now been carried beyond tho limit of 1,000 years, and it may be that this was done in ignorance of the above convention, if any such had existed. This table begins with Andu 177 of the so-called second of the passed Cycles. Cols. 6 to 10. As the Solar and Luni-solar years are both found to commence in one and the same English year. Column 8 is in this table so inserted once for all as to apply to both. The initial date of a Solar year will thus be found in Columns 7 and 8, and that of a Luni-solar year in Columns 8 and 10 ; and the figures given in Columns 6 and 9 indicate i^Qferice or days of the week answering to such initial dates, commencing witli Sunday as 1. The figures within brackets in Columns 7 and 10 stand for the number of days from the beginning of the year to the dates respectively entered by their side. Leap-years in the English Calendar are indicated by an asterisk in Column 8, and Column il shows what Luni-solar }-ears are Intercalary years, CHRONOLOGICAL TABLES. 11 Col. 11. The figures inserted in this column indicate the serial order of the month wMch is repeated in the Luni-solar Calendar by way of intercalation, and Part II of Table A gives the name answering to the number of such repeated month. ^ote 1. A Luni-solar month is at times stq^pressed, and, wherever this occurs, it is shown in afoot-note. Note 2. 'The English dates entered in Columns 7 and 10 up to 29th March 1752 A.D. are Old Style dates. It must be remembered that Russia and Greece are the only Countries in Europe that still retain the Old Style, the rest having adopted the New Style, though from different dates. Caution. — Note that Hindus, when using the Kali or §aka year, generally mean the expired year, not that astronomically current; hut, when they use the Cyclic year, they always mean the CURRENT year. is -a 55 56 57 58 59 60 Cyclic Year. Name. Durmati Bunduhhi Rudhirodgdri Ralitakshi Krodkana Kshaya Concurrent Year. 3 W 6C^ S oi a « o tc o 3 a- Commencement Of the Solar Year (Tamil). Of the Luni-solar Year (Telugu). .-4 ^ « s oj a Date in the English Calendar. « s s a fo 3 Date in the English Calendar. 10 11 3103 177 2 3104 178 4 3105 179 5 3106 180 6 3107 181 3108 182 2 13 March (72) 14 March (73) 14 March (73) 14 March (73) 14 March (73) 15 March (74) 1 1 2 6 3 4 '^4' 3 5 6 4 12 Feb. (43) 2 March (61) 20 Feb. (51) 11 March (70) 28 Feb. (59) 17 Feb. (48) /- / «^- t-i •^ ^ «>^ tD.« SS c^ S (3 S "i I& " k r-l 3 -a- 0- .i Of the Solar Year (Tamil . Of the Luni -solar Year (Telugu). j 1 Name. i i s § 8 a^ ■3l 4 Date in the "mi a Date in the •a "3 . -^ 3kH English Calendar. ^^ fa = English Calendar. cc M "< 1 2 3 4 6 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 Prahhava 3169 243 1 15 March 74) 67 5 5 March ^64) 2 Vibhava , , 3170 244 3 15 March 75) *68 2 22 Feb. ;53) 6 3 Sukla 3171 245 4 15 March ( 74) 69 1 12 March :71) 4 Pramoda * , , 3172 246 5 15 March 74) 70 6 2 March ;6i) 5 Prajapati \ 3173 247 6 15 March ( 74) 71 3 19 Feb. ;5o) 4 6 Ahgirasa 3174 248 1 15 March 75) *72 2 9 March ;69) 7 Srlmukha 3175 249 2 15 March ( 74) 73 6 26 Feb. 57) 8 Bhuva 3176 250 3 15 March ( 74) 74 4 16 Feb. 47) 3 9 Yum 3177 251 4 15 March ( 74) 75 3 7 March 66) 10 Bhatu X 3178 252 6 15 March ( 75) *76 24 Feb. 55) 7 11 ISvara 3179 253 15 March ( 74) 77 6 14 March 73) 12 Bahudhdnya . , 3180 ] I 254 1 15 March ( 74) 78 3 3 March 62) 13 Pramadi § 3181 ( I 255 2 15 March ( 74) 79 1 21 Feb. ( 52) 5 14 Vikrama 3182 1 J 256 4 15 March ( 75) *80 6 10 March ( 70) 15 Vishu ^ 3183 I I 257 5 15 March ( 74) 81 4 28 Feb. ( 59) 16 Chitrahhdnu 3184 I ) 258 6 15 March ( 74) 82 1 17 Feb. ( 48) 3 17 Svahhdnu \\ 3185 < 5 269 15 March ( 74) 83 8 March ( 67) 18 Tdrana 3186 * r 260 2 15 March 75) *84 4 25 Feb. ( 56) 19 Pdrthiva 3187 i i 261 3 15 March ( 74) 85 2 14 Feb. ( 45) 1 20 Vyaya 3188 1 ) 262 4 15 March ( 74) 86 1 5 March ( 64) 21 Saroajit . : 3189 1( 3 263 6 16 March ( 75) 87 5 22 Feb. ( 53) 6 22 Sarvadhdri 3190 I 264 15 March ( 75) *88 4 12 March 72) 23 Virodhi 3191 2 265 1 15 March 74) 89 1 1 March 60) 24 Vikriti** 3192 3 266 2 15 March 74) 90 6 19 Feb. ( 50) 4 25 Khara 3193 1 267 4 16 March .75) 91 5 10 March 69) 26 Nandana 3194 5 268 5 15 March 75) *92 2 27 Feb. '58) 27 Vijaya 3195 1 3 269 6 15 March :74) 93 6 15 Feb. [46) 2 28 Jay a 3196 7 270 15 March J4) 94 5 6 March | '65) 29 Manmatha . . 3197 1 3 271 2 16 March ;75) 95 3 24 Feb. ( 55) 7 30 Durmukhi , . 3198 1 9 272 -3 15 March ;75) *96 2 14 March ( 74) * PramodQta. t Piajotpatti (f). + (Dhstri ?). \ Pramathin H ("Vrishabha ?) Bhri^ya, I Subhftni}. Vilq-itfl, CHRONOLOGICAL TABLES. 16 Cyclic Year. 5*; Name. Concurrent Year. 3 ^ a ya W a s §1 B § IS) u 3 3t« •tJ- a- Commencement Of the Solar Year (Tamil). Of the Luni-solar Year (Telugu). =^1 Date in the English Calendar. Date in the English Calendar. 10 to H 11 31 32 33 34 55 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 62 53 54 55 56 67 58 59 60 Hevilamha * 3199 Vilambi -j- 3200 Vikari 3201 Sarvari 3202 Plava 3203 Suhhahrit 3204 Sobhakrit % . . 3205 K'odhi 3206 ViSvdvMU 3207 Pardhhava 3208 Plavanga 3209 Kllalca 3210 Saumya 3211 SadMrana 3212 nrodhikrit% .. 3213 Paridhdvi 3214 Pramddi \ 3215 Ananda 3216 Edkshasa 3217 Nala, {Anala'i). 3218 Pingala 3219 Kdlayuktti 3220 Siddhdrthi 3221 Raudra, Eaudri. 3222 Durmati 3223 Lundubhi 3224 Rudhirodgdri , ■ 3225 Raktakihi** .. 3226 Krodhana 3227 Kshaya ft 3228 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 46 46 47 41 49 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 4 5 1 2 3 5 6 1 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 5 6 1 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 6 15 March 16 March 1 b March 15 March 15 March 15 March 16 March 15 March 15 March 15 March 16 March 15 March 15 March 15 March 16 March 15 March 15 March 16 March 16 March 15 March 15 March 16 March 16 March 15 March 15 March 16 March 1 6 March 15 March 15 March 16 March (74) 97 (74) 98 (75) 99 (75) *100 (74) 101 (74) 102 (75) 103 (75) *104 (74) 105 (74) 106 (75) 107 (75) *108 (74) 109 (74) 110 (76) 111 (75) *112 (74) 113 (75) 114 (75) 115 (75) *116 (74) 117 (75) 118 (75) 119 (75) *120 (74) 121 (75) 122 (75) 123 (75) *124 (74) 125 (75) 126 6 3 2 4 3 5 3 1 4 1 5 2 1 5 4 2 6 5 2 5 3 6 3 2 3 20 11 29 17 8 25 15 4 22 13 1 18 9 27 16 6 23 14 3 20 11 28 18 7 25 14 4 21 12 March Feb. March Feb. Feb. March Feb. Feb. March Feb. March March Feb. March Feb. Feb. March Feb. March March Feb. March Feb. Feb. March Feb. Feb. March Feb. March (62) (51) (70) (60) (48) (67) (56) (46) (63) (53) (72) (61) (49) (68) (58) (47) (65) (54) (73) (63) (51) (70) (59) (49) (66) (56) (45) (64) (52) (71) * ' Ilo r ilamh i) Hemalamba, Hemakmhi. t Vilamba. X Sobhana. ^ Virodhakrit, Virodhyadikrit. II Pramadlcha. U litiluj tiUtitt. ** Raktaksha. tt Akshaya. 16 CHRONOLOGICAL TAliLES. Cyclic Year. I S5 Name. Concunent Year. so 6i a- Commencement Of the Solar Year (Tamil). Of the Luni-solar Year (Telugu). i s 'A Date in the English Calendar. 'i s Date in the Knglish Calendar. 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Prahhava Vilhava SiMa Pramoda * Prajdpati f Angirasa Srimukha Bhdva Yuva Dhdtu X ISvara Bahuihdnya Pramadi Vikrama Vishu ^ Chitrabhdnu Svabhdnu || Tdrana Pdrthiva Vyaya Barvajit Sarvadkdri Virodhi Vikriti** Khara Nandana Vijaya Jaya Manmatha Burmukhi 3229 3230 3231 3232 3233 3234 3235 3236 3237 3238 3239 3240 3241 3242 3243 3244 3245 3246 3247 3248 3249 3250 3251 3252 3253 3264 3255 3256 3257 3258 50 303 51 304 52 306 53 306 54 307 55 308 56 309 57 310 58 311 59 312 60 313 61 314 62 315 63 316 64 317 65 318 66 319 67 320 68 321 69 322 70 323 71 324 72 325 73 326 74 327 75 328 76 329 77 330 78 331 79 332 1 2 4 5 6 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 5 6 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 5 6 1 16 March (75) 15 March (76) 15 March (74) 16 March (75) 16 March (75) 15 March (75) 15 March (74) 16 March (76) 16 March (76) 15 Mai'ch (75) 15 March (74) 16 March (75) 16 March (75) 15 March (75) 15 March (74) 16 March (75) 16 March (75) 15 March (75) 16 March (75) 16 March (75) 16 March (75) 15 March (75) 16 March (75) 1 6 March (75) 16 March (75) 15 March (75) 16 March (75) 16 March (75) 16 March (75) 15 March (75) 127 *128 129 130 131 *132 133 134 135 *136 137 138 139 *140 141 142 143 *144 145 146 147 *148 149 150 151 *152 153 154 165 *156 4 3 5 4 1 4 2 1 5 2 1 6 3 2 6 5 2 6 3 6 4 3 4 3 2 19 9 26 16 6 23 14 3 21 11 28 17 7 26 14 5 22 12 1 19 9 26 15 6 24 14 3 20 10 March Feb. March Feb. Feb. March Feb. March March Feb. March Feb. Feb. March Feb. Feb. March Feb. March March Feb. March Feb. Feb. March Feb. March March Feb. March (61) (50) (68) (67) (47) (66) (54) (73) (62) (52) (70) (59) (48) (67) (66) (45) (64) (53) (71) (60) (60) (69) (57) (46) (66) (56) (73) (62) (61) (70) • Pramodota. t Prajotpatti (?). X (Dhfttri f). § Pramathin. ■ H (Vriahabha ?) Bhrisya. U Subhanu. Vikrita. (o) Pushya (10) is suppressed. CHEONOLOOICAL TABLES. 17 Cyclic Year. !a Name. Concurrent Year. 3 Commencement. Of the solar Year (Tamil). Of the Luni-solar Year (Tel\igu). Date in the English Calendar. ^ . — si .2 •' « S tC!E r^>^ ^ = H J5 8 9 Date in the English Calendar. 10 II 11 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 68 59 60 Hevilamla * Filamii f Vikari Sarvari Plava Suhhakrit Sobhakrit % Krodhi Tindvasu Pardhhava Plavunga Ktlaka Saumi/a Sddhdrana Virodhikrit § Paridhdvi Pramddi ^ Ananda Rdkshana Nala (Anala?) Pingala Kdlayuktu ' SiddhdHhi Raudra Raudri Durmati Dundvbhi Rudhirodgdri Raktdkshi ** Krodhana Kihaya f f 3259 3260 3261 3262 3263 3264 3265 3266 3267 3268 3269 3270 3271 3272 3273 3274 3275 327€ 3277 3278 3279 3280 3281 3282 3283 3284 3285 3286 3287 3288 80 333 3 81 334 4 82 335 5 83 336 6 84 337 1 85 338 2 86 339 3 87 340 4 88 341 6 89 342 90 343 1 91 344 2 92 345 4 93 346 5 94 347 6 95 348 1 96 349 2 97 350 3 98 351 4 99 352 6 100 353 101 354 1 102 355 2 1C3 366 4 104 357 5 105 358 6 106 359 107 360 2 108 361 3 109 362 4 March ( 75) 157 1 March ( 75) 158 5 March i 75) 159 4 March ( 75) *160 1 March ( 75) 161 6 March ( 75) 162 4 March 75) 163 2 March .76) *164 1 March .75) 165 5 March ( 75) 166 2 M arch 75) 167 1 March 75) *168 6 March ( 75) 169 3 March 75) 170 2 March ( 75) 171 6 March 76) *172 5 March i 76) 173 3 March ( 75) 174 1 March ( 75) 175 6 March ( 76) *176 3 March 75) 177 1 March 75) 178 March .75) 179 4 March ( 76) *180 3 March ( 75) 181 March 76) 182 5 March .75) 183 3 March 76) *184 1 March ;75) 185 5 March ^75) 186 4 28 17 8 25 14 4 22 12 1 18 9 27 15 6 23 13 3 21 11 :J8 17 8 26 15 4 22 12 1 18 9 Feb. Feb. March Feb. Feb. March Feb. March March Feb. March Feb. Feb. March Feb. March March Feb. March Feb. Feb. March Feb. March March Feb. March March Feb. March 59) 48) 67) 56) 45) 63) 53) 72) 60) 49) 68) 58) 46) 65) 54) 73) 62) 62) 70) 59) 48) 67) 56) 75) 63) 63) 71) 61) 49) 68) 8(o) 1 + Vilamba. Hemalamha, Hemalambi. \ Sohhana. H Pramadliha. § Virodhalq-it, Virodhyftdikpt. ) | liol ii yuht ai («) Pushya (10) is suppressed. *• Raktaksha. tt Akshaya. 18 CHRONOLOGICAL TABLES. Cyclic Year. 03 •c Name. Concurrent Year. Sic 3 « ^1 6 8) •5- a- '<5 Commencement Solar Year (Tamil). Of the Luni-solar Year (Telugu) . ^1 Date in the English Calendar. J3 .2 h ^x fe ^ Date in the English Calendar. 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Prahhava Vibhava Sukla Pramoda * Prajdpati f Angiram Srimukha BJvdva Yuva Bhatu X ISvara Bahudhdnya Pramddi § Vikrama Vishu ^ Chitrahhanu Svabhdnu \\ Tarana Parthiva Vyaya Sarvajit Sarvadhari Virodhi Vikriti** Khara Nandana Vijaya Jaya Manmatha Durmuhhi 3289 110 363 5 3290 111 364 3291 112 365 1 3292 113 366 2 3293 114 367 3 3294 115 368 5 3295 116 369 6 3296 117 370 3297 118 371 1 3298 119 372 3 3299 120 373 4 3300 121 374 6 3301 122 375 6 3302 123 376 1 3303 124 377 2 3304 125 378 3 3305 126 379 5 3306 127 380 6 3307 128 381 3308 129 382 1 3309 130 383 3 3310 131 384 4 3311 132 385 5 5312 133 386 6 3313 134 387 1 3314 135 388 2 3315 136 389 3 3316 137 390 4 3317 138 391 6 3318 139 392 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 17 16 16 16 17 16 16 16 17 16 16 16 17 16 March ^75) 187 1 March ;76) *188 6 March (76) 189 5 March [75) 190 2 March (75) 191 1 March 76) *192 5 March '75) 193 3 March ;75) 194 2 March ;75) 195 6 March 76) *196 3 March 75) 197 2 March 75) 198 March 75) 199 6 March 76) *200 3 March ( 75) 201 March 75) 202 6 March 76) 203 4 March ( 76) *204 1 March ( 75) 206 March i 75) 206 4 March i 76) 207 2 March ( 76) *208 March ( 75) 209 5 March ( 75) 210 4 March ( 76) 211 1 March ( 76) *212 5 March ( 75) 213 4 March i 76) 214 2 March ( 76) 215 6 March ( 76) *216 5 26 16 6 23 14 2 20 11 28 17 7 25 16 4 21 12 2 19 9 26 16 5 23 14 3 20 10 28 17 7 Feb. Feb. March Feb. March March Feb. March Feb. Feb. March Feb. JMarch March Feb. March March Feb. March Feb. Feb. March Feb. March March Feb. March Feb. Feb. March (57) (47) (65) (54) (73) (62) (51) (70) (59) (48) (66) (56) (75) (64) (52) (71) (61) (50) (68) (57) (47) (65) (54) (73) (62) (51) (69) (59) (48) (67) • Pramoduta. t Prajotpatti (?). X mhatri ?). § Ptaniftthin. f fVrishahha P), Bhfisya. II Subhanu. Vikrits. CHRONOLOGICAL TABLES. 19 Cyclic Year. 1 Name. Concurrent. Year. •00 • H OS il 3 Commencement Of the Solar Year (Tamil). Of the Luni-solar Year (Telugu). I— • ^ % a Date in the English Calendar. 1^ -.4 f-< Date in the English Calendar. 10 u 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 Hevilamha * Vilambi f Vikari Sarvari Suhhakrit SolhakritX Krodhi ViSvdvasu Pardhhma Plavanga K'llaha Saumya Sddhdrana Virodhikrit \ . . Pa/ridhdvi Praimdi ^ Arumda Rdkshasa Nah(Anala?).. Pingala Kdlayukta Siddhdrthi Raudra, Paudri. Durmati Bundubhi Rudhirodgdri . , PaktdksM** . . Krodhana irshaga-\-\ 3319 3320 3321 3322 3323 3324 3325 3326 3327 3328 3329 3330 3331 3332 3333 3334 3335 3336 3337 3338 3339 3340 3341 3342 3343 3344 3345 3346 3347 3348 140 '393 1 141 394 2 142 395 4 143 396 5 144 397 6 145 398 146 399 2 147 400 3 148 401 4 149 402 5 150 403 151 404 1 152 405 2 153 406 4 154 407 5 156 408 6 156 409 157 410 2 158 411 3 159 412 4 160 413 5 161 414 162 415 1 163 416 2 164 417 3 165 418 5 166 419 6 167 420 168 421 1 169 422 3 16 16 17 16 16 16 17 16 16 16 17 16 16 17 17 16 16 17 17 16 16 17 17 16 16 17 17 16 16 17 March March March March March March March March March March March March March March March March March March March March March March March March March March March March March March (75) (75) (76) (76) (75) (75) (76) (76) (75) (75) (76) (76) (75) (76) (76) (76) (75) (76) (76) (76) (75) (76) (76) (76) (75) (76) (76) (76) (75) (76) 217 218 219 *220 221 222 223 *224 225 226 227 *228 229 230 231 *232 233 234 235 *236 237 238 239 *240 241 242 243 *244 245 246 2 1 6 3 2 6 4 2 4 3 6 4 1 4 2 1 5 4 1 6 5 2 6 5 3 6 24 Feb. (55) 15 March (74) 5 March (64) 22 Feb. (53) 12 March :7i) 1 March ,60) 19 Feb. ;50) 8 March ;68) 26 Feb. ( 57) 15 Feb 46) 6 March 66) 23 Feb. :64) 13 March ;72) 3 March ;62) 20 Feb. ;5i) 10 March ;7o) 27 Feb. ( 58) 17 Feb. ( 48) 8 March ( 67) 25 Feb. ( 56) 15 March 1 74) 4 March 63) 22 Feb. '63) 12 March :72) 1 March ;60) 18 Feb. ( 49) 9 March ;68) 27 Feb. ( '.•.8) 15 Fob. [46) 6 March (65) • IIn T ilntiihi, Hemalamba, Hemalambi. + Sobhana. U Pramadicha. ** Raktaksha. + Vilamba. § Virodhakfit, Virodbyadikpt. || lialaj ah i u i ft Aksbaya. 20 CHRONOLOGICAL TABLES. Cj'clic Year. Concurrent Year. Commencement Of the Solar Year (Tami !)• Of the L uni-solar Year (Telugu). 1 !25 Name. •<1 J 3|" fe S Date in the English Calendar. 1^ US 4^ •g| Date in the English Calendar. ■a . Si I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 U 1 Prabhava 3349 170 423 4 17 March (76) 247 3 23 Feb. (54) 6 2 Vibhava , , 3350 171 424 6 16 March (76) *248 2 13 March (73) 3 Sukla 3351 172 425 6 16 March (75) 249 6 2 March (61) 4 Pramoda * , . 3352 173 426 1 17 March (76) 250 4 20 Feb. (51) 4 5 Prajdpati f 3353 774 427 2 17 March (76) 251 3 1 1 March (70) 6 Angirasa 3354 175 428 3 1 6 March (76) *252 28 Feb. (59) 7 Srlmukha 3355 176 429 4 16 March (75) 253 4 16 Feb. (47) 2 8 Bhava 3356 177 430 6 17 March (76) 254 3 7 March (66) 9 Yuva 3357 178 431 17 March (76) 255 1 25 Feb. (56) 7 10 Bhatu X 3358 179 432 1 16 March (76) *256 15 March (75) 11 12 ISvara Bahudhanya 3359 3360 180 181 433 434 3 4 17 March 17 March (76) (76; 257 258 4 1 4 March 21 Feb. (63) (52) 4 13 Pramddi § 3361 182 435 5 17 March (76) 259 1 2 March (71) 14 Vikrama , , 3362 183 436 6 16 March (76) *260 5 1 JNIarch (61) 15 Vishu f 3363 184 437 1 17 March (76) 261 2 18 Feb. (49) 3 16 Chitrabhanu 3364 185 438 2 17 March (76) 262 1 9 March (68) , l"V 17 Svabhdnu \\ 3365 186 439 3 17 March (76) 263 6 26 Feb. (57) (i' 8(o) 18 Tdrana 3366 187 440 4 16 March (76) *264 3 16 Feb. (47) 1 19 Pdrthiva 3367 188 441 6 17 March (76) 265 1 5 March (64) 20 Vyaya 3368 189 442 17 March (76) 266 6 23 Feb. (54) 5 21 Sarvajit 3369 190 443 1 17 March (76) 267 5 14 March (73) 22 Sarvadhari 3370 191 444 2 16 March (76) *268 2 2 March (62) 23 Virodhi 3371 192 445 4 17 March (76 269 6 19 Feb. (50) 4 24 Vikriti** 3372 193 446 6 17 March (76) 270 5 10 March (69) 25 Eltara 3373 194 447 6 17 March (76) 271 3 28 Feb. (59) 26 Nandana 3374 195 448 16 March (76) *272 17 Feb. (48) 2 27 Vyaya 3375 196 449 2 17 March (76) 273 6 7 March (66) 28 Jaya 3376 197 450 3 17 March (76) 274 3 24 Feb. (55) 7 29 Manmatha 3377 198 451 4 17 March (76) 275 2 15 March (74) 30 Burmukhi 3378 199 452 5 16 March (76) *276 4 March (64) • PramodOta. t Prajotpatti (?). J (PhatriP). § Pramathjn. ((i) Mfrrgatoa (9) is suppressed, T (Vrishabha ?), Bhrisya. 11 Suhhanu. •* Vikfita. CHEONOLOGICAL TABLES. 21 Cyclic Year. *A Name. Concurrent Year. to 3 ■A « i1 Commencement Of the Solar Y'ear (Tamil). Of the Luni-8olar Year (Telugu). C8 ^ Date in the English Calendar. 8 9 277 4 278 3 279 *280 5 281 4 282 1 283 *284 4 285 2 286 287 5 *288 2 289 1 290 5 291 3 *292 2 293 6 294 5 295 2 *296 297 6 298 3 299 *300 6 301 4 302 2 303 *-304 4 305 3 306 Date in the English Calendar. 10 11 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 60 51 52 53 54 65 56 57 58 59 6J Hevilamha * . . 3379 200 453 Vilambi \ 338C 201 454 1 Vikari 3381 202 465 2 Sarvari 3382 203 456 3 Plava 3383 204 457 5 Subhakrit 3384 205 458 6 Suhliakrit % 3385 206 459 Krodhi 3386 207 460 1 ViSvdvasu 3387 208 4S1 3 ParablMva 3388 209 462 4 Plavanya 3389 210 463 5 Ktlaka 3390 211 464 Saumya 3391 212 465 1 Sddhdrana 3392 213 466 2 Virodhikrit % .. 3393 214 467 3 Paridhdvi , . 3394 215 468 6 Pramddi ^ 3395 216 469 6 Ananda 3396 217 470 Rdkslmsa 3397 218 471 1 Nala Amlaf) . . 3398 219 472 3 Plngala 3399 220 473 4 Kdlayukta, 3400 221 474 5 Siddharthi 3401 222 475 6 Raudra, Raudri. 3402 223 476 1 Durmati 3403 224 477 2 Dundubhi 3404 225 478 3 Ritdhirodgdri . . 3405 226 479 4 Raktdkshi** .. 3406 227 480 6 Krodhana 3407 228 481 Kishaya \\ 3408 229 482 1 17 17 17 16 17 17 17 16 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 J7 17 17 17 17 March March March March March March March March March March March March March March March March March March March March March March March March March March March March March March (76) (76) (76) (76) (76) (76) (76) (76) (76) (76) (76) (77) (76) (76) (76) (77) (76) (76) (76) (77) (76) (76) (76) (77) (76) (76) (76) (77) (76) (76) Feb. :52) ilarch 71) March ^60) Feb, ;5o) March ;68) Feb. ;57) March ;76) March ,66) Feb. 64) March J2) JSlareh 62) Feb. 51) March '69) Feb. 58) Feb 48) March ;67) Feb. ( 55) March ;74) March 63) Feb. ( 53) March 71) March 60) Feb. ( 49) March 68) Feb. ( 57) March ( 75) March 65) Feb. ( 54) March 72) March 61) (a)&12 * Il i milmnh i) Hemalamba, Hemalamhi. t Vilamba. X Sohhana. II Pramadlcha. \ Virodhakpit, Yirodhyadikrit. ^fiiMtitmiiJmK (») SlargaSira (9) is suppressed. •* Raktaksha. tt Akshaya. 22 CHEONOLOaiCAL TABLES. Cyclic Year. —~-- l^/A^^ 011**T»AT1T 0) Commencement Vjonc urreni Year. Of the Solar Year (Tamil). Df the Luni-solar Year (Telugu). s •3 •c Name. c 1 c o t3 a .1 "a 3 i 3 i % a Date in the English Calendar. Date in the English Calendar. 1 •2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 Prabham 3409 230 483 2 17 March (76) 307 5 20 Feb. (51) 3 2 Vihkava 3410 231 484 4 17 March (77) *308 4 10 March (70) 3 Sukla 3411 232 485 5 17 March (76) 309 1 27 Feb. (58) 4 Pramoda * 3412 233 486 6 1 7 March (76) 310 5 16 Feb. (47) 2 5 Prajdpati j- 3413 234 487 17 March (76) 311 4 7 March (66) 6 Angirasa 3414 235 488 2 17 March (77) *312 2 25 Feb. (56) 6 7 Srlmakha 3415 236 489 3 17 March (76) 313 1 15 March (74) 8 9 Bhava Yuva 3416 3417 237 238 490 491 4 6 17 March 18 March (76) (77) 314 5 2 4 March 21 Feb. (63) 315 (52) 4 10 Dhatu % 3418 239 492 17 March (77) *316 1 11 March (71) 11 ISvara 3419 240 493 1 17 March (76) 317 6 1 March (60) 12 Bahudhdnya 3420 241 494 2 17 March (76) 318 3 18 Feb. (49) 3 13 Pramddi^ 3421 242 495 4 18 March (77) 319 2 9 March (68) 14 Vikrama , 3422 243 496 5 1 7 March (77) *320 6 26 Feb. (57) 7 15 Vishu f 3423 244 497 6 17 March (76) 321 5 16 March (75) 16 Chitrabhdnu 3424 245 498 17 March [76) 322 3 6 March (65) 17 Srabhdnu || 3425 246 499 2 1 8 March :77) 323 23 Feb. (54) 5 18 Tdrana 3426 247 500 3 17 March ;77) *324 6 13 March (73) 19 Pdrthiva 3427 248 501 4 17 March ;76) 325 3 2 March (61) 20 Vyaya 3428 249 502 5 17 March 76) 326 1 20 Feb. (51) 3 21 Sarvajit 3429 250 603 18 March ( 77) 327 6 10 March (69) 22 Sarvadhdri 3430 251 504 1 17 March ( 77) *328 4 28 Feb. (59) 23 Virodhi 3431 252 505 2 17 March ( 76) 329 1 16 Feb. (47) 2 24 Vikriti ** 3432 253 506 3 17 March ( 76) 330 7 March (66) 25 Khara 3433 254 507 5 18 March ( 77) 331 4 24 Feb. (55) 6 26 Nandana , . 3434 255 508 6 ;7 March ( 77) *332 3 14 March (74) 27 Vijaya 3435 256 509 17 March ( 76) 333 1 4 March (63) 28 Jaya 3436 257 510 1 17 March ( 76) 334 5 21 Feb. (52) 4 29 Manmntha 3437 258 511 3 18 March ( 77) 335 4 12 March (71) 30 Durmukhi 3438 259 512 4 17 March ( 77) *336 1 29 Feb. (60) * Pramodata. t Prajotpatti (?). X (Dhfttri?). \ Pramathin. H (Vrishabha ?) BhriSya. II Subhftnu. Vikrita. CHRONOLOGICAL TABLES. 23 Cj-clic Year. Commencement Concurrent Year. 2 *' h 1 3 •A Name. Of the Solar Year (T amil) Of the Luni-solar Year (Telugu). 4 ■■3 i Date in the English Calendar. 1^ ^1 ^1 Date in the English Calendar. If 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 31 Hevihmha * 3439 260 513 5 17 March ( 76) 337 6 18 Feb. ;49) 3 32 Vilambi t 3440 261 514 6 17 March ( 76) 338 5 9 March ;68) 33 Vikdri 3441 262 515 1 18 March 77) 339 2 26 Feb. [67) 7 34 Sarvari 3442 263 516 2 17 March 77) *340 1 16 March 76) 35 Plava 3443 264 517 3 17 March ( 76) 341 5 5 March ;64) 36 Subftakrit 3444 265 518 4 17 March ( 76) 342 3 23 Feb. ;54) 5 37 Solhakrit \ 3445 266 519 6 18 March ( 77) 343 ] 13 March 72) 38 Krodhi 3446 267 520 17 March ( 77) *344 6 2 March [62) 39 ViSvdvasu 3447 268 521 1 17 March ( 76) 345 3 19 Feb. ;50) 3 40 Pardbhaoa 3448 269 522 3 18 March 77) 346 2 10 March ;69) 41 Plavanga 3449 270 623 4 18 March ;77) 347 6 27 Feb. 58) 42 EXlaka 3450 271 524 5 17 March ;77) *348 4 17 Feb. ( 48) 1 43 Saumya 3451 272 525 6 17 March 76) 349 3 7 March ;66) 44 Sddhdrana 3452 273 526 1 18 March ( 77) 350 24 Feb. :55) 6 45 Virodhikrit § . . 3453 274 527 2 18 March ;77) 351 6 15 March 74) 46 47 Paridhmi Praniddi ^ 3454 3455 275 276 528 529 3 4 17 March 17 March 77) 76) *352 3 1 3 March 21 Feb. :63) ;52) 4 353 48 Ananda . . 3456 277 530 6 18 March 77) 354 12 March 71) 49 Rdkahasa 3457 278 531 18 March 77) 355 4 1 March 60) 60 Nala{Amla?).. 3458 279 532 1 17 March 77) *356 1 18 Feb. ( 49) 2 51 Pingala 8459 280 633 2 17 March 76) 357 8 March '67) 52 Kdlaijukta 3460 281 534 4 18 March 77) 358 5 26 Feb. 57) 7 53 Siddhdrthi 3461 282 535 5 18 March 77) 359 4 17 March 76) 54 Raudra, Ravdri. 3462 283 536 6 17 March 77) *360 1 5 March ;65) 55 Durmati 3463 284 537 17 March 76) 361 5 22 Feb. ;53) 5 56 Dundubhi 3464 285 538 2 18 March 77) 362 4 13 March 72) 57 Rudhirodgdri . . 3465 286 539 3 18 March 77) 363 2 3 March ;62) 58 Raktdkshi** .. 3466 287 540 4 17 March 77) *364 6 20 Feb. :5i) 3 59 Krodhana 3467 288 541 5 17 March 76) 365 5 10 March ;69) 60 Kshaya || 3468 289 542 18 March 77) 366 2 27 Feb. ;58) 8(«) » » t Vi lamba. Hemala mbi. t Sob § Vir hana. odhakrit , 'Virodhya4ikv it. f Pran ftdleha. »• Rakta tt Aksha csha. ya. (a) Margatoa (9) is suppressed. 