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K£avov fi£r' anvnovag AldioTrrjag.- — Lib. i. v. 123. t Heeren's Historical Researches, vol. i. p. 294. 20 INTRODUCTION. described as including Southern India. Homer, who seems to have collected all the fragments of historical and geogra- phical knowledge which were scattered among the learned of his age, recognises the distinction now explained, and speaks of the Ethiopians as extending from the rising to the setting of the sun. " But now the god, remote a heavenly guest. In Ethiopia, graced the genial feast (A race divided, whom, with sloping rays, The rising and descending sun surveys) ; There on the world's extremest verge revered i With hecatombs and prayer, in pomp preferr'd, Distant he lay." * The ancient historians were wont to divide the Africans into two great classes, the Libyans and the Ethiopians ; to whom Herodotus adds the Greeks and Phenicians, who as settlers occupied the northern coasts. This division was generally followed by succeeding writers, although with little accuracy in the use of names ; and while we admit that there might be no real difference in the lineage of the two principal families now pointed out, it is at least manifest that they presented to the eye of the Grecian geographers such peculiarities, especially in the colour of the skin, as seemed to justify the discrimination which we find established in their works. But it is obvious, at the same time, that there was a greater affinity between the Ethio- pians on the eastern shores of the Arabian Gulf and those on the African side, than between these last and the other swarthy tribes in the interior of Libya. Herodotus, indeed, observes that the Asiatics have straight hair, while such as dwell above Egypt have it very much curled. It is certain, however, that all the black inhabitants of Africa do not dis- play this quality ; for many of the natives of the Upper Nile, though their skins are of a very dark hue, have hair resembling that of Europeans, being neither curled nor woolly. The father of history mentions a circumstance which is not less true at the present time than it was at the remote period in which he lived. He relates that, in the extensive district which stretches from the first cataract to Sennaar, * Atdioirac, rot 6i%da SeScuarat, eaxaToi avbp&v 'Oi fitv dvoonivov vtrcpiovos, li 6' aviovroi;. — Odysx,, lib. v. 23- INTRODUCTION. 21 there were two different classes of inhabitants, very easily distinguished from each other. The one, described by him as aboriginal, be includes under the general appellation of Ethiopians ; while the other, which appeared to have sprung from an Arabian race, must have removed into the country at an early epoch, where they continued, even in his day, to follow a wandering mode of life. That such was the case under the Persian government is evident from what we are told respecting the army of Xerxes, whom they must have attended in his expedition into Greece. The Arabians and Ethiopians are associated by the historian under one leader. " Arsanes, son of Darius by Artystone a daughter of Cyrus, commanded the Arabians and the Ethiopians who came from beyond Egypt."* In later times the Arabs seem to have possessed a still larger portion of Nubia, and to have occupied the banks of the Nile from Philae to the neighbourhood of Meroe ; a fact which is confirmed by Pliny, on the authority of Juba, the Numidian king, who wrote a work on the geography of Africa, f It would now be extremely difficult to draw a precise line of distinction between the original tribes and those whose lineage might perhaps be traced to the Arabian immigrants. The latter have not only dwelt in the land more than two thousand years, and mingled freely with the older stock, but their language also has been so generally adopted by the natives, that it can no longer be employed as a decisive characteristic. Heeren is, however, of opinion that all who do not speak Arabic must be aboriginal, as he considers it very improbable that the Asiatic settlers would exchange their more improved tongue for the rude dialect of barbarous hordes, to whom, in all respects, they would naturally con- sider themselves superior. But no one, who views all the difficulties of the case, will maintain that, after the lapse of twenty-three centuries, tbe line of descent can be otherwise marked than by those physiological qualities in feature and form which neither length of time nor the most intimate mixture can altogether obliterate. From the discoveries made by recent travellers in the western parts of Africa, it is no longer doubtful that there * Herodotus, book \ii. c. 69. t Heeren, vol, i. p. 306. 22 INTRODUCTION. has existed in it, from very ancient times, a numerous people who arc neither Moors nor negroes. Hornemann and Lyon have made us acquainted with two nations in that quarter, who appear to have possessed all the vast range of country which stretches from the shores of the Mediterranean to the banks of the Joliba. They are indeed divided into many tribes ; but all speak the same language which is entirely different from the Arabic, and is found, in fact, to be no other than that which is used by the Berbers in the Atlas Mountains. With regard to their colour, though it certainly is not uniform, the difference seems to depend in a great measure on the place of abode and the manner of living; and, properly speaking, it amounts to nothing more than a mere variation of tint, which is lighter or darker according to circumstances. The western portion of this race are white, as far as the climate and their habits will allow it. Others are of a yellow cast, like the Arabs ; some are swarthy ; and in the neighbourhood of Soudan there is a tribe which is said to be completely black. Their lineaments, however, do not at all resemble those of the negro. They are slimly made, and rather tall. Commerce is their principal occupation, which they carry on between the interior and the countries bordering on the northern coast. Their moral character has been favourably estimated ; and it is thought that, if their talents were duly cultivated, they would probably become one of the first nations in the world.* The account of Hornemann is confirmed by Captain Lyon, who asserts that the Tuaricks, one of the tribes here al- luded to, are the finest race of men he ever saw ; tall, straight, and handsome, with a certain air of independence which is very imposing. They are generally white ; the dark-brown of their complexion being only occasioned by the heat of the climate. Their weapons are a long sword and a dagger, without which no one is ever seen abroad, and an elegant spear highly ornamented and sometimes made entirely of iron. Their language has been already described as the Berber, which they maintain to be very ancient, and i« still spoken extensively in Western Africa. The Tibboos are a different people from that now * Hornemann, p. 129. INTRODUCTION. 23 described, in appearance, manner of living, and even in language. Their colour is a bright black ; but their features partake not in the smallest degree of the negro character. They have aquiline noses, fine teeth, and lips formed like those of Europeans. In the language of Herodotus, how- ever, they would be included among Ethiops; having the dark skin, which, in his estimation, formed tbe distinguish- ing mark of all the nations to whom he applied that term. It is probable that the Nubians, those at least who do not boast an oriental extraction, are of the same race with the ancient Berbers, the progenitors of the Tuaricks, and per- haps of the Tibboos. They were not known by their pres- ent name till the era of the Grecian kings of Egypt. It is first mentioned by Eratosthenes ; and soon afterward came into common use, both as a general denomination for all the tribes dwelling on the banks of the Nile from Es Souan to Meroe, and also in a more limited sense for the inhabitants of the modern Dongola. Their language, of which Burckhardt has given us some specimens, is quite different from the Arabic ; and in this, as well as in their external appearance, they present an affinity to the natives of the Arabian peninsula. They are of a dark-brown colour, with hair somewhat curled, either by nature or art, but not at all woolly. Their visage has no resemblance to the negro physiognomy. The men are well formed, strong and muscular, with fine countenances. They are very thinly clad ; but are all armed with a spear five feet long, a dagger, and a large shield made of the skin of the hippopot- amus.* In ascending the Nile we meet with several other tribes, who, it is very probable, either belong to the Nubian race, or derive their descent from a common origin. They possess good forms and features, manifest a warlike dispo- sition, and carry into the field of battle the same kind of weapons which were used by their remote ancestors. They commonly fight on horseback, and are armed with a double-pointed spear, a sword, and a large buckler. Hence the fine passage in the book of Jeremiah : " Come up, ye horses ; and rage, ye chariots ; and let the mighty men * Burckhardt's Travels in Nubia, p. 144. Wadding ton and Hanbury, Travels in Ethiopia, p. 5'J. 24 INTRODUCTION. come forth : the Ethiopians and the Libyans, that handle the shield."* When the traveller who has reached the junction of the two great branches of the Jsile turns his face eastward in the direction of the Arabian Gulf, he finds his notice attracted to a variety of tribes whose genealogy it is extremely difficult to determine. The Abyssinians, properly so called, are, we may presume, the descendants of a people who at various times have migrated from the oppo- site shores of the Red Sea, and who, in pursuit of commerce, or of a safe retreat from powerful enemies, disputed with the natives the possession of their singular country. But we refrain from entering into details on this subject, as we shall have a better opportunity in the next chapter for considering the geographical relations of the several states which extend from Masuah to the borders of Sennaar. We shall therefore at present only bestow a few remarks on an hypothesis, illustrated with not less ingenuity than learning by Heeren, in regard to the early civilization and commerce of the African nations, especially the inhabitants of Meroe, Thebes, and their dependent colonies at Ammo- nium, Adule, Azab, and Axum. It is established by the clearest testimony of ancient history, that at a very remote period the Ethiopians carried on a considerable trade, in which the Arabians, long known as navigators and voyagers to India, bore a prominent part, as might indeed be inferred from the relative position of the several countries. Of this international traffic in the southern regions the strongest evidence still remains ; and there is no doubt that the gold of Africa, the spices of India, and precious productions of Arabia, occupied the laborious carriers of the desert long before the date of our histo- rical records. The prophet Isaiah notices the commerce of the Egyptians and Ethiopians, in a manner which renders it perfectly clear that these celebrated nations had already enriched themselves by their exertions in this branch of indnstry. " The labour of Egypt, and merchandise of Ethiopia, and of the Sabeans, men of stature, shall come over unto thee, and they shall be thine."t * Chap. xlvi. 9. t Chap. xlv. 14. INTRODUCTION. 25 Commerce and religion, we are reminded by the author, were always indissolubly connected in the East. The long journeys in the desert, and the marauding habits of the roving barbarians by whom the wilderness was infested, rendered some spiritual influence necessary for its protec- tion ; and hence it is presumed that mercantile transac- tions were usually conducted in the vicinity of temples, and sometimes within their walls. " Mecca remains still, through its holy sanctuary, the chief mart for the com- merce of Arabia." The situation of Nubia has always made it the grand route for caravans between Ethiopia and the countries on this side of the desert. At the present day a communication of that kind is maintained across the waste from Upper Egypt to Sennaar and Atbar, the ancient Meroe. This was indeed the natural emporium for the produce of Inner Africa ; being the extreme point of the gold-countries towards the land of the Pharaohs, while, from its proximity to Arabia Felix, it constituted the most appro- priate mart for goods conveyed from the remoter East. Of the vast trade still carried on there modern travellers have given us ample accounts ; observing at the same time that the great salt-works, whence the surrounding country is supplied, are but at a short distance from Shendy. The commerce with Egypt being established, it is manifest that Meroe must have extended its traffic far into the south of Africa ; and M. Heeren is even inclined to doubt whether the extensive ruins at Axum, Azab, Meroe, and Adule, really belonged to cities, supposing them rather to have been extensive places of trade, adorned with temples, and appro- priated to caravans, — an hypothesis to which he is led by the nature of the country, and the wandering life pursued by its inhabitants. In a word, the conclusions which he draws from a minute examination of all the notices which history has preserved relative to those ancient states are, that a commercial intercourse existed between Southern Asia and Africa, between India and Arabia, and thence between these countries and Ethiopia, Libya, and Egypt, — that its principal seat for Africa was Meroe, the chief route of which, he thinks, is still pointed out by a chain of ruins extending from the shores of the Indian sea to the Mediter- ranean, — that Adule, Axum, and Azab were links of it between Arabia and Meroe ; and that Thebes and Ammo- C 2(3 INTRODUCTION. mum united the Nile, Egypt, and Carthage, — and, finally, that its chief stations were sacerdotal establishments, the head of which was Meroe, whence all the colonies were sent out. Hence he draws an inference, which will not be hastily questioned by any competent judge, that the first seats of commerce were also the first seats of civilization. Exchange of goods led to exchange of ideas ; and by this collision of mind was first struck out the sacred flame of humanity.* The connexion between merchandise and the usages of religion was not confined to the wandering tribes of Africa, but may be traced throughout the ancient world wherever men collected in great numbers to celebrate the rites of a national faith. As the adoration presented to the gods was not thought complete without the addition of more expen- sive offerings, the worshipper repaired not to the stated festival unless accompanied with beasts for sacrifice, or with frankincense and other spices to perfume the air. The vicinity of a temple was thus naturally converted into a market, more especially at the holy seasons of the year. In the sacred Scriptures the reader will discover numerous facts which establish the view now given of the relation between commerce and piety. Even the consecrated fane at Jerusalem was contaminated by the presence of dealers, who sought their own advantage rather than the honour of the Great Being whom they professed to venerate. A similar abuse was long tolerated in the Christian church ; and hence most of the periodical transactions of a commer- cial nature became associated with the names of the more popular saints. Every one knows that the fericz, or holy- days of the Roman communion, supplied the term for our fairs in all the counties of Great Britain. There is accordingly no small appearance of truth in the observations of Heeren relative to the mutual influence of religion and traffic among barbarous tribes. The sight of a magnificent temple in the wilderness secured at once a demand and a protection for the commodities which the wan- dering merchantmen brought from afar. It may still remain a question, whether the sanctuary was erected for the assurance of the caravan ; or whether the Arab and Ethio- * Historical Researches, vol. i. p. 475. INTRODUCTION. 27 pian bent their course through the desert in a line indicated by those religious establishments. But there can he no reasonable ground for doubt that the dwellers on both shores of the Red Sea respected the worship of Jupiter Amnion, as the means whereby they at once added to their wealth and secured their acquisitions. We must not neglect to mention that the nomadic tribes, who continue to carry on the trade between Egypt and Abyssinia, appear in the same character in one of those triumphant pageants which Ptolemy Philadelphus exhibited on his accession to the throne. When the procession of the Nubian caravan appeared, " there came," says an ancient writer, " a train of camels, carrying three hundred pounds of frankincense, crocus, cassia, and cinnamon, together with two hundred pounds of other costly spices and drugs. These were followed by a host of Ethiopians armed with lances ; one band of these bore six hundred elephants' teeth, another two thousand pieces of ebony, and another sixty vessels of gold, silver, and gold-dust." But the appearance of Indian produce in the western world was familiar to all classes of men long before the days of the Grecian kings of Egypt. The spices of the East, especially cinnamon, come as early before us as the Mosaical records ; and in such quantities, too, as plainly show that they must already have formed an important article of commerce. The holy oil of the sanctuary required the following ingredients : " Moreover the Lord spake unto Moses, saying, Take thou also unto thee principal spices, of pure myrrh five hundred shekels, and of sweet cinnamon half so much, even two hundred and fifty shekels, and of sweet calamus two hundred and fifty shekels, and of cassia five hundred shekels, after the shekel of the sanctuary, and of oil-olive an hin. And thou shalt make it an oil of holy ointment, an ointment compound after the art of the apoth- ecary : it shall be an holy anointing oil."* The reader will observe that most of the ingredients specified in this sacred order were derived from the shores of Hindostan, and must have been objects of commerce among the traders of Arabia, who repaired thither in ships, year after year, to exchange for them the commodities of * Exodus xxx. 22, 23, 24, 25. 28 INTRODUCTION. their own land, as well as of Ethiopia and the more southern parts of the African continent. In the history of the patriarch Joseph, mention is incidentally made of the same traffic carried on by the inhabitants of the desert, the progeny of Ishmael. The earlier annals of this intercourse, which connected in the bonds of mutual benefit and intel- ligence the most cultivated nations of the ancient world, are irrecoverably lost ; and it is in vain that we attempt by conjecture or investigation to supply their absence. The facts of which we are in possession justify a retrospect of not less than four thousand years, if we follow the light of that scriptural chronology which has obtained the sanction of nearly all the learned ; and our researches are thereby removed to a period when the nations of Europe had not even begun to assume a settled form, or to dispute with one another the territory on which the foundations of their power were afterward to be laid. In tracing the progress of civilization in Egypt, we arrived at results which argued a very high antiquity. We found reason to ascribe to the Pharaohs of the eighteenth dynasty the gigantic labours of Thebes, and the magnificent palaces which adorned either side of the Nile in that stu- pendous capital. What an astonishing era of art, fully two thousand years before the Augustan age at Rome ! But the vast works at Karnac, Luxor, and Medinet Abou are much less ancient than the buildings which have been discovered above the Cataracts. The eye of science has recently been invited to countries which stretch southward along the Upper Nile, and to examine the memorials of kingdoms whose names have not yet been enrolled in the eternal tablets of history. In Nubia and Ethiopia, says a foreign writer, numerous and primeval monuments proclaim so loudly a cultivation contemporary, ay earlier than that of Egypt, that it may be conjectured with the greatest confi- dence that the arts, sciences, and religion proceeded from Nubia to the lower country of Mizraim ; that civilization descended the Nile, built Memphis, and, finally, somewhat later, wrested by colonization the Delta from the sea. From Meroe and Axum downwards to the Mediterranean, there arose, as is testified by Diodorus, improved and powerful states, which, though independent of each other, were con- INTRODUCTION. 29 nected by the same language, the same writing, and the same religion.* Thus we find, that in proportion as we ascend into the early ages of human history the closer becomes the con- nexion between Egypt and Ethiopia. The Hebrew writers seldom mention the one without the other ; and the inhab- itants of both are usually described as a commercial people. When Isaiah celebrates the victories of Cyrus, their sub- mission is spoken of as his most magnificent reward. When Jeremiah extols the great victory of Nebuchad nezzar over Pharaoh-Necho at Carchemish, the Ethiopians are allied to the Egyptians ; and when Ezekiel threatens the downfall of Egypt, he unites it with the most distant Ethiopia. W T hence this general and early spread of a name which glimmers in the oral history of so many nations, and which is renowned as well by Jewish poets as by Grecian bards ] Whence this fame of the Ethiopians, while the deserts which surrounded their land seemed to form an eternal barrier between them and the inhabitants of the north 1 These questions cannot be satisfactorily answered, except by allowing the early civilization which history and tradition unite in ascribing to the sacerdotal states that sprang from Meroe. We are not ignorant that, in maintaining the obligations of Egypt to the more ancient Ethiopia for her learning, civilization, and knowledge of the arts, we have to encounter the opposition of several learned writers, whose opinions on this subject have been determined by an inspection of the Nubian valley. It is obvious, no doubt, that the narrow limits of the latter country, hemmed in between a double range of barren mountains, which occasionally protrude their rocks to the very margin of the river, could not have supplied the means of luxurious refinement to a great nation. But it is equally certain, on the other hand, that beyond the confines of Nubia there are extensive and most fertile regions, which, aided by the periodical overflow of the Nils and the influence of a tropical sun, were capable of sup- porting in the utmost comfort a very large population. Besides, Ethiopia, from her natural position, surrounded by deserts which no stranger could penetrate, and by mountains * Lcttres Begemder. 2. Dembea. 6. Angote. 3. Damot. 7. Walaka. 4. Gojam. 8. Marrabet. II. TIGRE. 1. Tigre Proper. 7. Avergale. 2. Agame. 8. Samen. 3. Enderta. 9. Temben. 4. Wojjerat, or Wogara. 10. Sire, or Shire" 5. Wofila. 11. Walkayt. 6. Lasta. 12. Waldubba. RE BAHARNAGASH, OR DISTRICT OF THE PRINCE 1. Masuah. 6. Amphila. 2. Arkeeko. 7. Madir. 3. Weah. 8. Arena. 4. Zullo. 9. Duroro. 5. Tubbo. 10. Jarvela. IV. INDEPENDENT STATES IN THE SOUTH. 1. Shoa. 7. Cambat. 2. Efat. 8. Hurrur. 3. Gooderoo. 9. Gidm. 4. Enarea. 10. Adel. 5. Gurague. 11. Bali. 6. Kaffa. 12. Dawaro. We do not think it expedient to encumber our pages with the more minute geographical distinctions, which are not only expressed in language extremely uncouth, but are moreover applied to districts whose limits are still undeter- mined. The curious reader will find numerous details in the works of Bruce, Salt, Lord Valentia, Niebuhr, and Malte Brun, darkened however by an unnecessary variation in the nomenclature, and sometimes, we are sorry to add, by the cloud of ignorance and of controversy. 80 CIVIL HISTORY OP CHAPTER III. Civil History of Nubia and Abyssinia. Variety of Opinion in regard to Ethiop ; ans — Aboriginal and mixed with Arabians— Queen of Sheba— Book of Axum— Abyssinians converted to Christianity — Extent of their Dominions — Wars hi Arabia — Arrival of Portuguese— History of Nubia— Cambyses — Macrobians— Table of the Sun— Explanation by Heeren — Ptolemy Euergetes— War with Candace — Success of Petronius— Period of Darkness respecting Ethio- pia — Prester John — Mission of Covilham — Of Matthew — Alvarez — Camp of the Abyssinian Monarch— Interview with David III. — Ordi- nation of Clergy — Stephen de Gama — Bermudez the Abuna— Oviedo — Peter Paez— Jerome Lobo— Hatred towards Catholics — Poncet— Bruce —State of Abyssinia— Ras Michael— Ozoro Esther — Manuscripts col- lected by Bruce— History of Abyssinia— Revolt of Judith— Restoration of the line of Solomon— List of Kings— Galla— War among Chiefs — Bruce goes to the sources of the Nire— Fasil— The Jumper — The Lamb— Kefla Yasous— Mr. Salt— Outline of History— Pearce— His Adventures under Welled Selasse — Death of Ras— Demise of the King — Rise of Subegadis— Invasion of Nubia by Ishmael Pasha— Bat- tles with Sheygyans— Act of Generosity — Cruelty of Egyptian Army —Character of Sheygyans— Expedition of Ibrahim— Death of Ishmael — Spirit of Insurrection in conquered Provinces. In regard to all ancient nations which had no immediate intercourse with the Hebrews, the Greeks, or the Romans, the historical notices are extremely obscure or altogether fabulous. On this account we remain in comparative ignorance of every thing which respects the origin of the two interesting countries whose annals we are now about to trace. Ethiopia, it is true, is repeatedly men- tioned in the Sacred Volume ; but all the allusions to it are conveyed in language so general, that we are not supplied with a satisfactory light relative to the lin- eage of the people, their first form of government, their religion, or their laws. Hence there prevails among modern writers a great variety of opinion on all the heads now specified ; and more particularly in reference to the ex- traction and language of the early colonists who occupied the country which stretches from the Red Sea to the Nile, NUBIA AND ABYSSINIA. 81 and from Sennaar to the borders of Egypt. The remarks of Herodotus, the first European historian whose attention was drawn to Nubia, apply to a period which will be deemed comparatively recent, if the date be measured by the antiquity claimed for the surrounding nations ; being confined to the enterprise of Cambyses, who, stimulated by the fame of certain golden mines, wished to carry his arms beyond the sources of the Bahr el Azrek. It is not our intention to exhaust the patience of the reader on merely hypothetical views respecting the origin of the various tribes which now dwell on the banks of the Upper Nile and the western side of the Red Sea. The more probable opinion, as we have already suggested, is that they are descended from a race of aboriginal Africans, who in the course of time mixed with the primitive inhab- itants, and among the Sabaeans and Hamyrites, with whom they established an early connexion. This opinion is fur- ther confirmed by the fact that, in the history of Arabia Felix, collected from several indigenous authors by Schul- tens, the Abyssinians are described as a different people from the natives of the eastern shore of the gulf. It is ad- mitted, that in the intercourse carried on with the opposite coast vast numbers of Arabians must have mingled with the Axumites ; but still it appears that in feature, colour, habit, and manners they form a distinct order of men.* The Abyssinians themselves, although perfectly ignorant of the time and circumstances which marked the settlement of their ancestors on the western shores of the Arabian Gulf, have insisted upon connecting their original faith, *The learned editor of Brace's Travels founded, on the radical dis- tinction between the languages of Esypt and Arabia, an argument that the former country could not have been peopled from the latter ; and, by the same process of reasoning, arrived at the conclusion that the Egyp"- tians and Ethiopians were of the same lineage, and probably descended from a Libyan tribe quite unconnected with the oriental Cushites. In the Appendix to the seventh volume, however, of the last edition of that work, Dr. Murray inserted a " Chronological Table of the Kings of Abys- sinia," in which he remarks, " that the Abyssinians, being undoubtedly a colony of Arabs from Hamyar or Yemen, can have no just pretensions to any affinity with the Jews." In maintaining the Arabic origin of the Abyssinians, Dr. Murray contradicts the general current of tradition, and is hardly consistent with himself.— See Appendix to volume ii. No. 2, entitled, "Additional Proofs that Egypt was peopled from the South and the Confines of Ethiopia. 82 CIVIL HISTORY OF their civil polity, as well as the pedigree of their royal house, with the visit of the Queen of Sheba to King Solomon at Jerusalem. The events now alluded to are incorporated in a treatise called the Chronicle of the Kings of Abyssinia ; the author of which says, " We write the law and custom of the government of Ibn Hakim (or Menilec), the son of Solomon. With him came the twelve doctors of the law that form the right-hand bench in judgment." He next mentions the other officers of eminence who came along with this prince ; such as " the master of the horse, high chamberlain, and he who carried the Ten Commandments and holy water." This work, of which the authority does not stand high, is sometimes entitled Kebir Zaneguste, or Glory of the Kings. It is regarded indeed by the natives as a faithful repository of their ancient history ; though the slightest attention to it will convince the reader that it is the production of an ignorant monk, who used the Septuagint translation of the Bible as the groundwork of a ridiculous fable, with the sole view of ministering to the vanity of his countrymen.* The chronicle begins with a list of the emperors, from Arwe, or the Serpent, to Menilec, some of whom are said to have reigned several centuries. From this son of Solomon downwards the succession has an aspect somewhat more probable, though no dependence can be placed upon its accuracy. T. M. Haduna reigned 9 Za Wasih 1 Zah-Dir 2 Za Awezena 1 Za Berwas 29 Za Mataazi 1 Zabaesi Bazen 16 And in the 8th year of his reign Christ was born. T. M. Menilec reigned 9 Za Hendadyn 1 Awda 11 ZaAwsyn 3 ZaTsawe 3 10 Zagesyn half a day Za Maute 8 4 ZaBahse 9 Kawude 2 Kanazi 10 In a subsequent part of this catalogue is found Zahekale ; which is without doubt the name of the sovereign who reigned in Abyssinia at the time when the Periplus of the Ery- thraean Sea was written. The author of that work, adopting * Bruce's Travels, vol. iii. p. NUBIA AND ABYSSINIA. 83 the slight modification required by the Greek language, calls him Zoskales ; and, according to the native document just quoted, he is represented as having ruled between the years 76 and 99 of the Christian era. It is, as Mr. Salt remarks, an extraordinary circumstance that this date should agree very nearly with the period to which Dr. Vincent has attributed the appearance of the celebrated treatise by Arrian, namely, to the tenth year of Nero, or A. D. 64, making a difference of not more than twelve years, — a singular co- incidence, which necessarily adds a very important confir- mation to both accounts.* In the same list, extracted from the Chronicle, are the names of the princes who swayed the sceptre when the Axumites were converted to the Christian religion. From the narrative of Rufinus and other ecclesiastical writers, it is manifest that the person named Frumentius was the Abba Salama or Fremonatos, as he is elsewhere denominated, who, after having resided some time in Abyssinia, was raised to the rank of a bishop by Athanasius, the patriarch of Alexandria. It subsequently appears, that during the following reign, when the Arians gained the ascendency, the Emperor Constantius sent an embassy through Theo- philus an Indian, with a letter addressed to the ruling sov- ereigns Aizana and Saizana, for the purpose of persuading Frumentius to relinquish the doctrines of his patron, and to adopt those of his successor Georgius. That such mon- archs governed Abyssinia is clearly proved by the inscription which Mr. Salt discovered at Axum ; and though there may be some slight chronological difficulties to overcome, there is little doubt that the names of the two princes who swayed the joint sceptre in the year 356, — the date of the imperial mandate, — have been satisfactorily ascertained. 1 At this period, the middle of the fourth century, the power of the Abyssinian kings seems to have been fully estab- lished, and their conquests to have extended over part of Arabia, and from Zeyla up to the junction of the Tacazze with the Nile. Such at least are the limits of the jurisdic- tion implied in one of the Adulitic inscriptions, published by the author whose name we have just recited, and which is understood to commemorate the transactions of a native * Salt's Abyssinia, p. 463. t Ibid. y 464. 84 CIVIL HISTORY OF sovereign, and in all probability the same prince who erected the monument at Axum. About two hundred years elapse before the Abyssinians, or Axumites, as they were then denominated, assume again a prominent place in the page of history. But at the ter- mination of this interval, owing to the complete command which they had already gained in the Red Sea, they began to take the lead in the politics of Eastern Africa. Hence they are frequently mentioned both in the Greek and Arabian authors ; whose accounts in general are extremely con- sistent ; though, from the variation in names and other sources of obscurity, no small trouble has been experienced in reconciling them to each other. In the sixth century the arms of Abyssinia appear to have been attended with considerable success against the Persians in Arabia, who about this period laid claim to a large portion of that peninsula. But it is admitted that the conquest of Yemen was not attended with advantages equivalent to the hazard and glory of the war by which it had been gained ; for the troops sent over became so enam- oured of the country that they permanently settled there, and soon lost every tie, except a nominal allegiance, which had bound them to the parent state. In the year 592, as nearly as can be calculated' from the dates given by the native writers, the Persians, whose power seems to have kept pace with the decline of the Roman empire, sent a great force against the Abyssinians, possessed themselves once more of Arabia, acquired a naval superiority in the Gulf, and secured the principal ports on either side of it. It is uncertain how long those conquerors retained their acquisition ; but, in all probability, their ascendency again gave way to the rising greatness of the Mohammedan power ; which soon afterward overwhelmed all the nations contiguous to Arabia, spread to the remotest parts of the East, and even penetrated the African deserts from Egypt to the Congo. Meanwhile Abyssinia, though within two hundred miles of the walls of Mecca, remained unconquered and true to the Christian faith; presenting a mortifying and galling object to the more zealous followers of the Prophet. On this account, implacable and incessant wars ravaged her territories ; as the native princes on the eastern NUBIA AND ABYSSINIA. 