University of California Berkeley DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR U. S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY .!. W. I'ONVKI.I,, UIKKCTOK EPO UT i TON TIIK FISCAL YKAlt ENDED JTJXE 30, 1891! A. II. Tin >M I>S( >N EXTl;.\( T KKOM TIIK Til IKTKKXTII AXNl'AL JtKI'dJtT OF THE lilllKCTolJ WA Sill XdTON G ( ) V 10 1 1. N M K N T P 1? I N T I N G ( ) F F I ( ! E I S'.l I DEFAETMENT OF THE INTEEIOE U. S. GEOLOGICAL SUEVEY. REPORT UPON THK CONSTRUCTION OF TOPOGRAPHIC MAPS, AND THE SELECTION AND SURVEY OF RESERVOIR SITES IN THE HYDROGRAPHIC BASIN OF THE ARKANSAS RIVER, COLORADO, BY A. H. THOMPSON. il 429 REPORT UPON THE CONSTRUCTION OF TOPOGRAPHIC MAPS, AND THE SELECTION AND SURVEY OF RESERVOIR SITES IN THE HYDRO- GRAPHIC BASIN OF THE ARKANSAS RIVER IN COLORADO, By A. H. THOMPSON. TOPOGRAPHIC MAPS. That part of the hydrographic basin of the Arkansas river within the limits of the state of Colorado lies between the meridians 102 and 106 30' west longitude, and 37 and 39 30' latitude, and embraces an area of approximately 29,350 square miles. A topographic survey of this region was commenced by the parties of the U. S. Geological Survey under the immediate charge of Mr. Wil- lard D. Johnson, in September, 1889, and the work, both field and office, practically completed in June, 1891. This survey was undertaken primarily for the purpose of discovering and locating the reservoir sites within the drainage basin, the catch- ment area tributary to each reservoir site, the situation and area of irrigable lands, and to indicate in a closely approximate way the pos- sible location of canal lines to conduct the waters from the reservoirs to the lands. To give this data, maps were constructed on a scale of 1 : 125,000, or 2 miles to the inch, nearly ; the relief being shown by contour lines of equal altitudes having an interval of 100 feet in the mountainous coun- try, 50 feet in the less rugged country, and 25 feet in the plains region. In some cases all these contour intervals appear on the same sheet. The maps were constructed by atlas sheet areas embracing 30 minutes each way in latitude and longitude, conforming to the gen- eral plan for the Topographic Atlas of the United States, in the process of construction by the U. S. Geological Survey. The field work was done by plane table methods, the horizontal control being primarily based on the stations of the transcontinental triangulation of the U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, the primary stations in the triangulation of the U. S. Geological Survey of the territories, under Dr. F. V. Hayden, and the triangulation of the U. S. 431 432 TOPOGRAPHIC WORK IN THE ARKANSAS BASIN. Geological Survey either computed or graphic from these stations. The vertical control was based upon the altitudes furnished by the levels of the railroad lines within the basin as adjusted in Gannett's Diction- ary of Altitudes. From these base lines others were run to important control points, and to these bench marks were referred all the altitudes determined. The altitudes of most minor points were determined by angular lev- eling, though the aneroid barometer was extensively used during the first season's work. Most of the drainage lines and cliff edges of mesas were traversed, as were all public roads. All sketching of topographic forms was done on the plane table. During the first year the work was done on the small traverse plane tables and transferred to the final sheets, but afterwards all work was done on plane table sheets the full size of an atlas sheet, and all the drawing, except the lettering and final inking, done in the field ready for the engraver. At* least two and often five or six points in the pri- mary triangulation were located both in plane and in altitude on each atlas sheet, and used as- reference points for all the succeeding work. In the foothills and plains region these reference points were all per- manently marked. The field and office work was usually done on twice the scale in- tended for publication. Owing to great changes in the topographic features on the same atlas sheet, it was necessary to adopt different contour intervals on the same sheet in order to express the topography in a way to subserve the purposes of the maps. A small interval was necessary in the gently sloping regions in order to show the declivity of the irrigable lands and the approximate location of canal lines. In these regions 25 feet was adopted. It was not possible to carry this interval into the representation of the cliffs and steeper mountain slopes; sO in these regions the intervals of 50 or 100 feet was adopted, varying, of course, with the steepness of the country. In order clearly to represent these changes of contour interval on the same sheet, the engraver cut the lines of different widths or weights, the contours rep- resenting each thousand feet of elevation being the broadest, the lines representing each hundred feet change in elevation next less in width, and contours representing a change of interval of 25 feet the thinnest. Where the engraver executed the terms of his contract the result is excellent. The maps are all engraved on copper, three plates being required for each atlas sheet, the first showing the contours, the second the drainage lines, and the third the culture. These are printed in differ- ent colors, the contours being in brown, the drainage or water in blue, and the culture in black. In all 30 full atlas sheets and 10 fractional parts of atlas sheets were necessary to represent the drainage basin of the Arkansas river in Colorado. THOMPSON.] ATLAS SHEETS IN THE ARKANSAS BASIN. 433 The atlas sheets are named usually from the most important town within their limits, though sometimes from some prominent natural features. The following table gives the designation of all atlas sheets included in the drainage basin of the Arkansas river in Colorado, the latitude and longitude of the southeast corner, and the contour interval upon each sheet. Name of sheet. Leadville Pikes peak ... Canyon city Huerfano park . . . Castle rock Colorado Springs Pueblo Walsenburg Trinidad Big Springs N epesta Apishapa El Moro Limon San born Catlin T'mpas Mesade Maya Arroyo L;is Aninias .. Higbee Mount Carrizo Kit Carson f Lamar Two Bnttes Springfield Cheyenne Wells . Granada Albany Vilas Aspen Saguache Buena Vista Marshall pass . . . Arkansas hills. .. Rito Alto Crestone '. Culebra Kioa Hugo . . . Southeast corner. Latitude. Longitude. 39 38 38 37 39 38 38 37 37 38 38 37 37 39 38 38 37 37 38 38 37 37 38 38 37 37 38 .38 37 37 39 38 38 38 38 38 37 37 39 39 00 00 30 00 00 00 30 00 00 00 30 00 00 00 30 00 00 00 30 00 00 00 30 00 00 00 00 00 30 00 00 00 30 00 00 00 30 00 00 00 30 00 00 00 30 00 00 00 30 00 CO 00 30 00 00 00 30 00 00 00 00 00 30 00 30 00 00 00 30 00 00 00 30 00 00 00 00 00 oo oo 106 00 00 105 00 00 105 00 00 105 00 00 104 30 00 104 30 00 104 30 00 104 30 00 104 30 00 104 00 00 104 00 00 104 00 00 104 00 00 103 30 00 103 30 00 103 30 00 103 30 00 103 30 00 103 00 00 103 00 00 103 00 00 103 00 03 102 30 00 102 30 00 102 30 00 102 30 00 102 00 00 102 00 00 102 00 00 102 00 00 106 30 00 106 30 00 106 00 00 106 00 00 105 30 00 105 30 00 105 30 00 105 00 00 104 00 00 103 00 00 Contour in- terval. 100 Feet. 25 50 100 25 50 100 25 50 100 25 50 100 25 50. 100 25 50 100 25 50 25 50 25 50 100 25 50 25 25 25 50 100 25 50 25 25 25 25 50 100 25 25 25 50 25 50 100 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 50 100 50 50 100 50. 100 25 50 100 50 100 50 100 50 100 25 25 Kemarks. Full atlas sheet. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. T)O. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Fractional atlas sheet. Do. DO. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. From these maps a second map on the scale of 6 miles = 1 inch was compiled. This map includes only the drainage basin of that part of the Arkansas river lying in the state of Colorado. The topography is represented by contour lines having an interval of 100 feet in the plains region and 200 feet in the mountains. It also shows the principal streams, the larger towns, all surveyed reservoir sites, the boundaries of the tributary drainage basin, and the township lines of the Land Survey. TOPOGRAPHY. The hydrographic basin of the Arkansas river in Colorado presents three well defined areas of distinct types of topographic forms moun- tains, mesas, and plains. 13 GEOL., PT. in 28 434 TOPOGRAPHIC WORK IN THE ARKANSAS BASIN. The mountain area comprises the western third. It rises abruptly from the eastern plains and mesa regions, often in a bold escarpment thousands of feet in height, then rolls back a gradually rising region of mountain ranges, isolated peaks, deep canyons, and beautiful valleys to the western rim of the basin. Through this region the Arkansas river flows first in a southern, then in an eastern direction, dividing it into two almost equal parts. The upper and northern part of its course is in a mountain valley, too elevated for much cultivation of the soil, except near its southern ex- tremity. Its lower course is in close canyons, with walls often rising almost vertically 3,000 feet. The western rim of the basin is formed by three of the loftiest ranges in Colorado, the Sawatch, Sangre de Christo, and Culebra, each having summits over 14,000 feet in altitude. These ranges stretch in an irregular double curve southeastwardly from Tennessee pass on the north to the Boundary mountains, just be- low the dividing line between Colorado and New Mexico. The northern rim of the basin is less imposing from contrast with its western rival. Having the same point of origin (Tennessee pass) as the western rim, it swings in the arc of a great circle down the crest of the Park range round the Arkansas hills by Chalcedony butte to the junction of the Eampart range with the Arkansas divide, which forms the crest between the watersheds of the South Platte river and Monument creek. The eastern rim has a general north and south trend broken by a deep reentrant angle of mesa type of topography where it crosses the Arkansas river. Like the northern, it is less continuous as a mountain wall than the western rim. The Kauipart range, forming the rim north of the Arkansas river, rising abruptly from the plains and . having the great mass of Pike's peak at its southern extremity, is, however, as imposing as any of the western ranges. South of the Arkansas river the Wet mountains range forms the rim until they merge into the Spanish peaks and the eastern flank of the Culebras. The region included within these mountain walls is in the shape of an irregular triangle, its apex in Tennessee pass and its base the whole eastern rim. It comprises an area of approximately 28,600 square miles. The Arkansas river, flowing first in a southern and then in an east- ern direction, divides this region into two nearly equal parts. Its upper and southern course is in an open valley, but its lower and east- ern is in deep canyons, having, sometimes, walls 3,000 feet in height. It descends from the lofty summits of the western ranges to an alti- tude of 4,600 feet, where it enters the mesa country below Canyon city, a distance of 120 miles. West and south of the river their slopes are steeper; the drainage tributary streams are more numerous than on the east and north. The whole region is one of great precipitation and is the principal source of the water which the river bears to the plains. THOMPSON.] TOPOGRAPHY. 