University of California. rop»)sition8 for amending the consti- tutions, subiTiittfil bv Mr. Hillhouse to the Senate of the United States in 1808, &c. 7. Ofticial letters, messages, and i>ublic papece. 8. Official letters, messages, and public papers continued. "9. Oihcialletters, messages, and public papers continued. Letters to the printers of the Boston Patriot. The inadmissible principles of tlie King of England's proclamation of October 16, 1807, continued. General correspondence. 10. General correspondence continued. Familiar letters of John Adams and his wife, Abigail Adams, during the rev- olution ; with a memoir of Mrs Adams, by Charles Francis Adams. N. Y., 1876. 37-223 Adams, John Qnincy. Dermot Mac- Morrogh; or, the comiuest of Ireland; an historical tale of the twelfth century, in four cantos. Columbus, 1834 16—100 Adams, W. H. Davenport. Land of the Nile ; Egypt, past and present. Illus. Lond. and N.Y., 1871 33—201 Adams, Dr. William. Toner lectures. Lecture VI : Subcutaneous surgery — its principles and its recent extension in practice. ( Vol. X V of Sm. Misc. Coll. ) . . 53— Addison, Joseph, The works of. G. W. Greene, ed. N. Y., 1853. 5 v. 21—128 V. 1. Biographical sketches of the author; Translations; Miscellaneous poems; Rosamond; The drummer; Cato; Poeniata. 2. Dialogues of medals; Remarks on Italy; Miscella- neous prose; Letters; Political writings. 3. The freeholder; The plebeian; The old whig; The tatler; The guardian; The lover. 4-5. The spectator. For biographical notices, see Biography. Adelcr, Max, pseud, in Fiction. See Clark, C. H., ADIRONDACKS. AGE. Adirondacks, adventures in tlie wilder- ness; or, camp-life in the. Murray, W. H. H. lUus. 18fi9 34—209 Alller, G. J. Dictionary of the German and English languages. Phil., 1849 25 — 151 Advancement of science. See American Association for the. Adventures. Sec, in Fiction, titles begin- ning with "Adventures." Adventures in the Apache country. IIlus. Hrowne, J. R. 1839 :(4— 20K Adventures in the wilderness. Illus. Murray, \V. H. H. 1869 34-209 Adventures of a roving diplomatist. Wi- koft, H. 1857 13—79 Adventures of a yonng naturalist. Illiis. Biart, L. N.Y., 1872 1— 4 Adventures of Signor Gandenfio di Luc- ca ; being the substance of his examina- tion before the fathers of the iuquisition ; giving an account of au unknown coun- try in the midst of the deserts of Africa ; with critical notes by Signor Rhedi. 1800 33—201 Adventures on the Columbia River. Cox, E. 1832 34—207 Adventures on the great hunting-grounds of the world. Illus. Meunier, V. 1873.31—191 Advice to a young gentleman on entering society. 1839 23—139 iEneid. *'«« Virgil 17 — 102 Aerial world. Illus. Hartwig, G. 1875. 32—194 ^schYlUS, Works of. R. Potter, tr. Lond., 1833 16—100 cox TENTS. Essay on the Grecian drama, &c. ; Prometheus chained ; The suppliants; The seven chiefs against Thebes; Aga- niemniu; The Choephora?; The Furies; The Persians. See, al8o, Literature {Greek). JEsop's fables, litt rally translated. Illus. Towusend, G. T. Lond., 1871 1— 4 AFRICA. Africa and the American flag. Illus. Foote, A. H. 1854 33—203 Afrique, D'Avezac ; Carthage, La. Malle et Yauoski ; Numidie et Mauri- tanie, Lacroix; L'Afrique chr^tienne, Yanoski. {L'Unirers.) 1844 43—260 Afrique australe, orientate et cen- trale, et I'empire de Maroc. ( L' Univera. ) Hoefer, F. 1848 43—260 — Albert N'Yanza great basin of the Nile. Illus. Baker, ^ir S. W. 1870... 33— 202 Ashango-land, Journey to. Illus. Du Chailln, P. B. 1874 33—204 — I Central Africa, Adventures and mis- sionary labors in. Bowen, T. J. 1857. 33 — 203 Africa — continued. Li ving,stone'8 last journals in Cen- tral Africa. Illus. Livingstone, David. 1875 3:i— 203 Travels in North and Central Africa. Illus. Barth, H. 1857-'59. 3v 33—204 Country of the dwarfs. Illus. Du Chailln, P. B. 1875 33—201 Explorations and adventures in Equatorial Africa. Illus. Du Chailln, P.B. 1862 33—204 Heart of Africa. Illus. Schwein- furth, G. 1874. 2v 33—203 How I found Livingstone. Illus. Stanley, H. M. 1872 33—203 lies de I'Afrique. {L'Univera.) D'Avezac. 1848 43—260 Journey to Africa. Illus. Taylor, J. B. 1869." 33—203 Lake regions of. Illus. Burtou, R. F. 1860 33—204 My Apiugi kingdom. Illns. Du Chailln, P.B. 1875 33—202 My Kalnlu ; prince, king, and slave. Illus. Stanley, H. M. 1874 33—202 Narrative of discoverv and adven- ture in Africa. ( Vol. 2 Edinburgh CaM- net Library) 29—180 SdufSgambie et Guin^e, Tardieu; Nubie, Ch^rubini ; Abyssinie, Desverges. (VUnirers.) 1847 4.3- South Africa, Missionary travels -2:i0 and researches in. Illus. Livingstone, D. 18.58 33—203 Through the dark continent. Stan- ley, H. M. N.Y.,1878 33—202 ! Voyage to the west coast of Africa. Carnes,J.A. 1852 33—203 Wild scenes of a hunter's life. Illus. I Frost, J. 1875 33—201 I Aftermath. Longfellow, H. W. Bost., ; 1874 16—96 Agassiz, Louis. Classification of insects from embryological data. {Article VI of Vol. IIofBm. Conlrib.) — 53 Contributions to the natural history of the United States of America. Illus. Bost., 1857-60. 3v 31—187 CONTENTS. V. 1-2. Essays on cla8sifi(;ation : North American Testndi- nata; EmbryoU>gy of the turtle. 3. Acalephs in general; Ctenopliora;, Discophorffi, Hydroida^, Homologies of the Iia— 1(10 CONTESTS. Life of by A. Dyce; Pleasures of imagination; Odes; Miscellaneous poems. Ak«!l'inail, John Yoiige. Ancient coins of cities aixl princes, geographically ar- ranged and described. Lond., 1846 14—81 An introduction to the study of an- cient and modern coins. Lond., 1848.. 14 — 81 Alabama. Hand-book of; a complete in- dex to the State ; with a geological map, &c. Beruey, Saffold. Mobile, 1878 ... 49— 300 Alaska, Travel and adventure in the Ter- ritory of. Illus. Whymper, F. 1871.. 35—140 Albert, Prinee Consort of England. See Biography. Albert N'Yauza. See Africa 33—202 Alcedo, Don Antonio de. Geographical and historical dictionary of Americii and the West Indies. G. A. Thompson, tr. Lond., 1812-'15. 5v 44-271 Alchemy of happinesj. Al-Ghazzali, M. VSr.i 30—184 Alcock, "Sir Rutherford. Capital of the Tycoon : a narrative of a three years' residence in Japan. Illus. N. Y., 1803. ■iv 36—221 ALCORAN. AMAZON. Alcoran. See Koran. AIcott,A. Broiison. Concord days. Best., 1872 23—140 "ilnn''r^/ 'V'"?*' O""""'^: Thoroau; Emerson, Recrea-, tion; Genealogies; Scholarship; Carlyle.&c. * Alcott, Loiima M. See Plotlon. ' Aldrich, Thomas Bailey. Cloth of gold, and other i;ocms. Bost., 18/4 IG— 100 See, also, Fiction. ! Alexander, Afra. .See Fiction. ' Alexander, I'lof. Stephen. Statement and cxpositioil of certain harmonies of the b(dar system. {AiHch 1 1 of Vol. XXI i of Sra. Contrib.) 5:{_ Alfieri, Vittorio. >Ve Biography. Alford, Henry. Plea for the Qneeu's English: Stray notes on speaking and ' spelling. N.Y., n. d 15—92 Alger, William Konnseville. Poetry of the Orient. Bo^t., 1866 19—117 16—100 Allen, Charles. Second geological sur- vey of Pennsylvania, lt75-'6-'7. R.port of progress, &c. Harrisbnrg, 1878. Illns. Maps Allen, Ethan. See Biography. Allen, H., Asat. Sun/eon V. S. A. Mono- graphs of the Bats of North America. ( In Sm. Miacel., v. 7) Allen, J. A., and Packard, A. S. Zoology of the Colorado, &c. {In 9th annual re- port U. S. Geol. Survey. 1877) Allen, Z. Philosoi)hy of the mechanics of nature, and the source and modes of action of natural motive power. Illus N.y.,1852 Allibonc, S. Anstiii. Critical dictionary of English literature and British and American authors. Phil., 1871. 3v... 25— 153 I'oelicalqnotatious from Chaucer to Tennyson; with copious indexes. Phil., C— 54 32—195 1874 Almanacs. ALGERIA. Algeria and the French conquest, riliis. Pulszky, F. 1855 44—267 Alg^rie. (VVnivers.) Du g^nie, KozetetCarette; fitats tripolitains, Hoe- fer ; Tunis, Frank. 1850 43—260 Algiers, journal of a residence in. Illus. Campbell, Thos. 1842. 2 v . . . . 33—204 Search for winter sunbeams, (ox, 36—221 S. S. 17—104 See, also, Calendar. Almauach de Gotha. Illus. 20 v 1854-77... '.OS-16S American almanac and repository of useful knowledge. Bost., N. Y., and Phil., 1829 to 1862. 20 v 28—170 American almanac for 1H78-79l-'80. Spoftord, A. R. N. Y., 1878 28—170 British almanac, from 1827 to 1860. Loud., n. d. 21 v Comic almanack. Illus. by Cruik- shank, G. From 1835 to 1843 2 Tribune almanac; 28—169 35- -216 AI-Ghazzali, Mohammed. Alchemy of hapjnness. H. A. Homes, /r. 1873.. 30— 184 Alhambra (The). Tales of the Alhambra. Irving, W 5— 34 and the Kremlin, The. Illus. Prime S.I. 1873 See, al^o, Spain. Alighieri. See Dante Alighieri. Alison, Sir Archibald. History of Eu- rope. N.Y.,1850. 6 v. Ist and 2d series, (v. 7 and 6 lost) 32—285 Military life of John, Dnke of Marl- borough. N.Y., 1848 41—252 Miscellaneous essays of. (Modern Britiah essayiata. ) Bost., 1854 23—142 CONTENTS. '^S^^e^"''^*?' ^^Pol^""; Bossuet; Poland; Muie de Stael, Nat onal monuments; Marshal NeV Kobert Bruce; Paris in 1814; Louvre in 1814 Tvrnl iv=^ 1833; Ital.y; Scott; 'Campbell^^BvC •cop?ritM question ; Miche ef a France ; Military treason a?d civic soldiers ; Arnold's Rome ; Mirabean ; Bulwer's Atl,en« Reign of terror; French revolution' of 82o' ptrfen Cte^-d^ThlSzi" ^"'"-■- «"'-"' Homt/; : N. Y. 1838 to 1868. Alphabets: Examples of modem alpha- bets, plain and ornamental, including German, old English, Saxon, Italic, Per- spective, Greek, Hebrew, court-hand, en- graving, Tuscan, Kihau, Gothic, Rustic, and Arabesque ; with several original designs, andan analysis of the old Roman and old English alphabets. Illus. Dela- motte, F. Loud., 1866 2-;- 167 15— 90 15— 90 Ancient capital letters, portfolio of. Weale, J. Loud., I858-'59 Alps, hours of exercise in the Alps. Illus. Tyndall,J. 1873 24—221 Alvord, Benjamin. Remarks upon the reorganization of the Army. Wash 1876 ■' rA , 54 — 54— I Michael Angelo. Report on the annuity scheme, n. d. T'l'igeiicies of circles and of spheres. (In Sm. Contrib., v. 8) Amazon River. Andes and the Amazon. Orton, J. 1872 Voyage up the Amazon River. Ed- wards, W. H. 1847 23—215 53— 23—215 AMERICA. AMERICA. AMERICA (as a whole). Antiquities and Archaeology. America, Ancieut. Baldwin, J. I). N. Y., 1872. . 30—185 American antiquities and researches into tlio origin and liistory of the red race. Bradford, A. W. N. T., 1843 42-286 Ancienthistoryof North America. Much, M. {In Sm. Sept., Wll) SB- Ancient momimenta of the Mississippi Valley. Squier, E. ("r., and Davie, E. H. (Sm. Sept., 1870) 53— Antiquities in some Southern States. Williams, H. C. (Sm. Itept, ISJO) 53— Antiquities of Wiscousiu. Lnpham, I. A. {In Sm. Contnb.,\.l) 53— Native racesof the Pacific States of North America. Bancroft, H. H. 5 v. 1874 30—185 North American archee Literature, &c. American annals. Holmes, A. Cam- briilge, 1829. 2 v 44—270 'American annual cyclopiedia, anil regis- ter of important events. N. Y., 18(il-'75. 15 V 24—145-146 2d series. 1876-'-9. 4 v 24—145 American annual register. 1825-';{3. N. Y. 7 V 2S— 171 American Antiquarian Society, transac- tions and collections of. Worcester, Mass., Is20. :(v 15—88 American Association for the Advance- ment of Science, proceedings of the. 7 v. 1848-'o0-'5 l-'S3-'55-'/7-78 32—198 American coals, report on. Johnson, W. R. Wash., 1844 18—109 'American (new) cyclopaedia: a popular dictionary of general knowledge. Rip- ley, G., and Dana, Chas. A., eds. N. Y., 1861-'63. 16 V 24—148 General index to, embracing voU. 1 to 15 inclusive. 1861-'75. N. Y., 1876.. 24— 145 Americanephemeris, or nautical almanac. 55 American family in Germany. llliis. Brown, .r.R. 1866 36—222 American girl abroad. Trafton,A. 1872. 12 — 73 American literature. See Literature. American merchant in Europe, Asia, and Australia. Train, G. F. N. Y., 1857 . .. 35— 213 American natural history. Illus. God- niaii, .J. D. 1846. 2v. iuoue... 31—192 American naturalist: illustrated maga- zine of natural history, edited by A. S. Packard, jr., E. S. Morse, A. H\att, and F. W. Putnam. Illus. Salem, Mass., 186&-'74. 8v 27—166 American newspaper directory. Rowell, Geo. P. 1877 26—159 American note-books. Hawthonic, \. 1866. 2v 40—244 American notes. Illus. Dickens, C. 2 copies 34 — 221 American pioneer: monthly periodical, devoted to the objects of the Logan His- torical Society ; or, to collecting and jiublishing sketches relative to the early settlement and successive improvement of the country. Illus. 1842 49—301 Amer'can progress: tirst century of the reiiublic. Illus. Her. T. D. Woolsey, Dr. F. A. P. Barnard, Hon. D. A.Wells, andolhers. 1«7T 49—301 American quarterly register and maga- zine. Stryker, J. 1848-'51. (i v 28—171 American revolution. 5ee United States (American Kecolution), American shipper's and express guide, traveler's directory, and official post- office and telegraph guide; showing the names of every city, town, and village in the United States and Canada. Teller, G. D. 1870 26—158 American State universities; theirorigin and progress. Ten Brook, A. 1875 14 — 82 American weeds and useful plants. Illus. Dariiiigton,W. 1859 18—108 Americana, Encyclopicdia; a popular dic- tionary of arts, sciences, &c. Lieber, F., and Wigglesworth, E., eds. Phila., 1849. 14 V 24—144 Americanisms. See Language. Ames, ^fr8. Mary Clemmer. See Clem- mer, Mrs. Mary. Amices, E. de. Constantinople. N. Y., 1878 35—211 Among my books. Lowell, J. R. 1870.. 2.3— 139 Among the Indians. Boiler, H. A. 1868.34—207 Among the pines. Edmund Kirke. N. Y., 1862 6—38 AMUSEMENTS, GAMES, SPORTS, &c. , Cards. History of plajing cards. Taylor, E. S. 1885 22—130 Fishing and Angling. Chalk-stream studies. Eingsley, C. (InhisVroae Idyls.) 1874 2.3—139 Frank Forester's fish and fishing of tlie United States and British provinces. Illus. 1859 31 — 189 Igoa-flshing. Prime, W. C. 1874 34—208 Games and Amusements. Book of archery. Hansard, G. A. 18«5 22—129 Drawing-room plays and pantomimes. Scott, C. 1870 22—129 Parlor charades. Frost, S. A. 1876 22—129 Anatomy of melancholy, by Democritus, jr. Burton, R. 1854 22—138 Ancient, .s'tr Antiquity ; Archccology; and sith-lirading in Fine Arts; Biogra- phy; Chronology; Drama; Geogra- phy ; History ; La-w ; Literature ; Man {jirehistoriv); Mythology; Philos- ophy; Poetry, &e. Sec, aUo, under name of each country. Ancient capital letters, portfolio of. Illus. Weale, J. 1858-'.59 15—90 Ancient faiths. Inman,T. 1809-'74. 2 v. 14—87 Ancient regime. Taine, H. A. 1876 . . . . 47— 290 Ancient society, &c. Morgan, Lewis H. 1877 30—185 Aildoi'seii, Hans Christian. Story of my life: author's edition, containing chspters additional to those published in the Danish edition, bringing the nar- rative down to the Odense festival of 1867. N. Y.,1871 37—223 For other works, see Fiction. ANDERSON. I APPLETONS. Anderson, R. B. Norse mythology ; the religion of our forefathers, contain- ing all the myths of the Eildas, system- atized and interpreted, with an intro- duction, vocabulary, and index. Chi- cago, 1876 14— 81 Anderson, Rufns. Hawaiian Islands; their progress and condition under mis- sionarj' labors. IlUis. Bost., 1864 :i4— 207 Andes and the Amaiton. IIlus. Orton,J. 1872 35—215 Andre\«'$, C. C. Minnesota and Daco- tah; in letters descriptive of a tour through the Northwest in tlie autumn ofl856. Wash., 1H57 :!4— 206 AndreiVS, Johu. History of the war with America, France, Spain, and Hol- land. lUus. I.cmd., 1785-'86. 4v 43—266 Andrews, Joseph. Journey from Bue- nos Ayres, through the provinces of Cor- dova, Tucman, and Salta, to Potosi, Ari- ca, Santiago de Chili, and Coquimbo, in the years 1825-'26. Lond., 1827. 2v... 3.->— 213 Andrew^s, Stephen Pearl. Discoveries in Chinese; or, the symbolism of the primitive characters of the Chinese sys- tem of writing. Illus. N. Y.,1854 15— y3 Anecdotes of distiuguLshed persons. Illus. Seward, W. 1798. 4v 37—227 Anecdotes, poetry, and incidents of the war, North and South. Illus. Moore, F. 1866 22—131 Anecdotes of public men. Forney, J.W. 1874 36—218 * Book of days. Chambers, W. and R. 1864. 2v 22-131 College words and customs, collec- tion of. Bartlett, J. R. 1851 l.".- 92 Cyclopiedia of wit and humor; con- taining choice and characteristic selec- tions from the wri tings of the most emi- nent humorists of America, Ireland, Scotland, and England. Illus. Burton, W.E. 1872 22—131 Man and beast, here and hereafter; illustrated by more than three hundred original anecdotes. Wood, J. G. n.d.. 31 — 191 World of anecdote; a collection of facts, incidents, and illustrations of the ways of doing good, adventure, sci ence, things clerical, lawyera, human folly, martyrs, the Bible, prayer, chris- tian life, preachers and preaching, noble women, &c., &c. Collected and ar- ranged by Edwin Paxton Hood. 1874. 4v 22-130 For anecdote biographies, see Biography. Angelo, Michel. See Biography. Anglo-Saxons. .Sec England {Anglo-Sax- on period); also, Language and Litera- ture. Animals. .See Natural liistory ; Biology. Anualesautiquitatis: chronological tables of ancient history, synchronistically and ethnographically arranged. Oxford, 1835 \i Annals of the English stage. Doran, J. 1865. 2v 36—220 Annapolis, Annals of. Ridgely, D. 1841. 49—300 Anne, Age of. Morris, E. E. {Jipochsof History series. ) 1878 46—284 Anne Boleyn : a tragedy. Boker, G. H. 1850 16—100 Annual cyclopiedias. 5ec Cyclopaedias . 24 — 145 Annual of scientific discovery ; or year- book of facts in science and art. D. A. Wells, ed. Bost., 1853-'57 and 1865-71. 10 V 32—198 Annual registers. American annual reg- ister. 1825-'.33. N. Y. 6v 28—172-3 A'o(e.— For Annual reports, gee undernames of the vai-ious institutions to which they relate. Annus mirabilis, poem. Sie Drydeu, John 16— 98 Anson, George (Lord). See Biography. Ansted, David Thomas. Geologist's text-book. Lond., 1845 32—194 Anthon, Cluules. Classical dictionary. N. v., 1860 [. 25—151 Anthropology. See Man. Antiquities. See Archaeology; Man (prehistoric); History (««■. 1850 30—183 Pliilosophy of mystery. Dendy, W. C. 1847 30—183 See Occult sciences; Spiritualism. •Appletons' new American cyclopiedia: popular dictionary of general knowl- edge. George Ripley and Charles A. Dana, eds. N. Y., 1861-'63. 16 v 24—148 Journal of literature, science, and art. 1870-72. N. Y. 6v 27—166 * Dictionary of machines, mechanics, engine-work, and engineering. Illus. N.Y.,18'J1. 2v 26-158 * Cyclopiedia of drawing. Worthen. N. Y., 1866 15- 88 * Cyclopaedia of biography. Illus. N. Y., 1856 2.5-154 APPLETONS. 8 AECHITEOTUEE. Appletons' cyclopa'dia — continued. * General index to, embracing Vols. I-XV inclusive. ISei-'?!;. N. Y. 1876 24—145 " American annual cyclopiedia for 1861-79. (Ist and 2d series.) 19 v. N. Y., 18fil-'80 24—145-46 Aquatic rights, Essaj' on. Schultes, H. 1811 29—178 ARABIA. Arabia. History of, ancient and modern. Crichton, A. 18;«-'34. 2 v 44—267 History of, ancient and modern. ( Vols. 13 and 14 of Edinhurgh Cahiiiet Li- trary) , 29—180 Arabie. {V Univers.) Desvergers. 1847 Lands of tbe Saracen. Bayard. 1869 Taylor, J. 43—260 35—213 See, also, Saracens ; Algeria. Arabula, the divine gnest. Davis, A. J. 1867 14— 81 Aragon. Sec {in Biogra])hy) Ferdi- nand — Ararat, Journey to. Parrot, F. 1846.... 35— 213 Arbiay, Frances Burney, Madame d'. See Fiction. Arboretum et fruticetum Britaunicum. Illus. Loudon, J. C. 1844. 8 v 52—316 Arcana coelestia. Swedenborg, E. N. Y., 1870-73. 10 V 14— 83 Archaeologia: miscellaneous tracts relat- ing to auti(inity. Illus. 1860. v.:W.. If— 88 Archaeology. See Bulletins of U. S. Geo- logical and Geographical Survey of the Territories. i«v. 1,2, 3.. 54— Biblical. Jahn, J. 1849 25-149 | Encyclopicdia of antiquities, and elements of archicology, classical and mediajval. Illus. Fosbrook, Thomas D. Lond.,1843. 2v 15—88 General views of. Morlot, A. (Sm. iJept.,1860) 53- See also. Architectnre ; Classical dictionaries; History (Ancient); Man (prehi-storic). AUo, tuider names of various countries and places, in general alphabet, as America; Egypt; Greece; Italy, &c. ARCHITECTURE. Architecture of Various Countries. American architect. Illus. Hitch, J. W. N. T., n.d 30-182 Architecture of the buildings of France and Italy. Tappan.U. Lond.,1806 15—89 Maisons de Paris et de ses environs, avec planches. Kratft, J.C. Paris, 1849 B Stately homes of England. Illus. Jewitt, L., and Hall, S.C. Phila.,n.d 80—182 , Architecture — continued. j Building and Carpentry. Carpentry : guide-book for carpentry and joining. Illus. Nicholson, P. 1852. 2v 19—114 Charpentc, Trait6 sur lart de la. Krafft, J. Ch. 1840. 2v B Elementary principles of carpentry. Tredgold, T. Phila., 1847 .....' 19—114 New and improved practical builder and work- man's companion. Illus. Nicholson, P. Lond., n d. 3v 1»_113 Church Architecture. Parish churches. Illus. Brandon, K. and J. Arthur, 1848 15— 88 Dictionaries. *ArchitecttiraI dictionary, containing a correct no- menclature and derivation of the terms em- jdoyed by architects, builders, and workmen. Nicholson, Peter. 1819. 2v 26—160 ♦Encyclopaedia of architecture. Illus. Gwilt, J. 1842 15- 88 * Glossary of terms used in Grecian, Roman, Italian, and Gothic architecture. Illus. Turner, T. H. 1850. 3v 13—88 * Rudimentary dictionary of terms tised in civil and naval architecture, &c. Weale, J. 1849-'60... 25—149 Domestic and Suburban. -American architect. Illus. Kitch, J. W. n. d... 30—182 Architect: series of original designs for domestic and ornamental cottages and villas; connected with landscape gardenmg. Illus. Ranlett, W. H. N.T.,1849. 2v B Architecture of country houses. Illus. Downing, A.J. 1866 15—88 Cottage residences. Illus. Downing, A. J. 1853.. 18 — 88 Designs for the gateways of the southeVn entrances to tbe Central Park. Illus. Himt, K. M. 1866.. B Homes for the people, in suburlj and country ; adapted to American climate and wants. Illus. Wheeler, Gervase. 1868 18—109 Homes of the London poor. Ilill, Octavia. 1875 . . 29 — 178 School-houses. Illus. Jobonnot, J. 1871 14 — 82 Workingmen's homes. Hale, E. E. 1874 29—175 General and Miscellaneous Works. Architect, The. Illus. Eanlett, TV. H. N.T.,1849. 2 V B Beauties of modem architecture. Illus. Lefever, M. 1849 30—182 Frinciplesof architecture ; coraprisingfundamcntal rules of the art, with their api)llcation to prac- tice; also rules for shadows, and for the five orders. Illus. Nicholson, P. Sixth edition, by Joseph Gwilt. 1848 19—114 Recneil d'arcbitecture civile, avec planches. Krafft.J.Cb. 1829 g Seven lamps of architecture. Illus. Raskin, J. N.Y.,1865 i5_89 Stones of Venice. Illus. Ruskin, J. N. Y., 1864. 3v 15_ gg Same. Lond, 1851. 3v 15 gg Same. N. T i5_ gg Wonders of architecture. Illus. Lefever, M. 1849 15— 90 AKCTIC. AENOLD. ARCTIC REGIONS. Arctic boat journey. lUus. Hayes, I. I. 1871 33—207 Arctic experiences: containing Capt. George E. Tyson's wonderful drift on the ice-floe, a history of the Polaris expedi- tion, the cruise of thc^ Tigress, and rescue of the Polaris survivors. Ilhis. Blake, E. Vale, erf. 1874 33—200 Arctic explorations. Illus. Kane, E. K. 1857. 2v 3:5—200 Arctic land expedition. Illus. Back, G. 1836 33—201 Arctic searching expedition. Illus. Richardson, -Sic .J. 18.51. 2v 3:3—200 Cast away in the cold. Illus. Hayes, I. I. 1872 .5— :« [Fiction.] Fur country; or, sc^venty degrees north latitude. Illus. Verne, J. D'Au- vers, N., olar sea. Illus. Franklin, .Sir J. 1823 33—200 | Reindeer, dogs, and snow-shoes. Illus. Bush, R. J. 1871 :«j— 222 j United States Grinnell expedition. Illus. Kane, E. K. 1854 :?:}- 200 Voyages and adventures of Captain Hatteras. Verne, J. n. d 12 — 68 2 Arctic regions — continued. A chronological history of voyages into the arctic regions. Illus. Barrow, John. 1818 33—201 Voyages to the Frozen Ocean. Mackenzie, A. 1801 34—205 Voyage of discovery to Batiiu's Bay. Illus. Ross, Sir J. 1819 33—199 Voyages of discovery and research ! within the arctic regions. Barrow, Sir J. 1846 33—201 Wild north land ; being a story of a winter journey, with dogs, across northern North America. Illus. But- ler, W. E. 1874 31-210 Argonautic expedition. Xote. — This expedition is tile subject of tlie Argouautics of Apollonius Rhodiiis and Valerius Flaccus. Consult Classical dictionaries, and {for explanation of tlie story as a niytb) Bryant's Mythology, v. 3. See, also, Nie- buhr's Greelc Hero-stories, and' Hawthorne's Tangle- wood tahss and Morris's poem Jason. Arg-yll, Duke of. See Campbell, George D. (duke of Argyll). Ariosto, Ludovico. Orlando Furioso. J. Hoole, «c. Lond., 1799. 5v 16—100 Aristotle. Treatise on poetry, with two dissertations on poetical and musical imitation. T. Twining, fr. Loud., 1812. 2v 15— 93 Ethics and politics. Gillies, J. Lend., 18i:}. 2v 29—177 Armes defensives et offensives des grecs, des remains et autres peuples de I'anti- (iuit(^ d'aprfes les mouumens antiques. .. B Arniitag;e, John. History of Brazil, from 1808 to 1831; a continuation of Southey's hi-story. Lond., 1836. 2v... 45— 279 Army life in a black regiment. Higgiu- son.T.W. 1870. .;... 23—139 Army register of the volunteer force of the IT. 8. Army for the years 1861-'65. Wash., 18li5. 8v 51— .311 See, also, United States. Army regulations of the U. S., revised. Wash., 1833 51—311 Arnold, Arthur. Through Persia by caravan. N.Y., 1877 35—213 Arnold, Benedict. See Biography. Arnold, Frederick. Turning-points in life. N.Y.,18;3 23-140 Arnold, Matthew. Culture and anar- chy; essay in political and social criti- cism. N. Y.,1875 23—141 Essays in criticism. Bost., 1869. .. 23 — 141 COXTENTS. Literary influence of academies; M. Aurelius Antoninus; Functions of critici-sm; a Frencli Eton; Eugenie de Gu6rin; Maurice de Gu6riu; Heinrich Heine ; On trans- lating Homer; Joubert; I'agan and medieeval religious sentiment. ARNOLD. 10 ARTS. Arnold, Thomas. History of Rome. N. Y., 1851 48—295 History of the later Roman com- mouwealth, from the end of tlie second Punic war to the death of Julius Cassar, and of the reign of Augustus. N. Y., 1846 48—295 Introductory lectures on modern history. N.Y.,1847 43—265 For life, set Biography. Arnott, Neil. Warming and ventilating. Loud., 1838 18—110 Around the world. lUus. Prime, E. D. 6. 1872 .... 34—208 Around the world with (ieneral Grant : narrative of the visit of General U. i*. Grant to various countries in Europe, Asia, and Africa in 1877, 1878, and 1879. Illus. Young, John Russell. 1879. 2 v. 34—208 Arp, Hill, paexid. See Smith, C. H. Arrowsniith, John. Loudon atlas of universal geography. Lond., 1842 B Art. 6ee Arts (Useful); Fine Arts. Art of reading. Legouve, Ernest. Roth, Edward, «)•. 1879 15—93 Art of war in Europe, in 18.i4-'56; report l«y>lfa;. Richard Delafield, Corps of Engi- neers. Wash., 18(50 38—233 Arthur, William. Tongue of Are; or, the true power of Christianity. Sum- mers, T. O., ed. Nashville, 1856 14— 81 Arts, Handmaid to the. Lond., 1758. 2v 19-116 Arts of writing, reading, and speaking. Cox.E.W. 1873 15—93 ARTS (TTseful) AND MANUFACTURES. Aeronautics. Aerial world. lUns. Hartwig, G. N. T., 1875 . . , 32—194 Aeronautic voyages. Arago, D. h\ (Sm. Rept., 1863) 53 Balloon ascensioDs. Glaisher, J. (Sm. Sept., )S63.) 53 Fhenomena of flight in the animal kingdom. Marcy, M. (Sm. 7ffp«., 1869) 53 Wonderful balloon ascents. Illus. Marion, F. N.T., 1870 32—194 Aqueducts. Croton aqueduct. Memoir of the construction, cost, and capacity of the. King, C. N. Y,1843. 19—114 Reports on the construction of the piers of the aqueduct of Alexandria Canal across the Poto- mac River at Georgetown, B. C, 1835-'40. Turn- bull, Maj. W 53 Arches. Elements of stability in the well-proportioned arch, with numerous tables of the ultimate and actual thrust. Treatise on the various. Illus. Woodbury, V. P., Captain V. S. Engineers. N.T.,-1858 53 Oblique arches, Construction of. Illus. Hart, J. I-ond., 18,39 19—114 Arts (Useful) and Manufactures — continued. Asphalt and Bitumen. Asphalt and bitumen, Report on. Beckwith, A. (Paris univ. exhib. U. S. repts., v. 4) 52—314 Assaying. Assaying, Practical. Mitchell, J. Lond., 1846 19—115 Balloons. See Aeronautics. Beet-Sugar. Beet-sugar and alcohol. D'Aligny, H. F. Q. (Paris vniv. exhib , v. 5) 52 — 314 Bridges. Bridges, construction, (Jeneral theory of. Haupt, H. N.Y.,1851 19—114 Bridges executed iu stone, iron, timber, and wire, and on the principle of suspension. Illustrations of. [anon.] Lond , 1847 B Bridges, in theory, practice, and architecture. Wcalo,J. Lond., 1839. 2v 19—114 Bridging of the Mississippi Kiver between Saint Paul, Minn., and Saint Louis, Mo., Report on. Illus. Warren, Gouverueur K., Major V. .V. Engineers. Wash., 1878 55 — Construction of bridges. Rogers, F. {Sm. Rept. 1861) 53— Military bridges. Douglas, Sir H. Lond., 1832.. 19—114 Oblique bridgi s. An essay on. Buck, G. W. Lond., 1839 19—114 Practical treatise on bridge-building, and on the equilibrium of vaults and arches ; with the pro- fessional life, and selections from the works, of Rennie. illus. Creay, Edward. Lond., 1839.. B Cabinet-making. Modem style of cabinet-work exempliticd. Illus. King, Thomas. Lond., 18B2 B Cements, Limes, Mortars, &c. Limes, calcareous cements, mortars, &c., Observa- tions on. Illus. Pasley, Sir C. W. Lond., 1847 18—109 Mortars and cements. Treatise on. Vicat, L. J. Lond., 1837 18—109 See, also, Masonry. ! Chimneys. Practical treatise on chimneys, with remarks on stoves, the consumption of smoke and coal, ven- tilation, &c. Eckstein, G. E. Lond., 1852 18—109 Coal. Goal. Proctor, R. A. (/ti Aii Borderland, &c.)... 32—196 Ooal mines. Treatise on the working and ventila- tion of. Hedley,J. Lond., 1851 18—109 Ooal regions of America. Illus. Macfarlane, J. N. Y.,1873 18—109 Coal trade. Historical, geological, and descriptive 1 view of the. Dimn, M. Newcastle-npon-T.yne, j 1844 18—109 Ooal-gas, Manufacture and distribution of. Illus. Clegg, S. Lond., 1853 18—109 Oollieries, Treatise on the winning and working of. Dunn, M. Lond., 1852 18—109 Lectures on coal. Le Conte, J. (Sm. IJept., 1857). 53 Report on the manufacture of pressed or agglom- eratedcoal. D'Aligny, H. F. Q. (In Paris exhib. rept, v. 5) 52—314 ARTS. 11 ARTS. Arts (tTsefiil) and Manufactures— coutiiiiied. Report to the Navy Department of the "United States, on American coals applicable to steam navigation, and to other purposes. Johnson, WaltorK. Wash., 1844 55 Statistics of coal, the distribution of mineral com- bustibles or fossil fuel. Taylor, R. C. Fhila., 1848 18—109 Columns. Cast-iron beams and columns. Treatise on. Turn- buU, W. Lond.,1832 19—115 Cotton Manufacture. Cotton manufacture of Great Britain systematically investigated, lllus. Urc, A. Lond., 1836. 2v. 19—116 Cotton manufacture of the United States of Amer- ica, compared with that of Great Britain. Mont- gomery,J. Glasgow, 1840 19—116 Cotton manufacture, &c.. United States. Mudge, £. R. (In Paris imiv. exhib. repts., y.G} 52 — 314 See. alio, Agriculture. Dictionaries and Cyclopaedias. "American mechanical dictionary. Knight, K. H. N. T., 1874-'76. 3v ' 26—158 * Gyclopxdia, Britisli. Arts and scit-nces. lllus. Partington, C. F. Lond., 1833. 2 v 2.')— 154 * Dictionary of arts, manufactures, and mines. lllus. Ure, A. N.T.,1848 26-160 * Dictionary of arts, sciences, and manufactures. lllus. Francis, G. W. Lond., 1849 25—149 * Dictionary of machines, mechanics, engine-work, and engineering. N. Y.,1861. Appletons. 2v 26 — 1,'>8 * Encyclopaedia, Icouographic, of science, litera- ture, and art. lllus. Heck, J. G. N. T., 1851. 4 v. text and 2 v. plates 30—182-3 'Encyclopaedia of useful arts; comprising agricul- ture, horticulture, conimei-ce, it c. Lond., 1848. 19 — 114 * Imperial , English, technological and scientific dic- tionary, with supplement. JUus. Ogilvie, J. Lond., 1853. 3v 23—150 * Repertory of arts and manufactures. Lond. , 1794- 1802. 16v 18—111-12 Same. lllus. 2d series. Lond., 1802-'08. 12 T 18—111-12 * Rudimentary dictionary of terms ased in archi- tecture, art, engineering, mining, &c. Weale, J. Lond., 1849-'50 25—149 Technical repository. lllus. Gill, T. Lond , 1822-27. 11 V -- 18—111 Same. 2d series. Loud., 1827-'30. 6v 18—110 Universal technological dictionary of terms used in all arts and sciences. Crabb, G. Lond., 1823. 2v 26—160 Drawing (Mechanical). 