$ : UC-NRLF IflS LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. Class i-ih anil H.nll \fl, ''. T'mi la c ' MEMOIRS OF JOHN FREDERIC OBERLIN, ]j)a0tor of IN THE BAN DE LA ROCHE.: COMPILED FROM AUTHENTIC SOURCES, CHIEFLY IN FRENCH AND GERMAN. His "record if -. high/' Job xv;. 19. SECOND EDITION. LONDON : HOLDSWORTH AND BALL, 18, ST. PAUL'S CHURCH-YARD. M DCCC XXX. LONDON : R. CLAY, PRINTER, 7, BREAD-STREET-HILL, CHEAPSIDE. TO THE REV. FRANCIS CUNNINGHAM, AS A TOKEN OF SINCERE AND GRATEFUL ESTEEM, THIS VOLUME IS VERY AFFECTIONATELY INSCRIBED. PREFACE. THE peculiar delight with which the writer perused the interesting article respecting John Frederic Oberlin, in the Eclectic Review for October, 1827, first induced her to think of compiling a more extended memoir of that ex- traordinary man ; and she considers it only due to sincerity to make this acknowledg- ment, as the following pages contain much of M. Lutteroth's " Notice," there translated by Mr. Conder's abler pen. The facility with which she has been enabled to carry her design into execution, through the kindness of several individuals who readily b VI PREFACE. supplied her with valuable documents and papers relative to the subject, claims her most cordial thanks. She is particularly obliged to P. J. Heisch, Esq., a friend of long standing in Oberlin's family, and a gentleman distinguished by his many benevolent exertions in this his adopted country, for the polite manner in which he furnished her with materials from personal re- collection, autograph sermons, and interesting communications from Strasbourg. To her highly valued friend Dr. Steinkopff, she is in- debted for the correction of her German transla- tions, and to the Rev. Francis Cunningham, for the use he kindly allowed her to make of various memoranda and letters, written during a short residence in the Ban de la Roche, in the sum- mer of 1820, and also for a number of original papers and MSS. respecting Mr. Oberlin. It is to the kindness of these friends indeed, and that of Mrs. Cunningham, whose able pencil has supplied her sketches, that the volume chiefly owes whatever of interest it may PREFACE. Vll contain ; and, while gratefully acknowledging the sources whence she has derived her ma- terials, the editor is happy to add that it has undergone the revision of one whose personal acquaintance with Oberlin, and the knowledge he possessed of his character, both as a bene- factor to his country and an eminent servant of God, peculiarly qualified him for the task. Under the sanction of this dear friend her Memoir meets the public eye.* The works from which such parts as are not original are chiefly translated or taken, are Mr. Wilks's little narrative, entitled " The Ban de la Roche and its Benefactor;" M. Lutteroth's " Notice sur Jean Frederic Oberlin," already alluded to ; the same work in German, with additions, by M. Krafft ; " Promenades Alsa- ciennes, par M. Merlin ;" and " Rappoit fait a la Societe Royale et Centrale d' Agriculture, par * Although the names of the Rev. Daniel Wilson, Dr. Macbride, and William Allen, Esq., may not have been so particularly men- tioned, the editor trusts they will accept the assurance of her grateful thanks, for their kindness in the loan of books and journals for reference. b 2 Vlll . PREFACE. M. le Comte Francois de Neufchateau, sur Tagriculture, et la civilisation du Ban de la Roche." The editor can scarcely suppose that any one will peruse the following recital of the astonish- ing change effected in the morals and condition of the little flock committed to Oberlin's pas- toral care, and of the unremitting labours of love which, for a period of fifty years, were crowned with such signal success, without feel- ing an earnest desire that the benefit of those labours should, if possible, be extended and continued. The difficulty of obtaining a pastor equally zealous in the discharge of his ministerial func- tions ; equally distinguished for his singular benevolence ; and equally devoted to the task of diffusing among a remote and unenlightened people the Gospel of peace and salvation, may lead many persons to suppose this impracti- cable ; and so it undoubtedly is to a certain de- gree. His schools, however, which upon abundant evidence have been productive of the greatest PREFACE. IX good, might be carried on, provided funds sufficient for their support could be obtained. During his life-time several of them, especially the icoles a tricoter, were under the superintend- ance