f^> w ^t^.W .IS-i r Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/catalogueofenginOOusenrich '^ ^^)^<^4^t/ti CATALOGUE 6- LIBRARY OF THK Engineer Department, United States Army. Part I.— SUBJECTS. Part II.— AUTHORS. LiB RARY OF T HE Uimsm of GiLIf OEHIA. LI..; OBSERVATORY. WASHINGTON: i88i. OFFICE OF THE CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, United States Army, Washington, D. C, yuly 13, 1881, Circular No. II. There has been prepared in this office, a Catalogue of the Library of the Engineer Department for the use of the Corps of Engineers, and a copy wil be sent to each officer. Officers of the Corps of Engineers who desire, for professional purposes, any of the books belonging to this Library, will make application therefor, and they will be sent by registered mail, to be returned in like manner, with letters of advice in the ordinary mail. All books borrowed should be returned as soon as practicable, and, except in special cases, within 1 days after their receipt. In such cases, applica- tions for extension of time may be addressed to the Chief of Engineers for his action. By command of Brig. Gen. Wright: Majc r of Engineers. m 740444 PREFACE. In planning this Catalogue, I have thought it would be better — the Engi- neer Department Library being mainly composed of professional books — to arrange similar subj ects into groups, and to append a list of the names of authors, rather than to adopt any of the elaborate forms now used for large libraries. Much pains has been "taken to place the title of each work in its appropri- ate group of subjects, but doubtless there are yet many errors in classification. In the Index to Subjects reference is made in each case to the group in which the subject will be found. In order to find all the works upon any subject it will be well to look through the entire group containing the subject. In this way not only all the special works, but all the general works touching the subject will be discovered. There are, however, exceptions to this rule; e. g., works importa.nt to be consulted in a study of Iron Defenses will be found in Artillery, Ordnance, etc., and in Metals, etc., as well as in Military Engineering, etc. The lists of additions to the Library, hereafter to be issued periodically, will be in such form that slips, containing the titles of the new books and the names of the authors, may be cut from them and pasted on the blank pages provided for that purpose. The labor of preparing the Catalogue was commenced, and, until he was transferred to other duties, creditably carried on by Mr. J. C Lang. It was then taken up by Mr. H. R. Concklin of this ofiice, and I am especially indebted to him for his intelligent and energetic assistance in completing a work which I hope will be found of service to the officers of the Corps of Engineers. G. H. E. July 13, 1 88 1. INDEX TO GROUI'S OF SUBJECTS. (For Index to Subjects see pages viii, ix.) — _ PAGE. 1. Art and Science of War, Tactics of the various Arms, Strategy, etc. 3 2. Architecture, Building, Carpentry, Stone Cutting, Roofs, Heating, Ventilation, etc 17 3. Artillery, Ordnance, Small Arms, Pyrotechny, Explosives, etc 27 4. Astronomy, Astronomical Observations and Tables, etc 51 5. Dictionaries, Encyclopaedias and Gazetteers . 65 6. Engineering (Military), Fortification, Attack and Defense of Places, Sapping and Mining, Military Surveying, Military Bridges, Tor- pedoes, etc 77 7. Engineering (Civil), Hydraulic Engineering (including River and Harbor Works and Canals), Roads, Railroads, Bridges, Materi- . als. Specifications, C ontracts, etc 119 8. Explorations, Expeditions, Surveys, Voyages, Travels, etc 195 9. Geodesy, Surveying, D rawing. Map-making, Photography, Instru- ments, etc . 239 10. Geography, including Atlases and Map s 269 11. History and Biography (Civil, Military, and Naval), Wars, Battles, Sieges, Campaigns, etc 277 12. Hydraulics, Water-supply, Irrigation, Sewerage, Drainage, etc 311 13. Laws, Law Treatises, Commentaries, etc. Reports on Land Titles. 327 14. Light-houses and Fog-signals 345 15. Mathematics, including Mathematical Tables, Logarithms, etc ... 353 16. Mechanics (including Statics and Dynamics), Mechanical Engi- neering and Machines. Chemistry, Acoustics, Optics, Heat, Electricity, Telegraphy, Meteorology, etc 363 17. Medical and Sanitary Works ;^8;^ 18. Me tals. Metallurgy, etc 389 19. Military Education, Administration, Organization, Orders, Regula- tions, etc 395 20. Natural History, Agriculture, Forestry, Mines, Mining, etc 413 21. Navigation, Naval Science, Naval Constru ctions, etc 433 22. Periodicals and Journals . . . . , 443 23. Philology, Grammar, Rhetoric, etc 455 24. Registers, Civil, Mifitary, and Naval 461 25. Miscellaneous 467 AUTHORS 505 vii INDEX TO SUBJECTS. Page. A. Acoustics 363 Adventures 195 Agriculture 4^3 Aides Memoires — Military 3 & 77 American Archives 277 American State Papers 467 Ammunition 27 Arches 119 Architecture l^ Armor 77 Army Registers 461 Art and Science of War 3 Artillery 27 Asphalt and Bitumen 119 Astronomy 51 Astronomical Observations 51 Astronomical Tables 51 Atlases 269 Attack of Places 77 B. Ballistics 27 Barracks and Quarters 1 7 & 383 Battles 277 Biography 277 Bitumen and Asphalt : 119 Blasting 119 Botany 413 Breakwaters 119 Bridges 119 Bridges — Military 77 Building 17 C. Campaigns , 277 Canals 119 Carpentry 17 Cements 119 Charts 433 Chemistry 363 Civil History 277 Coast Pilots 433 Concrete 119 Contracts 119 Courts Martial 327 Cranes 363 Climatology 363 D. Dams 119 Defense of Places 77 Dictionaries 65 Digests of Opinions 327 Dikes 119 Docks and Dry Docks 1 19 & 433 viii Page. Drainage ^ 311 Drawing 239 Dredging 119 Dynamics 363 E. Earthwork ..- , 119 Electricity 363 Embanking 119 Encyclopaedias 65 Engineering — Civil 119 Engineering — Hydraulic 119 Engineering — Mechanical 363 Engineering — Military 77 Engineering — Sanitary 119 & 383 Entomology 413 Expeditions 195 Explorations 195 Explosives 27 F. Fish and Fisheries 413 Fog Signals 345 Forestry 413 Fortification 77 Fortification Drawing ^^ ^ 239 Foundations 17 O. Gardening 413 Gazetteers 65 Geodesy 239 Geography 269 Geology 413 Grammar 455 Gunnery 27 H. Harbors and Harbor Improvements.. 119 Heat 363 Heating 17 History 277 Hospitals 1 7 2>' New York, 1877. 23. 3. 21. Specifications. See Engineering (Civil). Stone. Blasting and quarrying of, for building and other purposes. Rudi- mentary treatise on. By Lieut. Gen. Sir John Burgoyne, K. C. B. 12°. pp. vii, 106. Weale's Series. London, 1852. 19. 2. 28. Report on the Compressive Strength, Specific Gravity, and ratio of Ab- sorption of various kinds of Building Stone from different sections of the United States, tested at Fort Tompkins, Staten Island, New York. By Bvt, Maj, Gen, Q. A. Gillmore, Lieut. Col, Corps of Engineers. PI. 80. pp. 15. Washington, 1874. 19. 6. 22. 24 AEOHITEOTURE, B GILDING, OAEPENTEY, ETC. AEOHITEOTURE, BUIL'JiNG, OARPENTEY, ETO. 25 Stone Cutting. Warming. Stone Cutting. Coupe des Pierres. Manuel de I'lngenieur des Fonts et Chaussces. Par A. Debauve, Inge nieur des Fonts et Chaussees. i®"" fasc. Paris, 1 87 1. 3. 4. 16 & 36. — [Series of 9 folding plates and sheet of descriptive text.] By Prof. D. H. Mahan, U. S. Military Academy. 80. n. d. 7. 3. 28. Descriptive Geometry as applied to the Drawing of Fortification and Stereotomy. By Prof. D. H. Mahan, U. S. Military Acade?tiy, PI. 8°. pp. 55. New York, 1864. 6. 3. 48. Tapia and Pis6. The Economical Builder: A treatise on Tapia and Pise walls. By E. Oilman. PL 160. pp.23. Washington, 1839. 7.3.37. Turning and Mechanical Manipulation. Intended as a work of general ref- erence and practical instruction on the Lathe, and the various mechanical pursuits followed by Amateurs. Vol. I. Materials. Vol. II. Construc- tion and Application. Vol. III. Processes. By Charles Holtzapffel. Illus. 3 vols. 80. London, i85o-'52. 7.3.30-32. Ventilation. Treatise on, comprising seven Lectures delivered before the Franklin Institute, 1866-68. Showing the great want of improved meth- ods of Ventilation in our Buildings. By L. W. Leeds. Col. pi. 2d ed. 80. pp. 226. New York, 1876. 2. 5. 40. (Heating and). Manual of, in their practical application. By F. Schu- mann. 12°. pp.89. New York, 1877. , 2.5.37. (Warming and). Rudimentary Treatise on. By C. Tomlinson. Cuts. 12°. pp. 260. Weale's Series. London, 1850. 2. 5. 36. - in American Dwellings. By David B. Reid. To which is added an introductory outline of the progress of improvement in Ventilation. By Elisha Harris, J/. D. Illus. 8°. pp. xxxvii, 124. New York, 1864. 2. 5. 38. Illustrations of the Theory and Practice of, with remarks on Warm- ing [etc.]. By David B. Reid. Illus. 8°. pp. xx, 451. London, 1844. 2. 5. 39. and Warming of Dwellings and Barracks. Report of the Commis- sioners appointed to inquire into the best modes of. PI. folio, pp. 151, [London,] 1857. 47. 3. 1. Ventilators and Chimney tops. Report of a Committee of the American Acad- emy of Arts and Sciences on, March, 1848. 8°. \Misc. Pamph., vol. xi.] 31. 2. 11. Warming and Ventilation. A rudimentary treatise on. By C. Tomlinson. Cuts. 12^'. pp. 260. IVeale's Series. London, 1850. 2. 5. 36. Remarks on, by David B. Reid. 8°. London, 1844. 2. 5. 39. of Dwellings and Barracks. Report of the Commissioners appointed to inquire into the best modes of. folio. London, 1857. 47. 3. 1. See also Heating. [See also Engineering (Civil).] 4 26 AKOHITEOTUEE, BUILDING, OAEPENTEY, ETO. ARTILLERY, ORDNANCE, SMALL ARMS, PYROTECHNY, EXPLOSIVES, Etc. -- - Aide-M^moire, k 1' usage des Officiers d'Artillerie. PI. 8^. pp. xvi, 491 [2]. Paris, 1836. 2 copies. 7. 1. 6-6. Ammunition, Fuses, Primers, Military Pyrotechny, etc. By Ma/. James M. Whittemore and Zieu^. F. Heath. 25 pi. 40. pp. 122. Washington, 1878. 7. 2. 9. Armour plates. Report on the Penetration of Iron Armour Plates by Steel Shot. By Capf. W. H. Noble, J^oya/ Artillery. 16 pi. fol. pp. 54. London, 1866. 2 copies. 7. 2. 3. Armstrong and Whitworth Committee (Report of the), with a letter thereon to Earl de Grey, and appendices. By Joseph Whitworth, LL. Z>., F. R. S. 40. pp. 171. Manchester, 1866. 7. 2. 22. guns. Report of the special Committee on, with Minutes of Evidence, Appendix and Index. 2 vols. fol. London, 1866. 47. 5. 19-20. Artifices de Guerre (Traite d'). Sur les Artifices les plus en usage dans I'Artillerie, tant pour la defense des Places que pour le service de Cam- pagne. sm. 4^. pp. 67. L'Orient, 1791. 7. 1. 15. Artillerie. Applications du Fer aux constructions de rArtillerie. Par A. Thierry, Capitaine d'Artillerie. 5 pi. 2 parts in i vol. 4^, and atlas to second part, fol. 2 vols. Paris, i834-'4o. 7. 2. 20. Considerations et Experiences sur le tir des obus ^ balles. Par J/. Charles Bormann, Capitaine d'Artillerie. 8°. pp. 31. Paris, 1836. [Military pamphlets.] 6« 3. 15. Considerations sur les EfFets de TArtillerie dans la Defense des Places. Par M. Th. Choumara, Capitaine du Genie. [Memoires diverses.] 8o. Paris, i826-'33. 6. 3. 16. Instruction sur le service de 1' Artillerie k I'usage de MM. les fileves des ficoles Militaires 6tablies \ Saint-Cyr et \ Saint- Germain. Par M. Hulot, Chef de bataillon au Corps Impe'rial d'Artillerie. PI. 12°. pp. xii, 283. Paris, 1813. 7. 1. 39. — . Instruction Theorique et Pratique k I'usage des fileves de I'ficole Militaire de Saint-Cyr. Par M. Thiroux. 3"^^ ^d. PI. 8°. pp. xxii, 572. Paris, 1849. 7. 1. 12. La grosse Artillerie de Marine et les Navires h Tourelles. PI. 8^. pp. 76. Paris, n. d. \Misc. Fa?nph.j vol. vii.] 31. 2. 7. 27 28 AETILLERY, ORUNANOE, SMALL AEMS, ETO. AETILLEEY, OEDNANOE, SMALL AEMS, ETO. 29 Artillerie. Artillery. Artillerie. Memoire sur divers perfectionnements militaires. Par J. Cavalli, Colonel d' Artillerie. Traduit de I'ltalien. 4 folding pi. 8°. pp. 155. Paris, 1856. 6. 4. 27. (Memorial de 1'), ou recueil de Memoires, Experiences, Observations et Procedes relatifs au service de I'Artillerie. Redige par les soins du Co- mite. PI. 4 vols. 80 and atlas. Paris, 1826-37. 7. 1. 7-10. Navale (Traite d'). Traduction de la 3"'** partie, par F. Blaise. Suivie de Notes du Traducteur. 8°. pp. 234 [17]. Paris, 1853. 7. 1. 48' Observations faites par des Capitaines d'Artillerie, sur un ouvrage intitule : " Essai sur quelques parties de I'Artillerie et des Fortifications, par le General Comte C . . ." \Misc, Paniph.^ vol. vii.] 31. 2. 7. (Traite d'), theorique et pratique. Par G. Piobert. 3"^® ed. Revue et augmente. PL 8^. pp. xii, 559. Paris, 1852. 7. 1. 13. de Campagne Anglaise. Etat actuel de I'Artillerie de Campagne en Europe. Par G. A. Jacobi, Lieuf. d'Artillerie de la Garde-Frussienne, Avec 5 pi. 80. pp. XX, 168. Paris, 1838. 7. 1. 21. de Campagne. Instruction sur, ^ I'usage des Eleves du Corps Royal d'Etat-Major. Par M. Poumet. 8^. pp. 28. Paris, 1824. 6. 3. 30. [Military pamphlets.] des Places. Considerations sur I'etat actuel de, et sur les ameliorations dont elle parait susceptible. Par H. J. Paixhans, Officier d' Artillerie. 40. pp. 93. Paris, 1815. 7. 1. 1. du Comite 1830. Collection de Dessins representant les principaux affuts de I'Artillerie de Terre [etc.]. 15 pi. obi. fol. n. p. or d. 7. 2. 13. Artillerist's Manual (The). Compiled from various sources, and adapted to the service of the United States. By Brig. Gen. John Gibbon, U. .•>. Volunteers^ Captain Fourth U. S. Artillery. Illus. 8^. pp. 478. New York, 1863. 7. 1. 3. Artillery. Handbook of, for the service of the United States Army and Militia. By Capt. Joseph Roberts, Fourth U. S. Artillery. 18°. pp. 180. New York, i860. 7. 1. 40- Evolutions of Field Batteries of. Translated from the French, and arranged for the Army and Militia of the United States, by Major Robert Anderson, U, S. A. 2 vols. Text and pi. 32°. New York, i860. 7. 1. 41. Experiments at Okehampton in August and September, 1875. Report on. PI. fol. pp. 88. London, 1875. 47. 5. 60. [British Parliamentary Papers.] Instruction for Field Artillery, Horse and Foot. Compiled by a Board of Artillery Officers. Illus. 12°. pp. 166. Baltimore, 1845. 7. 1. 23. Instruction for Field Artillery. Prepared by a Board of Artillery Officers. PI. and illus. 12^. pp. xv, 229. Washington, 1863. 7.1.24. 30 ARTILLERY, ORDNANOE, SMALL ARMS, ETO. ARTILLERY, ORDNANCE, SMALL ARMS, ETO. 31 Artillery. Artillery. Artillery. Instruction for Heavy Artillery. Prepared by a Board of Officers for the use of the Army of the United States. 12°. pp. xvi, 270. Washington, 1851. 7. 1. 37. The same. PI. 12^. pp. xvi, 253. Washington, 1863. 7.1.38. Instruction for Mountain Artillery. Prepared by a Board of Army Officers. PI. 120. pp.38. Washington, 185 1. 7.1.25. Instruction for Field Artillery. Prepared by a Board of Artillery Officers. PI. and illus. 12O. pp. xxii, 348. Philadelphia, i860. 7.1.22. Lehrplan fiir den hoheren Artillerie-curs. fol. n. p. or d. 42.9.11. [Instruction in the higher branches of Artillery.] Manual of Heavy Artillery service. Prepared for the use of the Army and Militia of the United States. By Bvt. Brig. Gen. J. C. Tid- ball, Second U, S. Artillery. 76 pi. 12^. pp. vii, 516. Washington, 1880. 7. 1. 51. Material and construction of. Report on a naval mission to Europe, by Commander Edward Simpson, U. S. N. PI. and illus. 2 vols. 4^. Washington, 1873. 24. 6. 19-20. [Miscellaneous plates, embracing Cannon, Mortars, Gun-carriages, etc. A. D. 553 to A. D. 1794. 40.] 6. 5. 46. Record of experimental firing at Fort Monroe, Va., and Fort Del- aware, Del., November and December, 1868. Text 8^ and atlas fol. Washington, 1870. [Text in pocket of atlas.] 