REESE LIBRARY I^HVJERSITJ OF CALIFORNIA. Received^. L^W^^U AS - y: Accessions .VV>. ^"V r vT3>!r Shelf A r o.. THE HEAVENLY BODIES MORRISON AND G1BB, EDINBURGH, PRINTERS TO HER MAJESTY'S STATIONERY OFFICE. THE HEAVENLY BODIES THEIR NATURE AND HABITABILITY BY WILLIAM MILLEE, S.S.C. EDINBURGH Author of ' Wintering in the Riviera ' LONDON HODDEE AND STOUGHTON 27 PATEENOSTEE EOW 1883 [All Rights Reserved] PREFACE. "l^TEAKLY five-and-thirty years ago an idea, entered *V in a note - book, occurred to me regarding 'plurality of worlds,' which at that time I imagined went far to unsettle the prevailing belief, and to decide a question subsequently much agitated. The little paper in which it was embodied, lying so long dormant, has been the germ of the present work. From a jotting on it I see I had in 1860 observed that another had, in a published book, struck out a similar idea, and it has since been repeated by other writers. It was then, if not previously, I presume, I became desirous to take up and examine the whole subject in all its bearings ; but the incessant claims of an anxious profession altogether precluded the attempt, and it is only of recent date I have had it in my power to effect my purpose, and to bestow upon the subject the amount of study which I found to be requisite. I may not, however, conceal from myself that many vi PREFACE. will, with justice, consider, that for one who cannot appear with the knowledge and authority of an astronomer, either practical or theoretical, it is a piece of bold presumption to endeavour to handle the matters to which this volume relates. In extenuation, I can only say that the occupations of my profession are favourable to the consideration of anything which demands close inquiry, and to the formation of soundly reasoned conclusions ; while I have, in the course of an experience now extending over many years, had (sometimes in the conduct of what have been causes cttebres in their day) opportunities of studying, and generally of writing on, questions arising out of matters of extremely diversified nature. Nor have I dared to enter upon the scientific topics embraced in this book without investigating with, at least, the patient care I have always, when the rush and hurry of business would permit, sought to bring to bear on questions upon the solution of which material interests have depended. Still, in gathering, and dealing with, the evidence, which only others have been competent to furnish, I have necessarily experienced many difficulties, and would often have been glad to have had a chance of putting the witnesses under interrogation. I can only trust to have made unfamiliar subjects clear to the general apprehension, and that any opinions expressed will be found sufficiently supported. At same time, PREFACE. vii considering that these pages embrace so much of what to most people is new, it may not be unreasonable to* expect, unless there have been failure to use the proper means for securing attention, that, if they do not allure to brighter worlds, they may at least help to lead the reader into fields of research which afford some of the purest and noblest subjects of meditation. To discuss such a subject as the ' plurality of worlds ' may be viewed differently by different minds. An American astronomer of the present day (Professor ISTewcomb) thus writes regarding it : ' The question whether other planets are, as a general rule, peopled, is one of the highest interest to us, not only as involving our place in creation, but as showing us what is really greatest in the Universe. Many thinking people regard the discovery of evidence of life in other worlds as the great ultimate object of telescopic research.' But without claiming for the subject such an undue importance, or availing myself of the time-honoured custom conceded to authors of ' magnifying mine office,' it can admit of no doubt that there is a certain amount of interest in the inquiry, and that it has awakened from time to time much attention ; a fact which will be manifest from the historical resum6 with which I have thought it well to commence. Perhaps the interest excited among the French may have exceeded viii PREFACE. that manifested by the more ^thoroughly practical people of this country. It will be seen how enthusiastically Fontenelle's work was received nigh two centuries ago, while to all appearance there has been among our philosophical neighbours no' flagging of zealous regard for the subject, if one may judge from the fact of the very large number of editions through which Flammarion's Mondes HaliUs and Mondes Imaginaires have in a few years passed. And yet this French astronomer in contending for plurality seems to have contented himself as much as possible with the slender arguments previously advanced. The question, how- ever, is one which, if it is to be settled on a solid basis, should be examined more searchingly, and my endeavour has been to consider it more fully and methodically. How far I have succeeded remains to be seen. In pondering the 'plurality of worlds/ it speedily became apparent that a very wide range of subjects was involved, and that the idea which had occurred to me so many years before, although important, was in reality but a small point, going but a limited way towards the solution of this much vexed question. I must not, however, anticipate the conclusions to which examina- tion has led. The investigation occasioned divergence into other PREFACE. ix kindred matters which are not embraced in this volume, unless the chapters on the Sun are to be so regarded. But these chapters are truly german^to the leading inquiry, which would hardly be complete without them. For it seemed advisable at the outset of examination to enter upon a careful analysis of what had been dis- covered regarding the nature and constitution of that important body, as well with a view to ascertain the possibility of its own habitability, as considering it in the light of a representative member of the starry system, from the grave bearing the ascertainment of the state of the fact must have upon conclusions to be drawn regarding the remaining stars. And of very recent years so much has been learnt with regard to our luminary, especially by means of that wonderful instrument the spectroscope, under the intelligent in- genuity with which it has been employed, that the knowledge now attained almost wholly upsets, or at least supersedes, what was formerly believed, and certainly furnishes us with a more exact acquaintance with a star so comparatively near. The material so acquired enabled me to deliver in Edinburgh two lectures on the Sun ; and, while they embraced rather more than was strictly necessa^ to their due place in discussing the plurality of worlds, it has appeared to me that the facts stated are in themselves of much interest, and are more likely to be generally read when x PREFACE. presented in this shape than if the reader had been referred to them as scattered over more scientific and formal works in which they might be found ; but in the view of looking at the Sun as representing and illustrating the stars generally, it was well to cany with us a fuller notion of the leading circumstances connected with it, and therefore that they should be reproduced here, with such little additions and adapta- tions as seemed suitable, keeping always in view that the study of the Sun thus made was to lead up to the consideration of its condition as a residence for life. I have indeed regarded it as a fortunate circumstance that at the time of the preparation of these Lectures I had seen no work affording, in a systematic manner, and up to date, the information which recent discoveries had brought to light; so that, although the investigation was thus rendered troublesome, it served to make it more thorough. Mr. Proctor's Sun, Ruler, etc., of the Planetary System, somehow I had not previously seen, and it was dated so far back as 1870, since which time a good deal has been revealed. Professor Young subse- quently (1882) published in the International Scientific Series his interesting work, entitled The Sun, which, it may be well to keep in view, does not in all points accord with the opinions of Mr. Lockyer, by whose researches I had been largely guided. PREFACE. xl In dealing with life upon the Earth, I have been led into a more extensive consideration of ' Evolution ' than I had originally intended, or was perhaps required by its relative importance. But some of its advocates have sought to demonstrate their propositions and to over- whelm their antagonists by the force of dogmatic and rather arrogant assertion ; so that it is well quietly to see, so far as needful for present purposes, whether their hypothesis can really be supported or no. But upon this and other points I must leave the further discussion to more competent hands. W. M. GEORGE SQUARE, EDINBURGH, March 1883. CONTENTS. PREFACE, .. . . . . . . . r PART I. THE SUN A REPRESENTATIVE STAR. Introductory Observations, ..... 1 1. The Sun's Magnitude, Distance, Motions, Light, and Heat, . 5 2. The Constitution of the Sun, its Spots and Prominences, . 41 PART II. ARE THE HEAVENLY BODIES HABITABLE ? OR, ' THE PLURALITY OF WORLDS' CONSIDERED. Introductory Observations, . . . . .89 1. Historical Resume Views of Philosophers, . . .93 2. General Arguments for Plurality considered Postulates, . 133 3. The Sun, Stars, and supposed Stellar Systems, . . .145 (1) The Sun, . . . . . . - 145 (2) The Fixed Stars, 151 (3) The supposed Stellar Planetary Systems, . 157 4. Life upon the Earth, . . . . .171 5. The Moon, . , . . . . .218 6. The Minor Planets, . . . . . .238 (1) Mercury, . . . . . . .238 (2) Venus, . . . . . . .244 (3) Mars, ....... 249 13 xiv CONTENTS. PACK 7. Smaller Bodies of the System, ..... 273 (1) The Asteroids and Meteorites, .... 273 (2) The Comets, . . . . .282 8. The Major Planets, ...... 300 (1) Jupiter, . . . 300 (2) Saturn, ....... 321 (3) Uranus, . . . . . . .332 (4) Neptune, . ..... 338 CONCLUSION, . . . 341 PAET I. THE SUN A REPRESENTATIVE STAR. 01 THE UNIVERSITY THE SUN A REPRESENTATIVE STAR. FT1HE solar system forms a minute part of the great -- galaxy called the Milky Way, a galaxy covering so vast a portion of space that it has been said hy a French writer that light, on the calculation, slightly erroneous, of its travelling at the rate of 1 86,000 miles a second, or upwards of 16,000 millioas of miles a day, takes 15,000 years to pass- from its one extremity to its other. The galaxy was estimated by Sir William Her- schel to enclose in its- main portion not less than 18 millions, and probably altogether will not number less than 20 millions of stars. And yet the Milky Way is only one of many, it may be thousands of, similar galaxies, which, separated from each other by tremendous gulfs, occupy the boundless universe, and are so remote that even their distant sheen is invisible to the naked A 2 THE SUN. eye, and only in part can be brought to sight by means of the most powerful telescopes. 1 Some idea of the enormous number of stars thus filling the heavens may be got by a single computation. For were the 2 millions of stars of the Milky Way to be passed in review before us at the distance of the Sun (nearer would be undesirable, and even at so great a distance many would, from the potency of their rays of heat and light, be unendurable by us), and were they, large and small, to move on incessantly in close procession at the rate of onty one per minute across the Sun's disc (equal to a possible average motion of nearly 60 millions of miles in the hour, or a million times quicker than the fastest railway train), it would take them about 37 years to march past. Our Sun is also a star, as these stars are also all suns, and it is not a little strange to think we have a star 1 Professor Newcomb is disposed only to allow from 30 to 50 millions of stars altogether. Arago, in place of reckoning, like Flammarion, 15,000 years for the Milky flight of light, puts it down at only 3000 ; while Dr. Dick, founding on Sir William Herschel's calculations, is content with 1640, and Lardner suggests 20,000. But astronomers dis- agree even more than doctors do, and in their estimates vary to an extent far exceeding the notorious divergences of competing builders. When one compares a dozen auth6rities on any point, it is hard to tell which to believe. Fortunately the difference of a few millions more or less does not materially affect either person or pocket, and equally fortunate is it that astronomical calculations are long, and life is short ; so that astronomers are, occasionally, it is a pleasing relief to find, courteously inclined to borrow. THE SUN A STAR. 3 brought so comparatively near that it appears to us as a huge globe, and can now be made the subject of close ocular inspection. For, excepting the Moon, it is some- times or when Mars, Venus, and Mercury are not each approaching conjunction with the Earth the nearest heavenly body. The Sun therefore offers itself, and very steadily too, for our examination ; and by aid of the means which inventive genius has, especially of late years, devised, examination has been rendered very complete. We have now possessed ourselves of a knowledge of its nature and characteristics, and of many facts previously unknown or obscure, so that the study of the bright luminary of day becomes profoundly interesting, and it is the more so, seeing that in giving a short account of the Sun, as it is now proposed to do, it will bring us by reason of their similarity into immediate acquaint- ance with the whole universe of stars. In treating of the Sun it is convenient to deal with it in the two divisions which were originally the sub- ject of separate discourse. The second division, in portraying its constitution, more thoroughly answers to inquiry as to the nature of the stars, the constitution of which is presumably similar. But the facts con- tained in the first division will materially contribute to 4 THE SUN. the formation of a notion- regarding other particulars which should go to complete our conjectural acquaintance with them. For in magnitude, motions, light, and heat there must be, with both individual and generic differ- ences, undoubted general similarity ; while the matter of distance is, in its vastness, a point equally applicable to their relations. The enormous immensity of the scale upon which everything connected with our luminary has been designed, is overwhelming to our feeble powers of conception. It will be the endeavour of these pages to make some effort towards realizing, although it can only be in a faint measure, what is so impossible for even the most vivid imagination fully or adequately to apprehend or to describe. I. THE SUN'S MAGNITUDE, DISTANCE, MOTIONS, LIGHT, AND HEAT. 1 BY all the early pagans the Sun was regarded as a god, and was worshipped in different countries under different names, such as Baal, so repeatedly mentioned in sacred writ. Aristotle believed it to be animated. Some curious ideas were propounded by the Greeks. Thus Anaxagoras held the Sun to be a mass of ignited stone larger than the Peloponnesus, which, roughly speak- ing, may be said to be about 70 miles square, or some- where about equal to the half of Scotland south of the Firth of Forth ; and this minute fraction of the reality was doubtless regarded by the Greeks as indicating a heavenly body of immense size. Another, Anaximenes, maintained that, instead of being, as it appeared to be, a globe, it was flat or thin like a leaf ; while Anaximander imagined it to be a chariot of fire, the fire escaping through a circular aperture or hole in the chariot. Zeno supposed the Sun to consist of a fire larger than the earth ; while still another, Epicurus, represented the Sun as a ter- restrial mass, pierced through like purnice-stone, and in a state of incandescence ; also that the Sun was kindled in the morning, and was in the evening ex- tinguished in the waters of the ocean, into which it 1 Originally delivered at Edinburgh on 21st January 1882 as a lecture, which, however, has been here considerably altered. 6 THE SUN. seemed to the Greeks, from their geographical position, to fall. Of a different kind, but perhaps to be put alongside of those dreams of unenlightened philosophers, was the opinion of an Englishman, the Eev. Tobias Swindon, who, so recently as 1727, published a book in which he set forth reasons for holding the Sun to be the local place of helL 1 But a more common, though, as we shall speedily be convinced, a less justifiable idea, has, I suspect, been to consider it the abode of the blessed. The invention of the telescope in the beginning of the 17th century put an end to such absurd notions as those to which the Greeks gave birth, and brought to man a more accurate knowledge of the heavenly bodies than he had previously possessed, but still led to great diversity and error of opinion regarding the nature of the Sun ; and it is a circumstance not unworthy of remark, that Sir Isaac Newton, with the limited means of research which, in his time, were within command, but with the giant intellect he possessed, arrived at conclusions which, although only partially correct, have been considered to approximate those which astronomers of the present day, with vastly extended means of investigation, have at last come to hold. Before, however, entering upon a consideration of the constitution of the Sun, it is well to make ourselves somewhat acquainted with its size, its distance, its motions, its light, and its heat. 1 This curious and rare old book was translated into French, Recherclies sur la nature de VEnfer et du lieu oil il est situe. Traduit de 1'Anglois par Jean Bron. Swindon, considering hell to be a place of real fire, held that, from its nature, size, position, etc., it is adapted to receive the fallen angels and the wicked. Only the French edition is to be found in the Advocates' Library. ITS MAGNITUDE. THE MAGNITUDE OF THE SUN. A good many years ago visitors to London seldom missed going to Leicester Square to see the great globe which was there erected as a model of the Earth. I suppose it was probably from 40 to 50 feet in diameter, or as large as a good-sized house. Upon it were delineated the features of the World its oceans, mountains, rivers, and lands ; and I confess that, small as this model com- paratively was, it gave me, on walking round it, a better notion of the great planet on which we dwell than I had ever previously experienced. Now a model of the Sun on the same scale would need to be hewn out of a mountain a mile high and a mile thick, for it would require to be a mile in diameter. Placed beside the Leicester Square globe, we should obtain an idea of the comparative size of our great luminary. Perhaps it may be well still further to gain an idea of the Sun's bulk by first trying to realize the size of this Earth. If we could soar on seraph's wings to a height of some hundreds of miles above the Earth, the grandeur of its proportions would vaguely fill our sight ; but the altitudes within our reach by balloon or moun- tain ascent would give little notion ; and we must seek it in a better way, and it may be had thus. 1 The circum- ference of the Earth is, we know, about 24,000 miles. Could we construct a continuous railway round it, and despatch over it an express train at ordinary express 1 The greatest altitude ever attained in a balloon was on occasion of an ascent from Paris on 15th April 1875, when the aeronauts reached a height of 8 miles ; but from the extreme rarity of the atmosphere at that great elevation two of them died, so that for scientific purposes it was recommended that thenceforth no ascent higher than 4 miles should be made. But these very lofty ascents by no means afford correspond- ingly good or satisfactory views. Mount Etna is 10,900 feet, or rather 8 THE SUN. speed, it would take, at 1000 miles a day, 24 days to make the circuit. That is, constantly travelling night and day by express train, we should be able to dash round the World in somewhat less than a month. This will give some conception of the magnitude of the World upon which we live. Its diameter is 7916, in round numbers 8000 miles; so that, if we could bore it and construct a tunnel through to the other side, and lay it with rails, we should emerge again to daylight at the antipodes, say, in New Zealand, by express, in about 8 days. The Earth, therefore, is in size by no means contemptible, and to us pigmy inhabitants it is very huge. But the Sun is a body hitherto reckoned to be about 355,000 times the mass or weight of the Earth; while, seeing its substance is only about one -fourth of the Earth's density, its real size or volume is correspond- ingly greater, and is, as hitherto reckoned, 1,348,000 times the volume of the Earth. Now we can scarcely realize a body one thousand times greater than the Earth, but here we have one which is no less than nearly a million and a half times greater ; although its distance is so vast that it appears to us as a com- paratively small globe, no larger than the Moon, and it only looms large to us when we see it, as it rises or sets, resting on the top of a distant hill. The diameter of the Sun, however, in place of being, like the Earth, 8000 miles, is 882,646 (Young, 866,400 ] ) miles, and its cir- more than 2 miles high, and an extensive prospect must be had from its summit ; but it only commands about l/4000th part of the Earth's surface, which covers 200,000,000 square miles; so that to see the whole world we should require to have it studded at equal distances with 4000 mountains of similar height, and to ascend them all. 1 Professor Young bases this and other relative calculations on the ITS MAGNITUDE. 9 cumference is nearly 2,650,000 miles, or 111^- times that of our World. An express train, therefore, going 1000 miles a day, would take 7 years and 3 months to travel round the Sun. Another method to adopt, is to think of the Sun as equal to 70,000,000 times that of the Moon. Con- ceive, if we can, what would be its apparent size were it brought as near to us as the Moon. Imagine a majestic body moving before us in the firmament in bulk 70,000,000 times, and in diameter 220 times, larger than the Moon. These facts may give us some idea, but it may be realized in another way. Assuming the volume of the Sun at the above-mentioned 1,348,000 times that of the Earth, it would require so many globes each of the size of the Earth to make up a body equal to the Sun. Now suppose we were in imagination to take these 1,348,000 globes and put them in a line from the Sun out into space, they would extend to upwards of 10,600,000,000 miles. Now, as the Sun lies 93,000,000 miles from us, were these globes laid side by side in a straight line they would extend to about 114 times the distance we are from the Sun, or to nearly four times the distance from the Sun of the far-away planet Neptune, which, hugely greater than the Earth, is invisible to the unassisted eye, a distance so great that an express train starting from the Sun would take upwards of 29,000 years to reach the last of the line of globes. more recent estimates of the solar parallax. I have retained the previous estimates, and made my calculations on their basis, the actual size and distance of the Sun not being yet authoritatively ascertained. The difference is about 1/5 4th between the two sets of calculations, but this amount does not materially affect my illustrations. io THE SUN. It is only in some such way we can approximately realize the enormous mass of matter, or the vastness of the gigantic "body of the Sun, which is more than 600, or, as Dr. Young states it, 750, times greater than that of all the planets, satellites, and comets of the solar system put together. Indeed, so small is the Earth in comparison with the Sun, that Professor Tait says : l ' The Earth, as seen from the Sun, appears very much less than the planet Jupiter, or even Mars, as seen by us, that is, that it would present no visible disc to the naked eye, and that to an observer at such a distance as that of the Sun it would require a telescope of some little magnifying power to show it as a disc at all.' On the other hand, we should run away with a very false notion if we supposed that the Sun is the largest body in space. On the contrary, it is believed on good ground to be a comparatively small star in the great universe ; at all events, it is not among the largest, and the greater number of the stars, in all probability, are quite as large. Indeed, many of the fixed stars may be enormously larger. Mr. Proctor estimates Alpha Centauri, the nearest star, must be in diameter more than half as large again as the Sun, and its volume about five times his bulk. 2 Dr. Dick, 8 taking an observation of Sir William Herschel for his basis, calcu- lates that the star Vega (a Lyrae), the third in distance from us (a brilliant star of the first magnitude in the constellation of the Harp), is about 38 times the diameter 1 Tait's Recent Advances in Physical Science, p. 155. 2 Manchester Lectures, 1872, p. 7. 3 Dick's Sidereal Heavens, p. 64. STAR MAGNITUDE. n of the Sun, and that its solid contents are 54,872 times those of the Sun a magnitude, he truly enough says, 'altogether overpowering to the human imagination.' Mr. Grant, 1 however, bringing out an even larger sum, attributes the result to an erroneous determination of the apparent diameter of the star. Yet it is probable that Vega is greatly larger than the Sun, though how much larger may be matter of opinion. But Sirius, which is farther removed than Vega, undoubtedly seems, by consensus of opinion, to be vastly larger than the Sun, although in this, as in so many other things, astronomers differ widely in their estimates. For Sir John Herschel estimates the volume of Sirius to be 8000 times that of the Sun; while Mr. Proctor, on what he conceives a better calculation of the distance of Sirius, though apparently by no means stating with any assurance, gives the bulk at only 4860 times large enough certainly, but perhaps by no means approaching the size of some of the brilliant but vastly farther distant stars. Suppose, however, that either Vega or Sirius be only one thousand times larger than the Sun, their magnitude is beyond our conception ; while, in all likelihood, there are stars much larger, perhaps, even than 54,000 times that of our Sun; stars so large as to exercise control over far-distant systems and worlds ; magnitudes which cannot be even faintly apprehended by our finite powers. Such a star may be Alcyone, which is said, but not universally admitted, to be the central orb of a great star system of which the Sun and his planets form a part. 2 1 History of Physical Astronomy, p. 546. 2 Newcomb, p. 208, states that for the most part the stars with a decided parallax are not of conspicuous magnitude, which indicates that those of conspicuous magnitude must be vastly larger. 12 THE SUN. Having acquired an idea, however faint, of its size, we may pass to consider the prodigious DISTANCE OF THE SUN. Here it is necessary to start with a knowledge of what the distance actually is in figures. It is a problem very far from being easy of solution. ' In the time of Copernicus it was supposed that the Sun's distance could not exceed 5 millions of miles, and indeed there are many who thought that estimate very extravagant. From a review of the observations of Tycho Brahe, Kepler, however, concluded the error was actually in the opposite direction, and that the estimate must be raised to at least 13 millions. In 1670, Cessini showed that these numbers were altogether inconsistent with the facts, and gave as his conclusion 85 millions.' l Eighty-five millions was also erroneous, because short of the true distance. Fifty years ago children were taught at school that the distance was 95 millions. Now any schoolboy will probably affirm it to be 91 millions ; 2 but it turns out that every schoolboy is wrong, and that the real distance is different, and rather greater. And this leads to the consideration of how the distance is determined. There are various methods (as to which see Professor Forbes On the Transit of Venus, chap. ii. ; also The Sun, by Dr. Young, p. 25). But the 1 Conflict between Science and Religion, p. 173. Huygens estimated the distance to be 25,086 semi-diameters of the Earth, or 99 millions of miles. Newcomb, p. 173. See also Halley's mention of the various early computations. Ferguson's Astronomy, p. 449. 2 In Guillemin's Heavens the distance is stated to be 91,430,000 miles, ed. 1876, p. 14. ITS DISTANCE. 13 one which obtains most favour is that which arises out of the observation of the transits of the planet Venus, or its passing across the face of the Sun. These transits occur in pairs eight years apart, and with 122 years between the pairs. The last transit took place on 8th December 1874, and the next will be in December 1882; 1 and the next succeeding one will not be till 7th June 2004, that is, 122 years afterwards. Nor is a transit visible in all parts of the world. It is only seen at least in its completeness over a strip or belt of the world varying in position on each different occasion. It was first predicted by Kepler for the year 1631, but was not seen because that particular transit was not visible in Europe. A young English curate named Horrox, devoted to astronomical pursuits, there- after calculated a transit for Sunday, 24th November 1639, the precise hour having been unknown, and there was even an uncertainty as to the day. After an anxious, protracted vigil, interrupted on the Sunday by the requirements of clerical duty, so that the young enthusiast had alternately to rush off to service, doubt- less hastily and abstractedly performed, and to rush back excitedly to observe and watch, and nearly baffled by the occurrence of clouds, which, however, fortunately withdrew in sufficient time, he was gratified, for the first time in the world's history, by observing the transit. His observations, though of a very rude kind, were important both in relation to Venus herself and as to the Sun's di&tance, although it does not appear that he himself observed with this view, and it is to Dr. 1 This lecture was delivered previous to this the last transit, which, although the weather in Britain generally was unfavourable, has been seen elsewhere to great advantage, and excellent results from the observation are fully anticipated. 