'Cyclopaedia of drawing. Appletons. Wortheu, W. E., cd 15—88 Dyeing. Dyeing purple and yellow. (Sm. ii«j)(., 1863) 53 — Treatise on dyeing and calico-printing. N. T., 1846 19-116 Engineering. Assistant engineer's railway guide in boring. Illua. Haskoll, W. D. Lond., 1846 19—115 Civil engineering, Complete course of. 5- Supplement. Illus. Wash., 1872 Iron and steel. Production of. Hewitt, A. S. v. 2. {In Paris exhih.repU.) 52 — 314 Manufactures of iron. Illus. Overman, F. Phila., 1851 19—115 Lightning-rods. Directions for constructing lightning-rods. Henry, iVo/. Joseph. {Article i Sm. Misc. Coll.) v. 10. j 1873 53— Manufactures. See. also, iu this class, Cotton. History of the processes of manufacture and uses of printing, gas-light, pottery, glass, and iron. Illus. {From the Encyclopcedia Sritannica.) N.Y.,18(i4 24—146-7 Philosophy of manufactures; or, an exposition of the scientific, moral, and commercial economy of the factory system of Great Britain. Ure, Andrew. Loud.. 1835 19—116 Report on clothing and woven fabrics. Stevens, P. {Inv. 6 Paris univ. exhib. repts.) 52 — 314 Masonry. Masonry and stone-cutting. Illus. Nicholson, P. Lond., 1835 19—114 Practical masonry. Illus. Shaw, E. Bost., 1846. 19 — 114 Mechanics. History, mechanics, science. Masterpieces of the Centennial International Exhibition. Illus. Wilson, Joseph. Phila., 1876. v. 3 30—181 Mechanic's calculator and tinman's guide. Illus. Quantrill, T. H. Wash., 1848 19—115 Mechanics for practical men; treatises on the composition and resolution of forces, the centre of gravity, and the mechanical powers. Illus. Jamison, Alex. Lond., 1845 18 — 110 Philosophy of the mechanics of nature. Illus. Allen,Z. N. Y., 1853 32—195 System of mechanical philosophy. Robinson, J. Edin, 1822. 4v 18—110 Treatise on mechanics. Gregory, O. Lond., 1826. 3 V. 2 text, 1 plates 18 110 Metallurgy. Use of the blow-pipe in the examination of miner- als, ores, fuiiiace-products, and other metallic combinations. Plattner, C. F. Muspratt, J. S., tr. Lond., 1845 18—110 AETS. 13 ASSISTANT. Arts (Useful) and Manufactures — continued. Mines and Mining. See, also, Coal. Mineg and mining in the States anil Territories west of the Eoclsy Mountains for the years 1870- '76, Statistics of. Kaymond, RossiterW. Wash., 1870-'77. 7v 54— Mining industry. Hague, James D. With geolog- ical contributions by King, Clarence, and atlas, lllus. ( Vol. 3 of Neport of the United Stntei Geo- logical Exploration of the Fortieth Parallel.) Wash., 1870 31—187 Mining industry of Colorado, etc. lllus. Haydeu, F. v., &c. (Parti of the Seventh Animal Kcport of the United States Geological and Geographical Survey of the Territoriea. ), 1874 Si- Mining industry, &c., of Colorado. Hayden, F. V., cfcc. (I'art 1 of the Eighth A nnual Report of the United States Geological and Geographical Svr- vey of the Territories.) Wash., 1876 54— Report on mining and mechanical preparations of ores. D'AUgny, H. F. Q., ond o(A«r«. t. 4. {In Paris exhib. repts.) 52 — 314 Photography. Report by H. F. Q. D' Aligny. ( Vol. 5 I'aris exhib. repts.) 52—314 Printing. Art of printing; its history and practice, from tlie daysof John Gutenberg. Hansard, T.C. Edin., 1851 15— 89 Historyoftheartofprinting. lllus. Humphreys, H. N. Loud., 1868 15— 88 Roads. Manual of the princi])les and practice of road- making. GUlespie, W. M. N. Y., 1853 19— ll.> Practice of making and repairing roads; of con- structing foot-paths, fences, and drains. Hughes. Thomas. Lond.,1838. 19—115 Treatise on roads. Bloo-222 Assistant engineer's railway guide in boring. lUus. Haskoll, W. D. 1840... 19—115 ASSYRIA. 14 ASTRONOMY. ASSTRIA. Assyria. ( Vol. 32 of Edinburgh Cabinet Library) 29-179 Assyrian discoveries: au account of explorations and discoveries on the site of Nineveh, during 1873 and lh74. Illns. Smith, George. 1875. 35—214 Astrea ; tlie balauce of illusions : a poem. Holmes, O. W. 1850 16—97 Astrology, Illustration of the celestial science of. Sibly , E. 1784 15— 88 See, algo, Occult sciences. ASTRONOMY. General and Miscellaneous Works. Astronomical and rneteorologicalobservationsmade during the year 1875, at the United States Naval Obaervatory. lUus. Davis, Charles H., Rear Admiral V. S. N., Superintendent. Wash., 1878.. 5.5— Astronomical observations at the U. S. Naval Ob- servatory. Wa«b.,1846,'51,'52,'68,and'G9. 5v. .15— Astronomical observations in the Arctic Seas. Kane, Dr. Elisha Kent. ( Vol. 12 of Sm. Contrib.) Wash 5»— Astronomical observations for 1876. The Wash- ington appendix 1: a subject index to the publi- cations of the United States Naval Observatory. 1845-75 55— Astronomy. Lockyer, J. Norman. {Science Prim- ers.) 1879 32—196 Astronomy and barometric hypsometry. Wheeler, JJeut.G.M. Wash., 1877. v. 2 55— Astronomy and general physics. Whewell, Wil- liam. ( Vol. 1 Bridgeivater Treatises) 31—191 Astronomy and hypsometry. lUus. Gannett, Henry. (Part IV of the sixth annual report of the Vnited States Geological Sumey of the Terri- tories.) Wash., 1873 54- Astronomy of the Bible. Mitchel, O. II. 186« ... 32—196 Christian revelation in connection with modem astronomy. Chalmers,!. 1871 14—84 Collection of tables and formula; useful in survey- ing, geodesy, aud practical astronomy, &c. Lee, S.J. 1853 54— Ecce coelum ; or, parish astronomy, &c. BniT,E.F. 32 — 196 Elements of astronomy. Gu.v, J. 18,53 32—196 Essays on astronomy. Proctor, R. A. 1872 32—196 Expanse of heaven, The. Proctor, R. A. 1874... 32—196 Heavens, The. lllus. Guillemin, A. 1872 32 — 196 Light science for leisure hours. Proctor, R. A. 1871 32-196 Mechanism of the heavens. lUus. 01mst«ad, D. Loud., 1850 32-^196 Myths and marvels of astronomy. Proctor, R. A. 1377 32—196 Other worlds than ours, lllus. Proctor, R. A. Ig71 32—196 Planetary and stellar worlds. Mitchel, O.M. 1868. 82—196 Popular astronomy. lllus. Mitchel, O. M. 1867- - 32—196 Recueil d'obseriations astronomiques. Humboldt, F.H.A.von. 1810. 2v 57— Romance of astronomy. Miller, R. K. 1875 33—196 Science, the border Land of. Familiar dissertations on stars, planets, &c. Proctor, R. A. 1874 32 — 196 Science byways : familiar dissertatious on life in other worlds, &c. Proctor, R. A. 1875 32—196 Telegraphic announcements of astronomical dis- coveries. Henry, Pro/. Joseph. iArt.So/Vol. 12 0/ Sm. Misc. CoU.) 53— Astronomy — continued. Universe and the coming transits, lllus Proctor, R.A. 1874 Wonders of the heavens. lllus. Flammarion, C. N. T.,1874 32—196 Asteroids. Asteroid supplement to new tables for determining the values of b^^ aud its derivations. Runkle, John D. [Appendix to Vol. 9 o/Sm. Conlrib.)-. 53— Aurora Borealis. Anrora borealis, On the recent secular period of the. Olmstead, Denison. (Article 3 of Vol. 8 of Sm.Oontrib.) 53 — Auroral phenomena. Record of, observed in the higher northern latitudes. Force, Peter, eomp. (Appendixto Vol, 8o/Sm. Contrib.) 53 — Earth. Problems of rotary motion presented by the gyro- scope, the precession of the equinoxes, and the pendulum. Baruanl, J. P., Bi)(. Jfa^;. Oeni. (Vol. \9 Sm. Contrib.) 53— See, also, Earth, The, in general alphabet. Eclipses and Occultations. Occnltations of planets aud stars by the moon dur. ing the year 1853. Downs, John. (Appendix to Vol. 6 of Sm. Contrib.) 53— Occnltations visible in the United States during the year 1851. Downs, John. (Appendix 4 of Vol. 2 of Bm. Contrib.) 53— Occnltations visible iu the Unit«d States and other parts of the world during the year 1852. Downs, John. (Appendix 2 of Vol. 3 of Sm. Contrib.). . . 53— Recurrence of solar eclips, s, On the ; with tables of eclipses from B. C. 700 to A. D. 2300. Newcomb, Pro/. Simon, r. S. iV. Wash., 1879 53- Solar eclipse of Dec. 22, 1870, Reports on observa- tions of the. Wash., 1871 53— Total eclipse of the sun on September 7, 1858, in Peru. Gilliss, .7. M., Lieut. ( Vol. 2 of Sm. Con- trib.) 53— Ephemeris, &c. American ephemeris and uantical almanac for the years 1855-'82. 28 vols. Wash., 1852-79 55— Jupiter. Satellites of Jupiter, De Uamoireau's tables of the, to the year 1900, a continuation of. Todd, D. P. Wash., 1876 53— Moon. The moon : her motions, aspect, &c. 1873. Proc. tor,K.A 32-196 Wonders of the moon. Guillemin, A. 1873 32—196 Nebulae. Index catalogue of books and memoirs relating to nebula' and clusters, &c. Holden, Edward S. ( Vol. 14 of Sm. Misc. Coll.) 53— Remarks relative to nebulee. Gautier, I'rof. (In Sm.rcj)«.,1863) 53— See Spencer, H. Illustrations of universal progress, for exposition of nebular hypothesis. A8TEONOMT. 15 AUSTIN. Astronomy — continued. Neptune. Ephemeris of the plaiift Neptune, for the data of the Lalande observations of May 8 and 10, 1795, and for the oppositions of 1S46, 1847, 1848, and 1849. Walker, Sears C. {Appendix 1 of Vol. 2 of Sm.Contrib.) 63— Ephemeris of the planet Neptune for the year 1850. Walker, Sears C. (Appendix 2 of Vol. 2 of Sm. Contrib.) 53— Ephemerisof the planet Xeptune for the year 1851. Walker, Sears C. (Appendix 3 of Vol. 2 of Sm. Contrib.) 53— Ephemeris of the planet Neptune for the year 1852. Walker, Sears C. (Appendix 1 of Vol. 3 of Sm. Contrib ) 53 — Investigation of the orhit of Neptune, with general tables of its motion. Newi;onib, Prof. Simon. {Vol. 15o/Sm. Contrib.) SB- Researches relative to tlie planet Neptune. Walker, SearsC. (Vol. 2 of Sm. Contrib.) 53— Planets. General integrals of planetary motions. Newcomb, Pro/. Simon. {Vol. 21 of Sm. Contrib.) 53— Memoirs of the secular variations of the elements of the orbits of the ei^ht principal planets. Mer- cury, Venus, the Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. Stockwell, John N. (Vol. 28o/Sm. Contrib.) SB- New tables of planetary motio:i . Ruukle, John D. (Appendixto Vol. 9o/Sm. Contrib.) 53— Solar System. Harmonies of the solar system. Statement and ex- position of certain. -Mexander, Prof. Stephen. (Vol. 21 of Sm. Contrib.) 53— Spectrum. Spectrum analysis, &c. .Schellen, H. H. 1812 33—195 Spectrum analysis applied to the heavenly bodies. Huggins,W. Lond.,n.d 33—195 Stars. Almanac catalogue of the zodiacal stai'S 53 — Oatalogue of 2,381 principal fixed stars. Baily, F. 1825 32—198 Half hours with the stars. Proctor, E. A. 1871.. 32— lfl6 Scintillation of the stai-s. Dufour, C. (Sm. He2>t., . 1861) 53— Sun. Thesun. Guillemiu, A. 1872 32—196 The sun: ruler, iire, light, &c., of the planetary system. Proctor, R. A. 1871 32—196 Telescope. Construction of a silvered-glass telescope, fifteen and a half inches in aperture, and its use in celes- tial photography, On the. Draper, Dr. Henry. (Vol. Uef Sm. Contrib.) 53— Uranus. Orbit of Uranus, An investigation of the ; with gen- eral tables of its motions. Newcomb, Prof. Simon. (Vol. W of Sm. Contrib.) 53— See, aUo, Almanacs, Astrology, Meteorology. At home and abroad ; first and second series. Taylor, J. B. 1869. 2v 34—208 At last : a Christinas in the West Indies. Illus. King8ley,C. 1874 25—215 Atheism. See Biblical and religions lit- erature ; Infidelity ; Skeptical writings. ATHENS AND ATTICA. Athens: its rise and fall. Bulwer-Lytton, .SiVE. 1837 47—289 Historians of. Freeman, E. A. (In Ai8 Historical essays, v. 2. 1873) 23—142 Athenian empire. (Epochs of Ancient History) 47—289 Athenian and American life. Fisk, J. (/« ftis Unseen world, &c.) 1.S76-.. 14— 8 Athenian democracy. Freeman, E. A. (in Ain Historical essays, v. 2) 23 — 141 Athenians, puhlic economy of the. Boeckh, A. 1857 29—179 See, also. G-reece. Athcrii, Anna. See Fiction. Atlantic : voyage of the Challenger. Thompson, C. W. 1878. 2v 34—207 Atiantic essays. Higginson, T. W. 1871- 23—141 Atlantis. See Gould, S. B. The Fortu- uatelsles. (/h A is Curious Myths, v. 2). 14 — 81 ATLASES. •Atlas. Bradford, T. G. Bost., 1835 .... B * General. Colton, C. W. and C. B. N.Y.,1871 B * Classical geography. Hughes, W. N. Y.,1856 33—203 * G^ographique et physitine du ro- yaume de la Nouvelle-Espagne. Hum- boldt, A. von. Paris, 1812 B * Military and topograj)hical, of the United States; including the British Pos- sessions; to which is added a list of the military districts, a register of the Army, and a list of the Navy of the United States. Melich, John. Phila., 1813.... 55— * New general. Mitchell, S. A. Phila., 1874 B * Physical. Johnston, A. K. 1849. B * Para el viage de las golctas, sutil y Mexicana, &c. 1802 B * Universal historical. Sheahan, J. W. N.Y.,1873 B * de I'exploration du territoire de I'Or^gon. Mofras, Duflot de. Paris, 1844 Aubrey, John. Miscellanies upon various subjects. Loud., 1857 22 — 130 CONTESTS. Day fatality; Omens; Dreams; Apparitious; Impulses; itnockings, &c. Aubiiissondc Voisins,Jl''' D. Trea- tise on hydraulics, for the use of engi- neers. Joseph Bennett, /r. Bost., 1852. 18 — 109 Auer, Adelheid von. See Fiction. Aiierbacb, Berthold. See Fiction. Aurora Leigh. Poem. Browning, Mrs. E. B. 1857 16—100 Austen, Jane. See Fiction for her nov- els. For her life, see Biography. Austin, James T. Lifeof ElhridgeGerry, with contemporary letters to the close of the American revolution. Bost., 18^8. 2 v. 40 — 245 AUSTEALIA. 16 BAKEWELL. Australia, statistical sketch of South. Bootliby, Josiah, J. P. 1876 5:J— 314 AUSTRIA. Austria in 1848 and 1849. Stiles, W. H. 1852. 2v 45—279 History of the house of. Coxe, \V. 1847. 3v 45—279 See, aUo, Germany. Autobiography of an actress; or, eight years on the stage. 8ee Ritchie, A. C. M. 1854 41—252 Aytoun, William EdinondBtouue. Book of ballads, edited by Bon Gaultier ; and Firniilian, a spasmodic tragedy, by T. Percy Jones. lUus. N.Y.,n. d 16—100 Lays of the Scottish cavaliers, and other poems. N.Y.,n.d 16 — 100 BacllC, I'lof. A. U. Discussion of the magnetic and meteorological observa- tions made at the Girard College Obser- vatory, Philadelphia, 1840-'45. {Voh. XI, XIII, XIV of am.. Contrib.) 5:5— Lecture on Switzerland. (Sm. liept., 1670) 53— Bachcldcr, John B. Popular resorts and how to reach them. Bost., 1873. .. 34 — 207 Back, George. Narrative of the arctic land expedition to the movith of the Great Fisli River, and along the shores of the ArcticOcean, in the years 183;{-'35. Illus. Lond., 1836 33—201 Bacon, l-ord Francis, Works: with a life of the author. Basil Montagu, ed. Phila.,1857. 3v 21—128 CONTENTS. V. 1. Life of Bacon. £8»a,v8. Meilitatioues 8acra>. Of the coloni-s of good and evil. Miscellaneous tracts upon human philosophy. Apophthegms. Ornamenta rationalia. Collection of sentences. Notes tor ccmversation. Essay (m death. The advancement of learning. New Atlantis. The wisdom of the ancients. Civil history. Miscellaneoua tracts. Sylva sylvanim, or a natural history. Tracts. Speeches. Charges. Papers relating to the Earl of Essex. Miscellaneous tracts, &c. 3. Letters. Law tracts. '1 lie great instauraWou of Lord Bacon. Baron, Leonard. Genesis of the New F.ngland churches. lUus. N. Y., 1874. 14- Bacon, Nathaniel. See Biography. Bad habits of good society. Baker, G. A. 1876 ••i:*-"! Badcau, Adam. Military history of Ulysses S. Grant, from April, 1861, t» Aiiril, 1865. N. Y., 18fi8. v. 1 40—245 Baffin's Bay, Voyage of discovery to. Illus. Ross, .Sir J. Loud., 1819 33—199 84 Bailey, James M. See Fiction. Bailey, Prof. J. W. Microscopical exam- ination of soundings made by the United States Coast Survey oft' the Atlantic Coast of the United States. ( roU 2 of Sm. Contrib.) 53 — Microscopic observations made in South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida. (Vol. 2o/Sm. Contrib.) 63— Notes on new species and localities of microscopical organisms. ( Vol. 7 of Bm. Contrib.) 53 — Bailments, Essay on the law of. Jones, 6i>W. 1833 29—178 B a ily, Francis. Catalogue of 2,381 prin- cipal fixed stars. Drawn up at the re- quest of the council of the Astronomical Society of Loudon. Loud., 1825 32—195 Baird, Henry M. Modern Greece ; a nar- rative of a residence and travels in that country ; with observations on its antiq- uities, literature, language, politics, and religion. Illus. N. Y., 1856 35—212 Baird, Spencer FuUertou, Brewer, T. M., aiul Ridgway, R. History of North American birds. Illus. Boat., 1874. 3 v. 31—189 Catalogue of North American birds, chiefly in the Museum of the Smithsonian Institution. ( Vol. 2 of Sm Aliac. Coll.). 53— Memoranda of inquiry relative to the food-fishes of the United States. ( Vol. 10 of Sm. Mi8c. Coll. ) S3— Questions relative to the food-fishes of the United States. ( Vol. 10 of Sm. Miec. Coll. ) Report on fish and fisheries for 1875-'76. Part 4. Wash., 1878 31—189 Review of American birds in the Museum of the Smithsonian Institution. {Part 1 of Vol. li of am. Miac. Coll.) ... 53— and Girard, C. Catalogue of North American reptiles in the Museum of the Smith,sonian Institution. ( Vol. 2 of Sm. Mine. Coll.) 53— Baker, George A. Bad habits of good society. N. Y., 1876 23—141 Baker, Harry Barton. English actors from Shakespeare to Macready. N. Y., 1879. 2v 36-220 Baker, James. Turkey. N. Y., 1877.. 35— 211 Baker, Sir Samuel W. The Albert N'YauzS great basin of the Nile, and ex- ploration of the Nile sources. Illus. Phila., 187ii 33— 20i Nile tributaries of Abyssinia, and the sword-hunters of the Hamran Arabs. Illus. Phila., 1871 33—201 .See Fiction. Baker, William M. See Fiction. UakeU'ell, Robert. Introdiictiou to geology. Silliman, Prof. B., ed. New Haven, 1839 32-194 BALDWIN 17 BAEEETT. Baldwin, John D. Ancient America, in notes on American arcli.Tologj-. Illus. N. Y., 1872 30—185 Pro-historic nations. N. Y., 1871.. 30—185 Baldwin, Thomas, and J. Tliomas. New and complete gazetteer of the United States. Phila., 1854 26—159 Ballads and tales. Ilhis. Thackeray, W. M. Loml., 1870 11—60 Ballads, lyrics, and hymns. Gary, A. 1876 16— 99 Bailantync, Robert Michael. resent condition of the. ( Vol. 17 of Edinburgh Cabinet Li- brary) 29—180 Barber, John Warner. Historical col- lections of the State of New York. lUns. N. Y., 1851 50—308 Connecticut historical collections. Illus. New Haven, 1838 49—299 Historical collections of history and antiquities of every town in Massachu- setts. Illus. Worcester, 1844 50—309 and Howe, Henry. Historical collec- tions of the State of New Jersey. New- ark, 1844 50—308 Barbonr, John. The Bruce; or, the met- rical history of Robert I, king of Scots ; published from a manuscript dated 1489, with notes and a memoir of the life of the author, by John Jamieson, D. D. Glasgow, 1869 16— 97 Barclay, Sidney. Personal recollec- tions of the American revolution : a pri- vate journal. N.Y.,1859 43—225 3 Barliain, Richard Harris (Thomas In- goldsby). lugoldsby legends ; or, mirth and marvels. Illus. by Cruikshank. N. Y., 1872 23—136 See Biography. Baring:-Cionld, S. See Gould, S. Bar- ing. Barker, Edmond Homy. Claims of Sir Philip Francis, K. B., to the authorship of Junius's letters; with some inquiry into the claims of the late Charles Lloyd, esq., &c. Lond., 1828 40—242 B a rlo W^, Peter. Treatise on the strength of timber, east and malleable iron, and other materials. Illus. Lond., 1851... 18 — 109 Barnard, Henry. National education in Europe: account of the organization, administration, instruction, and statis- tics of public schools of different grades in the principal states. Hartford, 1854. 14 — 82 Barnard, J. 6., Bvt. Maj. Genl. Prob- lems of rotary motion presented by the gyroscope, the precession of the equi- noxes, and the pendulum. (Vol. 19 of Sm. Contrib.) .53— Report on the North Sea Canal of Holland and on the improvement of nav- igation from Rotterdam to the Sea. Illus. Wash., 1872 55— Report on the defenses of Washing- ton, to the Chief of Engineers, U. S. Army. Wash., 1871 B— Barnes, William Horatio. History of the Thirty -ninth Congress of the United States. Illus. N. Y. , 1868 52—315 History of the Fortieth Congress of the United States. 1867-'69. Illus. N. Y., 1871. 2v 52—315 Barney, Joshua. See Biography. Barnnin, Samuel W. Comprehensive dictionary of the Bible. Illus. N. Y., 1871 26—160 Barometric hypsometry. Astronomy and. (Geological surveys west of the 100th meridian.) Wheeler, iiewi. 6. M. Wash., 1877. V.2 54— Barrera, Madame A. de. Memoirs of Rachel. N.Y.,1858 41—249 Barrett, Bryant. Code Napol<5oU ; with an introductory discourse, containing a succinct account of the civil regulations eomprised in the Jewish law ; the ordi- nances of Menu ; the Ta-Tsing Leu Lee ; the Zend Avesta; the laws of Solon; the twelve tribes of Rome; the laws of the barbarians; the assises of Jerusalem, and the Koran. Lond., 1811. 2v 29—177 Barrett, Elizabeth. See Bro'wmng, Mrs. E.B. Barrett, Joseph H. Life of Abraham Lincoln. lUus. Cincin.,1865 40—241 BAREINGTOK. 18 BEAUTIFUL. Barringtoii, Sir Jonah. Personal sketches of his own times. N. Y., 18,'-)3. 36—217 Barrow, John. Chronological historj' of voyages into the arctic regions, from the earliest jjcriods of Scandinavian navigation to the departnre of recent expeditions nnder Captains Ross and Buchan. Illus. Loud., 1818 :!3— 201 Life of George, Lord Anson. Lond . , 1839 37—223 Voyages of discovery in the arctic regions, from the year 1818 to the present time. Lond., 1846 33-201 BarstO^V, George. History of Nesv Hampshire, 1614 to 1819. Concord, 1842. 50—308 Barth, Henry. Travels and discoveries in Nortli and Central Africa, under the auspices of H. 1$. M.'s govcrnmeut, in the years 1849-'55. Illus. N. Y. , 1857-'59. 3v 33—204 Bartheleiiiy, Jean- Jacques. Travels of Anacharsis the younger, in Greece, during the middle of the fourth century hefore the Christian era. Loud., 1794. 7 v 35—212 Maps, plans, views, and coins illus- trative of the travtils of Anacharsis the younger. Lond., 1793 35—212 Bartlett, John. 'Familiar quotations: heing an attemjit to trace to their source passages and phrases in common use. Bost.,1878 17—104 Bartlctt, J. K., Lieut. Commander, V. S. A\ West Coast of Africa : Cape Lopez to the Cape of Good Hope, including the isl- ands in the Bight of Biafra, and Ascen- sion aud St. Helena Islands. Wash., 1877. Illus 55— Bartlctt, John Russell. Collection of college words and customs. Cambridge, 18,'>1 15— 92 Dictionary of Americanisms : a glos- sary of words and i)hrases usually re- garded as peculiar to the United States. Bost.,1860 15_ 91 Explorations and incidents iu Tex- as, New Mexico, California, Sonora, and Chihuahua, connected with the United States aud Mexican boundary commis- sion. Illus. N. Y.,1854. 2v 35 — 216 Records of the colony of Rhode Isl- and and Providence Plantations. Prov., 1856-'62. 5v 50—306 Vols. 5 and 6 missing. Barton, Edward H. Cause and preven- tion of yellow fever at New Orleaus, and other cities iu America. N.Y., 18.57 30—183 Barton, William. Memoirs of the life of David Rittenhouse, late president of the American Philosophical Society. Pliila.,1813 41-248 Bascom, John. Philosophy of religion ; or, the rational grounds of religious be- lief. N.Y.,1876 14—87 Science, jihilosophy, and religion: lectures delivered before the Lowell In- stitute, Boston. N. Y.,1872 30—184 Bastile and its principal captives. History of the. llhis. Davenport, R. A. Lond. and N.Y., 1875 46-280 A'«c, also. Histories of tbe French rcvolntion, particularly Carlylo's ; and, in Fiction, Dumas' Six j'eara lat«r. Bates, Samuel P, Battle of Gettysburg. Pliila., 1875 42—255 History of Pennsylvania volunteers, 1861-'65; prepared in coiniiliance with acts of the legislature. Harrisburg, 1869-'71. 5v ,51—311 Battle of Dorking: German couquest of England in 1875; reminiscencesof a vol- unteer. By an eye-witness, in 1925. Chesney.G. Phila.,n.d 46—283 Bauer, Clara. {Carl Detlef.) See Fic- tion. Baxter's library of practical agriculture ; with memoirs of the Duke of Richmond and John Ellman,c.«y. Lond., 1846. 2v. 18—108 Baync, Peter. Essays in biography and criticism. Bo8t.,1867. 2v 23—141 CONTEXTS. V. 1. De Quincey and his works; Tennyson and his teach- ers; Mrs. Browning; Kccent British art; John Ruskin ; Ilngli Miiler ; The modem novel ; Dick- ens; Bulwer; Thackeray; Ellis, Acton, and Currer Bell. 2. Charles Kiugalcy ; T. B. Mneaulay ; Sir A. Alison ; Coleridge ; AVellington ; Bonaparte ; Plato ; Christ- iancivilization; The modern university ; Xliepulpit and the press; " The testimony of the rocks;" A defence. Lessons from my masters : Carlyle, Tennyson, and Ruskin. N. Y., 1879 23—141 Life and letters of Hugh Miller. Bost., 1871. 2v 41-251 Beanian,'J. W. Meteorology. (PartS of the Fifth Annual Report of the United States Geological and Geographical Survey of the Territories.) Wash., 1872 54 Beamish, North Ludlow. Discovery of America by the Northmen in the tenth ceutury ; with noticesof the early settle- ments of the Irish in the western hemi- sphere. Lond., 1841 44—272 Beauniarchais, Pierre A. C. de. See Biography. Beaumont, Francis, and Fletcher, John. (7)1 Keltic's British drainatists).. 17 — 104 CONTEXTS. Philaster, or love lies a-bleeding; A king and no king; The knightof the burning pestle. Beauties of modern architecture. Illus. Lefever, M. N.Y.,1849 30—182 Beautiful thoughts from French and Ital- ian authors. Ramage, C. T. Liverp., 1866 17—104 Beautiful thoughts from German and Span- ish authors. Ramage, C. T. Liverp., 1868... 17—104 BEAUTrPUL. 19 BIBLE. Beautiful tlionghts from Greek authors. Kiimagc, C. T. Liverp., 1864 17—104 Beautiful thoughts from Latin authors. Rainage, C. T. Liverp., 18t)9 17—104 Beckett, Gilbert Abbott a. See A'Beck- ett. Beckett, Sylvester B. Guide-book of the Atlantic and St. Lawrence and St. Lavprence and Atlantic Railroads, includ- ing a full description of all the interest- iug features of the Wliite Mountains. lUns. Portland, 1853 34—209 Becklliann, John. History of inven- tions, discoveries, and origins. W. John- ston, <)•. Lond.,1846. 2v 19—116 Bede, C'uthbert, pseud. Sec Bradley, MetJ. E. Bcecher, Alvah C. Recitatious and readings; humorous, serious, and dra- matic. N. Y., 1H74 22—129 Beecher, Henry Ward. Life of Jesus, the Christ. Hlus. N.Y.,1871 39—239 See Fiction. Beechey, Frederick William. Narra- tive of a voyage to the Pacific and Behr- ing's Strait to co-operale with the polar expeditions, performed under the com- maud of Captain F. W. Beechey, R. N., in the years 1825-'28 Pliila.,1832 33—199 Same. Lond. , 1833. 2 v 33—199 Beethoven. See Biography. Before the footlights and behind the scenes. lUns. Sykes, Mrs. Wirt (Olke Logan) 22—131 Beginning of the middle ages. ( Epochs of hhlory.) Church, R. W. N. Y. , 1878 . . 46— 284 Belcher, Sir Edward. Narrative of a voyage round the world (luring the years 1836-'42. Hlus. Lond., 1843. 2v.... 34— 207 Bcldcn, E. Porter. New York, past, present, and future. Ilhis. N. Y., 1850. 50—308 Belgique et Hollande. (L' (Jnivers.) Has- selt, A. van. 1844 43—260 Bell (Acton, Currer, Ellis), pseuds. See Bronte. Bell, John. New pantheon ; or historical dictionary of the gods, demi-gods, heroes, aiul fabulous personages of antiquity. Hlus. Loud., 1790. 2v 25—151 Bell, Robert. History of Russia. Lond., u.d. 3v 48—293 Life of the Right Hon. George Can- ning. N.Y.,1846 39—239 Bclot, Adolphe. See Fiction. Ben Asaph. Moriad; or, the end of the Jewish state. From the Syriac He- brew, by Anselm Koristotf. Nashville, 1857 16—100 Bench and bar. Hlus. Bigelow, L. J. N.Y., 1871 22—129 Bench and bar of Georgia. Miller, S. F. Phila., 1858. 2v 36—219 Bench and bar of South Carolina, Bio- graphical sketches of the. O'Neall, J. B. Charleston, 1859. 2 v 36—218 Benedict, David. General history of the Baptist denomination in America, and other parts of the world. Hlus. N.Y., 1848 14- 82 Benedict, Frank Lee. See Fiction. Benton, Thomas Hart. Abridgment of the debates in Congress. 1789-1856. N. Y., 185(>-'58. 9v 53 Thirty years' view ; or, a history of the working of the Americau Government for thirty years, from 18-20 to 1850. N. Y. and Lond., 1854. 2v 52—316 Bcrg:uin-DHVallon, M. Vue de la colonie espagnolo du Mississippi, on des provinces de Louisiane et Floride occi- dentale en I'aunde 1820. Paris, 1804 . . . 49—298 Berlin, &c. , Memoir of the court of Wrax- all,«)-N.W. 1800. 2v 42—256 Bernan, Walter. History and art of warming and ventilating rooms and buildings. Hlus. Lond., 1845 18—110 Bcrnni'd, Charles de. See Fiction. Bernard, Frederic. Wonderful escapes. Hlus. Whiteing, R., ()•. N. Y., 1871. .. 22— 130 Bernard, Pierre-Joseph. .See Petits poetes franfais. Tome 1 • 17 — 103 Berney, Saffold. Handbook of Ala- bama: a complete index to the State; with a geological map, &c. Mobile, 1878. 49 — 300 Bersier, .¥a(ia»ie Eugfene. 5ee Fiction. Berthoud, Henry. Stories of bird life: a book of facts and anecdotes illnstra- tive of the habits and intelligence of the feathered tribes. Hlus. Lond., 1875 .. 31— 191 Bertin, Antoine. See Petits poetes frantais. Tome2 17—103 Berzelius, Johann Jacob. Use of the blow-pipe in chemistry and mineralogy. Whitney, J. H. , tr. Bost. , 1845 18—1 10 Besant, Walter J. Rabelais. (Foreign classics for English readers.) Phila., n.d. 36 — ^217 Bessel, Emil. Physical observations. ( Fol. 1 of Scientific EcsuJts of the United States Arctic Expedition ; steamer I'olaris, C. F. Hall, commanding.) Mai)s and illus. Wash., 1876 54— Best of all good company. Hlus. Jer- rold, B. Bost., 1874 23—139 Betterself FriswelljJ. H. Phila., 1875. 23—140 Bew^ick's select fables of ^Esop and others, to which are prefixed the life of .lEsoj), and anessay upon fable by Oliver Goldsmith. 1 — 4 Beyond the Mississippi. Illus. Richard- son, A. D. 1867 34—206 Biart, Lucien. Adventures of a young naturalist. Hlus. Gillmore, P., ed. N. Y., 1872 31—191 Bible. See BibUcal literature, heading Bible. BIBLICAL. 20 BIBLICAL. BIBLICAL, RELIGIOUS, AND ECCLESI- ASTICAL LITERATURE. Archaeology. Biblical archeology. Jahn,J. N.T., 1849 25—149 Astronomy and Religion. Astronomy of the Bible. Mitchel, 0. M. N. T., 1868 32—196 Oontemplations of the stan-y heavens. Hei-vey, J. (Jii 7ii« Meditations) 14— 83 Discourses on the Cliristiau revelation ju connec- tion with the modem astronomy. Chalmers, Thomas. K.Y.,1871 14—84 Ecceccelum. Burr, E. H. Bost., 1872 32—196 Bible. Century of Bibles; or, the authorized version from 1611 to 1711, to which is added W. Kilburno's tract on Dangerous eiTors in late printed Bibles, 1659, with lists of ilibles in British Museum, Bodleian and other libraries. Loftie, liev. VT. T. Lend., 1872 14— 85 Holy Bible, The. Oxford,1858 14—85 Biblical Defence. The superhuman origin of the Bible, inferred from itself. Koger8,H. N.T.,1875 14—87 Biblical Personages. Legends of the patriarchs and prophets and other Old Testament characters. Gould, S. B. 1872.. 14—83 Women of Israel. Aguilar,G. 1871. 2v 37—224 Christian Ethics. Four phases of morals : Socrates, Aristotle, Chris- tianity, Utilitarianism. Blackie, J. S. 1875 .... 14 — 65 See Conscience, below ; also, Moral science, in general al- phabet. Christian Life. Theologia Germanica. "Winkworth, Susanna, tr. Best., 1860 -■ 14— 83 Church and State. Church and State. Coleridge, S. T. (Jn Aw Works, v. 6) 21-127 G-ladstone on church and state. Macaulay, T. B. {In his Essays, pp. 378-400. 1856) 23—142 Papacy and the civil power. Thompson, E. W. 1878 14— 83 Religion and the state ; or, the Bible and the pub- lic schools. Spear, Samuel T., 2). D. 1876 14— 83 State interference with church property. Mill, J. S. {In his Dissertations, x. 1. 1888) 23—141 See, also, Church history and Vatican councils. Church Architecture. Parish churches: perspective views of English ec- clesiastical structures. Brandon, R. and J". A. Lend., 1848 15—88 See Dictionaries and Encyclopiedias ; also. Architecture. Church History. History of LatinChristianity. Milman, H. H. 1870. 8 V 14_ 86 History of liberty. Ancient Romans and early Christians. Eliot, S. Bost., 1853. 2v 14 85 Institutes of ecclesiastical history. Mosheim, J. L. von. 1851. 3v 14_ 86' Lectures on the history of Christian dogmas. Neander, A. J. W. Lond., 1858. 2v 14—87 Biblical, Religious, and Ecclesiastical Litera- ture — continued. Text-book of ecclesiastical history. Gieseler, J. C. L. Phila.,1836. 3v 14—86 See, also, among other headings, Vatican councils; names of various Denominations and sects; names of Coun- tries ; Popes; Protestantism; Reformation. Church Polity, &c. Churchpolity and organization. 