48. 2. Remarks on the circular letters to the Secretary of War, to be signed by Artillery Officers. 8°. 1852. [Misc. Famph., vol. vii.] 31. 2. 7. Reports on experimental firing with modern Seacoast Artillery to determine the elements of the Trajectory. With Supplement on Pen- etration and other effects of Shot and Shell. Compiled, under the direction of the Chief of Engineers, by Bvt. Maj. W. R. King, Capt. of Engineers^ and Bvt. Brig. Gen. C. B. Reese, Capt. of Engineers. PI. 80. Washington, 1868. 7. 2. 46. System of exercise and instruction of Field Artillery, including Man- oeuvres for Light or Horse Artillery. Illus. 12°. pp.78. Boston, 1829. 7. 1. 26. for the United States Land Service, as devised and arranged by the Ordnance Board. Prepared under the instructions of the Colonel of Ordnance, by Bvt. Maj. Alfred Mordecai. Text, i vol. 8°, and 5 vols, of pi. fol. Washington, i848-'49. 7. 1. 14. and Engineer operations against the Defences of Charleston Har- bor in 1863. With a supplement. By Q. A. Gillmore, Major of Engi- neers, Bvt. Maj. Gen., U. S. A. Plates and maps. 8^. pp. 314, 172. New York, 1868. 17. 6. 7. [Professional Papers No. i6, Corps of Engineers, U. S. A.] 32 ARTILLERY, OEDUANOE, SMALL ARMS, ETO. AETILLERY, ORDNANCE, SMALL ARMS, ETC. 33 Artillery. Cannon. Artillery [and Engineering]. Giornale del Genio Militare. [and] Giornale di Artiglieria e Genio. I-XV. Text and pi. 43 vols. 8^ and fol., Torino— Firenze— Roma, 186^-79. [Current.] 42. 6. 1-28. (at the Vienna Exhibition of 1873). /;/ Reports of Her Majesty's; Commissioners, vol. ii. 1. 2. 13. (European) in 1855-56. See Mordecai {MaJ. A.), Military Commis- sion to Europe. 4°. Washington, i860. 24. 8. 21. Manuel de I'Artilleur, contenant tous les Objets dont la connoissance est necessaire aux Officiers et Sous-officiers de TArtillerie. Par Theodore Durtuhie, Genera/ de Brigade. 5'"® ed. 14 pi. 8^. pp. iv, 468. Paris, 1795. 7.1.11. ballistics. Instruction sur la Balistique a I'usage des fileves du Corps Royal d'Etat-Major. [Anon.] 8^. pp. 16. Paris, 1824. 6. 3. 30. [Military pamphlets.] Methodes nouvelles pour determiner la resistance de I'air, pour cal- culer la Trajectoire des Projectiles. Precedees de discussions relatives k des decouvertes concernant I'Artillerie, suivies d'une proposition extra- ordinaire concernant le tir des Bombes. Par J. F. G. Mallet. S^. Paris, 1846. 7. 1. 2. Le Boulenge Chronograph. By Ziei^/. O. E. Michaelis, Ordnance Corps, U. S. A. 2 pi. 40. pp. 43. New York, 1872. 7. 2. 11. P'.xtracts from a description of the Zapata Chronograph. By F. J. Zapata, Captain Comdt. Spanish Artillery. Translated by Comdr. J. D. Marvin, U. S. N. PI. 80. pp. 18. Annapolis, 1875. 7. 2. 36. Determination of the time of flight of projectiles by means of the Electric Clepsydra. From "Researches in experimental ballistics," by Major P. Le Boulenge, Belgian Artillery. Translated by Lieut. Comdr. J. D. Marvin, U. S. JV. PI. 8°. pp. 22. [Misc. Famp/i., vol. vii.] 31. 2. 7. Electro-Ballistic Machines and the Schultz Chronoscope. By Bvt. Lieut. Col. S. V. Benet, Capt. of Ordnance, U S. A. 4 pi. 40. pp. 47. New York, 1871. 7. 2. 12. Blasting Powder. Report on the use of, in fiery Mines, fol. pp. 17. Lon- don, 1875. 47. 4. 39. [British Parliamentary Paper.] Boat Armament. Systems of, in the U. S. Navy. By Lieut. J. A. Dahlgren, U.S.N. II pi. 80. pp.122. Philadelphia, 1852. 7. L 48. British Army Manufacturing Establishments. Return of the annual ac- counts of the several Manufacturing Establishments under the War Office for the year 1872-73. fol. pp. 225. London, 1874. 47. 6. 33. The same. For 1873-74. fol. pp.205. London, 1875. 47.5.34. Gannon. Report of trial with a 9-inch breech- loading cast-steel Cannon, made by F. Krupp, Essen. 12O. [Misc. Pamph.^ vol. vii.] 31. 2. 7. 5 34 ARTILLERY, OPDNANOE, SMALL ARVS, ETC. ARTILLEEY, OEDNANOE, SMALL ARMS, ETC. 35 Cannon. Experiences. Cannon. Reports of experiments on the Strength and other properties of Metals for Cannon [etc.]. By Officers of the Ordnance Department, U. S. A. PI. 40. Philadelphia, 1856. 7. 2. 2. The same. By CapL T. J. Rodman. PI. 40. Boston, 1861. 7. 2. 1. Canon. Observations sur le, par rapport a I'lnfanterie en general et a la Colonne en particulier [etc.]. 4^. pp. vi, 120. Amsterdam, 1772. 6. 6. 8. [Bound ivith " Projet de Tactique."] Canons et Caronades. Tables de Portees des, en usage dans la marine. Par M, Cornibert, Chef de bataillo7i. Avec figures. 8°. pp. 442. Paris, T809. 7. 1. 47. Memoire sur la resistance de parois des, \ la pression des Gaz de la Poudre, suivi de la theorie des Canons cercles Par Axel Gadolin, Co- lonel de VArtillerie Russe. 2 pi. 8^. pp.107. Paris, 1865. 7.2.37. Cartridges (Metallic), as manufactured and tested at the Frankfort Arsenal. By Maj. Thomas J. Treadwell, Ordnance Department. 67 pi. 4°. pp. 16. Washington, 1873. 7. 2. 19. Defense et I'Armement des. cotes. Memoire sur la: avec plans et instructions approuves par Napoleon. 6 pi. 8^. pp. 62. Paris, 1837. 6. 2. 24. Dictionnaire de I'Artillerie. Par Gen. B. H. Cotty. 40. Paris, 1822. 5. 3. 14. The same. Supplement. 4°. Paris, 1832. 5. 3. 15. ]^cole d'Artillerie et du Genie k Metz. Travail de la Commission mixte [etc.] pour arreter le plan de instruction et le reglement general de I'Ecole. 40. Metz, 1807. 6. 5. 42. Experiences auxquelles ont ete soumis, en 1835 ^ bord de la fregate La Dryade^ divers objets relatifs a I'Artillerie. 8^. pp. 29. Paris, 1837. 6. 2. 12. [Military pamphlets.] comparatives faites a Gavres en 1836 entre des Bouches a Feu en fonte de fer d'origines Fran^ais, Anglaise et Suedoise (avec tableaux et dessms). 80. pp. 42. Paris, 1837. 6. 2. 12. de Bapaume. Rapport par la Commission mixte po ur etudier les principes de Texecution des breches par le Canon et par la Mine. 28 pi. 80. pp. 356. Paris, 1852. 6. 2. 14. de tir executees en Russie en 1869 contre une Cible, type " Hercules," avec un Canon de 279'"'", 4 en acier fondu Krupp, se chargeant par la culasse. PI. 8^. 1870. {Misc. Pamph., vol. vii.] 31. 2. 7. faites ^ Brest, en Janvier, 1824, du nouveau systeme de Forces Navales. Suivies des experiences comparatives des Canons de 80 avec ceux de 2)^ et 24 et caronades de ces deux derniers. 8°. pp. 43. Paris, 1837. 6. 2. 12. [Military pamphlets.] 36 AETILLERY, OEDNANOE, SMALL AEMS, ETC. AETILLERY, ORDNANCE, SMALL ARMS, ETC. 37 Experiences. Explosives. Exp6riences faites k Metz en 1834, par ordre du Ministre de la Guerre, sur les Batteries de Breche, sur la penetration des Projectiles dans divers milieux resistans, et sur la rupture des corps par le choc. Rapports de la Com- mission composee de MM. Dupin, Navier et Poncelet. 10 pi. 8^. pp. 248. Paris, 1836. 7. 1. 16. Explosion of Dynamite at Cymmer, Glamorganshire, on 21st April, 1876. Report on the circumstances attending the. By MaJ. V. D. Majendie. fol. pp. 16. [London,] 1876. 47. 4. 39. of Gunpowder at a gunpowder factory at Herodsfoot, Liskeard, Cornr wall, 1 2th May, 1876. Report on the circumstances of. By Maj. V. Dj. Majendie. fol. pp. 11. [London,] 1876. 47.4.39; [British Parliamentary Paper.] [ of Fulminate of Mercury at Small Heath, Birmingham, May 14, 18761 Report on. By MaJ. R. Ford. fol. pp. 3. London, 1876. 47. 4. 39. [British Parliamentary Paper.] • of Gunpowder in Doncaster, January 3, 1880. Report on the cir- cumstances attending the. By Maj. V. D. Majendie. Plan. fol. pp; 21. London [1880]. 47.4.39. [British Parliamentary Paper.] of Gun-cotton at Stowmarket, nth August, 1871. Report by CaJ>f. V. D. Majendie. Plan. fol. pp. 45. London, 1872. 47. 4. 39. [British Parliamentary Paper.] of Gunpowder in the Regent's Park, 2d October, 1874. Report on,, by Maj. V. D. Majendie. PI. fol. pp. 46. London, 1875. ^7. 4. 39. [British Parliamentary Paper.] Explosives. Annual report of Her Majesty's Inspectors of, for the years 1875 and 1876. fol. London, iSyS-'Tj. 47. 4. 39. . On recent investigations and applications of. A lecture by F. A. Ahe\,F.J^.S. 80. pp.35. 1871. [Misc. Pcimp/i., vol xl] 31.2.11. Report of the special Committee on Gun-cotton, etc., i87i-'74. fol. London, 1874. 47. 4. 38. [British Parliamentary Papers.] Report from the select Committee on Explosive Sub stances ; together with the proceedings of the Committee, minutes of evidence, and appendix, fol. pp. xxviii, 441. London, 1874. 47. 4. 36. [British Parliamentary Paper.] Reports of the Committee on, i87o-'72 [and] The Rifled Gun of 38 tons. PI. fol. London, i87o-'74. (i vol.) 47.4.35. Reports on the necessity for the amendment of the law relating to Gunpowder and other Explosives. By Ma/. V. D. Majendie. fol. pp. 81. London, 1874. 47.4. 39. [British Parliamentary Paper.] 38 ARTILLLEY OEDNANOE, SMALL AKMS, ElO. ARTILLERY, ORDNANCE, SMALL ARMS, ETO. 39 Feux Verticaux. Le Petard. Feux Verticaux. (Memoire sur I'effet des) propose par M. Carnot, dans la Defense des Places Fortes. Par M. Augoyat, Capitaine au Corps Royal du Garde. 40. pp.48. Paris, 182 1. 7.2.23. Fifteen-inch Gun (The). See Notes on Seacoast Defense. By Maj, J. G. Barnard, Corps of Engineers^ U. S. A. 6. 2. 36. See also Abbot {Bvt. Brig. Gen. H. L.), Siege Artillery. 17. 6. 5. Gatling Guns of large calibre for JFlank Defense. Report of the Board of Officers on. PI. 40. pp. 50. Washington, 1874. 7. 2. 8. Gun-carriages. Bills of iron for the wrought-iron Barbette and Casemate Seacoast Carriages, models of 1 86 1, '62, '63. 8^. 1864. [Misc. Faj?iph., vol. vii.] 31. 2. 7. Proceedings of an Ordnance Board convened under authority of the Secretary of War, at its sessions from January 4 to February 11, 1868. 80. [Misc. Pamph., vol. vii.] 31. 2. 7.' Report of the Board of Officers convened at New York City Jan- uary 16, 1873, to examine and report upon plans and models of such Depressing and other Carriages for Heavy Ordnance as the Board should deem worthy of trial. (Ordnance Memoranda, No. 16.) Illus. 8^. pp. 46. Washington, 1873. 7. 2. 38. Counterpoise Gun-carriages and Platforms. By Capt. William R. King. 16 pi. 40. pp. 60. Washington, 1869. 7. 2. 10. Gunnery in 1858: Being a Treatise on Rifles, Cannon, and Sporting Arms. By William Greener, C. E. PI. and illus. 8^. pp. xvi, 439. London, 1858. 7. 2. 40. Theory of. See Mansfield (J.), Essays, mathematical [etc.]. 19. 1. 15. Gunpowder, percussion powder, cannon, and projectiles. (Notes on.) By Lieut. Minor Knowlton, Insti'uctor of Artillery in the U. S. Military Acad- emy. 40. pp. 73. [New York, 1839.] 7. 2. 6. Report of experiments on, made at Washington Arsenal in 1843 and 1844. By Capt. Alfred Mordecai, Ordnance Department. 4 pi. 8°, pp. viii, 328. Washington, 1845. (2 copies.) 7. 2. 29 Second Report of experiments on, made at Washington Arsenal in 1845, 1^47' and 1848. By Bvt. Maj. Alfred Mordecai. PL 8°. pp 71. Washington, 1849. 7. 2. 30 Works. Annual report of H. M. Inspector of, April i, 1875. ^^^ pp. 23. London, 1875. 47.4.39 [British Parliamentary Paper.] Guns and Gun-carriages. Return of amounts expended in each year on Ex periments with. fol. pp. 5. London, 1878. 47. 3. 40. [British Parliamentary Paper.] Le Petard. Experiences sur, faites \ Metz. Par M. Roguet, Lieitt. Col. du i8« Leger, PI. 80 pp. 40. Paris, 1838. 7. 2. 47. 40 AETILLERY, ORDNANCE, SMALL AEMS, ETO. AETILLEEY, OEDNANOE, SMALL AEMS, ETO. 4l Life-Saving Apparatus. Ordnance. Life-Saving apparatus (Foreign). By Lieut. D. A. Lyle, Ordna?ice Depart- ment, U. S. A. 19 pi. 80. pp. 47. Washington, 1880. 7. 2. 52. Ordnance and appurtenances. (Report on.) By Lieut. D. A. Lyle, Ordnance Deptartment. 54 plates. 8^. pp. 164. Washington, 1878. 7. 2. 44. Locks and Primers. (Naval percussion) particularly those of the United States. By Lieut. J. A. Dahlgren, U. S. N. PI. 80. pp. 125. Philadelphia, 1853. 7. 1. 20. Magazine Gun. Report of the Board of Ordnance Officers to select a maga- zine gun for the United States Military Service. 21 pi. 8^. pp. 70. Washington, 1878. 7. 1. 45. Martini-Henry Rifle. [Miscellaneous reports on.] fol. London, i874-'76. [and] Returns showing the number of serviceable Rifled Guns. Lon- don. Dec. 31, 1871. In I vol. - 47. 3.4. Mittheilungen iiber gegenstande des Artillerie- und Genie- Wesens. PI. and figs. 8 vols. 80. Wien, i872-'79. 43. 7. 1-8. [A monthly journal relating to Artillery and Military Engineering.] Munitions of War exhibited at the Paris Universal Exhibition of 1867. Re- port to the Government of the United States on. By C. B. Norton and W. J. Valentine, U, S. Commissio7iers. Illus. 8^. pp. 213. Washing- ton, 1868. 7. 2. 26. The same, Illus. 8°. pp. 286. New York and London, 1868. 7. 2. 25. The same, bound in " Reports of the United States Commissioners " [etc.]. Vol. V. 1. 2. 6. Naval Gunnery. A Treatise on. By Sir Howard Douglas. Illus. 3d ed. 80. pp. XXXV, 638. London, 1851. 28. 1. 23. The sajne. 5th ed., revised. PI and illus. 8^. pp. xii, 668. Lon- don, 1 860. 7. 2. 45. The same. Traduction de la 3^*^ partie. Par F. Blaise, suivi de notes ' du Traducteur. 8^. pp. 234 [17]. Paris, 1853. 7. 1. 46. Ordnance, Artillery implements and equipments. Projectiles, Small arms, etc. Proceedings of an Ordnance Board on, convened under authority of the Secretary of War, at its sessions from January 4 to February 11, 1868. (Ordnance Memoranda No. 9.) 8^. \Misc. Famph., vol. vii.] 31. 2. 7. Department, U. S. A. Annual reports of the Chief of Ordnance to the Secretary of War. 1873-80. PI. and illus. 8 vols. B>^. Wash- ington, i873-'8o. 40. 1. 1-8. Drawings and tables of dimensions of, for the Land Service of the United States. 18 plates, fol. [Washington,] 1841. 51. 18. Manual for the use of the Officers of the United States Army. PI. 12°. pp. X, 359. Washington, 1841. 7. 1. 17. 6 42 ARTILLERY, ORDNANCE, SMALL ARMS, ETO. AETILLEEY, ORDNANCE, SMALL ARMS, ETO. 43 Ordnance. Ordnance. Ordnance. The same. 2d ed. PI. 12^. pp. xxiii, 475. Washington, 1850. 7. 1. 18. The sai7ie. 33 pi. 12^. pp.559. Philadelphia, 186 1. 7.1.19. Memoranda No. 18. — Proceedings of the Board of Officers on Horse eijuipments, Cavalry equipments and accouterments, Saddlers' and Smiths* tools and materials, and Standard Supply-table of Ordnance Stores for the Cavalry service ; with the action of the War Department thereon. PI. 40. pp.119. Washington, 1874. 6.6.26. Memoranda No. 19. Proceedings of the Board of Officers on In- fantry equipments, and materials and supplies necessary for efficient out- fit of Infantry troops in Field and Garrison ; with the action of the War Department thereon. PI. 40. pp. 62. Washington, 1875. ^' ^' ^'^' Notes. Nos. 101-125. Illus. In i vol. fol. pp. 345. Washing- ton, April 10, 1879, to April 19, 1880. List 0/ subjects. '■ loi. Bursting of the English 38-ton gun. (Continued from 96.) 102. Bronze life-saving gun. ) 103. Re-browning rifles, carbines, and revolvers. 104. Experiments with small arms. \ 105. Chambered rifle, proposed by Lt.'Col. Crispin. ' 106. Working heavy guns, by machinery. ■ 107. Personal equipment of officers on active service. '. 108. Lyle-Emory grapple shot. \ 109. Laidley cavalry forge. \ no. Atmosphere on velocity of gunpowder. • 111. Musketry instruction and long-range infantry fire in Austria, France, and Prussia. ; 112. Lessons from the late war [Turco-Russian]. i 113. Trials of Krupp guns. • 114. Instructions for reloading cartridges. , 115. Report upon certain small arms captured from hostile Indians. \ n6. Range finders. [Telemeters.] "■• 117. Swollen barrels in service small arms. y 118. Tests of cartridges. \ 119. Development of the material of field artillery. . 