435 The mesa region extends from the mountains eastward into the plains. It also forms a prominent feature in the southern part of the basin. Definite limits can hardly be given to this region, as it grad- ually takes its distinctive features from the foothills of the mountain ranges and as gradually merges into the plains. Its mesas or tables range in altitude from 5,000 feet along the Arkansas river to 9,000 feet near the New Mexico line. The mesa region is more pronounced in type and greater in area in the southern part of the drainage basin than the northern. The plains region occupies by far the larger part of the drainage basin of the Arkansas river in Colorado, extending from the mesas to the eastern boundary of the state. It is divided into two nearly equal parts by the Arkansas river, which throughout has a nearly direct eastern course and forms the dividing line between two areas quite distinct in topographic details. The altitude of the immediate valley of the river is 4,650 feet at Pueblo, near the western limit of the region, and 3,350 feet at the eastern boun- dary of the state, a distance of approximately 150 miles by river. It is for the most part a narrow flood plain, lying but a few feet above the surface of the water, and bounded by well defined bluffs on either side. North of the river the country gradually rises from the bluff line to the divide between the Arkansas and the South Platte and Republican rivers. This slope has its greatest altitude at its western edge and decreases to the eastern boundary of the state, thus giving a general slope of the whole area towards the southeast, and this is also the usual direction of its drainage lines. It is a region scantily supplied with water, having no permanent streams, though the principal drainage lines carry water during the early spring months, and in the rainy months of summer are often raging torrents. These waterways have wide valleys with short lateral branches, thus leaving broad, gently undulating areas between con- siderable drainage lines. Quite frequently these undulating plateaus do not drain into adjacent valleys, but into depressions on their surfaces. Some of these depres- sions are of large extent. South of the Arkansas valley the topography is more broken, but still presents the general features of a great rolling plain, sloping towards the north and east and cut diagonally across by drainage lines having a general northeasterly course. The streams of these waterways are often in canyons, sometimes having walls 600 to 800 feet in height. This is more especially the case in the central portion of the area. RESERVOIR SITES. Instructions were given to the topographers engaged in field work to devote special attention to the discovery and location of all possible 436 TOPOGRAPBIC WOKK IN THE ARKANSAS BASIN. reservoir sites within the area surveyed by them, to the location of irrigable lands, and to the extent and classification of forest growth, distinguishing between the forests valuable for lumber and those valu- able for firewood, fencing, and other domestic purposes. One hundred and forty-seven possible reservoir sites were reported. Some of these were small, some were commanded by others more favor- ably situated to control to best advantage the waters of the given drainage basin, but all were given examination, and from the whole number reported forty-six were selected as being so located as to com- pletely store all the waters of the basin, and as being most favorable situations in regard to the irrigable lands. These sites were then surveyed to determine the best location for a dam, its height, the area that would be covered by water at the given height of dam, the approximate content of the reservoir and the sub- divisions of the Land Survey embraced within its limits. The field work was done with telescopic alidade, level, and stadia rods. In addition to the forty- six reservoir sites surveyed by the topog- raphers, nine were reported and surveyed by the engineering section of the Irrigation Survey, making fifty-five in all. The nine sites surveyed by the engineering section and numbered 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 25, 38, and 39 respectively, are not included in this report, having been described in the report of Mr. H. M. Wilson on engineer- ing work in Colorado. Of the forty-six reservoir sites surveyed, twenty-five are in the mountain region and twenty-one in the mesa and plains regions. Three of the sites, numbers 44, 45, and 46 are so situated that they have practically no catchment area. They could, however, be easily filled by high line canals from the Arkansas river. All the others have drainage basins of considerable extent, generally large enough to fill the reservoir. A short description of each reservoir site is submitted. A more detailed report of the survey of these reservoir sites was published in part 2 of the Twelfth Annual Report of the Director of the U. S. Geological Survey, an abstract from which is here given. RESERVOIR SITE No. 6. Is situated in Chaffee county, Colorado, on Sevenmile creek, near junction with Arkansas river. Drainage area about 30 square miles, extending from crest of Park range nearly to Arkansas river. Lightly wooded on higher slopes. Streams have intermittent flow above and continuous but light flow through reservoir site. Altitude, 8,400 feet. Area of reservoir site, 160 acres. Approximate capacity, 4,550 acre-feet. RESERVOIR SITE No. 8. Is situated in Ouster county, Colorado, on Grape creek, at northern end of the Wet mountain valley. Drainage area about 380 square miles, bordered by the crest of the Sangre de THOMPSON.] RESERVOIR SITES IN COLORADO. 437 Cristo range for 26 miles, and by the Greenhorn range for 14 miles. Heavily tim- bered over a small area, lightly wooded over a quarter of the area, and bare of timber over two-thirds of the area. The main stream has strong, continuous flow. Many of the tributaries are intermittent, but furnish large quantities of water dur- ing periods of floods. Altitude, 8,000 feet. Area of reservoir site, 2,540 acres. Approximate capacity, 119,100 acre-feet. RESERVOIR SITE No. 9. Is situated in Fremont county, on Pine creek, 3 miles above junction with Grape creek. Drainage area about 30 square miles, in wooded hills. Stream has light contiuu ous flow. Altitude, 7,900 feet. Area of reservoir site, 80 acres. Approximate capacity, 1,520 acre-feet. RESERVOIR SITE No. 10. Situated in Park and El Paso counties, Colorado, on Slate creek, just above junc- tion with West Oil creek. Drainage area about 25 square miles in wooded hills. Stream has light contin- uous flow. Altitude, 8, 100 feet. Area of reservoir site, 560 acres. Approximate capacity, 8,570 acre feet. RESERVOIR SITE No. 11. Situated in Park county, Colorado, on West Oil or Ten mile creek. Drainage area about 20 square miles. Heavily timbered. Streams have light continuous flow. Altitude, 8,500 feet. Area of reservoir site, 200 acres. Approximate capacity, 2,150 acre-feet. RESERVOIR SITE No. 12. Is situated in El Paso county, Colorado, on Oil creek, at junction with West Oil creek. Drainage area of about 160 square miles, extending northward to the divide be- tween the Arkansas and Platte basins. Well wooded, with some heavy timber. Streams have continuous flow. Altitude, 8,500 feet. Area of reservoir site, 1,400 acres. Approximate capacity, 56,200 acre-feet. RESERVOIR SITE No. 13. Is situated in El Paso county, Colorado, on West Beaver creek, near junction with Beaver creek. Drainage area of about 60 square miles, extending back to the high ridges about Pike's peak. Heavily wooded. Continuous flow in streams. Altitude, 9,000 feet. Area of reservoir site, 1,320 acres. Approximate capacity, 28,450 acre-feet. 438 TOPOGRAPHIC WO"RK IN THE ARKANSAS BASIN. RESERVOIR SITE No. 14. Is situated in El Paso county, Colorado, on Beaver creek, near junction with West Beaver creek. Drainage area of about 25 square miles, extending back to Pike's peak. Heavily timbered. Streams have continuous flow. Altitude, 9,000 feet. Area of reservoir site, 50 acres. Approximate capacity, 620 acre-feet. RESERVOIR SITE No. 15. Is situated in Fremont county, Colorado, on Oil creek, about 10 miles above junc- tion with Arkansas river. Drainage area of about 270 square miles. A semimountainous, well wooded region, with narrow valleys and little agricultural land, extending from Pike's peak west- ward to the Arkansas hills. Oil creek and its larger branches have continuous flow. Altitude, 5,800 feet. Area of reservoir site, 167 acres. Approximate capacity, 4,300 acre-feet. RESERVOIR SITE No. 16. Is situated in Fremont county, Colorado, on Wilson creek, just above junction with Oil creek. Drainage area about 35 square miles: mountainous and partly wooded; inter- mittent flow. Altitude 5,900 feet. Area of reservoir site, 80 acres. Approximate capacity 2,900 acre-feet. RESERVOIR SITE No. 17. Is situated in Fremont county, Colorado, on Sand creek, just west of Canyon city, and a little above junction of Sand creek with the Arkansas river. Drainage area about 30 square miles; wood all cut oft'; intermittent flow to streams. Altitude, 5.450 feet. Area of reservoir site. 115 acres. Approximate capacity 1,950 acre-feet. RESERVOIR SITE No. 18. Is situated in Fremont county, Colorado, on Six mile creek, about 6 miles above junction with Arkansas river. Drainage area of about 10 square miles in the Six mile creek basin, and, by diver- sion, from the Eight mile creek basin, 50 square miles, and from the Beaver creek basin 120 square miles. All well wooded and rising in elevation northward to the high ridges about Pike's peak. Intermittent flow through site. Altitude. 5,500 feet. Area of reservoir site, 50 acres. Approximate capacity, 3,100 acre- feet. RESERVOIR SITE No. 19. Is situated in Fremont county, Colorado, on Eight mile creek, jn foothills. Drainage area about 50 square miles, in high foothills. Upper portion lightly wooded. Stream intermittent. Altitude, 5,500 feet. Area of reservoir site, 210 acres. Approximate capacity, 4,540 acre-feet. THOMPSON] RESERVOIR SITES IN COLORADO. 