24 CHRONOLOGICAL TABLES. Cyclic Year. Name. Concurrent Year. ■a >c2 a sS « ^ SD^H C 5j S .a c ^ l-a o * ^ a - ^ •2> Commencement Of the solar Year (Tamil). Of the Luni-Solar Year (Telugu). "I Date in the English Calendar. .2 t^ -3:3 1-^ i g ^1 8 9 367 *368 5 369 3 370 2 371 6 *372 3 373 2 374 375 4 *376 3 377 378 6 379 4 *380 1 381 382 4 383 2 *384 385 5 386 2 387 I *388 5 389 4 390 2 391 6 *392 5 393 2 394 395 6 *396 3 Date in the English Calendar, 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Prahhava Vibhava Sukla Pramoda * Prajcypati \ Ang'iram Srmukha Bhdva Yiiva DMtu J Isvara Balmdhanya Pramddi § Vihrama Vishu ^ Chitrahhanu Svabhdnu \\ Tdrana PartMva Fijaya Sarvajit Sarvadhari Virodhi Vikriti ** Khar a Nandana Fijaya Jaya Manmatha Durmukhi 3469 290 543 1 3470 291 544 2 3471 292 545 3 3472 293 546 5 3473 294 547 6 3474 295 548 3475 296 549 2 3476 297 550 3 3477 298 551 4 3478 299 552 5 3479 300 553 3480 301 554 1 3481 302 555 2 3482 303 556 3 3483 304 657 5 3484 305 558 6 3485 306 559 3486 307 560 1 3487 308 561 3 3488 309 562 4 3489 310 ■563 5 3490 311 564 ■ 6 3491 312 565 1 3492 313 566 2 3493 314 567 3 3494 315 568 4 3495 316 569 6 3496 317 570 3497 318 571 .1 3498 319 572 2 18 March 17 Mareli 17 March 18 March 18 March 17 March 18 March 18 March 18 March 17 March 1 8 March 18 March 1 8 March 17 March 18 Marcli 1 8 ISIarch 18 March 17 March 18 March 18 March 1 8 March 17 March 18 March 18 March 18 March 17 March 18 March 18 March 18 March 17 March 77 77; 76 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 7": 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77) 77) 17 6 24 15 4 21 11 1 18 8 25 16 6 23 13 2 20 9 27 16 7 24 14 4 21 11 28 18 9 26 Feb. (48) March (66) Feb. (55) March :74) March (63) Feb. (52) March (70) March ;6o) Feb. (49) March (68) Feb. ( 56) March 75) March 65) Feb. ( 54) March i 72) March 61) Feb. :5i) March ( 69) Feb. ( 58) Feb. ( 47) March ( 66) Feb. ( 55) March ( 73) ilarch ( 63) Feb. ( 52) March i 71) Feb. ( 59) Feb. ( 49) March ( 68) Feb. ( 57) * Pramodflta. t Prajotpatti (?). i (Ohatri ■). § Pramathin. H (Vrishabhaf), Bhrii^j-a. II Subhanu. ** Vikrita. CHRONOLOGICAL TABLES. 25 Cyclic Year. "3 Conunencement • ConCunoub Year. 5.- .s s Of the Solar Year (TamiJ) . Of the Luni-solar Year (Telugu). 1 3 •c Name. .2J OS 11 >< 3 »0Q Date in the English Calendar. •3 si ^1 Date in the English Calendar. if 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 '9 10 11 31 Hevilamha * . , 3499 320 573 4 18 March 77) 397 2 16 March (76) 32 Vilamhi t 3500 321 574 5 18 March ;77) 398 6 5 March (64) S3 Vikdri 3501 322 575 6 18 March ;77) 399 4 23 Feb. (54) 5 34 Sarvari , . 3502 323 576 17 March ;77) *400 3 13 March (73) 35 Plava 3503 324 577 2 1 8 March 77) 401 2 March (61) 36 Subhakrit 3504 325 578 3 18 March ;77) 402 4 19 Feb. (50) 3 37 Sohhakrit X . . 3505 326 679 4 18 March [77) 403 3 10 March (69) 38 Krodhi 3506 327 680 6 18 March ;78) *404 1 28 Feb. (59) 8(<») 39 Vifvavasu , . 3507 328 581 18 March 77) 405 5 16 Feb. (47) 1 40 Pardbhava 3508 329 582 1 18 March 77) 406 4 7 March (66) 41 Plavanga 3509 330 583 2 1 8 March 77) 407 1 24 Feb. (55) 5 42 Kilaha 3510 331 684 4 18 March ;78) *408 14 March (74) 43 44 Saumya Sddharana 3511 3512 332 333 685 686 5 6 18 March 18 March 77) '77) 409 4 2 3 March (62) 21 Feb. (52) 4 410 45 rirodhikrit% .. 3513 334 687 18 March 77) 411 1 12 March (71) 46 Paridhdvi 3514 335 588 2 18 March 78) *412 6 29 Feb. (60) 47 Pramddi ^ 3515 336 689 3 18 March 77) 413 2 17 Feb. (48) 2 48 Ananda 3516 337 690 4 18 March 77) 414 1 8 March (67) 49 Rakshasa 3517 338 691 5 18 March 77) 415 6 26 Feb. (67) 6 60 Nala {Anala ?). 3518 339 592 18 March 78) *416 5 16 March (76) 61 Pingala 3519 340 593 1 18 March 77) 417 2 5 March (64) 52 Kdlayuktl , . 3520 341 594 2 18 March 77) 418 6 22 Feb. * (63) 4 53 Siddhdrthi 3521 342 595 3 18 March ( 77) 419 6 13 March (72) .'i4 Raudra, Eaudrt. 3522 343 596 5 18 March ( 78) *420 3 2 March (62) 55 Durmati 3523 344 597 6 18 March { 77) 421 19 Feb. (50) 3 . 56 Dundubhi 3524 345 598 18 March ( 77) 422 6 10 March (69) 57 Rudhirodgdri. . , 3525 346 599 1 18 March ( 77) 423 3 27 Feb. (58) 8(«) 58 Raktdkshi ** . . 3526 347 600 3 18 March ( 78) *424 1 17 Feb. (48) 1 59 Krodhana 3527 348 601 4 18 March ( 77) 425 7 March (66) 60 Kshaya f f 3528 349 602 5 18 March ( 77) 426 4 24 Feb. (55) 5 t Vilamba. •, Hemalamba, Hemalambi. Sobhana. Virodhakfit, Virodhj'idikrit. (o) Pushya (10) is suppressed. H Pramadicha. 11 ' Ilaliij ul i 4i >. *• Baktaksha. tt Akshaya. 26 CHRONOLOGICAL TABLES. Cyclic Year. fe5 I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Name. Concurrent Year. be 3 Prahhma 3529 Vihhava 3530 Sukla 3531 Pramoda* 3532 Prajwpati \ 3533 Angiram 3534 Srlmukha 3535 Bhdva 3536 Yuva 3537 Bhatu, % 3538 ISvara 3539 Bahudhdnya . . 3540 Pramddi § 3541 Vikrama 3542 Vishu t 3543 Chitrahhanu . . 3544 Svalhdnu \\ 3545 Tarana 3546 Pdrthiva . , 3547 Vyaya 3548 Sarvajit 3549 Sarvadhdri 3550 Virodhi 3551 Fikriti ** 3552 Khara 3553 Nandana 3554 Vijaya 3555 Jaya . . 8556 Manmatka 3557 Durmukhi 3558 C CO s =« IS Commencement Of the Solar Year (Tamil). Ot the Luni-solar Year (Telugu). 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 013 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 6 1 2 3 6 6 1 3 4 6 6 1 2 3 4 6 1 2 4 5 6 2 3 4 5 1 Date in the English Calendar. bo u 18 March 18 March 18 March 18 March 19 March 18 March 18 March 18 March 19 March 18 March 18 March 18 March 19 March 18 March 18 March 18 March 19 March 18 March 18 March 18 March 19 March 18 March 18 March 18 March 19 March 18 March 18 March 18 March 19 March 18 March (77 (78 (77 (77 (78 (78 (77 (77 (78 (78 (77 (77 (78 (78 (77 (77 (78 (78 (77 (77 (78 (78 (77 (77 (78 (78 (77 (77 (78 (78 427 *428 429 430 431 *432 433 434 435 *436 437 438 439 *440 441 442 443 *444 445 446 447 *-448 449 450 451 *452 453 454 455 *456 3 5 3 1 o 4 1 5 2 1 5 3 2 6 5 2 5 3 6 3 1 4 3 5 Date in the English Calendar. 10 15 3 21 11 1 18 8 25 16 5 22 13 2 20 10 27 18 6 24 14 4 21 11 28 18 8 25 16 5 23 March (74) March (63) Feb. (52) March (70) March (60) Feb. (49) March (67) Feb. (56) March (75) March (65) Feb. (5?) March (72) March ;6i) Feb. ;5i) March (69) Feb. 58) March ;77) March (66) Feb. (55) March i 73) March 63) Feb. 52) March 70) Feb. ( 59) Feb. ( 49) March ( 68) Feb. ( 56) March ( 7.5) March ( 64) Feb. ( 54) • Pramoduta. t Trajotpatti (?). X (Dhatri ?). \ Fram&thin , f (Vrishabha : II Subh&uu, BhriSj-a. Vikfita. CHEONOLOGICAL TABLES. 27 Cyclic Year. Concurrent 1 Commencement 1 "3 ■c Name. Year. c a Of the Solar Year (Tamil) . Of the Limi-solar Year (Telugu). 4 1 •3 si Date in the English Calendar. fee S ■3 ^ S a Date in the English Calendar. 73 . 1 2 3 4 6 6 7 8 9 10 u 31 Hevilamha * 3559 380 633 2 18 March (77) 457 4 13 March (72) 32 Vilamhi f 3560 381 634 3 18 March (77) 458 1 2 March .61) 33 rjyi:ar» 3561 382 635 5 19 March (78) 459 5 19 Feb. ( 50) 2 34 Sarvari 3562 383 636 6 18 March (78) *460 4 9 March (69) 35 Plava 3563 384 637 18 March (77) 461 2 27 Feb. (58) 7 36 Suhhakrit 3564 385 638 2 19 March (78) 462 1 18 March (77) 37 Sobhakrit J 3565 386 639 3 19 March (78) 463 6 7 March (66) 38 Krodhi , . 3566 387 640 4 18 March ,78) *484 2 24 Feb. (56) 5 39 ViSvdvasu 3567 388 641 5 18 March (77) 465 1 14 March (73) 40 Pardhhava 3568 389 642 19 March J8) 466 6 4 March (63) 41 Plavanga 3569 390 643 1 19 March 78) 467 3 21 Feb. (52) 3 42 Kllaka 3570 391 644 2 18 March .78) *468 2 1 1 March (71) 43 Saumya 3571 392 645 3 1 8 March 77) 469 6 28 Feb. (59) 44 Sadhdram 3572 393 646 5 1 9 March (78) 470 4 18 Feb. ( 49) 1 45 rirodhikrit% .. 3573 394 647 6 19 March ( 78) 471 2 8 March ( 67) 46 Paridhdvi 3574 395 648 18 March 78) *472 26 Feb. (57) 6 47 Pramddi \ 3575 396 649 1 18 March ( 77) 473 6 16 March ;75) 48 Ananda 3576 397 650 3 1 9 March ( 78) 474 3 5 March ( 64) 49 Rdkshasa 3577 398 651 4 19 March 78) 475 22 Feb. (53) 4 50 Nala {Anala ?). 8578 399 652 5 18 March ( 78) *476 6 12 March 72) 51 Piugala 3579 400 653 6 18 March ( 77) 477 4 2 March ( 61) . 62 Kdlmjuktm 3580 401 654 1 19 March ( 78) 478 1 19 Feb. ( 50) 2 53 Siddharthi 3581 402 655 2 19 March ( 78) 479 10 March ( 69) 54 Raud/ra, Raudri. 3582 403 656 S 1 8 March { 78) *480 4 27 Feb. ( 58) 6 55 Durmati 3583 404 637 4 18 March ( 77) 481 3 17 March ( 76) 56 Dundubhi 3584 405 658 6 19 March ( 78) 482 1 7 March ( 66) 67 Rudhirodgdri . . 3585 406 659 ] 9 March ( 78) 483 5 24 Feb. ( 55) 5 58 Raktdkthi ** . . 3586 407 660 1 18 March ( 78) *484 4 14 March ( 74)^ 59 Krodhana, 3587 408 661 2 18 March ( 77) 485 1 3 March '62) 60 K$haya ff 3588 409 662 4 19 March ( 7«) 486 6 21 Feb. ( (52) 3 . * Ilt i iluiii bi, Hemalamba, Hemalambi. t Vilamba. t Sobhana. ( Virodhakrit, Virodbyadikrit. H Pramadlcha. g'KftlllJIllltlh •• Raktaksha. tt Akshaya. 28 CHEONOLOGICAL TABLES. Cyclic Year. S 3 & Name. Concurrent Year. W .s s a d I'M .2. 3 « Of the SoUr Year (Tamil). Commencement Of the Luni-solar Year (Telugu). C3 ^ 'S a Date in the English Calendar. MS ■^ s Date in the English Calendar. 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Prabhava Vihhava Sukla Pramoda * Prajdpati f Angirasa Srtmukha Bhava Tuva Dhdtu X livara Bahudhanya Pramadi § Vikrama Vishti «[[ Chitrabhanu Svabhdnu \\ Tdrana Parthiva Vyaya Sarvajit Sarvadhari Virodhi Vikriti ** Khara Nandana Vijaya Jaya Manmatha Durmukhi 3589 3590 3591 3592 3593 3594 3595 3596 3597 3598 3599 3600 3601 3602 3603 3604 3605 3606 3607 3608 3609 3610 3611 3612 3613 3614 3615 3616 3617 3618 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 5 6 1 2 3 4 6 1 2 4 5 6 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 5 6 1 3 4 5 1 9 March 18 March 19 March 19 March 19 March 18 March 19 March 19 March 19 March 18 March 19 March 19 March 19 March 18 March 19 March 19 March 19 March 18 March 19 March 19 March 19 March 18 March 19 March 19 March 19 March 18 March 19 March 19 March 19 March 19 March (78) 487 4 (78) *488 2 (78) 489 6 (78) 490 5 (78) 491 2 (78) *492 1 (78) 493 6 (78) 494 3 (78) 495 2 (78) *496 6 (78) 497 4 (78) 498 3 (78) 499 (78) *500 6 (78) 501 3 (78) 602 1 (78) 503 (78) *504 4 (78) 505 1 (78) 506 (78) 507 5 (78) *508 2 (78) 509 1 (78) 510 5 (78) 511 4 (78) *512 1 (78) 513 6 (78) 514 5 (78) 515 2 (79) *516 6 11 March 29 Feb. 17 Feb. 8 March 25 Feb. 15 March 5 March 22 Feb. 13 March 1 March 19 Feb. 10 March 27 Feb. 17 March 6 March 24 Feb. 15 MaTch 3 March 20 Feb. 11 March 1 March 18 Feb. 8 March 25 Feb. 16 March 4 March 22 Feb. 1 3 March 2 March 19 Feb. (70) (60) (48) (67) (56) (75) (64) (53) (72) (61) (50) (69) (58) (77) (65) (55) (74) (63) (51) (70) (60) (49) (67) (56) (75) (64) (53) (72) (61) (50) • Pramodota. t Prajotpatti (?). I (DhatfiP). \ Pramathin. U (Vjishabha ?) Bhrisya. 11 Subhanu. Vikfita. (a) Pushya (10) is suppressed. OHEONOLOGICAL TABLES. 29 Cyclic Year. ^ M Commencement 1 Name. Concurrent Year. 1^. •< Of the Solar Year (Tamil). Of the Luni- solar Yeai (Telugu). Si 1 •00 1-^ S S Date in the English Calendar. si 1^ , u Date in the English Calendar. 1^ 1 2 3 4 G 6 7 8 9 10 11 31 Hevilamha * 3619 440 693 1 19 March (78) 617 5 9 March (68) 32 Vilamhi f 3620 441 694 2 19 March (78) 518 3 27 Feb. (58) 7 33 Vikari 3621 442 695 3 19 March (78) 519 2 18 March (77) , 34 Sarvari 3622 443 696 5 19 March (79) *520 6 6 March (66) 35 Pima 3623 444 697 6 19 March (78) 521 8 23 Feb. (54) 4 36 Suhhakrit 3624 445 698 19 March (78) 522 2 14 March (73) H 37 Sohhakrit % . . 3625 446 699 1 19 March (78) 523 4 March (63) 38 Krodhi 3626 447 700 3 19 March (79) *524 4 21 Feb. (52) 3 39 ViSvavasu 3627 448 701 4 19 March (78) 525 3 11 March (70) 40 Pardhhava 3628 449 702 5 19 March (78) 526 28 Feb (59) 8 (a) 41 Plavanga 3629 450 703 6 19 March (78) 527 5 18 Feb. (49) 1 42 Kilaka 3630 451 704 1 19 March (79) *628 3 7 March (67) 43 Saumya 3631 452 705 2 19 March (78) 529 1 25 Feb. (56) 5 44 Sddhdrana 3632 453 706 3 19 March (78) 530 16 March (75) 45 Viroihikrit § . . 3633 454 707 4 19 March (78) 531 4 5 March (64) 46 Paridhdvi 3634 455 708 6 19 March (79) *532 1 22 Feb. (53) 4 47 Pramddi ^ 3635 456 709 19 March (78) 533 12 March (71) 48 A)ianda 3636 457 710 1 19 March (78) 534 5 2 March (61) 49 Rdkshasa 3637 458 711 2 19 March (78) 535 2 19 Feb. (50) 2 50 Nala {Anala ?) . . 3638 459 712 4 19 March (79) *536 1 9 March (69) 61 Pingala 3639 460 713 5 19 March (78) 537 5 26 Feb. (57) 7 52 Kdlayuht*', 3640 461 714 6 1 9 March (78) 538 4 17 March (76) 53 Siddharthi 3641 462 715 19 March (78) 539 2 7 March (66) 54 Raudra, Paudri. 3642 463 716 2 19 March (79) *540 6 24 Feb. (55) 4 55 Durmati 3643 464 717 3 19 March (78) 541 5 14 March (73 56 Dunduhhi 3644 465 718 4 19 March (78) 542 2 3 March (62) 57 Ricdhirodgdri , . 3645 466 719 5 19 March (78) 543 21 Feb. (52) 3 58 RaktdUU** .. 3646 467 720 19 March (7S) *544 6 11 March (71) 59 Krodhana 3647 468 721 1 19 March (78) 545 3 28 Feb. (59) 8(a) 412 60 Kshcya ff 3648 469 722 2 19 March (78) 546 2 19 March (78) •(• Vilamba. amba, H Bmalanib obhana. f Pram adicha. ** Raktaksha. -f-f Akfiha.i'' ? V WW iroanaKT [ftrgasira (9) is suppressed. 1 1 ^j\emi.j 30 CHRONOLOGICAL TABLES. Cyclic Year. Ooncuirent Year. =3 Commencement .4 a i Of the Solar Year (Tamil.). Of the Liini-solar Year (Telugn). 1 Name. .Si 11 || i J ll ^1 Date in the English Calendar. 1^ -4 Date in the English Calendar. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 Prahhava 3649 470 723 4 20 March (79) 547 6 8 March (67) 2 Vibhava 3650 471 724 5 19 March (79) *548 4 26 Feb. (57) 5 3 Sukla 3651 472 725 6 19 March (78) 549 2 15 March (74) 4 Pramoda * 3652 473 726 19 March (78) 550 5 March (64) 5 Prajapati f 3653 474 727 2 20 March (79) 551 4 22 Feb. (53) 4 6 Angirasa , , 3654 475 728 3 1 9 March (79) *552 3 12 March (72) 7 Srtmukha 3655 476 729 4 19 March (78) 553 1 March (60) 8 Bhdva 3656 477 730 5 19 March (78) 554 5 19 Feb. (50) 2 9 Tuva 3657 478 731 20 March (79) 566 4 10 March (69) 10 DMtu X 3658 479 732 1 19 March (79) *556 1 27 Feb. (58) 6 11 ISvara 3659 480 733 2 19 March (78) 657 17 March (76) 12 Bahudhdnya 3660 481 734 3 19 March (78) 558 4 6 March (65) 13 Pramddi § 3661 482 735 5 20 March (79) 559 2 24 Feb. (55) 4 14 Vikrama 3662 483 736 6 19 March (79) *560 1 14 March (74) 15 Vishu f . 3663 484 737 19 March (78) 561 5 3 March (62) 16 ChitrabhSnu 3664 485 738 1 19 March (78) 662 2 20 Feb. (51) 3 17 Stahhdnu \\ 3665 486 739 3 20 March (79) 663 1 11 March (70) 18 Tarana 3666 487 740 4 19 March (79) *564 6 29 Feb. (60) 7 19 Parthiva 3667 488 741 5 19 March (78) 665 4 18 March (77) 20 ^yaya 3668 489 742 6 19 March (78) 666 2 8 March (67) 21 Sarvajit 3669 490 743 1 20 March (79) 567 6 25 Feb. (56) 5 22 SarvadMri 3670 491 744 2 19 March (79) *568 5 15 March (75) 23 Virodhi . , 3671 492 745 3 19 March (78) 669 2 4 March (63) 24 Fikriti** 3672 493 746 4 19 March (78) 570 22 Feb. (53) 3 25 Xliara 3673 494 747 6 20 March (79) 571 6 13 March (72) 26 Nandana 3674 495 748 19 March (79) *572 3 1 March (61) 27 Vijaya 3675 496 749 1 19 March (78) 573 18 Feb. (49) 2 28 Jay a , . 3676 497 750 3 20 March (79) 574 6 9 March (68) 29 Manmatha 3677 498 751 4 20 March (79) 576 4 27 Feb. (68) 6 30 Durmukhi 3678 499 752 5 19 March (79) *576 3 17 March (77) • Pramodttta. t Prajotpatti (?). t (Dhatrif). § Pramathin. ^ (Vriehabha ?), BhriSya. II Subhanu. ** Vikrita. CHEONOLOGICAL TABLES. 31 Cyclic Year. I Name. Concurrent Year. 3 I 'A a a 2 « .3 a 1^ Commencement Of the Solar Year (Tamil). Of the Luni-Bolar Year (Telugu). -^1 'A •c Date in the English Calendar. .2.Q Date in the English Calendar. 10 Cu o II 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 61 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 Hevilamha * , , 3679 500 753 6 Vilambi f , . 8680 501 754 1 Vikari 3681 502 755 2 Sarvari 3682 503 756 3 Plava 3683 504 757 4 Suhhakrit 3684 505 758 6 Sohhakrit | 3685 506 769 Krodhi 3686 507 760 1 TiSmvam 3687 508 761 2 Pardhhava 3688 509 762 4 Plavanga , . 3689 510 763 5 Ktlaka , , 3690 511 764 6 Saumya , , 3691 ■ 512 765 Sddhdrana , . 3692 513 766 2 Virodhikrit § . . 3693 514 767 3 Paridkdvi 3694 515 768 4 Pramddi ^ 3695 516 769 5 Ananda . , 3696 517 770 Rakshana 3697 518 771 1 mia(Anala?).. 3698 519 772 2 Pingala 3699 520 773 3 Kalayukl(^ 3700 521 774 5 Siddh&rthi 3701 622 775 6 Eaudra, Raudri. 3702 523 776 Durmati 3703 524 777 1 Bundubhi 3704 525 778 3 Rudhirodgdri . . 3705 526 779 4 Raktdkshi** .. 3706 627 780 5 Krodhana 3707 628 781 Kshaya f f 3708 529 782 1 19 20 20 19 19 20 20 19 19 20 20 19 19 20 20 19 19 20 20 19 19 20 20 19 19 20 20 19 20 20 llarch ( 78) March 79) March 79) March ;79) March 78) March 79) March ;79) March :79) March :78) March ;79) March ;79) March ;79) March :78) March (79) March ;79) March [79) March [78) March ;79) March ;79) March ;79) March ;78) March ;79) March 79) March 79) March i 78) March ( 79) March ( 79) March ( 79) March ( 79) March ( 79) 577 678 679 *680 581 682 683 *684 686 686 687 *588 689 590 591 *692 693 694 695 *596 597 598 599 *600 601 602 603 *604 605 606 4 3 1 5 4 1 6 2 1 5 3 1 6 3 2 6 5 3 6 3 1 4 3 5 3 6 March ( 65) 23 Feb. :54) 14 March .73) 3 March ;63) 20 Feb. (51) 11 March .70) 28 Feb. (59) 18 March (78) 8 March (67) 25 Feb. (56) 16 March (76) 4 March (64) 22 Feb. (53) 12 March (71) 2 Mitrch (61) 19 Feb. (50) 9 March (68) 26 Feb. (57) 17 March (76) 6 March (66) 23 Feb. (64) 14 March (73) 3 March '62) 21 Feb. '52) 11 March ( 70) 28 Feb. ( 69) 1 9 March '78) 7 March ( 67) 25 Feb. { 66) 15 March ( 74) * IIi!. i iluui1ji, Hemalamba, Hemalambi. J. Sobhana. It Pramadlcha. t Vilamba. § Virodhakfit, Virodhyldikrit. |{ Ilala^ ulilm. ** Raktaksha. tt Akshaja. 32 CHRONOLOGICAL TABLES. Cyclic Year. Concurrent Year. (0 Commencement Of the Solar Year (Tamil). Of the Luni-solar Year (Telugu). 1 Name. is s J Date in the English Calendar. 1^ 3| Date in the English Calendar. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 Prahhava 3709 530 783 2 20 March (79) 607 1 5 March (64) 2 Vihhava 3710 531 784 3 19 March (79) *608 5 22 Feb. (53) 3 3 Sukla 3711 532 785 5 20 March (79) 609 4 12 March (71) 4 Pramoda * 3712 533 786 6 20 March (79) 610 1 1 March -(60) 5 Prajapati f 3713 534 787 20 March (79) 611 6 19 Feb. (50) 1 6 Angirasa . , 3714 535 788 1 19 March (79) *612 5 9 March (69) 7 Srtmukha 3715 536 789 3 20 March (79) 613 2 26 Feb. (57) 6 8 Bhdva 3716 637 790 4 20 March (79) 614 1 17 March (76) 9 Yuva 3717 538. 791 5 20 March (79) 616 5 6 March (65) 10 BUtu % 3718 539 792 6 19 March (79) *616 3 24 Feb. (55) 4 11 ISvara 3719 540 793 1 20 March (79) 617 2 14 March (73) 12 Bahudhdnya . . 3720 541 794 2 20 March (79) 618 6 3 March (62) 13 Pratmdi § . . 3721 542 795 3 20 March (79) 619 3 20 Feb. (51) 2 14 Vikrama 3722 543 796 4 19 March (79) *620 2 10 March (70) 15 Vishu ^ 3723 544 797 6 20 March (79) 621 28 Feb. (59) 7 16 Chitrabhanu , . 3724 545 798 20 March (79) 622 6 19 March (78) 17 Svabhdnu \\ 3725 546 799 1 20 March (79) 623 3 8 March (67) 18 Tarana . , 3726 547 800 2 19 March (79) *624 25 Feb. (56) 5 19 Parthiva 3727 548 801 4 20 March (79) 625 6 15 March (74) 20 Vyaya 3728 549 802 5 20 March (79) 626 4 5 March (64) 21 Sarvajit 3729 550 803 6 20 March (79) 627 1 22 Feb. (53) 3 22 Sarvadhari , . 3730 551 804 19 March (79) *628 12 March (72) 23 Virodhi 3731 552 805 2 20 March (79) 629 4 1 March (60) 8l«) 24 Vikriti ** 3732 553 806 3 20 March (79) 630 2 19 Feb. (50) 1 25 Khara 3733 554 807 4 20 March (79) 631 9 March (68) 26 Nandana 3734 555 808 6 20 March (80) *632 5 27 Feb. (68) 5 27 Vijaya 3735 556 809 20 March (79) 633 4 17 March (76) 28 Jay a 3736 557 810 1 20 March (79) 634 1 6 March (65) 29 Manmatha 3737 558 811 2 20 March (79) 636 5 23 Feb. (54) 4 30 DurmuJehi 3738 559 812 4 20 March (80) *636 4 13 March (73) • Pramoduta. t Prajotpatti (?). J (Dha § Pram tri f). ftthin. f (Vrishabha ?), BhriSya. II Suhhanu. *» Vikrita. a) Marg! iSira (9) is suppressed. CHEONOLOGICAL TABLES. 33 Cyclic Year. ».»..n-«i. 3 Commencement ConCunuui Year. Of the Solar Y'ear (1 amil) ( Jf the L mi-solar Year (Telugu). 3 1 Name. 4 •< si Bate in the English Calendar. j3 .23 h Date in the English Calendar. -a II 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 31 Hevilamha * . . 3739 560 813 5 20 March '79) 637 2 3 March (62) 32 Vtlambi \ 374C 561 814 6 20 March 79) 638 6 20 Feh. (51) 2 33 Vikari 3741 562 815 20 March 79) 639 5 11 March (70) 34 Sarvari 3742 563 816 . 2 20 March 80) *640 2 28 Feb. 59) 7 35 Plava 3743 564 817 3 20 March ( 79) 641 1 18 March 77) 36 Subhakrit 3744 565 818 4 20 March ( 79) 642 6 8 March 67) 37 Sohhakrit | . . 3745 566 819 5 20 March ( 79) 643 3 25 Feb. 56) 5 38 Krodhi . . . 3746 567 820 20 March ( 80) *644 2 15 March .75) 39 ViivavasH 3747 568 821 1 20 March ( 79) 645 6 4 March ;63) 40 Pardbhava 3748 569 822 2 20 March ( 79) 646 4 22 Feb. ;53) 3 41 Plavanga 3749 570 823 3 20 March ( 79) 647 2 12 March ;7i) 42 Kilaka 3750 571 824 5 20 March 80) *648 1 March ;6i) 43 Saumya 3751 572 825 6 20 March .79) 649 4 18 Feb. ;49) 1 44 SMIidrana 3752 573 826 20 March 79) 650 3 9 March .68) 45 Virodhikrit% .. 3753 574 827 1 20 March J9) 651 26 Feb. :57) 5 46 Paridhdvi 3754 575 828 3 20 March '80) *652 6 16 March ;76) 47 Pramddi ^ 3755 576 829 4 20 March ;79) 653 4 6 March ;65) 48 Atianda 3756 577 830 5 20 March ;79) 654 1 23 Feb. ( 54) 4 49 Rdkshasa 3757 578 831 6 20 March ;79) 655 14 March .73) 50 NalaiAmM).. 3758 579 832 1 20 March ;80) *656 4 2 March ;62) 51 Pingala 3759 580 833 2 20 March .79) 657 2 20 Feb. 61) 2 52 Kdlmjukta 3760 581 834 3 20 March .79) 658 1 11 March ;70) 53 SiJdhdrthi 3761 582 835 4 20 March 79) 659 5 28 Feb. { 59) 6 54 Raudra, Raudri. 3762 583 836 6 20 March 80) *660 4 18 March .78) 55 Durmati 3763 584 837 20 March 79) 661 1 7 March 66) 56 Dundubhi 3764 585 838 1 20 March 79) 662 6 25 Feb. ( 56) 5 57 Rudhirodgdri . . 37fi5 586 839 3 21 March 80) 663 5 16 March 75) 58 Raktdkshi \\ . . 3766 587 840 4 20 March 80) * 664 2 4 March ( 64) 59 Krodhana 3767 588 841 5 20 March 79) 665 6 21 Feb. ( 52) 3 60 Kahaya ** 3768 589 842 6 20 March 79) 666 5 12 March 71) * Hemalamba, Hemalamhi. t Vilamba. X Sobhana. § Virodhakfit, Virodhyidikfit. IF Pramadlcha. II Kaktaksha. ' Akshaya. 34 CHRONOLOGIOAIi TABLES. Cyclic Year. — f^/\*l/*Tl**l*^^W^T Commencement i^oncurreiii Year. St Of the Solar Year (Tamil). Of the Luni-solar Year (Telugu). Name. h 1 ci3 31 Qi S Date in the English Calendar. Date in the English Calendar. 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 ' 8 9 10 11 1 Prahhma 3769 590 843 1 21 March (80) 667 3 2 March ( 61) 8(«) 2 Vihhava 3770 591 844 2 20 March (80) *668 19 Feb. ( 50) 1 3 §ukla 3771 592 845 3 20 March (79) 669 6 9 March ( 68) 4 Pramoda * 3772 593 846 4 20 March (79) 670 3 26 Fob. ( 57) 5 5 Prajdpati-\ 3773 594 847 6 21 March (80) 671 2 17 March ( 76) 6 Angirasa 3774 595 848 20 March (80) *672 6 5 March ( 65) 7 Snviukha 3775 596 849 1 20 March (79) 673 4 23 Feb. ( 54) 4 8 Bhava 3776 597 850 2 20 March (79) 674 3 14 March 73) 9 Ywoa 3777 598 851 4 21 March (80) 676 3 March ( 62) 10 Dhatu I 3778 599 852 5 20 March (80) *676 4 20 Feb. ( 51) 2 11 ISvara 3779 600 853 6 20 March (79) 677 3 10 March 69) 12 Bahudhdnya 3780 601 854 20 March (79) 678 1 28 Feb. 59) 6 13 Pratnddi% 3781 602 855 2 21 March (80) 679 19 March 78) 14 Vikrama 3782 603 856 3 20 March (80) *680 4 7 March ;67) 15 VMu f 3783 604 857 4 20 March (79) 681 1 24 Feb. .55) 4 16 Chitrabhdnu 3784 605 858 .5 20 March (79) 682 15 March ;74) 17 Smbhdnu i| 3785 606 859 2 1 March (80) 683 •5 5 March :64) 18 Tdrana 3786 607 860 1 20 March (80) *684 2 22 Feb. ;53) 3 19 Pdrthiva 3787 608 861 2 20 March (79) 685 1 12 March :71) 20 Vyaya 3788 609 862 3 20 IVJarch (79) 686 5 1 March [60) 8(«) 21 Sarvajit 3789 010 863 5 21 March (80) 687 3 19 Feb. (50) 1 22 Sareadhdri 3790 611 864 6 20 March (80) *688 2 9 March (69) 23 Virodhi 3791 612 865 20 March (79) 689 6 26 Feb. (57) 5 24 Vikriti ** 3792 613 866 2 21 March (80) 690 5 17 March (76) 25 Khara 3793 614 867 3 21 March (80) 691 2 6 March (65) 26 Nandana 3794 615 868 4 20 March (80) *692 24 Feb. (55) 4 27 Vijaya 3795 616 869 5 20 March (79) 693 5 13 March (72) 28 Jaya 3796 617 870 .0 21 March (80) 694 3 3 March (62) 29 Manmatha 3797 61S 871 1 21 March (80) 695 20 Feb. (51) 2 30 Durmukhi 3798 619 872 2 20 March (80) *696 6 10 March (70) • Pramodota. t Prajotpatti (?). Dhfttri 'i. Pram&thin. IT Vrishabha ?, BhriSya. II Subhanu. Vikj-ita. (a) Pushya (10) is suppressed. CHRONOLOGICAL TABLES. 