120. Military aspect of Canada. i 121. Military transport. » 122. Inspection of the arms of the Fifth United States Infantry. j 123. Bursting of English 38-ton gun. (Continued from loi.) r 124. Gardner machine gun. I 125. Annealing furnace. — Arm-rack. 7. 2. 16. — (The) and the Artillery. 8^. pp. 2^^. n. d. [Misc. Pamph., vol. vii.] 31. 2. 7. — in the British Service. Treatise on the Construction and Manufacture of. Prepared in the Royal Gun Factory by Capt. John F. Owen, R, A. Col. pi. 80. pp. X, 454. London, 1877. 7. 2. 43. — and Armor. Treatise on, embracing Material, Fabrication, Rifling. Projectiles, and Breech- loading [etcj. By Alex. L. Holley, B. P. 493 illus. 80. pp. xliv, 900. New York, 1865. 7. 2. 42. 44 ARTILLEET OEDNANOE, SMALL AEMS, ETO. AETILLERY, OEDNANOE, SMALL AEMS, ETO. 45 Ordnance. Rifled gun. Ordnance and Gunnery. Course of instruction in, compiled for the use of the Cadets of the U. S. Military Academy. By Capt. J. G. Benton, Ordnance Departmetit, 2d ed. 8°. pp. 550. New York, 1862. 7. 2. 41. Phosphorus-bronze. Essay on the use of various alloys, especially of Phos- phorus Bronze, for the founding of Cannon. By C. Montefiore-Levy and C. Kunkel. Brussels, 1870. From the French, by John D. Brandt. PI. 40. pp. 123. Washington, 1872. 7. 2. 7. Pressure of the blast from 15-inch smooth-bore Guns. Report upon the results of firings to determine the, made at Staten Island in i872-'73, by Bvt. Maj. Generals John Newton and Q. A. Gillmore. Folding pi. 80. pp. 18. Washington, 1874. 7. 2. 31. Projectiles. Experiences sur differentes especes de Projectiles creux faites dans les ports en 1829, 1831 et 1833. 8^. pp. 85. Paris, 1837. 6. 2. 12. [Military pamphlets.] Projet d'une methode telegraphique pour la mesure des distances ^ I'usage de I'Artillerie. Par C. L. Madsen, Inspedeur dans P Administration Royale des Telegraphes. Chart. 8^. pp.15. [2 supplements.] Copen- hague, i863-'64. 7. 2. 24. Pyrotechny. (System of) comprehending the Theory and Practice, with the application of Chemistry. By James Cutbush, A. S., U. S. A. 8°. pp. xliv, 612. Philadelphia, 1825. 7. 2. 32. Report on the effects of firing with Heavy Ordnance from casemate embras- ures with various kinds of missiles in 1852, '53, '54, and '55, at West Point, N. Y. By Bvt. Brig. Gen. J. G. Totten. 9 pi. 80. pp. [152]. Washington, 1857. 17. 5. 3. [Professional Papers, No. 6, Corps of Engineers, U. S. A.J Rifled Cannon. Apergu sur les Canons Rayes se chargeant par la bouche et par la culasse. Par J. CavalH. Planches. 4°. pp. dT^- Paris, 1862. 7. 2. 21. [Various papers on.] i. Om refilade Kanoner. 2. Ofversigt af Ar- tilleri-Forsok, utforda under aren, 1864-66. 3. Ofversigt af Artilleri- Forsok, utforda under aren, 1867-69. PI. In i vol. 8°. Stockholm, i864-'7o. • 7. 2. 34. Rifled and other Cannon for the use of the Confederate States Navy. Reports on. By Commdr. John M. Brooke, C. S. Navy. 13 pi. fol. pp. 43, 17. MS. Richmond, 1863. 7. 2. 5. Rifle firing. A Course of instruction in. By Col. T. T. S. Laidley, Ord- nance Department^ U. S. A. Illus. 16^. pp. 234. Philadelphia, 1879. 7. 1. 50. Rifled gun (The) of 38 tons. Report of the Committee on. Bound with Report on Explosives, 1870-72. 47. 4. 35. [British Parliamentary Paper. 46 ABTILLEEY, OEDNANOE, SMALL AEMS, ETO. AETILLERT, ORDNANOE, SMALL AEMS, ETO. 47 Rifled Ordnance. Small Arms. Rifled Ordnance. A practical Treatise on the application of the principle of the Rifle to Guns and Mortars of every calibre. By Lynall Thomas, F. R. S. L. 8o. pp. 200. New York, 1864. 7. 2. 35. Critical comparison of the Prussian cast-steel breech-loading rifled Guns of large calibre, and the English " Woolwich " rifled muzzle-loading Guns, on the basis of the experiments at Tegel, 1868. By C. Von Dop- pelmair. Captain in the Imp. Riissiati Horseguard Artillery. Trans, by G. H. Penton. 3 pi. 80. London, 1870. 7. 2. 39. Photographs of models for heavy rifled ordnance submitted to the Board on Heavy Ordnance, convened at New York July 10, 1872. fol. 53. 13. Rifles and Rifle practice : an elementary Treatise upon the theory of Rifle firing. By Lieut, C. M. Wilcox, "jth U. S. Infantry, PI. and illus. 12O. pp. viii, 276. New York, 1859. '''• !• ^3. Rock Island Arsenal. (History of) from its establishment in 1863 to Dec. 1876, and of the Island of Rock Island from 1804 to 1863. By Major D. W. Flagler, Ordnance Department, U. S. A. PI. and illus. 40. pp. xvii, 485. Washington, 1877. 7. 2. 15. Royal Artillery [British], Report of the Adjutant-General upon the organ- ization of. fol. pp. V, 100. London, 1872. 47. 3. 2. Shells and Shell-Guns. By Comma?ider J. A. Dahlgren, U. S. N, PI. 8°. pp. 436. Philadelphia, 1856. 7. 2. 33. Small Arms. Letter from the Secretary of War, and correspondence in refer- ence to the purchase of Arms by Major-General John C. Fremont. (37^/^ Cong., 2d Sess., Ex. Doc. No. 67.) 8° Washington, 1862. 7. 2. 27. Memoire sur Femploi des Petites Armes dans la Defense des Places. Par i^. /^ 6^/«/r^/ Rogniat. 8°. pp.159. Paris, 1827. 6.2.32. Report from the Select Committee on ; together with the proceedings of the Committee, minutes of evidence, and appendix. With index, fol. pp. xxxiv, 506. [London,] 1854. 47. 5. 3. [British Parliamentary Paper.] Reports of experiments with Small Arms for the Military Service, by Officers of the Ordnance Department, U. S. Army. Illus. 8^. Wash- ington, 1856. 7. 1. 44. Return of amounts expended in each year on Experiments with. fol. pp. 5. London, 1878. 47. 3. 40. [British Parliamentay Paper.] at the Vienna exhibition of 1873. Report by William Howard Rus- sell, LL, D. In Reports of Her Majesty's Commissioners, vol. ii. 1. 2. 13. Heavy Ordnance [etc.] and other Munitions of War. (American in- ventions in) including a chapter on Sporting Arms. By Bvt, Brig, Gen, C. B. Norton, U, S. Commissioner at Paris Exposition, PI. and illus. 4°. pp. 407. Springfield, Mass., 1880. 7. 2. 14. 48 AETILLERY, OEDNANOE, SMALL AEMS, ETO. ABTILLERT, ORDNANOE, SMALL ABMS, £T0. 49 Tables. Tri-Nitro-Glyceriri. Tables du Tir des Canons et des Obusiers, avec une instruction sur la maniere de s'en servir. Calculee par J/. |, Lombard. 8^. pp. vii, 177. [Paris,] 1787. 7. 1.14. Target Practice. (System of) for the use of Troops when armed with the musket, rifle-musket, rifle or carbine. By Capt, Henry Heth. PI. 12O. pp. 48. Philadelphia, 1858. 1. 1. 16. Trial of the 7 -inch wrought-iron' Guns rifled on the Lancaster, French and Scott systems. Report of the Ordnance Select Committee on. PL fol. pp. 84. London, 1865. 47. 5. 21. [British Parliamentary Paper.] Tri-Nitro-Glycerin, as applied in the Hoosac Tunnel. By George M. Mow- bray, Operative Chemist, lUus. 8°. pp. 124. New York, 1874. 7. 2. 28. \See also American State Papers.] 18. 4. 1-21. 50 ARTILLEfe, OEDKANds; SMALL AEfeS, "ETO. ASTRONOMY, ASTRONOMICAL OBSERVATIONS AND I TABLES, Etc. ' Anales del Institute y Observatorio de Marina de San Fernando. i87o-'76, Por Don Cecelio Pujazon. 7 vols. 4°. San Fernando, 1870-77. ', 42. 7. 35-41. Astronomical Co-ordinates of the Primary Stations at Cheyenne, Wyoming Territory, and Colorado Springs, Colorado Territory, made during the years 1872 and 1873. By Dr. F. Campf and J. H. Clark. 4O. pp. 82. Washington, 1874. 20. 4. 24. [Geog. and Geol. Exp. and Surv. West of the looth Meridian.] ! Engravings of the Sun, Moon, Planets, etc. 4°. pp. 15. Cam| bridge, 1876. L. S. ! [Annals Astronomical Observatory of Harvard College, Vol. VIII, Part II.] [ Observations [British Ordnance Survey] made with Airy's Zenith Sec- tor, i842-'5o, for the Determination of the Latitudes. 4^. London. 1852. 44.9.25. Observations, Greenwich, 1849-51 and 1868-78. 14 vols. 4°. London, i85o-'8o. 46. 4. 14-22, The same. Twelve-year Catalogue. Appendix, 1847. 4°. London, 1849. 45. 6. 46. Observations, Harvard College. Zone Catalogue, 1852-53. [Intro- duction.] pp. Ixi, 316. 40. Cambridge, 1855. 45. 6. 40, Observations made at the Royal Observatory, Edinburgh. Vol. viii for 1842. 40. pp. iv, 300. Edinburgh, 1849. 45. 6. 39, Observations made at the U. S. Naval Observatory, Washington, dur- ing the years i845-'52, 1861-65, ^^^^> 1^7°) i^7^> ^"^^ ^^75- ^5 vols, 40. Washington, i846-'78. 45. 6. 1-17, Observations made with the Meridian Circle, 187 1 and 1872. Illus, 40. pp. Ixxxix, 239. Cambridge, 1867. L. S. j. [Annals of the Astronomical Observatory of Harvard College, Vol. X.] \ • — Observations made with the Meridian Circle in 1874 and 1875. 4^- pp. xcii, 271. Cambridge, 1880. L. S. " j [Annals of the Astronomical Observatory of Harvard College, Vol. XII.] \ — Magnetic, and Meteorological Observations made at Chagres anql Gorgona, Isthmus of Darien, and at the city of Panama, New Granada, By Bvt Major Emory, U. S. A. 40. pp. 24. Cambridge, 1850. 45. 6. 34. 51 52 ASTRONOMY ETO. ASTEONOMY, ETO.' 53 Astronomic. Astronomy. Astronomic. (Abriss der practischen), vorzuglich im ihrer anwendung auf Geo- graphische Ortsbestimmung von Dr. A. Sawitsch. PI. Part I. pp. xvi, 409. Part II. pp. xvi, 453. In i vol. 8<^. Hamburg, 185 1. L. S. Elementaire. Par L. B. Francoeur. PI. 8°. pp. xiv, 512. Paris, 1837. L.S. Geometrique, ou breves considerations sur la Nouvelle Theorie des Ovh^lites. Par le Cie, Leopold Hugo. 8°. pp. 30. Paris, 1876. 23. 2. 3. Pratique. Par L. B. Francoeur. PI. 8^. pp. xv, 528. Paris, 1840. L.S. Populaire. Par Frangois Arago. [Vols. 13-16 of his "CEuvres Com- pletesr] 16. 2. 13-16. Astronomische Gesellschaft (Viertel Jahrschrift der) herausgegeben von den Schriftfiihrern der Gesellschaft: E. Schoenfeld und A. Winnecke. For the years 1872-81. 6 vols. 8^. Leipzig. L. S. Nachrichten. Herausgegeben von Dr. C. F. W. Peters. Vols. 77-100. 12 vols. 40. Kiel. i87i-'8i. L. S. The same. General Register der Bande LXI bis LXXX. Aus- gearbeitet von Dr, C. F. W. Peters. 4°. pp. 188. Leipzig, 1875. L. S. Astronomy.^ A familiar Treatise on, explaining the general Phenomena of the Celestial Bodies; with numerous graphic illustrations. By Jehoshaphat Aspin. 2d ed. Illus. and 32 pi. 8°. pp. vi, 199. London, 1825. 23. 2. 11. (An Introduction to.) Designed as a text-book for the students ot Yale College. By Denison Olmsted, A. M. With supplement contain- ing special rules for adjustment and use of astronomical instruments, etc. By Ebenezer Porter Mason. 3d ed. PI. 8^. pp. xv, 284-viii, 141. New York, 1843. L. S. Elementary Treatise on, [and] Astronomical Tables. By John Gum- mere. 80. Philadelphia, 1822. 28. 4. 16. The same. Revised and adapted to the present state of the Science, by E. Otis Kendall, A. M. Two parts in i vol. 8^. pp. 363, 114. Philadelphia, 1854. 23. 2. 7. (Elements of) illustrated with plates. By John H. Wilkins, A. M. 12°. pp. viii, 152. Boston, 1826. L. S. Navigation and Nautical Astronomy. The practical part. By H. W. Jeans, F. R. A. S. 160. pp. 279. Weale's Series. London, 1853. 18. 3. 20. (Popular.) By Simon Newcomb, ZZ. Z>. With 112 engravings and 5 maps of the Stars. 80. pp. xvi, 563. New York, 1878. 23. 2. 8. 54 ASTRONOMY, ETC. ASTRONOMY, ETO. 55 Astronomy. Catalogue. Astronomy. Practical. An Introduction to, containing Tables recently com- puted for facilitating the reduction of Celestial Observations, and a popular explanation of their construction and use, and descriptions of the various Instruments that have been usefully employed in determining the places of the Heavenly Bodies, with an account of the methods of adjusting and using them. By Rev. W. Pearson, Treas. Astronomical Society of London. 3 vols (i of plates). 40. London, i824-'29. L. S. Practical. An Introduction to, with a Collection of Astronomical Ta- bles. By Elias Loomis, LL. D. 8°. pp. xi, 497. New York, 1855. 2 copies. 23. 2. 6. Spherical. Elements of Natural Philosophy. IV. Spherical Astron- omy. By Prof. W. H. C. Bartlett. 3d ed. PI. and illus. 8°. pp. vii, 465. New York, 1863. 23. 2. 5. Spherical a?td Practical. A Manual of: With an appendix on the method of Least Squares. By William Chauvenet. 2 vols. 8^. Phil- adelphia, 1873. 25. 2. 1-2. Spherical and Practical. A Manual of: With an appendix on the method of Least Squares. By Prof. William Chauvenet. [Vol. I con- tains Spherical Astronomy, pp. 708. Vol. II contains Theory and use of Astronomical Instruments and Method of least squares, pp. 632.] 4th ed. Illus. 2 vols. 80. London and Phila., 1868. L. S. — — Theoretical. Relating to the motions of the Heavenly Bodies revolv- ing around the Sun in accordance with the law of Universal Gravitation. By Prof. James C. Watson. 80. pp. 662. Phila., 1868. L. S. Traite de Mecanique Celeste. Par P. S. Laplace. 4 vols. 4°. Paris, 1799-1800. 23. 3. 42-45. and Geodesy. Contributions to. By Thomas Maclear, F. R. A. S. 40. pp.114. London, 185 1. 45.6.42. and Geodesy. (Practical) including the projections of the Sphere and Spherical Trigonometry. By John Narrien. 8^. pp. xxviii, 427. London, 1845. L. S. — See also Explorations. Atmospheric Refraction. Ueber die Strahlenbrechung in der Atmosphare. Von Dr.].]. Baeyer. 40. pp. 82. St. Petersburg, i860. 45. 6. 24. Catalogue. Fundamental Catalog fur die Zonen-Beobachtungen am Nord- lichen Himmel. Herausgegeben von A. Anwers. 4° pp. 90. Leipzig, 1879. L. S. of Standard Polar and Clock Stars. 4°. pp. 32. Cambridge, 1863. L. S. [Annals of the Astronomical Observatory of Harvard College, Vol. IV, Part I.] of Stars from Observations made at the Royal Observatory, Greenwich. 3 vols. 40. London, n. d. L. S. 66 ASTBONOMY, ETO. ASTRONOMY, ETO. 57 Catalogue. Catalogue. Catalogue of Stars observed at the U. S. Naval Observatory during the years i845-'7i. 2ded. 40. Washmgton, 1873. 45.6.22, of Stars of the British Association for the Advancement of Sciencej containing the mean right ascension and north polar distances of 8377 fixed stars reduced to January i, 1850, together with the annual precesr sions, secular variations, and proper motions, as well as the Logarithmic constants for computing precession, aberration, and mutation. With a preface explanatory of their construction and application. By the lat^ Francis Baily, Pres't Royal Astronomical Society. 4°. pp. 92, 444^ London, 1845. 2 copies. 45. 6. 43|. Positiones Mediae Stellarum Fixarum in Zonis Regiomontanis a Besselio^ Inter -|- 15O et + 45° Declinationis Observatorum ad Ammon 1825 reductae et in Catalogum Ordinatae, auctore Maximiliano Weisse. 4'^{ pp. xlviii, 300. St. Petersburg, 1863. L. S. ■ of the Mean Declination of 981 Stars, between 12'' and 26** of Righi Ascension and 30° and 60° of North Declination, for January i, 1875* Prepared under the direction of But. Brig. Gen. C. B. Comstock, U. S. Ai By T. H. Satford. 40. Washington, 1873. 2 copies. 45. 6. 29-30i of the Mean Declination of 2018 Stars, between o^ to 2>^ and 12'' tcf 24*' Right Ascension, and 10° and 70^ of North Declination, for January^ 1875. Prepared under the direction of First Lieut. George M. Wheeler j Corps of Engineers^ U. S. A. By T. H. Satford. 4^. pp. 207. Wash- ington, 1879. ^0. 4. 23. of 618 Stars observed with Meridian Circle during 1871-72, 1874 and 1875. 40. Cambridge, 1880. L. S. ; LAnnals of the Astronomical Observatory of Harvard College, Vol. XII.] of 1963 Stars reduced to the beginning of the year 1850, together with a Catalogue of 290 double Stars. The whole from Observations made at Santiago, Chih, 1850-52, by the U. S. Naval Astronomical Ex, pedition. 40. pp. 73. Washington, 1870. 2 copies. 45. 6. 28. o^ 3735 Circumpolar Stars observed at Redhill in the years 1854, 1855, and 1856, and reduced to mean positions for 1 85.30. By Richard Christo- pher Carrington, Secretary Royal Astronotnical Society. 