of conductrices, who either voluntarily devoted themselves to the task of instruction, or were salaried at his own expense. They are gone, with their beloved and revered pastor, to their eternal rest, and hired persons must now be employed in their place. This involves the necessity of an increase of funds beyond the means of a poor and isolated parish ; and the principal end that the editor has in view, in the publication of this Memoir, is the hope that the emoluments arising from its sale, will enable her to contribute towards a subscription, already set on foot, for the purpose of forming establishments in the Ban de la Roche in com- memoration of Oberlin's exertions, and on a similar plan to the schools he originally founded. It will also, she trusts, make the subject more generally known. The following extract, trans- lated from the " Compte rendu des sous- criptions recueillies," will explain the nature of these intended establishments. X PREFACE. After having spoken of the sepulchral monu- ment, erected to his memory in the parish church of Waldbach, the writer of the article in question continues : " We must now refer to the subscriptions set on foot for a charitable foundation, bear- ing the name of OBERLIN. " We were, for a long time, undecided in our opinion respecting the best manner of employing the funds already collected. The example of our deceased friend, who always preferred utility to display, and the advice of some of the best informed inhabitants of the Ban de la Roche, who are extremely anxious to promote the institution of conductrices, have at length enabled us to come to a determination. It is to the enlargement and completion of this admirable institution, conceived at first by the late M. Stouber, and organized and brought into ac- tivity by Oberlin, that we intend to appropriate the funds already collected, and what may be in future received. For it is to this institution that that love of order and industry, those PREFACE. Xi feelings of filial and fraternal piety, and that religious spirit by which the present generation in this interesting country is distinguished, are chiefly owing. We think, therefore, that no monument can be more worthy of bearing the name of our late excellent pastor than an institution, in which he was so particularly interested, upon an enlarged scale. For the information of our readers we will give a slight sketch of this institution. In each of the five villages and three hamlets entrusted to Oberlin's pastoral care, he placed a person of mature age, whom he denominated a conductrice. It was her duty to assemble together all the children of the village, under seven years of age, once a week, for three or four hours, and to give them instruction. Having been herself previously initiated, through the kind assistance of Mr. and Mrs. Oberlin, in the branches of knowledge best adapted to the purpose, she taught the children by turns whatever appeared most suited to their respective age or capacity. The elder boys were taught to card wool and cotton, and the girls to spin, sew, and knit; even the youngest children were employed in Xll PREFACE. picking cotton. During the hours of labour, their conductrice related and explained to them such little stories from the Bible, or pleasing anecdotes in natural history, as were likely to suit their comprehension, and to direct their attention to the wise and superintending care of Providence, in the ordering of every event ; to the beauty and harmony which reigns throughout his works ; and to the affection and respect which they ought to cherish towards their parents and superiors. She also taught them to chant and repeat hymns ; instructed them in the rudiments of botany, and gave them useful information on every subject likely to conduce to their advantage in future life. " The principles of love to God and devoted- ness to his service, and the germs of moral excellence thus early implanted in their hearts, proved of incalculable benefit to them as they grew up ; and their happiness became fixed on a basis which neither the storms nor vicissitudes of life had power to disturb. " The children, so far from being weary of PREFACE. Xlll these weekly meetings, listened with the deepest interest to the instructions they there received ; counted the days till their return, and were delighted with the thought of their approach. Having been thus prepared by early discipline, they were admitted, at the age of seven, into the higher schools ; where the elder girls assisted the conductrices in their labours, by teaching needlework, knitting, &c. " By the united labours of many individuals, this institution, so simple in its origin, became of incalculable advantage in the Ban de la Roche, and excited and strengthened mutual good will, benevolence, and friendship, among the inhabitants of the district. There was, however, one great disadvantage attached to it. The poor conductrices, compelled to earn their own subsistence by the labours of their hands, could only afford to appropriate one day in the week to the purpose. In the interval that elapsed between the meetings, many of their instructions were consequently effaced from the minds of their little pupils, or, at least, the impression they had made at the time was in XIV PREFACE. some degree obliterated. Great improvements were, nevertheless, certainly effected; and we are ready to suppose that the benefit would be exceedingly enhanced, if it were possible for the lessons to be repeated five or six times every week, with sufficient variations in the arrange- ment to prevent monotony. " The scantiness of Oberlin's pecuniary means did not allow him to carry on this mode of instruction to the extent he could have wished, although it was the object of his constant and earnest solicitude. Let us, therefore, endeavour to do so ; and to crown his labours, by putting into full execution those benevolent plans which his experience and knowledge of human nature led him to conceive. An annual salary of a hundred francs, for each of the conductrices, would allow the children to meet every day of the week. May we not hope for sufficient funds to cover this expense ? " The Ban de la Roche would then present the model of a simple village institution, of the greatest utility to the morality and well-being PREFACE. XV of its inhabitants. Such an example would not be lost upon the neighbouring districts. They would imitate it ; and thus we should have the satisfaction of promoting an object in which our late beloved pastor took so peculiar an interest, and of raising a lasting monument to his me- mory." * Mr. Legrand, a gentleman whose name will frequently appear in this volume, as the active and benevolent coadjutor of Oberlin, writes from Waldbach, in August last : " The subscriptions now amount to 7,876 francs. If we could raise 12,000 francs, the interest of that sum would be sufficient for the institution." Four thousand francs, or 160/. remain, there- * Subscriptions are received by Messrs. Legrand, Foudai, Ban de la Roche; Messrs. Treuttel and Wiirtz, Rue de Bourbon, Paris; Ditto, Strasbourg; Messrs. P. J. Heisch & Co. 159, Fenchurch Street, London ; Rev. Daniel Wilson, Worton Rectory, near Deddington, Oxfordshire. It is perhaps scarcely necessary to add that dona- tions presented for any specific object, independently of the schools, as the distribution of Bibles, or the benefit of the parish at large, will be faithfully appropriated according to the wishes of the contri- butors. XVI PREFACE. fore, to be subscribed ; and it is earnestly to be wished that all who are desirous of perpetuating to future generations the influence of Oberlin's beneficent exertions, and the remembrance of the example, which, like the mantle of Elijah, he has left behind him for the encouragement of others, may, according to their respective abilities, contribute towards raising so compa- ratively small a sum. CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. PAGE Preliminary Remarks Account of the Ban de la Roche Its state previous to M. Stouber's time Stouber's exertions there 1 CHAPTER II. Oberlin's birth and childhood Instances of his early benevolence His act of self-dedication Influence over others Arrival in the Ban de la Roche ... 20 CHAPTER III. Oberlin's first impressions on reaching Waldbach State of the Parish Improvements needed Opposition manifested by the peasantry Correspondence with M. Stouber Letters from the latter His marriage ; and prayer Improvements in the condition of the Roads Agricultural improvements, &c 42 XV111 CONTENTS. CHAPTER IV. PAGE Oberlin's address to his parishioners on the commence- ment of a new year Erection of a new school-house in the Ban de la Roche Progress of civilization Four other school-houses erected Introduction of infant schools, under the care of conductrices Public schools Weekly assembling of the children at Waldbach, to receive religious instruction Establishment of a circulating library