'V ^ ' 4**1^ H >"\ God Save the Queen. Imprinted at London by the Deputies of Christopher Barker, Printer to the Queens Most Excellent Majesty. 1588. ■« KANONES TON 'AriON 'AnOSTOAQN. CANONES SANCTORUM APOSTOLORUM. THE CANONS OF THE HOLY APOSTLES; THE GREEK TEXT AS ORIGINALLY PRINTED IN 1540, WITH THE VARIOUS READINGS OF LATER EDITIONS : THE LATIN VERSION OF DIONYSIUS EXIGUUS, MADE A.D. 500 : AND A NEW ENGLISH TRANSLATION. God save the Queen. MDCCCXLVL , , . i [The earliest r.Jition of the " Cftnoncs A}.)Osfeoliei " mentianeil by Fabrl- cius, in Bihl. Grrec, is that by He}.jtri(h)rf, Lips. 1524. But as there is no copy of it in the British Museum, recniirsv'; has been had to the Paris edition of 15^4, which is a faiti t'ul: reprint of the Paris edition of 1540, and contains, what the other wiints, a Latin translation, and the Various Readings of an older Paris copy, no notice I'f vviiich is elsewhere to be found ; unless ii be aaid that the Lf^p^i.i^ ei^Hiou liad, what was very eormnoidy practised at that jjeriod, another tirte with >t Pariy imprint; and it was perhap* from the Par. ed. of 1554, thnl Colek'i' jjfot the various readings, given in his margin; unless, what is not lively, they were obtained direct from a collation of the Leipsijf edition, or from the MS, of which Hegeadorf had made use. Instead of tlie Latin version in the ed. Par. 1554, there has b.^en substi- tuted the one by Duuiysiiw Exij^uus, asi he is called, which was made about A.D. 500, aftd vvas first printed in the Bihliotheca Jurin Canonici Veteris, by Voellius and Justellus, Par. 1661, fol. from a MS. in the possession of Justellus. But as it extends only u> Canon 50 inclusive, the translation of the ed. Par, 1554 has been adopted for the remainder; which may, however, be perhaps found in sorte of the nmnerous MSS. mentioned by Harles on Fabricius ; of which probably the most, ancient are the "Vatican MS. 5845, or Palatin*} 577, de«crd)ed as " pure " by Assemannus, in Biblioihee. Juris Oriental. Canonic. T. i p. Of the Greek te:?t of the '* Canoces," the latest edition appears to be ])y Bernhold, Altorf. 1733, 8vo., who has given a few notes to show where they do or do not agree with the injunctions of the Old and New Testament. But the most learned Commentary on thi^m is by Beverijje, in his ** Syno- dicon," Oxon. 1672, fob repnnted by Le (3lerc, in his edition of Coteler's " Patres Sacri," Anist. 1724, f, r^ Kaip^ r^ ^ioyri nXrjy yiwy yilputy y txTu^vaQ trirov ij ora^vX^f.] Si quis Episcopus aut Presbyter praeter ordinationem Domini, aha quecdam in sacriBcio super altare, id est, aut mel aut lac aut pro vino, siceram, et confecta qusedam, aut volatilia aut animalia aliqua aut legumina, contra constitutionem Domini faciens, congruo tempore deponatur. If any Bishop or Elder shall, contrary to the ordonnance of God, relating to sacrifice (the Lord's Supper) offer any thing at the altar, C A N O N E S either lioney, milk, or, instead of wine, sicera (a strong drink) con- cocted, or birds, or any animals, or vegetables, except ears of young corn, or grapes, let him, at a fitting time, be removed or deposed. 4. M)7 i^oy Sc' coTw Tcpofrayicrdai tl trEpov* Trpog ro dwiatrriipiop, rj' f Xatoj/ etc TJiv \v\vlav Kai dvfjiiafia r^ Kaip^ Ttjg ayiag* irpotr^paQ. [1. Cot. klov EtTTOJ. — 2. Cot, Tl Trpog. — 3. Cot. Kai eXuiov eIq ttiv ayiav \v\riav. — 4. Cot. rfjg dEiag avaopi^E(rd(o' Eirifiiviov Se, KadaipEttrdb). Episcopus aut Presbyter uxorem propriam nequaquam sub obtentu religionis abjiciat ; si vero rejecerit, excommunicetur ; sed vi perseve- vavcrit, dejiciatur. Let not a Bishop or Elder or Deacon put away his wife on the plea APOSTOLORUM. of leli^ion ; and if he does put her hwhv, let him be excommunicated ; and if he still persi^tti in so doing*, let hi in be deposed. 7. *Eir«Vi:crroc ^ irptafivTEpoQ r\ CiaKOVo^ KoafJiKa^ fpoyri^a^ fi^ araXafi- /JaytVw'* el ^e /i^/ KaOaipEitrOut. [1. Cot. ayaXafijSareoOu. — 2. fiif yc.] Epit(00[>iis Hilt Fre.tbyler neqiiaqtiam sfficuWes ctirftK adsumat; sin aliler, dejiciutui. Let not a Bishop or Kld^r undertake worldly ratlings; or if he does, let him be (fepost^d. 8. Et TiQ iiriatcoTTOi Ti Trpiaf^vrtpoq r\ Iiclkovoq tj^v iiyiav rod traa^a ilfiipay irpo ijq eapit'rjg lerTijjLfpiug fxera 'lov^aiujy eVirfXtVct,' KaOatpiiirii^, [I. Cot. eviTeXetrri.^ Si quis Episcopus uut P»-> sbvtfr, ;iiit Dinc(jniu sHiutuiii Puschce ditm ante veinale f£qtiiiu)CUiiin cum Juduis celebruveril, dbjiciuliir. if anv Bishop, Liter or Deacon ct)ebiuf« s witii Jew> ihe holy day of ihe Passiovei bcrlore ihe vernal equinox, let hiui be deposed, d El riQ tTriaKotroQ ^ rrpeafiurepoc V Sianovoq ^ cc rov karaXdyov rtni lepHTiKov^ itpoaifnipdq yevofxivrfc fi^ /ioptliiadu, iSrc airioQ liXiiliriq yey6^tyoQ^ Tf Xatjf maX vvuvoiav ifivoiiiffaQ' koto, rov irpo- aeyeyKayroQ.^ [I. Cot. yeyTjOtiQ. — 2. TtoirjfraQ, niarg. ed. 2. — 3. Cot. add. wc ^17 vytdtQ ayeyiyKoyroQA *-i (pj.s l',|»isropiis aiil rre-l)vt«r aut Diacoiius, vel quihbet ex sacer- dolali CHlHloi^ri^ facta oblatioue, nun communicavent, aut Causani dirat, nt. si ration diilis fueiii vcniiini consequalur; aut, si non dixerit, comimiTiione privetur, lanquuni qui fjopub caussa Isesionis exstiteril, dans suspicionem de eo, f|ui sacnficuvii, quod recle non obtulerit. If any B!