439 RESERVOIR SITE No. 20. Is situated in Fremont and Pueblo counties, Colorado, on Beaver creek, near its junction with the Arkansas river. Drainage area of about 130 square miles, extending from Pikes peak to the Ar- kansas river. For the upper 25 miles it receives tributaries from a mountainous and well timbered region. The main stream and several of its branches have con- tinuous flow. Altitude, 5,100 feet. Area of reservoir site, 215 acres. Approximate capacity, 7,100 acre-feet. RESERVOIR SITE No. 21. Is situated in Pueblo county, Colorado, on Turkey creek, just outside of foothills, in a region of low mesas. Drainage area of about 70 square miles, extending back to the higher ridges of the Pike's peak group. The mountainous portion is well wooded. Turkey creek has a light, continuous flow. Altitude, 5,400 feet. Area of reservoir site, 520 acres. Approximate capacity, 9,800 acre-feet. EESERVOIR SITE No. 22. Is situated in Pueblo county, Colorado, on Turkey creek, just above junction with Arkansas river. Drainage area of about 70 square miles, one-half mountainous and one-half plains. Mountainous portion lightly wooded. Streams have usually a continuous flow. Altitude, 5,000 feet. Area of reservoir site, 90 acres. Approximate capacity, 1,920 acre-feet. RESERVOIR SITE No. 23. Is situated in Pueblo county, Colorado, on the Arkansas river, 8 miles west of Pueblo. Drainage area, all the mountainous portion of the river basin directly tributary to the river. Altitude, 4,840 feet. Area of reservoir site, 1,920 acres. Approximate capacity, 359,000 acre-feet. RESERVOIR SITE No. 24. Is situated in Pueblo county, Colorado, on Rush creek, on high broken plains, near the foothills. Drainage area, 10 square miles on Rush creek basin, and, by diversion, portions of the drainage of the Red creek and Peck creek basins, which extend back into the foothills and are subject annually to floods. Rush creek has uncertain, intermittent flow. Altitude, 5,400 feet. Area of reservoir site, 335 acres. Approximate capacity, 2,100 acre-feet. 440 TOPOGRAPHIC WORK IN THE ARKANSAS BASIN. RESERVOIR SITE No. 26. Is situated in Pueblo county, Colorado, on St. Charles river, about midway from source to junction with Arkansas river, 011 the high plains. Drainage area about 180 square miles, extending back 30 miles to the crest of the Greenhorn range. Heavily timbered on mountain slopes, with small quantity of light wood in foothills. Stream has continuous flow. Altitude, 4,980 feet. Area of reservoir site, 170 acres. Approximate capacity, 2,640 acre-feet. RESERVOIR SITE No. 27. Is situated in Pueblo county, Colorado, on the St. Charles river just behind the "Hogbacks," at the base of the Greenhorn mountains. Drainage area about 65 square miles, all on heavy mountain slopes, well wooded* and supplied with streams of continuous flow. Altitude, 6,300 feet. Area of reservoir site, 200 acres. Approximate capacity, 2,340 acre-feet. RESERVOIR SITE No. 28. Is situated in Pueblo county, Colorado, on Graueros creek, a mile above junction with Greeehorn creek, and on high, broken plains near the foothills. Drainage area of the Graneros is small, and furnishes an insignificant supply; Greenhorn creek can be easily diverted into the basin, and will furnish a mean annual flow of perhaps 20 second-feet. Its drainage area is about 50 square miles, chiefly on the east front of Greenhorn mountain. Slopes heavily timbered. The Huerfano river on the south may be diverted in part by an easily constructed canal 15 miles long. Altitude, 5,892 feet. Area of reservoir site, 760 acres. Approximate capacity, 27,200 acre-feet. RESERVOIR SITE No. 29. Situated in Huerfano county, Colorado, on the Huerfano river, at a narrow gate- way in the foothills where the river passes from a broad mountain valley to the plain s. Drainage area about 500 square miles, extending to high mountain crests around half its circumference of about 100 miles. Heavy timber on the higher mountain slopes and light wood on the foothills. The central portion of the basin is a mountain park, clear of timber. Streams have continuous flow and considerable volume. Altitude, 6,895 feet. Area of reservoir site, 115 acres. Approximate capacity, 1,960 acre-feet. RESERVOIR SITE No. 30. Is situated in Huerfano county, Colorado, on Cucharas river, in the foothills between the Spanish peaks and the Culebra range. Drainage area about 40 square miles, extending 6 or 8 miles back to the summits of the Culebra range and the Spanish peaks. Timber on the higher slopes, and light wood generally distributed. Streams have continuous flow. Altitude, 7,800 feet. Area of reservoir site, 130 acres. Approximate capacity, 4,125 acre-feet. THOMPSON.] RESERVOIR SITES IN COLORADO. 441 RESERVOIR SITE No. 31. Is situated in Huerfaiio county, Colorado, on Arapahoe creek, in foothills north of the Spanish peaks. Drainage area about 25 square miles, heading in the Spanish peaks. A small amount of timber. Light, continuous flow of streams. Altitude, 7,200 feet. Area of reservoir site, 4,500 acres. Approximate capacity, 13,300 acre-feet. RESERVOIR SITE No. 32. Is situated in Huerfano county, Colorado, on Santa Clara river, in the high mesas between the Spanish peaks and the plains. Drainage area of about 45 square miles, heading on the Spanish peaks. Little timber, and light and continuous flow to streams. Altitude, 6,700 feet. Area of reservoir site, 420 acres. Approximate capacity, 10,150 acre-feet. RESERVOIR SITE No. 33. Is situated in Las Animas county, Colorado, on the Apishapa river, at the eastern edge of Park plateau. Drainage area of about 100 square miles extending westward to the southern slope of the Spanish peaks. Little heavy timber, but general distribution of light wood. Continuous flow of streams. Altitude, 6,850 feet. Area of reservoir site, 440 acres. Approximate capacity, 12,790 acre-feet. RESERVOIR SITE No. 34. Is situated in Las Animas county, Colorado, on the Purgatoire river at the junc- tion with South fork. Drainage area about 320 square miles, extending back to the crest of the Culebra range. The basin includes the Stonewall valley and several other settled areas of small size, but its greater portion is heavily timbered. Streams are numerous and have continuous flow. Altitude, 6,620 feet. Area of reservoir site, 450 acres. Approximate capacity, 6,200 acre-feet. RESERVOIR SITE No. 35. Is situated in Las Animas county, Colorado, in Stonewall valley, at the eastern base of the Culebra range. Drainage area about 50 square miles, all heavily wooded, with a considerable por- tion of heavy timber. Streams all have strong continuous flow. Altitude, 8,300 feet. Area of reservoir site, 240 acres. Approximate capacity, 11,200 acre-feet. RESERVOIR SITE No. 36. Is situated in Las Animas county, Colorado, on the Purgatoire river in Stonewall valley, at the eastern base of the Culebra range. Drainage area about 65 square miles, nearly all heavily wooded. Streams have continuous flow. 442 TOPOGRAPHIC WORK IN THE ARKANSAS BASIN., 8,200 feet. Area of reservoir site, 760 acres. Approximate capacity, 22,700 acre feet. RESERVOIR SITE No. 37. Is situated in Las Animas county, Colorado, on the Apishapa river, 40 miles east of the mountains. Drainage area about 420 square miles from the Spanish peaks eastward. Bare of timber excepting in the extreme western portion. Light continuous flow, usually; in exceptionally dry years, intermittent flow. Altitude, 5,600 feet. Area of reservoir site, 250 acres. Approximate capacity, 3.840 acre-feet. EESERVOIR SITE No. 40. Is situated in Las Animas county, Colorado, on Smith canyon creek, 15 miles south of its junction with the Purgatoire river. Drainage area of about 220 square miles on high, partly wooded plateaus. Main stream has intermittent flow through site. Altitude, 4,700 feet. Area of reservoir site, 1,400 acres. Approximate capacity, 34,230 acre-feet. RESERVOIR SITE No. 41. Is situated in Bent county, Colorado, on Rule creek, midway of its length. Drainage area of about 140 square miles. No heavy timber and very little light wood growth. Stream flow intermittent. Altitude, 4,250 feet. Area of reservoir site, 1,560 acres. Approximate capacity, 32,780 acre-feet. EESERVOIR SITE No. 42. Is situated in Bent county, Colorado, on Cottonwood creek, 4 miles above junction with Rule creek. Drainage area of about 110 square miles, among low mesas. Occasional light tree growth on mesas. Stream has winter and spring flow and annual floods. Altitude, 4,300 feet. Area of reservoir site, 1,000 acres. Approximate capacity, 25,880 acre-feet. EESERVOIR SITE No. 43. Is situated in Las Animas county, Colorado, on Two butte creek, at the point where the mesas end in plains. Drainage area of about 250 square miles, in a region of low mesas, rising to a maxi- mum elevation of 5,500 feet above sea level. Light pine growth along mesa edges. Intermittent flow on stream branches, but continuous flow through reservoir site. Altitude, 4,500 feet. Area of reservoir site, 480 acres. Approximate capacity, 5,900 acre-feet. EESERVOIR SITE No. 44. Situated in Otero county, Colorado, in a depression on the open plains, about 6 miles east of Rocky ford. Deptli increased by low" dam. No drainage area ; to be supplied by ditch from the Arkansas river. THOMPSON.] RESERVOIR SITES IN COLORADO. 