NRLF B M E53 DDb WEIGHTS MEASURES AND MONEY WEIGHTS, MEASURES, AND MONEY, OF ALL NATIONS. COMPILED BY F. W. CLARKE, S.B., PROFESSOR OF PHYSICS AND CHEMISTBT IN THE UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI. "DUTIVERSITT] NEW YORK: D. APPLETON & COMPANY, 1, 8, AND 5 BOND STREET. 1891. 2 ENTERED, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1875, by D. APPLETON & COMPANY, In the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. CONTENTS. PART FIRST. PAGB I. INTRODUCTION ........ 5 II. THE WEIGHTS, MEASURES, AND MONEY, OF ALL NATIONS, AL- PHABETICALLY ARRANGED ACCORDING TO LOCALITY . 1 PART SECOND. I. MEASURES OF LENGTH . . . . . .85 II. KOAD MEASURES . . . . . . . 91 III. SQUARE MEASURES . . . . . . .92 IV. LAND MEASURES 93 V. CUBIC MEASURES . . . . . . .96 VI. LIQUID MEASURES ...... 96 VII. DBY MEASURES 101 VIII. WEIGHTS 106 IX. MONEY . . 116 INTEODUOTIOK IN the following pages the compiler has sought to ar- range, in a manner convenient for reference, the weights, measures, and money, of all nations. The work is naturally divided into two parts : first, a classification according to countries, arranged alphabetically; and, second, a set of tables in which the value of each unit is given both in English and in metric standards. This use of the metric system, coextensively with the ordinary system, may be regarded as the characteristic feature of the book. Of course, its introduction on so broad a scale doubled the labor of constructing many of the tables in the work, but the writer believes the labor to have been profitably spent. The metric weights and measures are now legal in thia country, and are used by at least twenty nations besides ; surely, then, they deserve as much attention as our own more locally familiar but more bungling systems. Our three sets of weights, our three different gallons, and our 6 INTRODUCTION. two dissimilar bushels, all unrelated to each other, or to the units of length, must soon give way before the sim- plicity and elegance of the metric system. That this event may soon happen, and that the weights and measures of the world may before long be reduced to metric uniformity, is the sincere wish and hope of the writer. F. W. C. WEIGHTS, MEASURES, AND MONET. PART FIRST. THE tables given in this part of the work need no explanation gave in one particular. In the tables which relate to coinage the weight is expressed in troy grains, and the fineness in thousandths. Thus a gold coin is 900 fine when it contains in 1,000 parts 900 of pure or " fine " metal. It will be noticed in many cases that the absolute metal value of a coin varies from its assumed the- oretical worth. Variations of this sort are, however, generally trifling, although obviously unavoidable altogether. Abyssinia* Length. The pic = 27 inches, or 0.686 metre. Liquid Measure. The kuba, or cuba, = 0.2684 gallon, or 1.0166 litres. Dry Measure. For grain, the chief measure is the ardeb; which at Gondar in the interior is divided into 10 madegas, and at Massowah on the sea-coast into 24 madegas. At Gondar, the ardeb equals 0.11465 bushel, or 4.039 litres ; at Massowah it is 0.33333 bushel, or 11.745 litres. Weight. 10 dirhems make 1 wakea. 12 wakeas " 1 rotl, rottolo, or liter, = 4,800 grains. 32 rotl " 1 mond, or maund. 12 dirhems " 1 mocha, = 1 troy ounce. 8 A CHIN. For coinage, Abyssinia depends upon foreign countries. Ve- netian sequins, Spanish dollars, and the " Maria Theresa dollars," of Austria, are chiefly in circulation. The last-named coins are also called patakas, or patacks. 23 harfs = 1 pataka. 2^ patakas = 1 sequin. Large payments are made in gold ingots, weighed by the wakea. A wakea of gold commonly rates at a little less than 12 patakas, but of course the value fluctuates. In some localities small bricks of salt, and strings of beads, serve as currency. A chin, or Acheen. See SUMATRA. Afghanistan* The money, weights, and measures of Afghanistan are like those of Persia, Arabia, and India. . In length, 1 goess = 45.67 inches, or 1.16 metres. Algeria. Since the French conquest, the French coinage, weights, and measures, have been used. The earlier, native values were about as follows : Length. The Turkish pic = 24.92 inches, or 0.633 metre. " Arabic " = 18.96 " " 0.482 " Each pic is divided into eight parts, called robi. Liquid Measure. The khoulle = 4.4027 gallons, or 16.66 litres. Dry Measure. The tarrie = 0.56295, the saa = 1.36215, and the caffiso = 9.00718 bushels. Weights. The karob = 3 grains. The mitkal or metical = 72.06 grains, used in weighing gold, etc. The wakea = 12.04 oz. The rotl attari, for spices, = 1.20396 Ib. ; the rotl feuddi, for gold and silver, = 1.096714 Ib. ; the rotl gheddari, for fruits, = 1.354458 Ib. ; and the rotl khebir, = 2.03167 Ibs., or a little less than one kilogramme. There are also corresponding quontars, or cantaros, equal respectively to 100 of each rotL Money. The former silver rial-boudjou was equal to $0.3617, The pataca chica, money of account, was worth about $0.223. ARABIA 9 Amboyna. See MOLUCCAS. Aiinam. Length. Here there are two systems ; the first used for cloth measure, the second employed by architects and builders. 10 ly = 1 phan ; 10 phan = 1 tac ; 10 tac = 1 thuoc ; 10 thuoc = 1 truong ; 3 truong = 1 that ; 10 that = 1 gon. In this system the phan = 0.2558 inches. In the architect's scale the phan = 0.1918 inches, and is subdivided as in cloth measure. Above the thuoc, 5 thuoc = 1 ngu ; 3 ngu = 1 sao ; 10 sao = 1 mau. Road Measure. 2 ly = 1 dam, of about 0.55 mile. Surface. Squares of builder's long measure are used in meas- uring land. Capacity. No authentic system. Weight. The ly, = 0.6 grain, is decimally subdivided down to its millionth part. Of course these minor weights are imaginary. Above the ly, 10 ly = 1 phan ; 10 phan = 1 dong ; 10 dong = 1 luong ; 10 luong = 1 nen ; 1.6 nen = 1 can. The can = 1.378 Ibs., or 624.838 grammes. 10 can = 1 yen; 5 yen = 1 binh; 2 binh = 1 ta ; 6 ta = 1 quan. The quan 688.76 Ibs. Money. 60 sapeks = 1 mas ; 10 mas = 1 kwan. The kwan equals $0.6698. Antigua. See WEST INDIES. Arabia* MOCHA ; See also MUSCAT. Length. The guz, gez, or goess = 25 niches, or 0.63498 me- tre. The cobido or covid = 19.0 niches, or 0.4826 metre. The kassaba = 4.1 yards, or 3.75 metres. Road Measure. The baryd, of 4 farsakh = about 12 miles. Liquid Measure. 16 vakias = 1 noosfia or nusfiah ; Snoosfiaa = 1 gudda or cuddy; = 1.999 gallon, or 7.567 litres. Dry Measure. 40 mecmedas or kellas = 1 teman or tomand ; 1 teman of rice weighs 168 Ibs. avoirdupois. Weights. Q vakias = 1 maund or maon, = 3 Ibs., or 1.3608 kilogrammes. 10 maunds = 1 frazil, = 30 Ibs., or 13.61 kilo- 10 ARGENTINE CONFEDERATION. grammes. 15 frazils = 1 bahar, = 450 Ibs., or 204.12 kilo- grammes. At Bet-el-faki the maund is equivalent to 2.039 Ibs., and at Jidda to 1.830078 Ibs. In the former place the bahar con- tains 400 maunds, and at the latter only 100. These towns also have a rotl, equal at Bet-el-faki to 1.019531 Ibs., and at Jidda to 0.366016 Ib. At Mocha the wakega, used in commerce, = 1 Ib. avoirdupois ; the wakega for gold and silver being only 0.68571 Ib. Minor weights are the danik, 7.86 grains troy ; the coffala, used in weigh- ing gold and silver, 48 grains ; and the miscal, 72 grains. Money. Accounts are kept in piastres of 80 caveers; the value of the piastre being about $0.8337. Another authority makes it 90 cents. Payments may be made also in Spanish dol- lars. The commassee is a small native coin containing 7 carats silver, and worth about 40 to the dollar.- Argentine Confederation. The metric system of weights and measures has recently been introduced, and is now the only system recognized in the custom- houses of the republic. The former weights and measures were as follows, being of Spanish origin : Length. 4 palmas = 1 vara ; 2 varas = 1 braza. Also, 3 pies = I vara. The vara = 34.1208 inches, or 0.866 metre. Road Measure. The legua = 600 varas, or 0.3231 mile. The milla = 1.149 miles, or 1.85 kilometres. Used upon rail- roads. Liquid Measure. 32 frascos = 1 baril. The frasco = 0.6274 gallon, or 0.2374 litre. Dry Measure. The lastre = 2 toneladas, or 15 fanegas. The fanega = 3.8936 bushels, or 137.195 litres. Weight. 25 libras = 1 arroba ; 4 arrobas = 1 quintal ; 20 quintals = 1 tonelada. The libra = 1.0127 Ib., or 0.45936 kilo- gramme. The arroba of Buenos Ayres = 25 Castilian libra, or 25.3583 Ibs. The marco, for gold and silver, = 3544.4 grains. Money. 8 reales = 1 peso fuerte; 16 pesos = 1 onza. The United States value of the peso fuerte (Secretary of the Treasury, 1874) is exactly $1.00. The gold onza, of 1813 to 1832, according AUSTRIAN EMPIRE. 11 to the United States assay, = $15.5146. That from 1828 to 1832, $14.6579. Australia* Generally the same as Great Britain. The value of certain gold coins is given as follows by the Director of the United States mint: Pound of 1852, weight .281 ounce, 916 fine, value $5.324. Of 1855, weight .256 ounce, 916 fine, value $4.8501. Sovereign of 1855 to 1860, weight .2565 ounce, 916 fine, value $4.857. Austrian Empire. After January 1, 1876, the metric system will be the legal one. See also, BOHEMIA, HUNGARY, and POLAND. Length. 12 punkte make 1 linie. 12 linien " 1 zoll. 12 zoll " 1 fuss = 1.03713 feet, or 0.31611 metre. 6 fuss " 1 klafter. The elle = 2.465 fuss, = 30.676 English inches. The ruthe = 12 fuss, = 12.44556 English feet. Engineers and surveyors use a system derived from the ruthe, in which *fa ruthe = 1 decimal fuss, yfoy ruthe = 1 decimal zoll, and ~oW ruthe = 1 decimal linie. Road Measure. 4,000 klafter, or 24,000 fuss = 1 meile. The meile = 4.714227 miles, or 7.5866 kilometres. Surface. Commonly, squares of the measures of length. In measuring land, the joch (which is divided into three metzen), = 1,600 square klafter, or 57,600 square fuss. The joch = 1.4223 acres, or 51.55 ares. Measure. 2 pfiff make 1 seidel. 2 seidel " 1 kanne or halbe mass. 2 kannen " 1 mass, = 1.49525 quarts, or 1.4149 li. 10 mass make 1 viertel. 4 viertel " 1 eimer, = 14.9525 gallons, or 56.5997 litres. 24 eimer make 1 dreiling. 82 eimer " 1 fuder. 12 AUSTRIAN EMPIRE. Dry Measure. For coke and coal the stiibich, = 2 metzen, is used; for lime, the kalkmiitkel, = 2| metzen; for wood, the cord of cubic klafter. Ordinary dry measure is as follows : 2 becher make 1 kleines massel. 2 kleine massel " 1 grosses massel. 2 grosse massel " 1 miiller-massel. 2 miiller massel " 1 achtel. 2 achtel " 1 viertel. 4 viertel " 1 metze,= 1.74512 bushels, or 61.49 litres. 30 metzen " 1 muth. Weight. 1st. Ordinary Commercial: 4 pfennigemake 1 quentchen. 4 quentchen " 1 loth. 2 loth " 1 unze. 4 unzen " 1 vierding or vierling. 2 vierding " 1 mark, = 0.6173 pound, or 280.0 grammes. 2 mark make 1 pfund, = 1.2346 pounds, or 560.0 grammes. 20 pfund make 1 stein. 5 stein " 1 centner, = 123.4615 Ibs. 4 centner " 1 karch. 20 centner " 1 schiifslast (shipping ton). 40 centner " 1 last (ordinary). The saum =275 pfund. The saum (of 2 lagel) for Styrian steel = 250 pfund. The zollpfund of the Zollverein, for customs, = 500 grammes. The miinzpfund also = 500 grammes. 2d. Weights for Precious Metals : 4 pfennig make 1 quentchen. 4 quentchen " 1 loth. 16 loth " 1 mark, = 4,333 grains, or 280.0 grammea The karat for jewels = 3.1799 grains, or 0.206085 gramme. 3d. Apothecaries' Weight, in which the pfund is 1 mark. 20 gran make 1 scrupel. 3 scrupel " 1 drachme. 8 drachmen " 1 unze. 12 unzen " 1 pfund = 6,499 grains troy. AUSTRIAN EMPIRE. 13 Money. Formerly, 4 pfennige made 1 kreutzer ; 60 kreutzer 1 florin or gulden ; 2 gulden 1 thaler. The ducat was 4 gulden, 20 gulden were coined from the Cologne mark of fine silver, each one being worth $0.5054. The new florin or gulden of 100 kreutzer is equal to - 4 L 5 - of a miinzpfund (500 grammes) of fine silver. The vereinsthaler of aV munzpfund is 1| florins. This florin is worth $0.4803, and rates in the United States custom-houses at $0.4760. The following table gives the chief coins, their value, weight in troy grains, and fineness in thousandths : COINS. Material. Weight. Fineness. Value. Gold $9 1502 " kt By U. S. mint assay . 215 04 986 9.1320 Souverain or sovrano. No longer coined it 900 6 7763 " " By U. S. mint as- say m 174.24 900 6.7540 U 171 27 900 6.6462 u 85 64 900 3 8231 Ducat Before 1865 ,( 986 2 2871 Four-florin piece. By U. S. mint assay u 49.92 900 1.9350 2.2946 Silver 401 28 902 1 0260 Former Conventions or specie - thaler. Before 1857. 1 0109 Former Conventions or specie - thaler. By U. 8. mint assay u 432.96 833 1.0230 Maria-Theresa-thaler. 'Still coined with date 1780 u 1 0109 Maria - Theresa-thaler. By U. S. mint assay . u 429.60 838 1 .0210 u 7204 " " By U. S. mint assay u 286.08 570.91 900 900 0.7310 1.4409 Two " " u 380 61 900 9606 Gulden before 1853 (Conventions-florin) H 5054 " " " Kate in TJ S customs II 4850 " " " U. S. mint assay New gulden or florin 216.48 833 0.5110 4803 " " " U. assay... Quarter-gulden. Weight 5 grammes... 10 kreutzer. " 2 " 5 " "1 " Billon. Bronze. 190.56 77.15 30.86 15.43 201.59 900 520 500 375 0.4860 0.1201 0.0480 0.0240 0.0192 50.39 0043 Half-kreutzer M 25 20 0024 Azores Islands. Generally like PORTUGAL. Dry Measure. 2 quartos = 1 meio ; 2 meios = 1 alquiere { BADEN. 