>h«ip or Elder or Deacon or person bclong^inj^ to the order of Priesthoo(or cLKOvovraQ. — 2. Cot. we clv ara^iav. — 3. t^ EKKXrfffi^, marg. ed. 2, Cot.J Omnes fideles, qui ingrediuntur in Ecclesiam, et Scripturas audiunt, non autem perseverant in oratione, nee sanctam communionem perci- piunt, velut inquietudines Ecclesiae commoventes, convenit commu- nione privari. All believers, who enter (a Church) and hear the Scriptures read, but do not remain for the Prayers and the Holy Communion, ought to be excommunicated, as persons who are introducing indiscipline into the Church. 11. Et riQ aKoivdjyrjTfO kclv ev oIku) avvEv^rjratf oSrog* a(l>opi^iad(o, [1. Cot. Kal avroc.] Si quis cum excommunicato saltern in domo simul oraverit, iste communione privetur. If any one shall pray with an excommunicated person, even at his house, let him, be excommunicated. 12. El TiQ KadtjprjiJiEP^ KXrjpiKOQ toy tog K\v}pth'u^ &vyev^r}rai KadaipEiffdut Kal avTOQ. [1. marg. ed. 2. KXrfpiK^ tog KXripiK^.^ Si quis cum damnato Clerico, veluti cum Clerico, simul oraverit, iste damnctur. If any Clergyman prays wiih another Clerp;yman, who has been ejected, as if he were still a Clei-gyinan, let him too be ejected. APOSTOLORUM. 13. Et ric KXfipiKoc v XaiicoQ (K^iafnayiivoQ iiroi. aZtKTOCy aiCfXQutv kv ^rep^ iroXti ot\d^ &VIV ypafifidruy ffVffTaTiKQy u0opi^eV(iuj* kui u ^ela^evoQ Kal 6 Ctjfdeig' ti ^e. atputpKr^iyog tl-q^ eTrireiviadu} avT^ 6 aoptevarafi£i'^ teat ajran/erairt rijy ii:ic\r}c irXioy tccpZog dvyafiiyov avrov rolg tKelae, Xoyy «iJflr«/3c/ac, ffVfif^iXXeadar Kat tovto Ze obi: aerficiat. Let it be not lawful for a Bishop to leave his own Parish [diocesel to enter upon another, even though he be urg^d by very many reasons; unless there be a valid cause compelling him to do so, ia his bein^ able to confer greater benefit upon the pcr&ons there on the ground of 10 CANONES religion, nor let him do this of liimself, but at the instance and con- tinued exhortation of many Bishops. i5. El TiQ Trpeafivrepoe rj diuKOvoQ ^ oXwc tov KaraXoyov tCjv KXrjpLKior ciTToXEixpag Trjv lavrov Trapoitciay elg Iripav cnreXdoL kcu TravTsXuiQ jjieTa- arcig^ diarpi^oi kv uXXr] iraponciq. Tvapa yrojfirjv tov Idiov eirifftcoirov, tovtov KEXevofier jjLrjKSTL Xeirovpyelv eP fxaXiaTa TrpoffKaXovfxivov avTov tov ETriaKOTTOv avTOv, ETravEXdelr^ ov^ VTrijKOvaEr, EwifXEVwy Trj aTU^iq.' iLq Xd'iKOQ flEVTOl EKeIoE KOIVIOVEITU). [1. Cot. " al. ^laorac." — 2. marg. ed. 2. fxaXiaTa el. — 3. Cot. avTov ETraveXdElv, — ] Si quis Presbyter aut Diaconus aut quihbet de numero Clericorum, relinquens propnam Parochiam, pergat ad alienam, et omnino demi- grans, prseter Episcopi sui conscientiam, in ahena Parochia comrnore- tur, hunc ulterius ministrare non patimur ; praecipue si vocatus ab Episcopo redire coniempserit, in sua inquietudine perseverans ; ve- rumtamen tanquam Laicus communicet. If any Priest or Deacon, or in sliort any one in clerical Orders, shall leave his own Parish and go to another, and permanently settle himself and remain in that other parish, without the cognisance of the Bishop, we order him to take no part in the ministry, especially if, after being called upon by his Bishop to return, he will not hearken, and still per- sist in his disorderly conduct. Let him however communicate, as one of the Laity. 16. Et ^E 6 EiriaKOTTog^ 'Trap' w' rvy^^avoiwirj Trap' ov^ev Xoyiaufi evoq^ tyiv Kar avTU)V opicrdE'itrav apyiay, di^rfTai^ avTOvg wq KXrjpiKovg, a(j>opi^Eadb) (vg St^aa-KaXog ara^ag. [1. marg. ed. 2. v irapaTvy^avovcrtv. — 2. CoU riyricfa^tvog. — 3. marg. ed. 2. U^ETaiP^ ' Episcopus vero, apud quem morsitos esse constiterit, si contra eos decretam cessationem pro nihilo reputans, tanquam Clericos forte sus- ceperit, velut magister inquietud^is communione privetur. But if the Bishop, in whos^ tliocese they are, shall take no account of the suspension from the >fninistry directed agaiixst them, and receive APOSTOLORUM. them as Clerks, let him be excommunicated as the teacher of in> subordination. [Nos. 15 and 16 are united into one in Cot.] 17. 'O Svffi yafioiQ trvfjifrXaKEic fiira ro (iatrnfffia rj 7raXXarlyj marg. ed. 2.] Qui duas in conjugium sorores acceperit, vel tiliam fratris, Clericus esse non poterit. He who marries two sisters, or his niece, cannot be a Clerk. 20. KXripiKog, Eyyvac Zi^ovg, KadaipsiaSut. 12 CANONES Clericus, fidejussionibus inserviens, abjiciatur. Let the Clerk, who gives securities, be removed from his office. 21. Evvoi))(oc, ft fiEV £^ eTrripeiac a.vQpu)irov kyiviTO Tig rj kv ^twyjuw afi^pidij ra av^pCjv, rj ovnog c^v,' Koi sffTiv a^ioQ^ yiviaQio. [1. Cot. " In alio Krai ovtwq e^vye." — 2. Cot. in text, a^ioq iTriffKOTrfjc : in marg. '* al. eTricrKo-jroc.''] Eunuchus si per insidias hominum factus est, vel si in persecutione ejus sunt amputata virilia, vel si ita natus est, et est dignus, efficiatur Episcopus. He who is an eunuch, either by the craft of men, or during a persecution, or who has been so from birth, if he is worthy, let him be a Bishop. 22. 'O aKptarrtpiaaae eavroy, /ij) yivitrdb) KXrjpiKog' avTO(j)OvevTt}(; yap tanv mvTOV,^ kai Tfjg tov Qeov dr}fiiovpyiaQ e^dpog. [I. Cot, avT0(l>6pTrig 7^P ^o-''^ KalJ] Si quis abscidit semet ipsum, non fiat Clericus ; quia suus homicida est, et Dei conditionis inimicus. Let not him, who has mutilated himself, be a Clerk. For he is a self-murderer, and an enemy to the handywork of God. 23. Et rig, KXtfpiKog (ay, kavToy aKpior-qpiaa-Ei, Kadaipeiadw oyEvg^ yap ecrriy eavrov. [1. marg. ed. 2. ^ovevri^e.] Si quis, cum Clericus sit, absciderit semet ipsum, omnino damnetur, quia suus est homicida. If any one being a Clerk mutilates himself, let him be deposed, for he is a self-murderer. 