'Whewell, W. {In /lis Elements of morality, v. 2) 30-184 On the construction of sheepfolds. Ruskin, J. 1865. ( With Pre-RapliaeUtism) 15— 89 See, also, Milton, J. Prose works, v. 4-5, in general al- phabet. Concordances. Concordance to the Old and New Testaments ; or, a dictionary and alphabetical index to the Bible. Cruden, Alexander. Lond. and N. Y., n. d 14 — 86 New concordance to the Holy Scriptures. Butter- worth,John. Bost., 1858 14—88 Conscience and Casuistry. Casuistry. De Quincey, T. {In his Theological es- says, v.l. 1854) 21—128 Conscience. {Boston Monday Lectures.) Cook, J. Bost., 1879 23—146 Culture and Religion. Culture and religion in some of their relations. Shairp,J.C. N. T., 1873 23—141 Denominations and Sects. BAPTISTS. Baptist denomination. General history of the. lUus. Benedict,D. 1848 14—82 CHURCH OF ENGLAND. Condition and prospects of the Church of England. Hughes, T. (in Questions of belief. 1878)..-. 23—137 CHURCH OF SCOTLAND. Headship of Christ. Miller, H. Bost, 1868 14—20 Pleadings with my mother, the church in Scotland ; the substance of four lectures delivered in Edin- burgh, May, 1854. Carlyle, Thomas. Edin., 1854. 14— 86 METHODISM. Life and times of John Wesley, founder of the Methodists. Tyerman, L. 1872. 3v 42—256 Methodist pulpit, south. Dlus. Smithson, W. T. Wa8h.,I859 , 14— 82 M0RM0NI8M. Mormonism: its leaders and designs. Hyde, J. 1857 14— 83 Rocky Mountain saints. Stenhouse, T. B. U. lllus. N.Y, 1873 14—83 SWKDENBORGIANISM. Angelic wisdom concerning the Divine Love and th(^ Divine Wisdom. N. Y., 1872 14— 82 Angelic wisdom concerning Divine Providence. N. Y., 1873 14— 82 Apocalypse revealed. Swedenborg, E. N. Y., 1873. 2 V 14— 83 Arcana coelestia: contained in the Holy Scriptures, beginning with Genesis ; together with wonder- ful things seen in tlie world of spirits and in the heaven of angels. N. Y., 1870-73. 10 v 14— 83 BIBLICAL. 21 BIBLICAL. Biblical, Religious, and Ecclesiastical Litera- ture — continued. Conjugal 1 )ve and its chaato (Iclights; also, jwlul- terous love and ita sinful pleasures. 1871 14 — 82 Four leading doctrines of the new cliui'ch: being thoae concerning the Lord, the sacred 8crii)turc8, faith and life. N. Y., 1873 14— 82 Heaven and hell. Swedenborg, E. Noble, liev. S,, tr. X. T., 1872 14— 82 Miscellaneous theological works. N.Y.,1871 14 — 82 CONTENTS. The New Jerusalem and its heavenly doctrine: Brief ex- position; The intercourse between tlie soul and the body; The white horse; On the earths in the universe; The last judgment. True Christian religion; containing the universal theology of the new church. N. Y., 1873 14-82 Dictionaries. Comprehensive dictionary of the Bible, lllus. Bar- num.S.AV. N.Y.,1871 26— ICO Dictionary of the Holy Bible, historical, critical, geographical, and etj'mological. Illus. Calniet, Augustin. Taylor's edition. Charlestown, 1812. 5v 2(>— ICO Episcopacy. Brief notes upon Griflith's sermon, titled The fear of Gud and the king ; Of reformation in England ; Of prelatical episcopacy; Reason of church gov- ernment urged against prelaty ; Of civil power in ecclesiastical causes ; Likeliest means to remove hirelings from the church. Milton, J. {In his "Works, V. 2-3) 21—125 Evidences of Christianity. Christian Evidence Society : Lectures ; Modera scepticism. 1871 14 — 84 CONTENTS, Design in nature, by Archbishop of York. Pantheism, by Rigg, J. H. Positivism. Jackson, W. Science and revelation. Dean of Canterbury. Nature and value of the miraculous testimony to Christi- anity. Stoughton, J. Gradual development of revelation. Lord Bishop of Car- lisle. Alleged historical difficulties of the Old and New Testa- ments, and the light thrown on them by modem dis- coveries. Rawlinson, G. Mythical theories of Christianitj;. Row, C. Evidential value of St. Paul's Epistles, l^eathes, Stanley. Christ's teaching and influence on the world. Lord Bishop of Ely. Completeness and adequacy of the evidences of Christi- anity. Canon of Exeter. Explanatory paper. Lord Bishop of Gloucester. Demonstration dc I'existence de Dieu. F6nelon, F. de S. de la M. {In his AVorks, v. 1, pp. 37-114) . . . 21—123 JButretiens de F6nelon ot de M. De Ramsai sur la v6rite de la religion. E^nelon, F. do S. de la M. {In his Works, V. 1, pp. 23-35) 21—123 Of the Christian religion. Addison, J. {In his Works, V. 2) 21—128 Evolution and Religion. Evolution and a personal creator. Sniitli, J. C. ( In his Miscellanies, old and new. 1870) 23—138 Future Life and Immortality. Elsewhere. Greg, "W. R. {In his Enigmas of life. 1874) 23—140 Hopes of the human race, here and hereafter. Cobbe, Frances Power. N. Y., 1876 14— 84 CONTENTS. Preface (having special reference to Mr. Mill's essay on religion). Life after death ; Doomed to be saved ; Evolution of the 80cial sentiment. Biblical, Religious, and Ecclesiastical Litera- ture — continued. Immortality and future life. Bascom, J. {In his Philosophy of religion. 1876) 14— 87 Phcedo: Dialogues of Plato, v. 1. Jowett, B., ir. 1871 17—103 Soul and future life. Harrison, F. (In Questions of belief, pp. 1-43. 1878) 23—137 The soul and future life. Modem symposium. Hutton, R. H., Huxley, T., Greg, W. R.. and others. (7?iQuestionsof belief, pp. 43-156. 3878). 23—137 The to-morrow of death. Figuier,L. Illus. 2copies. Bost.,1875 14- 84 Reviewed by John Fiske in his Dnseen world . 14 — 84 Unseen universe; or, physical speculations on a future state, [anon.] 1875 14— 84 Note. — Authorship ascribed to Balfour Stewart and P. G. Tait. Reviewed by John Fiske in his Essays, Un- seen world, &c. 1876 14— 84 Genesis. Arcana coelestia. Swedenborg, E. N. Y., 1870-73. 10 V 14— 83 Genesis and Geology. ** Testimony of the rocks:" a defence. Bayne, P. {7?i /lis Essays, V. 2. 1867) 23— HI Testimony of the rocks ; or, geology In its beaiings on the two theologies, natural and revealed. Miller, H. Host., 1869 32—193 Heaven. Heaven and its wonders, the world of spirits, and hell; from things heard and seen. Swedenborg, E. Noble, J?cu.S.,(r. N. Y., 1872 14—82 Huguenots. History of the rise of the Huguenots of Franco. Baird, Henry M. 1879. 2v 46—280 Huguenots in France after the revocation of the edict of Nantes. Smiles, S. 1874 14— 86 Infinite (The). The limits of religious thought examined, in eight lectures, delivered before the University of Ox- ford, in 1858, on the Bampton foundation. Man- sol, H.L. Boat, 1868 14— 84 Inquisition. History of the inquisition from its establishment in the 12th century to its extinction in the 19th. Rule, "W.H. Lond.,1874. 2v 14—8 Roman republic of 1849; with accounts of the in- quisition, &c. D wight, Theo. N.Y., 1851 48—295 Jesuits. History of the Jesuits. Steinmetz, A. 1848. 3 v. 14 — 85 Jesuits in North America in the 17th century. Park- man, F. 1872 34—205 Provincial letters. Pascal, B. M'Crie, T.,(r. N.Y., 1866 14— 86 Jesus Christ. Christ of dogma and Jesus of history. Fiske, J. {In his Essay-s, Unseen world, &c. 1S76) 14— 84 EcceDeus: essays on the life and doctiines of Jesus Christ, with controversial notes on "Eccehonio." Parker, Joseph. Bost., 1868 14— 85 Ecce homo: survey of the life and work of Jesus Christ. Seeley.J.R. Boat., 1870 14—85 BIBLICAL. 22 BIBLICAL. Biblical, Religious, and Ecclesiastical Litera- ture — continued. Qod-man. Huinanityaiuldivinityof Jesus. Town- send.L.T. pp. 190-389. Bost, 1872 14—85 Great exemplar ; or, the life of Jesus Christ. Tay- lor, Jeremy. N.T.,1859 39-239 Life of Christ. Beechor, n. W. N. T.,1871 39—239 LifeofJesus. Renan,E. N. Y., 1865 39—139 Life of Jesus Christ in its historical connexion and historical development. Neander, A. J. W. McCliutock and Blumenthal, (r«. 1858 39—139 Prince of the house of David ; or, three years in the Holy City. Ingraham, J. H. 1800 5—30 See, also, Christianity. Je'ws. See Jews, in general alphabet. Materialism. Modern materialism in its relations to religion and theolofty. Martineau, J. N. Y., 1877 14—84 ,See Future life; Religion and Science; also, Materialism, in general alphabet. Miracles. Baden Powell on miracles. Smith, J. C. (/« his Miscel, pp. 109-145. 1876) 23—138 On Hume's argument against miracles. I)e Quin- cey, T. ( In his Theological essays, v. 1) 21 — 126 Word about miracles. Fiske, J. {In his Essays, Unseen world, &c. 1876) 14—84 See, also. Evidences; Religion and Science; Religious ideas; also. Theology. Miscellaneous Works. Aids to reflection. Coleridge, S. T. 1856 21—127 Current discussions : Questions of belief. Bur- lingarae, E. L., ed. N. Y., 1878 23—137 See, in general alphabet, Table of contents. Excelsior: helps to progress in religion, science, and literature. Illus. N. Y., 1854. 2v 23—137 Literary remains. Coleridge, S. T. 1856 21—127 Meditations and contemplations. Harvey, J. n. d. 14 — 83 Sermons out of church. Mulock, J/ is«. 1875 23—139 Strength and beauty : discussions for young men. Hopkins, M. N. Y., 1874 14—84 Stumbling blocks. Dodge, M. A. 1868 14—84 The Friend. Coleridge, S. T. 1856 21—127 Theological essays. De Quincey, T. Bost., 1854. 2v 21—126 Theology in the English poets. Brooke, S. A. N. T., 1875 H— 84 Missions. Early Jesuit missions of North America. Kip, Itt. Jfei). William I. 1873 14—85 Hawaiian Islands; their progress and condition under missionary labors. lUus. Anderson, Eufus. Bost, 1864 36—222 See, also. Church history ; Jesuits ; Monastic orders, be- low. Monastic eind Religious Orders. British monachism ; or, the manners and customs of the monks and nuns of England. Illus. Eos- broke, T. D. Lond., 1843 14—85 Legends of the monastic orders. Jameson, Mrs. A. 1866 23—138 Thehennits. Kingsley, C. Lond. n.d 36—217 Visit to monasteries in the Levant. Curzon, 11. Bost, 1856 35—214 Biblical, Religious, and Ecclesiastical Litera- ture — coutiiiued. Mystics. Mystics. Kingsley, C. (fn 7ii'«, Sir Walter Raleigh and otlier papers. 1859) 23—139 The mystic, A. 1). Alcott. Frothingliam, 0. B. ( In his Transcendentalism, &c., pp. 249-284) 14 — 84 New England Churches. Grenesis of the New England churches. Illus. Ba- con, L. N. Y'., 1874 14—84 See, also. Histories of New England ; Puritanism, &c. Pentateuch. Philo Judaeus. Works. 4 v. Bohn. 18M-'55.... 14—87 See Contents of his works, in general alphabet. Popes and the Papacy. History of the popes. Kanke, L. 1847. 3v 14—86 Papacy and the civil power. Thompson, K. W. N. Y., 1876 14— 83 Speeches of the Pope. Gladstone, W. E. (In his Rome and tlie newest fashions in religion. 1875). 14 — 83. See, also. Church history ; Vatican couucils. Prayer. Prayer-gauge debate. Tyndall, J., Galton, F., and others, against Dr. Littledale, President McCosh, Duke of Argyll, Canon Lyddon, and "Specta- tor." 1876 14^84 Protestantism. Condition and prospects of Protestantism . F'roudo, J.A. (7n Short studies, v. 2) 93—140 Era of the proteatant revolution. Seebohm, F. Bost. and N. Y., 1874-'78. 2copies 14—85 See Reformation, Denominations and Sects. Puritanism. GenesisoftheNewEuglandchurches. Illus. Ba- con, Leonard. N.Y., 1874 14—84 History of the Purit!in.s. Neal, D. 1793-'97. 5 v.. 14—85 Plays and Puritans. Kingsley, C. Lond., 1873 .. 23—139 Puritan revolution. The first two Stuarts and the. (Epochs of history.) Gardiner, S. K. Bost., 1876 46—284 See, also, Histories of New England, particularly of tlie States of Massachusetts and Connecticut ; also. Writings of Milton. Rationalism. History of the rise and influence of the spirit of rationalism in Europe. Lecky, W. E. H. N. T., 1870. 2t 14—84 Intellectual development of Europe. Draper, J. W. N.Y.,1869 43—264 Limits of religious thought. Mansel, H. L. 1868. 14— 84 Sec, also, Religion and Science ; Miracles ; Prayer. Reformation. History of the Reformation in the 16tli century in Germany, Switzerland, &c. D'Aubigufi, J. H. Merle. White, H., fr. 1850-'53. 5 v. in 3 14—86 History of the reformation of the church of Eng- land. Burnet, G. 1850. 2v 14—85 See, also. Huguenots, and Church of Scotland. See general Church liistories, wliich include the epoch of the Rcfonuation; and, also (in Biography), L;ves of Wickliffe, Cranmer, Latimer, Knox, J., &c. BIBLICAL. 23 BIBLICAL. Biblical, Religious, and Ecclesiastical Litera- ture — continued. Religion and Science. Draper on science and religion. Fiake, J. {In his Essays, Unseen world, &c. 1876) )4 — 84 History of the conflict between science and religion. Draper,,!.^". 1875 14—84 Influence upon morality of a decline in religious belief. Modem Symposium, II. By Stephen, Sir J.; Selbome, Lord; Martineau, J., and othert. (/»> Questions of belief. 1878) 23—137 Is life worth living? Mallock, W. H. (Jrv Ques- tions of belief. 1878) 23—137 Natural science and religion. Two lectures. Gray.Asa. 1880 14—84 Heign of law. Campbell, G. D. (Duke of Argyll). N.Y.,1873 14—84 Religious rock. Greg, W. E. {In hi» Bocks ahead, pp.117-158. 1875) 23—140 Science, philosophy, and religion: Lectures de* livered before Lowell Institute. B-ascom, J. N.Y.,1872 14—87 Warfare of science. White, A.D. 1876 14—84 See, also. Evidences of ChriRtianity : Evolution and reli- gion; Genesis and geology ; Materialism; Prayer-gauge; Theology. Religious Systems — Religious Ideas. Ancient faiths embodied in ancient names: or, an attempt to trace the religious belief, sacred rites, and holy emblems of certain nations by Jin inter- • pretation of the names given to children by priestly authority, or assumed by prophets, kings, and hierarchs. Illus. Inman, Thomas. N.Y. and Lond., 1869-74. 2v 14—87 - Examination of Sir W. Hamilton's philosophy. Mill, J. S. 2v. 1866 30—184 Lectures on the origin and growth of religion, as illustrated by religions of India. MuUer, F. "* Max. N. T., 1879 14-87 Oriental religions: China, India. Johnson, S. 1873-77. 2v 14—87 Philosophy of religion ; or, the rational grounds of religious belief. Bascom, John. N. Y., 1876... 14 — 87 Ruling ideas in early ages, and their relation to Old Testament faith. Mozlcy, J. B., D. D. N. Y.,1877 14— 87 See, aUo, Man (prehistoric), in general alphabet. Various Systems. AZTEC UELIGION. Fair God. Wallace,L. 1874 12—67 Mexico and its religion. "Wilson,R.A. 1855 35 — 215 HUDDIIISM. Buddhism. John.son, S. {In his Orientiil religions ; India, pp. 579-802. 1873) 14—87 {In his Oriental religions ; China, pp. 737-856. 1877) 14— 78 Light of Asia; or, the renunciation of Gautama. Amold,E. 1879 16—100 CHRISTIANITY. Inquiry into the accordancy of war with the prin- ciples of Christianity, and an examination of the philosophical reasoning by which it is defended. Dymond.J. Phila.,n.d 29—177 Tongue of fire ; or, the true power of Christianity. Arthur, William. Summers, T. 0., ed. Nash- ville, 1856 14— 84 See, also, Church history; Evidences; Jesus Christ, &c. Biblical, Religious, and Ecclesiastical Litera- ture — continued. COMPARATIVE WORKS. Christ and other masters: pai-alleMsms and con- trasts between Christianity and the religious systems of the ancient world. Hardwick, Charles. Procter, F., ed. Lond., 1874 14—85 Christianity and Islam. The Bible and the Koran. Stephens, /<•«!!. W. R. W. N. Y., 1877 14—84 Christianity and modem infidelity; relative intel- lectual claims compared. Morgan, liev. R. W. 1859 14— 84 God-man; or, search and manifestation. Town- 8end,L.T. (pp.21-8]. 1872) 14—85 CONFUCIANISM. Confucius, Doctrine of; Influence of. pp. 571-625. Johnson, S. {In his Oriental religions ; China. 1"7) -" :--. 14- 87 Life and teachings of Confucius. Legge, J. 1874. 39—238 See, in general alphabet, China, HINDUISM. Oriental religions and their relation to universal religion. India. Johnson, S. 1873 14 87 See, also, Buddhism; also, in general alphabet, India. MOHAMMEDANISM. Koran, commonly called the Alcoran of Moham- med ; translated into English immediately from the original Arabic, with explanatory notes taken from the most ai)proved commentators; to which is prefixed a preliminary discourse, by George Sale; and a memoir of the translator, riiila., 1874 j4 gj Mohammedanism and its sects. Taylor, W. C. 1834 i4_87 The Bible, the Koran, and the Talmud ; or, bibli- cal legends of the Mussulmans. Weil, Gustav. N. Y.,1846 n_ 88 See, in general alphabet, Arabia ; Dervishes ; Saracens ; Turkey. Also, in Biography, lives of Mohammed, and in general alphabet, Eastern (The) question. PAGANISM. Pagan and mediajval religion. Arnold, M. {In /(Iff Essays in criticism. 1869) 23 141 See. also, in general alphabet, Greece, Rome, Eevnt. Mythology, Homer. ' s/f i SCANDINAVIAN OK NORSE RELIGION. See, in general alphabet. Literature {Icelandic) ; My- thology. Sceptical Writings. Dictionnaire philosophiquo. {CCxivres de Voltaire. v.0,7,8. 1862) 21—122 Essays. St. John, H. {Lord Bolingbroke). {Inhis Works, v.3-4. 1841) 21—128 Theological writings. (Age of reason.) Paine, T. V.2. 1797 21-125 Sermons. Servaon* (French). Bossuet, J.B. (7nAi* Works. 18») - 21-123 Sermons (French). Massillon, J. B. (In his Works. I860) 21—123 Sermons. Mozloy,J.B. 1875 14 gg Sermons. Newton, John. (/» /m'« Works. 1860). 14 86 Sermons. Sterne, L. (/n /(i« Works. 1869) 11 63 See, also. Miscellaneous works. BIBLICAL. 24 BIOGEAPHY. Biblical, Religious, aud Ecclesiastical Litera- ture — continued. Supernaturalism. Credo. On the supernatural in religion. Burr, E. F. 1869 14—85 Nature and the supernatural, aa together consti- tuting the one system of God. Bushnell, Horace. N.Y.,1859 14—84 See, also, Miracles; Evidences; and, in the general al- phabet. Apparitions ; Occult sciences; Spiritualism. Theology. Bridgewater Treatises. 1852. 5v 31—171 Note. — For contents, see entry in general alphabet. God-man (pp. 21-155). Townsend, L. T. 1872-.. 14—85 Natural theology as a positive science. Wright, C. (In Aig Philosophical discussions. 1877) 30 — 184 Pre-Adamite earth; contributions to tlieological science. Harris, John. Best., 1856 .- 14 — 84 Sacred history of the world. Turner, S. 1837. v. 3. l-2v. missing 43—261 Studies of nature. St. Pierre, J. H. B. de. Hun- ter, H., ir 31—192 Study of the evidences of natural theology. Powell, Baden. (Jil Oxford essays, pp. 168-204. 1857).. 23—142 See, also. Evidences; Religions (Various). Suspense and restoration of faith. Smith, J. C. (In hie Miscellanies, old and new. 1876) 23—138 Transcendentalism. Transcendentalism in New England. A history. Frothingham, 0. B. N.Y.,1876 14—84 BIBLIOGRAPHY. American Bibliography. Bibliotheca Americana, and supplement to the. Koorbach, O. A. 1855. 2v 52—318 Bibliotheca Americana nova. Rich, 0. Lend., 1846. 2v 52—318 Bibliotheque amdricaiue. Ternaux, H. Paris, 1837. 52—318 Classical Bibliography. Bibliography classica; dictionary of all the prin- cipal names and terms relating to the ancients. Lempriere.J. Phila., 1856 25—151 General and Miscellaneous Works. Bibliographer's manual ,of English literature. Lowndes, W. T. Lond. and N. T., 1869. 6v ... 52—318 Critical dictionary of English literature, and Eng- lish and American authors, with 40 indexes of subjects. 2d issue. AUibone, S. Austin. 1871. 3 V 25—133 Introduction to the study of bibliography. Illus. Horne.T.H. Lend., 1814. 2t 62—218 Pseudonyms. Dictionary of the noted names of Action, cfec. Wheeler, W. A. Best., 1872 52—318 Hand-book of fictitious names. By Cipher Hamst, pseud, of Thomas, R. 52 — 318 Bickersteth, Edward Henry. Yester- day, to-day, and forever; apoem. N. Y., 1876 16—100 Bigelovr, L. J. Bench and bar; a com- plete digest of the wit, humor, asperities, aud amenities of the law. Illus. N. Y., 1871 22—129 Binney, W. 6. Bibliography of North American concliology previous to the year 1860. Part 1, American authors. (Article 1 of Vol. 5 o/Sm. Misc. Coll.) ... 53— Bibliography of North American concliology, previous to the year 1860. Part 2, Foreign authors. (Article 2 of Vol. 9 of Sm. Misc. Coll.) .'')3— and Bland, T. Land and water sliclls of Nortli America. Part 1, Pulmo- nata geophila. (Article 3 of Vol. 8 of Sm. Misc. Coll.) 53— Laud and fresh water shells of North America. Part 2, Pulmouata lim- nophila and thalassophila. (Article 2 of Vol.7 of Sm. Misc.Coll.) 53— Land and fresh water shells of North America. Part 3, Ampullariidie, ValvatidiB, Viviparidie, Fresh water EissoidJB, CyclophoridiB, Truncatellidaj, Fresh water Neritidie, Heliciuida!. ( Arti- cle 3 of Vol. 7 of Sm Misc. Coll.) 53— Biographical annals of the civil govern- ment of the United States during its first century. Lanman, C. Wash., 1876 25 — 153 BIOGRAPHY. — PART 1: COLLECTIVE "WORKS. Uses of Biography. Bayne, P. Essays in biography and criti- cism. Bost., 1867. 2v 23—141 Carlyle, T. Essays 23—142 Foster, J. Critical essays 23 — 140 Helps, A. Friends in council 23 — 139 American Biography: 1. Dictionaries. Biographical dictionary, containing a brief account of the first settlei's, and other eminent characters in New Eng- land. Eliot, J. Bost., 1809 25—152 Dictionary of American biography. Drake, F. 8. Bost., 1874 25—153 A new American biographical. Eogers,T.J. Phila., 1829 25—152 American Biography : 2. Miscellaneous Col- lections. Anecdotes of public men. Forney, J. W. N.Y., 1874 36—218 Biographical and historical memoirs of the early pioneer settlers of Ohio. Hil- dreth,S.P. Ciuciu., 1852 37—226 Biographical annals of the civil govern- ment of the United States during its first century. Lanman, C. Wash., 1876 25 — 153 Heroes of the war for the Union. Ferree, P. V. Ciu.,1864 36—217 BIOGEAPHY. 25 BIOGRAPHY. Biography — Collective "Works — continued. Heroes of three wars. Glazier, \V. 1879. 36- -217 CONTENTS. Part 1. — War of the Revolution. Allen. Greene. Jones. Koaciuszko. Houaton. May. Scott Lafayette. Stark. Marion. Waneu. Mercer. Washington. Putnam. Wayne. Part 2. — Mexican AVar. Shields. Wool. Taylor. AVorth. Part 3.— War for the Tuion. Baker. Bumsirte. Ellsworth. Farrajnit. Fremont. Grant. Hancock. Hooker. Howard. Kearny. Kil pa trick. Lyon. McClellan. Mcpherson. Meade. Sliorman. Sheridan. Sigek Slocum. Tlioinas. Homes of American statosmpn. Illus. Hartford and Lend., 1855 36-220 Adam9, J. Adams, J. Q. Ames. Calhoun. Clay. Clinton. Franklin. Hamilton. Hancock. Henry. Jackson. Jay. Jefferson. King. Madison. Marshall. Story. WasliingtoD. Wehster. Wheaton. Ladies of the White House. Illns. Hollo- way, Laura C. 1880 37—226 Adams, Mrs. Abigail. Adams, Mrs. Catherine Louisa. Donelson, Mrs. Emily. Fillmore, Mrs. Abigail. Fillmore. Miss Mary Abigail Grant, Mrs. Julia Bent. Harrison, Mrs. Anna Symraes. Hayes, Mrs. Lucy Webb. Jackson, Mrs. Kachel. Jackson, Mrs. Sarah Yorke. Johnson, Mrs. Eliza McCar- die. Lane, Miss Harriet. Lincoln, Mrs. Mary Todd. Madison, Mrs. Dorothy Payne. Monroe, Mrs. Eliza Kortriglit Patterson, Mrs. Martha Johnson. Pierce, Mrs. Jane Ajiideton. Polk, Mrs. Sarah Childress. Kandolph, Mrs. Martha Jef- ferson. Stover, Mrs. Mary. Taylor, Mrs. Margaret. TyhM-.Mrs.LetitiaCbristian. Tyler, Mrs. Julia Gardiner. Van Buren, Mrs. Hannah. Van Buren, Mrs. Angelica Singleton. Washington, Mrs. Martha. Library of American biography. Sparks, J., ed. 25 t. 1834-M8 36—220 Allen, E. v. 1. Arnold, B. v. 3. Bacon, N. t. 13. Boone, D. v. 23. Brainerd, D. v. 8. Brown, C. B. v. 1. Cabot, S. v. 9. Calvert, L. v. 19. Davidson, L. M. v. 7. Davie, W. R. v. 25. Decatur, S. v. 21. Dwight, T. V. 14. Eaton, W. v. 9. Edwards, J. v. 8. Eliot, John. v. 5. Ellery, W. v. 6. Fitch, J. V.16. Fulton, R. V. 10. Gorton, S. v. 15. Greene, N. v. 20. Henry, P. v. 11. Hudson, H. v. 10. Hutchinson, A. v. 16, Kirkland, S. v. 2f>. La Salle, R. v. 11. Ledyard, J. v. 24. Lee.C. v. 18. Leisler. J. v. 13. Lincoln, B. v. 23. Marquette (Father), v. Men and manners in Mason, J. v. 13. Mather, C. v. 6. Montgomery, R. v. 1 ()gletnorpe,'j. v. 12. Otis, J. V. 12. Pallrev, W. v. 17. Penn, \V. v. 22. Phips, Sir W. v. 7. Pike, Z. M. v. 15. Pinkney, AV. v. 6. l*osov, T. v. 19. Preble, E. v. 22. Pulasky, C. v. 14. Putnam, T. v. 7. Rale,S. v. 17. Keed,J. v. 18. Ribault, J. V. 17. Kittenliouse, D. 10. Rumford, Count. Smith, J. V.2. Stark, J. V. 1. Steuben, F.AV. A. Stiles, E. V. 16. Sullivan, J. v. 13. Vane, Sir H. v. 4. AVard,S. v. 19. AVarrcn, J. v. 10. AVayne, A. v. 4. AVilliams, R. v. 14. AVilson, A. v. 2. -.7. v. 15. v. 9. America one hnn- dred years ago. Scudder, H. E. {Sana Souci series.) 1876 37—228 Biography— CoUeotive Works— continued. Men and times of the Kevolution. Wat- son, Winslow C. 1856 37—228 Poets' homes. Pen and pencil sketches of American poets and their houies. Gil- man, Arthur and others. 1879 36—220 CONTENTS. Bryant, William Cullen. O'Reillv, J. Boyle. Emerson, Ralph AValdo. Perry, Nora. Hayne, Paul H. I'helps, Elizabeth Stuart. Holmes, Oliver Wendell. Smith, S. F. Mi ler, Joaquin. AV'hitman, AValt. Portraits of eminent Americans. Living- ston. N. Y., Lond. , and Paris, 1854 36—219 Presidents of the United States, Memoirs and administrations of the. lllua. Wil- liams, E. N.Y., 1849 37—226 Public men of the Revolution. Sullivan, William. 1847 37—228 RepubUcan court, The. Illns. Griswold, R. W. N. Y. and Lond., 1867 37—226 Signers of the Declaration of Independ- ence, Biography of the. Judson, L. C. Phila., 1839 36—219 CONTENTS. Adams, John, Lynch, Tliomas, Jr. Adams, Samuel. M'Kean, Tliomas. Bartlett, Josiah. Middleton, Arthur, Braxton, Carter. Morris, Lewis. Carroll, Charles. Morris, Robert. Chase, Samuel. Morton, John. Clark, Abraham. Nelson, Thomas. Clyraer, George. Paca, AVilliam. Ellery, AVilliam. Paine, Robert Treat Floyd, AVilliam. Penn, John. Franklin, Benjamin. Read, George. Gerry, Elbridge. Rodney, Ciesar. Gwinnett, Button. Koss, (George. Hall, Lyman. Rush, Benjamin, Dr. Hancock, John. Rutledgc, Edward. Harrison, Benjamin. Sherman, Roger. Hai t, John. Smith, James. Henry, Patrick. Stockton, Richard. Hewes, Joseph. Stone, Thomas. Heyward, Thomas. Taylor, George. Hooi)er, AVilliam. Thornton, Matthew. Hopkins, Stephen. AValton, George. Hopkinson, Francis. AVashington, George. Huntington, Samuel. A\'hipide, William. Jefferson, Tliomas. AVilliams, AVilliam. Lee, Francis Lightfoot. AVilson, James. Lee, Richard Henry. AVithersi>oon, John. Lewis, Francis. Wolcott, Oliver. Livingston, Philip. AVythe, George. Same. Phila., 1831. 5v 36—219 'Washington and his generals. Headley, J.T. 1859 37—224 Ancient or Classical. Captains of the old world. Herbert, H. W. 1852 , 36—218 Dictionary of biography and mythology, Universal pronouncing. Thomas, J. Phila., 1870. 2v 25—153 of Greek and Roman hiographyand mythology. Smith, W. Host, and Lend., 1849. 3v 25—151 Artistic. Biographical and critical dictionary of painters, engravers, sculptors, and archi- tects. Spooner, S. N. Y.,1853 26—100 Early Italian painters. Memoirs of the. Jameson, A.M. 1866 15— 90 BIOGRAPHY. 26 BIOGRAPHY. Biography — Collective Works — continued. Dramatic. Annals of the English stage. Doran, J. N.Y.,1865, 2v 3{>— 220 English actors, from Shakespeare to Macready. Baker, H.B. 1879. 2v-.. 36—220 Romance of the English stage. Fitzger- ald, Percy. 1874. 2v 36—220 Theaters of Paris. Matthews, J. B. 1880 36—220 English and European Statesmen and Eminent Persons. British Plutarch. Wrangham, F. 1816. 6v 37-226 Abbot, George, v. 2. Addison, Joseph, v. 5. Ascham, Roger, v. 1. Atterbury, Francis, v. 5. Bacon, Francis, v. 2. Bentley, Richard, v. 5. Berkeley, George, t. 6. Blake, Robert, v. 3. Boyle, Richard, v. 3. Boyle, Robert, v. 4. Buchanan, George, v. 1. Burnet, Gilbert, v. 5. Butler, James, v. 4. Butler, Samuel, v. 4. Camden, William, v. 2. Cecil, Sir Robert, v. 2. Cecil, William, v. 2. Cheke, Sir John. t. 1. Churchill, John. v. 5. Clarke, Samuel, v. 5. Coke, Sir Edward, v. 2. Colet, John. v. 1. Cooper, Antony Ashley, t.4. Cranmer, Thomas, v. 1. Cromwell, Oliver, v. 3. Cromwell, Thomas, v. 1. Deverenx, Robert, v. 2. Drake, Sir Francis, v. 2. Dryden, John. v. 4. Dudley, John. v. 1. Dudley, Robert, v. 2. Fisher, John. v. 1. Flamsteed, John. v. 5. Gardiner, Stephen, v. 1. Goldsmith, Oliver, v. 6. Gray, Thomas, v. 6. Gre'sham, Sir Thomas, v. 1. Hale, Sir Matthew, v. 4. Hampden, John. v. 3. Harley, Robert, v. 5. Harvev, William, v. 3. Hawkins, Sir John. v. 2. Hoadley, Benjamin, v. 6. Holt, Sir John. v. 5. Howard, Charles, v. 2. Howard, Thomas, v. 1. Hutchinson, John. v. 3. Hyde, Edward, v. 3. Jewel, John. v. 1. Johnson, Samuel, v. 6. Jones, Inigo. v. 3. Jones, Sir William, v. 6. Jonson, Ben. v. 2. Jortin, John. v. 6. Knox, John. v. 1. Latimer, Hugh. v. 1. Land, William, v. 3. Locke, .John. v. 5. Marvell, Andrew, v. 4. Milton, John. v. 3. Monk, George, v. 3. More, Sir Thomas, v. 1. Nelson, Viscount, v. 6, Pjirker, Matthew, v. 1. Petty, Sir William, v. 4. Pitt, William, v. 6. Pole, Reginald, v. 1. Pope, Alexander, v. 5. Prior, Matthew, v. 5. Raleigh, Sir Walter, v. 2. Richardson, Samuel, v. 6. Rooko, Sir George, v. 5. Sackville, Thomas, v. 2. St. John, Henry, v. 6. Saville, George, v. 4. Selden, John. v. 3. Seymour, Edward, v. 1. Shakspeare, William, v. 2. Sidney, Algernon, v. 4. Sidney, Sir Philip, v. 2. Spenser, Ednunid. v. 2. Stanhope, PhiJii) Dormer. V.6. Steele, Sir Richard, v. 5. Swift, Jonathan, v. 5. Temple, Sir William, v. 4. Thomson, James, v. 6. Tillotson, Jobn. v. 4. Usher, James, v. 3. Villiers I, George, v. 2. Villiers II, George, v. 4. Waller, Edmund, v. 4. Walpole, Sir Robert, v. 6. Walsingham, Sir Francis. V. 2. AVentworth, Sir Thomas. V.3. Williams, John. v. 3. Wolfe, James, v. 6. Wolsey, Thomas, v. 1. Wren, Sir Christopher, v. 5. Young, Edward, v. 6. Court and reign of Francis the first, king of France, llkis. Pardee, Julia. Lond., 1849. 2 V 36- -217 English statesmen. Higginson, Thomas Wentworth. N. Y., 1875 36—281 Argyll, Duke of. Bright, John. Cairns, Lord. Childers, H. C. E. Derby, Earl. Disraeli, Benjamin. Forster, William E. Gladstone, William E. Goschen, George J. CONTENTS. Granville, Earl. Harcourt, Sir William. Hardy, Gathorne. Hartington, Marquis. Lowe, Robert. Northcote, Sir Stafford. Richmond, Duke of. Russell, Earl. Salisbury, Marquis of. Biography — Collective "Works — continued. G-eorgian era. Memoirs of eminent per- sons in Great Britain, 1714-1828. 1832. 4v 36—217 CONTENTS. V. 1. Royal family. Pretenders and their adherents. * Churchmen, dissenters, and statesmen. 2. Military and naval commanders. Judges and barristers. Physicians and surgeons. 3. Voyagers and travellers. Pliiloaophers and men of science. Authors. 4. Political and rural economists. Painters, sculptors, architects, and engravers. Composers: vocal, instrumental, and dramatic per- formers. Lives of the most eminent British military commanders. Gleig, G. R. 1832 36—212 Memoirs of the house of Russell. Wiffen, J. H. 1833. 2v 37—274 Memoirs of the Jacobites. Thomson, K. B. 1845. 3v 37—228 Memoirs of Prince Rupert^ and the cava- liers. Warburton, Eliot. 1849. 3 v .. 37—224 Men of the time. Cooper, Thompson 25 — 152 Modern British Plutarch. Taylor, W. C. N. Y., 1846 37—226 CONTESTS. Arkwright. Erskine. Nelson, liurke. Fox. Pitt Burns. Franklin. Romilly. Byron. Goldsmith. Scott. Canning. Grattan. Sheridan. Chatham. Grey. Smeaton. Clarke. Hastings. Watt. Clive. Howard. Wellesley (Mar- Cook. Jenner. qnis of). Cowper. Jones. Wilberforce. Crabbe. Mackintosh. Wilkie. Davy. Martyn. AV"ellington(Duke Eldon. Moore. of). Pretenders and their adherents. Jesse, J. H. 1846. 2 V 37—224 Romance of the peerage. Craik, G. L. 1848 37—227 Romantic biography of the age of Eliza- heth. Taylor, W.C. Loud., 1842. 2v. 36—217 Statesmen of the time of George the Third, Historical sketches of. Brougham, H. Loud., 1853. 3 v 36—222 Worthies of England. Fuller, T. 1840. 3 V 37—224 General Biographical Dictionaries. Cyclopaedia of biography. IIlus. Apple- ton, D. Hawks, F. L. , ed, N. Y. , 1856 . . 25—154 Dictionary of American biography. Drake, F. S. 1874. 25—153 Cottage, of history and biography. lUus. Pierce, E.M. Hartford, 1859... 25—153 General biographical. Blake, J. S. Bost., 1848 -. 25—153 General biographical. Gorton, J. Lond., 1838. 3v 25—152 New 'general biographical. Rose, H.J. Lond., 1853. 12 v 25—152 Men of the time ; dictionary of contempo- raries. Cooper, T. Lond. and N. Y, 1875 25—152 BIOGRAPHY. 27 BIOGRAPHY. Biography— Collective Works— continued. G-erman. German political leaders. Tattle, Her- bert. 187G .■ 36—218 Arnini Count Henry von. Uennigson, Ilorr von. Bi^jniarck, Prince. Ciimpliansen, Herr. Delbriick, Dr. Talk. Dr. Gnei-st, Prof. Hasaelmann, Ilerr. Hohenlohe, Prince. Memoirs of the courts of Warsaw, and Vienna. W. 1800. 2v Jacoby, Joliann Ur. La«ker, Ednard. Scbulze-Delitzscli, Ilerr. Simson, Dr. Sonnemann, Dr. Sybel, Prof. von. Virchow, Prof. Windthorst, Herr. Berlin, Dresden, Wraxall, Sir N. 36—219 Indian. Biography and history of the Indians of North America. Drake, S. G. Bost., 1851 36—217 Indian biography. Thatcher, B. B. N. Y., 1848. 