14 " ; THE SUN. Halley we are indebted for the suggestion of making the transits a means of measuring the distance of the Sun. His dissertation on the subject, together with Ferguson's observations thereon, and various other rela- tive papers, including account of Horrock's observation, will be found in Ferguson's Astronomy, pp. 434-501. Halley's suggestion was the more interesting that it bore reference to an event which would not happen for 70 years thereafter, and therefore long after he should be in his grave. The next transit took place in 1761, and the following one in 1769. On both these occasions several European States sent out expeditions to those parts of the world where observations could be made to most advantage. One of these expeditions was, under command of the famous Captain Cook, to the islands of the Pacific Ocean. Great discussion followed on the observations then effected, showing much want of accordance in results the computations of distance varying from 88 to 109 millions of miles, or no less than 2 1 millions of miles difference between the highest and the lowest. The cele- brated mathematician Encke therefore devoted attention to the subject, and revised the calculations in 1822-24, announcing his result to be 95,274,000 miles; and this was held to be the true distance for a long time. Others subsequently computed the distance differently ; but Leverrier at last made it 91,759,000, and Airy and Stone 91,400,000. 91 or 91^ millions was therefore popularly assumed to be in round numbers the correct quantity. But astronomers were far from being satisfied, and waited impatiently for the next transit of Venus to enable them to make their calculation more exact. They had to wait a long time, for Venus, with feminine inflexibility, would not go out of her way one second to TRANSIT OF VENUS. 15 please the most impatient astronomer, charm he ever so wisely. The next transit did not happen till 1874. By this time the means of observation had attained to vastly greater perfection than at the time of the previous transits, and all the civilised Powers, recognising the importance of ensuring absolute accuracy in observ- ing the transit then to take place, provided expeditions to the different parts of the world where the transit would be seen. Books were published on the subject, including one by Mr. Proctor and a smaller one by Professor George Forbes. That by Mr. Proctor (who had previously published a series of papers on the sub- ject in his book called The Universe and the Coming Transits) entered pretty fully into the history of the previous observations, and into a detail of the places and mode of observation, and is a model of beautiful illustration. That by Professor Forbes (more of a hand- book), after explaining the object of the observation and the different means to be used for attaining results, so as to be checks on each other, gave an account of the various expeditions then to be undertaken by the different countries. The British Government, besides making use of existing observations, selected special stations at Alex- andria in Egypt, Kerguelen's Island (in the Southern Indian Ocean), the Sandwich Islands, Kodriquez, and New Zealand two being situated in Kerguelen's Island, three in the Sandwich Islands, and two in Egypt, where there was also a private one at Thebes, by Colonel Campbell of Blythswpod. The sum of 15,000 was originally voted by Parliament in aid ; but how much more was subequently voted I do not know. Over and above, Lord Lindsay undertook a station at the Mauritius, provided with appliances for utilizing all the different 1 6 THE SUN. modes of observation, including about 5 chronometers ; and Professor Forbes says it was perhaps the most completely equipped expedition which had ever been undertaken by a private individual in the interests of astronomy. But without detailing the various other expeditions, I may simply say that the Germans sent out or stationed 5 or 6, the Eussians 46, the French 8, the Americans 8, the Italians 3, the Dwtch 1. In aH, the transit was to be viewed from about 75 stations; and the expense of the whole was estimated to amount to between 150,000 and 200,000. The preparations were great for an obser- vation which would scarcely last four hours, being the time Venus took to cross the Sun. But the observa- tions then made were only the beginning of the inquiry. They afforded materials merely ; for after they had been duly noted, they fell to be compared, and results de- duced ; and the number of calculations requiring to be made was so vast that it literally took years to over- take them. I have seen the number of calculations estimated, which was something astonishing, but un- fortunately did mot note it down at the time. It would have shown that the faets of astronomy are only obtained, not merely by means of much observation, both careful and minute, but by an after process of immense extent of calculation, and by the exercise of great skill, knowledge, and ingenuity, involving patient and laborious working, while they are very costly. Apart from their utility, they are of great interest to those who umdierstasid about them* The result of all was to- ascertain that previous cal- culations were in error. The Sun was considerably more distant from us than the last calculations had given. The British observers completed their calcula- DETERMINATION OF DISTANCE. 17 tions, except what fell to be deduced from the photo- graphic records, in the year 1876, and estimated the Sun's mean distance to be 93,300,000 miles, or nearly 2 millions more than the immediately previous estimate, and more than was anticipated ; but I believe there has been as yet no final result arrived at by a collection and comparison of the observations and calculations of all countries. Another method of determination has been recently adopted by observation of Mars when in opposition ; and for this end Mr. Gill, Her Majesty's Astronomer, Cape of Good Hope, proceeded to the Island of Ascension in 187 7. He has now published, in a reprint from the Memoirs of the Eoyal Astronomical Society, an account of his observations, with this ' Definitive result of the present investigation : mean horizonal equatorial parallax of the Sun = 8''78, with the probable error 0*012, which result combined with the most modern determination of the value of the equatorial radius of the Earth, viz. Listings = 396279 miles, gives for the mean distance of the Earth from the Sun 93,080,000 miles.' 1 Dr. Young, referring to these labours, but before the issue of the final publication from which I have quoted, says : ' So far as can be judged from the work thus far published, this determination must be conceded the precedence over all others in respect to its probable freedom from constant and systematic errors, and from theoretical difficulties. 4 2 Dr. Young, still 3 writing in the same predicament, 1 Memoirs, p. 163. 2 Young's Sun, p. 30. 3 Ibid. p. 43. 1 8 THE SUN. ' collecting all the evidence at present attainable,' arrives at a distance of 92,885,000 miles, with a probable error of 225,000 miles. Newcomb 1 estimates it to be between 92,200,000 and 92,700,000 miles. The distance of the Earth from the Sun is not always the same, because its orbit is eliptical, not circular, and it also varies from year to year through a very long cycle or period of time, so that the difference between the two extremes is no less than 11,300,000 miles, 2 and the difference of heat at the two extremes is as 19 to 26. ' So slow, however,' says Ansted, ' is the change in eccentricity, that although it is now diminishing, and has been so for a long time, it will continue to do so for nearly 24,000 years without being reduced to a minimum. The actual distance of the Sun from the Earth changes every day ; and owing to certain changes that take place in its movements, also occupying a long cycle (extending, however, over 25,686 3 years only), it happens that occasionally (as at present) the Earth is nearer to the Sun in the northern hemisphere during winter than during summer ' by about 3 millions of miles. ' Nearly 10,000 years ago the Earth was nearest the Sun in summer, and farthest in winter, and the eccentricity was greater than it is now. This difference was cer- tainly sufficient to produce a far more excessive climate, that is, a climate much hotter in summer and cooler in winter. As much as 210,000 years ago the difference was nearly a maximum in every way. Then perhaps was one of the glacial periods of geologists, for then the winter was nearly a month longer than the summer, as well as much colder than it is now.' 4 1 Astronomy, p. 200. 2 Ansted's Physical Geography, p. 5. 8 Sir J. Herschel has it 25,868 years, Outlines, 316. Col. Drayson, 31,000 years, Glacial Epoch, p. 217. 4 Ansted, p. 6. REALIZING DISTANCE. 19 But assuming the mean or average distance of the Sun at the present time to be 93,000,000, let us endeavour to realize what this means. And in the first place we must start by seeing how long it takes to count up a million. Supposing, then, we could count 200 per minute, and did so for 10 hours a day, it would require above 8 days to count a million. To count up 93 millions would therefore occupy, at the same rate, no less than 2 years 3 months. From this we acquire some idea of what an enormous figure 93 millions comes to be. We must, however, try and realize this 93 millions in miles. Now the velocity at which light travels has been variously computed at different times, and is still sub- ject of investigation. A considerable sum (1000) was recently appropriated by the United States of America for the construction of apparatus to compute it. But the latest calculation is, I think, that by Dr. Huggins, who estimates that the rate at which light travels is 185,000 miles per second ; and yet the distance is so great that light takes 8 minutes, or rather more, to reach us from the Sun, travelling at this inconceivable rate of speed. Yet, truly, this helps us but a very short way to realize or comprehend the immense distance ; because we have no idea, and can form none, of a speed of 185,000 miles per second. Bearing in mind, however, that there are 480 seconds in 8 minutes, this enormous distance of 185,000 miles must be travelled 480 times over (it is really 500 times) before the light reaches the Earth. Again, the Moon is distant from the Earth about 240,000 miles, and the Sun is removed from us about 20 THE SUN. 390 times the distance of; the Moon. Neither, however, can this calculation enable us to comprehend the vast distance the immense gulf which separates us from our great luminary. As little can we comprehend the distance by being told that a cannon-ball discharged from a cannon would, it has been said, take 350 years to reach the Sun. But suppose we adopt our former method of estimating that is, according to time taken in railway travelling. Now, were, a railway laid from the Earth to the Sun by which we could travel to it at the rate of 1000 miles per day, it would occupy no less than 255 years to per- form the journey ; so that had Charles i. on the day of his accession to the throne of Great Britain commenced a journey upon this imaginary railway, he could now only have just arrived at the other terminus, the Sun. Or if some adventurous hero were to begin it now, he could not reach the Sim till the year 2135 ; and he could not get back here, provided the Sun would let him, till the year 2390. Travelling by special express train for 255 years would, however, be costly. Might we not try to walk the distance ? Suppose, then, some remarkably good pedestrian, endowed with a body incapable of fatigue or decay, were to start on the journey and accomplish 30 miles a day, it would take him no less than 8415 years ; and suppose he did enjoy the somewhat needful Sunday rest, he would not accomplish the journey in under 9617 years that is, nearly 10,000 years, the odd 383 years being neither here nor there in an expedition of such duration. Of course I am supposing a road laid down all the way as straight as a Eoman road, or as many of the A WALK TO IT. roads are in France to this day ; and, like them, planted with an everlasting row of green shady trees on each side the highway, and supplied at least at the end of every day's journey with a comfortable hotel furnished with an abundance of the good things of this life, and conducted by a very obliging and accommodating land- lord, willing to take drafts on the Sun in payment of his bill, and with here and there a tailor and shoemaker's shop to replace what was worn out by the way. The journey would indeed be a remarkably striking one, perhaps striking in a double sense, for the road would be rendered as lively as a city under bombardment, and a good deal more appalling, by the constant passage of huge flying bodies, and by coming in sight of terrific globes dashing nearer and nearer with furious and ever- increasing speed : of the Moon, of Venus, of Mercury whizzing with annihilating rush across the sky, Venus and Mercury glowing with a scorching reflection of light and heat from the Sun ; and cornets flashing past with far-extending tail ; and then as the brave traveller, who, we shall suppose, is protected from all evil consequences, came near the Sun itself, what an awful form it would assume, glowing as with millions of tremendous furnaces, and darting out its huge red flickering flames with a frightful rapidity, as if to lick up and suck everything in ! He would, though scared and stupefied, be power- less to escape, and only be drawn on by an irresistible but horrible fascination, till unconsciously he touched the fiery willow leaves, the burning waves of the Sun, and should be at once ejected as an audacious, prying, interloping trespasser, and sent back on his weary course to Earth again, a wiser and a sadder man. The thought of this dreadful walk of 10,000 years will give some idea of the prodigious distance away at 22 THE SUN. which our immense luminary day after day rises in the east and turns his giant face upon us, benevolently beaming with light and heat and vivifying power. Were the Earth itself to lose that centrifugal force which keeps it from obeying the attraction of the Sun, and were thus, under the influence of the law of gravity, to be drawn to the parent orb, it would take little more than 60 days to perform its journey to the great parent orb ; but long ere these two eventful months were over we should all have perished upon the face of the Earth ; while the Earth, proceeding on with its freight of dead, would plunge into the Sun and be instantaneously swallowed up and lost, like a fragment of coal tossed into a huge smelting-furnace. Yet, far as it is removed from the Earth, the Sun itself, with its surrounding planetary system, is still more inconceivably removed from even the nearest fixed star. The ascertainment, however, of the distances of even the nearest fixed stars is scarcely less difficult than the estimate of their magnitudes. 1 It has been, at least 1 For the modes of measuring the distance of the stars, see Sir J. Herschel's Outlines, 799 et seq. The Astronomer Royal thus informs us as to the method taken by Bessel to ascertain the distance of 61 Cygni, by observations commenced in August 1837 at Konigsberg : ' I mentioned another way in which the distances of the stars may be ascertained, a method which is free from all those defects of which I have spoken. This method is by the observation of two stars, of which one is believed to be very much nearer to the Sun than the other. For then Ave may assume that the distant star will have no sensible change of place from parallax, depending on the position of the Earth in its orbit. And then in observing the stars from the various parts of the Earth's orbit, we can compare the apparent place of that star which we believe to be the nearer with the place of the other. Practically this is of importance. The refraction, precession, mutation, and aberration are sensibly the same ; and there is no uncertainty whatever from the com- putation of the various quantities which cast so much uncertainty on DISTANCE FROM FIXED STARS. 23 approximately, made in the case of a few, the nearest of all being, as already mentioned, the star a Centauri. This star is calculated to be upwards of 200,000 times more distant than the Sun is from the Earth, its light taking 3 years 8 months to reach us. In miles the distance is 19,653,690,000,000 (tens of thousands of millions, more or less). But we can only faintly realize a figure so vast when it is added that an express train, travelling 1000 miles a day, would take upwards of 50 millions of years to reach this, our nearest starry neighbour. Yet the succeeding star is more than twice as far away. The following table of distances has been furnished by Flammarion, corresponding with that of Guillemin : * Number of Eadii of Time Light Terrestrial Orbit. travels to us. a of the Centaur, . . 211,330 3 years 8 months. of the Swan, . . . 550,920 9 years. Vega, of Lyra, . . 1,330,700 21 Sirius, a of the Great Dog, . 1,375,000 22 ,, a of the Great Bear, . . 1,550,800 25 ,, Arcturus, of Bootes, . 1,622,800 26 Pole Star, .... 3,078,600 50 The Goat, a of Auriga, . 4,484,000 72 ,, the results derived from other observations. This is the method pursued by Bessel-in determining the distance of the star 61 Cygni. He measured the angular distance of this star from two small stars near it by means of an instrument called the heliometer, well known on the Continent, but of which there was at that time no specimen in England. "With this he determined the parallax of the star 61 Cygni to be one-third of a second ; that amounts to the same as saying that the distance is 600,000 times greater than the distance of the Earth from the Sun. It is deserving of attention that 61 Cygni is a double star ; but we know from long observation that the two stars partake of the same motions, and probably are a connected system like the Earth and Moon, and therefore we speak of them and of their distance as if they were only one star.' Six Lectures on Astronomy at Ipswich, by George Biddell Airy, Astronomer Royal, 4th ed. p. 170. 1 Flammarion's Wonders of Heavens, p. 107 ; Guillemin's Heavens, p. 292. 24 THE SUN. These may not correspond with the figures of other astronomers, and indeed "their calculations differ con- siderably, as may be seen by comparing with Xewcomb j 1 but they suffice to give an idea of the enormous spaces by which one star is removed from another. There are stars in the Milky Way which are some thousand times as far removed as a Centauri ; and Herschel believed his telescope revealed the light of stars which took 2 millions of years to reach us ; so that, if he was right, these stars are 600,000 times as distant as the nearest star. One is overwhelmed with the thought. But we require to take along with the distances the conception of THE SUN'S MOTIONS. The Sun does not in reality revolve on its axis so fast as the Earth, but its bulk is so greatly larger that the actual motion at the surface or circumference is nearly four times faster. Were the Earth to move at its surface as rapidly as the Sun moves at its surface, we should see the Sun, Moon, and stars perceptibly sailing through the heavens. But besides its diurnal motion on its axis, the Sun is also moving through space, carrying along with it the Earth and all the other planets, and it does so with the prodigious velocity of well-nigh half a million of miles a day, or about 150,000,000 miles in a year. And 1 Newcomb's Astronomy, p. 536. Mr. Proctor observes on the above list, that recent measurement reduces the distance of 61 Cygni and of Sirius ; but that ' with the single exception, perhaps, of a Centauri, the stars are at distances beyond our present means of measurement.' Guillemin's Heavens, p. 292, editorial note. ITS MOTIONS. 25 yet, at a speed which we cannot apprehend, it would occupy the Sun from 120,000 to 130,000 years to reach the nearest fixed star, were that star in its course, and would wait its arrival. The Sun is believed to be moving in a tremendous orbit of its own round some great central Sun, which, as already mentioned, has been rightly or wrongly supposed to be Alcyone in the Pleiades, dragging us all with it in its course. Yet, although moving at this inconceivable rate of 150,000,000 miles in a year, it is calculated to take 18,200,000 years to make the circuit, so that since the days of Adam it has only performed the 3000th part of its progress round that distant centre ; and how often it has made the circuit no one can tell, or perhaps in this life ever will. Doubtless it has been many times. While all the other stars are in motion, too, revolving in great orbits of their own, never jarring or jostling each other, and, perhaps, all in turn are revolving round a great chief centre ; yet in some cases these orbits, if they are orbits, must be so im- mense that the course of the stars appears to be in a straight line, and some are moving 'At such a rate that the gravitation of all the known stars cannot stop them until they shall have passed through and beyond the visible universe. The most remarkable of these, so far as we know, is Groombridge, 1830, it having the largest apparent motion of any star.' l The motion of this star is so rapid that ' it would pass from the Earth to the Sun in about 5 days, so that its velocity probably exceeds 200 miles per second/ Some stars are receding from us, and others are approaching us (see a list in Newcomb, p. 458), but the star which is approaching us most directly is a Cygni, . which is 1 Newcomb's Astronomy, p. 485. 26 THE SUN. coming at the rate of about 40 miles per second, and in a period of between iOO,000 and 300,000 years ' will pass by our system at something like a hundredth of its present distance, and will for several thousand years be many times nearer and brighter than any star is now.' l These facts give rise to a curious thought. For, keep- ing in mind that every individual star is at a different distance from us, some vastly farther off than others, so that their light arrives at Earth in different periods of time, while each star is in rapid motion, and is moving in a separate course, the conclusion is forced upon us, that when we look upon the face of the sky we see not really a true picture of what at the exact moment surrounds us ; for the light of one star having taken 1000 years to come to us, the star itself is now in a different place from where it was when its light left it ; and the light of another having taken 5000 years, is still farther removed from where it was when the light left it, and thus what we actually see differs from what it would be did the light reach us instan- taneously, and we then saw the stars just where they respectively are in the heavens. Little as we usually think regarding the magnitude and distance of the Sun, I fear we as little apprehend, though we can more easily realize, its power and its importance to us. ' The Sun's rays/ says Sir John Herschel, ' are the ultimate source of almost every motion which takes place on the surface of the Earth. By its heat are produced all winds, and those disturbances in the electric equilibrium 1 Newcomb's Astronomy, p. 459. ITS UTILITY. 27 of the atmosphere which give rise to the phenomena of lightning, and probably also to those of terrestrial magnetism and the aurora. By their vivifying action vegetables are enabled to draw support from inor- ganic matter, and become in their turn the support of animals and of man, and the sources of those great deposits of dynamical efficiency which are laid up for human use in our coal strata. By them the waters of the sea are made to circulate in vapour through the air and irrigate the land, producing springs and rivers. By them are produced all disturbances of the chemical equilibrium of the elements of nature which, by a series of compositions and decompositions, give rise to new products, and originate a transfer of materials.' x These, however, are only some of the uses of the Sun to us ; but the fact is that all life upon the Earth is, under God, dependent upon the light and heat which we derive from it, so carefully adjusted and adapted that were they either considerably increased or con- siderably diminished, we should be either scorched or chilled out of existence, and the means of supporting life would likewise perish. Let us, then, consider for a little the light and heat derived from the Sun. THE SUN S LIGHT. And, first, with regard to that benign and glorious light with which the parent Sun gilds the Earth, cheering us from day to day, a blessing so freely bestowed that we think not of it except when it is cut off from us ; and a mysterious thing it is, too, for it travels, as we have seen, at the enormous speed of 185,000 miles per second, and yet it is only a series of 1 Herschel's Outlines of Astronomy, 8th ed. p. 259, 399. 28 THE SUN. vibrations or wayes ' dancing to and fro at the rate of about 450 billions of times in a single second/ a rapidity of action which is truly as incomprehensible as are the figures by which it is expressed. The ascertainment of the intensity of the sunlight has long been a subject of experimental investigation, and among popular books will be found treated in Guillemin's Sun, chap, i., and Young's Sun, chap, viii., to which I would refer. The comparison has been made chiefly with the light of candles. In 1725, Bouguer, a French astronomer and philosopher, made certain experiments, and taking his calculations as a basis, Guillemin estimates the light of the Sun at the zenith, that is, when directly overhead, with a clear sky, to be equal to 75,200 times that of a candle placed at the distance of 3^ feet from the object illuminated. Dr. Wollaston, an English philosopher, made it to be rather less, or equal to about 68,000 times at similar distance. With such a basis of calculation the number of candles placed on a plane surface facing the Earth at the Sun's distance, so as to give a light equal to that of the Sun, has been com- puted, but is altogether beyond apprehension. 1 M. Becquerel, another French natural philosopher, made experiments on the lime light, on the light arising from the burning of magnesium wire, and the electric light ; and upon the footing of the estimate made of the power of candle light by Bouguer and Wollastoii, Guillemin deduced that the Sun's light is equal to 75 times that of the electric light at 3^ feet distance. With more powerful batteries other experimenters are said to have produced electric light than which the 1 See Young's Sun, p. 240. ITS LIGHT ESTIMATED. 29 light of the Sun was only 2^ times greater, which, if correct, was a near approach to daylight. It must, however, be borne in mind that the sunlight is most intense at noon, when the Sun is in the zenith. At sunrise it was found at Paris, on the 20th June (the height of summer), the light was 1300 times less than when the Sun was in the zenith, and that as the Sun rose higher and higher in the heavens the light pro- portionally got stronger and stronger. The light of the Sun has also been compared with that of the Moon and of the stars. Bouguer concluded the light of the Sun to be 300,000 times that of the Moon ; Wollaston, as much as 801,072 times ; Professor Bond of Cambridge, 470,000 times; Zollner, 619,000 times as much light as the full Moon, -a result which Newcomb thinks is probably quite near the truth. Huygens, the celebrated Dutch philosopher of the 17th century, estimated the light of the Sun to be equal to 765 millions of times that of Sirius, the most brilliant star in the sky ; though in our hazy climate w r e do not see it glowing with the intensity with which it may be seen in the clearer southern atmosphere of the Riviera. But Wollaston's calculation, made at a long after period, and, doubtless, with much better means, was much greater, for he estimated the light of the Sun to be 20,000 millions of times that of Sirius; 1 and yet if Sirius were unfortunately brought as near to us as is the Sun, its" light would be equal to 94 Suns similar to our own a blaze of light by which we should immediately be blinded. The distance of Sirius from 1 Great reliance on these computations, however, in the nature of the case, cannot be placed. Sir John Herschel and Mr. Bond estimated the light of Sirius at less. 30 THE SUN. us is, however, so enormously great, seven times that of the nearest star, that, assuming Wollaston's calcula- tion to be correct, it would require the sky to be set and it would be a gorgeous illumination with 20,000 millions of visible stars, each with all the brilliance of Sirius, to light us up as fully as we are lighted by the Sun. These facts show that there are stars which yield a much greater light than the San. Sirius is a particu- larly bright star. Sir John Herschel has estimated the intensity of its light to be equal to the light of nearly 200 stars of the 6th magnitude. But it is com- paratively near, and some of the brilliant stars which are much farther removed may shine with a far more exceeding splendour. THE SUN'S HEAT. From the light of the Sun it is an easy transition to pass to consider its heat, for all light produces or carries with it heat. Dr. Lardner, in his treatise on heat, 1 does indeed say that moonlight is an exception ; because in whatever degree moonlight can be con- centrated by the most powerful burning glasses, it ' has never yet been found to affect the most sensible thermometer.' But his book is dated 1833, and, doubtless, expressed the result of experiments made during upwards of 130 years previously. Subse- quent inquiries upset the view. For Professor Piazzi Smith 2 (who experimented on the top of the Peak of Teneriffe), Professor Forbes, and Melloni, an Italian, all have detected, though in minute degree, some amount 1 Lardner's Heat, p. 351. 2 See Proctor's Moon, pp. 272-282. ITS HEAT. 31 of heat in the Moon's rays ; while Lord Eosse, using a powerful reflecting telescope, was able to say that the light reflected from the Moon can be felt, and he esti- mated that this heat is the l/900,000th part of that radiated from the Sun. 1 The light emanating from all the stars, or from space, has been calculated by M. Guillemin 2 (and the statement is surprising) to afford the Earth as much heat as is equal to about 5/6th of the heat we derive from the Sun. This estimate is founded upon investigations by M. Pouillet, another Frenchman (for it is chiefly to French philosophers we are indebted for investigations on this subject), who found the temperature of interplanetary space to be about 140 C. below freezing point a statement which it seems difficult to reconcile with Guillemin's calculation. The heat received from individual stars has likewise been estimated, and necessarily is minute ; that from Arcturus was found to be ' equal to the radiation of a Leslie cube of boiling water at a distance of 383 yards.' 3 But we do not by a long way receive from the Sun all the heat it emanates. Professor Tait tells us ' that the quantity of heat which the whole Earth gets from the Sun is of the order of something less than the 2000 millionth part of that which the Sun gives out.' 4 Guillemin states the same thing : ' the heat intercepted by the Earth is only 2050,000000 P ar ^ of the entire solar radiation.' 5 Further, Sir John Herschel informs us that the heat received by the Earth in a given area -is as 1 Proctor's Orbs around us, p. 73. 2 Guillemin's Sun, p. 37. 3 Guillemin's Forces of Nature, p. 496. 4 Tait's Advances, p. 155. ' 5 Guillemin's Forces of Nature, p. 495. 32 THE SUN. to the heat on an equal given area in the Sun only about the 92,000th part, 1 or as he has elsewhere said, I presume meaning much the same thing, ' the temperature, that is to say, the degree or intensity of the heat, at the actual surface of the Sun ' is 'more than 90,000 times greater than the intensity of sunshine here on our globe at noon and under the equator.' 