443 Altitude, 4,250 feet. Area of reservoir site, 700 acres. Approximate capacity, 14,720 acre-feet. RESERVOIR SITE No. 45. Is situated in Bent and Otero counties, Colorado, in a depression on the open plains, about 3 miles west of Adobe creek and north of Horse creek, and 8 miles south of Kilburn, on the Missouri Pacific railroad. No drainage area of importance. To be supplied by ditch from the Arkansas river. Altitude, 4,150 feet. Area of reservoir site, 1,680 acres. Approximate capacity, 21,407 acre-feet. RESERVOIR SITE No. 46. Is situated in Kiowaand Bent counties, in a depression on the plains just east of Adobe creek, and 10 miles southeast from Arlington on the Missouri Pacific railroad. No drainage area of importance. To be supplied by ditch from the Arkansas river. Altitude, 4,150 feet. Area of reservoir site, 4,160 acres. Approximate capacity, 73,300 acre-feet. RESERVOIR SITE No. 47. . Is situated in Lake county, Colorado, on the Northwest branch of the Tennessee fork of the Arkansas river. Drainage area about 20 square miles, on the east slope of the main range. Heavily timbered. Streams have continuous flow. Altitude, 10,600 feet. Area of reservoir site, 420 acres. Approximate capacity, 9,600 acre-feet. RESERVOIR SITE No. 48. Situated in Lake county, Colorado, on the East fork of the Arkansas river, near the junction. Drainage area of about 30 square miles; cleared of timber ; continuous flow of streams. Altitude, 10,100 feet. Area of reservoir site, 250 acres. Approximate capacity, 4,100 acre feet. RESERVOIR SITE No. 49. Is situated in Chaffee county, Colorado, on Pine creek, 5 miles west of the Ar- kansas river. Drainage area about 20 square miles; partly wooded; stream has continuous flow. Altitude, 8,545 feet. Area of reservoir site, 130 acres. Approximate capacity, 2,500 acre-feet. RESERVOIR SITE No. 50. Is situated -in Chaffee county, Colorado, on Pine creek, about 3 miles above its junction with the Arkansas river. Drainage area about 25 square miles ; partly wooded ; stream has continuous flow. 444 TOPOGRAPHIC WORK IN THE ARKANSAS BASIN. Altitude, 8,600 feet. Area of reservoir site, 90 acres. Approximate capacity, 1,500 acre-feet. RESERVOIR SITE No. 51. Is situated in Chaffee county, Colorado, on the Arkansas river, at junction with Seven mile creek. Drainage area of about 600 square miles, extending back to mountain crests on the east and west; heavily timbered on the western mountain slopes; lightly timbered on the eastern slopes, and bare in the valley ; continuous flow of all streams. Altitude, 8,000 feet. Area of reservoir site, 520 acres. Approximate capacity, 11,940 acre-feet. RESERVOIR SITE No. 52. Is situated in Fremont county, Colorado, on Oak grove creek, half a mile south of Cotopaxi, and three-fourths of a mile above the junction of Oak grove creek with the Arkansas river. Drainage area of about 30 square miles on the foothill slopes of the west mountain range. Slopes lightly wooded. Oak grove creek has a light continuous flow. Altitude, 6,425 feet. Area of reservoir site, 80 acres. Approximate capacity, 1,310 acre-feet. RESERVOIR SITE No. 53. Is situated in Pueblo county, Colorado, on Rock creek, 8 miles above its junction with the Arkansas river. Drainage area of about 30 square miles, running buck to low faothills. Not wooded. Usually dry, but subject to annual floods. Altitude, 5,200 feet. Area of reservoir site, 300 acres. Approximate capacity, 6,600 acre-feet. RESERVOIR SITE No. 54. Is situated, in Otero and Las Animas counties, Colorado, on Timpas creek, near its head. Drainage area of about 75 square miles, among low, lightly wooded mesas. Creek lias intermittent flow. Altitude, 4,950 feet. Area of reservoir site, 840 acres. Approximate capacity, 13,640 acre-feet. RESERVOIR SITE No. 55. Is situated in Las Animas county, Colorado, on the Las Auimas river, at its junction with the Chaquaqua. Drainage area of about 2,400 square miles, extending westward to the Culebra range and southward to the Raton and Chicorica mesas and Mesa de Maya. Along eastern slope of the Culebra range there is a large slope well timbered ; eastward to Trinidad are scattering trees. Eastward of Trinidad trees line the mesa slope occasionally. The Purgatoire and Chaquaqua nave a continuous flow. Altitude, 4,450 feet. Area of reservoir site, 3,360 acres. Approximate capacity, 43,330 acre-feet. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTEKIOR-U. S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. REPORT UPON THE LOCATION AND SURVEY OF EESEEVOIR SITES DURING THE FISCAL YEAE ENDING JUNE 30, 1892. HY A. H. THOMPSON. 445 CONTENTS. Tage. Introduction 451 Utah-Idaho 4fi2 Reservoir site No. 1, Bear lake 452 Utah '. 458 Reservoir site No. 2, Silver lake, Salt lake county 458 Reservoir site No. 3, Twin lakes, Salt lake county 460 Reservoir site No. 4, Mary's lake, Salt lake county 460 Reservoir site No. 5, on Sevier river, Millard county 461 Reservoir site No. 6, on Sanpitch river, Sanpete county 463 Reservoir site No. 7, on Sevier river, Piute county 465 Reservoir site No. 8, on East fork of Sevier river, Piute county 466 Reservoir site No. 9, on Otter creek, Piute county 468 Reservoir site -No. 10, on East fork of Sevier river, Garfield county 470 Reservoir site No. 11, on East fork of Sevier river, Garfield county 473 Reservoir site No. 12, Panquitch lake, Iron county 475 Reservoir site No. 13, at blue spring, Iron county 475 447 ILLUSTRATIONS. Page. PL. CLXXXIII. Reservoir site No. 1, Bear lake, Utah-Idaho 452 CLXXXIV. Reservoir site No. 6, on San Pitch river, San Pete county, Utah 462 ' FIG. 150. Reservoir site No. 2, Silver lake, Salt lake county, Utah 459 151. Reservoir site No. 3, Twin lakes, Salt lake county, Utah 460 152. Reservoir site No. 4, Mary's lake, Salt lake county, Utah 461 153. Reservoir site No. 5, on Sevier river, Millard county, Utah 462 154. Reservoir site No. 7, on Sevier river, Piute county, Utah 466 155. Reservoir site No. 8, on East fork of Sevier river, Piute county, Utah 467 156. Reservoir site No. 9, on Otter creek, Piute county, Utah 470 157. Reservoir site No. 10, on East fork of Sevier river, Garfield county, Utah 471 158. Reservoir site No. 11, on East fork of Sevier river, Garfield county, Utah 474 159. Reservoir site No. 12, Panquitch lake, Iron county, Utah 475 160. Reservoir site No. 13, at Blue spring, Iron county, Utah 477 449 13 GEOL., PT. Ill 29 TflE LOCATION AND SURVEY OF RESERVOIR SITES. BY A. H. THOMPSON. INTRODUCTION. Thirteen reservoir sites, numbered from 1 to 13, inclusive, were sur- veyed by the Division of Topography during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1892. Number 1 of these sites, that of Bear lake, is situated partly in Utah and partly in Idaho. The others are entirely in Utah. These reservoir sites were recommended for reservation from sale or settlement in July and August, 1889, in conformity to act of Congress making appropriations for sundry civil expenses of the Government, approved October 2, 1888, and the act of August 30, 1890, making appropriations for the same purpose, but it was not practicable to commence their definite survey before May, 1891, at which time a party was organized for this purpose and placed under charge of Mr. Morris Bien, Topographer of the U. S. Geological Survey, assisted by Mr. W. B. Corse, Assistant Topographer. Work was prosecuted until the completion of the field surveys in July, 1891. The final plats of these surveys and schedules of lands segregated, showing in what range, township, section, and subdivision of section of the TJ. S. Land Survey these sites are situated, were submitted to the Secretary of the Interior, and their final reservation from entry, sale, or settlement, according to law, asked for under date of April 12, 1892. In the survey of these reservoir sites the topographers were instructed to consider the probable supply of water as indicated by the altitude and area of the drainage basin ; the declivity of its slopes, and whether forest-covered, grass clad, or bare; the rapidity with which water would be delivered into the reservoir; the best location for the dam, taking into account its length, height, availability of proper materials for its construction, and the opportunity for a sufficient spillway ; the nearness of cultivable lands and the grade of canal line required to convey the waters to these lands; and, if any choice could be made, they were directed to locate the dams where these requirements were best fulfilled. 451 452 LOCATION AND SURVEY OF RESERVOIR SITES. In the reports upon the surveys of these reservoir sites the name and situation of each are given, the area and general altitude of its drain- age basin; the general character of the topography; the township, range, sections, and subdivisions of each site; the height and location of dam ; the bench mark of the survey ; the area in acres and approxi- mate content of the reservoir in acre-feet, where material for construc- tion of dam can be found, and the situation of available irrigable lands. The plats show the situation of the reservoir site in reference to the subdivisions of the U. S. Laud Survey, and the approximate location on the same of the line of the water surface at the given height of dam, and they are accompanied by schedules in terms of the General Land Survey to the nearest 40-acre division the areas in- cluded, and also by another schedule showing as nearly as can be as- certained, from the records of the General Land Office, whether the lands affected belong to the public domain or to individuals. The reports, plats, and schedules are designated by corresponding numbers for each reservoir site, a distinct series being used for each state. In addition the figure number of this volume is given for each plat in the report for its site. UTAH-IDAHO. EESERVOIB SITE No. 1. (PL CLXXXIII.) Description. Reservoir site No. 1 is Bear lake, lying half in Rich county, Utah, and half in Bear lake county, Idaho. Its immediate drainage area is about 250 square miles, but the reservoir is to be supplied by a canal about 10 miles long from Bear river. The area drained by Bear river is 2,400 square miles, lying mostly in Wyoming. The drainage basin is generally well wooded ou the mountain slopes. The alti- tude of the lake is about 6,000 feet and the mountains run up to 10,000 feet. There are comparatively few stretches of rocky mountain slope. The reservoir site lies in the following townships and sections in Idaho, Boise merid- ian : T. 15 S., R. 43 E., Sees. 13, 24, 25, 36. T. 16 S., R. 43 E., Sees. 2, 11, 14, 22, 23, 27. Projected: T.15 S.,R.44E., Sees. 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 23, 24, 25, 36 ; T.16 S..R.44 E., Sees. 1, 12, 13, 24, 25 ; and the following in Utah, Salt lake meridian : T. 13 N., R. 5 E., Sees. 3, 10, 15, 22, 23, 24, 25 ; T. 13 N., R. 6 E., Sees. 5, 8, 17, 19, 20, 30; T. 14 N., R. 5 E., Sees. 5, 8, 9, 16, 17, 21, 28, 33, 34 ; T. 14 N., R. 6 E., Sees. 4, 9, 16, 21, 28, 29, 32 ; T. 15 N., R. 5 E., Sec. 32 ; T. 15 N., R. 6 E., Sees. 33 and 34. The dam lies near the northeast corner of the S. E. J of the N. E. J, Sec. 17, T. 15 S., R. 44 E., Boise meridian, Idaho. A bench mark was deeply cut on the floor of the road bridge crossing the outlet. The top of the dam is 3 feet above water level and 55 feet long. For 1,800 feet in one place a levee of about 2 feet will be required. The elevation of the lake is 5,946 feet abeve sea level. The water line was run by a plane table traverse with stadia rod and intersections ; the area inclosed by it is 108 square miles 53J square miles in Idaho and 54J square miles in Utah and the approximate content is 208,000 acre-feet. It would necessarily be an overflow dam. There is an abundance of rock and timber within 3 miles of the dam and all along the lake shore, except at the northern and southern ends. There are farms along about half the lake shore. The water could be used in the valley of Bear river in Idaho and northern Utah. THIRTEENTH ANNUAL REPORT PL. CLXXXIII ARC* SEGREGATED eon ez ACRES RESERVOIR SITE NO. 1, BEAR LAKE, UTAH-IDAHO. THOMPSON.] RESERVOIR SITE IN IDAHO. 453 Boise and Salt Lake Meridians. BEAR LAKE. Recommended for segregation in letter to the Secretary of the Interior, dated July 29, 1889. Schedule of lands segregated for reservoir. IN IDAHO. [Boise Meridian.] Acres. 