LIBRARY University of California. Class ^f^^ Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2008 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation Cl) e Cudor jFacstmtle Ceytg 2L Comefip Cottterning Cjjree ILatDS of J^ature, Compiled by JOHN BALE BISHOP OF OSSORY Date of the first known Edition^ 1538 Reproduced in Facsimile^ 1908 %\)t Cut>or jFacgtmtle Ceyts Under tlie Supervision and Editorship of JOHN S. FARMER % Cometij) Contertttttfi CI)ree Eatos of jSiature, Compiled by JOHN ^ALE BISHOP OF OSSORY 1538 Issued for Subscribers by T. C. & E. C. JACK, 16 HENRIETTA STREET LONDON, W.C. : AND EDINBURGH MCMVIII fi£i»£H/SL :a Comefip Concerning Cl)ree Eatos of J^ature, Moats anti CJirist Compiled by JOHN BALE BISHOP OF OSSORY T/ie original of this facsimile is in the British Museum [Press-mark C. 34, <^. 12). The copy lacks the title-page^ and on the fly-leaf are two extracts concerning Bale from '-''Wharton s History of English Poetry^''' apparently in the handwriting of Edmund Malone. Another edition was printed in 1562 by Thomas Colwell^ from which it would seem that there is no lacuna between (^. \\]. verso and G. iv. recto, and that ** QBtpbC " is merely a blundered catchword. The portrait of Bale on G. ii. recto is as placed in the original ; and I have not thought well to utilize it, in perhaps a more fitting position, as a frontispiece. For particulars of Bishop Bale's career — " bilious Bale " — / need not repeat what has been already sufiiciently noted in the " Tudor Facsimile Texts " reprint of " God's Promises,'' save perhaps to add that in no other of his works is there so apparent his blunt savagery of speech against, and intolerance of, the Romish creed and practice as in " The Three Laws." 182219 Bale's curious ^^ Song upon Benedictus'' (G. //. verso to (25* nj» verso) follows Bale's portrait in the original, and is itself followed by a metrical version of "-^ The Commandments T The former is a mutilated transcript of " The Song of Zacharias^' words being left out in the middle of each verse, and replaced by Bale with inserted words of his own. The worm-eaten hole, plainly seen on 3» \)* verso, in a line with the words " Actus primus," goes right through the book. Mr, y. A. Herbert, of the Manuscript Department of the British Museum, after comparing this facsimile with the original, again reports that " the reproduction is excellently done.'' It may not be out of place to put on record the fact that my notes in respect to '''-faults " in these facsimiles have been thought occasionally to be somewhat hypercritical, as often no such " blurring " as is mentioned has been noticed in the special copies under the notice of these correspondents. No doubt this may be true ; and it is satisfactory to get such criticism. A mechanical facsimile process must vary, perhaps even more than the " impression " in ordinary printing varies. At any rate, subscribers may rest assured that we, as re- sponsible for the work in hand, are probably saying worse than could be said of us by even the most captious critic. JOHN S. FARMER. 'mffmihWo' '>^'>^imm/> py tl?< Sobomy tea* pi?aryfcc8 rttt^ _ p4py(?csf ^m»yUt>by jfot>4«25rtIeJ ;Anno M, I>.^XXXVlII,iM /<' V \Since ivr'iting the foregoing I have unexpectedly been put in possession of a photograph of the title-page of the more perfect copy of Balers " Three Laws " in the Bodleian Library : I now give it in facsimile slightly reduced. Only tivo copies of the play are known to be extant. — J. S. F.] [ . Balcusprplocutor. ik r IH^PSB ^ ^^ (ommm vcclt ^e, tnofi ^y^^ pze^K ^ mynence, 3d buc pnto Utred , foi fodS) commobytf , :2l6id f>A^byT[>em.^ot ae Cicero 0cun^ fcntencc 3nnAturc,mpcopic,in fyyvofcnoivtt w citic^ ^ocoulbcniUt^eivc:lbe,tr(rcttnor pnbreAti>cC iyf e ftdifjjry (Tppud, full cUrWy bot!) bytiVnc, }t«ii>e id a teai^tr^of matter 6 mce(far^, ^ i 2( Fnowieb^of t^n^w, both narur aU anb benefit j P«rO»<^bfngealI trut^.b)?||t»abyii0caII imiiry, 21 ^ftc of t^c lotbc,b«uoybc of all obprobry, j aUiw^oUfom boctryne , of mm byfcrctc 4»b wyfj^rfdpurc & de4iii; • 4 ©0 mo<^ t^ p«>pU»ro ^yepemtrft waft^ leant. ] %^ Uwof tlfltwc, jye fyit^y byfpofycyon. t rT3erativ>, C()c lavcccf inc»fc6, tritj) 3uaryccanb 2fmbyc)ron» .^c«IfopoIutci^.2(nbeucrcontynufllIy, C^ri(!e6ktve ^ebcfj^Ut^.trttb curfeb ^j^pccrefj^, I3nbroitl>.f«lfe boctrync, ^owyllapcrcinprefcnfCak. ITo r^ccbyfycn^CjCf i:|)yd^ ^riflcn atJbf encc, (Df 3nfybefj?t«, (Bob t»irll ^ymfclf reiicit^fc, tt>tt^ pk^eeof t»atcr,of toylbcfyre anbof ftpcibei. 2fnb of ^ys people , t>uc ^oma^c ^e rpyll 4>alm0c« Puerto be tnoTxmcfojt^eirCBob anb^oob lo:bc, 2(ftert^at(>e j)ati,tj>of£0 ajyayne rc(f otbe, Cot()eir firflbetptyc comni)?ttyn0e t^em tofayt^, ^c id now tn place, nntrfer^crfc^xr^at (c fuft^* AAus Primus, Deus Parcr. t!(m i^euspater,^ fuB(!Aunce tnuj^i^ 21Uoncia>itb f^c forine,^ Jolj? 0^(1 in cffcnce. Co 2(n0eII 4nbi^an'3^un tncooui pje^cnfj^blc, « 2(/lren0t!) infynyte,'nc9X9^j^^ i9 our o»nc elecr. i ^l 3« 3bouc tf)e ot^er5,pccuIy«rly ftlcct, Co bc» t>5 ^oma0e mb onour n yUtpcfm^c,to0ou^rnc ^ymm pkcc, 6« ppc fonrij) ye iti.Utr e6,fo: cjybaflcrc of iTt5Fynb« ttJ^ommoflinteyrly, in j)a« treloue ftnbfrtticr^ 2(n& tc4^ i)ym to walFc.accojbyn^c to our mynbCf 2nxUnnte of lyfe,ttnb m* ^eittyll bc^auer, j3cpc();mnruct ^ym.oKr myjtcryes to faucr, , Byt^ewojfesoffayt^jaUpyccetofcdubc, * 3nbpjcfetucm^ym,our^oMyfVmyIymbc» ^ Naturae ,l€X» » ♦r (2>fbftt)?t»eoiicj^t,alwayedtobeobeyf«tmf,* i I Coyour c3nuunbcmcnt,fo:iu(i uid4nb{^ef4tmf»'' ;^ Moieh lex ;' yoarp^eceptce arc tnie, 6^ of perpctuAnffrmtfri^' ©n iuflycc0rwinbcb,«8 tryll Apcrcatlm^rrb. ♦ /-^ Chriftilex. "*' psottbeneffe ye 4'b^otre ,mtj>{yFe tnconttenycnte«« ■'■^< iiUt^e^ atccm(ch,voy^goftdywtcdm(inbtmitem ' t ■ , Deus Pater, t y ^tUvotdart all oiic.t^ou^^ yow bo t^re aptu $L^^e xxf [c ae wt voylUie all one in effcctf 3Sut bycaiifct^4tiTIan,in I)ymfelf isnotdfre I i^ tvme anb perfone^a* noiv toe [)aue refpecr^ U^nh a6t%te tcac^ hymvpcyovo byrtct, C^cn0by< bebut onc.3n tofen t^at we &ret^r€p icyi^ynctc m per(oti€,ant> one in t^c bcyte* Naturaekx. ^ourc fiuerall t)rnic6,arcmo<^ to be rr fpcc teb. (E>f 3nnoccncy f ^y* tranf0rf flijron t f^an, C^n t j>c lon0c fea fon , vchntn ^t was afflfcu\ fynaWy t^e tynictr^cnn ^c trae rcbcmcb. >D\p\ca(urei6t^t ftr(l»t^e fecon^( of r|:jr(c, C^cr()irbbot^ pontiy(^ytJ^e fo:r bot^ rcconcj^Ir* Molch lex. tO^a 2lrt0f II iras mabr, tb)?e kive ^ ^ab b^ & ^» Co fcrue)^ow^y6(oibr,Anb YPit^ Uubcstoptof^cott €fy, 3 latrc WAS gcucn tTlan , m ty mc of mnoc^ncjf, 3" no wyfc to catc,of t^cfo:bybben f ruic. ^l^(e ti»o lairrdbroFrn, bot^t^e)^ were bcffytUte, c of wycUb&tn^i 3fiipu0ncb yoiirlawteyby craft &: fubtylc piacty(c^ XD^tttyovofayb.iBAtc nor. ^c fayb wito t^c woma, J6ate,3^ecAn not bye, 2l0(5obeeye f^all be t^an» 'Sy r^ys firfl of «II,your lAwbeaWlanpioncbtrue, Ziio C«t^n{y to Zn^dlAnb^an wt gauc lybcttc, Znb t j)cy onlycf f U,becommyn0«af rotrarbc feet, l^t byoUrmxyon.but t^civ oxmc vanpc, Jo: t^xt xpc 0AUC t^em, to t^cir felycyte. • Zbufcbt^cyl^auettot^civ pcrpemalieuylU Wanisnow mouad anb Zngell become ftbepylL i ■ I iio(e^anwcvoyllnct,t^ongJ^^efrdv6bot^fAl iburlouctoxvatbce^ymxsoyli be mo4> better tj^dn (9 2^^u ktpc of tlaturc, tea4>e t^u ^ym f irfl of ftl(, 45y5 lotbe Cob to fnoT»e,«nb t^at ie tyg^t to bo* if|)ar0e anbenfoice^ym,m t^eto^jrceof P5 to 0O|> C^ukwc of^o(e3,Znb€fyrifi€e Uwe fyn^Uf Hayfe J>)?"^«"^ (<^^^ ^ym,to cur perpetu«U 0(^jr> jj , ;. Naturae lex. " S>i tfrtte of e0le,t j)4n 3 mufi be ^ya teo^^i^* Deus Pacer. 3^e«, foi tf>rea0etf ,bot^ gybe ftnb g^oemer, Sr^ntZbam to t^oa^/rom^o4^to3tbja^am, Znp t^n to ^ofes, \»^)?<|> t« t^e foime of Zmcam^ \ , , Nacurxlex. ; n>f)eremu(l3rem4yne,fon^etyme3f^«nb€^cC ';.,.