Almanack Specimen of the children's composition Christian Society established in 1782 Abrogation of that Society 81 CHAPTER V. Death of Mrs. Oberlin Its effect upon Oberlin's mind Louisa Schepler becomes his housekeeper Letter from the latter Letter, taken from a German Maga- zine, printed at Tubingen, containing an account of Oberlin and his family, in the year 1793 Death of his eldest son, Frederic 117 CHAPTER VI. Unmolested state of the Ban de la Roche during the period of the Revolution Oberlin's generous re- nunciation of his own interests for the sake of his parishioners His school for the children of foreigners His sentiments respecting the payment of tithes Letter containing a plan for their disbursement CONTENTS. XIX PAGE Purchase of Assignats His influence in exciting a spirit of Christian charity among his people Ac- count of Sophia Bernard, &c. Oberlin becomes a correspondent of the British and Foreign Bible Society Letters addressed by him to members of the London Committee Mode of collecting sub- scriptions and donations for charitable purposes in the Ban de la Roche Letter to his scholars .140 CHAPTER VII. Henry Oberlin's removal to Riga His sister Hen- rietta's marriage Their return to Waldbach Letter from Oberlin to P. J. Heisch, Esq. Letter from Henry Oberlin to ditto Mr. Legrand's settlement in the Ban de la Roche Introduction of cotton- spinning ; silk ribbon manufactory, &c. Termination of a long impending law-suit Henry Oberlin's death His father's resignation on that occasion displayed in a letter to Mr. Heisch . 183 CHAPTER VIII. Medal presented to Oberlin by the Royal Agricultural Society of Paris Oberlin's private character His description of himself Mr. Owen's letter, containing an account of a Ban de la Roche Sabbath Oberlin's ministry Sermons Ministerial labours, &c. His paternal influence over his flock Questions ad- dressed to his parishioners Circulars 207 XX CONTENTS. CHAPTER IX. PAGE Oberlin's pastoral visits Interview between Dr. and Mrs. Steinkopff and the conductrice of Bellefosse Their visit to the cottage of Madeleine Kriiger ; also to that of Sophia Bernard Letter written by Mrs. C during a visit to the Ban de la Roche, in the summer of 1820 Letter from Mrs. Rauscher to the Paris Bible Society, containing an account of the death of Sophia Bernard, &c. Amount of the sums raised at different times at Waldbach, in support of various charitable institutions 279 CHAPTER X, Oberlin's last illness and death Letter respecting Louisa Schepler, found after his decease His funeral Prayer delivered upon that occasion Fragments of an address to his parishioners Con- clusion . .307 LIST OF PLATES. Oberlin's Portrait, to face Title Page Oberlin's Residence 42 Louisa Schepler's Portrait 125 Legrand's Residence 296 Foudai Church . 317 MEMOIRS JOHN FREDERIC OBERLIN. CHAPTER I. -H, PRELIMINARY REMARKS ACCOUNT OF THE BAN DE LA ROCHE ITS STATE PREVIOUS TO M. STOUBER*S TIME STOUBER'S EXERTIONS THERE. THE memoirs of an individual, whose whole life has been devoted to pious and disinterested exertions for the temporal and spiritual good of mankind, have not unfrequently proved the means of awakening the desires, and strengthen- ing the resolutions of others to follow him in his career of benevolence. Such an individual was JOHN FREDERIC OBERLIN, a person whose indefatigable efforts B Z MEMOIRS OF OBERLIN. for upwards of fifty years, to benefit the simple villagers who constituted his flock, entitle him to universal esteem and admiration. The writer earnestly hopes that the recital of his labours may, under the divine blessing, tend to confirm the zealous and encourage the weak, and lead all who hear it to catch a portion of that sacred glow by which he was himself animated. His character, as displayed in the uniform tenor of his life, presented a remarkable com- bination of varied excellencies; for whilst much exalted sanctity and intrepid zeal were con- spicuous, an unwearied ardour in doing good, and a habitual willingness to renounce his own interests to promote the well-being of his fellow- creatures, were equally evident. In addition to this, his extreme simplicity, conscientious integrity, sweetness of temper, and refinement of manner, caused him to be both ardently loved and sincerely revered; whilst his industry, his agricultural skill, his knowledge of rural and domestic economy, and the energy with which he carried his plans into effect the moment he was convinced of their utility, BAN DE LA ROCHE. 