40. pp. Ixii, 151. London, 1857. L. S. (Star), and paper on the construction and use of some new Tabled for determining the apparent places of nearly 3000 principal fixed Stars. By Francis Baily. 40. pp. ccxxiii. [London,] 1825. L. S. — Mittlere Oerter von 12,000 Fix Sternen fiir den anfang von 1836, abgeleitet aus den Beobachtungen auf der Hamburger Sternwarte, von Carl Riimker. 40. pp. 349. Hamburg, 1852. L. S. ■ Mittlere Oerter von 539, und Scheinbare Oerter von 529 [for the years 1872, '73, '74, and 1875-81. Published by the editors of the ** Berliner Astronomischen Jahrbuchs."] 3 vols. 8^. L. S. 8 58 ASTRONOMY, ETO.! ASTEONOMT, ETd. 5d Catalogue. Moon. Catalogue. Uranometria Nova. By Z^r. Fr. Argelander. 8o. pp. xix, 119, and I vol. of plates, fol. 2 vols. Berlin, 1843. L. S. (Zone), of 4484 Stars situated between 0° 20' and o^ 40' north declination, observed in 1854-55. 4^. pp. vi, 257. Cambridge, 1867. L. S. [Annals of the Astronomical Observatory of Harvard College, Vol.11, Part II.] (/one), of 6100 Stars situated between o^ 40' and 1^ o' north decli- nation, observed during 1859-60. 4*^. pp. 303. Cambridge, 1872. L. S. [Annals of the Astronomical Observatory of Harvard College, Vol. VI.] Cincinnati Observatory. Inaugural [1868] and Annual [1869] Reports of the Director. 8^. 1869. [Misc. Pamph., vol. ix.] 31. 2. 9. Connaissance des Temps, ou des Mouvements Celestes, k I'usage des Astronomes et des Navigateurs, pour I'an 1866. 8^ Paris, 1864. 23. 2. 4. Declination of the Stars employed in Latitude work and a Catalogue of five hundred Stars for the mean epoch, 1875. By Lev/is Boss. 40. pp. 212. [Washington, 1878.] 45. 6. 31. [Report of U. S. Northern Boundary Commission, Appendix H.] Dudley Observatory. Oration delivered at Albany on the 28th of August, 1856, by Edward Everett, on the occasion of the Inauguration of the Dudley Astronomical Observatory. 2d ed. 8^. pp. 41. 1856. \Misc. Pamph., vol. ix.] 31. 2. 9. Geography of the Heavens, and Class-book of Astronomy. By Elijah H. Burritt, A. M. 12O. pp. 345. New York^ 1857. 23. 2. 13. Georgetown College, D. C. Annals of the Astronomical Observatory, No. I, containing a description of the Observatory, and the description and use of the Transit Instrument and Meridian Circle. 8 pi. 4°. pp. 215. New York, 1852. 45. 6. 33. Great Nebula of Orion. Observations on. lUus. 4°. pp. xvi, 189. Cam- bridge, 1867. L. S. [Annals of the Astronomical Observatory of Harvard College, Vol. V.] Half-Hours with the Telescope; being a popular Guide to the use of the Telescope as a means of Amusement and Instruction. By Richard A. Proctor. 12^. pp. viii, 109. New York, 1873. 23. 2. 12. Harvard College. Historical account of the Observatory of. Oct., 1855 to Oct., 1876. Illus. 40. pp. 65. Cambridge, 1876. L. S. Micrometrical measurements of 1054 double Stars, made at Cincinnati Ob- servatory in 1878-79, under superintendence of Ormond Stone, Director, 80. pp. xxix, 180. Cincinnati, 1879. L- S* Moon. Investigation of corrections to Hansen's Tables of, with Tables for their application. 40. pp. 51. Washington, 1876. 2 copies, 46. 6. 28. Researches on the Motion of. By Prof, Simon Newcomb. Part I. 40. Washington, 1878. 46. 6. 21. 60 ASTRONOMY, ETC. ASTEONOMY, ETC. 61 Nautical Almanac. Tables. Nautical Almanac. Almanaque Nautico para, 1878-82. Ciudad de San Fernando. 5 vols. 8^. Madrid, 187 7-'8o. 42.7.27-31. American Ephemeris and, 1866-81. 16 vols. 8°. Washington, i864-'8o. 46. 2. 1-16.1 [British] and Astronomical Ephemeris. 1847-65. 19 vols. 8°. I London, i843-'6i. Room 24. Nautical Astronomy, and Longitude. See Mansfield's (J.) Essays. 19. I. 16. Nebulas. On the Origin of. By James CroU. [Misc, Pamph ^ vol. ix.] n. d. 31. 2. 9. Neptune. Ephemeris of the Planet Neptune, for the year 1851. By S. C. Walker. 40. Washington, 1850. 46. 6. 37. [Smithsonian Contrib., Vol. II, Appendix III.] - — • — Researches relative to the Planet Neptune. By Sears W. Walker. 40. pp. 60. Washington, 1850. 45. 6. 36. [Smithsonian Contrib., Vol. II.] See also " Uranian and Neptunian systems." 45. 6. 36. Right Ascensions of the equatorial fundamental Stars, and the corrections necessary to reduce the right ascensions of different Catalogues to a mean homogeneous system. 4°. pp.73. Washington, 1872. 46. 6. 28. Right Ascension of 505 Stars determined during 1 862-1 865. 4°. pp. xiv, 143. Cambridge, 1878. L. S. [Annals of the Astronomical Observatory of Harvard College, Vol. IV, Part II.] Solar Eclipse of Dec. 22, 1870. Reports on observations of. (Washington Observations.) 40. Washington, 187 1. 45. 6. 32. (Total) of July 29, 1878. Instructions for observing the. PI. 4°. pp. 30. Washington, 1878. 45. 6. 28. Solar Eclipses (Total) of July 29, 1878, and January 11, 1880. Reports on, published by the United States Naval Observatory. PI. 40. pp. xiv, 426. Washington, 1880. 19. 6. 38. Solar Spots. Observations of, 1847-49. Illus. 4°. pp. 22. Cambridge, 1871. L. S. f Annals of the Astronomical Observatory of Harvard College, Vol. VII.] Solar System. Thoughts on the influence of Ether in. By Alexander Wil- cocks, M. D, 4Q. 1864. {Misc, Pamph., vol. xiv.] 31. 2. 14 Solare. Determinazione del Diametro, mediante lo studio delle esagerazioni a cui vanno soggette le grandezze apparent! degli astri. Nota prima. Di Giuseppe Mazzola, Assistente nel detto Obsen^atorio, 8°. Torino, 1873. L. S. Tables Astronomiques et Hydrpgraphiques. Par V. Bagay. 5 pi. 4°. Paris, 1829. 2 copies. 46. 2. 19. 62 ASTEONOMY, ETC. ASTKONOMY, ETO. 68 Tables. Zones of Stars. Tables of Instrumental Constants and corrections for the reduction of Transit Observations made at the United States Naval Observatory. Prepared by Prof, John R. Eastman. 40. Washington, 1873. 2 copies, 45. 6. 18-19. to facilitate the Reduction of Places of the Fixed Stars. Prepared for the use of the American Ephemeris and Nautical Almanac. 8^. [Washington,] 1869. 46. 2. 18. and Formulae (Astronomical), together with a variety of Problems ex- planatory of their use and application, to which are prefixed the elements of the Solar System. By Francis Baily. 8^. pp. xvi, 304. London, 1827. 2 copies. 23. 2. 9. Astronomische Tafeln und Formeln, von Dr, C. F. W. Peters. 8^. pp. xvi, 217. Hamburg, 187 1. L. S. Traits de M6canique Celeste, par P. S. Laplace. 4 vols. 4°. Paris, 1799- 1805. 23. 3. 42-45. [V^ol. II wanting.] Transit of Mercury. Reports on Telescopic Observations of, May 5-6, 1878. 40. pp. 126. Washington, 1879. ^^' 6. 25. of Venus. Report on the Preparations for, and Observations of, as seen at Roorke and Lahore [India], on December 8, 1874. 4^. Cal- cutta, 1877. 45. 6. 41. of Venus. Report on the Telescopic Observations of, 1874. By Sir G. B. Airy. PI. fol. pp. 33. London, 1877. 45. 6. 46. [British Parliamentary Paper.] United States Naval Observatory. Subject Index to the Publications, 1845- 1875. By Edward S. Holden, Prof, of Math., U. S. N. 40. Washing- ton, 1879. 45. 6. 20. Uranian and Neptunian Systems investigated with the 26-inch Equatorial of the United States Naval Observatory. By Prof Simon Newcomb. dp. pp. 74. Washington, 1875. 45. 6. 35. Uranographie, ou Traite elementaire d'Astronomie. Par Louis Benjamin Francoeur. 6*^ ed. PI. 8°. pp. xxviii, 564. Paris, 1853. 23. 2. 10. Zones of Stars observed at the U. S. Naval Observatory with the Meridian Circle, 1847-49. 4°. Washington, 1873. 2 copies. 45. 6. 16. [Washington Observations, 1871, Appx. I.] observed at the U. S. Naval Observatory with the Meridian Transit instrument, i846-'49. Washington, 1872. 2 copies. 45. 6. 14. [Washington Observations, 1870, Appx. IV.] observed at the U. S. Naval Observatory with the Mural Circle, 1846 -49. 40. Washington, 1872. 2 copies. • 45. 6. 12, [Washington Observations, 1869, Appx, II.] 64 ASTRONOMY, ETO. 5. DICTIONARIES, ENCYCLOPEDIAS, AND GAZETTEERS. Biographical Annals of the Civil Government of the United States, during its first century. By Charles Lanman. 8°. pp.676. Washington, 1876. 6. 2. 6. Cyclopaedia, American Annual, and Register of Important Events. [Apple- ton's.] Vols. I-XV and Index. New series. Vols. I-IV. 1861-79. 20 vols. 80. New York, i867-'8o. [Current.] 5. 4. 1-20. New Universal. (Johnson's.) A scientific and popular Treasury ot Useful Knowledge. Maps, plans, and eng. 4 vols. imp. 8°. New York, i876-'78. 28. 5. 6-9. of Applied Mechanics. (Appleton's.) Edited by Park Benjamin. Illus. 2 vols. imp. 80. New York, 1880. 5. 2. 18-19. of Drawing. (Appleton's.) Plates and cuts. 8^. pp. xiv, 410. New York, 1857. 18. 2. 45. of Useful Arts, Mechanical and Chemical, Manufactures, Mining and Engineering. Edited by Charles Tomlinson. Illus. 2 vols. 8^. Lon- don [1852]. 5. 4. 23-24. The American. A popular Dictionary of general knowledge. [Apple- ton's.] Edited by George Ripley and Charles A. Dana. 16 vols. 8^. New York, i873-'76. 5. 6. 1-16. The New American. A popular Dictionary of general knowledge. [Appleton's.] 16 vols. 80. New York, i858-'65. 43. 3. 1-16. Dictionary. Architectural. Containing a correct nomenclature and deriva- tion of the terms employed by Architects, Builders, and Workmen. By Peter Nicholson. 2 vols. 40. London, 1819. 28. 3. 16-17. The same. [A new edition.] 281 plates. 2 vols. 4^. London, 1835. 5. 3. 2-3. Dutch-English. A complete pocket-dictionary of the English and Dutch languages, in two parts, P^ng.-Dutch, Dutch-Eng. By T. Hooi- berg. 2 vols 180. Dort, i843-'4S. 5. 1. 25-26. Engineering. An Architectural and Engineering Dictionary [etc.]. By Peter Nicholson. 2 vols. 40. London, 18 19. 28. 3. 16-17. The same. [A new edition.] 281 plates. 2 vols. 4°. London, 1835. 5. 3. 2-3. English. A critical pronouncing Dictionary, and expositor of the English Language [etc.]. By John Walker. 8^. New York, 1825. 5. 2. 5. 65 9 66 DIOTIONAEIES, ETO. BIOTIOUAEII!^, ETC. 6T Dictionary. Dictonary. Dictionary. English, A Dictionary of the English Language. By Joseph E. Worcester. 40. Boston, i860. 28. 5. 2. English. A pronouncing, explanatory, and synonymous Dictionary of the English Language. By Joseph E. Worcester. 8^. Boston [1855]. 5. 2. 22. Enjish. A Dictionary of the English Language. By Joseph E. Worcester. [Unabridged, with illustrations.] 4°. Philadelphia, 1878. 28. 5. 5. English, An American Dictionary of the English Language. By Noah Webster. 2 vols. 40. New York, 1828. 5. 3. 4-5. The same. 80. New York, 1844. 28. 2. 27. The same. 40. Springfield, Mass., 1854. 28. 5. 3. The sajfie. [Illustrations.] 40. Springfield, 1865. 28. 5. 4. The same. [Counting-house ed.] 8^. pp. 632. New York, 1878. 9. 4. 17. English. Dictionary of the English Language. By Samuel Johnson, LL.D. 2 vols. 40. Philadelphia, 1819. 5. 3. 9-10. English. Johnson's, as improved by Todd, and abridged by Chal- mers; with Walker's pronouncing Dictionary combined [etc.]. 8^. Bos- ton, 1828. - 6. 2. 4. Erench- English. Boyer's French Dictionary; comprising all the addi- tions and improvements of the latest Paris and London editions, etc., according to the Dictionary of the Abbe Tardy. 8^. Boston, 1832. 14. 4. 6. Erench- English. Fleming and Tibbins' Royal Dictionary; English- French and French-English. 2 vols. 4^. Paris, 1846. 5. 3. 1-2. The same. 2 vols. 40. Paris, i852-'54. 28. 5. 1-2. Erefich-English. Pronouncing Dictionary of the French and English Languages. By A. Spiers and G. Surenne. 12°. pp. 583, 390. New York, 1879. 5. 1. 30. — Geographical, Statistical, and Historical. By J. R. McCulloch 2 vols. 80. London, 1846. 21. 1. 1-2. — German- English. A complete Dictionary of the English-German and German-English Languages. By Dr. J. G. Fliigel. 2 vols. 8°. Leip- sic, 1838. 6. 1. 3-4. — Greek-English, A new Greek and English . Lexicon. By James Donnegan. 12°. Philadelphia, 1846. 5. 1. 7. — Italian- English. New English and Italian pronouncing and explana- tory Dictionary. By John Millhouse. 4th ed. 2 vols. 12°. New York, 1877. 5. 1. 5-6. DIOTIONAEIES, ETO. DIOTIONAEIES, ETO. 69 Dictionary. Dictionary. Dictionary. Latin-English. A new and copious Lexicon of the Latin Lan- guage. [And] English-Latin Lexicon. By F. P. Leverett. In i vol. 2.0, Philadelphia, 1 86 1. 5.2.2. Mechanics. Appleton's Dictionary of Machines, Mechanics, Engine- work, and Engineering. Illus. 2 vols. 8^. New York, 1852. • 5. 2. 20-21. Mechanics. Knight's (E. H.), American Mechanical Dictionary. Illus. 3 vols. imp. 80. New York, 1877. 5. 2. 15-17. Mechanics. Appleton's Cyclopaedia of Applied Mechanics. Illus. 2 vols. imp. 80. New York, 1880. 5. 2. 18-19. Mechanic's pocket. Being a note-book of technical terms, rules, and tables. By William Greer. 16°. pp. 547. Glasgow, 1837. 2 copies. 5. 1. 23. Military. A Naval and Military technical Dictionary of the French Language. By Lieut, Col. Robert Burn. Fr.-Eng., Eng.-Fr. In i vol. 80. Boston, 1853. 5. 1. 21. Military. Comprising technical definitions [etc.]. By Col. H. L. Scott, U. S. A. 80. pp. 674. New York, 1862. 5. 2. 9. — Military. Dictionnaire Militaire abregc. Belair (J. P. J.) /;/ his Elemens de Fortification [etc.]. 12O. Paris, 1793. 6. 2. 27. — Military. Diccionario Militar, Etimologio, Historico, Tecnologico, con dos Vocabularios Frances y Aleman. Por el Coronet J. Almirante. imp. 80. Madrid, 1869. 5. 2. 3. — Militaty. Dictionnaire de I'Armee de Terre, ou recherches historiques sur Tart et les usages Militaires des Anciens et des Modernes. Par le General Baron E. A. Bardin. 7 vols. 8^. Paris, 1843-44. 5. 1. 11-17. ■ — Military. Hand-book Dictionary for the Militia and Volunteer serv- ices, obi. 180. pp. 290. London, 1861. 1. 1. 37. — Military. Nouveau Dictionnaire Militaire. Par A. T. Gaigne. 8°. pp. xii, 642. Paris, 1801. 5. 1. 19. — Military. Dictionary of the Military Science [etc.]. By Lieut. E. S. N. Campbell. 8°. pp. viii, 284. London, 1830. 5. 1. 20. — Military. Encyclopedic Methodique: Art Militaire. 5 vols, (i of plates). 40. Paris, 1784. 5. 3. 17. 21. — Military ; or, explanation of the several systems of Discipline of differ- ent kinds of troops. Infantry, Artillery, and Cavalry ; the principles of Fortification, and all the modern improvements in the Science of Tactics. By Lieiit. Col. William Duane, U, S. A. 8^. pp. 748. Philadelphia, 1810. 5. 1. 18. — Naval and Military technical Dictionary of the French Language. By Lieut. Col. R. Burn. Fr.-Eng., Eng.-Fr. In i vol. 8°. Boston, 1853. 5. 1. 21. 70 DIOTIONAEIES, ETO. DIOTIONAEIES, ETO. 71 Dictionary. Dictionary. Dictionary of all Officers who have been commissioned, or have been ap-: pointed and served, in the Army of the United States, 1 789-1852. By- Charles K. Gardner. 2d ed. 80. pp. 640. New York, 18^0. 5. 2. 10.; of Arts, Manufactures, and Mines. By Andrew Ure, M. D. 8^. New York, 1843. 28. 1. 33. The same. To which is appended a Supplement of recent improve-; ments to the present time. 2 vols. 8^. New York, 1845. 5. 2. 12-13.' of Arts and Sciences. By G. Gregory, D. D. Illus. 3 vols. 40." New York, 1821. 5. 3. 6-8. — of Dates (Haydn's) relating to all Ages and Nations. 13th ed. By| Benj. Vincent. 8^. pp. vii, 851, 56. London, 187 1. 5.2.11.- — of 'Science, Literature, and Art : comprising the history, description, and scientific principles of every branch of human knowledge [etc.]. By W. T. Brande. 80. pp. 1352. New York, 1852. 22. 3. 8. — of terms used in Architecture, Building, Engineering, Mining [etc.]. ByJohnWeale. 12O. London, 1873. 5.1.22. — of the United States Congress and the general Government. By Charles Lanman. 6th ed. 80. pp. 652. Hartford, 1869. 5. 2. 