35 ( ZJyclio Year. '3 Commencement ConcuiTont Year. Of the Solar Year (T amil). Of the Luni-aolar Year (Telugu). 1 s a 'A •3 1 Name. P 1% 1 6 Date in the English Calendar. 1^- 1^ 31 % s Date in the English Calendar. t3 . 1 2 • 3 4 6 6 7 8 9 10 11 31 Hevilamha * . . 3799 620 873 3 20 March ( 79) 697 3 27 Feb. ( 58) 6 32 Vilamhi t 3800 621 874 5 21 March ( 80) 698 2 18 March ( 77) 33 Vikari , . 3801 622 875 6 21 March ( 80) 699 8 March .67) 34 Sarvari 3802 623 876 20 March ( 80) *700 4 25 Feb. 56) 4 35 Plata 3803 624 877 1 20 March ( 79) 701 3 15 March ;74) 36 Subhakrit 3804 625 878 3 21 March ( 80) 702 4 March ;63) 37 Sohhakrit % 3805 626 879 4 21 March ( 80) 703 5 22 Feb. ;o3) 3 38 Erodhi 3806 627 880 5 20 March ( 80) *704 4 12 March ;72) 39 ViStdvasu, 3807 628 881 6 20 March ( 79) 705 ] 1 March .60) 8 40 Pardhhava 3808 629 882 1 21 March .80) 706 20 March ;79) 41 Plavanga 3809 630 883 2 21 March ,80) 707 4 9 March 68) 42 Kilaka 3810 631 884 3 20 March ;80) *708 2 27 Feb. ( 58) 5 43 Saumya 3811 632 885 4 20 March ;79) 709 16 March ;75) 44 Sddharana 3812 633 886 6 21 March 80) 710 5 6 March ;65) 45 VirodMkrit § . . 3813 634 887 21 March ;8o) 711 2 23 Feb. [54) 4 46 Paridhdvi 3814 635 888 1 20 March ;80) •712 1 13 March ;73) 47 Pramddi ^ 3815 636 889 2 20 March 79) 713 5 2 March (61) 48 Ananda 3816 637 890 4 21 March ;80) 714 3 20 Feb. :5i) 1 49 Rdkshasa 3817 638 891 5 21 March ;80) 715 2 1 1 March (70) 50 Nhla{Amla?).. 3818 639 892 6 20 March ;80) *716 6 28 Feb. .59) 6 51 Pingala 3819 640 893 20 March ;79) 717 5 18 March (77) 52 Kdlayukta 3820 641 894 2 21 March ^80) 718 2 7 March (66) 53 Siddhdrthi 3821 642 895 3 21 March ;80) 719 25 Feb. 56) 4 54 Raudra, Raudri. 3822 643 896 4 20 March .80) *720 6 15 March (75) 55 Durmati 3823 644 897 6 21 March ,80) 721 3 4 March (63) 56 Dunduhhi 3824 645 898 21 March ;80) 722 21 Feb. (52) 2 57 Rudkirodffdri . . 3825 646 899 1 21 March (80) 723 6 12 March (71) 58 Raktdkshi || 3826 647 900 2 20 March .80) *724 4 1 March (61) 7 59 Krodhana 3827 648 901 4 21 March ;;80) 725 3 20 March (79) 60 Kihaya ** 3828 649 902 5 21 March !!80) 726 9 March (68) • Hemalamba, Hemalambi. t Vjlamba. X Sobhana. § Virodhakrit, Virodhyadikrit. % Pramadlcha. II Baktaksha. Akshaya. 36 CHEONOLOGICAL TABLES. Cyclic Year. S5 Name. Concurrent Year. bo Ui .S =s O'O! o = Commencement ()f the Solar Year (Tamil). Of the Luni-solar Year (Telugji). 1 1 Date in- the English Calendar. If Date in the Englibh Calendar, 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Prabhava Vilhava §uUa Pramoda * Prajdpati f Angiram Srimukha Bhava Tuva Dhdtu X Isvara Bahudli&nya Pramddi § Vilcrama Vishu t Chitralhdnu Svahhdnu || Tdrana Pdrthiva Fyaya Sarvajit Sarvadhdri Virodhi Vikriti •• Klwra Nandana Vijaya Jaya Manmatha Durmukhi . . 3829 650 903 6 . . 3830 651 904 . . 3831 652 905 2 . . 3832 653 906 3 . , 3833 654 907 4 . . 3834 655 908 5 . . 3835 656 909 . . 3836 657 910 1 . . 3837 658 911 2 , . 3838 659 912 3 . . 3839 660 913 5 . . 3840 661 914 6 . . 3841 662 915 . . 3842 663 916 1 . . 3843 664 917 3 . . 3844 665 918 4 . . 3845 666 919 5 . . 3846 667 920 6 . . 3847 668 921 1 ,. 3848 669 922 2 . . 3849 670 923 3 . . 3850 671 924 5 .. 3851 672 925 6 . . 3852 673 926 . . 3853 674 927 1 . . 3854 675 928 3 . . 3855 676 929 4 ■ , . 3856 677 930 5 . . 3857 678 931 6 . . 3858 679 932 1 21 March 20 Marcli 21 March 21 March 21 March 20 March 21 March 21 March 21 March 20 March 21 March 21 March 21 March 20 March 21 March 21 March 21 March 20 March 21 March 21 March 21 March 21 March 21 March 21 March 21 March 21 Marcli 21 Mvch 21 March 21 March 21 March (80) (80) (80) (80) (80) (80) (80) (80) (80) (80) (80) (80) (80) (80) (80) (80) (80) (80) (80) (80) (80) (81) (80) (80) (80) (81) (80) (80) (80) (81) 727 4 *728 3 729 1 730 5 731 4 *732 1 733 6 734 4 735 2 *736 1 737 5 738 2 739 1 *740 6 741 3 742 2 743 6 *744 5 745 3 746 747 6 *748 3 749 .1 760 6 751 4 *752 1 753 764 4 755 3 *756 1 26 16 6 23 14 2 20 10 28 18 7 24 15 4 21 12 1 19 9 26 17 5 23 13 3 20 10 27 18 7 Feb. (57) March (76) March [65) Feb. [54) March [73) March [62) Feb. [51) March [69) Feb. 59) Marcli [78) March '66) Feb. [55) March 74) March 64) Feb. :5^) March 71) March [60) March { 79) March i 68) Feb. ( 57) March ( 76) March ( 65) Feb. ( 54) March ( 72) March i 62) Feb. ( 51) March ( 69) Feb. ( 58) March ( 77) March 67) * Pramodllta. t J'rajotpatti {?). I Dhatri ?. § Pnimatliin. H Vfishabha ?, Bhfisya. II Subhanu. Vikrita. CHRONOLOGICAL TABLES. 37 Cyclic Year. S 3 !2i Name. Concurrent Year. g'<2 s § Commencement Of the Solar Year (Tamil). Of the Luni-solar Year (Telugu). ^1 Date in the English Calendar. la ^ S S Date in the English Calendar. 10 -a . S J3 pS 'S 11 31 Hevilamha * 32 Vilamhi f 83 Vikari 34 Sarvari 35 Plata 36 Subhakrit 37 Solhakrit % . 38 Krodhi 39 ViSvdvasu 40 Pardhhava 41 Plavanga 42 Ktlaka 43 Saumya 44 Sadharana 45 Virodhikrit § . 46 Paridhdvi 47 Pramddi ^ 48 Ananda , 49 Pdkshasa 50 Nala {Amla ?). 51 Pingala 52 Kdlayukta , 53 Siddhdrthi 54 Raudra, Baudri 55 Durmati 56 Dunduhhi 57 Rudkirodgari. . 58 RaktdksM \\ 59 Krodhatia 60 KsMya ** 3869 680 3860 681 3861 682 3862 683 3863 684 3864 685 3865 686 3866 687 3867 688 3868 689 3869 690 3870 691 3871 692 3872 693 3873 694 3874 695 3875 696 3876 697 3877 698 3878 699 3879 700 3880 701 3881 702 3882 703 3883 704 3884 705 3885 706 3886 707 3887 708 3888 709 933 934 935 936 937 938 939 940 941 942 943 944 945 946 947 948 949 950 951 952 953 954 955 956 957 958 959 960 961 962 2 3 4 6 1 2 4 5 6 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 5 6 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 March March March March March March March March March March March March March March March March March March March March March March March March March March March March March March (80) (80) (80) (81) (80) (80) (80) (81) (80) (80) (80) (81) (80) (80) (80) (81) (80) (80) (80) (81) (80) (80) (81) (81) (80) (80) (81) (81) (80) (80) 767 758 759 *760 761 762 763 *764 766 766 767 *768 769 770 771 *772 773 774 775 *776 777 778 779 *780 781 782 783 *784 786 786 5 4 1 6 5 2 1 5 3 2 6 3 2 4 3 6 3 1 4 1 5 4 1 5 4 2 24 16 4 22 12 1 20 8 26 17 6 23 13 3 20 10 27 18 7 25 15 4 21 11 1 20 9 26 16 6 Feb, ( 55) March i 74) March ( 63) Feb. ( 53) March i 71) March 60) March ( 79) March ;68) Feb. ( '57) March 76) March ;65) Feb. 54) March 72) March '62) Feb. ( 51) March (70) Feb. '58) March 77) March ;66) Feb. (56) March (74) March (63) Feb. (52) March (71) March (60) March 79) March (68) Feb. (57) March (75) March (65) 8(«) 1 * Hemalamba, HemalamW. t Vilamba. Sohhana. 1! Pramadlcha. Virodhakj-it, Virodhyftdikrit. || Raktaksha. («) Pushya (10) is suppressed. *» Akshaya. 10 38 CHRONOLOGICAL TABLES. Cyclic Year. ;zi Name. Concurrent Year. 3 V3 ■cc 03 .s § E 6 Commencement Of the Solar Year (Tamil). Ot the Luni-Bolar Year (Telugu). •c a f-^^ Date in the English Calendar. English Year. Ferial Number. 8 9 787 6 *788 5 789 2 790 791 5 *792 3 793 2 794 6 795 3 *796 2 797 798 4 799 3 *800 801 6 802 4 803 1 *804 805 4 806 2 807 1 *808 5 809 4 810 1 811 6 *812 4 813 2 814 6 815 5 *816 2 Date in the English Calendar. 10 u 1 Prabhava 2 Vibhava 3 Sukla 4 Pramoda* 5 PrajSpati f 6 Angirasa 7 Srlmukha 8 BhSva 9 Yuva 10 Dhatu t 11 I§vara 12 Bahudhanya 13 Pramadi § 14 Vikrama 15 Vishu t 16 CbitrabhSnu 17 Svabhanu || 18 Tarana 19 Parthiva 20 Vyaya 21 Sarvajit 22 Sarvadbari 23 Virodbi 24 Vikriti ** 25 Kbara 26 Nandana 27 Vijaya 28 Jaya 29 Manmatha 30 Durmukbi 3889 3890 3891 3892 3893 3894 3895 3896 3897 3898 3899 3900 3901 3902 3903 3904 3905 3906 3907 3908 3909 3910 3911 3912 3913 3914 3915 3916 3917 3918 710 711 712 713 714 716 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 724 725 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 734 735 736 737 738 739 963 964 966 966 967 968 969 970 971 972 973 974 975 976 977 978 979 980 981 982 983 984 985 986 987 988 989 990 991 992 5 6 1 3 4 6 6 1 2 3 4 6 1 2 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 6 1 2 4 5 6 March March March March March March March March March March March March March March March March March March March March March March March March March March March March March March (81 (81 (80 (80 (81 (81 (80 (80 (81 (81 (80 (80 (81 (81 (80 (80 (81 (81 (80 (81 (81 (81 (80 (81 (81 (81 (80 (81 (81 (81 Feb. ;54) March ;73) March ;6i) Feb. (51) March (69) Feb. (59) March (77) March I 66) Feb. (56) March (74) March (63) Feb. (62) March (71) Feb. (60) March (78) March (68) Feb. '57) March (76) March 64) Feb. (54) March (73) March '62) March 80) March ( 69) Feb. 59) March '77) March ,66) Feb. ( 55) March 74) March ( 63) 8(«) 1 8(o) il2 • Pramoduta. J Dhfttfi ?. % Vfishabha ? Bhrisya. t Prajotpatti (P). § Praraftthin. U Subhanu. (a) Marga^iia (9) is suppressed. Vikfita. CHRONOLOGICAL TABLES. 39 Cyclic Year. Concurrent Year. e J3 . a a Commencement Of the Solar Year (Tamil). Of the Luni -solar Year (Telugu). S 3 ■B so Name. ll j1 3 3 i 3 '1 Date in the English Calendar. 'bo lear. Ferial Number. Date in the English Calendar. 1^ 1^ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 n 31 Hevilamba * . . 3919 740 993 21 March (80) 817 21 Feb. (52) 2 32 Vilambi f 3920 741 994 2 22 March (81) 818 6 12 March (71) 33 Vikari 3921 742 995 3 22 March (81) 819 3 1 March (60) 6 34 Sarvari 3922 743 996 4 21 March (81) *82 2 19 March (79) 35 Plava 3923 744 997 5 21 March (80) 82 1 6 8 March (67) 36 Subhakrit 3924 746 998 22 March (81) 82 2 4 26 Feb. (57) 4 37 Sobhakrit J . . 3925 746 999 1 22 March (81) 82 3 3 17 March (76) 38 KrodLi 3926 747 1000 2 21 March (81) *82 4 5 March (65) 39 Visvavasu 3927 748 1 3 21 March (80) 82 5 4 22 Feb. (53) 3 40 Parabhava 3928 749 2 5 22 March (81) 82 6 3 13 March (72) 41 Plavanga 3929 750 3 6 22 March (81) 82 7 1 3 March (62) 7 42 Kllaka 3930 751 4 21 March (81) *82 8 6 20 March (80) 43 Saumya 3931 752 5 1 21 Mar.;h (80) 82 9 4 10 March (69) 44 Ssdhararia 3932 753 6 3 22 March (81) 83 1 27 Feb. (58) 5 45 Virodhikrit § .. 3933 754 7 4 22 March (81) 83 1 18 March (77) 46 Paridhavi 3934 755 8 5 21 March (81) *83 2 4 6 March (66) 47 Pramadi ^ 3935 756 9 22 March (81) 83 3 2 24 Feb. (55) 3 48 Ananda 3936 757 10 1 22 March (81) 83 1 1 15 March (74) 49 R:Xksha8a 3937 758 11 2 22 March (81) 83 5 5 4 March (63) 50 Nala(Anala?). 3938 759 12 3 21 March (81) *83( 3 2 21 Feb. (52) 2 51 Pingala 3939 760 13 5 22 March (81) 83 7 1 11 March (70) 52 Kalayukta . . 3940 761 14 6 22 March (81) 831 i 6 1 March (60) 6 53 Siddharthi 3941 762 15 22 March (81) 83! J 5 20 March (79) 54 Raudra, Raudri. 3942 763 16 1 21 March (81) *84( ) 2 8 March (68) 55 Durmati 3943 764 17 3 22 March (81) 84] L 6 25 Feb. (56) 4 56 DundubLi 3944 765 18 4 22 March (81) 842 5 16 March (75) 57 RudhirodgSri . . 3945 766 19 5 22 March (81) 843 3 6 March (65) 58 Raktakshi || . . 3946 767 20 6 21 March (81) *844 23 Feb. (54) 3 59 Krodhana 3947 768 21 1 22 March (81) 84S 6 13 March (72) 60 Kshaya ** 3948 769 22 2 22 March (81) 846 3 2 March (61) 7 « 1 Hemalamba, Hemal ■ Vilamba. ambi. t f * 5 obhana. Virodhak fit, Viro idhyadik{it. ir Pra II Ral madlcha. •taksha. ** Akshaya. 40 CHEONOLOGICAL TABLES. Cyclic Year. =3 ( C!ommencement Concurrent Year. Name. Of the Solar Year {Tamil) Of the Luui-solar Year (Telugu). 1 1 i 3 ■■3 w ■ ^c2 .=s| Date in the English Calendar. Date in the English Calendar. n3 . Il 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 Prabhava 3949 770 23 3 22 March (81) 847 2 21 March (80) 2 Vibhava 3950 771 24 4 21 March (81) *848 10 March (70) 3 Siikla 3951 772 25 6 22 March (81) 849 4 27 Feb. (58) 5 4 Pramoda * 3952 773 26 22 March (81) 850 3 18 March (77) 5 Prajapati t • • 3953 774 27 1 22 March (81) 851 7 March (66) 6 Angirasa 3954 775 28 2 21 March (81) *862 5 25 Feb. (56) 3 7 Srimukha 3955 776 29 4 22 March (81) 853 3 14 March (73) 8 Bhava 3956 777 30 5 22 March (81) 854 1 4 March (63) 9 Yuva 3957 778 31 6 22 March (81) 855 5 21 Feb. (52) 2 10 Dhatu 1 3958 779 32 21 March (81) *856 4 11 March (71) 11 Isvara 3959 780 33 2 22 March (81) 857 1 28 Feb. (69) 6 12 Bahudhanya . . 3960 781 34 3 22 March (81) 858 19 March (78) 13 Pramadi § 3961 782 35 4 22 March (81) 859 5 9 March (68) 14 Vikrama 3962 783 36 5 21 March (81) *860 2 26 Feb. (67) 4 16 Vishu H 3963 784 37 22 March (81) 861 1 16 March (76) 16 Chitrabhanu . . 3964 785 38 1 22 March (81) 862 5 5 March (64) 17 Svabhanu || . . 3965 786 39 2 22 March (81) 863 3 23 Feb. (54) 3 18 Tarana 3966 787 40 4 22 March (82) *864 2 13 March (73) 19 Parthiva 3967 788 41 5 22 March (81) 865 6 2 March (61) 7 20 Vyaya 3968 789 42 6 22 March (81) 866 5 21 March (80) 21 Sarvajit 3969 790 43 22 March (81) 867 2 10 March (69) 22 Sarvadhari 3970 791 44 2 22 March (82) *868 28 Feb. (69) 5 23 Virodhi 3971 792 45 3 22 March (81) 869 5 17 March (76) 24 Vikriti** 3972 793 46 4 22 March (81) 870 3 7 March (66) 25 Khara 3973 794 47 5 22 March (81) 871 24 Feb. (55) 3 26 Nandana 3974 795 48 22 March (82) *872 6 14 March (74) 27 Vijaya 3975 796 49 1 22 March (81) 873 3 3 March (62) 28 Jaya 3976 797 50 2 22 March (81) 874 1 21 Feb. (52) 1 29 Manmatha 3977 798 51 3 22 March (81) 875 12 March (71) 30 Durmukhi , . 3978 799 52 5 22 March 1 (82) *876 4 29 Feb. (60) 6 • Pramodtlta. t Prajotpatti (f). + + nhfttri ? Pramatl tiin. % Vrishabha ? Bh II Suhhanu. risya. •• Vikrita. CHRONOLOGICAL TABLES. 41 • Hemalamba, Hemalambi. f Vilainba. X Sobhana. II Pramftdlcha. § Virodhakj-it, Virodhyftdikrit. || Raktaksha. (a) M&rgaSira (9) is suppressed. ** Akshaya. Cyclic Year. i. Commenceineut Hi 1 Name. ConCUircm. Year. ■3 ^ rt 03 Of the Solar Year (Tamil). Of the Luni-solar Year (Telugu). s, 3 >< ••3 M ^1 o a Date in the English Calendar. ■Si ^1 Date in the English Calendar. it 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 31 Hevilamba * , . 3979 800 53 6 22 March (81) 877 3 19 March (78) 32 Vilambi f 3980 801 54 22 March (81) 878 8 March (67) 33 Vikari 3981 802 55 1 22 March (81) 879 5 26 Feb. (57) 4 34 Sarvari 3982 803 56 3 22 March (b2) *880 4 16 March (76) 35 Plava 3983 804 57 4 22 March (81) 881 1 5 March (64) 36 Subhakrit 3984 805 58 5 22 March (81) 882 5 22 Feb. (53) 2 37 Bobhakrit J: . . 3985 806 59 6 22 March (81) 883 4 13 March (72) 38 Krodlii 3986 807 60 1 22 March (82) *884 2 2 March (62) 7 39 ViSvavasu 3987 808 61 2 22 March (81) 885 1 21 March (80) 40 ParSbhava 3988 809 62 3 22 March (81) 886 5 10 March (69) 41 Plavanga 3989 810 63 4 22 March (81) 887 2 27 Feb. (58) 5 42 Kaaka 3990 811 64 6 22 March (82) *888 1 17 March (77) 43 Saumya 3991 812 65 22 March (81) 889 6 7 March (66) 44 SadhSrana 3992 813 66 1 22 March (81) 890 3 24 Feb. (55) 3 45 Virodhikrit § . . 3993 814 67 3 23 March (82) 891 2 15 March (74) 46 Paridhavi 3994 815 68 4 22 March (82) *892 6 3 March (63) 8(«) 47 Pramadi f . . 3995 816 69 5 22 March (81) 893 4 21 Feb. (52) 1 48 Ananda 3996 817 70 6 22 March (81) 894 2 1 1 March (70) 49 Rakshasa 3997 818 71 1 23 March (82) 895 1 March (60) 5 50 Nala (Auala ?) 3998 819 72 2 22 March (82) *896 6 19 March (79) 51 Pingala 3999 820 73 3 22 March (81) 897 3 8 March (67) 52 Kalayukta 4000 821 74 4 22 March (81) 898 25 Feb. (56) 4 53 Siddharthi . . 4001 822 75 6 23 March (82) 899 6 16 March (76) 54 Eaudra, Eaudri. 4002 823 76 22 March (82) *900 4 5 March (65) 55 Durmati 4003 824 77 1 22 March (81) 901 1 22 Feb. (53) 2 56 Dundubhi 4004 825 78 2 22 March (81) 902 13 March (72) 67 Eudhirodgari . . 4005 826 79 4 23 March (82) 903 4 2 March (61) 7 58 Eaktakshi |( . . 4006 827 80 5 22 March (82) *904 3 20 March (80) 59 Krodbana 4007 828 81 6 22 March (81) 905 1 10 March (69) 60 Kshaya ** 4008 829 82 22 March (81) 906 5 27 Feb. (58) 5 11 42 CHRONOLOGICAL TABLES. Cyclic Year. 1 Commencement ConcUnciii, Year. .a Of the Solar Year (Tamil). Of the Luni- solar Year (Telugu). 1 1 Name. .s3 il -?> •< ••3 i Date in the English Calendar. is Date in the English Calendar. a, o 1 2 3 * 5 « 7 8 9 10 11 1 Prabliava 4009 830 83 2 23 March (82) 907 4 18 March 77) 2 Vibhava 4010 831 84 3 22 March (82) *908 1 6 March ( 66) 3 6ukla 4011 832 85 4 22 March (81) 909 6 24 Feb. ;55) 3 4 Pramoda * 4012 833 86 5 22 March (81) 910 4 14 March ;73) 5 Prajapati f . . 4013 834 87 23 March (82) 911 2 4 March 63) 6 Angirasa . , 4014 835 88 1 22 March (82) *912 6 21 Feb. ( 52) 1 7 SrimuMia 4015 836 89 2 22 March (81) 913 5 11 March ( 70) 8 Bhava 4016 837 90 3 22 March (81) 914 2 28 Feb. ^59) 5 9 Yuva 4017 838 91 5 23 March (82) 915 1 19 March ( 78) 10 Dhatu t 4018 839 92 6 22 March (82) *-916 6 8 March ;68) 11 Isvara 4019 840 93 22 March (81) 917 3 25 Feb. ( 56) 4 12 Bahudhanya , . 4020 841 94 1 22 March (81) 918 2 16 March ;75) 13 Pramadi § 4021 842 95 3 23 March (82) 919 6 5 March ( 64) 14 Vikrama 4022 843 96 4 22 March (82) *920 4 23 Feb. ;54) 2 15 Vishu f 4023 844 97 5 22 March (81) 921 3 13 March :72) 16 Chitrabhanu . . 4024 845 98 23 March (82) 922 2 March ( 61) 6 17 Svabhanu |1 . . 4026 846 99 1 23 March (82) 923 6 21 March ;80) 18 Tarana 4026 847 100 2 22 March (82) *924 3 9 March [69) 19 Parthiva 4027 848 101 3 22 March (81) 925 1 27 Feb. [58) 5 20 Vyaya 4028 849 102 5 23 March (82) 926 18 March '77) 21 Sarvajit 4029 850 103 6 23 March (82) 927 4 7 March ( 66) 22 Sarvadhari 4030 851 104 22 March (82) *928 1 24 Feb. '55) 2 23 Virodhi 4031 852 105 1 22 March (81) 929 14 March ( 73) 24 Vikriti ** 4032 853 106 3 23 March (82) 930 5 4 March 63) 8t«) 25 Khara 4033 854 107 4 23 March (82) 931 2 21 Feb. ( 52) 1 26 Nandana 4034 855 108 5 22 March (82) *932 1 11 March ( 71) 27 Vijaya 4035 856 109 6 22 March (81) 933 5 28 Feb. ( 59) 5 28 Jaya 4036 857 110 1 28 March (82) 934 4 1 9 March [78) 29 Manmatha 4037 868 111 2 23 March (82) 935 1 8 March ;67) 30 Durmukhi 4038 859 112 3 22 March (82) *936 6 26 Feb. [57) 4 • PramodQta. + Prajotpatti (?). J Dhatri f . § Pramathin. («) Pushya (10) is suppressed. % Vjishabha ? Bhri^ya. II Subhanu. Vikrita. CHRONOLOGICAL TABLES. 43 Cyclic Year. Concurrent Year. .5^ Commencement Of the Solar Year (Tamil). Of the Luni-solar Year (Telugu). 1 Name. S "« •o S5 ■3 i i 3 3 1^ H Date in the English Calendar. fl 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 31 Hevilamba * . . 4039 860 113 4 22 March ,81) 937 5 16 March (75) 32 Vilambif 4040 861 114 6 23 March ^82) 938 2 5 March '64) 33 Vikari 4041 862 115 23 March ;82) 939 6 '12 Feb. (53) 2 34 Sarvari 4042 863 116 1 22 Jtlarch [82) *940 5 12 March (<2) 35 Plava 4043 864 117 2 22 March ;81) 941 3 2 March (61) 6 36 Subhakrit 4044 865 118 4 23 March ;82) 942 2 21 March ,80) 37 ^obhakrit t - • 4045 866 119 5 23 March ;82) 943 6 10 March (69) 38 Krodhi 4046 867 120 6 22 March ;82) *944 3 27 Feb. (58) 4 39 Visvavasu 4047 868 121 22 March ;8i) 945 2 17 March (76) 40 Parabliava 4048 869 122 2 23 March ;82) 946 7 March (66) 41 Plavanga 4049 870 123 3 23 March ( 82) 947 4 24 Feb. (55) 3 42 Kilaka 4050 871 124 4 22 March ;82) *948 3 14 March (74) 43 Saumya 4051 872 125 6 23 March .82) 949 3 March 62) 8(o) 44 Sadharana 4052 873 126 23 March (82) 950 5 21 Feb. (52) 1 45 Virodhikrit § .. 4053 874 127 1 23 March ;82) 951 4 12 M»rch 71) 46 Paridhavi 4054 875 128 2 22 March ;82) *952 1 29 Feb. (60) 5 47 Pramadi ^ 4055 876 129 4 23 March [82) 953 19 March (78) 48 Ananda 4056 877 130 5 23 March ;82) 954 4 8 March '67) 49 Pakshasa 4057 878 131 6 23 March .82) 955 2 26 Feb. ;57) 4 50 Nala(Anala?).. 4058 879 132 22 March .82) *956 15 March .75) 61 Pingala 4059 880 133 2 23 March ;82) 957 5 5 March '64) 52 Kalayukta 4060 881 134 3 23 March '82) 958 2 22 Feb. (53) 2 53 Siddharthi 4061 882 135 4 23 March ;82) 953 1 13 March ( 72) 54 Eaudra, Eaudri. 4062 883 136 5 22 March 82) *960 5 1 March '61) 6 55 Durmati 4063 884 137 23 March ( 82) 961 4 20 March ( 79) 56 Dundubhi 4064 885 138 1 23 March ( 82) 962 2 10 March 69) 57 Eudhirodgari . . 4065 886 139 2 23 March ( 82) 963 6 27 Feb. (58) 4 58 Eaktakshi || . . 4066 887 140 3 22 March ( 82) *964 5 17 March ( 77) 59 Krodhana 4067 888 141 5 23 March ( 82) 965 2 6 March ( 65) 60 Kshaya'** 4068 889 142 6 23 March ( 82) 966 24 Feb. ( 55) 3 • Hemalamba, Hemalambi. f Vilamba. X Sobhana. H Pramadleha. § Virodhakrit, Virodhyftdikj-it. || Raktaksha. (a) Pushya (10) is suppressed. Akshaya. 44 CHRONOLOGICAL TABLES. Cyclic Year. Concurrent Year. W •si S a i " Commencement ■ 1 3 •1 Name. Of the Solar Year (Tamil). Of the Luni-solar Year (Telugu). 1 ^1 Date in the English Calendar. Teg 1-^ s s ^1 Date in the English Calendar. 1 2 3 4 6 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 Prabhava 4069 890 143 23 March (82) 967 6 15 March (74) 2 Yibhava 4070 891 144 1 22 March (82) *968 3 3 March (63) 8 3 Sukla 4071 892 145 3 23 March (82) 969 2 22 March (81) 4 Pramoda * 4072 893 146 4 23 March (82) 970 6 11 March (70) 5 Prajapati f 4073 894 147 6 23 March (82) 971 4 1 March (60) 5 6 Angirasa 4074 895 148 6 22 March (82) *972 2 18 March (78) 7 Srimukha 4075 896 149 1 23 March (82) 973 8 March (67) 8 Bhava 4076 897 150 2 23 March (82) 974 4 25 Feb. (56) 4 9 Yuva 4077 898 151 3 23 March (82) 975 3 16 March (75) 10 DhStu I 4078 899 152 4 22 March (82) *978 4 March (64) 11 Isvara 4079 900 153 6 23 March (82) 977 5 22 Feb. (53) 1 12 Bahudhanya . . 4080 901 154 23 March (82) 978 4 13 March (72) 13 Pramadi § 4081 902 155 1 23 March (82) 979 1 2 March (61) 6 14 Vikrama . . 4082 903 156 3 23 March (83) *980 20 March (80) 15 Vishu ^ 4083 904 157 4 23 March (82) 981 4 9 March (68) 16 ChitrabhSnu . . 4084 905 158 5 23 March (82) 982 2 27 Feb. (58) 4 17 Svabhanu || 4085 906 159 6 23 March (82) 983 1 18 March (77) 18 Tarana 4086 907 160 I 23 March ;83) *984 5 6 March (66) 19 Parthiva 4087 908 161 2 23 March 82) 986 2 23 Feb. (54) 2 20 Vyaya 4088 909 162 3 23 March ( 82) 986 1 14 March (73) 21 Sarvajit 4089 910 163 4 23 March ( 82) 987 6 4 March (63) 7 22 SarvadLari 4090 911 164 6 23 March ( 83) *988 5 22 March (82) 23 Virodhi 4091 912 165 23 March ( 82) 989 2 1 1 March (70) 24 Vikriti ** 4092 913 166 1 23 March ( 82) 990 6 28 Feb. (59) 5 25 Kbara 4093 914 167 2 23 March ( 82) 991 5 19 March (78) 26 Nandana 4094 915 168 4 23 March ( 83) *992 3 8 March (68) 27 Vijaya 4095 916 169 5 23 March ( 82) 993 25 Feb. (56) 3 28 Jaya 4096 917 170 6 23 March ( 82) 994 6 16 March (75) 29 Manmatha 4097 918 171 23 March ( 82) 995 3 5 March (64) 30 Durmukhi 4098 919 172 2 23 March ( 83) *996 1 23 Feb. (54) 1 • Pramodota. t Prajotpatti (?). t Dhatri ?. § Pramathin. ^ Vrishabha f BhyiSya. 11 Suhhanu. Vikfita. CHKONOLOGICAL TABLES. 45 Cyclic Year. Commencement 1 1 Xame. CoiKnirreni Year. at Of the Solar Year (Tamil). Of the Luni-solar Year (Telugu). CD 3 1 •00 II Date in the English Calendar. Date in the English Calendar. Repeated Month. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 • 1 9 10 U 31 Hevilamba * . . 4099 920 173 3 23 March (82) 997 6 12 March (71) 32 Vilambi f 4100 921 174 4 23 March (82) 998 4 2 March (61) 6 33 Vikari 4101 922 175 6 23 March (82) 999 3 21 March (80) 34 Sarvari 4102 923 176 23 March (83) *1000 9 March (69) 35 Plava 4103 924 \hi 1 23 March (82) 1001 4 26 Feb. (57) 4 36 Subhakrit 4104 925 178 2 23 March (82) 1002 3 17 March (76) 37 Sobhakrit % . . 4105 926 179 3 23 March (82) 1003 1 7 March (66) 38 Krodhi 4106 927 180 6 23 March (83) *1004 5 24 Feb. (55) 3 39 Visvgvasu 4107 928 181 6 23 March (82) 1005 4 14 March (73) 40 Parabhava 4108 929 182 23 March (82) 1006 1 3 March (62) 6 41 Plavahga 4109 930 183 2 24 March (83) 1007 22 March (81) 42 Kflaka 4110 931 184 3 23 March (83) *1008 5 11 March (71) 43 Saumya 4111 932 185 4 23 March (82) 1009 2 28 Feb. (59) 5 44 Sadharana 4112 933 186 5 23 March (82) 1010 1 19 March (78) 45 Virodbikrit § . . 4113 934 187 24 March (83) 1011 5 8 March (67) 46 Pari Bhrifiya ra (9) JB Buppresne •• Vikrita, CHEONOLOGICAL TABLES. 47 Cyclic Year. Concurrent Year. ec Commencement Of the SoUr Year (Tamil). Of the Luni-solar Yeai • (Telugu). 1 Name. 11 1 >> i ^1 Date in the English Calendar. Date in the English Calendar. Repeated Mouth. I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 31 Hevilamba * . . 