2v 36—217 Italian. Makers of Florence: Dante, Giotto, Savonarola, and their city. lUus. Oli- phant, Mrs. Lend. ,1876 37—228 Legal. Bench and bar. lUn.s. Bigelow, L. J. N. Y., 1871 22—129 and bar of South Carolina, Bio- graphical sketches of the. O'Noall, J. B. Charleston, 1859. 2v 36—218 aad bar of Georgia: memoirs and . sketches, with an appendix containing a court-roll from 1790 to 1857. Miller, Stephen F. Phila., 1858. 2 v 36—219 Chief justices of England, from the Nor- man conquest till the death of Lord Teuterden, Lives of the. Campbell, Lord John. Phila. , 1853. 3 v 37—228 COSTEiNTS. Lives of cliief justices from tlio conquest to tbe reign of Charles II, v.l; chief just ices during the common wealtli, v. 1 ; from tlie restoration till the ap])ointrat'nt of Sir Matthew Hale, v. 1; from the resignation of Hale till tbe appointment of Jetfreys, v. 2. Bradsbaw. v. 1. Pemberton. v. 2. Coke. V. t. Kyder. v. 2. EUenborough. v. 3. Sannders. v. 2. Hale. V. 2. St. John. v. 1. Holt. V. 2. Tenterden. v. 3. Kenyon. v. 3. Willes. v. 2. Mansfield, v. 2. Wilmot. v. 2. Lord chancellors and keepers of the great seal of England, from the earliest times till the reign of King George the Fourth. Campbell, Xo)d J. Lond., 1847-'49. 7 v. 36—128 COXTENTB. V. 1. Introduction: Origin, functions, and jurisdiction of tbe office of lord chancellor ; under the Anglo-Saxon kings; from the conquest to Henry II; Thomas k Becket; to the appointment of Queen Eleanor as lady keeper of the seal; Queen Eleanor, through tlie reign of Ilenry VII; Archbishop War- ham; Wolsey : Sir Thomas More; Sir S. Audley; Lord Wriotbesley. Biography— Collective Works — continued. V. 2. Sir "William Paulet; Richard Goodrich; Stephen Gardyuer; Heath; Sir J^icludas Bacon; Sir Th. Bromley; Sir Christopher Hatton; Sir John Puck- ering; Lord EUcsmorc; Lord Bacon; Lord Keeper Wilfiams ; "Tiord Keeper Coventry ; Lord Keeper Einch ; Lord Keeper Littleton ; Lord Keeper Lane. 3. _Common wealth: Lord Keepers Whitlock and Herbert ; Clarendon ; Bridgeman ; Shaftesbury ; Nottingham ; Guilford ; Jetfreys. 4. Lords Commissioners of the great seal on the accession of William and Mary : Mayuard : Trevor ; Lord Som- ers; Wright; Lord Cowper; Harcourt; Lord Mac- clesfield; King: Talbot. 5. Hardwicke; Nortbington; Camden; Charles Yorke; Batburst; Thurlow. 6. Loughborough ; Erskino. 7. Eldon. Alphabetical list. Literary and Scientific. Bric-a-brac series. See General cata- logue. Bnglish men of letters. Morley, John, ed. 1879. 13v 37—228 CONTESTS. Burke. Goldsmith. Scott. Burns. Hawthorne. Shelley. Chancer. Hume. Southey. Defoe. Johnson. Spenser. Gibbon. Milton. Thackeray. Foreign classic series. See General cat- alogue. French poets and novelists. James, H. , jr. Lond., 1878 23—139 Lives of the British historians. Law- rence, Eugene. N. Y., 1855. 2v 36—217 Martyrs of science: lives of Galileo, Ty- choBrahe, and Kepler. lUus. Brewster", Sir David. Lond. , 1874 37—228 Men of letters and science who flourished in the time of George III, Lives of. lUus. Brougham, Lord Henry. Lond., 1845 37—228 CONTENTS. Voltaire. Black. Davy. Kousseau. Watt. Simson. Hume. Priestley. Robertson. Cavendish. Miscellaneous. Anecdotes of distinguished persons. lUus. Seward, W. 1798. 4v 37—227 Biographical and politicalhistory of Con- gress. Wheeler, H. G. N. Y., 1848 52—315 Biographical essays. De Quiucey, T. Best., 1860 21—126 CONTENTS. Goethe. Pope. Shakspeare. Lamb. Schiller. Biographical sketches. Martiueau, H. 1869 36—218 CONTENTS. Anglesey, Marquis of. Gloucester, Duchess of. Beaufort, Sir Erancis. Hallam, Henry. Berry, Miss. Herbert, Lord. Blomfield, Bishop. Humboldt. Bront6, Charlotte. Hume. Brougham, Lord. Jameson, Mrs. Byron, Lady. Kent, Duchess of. Campbell, Lord. Landor, W. S. Carlisle, Earl of. Lansdowne, Marquis of. Combe,George. Lockhart, John. Croker, J. "\v . Londonden'v, M.arqui3 of. Denma'n, Lord. Lyndhurst, Lord. De Quincev, T. Macaulay. Elgin, Lord. Marcet, Mrs. rrederick William IV. Mathew, Father. BIOGRAPHY. 28 BIOGRAPHY. Biography — Collective Works — coutinued. Mctternich. Mitfonl, Miss. Murray, Lord. Napier, Sir W. Newcastle, Duke of. Nicholas, -Kmperor. Opie, Mrs. Owen, Robert. Palmerston, Lord. Rojiers, Samuel. Kajilan. Lord- Ilicliardaon, Sir John. Roberts, David. Wliatel.v. Archbishop. Wilson,' John. "Wordsworth, Mrs. Biography ami criticism, Essays in. Bayiic, P. Bost., 1867. -2 v 23—141 Book of worthies. Yonge, CM 37—224 Africanus. Alexander. Aristides. Cajsar. Cleomenes. CONTKSTS. David. Dentatus. Epaminondas. Hector. Joshua. Maccaba'us. Neheniiah. Xenophon. Captains of the old world, as compared with the great modern strategists. Her- bert, H.W. 1852 36—218 Alexander. Epaminondas. Hannibal. Miltiades. Pausanias. Tbemistokles. Xenophon. Casket of reminiscences. Foote, H. S. 1874 36-218 Celebrated characters, Memoirs of. La- martine, A. de. N. Y., 1854. 2 v. . . 36—217 Cicero. Columbus. Cromwell. E6nelon. Gutenberg. CONTENTS. H61oise- Honier. Jacquard. Joan of Arc. Nelson. Palissy. Roostaui. Socrates. Bminent women of the age. lUus. Par- tm, J., (Jreeley, H., and others. Hart- ford, 1871 37—226 Anthony, Susan B. BlackwoU, Elizabeth. Bonlieur, Rosa. Urown, Antoinette. Brown, Olympia. Browning, Elizabeth Bar- rett. Cary, Alice. Cary, Pluebe. Child, Lydia Mari.i. Crowe, Mrs. (Kate Bate- man). Dall, Caroline H. Dascomb, Marianue P. Dickinson, Anna E. Dodge, Mary Abigail (Gail Hamilton). Eugenic (Empress of the French). Gage, Frances D. Coldschmidt, Jenny Lind. Grew, Mary. Grimke, Aiigelina. Grimke, .Sarah. Hosmer, Harriet G. Howe. Julia Ward. Hunt, Harriet K. Hutchinson, Abby. Kean, Mrs. Ellen Tree. Kelley, Abby. Kellojjg, Clara Louisa. Kemble, Frances Anne. Lippincott, Mrs. (Grace Greenwood). Longshore, Hannah E. Lozier, Clemence S. Martiu, Mrs. Theodore (Helen Faucit). Mott, Lucretia. Nichols, Mrs. C. I. H. Nightingale, Florence. Os.soIi, Margaret Fuller. Partou, Mrs^ (Fanny Fei-n). Phillips, Anne Greene. Preston, Ann. Ristori, Adelaide. Rosa, Euphrosyno Parepa. Severance, Caroline M. Sigoumey, Lydia H. Stanton, Elizabeth Cady. Stone, Luc.v. Stowe, Harriet Beecher. Urso, Camilla. Victoria, Queen of England. AVillard, Emma. Fairfaxes of England and America. Neill, i:.l>- 1B68 3&-217 Giants and dwarfs. Wood, Edward J. Lond., 1868 37—224 Half hours with the best letter- writers and autobiographers. Knight, C. 2v. 23— 136 Biography— Collective Works— continued. Hermits, The. Illus. Kingsley, C. Loud., u. d 36—218 CONTBNTS. Anchorites. Hermits, European. Anthony, St. Hermits, Celtic. Arsenius. Ifilarion. Basil. Malo, St. Columba, St. Paul, St. Godric, St. Severinus, St. Guthlac, St. Stylites, Simeon. Hermits, Asiatic. Heroes and hero-worship. Carlyle, T. Loud., 1840 23—141 Knights of Malta. Vertot D'Aubcuf, Renfi Aubert de. 1757 37—224 Martyrs of Spain and liberators of Hol- land. Charles, Mrs. E. 1865 37—228 Memoirs of the loves of the poets. Bio- graphical sketclies of women celebrated in ancient and modern poetry. Jameson, Jl/rs. A.M. 1866 37—228 Memories of many men and of some wo- men during the last thirty years. Field, M. B. N. Y., 1874 37—228 Monarchs retired from business. Doran, Jolni. 1865 37—227 Novels and novelists of tlie eighteenth century. Forsyth, William. 1871 37—227 Old portraits and modern sketches. Whit- tier, J. G. 1850 37—224 CONTENTS. Baxter. Hopkins. Naylor. Bunyan. Leggett Roberts. Dinsmoi-e. Marvell. Rogers. EUwood. Personal sketches of his own times. Barrington,;Si> Jonah. 1853 36—217 Pioneer motliers of the West. lUus. Frost, J. 1875 37—227 Portrait gallery of eminent men and women of Europe and America. Illus. Duyckiuck, E. A. N. Y., n. d. 2 v 30—182 CONTEXTS. Adams, Mrs. Edgewortb, Miss. Agassiz. V. 2. Eugenie, v. 2. Albert, Prince, v. 2. Farada,y. v. 2. Alexander II. v. 2. Farragijt. v. 2. Arblay, Mme. d'. Franklin. Austen, Miss. Frederick II. Beecher, Rev. H. W. v. 2. Fry, Elizabeth. Bismarck, v. 2. Fulton. Bonheur, Rosa. v. 2. Garibaldi, v. 2. Booth, Edwin, v. 2. Garrick. Bremer, Miss. Gibbon. Bright, John. v. 2. (rladstone. v. 2. Bront6, Miss. v. 2. Goethe. Brougham, Lord. Goldschraidt, Jenny Lind. Browning, Mrs. v. 2. v. 2. Bryant, v. 2. Goldsmith. Burdett-Coutts, Baroness. Grant, H. S. V. 2. Grattan. Burke. Gnizot. v. 2. Burns. Hemans, Mrs. B.\Ton. Herschel. v. 2. Cary, Alice, v. 2. Hosmer, Harriet, v. 2. Calhoun, v. 2. Humboldt. Cavour. v. 2. Irving, W. Chalmers, v. 2. Jackson, A. Cla,y. V. 2. Jackson, T.J. v. 2. Cobden. v. 2. Jameson, Mrs. v. 2. Cook, Eliza, v. 2. Jay, Mrs. John. Corda.y, Charlotte. Jefferson. Carran. Johnson, S. Cushmjin, Charlotte, v. 2. Juarez, Benito, v. 2. Dickens, v. 2. Judson, Mrs. E. C. v. 2. Disraeli, t. 2. Kemble, J. P. BIOGRAPHY. 29 BIOGRAPHY. Biography — Collective Works — continued. Kemblo, Mrs. v. 2. Peabody, George, v. 2. Lafavette. Peel, Robert, Laudon, Miss. v. 2. Pius IX. v. 2. Lee. Robert E. v. 2. Powers, Hiram, v. 2. Lieljijj, Barou. v. 2. Reynolds, Sir Joshua. Lincoln, A. v. 2. Schiller. Livin uston. v. 2. Scott. Longfellow, v. 2. Sedgwick, Miss. v. 2. Lytt'on, Lord. v. 2. Seward, W. H. v. 2. >lacaulay. v. 2. Sherman, W. T. v. 2. Madison, Mrs. Siddons, Mrs. Mari<^ Antoinette. Sigoumey, Mrs. Martinoau, Miss. v. 2. Somervilie, Mrs. v. 2. Mitford, Miss. v. 2. Staiil, Madame de. Moltke, Count von. Stephenson, George. Moore, T. Stowe, Mrs. v. 2. More, Hannah. Tennyson. • Morgan, Lady. v. 2. Thackeray. Morse, v. 2. Thiers. Napoleon I. Victor Emanuel, v. 2. Napoleon HI. v. 2. Victoria, v. 2. Nelson. Washington, George. Nightingale, Florence, v. 2. Washington, Martha. O'Connell. v. 2. Webster, Daniel, v. 2. Osgood, Mrs. V. 2. Wellington, Duke of. Ossoli, Margaret Fuller, v. 2. William I of Germany. Palmerston, Lord. v. 2. Queens of society. Thompson, K. B. Lond., 1872 37—225 Representative nion. Emerson, R. W. Bost., 18f)l 37—228 CONTESTS. Goethe. Napoleon. Shakspeare. Montaigne. Plato. Swedeuborg. Stories of sncceH,s a.s illustrated by the lives of hnmble men who have made themselves great. Cobb, James 1-'. N. Y., n. d 22—129 Trappersof New York; biographyof Nich- olas Stoner and Nathaniel Foster. Illus. Simms, J. R. 1871 36—220 Ttwo chancellors: Gortchakoff and Bi.s- marck. Klaczko, J. 1876 37—223 ■Wits and beaux of society. 111ns. Whar- ton, Grace and Philip. 1871 37-221 Women of Israel. A<;uilar, Grace. 1871. 37 — 224 World-noted \vomen. Illus. Clarke, Mary Cowdon. N. Y., 1857 37—226 Yesterdays with authors. Fields, J. T. 1872 36—220 CONTENTS. Dickens. Mitford. Thackeray. Hawthorne. Pope. Wordsworth. Naval. Living officers of the United States Navy, Records of. Hamersly, L. R. Phila., 1878 37—227 Royal naval biography. Marshall, J., Lieut. 1823-'30. 12 v 37—227 Orators. Orators of the age. Francis, G. H. N. Y., 1847 37—227 Royal. Lives of the queens of England from the Norman conquest. Strickland, A. 1871. 8v 37—225 Lives of the qneens of England of the house of Hanover. Doran, John. 1865. 2v 37—225 Biography — Collective Works— continued. Lives of the queens of Scotland. Strick- land, A. 1853-'59. 8v 37—225 Monarchs retired from business. Doran, J. 1865. 2v 37—227 BIOGRAPHY.- PART 2: INDIVIDUAL. Adams, John (2rf Pies, of the U. S., I). 1735, d. 182S). Life; diary; autobiography. ( TFori-s, v. 1-3) . 22 — 135 Letters, with those of his wife. Ed. by C. F. Adams. 1876 37—223 See, also, Judson's lives of the signers of the Declaration of Independence. (36 — 219.) Adams, Mrs. Jolni (roi/e of President, J. 1744, d. 1818). Letters. With a memoir, by C. F. Adams. 1848. 2v 37—223 Same. 1 v. 1876 37-323 See, also, HoUoway, L. C. Ladies of the White House. (37—226.) Adams, Mrs. John Quincy (wife of Gth Pres. of U.S.). In Holloway's Ladies of the White Jlouse 37 — 226 Addison, Joseph (Engl, essayist and poet, h. 1672, rf. 1719). Johnson's lives of the poets, v. 8 of Works . 21 — 125 Taiue(H. A.) History of English literature. 15 — 92 Thackeray (W.M.) English humorists 40 — 244 Akenside, Mark (Engl, poet, b. 1721, d. 1770). Johnson (S.) Lives, &c 21 125 - — — Lifeof. {In his Poetical works) 10—100 Albert (prince consort of England, h. 1819, d. 1861). Martin (Theodore).- Lifeof. 1875- '79. 5v 37—223 Gladstone (W. E.) (In Gleanings of past years, v. 1) 45—275 Alexander, Wm. (Earl of Stirling, maj. gen., Amer. rev., b. 1726, d. 1783). Duer(W. A.) Lifeof. 1847 37—223 Alfieri, Vittorio (r8. 2 v. 39—240 Parton (J.) Life and times of. 1872. 2v 39—240 Butler, Joseph (Evgl. bp. and author of Analogy of religion, b. 1G92, d. 1752). CollinsCW.I..) Butler. Phila.,188]. 39—240 Byron, Anna Isabella Millbauke (Lady). Stowe (H. B.) Lady Byron vin- dicated. 1870 39—240 Byron, George Gordon Noel, Lord {Engl, poet, b.l78S,d.lS24). Lifoof. ( Jn V. 1 0/ Works) 16—100 Moore (Thomas). Letters and jour- nals of 1875 39—239 Moore (Thomas). Personal remi- niscences of. {Iiric-d,-bra(! series.) 1875. 36 — 218 Caesar, Cains Julius {Hainan general, histo- rian., dictator, and jurist, b. 100, d. 44 B. C). Froude (J. A.) Ciesar: a sketch. 1879 39—240 Napoleon in. History of v. 1-2. 39— 240 Note. — The standard works upon C.Tsar and liis opoch are Merivale's liistory of the Komans and Momnisen's his- tory of Rome. Caesars, The twelve. DeQuincey(T.) TheCiPsars. 1858. 39—240 Calderon de la Barca, Pedro {Spanish dramatist and poet. b. 1601 , d. 1687). Hasell(E. J.) Calderon. {Foreign elassics series) 36 — 217 Calvert, Leonard {Istgor. ofMd., b. 1585, d. 1647). Buniap (G. W.) Life of. (Sparks' 'Amer. biogr., V. 19) 36—219 Campbell, Thomas {Brit, poet and critic, b. 1777,(1.1844). Biographical sketch, with works.. 16 — 99 Canning, George {Brit, statesman and ora- (or, 6. 1770, (M 827). Bell(R.) Life of. 1846 39—239 Carlyle, Thomas {Brit, essayist, historian, and philosopher, h. 1795, (?. 1881). Guernsey (A. H.) Life, books, and theories of N. Y. , 1879 39—239 Bayno- (P.) In Lessons from my masters. 1879 23—138 Lowell (J. It.) /»i My study windows. 1871. 23—138 Gary, Alice {Amer. novelist and i>oetcss, b. 1820, d. 1870), and Caky, Phoebe {poetess, b. 1824, d. 1871). Ame8(M. C.) Memorials of 1873.16—99 Catherine 11 {Empress of Russia, b. 1729, d. 1796). Memoirs. Written by herself. With a preface by A . Herzen. 1859 39—239 Biography — Individual — continued. Cervantes, Saavedra Miguel de {S2>ani8h noveUat and poet, b. 1547, (/. 1616). Oliphant {Mrs. M. O. W.) u. d. ( Foreign eJassies for English readers) 36 — 217 Chambers, R. (Scottish author and publisher, b. 1802, d. 1870). Chambers (W.) Memoirs of. 1872. 39—239 Chambers, W. (Scottish writer and publisher, b. 1800). Autobiographic reminiscences. ( With his Memoir of K. Chambers. 1812) 39—239 Chandler, Zachariah (Amer. politician, b. 1813, d. 1879). Life and public services. 1880 39—239 Charles I (King of England, b. 1600, d. 1649). W^arwick (Sir V.) Memoirs of the reign of 1701 46—282 Disraeli (J.) Commentaries on life and reign of. 1828-'31. 5 v 45—276 See, also, Histories of England. Charles V (Emperor of Germany, King of Spain, b. 1500, d. 1558). Stirling (W.) Cloister life of 1853 39—239 Robertson (W.) History of the reign of 1839 34—204 Charles XII (A'i«<7 of Sweden, b. 1682, d. 1718). Voltaire (F. M. A. do). History of. 1732 39—239 Charles ((fteiioW, duke of Burgundy, b. 1433, d. 1477). Kirk (J. F.) History of. 1864-'68. 3t 47-290 Charles Ed'ward Stuart (tlie young pre- tender, b. 1720, d. 1788). Jesse (J. H.) Memoirs of the pretenders. 1846. T.l 37—224 Chase, Salmon Portland (Amer. statesman and lawyer, b. 1808, d. 1873). Warden (R. B.) Private life and public services of 1874 39—239 Schuckers (J. W.) Life and pub- lic services of. With eulogy by W. M. Evarts. 1874 39—239 Chatterton, Thomas (Engl, poet, b. 1752, d. 1770). Sketch of life. (With his Voema. 1857).... 16—99 Chaucer, Geoffrey (Engl, poet, b. 1340 (?), d. 1400). Ward (A. W.) Chaucer. (Engl. men of letters series) 37 — 228 — Lowell (J. E.) My study windows. 1871. 23—139 Christ. See Biblical and religious litera- ture. Churchill, John, duke of Marlborough (Brit, general, b. 1650, d. 1722). Alison (A.) Military life of. 1848.41—252 Coxe(W.) Life of 1847-'48 41—252 Churchill, (^harles (Engl, satiric poet, b. 1731, d. 1764). Life. (Tri(A Works. 1864) 16—99 BIOGEAPHY. 32 BIOGEAPHY. Biography — Individual — continued. Churchill, Sarali Jenning {Diieheas of Marlboroiiffh, h. 1600, d. 1744). Thomson (Mrs. K. B.) Memoirs of. 1839. 2v 41—252 Cicero, MarcnsTnllius ( 7?omnH orator, slates- man, and philosopher, b. 106, d. 43 B. C). Forsyth (W.) Life of. 1805. 2r 39—238 Do Quincey (T.) Historical essays, v. 2, pp. 1-61 21—126 Plutarch's lives, v. 5 37—225 Clay, Henry (Amer. statesman, i. 1777, d. 1852). Colton, Calvin. Life and times of. 5 V 22—135 Clinton, De Witt (gov. of State of 2^^ew York, b. 1769, d. 1828). Reuwick(J.) Life of. 1840 39—238 Cobden, Ricliaid (Engl, statesman and free- trader, b. 1804, d. 1865). McGilchrist (J.) Biography of. 1865 39—238 Coke, Sir E. (Engl, lawyer, b. 1549, d. 1634). Campbell (J., Lord). Chief justices of En- gland. V. 1 37—228 Woolrych (H.W.) Life of. 1826.39—238 Coleridge, Sarah (daughter of S. T. Cole- ridge, b. 1803, d. 18,52). Memoirs and letters of. Edited by her daughter. 1874 39-238 Collins, William (Engl, poet, b. 1720, d. 1759). Memoir of, by Sir Nicholas Harris, prefixed to Works. 1865 16—98 Columbus, Christopher (discorerer o/^me?'- tcfl, 6. 1416, (f. 1506). Select letters relating to his four voyages to the new vrorld. 1847 39—237 Irving (W.) Life and voyages of. 1855. 3v 39—238 Confucius (Chinese philosophei-). Legge (J. ) Life and teachings of. 1874 39—238 Cooper, James F. (Amei: novelist, h. 1789, d. 1851). Bryant (W. C.) Discourse on life, &c., of. ( With rrecaution.) See Fiction. Corneille, P. (French dramatic poet, b. 1606, d. 1684). Guizot(F.) Corneille and his times. 1852 39—238 Cortes, Hernando (Spanish conquei-or of Mexico, ft. 1485, rf. 1.554). Di.spatches to the emperor Charles V. Tr. by O. Folsom. 1843 48—297 Cowper, Williara (Engl, poet and letter writer, b. 1731, d. 180U). Letters, with works 39 — 237 Southey(K.) Life of ( WorJ-«, v. 1, 2, 3).... 39—237 Cramuer, Thomas (Archb. of Canterbury, b. 1489, d. 1556). LoBas(C.W.) Lifeof. 1833. 2v. 39—237 Consult, also, histories of Lingard, Macaulay, and Froude for estimates of his character. Biography — Individual — continued. Cronnvell, Oliver (lord protector of the com- monwcallh of England, ft. 1,509, d. 1658). Guizot(F.P.G.) History of. 18.54. 2v 39—237 Letters and speeches: with elucida- tions by T. Carly le. 1845. 2 v 39—236 Same. 1871. 2v 39-237 — Southey (R.) Lifeof. 1852 39—236 Lamartine, A. de. (In Memoirs of celebrated characters, v. 2) 36—217 Cumberland, R. (Engl, dramatic author and essayist, ft. 1732, f7. 1811). Memoirs of, written by himself. 1806 39—236 Cushman, Charlotte (Jmcr. actress, ft. 1816, d. 1876). Stebbins (Emma). Letters and me- moirs of. 1878 Custer, G. A. (Amer. general, b. 1839, d. 1876). Whittaker(F.) A complete life of . 39—236 Dante, Alighicri (Italian poet, ft. 1265, d. 1381). Oliphant (Jlfj-s. M. O.W.) Dante. , (Foreign classics series.) Phila. n. d... 39 — ^236 Lander (W. S.) Imaginary conversations. 4th series 23 — 136 Oliphant (Mrs. M. O. "W.) Foreign classics for English readers. Phila. n. d 36 — 217 Oliphant (J/rs.) Makcrsof Florence, pp. 1-71. 37—228 Smith (J. C.) Miscellanies, old and new... 23 — 138 Davidson, L. M. (Amer. poetess, ft. 1808, d. 1825). Sedgwick (C. M.) Biography of (Sparks' Amer. bingr., v. 7) 36—220 Davie, W. R. (Amer. lawyer and officei; ft. 1756, d. 1820). Huhhard (F. M.) Lifeof. (Sparks' Amer. biogr., v. 25) 36—219 Decatur, Stephen (commodore U. S. N., ft. 1779, d. 1820). Mackenzie (A. S.) Lifeof (Sparks' Amer. biogr.,\-. 21) 36—219 De Foe, Daniel (Engl, novelist and writer on political and social subjects, 6. 1661, d. 1731). Chalmers (O.) Lifeof. 1841 21—126 Miuto (W.) Defoe. (Engl, men of letters series) 37 — 228 Descartes, Ren6 (Fr. philosopher, ft. 1596, d. 1650). Mahafly (J. P.) Descartes. (Btack^rood's phil. classies for Kngl. readers) 39 — 235 Dickens, Charles (Engl, novelist and essay- ist, ft. 1812, d. 1870). Field (K.) Pen photographs of his reaor((. Statesmen, &c., v. 1 36—218 M,icaulay (T. B.) Essays 23—142 Frederica, Sophia Wilhelmina {Margra- vine of Baireuth, sister of Frederick II of Prussia, b. 1709, d. 1758). Memoirs of. Howells, W. D. , frf. . . 36—219 Fulton, Robert {Amer. painter, inventor, in-, trodaccr of the steamboat, b. 1765, d. 1815). Golden (CD.) Life of. 1817 40—245 Gardiner, Col. James {b. 1688, killed at Preston Pans in 1745). Doddridge (P.) Some remarkable passages in the life of. 1792 40—245 Garrick, David {Engl, actor and dramatist, b. 1716, d. 1779). Private correspondence. 1831. 2 v. 38 — 229 Gay, John {Engl, poet and drama list, b. 1688, d. 1732). Johnson (S.) Lives of English poets, v. 4 . . 21 — 125 Thackeray (W.M.) English humorists ... 40—245 George IV (King of England, b. 1762, d. 1830). Greville (C. C. F.) The Greville memoirs. 1875. 2v 45 — 274 Same. (Bric-a-brac series) 36 — 218 Brougham (H.) Lord. Statesmen, &c., v. 2. . 36—218 Thackeray (W. M.) The four Georges. 1869 40—245 BIOGEAPHY. 34 BIOGEAPHY. Biography — Individual— coutiuucd. Georges (The four; kiugs of Euglaud). (ieorgiau era; memoirs of eminent persons in Great Britain. 4v 36 — 217 Thackeray (W. M.) The four Georges. 1869 40—245 Oerry, K. {Amer. statesman, b. 1744, d. 1814). Austin (J. T.) Life of. 1828. 2 v. 40—245 Gibbon, Edward (I'Jngl. historian, b. 1737, d. 1794). Morison (J. C.) Gibbon. (Engl. men of letters series) 37 — ^22S Brougbam (H.) Lord. Men of letters, &c.. 37—228 Memoirs of. Howclls, "W. D., ed. 1877 36—219 Liiwrence (E.) Lives of the British histo- rians, V. 2 36 — 217 Goethe, Johann Wolfgang vou (German poet, dramatist, and scientist, h. 1749, d. 1832). Boyesen (H. H. ) Goethe and Schil- ler. 1879 40—245 Hay ward (A.) Goethe. (Foreign classics series) 36 — 217 Lewes(G.H.) Lifeof. 1875 40—245 Oxenford (J.) Autobiograjihy of. 1868-71. 2v 40—245 Carlyle (T.) Essays 23—142 De Quincey (T.) Biographical essays, pp. 227-261 21—126 Emerson (R. W.) Goethe. (In Eep. men) . 37—228 Gostwick (J.) and Harrison (E.) Outlines of German literature 15 — 92 Huttou (R. H.) Essays, pp. 1-97 23—141 See, also, Blactwood's magazine, v. 112, 1872. Jn Fiction, see two of Miihlbach's novels — "Old Fritz," and "Goethe and Schiller." Ooldoni, Carlo (Ital. comic dramatist, b. 1707, d. 1793). Memoirs. Tr. by J. Black. Ed. by W. D. Howells, 1877 36—219 Goldsmith, Oliver (IMt. poet, essayist, and misc. vyriter, h. 1728, d. 1774). Black (William). Goldsmith. (Engl, men of letters series) 37 — 228 Irving (W.) Life of. 1853 40—245 l)e Quincey (T.) Essays on the poets, pp. 99-145 21—126 Forsyth (William). Kovels and novelists.. 37—227 Georgian era, v. 3, pp. 351-354 36 — 217 Lawrence (E.) Lives of British historians, V. 2 36—217 Thackeray (W. M.) English humorists. pp. 326-362 40—245 Waller (J. F.) Life of. ( With hie Works) . 21—125 Gordon, William (viscount Kenmure, d. 1716). Thomson (K. B.) Memoirs of the Jacobites, V. 2 37—228 Gorton, Samuel (first settler of Warwick, B. I., b. 1600, d. 1677). Mackie (J. M.) Life of. (Sparks' Amer. biogr., v. 15) 36—219 Gough, J. B. (Amer. temperance lecturer, b. 1817). Autobiography and jersonal recol- lections of. 1869 40 ^245 Biography— Individual — continued. Graham, Catherine, formerly Mrs. Ma- caulay (Enyl. authoress, b. 1733, d. 1791). Lawrence (E.) Lives of British historians, V- 2 36—217 Grammont, Philibert, comte de (French wit and courtier, h. 1621, d. 1707). Tliomsou IK. li.) Wits and beaux of so- ciety, pp. 41-79 37—224 Grant, U. S. (Amei: gen. during civil war o/1861-'65, and ISth Pres. of the U. S., b. 1822). Badeau (A.) Military history of. 1868 40—245 Coppee (H.) Grant and his cam- paigns. 1866 40—245 Howland (E.) Grant as a soldier and statesman. 1868 40 — 245 Granville, George (Engl, statesman, poet, and corn-tier, b. 1667, d. 1735). Johnson (S.) Lives of the poets, v. 2 21—125 Granville (Granville George Leveson Gower, 2(/ eurl, b. 1815). Higginson (T. W.) Engl, statesmen. 1875. 36—218 Graydon, Alexander (of Pa., Amer. rev. officer, b. 1752, d. 1818). Memoirs of his own time. 1846. .. 40—245 Greeley, Horace (Amer. journalist and re- former, b. 1811, d. 1872). Ingersoll (L. D.) Life of. 1873. .. Eecollectionsof a busy life. 1868.. Greene, Nathl. (Amer. maj. gen. in rev. war, b. 1742, d. 1783). Bancroft (G.) History of United States, 40—246 40—245 V. 9, pp. 180-195 4^-303 Caldwell (C.) Memoirs of the life and campaigns of. 1819 40 — 245 Greene (G. W.) Life of. (Sparks' Amer. biogr., v. 20) 36 — 219 Grimaldi, Joseph (Engl, clown, b. 1779, d. 1837). Memoirs. Edited by "Boz" (C. Dickens). Lond., 18.38 3—16 Gu^rJn, Eugenie de (French lady, b. 1805, d. 1848). Arnold (M.) Essays in criticism, pp. 109- 140. 1869 23—141 Guerin, Maurice de (French poet, b. 1810, d. 1839). Arnold (M.) Essays in criticism, pp. 73- 109 23-147 Gunton, William (h. 1791, d. 1880). Sunderland (B.) Sketch of life of. Wash., 1878 40—244 .Gustavus I, Ericson or Gustavus Vasa (King of Sweden, b. 1496, d. 1560). History of, with extracts from his correspondence, lanon.} Lond., 1852. 42—258 Gustavus Adolphus n (the Great; Pro- testant leader in the 30 years' war. King of Sweden, b. 1594, d. 1632). Harte(W'.) Lifeof. 1759. 2v.. 40— 244 BIOGRAPHY. 35 BIOGRAPHY. Biography — Individual— continued. Gutenberg, John {inventor of printiiig, b. 1400, (J. 1468). Lamartine (A. de). Celebrated characters, V. 2 Y 36—217 Hale, Sir Matthew {Eng. ehirf Juslice and writer, h. 1609, d. 1676). Campbell {J.) Lord. Chief justices of Eiiyl., V. 1 37—228 Halleck, F. G. (Amer. pod, b. 1790, d. 1867). Wilson (J. G.) Life and letters of. 1869 40—244 Hamilton, Sir William (Scotch philosopher, b. 178S, d. 1856). Baynes (T. S.) In Edinburgh essays. 1856. 23—142 De Quincey (T.) Essays on phil. writers, vl 21-126 Hammond, James {Engl, politician and poet, h. about 1710, d. 1742). Johnson (S.) Lives of the poets, v. 2 21—125 Hampden, John {Engl, patriot in the great rebeUion, b. 1594, d. 1643). Nngeut (G. N. T., GreviUe, lord). Memorials of. 1854. 2 v 36 — 217 Hancock, John {gor. of Mass., 1st signer of Decl. of Independence, b. 1737, d. 1793). Judsou (L. C.) Biography of the signers... 36—219' Hannibal {Carthaginian general, b. about 247, d. 183 li. C.) Herbert (H. W.) Captains of the old world. 36—218 Hanover (house of). Doran (J.) Queens, &c 37—225 Harcourt, Sir Simon (Engl, lord chancel- lor, b. 1660, d. 17i3). Campbell (J.) Lord chancellors of England, V. 4 36—218 Harcourt, Sir William George Granville Vernon (Engl, jurist and politician, b. 1827). Higgiuson (T. W.) Engl, statesmen. 1875. 36—218 Hardy, Gathorne {Engl. secy, of state, b. 1814). Higgiuson (T.W.) Engl, statesmen. 1875. 36—218 Hare family. Hare(A. .1. C.) Memorials of a quiet life. 2v 40—244 , Note. — Including memorials of the two Engl, divines and scholars, A. W. Hare (d. 1792, d. 1834) and J. C. Hare; and of their mother. Harold II (last of the Anglo-Saxon kings of Engl., d. 1066). *S'ee histories of the "Norman conquest, by Thierry (46-282), and by Freeman (46-282) ; and in Fiction, ' Bulwer's Harold. Harrison, Mrs. William Henry (irife of President). Holloway (L. C.) Ladies of the AVhite House. 37 — 226 Harvey, William Henry (British naturalist, h. 1811, d. 1866). Gray (A.) Notice of (Sm. ifejaf., 1867)... Hastings, Warren (gov. genl. of India, b. 1732, (1. 1818). Burke (E.) Speeches on the impeachment of. (T/i Ai» Works, V. H,-16. 1826) Gleig (G. R.) Memoirs of. 1841. 55— 21—128 Biography — Individual^ontinned. HaTxrkins, Sir John (Engl, rear-admiral, b. 1520, d. 1595). Hawkins (G.W.) Life of. 1863.. 40— 244 HaTvthorne, Nathaniel (Anier. novelist and essayist, b. 1804, d. 1864). James, H., jr. Hawthorne. (Men of letters series) 37 — 238 Fields (J. T.) Yesterdays with authors. 1872 36—220 Lathrop (G. P. ) A study of. 1876. 40—244 Passages from [his] American note books. 2 V. Bos^., 1868 40—244 Haydon, B. R. (Engl, painter, b. 1786, d. 1846). Haydon (F. W.) C^orrespondence aud table-tails ; with a memoir of. 1877. 2 V 40—244 Same. Stoddard (R. H.), ed. 1876. (Sam souci series) 40 — 244 Hayes, R. B. (19«i Pres. oftlie U. S.,b. 1822). Howells (W. D.) Sketch of the life and character of. 1876 40—244 Hazlitt, William (Engl, essayist, critic, and misc. writer, b. 1778, d. 1830). Stoddard (K. H.), ed. Personal recollections of. (Bric-a-brac series) 36 — ^218 Heine, Heinrich (German poet, miscellane- ous writer, and wit, b. 1799, d. 1856). Arnold (M.) Essays in criticism, pp. 140-174. 23— 14 P'leishman (S. L.) Biogr. and critical sketch of. (/n miscel's from H. H.) 1876 23 — 140 Stem (S. A.) Biogr. sketch of. (In H.'sScin- tillatious) 23 140 Heloise (Fr. abbess, b. 1101, d. 1164). Lamartine (A. M. L. de). Memoirs of cele- brated characters, v. 1 36 217 Hemans, Mrs. Felicia D. (Engl, poetess, b. 1794, d. 1835). Sigoui-ney (Mrs. L. H.) Memoir of. (With her Poems) l(i — 9g See, also, Allibone. Henry V (King of England, b. 1387, d. 1422). Tyler (J. E.) Life aud character of. 1838. 2v ...40—244 Henry Vm (King of England, b. 1491, d. 1547). Froude (J. A.) History of Engl., t. 1-4 45—275 Note. — An elaborate defense of Henry VIII. See Shakespeare's play Henry VIII ; and, in Fiction, Mnhl- bach's Henry VIII. Henry, Patrick (Amer. rev. statesman and orator, b. 1736, d. 1799). Wirt ( W. ) Sketches of the life and character of. 1860 40 244 Sparks (J.) Life of (In tiU Amer. biogr., V- 2) 3S— 220 Herbert, Edward (1st baron of Cherbury, Engl, platon'ist, b. 1581, d. 1648). Life. Ed. by Howells, W. D 36—219 Herbert, George (Engl, religious poet, h. 1593, d. 1632). 3 V 40—244 Willmot (ii'ei'. E. A.) Memoir of (With Works) 16— 97 Herder, Johanu GdtihieA (German philoso- pher, b. 1747, d. 1803). De Quincey (T.) Essays on phil. writers, V. l,pp. 165-182 ; 2i_i26 BIOGRAPHY. 36 BIOGRAPHY. Biography — Individual — continued. Herrick, Robert {Engl, poet, b. 1591, (1. about 1C74). Biographical notice. ( TfifA Works) l(j— 97 Herschel, Sir William {Engl, astronomer, h. 173H, (I. 1822). Eulogy on. [Sm. Itept., 1870) 55— Herschel, Sir .1. V. W. {son of preceding, Engl, astronomer and physicist, b. 1790, d. 1871). Dodge (N. S.) Memoir of. [Sm.iJ«i)« , 1871]. 55— Hervey, James {Engl, divine and Moralist, b. 1714, d. 1758). Har8ha(D. A.) Lifeof. 1866 40—244 Hervey, John, lord Hervey of Ickwortli {Engl, pulitinan andpoet, b. 1696, d. 1743). Tliom80n(K.B.) Witsandbeaux of society. 37—284 Note. — "Sporns" of Pope's Satires. Hervey, Mary Leppell, lady {b. 1700, d. 1768). Thomson (K. B.) Queens of society 37—225 Hesiod {Greek poet, li. C. 884). Biographical sketch. ( With Works) 16— 07 Symonds (J. A.) Greek poets, v. 1. 1880.. 15—91 Heyne, Christian Gottlob {German class- ical scholar and philologist, b. 1729, d. 1812). Carlyle (T.) Essays, p. 115 23—142 Homer {Greek poet). See Homer in gen- eral alphabet. Hood, Thomas {Engl, pod and humorist, b. 1798, d. 1845). Biographical sketch. (With his Poetical works, V. 1) 16 — 97 Howard, Henry, Earl of Surrey {Engl. poet, b. about 151.5, d. 1547). Memoir of. (Tri7A Poetical works) 16 — 97 Hudson, Henry {Engl, navigator, discoverer of Hudson's Bay, b. 1560,(7. 1611). Cleveland (11. R.) Lifeof (Sparkb Amer. biogr., V. 10) 36—220 Humboldt, Friedrich Heinrich Alexander, baron von {German naturalist, geographer, and physicist, b. 1769, rf. 1859). Letters of, to Vamhagen von Eiise, 1827-1858. Tr. by F. Knapp. 1830.... 40— 244 Hume, David {Scollish historianand meta- jjhysical and political philosopher, b. 1711, d. 1776). Huxley (P/'o/essor). Hume. {Engl. men of letUrs series) :j7 228 Brougham (II.) Men of letters, pp. 195-256. . 37—228 Foster (,J.) Critical essays, v. 1. 1857 23 140 Hutchiuson, Anne {AnlinoHtian schismatic in New England, b. 1591, d. 1643). Ellis (G.E.) Lifeof. (Sparks' Amer.Uogr., vl6) 36—219 Irving, Washington {Amer. author and hu- morist, b. 1783, d. 1859). Irving (P. M.) Life and letters of. 1862-'64. 4v 40-243 Biography — Individual — continued. Jackson, Andrew {.-imer. general and 7th I'res. of the U. S., b. 1767, d. 1845). Parton (James). Life of. 1870. 3v 40—243 James I {Eing'of England, VI of Scotland, b. 1566, d. 1625). — : Birch (T.) Court and times of. 1849. 2v 45—277 Secret histoiy of the court of. Ed. by Sir W. Scott. Edin., 1811. 