85 borders were supplied with money and arms by the sher- iffes, whose attention never ceased to be directed to the conquest of that country. She lost her commerce, saw her consequence annihilated, her capital threatened, and the richest of her provinces laid waste ; but her con- stancy to the true religion remained unshaken, and her belief afforded throughout the protracted struggle the most vigorous motives to her patriotism. Yet. there is reason to apprehend that she must shortly have sunk under the pressure of repeated invasions, had not the Portuguese arrived at a seasonable moment to aid her endeavours against the Moslem chiefs. The event now mentioned took place about the middle of the sixteenth century, when Claudius sat on the throne, who, as well as his father David, to whom he had just succeeded, had been for some years engaged in a defensive war against Mohammed Gragne, king of A del, one of the most bloodthirsty barbarians whose names history has recorded. The appearance of European troops, as might be expected, soon changed the aspect of affairs ; and after many despe- rate battles in which the Portuguese were chiefly engaged under their brave commander Diego de Gama, the Moors were driven back, their leader killed, and their armies nearly destroyed. The fleet, meantime, riding triumphant in the Red Sea, cut off from the invaders all hope of succour, and prevented the approach of those reinforcements which would have been sent by the Arabian governors. But, before we enter into any details relative to the inter- course of Abyssinia with the nations of the West, we must return for a short space to the consideration of certain notices contained in the works of Greek and Roman writers, re- specting the more ancient condition of the country on the Upper JVile. We have already alluded to the expedition undertaken by Cambyses, the Persian monarch and conqueror of Egypt, against the M aerobian Ethiopians, whose country was said to possess vast quantities of gold. With this view he se- lected an embassy from among the Ichthyophagi, or fish- eaters of Elephantine, who understood their language, and sent them to the sovereign of the distant nation with pres- ents, consisting of a purple robe, a golden necklace, brace- lets, perfumes, and a cask of palm-wine. The Macrobian H 86 CIVIL HISTORY OF monarch soon discovered that these ambassadors were spies. He looked at the gifts of which they were bearers, and im- mediately returned the robe, the perfumes, the bracelets, and the necklace, taking these last for a species of fetter. The wine, which he found very agreeable, he was pleased to retain. He asked how long the Persians lived, and what their king was accustomed to eat. They informed him that he subsisted chiefly on bread, describing at the same time the nature of corn ; and added, that the greatest age to which his subjects attained was eighty years. He answered, that he was not surprised at their living no longer, consid- ering the rubbish on which they fed ; and that probably they would not live even so long were it not for their good drink, in which he allowed they certainly excelled the Ma- crobians. Upon being asked in his turn to what age his people arrived, and upon what they subsisted, he replied a hundred years and sometimes longer, and that their food was boiled flesh and milk. He sent to Cambyses, as an acknowledgment of his gift, a great bow, and told the am- bassadors to inform their master, that when he could bend it as easily as one of his own countrymen, he might under- take an expedition against the Macrobians. When the spies expressed astonishment at the length of life in Ethiopia, they were conducted, says Herodotus, to a certain fountain, in which having bathed they became shi- ning as if anointed with oil, and emitted from their bodies the perfume of violets. But they asserted that the water was of so unsubstantial a nature, that neither wood nor any thing still lighter than wood would float on its surface, but every thing instantly sank to the bottom. If their represen- tation in this respect was true, the constant use of it, con- cludes the historian, may probably explain the extreme length of life which the Ethiopians attain.* There was shown to the envoys, as one of the most re- markable things in that strange land, what was called the * Thalia, chap. 23. " Cada Mosto, who made a voyage to Senegal in the year 1455. affirms that the natives made use of a certain oil in the pre- paration of their food, which possessed a threefold property ; that of smell- ing like violets, tasting like oil of olives, and of tinging the victuals with a colour more beautiful than saffron." — Beloe's Herodotus. It is not improbable that the fountain of the Macrebians was supplied with an essence similar to the one now described, extracted from the imlp or kernels of certain fruits NUBIA AND ABYSSINIA. 87 Table of the Sun. This was a meadow in the skirts of the city, in which much boiled flesh was laid ; placed there by the magistrates every night, and free to all who might choose to eat it during the following day. The inhabitants, whose inquiries were not allowed to be very profound, were taught to say that the earth brought it forth. The ambas- sadors were next led to the prison, where the captives were bound in golden fetters ; brass among the Ethi- opians being one of the greatest rarities. Finally, they were conducted to see the sepulchres or tombs, which are represented as being made of glass in the following manner : The corpse, after being prepared as in Egypt, is covered over with plaster, upon which is painted the portrait of the deceased as like as possible. It is then placed in a case of glass or native crystal, which they dig up in great abun- dance. The dead body remains in this frame, without any disgusting appearance or smell, a whole year ; the nearest relation keeping it in his house and offering it sacrifices ; after which it is taken into the city and deposited with the others. After executing their commission the envoys returned ; and Cambyses, we are told by the Greek historian, was so incensed at their recital, that he determined to proceed in- stantly against the Ethiopians, without even providing for the necessary sustenance of his army, or reflecting that he was about to visit the utmost boundaries of the earth. The moment that he heard the report of the Icthyophagi, like one deprived of all the powers of reason, he commenced his march with the whole body of his infantry, leaving no forces behind but such Greeks as had accompanied him to Egypt. On his arrival at Thebes he selected from his host about fifty thousand men, whom he ordered to make an incursion against the Ammonians, and to burn the place from which the oracles of Jupiter were delivered ; he himself with the remainder of his troops marched against the Macrobians. Before he had performed a fifth part of his intended expedi- tion, the provisions Which he had carried with him were totally consumed. The soldiers proceeded to eat the beasts which carried the baggage ; but these also soon failed. If, observes Herodotus, after these incidents Cambyses had permitted his passions to cool, and had led his army back again, he might. 88 civil history ofr notwithstanding his indiscretion, still have deserved praise. But instead of this, his infatuation continued, and he per- severed in his march. His men, as long as the earth af- forded them any sustenance, were content to feed on roots and plants ; but no sooner had they arrived among the sands of the desert, than some of them were prompted by famine to proceed to the most horrid extremities. They drew lots, and every tenth man was destined to satisfy the hunger of the rest. When the king received intelligence of this fact, he became alarmed at the idea of his troops devouring one another, and resolved to abandon his design. After losing a great part of his army, he arrived in due time at Thebes, from whence he proceeded to Memphis, where he permitted the Greeks to embark for their own country.* It is generally agreed that the Macrobians, or long-lived Ethiopians, occupy the country which stretches eastward from the straits of Bab el Mandeb along the African coast. The following extract from Cosmas, usually called Indicopleustes, relates, it is probable, to the same people, and perhaps affords an explanation of the least credible part of the narrative given by the spies of Cambyses, — their notice in regard to the Altar or Table of the Sun. " The land of frankincense," says he, "lies at the farthest end of Ethiopia, fifty days' journey from Axum, at no great distance from the ocean, though it does not touch it. The inhabitants of the neigh- bouring Barbaria, or the country of Sasu, fetch from thence frankincense and other costly spices, which they transport by water to Arabia Felix and India. This country of Sasu is very rich in gold mines. Every year the king of Axum sends some of his people to this place for gold. These are joined by many other merchants, so that altogether they form a caravan of about five hundred persons. They carry with them oxen, salt, and iron. When they arrive upon the frontiers of the country they take up their quarters, and make a large barrier of thorns. In the mean time, having slain and cut up their oxen, they lay the pieces of flesh, as well as the iron and salt, upon the thorns. Then come the inhabitants and place one or more parcels of gold upon the wares, and wait outside the enclosure. The owners of the * Herodotus, Thalia, chap. 25. * NUBIA AND ABYSSINIA. 89 flesh and other goods then examine whether this be equal to the price or not. If so, they take the gold, and the others take the wares ; if not, the latter still add more gold, or take back what they had already put. down. The trade is carried on in this manner because the languages are different, and they have no interpreter : it takes about five days to dispose of the goods they bring with them."* From this statement, M. Heeren concludes, with much show of reason, that the Altar of the Sun is the market- place in which the trade with the strangers is transacted. When we consider that even now almost all the commerce of Africa is carried on under the protection of sanctuaries and temples, we can scarcely wonder that religious notions should be connected with this mercantile establishment, upon which, perhaps, the subsistence of the inhabitants depended. This kind of dumb trade will not appear strange to those Who are acquainted with the usages of barbarous nations in other parts of Africa, where the practice is still continued. When it is said that the chiefs of the people laid the flesh down at night, and that in the .day any one who chose might eat of it, while the inhabitants at large reported that it sprang from the earth, we are only to infer, that this impor- tant trade was conducted under the inspection of the public magistrates ; that every one took what he thought proper on leaving an equivalent ; and that, as the merchants who sup- plied it came from a distant land, and were not themselves seen in the transaction, a vulgar error, like the one men- tioned, might very naturally arise. By the boiled flesh no- ticed by Herodotus must probably be understood dried flesh, as this is the usual way it is preserved in those regions, where, as Mr. Bruce informs us, it is still considered a great dainty.* The views now stated derive a strong confirmation from the fact, that a trade in similar commodities continues to be carried on at the present day. Lord Valentia, who crossed over from Mocha, has given us some interesting information on this head, upon which we may rely, and which, besides, has the merit of being as new and accurate as it is authentic * Cosmas, p. 138, 139. This author wrote about the year 535. f Heeren's Historical Researches, vol. i. p. 333 H2 90 CIVIL HISTORY OF " The coast from Bab el Mandeb to Guardafui is inhabited by the Somaulies, a very dark race with woolly hair, neither completely negroes nor Arabians. They are not savages, as Bruce has depicted them, but a friendly, well-disposed people. Their country is the natural staple for the com- merce between Africa and Arabia, and in it the greatest marts are found. Gums, myrrh and frankincense, cattle and slaves are the commodities exported ; in exchange for which, as well as for gold and ivory, they receive the productions of the East, including those from the remoter parts -of India."* After the attempt of Cambyses on the upper Nile, some centuries elapsed before the ambition or covetousness of Europeans again carried their arms beyond the first cataract. There remains, indeed, some evidence that Ptolemy Euer- getes, one of the successors of Alexander, made an attempt to add Ethiopia to his Egyptian dominions ; but as he appears to have advanced by the way of the Red Sea, and. to have aided his troops by means of a naval armament, his in- vasion was not attended with any such results as to secure a place among the monuments of history. It was not till the reign of Augustus, about twenty years before the be- ginning of the Christian era, that the Romans, who had al- ready rendered themselves masters of the kingdom of the Pha- raohs, came into collision with the independent states which still flourished near the ancient Meroe. Strabo and the historian Dio agree in tracing the origin of the war with Candace, queen of the Ethiopians, to the effort made by iElius Gallus, who appears to have com- manded in Upper Egypt, to subdue Arabia. This expe- dition is at the same time remarkable for being the only one which that warlike people ever attempted against the inhab- itants of the Desert. The burning sands and pestilential winds of the Arabian plains taught the subjects of Caisar, that, courage, even when seconded by the most perfect dis- cipline, cannot overcome the obstacles opposed by the laws of nature.f As the neighbouring provinces of the Thebaid were left * Valentia's Travels, vol. ii. p. 370. f The conquest of Arabia, indeed, seems to have been viewed as one of those events, which, if realized, would celebrate the good fortune rather than the wisdom of him who accomplished it. Horace, in allusion to the NUBIA AND ABYSSINIA. 91 destitute of troops, the soldiers of Candace, after forcing the garrisons of Philse, Syene, and Elephantine, committed great ravages on the low country, demolished the emperor's statues wherever they appeared, and finally collected a very considerable booty. Petronius, who was at that time prefect of Egypt, feeling that it was inconsistent with the dignity of the Roman name to allow this insult to remain unpunished, hastily assembled about ten thousand men, and proceeded against the Ethiopians. The invaders were not qualified to resist in the open field an attack by the legions ; for their armour consisted chiefly of a huge buckler of raw hide, hatchets, and spears headed with iron. Only a few could boast of swords, a weapon to which they were not accustomed. The issue of a battle in such circumstances could not remain long doubtful, how- ever unequal the numbers opposed. The warriors of Can- dace accordingly, after a brief conflict, fled, and were pursued by Petronius into the farthest recesses of their difficult country. The queen, unable to defend her capital, had retired to a strong-hold, whence she sent messengers to make proposals for peace ; but the Roman general would not listen to conditions until he had reduced and plundered the royal city Napata, the true position of which it is now not easy to determine. His success, however, did not secure to him the advan- tages of a permanent conquest. Finding himself about 900 miles above Syene, and being assured that if he advanced he should have to encounter all the horrors of a sandy desert, without provisions or water, he resolved to return ; leaving in Primmis, a town situated on the Nile below the great cataract, a garrison of four hundred men, with sup- plies for two years. Candace made an attempt to surprise fotal enterprise of Gallus, indulges in pleasantry at the expense of hi* friend Iceius, who appears to have been seized with a military rage. " Icci, beatis nunc Arabum invides Gazas, et acrem militiam paras Non antedevictis Sabeeae Regibus."— Ode xxxx.. lib.i. lcciu-, the blest Arabia's gold Can you with envious eye behold : Or will you boldy take the field, And teach Sabaea's king* to yield 1 92 CIVIL HISTORY OF this fort and expel the Roman soldiers ; but the vigilance of Petronius was not to be deceived in a matter of such inv portance. Still he could not fail to perceive that no object worthy of the expense and exertions which must be in« curred would be obtained by the prosecution of the war. He was therefore the more easily induced to enter into a negotiation with the queen, who, finding that she was un* equal to her enemies in the field, had renewed her solicita- tions for peace. It is related, that when she was told she must send ambassadors to Ccesar, she asked who he was, and where he lived. Guides were supplied to conduct hef envoys to Augustus, who happened to be at Samos. He received them favourably ; and not only acceded to the re* quest of their mistress, but relieved her from the tribute which Petronius had thought proper to impose. We have already remarked that the situation of Napata cannot be satisfactorily determined ; and we may now add, that the obscurity which prevails in regard to this point arises from the indistinct statements left by the ancient geographers. Pliny, with a view to describe the expedition of Petronius, mentions a variety of towns which he reduced on his march, and adds, that the greatest distance to which he attained was eight hundred and seventy miles southward from Syene. But he likewise gives the sub- stance of a report made by certain spies, or exphratores, 6ent by Nero to ascertain the distance from the borders of Egypt to Meroe ; and agreeably to this authority he places Napata five hundred and twenty-four miles above Es Souan. If, indeed, we suppose that the longer measurement refers to the course of the river or the route pursued by the army, and that the shorter denotes the distance in a straight line, the result will nearly coincide with the estimated space be- tween Phila? and Merawe, or even the position of the modern Shendy. Hence Napata may be placed either in the kingdom of Dongola near the Gebel el Berkal, where there are the remains of magnificent buildings, or beyond the Tacazze, on the site of the renowned Meroe. As the historians have simply recorded that the Primmis or Premnis, where the Roman prefect established his gar- rison, was below the great cataract, geographers, misled by this ambiguous description, have given the name in question both to the town of Old Dongola and to Ibrim. The allu- NUBIA AND ABYSSINIA. 93 sion, it is obvious, will apply to either ; for while the one is only a little removed from the Falls of Wady Haifa, the other is at no great distance from similar rapids, usually designated the third cataract. Perhaps, in the modern Ibrim, we may allow ourselves to discover a contraction of the more ancient appellation Primmis ; for if the Latin ter- mination be removed, and one labial consonant substituted for another, we obtain a very similar sound. It is therefore probable, that the fortress which Petronius selected for the soldiers whom he deemed it expedient to leave in Nubia as a check on the Ethiopian queen, was that situated on the strong rock which overhangs the Nile in the province of Wady Seboua. The name of the female sovereign to whom reference has just been made, will naturally associate itself in the mind with the narrative contained in the eighth chapter of the Acts, where we read of " a man of Ethiopia, an eunuch of great authority under Candace queen of the Ethiopians, who had the charge of all her treasure, and had come to Jerusalem for to worship." As more than fifty years elapsed between the expedition of Petronius and the mission of Philip the deacon into the desert of Gaza, it is not probable that the ruler mentioned in the sacred narrative is the same individual who had to solicit peace from Augustus Caesar. It is more likely that the appellation was hereditary in the royal house, and was conferred on the reigning monarch in the manner observed by the Pharaohs, the Greek princes in Egypt, and the Roman emperors. There is, indeed a tra- dition, that the people of the Upper Nile were long governed by queens ; and the practice, still followed in some parts of Dongola, of placing a young woman at the head of their armies, may have originated in that usage. From the facts brought to light by the invasion of Pe- tronius it is manifest, that about the commencement of the Christian era there was in Ethiopia an independent kingdom apparently unconnected with Abyssinia. The dominions of Candace appear to have extended over the valleys watered by the river, and perhaps over part of the neighbouring deserts with which these fertile plains are encompassed. There is no allusion made by Strabo or Dio to the territories which stretch towards the Red Sea ; and it is remarkable that, among the various catalogues of sovereigns obtained \ 91 CIVIL HISTORY OF by Bruce and Mr. Salt during their residence in the former country, the name of this celebrated queen has not been found. The subsequent history of this particular section of Ethiopia is shrouded in utter darkness. We know not when the successors of Candace ceased to enjoy power, or by what series of events their throne was cast down ; whether by the regular assault of Abyssinian armies led by an ambitious prince, or by the inroads of the savage tribes who occupied the mountains of the south and the wilds of the Libyan Desert. More than a thousand years passed away, during which no European acquired any knowledge of Nubia, or set a foot within its borders : on which account we can only conjecture that the zeal of the Moslem, soon after the triumph of their califs over Egypt, might induce them to carry their conquests along the banks of the Nile ; or that the Galla and those other barbarous hordes, who have so often alarmed the emperor at Gondar, may have extinguished the lights of civilization which once illumined the remote regions of Meroe. A similar obscurity prevails for seven or eight centuries in regard to Abyssinia, which is only occasionally bright- ened by the uncertain information afforded by the ecclesi- astical writers, who laboured to connect its affairs with those of the patriarchate of Alexandria. It is not till the epoch when the Portuguese, attracted at once by their zeal for reli- gion and their love of gold, penetrated into Eastern Africa, that our inquiries respecting its history and condition begin to be rewarded with any degree of success. In relating the progress of discovery made by this people along the western coast, we had occasion to observe,* that, among the splendid objects by which their exertions were animated, by far the most prominent was that of reaching the territory of the prince whom they denominated Prester John.f Vain were * Narrative of Discovery and Adventure in Africa, t " Rex Habessinorumvix alio quam Presbyteri Johannis titulo notus hucusque fuit Europaeis, quem illi Lusitani imposuere. Occasio fuit talis. Petrus Petri filius Lusitanias princeps, M. Pauli Veneti librum (qui de Indorum rebus mulia), speciatirh vero de Presbytero Johanne aliqua magnifice scripsit), Veneiiis secum in patriam detulerat ; qui (Chronologicis Lusitanorum testantibus), praecipuam Johanni Regi ansam dedit Indicae navigationis, quam Henricus Johannis I. filius, patruus ejus, tentaverat, prosequenda?. NUBIA AND ABYSSINIA. 95 all the inquiries made on that shore for this mysterious monarch ; but intelligence was received of a Christian prince ruling over Abyssinia, whom at length they thought they might conclude to be the royal priest. As soon, too, as the Portuguese sovereign had conceived the idea of penetrating, by a voyage round the Cape, into the Indian Seas, a know- ledge of the neighbouring kingdoms became very important. To meet this double object, Covilham and De Payva were, in 1487, despatched, the one to enter Abyssinia, the other to penetrate to the shores of India. The former died in the vicinity of the Red Sea ; but the latter was fortunate enough to reach Calicut and Goa on the coast of Malabar ; whence he crossed to Sofala in Eastern Africa, and even obtained some information respecting the southern boundary of that continent. Having made the circuit of the Indian Ocean, he was enabled, on his return to the Arabian Gulf, to trans- mit the most flattering accounts as to the practicability and advantage of the projected voyage. Both in going out and returning, he collected many particulars as to the empire of Abyssinia, and determined to crown his discoveries by visit- ing the court of that interesting monarchy. Iscander or Alexander, then the reigning king, received him in the most cordial manner, and conducted him to the royal residence at Shoa. Treated with the highest honours, he was either persuaded or compelled to take up his residence in the country, whence he never returned to Europe. .. About 1510, Helena, then queen of Abyssinia, anxious to obtain the alliance of Portugal against the Turks, sent Matthew, an Armenian merchant, ambassador to Lisbon. He went by the circuitous route of India, where his dignity not being at first recognised, he was somewhat roughly treated, and detained several years. When at last, in 1513, " Caeterum inter praestantissimos historieorum constat, regem quen- dam Christianum olim in extrema Asia, haud procul regno Ttnduc, Catayam versus, regnasse, magna potentia et fama, qui a Persis vicini- oribus, ad significanda illius sacra, Prester Chan, h. e. Chanus seu Princeps adoratorum, i. e. Christianorum, ut quidam putant ; vel, ut Scaliger vult. Fristegeani, i. e. Apostohcus, dictus fuit. Utcunque deinum id nominis pronunciaveris, ab Iialis, tunc temporis commercia Orientis tractantibus, auditum, et per Europam vulgatum, imperitum vulgus pro Italico Preste vel Prcte Gianni sive Giovanni accepit; et sic Presbyteri Johannis nomen apud omnes Europae populos inolevit." — Ludolphi Hist. ^Ethiop. lib. ii. c. 1. 96 CIVIL HISTORY OF he reached Lisbon, the court received him with all that delight which might be expected on seeing realized the flat- tering vision of Prester John, which had so long glittered before their eyes. After the most favourable reception, he was sent back with a fleet, which, in 1515, proceeded to India under Lope Soarez, who was appointed to succeed Albuquerque. There went out also as ambassador to Prester John, Duarte Galvam, a statesman of capacity and experience, but already arrived at the advanced age of eighty-six. The governor, soon after his arrival in India, sailed for the Red Sea ; but the other, whose years indeed rendered him very unfit for such an expedition, sunk under the climate, and died at the island of Camaran. The ships, meanwhile, met with so many disasters, that they never reached the port of Masuah. Soarez quitted the gulf, and the enterprise was not resumed till he was succeeded by a more able commander, named Lope Sequeira. This officer sailed from Goa on the 13th February, 1520, and arrived at Masuah on the 24th April. At the neighbouring port of Arkeekoo he had an interview with the Baharnagash, who, as vassal to the monarch of Abyssinia, held sway over a wide extent of maritime territory. He gave the Portuguese a cordial welcome, and undertook to convey to court both Matthew and a European embassy. At the head of this mission Sequeira placed Rodrigo de Lima, with eight or ten subordinate members, among whom was a friar, Francisco Alvarez, who afterward wrote a narrative of the expedition. The embassy left Arkeeko on the 30th April, and on the 4th May arrived at the monastery of St. Michael, which was dependent on a more extensive establishment called Bisan, or that of the Vision. Here they were attacked by an epidemic malady, which proved fatal to the merchant and to one of his countrymen. To escape its malignant influ- ence they hastened forward, first to Bisan and then to Dobarwa, the residence of the Baharnagash, to w T hich he had now returned. On this occasion he received them rather coldly, and not without reluctance afforded them the means of proceeding. The passage, too, of the high and rugged mountains of Tigre was found rather formidable. Violent storms of wind and rain often compelled them to seek shelter under the rocks ; while the fury of the torrents and the roaring of the gale through the immense woods could NUBIA AND ABYSSINIA. 97 not be heard without alarm. Numerous wild animals stalked around, showing no fear at the presence of man ; apes were tometimes seen in bands of several hundreds. On de- scending into the plain, they found it desolated by the more dreadful scourge of locusts. When the inhabitants saw the air darkened by those destructive insects, they became, it is said, " as dead men," crying out, " We are undone, for the locusts come !" Great numbers of both sexes were ob- served flying to other districts in search of food, their own lands having been entirely consumed by this dreadful visit- ation. Amid these difficulties and annoyances, the mission slowly reached the southern province of Angote, which they found a delightful region, watered by numerous streams, and having seedtime and harvest continued throughout the year. The viceroy invited them to a feast, where they found neither chair, tablecloth, nor towel. Mats were spread on the floor, and a wooden board was covered with round cakes ; over which was placed the delicate dish, which Alvarez scarcely dares to mention, — " pieces of raw flesh, with warm blood," — which the governor and his ladies devoured with delight. But the Portuguese could not allow these dainties to enter their lips. The wine also, or rather hydromel, " walked about with great fury ;" the mistress of the house, though concealed behind a curtain, taking an ample share. In proceeding to the court or camp of the Abyssinian monarch, Alvarez saw the lofty hill on which, by a singular and jealous policy, the princes of the blood-royal are con- stantly confined. It was of g-reat extent, begirt by a circuit of lofty and perpendicular cliffs appearing to reach almost to the sky. On its summit was a large plain, whence other hills 'arose interspersed with valleys, of which the most beautiful was chosen as the retreat of the august prisoners. The strangers having approached too near it, were advertised of their error by a sudden shower of stones. After passing through theprovinces of Amhara and Shoa, the embassy, on the 16th October, came in view of an almost endless range of tents and pavilions overspreading an im- mense plain. This was the grand array or regal camp of the King of Abyssinia, who, engaged in continual war, had at this time no other capital. They forthwith advanced be- tween two rows of about 40,000 persons, among whom a 98 CIVIL HISTORY OF hundred were constantly employed with whips in their hands to maintain order. On this occasion they saw only the cabeata, or chief priest and minister, who conveyed several courteous messages between them and the monarch, whom, however, they neither saw nor heard. But on the 20th they were again sent for, when they observed an elevated seat, which they call a bed, with rich curtains of silk and gold concealing the king from their view, but not preventing their holding some conversation with him. His first address was not altogether cordial ; he even showed some jealousy of their motives in coming to Abyssinia ; but he listened to their explanations, and at length showed on the whole a more friendly disposition. Finally, on the 1st November, they were admitted to a more formal audience, when a series of curtains were raised, each richer than the other, till at last one, the richest of all, was lifted, behind which appeared Prester John seated, in a splendid dress of silk and gold, and holding in his hand a silver cross. This prince, who was David III., is described as a young man of about twenty-three, of low stature, and " of the colour of ruddy apples." The discourse soon turned upon the authority of the pope and the communion of Rome, which the ambassador represented to be the only true church, and to which Abyssinia was bound to submit. The emperor resisted this claim, and seems to have maintained the theological argument with considerable acuteness. Re- specting the marriage of priests, he quoted the decrees of councils, of which the envoy was obliged to confess his own ignorance. He asked also whether, supposing the pope were to order any thing contrary to Scripture, it would be obeyed ; and the Portuguese not venturing an absolute negative, the king declared that his people had no idea of such a servile submission. The ambassador afterward accompanied the king, with the abuna or ecclesiastical primate, to the great monastery of Machan Celacen, where he witnessed the high cere- monies of baptism and the ordination of priests and clerks ; but the practical details connected with these offices afforded much room for animadversion. The number of priests or- dained was 2356 ; and the examination — a very short and superficial one, — had no other object than to ascertain whether they were able to read. The qualifications of the NUBIA AND ABYSSINIA. 