BETSEY JANE WARD, [BETTER-HALF TO ARTEMUS] HUR BOOK OF GOAKS WITH A HULL AKKOWNT OP THE COARTSHIP AND MARIDGE TO A4SAID ARTEMUS, AND MISTER WARD'S CUTTING-UP WITH THE MOEMON FAEE SECKS with Pikturs drawed By Mrs B. Jane Ward NEW YORK: JAMES O'KANE, PUBLISHER, NO. 12G NASSAU ST. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1866, BY JAMES OK A N F , In the Clerk's Office, of the United States DUtrict Court for the Southern District of the State of New- York. CONTENTS. Introduction, . ... - 5 Book of Goaks, ... - 9 Courtship and Marriage, - - - - 12 A Genius for Silver Spoons, - - - 21 A New-Years' Gift, - - - - 28 Forrest in Othello, - - - - 31 1 he Sorrows and Trials of Marriage, - - 33 The Trial, - - - - - . 38 Extraordinary Trial, - - - - 40 The Nigger Meeting, . - - - 45 Pharmacy Extraordinary, - - - - 52 The Duel, . . . - . 58 Visit to New-York City, - - ', - 65 The Candidate, - - - - 71 Spiritual Siance, - - - - 75 A Family Squabble, - - - - 81 The Sailing Party, .... 83 The Bad Bill, .... 87 The Volunteer, ----- 91 Authorship, - ... . . 95 The Higher Law, - - - - 99 The Beggar, .... 103 The Martyr, ..... 105 Mrs. Ward as a Poet, - - - 111 A New Movement, .... 114 The Funeral, - - - - 117 The Hungarian Patriot, - - - 121 Retribution, . . . . . 123 Astronomy, - - - - - 125 A City Girl, ..... 128 An Enthusiastic Friend, .... 131 The Actress, - - - - - 137 The Doctor, ..... 140 The Apparition, .... 145 The Village Belle. .... 149 iV!M5e33 iv. Contents. Aristocracy, - - - - - 155 Cactse for Jealousy, - - . . 164 hospitaijty, - - - - - 168 Free Suffrage. - - - = - 174 The Travelling Show, - - - 176 The Itinerant Lecturer, - - - - 184 The Income Tax, - - - - I90 Visit to Boston. - - . - - 192 The Wit of Betsey Jane, - - - I99 Confirmation Strong, - - - - - 200 Matfmnal Counsel, ... - 209 The Thunder Storm, - - - - 215 The Album, - - - - - 217 The Affectionate Couple, - - - - 219 Views of Travel, .... 223 Shocking Accident, - - - - 225 A Wandering Minstrel, - - . 230 The Fhrknologist, - . - - 236 The Actor, - . . _ . 240 A Remarkasle Incident, - - - _ 244 A Double Loss, .... 249 Account of Stock, - - - - 254 The Mysterious Couple, - - . 257 A Letter, - . . - . 258 A Travelling ^fERCHANX, - - - 265 The Perpetual Motion, - . - - 275 Marvelous Developement, - - . 276 Conspiracy Detected, - - _ . 279 An Astounding Ea'ent, - - - 289 Conjugal .Anxiety, - - - - . 294 Ulyssean Artifice, - - - . 296 Uncle Obed, ----- 299 Hiring a House, - » . - 309 INTRODUCTION, There's a smart chance of people in the world that's of very little account, who can't speak to a human without a introduction, & I write this pe.ece in the big- gining of my book to tell 'em what I intend to do, though I think a introduction is of no more use than horns on a horse's head. Everybody has heard of my Arteemass, & sum has heard a gray deal too much of him, & espeshully of the way he speaks of his own wife, his better haff which he is bound to cherish & purtect her more 'n all other fair seeks be they black or be they white. At first I was advised to git out a conjunction agin his book & hev the publication contradicted by the law which ought 2 be done or what's the use of the mariage vow, because why 1 She is his better haff as he says hisself, " the partner of his goys & the sharer of his sorrers." Yes, indeed, there's no miss take abeout the sorrers; he's all wise let me share them, & a perticklar big share 2. VI. Introduction. Finally, I thought Pd git out a histerry myself, & that would be better than goin' inter the law which is kunsidurd pocarious. Having done Somethin at lek- tring dc Jiouse 1 [Here two lank gentlemen with long hair rose to tiiirn out two rowdy sailors who were near the desk, & one of whom had caused the interruption. The sailors 50 BETSEY JANE WARD squared off & aimed a blow at the gentlemen with hair when the latter fled amain, leaping