4159 980 233 1 23 March ,82) 1057 1 9 March (68) 32 Vilambi f 4160 981 234 3 24 March [83) 1058 5 26 Feb. (57) 4 33 Vikari 4161 982 235 4 24 March [83) 1059 4 17 March (76) 34 Sarvari 4162 983 236 5 23 March [83) *1060 2 6 March (66) 35 Plava 4163 984 237 6 23 March ( 82) 1061 6 23 Feb. (54) 2 36 Subhakrit 4164 985 238 1 24 March ( 83) 1062 5 14 March [73) 37 Sobhakrit J . . 4165 986 239 2 24 March [83) 1063 2 3 March (62) 7 38 Krodhi 4166 987 240 3 23 March [83) *1064 1 21 March (81) 39 Visvavasu 4167 988 241 5 24 March [83) 1065 6 1 1. March (70) 40 ParSbhava 4168 989 242 6 24 March ( 83) 1066 3 28 Feb. (59) 4 41 Plavaiiga 4169 990 243 24 March ( 83) 1067 2 19 March [78) 42 Kilaka 4170 991 244 1 23 March ( .83) *1068 6 7 March [67) 43 Saumya , . 4171 992 245 3 24 March ( .83) 1069 4 25 Feb. '56) 3 44 Sadharana 4172 993 246 4 24 March [83) 1070 3 16 March [75) 45 Virodhikritg .. 4173 994 247 5 24 March .83) 1071 5 March 64) 8(a) &12. 46 Paridhavi 4174 995 248 6 23 March .83) *1072 6 23 March [83) 47 Pramadi 1 . . 4175 996 249 1 24 March ( [83) 1073 3 12 March [71) 48 Ananda 4176 997 250 2 24 March [83) 1074 1 2 March '61) 5 49 Rakshasa 4177 998 251 3 24 March ( 83) 1075 6 20 March ( 79) 50 Nala(Anala?) 4178 999 252 4 23 March ( 83) *1076 4 9 March ( 69) 51 Pingala 4179 1000 253 6 24 March ( 83) 1077 1 26 Feb. ( 57) 4 52 Kalayukta 4180 1001 254 24 March ( S3) 1078 17 March ( '76) 53 Siddharthi . . 4181 1002 255 1 24 March ( 83) 1079 4 6 March ( 65) 54 Eaudra, Eaudri. 4182 1003 256 2 23 March ( 83) *1080 2 24 Feb. ( 55) 2 55 Durmati 4183 1004 257 4 24 March ( 83) 1081 1 14 March ( 73) 56 Dundubbi 4184 1005 258 5 24 March ( 83) 1082 5 3 March ( 62) 6 57 EudhirodgSri . . 4185 1006 259 6 24 March ( 83) 1083 4 22 March [81) 58 Eaktakshi || . . 4186 1007 260 23 March ( 83) *1084 1 10 March '70) 69 Krodhana 4187 1008 261 2 24 March ( 83) 1085 6 28 Feb. [59) 4 60 Kshaya ** 4188 1009 262 3 24 March 83) 1086 5 19 March [78) • Hemalamba, Hemalambi. t Vilamba. Sobhana. fl Pramftdli-ha. Virodhakrit, Virodhyadikrit. || Eaktaksha. (a) MargaSira (9) is suppressed. ** Akshaya. 48 CHRONOLOGICAL TABLES. Cyclic Year. a Name. Concurrent Year. 'a >=g S s S « 0- ■<5 Commencement Of the Solar Year (Tamil). Of the Luni-solar Year (Telugu). - a Pate in the English Calendar. ^^ Date in the English Calendar. 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Prabhava Vibhava §uUa Pramoda * Prajapati f Ahgirasa Srimukha Bbava Yuva Dhatu J ISvara BahudhSnya Pramadi § Vikrama Visliu ^ Chitrabhanu Svabhanu || Taraaa Parthiva Vyaya Sarvajit Sarvadhari Virodhi Vikriti ** Khara Nandaaa Vijaya Jaya Mamnatha Durmukhi 4189 4190 4191 4192 4193 4194 4195 4196 4197 4198 4199 4200 4201 4202 4203 4204 4205 4206 4207 4208 4209 4210 4211 4212 4213 4214 4215 4216 4217 4218 1010 1011 1012 1013 1014 1015 1016 1017 1018 1019 1020 1021 1022 1023 1024 1025 1026 1027 1028 1029 1030 1031 1032 1033 1034 1035 1036 1037 1038 1039 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 4 5 1 2 4 5 6 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 5 6 1 3 4 6 6 1 2 3 4 6 24 23 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 March (83) March ;85) March (83) March (83) March (83) March (84) March ;83) March (83) March (83) March ;84) March ;83) March 83) March ( 83) March ( 84) March 83) March ( 83) March ( 83) March ( 84) March i 83) March i 83) March ( 83) March ( 84) March ( 83) March \ 83) March ( 83) March ( 84) March ( 83) March ( 83) March ( 83) March ( 84) 1087 *1088 1089 1090 1091 *1092 1093 1094 1095 *1098 1097 1098 1099 1*1100 1101 1102 1103 1*1104 1105 1106 1107 *1108 1109 1110 1111 *1112 1113 1114 1115 *1116 2 6 5 3 1 6 3 2 6 4 3 4 3 1 4 1 5 2 1 5 4 2 6 5 2 5 8 25 15 5 23 12 1 20 9 27 17 6 23 13 3 22 11 28 18 8 25 15 4 23 13 1 20 9 27 16 March (67) Feb. (56) March (74) March (64) March (82) March (72) March (60) March (79) March (68) Feb. (58) March (76) March (65) Feb. :54) March (73) March 62) March (81) March 70) Feb. ( 59) March 77) March ( 67) Feb. 56) March ( 75) March ( 63) March ( 82) March ( 72) March ( 61) March 79) March '68) Feb. ( 58) March ( 76) • Prairioduta. t Prajotijatti (?). : Dhatri ?. § Framathin. ^ Vrishabha f Bhrisya. I Subhauu. •• Vikfita. CHRONOLOGICAL TABLES. 49 Cyclic Year. ■a Name. Concurrent Year. be 3 « •Si 2 60 Commencement Of the Solar Year (Tamil). Of the Limi-solar Year (Telugu). -A Date in the English Calendar. Pate in the English Calendar. 10 -a * IS 11 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 Hevilamba * . . 4219 1040 Vilambi \ 4220 1041 Vikari 4221 1042 Sarvari 4222 1043 Plava 4223 1044 Subhakrit 4224 1045 Sobhakrit % . . 4-225 1046 Krodhi 4226 1047 ViSvavasu 4227 1048 Parabhava 4228 1049 Plavanga 4229 1050 Kilaka 4230 1051 Saumya 4231 1052 Sadharaaa 4232 1053 Virodhikritg .. 4233 1054 Paridliavi 4234 1055 Pramadi ^ 4235 1056 Ananda 4236 1057 E-ikshasa 4237 1058 Nala (Aaala?) 4238 1059 Pihgala 4239 1060 Kalayiikta 4240 1061 Siddharthi 4241 1062 Eaudra, Eaudri 4242 1063 Durmati . . 4243 1064 Dundubhi 4244 1065 EudhirodgSri . . 4245 1066 Eaktakshi || . . 4246 1067 Krodbaua 4247 1068 Kaliaya ** 4248 1069 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 1 2 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 6 1 2 4 5 6 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 5 6 1 24 24 24 24 24 24 25 24 24 24 25 24 24 24 25 24 24 24 25 24 24 24 25 24 24 24 25 24 24 24 March March March March March March March March March March March March March March March March March March March March March March March March March March March March March March (83) (83) (83) (84) (83) (83) (84) (84) (83) (83) (84) (84) (83) (83) (84) (84) (83) (83) (84) (84) (83) (83) (84) (84) (83) (83) (84) (84) (83) (83) 1117 1118 1119 *1120 1121 1122 1123 *1124 1125 1126 1127 *1128 1129 1130 1131 *1132 1133 1134 1135 1*1136 1137 1138 1139 *1140 1141 1142 1143 ni44 1145 1146 3 6 3 2 4 3 5 4 1 4 2 5 2 1 5 3 2 6 5 2 6 3 6 6 23 14 2 21 11 28 18 7 25 16 4 23 12 2 19 9 26 17 5 23 14 3 21 10 28 19 7 24 15 March Feb. March March March March Feb. March March Feb. March March March March March March March Feb. March March Feb. March March March March Feb. March March Feb. March (65) (54) (73) (62) (80) (70) (69) (78) (66) (56) (75) (64) (82) (71) (61) (79) (68) (57) (76) (65) (54) (73) (62) (81) (69) (59) (78) (67) (55) (74) • Iloraalamba, Hemalambi. t Vilamba. { Sobhana. 6 Virodhakfit, Virodhyadikrit. H Pramadtcha. II Kaktaksha. ' Akshaya. 13 50 OHKONOLOaiCAL TABLES. Cyclic Year. ■^ ■ *^T^ /^ 1 1 VT*^n T M at Commencement ^oiiiv u rrtjii L Year. Of the Solar Year (1 'amil). ( 3f the Luni-Bolar Year (Telugu). o 1 •3 •c Name. 11 (J p i i 55 Date in the English Calendar. bo V -J Date in the English Calendar. •a 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 Prabhava 4249 1070 323 3 25 March :84) 1147 4 5 March :64) 7 2 Vibhava 4250 1071 324 4 24 March '84) *1148 3 23 March ;83) 3 ^ukla 4251 1072 325 6 24 March ,83) 1149 12 March ;7i) 4 Pramoda * 4252 1073 326 25 March ;84) 1150 4 1 March ;60) 5 5 PrajRpati f 4253 1074 327 1 25 March ;84) 1151 3 20 March 79) 6 Angirasa 4254 1075 328 2 24 March 84) *1152 1 9 March ;69) 7 Srlinukha 4255 1076 329 3 24 March ;83) 1153 5 26 Feb. ;57) 3 8 Bhava 4256 1077 330 5 25 ]\Iarch ;84) 1154 4 17 March 76) 9 Yuva 4267 1078 331 6 26 March ;84) 1155 1 6 March ;66) sw 10 Dhatu X 4258 1079 332 24 March ;84) *1156 6 24 Peb. ;65) 1 11 I 8 vara 4259 1080 333 1 24 March ^83) 1157 4 13 March 72) 12 Bahudhanya , . 4260 1081 334 3 26 March ;84) 1158 2 3 March ;62) 5 13 Pramadi § 4261 1082 335 4 25 March ;84) 1159 1 22 March :8i) 14 Vikrama . . 4262 1083 336 5 24 March ;84) *1160 5 10 March 70) 15 Visbu f 4263 1084 337 6 24 March ;83) 1161 2 27 Feb. ;68) 4 16 ChitrabhSnu . . 4264 1085 338 1 26 March ;84) 1162 1 18 March 77) 17 Svabhanu || . . 4265 1086 339 2 25 March ;84) 1163 6 8 March ;67) 18 Tarana , . 4266 1087 340 3 24 March ;84) *1164 3 26 Feb. ;66) 2 19 Parthiva 4267 1088 341 4 24 March ;83) 1165 2 15 March 74) 20 Yyaya 4268 1089 342 6 26 March 84) 1166 6 4 March ;63) 7 21 Sarvajit 4269 1090 343 26 March ;84) 1167 5 23 March ;82) 22 Sarvadbari 4270 1091 344 1 24 March ;84) *1168 3 12 March 72) 23 Virodhi 4271 1092 345 2 24 March 83) 1169 1 March 60) 6 24 Vikriti ** 4272 1093 346 4 25 March 84) 1170 6 20 March 79) 25 Khara . . 4273 1094 347 5 2 5 March 84) 1171 3 9 March 68) 26 Nandana 4274 1095 348 6 24 March ( '84) ni72 1 27 Feb. '58) 3 27 Vijaya . . 4275 1096 349 24 March 83) 1173 17 March 76) 28 Jaya 4276 1097 360 2 25 March 84) 1174 4 6 March ( 66) 8(a) & 12 29 Manmatha 4277 1099 351 3 26 March ( 84) 1175 3 26 March '84) 30 Durmnkhi 4278 1099 352 4 24 March ( 84) ni76 13 March ( 73) • Pramoduta. t Prajotpatti (f). X Dhfttri?. \ Pramftthin. (») MftrgaiSira (9) is suppressed. H Vj-ishabha ? Bhfisya. II Subhftnu. Vikfita. CHRONOLOGICAL TABLES, 51 Cyclic Year. I -3 ■C Name. Concurrent Year. I 'OQ .SJ .2. = %>^ Commencement Of the Solar Year (Tamil). Of the Luni-8olar Year (Telugu). ■Eg Date in the English Calendar. 1^ '5' Date in the English Calendar. 10 11 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 60 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 Hevilamba * . . 4279 1100 353 6 Vilambi t 4280 1101 354 VikSri 4281 1102 355 1 Sarvari % . 4282 1103 356 2 Plava 4283 1104 357 4 Subhakrit 4284 1105 358 5 Sobhakrit % . . 4285 1106 859 6 Krodlii 4286 1107 360 Vi^vavasu 4287 1108 361 2 Parabhava • • 4288 1109 362 3 Plavaiiga 4289 1110 363 4 Kllaka 4290 nil 364 5 Saumya . . 4291 1112 365 Sadharana 4292 1113 366 1 Yirodhikrit§ .. 4293 1114 367 2 Paridhavi 4294 1115 368 3 Pramadi f • • 4295 1116 369 5 Ananda 4296 1117 370 6 Rakshasa 4297 1118 371 Nala(Anala?). 4298 1119 372 1 Pingala 4299 1120 373 3 Kalayukta 4300 1121 374 4 Siddharthi . . 4301 1122 375 5 Raudra, Eaudri 4302 1123 376 6 Durmati 4303 1124 377 1 Dundubhi 4304 1125 378 2 Rudhirodgari,. 4305 1126 379 3 Raktakshi || . . 4306 1127 380 4 Krodhana 4307 1128 381 6 Kshaya** .. 4308 1129 382 24 March 25 March 25 March 24 March 25 March 25 March 25 March 24 March 25 March 25 March 25 March 24 March 25 March 25 March 25 March 24 March 25 March 25 March 25 March 24 March 25 March 25 March 25 March 24 March 25 March 25 March 25 March 24 March 25 March 25 March (83) 1177 5 (84) 1178 3 (84) 1179 1 (84) *1180 5 (84) 1181 4 (84) 1182 1 (84) 1183 6 (84) *1184 5 (84) 1185 2 (84) 1186 1 (84) 1187 5 (84) *1188 3 (84) 1189 2 (84) 1190 6 (84) 1191 3 (84) *1192 2 (84) 1193 (84) 1194 4 (84) 1195 3 (84) *1196 (84) 1197 6 (84) 1198 3 (84) 1199 1 (84) *1200 (84) 1201 4 (84) 1202 1 (84) 1203 (84) *1204 6 (84) 1205 4 (84) 1206 1 March March March Feb. March March Feb. March March March March March March March Feb. March March Feb. March March March March Feb. March March Feb. March March March March (62) (80) (70) (59) (77) (66) (56) (75) (63) (82) (71) (61) (79) (68) (57) (76) (65) (54) (73) (62) (80) (69) (59) (78) (66) (55) (74) (64) (82) (71) • Heraalamha, Hemalambi. t Vilamba. X Sobhana. § Virodhakrit, Virodhyadikfit. T Pramadicha. U Kakt&ksba. Akshaya. 52 CnEONOLOGIOAL TABLES. Cyclic Year. ,0 Name. Concurrent Year. a M S .S =8 Commencement Of the Solar Year (Tamil). Of the Luni-solar Year (Telugu). g a Date in the English Calendar. Date in the English Calendar, 10 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Prabhava Vibhava Sukla Pramoda * Prajapati f Angirasa Srimukha Bhava Yuva Dhatu t Ifivara Babudhanya Pramadi § Vikraina Vishu % CbitrabbSnu Svabbanu || Tarana Partbiva Yyaya Sarvajit Sarvadbari Virodbi Vikriti •• Kbara Nandana Vijaya Jaya Manmatba Durmukbi 4309 4310 4311 4312 4313 4314 4315 4316 4317 4318 4319 4320 4321 4322 4323 4324 4325 4326 4327 4328 4329 4330 4331 4332 4333 4334 4335 4336 4337 4338 1130 1131 1132 1133 1134 1135 1136 1137 1138 1139 1140 1141 1142 1143 1144 1145 1146 1147 1148 1149 1150 1151 1152 1153 1154 1155 1156 1157 1158 1159 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 1 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 6 1 2 4 5 6 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 5 6 1 3 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 Marcb Marcb Marcb Marcb Marcb Marcb Marcb Marcb Marcb Marcb Marcb Marcb Marcb Marcb Marcb Marcb March Marcb Marcb Marcb Marcb Marcb Marcb Marcb Marcb March Marcb Marcb March Marcb (84) 1207 (85) *1208 (84) 1209 (84) 1210 (84) 1211 (85) *1212 (84) 1213 (84) 1214 (84) 1215 (85) *1216 (84) 1217 (84) 1218 (84) 1219 (85) *1220 (84) 1221 (84) 1222 (84) 1223 (85) *1224 (84) 1225 (84) 1226 (84) 1227 (85) *1228 (84) 1229 (84) 1230 (84) 1231 (85) *1232 (84) 1233 (84) 1234 (84) 1235 (85) *1236 5 4 2 6 5 2 6 3 2 6 4 2 4 3 6 4 1 4 2 1 5 4 1 6 4 2 1 Marcb ( 60) 19 March ( 79) 9 March ( 68) 26 Feb. ■ ( 57) 17 Marcb ( 76) 5 Marcb 1 65) 23 Feb. ( 54) 14 Marcb 73) 3 March 62) 21 Marcb ( 81) 10 Marcb ( 69) 28 Feb. :59) 18 Marcb ( 77) 7 Marcb ;67) 24 Feb. ^55) 15 Marcb 74) 4 March ;63) 22 March [82) 12 March ;7i) 1 March ;60) 20 March ( 79) 8 March (68) 26 Feb. '57) 17 March (76) 6 Marcb ,65) 24 Marcb [84) 13 Marcb (72) 3 Marcb (62) 2 1 March (80) 10 Marcb (70) 8(0) 1 • Pramodota. t Prajotpatti (?). i Dhatri ?. § Pramathin. Vj-ishabha ? BhriSya. Subh&nu. •• Vikrita, (o) Pushya (10) is suppressed. CHRONOLOGICAL TABLES. 53 Cyclic Year. S Name. Concurrent Year. 3 a M 'S.^- •S.S "a -St- Commencement Of the Solar Year (Tamil). Of the Luni-Bolar Year (Telugfu). Date in the English Calendar. Date in the English Calendar. 10 g a II 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 Hevilamba * Vilambi f VikSri Sarvari Plava Subhakrit Sobhakrit J Krodhi ViSvSvasu Parabbava Plavanga Kllaka Saumya Sadbarana Virodhikrit § Paridhavi Pramadi ^ Ananda Eaksbasa Nala (Anala? Piiigala Kalayukta Siddharthi Eaudra, Eaud Diinuati Dundubbi RudbirodgSri Raktaksbi || Krodhana Ksbaya ** 4339 4340 4341 4342 4343 4344 4345 4346 4347 4348 4349 4350 4351 4352 4353 4354 4355 4356 4357 4358 4359 4360 4361 4362 4363 4364 4365 4366 4367 4368 1160 1161 1162 1163 1164 1165 1166 1167 1168 1169 1170 1171 1172 1173 1174 1175 1176 1177 1178 1179 1180 1181 1182 1183 1184 1185 1186 1187 1188 1189 413 414 415. 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 4 5 1 2 3 6 6 1 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 6 1 2 4 5 6 2 3 4 6 25 25 26 25 25 25 26 25 25 25 26 25 25 25 26 25 25 25 26 25 25 25 26 25 25 25 26 25 25 26 March (84) March (84) March (85) March (85) March (84) March (84) March (85) March (85) March (84) March (84) March (85) March (85) March (84) March (84) March (85) March (85) March (84) March (84) March (85) March (85) March (84) March (84) March (85) March (85) March (84) March (84) March (85) March (85) March .(84) March (85) 1237 1238 1239 *1240 1241 1242 1243 *1244 1245 1246 1247 *1248 1249 1250 1251 *1252 1253 1254 1255 1*1256 1257 1258 1259 *1260 1261 1262 1263 *1264 1265 1266 6 5 2 6 3 2 6 4 3 4 3 1 4 1 5 2 1 5 3 1 6 5 2 6 5 3 27 Feb. 18 March 7 March 25 Feb. 15 March 4 March 23 March 11 Marcb 1 March 20 March 9 March 26 Feb. 16 March 6 March 25 March 13 March 2 March 21 Marcb 1 1 March 28 Feb. 18 March 7 March 25 Feb. 14 March 4 March 23 March 12 Marcb 29 Feb. 19 March 9 March (58) (77) (66) (56) (74) (63) (82) (71) (60) (79) (68) (57) (75) (65) (84) (73) (61) (80) (70) (59) (77) (66) (56) (74) (63) (82) (71) (60) (78) (68) * Hemalamba, Hemalambi. X ^obhana. H Pramadlcha. •• Akshaya. t VUamba. } Virodhakrit, Viiodhyftdikrit. II Baktaksha. 14 54 CHRONOLOGICAL TABLES. Cyclic Year. ^ Commencement Concurrent Year. 1 ° a ^^ •< 1 Name. Of the Solar Year (Tamil). Of the Luni-8oIar Yeai • (Telugu). i •■3 ^1 Date in the English Calendar. .2 u ■eg Date in the English Calendar. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 Prabhava 4369 1190 443 26 Marcb ,85) 1267 26 Feb. ;57) 2 2 Vibhava 4370 1191 444 1 25 March ;85) *1268 6 16 March ;76) 3 Sukla 4371 1192 445 2 25 Marcb .84) 1269 3 5 March ^64) 6 4 Pramoda * 4372 1193 446 4 26 March ;85) 1270 2 24 March ;83) 5 Prajapati \ . . 4373 1194 447 5 26 March ( 85) 1271 14 March [73) 6 Angirasa . . 4374 1195 448 6 25 March ;85) *1272 4 2 March 62) 5 7 Srimukha 4375 1196 449 25 March ;84) 1273 3 21 March ( 80) 8 Bhava 4376 1197 450 2 26 March ;85) 1274 10 March ;69) 9 Yuva 4377 1198 451 3 26 March ;85) 1275 5 28 Feb. ( 59) 3 10 Dhatu X 4378 1199 452 4 25 March ;85) *1276 3 17 March 77) 11 Ifivara 4379 1200 453 5 25 March ;84) 1277 1 7 March .66) 12 Bahudhanya . . 4380 1201 454 26 March ;85) 1278 5 24 Feb. ( 55) 1 13 Pramadi § 4381 1202 455 1 26 March 85) 1279 4 15 Ma.rch 74) 14 Vikrama . . 4382 1203 456 2 25 March '85) *1280 1 3 March ( 63) 5 15 Viahu «| 4383 1204 457 3 25 March 84) 1281 22 March ( 81) 16 Chitrabhanu . . 4384 1205 458 6 26 March 85) 1282 5 12 March ( 71) 17 Svabhanu || . . 4385 1206 459 6 26 Mai-eh 85) 1283 2 1 March 60) 4 18 Tarana 4386 1207 460 25 March ( 85) *1284 1 19 March ( .79) 19 Parthiva 4387 1208 461 1 25 March .84) 1285 5 8 March ( 67) 20 Vyaya 4388 1209 462 3 26 March 85) 1286 3 26 Feb. ( 57) 2 21 Sarvajit 4389 1210 463 4 26 March 85) 1287 2 17 March ( 76) 22 Sarvadhari 4390 1211 464 5 25 March 85) *1288 6 5 March ( 65) 6 23 Virodhi 4391 1212 465 6 25 March 84) 1289 5 24 March ( 83) 24 Vikriti ** 4392 1213 466 1 26 March 85) 1290 2 13 March '72) 25 Khara 4393 1214 467 2 26 March 85) 1291 3 March 62) 5 26 Nandana 4394 1215 468 3 25 March 85) *1292 6 21 March '81) 27 Vijaya 4395 1216 469 4 25 March .84) 1293 3 10 March [69) 28 Jaya 4396 1217 470 6 26 March ( 85) 1294 27 Feb. ;58) 3 29 Manmatha . , 4397 1218 471 26 March ( 86) 1295 6 18 March ;77) 30 Dumiuklii 4398 1219 472 1 25 March ( 85) *1296 4 7 March ( 67) 8W * Pramodflta. t Prajotpatti (?). t Dhatri?. i Pramathin. H Vrishabha f BhriSya. 11 Subhanu. Vikrita. (a) Fushja (10) is suppressed. CHRONOLOGICAL TABLES. 55 Cyclic Year. •c 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 60 51 62 53 54 65 56 57 58 69 60 Name. Concurrent Year. M ^S M .9 S > a ^ £ i Commencement Of the Solar Year (Tamil). Of the Limi-solar Year (Telugu). fc. Date in the English Calendar. s =^1 I Hevilamba * . . 4399 1220 473 Vilambit 4400 1221 474 Vikari 4401 1222 475 Sarvari 4402 1223 476 Plava 4403 1224 477 Subhakrit 4404 1225 478 Sobhakrit J . . 4405 1226 479 Krodbi 4406 1227 480 Visvavasu 4407 1228 481 Parabhava 4408 1229 482 Plavanga . . 4409 1230 483 Kilaka 4410 1231 484 Saumya 4411 1232 485 Sadharaiia 4412 1233 486 Virodhikrit § . . 4413 1234 487 ParidbSvi 4414 1235 488 Pramadi % 4416 1236 489 Ananda 4416 1237 490 Rakshasa 4417 1238 491 Nala (Anala ? ). 4418 1239 492 Pingala 4419 1240 493 Kalayukta 4420 1241 494 SiddMrthi 4421 1242 495 Eaudra, Eaudri. 4422 1243 496 Durmati 4423 1244 497 Dundubhi 4424 1245 498 Rudhirodgari .. 4425 1246 499 Eaktakshi || . . 4426 1247 500 Krodhaaa 4427 1248 501 Kshaya ** 4428 1249 502 3 4 6 6 1 2 3 4 6 1 2 4 5 6 2 3 4 6 1 2 3 5 6 2 3 4 26 26 26 25 26 26 26 25 26 26 26 25 26 26 26 25 26 26 26 25 26 26 26 25 26 26 26 26 26 26 March (85) March (85) March (85) March (85) March (85) March (85) March (85) March (85) March (85) March ' (85) March (85) March (85) March (85) March (85) March (85) March (85) March (85) March (85) March (85) March (85) March (85) March (85) March (85) March (85) March (85) March (85) March (85) March (86) March (85) March (85) 1297 1298 1299 1*1300 1301 1302 1303 1*1304 1305 1306 1307 *1308 1309 1310 1311 *1312 1313 1314 1315 *1316 1317 1318 1319 *1320 1321 1322 1323 1*1324 1325 1326 1 4 3 5 4 1 5 4 2 1 5 2 1 6 3 2 6 4 2 6 3 6 4 1 5 Date in the English Calendar. 10 24 Feb. (55) 15 March (74) 4 March (63) 22 March (82) 11 March (70) 1 March (60) 20 March (79) 8 March (68) 25 Feb. (56) 16 March (75) 6 March (65) 24 March (84) 13 March (72) 2 March (61) 21 March (80) 10 March (70) 27 Feb. (58) 18 March (77) 7 March (66) 25 Feb. (56) 14 March (73) 4 March (63) 23 March (82) 11 March (71) 28 Feb. (59) 19 March 78) 9 March (68) 26 Feb. (57) 16 March (75) 6 March (65) 11 8(<») 1 • Hemalamba, Homalamhi, t Vilamba. X Sohhana. § Virodhakrit, Virodhyftdilqrit. (a) Marga^ira (9) is suppressed. Pramadlcha. Raktftksha. Akshaya. 56 CHRONOLOGICAL TABLES. □yolio Year. "3 a Commencement Concurrent Year. Of the Solar Year (T imil). Of the Luni-solar Year (Telugn). i Name. S-rl 1 ^ w i la M OS ■1 §1 Date in the English Calendar. 1^ ■gs fa 3 Date in the English Calendar. •a . S a 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 Prabhava 4429 1250 503 5 26 March '85) 1327 4 25 March (84) 2 Vibhava 4430 1251 504 26 March ;86) *1328 1 13 March (73) 3 Sukla 4431 1252 505 1 26 March 85) 1329 5 2 March (61) 4 4 Pramoda * 4432 1253 506 2 26 March ;85) 1330 4 21 March (80) 5 Prajapati f 4433 1254 607 3 26 March ^85) 1331 2 11 March (70) 6 Angirasa 4434 1255 508 5 26 March ^86) *1332 4 26 Feb. (57) 2 7 Srlmukha 4435 1256 509 6 26 March 85) 1333 5 18 March (77) 8 Bhava 4436 1257 510 26 March '85) 1334 2 7 March ( 66) 8W 9 Yuva 4437 1258 611 1 26 March ' 85) 1335 25 Feb. (56) 1 10 Dhatu } 4438 1259 512 3 26 March ;86) *1336 5 14 March (74) 11 Ifivara 4439 1260 513 4 26 March 85) 1337 3 4 March (63) 6 12 Bahudhanya . . 4440 1261 514 5 26 March 85) 1338 2 23 March (82) 13 PramSdi § 4441 1262 515 6 26 March 85) 1339 6 12 March (71) 14 Vikrama 4442 1263 516 1 26 March ;86) *1340 3 29 Feb. '60) 4 15 Vishu ^ 4443 1264 517 2 26 March ;85) 1341 2 19 March ,78) 16 CMtrabbanu . . 4444 1265 518 3 26 March ( 85) 1342 9 March (68) 17 Svabhanu |1 . . 4445 1266 619 4 26 March ;85) 1343 4 26 Feb. '57) 2 18 TSrana 4446 1267 620 6 26 March 86) »1344 3 16 March (76) 19 Parthiva 4447 1268 521 26 March ;85) 1345 6 March i 64) 7 20 Vyaya 4448 1269 522 1 26 March 85) 1346 6 24 March 83) 21 Sarvajit 4449 1270 523 2 26 March ;86) 1347 4 14 March 73) 22 Sarvadhari 4450 1271 524 4 26 March '86) *1348 1 2 March ( 62) 4 23 Virodhi 4451 1272 625 5 26 March ;85) 1349 21 March ( 80) 24 Vikriti ** 4462 1273 526 6 26 March ^85) 1350 4 10 March ( 69) 25 Kbara 4453 1274 527 26 March '85) 1351 2 28 Feb. ( 69) 3 26 Nandana 4454 1275 528 2 26 March '86) *1352 1 18 March ( 78) 27 Vijaya 4455 1276 529 3 26 March 85) 1353 5 7 March ( 66) 8&12(a) 28 Jaya . . 4456 1277 530 4 26 March ( 85) 1354 4 26 March ( 85) 29 Manmatha 4457 1278 531 6 27 March ;86) 1365 1 15 March ( 74) 30 Durmukhi 4458 1279 532 26 March ( 86) *1356 6 4 March ( 64) 6 • Pramoduta. t Prajotpatti (?). J Dhatri f. § Pramathin. % Vfishabha P Bhfisya. II Subhanu. (o) Mftrgaiira (9) is suppressed. Vikfita. OHEONOLOGICAL TABLES. 57 Cyclic Year. •a Name. Concurrent Year. C9 to a a CD w C8 •03 •a .5 3 Commencement Of the Sokr Year (Tamil). Of tlie Luni-solar Year (Telugu). Date in the English Calendar. to a Date in the English Calendar. 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 64 55 56 57 68 69 60 10 Hevilamba * Vilambi f Vikari Sarvari Plava Subhakrit Sobhakrit J Krodhi Visvavasu Parabbava Plavaiiga Kilaka Saumya Sadharana Virodhikrit § Paridhavi Pramadi ^ Ananda Rakshasa Nala (Anala ?) Pingala Kalayukta SiddbSrthi Eaudra, Raudri Durmati Dundubhi Rudhirodgari Raktakshi || Krodhana Kshaya ** 4459 4460 4461 4462 4463 4464 4465 4466 4467 4468 4469 4470 4471 4472 4473 4474 4475 4476 4477 4478 4479 4480 4481 4482 4483 4484 4485 4486 4487 4488 1280 1281 1282 1283 1284 1285 1286 1287 1288 1289 1290 1291 1292 1293 1294 1295 1296 1297 1298 1299 1300 1301 1302 1303 1304 1305 1306 1307 1308 1309 633 1 534 2 535 4 536 5 537 6 538 539 2 540 3 541 4 542 5 543 544 1 545 2 646 3 647 5 548 6 549 550 l' 561 3 552 4 563 6 564 6 666 1 556 2 567 3 558 6 669 6 660 661 I 562 3 26 26 27 26 26 26 27 26 26 26 27 26 26 26 27 26 26 26 27 26 26 26 27 26 26 27 27 26 26 27 March March March March March March March March March March March March March March March March March March March March March March March March March March March March March March (85) (86) (86) (86) (85) (85) (86) (86) (85) (85) (86) (86) (85) (85) (86) (86) (86) (85) (86) (86) (85) (85) (86) (86) (85) (86) (86) (86) (85) (86) 1357 1358 1359 *1360 1361 1362 1363 *1364 1365 1366 1367 *1368 1369 1370 1371 *1372 1373 1374 1375 *1376 1377 1378 1379 *1380 1381 1382 1383 *1384 1385 1386 4 2 6 5 2 6 3 2 6 4 3 4 3 1 6 4 1 4 2 1 6 2 1 6 4 2 6 22 12 1 19 8 26 17 6 24 13 3 21 10 27 18 7 26 16 4 22 11 1 20 8 26 16 6 23 13 2 March (81) March (71) March (60) March (79) March (67) Feb. (57) March ;76) March [65) March (83) March (72) March (62) March (81) March .69) Feb. (58) March (77) March (67) March 84) March ( 74) March 63) March 82) March ( 70) March ( 60) March ( 79) March '68) Feb. 56) March ( 75) March ( 65) March ( 83) March (72) March ( 61) u * Homalamba, HemalamDi. + Vilamba. X Sobhana. ] Virodhakpt, Virodhyftdikrit. H Pramadlcha. il Raktaksha. •• AkshayA. 