2 Putting these facts or calculations together, the amazing amount of heat which exists in, and is con- stantly proceeding from the Sun, must be something inconceivable ; and from early times philosophers have set to work to estimate its intensity and measure its power. Eecently M. Pouillet has invented an instru- ment (and others have done the same) to measure the solar heat as received by the Earth, called the Pyrheliometer. In one of the most recent works on astronomy, though in parts somewhat sketchy, that by M. Kam- bosson, Laureate of the Institute of France, 3 there are given some of the different opinions which have been held on the subject of the Sun's temperature, from which it appears that so great is the disagreement of philosophers, that the heat of the Sun has been variously estimated at from 1461 up to 10,000,000, the highest calculation being 6000 times that of the lowest, from which it is very evident that no great reliance can be placed upon any such estimates, although the progress of science tends to greater certainty. How- 1 Outlines, 396. 2 Quoted in Williams' Fuel of Sun, p. 73, without reference. 3 Rambosson's Astronomy, p, 93. COMPUTATIONS OF HEAT. 33 ever, even the lowest of these computations states an amount of heat far beyond our experience. 1 Endeavour has indeed been made to realize the amount of heat by comparing it with temperatures which can be reached on Earth. Thus it has been estimated by one man that the heat emitted from the Sun (which is greatly less than that contained in it) is 1000 hotter than what is necessary to melt iron ; and Sir William Thomson has said it is from 15 to 45 times greater than that developed in the furnace of a locomotive, while he considers the Sun's radiation to be equivalent to about 7000 horse-power per square foot of his sur- face. 2 While such figures- may be mentioned, all we can understand is, that the heat is- something incon- ceivably tremendous. The more common methods- of computation or com- parison, however, are by estimating by its power on ice, by the amount of coal it would be necessary to bum to make its equivalent, by its capacity for boiling, and the like. Computations as with ice seem to be a favourite method. Eor example, Sir John Herschel* considers the heat, if it could be concentrated, sufficient to melt a cylinder of ice 45 miles in diameter continuously darted into the Sun with the velocity of light without diminishing the intensity of the Sun's heat. 4 Dr. 1 * Secchi originally contended for a temperature of aUxMit 18,000,000 Fahr. (though he afterwards- lowered his estimate to about 250,000). Ericson puts the figure at 4,000,000 or 5, 000 y 000. Zollner, Spoerer, and Lane name temperatures ranging from 50,000' to 100,000 Fahr. ; while Pouillet, Vicaire, and Deville have put it as low as between 3000 and 10,000 Fahr. The intensest artificial heat may perhaps reach 4000 Fahr.' Young's Sun, p. 265. 2 Tait's Advances, p. 158. 3 Outlines, p. 259. 4 Young's Sun, p. 255. C 34 THE SUN. Young says it would in a second of time melt a column of ice 2^ miles in diameter spanning the inconceivable abyss between the Earth and the Sun, and in seven seconds it would dissipate the whole in vapour. Pouillet 1 describes the heat as sufficient to melt .in one minute a layer of ice 11.80 metres (nearly 40 feet) thickness, or in one day 16,992 metres, or 4 leagues, that is, were the Sun suddenly girt with ice of adequate depth, the power of its heat would in one day melt through a belt of ice 1 3 miles thick. Professor Tyndall 2 estimates this heat as equal to boiling 2900 thousand millions of cubic kilometres, or as it is elsewhere stated, 700,000,000 cubic miles of water at the temperature of ice. Tyndall 3 also says : ' Expressed in another way, the heat emitted by the Sun is equal to that which would be produced by the combustion of a seam of coal 27 kilometres (16.65 miles) thick.' Sir John Herschel puts it, that to maintain the heat calculated by Sir William Thomson, it would require 13,500 Ibs. for every square yard of the Sun that is, 6 tons of coal to be burnt each hour on each square yard of the Sun. But I only mention these estimates, which really it is impossible for us to realize, in order to furnish some idea, vague and general it must be, of the vast heat existing in and emanating from the Sun even after allowing the largest deduction for over-estimates. It is an amount (whichever calculation we choose) with which we have nothing on Earth fortunately to compare ; for ' if the Sun were to come as near us as the Moon, the solid Earth would melt like wax.' 4 The experiments 1 Williams' Fuel of Sun, p. 74. 2 Guillemin's Sun, p. 35. 3 Guillemin's Forces of Nature, p. 495. 4 Young's Sun, p. 268. HEAT HO W PRODUCED. 35 and observations made by some of the French philo- sophers l led them to conclude that the solar heat does not exceed 3000 centigrade, and probably is from 2500 to 2800, in other words 12 or 14 times the heat necessary to make water boil. These are lower estimates than others, and seem to be unreliable. Eosetti finds, says Dr. Young ' 18,000 Fahr. as the effective temperature of the Sun, a result which, all things considered, seems to the writer more reasonable and better founded than any of the earlier estimates. Eosetti considers that this is also pretty nearly the actual temperature of the upper layers of the photosphere." 2 Bat really, after all, no more can be said on this sub- ject than that philosophers widely disagree as to the extent or degree of heat, but all agree that it is some- thing far exceeding anything we have experience of here, or which we can possibly realize. I do not enter upon the power of the Sun's heat further than to mention that when the Sun's rays are collected and concentrated by means of a burning glass, the heat exceeds that of a powerful furnace, and is sufficient to melt gold and convert it into vapour. 3 It is also a curious fact to be stated in the same connec- tion, that the heat may be transmitted through a burn- ing glass of ice, so as, without melting the ice itself, to set on fire what is placed in the focus. How this awful heat is produced or maintained is a question which has not yet been solved. Sir John Herschel says : 1 Eambosson, p. 95. 2 Young's Sun, p. 267. 3 Lardner's Heat, p. 350. 36 THE SUN. ' The great mystery is to conceive how so enormous a conflagration (if such it ;"be) can be kept up. Every dis- covery in chemical science here leaves us completely at a loss, or rather seerns to remove further the prospect of probable explanation.' l ' It is quite certain,' says Dr. Young, ' that it is not a case of mere combustion.' ' If the Sun were made of solid coal burning in pure oxygen, it could only last about six thousand years. 2 Various theories have been propounded, and one of them, by M. Matthieu Williams in Fuel of the Sun, who, discarding a supposition that it is maintained by a bom- bardment of aerolites, suggests the ingenious explanation that the Sun, travelling through space with the velocity of about 400 to 500 thousand miles a day, is fed by the air through which it passes, which he calculates would be equal to fresh fuel at the rate of 165 millions of millions of tons per second. In other words, that the Sun is an immense fire fed by fuel. But if I might hazard an observation, I think this view is untenable, because 1st, It would imply the Sun is fed only upon the side or part or half which is in advance, the other half or back part would be unfed, or at least meagrely fed while in rear. And as the Sun takes nearly a month to perform its re- volution on its axis, each part of its surface would in succession be unfed for nearly half a month. 2d, Its condition would necessarily be dependent upon the quality of the atmosphere or space through which it passed, in some places densely laden with matter, in others lightly, so that it would burn unsteadily. 3d, The probability is that the matter of the system moves with the Sun or system, so that its material 1 Outlines, 400. ? Young, p. 270. HE A T DIMINISHING. 3 7 would soon be burnt out. 4th, That no appearances in the shape of a trail of smoke or otherwise justify the conclusion. There may be better scientific reason, and indeed any form of maintenance by combustion seems now to be given up, and the view generally entertained appears rather to be that first suggested by Helmholtz, that the great heat is engendered by the tremendous pressure and contraction which the force of gravity should produce ; and this also is the view taken by Dr. Young, the latest authority, who, however, allows that a fraction of the heat may result from, the falling in of meteors. It is not doubted that the heat of the Sun is diminishing; 1 but it is comforting to think that, ac- cording to Father Secchi of Eome, the diminution 1 is almost imperceptible, not exceeding one degree in 4000 years.' The rate, however, is a point upon which it is not possible to form any correct opinion. Professor Tait says : ' The Sun cannot possibly cool more than a single degree centigrade in seven years. It may be on the highest estimate we can take one degree in 7000 years; the data are very uncertain; but we may say that these are the limits between which it must lie.' 2 But taking the highest estimate of 7000, and the temperature of the Sun to be now 18,000 (and it may be vastly more), the conclusion would be that in 126,000,000 years the sun will cool down to zero. Dr. Young, saying that Newcomb allows it only 10,000,000 years to continue to afford sufficient heat to support life, will not himself allow the possibility of 60 millions of years. 3 Indeed, he would assign a total existence for the solar system from its birth to its death 1 See Professor Nichol's Phenomena, p. 191. 2 Recent Advances, p. 159. 3 Young's Sun, p. 276. 38 THE SUN. of only 30 millions of years, 1 a fraction merely of the periods which others have assigned. The Sun's heat, however, might he maintained for a short season longer than it would otherwise be by the falling into it of the planets a supposition not impossible. For from time to time (though so rarely that, as according to Humboldt, only twenty have been recorded as seen in 2000 years) there have been instances of stars observed suddenly to blaze out as if on fire, one of the most remarkable of which was that of a star in the constella- tion Corona borealis, which, on 12th May 1866, burst out for a period of twelve days from the appearance of a star of the 9th magnitude to that of the 2d, and then returned to its former magnitude ; 2 and there have not been found wanting those who have expressed the opinion that such a blazing out might be occasioned by the violent precipitation of some great mass, perhaps of a planet upon the star. Indeed, it is now considered, although the period it may take may be very long pro- tracted, that the existence of aluminiferous 3 ether in the realms of space, united to other causes, must offer such a resistance to the planets 4 as will in course of time cause them to fall into the Sun ; just as the aerolites or falling stars, flying through space, are arrested by the Earth at the rate of seven and a half millions per day. 5 1 Young's Sun, p. 277. 2 Schellen's Spectrum Analysis, p. 523. See also mention of the star in Cassiopeia, and the star n Argus in Professor Nichol's Solar System, p. 189. 3 Helmholtz, Popular Scientific Lectures, 2d series, p. 165. * The resistance experienced in the case of Encke's comet has, however, it is right to say, been attributed by some to its passing through the zodiacal nebulosity. 8 Helmholtz, p. 169. THE SUN'S DEATH. 39 Professor Tait 1 calculates that if the Earth were to fall into the Sun, the heat thus generated would be equal to the heat given out by the Sun in about 91 years. Sir William Thomson 2 makes it 95 years, and calculates the additional duration which the collapse of the other planets would ensure. Jupiter falling in would, from its immensely greater bulk, add 32,254 years, while all the planets together would only effect a prolongation of the Sun's beams for 45,604 years. But after all, the Sun must in time be reduced to a black body like that of the companion of Sirius, which is almost indiscernable from the faintness of its light, 3 and ulti- mately to that of the satellites or companion of the star Procyon, which, from its darkness, has not yet been seen. Mr. Ivalley Miller, contemplating speculations of this nature, observes : 4 ' When the last of the planets is swallowed up, the Sun's energies will rapidly die out, and a deep and deathly gloom gather around nature's grave. Looking into the ages of a future eternity, we can see nothing but a cold and burnt-out mass remain- ing of that glorious orb which went forth in the morning of time, joyful as a bridegroom from his chamber, and rejoicing as a strong man to run a race.' 1 Recent Advances, p. 158. 2 Young, p. 272. 3 Helmholtz, p. 190. 4 R. Kalley Miller's Romance of Astronomy, p. 108. UNIVERSITY] II. THE CONSTITUTION OF THE SUN, ITS SPOTS AND PROMINENCES. 1 PKINCIPAL LEITCH of Queen's College, Canada, in a popu- lar work called God's Glory in the Heavens, published in 1863 (eighteen years ago), expressing an idea which at that time and for ninety years previously had pre- vailed among astronomers, thus describes our subject: 2 ' The Sun may then be conceived as composed of a dark central body, encompassed by successive envelopes or shells suspended at different heights in the atmosphere, the uppermost being the one which forms the luminous disc of the Sun. A Chinese ivory ball, composed of carved concentric shells, represents very well the structure of the Sun and the nature of the spots/ Upon this dark central body the supposed inhabitants of the Sun were imagined to dwell Imprisoned within this tremendous oven, enveloped by a vast surrounding canopy of cloud and fire which would for ever exclude the view of all outside the Sun, its poor denizens, we might fairly conceive, if not undergoing the daily torment of continuous suffocation, would, without some 1 This lecture was delivered before the Literary Institute of Edin- burgh on 7th December 1881, and was repeated, at request, before the Greenock Philosophical Society on 24th February 1882. A few altera- tions and additions have been made since. a 2d edition, p. 123. 41 42 THE SUN. marvellous means of refrigeration, be unceasingly suffer- ing the horrid pangs of recasting or stewing alive. We are, however, saved the pain of realizing and sympathizing with so frightful a condition by the know- ledge to which we have now attained. During these eighteen years astronomers, with the enormously increased means of investigation at their disposal, and especially by the use of the spectroscope, have been vigorously prosecuting their inquiries with gigantic strides have succeeded in unveiling many mysteries, and have intelli- gently and patiently achieved that apparently difficult task of throwing light upon the Sun. Nay, we are not content with having our eyes filled with the Sun, but we must have our ears too. For within the last few months attempt, it seems, has been made by Professor Graham Bell, under the guidance of M. Janssen, a famous French astronomer, by employment of the photo- phone, and that with sufficient encouragement, it is said, to justify hope of ultimate success, to explore the noises supposed to accompany the vast movements of matter taking place in the solar surface. Perhaps, in Great Britain at least, Mr. Norman Lockyer is the astronomer who has, by his unwearied labours, most largely contributed to acquaintance with our great luminary. Among the foreign astronomers, we are indebted to the late Father Secchi of Eome, M. Janssen, and others, some of whose names I shall have occasion to mention. Philosophers, owing to the limited means of observa- tion formerly had, have, till recent years, widely differed regarding the constitution of the Sun. Some maintained, FORMATION INTERIOR. 43 like Professor Leitch, that its interior is, or contains, a more or less solid body, cool and habitable ; others that the Sun is entirely gaseous. The former opinion is now abandoned, and the latter proposition, that it is gaseous, is what is now generally held as the result of more accurate scientific investigation to be its true explanation or description. This, then, is now considered to be the general forma- tion of the Sun (1.) The interior or portion which lies below or within what is called the photosphere or surface, and is entirely invisible to us. (2.) The photosphere, or luminous face of the Sun. (3.) Above this the chromosphere, or denser portion of the Sun's atmosphere, and (4.) Above the chromosphere, extending to a great height, the Corona, or thinner or more attenuated atmosphere. Let us consider these different divisions in their order. 1. The Interior of the Sun. Though invisible, there is every reason to believe it to be composed of gaseous vapours in a state of incan- descence, burning with inconceivable heat ; and this conclusion is supported by the well-ascertained fact that the density of the Sun is so much less than that of the Earth as to be only one and a half times that of water. 'So that,' says Sir John Herschel, 1 'it must consist in reality of far lighter materials, especially when we consider the force under which its central parts must be 1 Outlines, 8th ed. 449, p. 297. 44 THE SUN. condensed. This consideration renders it highly probable that intense heat prevails-- in its interior, by which its' elasticity is reinforced and rendered capable of resisting this almost inconceivable pressure without collapsing into smaller dimensions.' M. Faye, a French astronomer 'Eegards the interior of the Sun as consisting of the original nebula from which our whole system has been slowly condensed, in a state of dissociation that is, at such an intense heat that chemical combinations are impossible.' 1 Father Secchi, late Director of the Observatory at Eome, who has largely contributed to our knowledge of the Sun by his observations on this, to him, a favourite subject, says: 'When the sun at the epoch of its formation had reached a volume about equivalent to that which it now possesses, its temperature would have been at least 500 millions degrees; and, moreover, we know by experi- ments that even now its surface temperature amounts to several millions degrees ; that of the interior is probably higher still. We must conclude from these facts that the Sun cannot be composed of a solid mass ; nor, enormous as may be the pressure existent in this mass, it cannot possibly, so to speak, be in a liquid state. Whence we are necessarily led to the supposition that it is gaseous notwithstanding its extreme condensation.' 2 M. Delauney, another French astronomer, holds that ' The Sun is a gaseous mass with a very elevated temperature, which prevents the elementary substances that enter into its composition from consolidating.' 3 1 Lockyer's Solar Physics, p. 67. 2 Rambosson's Astronomy, p. 89. 3 The views of some of the distinguished students of the Sun, includ- ing specially Secchi, Faye, Young, and Langley, will be found in Newcomb's Astronomy, p. 265 et seq. INTERIOR PHOTOSPHERE. 45 M. Rambosson, Laureate of the Institute of France, says : 1 For my own part, after comparing the various solu- tions that have been proposed, I must pronounce for the gaseous nature of the sun.' l Professor Young, holding it probable that the Sun's core is gaseous, observes : 'Nothing could be remoter from the truth than to imagine that a mass of gas under such conditions of temperature and pressure ' (as he had described) ' would resemble our air in its obvious characteristics. It would be denser than water ; and since, as Maxwell and others have shown, the viscosity of a gas increases fast with rising temperature, it is probable that it would resist motion something like a mass of pitch or putty.' 2 Such is the concurrence of opinion ; and the fact appears to be pretty universally admitted or proved, that the heat in its intensity is in the centre, Mr. Lockyer observing that there is proof that the deeper we go the hotter we get, and the coolness, comparative of course, is to be found in the exterior or crust. It is to this comparative coolness this which to us would be an inappreciable diminution of inconceivably fervent heat the Sun owes 2. The Photosphere, its shining cover. M. Faye, Mr. Lockyer observes 'Looks upon the photosphere as the surface at which the heat is so acted upon by the cold of space as to allow chemical combinations and solid and liquid particles to exist.' 3 1 P. 90. - 2 Sun, p. 286. 3 Solar Physics, p. 67. 46 THE SUN. It is from this photosphere, or shining skin of the Sun, we derive our light and our heat, and its appear- ance when examined by the telescope is very remarkable. Observation of it had been made, as stated by Arago, 1 from time to time. It had been remarked by the Bavarian Jesuit Scheiner, a contemporary of Galileo, that the entire surface of the solar body was constantly covered with light and dark streaks of slender dimen- sions. A century and a half later (1774) Francis Wollaston, an English astronomer, said, 'The Sun is frequently dotted, perhaps always is,' and Sir William Herschel in 1795 wrote, ' The Sun appears to be irregular, like the skin of an orange.' About twenty years ago Mr. Nasmyth, an English astronomer, examin- ing with more care, observed upon the Sun what, from their shape and elongated form, he designated, ' Willow leaves,' a name by which this peculiar mottling has generally been since known. It has been likened, however, by other observers to slashed blades of straw, and to grains of rice. Although only visible under a powerful telescope, these so-called willow leaves are necessarily of great size, having been estimated to be not less than 1000 miles long by from 200 to 300 miles broad. They have been said by some, though it is doubted or disputed by others, to interlace each other like the cross hatching in a drawing or engraving. The leaves themselves are luminous. The spaces between them, being by contrast dark or less luminous, have been called pores or openings. The leaves have thus been described by Sir John Herschel : ' According to his (Mr. Nasmyth's) observations made with a very fine telescope of his own making, the bright surface of the Sun consists of separate insulated in- 1 Arago's Popular Astronomy, p. 440. THE WILLOW LEAVES. 47 dividual objects or things all nearly, or exactly, of one certain definite size and shape, which is more like that of a willow leaf, as he describes them, than anything else. These leaves or scales are not arranged in any order (as those on a butterfly's wing are), but lie crossing one another in all directions (like what are called spills in the game of spillikens), except at the borders of a spot where they point, for the most part, inwards towards the middle of the spot, presenting much the sort of appear- ance that the small leaves of some water-plants or sea-weeds do at the edge of a deep hole of clear water. The exceedingly definite shape of these objects, their exact similarity one to another, and the way in which they lie across and athwart each other (except where they form a sort of bridge across a spot, in which case they seem to affect a common direction, that, namely, of the bridge itself), all these characters seem quite repugnant to the notion of their being of a vaporous, a cloudy, or a fluid nature. Nothing remains but to consider them as separate and independent sheets, flakes, or scales having some sort of solidity. And these flakes, be they what they may, and whatever may be said about the dashing of meteoric stones into the Sun's atmosphere, etc., are evidently the immediate sources of the solar light and Jieat/Bud. Sir John makes this singular addition : 'We cannot refuse to regard them as organisms of some peculiar and amazing kind, and though it would be too daring to speak of such organization as partaking of the nature of life, yet we do know that vital action is com- petent to develope both heat, light, and electricity.' 1 The views relative to the supposed willow leaves have, however, now undergone a change. Mr. Lockyer, in his recent work on star-gazing (published 187S), 2 concludes, as the result of the work of many careful 1 Good Words, 1863, p. 282. 2 Lockyer's Star-gazing, p. 472. See also Skertchly's Physical System of -the Universe, p. 222 ; Williams' Fuel of the Sun, p. 99. 48 THE SUN. observers since Mr. Nasmyth's discovery, that the appear- ance of mottling is due to dome-like masses ; and these dome-like masses are not improbably produced by the upward and downward currents, to which I shall after- wards refer. Indeed, it has been a great subject of controversy whether this surface or photosphere is solid, liquid, or gaseous. The result of the most recent investigations seems to be the establishment of the position that it is gaseous. Nor do I think this is at all inconsistent with the idea of a certain cloudy and even firm consistency or crystallization, as it were, into shapes more or less resembling the form of willow leaves. Our own clouds, which are not subjected to the same enormous pressure, often assume forms having an apparent solidity or com- pactness dependent for their shapes upon the currents existing in the atmosphere in which they are suspended. But the surface of the Sun is subject to the pressure of an atmosphere which, we shall presently see, is several hundred thousand miles high, and this pressure, com- bined with the contraction occasioned to a metallic gas by exposure to a certain amount of (comparatively speaking) cooler influence, may cause the luminous matter to assume given forms, such as that of the willow leaf. There are, however, breaks in the willow-leaf system ; for by means of the telescope it is seen that there are here and there upon it, but constantly varying in num- ber, extent, and place, what have been termed ' spots/ I shall deal with them more specially afterwards. Mean- time, I may just say generally that these are huge cavities or holes or irregular wells in the photosphere. FACUL^E. 49 On the other hand, there are raised portions which may be considered to be mountains of light, and are called faculw. These mountains or ridges always exist round the edges or borders of a spot, but are found all over the Sun, while the spots are not. They form the most intensely brilliant parts, and may be ' Of all magnitudes,' says Mr. Lockyer, from hardly visible, softly gleaming, narrow tracts 1000 miles long, to continuous, complicated, and heapy ridges 40,000 miles and more in length, and 1000 to 4000 miles broad.'' 1 The height of these ridges no one, so far as I have noticed, seems to have estimated, unless it be Dr. Dick, 2 who speaks of them as several hundred miles above the level ; but they would require to be of greater height to be even seen as ridges. They have been attributed to uprushes from the interior of the Sun ; and if so, may be somewhat akin to the uprush of molten lava from, a volcano, although probably not possessed of the same degree of viscous solidity. They have been observed to undergo a melting or disappearing action, and under the influences existing on the Sun's surface in time may form portions of the. willow leaf system, thus becoming feeders of it. This curious operation is described by Mr. Lockyer, 3 who, in observing ' a tongue of facula ' stretching half-way into a spot, at first extremely brilliant, but afterwards losing this brilliancy, says : ' At the same time it seemed to me to be " giving out," as it were, at its end, and a portion of the umbra between it and the penumbra appeared to be veiled with a stratus cloud evolved out of it.4 After a time, large, very dim 1 P. 18. 2 Dick's Celestial Scenery, ed. 1860, p. 215. 3 Lockyer's Solar Physics, p. 26. 4 I have seen at Zermatt an appearance analogous to this, in the issue from the Matterhorn, under the influence of a strong Sun melting the snow, of a continuous streak of white cloud. D 50 THE SUN. " willow leaves " seemed forming (condensing) on the following portion of the Cloudy mass. So that at first you got a very brilliant mass of what appeared to be facula gradually melting away into umbra, and then the umbra condensing into willow leaves/ 3. The Chromosphere. Surrounding the photosphere like an envelope, the spectroscope has revealed the existence of what was con- sidered by Arago and other astronomers to be clouds, and which some thought shone by reflected light. Mr. Lock- yer, who was the first, or an early observer of certain lines produced by it on the spectroscope, says l wherever he looked he found these newly discovered lines ' Showing that for some 5000 miles in height all round the Sun there was an envelope, of which the prominences were but the higher waves. This envelope I named the chromosphere, as it is the region in which all the variously coloured effects are seen in total eclipses, and because I considered it of importance to distinguish between its discontinuous spectrum and the continuous one of the photosphere.' Apparently this envelope ' as a rule bounds the con- vection currents of the Sun,' 2 and does not exactly or at all places rest on the photosphere or surface of the Sun, 3 but lies, like our clouds, a little above it, leaving hollows between, which are, Mr. Lockyer says, doubtless filled with dense vapours. Father Secchi fancies, apparently, that the space of separation extends to as much as 40,000 miles. 4 But this view does not seem to be concurred in by other astronomers, and is opposed by Mr. Lockyer. The chromosphere itself, though largely 1 Lockyer, p. 218. 8 Ibid. p. 417. 3 Ibid. p. 409. * Schellen, Spectrum Analysis, p. 414. THE CORONA. 51 consisting of hydrogen gas, is pervaded by the vapours of various metals. 1 It is not of uniform thickness, and its thickness seems to depend on the prominences or eruptions from below, to which I shall afterwards advert. 4. The Corona. Above the chromosphere is a luminous atmosphere, only visible during total eclipses, called the Corona. It is thus described by Mr. Lockyer : ' A total eclipse of the Sun is at once one of the grandest and most awe-inspiring sights it is possible for man to witness. All nature conspires to make it strange and unearthly. Soon the stars burst out, and surrounding the dark Moon on all sides is seen a glorious halo, generally of a silver white light ; this is called the Corona. It is slightly radiated in structure, and extends sometimes beyond the Moon to a distance equal to her diameter. Besides this, rays of light, called aigrettes, diverge from the Moon's edge, and appear to be shining through the light of the corona. In some eclipses parts of the corona have reached to a much greater distance from the Moon's edge than in others. It is supposed that the corona is the Sun's atmosphere, which is not seen when the Sun itself is visible, owing to the overpowering light of the latter.' 