99 clerks were necessarily still lower, as they were admitted of all classes and ages, a great proportion being mere in- fants. Among these ecclesiastical functionaries there was a continued crying, " as of so many young kids," on account of being kept so long from suck ; and Alvarez was seriously alarmed at the administration of the host, lest these tender throats should have choked on the coarse dough of which it was formed. He assures his readers, that he remonstrated strongly with the abuna on this premature elevation to the dignities of the church, as well as other practices, the ir- regularity of which was candidly admitted by that prelate. The embassy, after remaining five years in Abyssinia, sailed from Masuah on the 28th April, 1526, with presents and a letter for the king of Portugal. Thus the communi- cation between the two courts was continued, and the reluctance which the emperor at first showed to embrace the Catholic religion was overcome in a surprising degree. In 1535, the place of abuna, or head of the church, was conferred upon Bermudez, a Romish priest then resident in the country. This nomination was accompanied with a request which throws some light upon its motive. The country being hard pressed by the Moors of Adel, the gov- ernment of Lisbon was urged to send a body of troops to defend it against those enemies of the faith. Bermudez himself repaired to Goa to hasten the sailing of the desired expedition. The ardour of the Portuguese youth for this species of crusade drew forth a much greater number of volunteers than were desired by the viceroy, who despatched only 450 under Don Stephen de Gama ; and though that officer fell early, his followers, by their superior arms and discipline, rendered essential services. The Moors were defeated, and obliged to sue for peace ; after which the Catholic zeal of the monarch remarkably cooled, to the in- finite rage of the abuna, who made remonstrances so vio- lent, that open hostilities ensued between the two nations. The Portuguese, notwithstanding their small numbers, were able to maintain a defensive position, till at length the king, by a stratagem, got the chief priest into his power, and sent him into an honourable exile, as governor of Efat, an extensive province. It is described by him as consisting of a valley so deep, and enclosed by such high and craggy mountains, that the entrance appeared to resemble the descent 100 CIVIL HISTORY OF into hell. After taking possession, however, he found it an agreeable and fertile district ; the inhabitants even made cotton cloths, and practised other arts, better than the rest of the Abyssinians ; yet they were pagans, " barbarous and evil." It contained gold, which abounded still more in the neighbouring countries ; one of which paid in tribute two full-grown lions, three whelps, and several hens and chick- ens, all framed of this precious metal. Bermudez seems to have exercised his sway in a very tyrannical manner. He and his people amused themselves by firing muskets over the heads of the natives, enjoying their terror at the effect of these unknown weapons ; and this, on some occa- sions, was done so recklessly, that several persons were killed. The king, incensed at these pastimes of the gover- nor, confined him on the top of a high mountain ; but, being rescued by the valour of his countrymen, a compromise was at length effected, in virtue of which he received lands, ample possessions, and a new title ; however, he soon after- ward left the country. . The king of Portugal and the pope were for some time discouraged by the unfavourable result of this mission. But a convert who came to Rome assured them, that the failure was entirely owing to the brutal conduct of Bermudez, and that a judicious agent might yet add Abyssinia to the domain of the Catholic church. Nugnez Barretto was accordingly invested with this office; but when, upon reaching the Red Sea, he learned that it was infested by Turkish ships, his courage failed. Oviedo, however, the second in rank, with some priests of an inferior order, boldly pushed forward, and arrived in safety. On reaching the royal camp, he was received in the most friendly manner, and immediately ad- mitted to an audience. But instead of tempering his zeal with any measure of discretion, he seems to have studiously overacted the part of Bermudez. Representing to the king the enormous errors into which he had fallen, the mission- ary called upon him immediately to bring his subjects into a state of spiritual allegiance to the. Roman see. His majesty replied, that he was exceedingly well inclined to the Portuguese, and would grant them ample possessions, with liberty to convert the whole nation if they could ; but that to compel the people to change their religion would create great discontent, particularly as they were at present NUBIA AND ABYSSINIA. 101 quite satisfied with their abuna. He promised, however, to consult his friends on the subject. Oviedo, though most Indignant that a third party should be addressed on such an occasion, agreed to pause, and meantime challenged the Abyssinian doctors to a conference. This was readily ac- cepted. Being supernaturally aided, as he conceived, he gained the most complete victory over his opponents ; but unhappily they considered their own triumph as equally deci- sive, and hence affairs stood exactly as they were before. The Catholic, indignant at such blindness, and seeing no hope of effecting any thing by persuasion, determined to have recourse to the most violent measures. Assuming the full papal authority, he issued a rescript, devoting the whole na- tion to the judgment of the church, and even to be spoiled by the faithful in every possible manner, " in person and goods, in public and private." Such a decree, without any means of enforcing it, occasioned, of course, a violent persecution against the mission. Oviedo was banished to a remote and desolate mountain, where he nearly perished with famine. He transmitted the most earnest entreaties to the king of Portugal to despatch fifteen hundred men, with which he undertook to conquer all Abyssinia ; but this proposal, though seriously pondered, was never reduced to practice. The next missionary was Peter Paez, sent out in 1589, — a man of superior talents and address, who, instead of attempting to carry his objects by threats and violence, successfully applied himself to conciliate at once the sov- ereign and the nation. It is to be regretted that his narra- tive, which is supposed still to exist, and would probably supply the fullest account of the country yet written, has never been given to the public ; only some detached ex- tracts from it being found in the General History of Ethio- pia, by Tellez. He derides the pompous descriptions which former travellers had given of this empire, the palace of whi.h, instead of containing, as had been pretended, spa- cious halls and superb domes, resembled more the humble cottao-e in which JEneas was received by Evander. The imperial table presented none of those conveniences which in Europe are by the humblest citizen considered indispen- sable ; neither plate, nor knife, nor fork, nor spoon, nor chair to sit upon. Women entered bearing baskets of junk, resembling broad-brimmed hats, whence they drew 12 102 CIVIL HISTORY OF numerous cakes, with which they entirely covered the board Above these they placed the chief delicacy, pieces of raw and warm flesh, which were wrapped in the cakes, in por- tions so enormous that it appeared quite impossible for any mouth to admit them. The attendants, however, forced these pellets between the jaws of their masters, and con- tinued to stuff the guests, one after another, " as if they were stuffing a goose for a feast." All this while deep silence reigned, and eating engrossed the universal atten- tion ; but as soon as the table was cleared, the cups were introduced, and began to circulate with the utmost freedom. As there was nothing in Abyssinia which could be called a house, Paez undertook to erect one for the monarch, such as in Europe might be considered a handsome villa. It was exceedingly difficult to instruct the native architects in the use of the hammer and chisel, in the operation of cut- ting, rounding, and hewing the stones, as well as in the various processes of carpentry ; but when this had been in some degree effected, and the people saw high walls of hewn stone ascending, and one story rising above another, they considered it little less than a miracle. By these and other personal services, the priest so ingratiated himself at court, that he prevailed upon the king, not only to embrace the Catholic faith himself, but to make it the established religion of his dominions. This missionary, moreover, is generally supposed to have visited the sources of the Nile ; his de- scription of them, indeed, quoted by Kircher, closely corres- ponds with that afterward given by Bruce. The Romish religion continued to maintain its ground, and about the year 1620 was professed with ardour by the king, Socinios or Segued, who applied for a fresh supply of clergymen. In compliance with this request, Jerome Lobo set sail from GOa in January, 1624. The approach to Abys- sinia was then very difficult, as the Turks were masters of the Red Sea ; and an attempt to reach it from the mouth of the Arabian Gulf, by the southern country of Cambat, had been frustrated by the ruggedness of the territory and the barbarous character of the people. Lobo, much at a loss, sought to open up a new path by Melinda, which, however, could only have been suggested by deep ignorance of African geography. On landing at Pate, or Patta, he was warned of the dangers attending this route, which NUBIA AND ABYSSINIA. 103 would soon bring him among the Galla, one of the most savage races in existence. His zeal however still urged him onwards, till he reached the kingdom of Jubo, the natives of which were barbarians indeed ; eating raw flesh, adornincr themselves with the entrails of cows, and killing such of their children as happened to be born on plundering ex- cursions. He found the king in a tolerably large straw-hut, surrounded by courtiers, bearing each a long staff, which, whenever the stranger entered, they employed in driving him back to the door. Lobo, who had attended by permission/ having inquired the cause of such an ungracious salutation, was assured that it was the regular mode of reception at this court ; and they swore on the head of a sheep, be- smeared with butter, that they would do him no injury. It was rather annoying to be attended by men whose kindness was thus expressed ; and when the traveller heard that nine nations, equally savage, and engaged in continual war, intervened between Jubo and Abyssinia, he thought it high time to seek an entrance by another channel. He therefore returned to Patta, whence he sailed, and, having passed the Straits of Bab el Mandeb, landed at Baylur in Dancali ; the sovereign of which country, being dependent on Abyssinia, had been instructed to provide for his safety and comfort. Having waited on the monarch, at his capital, which con- sisted of twenty mud-cabins and six tents, he was ushered into the palace, where one apartment sufficed for the prince and his horse. The good priest had no reason to complain of his reception, though extraordinary efforts were made to extort presents from him ; but by using the name of the King of Abyssinia, he escaped all violent exaction. To reach his destination, however, it was necessary to pass ex- tensive deserts, including the great plain whence salt is supplied to the whole empire ; and here hunger, thirst, the bites of serpents, and the attacks of plunderers, created much suffering and alarm. At length he arrived at Fremona, the missionary head-quarters, and began to enter upon his functions ; but he soon found that, though supported by royal authority, his doctrine was viewed by the great body of the people with the utmost aversion. On entering a village, he'was surprised to hear all the inhabitants joining in one chorus of shrieks and lamentations ; and on in- 104 CIVIL HISTORY OF quiring what dreadful calamity had befallen them, was informed that it was nothing but his own arrival, and that they were deploring the fate of such of their countrymen as they feared would be entrapped by his fatal tenets. Wherever he went he found a similar impression prevail ; and on attempting to address them, and especially on pre- senting the Host, which they believed to be strained from the juices of the animals held most odious in Abyssinia, they uniformly fled at full speed. It had also been imagined that the landing of missionaries coincided with the appearance of locusts ; and iti this instance that absurd prejudice was unfortunately strengthened. Lobo had the pain of wit- nessing the distress occasioned by that plague, and saw the monastery besieged by crowds of starving creatures, who unjustly imputed to him their miseries. He afterward visited the southern province of Damot, which, as we have already stated, appeared in his eyes the most delightful country he ever beheld, shaded with noble trees, having seed-time and harvest at all seasons. He describes also the sources of the Nile, as if he had visited them ; but whether he actually did so, or merely wrote from information communicated by others, has never been clearly ascertained. For some years the Catholics, generally odious to the nation, were supported and protected by the ruling power. The king, however, having sunk into a state of dotage, the administration fell into the hands of his son, who himself had long entertained a secret antipathy to this body, and under whose sanction the great men found themselves at liberty to give vent to their long-cherished animosity. They proceeded to the most violent extremities ; and the mission- aries learned that a plan was actually matured for delivering them all into the hands of the Turks. In their distress they sought refuge with a chief in Tigre, who had raised the standard of rebellion ; but by this step they exposed them- selves to the very calamity which they had hoped to escape. He sold them to the Pasha of Suakin, a furious Mussulman, who had repeatedly expressed the delight with which he would kill every one of them with his own hand. From this dreadful situation, however, they were rescued by a high ransom, and conveyed to Goa. The persecution continued NUBIA AND ABYSSINIA. 105 till 1638, when all the monks remaining in the country were barbarously put to death, and the Roman religion finally rooted out of Abyssinia. About twenty years after, Signor Baratti, an Italian gen- tleman, made his way into that country, where he found the enmity against the Catholic church still unabated. The native clergy had even drawn up a special creed to guard against its errors. They declared that the Virgin, the apostles, and martyrs ought indeed to be reverenced, but not to be worshipped, or to have prayers addressed to them ; that the Bishop of Rome has no authority over the church in general ; that the cross is a mere badge of the Christian profession, having no virtue in itself; and that the marriage of priests to one wife is lawful. It would thus appear that they were much more rational in their doctrines than those who had made such efforts for their conversion. In 1698 Poncet, whose name we have already mentioned, and who had practised as a physician at Cairo, received an invitation from the King of Abyssinia, who stood in need of his medical skill. He followed a different route from any former traveller, taking his departure from Upper Egypt with the Sennaar caravan. During four days they passed through a desert of moving sand, where the gentlest breeze raised a cloud that darkened the air. They then reached the great oasis of Elwah, which they found a delightful spot, filled with palm-trees and gardens, and the fields covered with senna. They next proceeded across a branch of the Great African Desert, and he was the first who gave to Europeans an idea of its excessive dreariness. He describes it as destitute of every species of shrub or plant, and pre- senting only the dead bodies and scattered bones of men and camels. Even when he reached the Nile at Moscho, culti- vation, which extended only a league in breath, was sustained by artificial means, water being raised from the river in machines worked by oxen. Dongola appeared a poorly-built town, almost choked by the sand which blew in from the surrounding wastes. From Korti he crossed the desert of Bahiouda, les- desolate than the former.; whence passing by Derri and Gerri, he arrived at Sennaar. Having spent three months in that city, as we have elsewhere observed, he proceeded on his journey eastward, crossing several ranges of mountains, amid vast forests of trees unknown in Europe. 106 CIVIL HISTORY OF Abyssinia now possessed a capital called Gondar, instead of the moveable camp in which the kings formerly travelled from place to place. It was an extensive town, with 1 00 churches, yet consisting in fact of a vast cluster of cottages ; and there being no shops, the goods were exposed in mats in a large open space. Poncet, having succeeded in curing the emperor, was sent home by way of Tigre and Masuah, without meeting any of those perils which are usually encountered by unprotected adventurers. A long period now elapsed, during which Abyssinia was almost forgotten, when it was brought again into notice, and more fully described than ever, by one of the most enter- prising of modern travellers. This was James Bruce, a writer who has been much accused of exaggeration and even of inaccuracy in his statements ; yet it seems now generally admitted that, with the exception of a few incidents some- what highly coloured, his narrative is substantially correct. Fortified with a firman from the Porte, and with a letter from the SherifTe of Mecca, he landed on the 19th Sep- tember, 17G9, at Masuah, where, notwithstanding all these securities, he narrowly escaped being robbed and murdered by the Naib of Arkeeko, a brutal and unprincipled chief. He sailed to Arkeeko, which he left on the 15th November, and proceeded over Taranta, a high mountain-range which separates the coast from the interior. This eminence was covered to the top with noble trees, often so close together as to resemble arbours ; the chief species being the cedar and the kol-quall, the latter peculiar to that country. There were many beautiful birds without song, while others, des- titute of beauty, had pleasing notes, but quite different from those of England. In the caves of these mountains, or in little conical wooden cabins, dwell the Hazorta and the Shiho, pastoral tribes, who possess numerous herds, especially of goats, which, according to the season, they drive to the top of the mountains or to the lower valleys. They hold at defiance the powers of the plain, but have themselves so little reputation for hospitality that their treatment of trav- ellers gave rise to the Abyssinian proverb, " Beware of the men who drink two waters." At the foot of Taranta, Bruce passed through Dixan, lately belonging to the Baharnagash, or Lord of the Sea, who, we have already observed, had been one of the most NUBIA AND ABYSSINIA. 107 powerful princes in this part of Africa. His territory was now very much narrowed, and he was reduced to a complete dependence upon the governor of Tigre. Bruce found him in a village near Dixan, a good-humoured simple person, with a very beggarly train. A general poverty indeed per- vaded this district, which the inhabitants sought to relieve Dy stealing. The traveller came next to Adowa, which ranked as capital of Tigre, though it is only a large village. Near it was Fremona, the great convent at which the Portuguese missionaries had fixed their head-quarters. After passing through the province of Sire, a wide and fertile plain, bounded by the broad and luxuriantly-wooded course of the Tacazze, Mr. Bruce entered Sarnen, a country containing the loftiest mountains in Abyssinia, which the companions of Alvarez represented as even far surpassing in height the Alps and the Pyrenees. He and Salt, however, have ascer- tained them to be much inferior, though the occasional ap- pearance of snow on their summits indicates in this climate a very high elevation. Their forms are often peculiarly rugged and precipitous, being compared by Bruce, though with some exaggeration, to pyramids pitched on their apex. He was obliged to pass Lamalmon, a lofty ridge, which lay on his way to Gondar. He had a difficult and rather dan- gerous clamber along a narrow rugged path on the edge of a precipice, but found on the top a broad plain well culti- vated, where the cool air restored- his vigour, which had suffered under the suffocating atmosphere of the lower valleys. He then descended, and at length descried, in the midst of a thick grove, Gondar, the capital of Abyssinia. The most dreadful commotions agitated at that moment the interior of the country. He relates that Ras Michael, the governor of Tigre, had murdered Joas, the king, and set up in his room Tecla Haimanout, a youth of fifteen, in whose name he exercised the real sovereignty. Michael had married Ozoro Esther, daughter to the queen-dowager, whose beauty and rank made her the most distinguished female in Abyssinia. Another political interest distracted the king- dom. On its southern border were numerous tribes of the Galla, a race regarded even by the Abyssinians, who them- selves have to "boast of so little refinement, as uncouth, savage, and horrible. They have numerous cattle, which 108 CIVIL HISTORY OF supply them with food, and whose entrails, worn round the waist or plaited in the hair, though often in a putrid state, are used as the favourite ornaments of their persons. They were wont in former times to ride upon cows ; hut recently they have obtained a breed of small active horses, and the irregular cavalry thus mounted constitutes their chief mili- tary force. They can endure severe privations, perform the most rapid marches, and cross broad rivers holding by the horses' tails. In battle they make a sudden and rapid onset with shrill and barbarous howls, which few troops can with- stand. By their numbers and ferocity they had overrun many of the finest provinces of Abyssinia, and had even formed an alliance with the royal family, which, however, was held in horror by the people in general. Their chiefs, Gusho, Povvussen, and Fasil, temporized with Ras Michael, in the hope of speedily destroying him. Mr. Bruce found himself for some time an object of con- siderable neglect. The violent passions which agitated the contending parties left little room for curiosity ; and his character of Frank, combined in their eyes with that of Catholic, excited a mingled feeling of aversion and contempt. He was first drawn into notice by his medical skill. Ay to Confu, son to Ozoro Esther, had been seized with the small- pox, and as he was treated in the usual manner of the country, by being wrapped in enormous loads of clothes, and having the external air wholly excluded, the disease seemed approaching to a fatal termination. A great Abyssinian saint, who had not eaten or drunk for twenty years, having failed in his attempts to cure the prince, the stranger was called in as a last resource, and by improved treatment soon produced a most favourable change. His attentions on this occasion, with the general attractions of his person and manner, rendered him a decided favourite with the princess, through whom he was introduced to the first circles at the imperial court. One principal cause of the importance attached to the travels of Bruce is the acquisition of many valuable manu- scripts made by him while resident in Abyssinia. His work contains a history of that country, translated chiefly from records supplied to him in the native language ; and though there may be some slight discrepancy, as to dates and the order of events, the narrative is amply confirmed by all the Ozoro Esther. NUBIA AND ABYSSINIA. Ill information which it has been possible to procure from other sources. The Chronicle of Axura, already mentioned, proved the depository of a great variety of facts in regard to the regal successions ; its object being " to show forth the glory of Rome and Ethiopia," two nations which were imagined to divide between them the sovereignty of the world, in direct inheritance from Adam. Of this treatise Mr. Bruce brought two copies from Gondar; the one written in an older hand, divided into chapters, containing an appendix on Abyssinian history and customs ; the other beautifully but more incorrectly written, without sections, and supposed to have been a transcript made for him while living in that city. He arranged the several manuscripts on the modern annals of Abyssinia into five volumes, the first of which is the newest copy of the Book of Axum. The second volume, however, is esteemed far more authentic. It is, says Dr. Murray, written in a very neat but small hand on thin parchment, and appears to be about a hundred years old. It contains ninety-three leaves, of which eleven are on the Adeline war of Amda Sion, seven on the history of Zera Jacob, eight on that of Beda Mariam, interspersed with some chapters relating to his father.* In this volume, we are assured, there are many curious particulars relating to the monarchy, both in its prosperous and declining state ; though the monkish annalists often give abundance of minute facts without assigning any cause. Many pages are filled with wild declamatory speeches full of Scripture quotations ; in which the reader, expecting to find historical notices, is miserably disappointed. But there are not wanting passages replete with natural feeling, bold enough to surprise, and sufficiently tender to melt the heart. The construction of an oriental language, it is true, gives a somewhat turgid air to these performances ; which, however, with all their defects, are fully entitled to a place among the chronicles of cur own Gothic ages.f The third volume of the collection begins with the history of Susneus, in seventy-five- leaves and ninety-nine chapters. It is the best written of the whole, and being at the same time minute, accurate, and interesting, supplied Mr. Bruce with nearly all the incidents mentioned in that reign. The * Brace's Travels, vol. iii. p. 409. t Ibid. 112 CIVIL HISTORY OF character is small and neat ; great attention has been be- stowed in correcting the errors of the transcriber, and in removing statements of facts which were either doubtful or offensive. The Roman faith is reprobated wherever it ia mentioned ; but the edifices with which the Franks orna- mented the kingdom are described with much admiration, though with little art. It contains an epitome of the history of Facilidas, together with some diffuse observations on the reign of Hannes the First. The fourth volume is occupied with the annals of Yasous Tallak, of Tecla Haimanout the First, of Tiflis, and of David the Fourth. The fifth presents an account of the government under Bacuffa, his son Yasous the Second, and Joas his grandson, who was murdered in the year Mr. Bruce entered Abyssinia. The history of Ras Michael forms an interesting episode in the latter portion of the narrative, and fully authenticates the character given of him by that cele- brated traveller.* * Bruce, vol. iii. p. 413. The following is a list of the Ethiopic MSS. brought from Gondar by Mr. Bruce :— I. The Old Testament, in five large quarto volumes, each about a foot in length and breadth. These contain all the books in our canon, except the Psalms and several of the Apocrypha. II. Two copies of the Gospels, in four volumes, two of which are in small quarto, answering in size to the two volumes which contain the writings of the apostles and the rest of the New Testament, mentioned in No. IV. III. The Synodos, or Constitution of the Apostles, beautifully written, and containing about 300 folia. An analysis of this large volume is given by Ludolf in his Commentarius ad Historiam Abyssinia?. It forms what is called a kanoun, or positive law of the church, beyond the letter of which the clergy have no judicial powers. IV. The Acts of the Apostles and all the Epistles in our canon, with the Revelation of St. John, in two small quarto volumes, uniform with the Gospels before mentioned. V. A Chronicle of the Kings of Abyssinia, from Arwe to Bacuffa, with a very curious preface on the law and customs brought from Jerusalem by Ibn Hakim, the son of Solomon. From this preface is extracted the information respecting the great officers of the Negus, given in the intro- duction to the history of Abyssinia. As the MS. contains a perpetual chronicle of all the princes, from Icon Amlac to Bacuffa inclusively, it has been of great use in preserving entire the chain of history, which is broken in the larger annals. It consists of about 120 folia of the quarto size. VI. The Kebir Zaneguste, or Glory of the Kings, the celebrated Book of Axum, described at length in the text. VII. The Annals of Abyssinia in five volumes quarto; the principal source of the history given in the third volume of Bruce's work. Of these we have already specified the contents. KUBIA AND ABYSSINIA. 113 The annals of Abyssinia may be divided into three great portions. The first comprehends the period which elapsed before the interruption of the ancient royal race by the suc- cessful rebellion of Judith, or Goudit as she is sometimes called ; the second embraces the interval during which the usurping dynasty exercised the supreme power ; and the last extends from the restoration of the line of Solomon in the person of Icon Amlac down to the present day. In regard to the most ancient division, the light of history does not direct our researches much further than to ascertain the names and order of the several monarchs who mounted the throne. We have already given the list from Menilec to Bazen, who swayed the sceptre at the beginning of the Christian era. From him to Dalnaad, under whom the government was overthrown, there were about sixty sove- reigns, whose united reigns amount to nearly nine hundred and fifty years. For their titles, which could not in any respect prove interesting to the general reader, we willingly refer to the volumes of Bruce and Salt, where they are given at full length, and with as much precision as could be derived from records not everywhere free from obscurity. Judith is said to have been of a Hebrew family, the de- scendant of one of those men of rank in the Jewish tribes who, upon the conversion of the Abyssinians to the Chris- tian faith, withdrew into the strong mountains of Samen, where they exercised during several generations a separate and independent authority. She is described as a woman of great beauty and talents, who, inflamed with zeal for the religion of her fathers, resolved with the aid of her country- men to subvert the doctrine of Christ and destroy the apos- tate race of Solomon. To accomplish these views, she began by attacking the young princes, confined according to national usage on the high hill of Darao, and massacred them all, with the exception of an infant, who was conveyed VTTI. The Synaxar (Zwalapia), or Lives of the Ethiopic Saints, arranged according to their order in the national calendar, in four volumes quarto. Most of the idle legends contained in this book are translations from the Greek and Coptic. The saints are nothing inferior to their western brethren in strength and faith. They perform greater miracles, live more ascetic lives, and suffer more dreadful martyrdoms, than these holy men; all which is nothing surprising in the native country ot eredulity, superstition, and religious zeal. K % 114 CIVIL HISTORY OF into the loyal province of Shoa. The conqueror imme- diately took possession of the throne, and removed the seat of government to Lasta ; where, after enjoying supreme power in her own person not less than forty years, she transmitted it to her descendants, who continued to rule over the greater part of Abyssinia about the space of three centuries. During all this period, and indeed down to the year f 255, very little is known respecting the affairs of the country. The Arabian authors mention from time to time that the clergy sent to Egypt to have an abuna consecrated, — 'that the sceptre had again fallen into the hands of a Christian king, though not of the race of Solomon, — and occasionally indicate the name and title of the actual monarch. About the middle of the thirteenth century the kingdom was restored to the representative of the ancient house, whose family continued to flourish in Shoa, where indeed their hereditary right had never been called in question. This event was accomplished by the interposition of Tecla Haimanout, a native monk of Abyssinia, who had been raised to the episcopate, and is known as the founder of the famous monastery of Devra Libanos. He prevailed upon the reigning sovereign to abdicate the throne in favour of Icon Amlac, in virtue of a treaty by which it was provided that a portion of land should be given to the retiring prince, — that one-third of the kingdom should be ceded for the maintenance of the church, — and that no Abyssinian should thereafter be elected abuna, but that the head of the eccle- siastical body should always be named by the patriarch of Egypt. The following catalogue is collected from various chronicles, and presents at least an approximation to the truth of history. Icon Amlae 1255 Woodem Arad 1269 Kudma Asgud ) Asfa Asgud V 1284 Theodorus 1401 Isaac 1402 Andreas 1417 Hesbinaan 1424 Senfa Asgud N j Amda Yasous ) Bed elNain V 1429 Isba Nain ) Zara Jacob 1434 Beda Mariam 1468 Bar Asgud 1287 Egba Sion 1292 Amda Sion 1301 Sef Arad 1331 Grim'asfare 1359 Secunder, his son i . .„- David 1369 Amda Sion { H '* NUBIA AND ABYSSINIA. 115 1558 1562 Socinios 1607 Facilidas 1632 Yohannis , '. .1665 Yasous Tallak .1680 Tecla Haimanout 1699 Theophiius 1706 Oustas 1709 David 1714 Bacuffa 1719 Yasous 1729 Ayto Yoas 1753 The fate of the last of these kings has been already men- tioned. From Mr. Salt's volume we have derived this sup- plementary list : N*od 1491 Levana Denghel ) ,—., David \ lo0/ Claudius 1539 Men as Adamas > Segued \ ' Sertza Denghel, or Malac Segued, and his son Yacob, Za Denghel Yacob restored 1604 Tecla Haimanout reigned 8 years Solomon 2 — Tecla Georgis 5 — Yasous 4 — Haimanout 1 — Iskias 6 — I'.eda Mariam 2 — Yunus. two months Adimo 2 year* Ayto Gualoo, or Eg- "i wala Sion, who ac- cording jo the latest ! accounts was sue- ( ceeded by Itsa Yoas | hi 1818. J H The modern history of Abyssinia is confined to a narra- tive of insurrections and petty wars, either against the gen- eral government or among the subordinate chiefs them- selves. When Mr. Bruce resided there, the main power was in the hands of Ras Michael the governor of Tigre, who, while he acknowledged a nominal subjection to the king, directed all the weighty affairs of state. The most formidable enemies of the crown were the princes of the Galla, who. not only claimed a right to be heard in all public matters, but occasionally asserted a degree of independence quite inconsistent with monarchical rule. The Ras at- tempted to gain Powussen, the chieftain of Begemder, by giving to him his granddaughter in marriage. Festivities of the most unrestrained description followed this event, which it was expected would secure peace to .the kingdom, and gratify the more powerful of the Galla tribes. But the gay scenes at Gondar were soon succeeded by a furious intestine war among the persons by whom they were celebrated. Several of the Galla leaders, among whom was Michael's new relative, united in a conspiracy to destroy him. He escaped only by a precipitate retreat into the province of Tigre, across the swollen stream of the Tacazze. The triumphant confederates entered Gondar, and set up as king a worthless youth called Socinios, in 116 CIVIL HISTORY OF whose name they administered all the affairs of state. Mr. Bruce, the adherent of Michael, lost all his honours, but was allowed to live unmolested with Ozoro Esther and her mother, in their palace of Koscam. This uneasy situation he sought to vary by an attempt to fulfil the grand object of his ambition ; namely, to reach the sources of the Nile, which he was assured were situated in a high pastoral region eastward of the Lake of Dembea. The country now to be visited was under the sway of Fasil, a rude but powerful Galla chieftain, who had promised to protect the traveller, and from whom accordingly a favourable reception was expected. He was found in a little tent, wrapped in a lion's skin, and sitting upon a handful of straw spread on the floor. After the first salutation had passed, he seemed disposed to take no further notice of him ; when Bruce, receiving from his guide a hint to speak, re- minded the governor of his promises, and solicited his per- mission and aid to visit the source of the Abay, the name here given to the Abyssinian Kile. Fasil, without any cere- mony, started various objections, in the course of which he allowed it to transpire that he considered Franks, as he reproachfully termed them, as little better than boys and women, and unfit to travel in a land of warriors. The visiter then burst into a furious passion, loaded him with reproaches, boasting that with a handful of Europeans he would trample all his bands of naked savages in the dust. In the midst of this tirade the blood burst from his nose, and his attendants hurried him out of the tent. No sooner had he cooled, than he bitterly repented of the unseasonable in- temperance which had apparently cut him off for ever from the fondest object of his heart, and On which he mpant to establish his fame with future ages. It soon appeared, how- ever, that this high and fierce bearing had been suited to the personage to whom it was addressed ; for he learned that Fasil was giving directions for his proceeding early next morning. By daybreak horses were ready ; but the servants mounted him on a steed so unruly that, but for his eques- trian skill, his life would have been in danger. The Galla leader declared himself wholly ignorant of this trick, and gave Mr. Bruce full liberty to cut the groom in pieces. He sent forward with him Woldo, a huge half-naked savage, holding a stick, which he continually brandished ; also a NUBIA AND ABYSSINIA. 