4 alquieres = 1 fanga, of 1.35959 United States bushels, or 47.907 litres. Money. The milreis, in IT. S. custom-houses, rates at $0.835. Baden* See also GERMAN EMPIRE. Length. The ruthe, = 3 metres, is divided decimally into 10 fuss, 100 zoll, 1,000 linien, and 10,000 punkte. The elle = 6 deci- metres. In United States measure the fuss = 11.811 inches. The klafter = 3 ellen. Road Measure. The wegstunde (J- meile) = 14814.8148 fuss. The meile = 5.5234 English miles. Surface. 100 square ruthen = 1 viertel ; 4 viertel = 1 morgen. The morgen = 36 ares, or 0.8897 acre. Liquid Measure. The fuderis divided decimally into 10 ohm, 100 stiitzen, 1,000 mass, and 10,000 glas. The value of the mass is 1.5 litres, or 1.585 quarts. Dry Measure. The malter (of 150 litres) is divided decimally into 10 sester, 100 masslein, and 1,000 becher. 10 malter = 1 zuber. In United States measure the malter = 4.257 bushels. Weight. 1 centner = 10 stein = 100 pfund = 1,000 zehnling, = 10,000 centass = 100,000 dekass or pfennig = 1,000,000 ass. The pfund, which is the same as the zollpfund or munzpfund of Germany in general, = 500 grammes, or 1.1023 Ibs. For apothecary's weight, see GERMAN EMPIRE. Money. The table gives the more important coins of Baden, their material, fineness, and value in United States dollars : COINS. Material. Fineness. Value. Former L/ndwig d'or . * Gold $3 4388 " doppelthaler (3J gulden). Before 1857. Silver. 1 4409 " 2 guldenstuck " " it 8252 " gulden of 60 krentzer " " n 0.4126 u " " " in U. S. custom-houses u 4000 Vereinsthaler (If- gulden) . . H 900 7204 Gulden (60 kreutzer) u 900 4117 J guldenstiick 900 0.2054 8 kreutzerstiick . . .... Billon. 0206 Kreutzer Bronze 00686 0.00348 BA VARIA. 15 Bahamas. See WEST INDIES. Balearic Islands. See SPAIN. On these islands there are various local measures and weights. Even the more general standards, as the libra, the cantaro, palma, etc., have, however, different values on the different islands of the group, the discrepancies being sometimes very great. Peculiar to Minorca is the gerrah = 3.18599 gallons. Majorca has the quartes, 1.10274, the quartin, 7.16781 gallons; and the oder of 100.2178 Ibs. For length, the palmo = 7.697 inches. For weight, the libra = 0.882 Ib. Bantam. See JAVA. Barbadoes. See WEST INDIES. Barbary States. See ALGERIA, TRIPOLI, and TUNIS. Barbuda. See WEST INDIES, Batavia. See JAYA, Bavaria. See also GERMAN EMPIRE. Length. 121inienmakel zoll. 12 zoll " 1 fuss, = 11.49 in., or 0.29184 metre. 6 fuss 1 klafter. 10 " " 1 ruthe. The elle = 34.25 zoll. By engineers and surveyors the fuss is decimally divided. Local values of the fuss and of the elle are known at Augsburg and Nuremberg. Road Measure. The meile = -fa of an equatorial degree, = 4.6143 miles. The Anspach meile = 5.3652 miles. Surface. The juchart, morgen, or tagewerk = 40,000 square fuss, and is decimally divided. It equals 34.0536 ares, or 0.8416 acre. Liquid Measure. 64 mass make 1 imer. For wine, the eimer = 16.9444 gallons; for beer, 18.07505 gallons. The mudde of Augsburg, an old measure, = 14.92156 gallons ; the Nuremberg visirmass = 0.30302 gallon; and the schenkmass of the 16 BAVARIA. city = 0.2 8505 gallon. In old times almost every large town seems to have had its own local system. Dry Measure. 2 dreissiger make 1 masslein. 2 masslein u 1 massel or achtel. 4 massel " 1 viertel. 2 viertel " 1 metze. 6 metzen " 1 scheffel, = 6.31002 bush- els, or 222.34 litres. For wood, the klafter is used, = 126 kubik fuss, or 3.1325 cu- bic metres, or 110.6305 cubic feet. Weights. 4 quentcben make 1 lotb. 4 loth " 1 halber vierling. 2 halbe vierling " 1 vierling. 4 vierling " 1 pfund. This is the pfund of the Zollverein, of 500 grammes, or 3.102364 Ibs. avoirdupois. The commercial pfund = 560 grammes, ia divided into 16 unzen, 32 loth, and 128 quentchen, and is equal to 1.2346 Ibs. avoirdupois. For apothecary's weight, the old apothecary's pfund of Nuremberg, with its subdivisions, is used throughout Germany. See GERMAN EMPIRE, Money. 4 pfennige = 1 kreuzer ; 60 kreuzer = 1 florin or gulden; 16 gulden = 1 krone. The table gives the more impor- tant coins, their material, weight in troy grains, fineness in thou- sandths, and value m United States dollars: COINS. Material. Weight. Fraeness. Valu*. Krone . Gold. 171 .414 90Q $6 58T2 85 722 900 g <>936 former Carolin 4 99-20 3 3414 " Ducat 2 2876 Vereins - Zweithalerstiick ( 2 - Thaler Siver. 5Tt.481 900 1.4409 "Vereinsthaler . 285.742 900 7204 Zweiguldenstuck (2-gulden piece) Gulden, or florin . 826.561 163 .282 900 900 .8234 .4117 ^-Gulden ... 81.641 900 2058 Viertel^ulden 70 650 520 1029 6-Kreuzerstuck Bi on. 38.005 0412 & " 19 002 .0206 Kreuzer 12; 988 0069 Zweipfemrigstiick (J- kreuzer}. Bs* nze. 38.575 .0034 Pfennig ......... 19 282 .0017 Heller 102 224 BOHEMIA. 17 Belgium. The weights and measures are the metric weights and measures of France. Sometimes different names are used, as aune for me- tre, litron for litre, livre for kilogramme. Money. The lawful currency is in francs and centimes, pre- cisely as in France. The value of the franc, as a money of ac- count, is in the United States $0.193. The franc formerly rated at $0.186. COINS. Material. Welgkt. Fineness. Value. Gold. 121.92 899 $4.T200 Silver 385.84 897 .9800 2 " 158.60 835 .3640 Beloochistaii. Like AFGHANISTAN. Bengal. See INDIA. Bermudas. See WEST INDIES. Birmah. (RANGOON.) Length. The palgat or paulgaut = 1 inch, or 0.0254 metre ; 18 paulgauts = 1 taim or cubit ; 22 paulgauts 1 saundaung or royal cubit. Road Measure. Y saundaungs 1 dha or bambou; 1,000 bambous = 1 dain or taing. The taing = 2.4306 miles, or 3.9116 kilometres. Weight. 100 ticals or 3 catties = 1 vis ; 150 vis = 1 candy. Che candy = 600 Ibs., or 226.801 kilogrammes. Bohemia. (PRAGUE.) See also AUSTRIA. Length. The Prague fuss = 11.88 inches, and the elle 23.2 inches. Surface. 2 strich = 1 Austrian joch. Liquid Measure. 4 seidel = 1 pinte ; 32 pinten = 1 eimer ; 4 eimer = 1 fass. The fass = 64.5598 gallons. 18 BOKHARA. Dry Measure. 12 seidel = 1 massel ; 4 massel = I viertel ; 4 viertel = 1 strich. The strich =2.65618 bushels. Weight. 20 pfund = 1 stein ; 6 stein = 1 centner. The pfund is subdivided as in Vienna, bat is a trifle lighter than the Imperial standard. These are only local weights and measures. The legal system is, of course, that of Austria. Bokhara. See TURKESTAN. Bolivia. The metric system is recognized at the custom-houses. The other weights and measures are of Spanish origin. Weights. 4 arrobas = 1 quintal. The quintal = 46 kilo- grammes, or 101.4179 Ibs. Money. 10 cents = 1 real ; 10 reals = 1 peso. The peso is rated in the United States (Secretary of the Treasury, 1874) at $0.9651. Its theoretical value is about $1.03. COIN TABLE. COINS. Material. Weight Fineness. Value. Onza or doubloon (1827^-1836). Legal rate Gold. $15 601 S Onza or doubloon (1 827-1836). By U. 8. mint assay U 416 16 870 15 598 Peso. Former. By U. S. mint assay.. \ peso " " " " " New peso " " Silver. U U 808.64 207.36 884.48 903$ 667 900 0.791 0.892 0.961 Borneo. The island contains English and Dutch settlements, in which the corresponding weights and measures are known. Dry Measure. The gantang = 0.73782 bushel. Weight* The pecul = 135.6354 Ibs. Minor weights seem to be something as follows : 3 malaborong = 1 tica; 1 tica = 1 copang; 4 copang= 1 mace ; 4 mace = 1 pahaw ; 4 pahaws = 1 tael. The tael =s about 614 troy grams, or 39.828 grammes. BREMEN. 19 Bourbon, Isle of. French colony, using French weights and measures. Brazil. The metric system is now the legal system of weights and measures. The former scales were essentially Portuguese, with va- riations, these being different in different parts of the empire. The alquiere = 1.13512 bushels ; the vara = 1.18878 yards ; the arroba (of 32 arratels) == 32.3792 Ibs. ; the quilate, a weight for gems, = 3.075 grains ; and the outava, for topazes, = 57.17 grains. Money. The milreis, as a money of account (Secretary of the Treasury, 1874), is rated in the United States at $0.5456. COIN TABLE. COINS. Material. Weight. Fineness. Value. 20 Milreis. 10 " 5 " Former Jos 2 milreis. Milreis.... Gold. $10.9235 10.906 5.4617 2.7309 8.7195 1.0924 1.025 0.5462 0.2731 0.1092 0.0109 0.0055 By U S. mint assay Si ver. Copper. 276.00 133.30 69.15 917$ 916 916 10 ... Legal rate . 893.39 898.60 196.64 98.32 89.33 916 9181 916 916 916 By U. 8. mint assay 500 reis 200 " ... 20 " ... 10 " Bremen. See also GERMAN EMPIRE. Length. 10 linien= 1 zoll. 12 zoll = 1 fuss, = 11.386 inches, or 0.2892 metre. 2 fuss = 1 elle. 3 ellen = 1 klafter. 8 " = 1 ruthe. Road Measure. The meile of 20,000 Rheinfuss = 3.9 miles, or 6.28 kilometres. Surface. The morgen = 120 square ruthen = 30,720 square fuss. The morgen = 0.6343 acre. Solid Measure. The, faden = 72 kubikfuss. 20 BRUNSWICK. Liquid Measure. 4 mingel make 1 quartier. 9 quartier " 1 viertel, 6 viertel " 1 anker. 4 anker 1 ohm, = 38.2965 galls., or 144.964 litres. 6 ohm " 1 fuder. The sttlbchen = 4 quartier. " oxhoft = 6 anker. Dry Measure. 4 spinten make 1 viertel. 4 viertel " 1 scheffel, = 2.10195 bushels, or 74.064 litres. 40 scheffel make 1 last. Weights. 4 ort make 1 quentchen. 4 quentchen " 1 loth. 2 loth " 1 unze. 8 unzen " 1 mark. 2 mark " 1 pfund, = 1.09906 Ibs., or 0.498 kilogramme. The schiffpfund (of 20 liespfund) = 290 pfund. The fracht- pfund or pfundschwer = 300 pfund. The centner =116 pfund. Money. 5 schwaren=l grot ; 72 groten=l thaler. The value of this thaler is $0.7476, but it was recognized in the United States, under the law of March 3, 1843, at $0.71. By the law of 1842, the silver rix-thaler, worth $0.7911, was rated at $0.7875. The old gold thaler, of which about 8 i' - equal the modern vereins- krone, = $0.7912. Brunswick (BKAUNSCHWEIG). See also GERMAN EMPIRE. Length. 12 zoll = 1 schuh ; 2 schuh = 1 elle. The schuh = 11.235 inches, or 0.285 metre. The ruthe = 8 ellen. Road Measure. The meile (of 34,424 Rhenish feet) = 6.7136 miles. Surface. The morgen = 120 square ruthen, or 30,720 square Bchuh. English value, 0.6208 acre. CANARY ISLANDS. 21 Liquid Measure. 2 nossel = 1 quartier ; 4 quartier = 1 stiib chen ; 40 stiibchen = 1 ohm ; 6 ohm = 1 fuder. The fuder also = 4 oxhoft. The fass of beer (4 tonnen) = 108 stiibchen. The stiibchen = 0.988 gallon, or 3.74 litres. Dry Measure. 4: becher or locher = 1 vierfass ; 4 vierfass = I hunt ; 10 himt = 1 scheffel. The scheffel for wheat = 8.6672 bushels ; for oats, 10.40064 bushels. 4 scheffel make 1 wispel. Weight, 2 heller = 1 pfennig ; 4 pfennige = 1 quentchen ; 4 quentchen = 1 loth ; 16 loth = 1 mark ; 2 mark = 1 pfund. The pfund = 1.0306 Ibs., or 0.4674 kilogramme. The schiffpfund = 20 liespfund = 280 pfund. For apothecary's weight see GERMAN EMPIRE. Money. The former gold pistole, = 5 gold thaler, was worth $3.96. The silver thaler of 24 gute groschen was worth $0.7254. In the United States, by law of 1846, it rated at $0.69. Buenos Ayres. See ARGENTINE CONFEDERATION. Cambodia. See ANNAM. Canada, including NOVA SCOTIA, NEW BRUNSWICK, NEWFOUND- LAND, PRINCE EDWARD'S ISLAND, and the other BRITISH POS- SESSIONS in NORTH AMERICA. Yv'eights and measures as in GREAT BRITAIN. In Lower Can- ada, however, one or two old French measures are occasionally met; as the minot, for wheat, = 1.11111 United States bushels; and the arpent, for land, = 0.8449 acre. Money. The standard is the dollar of 100 cents, equal in value to that of the United States. The silver 20 and 25 cent pieces are 925 fine, with the following weight and intrinsic value : 20 cent, weight 72.0 grains, value $0.185 ; 25 cent, weight 90.0 grains, value $0.231. Under United States statutes, prior to act of March 3, 1873, the pound of the British Provinces rated in our custom- houses at $4.00. Canary Islands. The measures, weights, and coins, are derived from SPAIN, though somewhat varied. For length, the pie or Castilian foot = 11.126 inches. In weight, the libra = 1.0148 Ibs. 22 CANDIA. Candia. See CRETE. Cape of Good Hope, or Cape Colony. Weights and measures those of GREAT BRITAIN. The currency is also British, although occasionally the former Dutch values are encountered. Cape Verde Islands* See PORTUGAL. Celebes. The pecul = 135.64 Ibs. In general, the weights and meas- ures resemble or are indentical with those of the other neighbor- ing islands under the sway of the Netherlands. Central America. (GUATEMALA, HONDURAS, NICARAGUA, SAN SALVADOR, and COSTA RICA.) The weights and measures are of old Castilian origin, but varied. Length. The vara = 32.874 inches, or 0.835 metre. Liquid Measure. The cantara of 4 cuartillas = 4.2631 gal- lons, or 16.137 litres Dry Measure. Thefanegaof 4 cuartillas = 1.5745 bushels, or 55.48 litres. Weight. 25 libras = 1 arroba ; 4 arrobas = 1 quintal. The libra = 1.043 pounds, or 0.4731 kilogramme. Money. The unit is the pezo or dollar of 100 centavos. Its value in the United States (Secretary Treasury, 1874) is $0.9650. COINAGE TABLE. COINS. Material. Weight Fineness. Value. Onza of 1833 by TT S mint assay Gold. $14 9653 Costa Eican half-onza of 1850. U. S. tl 7.6232 2 escudos, or J onza. TJ. S. mint assay. Pezo, or T V onza, 1825-1849. U. S. mint assay . .... . U M 100.32 853} 8.6875 0.8295 Keals. 17. 