2 v 40—234 Jay, John {Amer. jurist and statesman, b. 1745, d. 1829). Jay (William). Lifeof. 1833. 2 v. 40—243 Je£ferson, Thomas {Amer. statesman, 3d I'res. of V. S., b. 1743, d. 1826). Autobiography of. 1853. v. 1 of J.'s writiugs 22 — 133 Parton (James). Lifeof. 1874 ... 40— 243 Pierson (H. W.) Private life of. 1662 40—243 Randall (H.S.) Lifeof. 1858. 3 v. 40—243 Tucker (Geo.) Lifeof. 1837. 2 v. 40—243 Jerrold, Douglas {Engl, humorist, b. 1803, d. 1857). Jerrold (W. B.) Life of 40—243 Jerrold (B.) Best of all good company. 1874 23—139 Jesus Christ. See Biblical and religious literature. Joanna {Queen of Naples, b. 1327, d. 1382). Hall (L. J.) Historical life of. 1824. 2v 40—242 Johnson, A. (17»i Pres. of the U. S., b. 1808, d. 1875). Foster (L.) Life and speeches of. 1866 40—243 Moore (F.) Speeches of. 1865.... 22—133 Johnson, Samuel {Engl, lexicographer, critic, essayist, moralist, conversationalist, andpoet, b. 1709, d. 1784). Boswell (J.) Lifeof. 1811. 5v. 40— 243 Stephen (Leslie). Johnson. {Engl. men of letters series) 37 — 228 Carlyle (T.) Heroes and hero worship 23 — 141 Uawtliome (N.) Liehtield and Uttoxeter. (ZiiOurold homo) 35—213 Johnson, Sir William (6. 1715, d. 1774). Stone (W. L.) Life and times of. 1865. 2v 40—242 Jones, John Paul {Amer. naval officer, b. 1747, d. 1792). Mackenzie (A. S.) Lifeof. 1848. 2 V 40—242 Memoires de. 1798 40—242 Sherburne (John Henry). Life and character of. 1851 40—242 Jones, Sir William {Engl, oriental scholar, jurist, andimet, b. 1746, d. 1794). Teignmouth {Lord 3. S.) Memoirs of, 1806. 2v 40—842 BIOGRAPHY. 37 BIOGRAPHY. Biography — Individual — continued. Josephine {Empress of France, wife of Na- poleon I, b. 1763, d. 1814). HecOtUeyCP. C.) Life of. 18.'>6.-.. 40—24:5 Junius {the assumed name of apolitical writer of the times of George III. 1769-'72). "A letter to an lioiioiirable briga- (lier-geueral, coinmaiuler-in-ohicf of his majesty's forces in Canada," now first ascribed to Junius. "A refutation of the letter, etc., by an officer." 1841 .... 40—242 An inquiry respecting the author of the letters of. 1814 40—248 Barker (E. H.) 1. Claims of -Sir Philip Francis to the a\ithorsliip of Jun- ius's letters. 2. Some inquiry into the claims of the late Charles Lloyd and others. 1828 40—242 — '■ Britton(J.) Juuiuselucidated; in- cluding a memoir of Lieut. Col. Isaac Barr^, M. P. 1848 40—242 Busby (Thomas). Arguments and facts demonstrating that the letters of Junius were written by John Lewis De Lalme, LL.D. 181G 40—242 Falconar (James). The secret re- vealed of the authorship of Junins's let- ters. 1830 40—242 Graham (J. A. ) Memoii-s of J. H. Tooke, identifying him as Junius. 1828. 40 — 242 Griffin(F. K. ) Junius discovered. 1864 40—242 Jacques (John). History of, and his works. 1843 40—242 Junius, including letters by the same writer under other signatures, to which are added his confidential corre- spondence with Mr. Wilkes, and his private letters to Mr. H. S. Woodfall. 1812. 3v 40—242 Manning (J. B.) Unmasked; or Lord G. Sackvillo proved to be Junius. 1828 40—242 Newhall (J.) Letters on, showing the author to be Earl Temple. 1831 .... 40—242 De Quincoy (T.) {In hig Literary remmis- pi^nci'S, V. 2) 21—126 Macaulay (T. B.) Es-say on Wanen Hast- ings. (JnAu Essays) 23 — 142 Kemble, Frances Ann {Engl, actress, h. 1811). Records of a girlhood. 1879 40—242 Keppel, George Thomas {^tth earl of Albe- marle, b. 1799). Fifty years of juy life. 1876 40—242 Kingsley, Cliarles {Engl, novelist, poet, his- torifin, and preacher, b. 1819, d. 187.5). Letters and memories of his life. Kd. by his wife. 1877 40—142 Bayne, P. In Essays, &c., pp. 1-9, 2d series. 23—141 Biography — Individual — continued. Kirkland, Samuel {missionary to the In- dians, b. 1741, d. 1808). Lothrop (S. K.) Life of. {Sparks' Amer. biogr., V. 25) 36—219 Knight, ChaT\efi{Engl. publisher and author, b. 17»1, d. 1873). Passages from the life of, by himself. 1874 40—242 Knight, Miss CoraeMa, {Engl, writer, b. 1757, d. 1837). Personal reminiscences. Ed. by R. H. Stod- dard. {Bric-a-brac series) 36 — 218 Knoz, John {ilcottish reformer, b. 1505, d. 1572). M'Crie (Thomas). Life of. 1613. 2 V 40—242 Kossuth, Louis {Hungarian orator and statesman, b. 1802). Memories of my exile. Ferencz, Jausz, tr. 1880 40—241 La Fayette, M. J. P. E. Y. G. de M., Mar- quis de {French statesman and patriot and Amer. rev. general, b. 1757, d. 1834). Headley(P. C.) Life of. 1859... 40—241 Lamartine, Ali)lion8ede {French historian, poet, and orator, b. 1792, d. 1869). Lacretelle (H. de). liamartine and his friends. 1880 40—241 Twenty-five years of my life and memoirs of my mother. Tr. by Lady Herbert. 1872. 2v 40—241 Same. Ed. by R. H. Stoddard. {Bric-d-brac series) 36—218 Lamb, Charles {Engl, essayist and humorist, b. 1775, d. 1834). Stoddard (R. H.), ed. Personal recollections of. {Bric-d-brac series) 36 — 218 Xalfourd (S. N.) Life and letters of, v. 3. 1856. {In Lambs Worlds) 21—125 De Qnincey (T.) Biographical essays, pp. 167-227 21—126 Lansdovrne, Marquess of. See Petty. La Salle, R. C, sieur de {French explorer, b. 1635, d. 1687). Sparks (J.) Life of. {In his Amer. biogr., V. ID... 36—220 Laud, William {abp. of Canterbury, b. 1573, d. 1645). Le Bas (C. W. ) Life of. 1836 ... . 40—241 Laura de Sades {friend of Petrarch, b. 1307, d. 1348). Jameson (A.) Loves of tlie poets, pp. 59-86 . 37—228 See, also, Life of Petrarch. Ledyard, John {.imer. traveller, J. 1751,rf. 1788). Sitarks (J.) Life of. {In his Amer. biogr., V.24) 36—219 Lee, Arthur {Amer. diplomatist, b. 1740, d. 1792). Lee(E,H,) Life of. 1829. 2 v.. 40— 241 BIOGEAPHY. 38 BIOGEAPHY. Biography — Individual — continued. Lee, Charles (MUllary adrentiirer in Amei: rei:,b.l7:n,d.l78U). Sparks (J.) Life of. (In his Amer. biogr., T. 18) 36—219 Lee, K. H. (Amer. statesman and orator, h. 1732, (I. 1794). Leo(R. H.) Life of. 1825. 2v.. 40— 241 Legar^, Hugh Swinton {Attorney-General of U S.,b.l7{n, (f. 1843). Memoir of. With his writings. Ed. by his sister, v. 1. 1846 22—133 Leisler, Jacob {Amer. political adventurer, d. 1691). Hortniau (C. F.) Life of. {.Sparks' Amer. . biogr., \: IS) 38—220 Leo X, Giovanni de Medici, /'ope 1513-'2] (patron of arts and letters, h. 1475, (Z. 1521). -^ Hoscoe (W.) Life and pontificate of. 1846. 2 V 40—241 See, ttUn, Ranke's bistoryof the Popes, and His- tories of the Keforination. Leasing, GottholdEphraini ((Jerman critic, poet, and philosopher, h. 1729, d. 1781). De Quincey (T.) Essays on phil. writers, V. 1, pp. 125-294 21—216 Lowell (J. K.) Among my books, pp. 291- 348 23—139 See, also. History of German literature. Lincoln, A. (16tt Pres. of the V. S., b. 1809, d. 1865). Barret (J. H.) Life of. 1865 40—241 City of Boston on the death of 49—300 Lamon (W. A.) Life of. 1872 .... 40— 241 Lowell (J. R.) In My study windows, pp. 150-178 23—139 flee, also, United States, Civil war of, 1881-'65. Lincoln, Benjamin (Amer. rev. gen., h. 1733, d. 1810). Bowen (F.) Life of {Sparks' Amer. biogr., V. 23) 30—219 Livingston, Edward (Amer. Jurist, b. 1764, d. 1836). Hunt(C. H.) Life of. 1864 40—241 Livingston, William (Amer. statesman, b. 1741,(7.1790). Sedgwick (T. ) Memoirs of the life of. 1833 40-241 Louis XIV (/u«ueen of Scots, b. 1542, d. 1.587). Meline (J. F.) Mary yaeen of Scots and her latest English historian. 1872. 41 — 25 Strickland, A. Lives of tlie queens of Scot- land. v.3-7 37—225 Mason, John (of Conn., capt. in Pequot war, ft. 1600, d. 1672). Ellis(G.E.) Lifeof. {Sparlis' Amer. biogr., V. 13) 36—220 Mather, Cotton (New England divine, ft. 1663, (?. 1728).. Peabody (W. B. O.) Life of. {Sparks' Amer. biogr.. V. 6) 36—220 Maximilian I ( Emperor of Mexico, b. 1832, d. 1867). Chyuoweth (W. Harris). The fall of. 1872 48—297 RecoUectiousofmylife. 1868. 3 v. 41—251 BIOGEAPHY. 39 BIOGEAPHY. Biography — Individual — continued. Medici, Lorenzo de (I'rince of Florence, nclwlar and patron of art and literature, b. 1448, (/.. 1492). Roscoe(\V.) Life of. 1803. 3 v. 40— 241 Melek-Hanum, Mme. (wife of J— 220 Pike, Zebulon M. {Amer. genl, b. 1779, d. 1813). Whiting (H.) Life of. {Sparks' Amer. biogr., v. 16) 36—219 Pinkney, Wm. {Amer. lawyer, statesman, and orator, b. 1764, d. 182^). "Wheaton (H.) Life of, (Sparks' Amer. biogr., v. 6) 36—220 Wheaton (H.) Life of 1826 41—249 Posey, Thos. {gov. of Indiana, b. 1750, d. 1818). . Hall (J.) Memoirof. (Sparks' Amer. biogr., V. 19) 36—219 Praed, Winthrop Mackworth {Engl, poet and lawyer, b. 1802, d. 1839). Memoir of. Coleridge, Rev. Derwent. ( Witlt 1 Poems) ...... 16—94 Preble, Edw. {Amer. naval officer, b. 1761, ' d. 1807). Sabine (L.) Life of. (Sparks' Amer. biogr., V. 22)- 36—219 Prentice, George Denuison {Amer. journal- ist and poet, b. 1802, d. 1870). . Piatt (J. J.) Biogi-aphical sketch of. (Witlt Poetionl works) 16— 94 Prentiss, Seargent Smith {Amei: lawyer and orator, b. 1808, d. 1^50). Memoirs of. Ed. by his brother. 1858. 2v 41—249 Prescott, W. H. {Amer. historian, b. 1796, d. 1859). Ticknor(Geo.) Life of. 1864 . . . . 41— 249 Prior, Matthew {Engl, poet and diplomatist, b. 1664, d. 1721). Johnson (S.) {Ures Engl, poeta, v. 3) 21—125 Mitford {Hev. J.) Life of. ( With P.'s Poet- ical works) 16—94 Thackeray (W. M.) (Engl, humorists) 40—245 Pulaski, Casimir, Count {Polish patriot and genl. in Amer. rev., b. 1748, d. 1779). Sparks (J.) Life of. (In his Amer. biogr., v. 14) 36—219 BIOGRAPHY. 41 BIOGRAPHY. Biography — Individual — continued. Putnam, Israel (Amer. ler. genl., h. 1718, (?. 1790). Cutter (W.) Life of. 1847 41—249 Pcabody (O. W. B.) Life of. {Sparks' Amer. hiiirjr.,v. 7) 3(>— 220 Rabelais, Franfois (French humoi-iat, b. 1483, (7. 1553). Besant (Walter). Rabelais. (For- eign clasxica series) 36 — ^217 Rachel, Eliza Felix, called (French actress, b. 1821, (1. 1858). Barrera (Mme. de). Memoirs of. 1858 41—249 Racine, Jean (French tragic dramatist, h. 1638, d. 1699). Kacino (Louis). Life and works of (French). 1869 17—103 Rale, Sebastian (French missionary to the Indians, b. 1658, d. 1724). Francis (C.) Life of. (Sparks' Amer. biogr., V. 17) 36—219 Raleigh, Sir W. (Engl, navigator, soldier, courtier, and author, b. 1552, d. 1618). Disraeli (L) .Secret history of. (In Aw Curi- osities of literature, v. 3) lH — 91 Kingsle.y (C.) Raleigh and his times. 1859 23—1,39 • — Thomson (Mrs. K. B.) Life of. 1830 41—249 Red-Jacket, or Sa-go-ye-wat-ha (chief of the Senecas, b. 1750? d. 1830). Stone (W. L.) Life and times of. 1841 41—249 Reed, Joseph (Amer. rev. statesman and soldier, b. 1741, d. 1785). — Reed (H.) Life of. {S^xtrks' Amer. biogr., V. 18) 36—210 Remusat, Claire Elizabeth Jeanne, Ma- dame de (6. 1780, d. 1821). Memoirsof. (1802-1808). 1880... 41. .250 Retz, Jeau Francois Paul de Gondi, card, de (leading spirit of the Fronde, b. 1614, d. 1679). M(5moires. Paris, 1820. 6 v 39—236 Ribault, John (French narigaior, com- mander of the first expedition to Florida, b. 1520, d. 1565). Sparks (J.) Life of. {In his Amer. biogr., V. 17) 36—219 Richelieu, Armand Jean Du Plessis, car- dinal ducde (French 2>rime minister, b. 1585, d. 1642). M^moires sur le r^gue tie Louis XIII, 1600- 1638. Petitot.C.B. 1823. 10 v 41—249 Richter, Jean Paul (German philosophic humorist, b. 1763, d. 1825). Lee (E. B.) Life of, with his anto-_ biography. 1842 41—249 Biographical sketch by Carlyle. {In Flower, fruit, aud thorn pieces) 10 517 Carlyle(T.) Essays. 1870 23—142 De Quinoey ]iili (< I erman gen- eral in Fngl. service in Amer. rev., b. 1738, d. 1800). — ' Eelkiug (M. vou). Memoirs and letters and journals of. Tr. by Stone, W. L. 2v 41—248 Riedesel, Frederika (wife of above, b. 1746, d. 1808). Letters and journals relating to the war of the American revolution. Tr. by Stone, W.L 41—248 Ritchie, Mrs. Anna Cora Mowatt (Amer. actress and author, h. 1819, d. 1870). Autobiography of an actress. 1854. 41 — 24 Rittenhouse, David (Amer. astronomer, mathematician, and ithijsicist, b. 1732, d. 1796). Kenwick (.7.) Life of. {Sparks' Amer. biogr., V. 7) 41—248 Robinson, H. C.(Fngl. lawijer and intimate with the literary celebrities of his time, b. 1775, d. 1867). Diary, reminiscences, and corre- spondenceof. Ed.byJ.Sadler. 1869. 2 v. 41—248 Rogers, Samuel (Fngl. poet and banker, b. 1703, d. 1855). Biographical sketch. {With his Poetical works) 16— 94 RxifSni, Giovanni (Italian novelist, b. about 1800). Lorenzo Benoni ; or, passages in the life of an Italian. 1860 10—55 Rumford (Count). See Thompson (Ben- jamin). Rupert of Bavaria (prince, soldier, naval commander, and scientist, cousin of Charles I of England, b. 1619, d. 1682). Warburtou(E.) Memoirsof Prince Rupert and the cavaliers. 1849. 3v.. 37— 224 Russell, Lord William (Fngl. statesman, b. 1639, d. 1683). Russell (John, Lord). Life of. 1820. 2v 41—248 Saint Simon, Louis de Rouvroy, due de (French courtier and politician, b. 1675, d. 1755). Collins (C. TV. ) Saint Simon. ( Foreign class- ics series. 1880) 36—217 Memoirs of. Baylo St. John, tr. 1876. 3v 41—248 • Thomson (K. B.) Wits and beaux of society. 37 — 224 Sappho (Greek poetess, about 600 B. ('.). Biographical sketclies of. {ff^t(A llesiod). . 16 — 97 Symonds (J. A.) Greek poet.s, v. 1. 1880 . 15—91 Schiller, Johaun Christotf Fredrich von (German poet, b. 1759, d. 1805). Life of. [anon.^ 1825 41—248 Boyesen (H. H.) Goethe and Schil- ler. 1879 40—245 Carlyle(T.) Essays 23—142 De Quincey (T.) Biographical essays, pp. 263-286 21—126 MlUler (Max.) Chips, &o., v. 3, pp. 74-100. . 23—138 BIOaRAPHT. 42 BIOGEAPHY. Biography — Individual — continued. Scott, SirWaHer (Scotihk poet, notwlist, his- torian, and mincel. author, h. 1771, d. 1832). Chambers (R.) Life of. With Ab- bottsford notaiula, by R. Carruthers. 1871 41—248 Hiitton (R. H.) Life of. {Engl. men of Utters series) ; 37 — 228 Carl.vle(T.) Essaj's 23—142 Forsyth CWilliam). Novels and novelists of the 18tb century 37—227 Jerrold (B.) Best of all good company, pp. 83-160 23—139 Scott, Wiufleld {Amer. general, b. 1786, d. 186(5). — Memoirs. By himself. 1864. 2 v. 41—248 Sevign^, Marie de Rabutin-Chantal, Mar- quise de (ft. 1026, d. 1696). Letters of. Hale, Mrs. S. J., ed. 1874 41—248 Thomson (K. B.) Queens of society 37—225 SeTvard, W. H. (of Neiv York, Amer. states- man and laivger, ft. 1801, d. 1H72). Baker (G. E.) Memoir of. {In S.'s Works, V.I, 1853) 22—132 Sevfard (F. W.) Autobiography of. With memoir, &c., by. 1877 41—247 Shakespeare, William {Engl, draviatic poet, h. V,&i, d. 1616). White (R. G.) Memoirs of the life of. Witli an essay toward the expression ofhisgenius. 1865. 41—247 See, also, his name in general alphabet. Shelburne {Earl of). See Petty. Shelley, Percy Bysshe {Engl, poet and dramatist, ft. 1792, d. 1822). Memorials. Ed. by Mrs. M. W. Shelley. 1859 41—248 Symouds(JohnA.) Life of. {Engl. men of letters series) 37 — 228 Stoddard (R. H.), ed. Anecdote biography of. 1877. {Sans souci series) . 41 — 247 DeQuincey (T.) Essays on lihe poets, pp. 42-75 21—126 Sheridan, R. B. B. {British dramatist, ora- tor, and statesman, ft. 1751, d. 1816). Moore (Thomas). Memoirs of. 1853. 2v 41—247 Brougham (H.)ior(J. Statesmen, &c., v. 1.. 36 — 218 Thomson (K.B.) WCits and beaux of society . 37 — 224 Sherman, William Tecumseh {Amer. gen- eral, ft. 1820). Memoirs. By himself. 1846-'65. 1875. 2v 41—247 Siddons, Mrs. Sarah Kemble {tragedienne, ft. 1755, d. 1831). Boadeu (J.) Memoirs of. 1827. 2v 41—247 Sidney, Algernon {Engl, repuilican states- man and political writer, ft. 1622, d. 1683). VanSantvoord(G.) Life of. 1853.41—247 Biography — Individual — continued. Sidney, Sir Philip {Enrjl. soldiei- and poet, ft. 1554, (7. 1586). Gray (W.) Life of. " {In Sidney's Miscellaneous works. 1860) 23—136 Jameson (if r«. A.) Loves of the poets 37 — 228 Smith, Capt. John {founder of J'a., ft. 1579, d. 1631). True travels, adventures, &c. 1819. 35 — 213 Hillard (G. S.) Life of. (In Sparks' Amer. biogr., v. 2) 36—220 Smith, Sydney {Engl, divine, oritic, and wH, ft. 1771, d. 1845). Holland ( Z/flfZy). Memoir of. 1855. 2v 43—259 Thomson (K. B.) Wits and beaux of society. 37—224 Smollett, Tobias George {Engl, novelist, dramatist, and historian, ft. 1721, d. 1771). Moore (John). Memoirs of the life of. (v. 1 of ;ti« Works.) 1872 11— 64 Forsyth (William). Novels and novelists of the 18th century. 1871 37—227 Somerville, Mary {Engl, mafhentatidan and physicist, ft. 1780, d. 1872). Somerville (Martha). Personal re- collections from early life to old age, with selections from correspondence. 1876 . . . 42^259 Southey, Robert (Engl, poet and miscella- neous author, ft. 1774, d. 1843). Life. (TFrtA Poetical works, v.l) 17—106 J)owden (E.) Life of. {Engl, men of letters series) 37 — 228 De Quincey (T.) Literary reminiscences, V.2 21—126 Spenser, Edmund {British jjoet, ft. 1,552, rf. 1599). Church (R. W.) Life -of. {Engl. men of letters series) 37 — 228 Child (F. J.) Memoir of. (S.'s Poet, works, v.l) 17—106 Stark, John {Ama: rev. general, h. 1728, d. 1822). Everett(E.) Lifeof. (Sparks' Amer. biogr., v.l) 36—220 Stephenson, George {Engl, improver of the locomotive, b.l7Sl,d. 1848). Smiles (S. ) Life of. 1868 42—259 Sterling, Lord. See Alexander, William. Sterne, Laurence {Engl, humorist and di- vine, b. 1713, d. 1768). Autobiogiaphy of ( With his Works) 11—62 Thackeray (W. M.) English humorists .. . 40 — 245 Stiles, Ezra, D. D. {pres. of Yale College, ft. 1727, d. 1795). Sparks (J.) (Library of Amer. bii>gr.,\.K). 36 — 219 Stockmar, C. F., baron {German diploma- tist, ft. 1787, d. 1863). Stockmar (E., baron von). Memoirs of. 1873. 2v 42—259 Story, J. {Amer. jurist, ft. 1779, d. 1845). Story ( W. W. ) Life and letters of. 185L 2v 42—259 BIOGRAPHY. 43 BIOGRAPHY. Biography — Individual— continued. Stuart, Gilbert Charles {Amer. painter, ft. 1756, d. 1828). Mason (George C.) Life and works of. With selections from Stuart's por- traits. 1879 41—247 Stuart (royal house of). Jesse (,1. H.) Memoirs of the court of England during the reign of the Stu- arts. 1840. 3 V 46—285 Memoirs of the pretenders. 1846. 2v 37—224 Sue, Eugene {French noveligt, ft. 1804, d. 1857). Miller(H.) Essays, p. 482 23—141 Sullivan, John (Amer. rev. genm-al, 6. 1740, d. 1795). Sparks (.1.) Life of. (Library of Amer. hiogr.,T. 13) 36—220 Sully, M. de Bethune, due de (French soldier and statesman, ft. 1560, d. 1641). Lennox (Charlotte). Memoirs of. 1761. 3v 41—247 Sumner, Charles (Amer. statesman, orator, and author, 6. 1811, d. 1874). Biography — Individual — continued. Tell, William (apocryphal Swiss hero, d. 1354?). Fiske ( J. ) Myths and my th makers Lamartine (A. de). Celebrated characters. 14— 81 36—217 27—164 Temple, Henry John, viscount Palmerston (Engl, statesman, ft. 1784, d. 1865). Blackwood's magazine, v. 77, 1855; v. 98, 1865; V. 109, 1871; Lippincott, February, 1871, p. 186 Tennyson, Alfred (Engl, poet, ft. 1809). BajTie (P.) Tennyson and his teachers. (Essays, V. 1, pp. 1-145) 23—141 Brimley (G.) Tennyson's poems. (Cam- bridge essays, 1855, p. 226) 23—142 Kingsley (C.) Sir Walter Raleigh, &c., pp. 177-196 ._. Lessons from my masters, Tennyson, &c - Popular science monthly, December, 1873, 23-139 23—139 Pierce (E.L.) Memoir and letters of. 1677. 2v 42—259 Siivedenborg, Emanuel (Swedish religious teacher, philosopher, and scientist, ft. 1688, rf. 1772). ~ — — Emerson (R. W.) Swedenborg; or, the mystic. (In Reprcscutativo men) 37 — 228 S'wift, Jonathan (dean of St. Patrick's, British satirist, humorist, poet, and political writer, ft. 1667, (/. 17.45). Forsyth (William). Novelists of the 18th century 37—227 John8on(S.) Lives of the poets, v. 2 21 — 125 Taine (H. A.) History of En^sh litera^ tore, V. 2 15_ 92 Sw^inbume, Algernon Charles (Engl, poet and critic, 6. 1843). Lowell (J. R.) My study windows, p. 210.. 23—139 Stedman (EC.) Victorian poets 23—139 Tacitus, Cains Cornelius (Boman historian, ft. 55, d. about 117). Murjjhy (A.) Biographical sketch of. (In his Tacitus) 17 — 103 Taney, Roger Brooke ( U. S. chi^f justice, ft. 1777, d. 1864). Tyler (Samuel). Memoir of. 1872. 42—259 Tasso, Torquato (Ital. epic poet, ft. 1544, d. l.-)95). -Life of. (In Tasso's Works, V. 1. 1802) 17—105 Taylor, Jeremy (Engl, bishop and author, ft. 1613, d. 1667). Bouncy ( H. K. ) Life of. 1815 ... . 42—259 Telford, Thos. (Engl, engineer, ft. 1757, d. 1834). Life of. Written by himself. 1838. 41—247 p. 193 32—197 Stedman (E.C.) Victorian poets. 1876.... 23—139 Taine (H. A.) Historyof Englishliterature, V. 2 15— 92 See, also, Blackwoml's magazine, v. 79, 1856, p. 125 ; v. 86, 18.59, p. 600; V. 88, 1860, p. 311 ; v. 98, 1864, p. 555. Quarterly review, v. 105, 1859, p. 250 27—162 See, also, Allibone, v. 3. Thackeray, W. M. (Engl, norelist, humor- ist, essaijist, and poet, ft. 1811, d. 1863). Trollope(A.) Life of; (Engl, men of letters series) 37—228 Bayne (P.) Essays. Ist series ,23—141 Brown (J.) Spare hours. 2d series 23—137 Fields (J. T.) yesterdays with authors .. . 36—219 Jerrold (B.) Best of all good company 23 — 138 Stoddard (R. H.) Anecdote biographies. (Hric-d-brac series) 36 — !J18 Taine (H. A.) History of Englishliterature. 15—92 - Whipple (E. P.) Character and character- istic men 23 — 141 See, also, Blackwood's magazine, v. 77, 1855; v. Ill, 1872. Lippincott's, February, 1809, v. 3, by M. Barnes. Themistocles (Athenian general and states- man, b. 514, d. 449 B. C). Herbert (H. W.) Captains of the old world. 36—218 Lloyd (W.W.) Age of Pericles, v.l. 1875. 15—89 Thiers, Louis Adolph (ft. 1797, d. 1878). Le Goff (Francois). Life of. 1879. 42—259 Thompson, Sir Benjamin, Count Rumford (Amer. natural philosopher, ft. 1753, d. 1814). Renwick (J.) Life of. (Sparks' Amer. biogr., v. 15) 36—219 Thomson, James (Engl, poet, b. 1700, d. 1748). Johnson (S.) Lives of English poets 21 — 125 Thoreau, H. D. (Amer. naturalist and es- sayist, ft. 1817, d. 1862). Letters of. 1865 42—259 — . — Lowell (J. E.) My study windows, pp. 193-210 23—139 Thorvaldsen, Albert or Bertel (Danish sculptor, ft. 1770, d. 1844). Plon(E.) Life and ■wrorks. 1873.. 42—259 BIOGRAPHY. 44 BIOGRAPHY. Biography — Individual — continued. ThucydiAes (Grecian historian, h. 471 7J. C, d. about 401 li. C). Biography — Individual — con tinued. Voltaire, Fraiifois Marie Aroiiet Ae {French philompher, critic, historian, and Smith (W.) Life of. 1831. 3v.. 17— lOS! poet, h. \&U, d. VnH). Tiokell, Thomas {Engl, poet, h. 1686, d. 1740). Johnson (S.) Lives of English poets, v. 4.. 21—125 Ticknor, Geo. (Amer. scholar and critic, b, 1791, d. 1838). Hillard (G. S.) Life, letters, aud journals of. 1876. 2v 42—259 Timrod, Henry (South Carolinian poet, b. 1829, d. 1867). Hayne(P.H.) Slcetoh of. (/hT.'s Poems). 17—105 Tintoretto, Jacopo Eohusti, called (Italian paintm; b. 1512, d. 1588). JamcBon {Mrs. A.) Early Italian painters, p.338 13— 90 Tomo-ohi-chi (Mico of the Tamacraws, b. 1649, d. 1739). Jones (C. C.) Historical sketch of. 1868 ( 42—258 Tooke, John Home (Engl, philologist and political writer, b. 1736, d. 1812). ■Hamley(E. B.) Voltaire. (In For- eign classics series) . 36 — 217 Brougham, (/jord H.) Men of letters 37—228 - Buckle (H. T.) History of civilization, v. 1. (Seelndex) 43—264 Carlyle (T.) Essays 23—142 History of Frederick the Great. 6 v. Note. — CJonsult the index to v. 6 40—240 Lecky (W. E. H.) Rationalism in Europe, V. 1: 14— 84 In Fiction, see Miihlbiich's Berlin aud Sans Souci. See, also, HistotLes of reign of Louis XV, particularly those of Martin aud Michelet. Ward, Samuel (gor. of Rhode Island, b. 1725, d. 1776). Givmniell (W.) Life of. {^parks' Amer. hiogr.,v. 19) 36—219 ■Warren, Joseph (of Mass., rev. patriot, b. 1741, killed at Bunker Hill, 1775). Everett (A. H.) Life of. (Spartcs' Ajner. Uogr., V. 10) 36—220 Washington, George (1st Vrcs. of the IT. S., b. 1732, d. 1799). Headley (J. T.) Washington and -Graham (J. A.) Memoirs of 1828.40—242 1 his generals. 1875 42—258 Torrey, John (Amer. botanist, b. 1798, d. 1873). Life and labors of, by Asa Gray. (Sm. Sept., 1873) 55— Popular science monthly, September, 1873, p. 832 32—197 Van Buren, Martin (Hth Prea. of the U. S., h. 1782, d. 1862). Holland ( W. M. ) Life aud political opinions of. 1835 42 — 258 Vane, Sir Henry (Engl, republican states- man, and gor. of Mass. colony in 1636, b. 1612, rf. 1662). TJpham (C. W.) Life of. Sparks' Amer. biogr., v. 4) 30—220 Vasa, Gustavus (King of Sweden, b. 1496^ d. 1.560). Life of. 1852 42—258 Vaughn, llenry (Engl, clergyman, b. 1621, d. 1695). Lyte (iJei). H. F.) Memoir of. (iraft V.'s Poems) 17—105 Victoria (Queen of England, b. 1819). Parton (J.) Eminent women of the age, p. 405 37—226 Vinci, Leonardo da (Italian 2>ter, b. 1452, d. 1519). Jameson (J/V«. A.M.) Early Italian painters. 15 — 90 Ruskin (J.) Modem painters. (See index inv.5) 15— 89 Virgilius, Maro Pablius (b. 70 B. C, d. 19 A.D.). Irving(,W.) Lifeof. 1855-'59. 5v. 42—258 Marshall (J.) Lifeof 1850. 2 v. 42—258 Sparks (J.) Life of. (With Works, v. 1. 1847-'48). 42—258 Watts, Isaac (Engl, divine and poet, b. 1674, d. 1748). Southey (It.) Lifeof. In Poems 17 — 105 See, also, references in Allibonc, t. 3 25 — 153 Wayne, Anthony (Amer. rtv. general, b. 174.=>, d. 1796). Moore (H. N. ) Life and services of. 1845 42—257 Webster, Danier(o/' Mass., Amer. lauijer, orator, and statesman, b. 1782, d. 1852). Curtis(G.T.) Lifeof 1870. 2v.. 42—257 Wellesley, Arthur, duke of Wellington (Brit, general and statesman, b. 1769, d. 1852). Wright (G.N.) Lifeof. 1839-'41.. 42—2.57 Bayne (P.) Essays, v.2 23 141 Brougham (H.) Lord. Statesmen, &c., v. 3. 36—218 Wesley, John (Engl, founder of Methodism, b. 1703, d. 1791). Tyerman (L.) Life and times of. 1872. 3v 42-256 Whately, Richard (archb. of Dublin, tlwo- logian, logician, and publicist, b. 1787, d. 1863). Whately ( E. Jane). Ijife and corre- spondence of 1866. 2 V 42—256 Wheeler, W. A. (VMhVicr-I'res. of the U. S.). Ho\vells (W. D.) Biographical - Biographical sketch of. (/n Works, v. 1) . . 17—105; sketch of. 1876 40 — 244 BIOGRAPHY. 45 BLACKWOOD'S. Biography — Individual — continued. ■White, Henry Kirke {Engl poet, h 1785, (f. 1806). Nicolas (Sir Harris). Memoir of. (With W.'s Poetical works) 17—115 *<", also, many reforcuces in Allibone, v. 3 . . 25 — 153 Whitefield, George (founder of Calrinistie Methodism, and pulpit orator, h. 1714, d. 1770). Har8ha(D. A.) Life of. 1866.... 40-244 Whittier, John GveenXeni (Amer. poet and mincel. author, ti. 1808). .SVc Allibone, V. 3 25—153 Wicliff, John ( Until, reformer, 6. 13-J4 ? d. 1384). Le Bas (C. W. ) Life of. 1832 42— 2,'->7 Wilkinson, Gen. Jiinies {Amer. general, b. 1757, (/. 1825). Memoirs of luy own times. 1816. 3v 42—256 ■Williams, Roger (champion of religious toleration, founder of Rhode Island, i. 1606, (?. 1683). Gammell (W.) Life of. (Siiarks' Amer. biogr., v. 14) 30—219 ■Wilson, John (Chrixtopher North, Scotch humorint, cmai/iKt, and poet, h. 1785, d. 1854). Gordon (Mary). Cliristopher Nortli. A memoir. 1863 42—257 ■Wirt, William (Amer. lawyer, orator, and author, h. 1772, rf. 1834). Kennedy (J. r.) Menioirsof. 1850. 2v 42—256 ■Wolcott, John (xatirical poet, b. 1738, d. 1819). Memoirs and anecdotes, with poetical works. 17—105 See, also, Allibone, v. 3. ■Woolman, John (QuaVer preacher, b. 1720, d. 1772). Journal of the life of. By himself. 1845 42—256 ■Wordsworth, William (B»i)r/.*j)oef, 6. 1770, d. 1850). j Brooke (S. A.) Theology in the English ^ poets ^. 14—84 Do Quincey (T.) Essays on the poets 21 — 126 Fields ( J. T. ) Yesterdays with authors 36—220 Sketch of W.'s life. ( TTftA v. 1 of "Works) . . 17—105 ■Wraxall, Sir Nath. Wm. (Engl, political and hixtorical writer, b. 1751, d. 1830). Historical memoirs of my own time, 1772 to 1784. 2v 42-256 ■Wyatt, Sir Thomas (Engl, poet, b. 1503, d. 1542). Memoir of. ( With Poems. 1864) 17—104 ■young, Edward (Engl, divine and poet, b. 1684, d. 1765). Johnson (S.) Lives of the English poets. V.4 21—125 .- Mitford (J.) . Life of. (In Y.'s Poetical works, V. 1) 17 — 103 BIOLOGY. Biology: Boston Monday lectures. Cook, Jo.seph. 1877 23—140 Biology, Principles of. Spencer, H. 1868. 2v 31—192 Life ; its nature, varieties, and phe- nomena. Grindon, L. H. 1867 31—192 See, also, in general alphabet, Evolution: Heredity; Ma- terialism ; History {Theories of the origin and development of species). (Statistics.) Birch, Samuel. Ancient history from the monuments; Egypt from the earliest times to B. C. 300. Illus. N. Y., 1875.. 30— 185 Bll'Ch, Thomas. Court and times of James the first. Loud., 1849. 2v 45—277 Bird, Robert Montgomery. .See Fiction. Birds, History of North American. Illus. Baird, S. F., Brewer, T. M., andRidgway, R. 1874. 3v 31—189 See Natural History. (Birds.) Bisiiop, Nathaniel H. Pampas and Andes: a thousand miles' walk across South America ; with au introduction by E. A. Samuels. Bost., 18(>9 35—214 Bismarck in the Franco-German war. Busch, Dr. Moritz. n. d 43—266 .See Biography. Bisset, Robert. History of the reign of George the third. Lond., 1803. 6v 45—277 Bits of talk about home matters. Jack- son, i/cs. "H.H." 1873 .34—209 Bits of travel. Illus. Jackson, Mrs. " H. H." 1874 36—222 Bits of travel at home. Jackson, Mrs. "H.H." Bost., 1878 34—209 Bltter-s-weet : a poem. Holland, J. G. 1868 16— 97 Bjiirnson, Bjonistjerne. See Fiction. Black, William. Oliver Goldsmith. (Englishmenoflettersseries.) N.Y.,1879. 37—228 See Fiction. Blackic, John Stuart. Four of morals: Socrates, Aristotle, Christianity, Utilitarianism. N. Y., 1874 14— 85 er and LowerCaliforuia, 1847-'49. Phila.,1850. 34—210 Building. See Architecture. Bulflnch, Thomas. Age of chivalry; or, legends of King Arthur. Illns. Bost., 1867 1— 1 Age of fable ; or, beauties of my- thology. Illus. Bost., 1869 14—81 Oregon and Eldorado; or, romance of the rivers. Bost., 1866 50—307 Bulletin of the United States Geological and Geographical Survey of the Terri- tories. Hayden,F. V.,incharge. Wash., 1874-'78. 4v 54— BULLOCK. 52 BURNETT, Bullock, William. Six months' resi- dence and travels in Mexico, containing remarks on the present state of New Spain. Illus. Lond.,1824 35—215 Bulls and the Jonathans, The. Paulding, .r.K. N.Y.,18G7 10—59 BuIwer-IiyttOll, Edward George Earle Lytton, Lord Lytton. Athens: its rise and fall; with views of the literature, philosophy, and social life of the Athe- nian people. I,ond. , 1837 47—289 Caxtouiana: a series of essays on life, literature, and manners. N.Y.,1868. 23—137 Dramatic works. Loud, and N. Y., n. d 16—100 COXTENTS. Lady of Lyons ; Richelieu ; Money. King Arthur: a poem. N.Y.,1871. 1(5—100 Lost tales of Miletns. N.Y.,1872.. 16—100 New Tinion : a poetical romance ; and The Lady of Lyons, or, love and pride: a play. Leipzig, 1849 16 — 100 Poetical works. Lond. and N. Y., D.d.. 16—100 Siamese twins: a satirical tale of the times, with other poems. N. Y.,1831. 16—100 Student, The. A series of papers. N.Y.,1800. 2v.ini 23—137 For lives and notices, see Biography. For noveifi, see Fiction. Bulwcr-Lytton, Edward Robert, 2d Lord Lytton {Owen Meredith). Poems. Bost.,l«66. 2v 16— 9tj CCNTEXTS. V. 1. The Wanderer 1 Tannhiiuser. 2. Clyteninestra; Minorpoems: NationalsongsofServia. Same. Bust., IbhO 16—96 ' CONTENTS. Lucile; Apple of life ; A\'anderer; Tilnnliiiuser; Clyteni- nestra ; Minor ])oems. Bniice, .lohn Thackray. Fairy tales: their origin and meaning, with some ac- count of the dwellers in Fairyland. N. Y.,1879 14— 81 Bllliscn, Frances, Haroness. See Biog- raphy. Bunyail, John. Holy war made by King Shaddai ujion Diabolns, for the re- gaining of the metropolis of the world ; or, the losing and taking of the town of Mansonl. Illus. N.Y.,1866 14—83 Pilgrim's progress from this world to that which is to come; with a life of the author, by the liev. Robert Philip. Illus. Lond.,l-t45 14-85 For life, «fc Biography. Blirch, Sauniel. Digest of the laws of the corporation of the city of Washing- ton to the 1st of June, 1823. Wash., 1823. 29—178 Burdett, Charles. See Fiction. Bureau County, Illinois, Map of, with sketches of its early settlement. Illus. Mataon, N. Chicago, 1867 , 49—300 Burk, John. History of Virginia from its first settlement to the present day. Petersburgh, 1804-'05. 3v 50—304 Same. Commenced by John Burk and continued by Skelton Jones and Louis Hue Girardin. Petersburgh, 1816. 50 — 304 Burke, Edmund. Works of. Lond., l826-'27. 16v 21—128 CONTENTri. v. 1. A vindication of natural society. On the sublime and beautiful. 