40-00 46-20 80-00 33-20 19-10 42-00 30-90 55-80 43-80 33-20 25-70 38-20 18-20 11-50 7-80 17-50 31-70 21-10 40-00 36-65 61-60 54-30 52-80 54-20 52-50 38-20 48-30 40-00 37-50 21-70 15-40 21-40 21-20 24-10 50-75 56-80 6100 76-00 39-00 34-00 13-00 27-00 40-00 Lot 1 13 15 43 E. 4- NW. 1 24 15 43 Lot 1 24 15 43 Lot 2 24 15 43 Lot 3 24 15 43 Lot 4 24 15 43 Lot 1 25 15 43 Lot 2 25 15 43 Lot 3 25 15 43 Lot 4 25 15 43 Lot 1 35 15 43 Lot 1 36 15 43 Lot 2 36 15 43 Lot 3 36 15 43 . . Lot 1 2 16 43 Lot 2 2 16 43 Lot 3 2 16 43 SW. i SE. i 2 16- 43 Lot 1 11 16 43 Lot 2 11 16 43 Lot 3 11 16 43 Lot 4 11 16 43 Lot 1 14 16 43 Lot 2 14 16 43 Lot 3 14 16 43 Lot 4 14 16 43 NE. i NE. i 22 16 43 Lot 1 22 16 43 Lot 2 22 16 43 Lot 3 22 16 43 Lot 1 23 16 43 Lot 1 27 16 43 Lot 2 27 16 43 Lot 3 27 16 43 Lot 4 27 16 43 S i SE i Sec. 14 T 15 S PROJECTED SURVEY. ,, R. 44 E SW. i 14 15 44 SW. i NE. i 15 15 44 '. S. A. NW. i 15 15 44 S. 4- 15 15 44 S.4-NE. i 16 15 41 NW. NW. * 16 15 44 454 LOCATION AND SURVEY OF RESERVOIR SITES. Schedule of lands segregated for reservoir Continued. PROJECTED SURVEY continued. Acres. S. i NW. i Sec. 16, T. 15 S., R.44E 4-00 E.NE. i 17 15 44 44-00 SW-. i NE. i 17 15 44 8-00 S. JNW.i 17 15 44 36-00 S. i NE. i 18 15 44 64-00 NE. i NE. i 23 15 44 11-00 W. iNW.i 24 15 44 67-00 SW. i 24 15 44 87-00 SW. iSE. J 25 15 44 40-00 W. -J 25 15 44 125-00 W. i NE. i 36 15 44 62-00 W. | SE. J 36 15 44 34-00 W. iSW.i 1 16 44 26-00 W. i NE. i 12 16 44 46-00 W. i SE. i 12 16 44 82-00 W. iNE.i 13 16 44 76-CO W. | SE. i 13 16 44 76-00 W. i 13 16 44 3-00 W. | NE. i 24 16 44 76-00 W. i SE. i 24 16 44 75-00 W. 24 16 44 5-00 W. iNE.i 25 16 44 81-00 W. i SE. i 25 16 44 125-00 W. i 25 16 44 5-00 Total in Idaho 2,928-30 IN UTAH. [Salt Lake Meridian.] Acres. Lot 1 Sec. 3, T. 13 N., R. 5E 17-74 Lot 4 3 13 5 22-02 Lot 5 3 13 5 40-48 Lot 6 3 13 5 41-44 Lot 1 10 13 5 41-31 Lot 2 10 13 5 41-86 Lot 3 10 13 5 46-40 Lot 4 10 13 5 11-60 Lot 1 15 13 5 14-40 Lot 2 15 13 5 15-45 Lot 3 15 13 5 17-37 Lot 4 15 13 5 17-49 Lot 1 22 13 5 20-97 Lot 2 22 13 5 31-76 Lot 3 22 13 5 39-60 Lot 1 23 13 5 17-62 Lot 2 23 13 5 31-20 Lot 3 23 13- 5 11-35 Lot 4 23 13 5 5-00 Lot 1 24 13 5 -50 Lot 1 25 13 5 36-42 Lot 2 25 13 5 36-86 Lot 3 25 13 5 37.30 THOMPSON.] RESERVOIR SITE IN UTAH. 455 Schedule of lands segregated for reservoir Continued. PROJECTED SURVEY continued. Acres. 39-38 8-86 6-82 7-26 28-15 16-59 19-14 26-15 39-06 8-00 18-36 16-83 18-52 17-77 20-72 11-14 3-58 16-46 18-01 34-58 40-24 40-00 38-10 40-00 40-00 27-26 30-41 40-94 31-50 14-55 17-48 24-05 39-60 40-00 5-66 2-34 5-72 39-22 26-90 39-90 39-92 40-10 42-10 40-20 24-50 10-00 38-55 36-94 13-17 34-79 39.21 8-62 Lot 1 5 13 6 Lot 2 5 13 6 Lot 3 5 13 6 Lot 4 5 13 6 Lot 1 8 13 6 Lot 2 8 13 6 Lot 3 8 13 6 Lot 4 8 13 6 Lot 5 8 13 6 Lot 1 17 13 6 Lot 2 17 13 6 Lot 3 17 13 6 Lot 4 17 13 6 Lot 1 Sec. 19, T. 13 N., R. 6 E Lot 2 19 13 6 ... Lot 3 19 13 6 Lot 1 20 13 6 Lot 2 20 13 6 Lot 3 20 13 6 Lot 4 20 13 6 SE i sw. i 20 13 6 Lot 1 30 13 6 NW. J NE. 1 30 13 6 NE.i 30 13 6 Lot 1 5 14 5 Lot 3 6 14 5 Lot 4 6 14 5 Lot 5 6 14 5 Lot 1 8 14 5 Lot 2 8 14 5 ... Lot 3 8 14 5 Lot 4 8 14 5 NW.i NE. i 8 14 5 Lot 1 9 14 5 Lot 1 16 14 5 Lot 2 16 14 5 Lot 3 16 14 5 Lot 4 16 14 5 Lot 1 17 14 5 Lot 2 17 14 5 Lot 1 21 14 5 Lot 2 21 14 5 Lot 3 21 14 5 Lot 4 21 14 5 Lot 1 28 14 5 Lot 2 28 14 5 Lot 3 28 14 5 Lot 4 28 14 5 Lot 1 33 14 5 Lot 2 33 14 5 Lot 3 33 14 5 456 LOCATION AND SURVEY OF EESERVOIR SITES. Schedule of lands segregated for reservoir Continued. PROJECTED SURVEY continued. Acres. Lot 4 Sec. 33, T. 14 N., R. 5E 37-61 Lot 5 33 14 5 16-51 Lot 1 34 14 5 34-35 Lot 2 34 14 5 28-27 Lot 2 4 14 6 36-05 Lot 3 4 14 6 48-05 Lot 4 4 14 6 39-40 Lot 6 4 14 6 30-75 Lot 1 9 14 6 24-54 Lot 2 9 14 6 25-69 Lot 3 9 14 6 37-73 Lot 4 9 14 6 48-89 Lot 1 16 14 6 18-15 Lot 2 16 14 6 39-91 Lot 3 16 14 6 42-87 Lot 4 16 14 6 46-13 Lot 1 21 14 6 47-69 Lot 2 21 14 6 10-20 Lot 3 21 14 6 20-50 Lot 4 21 14 6 26-58 Lot 1 28 14 6 39-80 Lot 1 29 14 6 9-27 Lot 2 29 14 6 33-90 Lot 3 29 14 6 49-23 Lot 4 29 14 6 49-40 Lot 1 32 14 6 48-45 Lot 2 32 14 6 42-38 Lot 3 32 14 6 28-13 Lot 4 32 14 6 17-90 Lot 1 32 15 5 36-01 Lot 4 32 15 5 32-50 Lot 1 33 15 6 22-25 Lot 2 33 15 6 20-91 SE. i SE. i 33 15 6 40-00 Lot 4 34 15 6 33-04 Total in Utah . . . : 3,086.52 Total in Idaho 2,928-30 Total area segregated 6,014-82 Action affecting title to lands segregated for Reservoir site No. 1, lying in Idaho in T. 15 S., R. 43 E.; T. 15 S., R. 44 E.; T. 16 S., R. 43 E., and T. 16 S., R. 44 E., Boise meridian, has been taken as follows : IN IDAHO. [Boise Meridian.] Acres. NE. i SE. J Sec. 13, T. 15 S., R. 43 E (preemption, November 14, 1890) . . . 40-00 Lot 1, 13 15 43 (preemption, November 14, 1890) . . . 46-20 E. | NW.i 24 15 43 (homestead July 9, 1885) 80-00 Lot 1 24 15 43 (preemption, November 20, 1889)... 33-20 Lot 2 24 15 43 (preemption, November 20, 1889) . . . 19-10 Lot 3 24 15 43 (homestead, June 25, 1890) 42-00 THOMPSON.] RESERVOIR SITE IN IDAHO. 457 Schedule of lands segregated for reservoir Continued. PROJECTED SURVEY continued. Lot 4 Sec. M T. 15 N ,,R.43E, .(homestead, June 25, 1890) Acres. 30-90 Lot 1 w 15 43 (preemption June 25, 1890) 55-80 Lot 2 ?5 15 43 (preemption June 25, 1890) 43-80 Lot 3 95 15 43 (preemption June 25, 1890) 33-20 Lot 4 9^ 15 43 (preemption June 25, 1890) 25-70 SE J SE i 85 15 43 (homestead April 9, 1886) 40-00 Lot 1 9 16 43 (homestead August 24, 1888) 17-50 Lot 2 9 16 43 (homestead August 24, 1888) 31-70 Lot 3 2 16 43 (homestead August 24, 1888) 21-10 SW 4- SE i 2 16 43 (homestead August 24, 1888) 40-00 Lot 1 11 16 43 (homestead August 24, 1888) 36-65 Lot 2 11 16 43 (homestead August 24, 1888) 61-60 Lot 3 11 16 43 (ho-uestead August 24, 1888) 54.30 Lot 4 11 16 43 (homestead August 24, 1888) 52-80 Lot 1 16 43 (homestead January 4, 1882) 54-20 Lot 2 11 16 43 (homestead January 4, 1882) 52-50 Lot 3 14 16 43 (homestead January 4, 1882) 38-20 Lot 4 "M 16 43 (homestead April 16, 1887) 48-30 NE i 99 16 43 (homestead July 26, 1886) .. 40-00 Lot 1 99 16 43 (homestead April 28, 1884) 37.50 Lot 2 99 16 43 (homestead April 28, 1884) 21-70 Lot 3 99 16 43 (homestead April 28, 1884) 15-40 Lot 1 16 43 (preemption July 26, 1886) 21.40 Lot 1 97 16 43 (homestead January 12, 1887) 21-20 Lot 2 97 16 43 (homestead January 12, 1887) 24-10 Lot 3 97 16 43 (desert entry May 6, 1889) 50-75 Lot 4 97 16 43 (desert entry May 6, 1889) 56-80 NW ^ NW J 94 16 43 (desert entry July 9, 1889) . 40-00 SW. NW. i 24 16 43 (desert entry August 25, 1882) 40-00 Total in Idaho 1,367'60 Action affecting title to lands segregated for Reservoir site No. 1, lying in T. 13 S., R. 5 E. ; T. 13 S., R. 6 E. ; T. 14 S., R. 5 E. ; T. 14 S., R. 6 E. ; T. 15 S., R. 5 E. ; and T. 15 S., R. 6 E., Salt lake meridian, has been taken as follows: Acres. Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 1 Sec. 22, T. 22 23 23 25 13 N., R. 13 13 13 13 5E 5 5 5 5 .(homestead, December 1, 1883) (homestead, December 1, 1883) (homestead, September 18, 1888) (homestead, September 18, 1888) (preemption January 6, 1872) ... 20-97 31-76 11-35 5-00 26-42 Lot 2 25 13 5 (preemption January 6. 1872) 36-86 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 1 25 25 17 17 17 19 13 13 13 13 13 13 5 5 6 6 6 6 (preemption, January 10, 1876) (preemption, January 10, 1876) (homestead, December 22, 1890) (homestead, December 22, 1890) (homestead, December 22, 1890) (preemption, July 6, 1872) 37-30 39-38 16-83 18-52 17-77 20-72 Lot 2 19 13 6 (preemption, July 6, 1872) 11-14 Lot 3 19 13 6 (preemption, July 6, 1872) 3-58 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 20 20 20 13 13 13 6 6 6 (homestead, December 22, 1889) (homestead, December 22, 1889) (homestead, December 22, 1889) 16-4G 18-01 34-58 458 LOCATION AND SURVEY OF RESERVOIR SITES. Schedule of lands segregated for reservoir Continued. PROJECTED SURVEY continued. Lot 4S( SE. i SW. J Lot 1 NE. i NW. J NW.i NE. i Lot 4 Lot 5 NW. i NE. i Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 1 Lot 4 Lot 1 Lot 2 SE. i SE. J Total in Total in ] Total for jc. 20, T. 13 N., R 20 13 30 13 30 13 30 13 5 14 5 14 8 14 16 14 16 14 16 14 17 14 17 14 21 14 21 14 21 14 21 14 28 14 28 14 28 14 33 14 33 14 33 14 33 14 33 14 34 14 34 14 4 14 4 14 4 14 4 14 29 14 29 14 29 14 32 14 32 14 32 15 32 15 33 15 33 15 33 15 Qtah . 6] 6 6 6 6 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 5 6 6 6 E (homestead, August 21, 1882) Acres. 40-24 40-00 38-10 40-00 40-00 40-94 31-50 40-00 5-72 39-22 26-90 39-90 39-92 40-10 42-10 40-20 24-50 10-00 38-55 36-94 34-79 39-21 8-62 37-61 16-51 34-35 28-27 36-05 48-05 39-40 30-75 33-90 49-23 49-40 48-45 42-38 36-01 32-50 22-25 20-91 40-00 (homestead, December 22, 1890) .... (preemption, October 28, 1879) (preemption, October 28, 1879)... (preemption, January 16, 1872) (homestead, January 25, 1882) (homestead, January 25. 1882) (homstead, January 25, 1882) (homestead, September 25, 1884) (homestead, September 25, 1884) . .. (homestead, September 25, 1884) . .. (desert entry, January 19, 1889) (homestead, September 25, 1884)... (homestead, February 24, 1882) (homestead, February 24, 1882) (homestead, April 19, 1883) (homestead, April 19,1883) (desert entry, October 6, 1882) (homestead, December 28, 1889) (homestead, December 28, 1889) (homestead, June 12, 1878) . . . (homestead, June 12, 1878) (homestead, June 12, 1878) (homestead, June 12, 1878) (desert entry, April 6, 1889) (desert entry, November 28, 1884) . . (desert entry, November 28, 1884). . (homestead, October 25, 1882) (homestead, September 30, 1881) ... (homestead, September 30, 1881). .. (homestead, September 30, 1881)... (homestead, October 20, 1883) (homestead, October 20, 1883) (homestead, October 20, 1883) (desert entry, April 19, 1887) (desert entry, April 19, 1887) (homestead, June 14, 1889) (homestead, June 14, 1889) (homestead, October 25, 1882) ( homestead, October 25, 1882) (homestead, October 25, 1882) 1,790-12 1,367-60 [daho.. reservoir site No. 1 3. 