■_., Dcus Pater. I ' 3nt!)c^firtofl^an,^f5Confcycncefojtoflerf,J ' C»ry0j)tcoufelyiiyn0e,anb to a iu(?bcleue, ;|nttfei?tr»()erof.t^y6^arttotf)c3 0eiic* Hicpro fuo figno cor miuiftraiu!;^*, 7 Dc Ltgtbut^iixtlnUCtmotiUL Cl^u (^aU wamno gryllt^t peopUcompcU, (Durttiynbc ro fulfyll^wit^uot P^yne gaut>ceotfahlt0 jFoj * fy0ncof r j>y5,^ol<)c tj)cfc {ante (forty tabled^ Hie pro ligno lapideas datci tabiilas* 2(U.:^cyt^atobfcrttc,ciirkt»c0 inuyoUMye, 0baltcuerywj)crcpjofpcrc,mcre^A:t|)ou0^u b- fofyct artt^uptyncypAlU Stiv&ll tb€ vo:zlbc,t^iheamcs(^altt^u ejctenbe^ '^nt> (iyll conrynuc^ryll the xvoiibt be atM en^c. Chrifti lex. t0^erc(^all3ffit^et,fo% rb*tf4iitc tymcpetftotrt Dcus Pater. * « tPitl)tbc ff>em(5obtni^anbdt^ ^ybr, ^ ^ye w^olctPo?Fyn0e,ro be to |)ym <; 0ybc, Co ^onour ^ysCBob anb fcFc^ys ncybcr6!)elt^, «;9 0reatocc4fyon,of pe«cceAuen gritj»ft«nb4 J 2>rcm, br.^m, brom. fcrem, brem.lBye brom by« rt bye. Bromc»foif^oe6((inJ) pouvt)tryn0e6,i>otc«4ind nil II f^—^-^^ — -^ tfikUi epa|:c» \ €)i el6anyiti40eof w«l^e» 3f 3 ^4b Fnowneye^eare, 3i»yII my fdf c fc ^«rtblc, C^at yc fb^ll ^aue f c«nbfe,^ tO^an 3 feme |)yt|)era£j4);ne4 Sttby^ycur foben mocyon, 5 WMin fo<^ beuocyon. 3|a Naturae kx^ C^At ntf^^t^tiue boncycfm. ^ow ^«tie 3 my brcamc in bcbc; '45ob fcnbc mc wcU to fpcbe 2lnb fwm faynt Zntonu 3t()ou0j)t 3fT[)uIbmct< a &4U€; :*nbnowt^i;tfo:tun<3 j)4 uc :2^mon0(t^yd cumpanf* Naturae Icx» XO^f btfttjii call me fnaiie; _^ Infidelitas* 3fayb.5[ttH>Ibebeyourfl4ue, 2Rf yourj^race v5c»olbc me ^*u<^ 3nbbcyour tpotfe «non, 3 wolbe f rubbe yourbt>te«, C|)crofe ff)ul6 fromt|)e roteii, XP>anyef^uI6bot!)emon. Naturae Icjt ti^uan byf{>orebto mocfe, eoncm^ylt i^ti ^a^t a f »ocf r, 3r Aihis tccundaH 3f t^i wit^ me fo game 4 Infidelicas, S^our mt>\M\ f^AlI fyfP my bocf e. But 3 fiiycTr^atidyournAmcC Nacurxkx* 3 ^mt jjeUwe of Wdture. Iniidelicit. 3 tfxMiff^t fo by yonr fixture, 3nb by your Auncycnt 0«mre» 3je tpcrc of focb 4 raturc, tPJ>«n3fir(l f)carbyefpe?c. 5pc commoneb trit^(!)ob lately, 'Zv:i:> noupyeare ^ys bayfy, J^Anfynb< to rule byfcrctefy, tPdcomcfyr ^ubbypetc. Natur* lex. 3ft^uvfefb<^ ©vllanye. 3f Jxiil by fplcAftf t j)c tnilye. InHdelicast Bj>r^cm^t yc in tenbe, Naturaclcx. *t in eucry botbre* Cbcf a/t(tc 4itb monc bot^ logirtc^ ■ Witt \ Subneuer breaker Beiro:bre«' I > ^^c treee anb %ethed bot^ growe, C^e fee botb boIfom fpij^n^ctf, tOit^ ot^et n CLturall t^fngee, ^1^titcmr(c bo nrucr fayU ^bcbcAfies anb byrbescrt£fcnbre, 00 bo tl)c fyf^ce tcnbrcy Zccczbfitgc to t^civ fyn be I ^loniyc man bot^ falU , Stem 0oob lawee natmdU : Byafrowr^rbe wycfebmynbe, I* Infidelitas^ ^ 4^0W wyll 3 piouc ye « (yar, t^e%tco(yncto a frji^ar, 3[nb on t^c0aU ye riibbe. 5Jcf4ye t^y foIonccyourUtve, 2(nb vary€( not 4 flr^tve, n>{)y^ iff4 tale of 4yct^e clerencffe fl)^PP<< _ 'Znb bArfcncb id t^e bayc. Srjrfeii Wot frcmUtDte n&turAlU Infidclitstf. 2(nb yct» fire tj)c fame Iau?c, C^at fcpc t^cfii rnbrcaiTf, IdyyouymcH polytyhxvfttt Nacurac lex, iBob ^at^ appc^ymeb mc, iTIanFynbe rooucrft, 2(nb in ^y6 l)«rt to r^Ptt. JTo tca^c ro Fnowe, 3" t^c creatures l)]?0^anblowc« ^y 6 nioiyoufe niageflc, 2fnb on ^y6 name ro call, (Dr poxrcr celeffyaU^ 3?ij)y6neccftytc, Cot^ynFe ^ymeuerUffyn^f, 2lnb\ronberf ullm ivotfyn0(« ^nb t ^at ^e createt^ all» Bot^ 0cuerncanb conferue* ^rom tf)em^eneuerfu>crue, €^t tof(^faytl^ivyU falU inhdeiicas. 3nbcbe ^creic gcob ft?o:t» 2?uf wjjy bo jK*wre|oir, Vnt^ t^piefcntpUccC Naturx lex. •,^ 3 ttUn Co fc ^4rtc« rcioyc<, ^nb t^an wtt^ open vofce, Cotoo^f ^ypp ^ym 6lone« 3notpUb0yn0c Ijyd bcyrc, ^y« potocr atib etcrnyt e« tP(^4n ^e O^U maFe ^ydtttonci infidelius: 3 flHtll f epe yc «• trcll from t^c* 2Ie my granb«mc itpt j>er car, Jrom lycf yn0e of ^cr creamc* Naturae lex, tOhftt ivyfr t|)u Fepc mc fro I Cell me ere r l^u f <»rt ^cr 00, ilfle t{)ynFe t^u art in « bre*mc# Infidelicas. ^om c«ufyn0c of ^4nPynbe» Co geueroCBob^ysmynbe, ^^yeobebyence. Naturx lejc, (r^«t tet^y n«merteU mc« InAdelius* Wly4neoertryU agve,] Coyonr bcnyuolence,; Nacurxlob C^ A Alls ftoindoik Ziitt urniffi ft«t hpe m< from ftMPi* In^delicas. tto trouble jr< now anb t^n, I 3^li^du(tfb^latty€m r 3bi^mofl»ykfobomyc, Co woiFc fo on0r jtir^ y^w no remcbfe« Nacuraelcz^ 2ftto)rbe tjo cnidl cncm^f , 3 wyll non of t|>c truly c, a5i« f>time t^ comp«njrf , 2(03 «o(^ t^( beiiyU ^^tU . Infidclias. gjgju 'onh^reyt^ont in btUf ©•MWwytwm ^cfpor fprbe. 3» ij l^cc bcuyls owne^yc^ynflauce, S:|)at t^em3 CAr>notfc. 3coniureyc»«) bot^ [jere, 2(n:) charge yc to aptrr, ilyf c two ftiAiit* A0yc be* Sodomiimus. ^mbo td 4 name full ckone, tRnoupeye not rrj>at 3 mwne^ :21nJ arc fo 0oob a clarfc* Infidclicas, 73y Cctragrammaton, 3 c^i;r0cye,apcre anon, 3nb come out of tl^e^arfe* Sodomiimus, i^aue in t^an at a baf^, tPtt^ ftx>af^myryannet f»Ci(^, yctmAft'3mtbf to raf {>, *♦«< Monachos^ locranifiinu'. Sn _- J A&usfecundut* S^ ttty ^^If Oib^re f«Fc. Idololatria. Necromantic f^^3 r>n"« i>y nty troitr^ , ClMtcoutc a co:a^e of floutb, 2inb (od^ a cwxhcrwf*: cout^, y^ vtoten0twl^xt to be* Intidci'iws. 2it (^rifhnae anbat p«fTc. fema)^e bounce t^ebmyU a mafTc, tP^yld bye c(r(«tt CAicrbron pdiive. foxffoify Apiatimpiy^n, ^nb)?ownotD mrcl)^0yot], ©o4> two 3 nciier fatDC. 3^ not t j>y name ybola trye? Sodomifmus. yc5,Afi w^Ifom tpomantjcrelye', 3nb t»cle feojte in p^^Iofop^yt* iTlcrmy6fo:ton«fj)c can tell, 6^c can by fiycn^c ^cr 2(oe mc bcoyll from^cll. ©^c c«n mylf « t^e cot»c anb jjuntc t^c f^c, 2tnb ^elpc men of t^c ague «nb pofc, ©0 t^cy bryngc mcncyc to t^c bojcc, tPi>an t^cy to f)er maFe monc. ^c C4n f at4> a^aynt e, Snb 4 goobmybiryfe per be, ydfi^c ifyflbrtn can 3 4^Armc; tX)irj>ti>|>yfpcr)^0t#«nbw^)rfr^yfij(cit ] tOit^ctofffngCB^nbwitl^iyfjpi^c^ \ XX>it^ hlaffngtt anb c»tt| blcffyn^t^^ €^skt fpurte* bo tbcm ti# )«rttie» Infideiicas. Co CUbtutf anb £uclibe«» &MrUnapit^}^^lfttfUMhwattcr, . 3 can fo cloyneanb cUtter» ^^^ C^4t 3 can at t^e kttcr, iXUn^futtfUccBCWttfut, 3CAI> Adusfecundu«| 3 un t»6tf e WfUcB m battle* 3f 3 do ones but (pcutle, 3 can mafc come anb rattle, Ct»«tt^cy f^allneuert^rjrue. tP^oNAlc 15 tittle fate, 3f t^f bruar pleafc me natt, C^eeafl Oall fall b.nrneflat, :Snbneaer ^*ae any (Iren^t^ Wo manOall tonne notbaFe* ^oimeate in (tAfmmctft, )^tlofej)y6laboiir«tlctt0t|. ^ t^cirvennyB3('invpbrf€^ €au(t trees anb ^crbed r^>ye« :2(nb flee aUpulUm, tV^ea«menbi«t^ memMie^ 3 can maFe (lolee to baiutce, :anb earrl^en potter to^:aimce« C^«t no«» ri)«ll tbem ett^aimcc^ :Snb ^ but caft mf 0Uuc, 3^ue <^arme#fost^epU»0|, 2tnb alfo f oi t^e cow0|), Oiicf^all 0cuemyire ynow0|, 6o lon0e 40 3 am pleafeb* /\ctu5rcaindtJ5r" XJ0%tint^cbA^ti6wJ^tt tinb fonnye, if tJ^c bUffebrobe of fcnt, Sodomifmus. &A^e f ourt^ your mynbc ^oob mot Vr» S&i t ^yd man ie non ot|)er , 35ut ourdt»nelouyn0c brorber, 3nbt6vcry wcic conrcnt, [doloiatria. 3 neuermyflc but paultci;, :< noi pfrmync, (5^aU bo my ^uc^cng l^Mm€» Sot your 0efc feFc f aynt Ic^carbe. ainb fo:your bticFcdfaynt fUnatie^ ^o: f)Ot jc rate Wloyfee yearbc, ^|>cre 16 no better ^Armc. CaFe m< a n*ppyn f oltc, Wit^ t|^ byoecf a boltc. Naeur« lex comipoi^ Scitt^f^^lfn^e ef 4 cclte, t^ better tl^f ngt cart ht, S^ Umpes anb f o: hottte, i^fc mt (afnt Wylfrihtsfn^ttt^^ 2^b f>dly (aynt S^om46iottC9» ^Jbt t^ OYP0b (aFc 3ub A0 e«re , IQOtt^ t^ptryit^e of a peatty 2(nb br^Pe r(>cm wtt|>out f(4rc 3f ye tryll ^«ic rrtnebjr* ^ CI>rc fyppcsarc fot tf>e^y(foc^» Kecaaerb)^4ttbfe^ 3f yc r^itfitt flepe but flarttbof. iScutotcsvnto fxsnt VncambtTt ^Unbbcanttin tt fertm number. Vnto (Afnt Bl4fe«nb faynt BIf t^d ;Snb garljff e to f ifitt Cftf ift^ 3f ye ivf Uf^amet^c ^eab ftlfc , ;j^Q^^xact^inatqaau^t^i 7L^tim^lrfMnfo: t^ (>fppu Intidcltui$. 3ti«A (!