7. — Russian- English, A new pocket Dictionary of the English and Rus- sian, and of the Russian and English Languages. 18^. pp. 396. Leipsic,: (Tauchnitz). n. d. 5. 1. 24. — Spanish-English. Neuman and Baretti's. 2 vols. 8^. Boston, 1847. 5. 1.1-2. — Spanish- English. Seoane's Neuman and Baretti: A pronouncing- Dictionary of the Spanish and English Languages. By Mariano Velaz- : quez de la Cadena. 8^. New York, i860. 5. 2. 1.' — Technological. In the English, German, and French languages, con- taining about 76,000 technical terms and locutions employed in Arts, Trades, and Industry in general. Edited by Alexander Tolhausen. 2d (Tauchnitz) ed. 3 vols. 12O. Leipzig, 1878. 5. 1. 27-29. — Technological. In the English, German, and French languages, of the terms employed in the Arts and Sciences, Architecture, Engineering [etc.]. Oscar Mothes, /'w^^. 2d ed. 3 vols. 8^. Wiesbaden, 1870. 5. 3. 11-13. — Topographical, of the Province of Lower Canada. By Joseph Bou- chette. 40. London, 1832. 5. 3. 16. — Universal Biographical [etc.]. By C. N. Baldwin. 8°. pp. 444. Richmond, Va., 1826. 5. 2. 8. — (Universal) of Weights and Measures, Ancient and Modern. Reduced to the standards of the United States. By J. H. Alexander. 8°. pp. 158. Baltimore, 1850. 16. 1. 35. 72 DIOTIONAEIES, ETO. DIOTIONABIES, ETC. 73 Dictionnaire. Gazetteer. Dictionnaire de rArtillerie. See Cotty (H.), Encyclopedic. 6. 3. 14-15. Universel d'Histoire et de Geographie. Par M. N. Bouillet. 2o« ^d. 8o. pp. iv, 2040. Paris, 1866. 6. 2. 14. Encyclopsedia Americana. A popular Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, Literature, History, Politics, and Biography. Edited by Francis Lieber [and others]. 16 vols. 80. Philadelphia, 'i838-'47. 45. 4. 19-32. Britannica, or Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, and general literature; 8th ed. lUus. Vols. I-XXI and Index. 22 vols. 4°. Boston, 1853-60. 43. 4-5. The same. 9th ed. Illus. Vols. I-XII. 12 vols. 40. Boston, i875-'8i. [Current.] 5. 6. 1-12. of Architecture and Furniture ; Cottage, Farm, and Villa. By J. C. Loudon, F, L. S. Illus. 8°. pp. xxiv, 131 7. London, 1853. 7. 3. 23. of Civil Engineering, historical, theoretical, and practical. By Edward Cresy. 80. pp. vii, 1655. London, 1847. 18- 1- 20 of Law and Forms [etc.]. By Hugh M. Spalding. 8°. pp. 676. Philadelphia, 1879. 23. 4. 30. of Printing. J. Luther Kingwalty JE^/i^or, 8°. pp. xv, 512. Phila- delphia, 1 87 1. 5. 4. 24. Zell's popular. A universal Dictionary of English Language, Science, Literature, and Art. By L. Colange, ZL. D. Illus. 2 vols. 40. Philadelphia, i87o-'7i. 28. 5. 10-11. Encyclop^die M6thodique: Art Militaire. 5 vols, (i of plates). 40. Paris, 1784. 5. 3. 17-21. Dictionnaire de I'Artillerie. Par H. Cotty. 4°. Paris, 1822. 5. 3. 14. The same. Supplement. 4°. Paris, 1832. 5. 3. 15. Gazetteer. Complete descriptive and statistical, of the United States of Amer- ica. By Daniel Haskel, A. J/., and J. Calvin Smith. 8°. pp. 752. New York, 1845. 9- 4. 15. New and complete statistical, of the United States of North America. By Richard Swainson Fisher, M. D. 8°. pp. 960. New York, 1858. 9. 4. 12. Index Geographicus. Being a Hst, alphabetically arranged, of the principal places on the Globe ; with the Countries and Subdivisions of the Countries in which they are situated, and their Latitudes and Longi- tudes. Compiled specially with reference to Keith Johnston's Royal Atlas, but applicable to all modern atlases and maps. 8°. Edinburgh, 1864. 9. 4. 10. of the United States of America. By William Darby and Theodore D wight, /r. 80. Hartford, 1833. 74 DIOTIONAEIES, ETO. DIGTIONAKIES, ETO. 75 Gazetteer. Gazetteer. Gfkzetteer or Geographical Dictionary of North America and the West Indies. By Bishop Davenport. 8^. pp. 471. Baltimore, 1833. 9. 4. 16. (Pronouncing) or Geographical Dictionary of the World. [J. B. Lippin- cott & Co.] SO. Philadelphia, 1855. 28. 2. 21. The same. New edition, revised and enlarged. 8^. pp. 2478. Philadelphia, 1880. 9. 4. 11. (Universal) or Geographical Dictionary, Ancient and Modern. By J. E. Worcester, A, M. 2 vols. 8^. Andover, 181 7. 9. 4. 13-14. 76 DIOTIONAEIES, ETO. 6. MILITARY ENGINEERING, FORTIFICATION, ATTACK, AND DEFENSIC OF PLACES, SAPPING AND MINING, MILITARY SURVEYING, MILITARY BRIDGES, TORPEDOES, Big. Aide-M6moire for the Engineer and Sapper. [In the Russian language.] 12^. St. Petersburg, 1848. 6. 1. 16. portatif, k I'usage des Officiers du G(5nie. Par J. Laisne, Capitaitie du Genie, 2'"« ed. 8 pi. 12O pp. x, 620. Paris, 1840. 28.1.37. The same, 3°^® ^d. PI. 12O. pp. xi, 712. Paris, 1853. 1.38. — The same. 4""« ed. PI. 12°. pp. xi, 873. Paris, 1 861. 6. 1. 18. — to the Military Sciences. Framed from contributions of Officers of the different services, and edited by a Committee of the Corps of Royal Engineers. PI. and ill us. 2d ed. 3 vols. 8°. London, 1853-62. 6. 5. 30-32. — The same. Vol . III. London, 1852. 28. 2.22. Arsenal du Genie. Composition du material d'une Compagnie du train du Genie, d'apres la deliberation du Comite du Genie du 9 Fevrier, 1824. ms. fol. n. d. 48. 24. Attack of Fortresses. Instruction in Military Engineering ; compiled at the School of Military Engineering, Chatham. Vol. I, Part 2. Illus. 2d ed. London, 1879. 6. 1. 50. of Fortresses in the future. (Royal Engineer prize Essay, 1876.) By Captain T. Yizztx <, R. E. PI. 8^. pp. vi, 102. [London,] 1877. 6. 5. 45. of Fortresses, Military Mining and Reconnoitring, and Field Fortifica- tion. A treatise on, by I. S. Macaulay, Col. of U. C. Militia. 5th ed. 80. pp. xiii, 337. London, i860. 6. 2. 44. of Military Posts, Villages, Intrenchments, etc. A practical Treatise on. By J. Jebb, Capt. R. E. PI 8°. pp. viii, 82. London, 1837. 6. 3. 9. and Defense of permanent Works and permanent Fortifications. Sum- mary of the Course of. For the use of the Cadets of the U. S. Military Academy. By B-of. D. H. Mahan, U. S. Mil. Acad. 12 pi. Imp. ^°- PP- 372, and atlas fol. West Point, N. Y., 1850. 6. 4. 6. 77 78 MILITAKY ENGINEERING, FOETIFIOATION, ETC. MILITARY ENaiNEERING, FOETIFIOATION, ETO. 79 Attack. Bridges. Attack and Defense of Places. Experiences de Bapaume. Rapport fait k M. le Ministre de la Guerre, par la Commission mixte d'Officiers d'Artil- lerie et du Genie, instituee le 12 Juin, 1847, pour 6tudier, sur les Fortifi- cations de Bapaume, les principes de I'execution des breches par le Canon et par la Mine. 28 pi. 8°. pp. 356. Paris, 1852. 6. 2. 14. and Defense of Places. L'Art d'Attaquer et de Defendre les Places, suivi d'un essai sur les Mines. Par M. Lefebvre, Major an Corps des In- genieurs de Frusse. 3 vols (i of plates.) 4O. Paris, 1808. 6. 6. 12-14. and Defense of Places. Memoires pour I'attaque et pour la defense d'une place. Par M. le General Goulon. 4 pi. 12^. pp. 69 [11]. ; Amsterdam, 1706. 6. 2. 30. i \_Bound with Coehom's {Baron de) " Nouvelle Fortification."] Attaque des Places. Memorial de 1'. Par L. de Cormontaingne, Marechal de Ca7np. PI. 8°. pp. xiv, 316. Paris. 28. 1. 13. [Vol. II of his " CEuvres posthumes."] TJu same. PI. 8°. pp. xxiii, 352. Paris, 1835. 6. 2. 8. des Places. Traite de, par le Marechal Vauban. Revue [etc.] par F. P. Foissac, Chef de Brigade, PI. 8^. pp. xxvii, 357. Paris, 1795. 6. 3. 22. The same, [Edited] Par M, Augoyat, Chefde Bataillon, 8°. pp. xxiv, 529 and atlas fol. Pai:is, 1828. 6. 3. 24. et Defense des cotes et des ports, fitude Historique et Strategique. In " De la Guerre Maritime avant et depuis les nouvelles inventions." Par R. Grivel, Capitaine de Vaisseau, 2 pi. 8°. pp. 11, 282. Paris, 1869. 6. 4. 21. et Defense des Places fortes. Par A. Ratheau. 2 vols, text 8°, atlas fol. Paris, 1877. 6. 4. 8. et Defense des Places^^et de Fortification. Essai general de. Par H. J. B. de Bousmard. 2 vols. 8°, and atlas 4O. Paris, 18 14. 6. 2. 2-4. Bridges, Military, Description of a system of Military Bridges with india- rubber Pontons. Prepared for the use of the United States Army. By Capt, Geo. W. Cullum, U. S. Corps of Engineers, PI. 8°. pp. [143]. New York, 1849. ^7. 5. 34. [Professional Papers No. 4, Corps of Engineers, U. S. A.] Military. Nicole d' Application de TArtillerie et du Genie. Cours de Mecanique appliquee aux Machines [Fonts'], PI. fol. pp. 47. [Metz, n. d.] 6. 5. 6. Military, ficole Regimentaire d'Arras. ficole de Ponts. 8 pl. 40. pp. 65. Arras, 1850. 23. 3. 25. Military. Essai d'une instruction sur le Passage des Rivieres et la ccmi- struction des Ponts Militaires h. I'usage des Troupes de toutes armes. Par C. A. Haillot, Capitaine \etc,\ PI. 8^. pp. iii, 524. Paris, 1835. 23. 3. 31. 80 MILITAEY ENGINEEBING, FORTIFIOATION, ETO. . MILITAEY ENGINEERING, FORTIFIOATION, ETO. 81 Bridges. Bridges. Bridges Military, Essay on the principles and construction of Military Bridges, and the Passage of Rivers in Military Operations. By Col. Sir Howard Douglas. 13 pi. 80. pp. ii, 204. London, 1816. 23.3.32. Military. Extrait du Reglement sur le service et les manoeuvres des. 5 pi. 32O. pp. 204. Metz, 1835. !• 1- 35* The same. Approuve par son Exc. le Ministre de la Guerre, le 27 Avril, i860. 240. pp. 475. Paris, i860. 1. 1. 34. Military. Instruction in Military Engineering. Vol. I. (Part III.) Military Bridges. Compiled at the School of Military Engineering, Chatham. 37 pi. 80. London, 1875. 23. 3. 30. Military, Instructions for transport and erection of military wire Sus- pension-Bridge equipage. Quartermaster Departmtent, £/". 6*. ^. 10 pi. 8°. pp. 24. Washington, 1862. 23. 3. 23. Military, Le Guide du Pontonier. Memoire sur les Ponts Militaires. Contenant ce qui a rapport aux reconnaissances et passages de rivieres ; la construction des Ponts de bateaux, de Radeaux, et de Chevalets; la formation d'un nouvel equipage de Ponts de bateaux, etc. Par M. Drieu, Capitaine [etc], 8°. pp. vi, 150 [4]. Paris, 1815. 23. 3. 29. Military, Military Bridges, with suggestions of new expedients and constructions for crossing streams and chasms. Including, also, designs for trestle and truss Bridges for military railroads. By Herman Haupt, C, E, 69 pi. 80. pp. xix, 310. New York, 1864. 23. 3. 9. — Military, Nouvel equipage de Ponts Militaires de I'Autriche, etc. Avec un atlas de 43 planches. Par C. A. Haillot. 8°. pp. xlix, 487, and atlas 40. Paris, 1846. 23. 3. 27. — Military, Organization of the Bridge equipage of the United States Army, with directions for the construction of Military Bridges. Prepared by a Board of Engineer Officers. 16 pi. 8°. pp. 102, and atlas fol. 2 vols. Washington, 1870. 1. 1. 56. — Military, Ponts Militaires et passages de rivieres. Par M. H. Meurdra^ Capitaine du Genie, Folding plates. 8°. pp. 250. Paris, 1 86 1. 23. 3. 28. — Military. Recherches sur les Equipages de Ponts Militaires en Europe, etc. Par le Chevalier de Birago, Major \etc.\, 4 pi. 8°. pp. xii, 363. Paris, 1845. 23. 3. 26. — Military, Systems of Military Bridges in use by the United States Army, those adopted by the great European powers, and such as are employed in British India, with directions for the use, preservation, destruction, and re-establishment of Bridges. By Brig. Ge?i, George W. Cullum, Lt, Col, Corps of Ens^ineers, PI. and illus. 8°. pp. vi, 22J5. New York, 1863. 23. 3. ^. 82 MILITARY ENGINEERING, EORTIFIOATION, ETC. MiLlTARf ENalNEERINa, FORTIFIOATION, ETO. 8S Charleston, S. C. Defense. Charleston, S. C. Engineer and Artillery operations against the defenses o^ Charleston Harbor in 1863. With a supplement. By Q. A. Gillmore, Major of Engmeers, Bvi. Maj. Ge?i, U. S. A. PI. and maps. 8°. pp. 314, 172., New York, .1868. 17. 6. 7. [Professional Papers No. i6. Corps of Engineers, U. S, A.] Dangers and Defences of New York. Addressed to the Hon. J. B. Floyd, Secretary of War, by Major], G. Barnard, Corps of Engineers^ U, S. A. 80. pp. 62. New York, 1859. 6. 4. 17. and Defences of New York City. Memoir addressed to the Hon. J. B. Floyd, Secretary of War, by J. St. C. Morton, Firsi Lieut, of Engineers, 80. pp. 93. Washington, 1858. . 6. 4. 18. Defense of Places. Memoire sur Teffet des Feux Verticaux propose par M, Carnot, dans la defense des places fortes. Par M, Augoyat, Capitaine au Corps Royal du Garde, 40. pp. 48. Paris, 1821. 7. 2. 23. Defenceless state of Great Britain. By Sir Francis B. Head, Bart. 12°. pp. xiv, 410. London, 1850. 6. 3. 37. Defense active des Places, fitudes sur la. Par A. Picot, General de Brigade, 80. pp. 147. Paris, 1850. 6. 2. 31. de Belfort. Histoire de la. ficrite sous le controle de M, le Colonel Denfert-Rochereau. Par MM, Edouard Thiers, Capitaine du Genie ^ et S. de la Laurencie, Capitaine d'Artillerie. Avec cartes et plans. 4™® ^d. 80. pp. 413. Paris, 1874. ^ 6. 5. 54. des fitats. Considerations sur la, d'apr^s le Systeme Militaire actuel de I'Europe. [Anon.] 40. pp. [4,] 84. Paris, 1824. 6. 5. 23. des fitats, et Fortification, fitudes sur la. Par A. Brialmont, Colonel d'^tat-MajoK 3 vols. 8°, and atlas of 38 pi. fol. 4 vols. Paris, 1863. 6. 5. 34-36. des fitats par les positions fortifiees. Par Col, G. d'Arsac, Marquis de Ternay. 8^. pp. iv, 264. Paris, 1836. 6. 2. 17. des Places fortes. Par L. N. M. Carnot. 3"^*' 6d. 11 pi.. 40. pp. xxxix, 616. Paris, 181 2. 6. 5. 27. des Places. Memorial pour la. Par L. de Cormontaingne, Matechal de Camp, PI. 80. pp. xxii, 371. Paris, 181 5. 28.1.14. [Vol. Ill of his '' CEuvres posthumes."J The same, PI. 2™« ed. 8°. pp. xxiii, 386. Paris, 1822. 6. 2. 9. des Places. Traite de, par le Marechal Vauban. Revue [etc.] par F. Y,Yo\^%2,Q., Chef de Brigade {etc. \, PI. 80. pp.328. Paris, 1795. 6. 3. 23. The same, Nouvelle 6d. Par M, le Baron De Valaz6. 8^. pp. 552, and atlas fol. Paris, 1829. 6. 3. 25. 84 MILITARY ENGINEEEING, FORTIFIOATION, ETO. MILITARY ENGINEERING, FORTIFIOATION, ETO. 85 Defense. Fortification. D6fense et rarmement des Cotes. Memoire sur la, avec plans et instructions, approuves par Napoleon. 6 pi. 8°. pp. 62* Paris, 1837. 6. 2. 24. -^ of Outposts. Practical treatise on strengthening and defending Out- posts, Villages, Houses, Bridges, etc. By J. Jebb, Captain in the Corps of Royal Engifieers. 8^. pp. x, 81. Chatham, 1837. 6. 3. 8. Ecole Imperial d'Artillerie et du Genie. Travail de la Commission Mixte [etc.] pour arreter de plan d'instruction et le reglement general de TEcole. 40. Metz, 1807. 6. 5. 42. Engineer Officers' Field Book. Agenda pour servir sur le terrain. A MM, les Officiers-Eleves de I'Ecole d'fitat-Major. 4™** ed. 18^. pp. 135. Paris, 1856. 6. 1. 27. Jortiflcation. Annals of a Fortress. By E. Viollet-le-Duc. Translated by Benjamin Bucknall. pp. xv, 390. 8°. Boston, 1876. 6. 4. 28. Annual reports of the Chief of * Engineers, U. S. Army, 1866-80. i Maps, plans, and illus. 25 vols. 8°. Washington. ji 39. 1. 1-25. Cours sur le trace et la construction des Batteries de toute espece. Extrait de I'ouvrage public par le Comite d'Artillerie. 2™® ed. 10 pi. 160. pp. 252. Metz, 1837. 6. 2. 47. Brief Memoir explanatory of a new trace of a front of Fortification in place of the present bastioned front. By MaJ. Wm. H. Chase, Corps of Engineers, 3 pi. 8^. pp. 11. New Orleans, 1846. 6.2.22. Defenses of Washington (The). A report on. By Bvt, MaJ. Gen, J. G. Barnard, Col. Corps of Engineers, U. S. A. 30 pi. 40. pp. 152. Washington, 1871. 17. 6. 17. [Professional Papers No. 20, Corps of Engineers, U. S. A.] Description de la nouvelle citadelle de Gand [Ghent]. Par M. Gey Van Pittius, Lieut, Col. du Gefiie; suivie d'une traduction de la relation du sejour des troupes Neerlandaises dans cette place en 1830. 40. pp. 52. Breda, 1845. 6. 5. 20. ficole Regimentaire d' Arras. Les charges des Fourneaux. PI. fol. pp. 8. [Arras,] 1853. 6. 