3 rendered him not only an example but a blessing to the people among whom he resided, and afforded a delightful proof of the advan- tages that may accrue from a union of secular and spiritual duties. Before I proceed with my narrative, it will be proper to present the reader with some description of the Ban de la Roche, the scene of Oberlin's long and useful labours, and to state what had been previously effected there by his predecessor, M. Stouber, a Lutheran minister of congenial spirit with himself. The Ban de la Roche, or Steinthal,* derives its name from a castle called La Roche, round which the Ban, or district, extends. It is a mountainous canton in the north-east of France, between Alsace and Lorraine, forming part of the declivities and western ramifications of the Haut Champ, or Champ de Feu, an isolated range of mountains, detached by a deep valley from the eastern boundary of the chain of the * Steinthal is the German name for the Ban de la Roche. Its literal signification is, the f r nJley of Stone. DR. STEINKOPFF. B2 4 MEMOIRS OF OBERLIN. Vosges. It consists of two parishes; the one is Rothau: the other, including three churches, comprises the five hamlets of Foudai, Belmont, Waldbach, Bellefosse, and Zolbach. These last mentioned are almost exclusively inhabited by Lutherans. The Champ de Feu, as its name implies, bears traces of volcanic origin. It is higher than Snowdon, rising 3600 feet above the level of the sea. The village of Waldbach, at which Oberlin resided on account of its central situation, stands upon its acclivity, at the height of 1800 feet; and the usual road from Strasbourg thither lies through the towns of Molsheim, Mutzig, and Schirmeck. Behind the little town of Schirmeck the extensive and fertile valley in which it is situated, separates into two smaller ones; the well-wooded vale of Framont on the right, and that of the Ban de la Roche, of which Rothau is the first and principal parish, on the left. The approach to the latter place is romantic in the extreme; the road winding down the side of a steep precipice towards the southern side of the valley, where, after crossing the stream, which BAN DE LA ROCHE. 5 flows through its bottom in the character of a mountain torrent, it rises again, and the cottages of the peasantry become visible, partly imbosomed in plantations of pine, and beneath immense masses of overhanging rocks.* The hamlet of Foudai, at the distance of two miles from Rothau, is next in course, and occupies an almost equally picturesque situation. It is succeeded by Waldbach, whose tapering spire and straw-thatched cottages are sur- rounded by orchards of pear and cherry trees, and by the intermingled foliage of the alder, the ash, and the sallow. The temperature varies ex- tremely, according to the height and position of the districts. On the summits of the mountains, * The mountains of the Ban de la Roche are composed of granite, porphyry, and argillaceous schistus, which are commonly even with their convex surface : sienite, trapp, and grunstein, projecting on the sides and summits in irregular columns, and pointed cliffs, appear originally to have formed the general covering. These rocks exhibit great variety in their grain and constituent parts. The granite, which is coarse, and less compact towards the base of the mountains, presents the fineness of marble, about 2,500 feet above the valley ; in these regions it is also found without quartz, taking the appearance of sienite or granite, according to the arrangement of the mica and feldspar. WILKS. For further particulars relating to the topography of this district, See Propositions Geologiques pour servir, &c. Par H. G. Oberlin, Doct. en Medecine. 8vo. Strasbourg, 1806. O MEMOIRS OF OBERLIN. for instance, the climate is as intensely cold as at Petersburgh, though in the valleys below it is so soft and delightful as to resemble that of Geneva, and parts of the Jura. The winter months generally commence in September, and the snow usually remains undissolved till the following May or June, when the wind blows from the south, thus leaving only a period of four or five months for summer weather. The produce of the canton necessarily varies with the elevation of the several communes ; the highest are cultivated notwithstanding, though to so little purpose, that it is said the wife can carry home in her apron all the hay her husband has mown in a long morning. The harvest differs in time as well as in quantity. At Foudai it is about a week later, and at Waldbach a fortnight later, than at Rothau, which is about 400 feet below. The district of the Ban de la Roche comprises about nine thousand acres (of 48,000 French feet), between three and four thousand of which are covered with wood, two thousand are occu- pied with pasture, one thousand five hundred are employed in meadows or garden land, and BAN DE LA ROCHE. 