>♦«« 3 1*'<>«^. ^0 f>eArc ^ow fl)c out bUtre, |3er i»it4^c crAftee «n « roYve, By t^c in<:ff« 3 niufl ncbca |btyl«. I^ovp 3 P^^y^ t |>c lerc f It e Fiioive» tP{)4rf(b(6t^att^CAnpy(l fovpr, I^Anfyn^e r<»otier f^rotoc, 2(tid t^c Uive^f nature be^yUw SodomiTmus* m)ffc(f<3f«>bc!)«we, 2(nb «m fo t>yU « f niue • 2t0 nature bot^ bepAuc, 'Znhmteriye Ab^ttrt, 3 «"» foc^< 4 Jpyf < tmlye, 2(« (Bob in f^y6 0r<4t ftirye,* i5 mod tcrryblyc, 3n6«bi>m( 4nb tit CDontMrc. 3nt^c3amafi?re, 2nb fo4^ 4 t>)rlc bcfyre, 2(«br)pn0( men tor^^e ittjrre, fOf foirU c^ncvf ]f (dice* -• V NaturaelcccorrupcL Octtjpo to0yt|)erbc0anne, ^offn^nc^c&nhto groxce in mmnCp . 3© C^omaeof :2U|uync fciinnc, 3n t J>e fo:t bof e of jjye fcnteitcc* 3 btx»r(r amende tf>c 0obomytc#, C^eBcniain]?tcd,anbt71aby fall, ? So (5ob tj^ey ^AUt no feore. • « ' ■ Zhc^^lbtmofCBo^b^bch fo motte, : QTijar t^cy t^e bou^^tere of men beb Uuf, / tX>MF)rn0€ fo4> xvayce as beb Hor btf^ttt^ . . '': Cytl tf)e floubc t^cm oner oent. ; . . . tDtt^t^c^eafonnc C^f>53w4«b(»lf»^y«<€^ ' Q>^an j>c ^jre bronifen f4t^er fcotnrb* .' ;fb' ? 3fit^eiJ^mo:yte«3Alfckrci0neb, . ' Cj?U t^e ^inb of ^^b t^em bteotf n>j>e on t^e^onnbe ^j^sincreafef^tb, Jo2 me ^)r< btctl^crne 3ofepf^ accttftb. (bfvetbcabT^omynacyonetelt, U>it[) t|)e ptopb^cd tucr)r4)«rf , ^ot»5ttpo (Bob flrftf c wit j> fyre STwAtfcr, tX>tt^b«tt4)^U,trtt^ pU^es (Se: f (4rfuU fiMttkr^ tPit^ pxyncfull e^lc^t^Ait At tf^e Utter^ 2ntoigiptanhJbahyl9tt^ «• ■ . ■■ ' Qie Pa uU to t^e Komaned tef^^f , d)c0efit)^lcd after 3bdl4tryt> ^cUrofocbt|)em fo:faFc. tD^o folotcct j) P5 ae |>e conf cflV, C^ef)?n0ebem of (Bob (T)dl nrutr pofirfT'* 2lf5b» ; I Natuwe lex comipft; Idololairia. :3tf non pn^fr^cau(nu»crec ftlUxot id rr cU bee f eb, Jfye. Uchr^ not^yn0e but b(U< Sodotniimus. 3nr^efirfl *0e 3 bc0«nnc, 2(n^ fi» perfcucrbe ivit^ m«iine» 2Inb flyll wyU if 3c«nnc, Oolon^cAtf |>(cnbure, 3f »nonFyf{> fccica renue, :2nb popj^f^ ptefte«contj^titie» £el;ue3f>4Ubcfurc. -^ct can not t^cir to«yee be ^jrb^ &ien Fn9t»e w|»at ^«t^ bet]^b, tr^an r{>f )r {>au(bcnctn parclt 6^ A(ftu»iectiii(luij[ ^^5c^ MWtrentuct (fcfc, Jullnniny aptoptt rrycpe, €^y ^iuc to ^clpe t^eit quMvctU Jjn Kc*rrc to me tjicy falU Ulonfc,fryrc,p:t(i anb all. ' SBpAtnpletnpopc 3ulye, tVl^d^ fought ro^Mcin ^y^furyt, Cwokb>«,«nbio vfe t^emUafilyt^ infidclicas. Wellf^w tw^ iif c fpj mftttpthe^ ettppc fwirt^ b<> )r#ur f jrnbe, jllc44je ncucr 4 poyitr be |»|tibe, Cjxitnuyc cotmptinman, C^e iaive vrr^^r tn ^ye )>arr. 3n ^y« flefl) ^o t j>y parr. ^b 6<^b«: 3n b ^j>6 /bwk to peruart, 2(b3bol« ©ot^utjjc befit jlucan. i^erc !)aue 3 pjatjrc 0j?nnc6, 25ot{) brou«^ce,bf abee An%) pynnte^ tPitj) fcK^a^t^e people n?yni)<«, t^wtoybcktrye. €ahtfyi partof tbem^erc, ZbJb^U 2bi^ Naturae I*c ^orrupdL C« ^ccei?uc ^ftn ptopcrlye. CaFc t^ye fanvi flaffetnb fcryppe, tt>it() 4 (Bob ^crcof^ %ppe, 3nb 0oob belbatnc foicwarbc^yppc, 2:0 fct fourt j) pyl0rym«0Ci ©ct t^u fourth @«cr«itient4ld, 2(^ 6ob^ «5iy« byrgc anb fyn0e foj trcntAld, Otobye t$c poped iBecretftle, :21nbmi|:tt|Kntmt)>t>u00cra0c» ^ .gcrc 16 A f!coIe fot t^e, 2t0^o|llye father tobe, ITc ^CAre.B?rccfcrcamc4nboyIe» ', 45ere i6ot^cr trycFes, @^'»ct j)em m cuery fojrU< ' Sodomifmus* 3TOyncojrupt®obd3»n«0^ XPit^moll i»nlaipftillp/«0c, 2Inbbtyn0( |>yfn into borrA0e« 4>fftlUoncupyfccnce, Idolohtria. tPitj)mt^cflef^t^ii«rt, ^ut3bwcUmtj>c^4rr, '- Hiitir«le>tc»frup^' InfidciiHK. ^ut Ut< it not b< lonae* Pott candoncm,lnfiddicitala ub«K di^ cet Ortmus. MnipotSsrempicerncDeuft, qui adiinagfncill OfiCfiittihTudmcitt noftrim formaili Uico^ cU <)uaf(lkmus>utficuteorum fudoribus uiuiniu% la eorum ueir abiife, 2(n6 tcrappe |»^ tn fbc^ citjfKt Cj>atb;c|>etrtv]7cFeb c«fl« tOn^i^eirmbflytt. aSor^ buhd,l^hc6jfnfg^t€6(aib <4ilc#« ^bt[^c iv^U commcfMiif* IPit^m t^e botrrif 5 of 0ofeom;c^ i©ot^ b pel! r J)c fptrytuaU d(r0yc* popc,^arbtnaU 4nb pt^f}. tlonnc,(r^4non,^Tonfe4nbfry<-*, tK>tt{} fb m«n)^ cU oa bo bcf>rc» Corci^nc mbre2lnrt<^ri^» I9mt|,c^yre, . 2fw4yeiimtty«3rew»be, ffrff' > n AAiif reeitii(f tit; .^^ i |$fnof^pif«#fynj|c,t«(oiic(H«bMicr«tt» '^ i IPtt^ t^e inner ppvcr«,But t^ f«If<3M»rfyiW 3n¥f^ |»ar|| €^b»mye,t|)rou0^ ^ftksfe«C4ini«U« C^t ^c M now Ipfl» •^cnbyn^c wit^^out mcofocc; 3b»^ 3 c«imptc6,rom)r mofi|>]r0|^ bjrfplcAfiirc. 3 «b^dnr( totcU,t|>c«knf)7cn« ^ef}]r«ll* C^t t^y baylye vft,ir^]^(^ boafi r^ir ^^aftjrtii ^omt «r r ^c tncont^^ncncjr f«U» 3n(dnftff]^cnfonic,fuU&cft(llf oc^upycbbc. ; Sltnon0cr|K (ioft nonnc«,reir pscuye^^prouf be t^cmof tpcir 0r«i»» ^€|M^t|lcnrit(erd,f«]rdvf»it(]r0 « imtyt^ Bcnot fftlfe ^)rpccr(fyt« By c^ (iiro^e of (ffo^,t|K WMlbc wpfVi tU ht€af€ permit f^tftftatf^t^S^^ UwfuK remebyc Cj^^n t)»ey f]^Ebinciirrcjnof}b€f{]r«U^bom)re. . Xegir^ nort |k pope,noi )ret ^ w^otyf)^ (jpngebjNl ^os Ik >• tbcmAfler,of (Bomot «nb of 6obome; trtt|>3^^lA'i7(*^^''ifI^^"<^^^'**K< ^fi^^ Znh wosr ^e 3 am»proni , Pyhcme )^tlo:be,of t^ymoflboonteoufemcrc]^^ 3 veyil fourth 5i^ •noume^tf (Ic^ fenbe remebfc ptomvfe ^«(i t^u a glotyouf e lybatt. Indole AikinHrdtm Nlokhkx. nt|Hcb, [tPtr^ wncUant vf cm, fent mt ^« Ui9C if 3nbbrou0^ in a.gaynt,t^ & trcbc of goMjrncs, ^oi 3 4m 4 l4vr(»of i70O9ir anb of (Nu-bcneo, 3 f^raj^dltf'ljr ccmmaimbc.^nb if it be notbonr^ < 9 t^rmcn • 3 ciirfc,anb|lcc inmy 4iij(ar (bn«. Co(5ob3r*qnyrc.4 perfy^^robcbycncr, Conbcmprifngc 411 f o<^ ,66 bo it iXQt m effect, 3fi^«pe»^«tfynnei#i3 burbl fotemlnjftfcSfcyciCe Co ^]rm«m3 ^^A^^* ^M** )>)^*Iyf< *^ I'^f^^**' yetif^et4Pe^be,ro C^ifl3 tymbyrecr, Jo)0eiMnrffe to ^ Auc.wtt^ (^0 V t V^t^ & (aUnkCf^fU Ite4(l 1^ f(|ulb bjpfp4fre,5£ f^ll tntob4ttipn«cyoii« Infidciicat. 2tp*#9mc qtiot^ Z ,3 Fnowe not tf>e tjrme not w^M, 3 bebUtt^^fo mo^,fen«3w*<*n ^oneflm^n. IMtiH mt 4nh ft x»f ycflcr »«5 t|><^ ^«ttbt< C^j^ vf40c f^ovc tf^c,to bcbrou^^ pp «ma^e btfU^M InB^elJcas. ptcAcJ^btR#ar4i«'4K**RfonUiyc#& M|)crfcryei^ u>it|Mir«0it mcrye, XVJ^an w€ vptnt to }E^ife» 3nb to our (abjr of grace. Co t^c bloobe of ^ylctf » n>bare no ^oo^ ^ere fkjrCei^ 3nb Oliver )»oIjKpUce* tD^n t V pt^'* "^0^ T>^^'^<* :2tob mt|» jTon^e wfutm Mil e. C^an ^b we ^ylhten plentye* C!>an cucMbc6m)r0^tU«pe» 21 fcoje on a ^ctip^w l^ow id t^e not one to ttrentf e, tP^Rut^ ITlonfeii were f 4ttc» Mb fwU a# * r4tte» Mofeh fc3f tonnpmt Bc»t^b(fir.fcre«bc4n^ bere* now^rub^ct^ciottrardfodw j 2(iib frMntj^ctrm^tomc, Cban bitrf^ n^ niAn cre^f c, €>pen moutf^c not Oedf e, t?on»«ret^cT»tftite«bolbf« ^ .v«^ i 2(nb rcacl^cr^tn eucfy iv^c* 7b''c«rter.t|ic fovDter. »: C^ bob^r,t^erc(owter. 2(t9dfot^ejrpttI(^ trr^(tii^,^bt]K yU 3|>e>itn)^ »it| rob. CS»( ccmeti p^uc t^gbt it contfff»b)^6aft. %itcife(905^(o^uc,wit^ r]r((»ffip(r^ycfMir<« 2(nb m «U t^tubc«,to^mr«ituf(i|firiftoitc^ 2(mon^cr)>c (iatr)p(<»ftv^ It t^w^^i nSinttiryet 3f < 11411 vpcr i>urr it^flcc ^]n» »bucrfArye. Cto^ %n0c 3fos|iyb.*iibf*^e^^i>AUii^f l]Hif» lax9ei#f(c rdKn^^j^cifmnmayc Who )4I* C^rperfboM t^circare.f^ctii«ibyfur(]K loot* C^^fc 4re pdf w«bcb,4U r^yit0r9 t^ott h bc^ii«» tP^yc^ 3 inbyb)f r(,f4yng|( («ntynii4llyc, t^c rape OaIi t^u bo.not^t ^oiiinfft4btioiiteryf, ^nf|>ftir bon^f bcW#J>I«be,t^»it»;U3pr4;e KobforMpon, Mifchlcx. t9^]f e,i»^it p;krt w/Ui^ti pUyef Infiieiint, Mofeh ler. 3tV9fUhtt^tt,ifJ onedcuppUwtr^ t^^ (ii^iidkat; Cfim left me Atooe.^nbxtt (hall fc nt A^ri, Mofehlcx. Zcq^Aftiiaunet^^b felhvtt^t^utm^ftftne ^ttatcf ItUidciitas. ' (mc« nt tt^ f4uU 3 ^«tte»3 am JafJyc nom Atib r j^, Bcir ir td foiw0on(,3 t^fc ir <»f a trom«n« But iD^t mcAne t^fc t4M(9,t^*t ^ |auc tn ^^r MofehUx. (handed Scpe r>*(mce At»^yle,4iib t^u f^«(t vnb.&pioiwre j^alfoto (out €^cbtfe,Hfeintc^tLnhtoxt<,if^fl^(Bot>ahwe, 3b f iaxv flan^ t4l>|<^,i0t«t^efrronbcbot|)v^niou(. Morchlexcamipor* T^ Vhvtyii^p^t um peace ^xnb ot^er 0^lf vftk^c^ Infidclitas. Mofeh lex. Srm w^ct t^rtfrayn€t4knbwtv$t^5ecUrc,us^y0 pHlIcto ti^cSebxwt* 1^iHaki9pirff0^J>f(^^rft(by(olourebikhuUcycny .; Infidelius. ^omek«jcem<^hffirti|^,IyFfp:«tjrboyc6«p4Cf, Ambicio. 