1 17 horse, intended not to be ridden but led before him, and which, serving as the credentials of his coming from Fasil, would secure him against all violence. The animal accord- ingly met everywhere the profoundest homage, and was only pitied for being employed in so mean a service as that of escorting a Frank. After passing through Dingleber, which commanded a fine view of the LakeDembea, he saw a band on the opposite side of the river, which, Woldo stated, belonged to the Jumper, under whose auspices they must now place themselves ; whispering, that he was the greatest thief and murderer in all the country ; and on Bruce's remonstrating as to this choice of a protector, he added, " So much the better." With two whistles and a yell he brought fifty men to assist in conveying over the baggage, and they found the Jumper busy at his toilet, rub- bing his naked body with melted tallow, and embellishing his locks with the entrails of a cow. He was tall, lean, sharp-faced, with small eyes, and resembling somewhat a lank greyhound. He showed no signs of curiosity or judg- ment, but prodigious bodily activity, and was accounted the greatest spoiler of all the Galla. He recommended them to his brother the Lamb, whom they found encamped in the dry bed of a river, watching the proceedings of a neighbouring market, whence, however, all had absented themselves on his account. He appeared equally stupid and indifferent, though he bestowed much courtesy on Fasil's horse. The gentleness of his character, which had procured him this ap- pellative, was shown by his murdering men and children only, and usually sparing the female sex. When the party, after taking leave, had proceeded a considerable distance, they were alarmed by a confusion of wild and barbarous cries, and on looking round saw a band of savage horsemen brandishing their lances in the air. They put themselves in the best possible attitude of defence, till they heard the cry " Fasilali !" This company was under the direction of their friend the Lamb, who, having heard of their being in danger from a party of Agow horse, had galloped up to defend them. Mr. Bruce was so much pleased with this attention, that he presented the barbarian with a huge piece of raw beef, in the course of eating which, he expressed severe disappointment at not having met the Agows, and being thereby supplied with an opportunity of showing how dexterously he would have cut them all in pieces. 1 18 CIVIL HISTORY OF The traveller lost no time in following out his main ob- ject, and was conducted to the village of Geesh, where the Nile, as it was termed, was only a scanty rivulet ; and he stepped across it fifty or sixty times in triumph. He then viewed, with still higher rapture, the two fountains which unite in forming this celebrated stream. In fact, however, he laboured under an error ; the main source of the Egyp- tian river, as we have already stated, not being here, but in a remote part of Africa, south of Darfur, and called in its upper course the Bahr el Abiad. But that the Abyssinian Dranch is the Nile had been the belief of most geographers in latter times, and nothing could ever induce him to relin- quish it. He stoutly denies also, though seemingly on elender grounds, the claim of Paez to be considered the first discoverer even Gf these interesting springs. Mr. Bruce now returned to Gondar ; on his way to which he was hospitably entertained by Shalaka Welled Amlac, a friendly chief, in his palace, which consisted of one large apartment sufficient to accommodate his wives, family, horses, and mules, - and was hung round with trunks of elephants killed by his own hand. In the capital our coun- tryman was at first ill received ; but the fortune of war soon enabled Ras Michael to enter that city and expel from it the Galla chiefs. A time of agreeable relaxation was then expected ; but that leader, now triumphant, and enraged at the treachery of many of the citizens, gave full scope to the vindictive propensity which stains his memory. The streets streamed with blood, and Mr. Bruce could not stir out without seeing dead bodies lying even in the court of the palace. Shuddering with horror, he began anxiously to negotiate for permission to return to Europe; but he was, in the mean time, obliged to accompany the army to the battle of Serbraxos, where he distinguished himself, and was rewarded with a gold chain and a splendid suit of apparel. In that action the Ras's forces kept possession of the field ; but his loss was so great, while the Galla con- stantly received new reinforcements, that he was compelled to fall back upon Gondar, where he was soon enclosed, and reduced almost to the state of a prisoner. Amid these agitations, the traveller gladly embraced the permission which he at last obtained to return home. He passed first through the woods and marshes of Ras-el-Foel, • Kena Yasous. NUBIA AND ABYSSINIA. 121 of which he had been made the nominal governor. At Tcherkin he was vastly surprised to meet his great friend Ozoro Esther, who had with her Tecla Mariam, the greatest beauty in Abyssinia ; and they were soon joined by her son Ayto Confu. This party, like himself, had retired from the disturbed vicinity of the court, and he spent a fortnight with them in festivity, as well as in hunting the elephant and rhinoceros, which abound in those vast forests. Among the principal characters who figured at court, in the camp, and in the field, none was entitled to higher respect than Kefla Yasous. His conduct at the battle of Limjour, where the royal troops were thrown into conster- nation by the arrival of Fasil, saved the kin a, and prevented the disastrous effects of a hasty retreat. The portrait here given is understood to be a faithful likeness of that brave warrior, while it represents the headdress of an Abyssinian chief after a successful contest either with a personal or a public enemy. The horn displayed on the forehead will illustrate the allusions made in Sacred Scripture to the horn of the righteous, and to the lifting up of the horn on high while the proud man speaketh with a stiff neck. It was in the year 1771 that Mr. Bruce left Abyssinia, uncertain as to the effect of recent events on the fortunes of his most intimate acquaintances. There could be no doubt that the Galla had obtained the ascendency in the capital, and were now in a condition to dictate to the monarch, who held his throne at their pleasure. Nor was it till 1805 that Mr. Salt, who accompanied Lord Valentia in his voy- age from India, made an excursion into that country, and thereby found the means of adding somewhat to our know- ledge of its actual situation. Five years afterward he was intrusted with a mission to the court of Gondar ; but it deserves to be noticed, that on neither occasion was he able to penetrate farther than to the northern division of the "Tigre. He found, however, that all Bruce's great friends and enemies, Ras Michael, Ozoro Esther, Ayto Confu, and Guebra Mascal, were dead. Welled Selasse, whom that traveller had known as a prom- ising young man of twenty-four, had, on the death of the Old Lion, as Michael was called, raised himself to the dig- nity of Ras, and to the government of all the provinces which the other had ruled. Meantime Gusho, the Galla L 122 CIVIL HISTORY OF chief, was master of Gondar, and contended with Selasse; for the supreme sway, with the right of nominating a person who should bear the empty title of king. The enmity between these two potentates was so great as to render it impossible to proceed from the one to the other, and thus baffled all Mr. Salt's attempts to reach the capital. There remained, indeed, a third division of Abyssinia, con- sisting of the southern provinces of Shoa and Efat, which appeared still to be governed by a prince descended from the ancient royal family. But these districts have not been visited by any recent traveller, though they unquestionably form one of the finest parts of the kingdom, and contain a greater proportion, perhaps, than any other of the ancient Ethiopian learning. It is enough to mention, however, that they cannot be approached without passing through the lands of those barbarous tribes who at present enjoy the supreme power in the neighbouring regions. During Mr. Salt's first visit he was supplied by Ligantur Metcha, a priest of some rank, with a sketch of the political changes which had taken place subsequently to the departure of Bruce. The character of Joas, the events of his reign, and his assassination by Ras Michael, as related by that author, were all fully confirmed. He w 7 as succeeded by Hannes, who, after holding the sceptre only five months, died of disease, and not by poison, as it is recorded in the Travels. Tecla Haimanout, the son of that prince, a re- markably fair and handsome man, next mounted the throne. He was greatly attached to the Ras, who, during his reign, was often in a state of open hostility with Fasil of Gojam, whom he beat at the battle of Fagitta, a short time, as Met- cha remembered, before Bruce came into the country. A powerful party was afterward formed against Michael, and Gusho was made Ras ; upon which the old warrior retired to his province of Tigre. After governing eight years, Tecla Haimanout was driven from his throne by Wordo Wussun (Powussen), and soon after died in retirement at Waldubba, leaving one son. Welled Solomon. Upon this vacancy Ayto Solomon, though in no respect related to his predecessor, succeeded to the throne, sup- ported by the forces of Begemder and Gojam. The reign of this prince continued only two years, and at his death, Tecla Georgis, brother of Tecla Haimanout, was raised to NUBIA AND ABYSSINIA. 123 the sovereign authority by Confu Adam and Ras Ayto, who then commanded the provinces of Gojam, the Agows, and Damot. Soon after his accession (1801) died Ras Michael, in the eighty-eighth year of his age, and was succeeded in the government of Tigre by Welled Gabriel, his son. Tecla Georgis, having reigned only five years, was dethroned, and after wandering long through various parts of the coun- try, finally retired to the mountains of Waldubba. To him succeeded Yasous the Third, who was raised to the supreme power by Ras Ayto. The new king died of the small-pox, after reigning four years, and through the united interest of Ayto and Welled Gabriel was replaced by Beda Mariam: the latter of these chiefs, a short time afterward, was slain in battle by Ras Ally of Begemder. After sitting two years on the throne, Mariam was deposed by the Ras just named, assisted by the Edjow Galla ; upon which he went to Samen, where he lived under the protec- tion of Ras Gabriel. His successor was Ayto Ischias, son of the late Sultan Yasous, who, after having enjoyed the sovereignty six years, was dethroned by Ras Merrid, son of Ayto of Gojam, and obliged to flee from his capital. In conjunction with this commander, Ras Welled Selasse raised Ayto Solomon, son of Tecla Haimanout, to the head of affairs ; but he was not able to maintain himself in his royal estate, though supported by the powerful interest of Tigre, for after two years he was obliged to seek protection in the house of his friend the governor of that province. It was now the turn of Begemder to assume the supe- riority, and Ras Iserat accordingly thought himself entitled to place Ayto Yunus on the throne. This sovereign, how- ever, had not ruled more than three months, when Guxo, chief of the Edjow Galla, removed him, and elevated Ayto Edimo, brother of Tecla Georgis, who, having lived but two years, was succeeded by Ayto Gualoo, the monarch whom Mr. Salt found in possession of power. This narrative, communicated to the traveller, is, as he himself remarks, very probably true, because it agrees with the circumstances of the country ; and the period of the several reigns taken together exactly coincides with the time which had elapsed since the days of Joas the First. It is worthy of remark that the royal family were no longer confined to the mountains of Wechn6, this custom 124 CIVIL HISTORY OF having been some years abolished. They now lived in a state of dependence on the chiefs of the several provinces. Welled Gabriel, the son of Michael, commanded in Tigre eight years, after which Guebra Mascal was appointed by Tecla Georgis ; but the latter had scarcely taken possession of his province when he was attacked by Welled Selasse, then at the head of an army in Enderta, who seized his person, and after keeping him some time in confinement, gave him a village, where he spent the remainder of his life. Selasse" was master of Tigre at the period under our consideration, and, as we shall afterward find, he continued to enjoy it many years. At the departure of Mr. Salt from Abyssinia in 1805, he left behind him a sailor belonging to the Antelope, whose name was Pearce, and who, having deserted from one of his majesty's ships, and wounded a soldier on duty at Bom- bay, preferred the choice of a new country to the hazard of punishment and disgrace at home. He had spent five years among the half-civilized natives of Tigre, sometimes under the protection of the Ras, who had promised to befriend him, and occasionally trusting to his own resources, when his patron, in the character of British envoy to the Abyssinian emperor, appeared again in the Red Sea. The adventurous mariner, who had not neglected to acquire a competent knowledge of the language and manners of the people, proved extremely useful to Mr. Salt in his attempt to pene- trate through the rebellious provinces, in order to deliver to his imperial highness the letter and presents with which he was charged. He communicated at the same time a short account of the occurrences which had taken place during his residence in that strange land. He does not conceal that his turbulent and restless disposition frequently made him forfeit the countenance of his superiors, and even re- duced him to great distress ; but his zeal, courage, and ability, whenever an opportunity occurred for their exercise, never failed to restore him to the approbation of the prince as well as to the full enjoyment of all his privileges. An occasion of this nature presented itself in March, 1807, when a powerful league was formed by several of the most formidable chiefs in the interest of Ras Michael's family, for the destruction of Welled Selasse. The latter, indeed, raising a powerful army, quickly reduced the insur- NUBIA AND ABYSSINIA. 125 gents to unqualified submission ; but while the negotiations for peace were going on a plot was formed by some of the confederates to burn the Ras in his quarters at Adowa, where, in the full confidence of victory, he lay at some dis- tance from his troops, and very slenderly attended. The scheme had nearly succeeded, and part of the building was already in a blaze, when Pearce, who was encamped with the army outside of the town, being awakened by the glare of light, seized his musket, and hastening to the spot, rushed undauntedly through the flames to the assistance of the old man. The fire was soon extinguished and the con- spirators punished. The Englishman was immediately replaced in the good graces of the governor, who increased his pay, gave him a white mule as a mark of distinction, and appointed him to a situation of trust and honour. But the jealousy of his enemies and his own impetuous temper, quickly occasioned an absolute rupture between him and the Ras ; upon which he threatened to go over to his great rival Gojee ; a menace which so incensed the aged ruler that he told Pearce, though he would prevent his putting that plan in execution, he might go anywhere else he thought proper provided he never appeared in his pres- ence again. In consequence of this dispute he left Antalo, and for some time led a wandering life in different districts of Abyssinia, till he heard that Welled was on the point of being once more attacked by the Galla, under the furious leader whose name has just been specified. This intelli- gence made him forget his quarrel ; and, accordingly, col- lecting what forces he was able to muster, he directed his march towards the capital of Tigre. On his arrival, we are told, many of the chiefs expressed their astonishment at seeing him, and strongly urged him not to venture into the presence of Selasse ; but Pearce, proudly conscious of the motives that had prompted him to return, felt no apprehension, and requested an audience, to which he was instantly admitted. As he approached the old Ras, he thought he saw, as he himself expresses it, something pleasant in his countenance, as he turned to one of his officers and said, pointing to the English sailor, " Look at that man ! he came to me a stranger about five years ago, and not being satisfied with my treatment left me in great anger ; but now that I am deserted by some of L2 126 CIVIL HISTORY OF my friends, and pressed upon by my enemies, he is come to fight by my side." He then with tears in his eyes desired Pearce to sit down, ordered a cloth of the best quality to be thrown over his shoulders, and gave him a mule and a handsome allowance for his support. Nor did this enthusiastic volunteer belie the expectations that were entertained of him. Soon afterward, the Ras, having assembled his army, marched against the barbarian foes who had attempted to take him at disadvantage. After some skirmishing, mixed with a show of negotiation, Gojee shifted his ground to the plains of Marzella, which he had determined should be the scene of battle, while the other took his station near the sources of the Tacazze. A last effort was tried by the Ras for an accommodation, which was haughtily rejected by the Galla chieftain, and both par- ties prepared for a decisive engagement. In the action w r hich ensued Selasse appears to have arranged his forces with considerable skill ; but an impetuous charge on his centre made by the savage followers of Gojee compelled it to give way. Enraged at the sight, Welled called for his favourite horse ; which being held back by his officers, who felt anxious for his personal safety, he urged his mule for- ward and galloped into the front ; where, by his conspicuous appearance and gallant demeanour, he quickly infused fresh energy into his troops, and retrieved the fortune of the field. On this critical occasion Pearce was among the first to ad- vance ; and the Ras, seeing him in the thick of the fight, cried out, " Stop, stop that madman !" But he called in vain ; for the other dashed on, killed at one blow a Galla chief who was pressing forward at the head of his men, and by his courage throughout the day gained the admiration of all around him. Gojee himself escaped with difficulty, and his whole army was totally routed. In the course of many desperate enterprises in which the Ras was engaged subse- quently to this celebrated victory, Pearce, who always ac- companied him, had several opportunities of distinguishing himself, and of establishing a high character for intrepidity and conduct. The facts now stated are the substance of the communi- cation made by this singular man to Mr. Salt, during his residence in Abyssinia as envoy from the British crown. Mr. Pearce, who had resolved still to remain in the country, NUBIA AND ABYSSINIA. 127 was joined by Mr. Coffin, supercargo of the ship in which the ambassador went out. The former was earnestly re- quested by his learned friend to keep a regular journal of passing occurrences, and more especially of the adventures in which he himself might be engaged, — a request with which he complied to the utmost of his power. That diary is now in the hands of the public, and affords to the Euro- pean reader the only means of knowing what took place in Abyssinia subsequently to the year 1810. The political incidents which diversify the narrative of the seaman are not of sufficient interest to engage the at- tention of the general reader. Welled Selasse found it necessary to be almost constantly in the field, to check the ravages or defeat the pretensions of some ambitious chief. It would seem, indeed, that at one period the Abyssinian monarchy was on the very point of dissolution, and about to be parcelled out among a number of princes or local gov- ernors, according to the amount of the forces which they could muster under their respective banners. The Galla in particular, to whom war is pastime, and plunder one of the legitimate means of subsistence, never ceased their incur- sions into the territory of the more civilized inhabitants ; for although they were frequently beaten by the troops of Tigre, their ranks were never permanently thinned nor their spirits broken. Pearce relates, that the kings living at one time during his stay in the country were as follows : — Tecla Georgis, in Waldubba ; Itsa Ischias, in Gondar ; Ayto Gualoo, then on the throne in that city ; Itsa Yoas, like- wise in the capital ; Itsa Yonas, in Gojam ; and Beda Ma- riana, in Samen. They are all, he adds, related to each .other, and, as they boast, descended from the true race of 'Menilec ; "but the kings of Abyssinia have so many wives from far and near that it makes it difficult to determine to whom the crown should descend, and this point is generally decided more by might than by right."* In the month of May, 1816, Ras Welled Selassd breathed his last, leaving the province in a very distracted condition. His death was kept secret from the people, every one being sensible of the calamities which would follow. " Welleta Tisral began to scream and lament, which would have given ■ Life and Adventures of Nathaniel Pearce, vol. i. p. Ill, 112. 128 CIVIL HISTORY OF the alarm, had not one of the slaves knocked her down senseless, and threatened her life if she even sobbed. Every thing was carried away by stealth to the giddam of Temben ; and on the second night a fter his death his body was wrapped up in a clean cloth, and, as if stolen, was taken by the slaves, Mr. Coffin, and Buggerunde Tusfu, over the wall of his garden to the church, where they had already opened the grave of his brother Manasse. Allicar Barhe and the abuna were informed of the event ; but before they arrived the others had taken up the bones of Manasse, which were in a great coffin made out of the door of his house when he ■died in December, 1809. The Ras's body was put beneath, and Manasse^ s bones then laid on the top."* The two following years were spent in sanguinary strug- gles for the government of Tigre, which appears to have been more highly valued than the jurisdiction of the king. This great object was at length obtained by Subegadis, a brave intelligent young man, whose elevation had been pre- dicted by Mr. Salt, to whom he was intimately known. He is in stature about five feet ten inches, broad shouldered, and his whole frame partaking of that iron-like and sinewy character which denotes the true child of the hills, and en- ables him to endure without inconvenience the most arduous exertions and the severest, privations. His countenance is handsome, a little inclining to the Roman ; his teeth are white and regular ; his hair is jet black and in profusion, and, which is very remarkable in that country, his large ex- pressive penetrating eye is of a dark-gray. His complexion, as well as that of his family, is fair for an Abyssinian, and indeed he sometimes makes it his boast that he is descended from white people, — a circumstance which the great anti- quity of his race renders by no means improbable. From the nature of his pursuits, it was not to be expected that his habits should have been distinguished by a very rigid morality. But the Ras, a little time before Mr. Coffin left the country, when he had become settled in his govern- ment, began to devote his thoughts seriously to religious subjects. He dismissed all his wives with a handsome pro- vision, except the daughter of Hilier Mariam whom he had recently married, and to confirm his promise of remaining * Pearce, vol. ii. p. 84. NUBIA AND ABYSSINIA. 129 faithful to her received the sacrament at the church of Axurn. The last accounts obtained from Abyssinia left Subegadis preparing for a march to Gondar, to establish his power in that quarter of the country ; and, as nearly all the principal chiefs in that neighbourhood were dead, and their armies dispersed, it is more than probable that he accomplished his purpose, and perhaps placed himself on the imperial throne.* Ayto Gualoo, the nominal sovereign of the empire, died in May, 1818, a short time before Pearce sailed for Egypt. He was succeeded by his brother Itsa Yoas, who was anointed and crowned on the 14th of June, under th"e pro- tection of the Ras Guxo, who thought fit to prefer him to all his nephews, the sons of the late monarch, who, says Pearce, " are a wild and wretched set." But as Subegadis rose to power through a different interest, it is very prob- able, as we have already suggested, that he may have de- posed King Yoas, and seized the sceptre either for his own hand or for that of some dependent prince whom he has been pleased to honour. Leaving the history of Abyssinia we return to the Valley of the Upper Nile, the annals of which acquire a peculiar interest at the very moment when all channels of informa- tion respecting the other are obstructed. We have else- where mentioned the expedition into Nubia and Sennaar under the command of Ishmael Pasha, whose steps we followed with the view of extending our geographical know- ledge of those remote countries. It was, we are told, the ambition of Mohammed Ali to possess all the banks and islands of the Egyptian river, and to be master of all who drink of its waters from its sources to the Mediterranean. His plans of conquest are said to have even comprehended Abyssinia ; but it is understood he relinquished his designs against that kingdom in consequence of a formal assurance that an attack on a Christian state so situated would prob- ably involve him with the British government. He there- fore determined to limit his conquests to Dongola, Dar- Sheygya, Berber, Shendy, Kordofan, Darfur, and Sennaar. The army, which amounted to about ten thousand men, included the natives of various countries, — Turks, both European and Asiatic, Arabs, Bedouins, and Moggrebins. * Pearce, vol. ii. p. 291. Note by Editor. 130 CIVIL HISTORY OF Departing from Cairo in the summer of 1820, Ishmael pur- sued his march without opposition to New Dongola, which he found evacuated by the Mamlouks, who had some months before retired to Shendy. He next advanced into the ter- ritory of the Sheygyans, a people famed for their love of liberty, and celebrated among the surrounding tribes as most vigilant and successful warriors. They acknowledged the authority of two chiefs or meleks, whose names were Shoous and Zibarra ; the former of whom ruled the king- dom of Merawe, while the latter exercised the sovereignty of the lower district, the capital of which is Hannech. After a vain attempt at negotiation the pasha resolved on an appeal to arms. The first skirmish appears to have taken place near Old Dongola, where Ishmael, some of his officers, and a few soldiers were suddenly attacked by those brave horsemen of the desert. The assailants were soon repulsed ; but a more serious action followed in the course of a few days in the vicinity of Korti, whither the Sheygyans had retreated. On this occasion the Egyptian commander had with him only six hundred cavalry, some mounted Be- douins, but no cannon. The enemy advanced to the charge with great fury, and uttering loud screams. The Arabs, who rode on dromedaries, and were indifferently armed, could not withstand the impetuosity of the onset. They were driven back on the main body in great disorder ; but at this critical moment the son of Mohammed Ali ordered his more regular troops to check the conquerors by a volley of carbines and pistols. The conflict was no longer doubt- ful. The barbarians fled in dismay, while such of them as fought on foot fell on their faces, holding their shields over their heads, and imploring mercy. Mr. Waddington relates, that the Sheygyans are singu- larly fearless in attack, and ride up to the very faces of their enemy with levity and gayety of heart as to a festival, or with joy as if to meet friends from whom they had been long separated. They then give the salami " peace be with you," — the peace of death which is to attend the lance that in- stantly follows the salutation : mortal thrusts are given and received with the words of love upon the lips. This con- tempt of life, this mockery of what is most fearful, is pecu- liar to themselves, — the only people to whom arms are play- things, and war a sport, — who among their enemies seek NUBIA AND ABYSSINIA. 131 nothing but amusement, and in death fear nothing but repose.* But the result of the affair at Korti appeared in the sub- mission of several of the inferior chiefs, and in the surrender of their strong-holds. The pasha continued his march into the province of Sheygya, where Melek Shoous had col- lected the whole force of the republic with the determina- tion of risking another battle. The position selected by the barbarian was extremely advantageous, and which, had there been no difference in the arms used by the contending hosts, would probably have secured to him a decisive victory. But the mass of peasantry whom he had dragged or induced into the field had no other weapons than lances, shields, and two-edged swords ; and they were placed in the front, rather to receive and exhaust the shot of the Egyptians, than to maintain any effectual resistance in the moment of attack. The pasha posted his troops parallel to the enemy, placing the greater part of his horsemen opposite to the open ground between the mountain and the river, and pushing the artil- lery a little in advance. The natives, uttering loud cries and brandishing their lances, rushed forward ; and many of the infantry, with no other arms than those already de- scribed, threw themselves upon the cannon, and were blown to atoms. The desperate courage of these wretched peasants, says the American officer, was astonishing ; they advanced more than once to the muzzles of the pieces, and wounded some of the artillerymen in the very act of loading them. But after feeling the effects of a few rounds, which dashed horse and man to pieces, they fled in dismay, leaving their foot- soldiers " to be rode over and shot down by our cavalry, who destroyed many hundreds of them in the pursuit. I say 1 shot down,' for the sabre was found an unavailing weapon, as these people are so adroit in the management of their shields that they parried every stroke. I have seen upon the field where this battle was fought several shields that had not less than ten or fifteen sabre-cuts, each lying upon the dead body of the man who carried it, and who had evidently died by two or three balls shot into him. The soldiers have told me that they had frequently to empty their carbine and pistols upon one man before he would fall." t * Travels, p. 98. t Narrative of Expedition, p. 84. 132 CIVIL HISTORY OF This unusual valour or military fanaticism has been as- cribed to an assurance given by the magicians, that the armies of Sheygya should prove invulnerable in the pres- ence of the invaders. These wizards supplied the men with heaps of consecrated dust, the sprinkling of which on their persons was to produce the desired effect ; and hence they advanced against the Egyptian line rather in the atti- tude of dancing than of fighting, with countenances express- ive of the utmost confidence and derision.* But being so miserably deceived by the charms in which they had been taught to put their trust, they inflicted a dreadful vengeance on the authors of them ; for their first act after the battle was to put to death the whole race of necromancers, and even to destroy the village where they dwelt. It is a singular fact that the pasha had not one man killed in this action, and only one officer and sixteen men wounded; and these, with scarcely any exception, in the back, the natural consequence of their manner of fighting. They discharge all their firearms, and then retire into the rear to reload, while the second and succeeding ranks are firing ; when loaded they advance again, and therefore, after the first round the whole is a scene of confusion. The Sheygya left six hundred men on the field of battle, and they were allowed to remain unburied w T here they fell. Nor did Melek Shoous and his cavalry discontinue their flight till they reached the territory of Shendy, leaving their numerous cas- tles, dependent villages, and a rich beautiful country, in the hands of the conqueror. Ishmael, it is said, exerted himself to save the flying enemy, and succeeded in preserving some of the infantry, chiefly Nubians ; being inhabitants of that part of Dongola which was tributary to the Sheygyans, and attached to their army perhaps more by force than from inclination. What- ever truth there may be in this statement, it is admitted by every historian of his campaign that he conducted himself with great genei-osity towards the daughter of the Melek Zibarra, who fell into his hands either in the field or while attempting to escape from her father's residence after the defeat. At all events his treatment of this barbarian prin- cess was very noble ; for when presented to him, though said to be young and beautiful, instead of availing himself * Life and Adventures of Giovanni Finati vol. ii. p. 374. NUBIA AND ABYSSINIA. 133 of the rights of conquest, he ordered her to be richly dressed, and a camel provided for her, and that she should be conducted back immediately to her parent. The latter, upon the first sight of her Egyptian ornaments, turned away his face and asked if she had submitted to be dishonoured ; but when she told him the truth, he embraced her, and seemed disposed to make no further resistance to the young victor, who had so wisely respected the domestic virtues.