24. AaiKog kavroy aKpiOTrjpiaffag a^opi^itrQw irr} rpia' k7rl(iov\og yap itrTiv rfjg iavrov ^wfjg. APOSTOLORUM. 13 Laiciis, semet ipsum abscindcns, annis tribus communiono privetur ; quia suec vitae insidiator exstitit. Let any Layman, who mutilates himself, be excommunicated for three years ; for he is a plotter against his own life. [21*, 2, 3, 4, are ail united in Cot.] 25. *EiricrK07roc ^ irpefff^vTspog t) ^laKOVog Itti xopyelq. rj eiriopici^ ^ KXoiry &\ovQ tcadaipeiaOitt, nai fxij a(f>opi!^iadu}' Xiyu yap 7/ ypatftri^ ovk {.K^iKi'iaeis hie eiri TO avTo'* wtravrttiQ^ Zt kox 01 \onro\ i:\rjpiKoi. [o Cot. in text; in marg. "al. £7ri." — 2. Cot. avro ly SKt\p£L. — 3. marg. ed. 2. ofwitog kqI oi Xoiirol KXrjpiKoi rp avrp aipiffti viroKeiaObKray.] Episcopus, aut Presbyterus, aut Diaconus, qui in fornicatione aut perjurio aut furto captus est, deponatur ; non tamen communiono pri- vetur. Dicit enim Scriptura — ** Non vindicabit Dominus bis in id ipsum.** Similiter ct reliqui Clerici huic conditioni subjaceant. . [This is divided into two Canons in the version of Dionysius.] If a Bishop, Priest or Deacon is delected in fornication, perjury or theft, let him be deposed, but not excomniunicated ; for the Scripture says, **Tliou shalt not twice punish the same fault;" and in like man- ner the other Clergy. 26. Twv Etc KXijpoy vpocreXdoyrwy^ ayaynay KiXevofiEy (iovXofiiyovQ yafuly avayvhxiTaQ kox ;//a\rac ^ovoy} [1. marg. ed. 2. TrpocXi/Xvflorwi/. Cot. in text, "KaptXdovTbiv : in marg. *' al. irpotXQoynav.^ vel TrpoaEXQoyruiv, vel TrpocXi/XvOorw*'. — 2. marg. ed. 2. Innuptus autcm, qui ad Clerum provecti sunt, praDcipimus, ut, si voluerint, uxores accipiant ; sed Lcctores Cantoresayepoig, ToXy.r](nuv u\pa(rdat rrjg ttote eyx^ipiffdelarjg avr^ XeiTOvpyiaQy ovrog TravTairaaLV eKKOTrriaOio Tfjg eKKXrjffiag. [I. Cot. £(pd\pa(Tdai.^ Si quis Episcopus aut Presbyter aut Diaconus depositus juste super certis criminibus, ausus fuerit attreciare ministerium dudum sibi com- missum, hie ab Ecclesia penitus abscindatur. If any Bishop, or Priest or Deacon, who has been justly deposed upon clear charges, shall dare to interfere in the ministry formerly in his hands, let him be cut off altogether from the Church. 29. El ng ETriaKOirog Zva •^ti^arbiv rfjg a^iag ravriig iyKpar^g yivmrai rj 7rpE(r(ivT£pog rj diaKovogf KadaipEiffdcj, /cat avrog Kal 6 yEipoTOvriaagy Ka\ EKKOTrriffdu) TravTairaai /cat Tfjg KOiyuyiag^ ojg Xifiwy 6 fidyog vv Efxov nirpov. Si quis Episcopus aut Presbyter aut Diaconus per pecunias banc obtinuerit dignitatem dejiciatur et ipse et ordinator ejus, et a commu- nione modis omnibus abscindatur, sicut Simon magus a Petro. If any Bisliop or Priest or Deacon shall obtain his dignity by means ^ , AP08T0L0RUM. 15 of monev, let him be deposed, both he and the party who ordained him, ancf let him be cut off in every way from communion, as Simon .Magus was by {me) Peter. 30. Et rtc liriffKoiroc KoerfiiKoic apyovffi ')(prfaafi£yoit Zi avrutv iyKparriQ kKKkriffiaQ yii'ijTai, KaQaipiivQw Koi in^optt^iaQhi^ koX ol KOivtavovvriQ avTf [1. marg. ed. 2. aa\i)y Kal firjSiy rt TrparTiiy Trepirruy ayiv r^c c«f«/- yov yi'utfitjg' eKiiya ce fxoya irpaTreiy^ ttcaaroy, oaa rp avTOv irapoiKi^ iiri l^aWei cat ralg vw avrijv^ ^wpatc* aXXa fxrihe tKiivog uyev riic iraymty yyft}fjT)Q TToulrut ti' ovru yap ofiovoia earai' KOi do^apovTida rov Xaov rj)v kyy(eipi(TdEicrav avrS, rovrov a(f>iopi(Tfi£vov rvy- ')(^aveiv, eioQ av icaradi^rjTai' loaavnoQ^ Kal irpealivTEpoQ kol ^laicovos' el ce ctTrtXQwi/, fii] dEj^dEir], ov irapci Tifv ecxvtov ypwfxrjy aWa irapa Tijy tov Xaov p.o^Qr]piav, ahrog fiEv e(tto)^ ETriaKOTrog, 6 2f t:\fjpog rfjg TroXscog acpo- ptXiadoj' OTL roinvTov Xaov avvTroraicrov TraL^Evral ovk kyivovTO. [1. marg. ed. 2 says that the words wffavTwg npEajivTEpog Ka\ Ilclko- vog and anEXQuyv are wanting in another copy — 2. marg, ed. 2, yueveVw.] Si quis Episcopus non susceperit officium et curam populi sibi com- missam, hie commnnione privetur, quoadusque consentiat, obedientiam commodans. Similiter autem et Presbyter et Diaconus. Si vero per- rexerit, nee receptus fuerit, non pro sua sententia, sed pro malitia populi, ipse quidem maneat Episcopus; Clerici vero civitalis commu- nione priventur eo quod eruditores inobedientis populi non fuerunt. [N. B. After ' Episcopus,' Dionysius has omitted * ordinatus,' answer- ing to -ysipoTOvtiQElg^ If a Bishop, after ordination, shall not undertake the ministry and charge of the people committed to his hands, let him be excommuni- cated until he does undertake it, and in like manner a Priest and Deacon. But if after proceeding thither he is not received, not from his own determination but the improper conduct of the people, let him remain the Bishop; but let the Clergy of the city be excommunicated, because they have not been the instructors of an unruly people. 37. AiVTEpov TOV ETOvg (TvvoSog yivEcrdcj Twy ETTKTKoirojt', Kttl avaKpiviruxrav^ aXXrjXovg to. doyjjLaTa r>/c EvasfiEiag icai rag k^Tnirnovtrag kmcXrjtTiaarLKag S(.yTiXoyJiag diaXvirwaav' a7ra£ fiEv rj; TETUpTy kfidofAriBi Tijg irEVTTjKoarrfjg' o^EVTEpov ^E 'YTTEpfiepETaiov do)hEKa.T1]. £1. Cot. in marg. ayEvpEVETcoaray.