8. mint assay Pezo, 1S40 1872. " " " u 1855 " " " 11 Silver.; 12.96 853} .4880 1.0311 1.0137 * At present " " " " 415.68 850 .9810 CHINA. Ceylon. Generally, British measures of length and surface are used. The covid, when employed, = 18.5 inches. For liquids, the seer = 1.2 quarts ; and the parrah = 6.76 gallons. In dry measure, the chundoo = nearly half a pint. The amo- mam = 5.7757 bushels. The candy, or bahar, for weight, = 500 Ibs. Old measure = 520.675 Ibs. The public accounts are kept in sterling money ; but, in or- dinary commercial transactions, the sicca rupee is the standard. See INDIA. Chili. The metric system of weights and measures is now legal. Old standards, of Spanish origin, are as follows : The vara = 2.78 feet ; the quartillo = 0.2906 gallon; the fanega = 2.575 bushels; the libra = 1.043 Ibs. Money. The peso or dollar of 100 centavos is the exact equiv- alent of 5 francs, French currency. Value in United States cus- tom-houses (1874), $0.9123. The gold condor = 10 pesos. COIN TABLE. COINS. Material. Weight. Fineness. Value. Gold $9 1225 " By U S mint assay 236.16 S9S 9 1360 Old peso or dollar. By U. 8. mint as- Silver. 412.72 908 1.0460 New u *' " 5 francs 9648 " " " " By U. 8. mint assay. u 384.48 900| 0.931 China. Length. The yan is decimally divided into 10 cheung, 100 chik, 1,000 tsun, 10,000 fan. The official chik, as fixed by the Mathematical Board at Pekin, = 13.125 inches, or almost exactly % metre. The surveyor's and engineer's chik = 12.7 inches ; and the commercial chik of Canton = 14.76 inches, but varies a little. 24 CIRCASSIA. Road Measure. The itinerary chik = 12.17 inches ; of these, 1,800 make 1 li, = 1,825.5 feet, or 556.41 metres. Capacity. Since in China almost every thing is sold by weight, the wet and dry measures are seemingly superfluous. There are, however, two systems, in which the measures are similarly named, the names being distinguished by the affixes tsong and shi. These series stand to each other in value as 65 to 100 ; the former being for liquids, the latter for grain. In the liquid, or tsong series, the tau is divided into 10 shing and 100 kop. The shing-tsong = 0.1375 gallon. The dry-measure shing (shing-shi) = 0.02177 bushel. Another measure, the sei, = 3.4716 bushels. Weights. 10 mace = 1 tael ; 16 tael = 1 catty or kan ; 2 cat- ties = 1 yin ; 50 yin = 1 pecul or tarn. The catty = 1% Ibs., or 604.8 grammes. Hence the pecul =133% Ibs. The shik is a weight of 160 Ibs. Money. The tael is decimally divided into 10 mace (tsee'n), 100 candereens (fun), and 1,000 cash (le). The tael now rates in United States customs at $1.61. Old rate, $1.48. In parts of China some coins from the English mint are used ; these are of silver, 901 fine. The dollar of this series weighs 415.68 grains, and is worth (by United States mint assay) $1.04. The corresponding ten-cent piece weighs 41.76 grams, and is worth $0.10^. Circassia. See RUSSIA. Cochin China. See also ANXAM. Here the covid = 15 inches. The tael = 590.75 grains. Cologne* See GERMAN EMPIRE, and PRUSSIA. Until recently the Cologne mark was used throughout Ger- many in weighing the precious metals. This should equal 3,609 troy grains ; but the standard copy at Hamburg is 1 grain lighter. Colombia, or New Granada. The metric system of weights and measures has recently been adopted. The former system was of Castilian origin. CYPRUS. 25 Money. The peso, or dollar, is exactly equal to five francs French currency. It is divided into 10 decimos and 100 centavos. 10 pesos make 1 gold condor. The value of the peso in United States customs is $0.965. COIN TABLE. COINS. Material Value. Gold. $15 6106 " " Popayan 15.3775 Condor of 10 pesos. Le^al value ii 9.64T6 " " " " By U 8 mint assay u 96751 Silver. 0.9726 " By U. S. mint assay 0.9692 Corea. See CHINA. Corsica* See FRANCE. A few liquid measures of Italian or Spanish origin may be met with. Costa Rica. See CENTRAL AMERICA. Crete, or Candia. For length, the pic = 25.09 inches, or 0.6373 metre. For liquids, the oke = 0.3458 gallon. The mistate, for oil, = 2.948 gallons. The carga = 4.32311 bushels. For weight, the cantaro of 100 rottoli or 44 oka = 116.57 IbA The currency is essentially Turkish. Cuba. See WEST INDIES. Curacoa. See WEST INDIES. Cyprus. For length, the pic = 26.45 inches, or 0.6718 metre. For liquids, the cass = 1.25 gallons. For grain, etc., the medinno = 2.1312 bushels. 26 DENERARA. Weights. The oka = 2.7957 Ibs. The rotolo = 1^ oka, and 100 rotolos = 1 kantar or cantaro. Hence the kantar = 524.2 Ibs., or 237.77 kilogrammes. The moosa is a weight of 112 Ibs. Demcrara. See GUIANA. Denmark. Length. 12 linie = 1 tomme. 12 tomme = I fod = 12.358 inches, or 0.3139 metre. 2 fod = 1 aln. 3 aln = 1 favn. 6 " = 1 rode. Road Measure. The miil (= 12,000 aln) = 4.6812 miles, 01 7.5335 kilometres. Surface. The tondeland (= 14,000 square aln) = 1.3635 acres, or 55.2 ares. Liquid Measure. 4 poegel make 1 pot, = 1.0208 quarts, or 0.9666 litre. 2 pot " 1 kande. 39 " " 1 anker. The pot = -fa cubic fod. The tonde (for beer) = 4.25 cubic fod. The tonde (of tar) =120 pot. Dry Measure. The tonde used for coal and charcoal = 5.5 cubic fod. Regular measures are as follows : 2 halvotting make 1 ottingkar. 2 ottingkar " 1 fjerdingkar. 2 fjerdingkar " 1 skoeppe. 8 skoeppe " 1 tonde, = 3.9477 bushels, or 139.098 litres. This tonde = 4-J cubic fod, or 144 pot. Weight. 10 ort make 1 quint. 10 quint " 1 pund, = 1.102368 pounds, or 500 grammes. 100 pund make 1 centner. In this scale the pund is the pfund of the German Zollverein. The old pund was defined as the weight of -fa cubic fod of rain- water at 16| Centigrade ; or about 1.100885 Ibs. avoirdupois. ECUADOR. 27 16 old pund = 1 lispund ; 20 lispund = 1 skippund. For precious metals 4 ort make 1 quintin. 4 quintin " 1 lod. 16 lod " 1 mark, = 0.5149 lb., or 233.56 grammes. Apothecary's weight 60 gran make 1 drachme. 8 drachme " 1 unze. 12 unze " 1 pund, = 0.788974 lb. avoirdu- pois. Money. The rigsdaler equals 6 marks, and each mark is di- vided into 16 skillings. 2 rigsdalers make 1 specie daler. The krone is a money of account, worth hi United States cus- toms $0.268. COIN TABLE. COINS. Material. Weight. Fineness. Value. Dobbelt Christian cTor (14? rigsdalers)... Frederick d'or, or pistole (Tf rigsdalers). . 10 daler By U S mint assay ... Gold. Silver. H U Billon. Bronze. 896 896 895 900 879 875 877 875 $8.0124 4.0062- 7.9000 5.3580 2.6S60 1.0926 1.0840 0.5463 0.5300 0.2731 0.0910 0.0228 0.0057 0.0029 204.96 138.24 20 krone " " " " Specie ducat (4}| rigsdalers) Dobbelt rigsdaler (specie daler) " " By U. S. mint assay., jjjcrgdaler '^M'M " Old rate in U. S. custom-houses Halvdaler (| rigsdaler) Mark f 1 - rigsdaler) . . 875 500 250 4 skilling u Dominica. See WEST INDIES. East Indies, See INDIA, CEYLON, ANNAM, BIRMAH, SIAM, MA- LACCA, MOLUCCAS, PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, SOOLOO ARCHIPELAGO, JAVA, SUMATRA, BORNEO, etc. Ecuador. Formerly, Spanish weights and measures were employed. Now the metric system is hi vogue. 28 EGYPT. The peso, or dollar, is the equivalent of the French 5-franc piece, and is rated in United States customs at $0.965. The 4 escudo gold piece, by United States mint assay, weighs 207.84 grains, is 844 fine, and is worth $7.555. Egypt. Since 1871 the metric system has been legal. Length. 4 kerats make 1 abdat. 3 abdats " 1 kadam. 2 kadam " 1 derah, deraa, or pic. 4 derahs " 1 gasab. Of the derah there are six different kinds, as follows : The Nile pic = 0.2545 metre ; the native pic (derah baladi) = 0.5682 me- tre; the Constantinople pic (derah Istambuli) = 0.6691 metre; the cloth pic (derah hendazeh) = 0.6479 metre ; the builder's pic (derah meimari) = 0.7500 metre ; the itinerary or road-measure pic =0.7389 metre. The derah Istambuli =26.34 inches. Ancient measures were the natural cubit, 17.71 inches, and the royal cubit, 20.66 inches. Road Measure. For the itinerary derah or pic, see table of length. 2 baah make 1 cassaba (equal to 5 derahs). 600 cassabas " 1 mill, = 1.148 miles, or 1.847 kil- ometres. 3 mili " 1 farsakh or league. 4 farsakh " 1 baride. . , tt j safar yome, of which 2-| make ) ( 1 of the meridian = 60 mili. f Surface. Land is partly measured by the squares of the derah meimari, and of the cassaba. (The cassaba, in length, = 3.55 metres.) The feddan = 333^ square cassabas, and is divided hi to 24 k6rat. Value of feddan, 1.038 acres, or 42.008 ares. Liquid Measure. The guirbeh = 70.4467 quarts, or 66| li- tres. EGYPT. 29 Dry Measure. 2 kerat make 1 kharroubah. 2 kharroubah " 1 thoumn-kaddah. 2 thoumn-kaddah " 1 roub-kaddah. 2 roub-kaddah " 1 nisf-kaddah. 2 nisf-kaddah " 1 kaddah, = 1.735 quarts, or 1.91 litres. 2 kaddah " 1 malouah. 2 malouah " 1 roubouh, or rob. 2 roubouh " 1 kele. 2 kele" " 1 ouebeh. 6 ouebeh " 1 ardeb, = 2.603 bushels, or 91.72 litres. These values are from the report of the United States Com- missioners to the Paris Exposition of 1867. Other authorities give the ardeb = 5.1648 bushels, and the ardeb of Alexandria = 7.6907 bushels. Weights. 4 kamha make 1 ke"rat. 24 kerat " 1 darhim or drachm, = 47.73 grains, or 3.0929 grammes. 400 darhims make 1 oke, oka, or occa, = 2.7275 Ibs., or 1.237 kilogrammes. 144 darhims make 1 rotl, or rottolo = 0.9819 pound, or 445.41 grammes. 100 rotl make 1 cantaro = 98.19 Ibs. The harsela, used for weighing silk, is the oke. The darhim, when used for weighing gold, silver, or gems, is also known as the mitkal or metical. Money. 40 paras make 1 piastre. As a money of account, the Egyptian dollar of 20 piastres now rates in United States cus- loms at $1.0039. (Secretary of the Treasury, 1874.) 30 ENGLAND. COIN TABLE. COINS. Material. Weight. Fineness. Vain*. Bedidlik, or 100-piastre piece. Legal rate. " " U. S. mint Gold. 131.761 132.00 875 875 $4.9690 4.9740 it 658S1 875 2.4845 g() 4t U tl n 875 9940 5 " " " " Very rare.. Tallari or dollar, 20 piastres. Legal rate. Half-tallari, 10 Quarter" 5 " " " 1 piastre, " " Silver. U 64(54 429.591 214.796 107.398 20.883 19 200 875 833* 688* 833* 750 755 0.2475 0.9900 0.495 0.2475 0.0475 0400 1 Lo.^al rate H 10.441 750 0.0248 11 5.221 750 0124 Piastre (40 paras) " " 20-para piece " " Copper. 799.41)0 899.745 0.0495 0.0248 (C 199.872 0124 5 " H 99.936 0.0062 England. See GREAT BRITAIN. Fayal. See AZORES. Finland* See RUSSIA. Formosa. See CHINA. France (including CORSICA). Colonial Possessions : ALGERIA, SENEGAL, ISLE OP BOURBON, ISLAND OP ST. MARIE near MADA- GASCAR, PONDICHERRY and other towns in INDIA, several of the WEST INDIA ISLANDS, FRENCH GUIANA or CAYENNE, the ISLANDS of ST. PIERRE and MIQUELON near NEWFOUNDLAND, the MARQUESAS ISLANDS, and NEW CALEDONIA. The metric system of weights and measures originated in France, just before the beginning of the present century. All its units are derived from the unit of length. Length. The unit here is the metre, which was intended to represent the ten-millionth part of the distance from the equator to the pole, measured over the surface of the earth. It slightly varies from this, however, and can therefore be regarded only aa a unit of length represented by a bar of platinum in Paris, meas- FRANCE. 81 ared at the temperature of melting ice (0 Centigrade, or 32* Fahrenheit). 10,000 metres make 1 myriametre,= 6.214 miles. 1,000 " " 1 kilometre, = 0.6214 " 100 " " 1 hectometre, = 328.09 feet. 10 " " 1 decametre, = 32.809 " The metre = 39.37079 inches. 1 metre equals 10 decimetres. Decimetre = 3.937079 inches. 1 " " 100 centimetres. Centimetre = 0.3937 " 1 " " 1,000 millimetres. Millimetre = 0.03937 " Surface. Squares of the metre and its derivatives are used. Also the are, equal to a square of ten metres to the side. 100 ares, or 10,000 square metres, make 1 hectare = 2.4714 acres. The are of 100 square metres = 1076.43 square feet. The -j^nj of an are, 1 sq. metre, is the centare = 1550.06 square inches. Capacity. The litre is the unit for both wet and dry measure, and equals one cubic decimetre. 10,000 litres make lmyrialitre,= 2641.8 U. S. gallons. 1,000 " " 1 kilolitre, = 264.18 " " 100 " " 1 hectolitre, = 26.418 " " 10 " " 1 decalitre, = 2.6418 " " The litre = 1.05672 quarts, U. S. measure, 1 litre equals 10 decilitres. Decilitre =0.211344 pint, " " 1 " " 100 centilitres. Centilitre=0.02113 " " " 1 " " 1,000 millilitres. Millilitre = 0.002113 " " In dry measure the kilolitre = 28.3782 F. S. bushels ; the hec- tolitre = 2.83782 bushels ; the decalitre = 1.13513 pecks ; the litre = 0.227 half-peck, and so on. In measuring wood and coal the kilolitre is known as the stere, the myrialitre as the decastere, and the hectolifre as the decistere. Weight. The standard of weight is the gramme, which repre- sents the weight of one cubic centimetre of distilled water at its maximum density. FRANCE. AvoirdupoU 1,000,000 grammes make 1 millier or tonneau, = 2204.62 Ibs. 100,000 10,000 1,000 100 10 1 quintal, = 220.462 " 1 myriagramme, = 22.0462 " " 1 kilogramme, = 2.20462 " " 1 hectogramme, = 3.52739 oz. " 1 decagramme, = 0.35274 " The gramme 15.432349 grains. 1 gramme equals 10 decigrammes. Decigramme =1.543235 " 1 " " 100 centigrammes. Centigrammer=-0.15432 " 1 " " 1,000 milligrammes. Milligramme =0.01543 " The " Systeme Usuel," interdicted since 1840, was a popular compromise between the ancient system and the present one. In it, the metre was divided into two pieds or feet of twelve pouces each. Two metres made one toise, and twelve decimetres, one aune or ell. In weights, the livre or pound of 500 grammes was divided into two marcs, sixteen onces, one hundred and twenty- eight gros, and nine thousand two hundred and sixteen grains. The ancient Trench pied-de-roi was equal to 12.79 inches ; six of these pieds made one toise, and two thousand toises one lieue-de- poste, or league. The ancient pound (poids-de-marce) previous to 1795 was equal to 1.0793 Ibs. avoirdupois. Money. 