157-72 UTAH. EESERVOIR SITE No. 2. (Fig. 150.) Description. Reservoir site No. 2 is at Silver lake, a small lake at the head of Big Cottonwood creek. This is quite a small reservoir, and its principal value is as a storage reser- THOMPSON. ] RESERVOIR SITE IN UTAH. 459 voir for a possible water supply for Salt lake city. It is 30 miles from the city and 4,400 feet above it. The reservoir lies in Salt lake county, in T. 2 S., R. 3 E., Sees. 34 and 35 projected, Salt lake meridian. The drainage basin contains about 3 square miles and is about half covered with timber, the rest being ban; rocky slopes. The divide bounding the drainage area is about 2,500 feet above the lake the altitude of the latter being about 8,600 feet. The darn runs across the middle of the N. NW. J Sec. 35. It would be 52 feet high and 2,700 feet long; but it is only fora short distance that such a height would be required. For 2,000 feet the dam would average only 10 feet in height. The bench mark was cut in the face of a large rock at the west end of the dam where the road turns up the mountain toward Alta. The water line was ran by plaue-table traverse with stadia rod and intersections, and incloses an area of 140 acres. The lake has an area of 15 acres. The approxi- mate storage capacity of this reservoir is 2,500 acre-feet. j j RESERVOIR SITE. AREA SEGREGATED. FIG. 150. Reservoir site No. 2, Silver lake, Salt lake county, Utah. A spillway could be provided by a short cut in rock at west end of dam; it would be 30 feet long. There is one ranch covering 160 acres of the area segregated and the houses are within the site. Granite in abundance can be found on the spot. Timber is also abundant. Salt Lake Meridian. SILVER LAKE. Recommended for segregation in letter to the Secretary of the InteriDr dated August 23, 1889. Schedule of lands segregated for reservoir. PROJECTED. E. I NE. i Sec. 34, T. 2 S., R. 3 E. NE. i SE. i 34 2 3 NW. i 35 2 3 W. \ NE. i 35 2 3 N. \ SW. i 35 2 3 Acres. 80 40 160 80 80 Total area segregated 440 Action affecting title to lands segregated for reservoir site No. 2 has been taken as follows : Sec. 34, T. 2 S., R. 3 E. (see mineral entry No. 420). W. iNW. i 35 2 3 (preemption. March, 1875) E. i i 35 2 3 (preemption, August 24, 1882) Acres. 80 80 Total 160 460 LOCATION AND SURVEY OF RESERVOIR SITES. BESERVOIR SITE No. 3. (Fig. 151.) Description. Reservoir site No. 3 is at Twin lakes, at the head of Big Cottonwood creek, in Salt Lake county, lying in T. 2 S., E. 3 E., Sec. 34 projected. This reservoir lies in the same drainage basin with Reservoir site No. 2 and might be used in connection with it for municipal sup- ply. The dam lies at the middle of the east line of NE. SW. Sec. 34 where the ridge forming the east riin of the lake basin is cut by its outlet. The dam will be 20 feet high and 180 feet long. The bench mark is cut in a rock at north end of the darn. The lake is about 9,000 feet above sea level. The water line was run with plane table and stadia rod and incloses an area of 25 acres; its content is 450 acre-feet. A spillway would be cut in the i ock at the north end of the dam and would not be over 25 feet long. There is no settlement within the area of the reservoir, and being nnsurveyed land, there is no claim upon it. There is, however, a mineral claim located in this sec- Reservoir site. Area segregated. FIG. 351. Reservoir site No. 3, Twin tion. lakes, Salt lake county, Utah. reservoir woukl 1>e useful in connection Avith Nos. 2 and 4 for the water supply of Salt lake city. See the description of drainage area of site No. 2. The immediate drainage area of site No. 3 is three-fourths of a square mile ; about two-thirds rocky slope and one- third timbered. There is an abundance of granite and timber on the spot. Salt Lake Meridian. TWIN LAKES. Recommended for segregation in letter to the Secretary of the Interior, dated August 23, 1889. Schedule of hinds segregated for reservoir. PKOJKCTED. W. i SE. i Sec. 34, T. 2 S., R. 3 E E. iSW.i 34, 2 3 A ores .. 80 80 Total area segregrated 160 Action affecting title to lauds segregated for reservoir site No. 3, in T. 2S., R. 3 E., Salt lake meridian, has been taken as follows: Sec. 34, T. 2 S., R. 3 E. (See mineral entry No. 420.) EESERVOIR SITE No. 4. (Fig. 152.) Description. Reservoir site No. 4 is at Mary's Lake, at the head of Big Cottonwood creek, in Salt lake county, lying in T. 3 S., R. 3 E., Sees. 2 and 3 projected. This reservoir lies in the same drainage basin with reservoir site No. 1 and would be used in connection with it for municipal supply. The dam lies on the section line near the southwest corner of NW. NW. ^ Sec. 2, at the point where the outlet cuts THOMPSON.] RESERVOIR SITE IN UTAH. 461 through the ridge forming the east rim of the lake basin. The dam is 25 feet high and 140 feet long. The bench mark is cut on solid rock slope at north end of dam. The lake is ahout 9,000 feet above sea level. The water line of the reservoir wan run with piano table, stadia rod, and intersections; it incloses an area of 25 acres and its content is 550 acre-feet. A spillway could be cut in solid rock at south end of daui and would be about 20 feet long. T-T--T I u~i-*_--| RESERVOIR SITE. FIG. 152. Reservoir site No. 4, Mary's lake, Salt lake county, Utah. This reservoir would be useful in connection with sites 2 and 3 for the w ter supply of Salt lake city. The immediate drainage basin of the lake covers an area of three-fourths of a square mile and is principally bare rocky slope. See description of site No. 2. Granite in abundance at this place and timber also. Salt Lake Meridian. MARY'S LAKE. Recommended for segregation in letter to the Secretary of the Interior, dated August 23, 1889. Schedule of lands segregated for reservoir. PROJECTED. W. E. NW. NE. Sec. 2, T. 3 S., R. 3 E. 3 3 3 Acres. .. 80 80 Total area segregated 160 Action aifecting title to lands segregated for reservoir site No. 4, lying in T. 3 S., R. 3 E., Salt lake meridian, has been taken as follows: None on record; but there is a mineral claim running down to the lake. RESERVOIR SITE No. 5. (Fig. 153.) Description. Reservoir site No. 5 lies on the Sevier river, near Oasis, in Millard county, 40 miles northeast of Sevier lake. The river here is quite large and flows a considerable body of water throughout the year. Its drainage area is over 5,000 square miles. The site lies inT. 16 S., R. 6 W., Sees. 29, 30, 31; T. 16 S., R. 7 W., Sees. 25, 35, 36; T. 17 S., R. 7 W., Sees. 2, 10, 11, 14, 15, Salt lake meridian. The dam lies in the middle of the NE. NE. Sec. 15. It is 16 feet high and 462 LOCATION AND SURVEY OF RESERVOIR SITES. 128 feet long and lies at a point where there was a narrow neck of prairie 200 feet wide separating two bends of the river, the river lying in a box canyon 16 feet below the level prairie. This narrow neck has been cut through and the old river bend, about 2 miles long, is now used for a canal. When the reservoir is constructed a dam 475 feet long and 16 feet high will be needed to cut off the old river bend. The first dam is in the cut previously spoken of and piling has been put in for construc- tion. A bench mark was cut on a post standing near the east end of the dam where construction had commenced. AREA SEGREGATED. FIG. 153. Eeaervoir site No. 5, on Sevier river, Millard county, Utah. The altitude of the prairie is 4,600 feet. The water line was run with plane table, stadia rod, and intersections, and incloses an area of 940 acres and would contain 10,000 acre-feet of water. An overflow dam would have to be built, though a spillway might be cut in earth around the end of the dam and would be about 600 feet long. Rock and timber can be found in the mountains 15 miles east. There are no settlements on the reservoir site. The irrigable lands are close at hand, within a mile. U. S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY THIRTEENTH ANNUAL REPORT PL. CLXXXIV RESERVOIR SITE NO. 6, ON SANPITCH RIVER, SANPETE COUNTY, UTAH. THOMPSON.] EESERVOIR SITE IN UTAH. 463 Salt Lake Meridian. ON SEVIER RIVER NEAR OASIS. Recommended for segregation in letter to the Secretary of the Interior, dated August 26, 1889. Schedule of lands segregated for reservoir. Acres. W. iSW. iSec. 29, T. 16 S., R. 6W 80-00 Lot 2 30 16 6 50-42 SE. i 30 16 6 160-00 SW. i- 30 16 6 179-28 N. NW. i 21 16 6 88-83 NE. i- 25 16 7 160-00 SE. NW. i 25 16 7 40-00 SE. i 25 16 7 160-00 E.}SW. i 25 16 7 80-00 NE. i SE. i 35 16 7 40-00 S. i SE. i 35 16 7 80-00 SE. JNE. i 36 16 7 40-00 W. i NE. i 36 16 7 80-00 NW. i 36 16 7 160-00 N. -J-SE. i 36 16 7 80-00 SW. i 36 16 7 160-00 N. 4-NE. i 2 17 7 79-90 SW.JNE. i- 2 17 7 40-00 SE.JNW. i 2 17 7 40-00 W. .|SE. i 2 17 7 ., 80-00 SW. i 2 17 7 ' 160-00 E. | 10 17 7 320-00 11 17 7 80-00 W.I 11 17 7 320-00 14 17 7 40-00 15 17 7 80-00 Total area segregated .............................................. 2878-43 Action affecting title to lands segregated for reservoir site No. 5 lying in T. 16 S., R. 6 W. ; T. 16 S., R. 7 W., and T. 17 S., R. 7 W., Salt lake meridian, has been taken as follows : Acres- E. ^ SE. i Sec. 10, T. 17 S., R. 7 W. (homestead, February 20, 1884) ...... 80-00 11, 17 7. (homestead, February 20, 1884) ...... 80-00 Total ...................................... . ...................... 160-00 RESERVOIR SITE No. 6. (PI. CLXXXIV.) Description. Reservoir site No. 6 lies on the Sanpitch river in Sanpete county near Gunnison, in T. 18 S., R. 2 E., Sees. 9, 10, 15, 16, 21, 22, 28, 29, 32. Its drainage area is about 500 square miles and well wooded. The dam lies across the middle of the west line of Lot 1, Sec. 32, just above the mouth of Six mile creek. The dam is 22 feet high and 580 feet long. No bench mark was made, as the greater part of the constructed dam is there. It had been completed, but the middle section was washed out. The altitude is 5,100 feet. 464 LOCATION AND SUEVEY OP RESERVOIR SITES. The water line was run with plane table, stadia rod, and intersections ; it incloses an area of 830 acres and will contain 9,000 acre-feet. The spillway is over the east end of dam. Stone and timber can be found close to the site. There are no settle- ments on the reservoir site. The irrigable lands for this reservoir are 8 miles southwest, at Gunnison. Salt Lake Meridian. ON SANPITCH KIVEB KEAR GUNNISON. Recommended for segregation in letter to the Secretary of the Interior, dated July 18, 1889. Schedule of lands segregated for reservoir. .^cres. SE. i Sec - 9, T. 18 S., R. 2 E 160-00 W. i SW. i 10 18 2 80-00 W. i NW. i 15 18 2 80-00 W. i SW. i 15 18 2 r 80-00 E.1 16 18 2 320-00 SE. J SW. J 16 18 N., R. 2 40-00 E.i 21 18 2 320-00 E. 4 NW. i 21 18 2 80-00 NE.fSW. i 21 18 2 40-00 S. i SW. i 21 18 2 80-00 SW.JNW. i 22 18 2 40-00 NW. i SW. i 22 18 2 40-00 N. + NE. i 28 18 2 80-00 SW. i NE. i- 28 18 2 40-00 N. | NW i 28 18 2 80-00 SE. JNW. i 28 18 2 40-00 W. | SE. i 28 18 2 80-00 SW. J 28 18 2 160-00 Lot 1 32 18 2 13-79 Lot? 32 18 2 26-44 Lot8 32 18 2 26-48 Lot 4 33 18 2 14-03 N. | NW. i 33 18 2 80-00 Total area segregated 2,000-74 Action affecting title to lands segregated for reservoir site No. 6, lying in T. 18 S., R. 2 E., Salt lake meridian, has been taken as follows: NE. i SE. SE. i SE. SW. i SE. NW. i SE. SW.iSW. NW.JSW. SE. i SW. NE. E. i NW. NE. i SW. SE. iSW. SW.i-NW. NW.iSW. NE. i NE. Sec. 9, T. 18 S., R. 2 E. (homestead, October 1, 1877) . 18 2 (homestead, May 1, 1878) 9 18 2 (homestead, May 1, 1878) 9 18 2 (homestead, August 6, 1889) 10 18 2 (timber culture, January 30, 1887) . 10 18 2 (homestead, June 2, 1880) 16 18 2 (homestead, May 7, 1888) 21 18 2 (homestead, January 25, 1877) 21 18 2 (homestead, May 20, 1882) 21 18 2 (homestead, November 26, 1890) 21 18 2 (homestead, November 26, 1890) 22 18 2 (timber culture, December 8, 1887) . 