*" Resistance was soon subdued by the superior arms and discipline of the Turkish army. The cannon-shot, and more especially the destructive effects of the shells, taught the brave Sheygyans that courage alone could net save them from the bondage with which they were threatened. Yet even in this case, as Mr. Waddington remarks, their terrors were derived from their superstition. A shell was thrown into one of the castles, where it rolled and bounded from side to side, as if endowed with the fac- ulty of self-motion ; and the natives collecting around it, were much amused with its appearance until it burst and wounded several of them. Then they fled, exclaiming that the " spirits of hell were come against them, and were too strong for them." To the last they had no fear of man or his inventions ; but, astounded by the power and novelty of the means employed to destroy them, they came to the hopeless conclusion, that a supernatural agency of the most malignant kind had conspired with their mortal foes to complete their subjection. Cailliaud, in describing the conflict to which we now allude, maintains that the barbarians were drunk. Some of them, says he, threw themselves on the weapons of the enemy, holding in their hand a vessel full of an intoxicating liquor, and appeared as joyful as if employed at a feast. Others cast dust at the heads of the Turks, as a mark of their contempt ; while a third party saluted them as breth- ren and friends. t Perhaps the dust mentioned by the French traveller might be the charmed earth which the wiz- ards had prepared, as the means of securing to their coun- trymen a cheap and certain victory over their invaders. * " When our troops approached the casUe of Melek Zibarra, his daughter, a girl of about fifteen, fled in such haste that she dropped one of her sandals, which I have seen. It was a piece of workmanship as well wrought as any thing of the kind could be even in Europe." — Narrative, p; 85. 1 Voyage a Merue, tome U p: 58. M 134 CIVIL HISTORY OF The fury and avarice of the conquerors occasioned many atrocities which, it is maintained, their commander could not altogether prevent ; though the great number of ears and even of heads sent to Cairo indicate that his consent had accompanied some of the worst scenes which disgraced his triumph. Usage alone, says Cailliaud, could excuse the pasha for having encouraged so many frightful mutila- tions. Those shameful trophies were despatched by him to his father as a testimony of his brilliant success. Giovanni Finati, who, with the artist Linant employed by Mr. Bankes, followed the path of the Egyptian army, confirms beyond all question the remarks of Cailliaud. The exasperation of the soldiers at having been so gallantly op- posed, and their greediness of plunder or reward, drove them to horrible excesses and outrages ; so that it was no wonder that a single victory did not suffice, and that a high-spirited people continued to do all they could against their oppress- ors. The signs of this, he adds, were but two visible ; " for half the natives whom we met, many even of the women, were deprived of one or both of their ears, others mutilated in their limbs ; while bones and carcasses, and hovels that had been burnt, were everywhere to be seen by the way." The persecution seemed, in fact, to have been car- ried almost to extermination. The whole district was laid waste, and thereby reduced, at least for the time, to a sullen obedience. Before we leave the people of Sheygya we may repeat the tribute which has usually been bestowed on their hos- pitality and literature ; qualities hardly to be expected among tribes whose doom it was to live by their swords. Burckhardt assures us that they are renowned for their kind- ness to strangers, and that the person of their guest or com- panion is held sacred. If a traveller possesses a friend among them, and has been plundered on the road, his prop- erty will be recovered, even if it has been taken by the king himself. They all speak Arabic exclusively, and many of them write and read it. Their learned men are held in great respect by them ; they have schools, wherein all the sciences are taught which form the course of Mohammedan study, mathematics and astronomy excepted. " I have," says he, " seen books copied at Merawe, written in as fine a hand as that of the scribes of Cairo," They are also famous for NUBIA AND ABYSSINIA. 135 various kinds of manufactures especially for a superior de- scription of mat, in which they surpass all the natives of Mahass and Dongola.* We have elsewhere delineated the march of the pasha from Shendy to-the tenth degree of latitude ; describing his reception at Sennaar, and the various success which at- tended his exertions against the natives of the hill-country beyond El Querebyn and Fazoglo. After passing Dar- Sheygya he met no enemy who could oppose him in regular combat, although his progress *was occasionally checked by the mountaineers in the east and south, whose rocks he in- vaded in search of gold. In regard to Ibrahim, his brother, who commanded the army whose object it was to explore the unknown regions on the banks of the Bahr el Abiad, we are not in possession of any more minute details than were communicated to Cailliaud by M. Asphar, a Coptic surgeon who had accom- panied the expedition. We learn generally, that after a march of fourteen days from the Bahr el Azrek, or Nile of Abyssinia, the troops under Toussoun Bey arrived at Dinka, a town situated on the White River, about the eleventh de- gree of latitude, or nearly in the parallel of Fazoglo. As to the manners and usages of the inhabitants, we find not that they differ materially from those of the tribes farther to the north. The stream is described as being very broad at that point ; but its precise dimensions are not stated by the phy- sician, whose curiosity did not extend to such matters. Upon inquiry, the natives assured the Turks that the ne- groes who possess the countries beyond them are cannibals, and employ poisoned arrows in battle ; and that on the western side of the river there are other negroes, called Shillooks, not less barbarous. Having spent eight days at the town already mentioned, the troops returned by the way of EI Querebyn to Sennaar, which they reached some time before the division under Ishmael had concluded their cam- paign in the neighbourhood of Singueh. The long absence of the army, added to a succession of unfavourable rumours that were circulated by the disaf- fected, had disposed some of the chiefs near the junction of the rivers to make an attempt to throw off the yoke which *Burckhardt's, Travels, p. 65, 136 CIVIL HISTORY OF had been so violently imposed. Certain examples of se- verity, deemed necessary by the pasha, contributed also not a little to inflame their minds. But the following occurrence accelerated the rupture, and paved the way for the melan- choly fate which terminated the career of Ishmael. With the view of raising a supply of provisions or money, he in- sisted on Nimir, the tributary melek of Shendy, to meet his cousin, who ruled on the opposite bank, with whom he had been some time at variance, and into whose company he had made a vow never to enter. This excuse, however, was treated with disdain, and he .was commanded to attend. The melek reluctantly complied ; but when a large demand was made on his territory, he boldly observed that the whole country was ruined, and could not possibly meet such a claim. The pasha checked him with great haughtiness, and even struck him across the face with his pipe. A com- mon interest and offended pride now reconciled the cousins, and made them act in concert with equal promptitude and secrecy. Ishmael's quarters were at Shendy, though this fatal conference had taken place on the opposite bank, where his retinue and guard were very small, occupying merely a few huts and tents. There was indeed a detachment of troops at no great distance ; but it was agreed between the confederates that, while Nimir should attack the pasha and his personal attendants, the other should fall upon the sol- diers, or at least keep them in check. That very night, accordingly, each of them contrived to collect a considerable force ; and no sooner did the melek hear the firing begin at Mettamat, where the advanced guard was stationed, than he slew the sentinels who surrounded the cottage where their commander slept, and immediately heaped up a pile of straw and brush-wood, which he set on fire. Alarmed by the dreadful situation in which he found himself placed, Ish- mael sprang to his feet, and seizing a sabre endeavoured to force his way through the flames ; but Nimir, who longed for the opportunity of wiping away the stain which had been inflicted on his honour, was ready to strike the blow, and slew him with his own hand. Surprise on the one part, and ferocity on the other, afforded little time for resistance ; and in a brief space, accordingly, not a single Egyptian soldier was left alive in Shendy or the neighbouring districts. Cailliaud, who had already left the country, was supplied NUBIA AND ABYSSINIA. 137 ■with some details relative to this tragical event. He tells us that the Pasha's medical officer, a native of Greece, was spared at the first, but only that he might afterward be subjected to a more cruel death. The barbarians began by- extracting all his teeth, which they divided among the several chiefs of the province, who sewed them carefully in little leather bags to wear on their persons as a species of amulet ; for, in the opinion of these superstitious people, the possessor of a physician's tooth has no malady to fear. Having completed this cruel operation, they deprived their victim of life. The ruler of Egypt, informed of the unhappy destiny which had befallen his favourite Ishmael, gave orders to Mohammed Bey, his daughter's husband, who was then serving in Kordofan, to inflict on the people of Shendy a suitable punishment for their treachery. Nimir and his accom- plices had indeed taken flight, and sought refuge in Darfur ; but the great body of his subjects, who were necessarily ignorant of the plot, could not remove themselves from the fury of the avenger. Nor did the son-in-law of Ali, who was noted for cruelty of disposition, fail to discharge with the utmost punctuality the office which was intrusted to him. Passing the White River, he marched by Sennaar into Shendy, where he found innumerable, victims to sacrifice to the manes of the murdered general. His excessive rigour, however, produced the effect which always arises from a similar policy. An insurrection took place in all the con- quered districts, from Singueh to the Lower Nubia, which not only weakened the influence of Eg} 7 pt among the native rulers, but has created additional obstacles either to a suc- cessful negotiation or to a permanent conquest.* Mohammed Ali has not since made any further attempt on the countries beyond the Cataracts. His expectations as to gold and precious stones were entirely disappointed ; while in regard to slaves, whether for domestic purposes or for recruits to his black regiments, he finds that there is greater economy in dealing with the traders from Kordofan and Darfur, than in sending an expedition of ten thousand soldiers into their perilous deserts. The affairs of Greece and of Syria have now more importance in his eyes ; and * Cailliaud, tome iii. p. 337 ; Giovanni Finati, vol. ii. p. 418. M2 138 ARCHITECTURAL MONUMENTS OF Ibrahim, whose health gave way under the parching sun and pestilential exhalations of Sennaar, has since distinguished his military talents in the fields of the Morea, under the walls of the celebrated Ptolemais, and on the plains of Damascus. CHAPTER IV. Architectural Monuments of Nubia and Abyssinia. Rule for determining the Antiquity and Filiation of ancient States— Con- nexion between Egypt, Ethiopia, and India — Excavated Temples — Girshe, Seboua, and Derr— Different Orders of Architecture— Temple of Osiris at Ebsamboul — Labours of Belzoni, Irby, and Mangles— Mag- nificence of Interior, and Description of the various Halls— Dis coveries of Mr. Bankes — Visit of Delturdar Bey — Sir F. Henniker — Temple of Isis— Cave of Elephanta— Temples of Salsette and Ellora— Comparison with those of Ethiopia — Temples of Soleb, of Kalatshe, and Dondour— Opinion of Gau— Mixed Greek and Egyptian Forms — Gebel el Berkal —Principal Temple there — Pyramids —El Belial- Progress in the Arts— Succession of Buildings — Meroe" - Bruce, Strabo, Cailliaud — Assour — Pyramids — M. Riippel — Naga and Messoura — Large Temple — Opinion of M. Heereu — Of Cailliaud — Ruins at Mandeyr and Kely-^-Conslitufion of Government at Meroe— Its Ter- mination—Remains at Ax um -Obelisk — Errors of Bruce — Corrections by Salt— Axum Inscription— Adulis — Inscription— Cosmas— Reference to Dr. Vincent— Luxor and Kamac — Sacred Ship— Bond of Religion — Lineage of the Gods— Hebrew Tribes— Decline of Learning in Ethiopia. In the absence of written records, there can be no doubt that the arts, more especially those which are connected with religion, are our best guide in tracing the affiliation and relative antiquity of early nations. Various circumstances, it is acknowledged, constantly interfere to diminish the ac- curacy of all such calculations as have no other basis, and to weaken our confidence in the most cautious inferences to which we are led by the researches of the mere archaeologist. This ambiguity applies in a particular manner to the de- ductions of authors respecting the period during which any class of monuments may be supposed to have been erected. NUBIA AND ABYSSINIA. 139 But it will not be denied, at the same time, that wherever we find a striking similarity in the works, the habits, the opinions, and the taste of ancient communities, we may safely admit the conclusion that there must have been some intercourse between them. Proceeding on this broad principle, every one who has examined the remains of Eastern kingdoms has been struck with the conviction that the people of Egypt, of Nubia, and of India have derived their notions of religious architecture from the same source. In all the three countries are beheld similar excavations in the living rock, carried to an immense extent, and decorated with colossal figures ; huge masses of building raised above ground, and displaying a profusion of statuary and carving ; and also those monolithic shrines, or chambers cut out in a single stone, which seem to defy all the mechanical powers that modern invention has supplied to the arts. That the land of the Pharaohs was indebted to Ethiopia for the rudiments, and perhaps even for the finished patterns, of architectural skill, is no longer questioned by any writer whose studies have qualified him to form a judgment. Gau, whose splendid work on Nubia has ac- complished every thing which the antiquary could desire, hesitates not to maintain as one of his first principles, that the country just named was the cradle of Egyptian archi- tecture, and that its monuments embrace the whole period during which this art flourished in the latter. In other words, he states that all the architecture of Egypt has its types in the buildings of Nubia, from the first rude effort to cut a temple in the rock to the construction of those de- tached edifices which were afterward erected under the government of the Greeks and Romans.* When we consider the troglodyte habits of the natives in all hot climates, the eagerness with which, by retiring into caverns, they shun the alternate plagues of the solar beams and the drenching rain, we shall not be surprised to learn that they prepared, in similars recesses, a dwelling for their gods, and a convenient asylum for the rites of their religion. At a later period, when they began to enjoy the blessings of security and wealth, and had opened their minds to the sentiments of taste, they appear to have added to their ex- * Gau's Nubia, Preface. British Museum, p. 130. 140 ARCHITECTURAL MONUMENTS OF cavated temples the ornament of a portico, a propylon, and sometimes even to have hewn down the face of the moun- tain itself into the form of a splendid building. The progress of a corresponding refinement has been traced both in India and Nubia. We may distinguish, says Gau, in the archi- tectural history of this period three great epochs ; the first comprehends the temples cut in the sides of hills ; the second those which are detached from the rock-cut chambers, but retain the colossal masses of the primitive type ; and the third embraces the small edifices of Maharraga, Gartaas, Dondour, and several structures in Egypt. In laying before our readers some account of the monu- ments, which continue to perpetuate the genius and power of the ancient inhabitants of the Upper Nile, we shall follow the line of research suggested by the distinguished author to whom we have just referred, and describe them according to the simplicity of their formation, which, under the light they are now contemplated, is equivalent to their comparative age. We may however remark in the outset, that although Gau, as a professional writer, has the merit of reducing to scientific principles the distinguishing features of the several orders of building, the notion of measuring their relative antiquity by a reference to the simplicity of their structure had suggested itself to other authors on more general grounds. Waddington, for example, discovered at Gebel el Berkal two temples, which, from being excavated in the solid rock and having only their exterior chambers formed of masonry, resemble those of Girshe, Seboua, and Derr. The smaller of the two has six halls or apartments, five of which are cut in the body of the mountain ; while the other, which constitutes the entrance, and is thirty-six feet square, stands on an artificial stone foundation, by means of which it is elevated to the height of the rock wherein the former are hollowed out. For the dimensions of the temple and of its subordinate parts we refer to the original work, where they appear to be given with much accuracy. It is necessary however to observe, that near the adytum, or sacred shrine, there are figures of Jupiter Ammon and of Horus. There are vestiges of hieroglyphics, too, in all the chambers. On the whole, the learned author concludes, from the plainness of the masonry, from the rudeness and decay of the re- maining sculptures, and from the raggedness and decompo- NUBIA AND ABYSSINIA. 141 sition of the walls, though they had been sheltered probably for ages by the solid rock from the sun and wind, that this is older than any' of the temples of Egypt or even of Xubia.* Burckhardt visited the ruined structure at Seboua ; be- fore which, he tells us, is a propylon similar to that of Gorne at Thebes. The pronaos has five columns without capitals on each of its longest sides : in front of each, and joined to it, is a colossal figure (like those at Gorne) sixteen feet in height, having the arms crossed upon the breast, with the flail in one hand and the crosier in the other. Opposite to the entrance there lies on the ground a huge statue, the head and bust of which are buried in the sand : it probably stood on the side of the gate, like the colossi at Luxor ; it is a male figure, and in the same attitude as those on the facade of the temple of Isis at Ebsamboul. In front of the propylon, and about thirty yards distant from it, are two statues ten feet in height, and seven paces from each other ; their faces are towardsthe river, and they are attached by the back to a stone pillar of equal elevation ; they are rudely executed, proportion being so little observed that the ears are half the length of the head ; they both wear the high bonnet, and represent unbearded males. An avenue of sphinxes leads from the bank to the temple ; but the greater part of them are now buried. Four remain by the side of the two last- mentioned statues, differing from each other in shape and size, but all having the bodies of lions with the heads of young men, and the usual narrow beard under the chin. " The whole fabric appears to be of the remotest antiquity, and to have been imitated by the more modern architects of Egypt ; for the propylon and the pronaos, with its colossal figures, are found at Gorne on a larger scale ; the two statues in advance of the propylon are the miniatures of those in front of the Memnonium ; and the sphinxes are seen at Karnac."t The sculptures, as well from the friable nature of the stone as from their great age, are much obliterated ; but a Briareus with two bodies may still be distinguished on the outside wall of the propylon. A similar remark applies to the rock-cut temple of Derr, on which the same repre- sentation is seen ; the pattern, as it would appear, for those * Journal of a Visit to some Parts of Ethiopia, p. 169. t Travels, p. 90. 142 ARCHITECTURAL MONUMENTS OF more magnificent labours of the statuary which adorn the ruins at Luxor and Edfou. It is deserving of notice, how- ever, that the excavated fane at Derr has no construction in front like that of Gebel el Berkal ; no outer chambers, or pronaos, or propylon, formed of stone and mortar. It shows, says Gau, in its marks of age, and in the imperfection of its execution, traces of the highest antiquity, and of the infancy of the art. This infant state is easily recognised in all parts of the architecture, and in the remnants of the primitive sculpture ; as, for example, the statues with their barks to the pillars of the pronaos, and that in the niche of the sanc- tuary, which is a portion of the solid rock. The bas-reliefs of the interior walls show, on the contrary, the progress which the arts made in the interval between the commence- ment and the completion of this excavation. In fact, it appears that this, which is certainly one of the oldest monu- ments in Lower Nubia, contains in itself a -history of the gradual improvement of architecture and sculpture as ap- plied to sacred places. Here, as elsewhere, the procession of the ship is exhibited on the walls of the adytum ; an emblem to which we shall hereafter call the attention of the reader, as being connected at once with the ancient current of population, andwith the origin of many of the religious opinions that were common to Egypt and Ethiopia. The temple of Girshe evidently belongs to the more simple order of structures, and indicates a very imperfect condition of all the arts connected with architecture. There is a portico, consisting of five square columns on each side, cut out of the rock, with a row of circular ones in front con- structed of - several blocks, and which originally supported an entablature. Of these only two remain. Before each of the square-sided columns stands a colossal statue of sandstone about eighteen feet high, holding a flail in one hand, the other hanging down. They all represent male figures, with the narrow beard under the chin, and the high sphinx-cap on the head ; the shoulders being covered with hieroglyphical inscriptions. On both sides of the portico is an open alley hewn in the rock, from whence, perhaps, the materials of the first colonnade were taken. The pronaos, which is entered from the portico by a large gate, is eighteen paces square, and contains two rows, three in each, of im- mense columns or rather props, for they are without capi- NUBIA AND ABYSSINIA. 143 tals, measuring five feet by seven in the plan. In front of each of these is a colossal figure more than twenty feet in height, representing the usual juvenile character, with the corn measure or bonnet on his head, the hands crossed upon the breast, and holding the flail and crosier. All those statues are rudely executed ; the outlines of their bodies being very incorrect, and their legs mere round blocks ; yet they had a striking effect in this comparatively small apart- ment. " Indeed," says Burckhardt, " accustomed as I had been to the grandeur of Egyptian temples, of which I had examined so many incomparable specimens, I was neverthe- less struck with admiration on entering this gloomy pronaos, and beholding these immense figures standing in silence before me. They immediately recalled to my memory the drawings I had seen of the caves near Surat and other Indian excavated temples, which in many respects bear a strong resemblance to those of Nubia. On the side-walls of the pronaos are four recesses or niches, in each of which are three statues of the natural size, representing the dif- ferent symbolical male and female figures which are seen on the walls of the temples of Egypt. The centre figures are generally clothed in a long dress, while the others are naked. All these, as well as the colossi, are covered with a thick coat of stucco, and had once been painted ; they must then have had a splendid appearance. A door leads from the pronaos into the cella, in the middle of which are two massy pillars, and on either side a small apartment, which was probably a place of sepulture ; in the floor of each are high stone benches which may have served for supporting mummies, or perhaps as tables for embalming the bodies deposited in the temple. Of the sculpture and hieroglyphics with which the walls of this temple were covered very little is now discernible, the sandstone being of a very friable nature and soon falling to decay. Added to this, the walls are quite black with smoke from the fires kindled by the neighbouring shepherds, who often pass the night in the temple with their cattle ; enough, however, still remains to show that the sculptures are rudely executed. The colossal figures are in good preservation, particularly those of the pronaos."* * Burckhardt's Travels, p. 99, 100. 144 ARCHITECTURAL MONUMENTS OF We need hardly observe that this is the same place which by other travellers is called Guerfeh Hassan, or Gwersh Hassan, and is described with much minuteness in several of their works. Sir F. Henniker says of it, — "Here is an excavation in the mountain, on entering into which the astonishment and delight that seizes your mind is equal to that which would be felt on entering a room twice as high as rooms generally are, and in which stand six giants three times as tall as a tall man. They are drawn up in line, three on either side, but do not improve upon examination ;. for they are so ill-proportioned, that they appear to have been made by a stonecutter's journeyman rather than by a sculp- tor ; the ankle is thirty-three inches in circumference, but the foot is only a yard long, and from the sole to the knee it is scarcely more."* But of all the temples belonging to the class of excava- tions that of Ebsamboul is by far the most striking. The desert in the course of centuries had so completely over- whelmed it with sand, that nothing more appeared to the eye of the traveller through Nubia than the bust of one of the colossal figures which were placed in front of the entrance. The dimensions of this statue were, however, so great as to excite a deep feeling of curiosity among all who examined it. Finati, who was in the service of Mr. Bankes, relates, that when he stood upon a level with the necklace he could hardly reach the beard, while one of the sailors climbed and sat across upon the ear ; yet the countenance, he adds, seen at its proper distance, appeared very beautiful. At a later date a party, consisting of Mr. Belzoni, Captains Irby and Mangles, Giovanni himself, who attended in character of janizary, and two. servants, undertook to re- move the sand, so far at least as to ascertain whether there were a door or any other access to the interior. They at first relied upon the assistance of the natives, who willingly entered into terms ; but the increasing fatigue, the hopeless nature of the undertaking, and perhaps other motives which were never very distinctly understood, induced them to break their engagement. If our travellers neglected the means of attracting and conciliating the people, they proved at least that they knew admirably well how to make shift * Notes during a Visit, p. 154. NUBIA AND ABYSSINIA. 145 without them ; for no sooner was ail external aid withdrawn, than with a zeal and spirit, and a perseverance not to be ex- ceeded, the}' undertook at a very hot season of the year, and with a scanty supply of necessaries, to complete the labour in their own persons. They continued working day after day in the sand, from sunrise till after dark, relieving each other in turn every four hours, and stripping to the skin for the exertion. Some of the number, says Finati, and espe- cially the two captains, did each with -his own hands the work often Nubians.* Alluding to the scanty supply of food amid their unremit- ting toil, he remarks, that " one of the expedients resorted to for driving us to desist or forcing us to terms was to starve us out of the place, and in consequence little or nothing was brought thither for sale ; it was very rare that we had any meat during all our slay, and no milk or butter latterly, so that we were frequently reduced to a meal or two of dhoura corn boiled in water, with occasionally a glass of date-brandy after it." After a continuance of these exertions and privations up- wards of three weeks, a corner of the doorway at length became visible. At that very moment, when fresh clamours and new disputes were going on with the natives, Finati, being the slenderest of the party, crept through into the in- terior, and was thus perhaps, as he himself remarks, the first that entered it for a thousand years. Unlike all the other grottoes in Egypt and Nubia, its atmosphere, instead of pre- senting'a refreshing coolness, was a hot and damp vapour, resembling that of a Turkish bath, and so penetrating, that paper soon became as much saturated with moisture as if it had been dropped into the river. It was, however, a con- soling as well as an unexpected circumstance, that the run of sand extended but a very little inside the door, while the remainder of the chambers were all clear and unencumbered. The first impression convinced them that it was evidently a very large place ; but their astonishment increased when they found it to be one of the most magnificent of temples, enriched with beautiful intaglios, paintings, and colossal figures. The pronaos is fifty-seven feet long and fifty-two wide, supported by two rows of square pillars in a straight * Life and Adventures, vol, il. p. 201. N 146 ARCHITECTURAL MONUMENTS OF line from the front to the door of the sekos. Each pillar has a figure not unlike those of Medinet Abou, finely executed, and very little injured by time. The tops of their turbans reach the ceiling, which is about thirty feet high ; the pillars are five feet and a half square. Both these and the walls are covered with splendid carvings, the style of which is somewhat superior, or at least bolder, than that of any in Egypt, not only in the workmanship, but also in the sub- jects. They exhibit battles, storming of castles, triumphs over enemies, and numerous sacrifices. Some of the colours are much injured by the close and heated atmo- sphere, the temperature of which was so great that the ther- mometer must have risen to a hundred and thirty degrees. The second hall is about twenty-two feet high, thirty- seven wide, and twenty-five and a half long. It contains four pillars more than three feet square ; and the walls are also covered with fine hieroglyphics in pretty good preserva- tion. Beyond this is a shorter chamber, but of the same width, in which is the entrance into the sanctuary. At each end of it is a door leading into smaller apartments in the same direction with the adytum, each eight feel by seven. The sanctuary itself is twenty-three feet long and twelve feet broad. It presents a pedestal in the centre, and at the end four colossal figures in a sitting posture ; all in good order, not having been mutilated by any violent means. On the right side of the great hall, entering into the temple, are two doors at a short distance from each other, which lead into two separate rooms ; the first thirty-nine feet in length and eleven and a half wide ; the other forty- eight feet and a half by thirteen feet three inches. At the end of the former are several unfinished hieroglyphics, of which some, though merely sketched, give fine ideas of their manner of drawing. At the lateral corners of the entrance from the first into the second chamber are doors, each of which conducts into an apartment twenty-two feet and a half long and ten feet broad. These rooms open into others, forty-three feet in length and eleven feet wide. But the most remarkable subjects in this temple are a group of captive Ethiopians in the western corner ; the hero killing a man with his spear, another lying slain under his feet ; and the storming of a castle in the vicinity. The outside or external front is truly magnificent. It is a NUBIA AND ABYSSINIA. 147 hundred and seventeen feet wide and eighty-six feet high ; the space from the top of the cornice to the top of the door being sixty-six feet six inches, and the dimensions of the door itself twenty feet. There are four enormous colossal figures in the attitude of sitting ; the largest indeed in Nubia or Egypt, except the great sphinx at the Pyramids, to which they approach in the proportion of nearly two- thirds. From the shoulder to the elbow they measure fif- teen feet six inches ; the ears three feet six inches ; the face seven feet ; the beard five feet six inches : across the shoulders twenty-five feet four inches : their height is about fifty-one feet, not including the caps, which are about four- teen. On the top of the door is a statue of Osiris twenty feet in length, with two colossal hieroglyphic figures, one on each side, looking towards the god. The temple has, besides a cornice with hieroglyphics, a torus and a frieze under it ; the first is six feet broad, the last four feet. Above the cornice is a row of sitting monkeys, (wenty-one in number, which are eight feet high and six across the shoulders. Belzoni remarks that it must have had a fine landing-place, now buried under the sand ; adding, that it is the best and largest temple excavated in the solid rock in Nubia between the first and second cataracts, or even in Egypt.* Finati states that the floors of all the apartments were covered over with a very black and fine dust, which, ob- serving its resemblance to the remains of decayed lintels in most of the doorways, he conjectured to be pulverized wood. He observes also, that in the great hall there were eight colossal statues standing, four on a side, which seemed to bear the ceiling on their heads. There were found in it two detached figures of lions with faces of birds, which were dragged out for the purpose of being transmitted to Mr. Salt, with some other loose pieces of statuary collected in the several chambers ; some of these to the right and left being less finely painted than the principal one, and appearing to have been devoted to sepulchral uses. The labour of taking plans and measurements, and some views as well as sketches from historical subjects delineated on the walls, occupied Mr. Beechey a few days ; after which * Belzoni's Narrative, vol. i. p. 330. 