2. Observations on the present state of the nation. Tlioualits on the cause of the present discontents. SpeecTi on American taxation. 3. Speeclies and letters from 1774 to 1780. 4. Speeches in parliament 1783-1785. .'j. Speech ou the arm}' estimates, 1790. Reflections on the revolution in France, 1790. I 6. Letters, 1791-'92. I 7. Pamphlets, 1791-'85. ! 8. Letter to a noble lord, 1796. Three letters to a member of parliament ou the pro- posals for peace with the Ref^icide Directory of France; 1. Ontbeoverturesof i)eace, 1796. 2. On the genius and character of the French revolution, 1796. 3. On the ruptureof negotiations; the teiTns of peace proposed, and the resources of the coun- try for the continuance of the war, 1797. 9. Letters and addresses, 1773-'9.'>. 10. Fragments and notes of speeches in parliament, 170l-'O2. An ay)ridgiiient of English liistorv fioui the invasirt on the impeachment of AVarren Hastings. 15. Speeches on the impeachment of Warren Hastings: reply. 16. Speeches . 1873. 34—210 California — continued. What I saw in California in 1846-'47. Bryant, E. 1848 34—210 — : Same. 1849 34—210 See Picturesque America in general catalogue; see, alito, United States. Callail, John F. Military laws of the United States, relating to the army, ma- rine corps, volunteers, militia, and to bounty lands and pensions; from the foundation of the government to 18.58. Bait., 1858 29— 1T7 Calmet, Augustin. * Dictionary of the Holy Bible, historical, critical, geograph- ical, and etymological. Taylor's edition. Illiis. Charlestown, 1812. 5v 26—160 Phantom world. History and phi- losophy of spirits, apparitions, &c. Chri-stmas, Rev. H., tr. Phila., 1850.... 30—183 Caloric. Metcalfe, S. L. 1859. 2v 32-194 Calvcrly, C. S. Fly leaves, with earlier "Verses and translations." 1872 16—100 Calvert, T>eonard. See Biography. Cam, On the. Lectures on the University of Cambridge. Everett, William. 1865. 2»— 140 Cambridge essays, contributed by mem- bers of the university. Uond.,1855 23 — 142 CONTEXTS. "Watson, C. K., Life and genius of Moli^re. Bristed, C. A., English language in America. Gallon, F., Notes on modem geography. Buxton, C, Limitations to se- verity in war. Liveing, G. D., On the transmutation of matter. Stephen. F., Relation of novels to life. Hughes, R. E., Future prospects of the British navy. Brimley, (i , Alfred Tennyson's poems. Clark, "W. G., General education and classical studim. Cambridge University (England). Five years in an English university. Bristed, C.A. 1852 14—82 On the Cam. Everett, W. 1865.. 23— 140 Campaign against Quebec. Henry, J. J. Lancaster, 1812 50— 30t) Campaigning on the Oxus. Illus. Mac- Gahan, J. A. 1874 35—211 Campaigns of the British army at Wash- ington and New Orleans in the years 1814-'1.5. Gleig,G,R. 1847 48—255 Campbell and Twining. Reports upon the snrve.v of the boundary between the territory of the United States and the possessions of Great Britain, from the Lake of the Woods to the summit of the Rocky Mountains. Maps. Wash., 1878. 54 — Campbell, Charles. Introduction to th(! history of the colony and ancient dominion of Virginia. Rich., 1847 50 — 304 Campbell, George Douglass (8th duke of Argiill). The reign of law. Illus. N. y., 1873 14— 84 Prayer. The two spheres. (In Pi-ayer- gauge debate, pp. 253-269. Host., 1876) 14—84 Campbell, John. Naval history of Great Britain, including the history and lives of the British admirals. Loud., 1813, 8v 43—865 CAMPBELL. 55 OAELYLE. C^ampbell, Lord John. J^ives of the chief justices of England, from the Nor- man conquest till the death of I^ord Mansfield. Second American edition. Phila.,1853. 3v 37—228 For conteuts, see Biography (CoUectire). Lives of the lord chancellors of England, from the earliest times till the reign of Gemge IV. Lond., 1819. 7 v. 3(>— 218 For contt'iits, see Biography (Collective). Campbell, Rohert Allen. Gazetteer of Missouri. Ulna. St. Louis, 1875 50—309 Campbell, Thomas. Journal of a resi- dence in Algiers. lUus. Loud., 1842. 2 v. '.iS — 204 Frederick the Great: his court and times. Lond. , 1842-'43. 4 v 40—246 Poetical works of, with a memoir. Bost, 1874 16—100 Campbell, William W. Annals of Tryon County; or, the border warfare of New York during the revolution. N. Y., 1831 50—305 CANADA. History. Canada and the Canadians in 1848. Bonnycastle, SiVE. H. 1846 Canada as it was, is, and may be. Bonnycastle, Sir E.H. 1852. 2v France and England in North America. Park- man, F. Bost., 1871 Histoiredu Canada. Garueau, F. X. Quebec, 1632. 3t. History of the five nations of Canada. Coldeu, C. Lond., 1747 Old regime in Can.ida. Parkman, F. 1874 Description, Travels, &c. Canadian scenery. Illustrated by W. 11. Bartlett ; description by N. P. Willis. 1842. 2v Canoeing in Eanuckia. Norton and Habberton. 1878 Flans of various lakes and rivers between Lake Huron and the river Ottawa. 1857 Bed Eivcr exploring expedition of Canada, 1857. Illus. Hind,N.Y. 1860 Settlers in Canada, The. Illus. Marryat, Capt. F. n.d Travels through the Canadas. Heriot, G. 1807 . . . Voyages du sicur de Champlain; on, journal i-H de- couvcrtes de la Nouvelle France. 1830. 2v--.- Yankee in Canada; with anti-slavery and reform papers. Thoreau, H. D. 1874 See, algo, America (British); New Brnnswick; British Columbia ; Quebec. Cailllillg, George. See Biography. Canoe voyage up the Minnay Sotor. Illus. Featherstonhaugh, G. W. 1847. 2 v.. Canterbury (ales. Chancer, G. Illus. N. Y.,1807 Cailtei'O, J. G. Losingenios. Coleccion de vistas de los i)rinci]>ales ingenios de azucar de la isla de Cuba. Habana, n. d . Capacity and genius. Essay on, with an enquiry into the nature of ghosts and other appearances 8Ui)i>osed to be super- natural, {anon.) Lond., n.d 34-207 16— 99 B— 30—183 45—279 45—279 B4— 205 45—279 47—286 34—210 34—210 34—209 B-* 34—210 7— 41 34—210 34—210 ,34—210 Cape Cod. Thoreau, H. D. 1865 34—209 Caper-sauce. Fanny Fern. Partoii, Mrs. S.P. 1872 9—50 Capes, W. W. Roman empire of the second century ; or, the age of the Au- tonincs. (Epochs of ancient history.) N. Y.,1879 48—295 Same. N. Y., n. d 48—295 Capital of the Tycoon. Illus. Alcock, *VR. 1863. 2v 36—221 Captains of the old world. Herbert, H. W. 1852 36—218 Captivity among the Indians, Memoirs of a. Hunter, J. D. 1823 .-..34-207 Capture of Ticouderoga. Address before the Vermont Historical Society, deliv- ered at Moiitpelier, Vt., October 8, 1872. Chittenden, Lucius E. Rutland, Vt., 1872 42—255 Carey, Henry C. Letters to the Presi- dent on the foreign and domestic policy of the Union, and its effects, as exhibited in the condition of the people and the state. Phila. and Lond., 1858 29—176 Principles of political economy ; of the laws of the production and distribu- tion of wealth. Phila., 1837. 3 v 29—177 Principles of social science. Phila. and Lond., 1858-'59. 3v 29—176 Unity of law, as exhibited in the relations of physical, social, mental, and moral science. Phila., 1872 39 — 176 Carey, William. The Queen : the con- spiracies of 1806 and 1813 against the Princess of Wales, with that of 1820 against the Queen of England. Lond., 1820 45—277 Caricature and grotesque in literature and art. History of. Illus. Wright, T. 1875 15-93 CarlotOil, Will. Farm ballads. Illus. N. Y., 1873 16— 99 Farm legends. Illus. N. Y'. , 1876 . . 16— 99 Carlyle, Thomas. Critical and miscel- laneous essays. N. Y.,1S70 23 — 142 Jean Paul Friedrich Eichter ; State of German literature ; Life and writings of Werner; Goethe's Helena; Goethe; Burns; LifeofHeyne; Gorman playwrights; Voltaire; Novalis ; Signs of the times ; Jean Paul Friedrich Eichtei again; On history; Luther's psalm; Schilba-; Nibel- ungen lied; German literature of the XIV and XV centuries; Taylor's German poetry: Characteristics; Goethe's portrait; Biogi-aphy; Boswell's Jolinsou; Death of Goethe; Goethe's works; Coni-law ihymes; Novelle by Goethe; The tale, by Goethe ; Diderot; On history again ; Count Cagliostro ; Edward Irving ; Dia- mond necklace; Mirabeau; French revolution; Sir Waltt^r Scott ; Vai-nhagcn von Ense's memoirs ; Copy- right bill; Dr. Francia. French revolution : ahistory. N. Y., 1871. 2v 46- -280 CARLYLE. 56 CHALLENGER. Carlyle, Thomas — oontinuetl. Heroes and hero-worship. Loud., 1840 23—141 C'ONl'KNTS. The heii> as diviiiity. Odin; Pagaili»m; Scandinavian mytliolojiy. The hero as propliet. Mahonnit; Islam. The hero as poet. Dante : Sliakspeaie. The hero as priest. Luther: Kefovmation : Knox: Puri- tanism. The hero as man of letters. Johnson; Rousseau; Burns. The hero as liing. (Cromwell; Napohon; Modem revo- hitionisni. History of Friedrich the second, (•ailed Frederick the Great. N. Y., 1863-'71. 6v 40—246 Oliver Cromwell's letters and speeches, including the supplement to the lirst edition, with elucidations. N. v., 1871. av., 39—237 Past and present. Bost., 1843 23—141 Sartor Resartus ; the life and opin- ions of Herr Teufelsdrockh : in three books. Loud., 1831 2:i— 141 For life, »ee Biography- Carl yie, Thomas, Advocate. Pleadings with my mother, the church in Scotland; the substance of four lectures delivered in Edinburgh, May, 1854. Ediu., 1854.. 14— 86 Came, .John. I^a Syrie, la Terrc-Saiute, I'Asie-Miueure, &c. lUustr^es. Une s^- rie de vues dessinees d'jiprfes nature, par \V. H. Bartlett et William Purser. Lend, et Paris, 1836 IK- 213 Cai'nes, J. A. Journal of a voyage frrtm Boston to the west coast of Africa. Bost. , 18.52 :i3-203 Carpenter, Philip P. The nioUusks of Western North America. ( Vol. 10 of Sm. Misc. Coll.) ■'■>3 Carpentry. .Set Architecture. Cairington, Mrs. Margaret J. Ab-sa- ra-ka, home of the Crows, being the ex- perience of an officer's wife on the plains. lllus. Phila.,18n8 34—207 Carroll, Lewi.s, imeml. See Dodgson, C. L. Carter, Owen B. Series of the ancient painted glass of Winchester Cathedral. lUus. Lond.,1845 15— H8 Carver, .Jonathan. Travels through the interior parts of North America in the years 176H-'68. Loud., 1778 34—205 Cary, Alice. Ballads, lyrics, and hymns. N. v., 1876 16— •>'•> Memorial of. lllus. Ames, M. C. N. Y., 1875. 16— yy Cary, Phcebe. Poems of faith, hope, and love. N.Y.,1874 16-99 Memorial of. Hlus. Ames, M. C. N.Y..1875 16— 99 Casimir Helps, Sir A. 1871. ,5—32 Casket of reminiscences. Foote, H. S. 1874 »5-ai8 Castelar, Emilio. Old Rome and new Italy (recnerdos de Italia). Mrs. Arthur Arnold, /I-. N.Y.,1874 36—221 Castilian days. Hay,. J. 1872 3.5—211 Cast-iron beams and colunnis, Treatise on. TuinbMll,W. 1832 »..- 19—115 Ca»«well, Alexis. Meteorological ob.ser- vatious made at Providence, R. I., from December, 1831, to ilay, I860. ( roL 12 oj' Sm. Coil trill. ) Wash ■53— Catalogues. Rules for printed dictionary catalogue. Cutter, C. A. [/n United States Bureau of Education report: pub- lic libraries, &c. Part 2, 187G.] Xote.—FoT catalogues of various iustitutions, see the names of such in general alphahet; see, also. Bibliography, Libraries. Cathedral, The (a poem). Lowell, J. 11. 1870 16— 96 Catlin, George. Manners, customs, and condition of the North American In- dians, lllus. Lond.,1841. 2v 45—286 Cats and dogs, lllus. Miller, ilfrs. Hugh. N.Y.,1872 8— 48 Catskill Mountains. lllus. Rockwell, C. 1867 34-209 Caunter, Hobart. Romance of history : India, lllus. Lond.,n.d 10—55 i Caxtoniana. Bulwer-Lytton, Sir E. 1868. 23—137 ! Cazill, Acliille. Phenomena and laws of heat. (Illustrated library of wonders.) N.Y.,1874 32—194 j Cements. See Arts (useful). Celebrated chaiacters. Memoirs of. La- martine, N. Y.,1854. 2v 36—217 Census. For statisticsof variouscountries ' and Slates, see their respective names in general alphabet. Centennial album of agricultural statis- I tics. Dodge, .J. R. 1876... 16-105 I Centennial exhibition. Illustrated history of the. McCabe,J.D. 1876 ,50—306 Centennial jubilee, Our national : ora- tions, addresses, and poems, delivered on , the fourth of July, 1876, in the several ! States of the Union. Saunders, F., eil. 1877 50-306 Centennial managers. Final report of the iSt.ate board of Ohio. Columbns, 1877.. ,50— 307 Centennial universal history. lllus. Clare, I. S. 1876 43—263 Central Africa. See Africa. Central America. Sec America. Central Asia. See Asia. Central Park, Designs for the gateways of the southern entrances to. lllus. Hunt, R. M. 1866 B— Cereals. Vc Agriculture. Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de. For life, sic Biography; for works, see Fiction. "Challenger," Atlantic: Voyage of the. Thomson, C. W. 1878. 2 v 34—207 CHALMERS. 67 CHEMISTRY. Chalmers, George. Political aunals of the present, iiiiitert colonies, from their settlement to the peace of 1763. Lond., 1780...; 49— :W-2 Life of Daniel De Foe. Oxford, 1841 21— 12r> Chalmers, Thomas. Disconrses on the Christian revelation in connection with the modern astronomy. N. Y.,1871 14—84 Chambers, Robert. Cyclopajdiaof En- glish literature. Illus. Phil., 1880. 2v. 1,5—90 History of the rebeHion in Scotland. Edin. and Lond., lrt27-'29. 4 v 48-292 Life of Sir Walter Scott; with Ab- botsford notauda, by Robert Carruthers. Chambers, W., «/. Lond. and Edin., 1871 41—248 Vestiges of the natural history of creation; with a seqnel. [««o«.] N. Y., 1846 30— IHfi Chambers, William and Robert. Book of days: a miscellany of popnlar antiq- uities in connection with the calendar. Illus. Edin., 1864. 2v ...22—131 Information for the people. Illus. Phila.,1860. 2v 22—131 Memoir of Robert Chambers, with autobiographic reminiscences of William Chambers. N. Y. , 1872 39—239 Miscellany of useful and entertain- ing tracts. Edin., 1847. 6v 2:$— 137 Chancellors (Lord). SeeCampbeU, John, Lord, and names of the lord chancellors in Biography (Individual). Chandler, Zachariah. See Biography. Chapman, Edward ,T. Practical min- eralogy; or, a compendium of the dis- tinguishing characters of minerals. Illus. Lond. and Paris, 1843 32—194 Chapman, Isaac A. Sketch of the his- tory of Wyoming; to which is added a statistical account of the valley and ad- jacent country, by a gentleman of Wilkes- barre. Pa. Wilkesbarre, 1830 00—304 Chappclsmith, John. Account of a tornado near New Harmony, Ind., April 30, 1852; with a map of the track, &c. (Vol 7 o/Sm. Contrib.) 53— Chapters on animals. Illus. Hamerton, P.G. Bost.,1874 31—191 Character. Emerson, R. W. (Tn his Es- say,s, v. 1) 23—141 -_ Smiles, S. 1872 23—141 Character and characteristic men. Whipple, E. P. 1871 23-141 ' Self-reliance. Emerson, R.W. {In his Essays, v. 1) 23—141 See, also, Life. Characteristics of women. Jameson, A. M. 1866 23—138 8 Characters of Theophrastus. Illus. La Bruyere, J. de. 1831 22—130 I .Sr. Robert. (Vol. 2o/Sm. Contrib.) ijj— Familiar IWtei's on chemistry and its relations to coranierce, physiology, and agriculture. Licbig, Justus von. Phila., n. d. (7n Ai« Works) 32—196 Hydrogen, as a gas and as a metal. Reynolds, J. E. (Sm. 7fq)«., 1870) 53— Organic bases: a lecture. Bauer, Pro/. A. (Sm. J/ept., 1872) ; 53— Oxygen and its combinations. Chacc, G. J. (Sm. Kept., Woo) 53— Recent improvement 8 in the chemical arts. Booth, I'ro/. James C, and Morfit, Campbell. Wash., 1852. (Vol. 2 0/ Sm. 3[igc. Coll.) 53— Report on. Sniitl),J. L. (Paris umv.e.xhib. 1867. Jieports,T.-2) 52—314; Researches on the ammonia cobalt bases. Gibbs, Wolcott, and Garth, i'rederick Aug. (Vol. 9 of Sm. Contrib.) 53— i Theory of chemical types. Wethcrill, C. M. (Sm. Itept., 1S63) 53— Transmutations of matter. Liveing, G. D. (Cam- bridge essayn. 1855) 23 — 142 Chill, History of. Molina, J. I. 1808. 2 v. 45—278 Visit to the Imliaiis on the frontiers of Cliiii. Gardiner, Allen F. Lond., 1841 35—214 See, aim, America (South) ; Andes. Chimneys, Practical treatise on. Eck- stein, G. K. 1852 18—109 CHINA. Chenery, Leonard, Ueut., V. S. jV. West coast of Africa, from Sierra Leone to Cape Lopez. Illus. Wash., 1876 55— Chcnier, Andr('. See Petits Poi-tes Fran^ais, v. 2 17—103 Chenicr, M. J. See Petits PoiJtes Fran- Vais, V. 2 17—103 Cherbiilicz, Victor. See Fiction. Chcsney, George. Battle of Dorking: the German conquest of England in 1875; or, reminiscences of a volunteer. By an eye-witness, in 1925. Phila.,n. d. 2 — 13 Chesterfield, Philip Dormer Stanhope, Earl of. Letter.s to his son. Phila., 1868. 39— 239 Chevalier, Michel. Historie et descrip- tion des voies de communication aux Etats-llnis, et des travaux d'art qui en di5pendeut. I'aris, 1840. 2 v 53—321 L'isthnie de Panama. Paris, 1844. 35—216 Chief justices of England. Camphell, J. Phila., 1853. 3 v.'. 37—228 For contents, see Biography (Collective). Chief of the pilgrims; or, the life and time of William Brewster. Ilhis. Steele, A. 1857 39—240 Child hunter.^, lanon.'] Phil., 1877 23—140 Child life in prose. Illus. Whittier, J. G., ed. 1874 13—79 Childhood. .See Fiction. (Little classics, V. 10.) Children's treasury of English songs, Palgrave, F. T. 1875 17-^104 15— 93 26—220 36—220 36—221 36—220 36—221 34—205 History. China. Martin, R. M. 1847. 2t 4.5—278 General history of China. Illus. Du Halde, P. 1741. 4v 45—278 Historical and descriptive account of China. ( Vols. (18, 19, and 20 ^ Edinburgh Cabinet Library) . . . 29—180 Miscellaneous Works. Biscoveries in Chinese. Illus. Andrews, S. P. N.Y.,1854 Five years iu China. Illim. Forbes, F. E. 1848. Journey through the Chinese empire. Hue, E. R. 1855. 2 V Narrative of the expedition of an American squad- ron to the China Seas, under Commodore Perry. H.iwk8,F.L. 1856. 3v Social life of the Chinese. Illus. Doolittle, J. 1876. 2v.ini Visit to Cliina. Taylor, J. B. 1869 Voyages made in the years 1788-'89 from China to the northwest coast of America. Meares, J. 1791. 2v Note. — For the religions of China, see Confucius, and Biblical, &c., literature, (Religious systems). Chips from a German workshop. MUUer, Max. 1871. 4v 23—1.38 Chittenden, George B. Meteorological ohservations made during the year 1873 and the early part of 1874 in Colorado and Montana Territories. {Miscellaneous I'ublications, No. 6, of the Geoloyical and Geographical Survet/ of the Territoriis.) Wash., 1874 54— Chittenden, Lucius E. Capture of Ti- conderoga: An address before the Ver- mont Historical Society, delivered at Montpelier, Vt., October 8, 1872. Rut- land, Vt., 1872 42—^5 Christ and other masters. Hardwick, C. Lonrt.,1874 14— 8> See Biblical, &c., literatui-e (Jesus Cliriat). Christian commission. Incidents of the United States. Illus. Smith, Hcv. E. P. 1871 43—254 Christian names. History of. Youge, C. M. 1803. 2v 15—90 Christian revelation viewed in connection with the modern astrouomy. Discourses on the. Chalmers, T. 1871 14 84 Christianity and Islam, Stephens, W. R. W. 1877 14—84 Christianity and modern infidelity. Mor- gan, B. W. 1859 14—84 Chronicleof Florence of Worcester. 8541. 45 — 276 Christianity, ture. See Biblical, ecclesiastical and religious litera- CHRONieLE. /i9 CLARKE. 1849. 46—283 45— 27G Chronicle of Roger of Wendover. 2 V Chronicles of England, France, Spain, and tlio adjoining countries Illna. Froissart, .Sic J. Jolincs, T., tr. 2 v. 1852 Chronicles of Monstrelet. lUus. T. Johncs, 3 — for deter- mining the force of aqueous vapor, and the relative humidity of the atmosphere, from indications of the wet and the dry bulb thermometer, Fahrenheit. ( Vol. 1 o/Sm. Mhc. Coll.) 53— Winds of the globe ; or, the laws of atmospheric circulation over the surface of the earth. Wash., 1875. ( Vol. 20 of 3m. Contnh.) 53— Cog:g:cshaU, George. Histoiy of the Auu-ricau privateers and letters of mar(|ue, during our war with England, in the years 1«12-'14. N. Y., 1856 43— 265 Coggeshall, William T. Poets and poetry of the west; with biographical and critical notices. Columbus, Ohio, 18r)0 17—104 Coins .and coinage. Ancient coins of cities and princes, geographically arranged and described. Akerman, J. Y. 1846. . 14 — 81 Coin book, comprising a history of coin- age; a synopsis of the mint laws of the U. S. ; statistics of the coinage, from 1792 to 1870 ; list of current gold and sil- ver coins, and their custom-house values ; a dictionary of all coins known in ancient and modern times, with their values; the gold and silver product of each State to 1870; list of works on coinage; thedaily price of gold from 1862 to 1871. lUus. Phila., 1872 14— 81 History of Jewish coinage, and of money in the Old and New Testaments. Madden, F.W. 1864 14—81 Introduction to the study of ancient and modern coins. Akerman, J. Y. 1S48 14- 81 Sec Political economy. Coke, .Sir Edward. 5fe Biography. Colang:e, L. Zell's popular encyclope- dia: a universal dictionary of English language, science, literature, and art. Illus. 2 V. Phila., 187r. 2,5—154 Colardeau, Ch.arles-Pierre. See Petits poetas Fran?ais, v. 1 17—103 Colden, Cadwallader. History of the five nations of Canada. Lond., 1747. .. 47 — 286 Colden, Cadwallader D. Life of IJobert Fulton. N. Y., 1817 40—245 Colerid{j;e, Sauuiel Taylor, Complete works of; witli an essay upon his philo- sophical and theological opinions.. /Vo/. Shedd, frf. N. Y., 1856. 7v !.21— 127 COSTKNT8. I V. 1. Introductory essaj 8, &c. Aids to refiection.' j The HtateHman'H manual. 2. The friend : a series of essays to aid in the formation of fixed principles in politics, morals, religion. &c. j Colcridg^e, Samuel Taylor — continued. T. 3. Biographialiteraria: or, Biographical sketches of my litei-ary life and ojtinions. 4. N(»tes and lectures upon Shakespeare and some of the old poets and dramatists, with other literary re- maius. 5. Literary remains. 6. On the constitution of church and state, according to the idea of each. A lily sermon, addressed to the higher and middle classes, on tlie existing distresses and discontents, 1817. Specimens of table talk. 7. .luvenile poems. Sihylliue limves. The ancient mariner. Christabel. Miscellaneous poems. Remorse: a tragedy. Zapolva: a Christmas tale. Piccolomini: or. The first part of Wallenstein ; a drama. Translated fronithe German of Schiller. The death of Wallenstein : a tragedy in five acts. Translated from Schiller. * ColcridjifC, Sara. See Biography. Cole, Miriam, pseud. &e Harris, M. C, in Fiction. Colleccion de los viages y descubrlmien- tos. Nav.arrete, M. F. de. Mad., 1825-'37. 5v A— College words and customs, CoUectiou of. Bartlett, J. R 15— 92 Collins, Lewis. Historical sketches of Kentucky. Illus. Maysville, Ky., 18,50.. 49—299 Collins, Mortimer. 5ee Fiction. Collins, William, Poetical works of, with a memoir. Bost., 1865 16—99 Collins, W. Lucas. Montaigne. (For- eign classics for English readers.) Phila., D. d 36—217 Collins, William Wilkie. My miscella- nies. N.Y., 1874 23—141 Sights a-foot. Phila. , u . d 35—212 For his novels, gee Fiction. Colnian, Henry. Europeanlifeandman- ner.s, in familiar letters to friends. Bost. and Lond., 1849. 2v 35—213 Colonies. See Grovernment and Politics. COLORADO. Colorado. Bits of travel at home. Jack- son, J/rs. H. H. 34—209 Geographical and geological explo- rations aiul surveys west of the one hundredth meridian. Illus. Wheeler, George M., liott., U.S.A. Wash., 187.5. v.3-5 55— — Interior Department. ( United States Geological Survey of the Territories, in charge of F. F. Hagden.) Annual reports for 18G9-'74-76-'77-78 54— Note. — These reports cover the geology, mineralogy, nat- ural history, and raining industry of the Territory, with maps. Pacific railroad reports, v. 2, 1853. {Narrative of Gunnison' H explor.) 20—120 United States geological explora- tion of the fortieth parallel. King, Clar- ence. Wash., 1870-71. v. 3 and 5 31—187 For the fauna and flora of Colorado, see Bulletins Nos. 4 and 6 of United States geological surveys. Hayden, F. V. COLORADO. 62 COlifQUEST. Colorado river of the west and its tribu- taries, Exploration of. Illns. Powell, J.W. Wash., 1875 54— Colton, Calvin. Life and times of Henry Clay. Illns. ( 1'ols. 1 and 2 of the Workif of Henry Clan.) N.Y.,n.d 21—135 Colton, G. Woolworth and C. B. Gen- "eral atlas. N. Y., 1874 B— Colton, Walter. Three years in Cali- fornia. Illns. N.Y., 18.51 34—210 Columbia, British, and Vancouver's Island. Macdonald, D. G. F. 1863.... 44—268 Columbia River, Adventures on the. Cox, Ross. 1832 34—207 Colunibns, Christopher. See Biog- raphy. Columns. See Arts (Useful). Conibc, William. Doctor Syutax's three tours in search of the i)icturcsque, con- solation, and a wife. Illns. Ijond.,n.d. 16 — 99 Combes, Oh. Trait., T. 1840.. 49— 299 History of the Indians of. De For- est, John W. 1853 47—286 Illustrations of surface geology. Hitchcock, E. {In Sm. C'onf rib.) Phila., 1856 53— Public records of the colony of. Hoadly, C. J. 1868-'80. 4 v 49—300 See, also. New England. ConoV'Cr, James F. Digested index of all the reported decisions in law and equity of the supreme courts of the States of Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois. Phila., 1834 29-178 Conquest of Granada. Irving, W. 1851. 5 — 29 CONEAD. 63 COUES. Conrad, T. A. Clieck list of inverte- brate fossils of North Amciita : Eocene aiidOli^oceue. {Vol.7 oj' Sm. Misc. Coll.). 53 — Conscience. (Boston Monday Lectures.) Cook, Jo.sepli. Boston, 187;) 23 — 140 Consei-vatlcn of ('ner>;y. Stewart, B. N. Y., 187G (Set Physics) :!1— 192 Consolations in travel ; or, the last days of a philosopher. I)avy,5irH. Lond.,ie30. 23—137 Conspiracy of Catiline, and the Jugur- thine war. The history of. Sallustius, C. C. W. Rose, //•. Pliila., 1837 17—103 Conspiracy of Pontiac. Parknian, F. Jiost., 1870. 2 V 34—205 Constantinople. Amicis, E. de. N. Y., 1878. (Ac, also, Turkey) 35—211 Constitutions. For coustit lit ions anil constitutional histories of various countries, xee uitiues of countries, as England; United States. Convents. See Biblical and religious literature (Mouastcries). Couve; sations on war and general cul- tuic. Helps, .Sir A. Bost., 1871 23—139 Cooki Joseph. Boston Monday Lectnres. Bost., 1877-79. 6v " 23—140 Biology. Conscience. Ortliodoxy. Trauscemlentalism. CO.NTKXTS, Heredity. Marriage. Coofee, John Esten. See. Fiction. Cooley, Arnold James. Cyclopa'dia of six thousand practical receipts and col- lateral information in the arts, manu- factures, ajul trades, including medicine, pharmacy, and domestic economy ; de- signed as a compendious book of reference for the manufacturer, tradesman, ama- teur, and heads of families. N. Y.,1875. 25 — 153 Coolidg:c,, pseud. Woolsey, S. C. See Fiction. Cooper, James Fenimore. History of the navy of the United States of America. Lond., 1839. 2 v 43—265 For otlier works, tee Fiction. Cooper, Thompson. Men of the time : a dictionary of cotemporaries ; containing biographical notices of eminent charac- ters of both sexes. Lond. and N. Y., 1875. 25—152 Cooper, William M. Flagellation and the flagellants : a history of the rod in all countries, from the earliest period to the present time. Illns. Lond., ISliO 22—130 Co-operation iu England, Histoiy of. Holyoake, G. J. Phila., 1875. v. 1 .... 29— 176 I Cope, Edward D. Check list of North | American Batraibia and IJcplilia; with a systematic list of the higher groups, and an essay on geographical distribu- tion based on the specimens contained in the U. S. National Museum. ( Vol. 13 of Sm. Misc. Coll. ) 53- Vertebrata of the cretaceous forma- tionsof the west. ( Vol. 2of the final reports or riionographs of the United States Geolog- ical Survey of the Territories.) Wash., 1875. 54- Coppee, Henry. Grant and his cam- paigns: a military biogra])hy. lUus. N. Y., 1866 40—245 Copper, Chemistry and metallurgy of. Piggot, A. S. Phila., 1858 19—115 Corals and coral islands. Illns. Dana, J.D. N.Y.,1872 32—194 Cordery, B. Mcriton, and Plnllpotts, J. Surtees. King and connnonwealth : a history of Charles I and the great re- bellion. Phila., 1876 45—277 Cordova, J. de. Texas; her resources and her jjublic men ; a companion for De Cordova's new and correct map of the State of Texas. Phila., 1858 50-3^5 Comeille and his times. Guizot, F. P. G. N.Y.,1852 39—238 Coriiellle, Pierre, CEuvres . completes de, suivies des (envres choi.sies de Th. Comeille, avec les notes de tons les commentateurs. Paris, 1862. 2 v 17 — 103 For contents, see Drama ; se^, alio, Biographf, ! Correlation and conservation of forces. Youmans, E. L. 1868. See, also, Phys- ics (Forces) 32—197 Correspondence with a- child. Goethe, J. W. von. 1868 40—245 Correspondences, representatives, &c.. Dictionary of. Swedenborg, Emanuel. Bost., 1847 14— 83 Cortes, Hernando. Despatches of Her- nando Cortes, the conqueror of Mexico, addressed to the Emperor Charles V ; written during the conquest, and con- taining a narrative of its events. G. Folsom, tr. N. Y. and Lond., 1843 48—297 Cosmos. Humboldt, F. H. A. von. 1849-'52. 4v 31—191 Cottage residences. lUus. Downing, A. J. 1853 15—88 Cotton mannfaoture. See Art8(U8eful). Cones, Elliott. Birds of the Colorado Valley. A repository of scientific and popular information concerning North American ornithology. {Misc. Pub. No. II of United States Geological Surrey of the Territories.) Illns. Wash., 1878.... 54— Birds of the nortliwest : a hand- book of the ornithology of the region drained by the Missouri River and its tributaries. {Misc. I'ub. Xo. 3 of United States Geological and Geographical Survey of the Territories.) Wash., 1874 54 — Fur-bearing animals : a monograph of North American mustelidae. {Misc. I'ub. Ko. 8 of United States Geological and Geographical Survey of the Territories.) Hlus. Wash., 1877 54— COUES. 64 CREIGHTON. Coues, Elliott— coiitinuetl. Key to North Americau birds; con- taining a concise account of every spe- cies of living and fossil birds at jireseut known from the continent north of the Mexican and United States boimdary. Illns. Salem, 1872 31—189 and Allen, Joel Asajdi. Monographs of North American Rodeutia. ( f'ol. 11 of the final reportu or monoijrnphs of the United States Geologieal Surrey of the Ter- ritories. ) Wash., 1877 54 — Coulter, John M. »S'«e Porter, Thomas C. Coulter, J. M. Botany of Jlontana, &c. {Part 3 of the Sixth Annual Report of the United States Geological and Geographical Surrey of the Territories.) Illns. Wash., 1873 54— Council of safety, governor and council of the State of Vermont, &c., from 1775 to 1823, Records of the. Walton, E. P., erf. of State. Montpelier, Vt.,187L!-'78. 6 v. 50—305 Oouncils. See Vatican coimcila, in general alphabet. Count Frontenac and New France under Louis XIV. Parkman, F. {Part 5 of France and England in North America.) 1877 34—205 Country houses. f?ee Architecture. Country margins an(. T. A. B. 1865. 2v :15— 213 Criclltoil, Andrew. History of Arabia, ancient and modern. Ediu., 18:{3-'34. 2 V 44—267 Crimea, invasion of the. War of 1854-'56. KInglake, A. W. 1868-'81. 5v 45—278 Critical essays contributed to the Eclectic Review. Foster, J. Loud., 1857 23—140 Criticism, Elemeuts of. Home, Henry {Lord Kamea). N. Y., 1866 15—93 Essay on. Pope, A. 1847. {In v. 2 of his \V oiks) 16— 94 Functions of. Arnold, M. {In his Essays in criticism.) 1869 23 — 141 On giving and taking. Helps, A. ( In his Friends in council, 1st series, v. 1). 23 — 139 See, also, Literature; Rhetoric; and for criticism of indi- vidual .tutliors, tlieir uamus in Biography, and in general alphaOet. (^I'Oll, James. Climate and time iu their geological relations: a theory of secular chauges of the earth's climate. N. Y., 1875 32—194 Croly, George. Memoir of the political life of the Right Hon. Edmund Buike; with extracts from his writings. Ediu., 1840. 2v 39—241 Croly, Jennie Cunningham {Jennie June). For better or worse: a book for some men and all women. Boat., 1875 23 — 138 Cromwell, Oliver. See Biography. Croton aqueduct. Memoir of the con- struction, cost, and capacity of the. King, C. N. Y., 1843 19—116 Crowe, Eyre Evans. History of France. N. Y., 1840. 2 V 46—280 Crowfleld, Christopher, pseud. See StOTWe, Han-iet B. Cruden, Alexander. 'Concordance to the Old and New Testaments; or, a dic- tionary and alphabetical index to the Bible. Carey, C. S., ed. Lond. and N. Y., n. d 14— 86 Criiiksliank, George. See Fiction. Cruise of the Betsey. Miller, H. 1867.. 36— 220 Cruise of the Challenger. lUus. Spry, W. J. J. 1877 ".. 34—207 Crusades, The. See History (Middle ages). Crystallography, System of. Griffiu, J. J. 1841 32—193 9 Cuba and the Cubans. 1850 45—278 Los ingenios: coleccion de vistas de la isla de Cuba. Cantero, J. G. n. d.. B — Travels iu; withnoticesof theslave trade. Turnbull, David. 