6. 2. ficole Regimentaire de Montpellier. Note sur les ruptures demand^e par la deliberation du Comite des Fortifications du 10 juillet, 1850. Diagrams, fol. pp. [20]. 1849-50. 6. 5. 3. Estudios sobra las Casamatas para Artilleria. Por el Coronet D, Emilio Bernaldez. 3 pi. 8°. pp. 92. Madrid, 1862. 6. 3. 46. Etliche underricht zu befestigung der Stett, Schlosz, und Flecken. [Title piece, and eighteen wood-cuts, in text and full page, illustrative of the Fortification of Towns, Castles, etc.] By Albrecht Diirer. fol. 26 unnumbered leaves. Nuremberg, 1527. 6. 5. 16. 86 MILITAEY ENGINEEEINa, FORTIFICATION, ETO. MILITARY ENGINEEEING, POETIFIOATION, ETC. 87 Fortification. Fortification. Fortification, fitudes sur les Batteries casematees et sur une nouvelle Bouche h Feu. Par F. P. J. Piron, Officier a V Etat-Major du Genie. 2 pi. 8°. pp. 48. Namur, i860. 6. 4. 13. Experiences faites ^ Metz en 1834, sur le Batteries de breche, sur la penetration des Projectiles dans divers milieux resistans, et sur la rupture des corps par le choc. Rapports de la Commission, etc. 10 pi. 8°. pp. 248. Paris, 1836. , 7. 1. 16. — '- Great Britain, Accounts of the loans for Defenses [and] account of the moneys raised to provide for the expenses of Fortifications, etc., for the years 1867-80. fol. London, v. d. 47. 3. 9. [British Parliamentary Papers.] Great Britain. Report of the Commissioners appointed to consider the Defenses of the United Kingdom ; also correspondence relative to a site for an internal Arsenal. Folding maps. fol. pp. Ixiv, 92. Lon- don, i860. 47. 5. 37. [British Parliamentary Paper.] Great Britain. Report with reference to the progress made in the construction of the Fortifications for the defense of the Dockyards and Naval Arsenals, etc., of the United Kingdom. Folding maps. fol. pp. 41. London, 1867. 47. 6. 38. [British Parliamentary Paper.] Great Btitain. The National Defences. By George Parker Bidder, jr. [Minutes of Proceedings Institution Civil Engineers, vol. xx, 1860-61, pages 391-585.] 80 London, 1 86 1. 2.1.20. L'Ami de I'Art Defensif, ou observations sur le Journal Polytechnique de rficole centrale des Travaux Publics. Par le General Montalembert. 40. pp. 25. Paris, 1796. 6. 6. 25. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting Reports on National Defence and National Foundries. (2(ith Co?ig., 1st Sess.^ Ho. Doc. 206. J 80. pp. 148. [Washington, 1840.] 2 copies. 6. 4. 26. Magasins k Poudre. Experiences faites en vertu des ordres de son Exc. le Ministre de la Guerre, sur de nouveaux Magasins h poudre, pro- poses et etablis par M. le Baron Champy. PI. fol. pp. 42. Paris, 1813. 6. 6. 1. — Memoir, by Zieut. Col. J. H. Humfrey, on the Fortress at Coblenz. In his " Essay on the modern system of Fortification " [etc.]. 6. 2. 1. — Memoria sobre el estado de las Defensas Maritimas despues de la in- troduccion de la Artilleria Rayada y Buques de Coraza. Por R. Cerero, Cap. de Ingenieros. 14 pi. 8^. pp. 251. Madrid, 1865. 6. 3. 45. — [Miscellaneous plates, embracing plans of Fortifications, Battles, Sieges, Camps, etc. A. D. 553 to 1794-] 4°- 6. 5. 46. — Notes on Casemate embrasures. By Barnard (J. G.), Major Corps of Engineers, In his " Notes on Seacoast Defense." 6. 2. 36. 88 MILITARY ENGINEEEING, FOKTIFIOATION, ETO. MILITARY ElfaiNEERiNG, FORTIFIOATION, ETO. 8d Fortification, Fortification. jFortification. Notes on Seacoast Defense. Consisting of Seacoast Fortifica- tion, the Fifteen-inch Gun, and Casemate Embrasures. By Maj. J. G. ^2irs\2.xdi^ Corps of Engineers, PI. and illus. 8°. pp. no. New York, 1861. * 6. 2. 36. Notice sur la Defense des Cotes Maritimes de France. Par M. La boria. 8°. pp. 62. Paris, 1841. {Misc. Painph.^ vol. vii.] 31. 2. 7 ' Observations faites par des Capitaines d'Artillerie sur un ouvrage inti- tule, " Essai sur quelques parties de I'Artillerie et des Fortifications, par le General Comte C * * *." {Misc, Pamph., vol. vii.] 31. 2. 7. Observations on the Duke of Richmond's extensive plans of Fortifi- cation. By the Author of A Short essay. 2. A Reply to the Answer to a Short Essay, in a letter to the Duke of Richmond. 3. Appendix to the foregoing pamphlets. 8<^. pp. vii, 253. London, 1794. 6.2.19. [Military pamphlets.] Organizacion Militar y sistema permanente defensivo de la Peninsula Espaiiola y posesiones adyacentes. 8°. pp.251. Madrid, 1874. 6. 3. 41. Pacific Coast of the U. S. Journal of the Board of Engineers for the Pacific Coast {Col. John L. Smith, Major Ogden, Capt. F. A. Smith, CoL Mason, and Zz>///. Leadbetter) organized for the preparation of projects for the defense of that coast. June 17, 1851, to Sept. 8, 1852. 40. ms. 43. 8. 23. Permanent Fortifications and Seacoast Defenses of the United States. Report on, by the Committee on Military Affairs. (Report No. '^6., H. ^., 37M Cong., 2d Sess.) 8^. pp. 528. Washington, 1862. 2 copies. 6. 5. 39. Contents, Report on national defenses by F. P. Blair for Committee on Military Affairs, House of Repre- sentatives, April, 1862. Report of Board of Engineers, 1840, on means of obstructing harbors. Reports on national defenses, etc., by Board of Engineers (Bernard and Totten), 1826; Secre- tary of War Cass, 1836 ; Colonel Totten, 1836 ; Colonel Bomford, 1836 ; Board of Navy Com- missioners, 1836; Secretary of War Poinsett, 1840; Board of Officers (Totten, chairman), 1840; General Gaines, 1839 ; Colonel Abert, 1840; Board of Navy Commissioners, 1840 ; Samuel Hum- phreys, 1840 ; Lieutenant Halleck, 1843 ; General Totten, Lieutenant-Colonel De Russy, Majors Chase and Delafield, Commodores Morris, Perry, and Stewart, Commanders Cunningham and Du Pont, Lieutenants Lanman, Maury, and Dahlgren, 1851. Also tables of various dates relat- ing to the Corps of Engineers, and to the objects, the sizes, the cost, and the dates of erection of the fortihcations of the United States. Record of experimental firing at Fort Monroe, Va., and Fort Dela- ware, Del. November and December, 1868. Text 8^ and atlas fol. Washington, 1870. [Text in pocket of atlas.] 48. 2. — Report of the Board of Engineers for Fortifications on general pro- files for Barbette Batteries. PI. 8°. 1868. {Misc. Pamph., vol. vii.] 3L 2. 7. Report on Fortifications by the Secretary of War. [With] Report of Gen. J. G. Totten, Chief Engitieer. [And] Papers on the subject of Na- tional Defenses, in reply to a communication from the Secretary of War, [By various ofticers of the Army and the Navy.] In i vol. 8^. pp. 108, 122. Washington, 1851. 6. 4. 25. 12 do MILITAKY ENGINEERING, FORTTFIOATION, ETC. MILITARY ENGItJEEEING, FORTIPIOATION, ETC. 91 Fortification. Fortification. Fortification. Report on the effects of firing with heavy Ordnance from Casemate Embrasures, and also the effects of firing against the same Embrasures with various kinds of missiles in 1852, 1853, 1854, and 1855, at West Point, N. Y. By Bvt. Brig. Geti. Jos. G. Totten, Chief Engineer, U,S.A. 9 pi. 80. pp. [152]. Washington, 1857. 17.5.3. [Professional Papers No. 6, Corps of Engineers, U. S. A.] Traite theorique et pratique de la Construction des Batteries. Par J. R. de Peretsdorf, Marechal de Ca?np, et A. P. F. Nancy, Chef de Bataillon d'Artillerie. 8°. pp. xvi, 560, and atlas fol. Paris, 1826. 6. 4. 22. Abhandlung uber die Befestigungskunst, von Georg F. v. Hauser, Major im K. K. Genie- Corps. Text and plates. 2 vols. 4^. Wien, 182'. 6.5.24-25. [Treatise on Fortification for the use of the Imperial Royal Academy of Engineers of Austria.] A few concise observations on Military Construction, with some Rules for it which are not to be found in any of the works of those who have written on the subject [etc.]. By James Glenie, M. A. 8^. pp. 121. London, 1807. 6. 2. 19. [Military pamphlets.] Armor. Armour for Ships and Forts. By James Chalmers, Inventor of the. Chalmers Target. 2 folding plates. 8^. pp.20. London, 1865. 24. 5. 8. Armor. [Charles Cammell & Co.'s illustrated Catalogue of their pro- ductions, embracing armor-plated forts, armor plates, armor-plate bolts, and washers, machinery, etc.] 118 pi. 40. Sheffield (Eng.). n. d. 14. 4. 5. — Armor. Die Panzerthlirme. [Iron turrets.] Studie von Josef Kunka, Oberlietitenant des \ Genie-regi?nents. PI. 8^. Wien, 1876. 6.5.52. [From Mittheilungen uber gegenstdnde des Artillerie- und Genie-wesens^ 1876. Heft i-iv.] Arfnor. Extracts from " Constructions of Iron applied to Fortifica- tions." By O. Geise, Capt. Royal Prussian Engineers, 8^. 1867. {Misc. Pamph., vol. vii.] 31. 2. 7. — Armor. Metallic Land Defenses. In " A Treatise on Naval Gunnery." By Sir Howard Douglas. PI. and cuts. 3d ed. 8°. pp. xxxv, d^^. London, 1851. 28. L 23. — The safne, 5th ed., revised. PI. and illus. 8^. pp. xii, 66^. Lon- don, i860. 7. 2. 45. — Armor, Report of a special Committee on the '* Gibraltar " Shields, together with minutes of evidence, etc. [Appendix.] 25 folding pi. fol. pp. 159. London, 1868. 6. 5. 4. — Armor. Report of the Board of Engineers, U. S. A., on the Ryan Revolving Fort, and the answer thereto. 8^. 1868. [And] Specifica- tions of a Revolving Iron Fort mounting eight xv-inch guns. [Ryan's.] 80. 1867. \Misc. Pamph., vol. vii] 31. 2. 7. 92 MILITAKY ENGINEEKING, FORTIFICATION, ETC. MILITARY ENGINEERING, PORTIEIOATION, ETC. 93 Fortification. Fortification. Fortification, Armor. Report on certain experimental and theoretical investi- gations relative to the quality, form, and combination of materials for De- fensive Armor. By Bvt. Maj, W. R. King, U. S. A. 28 pi. 40. pp. 107. Washington, 1870. 17. 6. 8. [Professional Papers No. 17, Corps of Engineers, U. S. A.] Armor, Report on the fabrication of iron for defensive purposes [etc.]. By Col. J. G. Barnard, Lieut. Col H. G. Wright, and CapL P., S. Michie, Corps of Engineers, U. S. A. PI. and illus. 4°. pp. 230, 51. Washington, i87i-'72. 17. 6. 18. [Professional Papers No. 21, Corps of Engineers, U. S. A.] Armor. Report on the penetration of Iron Armor Plates by Steel Shot. By Capt. W. H. Noble, Royal Artillery. 16 pi. fol. pp. 54. London, 1866. 2 copies. 7. 2. 3. Armor. Treatise on Ordnance and Armor, embracing material, fabri- cation, rifling, etc. By Alex. L. Molly, B. P. 493 illus. 8^. pp. xliv, 900. New York, 1865. 7. 2. 42. Considerations politiques et militaires sur les travaux de Fortification executes depuis 18 15 en France et a I'etranger. Par P. Ardant, Lieut. Col. du Genie. Map. 8^. pp. 104. Metz, 1846. 6. 4. 9. — ^ Course of Elementary Fortification. By Capt. C. W. Pasley, R. E. (Vols. II and III of his " Course of Military Instruction.") 2 vols. 8°. London, 181 7. 6.3.13-14. — The same. 2d ed. 2 vols. 8°. London, 1822. 6. 3. 15-16. Cours elementaire de Fortification a I'usage de MM. les Eleves de I'Ecole special militaire. Par Prof. N. Savart. Folding pi. 8°. pp. xvi, 563. Paris, 181 2. 6. 2. 26. — Cours sur la Fortification Permanente a I'usage des Eleves de I'Ecole Royale de I'Artillerie et du Genie. Par E. Le Sage, Professeur. 3 pi. fol. pp. 201, Metz, 1825. 6. 6. 5. — Die Polygonal-Befestigung welche seit dem jahre 181 5 in Deuchts- land zur Anwendung gekommen ist. Von A. Mangin. Mit einem An- hange, von J. Coster. PI. 8^. pp. x, 132. Leipzig, 1855. ^' ^' ^2. [Polygonal Fortification in use in Germany since 1815. 1 Drawing. Descriptive Geometry as applied to the Drawing of Forti- fication and Stereotomy. By D. H. Mahan, LL. D. PI. 8°. pp. 55. New York, 1864. 6. 3. 48. ficole d' Application de I'Artillerie et du Genie, i. Le9ons sur le Dessin de la Fortification. 2. Resumes des legons. 3. Attaque et de- fense des places. Par M. Noizet, Chef de Bafaillon du Genie. 3 vols, fol. pp. 51, 37, 39. [Metz,] 1837. 6. 5. 9-11. ficole d' Application de I'Artillerie et du Genie. Memoire sur le projet de Fortification en terrain horizontal. Par J. Henriet, Eleve a PEcole. ms. fol. pp. 79. [Metz,] 1837. 6. 5. 14. 94 MILITAKY ENGINEEEINa, POETIFIOATION, ETC. MILITAEY ENaiNEERING, lORTIFIOATION, ETC. 95 Fortification. Fortification. Fortification. Ecole de I'Artillerie et du Genie. Programmes pour Tenseigne- ment de la Fortification permanente, de TAttaque et de la Defense des places. 4^. pp. 56. Metz, 1831. 6. 5. 21. ficole Royale d'Artillerie et du Genie. Cours de Fortification per- manente. 2»'® partie. 6 pi. fol. n. d. 48. 25. Elemens de Fortification [etc.]. Suivie d'un Dictionnaire Militiiire. Vd^x ].V, O.^^XsiiXy General de Division. PI. 12^. pp. ix, 456. Paris, 1793. ^ 6.2.27. Elementary course of Permanent Fortification for the use of the Cadets of the U. S. Military Academy. By D. H. Mahan, LL. D. Revised and Edited by Prof, J. B. Wheeler, U. S. Military Academy. PI. 80. pp. ix, 177. New York, 1874. 6. 4. 7. en 1867. Por el Coronel de Ingenieros A. R. Arroqnia. 9 pi. 8*^. pp. 261. Madrid, 1868. 6. 3. 44. Essai sur la Fortification moderne, ou analyse comparee des sys- temes modernes Frangais et Allemands. Par P. E. Maurice, Capitaine du Genie, 8°. pp. vii, 156, and pi. fol. 2 vols. Paris, 1845. 6. 2. 25. Essai general de Fortification et d'Attaque et Defense des places. Par H. J. B. de Bousmard. 2 vols. 8°, and atlas 4^. Paris, 18 14. 6. 2. 2-4. Essay on a new System of. By George E. Head. Illus. 4°. pp. 23. New York, 1869. \Misc. Famph., vol. xiv.] 31. 2. 14. Essay on a pr^^posed new System of, with hints for its application to our National Defences. By James Fergusson. 10 pi. fol. pp. x, 165. London. 1849. ^' ^' ^^' — Essay on the modern system of, adopted for the defense of the Rhine Frontier, and followed in a greater or less degree in all the principal works of the kind now constructed on the Continent, exemplified in a copious memoir on the Fortress of Coblenz, and illustrated by plans and sections of the works at that place. By Lieut. Col. I. H. Humphrey. 80. pp. 39. London, 1838. 6. 2. 1. — et des relations generales de la Guerre de Siege. Par le citoyen Midland [etc.]. 12O. pp.68. Paris, 1794. 6.2.29. — Exposition et description d'un systeme de Fortification polygonale et k Caponnieres. Par un Officier du Genie Prussien. Translated by T. VdiimtntiQij Capitai?ie du Genie. 2 pi. 8°. pp.53. Paris, 1850. 6.2.23. — Field and permanent. Elements of. For the use of students, civilian and military. By Captain A. F. Lendy, Director of the Practical Militaty College of Sunbury. Illus. 12°. pp.222. London, 1857. 6.2.28. MILITARY ENGINEEEIM, POBTIFIOATION, ETC. MILITARY ENGINEERING, PORTIFIOATION, ETO. d7 Fortification. Fortification. Fortification, Field. Complete treatise on Field Fortification, with the general outlines of the principles regulating the arrangement, the attack, and the defence of Permanent Works. By D. H. Mahan, Professor U. S. Mili- tary Academy, PI. i6o. pp. 268. • New York, 1836. 6. 2. 49. The same. 3d ed. 160. New York, 1862. 6. 2. 50. Field, ficole Imperiale d'Application de I'Artillerie et du Genie. Pro- grammes du cours d'Art Militaire et de Fortification passagere. 4^. pp. 28. [Metz,] 1854. 6. 4. 15. Field. Essai de Fortification improvisee, ou suite ^ la Fortification eclectique. Par F. P. J. Piron, Capitaine du Genie. 4 pi. 8*^. pp. iii. Paris, 1864. 6. 2. 37. Field. Ecole regimentaire d'Arras. Ecole de Fortification de Cam- pagne. [Douze legons.] 7 pi. 4°. pp. 41. [Airas,] 1850. 6. 4. 14. Field. Elementary Course of Military Engineering. Part I. By Prof. D. H. Mahan. Illus. 80. pp. xxx, 284. New York, 1865. 6. 2. 41. Field. The Field Engineer ; or instructions upon every branch of Field Fortification. Demonstrated by examples which occurred in the Seven Years' War between the Prussians, the Austrians, and the Russians. Plans and Notes. By Capt. J. G. Tielke. Translated from the German, by Edwin Hewgill. 