10 centimes make 1 decime ; 10 decimes make 1 franc. The theoretical value of the franc in United States money is $0.1945. The value recognized in United States custom rates ia $0.193. COIN TABLE. COINS. Material. Weight. Fineness. Value. 100-franc 50 " 20 " 20 " 10 " 5 " Louis (Toi 5-franc ] 2-franc assay. . piece. Legal rate Gold. H H Silver. M 497.742 248.871 99.548 99.360 49.774 24.882 900 900 900 899 900 900 $19.2955 9.6478 8.8591 8.8470 1.9296 0.9648 4.6604 8.8258 0.9726 0.9600 0.3890 0.3560. It 11 It " By U. S. mint assay. . . " Legal rate 1785 1810 to 1840 >iece. Legal rate 385.750 384.000 154.320 153.600 900 900 835 835 " By U. 8. mint assay. . " Legal rate " 1867-'8. By U. 8. mint FRANKFORT- ON- TEE-MAINE. 33 COIN TABLE. Continued. . COINS. Material. Weight. Fineness. Value. Franc, weight 5 grammes. Legal rate . Piece of 50 centimes. " 4i " " 20 " " " " " 10 " " 5 u " " " " 2 " " U U J U tl U Silver. u H Bronze. u 77.160 88.580 15.432 154.320 77.160 80.864 15.432 885 885 835 $0.1945 0.0972 0.0389 0.0195 0.0097 0.0039 0.00195 Equivalent in value to the French franc are the francs of Switzerland and Belgium, the lira of Italy, the peseta of Spain, and the drachma of Greece. These should weigh 5 grammes apiece, the minor silver coinage being proportionately heavy. Several of the South American states now have silver pesos or dol- lars weighing 25 grammes, and equivalent to the 5-franc piece of France. Of the bronze coins, whose weights in the above table are given in grains, the weight of each one is represented in grammes by the number of centimes ; 10 centimes weighing 10 grammes, and so on downward. Frankfort-on-the-Main. See also GERMAN EMPIRE. Length. 12 linien make 1 zoll ; 12 zoll make 1 werkschuh or fuss. This fuss = 11.205 inches. The elle = 21.55 inches. Sur- veyors use a fuss (feldfuss) of 14.006 English inches. This is decimally divided into 10 zoll or 100 linien. 10 feldfuss make 1 ruthe. Surface. The morgen = 16,000 square feldfuss = 0.5004 acre. Liquid Mea&ure. 4 eichmass, or 4 neumass = 1 viertel ; 20 viertel = 1 ohm ; 6 ohm = 1 fuder. The viertel = 1.8945 gal- lons. The mass is divided into 4 schoppen. Dry Measure. 4 schrott = 1 masschen; 4 masschen = 1 ge- Bcheid ; 4 gescheid = 1 sechter ; 2 sechter = 1 metze ; 2 metzen s= 1 simmer ; 4 simmer = 1 malter or achtel. The malter = 3.25626 bushels. Weights. 2 heller = 1 pfennig ; 4 pfennige = 1 quentchen ; 4 quentchen = 1 loth ; 2 loth = 1 unze ; 8 unzen = 1 mark ; 2 34 FRENCH GUINA. mark = 1 pfund. There were in Frankfort two different pfunds, this one (= 1.114073 Ibs. avoirdupois) being about 8 per cent heavier than the other. Apothecary weight has been long uniform throughout all Germany. Money. 2 heller or pfennige = 1 kreuzer ; 4 kreuzer = 1 batzen ; 15 batzen = 1 gulden or florin ; ! florins or 90 kreuzer = 1 thaler. The .former gulden (1837) was worth $0.4126. In United States customs it rated at 40 cents. The value of the former gold ducat was $2.2876. French Guiana. See GUIANA. German Empire. See also BADEN, BAVARIA, BREMEN, BRUNS- WICK, COLOGNE, FRANKFORT, HAMBURG, HESSE, HANOVER, Lii- BECK, MECKLENBURG, PRUSSIA, SAXONY, and WURTEMBERG. For old or local systems of weights, measures, and coinage, see these various headings. Recently the metric system has been adopted as the lawful system of Germany, with merely some trifling modifications. Length. The meter or stab, zentimeter or new zoll, millimeter or s'trich. Surface. The ar and hektar. Capacity. The liter or kanne, the hektoliter or fass. 50 liters make 1 scheffel ; liter is called a schoppen. Weight. The kilogramme, of 2 pfund ; the dekagramme or neu-loth ; dezigramme, zentigramme, and milligramme. 50 kilo- grammes make 1 zentner ; 1,000 kilogrammes make 1 tonne. For the values of the above measures and weights, see the tables given under FRANCE. Under the Zollverein the weights were a zollpfund of 30 zoll- loth, = 500 grammes or - kilogramme ; the zollcentner of 100 zollpfund ; the zollstein of 2 zollcentner. The miinzpfund, used for gold and silver, and divided into 10,000 ass, also equaled 500 grammes. Throughout Germany the apothecaries have used the apothe- cary weights of Niirnberg, or Nuremberg. The pfund of this sys- GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. 35 tern is subdivided exactly as in English apothecaries' weight, and equals 0.788974 Ib. avoirdupois. Money. The present standard is the mark of 3 of a thaler. In United States customs it now rates -at $0.2382. The vereins- thaler equals -$ of a miinzpfund of fine silver, and in Northern Germany is divided into 30 silbergroschen. In Southern Germany the florin or gulden rates 52 to the miinzpfund of fine silver, and is divided into 60 kreuzer. COIN TABLE. (See also the various German States.) COINS. Material. Weight. Fineness. Value. Ten-thaler piece. By U. S. mint assay. . Vereinskrone. Should weigh just 10 Gold. 204.960 154320 896 900 $7.9000 6 6462 Vereinskrone. By U. 8. mint assay.. . . M 900 6 6420 Half-krone. Weight 5 grammes 77 i 60 900 8 8231 20 marks Le^al rate. . 122 880 900 4 7620 Double vereinsthaler, 3f gulden Veveinsthaler. Legal rate Silver. 900 900 1.4409 7204 " By IT. 8. mint assay Thaler, before 1857. Legal rate 285.600 900 0.7140 0.7220 " " " By U. 8. mint assay Gulden or florin of South Germany be- fore 1857 II 341.760 750 0.7120 4126 Gulden or florin of South Germany since 1857 (i 4117 Gulden or florin of South Germany since 1857. By U. S. mint assay. . . . nce. ;nny. n 3 841 875 5464 1 ort It 92129 878 21S6 12 skilling H 44.598 878 1093 Bronze 0864 2 " 0182 1 " u 0091 u at the temperature of 65f Fahr. 16 pfund made 1 liespfund, and 20 liespfund made 1 schiffpfund. 22 pfund made the stein, and 5 stein the centner, The more mod- ern scale is as follows : 10 zent = 1 quentchen ; 10 quentchen = 1 loth; 30 loth = 1 pfund ; 100 pfund = 1 centner ; 3 centner = 1 tonne. This pfund is. the Zollverein pfund of 500 grammes, or 1.1023 Ibs. For gold and silver, the mark of -J- the old pfund is divided into 16 loth or 288 gran. Apothecaries' weight as in Nuremberg. See GERMAN EMPIRE. Money. For recent system, see GERMAN EMPIRE. Formerly, 12 pfennige made 1 groschen, 30 silbergroschen made 1 thaler. Still earlier, the thaler was divided into 24 gute groschen. The thaler equals in weight ^ of a Cologne mark of fine silver. ROMAN STATES. 63 COIN TABLE. COINS. Material. Weight. Fineness. Value. Old ten-thaler piece. By IT. S. mint Gold 204 960 903 $7 9710 Old Friedrich d'or 4 0096 Old ducat it 2 0048 V ereinskrone. ea l Medio real. \ Th . contain 95 ? f fflS per ' 4tto - Media-decima. ) and zmc ' Sumatra. Length. 2 jankal = 1 etto ; 2 etto = 1 hailoh ; 4 hailoh = 1 tung. The tung = 4 yards, or 12 feet. , Capacity. The koolah = 0.1173 bushel. The pakha=: 0.14535 gallon. Weight. The catty = 2.118 Ibs. ; the maund, 77 Ibs. ; the pe- cul, 133^ Ibs. ; the candil, 423| Ibs. For camphor, the ootan=4 Ibs. Surinam. See GUIANA. Sweden. See also NORWAY. The systems here are decimal, but based upon former units. Length. 10 linien make 1 turn. 10 turn " 1 fot, = 11.679 inches, or 0.2966 metre. 10 fot " 1 stang. 10 stang " 1 ref. Surface. The square ref, of 10,000 square fot, = 0.2175 acre, or 8.8007 ares. . Capacity. In both wet and dry measure cubes of the measures of length are used ; as, the cubic turn, cubic fot, etc. In both wet and dry measures the canna is -fa of a cubic fot, and equals 72 SWITZERLAND. 2.617188 litres. In dry measure this = 0.7428 bushel. In liquid measure it = 0.6914 gallon. Weights. 100 korns make 1 ort. 100 orta " 1 skalpund, = 0.93379 lb., or 423.57 grammes. 100 skalpunds make 1 centner. 100 centners " 1 last. Money. 100 ore make 1 riksdaler-ryksmint, or crown. The former riksdaler silfver was 48 skillings of 12 ore each. The crown now rates in United States custom-houses at $0.268. The riksdaler, prior to 1873, rated at $1.06. COIN TABLE. COINS. Weight. Material. Fineness. Value. Gold. 214.909 976 $9.0420 Two " 107.455 976 45210 Ducat u 53 727 976 2 2005 " By U. S mint assay 58.280 975 2.2370 Carolin (10 francs). By U. S. mint assay. it Silver 49.920 523 531 900 750 1.9350 1 10 :> 3 J-Kiksdaler silfver 261.765 750 05512 u 130 887 750 02756 " By U. S. mint assay. r riksdaler silfver. 10-ore 131.040 52353 750 750 0.2730 1102 " " 6-ore 00551 2-ore. .. 00220 Ore u 00110 j-ore u 0.0055 Switzerland* Prior to 1856, almost every canton in Switzerland had its own system of weights and measures. The present uniform system is upon a semi-metric basis. Length. 10 traits make 1 ligne. 10 lignes ' 10 pouces " timetres. 2 pieds " 2 braches " 3 aunes " 1 pouce. 1 pied, = 11.8112 inches, or 30 cen- 1 brache. 1 aune. 1 toise. The perche = 10 pieds. TRINIDAD. 73 Road Measure. The lieue of 16,000 pieds = 2.983 miles, 01 4.8 kilometres. Surface. The arpent, 400 pieds square, = 3.558 acres, or 1.44 hectares. Liquid Measure. 25 pots make 1 setier. 4 setiers " 1 muid. The pot is subdivided into fa , and $. It represents -jV cubic pied, or the bulk of 3 livres weight of pure water at the tempera- ture of 4 Centigrade. The pot = 1.585 quarts, or 1.5 litres. Dry Measure. 10 emines make 1 quateron (usually divided into \ and T^). 10 quaterons make 1 sac. There is a double quateron also. The quateron, f of a cubic pied, is the volume of 30 livres of pure water at 4 Centigrade. It is equal to 0.425 Y bushel, or 15 litres. . Weight. The livre or pfund of the Zollverein is used, equal to 1.1023 Ibs., or 500 grammes. 100 livres make 1 quintal. 2 loth = 1 once ; 16 onces = 1 livre. The livre of pharmacy =375 grammes, and is divided into 12 onces, and these again are subdivided into drachmes, scrupules, and grains, as in England. Money. 100 rappen make 1 franc. This franc is tiie exact equivalent of the French franc. See FRANCE. By United States mint assay, the silver 2-franc piece of Swit. zerland weighs 153.6 grains, is 835 fine, and worth $0.356. Syria. See TURKEY. Tahiti. See SOCIETY ISLANDS. Tasmania. Like AUSTRALIA. Tobago. See WEST INDIES. ronquin. See ANNAM. Tortola. See WEST INDIES. Trinidad. See WEST INDIES. 7 74 TRIPOLI. Tripoli. BARCA and FEZZAN have the same weights and measures. Length. 04 " 296 ( )3 Sweden 11 679 " 29664 Foute Russia 12 0000 " 804761 Fuss... . Austria 12 4456 " 316111 Baden 11 611 " 30000 u Bavaria 11 490 " 29184 Bremen 1 1 886 " 28919 Werkschuh Frankfort 11 205 " 28460 Feldfuss 14 006 " 35575 Hamburg 11 27 u 28626 11 496 " 29199 Waldfuss.... . Hesse-Cassel . 11.324 " 2763 Hesse-Darmstadt 98427 " 25000 Lubeck 11 835 " 28790 11 880 " 80174 Kbeinfuss . Prussia . 12.357 " 81386 Saxony 11 148 " 2816 u Wurtemberg 11.260 " 0.28599 Gez. See guz. Gheriah Bengal 225 " 05715 Gon Annam 639.498 feet. 194.91606 Grao Portugal 0.1808 inch. 0.00458 Guerze, or gueza. . . 37.89 inches. 0.94969 Guirah Turkey 1.6062 " 0.04077 G*ujah. kee guz Guz, or goess Afghanistan 45 6700 " 1 16 Bengal 36 0000 " 91438 271800 " 69086 u Gujerat. . . 28.3384 " 0.59266 U Mocha 24.9998 " 0.68498 Mysore 38 2000 " 0.97026 Hailoh Sumatra ......... 30.0000 u 0.91438 Hand Great Britain . . . 4.0000 " 0.10160 Hasch Turkestan 28.0000 u 0.71119 Hasta See eovid Hatt Turkey 01025 u 00260 Haut, or hath. See also eovid Masulipatan Mysore 19.1250 " 19.1000 " 0.4857T - 0.4S518 France etc 326 0899 feet 100 00000 Inc... Japan 6.25 " 1.90624 88 MEASURES OF LENGTH. MEASURES. Locality. Feet or Inches. Metres. 0.02540 3.65753 0.22859 0.00635 0.91438 0.00635 0.36575 8.74897 0.96101 0.67131 1000.00000 1.89667 1.80000 1.75104 1.73514 2.50000 1.71599 0.73S24 0-63143 0.00300 0.00212 0.00197 0.00229 0.00212 0.00219 0.00218 0.00206 0.00297 0.20319 0.00065 73.07448 1.00000 0.00100 0.07620 0.05714 2.43583 0.00022 0.57098 O.OS153 0.02540 0.07620 0.10000 0.27660 0.21666 0.19550 0.22809 0.26162 0.26=367 0.21986 0.22349 0.24705 0.21199 0.29057 0.03125 5.07991 3.00000 0.00643 Inch Great Britain Guinea Sumatra Bengal* Ionian Isles 1.0000 inch. 12.0000 feet. 9.0000 inches. 0.250 " 36.0DOO " 0.250 " 14.400 " 12.300 feet. 87.836 inches. 26.43 " 8280.899 feet. 6.22278 " 5.9056 * 5.765 " 5.698 , 8.202 5.63 " 29.065 inches. 24.86 0.11811 " 0.08333 " 0.07728 tt 0.09016 u 0.08333 u 0.08648 * 0.0855 " 0.03118 " 0.1168 " 8.0000 " 0.02558 " 239.75 feet. 89.37079 inches 0.031)871 " 3.00000 " 2.2500 " 7.9917 feet. 0.00854 inches. 22.48 3.2125 " 1.0000 " 3.00000 " 8.937079 " 10.89 u 8.5302 7.697 " 8.9797 " 10.3000 u 10.381 " 8.656 8.796 " 9.5297 " 8.S46 u 11.49 " 1.2308 " 16.6667 feet. 9.8426 " 0.2558 inch. Jaktan Jaiikal Jaob Jarda Ionia Jow Jamba Singapore. . . . Kussaba Mocha Ken Siam Khalebi, for woolens. .. "Rruirnania . . . Kilometre France Klafter Austria M Baden . . U M Bremen u Hesse-Darmstadt. Wurtemberg Travancore II Kole Kot. Tor silk and linen . . . Ligne T^ Koumania Switzerland iine Great Britain Spain Portugal Liinea Linha lania Linie Austria .... Denmark u u Sweden. . .. clank Great Britain.... Annam Ly Mau Metre France Millimetre Moot Bengal Nail Great Britain Annam Ngu Nocktat Turkey Ohra Zanzibar Ouroub. Turkey. Palgat,' or paulgaut Birinah Great Britain Palm u Palma Eoumauia Argentine Confed. Balearic Isles Genoa Palmo. . Malta Naples Portugal da craveira Rome Sicily Tuscany. ...... Parmack Turkey . Perch. See rod Great Britain Switzerland Annftm Perche Phan. Cloth measure. . . , MEASURES OF LENGTH. 89 MEASURES. Locality. Feet or Inches. Metres. Pic, or pik Abyssinia 27.0000 inches. 