15 58 CHRONOLOGICAL TABLES. Cyclic Year. Concurrent Year. 1 Commencement .5 i Date in the English Calendar. 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Prabhava Vibhava Sukla Pramoda * Prajapati f Angirasa Srimukha Bhava Yuva Dhatu I ISvara Bahudbanya , , Pramadi § Vikrama Vishu t Chitrabhanu . . Svabhanu || . . Tarana Parthiva Vyaya , . Sarvajit . , Sarvadhari Virodhi Vikriti ** Kbara Nandana Vijaya Jaya Manmatha Durmukhi 4549 4550 4651 4552 4553 4554 4555 4556 4557 4558 4559 4560 4561 4562 4563 4564 4665 4566 4567 4568 4569 4570 4571 4672 4573 4574 4575 4676 4577 4578 1370 1371 1372 1373 1374 1375 1376 1377 1378 1379 1380 1381 1382 1383 1384 1385 1386 1387 1388 1389 1390 1391 1392 1393 1394 1395 1396 1397 1398 1399 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 636 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 660 651 652 2 4 5 6 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 5 6 1 3 4 5 1 2 3 5 6 1 3 4 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 28 27 27 27 28 27 27 27 28 27 March (86) March (87) March (86) March (86) March (86) March (87) March (86) March (86) March (86) March (87) March (86) March :86) March :86) March ;87) March ;86) March ;86) March ;86) March '87) March ( 86) March ( 86) March 87) March ( 87) March i 86) March ( 86) March ( 87) March ( 87) March ( 86) March ( 86) March ( 87) March ( 87) 1447 *1448 1449 1450 1451 *1452 1453 1454 1455 *1456 1457 1458 1459 *1460 1461 1462 1463 *1464 1465 1466 1467 *1468 1469 14,70 1471 1472 1473 1474 1475 1476 4 3 5 4 1 5 4 2 5 2 1 5 3 2 6 3 2 6 3 6 4 1 4 2 18 6 25 14 4 22 11 28 19 8 26 16 5 23 12 2 21 9 26 17 7 25 14 3 22 11 28 19 8 26 March March March March March March March Feb. March March March March March March March March March March Feb. March March March March March March March Feb. March March Feb. (77) (66) (84) (73) (63) (82) (70) (59) (78) (68) (85) (75) (64) (83) (71) (61) (80) (69) (57) (76) (66) (85) (73) (62) (81) (71) (69) (78) (67) (57) • Pramodtita. t Prajotpatti (P). t Dhfttri f . § Pramathin. ^ Vrishabha f Bhfi6ya. II Subhanu. Vikfita. (o)Pnehy8 (10) is suppreiwfta. CHnONOLOGICAL TABLES. 61 Cyclic Year. "3 Commencement Concurrent Year. c g H >•< 1 Name. Of the Solar Year (Tamil). Of the Luni-solar Year (Telugu). "O . s 3 1 i a .1 Date in the English Calendar. ^1 (u a Date in the English Calendar. S.0 it 1 2 3 4 6 6 7 8 9 10 11 31 Hevilamba * . . 4579 1400 653 5 27 Marcb (86) 1477 1 16 March (75) 32 Vilambi t 4580 1401 654 6 27 Marcb (86) 1478 5 5 March (64) 5 33 Vikari 4581 1402 655 1 28 March (87) 1479 4 24 March (83) 34 Sarvari 4582 1403 656 2 27 Marcb (87) *1480 1 12 March (72) 33 Plava 4583 1404 657 3 27 March (86) 1481 6 2 March (61) 4 36 Subhakrit 4584 1405 658 4 27 Marcb (86) 1482 4 20 Msrcb (79) 37 Sobhakrit J . . 4585 1406 659 6 28 March (87) 1483 2 10 March (69) 38 Krodhi 4586 1407 660 27 March (87) *1484 6 27 Feb. (58) 2 39 ViSvavasu 4587 1408 661 1 27 March (86) 1485 5 17 March (76) 1 1 40 Parabhava 4588 1409 662 2 27 March (86) 1486 2 6 March (65) 6 41 Plavariga 4589 1410 663 4 28 March (87) 1487 1 25 March (84) 42 Kilaka 4590 1411 664 5 27 March (87) *1488 5 13 March (73) 43 Saumya 4591 1412 665 6 27 Marcb (86) 1489 3 3 March (62) 4 44 Sadbarana 4592 1413 666 27 March (86) 1490 2 22 Marcb (81) 45 Virodhikrit § . . 4593 1414 667 2 28 Marcb (87) 1491 6 1 1 March (70) 46 Paridhavi . 4594 1415 668 3 27 Marcb (87) »1492 4 29 Feb. (60) 3 47 Pramadi ^ 4595 1416 669 4 27 March (36) 1493 3 19 Marcb (78) 48 Ananda 4596 1417 670 5 27 March (86) 1494 8 Marcb (67) 8 49 Eakshasa 4597 1418 671 28 Marcb (87) 1495 6 27 March (86) 60 Nala (Anala ?). 4598 1419 672 1 27 March (87) *1496 3 15 March (75) 51 Pifigala 4599 1420 673 2 27 March (86) 1497 1 5 March (64) 5 52 Kalayukta 4600 1421 674 4 28 March (87) 1498 6 23 March (82) 53 Siddbarthi . . 4601 1422 675 5 28 March (87) 1499 4 13 March (72) 54 Eaudra, Raudri 4602 1423 676 6 27 March (87) *1500 1 1 March (61) 4 55 Durmati 4603 1424 677 27 Marcb (86) 1501 20 March (79) 56 Dundubbi 4604 1425 678 2 28 Marcb (87) 1502 4 9 Marcb (68) 57 RudbirodgSri , . 4605 1426 679 3 28 March (87) 1503 2 27 Feb. (58) 1 58 Raktakshi 1| . . 4606 1427 680 4 27 March (87) *1504 1 17 March (77) 59 Krodhana 4607 1428 681 5 27 March (86) 1505 5 6 March (65) 6 60 Ksbaya ** . . 4608 1429 682 28 Marcb (87) 1506 4 25 March (84) * Hemalamba, Hcmalambi. t Vilamba. t Sobhana. IT Pramadlcha. } Virodhakrit, Virodhyadikpt. J Eaktftksha. •• Akshiya. 16 62 CHRONOLOGICAL TABLES. Cyclic Year. Concurrent Year. ^ M Commencement 1 3 'A Name. .a CM Sl3 Of the Solar Year (Tamil). Of the Luni-solar Year (Telugu). Ti i 3 oi s a Date in the ilnglish Calendar. 1^ -1 Date in the English Calendar, |5 I 2 3 4 5 ' 7 8 9 10 11 1 Prabhava 4609 1430 683 1 28 March (87) 1507 1 14 March (73) . 2 Vibhava 4610 1431 684 2 27 March (87) *1508 6 3 March (63) 4 3 Sukla 4611 1432 685 3 27 March (86) 1509 5 22 March (81) 4 Pramoda * 4612 1433 686 5 28 March (87) 1510 2 11 March (70) 5 Prajapati f 4613 1434 687 6 28 March (87) 1511 6 28 Feb. (5il) 2 6 Angirasa 4614 1435 688 27 March (87) *1512 5 18 March (78) 7 Srimukba 4615 1436 689 1 27 March (86) 1513 3 8 March (67) 7 8 Bhava 4616 1437 690 3 28 March (87) 1514 2 27 March (86) 9 Yuva 4617 1438 691 4 28 March (87) 1515 6 16 March (76) 10 Dhatu X 4618 1439 692 5 27 March (87) n516 3 4 March (64) 5 11 I 6 vara 4619 1440 693 6 27 March (86) 1517 2 23 March (82) 12 Bahudhanya . . 4620 1441 694 1 28 March (87) 1518 13 March (72) 13 Pramadi § 4621 1442 695 2 28 March (87) 1519 4 2 March (61) 3 14 Vikrama 4622 1443 696 3 27 March (87) *1520 3 20 March (80) 15 Vishu % 4623 1444 697 4 27 M«i-ch (86) 1521 9 March (68) 16 Chitrabhanu . . 4624 1445 698 6 28 March (87) 1522 5 27 Peb. (58) 1 17 Svabhanu || . . 4625 1446 699 28 March (87) 1623 3 17 March (76) 18 Tarana 4626 1447 700 1 27 March (87) *1524 1 6 March (66) 5 19 Parthiva 4627 1448 701 3 28 March (87) 1525 25 March (84) 20 Vyaya 4628 1449 702 4 28 March (87) 1526 4 14 March (73) 21 Sarvftjit 4629 1450 703 5 28 March (87) 1527 1 3 March (62) 4 22 Sarvadbari 4630 1451 704 6 27 March (87) *1528 21 March (81) 23 Virodbi 4631 1452 705 1 28 March (87) 1529 5 11 March (70) 24 Vikriti •• . , 4632 1453 706 2 28 March (87) 1530 2 28 Feb. (59) 2 25 Kbara 4633 1454 707 3 28 March (87) 1531 1 19 March ^78) 26 Nandana 4634 1455 708 4 27 March (87) *1532 5 7 March (67) 6 27 Vijaya 4635 1456 709 6 28 March (87) 1533 4 26 March (85) 28 J ay a 4636 1457 710 28 March (87) 1534 2 16 March (75) 29 Manmatba 4637 1458 711 1 28 March (87) 1535 6 6 March (64) 5 30 Durmukbi 4638 1459 712 2 27 March (87) *1536 5 23 March (83) • Pramodftta. t I'rajotpatti (?). § Dhatri : rnimitl lin. H Vrishabha ? Bh II f>ulil»anu. ri^ya. •• Vikrita. CHRONOLOGICAL TABIJIS. 63 Cyclic Year. 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 Name. Concurrent Year. bo 3 W a "J 6-5 O 83 ■<5 Commencement Of the Solar Year (Tamil). Of the Luni-Bolar Year (Telugu). •S-3 CD 5 Date in the English Calendar. 1^^ Hevilamba * . . Vilambi \ Vikari Sarvari . . Plava Subhakrit Sobhakiit J . . Krodhi Visvavasu Parabhava Plavanga Kilaka Saumya Sadharana Virodliikrit § . . Paridhavi Pramadi ^ Ananda Eakshasa Nala (Anala?). Pifigala Kalayukta Siddharthi Eaudra, Eaudri. Durtnati Dundubhi . . Eudhirodgari . . Eaktakshi {{ Krodhana Kshaya ** 4639 1460 713 4 4640 1461 714 5 4641 1462 715 6 4642 1463 716 4643 1464 717 2 4644 1465 718 3 4645 1466 719 4 4646 1467 720 5 4647 1468 721 4648 1469 722 1 4649 1470 723 2 4650 1471 724 3 4651 1472 725 5 4652 1473 726 6 4653 1474 727 4654 1475 728 1 4655 1476 729 3 4656 1477 730 4 4657 1478 731 5 4658 1479 732 4659 1480 733 1 4660 1481 734 2 4661 1482 735 3 4662 1483 736 5 4663 1484 737 6 4664 1485 738 4665 1486 739 1 4666 1487 740 3 4667 1488 741 4 4668 1489 742 5 28 March 28 March 28 March 27 March 28 March 28 March 28 March 27 March 28 March 28 March 28 March 27 March 28 March 28 March 28 March 27 March 28 March 28 March 28 March 28 March 28 March 28 March 28 March 28 March 28 March 28 March 28 March 28 March 28 March 28 March (87) (87) (87) (87) (87) (87) (87) (87) (87) (87) (87) (87) (87) (87) (87) (87) (87) (87) (87) (88) (87) (87) (87) (88) (87) (87) (87) (88) (87) (87 1537 1538 1539 *1540 1541 1542 1543 *1544 1545 1546 1547 *1548 1549 1550 1551 *1552 1553 1554 1555 1556 1557 1558 1559 1560 1561 1562 1563 *1564 1565 1566 2 5 3 6 3 2 4 3 5 4 1 4 2 1 5 2 1 6 3 2 6 5 2 6 Pate in the English Calendar. 10 12 March 2 March 20 Mai'ch 9 March 26 Feb. 17 March 6 March 24 March 14 March 3 March 22 March 10 March 28 Feb. 19 March 8 March 26 March 15 March 5 March 24 March 12 March 1 March 20 March 10 March 27 Feb. 17 March 6 Marci 25 March 13 March 3 March 22 March (71) (61) (79) (69) (57) (76) (65) (84) (75) (62) (81) (70) (59) (78) (67) (86) (74) (64) (83) (72) (60) (79) 169) (58) (76) (65) (84) (73) (62) (81) o C 11 8 (a) 1 * Hemalamba, Hemalambi, t Vilamba. J Sobhana. ^ Pramadlcha. 5 Virodhakfit. Virodhyadikrit. || Raktaksha. («) Pushya (10) is suppressed. > Akahaj-a, 64 CHKONOLOQICAL TABLES. Cyclic Year. Concurrent Year. Commencement eg C as Of the Solar Year (Tamil). 3f the Luni-solar Year Jelugu). I CO Name. i >*• 1 >0Q iJ oj a Date in the English Calendar. ■Z = Date in the English Calendar. 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 n 1 Prabhava 4669 1490 743 6 28 March ;87) 1567 3 1 1 March [70) 2 Vibhava 4670 1491 744 1 28 March ;88) *1568 28 Feb. ( 59) 2 3 Sukla 4671 1492 745 2 28 March ;87) 1569 6 18 March ;77) 4 Pramoda * 4672 1493 746 3 28 March .87) 1570 4 8 March ;67) 6 5 Prajapati | 4673 1494 747 4 28 March :87) 1571 3 27 March ;86) 6 Angirasa 4674 1495 748 6 28 March ( 88) *1672 15 March 75) 7 SrTinukha 4675 1496 749 28 March 87) 1573 4 4 March 63) 4 8 Bhava 4676 1497 750 1 28 March 87) 1574 3 23 March 82) 9 Yuva 4677 1498 751 2 28 March 87) 1575 1 ISJIarch 72) 10 Dhatu X 4678 1499 752 4 28 March '88) n576 5 1 March 61) 3 iT I 6 vara 4679 1500 753 5 28 March 87) 1577 4 20 March 79) 12 Bahudlianj'a . . 4680 1501 754 6 28 March 87) 1578 1 9 March 68) 8(«) 13 Pramadi § 4681 1502 755 28 March 87) 1579 6 27 Feb. ( 58) 1 14 Vikrama 4682 1503 756 2 28 March ( 88) ^•1580 4 10 March 76) 15 Vishu f 4683 1504 757 3 28 March ( 87) 1581 2 6 March ( 65) 6 16 Chitrabhanu . . 4684 1505 758 4 28 March ( 87) '1582 1 25 March 84) 17 Svabhanu i| . . 4685 1506 759 6 29 March ( 88) 1583 5 14 March 73) 18 Tarana 4686 1507 760 28 March ( 88) *1584 2 2 March 62) 4 19 Parthiva 4687 1508 761 1 28 March ( 87) 1685 1 21 March ( 80) 20 Tyaya 4688 1509 762 2 28 March ( 87) 1586 6 1 1 March 70) 1 21 Sarvajit 4689 1510 763 4 29 March ( 88) 1587 3 ?8 Feb. 59) 2 22 SarvadhSri 4690 1511 764 5 28 March { 88) "1588 2 16 March 78) 23 Virodhi 4691 1512 765 6 28 March ( 87) 1589 6 7 March ( 66) 6 24 Vikriti ** 4692 1513 766 28 March ( 87) 1590 5 26 March 85) 25 Khara 4693 1514 767 2 29 March ( 88) 1591 3 16 March ( 75) 26 Nandana . . 4694 1515 768 3 28 March 88) *1592 4 March '64) 4 27 Vijaya 4695 1516 769 4 28 March 87) 1693 6 23 March ;82) 28 Jaya 4696 1517 770 5 28 March ;87) 1594 3 12 March 71) 29 Manmatha 4697 1518 771 29 March '88) 1595 1 2 March ;6i) 3 30 Dunnukhi 4698 1519 772 1 28 March 88) *1596 20 March ;80) • Pramoduta. t Dhfttri ?. 11 Trishabha ? Bhrisya. •* Vikjrita. + Prajotpatti (?). 5 Pramftthin. || Suhhanu. • ' Note thiit in the Roman Catholic countries of Europe the New Style was introduced from October .5th, 1.582, whereas it WB s not introduced into England till 3rd September 1752. All the dates in these tables are given according to P^nglish compu- tation, and therefore it must be remembered that from October ,5th, 1582 to September 3rd, 1752 all computations made by these tables may need to be altered by II days to correspond with compotations made by authors of Roman Catholic countries. jL>.U88ia and Greece still retain the Old Style. («) Pushya (10) is suppressed. CnRONOLOGICAL TABLES. 65 Cyclic Year. Concurrent Year. "3 Ui Commencement ing in th ka Year. Of the Solar Year (T amil). Of the Luni-solar Year (Telugu). a 1 eg Name. 3 1 .<3 ■si Pate in the English Calendar. ^1 CD a ^1 Date in the English Calendar. t3 . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 31 Hovilamba * . . 4699 1520 773 2 28 Marcb ( 87) 1597 4 9 March (68) C8(a) l& 12 32 Yilambi f 4700 1521 774 3 28 Marcb ( 87) 1598 3 28 March (87) 33 Vikari 4701 1522 775 5 29 Marcb ( 88) 1599 17 Marcb (76) 34 Sarvari 4702 1523 776 6 28 Marcb 88) »1600 5 6 March (66) 5 35 Plava 4703 1524 777 28 Marcb { 87) 1601 3 24 Marcb (83) 36 Subhakrit 4704 1525 778 1 28 Marcb 87) 1602 1 14 March (73) 37 Sobhakrit J . . 4705 1526 779 3 29 Marcb [88) 1603 5 3 Marcb (62) 4 38 Krodbi 4706 1527 780 4 28 Marcb ;88) *1604 4 21 March (81) 39 Visvavasu 4707 1528 781 5 28 Marcb :87) 1605 1 10 March (69) 40 Parabhava 4708 1529 782 6 28 Marcb ;87) 1606 6 28 Feb. (59) 2 41 Plavanga 4709 1530 783 1 29 Marcb ^88) 1607 5 19 Marcb (78) 42 Kllaka 4710 1531 784 2 28 Marcb ;88) *1608 2 7 March (67) 7 43 Saumya 4711 1532 785 3 28 Marcb ;87) 1609 1 26 March (85) 44 S'ldharana 4712 1533 786 4 28 Marcb '87) 1610 5 15 March (74) 45 Virodlukrit § . . 4713 1534 787 6 29 Marcb ;88) 1611 3 5 March (64) 4 46 Paridbavi 4714 1535 788 28 Marcb ;88) *1612 2 23 Marcb (83) 47 Pramadi f 4715 1536 789 1 28 Marcb ;87) 1613 6 12 March (71) 48 Ananda 4716 1537 790 3 29 March ;88) 1614 3 1 March (60) 3 49 Raksbasa 4717 1538 791 4 29 March [88) 1615 2 20 March (79) 50 Nala (Anala ? ). 4718 1539 792 5 28 Marcb 88) *1616 9 March (69) 7 51 Pingala 4719 1540 793 6 28 Marcb [87) 1617 5 27 March (86) 52 Kalayukta 4720 1541 794 1 29 Marcb ;88) 1618 3 17 Marcb (76) 53 Siddbarthi . . 4721 1542 795 2 29 March ;88) 1619 6 Marcb (65) 5 54 Eaudra, Eaudri. 4722 1543 796 3 28 Marcb ;88) *1620 6 24 March (84) 55 Durmati . . 4723 1544 797 4 28 Marcb ;87) 1621 3 13 Marcb (72) 56 Dundubbi 4724 1545 798 6 29 Marcb ;88) 1622 1 3 March (62) 3 57 Eudbirodgari . , 4725 1546 799 29 Marcb [88) 1623 22 March (81) 58 Eaktaksbi || . . 4726 1547 800 1 28 Marcb [88) *1624 4 10 March (70) 59 Krodbana 4727 1548 801 2 28 March [87) 1625 1 27 Feb. (58) 2 60 Ksbaya ** 4728 1549 802 4 29 Marcb [88) 1626 18 March (77) • Hemalamba, Hemalambi. •f Vilamba. X Sobhana. f Pramadicha. § Virodhakfit, Virodhyadikfit. H Eaktaksha. (a) Mftrgasira (9) is suppressed. Akshaya. 17 66 CHRONOLOGICAL TABLES. Cyclic Year. "3 Commencement Concurrent Year. Of the Solar Year (Tamil). Of the Luni-solar Yeai (Telugu). 1 1— J Name. i 3 ■•3 i cd ■4 Date in the English Calendar. 1^ Date in the English Calendar. 1 2 3 4 6 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 Prabhava 4729 1550 803 5 29 Marcb (88) 1627 5 8 March (67) 6 2 Vibhava 4730 1551 804 6 28 Alarcb (88) *1628 4 26 Marcb (86) 3 Sukla 4731 1552 805 28 March (87) 1629 1 15 March (74) 4 Pramoda * 4732 1553 806 2 29 March (88) 1630 5 4 March (63) 4 5 Prajapati f 4733 1554 807 3 29 Marcb (88) 1631 4 23 March (82) 6 Angirasa 4734 1555 808 4 28 Marcb (88) *1632 2 12 Marcb (72) 7 Srlmukha 4735 1556 809 5 28 March (87) 1633 6 1 March (60) 3 8 Bhava 4736 1557 810 29 March (8S) 1634 5 20 Marcb (79) 9 Yuva 4737 1558 811 1 29 March (88) 1635 2 9 March (68) *» 1 10 Dhatu I 4738 1559 812 2 28 March (88) *1636 1 27 March (87) 11 Isvara 4739 1560 813 3 28 Marcb (87) 1637 6 17 March (76) 12 Bahudbanya . . 4740 1561 814 5 29 Marcb (88) 1638 3 6 March (65) 5 13 Pramadi § 4741 1562 815 6 29 Marcb (88) 1639 2 25 March (84) 14 Vikrama 4742 1603 816 28 March (88) *1640 6 13 March (73) 15 Yisbu ^ 4743 1564 817 2' 29 March (88) 1641 4 3 March (62) 3 16 Cbitrabhanu . . 4744 1565 818 3 29 March (88) 1642 2 21 March (80) 17 Svabhanu || , . 4745 1566 819 4 29 March (88) 1643 11 Marcb (70) 18 Tarana 4746 1567 820 5 28 Marcb (88) *1644 4 28 Feb. (59) 2 19 Parthiva 4747 1568 821 29 Marcb (88) 1645 3 18 March (77) 20 Vyaya 4748 1569 822 1 29 Marcb (88) 1646 7 Marcb (66) 6 21 Sarvajit 4749 1570 823 2 29 March (88) 1647 6 26 Marcb (85) 22 Sarvadhari 4750 1571 824 3 28 March (88) *1648 4 15 March (75) 23 Yirodbi 4751 1572 8'25 6 29 March (88) 1649 1 4 March (63) 4 24 Vikriti ** 4762 1573 826 6 29 March (88) 1650 23 Marcb (82) 25 Khara 4753 1674 827 29 Marcb (88) 1651 4 12 March (71) 26 Nandana 4754 1575 828 1 28 Marcb (88) *1662 2 1 March (61) 3 27 Yijaya 4755 1576 829 3 29 March (88) 1653 1 20 Marcb (79) 28 Jaya 4756 1577 830 4 29 Marcb (88) 1654 5 9 March (68) 7 29 Manmatha 4757 1578 831 5 29 Marcb (88) 1655 4 28 March (87) 30 Diinnukhi 4758 1579 832 6 28 March (88) *1656 1 16 March (76) * Pramodota. t I'rajotpatti (?). ■f § Dhatn rramfttl T Vrishahha 't Bh II Sul>biina. risj •a. •• Vikj ita. CHRONOLOGICAL TABLES. Q>7 Cyclic Year. "3 ■3. c Conunencoiflent Concurrent 1 Name. Year. a g ■u It Of the Solar Year (1 a mil). Of the Luni -solar Year (Telugu). ! S 3 i S3 S Date in the English Calendar. 1.- •3 S ■c's Date in the English Calendar. |1 1^ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 31 Hevilamba * . . 4759 1580 833 1 29 March ;88) 1657 6 6 March :65) 5 32 Vilambi f 4760 1581 834 2 29 March 88) 1658 4 24 March ( 83) 33 Vikari 4761 1582 835 3 29 March 88) 1659 2 14 March (73) 34 Sarvari 4762 1583 836 4 28 March 88) *1660 6 2 March (62) 3 3o Plava 47G3 1584 837 6 29 March 88) 1661 5 21 March (80) 36 Subhakrit 4764 1585 838 29 March ( 88) 1662 2 10 March (69) 37 Sobhakrit X ■ ■ 4765 1586 839 1 29 March 88) 1663 28 Feb. (59) 1 38 Krodhi 4766 1587 840 2 28 March 88) *1664 6 18 March ['\ 39 ViSvavasu 4767 1588 841 4 29 March ( 88) 1665 3 7 March (66) 5 40 Parabbava 4768 1589 842 5 29 March ( 88) 1666 2 26 March (85) 41 Plavanga 4769 1590 843 6 29 March ( 88) 1667 6 15 March (74) 42 Kilaka 4770 1591 844 1 29 March ( 89) *1668 4 4 March (64) 4 43 Saumya 4771 1592 845 2 29 Mar.;h ( 88) 1669 3 23 March (82) 44 Sadbarana 4772 1593 846 3 29 March ( 88) 1670 12 March .71) 45 Virodhikrit§ .. 4773 1594 847 4 29 March ( 88) 1671 4 1 March (60) 2 46 Paridbavi 4774 1595 848 6 29 March ( 89) *1672 3 19 March J9) 47 Pramadi ^ 4775 1596 849 29 March ( 88) 1673 1 9 March 68} 7 48 Ananda 4776 1597 850 1 29 March ( 88) 1674 28 March ( .87) 49 Eaksbasa 4777 1598 851 2 29 March { 88) 1675 4 17 March ( 76) 50 Nala(Aiiala?). 4778 1599 852 4 29 March ( 89) *1676 1 5 March (65) 4 51 Pihgala 4779 1600 853 5 29 March ( 88) 1677 24 March ;83) 62 Kalayukta 4780 1601 854 6 29 March ( 88) 1678 5 14 March ( 73) 53 SiddbSrthi 4781 1602 855 29 March ( 88) 1679 2 3 March ( 62) 3 54 Raiidra, Eaudri. 4782 1603 856 2 29 March { 89) *1680 1 21 March ( ■81) 55 56 57 Durmati Dundubbi Rudhirodgclri . . 4783 4784 4785 1604 1605 1606 857 858 859 3 4 6 29 March ( 29 March 29 March 88) '88) ;88) 1681 1682 1683 2 3 1 10 March ( 69) 8(a) 1 28 Feb. '59) 18 March ( 77) 58 Eaktakshi || . . 4786 1607 860 29 March ;89) *1684 6 7 March ( 67) 5 59 Krodbana 4787 1608 861 1 29 March 88) 1685 5 26 March ( 85) 60 Kshaya ** 4788 1609 862 2 29 March .88) 1686 2 15 March :74) * Hcmaiamba, Hemalambi. t Vil:tmba. t Sohhana. H Praniadlcha. § Virodhakrit, Virodhyftdikrit. || Raktak.sba. («) Margasira (9) is suppressed. Akshaya, OS CHEONOLOGICAL TABLES. Cyclic Year. - *« Commencement Concurrent Year. .9 " I'M 11 ^ be 1 Name. Of the Solar Year (Tamil). Of the Luni-solar Year (Telugu). 3 i >0Q ^^1 u a (XI ^ Date in the English Calendar. J3 fa = Date in the English Calendar. H 1 2 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 10 j 11 1 Prabhava 4789 1610 863 3 29 March (88) 1687 6 4 March (63) 4 2 Vibhava 4790 1611 864 5 29 March (89) *1688 5 22 March (82) 3 Sukla 4791 1612 805 6 29 March (88) 1689 3 12 March (71) 4 Pramoda * 4792 1613 866 29 March (88) 1690 1 March .(60) 2 5 Prajfipati f . . 4793 1614 867 1 29 March (88) 1691 6 20 March (79) 6 Angirasa 4794 1615* 868 3 29 March (89) *1692 3 8 March (68) 6 7 Srimukha 4795 1616 869 4 29 March (88) 1693 2 27 March (86) 8 Bhava 4796 1617 870 5 29 March (88) 1694 17 March (76) 9 Yuva 4797 161S 871 6 29 March (88) 1695 4 6 March (65) 5 10 Dhatu + 4798 1619 872 1 29 March (89) *1696 3 24 March (84) 11 Isvara 4799 1620 873 2 29 March (88) 1697 13 March (72) 12 Bahudhanya . . 4800 1621 874 3 29 March (88) 1698 5 3 March (62) 3 13 Pram^ldi § 4801 1622 875 5 30 March (89) 1699 4 22Ma.rch (81) 14 Vikrama 4802 1623 876 6 29 March (89) *1700 1 10 March (70) 1&12 1 15 Vishu «1 4803 1624 877 29 March (88) 1701 29 March (88) 16 Chitrabhanu . . 4804 1625 878 1 29 March (88) 1702 4 18 March (77) 17 Svabhanu |1 . . 4805 1626 879 3 30 March (89) 1703 2 8 March (67) 5 18 Tararia 4806 1627 880 4 29 March (89) *1704 25 March (85) 19 Parthiva 4807 1628 88J 5 29 March (88) 1705 5 15 March (74) 20 Vyaya ° . . 4808 1629 882 6 29 March (88) 1706 2 4 March (63) 4 21 Sarvajit 4809 1630 883 1 30 March (89) 1707 1 23 March (82) 22 Sarvadhari 4810 1631 884 2 29 March (89) '^•1708 5 11 March (71) 23 Virodhi 4811 1632 885 3 29 March (88) 1709 3 1 March (60) 2 24 Vikriti ** 4812 1633 886 4 29 March (88) 1710 2 20 March (79) 25 Khara 4813 1634 887 6 30 March (89) 1711 6 9 March (68) 6 26 Nandaaa 4814 1635 888 29 March (89) n712 5 27 March (87) 27 Vijaya 4815 1636 889 1 29 March (88) 1713 2 16 March (75) 28 Jaya 4816 1637 890 2 29 March (88) 1714 6 March (65) 5 29 Manmatha , .. 4817 1638 891 4 30 March (89) 1715 6 25 March (84) 30 Durmukhi 4818 1639 892 5 29 March (89) n716 3 13 March (73) • I'ramoiitiia. + Trajotpatti (?). + 4 Dhfttri ? Pramat lin. H Vrishabha ? Bh II Siibhanu. risya. •• Vikfita. (a) M«rgaSira (9) is suppressed. CHRONOLOGICAL TABLES. G9 Cyclic Year. •c 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 62 53 54 55 56 57 58 69 60 Name. Concurrent Year. 00 3 w Hevilamba * Vilauibi f Vikari Sarvari Plava Subhakrit Sobhakrit f Krodhi ViSvavasu ParSbhava Plavaiiga Kllaka Saumya Sadharana Virodhikrit § ParidhSvi Pramadi ^ Ananda Rakshasa Nala (Anala ?) Pin gala Kalajrukta Siddharthi Eaudra, Eaudri, Durmati Dundubhi RudhirodgSri Eaktakshi {{ Krodhana Kshaya ** 4819 4820 4821 4822 4823 4824 4825 4826 4827 4828 4829 4830 4831 4832 4833 4834 4835 4836 4837 4838 4839 4840 4841 4842 4843 4844 4845 4846 4847 4848 •CO 1640 1641 1642 1643 1644 1645 1646 1647 1648 1649 1650 1651 1652 1653 1654 1655 1656 1657 1658 1659 1660 1661 1662 1663 1664 1665 1666 1667 1668 1669 W Commencement Of the Solar Year (Tamil). Of the Liini-solar Year (Telugu). S B "A Date in the English Calendar. 893 6 894 895 2 896 3 897 4 898 6 899 900 1 901 2 902 4 903 5 904 6 905 906 2 907 3 908 4 909 5 910 911 1 912 2 913 3 914 5 915 6 916 917 1 918 3 919 4 920 5 921 6 922 \ 29 29 30 29 29 29 30 29 29 30 30 29 29 30 30 29 29 30 30 29 29 30 30 29 29 30 30 29 29 30 March (88) March '88) March (89) March (89) March (88) March (88) March (89) March (89) March (88) March (89) March (89) March (89) March ;88) March '89) March 89) March i 89) March 88) March '89) March 89) March 89) March (88) March ( 89) March i 89) March ( 89) March i 88) March { 89) March ( 89) March ( 89) March 88) March ;89) ^1 1717 1718 1719 *1720 1721 1722 1723 *1724 1726 1726 1727 *1728 1729 1730 1731 *1732 1733 1734 1735 *1736 1737 1738 1739 *1740 1741 1742 1743 1744 1745 1746 6 4 2 4 3 5 4 1 5 4 2 1 5 2 1 6 3 2 6 5 3 6 3 1 6 4 Date in the English Calendar. 10 "3 . S a p. o U 2 21 11 28 18 7 26 14 4 23 12 29 19 9 28 16 5 24 14 2 21 10 29 18 7 26 15 4 22 12 March (61) Man^h (80) March (70) March (88) March (77) March (66) March ;85) March .74) March (63) March (82) March (71) Feb. (60) March ( 78) March 68) March ( '87) March .76) March i 64) March i 83) March i 73) March i 62) March 1 80) March i 69) '> March ( 88) March i 78) March ( 66) March i 86) March \ 74) March ( 64) March i '81) March i .71) ■(«)&12 7{«)&12 * Hemalamba, Hemalambi. t Vilamba. X Sobhana. H Pramftdlcha. } Virodhakrit, Virodhyidikrit. I Raktaksha. («) Pushya (10) is suppressed. ' Akshaya. 18 70 CHRONOLOGICAL TABLES. Cyclic Year. 1 "3 Name. Concurrent Year. 3 a to a' ■< Commencement Of the Solar Year (TamiJ). Of the Luni-solar Year (Telugu). s a Date in the English Calendar. .a . .2 i- 60 S C a Date in the English Calendar. 