over benches and near- ly upsetting the highly respected lady of Mr. Ward, the distinguished exhibitor of wax figures.] Why you no put dem monster out ob de house ? — Dey hab been guilty ob capital 'fence — dey sturb kullud gembl'man. We gwi'ne to hab a law to hang ebery white fokes dat 'suit de poppy lation ob kullur. I 'fuse to 'peak n udder word till dem 'stroplus reper- bate is gwine out ob dis sakid edufice. [Here the two sailors, encouraged by the impunity with which they had already offended, assailed the color ed gentlemen, and caught him by the wool.] Leggo my hair, I tell you ! Wot dis congrergation 'bout to see a holy pusson pressecuted in dis manner? I am a martyr ob kullur ! [Here the ladies began to disperse, and the sailors, perceiving that the meeting was broken up, changed their tune, pretended friendship for the reverend gen- tlemen, and invited him to the tavern where his wrongs were redressed and his lacerated feelings soothed with frequent potations of corn whiskey. He was heard to remark, as he tossed off the seventh glass : " Ah, brud- dring, I always knowd dar was balm in Gilhead — pass de water, landlord."] — J7'ould hev shode it 2 me ef awl was rite in those letter. I watched on the sly that night, when arteemass was rapped in pieceful slumbers, I gut holt of the letter & red as followers : " Mynheer Wadds : Dundar ;e waed. " It air imniiteral 2 Tnt^," sez artccmass, " I dornt no northing about none- of um, I takes no interest into it whatsoniGver. I'm a she man by trade & a professur of wax figgurs, & not of the sperrit shoze, which it is something out of my line, leastwise yu could get 1 or 2 sperrits in2 the tent & plaice um alongside of the wax figgurs, they mite doc as well as iny other qurios- sity/' I tolled arteemass that sitch talk was profannity, & thet the sperrits was invissubble & couldn't be kept for a sho, only the demonstrayshuns, sitch as tipping tables rapping, playing onto the gittar, & righting yure name with a pensile under the table. " Well," sez arteemass ; " stop till I can put on a cleen biled rag & I'm with yer in a jiffy, ar with the mannidgement of the bote, tho I seen that Benjinimin was doing rong. When I arsked him 2 go in tords the land, he put the steering-stick the rong weigh & pinted it ]-ite orf from the land. Ef it had been arteemass hisself, I would hev took the stick rite out of his hands & turned it the rite way. When I wanted him to sale strate up the river, he saled tord the land, fust 1 sighed & then the other. I arsked him why he didn't go strate ahead. He sed it air on akkownt of the wind, & he were obleejd 2 beat. I tolled him he would be shure knot 2 beat ef he saled so krooked, & 1 tride 2 make him understand that he should pint the eend of the bote rite up the river, Sz then he would get along fiister, but he woodent heer 2 me, & at last I detekted him in looking at arteemass &; grinning at my obsarvations, Arteemass grinned at him back agin, &;, into that way, I was made a larfing-stock betwixt urn. Then my dander riz, (fc I seezd the stick that turns the bote, and put it tho other weigh. Benjimmin hollurd out like fury, & tolled me 2 let go, but I hung onto it with all my mite, (fc ef he had only let me alono HUK BOOK OF GOAKS. 85 weed hev gone rite strate up the river most butiful, but his interfearing made the sales shake and flap, & the bote quivvurd & kind o' turned haff round, & the wind blode the bote rite down on 1 sighed & the water come into my face, & the fust I node I was onto the bottom of the bote, & Benjimmin & arteemass holding me on for feer I should slide orf, & get drowned into a watery grave. I was wet to the skin, out you, pro- 88 BETSEY JANE WAKD haps I would feel safer in chawking it up to yure akkownt." Then he straitened rite up like a jerraflf, tfe he slung a chor of tobakker out of his check, as big as a child's head, & dashed