26.630 24.92 25.09 26.45 22.83 9.0198 22.3705 25.5083 29.5281 29.0911 26.0000 26.42 24.83 11.3736 11.126 11.128 15.384 20.228 13.485 15.61 20.598 22.428 11.592 13.69 11.8112 89.37079 16.6667 f et. 1.082 inc es. 0.0075 1.18112 0.00720 0.9273 0.0064 7.7433 feet 8.8716 97.325 8.115 inc es. 16.6667 f et. 10.2988 9.7420 32.80899 12.44556 9.8427 9.575 15.181 14.980 11.6717 15.328 18.0865 12.857 14.865 9.3883 7.00000 " 11.9291 inches. 28.975 feet. 22.0000 inches. 0.68579 0.67639 0.63296 0.63721 0.67182 0.57987 0.2545 , 0.5682 0;0479 0.7500 0.7389 0.66039 0.67106 0.63067 0.28888 28259 0.28265 0.39075 0.51377 0.34251 0.39649 0.52305 0.56966 0.29443 0.34772 0.30000 1.00000 5.07991 0.02748 0.00019 0.03000 0.00018 0.02355 0.00017 2.36012 1.18006 29.66412 0.07912 5.07991 8.13885 2.96930 10.00000 8.79332 3.00000 2.91841 4.62704 4.56584 3.5574S 4.67184 8.98867 8.76635 4.63048 2.85999 2.13356 0.30299 7.30745 0.55878 u Algeria M Crete. U a Damascus " Nile . . . Egypt. . native " cloth. u " builder's " road u 11 u Morocco H Tripoli " for silk. Tunis Pie . . Argentine Confed. Canary Isles Pig Ancona " liprando Genoa u Milan u Modena u Parma A H Venice Pied Switzerland Piki. Greece . . Pole. See rod Great Britain.... Portugal Pollegada. Ponto Pouce Switzerland Punkt Austria Pulgada Punto Spain Eahf N. Madagascar... Sweden Eef. Bob, or robi Algeria Eod perch or pole Great Britain Denmark Eode Norway Eoede .... Netherlands Euthe Baden it Bavaria. . u Frankfort Hanover Hesse-Cassel Prussia Wiirtemberg Russia Sachine, sagene, or sashen. . Sals Sao Japan Saundaung, or royal cubit. . Birmah... MEASURES OF LENGTH. MEASURES. Locality. Feet or Inches. Metres. Scbuh Brunswick... 11.285 inches 28536 Sesma Spain 5564 14132 Sok Span Siam Bengal 18.918 9.0000 0.46051 22859 Great Britain 9 0000 22859 Stab S66 metre 89 37079 1 00000 Hungary 62.2278 1 5S055 Stadio 66 000 feet 20 11(544 Stadion. See kilometre. .. Greece .. .... 8280.899 1000 00000 Stang Sweden 9 7325 2 96641 Btreep Netherlands . . . 0.08937 inch 00100 Strkh Tac Germany 0.03937 2 558 0.00100 06407 Taim, or cubit. . Birrnah 18 0000 " 45719 Tchetverk Kussia 7.00000 " 17780 That 63 9498 feet 19 49161 Thuoc 25 58 inches 64972 Toise 11 8112 feet 8 60000 Torame ...... Denmark ... 1.02983 inches 02616 Trait. 0011811 " 00030 Annain 21 3166 feet 6 49720 Tsun China. 1 3125 inches 03334 Turn 9742 " 02474 Sweden 1.1679 " 0-2966 Tuns' . . . Unglee Sumatra Bengal 12.0000 feet. 0.7500 inches. 3.65753 01905 Vara Argentine Confed 84 1208 " 86664 Brazil 42.7961 " 1 .08700 Central America. 32.874 " 83493 Chili 33 867 " S4756 Cuba 83 375 " 84771 Curacoa . . 83 375 " 84771 Mexico 32 9 " 83564 Peru 83.367 u 84756 48 28 " 1 09928 Spain 83.884 " 84794 Venezuela 82 874 " 83498 Verschok 1 75000 " 04445 Vouah Siam.... 6.306 feet 1.92203 Waldfuss. See fuss Werkschuh. " Yan China. . . 109 875 " 83 3369 Yard Great Britain 3 0000 " 91438 Zentimeter. See centimetre Germany 0.3937 inch. 01000 Zo\\ Austria. 1.03718 " 02634 Baden 1.1811 " '03000 u Bavaria 9575 " 9 432 9488 " 02409 Brunswick 0.9362 " 0->S78 Frankfort 98375 " >:) 372 Hamburg 0.9391 " 02385 0958 " 02483 Hesse-Cassel. . .. Liibeck 0.9437 " 9446 " 0.02397 0.02399 1 0975 " 02615 Saxony 0.9290 " 0.02359 Wiirtemberg . . 1 1260 " 02859 ROAD MEASURES. 91 II. KOAD MEASURES. THE value of each unit is here given in English miles and French kilometres. MEASURES. Locality. Miles. Kilometres. Baryd Arabia... 12.0000 (about). 19.311780 Egypt 13.176 22.169923 Coss Bengal. 1.1364 1.828826 Seringapatam .... 3.6453 5.867241 Dam . . 0.55 (about). 0.885123 Estadio Portugal 0.1598 0.257168 Farsakh Arabia 8.0000 4.827945 Egypt 3.444 5.542481 Great Britain . . . 0.125 0.201164 Gavada Mysore 14.5833 23.469123 Grenztniil . 5.5352 8.91788 Mysore 2.7344 4.40051 League Great Britain 3.0000 4.827945 Legoa ... . .... Portugal 8.8358 6.172044 Louua Argentine Confed. 0.3-231 0.51997 ,F Spain 4.2151 6.783424 Li China 0.3457 0.55641 Lieue Switzerland 2.9826 4.80000 Ly Annam 0.275 442561 Meile Austria Baden 4.7142 5.5234- 7.5S6613 8.88888 Bavaria 4.6143 7.42586 Bremen 3.9006 6.27729 Brunswick 6.7136 10.804297 Hamburg 4.6807 7.532721 Hanover 4.6086 7.416626 Lithuania 4.9958 8.039816 Prussia . ... 46307 7.532721 Saxony 4.2227 6.79565 polizei 5.6303 9.060872 Mglio Lombardy 6214 1 00000 Naples 1.1469 1.845723 Sardinia 1.3835 2.226487 Tuscany 1 0277 1 65389 Miil 4.6812 7.53352 66422 10.68939 Miile Netherlands 6214 1 00000 Mile England 1.00000 1.609315 Ireland 1.27272 2.048219 M Scotland 1 1250 1.810479 Milha Portugal 1 2756 2 057348 Mili Egypt 1 148 1 847494 Milla Argentine Confed. 1.149 1.849108 Roenung Siam Birmah 2.3886 2 4-306 3.84401 3 911601 Verst or Werst Russia 0.6628 1.066654 Wegstunde Baden . . .. 27617 4 44141 SQUARE MEASURES. III. SQUARE MEASURES. THE value of each unit is here given in English square inches or square feet, and in square metres. MEASURES. Locality. Feet or Inches. Metres. Square archine Turkev 6.0549 feet 5625 aune Switzerland 15.5006 " 1 4400 1550 inch 0001 chile. Mathematical China 1.1959 feet. 1111 decametre 1076 43 " 100 0000 decimetre 15.5006 inches. 0100 fod Denmark 1 0605 foot 09834 foot Great Britain 1 0000 " 09288 fot Norway 0.9484 " 08817 9472 " OS799 foute Eussia 1.0000 " 09288 fuss Austria Baden 1.0757 0.9688 " 0.09998 09000 a Bavaria 9168 " 08517 9003 " 08362 " (werkschuh) . Frankfort 8719 " 08099 " (feldfuss) 1 3623 " 12656 Hamburg 0;8820 " OS194 u Hanover 9178 " 08524 u Hesse-Cassel. . . 0.8905 " 08273 tl Hesse-Darmstadt 6728 " 06250 li Liibeck 8922 " 08289 U Prussia 1.0605 " 09834 u Saxony 0.8638 " 08018 u 8805 " 08184 Bengal . 9.0000 " 88359 klafter 88 7233 feet. 3 59732 Baden 34.8763 " 3 24000 u Bavaria ... 83.2352 " 3 06614 u 81 6969 " 2 94466 metre France, etc ... . 10.7643 " 1 00000 millimetre 000155 inch. 000001 palmo Portugal 0.5203 foot. 0.06565 Spain 0.4836 " 04494 pie 08600 " 07989 pie Ancona 1.6435 " 0.15268 ' k liprando Genoa 2 8415 " 26396 " manual Milan!!"!!!!! !!" 1.2628 1.6922 " 0.11731 15721 H 2 9449 " 27358 u 8.4931 " 32456 u Rome . . . 9331 " 08669 u 1.3015 " 0.12091 pied . Switzerland . . 0.9688 " 09000 rod Great Britain 266 6222 " 25 80538 rode Denmark 106.0549 " 9.85238 Norway 94.9066 " 8 81674 ruthe Austria 154 8930 " 14 38912 Baden 96.8787 " 9.00000 U Bavaria 91.6806 " 8 51712 u 230.4628 21.40918 LAND MEASURES. 93 MEASURES. Locality. Feet or Inches. Metres. Square ruthe 224 4004 feet. 20 84689 Frankfort 186.2286 12.55545 " Hanover 'Hesse-Cassel 234.9476 171 2565 21.82572 15 90813 u Prussia 152.6954 14.18539 11 Saxony .... 2-20.9682 20 52543 u Wtirtemberg. 88 0465 8 17958 sachine Eussia 49.0000 4.55108 tchuh Brunswick 0.8766 0.08148 vara Argentine Confed. 8.0710 75106 Brazil 12 6594 1 17603 u Central America. 7.5049 0.71720 H Chili 77315 71834 m Cuba 7 7354 71861 u Mexico 7.5165 0.69814 u Peru 77315 71834 II Portugal 18 0080 1 20846 u Spain Venezuela . 7.7395 75049 0.71910 71720 Great Britain 9 0000 0" 83592 zoll Austria 1.0757 in h. 0.00069 Baden 1.3950 0.00090 H Bavaria 09168 00059 It Bremen 9003 0.00058 u Brunswick 0.8766 00056 u Frankfort 8719 00056 It 8820 00057 H H anover 0.9178 0.00059 " Hesse-Cassel Lubeck 0.8905 0.8922 0.00057 0.00057 u Prussia 1.0605 0.00068 " Saxony Wiirtemberg. .... 0.8638 1.2679 0.00055 0.00082 IV. LAND MEASURES. HERE the value of each measure is given in English acres and in French ares. MEASURES. Locality. Acres. Ares. Hesse-Cassel 0.5897 28 8610 Acre 1.0000 40 4629 H United States . . 1.0000 40.4629 Ar Are Germany France 0.0247 0.0247 1.0000 1 0000 Lower Canada . . . 0.8449 84.1912 *Tk Switzerland... 3.5568 144.0000 LAND MEASURES. MEASURES. Locality. Acres. Ares. Bifgah Bengal 0.3306 6074 O.T009 0.7528 2.4714 0.6S81 1.0047 1.3223 0.00025 0.00103 0.0165 2.6997 0.4315 1.5871 1.0382 0.15165 1.4287 0.9393 2.4714 2.4714 1.4223 13.3770 24.5772 28.3605 30.4605 100.0000 27.8425 40.6531 53.5042 0.0100 0.0417 0.6676 119.2498 17.4597 64.2188 42.0084 6.1342 57.8094 38.0068 100.0000 100.0000 57.5505 Bombay Biolca Modena Parana. Bunder Netherlands Yen. Lombardy.. Carnatic Madras France, etc Bengal Campo Cawney or casseney .... Centare Chattack or chittack Cottah Deciatina . .... Russia... Hanover Spain Eo-yot Fanegada Feddan Fierdinff . . Norway Geira Portugal Giornata Sardinia Hectare France J Hektar Germany J Austria Joch Juchart See morgen Kappland Norway SSL: : 0.03791 0.04326 0.0551 1.3201 0.8584 0.8897 0.8416 0.6343 0.6208 0.5004 2.3852 0.6472 0.6178 0.6309 1.5216 0.7789 1.3223 0.2175 0.2500 4.5653 1.3890 0.6066 0.1255 0.7111 0.00973 0.01045 1.3635 1.2132 0.0247 0.0247 0.2224 0.1544 0.3-236 79.3550 1.5339 1.7504 2.2295 53.4152 34.7334 36.0000 34.0536 25.0656 25.1194 20.2476 96.5123 26.1876 24.9980 25.5281 61.5686 31.5168 53.5042 8.8007 10.1157 184.7459 56.2031 24.5448 5.0781 28.7732 0.3937 0.4228 55.1713 49.0697 1.0000 1.0000 9.0000 6.2474 13.0938 3210.941 Kerat . Mau... Annam Naples. Mo"""io Baden juchart, or tagewerk Bavaria Bremen. Brunswick. . . Frankfort of Calenberg Hanover Hesse-Darmstadt. Prussia Saxony Wurtemberg Orloner . . Bef Sweden Hood Great Britain.... Rome .. Bubbio Baccato Tuscany Staro Parma gtrich Tavola Modena Parma . . " or tunna Norway Tornatura Ven. Lombardy.. Netherlands Baden Vierkante roede Viertel Hesse-Darmstadt. Vorling Yugada Spain CUBIC MEASURES. 95 V. CUBIC MEASURES. THE following table is inserted merely to facilitate many calcu- lations, and does not pretend. to be even approximately complete. The value of each cube is given in English cubic feet or cubic inches, and in either cubic metres (m.), cubic decimetres (dm.), or cubic centimetres (cm.). MEASURES. Locality. Feet or Inches. Metric. Ou bic archine Turkey 14.8996 feet. 0.0610 inches. 1.3084 feet. 62.449 inches. 1.0922 foot. 1.0000 0.9246 " 0.9219 " 1.0000 " 1.1156 " 0.9585 " 0.87T8 " 0.8542 " 0.8141 .' 1.5899 " 0.8284 " 0.8792 " 0.8403 " 0.5518 " 0.8420 1.0919 " 0.801 T " 0.8261 " 1.0000 inch. 35.815 feet. 648.56 inches. 581.35 0.7974 feet. 2.1070 " 4.7838 " 1.4191 " 2.1970 " 5.0537 " 6.5287 " 0.9015 " 1.4848 " 0.9535 " 0.8185 " 27.0000 " 1.1421 inches. 1.6476 0.8780 " 0.8541 0.8206 0.8140 0.421875i 1.00000 en 13.70159 dn 1.000 30.842 28.307 26.179 26.103 28.307 31.558 27.000 24.856 24.185 23.052 45.020 23.458 24.895 23.796 15.625 23.863 30.911 22.704 23.391 16.387 1.000 10.628 d 9.527 22.581 69.662 135.620 40.181 62.835 143.090 184.860 25.524 42.043 27.000 23.237 0.764 18.275 em 27.000 14.385 18.980 18.44T 13.846 ' centimetre France, etc China cbik (mathematical)., decimetre France etc fod foot . Great Britain Norway fot Sweden foute . Kussia fuss Baden H M H Frankfort 11 li M Hanover Hesse-Cassel Hesse-Darmstadt . Liibeck 11 H tl H Prussia H Saxony li Wiirtemberg Great Britain France etc inch . metre palmo Portueral Spain pie... pie :.... Ancona " liprando Genoa " manual Milan Modena N Parma M Eome Venice pied Switzerland Brunswick schuh yard. . . Great Britain Austria Baden zoll .... H Bavaria H H Brunswick Frankfort... H 96 LIQUID MEASURES. MEASURES. Locality. Feet or In ches. Metric. Cubic zoll Hamburg . ... 0.8282 inch. 13 598 cm. Hanover . 08792 14 402 " U U Hesse-Cassel 0.8404 u 13 772 " it 11 Lttbeck 0.8428 u 13 807 " u u Prussia . 1 0919 It 17 882 u 41 U 0.8017 II 13.128 " U U Wurtemberg. 1.4276 u 28944 M VI. LIQUID MEASURES. IN this table the value of every measure is given in United States or Winchester quarts or gallons, in English imperial quarts or gallons, and in litres. The litre is a legal standard in the Ar- gentine Confederation, Belgium, Brazil, Chili, Colombia, Ecuador, Egypt, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Mexico, Netherlands, Spain, and the United States. After January 1, 1876, it will be the standard in Austria. MEASURES. Locality. U. S. Measure. English Measure. Litres. Ahm Hamburg 38.1472 galls. 81. 7785 galls. 144.3988 Hanover 414395 34.5156 156 8(j09 u Liibeck 39.5738 32.1288 149.7986 Almud ... Turkey 1.38086 1.1517 6.2269 Lisbon. 4.3695 8.6394 16 5899 6 62558 65186 25 0798 Alquiere Lisbon 2.18475 1.8197 8 2699 Oporto. 8.31279 27593 12 5399 01898 1589 7184 Inker Bremen 9.5741 7.9744 36.2408 Denmark. 9.9528 8.2898 37.6743 K Hamburg 9.5368 7.9434 86.0996 it Hanover 10.3599 8.6289 89.2158 u Liibeck 98935 8.2405 37 4498 II Prussia 9.0732 7.5572 84.344T (I Saxony 17.1768 143064 65 0174 u United States 10.0000 8.3208 37.8523 Arroba Cuba 4.100 8.4141 15.5197 " for wine... " for oil Spain 4.26304 331S53 8.5507 27640 16.1J369 12 5615 u Venezuela 4.263 8.5507 16.1369 Azumbre Baril Spain Argentine Confed. 0.5329 20.0768 0.4439 16.7228 2.0172 75.9966 Mexico 20.0000 ' 16.6416 75.7046 Barile. . . Ionian Islands. . 19.2096 16.0000 72.7146 LIQUID MEASURES. 97 Barile. For wine. . Locality. " For wine.. Barique | V Barrel. Beer Boccale For wine.. Bota. ySeepipa... Botta. For wine.. For wine. . . " " beer Caffiso. " oil Canada Cantara " /Seearroba Cantaro. ' alquiere ! Caralfa Carro Malta Modena Naples Rome Sardinia Tuscany Martinique Great Britain United States Modena Rome Sardinia Tuscany Portugal Naples Rome Great Britain Malta '.'.'.''. Portugal Central America. Spain Portugal Naples United Ststes Measure. 10.997 galls. 11.0056 11.574 15.412 17034 12.0444 50.0000 43.2126 31.5000 0.27514 0.4816 0.2067 0.3011 113.631 123.878 246.592 129.6643 129.6643 5.499 0.3(5412 4.2631 9.1505galh, 9.1667 " 9.6402 " 12.8309 " 14.2295 " 10.0319 " 41.6040 " 36.0000 " 26.2363 " 0.229*1 " 0.4011 u 0.1721 " 0.2503 4i 94.6451 " 107.3446 " 205.3906 " 103.0000 " 103.0000 " ' 4.5302 " 0.3033 " 8.5508 " 0.77156 qts. 257.757 galls. Sardinia 148.322 " Cass '. Cyprus 1.25 " Centilitre France, etc 0.1057 qts. Cohi Siam 13.385 gall?. Copa Spain 0.1332 qts. Coppo Yen. Lombardy.. 1.0567 k ' Corba Roman States 20.761 7 galls. Cuartilla I Central America. . 