148 ARCHITECTURAL MONUMENTS OF the party, who still found the utmost difficulty in obtaining provisions, descended the Nile.* At a subsequent period Mr. Bankes visited Ebsamboul ; on which occasion, says his faithful janizary, was achieved a still greater labour, being no less than the uncovering of one of the four colossal sitting figures down to the very feet ; for in the excavation which took place under the auspices of Belzoni, the disinterring of the statues was not accomplished lower than the waist, the doorway in the centre being then the sole aim and object. For this new purpose, therefore, the number of men employed was very great, and almost three weeks were devoted to it. When the work was finished the effect was unusually striking, from the complete preservation in which every part of this enormous statue was found ; and attendant figures, also larger than life, were brought into view, one between the ieet, and one at each extremity of the chair, A few letters scratched on the surface of the legs had, from the antiquity which he was disposed to ascribe to their form, excited Mr. Bankes's curiosity so much, that, judging it likely that the limbs of the_ colossus which was nearest to the door would furnish the best examples, he undertook to pursue the inquiry farther. But to accomplish this object it was necessary so far to undo what had been done, that the sand was rolled down again on much of that statue which had been uncovered, in order to lay bare what was wanting of the adjoining figure ; the distance from the river being too great to get rid of the dust altogether without a greater expenditure of time and labour than he could afford. Within three or four days, not- withstanding, a large and long inscription began to make its appearance, and to show itself above the surface by de- grees ; yet it lay so deep, and the position was so awkward for opening it, that it was a work of difficulty and contri- vance to obtain the last line, which was only at length brought about by consolidating the sand with immense quan- tities of water poured upon it. The discovery, however, which delighted all who were concerned in making it, was considered an ample recompense for the toil.f " Life and Adventures, vol. ii. p. 208. t The inscription, Mr. Bankes informs us, relates to the king Psam- meticus. and is certainly among the very earliest extant in the Greek language. NUBIA AND ABYSSINIA. 149 But as soon as the writing was copied, the inferior part of the statue was again covered by the sand, which became dry and ran down. The next task was to clear the fourth colossal head, — which had never before emerged above the surface, — for the sake of making a general drawing of the whole ; and the exterior was thus left greatly disencumbered for travellers who might come after, as the level of the drift was lowered many feet throughout its whole extent, espe- cially where it encroaches with the greatest weight upon the front. The inside of the temple, meanwhile, was lighted up every day, and almost all day long, with from twenty to fifty small wax candles fixed upon clusters of palm-branches, which, being attached to upright poles, spread like the arms of a chandelien more than half-way to the ceiling. This enabled Mr. Bankes and the other draughtsmen to copy all the paintings in detail as they stood, almost naked, upon their ladders.* While the party were so busied within and without, it happened that the Defturdar Bey, son-in-law of Mohammed Ali, and governor of the upper country, came to investigate on the spot how far the second cataract was practicable for boats, preparatory to the expedition against Dongola and Sennaar, then secretly in contemplation. He stopped, in passing, to pay his compliments to Mr. Bankes, when he was induced to creep into the temple. He was much as- tonished to find so many lights burning, and so many hands employed in such an atmosphere, for purposes which he could not comprehend, and which it was in vain to endeavour to explain to him, for he always returned to the question, " What treasures have they found ]"t It is rather unpleasant to reflect, that the labour bestowed at Ebsamboul was not attended with any permanent effects ; for the winds of the desert, and the natural lubricity of sand, soon rendered the approach to the temple nearly as difficult as before. When Sir F. Henniker visited that country, about two years afterward, the doorway was cov- ered up, and the natives informed him that it would require the services of thirty men for twelve days to effect an en- trance. " To prove that they are not to be believed," says * Life and Adventures of Giovanni Finati, vcl. ii. p. 314. t Ibid O 317 N2 150 ARCHITECTURAL MONUMENTS OF he, " I forced in a pole ; round this I wound a sheet, and having spread another on the surface of the sand to prevent it from flowing down upon us, we succeeded after seven hours' exertion in constructing a kind of wind-sail or chim- ney. By means of this I entered, and immediately beheld eight majestic statues, whose size when compared with that of man, and still more magnified by the dimness that sur- rounds them, calls upon me to corroborate the reports in favour of this temple above all others. Ebsamboul is the ne plus ultra of Egyptian labour, and is in itself an ample recompense for my journey. There is no temple of either Dendera, Thebes, or Philse that can be put in competition with it ; and I am well contented to finish my travels in this part with having seen the noblest monument of anti- quity that is to be found on the banks of the Nile."* The fane now described is distinguished as the temple of Osiris ; for it is well known that there are two at a very short distance from each other, the smaller of which is dedicated to Isis, whose name it usually bears. This, as well as the other, is entirely excavated in the sandstone rock, the front of which has been hewn down, and three statues cut out of it ornament either side of the door. These six gigantic figures are sculptured in relief, standing erect, with their arms hanging stiffly down. Beneath each hand is also an upright statue seven feet in height, which does not however reach above the knees of its principal. The part of the rock which has been smoothed for the face of the temple is a hundred and eleven feet long. The de- vices begin on the north side, with a human figure extending his right hand, armed with an instrument like a sickle, to- wards Osiris, who is seated. Before him is a table of hiero- glyphics well executed, probably expressing the object of his application to the divinity. The next ornament is a colossal statue of about thirty feet, wrought in a deep niche of the precipice ; it is standing, and two tall feathers rise up from the middle of the headdress, with the globe or moon on each side. In a projection of the rock, shaped like a buttress and covered with hieroglyphics, is a colossal statue of Isis carved in high relief. The dress of the head is lofty, and enclosed, as usual, between two horns : the hair * Notes during a Visit to Egypt, &c. p. 160. NUBIA AND ABYSSINIA. „ 151 falls on each shoulder in a round mass ; the left hand is brought across the breast, and holds something like a mace. Then comes a similar projection in the cliff, covered also with hieroglyphics, followed by another niche, in which is a statue more massy than either of the other two, and of large dimensions. The sides of the door are in like manner crowded with hieroglyphics, over which are seated Oiiris and the hawk-headed deity. On each side of the passage in entering offerings are presented to Isis, who holds in her hand the lotus-headed sceptre, surrounded with numerous inscriptions and emblems. Near to a prie6t of Amnion sits a most miserable palsied figure, the very victim of terror ; he holds a feeble scourge in his hand, and is paiuted red ; the other figures are yellow. Close to him there.is a table loaded with sacred gifts, which are offered to a hero or a god, who has his hand extended towards the other in a most threatening attitude. The six columns in the middle of the chamber are also covered with hieroglyphics, and representations of the ram-headed, the hawk-headed, the ibis-headed deity, together with the lion-headed goddess or Isis, all with the globe or moon over them. The capitals of the columns are human heads, and are adorned with nu- merous hieroglyphics. In the second chamber similar figures, inscriptions, and devices present themselves. Much interesting sculpture also is lavished upon this as well as upon the third apartment, a great part of which is well executed ; and in a niche at the upper end of the latter is seated a small statue of Nephthe the wife of Typhon.* This temple, which is only a few yards from the brink of the river, and about twenty feet above the present level of is water, has been much more completely examined than the larger one, because its approach is at all times free from sand. The front is ninety-one feet long; the depth of the excavation, measured from the door to the extremity of the adytum, is seventy-six feet. A number of ovals, or car- touches, as they are called by Champollion, containing the name and prsenomen of Harnesses the Great, are cut in sev- eral places of the square border that encloses the front of * Travels along the Mediterranean and Parts Adjacent. By Rob Richardson, M.D., vol. i. p. 426. 152 ARCHITECTURAL MONUMENTS OF the temple like a frame, and on the buttresses between the colossal figures. Gau remarks, " that this facade, though cut in the mountain, displays very distinctly the general character of the great propyla, of which it presents the ori- ginal form in bas-relief. We easily recognise the outline of each of the two parts of the propylon with the, doorway between them, and the appendage of the statues, which are so cut out of the rock as to differ in no respect from the colossi, which at a later period were placed in front of the propyla. The interior is in good preservation, with the ex- ception of the statue in the recess of the sanctuary, and it is richly adorned with painted bas-reliefs. The principal colour of the figures is yellow ; the ceiling is blue, a fa- vourite tint for that purpose among the Egyptians ; and a border of three colours runs all round."* Every reader is aware that, between the order of religious houses now delineated and a similar class in India, the re- semblance is so great as to have suggested to many eastern antiquaries the notion of a common origin, as well in regard to the mythology as the principles of architecture. Of all the excavated temples in Hindostan, that in the island of Elephanta is the best known in this part of the world, having been frequently described by European travellers. " The entrance into it," says Mr. Erskine, " is by a spacious front, supported by two massy pillars and two pilasters, forming three openings under a thick and steep rock over- hung by brushwood and wild shrubs. The long ranges of columns that appear closing in perspective on every side ; the flat roof of solid rock that seems to be prevented from falling only by the massy pillars, whose capitals are pressed down and flattened, as if by the superincumbent weight ; the darkness that obscures the interior of the temple, which is dimly lighted only by the entrances ; and the gloomy ap- pearance of the gigantic stone figures ranged along the wall, and hewn, like the whole temple, out of the living rock, joined to the strange uncertainty that hangs over the history of the place, — carry back the mind to distant pe- riods, and impress it with thaf kind of religious awe with which the grander works of ages of darkness are generally contemplated." * Gau's Nubia, p. 8. NUBIA AND ABYSSINIA. 153 " The whole excavation consists of three principal parts ; the great temple itself, which is in the centre, and two smaller chapels, one on each side of the great temple. These two chapels do not come forward into a straight line with the front of the chief temple, are not perceived on ap- proaching the temple, and are considerably in recess, being approached by two narrow passes in the hill, one on each side of the grand entrance, but at some distance from it. After advancing to some distance up these confined passes, we find each of them conduct to another front of the grand excavation, exactly like the principal front, which is first seen ; all the three fronts being hollowed out of the solid rock, and each consisting of two huge pillars with two pilasters. The two side fronts are precisely opposite to each other on the east and west, the grand entrance facing the north. The two wings of the temple are at the upper end of these passages, and are close by the grand excava- tion, but have no covered passage to connect them with it. " The great temple is about one hundred and thirty feet and a half long, measuring from the chief entrance to the farthest end of the cave, and one hundred and thirty-three feet broad from the eastern to the western entrance. It rests on twenty-six pillars (eight of them now broken) and sixteen pilasters ; and, neither the floor nor the roof being in one plane, it varies in height from seventeen and a half to fifteen feet. The plan is regular, there being eight pillars and pilasters in a line from the northern entrance to the southern entrance of the temple, and the same number from the eastern to the western entrances. The pillars, which all appear to run in straight lines parallel to each other and at equal distances, are crossed by other ranges running at right angles in the opposite direction ; they are strong and massy, of an order remarkably well adapted to their situa- tion and the purpose which they are to serve, and have an appearance of very considerable elegance. They are not all of the same form, but differ both in their size and orna- ments, though this difference also does not at first strike the eye. " The figure that faces the principal entrance is the most remarkable in this excavation, and has given rise to num- berless conjectures and theories. It is a gigantic bust rep- resenting some three-headed being, or three of the heads 154 ARCHITECTURAL MONUMENTS OF of some being to whom the temple may be supposed to be dedicated. One head faces the spectator, another looks to the right, the third to the left ; a fourth maybe imagined to be concealed behind. It may give some idea of its bulk to mention, that from the top of the cap of the middle figure to the bottom of the image is seventeen feet ten inches, while the horizontal curved line embracing the three heads at the height of the eyes is twenty-two feet nine inches in length. "Travellers have entertained very different ideas of the degree of genius and art displayed in this temple, and the figures around it ; some are disposed to rate them very high, and speak in rapturous terms of the execution and design of several of the compartments. To me it appears, that while the whole conception and plan of the temple is extremely grand and magnificent, and while the outline and disposition of the several figures indicate great talent and ingenuity, the execution and finishing of the figures in general (though some of them prove the sculptor to have great merit) fall below the original idea, and are often very defective. The figures have somewhat of rudeness and want of finish ; the proportions are sometimes lost, the at- titudes forced, and every thing indicates the infancy of the art, though a vigorous infancy. " Nothing presents itself in these excavations which can lead to a satisfactory solution of the important and curious question, In what age or by what dynasty was this vast temple completed 1 One fact is worthy of notice, that a greater number of magnificent cave temples present them- selves in a small space on this coast than are to be met with in any other part of India. The caves of Elephanta, those of Kenneri, Amboli, and some others on the island of Sal- sette, the fine cave of Carli, on the road by the Bor Ghaut to Poonah, the still more extensive and magnificent ranges at Ellora, not to mention some smaller cave-temples in the Concan and near the Adjanta pass, are all on Mahratta ground, and seem to show the existence of some great and powerful dynasty, which must have reigned many years to complete works of such labour and extent."*" * Account of the Cave-temple of Elephanta, by W. Erskine, Esq. in Transactions of the Literary Society of Bombay, vol. i. p. 210, 249. NUBIA AND ABYSSINIA. 155 We have indulged in this copious extract from an article which is in itself extremely interesting, to enable the reader to compare the excavated temple of Elephanta with those of Ebsamboul. The general plan is the same in both, — massy pillars, huge figures, emblematical devices, and mys- terious ornaments. The serpent and the lotus tend still further to identify the ancient superstitions to the uses of which those stupendous works were undertaken. But no tradition on which we can rely connects the spacious tem- ples of the Upper I\"ile with those of Western India, al- though there can be little doubt that, in remote ages, there was an intercourse more or less regular between their inhab- itants. Gau holds the opinion that the monuments of Hin- dostan are later in their origin than those of Nubia ; and we may remark, as in some degree confirmative of this no- tion, that one of the figures in the cave of Elephanta is described by Mr. Erskine as having thick lips, and bearing in other respects a resemblance to an African countenance. Conjecture on this subject, however, cannot possibly lead to any satisfactory result, because we do not yet possess such knowledge relative tp the architecture, the sculpture, and mythology of the East as would justify a decided con- clusion in regard to their precise objects. But the works now mentioned, as well as those which have been found in the neighbouring island of Salsette, are greatly surpassed by the excavations of Ellora in the province of Hydrabad. Here we have a granite mountain in the form of an amphitheatre, completely chiselled out from top to bottom, and filled with innumerable temples. To describe the galleries and columns which support various chambers lying one above another, the stairs, porticoes, and bridges over canals, also hewn out of the solid rock, would be im- possible. Suffice it to state, that the chief temple, called Kailasa, is entered under a balcony, after which we come to an antechamber 138 feet wide and 88 long, with many rows of pillars, and adjoining rooms which may have been apartments for pilgrims or the dwellings of the priests. From this chamber we pass through a great portico and over a bridge into an immense hall, 247 feet long and 150 broad, in the middle of which is the shrine, consisting of one mass of rock. This monolith itself measures 103 feet long and 56 wide, while it rises to the most surprising height of ] 56 ARCHITECTURAL MONUMENTS OF 100 feet in a pyramidal form. It is hollowed out to the height of 17 feet, and supported by four rows of pillars, with colossal elephants which seem to bear the enormous mass and give life and animation to the whole. From the roof of this stupendous sanctuary, which has a gallery of rock round it, bridges lead to other side arches which have not yet been explored. The whole mass besides is covered with sculptures.* A more minute comparison of the cave-temples of India with those excavated by the ancient Ethiopians would lead us away from our proper subject. We may venture to remark, however, that there are many points of resemblance between the pagodas of the former country and the regular structures of Egypt, all the parts of which are above ground. For example, the pyramidal entrance to the one is analogous to the propylon of the other, while the large-pillared rooms which support a roof of stone are found frequently in the edifices of both regions. Among the numerous divisions of the cave at Ellora, there is an upper story of the Dasavatara, or the temple of Vishnu's incarnations, the roof of which is supported by sixty-four square-based pillars, eight in each row. This chamber is about a hundred feet wide, and somewhat deeper ; and as to general design may be com- pared with the excavated chambers of Egypt, which are supported by square columns. The massy materials, the dark rooms, and the walls covered with highly-wrought sculptures ; and the tanks near the temple, with their en- closures of stone, and the steps for the pilgrims, are also equally characteristic of a pagoda and an Egyptian temple. To this we may add the high thick wall, of a rectangular form, carried all round the sacred spot. There is a further resemblance worth noticing between some of the Hindoo temples and that of Phtha at Memphis. The latter had four chief entrances, or propyla, turned to the cardinal points of the compass ; and this is also the case with the pagoda of Chillumbrum, and with another at Seringham. The first of these, according to Indian tradition, is one of the oldest in their country ; which opinion is confirmed by the ap- pearance of the principal temple contained within the walls ; but other parts, such as the pyramidal gateways, the highly- * British Museum, p. 182. NUBIA AND ABYSSINIA. 159 finished sculptures, and the chain festoons, must be the work of a later date. It seems probable, then, that this vast re- ligious edifice was the produce of many ages ; each adding something to enlarge and perfect the magnificent under- taking of former times. * It is rather hazardous, says the author on whose state- ments we now rely, to point out minor resemblances between Ethiopian and Hindoo buildings, when the latter are so im- perfectly represented. But one of Daniel's views exhibits an example of the latter in the background, which has a very Egyptian appearance. It is near Mahabalipoor. There are four pillars in front, the two extreme ones occu- pying the angles, and having behind them, in a right angle with the first row, three others, of which one indeed may be a pilaster. Thus the front row. and the side rows form a portico, which is covered over with flat stones, exactly in the fashion of the Nile. In the. centre of the wall, at the back part of the gateway, there appears to be ft door.t Leaving the rock-temples both in India and Nubia, over the history and design of which so dark a cloud is still sus- pended, we return to an examination of the more perfect class of structures ; the intermediate stage, it is probable, between the excavations just mentioned and the magnificent buildings of Karnac and Luxor. We have already described the ruins of Soleb, which present to the eye of the artist so many things worthy of his admiration, and belong, it has been justly concluded, to an advanced era in the architectural history of the Ethiopian tribes, f We therefore select the temple of Samne,"as an additional specimen of the style now alluded to, which we have also taken the further pains to illustrate by means of the annexed view from the west, supplied by a recent traveller. It is built, we are told, of sandstone, and differs in its shape from other Egyptian edifices, though it somewhat resembles in its plan the small chapel at Elephantine. It consists of a principal building about thirty-six feet in length and nine in width. On each side stood originally four small pillars, of which two remain on the one hand and three on the other;, one of the former has a polygonal shaft, tha x * British Museum, p..lS6. . t Ibid. p. 187. TSee page 30 of this volume. 160 ARCHITECTURAL MONUMENTS OF remainder being square ; they are fill covered with sculp tures, and the pillars are joined to the main building by blocks of stone, which serve as a roof to the vestibule. The inner walls of the apartment are adorned with hieroglyphics and mystic representation's of the divine worship. On both sides a long ship is delineated, with Osiris in it ; and the group of two figures resting their hands upon each other's shoulders is everywhere repeated. The roof is painted blue, and there are some remains of colour on several of the carvings. « Near the back-wall, opposite the main entrance, a statue about five feet in length lies on the floor, the head of which has been-cut off; the arms are crossed" upon the breast, while in one hand is the flail, and in the other the instrument usually called a crosier. On the outer wall Burckhardt dis- tinguished some figures of Mendes, the -Jupiter Amnion of the Greeks and later Egyptians. All the sculptures are rather coarsely executed ; and the lines dividing the com- partments wherein the hieroglyphics are cut are not straight, the effect either of intention or of great ignorance in the first principles of art. But it deserves notice, that the same remark applies to the architectural labours' of the Hindoos, in which there are .constant deviations from rectilinear position, -even in the arrangement of the finest columns. Some of the hieroglyphics on the pillars have evidently teen left unfinished, and those which, are - completed do not appear to have proceeded from the hand of a master. A part of the wall, too, seems to be of a date different from the rest, as it is constructed of stones, at once much larger and better hewn. There must, in fact, have been another similar building near this temple, for the capitals of many columns are scattered about on the ground, and there is a large block of granite covered with hieroglyphics, surrounded with heaps of rubbish. The structure itself is enclosed with ruined edifices, formed of brick, unquestionably of great antiquity, and covering the hill which overhangs the shore. It is concluded that they were places of strength, and connected with certain fortifications, the remains of which can still be detected.* . . r \n the volumes of Burckhardt, Captain Light, Legh, * Burckhardt, Travis in Nubia, p. 75 NUDIA AND ABYSSINIA. 161 Richardson, Heriniker, Cailliaud, and Waddington, there is to be found an ample description of the ruinous temples on either side of the Nile, from Sosan to Meroe, occasionally accompanied with excellent drawings and plans. But there is so much sameness in the details, especially as to the measurements, the number of chambers, the statues, columns, inscriptions, and hieroglyphics, that we refrain even from an abridgment of their researches, which, in certain cases, could not be easily understood without the aid of en- gravings and other architectural delineations. We cannot however omit the temple of Kalabshe, which is distinguished for a beautiful propylon, represented in the work of Captain Light in the finest style of art. The remains of the building are an abutment of masonry, that rises, above the bank of the river, at about a hundred and eighty feet from the front, to which there is a paved approach. On each side of this pavement there appears to have been a low of sphinxes, one of which is seen without the head. At the end of it there seems to have been steps leading to a terrace thirty-six feet in breadth, from -Which rises two pyramidal moles eighteen or twenty feet thick, with a gateway between them, forming a facade of not less than a hundred and ten feet. Inside there is a court of about forty feet, which appears to have had a colonnade joining the propylon with the- portico. This last .consists of four columns,' attached for half their height to a wall, raised in the centre to form an entrance. The front of it is plain, with the exception of a winged globe over the gateway. A lateral wall divides it from a suit of four innet apartments, within the first of which there appears to have been a colonnade, as some fragments of shafts and capitals still remain. The three others are covered with the usual hieroglyphics and symbolical figures, the colouring in general being still fresh and bright.* The temple of Dondour is likewise worthy of attention, owing to the peculiarities of its style. The greater part of the enclosure, according to Mr. Legh, is quite perfect, and the propylon also has been but little injured. It is obvious, at the same time, that the interior has never been completed. There are two columns which form the entrance into the body of the building, and are ornamented with serpents. Light, p. 64. 2 m 1G2 ARCHITECTURAL MONUMENTS OF The sekos consists, as usual, of three apartments; the first measures eighteen feet in length and twenty in breadth ; the eolumns are three feet in diameter, and about seventeen in height to the. top of the cornice ; the winged globes on the architraves of the temple itself, as well as of the propylon, are supported in the wonted manner by two snakes. The hieroglyphics .are sculptured in a good style, showing the common subjects, — priests, with vessels in their hands, making offerings to Lsi.s and Osiris. . Behind the ruin is a small grotto, which may perhaps be attributed to the early Christians, as there Was found among the fragments' an inscription with the characters A -[- SI. This temple has been classed by Gap among those Nubian structures .that belong to the last of the three epochs of art, which he thinks he has discovered in the ancient buildings on this part of the river. It is a parallelogram, the front of which is 21 J feet, and the length 43| ; a proportion which may.be observed in some 6f the Grecian structures. Part of the wall that surrounded the whole is still standing, and an alley appears 'to have led from the gateway to the river, where there was probahjy a flight of steps, of which the traces may be distinctly seen, in the remains of some temples. The sacred houses were of necessit}' placed near the bank in Nubia, for the purposes of ablution and those other religious ceremonies in which* the Tjse of water was essential ; for there was no room for tanks or reservoirs at a distance from the str-eam. In Egypt, on the"contrary, we often find them considerably removed from the Nile ; but, in this case a tank was necessary, and the traces of these artificial basins are still so numerous as to leave no ground for doubt that every holy edifice was provided with them. In India, where we see in institutions still existing so many curious points of resemblance to the ancient ritual of Egypt, there are often great flights of steps leading down to the rivers, forming a safe and convenient approachto-the Ganges, where the pious Brarnin, wl>ile he makes his ablutions, at once discharges a religious duty and enjoys a healthful recreation.* • _ It is said, that it is impossible not tp recognise in the pil- lars of Pondour the mixed .Greek and Egyptian form ' r and * British Museum, p. K9 NUBIA AND ABYSSINIA. 163 (he study of it is the more important, as it will afford exact ideas of the kind of buildings erected in the valley of the Nile at .different epochs in the history of the country. "Instead of taking every thing for genuine Egyptian be- cause it is in Egypt or Nubia, we are now enabled, by a more accurate classification of the monuments and the aid of the inscriptions, to rectify former incorrect notions on the subject, and in fact'ta make a real and valuable addition to the history of civilized Egypt. Between the rock-cut tem- ples, such as- those of Derr and Ebsamboul, and the build- ings of a later date, there was an intermediate step that ought to be noticed. The first architectural attempt in Nu- bia would probably be the improvement of some hole in the rock; or, even if the country possessed no natural caves for imitation, the mountains themselves would afford facilities for constructing a durable habitation. A farther step would be, after having got possession'of a hole, to extend the ex- cavation, to form several chambers separated by the native rock, and when a room of larger dimensions was designed, to have square pillars for the support of the roof. In the course of time the outer, front, with the inner walls and pillars, would receive decorations, derived both from the imitations of the natural form of the country and the his- torical remembrances of the nation. But what a prodigious period must have elapsed between the rudest rock-excava ion, such as Derr was in its primitive state, aiul the highly- finished sculptures, of the great temple of Ebsamboul !"*• We have already conducted the reader to Gebel el Berkal, where in ancient times ^there must have been an establish- ment of priests, and not improbably an extensive town. The name of Merawe, now bestowed on the district, has very naturally suggested the notion that this was the site of the celebrated Meroe ; an opinion which, after considering it at some length, we haye not hesitated to pronounce un- tenable. But there can be no doubt that it was a place of great importance in a religious point of view, as is fully manifested by the numerous remains of sacred architecture which still meet the eye of the traveller. The principal temple is about four hundred and fifty feet kmg, and one hundred and fifty-nine in width ; but it is, as * British Museum, p. 141. 164 ARCHITECTURAL MONUMENTS OF we are assured by Mr. Waddington, so much ruined as to retain nothing of its ancient grandeur and beauty, and even to have rendered the ground-plan, in some places, extremely indistinct. The dimensions of the first chamber are 147 feet by 112. On the right hand are the fragments of four pillars, forming part of a row, to which, no doubt, there was one corresponding on the opposite side. There are a few hieroglyphics still visible on the wall, but those on the columns are entirely obliterated. The second chamber, which is not so regular as the one just described, seems to have measured 123 feet by 103. Parts of nine pillars composing a colonnade may be ob-> served, though there is only one, 24 feet in height, remain- ing entire. The third apartment is much less, being only about 46 feet square. It contains a row of five pillars on each side, and between every two of those on the right is a sculptured pedestal where statues have formerly stood. The reader may remember, that there are pedestals similarly situated in the second chamber of the temple of Osiris at Ebsamboul, and confined to the same side. The dimensions of the fourth chamber are 59£ feet by 14 feet five inches. It contains a black granite pedestal, five feet square, beautifully sculptured ; and -here, no doubt, was raised the statue of the god to whom it was dedicated, or the king whose memory it was meant to perpetuate. On the left of this hall, and separated from it by two or three little cells, is a fifth chamber, measuring forty-eight feet three inches by twenty-four feet eight inches, and presenting a larger though similar pedestal, destined, of course, to the same purpose with the other. The holes by which the figure has been joined to it are still observable. The sixth chamber is separated from the fourth by two walls, with a narrow passage between them. It is twenty- five feet eight inches in length and nine feet broad, com- municating by means of a door with two little rooms on the right. A single apartment, 36 feet by 10, occupies the space between the former chamber and the exterior wall on its left. In regard to the structure at large, Mr. Waddington states, that of two facts he is positively certain ; namely, that its present remains are the work of very different and probably distant periods ; and that even in the composition of those parts which belonged indisputably to the original building, NUBIA AND ABYSSINIA. 