^ Bis in anno Episcoporum Concilia celebrentur •; ut inter se dogmata pietatis explorent, et emergentes Ecclesiasiicas coiUentiones amoveant; semel quidem quarta septimana Pentecosles ; secundo vero duo decima die mensis Hyperberetsei, id est juxta Romanos quarto Iclus Octobris. APOSTOLORUM. fg Twice ^a year let there be held a Synod of the Bishops, and let them examine each other in the articles of religion, and settle the con- troversies that may have arisen in tiie Church ; and let the first Synod be in the fourth week of Pentecost, and the second on the twelfth ©f Hyperberetaeus [October]. 38. 01 Tp€(rP{rt€poi Kdl ol ii&KOVoi Aviv yvw/iijt rov eirtaKoit'ov fxridey liti- fcXctroxrav ahroQ yap ecrriv 6 weTriarevfiiyoQ r^y \abv rov Kvplov Kdl ro'y hiTEp tG>v i^\y>v ahrSiv \6yov aTraiTTjdrjffoixEyoQ. Presbyteri et Diaconi preeter Episcopum nihil agere pertentfent ; nam Domini populus ipsi commissus est, et pro animabus eortini hir redditurus est rationem. Let the Priests and Deacons complete nothing without tlie cogni- sance of the Bishop, for he is the person intrusted with the people of the Lord, and from whom an account of their souls will be demanded. 39. riavTtoy rwy kKK\f\viaVTog' /ij) e^elPat ^i ahr^ &AtTtpl- i^etrdai ri ki, ahrittv rj ovyytviaiv idlotQ rd rov Qiov ■^(^api^eerBaf el ^t Trtj'ty- rec clev,' eiri^opriyelru) «c TrivYitriv, aWd /ij) irpoi^&trei rovrtify rd rfJQ Ir- KXrfffiag aTre/JiTroXelru). [1. Cot. &(rty: in marg. al. elc*'.] Omnium negotiorum Ecclesiasticorum curam Episcopus Habejif, fet ea velut Deo contemplante dispenset; nee ei liceat ex his aliquid omnino contingere, aut parentibus propriis, quae Dei sunt, condonare. Quod si pauperes sint, tanquam pauperibus subministret nee eohim occasione Ecclesise negotia deprsDdetur. Of all Ecclesiastical matters let the Bishop have the care, and ad- minister them, as if under the eye of God ; nor let it be lawful for him to appropriate any part of them to himself, or to bestow upon his rela- tions what belongs to God. But if they are poor, let lu'm contribute to their pecuniary wants, but not on their account dispose of the pro- perty of the Church. 20 CANONES 40. "Etrrw av€pd tcl 'i^ia tov tiriaKOTrov Trpcty/xara tl ye koX t^ta t'x^ij kol dtayepd rd fcvptatcd, iV e^ovtriay 'i^y rtbv ihtu)v^ teXevtwv o iTriaKOirog, oig povXerat,'^ Kal iog (iovXerai KaraXel-^aL' Kal fxri Trpo^acrei rwj^ eKKXtjaiaari- icojy Trpay fxartoy ^laTriTrrsLy rd tov CTrterfcoTrov, e'ffO' ots yvyaiKU Kal TraidaQ KEKTrjfiiyov rj ffvyy eyeig rj oiKETag' diKaioy yap tovto irapd Gew Kal ay- dpojTTOtg TO fiijTE TTjy EKKXrjaiay i^rjjjiay Ttvd VTroixiyELy ayyoi^ Tuy tov eiritTKOirov Trpayf-idrtoy^^ fi^/"£ Toy ETriffKoiroy rj Tovg avrov crvyyEyElg 7rpo~ ^acTEi Ttjg EKKXrjaiag ^rffXEVEO'daij* rj Kal Eig Trpay/zara ejitvLttteiv Tovg avTW tiaT}niaig.l^ Sint autem manifestaB res propriae Episcopi, si tamen habet proprias, et manifestse Dominicee, ut potestatem habeat de propriis moriens Episcopus, sicut voluerit, et quibus voluerit, derelinquere; nee sub occasione Ecclesiasticarum rerum, quae Episcopi esse probantur, inter- cidant ; fortassis enim aut uxorem habet aut filios, aut propinquos aut servos. Et justum est hoc apud Deum et homines, ut nee Ecclesia detrimentum patiatur ignoratione rerum Pontificis, nee Episcopus vel ejus propinqui sub obtentu EcclesicB proscribantur, et in causas incidunt, qui ad eum pertinent, morsque ejus injuriis malae famae subjaceat. Let the private property of the Bishop, if he has any, be clearly de- fined, and clearly too that belonging to the Lord ; so that the Bishop, when dying, may have the power of leaving his private property to whom he likes and how he likes; nor, under colour of Ecclesiastical ownership, the property of the Bishop be lost, when he happens to have a wife, children, relations or domestic servants. For this is just before God and men, that neither the Church should suffer any damage through its ignorance of the Bishop's affairs, nor the Bishop and his relations have their goods estreated on an Ecclesiastical pretext, or that those differing from him should incur law-suits, and his death be shrouded with evil reports. [N. B. The three last Canons make up only two in Cot. ; and 39 precedes 38 and 40, combined into one.] APOSTOLORUM. 31 41. UpotTTaaroo^ey Tuy eTriaKorroy e^ovtriay t-)(^Eiy ruty Ttjg €KK\Tj(Tiag irpay- fidruy el yap rag Ttfiiag tCjv ayBpioiruiv \liv)(aQ avru Triarevrioy^ voW^ ay^ ^ioi vepi rCjy yprifxaToty iyriXXerrdat,^ tofrrE Kara Tt)y avrov i^ovtriay iraira' SioiKeiadai toiq deofjiivoiQ Bid ruty vpeafSvTepbjy kui CiaKoyuty, icai i7rf)(opTjy€l6fiov Qiov nai ttikti^q EvXajjeiaQ' fjuraXa^fidyeiy de Kui aifToy ruty deoyrwy, £i ye iioiro, elg tclq dvayicatag avrov •)(peiac Kai Tuiy ETn^tyovfiivuty doE\) Kadaipeiffdu). Episcopus aut Presbyter ant D/aconus aleae alque ebrietati deser- viens aut desinat aut certe damnetur. Let a Bishop or Priest or Deacon passing his leisure hours at dice or drinking, either desist or be deposed. 43. Ytto^lclkovoq rj avayvuicrTti^ ?/ xpaXTrig ra Ofxoia iroiUbv t) TzavaaaQta rj a(f)opi^e(Td(o' waravTioQ kol XatKoi.