1840 35—215 Cndlip, Mrs. Pender (formerly Annie Tliouias). See Fiction. Cullum, George W. 'Register of the officers aud graduates of the U. S. Mili- tary Academy at West Point, N. Y., from March 16, 1802, to Jan. 1, 1850. N. Y., 1850 51—313 Culprit fay: a poem. Drake, J. R. N. Y., 1871 16— 98 Culture ami anarchy : an essay iu iiolit- ical aud social criticism. Arnold, M. N. Y., 1875 23—141 Culture and religion in some of their rela- tions. Shaiip, J. C. N. Y., 1873 23—141 See, in general alphabet, Self-culture. Ciiinberlaiid, Richard. For life, see Biography. Eor works, see Fiction. Cummins, Maria Susanna. See Fic- tion. Curious myths of the middle ages. lUus. Baring-Gould, S. 1872 14—81 Curiosities of literature. Disraeli, I. Loud, and N. Y., 1859. 3v 15—91 Current discussions. Burlingame, E. L., ed. 1878. 2v 23—137 CONTBNTB. V. 1. International politics. 1. The Kassians, the Turks, and the Bulgarians. Arcliibald Forbes. 2. Tur- key. Viscount Stratford De Redclifte. 3. Monte- negro. Hon. \V. E. (jladstone. 4. Political des- tiny of Canada. Goldwin Smith. 5. Prussia iu the 19lh century. J. S. Blackie. 6. Future of Ejiypt. Edward Dicey. 7. The slave owner and the Turk. Goldwin Smith. 8. Stability of the British empire iu India. Sidney James Owen. 9. Kelation of En- glish people to the Kusso-Turkish war. Edward A. Freeman. 2. Questions of belief. 1. Soul and future life. Fred- erick Harrison. 2. A modem symposium, I. The soul and future life. K. H. Hutton, T. H. Hux- ley, W. R. Greg, and others. 3. A modern sym. po-sium. II. The influence upon morality of a de- cline in religious beliefs. Sir James Stephan, Lord Selborne, James Martineau, Frederick Harrison, and others. 4. Course tif modern thought. G. H. Lewes. 5. Conditiou and prospects of tlie Church of England. Thtnnas Hughes. 6. Is life worth liv- ing! W. H. Mallock. Curtis, George Ticknor. Life of Daniel Webster. N. Y., 1870. 2 v 42—257 Curtis, George William. Howadji iu Syria. N. Y., 1867 33—201 Lotus-eating: a summer book. N. Y., 1838. 35—213 Nile notesof a howadji. N.Y.,1856. 34—209 See Fiction. Curzou, Robert. Visit to monasteries iu the Levant. N. Y., 1849 35—214 Cuslimiin, Charlotte. See Biography (Individual). Custer, George A. See Biography (In- dividual). Cutter, William. Life of Israel Putnam, major-general in the array of the Amer- ican revolution. Illus. N. Y., 1861 41—249 CUVIEE. 66 DAVIBS. Cuvier, George Leopold ChriStieii Fr<5d6 lie Dagobert, Baron. Reciieil des dloges Iiistoriqiios Ins dans les siJatiees piiblicfues del'Iiistitiilde France. Paris, 1831. 3v. 39-235 Discourssurlesrevolutionsduglobe, avec des notes et iiu appendice. Paris, 18 34 32—193 et A. Hroiiguiart. Description geo- logiqnedesenvironsdeParis. Paris, 1822. 32 — 193 et A. Brouguiart. Essai siir la g6o- grapliie niinc^ralogique des euvirous de Paris. Paris, 1811 32—193 Cyclopaedia of the best thongbts of Charles Uickens, i onipiled ami alpha- betically arranged by F. G. de Fontaine. N. Y., 1873 3—15 Cottage, of history and biography. Illus. Pierce, E. M. Hartford, 1859. .. 25— 153 of wit and humor. lUus. Burton, W. E. N. Y., 1872 22—131 " Standard library of political, con- stitntioual, statistical, and forensic knowledge. Lond., 1848. 4 v 29—179 Cyclopaedias. Ste Eacyolopaedias. Cyprus; its ancient cities, tombs, and temples. DiCesnola, L.P. N. Y. , 1878 . 15— 88 Da Costa, J. M. Toner lectures. Lec- ture III: on strain and overaction of the heart. ( Vol. 15 of Sm. Misc. Coll.) 53— Dakota. See, under United States, Gov- ernment surveys, reports, &c. Dall, W. H. Index to the names which have been applied to the subdivisions of the class Brachiopoda, excluding the Ru- distes, previous to the year 1877. ( Vol. 13o/Sm. Mine. Coll.) 53—- Tribes of the extreme northwest. ( Ful. 1, part 1, of Coiitrihutions to Xorth American Ethnology, (^-c.) Illus. Wash., 1877 54— Dana, Charles A. Household book of poetry. N. Y. and Lend., 1869 17—104 Dana, James D. Corals and coral islands. Illus. N. Y., 1872 ... 32—194 Manual of geology ; treating of the principles of the science, with .special ref- erence to American geological history. Illus. Phila., 1864 '. 32—194 System of mineralogy, comprising the most recent discoveries. Illus. N. "Y. and Loud., 1850 32—194 Dana, Richard Henry, jr. Two years before the mast. Personal narrative. Bost.,18t)9 34—209 Danemark. (L'Univers.) Eyrifcs, J. B. 1846 4;J— 261 Danle Alighieri. Divine comedy of. Longfellow, H. W., tr. Bost., 1871 .... 16— 98 The vision ; or, hell, purgatory, and paradise. Gary, H. F., tr. Lond., 1819. 3 v.... 16— 98 For life and critical notices, tee Biography. Darby, William. 'Universal geograph- ical dictionary. Wash., 1843 25—149 Dark continent. Through the. Stanley, H. M. 1878. 2v 33-202 Djirlinjfton, William. American weeds and useful plants. Illus. N. Y., 1859.. 18— 108 Darwin, Charles. Descentof man, and selection in relation to sex. Illus. N. Y.,1872. 2v 30—186 Expressions of the emotions in man and animals. Illus. N. Y., 1873.. 30—183 .Journals of researches into the natural history and geology of the coun- tries visited during the voyage of H. M. S. Beagle round the world. N. Y., 1846. 2v 31—191 Insectivorous plants. Illus. N. Y., 1S75 32-195 Movements and habits of climbing - plants. Second ed. revised. Illns. N. Y., 1876 32—195 On the origin of species by means of natural selection ; or, the preservation of favored races in the struggle for life. N. Y., 1869 30—186 What Mr. Darwin saw in his voy- age round the world, [anew.] Illus. N. Y., 1879 34—208 Darwin, Erasmus. Zoouomia; or, the laws of organic life. Lond., 1801. 4 v.. 31 — 192 Darwiniana : essays and reviews pertain- ing to Darwinism. Gray, A. 1876 30—186 See Natural history {Thi'oriea of origin and development of apecies). tSee, also. Evolution. Dash, Countess, pseud. Saint Mars, Vicomtesse de. -Sec Fiction. Dates. See Chronology. Daubeny, Charles. Description of active and extinct volcanoes, of earth- quakes, and of thermal spring.s. Loud., 1848 32-195 D'Aubigne, J. H. Merle. History of the great reformation of the sixteenth century in Germany, Switzerland, &c. H. White, tr. Hartford, 1850-'53. 5 v. in 3. 14— 86 Dandct, Ali)honse. See Fiction. D'Avenant, Charles, Pdlitical and com- mercial works of; collected and revised by Sir Charles Whitworth. Lond.. 1771. 5v 21—127 Davenport, Richard Alfred. History of the Bastile and of its principal cap- tivei. Illns. Loud, and X. Y., 1875 46—280 D'Avczac, M. ties de TAfrique (L'Uni- vers.) Paris, 1848 4:5—260 Davidson, Lncretia Maria. See Biog- raphy. Davie, William Richardson. See Biog- raphy. Davies, Theodore. See Fiction. DAVIS. Davis, A. J. Arabula ; or, the divine guest, Bost., 1837 14—81 Death and the after-life. Host., 1871. 14—81 Magic staif; an autobiography. Bost., 1871 14—81 Mental disorders ; or, diseases of brain aud nerves. Bost. , 187 1 30—183 Sacred booli of the old and new gos- pels. Bost., 1873 14—81 Stellar key to the summer land. Bost,, 18tJ8 14— 81 The Diaklta and their earthly vic- tims. N.y.,1873 14—81 The fountain with jotsof new mean- ings. Bost., 1870 14—81 See Fiction. Davis, Cliarles H. Astronomical and me- teorological observations during the year 1875 at the United States Naval Observa- tory. lUus. Wash., 1878 55— Interoceanic canals and railroads between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Maps. Wash., 1867 .'. 55— Chronometer rates as affected by change of temperature and other causes. With maps, {liejjnii ted from JTashing- ton Observations for lS7o.) Wash., 1827. 55— Law of deposit of the flood tide ; its dynamical action and office. ( Vol. 3 o/Sm. Coiitrib.) 53— Meteorological, &c., observations made during the year 1875 at the United States Naval Observatory. Illus. Wash., 1878 ' 55— Davis, Matthew S. Memoirs of Aarou Bnrr, with miscellaneous selections from his correspondence. N. Y., 1855. 2 v. .. 39 — 240 D»vis, Rebecca Harding. &>c Fiction. Davis, William M. See Fiction. ttavy, Sir Hunipliry. Works. Ed. by his brother, John Davy. Lond., 1839- '40. 9v 21—127 CONTENTS. V. 1. Memoirs of the life of Sir Humphry Davy. 2. Early miscellaueouspapers; An introductory lecture, and outlines of lectures, on chemistry. 3. Researches, cheniiral ami philosophical. 4. Elements of chemical pliilo.sophy. 5. Uakeiian lectures; and Misceltaneous papers. 6. Miscellaneous papers ; and Researches. 7. Discourses delivered before the Royal Society; Ele- ments of apricultural chemistry, part 1. 8. Elements of agricultural chemistry, part 2; and Mis- cellaneous lectures. 9. Salmonia, or, days of fly-fishiug; and Consolations in travel. Consolations in travel : or, the last days of a philosopher. Lond., 1830 ... 23 — 137 Dawn of history. Keary, C. V., at N. Y.,n.d.. 30—186 Dawson, George Mercer. Report on the geology and resources of the region in the vicinity of tlie forty-ninth paral- lel, from the Lake of the Woods to the Rocky Mountains, with lists of plants aud animals collected, and notes on the fossils. Montreal, 1875 54 — 67 DE FOE. Dawson, John William. Story of the earth and man. Illus. N. Y., 1874 .... 32— 194 Day, Lai Behari. Govinda Siiuianta ; or, the history of a Bengal Raiyat. Lond., 1874 3-21 Day, Sherman. Historical collections of theStateof Pennsylvania. Illus. Phila., 1843 50—306 Day, Thomas. See Fiction. Dead Sea and the .lordan, Expedition to the. Lynch, W. F , U. S. N. 1849.... 35—213 Same. (Official report.) If 52 . . . . 35— 213 See, alio, works on Palestine, in general alphabet. Denn, Amos. History of civilization. Albany, 1868-'69. 7 v 43—264 For contents, »ee History (Universal or general histories). Dean, John. Grey substance of tlie me- dulla oblongata and trapezium. ( rol. 10 of 3m.. Contrib.) 53 — Deane, Milly. See Fiction. Dean's English. Moon, G. W. 1868 .... 15— 92 Death and the after-life. Davis, A. J. Bost., 1871 14—81 Debates. See Congress, in general al- phabet, &c. De Bernis, Franfois-Joachim-Pierre .. 17 — 103 See Petits Poi'tes Fran^ais, v. 1. Oe Bonnard, Bernard 17 — 103 See Petits Poetes Franyaia, v. 2. De Bow, James D. B. Industrial re- sources of the southern and western States. N. O., 1853. 3v 52-314 Decatur, Stephen. See Biography. De Costa, B. F. Lake George, &c. : glimpses of the olden times; with an ac- count of Ticonderoga, and a description of the route to Schroon Lake, the Adi- rondacks, and Lake Cliamplaiu. Illus. N. Y., 1868 34—209 Northmen in Maine ; a critical ex- amination of views expressed by Kohl, J. H., in vol. 1 of the new series of the Maine Historical Society. Albany, 1870. 49—298 Defences of Washington, Report on the. Barnard, J. G. 1871 38—229 De Foe, Daniel. Complete English tradesman. Oxford, 1841 21—126 Family instructor. Oxford, 1841. 2 V 21—126 History of the plague in London in 1665; and The consolidator. Oxford, 1840 21-126 Life and adventures of Duncan Campbell. Oxford, 1841 21—126 Life and adventures of Eobinsou Crusoe. Illustrated by J. D. Watson. Lond., 1863 3— 21 Memoirs of Captain George Carle- ton, and the life and adventures of Mrs. Christian Davies. Oxford, 1840 21 — 126 New voyage round the world. Ox- ford, 1840 .• 21—126 DE FOE. 68 DE QUINCEY. De Foe, Daniel — continued. Religious courtship; or, historical discourses on the necessity of marrying religious husbands and wives, and of employing only religious servants. Ox- ford, 1840 21— 12G For Uvea and critical estimates of Do Foe, see Biography. De Forest, John William. European acquaintance; being sketches of people in Europe. N. Y., 18.58 36—221 History of the Indians of Connecti- cut, from the earliest known ])eriod to IH'iO. Ill us. Hartford, 1853 47-280 For liis novels, see Fiction. De Hass, Willis. History of the early settlement and Indian wars of Western Virginia. Illns. Wheeling, 1851 42—255 Deirdr^. (No Name series.) Joyce, R. D. 187G .' 16— 97 De Ealb County, Illinois, History of. lUus. Boies, H. L. 1868 49—300 De Kerhallet, Charles Philippe. Azores or Western Islands, with addi- tions to present date. Totten, George M.,tr. Wash., 1874.. 56— General examination of the Atlantic Ocean, with nautical directions foravoid- ing hurricanes, and a memoir on the cur- rents of the Atlantic. Wyman, R. H., tr. Wash., 18*0. Mai)S 55 — General examination of the Indian Ocean, together with directions for the navigation of Torres Straits, and nauti- cal directions for avoiding hurricanes. Wyman, R. H., ti: Wash., 1870. Maps. 55— General examination of the Pacitio Ocean, followed by nautical directions for avoiding hurricanes. Davis, Charles Henry, *c. Wash., 1869. Maps 55— and Le Gras, A. Cape De Verde Islands. Parker, William H., (/•. Wash., 1873 55— Madeira, the Salvages, and the Ca- nary Islands. Totteu, George M., tr. Wash., 1874 55— De la Beclie, Sir Henry Thomas. See La Beche, Sir H. T. de. Delafield, Richard. Report on the art of war iu Europe, in 1854, 1855, and 1856. Illus. Wash., 1860. (Ex. Doc. No. 59, 36th Congress, Ist session.) 2v 38—233 Delano, A. Life on the plains and amoug the diggings; being scenes and adventures of an overland journey to California. Illus. Auburn, 1854 34—209 Dc la Hanie, Louisa. Sec Rame, L. de La. "Onida" in Fiction. Dc liOline, Jean Louis. Rise and pro- gress of the English constitution; with iutrodnction and notes by A. J. Stephens. Loud., 1838. 2v ." 4&— 282 De ITIedici, Lorenzo. See, in Biogra- phy, Medici, Lorenzo de. De mille, James. Elements of rhetoric. N. Y., 1878 15- 93 See Fiction. Democracy in America. Tocqueville, C. A. de. 18f2 49—301 Demosthenes, Orations of. Lelaud, T., tr. Lond., 1830. 2v 17—103 See Literature (Greek) ; ttle history of Greece, by Grote, v. 11, 12; Plutarch's Lives, v. 5; and Legarfi's Works, v. 1, p. 443. Dcndy, Walter Cooper. Philosophy of mj-stery. N. Y., 1847 30—183 Denis, Ferdinand. Portugal. (L'lJni- vers.) Paris, 1846 43-260 Denison, C. W. See Fiction. Dcnison, Mary A. See Fiction. Denmark, Sweden, and Norway, History of. Dunham, S. A. 1839. 3v 48—293 Northern travel. Taylor, B. 1858. 36— 22--J Depths of the sea. Illus. Thompson, C. W. 1873 31—188 De Quincey, Thomas. Biographical essays. Bost., 1860 21—126 COXTENTS. Shakspeare; Pope; Lamb; Goethe; Schiller. Confes.sions of an English opium- eater, and Suspiriade profundis. Bost., 1862 21—126 Essays on philosophical writers and other men of letters. Bost., 1860. 2 v.. 21-126 CONTENTS. T. 1. Hamilton ; Mackintosh; Kant; Herder; Ricbter; Lessing. a. Bcntley; Parr. Essays on the poets and other En- glish writers. Bost. , 1859 21—126 CONTENTS. Wordsworth. Goldsmith. Hazlitt. Shelley. Pope. Landor. Keats. Godwin. Foster. Historical and critical essay s. Bost., 1859. 2v 21—126 CONTENTS. v.l. Philosophy of Roman history; TheBssenes; Philos- ophy of Herodotus ; Plato's republic ; Homer and the Homerida;. 2. Cicero ; Style ; Rhetoric ; Secret societies. Letters to a young man, and other papers. Bost., 1861 21—126 CONTENTS. Letters to a young man. California and the gold ma- . Greek tragedy. nia. Conversation. Ceylon. Language. Presence of mind. Frenchaud English manners. Literary reminiscences. Bost., 1859. 2v 21—126 CONTESTS. V.l. Literary novitiate; Sir Humphry Davy: William Godwin; Mrs. Grant; Recollections of Charles Lamb; Walladnior; Coleridge; Woi-dsworth. 2. Wordsworth and Southey; Southey, Wordsworth, and Coleridge; Recollections of Grasmcre; The Saracen's head: Society of the lakes; Charles Lloyd; Walking Stewart : Edward Irving : Words- worth; Talfourd; The Loudon Magazine ; Junius; Clare; Cunningham; Libellous attack by a London Journal; Dudling. DK QUINOEY. 69 DICKENS. De scud. See Smith, Seba. Do^urn in Tennessee. Gilmore, J. R. {Edmund Kirke). N.Y..1865 4—22 Downs, John. Occultations of planets and stars by the moon during the year 1853. (Appendix to I'ol. 6 of Sm. Coti- trih.) 53— Occultations visible in the United States during the year 1851. {Appendix i of Vol. 2 of 3m. Contrib.) 53— Occultations visible in the United States and other parts of the world dur- ing the year 1852. {Appendix 2 of Vol. 3 of Sm. Contrib.) 53— Doyle, Richard. Forei^jn tour of Messrs. Brown, Jones, and Robinson; being a history of what they saw and did in Bel- gium, Germany, Switzerland, and Italy. Illus. N.Y.,1871 35—213 Dragoon campaigns to the Rocky Monnt- ains ; a history of the regiment of United States dragoons, by a dragoon. 1836.. 49—302 DraRe, Francis S. "Dictionary of American biograjdiy. Host., 1874 25—153 Drake, Joseph Rodman. Culprit fay: a poem. Illus. N. Y., 1871 16-98 Drake, Samuel Gardner. Biography aud history of the Indians of North America, from its first discovery. Bost., 1851 47 — 286 Tragedies of the wilderness. Bost., 1841 34—209 DRAMA. >^'^?!;;f^^:^ Actors, Acting, and the Sif/lf* TTTVERSITY Actorsand the art of acting. Lewes, G. H. aRip/> r ii- < V^V "& 1875 ^^^^*fi7«pnTi'^\5^ Annals of the English stage from Betterton to^^i;^' • * U *• T,^^^ Kean. Doran, J. N.Y.,1865. 2v 36^ Early English life in the drama. Skelton, J. {In Edinburgh essays, pp. 42-95. 1856) 23 142 English actors from Shakespeare to Macready. Baker.H.B. N T., 1879. 2t 36—220 Plays and Puritans. Kingsley, C. Lend., 1873 23—139 Romance of the English stage. Fitzgerald, Percy. Lend, 1874. 2v 36—220 Theatres of Paris. Matthews, J. K. 1880 36 220 See, also, in Biography (Individual), lives of various actors and dramatists. Amateur Theatricals. Drawing-room plays and parlor pantomimes. Col- lected by C. Scott. IiOnd.,1870 22 129 Parlor acting charades, intended for performance in drawing-room, and requiring no expensive scenery. Frost, S. A. N.T.,1876 22—129 Collections and Selections of Dramas. Note. — The contents of these collections are given under the titles of the dramas in the alphabetical list of Dramas. British drama. Trag., com., and farces. Lond., 1804 n-104 DRAMA. 72 DEAMA. Brama — continued. Six old plays, on which Shakespeare founded hia Measure for measure ; Comedy of errors ; Tam- ing the shrew; King John; King Henry the fourth, and King Heniy the fifth, and King Lear. Lend., 1779. 2v 17—107 Specimens of English dramatic poets who lived about the time of Shakespeare. Lamb, 0. {In Works, V. 4) 21—125 Works of the British dramatists. Selected from the best editions. Keltic, John S., ed. Edin- burgh, 1870 17—104 Dramatic Art, Criticism, and Theories. Account of the rise and progress of the English drama to the time of Shakespeare. ( With Mems. of Shakespeare. White, E. G. ) 41—247 Oorneille and his times, (pp. 21-110.) Guizot, F. P.G. N.T.,1852 39—238 Essay on (he Grecian drama. Prefixed to Macby- lus. Tr. by E. Potter 16—100 Greek poets, v. 2, chapters 14-17. Symonds, 3. A. 1880 '. 15—91 Greek tragedy. De Quiucey, T. (In his Letters to young men) 21—126 Historical mem. on Italian trag. Walker, J. C. 1799 15—91 Lectures on Shakespeare and other dramatists. Coleridge, S. T. (In v. 4 of Works) 21-127 Literature of the age of Elizabeth. Whipple, E. P. Best., 18C9 15—92 See, also. Literature (Greek, English, &c.). Miscellaneous. Before the footlights, and behind the scenes. Logan, Olive. 1870 22—129 Dramas, arranged alphabetically by titles. Abbreviations: Com., comedy; Trag., tragedy; Dram., dramatic, &c. Achille in Sciro. Metastasio. v. 2 16 95 Adelaide du Guesclin. Trag. Voltaire, v. 1 21—122 Adrian in Syria. Meta.sta8io. v. 2 16—95 iEUa. Chatterton, T. v. 2 16 — 99 JEtius. Metastasio. v. 2 16 — 95 Agamemnon. Trag. ^schylus 16—100 Agathocle. Trag. Voltaire, v. 2 21—122 Agisilas. Trag. Corneille. v. 2 17—103 Alcestis. Trag. Euripides, v. 1 16 — 98 Alchemist. Jonson, B. (In Keltie's British dra matists) 17 — 104 Alexander and Campaspe. Lilly, J. (In Keltie's British dramatists) 17 — 104 Alexandre le Grande. Trag. Bacine 17—103 .^Ifred the Great. Knowles, J. S l(i 97 All's well that ends well. Shakespeare, v. 2. 1797. 17 — 107 Same. Eolfe, W.J". 1881 17—107 *Same. Staunton, H., ed. v. 2 17 lo7 Alzire. Trag. Voltaire, v. 1 21 122 Andrd del Sarto. Musset, A. de 17—103 Andromache. Trag. Euripides, v. 3 16 98 Andromaque. Trag. Eacine 17 103 Andromede. Trag. Corneille. v. 1 17—103 Anne Boleyn. Trag. Boker, G. H 16 100 Antonio and Mellida. Marston, J. (In Keltie's British dramatists) 17 104 Antonio's revenge. Marston, J. (Zn Keltie's Brit- ish dramatists) 17 104 Antony and Cleopatra. Shakespeare, W. v. 5. 1797 17_107 'Same. Staunton, H., ed. v. 3 17—107 Drama — continued. Apprentice. Murphy, A. (7n Coll. British drama). 17—104 Artaxerxes. Metastasio, P. v. 1 16—95 As you like it. Shakespeare, v. 2. 1797 17—107 Same. Eolfe, W. J., ed 17—107 *Same. Staunton, H. ed. v. 2 17—107 Atalantis. Simms, W. G. v. 1 17—106 Athalie. Trag. Eacine, J 17—103 Attila. Trag. Corneille. v. 2 17—103 Author (The), Eoote, Samuel. (In Coll. British drama) 17 — 104 Bacchae. Trag. Euripides, v. 1 15—98 Bajazet. Trag. Racine, J 17—103 Barberine. Com. Musset, A. de 17—103 Baron D'Otrante. Opera-buffa. Voltaire, v. 2 . 21—122 Bashful lover (The). Massinger, P 16 — 95 Beggar of Betbnal Green. Com. Knowles, J. S-- 16—97 Beggar's opera. Gay, John. (In Coll. British drama) 17-104 Berenice. Trag. Eacine, J 17—103 Bettine. Com. Musset, A. de 17—103 Blot on tlie 'scutcheon. Browning, E. v. 2 16—100 Bondman (The). Massinger,? 16—95 Bon Ton. GaiTick, David, (iyj Coll. British drama). 17—104 Bride of Messina. Schiller, .L C. F. von 17—107 Britannicns. Trag. Racine, J 17—104 Brothers (The). Com. Shirley, J. (In Keltie's British dramatists) 17—104 Brutus. Trag. Payne, J. H 16—95 Brutns. Trag. Voltaire, F. M. A. de. v. 1 21—122 Caius Gracchus. Trag. Knowles, J. S 16—97 Caprice, Un. Com. Musset, A. de 17—103 Caprices de Marianne. Com. Musset, A. de 17 — 103 Carmosine. Com. Musset, A. de 17—103 Catalina. Trag. Voltaii-e, F. M. A. de. v.l 21—122 Oato, Addison.J. v.l 21—128 Cenci. Trag. Shelley, P. B. v. 2 17—106 Chandelier. Com. Musset, A. do 17 — 103 Chariot. Voltaire, F. M. A. de. v. 2 21—122 Cheats of Scapin. Otway, Thomas. (In Coll. Brit- ish drama) 17 — 104 Choephorae. Trag. .aischylus 16—100 Chrononhotonthologos. Carey, Henry. (In Coll. British drama) 17—104 Oid. Trag. Corneille, P. v.l 17—103 Oinna. Trag. Comeille, P. v.l 17—103 Citizen (Tlie). Murphy, A. (In Coll. British drama) 17—104 City madam (The). Massinger, P 16 — 95 Olitandre. Trag. CoTneille, P. (v. 1 0/ Works). 17—103 Crispin. Com. LeSage,A.K 21—122 Critic. Com. Sheridan, E. B 17—105 Oolombe's birthday. Browning, R. v.l 16—100 Comedy of errors. Shakespeare, v. 2. 1797 17—107 *Same. Staunton, H., ed. v.l 17—107 Commissary (The). Foote, Samuel. (In Coll. British drama) 17 — 104 ConquMe de la Toison d'or. Trag. Corneille, P. V. 2 - 17—103 Contrivances (The). Carey, Henry. (In Coll. British drama) 17—104 Coriolanus. Shakespeare, v. 5. 1797 17 — 107 •Same. Stauutou, H., ed. v. 3 17—107 Country house. Vanbrugh, John. (In Coll. Brit- ish drama) 17 — 104 Oymbeline. Shakespeare, v. 5. 1797 17 — 107 *Same. Staunton, H., ed. v.2 17—107 Daughter (The). Knowles, Sheridan 16— 97 Deformed transfoimed. Byron, v. 8 16 — 99 Same 16 — 99 Demetrius. Metastasio. v.l 16 — 95 Demetrius. Schiller 17 — 107 Demophoon. Metastasio. v.2 16 — 95 DEAMA. 73 DRAMA. Drama — continued. D^positaire. Com. Voltaire, v. 2 21—122 Deuce (Thr) ia iu him. Coleman, George. {In Coll. British drama) 17—104 Deux Tooneaux. Voltaire, v. 2 — 21 — 122 Devil to pay. Coffey, Charles. (In Coll. British drama) 17—104 DeWl upon two sticks. Foote, Samuel. {In Coll. British drama) 17—104 Dido. Metastasio. v. 2 16— 95 Discovery of Joseph. Metastasio. v. 3 16—95 Doctor Faustns. Marlowe, C. (In Keltie's Brit- ifsli dramatists) 17 — 104 Doctor Last in his chariot. Bickerstaff and Foote. (In Coll. British drama) 17—104 Don Oarlos. Schiller 17—107 DonPddre. Trag. Voltaire, v. 2 21—122 Don Sanche. Com. Comeille, P. t. 1 17—103 Dream of Scipio. Metastasio. v. 1 16—85 Droit achylu8 16 — 100 Prometheus unbound. Dram. Shelley, P. B. v. 2. 17 — 106 Promos and Cassandra. Old plays. Whetstones, G. v.l 17—107 Prude. Com. Voltaire, v.l 21—122 Pulchdrie. Com. Corneille, P. v. 2 .. : 17—103 Queen Mary. Dram. Tennyson, A 17 — 105 Regicide. Smollett, T. v.l '. 11—64 Regulus. Metastasio. v.3 16 — 95 Remorse. Coleridge, S. T. (v. 7 0/ Works) 21—127 DEAMA. 75 DEESDEN. Drama — continued. Renegado (The). Massinger, P 16 — 95 Reprisal. Smollett, T. v. 1 11—64 Ressources do Quinola. Ualzac, H. de. v. 19 I — 4 Return of the Druses. Browniu^j, R. v. 2 10 — 100 Rhesus. Trag. Euripides, v. 3 16—98 Richelieu. Bulwer, E. G. E. L 16—100 Rivals. Com. Sheridan, E. B 17—105 —Same. v. 1 17—105 Robbers. Trag. Schiller, J. C. F. Ton ... 17—107 Romeo and Juliet. Shakespeare, v. 6. 1797 17 — 107 Same. Rolfe, W. J., ed 17—107 ^*Same. Staunton, H, cd. v. 1 17—107 Rome sauv6e ; ou Catilina. Voltaire, v. 1 21—122 Rosamond. Addison, J. v. 1 21—128 Rose of Aragon. Knowles, J. S 16 — 97 Rodogune. Trag. Corneille, P. v. 1 17—103 Romanactor. Massinger, P 16 — 95 Romulus and Hersilia. Metastasio. v. 3 16— 95 Saint's tragedy. Kingsley, C 16—97 Samson. Voltaire, v. 1 21 122 Sardanapalus. Trag. Byron, Lord. v. 7 16 — 99 Same 16 — 99 Saul. Voltaire, v. 1 21 122 School for scandal. Com. Sheridan, E. B 17—105 Same. v. 1 17—105 Scythes. Trag. Voltaire, v. 2 21- 122 Secretary (The). Knowles, J. S 16—97 S^miramis. Trag. Voltaire, v. 1 21—122 Sertorius. Trag. Corneille, P. v. 2 17—103 Seven chivta against Thebes. Trag. .Eschylus . 16 — 100 Silent woman. Jouson, B. (In Keltie's British dramatists) 17-104 Sir John Cockle at court. Dodsley, Robert. {In Coll. British drama) 17 — 104 Siroes. Metastasio. v. 3 16 — 95 Socrate. Voltaire, v. 1 21—122 Sophonisbe. Trag. Corneille, P. v.. 2. 17 — 103 Sophonisbe. Trag. Voltaire, v. 2 21 122 Soul's tragedy. Browning, R. v. 2 16—100 Spanish student. Longfellow, H. W. v. 1 16 96 St. Patrick's day. Farce. Sheiidan, E. B 17 105 Same. t. 1 17—105 Suivante. Com. Corneille, P. v. 1 17 — 103 Sultan. Bickerstatr, I, (7n Coll. British drama).. 17—104 Supplicants. Trag. .SSschylus 16 — 100 Supplicants. Trag. Euripides, v. 2 16 — 98 Sur^na. Trag. Corneille, P. v. 2 17-103 Taming of the Shrew. Shakespeare, t. 2. 1797. 17—107 Same. RoUe, W.J.,ed. 1881 17—107 *Same. Staunton, H., cd. v. 1 17—107 Same. t. 1. (Old plays) 17—107 Tancrdde. Trag. Voltaire, v. 1 21 — 122 Taste. Foote. Samuel. (In Coll. British drama).. 17—104 Tempest. Shakespeare, v. 1 IT — 107 Same. Rolfe, W. J., cd 17—107 *Same. Staunton, H., ed. v. 3 17—107 Temple de la gloire. Voltaire, v. 1 21 — 122 Thftaide. Trag. Racine,J 17—103 Themistocles. Metastasio. v.3.,.^ 16 — 95 Theodore. Trag. Corneille, P. v. 1 17—103 Three weeks after marriage. Murphy, A. {In Coll. British drama) 17—104 Timon of Athens. Shakespeare, v. 5. 1797 17—107 "Same. Staunton, H., cd. v. 2 17—107 TiteetB6r6nice. Com. Corneille, P. v. 2 17—103 Titus. Metastasio. v. 1 16 — 95 Titus Andronicns. Shakespeare, v. 5. 1797 17 — 107 "Same. Staunton, H., cd. v. 3 17—107 Torquato Tasso. Goethe, J. W. von 16— 98 Traitor (The). Trag. Shirley, J. {In Keltie's British dramatists) 17—104 Triumvirat. Voltaire, v. 2 21—122 Drama — continued. Troilus and Cressida. Shakespeare, v. 4. 1797.. 17 — 107 * Same. Staunton, H., ed. v. 3 17—107 Trojan dames. Trag. Euripides v. 2 16 — 98 Turcaret. Com. Le Sago 21—122 Twelfth night, or what you will. Shakespeare. V. 1 17—107 Same. Eolfe, TV. J., ed 17—107 *Same. Staunton. H., ed. v. 1 17—107 Two Foscari. Byron, Xord 16—99 Same. v. 7 16—99 Two gentlemen of Verona. Shakespeare, v. 1. 1797 17—107 *Same. Staunton, H., ed. v. 1 17—107 tTninhabited island. Metastasio. v. 2 16 — 95 Unnatural combat (The). Massinger, P 16 — 95 Upholsterer (The). Murphy, A. (/)( Coll. British drama) 17—104 Vautrin. Balzac, H, de. v. 19 1— 4 Very womjin (A). Massinger, P 16 — 95 Veuve. Corneille, P. (v. lo/ Works) 17—103 Virgin martyr. Massinger, P 16 — 95 Same. (/nKeltie'sCoU.Britishdramatists). 17 — 104 Virginius. Trag. Knowles, J. S 16 — 97 Wallensteiu. Schiller , 48—296 Same 17—107 Werner. Trag. Byron, Lord. v. 8 16 — 99 Same 16— 99 Wife (The). Knowles, J. S - 16—97 William Tell. Knowles, ,T. S 16—97 WilliamTell. Schiller 17—107 -Same 48—296 , Winter's tale. Shakespeare, v. 2. 1797 17—107 Same. Rolfe, W. J., ed 17—107 *Same. Staunton, H., ed. v. 3 17—107 Woman killed with kindness (A). Heywood, T. {Ill Keltie's British dramatists) 17—104 Woman's wit. Knowles, J. S 16 — 97 Zaire. Trag. Voltaire, J. S. v. 1 21—122 Zapolya. Coleridge, S. T. v. 7 21—127 Zenobia. Metastasio. v. 3 16 — 95 ZuUme. Voltaire, v.l... 21—122 Draper, Henry. On the construction of a silvered glass telescope, fifteen and a lialf inches in aperture, and its use in celestial photography. ( Vol. 14 of Sm. Contrib.) f)3— Draper, John William. History of the American civil war; containing the causes of the war, and the events pre- paratory to it. N. Y., 1868. 3 v 42—253 History of the conflict between re- ligion and science. N. Y., 1875 14 — 84 History of the intellectual develop- ment of Europe. N. Y. , 1869 43—264 Thoughts on the future civil policy of America. N.Y., 1865 49—301 Drawing. See Arts (Useful: Drawing). Draw^ing-room plays and parlor panto- mimes. Collected by C. Scott. 1870... 22—129 See Drama (Amateur theatricals). Drayton, John. View of South Caro- lina, as respects her natural and civil concerns. Charleston , 1802 50 — 306 Dresden, Memoirs of the court of, &c. Wraxall, Sir N. W. 1800. 2 v 36-219 DEIFTING. 76 DTMOND. "Drifting about." Illus. Massett, S. C. N. Y.,186:t 34_209 Dryden, John. Works. Bost., 1864. 5v 16— 98 CONTENTS. V. 1. Life of Drjden, by the Ecv. J. Mitford ; Miscellane- ous poems. 2. Miscellaneous poems ! Epistles; Elegies; Epitaphs. 3. Songs, Odes, and A masque; Prologues and Epi- logues; Translations from Theocritus, Lucretius, and Horace. 4. Poems; Translations from Boccaee; Translations from Ovid's Metamorphoses. 5. Translations from Ovid^s Epistles and Art of lovc; Translations from Juvenal, Pcrsius, and Homer. Du Chailln, Paul Belloui. Country of the dwarfs. Illus. N. Y., 1875 33—201 Explorations and a(l ventures in Equatorial Africa. Illus. N.Y.,1862.. 33— 204 Journey to Ashango-land, and further penetration into Equatorial Af- rica. Illus. N. Y. , 1874 33—204 My Apingi kingdom; with life in the Great Sahara, and sketches of the chase of the ostrich, hyena, &c. Illus. N.Y.,1875 33_202 Duels, Jean-Franfois. See Petits Poetes Franfais, v. 2.. 17—103 Dudevant, Amantine Lucile Anrore Dupin {George Sand). See Fiction. Duer, William Alex.ander. Life of Will- iam Alexander, earl of Stirling; with selections from his correspondence. N. Y-> 1847 37—223 Dnfferin, Lord. Letters from high lati- tudes. N. Y., 1878 36—222 Duflot de Slofras, M. Exploration du territoire de I'Orggon, des Californies, et de la Mer Vermeillo, pendant les an- n^es 1840-'42. Illus. Paris, 1844. 2 v.. A— Atlas de I'explorations du territoire de rOr^gou, i&c. Paris, 1844 B— Du Halde, P. General history of China. Illus. Lond., 1741. 4v 45—278 Dumas, Alexandre Davy. Sketches in France. Phila., n. d 35—312 For other worlis, sfe Fiction. Dumas, Alexandre, jr. See Fiction. Dumont, Pierre Etienne Louis. Recol- lections of Mirabeau, and of the two first legislative assemblies of France. Lond., 1832 41—251 Duncan, P. Martin. Transformations (or metamorphoses) of insects. Illus. P'l'la-, "■i At» E8.says, p. 67) 23—142 Essays on representative government in England, from the conquest till the reign of the Tudors. Guizofc, M. {In his Histocy of representative government, p. 257) 29 — 179 Gleanings of past years. Gladstone, W. E. n. d. V. 1 45—275 Helation of the English people to the Eusso-Turk- ish war. Freeman, E. A. {In Current discus- sions, p. 319. 1878) 23—137 Review of essay on the practice of the British government, as distinguished from the abstract theory on which it is supposed to be founded. Leckie, G. F. (In F. Jeffrey's essays, p. 561) . . . 23—141 Review of James Mill's essay on government. Macaulay, T. B. (In his Essays, p. 670) 23—142 Rise and progress of the English constitution. De Lolme, J. S. 1838. 2v 46—282 Stability of the British empire in India. Owen, S. J. (Jn Current discussions, V. 2, p. 273. 1878-) 23—137 Historical Collections and old English Chronicles. Chronicle of Florence of Worcester, with the two continuations, to 1300. (Annals of English his- tory.) Forester, T., tr. Lond., 1854 43—276 Chronicles of England, France, Spain, and the ad- 'joining countries. Illus. Froissart, Sir J. Johnes, T., (r. 1852. 