3»j?HndCbomfctre,tdf«^ f4Cf/ Infideliias. :2l^e bUfffn$t3'(ii'ptdAnb nuifemtnSnif^ta^ Amblcio» . , Vn(€mclf(v^ir€it,wtpitlattt(^uV>hot6, i ' ■'■^'r- J '■ Auarioa. 1 • *- ^Irtfidelitas, '3mu(^f«e4c)^iii,tJcrcwnorcmebji>c. , '^H>lnoi9C ncty^iirfat^crifcf^l brynFc bori^ crc 3 AmbofTmuL go« ^' Infidclifas. . ' ', r *Atnbo fimul. ,, * ihfideUca5»- . ' \rffemc£^^i^fnauc*,l;n^c r^€ruUr«,4n5bc5(fttt$;Kcottim)piuItboUtryc, ^b ku0f> fuil mcrclye, Co fo y4> ciimp4ii)re, i ^oni»(j»(4blonbe6tot^cb(uyn« 3f wc m4cyo(t*irUvp(fclatfint^xPrc0: ^ . 3n boMtTM Anb in b^v»r<#» 2(nb tr<«b( $i>em 9ftbr« fit <• Ambiiio* :2U V^lno•5c^ in Of rr. . , , ^^i i> SUIcvp 31oft,4n^l^ctol]^c foft, £iicif(r3m<(b(,3^ ^^^jr r# upaW, C« (&»5 1>( wol^ lie «qu«l(« : Of abam * «i»c,3n«wc 1^ Mmc^^ AAus tcitius, i tt)^Atnebc3 r€^carcc.thc c^yeiuntt^ moft fcarce, s .. U>irbfbcbuylt>crs5of SabcIL Sjjrccb to my couiifeU. ^rom mcto.''Ibe not ^o»^rucIl p^atM^ igifrobc«m, \P»tl> tldbuc^oboncfbr. Cripbon,3Iv-bimfttf,Anb Oimonm«0Oit Co ^bi'fc t^^ni eucrmo}* 3n p:ybc3circebc,2(ub no people fcbe, Buttott^ lyeefotAbiiauntage, 2(d^amuane tcU.CoIeabcmcnto ^elC, 3^ my mo|lcommcnrfa0c. ^y0^t^yn0ed 3 Attempt,2fnb rt»yIImec)Cempf; ^rom pjynccetury f^yccy0n, 3 ^m fcc^ an eiiyll,2l3br>n0c rotj>e beuy(f, DPu^our atiyecontiabyccyon. Infidelkas. i^ere i6A piclboIe foutj^. ^kppctj^u fonin>|^at m<^}e,6et^u I}a(l btgunntt Mofcb kx.corrupta, 3lyFctycUyour talf>n0c,by t|)c jjely tluniif, Auaricia. 3 Couctyfc ftfti.C^c bcuyll ot^yebam, fee 3 Ain mfacyajc 3r4U>fl>anb plucfc, 3brawe 4nt)3f"ff*» 2lf f cr>a wclu) 1'^ r^tc, ^at^er not mother, 6y|Ter not bi^tf>cr , 3 (pare net in my moobe. 3fc4rcney4cr(£>cl>,tl« ^y6ry0^tfull ro>, 3n 0at)>a:yn0cof0oobc. 35ot^ ^ciwfc dfib mebcxrcf rom tjjcpoot wybow*, 3 fpare nctfottoufe. Ky0^t bcyree 3 rob,-ZInb 4« ban 48 3t|>efonedof ^cli, :3nb tj^c fonncd of ioamucl, 3annc64ob3<»mbj«,2»fo ©lotrep^fs, tProng^t wylfnli a>ycfcbm|i«4 6obcbmencku6,wtj)falfc 2Jnbrwicud, Znb All fo? (Touctoufncffc Ambicio. IPit^p;cw fewcn,3clpfcpp |)aiicfi. AAiis Wrtfuste , Ttnhifpettrtvp parable i 3 Oppeii ^clI.By my counfcll, Auantia, Sctfyltttr anb gtlbe , xcit^ falf^^ebj^i^lbe, &uppcttynjgtciHr^cuyU 3 ^AiK it maive,foi to c^Fc t^t kwc , 2(nb btyngcAll to r^c bctiylL Infidelitas, By t |>ebIcUwt^4t bcb t^ft fnaucet Ambiiio, CbcyfJoppcb»p2(bM!)5«pytre6,A6C&cneff6b!ffm<« tPuj>mubbc6Cw«j>myre,6^(cfttj)emfuUwic|ec pure byfpofycyon^^ C^cf eye of Fnowlcb^c,3 wyllAlfo uf t AnPA^c, r Mofchlcx corrupts; TdyxxTAfifn^ct^ctepttto tht(criptur€B fcuc^cufti Infidelitas. Zn^ wj)«twyUt|>ii bo>my fclUwe (Touetoufnec^ Auantia. 3 paylci8ryU3 fpicbe,rpon t|>e face of CTlofed, C|>at no f^al percc)rnc,t^c ticrcncd cf ^ye c^ttnanct, tP^y<:^ i6of t^eku?f,t!)c mcAnyn0 ^ truewbyriaocc Infideliias. tPf>y,tr^at tryllyc fayc,wt^ y*^ ten ccmaunbem^ted; Ambido, XOc mu(l poyfon t {)em,tpi 1 1^ tryll wotFes iJ^ 0cob in;j tentcs, tDjjcr^^d^Bobbot^ f(iyc,t1oftraun0C0obbc6t^tt f^«i[t^Aue> lX)tt^&*;»tc6tPo:f{»fppyn0e, t^at cUufc ire npyll beptaue. 2IrtbtI;>cuir^ ^«c3m«unbe,to maFeno caruebym40e, ^o: a0oob mtcnt yet wyll we ^auc pyl jryma^e. C^n(^^ ^etpyll tafef)y6 name in vayne, tPit5)tr4bycyon6yct,t^erunto wyU tee coriflrayne. / 1^0 64bbot|) t»yl wc.tiwt^ (Boba tpotbc fanctyg^e, 35utrpit^lyppcIabour,anbybIcccrcmonye. . Cc f ur rely^yon t6,of fo great excellence. C^ot!0^ we bortotfTicc,yet mayet»e I)eretyFedbumc» 3f t()ey tpyll not ^ncfrom ^oly fcripturetiirrie. Xp^nt t^cu0|^tt befaybtC^u fjjalt bon^^foniycacyj. AftusTcrtius. ^ettt^Uwe mti^mcnt^mof!^ grcattevAh^mptAcycn tr^o:i0^ tfjeftbc foib;b,yf t cryllT»c ccntyntialtyc, Kobbr tl)c pooac pcopl c,tj)rcu0|) pi« j»cr 8c piirgatox^t yet wc wylC conbciiipnc,t^< (Bofpell f oi j)ertfyc, tPc f ^ulb not codttf, our nt^htre ^owfcn^tvcyfe, ^ys (ernaant no? heail.yct arc tre therm mojl ryfe. 4Dfm? mafcTPefiryncby t^cbrdffc of cur ir AbycyStf 2(nbC4ufc t|)SnorI>ipn0e,tcre^Arbbut fiipcrfl^c^o«« ^, 3abo0^c6t>MrefonAbU,onmo(it>yUc4rren fcbc, |V ©oiflpyUtPC cau(c t^em,fcf cybcllc.e in t^cir ncbc* ^ ;jiibftlaviyc« t^dr^roObe,fhallbe,fbf A0oofe intiu ;; Iiifiidclius: ] *iTto:e m5f4>cufd3 trot»e,t^cbcu;Utoulbcnotin«ft C^^tnyoxp tupoc/tnboby t^ci^lcffcyearealone, £yrtU coulbe 3bo,trcre\?e oneefroiii nte^one^ Cotf>ccc;rnptyfi0c.of t|)c kwcof ^loyfcs, (0ofo:x»iirbcijjcrfot,myour beccytfulnce. - Auariria* tOit^ fuperff ycyonc. t^e 3etw^ ccremonyAlC Uwce, 3 wyll fo ^^Mt,t^£yf|>AU not be ti?o:tj> ij.flratued. C^e lawee 3«bycf «lLt!)rou0f> CAwtels anb bekye*. Swyll ttlfobrowne^oAll rygWec^ifem^nyebecaycs ^Cofftt^ydfoiwoarOe.tPcmujl^AUc fop|>y(lryc, p^ylofop^yeAnb|ld0ycf,A6fcyencc ncccjfaryc. C^ebyf^of p€*mii|i^^lbc,t>eirpje|le« m igncKtSft ^ Hi U>tt| ^iJ^--^ Mofcli frjr f Of mpw, d^aunce. A :2fnbt{)atwifUmftFet^cm,a«btiII ad rtxrwcreAffe*. C()4tt^c;f^all neut y€tprca4? tl)e trutf>,to our great inttir)rr. M.nct}^t fIoyflfrfrd,b< brougV^P^"'*^*" fy'^f** ]^ir^«ott^efcriptur(d,tripay'nedfbvfobeb)p^cc. &cti^€\aye pc«pU,p:ayencuer but in lat^nc, SLctt t^em ^aue t^cir ^rebe,anb ptruycc all in (at]rn< C^at>a latyne bclcut,mayc maf« a latyne forrfr , jlete t^m Dot^)^ii0c ^nou^,cf (T^rtf? notj^sof powU 3f t^fy f>auc^rt0ryf|),lcteitb< fotaboauta^c, ^oiparbon0,f« ©;r0e6,foj offeryngcii *nb p;li^ryw 3 rwFen to maFc t^tni,a mxxft ^rebf in &n>^Ie, 'Znh dnni£ngly(^,t^circcn(c^Ue tobcgyU, (nfidclicas, Kc^t4rce wto^e 2{rtyclcd of tj>af ^rcbc* Aaaricia, C^eartydMare tbefe.geue carcanbtAFegoob ^^t / ^ey f^all bclcue,in our f)oI)^f«t(>(rpof e, l^ejcttn ^fB btcrtes, nn'^ |)o()r becrctaU. C^n in ^oly 4>urc^.t9it|) fcnccr.croffe onb cof>< 3n pitr^At^if i^en^in par^o^6an^ in trtnuXft 3nciirla&ydf(fi^racc,4n5inf^cblcf]ebroobe. C^cyf()aUbcIcucc»n, 3»bebc6anbm b€Ucd,notpfc 0olbcn ^atT fprctc6«dforFc* tP»r j) d?Armc6anbblcffyn0e«.C^y«crcbc«7ll bjyw^ 3n JEnglyf^ ijjcrfct.wc wyl it clarFel]!* rouej;»r, Infidclitas, ^f4,e fnAtie6,t^atupy^I(n«i bclenct^Af* crebe. C^Atmtot^c bytd>e.t^c bly^nbct^eblynbem^jrc (cb< Ambicio, Z\^cn3^ol^cith€fi,tl^&t \x>€ aiwxfedconhttnpne, t^c ^ybU rc4bynf c by fay«t 3oj)a» yca.pcrfccHrctl/lftbc iufiructcrdof t^e people. ^nbt|>ue bab nor Icn0c afo:c, ^01 a Ce feuft(>payebonesfotby0 papacye C^re ^obrcbt^eofab.goob bncFate^of Uwftflmonyc i Infidelicas. /' JmwmtU ^i9f)e»ccnlbecometofotfio<^0oob. Auaritia. • , -^1 ) 2?cd,ye^,byp^Ua0<,4nbby O«byfi0«C{>riifcfibfc)ob. Mo(ch fcT.corrupta,* n> Jerc f j)e5> (^all fuppe ot byne: €^tt^tifn€AWfU wxrh.Zhxt many one f^H 54if e, ^me^Ail^^bexocnbtbtff[c,Sc(omemfHitr€Hflt ©oc^ be^Rlyneffc cnfUt^, 9(mb]rcj^on ^«t^ t^ys^ourc 2(11 t^e tp^IcfptryfiiAff^ poiire 2fnb itiAye bo tr j>4t ^ym luff. t^w coueroupieffc ^ot)> niU,2(nb ^at^ M^ ^otfc ^ mtilc« 'Zllmattersby ^\mbyfcvfi. t^ow by (i^prycUe arc foibe,& t ^e ^o(y g^ft f bye Aob felL C^frutf)mayc not be col be,t>nbre panned m6n)^olb« tPic|> fcnbyn^ec botrnc to (jell. C^e people preflee bo famy^,Znb t^etr 0«obes fri t|>cm raujrf^. ^"9, «nb all t^eYvosIbet^e]rb()mbe. IJflljprynceti bo t|»ey mocF,2(nb robbe t^cfyllye flocff ^ot^yn^e t^e)^ Uaut be|>ynbe. OntJ^tfact 0f^oy(c6,Z vaylttl^ey l^aut e«(i boiM C^< ly 0f>t of t^e Utpe to |))rbe. £e4(l iTle to ^ ^r i(l f|>ulb cdme,^d ceremonj^d bSmc 2(dro t^tir ^eauenly 0^be. CV^UvK (ftn ncuer bc>at anyt lyhcrtti Aftua tcrtiuf, VO^cre (cd) two tnemfte raipnt^ pXt:>wiait tpncto waVrc, of rbydmotc tpyn3t4ffy6 ^e«ii)^e cf^aftce, Ctpo enemyea wit^ mefiauc pUyebmofl wycfebpAt te5. anb left mc (larFf biynbe , <0ob rnot»et^ to my fojc ^renaiince, 2tr»b 3 tbynFc affo^toy^ormote ^ynberAunce. Co Icabc yow to Cb"(^ fomtyme, a 0ybe3 wae. How4nt3foblyi»bc,3 can notboit,3kd, Wloff ry^oiotiflye, tbofe enemyeenotpof late • J©eb f ftU rport me, anb fpo>*le mc of my fy^bt. ^ne rr4« ifmbyc von,^!)