2 vols. 8^. London, 1789. 6. 2. 38-39. Field. Field Works; with observations on their construction and uses. Compiled by Thomas Kimber, M. A. 4 pi. 8^. pp. 41. Lon- don, 1 85 1. . 6. 2. 40. Field. First principles of Field Fortification ; containing concise and familiar precepts for the construction, attack, and defense of Field Works [etc.]. Translated from the German of Charles A. Struensee, by William Nicolay. 13 pi. 8^. pp. 232. London, 1800. 6. 2. 42. — Field. Fortification de Campagne. Ecoles regimentaire du Genie. Instruction pratique. Illus. 12O. pp. v, 380. Paris, 1880. 6. 2. 51. — Field. Handbook of. By Maj. W. W. Knollys, F. R. G. S. Cuts. 12O. pp. 273. Philadelphia [London], 1873. 6- 2* ^^' — Field. Instruction sur le defilement des ouvrages de campagne, k I'usage de 1' Ecole d'Application du Corps Royal d'£)tat-Major. [Anon.] 8°- PP- 53- Paris, 1824. 6. 3. 30. — Field. La Fortification Improvisee. Par A. Brialmont, Colonel d' ^tai-Major. 9 pi. 12°. pp.150. Bruxelles, 1872. 6.2.48. — Field. Trait6 de la defense interieure et exterieure des Redoutes. Par J/, de Touzac. PI. 80. pp.52. Paris, 1785. 6.2.45. — Field. Treatise on Field Fortification and the attack of Fortresses, military Mining, and Reconnoitring. By I. S. Macauley, Colonel of U. C. Militia. 5th ed. 80. pp. xiii, 337. London, i860. 6. 2. 44. 13 98 MILITARY ENGINEERING, PORTIFIOATION ETC. MILITARY ENGINEERING, FORTIFICATION, ETC. 99 Fortification. Fortification. Fortification for Officers of the Army and students of Military History [with illustrations and notes, and portraits of eminent writers on Fortification]. By Lieut. Henry Yule, Bengal Engineers. 8^. pp. xxii, 210. Edin- burgh, 185 1. • 6.2.6. Instruction sur le service de I'Artillerie. A I'usage de MM. les Aleves des ficoles Militaires etablies a Saint-Cyr et k Saint- Germain. Par M. Hulot, Chef de Bataillon an Corps Imperial a' Artillerie. PI. 12^. pp. xii, 283. Paris, 1813. 7. 1. 39. Troisihne partie. Precis sur le construction des batteries de siege. Des batteries de si^ge. Du tract5 de la batterie, etc. (La) Perpendiculaire, ou Essai sur plusieurs manieres de fortifier la ligne droite, le triangle, le quarre, et tous les polygenes, de quelqu' etendue qu'en soient les cotes, en donnant a leur defense une direction perpen- diculaire. Par M. le Marquis de Montalembert. Maps and folding plans. Vols. I-X. 10 vols. 40. Paris, i776-'83. ' 6. 6. 16-24., [Vol. X imperfect.] The same. Supplement au tome cinquieme. PL 8^. Paris, 1786. 28. 1. 17. La Science des Ingenieurs dans la conduite des travaux de Fortifi-i cation et d' Architecture Civile. Par Bernard Forest de Belidor. Nou- velle edition, avec des notes, par M. Navier. 4°. pp. viii, 596, and atlas fol. 2 vols. Paris, 1813. . 6. 5. 47. Manuel de Fortification Permanente. Par A. Teliakoffsky, Colonei du Genie; traduit du Russe par A. Goureau. 8*^. pp. iv, 250 [4], and atlas obi. 4"^. 2 vols. St. Petersbourg, 1849. 6. 4. 4. — Memoir on American Fortification. By Lieict. J. St. C. Morton, Corps of Engineers, U. S. A. 2 maps. 8°. pp. 91. Washington, 1859. 6. 2. 34. — Memoire sur la Fortification, contenant I'indication et le developpe- ment de moyens efficaces de defense. Par W. F. Camp, Capitaine du Genie. PI. 80. pp. 133. Paris, 1840. 6. 2. 18. — Memoire sur la Fortification Permanente pour servir a la construc- tion d'une front de Fortification sur le terrain. Par M. Sea. PI. /\9. pp. [8], xix, 284 [3], and atlas fol. 2 vols. St. Petersbourg, 181 1. 6.4.2. — Memoire sur la Fortification Primitive, pour servir de suite au^ Traite de la defense des Places Fortes. Par L. N. M. Carnot. 4°. pp. xxxvi, 51. Paris, 1823. 6. 5. 26. — Memoires diverses. Par P. M. Theodore Choumara, Capitaifie du Genie. In i vol. 80. 6. 3. 16.: 1. Considerations sur les eflfets de rArtillerie dans la d6fense des places, pp. viii, 44. Paris, 1826. 2. Memorial de I'Artillerie. pp. 62. 3. Observations sur I'article ins6r6 dans la 112"' livraison de la Revue Encyclopedique, relatif aux m6moires sur la Fortification, du CaJ>itaine du Genie Choumara. pp. 23. [Paris, 1828.] 100 MILITAEY ENGINEEfilNa, FOETiriOATION, ETC. MILITAEY ENaiNEEEING, FOKTiBIQATWN, Em : , ■ 101 Fortification. ,*, , ,,,, , , , Floi:t;fi,cation. Fortification. 4. Lettres au Ministre de la Guerre, sur les Fourneaux des Casernes, la Fortification et les Mines, avec observationes pr61iminaires indiquant la solution du problfeme propos6 par Napol6on sur les redoutes. pp. 69. Paris, 1831. 5. Lettres ^ M. le Ministre de la Guerre, sur le Comity du G^nie et les Fortifications de Vincennes. pp. 29. [Paris, 1831.] 6. Premier Memoire contre le Mardchal Soult. pp. 92. 7. Exameu critique d'une nouvelle relation du siege de Turin en 1706. pp. 48. 8. M^moires sur les Fortifications de Paris, avec plans, pp. 60. Paris, 1833. — _ 9. Examen critique de I'attaque et de la defense de la Citadelle d'Anvers, en D6cembre, 1832. pp. 64. Paris, 1833. — Memoires sur la Fortification Perpendiculaire. Par plusieurs Officiers du Corps Royal du Genie. Folding pi. 40. pp. 290. Paris, 1786. 6. 6. 10. — Memoires sur les modifications a apporter a la Fortification en raison de la portee nouvelle des armes ^ feu. Par V. Mordret, Chef du Bataillon du Genie. 8 folding plans. 8^. pp. 64. Paris, 1859. 6. 4. 20. — Memorial de I'Ofiicier du Genie, ou recueil de memoires, experiences, observations et procedes generaux propres a Fortification et les construc- tions militaires. PI. 25 vols, and index to vols. i-xv. 8°. Paris, i8o3-'76. [Current] 45.5.1-26. — Memorial de I'lngenieur Militaire, ou analyse abregee des traces de Fortification Permanente des principaux Ingenieurs depuis Vauban jusqu'a nos jours. Par P. E. Maurice-de-Sellon, Capitaine du Genie. 8°, pp. 98, and atlas fol. Paris, 1849. 6. 4. 29. — Memorial pour la Fortification Permanente et Passagere. Par L. de Corir.ontaingne, Marechal de Camp. PI. 8^. pp. xvi, 390. Paris, 1806. 28. 1. 12. [Vol. I of his "GEuvres posthumes."] — The saine. 2»»« ed. PI. 8^. pp. xvi, 384. . Paris, 1824. 6. 2. 7. — Notes on the Bastion system ; its defects and their remedies. By Lieut, E. S. Holden, 4//? U. S. Artillery. 8^. pp. 24. New York, 1872. {Misc. Pamph., vol. vii.] 31. 2. 7. — Notes supplementary to the course of Permanent Fortification. By Prof. D. H. Mahan. PL 4^. n. d. 6. 5. 53. — Noticia sobre le gran defensa. Nuevo mhetodo de Fortificacion. Su Autor el Theniente Coronel Don Felix Prosperi. Por el Coronet Don Emilio Bernaldez. 5 pi. 8°. pp. 72. Madrid, 1868. 6. 3. 47. — Notions sur le Defilement. Par P. L. Potevin. 5 pi. fol. pp. 8. Paris, 1844. 48. 23. — Nouvelle Fortification tant pour un terrain bas et humide, que sec et eleve, representee en trois manieres sur le contenu interieur de I'Exagone ^ la Frangoise, ou Ton fait voir quelle est la force des fossez sees mod- ernes, and de ceux qui sont pleins d'eau [etc.]. Par M. Baron de Coehorn. 14 pi. 120. pp, [37], 261. Wesel, 1706. 6. 2. 30. 102 ' : : llflLIT AfLlf jaiiit|NpEEINa, rORTIFIO ATION, ETC. MILITAKY EMIUEEBlNa, FOETIFIOATION, ETO. 103 Fortification. Fortification. Fortification. Observations on modern systems of Fortification, including that proposed by M. Carnot, and a comparison of the polygonal with the bastion syst«m [etc.]. By Sir Howard Douglas. lUus. 8^. pp. xi, 283. London, 1859. 6. 2. 5. Permanente. Par G. H. Dufour, Liejit. Col. du Genie. 4O. pp. xxix, 455, and planches, fol. 2 vols. Geneve, 1822. 6. 4. 3. Permanente. Defauts des Fronts Bastionnes en usage. Par J. Made- \2i\nQ^ Capitaine e?t retraite. 2 pi. 8^. pp.145. Paris, 1844. 19.5.28. [Bound with " Materiaux de Construction de I'Exposition Universelle de 1855."] Reponse aux memoires de M. de Montalembert, publics en 17 .o, sur la Fortification dite perpendiculaire, la composition des casemates inex- pugnables, la multiplication illimitee des bouches ^ feu, le projet d'ence- indre le royaume par des lignes imprenables, et autres idees d'une appa- rence tres-important ; pour servir d'apologie aux principes observes dans le Corps Royal du Genie. [And] Suite des Reponses du Col. d' Argon. 12°. pp. 119, 38. Paris, 1790. 6. 4. 23. Constructions-Details der Kriegsbaukunst. [Collection of designs and details of construction of forts and batteries.] 2 vols. fol. [Vienna,] 1877-80. 2 copies. ' Case 49. Contents. Vol. I. — I. Brick and stone work (walls). 2. Brick and stone work and roof coverings. 3. Construction of arches. 4. Construction of arches and drains. 5. Plans of loopholes. 6. Light and ventilation. 7. Light and ventilation. 8. Doors and gates, and construction of casemates. Vol. II. — I. Carpenter work. 2. Joiner work. 3. Lock and blacksmith work. 4. Mechanical constructions. 5. Construction of iron fortifications. 6. Details of construction of fortifications. {Permanent circular works on level land. Permanent forts in mountain ranges. Circular forts and batteries in mountain ranges. Temporary works in level and hilly countries. Principal dimensions of the calibres of Austrian artillery. Summary of the course of Permanent Fortification, and of the Attack and Defence of Permanent Works. For the use of the Cadets of the U. S. Military Academy. By Prof. D. H. Mahan, U. S. Military Acad- etny. 12 pi. imp. 8^. pp. 372, and atlas fol. West Point, N. Y., 1850. 6. 4. 6. Traite de Fortification polygonale, par A. Brialmont, Col. d'Etat- Major. 2 vols. 8^, and atlas fol. 3 vols. Bruxelles, 1869. 2 copies. 6. 6. 37-38. Traite elementaire d'Art Militaire et de Fortification. Par M. Gay De Vernon, Officier du Genie, 2 vols. 4^ and atlas fol. Paris, 1805. 6. 5. 28-29. 104 MILITARY ENGINEERmG, FORTIFICATION, ETC. MILITARY ENGINEERING, FORTIFIOATION, ETO. 105 Fortification. Guerre. Fortification. 7he same. Translated by Capt. J. M. O'Connor, for the use of the U. S. Military Academy. 2 vols. 80. New York, 18 17. 6. 2. 15-16. Treatise containing the elementary part of Fortification, regular and irregular. With remarks on the constructions of the most celebrated Authors, particularly of Marshal de Vauban and Baron Coehorn, in which the perfection and imperfection of their several works are consid- ered. By Prof. John Miiller. 6th ed. 34 pi. 8°. pp. xvi, 240. Lon- don, 1807. 6. 4. 19. Treatise on Coast Defense, based on the experience gained by Offi- cers of the Corps of Engineers of the Army of the Confederate States, and compiled from official reports of Officers of the Navy of the United States, made during the late North American war, from 1861 to 1865. By von Scheliha, Lieut, Col. and Chief Engifieer Department of the Gulf of Mexico^ C. S. A. PI. and illus. 8°. pp. xviii, 326. London, 1868. 6. 5. 41. Part I. Necessity of modification of the principles heretofore observed in Coast Defense in con- sequence of the progress made in Naval Architecture and Artillery. II. Obstructions. III. Torpedoes. IV. Methods for lighting up channels. Treatise on Fortification ; or. Lectures delivered to Officers reading for the Stafi". By Capt. A. F. Lendy, Director of the Practical Military College of Sunbury. Illus. imp. 8°. pp. xiv, 538. London, 1862. 6. 5. 33. Fort Independence. Our oldest Fortress. 8°. pp. 10. {Misc. Pamph., vol. iv.] 31. 2. 4. Fort Monroe, Va. Information obtained from the Records of the Engineer Department and other Official Sources, in relation to the history of, etc. By J. W. Kirkley, Clerk in Adjutant- General's Office. 80. pp. 8. Wash- ington, 1875. [Misc. Pamph., vol. xv.] 31. 2. 15. Fort Morgan, Ala. [Collection of photographs of, 1864.] Fort Pulaski, Ga. Official report to the U S. Engineer Department of the siege and reduction of, 1862. By Brig. Gen. Q. A. Gillmore, U. S. Volun- teers^ Capt. of Engineers U. S. A. 12 views and maps. 8°. pp. 96. New York, 1862. 17. 5. 37. [Professional Papers No. 8, Corps of Engineers, U. S. A.] Fort Sumter, and batteries in and about Charleston, S. C. [Collection of pho- tographs of, 1863.] Oiornale di Artiglieria e Genio. Text and pi. 43 vols. 8° and folio. Torino—Firenze — Roma, 1863-79. [Current.] 42. 6. 1-28. Guerra y la Geologia. For el Col. de Ingenieros Don A. R. Arroquia. 4 maps. 80. pp. 293. Madrid, 1871. 6. 3. 43. Guerre Maritime avant et depuis les nouvelles inventions. Attaque et defense des cotes et des ports [etc.]. fitude Historique et Strategique. Par R. Gxvfoi, Capitaijie de Vaisseau. 2 pi. 8°. pp. ii, 282. Paris, 1869. 6.4.21. 14 106 MILITAEY ENGINBERTNG. FOKTIFIOATION, ETO. MILITARY ENaiNEERING, rORTIFIOATION, ETO. 107 II Genio. Military Engineering. II Genio nella Campagna d'Ancona e della Bassa Italia, 1860-64. Map. 4°. pp. 439. Torino, 1864. 6. 5. 48. Journal des Amies Speciales, et de I'Etat-Major. Recueil scientifique du Genie, de TArtillerie, de la Topographic Militaire, [etc.]. Par J. Cor- r^ard, Ancien Iiigenieur. Avec cartes, planches, dessins, [etc.]. From vol. i, ist series, to vol. vii, 6th series. 66 vols. 80. Paris, 1835-69. Case 9. [Discontinued.] Journal des Sciences Militaires des Armees de Terre et de Mer. i'^^ a 8"'*^ serie, i825-'8o. PI. 202 vols. 8°. Paris, 1825-80. [Current.] Case 10. Journal of Military Engineering. [In the Russian language.] 4 vols. 8°. St. Petersburg, 1873. 42. 9. 11-14. Manuel des aspirants au grade dTngenieur des Ponts et Chaussees. Guide du Conducteur des Ponts et Chaussees, de I'agent voyer, du garde du Genie et d'Artillerie, redige d'apres le nouveau programrne officiel. Partie theorique. PI. 2 vols. 8°. Paris, i854-'55. 6. 1. 8-9. — The same, Partie pratique. PI. 2 vols. 8^. Paris, 1856-57. 6.1.10-11. Memoires sur les marches relatifs au service du Genie. Par H. A. Soleirol, Capitaine du Genie. 40. pp. 159. Metz, 1833. 6. 5. 22. Memorial de Ingenieros, Memorias, Articulos y Noticias interesantes al arte de la Guerra in general, y a la profesion del Ingeniero en particular. Vols. I-X [except Vol. IV.]. PI. 9 vols. 8°. Madrid, i846-'55. 2.5.1-9. Memorial de I'Officier du Genie, ou, Recueil de memoires, experiences, obser- vations et procedes generaux propres \ perfectionner la Fortification et les Constructions militaires. PI. Vols. I-XXV and Index to Vols. I-XV. 26 vols. 80. Paris, i8o3-'76. [Current.] 45. 5. 1-26. Memorial pour les Travaux de Guerre. Par G. H. Dufour, Lieut. Col. du Genie. 6 pi. 8°. pp. vii, 328. Geneve, 1820. 6. 3. 35. Military Engineering. Instruction in. Compiled at the School of Military Engineering, Chatham. Vol. I, Part 2. Attack of Fortresses. PI. 2d ed. 80. London, 1879. 6. 1. 50. The same. Vol. I, Part 3. Military Bridges. PI. 8°. London, 1875. , 23. 3. 30. 77^^^^;;/^. Vol. I, Part 5. Misc. PI. 2d ed. 80. London, 1878. 6.1.51. Lehrbuch der Kriegsbaukunst, zum gebrauche der Kais. Kon. Genie- Academie. Verfasst von Julius von Wurmb. 8°. pp. 387, and atlas fol. Olmiitz, 1852. 6. 4. 11. [Course of Military Engineering at the Imperial Royal Engineering Academy.] Lehrplan fiir den hoheren Genie-curs. Fol. pp.94, n.p. ord. 42.9.11. [Instruction in the higher branches of Engineering.] Manual of Practical Military Engineering. By Capt. O. H. Ernst, Corps of Engineers. 3 pi. 12^. pp. 296. New York, 1873. 6. 3. 34. 108 MILITARY ENGINEEEINa, FOETIFIOATION, ETC. MILITARY ENGINEEBING, PORTIFIOATION, ETC. 109 Military Engineering. Military Engineering. Military Engineering. [Manual of.] Taschenbuch fiir den Preussischen In- genieur. von E. Dziobek, Konigl. Preuss. Ingen.- Major, A. D. PI. i60. pp. X, 517. Coblenz, 1853. 6. 1. 19. Papers on subjects connected with the duties of the Corps of Royal Engineers [First series], 1837-40. 