105 many stones were employed which had been taken from some more ancient edifice. The discovery of a sculptured stone among the mortar in the middle of the thick outer wall proves this point, while the extreme irregularity of the found- ations, and the positions of some of the columns, leave no doubt, he thinks, as to the other. Whether these anoma- lous parts have been additions, or whether they were portions of some older temple left to stand, as chambers in the larger one erected on its site, must now remain uncertain. The propyla are much ruined, and even such sections of them as continue entire are rough and extremely decomposed, re- sembling more nearly the front of the temple of Seboua than any other in Nubia or Egypt. Some lineaments of sculptured figures may still- be traced on the inside of the second portal, though in most inexpli- cable confusion. The head of one appears in the place which ought necessarily to be occupied by the feet of the one above it ; while legs and arms are everywhere distrib- uted with an equal disregard to nature ; but all are so extremely defaced that, says. Mr. "Waddington, " I had rather believe my senses to have been deceived than that such absurdities have* been allowed to disgrace one of the noblest buildings ever erected."* The peculiar form of Gebel el Berkal, as Riippel remarks, must have fixed attention in. all ages. From the wide plain there rises up, perpendicularly on all sides, a mass of sand- stone nearly four hundred feet high, and about twenty-five minutes' walk in circuit. The unusual shape of this emi- nence must have become still further an object of curiosity from the phenomena with which it is connected. The- clouds, attracted from every pointrto this isolated mass, de- scend in fruitful showers ; and hence we need hardly won- der if, in ancient times, it was believed that the gods paid visits to man, and held communion with him on this sacred mount. Temple arose after temple, and who can say how far many a devotee journeyed to ask advice of the oracle li The appearance of those architectural remains suggests the notion of a very remote antiquity. It has been re- marked, in regard to the principal temple, that the traveller * Journal of a Visit to some parts of Ethiopia, p. 164. t Ruppel. p 66. quoted in British Museum, p 160 166 ARCHITECTURAL MONUMENTS OF nowhere observes any sculptures which had been intention- ally erased or disfigured ; proving, it is imagined, that the ruins were in their present state when Christianity was introduced into the country. The idols were already broken, and the ravages of time or of war had been so effectual that they needed not the hand of fanaticism to complete them. But even in the walls of that ancient fane, which had sunk under the pressure. of age so many centuries ago, there are found fragments of a building still older ;' which had decayed before the other was founded, and supplied by its fall ma- terials for the more modern structure. The vicinity of Gebel el Berkal is remarkable also for pyramids, which, though much inferior to those of Egypt, had probably the same object, and originated in the same views of vanity or superstition. They are seventeen in number, the largest of which has a base of about eighty feet square, but has suffered too much from years to enable the most practised eye to determine its other dimensions. Several of them have had spacious vestibules, or porticoes, adorned with elegant sculptures and statues. At El Belial too, a village situated six or seven miles higher up the Nile and on the opposite bank, are many structures of the same description. There are the remains of nearly forty, eleven of which are larger than any of the perfect ones of Gebel el Berkal. That which possesses the greatest importance has a base of a hundred arid fifty feet square, while its height is a hundred and four feet. It hag been built in stories ;" but is most curious from its containing within itself another pyramid of a different age, stone, and architecture. This interior building, which the other has enclosed like a case, seems to form about two-thirds of the whole mass ; it is of neat workmanship, and composed of a hard light-coloured sandstone, more durable than that which, after sheltering it for ages, has at last decayed and fallen off, and left it once more exposed to the eyes of men.* We have in an earlier section of this chapter described the remains of the two temples at Gebel el Berkal, which are partly excavated in the rock and partly constructed, like those of Girshe and Seboua. The existence of such sacred * Waddington, p. 17P. A drawing of the pyramid of El Belial forms the vignette to the present volume. . M'BIA AiND ABVSSIMA* 167 buildings, it ha6 been remarked, can only be explained on the supposition that they are still older than those in Nubia ; lor, when we take all the facts together, we can hardly imagine that the Egyptian style of architecture originated in the country just named, and spread upward towards Abys- sinia and downward to Thebes and Memphis. In the valley of the Nile, below Syene, a small temple to Typfron the evil deity is often. found near a larger one consecrated to a more beneficent object ,of adoration. For example, there is a tvphonium near the fane of Is-is at Dendera, and one also close to the greater temple at Edfou. At Berkal, in like man- ner, we have the remains of *a similar shrine in one of the two excavated mansions already specified, or rather, per- haps, of a chapel jointly belonging to Isis and Typhon. Eight /of the pillars in the court of this temple, according to Cailliaud, have square capitals with the Isis head on two sides, resembling in this respect those at Dendera; but the upper member of the capital differs somewhat from that in the latter place, while it is exactly the same as the one on the square pillars at Ebsamboul. The sculptures in the adytum are executed m high relief, and painted yellow and blue. On one of the walls, among five figures of- deities, Isis and Ammon are distinctly recognised. * Proceeding upward we arrive once more at that mys- terious land which is enclosed at its lower extremity by the Tacazze and the Bahr el Azrek, and where, it is supposed, are still to be found the relics of the primitive faith of Ethi- opia, as well as the tokens of her earliest civilization. There can be no doubt that the most ancient traditions which have reached us through the medium of the Greek historians and philosophers, point with equal steadiness and uniformity to a remote country on the Nile, where the parents of learning and religion had their abode, and whence issued, at different epochs, those benevolent missionaries who carried the rudi- ments of knowledge to Egypt, Gree.ce, the northern shores of Africa, and, finally, to the barbarous coast of Europe. So far are we able to trace the vestiges of refinement and the progress of the arts ; which, attracting our attention in the kingdom of the Pharaohs, carry us gradually towards the south, till we reach a people whose origin is lost in the British Museum, p. 161 ; Cailliaud, plate 67 ; Riippel, p. 87. 168 ARCHITECTURAL MONUMENTS OF obscurity of distant tune, and the names of whose teachers have utterly perished. We indeed find marks of their re- semblance and affinity to nations beyond the Arabian Gulf, and even on the borders of Hindostan ; but all our attempts to identify these fiiil to attain success, because we have neither historical records nor the aid of such other monu- ments as, on such a subject, are necessary to command belief. In ascending from the boundaries of Egypt to those of Abyssinia and Sennaar, the traveller may remark 6uch a difference in the style, as web 1 as in the plan of the buildings, as indicates not only a certain progress in the arts, but also a peculiarity in the object contemplated by them. As we formerly observed, the valley of the Nile above the first cataract was once covered on both sides with towns or vil- lages, of which -Pliny has left us the names, amounting in all to about forty. In his time, it is -true, they no longer existed ; and lie informs ifs that they were not destroyed by the Romans,' but' by the earlier- contentions between the Ethiopians themselves and their neighbours the. Egyptians. As Heeren justly remarks, we have no right to suppose that these were flourishing cities, The g^eat works of architecture here as well asVbelow Syene were confined to public edifices ; for the Nubian during the day lived almost entirely in the open air, and his cabin was -litlle more than a resting-place for the night. Hence,' it is not surprising that towns, con- sisting of a mere assemblage of huts, should have so entirely disappeared as to leave behind no trace of their existence. But though the dwellings of man have vanished, those of the gods remain. The ruins of a scries of temples on both sides of the river may be distinctly marked, .from Ele- phantine to the junction of the two great branches which compose its stream. The first is the fane of Debode, twelve miles above Philse ; which is followed at nearly the same distance by that of Kardassy, which again is succeeded by that of Teefa or Tafa, five miles farther south. Soon after- ward appear the two temples of Kalabshe" ; one built from the ground, the other hewn in the rocks. At about ten miles above this point are seen the relics of Dondour, and then at a like' interval those of Girshe ; both of which we have described at some length. Ten miles upward is the temple of Dakke ; after a similar space is that of Maher- NUBIA AND ABYSSINIA. 169 raga ; and sixteen, miles thence rise to the view the ruins of Seboua, half above ground and half subterranean. Thirty miles farther on stands the temple of Derr ; and after proceeding about sixty miles the traveller beholds the magnificent excavations of Ebsamboul, with their sacred carvings and colossal sentinels. This is followed by Samne ; but at the cataract of Wady Haifa the chain is broken, for it is not until after a journey of a hundred and fifty miles that, not far from the island of Sai, a large temple is seen ; and then, thirty miles farther in the same direction, is dis- covered the edifice of Soleb, which Mr. Burckhardt considers as the most southern of the Egyptian temples. The first series certainly ends here, but a new one begins on the fron- tiers of Meroe ; for about two hundred miles farther along the bank, near the Gebel el Berkal, temples again appear, accompanied with groups of pyramids. Two hundred and forty miles beyond these remarkable ruins we reach the point where the Tacazze or Astaboras falls into the Nile ; forming the celebrated island, as the Greeks were pleased to describe it, to which our attention is now more immedi- ately to be directed.* The famous city of Meroe, according to the report of the most intelligent travellers, must have stood a little below the present Shendy, in lat. 17° N., and long. 34° 30' E. Bruce saw its ruins at a distance, concerning which he speaks in the following terms : — " On the 20th of October, in the evening, we left Shendy, and rested two miles from the town and about a mile from the river ; and next day, the 21st, we continued our journey. At nine we alighted to feed our camels under some trees, having gone about ten miles. At this place begins a large island in the Nile, seve- ral miles long, full of villages, trees, and corn : it is called Kurgos. Opposite to this is the mountain Gibbainy, where is the first scene of ruins I have met with since that of Axum in Abyssinia. We saw here heaps of broken pedes- tals, like those of Axum, plainly designed for the statues of the dog ; and some pieces of obelisks, likewise with hieroglyphics, almost totally obliterated. The Arabs told us that these ruins were very extensive, and that many * Heeren's Historical Researches, vol. i. p. 349 ; Hiii. Hist. Nat. lib. Ti. c. 35. P 170 ARCHITECTURAL MONUMENTS OF pieces of statues, both of men and animals, had been dug up there. The statues of the men were mostly of black stone. It is impossible to avoid risking a guess that this is the ancient city of Meroe." The conjecture of our countryman has been established by the investigations of later travellers ; and we find that those remains of antiquity, of which he obtained a hasty glance, are not confined to one place, but are scattered over a^onsiderable extent of surface. The whole strip of land from Shendy to Gerri teems with them, and must therefore be regarded as a portion of the classic ground of Ethiopia. So far as our information extends at present, these ruins may be included in three principal groups, and associated with the names of Assour, Naga, and Messoura, or Meca- oura as it is written by Cailliaud. The first of these lies to the north of Shendy, about two miles from the river ; the others are at the distance of several leagues from the Nile in a southerly direction, proceeding from the same point. The monuments found here consist both of temples and pyramids ; all private dwellings having been long ago de- stroyed. According to Strabo these last were built of only split palm-trees and tiles: the sand, however, is in many places so covered with bricks that a town must formerly have stood there. In short, it is concluded that the site of the ancient Meroe can be no longer regarded as doubtful. It stood near the present Assour, or between that village and Tenetbey, where are still discovered the remains of a few temples, and of many other edifices constructed of sandstone ; the whole extending, according to the meas- urement of Cailliaud, to a circumference of four thousand feet. Eastward of Assour is what has been called the great churchyard of pyramids, the existence of which likewise tends to prove that there was at one period a considerable city in the neighbourhood. It is impossible to behold the number of these monuments without astonishment : eighty are mentioned in the plan of Cailliaud ; but the precise amount cannot be ascertained, as the ruins of many are indistinct. They are divided into three sections, one of which is due east from the assumed situation of Meroe, while the two others are a league from the river, one north and the other south. The northern group is at once the NUBIA AND ABYSSINIA. 171 most extensive and best preserved. They certainly appear small compared with the structures of a similar kind in Middle Egypt, the height of the largest not being more than eighty feet; but viewed in reference to number they are much more wonderful. Like those at Sakhara, these pyramids are formed of gTanite ; and hence the decay into which they have fallen must suggest a very remote period as the time when the people, to whom they owe their foundation, enjoyed the power and wealth which such monuments imply. The larger class of them have usually attached a small building in the shape of a temple, finished in the Egyptian style, with a propylon and door which lead first to the portico and thence to the sanctuary. It is therefore manifest, if the real entrance is where it is thus indicated, that it was not the intention of the Ethiopian architects to conceal the approach to the repositories of mortality, — an object which w r as accomplished with so much labour by their successors on the Lower Nile. But as none of them have been exam- ined, it is not known whether there be any mummies or sarcophagi in the interior ; and, until such an investigation be completed, we must necessarily remain ignorant, as well of the. object contemplated by such piles of masonry, as of the many arts which might be employed in doing honour to the great. Indeed, according to Strabo, the Ethiopians did not embalm their dead, but buried them in earthen vessels near the sanctuary. The corners of the pyramids are partly ornamented, and the walls of the pylones are deco- rated with sculpture, in some of which the figures appear to be employed in making offerings for the departed ; a representation which renders it extremely probable that they are the tombs of kings and other distinguished persons.* . M. Heeren is of opinion that pyramid architecture was native in Ethiopia from the earliest ages ; and also that, if we compare this style of building with the similar one adopted in Egypt, we shall have another proof of what we have elsewhere attempted to establish, that what had its rise in the former country was perfected in the latter, t * Heeren's Historical Researches, vol. i. p. 394 ; Cailliaud, Voyage a Meroe, vol. iii. p. 104, &c. t Historical Researches as above. 172 ARCHITECTURAL MONUMENTS OF The statement of Cailliaud has been confirmed by the narrative of M. Riippel of Frankfort, published in a Conti- nental journal, who also mentions the existence of similar groups of pyramids in Kurgos. On the other side of the Nile, as he relates, his way lay for fifty-seven minutes across a plain of slime or mud. Traces were visible of an ancient canal running parallel to the bed of the river, a proof that this territory was once highly cultivated. Ten minutes after, — for in such circumstances distance is measured by time, — he came to a great mass of hewn and burnt stones. But age had destroyed every thing. With difficulty were some shafts of columns discovered, whose capitals were ornamented with the heads of animals ; v/hence it may be inferred that they once belonged to a temple. Having walked twelve minutes farther on, he observed a number of pyramidical mausolea. There were thirteen, all of hewn stone, forty feet in height, but without an entrance. Near them was a lion's head in black granite, evidently a sitting sphinx. After thirty minutes more, towards the east, a group of twenty-one tombs appeared ; some of which were pyramids with indented borders, while others had pointed angles with edges of plainer workmanship. One of these monuments, the most southerly, differs from all the rest, being a pris- matic steeple, standing upon a socle twenty feet square. It has an eastern entrance leading to the hall or gallery, as in the sepulchres at Assour. The walls are ornamented with beautiful sculpture ; the reliefs being like those of Meroe, but in greater perfection, and representing in all cases the apotheosis of the dead. Here is also one of those pyra- mids which has a peculiarity in its approach. On both sides of it are two female figures holding lances in fheir hands, and in the act of piercing with them a band of pris- oners. The drapery, grouping, and keeping of this piece of sculpture surpass every thing of the kind that M. Riippel had seen in Nubia or Egypt, not excepting the magnificent temple of Dendera. A little farther to the south-east a third group was de- scried, consisting of nine pyramids, the inner walls of which are diversified with carving. The reliefs in this instance represent female figures only, while in all others they bear a reference to the divinity of heroes' to whom NUBIA AND ABYSSINIA. 173 offerings or sacrifices are made. There are none of these, however, so lofty as in the second assemblage ; for some of the latter were at least ninety feet in height, whereas not one of the nine exceeded forty feet in elevation. They were all built of hewn stone without mortar.* The antiquities of Naga and Me^soura are of another kind, consisting chiefly of temples. Those of the former place lie about six leagues south-east of Shendy, and nearly the same distance from the Nile ; presenting a larger one in the centre, and various smaller ones scattered about in every direction. The remains of the principal edifice clearly prove to what god it was dedicated. An avenue of statues, being rams couching on pedestals, leads into an open portico of ten columns, out of which, after passing through a similar gallery, we arrive at the pylone. Adjoining this is a colonnade consisting of eight pillars, beyond which there is a hall leading into the sanctuary. The doors, the col- umns, and the walls, are of hewn stone ; the remainder of the structure is composed of bricks, with a coating upon which traces of painting are still visible. The gateways and pillars are sculptured in a style of great beauty, ex- hibiting gods, kings, and queens, with attendants, sacri- fices, and oblations. The building is of vast size, extending in length from the first pylone to the opposite extremity not less than eighty feet. There is also something peculiar in the portico. The duplicate gallery of rams, before entering and after passing it, is not common elsewhere ; and the plan of the whole seems indeed to show that architecture had not yet attained to that perfection which it exhibits in the great works of Egypt. t The western temple is smaller, but still more richly em- bellished. On the pylones or gateways the same scenes are represented as in the pyramids of Assour ; a male war- rior on the one side, and a female warrior on the other, de- stroying a number of captives whom they have bound toge- ther by the hair. They are king and queen, as they have both the emblem of dominion on the head-dress ; over each, is a spread eagle with a globe ; and both are magnificently dressed. It is evident, then, as M. Heeren maintains, that * See Writings by Edward Ruppel from the Camp near Kurgos, 29th Feb., 1824, in Europasiscbe Blaster, Oct. 24, 1634; quoted by Heeren. t Historical Researches, vol. i. p. 399. P2 174 ARCHITECTURAL MONUMENTS OF these representations possess many peculiarities, and are not purely Egyptian. This remark does not indeed apply to religious rites ; for there appears nothing here in the worship of Amnion and his kindred gods which is essen- tially different from the usages followed in the Thebaid. The real point of distinction applies to the human person- ages who are performing the duties of piety. The queens appear with the kings, and not merely as presenting offer- ings, but themselves as heroines and conquerors, — a circum- stance which has not yet been discovered in any of the sculptures of Egypt or Nubia. They must therefore, it is presumed, relate to the rulers, male and female, of Meroe, and have been intended to commemorate their deeds. Speaking of this very kingdom, Strabo remarks that, among the Ethiopians, " the women are also armed ;" and we know from other sources, that ladies mounted the throne with the same authority as the other sex. Herodotus men- tions Nitocris among the ancient queens of Ethiopia who governed Egypt ; and in a carving already mentioned, repre- senting the conquest of the former country by Sesostris, there is a female monarch with her sons who appears before him as a captive. A long succession of queens under the title of Candace must have reigned here ; and even when at length the seat of the empire was removed from Meroe to Napata, near Gebel el Berkal, a sovereign of the same name exercised the supreme power. It is therefore quite agree- able to the usage of the Ethiopians to see a queen in a war- like habit near her consort, though it must be admitted to be peculiar to that celebrated people. The perfection to which sculpture had been brought at Naga is very striking, there being nothing in the Egyptian statues superior to it, while in boldness of outline it seems even to surpass the finest specimens of the latter. These colossal figures, says Cailliaud, which are ten in number, are remarkable for the richness of their drapery and the character of the drawing ; their feet and arms are stouter than those of Egypt, yet they are in the same style. A similar excellence in the reliefs at Kurgos is extolled by Ruppel.- Are we to suppose, asks M. Heeren, that Ethio- pian artists became thus accomplished ? Or do these monu- ments rather belong to that brilliant period of the empire of Meroe, — the eighth century before our era, — when the NUBIA AND ABYSSINIA. 175 dynasty of Tirhako and Sabaco ruled over Upper Egypt, and to whom it would be easy to send artists from below the Cataracts, to adorn their metropolis and perpetuate their fame] The third station, called Messoura, is~ equally interesting. Cailliaud, to whom we are indebted both for a description and a drawing, relates, that in an extensive valley in the desert, eight hours' journey from Shendy towards the south- east, and six leagues from the Xile, are very considerable ruins. They consist of eight small temples, all connected by corridors and terraces. It is an immense edifice, formed by the junction of a number of chambers, courts, and tem- ples, and is" surrounded by a double enclosure. From the main structure in the centre the passage to the others is through galleries, or along terraces, varying from three hundred to one hundred and eighty-five feet in length. Each temple has its particular chambers ; and all the build- ings are placed in an exact order, consisting, as has been noticed, of eight temples or sanctuaries, forty-one chambers, twenty-four courts, three galleries, and fourteen staircases or flights of steps. These remains cover a plat of ground two thousand five hundred feet, or about half an English mile in circumference. But in this immensity of ruins every thing is on a smaller scale, — the monuments as well as the materials employed. " The largest temple is only fifty-one feet long ; upon the pillars are figures in the Egyptian style ; others in the same portico are fluted like the Grecian ; on the basis of one I thought I discovered the traces of a zodiac. Time and the elements, which have destroyed the ancient Saba, seem to have been willing to spare to us the observatory of Meroe ; but until the rubbish be cleared away a complete plan of it cannot be expected. It excites our wonder to find so few hieroglyphics in all these ruins ; the six pillars which form the portico of the central temple alone present a few exam- ples, for all the other walls are without sculpture. Six hundred paces from the ruins are the remains of two other small temples, as also the outlines of a considerable tank surrounded by little hills, which must have protected it from the sand. But here there are not any traces of a city, no heaps of rubbish, no tombs. If Meroe had stood in this place, the pyramids would not have been built at the distance 176 ARCHITECTURAL MONUMENTS OF of two days' journey from it. I believe that a seminary of learning was established on this spot ; the form of the build- ing and the architecture seem to prove it ; but the city itself was in the neighbourhood of the sepulchres where the pyra- mids are still found.* The same author informs us, that at the distance of a hundred yards in a south-easterly direction from the great enclosure are some other ruins ; among which are the relics of a small temple, resting on six columns, with a regular gateway. The interior is rather more than thirty-six feet in length. The pillars are covered with sculptured figures, including some of mounted elephants led by their guides, — a species of picture which is never seen in Egypt. The nature of these representations, the form of the materials, and the very decayed condition of the whole building, in- duced the traveller to conclude that this little monument is much more ancient than the larger edifices to which our. attention has just been drawn. The details now given derive some interest from the con- clusion which Heeren has founded upon them in regard to one point in the ancient religious establishment of Ethiopia. He thinks that the constructions at Messoura were the "Oracle of Jupiter Amnion." "A mere glance at the ground plan," says he, " leads to this idea. It is only thus that the singularity of the foundation can be accounted for; that labyrinth of passages and courts which must be wan- dered through before arriving at the entirely secret temple in the midst. Scarcely could there be a better introduction contrived for reaching the sanctuary."! For the support of this opinion he relies chiefly on the authority of Diodorus, who relates that the temple of Jupiter did not stand in the city of'Meroe' but at some distance from it in the wilderness. When, again, the ruler of that king- dom resolved to free himself from the dominion of the priests, he went, says the same historian, with a company of soldiers to the retired or sequestered spot where the sanctuary with * Li, etudiant mieux la distribution des differens corps de batimens en mine que j"avais sous les yeux, je demeurai eonvaincu que ce lieu fat jadis consacre a l'enseignement, — on college enfin. — Cailliaud, vol. iii. p. 142. The translation given in Heeren's work is extremely faulty and erroneous. See vol. i. p. 400-404. t Historical Researches, vol. i. p. 403 NUBIA AND ABYSSINIA. 177 the golden temple stood, and taking the inmates by surprise, he put them all to death. Nor is the smallness of the edi- fice any objection to this view of the subject ; for the same remark might be applied to the Ammonium in the Libyan desert. This was probably intended merely for the preser- vation of the sacred ship, which is understood to have been placed between the pillars of the holy shrine. Its situation, too, in the waste, also follows the example now adduced, and will appear still less extraordinary, when we reflect that it was constructed on one of the great trading routes be- tween the Mediterranean and the Red Sea. " Thus we stand," says he, " on that remarkable spot which antiquity regarded as the cradle of the arts and sciences ; where hieroglyphic writing was discovered ; where temples and pyramids had already sprung up, while as yet Egypt re- mained entirely ignorant of their existence."* It does not belong to us to weigh the probability which attaches to the opinion now stated. No one will question its ingenuity, or deny that the authorities quoted from ancient writers are suitably applied. But, at the same time, we must not forget the remarks made in regard to the insti- tution at Messoura by M. Cailliaud, who informs his readers that the tradition of the country is, that the name of the place is derived from the old fakirs who once inhabited those vast edifices. The figure of the elephants, too, caparisoned and mounted, rather strengthens the belief that the school of the desert, if it really was a place of education, was connected in its origin or tenets with the learning of the remoter East. There, is, however, no irreconcilable discrepancy between the two conclusions now examined ; for nothing was more common than to have a seminary of priests established near the temples of the gods, and to combine thereby in the mind of the student the practical parts of divine worship with the abstract tenets of the faith into which he was initiated. Cailliaud was assured by certain Arabs, as well as by his own guides, that on the road from Naga, or Gibel-Ardan as it is sometimes called, there are several places distinguished for magnificent ruins covered with sculptures. The first stationfthey added, was at the distance of two days' journey, • Historical Researches, vol. i. p. 406. 178 ARCHITECTURAL MONUMENTS OF which corresponds perfectly to Mandeyr, the ancient capital of the Arabian shepherds. A day and a half farther on, at a village called Kely, according to the same authorities, there are other remains which occupy a great extent of sur- face. From thence, they add, there is a road that in the same space of time leads to Abou-Ahraz ; and that near it are wells hewn out in the rock, which tradition carries back to a. very remote antiquity. Agreeably to these statements, there can be no doubt that the line of march hereby indicated is the one which passed from the Nile, in the latitude of Naga, to Axum and the port of Adulis. But the ruins at Mandeyr and Kely have not yet been inspected by any modern traveller. We now possess all the certainty which can be attained from the annals of ancient times, that the city of Meroe was situated a little northward of the present Shendy ; and also that a number of dependent establishments, founded on the basis of religion, were scattered over the adjoining desert. Before we pass into Abyssinia, we shall quote from Diodorus an account of its constitution and government. The form of this celebrated state, then, was that which we often find in southern regions, more especially at remote periods : it was a hierarchy, where the power was in the hands of a race or caste of priests, who chose a king from among their own order. The laws of the Ethiopians, says the author now named, differ in many respects from those of other nations ; but in none so much as in the nomination of their kings, — which is thus managed : the priests select some of the most distinguished of their brethren, and upon whomsoever of these the god fixes, he is carried in proces- sion, and forthwith acknowledged sovereign by the people ; who falling down adore him as a divinity, because he is placed over the government by the choice of Jupiter Ammon. The person thus appointed immediately enjoys all the pre- rogatives which are conceded to him by the laws, and is supplied with rules for the direction of his conduct ; but he can neither reward nor punish any one beyond what the usages of ancestry and the royal statutes allow. It is a custom among them to inflict upon no subject the sentence of death, even though he should be legally found deserving of that punishment ; but they send to the malefactor one of the servants of justice, who bears the symbol of mortality. NUBIA AiSD ABYSSINIA. 179 When the criminal sees this he goes immediately to his house and deprives himself of life. The Greek custom of escaping punishment by fleeing into another country is not there permitted. It is said that the mother of one who would have attempted flight strangled him with her own girdle, in order to save her family from the greater disgrace of having one of its members denounced as a fugitive. But the most remarkable of all their institutions is that which relates to the death of their king. The priests at Meroe, who attend to the service of the gods and hold the highest rank, send a messenger to him with an order to die. They make known to his majesty, that Heaven requires this sacri- fice at his hands, and that mortals should not oppose its decrees ; and perhaps add such reasons as could not be con- troverted by weak understandings prejudiced by an ancient custom.