1.0658 " Cuartillo... Spain 0.5329 qts. Cuba or kuba Abyssinia 0.2634 galls. Cuddy. See gudda. Mocha 1.9990 " Decalitre France, etc 2.6418 " Decilitre " " 0.1057 qts. Dicotoli Ionian Islands . . . 0.6003 " Dreiling Austria 353.36 galls. Eimer " 14.9525 " " For wine... Bavaria 16.9444 " " Hamburg 7.6295 " Hanover 16.5758 " ' Lubeck 7.9147 " I Prague 16.1387 " | Prussia 13.1464 " | Saxony 20.0384 " Wiirtemberg 77.6494 " Fass. Beer Brunswick 106.7045 " 1 German Empire..! 26.418 " Hanover 107.7430 " Hungary 52.5450 " " i Prague 64.5598 " " Saxony 100.1737 " Perren Muscat 7.9254 " Fiasco... Modena 2.2011 qts. 9 English Measure. 0.6427 qts. 2 14.6901 galls. 123.9568 " 1.4114 " 0.0880 qts. 11. 1436 galls. 0.1109 qts. 0.8s02 " 17.2921 galls. 0.8377 " 0.4439 qts. 0.2236 galls. 1.665 " 2.2004 " 0.8802 qts. 0.5000 " 293.9 galls. 12.4588 " 14.1132 " 6.3547 " 138062 " 6.5923 " 13.4416 " 15.1144 * 16.6908 * 64.6755 " 88.8756 " 22.004 " 89.7409 " 4:3.7656 " 53.7729 " 88.4364 " 6.6012 " 1.8333 qta. 41.6259 41.6594 43.8110 58.3390 64.6630 45.5916 189.2615 163.57-25 119.2369 1.0415 1.8226 0.7824 1.1397 430.1272 487.84i6 933.4242 490.8199 490.8199 20.8153 1.4783 16.1371 0.73059 975.687 563.3356 4.7316 0.0100 50.6662 0.1274 0.1000 78.5392 4.0344 0.5053 1.0159 7.5668 10.0000 0.1000 0.5634 1358.4 56.599T 64.1396 28.8799 62.7443 29.9595 61.0398 68.6895 75.8513 298.93 403.91 100.00 407.84 198.9 244.38 379.187 30.0000 2.0842 98 LIQUID MEASURES. MEASURES. Locality. United States Measure. English Measure. Litres Fiasco 2.4089 qts. 10.8054 galls. 0.0039 qts. 0.03125 " 0.4816 " 2.5096 " 2.500 " 478.47;) galls. 396.27 " 229.779 " 237.121 " 227.346 " 228.884 " 248.633 " 251.524 " 253.613 " 237.448 " 217.788 " 240.461 " 465.904 " 1.2251 " 1.0000 " 1.2006 " 0.1501 qts. 0.125 " 0.1585 " 2.21 91 galls. 1.9990 " 17.6117 " 26.418 " 64.8324 " 64 S324 " 6=3.0000 " 4.4382 " 1.7752 qts. 44.3822 galb. 0.0864 qts. 1.0567 " 2.0416 " 2.7642 " 2.7656 " 0.7477 " 1.0567 " 1.9074 2.0720 " 1.5760 " 1.9787 " 1.2723 " 4.4027 galls. 21.6408 " 264.18 " 0.0550 qts. . 1.0736 " 160. 0000 galls. 1.0567 qts. 0.1057 * 1.4954 " 2.0064 qts 9.0000 sails 0.1'0325 qts 0.02603 " 0.4011 " 2.0903 " 2.0823 " 398.533 galls. 330 06 " 191.387 " 197.501 " 189.360 " 190.641 " 207.095 " 20'J.499 " 211.238 " l'J7.7f,8 " 181.399 " 200.284 " 209.499 " 1.0204 " 0.8329 " 1.0000 " 0.125 qts. 0.1041 " 0.1320 ' 1.8483galh. 1.665 " 14.6685 " 22.004 " 54.0000 " 54.0000 " 52.4737 " 3.6967 " 1.4786 qts. 36.9667 galls. 0.0720 qts. 0.8802 u 1.7005 " 2.3023 " 2.3085 " 0.6228 " 0.8802 " 1.5387 " 1.7258 " 1.3127 " 1.6489 " 1.0597 " 3.6671 galls. 18.0000 " 220.04 " 0.0458 qts. 0.8942 " 133.267 galls. 0.8302 qts. 0.0880 " 1.2455 " 2.2809 40.0166 0.0037 0.0296 0.4560 2.3749 2.3672 1811.19 1500.00 869.78 897.57 8C0.06 86(3.39 941.17 952.09 960.00 893.80 824.39 910.22 1763.58 4.6400 3.7853 4.5435 0.1421 0.11S4 0.1500 8.4000 7.5663 66.6655 100 000 245.410 245.410 238.474 16.8000 1.6-00 168.4000 O.OS1S 1.0000 1.9832 2.6174 2.6172 0.7079 1.0000 1.8061 1.9620 1.4914 1.8737 1.2047 16.6655 81.8033 1000.0000 0.0521 1.0166 605.65 1.0000 0.1000 1.4149 vFirkin Great Britain United States.... Eoman States Argentine Confed. Fluid-drachm . " ounce Foglietta Frasco Fuder. . . . Austria Bremen Brunswick F"ankfort Hamburg Hanover Hesse -Cassel Hesse-Darmstadt. Lubeck Prussia Wurtemberg United States.... U U Great Britain .'.'.'.' United States.!!. Baden Japan Mocha V&allon. Beer meas. Winchester. Imperial . . . Gill.. " Winchester. . . Glas. Gon^hau Gudda or cuddy. . . Guirbeh Egypt France, etc Great Britain United States!!!! Japan Hectolitre VHogshead. Beer. . Wine.. Ischiomasse Itchigau Ittornass6. u Jungfru. .... Norway Netherlands Denmark Kan Kande Kanna. Norway. Sweden Kanne Austria German Empire. . Hamburg Hanover Java u i; " . i Lubeck Khoulle Algeria Great Britain France, etc China kilderkin Kilolitre Kop K uba or cuba Legger. For arrack Litre Abyssinia Java Maatje... Ma/ 8 . . Netherlands Austria LIQUID MEASURES. 99 MEASURES. Locality. United States Measure. Enslis'i Measure. Litres. Mass Baden 1 585 qts 1.320 qts 1.5000 " For beer 1 1296 " " 9408 " 1.0696 " Eichmass.... Frankfort .... 1 S945 " 1.5779 " 1.7989 " Neuinass " For wine Hesse-CasseY. '. ! ! ! Hesse-Darmstadt. 1.6844 " 2.0969 " 2 1184 " 1.4029 " 1.7465 " 1.7604 " 1.5949 1.9855 20000 u Wi'irtemberg 1 9412 " 1.6168 " 1.&388 Mataro For oil Tripoli 6 1 630 galh 5 1333 galls 23 3288 Metter or raitre. . . Tunis 26417 "' 2.2003 " 9.9996 Mezzaruola Sardinia 34 1680 " 28.4591 " 129.8366 Mezzetta Millilitre Tuscany France, etc 0.60212 qts. 00106 " 05015 qti. 0.00088 " 0.5701 0.0010 Mina Ven Lombardy 2 641 8 galls 2 2004 galls. 10.0000 Mino-el Bremen 9 131 qts. 1776 qts 0.2018 Mistate Misurella. For oil Crete Naples 2.948 galls. 1114 qts 2.4505 galls. 0928 qts 11.1590 0.1055 Muid Nossel Switzerland Brunswick 89.627 galls. 0.4940 qts 33.006 galls. 0.4115 qts. 150.0000 0.4678 Hanover 5180 " 4314 " 0.4905 H Noosfiah or nusflah Saxony Mocha O.C862 " 9997 " 0.5549 " 0.8351 " 0.6024 0.9466 Oessel Hamburg 4768 " 3971 " 0.4515 Prussia 6049 " 5088 " 0.5728 Ohm. (Compare afim.) Baden 89 627 galls 33006 galls 150.0000 Bremen Brunswick 382965 " 39.5202 " 81.8969 " 32.917 * 144.9637 149.5958 For beer'..!."! Frankfort Hesse-Cassel Hesse-Darmstadt 87.8910 " 46.1333 " 42 2688 " 31.560 " 38.425 " 35 2064 " 143.4287 174.6283 1600000 Prussia 36 2928 " 30.229 " 187.3790 Saxony 40 0806 " 83 383 " 151.717 Oka Oke Koumania Crete 1.4974 qts. 1 3882 u 1.2472 qts. 1.1521 " 1.4179 1.3097 Ort Liibeck .. 2475 " 2061 " 0.2334 Oxhoft Bremen 57 4448 galls 47 8467 galls 227 446 M Brunswick 59 2802 " ' 49.3755 " 224.394 II Hamburg 572210 " 47 6603 " 216.598 i; 62 1593 " 51 7735 " 235 291 M Liibeck 59 3608 " 49 4426 " 224 698 tl Saxony. . . 60 1158 " 50 0710 " 227.554 Pakha Sumatra 5814 qts 04843 qt& 05600 Panilla Spain 0.1327 " 0.1105 " 0.1256 Parrah Ceylon 6 75 galls 5.6222 gails 25.5507 Pfiff Austria . . 1869 qts 1557 qt 01770 V Pint. Imperial u Winchester.. Pinta Great Britain United States Sardinia. Turin.. 0.6003 4 ' 0.5000 " 1 C536 " 0.5000 " 0.4164 " 1 3773 " 0.5679 0.4734 1 5658 Ven Lombardy 1 0567 " 8802 " 1 0000 vPipa. For wine . . . Madeira 110.0000 galls. 91.621 galls 416883 Portugal. .... 56.8035 " 47 3126 " 215.018 .Pipe Great Britain 129 665 " 108 0000 " 490 82 United States 126 0000 " 104 9475 " 47695 Planke Liibeck 0.4950 qts 0.4123 qts 04687 Poegel Denmark 0.2552 " 2126 " 02416 Pot 1 0208 " 8502 " 9666 u Switzerland... 1.585 " 1.320 * 1.5000 100 LIQUID MEASURES. MEASURES. Locality. United States Measure. English Measure. Litres. vTuncheon Great Britain.... 29.665 galls. 08.0000 galls 490.82 u United States 84 0000 " 6& 97 " 317 965 i/^uart. Beer meas . " Imperial. . . / Winchester Quarter . Great Britain United States 1.2251 qts. 1.2006 " 1.0000 " 8455 " 1.0204 qts. 1.0000 " 0.8329 " 2878 " 1.1600 1.1358 0.9469 3271 Quarterone Roman States 5.1 904 galls. 4 3232 gall? Quartier .... Bremen 8524 qt 7099 qt 8071 8 4> 29 " 0855 H llambur" 0.9536 " 7942 " 09029 " Hanover Lubeck 1:0360 " 9900 " 0.8629 " 0.8246 " O.DSH) 0.9374 u Prussia . 1.209S " 51904 " 1.0077 " 4323 " 1.1455 04914 Quartilho Portugal 3641 " 3032 " 03448 Quartillo Quartino. Chili Spain 1.1624 " 0.5329 " 4134 " O.H6S2 " 0.4438 " 3443 " 1.1007 0.4946 03914 Quarto. For oil... Naples 0.6541 " 0.5448 " 0.6194 Quartuccio. Wine. Roman States.... Tuscany 0.1204 " 0.3011 " 0.1003 " 0.2508 " 0.1140 0.2851 Rubbio Piedmont 2 4804 galls 2 0659 galls 9.38S8 Runlet United States IS 0000 " 14 9925 " 6S1341 Salma Schoppen Sicily Frankfort 22.0000 " 4736 qt 18.3242 " 3945 qt 83.27(i6 04484 German Empire . . 0.5284 " 0.4401 " 0.5000 H Hesse-Cassel . . . 0.524-3 " 0.4366 " 0.4964 H Hesse-Darmstadt. 0.5284 " 0.4401 " 0.5000 H Wiirtemberg .... 0.4S53 " 0.4042 " 0.451)5 Seer Ceylon 1 2000 " 9995 " 1.1363 Seidel Austria 0.3738 " 0.3113 " 0.3.->39 Prague 0.5044 " 0.4201 " 0.4776 Setier Switzerland 9.9067 galls 8.2515 galls. 87.5000 Shing-tsong China 0.55 qt. 0.4581 qt. 0.5407 Sidio 9324 " 7766 " 0.8S29 Soma || For oil Roman States Tuscany Ven. Lombardy.. 43.386 galls 19.271 " 26.418 " 36.137 galls 16.0511 " 22.004 " 164.225 72.9464 100.0000 Stajo. For oil . Naples 2.6163 " 2.1791 " 9.9035 Stop Stiibchen Norway Bremen 1.3821 qts. 3.4096 " 1.1512 qts. 2.8399 " 1.3057 3.2285 Brunswick Hamburg 8.9520 " 3.8147 " 8.2917 " 3.1773 " 3.7421 3.6121 u Hanover. 4.1439 " 3 4515 " 8.9328 u Lubeck 3 9574 " 3 2962 " 3.7473 Stutz Baden . 3.9627 galls 3.8006 galls 15.0000 Tau 1 125 " 987 " 4.2585 VTierce Great Britain 43.2216 " 36.0000 " 163.606 Tonelada United States Portugal. .... 42.0000 " 113.607 " 3.4982 " 94.6252 " 158.98 429.998 Tonde. Of beer Denmark 34 7072 " 28.9082 " 131.377 " "tar 30.624 " 25.5072 " 115.1)209 Tonne . . Brunswick 26.676 " 22.2189 " 100.9766 it 45 7771 " 38.1285 * 173.279 H Hanover .... 41.2646 " 34.3708 " 156.1609 /Tun Great Britain 259 33 " 216.0000 " 981.641 United States... 252.0000 " 209.895 ( 953.805 DRY MEASURES. 101 MEASURES. Locality. United States* Measure. English Measure. Litres. 33 1709 galls 27 6286 galls 125 562 Vakia . Mocha 00624 qt. 0.05197 qt. 0.0591 Vat Netherlands 26418 galls 22 004 galls 100 0000 Vedro 3 -'49 " 2 7061 12 2990 Viadra .. Roumania 3.7434 3.1179 14.1699 Viertel Austria . . 37381 3.1135 14.1498 1 9148 1 5949 72102 H Frankfort. .*? 1.8945 1.5771 7.1712 H Hamburg 19074 1.5887 7.2208 Hanover Hesse'Cassel 2.0719 2.0969 1.7257 1.7465 7.8428 7.9374 Hesse-Darmstadt 21134 1.7603 8.0000 it Liibeck 19787 1 6431 74899 Vingerhred Netherlands 0.0106 qt. 0.0088 qt. 0.0100 YII. DRY MEASURES. THE value of every unit is here given in British or imperial bushels or pecks, United States or " Winchester " bushels or pecks, and litres. For the list of countries in which the litre is recognized, see the note at the head of the Liquid-Measure table : MEASURES. Locality. United States Measure. English Measure. Litres. Achtel 8726 peck 8459 peck 76868 " See massel . . " " malter. Frankfort 3143 peck 3047 peck 3 6496 Adoulie Bombay 7813 " 0.7574 " 6.8825 Almude ... Spain 5330 " 0.5167 " 4.6592 Brazil 1 13512 bu 1 1004 bush 899965 Portugal .... 1.5347 peck. 1.4878 peck. 13.5192 Amomam Ceylon 5 7757 bush. 5.5993 bush. 20.9924 Ardeb 2 603 " 2 5235 " 91.7196 45^6 peck 4446 peck 40398 H Massowah 13333 " 1.2926 " 11.7458 Artaba .. Persia 1 8514 bush. 1.7948 bush. 05.2361 Bambou. Bantam 3689 peck 3576 peck. 32396 2272 " 2203 " 20014 Becher Austria OM4 " 0.0527 " 0.4792 H " or locher v Bushel. Imperial... " Winchester Caffisoor cafiz Cahiz. . '.".'. Baden Brunswick Great Britain United States Algeria Tunis Spain 0.0170 " 0.2167 " 1.0315 bush. 1.0000 " 9.0072 " 14.0753 " 19 1897 " 0.0164 " 0.2101 " 1.0000 bush. 0.9694 u 8.7321 " 13.6454 " 18.6037 " 0.1500 1.9089 86.3460 35.2361 817.88 495.96 676.20 Candaca Mysore... 11.13 " 10 79 " 392.18 102 D.RY MEASURES. MEASURES. Locality. United States Measure. English Measure. Litre*. Candy .... 25.00 bush. 2.9622 peck. 4.32811 bu. 5&885S w - 0.00135 pk. 00015 u 0.14812 " 1.0315 bush. 1.00075 P k. 0.03125 " 13.3848 bush. 0.9257 peck. 4.1260 bush. 2.232 " 1.5745 peck. 1.1352 " 0.0135 " 7.305 bush. 0.1316 peck. 1.1790 " 12. 1164 bush. 0.0078 peck. 0.1703 * 3.8936 bush. 1.5745 " 2.575 " 3.1237 " 1.55 " 1.599 " 7.776 " 1.5347 " 1.9374 " 1.4941 " 1.0097 peck 2.0786 " 0.9869 " 4.0030 bush 2.9513 peck 130.535 bush 103.967 " 0.3923 peck 1.4274 " 0.9547 " 0.2181 " 0.2467 " 2.8o8 bush 3.4069 peck 2.9881 " 3.5371 " 4.5615 " 1.9095 " 0.1909 " 4.7738 bush 0.2169 peck 24.2350 bush. 2.8716 peck. 4.1911 bush. 54.6057 " 0.0011 peck. 0.0014 " 0.1436 " 1.0000 bush. 0.9702 peck. 0.0307 " 12.9760 bush. 0.8974 pck. 4.0000 bush. 2.1541 " 15264 peck. 1.1005 " 0.0110 " 7.0S19bush. 0.1276 peck. 1.1480 " 11.7464 bush. O.OOTSpeck. 0.1651 " 8.7747 bush. 1.5264 " 2.4963 " 8.0288 " 1.5026 1.5502 " 7.53S5 M 1.4878 bush. 1.8782 " 1.4484 " 0.9778 peck. 2.0151 " 0.9567 " 8.8807 bush. 2.8612 peck. 135.274 bush. 100.792 " 0.3803 peck. 1.3838 " 0.9256 " 0.2114 " 0.2392 " 2.7512 bush 3.3610 peck 2.S963 " 3.4291 " 4.4222 " 1.8512 " 0.1851 " 4.6280 bush 0.2103 peck 41.144 bush 0.2878 peck 2.8804 " 880.9 26.1292 152.329 1984.7 0.0100 0132 1.3048 36.3460 8.8156 0.2753 471.162 8.1545 145. 3S4 78.6347 13.8698 10.0000 0.1000 257.4 1.1593 10.^858 426.98 0.0687 1.5000 137.19 55.479 90.783 110.067 54.C.159 56.3425 274.0 54.0768 62.26(58 52.6462 8.8944 18.3104 8.6936 141.05 25.998 4916.66 3663.39 3.4558 12.5739 8.4000 1.9212 2.1732 100.0000 30.5399 26.3222 31.15S3 40.1822 16.8000 1.6SOO 168.00 1.9104 1495.42 2.6154 26.1719 Capicha Carga Persia Crete Naples...-.;. ..., France, etc Centilitre Chattack Chenica Persia Chilo Ionian Isles Chinik Turkey Ceylon Cohi Siam Collothun....*. v Coomb Persia Great Britain Bologna Cuartilla Central America. . France, etc Decalitre Decilitre Djezla Bavaria Hanover Lubeck DritteL Dr" nit Ecklein Einine .... Wiirtemberg Switzerland Argentine Confed. Central America. . Chili Cuba Mexico Fanera Spain Uruguay Lisbon Oporto Hamburg Fasa Lubeck Fjerding Fjerdingk'ar Fortin Turkey Madras Pondicherry JJussia Gametz . Gombetta Gonghau Grosses massel Halvotting Genoa Austria.. Denmark France, etc Brunswick Hamburg Hanover Hectolitre .... Himt tt it Hesse-Cassel Japan Ischiomasse Ittomasse Kaddah u Egypt Kahoou 42.44 bush 0.2969 peck 2.9712 " Kanna . . . Norway u Sweden. . . DRY MEASURES. 103 MEASURES. Locality. United States Measure. English Measure. Litres. Kel6 0.8685 peck 0.8419 peck. 7 6506 Kella. See mecmeda Mocha Kerat Kharroubah Egypt 0.0068 " 0.018(5 " 0.0066 " 0.0132 " 0.05'.)9 1198 Khoonke Bengal O.OC73 " 0.0071 " 0643 Kilo Ron mania . 