7 the remaining fifteen hundred only are cultivated with the plough.* In the reign of Louis XV. the whole of this territory was in a most desolate state ; for having been partially the seat of conflict during the thirty years' war (terminated in 1648), and again in the time of Louis XIV. it was so laid waste as to be scarcely habitable, there being no road from one place to another, and but little land under cultivation. About eighty or a hundred families earned indeed a scanty subsistence on its precarious soil, but, being destitute of all the comforts of civilized life, they existed in a state of misery and degradation, more easily conceived than described. This remote district partook, however, with the rest of Alsace, in a privilege denied to the ancient French provinces. When it was incorporated with France, it was stipulated in the decree that its inhabitants should continue to enjoy an entire liberty of conscience : and * 4 or 500 potatoes "J 600 rye >1500 4 or 500 oats 3 8 MEMOIRS OF OBERLIN. whilst the persecuted Protestants of Languedoc, and other parts of France, could not find a sufficiently secure retreat for the celebration of their worship, they possessed their own churches, and no restraint was laid upon their religious assemblies. When M. Stouber, therefore, (who has been already mentioned as the predecessor of Oberlin,) entered upon his ministerial duties, in 1750, he had not to proclaim the "glad tidings of sal- vation" in the midst of intolerance and per- secution, nor had he to apprehend any danger from the subtleties of theological controversy on the part of a people almost entirely destitute of the means of religious instruction. Many difficulties, however, stood in his way, in con- sequence of the deplorable ignorance and ex- treme wretchedness that universally prevailed difficulties that would have baffled the endea- vours of a mind less ardent and less energetic than his own. The following anecdote will convey some idea of the state of the parish on his first arrival there. Desiring to be shown the principal school STOUBER'S EXERTIONS. 9 house, he was conducted into a miserable cot- tage, where a number of children were crowded together without any occupation, and in so wild and noisy a state that it was with some difficulty he could gain any reply to his inquiries for the master. " There he is," said one of them, as soon as silence could be obtained, pointing to a withered old man, who lay on a little bed in one corner of the apartment. " Are you the schoolmaster, my good friend ?" inquired Stouber. "Yes, Sir." " And what do you teach the children ?" " Nothing, Sir." " Nothing! how is that ?" " Because," replied the old man, with charac- teristic simplicity, " I know nothing myself." " Why then were you instituted school- master?" " Why, Sir, I had been taking care of the Waldbach pigs for a great number of years, and when I got too old and infirm for that employ- ment they sent me here to take care of the children." 10 MEMOIRS OF OBERLIN. The schools in the other villages were of a similar description; for, if the schoolmasters were not swine-herds, they were shepherds, who, in the summer, followed their flocks over the mountains, and, during the winter months, imparted to their . little pupils the knowledge they possessed.* This, however, was so trifling that many of them were scarcely able to read with fluency, and very few could write at all. A total want of method in teaching and of ele- mentary books, also raised additional hinderances to the learners. If shown the commencement of a chapter in the Bible it is reported of them that they. could seldom find the end of the pre- ceding chapter, and that even the most accom- plished of the masters found it difficult to collect the sense of what he was reading, and would allow the children to say Jesus for Je suis, canaille for canal, or to make other mistakes equally egregious, without being aware of the error. Stouber's first step, therefore, was to procure some schoolmasters willing to perform, and com- petent to discharge, the duties of their station. * See flu$ DberHn'* Ceben, t>on