8 But the speculation regarding the corona has been great. Up to the year 1842 it was firmly believed to be an appendage of the Moon, 3 and indicated the height of its supposed atmosphere, an opinion which was, Mr. Lockyer mentions, not banished from men's minds till I860. 4 Thereafter the idea prevailed, and apparently was at one time entertained by Mr. Lockyer himself, that it owed its origin to the Earth's atmosphere. 1 Lockyer, p. 480. 2 Ibid. p. 74. 3 Ibid. p. 106. 4 Ibid. pp. 254, 265, 271. 52 THE SUN. The subject strongly interested astronomers, and became a special question for determination by observation in succeeding eclipses, in which all the aids to considera- tion were had recourse to, particularly during the eclipses of 1869, 1870, and 1871, specially mentioned in Mr. Lockyer's Solar Physics, published in 1874, and also in subsequent eclipses. The methods taken embraced drawings of the appearances as seen by the naked eye, spectroscopic and polariscopic observations, and photo- graphy. The observations by these different methods differed, but the representations obtained by means of photography during the eclipse of 1871 l seemed to establish beyond any doubt ' the solar nature of most, if not all, of the corona recorded on the plates.' The eclipse of 1875 established this conclusively. 2 Dr. Janssen, well known for his previous observations, watched it carefully, and ascertained that the corona was in reality an atmosphere of the Sun radiating by itself. A curious appearance, perhaps due to an ocular deception, but observed by different persons on differ- ent occasions, has been not merely that of a flickering or wavering, but even of a rotatory motion the corona seeming to move in every conceivable way and direction. One man in 1788 said 'it seemed to be endued with a rapid rotatory motion, which caused it to resemble a firework turning round its centre.' Another in 1860 similarly described it as 'a thing that was going round and round like a firework.' 3 It is, however, very clear that the corona assumes different shapes and appearances and magnitudes at different times, and especially in 1 Lockyer, p. 376. 2 Year Book of Facts in Science and Art?* 1876, p. 248. 3 Lockyer, pp. 294, 377. CORONA COLOUR. 53 being at times broken here and there by rifts. One cannot wonder, therefore, that some people have suggested ' that the corona was nothing but a per- manent solar aurora.' 1 It has, however, now been authoritatively established that this corona is in. reality an attenuated atmosphere of the Sun ; 2 but opinions have greatly differed as to the height above to which it extends, the most extrava- gant opinion ascribing to it c two or three millions of miles in height.' Opinions have also differed and fluctuated from time to time in regard to the com- position and pressure of the atmosphere. The colour or appearance of the corona has been variously described. Dr. Lardner, referring to the observations of Mr. Hind and Mr. Dawes, says : ' Its colour seemed to be that of tarnished silver, brightest next the Moon's limb, and gradually fading to a distance equal to one-third of her diameter, where it became confounded with the general tint of the heavens.' 3 Guillemin describes it as ' sometimes of a pearly or silvery white, sometimes yellowish, and even red.' Father Fauro, writing to Father Secchi, says : ' The colour was beyond the power of any artist to paint. All observers agree that it resembled mother-of- pearl, or pure unpolished silver, but far more beautiful, and more intensely brilliant.' 4 The opinion entertained not many years ago was 1 Lockyer, p. 305. 2 Mr. Proctor, who gives much interesting information regarding the corona, seems to attribute it to an enormous mass of meteors accumu- lated round the Sun, I presume in a dissolved state (Sun, p. 364 et seq.). 3 Lardner's Handbook of Astronomy, 522. 4 Schellen, Spectrum Analysis, 325. 54 THE SUN. that the chromosphere is low and of simple composition, subject to a small pressure, and that the envelope of the Sun's atmosphere consists solely of hydrogen. All this is now changed, and there has been a discovery of two new substances in the solar atmosphere. One of these was at one time thought to be vapour of iron, but this opinion was abandoned, and the view was retained that it is the vapour or gas of a substance unknown on the Earth a gas which seems to pervade the Sun's atmosphere from the lowest depths to the greatest elevation. It is denoted by the line in the spectrum, No. 1474. The other substance discovered is the gas of an also unknown constituent, and designated as the line D 3 . It exists only at the lower altitudes. Both these gases, however, have recently been thought by Mr. Proctor to be a form of hydrogen, though differing from the ordinary forms of that gas as known to us. 1 But this is only a supposition which remains to be, if possible, proved. Hydrogen proper was formerly sup- posed to be the lightest of all gases or substances, but the unknown gas, 1474, is discovered existing still lighter, for it rises high above the utmost limit of hydrogen in the solar atmosphere, and forms the outer envelope, extending to at least 20', or about 500,000 miles high, and probably, could it be detected, and without doubt occasionally, a good deal higher ; but at a height of 20', 2 ten thousand times higher than the atmosphere of the Earth, which has commonly been believed to extend only to a height of 50 miles, although a much greater elevation has been assigned to it by some. The line of extreme limit of hydrogen (proper) in the Sun's atmosphere is thought to be 12', or about 300,000 miles high, but at this height it 1 Year Book, 1879, p. 78, 2 1' is = 25,000 miles upon the Sun. ITS A TMOSPHERIC STRA TA. 5 5 exists as a layer of cool gas ; below this again is a layer of incandescent hydrogen gas (that is gas at a white heat), mixed with vapours of various metals and of other substances. The hydrogen rests on a layer of the unknown element (D 3 ), and it again on the chromo- sphere, which extends 5000 miles above the Sun, and is of a composite character ; while the chromosphere, in its under surface more or less pervaded by hollows, 1 rests separated probably by some space on the photo- sphere, arid the photosphere reposes (if such a term can be applied to a scene of constant fiery activity) on the gaseous matter below, thus floating like a crust on the atmosphere of the Sun, by which on both sides it is enveloped. Mr. Lockyer describes this succession of elements on the Sun in these words : ' Travelling down from x', which gives us the 1474 line, and exists at the extremest, the most utterly distant parts of the corona, right down through the solar atmosphere to the bottom of the deepest spot, we shall pass very much through the different substances in this order. Beginning with the 1474 element, we pass through the sub-incan- descent hydrogen ; deeper still we get to the incandescent hydrogen ; then we go through the D 3 element ; then we get into regions where the lines are generally mixed rather more together, but from which magnesium and sodium are generally ejected more frequently and higher than any other material ; then we get into the more doubtful zone of barium and nickel sometimes sodium being thrown up, sometimes barium, sometimes nickel; and then we come lower down into what may be called, so far as we shall ever be able to investigate the Sun, the very bowels of our central orb, where we are certain to get iron, and we may get many other materials.' 2 Although the corona extends to high above the Sun, 1 Schellen, p. 415. 2 Lockyer, p. 415. 5 6 THE SUN. it must by no means be thought that it resembles in its upper portions the Atmosphere of our Earth in density. The corona, it is said, must be hundreds of times lighter than hydrogen. The great comet of 1843 passed at the rate of 350 miles per second through at least 300,000 miles of it without visible damage or retardation. Whereas shooting stars are instantly and completely vaporized by encountering our atmosphere at a height of 50 or 100 miles. 1 The existence and non-existence of substances in the Sun, which are known to us on Earth, have been dis- covered by means of the spectroscope, and different observers, have made different lists or tables ; but all are agreed that hydrogen, sodium, iron, calcium, magnesium, and nickel are there. As to other sub- stances, opinions differ ; but there is, at all events, a general accord that gold, silver, mercury, tin, and lead, all metals having a great specific gravity, with some other substances existing in the Earth, are wanting. What have been so discovered all exist, in consequence of the frightful heat, in a state of vapour. The absence of the heavy metals may, I think, be explained on the supposition, according to the Nebular hypothesis, that they may rind their place in the outer planets. Eecently oxygen has been discovered by Professor Henry Draper. 2 The existence of nitrogen is not yet with certainty ascertained. 3 Professor Newcomb regards the discovery of oxygen as 'the most important advance in spectrum analysis since Lockyer and Janssen dis- covered the spectrum of the solar protuberances.' 4 1 Newcorab, p. 259. 2 See Guillemin's Forces of Nature, Appendix, p. 673. 3 Ibid. p. 676. 4 Ibid. p. 520. THE SPOTS. 57 With this enormous atmosphere, laden, too, with so many metallic vapours, joined to the immense attrac- tion or force of gravity exerted by the huge body of the Sun, the pressure on the photosphere must be excessive, and to that enormous pressure may be due, as experi- ment would seem to prove, the brilliancy of the Sun's light ; * while below the photosphere the pressure must maintain, if it do not produce, the inconceivable heat which fills the vast gaseous cavity forming the interior of the Sun. We are now perhaps in a position to approach the consideration of the spots and prominences on the Sun, both of which, like everything else connected with the investigation of our great luminary, have, by reason of diversity of opinion, been the subjects of much discus- sion. THE SOLAR SPOTS. The spots on the Sun are not usually visible to the naked or unassisted eye. It is to Galileo, the wonder- ful Italian, the discovery of them is commonly, and apparently with truth, attributed. M. Arago, 2 no doubt, disputes this position, and dates observation back to the time of Virgil, citing cases of observations from the year 321 downwards to 1607 of spots which, on some occasions, were supposed to have been the planets Mercury or Venus crossing the Sun's disc. Such obser- vations without telescopic aid, however, can hardly be regarded as having been of much value, and the first real observation was truly made by Galileo who, in 1610, soon after he had invented his telescope, and even with the very small power he had at first succeeded in producing, 1 Lockyer, p. 329. 2 Book xiv. c. viii. p. 420. 58 THE SUN. observed, and informed others of, the spots on the Sun's disc, and from their motion inferred, as one named John Fabricius is said by Arago 1 to have first done, the revolution of the Sun upon its axis. The honour of the telescopic discovery was indeed contested by the Jesuit Father Scheiner, professor of mathematics at Ingolstadt; but he did not in reality observe them for a year later. Galileo, in a work published by him in March 1613, called History and Explanation of the Solar Spots, 2 settled the controversy between him and Scheiner and his other opponents ; while he at the same time first published his views in favour of the Coper- nican system a publication which soon brought him into trouble with the ecclesiastical powers of Italy. Galileo's opinion with regard to the spots was that they are matter in or near the Sun of the nature of cloud, and are not permanent ; that they are black or dark to appearance in the centre, but are in reality as bright as the Moon. Scheiner, on the other hand, held them to be similar to planetary moons or comets, and that some might be ' as far from the Sun as the Moon, Venus, or Mercury (on the Ptolemaic system).' 3 They are not, he thought, on the Sun, but, although thin, were as dense as the Moon. Towards the close of the century, Fontenelle, in his once popular but superficial work on the Plurality of Worlds, states, and seems to countenance, the absurd notion that the Sun is of melted gold, which appears to boil over continually, and by force of its motion casts up the spots as scum or dross to its surface, where it is consumed. 4 1 Popular Astronomy, p. 424. 2 Gebler's Galileo, p. 44. 3 Lockyer, p. 8. * Fontenelle, p. 104. NATURE OF SPOTS. 59 Dr. Wilson of Glasgow, in 1774, showed that the spots are cavities, 1 or what he terms ' excavations,' in a luminous envelope surrounding the Sun, which, accord- ing to his view, was a dark globe. Surrounding the dark spot there always is a lighter portion, which has been called the penumbra, and Wilson inferred that the penumbroe were the sloping sides of the well at the bottom of which is the black spot. 2 The justice of which deduction, Skertchly says, 3 concurred in by Guillemin, 4 'all subsequent research has confirmed.' In 1769, Wilson also calculated, according to mathematical prin- ciples, that the depth of one spot was equal to the Earth's radius, or 4000 miles ; 5 but generally he assigned a depth of from 2000 to 4000 miles. 6 Matthieu Williams, however, considers ' one or two hundred thousand miles' 7 as not an unreasonable estimate of the depth of some of the largest Sun spots. But this is likely to be as extravagant an estimate as the other is inadequate. A very common opinion, held up till recent times, as we have seen, and one conceived by Dr. Wilson, and shared in by Sir William Herschel, and more recently by the late Professor Nichol of Glasgow, 8 and others, was that the Sun is a solid body, and the spots are cavities or displacements in the shining envelope, through which we see this solid body or nucleus, the cavities being occasioned by the working of some sort of elastic vapour which is generated within the dark globe. The French philosopher, La Lande, suggested that the spots 1 See Nichol's Phenomena of Solar System, p. 178 et seq. ; also his Solar System, p. 170. 2 Arago, p. 436. 3 Skertchly, p. 207. 4 Guillemin's Sun, p. 222. 5 Arago, p. 438. 6 Dick's Celestial Scenery, p. 213. 7 Williams' Fuel of Sun, p. 90. 8 Nichol's Phenomena, pp. 186-190. 60 THE SUN. might be ' eminences in the nature of mountains actually laid bare.' * The idea that a spot was disclosure of the assumed solid body of the Sun, was rather countenanced by the observations of Mr. Dawes in 1851, who supposed he had found the blacker portions of spots merely to be an inferior or lower ' Stratum of very feebly luminous or illuminated matter, which he has called the cloudy stratum, which again in its turn is frequently seen to be pierced with a smaller and usually much more rounded aperture, which would seem at length to afford a view of the real solar surface of most intense blackness.' 2 All these and other opinions were formed during the time when the Sun could only be examined by means of the telescope, which, even using the finest instru- ment ' under the most favourable atmospheric conditions,' only enables us to observe the various phenomena as we should do with the naked eye at a distance of 180,000 miles. But the invention of the spectroscope, among its other wonders, has at last, after patient investigation and consideration, and not without the broaching of discordant theories, settled, according to Lockyer, that the spots are occasioned by a downrush from the upper and cooler solar atmosphere of the metallic vapours 3 with which it is loaded through the photosphere to the hotter regions below. A spot, accordingly, is just, in the words of Mr. Lockyer ' A place in which principally the vapours of sodium, barium, iron, and magnesium occupy a lower level than they do ordinarily in the atmosphere.' It is ' the seat of a downrush ' or downsinking ' (sometimes having the ap- i Sir J. Herschel's Outlines, 389. 2 Ibid. 389 a. 3 Lockyer, pp. 70, 72. SIZE OF SPOTS. 6 1 pearance of being formed in a whirlpool J ), and the greater darkness of a spot is due to 'the general absorption of the atmosphere, thicker here than elsewhere, as the spot is a cavity.' 2 This result of investigation has accounted also for the fact of the gradations of darkness observed in spots, the darker portions being those which are deepest, and probably most densely laden with metallic fumes. Such is the simple explanation of solar spots. But there are various circumstances connected with them. 1. In the first place, a spot is often of tremendous size. Guillemin says : . ' In 1779, William Herschel saw a spot which was not less than 50,000 miles in diameter. Those shown in fig. 30, from a drawing by Captain Davis, show what enormous dimensions some spots sometimes attain, the largest of them, which has, however, a double nucleus, was not less than 187,000 miles in its greatest length ; its super- fices, including the penumbra, was about 25,000,000,000 square miles. If these spots are, as we shall see farther on, great rents in the luminous envelope of the Sun, of what an immense capacity these enormous gulfs, those gigantic abysses, must be ; our entire globe would appear in their depths no larger than a fragment of rock rolled into the crater of a volcano. With such dimen- sions as these, its spots must sometimes be visible to the naked eye.' 3 Arago mentions spots seen equal to ten times the diameter of the Earth. 4 Dr. Young says that the largest spot yet recorded was observed in 1858. It 1 See drawing of one observed by Professor Secchi, Guillemin's Sun, p. 221. 2 Lockyer, pp. 226, 227. 3 Guillemin's Sun, p. 178. 4 Arago, p. 409. 62 THE SUN. had a breadth of 143,00$ miles, and covered about one thirty-sixth of the whole surface of the Sun. 1 Mr. Proctor also mentions the sizes of various spots, stating the largest to have been 143,500 miles. 2 Williams, referring to the great spot observed in 1839, above mentioned by Guillemin, says: 'Worlds of the size of ours might be poured by hundreds into such a cavity, like peas in a basin.' 3 2. The spots which advance from east to west some- times 'preserve nearly the same form for many days together', 4 but as a rule they are always changing their aspect, are formed and closed with tremendous velocity ; and ' it not unfrequently happens,' says Schellen, in his work on spectrum analysis, ' that the appearance of a group of spots is so entirely changed from one day to another that it can no longer be recognised in the new form it has assumed.' 5 When near to each other, says Arago, ' the nuclei appear to have a certain tendency to unite together. They usually enlarge till the moment when their union is effected/ 6 I have little doubt that this tendency is the result of gravitation between two or more comparatively solid bodies of vapour, which the nuclei must be. Sir John Herschel says : ' When watched from day to day, or even from hour to hour, they appear to enlarge or contract, to change their forms, and at length to disappear altogether, or to break out anew in parts of the surface where none were before. In such cases of disappearance the central dark spot always contracts into a point, and vanishes before 1 Young's Sun, p. 126. 2 Proctor's Sun, p. 233. 3 Williams, p. 112. 4 Schellen, p. 276. 6 Schellen, p. 275. 6 Arago, p. 435. FORMS OF SPOTS. 63 the border.' ' Spots have been observed whose lineal diameter has been upwards of 45,000 miles, and even, if some records are to be trusted, of very much greater extent. That such a spot should close up in six weeks' time (for they seldom last much longer), its borders must approach at the rate of more than 1000 miles a day.' l The appearances of a spot breaking up into smaller fractions are described by Francis Wollaston, in 1774, as ' similar to those which happened when, after having hurled a mass of ice upon the surface of a frozen pond, the different fragments into which it divides slide off in all sorts of directions/ 2 a description which Guillemin says must not be taken too literally. 3 Dr. Long saw a spot not much less in diameter than our Earth break into two the parts separating ' from one another with prodigious velocity.' The rate of separation or union, however, has been calculated. Guillemin says : ' According to the recent observations of M. Chacornac, small spots are precipitated into larger ones with a velocity which sometimes attains to 599^ yards per second,' 4 an exactitude of measurement even to half a yard not a little surprising, although it in reality means a rapidity of 20 miles per minute, equal to 28,800 miles in a day, or thirty times the speed of a flying railway train. The same author mentions two cases of spots which M. Langier estimated receded from each other with a velocity of 121 yards per second, equal to about 5800 miles per day. 3. A third circumstance is, that the spots are only to be found in two zones or belts near to the equator of the Sun. They are never observed at the poles of the Sun, 1 Outlines, 386. 2 Arago, p. 434. 3 Guilleinin's Sun, p. 191. * Ibid. p. 191. 64 THE SUN. which, I may incidentally mention, are not thought to be much colder than the region of the Sun's equator. The equator itself is generally clear of spots, as may be noticed by examining Carrington's Plates of Obser- vations. 4. But a much more singular circumstance is, that the spots are found to travel round the Sun, or accompany it in its rotation on its axis, at different rates of speed, dependent on their proximity to or distance from the Sun's equator. 1 The nearer they are to the equator they travel the more rapidly. This observed fact has explained the difference of observa- tions as to the period of the Sun's rotation, which, having been computed by watching the period of revolution of the spots, has varied greatly. 2 It would also evidence a great want of coherence in the photo- sphere of the Sun, and probably, though Mr. Lockyer thinks not, in its whole body, supposing the Sun to be entirely gaseous, and no solid nucleus within. 3 The fact was discovered by Mr. Carrington, who spent seven years and a half in watching with painstaking minute- ness 4 the appearances of the Sun ; and the result of his labours on this point was, according to Mr. Lockyer, that he found the rotation of the Sun at the equator is 1 Professor Newcomb, however, holds a different opinion. He says ' that the equatorial regions of the Sun perform their revolution in a shorter time than those parts nearer the poles, cannot be regarded as a scientific theory' (Newcomb, p. 251). 2 Lockyer, p. 66. 3 Ibid. p. 39. * Mr. Carrington's labours are exhibited in a large quarto volume, published in 1863, Observations of the Spots of the Sun, November 9, 1853, to March 24, 1861, made at Redhill. The plates, 166 in number, embrace diagrams showing 99 rotations. Sometimes these diagrams are clear altogether of spots. OF UNIVERSITY PLANET INFLUENCE in 30 '8 6 days, or nearly 31 days; 1 while at or S. latitude (the highest points at which spots have been observed) the rotation takes place in 28*36 days, or in about 28 days, 8 hours. 5. Another peculiarity of the spots arises out of the influence exerted on the Sun by the relative position, the approach or retirement, of the planets, and by their conjunctions, and especially by the movements of the planets Mercury, Venus, and Jupiter. ' In order to obtain grounds for this conclusion,' says Mr. Lockyer, 2 ' the Kew observers have laboriously measured the area of all the Sun spots observed by Carrington from 1854 to 1860, and they find as the result of their inquiries that a spot has a tendency to break out at that portion of the Sun which is nearest to the planet Venus. As the Sun rotates, carrying the newly -born spot farther away from this planet, the spot grows larger, attaining its maximum at the point farthest from Venus, and decreasing again on its approaching this planet. We here speak of Venus, as it appears to be the most influential of all the planets in this respect. Jupiter appears also to have much influence, and more recently it has been shown that Mercury has an influence of the same nature, although more difficult to discuss on account of his rapid motion. Should, therefore, any two of these planets, or, still better, should all three be acting together at the same place upon the Sun, we may expect a very large amount of spots, which will attain their maximum at that portion of the Sun most remote from these planets.' 3 1 I am at a loss to reconcile this with Mr. Carrington's Observations, which throughout seem to take the rotation to be about 26 days. Dr. Young (Sun, p. 133) puts the period of rotation down at only 25 days. 2 Lockyer, p. 81. 3 Dr. Young considers it more probable that the periodicity of spots is in the Sun itself dependent upon no external causes, but upon the E 66 THE SUN. It follows as a corollary that the more planets come in conjunction the greater will be the number of spots or disturbance of the Sun. Mr. Williams states the mean gravitation of Jupiter upon the Sim to be 13 times that of the Earth ; of Venus, about 2^ times ; and of Saturn, a little above equal ; while that of the other planets, Uranus and Neptune, is considerably less than that of the Earth. 1 6. After the statement of these facts you will, no doubt, be prepared for another that the number of spots during successive years seems to run a course, or what is termed a cycle, increasing gradually to a maximum, or largest number, and diminishing again to a minimum, or the smallest number, and so on. Looking to the regularity of the planetary motions (to which the fact must, I think, be mainly ascribed), we should naturally expect this result; and to the consideration of this question the attention of astronomers has been, and is still being directed. Mr. Lockyer mentions that Herr Schwabe of Dessau 'has now for about 40 years been engaged, without intermission, in registering the number of spots which appear on the Sun's surface,' 2 and the result of his labours has been to declare for a period or cycle of 10 years. In other words, that the same series of spots are formed and present themselves after a lapse of 10 years. 3 This conclusion, it is only right to say, has been disputed on the ground that it does not, as alleged, tally with recorded observations ; constitution of the photosphere, and the rate at which the Sun is losing heat (Young's Sun, p. 152). 1 "Williams' Fuel of Sun, p. 57. 2 Lockyer, p. 79. 3 A table of the number of days in each year without spots from 1823 to 1869 is given in Proctor's Sun, p. 199. SPOT CYCLES PROMINENCES. 67 and it cannot be positively affirmed that we are yet in a position to lay down authoritatively a law on the subject, or rather to fix the precise period of time, although it is commonly reckoned to be 10 or 11 years. As all the planets, and even the distant ones (which are the larger bodies), exert an influence more or less, and as their relative positions and conjunctions are intricately varying, it is probable, I think, that there may be a general law giving a 10 or 11 years' period due to the positions of Mercury, Venus, the Earth, and Jupiter; or, perhaps, according with Jupiter's period of revolution (which occupies 11 years 314 days), subject to displacement by the disturbances occasioned by the changing positions of the other planets, whose influence, however, individually is greatly smaller, though conjointly, as has been the case during the last 3 years, it becomes important. Indeed, it is considered that the 11 years' period is part of a larger cycle of 33 years, while some have stated another period of maximum spot development of about 56 years, cor- responding to the epoch at which Jupiter and Saturn come into conjunction. 1 The fact, however, is a very weighty one, and, as I shall immediately show, we dwellers upon the Earth are deeply interested in it. In the meantime I must take up an equally interesting topic. THE SOLAR PROMINENCES. These are only visible during a total eclipse, and they are of irregular form and of lake red colour. They were at first supposed to belong to the atmosphere of the Moon ; but that they are appearances in the solar atmosphere is now regarded as beyond question. 1 Williams, pp. 55, 56. 68 THE SUN. The first recorded observation of these red flames was made at Berne in 1*706. They were again noticed in 1715 and on subsequent occasions ; but they were particularly watched during the eclipse of 1842. 1 M. Baily, one of the observers, thus describes them : 1 They had the appearance of mountains of a prodigious elevation ; their colour was red, tinged witli lilac or purple ; perhaps the colour of the peach blossom would more nearly represent it. They somewhat resembled the snowy tops of the Alpine mountains when coloured by the rising or setting Sun.' Another writer compared the appearance to ' a box of ebony garnished with rubies ; ' and another observed them ' change from white to red and from red to violet, and then back again through the reverse order.' The rapid changes they underwent was a feature of the observa- tion of this eclipse. In 1851, they were again watched, and for the first time photographed, although photo- graphy does not appear capable of furnishing views of the Sun as distinct and clear as can be got by the eye itself. 2 One of the prominences then observed was so brilliant as to be visible to the naked eye. But it would occupy too much space to describe the appear- ances during this and subsequent eclipses. By that of 1860, when photography was better applied, it was established that there was a continuous envelope (the chromosphere) surrounding the Sun, and that the pro- minences were merely local heapings up of the envelope, and were accordingly attached to the Sun, a fact pre- viously conjectured, if not proved, by Mr. Grant in his history of physical astronomy. 3 These observations led to the discovery that it was possible to photograph 1 Lockyer, p. 108. 2 See Lockyer's Star-gazing, pp. 476, 477. 3 Grant's Physical Astronomy, pp. 395-401. OBSER VA TION OF PROMINENCES. 69 the prominences while they were invisible to the eye, and even while the Sun is not under eclipse. Mr. Lockyer in 1866 ingeniously suggested the possibility of observing the prominences when there is no eclipse of the Sun, and after working with a spectroscopic instrument of insufficient power, was, on 16th October 1868, put in possession by means of a Government grant of a better one. 1 Four days after he was enabled, he tells us, to examine the prominences while ' the Sun was shining in all the glory that an English autumn permits,' and with the result of dis- covering the existence of that for which he was looking, * bright lines ' in the spectroscopic image. An eclipse had happened in August of the same year, and had been watched in India by M. Janssen, the French astronomer. He also observed the bright lines, and being struck with the brilliancy of the red flames he was led to consider ' it might be possible to see them ' (the spectroscopic image) ' without an eclipse.' 