^^ euer oiiribt m« ^at<, a(nb€oueroiifneffe.t|>cotb«r eneniyeby^bt* n6wro:fct^4nb(Bob ,m tbetrmcftcnjell fpf^^t, C^e onemabc me blynbe,r^e otb^r mabem * Unte, :2(nb i»I>a i^ey ^^erat t^ey^ab great ^MM C^iw a blynbe crypple,3 wanber I>ere dfotte , abybynge t^e tyme,anb grace of rcfldoracyeii. By t!>c fonnc ofdJob Co tr^om 3maFemy mmt, i^y caiife to pytte, Anb ^raont me fuppostAcyon, l««03bcUft^cre,to vtter befolacycn, Znb tftttmc bccayt^tpu^out 4ny roiiebye* • 3f Mofch iCTTCorrupta. ycc^ri|Ieitpr)rnfe6.(5ob^tl>^«uen ^^trt^epoiirr, U>ul) flccpturcanbf\»frbc,«il ryce^ to correct. • jLct not 2lmbycyort,noi (Touctoufficflc bcuoiirt, 3^>ar fay t^fuU fabicctc6,nc: yc^ur officers mfcct, 45co:rtiptcb fuery |£otj)c,0rct bccayc^of 2{bAnw p*flei« i XS)txt\i nott foi me,tpf>yc^ now bo/I ^yt^er bratpc, • attlfUOT»olt>cpcr^l>."omrifle«(Scrpcl{,r i|l,3 «ni « full fotcraKnefle, trbcrcfftyt^idgrciibeb.mrb a pa cccnfybcncc. 3 ftiti fo4> * gmccAnb fo ^ygh tybyngts «f ^Ubnr fp^ 2(6 r A fayt^mvf ^ri(?,fo: ^ye^clt^Anb f«Itt4Cjpw, Injfideitas. (Bob^bcnefon ^aue ye,xt idioycof j^our lyfr, 3 ^tiuc l)c maftrcs your »)>f«^ Euangeliir, 3f t^u^cftrbcflof me,it wa«by t^e j?oycc cf C5ob. infideiitas nAyc,^c t ^at (paU of yc,»«« fcllynjfc of a €<>*• 3nano}n«r bctc.« lytiUbcyonbcqucnc ^yt^t, :fl no:t^cfi man wae ^c,&: befou^^t yc to^i)c Wyt^,' Euangdiij, 3f ^c fpaf cof mej{>c wae feme 0oMy prta^tx, Infidelius* 'Haye fcr by t^t roobcano: yet 4 w^olfbm tc(i4^^ fcuangcliu, Sifter iv^atm«ner,bcb |)e fpe^f e of mc^tcll. infidelius. Mo fch Icx.cornipta, 4$r fcocit ^nbbctter fvro:e,ye4,^c bc5fcpar< & fupi# Eiian^jeliu, C(>5t fpcaFyngf is foc^.ao procure t^ ftcmallpaynu iPyllnct tf)f people, Icauct^atmolt wycfcb.folye^ tryfe ' InfidelKas, not^yn0c,biit3t^ou05>t,it waeicye^fycur fyfc, C^«t:)re nxrc fo0oob,to ycurncybcrdaeycare, KuanweliG, (P^)^,^oiv0cob 4m3f tj)y fantafye brcUre* Infideliras, £c f afc t^cm Amonc^e.ifit be as 3 ^cAre, y^nycAteabtoti^e.t^eteie fyncmyry c^f«re« tuangcliCf, S(e t^u ^rt,tt)ii fprai^cfl.Af tcr t^t)p ^«rre6 4bunb4fk< Wyvoyf^ le t^e4?uri,oj c^riflen ccn^regicycn, "Ke^enf r^f cm f^rctc,boj?n0e no pylc opcracyon, 33ot^cIeanc«nb^oIy, without cyt^crQjotrotttTjfndc Ci>(lAsn^< wi(j) ^ydUoubc.beb ^eri9aff> & b(f|)rjpii dc. ' Of «pff> f |»«ueI)^n0C6,c4 papyfiycaU (obtmytts* 1^,f€tAet^€fcaiiit,(i HtnpUoflymcanb ficnt^ 1 '^t9§lfUf(^^flbfn^c^grQu^€bmf4ft^ itl^nc; ^ - On Actus quaftus, f>n>^e^arbcrccFcC{)njt,ti I)y4>i» r^efure fcmtA^ (yen, Znb of t^y8<:^ur*^ fomc,bcrf i^c in tunf ii«cycn, 2Inbm all cotr«)Fce,i j?oug^ t Ijcir ncmfcrcbcbiitrin«ll Infidclitas, 5:i)eir ncmbcr i6fb4?,fl6 jjat^rdnt cmr aIC C^c ifaiiic ^ancearc tb(f>%mcn prophecy of pUyfif. tP^y4^0ulbciterrcnc,t^y6rtAittie ytt onc6 4iSAync. Euangcliu, Inlidcli'as (morcclcrlycw i^unc 3o^4n,©<;nc Kcbcrr, ©«nc Z^ma^nb j^ ne ^arrfc. C^cfc fame are t^o(c QAnt6,t^AtUyt mt^or^ae m^nyd voyuce. Znh OCcupycbt))cirUb(d,tot|)eb(tr)pm0tof tf)nrtf I UC6. C^efc «reacc(>unteb,a £rrear part cf r^f <^r<^e, Joi m (Sobe ftriiycc,! j)cy ^oncurably c wur«:^r, ^eUjpn^e 4nbcrycn0e,ty(i tf>cirtj>rotc#ar«. ftillfofCi fcuangclifi Cb'Jr<^w«'c!?tra«brfcryteb,cf€fa);cIongcafMf. ; (r^>dpoin>yppyn^« cntwarbc ccremenytB» > C^t (ofiterf ct d)ur,^ (Ubct^ alby m^nve tr«bjrc)^«fi« iQ^it^ut t^e fcriptur(6> «n^ wtr^^ut t^c ^m#af4 Cfirifti Ux caYrupta ITIy c|>ur<^ (d fecrere,«n& eutrmcHwyll bf , Ibytl^c wczhc of o^, I j)yd €^ur4) is roUb onfyc, 2lnb boi ^ not^onf)it,inoiitwartc f crnye. Cbr<*con0rc04C);cn,i6tl)etruc «r^urd)mylytAnt ' | C|)C'fe cefircrfct Cefarbc6,are t^c very if bLr<^ m«^ - lygnaunt.^om «fl wyll r;tyc,3 f notrc no efyoar fo:t. intidehcas. i- ' Wlovf) «rc t^cy to blainc,t^at t|)cr brct^crne fo re poit ;. Kuangeliu, j©c^ Arc nobre t^ernc, hut tncmyc^ to ^^nffceblobe. Siaput faluacyon,tn|>aucncrovpnc,njyt4r,c:n>J)obe. Infidcliras. 3pr4ycye ^dVPlo^Cj^aucyour ftrctcfpotpfccotynucly, Euangeliu ^ne t{)e bc£(ynnyn0c , anb notr t6 m ^^rift renucb. 2lbam ^abpromyfe,ofCI)riflcB incarnacyori, 00 ^db ^brAljam.icPit^ ^ye w^oU^cncracvcn. ,W^yd^ .oa« pnro t^em,a prefpe({, 3iito f4laacyon,4nbbdyucr4unce from^eil. Infivielitas tidy t^y6tym€3^opc,fc^Auc af^yreincrcafef Biiangcliii y( ©{^Qe net bArrcn.but bcarct^ anb neBer cettfe, ' (ri)emofl^ ^3n ^>rijlo 3^ f^,pct iEuangelmn pod0cnui. rf » • 25ytjc I - ' : ■ ■ . _ :'■■■; ^ AAusrquamw , 35y t^e (BofptI pre4«^yfi^e,ro t^c cofott of yiir fowfi ' , ■ InHdelicas* 2l63 ^fb «fojc,f0 c^mcr^ xtnceof topa^e. ^0: 3 «m 4 prop^ctc,by ^j^^^ infptrdcy^n le^. t^on> Vftt 3 my fe{f,mo4> ^*^t«^ t^*" 3>eb, | ycraytt^*tfayntp«u(c,bejf4wyotir^jrfea)it^ <^y(^ Euangcliii dc By myf«nberflabyn£f<,t;)tt4rt w0r«crm bcb,\ra6l)y t^c (Sofpdl predc^ynde, ^ys mynbc te t\t ©ofpcll to ^4iic boney t epa-«cy#it j 2rRbt|>y6mufJ t^u j)olbe,f0j no coxmW gtnttacfm mur4>,4nbnowf4«f4flro wywyii^e; I £uang€liu, i anblyttcwit^t^irtryae6,fit UwNrm4rv;«^e Ktyl6t^cpopf«oyUb ft»Armc,r4i0ne f^yU m t^Jir; Inftdclicas. oldc bu»<«nbtort>y<^t6«fo2c<5ob,«flffwjr 46 1^ tfrr,f«ynr fftwU ^cb propjccyc, ^ 3^5 Chrfftj IfJTCOrrupwJ 3» ibcUnrr bayc6 frcm tijc triir^of (Bo5 f^ulb M ^ :auln^J^n0c to (prctc6,wf trrour feyabolycAll, tOhyd^ in bypccrcfy.wyll readme ijrc* foi abuAmta^ U iti^ nuricbccnfcyrncce, inbybyiynge muttvaQU C|>uaptr<[i by t^y tr^ tf« tcbc3nfyc>cry ^r, 2tll^ j»t|)crnc wccmc3,toctmcn i^e WAttcrmt^yt buanoeliii, Zu^b€cur(€bfynbeAnbQtt t^t cuutt^egatt^. Infidciitas, iTuiftfiriivprnjfnue ye^ae 3 lattlyferutb ^ir tt)4 Znhl^ct.en}yH3nct,fQu^yc^lacuttl>y6fir|l«>jfa3fA)fc,bcfc:trb>d«nVn«. Jgafyer wyll it tcconccrnyngcponnyf^mtnt, iCo(3ooom 4nb (Eiomo),in t^e ba)^tofiub0cnKtit, Zi^an to t^ofc cytic6,i bat rcfyft t jje tcryic, 2jtt!)fru00ff^yon6,cf3"fybclytc. Cby0ro»'f Cbnfl,& niabc itmo«itia«yfcj|. :2lnon«u> i]»e |)ci/v£|)o(l,i0 c^mctpdcfe pp «1L 3f irynnc, ^ C«Pc 0Ov^i> Jc^c t5>crfM,& f^ye t^^itye ^aiie warnpid Inffddicas, g^^j* Co^^cn^cyourmotba•.ofyow to^auc 4 f^nhehnae- rio\»iryll3contryue,t^cbryftcfAnot{)cy wyllnotbclon0c,3fuppefe nowperdye, ' ^y cocf egfowlemc tfjynf c,3 fc fo,^ a compaiiye. 4ocm 3 fflycc^ylbrcn.cpyUnot my poyccbe ^e^rbcf 2Cd 000b 164 b€cf€,ci6 i« 4 bct»e votp 0arbt^ By my ^dttc|lic wclcomcmyMc ovmc cop^4t,b:o? j>er fnyp fn4p,5>o»0o t Jc wojbc with tbtf ^ - Inftdclitas, y y * tP^4t,fryrcfIypflap,^#wf4yeyeto, Bcnebicitc^ hypocnfis. «n4rrynorj>yii0cbwwta,foj3cryenow*bii4fft40# ^. »J 3nfi^ L-_ Chriftikx comtpM Infidclicas. 3t Jer pnrfc a Arfc,tcU mt gc fryrc (uccftgtf HypocrifJs» 15y t|)C ^eflfc At bot^,f»f w^crc t^u mayfi be fpefe. tPitf) c«yfc of a fcotc,& Inou0^t ciien to t^y bcb» Pfeudodoctrina. 