12345 bush 11 968 bush 434 98 Turkey 1 00075 " 9702 " 35 2624 Kilolitre, or stere.. Kleines massel France, etc Austria. . . ... 28.33 " 1090 peck 27.5121 " 01 057 peck 1000.00 9602 Koolah Kop Sumatra China 0.4692 " O.OOS7 " 0.4548 " 0.0084 " 4.1332 O.OT66 Netherlands... . 1135 " 0.1105 " 1 00 Koyang Bantam Batavia 147.506 bush. 62.432 " 14=3.059 bush. 60.5->5 " 5199.64 2199 85 u The Moluccas . . . 55 3371 " 53647 " 1949 86 Kumpf Hesse-Darinstadt 9082 peck 0.8S04 peck 8 00 Last... Bremen 84.0779 bush. 81.5103 bush. 2962.57 i/ ........ .... Great Britain . . . 82 5200 " 80.0000 " 2907 . 68 Hamburg 89 6433 " 86 9057 " 315S 63 it 84 881)4 " 8'' 2970 " 2991 17 K Liibeck 9(i 9312 u 93 9710 " 34i5 46 Netherlands 85 14 " 82 54 " 3000 00 Lastre Prussia 112.2917 u 58 4040 u 108.S624 " 56 6 -) 04 " 8956.72 2057 92 Litre France, etc 01 135 peck Oil 05 peck 1.0000 Maatje Netherlands 00113 " 00110 u 1000 0459 " 00445 w 4043 M;'isohen .. . .. Frankfort 0509 " 0.0493 " 0.4484 Hesse-Cassel 2876 u 2788 " 2 53:35 u Hesse-Darmstadt 0567 " 00550 " 5000 u 0975 " 0.0945 u 8589 u Saxony .... 1 5 ^ " 1786 " 1 62:35 Masslein Baden . . 1703 " 1651 " 1 5000 2632 " 2551 M 2 3185 U Wurtemberg . 1572 " 0.1524 " 1 8848 Malouah Egypt. . 4337 " 4204 " 3.8205 Maker Baden 4.2570 bush 4.1208 bush. 150.0000 Frankfort 3 25026 " 3.1568 " 114.7878 K Hanover 530559 " 5 1434 " 186.948 u Hesse-Darmstadt 8 63 -? 6 " 8 5216 " 128 000 H Prussia 18.7164 " 18.1448 " 659.492 Maquia Saxony Portugal 35.3S20 u 0959 peck 84.3050 " 0929 peck 1246.7 844S Marcal 1 35936 " 1 8178 " 11 9749 Masulipatan 1.612 " 1.5628 M 14.2001 Massel or achtel . . . Bavaria 5264 " 05108 " 4 6371 Prague . . . 6640 u 6437 " 5 8492 Medinno Medio Cyprus Spain 2.1312 bush. 0.2664 peck 2.0661 bush. 0.2534 peck. 7&.0951 2.346? Mctze Austria 1 7451 bush 1 691 8 bush 61 4904 Bavaria 4 2067 peck 4 0782 peck 37 0568 i Frankfort 1.6281 " 1.5784 " 14 3419 M Hesse-Cassel .... 1.1500 " 1 1149 " 10 1304 I Hungary 1 7735 bush 1 7 193 bush 62 4912 U Prussia 3899 peck 3779 peck 8 4346 It Saxony.... 0.7371 " 07146 " 6 4931 Mina Parma. . . 0.6670 bush. 0.6466 bush. 23.5025 104 DRY MEASURES. MEASURES. Locality. United States Measure. English Measure. Litres. Mina, Sardinia Turin 8.4257 bush. 6527 u 3.3211 bush. 323 " 120.708 22 99 W 6 it 1 65' (0 peck 1 6083 peck 14 6141 u Yen. Lombardy 1 1852 " l'l<)05 " * 10 0000 Minot. Old measure Lower Canada. . . . 1.1111 bush. 2607 peck 1.0772 bush. 527 peck 39.1508 OClfiK Moggio .... Tuscany 16 5904 bush 16 OS37 bush 584 F >8 Moio 28 (1202 " 22 317'? " 811 141 Mudde Netherlands 2 888 " 2 7512 " 100 000 Mudi Muhd Mangalore 1.3019 " 5 1840 " 1.2C-21 " 5 0'-*57 " 45.874 182 663 Miiller-massel Austria 0.4362 peck. (1.4229 peck 3 8425 Muth 52 8536 bush 50 7548 bu~h 1844 73 Ochavillo Spain OOS4 peck 0081 peck 0740 Olluck Madras 00217 " 0210 " ' 1^1^ Orbah. . . Tripoli 7613 " 0*7831 u 6 7063 Ort Norway 0093 " 0090 " ()8i9 Osmina. Eussia 2 9784 bush 2 8874 bush 104 95 Ottingkar Denmark 9869 peck 9567 pock 8 6986 Ouebeh. Egypt 1 4020 " 1 859^ *' ' 12 3502 " or ueba .... TriS>u". 3 0452 bush 2 9522 bush 107 30 Portugal 1918 peck 1859 peck 1 6896 Pajak Eussia 1 4892 bush 1 4437 bush 59 4735 Pallie Bengal 4676 peck 4533 peck 4 1191 Parah Bombay 3.125 bush. 3.0295 bush 110 113 " or chunam ^Peck. Imperial " Winchester. Puddy Madras Great Britain United States Madras . 1.7442 " 1.0315 peck. 1.0000 " 1744 u 1.6909 " 1.0000 peck. 0.9694 1691 " 51.4515 9.0865 8.8090 1 5863 Quarta Eome 2 0887 bush 2 0249 buh 78 5976 Quarter Great Britain Norway 8.2520 " 0389 peck 8.0000 li 0377 peck 290.8 3427 Quarterolo Parma . . . 0.3335 " 3233 " ' 2 9878 Quarterone Bologna 1 1160 " 1 081 9 " 9 8308 Quarticino 0.2790 " 0.2704 " 2 4577 Quartillo Spain 0.1332 " 1291 " 1 1734 Quarto Genoa 1 7129 " 1 6606 " 15 0889 Portugal 0.3836 " 0.3719 " 3 3791 Quartuccio vQuateron Eome Switzerland . 0.3798 " 1.7028 " 0.3682 " 1.6504 " 3.3457 15 0000 Eacion Raik Eoubouh or rob Spain Bengal Egypt 0.0333 " 0.1169 " 0.4339 " 0.0323 " 0.1133 " 4206 " 0.2933 1.0298 3 8222 Eubbio Ancona 7974 bush 7 7305 " 280 972 Baa Eome 8.355 " 1 36^1 " 8.0998 " 1 3205 " 294.397 47 9950 Bacoo Modena 3 9956 " 3 8736 " 140 789 Turin. 3.2635 " 3 1638 bush 114 992 Tuscany 2.0738 " 2 0104 " 78 0725 Salma . Malta 8 224 " 7 9728 " 289*781 " generate Sicily.. 7.8 " 75618 " 274 841 " grosso 10 " 9 6946 " 353 26 Sat Scheepston Siam Netherlands 0.3346 peck. 28 38 bush 0.3244 peck. 27 5121 bush 2.9475 1000 00 Bcheffel Bavaria 631002 " 61173 u 2 9 2 34 210195 " 2 037T ' 74 0645 u Brunswick... 8.6G72 " 8.4025 " 305.398 DRY MEASURES. 105 MEASURES. Locality. United States Measure. English Measure. Litres. Bcheffel German Empire.. 1.4190 bush. 1.3756 bush. 50.0000 Hamburg . 2.9881 " 2.8968 " 105.2898 < Hesse-Cassel 23 " 2.2297 " 81.25 " for wheat . . Liibeck..; 1.009T " 0.9788 " 85.5778 " " oats .... 1.1213 " 1.0871 " 39.5102 Prussia . . . 1.5597 " 1.5121 " 54.9577 u 2 9485 " 28584 " 103.8985 N Wiirtemberg 5.0292 " 4.8756 " 117.2098 Schepel Netherlands. 1.1352 peck. 1.1 005 peck. 10.00 Schrott Scorzo Sechter Frankfort Rome Frankfort 0.0127 " 1.5191 " 8140 " 0.0123 " 1.4727 " 0.7891 " 0.1119 13.3817 7.1705 Sei China 3 471 6 bush. 8 3656 bush. 122.3256 Seidel Prague 0.^554 peck. 0.0537 peck. 0.4880 Sester Baden . . 1.7028 " 1.6504 " 15.0000 Sesti Siam 1.3385 " 1 2975 M 11.7908 Sextario Persia 0370 " 0358 " 03259 Shye An jar 8.5297 " 8.4219 " 31.0931 Frankfort 8 2563 M 3 1568 " 2* (>S47 It Hesse-Darmstadt. 3.6326 " 8.5216 " 32.0000 Simri Wurtemberg 2.5146 " 2.4378 " 22.1511 Skoeppe Denmark 1 9738 " 1 9135 " 17.3872 Soallee Soma Span Bengal Ven. Lombardy.. Norway . 2.3378 bush. 2.8380 " 2 0786 " 2.2664 bush. 2.7512 " 2 0151 " 82.3749 100.0000 73.2419 Spint 5255 perk. 5094 peck. 4.6291 Hamburg 7470 " 0.7242 " 6.5808 Stajo Bologna . . 1 11 58 bush. 1.081 7 bush. 89.3164 Modena 1 9978 " 1 9368 " 70.3946 it Parma 1.3337 " 1.2929 " 46.9944 u Turin 1 0878 " 1 0546 " 88.8298 u Tuscany 6915 " 6704 " 24.3658 Starello Rome 2.0888 peck 2.0250 peck. 18.4002 Stop Norway 1556 " 0.1508 ' 1.3707 Strich Prague 2 65618 bu 2 5751 bush. 9'U>905 Tarrie 2 2 51 8 peck 2 1830 peck 19.8-S71 Tau China o's708 " 0.8442 " 7.6709 Tchetverik Eussia 2 9784 " 2 8874 " 26.2367 Tchetverka 7446 " 0.7219 " 6.5592 Tchetviert H 5 9521 bush 5.7703 " 209.728 Teman Tripoli 3 0452 peck 2 9528 " 26.8252 Tonde 8 9477 bush 8 8271 bush 139.098 Tomolo Naples 1 5646 " 1 5168 " 55.1308 Tonelada Argentine Confed 29 20 9 " 28 3102 " 1029.3 Tonne Lubeck 4 0388 " 8 9154 " 142-312 Tunna TTeba or hueba Norway Tripoli 4. ,572 M 30452 " 4.0302 " 2 9522 " 146.488 107.801 Yierfass Hanover 8644 peck 8574 peck 7.7907 Viertel 1 7451 " 1 6918 " 15.3724 Bavaria 2.1083 " 2.0391 " 18.5280 M Bremen 2 1019 " 2 0377 " 18.5156 H 2 6562 " 2 5751 " 23.8985 u 1 5597 " 1 5121 " 13 7394 U Saxony 2.9485 " 2 8584 " 25.9733 It W urtemberg 6284 " 6092 " 5.5356 Viertlein 0019 " 0018 " 0167 Wey... Great Britain... 41.260 bush 40.0000 bush 1458.84 106 WEIGHTS. MEASURES. Locality. United States Measure. En^liBh Measure. Litre*. Wispel Brunswick Hamburg 34.6638 bush. 29.8811 " 33.6101 bush. 28.9686 " 1221.59 1052 89 u Hanover 42.4447 " 41.14S5 " 1495.59 M Prussia '28.0746 " 27.2172 " 989.^2 u 70.7640 " 68 4328 " 2493.45 Zuber 42.5700 " 41.2632 " 1500.00 VIII. WEIGHTS. IN this table the value of every weight is given in English or American avoirdupois, and in metric grammes. Each value in grammes may be converted into pfunds of the German Zollverein by dividing by 500. The gramme and its derivatives are legal standards in the Argentine Confederation, Belgium, Brazil, Chili, Colombia, Ecuador, Egypt, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Mex- ico, the Netherlands, Spain, and the United States. After Janu- ary 1, 1876, the metric system will be the legal system in Austria. MEASURES. Locality. Avoirdupois. Grammes. Accino Naples 69 grain. 0447 Adarme Spain 27.73 Q-> 04 ' 1.8001 4 0202 Akey . 20 03 ' 1 2979 Anna Bengal 14 04 ' 9098 Arratel . Brazil 1 0119 Ibs. 459 00 Portugal 1 0119 ' 459 00 Arroba * 25 3175 ' 11441 3 Brazil 32 3792 14687 4 ti Bolivia 25 3536 11500 4 K 26 0750 118^7 7 M Mexico 25.3645 32 3795 . 11505.4 14687 4 U Spain 25.4024 25 3595 " 11522.6 11503 1 As 74 grain 0479 Ass Baden 77 " 0500 Bahar. See also candy Amboyna . . 597 607 ib's 271076 " At Bet-el-faki " Jidda Arabia 815.625 " 183 OOS t' 369970. 87013 u " Mocha it 450 000 " 204121 M Ordinary Bantam 396 000 " 179627. It For pepper. . . 406.780 184517. WEIGHTS. 107 MEASURES. Locality. Avoirdupois. Grammes. Bahar Batavia 610.170 Ibs. 276775 Batman . Shiraz 12.6816 " 5750 3 Syria 17.0022 " 7712 2 u Tauris. 6.3408 " 2876.2 u Turkostan 276.41 " 125380 Bazla. 84.226 " 155'->5 Bends 2 2689 oz 64 3288 Benda-offa u 1.1344 " 32 1605 Berkovetz or berkowitz .... Binh Russia 360.6764 Ibs. 68.8760 u 163603 31242 Buncal Singapore 1.9017 oz. 53.9136 Caban. Of rice ' " cocoa. . . Philippine Isles.. 133.000 Ibs. 83.500 " 60329. 37876. Can Annam 1.3775 " 624.888 Canilil Candy Sumatra Ahmednuggur.. . 423.5 . " 1577.140 " 192101. 715895. Birinah 5UO.OOO " 226801 . 560 000 " 254018. Ceylon 500 000 " 2''6801 . Goa. 495.000 " 224538. Madras 500.000 " 226801 . Malabar 695.500 " 315481 . Malacca Muscat Mysore 405.000 525.000 4S5.500 " 183709. 238142. 220^24. 'Pondicherry. 588.040 " 266737. Surat 340.160 " 154298. See also bahar Cantaro Crete 116.570 " 52886. 524 190 " 237774. Egypt _ 98.190 " 44539. Old weight Greece 112.000 " 50804. " " Ionian Isles Malta 118.SUO " 175 000 " 53S38. 793al Commercial Morocco 119. UOO " 53979. Roumania Tripoli 123.992 " 109 714 " 56243. 49707 Tunis. 111.750 " 50690. Turkey 124.082 " 5656 Carato Bologna 2.91 grains. 0.1886 Ca y See also kan . . . Batavia 1.8563 Ibs 615 2-*2 1 1111 " 503 993 Commercial Malacca. 1.3500 " 612.364 For gold and silver. Siam 2.0491 " 2.6670 " 929.478 1209.759 2.1180 " 960.723 Ternate 1 3017 " 590 455 Centass Baden 77 161 grains 5 0000 Centigramme France, etc.. 0.154 " 0100 Centinajo or talento .... .... Ionian Isles 100.000 Ibs. 220 460 " 46360.8 100000 Centner Austria 123.4615 " 51)002. u Baden 110 230 " 50000 u Bremen . . 127.4909 " 57S30. 108 WEIGHTS. MEASURES. Locality. Avoirdupois. Gramme h Centner Denmark. . . 110 230 Ibs. 50000 Hesse-Darmstadt. 110. '280 " 50000. u Prague 130.080 " 61726 u Prussia 110 230 " 50000 u Saxony Sweden. . . . 113.366 93 379 " 51423. 42357 Chat tack. Bazaar Calcutta 2.0531 oz. 58.2059 " Factory . 1 8(564 " 52 ill 28 Chequi Turkey 11 3348 " 321 3433 Coffala Mocha 48.0 grains. 3.1104 Copaug Borneo... 9 60 u 0.6220 Danik Mocha 7.86 " 0.5933 Darhem. See dirhem ... Decagramme France etc. . 154 32 " 10 0000 Decigramme. (In Germa- ny, dezigramme) Dekass, or pfennig Baden '.'.'.'.'.'. 1.5432 " 7.766 " 0.1000 0.5000 Denaro Genoa 17.02 " 1.1029 Parma 17.49 " 1 1333 44 18 17 " 1 1774 44 Turin 19 77 " 1.2311 u Tuscany 18 19 " 1 1787 44 Ven. Lombardy. . 15.432 " 1.0000 Deuke . . . Turkey . . 12.397 " O.S038 Dhan. For precious metals. Dirhern, darhlin, or drachm. Bengal Abyssinia. 0.56 40.00 " 0.0363 2.5920 u 44 a u Egypt Persia. Shiraz. . . Tripoli 47.73 " 295.90 " 48.00 " 3.0929 19.1744 3 1104 44 44 (4 (4 Turkey 49 59 " 3 2133 Doli 0.685 " 0.0444 Dong Annam 60 27 " 3 9055 Drachm. Apothecaries 1 Drachma. . .. England and IT. S. Greece 60.00 " 15.432 " 8.8880 1 0000 Drachme Kussia Servia '.... Austria 57.60 " 49.33 " 67.70 " 3.7325 3.1966 4.3869 Denmark . . 57 53 " 3 7279 14 Germany 57.53 " 3.7279 Dracma. See ochava Dramma Spain Naples 55.57 " 41.25 u 3.0MJ9 2.<,730 Tuscany 54.59 " 3.5374 E^eba Guiiiea 330 S3 " 21 4412 Ferlino Bologna 29.11 " l.J-863 Modena. 25.68 " 1.0641 Frachtspfund Bremen 329.718 Ibs. 149560. Frauzella . , Zanzibar 85 2S22 " 16004.0 Frazil 30 0000 " 13608.1 Funte Kussia 0.9028 " 409.510 7899 " 858.298 Gantang Java 13.5031 " 6152.2 Grain England and IT. S 1 . 0000 grain. 0.0643 Gramme. 15 432 " 1.0000 Gran, Apothecaries' Austria Denmark 1.18 " 0.96 " 0.0732 0.0622 41 44 Germany 0.96 " 0.0022 U Norway.... 0.95 0.0615 WEIGHTS. 109 MEASURES. Locality. Avoirdupois. Grammes. Gran Russia 96 grain 0622 Saxony . ... 94 0(509 Grano Bologna 72 0466 71 0460 Parma 0.73 0473 Rome 76 0492 Spain 77 0500 Turin 82 0581 76 0492 H Ven Lombardy 1.54 1000 Granotino Turin 03 0019 Grao Portugal 0.77 0500 Grosso Ven. Lombardy 154 82 10 0000 Harsela. For silk Hectogramme . . . Egypt France, etc 2.7275 Ibs. 3.5273 oz 1237.2 100 0000 Heller Brunswick 7 04 grain 4562 Frankfort 4933 ^lundred- weight Great Britain 112 000 Ibs 50703 United States 100.000 * 45360 Kamha Egypt . . 49 grains 031 T Kan or catty China. 1 3334 Ibs 604 83 Kantar. See cantaro Karat Turkey 3 09 grains 2002 Karch Austria 493 85 Ibs 224009 Karob Algeria 3 00 grains 1944 Kerat Kharrouba .... Egypt Tripoli 1.99 ' " ' 3 00 " 0.1239 11)44 Kiloramm0 , France etc. 2 2046 Ibs 1000 40 678 " 18 451 Korrel Netherlands 1.54 grains 1000 Kotscha Muscat 5.8333 oz 165 3762 Lachsa Sooloo Archipela- 66 6667 Ibs 30236 Lana Russia .... 1.2037 oz 84 1251 Last Austria 4938 46 Ibs 2250085 Sweden 9337.9 " 4245671. Libbra Ancona 0.7277 850 58 Bologna 0.7984 862 15 " Sottile Genoa 7002 8.17 61 41 Grosso.... 0.7691 848 85 Sottile Ionian Isles .... 8229 873 27 1.0000 453.603 or rottolo Malta :. 1.7500 794 005 Modena 0.7044 819 52 Naples. 7072 320 79 ' Parma 7197 826 46 Rome 7477 889 16 Sicily Turin 0.7072 0.8133 320.79 868 91 Tuscany 7486 839 56 Metrica... li 'a Ven. Lombardy.. 2.2046 1 0127 1000.00 450 36 Balearic Isles . . 