^ [1. Cot. in text, XaVVoc.] Subdiaconus, aut Lector, aut Cantor, similia faciens, aut desinat aut communione privetur. SimiHter etiam Laici. Let a Subdeacon, or Reader, or Chorister, who acts similarly, either desist or be excommunicated ; and the Laity likewise. [N.B. These two Canons are combined into one in Cot.] 44. *Eiti(TKO'7roQ Ti irpEfrfivTepOQ rj ^laKOVog roKovg aTrairiav havei^Ofiipovg rj Trdvaaadu) rj caOaipEiffdio. Episcopus, aut Presbyter, aut Diaconus usuras a debitoribus exigens aut desinat aut certe damnetur. Let a Bishop, or Priest, or Deacon, who demands iriterest from per- sons borrowing, either desist or be deposed. 45. *'E7ri(rKovog rj Trps&fivTepog rj diaKoyog alperiKoXg avvtv^ap.evog jiovov a^opiCifrBw ti Zk kol kiriTpv^ev avrdig ug K\r]piKoig evepyfjaai n, Kadaip- elffOu). Episcopus, Presbyter, aut Diaconus, qui cum Hsereticis oraverit tan- tummodo communione privetur; si vero tanquam Clericos hortatus eos fuerit agere vel orare, damnetur. Let a Bishop, or Priest, or Deacon, if he has merely prayed with AP OSTOLORUM. M Heretics, be eicommunicated ; but if he has also permitted them to do any thing, as if they were of the Clerks, let him be deposed. 46. *F.7ri(rKoirov *; irpia^vrepov^ aipeTiKwy ^e^a^icvovc' f^airricfia fj dvtrlay, KadaipEtadai TrpoffTctaaofiev rt'i* yap ffvfi(f>uivrjaiQ Xpiar^^ irpoq BeX/ap ; ri TiQ fiepiQ TTiffT^* fieTO. airidTOv ; [2. marg. ed. 2. lii,a^tvov — 1. Cot. in text, f; Iiclkovov: in raarg. says the words are wanting in other copies — 3. marg. ed. 2, tov Xpiiroyy aXXa (i\aae is joy in heaven over one sinner that repenteth." 26 CANONES 53. E'i riQ ETTlffKOTTOQ f/ TTpEffjjVTSpOQ 1/ diaKOVOQ Sy TOIQ r^^tpOlQ TUiV kopTtjJV ov /jLeraXajjifiavei Kpeiov ical o'lvov, (D^tkvffaoiiEvoQ Koi ov hC ao-jc^/ffiv,' fca- daipeiffdb), fa»c KiKavnTripiacr^ivoQ^ rrjv l^iav (Tvvei^rjffiv Kal airiog aKav- ^aXov iroWoig yivojievoQ. [1. Cot. in text omits ^leXvaaofxevoQ koX ov di affKrjffiv ; but in marg. ' al. add.' — 2. marg. ed. 2. KeKavTi]pi(riJiivoQ.~\ Si quis Episcopiis, aut Presbyter, aiit Diaconus, in diebus re.*{or(im non cum aliis canies et vinum stimpserit, execrans, et non ad religionis meditationem, deponatur, ut inustam cauterio gerens conscientiam, po- puloque factus author ofFendiculi. If any Bishop, or Priest, or Deacon, does not, on feast-days, partake of meat and wine, holding- it an abomination, and not through an exer- cise of piety, let him be deposed, as having his conscience seared, and being the author of scandal to many. 54. El TiQ KXrjpiicoQ Ev KaTrrjXEiu) (^(opadeir)^ eadltov, cupopi^eadb), irape^ tov kv Trar^o^etw kv o^S ^i' avayKr)v^ KaraXvovrog.^ [1. Cot. in text, (fxopadrj : but in marg. * al. (pupadelri' — 2. Cot. in marg. *al. ^i b^ov avayKr)v — 3. marg. ed. 2, KaraXvaavrog. Cot. in text, KaraXvELv : in marg. * al. KaraXvovroQ vel KaraXviravrog.^ Si quis Clericus in caupona comedens deprehensus fuerit, a com- munionis sodalitate secernatur, prseter eum, qui vise necessitate divertit in hospitium. If any Clerk be discovered eating in a tavern, let him be excom- municated, except him who of necessity tarries at an inn on his journey. 55, E'i Tig KXrjpiKog vf3plaEL rbr ETriorKOTrop,^ KadaipEicrdio' apy^ovra ydp^ tov Xaov (TOV ovK kpElg fcakiog. [1. Cot. in text, ETriaKOTrov ahiKtog : but in marg. says *deest a^tVwc in aliis.' — 2. Cot. yap (j)i](ri in text ; but says in marg. * ^T/ort deest in aliis.' Si quis Clericus affecerit Episcopum convicio, deponatur. Nam principem populi tui maledictis non incesses. If any Clerk insults the Bishop, let him be deposed. For thou shalt not speak ill of the ruler of thy people. APOSTOLORUM. 27 56. Ei TiQ KXripiKbc vfipiati irptafivTtpov rj liiaKovov, d0op(^£. Si quis dericus injuriam intulerit Presbytero vel Diacono a consor- tio separetur. If any Clerk shall insult a Priest or Deacon, let him be cast out of communion. 57. Ei TiQ KkripucoQ^ yjjiXov ri kw^ov i rvopi!^iadw eirifxivioy Sc r» afxeXei^^ cat padvfilijf., Kadaipeiadw. [1. marg. ed. 2, r^ paQvp.iq,y and so Cot. in text; but in marg. *aL in- serunt h.fitXiiq. rat.] Episcopns lint Presbyter, nullam Cleri solicitudinem vci |>opuli curam gerens, neque docens eos in pietate ac religione, privetur com- munione ; permanens vero in «a negligentia et ignavia deponatur. Let the Bishop or Priest, who neglects the Clergy or Laity, and does not instruct them in piety, be cast out of communion ; and if he persists in his neglect and indolence, let him be deposed. 59. Et TiQ iTTiffKOirOQ ri irptafivTtpoc riroc rSy KXrjpiKiiy kr^eovQ oyrbc l^h iirijfopTjyei ra ^ioyrOj ii<^pi^ia rwv atref^&v /3t/3\ta, (ag ayia, ettI rfjg EKKXrjffiag ^r)iiO(TLevoi} iiri Xoifiri^ tov Xaov Kal tov tcXypoVf Kadaipeiordo). [1. marg. ed. 2, hrjfioauvei : and so Cot. in text — 2. marg. ed. 2, Xvfxrj, and so Cot. in text ; but in marg. * al. Xo/^r/'.] Si quis mendaciter inscriptos impiorum libros ut sacros in Ecclesia promulgarit ad populi et Cleri corruptionem, deponatur. If any one introduces into the Church as sacred the falsely in- scribed books of the impious, to the corruption of the Laity and Clergy, let him be deposed. 61. Et TIC Karriyopia yevrfrai Kara -tthttov Tvoppeiag rj fiotxeiag tj aXXr]Q Ttvog axriyopevfXEyrig Trpa^Etag Kal kXEy\BEir], Eig KXrjpov fii] Trpoayiadb).^ [1. marg. ed. 2, ayiardu).'] Si contra fidelum instituatur accusatio scortationis, vel adulterii, vel alicujus alterius nefariae actionis, et convictus fuerit, in Clerum non admittatur. If a charge of fornication, adultery, or any other forbidden act, be brought against a believer, and he is found guilty, let him not be admitted into the Clerkship. 