2 He tried it next day, and was rewarded by the sight, and for seventeen days afterwards with similar success. Although he had the good fortune to be in point of time earlier than Mr. Lockyer, who had first suggested the possibility of the examination, yet his communica- tion to Paris was not received till Mr. Lockyer had published his independent discovery. 3 The scientific importances of these concurring observations was this, that they settled, at least in great measure, the problem of what do these flames or prominences consist. 4 It had been previously thought that the prominences 1 Lockyer, p. 127. 2 Ibid. p. 127. 3 Mr. Proctor seems mistakingly inclined to give M. Janssen the greater credit (Sun, p. 280). 4 Lockyer, p. 77, 78. 70 THE SUN. were not due to burning- vapour, and that they might be particles of solid matter at a red glowing heat sus- pended in the atmosphere. The question being whether ' the particles in the photosphere itself might not be likened to a white hot poker, and those in the atmosphere to merely a red hot one/ The bright lines now discovered upset this idea, and showed that the prominences were truly burning gas. But I shall best convey a descrip- tion of the observation in Mr. Lockyer's own words. ' Three beautifully coloured lines of light were visible. Two of them, corresponding to C and F in the solar spectrum, showed that the famous red flames were com- posed in part at least of incandescent hydrogen gas ; that hydrogen gas was present in the atmosphere of the Sun in volumes beside which the size of the Earth is as nothing, welling up in what may be almost considered tongues of flame to a height of 70,000 and 80,000 miles, now running out into strange shapes and branches, now parting from the lower surface, and floating cloudlike in the higher regions. Besides these two lines which settled the question as to hydrogen, another line was observed near D which, strangely enough, had no dark line in the solar spectrum corresponding with it. I soon found that by sweeping the slit of the spectroscope along the Sun's edge and over the prominences it was quite easy to determine their outline, the length of the bright line visible giving the height of that part of the prominence on the slit at the time.' 1 M. Janssen's observations were nearly similar, and he declares as a result of his investigations that the prominences ' are the seats of movements of which no terrestrial phenomena can give any idea, masses of matter many hundred times larger than the Earth changing both place and form in the space of a few minutes.' 2 1 Lockyer, p. 125. 2 Ibid. p. 128. HEIGHT OF PROMINENCES. 71 The rapidity of the changes and the height to which the prominences have reached, or been blown or driven, has been matter of repeated observation. For example, a prominence 40,000 miles high was subjected to such forces as in 10 minutes to leave scarcely a vestige of it the changes being apparently greatest in the higher and rarer atmosphere. Professor Respighi, an Italian astronomer, who has devoted himself with enormous labour to the observation of the solar prominences, states that he never found a prominence sensibly higher than 6' that is, 150,000 miles ; and he has furnished a table of the comparative heights, from which it appears that out of 1363 pro- minences, 1154 did not rise higher than from 25,000 to 50,000 miles, and only 5 exceeded 125,000 miles. 1 Dr. Young says he has ' Seen in all perhaps three or four which exceeded 150,000 miles ; and Secchi has recorded one of 300,000 miles. On 7th October 1880, the writer observed one which attained the hitherto unprecedented height of over 13' of arc, or 350,000 miles.' 2 Most astronomers divide the prominences into two classes eruptive and nebulous ; but Kespighi, from the extent of his observations, is inclined to subdivide much further. They are evidently due to a welling up of hydrogen and other vapours or gases from the hotter regions below, and have been ascribed by some to elec- tricity, by others to heat, and by others to explosions. 3 Whatever be their cause, they are thus the counterparts of the spots which are due, as already stated, to the down/rush of metallic vapours from the cooler heights above. Indeed, so closely connected is this action (which may, I presume, be somewhat likened to that 1 Lockyer, p. 395. 2 Sun, 202. 3 Lockyer, p. 402. 72 THE SUN. which goes on an the oqean between the poles of the Earth and the equator) tnat 'As a rule, when we get the bright line indication of an uprush we get an absorption line ' (indicating down- rush) ' by the side of it, often moved towards the red, which shows that we have relative^ cooler hydrogen descending from above the disturbed part, but at times the index line in many cases disappears altogether, that is, we have no longer relatively cooler hydrogen, the whole of the superincumbent hydrogen has been heated to the same temperature as that of the newly ejected material, which is as hot, or at times hotter than the photosphere.' 1 The prominences rise with immense rapidity, an ordinary rate being 40 miles per second ; but often vastly more rapid. Conceive this if we can. Williams says : ' It must be an enormous volley millions of cubic miles of a furiously explosive mixture consisting chiefly of the elements of water.' ' It must be a continuous explosion of such mighty force and magnitude that beggars the imagination in its efforts to picture its action and results. We know the deafening report which ac- companies the explosion of a soap bubble when filled with these gases accurately mixed in the proportions to form water. What would be the crash if the cupola of St. Paul's were filled in like manner and exploded ! ' c What if a hundred worlds all charged with the material of this horrid ruin were fired successively in one long bellowing train, combining their propulsive efforts like the contiguous grains of powder in a gun ! ' 2 But not only do the prominences rise with such in- conceivable fury and velocity, but they change their form 1 Lockyer, p. 324. 2 Fuel of Sun, p. 111. PROMINENCES RAPID CHANGES. 73 in the most marvellous manner. One of the most ex- traordinary effects witnessed by man was one which happened on 7th September 1871, and has been described by Professor Young. 1 ' Just at noon the writer had been examining with the telespectroscope an enormous proturberance or hydrogen cloud on the eastern limb of the Sun/ ' a long, low, quiet- looking cloud not very dense or brilliant, nor in any way remarkable except for its size/ ' floating above the chromosphere with its lower surface at a height of some 15,000 miles, but was connected to it, as is usually the case, by three or four vertical columns brighter and more active than the rest.' ' It was about 100,000 miles long by 54,000 high/ On viewing it again, in less than half an hour, he ' found the whole thing had been literally blown to shreds by some inconceivable uprush from beneath, and the air was filled with flying debris/ When he first looked, some of them had already reached a height of nearly 100,000 miles, and while he watched them they rose with a motion almost perceptible to the eye, until in 1 minutes the uppermost were more than 200,000 miles above the solar surface. As the filaments rose they gradually faded away like a dissolving cloud, and at 1.15 only a few filmy wisps, with some brighter streamers low down near the chromosphere, remained to mark the place. What a wonderfully fascinating spectacle the Sun would present to us on some planet, were there one, near enough to enable us, without being burnt up, to witness such explosions, and perhaps to hear their terrific sound ! How inexpressibly beautiful, but how awful would such appearances be ! How overwhelmingly grand, but fear inspiring, would we feel those prodigiously 1 Lockycr, p. 398. 74 THE SUN. colossal manifestations of the innate forces of nature exerted in play without: an effort and unconscious of their tremendous power, a power controllable only by the Creator from whom it was received 1 How trivial beside them would seem the most magnificent pyro- technical displays of the creature man ! Professor Young, who says the velocity often exceeds 100 miles a second, and sometimes, though rarely, reaches 200 miles, calculated the uprush he described as just mentioned to be at the rate of 166 miles per second. But let us think for a moment what this terrific rush of 166 miles per second means. It is close upon 600,000 miles per hour. "We have all seen and started back from an express train whizzing past us at the rate of 40 miles per hour, and know what that means. Yet supposing it 60 miles per hour, nearly the highest speed, the rapidity of the solar uprush of furious flame was ten thousand times greater. We cannot take it in, strain our imagination as we may. The downrush which creates a spot is probably not so rapid, but it must bear some proportion to the uprush. We have seen that the spots form and close at the rate of 1000 miles a day; but the Sun is swept by cyclones with which we have nothing on earth to com- pare. 1 For the solar wind is calculated to speed at the rate of 120 miles per second, while the greatest hurri- cane on earth has only blown at the rate of 100 to 120 miles per hour. 2 And it is not the mere speed of rush upwards or downwards or along the surface of the Sun which is to be regarded ; nor is it a rush confined to spots or 1 Lockyer, pp. 236, 401. 2 Buchan's Meteorology, 410 ; Hartwig's^enaZ World, p. 111. MOVEMENTS IN SUN. 75 to faculce, for probably every willow leaf is hissing with the light and heat which wells up through it to the surface, and every interstice, every pore or space between the leaves is whistling with the downrush of hot metallic vapour seeking to regain its home in the regions below. Eeniember, too, what a frightful element it is which is being tossed up and down, back and fore the element of fire of heat and light beyond our faintest conception. What a tempestuous burning ocean must be for ever boiling and seething and tossing, blown and hurled with irresistible fury into waves perhaps higher than our loftiest mountains, sublimely grand amidst an uproar which would appal the shuddering heart of the stoutest demon of the fiery lake. M. Flainmarion in a popular work, alluding to the solar spots, says : ' We may be led to the belief that these are insignifi- cant movements carried on on the Sun's surface, and of small extent. It is not so. They are daily and very important phenomena. Some of them have been known to measure 80,000 miles, that is to say, they are ten times larger than the Earth. Our globe falling into most of them would be lost as in a well. Besides being of this size, they are also the seat of various actions and prodigious phenomena, They are not formed suddenly as a whole, but increase to the limit they attain, and afterwards diminish. Some only last a few weeks, others months. Now the movements with which they are animated, either for their increase or diminution, or in their internal action, are sometimes of unheard of rapidity. Lately astronomers have followed a dazzling meteor passing through a group of spots with a velocity of 2000 French leagues per minute. In other parts they have watched circular whirlwinds dragging into their commotion large spots like the Earth, and swallowing 76 THE SUN. them up in abysses with; fearful velocity. Sometimes are seen the crests of stormy waves extending over parts of the penumbra, and rising on the white surface of the Sun as a still whiter or brighter substance, doubtless projected in their ebullition by interior forces. There have, besides, been seen immense bridges of fiery sub- stances cast suddenly over a black spot crossing it from one end to the other, like an arch of luminous strise, which sometimes is dissipated, and falls down into the abysses of lower whirlpools. This body, which each day pours out over our heads such a pure and calm light, is the seat of powerful actions and prodigious movements of which our tempests, hurricanes, and water-spouts give us but a slight idea ; for these gigantic disturbances are not performed, as here, in an atmosphere of a few leagues' thickness and over a few leagues' area, but in proportions as vast as its atmosphere, which rises thousands of leagues above its surface, and as its volume, which exceeds 1,450,000 times that of our globe.' l Now do not suppose that these disturbances in the Sun are immaterial to us dwellers upon Earth. For every movement in the Sun is fraught with influence upon the Earth. The greater the action the greater the heat evolved. The goodness or the badness of our seasons is dependent upon the extent of the Sun's con- vulsion. Mr. Proctor, in one of his many books (Other Worlds than ours, published in 1870), after stating certain of the effects of what he terms the magnetic action in the Sun upon the Earth, and referring par- ticularly to a magnetic storm in the Sun observed on 1st September 1859, which sharply disturbed the self- registering magnetic instruments of the Kew Observa- tory, interrupted telegraphic communication, and in some cases set the telegraphic offices on fire, while ' auroras appeared both in the northern and southern 1 Flammarion, Marvels of the Heavens, p. 145. DISTURBANCE INFLUENCE. 77 hemispheres during the night which followed, and the whole frame of the Earth seemed to thrill responsively to the disturbance/ says : ' No disturbance can affect the solar photosphere without affecting our Earth to a greater or less degree. But if our Earth, then also the other planets, Mercury and Venus, so much nearer the Sun than we are, surely respond even more swiftly and more distinctly to the solar magnetic influences. But beyond our Earth, and beyond the orbit of moonless Mars, 1 the magnetic impulses speed with the velocity of light ; the vast globe of Jupiter is thrilled from pole to pole as the magnetic wave rolls in upon it ; then Saturn feels the shock, and then the vast distances, beyond which lie Uranus and Neptune, are swept by the ever lessening yet ever widening disturbance wave.' 2 The influence 3 thus poetically but truly ascribed by Mr. Proctor to the Sun was an opinion broached so early as 1614 by Baptiste Baliarios, an Italian mathe- matician, and was revived by Sir William Herschel, but for want of meteorological observations he and others were obliged to take the prices of wheat as the basis (a very rough one) of comparison and deduction, and it was not surprising that very opposite conclusions were formed by eminent philosophers. While Herschel himself did not escape ridicule for his speculations, a writer in the Edinburgh Review thus delivering him- self :- ' To the speculations of the doctor on the nature of the Sun we have many similar objections, but they are all eclipsed by the grand absurdity which he has there 1 Mars is now discovered to have two Moons, but of small size. 2 Proctor, p. 34. 3 See subject discussed in Herschel's Popular Lectures on Scientific Subjects, p. 79 (1876), and Skertchly's Universe, p. 212. 78 THE SUN. committed in his -hasty and erroneous theory concerning the influence of the solar spots on the price of grain. Since the publication of Gullivers Voyage to Laputa nothing so ridiculous has ever been offered to the world.' It is only right, however, to say that Mr. Carrington does not seem to attach importance to calculations based on price of grain, because ' social and political causes affect prices to an extent sufficient to destroy their value for the purpose for which he (Herschel) selected them.' J But the subject has of late years been more fully investigated, and the results form a new chapter in meteorology not to be found even in recent books on this branch of science. ' Mr. Meldrum, a distinguished meteorologist, who lives in the torrid zone,' says Mr. Lockyer, 2 ' tells us that the whole question of cyclones is a question of solar activity, and that if we write down in one column the number of cyclones in any given year, and in another column the number of Sun spots in any given year, that there will be a strict relation between them many Sun spots, many hurricances ; few Sun spots, few hurricanes. Only this morning I have received a letter from Dr. Stewart, who tells me that Mr. Meldrum has since found that what is true of the storms which devastate the Indian Ocean is true of the storms which devastate the West Indies ; and on referring to the storms of the Indian Ocean, Mr. Meldrum points out that at those years where we have been quietly mapping the Sun spot maxima the harbours were filled with wrecks, vessels coming in disabled from every part of the great Indian Ocean. Now that is surely something worth considering, because if we can manage to get at these things, to associate them in some way with solar activity so that 1 Observations, p. 248. 2 Lockj^er, p. 423. STORM CORRESPONDENCE. 79 there can be no mistake about it, the power of prediction that power which would be the most useful one in meteorology, if we could only get at it would be within our grasp.' * Observation has likewise been directed to the cor- respondence of particular solar paroxysms with particular storms upon Earth, 2 and it has been stated that the one follows the other after the lapse of above two liours of time. The rainfall has similarly been found, according to tabulated statements, to be obedient to the same influences. 3 But there is a difference of opinion as to whether the terrestrial phenomena are most violent when the spots are at their maxima or at their minima. Professor Balfour Stewart holds that there is greatest solar activity when the spots are greatest (which, so far as I can pretend to judge, really appears to coincide with observation), and that this activity is greatest when the planets are in conjunction, or when they are nearest the Sun, is most likely. Indeed, a Dr. Knapp of Chicago has published, in 1879, a pamphlet (reprinted in Edinburgh) called Coming Disasters on the Earth, 1881 to 1885, resulting from the Perihelia of the Planets* For (taking Dr. Knapp's dates) Jupiter attained its perihelion in October 1880 ; Mars, in May 1881. Neptune was due in end of 1881; Uranus will reach its perihelion in spring of 1882 ; and Saturn in autumn of 1885. Besides, in 1881 and 1882 Jupiter, Saturn, and Neptune have been, and are, and will be almost in conjunction, so that their combined . lr rhe severe weather experienced in December 1882 followed the appearance of a great solar spot, which possibly may have caused the storm of snow and cold. 2 Lockyer, pp. 639, 640. 3 Ibid. p. 426. 4 Edinburgh : Robert Somerville, 1881. 8o THE SUN. influence on the Sun is great. 1 Such an event ' as four of the largest planets being in perihelia within so brief a space of time as five years ' is a combination which is said not to have happened for 2000 years, and serious results storms, floods, earthquakes, and extremes of heat and cold, producing famines and plagues might, the pamphlet said, be expected ; and in proof Dr. Knapp details a correspondence between such perihelia in former years and famines, pestilences, and other disasters on Earth, although he does not seem to trace them up to observed disturbances in the Sun. The severe and changeable weather we have, unfortunately, experienced during the last two or three years, em- bracing days of ' the greatest cold that ever was known in the British Isles,' 2 certainly seems to support the 1 The above diagram has been adapted from that of Dr. Knapp, taking his dates of the perihelia, and drawing lines to show the positions at November 1881. Assuming the dates to be correct, it will be seen how closely the perihelia approximate. 2 Mr. Buchan's statement at Edinburgh Botanical Society, November 1881. THE PLANETARY CONJUNCTION. 81 conclusion of its direct connection with solar perturba- tion arising out of the position of the planets. Indeed, what could be more convincing than the storms which have visited us during the last few months (the latest only last night), when Neptune has been attaining his perihelion. We can well imagine that this distant planet, conscious of his wanderings from his great parent, and agitated by his near approach, nearer than he has been for 165 years, the period of his revolution, and distracted by the tugs of his big brothers, Jupiter and Saturn, stoiters and staggers in his course, and, doubtless, is drawn many millions of miles nearer to us than he would wish, or than would otherwise be. "While all the three, Jupiter, Saturn, and Neptune, are having a long pull, a strong pull, and a pull altogether upon their susceptible father, the Sun, who, fancying the time has come in which to gather his erring offspring to himself in a devouring embrace, is, with intenser light flashing from his eyes, opening his soft but treacherous heart to receive the guilty truants, and, excited by the animating thought into a tumult of boisterous emotion, sends a tremor of terror thrilling to us and to all the trembling worlds of his system. It is confirmatory of this view to know that the Sun has been lately filled with spots. Some days ago Mr. William Southern, F.K.A.S., writing from Leamington to the Daily Post on 23rd November 1881, says: ' It will doubtless interest many of your readers possessing telescopes of even small aperture to know that just now the Sun is full of interest on account of the remarkable number of spots visible. On Monday last I counted twenty. A group very much resembling the configuration of the constellation Ursa Major Great Bear occupied a position a little north of the solar F 82 THE SUN. equator, and about midway between the eastern and western limbs.' Mr. Southern refers in his letter to the eleven years' cycle, but makes no allusion to the more important fact of the planetary conjunction and perihelia. The whole subject, however, of the connection between solar spots and terrestrial weather has been for some time matter of investigation and discussion, although apparently little attention seems to have been directed to the planetary influences now affecting us. I can only refer to it thus generally in the expectation that ere long some one qualified to deal with the matter will give us full enlightenment. Meantime I may just observe that, looking "to the position of the major planets, our farmers and our sailors may for some time to come possibly even for a few years to come continue to experience unfavourable and perhaps stormy weather. But when this severe and trying period shall have passed, it is satisfactory to think that probably it may not again occur in the world's history till the next similar con- junction, perhaps after another long 2000 years shall have run their eventful course. 1 It is not a little curious to find that the ancient Chaldeans ' had an astro-meteorological period consisting of twelve solar years in which they conceived the phenomena of weather to recur.' 2 To a somewhat similar opinion the moderns are now inclining, but doubtless on better scientific grounds. As already stated, the cycle of Sun spots has been supposed to be a period of ten or eleven years, and may possibly be, 1 This lecture was delivered on 7th. December 1881, and severe storms and floods afterwards happened. 2 See G. C. Lewis' Astronomy of Ancients, p. 311. THE CHALDEAN CYCLE. 83 in accordance with Jupiter's revolution, more nearly the Chaldean period of twelve years. It is therefore most important for us to obtain a true knowledge of the law of succession of these solar disturbances, because we should then obtain a clue to so far unveiling the mysteries of nature and obtaining a foreknowledge of those terrestrial changes which may enable us to foresee, to some extent, like Joseph, divinely inspired, a seven years' plenty or a seven years' famine. Imagination has indeed been already sufficiently lively in attributing to solar activity such consequences as the American Secession War and our periodic commercial crises. But more reliable and practical deductions are being made. For, as we all know, our mariners have greatly benefited by the forecasts of storms which our American brethren so kindly and so frequently telegraph to Europe. When our knowledge shall have become more complete and exact, meteorology may have attained a higher place, and will confer greater benefits upon man. Looking to all that has been now stated regarding the Sun, yet without entering at present on the question, it would require some confidence to affirm that the Sun is the abode of life. But let us suppose it possible, and let us imagine, with a free indulgence in poetical licence, some being akin to man carried to the Sun's surface. One of the first effects he would experience would be to find every shred of clothing burnt off his body long ere he entered the Sun's atmosphere. Well, that would not signify much. There would be little fear of any cold shiver supervening. Matters far more alarming would at once confound him. Every drop of blood 84 THE SUX. would be instantaneously 'evaporated. Dried, parched, scorched to a living cinder, he would most resemble a bit of unburnable asbestos, with, however, we must suppose, in order that he might comprehend his position, all his senses intact, and, among others, those of feeling, hearing, and also sight, which the glare of the Sun, even encountered 90 millions of miles off, takes away. Suppose this remarkable, imperishable, glowing, red being, this desiccated, burning, curled up cinder, suffer- ing torture inconceivable, steps upon the photosphere of the Sun, and with a yell of agony if a yell could be uttered, and, if uttered, could be heard sits down upon a hot willow leaf larger than Great Britain. In torment beyond conception he looks around. There is not a living being of any sort with whom to fraternize in woe. A terrible solitude of devouring anguish environs the place. He looks up through a blaze of light. A comet on lightning wings is rushing and flashing past. Meteors in millions are gleaming and bursting and falling in fiery showers fast and close and furious. There is not a particle of blue sky on which to rest his parched and blinded eyes. He looks around, and there is not a green tree, or even a green blade of grass, to refresh his frenzied gaze. There is not a drop of cold water to allay the feverish rage of his unquenchable thirst. There is not a cool cave or grotto into which to retreat from the dazzling glare, or from the overpowering conflagration into which every element of the Sun is thrown. There are mountains indeed, and mountains of gigantic height, but they are masses of incandescent metal, rather are they phantom mountains of thick fervent vapour, heated to a degree with which we have nothing on Earth to compare. There are rivers indeed, or what seem to be so, but they VISITED. 85 are to appearance torrents of liquid metallic fire, not little, sputtering, crackling streams, but pouring heavily ocean wide in steaming, heaving, burning, tossing, angry, fearful waves, rolling over precipitous heights to awful hollows, and thundering with the roar of ten thousand hurling avalanches. With the horrid din of which, and^ of the loud tumultuous hissing of violent currents of wrathful gases tearing from their beds, bursting, blazing, and twisting as they mingle to fight in fierce raging conflict, and darting in colossal tongues of red flame 100,000 miles up with almost the swiftness of light, the bewildered ear is rent. And now a frightful, fiery, tempestuous tornado sweeps across his leaf with appal- ling vehemence. He is turned over and over, vainly clutching and clinging to ghostly shapes, and rolls, bruised and crushed, he knows not where. Everything around him he fancies grating and cracking, tearing and separating, and he feels his leaf is blown like a feather, and, with the speed of an express, is flung forward 10,000 miles, and tossed now up, now down, amid a crowd of others shaking and crushing for room, till at last he finds it suspended over a vast yawning, horrible gulf. In consternation, clinging to some burning barrier, he looks down the dreadful aperture, and sees a seething mass of impetuous scorching clouds, boiling and swirling and pouring to the bottom, and down, down, far down into the depths below, he fancies he descries a glowing metallic looking mass, which he imagines to be the great body of the Sun. Eecoiling in fright, his leaf trembles under him, and, terror-struck, he looks up and finds he is again in motion ; for a hurricane overwhelms the closing chasm, and he is being driven and sent spinning forward and forward, or rather backward and backward, to where he was, and all round about other gigantic 86 THE SUN. glowing leaves like his own are impelled and wheeled as by some prodigious whirlwind ; and amidst the noise of a Titanic conflict, clashing and crashing, they rush in wildest frenzy to embrace. Stunned by the awful shock, our living cinder is suddenly shot high into the air, and escapes from his terrific ordeal uncon- scious. Such, could it be witnessed and experienced, might be the scene upon the Sun. Fortunately, we have nothing like it upon Earth. But to all this distant turmoil which is death to all life upon the Sun itself we owe the condition of our little planet, and its beautiful adaptation to receive organic life, and among and above all the being Man, to whom has been accorded not merely organic life, but the gift of intelli- gence and reason, and that which dignifies him beyond every other of the creatures upon Earth, a soul destined to live on and for ever on, when Sun and Moon and land and sea shall be no more. PART II. ARE THE HEAVENLY BODIES HABITABLE? OB, 'THE PLURALITY OF WORLDS' CONSIDERED. AKE THE HEAVENLY BODIES HABITABLE? OR, ' THE PLURALITY OF WORLDS ' CONSIDERED. WHEN, on a clear night, we walk out into the open field, and, lifting our eyes to the azure vault, behold a thousand flickering stars scintillating above us, and know that, excepting a very few which are planets of our system, these are all vastly larger than the great globe on which we dwell ; and when we reflect that for every shining orb which thus indicates its existence the telescope reveals to us millions more invisible to the unassisted eye ; and that beyond the reach of all present, and perhaps of all future, telescopic power, the Universe is filled with other and like orbs, stretching in clusters and vast galaxies in every direc- tion around, to the limitless verge of infinity ; and when we conjoin with this grand thought the con- sciousness that all about on this Earth we see life prevailing in every conceivable shape, the tendency is not unnatural mentally to conjure up the concep- 89 90 'PLURALITY OF WORLDS: tion of numerous and diversified animal and vegetable forms in each of these myriad stars, and, in dreamy reverie, to think that upon each sparkling ball there are beings, active and intelligent, peopling and enliven- ing its every zone. Nay, while the distances, the magnitudes, the velocities, the periods of the heavenly bodies, or some of them, are ascertained by scientific means, with mathematical nicety, to a mile, to a ton, to a fraction of a second of time, but with results so vast that, knowing it all, our imagination refuses to realize figures so precise but so immense, yet where by no application of the exact sciences, by no disposition of x and y, can there be demonstration of life, or even of a single unit of being, in any one of those lustrous spheres, that same imagination, no longer inert, seizes the bit, becomes imgovernable, and wildly rushes off with us, and not only endues each globe with life, but pictures to our glowing vision populations of men, of like forms and like passions with ourselves, engaged in all the pursuits of earth, and passing through all the phases of existence, from infancy to age, from ignorance to erudition; exhibiting here the old, old tale of true and tender and passionate love ; toiling there, amid the din and bustle and anxieties of the overgrown city ; or busily engaged from day to day in the hum and rattle of the noisy mill ; or speeding, with rich and varied cargo, on the broad ocean, impelled by towering mast REVERIES. 