8820 400 07 Canary Isles 1 0148 460 31 1 0430 473 10 Chili 1.0480 473 10 Madeira.... 1.0110 458.50 10 110 WEIGHTS. MEASURES. Locality. Avoirdupois. Grammes. 460.04 460.09 344.24 345.42 460.90 460.09 6979.4 6544.7 67S0.5 8503.0 Libra Mexico 1.0142 Ibs. 1.0143 0.7539 " 0.7615 " 1.0161 1.0143 " 15.3868 " 14.4284 " 14.9481 " 18.7457 " u Peru " Apothecaries' Portugal Spain H Uruguay .... Uflspfund Bremen Brunswick H Hamburg. . . Lispund Norway Liter. See rotl Litra Abyssinia Eoumania 11.2720 oz. 11.2720 " 1.0792 Ibs. 1.1023 0.8267 " 225.27 grains. 205.00 20:3.14 154.32 270.06 " 270.06 " 241.12 " 240.42 " 225.44 243.39 233.60 " 236.10 233.52 " 241.12 " 233.79 257.19 " 197.49 241.12 " O.CO " 28.50 38.33 60.42 " 52.00 " 58.33 " 13.6601 Ibs. 27.3202 2.13 grains 3.0071 Ibs 6.00 grains 8.1015 oz. 8.0949 8.0754 8.1288 8.2902 9.8768 8.7925 8.2448 8.2491 8.2384 8.9126 8.5481 319.5634 319.5634 439.5251 500.0000 375.0000 14.6041 13.2841 18.1636 10.0000 17.5000 17.5000 15.6250 15.5806 14.60S6 15.7718 15.1374 15.2994' 15.1322 15.6250 15.1497 16.6666 12.7974 15.6250 0.0389 1.S468 2,4870 8.9152 3.3096 3.7798 6196.2 12392.4 0.18SO 1364.02 0.8S88 229. 6S 229.49 245.85 230.45 235.03 280.01 249.27 233.74 233.86 233.56 252.67 242.20 Servia Livre Martinique Switzerland Denmark Lod. For gold and silver. . Norway " For gold and silver. . Lood Netherlands Austria Bavaria Loth H Bremen 4. M Frankfort u Hamburg H Hanover H Hesse-Cassel it Hesse-Darmatadt. Liibeck Prussia H M H Eussia Switzerland Annam Amboyna U LY . Aface Borneo u China u Singapore Kooloo Archipel.. Ispahan Shiraz M Mahndshah Maleborong Mane Borneo Zanzibar Madras Marco Argentine Confed Portugal H u Spain a Ven. Lombardy.. Austria Mark u Brunswick Cologne Denmark Frankfort u (I u M WEIGHTS. Ill MEASURES. Locality. Avoirdupois. Grammes. Mark Hanover . . 8 6356 oz 244 82 Lfibeck 8 5499 242 39 ii Norway 1 4806 210 66 Prussia . . . 8 2494 283 87 Saxony 8 2448 233 74 8 2511 233 855 M seal 4 7939 M und 21 9429 1 9952 An jar. 26 2800 10898 At Bet-el-faki " Jidda .. Arabia 2.0390 1 8301 924.89 830 13 " Mocha H 3 0000 1860 8 Aurungabad 75 8C67 84418 74 60 67 83869 82 1838 37256 Bombay 28 0000 1 '2701 79 7800 86188 H Goa 24 7500 11227 || Gujerat . . 89 7396 18026 U Madras 25 0000 11840 H 8 7500 8969 H Pondicheny . 25 9000 11748 M Sumatra 77 0000 84927 Media-tabla 2 0101 72 06 4 66 ( )5 JVypt 47 73 8 0929 U Ik Tripoli:::::::::.: 73 60 4 7692 U 11 Tunis 59 70 3 8686 Millier France etc. . 2204 6 Ibs 1000000 0154 grains o ooioo Mina Greece 2 2046 Ibs. 1000 Miscal Mocha 72 00 grains 4 6656 Mocha 1 0971 oz 81 1020 27 007 grains 1 7602 Moosa Miinzpfund Cyprus Austria 112^000 Ibs. 1 1028 " 50703. 500 0000 22 046 " 10000 Nanki 10 00 grains (}4so Kely . Bengal 28 " 0181 Nen 18 7800 oz 890 66 Ochava or dracma Oka or oke Spain Crete 55.57 grains. 2 6402 Ibs 3.6009 1197 6 Cyprus 2 7 ( *57 " 1268 1 u ECTDt 2 7275 " 1237 2 Greece. .... 8 3714 " 1529 3 Ionian Islands. . . 2.6998 " 1224 6 2 8188 " 1278 6 Servia Tripoli 2.8188 " 2.7353 " 1278.6 1240 7 Ortchen! .' ! .' '. .' '. .' '. ." '. '. '..'..'.. Onoa .. Turkey Hanover Portugal 2.8837 " 14.86 grains 1.0119 oz. 1285.4 0.9629 28.6873 Once Eussia . 1.0582 " 29 8582 Switzerland 1 1091 " 81 2500 One ia Bologna 1.0646 " 80.1786 Genoa... 0.9886 M 26.4670 112 WEIGHTS. MEASURES. Locality. Avoirdupois. Grammes. Oncia Modena Naples Parma 0.9392 oz. 0.0429 0.1)596 " 26.6278 26.7312 27 2047 Home 9969 " 28 06'2l Siciiy. 0.9429 " 26 7312 Turin. 1.0844 " 80 7427 9982 " 28 2990 Ven. Lombardy 8 5273 " 100.0000 Ons.. Netherlands. 3 5273 " 100 0000 Onza Spain 1.0161 " 28.8066 Ootan. For camphor. . Sumatra 4 0000 Ibs. 1814 4 Ort 9739 " Ordinary Denmark 77.16 " 5.0000 ' For srold and silver 14 OS " 9124 M Sweden 65 35 " 4 2347 Ottavo Bologna .... 58.22 " 3.7727 Turin. . . 59 30 " 3 842T Ounce. Avoirdupois England and U. S. 1.0000 oz. 28.3502 " Troy and apotheca- ries' 44 14 44 1.09T1 " 81.1028 Outava Brazil 57.17 grains. 3 7046 Portugal 55 34 " 3 5801 Packen Pagoda Russia Madras 1082.03 - Ibs. 54 38 grains 490810. 3 5238 Pahaw Borneo 153 50 " 9 9469 Pecul. . 135.6354 Ibs. 61524. u Celebes 185 6400 " 61526. " or tarn China 133 3334 " 60480 Java 135.6312 " C1522. K Malacca 135 0000 " 61236 u 139 4500 " 63''54 u Siam 133 85 " 6048 S. u Sumatra 133 33 " 60477 Pennyweight England and U. 8. 24.00 grains. 1.5552 Pfennig Austria 16 88 " 1 0!l83 Brunswick Frankfort 14.09 " 15.21 " 0.9140 9856 H Hamburg .... 14 60 " 0.9461 M Liibeck 14 61 " 1'56 H Saxony 14.18 " 0.9189 Pfund . Austria 1.2346 Ibs. 560 00 9284 " 421 12 Baden .... 1.1028 " 500 00 (i Bavaria 1 1023 " 500 00 " Commercial 1.2346 " 560.00 it Bremen . 0991 " 498.54 H 0306 " 467 48 U Frankfort .1141 " 505 34 U 1023 " 500 00 " Apothecaries 1 44 Hamburg . . .7889 " 0679 " 857.83 484 40 U 0794 " 4S9 64 u 0675 " 484 22 u Hesse-Darmstadt 1023 " 500.00 t( Liibeck 068T " 484 77 u 1 1028 " 500 00 M Saxon v 1.'0306 " 467.48 WEIGHTS. 113 MEASURES. Locality. Avoirdupois. Gramme*. Pfnnd 1 103 Ibs 500 00 Pfundschwer . . Bremen. 329 57 " 149493 Phan 6 03 grains 3907 Pice 163 33 " 10 5838 Piso or uzan Guinea 124 08 " 8 0404 Pollam Madras . 1 2250 oz. 34 7289 Pond. Netherlands '2 2046 Ibs 1000 00 " Apothecaries 1 Russia 0.8267 86 0676 " 375.00 16360 Pound. Avoirdupois . England and TJ S 1 0000 " 453 6029 " Troy and apothe- caries 1 0.8229 " 873 2674 pund Denmark 1 1023 " 500 00 Apothecaries 1 0.78897 " 357.89 " Apothecaries 1 Norway 7856 " 856.35 " Set sl&o skiilpund . . U It 11 U Punko Sweden Bengal 0.9373 " 0.9338 " 0.14 grains. 425.16 423.57 0091 Quan 6SS 76 Ibs 312221 ^Quarter Great Britain 28 0000 " 12700 United Stales 25 0000 " 11340 Quentchen Legal. . Austria Bavaria 67.51 grains. 60 28 " 4.3750 3 9062 Commercial. . . Bremen 67.51 " 60 10 ' 4.8750 3 8945 Brunswick 56.36 " 8.65-21 Frankfort. . . 60 85 " 3 9476 Hamburg 58 40 " 8 7843 Hanover 59 02 " 3 8045 53 83 " 3 7,s80 Hesse-Darmstadt. 60.23 " 8 9062 Lubeck 58 45 " 3 7876 Prussia 60 28 " 8 9062 Quentlein Saxony 56.70 " 8.6093 Quilate. For gems . . Brazil. . .. 3.075 " 1996 Quint Denmark 1.7636 oz. 50 0000 Quintal Argentine Confed. 101.270 Ibs. 45936. Bolivia. 101 .418 " 46000. Central America 104.800 u 47310. 220 46 " 100000 Mexico 101 418 " 46003 Peru 101.429 " 46008. Portugal. 129.518 " 58749 Spain 101.609 " 46089 *-- 110 23 " 50000 Venezuela 101 .438 " 46012. Qu ntin Denmark 56 32 grains. 3 6496 Ordinary . . . Norway. . 51 25 " 8 3210 For gold and silver 50.79 " 3.2911 Quinto Guinea 93 06 M 6 0303 Kattel .... Persia 1.0568 Ibs. 479.86 Riohtspfennier Hesse-Darmstadt. 15 08 grains. 0.976B Rik P g Teheran 17 075 Ibs. 7745 2 Kjoo 116 125 grains 7 5247 Eotl or rottolo Abyssinia 0.6857 Ibs. 811 .03 " attari, for spices " feuddi. erold and silver. Algeria 1.2089 " 1.0967 " 646.09 497.46 114 WEIGHTS. MEASURES. Locality. Avoirdupois. Gramme*. Eotl gheddari, for fruits Algeria ... . 1 8545 Ibs 614 40 khebir . 2 0317 " 921 58 At Bet-el-faki Arabia 1 0195 " 46'- 1 45 " Jidda . . 8660 " 1C 6 02 Eevnt QS19 " 445 41 Of commerce ... . '. . Morocco . . 1 19 " 539 79 " the markets. ... 1 70 " 771 12 Tripoli 1 0971 '* 497 $4 suckv, for meat etc. . Tunis 1 2532 " 568 45 ghredari, for vegetables 1 .4098 " 639 49 Botolo Aleppo 5 0643 " 2297 17 Crete 1 1657- " 5^8 76 " Cyprus Genoa . . 5.2419 " 1 0508 '* 2377.73 476 42 M Naples 1 9645 " 891 10 44 Grosso " Sottile Sicily 1.9250 " 1 7500 " 872.18 793 80 u Smyrna 1.2(556 " . 9801 " 574.08 441 57 Eubbio Parma. 17 9D25 " 8163 5 H 22 046 " 10000 00 Euttee. for pearls Bengal. 2 825 grains. 1881 6aum Austria 839 536 Ibs. 154014 " For steel 308 669 " 140013 Bohiffslast (i 2469 23 " 1120043 Schiffspfund Bremen 318 727 " 144574 u 288 568 " 130894 M Hamburg 299.008 " 135630 Scrupel Austria . 22 88 grains. 1 426 19 18 " 1 2429 H Norway . 19 02 " 1 2325 Scruple England and TT S 20 00 " 1 2960 Scrupule Russia. 19 20 " 1.2442 Scrupulo Portugal. 18 89 " 1 1917 Beer Bengal 1 866T Ibs 846 74 11 2000 oz 817 5222 H Madras 10.0000 " 283 502 Turkestan 34 5512 Ibs 15672 Seron Guinea 186 12 grains 12 0606 Bhik China. 160 00 Ibs. 72576. Sicca Factory Bengal 1C3 32 grains. 10 5832 " Bazaar 179.64 " 11.6407 Skalpund Norway .... 0.9873 Ibs. 425 16 9338 " 423 57 Skippund .... Norway 374.914 " 170061 . Bompi Madagascar 60 00 grains. 3.8880 Stein 24 694 Ibs 11201 2 Baden . ..... 11.0230 5000. v/Stone . .... Great Britain 14 0000 6330.4 Ta 137 752 62484 Tael Amboyna 1 0018 oz. 28.4010 Bantam. 2.4176 48 5400 1 8552 87 8529 1 4034 89 8280 China 1 3334 87.8019 Cochin China 1 3503 88.2810 Siam 2.1336 60.4ST WEIGHTS. 115 WEIGHTS. Locality. Avoirdupoia. Grammes. Tael Sooloo Archipel 1 3328 oz 87 7849 Talantoii 3 3070 Ibs 1500 00 Talento or centinajo Tarn. See pecul Ionian Islands . . . China 100.0000 " 133 3334 " 45360. 60480 Tampang For tin Malacca 1 356 " 615 28 Tank 63 40 grains 4 4303 Tercio Mexico 162.269 Ibs " 73605 Tica Borneo 6 40 grains 414T Tical Birrnah 233 33 " 15 1201 Siam 2:.33 " 15 1201 Timbang. For grain Java 677 963 Ibs 807524 Tomin Ton Spain Great Britain.... United States 9.26 grains. 2240.00 Ibs. 2000 00 " 0.6001 1016064. 907200 Tonelada Argentine Con fed. 2025 40 ' " 918721* Portugal 1T4S 493 " 793116 H Spain 2032 194 " 921803 Tonne German Empire . 2201.6 " 1 000000 Tonneau France .... 2204 6 " 1000000 Trapeso. Naples. 13 T5 grains 8910 Uckia Tripoli ] 09T1 oz 81 00^8 Tunis 1 1 1 75 " 81 6811 Untz. Ordinary Norway. 9373 " 26 5724 14 Apothecaries 1 1.0477 " 29 7023 41 For gold and silver. u 0.9289 " 263343 Unze. Ordinary Austria . 1 2346 " 85 0000 Apothecaries' 1 2379 " 35 0944 Bavaria 1 2346 " 35 0000 1 0991 " 31 1595 Apothecaries 1 Denmark . . . . , 1 0519 " 29 8214 Frankfort 1 1141 " 81 5847 Apothecaries' Germany Hamburg 1.0519 " 1.0679 u 29.8214 80 2820 Hanover . 1 0794 " 80 6010 Hesse-Cassel 1 0675 " 30 2636 Lubeck Saxony 1.0687 " 1.0306 " 30.2976 29 2175 Uzan. See piso Guinea .... 248 1 6 grains 16 0809 Vakia Arabia 1 2000 oz 84 0200 Val. For gold, gems, etc. . Vari Delhi Madagascar .... 5.63 grains. 30.00 " 03643 1 9440 Vierling, or vierding Austria Bavaria 4.9384 oz. 4 4091 " 140.006 125000 Vis .... Birmah 3 3333 Ibs. 1512 3 1250 " 1417 5 Wakea 400 00 grains 25 9209 12 0395 oz 841 3198 Wakega. Commercial. Mocha 1*0000 Ib. 45360 " For gold & silver 6857 " 811 03 Wictie Netherlands 15432 grains 1 0009 Yen 13.7752 Ibs. 62484 Yin China 2 6667 " 1209 6 Zehnlin " Baden 1 7636 oz 500000 Zent Prussia 25 72 grains 1 6666 15 " 1000 Zentner. u u 110.23 Ibs. 50000 00 Zollcentner.... Germany... 110.23 50000.00 116 MONET. WEIGHTS. Locality. Avoirdupois. Gramme*. Zollpfund Germany.. 1 1023 Ibs 500 0000 Zollstein .... 220 46 " 100000 00 Kussia 65 83 grains 4 2658 IX. MONEY. IN the following table only the more important monetary standards are given, the minor subdivisions being, with few excep- tions, omitted. For each unit four values are given : First, its value in American currency (of the United States); which, ex- pressed in dollars, represents also its value in dollars of Canada and Liberia, pesos of Paraguay, and pesos fuerte of the Argentine Confederation. Second, its value in French francs, to which are equivalent the francs of Belgium and Switzerland, pesetas of Spain, lire of Italy, drachmes of Greece, and piastres or lei of Roumania. By dividing any value in francs by five, the corre- sponding value may be obtained in pesos of Bolivia, Central America, Chili, Colombia, and Ecuador, and in sols of Peru. Third, its value in English sterling. Fourth, its value in German marks : MONEY. Locality. Dollars. Francs. Sterling. Marki. Crown. See krone . . Dollar. Canada 1 0000 51813 . s. d. 4 1 1/ 4 1450 " See tallari. . . Egypt Hong-Kong Liberia 1.0400 1.0000 5.3885 5.1813 4 3K 4 IX 4.3108 4 1450 " See peso Mexico. South America. . . H United States 1.0000 5.1813 4 1 V 41450 Drachme Greece 01930 1 0000 Qlv- Escudo Spain 0.5049 2.6160 2 1 2 0923 Florin. See guilder. Netherlands " " gulden.. Franc 1930 1 0000 9V gooo France. . . 01980 1.0000 08000 u Switzerland 1930 1 0000 Q V 8000 Qersh Tripoli 01046 05419 51 04335 Guilder or florin Gulden" " Netherlands Austria 0.4084 0.4803 2.1161 2.4886 1 8^ 1 11^ L6929 1.9909 MONEY. 117 MONEY. Locality. Dollars Francs. Sterling. Marks. Gulden or florin Krone. Vereins Germany 0.4117 6.6462 026bO 0.6698 0.1930 0.1930 0.2401 0.3642 0.5456 1.0847 1.6015 7.1050 0.9498 0.1930 1.0000 0.9650 0.9650 0.9650 0.9650 0.9650 1.0567 1.0000 0.7836 0.0495 0.&337 0.1930 0.0794 0.0432 0.1286 4.8666 0.5463 1.0212 1.0929 1.1023 0.2756 0.7779 0.4622 <>^t;:j ".fiuVi 1.0926 1.9102 1.6100 1.0039 0.7204 0.7912 0.7204 2.7155 2.2437 1.0400 2.1832 34.4363 1.3886 8.4705 1.0000 1.0000 1.2500 1.8922 2.8269 5.6202 8.2979 36.8135 4.9212 1.0000 5.1813 6.0000 5.0000 5.0000 5.0000 5.0000 5.4751 5.113 4.0601 0.2565 4.3197 1.0000 0.4114 0.2238 0.6663 25.2158 2.8306 5.2912 5.6627 5.7114 1.4279 4.0306 2.3948 1.2606 5.0000 5.6611 9.8974 8.8419 5.2015 8.7500 4.0995 3.7500 14.0700 11.6254 5.3885 . s. d. 1 8| 1 7 4J 1 1% 2 9 % iH* 2 2| if 1 9 2X 8 11 9^ 4 IK 3 11 3 11 3 11 3 11 3 11 4 4K 4 IK 8 2K # V 2^ .* 2 8 4 2^ 4 6 4 6K 1 1* 8 2K 1 10% 8 11? 4 6 7 10J 6 8 4 IX I 1 ** o o 2 11X H IX 9 2% 4 3K 1.7066 27.6917 1.1109 2.7764 0.8000 0.8000 1.0000 1.5138 2.2615 4.4962 6.6383 29.4508 3.9370 0.8dOO 4.1450 4.0000 4.0000 4.0000 4.0000 4.0000 4.8S01 4.1450 3.2481 0.2052 8.4558 0.8000 0.3291 0.1790 0.5830 20.1726 2.2645 4.2329 5.6626 4.5691 1.1423 8.2645 1.9160 1.0085 4.0000 45289 7.9179 6.6735 4.1612 8.0000 4.0796 3.0000 11.2560 9.3003 4.8108 Norway & Swed'n Annam Roumania Italy Kwan Lei or piastre.. .. 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