62. . El Tig KXrjptKog 5ia : in marg. ' al. aTro/BaXXcVQw.] Si quis Clericus humano timore Judaei, vel Gentilis, vel Heeretici negaverit, si quidem Christi nomen, rejiciatur; si vero Clerici nomen, deponatur ; resipiscens, ut Laicus recipiatur. If any Clerk shall, through the fear of man, whether Jew, or Greek, or Heretic, deny the name of Christ, let him be cast out; but if he deny his name of Clerk, let him be deposed ; but if he repents, let him be received again as one of the Laity. APOSTOLORUM. 29 63. Ei rtc exierKOtroQ rj irpeorfivrepoi ^ BiaKovoc »/ oXwf rod KaraXoyov rod iepariKOV (payrj icpia^ iv aifxan v/'vj^^c avrov y Qr^piaXuiTov , j/ Oi'ijaifxdioy, KadaipeicrOu)' tovto yap u yo^oq awEiirtv el ^e XaiKOC «*»?» KaOaipiiadu. [1. Cot. in text, Kpiat: : in marg. *al. Kpia.*^ Si quis Episcopus, aut Presbyter, aut Diaconus, aut quisquis de Clericoriim numero carnes comederil cum suae animee sanguine, vel a bestia captum vel morticinuin quid, deponatur; hoc enim lex inter- dicit ; si vero Laicus fuerit, a consortio seponatur. If a Bishop, or Priest, or Deacon, or in short any one who is num- bered among those in holy orders, shall eat flesh with the blood of life in it, or which has been killed by a wild beast, or dying of itself, let him be deposed ; for such has the law forbidden ; but if he be a Layman, let him be excommunicated. 64. Et rtc KXripiKOQ evpid^ rriv KvpiaK^y fjftepay vqartvoty rj rov (Ta/3/3aroK, ttXjjv tov tvoQ fioyov, KadaipEttrOw ei ^e XaVurof,' d0opi^£(rd(u. [1. Cot. edy ^e XaiKog ^.] Si quis Clericus inveniatur die dominico jejunans aut Sabbato, prseter unum solum, deponatur; si vero Laicus, segregetur. If any Clerk shall be found fasting on the Lord's Day or Sabbath, one only excepted [the Sunday before Easter, cf. Bingham, Antiq. vi. 190], let him be deposed ; if a Layman, be cast out of communion. 65. Et nc icXripiKoc V XaVicoc elffiXOri elc (rvyaybtyrjy *lov^aiwv ij Alptrucwy Trpotrev^atrBai,^ KaOaipeicrdu) Kai a^opi^effdui. [1. marg. ed. 2, awev^eerOai.] Si quis Clericus aut Laicus in synagogam Judeeorum vel Haeretico- rum, introierit ad orandum Deum, deponatur et consortio seponatur. If any Clerk or Layman enters a synagogue of Jews or Heretics, in order to pray, let him be deposed and cast out of communion. 66. Et rtff KXrjpiKo^ iv f^^xy riva Kpovcraq koi^ and rov iyoQ Kpovtrfxaroi^ 30 CANONES airoKTeivaQy^ Kadaipeiadu) dia rrjv TrpoTrireiav avrov' idv de XaiKog ^, aopil^e(Td(tj. [1. Kai omit. marg. ed. 2. — 2. Got in marg. * al. KpovfiaTOQ — 3. axo- icreivu marg. ed. 2.] Si quis Clericus in jurgio quempiam pnlsaverit, et quovis ictu inter- eraerit, ob impotentis animi sui efFrenationem, deponatur, Laicus vero seponatur. If any Clerk strikes another in a quarrel, and at one blow kills him, let him be deposed on account of his ungoverned violence; but if a Layman, let him be cast out of communion. 67. E'i TLQ Trapdiyov afJLvrjtrrevrov (^Laaafievog, ^X®*»* a^opi^iffSia' fi^ s^elvai ^£ avT^ eripav Xafi^avEtv, aW eKsivrju, ^v K-aSj^pcrr/o-aro,* Kciv WEvt^^pa Tvyxavri. [1. Cot. axy in text ; in marg. * al. e^ot vel cj^t^.' — 2. marg. ed. 2. ^v ^pTicrara. Cot. iqv koX jjpnVaro.J Si quis innuptam puellam illala vi retineat, extra communionem habeatur; neque liceat illi alteram ducere, sed illam habere, quam violavil, quamvis paupercula sit. If any one shall violate an unbetrothed virgin, and keep her, let him be cut off from communion ; nor let it be lawful for him to marry another, but to marry her, whom he has violated, although she is in poverty, m, Et 74? i-KLtTKovoQ rj Tpeff^vTEpoQ ^ BicLKoyoQ ^EVTEpay \Eiporoyiap oe'l- rjrai rrapd rivoQy Kadaipeiado) Koi avrog Koi 6 ')(eipoToyi)cra£' el fjLrj ye dpa avaraiT],^ oti Trapa alperiKwv e^^fi Trjy yeLpoToviaV tovq yap iraph riov TOiovTtay (iarrriadiyTaQ ^ ^eipoToyrjOeyrag' ovre itkttovq ovre KXijpiKOvs elyai Zvyaroy. 1^1. Cot. in text, elji^ ^ei^oi Trapa alperiKioy avToy e^^Ly — but the other reading in marg.] Si quis Episcopus, aut Presbyter, aut Diaconus, ab aliquo secundam susceperit ordinationem, deponatur et ipse, et qui manus imposuit ; nisi forte constet ab Hsereticis habere ordinationem. Nee enim possi- bile est a tali bus ordinatos aut baptizatos esse fideles aut Clericos. APOSTOLORUM. 31 If a Bishop, or Priest, or Deacon, shall receive from any one a second ordination, let both he and the party ordaining be deposed ; unless it is clear that he has received the ordination from Heretics; for it is not possible that persons baptized or ordained by such can be either believers or admitted of the Clergy. 69. Ei ric kirlffKOieoQ rj TrpEffftvrepoQ rj diaKOvoQ rj viroOiuKOvoi^ ^ avay^w- (rrriQ rf v//d\r»/c> Triv ayiav TiaaapaKotrrriv^ oh vri. [Cot. in text, Et rtc etrlaKOvoi; rj aXXoc icXrjpLKOQ yrjfrrtvei : the other words in marg. — 2. marg. ed. 2, aweopra^oi. Cot. in text, eoprctCei : in marg. * al. ervyeopTul^ei.'^ Si quis Episcop'S, ant Presbyter, aut Diaconu?, aut quisquis de numero atque ordine Clericonim jejunavit cum Judeeis, aut una festum cum ipsis egerit, aut ab eis festi xenia receperit, azyma videlicet, aut quid simile, deponatur; si vero Laicus, segregetur. 32 CANONES If a Bishop, or Priest, or Deacon, or any one that is numbered in the Priestly Order, shall fast with Jews, or feast with them, or receive from them gifts of hospitality, such as unleavened bread, or any thing of that kind, let him be removed ; but if a Layman, excommunicated. 