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 80 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Prabhava Vibhava Sukla Pramoda * Prajapati f Angira.sa Sriiuukha Bhava Yuva Dhatu X Isvara BabudhSnya Pramadi § Yikrama Visbu ^ Cbitrabhanu Svabhanu |i Taranft Partbivft Vyaya Sarvajit Sarvadhari Virodhi Vikriti ** Kbara Nandanft Vijaya Jaya Manmathft Durmukbi 4849 1670 923 2 4850 1671 924 3 4851 1672 925 4 4852 1673 926 6 4853 1674 927 4854 1675 928 1 4855 1676 929 2 4856 1677 930 4 4857 1678 931 5 4858 1679 932 6 4859 1680 933 1 4860 1681 934 2 4861 1082 935 3 4862 1683 936 4 4863 1684 937 6 4864 1685 938 4865 1686 939 1 4866 1687 940 2 4867 1688 941 4 4868 1689 942 5 4869 1690 943 6 4870 1691 944 4871 1692 945 2 4872 1693 946 3 4873 1694 947 4 4874 1695 948 5 4875 1696 949 4876 1697 950 1 4877 1698 951 2 4878 1699 952 3 30 March 29 March 29 March 30 March 30 March 29 March 9 April 10 April 10 April 9 April 10 April 1 April 10 April 9 April 10 April 10 April 10 April 9 April 10 April 10 April 10 April 9 April 10 April 10 April 10 April 9 April 10 April 10 April 10 April 9 April (89 (89 (88 (89 (89 (89 (99 (100 (100 (100 (100 (100 (100 (100 (100 (100 (100 (100 (100 (100 (100 (100 (100 (iOO (100 (100 (100 (100 (100 (100 1747 *1748 1749 1750 17S1 1752' 1753' 1754 1755 h^l756 1757 1768 1759 1760 1761 1762 1763 1764 1765 1766 1767 *1768 1769 1770 1771 1772 1773 1774 1775 1*1776 1 4 3 1 5 4 1 6 5 2 1 5 3 1 6 3 2 6 4 3 6 3 1 4 1 5 1 March [60) 19 March (79) 8 March (67) 27 March (86) 17 March (76) 5 March '65) 4 April ( 94) 24 March (83) 14 March 73) 1 April (92) 21 March (80) 9 April (99) 29 March ( 88) 18 March 78) 5 April ,95) 26 March 85) 15 March ;74) 2 April (93) 22 March ( 81) 12 March 71) 31 March ( 90) 19 March ( 79) 7 April ( 97) 27 March { 86) 17 March ( 76) 4 April (95) 24 March (83) 13 March (72) ] April (91) 21 March (81) • Pramodota. % Dhfttri ?. f Vrishabha ? BhyiSya. •* Vikj-ita. t Prajotpatti (P). ] Pramftthin. || SubliAnu. • On Septemher 2nd, 1752, the New Style was introduced in England. The 6th and 29th March 1752 are therefore Old Stj-le 4ate9, and the 4th and !>th .\pril 1753 are New Style 'see above note 2, p. 5, and note 1, p. 64). After 3rd .September 1752 the pompu^tion of all coimtries in purope, including England, correspond (xcppt Russia and Greece, whidi still retain the Old Style. CHRONOLOGICAL TABLES. 71 Cyclic Year. o Commenctment Concurrent ' 1 Name. Year. a w B i H 3 3 << Of the Solar Year ( Tamil). Of the Luni-solar Year (Telugu). a i «<2 la Date in the English Calendar. .S H .sl Date in the English Calendar. 1^' 1^ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 u 31 Hevilamba * . . 4879 1700 953 5 10 April ( 100) 1777 4 9 April 99) 32 Vilambi f . . 4880 1701 954 6 10 April ( 100) 1778 1 29 March ;88) 33 Vikari 4881 1702 955 10 April ( 100) 1779 5 18Marcb .77) 5 34 Sarvari 4882 1703 956 1 9 April ( 100) *1780 4 5 April ( 96) 35 Plava 4883 1704 957 3 10 April ( 100) 1781 2 26 March ;85) 36 Subhakrit 4884 1705 958 4 10 April ( 100) 1782 6 15 March 74) 3 37 Sobhakrit J • . 4885 1706 959 5 10 April ( 100) 1783 5 3 .i^pril 93) 38 Krorlhi 4886 1707 960 10 April ( 101) *1784 2 22 March ;82) 39 Visvavasu 4887 1708 961 1 10 April ( 100) 1786 12 March (71) 1 40 Parabhava 4888 1709 962 2 10 April ( 100) 1786 5 30 March ( 89) 41 Plavaiiga 4889 1710 963 3 10 April ( 100) 1787 3 20 March ( 79) 5 42 Kllaka 4890 1711 964 5 10 April ( 101) *1788 2 7 AprU ( 98) 43 Saumya ■ . 4891 1712 965 6 10 April ( 100) 1789 6 27 March ( 86) 44 Sadharana 4892 1713 966 10 April ( 100) 1790 3 16 March ( 75) 4 45 Virodhikrit§ .. 4893 1714 967 1 10 April ( 100) 1791 2 4 April ( 94) 46 Paridhavi 4894 1715 968 3 10 April ( 101) *1792 24 March ( 84) 47 Pramadi % . . 4895 1716 969 4 10 April ( 100) 1793 4 13 March ( 72) 2 48 Ananda 4896 1717 970 5 10 April ( 100) 1794 3 1 April ( 91) 49 Baksbasa 4897 1718 971 6 lOAprU ( 100) 1795 21 March ( 80) 6 50 Nala (Anala ? ). 4898 1719 972 1 10 April ( 101) *1796 6 8 April ( 99). 51 Pingala 4899 1720 973 2 10 April ( 100) 1797 4 29 March ( 88) 52 Kalayukta 4900 1721 974 3 10 April ( 100) 1798 1 18 March ( 77) 5 53 Siddbarthi . . 4901 1722 975 4 lOAprU ( 100) 1799 6 April ( 96) 54 Eaudra, Raudri. 4902 1723 976 6 1 1 April ( 101) 1800' 4 26 March ( 85) 55 Durmati 4903 1724 977 11 April ( 101) 1801 2 16 March ( 75) 3 56 Dundubbi 4904 1725 978 1 11 April ( 101) 1802 3 April ( 93) 57 Eudbirodgari . . 4905 1726 979 2 11 April ( 101) 1803 5 24 March ;83) 58 Eaktakshi || . . 4906 1727 980 4 1 1 AprU ( 102) *1804 2 12 March ( 72) 1 59 Krodbana 4907 1728 981 5 11 April ( 101) 1806 1 31 March '90) 60 Ksbaya ** 4908 1729 982 6 1 1 April ( 101) 1808 5 20 March ( 79) 5 • Hemalamba, Hemalambi. f Vilamha. I Sohhana. U Pramadleha. 4 Virodhalq-it, Virodhyftdilirit. |{ Raktaksha. ' The year 1800 was not a leap year. •• Akiibaya. 72 CHRONOLOGICAL TABLES. Cyclic Year, the Kali r. Commencement Concurrent u CD 1 "3 •c S Name. Year. 8S, - 3 0- Of the Solar Year TaraiJ). Of the Luni-solar Year (Telugu). i s 1 J i s ^1 Date in the English Calendar. 1^ Date in the English Calendar. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 Prabhava 4909 1730 983 11 April (101) 1807 4 8 April (98) 2 Vibliava 4910 1731 984 2 11 April :i02) *1808 2 28 March (88) 3 Sukla 4911 1732 985 3 11 April (101) 1809 6 17 March (76) 4 4 Pramoda * 4912 1733 986 4 1 1 April (101) 1810 5 5 April (95) 5 Prajapati f 4913 1734 987 5 11 April (101) 1811 2 25 March (84) 6 Angirasa , . 4914 1735 988 1 1 April (102) *1812 14 March (74) 1 7 Srimuklia • . . 4915 1736 989 1 11 April (101) 1813 6 2 April (92) 8 Bhava 4916 1737 990 2 11 April (101) 1814 3 22 March (81) 6 9 Yuva 4917 1738 991 4 12 April (102) 1816 2 10 April (100) 10 DLatu X 4918 1739 992 5 1 1 April ;io2) n816 6 29 March (89) 11 Isvara 4919 1740 993 6 1 1 April ;ioi) 1817 4 19 March (78) 5 12 Baliudhanya . . 4920 1741 . 994 11 April ;ioi) 1818 3 7 April (97) 13 Pramadi § 4921 1742 995 2 12 April ( '102) 1819 27 March (86) 14 Vikrama 4922 1743 996 3 11 April 102) *1820 4 15 March (75) 3 15 Vishu "If 4923 1744 997 4 11 April ( 101) 1821 3 3 April (93) 16 Chitrabhanu . . 4924 1745 998 5 11 April '101) 1822 1 24 March (83) 7(«) 17 Svabhanu || . . 4925 1746 999 12 April >102) 1823 5 13 March (72) 1 18 Tarana 4926 1747 1000 1 11 April ( 102) *1824 4 31 March (91) 19 Parthiva 4927 1748 1001 2 1 1 April ( 101) 1825 1 20 March (79) 5 20 Vj aya 4928 1749 1002 3 1 1 April ( 101) 1826 8 April (98) 21 Sarvajit , . 4929 1750 1003 5 12 April ( 102) 1827 4 28 March (87) 22 SarvadhSri 4930 1751 1004 6 11 April ( 102) *1828 2 17 March (77) 4 23 Virodhi 4931 1752 1005 11 April ( 101) 1829 1 5 April (95) 24 Yikriti ** . . 4932 1753 1006 1 11 April ( 101) 1830 5 25 March (84) 25 Khara 4933 1754 1007 3 12 April ( 102) 1831 2 14 March (73) 2 26 Nandana 4934 1755 1008 4 1 1 April ( 102) *1832 1 1 April (92) 27 Vijaya 4935 1756 1009 5 11 April { 101) 1833 6 22 March (81) 6 28 Jaya 4936 1757 1010 6 11 April ( 101) 1834 5 10 April (100) 29 Manmatha 4937 1758 1011 1 12 April ( 102) 1835 2 30 March (89) 30 Durmukhi 4938 1759 1012 2 11 April ( 102) *1836 6 1ft March (78) 4 • Pramoduta. t Prajotpatti (?). t Dhatri ?. § Pram&thin. {a) Pushj-a (10) is suppressed. ^ Vrishabha ? Bhrisya. II Subhanu. Vikfita. CHRONOLOGICAL TABLES. 73 Cyclic Year. Concurrent 1 Commencement Year. Of the Solar Year (Tamil). Of the Luni-solar Year (Telugu). 1 Name. 1 1 J i1 -< ^1 Date in the English Calendar. 1.- ■as 11 Date in the English Calendar. ll 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 31 Hevilamba* .. 4939 1760 1013 3 11 April ( 101) 1837 5 6 April (96) 32 Tilambi + 4940 1761 1014 4 11 AprU ( 101) 1838 3 27 March (86) 33 VikSri 4941 1762 1015 6 12 April ( 102) 1839 16 March (75) 3 34 Sarvari 4942 1763 1016 11 April ( 102) *1840 6 3 AprU (94) 35 Plava 4943 1764 1017 1 11 April ( 101) 1841 3 23 March (82) 8(a)&12 36 Subhakrit 4944 1765 1018 3 12 April ( 102) 1842 2 11 April (101) 37 Sobhakrit % . . 4945 1766 1019 4 12 April ( 102) 1843 6 31 March (90) 38 Krodhi 4946 1767 1020 5 11 April ( 102) *1844 4 20 March (80) 5 39 ViSvavasu 4947 1768 1021 6 1 1 April ( 101) 1845 3 8 April (98) 40 Parabhava 4948 1769 1022 1 12 April ( 102) 1846 28 March (87) 41 Plavanga 4949 1770 1023 2 12 April ( 102) 1847 4 17 March (76) 4 42 Ellaka 4950 1771 1024 3 11 April ( 102) *i848 3 4 April (95) 43 Sanmya . . 4951 1772 1025 4 1 1 April ( 101) 1849 1 25 March (84) 44 Sadharana 4952 1773 1026 6 12 April ( 102) 1850 5 14 March (73) 2 45 Virodbikrit § . . 4953 1774 1027 12 AprU ( 102) 1851 4 2 AprU (92) 46 Paridhavi 4954 1775 1028 1 11 April ( 102) •1852 1 21 March (81) 5 47 Pramadi f . . 4955 1776 1029 2 1 1 AprU ( 101) 1853 9 AprU (99) 48 Ananda 4956 1777 1030 4 12 AprU ( 102) 1854 5 30 March (89) 49 Eakshasa 4957 1778 1031 5 12 AprU ( 102) 1855 2 19 March (78) 4 50 Nala (Anala ?). 4958 1779 1032 6 11 AprU ;i02) *1856 1 6 AprU (97) 61 Pihgala 4959 1780 1033 11 AprU ;ioi) 1857 5 26 March (85) 52 Kalayukta 4960 1781 1034 2 12 AprU (102) 1858 3 16 March (75) 3 53 Siddharthi . . 4961 1782 1035 3 12 April ;io2) 1869 2 4 AprU (94) 54 Eaudra, Eaudxi 4962 1783 1036 4 11 April :io2) *1860 6 23 March (83) 8 (4) 4 11 55 Dunnati 4963 1784 1037 5 11 April (101) 1861 5 11 AprU (101) 56 Dundubhi 4964 1785 1038 12 AprU (102) 1862 2 31 March (90) 57 EudhirodgSri.. 4965 1786 1039 1 12 AprU (102) 1863 21 March (80) 5 58 Eaktilksbi || . . 4966 1787 1040 2 11 April (102) *1864 5 7 AprU (98) 59 Krodhana 4967 1788 1041 3 11 April (101) 1865 3 28 March (87) 60 Kshaya ** 4968 1789 1042 5 12 AprU (102) 1866 17 March (76) 4 • Hemalamba, Heme t Vilamba. (a) Pushya Iambi. 10) was supprcsst J ^bhs § Virod d in the ina. hakrit, "y Dal^han. ^irodhyadikrit [l T Pran II Kakt ) Marga iftdlcha. iksha. Sira (9) is •* Akshaya. Bupprested. 19 74 CHRONOLOGICAL TABLES. Cyclic Year. 1 Commencement — Concurrent Year. .Hi .S =a St3 1 Name. Of the Solar Year (Tamil). Of the Luni-solar Year (Telugu). 8 3 i a i! •< Date in the English Calendar. .1 C "Si s ll ^1 Date in the English Calendar, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 Prabhava 4969 1790 1043 6 12 April (102) 1867 6 5 April (95) 2 Vibhava 4970 1791 1044 11 AprU (102) *1868 3 24 March (84) 3 Sukla 4971 1792 1045 1 11 AprU (101) 1869 1 14 March (73) 2 4 Pramoda * 4972 1793 1046 3 12 April (102) 1870 2 April (92) 5 Prajapati f . 4973 1794 1047 4 12 April (102) 1871 4 22 March (81) 6 6 Angirasa 4974 1795 1048 5 1 1 April (102) *1872 3 9 April (100) 7 Srimukha 4975 1796 1049 12 April (102) 1873 29 March (88) 8 Bhava 4976 1797 1050 1 12 April (102) 1874 5 19 March (78) 4 9 Yuva 4977 1798 1051 2 12 April (102) 1875 4 7 April (97) 10 Dbatu t 4978 1799 1052 3 11 April [102) *1876 1 26 March (86) 11 Tsvara 4979 1800 1053 5 12 April (102) 1877 5 15 March (74) 3 12 Bahudhanya . . 4980 1801 1054 6 12 April (102) 1878 4 3 April (93) 13 Pramadi § 4981 1802 1055 12 April (102) 1879 2 24 March (83) 6 14 Vikraina 4982 1803 1056 1 1 1 April [102) n880 10 April (101) 15 Vishu 1 4983 1804 1057 3 12 April (102) 1881 5 31 March (90) 16 Chitrabbanu . . 4984 1805 1058 4 12 April :i02) 1882 2 20 March (79) 5 17 Svabhanu || , . 4985 1806 1059 5 12 April ;io2) 1883 1 8 April (98) 18 Tarana 4986 1807 1060 6 11 April '102) *1884 5 27 March (87) 19 Partbiva 4987 1808 1061 1 12 April (102) 1885 3 1 7 March (76) 3 20 Vyaya 4988 1809 1062 2 12 April '102) 1886 2 5 April (95) 21 Sarvajit 4989 1810 1063 3 12 April '102) 1887 6 25 March (84) 22 SarvadhSri 4990 1811 1064 4 11 April ( 102) *1888 3 13 March (73) 2 23 Virodhi 4991 1812 1065 6 12 April ( 102) 1889 2 1 April (91) 24 Vikriti *• 4992 1813 1066 12 April ( 102) 1890 22 March (81) 6 25 Khara 4993 1814 1067 1 12 April ( 102) 1891 6 10 April (100) 26 Nandana 4994 1815 1068 2 11 April ( 102) *1892 3 29 March (89) 27 Vijaya 4995 1816 1069 4 12 April ( 102) 1893 18 March (77) 4 28 Jaya 4996 1817 1070 5 12 April ( 102) 1894 6 6 April (96) 29 Manmatha 4997 1818 1071 6 12 April ( 102) 1895 4 27 March (86) 30 Durmukhi 4998 1819 1072 1 11 April ( .102) *1896 1 15 March (75) 3 * PramodOfa. t Prajotpatti (?). : Dhatri ?. § Pnimatluu. H Vrishabha ? Bhrisya. II 8ul)hfliiu. ** Vikrita, CHBONOLOGICAL TABLES. 75 Cyclic Year. Concurrent Year. 3 Commencement S3 .a Name. ^^ a ce .a M Of the Solar Year (Tamil). Of the Luni-solar Year (Telugu). i 3 i u ^1 Date in the English Calendar. Date in the English Calendar. 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 31 Hevilamba * . . 4999 1820 1073 2 12 April ( 102) 1897 3 April (93) 32 Vilambi f 5000 1821 1074 3 12 April ( 102) 1898 4 23 March (82) 7 33 Vikari 5001 1822 1075 4 12 April ( 102) 1899 3 11 AprU (101) 34 Sarvari 5002 1823 1076 6 13 April ( 103) 1900' 1 1 April (91) 35 Plava 5003 1824 1077 13 April ( 103) 1901 5 21 March (80) 5 36 Subhakrit 5004 1825 1078 1 13 April ( 103) 1902 4 9 AprU (99) 37 Sobbakiit J . . 5005 1826 1079 2 13 April ( 103) 1903 I 29 March (88) 38 Krodhi 5006 1827 1080 4 13 April ( 104) *1904 6 18 March (78) 3 39 Visvavasu 5007 1828 1081 5 13 April ( 103) 1905 4 5 AprU (95) 40 Parabbava 5008 1829 1082 6 13 April ( 103) 1906 2 26 March (85) 41 Plavanga 5009 1830 1083 13 April ( 103) 1907 6 15 March (74) 2 42 Kilaka 5010 1831 1084 2 13 April ( 104) *1908 5 2 April (93) 43 Saumya 5011 1832 1085 3 13 April ( 103) 1909 2 22 March (81) 6 44 Sadliarana 5012 1833 1086 4 13AprU ( 103) 1910 1 10 April (100) 45 Virodhikrit § . . 5013 1834 1087 5 13 April ( 103) 1911 6 31 March (90) 46 Paridbavi 5014 1835 1088 13 April ( 104) *1912 3 19 March (79) 4 47 Pramadi ^ 5015 1836 1089 1 13 April ( 103) 1913 2 7 April (97) 48 Ananda 5016 1837 1090 2 13AprU { 103) 1914 6 27 March (86) 49 Raksbasa 5017 1838 1091 3 13 April ( 103) 1916 4 17 March (76) 3 50 Nala (Anala?). 5018 1839 1092 5 13 April ( 104) »1916 3 4 April (95) 51 Pirigala 5019 1840 1093 6 13 April ( 103) 1917 24 March (83) 7 52 Kalayukta 5020 1841 1094 13 April J 03) 1918 6 12 April (102) 53 Siddbartbi . . 5021 1842 1095 1 13 April ;i03) 1919 3 1 April (91) 54 Raudra, Eaudri 5022 1843 1096 3 13 April ;ioi) *1920 1 21 March (81) 5 55 Durmati . . 5023 1844 1097 4 13 April [103) 1921 9 April (99) 56 Dundubbi 5024 1845 1098 5 13 April (103) 1922 4 29 March (88) 57 EudbirodgSri . . 5025 1846 1099 6 13 April (103) 1923 1 18 March (77) 3 58 Raktaksbi || . . 5026 1847 1100 1 13 April (104) *1924 5 April (96) 59 Blrodbana 5027 1848 1101 2 13 April (103) 1925 4 25 March (84) 60 Ksbaya ** 5028 1849 1102 3 13 April (103) 1926 2 15 March (74) 1 * Hemalamha, Hemalambi. t Vilamba. I Sobhana. § Virodhakfit, Virodhyadikj-it. || ' The year 1900 will not l>e a leap-year H Pramftdlcha. 11 Raktftksha. Akshaya. 76 OHKONOLOQICAL TABLES. Cyclic Year. Concurrent Year. =3 0) Commencement •Si Of the Solar Year (Tamil). Of the Luni-Bolar Year (Telugu). u IZi •3 ■a (a Name. i a i ll S S 'A Date in the English Calendar. ■as 3| Date in the English Calendar. p. o 1 2 8 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 Prabhava 5029 1850 1103 4 13 AprU ;io3) 1927 1 3 April (93) 2 Vibhava 5030 1851 1104 6 13 April 104) *1928 5 22 March (82) 6 3 gukla 5031 1852 1105 13 April ( 103) 1929 4 10 April (100) 4 Pramoda * 5032 1853 1106 1 13 April ( 103) 1930 1 30 March (89) 5 Prajapati f 5033 1854 1107 3 14 April ( 104) 1931 6 20 March (79) 4 6 Angirasa 5034 1855 1108 4 13 April ( 104) *1932 5 7 AprU (98) 7 Srlmukha 5035 1856 1109 5 13 April ( 103) 1933 2 27 March (86) 8 Bhava 5036 1857 1110 6 13 April ( 103) 1934 6 16 March (75) 2 9 Yuva 5037 1858 1111 1 14 April ( 104) 1936 5 4 AprU (94) 10 Dhatu J 5038 1859 1112 2 13Aprn ( 104) *1936 3 24 March (84) 7 11 Is vara 5039 1860 1113 3 13 April ( 103) 1937 2 12 AprU (102) 12 Bahudhanya . . 6040 1861 1114 4 13 AprU ( 103) 1938 6 1 April (91) 13 Pramadi§ 5041 1862 1115 6 14 April ( 104) 1939 3 21 March (80) 4 14 Vikrama . . 5042 1863 1116 13 April ( 104) *1940 2 8 April (99) 15 Vishu IT 5043 1864 1117 1 13 April ( 103) 1941 29 March (88) 16 Chitrabhanu . . 5044 1865 1118 2 13 AprU ( 103) 1942 4 18 March (77) 3 17 Svabhanu || . . 5045 1866 1119 4 14 AprU ( 104) 1943 3 6 AprU (96) 18 Tarana 5046 1867 1120 5 13 AprU ( 104) *1944 25 March (85) 8(0) 19 Parthiva 5047- 1868 1121 6 13 AprU ( 103) 1945 5 15 March (74) 1 20 Vyaya 5048 1869 1122 13 April ( 103) 1946 3 2 April (92) 21 Sarvajit 5049 1870 1123 2 14 April ( 104) 1947 1 23 March (82) 5 22 Sarvadhari 5050 1871 1124 3 13 AprU ( 104) *1948 10 AprU (101) 23 Virodhi 5051 1872 1125 4 13 AprU ( 103) 1949 4 30 March (89) 24 Vikriti ** 5052 1873 1126 5 13 April ( 103) 1950 1 19 March (78) 4 25 Ehara 5053 1874 1127 14 AprU ( 104) 1951 7 April (97) 26 Nandana 5054 1875 1128 1 13 April ( 104) »1952 5 27 March (87) 27 Vijaya 5C55 1876 1129 2 13 April ( 103) 1953 2 16 March (75) 2 28 Jaya 5056 1877 1130 3 13 AprU ( 103) 1954 1 4 AprU (94) 29 Manmatha 5057 1878 1131 5 14 April ( 104) 1955 5 24 March (83) 7 30 Durmukhi 5058 1879 1132 6 13 AprU ( 104) »1956 4 11 April (102) « t ?ramoduta. Prajotpatti (?). 4 Dhfttri Pram (It hin. H Vrishab II Subhan ha?Bl u. ij-iSya. •* Vikfita. (o) Margafiira (fl) iB Fupprcsscd. CHRONOLOGICAL TABLES. 77 Cyclic Year. ._~^_i. "3 Commencement Concuiicut Year. a s Of the Solar Year (TamiJ). Of the Luni-solar Year (Telugu). 1 'A 1 Name. ■ S.M ,<1 i 1 as ll Date in the English Calendar. h 1^ •3 S ^1 Date in the English Calendar. T3 . 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 31 Hevilamba * . . 5059 1880 1133 13 April ( 103) 1957 2 1 AprU (91) 32 Vilambit 5060 1881 1134 2 14 April ( 104) 1958 6 21 March (80) 5 33 Vikari 5061 1882 1135 3 14 April ( 104) 1959 5 9 AprU (99) 34 Sarvari 5062 1883 1136 4 13AprU ( 104) »1960 2 28 March (88) 35 Plava 5063 1884 1137 5 13 April ( 103) 1961 18 March (77) 3 36 Subhakrit 5064 1885 1138 14AprU ( 104) 1962 6 6 April (96) 37 Sobhakrit % . . 5065 1386 1139 1 14 April ( 104) 1963 3 26 March (85) 8(a) & 12 38 Krodhi 5066 1887 1140 2 13 April ( 104) »1964 2 13 AprU (104) 39 ViSvavasu 5067 1888 1141 3 13 April ( 103) 1965 6 2 AprU (92) 40 ParSbhava 5068 1889 1142 5 14 April ( 104) 1966 4 23 March (82) 5 41 Plavanga 5069 1890 1143 6 14 April ( 104) 1967 2 10 April (100) 42 Kilaka 5070 1891 1144 13 AprQ ( 104) *1968 30 March (90) 43 Saumya 5071 1892 1145 1 13 April 103) 1969 4 19 March (78) 4 44 Sadharaua 5072 1893 1146 3 14 April '104) 1970 3 7 AprU (97) 45 Virodlukrit § . . 5073 1894 1147 4 14 AprU ;i04) 1971 27 March (86) 46 Paridhavi 5074 1895 1148 5 13 April :i04) *1972 5 16 March (76) 1 47 Pramadi ^ 5075 1896 1149 6 13 April ;i03) 1973 4 4 April (94) 48 Ananda 5076 1897 1150 1 14 April :i04) 1974 1 24 March (83) 6 49 Eakshasa 5077 1898 1151 2 14 April ;io4) 1975 12 AprU (102) 50 Nala (Anala ? ). 5078 1899 1152 3 13 April ;io4) *1976 4 31 March (91) 51 Pingala 5079 1900 1153 4 13 April [103) 1977 2 21 March (80) 5 52 Kalayukta 5080 1901 1154 6 14 April ;io4) 1978 1 9 AprU (99) 53 Siddharthi 5081 1902 1155 14 AprU ;io4) 1979 5 29 March (88) 54 Eaudra, Eaudri. 5082 1903 1156 1 13 April :io4) *1980 2 17 March (77) 3 55 Durmati 5083 1904 1157 2 13 AprH (103) 1981 1 5 April (95) 56 Dundubbi 5084 1905 1158 4 14 AprU (104) 1982 6 26 March (85) 7(6) & 12 57 Eudhirodgari ,. 5085 1906 1159 5 14 April (104) 1983 4 13 AprU (103) 58 Eaktakshi || . . 5086 1907 1160 6 13 AprU (104) »1984 2 2 April (93) 59 Krodbana 5087 1908 1161 1 14 April (104) 1985 6 22 March (81) 5 60 Kshaya ** 5088 1909 1162 2 14 AprU (104) 1986 5 10 AprU (100) Hemalamha, Hemalambi Vilamha. X Sobhana. 5 Virodhakfit, Virodhyftdikfit. (a) Marga^ira (9) is suppressed. U Pramadlcha. II Baktaksha. (}) Fushya CIO) ie suppressed. Akshaya. 30 7S CHRONOLOGICAL TABLES. Cyclic Year. "3 si Commencement Concurrent Year. .2g Of the Solar Year (TamiJ). Of the Luni-solar Year (Telugu). 1 i 'A 1 Name. 11 SI i "a J 11 Date in the English Calendar. ii SCO 4 4 Date in the English Calendar. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 Pi-abhava 5089 1910 1163 3 14 April ;i04) 1987 2 30 March (89) 2 Vibhava 5090 1911 1164 4 13 April [104) *1988 19 March (79) 3 3 6ukla 5091 1912 1166 6 14 April ;i04) 1989 6 7 AprU (97) 4 Pramoda * 5092 1913 1166 1 4 April ;io4) 1990 3 27 March (86) 5 PrajSpati f 5093 1914 1167 1 14 April ;io4) 1991 16 March (75) 2 6 Angirasa 5094 1915 1168 2 13 April ,104) *1992 6 3 April (94) 7 Srtmukha 5095 1916 1169 4 14 April ( 104) 1993 4 24 March (83) 6 8 Bhava 5096 1917 1170 5 14 April '104) 1994 3 12 April (102) 9 Yuva 5097 1918 1171 6 14AprU ( 104) 1995 1 April (91) 10 Dhatu + 5098 1919 1172 13AprU ( 104) *1996 4 20 March (80) 4 11 Isvara 5099 1920 1173 2 14 April ( 104) 1997 3 8 AprU (98) 12 Bahudhanya . . 5100 1921 1174 3 14 April ( 104) 1998 1 29 March (88) 13 Pramadi § 5101 1922 1175 4 14 April ( 104) 1999 5 18 March (77) 3 14 Vikrama 5102 1923 1176 5 13 April ;i04) *2000 4 5 April (96) Pramodflta. t Trajotpatti (?). Dhatri ?. § Framathin, CHRONOLOGICAL TABLES. 79 TABLE D. Table showing the Initial Dates of the Hijra Years, according to the English Calendar, and their cokkesponding Days of the Week. EXPLANATION. Col. 2. — The figures inserted in this column indicate the fenm or days of the week answering to the initial dates, commencing with Sunday as 1. Col. 3. — The figures within brackets in this column stand for the number of days from the begin- ning of the year to the date entered by their side. Note 1. — The asterisks indicate leap-years. 2. — Up to Hijra 1166 inclusive, the commencement of the year in the English Calendar is giten in the Old Style. Hijra year. 1 Commencement. ■S.Q Date in the English Calendar. Hijra year. C ommencement . •a s Date in the English Calendar. Hijra year. 1 Commencement . E^. Date in the English Calendar. 1 *2 3 4 *5 6 *7 8 9 *10 11 12 *13 14 15 *16 17 *18 19 20 *21 22 23 16 July 5 July 24 June 13 June 2 June 23 May 11 May 1 May 20 Apr. 9 Apr. 29 Mar. 18 Mar. 7 Mar. 25 Feb. 14 Feb. 2 Feb. 23 Jan. 12 Jan. 2 Jan. 21 Dec. 10 Dec. •30 Nov. 19 Nov. 622 623 624* 625 626 627 628* 629 630 631 632* 633 634 635 636* 637 638 639 640* 640* 641 642 643 (197) (186) (176) (164) (153) (143) (132) (121) (110) (99) (89) (77) (66) (56) (45) (33) (23) (12) (2) (356) (344) (334) (323) *24 1 25 6 *26 3 27 1 28 5 *29 2 30 31 4 *32 1 33 6 34 3 »35 36 5 *37 2 38 39 4 *40 1 41 6 42 3 *43 44 5 45 2 *46 6 7 Nov. 28 Oct. 17 Oct. 7 Oct. 25 Sep. 14 Sep. 4 Sep. 24 Aug. 12 Aug. 2 Aug. 22 July 11 July 30 June 19 June 9 June 29 May 17 May 7 May 26 Apr. 15 Apr. 4 Apr. 24 Mar. 13 Mar. 644* 645 646 647 648* 649 650 651 652* 653 654 655 656* 657 658 659 660* 661 662 663 664* 665 666 (312) (301) (290) (280) (269) (257) (247) (236) (225) (214) (203) (192) (182) (170) (160) (149) (138) (127) (116) (105) (95) (83) (72) 47 *48 49 50 *51 52 53 *.54 55 *56 57 58 *59 60 61 *62 63 64 *65 66 *67 68 69 4 1 6 3 5 2 6 4 1 6 3 5 2 6 4 1 5 3 5 2 3 Mar. 20 Feb. 9 Feb. 29 Jan. 18 Jan. 8 Jan. 27 Dec. 16 Dec. 6 Dec. 25 Nov. 14 Nov. 3 Nov. 23 Oct. 13 Oct. 1 Oct. 20 Sep. 10 Sep. 30 Aug 18 Aug. 8 Aug. 28 July 18 July 6 July 667 668* 669 670 671 672* 672* 673 674 675 676* 677 678 679 680* 681 682 683 684* 685 686 687 688* (62) (51) (40) (29) (18) (8) (362) (350) (340) (329) (319) (307) (296) (286) (275) (263) (253) (242) (231) (220) (209) (199) (188) 80 CHEONOLOGICAL TABLES. Hijra year. CoTnmencement. Hijra year. Oomni encement . Hijra year. Commencement. ~4 Date in the English Calendar. —J (J Date in the English Calendar. g S Date in the English Calendar. 