91 and swelling sail, or by the clanking engine and revolving wheel ; or earnestly and skilfully peering at the wonders of the Heavens, aided by every mechanical power known to ourselves, and estimating by instruments of observation, of rare delicacy, their form, their distance, and their nature ; or deigning in the secret chamber to raise to the ever-listening ear of the Most High the penitential prayer ; or in the hallowed temple, in assembled throng of thousand voices, lifting in exalted strain the melodious measured hymn of grateful and adoring praise. The thought is captivating; and here, if anywhere, amid all the marvels of astronomy, romance may fairly have its mission, and can afford to revel with exuberant delight. But our business is now, with calm considera- tion, to inquire on proper grounds whether imagination thus stirred has been rightly or wrongly directed ; and, taking into view all the facts which philosophical investigation has brought to light, to form a sound and rational conclusion. Yet ere we proceed to do so, it will be advisable, as briefly as possible, to glance at the views which from time to time have been entertained, and at the con- troversy which has been waged on this large, most interesting, and, as I doubt not it will be found, this 92 'PLURALITY OF WORLDS: most instructive subject. '\Ve shall then be in a position more thoroughly to comprehend and more easily to examine the various reasons which have in times past been assigned in favour of plurality, and from such examination to pass to consider in detail all the circum- stances which bear upon the question, and especially those which influence determination regarding the various members of the solar system. I. JOSEPH JEROME LALANDE, director of the Observatory of Paris, and the author of a treatise in three quarto volumes (which for a century was the standard work) on astronomy, thus expounds the conceptions of the ancients regarding our subject, and the history of opinion to the time of Fontenelle : * I have remarked, in the twentieth book of my Astronomy, that in every period of time it has been believed that the planets were inhabited, on account of their resemblance to the Earth. The idea of the plurality of worlds is expressed in the Orphics, those ancient Grecian poems attributed to Orpheus (Plut. de Placitis Philosopk. 1. 2, cap. 13). Proclus has preserved some verses, in which we find that the writer of the Orphics places mountains, men, and cities in the Moon. The Pythagoreans such as Philolaiis, Hicetas, Heraclides taught that the stars were all worlds. Several ancient philosophers even admitted an infinity of worlds beyond the reach of our sight. Epicurus, Lucretius, and all the Epicureans were of the same opinion ; and Metrodorus thought it as absurd to imagine but one world in the im- mensity of space as to say that only one ear of corn could grow in a great extent of country. Zeno of Eleusis, Anaxi- menes, Anaximander, Leucippus, Democritus, asserted the same thing. In short, there were some philosophers who, although they did not consider the rest of the planets 94 ' PLURALITY OF WORLDS: inhabited, placed inhabitants in the Moon ; such were Anaxagoras, Xenophanes, Lucian, Plutarch (Di Oraculor. defectu. De facie in orbe Lunce), Eusebius, Stobius. We may see a long list of the ancients who have treated of the subject in Fabricius (Biblio. Grcecce, t. 1, cap. 20) ; and in the Memoir e de Bonamy (Acad. des Inscriptions, torn, ix.) Hevellus appeared as firmly persuaded of this opinion in 1647, when he talked of the difference between the inhabitants of the two hemispheres of the Moon : he calls them Selenitce, and examines at length all the phenomena observed on their planet after the example of Kepler (Astron. Lunaris). It was maintained at Oxford, in certain themes which are mentioned in the News of the Republic of Letters, June 1764, that the system of Pytha- goras on. the inhabitants of the Moon was well founded : two years afterwards Fontenelle discussed the subject in his agreeable work. There are further details of the different astronomical opinions at the end of Gregory's book. For the objections we may refer to Eiccioli (Alma- gestum, torn. i. pp. 188, 204). In 1686, the Plurality of Worlds was adorned by Fontenelle with all the beauties of which a philosophical work was susceptible.' 1 Historically, these notices are interesting ; and the sub- ject will be found more fully treated in Flammarion's Mondes Halite's;^ but, as adding to the real consideration of the subject, they are of no value. To the ancients, lacking the telescope, the Heavens were in reality a sealed book; and as they had no means of knowing what the stars are, and in writing of them only originated conceptions, often strange and fantastic, which they had no means of verifying, their speculations regarding the habitability were merely the dreams of philosophers who 1 'Critical Account of the Life and Writings of Fontenelle/ prefixed to translation of the Plurality of Worlds. This does not appear in all editions. 2 Book I. ch. i. 24th ed. (1876), pp. 13-31. NOTIONS OF ANCIENTS. 95 knew nothing. NOT, indeed, were the earlier modern astronomers much better placed. They did know some- thing more of the heavenly bodies, and formed more accurate suppositions regarding both their nature and their motions ; but the science which they practised was in its nonage, and could afford no proper data from which to draw legitimate conclusions. Indeed, the ' little learning ' they had was then, according to the saying, though in a different sense from that in which it is commonly used, ' a dangerous thing.' Tor Ciampoli, in 1615, wrote to Galileo: ' Put a great reserve on what you say ; for when you establish a certain resemblance between the terrestrial globe and the lunar globe, another person immediately exaggerates it, and says you suppose that there are men inhabiting the Moon; and this other person soon begins to inquire how they can possibly have descended from Adam, or come out of the ark of Noah, with no end of other extravagances of which you have never dreamt.' l From which it would seem, that to suggest the habita- bility of other planets was then likely to excite ridicule, while not improbably it might be found to be a perilous heresy. During this infancy of astronomical science, various writers appear to have touched upon our subject, or to have expressed an opinion. 2 Nor had knowledge greatly increased when Fontenelle published his Conversations on the Plurality of Worlds, a book which has ever since identified his name with the question. Whatever may have been the merits or demerits of the work, it was for many long years read, credited, and honoured. It is 1 Phipson's Mysteries, p. 266. 2 See Flammarion, pp. 32-38. 96 < PLURALITY OF WORLDS: indeed somewhat amusing to notice the attention it obtained, the panegyrics with which it was the fashion to commend it. Lalande says : ' Whenever I have entered into a conversation with any sensible woman on astronomy, I have always found that she had read Fontenelle's Plurality of Worlds, and that his book had excited her curiosity on the subject. As it has been so much read already, it must continue to engage attention.' Then mentioning the numerous editions through which it had passed in various countries, he quotes a sentence from Voltaire, declaring that he considered it one of the best books that ever was written. In a biographical notice of the author, prefixed to a French edition of Fontenelle's works, it is also stated that it had a prodigious success ; and as the ladies adored Fontenelle, whose bon - mots and smart repartees enlivened the salons of Paris, one is not surprised to learn from it that 'les femmes surtout le lurent avec impressement et c'est encore (1825) celui de tous les ouvrages de Fontenelle qui est le plus generalement connu.' 1 Sir David Brewster, writing long after, in referring to ' this singular work,' says it ' excited a high degree of interest, both from the nature of the subject, and the vivacity and humour with which it was written. It was read with unexampled avidity, and was speedily circulated through every part of Europe. Wherever it was read it was admired.' 2 The plan adopted by Fontenelle, as expressed in his preface, was to ' discourse of philosophy, but not directly in a philosophical manner, and to raise it to such a pitch that it shall not be too dry and insipid a subject 1 (Euvres de Fontenelle, Paris, 1825. Notice Historique sur Fontenelle, vol. i. p. 28. - More Worlds than One, p. 2. FONTENELLE. 97 to please gentlemen, nor too mean and trifling to enter- tain scholars.' In other words, it was intended to be the beau -ideal of popular philosophical treatment of the age in which it appeared. On perusing it, however, one cannot help feeling surprised, not merely at the- feeble shallowness of its reasonings, but at the marvellous scantiness of its astronomical facts. The few elementary points, inaccu- rately stated as historical truths, and enclosed within a cloud of a long exploded system of vortices projected by Descartes, who was then a living philosopher, are chopped up into spoon meat, and diluted by all the verbosities and digressions, the compliments and the badinage, the doubts, and the resolution of doubts, of concocted conversation ; while into this diluted mixture a few indeterminate crumbs of argument are from, time to time dropped, and lie soaking in empty incon- clusiveness, till indeed it is difficult to extract precisely even the author's real views upon his great theme. Apparently, however, his opinions were these. Hold- ing the Sun to be a place not to be inhabited,, he says the Moon is inhabited, because she is like the Earth ; but, being also unlike, her inhabitants are of a different order ; the other planets (for Moon& in those days were called planets) are inhabited, because they are like the Moon. The fixed stars are like the Sun, and therefore not inhabited ; but they have each a planetary system^ the members of which must be inhabited ; but comets, being reckoned as planets coming from other systems, are likewise inhabited. Very curious speculations are indulged in with regard to the Milky Way, which is supposed to be nothing but ' an infinity of small stars not to be seen by our eyes, because they are so very little, and they are sown so thick one by another that G 98 < PLURALITY OF WORLDS: they seem to be one continued whiteness,' 1 and so near, 'that the people in one world may talk and shake hands with those of another; at least, I believe/ the author says, ' the birds of one world may easily fly into the other, and that pigeons may be trained up to carry letters as they do in the Levant!' 2 With all this superficiality of statement and reasoning, it is not surprising that the existence of inhabitants is a point assumed ; leaving the Sage and his Marchioness free to discuss with all vivacity the wonderful character and qualities of those conjectural tenants of the various hot and cold celestial orbs or dwelling-places, to which, by the grace of Fontenelle, these tenants, willingly or otherwise, have been assigned a habitation. But a still stranger, though generally less known work was shortly after written by the Dutch philoso- pher Christian Huygens, discoverer of the ring and one of the satellites of Saturn, and the inventor of, among other things, the pendulum in its application to clocks. For at the age of 65, Huygens spent his last days in writing the Cosmothereos, or, as it is called in the English translation, The Celestial Worlds discovered ; or, Con- jectures concerning the Inhabitants, Plants, and Produc- tions of the Worlds in the Planets ; and left instructions for its publication, which took place in 1698, after his death. 3 Eegarding this book, Sir David Brewster, 4 a keen advocate, as we shall see, for the plurality, wrote : ' The 1 P. 133. 2 P. 134. 3 Fontenelle's work is not now to be found in every private library, but Huygens' is still more scarce. I could only see it in the library of the University of Edinburgh. 4 More Worlds than One, p. 4. HUYGENS' COSMOTHEREOS. 99 Cosmothereos is a work essentially different from that of Fontenelle. It is didactic and dispassionate, deducing by analogical reasoning a variety of views respecting the plants and animals in the planets, and the general nature and condition of their inhabitants.' The work which Humboldt, taking a juster view, describes as consisting ' of the dreams and fancies of a great man,' 1 is of so singular a character, that I must, as briefly as possible, exhibit its contents and nature. After referring to the affirmations of the ancients and of later authors, that the planets, and even the stars, are furnished with inhabitants, and saying that ' the ingenious French author of the Dialogues about the Plurality of Worlds had not carried the business any farther,' he imparts to the reader that there was room for his own conjectures ; and, making certain explana- tions regarding the bodies of the solar system, he proceeds : 2 ' Having thus explained the two schemes, there's nobody, I suppose, but sees that in the first the Earth is made of the same sort with the rest of the planets. For the very position of the circles shows it. And that the other planets are round like it, and like it receive all the light they have from the Sun, there's no room (since the discoveries made by telescopes) to doubt. Another thing they are like it in is, that they are moved round their own axis ; for since 'tis certain that Jupiter and Saturn are, who can doubt it of the others ? Again, as the Earth has its Moon moving round it, so Jupiter and Saturn have theirs. Now, since in so many things they thus agree, what can be more probable than that in others they agree too ; and that the other planets are as beautiful and as well stocked with inhabitants as the Earth ? or what shadow of reason can there be why they should not ? ' If any one should be at the dissection of a dog, and i Humboldt's Cosmos, iii. p. 22. 2 Hnygens' Cosmothereos, p. 17. zoo ' PLURALITY OF WORLDS: be there shown the Entrails, the Heart, Stomach, Liver, Lungs, and Guts, all the Veins, Arteries, and Nerves, could such a man reasonably doubt whether there were the same Contexture and Variety of Parts in a Bullock, Hog, or any other Beast, tho' he had never chanc'd to see the like opening of them ? I don't believe he would. Or, were we thoroughly satisfied on the nature of one of the Moons round Jupiter, should not we straight conclude the same of the rest of them ? So if we could be assured but in one Comet, what it was that is the cause of that strange appearance, should we not make that a standard to judg of all others by ? 'Tis therefore an argument of no small weight that is fetched from Relation and Like- ness ; and to reason from what we see and are sure of to what we cannot, is no false Logick. This must be our method in this Treatise, wherein, from the nature and circumstances of that Planet which we see before our eyes, we may guess at those that are farther distant from us.' He then concludes the probability of the planets being solid like the earth, and not wanting in gravity. ' But now/ he goes on to say (p. 19), ' to carry the search farther, let us see by what steps we must rise to the attaining some knowledge in the more private secrets concerning the State and Furniture of these new Earths. And first, how likely is it that they may be stocked with plants and animals as well as we ? I suppose nobody will deny but there's somewhat more of Contrivance, somewhat more of Miracle, in the production and growth of plants and animals than in lifeless heaps of inanimate Bodies, be they never so much larger, as Mountains, Eocks, or Seas are. For the finger of God and the wis- dom of Divine Providence is in them much more clearly manifested than in the other. One of the Democritus's or Cartes' scholars may venture perhaps to give some tolerable Explication of the appearances in Heaven and Earth, allow him but his atoms and motion ; but when he comes to Plants and Animals, he'll find himself non- plus'd, and give you no likely account of their Produc- HUYGENS COSMOTHEREOS. 101 tion. For everything in them is so exactly adapted to some design, every part of them so fitted to its proper use, that they manifest an infinite Wisdom, and exquisite knowledge in the laws of Nature and Geometry, as to omit those Wonders in Generation we shall by and by show, and make it an absurdity even to think of their being thus haply jumbled together by a chance motion of, I don't know what, little Particles. Now, should we allow the Planets nothing but vast Deserts, lifeless and inanimate Stocks and Stones, and deprive them of all those Creatures that more plainly speak their Divine Architect, we should sink them below the Earth in Beauty and Dignity a thing that no reason will permit, as I said before/ Now follows a paragraph characteristic of the whole book; for having built up an argument on conjecture, he forthwith assumes a conclusion to be proved, and thence goes on, upon like suppositions, to infer and build up more : ' Well, then, now we have gained the Point for them, and the Planets may be allow'd some Bodys capable of moving themselves not at all inferior to ours (for why should they ?), and these are animals. Now, for fear of starving these poor creatures, we must have plants, you know. And so the other point is gain'd. And as for their Growth and Nourishment, 'tis no doubt the same with ours, seeing they have the same Sun to warm and enliven them as ours have.' After qualifying this by stating that the plants and animals of the other planets l ' have indeed some differ- ence in their shape, to distinguish the plants and animals of these countries from ours/ the author con- cludes the planets must each have water of a kind adapted to its individual heat, and inter alia, that the plants and animals must have modes of propagation 1 Huygens' Cosmothereos, p. 23. 102 'PLURALITY OF WORLDS: similar to those of Earth, and assuming l ' all this furniture and beauty the Planets are stock'd with/ ' The Planets seem to have been made in vain, without any design or end, unless there were some in them that might at the same time enjoy the Fruits, and adore the Wise Creator of them.' And then he proceeds on this, as a concluded basis, to detail that in all things these supposed rational crea- tures must resemble man. One among the many curious conclusions he forms is that the inhabitants must be astronomers, and being astronomers, must have all the implements and practise all the arts necessary to culti- vating it, only, singularly enough, he ' dare not ' allow them telescopes 2 ' For fear people should be so disturbed at the ridiculous extravagancy of such an opinion as to take the measure of my other conjectures by it, and hiss them all off upon the account of this alone.' Having thus to his own satisfaction ' gain'd our point, and 'tis probable that they are as skilful Astronomers as we can pretend to be,' he deduces they must have hands, feet, upright carriage, senses, and faces like ourselves. 3 In short, he ' cannot, without horror and impatience, suffer any other figure for the habitation of a reasonable soul ' ' than our own.' In other words, the inhabitants must be men similar to ourselves, enjoying the pleasures of society, dwelling in houses, having ships, ' with sails, anchors, ropes, pullies, and rudders ; ' 4 ' and perhaps they may not be without the use of the compass too.' Geometry they must have, being a science ' of such singu- 1 Huygeus' Cosmothereos, p. 37. 2 Ibid. p. 66. 3 Ibid, p. 77. 4 Ibid. p. 83. HUYGENS' COSMOTHEREOS. 103 lar worth and dignity/ l nay, would ' venture somewhat farther/ and tell us ' that they have our inventions of the tables of Sines, 2 Logarithms, and Algebra.' And then 3 he argues they must have music, physic, clothing, coaches ; must dig metals out of the ground ; and probably may manufacture gunpowder ; be possessed of mills, engrav- ings, paintings, and practise useful arts, such as printing, glass and clock-making. Nay, would have them making the same discoveries as ourselves, as, for example, of the circulation of the blood. Indeed, in nothing can these imagined inhabitants differ from ourselves, except pos- sibly in shape of body ; and even this difference Huygens seems to abandon, and sums up his first chapter in saying all this had been ' proved ; ' but, thoughtfully considering the reader requires a ' breathing while/ makes a pause. In the second chapter, or second part of the book, our author visits the several planets, and considers their position, and the condition of their inhabitants ; seems to discard the idea of the Sun being inhabited, but peoples the Moon, and affirms that whatever can be said of the Moon may, with very little alteration, be supposed to be- long to the attendants of the other planets, passes 4 to the fixed stars, and concludes they are like our Sun, attended by retinues of planets, and finishes by saying : 5 ' What we allowed the Planets upon the account of our enjoying it, we must likewise grant to all those Planets that surround that prodigious number of Suns ; they must have their plants and animals, nay, and their rational ones too, and those as great admirers and as diligent observers of the Heavens as ourselves ; and must conse- quently enjoy whatsoever is subservient to and requisite for such knowledge.' 1 Huygens' Cosmolhereos, p. 84. 2 Ibid, p. 85. 3 Ibid. p. 86. 4 Ibid. p. 129. 5 Ibid. p. 150. io 4 ' PLURALITY OF WORLDS: Such is the castle, I fear of cards, which Huygens builds up. Truly the inhabitants resting in it ' must be ' light as phantasmagorial shadows painted by the magic glass. We had imagined people in dreamy thought half-consciously conceiving such notions ; but here they are gravely realized, and reduced to the pleasing assur- ance of print. Applying his own words in reference to suppositions of Descartes, we may well ' wonder how an ingenious man could spend all that pains in making such fancies hang together;' 1 and yet we are told that the astronomer Flamstead, a contemporary of Huygens recommended the Cosmothereos to Dr. Plumer, Arch- deacon of Eochester, who was so pleased with it that he left by his will 1800 to found the Plumian Professor- ship of Astronomy and Experimental Philosophy at Cambridge ! Lalaude, from whom I have already quoted, expresses his views in favour of the plurality in a passage which I also quote, both for the sake of showing the grounds of the opinion he maintained, and as containing a mention of some of the eminent men who, subsequently to Huygens, had up to the time (1802) he, Lalande, wrote, discussed the subject. It will be seen (and perhaps in such discussions the precision of logical reasoning is not always perceptible) that Lalande pro- ceeds to a certain extent on views of his own : ' The resemblance between the Earth and the other planets,' he says, ' is so striking, that if we allow the Earth to have ~been formed for habitation, we cannot deny that the planets were made for the same purpose ; for if there is, in the nature of things, a connection between the Earth and the men who inhabit it, a similar connection must 1 1 Huygens' Cosmothereos, p. 160. LALANDES VIEWS. 105 exist between the planets and beings who inhabit them. ' We see six planets around the Sun, the Earth is the third ; they all move in elliptical orbits ; they have all a rotatory motion, like the Earth, as well as spots, irregu- larities, mountains. Some of them have satellites, the Earth has one satellite : Jupiter is flattened like our world ; in short, there is every possible resemblance between the planets and the Earth : is it, then, rational to suppose the existence of living and thinking beings is confined to the Earth ? From what is such a privilege derived but the grovelling minds of persons who can never rise above the objects of their immediate sensa- tions. Lambert believed that even the comets were inhabited (Systeme du Monde, Bouillon 1770). Buffoii determines the period when each planet became habitable, and when it will cease to be so from this refrigeration (Supplemens, in 4to, torn. 11). What I have said of planets that turn round the Sun, will naturally extend to all the planetary systems which environ the fixed stars ; every star being an immoveable and luminous body, having light in itself, may properly be compared with our own Sun. We must conclude that if our Sun serves to attract and lighten the planets which surround it, the fixed stars have the same use. It is thought that the Sun and fixed stars are uninhabitable, because they are composed of fire ; yet M. Knight, in a work written to explain all the phenomena of nature by attraction and repulsion, endeavours to prove that the Sun and stars may be habitable worlds, and that the people in them may possibly suffer from extreme cold. M. Herschel likewise thinks the Sun is inhabited. Philos. Trans. 179, p. 155 et suiv. ' Some timid superstitious writers have reprobated this system as contrary to religion : they little knew how to promote the glory of their Creator. If the immensity of His works announce His power, can any idea be more calculated than this to exhibit their magnificence and sublimity ? We see with the naked eye several thousands 1 06 'PL URALITY OF WORLDS: of stars; in every part ; '6f the firmament we discover with telescopes, innumerable others ; with more perfect telescopes we still find a multitude more. We compute from the number seen through Herschel's telescope in one region of the sky, that there are a hundred millions. Imagination pierces beyond the extent of vision, behold- ing multitudes of unknown worlds infinitely more in number than those which are visible to our sight, and ranges unrestrained in the boundless space of creation. ' Our only difficulty with respect to the inhabitants of so many millions of planets is the obscurity of the final causes, which it is difficult to admit when we see into what errors the greatest philosophers have fallen; for instance, Eermat, Leibnitz, Maupertius, etc., in attempt- ing to employ these final causes or metaphysical supposi- tions of imagined relations between effects that we see and the causes we assign them, or the ends for which we believe them to exist. ' If the plurality of worlds be admitted without difficulty ; if the planets are believed to be inhabited, it is because the Earth is considered merely as a habitation for man, from which it is inferred that were the planets uninhabited, they would be useless : but I will venture to assert that such a mode of reasoning is confined, unphilo- sophic, and at the same time presumptuous. What are we in comparison of the Universe ? Do we know the extent, the properties, the destination, and the connections of nature ? Is our existence, formed as we are, of a few frail atoms, to be considered anything when we think of the greatness of the whole ? Can we add to the perfec- tion and grandeur of the Universe ? These ideas are expressed by Saussure, who, in speaking of a traveller to Mont Blanc, says : If during his meditations the thought of the insignificant beings that move on the face of the Earth offers itself to his mind, if he compares their dura- tion with the grand epochs of nature, how great will be his astonishment that man, occupying so small a space, existing so short a time, can ever imagine that his being is the only end for which the Universe was created ! HERSCHELLA PLACE. 107 ' From these considerations D'Alembert, in the Ency- clopedia (article " World "), after examining the arguments for supposing the planets inhabited, concludes by saying the subject is enveloped in total obscurity. But Buffon affirms that wherever there is a certain degree of heat, the motion produces organized beings; we need not inquire in what way, but imagine these to be the inhabi- tants of the planets : if that should be the case, we may conclude it highly probable that they are inhabited, not- withstanding the preceding objections.' Sir William Herschel is referred to by Lalande. He had adduced in a paper on the ' Nature and Construc- tion of the Sun and Fixed Stars,' arguments in favour of the habitability of both Sun and Moon. ' But/ says his biographer, Holden, writing in 1881, ' they rest more on the metaphysical than on scientific basis, and are to-day justly forgotten,' 1 an observation which applies in truth to much which has been quoted from the authors already named. La Place seems to have taken a view similar to that of Lalande, but in a less reverent, if not indeed in a sceptical spirit. ' Seduced,' he says, ' by the illusions of sense and by self-conceit, we have considered ourselves as the centre of these motions. We imagine, forsooth, that this is for us, and that the stars influence our destinies. But the labours of ages have convinced us of our error, and we find ourselves in an insignificant planet, almost imper- ceptible in the immensity of space. Inhabitants of this peppercorn, we think ourselves the peculiar favourites of Heaven ; nay, the chief objects of care to a Being the Maker of all ' and so forth. It was to meet infidel views pointing in this direction 1 HerscheVs Life and Works, by E. S. Holden, p. 149. io8 'PLURALITY OF WORLDS: that Dr. Chalmers in 1'SlG preached, and soon after published, his famous astronomical discourses. Advanc- ing in them reasons for the plurality of worlds, he goes beyond all the requirements of his argument to combat the presumption that Christianity was designed ' for the single benefit of this world.' Whether Dr. Chalmers was warranted in suggesting a proposition which seems to pass the limits of all reasonable speculation, captivat- ing the ear and the mind by the burning eloquence in which it was expressed, may well be questioned. But the arguments used for the actual plurality, although adding nothing to what had been already advanced, state the case perhaps better than they were ever stated previously, and on that account, were it on no other, fall to be given. They are contained in his first dis- course. After referring to the magnitude of the heavenly bodies, he thus proceeds : l ' Now, what is the fair and obvious presumption ? The world in which we live is a round ball of a determined magnitude, and occupies its own place in the firmament. But when we explore the unlimited tracts of that space, whicli is everywhere around us, we meet with other balls of equal or superior magnitude, and from which our Earth would either be invisible or appear as small as any of those twinkling stars which are seen in the canopy of Heaven. Why then suppose that this little spot, little at least in the immensity which surrounds it, should be the exclusive abode of life and of intelligence ? What reason to think that those mightier globes which roll in other parts of creation, and which we have discovered to be worlds in magnitude, are not also worlds in use and dignity ? Why should we think that the Great Architect of nature, supreme in wisdom, as He is in power, would call these stately mansions into existence and leave them unoccupied ? When we cast our eye over the broad sea 1 Astronomical Discourses, "Works, vol. vii. p. 21. DR. CHALMERS. 