22 18 2 (homestead, April 1, 1884) 28 18 2 (timber culture, July 30, 1887) Acres. 40-00 40-00 40-00 40-00 40-00 40-00 40-00 160 '00 80-00 40-00 40-00 40-00 40-00 40-00 THOMPSON.] RESERVOIR SITE IN UTAH. 465 Schedule of lands segregated for reservoir Continued. Acres. NW.iNE. i Sec. 28, T. 18 S., R. 2 E. (homestead, August 3, 1883) ....... 40-00 SW. i-NE. i 28 18 2 (homestead, August 3, 1883) ....... 40-00 NE.JNW. i 28 18 2 (homestead, August 3, 1883) ....... 40-00 SE. NW. i 28 18 2 (homestead, August 3, 1883) ....... 40-00 NW. SE. i 28 18 2 (timber culture, July 30, 1887) ..... 40.00 SW. i SE. i 28 18 2 (homestead, May 20, 1882)... ...... . 40-00 SW. i 28 18 2 (homestead, December 17, 1884).... 160-00 Lot 7 32 18 2 (homestead, May 20, 1882) ......... 26-44 Lot 8 32 18 2 (homestead, May 20, 1882) ......... 26-48 Total ............................................................ 1, 172-92 RESERVOIR SITE No. 7. (Fig. 154.) Description. Reservoir site No. 7 Jies on the Sevier river below Marysvale, Piute county ; in projected sections T. 26 S., R. 3 W., Sec. 31; T. 26 S., R. 4 W., Sec. 36; T. 27 S., R. 3 W., Sees. 6 and 7; T. 27 S., R. 4 W., Sec. 1. The drainage area of the Sevier river is here over 2,500 square miles and fairly well wooded; a considerable part of it is bare rocky slope. The dam is in the middle of SE. of NE. Sec. 36, T. 26 S., R. 4 W., and 2} miles below the beginning of the canyon and i mile below the first large creek from the west. It is 10 feet high and 250 feet long. A bench mark was cut in a large rock at east end of dam. The water line was run with plane table, stadia rod, and intersections; it incloses 290 acres, and will contain 1,600 acre-feet of water. The altitude here is 5,700 feet. A spillway could be cut in solid rock at the east end of dam and would be 70 feet long. There is an abundance of rock at the dam site and timber within a mile. The laud is unsurveyed and unoccupied. A squatter's claim on the reservoir site has been bought out by a company that intended to construct the dam. The site is intended to be used as storage for a large canal, irrigating the land around Richfield, Sevier county. Salt Lake Meridian. ON SEVIER RIVER NEAR MARTSVALE. * Recommended for segregation in letter to the Secretary of the Interior dated August 26, 1889. Schedule of lands segregated for reservoir. PROJECTED. W.iSW. i Sec. 31, SE. iNE. i 36 NE. i SE. i- 36 S. | SE. J 36 S. i NE. i 6 NW. i 6 SE. i 6 N. i SW. i 6 N. |NE. i 7 SW. i NE. i 7 E. 4NE. i- 1 Total area segr 13 GEOL., PT. Ill - 30 Acres. T.26S., R. 3W 80 26 4 40 26 4 40 26 4 80 27 3 80 27 3 160 27 3 160 27 3 80 27 3 80 27 3 (This has been surveyed) 40 27 4 80 gated 920 466 LOCATION AND SURVEY OF RESERVOIR SITES. Action affecting title to lands segregated for reservoir site No. 7, lying in T. 26 S., R. 3W.; T. 26 S., R. 4 W.; T. 27 S., R. 3 W. ; and T. 27 S., R. 4 W., Salt lake meridian, has been taken as follows: Acres. SW. i NE. i Sec. 7, T. 27 S., R. 3 W. (desert entry Nov. 3, 1888) 80 Total. 80 AREA SEGREGATED. Flo. 154. Reservoir site No. 7, on Sevier river, Piute county, Utah. EESERVOIR SITE No. 8. (Fig. 155.) Description. Reservoir site No. 8 is on the east fork of Sevier river, in Piute county. Its drainage basin is 700 square miles, more than half wooded, the rest rocky slopes. The site lies in T. 30 S., R. 2 W., Sees. 29, 30, and projected T. 30 S., R. 3 W., Sees. 24, 25. THOMPSON.] RESERVOIR SITE IN UTAH. 467 The dam lies in the middle of the east half SW. J SE. Sec. 24, T. 30 S., R. 3 W. It is at the lower end of the upper flat of the lowest canyon of east fork of Sevier river. The dam is 12-J feet high and 280 feet long. A bench mark was cnt in solid rock at north end of dam. The altitude is 6,200 feet. The water line was run with plane table, stadia rod, and intersections, inclosing 460 acres, and will contain 3,000 acre-feet of water. A spillway could be cnt in solid rock at north end of dam and would bo, about 50 feet long. An abundance of stone can be found at the dam site and timber within a mile. There are three settlers on the site. The water would be used in Circle valley, near Junction city, 8 miles below. FIG. 155. Reservoir site No. 8, on east fork of Sevier river, Piute county, Utah. Salt Lake Meridian. IN CANYON OF EAST FORK OF SEVIER RIVER. Recommended for segregation in letter to the Secretary of the Interior, dated August 26, 1889. Schedule of lands segregated for reservoir. Acres. NW. J NW. i Sec. 29, T. 30 S., R. 2 W S. | NW. i 29 30 S.i 29 30 E. i NE. i 30 30 SW. NW. 1 30 30 Lot 1 NE. J 30 30 Lot 2 NE. J 30 30 SE. i NW. $ 30 30 SE. J 30 30 N. 4 SW. i 30 30 2 80 2 320 2 80 2 40 2 40 2 40 2 40 2 160 2 80 468 LOCATION AND SURVEY OF EESERVOIR SITES. Schedule of lands segregated for reservoir Continued. PROJECTED. Acres. S. i SE. iSec. 24, T. 30 S., R. 3 W 80 E. i NE.i 25 30 3 80 NE. i SE.i 25 30 3 40 Total area segregated 1, 120 Action affecting title to lands segregated for reservoir site No. 8, lying in T. 30 S., R. 2 W. ; and T. 30 S., R. 3 W., Salt lake meridian, has been taken as follows: Acres. S. i NW. i Sec. 29, T. 30 S., R. 2W. (preemption November 14, 1890) 80 NE. i SE. i 29 30 2 (preemption December 9, 1890) 40 NW. i SW. i 29 30 2 (homestead May 9, 1884) 40 E. i NE. i 30 30 2 (homestead August 27, 1881) 80 SW. i NE. i 30 30 2 (homestead August 27, 1881) 40 SE. iNW. i 30 30 2 (homestead February 26, 1881) 40 Lotl 30 30 2 (homestead February 26, 1881) 40 Lot 2 30 30 2 (homestead Februarv 26, 1881) 40 N. \ SW. i 30 30 2 (homestead December 2, 1885) 80 N. i SE. i 30 30 2 (homestead May 9, 1882) 80 NE. i SW.i 30 30 .2 (homestead May 9, 1882) 40 Total 600 EESERVOIR SITE No. 9 (Fig. 156.) Description. Reservoir site No. 9 is on Otter creek, at its mouth in Piute county, lying in T. 30 S., R. 2 W., Sees. 1, 2, 10, 11, 14, 15, 21, 22, 27, and 28. Its drainage area ia about 500 square miles, partly wooded and partly bare rock. The dam lies in the middle of S. W. J N. W. i Sec. 28, at the mouth of Otter creek. A bench mark was cut in solid rock at south end of dam. The dam is 15 feet high and 200 feet long. The altitude is 6,200 feet. Water line was run with plane table, stadia rod, and intersections. It incloses 1,860 acres, and will contain 14,000 acre-feet of water. A spillway could be cut in solid rock at south end of dam and would be 29 feet long. An abundance of rock is on the spot and timber within a mile. There are 5 set- tlers within the area of the reservoir site. The water would be used in Circle valley, near Junction city, 10 miles distant. The dam of this reservoir is close to the upper end of site No. 8. Salt Lake Meridian. AT MOUTH OF OTTER CREEK. Recommended for segregation in letter to the Secretary of the Interior dated August 26, 1889. Schedule of lands segregated for reservoir. Acres. SW. JNW.i Sec. 1, T. 30 S., R. 2W 40-00 NW. i SW. i 1 30 2 40-00 S.|NE. i 2 30 2 80-00 SE. i 2 30 2 160-00 THOMPSON.] RESERVOIR SITE IN UTAH. 469 Schedule of lands segregated for reservoir Continued. Acres. S. i SW. i Sec. 2 T. 30 S. , R. 2W 80-00 E. NE. i 10 30 2 80-00 SE. i- 10 30 2 160-00 N. 4- 11 30 2 320-00 NW.iSE. i 11 30 2 40-00 SW. i 11 30 2 160-00 N. \ NW. i 14 30 2 80-00 SW. JNW. i 14 30 2 40-00 NW.iSW. i 14 30 2 40-00 E. i 15 30 2 320-00 E. | NW. i 15 30 2 80-00 SW. i 15 30 2 160-00 E.|NE. I 21 30 2 80-00 E. -JSE. i 21 30 2 80-00 SW. i SE. i 21 30 2 40-00 N. i NE. i 22 30 2 80-00 SW. JNE. i 22 30 2 40-00 W,SE. i 22 30 2 - 80-00 W. i 22 30 2 320-00 NW.JNE. i 27 30 2 40-00 NW. i 27 30 2 160-00 W.1SW. i 27 30 2 80-00 N. i 28 30 2 320-00 N. -JSE. i 28 30 2 80-00 SE.iSE. i 28 30 2 40-00 NE.JSW. i 28 30 2 40-00 Total area segregated , 3, 360-00 Action affecting title to lands segregated for Reservoir site No. 9, lying in T. 30 S., R. 2 W., Salt lake meridian, has been taken as follows : Acres. SW.i NW. i Sec. 1, T. 30 S ., R. 2 W(preemption, December 14, 1878) .... 40-00 SE. i NE. i 2 30 2 (preemption, December 14, 1878) . . . 40-00 SE. i 2 30 2 (homestead, March 8, 1884) 160-00 W.|NE. i 11 30 2 (preemption, June 11, 1881) 80-00 E. NW. i- 11 30 2 (preemption, June 11, 1881) 80-00 SW. i 11 30 2 (homestead, August 14, 1883) 160-00 W. NW. i 14 30 2 (homestead, February 18, 1890) 80-00 NE.iNW. i 14 30 2 (homestead, February 18, 1890) 40-00 W. | SE. i 15 30 2 (homestead, September 18, 1882) . . . 80-00 NE.iSE. i 15 30 2 (homestead, September 18, 1882) . . . 40-00 SE.iNE. i 15 30 2 (homestead, September 18, 1882)... 40-00 N.iNE. i 15 30 2 (preemption, January 20, 1888) 80-00 SW. iNE. i 15 30 2 (preemption, January 20, 1888) 40-00 SE. i SW. i 15 30 2 (homestead, December 28, 1885) 40-00 SE.iSE. i 21 30 2 (homestead, November 18, 1885) 40-00 E. i NW. i 22 30 2 (homestead, December, 28, 1885)... 80-00 SW.iNW. i 22 30 2 (homestead, December 28, 1885) 40-00 W.iSW. i 22 30 2 (homestead, November 18, 1885) 80-00 W. i NW. i 27 30 2 (preemption, August 28, 1883) 80-00 NE. i NE. i 28 30 2 (homestead, November 18, 1885).... 40-00 S. i NE. i 28 30 2 (preemption, August 28, 1883) 80-00 470 LOCATION AND SURVEY OF RESERVOIR SITES. Schedule of lands segregated for reservoir Continued. N. i SE. i Sec. 28, T. 30 S., R. 2 W. (homestead, August 29, 1887) . SE. i SE. i 28 30 2 (homestead, August 29, 1887) . Acres. 80-00 40-00 Total 1, 560-00 AREA SEGREGATED. FIG. 150. Reservoir site No. 9, on Otter creek, Piute county, Utah. RESERVOIR SITE No. 10. (Fig. 157.) Description. Reservoir site No. 10 lies on East fork of Sevier river, in Garfield county. Its drainage area is 575 square miles, about half wooded and half rock slopes. The site lies in T. 32 S., R. 2 W., Sees. 34 and 35; T. 33 S., R. 2. W., Sees. 1, 2, 3, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 21, 22, 23. THOMPSON. ] RESERVOIR SITE IN UTAH. 471 The dam lies ill middle of the west half of S. E. N. E. i, Sec. 2 ; T. 33 S., R. 2 W., and is 50 feet high and 225 feet long. A bench mark was cut in solid rock at east end of dani a quarter of a mile within the canyon. The altitude is 7,000 feet. Tho water line was run with plane table, stadia rod and intersections; it incloses 3.050 acres and will contain 76,000 acre-feet of water. FIG. 157. Reservoir site No. 10, on east fork of Sevier river, Garfield county, Utah. It would require an overflow dam. Rock for construction is abundant at the dam site and there is timber witain a mile. There are no houses on the reservoir site. Irrigable land to be served by this reservoir lies 6 miles below. The flow of the river is not reliable during the dry season, but it is believed that the reservoir could be filled during high water. 