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 *70 6 25 June 689 (176) 104 1 21 June 722 (172) *138 2 16 June 755 (167) 71 4 15 June 690 (166) 105 5 10 June 723 (161) 139 5 June 756* (157) 72 1 4 June 691 (155) *106 2 29 May 724* (150) 140 4 25 May 767 (145) *73 5 23 May 692* (144) 107 19 May 725 (139) *141 1 14 May 758 (134) 74 3 13 May 693 (133) *108 4 8 May 726 (128) 142 6 4 May 759 (124) 75 2 May 694 (122) 109 2 28 Apr. 727 (118) 143 3 22 Apr. 760* (113) *76 4 21 Apr. 695 (111) 110 6 16 Apr. 728* (107) *144 11 Apr. 761 (101) 77 2 10 Apr. 696* (101) *111 3 5 Apr. 729 (95) 145 6 1 Apr. 762 (91) *78 6 30 Mar. 697 (89) 112 1 26 Mar. 730 (85) *146 2 21 Mar. 763 (80) 79 4 20 Mar. 698 (79) 113 5 15 Mar. 731 (74) 147 10 Mar. 764* (70) 80 1 9 Mar. 699 (68) *114 2 3 Mar. 732* (63) 148 4 27 Feb. 765 (58) *81 5 26 Feb. 700* (57) 115 21 Feb. 733 (52) *149 1 16 Feb. 766 (47) 82 3 15 Feb. 701 (46) *116 4 10 Feb. 734 (41) 150 6 6 Feb. 767 (37) 83 4 Feb. 702 (35) 117 2 31 Jan. 735 (31) 151 3 26 Jan. 768* (26) *84 4 24 Jan. 703 (24) 118 6 20 Jan. 736* (20) *152 14 Jan. 769 (14) 85 2 14 Jan. 704* (14) *119 3 8 Jan. 737 (8) 153 5 4 Jan. 770 (4) *86 6 2 Jan. 705 (2) 120 1 29 Dec. 737 (363) 154 2 24 Dec. 770 (358) 87 4 23 Dec. 705 (357) 121 5 18 Dec. 738 (352) *155 6 13 Dec. 771 (347) 88 1 12 Dec. 706 (346) *122 2 7 Dec. 739 (341) 156 4 2 Dec. 772* (337) *89 5 1 Dec. 707 (335) 123 26 Nov. 740* (331) *157 1 21 Nov. 773 (326) 90 3 20 Nov. 708* (325) 124 4 15 Nov. 741 (319) 168 6 11 Nov. 774 (315) 91 9 Nov. 709 (318) ♦125 1 4 Nov. 742 (308) 159 3 31 Oct. 775 (304) *92 4 29 Oct. 710 (302) 126 6 25 Oct. 743 (298) *160 19 Oct. 776* (293) 93 2 19 Oct. 711 (292) *127 3 13 Oct. 744* (287) 161 5 9 Oct. 777 (282) 94 6 7 Oct. 712* (281) 128 1 3 Oct. 745 (276) 162 2 28 Sep. 778 (271) *95 3 26 Sep. 713 (269) 129 5 22 Sep. 746 (265) *163 6 1 7 Sep. 779 (260) 96 1 16 Sep. 714 (259) *130 2 11 Sep. 747 (254) 164 4 6 Sep. 780* (250) »97 5 5 Sep. 715 (248) 131 31 Aug. 748* (244) 165 1 26 Aug. 781 (238) 98 3 25 Aug. 716* (238) 132 4 20 Aug. 749 (232) *166 5 15 Aug. 782 (227) 99 14 Aug. 717 (226) *133 1 9 Aug. 760 (221) 167 3 5 Aug. 783 (217) *100 4 3 Aug. 718 (215) 134 6 30 July 751 (211) *168 24 July 784* (206) 101 2 24 July 719 (205) 135 3 18 July 752* (200) 169 5 14 July 786 (195) 102 6 12 July 720* (194) *136 7 July 753 (188) 170 2 3 July 786 (184) *103 3 1 July 721 (182) 137 6 27 June 754 (178) *171 6 22 June 787 (173) CHRONOLOGICAL TABLES. 81 Hijra year. Commencement. !25 Date in the English Calendar. Hijra year. 1 Coram encement. -3 S ^^1 Date in the English Calendar. Hijra year. Commencement . II ^1 Date in the English Calendar. 172 4 173 1 *174 5 175 3 *176 177 5 178 2 *179 6 180 4 181 1 *182 5 183 3 184 *185 4 186 2 ♦187 6 188 4 189 1 * 190 5 191 3 192 *193 4 194 2 195 6 *196 3 197 1 *198 5 199 3 200 *201 4 202 2 203 6 *204 3 205 1 11 31 20 10 28 18 7 27 16 5 22 12 1 20 10 30 20 8 27 17 6 25 15 4 23 12 1 22 11 30 20 9 .28 17 June 788* May 789 May 790 May 791 April 792* April 493 April 794 Mar. 795 Mar. 796* Mar. 797 Feb. 798 Feb. 799 Feb. 800* Jan. 801 Jan. 802 Dec. 802 Dee. 803 Dec. 804* Nov. 805 Nov. 806 Nov. 807 Oct. 808* Oct. 809 Oct. 810 Sep. 811 Sep. 812* Sep. 813 Aug. 814 Aug. 815 July 816* July 817 July 818 June 819 June 820* (163) (151) (140) (130) (119) (108) (97) (86) (76) (64) (53j (43) (32) (20) (10) (364) (354) (343) (331) (321) (310) (299) (288) (277) (266) (256) (244) (234) (223) (212) (201) (190) (179) (169) *206 207 208 *209 210 211 *212 213 214 *215 216 *217 218 219 *220 221 222 *223 224 225 *226 227 *228 229 230 *231 232 233 *234 235 *236 237 238 *239 6 3 4 2 6 3 1 5 2 4 2 6 3 1 5 2 4 1 6 3 1 5 2 4 1 6 3 1 5 2 6 June 27 May 16 May 4 May 24 Apr. 13 Apr. 2 Apr. 22 Mar. 11 Mar. 28 Feb. 18 Feb. 7 Feb. 27 Jan. 16 Jan. 5 Jan. 26 Dec. 14 Dec. 3 Dec. 23 Nov. 12 Nov. 31 Oct. 21 Oct. 10 Oct. 30 Sep. 18 Sep. 7 Sep. 28 Aug. 17 Aug. 5 Aug. 26 July 15 July 5 July 23 June 12 June 821 822 823 824* 825 826 827 828* 829 830 831 832* 833 834 835 835 836* 837 838 839 840* 841 812 843 844* 845 846 847 848* 849 850 851 852* 853 (157) (147) (136) (125) (114) (103) (92) (82) (70) (5S) (49) (38) (27) (16) (5) (360) (349) (337) (327) (3)6) (305) (294) (283) (273) (2P2) (250) (240) (229) (218) (207) (196) (186) (175) (163) 240 241 4 *242 1 243 6 244 3 *245 246 5 *247 2 248 249 4 *250 1 251 6 252 3 *253 254 5 255 2 *256 6 257 4 *258 I 259 6 260 3 *261 262 5 263 2 *264 6 265 4 *266 1 267 6 268 3 *269 270 5 271 2 *272 6 ,273 4 2 June 22 May 10 May 30 Apr. 19 Apr. 8 Apr. 28 Mar. 17 Mar. 7 Mar. 24 Feb 13 Feb. 2 Feb. 22 Jan. 1 1 Jan. 1 Jan. 20 Dec. 9 Dec. 29 Nov. 18 Nov. 7 Nov. 27 Oct. 16 Oct. 6 Oct. 24 Sep. 13 Sep. 3 Sep. 23 Aug. 12 Aug. 1 Aug. 21 July 11 July 29 June 18 June 8 June 854 (153) 855 (142) 856* (131) 857 (120) (109) (98) (88) (76) (66) (55) (44) (33) (22) (11) (1) 868* (355) 869 (343) 858 859 860* 861 862 863 864* 865 866 867 868* (333) (322) 870 871 872* (312) 873 (300) (289) (279) 874 875 876* (268) 877 (256) 878 979 (246) (235) 880* (225) 881 (213) 882 (202) 883 (192) 884* (181) 885 (169) 886 (159) 21 82 CHRONOLOGICAL TABLES. Hijra Commencement. Hijra Commencement. Hijra Commencement. -3 i u -. si year. Date in the English Calendar. year. ^1 Date in the Engl Calendar. ish year. ■g| 2 Dafte in the English Calendar. 1 274 2 3 1 2 3 1 3 1 28 May 887 (148) 308 3 23 May 920* '144) 342 4 18 May 953 (138) *275 5 16 May 888* (137) 309 12 May 921 ( 132) *343 1 7 May 954 (127) 276 3 6 May 889 (126) *310 4 1 May 922 121) 344 6 27 Apr. 955 (117) #277 25 Apr. 890 (115) 311 2 21 Apr. 923 111) 345 3 15 Apr. 956* (106) 278 5 15 Apr. 891 (105) 312 6 9 Apr. 924* ( 100) *346 4 Ajw. 957 (.94) 279 2 3 Apr. 892* (94) *313 3 29 Mar. 925 (88) 347 5 25 Mar. 958 (84) *280 6 23 Mar. 893 (82) 314 1 19 Mar. 926 (78) *348 2 14 Mar. 959 (73) 281 4 1 3 Mar. 894 (72) 315 5 8 Mar. 927 (67) 349 3 Mar. 960* (63) 282 1 2 Mar. 895 (61) *316 2 25 Feb. 928* (56) 350 4 20 Feb. 961 (51) *283 5 19 Feb. 896* (50) 317 14 Feb. 929 (45) * 351 1 9 Feb. 962 (4 0) 284 3 8 Feb. 897 (39) *318 4 3 Feb. 930 (34) 352 6 30 Jan. 963 (30) 285 28 Jan. 898 (28) 319 2 24 Jan. 931 (24) 353 3 19 Jan. 964* (19) *286 4 17 Jan. 899 (17) 320 6 1 3 Jan. 932* (13) *354 7 Jan. 965 (7) 287 2 7 Jan. 900* (7) *321 3 1 Jan. 933 (1) 355 5 28 Dec, 965 (362) *288 6 26 Dec. 900* (361) 322 1 22 Dec. 933 ( 356) *356 2 17 Dec. 966 (351) 289 4 16 Dec. 901 (350) 323 5 11 Dec. 934 ( 345) 357 7 Dec. 967 (341) 290 1 5 Dec. 902 (339) *324 2 30 Nov. 935 334) 358 4 25 Nov. 968* (330) *291 5 24 Nov. 903 (328) 325 19 Nov. 936* .324) *359 1 14 Nov. 969 (318) 292 3 13 Nov. 904* (318) *326 4 8 Nov. 937 ( 312) 360 6 4 Nov, 970 (308) 293 2 Nov. 905 (306) 327 2 29 Oct. 938 ( 302) 361 3 24 Oct. 971 (297) *294 4 22 Oct. 906 (295) 328 6 18 Oct. 939 291) *362 12 Oct, 972* (286) 295 2 12 Oct. 907 (285) *329 3 6 Oct 940* 280) 363 5 2 Oct. 973 (275) *296 6 30 Sep. 908* (274) 330 1 26 Sep. 941 ( 269) 364 2 21 Sept. 974 (264) 297 4 20 Sep, 909 (263) S31 5 15 Sep. 942 ( 258) *365 6 10 Sept. 975 (253) 298 1 9 Sep. 910 (252) *332 2 4 Sep. 943 { 247) 366 4 30 Aug. 976* (243) *299 5 29 Aug. 911 (241) 333 24 Aug. 944* '237) *367 1 19 Aug. 977 (231) 300 3 18 Aug. 912* (231) 334 4 13 Aug. 945 (225) 368 6 9 Aug. 978 (221) 301 7 Aug. 913 (219) *335 1 2 Aug. 946 (214) 369 3 29 July 979 (210) *302 4 27 July 914 (208) 336 6 23 July 947 ( [204) *370 17 July 980* (199) 303 2 17 July 915 (198) *337 3 1 1 July 948* 193) 371 5 7 July 981 (188) 304 6 5 July 916* (187) 338 1 1 July 949 '182) 372 2 26 June 982 (177) *305 3 24 June 917 (175) 339 5 20 June 250 ( 171) *373 6 15 June 983 (166) 306 1 14 June 918 (165) *340 2 9 June 951 '160) 374 4 4 June 984* (156) •307 5 3 June 919 (154). 341 29 May 952» ^ 160) 375 1 24 May 985 (144) CHRONOLOGICAL TABLES. 83 Hijra year. Commencement. Date in the English Calendar. Hijra year. Commencement. Date in the English Calendar. Hijra year. Commencement. Date in the English Calendar. *376 5 377 3 *378 379 5 380 2 *381 6 382 4 383 1 *384 5 385 3 *386 387 5 388 2 *389 6 390 4 391 1 *392 5 393 3 394 *395 4 396 2 *397 6 398 4 399 1 *400 5 401 3 402 *403 4 404 2 405 6 *406 3 407 1 *408 5 409 3 13 May 3 May 21 Apr. U Apr. 31 Mar. 20 Mar. 9 Mar. 26 Feb. 15 Feb. 5 Feb. 25 Jan. 14 Jan. 3 Jan. 23 Dec. 13 Dec. 1 Dec. 20 Nov. 10 Nov. 30 Oct. 18 Oct. 8 Oct. 27 Sep. 17 Sep. 5 Sep. 25 Aug. 15 Aug. 4 Aug. 23 July 13 July 2 July 21 June 10 June 30 May 20 May 986 (133) 987 (123) 988* (112) 989 (101) 990 (90) 991 (79) 992* (69) 993 (57) 994 (46) 995 (36) 996* (25) 997 (14) 998 (3) 998 999 1000* 1001 1002 1003 1004* 1005 1006 1007 1008* 1009 1010 1011 1012* 1013 1014 1015 1016* 1017 1018 (357) (347) (336) (324) (314) (303) (292) (281) (270) (260) (249) (237) (227) (216) (205) (194) (183) (172) (162) (150) (140) 410 *411 412 413 *414 415 *416 417 418 *419 420 421 *422 423 424 *425 426 *427 428 429 *430 431 432 *433 434 435 *436 437 *438 439 440 *441 442 443 4 2 6 3 1 5 3 4 2 6 3 1 5 2 4 2 6 3 1 5 2 4 1 6 3 1 5 2 4 9 May 27 Apr. 17 Apr. 6 Apr. 26 Mar. 15 Mar. 4 Mar. 22 Feb. 11 Feb. 31 Jan. 20 Jan. 9 Jan. 29 Dec. 1 9 Dec. 7 Dec. 26 Nov. 16 Nov. 5 Nov. 25 Oct. 14 Oct. 8 Oct. 23 Sep. 11 Sep. 31 Aug. 21 Aug. 10 Aug. 29 July 19 July 8 July 28 June 16 June 5 June 26 May 15 May 1019 (129) #444 1 1020* (118) 445 6 1021 (107) *446 3 1022 (96) 447 1 1023 (85) 448 5 1024* (75) *449 2 1025 (63) 450 1026 (53) 451 4 1027 (42) *452 1 1028* (31) 453 6 1029 (20) 454 3 1030 (9) *455 1030 (363) 456 5 1031 (353) *457 2 1032* (342) 458 1033 (330) 459 4 1034 (320) *460 1 1035 (309) 461 6 1036* (299) 462 3 1037 (287) *463 1038 (276) 464 5 1039 (266) 465 2 1040* (255) *466 6 1041 (243) 467 4 1042 (233) *468 1 1043 (222) 469 6 1044* (211) 470 3 1045 (200) *471 1046 (189) 472 5 1047 (179) 473 2 1048* (168) #474 6 1049 (156) 475 4 1050 (146) *476 1 1051 (135) 477 6 3 May 23 Apr. 12 Apr. 2 Apr. 21 Mar. 10 Mar. 28 Feb. 17 Feb. 6 Feb. 26 Jan. 15 Jan. 4 Jan. 25 Dec. 13 Dec. 3 Dee. 22 Nov 11 Nov. 31 Oct. 20 Oct. 9 Oct. 29 Sep. 17 Sep. 6 Sep. 27 Aug. 16 Aug. 5 Aug. 2.5 July 14 July 4 July 22 June 11 June 1 June 21 May 10 May 1052* (124) 1053 (113) 1054 (102) 1055 (92) 1056* (81) 1057 (69) 1058 (59) 1059 (48) 1060* (37) 1061 (26) 1062 (15) 1063 (4) 1063 (359) 1064* (348) 1065 (337) 1066 (326) 1067 (315) 1068* (305) 1069 (293) 1070 (282) 1071 (272) 1072* (261) 1073 (249) 1074 (239) 1075 (228) 1076* (218) 1077 (206) 1078 (195) 1079 (185) 1080* (174) 1081 (162) 1082 (152) 1083 (141) 1084* (131) 84 CHRONOLOGICAL TABLES. Commencement. Hijra year. II Date in the English Calendar. Hijra year. Commencement. O H 1 Date in the English Calendar. Hijra year. 1 Commencement. .3^ Date in the English Calendar. 478 *479 480 481 *482 483 484 *485 486 *487 488 489 *490 491 492 *493 494 495 *496 497 *498 499 500 *501 502 503 *504 505 *506 507 508 *509 510 511 3 5 2 6 4 1 5 3 5 2 6 4 1 5 3 4 2 6 4 1 5 3 4 2 6 4 1 5 3 29 Apr. 18 Apr. 8 Apr. 27 Mar. 16 Mar. 6 Mar. 23 Feb. 12 Feb. 1 Feb. 21 Jan. 11 Jan. 31 Dec. 19 Dec. 9 Dec. 28 Nov. 17 Nov. 6 Nov. 26 Oct. 15 Oct. 5 Oct. 23 Sep. 13 Sep. 2 Sep. 22 Aug. 11 Aug. 31 July 20 July 10 July 28 June 18 June 7 June 27 May 16 May 5 May 1085 (119) 1086 (108) 1087 (98) 1088* (87) 1089 (75) 1090 (65) 1091 (54) 1092* (43) 1093 (32) 1094 (21) 1095 (11) 1095 (365) 1096* (354) 1097 (343) 1098 (332) 1099 (321) 1100* (311) 1101 (299) 1102 (288) 1103 (278) 1104* (267) 1105 (256) 1106 (245) 1107 (234) 1108* (224) 1109 (212) 1110 (201) 1111 (191) 1112* (180) 1113 (169) 1114 (158) 1115 (147) 1116* (137) 1117 (125) *512 513 514 *515 516 *517 518 519 *520 521 522 *523 524 525 *526 627 *528 529 530 *531 532 533 *534 535 *536 537 538 *539 540 541 *542 543 544 *545 4 2 6 3 1 5 3 4 2 6 3 1 5 2 4 2 6 3 1 5 2 4 2 6 3 1 5 2 4 1 24 Apr. 14 Apr. 2 Apr. 22 Mar. 12 Mar, 1 Mar. 19 Feb. 7 Feb. 27 Jan. 17 Jan. 6 Jan. 25 Dec. 15 Dec. 4 Dec. 23 Nov. 12 Nov. 1 Nov. 22 Oct. 11 Oct. 29 Sep. 19 Sep. 8 Sep. 28 Aug. 17 Aug. 6 Aug. 27 July 16 July 4 July 24 June 13 June 2 June 22 May 11 May 30 Apl. 18 (114) 19 ( 104) 20* (93) 21 (81) 22 (71) 23 (60) 24* (50) 25 (38) 26 (27) 27 (17) 28* (6) 28* ( 360) 29 ;349) 30 ;338) 31 ;327) 32* ;3i7) 33 ;305) 34 :295) 35 :284) 136* ;273) 37 ;262) 138 [251) 139 ^240) 140* ;230) 41 ;2i8) 42 ^208) 143 :i97) 144* [186) 145 (175) 46 ;i64) 47 153) 48* ( 143) 49 ( 131) 50 ( 120) 546 *547 548 549 *550 551 552 *553 554 555 *556 557 *558 559 560 *561 562 563 *564 565 *566 567 568 *569 670 571 *572 573 574 *575 576 *577 578 579 6 3 1 5 2 4 1 6 3 5 2 4 1 6 3 5 2 4 1 6 3 5 2 6 4 1 6 3 20 Apl. 8 Apl. 29 Mar. 18 Mar. 7 Mar. 25 Feb. 13 Feb. 2 Feb. 23 Jan. 12 Jan 31 Dec. 21 Dec. 10 Dec. 30 Nov. 18 Nov. 7 Nov. 28 Oct. 17 Oct. 5 Oct. 25 Sep. 14 Sep. 4 Sep. 23 Aug. 12 Aug. 2 Aug. 22 July 10 July 30 June 19 June 8 June 28 May 17 May 7 May 26 Apr. 1151 (110) 1152* (99) 1153 (88) 1154 (77) 1155 (66) 1156* (66) 1157 (44) 1158 (33) 1159 (23) 1160* (12) 1160* 1161 1162 1163 1164* 1165 1166 1167 1168* 1169 1170 1171 1172* 1173 1174 1175 1176* 1177 1178 1179 1180* 1181 1182 1183 (366) (355) (344) (334) (323) (311) (301) (290) (279) (268) (257) (247) (236) (224) (214) (203) (192) (181) (170) (159) (149) (137) (127) (116) CHRONOLOGICAL TABLES. 85 Hijra Commencement. Hijra Commencement. Hijra Commencement. ^ i u u year. 4 Date in the Knglish Calendar. year. 3J •gs Date in the English Calendar. year. Date in the English Calendar. 1 2 3 I 2 3 1 2 3 *580 14 Apr. 1184* (105) 614 2 10 Apr. 1217 (100) *648 3 5 Apr. 1250 (95) 581 5 4 Apr. 1185 (94) 615 6 30 Mar. 1218 (89) 649 1 26 Mar. 1251 (85) 582 2 24 Mar. 1186 (83) *616 3 19 Mar. 1219 (78) 650 5 14 Mar. 1252* (74) *583 6 13 Mar. 1187 (72) 617 1 8 Mar. 1220* (68) *651 2 3 Mar. 1253 (62) 584 4 2 Mar. 1188* (62) *618 5 25 Feb. 1221 (56) 652 21 Feb. 1254 (52) 585 1 19 Feb. 1189 (50) 619 3 15 Feb. 1222 (46) 653 4 10 Feb. 1255 (41) *586 5 8 Feb. 1190 (39) 620 4 Feb. 1223 (35) *654 1 30 Jan. 1256* (30) 587 3 29 Jan. 1191 (29) *621 4 24 Jan. 1224* (24) 655 6 19 Jan. 1257 (19) * 588 18 Jan. 1192* (18) 622 2 13 Jan. 1225 (13) *656 3 8 Jan. 1258 (8) 589 5 7 Jan. 1193 (7) 623 6 2 Jan. 1226 (2) 657 1 29 Dec. 1258 (363) 590 2 27 Dec. 1193 (361) *624 3 22 Dec. 1226 (356) 658 5 18 Dec. 1259 (352) *591 6 16 Dec. 1194 (350) 625 1 12 Dee. 1227 (346) *659 2 6 Dec. 1260* (341) 592 4 6 Dec. 1195 (340) *626 5 30 Nov. 1228* (335) 660 26 Nov. 1261 (330) 593 1 24 Nov. 1196* (329) 627 3 20 Nov. 1229 (324) 661 4 15 Nov. 1262 (319) *594 5 13 Nov. 1197 (317) 628 9 Nov. 1230 (313) *662 1 4 Nov. 1263 (308) 595 3 3 Nov. 1198 (307) *629 4 29 Oct. 1231 (302) 663 6 24 Oct. 1264* (298) *596 23 Oct. 1199 (296) 630 2 18 Oct. 1232* (292) 664 3 13 Oct. 1265 (286) 597 5 12 Oct. 1200* (286) 631 6 7 Oct. 1233 (280) *665 2 Oct. 1266 (275) 598 2 1 Oct. 1201 (274) *632 3 26 Sep. 1234 (269) 666 5 22 Sep. 1267 (265) *599 6 20 Sep. 1202 (263) 633 1 16 Sep. 1235 (259) *667 2 10 Sep. 1268* (254) 600 4 10 Sep. 1203 (253) 634 5 4 Sep. 1236* (248) 668 31 Aug. 1269 (243) 601 1 29 Aug. 1204* (242) *635 2 24 Aug. 1237 (236) 669 4 20 Aug. 1270 (232) *602 5 18Arg. 1205 (230) 636 14 Aug. 1238 (226) *670 1 9 Aug. 1271 (221) 603 3 8 Aug. 1206 (220) *637 4 3 Aug. 1239 (215) 671 6 29 July 1272* (211) 604 28 July 1207 (209) 638 2 23 July 1240* (205) 672 3 18 July 1273 (199) *605 4 16 July 1208* (198) 639 6 12 July 1241 (193) *673 7 July 1274 (188) 606 2 6 July 1209 (187) *640 3 1 July 1242 (182) 674 5 27 June 1275 (178) *607 6 25 June 1210 (176) 641 1 21 June 1243 (172) 675 2 15 June 1276* (167) 608 4 15 June 1211 (166) 642 5 9 June 1244* (161) *676 6 4 June 1277 (155) 609 1 3 June 1212* (155) *643 2 29 May 1245 (149) 677 4 25 May 1278 (145) *610 6 23 May 1213 (143) 644 19 May 1246 (139) *678 1 14 May 1279 (134) 611 3 13 May 1214 (133) 645 4 8 May 1247 (128) 679 6 3 May 1280* (124) 612 2 May 1215 (122) *646 1 26 Apr. 1248* (117) 680 3 22 Apr. 1281 (112) *613 4 20 Apr. 1216* (111) 647 6 16 Apr. 1249 (106) *681 11 Apr 1282 (101) 22 86 CHRONOLOGICAL TABLES. Hijra year. Commencement. Date in the English Calendar. Hijra year. Commencement. C8.0 'c a Date in the English Calendar. Hijra year. Commencement. ^1 Date in the English Calendar. 1 1 682 5 683 2 «684 6 685 4 *686 1 687 6 688 3 *689 690 5 691 2 *692 6 693 4 694 1 *695 5 696 3 *697 698 5 699 2 *700 6 701 4 702 1 *703 5 704 3 705 *706 4 707 2 *708 6 709 4 710 1 ♦711 5 712 3 713 *714 4 715 2 1 Apr. 20 Mar. 9 Mar. 27 Feb. 16 Feb. 6 Feb. 25 Jan. 14 Jan. 4 Jan. 24 Dec. 12 Dec. 2 Dec. 21 Nov. 10 Nov. 30 Oct. 19 Oct. 9 Oct. 28 Sep. 16 Sep. 6 Sep. 26 Aug. 15 Aug. 4 Aug. 24 July 13 July 3 July 21 June 11 June 31 May 20 May 9 May. 28 Apr. 17 Apr. 7 Apr. 1283 1284* 1285 1286 1287 1288* 1289 1290 1291 1291 1292* 1293 1294 1295 1296* 1297 1298 1299 1300* 1301 1302 1303 1304* 1305 1306 1307 1308* 1309 1310 1311 1312* 1313 1314 1315 (91) (80) (68) (58) (47) (37) (25) (14) (4) (358) (347) (336) (325) (314) (304) (292) (282) (271) (260) (249) (238) (227) (217) (205) (194) (184) (173) (162) (151) (140) (130) (118) (107) (97) *716 717 718 *719 720 721 #722 723 724 *725 726 *727 728 729 *730 731 732 *733 734 735 *736 737 *738 739 740 *741 742 743 *744 745 *746 747 748 *749 6 4 1 5 3 4 2 6 3 1 5 3 4 2 6 3 1 5 2 4 2 6 3 1 5 2 4 2 6 3 26 Mar. 16 Mar. 5 Mar. 22 Feb. 12 Feb. 31 Jan. 20 Jan. 10 Jan. 30 Dec. 18 Dec. 8 Dec. 27 Nov. 17 Nov. 5 Nov. 25 Oct. 15 Oct. 4 Oct. 22 Sep. 12 Sep. 1 Sep. 21 Aug. 10 Aug. 30 July 20 July 9 July 27 June 17 June 6 June 26 May 15 May 4 May 24 Apr. 13 Apr. 1 Apr. 1316* 1317 1318 1319 1320* 1321 1322 1323 1323 1324* 1325 1326 1327 1328* 1329 1330 1331 1332* 1333 1334 1335 1336* 1337 1338 1339 1340* 1341 1342 1343 1344* 1345 1346 1347 1348* (86) (75) (64) (53) (43) (31) (20) (10) (364) (353) (342) (331) (321) (310) (298) (288) (277) (266) (255) (244) (233) (223) (211) (201) (190) (179) (168) (157) (146) (136) (124) (114) (103) (92) 750 751 *752 753 754 *755 756 *757 758 759 *760 761 762 *763 764 765 *766 767 *768 769 770 *771 772 773 *774 775 *776 777 778 *779 780 781 *782 783 1 5 2 4 1 6 3 1 5 2 4 1 6 3 5 2 4 1 6 3 5 2 4 1 6 3 5 22 Mar. 11 Mar. 28 Feb. 18 Feb. 6 Feb. 26 Jan. 16 Jan. 5 Jan. 25 Dec. 14 Dec. 3 Dec. 23 Nov. 11 Nov. 31 Oct. 21 Oct. 10 Oct. 28 Sep. 18 Sep. 7 Sep. 28 Aug. 16 Aug. 5 Aug. 26 July 15 July 3 July 23 June 12 June 2 June 21 May 10 May 30 Apr. 19 Apr. 7 Apr. 28 Mar. 1349 (81) 1350 (70) 1351 '59) 1352* (49) 1353 (37; 1354 (26) 1355 (16) 1356* (5) 1356* (360) 1357 (348) 1358 (337) 1359 (327) 1360* (316) 1361 (304) 1362 (294) 1363 (283) 1364* (272) 1365 (261) 1366 (250) 1367 (240) 1368* (229) 1369 (217) 1370 (207) 1371 (196) 1372* (185) 1373 (174) 1374 (163) 1375 (153) 1376* (142) 1377 (130) 1378 (120) 1379 (109) 1380* (98) 1381 (87) CHBONOLOGICAL TABLES. 87 Commencement. Hijra year. 1 f^. Date in the English Calendar. Hijra year. Commencement . g B Date in the English Calendar. Hijra year. Commencement. ■Eg Date in the English Calendar. 784 *785 786 *787 788 789 1*790 791 792 *793 794 795 *796 797 *798 799 800 *801 802 803 *804 805 »806 807 808 ♦809 810 811 *812 813 814 *815 816 *817 2 6 4 1 6 3 5 2 6 4 1 5 3 5 2 6 4 1 5 3 6 2 6 4 1 5 3 4 2 6 17 Mar. 6 Mar. 24 Feb. 12 Feb. 2 Feb. 22 Jan. 11 Jan. 31 Dec. 20 Dec. 9 Dec. 29 Nov. 17 Nov. 6 Nov. 27 Oct. 16 Oct. 5 Oct. 24 Sep. 13 Sep. 3 Sep. 22 Aug. 11 Aug. 1 Aug. 21 July 10 July 29 June 18 June 8 June 27 May 16 May 6 May 25 Apr. 13 Apr. 3 Apr. 23 Mar. 1382 1383 1384* 1385 1386 1387 1388* 1388* 1389 1390 1391 1392* 1393 1394 1395 1396* 1397 1398 1399 1400* 1401 1402 1403 1404* 1405 1406 1407 1408* 1409 1410 1411 1412* 1413 1414 (76) 818 (65) 819 (55) *820 (43) 821 (33) 822 (22) *823 (11) 824 366) 825 354) *826 343) 827 333) *828 322) 829 310) 830 300) *831 289) 832 279) 833 267) *834 256) 835 246) *836 235) 837 223) 838 213) *839 202) 840 192) 841 180) *842 169) 843 159) 844 148) *845 136) 846 126) *847 115) 848 104) 849 (93) *850 (82) 851 4 1 5 3 4 2 6 3 1 5 3 4 2 6 3 1 5 3 4 2 6 3 1 5 2 4 2 6 3 1 13 Mar. 1 Mar. 18 Feb. 8 Feb. 28 Jan. 17 Jan. 6 Jan. 26 Dec. 15 Dec. 5 Dec. 23 Nov. 13 Nov. 2 Nov. 22 Oct. 1 1 Oct. 30 Sep. 19 Sep. 9 Sep. 28 Aug. 1 8 Aug. 7 Aug. 27 July 16 July 5 July 24 June 14 June 2 June 22 May 12 May 1 May 20 Apr. 9 Apr. 29 Mar. 19 Mar. 1415 1416* 1417 1418 1419 1420* 1421 1421 1422 1423 1424* 1425 1426 1427 1428* 1429 1430 1431 1432* 1433 1434 1435 1436* 1437 1438 1439 1440* 1441 1442 1443 1444* 1445 1446 1447 (72) 852 (61) *853 (49) 854 (39) 855 (28) *856 (17) 857 (6) *858 360) 859 349) 860 339) *861 328) 862 317) 863 306) *864 295) 865 285) *866 273) 867 262) 868 252) *869 241) 870 230) 871 219) *872 208) 873 198) 874 186) *875 175) 876 165) *877 154) 878 142) 879 132) *880 121) 881 111) 882 (99) *883 (88) 884 (78) 885 5 2 4 1 6 3 1 5 2 4 1 6 3 1 5 2 4 1 6 3 5 2 4 1 6 3 5 2 7 Mar. 24 Feb. 14 Feb. 3 Feb. 23 Jan. 12 Jan. 1 Jan. 22 Dec. 11 Dec. 29 Nov. 19 Nov. 8 Nov. 28 Oct. 17 Oct. 6 Oct. 26 Sep. 15 Sep. 3 Sep. 24 Aug. 13 Aug. 2 Aug. 22 July 11 July 30 June 20 June 8 June 29 May 18 May 7 May 26 Apr. 15 Apr. 4 Apr. 25 Mar. 13 Mar. 1448* (67) 1449 (55) 1450 (45) 1451 (34) 1452* (23) 1453 (12) 1454 (1) 1454 (356) 1455 (345) 1456* (334) 1457 (323) 1458 (312) 1459 (301) 1460* (291) 1461 (279) 1462 (269) 1463 (258) 1464* (247) 1405 (236) 1466 (225) 1467 (214) 1468* (204) 1469 (192) 1470 (181) J471 (171) 1472* (160) 1473 (149) 1474 (138) 1475 (127) 1476* (117) 1477 (105) 1478 (94) 1479 (84) 1480* (73) 88 OHEONOLCGICAL TABLES. Hijra year. Commencement. Hiira year. Commencement. Hijra year. Commencement. u Date in the English Calendar. ■H Date in the English Calendar. Date in the English Calendar. 1 2 3 I 2 3 1 2 3 *886 6 2 Mar. 1481 (61) 920 1 26 Feb. 1514 (57) *954 2 21 Feb. 1547 (52) 887 4 20 Feb. 1482 (51) *921 5 15 Feb. 1515 (46) 955 11 Feb. 1548* (42) *888 1 9 Feb. 1483 (40) 922 3 5 Feb. 1516* (36) *956 4 30 Jan. 1549 (30) 889 6 30 Jan. 1484* (30) 923 24 Jan. 1517 (24) 967 2 20 Jan. 1650 (20) 890 3 18 Jan. 1485 (18) *924 4 13 Jan. 1518 (13) 958 6 9 Jan. 1551 (9) *891 7 Jan. 1486 (7) 925 2 3 Jan. 1519 (3) *959 3 29 Dec. 1551 (363) 892 5 28 Dec. 1486 (362) *926 6 23 Dec. 1519 (357) 960 1 18 Der. 1552* (353) 893 2 17 Dec. 1487 (351) 927 4 12 Dec. 1520* (347) 961 5 7 Dec. 1553 (341) *894 6 5 Dec. 1488* (340) 928 1 1 Dec. 1521 (335) *962 2 26 Nov. 1554 (330) 895 4 25 Nov. 1489 (329) *929 6 20 Nov. 1522 (324) 963 16 Nov. 1555 (320) *896 1 14 Nov. 1490 (318) 930 3 10 Nov. 1523 (314) 964 4 4 Nov. 1656* (309) 897 6 ■ 4 Nov. 1491 (308) 931 29 Oct. 1524* (303) *965 1 24 Oct. 1557 (297) 898 3 23 Oct. 1492* (297) *932 4 18 Oct. 1525 (291) 966 6 14 Oct. 1558 (287) *899 12 Oct. 1493 (285) 933 2 8 Oct. 1526 (281) *967 3 3 Oct. 1559 (276) 900 5 2 Oct. 1494 (275) 934 6 27 Sep. 1527 (270) 968 1 22 Sep. 1560* (266) 901 2 21 Sep. 1495 (264) *935 3 15 Sep. 1528* (259) 969 5 11 Sep. 1561 (254) *902 6 9 Sep. 14S6* (253) 936 1 5 Sep. 1529 (248) *970 2 31 Aug. 1562 (243) 903 4 30 Aug. 1497 (242) *937 6 25 Aug. 1530 (237) 971 21 Aug. 1563 (233) 904 1 19 Aug. 1498 (231) 938 3 15 Aug. 1531 (227) 972 4 9 Aug. 1564* (222) *905 5 8 Aug. 1499 (220) 939 3 Aug. 1532* (216) *973 1 29 July 1565 (210) 906 3 28 July 1500* (210) *940 4 23 July 1533 (204) 974 6 19 July 1566 (200) *907 1 7 July 1501 (198) 941 2 13 July 1634 (194) 976 3 8 July 1567 (189) 908 5 7 July 1502 (188) 942 6 2 July 1536 (183) *976 26 June 1568* (178) 909 2 26 June 1603 (177) *943 3 20 June 1636* (172) 977 5 16 June 1569 (167) *910 6 14 June 1504* (166) 944 1 10 June 1537 (161) *978 2 5 June 1570 (156) 911 4 4 June 1505 (155) 945 5 30 May 1638 (150) 979 26 May 1571 (146) 912 1 24 May 1506 (144) *946 2 19 May 1539 (139) 980 4 14 May 1672* (135) *913 5 13 May 1507 (133) 947 8 May 1540* (129) *981 1 3 May 1573 (123) 914 3 2 May 1508* (123) *948 4 27 Apr. 1541 (117) 982 6 23 Apr. 1574 (113) 915 21 Apr. 1509 (111) 949 2 17 Apr. 1642 (107) 983 3 12 Apr. 1575 (102) *916 4 10 Apr. 1510 (100) 950 6 6 Apr. 1543 (96) *984 31 Mar. 1576* (91) 917 2 31 Mar. 1511 (90) *951 3 25 Mar. 1544* (85) 985 5 21 Mar. 1577 (80) *918 6 19 Mar. 1512* (79) 952 1 15 Mar. 1545 (74) *986 2 10 Mar. 1578 (69) 919 4 9 Mar. 1513 (68) 953 5 4 Mar. 1546 (63) 987 28 Feb. 1579 (59) CHEONOLOGICAL TABLES. 