109 and look at the country on the other side, we see nothing but the blue land stretching obscurely over the distant horizon. We are too far away to perceive the richness of its scenery, or to hear the sound of its population. Why not extend this principle to the still more distant parts of the Universe ? What though, from this remote point of observation, we can see nothing but the naked roundness of yon planetary orbs ? Are we therefore to say that they are so many vast and unpeopled solitudes ; that desolation reigns in every part of the Universe but ours ; that the whole energy of the divine attributes is expended on one insignificant corner of these mighty works ; and that to this Earth alone belongs the bloom of vegetation, or the blessedness of life, or the dignity of rational and immortal existence ? But this is not all. We have something more than the mere magnitude of the planets to allege in favour of the idea that they are in- habited. We know that this Earth turns round upon itself ; and we observe that all those celestial bodies which are accessible to such an observation have the same move- ment. We know that the Earth performs a yearly revolu- tion round the Sun ; and we can detect in all the planets which compose our system a revolution of the same kind, and under the same circumstances. They have the same succession of day and night. Thev have the same agree- able vicissitude of the seasons. To them light and dark- ness succeed each other ; and the gaiety of summer is followed by the dreariness of winter. To each of them the Heavens present as varied and magnificent a spectacle ; and this Earth, the encompassing of which would require the labour of years from one of its puny inhabitants, is but one of the lesser lights which sparkle in their firma- ment. To them, as well as to us, has God divided the light from the darkness, and He has called the light day, and the darkness He has called night. He has said, Let there be light in the firmament of these heavens, to divide the day from the night ; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and for years ; and let them be for lights in the firmament of heaven to give light upon no ' PLURALITY OF WORLDS.' their earth ; and it was so. And God has also made them great lights. To all of them he has given the Sun to rule the day ; and to many of them has He given Moons to rule the night. To them He has made the stars also. And God has set them in the firmament of heaven to give light upon their Earth ; and to rule over the day, and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness ; and God has seen that it was good. ' In all these greater arrangements of divine wisdom we can see that God has done the same things for the accommodation of the planets that He has done for the Earth which we inhabit, and shall we say that the resemblance stops here, because we are not in a situation to observe it ? Shall we say that this scene of magni- ficence has been called into being merely for the amuse- ment of a few astronomers ? Shall we measure the counsels of Heaven by the narrow impotence of the human faculties ? Or conceive that silence and solitude reign throughout the mighty empire of nature ; that the greater part of creation is an empty parade; and that not a worshipper of the Divinity is to be found through the wide extent of yon vast and immeasurable regions ? ' It lends a delightful confirmation to the argument, when, from the growing perfection of our instruments, we can discover a new point of resemblance between our Earth and the other bodies of the planetary system. It is now ascertained, not merely that all of them have their day and night, and that all of them have their vicissi- tudes of seasons, and that some of them have their Moons to rule their night and alleviate the darkness of it ; we can see of one that its surface rises into inequalities, that it swells into mountains, and stretches into valleys; of another, that it is surrounded by an atmosphere which may support the respiration of animals ; of a third, that clouds are formed and suspended over it, which may minister to it all the bloom and luxuriance of vegetation ; and of a fourth, that a white colour spreads over its northern regions as its winter advances, and that on the THE ASTRONOMICAL DISCOURSES. in approach of summer this whiteness is dissipated, giving room to suppose that the element of water abounds in it, that it rises by evaporation into its atmosphere, that it freezes upon the application of cold, that it is precipitated in the form of snow, that it covers the ground with a fleecy mantle, which melts away from the heat of a more vertical Sun ; and that other worlds bear a resemblance to our own in the same yearly round of beneficent and interesting changes. ' Who shall assign a limit to the discoveries of future ages ? Who can prescribe to Science her boundaries, or restrain the active and insatiable curiosity of man within the circle of his present acquirements ? We may guess with plausibility what we cannot anticipate with con- fidence. The day may yet be coming when our instru- ments of observation shall be inconceivably more powerful. They may ascertain still more decisive points of resem- blance. They may resolve the same question by the evidence of sense, which is now so abundantly convincing by the evidence of analogy. They may lay open to us the unquestionable vestiges of art and industry and intel- ligence. We may see summer throwing its green mantle over these mighty tracts, and we may see them left naked and colourless after the flush of vegetation has disappeared. In the progress of years or of centuries we may trace the hand of cultivation spreading a new aspect over some portion of a planetary surface. Perhaps some large city, the metropolis of a mighty empire, may expand into a visible spot by the powers of some future telescope. Perhaps the glass of some observer in a distant age may enable him to construct the map of another world, and to lay down the surface of it in all its minute and topical varieties. 1 But there is no end of conjecture ; and to the men of other times we leave the full assurance of what we can assert with the highest probability, that yon planetary orbs are so many worlds, that they teem with life, and that the Mighty Being who presides in high 1 This anticipation in the case of the Moon, and, it may be said, also in that of Mars, has been realized. ii2 ' PL URALITY OF WORLDS: authority over this scen^'of grandeur and astonishment has there planted the worshippers of His glory.' I do not pause to examine the correctness of the learned divine's statements, which contain assumptions, or at least suppositions, of fact, upon which ' instru- ments of observation more powerful' have since borne their evidence or shed a light. I will not anticipate in which direction, but I may observe that underlying all this burst of noble eloquence is the idea that worlds can only be created for habitation. Farther on he advocates the view that each of the ' stars may be the token of a system as vast and as splendid as the one we inhabit. Worlds roll on these distant regions ; and these worlds must be the mansions of life and of intelligence.' l It is not surprising that the great preacher should have been assailed for the positions he had thus taken ; but, so far as I have seen, his assailants were foes unworthy of his steel, and he does not appear to have deigned to notice them. He was attacked principally upon the religious view of the question ; the subject of the plurality itself being all but ignored, and scarcely discussed. One writer, Alexander Maxwell, in a book of 265 pages, an elaborate series of prosy 'letters, notes, and memoranda, philosophical and critical,' occa- sioned by these discourses, setting out by disputing astronomical verities, and telling us how much he was indebted to the study of mathematics under one of the first mathematicians of .the age, argued with a great want of dialectic pertinence, and with much semblance of learning, to very little effect. Disputing as he does the doctrine of plurality, he advances nothing of any moment bearing on the question. 1 Astronomical Discourses, Works, vol. vii. p. 31. DICK'S CELESTIAL SCEN**^ After this the subject seems to have twenty years. No one had ventured boldly into the arena to contend, on adequate grounds, for the non- plurality. But in 1837, Dr. Thomas Dick, originally a minister of the Scotch Secession Church, who abandoned the clerical profession to teach, to lecture, and to write popu- lar works, published his Celestial Scenery, descriptive mainly of the bodies composing the solar system, yet devoting a considerable portion to the enforcement of the doctrine of plurality of worlds. His books, which contain much information, can scarcely be called autho- ritative ; but, so far as I have observed, Celestial Scenery seems to have been, in point of time, the next work in which the subject is considered at any length. It enters upon the question in a novel manner ; for its. first office in the case of each body is to settle the number of its population, which is done by estimating the total extent of superficial area, and taking as the standard of cal- culation the population of England, reckoned at 280 inhabitants for every square mile. Thus doing, the population of each planet and its satellites is calculated by the multiple of its square mileage. As if to make it as absurd as possible, no deduction is made for ocean, desert, or ice, and no allowance is granted for difference in size or description of the inhabitants presumed to exist upon each. The grand total, it readily may be imagined, is astonishing. The results are gathered together in a table interesting to the curious, and persuasive to the credulous : n 4 PLURALITY OF WORLDS. Planets . Population . 'Mercury, . . . . . 8,960,000,000 Venus, 53,500,000,000 Mars, 15,500,000,000 Vesta 64,000,000 Juno, 1,786,000,000 Ceres, 2,319,962,400 Palles, 4,009,000,000 Jupiter, 6,967,520,000,000 Saturn, 5,488,000,000,000 Outer ring of Saturn, . . .\ Inner ring, 8,141,963,826,080 Edges of the ring, . . . . ) Uranus, 1,077,568,800,000 The Moon, 4,200,000,000 Satellites of Jupiter, . . . 26,673,000,000 Satellites of Saturn, . . . 55,417,824,000 Satellites of Uranus, . . . 47,500,992,000 Amount, . . . 21, 894,974, 404,480.' l Dr. Dick cannot be blamed for the omission of the planets subsequently discovered. Neptune and his satel- lites, and the 150 additional planetoids, besides the little moons of Mars, would, with all their populations, have con- siderably swollen the splendid total to which, without them, the enthusiastic doctor had thus, with ever-to-be-praised solicitude, attained. Elsewhere he reckons the population of the Earth at a modest 800,000,000, and of the Sun (which, though not positive on the subject, he 2 evidently leans to holding inhabited) at 681,184,000,000,000, or equal to the inhabitants of 850,000 worlds such as our own. Indeed, it will be observed that, with the single exception of the small planetoid Vesta, every one of the bodies is credited with a population greater, and in some cases many thousand times greater, than that of the Earth. Even our Moon receives more than five times the population of the planet upon which it humbly 1 Celestial Scenery, p. 285. 2 Ibid. pp. 219. 220. DR. DICK'S ARGUMENT. 115 waits. The calculation is truly wonderful. But when he was so agreeably engaged, it is surprising he did not study arithmetical exactness to the extent of condescend- ing to detail the hundreds and the units ; and as there must in all cases be many, in all of the planets, who are under age, infants that travel half-price, why did he not both serenely estimate the units, and secure that one at least should honourably ride off with an odd half? Dean Swift, with that feeling attention to. the exigencies of vraisemblance for which he was distin- guished, could scarcely have omitted the odd half; nor would Defoe. Starting with these magnificent visions of planetary population, he 1 devotes a considerable portion of his l>ook to the demonstration of the plurality of worlds. His arguments are these : 1. There are bodies in the planetary system of such magnitudes as to afford ample scope for myriads of inhabitants. It would be a very gloomy view of the Creator to imagine them barren and desolate. 2. There is a general similarity 2 among the planetary bodies, tending to prove that they were all intended to subserve the same ultimate designs. They are all (1) spherical, (2) solid. (3) They all revolve round the Sun, (4) and on their axis. They are all (5) opaque bodies deriving their lustre from the Sun, (6) kept together by the law of gravity round the central lumi- nary, obeying the same laws and subjected to the same influences ; so that the reasonable conclusion is, that the ultimate destination is the same, and that they are all replenished with inhabitants. 3. There are special arrangements, indicating adapta- 1 Celestial Scenery, p. 342. * Ibid. p. 342. 1 1 6 PL URALITY OF WORLDS. tion to the enjoyment of sensitive and intelligent beings, proving this to be the ultimate design of their creation; 1 because they are (1) diversified into hill and dale ; (2) environed with atmosphere ; (3) provided with means of distribution of light, heat, and colour ; (4) pro- vided with moons ; (5) adjusted by comparative density and rapidity of rotation to their respective sizes to suit organized intelligences. On the assumption of the truth of the statements thus made, Dr. Dick argues that God has a design in view in all His arrangements ; that whenever we find a contrivance exactly adapted to accomplish a given end, we may be sure that was the end to be accomplished ; that we see in all the planets special contrivances calculated to promote the enjoyment of myriads of intelligent agents ; and, as God is possessed of infinite wisdom, to suppose them uninhabited would be unworthy of infinite wisdom, and ' the thought would be impious, blasphemous, and absurd:' a conclusion, I must observe, which may perhaps be reached very logically from the premises, provided always the premises be, as matter of fact, true. But are they so ? We shall see. 4. The scenery of the Heavens, as viewed from the surfaces of the larger planets and their satellites, forms a presumptive proof they are inhabited by intellectual beings; and the reverend doctor 2 tells us how much grander the views obtained from these satellites are than any we poor inhabitants of Earth enjoy ; and con- cludes it is impossible to suppose that such magnificent views would be unless there were rational beings capable of appreciating them. The proper corollary from which conclusion, I suppose, is that the inhabitants of our Moon must be many degrees more intellectual than the 1 Celestial Scenery, p. 353. ~ Ibid. p. 364. DICK'S SIDEREAL HE A VENS. 1 1 7 men of Earth ; and still more should the favoured inhabitants of Jupiter's moons, whose views, we take it, are so transcendently more magnificent. 5. Every part of nature in this world, he says, 1 has been destined to be the support of animated beings, and therefore it would be absurd to suppose the planets to be destitute of life. Matter was evidently formed for mind ; and as God delights in conferring existence and happiness on every order of beings, it must be in accord- ance with our conceptions of the Divine Being to suppose that the planetary regions are peopled, and with beings beyond doubt possessed of rational and intellectual natures. Apart from the assertions in point of fact contained in Dr. Dick's statements, his argument, thus epitomised, is pervaded by the general assumption that the orbs must be created for habitation, which, if not implying assertion of the final cause, may be said to be the de quo queritur. In his Sidereal Heavens, 2 published subsequently, after setting out in a separate chapter his view that the stars were constructed as centres of planetary systems, he enters, very much on the same lines, 3 upon a further argument for the plurality of worlds, drawn chiefly from his suppositions regarding the perfections of the infinite Creator ; and he also attempts to prove his position by quotations from Scripture. 4 One chapter is devoted to describing the inhabitants, very much on Huygens' plan of resembling them to men. It would not seem that either work produced any visible movement, or evoked any fresh literature. If 1 Celestial Scenery, p. 366. c P. 208, c. 14. 3 C. 16, p. 234. C. 17, p. 252. n8 PLURALITY OF WORLDS. the slumber was broken, it was but a drowsy wakening to listen half - consciously to the reverend divine's cogitations, which only squared with preconceived views ; for, indeed, the plurality was then tacitly assumed. But not long after there appeared a notable work, the Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation, wherein the unknown writer went a step farther, and advanced thf position that organic beings are produced or evolved in all the orbs by virtue of a general law of nature, and out of an original fiat of the divine will, by which ' The whole train of animated beings are to be regarded 1 as a series of advances of the principle of development j' 1 and so, the author informs us, 'organic life presses in wherever there is room and encouragement for it, the former being always such as meet the circumstances.' 2 ' We have to suppose that any one of these numberless globes is either a theatre of organic being, or on the way of becoming so.' 3 ' Inorganic matter must be presumed to be everywhere the same with differences in the propor- tions of ingredients in different globes, and also some difference of conditions.' 4 He then assumes that 'where there is light there will be eyes, and these in other spheres will be the same in all respects as the eyes of tellurian animals, with only such differences as may be necessary to accord with minor peculiarities of condition and of situation. It is but a small stretch of the argument to suppose that one conspicuous organ of a large portion of our animal kingdom being thus universal, a parity in all the other organs species for species, class for class, kingdom for kingdom is highly likely, and that thus the inhabitants of all the other globes of space bear not only a general, but a particular resemblance to those of our own.' 5 1 Vestiges of Creation, 4th ed. p. 208. * Ibid. p. 164. 3 Ibid. p. 165. * Ibid. p. 167. * Ibid. p. 168. THE VESTIGES. 119 Taking such views, the inevitable conclusion to which this author was led, was that organic beings have ' all come into existence by the operation of laws everywhere applicable.' l The literal meaning of the book was simply this, that God having once for all spoken His will and put the wheels of nature in motion, for ever afterwards restrained His hand. The author could not imagine the possibility of God exercising the creative power at each successive new form of life, and so, because the ways of Him who letteth not a sparrow fall on the ground without His will were incomprehensible to the imperfect knowledge and finite powers of the feeble creature, the thought was to be regarded as taking ' a very mean view ' of Him it was, in short, ' ridiculous.' One thing, how- ever, is observable, that after endeavouring to trace the successive steps of change from one condition of being to the immediately higher, as if the fact of resem- blance in the successions proved their descent the one from the other, or proved it to happen without the interposition of divine direction and divine power, he stops short of man at the quadrumana, and concludes by saying, ' Here such obscurity prevails that I must be content to leave the task to other inquirers.' 2 The author of the Vestiges was by no means the first to suggest the view of development, for he had been preceded by several writers who raised the question; but the boldness of his views and the dogmatic vigour of his style produced a sensation and an influence which probably had not been previously experienced, and he may be said, therefore, practically to have given birth to the doctrine of evolution now so popular among many naturalists, and with which we shall have after- 1 Vestiges of Creation, p. 169. 2 Ibid. p. 272. 120 PLURALITY OF WORLDS. wards more particularly to deal. The Vestiges was first published in. 1844, to which was added a sequel of Explanations in 1846, and it rapidly passed through ten editions, in which there are numerous alterations and excisions apparently indicating from time to time some slight modifications or some slight developments of its author's daring opinions. It experienced a wide criticism, and it is to be feared the answers made were not always on the correct lines. Hitherto, it will be seen, although all would not have indorsed the views of the Vestiges, the opinion of every one of those to whose writings I have adverted had been in favour of plurality. About 1853 or 1854, however, there appeared a book, called The Plurality of Worlds : an Essay, anonymously though speedily and, as it proved, rightly attributed to the Eev. Dr. William Whewell, 1 Master of Trinity College, Cambridge, and author of the Bridgewater Treatise, Astronomy and General Physics considered with reference to Natural Theology. In the Bridgewater Treatise, while discours- ing of 'the vastness of the Universe/ Dr. Whewell 1 In The Life and Selections from, the Correspondence of William Whewell, D.D., by Mrs. Stair Douglas (1881), there occurs this incidental acknowledgment of the authorship in a letter ' to Kate Marshall, ' dated 2d January 1854 (p. 433) : 'There is a little, not mystery, for that I hate, but reserve to be used in talking of it as my book, for it is published without my name, and contains notions that may be startling to some persons, though I am persuaded that they tend to give us a true view of God's government of the world. I suppose, after all, you must have heard me talk of a book about The Plurality of Worlds, which I was writing or finishing when you were here, and now the murder (of the inhabitants of Jupiter) is out.' This Life, which is nearly altogether made up of letters, is disappointing. There is no direct mention of the publication either of the essay or of the treatise, nor any mention of the reception of either by the public, notwithstanding the amount of dis- cussion to which the essay especially gave rise. WHE WELZS ESS A Y. 121 incidentally observed that ' no one can resist the temp- tation to conjecture that these globes' (the planets and the satellites), ' some of them much larger than our own, are not dead and barren ; that they are, like ours, occupied with organization, life, intelligence.' But in the Essay he entered the lists as a champion to combat that view, and so far as I have observed he seems to have been the first who did so, or did so with any force of reason. 1 For he discusses the whole subject fully and systematically, though not always so as to command concurrence, indeed also with all the overlading amplitude of a theologian. In 'the early chapters he sets out the difficulties which had originated the famous Astronomical Discourses of Dr. Chalmers, gives due weight to the doctor's argument, and discusses the subject. He then proceeds to point out from geology the antiquity of life upon the Earth as compared with the recent creation of man, and considerations to which this fact gives rise. Thence he proceeds to the stars and planets, and argues from scientific facts against the conjecture of their being inhabited, and against even the probability of the fixed stars being, at least in every case, surrounded by planetary systems, because, among 1 Such obiter dicta as those of John Wesley, quoted in Powell's Unity of Worlds, p. 302, can hardly be considered, in this collocation, as offering an exception. "Wesley's words, however, are remarkable : ' Suppose there were millions of worlds, yet God may see in the abyss of His infinite wisdom reasons which do not appear to us why He saw good to show this mercy to ours in preference to thousands or millions of other worlds. I speak this even upon the common supposition of the plurality of worlds, a very favourite notion with all those who deny the Christian revelation, and for this reason, because it affords them a foundation for so plausible an objection to it. But the more I consider that supposi- tion, the more I doubt of it, insomuch that if it were allowed by all the. philosophers in Europe, still I could not allow it without stronger proof than any I have met with yet.' 122 PLURALITY OF WORLDS. other reasons, of the large proportion of double stars. He argues from the advance of our planet to a peculiar condition and situation in a temperate zone, and the high nature and destiny of man to the Earth being the special seat of God's peculiar care, and that man has been placed upon it as a preparatory stage to fit him for eternity, and that the Universe is subordinate to man ; while he combats the idea that the refusal to acknow- ledge inhabitants in other stellar bodies is adverse to the thought of the goodness, benevolence, or majesty of God. It was a thoughtful, able work, although many of the views it contains, such as the assumption that the Universe was created for man, are unnecessary to the conclusion, and are far from carrying conviction. It excited so much attention, as within a year to run to a fourth edition. The Essay stirred up discussion. Apart from the observations and comments of reviewers, he was attacked by two writers. One of them anonymously assailed him in a small book, called The Plurality of Worlds: The Positive Argument from Scripture, with Answers to some late Objections from Analogy. It was a dreary argument, which may be put aside without remark. The other was from the pen of the venerable Sir David Brewster. But the want of temper manifested in Sir David's book, called More Worlds than One the Creed of the Philosopher and the Hope of the Christian, disfigures it, and manifests an amount of 'bias which disqualified him from forming calm and sound conclusions. View- ing the essay 'as an elaborate attack upon opinions consecrated by reason and revelation,' having a ' direct tendency to ridicule and bring into contempt the grand discoveries in sidereal astronomy,' he allows himself to ' reject the ignoble sentiments with indignation/ and BREWSTERS MORE WORLDS. 123 hints at the writer being either ' a fool or a madman, writing only from a love of notoriety.' On the other hand, the fantastic views of Fontenelle and Huygens receive unbounded regard ; and, indeed, he follows to some extent in their wake, and arguing with the aid of additional scientific facts, or supposed or assumed facts, he easily takes his conclusions, by adopting Huygens' method even to the using of his very words : ' it must be.' The idea underlying the whole book is that all the orbs must have been made for some use, and that use must have been for the abode of rational beings ; that all the stars are suns, each one of which is the centre of a system of planets, and there being one planet, at least, in the solar system inhabited, there must be at least one in each of these assumed systems similarly inhabited. It is rather curious to find that Sir David's dogmatical assertions of astronomical fact are in some instances distinctly set aside by the later discoveries of the spectroscope and otherwise ; as, for example, his asser- tion that all nebulae are resolvable into stars, that there are volcanoes in the Moon and an atmosphere surround- ing it, together with his views regarding the planets and the eternity of the Sun. In the overbearing spirit in which it was written, well-founded argument was not to be expected ; and, straining his views as he does, it may almost be said that, in speculating on the plans of the Almighty, he is sometimes, to use his own words applied to the essayist/ bordering on the blasphemous.' 1 While Whewell laid himself open to attack, I cannot, however, say that Sir David Brewster was remarkably successful in his assault, even when, in common with some other writers, he is armed with words of Scripture, which he vainly wrests in support of his conclusions. 1 More Worlds than One, ed. 1870, p. 229. i2 4 PLURALITY OF WORLDS. A far more philosophical and valuable communication was made at same time by Professor George Wilson, in a small publication of 50 pages, which he called The' Chemistry of the Stars. Exception might be taken to the fanciful clothing in which some of his ideas were dressed, to his jury of chandler, stoker, sailor, and the like, and their professional remarks. But the idea which permeates the treatise is to point out the differ- ences, actual and possible, between the Earth and the other orbs of creation, and hence to reason against the plurality of worlds. The argument is exactly in the right direction, and, so far as it goes, is supported by chemical facts and proofs of the most telling character. But the knowledge then possessed w T as more limited than it is now ; and it is only much to be deplored that the talented popular chemist did not survive to carry his demonstration to a wider field, to do which no philosopher was more competent. His tract afforded, so far as I have seen, the most important support to the position taken by Whewell. On the other hand, Mr. Montague Lyon Phillips entered the lists to champion the side of plurality. His book, Worlds leyond the Earth, is mainly occupied with a demonstration of the Nebular hypothesis. But lie has not been so successful in his attempt to prove the plurality. He is forced to admit that the Sun, Moon, and planets exist in conditions differing from those of the Earth. The chemical substances the gases, the fluids, the atmospheres are different; and, driven to admit that human beings could not exist on those other bodies, he only finds his way out of the difficulty by suggesting that these inhabitants must be differently constituted. How far this is an ad mis- POWELLS UNITY OF WORLDS. 