472 LOCATION AND SURVEY OF EESERVOIR SITES. Salt Lake Meridian. LOWER, END JOHNS VALLEY, ON EAST FORK SEVIER RIVER.. Recommended for segregation in letter to the Secretary of the Interior, dated August 26, 1889. Schedule of lands segregated for reservoir. Acres. E. i SE. i Sec. 34, T. 32 S., R. 2 W 80-00 SW. J 35 32 2 160-00 SW. i NW. i 1 33 2 40-00 W. i SW. i 1 33 2 80-00 SE. i NE. i 2 33 2 40-00 Lot 3 2 33 2 39-15 Lot 4 2 33 2 38-21 SW. i NW. i 2 33 2 40-00 S. 2 33 2 320-00 Lot 1 3 33 2 38-81 SE. i NE. i 3 33 2 40-00 SE. i 3 33 2 160-00 SE. i SW. 1 3 33 2 40-00 E. i NE. i 9 33 2 , 80-00 SW. i NE. i 9 33 2 40-00 SE. i 9 33 2 160-00 All of 10 33 2 ,. 640-00 N. * NE. i 11 33 2 80-00 SW. i NE. i 11 33 2 40-00 W. * SE. i 11 33 2 80-00 W. i 11 33 2 320-00 NW. i NW. i 12 33 2 40-00 W. 1 NE. i 14 33 2 80-00 W. i SE. i 14 33 2 80-00 W. 14 33 2 320-00 All of 15 33 2 640-00 E. | NE. i 16 33 2 80-00 E. i SE. i 16 33 2 80-00 SW. i SE. i 16 33 2 40-00 NE. i 21 33 2 160-00 N. i SE. i 21 33 2 80-00 NE. i 22 33 2 160-00 N. i SE. i 22 33 2 80-00 SW. i SE. i 22 33 2 40-00 W. i 22 33 2 320-00 NW. i 23 33 2 160-00 NW. i SW. i 23 33 2 40-00 Total area segregated 4, 956-17 Action affecting title to lands segregated for Reservoir site No. 10, lying in T. 32 S., R. 2 W., and T. 33 S., R. 2 W., Salt lake meridian, has been taken as follows : Acres. W. i SE. i Sec. 2, T. 33 S., R. 2 W (timber culture, June 7 ,1889).... 80-00 SE. iSW.i 2 33 2 (timber culture, June 7, 1889) 40-00 E. i SE. i 10 33 2 (declaratory statement, September 27,1889) 80-00 SE. t NE. i 10 33 2 (declaratory statement, September 27, 1889) 40-00 THOMPSON.] RESERVOIR SITE IN UTAH. 473 Schedule of lands segregated for reservoir Continued. Acres. SW. i SE. i Sec. 10, T. 33 S., R. 2 W (declaratory statement, September 27, 1889) 40-00 W. i NW.i 11 33 2 (homestead September 24, 1887) . . . 80-00 W. i SW. i 11 33 2 (homestead September 24, 1887) . . . 80-00 W. i NW.i 14 33 2 (desert entry August 25, 1888) 80-00 W. iSW.i- 14 33 2 (desert entry August 25, 188) 80-00 SW.i 15 33 2 (desert entry August 25, 1888) 160-00 S. i SE. i 15 33 2 (desert entry August 25, 1888) 80*00 NE. i NE. 15 33 2 (desert entry August 25, 1888) 40'00 SE. iNW.i 15 33 2 (desert entry August 25, 1888) 40-00 N. iNE. 22 33 2 (desert entry June 20, 1891) 80-00 22 33 2 (desert entry June 20, 1891) 40-00 S. iNE. J 22 33 2 (desert entry November 1, 1889) ... 80-00 NE. i SE. J 22 33 2 (desert entry November 1, 1889) . . . 40-00 W. i SE. i 22 33 2 (desert entry November 1, 1889) . . . 80-00 NW. iNW.i- 23 33 2 (desert entry June 20, 1891) 40-00 NW. i SW. i 23 33 2 (desert entry November 1, 1889) . . . 40-00 Total 1,320-00 KESERVOIR SITE No. 11. (Fig. 158.) Description. Reservoir site No. 11 lies on the east fork of Sevier river at Flake meadow in Gar field county in T. 35 S., R. 2 W., Sees. 6, 7; T. 35 S., R. 3 W., Sees. 1, 12, 13. Its drainage area is 300 square miles, half wooded and half rocky slopes. The dams lie near the south line of Sec. 1, in NW. corner of Sec. 12, T. 35 S., R. 3 W.. in SW. corner of Sec. 6, and NW. corner of Sec. 7, T. 35 S., R. 2 W., running between two isolated mounds about 50 feet high and joining them to the side slopes of the valley. The dams are 10 feet high and the lengths of the 3 are, respectively, 2,445 feet, 2,240 feet, and 1,640 feet, a total of 6,325 feet. The bench mark is cut in solid rock on east slope of eastern mound. The water line was run with plane table, stadia rod, and intersections. Its altitude is 7,200 feet. The water line in- closes an area of 770 acres and will contain 3,500 acre-feet of water. The spillway would be at south end of eastern dam in earth. Timber and rock are to be found in abundance at the place. There are two houses on the site. There are irrigable lauds immediately adjoining the site. Salt Lake Meridian. FLAKE MEADOW ON EAST FORK SEVIER RIVER. Recommended for segregation in letter to the Secretary of the Interior, dated August 26, 1889. Schedule of lands segregated for reservoir. Acres. Lot 7 Sec. 6, T. 35 S., R. 2W 39'43 Lot 1 7 35 2 39-53 Lot 2 7 35 2 39-55 Lot3 7 35 2 39-57 E. NW. 7 35 2 80-00 S.^SE. i 1 35 3 80.00 S. iSW. i 1 35 3 80-00 474 LOCATION AND SURVEY OF RESERVOIR SITES. Schedule of lands segregated for reservoir Continued. All of Sec. 12, T. 35 S., R. 3 W. W. i NE. i 13 35 3 NW. i 13 35 3 Acres. 640-00 80-00 160-00 Total area segregated 1,278-08 AREA SEGREGATED. FIG. 158. Reservoir site No. 11, on east fork of Sevier river, (iarfield county, Utah. Action affecting title to lands segregated for Reservoir site No. 11, lying in T. 35 S., R. 2 W., and T. 35 S., R. 3 W. Salt lake meridian, has been taken as follows: Acres. S. \ SE. i Sec. 1, T. 35 S., R. 3 W (desert entry, July 30, 1889) 80 N.^NE. i 12 35 3 (timber culture, February?, 1887). 80 SE. iNE. i \ 12 35 3 (timber culture, February 7, 1887) . 40 NE. i SE. - \ 12 35 3 (timber culture, February 7, 1887) . 40 E. 1 SW. : \ 12 35 3 (desert entry, April 19, 1889) 80 W. SE. , \ 12 35 3 (desert entry, April 19, 1889) 80 W. \ NE. 5 t- 13 35 3 (desert entry, April 19, 1889) 80 E. \ NW. \ 13 35 3 (desert entry, April 19, 1889) 80 Total 560 THOMPSON.] RESERVOIR SITE IN UTAH. 475 RESERVOIR SITE No. 12. (Fig. 159.) Description. Reservoir site No. 12 is at Panquitch lake, Iron county, lying in T. 35 S. t R. 7 W., Sees. 32, 33, 34; T. 36 S., R. 7 W., Sees. 3, 4, 5. Its drainage area is 80 square miles, about one-third wooded and the rest bare -slopes, partly rocky. The dam lies in the middle of the north line of NE. SW. i, Sec. 34, T. 35 S., R. 7 W. Height of dam 10 feet and length 110 feet. A bench mark was cut in solid rock at west end of the dam. The water line was run with plane table and stadia rod and incloses an area of 1,280 acres, of which the present lake occupies 850 acres, and will contain 10,700 -acre-feet of water. The altitude is 8,100 feet. Reservoir site. Area segregated. FIG. 159. Reservoir site No. 12, Panquitch lake, Iron county, Utah. A spillway could be cut in solid rock at east end of dam and would be 80 feet long. Rock and timber abound around the lake. There are no houses on the reservoir site, but several cultivated farms would be flooded. The water would be used on land at the town of Panquitch, 15 miles distant. The lake has already been raised by an eight-foot overflow daui, and the additional ten-foot dam would doubtless hold all the water the drainage area could supply. Any excess could be retained in Reservoir site No. 13, lying in the same drainage basin. Salt Lake Meridian. AT PANQUITCH LAKE. Recommended for segregation in letter to the Secretary of the Interior, dated August 26, 1889. 476 LOCATION AND SURVEY OF RESERVOIR SITES. Schedule of lands segregated for reservoir. Acres. S. iSec. 32 Ow, T. 35 S., R. 7W 320-00 s. iNW. i 33 35 7 8000 NW. i SE. i 33 35 7 40-00 Lot 1 33 35 7 , 40-70 Lot 2 33 35 7 34-00 Lot 3 33 35 7 5-86 Lot 4 33 35 7 17-30 N. iSW. i 33 35 7 80-00 SE. iNW. i 34 35 7 40-00 Lot 1 34 35 7 . 25-60 Lot 2 34 35 7 23-60 Lot 3 34 35 7 4-30 Lot 4 34 35 7 38-40 Lot 3 3 36 7 20-25 Lot 4 3 36 7 . 8-50 Lot 5 3 36 7 31-60 Lot 1 4 36 7 6-61 Lot 2 4 36 7 , 38-40 Lot 3 4 36 7 13-90 Lot 4 4 36 7 10-20 Lot 5 4 36 ' 7 9-80 NW. iSE. I 4 36 7 40-00 N. iSW. i 4 36 7 80-00 Lot 1 5 36 7 47-38 Lot 2 5 36 7 47-92 Lot 3 5 36 7 47-88 Lot 4 5 36 7 . 47-82 S. iNE, i 5 36 7 , 80-00 S. iNW. i 5 36 7 . 80-00 N. iSE. i 5 36 7 , 80-00 SW. iSE. i 5 36 7 . 40-00 E. iSW. i 5 36 7 80-00 Total area segregated 1 ,560-02 Action affecting title to lands segregated for Reservoir site No. 12, lying in T. , 35 S., R. 7 W., and T. 36 S. , R. 7 W. Salt lake meridian, lias been taken as follows: Acres. S. iSE. i Sec, ,32, T. 35 S., R. 7 W (homestead, September 6, 1887)... 80-00 S. iSW. i 32 35 7 (homestead, September 6, 1887)... 80-00 SW. i NW. i 33 35 7 (homestead, Junel7, 1885) 40-00 N. iSW. i 33 35 7 (homestead, June 17, 1885) 80-00 Lot 2 33 35 7 (homestead, Juno 17, 1885) 34-00 Lot 3 33 35 7 (homestead, June 17, 1885) 5-86 NE. i SW. i 4 36 7 (homestead, January 20, 1887).... 40-00 NW. iSE. i 5 36 7 (homestead, January 25, 1887).... 40-00 S. i NE. i 5 36 7 (homestead, January 25, 1887) 80-00 Lot 2 5 36 7 (homestead, January 25, 1887) .... 47-92 NE. iSW. i 5 36 7 (homestead, May 21, 1886) 40-00 SE. iNW. i 5 36 7 (homestead, May 21, 1886) 40-00 Total 607-78 THOMPSON.! RESE1WOIR SITE IN UTAH. 477 BESERVOIR SITE No. 13. (Fig. 10.) Description. Reservoir site No. 13 is at the Blue spring, 2 miles S. W. of Panquitch lake, in Iron county, T. 36 S., R. 7 W., Sees. 7, 8, 17, 18. Its drainage area is 25 square miles, well wooded with few rocky slopes. The dam lies in the middle of Sec. 7, at the upper end of the gorge of the outlet of the valley ; it is 48 feet high and 250 feet long. A bench mark was cut in solid rock at the west end. The water level was run with plane tahle, stadia rod and intersections; it in- closes an area of 440 acres and will contain 13,000 acre-feet of water. Its altitude is 8,200 feet. An overflow dam would be required. Reservoir site. Area segregated. FIG. 160. Reservoir site No. 13, at Blue spring, Iron county, Utah. Timber and rock are abundant on the site. There are 2 houses on the site. This reservoir would be supplementary to No. 12 for the supply of water to lands at Panquitch, 17 miles distant. Its principal supply is a large spring called Blue spring. The flow of this spring might be required in filling Reservoir No. 12, though in some years and possibly every year both No. 12 and No. 13 could be filled. Salt Lake Meridian. AT BLUE SPRING. Recommended for segregation in letter to the Secretary of the Interior, dated August 26, 1889. 478 LOCATION AND SURVEY OF RESERVOIR SITES. Schedule of lands segregated for reservoir. Acres. SW. iNE. i Sec. 7, T. 36 S., R. 7W... - 40-00 SE. i-NVV.i 7 36 7 40-00 Lot 2 7 36 7 40-80 SE. i 7 36 7 160-00 E. iSW. i 7 36 7 80-00 Lot 3 7 36 7 41-20 Lot 4 7 36 7 41-60 SW. iSW. i 8 36 7 40-00 W. |NW. i 17 36 7 80-00 NE. J 18 36 7 160-00 E. *NW. i 18 36 7 80-00 Lot 1 18 36 7 41-79 Total area segregated 845-39 Action affecting title to lands segregated for reservoir site No. 13, lying in T. 36 8., R. 7 W., Salt lake meridian, has been taken as follows: Acres. W. i S.E. i Sec. 7, T. 36 S., R. 7 W (homestead, May 12, 1887) 80-00 Lot 3 7 36 7 (homestead, May 12, 1887) 41-20 Lot 4 7 36 7 (homestead, May 12, 1887) 41-60 E.| SW. i 7 36 7 (homestead, May 12, 1887) 80-00 N.|NE. i 18 36 7 (homestead, May 12, 1887) 80-00 E. 4 NW. i 18 36 7 (homestead, July 6, 1888) 80-00 S. 4 NE. J 18 36 7 (homestead, July 6, 1888) 80-00 Total 482 80 StJMMARY OF AREAS SEGREGATED. Acres. Reservoir site No. 1. \ Idaho " 2 > 928<3 ( Utah 3,086-52 2. Utah 440-00 3. Utah 160-00 4. Utah 160-00 5. Utah 2, 878-43 6. Utah 2, 000-74 7. Utah 920-00 8. Utah 1, 120'00 9. Utah 3, 360-00 10. Utah 4, 956-17 11. Utah 1, 278-08 12. Utah 1, 560-02 13. Utah 845-39 Total area segregated in Utah and Idaho 25, 693-65 Being 2,928'30 acres in Idaho and 22,765-35 acres in Utah.