89 Hijra year. Commencement. Hijra yeur. Commencement. Hijra year. Commencement. ^ si 4 Date in the English Calendar. •1-2 fa ^ Date in the English Calendar. fa i Date in the English Calendar. I 2 3 1 3 3 1 2 3 988 4 17 Feb. 1580* (48) *1022 5 11 Feb. 1613 (42) 1056 7 Feb. 1646 (38) *989 1 5 Feb. 1581 (36) 1023 3 1 Feb. 1614 (32) *1057 4 27 Jan. 1647 (27) 990 6 26 Jan. 1582 ' (26) 1024 21 Jan. 1615 (21) 1058 2 17 Jan. 1648* (17) 991 3 15 Jan. 1583 (15) *1025 4 10 Jan. 1616* (10) 1059 6 5 Jan. 1649 (5) *992 4 Jan. 1584* (4) 1026 2 30 Dec. 1616* (365) »1060 3 25 Dec. 1649 (359) 993 5 24 Dec. 1584* (359) *1027 6 19 Dec. 1617 (353) 1061 1 15 Dec. 1650 (349) 994 2 13 Dec. 1585 (347) 1028 4 9 Dec. 1618 (343) 1062 5 4 Dec. 1651 (338) *995 6 2 Dec. 1586 (336) 1029 1 28 Nov. 1619 (332) *1063 2 22 Nov. 1652* (327) 996 4 22 Nov. 1587 (326) *1030 5 16 Nov. 1620* (321) 1064 12 Nov. 1653 (316) *997 1 10 Nov. 1588* (315) 1031 3 6 Nov. 1621 (310) 1065 4 1 Nov. 1654 (305) 998 6 31 Oct. 1589 (304) 1032 26 Oct. 1622 (299) *1066 1 21 Oct. 1655 (294) 999 3 20 Oct. 1590 (293) *1033 4 15 Oct. 1623 (288) 1067 6 10 Oct. 1656* (284) *1000 9 Oct. 1591 (282) 1034 2 4 Oct. 1624* (278) *1068 3 29 Sep. 1657 (272) 1001 5 28 Sep. 1592* (272) 1035 6 23 Sep. 1625 (266) 1069 1 19 Sep. 1658 (262) 1002 2 17 Sep. 1593 (260) *1036 3 12 Sep. 1626 (255) 1070 5 8 Sep. 1659 (251) •1003 6 6 Sep. 1594 (249) 1037 1 2 Sep. 1627 (245) *1071 2 27 Aug. 1660* (240) 1004 4 27 Aug. 1595 (239) *1038 5 21 Aug. 1628* (234) 1072 17 Aug. 1661 (229) 1005 1 15 Aug. 1596* (228) 1039 3 11 Aug. 1629 (223) 1073 4 6 Aug. 1662 (218) •1006 5 4 Aug. 1597 (216) 1040 31 July 1630 (212) *1074 1 26 July 1663 (207) 1007 3 25 July 1598 (206) *1041 4 20 July 1631 (201) 1075 6 15 July 1664* (197) *1008 14 July 1699 (195) 1042 2 9 July 1632* (191) »1076 3 4 July 1665 (185) 1009 5 3 July 1600* (185) 1043 6 28 June 1633 (179) 1077 1 24 June 1666 (175) 1010 2 22 June 1601 (173) *1044 3 17 June 1634 (168) 1078 5 13 June 1667 (164) *1011 6 11 June 1602 (162) 1045 1 7 June 1635 (158) *1079 2 1 June 1668* (153) 1012 4 1 June 1603 (152) *1046 5 26 May 1636* (147) 1080 22 May 1669 (142) 1013 1 20 May 1604* (141) 1047 3 16 May 1637 (136) 1081 4 11 May 1670 (131) *1014 5 9 May 1605 (129) 1048 5 May 1638 (125) *1082 1 30 Apr. 1671 (120) 1015 3 29 Apr. 1606 (119) *1049 4 24 Apr. 1639 (114) 1083 6 19 Apr. 1672* (110) *1016 18 Apr. 1607 (108) 1050 2 13 Apr. 1640* (104) 1084 3 8 Apr. 1673 (98) 1017 5 7 Apr. 1608* (98) 1051 6 2 Apr. 1641 (92) *1085 28 Mar. 1674 (87) 1018 2 27 Mar. 1609 (86) *1052 3 22 Mar. 1642 (81) 1086 5 18 Mar. 1675 (77) *1019 6 16 Mar. 1610 (75) 1053 1 12 Mar. 1643 (71) *1087 2 6 Mar. 1676* (66) 1020 4 6 Mar. 1611 (65) 1054 5 29 Feb. 1644* (60) 1088 24 Feb. 1677 (55) 1021 1 23 Feb. 1612* (54) *1055 2 17 Feb. 1645 (48) 1089 4 13 Feb. 1678 (44) ' Note that in all Roman Catholic countries in Europe the New Style was introduced from October 5th, 1.582, the year 1600 remaining aleap-year, while it was ordained that 1700, 1800 and 1900 should be common and not leap-years. This was not introduced Into England till 3rd September 17o2. All the dates in these tables are given according to English computation, and if it is desired to assimilate the date to that of any Catholic countrj-, 10 days must be added to the initial dates given above, from Hijra 991 to Hijra IIU inclusive, and 11 days from Hijra 1112 to 1165 inclusive. Thus for Catholic coimtries, Hijra 1002 must betaken as beginning on September 27th, Hijra 1043 on July 8th, and bo on. The Catholic dates will be found in Professor F. Wvistcnfeld's 23 90 CHRONOLOGICAL TABLES. Hijra year. Commencement. •-4 ^ « 9 ■'1 Date in the English Calendar. Hijra year. Commencement. i a Date in the English Calendar. 3 Hijra year. Commencement. Date in the English Calendar. *1090 1 1091 6 1092 3 *1093 1094 5 1095 2 *1096 6 1097 4 *1098 1 1099 6 1100 3 *1101 1102 5 1103 2 *1104 6 1105 4 •1106 1 1107 6 1108 3 *1109 1110 5 nil 2 *1112 6 1113 4 1114 1 *1I15 5 1116 3 *1117 1118 5 1119 2 *1120 6 1121 4 1122 1 *1123 5 Feb. 1679 Jan. 1680* Jan. 1681 Dec. 1681 Dec. 1682 Dec. 1683 Nov. 1684* Nov. 1685 Nov. 1686 Oct. 1687 Oct. 1688* Oct. 1689 Sep. 1690 Seji. 1691 Sep. 1692* Aug. 1693 Aug. 1694 Aug. 1695 July 1696* July 1697 June 1698 June 1699 June 1700* May 1701 May 1702 May 1703 Apr. 1704* Apr. 1705 Apr. 1706 Mar. 1707 Mar. 1708* Mar. 1709 Feb. 1710 Feb. 1711 (33) (23) (11) (365) (355) (344) (333) (322) (311) (301) (290) (278) (268) (257) (246) (235) (224) (214) (203) (191) (181) (170) (159) (148) (137) (126) (116) (104) (94) (83) (72) (61) (50) (39) 1124 3 1125 *1126 4 1127 2 *1128 6 1129 4 1130 1 *1131 5 1132 3 1133 *n34 4 1135 2 *1136 6 1137 4 1138 1 *1139 5 1140 3 1141 *1142 4 1143 2 1144 6 *1145 3 1146 1 *1147 5 1148 3 1149 *1150 4 1151 2 1152 6 *1I53 3 1154 1 1155 5 *1156 2 1157 29 Jan. 1712* 17 Jan. 1713 6 Jan. 1714 27 Dec. 1714 16 Dec. 1715 5 Dec. 1716* 24 Nov. 1717 13 Nov. 1718 3 Nov. 1719 22 Oct. 1720* 11 Oct. 1721 1 Oct. 1722 20 Sep. 1723 9 Sep. 1724* 29 Aug. 1725 18 Aug. 1726 8 Aug. 1727 27 July 1728* 16 July 1729 6 July 1730 25 June 1731 13 June 1732* 3 June 1733 23 May 1734 13 May 1735 1 May 1736* 20 Apr. 1737 10 Apr. 1738 30 Mar. 1739 18 Mar. 1740* 8 Mar. 1741 25 Feb. 1742 14 Feb. 1743 4 Feb. 1744* (29) (17) (6) 361) 350) 340) 328) 317) 307) 296) 284) 274) 263) 253) 241) 230) 220) 209) 197) 187) 176) 165) 154) 143) 133) 122) 110) 100) (89) (78) (67) (56) (45) (35) *1158 4 1159 2 1160 6 *il61 3 1162 1 1163 5 *1164 2 1165 *1166 4 1167 2 1168 6 *1169 3 1170 1 1171 5 *1172 2 1173 1174 4 »1175 1 1176 6 *1177 3 1178 1 1179 5 *1180 2 1181 1182 4 *1183 1 1184 6 1185 3 *1186 1187 5 *1188 2 1189 1190 4 *1191 1 23 Jan. 13 Jan. 2 Jan. 22 Dec. 11 Dee. 30 Nov. 19 Nov. 9 Nov. 8 Nov. 29 Oct. 18 Oct. 7 Oct. 26 Sep. 15 Sep. 4 Sep. 25 Aug. 13 Aug. 2 Aug. 23 July 12 July 1 July 20 June 9 June 30 May 18 May 7 May 27 Apr. 16 Apr. 4 Apr. 25 Mar. 14 Mar. 4 Mar. 21 Feb. 9 Feb. 1745 (23) 1746 (13_) 1747 (2) 1747 (356) 1748* (346) 1749 (334) 1750 (323) 1751 '(313) 1752* (313) 1753 (302) 1754 (291) 1755 (280) 1756* (270) 1757 (258) 1758 (247) 1759 (237) 1760* (226) 1761 (214) 1762 (204) 1763 (193) 1764* (183) 1765 (171) 1766 (160) 1767 (150) 1768* (139) 1769 (127) 1770 (117) 1771 (106) 1772* (95) 1773 (84) 1774 (73) 1775 (63) 1776* (52) 1777 (40) " Verflleichungs — TaheUen der Muhammedanisrken und Christlichen Zeitrechnmig'^ (Leipzig, 1854). The dates given here correspond with Prinsep. The British Museum have adopted Dr. Wiistenfeld's principle, " and have not deferred a chronological change, which was adopted in 1.582 by the chief nations of Europe of the time, until the necessity of the reform had at last been understood in EngUnd." (R.S.). ' The New Style was introduced into England from 3rd September 1752. The 9th November 1751 is therefore an Old Style date, and the 8th November 1752 is a New Style cne (see above, Note 2, p. 11, Note 1, p. 88). CHRONOLOGICAL TABLES. 91 Hijra year. Commencement. 1 Hijra year. Commencement. Hijra year. Commencement. -3 «■ C a Date in the English Calendar. Date in the English Calendar. 3I Date in the English Calendar. 1 2 3 I 2 3 1 2 3 1192 6 30 Jan. 1778 (30) "^1226 26 Jan. 1811 (26) 1260 2 22 Jan. 1844* (22) 1193 3 19 Jan. 1779 (19) 1227 5 16 Jan. 1812* (16) 1261 6 10 Jan. 1845 (10) *1194 8 Jan. 1780* (8) 1228 2 4 Jan. 1813 (4) *1262 3 30 Dec. 1845 (364) 1195 5 28 Dec. 1780* (363) *1229 6 24 Dec. 1813 (358) 1263 1 20 Dec. 1846 (354) *1196 2 17 Dec. 1781 (351) 1230 4 14 Dec. 1814 (348) 1264 5 9 Dec. 1847 (343) 1197 7 Dec. 1782 (341) 1231 1 3 Dec. 1815 (337) *1265 2 27 Nov. 1848* (332) 1198 4 26 Nov. 1783 (330) *1232 5 21 Nov. 1816* (326) 1266 17 Nov. 1849 (321) *1199 1 14 Nov. 1784* (319) 1233 3 11 Nov. 1817 (315) *1267 4 6 Nov. 1850 (310) 1200 6 4 Nov. 1785 (308) 1234 31 Oct. 1818 (304) 1268 2 27 Oct. 1851 (300) 1201 3 24 Oct. 1786 (297) *1235 4 20 Oct. 1819 (293) 1269 6 15 Oct. 1852* (289) *1202 13 Oct. 1787 (286) 1236 2 9 Oct. 1820* (283) *1270 3 4 Oct. 1853 (277) j 1203 5 2 Oct. 1788* (276) *1237 6 28 Sep. 1821 (271) 1271 1 24 Sep. 1864 (267) 1204 2 21 Sop. 1789 (264) 1238 4 18 Sep. 1822 (261) 1272 5 13 Sep. 1855 (256) *1205 6 10 Sep. 1790 (253) 1239 1 7 Sep. 1823 (250) *1273 2 1 Sep. 1856* (245) 1206 4 31 Aug. 1791 (243) *1240 5 26 Aug 1824* (239) 1274 22 Aug. 1857 (234) *1207 1 19 Aug. 1792* (232) 1241 3 16 Aug. 1825 (228) 1275 4 1 1 Aug. 1858 (223) 1208 6 9 Aug. 1793 (221) 1242 5 Aug. 1826 (217) *1276 1 31 July 1859 (212) 1209 3 29 July 1794 (210) *1243 4 25 July 1827 (206) 1277 6 20 July 1860* (202) *1210 18 July 1795 (199) 1244 2 14 July 1828* (196) *1278 3 9 July 1861 (190) 1211 5 7 July 1796* (189) 1245 6 3 July 1829 (184) 1279 1 29 June 1862 (180) 1212 2 26 June 1797 (177) *1246 3 22 June 1830 (173) 1280 5 18 June 1863 (169) *1213 6 15 June 1798 (166) 1247 1 12 June 1831 (163) *1281 2 6 June 1864* (158) 1214 4 5 June 1799 (156) *1248 5 31 May 1832* (152) 1282 27 May 1865 (147) 1215 1 25 May 1800 (145) 1249 3 21 May 1833 (141) 1283 4 16 May 1866 (136) *1216 5 14 May 1801 (134) 1250 10 May 1834 (130) *1284 1 5 May 1867 (125) 1217 3 4 May 1802 (124) *1251 4 29 Apr. 1835 (119) 1285 6 24 Apr. 1868* (115) *1218 23 Apr. 1803 (113) 1252 2 18 Apr. 1836* (109) *1286 3 13 Apr. 1869 (103) 1219 5 12 Apr. 1804* (103) 1253 6 7 Apr. 1837 (97) 1287 1 3 Apr. 1870 (93) 1220 2 1 Apr. 1805 (91) *1254 3 27 Mar. 1838 (86) 1288 5 23 Mar. 1871 (82) *I221 6 21 Mar. 1806 (80) 1255 1 17 Mar. 1839 (76) *1289 2 11 Mar. 1872* (71) 1222 4 11 Mar. 1807 (70) *1256 5 5 Mar. 1840* (65) 1290 1 Mar. 1873 (60) 1223 1 28 Feb. 1808* (59) 1257 3 23 Feb. 1841 (54) 1291 4 18 Feb. 1874 (49) *1224 5 16 Feb. 1809 (47) 1258 12 Feb. 1842 (43) *1292 1 7 Feb. 1875 (38) 1225 3 6 Feb. 1810 (37) *1259 4 1 Fob. 1843 (32) 1293 6 28 Jan. 1876* (28) 92 CHRONOLOGICAL TABLES. Hijra year. Commencement. Hijra year. Commencement. Hijra year. Commencement. :3l i s Date in the English Calendar. Date in the English Calendar. n 2 ■ Date in the English Calendar. 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 3 1294 3 16 Jan. 1877 (16) 1328 5 13 Jan. 1910 (13) 1362 6 8 Jan. 1943 (8) *1295 5 Jan. 1878 (5) 1329 2 2 Jan. 1911 (2) *1363 3 28 Dec. 1943 (362) 1296 5 26 Dec. 1878 (360) *1330 6 22 Dec. 1911 (358) 1364 1 17 Dec. 1944* (352) *1297 2 15 Dec. 1879 (349) 1331 4 11 Dec. 1912* (346) 1365 5 6 Dec. 1945 (340) 1298 4 Dec. 1880* (339) 1332 1 30 Nov. 1913 (334) *1366 2 25 Nov. 1946 (329) 1299 4 23 Nov. 1881 (327) *1333 5 19 Nov. 1914 (323) 1367 15 Nov. 1947 (319) *1300 1 12 Nov 1882 (316) 1334 3 9 Nov. 1915 (313) *1368 4 3 Nov. 1948* (308) 1301 6 2 Nov. 1883 (306) 1335 28 Oct. 1916* (302) 1369 2 24 Oct. 1949 (297) 1302 3 21 Oct. 1884* (295) *1336 4 17 Oct. 1917 (290) 1370 6 13 Oct. 1950 (286) *1303 10 Oct. 1885 (283) 1337 2 7 Oct. 1918 (280) *1371 3 2 Oct. 1951 (275) 1304 5 30 Sep. 1886 (273) *1338 6 26 Sep. 1919 (269) 1372 1 21 Sep. 1952* (265) 1305 2 19 Sep. 1887 (262) 1339 4 15 Sep. 1920* (259) 1373 5 10 Sep. 1953 (253) *1306 6 7 Sep. 1888* (251) 1340 1 4 Sep. 1921 (247) *1374 2 30 Aug. 1954 (242) 1307 4 28 Aug. 1889 (240) *1341 5 24 Aug. 1922 (236) 1375 20 Aug. 1955 (232) *1308 1 17 Aug. 1890 (229) 1342 3 14 Aug. 1923 (226) *1376 4 8 Aug. 1956* (221) 1309 6 7 Aug. 1891 (219) 1343 2 Aug. 1924* (215) 1377 2 29 July 1957 (210) 1310 3 26 July 1892* (208) *1344 4 22 July 1925 (203) 1378 6 18 July 1958 (199) *1311 15 July 1893 (196) 1345 2 12 July 1926 (193) *1379 3 7 July 1969 (188) 1312 5 5 July 1894 (186) *1346 6 I July 1927 (182) 1380 1 26 June 1960* (178) 1313 2 24 June 1895 (175) 1347 4 20 June 1928* (172) 1381 5 15 June 1961 (166) *1314 6 12 June 1896* (164) 1348 1 9 June 1929 (160) *1382 2 4 June 1962 (155) 1315 4 2 June 1897 (153) *1349 5 29 May 1930 (149) 1383 25 May 1963 (145) *1316 1 22 May 1898 (142) 1350 3 19 May 1931 (139) 1384 4 13 May 1964* (134) 1317 6 12 May 1899 (132) 1351 7 May 1932* (128) *1385 1 2 May 1965 (122) 1318 3 1 May 1900 (121) »1352 4 26 Apr. 1933 (116) 1386 6 22 Apr. 1966 (112) *1319 20 Apr. 1901 (110) 1353 2 16 Apr. 1934 (106) *1387 3 1 1 Apr. 1967 (101) 1320 5 10 Apr. 1902 (100) 1354 6 5 Apr. 1935 (95) 1388 1 31 Mar. 1968* (91) 1321 2 30 Mar. 1903 (89) *1355 3 24 Mar. 1936* (84) 1389 5 20 Mar. 1969 (79) *1322 6 18 Mar. 1904* (78) 1356 1 14 Mar. 1937 (73) *1390 2 9 Mar. 1970 (68) 1323 4 8 Mar. 1905 (67) »1357 5 3 Mar. 1938 (62) 1391 27 Feb. 1971 (58) 1324 1 25 Feb. 1906 (56) 1358 3 21 Feb. 1939 (52) 1392 4 16 Feb. 1972* (47) *1325 5 14 Feb. 1907 (45) 1359 10 Feb. 1940* (41) »1393 1 4 Feb. 1973 (35) 1326 3 4 Feb. 1908* (35) *1360 4 29 Jan. 1941 (29) 1394 6 25 Jan. 1974 (25) *1327 23 Jan. 1909 (23) 1361 2 19 Jan. 1942 (19) 1395 3 14 Jan. 1975 (14) CHRONOLOGICAL TABLES. 93 Hijra year. Commencement. Hijra year. Commencement. Hijra year. Conuuencement. o g Date in the English Calendar. u Pate in the English Calendar. S a Date in the English Calendar. 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 *1396 3 Jan. 1976* (3) 1411 3 24 July 1990 (205) *1426 5 10 Feb. 2005 (41) 1397 5 23 Dec. 1976* (357) »1412 13 July 1991 (194) 1427 3 31 Jan. 2006 (31) *1398 2 12 Dec. 1977 (346) 1413 5 2 July 1992* (184) *1428 20 Jan. 2007 (20) 1399 2 Dec. 1978 (336) 1414 2 21 June 1993 (172) 1429 5 10 Jan. 2008* (10) 1400 4 21 Nov. 1979 (325) «1415 6 10 June 1994 (161) 1430 2 29 Dec. 2008* (364) •1401 1 9 Nov. 1980* (314) 1416 4 31 May 1995 (151) •1431 6 18 Dec. 2009 (352) 1402 6 30 Oct. 1981 (303) *1417 1 19 May 1996* (140) 1432 4 8 Dec. 2010 (342) 1403 3 19 Oct. 1982 (292) 1418 6 9 May 1997 (129) 1433 1 27 Nov. 2011 (331) *1404 8 Oct. 1983 (281) 1419 3 28 Apr. 1998 (118) *1434 5 15 Nov. 2012* (320) 1405 5 27 Sep. 1984* (271) *1420 17 Apr. 1999 (107) 1435 3 5 Nov. 2013 (309) *1406 2 16 Sep. 1985 (259) 1421 5 6 Apr. 2000* (97) *1436 25 Oct. 2014 (298) 1407 6 Sep. 1986 (249) 1422 2 26 Mar. 2001 (85) 1437 5 15 Oct. 2015 (288) 1408 4 26 Aug. 1987 (238) *1423 6 15 Mar. 2002 (74) 1438 2 3 Oct. 2016* (277) *1409 1 14 Aug. 1988* (227) 1424 4 5 Mar. 2003 (64) *1439 6 22 Sep. 2017 (265) 1410 6 4 Aug. 1989 (216) 1425 1 22 Feb. 2004* (53) 1440 4 12 Sep. 2018 (255) 24 APPENDIX. EXTRACTS FROM DR. BURNELL'S " SOUTH INDIAN PALEOGRAPHY " RELATING TO CHRONOLOGY. P. 77. Expressing Numerals by Words. The earliest inscriptions found in Southern India in which the date is referred to an era have it written at full length in words. After the seventh century the dates are mostly expressed by significant words, and after the tenth century this is always done.' These significant words appear to be a device of the Indian astrologers, as the earliest examples occur in their treatises. The first complete list is that given by Albirtini (A.D 1031) ; the following is from his list, as translated by Woepcke ^ supplemented from Brown's " Cyclic Tables " and Inscriptions. As no limits can be placed to a fanciful practice like this, I cannot give this list as complete ; it is merely an attempt to make a complete list.* Cipher .... Sunya ; kha ; gagana ; viyat ; akasa ; ambara ; abhra ; ananta*; vyoma*. 1 Adi ; sasin ; indu ; kshiti ; urvara ; dhara ; pitamaha ; chandra ; sitaiiisu ; rupa ; ra^mi ; prithivi* ; bhu* ; tanu* ; somaf ; nayakaf ; vasudhaf ; sasankaf ; kshmaf ; dharanif. 2 Yama ; Asvdn ; ravichandrau ; lochana ; akshi ; Dasra ; yamala ; paksha ; netra ; bahu* ; karna* ; kuiumba* ; karaf ; drishtif. 3 Trikala; trijagat; tri ; triguna; loka ; trigata ; pavaka ; vaisvanara ; dahana; tapana; hutasana ; jvalana ; agni ; vahni* ; trilochana* ; trinetra* ; Rama* ; sahodara* ; sikhint ; gunaf. 4 Veda ; samudra ; sagara ; abdhi; dadhi (?) ; dis ; jalasaya ; krita ; jala ; uidhi* ; yiiga* ; koshtha* ; bandhu* ; udadhif. 5 Sara ; artha ; indriya ; sayaka ; vana ; bhuta ; ishu ; Panda va ; tata ; ratna* ; prana* ; suta ; putra * ; visikhaf ; kalambaf ; marganaf- 6 Rasa ; anga ; ritu ; masarddha ; raga* ; ari* ; darsana* ; tarka* ; niatat ; Sastrat. 7 Aga ; naga ; parvata ; mahidhara ; adri ; muni ; rishi* ; Atri* ; svara* ; chhandas* ; asva* ; dhatu* ; kalatra* ; sailaf. 8 Yasu ; ahi ; gaja ; dantin ; mangala ; naga ; bhuti* ; ibhaf ; sarpat(?) 9 Go ; nanda ; randhra ; chhidra ; pavana ; antara ; graha* ; anka* ; nidhif ; dvaraf. 10 Dis ; asa ; kendu; ravanasara ; avatara* ; karma*. 11 Rudra ; Isvara; Mahadeva; akshauhini; labha*. 12 Surya ; arka ; aditya ; bhanu ; masa ; sahasraiiisa ; vyaya*. 13 Visva ; Manmatha* ; Kamadeva*. 14 Manu ; loka* ; Indi-a*. 15 Tithi ; paksha* ; ahan*. 16 Ashti ; nripa ; bhupa ; kala*. 17 Atyashti. 18 Dhriti. 19 Atidhriti. 20 Nakha ; kriti. 21 Utkriti ; svarga*. 22 Jati*. 24 Jina*. 25 Tattva. ' I cannot concur in this assertion. (R.S.) 2 " Mhnoire" pp. 103-9. ' This system was first explained by v. Schlegel. Here (as is so perpetually the case in Indian literature) wo find that (he present system has had predecessors. In the ' Jyotisha' (see Profr. Weher's ed., p. 6) ai/a = 4 ; i/ugii = 12 : bhasanmha = 27 ; rupa = 1. In the ' Chandas' similar expressions occur. In the ahove list I give firstly those words given by Alblrunl about which there oan be no doubt ; then others mentioned by Mr. C. P. Brown which I mark •. Lastly I add terms not already men- tioned, which I have found in inscriptions, and which I mark f. This system is also used in the Javanese inscriptions. APPENDIX. 95 Albiruni (1031 A.D.) says that numbers beyond twenty-five were not noted in this way. The follo\ving, however, occur but in late documents only. 27 Nakshatra*. 32 Danta*, Rada. 33 Deva*. 49 Tana*. This list might be made much more extensive, as it is obvious that any synonyms of any word that can be used to signify a number can be used, e.g., any word signifying ' moon ' besides those men- tioned as equivalent to 1, may be used for the same purpose, and so with the others.' The ordinary numeral words are commonly mixed with the words given above. Id marking numbers by this system units are mentioned first and then the higher orders, e.g., Eishindgakhendusariivatsara is yetiT 1087 ; gtina4a^frakhendtiganitasamvatsara= lOQ'S ; dahanddrikhendugani- iasamvats ar a— 101 S. It appears, however, that occasionally in recent inscriptions the words are put in the same order as the figures are written. From 600 A.D. up to 1300 nine out of ten inscriptions that bear dates, have them expressed in this style,' which is, therefore, of the greatest importance. P. 79. ExPEESsioN OF Numbers by Letters. Three systems of this kind are known in India : that of Aryabhata, which he used in his treatises on astronomy, and which does not appear to have ever been used by anyone else or in inscriptions ; that used in S. India (but almost exclusively in Malabar, Travancore, and the S. Tamil country), in which the date is given by a chronogram ; and a third system in which the letters of the alphabet are used to mark the leaves of MSS. It is imnecessary to describe the first, as it is never used in inscriptions, and the text of Aryabhata'B work (once almost inaccessible) has been admirably edited by Profsr. Kern (1874). The second system gives values to the consonants of the Sanskrit alphabet as follows : — k kh g gh 6 12 3 4 5 ch dbh. J jh fi 6 1 8 9 t th 4 4h 9 1 2 3 4 5 t th 4 dh n 6 7 8 9 P ph b • bh m 1 2 3 4 5 y r 1 V 6 sh a h \ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 The order of the letters is from right to left, in double letters the last pronounced consonant only counts, and vowels have no value. Thus FmAwm=54 ; badhndti annam.sasarpi=l7, 7 50,603. As might ' .45 30605771 ° be supposed, the use of this method brought numerous grammatical errors. The peculiarity of this system is that it allows dates to be expressed by words with a connected meaning. This system was commonly in use in the fifteenth century,' but, apparently, not long before then. The oldest specimen of this notation (1187 A.D.) is in ShadguruSishya's commentary on the Eigveda Anuhramanika. It is now much used for remembering rules to calculate horoscopes, and for • As for instance giri tor parvata, " monntain " = 7. (R.8.) ' See note 1 on last page. (R.S.) • Ind. Ant. II., pp. 361 — 2, and other inscriptions. 25 96 APPENDIX. astronomical tables. The resemblance to the Semitic chronograms is complete. This method is also used in a kind of anuhratnani which exists for the Rig; Yajur-, and Sdmavedas, but apparently in S. India only. These lists of contents (for they are no more) must be modem. The third system is only applied to numbering the pages of MSS. ; it was used a good deal in Malabar, and also occasionally in the Telugu country, but not to any extent in MSS. written in this century. It is also known in Ceylon and Burmah. By this system the consonants (with short a, and in their usual order) stand for 1, 2, &c., up to 34, and then they are repeated with long a, e.g., kd='35 AAa=36, and so on. By the addition of the other vowels the series may be continued to a considerable length. Another system (used by the Buddhists and Jains in N . India) uses syllables in an apparently arbitrary manner ; this is (so far as I am aware) unknown in S. India.' .... In MSS. one often finds an abridged way of writing numbers, e.g., 20 || 1 || 2, &c., for 20, 21, 22, &c., and this has been suspected with reason to exist in some inscriptions. It was done (according to Albiruni) in reckoning by the " Lokakdla." This formidable number of eras and complicated calendars might seem to encourage hopes of an accurate chronology, but such hopes are entirely delusive. The exact length of a king's reign is seldom given in years and days, but fractions of years are taken as years. Again, Hindu kings in 8. India often nominated and consecrated their successors, and the length of the reign is sometimes reckoned from this event ; an approximation, not certainty, is then, all that is to be hoped for. The most important information likely to be soon available respecting Indian eras is to be hoped for in the edition and translation of Albiruni's works already begun by Professor Sachau. But it must not be forgotten that Albiruni himself found the greatest confusion in respect not only of Indian eras, but also of the beginning of the year, and that even he coidd not solve all the difficulties he detected (Reinaud, " Fragments," pp. 139, 145). Hiouen Thsang ' long before this had occasion to notice the confusion that prevailed. From what is now known respecting Indian chronology, there can be little doubt that originally a number of local eras and calendars were used, and that these have been gradually superseded for the most part by the more precise eras and calendars of the astronomers, and in recent times by the " Lokakdla." The Cycle of Beihaspati. Dr. Burnell gives the following Indian Paheography, p. 73 : — 1. Prabhava. 2. Yibhava. 3. Sukla. 4. Pramoda, Pramodflta {tie f Pramodita). 5. Prajapati, Prajotpatti (?). 6. Angirasa. 7. 6rimukha. 8. Bhava. 9. Yuva. 10. DhatQ, Dhatri (?). 11. ISvara. 12. Bahudhanya. 13. Pramadi, Pramathin. 14. Vikrama. 15. Vishu, Vrishabha (?), BhriSya, 16. Chitrahhanu. 17. Svabhanu, Subhanu. 18. Tarana. 19. Parthiva. 20. Vyaya. list, in which it is believed the spelling is strictly accurate. South 21. Sarvajit. 42. Kllaka. 22. Sarvadhari. 43. Saumya. 23. Virodhi. 44. SadhSrana. 24. Vikrita, Vikfiti (?). 45. Virodhikrit, Virodhakfit, Virodh 25. Khara. yadikrit. 26. Nandana. 46. Paridhavi. 27. Vijaya.' 47. Pramadlcha, Pramadin. 28. Jaya.' 48. Ananda. 29. Manmatha. 49. Bakshasa. 30. Durmukhi. 50. Anala (?), Nala. 3 1 . Hevilamba, Hemalamba, — ^°bi. 51. Pingala. 32. Vilambi,— °ba. 52. Kalayukta. 33. yikari. 53. Siddharthi. 34. Sarvari. 54. Eaudra, Baudri. 35. piava. 55. Durmati. 36. Subhakrit. 56. Dundubhi. 37. 6obhana, oobhakfit. 57. Budhirodgari. 38. Krodhi. 58. Eaktakshi, Eaktaksha. 39. ViSvSvasu. 59. Krodhana. 40. Parabhava. 60. Kshaya. 41. Plavanga. ' For particulars of theBe, see Dr. Bumell's South-Indian Paleography, p. 66. » " PiUrim Bouddhutes " II, p. 493. • According to Mr. C. P. Brown the order is eometimes, — Jaya, Vijaya. APPENDIX. 97 The Telugus follow the above in spelling, but have introduced a few slight modifications unne- cessary to call attention to. In Tamil the extremely limited number of characters in the alphabet compel writers to spell the names in the following manner. Note, however, that in conversation all educated men pronounce the names as in Sanskrit : — SaruvaSittu. Saruvadari. Viroti. Vikiruti. Kara. Nandanam. ViSaya. 1. Pirapava. 21. 2. Vipava. 22. 3. gukkila. 23. 4. Piramotuta. 24. 5. Pira^orpati — °patti. 26. 6. AnklraSa. 26. 7. 6irlmukam. 27. 8. Pava. 28. 9. Yuva. 29. 10. Tatu. 30. 11. ISSura. 31. 12. Vekutaniya. 32. 13. Piramati. 33. 1^. Vikkirama. 34. 15. Visu. 35. 16. SittirapSnu. 36. 17. 6upanu. 37. 18. Tarana. 38. 19. Parttipa. 39. 20. Viya. 40. Manmata. Tunmuki. Evilampi. Vilampi. Vikari. Sarvari. Pilava. 6upakirutu or Buppirakirutu. Sspakirutu. Kuroti. VifiuvavaSu. ParSpava. 41. PilavaAka. 42. .Blilaka. 43. Saumiya. 44. Satarana. 45. Virotikirutu. 46. Paritapi. 47. PiramatlSfia. 48. Ananta. 49. IradSata. 60. Nala. 51. Piiikala. 52. Kalayutti. 53. 6ittartti. 64. Irauttiri. 55. Tunmati. 56. Tuntupi. 67. 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