it down onto the ground, and sez he : " My kreddit's good enuff 2 git munny inyvvhares into B;ildinsville, & I'll get the 15 scents & go into the sho in spite of yu : see ef I don't." Orf he went like a steembote under hi precure, & enormost immeduntly he come back into the most ex- citedest passion, & jerked down a 10 scent & a 5 scent stamp. " Thare's yure munny," sez he. He were going rite in, but I held out my 2 arms & kept him back. Sez I : " Mr. Hobbs, on akkownt of the noli-dge I hev of yure murrallities, I must eggzamune these yere bills in the most purtickularest manner, bc4 I can let yu parse." That made him so mad he was reddy 2 bust his wes- kit, & I kornsayte that ef arteemass's head haddent been in sight over the top of the purtition, heed hev rushed rite in, in spight of me. So he stood still a short time. Arteemass went rite up two the apotyoucarry shop two enquire what was the meaning of it awl, but Sim could only tell him that a little pink-cuUud note was scent two the shop by Sarah , &: that it was done up into the pgickidge with the other meddysins, & so Jake took it away with the rest of the meddysins, 154 BETSEY JANE WARD but which of um it was that qured him he couldn't tell. Arteemas studdid it out a long time, stranje ef a dawter of mine diddend hav tallons. Indeed it would ; & you espeshually, w^hich you air sed two be the very pickter of thet beloved parient hoo air now addressin you. Yes, dawter, on akkownt of the grate resumblunz betwixt us, it would be enermost blasphemia two say that you haddend got tallons into your drawn's. Ah !" continued I, breething a hevvy 'sithe two sho my affeckshun tords my dawter ; " I can remember when I was of your age ; then, I was young & foolish, & so ropoantic into my mind. I went to awl 212 BETSEY JANE WAED the corn-huskings, the peach partys, the hanging-bees, & et more 'lection cake than iny gurl of my heft into the villidge." " And was you gallus on picturs, mother 1" " Oh ! I was sweet enuff on the fine art," sez I, with a expressif wink of my eye ; " tho, for draw'ns, I never was so great on them as I was on sampling, which 1 got mad with arteemass 1 day, & like to broke orf the match, bekaws when I had made a house on my sani- plar & he seen it, he thawt it was a cow, & took the 2 chimblies of the house for the cow's horns. But arteemass was never much on intellectooals, away my husband arteemass Ward, you helped him to run away from his better haff, and hev turned thet poor, good-for-nothing orfin loose upon this cold world like a sheep without a shepherd, & now arftur you've IIUR BOOK OF GOAKS. 251 robbed me of my husband, you come making a um- brajus clatter about your boss, which I never seen him arfture I was shut .up in jale. You'd best two go & sarch amongst the mountings for your mayor, & ef you happen 2 find my husband two, you can bring him back at the same time." " Ef there's iny law into the kuntry, I'll parsecute you on akkownt of it," sez he ; " in the fust instunz, you took hur away by fours in arms & boddily fear, & there4 an action would lie " " Yes, I know you can lye," sez I ; " for you tolled me that arteemass was gone two Smootville & that he would be back be4 nite. Ef you beleeved that, why did you come 2 me about the boss instead of going to him when he come back ? and why did you say I should pay for the boss individooally, ef you thought arteemass haddent gone orf, & that I was a/«7i covered, as the lawyers calls it. Now you air lucky 2 get orf so, I tell you, you'd better think so. I've lost a hus- band & you've lost a boss, so that jist ballances the account." He went orf mad, & sed he'd see the square about it & hev me into jale be4 nite, for boddily fear & boss steeling, but that was the larst I beam of it; & it was the larst he hearn of his boss too. The mayor was gone forever. She was the pride of the viUidge of Baldinsville,