71. Et ng XpioTiavoe eXaiov aireviyKoi eIq' lepoy^ idvCJv rj elg (Tvyayaty^v 'lou^atwj/ £»/* rate eopraie avrCJv rj^ \v')(vovq ^tttoi, a \oyi}(Tri^* iXty^QiyroQ^ avTOv itopil^iadtti TO tiriTifiioy.iay Ce KaXovfxeyog fiij vvaKovtrn, tcaXeitrOut Kal ZtvTipoy^ airoaTiXKofUvuiy^ i-K ahroy Zvo tTrttr- Koiriav' lay St jcat ovriuc /^J? iiraKovff'Qi' KoXiiirBui Koi rpiToy, ^vo ira\iy tTrtcrtcoTTuy cnroffTEWofiiytoy^ irpoq avroy' lay ie Jcat ovtuq Karaiftpoyiiaaq /ii) cnrayrtifr^, i} avvoloQ a7roaLyiadvyo^iKCjy. [1. Cot. in marg. *al. irapa.* — 2 — 2. Cot. in text, rnro a^ioirida\fi6y rj to ffxiXoc TreirXtjyfiiyoi, A^tot ^i etrriy ixnTKOTrriii'* yiriadu' oh yap Xbifiij cfuffjutro^ avrdr fntLtrek iiXXd fl. idy Cot. in text — 2. ixlerKoiroc marg. ed. 2.] Si quis oculo lasuj est aut crure debilitatus, aliocjui dignuS fepig- copatu, capiatur; ndtl enim Issio corporis ipsuth contamitiat, sed animse inquinatio. If any one hath a defect in his eye, or a maimed leg, and yet other- wise worthy to be a Bishop, let him be so. For a bodily hurt con- taminates him not, but the pollution of the s6ul. 78. Kw^C Jf uv cat rvt^Xdg firj yiyiadat eiritrKOxoi' ov\ it^ /ic/xtao'/ieVoC)' aXX' tya ftri rd cttXTjcriaoTtJca Traptfnrolil^oiTO. [1. marg. ed. 2, (ie(3XafifUyoQ/\ Qui vero mutus est aut surdus est, et qui cscus, ne instituatur Episcopus. Non quidem quia vitiato corpore, sed nc preepediantur Ecclesiastlca. But let not a person deaf or dumb or blind be tdade a Bisdop, not as being polluted, but that the duties of the Church may not be impeded. N. B. The two preceding Canons form one in Cot. ♦9. *Kay rtf ^aiftoya eyij, icXijpticoc /liJf yevioBia^ &XXct firjie role Tricrro'lt avyEV\i(rdui' KaOapiaOelg Sc, 'irpoi foi «ay y A^tof, yiyicdut. Si quis Daemonem habet, Clericus non capiatur ; sed nee simul oret cum fidclibus ; purgatus vero, admittatur ; et, si fuerit dignus, instituatur. If any one bath a Devil, let him not be a Clerk ; nor let him pray even with believers. But being cleansed, let him be received ; and, if he be worthy, let him become a Clerk. 80. Toy el idyiKov (iiov* TpoaeXdoyrd* fj c/c ^avXijc' iiaytayrjc oh iUaiSy 36 CANONES iari TrapavriKa* Trpo^eipt^effdai ETriorKOTrop'^ a^iKoy yap tou fj.r}de ttw irelpap^ eTTt^ei^a/ievov,' hipiav elvai di^atrKaXop' el firf irov Kara delav xnpiv tovto yiyrirai.^ [I. Cot. in text, t^ edvSJv: in marg. *al. e^ edviKov fiiov — 2. After TrpoaeKQovTa Cot. in text, koi paTTTiffdivTa : but in marg. says these two words are wanting in some copies — 3. marg. ed. 2, (pavXov — 4. marg. ed. 2, Trapavra : and so Cot. in text — 5. Cot. in text elc eiriaKoirriv — 6. marg. ed. 2, firilk irpoiTEipav — 7. Cot. in marg. ' al. ETcili^afiivov^ — 8. Cot. yt- Ex ethnicorum et gentili vita conversum et baptizatum vel ex alio turpi vitse institute advenientem non est justum mox in episcopum deligere. Iniquum namque est eum, qui nullum sui documentum de- derit, aliorum esse doctorem ; si non alicubi divina gratia fiat hoc. It is not right that he, who has come as a convert from the Gentiles, or from an evil course of life, should immediately be chosen a Bishop. For it is not right that he, who has given no proof, should be the teacher of others ; unless indeed this happen by the Grace of God. 81. Et7ro/i£v OTL fxri ypii ItriffKOTTOv * 7rpeffj3vr£pov Kadtivai^ lavrop etc ^>/- fioffias ^ioiKri(Tei£j aXXa TrpoaevKaipeip raig EKKXrjfTiafrriKois xpc/atc* rj TTEidicrOoi ovv TOVTO HYi ttoieIv, 7/ KadatpEiffOb)' ovdetg yap dvraTai ^valy KvpiotQ ^ovXevEiv caret ttiv KvpiaKtlv TrapaKiXevtriv. [1. Cot. in text, exiaKoiroy Kadelyat : in marg. as here.] Dicimus quod oportet non Episcopum vel Presbyterum dejicere se in publicas administrationes, sed Ecclesiasticis vacare et inservire usibus ac ministeriis. Vel igitur sibi persuadeat hoc non esse facien- dum vel deponatur. Nemo enim potest duobus dominis servire, se- cundum Domini praeceptum. "We say that it is not meet for a Bishop or Priest to humble himself to the public offices of the State, but diligently attend to|the wants of the Church, Let him then be persuaded not to do so, or be deposed. For, according to our Lord's precept, no man can serve two masters. 82. Okcrac £ic KXrjpov Trpo-x^eipi^Etrdai avev Tyc rojv ^EcriroTujv yvLjfjiijg^ ovk ETLTpETTOfiEv CTTt XvTTj; tZv Zev rffXEpivy, dvo. "Ecr^pa, ^vo. 'Effdrjp,^ Ev.* 'IwjS,*^ Ev. "^aXrripLOVy ev. "SioXofidv,^ rpia, Jlapoifxtai, 'FiKK\r](Tiaorrrig^^AcrfxaatTiidru>v. IIpo(j>r}Tu>v dEKadvo' ev, 'Htratoy £V,'lEp- Efxiov EVy 'lE^EKitjX' EV, Attvt^X* MaKKa(3ai(ov rpia' e^uBev ^e vfjuv Trpo- ffiarropEiffdio fxavdavEiv h^Stv rovg viovg r^v trocfiiav rov TroXvfxadovg ^ipa.-)(^. Kaivdv (ii(3Xt/3ou fxia. 'lov^a fjiia. KXrjfiEVTOg ETriorroXal ^vo, Kal Atarayai vfjuv rolg kincTKoiroig ZC kfiov YiXijfiEVTog kv ^krii {^i^Xioig 'TrpoarTTE^ijJvrjfiEvai, cLg oh j(p7i drifxoaiEVEiv ^la to. ev avraig fJivaTiKcii Kal ai Trpa^Eig ii^dv rlbv cnroaroXtiiv. Tavra Se Trepi Kavovcjv hiaTEra^Bu) vfilv, trap iifi&v, St ETriaKOTroi' vfiEig Be EfXfXEVovTEg avTolg awBriaEadE, Kal Elpr^vrjv e^ete' atrEidovvTEg Be KoXa- trdriffEtrdE Kot TroXEfxov fiEV d\\r/\wi/ atZiov Hete, hiKr)v rije avrfKotag rriv TTpoarjKOvaav rlvovTEgJ 'O Gfoc Ze 6 fxovog aiBiog^ Kal rCJv oXbJV iroirirflg &7ravrag vfidg 3ia rrig ElpijvrjQ EV irvEviiari ay/y aQEVwaEi? Kal KaraprrjcrEi^^ Elg TrdvEpyov dyadov, arpETrrovg, a)ue/x7rrovc, dvEyKXriTovg, Kat Kara^iuxTEi rjjg alojviov i^ojrjg ervv ^fjtlv Cia rfjg jJiEffiTEiag rov i)ya7rTj fxivov traiBog avrov ^Irjcrov Xptarov, rov Qeov Kal ^(jjrrjpog tffxiov' /xeG' ov ri Bo^a avry r^ knl iravruiv Qe^ Trarpl crvv" dy/y irvEVfiari ry "TrapaKXrin^ vvv Kal aet Kal Eig rovg alwvag twv albjvtov* [1. marg. ed. 2, says Se' is wanting in another copy — 2. Cot. in text, Navj : in marg. *al. NaviJ : al. viov Nd/3^' — ^^3. Cot. in text, 'Etr^^p — 4. dot. in marg. * ev deest in al.' — But the note belongs pferhaps to the words *Iov^£t0, EV, which Cot. sayS in Not. are wanting in other editions, and APOSTOLORUM. 