125 sible position in the present question may afterwards appear. The Eev. Baden Powell, in his Unity of Worlds, took up the parable, and, with a show of impartiality, disclaim- ing controversialism, hitting both sides, he not the less turns the scale for the plurality, to his own satisfaction, by quietly placing the weight of his foot in the balance. Eeferring to the discussions on the Nebular hypothesis, he pointed out that there was no necessary connection between that hypothesis and the question of plurality, although he leans to it, and supposes a common origin for all the planets, and that all are suffused with the same material (a fact which Phillips did not admit) ; and, discussing the views relative to the Sun, Moon, and planets, seems to arrive at the conclusion that they are of the same kind or character, but only differ in degree ; and dismisses the geological difficulty of man's recent appearance by assuming a theory of progressive develop- ment or preparation ; so that if a world is not at present inhabited, it is because it has not reached, or has passed, the condition of fitness for habitation. He also at great length discusses the arguments maintained on both sides from the theological point of view, maintains that it was a mistake to remove the subject from the region of inductive conjecture to that of supporting theological belief, and condemns the impropriety of attempting to solve a philosophical problem on any ground but physical analogy. In doing so he hits both sides, hits Sir David Brewster, who starts with the assumption that the worlds were made for the sole pur- pose of being inhabited, which was just begging the question, and an assumption of final causes not warranted by sound principles of reasoning. But then Whewell, 126 PL URALITY OF WORLDS. in the essay, he thinks, was equally wrong in seeming to advance (for it is rather a gloss upon his argument) that the rest of creation must be supposed a waste in order to dignify man. The argument from assumed final causes was thus, he says, applied with equal force for opposite conclusions. It was likewise a mistake, which some had made, to deny the existence of inhabitants in other worlds, lest it should clash with our thoughts regarding man, and revelation, and the sacrifice of the Son of God for man all this was to disregard the proper province of theology. But though thus apparently reproving all, there is an under-current pervading the section, indi- cating his favour for the subordination of man and the peopling of other worlds. The controversy thus raised by Whe well's essay brought some other writers into the field ; but it seems to have died down, and apparently was resuscitated in France, in 1862, by the French astronomer Flammarion, in the publication of his popular work, ' La Plurality dcs Mondes Habitts : Etude ou Ton expose les conditions d'habitabilite" des terres celestes discutees au point de vue de I'astroiiomie de la physiologic et de la philo- sophic naturelle,' written, he tells us, for the purpose of demonstrating that the plurality of worlds is a doctrine, at once scientific, philosophical, and religious, of the highest importance. He followed it up in 1865 by another, 'Les Mondes Imaginaircs et les Mondes R6ds, voyage pittoresque dans le ciel et revue critique des theories humaines scientifiques et Romanesques, anciennes et modernes sur les habitants des astres.' This work, which is for the most part occupied with a very detailed history of the theories, ancient and modern, regarding the inhabitants of the stars, is in this respect an enlarge- FLAMMARION' S WORKS. 127 inent of the previous book, and in the last chapter he states that the appearance of his former work was the signal for the revival of attention to the subject. It was rapidly disseminated throughout France and in Europe, and was translated into all the languages of the two continents, and was at the time he wrote in its 21st French edition. 1 It had given birth to 'many books and the reproduction of others, and he catalogues over thirty, principally French, published since 1862. Flammarion likewise devoted a chapter of Les Mer- veilles Celestes to the plurality of inhabited worlds. But it hardly appears to me that he added anything to the views which had been advanced by earlier writers, and, indeed, the little he does advance may be summed up in resting his view for plurality on the insignificance of this Earth, the abundance of life upon it, and similarity of this planet to the others. Meantime the English press had been almost silent. At length, in 1870, Mr. Proctor published Other Worlds than Ours, the remark upon which by Flammarion 2 is, ' Aux yeux de tous ses lecteurs, 1'auteur n'a evidemment qu'un tort : c'est de paraitre igriorer que d'autres ecrivains ont traite la meme question avant lui, et de la meme maniere, et de ne citer que des auteurs anglais, comme . J My copies are dated 1876, and La Pluralite is the 24th, the other the 14th edition. The two books run to nearly 1000 pages, and I must confess to have done not more than glance at them. In both works Flammarion has industriously gathered together apparently everything that has been written for or against the plurality, and whether purposely or merely cursorily, whether seriously or in jest. Probably, therefore, those desirous of making themselves fully acquainted "with the whole literature of the subject may find the means of study in his pages. 2 Mondes Jmaginaires, p. 582. 128 PL URALITY OF WORLDS. si 1'idee de la pluralite des mondes etait nee en Angle- terre et n'avait ete cultivee que dans cette ile.' Mr. Proctor in this treatise, however, proceeds in an orderly manner to examine the conditions in which the various bodies are placed, and his views on each will best be referred to as each comes to be afterwards dis- cussed. Mars, he believes, is the only planet unmis- takeably showing signs of life, and he by no means maintains life at present in any of the others. There are conditions in them inimical to life, as, for example, in Jupiter, which ' is still a glowing mass, fluid probably throughout, still bubbling and sending up continually enormous masses of cloud, to be gathered into bands under the influence of the swift rotation of the giant planet.' But Mr. Proctor takes the view that the worlds were created for life, and leans to the supposition that the beings which people other globes are adapted to the conditions of each, and that if not at the present time habitable, these globes have been or may yet become so. He touches on the subject or deals with it in several others of his many works, and particularly in The Orls around us, Flowers of the Sky, The Expanse of Heaven, and Our Place among Infinities, ' a series of essays contrasting our little abode in space and time with the infinities around us.' In the last-mentioned book he devotes a special chapter to considering ' A new Theory of Life in other Worlds.' 1 Contrasting the views of Whewell and Brew- ster, he starts by observing that Whewell did good service in breaking the chains of old-fashioned ideas and inau- gurating freedom of discussion, and while admitting that the balance of evidence was in favour of Whewell's theory, considers that Brewster's is the one which com- 1 Our Place among Infinities, 1875, p. 48. PROCTORS WORKS. 129 mends itself more favourably to the mind which would believe that God hath done all things well, and nothing that He hath made was made in vain. And having forced on us the belief that the support of life is the object for which the Earth was created, we are thus 1 led to regard the other orbs, which, like her, circle round a central Sun, as intended to be the abode of life. 1 But there was a middle course ; and pointing to the short duration of life, and especially rational life upon Earth, as a mere ripple on the great ocean of time, leading to the thought that rational life was but a sub- ordinate object of the Earth's creation, that there is no ground to suppose that this particular epoch is the epoch for life everywhere, and that the probabilities are that it is only the epoch for a small proportion, the view he takes is, that the planets of this and other systems are passing through stages, and the stage of life has only been treached or is occurring in a propor- tion of the planets ; but this proportion, over the whole Universe, will amount to millions. I have not observed that of late years any other English writer has ventured to take the matter up as a separate subject of discussion, although some have dealt with it along with other themes. Thus Dr. Phipson devotes a chapter of his Mysteries of Nature to inha- bited planets, in the course of which he thus writes : 2 ' To any person tolerably devoid of prejudice, and slightly acquainted with the teachings of modern astro- nomy, it must appear absurd in the extreme to suppose that these magnificent worlds which revolve round the Sun should nofe have been as highly endowed by the Creator as our little Earth, a mere point in the Universe, 1 P. 57. 2 Phipson's Mysteries of Nature, 1876, p. 268. I 1 30 'PLURALITY OF WORLDS: which constitutes so moderate a feature among them. And it may perhaps be quite as fanciful to imagine that our globe is for man the best possible of worlds. One or two prodigious difficulties arise, however, when we wish to bring forward some palpable proof of the planets being in reality inhabited by creatures at all like ourselves. Not the slightest doubt can exist as to the possibility of this, as far as certain planets are concerned, more espe- cially Venus, Mars, and Mercury, reasoning from the little we know of their physical properties and their telescopic appearance, so similar to what our Earth must appear viewed from one of them/ Dr. Phipson, however, has his doubts about the satellites, the Sun, and the larger planets. How far his views are justified remains to be seen. Professor Newcomb, an American astronomer, devotes a few pages, at the close of his work on astronomy, to the subject. He says : l ' When we contemplate the planets are worlds like our own, and the stars as suns, each perhaps with its retinue of attendant planets, the idea naturally sug- gests itself, that other planets, as well as this, may be the abode of intelligent beings ; ' and after alluding to the importance attached to the discovery of evidence of life in them, says : ' It is therefore extremely disap- pointing to learn that the attainment of any direct evidence of such life seems entirely hopeless, so hope- less, indeed, that it has almost ceased to occupy the attention of astronomers/ and observes that it is ' quite possible that retinues of planets revolving in circular orbits may be rare exceptions rather than the rule among the stars ; ' 2 but granting planets, all the chances are decidedly against the idea that any considerable fraction of the heavenly bodies is fitted- to be the abode of such animals as we have on earth, and that the 1 Newcomb's Astronomy, p. 516. 2 P. 517. NEWCOMERS VIEWS. 131 number of those which have the requisites for support- ing civilisation is a very small fraction indeed of the whole. This conclusion, he says, rests on the assump- tion that the conditions of life are the same in other worlds as in our own, and this again on whether there be limits to adaptability on earth; and then states that such limits do exist, and the higher the condition of life the more restricted are the conditions, and if great changes are to occur on the surface- of the globe, the- higher forms of life would be destroyed. He- i& there- fore led to the conclusion, that ' in view of the immense diversity of conditions which probably prevails in the Universe, it would be only in a few favoured spots we should expect to find any very interesting development of life.' Professor Newcomb therefore adopts* a view different from that of Dr. Phipson. But scientific men have been too much engaged within the last twenty years in making investigations with the spectroscope and other astronomical appliances, and thus getting at astronomical facts, to deal with what has always been regarded by astronomers as a pure speculation. The discoveries made by means of spectrum analysis must necessarily have proved, and have truly proved, of greatest consequence, and they tend to lead to more certain conclusions on many points of the question involved. Mr. Proctor seems to think, in one of the chapters of The Orbs around us, that the discoveries by this analysis refute some of the arguments or positions of Mr. Whewell ; but I have purposely reserved all dis- cussion on the matters they involve to their proper place in the after pages. II. SUCH is a sketch of some of the leading stages in the history of the question^ and of the views of some of the leading writers.. Those who believe in the plurality are not quite agreed regarding the nature of the inhabitants-, But their general contention seems to be that these inhabitants are rational beings; and, indeed, it seems difficult to reconcile the theory of life in those other orbs unless upon the footing that the life is rational, 1 that the occupants are intelligent and capable, like man, of apprehending the existence of the Creator, for to* this the argument naturally leads. Some, like Huygens, have even contended for their resembling man in all respects. Others do not give their ideas this concrete form, and content themselves with simply affirming the habitability of all orbs, believing that the beings which constitute their population must vary in shape and kind in accordance with the constitution of the planets on which they severally dwell, and the varied circum- stances in which they are respectively placed. While others again contend merely for the potentiality of the different orbs to receive life, and say that they, or many of them, may only yet be in a state of preparation for life, or that they have ceased to sustain it. But it will also be noticed that the arguments 1 See p. 171. 133 i 3 4 ' PLURALITY OF WORLDS: advanced in support of the plurality are various. They may be resolved into several propositions : 1. It is said that many passages in Scripture imply that the orbs are inhabited. In 1801, the Kev. Edward Nares, Eector of Beddinden, Kent, was at pains to write a whole book of 404 pages, entitled 'EIS BEOS EIZ MESITHS : or, An attempt to show how far the philosophical notion of a -plurality >of worlds is consistent or not so with the language of the Holy Scriptures ;' and it is only fair to say that, while it is a prolix, mild, and inconclusive work, it appears to be honest and, far ,as possible, impartial, although one is much tempted to think the writing of it was labour wasted. In a very different spirit Sir David Brewster devoted a chapter of his More Worlds than 'One to the -subject, and to this I would particularly refer. Without specifying the several passages in detail, I may notice a few. Thus .he refers to the words of David flowing from an 'inspiration which no doubt revealed to him the magnitude, the distances, and >the final causes of the glorious spheres which fixed his admiration,' 1 an assumption large enough indeed, ' when I consider .the Heavens, the work of Thy fingers, the Moon and the stars which Thou hast ordained, what is man that Thou art mindful of him, and the son of man that Thou visitest him ? ' 2 or those of Job : ' The Heavens being spread out as a tent to dwell in ;' 3 'the chambers of -the south ;' to other writers speaking of the ' host of Heaven ' (a well-known synonym for the stars) ; to Isaiah : ' the Lord who created the Heavens ' 1 More Worlds than One, p. 10. 2 Ibid. p. 10. 3 Ibid. p. 12. ARGUMENTS FOR CONSIDERED. 135 and the Earth ; ' He created it not in vain, He formed it to be inhabited ' (a passage which, literally taken, would imply that the Earth only was formed to be inhabited) ; or to the New Testament in the use of such words as ' worlds,' ' the Heavens/ or ' all things.' But if other similar passages of Scripture were taken literally, what should we make of such words as these : ' The stars shall fall from Heaven ;' ' The stars of Heaven fell on the Earth ;' ' Praise Him, Sun and all ye stars of light '? It is in vain to take such words literally, and to catch at a hidden meaning of this nature from the fervid utterances of the poet or the prophet, while it is manifest that the passages in question neither directly affirm that the stars are inhabited, and, indeed, it is a proposition now all but abandoned that the stars themselves are so, the con- tention being merely that their supposed but invisible planetary attendants are, nor can they, not one of them, sanction the deduction of such a meaning. The Bible was not given for the purpose of teaching us scien- tific facts, nor does it. It is only the extravagant fancy of a keen and inexact advocate which can torture unde- signed expression to suit his argument in a way which will not brook the smallest investigation or criticism. It is a method of argument to be decried and dismissed. 2. It is maintained that the supposition of the orbs being inhabited redounds to the glory, and manifests the wisdom of God ; and the contrary supposition would be to lessen the glory and impeach the wisdom of God. But this is truly to affirm that it consists with the knowledge of those who so aver that the glory and wisdom of God can only be manifested in the other orbs by peopling them ; or to declare what it has not been given to man to know wherein the glory and wisdom 1 36 PL URALITY OF WORLDS: of God consist. It is, however, just another form of saying 3. That the orbs were all made for the express purpose of being inhabited, and would be useless unless they were, which, besides being a begging of the question, is an assumption of the final cause, for which it cannot be pretended we have the smallest warrant. The idea in this assumption truly lies at the bottom of nearly all that has been said in support of the plurality. Looked fairly in the face, it cannot stand. For it must be acknowledged that we are all finite beings. We know very little, even of the Earth on which we live, and we are apt to measure everything by our own narrow conceptions and limited experiences, and to imagine there can be nothing existing different from what we have seen or heard. But this we do know, that everywhere, so far as it comes within our observation, the Great Creator has manifested His almighty power by a most wondrous diversity of gifts and operations. We find in endless multiplicity varied forms of matter, of animal and of vegetable life, in the different regions of the globe. There are no two countries, or even two districts of a country, alike. There are no two mountains, or valleys, or rivers, or trees alike. And passing from this Earth, ' there is one glory of the Sun, and another glory of the Moon, and another glory of the stars ; for one star differeth from another star in glory.' Nay, even in things which are most alike is there special difference. No two men or women are alike; no two sheep are alike, for the shepherd can tell them all by name, and the ewe knows its own lamb among the largest flock. We should therefore be led rather to suppose that, while ARE ORBS MADE FOR LIFE? 137 the allwise and bountiful Creator has seen fit to bestow upon this world the gift and adornment and the glory of life as its peculiar heritage, He has, out of His immeasurable treasury, imparted to the other orbs each a separate blessing in special benefactions to which our experience does not reach, and of which our finite minds can form no conception. It may be so. We cannot tell. In this life at least it must, without a special revelation, be from us for ever hid. Or it may be that He, in the plenitude of His sub- limity, has created them without a use, and that He delights in them simply for their beauty and their perfection, and as a manifestation of His glory. It may be so. We cannot tell. But He has given to us the glowing opal and the lustrous diamond ; and these may be to man in themselves useless, apart from their soft light or their brilliant radiance, and yet for this useless glitter they may to him have priceless value. And may not He who covers Himself with light as with a garment, and stretches Himself, through varied scenes of grandeur inconceivable, to infinity, like ' as a bride adorneth her- self with her jewels,' delight to crown His royal head with a universe of sparkling orbs ? Or as we, finite beings, made in His image and given to share somewhat in His thoughts, can never tire of looking up to the star-studded sky and drinking unbounded pleasure from the mere contemplation of those far-off worlds, dwindled down in the distance, in our puny sight, to specks of light upon the firmament ; or as master spirits among men regard with complacent satisfaction the works which their own hands have designed or reared, so may He, with His all-seeing eye to which nothing in all its grandeur or in all its loveliness is lost behold with a majestic serenity, to which we cannot soar, the stupend- 138 < PLURALITY OF WORLDS: ous fabric which His omnipotence has ' spread out like a curtain ' in all its circling wonders, where the great is perceived in all its magnitude and the small is not obscured or hidden by the vast, createcPin all that amazing perfection which constitutes to our minds the matchless beauty of nature, and bend to it that appro- bation which, when looking on it at the first, we are told in the simple words of the inspired creation hymn, ' God saw that it was good.' Can we not realize that these, His works, made an the fulness of that holy exaltation in which .they were conceived, have through- out eternity brought to that glorious Being the joy unspeakable which fills His presence and abides with Him for evermore? F@r it is written, 'Thou hast created all things, and for Thy pleasure they are and were created.' But when the argument leads, -by a necessary sequence, to speculations like these, we feel that we are pass- ing beyond the region of legitimate reasoning; for we are moving into .depths we cannot fathom. We can drop no anchor there. Arguments which rest on con- jectures regarding final .causes can lead to no result. The view, therefore, which has been propounded, must be disregarded as worthless. With this reason there are several others which must also be cast aside as involved in it, or as just other ways of putting the same idea. Among them the following may be placed : 4. That every part of the World is full of life, there- fore it would be absurd to say that the other planets are destitute of life. 1 1 It may be noted that the Earth has not throughout its whole career borne life, and that, as we shall afterwards see, the period during which OTHER REASONS CONSIDERED. 139 5. The finger of God and the wisdom of the divine government are more clearly manifested in the supposi- tion of endowing the other orbs with life. Are we to deprive the other planets of plants and animals which, more plainly than inanimate matter, speak the divine Architect ? 6. That to give life alone to 'the Earth, an insignifi- cant body on the Universe, is to subordinate all the others. 7. The Earth having been made for habitation, the other orbs must be presumed to have been so too ; although, perhaps, .these other -erbs, or some of them, have not yet reached the stage fitting them -to receive life. 8. That life is the proper object for which these orbs were created, the use for which they were made. These .propositions, after what has been said, require no comment or answer ; for the -reasons why the third proposition cannot be legitimately maintained apply to and cover them also. But it has been suggested 9. That the peopling of this world solely is to sup- pose that the whole remaining creation was made for the gratification of man. Now, though it be evident that all things on this Earth were subordinated to man created in the image of God, and that t@ -him. was given '^dominion over the fish of the sea and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the Earth,' and that to him was also given ' every herb bearing seed it has been fitted for man's occupation has been only a speck or point in its history. The future duration of this condition may possibly not increase materially the magnitude of the point or speck. 140 < PLURALITY OF WORLDS: which is upon the face of all the Earth, and every tree in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed/ to ' be for meat/ that the Earth has been adapted in many ways, and adjusted in the system to which it belongs, to support his life, it cannot be said that the remainder of creation has been made for him. If any opponent of the theory of plurality of worlds has advocated this idea, he has been clearly, mistaken.. The Sun and Moon and stars are in their respective ways useful to man, and that usefulness is doubtless the result of design, -but to say that they were made fbr man, would be to state a position which is unwarranted by revelation, and, on the face of it, unjjustifiable, were it for no other reason than this, that millions of the- shining orbs are even beyond the sweep of telescope of strongest power. It was for God's pleasure, not man's- pleasure, they are and were created, and to say otherwise is a mis- take which does- not flow out of the negation of plurality. Clearing, therefore;, the atmosphere of these various positions or suggestions, the question) is reduced in reality to narrow limits, and it is well, before entering upon what are its real merits, we should postulate some positions which will) aid us in arriving at a just deter- mination. And, in the first place, it will not db to say that, as all things are possible with God, so God could give to each and every orb on the Universe life, and life as it exists on the Earth. To attain the conclusion for such plurality would require the establishment of another premiss, which, as we have seen, cannot be predicated, that life is the proper object or utility of all such orbs POSITIONS POSTULATED. 141 the design for which they were all created. The Gordian knot must not be so cut. In the second place, neither will it do to say that, even supposing the other orbs were in all respects and condi- tions similar to the Earth (however much such a fact would prepare our minds to receive the information), that life must exist as a necessary sequence, and for this simple reason, that life, whether of plants or animals, must be originated. Buffon, no doubt, says that wherever there is heat there must be life, and the author of the Vestiges of Creation would have us believe that life presses in every- where, in pursuance of an original divine law. But these are mere assertions, they are not facts, or admitted facts, and, as we shall afterwards see, the position is disproved by the investigations which have been made. On the other hand, in ?the third place, seeing :that the whole doctrine of plurality is an argument of analogy, derived from the fact of life upon the Earth, so wherever we find a situation of matters which would be inimical to or destructive of life on Earth, all pre- sumption .for life must there cease. For example, we find here that life cannot exist in fire or in ice, and hence we are entitled to conclude it cannot exist any- where else in fire or in ice in extreme heat or in extreme cold. In the fourth place, the demonstration that even one other world is uninhabitable destroys conclusion for all worlds being habitable, and the wider this demonstra- tion, the more cogent will be that conclusion. These obvious propositions being stated, lead directly 142 ' PL URALITY OF WORLDS: to an inquiry into the condition of the surrounding orbs. And in approaching the subject systematically, we are not only naturally led to commence with the central luminary of our system> but by doing so it will be found largely to clear the way, and to tell most forcibly upon what remains, and thus upon the whole question. We shall combine in the next section the Sun, the Stars, and the supposed Stellar Systems, III. 1. THE SUN. NOTWITHSTANDING Fontenelle advocated the peopling of all the planets, he freely abandoned claim for the Sun. * After Mercury,' he says, 1 on his fourth evening with the Marchioness, ' conies the Sun ; but there is no possi- bility of peopling it, nor any room left for a wherefore. By the Earth, which is inhabited, we judge that other bodies of the same nature may be likewise inhabited ; but the Sun is a body not like the Earth, or any of the planets ; the Sun is the source or fountain of light, which, though it is sent from one planet to another, and receives several alterations by the way, yet all originally proceeds from the Sun ; he draws from himself that precious substance which he emits from all sides, and which reflects when it meets with a solid body, and spreads from one planet to another those long and vast trains of light which cross, strike through, and intermingle in a thousand different fashions, and make, if I may so say, the richest tissues in the world. The Sun, likewise, is placed in the centre, from whence, with most convenience, he may equally distribute and animate by his heat ; it is, then, a parti- cular body, but what kind of body has often puzzled better heads than mine. It was thought formerly a body of pure tire, and that opinion passed current till the begin- ning of this age, when they perceived several spots on its surface. A little after they had discovered new planets, as we shall presently hear of, these, some said, were the spots ; for those planets moving round the Sun, when 1 Plurality of Worlds, ed. 1749, p. 102. 143 i 4 4 ^PLURALITY OF WORLDS: they turned their dark half to us, must necessarily hide part of it ; and had not the learned with these pretended planets made their court before to most of the princes in Europe, giving the name of this prince to one, and of that prince to another planet, I believe they would have quar- relled who should be master of these spcts, that they might have named them as they pleased.' 1 1 cannot approve that notion ; it was but the other day,' says she, ' you were describing the Moon, and called several places by the names of the most famous astrono- mers. I was pleased with the fancy ; for since the princes have seized on the Earth, it is fit the philosophers, who are as proud as the best of them, should reserve the Heavens for themselves, without any competitors.' ' Oh/ answered I, ' trouble not yourself, the philosophers make the best advantage of their territories ; and if they part with the least star it is upon very good terms ; but the spots on the Sun are fallen to nothing ; it is now dis- covered that they are not planets, but clouds, streams, or dross, which rise upon the Sun, sometimes in a great quantity, sometimes in a less ; sometimes they are dark, sometimes clear, sometimes they continue a great while, and sometimes they disappear as long. It seems the Sun is a liquid matter, some think of melted gold, which seems to boil over continually, and by the force of its motion casts the scran or*dross