2(rt tl^unot *f^amcb,to talFc folj^fc* fn«uef Hypocrifss. tIo,fo: it td fo^ 0crc»«e t j^e ^olye Jt of tJ6 wyll ^aue» pope,€ar^ynaU.b)p(^^op,mof c,c^Anon prcfl & fiyrr. I^otonc of )^e 4U,but a vtQtttAn rryll ^fyre. '^ f' P(cudodoarina» ^uro:btr0permyt vd |>4uc t J^eni in m&ttfa^t Hypocrifis, t^o,hmfcfat^ct}^tmin,hfm<>t^eTcavry6gc. ^c^0 eumtL6wc bo,'(rc5ot^ftrccf oncrate« lufideiius* 15f t^t^Zcffe 3If r(em bot^ to {^cvo€,i t voyllnct be forre amy* Hypocrilis* L_. V)hf^ women (iU moc^, fc: ^dpe of t^cir bar^riM* (3^e 00 t^ene uptc^ 4)?Ibc, rl^emyr^clcd Are fun« ^bbefjrbctf «ll tbjp«,yctt»olbe tiuniele iu f ofcffycn^ tP^t our f 4t5>cr« bOjto affoyle t J)c||ccc(iu6,«ffoyUb 4 yon^e woman one«, T^i^ynbe r^c ^y0| auitcr, tyll f ^c cryeb ourof ^ci bonce, 2fub 4d f 01 lyone. t^ere i6 t^c f cn^t^ of our U:be, 3n « 0rc4tpylUr«(3^c t^at tpyll tritj> ylbc, fot \rt t^m tt id {>olIoiv( «If. Cuf^,3<'^uI>«t«ny<,ofmo<^motf wonbrc t^t^iB^ 3ncourfctoj>carct5>«n,3 t^ynUyc wolbcyeblya, Pieudodoctrina. Ze t^u ^y<^ of all b4»brye,«iyg|>t be t^e ^rett mon«rf e, Ci)c none6rdconfcffe,j)e wentfrompIacetopUce, ^bn»o5)3brebof tf)cm,5)c biotc^^^^" tjat fp«ce« ^Auyfpyceo^c care.Jyecurra^e to p:uuoFr, Chriftilcjc cornipta, " i Pfcudodoanna/' I 3" tyn(fc f crbyn5&6 tyme,in 6ptf ;ne tPA« a (Tar^ynall P?trfI5j?m^o$.1,wf ^;s hAiiarbe6,vcct& earlcAtiot^tr was buFe, tt>f>om c dcrrtycfpyritnall, €4iiiconcdiruoi£f»0Ube,tobapiiepre[lcflmatrym^ 2fiib t|)f ncjcr nyrj^t after , was tdF? boynctc byt4)erye. gJo^rrrri^cFiud aIfo,x»|)yc^ fcarccly came to byfpurc. ^o?marr)?a0cofprcf?i?d,t^re4>ylbrm^abt^atyearc, ^; t j>;d mayc yc (t t|>at f fitymc «pc mate mery ^eau . Infidclitas, Wlarryt^tycbo,3(l^aabea«ycrou»xvyUycanfivrre»fo:b:caFyn0eof yoHr vow^ Plciidoioctrina, IPeneuerbtcAPevotpe.foIon^e aevoc bo not m4rrye Ciiou0^ we in w^oicb.'»mc,be ncucr fobolbc 5:buf;e! InSdclira?, BjTjrour dtber t^an,ye maj?c w.:lFcmocb J4t ^(lt>i^>;pxrcfyc?roUjrcf«t^; b;f4>4r0e» I - . . OAfttt L ^ - _ . Of the "^ UN/VERSI OF AAu« qriamis* HypocrifTs. Hv^n can ijo to l>clle,t^ar i^crin byt by f |)c robe, 3n cafe faynt ^rancea.bc ftirc vp^ t^ir fybe, i^la mciyc f^cy fottun(,tobcof t^ctrpiirpcfetrybe. ^oj 3 rcabc of onfjt^at fbulb |>aue ^one to t^e bciiyll l^mtt^c(pictc6 ro ^ytii non cuylU CyH f«ynt Srnnccs aime,8c toft frd ^ym by« cotric; j ^otdc, 3»yUt|)crfot ftrnc,0.^r«nfC6wit^b<:rt&itiynb« U>tt^ bayly tfiem»tycd,t^at b^mayrbemy frynbc* 2lnbt[>4n3ca(3 ^Aueto(b(yot9,i6mo:etruc t)>;mt^c(tJof))cI* Intidcluas, ^^mare yemot< fiirc,t!>5 monfc«fojyotirbeir 4bbot at |>omc,to be callif b ioxbc onb fyn^c* Infiielitas, l^aycmonfc 4nbc^^U,fot|^crc te no fynge butonc* I 3f ^tbc4 f yn^e.^ye mace 10 4 mary bore, k' 3nb^ydcroirne a cow toibe @0i^ fnMe^ «• com* ^ from t^e carr, fjliill be CAlUb fyn^6,fot pUyen^c a popyf^ p«ri^ Pi"cuioioctima. Chrifti lex cormpta. InficUlitas. Plcudodocflrina. 2(|>,notp 3pcrccyue,tl)uari: byfpoftb tomocFe, Infidclitas: STlarrjf t^ ^nb ^c ^6t^ two f eyc6,t^c one to open ^ell, C()eot^erfpearet^ ^eautn.t^ue bonecre l^eretyFed C^eyrepojt alfo.t^at bogged |)<;uc no bciiocyo, (tcl Co ^)?5 ^oly k»e6,noJ to ^y« olbe in(?ruccy*n. Prcudododrina. iP^yf^uIb bo^0e6 |)«te;^ymfm«fet^atmcreei:y^ Infidclitas, (dent. ^^ef loue n« pefe poire0e ,ftoj fet reabc ^c^r^njfee m lent, ©tofFfyf1)notO)?fJer«,6ut enrfc ^ymbobyuub bone, atitbwolbe j^ysreabe rp:otte«,<3^ r^f tefyf1[) wre ^one Cuft,?>e4retj>em3,4nbt^fltmerrputlirt^e,3pj4ye t je^cly tcKmei Infidclicas* €Mm^1^^ rc44cg,n^%n0 ^lo»(y ir4by^t's« Aftus quartus,' Thbtl^aet^efxdclube^f t^cbraffcofpopyf^ pi^f^^* 3d 000b ynou0|^ fo:fK^nc»by Yc^om ti^cymcAtit t^c papyilcs. Co mo(l pyle C4rrcn,t^c bo00C6 tt>yll fon<({ fdl. P/cudododrina. Z^dn bo t^tj^ compare, r()e pap fftte vnro bo00(0, Infidelitas» WTarry thctt t^ey bo,& to fo<^ fwynyO ^o^^ee, Zain fwyll &foffe,e alfo>t|)at t|)a art a noug^ty f nauc* Byp2ot»lyiigcanblycn0e,ye fryers wolbe all bauc C^yne o:ber t^y faye,t0 fpson^e eueii out of ^ell, ^b «Il t^yo f novpleb0e,tf>ey j^auc noYv of r^c Sof:^ Hypocrifis. (pclU |£>|^ere ie J>c now.3 befycf> t^e {)4rte(y telU Infidclitas ^y t^emef|eAbtOAbe,&3 irarabtyc mafrvJ^reucMk. 3commoncb ivit^^ym.anbj^e bebpebefpyfr, 2(^ayo)l^ym t^crfo:,fumcr^atniu|i wc beuyfr. Pfeudodoftrina. Warry t jjat mufl trc,ot els it vo^li be tpron^e, 4^eivyn furebe|lroye r«,!f tpe ^o fujfcr ^^m (on^rw t^cb€emu(ime feroe ^ym.Mwc oneofcrucb^^i^. lniid«litas, tt^^ mft^^<(/n(bipbo<((^,|^«w beb ye ^ablc C|tifff" li » Pfc«bo# r ChrifH I<3C comipnu P(eiidodoArina. Cocrappc hyfnmfnarcanb |>y3 bxrrynt to bca(|>a K^ealt 5c A^ayitri p«,f|>ni6 open any mote bicat^. 3n^ ux fee fourc fny^^c<«,to fepc ^yin^oivnc tn^y« C|>4t^c nemr mott^ourlfUfn^c f^ulb bcptaoe. 2(rib tlMts mujl we fenie,t()e (SofpclUno rf mc>ye^ tf(3 «;ll be brjiroyc.oar lyuyritjc pcrpetuillye. 35r«cr one irrre lof r,r ban wc f^iilJ) pery fb all, 2U tTaypl^ad ones f4]^b,in counfcil p^AryfaycaH* Infiiclica^. Qtdpe ^pn 6.>TVftc ryU[)e ri>fCc.e ^o nomote «t large, I PlcudodoArma. ^oureFnyibttd xryll we {>]rre,tv^9 we (V^^ f^i*^0^*' Co Upe |);m b»wne ^arbc.C^: f tr(l Arc Ambjrcyoufe pieUtes, C^m conetoiife Utver*, c^at (0obs tporbe fp;0(rf dl I ly |^ate#, I i^bc^ without Iem)?it0e, flff w(!ycc5 vntf^^t^ilU \ C^fei9;Ufepc^/md«w;K»An^ r«ppc {^yn ^ tj^; C^ f^mentVB 8C t^r fcribt0,3 war She yc f^4l ffert Xpit^ balpieeanbcat^poiltB, t« |>w^bc ^^rnt bcvnu cuery tri>(re. 3 rr^tvc Kti00c &^o:bet,:2ft Hottp)^ iv)^ll bo t^Artonof Bon0A)^c,(tnb fM my f«Ftpur ^yn HypocrytT^. (to imarc 2(nfe 3 wyll ^<^^f^ t^e wiyurrfyf «C5, C^e fcuen flcpcr« t^ere,to abufitkc tl>c pope6 bccrec* ^6 ^o}b(I Sc ^ttne^Quranbt 8C Z^miab of :3qiijrnc Cbcmafire of fenteft6.wtt^ Bo^^n the 0reat bcD)?ne ^iricua be iBabAU0.2(nb t^efc f^All rcab a5 clcrn* ;^riff ork «nb :^lbert,bc fccretis multcrunt. n?it^)tfeccomcntaryc«,of3uicrn«nb!2fufr6v|>>*<^i«rcry0oobfojboycd, ' luhAeiiias, ye(i,anbUtet!^c (Dote owne vycar ^art^ I 3n^yd^4nber|>recrcffed,&tiur«i9ne0on ^ye^ea^ bfrc* ^d pon>cr b«rof enyn^e.tii ^e4u?,iti C6rt|>,5' tn ^rU C^dt ^c md^e comuidunb<, aU f yn^M to fubbiic t^ PfeudovioJtrina, C'^ofpell. ^jTdfclfc mayc bo t|>Ar,^e ncbc cdmaunbe n5 ot^cr* I 3dnat be t^c [^ctib.of tbc f)oly d>urc^ our iitocbj^« owne . pUafurc" 1S>^yc^ ^at ^ t n f)yd ^abet.t ^ Pc^rra & <^tir(^C6 tre« , ©otrclc A6^e m4be,d,8?rm^ firft * f4y«t, (fiirC!S Chriftitfx comipet. Jirfi ^ imt ^ym to ^et was beab, i!>iiepope !»;'« fyngard^^notljcr cutof ^)?8 ^caN ZZInbr^rcTpe ^^ecarf A«,tino t^efloubcof C^bcr, tl>tr^t^c^e4b& fyn0ar#.«6pUtuu bot^rcm^cr. 3ntofmtj)at?>e,tdiob^eouer <|UfcF d»bb«4b, ainb mayc bapnc 5c fauc,b)r ^y5p*»l>ond vnbre Ie#h, CyliKflcr tj)f fec3b<,tot^eb«iytt^ymfcIf onc504u« ^ott|>it^y0^ off)?cc,t|)cy faye, Jo: p:«[lc«c^«flyte,«nb fo went t^ctr marr^Age «« ^ H/pocri(Ts. (wayc. ^ere idonecomyn0e,enqu^cT)D^at ^etntenbe* Infideliias. ^riti#tJc(5ofpeU,from^ym®>bv«befmbf. Pftudodovftrina. Exicfecreio. ^e\v( me b:ot|)er mync.tvl^o beb t^ f»y t^er fenb€« Euangelinm. C^e father of ^eAnen,of (»rd mere benyuolence, 3 be j>ri t^erfoj , to ^«ue f re ^ubjrence, PfcudodoArina. 2(^ mynbe t^ to ptea<^e,af o:e t^y< camp(in)»c{ J Euangelium. 2n t^elav9te cf ®^ob,T»oIbe 3inflruct t^5 0UbIyf.' Jot non ot^er tv^ye^t^ere it vnto f«lU4C)ron, QS^tbc w»;bc of (Sob^tft cHcry gcttor^cyon. A*w qtiamw.' Pfcudodoftiina, Of F^pcoa byO#pp,<« of feme of t^eir«f|>nyte. £u3ino;eiiuin, uf|»4(tnot ^crep:e44bc.l^orJ>u t^e be^t^u cftni HypocrilTs, <0ob«Wcffyngeon ]rour0oob !>«rt,it is fpoFm oKit 3?cfnowe%e^yc fer.wt^aae«fuI!|>oiyfeaff. ;an^mufl0op2ocef^o,ipit^ t^e bleffeb rofecof re^flw tPc^Auc Ion0cm4ttcn«.lon0e l«utJC3^oft0cboii«« m4ffc,njf fon0e,coplyue,& anmufi be bone i umt^ 6enfyn0cof t^c auUe«,& cafiynQt of ^ofy »«ter. .^•lFt>fc4bc in«fyn0e,u?it^ot|»cr nece^ry matter. Euangclium. 4j4ije Sob coim7uijb€b,«ny foc^ %n0edt#bebofi«C Pfeudododriaa* tX)^Ati< t^t tot^eC0omebbUt^uiott^ olbefbone; ^Cannyftt^ufdyebiitt^ey.are 0oob fysnyffccic^cytrefrtttc0,ofyoor ym40yna^yon* Cobqrn|r« wlttcre,& b«rfefi (iobd^;^^ 0lo:;e, yg^ly blaff'^cmc,t^c^lie of'3(ratU | 3n ^ye firfl 4>iiptre,r;>yd ^ctryblf fcnrcnce i6, ] O iiv haec truftranca quarfluii de manibus ucRris* XX>ho b fo4> f^f npfy<^'? 311 r*ync offer )?ow,t|)ar rncom«tinbcb fitnyct^ year inccni[t tomctie 0rr«tab|)omyn6cyon» 3fo:c Abj)Ctrcit,«nbmc^ btufi ycurfaf^yom (P^an yfpwyc ro mt^J^eueyt nm attenbAUiKe, JSmi amtt my f«ce(f«yr^(5ob)fli mycofittnaiwicr, 33yii)ydy«»naycfe,t$«t t^c lot^e bot|)not rt^arbc, Tcurma0yniutteryn0c^cy|>er graiuit any ret(*arbc t^otn^ vofilct^ pault,ro(ptafcint^e ongrcgAcyon 3ft a flr«un j^e lan0iia0e,wit^ut iuterpieracyon« 3iiy«isrIatyneb^re6,t[KffocPe bo ye not confybre^ 35ut bcfUrc your feIued,ro be Komyn)all rogybre, Be nor Icb (^out(fayf$>p4ule)by Any|tr«un0eUr« > nyn0e, . A tt>b«t elewyoor bo not me fcnr,t^at 3 f>ulb bty tl>fiHp?cfcrrcyc,yo«r btaffyfl) cttttmniftt': Cot^cCBcfpdl p:t6<^)pn0c.t^ett n^Ubeoprefi^c. Infie'clias. ImraCt pr«ccl>e^crc& (5o^,ina(lrr^oactIr,()?Jr«nr Ictuc, €\^at3maft br cUrr^apar bone jjc re m my flcue. iDfcurUbyof Bcticfi,j(n£^m,arib fayiu 3ob4tt4 nesfraryc, tTit^c^c uibBlgcnrcof blrff>b ptjrnt ^tcti]re< Pleudododiiina. tP(U,tAFe t^ypIr6ftirc,Antbcit ^rbclye^ Hypocnris. 