* We have already alluded to the catastrophe by which this mode of administration was brought to a close. In the reign of the second Grecian king who sat on the throne of Egypt, when the light of philosophy had already penetrated into Ethiopia, the sovereign of Meroe, whose name was Ergamenes, resolved to shake off the domination of the sacerdotal caste. At the head of an armed band" he pro- ceeded to their principal temple, and subjected the whole body to a general massacre ; by which bold measure, sub- joins the historian, he rendered himself a monarch in reality as well as in title. t Heeren very judiciously observes, that in a state whose government so widely differed from any thing to which we have been accustomed, it is reasonable to suppose that a similar peculiarity would apply to the people, who could hardly bear any similitude to the civilized nations of modern Europe. Meroe, he thinks, rather resembled in appearance the larger states of interior Africa at the present day ; a number of small nations of the most opposite habits and manners, some with and some without settled abodes, con- stituting what is called an empire, although the general political band which holds them together is loose, and often scarcely perceptible. In Ethiopia this band was of a two- fold nature ; first, religion or a certain worship resting upon * Diod. Bibliothec. Histor. lib. iii. c. 6, t Ibid, 180 ARCHITECTURAL MONUMENTS OF oracles, and secondly, commerce, — unquestionably the strongest chains by which barbarians could be bound ; for the one gratified the superstitious, and the other the covet- ous and sensual. Eratosthenes relates, that in his time the island comprised a variety of people ; of whom some fol- lowed agriculture, others a nomadic or pastoral life, and a third class the more active pursuits of hunting. All chose what seemed best adapted to the particular district in which they lived.* As the line of road through the desert which connects Atbara with Abyssinia has not been trodden in modern times by any native of Europe, we cannot trace the archi- tectural features of the two countries to any distinct point of resemblance. The habits, too, of the people between the Nile and the Red Sea, who, living almost constantly in the field, either as soldiers or as herdsmen, shunned the accommodation of large towns, afforded little encour- agement to the arts of sculpture and design. It is not, ac- cordingly, until we approach the shores of the Arabian Gulf that we find the traces of a civilized condition, and begin to discover the tokens of that refinement and command of the mechanical powers, which excite our surprise in Nubia and Egypt. At Axum have been examined the remains of ancient works, which, though different from those at Dendera, Thebes, and Meroe, are sufficiently great to have called forth the admiration of the most competent judges ; in- creasing, at the same time, the curiosity of the philosopher and the engineer in regard to the resources of artificers who could remove from the rock and raise to an upright position * Historical Researches, vol. i. p. 419. Strabo, p. 1177-1194. The account given by Pliny of the peninsular tract of Meroe* corresponds re- markably with the indications which still remain of its ancient greatness. " Ipsum oppidum Meroen ab introitu insula? (i. e. a loco ubi confluunt Nilus et Astaboras) abesse LXX millia passuum. Juxtaque aliam insu- lam Tadu dextro subeuntibus alveo qua? porturn laceret. jEdiricia oppidi pauca. Regnare fcerninam Candacen, quod nomen multis jam annis ad reginas transiit. Delubrum Harnmonis et ibi sacrum. Et toto tractu sacella." Lib. vi. For some able remarks on the latitude of Meroe", as given by Pliny and Eratosthenes in Strabo. we refer to Dr. Vincent's work on the Commerce and Navigation of the Ancients, vol. ii. p. 91, and rep- tiles, are characterized by what may be called a local tint. ,The dogs, so abundant in that country, the antelopes, the jerboas, the meriones, and many more of the glires or gnawers are remark- able for their -general uniformity of colourmg. If this does not arise from (which it can scarcely do), it is at least in keeping with, the vast deserts so characteristic of African countries.* The opinion generally received, and" adopted even by the greater number of naturalists, in regard to tire origin of the do- mestic species, which we find a half-reclaimed captive wherever man is in any measure civilized and gregarious, is that it is de- rived from the wild cat (Felis cattis). Yet we know by the experience of many other cases that the" effect of domestication, and of the superabundant nourishment which usually accom- * See Temmir.c-k's <; tonographies." p 199, noter 298 ZOOLOGY. panies that state of bondage, is to increase the dimensions of whatever animals have been for an almost immemorial period subjected to such influences. All our other domestic creatures are larger than their original races ; but the domestic cat, sup- posing it to have sprufng from the indigenous woodland species, appears to have reversed the rule ; for never, even in its most pampered and overgrown condition, does it in any way equal the powerful dimensions of its supposed original. The tail of the domestic variety (or species) is also longer, and terminates in a sharpened point ; while that of the wild eat, besides being comparatively shorter, is nearly of equal thickness through- out its entire length, and appears as if truncated at the ex- tremity. When we seek to ascertain the origin of any anciently domesti- cated species, the mind naturally reverts to periods of antiquity, and to the history of such nations as are characterized by. remote records. It was from within the sacred precincts of the tem- ples of Isis, and under the reign of the Pharaohs or Egyptian kings, that the earliest rays of science dawned upon the nations ; and there the heroic Greeks " drew golden light," and from thence were distributed, by more or less direct gradations, the knowledge and civilization which, long waning with a feeble and uncertain gleam from their parent source, have burned with a steady and unconsuming fire in those " barbarian lands" to which they were conveyed. Egypt, so remarkable in the early civilization of the human race, might be reasonably supposed, even a priori, to have furnished the primitive families of mankind with one or more of its domesticated animals ; and, in relation more particularly to the present subject, we know that of all the ancient nations of whom we possess records, the Egyptians were the most noted for their appreciation of the useful quali- ties of the cat. We also know that it was even embalmed in their temples, in common with the mystical body of the ibis, and we doubt not it must have become familiar to them from its beneficial qualities as a domestic species. That they derived it from an indigenous source is more than probable, especially as a wild Egyptian species, of all others, bears the closest resem- blance to the domestic breeds. At all events, it could scarcely be drawn from the European wild cat ; for although that species is most extensively disseminated over all the wooded countries of Europe, and spreads through Russia into Siberia, and over a great range of Asiatic territory, it is unknown on the banks of the Nile, and seems to hold its centre of dominion rather in the temperate than the warmer regions of the earth. Another argu- ment against the derivation of our domestic cats from the indi- genous woodland species may be drawn from the extreme scarcity of the former in the early ages of our history. It is known that in the time of Hoel the Good, King of Wales, who QUADRUPEDS. 2\)9 died in the year 948, laws were enacted to preserve and estab- lish the price of cats and other animals remarkable for being alike rare and useful. The price of a kitten before it could see was fixed at one penny ; till proof could be given of its having caught a mouse, twopence ; after which it was rated at four- pence — a great sum in those days, when the value of specie was extremely high. It was further declared, that if any one stole or slew the cat that guarded the prince's granary, he was either to forfeit a milk ewe, her fleece and lamb, or as much wheat as when poured on the cat suspended by the -tail (its head touch- ing the floor) would form a heap high enough to cover it to the tip. Now all these precautionary regulations would seem to indicate that our domestic cat severe not originally natives of our island, but were introducecfllom some of the warmer coun- tries of the East, and required for a time considerable care and attention to preserve the breed. This would scarcely have been necessary had the original stock been found prowling in every thicket and corrie of the country, which the wild cat undoubtedly was in those distant days. M. Temminckis decidedly in favour of the claims of a species already mentioned, called the gloved cat (Felis maniculata), which iuhabits Northern Africa, and was first found in Nubia by the traveller Riippel, in the neighbourhood of Ambakol. Skins of a species which seems identical are sometimes observed in sup- plies of these articles from the Levant, and the same animal occurs in Egypt. It would be highly interesting to compare the osteology of a recent example with the structure of- the skeleton of an embalmed specimen from the catacombs of Memphis. Several other feline animals inhabit Abyssinia, of. which we shall merely mention the lion, as an occasional dweller in the sandy districts bordering on the Tacazze. The killing of one of these animals, according to Mr.' Salt, confers high honour upon a chief, and gives him the privilege of wearing its paw upon his shield. Some analogous custom no doubt gave rise among the European nations to the idea of quartering heraldic arms. Its skin is afterward formed into a dress resembling that worn by the Caffre chiefs in the vicinity of the Cape, but more richly ornamented. ^ The ancients represented in their sculptures a lion without a mane, which some modern writers regard as an extinct, while others view it as a fictitious, species. We have mentioned on a former occasion its occurrence on the hieroglyphical monu- ments of Upper Egypt ; and a singular confirmation of its exist- ence has been received of late years from Nubia, where it is alleged a very large and maneless lion has been recently dis- covered. 3(J0 ZOOLOGY'. Among the- Rodentia, the foremost place in our systematic arrangements is usually assigned to the squirrels, of which genus we may notice, as an Abyssinian representative, the Sciurus rut il us of RiippeL( Atlas, Taf. 24). Including the tail, it measures above a ootin length. The colour of the upper parts is of a shining red, of the under, white. The tail is distichous-, the ears are short and rounded. Several murine species occur both in Nubia and Abyssinia, We shall pass over these diminutive creatures, for the sake of the beautiful jerboa, which occurs in a considerable portion of the African continent. The genus Jerboa (Dipus, or two-legged, so-called from the erroneous notion that these animals, in Walk- ing, make use of their iiinder^axtremities only) is composed of several species, one of winch jjjjpbundant in Barbary, in Upper and Lower Egypt, and Syria, and likewise makes its appearance again in more northern countries .situated between the Tanais and the Volga.- The tail of the jerboa "usually exceeds inlength that of the body. It is covered' with smooth short. hair, except at the extremity, where there is a long silky tuft. Though this organ appeal's-, from the experiments of M? Lepechin, to be of great use in locomotion, it is not by any means thick and mus- cular, as among the kangaroos. The jerboa usually walks on all fours ; but when alarmed, it seeks its safety by prodigious bounds, which it executes with great force and rapidity. When about to leap, it raises its body by means of the hinder extremi- ties, .and supports itself at the same time upon its taiL Mean- while the fore feet are so closely pressed to the breast, as to be scarcely visible. Hence probably 4ts ancient name of two- footed mouse.- It then springs- into the air, and alights upon its four feet ; but erecting itseif again almost . instantaneously, it makes another spring, and so on in succession, and with such rapidity as to appear constantly either in an erect or a flying position. - Thexruel experiments above alluded to consisted in maiming or cutting off the tails of these poor creatures. In pro- portion as that organ yvas reduced in length, their power of leap- ing diminished ; and when it was entirely lopped off, they not only could not run at ad, but fell backwards whenever they attempted to raise themselves with a view to their accustomed spring. "The jerboa," says Bruce, " is a small lrarmless animal of the desert, nearly the size of a common rat — the. skin very smooth, and the ends of the hairs tipped with black. It lives in the smoothest plains or- places of the desert, especially where the soil is fixed gravel, for in that chiefly it burrows, dividing its hole below into many mansions. It seems to be apprehensive of the falling in of the ground ; it therefore generally digs its hole under the root of some spurge, thyme, or absinthium, upon QUADRUPEDS. 301 whose root it seems to depend for its roof not falling in and bury- ing it in the ruins of its subterraneous habitation. It seems to delight most in those places that are haunted by the cerastes, or horned viper. Nature has certainly imposed this dangerous neighbourhood upon the one, for the good and advantage of the other, and that of mankind in general. Of the many trials I made, I never found a jerboa in the body of a viper, excepting once, in that of a female big with young, and the jerboa itself was then nearly consumed."* This animal may be used as food. In taste it is scarcely distinguishable from a young rabbit. The ancients described it at an early period, and it is represented in some of the first medals of the Cyrenaicum, Bitting under an umbellated plant, supposed to be the silphium, the figure of which is likewise preserved oTUhe silver medals of Cyrene. Bruce informs us that he never saw a rabbit in Abys- sinia, but that there is an abundance of hares. Abyssinia produces several remarkable animals of the pachy* dennHtous. order, among which we rank the Ethiopian hog {Phascocharus of F. Cuvier). This extraordinary genus con- tains at least two species, frequently confounded together, under the names of Stis Af'ricanus and Sus JEthiopicus, specific titles by no means happily chosen, in as far as both are natives of the African continent, 'and that called Ethiopian, par excellence, in- habits more particularly the Cape of Good Hope. The imper- fection of this nomenclature, it has been remarked, is certainly the chief cause of the confusion which has long reigned in the history of these animals. The most remarkable distinction between the two species just named consists in the former being provided with incisive teeth, which are wanting in the latter.- For this reason the one is named Ph. incgsitms, the other Ph. ah:, i tat us, by M. F. Cuvier. f These animals, though gentle, livery, and easily tamed when taken young, are of a peculiarly ferocious disposition after attaining to the adult condition in the ?>tate of nature. Yet their mode of dentition shows that they are naturally much less omnivorous than the wild boar, and we know, in fact, that their food consists entirely of roots and other vegetable produce. Their sight is said to be defective, owing to the peculiar position of their eyes,.but their hearing is good, and their sense t)f smell exquisitely delicate. The wild boar in these parts of Africa is smaller and smoother than that of Europe or of Barbary. It inhabits swamps and the wooded banks of rivers. This animal is accounted unclean in * Travels, vol. v. p. 101. t The hindmost or lett-hand* figure of the wood-cut at p. 391 of this volume represents the head and fore-quarters of the species figured by Ruppel, under the name o(Ph. JBiamL— Atlas, Taf. 06. It was observed in Kordofdn. Cc 302 ZOOLOGY. Abyssinia, both by Mohammedans and Christians ; and that it ha/* not multiplied greatly, in consequence of being neglected by the hunters, is probably owing to its young being devoured by hyenas. That huge animal the hippopotamus is well known in Abys- sinia. Mr. Salt had no sooner reached the banks of the Ta- cazze, a tributary to the Nile, than his attention was excited by the cry of his attendants, of" Gomari ! gomari !" the Abyssinian title for the hippopotamus. At that time, however, he only obtained a momentary glance, during which he could merely observe that its action resembled the rolling of a grampus in the sea. Between the different fords of the river, which, at the place alluded to, might be about fifty yards across, there are pools of almost immeasurable depth, resembling the mountain tarns of the north of England ; and it is in these pools that the amphibious giant loves to dwell. Being desirous to attack it, Mr. Salt and his party stationed themselves on a high overhang- ing rock which commanded one of the favourite pools, and they had not remained long before a hippopotamus rose to the sur- face, at a distance of not more than twenty yards. He came up at first very confidently, raising his enormous head out of the water, and snorting violently. At the same instant their guns were discharged, the contents of which appeared to strike directly on its forehead ; on which it turned round its head with an angry scowl, and making a sudden plunge, sank to the bottom, with a peculiar noise, between a grunt and a roar. They for some minutes entertained a sanguine hope that he was killed, and momentarily expected to see his body ascend to the surface. But it soon appeared that a hippopotamus is not so easily slain ; for he rose again, ere long, close to the same spot, and apparently not much concerned at what had happened, though somewhat more cautious than before. They again dis- charged their pieces, but with as little effect as formerly ; and although some of the party continued firing at every one that made his appearance, they were by no means certain that they produced the slightest impression upon any of them. This they attributed to their having used leaden balls, which are too soft to enter his almost impenetrable scull. It appears from what they witnessed that the hippopotamus cannot remain more than five or six minutes at a time under water. One of the most interesting parts of the amusement was to witness the perfect ease with which these animals quietly dropped down to the bottom ; for the water, being exceedingly clear, they could distinctly see them so low as twenty feet be- neath the surface.* The elephant, rhinoceros, and giraffe, or camelopard, all dis- * Salt's Voyage to Abyssinia, p. 354. QUADRUPEDS. 303 tinguished for their great dimensions and imposing aspect, like- wise inhabit the low hot countries of'Abyssinia. It has fceen noted as remarkable, that such common animals as the former two should have escaped the description of the sacred writers. Moses and the children of Israel, when sojourning either in Egypt or Arabia, were long in the vicinity of countries which produced them ; and when we take into consideration the close connexion maintained by Solomon with the south-east coast of the Red Sea, it seems almost impossible that he should not have been acquainted with them, especially as both his father David and himself used abundance of ivory. Some, however, take the behemoth of the Scriptures to be the elephant, while the reem is regarded as identical with the species now designated under the name of rhinoceros. The Abyssinian hunters of the last-named animal are called agageer, from agaro, to kill, by cutting the hams, or the tendon of Achilles, with a sword. The eyes of the rhinoceros are ex- tremely small ; and as his neck is stiff, and his head cumbrous, he seldom turns round so as to see any thing that is not directly before him. To this, according to Bruce, he owes his death, as he never escapes if there is as much plain ground as to enable a horse to get in advance. His pride and fury then induce him to lay aside all thoughts of escaping but by victory. He stands for a moment at bay, then starting forward, he suddenly charges the horse, after the manner of the wild boar, which animal he greatly resembles in his mode of action. But the horse easily avoids his ponderous onset, by turning short aside, and this is the fatal instant ; for a naked man armed with a sharp sword drops from behind the principal hunter, and, unperceived by the rhinoceros, who is seeking to wreak his vengeance on his enemy, he inflicts a tremendous blow across the tendon of the heel, which renders him incapable of either flight or resistance. In speaking of the large allowance of vegetable matter neces- sary to support this enormous living mass, we should likewise take into consideration the vast quantity of water which it con- sumes. No country, according to Bruce, but such as that of the Shangalla, deluged with six months' rain, full of large and deep basins hewn by nature in the living rock, which are shaded by dark woods from evaporation, or one watered by extensive rivers which never fall low or to a state of dryness, can supply the vast draughts of its enormous maw. As an article of food, he is himself much esteemed by the Shangalla ; and the soles of his feet, which are soft like those of a camel, and of a gristly substance, are peculiarly delicate. The rest of the body resem- bles that of the hog, but is coarser, and is pervaded by a smell of musk.* * Mr, Salt is of opinion that the figure of the African rhinoeeros given 304 ZOOLOGY, Of equine animals, the zebra rx zecora occurs chiefly in the southern provinces of Abyssinia. Its mane is much used for making a particular kind of collar, which on state-days is fixed as an ornament round the necks of the war-horses belonging to the chiefs. This privilege, however, seems to be confined to a few of the principal men. The wild ass (probably the quaggy) is said to occur in the same districts as the zebra. In regard to the giraffe of Nubia and Abyssinia, we shall mention, in the first place, that from some difference in the spots and in the curva- ture of the cranium of the few individuals hitherto brought, to Europe, M. Geoffroy St. Hilaire is of opinion that jt is not of the same species as that from the southern portions of the African continent. It is an- animal of a shy nature, and rarely to be met with, in consequence of its frequenting chiefly the in- terior districts uninhabited by the human race. Its skin forms an article of barter in some of the provinces ; and an ornament made of the hair plucked from the tail is commonly fastened to the butt-end of the whips used by the inhabitants for the pur pose of brushing away flies, which are exceedingly troublesome during the hot season. These whips, Mr. Salt informs us, are themselves formed from the skin of the hippopotamus, and are called "hallinga." Of the antelope tribe, which is numerously represented m these parts of Africa, the only example we shall here name is the Nubian species called Addax byM. Lichtenstein (.4c/. Acad, Berlin, 1824, pi. xi.) Its horns are' long and slender, and form three curves. It is represented on several of the ancient monu- ments of Egypt.* We shall terminate these brief notices of mammalia by giv- ing in a note below a list of the species described and figured by M. Riippel in the atlas to his Reise im Nordlicheh Afrika.-\ by Bruce must have been copied from the one-horned species of BufTbn, with the addition of the second horn, as the two-horned rhinoceros wants the folds in the skin, which are nevertheless given by the Abys- sinian traveller. See the central figure of the wood-cut at page 291. t Felis maniculata Canis zerda Antilope montana Felis chaus Canis famelicus Vespertilio Ternminclsii Antilope Addax Camelopardalis girafia Canis variegai us C. pallidus O. pictus Mas dimidiatus M. Cahirinus Antilope dama Canis Niloticus C. anthus Rhinolophus divosus Antilope Ssmtuerliinjri Lepus Isabellinus Antilope Saltiana Psammomys obesns Sciurus rutilans P.hascochaerus iEliani Dysopes pumilns Taphozous nudiventris Nyctecejus ltHcngaster BIRDS. 305 The feathered race, especially birds of prey, are very numer- ous in Abyssinia. In the gigantic carcasses of slaughtered ele- phants and other large quadrupeds, of which only small portions are consumed by the hunters, they find a frequent supply of food. Vast quantities of field-r? is and mice make their appearance after harvest, and swarm in every crack and fissure, and are greedily devoured by hawks and kites. These and other causes, combined with " the number of men that perish by disease and by the sword, whose carcasses are never buried by this bar- barous and unclean people, compose such a quantity and variety of carrion that it brings together at one time a multitude of birds of prey ; it would seem there was not such a number in the whole earth."* The Abyssinians entertain a singular superstition regarding a species of hawk, designated by Mr. Salt under the name of white-breasted lanner. When they set out on a journey and meet with one of these birds, they watch it very carefully, for the purpose of drawing good or bad omens from its motions. If it sit still with its breast towards them until they have passed, this is regarde'd as a peculiarly good sign, and every thing is expected to go on well during the course of the journey. If its back be turned towards them, it is considered an unpropitious sign, but not sufficiently so to create any very great or imme- diate alarm ; but if it should fly hastily away on their approach, some of the most superstitious among them immediately return back to their homes, and wait till a more favourable opportunity for commencing their expedition occurs. From this circum- stance, as well as from the resemblance of its form to the sculp- tured hieroglyphics of Egypt, Mr. Salt was led to the belief that this species was probably the sacred hawk once held in such veneration by the ancient inhabitants of that country. The bird described by Bruce under the name of Abou Duck'n, or Father Long Beard, appears to be identical with the Vultur bar- batus, or lammergeyer of the Swiss Alps. On the highest sum- mit of the mountain Lamalmon, while the traveller's servants Vespertilio leucomelas Mus Orientals V. marginatus Meriones Gerbillus, Meriones robustus It is briefly reported in the foreign journals that M. Riippel has dis- covered, during the second journey in which he is still engaged, a speciea of Dugong, which is found in the Red Sea, and differs in a remarkable degree from the only species hitherto known, which is an inhabitant of the Indian Ocean. It was with the skin of this species that the Jews of old were by the Mosaic law compelled to veil the tabernacle. On this account M. Riippel has bestowed upon it the name of Halicoret abernacu- lus.—Athenaum, No. 261, p. TOO. • Bruce, vol. v. p. 150. Cc2 306 ZOOLOGY, were refreshing themselves after the fatigue of a toilsome ascent, and enjoying the pleasures of a delightful climate and a good dinner of boiled goat's flesh, a lammergeyer suddenly made his appearance among them. A great shout, or rather cry of dis- tress, attracted Bruce's attention, who, while walking towards the bird, saw it deliberately put its foot into the pan, which contained a huge piece of meat prepared for boiling. Finding the temperature somewhat higher than it was accustomed to among the pure gushing springs of that romantic region, it sud- denly withdrew its foot, but immediately afterward settled upon two large pieces which lay upon a wooden platter, into which it trussed its claws and carried them oft'. It disappeared over the edge of a " steep Tarpeian rock," down which criminals were thrown, and whose mangled remains had probably first induced the bird to select that spot as a place of soiourn. The traveller, in expectation of another visit, immediately loaded his rifle, and it was not long before the gigantic bird reappeared. As when a vulture on Imaus bred, Whose snowy ridge the roving Tartar bounds, Dislodging from a region scarce of pre}-, To gorge the flesh of lambs or yeanling kids On hills where flocks are fed, flies towards the springe Of Ganges or Ilydaspes, Indian streams-; But in his way lights on the barren plains Of Sericana, where Chineses drive With sails and wind their cany wagons light ; so landed the lammergeyer within ten yards' of the savoury mess, but also within an equal distance of Bruce's practised rifle. He instantly sent his ball through its body, and the pon- derous bird sank down upon the grass with scarcely a flutter of its outspread wings. We have elsewhere noticed the great geographical range of this species.* The species described by Bruce under the name of rachamak is the Vultur percnoplerus of I Jnnaeus, known in Egypt by the title of Pharaoh's bird. It is well known as a scavenger in most Eastern countries, and is found sculptured on the monuments of Egyptian art. Even at the present day it is exempted from injury, and pious Mussulmans sometimes bequeath sums of money for its maintenance in a state of comfortable captivity. It is believed that the Vultur Kolbii of Riippel is the yearling male of this species. There are few owls in Abyssinia ; but one or two of the spe- cies are of large size and great beauty. Bruce never saw either sparrow or magpie in the country, although we know that the natural distribution of both these species is elsewhere widely * Family Library, No XLIX . (India, vol. ih.) BIRDS. 307 extended. Pigeons are numerous and of various kinds, all ex- cellent as articles of food. They are chiefly birds of passage, except one which dwells in the eaves of houses and in the holes of walls. This species is not eaten, from an absurd notion that because its claws are large, it partakes of the nature of a hawk, and is therefore unclean. This is a parallel to the Turkish idea, that because a turkey has a bunch of bristles on its breast it is allied to the hog. The African hornbill (Buceros Africamis) is entirely black ; and nearly as large as a turkey. The Abyssinian species (B, Abyssinicus) appears to have been first distinctly described by Bruce, who informs us that in the eastern parts of the country it is known under the name of abba gumba. In Sennaar it is called Teir el JVaciba, or the bird of destiny. Its prevailing colour is a sooty black, but the ten larger feathers of the wings are of a milk-white colour, both without and within. The tip of the wings reach nearly to the tail.. The beak and head meas- ure together eleven inches and a half. hose who be- lieve novels to be injurious, or at least useless, are not witu. "t force and plausibility. Yet, if the arguments against novels are clossv examined, it will be found that they are more applicable in general to ex.. ssive in- dulgence in the pleasures afforded by the perusal of fictitious adventure* than to the works themselves ; and that the evils which can be justly ascribed to them arise almostuxclusively, not from any peculiar noxious qualities that can be fairly attributed to novels as a species, but from thoa* Individual works which in their class must bo pronounced to be indif- ferent. But even were It otherwise — were novels of every kind, the good as well as the bad, the striking and animated not less than the puerile, in- deed liable to the charge of enfeebling or perverting the mind ; and were there no qualities in any which might render them instructive as well as amusing — the universal acceptation which they have ever received, and still continue to receive, from all ages and classes of men, would prove an irresistible incentive to their production. The remonstrances of moral- ists and the reasonings of philosophy have ever beea, and will still be found, unavailing against the desire to partake of an ioyment ao attrac- tive. Men will read novels ; and therefore the utmost that wisdom and Ebilanthropy can do is to cater prudently for the public appetite, and, as it i hopeless to attempt the exclusion of fictitious writings from the shelves of the library, to see that they are encumbered with the least possible number of such as have no othar merit than that of novelty. JEJ* Sixteen works, by eminent aiUhors, have already been pi&> Uehed m the" Library of Select Novels" which are sold separately •r m complete set*.— For thttitles sir the Publishers' catalogue. BOY'S AND GIRL'S LIBRARY. PROSPECTUS. The publishers of the " Boy's and Girl's Li- brary" propose, under this title, to issue a series of cheap but attractive volumes, designed espe- cially for the young. The undertaking originates not in the impression that there does not already exist in the treasures of the reading world a large provision for this class of the community. They are fully aware of the deep interest excited at the present day on the subject of the mental and moral training of the young, and of the amount of talent and labour bestowed upon the production of works aiming both at the solid culture and the innocent entertain- ment of the inquisitive minds of children. They would not therefore have their projected enterprise construed into an implication of the slightest dis- paragement of the merits of their predecessors in th* same department. Indeed it is to the fact of the growing abundance rather than to the scarcity oi useful productions of this description that the de~ sign of the present work is to be traced ; as they are desirous of creating a channel through which the products of the many able pens enlisted in tha yt service of the young may be advantageously con- veyed to the public. The contemplated course of publications will more especially embrace such works as are adapt* ed, not to the extremes of early childhood or of advanced youth, but to that intermediate spp"- wliich lies between childhood and the opening maturity, when the trifles of the nursery and me simple lessons of the school-room have ceased to exercise their beneficial influence, but before the taste for a higher order of mental pleasure has es- tablished a fixed ascendency in their stead. In the selection of works intended for the rising gccera- tion in this plastic period of their existence, when the elements of future, character are receiving their moulding impress, the publishers pledge themselves that the utmost care and scrupulosity shall be exer- cised. They are fixed in their determination that nothing of a questionable tendency on the score of sentiment shall find admission into pages conse- crated to the holy purpose of instructing the thoughts, regulating the passions, and settling the principles of the young. * In fine, the publishers of the " Boy's and Girl's Library" would assure the public that an adequate patronage alone is wanting to induce and enable them to secure the services of the most gifted pens in our country in the proposed publication, and thus to render it altogether worthy of the age and the object which call it forth, and of the countenance which they solicit for it University of California SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY 405 Hilgard Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90024-1388 Return this material to the library from which it was borrowed. HARPER'S FAMILY LIBRARY. os. 1, 2, 3. Miiman's History of the Jew With plates 3 v. 1,5. Lockhar? v LifeofNapo- maparte. 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Memoirs of celebrated Female Sovereign 35,36. Landers' Africa 37. . Abercronnie on the Intel- lectual Powers, &c- . ... 38, 39, 40. Lives of Celebrated Travellers ... 41, 42. Life of Frederic IL King of Prussia Portrait.. . . . 43, 44. Sketches fora Venetian History. With plates... 45, 46. Thatcher's Indian Lives 47,48.49. History of India... 50: Brewster's Lts'. • : lip Revel & 3So»'8 ana €cirl»»5. c... i it ?male Bi 16. <„iiroUne W StanUattt histories Rome Maps sovfa Works = Platen. i History of Modem RusHeU and J* Unive