2v 45—276 Same. The boy's Froissart. Lanier, S. Illus. 1879 43—276 Chronicles (of England, France, &c., 1400-1516). Monstrelet, E. de. Tr. by Johnes, T. 1849. 2 v. 47— '291 Flowers of history : comprising the history of En- gland, from A. D. 447 to A. D. 1235. Eoger do Wendover. Formerly ascribed to Matthew, of Paris. 1849. 2v 46-283 History (General). Affaires de I'Angleterre et de rAm6rique, 1776. 16 V 44—278 Angleterre. (L'Univers.) Gailbert Uon et Pell6 C. 1812-'44. 4v 43—261 ENGLAND. 81 ENGLAND. England — continued. Angleterre, histoiro d', to 1815. Millot, C. F. Paris, 1820. 2v 46—283 British history, chronologically arranged. Wade, J. «848 43— 2G4 Ohilds history of England. Dickens, C. 1871... 45—270 Oomic history of England, lllno. A'Beckett, Gil- bert Abbott. Lond., n. d 45—276 English history. Maurice, F. D. (In Friendship of book.s, p. 187) 23—138 Historical essays. Thierry, J. N. A. 1845 23—142 History of England, from the earliest times to 1760. Goldsmith, Oliver. Lond., 1819. 4 v 45—275 History of England. lCOS-1641. Graham, Catharine (formerly Macanlay, Catharine). 1746. 2v... 40—284 History of England, to 1688. Hume, D. 1848. 6 v. 45—274 Historyof EngLind, tol688. Lingard, J. 1840. 8 v. 46—285 History of England, to 1572. Mackintosh, Sir J. Continued to 1760. By Wallace, W. and Bell, E. 1830. lOv 40—284 to 1572. (Revised by author's son.) Mack-, A'ir J. 1853. 2t 46—284 History of England, from the accession of James II to 1697, witli general introduction. Macanlay, T. B. 1849-'.-.6. 4v 46—284 History of England, 1689-1760. Smollett, T. 1848. 4 v.... 46—282 Written as a continuation of Hume's History of England. History of England, 1713-'63. Stanhope, P. H., earl (formerly iordMalion). 1849. 2t 46—283 History of Great Britain, 1760-1821. Miller, J. R. 1829. (Continuation of Hume and Smollett) .. . 40—283 History of the English people, to 1815. Green, J. K. 1878-1880. 4t 45—274 Pictorial history of England, to 1760. Craik, G. L., and Macfarlane, Cliarles. N. T., 1846-'48. 4 v. 45—276 Romance of history (England) . Ncele, H 10 — 55 Short liistory of the English people. Green, John Eich. N. Y., 1876 45—274 See, also. In general alphabet. History (Origin, Philoso- phy, &c.). See, also, in Biblical and religious literature. Reformation (The). HISTORY: BY PERIODS. Anglo-Saxon, A. D. 491-1066. History of Anglo-Saxons. lUua. Palgrave, F. 1867. 46—281 History of the Anglo-Saxons to the Norman con- quest. Turner, S. 1841. 2v 46—281 V. 2 contains appendices on the language, laws, manners, religion, &c., of the Anglo-Saxons; Note. — Stubbs' is the most profound work upon the Saxon constitution, and Freeman the leading historian of the Xorman conquest. Norman Conquest, llth-12th Centuries. History of the Norman conqtiest of England, 449- 1087. Freeman, E. A. 1873. 4v 45—276 History of the conquest of England, to 1485. Thierry, J. N. A. 1847. 2v 46—282 See, also, in Biography, lives of William Eufus, Matilda of Flanders, in Strickland's (Jueens of England. In Fiction, see Bulwer's Harold and Klngsley's Hereward. See Chronicle of Florence of Worcester (45 — 276) as an orig- inal authority for this period. Plantagenets, 12th-14th Century. Early Plantagcnets. Stubbs, William, n. d. (Epochs of history) 46—284 See the Chronicles of Roger de Wendover. See, also, in Biography, livesof Chaucer ; Wycliflfe. Note. — For description of this period, see Carlyle's Past and present. In Biography, see lives of Chaucer; Wycliflfe. In Drama, see Shakespeare's King John ; Richard II. In Fiction, see Scott's Ivanhoe and Talisman ; Thackeray's burlesque of Rebecca and Rowena, and Bulwer's (E. G. E. L.) Last of the barons. 11 England — continued. Lancaster and York, including the TVars of the Roses, 1377-1509. Houses of Lancaster and York. Gairdnor, James. 1875. {Epochs of history) 46—284 See, also, Shakespeare's Henry IV, V, and VI, Edward IV, and Richard III ; Miss Strickland's Lives of the Queens ; Campbell's Lives of the cliancellors and chief justices. In Fiction, Fullerton's Stormy life. Tudors (1485-1603), including EngUsh Refor- mation, 1534-1553. Age of Elizabeth. Creighton, M. N. Y., 1876. 2 copies. (Epochs of history) 46 — 284 Dissolution of the monasteries, Henry VUI and Anne Boleyn. Fronde, J. A. (Short studies, v.l) England under the reigns of Edward the sixth and Mary, 1547-'58. Tytler, P. F. 1839. 2 v 46—282 Era of the Protestant revolution. Seebohm, F. n. d. (Epochs of history) 4(i — 284 History of England, 1527-1588. Froude, J. A. 1867-'70. 12v 45—275 A sketch of the reign of Henry VIII will be found in HaUam's Constitutional history of England, and in Lin- gard. In Fiction, Miildl)ach'8 Henry VIII. Also, see Shakespeare's Henry VIII, and Scott's Marmion. For reign of Elizabeth, ^see, in Fiction, Scott's Kenilworth ; Klngsley's Westward ho ! Reformation of the church of England, History of the. Burnet.G. 1850. 2v 14—85 See, also, in Biography, Cranmer; Cromwell. See, also, in general ali)habet, Edinburgh cabinet library, v. 22, sketches of Erasmus, More, Wolsey, Henry VIII. The Stuarts (1603 to 1714), including the Rev olution, 1640 ; the Commonwealth ; the Res- toration, 1660 ; the Revolution, 1688, and Age of Anne. Collection of the great affairs of state from 1639 to 1648. Nalson, J. Lond., 1682. 2v... 40—283 Commentaries on the life and reign of Charles I. Disraeli,I. 1828-'31. 5v 45—276 First two Stuarts and the Puritan revolution. Gardiner, S. R. 1876. 2 copies 46—284 History of the commonwealth of England, 1640-'58. Godwin.W. 1824-'28. 4v 45—275 History of the English revolution, from the acces- sion of Charles the tirst. Guizot, Francois Pierre Guillaume. 1838. 2v 45—274 History of the rebellion and civil wars in England, from 1641 to the restoration in 1660. Hyde, E., Earl of Clarendon. 1717. 7v 45—277 King and the commonwealth : a history of Charles and the rebellion. Cordery, B. M., and Phill potts, J.S. 1876 45—277 Memoirs of the court of England during the reign of theStuarts. Jesse, J. H., 1840. 4v 46—285 Memoirs of the reign of Charles I, with a continua- tion to the restoration of Charles U. Warwick, P. 1701 46—282 Observations on the historical work of Charles James Fox, by George Rose ; with a narrative of the events which occurred in the enterprise of the Earl of Argyle, in 1685. Hume, Sir Patrick. Lond., 1809 46—285 Secret history of the court of James I. Osborne, F. 1811. 2v 40—243 See, in Biography, James I ; Charles I ; Charles II ; Anne ; Cromwell ; Lord Clarendon ; Prince Rupert ; Milton, &c.; Hampden; Laud; Sydney (A.); Vane; also, Biography (Collective; Royal). ENGLAND. 82 EROKMANN. England — coutinued. Revolution of 1688, and Period to Hanoverian Succession, 1714. Age of Anne. Morris, E. E. 1878. (Epoch of his- tory series) 46 — 284 Also, among liistoriea given, treating of the age of Anne, are Macanlay's to 1702, and Smollett's history, 1689 to 1760. , YoT age of Anne, in Fiction, see Thackeray's Esmond, ana Bnlwer's Devereux. In Fiction, see Scott's "Woodstock, Legend of Montrose, Old mortality, Peveril of the peak ; Bnmas' Twenty Years after; Scott's Rokeby, Aytoun'sLays, and Defoe's Plague in London. Pepys' diary covers this period. Cavaliers of England. Herbert, H. W 5—32 [Fiction.] Fall of the Stuarts, and western Europe. Hale, E. n. d. 2 copies. (Epochs of history series) 46 — 284 History of tlie revolution of 1688 in England. Mack- intosli, Sir J. 1835 46—283 Review of the causes of the revolution of 1688. Mackintosh, Sir J. (In Modem British essay- ists, p. 271) 23—142 Hanoverian Succession, 1714. Four Georges. Thackeray, W. M. 1869 40—245 History of England in the 18th century. Lecky, W.E.H. 1878. 2v 46—285 History of the reign of George IlL Bisset, R. 1803. av 45—287 History of the reign of George IIL Hughes, T. S. 1835-'36. 8v 45—274 Journal of the reigns of George IV and William IV. Greville, C. C. E. 1875. 2v 46—274 Lives of the Queens of England of the bouse of Hanover. Doran.J. 1865. 2v 37 — 225 Memoirs of the reign of George II. Walpole, H. 1847. ^v 46—282 Memoirs of the reign of George III. Walpole, H. 185L 4v 46—282 From 1748 to 1783. Qeneral history of the late war in Europe, &;c. (1748-1760). Entick.J. 1763-'64. 5v 43—266 Grenville papers. Correspondence of Richard Grenville, Earl Temple, George Grenville (1742- 1777). Ed.-liy W.J. Smith. 1852-'53 40—244 History of the war with America, Prance, Spain, and Holland, 1775-1783. lUus. Andrews, John. Lend., 1785-'86. 4v 43—266 Period subsequent to 1783. History of England during the thirty years' peace, ]816-'46. Martineau, Harriet. 1849-'50. 2v... 46—283 History of England from 1830 to 1874. Molesworth, W.N. 1874. 3v 46-283 History of our own times, from the accession of C^ucen Victoria to the Berlin congress. Mc- Carthy, Justin. 1879. 2v 46 285 Queen (The). Conspiracies of 1806 and 1813 against the Princess of Wales. Carey, W. 1820 45 277 Recollections and suggestions. 1813-1873. Russell, John,.Eori. 1875 46 283 Secret history of the court of England. Hamilton, Lady Anne. 1832 45 274 See, also, in Biography, lives of Hastings, Burke, Eldon, Wellington, Wilberforce, Shelbnrne, Cobden, Macaulay, Prince Albert, &c. Naval History of England. Fntnre prospects of the English navy. Hughes, R. E. (7n Cambridge essays, 185,5, p. 148) 23—142 Navalbistory of England. Southey, R. 1835 43—265 Naval history of Groat Britain. Campbell, J. 1813. 8t 4J— 266 England— 'Continued. Progress, Trade, &o. Chapters in the histcry of popular progress in En- gland. Routledge, J. 1876 46—283 History of progress in Great Britain. Philp, R. K. 1859 45—274 Progress of Britain in the mechanical arts. Sime, J. (/» Edinburgh essays, 1856, p. 169) 23—142 Progress of the nation. Porter, G. E. 1836-'43. 3 v.. 46—281 Statistical account of the British empire. McCul- loch, J. E. 1837. 2v 51—310 England, Church of. See Biblical and re- ligious literature. England's reformation: a poem. Ward, T. u.d 17—105 English. See England. English actors from Shakespeare to Mac- ready. Baker, Harry Barton. 1879. 2 v.. 36—220 English and Scottish ballads. Cliild, F. J., ed. 1864. 8v 16—98 English governess at the Siamese court. Ilhis. Leonowens, A. H. 1873 35—211 English humorists. Illus. Thackeray, W. M. 1869 40-245- English men of letters. Morley , John, ed. 1879. 13v 37—226 For contents, see Biography (Collective). English note-books. Hawthorne, N. 1876. 2 V 35—213 English statesmen. Higginson, T. W. 1875 36—218 Enigmas of life. Greg, W. E. 1874 23—140 Elltick, John. General history of the late -war. Illus. Loud., 1763-'64. 5 v.. 43—266 Epigrams, ancient and modern. Booth, J. 1863 17—104 E pluribus unum. Prince, L. B. 1867 ... 29—179 Epochs of ancient history. Cox, 6. W., and Sankey, C, eds. N. Y., n. d. 4 v.. 47—289 CONTKKTS. Age of the Antonines, or the Roman empire of the second century. Capes, W. W. Athenian empire. Cox, G. W. Greeks and Persians. Cox, G. W. Eoman history : the early empire. Capes, W. W. Epochs of history. Morris, E. E., ed. N. Y., 1878. 11 V 46—284 CONTENTS. Age of Anne. Morris, E.E. Age of Elizabeth. Creighton, M. 2 copies. Beginning of the middle ages. Church, E. W. 2 copies. Crusades (TluO. Cox, G. W. 2 copies. Early Plantagenets. Stubbs, W. Fallbf the Stuarts, and western Europe. Hale,E. 2copie8. First two Stuarts, and the Puritan revolution. Gardmer, S. R. 2 copies. French revolution, and first empire. Morris, William O'C. 2 copies. Houses of Lancaster and York. Gairdner, James. Protestant revolution. Seebohm, F. 2 copies. Thirty years' war. Gardiner, S. E. 2 copies. Equatorial Africa, Explorations and ad- ventures in. Illus. Du Chaillu, P. B. 1862 33—204 Erckmann, Emile, and Chatrian, Alex- andre. See Fiction. ESCEICHE. 83 EUROPE. Escriche, Don Joaquin. Diccionario razonado de legislaciou y j iirisprudencia. Mad., 1847. 2 v 25—151 Supplement. Mad., 1847 25 — 15 Espagne. See Spain. Espy, James P. Philosophy of storms. Bo8t.,1841 32—195 Essay in criticism. Arnold, M.' 1869... 2.3 — 141 Essay on crimes and punishments, trans- lated from the Italian ; with a comment- ary attributed to M. de Voltaire. 1767 . . 23—142 Essay on moral command. Eolt, J. 1842. 14 — 82 Essay on philosophical writers and other men of letters. DeQuincey,T. 1860. 2 v. 21—126 Essay on the poets, and other English writers. DeQuincey.T. 1859 21—126 Essay on the principles of morality. Dy- mond.J. 1844 23—141 Essay on the progress of nations. Sea- man, E. C. 18.V2 29—179 Essay on war and its accordancy with the principles of Christianity. Dymond, J. 11. d 29—177 Essays, Critical and miscellaneous. Mac- aulay, T. B. {Modern British essayists.) 1856 23—142 Essays, Historical and biographical, po- litical, social, literary, and scientiflc. Miller, H. 1866 23—141 Essays in literary criticism. Hutton, R. H. n.d 23—141 Essays, Political, economical, and philo- sophical. Bumford, Count. 1797-1802. 3v 23—142 Essays written in the intervals of busi- ness. Help8,«ij-A. 1872 23—141 ESSAYS. List of Essayists. Through the following list roaders are referred to the general alphabet for such authors as have written vol- umes of miscellaneouH essays, and for such collections as are anonymous, the table 0/ contents beiug given in many cases; but collections restricted to special sub- jects, such as Pine Arts, Mathematics, should be looked for under the subjects. Adams, John. Dymond, J. Addison, Joseph. Earle, John. Alison, Sir A. Edinburgh essays. Arnold, Frederick. Elder, William. Arnold, Matthew. Emerson, K. W. Bacon, Francis, Lord. Everett, Edward. Bayne, Peter. Everett, William. Blackie, J. S. -Field, JIfr*. H. M. Bristed, C. A. Foster, John. Bnlwer-Lytton, Sir B. G. E. L. Franklin, Beiyamin. Cambridge essays, 18-55. Freeman, E. A. Oarlyle, Thomas. Friswell, J. H. Chambers' Information for the Froude, J. A. people. Gladstone, W. E. Chambers' Miscellany. Goldsmith, Oliver. Coleridge, S. T. Green, J. K. OolUnSjWUkie. Greg, William E. Cook, Joseph. Hale, Edward Everett. Craik, D. M. Muloch. Hamerton, P. G. De Quincey, Thomas. Hawthorne, Nathaniel. Dodge, M. A. (Gail Hamilton.) Hay, John. Essays — continued. Helps, Arthur. * Ossoli, S. M. F. d". Henry, C. S. Oxford essays, 1857. Higginson, T- W. Parton, Mrs. S. P. (Fanny Hogg, ,T. Fern.) Holland, J. G. Pascal, Blaise. Holmes, O. W. Foe, Edgar A. Hopkins, Mark. Holt, J. Howells, William Dean. Rumford, Count. Hutton, K. H. Ruskin, John. Jackson, Helen Hunt. Russell, A. P. James, Henry, jr. Seaman, E. C. Jameson, Mrs. A. M. Shairp, J. C. Jeffrey, Francis. Smiles, Samuel. Jerrold, Douglas. Smith, J. Cotton. Johnson, Samuel. Smith, Sydney. Eingsley, Charles. Stanhope, P. H., bih earl. Lamb, Charles. Stedman, E. C. Lockhart, J. G. Stephen, Sir James. Lowell, James E. Story, W. W. Macaulay, T. B. Stowe, Mrs. H. B. Mackenzie, E. S. Symonds, J. A. Mackintosh, Sir J. Talfourd, T. N. Maginn, W. Thackeray, A. I, Maistre, Xavier de. Thackeray, W. M. Mathe'ws, William.' Theophrastus. Maurice, F. D. Thierry, Augustiu. Mill, John Stuart. Thoreau, Henry I). Miller, Hugh. Whipple, E. P. Montaigne, Michel de. Whittier, J, G. Miiller, Max. Wilson, John. Essex County, Mass., History of. Wheat- land, Henry, M. D., ed. 1878 53—320 fitats-TJnis, Histoire et description des voles de communication aux. Cheva- lier, M. 1840. 2v ; 53— Etching. See Fine Arts. Ethnography and philology of the In- dian tribe.s of the Missouri Valley. Hay- don, F. V. Phila., 1862 54— Etudes surles glaciers. Agassiz, L. Neu- chfttel, 1H40. Avec les planches 32—194 Euclid. Elements of geometry. Play- fair, J. 1854 19—115 Euripides. Works. Potter, R., tr. Lond., 1832. 3v 16—98 CONTENTS. V. 1. Biographical sketch of Euripides ; Tragedies. 2 and 3. Tragedies. EUROPE. History, &c. Europe, past and present. Ungewitter, F. H. N. T.andLond., 1850 46—281 General history of civilii'.ation in Europe. Guizot, F. P. G. 1846. 4v 46—280 CONTENTS. V. 1. Europe generally. v. 2-4. France. History of Europe from 1789 to 1831. 1st and 2d series. Alison, Sir A. 6 v. 1850. History of modem Europe to 1763. Eussell, W. Continued to 1826 by Jones, W. 3 v. 1853--.. 46—281 History of the 18th century, to 1797, with particular reference to mental cultivation and progress. Schlosser, F. C. 1843-'52. 6v 43—262 History of the intellectual development of Europe. Draper, J. W. N. T., 1869 43—264 History of the origin of representative government In Europe. Guizot, F. P. G. Lond., 1852 29—179 EUEOPE. 84 FAIRY. Europe — continued. History of the rise and influence of the spirit of rationalism in Europe. Lecky, W. E. H. N. T. 2v. 1870 14—84 Sketch of the state and history of Europe from'.1659 to 1688. St. John, H., Lord Bolingbroke. (In v. 2 0/ Ai« Works. 1841) 21—128 Treaties, declarations of war, manifestoes, and other public papers relating to pea«e and war among the potentates of Europe from 1495 to the presenttime. Lend., 1710. 3t 43—266 View of the state of Europe daring the middle ages. Hallam, H. Lend., 1846-'48. 3 v 43—264 See, aUo, Biblical .and religious literature (nationalism). AUo, see History, in general alphabet. Description and Travels. A farmer's vacation. Waring, G. E., jr. 1876 36—212 Alhambra and the Kremlin; the south and the north of Europe. Prime, Samuel Irenaeus. lUus. 1873 35—211 An American girl abroad. Trafton, A. 1874 12 — 71 Bits of travel. (Germany, Italy.) Jackson, Mrs. H. U. 1874 36—222 By-ways of Europe. Taylor, J. B. 1869 35—213 Europe illustrated. Sherer, J. Lond. and N. Y., n. d. 2v 30—181 European acquaintance. De Forest, J. W. 1858. 3 — 21 European life and manners. Colman, H. Best. and Lond., 1849. 2v 35—213 Hints for six months in Europe. Latrobe, J. H. B. 1869 35—213 Lakes of Killarney to the Golden Horn. Field, Henry Martyn. 1877 36—221 Letters of a traveler; or, notes of things seen in Europe. Bryant, W. C. 1870 34—208 Observations in Europe. Hlus. Durbin, J. P. N. Y., 1854. 2v 35—213 Outre-mer. A pilgrimage. Longfellow, H. W. 1865 35—212 Rob Roy on the Baltic. A canoe cruise through Norway, Sweden, Denmark, &c. Macgregor, J. n. d 36—222 Thousand miles in the Rob Roy canoe* on rivers and lakes of Europe. Illus. Macgregor, J. 1871 35-213 Views a- foot; or, Europe seen with knapsack and staff. Taylor, J. B. 1870 35-,213 See, in the general alphabet, names of various countries of Europe for other works relative to Europe; alto. History (Ancient, Modern, Universal) ; Literature (o/ various portions of Europe); Law; Man (Prohi.storio Man); Political economy; Statistics; Education; Fine Arts; Geography; Language. Evans, Augusta J. See Wilson, Mrs. A. J., iu riction. Evans, Mariau( George J?;io*). (See Cross, Mrs. J. Walter, iu Fiction. Everett, Edward. Orations and speeches on various occasions. ' Bost., 1850-'59. 3v 22—135 Everett, William. On the Cam: lec- tures on the University of Cambridge in England. Cambridge, 1865 23—140 EVOLUTION. Evolution. First principles of a new sys- tem of philosophy. Spencer, H. 1867... 3ft— 184 History of creation. Haeckel, E. 1876. 2v 30-186 Evolution — continued. Philosophical discussions. Wright, Chauncey. 1877 30—184 See in Popular Science Monthly (32 — 197), Evolution and mind, v. 3, p. 359 ; Evolution and the doctrine of design, V. 5, p. 78 ; Evolution and the origin of life, v. 4, p. 713 ; Doctrine of evolution ; Evolution and the spectroscope; V. 2, p. 320; Genesis, geology, and evolution, v. 4, p. 324: Herbert Spencer and tlie doctrine of evolution, v. 6, p. 20; Literature of evolution, v. 6, p. 745; Mathematics in evolution, vol. 9, p. 202 ; Mental evolution and necessary truth, V. 5, p. 359 ; Social evolution, p. 604 ; Its cause, V. 6, p. 615. See, also. Natural history (Theories of origin and develop- ment of species); Biblical, &c., literature (Religion and science). Ewbank, Thomas. Descriptive and historical account of hydraulic and other machines for raising water, ancient and modern. N. Y., 1850 18—109 Examination of Sir William Hamilton's philosophy. Mill, J. S. Bost., 1866. 2 v. 30—184 Excelsior: helps to progress in religion, science, and literature. Illus. 1854. 2 V 23—137 Excursions. Thoreau, H. D. 1866 24—209 Exhibitions, Universal. See Arts (Useful : Exhibitions). Exotics: poems. J. F. C. and L. C, trs. 1876 16— 99 Explorations and surveys to ascertain a route for a railroad from the Mississippi Eiver to the Pacific Ocean, made under the direction of the Secretary of War in 1853. Illus. Wash., 1855. 13 v S5— Explorations in Texas, New Mexico, Cal- ifornia, Sonora, and Chihuahua. Illus. Bartlett, J. R. 1854. 2v 35—216 Exploring tour beyond the Rocky Mount- ains, Journal of an. Parker, S. 1846.- 34 — 206 Expressions of the emotions in man and animals. Illus. Darwin, C. 1873 30—183 Extraordinciry popular delusions. Illus. Mackay.C. n. d 22—129 Eyries, J. B. Danemark. (L'Univers.) Paris, 1846 43—261 Fable. Age of fable. Bulfinch, T. 1869. 14— 81 Dictionary of phrase and fable. Brewer, E. C. n. d 15— 91 Noted names in fiction. Wheeler, W.A. 1872 52— See, also, Classical dictionaries ; Mythology. Fables for critics. Lowell, James R 16 — 96 Fables. See Fiction. Faerie queene. Spenser, E. v. 1-4 17 — 106 Fair France. Craik, Mrs. D. M. Muloch. 1871 35—212 Fairfaxes of England and America. NeiU, E.D. Albany, 1868 36—217 Fairfleld, Francis Gerry. Ten years with spiritual mediums. N. Y., 1875... Fairy talcs. See Fiction. Fairy tales: their origin and meaning. Bunce, J.T. 1879.... 14—81 FALCOFBR. 85 FICTION. Falconer. James, jr. Secret revealed of the aiitliorship of Junias's letters. Lend., 1830 40—242 Falconer, William. Poetical works. With a life, by the Jiev. J. Mitford. Bost., 18C3 16— 98 Same. {In AiUin'a, J., British poets). 17 — 104 Fall of the Stuarts. 2 copies. See Hale, E. N.Y.,1878 46—284 Familiar letters of John Adams and his wife, Abigail Adams, during the revolu- tion. 1876 37—223 "Familiar quotations. See Bartlett, J. Bost., 1878 17—104 'Familiar quotations, Index to. Grocott, J. C. 1871 17—104 Family instructor. De Foe, D. Oxford, 1841. 2v 21—126 Fanny Fern, pseud. See Parton, Mrs. S. P. Faraday as a discoverer. Tyndall, J. 1873 39—235 Farjeon, B. L. &e Fiction. Farm ballads. Ilhis. Carleton,W. 1873.16-99 Farm legends. Illus. CarIetou,W. 187G. 16— 99 Farmer's vacation. Illus. Waring, G. E. 1876 36—222 Farnliam, Eliza W. California, indoors and out ; or, how we farm, wine, and live generally in the Golden State. N. Y., 1856 34—210 Faroe Islands, Historical and descriptive account of. ( Fol. 28, Edinbm-gh Cabinet Library) 29—179 Farquharson, Martha, pseud. See Finley, M. Farraicut, Admiral David G. See Biog- raphy. Fast life on the modem highway. See Taylor, J. 1874 11—61 Faust. Drama. 3 copies. c. 14, 1869. Wash., 1870 23—139 Fenclltwanger, Lewis. Treatise on gems, in reference to their practical and scientific value. N. Y., 1838 19—115 Fcuillct, Octave. See Fiction. Fevers. See Medicine. FICTION. Alphabetical List of Works. Note. — Kacli work is entered twice — under its author^i uame and under the lirst word of its tilte not an article. Abbot (The). Scott (Sic W.) 1868 11—66 A'Becket (G. A.) Comic history of En- gland 45—276 Comic history of Rome 48 — 295 Abel Drake's wife. Saunders (J.) 10 — 54 About(EdmondF.V.) Fellah (The). 1870. 1— 7 Germaine. Booth (Mary L.), tr. 1860 1— 7 King of the mountains. Booth (MaryL.), res des courtisanes (4« partie) ; Deroidre incarn ition de Vautrin ; L'envers de I'bistoire oontempo- raine (2'' ; L'Initie lea payaana; Petitea niLsdres de la vie conjugale. Vautrin ; Los ressourcea de Quinola ; Pamela Giraud ; La maratre ; Le faiaeur. Lea contes drolatiquea. Barbara's history. Edwards (A. B.) 1875. 4 — 25 Barchester towers. Trollope (A.) 12—71 Barham ( R. H. D. ) Ingoldsby legends - . . 23—136 Barnaby Rudge. Dickeus (C.) 2 v. 3 copies 3 — 19 Baron Milnchausen (Adventures of). Rasjio (R. E.) Barriers burned away. Roe(E. P.) 1875. 10 — .'j6 Barrington. Lever (G.J.) n. d 6 — 36 Barry Lyndon. Thackeray (W. M.) 2 copies 11 — 60 Bart Ridgeley. Riddle (A. G.) 1873 .... 10— 56 Barton experiment. Habberton(J.) 1877. Bastile (Clironicles of the), [anon.'i 2 — 12 Battle of Dorking: the German conquest of England in 1875. Chesney (G.) 2— 13 Bauer (Karoliue). Detlef (Karl), j^seud. At Capri : a story of Italian life. 1875- 1 — 4 Dead to the world ; or, sin and atone- ment. M. S., <)•. Bost., 1875 1— 4 Fiction — continued. Valentine, the countess. M. S., tr. Phila., 1874 1— 4 Bayer (K.R.) Byr(R.), ijseitij. Sphinx; or, striving with destiny. 1871 2 — 14 Bay-path (The). Holland (J. G.) 1872. 5—32 Beatrice. Kavanagh ( J. ) 1872 6—40 Beatrice Boville. Rame (L. de la), "Oulda" 10— 58 Beaumarchals. Illus. Brachvogel(A. E.) N.Y., 1868 1— 3 Beautiful fiend. Southworth (E. D. E. N.) Phila., 1873 11—64 Beauty and the beast, & c. Taylor ( J. B. ) N.Y., 1872 11— 61 B6h6e, or two little wooden shoes. Rame (L. dela) 10— ■''.8 Bede (Cuthbert), psend. See Bradley (Rev. E.) Beechcroft. Yonge (CM.) N. Y., 1871. 13— 75 Beecher (II. W.) Norwood; or, village life in New England. Illus. N.Y.,1874. 1— 4 Bell (Acton), pseud. See Bronte (Anno). Bell (Currer), pseud. See Bronte (Char- lotte). Belot (Adolphe). Article 47. Furbish (James), eaoe. Howitt (Mary), tr. Loud., 1853 1— 2 Neighbors. Howitt (Mary), tr. Phila., n.d 1— 2 Same. Lond., 1870 1— 2 Bressant. Hawthorne (J.) N.Y.,1873.. 5—33 Bricks without straw. Tourgde (A. W.) 1880 12— 71 Bridal eve. South worth (E. D. E. N.) Xniila.,1864 11— 64 Bride of Lammormoor. Scott (Sir W.) Bost., 1868 Bride of Llewellyn. Sonthworth (E D. E.N.) Phila., 1866 11—64 Bride's fate; a sequel to the "Changed brides." Southworth (E. D. E. N.) Phila., 1869 11— 64 Brief honors. Scudder (Moses L.) Chi- cago, 1877 11— 65 Brock (Sallie A.) Kenneth, my king. 1873 1— 2 Broken chains. Werner (E.) 1875 13—79 Bronte (Anno). "Bell (Acton)". Tenant of Wildfell Hall. If. Y., 1868. 2 copies. 1— 2 Bronte (Charlotte). "Bell (Currer)" Jane Eyre. N. Y., n. d 1— 2 Professor. 1868. 2 copies 1 — 2 Shirley. N.Y., 1668. 2 copies.... 1— 2 Villette. n.d. 2 copies 1 — 2 Brookes of Bridlcmere. Melville (G. J. 1 — 48 W.) N.Y., 1872 8—48 Brooks (Shirley). Gordian knot. N. Y., 1868 1— 2 Silver cord. Illus. N.Y., 1871... 1— 2 Sooner or later. Illus. N.Y.,1868. 1— 2 Fiction — continued. Broughton (Rhoda). "Good-bye, sweet- heart!" N.Y.,1872 1— 2 Nancy. N.Y., 1878 1— 2 Not wisely, but too well. N. Y., 1871 1— 2" Browne (Charles F. ) "Ward (Artemus)". Complete works of. Lond., n. d 1 — 2 COMTENTS. Artemus Ward : his book. Artemns Ward : his travels among the Mormons. A. W. among the Fenians. A. W.'s lecture. A. W. in London, and other papers. Es- says and sketches. Bulfinch (Thomas). Age of chivalry ; or, legends of King Arthur. Illus. Bost., 1867 ]— 1 Age of fable ; or, beauties of my- thology. Illus. Bost., 1869 14—81 Bulls and the Jonathans. Paulding (J. K.) N.Y.,1867 10—59 Bulwer-LiTttou (Sir Edward). Alice, or the mysteries ; with Ernest Maltravers. n.d 1— 1 Same 1 — 1 Calderon, the courtier. {Bound with Leila) 1— 1 Caxtons. 1870. 2 copies 1 — 1 Coming race (The) ; or, the new Utopia. 1873 1— 1 Devereux. 1867. 2 copies 1 — 1 Disowned. 1869. 2 copies 1 — 1 Ernest Maltravers. 1869. 2 copies. 1 — 1 Eugene Aram. 2 copies 1 — 1 Godolphine. 1869. 2 copies 1— 1 Harold, the last of the Saxon Kings. 1869. 2copies 1— 1 Haunted and the haunters. 1869. (2?o«»(? M)«/?i A strange story) 2 — 14 Same. (/« Little classics, v. 2) 6 — 35 Kenelm Chillingly. 1873 1— 1 Last days of Pompeii. 1869. 2 copies 1 — 1 Last of the barons. 1869. 2copies. 1 — 1 Leila ; or, the siege of Granada. 1869. 2 copies 1— 1 Lucretia. 2 copies 1 — 1 Maid of Malines. (Zn Little classics, V.6) 6— 35 My novel ; or, varieties in English life. 2v. 2 copies 1 — 1 Night and morning. 2 copies 1 — 1 Parisians. 1874 2—14 Paul Cliflford. 3 copies 2—14 Pausanias the Spartan. 1876 2 — 14 Pilgrims of the Rhine. 2 copies... 1 — 1 Rienzi, the last of the Roman trib- unes. 2 copies 2 — 14 Strange story. 2 copies 2 — 14 What will hef do with it f S copies. 2— 14 Zanoni. 2 copies 2 — 14 Bulwer-Lytton (E. R., Lord Lytton). " Meredith (Owen)". Ringof Amasis.. 3—14 FICTION. 91 FICTIOK Fiction — continued. Burdett (Charles). Margaret Moncrieflfe, the first love of Aarou Burr. N. Y., 1860. 8— 14 Burgomaster's family. "Mullor (C.)" Loncl., 1872 9—53 Burlesques. Illus. Thackeray (W. M.) Loud., 1869. 2 copies 11—61 Bumand (F. C.) Happy -thought Hall. Illus. Bost., 1872 2—14 Happy thoughts. Host., 1872 2—14 More happy thoughts. Bost., 1871. 2 — 14 My health. Best., 1872 2—14 New history of Sanford and Merton. nius. Bost., 1872 2—14 Burnett (Mrs. Frances Hodgson). A fair barbarian. Bost., 1881 2—14 Dolly. Phila., 1877 2—14 Haworth's. N. Y., 1879 2—14 Surly Tim and other stories. N. Y., 1877 2— 14 That lass o' Lowrie's. Illustrated by Alfred Fredericks. N. Y., 1877 2—14 Burney (Frances). See Arblay (F. B., Mme. d'). Biirstenbinder (E.) Pseud., "Werner (E.)" At a high price. Smith (Mary Stuart), 8eu<{. See CoflBn (C. C.) I Fiction — continued. Carmen's inheritance. Fisher (F. C.) "Reid (Christian)". Illus. 1873 4—23 Carroll (Lewis). See Dodgson (C. L.) Cairy's confession. Robinson (F. W.) 1871 10— 56 Carter Quarternian. Baker (W.M.) 1876. 1— 5 Casimir Maremma. Helps (Aii- A.) 1871. 5 — 32 Cast up by the sea. Baker (Sir S. W.) •Illus. Phila., 1871 1— 5 Castle Daly. Keary (A.) Phila., n. d. .. 6—39 Castle Dangerous. Scott (Sir W.) 11— 66 Castle Hohenwald. Streckfuss (Adolpli). Wister (Mrs. A. L.), tr. Phila., 1879.... 11— 61 Castle Richmond. TroUope (A.) N. Y., 1862 12— 71 Castle Wafer. Wood (Mrs. Henry). N. Y., n. d 13— 77 Castle's heir. Hlus. Wood (Mrs. Henry). Phila., n. d 13— 77 Castletou (D. R.) Salem: 17th century. 1874 2- 13 Catherine. Illus. Thackeray (W. M.) Loud., 1869. 2 copies 11—60 Caunter (Hobart). Romance of history: India. Illns. Lond., n. d 10 — 55 Cavaliers of England. Herbert (H. W.) N. Y., 1852 5—33 Caxtons (The). Bulwer-Lytton (Sir E. G. E. L.) Phila., 1870. 2 copies.... 1— 1 Cecil Castlemaiue's gage. " Ouida." Phila., 1867 , 10—58 Cecil Dreeme. Winthrop (Theodore). N. Y., 1876 13—77 Cecilia ; or, memorials of an heiress. Arblay (F. B. d'). Lond., 1786. 5v... 1— 6 Celia in search of a husband, lanon.] Lond., 1809. 2v 2—13 Cervantes-Saavedra (M. de). Don Quixote. Lond., 1819. 4 v 2—13 Exemplary novels of; to which are added El buscapid, or the serpent ; and La tia flngida, or the pretended aunt. Kelly (W. K.), (r. Lond., n. d 2—13 C^sarine Dietrich. "Sand (George)". Bost., 1871 4—27 Chalnbearer(Tho). Illus. Cooper(J. F.) 1866 2— 11 Chance acquaintance. Howells (W. D.) 1873 5— 31 Chance for himself: or, Jack Hazard and his treasure. Trowbridge (J. T.) 1872. Chandos. Rame(L. dela). 2 copies 10 — 58 Changed brides. Southworth (E. D. E. N. ) 1869 11— 64 Chcinnlngs (The). Wood (Mrs. Henry). Phila., n.d 13—77 Chaplet of pearls. Illus. Yongo (C. M.) Lond., 1868 13—75 Character sketches. Illus. Macleod(N.) N.Y.,n.d 7— 44 FICTION. 92 FICTION. Fiction — continued. Charles (Mrs. E.) Against the stream; the story of a heroic age in England. N.Y., 1874 2— 13 Bertram family. N. Y , n. d 2—13 Chronicles of the Schonberg-Cotta family [Luther and the reformation]. 1869 2- Diary of Mrs. Kitty Trevylyan : a 13 story of the times of Whitefield and the Wosleys. N.Y.,1868 2—13 Dray tons and the Davenants: a story of the civil wars of England. N. Y.,n.d - 8-13 Early dawn; or, sketches of Chris- tian life in England in the olden time. N.Y.,n.d 2— 13 Joan the Maid : deliverer of France and England. N.Y., 1879 2—13 Marlyrs of Spain, and the libera- tors of Holland. N. Y. , 1,865 37—228 On both sides of the sea : a story of the commonwealth and the restoration : a sequel to "the Dray tons and the Dave- nants." N.Y.,n.d 2—13 Victory of the vanquished : a story of the first century in Kome. N. Y., n.d 2- 13 Winifred Bertram and the world she lived in. N.Y.,n.d 2—13 Charles O'Malley. Lever (C.J.) n.d... 6—36 Charlotte's inheritance. Sequel to "Birds of prey." Braddon (M. E.) N.Y.,1868. 1— 3 Charterls: a romance. Meline (M. M.) 1874 8—48 Chatrian (A.) See Erckmann (E.) and Chatrian (A.) Checkmate. lUus. Le Fanu (J. S.) Best., n.d 6—37 Chedayne of Kotono : a story of the early days of the republic. Towner (A.) N. Y.,1877 12— 71 Cherbuliez (Victor). Count Kostia. Ash- ley (O. D.),