6>yr be bot b mewrogc f«t ^ys baft it is my » iry^.' Cop3c«4^cniy br^tbcr^tbc,&0an be ^«t^ bcnt.your ccorfeie f«t(cr iMrbC biiangcliti, tP^c^urfc 4ppoyntyc,fap:c4i^yn0of t|c (B^fjxf ChrifMlex cohxipnt 2w<^tt^(Bo(ftll8c ij)u»erebet^ new in ^df.: Euangdifi. J tP^y,& (ifallt^yoU^^agt.put by t^t wotb of (S<^i Pfciidodoccrina. ' C^uwylt nothe «nfw«reb,tytU|)u fc(«4f^Arpcr rob. ' Infidclius. C5cH>b cbriflenpcoplc,3 A»n c^mc ^yt^er rcrclye, 2t6« true poctour >cf t^c ^ocrfc of faynt 21ntonye, ^ OffU«ncremyffyon,3 ^aiu l«ou0^t ye mbiil^cua 2ipcnii8C culp«, fo« «Il your fynne Anb offence. ^y t^c aucto:yte,of pope leo 6c pope Clemenr, pope Bony f4ce, pope piiw, popc3o!>y6 ^oly fraternyte, ^ €onieper. Hypocrifis. C^en geue me 4 bcUe,foi 3 trylt beanotJ)er« fcuangcliu, f> bAm{MwbfcIea.byn0e,of i?abyIonicA(lfdbomyte«; yout ftitico ye bccIare,ro he (^nmcfuii ^ypofryte«» iio'Mp^tie rl)y people,«nb uFe Aix>«yet^efe0)^be0, C |)i fc f cc(^e fe robbo l>ypc<:rytC0 tro,fo:^cre yc tryf fc anbmocFe, tPit^c^nfltn pcoplcA t^e f yn0eboof|)ea«c upIocFe 3^c countc it ft 0*itic,tolofct^attf^ri(l |)«t^bou0|>t, tPit^ ^^precycufc bloub.Sc ^rc mofl bcf ely fougjit ^ 5 iDi^Scarcvotet^c6,anbpeft^Unt'Zmic^rifits, , ^ tH^ypcre of ©*0on,«nb mofl beccytfuU p^pyflcs. Sly f e rAUcrt«>fc wohicd, pootc trybowes yc bcuourf, 35ytyttlcofpr4ycr,ctemaIlb«pnacyoni6youre, •^our orrncbrcanKdye f^lotoc,bm matter moi^^m^ic <5gcb^norffwme,a6m^0ert1?t,f4Jt^e,an^.l^efcy^♦ tX>o p|)aryfecd tPo,)?c mfttc cleane ourwarbfye, JButftiwarbtsyc arc fuII,of coueteufncffc &. baubrfc, ^payriie'b tumhts arcye,aprfax(^t ^fO^t hetctyfull, 13iittvtt|)in yc jlynFc,& ^auc t^ou0f)t(d very l^titnta full. ^: pctpr t^cprcp^ctc6, yc»ur boyn^ceyetbcftrcivytif fc f6ow t^ynf c ye to auoybe.t jxitpoynt of rnry^^teonf* ^ nefjVj, ..'..'\' €>^ftf ^n^c fcrp€tc6;ftnb vyperoufe ^cnerAcyon, fi^w f *" y« cfc«pe,t^e b4un0€r of bampnacyone ^ '""' Flcudodoarina. r ChrHli lac comiptt,' "" 3f due (ctii^ were mabe,i»e f^ulb fpiU t\^ (3 t^N) [;uangeiiu, (nopryft* yt^^cyntcb of (Eob,bue no pcpff^ Zntic^^* Pieudodoccrma. jtetc mcfc,i»^crc art^tl^tUtt&e ^t^ M^cr«f huangeliun; tP^ere€i)rifi^)^6rdfi*,& not tnt^rfamcboi^cni t^e foc>foi a hufyt fcf(lnapff4. '^b veyll t^c accu(c,fc't an ^yncuft ^tiift^, if^ ^nbee upon 1^pn^9c ht^xftit^pn of t^«|Mi HicveftefpoUatum ibrdidiorlbusirtduiiiic. j|^o.t^ii«n^U3^«bI(,4Ut^]^^f^«(Uar(t^yjw 0crt , &layc ir foiirt|»af;bc. hyrpocrifis. i;iA]rc>t«n7lnor^crni)^c,fM«i9«)^ f^ t^iMi (1^ £uangeiiu, 3 Am not 0O]^n0r,w^y bocfl r^ii flaunt mt C Infifddius, Sumc ^jpm to«(>e0,(tnbf^etpe ro|»ymii«pfri^ Picudodoariiu, A(^is<|ihirfitl' £uaiigeiiuni. PlcudodoArina. Sv^mbt^e reAfon.Ahbi^eitorbu vcylt notapplv^ tPdc0(t t^t foteTX»ar>c,fo«t;)n f^It furcbye. JT^ roftpct^li p«trcr,f>ttU iub^c tbe to tj^cfyrc; at oor ftccufmicnt, «nb ^oly rr iy0youfc bcj>rr. iBuangelium. €^n^pve>fotmyfah,imipryfon men cnietlfe, JarnvH) tl)tm,fioch t^cmydc t^cm wit j) fagctcefm 45urt mcyt([iaU notfotScanneutr bye, ainbtj>cy foymy fAFc,f>4injwe petpetuaflye. Pieudodcxflrjna* 45*rt i6a pntfngtymt^ « potfyWc|^cretyFc.fiowrpaIltjt>ctt>cUrccompVWi Infidelitas. X4)rc^ 0«nefft0otrt,foput^yifitf tjemwepdytte, »ft^cmcflrf3rati0^WfcJ«tbt^yi0frfi>ot|)Twirf< 4p5on, C^t 3 ^auc|)crcb»ou0^t.t^efc.uj.Uti?t6tocofuf)«# tlow f ()all 3bc 3»ncd,alIot^er Uirre bcptnbe,* 'Znt> can not pr(U4yle,notD t^rfe arc «t an riflu tf)Ud reioycc,in cruel ticanbm&lyceC Cbynf ef^ t^ut^dt (Bobfltpct^^Sc t»yU not fjyebcfcbc 2(nbt^at t^ymyfc^efe.f^all ncuerbAue«nmbc< Cf)« bloube of tnnoccntc»,to ^ymfotrcn^cancccAU InFiddicas.- C^u fprctr of tI)C«jrre , 3 f^rAyg^tly conture t^e ^rrt, l&ypxnton 8C ixaton, tnbfS^ar^s^^c to fomno ncrc, VindiaaD;i. C^vnleflt^uto(loppemc,wtti) r^j^ folyf]) cdtur4<]^on tP^om (Bob fenbetj> ^yt}^r,foi t^y^bfyomynacfiiit Inndelicas. Wi^at^ttt^calie'bit^fnamctomcu^tar.c. : 3 amrtnbtctA QeUin potiyf^mtm mo(l fcarce, ^■. U?itj> TV4tcr, nnt^ fwcrbe,«nbwa^fjrrc 3iiiii(lr^ F^ 35eg«obijtt^)roffycc,4Uibt^f^U^tKmoncyf 4^6 VindiAaDeL meatc 35yf3ri(^yrcw*rbc«^t^c«nnf(lit^f me Inrrcate. i IB"' ^ Chriltiffx corrtipli, ^ t t^At 5 xefU bo, «6(B6&^dt^ mc cc«mrAon^rb:lMy ti^tcd^ttt)^ fwjre m)^9^c ^«de c^an^eb, C[)e 9nf ticrfaiil ivotlb<,|)Ab not bene 5ronMic2> srtti^ •1^ tDoter, l^6oboniC4inb®omot,tvtt^ fo^eryftarfbU Ruttf fc 4ti0cr cf C?ot# Pl^«r40 in a^pte^t^t pU^e b^bncuerfcltr, *^y0^O^ JBgiptc 3bioti0^t,r(m tatyhU p^y(f)menus Vpon the people. fotbtcAFyn^c^ysrommafi^cmetcs C^trop^olfom v>ater9,3roiimeb intoMonbr. • 3 multypljreb fro0gM,ropoyfSt^en9ir^ r^dr foiib« 3 m^hcxp&fpes Sc br«ne0,t^em0rraoufTytof^nge, 2tnb 4U Ir^t^et offices , fonedf! rr bcb 3 in bsyngc 3[>pon tfjeir f 4trel,3 tljrexre tj^c fou(rp(f})r(ence, 35ot^bwr<^e,byIe & bUyne,tj>cy f>bc(iro]^cbr^tir come anbfrute, 2 fVMme of ^angry Iocuf{c«/^etr p«f!our« bc(iynie< €|^€ IVtfceof t^c bd;(^3|^4tict^)(e barfc ^0tm AAus qufncuf ^ g jT«w« t^c fir^ ^dot?,of ma dc htAfh fci t^y rubtfK« '^ InBdcluas. 6tr)rfefotinc<|uotf)2I'rBy r|icffi«ry^af|c3 bffyt VindivflaDei. the, tt>^«r,t j)utJ3yItnor fc,t|>y braync^Arc not fo lyg^r. IntideiKas. ^^er men«tromo4>,fotif r^ ^o,3(y0^t. VmdictaDci. 3(I(t|k4t«p)rI(not f^lpc^t^f vofcftb vptifyn^een^tf TOfytnt^cfircngcrcome,tievpuifermuiine^t6l)^xol^ i^cUvDC of n«rurc,tnf(ect(b t^u ^ofl wif ^4 lepryf # InBdelitas, f^Ayt,itwAe not 3»^^ t^«t tryr<^3boUfrye, 3nb t^at polbf f^rne^t men C4li ^bomjrt VIndiaa Dei. Df vp^om fpr«n^e t jjcy firjl f but of 3«fr^«Iycc? C^fot ri)u f^alt ^ttc r^atpi«0e of pcn4lrt, tK?^yd^ t^€f firfl rA(tcb,fo: t[)cir tnyqii^.c. JFof t|)ofe two i^cctf , 3 broirntb t^ ivotl^c wi t^ t»4e tcr. 3n totcn w^crof > 3 pUgt t^ voit^ t^c fywwfl.CI)y« n>*IInotbry!i« mc^?^e ^ot4ft(rt^«floub(,mr^ iri>am ^b3r^r>bence, 'Znb (0 conr]^nueb,tyll^oyfcd Uivc came in, £Pi(^ j^jfe toiyc try cfc^ ocspeniU tobc0)pn. Jr ini vinbi€tt6 r Ref^auratiole^uitidiuinarumi ' ., Vindiaa Dd» . ^ \ 2fu^f«rm t^u ccjruptcbcfi,trit^ Zuar^ce 8c Zmhfk ; 2(nb fo bcbyfl Icatic bynt.ifi myfcrable c obycyo. (c^, Cbu f^alt ^itic t^crfo:,t^ar t^an to t^em Yr«i6bue» iHolltcrryblc bittayU.t^t Sfraclytee Pittrue, Zbattyme t>tb fiJtftr,fo:t^cir in^bclytc, tP^erfo: wit^ t^ya ftrcrbc^ iu(ll;c bannyf j> t^c. BycAUfet^ufl^alt ^c.(j«i«pUfcto^^:i(Icd 0ofpcl Giadio Infideliiacem denuo ccdit. Infidelicas. ^«wyU3 not j>eiw,buta04yn(lone6rcbdl. S:3«bnct 3 rem4)^ttr,n>tt^3uba64nb otl^tt motcC IP^«n €^tifipie4<^e^^(rc,&t4U0J^t t^em m ve][t '" ^)rmfozcf J^9;& after tbat,toa03tvtt^@tmoiiV^4£(iid, , I XVit^ &aunb€r iTopperfmyt^, t»it^ i^hmftoonb i^it metriue. I afrib npw 3 p«rf«uer,4m3ijc y^ raFc rabU of papj^flcd ' ^ea(^>. 1 JKrf^ t{>c 2tnttc^:y[l«0. i . Vindida Dei. I C^e imiocent bIoube,of fainted (cntynoAUfC, I i^tfjc^sllunto (Bob.torcum^je t^cirimuryc, ( ^I^oynRfalfeboctryne.anbcurffb j»!'pocrefyc, t9^om t^u ^a|i rayfeb. t ^c 0(c:)r of 1 1>( (BofpdU Cobarfen,anbb)^dfr^bed,mofl m^rfcrabl)^ to qudL U>^erfo: t^uf^alt j^AU(,(;Pe40t^u^<((lbcfcai^ Ao« Atcpinfkmmabit incircuitu immicoscius. Z ccn(iim^n ^c fyrc,f^all r^nnehtfae t^c itibgt, ^ye encmyce cwpmtyngct^e^ (^l fynbt no refuse. Ob fcelera 8C culpas hominum,rituf(p nephandos IndncrcsibiticlIuSjKnutmcpfainllam. 