PR 4725 G754g A A GRaHaM GRaNADa: A PRIZE POEM : 3) : > '■ 33 \ -< *.. University of California Southern Regional Library Facility THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES ■•'-" "y; .|11 BOOKS PUBLISHED BY J. VINCENT, OXFORD; WH1TTAKER, TREACHER, AND ARNOTT ; SIMPKIN AND MARSHALL; AND SHERWOOD, GILBERT, AND PIPER, LONDON. As none of the following publications are at any time out of print, should there be any difficulty in obtaining them, a letter to the Publisher will meet with every attention. Jftaps fc Allans, Dedicated with permission to the Rev. Dr. Russell, Head Master of Charter House School, London. ATLAS of ANCIENT GEO- GRAPHY, containing seventy plates illustrative of Herodotus, Thucydi- des, Xenophon, Polybius, and Livy. To which is added, a Synoptical Ta- ble from the creation to the end of the Peloponnesian war, 4to. half bound, price 21. 2s. outlined. The Same, on a reduced scale, for the Use of Schools, half bound, price 12s. outlined. MAPS and PLANS illustrative of THUCYDIDES, 8vo. boards, second edition, price 12s. MAPS and PLANS illustrative of HERODOTUS, Svo. boards, 2nd edition, price 12s. The Same, coloured, half bound, price 14s. MAPS and PLANS illustrative of LIVY, Svo. boards, price 12s. MAPS and PLANS illustrative of POLYBIUS and XENOPHON, price 3s. 6d. If we were desired to mention a series of works calculated to assist the student in his progress, we should refer him to some publi- cations which have I. itely appeared at Oxford. Of these the Atlases before us are not the least useful. They contain not only the general Maps necessary for the study of Grecian His- tory, but also Plans and Sections illustrative of particular passages in the authors above mentioned. These chorographical treasures, long locked up in expensive publications, are now given to the world. Gail and Kennel are the principal authorities, and the engraver has executed his task with ability. We earnestly recommend to (he classical student an immediate acquaintance with the Maps under review. Classical Journal. Questions. QUESTIONS on DIVINITY, 18mo. cloth boards, price 4s. QUESTIONS on HERODOTUS, second edition, price 4s. boards. QUESTIONS on THUCYDI- DES, second edition, price 4s. bds. QUESTIONS on LIVY, Book 21 to 30, price Is. QUESTIONS on LOGIC, with references to the most popular Trea- tises, 12mo. interleaved, price 2s. 6d. KEY to the QUESTIONS on LOGIC, 12mo. price 2s. 6d. QUESTIONS on the OLD TESTAMENT, with references to the most approved commentators, third edition, price Is. QUESTIONS on the NEW TESTAMENT, with references to the most approved commentators, third edition, price Is. IMbtmtg. The ARTICLES of the CHURCH of ENGLAND, with Notes compiled from the writings of the most eminent Divines of the Church of England, confirmed by texts of the Holy Scripture, price 2s. This little book contains a brief history and orthodox exposition of the Articles; with notes from Tomline, Welshman, Burnett, and Mant, and a well chosen selection of Scripture proofs, it cannot be otherwise than useful, not only as a book of reference, but as an instruc- tive guide for those who have not leisure lor consulting brancer. larger works. Christian Remem- 2 BOOKS PUBLISHED BY J. VINCENT, OXFORD. An ANALYSIS of the HISTO- RICAL BOOKS of the OLD TESTAMENT, with notes and re- ferences to the most approved Com- mentators, 12mo. price 6s. boards. This is a useful an