39 the eight MSS. he examined in the Royal Library at Paris, with the ex- ception of one (1326); Zonaras too, he observes, distinctly states that Judith was not mentioned in the Apostolic Canons — 5. Cot. has in text, after 'Iov2c(0 ev — MaKKaliaitoVy rpia' 'Iw/3, ev : ^aXfioi eKarov trtvri}' Kovra' ^oXofiiiJvoQ /3c/3Xm rpla UpoipiJTai BiKaii^' t^uOey — and gives the other readings in marg., and states that other MSS. have Ma«cifa/3a'u«r or Ma^afidiKtiv — 6. marg. ed. 2. XoXo/LitDtroc — 7. Cot. in text rivovyrtQ: in marg. ' al. rlyoyrec — ^. Cot. in text, ayiyyrjroi : in marg. * al. aiBtog' — 9. Cot. in text, kvuKrei : in marg. ' al. oiievutaeL naV — 10. Cot. in text, KaToprlaei — 11. Cot. iv in text; in marg. ' al. o-uv.' N. B. Of the eight MSS., which Coteler says he inspected, no mention is made except in the notes at the end of the Canons ; and even there he merely produces the reading Maf:jca/3a(;soruin ex libro die- rum, duo; Esdree, duo; Hester, unus; Job, uuns; Psalterium, unus; Salomonis tres, Proverbia, Ecclesiasies, Cantica Canticorum ; Pro- plietarum duodecim ; unus Esaiee ; unus Hicremiee ; unus Eze- chiel ; Daniel, unus; Maccabaeorum tres. Hos insuper addiscenda tradatur vestris juvenibus sophia pereruditi Siracli. Nostra vero (hec est, Novi Testamenti) Evangelia quatuor, Matthaei, Marci, Lucae, Joanuis; Paul! Epistoise quatuordecim ; Petri Epistolea duee; Joannis tres; Jacobi, una; Judse, una; dementis EpistoltB duae, el Instiuiliones vobis Episcof)i8 per me Clemeutem in ocio libris nuncupatse ; quas in omnibus publicare non decet ob arcana in ipsis; et nostrorum Apostolorum Acta. Haec vero de Canonibus a nobis edicta et praescripta sunt vobis, o Episcopi. Vos autem permanentes in ipsis, salvi eritis, et pacem habe- bitis. Increduli autem dictoque non audientes poenas luetis, ac pugnas inter vos et dissensiones perpetuas habebitis, inobedientise sup- plicium congruum ferentes. Deus autem soius aeternus et omnium Creator vos omnes per pacem 40 CANONESAPOSTOLORUM. in Spiritu Sancto confirmabit, et dissidentes conciliabit in omne opus bonum constantes, inculpates, irreprehensos, dignesque ducet seterna vita nobiscum per intercessionem dilecti filii sui Jesu Christi, Dei et Salvatoris nostri; cum quo est gloria ipsi per omnia Deo Patri, cum Sancto Spiritu Paracleto nunc et semper in secula seculorum. And let ilie books of the Old Testament ; the five books of Moses, Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy ; one of Joshua, the son of Nun; one of Judges ; one of Ruth; the four books of Kings ; two of Chronicles, [lit. of the Omissions in the book of days] ; the two books of Esdras ; one of Esther ; one of Job ; one of the Psalter (Psalms); the three books of Solomon, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs ; the twelve books of the Prophets ; one of Isaiah ; one of Jeremiah ; one of Ezekiel ; one of Daniel ; three of Maccabees ; be held venerable and holy both by Clerks and Laymen ; and inde- pendently of this, it is right that the young should be taught by you in the wisdom of the very learned Sirach for their instruction. The Canon of the New Books. Our Gospels (that is of the New Testament) are four, Matthew, Mark, Luke, John ; of Paul there are fourteen Epistles ; two of Peter; three of John; one of James; one of Jude ; the two Epistles of Clemens and the Institutions in eight Books addressed to you the Bishops by me Clemens; which it is not meet to make public, on account of the Mysteries in them ; and the Acts of us the Apostles. But let these tilings respecting the Canons be solemn injunctions from us to you, Bishops; and so long as ye abide in them ye shall be saved and have peace ; but if ye disobey them ye shall be punished, and have perpetual war with each other, and suffer the fitting punish- ment for your disobedience. And God, the only Eternal Creator of all things, shall strengthen you through Peace by the Holy Ghost, and perfect you to every good work, unchangeable, shameless, and unaccused, and deem you with us worthy of Life Eternal, through the Mediation of his beloved Son Lord Jesus Christ our God and Saviour, to whom, and to God the Father, and to the Holy Ghost the Comforter, be Glory in all things now and evermore. World without end ! ADVERTISEMENTS Partly for the due Order in the PUBLICK ADMINISTRATION or TBI HOLY SACRAMENTS, And partly for the Apparel of all Persons Ecclesiastical, By virtue of the Queens Majesties Letters commanding the same, the Twenty-fifth day of January, in the seventh year of the Reign of our Soveraiga Lady ELIZABETH, by the Grace of God, of England^ France^ and Ireland Queen, Defender of the Faith, ^c. LONI>INI, Cum privilegio ad imprimendum solum. Anno Dom. 1594. Anno 7. EH«. R. 1 m /♦' i:^ ■^T^