2lstnantuanT»rirct^,fo:tbewycFcbncffc of t^e, C^c tdtt^ to af^e&^by fyrc f^all turneb be. Ignis flamma Infidelicacem locum exirc co &*f J) »'yr«J out,of t^4t tnyquyrc. ^ot4d It i6fayb,t^atmy^Anbc^at^notff(*, 6^«U pp by t^e rote, no power iiwyc a leit* ^ 2^^c 2(po(?Ie3o^4n,in tlje 2(pof dlypa bctj^(ayt, ^c faiveanea>ebeAttcn,&a net»e eari^ aperyti^e* 5J^eolbee4rtl> &:fee,»cretAteit decent arr^tye, C^4t ^eauctd maoyidf^j^tj^, i^ar cArcj^^yd vnbcrj (lonbyn^e. 8e(l.iunicfo fej^m bAii 4{fo fr » 2b A barrffull btj^bcptepartb to j^cr ^ufb«nbe^ tf>urtrDefa)rr^l/(^ttr4<*i0 ^M ft^ntcf^yt cytie, fp^omtipc ^ue cUnfcb,by t^e power of our ry0|^ 2(64 fponft to€^nfl,tn coo^c^rificnlmbe. 33annyf^)rn0e tb^fectea.of BAbylonicall poperye, C^t f^e in r Ik fptct(»itM]rc ivallc to our giotjrc, Kefottjrer^rcUiTM/ot ]roto«)^(l3derc4tfob i£>f fcK^ iiifecc7on0.ft« by 3nfyhclftt, ^^utrtctftttbj^t yt nnt|> ^crm^yc 0^ Sedorjrn^e t^e «9ayc0,of ^|>ri(|(n (]^erte« C^at V0 fV m«yc t«N,mcJ^out pcrpleptc* ^o: j>cr «nl]^ tBob,«nb be our people (l]^((, 3ftottr } xvKe WAllyn^e^ecoibyn^ t^ oor wyU« Omnct HmuL 4Z(cyoorc«mm4Ufibement,we4rc moflbUfrc^ t^^bt* Dcus pacer. 2(pptO(^nr0^r t^n,Anb]rt(VU^ reflotbc. C^ (4t»c »f n4torc,t»e ftrft bedr**"e wtt( t^r, Heflotjrtiije tJK «^4)piw,to t^f f irfl purjrte. 2(ii«r^<3^M*trye.%i«]^V]rU@cb«iii|t, we A4lt ti^eytl^tr hlytibt not crof rb be, ^tnethu 'Zmbycfcn,anb cnrfVb Couetoufhcft, 3 bcre b^nny n> )roiv,(Vom t^ lanpe €ucr b0ti0^tcib jlcfrncct^ofc rabU6,tr|))K^ar( a toFcn tme, C^t t^u in t^e flcf^tf^alr cuamote contjmte. C$u Uweoft^tiS<^t\l,t^vig^t^a bcU^of «UL 3n opcracyon yct>t{>u art r be ptync)fpall. ^om t|)c3 f Fyltj^ypocrcff «iwb falft bc^trync, tPit^all t^at bcptnbt.vpwt^pApydfcalllfnt, Htfemcthef&mt boFe,fot a ('fgnt cf^auUy pcorc^ Sot t^at bole t^u 4rM^4t 3<>^ fr^m ^cAurn bih Naturx kx. (cleiJourc4 J(uerU(l]pn0cptA)rf<,to t^^oix>fe of 3fr4ci. Naturae lex, 3n retoycc of t^yd>maFe »« feme me(obyc« Mofch lex. C^e name of oar C5ob,to ptoyfc ftnb ma^nyfycw Chriftilcx. 3affcmt|>crto:,atib tryll fj?n0e»er)^gUbIye. Hie adDeigloriim canubunc.In cxiculiraci dc Ji Acorypto,Vclaliud fimik. De us pater: How j>4uc twbcflroycb.tbt fyn^ebomof BaMwt, 2^b tt)rottmc t j)c 0r«4t vr^>tc,inio t^ botrdlcffc pjrt^ Xcflo:3?n0c404yne,t(>ctnjcfayt^anbrclf0yoii> -, Qcparyngctb^fc la»c6,fo tocontpiut f. iflitiis ourcKAturcfi^ ^df^groccin our (y^^t, \ Co bweU wit^ ^;m noti>,i600r yd^;>Ic ^rtcd Ulf^!^ I \ ■ - UTan Id our peoplc,I)y5(5ob wc area^Ajme, tDitf) l);rn w/ll trt ^ue»f ont ynuAll reff^nce. :2ivfixyc a»;ll xrc a»;pe,from ^ym all fw^wc 5C p4ync *J^tifh(iil no loi»^4r,b)rf|)4yre for ^'«off«ncc, rio: ^auc i ^yeforpU.any carcfuUb^ubtof con(cyick Zbt olbepv>pyn?ncf[f,i6pa(ltipJ>y«e(^ wae bapnacfOi% Wchwt WW rewcbi^ur c^iiflcyi conjr e04cy««» ^Aitbe (birrt^ ^il^f ayt^^Sc taH wr Abom^fetHll \ tPe j)crc appoynt x^cac goucrnc cur congr^rgtfcjwit. 0ftj)u bo not^>yn0f,tp^^cutt[)ea^m<^n)rf^mfnf, • ^t^ffc t^re (Axred|>crc,iUnp: inouc cur vcaitt in t|>e rcrjrtr. CfKpJomyfc5trcm4b<.maWt^efc t^re «r(^ofpeIf, tt>c wolb«t f j)u f^iilbefl fo,to our con0rr0acjron tell . iDur eucrla|iyn0e bU(]Vn0f,bc wii^ yoi» cucrmoie, OinnesfTmui. Cot^j^ftsxtc ruime Iosbe,pt«)pfc ^ prrpctUAll ^dnott FidcsChriftiana. ,tc put ni« in t^ye offyce, C^ 0oucmc |);0 c^ur«^<,anb <^»flm con0rc0«()^ofl^ ^ttb t ^crm to bo,«« y e f^« U me en tyce. i^ucmc 3 p:ayc you»,fo<^ tr^olfom e^^o)Mryon» iSemaycbctoiTlArt.a ckrecbyfycacyon. 2(nb 3 myll be 0Ub,to t«Fe your abuertyfemait# 2(6ir f^nbecome»Any(^ylbeobebycnt« Chrilb lex. ^ (f>f tFc it full Ypele,t^^ m^rf e w^at f]^«U (c fnf^ 'Jinb b;ly0entlyc,lof e tj^at it be obeyed Naturae lex. It^e effecr of mtje f ot to (notve t^e Io)bc* jCuerU(lyn0e,(lron0e,mo(l 0r4cyoufe anb 0oblyf , SInb A0 tou<^0e mati,to ^ue fr4tern«ll i'oncoib€^ Jaucr to noiryf|),4nb to bonon iniurye, Co f rpecouenantes m^be^nb loue true m4trytnonyob4l9ne,«ri& rof U f r«m 3boi4try«» nor to flee no: fitlcnot ytt to bearc fftlfe rtcc:>f« Cof|>ttr€tr|^6tiftf)pnn(,anb tofcfe t^e rcmebye, : Pubtyquc pcaceto M^3& fote to p3n]^f^ t^ 0H^)^« ^rom t^cfr (toob tffutet^fct^atitlS, ncucrfircitu^ |.C^anf{)4U ))c be (mcytl^at (Dod n>)?U )^j^ picferuc* Chrifti lex. C^c effect of me>t6 fo: to lout t^e (o9^e, 3n t|>e innar fp^ete^anb to faucr frynhc 6C ttintft^ ^hmAli poyntee cl6,trit^ (Bob* vcyll to a<(«9te Cof ]ca<^crcmy||yon,to (tmcAnb to iu(tyfft, 3" ^l)ri(i all to (ffe,lyfe,iufiycf, peace anb mer(]^ C|>efe^eaiJenI)r ctfectcf>.iniat ^e mafc in jpse^e^ ne\9ljrerc£|cncratc« hides CJmftiana. fTtoseftPcte t^an^nycartfour tf^retf^^acf^n^ 2lnbre0efireb t^e)?be,inm)^memo:yAlU i^ow wjrll 3 foteiNirbe,to all t^t ^ri^tntutfPM^ 2(nbfeme(fcct,t^efeIaT0e0obferuebaI(, Cot^cabolyf!>ment,of t^c breamca papyfiyulU l?otp t^t lygl^t i6Come,t|»e barfencfjebyet^ AW(q% 3tru0 utt j^elotbe^en wyli vmIU m r^e h^yu UtTrt as^c boi^ maFf, Jo: t^ey arc of C5ob,a6 ©alonion bot j) rcpoit. c boubtU6pl4yct|)r^efoU. 4^aiit ftbiff rfD)cct,rntoyour conrreyc natfut, tD^yc^^«|>brou0^y«vp,& 0cue«ye nc:r»fl)inmt, Jgucn from your t|)efc bayee mitry tyur, 4Bo t^i^ycm4yebo>to ^erxspelt^anbpicfctmcnt, Wlyn (tcr ro ^cr,no ^)4tcfriU betrymcnr. 21 bo00< w ^ydfrynbc.iryll neucr be vn(ouyn0e, Itctercafott »n y«,not lofe f)y6 n«tur«ll tt»o:Fyn0t, Naturx lex. ' JlPho lytfttb iPtrfKtR lAtr<»f^aI peryf|^ irtrl^cut Uxot aiitxr^fwtjx ^aoc.t^relaivte to yew bcfcrybtb, ^ t^at after tb««r Iyar,ycf^tilb inyourIyuyn0c^ra^»e tX>£.^aey ^auc bcnecc:ruptcb* 7^ fo«i< 3boi4tcr6>6nb (^bontftcepciatch. Rcftauradodlttffitnim f«gamJ C6y f euetoufe ptcflc6,4mb by Mnbf€yw(< ptUte§, j^ypccty tic all fr]^rc6,f«Ifc bccrours & f4lfe curares Moieh lex. n>^o 1)at^re(t^cb,r^cfef«m( t^cUi9C840«fn({ Ho piyncc afottJ^ym.toH euer^etfcx^ p«ync» jfroigrtgl^bc tohamy{^,3boUnyt8cfowlc (obcmyt iottctou(ne6,Zmhycyd,fal(c boctrynt 6c ^ypccrcfyt^ ' 3t ^'•i^ ^^ ^^^^ bi<>iig^t,€^ii(ie^verptt to lyg^t, tPbftn ^c put t JK popc,wtt j> ^y« fj^U^jmco t0 ^yfiT^t. Chriftilcx, ^ ^c^]^U,perfoorme it iit effect. . • Fides Chrifliina, f pra)^e aU to t^t loibe.fot t^e longe contynu^unce; ' «Df ^ye0rj^olecounfeU,t^6t (5ob be t^eir bircc# \ jfnto fytie pttfonagte nutyt tl^e p«firff. C^efccoiibr. ^ C^ Urot of i^ofctf. C^c Utrc of C^riff, 3boUtryc. 2imb)rcyon* ^ypocrcfye. ^obomye, C^e r^trb. C^e fomt, iBciid pater. Cj>cfiff. Cj^e apAr«nyfi£f e of t^ fi)c v^rce^oi fmtc0of3nfybclyte* tf tc 3^oI^b»4 4 itt;riyf e a montc of all ftcted,2mb)?c)?on lyf < a b)f^, Coi««oo(heffel)?fea pb«ryfeot 0?)^rualU4nxr,faIfc ^ ^octryne,l^fc4t^ ouertbroTvne, t^f C^e falfc 0ob ofHomc.hfpcut^ cft^c (BofpciU 'Znb {)at^ prcparcb , from t^t b(peUfcofi)c(I, Redempdoncmplebis ru{» IBt erf )citcoinu,of mercy ^elt^ 4nb gvAce^ ^ ^^4t crucU tyr4unt jtoTD ckrely to bcf4cc, iP^ofe blouby fyngcbome,hemynf(l^et^ApACC» JBytjic tt>o Jbc of (Bob. w^yc^ lauly^tj wtcpUce^ Indomo Dauid pucriiui. &icut hcmtie e(i, t^e loibeccIcfTyAll, Ci)At Komyf^2(mic^jifl,idlyfcto^«ue dfalT. IPit j> ^yd w^ole r4bU,of fcctca by^bolyc^U, :2tnb non> t j^enombre, t&yll floryf^ ouer aU. Prophecarum eius. 66loteni(^uiimtci0^»wem4ytby0^ jflwy f«iii» Zorcbcmet^e fynnc.of tf>c c^ylbrcn of 3bam, 2Jnb to rcmembic , to f ayt^fiill Zbia^am^ Teftamcnd fui fandu 3ufiuranbum,tr|»^®cb|)at^ mabc «fo:c, Tntoour fat^ere.^c tryll tepe cucrinou, promtfeb ^e j>ati>,if wc rc^^rbc ^ye l tijcrm to a^rc, €^At in t^e (Sofpell.anb c^n(?cn lybertr^ Seruiamus illu 3n fan(ttt|>erin bot|> confyfi, t^cir lyfc 4nb full rcwarbc, | IDPtt^preferuACj^on, frotti bAun^croufc ie^parbc, Pcccacorum corum, , X n Per uifcera,mifcricordiar, C^rtfi our bere m4f}cr>Pdba]rry Wfrft» Ceafl i»c ^ere per)^, m our myquifu, \ C)urmtby«tour,conryniiai(]rift^ty !?, Oriemexako. I J}iamntirt,Cwtu lotbe tre t^e bcfyrc, Co men j»frynbe6i)or^« t3C>yrnc5non jrU.^^oI be no mannye wyfc» X>rybc ncmarmj« 0oob. ©Iccnot npit j) Fnyfc tDyf!) n