10 vols. 40. New series, 1851-76, and index, 1837-72 [duplicate]. 23 vols. 8°. Maps, plans, and illus. London, i837-'76. 46. 3. 1-31. [Vols. 18, 91, and 22 wanting.] Royal Engineer Institute. Occasional Papers of the Corps of Royal Engineers. Vols. I-V. 8^. Chatham, i876-'8i. 46. 3. 34-38. Contents. Vol. I. — ^Targets for the trial of recent heavy ordnance. Part I, by Col. T. Inglis,/?. E. Report of the preparations for landing the 8o-ton gun at Shoeburyness. By Major M. Lambert, R. E. The principles of a system of Sighting Ordnance as applied to telescopes and the service sights. By Capt. L. K. Scott, R. E. Results of experiments made w^ith Portland Cement. By Lieut. C. de B. Carey, R. E. On the strength of Besieging Armies. By Lieut. Col- H. Schaw, R. E. On the Garrisons required for Modern Fortresses. By Lieut. J. F. Lewis, R. E. Notes on the erection of the Tarlee Bridge. By Lieut. E. C. Hart, R. E. Targets for the trial of Recent Heavy Ordnance. Part II. By Col. T. Inglis, R. E. A new system of Sighting Ordnance. By Capt. L. K. Scott, R. E. • On the Mine Warfare at Sebastopol. By C^/^. E. M. Lloyd, /?. ii. Present State of British Gunnery. By Major E. Maitland, R. A. Introduction of Cavalry pioneers. R. E. Committee. Extract Proceedings of Indian Pontoon Committee. R. E. Committee. On Fortress Warfare. By Lieut. Col. Schaw, R. E. Formulae for Suspension Bridges. By Lieut. F. R. de Wolski, R. E. Naval Attack of a Fortress. By Com. C. Bridge, R. N. Utilization of Pigeons in time of War. By W. B. Tegetmeir, F. Z. S. Targets for the trial of Recent Heavy Ordnance. Part III. By Col. T. Inglis, R. E. The Cycloscope. By Lieut. G. S. Clarke, R. E. List of Service Ordnance and Ammunition. R. A. Inst. Appendix to Vol. I : Campaign in the Malay Peninsula. Nov., 1875, to Feb., 1876. By Lieut. H. B. Rich, R.E. Field Works from a tactical point of view. By Lieut. Col. H. Schaw, R. E. Explosive Agents: their application to industrial purposes. By F. A. Abel, F. R. S. Vol. II. — Report of the Special Commission for Experimental Firing at Spezzia. Transl. by Lieut- Col. Maquay. Electrical Resistance of Conductors at high temperatures. By Capt. Bucknill, A'. E. Military use of Railways in India. Secretary R. E. Com. Organization of the Imp. Russian Engineers. Transl. by Capt. J. Gore Booth, R. E. On Entrenchments. By Maj. Gen. Bainbrigge, R. E. Report of Gen. Todleben on the Investment of Plevna and surrender of Turkish Army. . Transl. by Capt. G. T. Plunkett, R. E. The Third Battle of Plevna. Transl. by Capt. Plunkett. Personal Equipment. By Capt. T. Eraser, R. E. Armenia: Its Geography and Political Future. By J. Bryce, D. C. L. Reminiscences of the Campaign in Armenia. By Capt.-H. Trotter,/?. E. Demolition of a Factory Chimney at Ring's End, Dublin. By Major G. W. Stockley, R. E. The Entrenched Camp at Plevna. Transl. by Capt. C. Woodward, R. E. Extr. "Instruction sur le Service de I'Artillerie dans un Si^ge," 1876. By Capt. T. Era- ser, R. E. Targets for the trial of Recent Heavy Ordnance. Part IV. By Col. T. Inglis, R. E. Some recent developments of Applied Science. By Lt. Col. F. Bolton and W. H. Preece, C. E. The Third Battle of Plevna. Transl. by Lieut. A. O. Green, R. E. no MILITARY ENGINEERINa, POETIFIOATION, ETC. MILITAKY ENGINE ERINa, POETIFIOATION, ETO. Ill Military Engineering. Munitions of War. Military Engineering. Letter, Gen. Todleben to Gen. Brialmont, on the defence of Plevna. Transl. by Capt. J. W. Savage, R. E. List of Service Ordnance. R. A. Inst. Vol. in.— Geographical Distribution of Animals. By Prof. Huxley. Indian Systems of Geographical Map-making. By Capt. T. H. Holdich, R. E. Progress of Gunnery. Bj-^ Major M. Lambert, A'. E. The Acoustical unit of dimensions of Rooms. By Lieut. J. F. Day, R. E. Shelter Trenches and Field Fortifications. From the Italian, by Lieut. Col. ErR. >ames, R. E. The Battle of Lovcha. Transl. by Lieut. A. O. Green, R. E. The History and Geography of Afghanistan, and of Afghan Campaigns of i839-'42. By Major H. H. Jones, R. E. Historical Sketch : Defences of Malta. By W. H. Tregellas. The so-called Thermal Spectrum. By Capt. W. de W. Abney, R. E. Entrenched Camps in Prussia. Transl. by Caj>t. R. C. T. Hildyard, R. E. Fire of Infantry at Long Ranges. Transl. by Maj. Gen. P. J. Bainbrigge, R. E. Employment of the Infantry Spade. Transl. by Maj. Gen. P. J. Bainbrigge, R. E. Provisional Fortification. V>y Lieut. G. S. Clarke, R. E. Instructions in Pontooning in the Austrian Service. Communicated by the Secretary R. E. Com. Trials of Shell-proof and Bomb-proof Covers. From the German, by Caj>t. J. W. Sav- age, R. E. Method adopted for hoisting the girders of the Quoina Bridge, Bombay. By Capt. E. C. Hart, R. E. Coast Fortifications and the Naval Attack of Fortresses. By Major Arthur Parnell, R. E. On a Bridge Material proposed for the Engineer Train of the Italian Army. By Lieut. Col. E.R.James, 7?.^. Tables of Service Ordnance, Ammunition, Fuzes, and Carriages. R. A. Inst. Use of Railways in War. Extract R. E. Prize Essays. Vol. IV.— Laagers in the Zulu War. By Lieut. R. Da Costa Porter, R. E. Report on the failure of a dock wall in the East India Docks. By Lieut. H. D. Laffan,/?. E. The Fortifications of Deligrad and their influence during the Turko-Servian war of 1876. Translated from the French by Maj. C. Woodward, R. E. Report on blasting operations at Mount Siloso, Singapore. By Lieut. H. E. McCallum R.E. A Permanent Standard Cell. By Maj. R. Y. Armstrong, R. E. Some notes on Military Engineering Incidents in the War of iSyy-'yS. By Bvt. Maj. T. Eraser, R. E. Moment of Inertia of Plane Figures of any form. By Lieut. G. S. Clarke, R. E. Duties performed by the R. E. Brigade, First Division, Peshawur Valley Field Force, 1878-79. By Lieut. Col. B. Lovett, C. S. I. Extracts from the " Revue d'Artillerie," 1879. On Fortified Camps and Fortresses. By Maj. A. Parnell, R. E. Operations of the Engineers of the First Division, Peshawur Valley Field Force. By the Deputy Adjutant-General., R. E. Targets for the trial of Recent Battering Ordnance. Part V. By Col. T. Inglis, R. E. Military Institutions of Switzerland [etc.]. By Col. G. Graham, C. ^., R. E. Construction of Military Railways by the Russians, t877-'78. By Capt. M. T. Sale, R. E. Reply to Paper 17, Vol. m, " Coast Fortifications and Naval Attack of Fortresses." By Capt. J. T. Bucknill, R. E. Tables of Service Ordnance, Ammunition, Fuzes [etc.]. Vol. v.— On Plevna, and the defense there made by the Turks against the Russians in the war of i877-'78. By C«/^. G. S. Clarke, A'. ^. 13 pi. 8°. pp. xiii, 249. London, 1881. '• The Field Engineer. By the Chevalier de Clairac. Translated by J/^'^r Lewis Nicola. 36 pi. 8°. pp. 256. Philadelphia, 1776. 6. 2. 43. Mittheilungen uber gegenstiinde des Artillerie- und Genie- wesens. PI. 8 vols 80. Wien, i872-'79. 43. 7. 1-8. [Austrian Military Engineering and Art Uery Journal.] Munitions of War. See Artillery. 112 MILITARY ENGINEERING, rORTinOATION, ETO. MILITARY ENGINEERING, EORTIFIOATION, ETO. Il3 Ovens. Sapping and Mining. Ovens. Fours de Campagne. Genie, ficole Regimentaire d'Arras, 7 fold- : ing plates. 4°. pp. 27. n. p., 1847. 6. 3. 29. : Passage des Rivieres, et la construction des Fonts Militaires a I'usage des j troupes de toutes armes. Par C. A. Haillot, Capitaine \etc.\, PI. 8°. ^ pp. iii, -524. Paris, 1835. 28. 3. 31. Revetment Walls. Essai sur les differentes methodes de construire les Murs \ de Revetment [etc.]. Par J. G. W. Merkes, Capitaine du Genie. Traduit du Hollandais par H. C. Gaubert. 8^. pp. viii, 328, and atlas fol. Paris, 1841. . 6. 2. 20. Memoir upon the stability of Revetments, and of their Foundations. By M. Poncelet. Transl. by John Sanders, Capt, Corps of E?igi?ieers, U. S. A. 80. pp. 62. [No title.] 6. 2. 21. Sapping and Mining. Contributions to the theory of Blasting, or Military Mining. By H. Hoefer, Ordinary Frofesior at the Royal Imperial School of Mines at Jrrzibram. Translated by Capt. Charles W. Raymond, Corps of Engineers, U. S. Army, Instructor of Practical Military Engifieeidng at West Point. 80. Washington, 1881. 6. 1. 52. Ecole d'Application de I'Artillerie et du Genie. Le9ons sur I'Ecole de Sapes. 10 pi. 40. pp. 61. Metz, 1841. 6. 1. 40. Ecole de Mines. (Ecoles regimentaires du Genie. Instructioji pratique.) Illus. 120. pp. vii, 369. Paris, 1875. 28. 1. 39. The same. 12^. pp. vii, 369. Paris, 1879. 6. 1. 42. ;^cole de Sapes. 16 legons. 10 pi. 4°. n. p. or d. 6. 1. 38. Ecole Regimentaire d'Arras. Ecole de Sapes. 11 pi. 4°. pp. 78. [Arras,] 1 85 1. 6. 1. 41. Ecole Regimentaire de Montpellier. Cours de Mines. 10 pi. fol. pp. 104 [3J. 1840. 6. 5. 18. Ecole Regimentaire de Montpellier. Proces verbaux des experiences sur I'aerage des galleries de Mines. 2 pi. fol. pp. 9. 1840. 6. 5. 19. Elementary Course of Military Engineering. Part I. By Prof. D. H. Mahan. 8°. New York, 1865. 6. 2. 41. Experiences de Bapaume. (2® partie.) Rapport par la Commission mixta d'Officiers d'Artillerie et du Genie institute pour etudier les principles de I'execution des breches par le Canon et par la Mine. 28 pi. 8^. pp. 356. Paris, 1852. 6. 2. 14. General Instructions for the Sapper and Pioneer Battalion. [In the Russian language.] Part II. Folding pi. 8^. St. Petersburg, 1824. 6. 1. 37. Improved systems of retaining the earth of Military Mines and of. blasting under water, first practiced at the Royal Engineer Establishment in 1834. [Lithog. and ms. additions.] By Lieut. Col. C. W. Pasley, R. E, Illus. 80. Chatham, 1836. 6. 3. 17. {Bound with his ''Siege Operations."] 15 114 MILITARY ElfGINEERING, FORTIFICATION, ETO. MILITARY ENaiNEERINa, FORTIPIOATION, ETO. 115 Sapping and Mining. Siege. Sapping and Mining. Manuel pratique du Mineur. Par le Capitaiiie du Genie Villeneuve. 8 pi. i6o. pp. i68. Paris, 1826. 6. 1. 45. — Manuel pratique du Sapeur. Par le Capitaine du Genie Villeneuve. 10 pi. 160. pp. 99. Paris, 1828. 6. 1. 46. — '■ Minas proyectantes ligeras, por el Coro?iel Don J. R. Duran, Comdt.de In^enieros, PI. 8^. pp. 23. Madrid, 1875. 6. 1. 43. School of the Sap and Military Mining. By CapL J. C. Duane, Corps of Engineers, U. S. A, Illus. i vol. 12°. [New York, 1862.] 1. 1. 12. Subterraneous Surveying, with and without the Magnetic Needle. By Thomas Fen wick and Thomas Baker. Illus. \(P. pp. xiii, 165. Lon- don, 1877. 18. 2. 26. Theorie de I'Art du Mineur. Par J. M. Geuss, Prof, de Math, en V Uni- versite de Cope?ihague. Traduite de I'Allemand par A. L. Smeets. 4 pi. 80. pp. XX, 314. Maestricht, 1778. 6. 1. 39. Traite de Fortification souterraine ou des Mines offensives et defen- sives. Par C. L. Gillot, Capitaiiie au Corps Imperial du Genie. 16 fold- ing plates. 40. pp. XV, 521. Paris, 1805. 6. 6. 11. Traite de Fortification souterraine, suivi de quatre memoires sur les Mines. Par le Chef de Bataillon du Genie Mouze. 20 pi. 4O. pp. vii, 434. Paris, 1804. 6. 4. 1. Traite des Mines. Par le Marechal Vauban. Revue [etc.] par F. P. ¥o\?,S2iC, Chef de Brigade. PI. 8^. pp. xxx, 276 [79J. Paris, 1795. 6. 3. 24. Traite pratique et theorique des Mines. Par MM. Gumpertz et Le brun. 14 pi. 40. pp. X, 290. Paris, 1805. 6. 1. 36. Service du Genie en Campagne. Instruction k I'usage de rjfecole d' Applica- tion du Corps Royal d'Etat-Major. [Anon.] 80. pp. 56. Paris, 1825. 6.3.30. [Military pamphlets.] Siege Artillery in the campaigns against Richmond, etc. By Bvt. Brig. Gen, H. L. Abbot, Major Corps of Engineers. 80. Washington, 1867. 17. 6. 5. Chapter IV. Earthworks. Defensive lines. Redoubts with closed gorges superior to open re- doubts in the battles before Petersburg. Obstacles. Shelter from projectiles, including para- pets, looped shields, mantelets, bomb-proofs, etc. Data for estimating soldiers' labor. Maga- zines. Boyaux. Siege. Rules, chiefly deduced from experiment, for conducting the practical operations of a Siege. Part I. Containing the preparation of the neces- sary materials, and the tracing and execution of the first and second par- allels, and of the approaches connected with them. Part II. Contain- ing an essay on the construction of batteries in the field. By Lieut. Col. C. W. Pasley, 7?. ^. Cuts. 80. pp. [9], 76, and xvi [12], 283. Chat- ham, 1829-32. 6. 3. 17. The same. Parti. 2ded. 8°. pp. xiii, 61. London, 184 1. 6.2.35. 116 MILITARY ENGINEERING, rORTIPIOATION, ETC. MILITARY ENGINEERING, FOKTIFIOATION, ETO. 117 Specifications and Contracts. Troupes du Genie. Specifications and Contracts. Devis-Modele ties Travaux dependant du ser- vice du Genie. Notes sur le Devis. Analyse-modele des prix des dif- ferentes natures de ouvrages k executer dans les travaux dependant du service du Genie. Notes sur I'analyse. i vol. fol. pp. 171, 148,75, 60. n. p., n. d. 6. 6. 26 — See also Civil Engineering. Spectateur Militaire, recueil de Science, d'Art, et d'Histoire Militaires. ~i^® serie, 1826 a 4'"'^ serie, 1880. 157 vols. . 80. Paris, 1826-80. [Cur- rent.] * Case 11. Surveying, Military. Ecole d'Application de I'Artillerie et du Genie, i'^'^. Lever de Reconnaissance. 2 pi. 40. pp. 22. [Metz, 1847.] ^' ^' ^^' E16mens de topographic militaire. Par J. E. G. Hayne, Ing. Roy. de Frusse. Ouvrage traduit de I'Allemand par un Officier au Corps Imp. du Genie de France. 12 pi. 8^, pp. xvi, 424. Paris, 1806. 6. 1. 35. Treatise on, including sketching in the field, plan-drawing, levelling, and military reconnaissance. By B. Jackson, Lieut. Col. Roy. Staff Corps. PI. and illus. 8^. pp. vii, 330, 12. London, i860. 6. 1. 29. Treatise on, theoretical and practical. By Capt. G. H. Mendell, Corps of Engifieers, U.S.A. Illus. 12^. pp. 193. New York, 1864. 6. 1. 34. Torpedoes; Offensive and Defensive. Notes on. By Major 1^. H. Stotherd, R. E. Illus. 80. pp. 318. Washington, 1872. 7. 2. 49. Return of amounts expended in each year since 1854 on experiments with Torpedoes, etc. fol. pp. 5. London, 1878. 47. 3. 40. [British Parliamentary Paper.] Reports upon experiments and investigations to develop a system 01 Submarine Mines for defending the harbors of the United States. By Lieut. Col. H. L. Abbot, Corps of Engineers, Bvt. Brig. Gen., U. S. A. Illus. 40. Washington, i88i. 6. 1. 20. [Professional Papers No. 23, Corps of Engineers, U. S. A.l The same. Proof ed. 14. 4. 8. Submarine Warfare, offensive and defensive. By Lieut. Commander J. S. Barnes, U. S. N. Illus. 8°. pp. 230. New York, 1869. 7. 2. 50. Their Invention and Use, from the first application to the Art of War to the present time. By W. R. King, Capt. of Engifieers^ U. S. A. PI. 8°. pp. iv, 98. Washington, 1866. 2 copies. 7. 2. 51. and Torpedo Warfare : containing a complete and concise account 01 the rise and progress of submarine warfare [etc.]. By C. W. Sleeman. Illus. 80. Portsmouth [Eng.], 1880. 7. 2. 48. Troupes du Genie. Modifications aux projets d'instruction sur le service des, soit en temps de paix soit en temps de guerre, ms. 2 vols. fol. [Mont- pellier, 1849.] 6. 5. 7-8. See also American State Papers. 18. 4. 1-21. See also Arago (Fran9ois), OEuvres completes. 16. 2. 1-16. 118 MILITARY ENGINEEEING, rORTIPIOATION, ETC. 7. CIVIL ENGINKERING, HYDRAULIC ENGINEERING (IN- CLUDING RIVER AND HARBOR WORKS AND - CANALS), ROADS, RAILROADS, BRIDGES, MATERIALS, SPECIFICATIONS, CONTRACTS, Etc. Aide-Memoire des Ingen'ieurs, des Architectes, etc. : Formules, tables et ren- seignements pratiques, etc. Par J. Claudel, Ligenieur civil, PI. and illus. 8o. pp. xxiv, 834. Paris, 1849. ^9. 2. 11. Annales des Ponts et Chauss6es. Memoires et documents relatifs a I'art des constructions et au service de I'lngenieur. i^® serie, 1831, ^ 5"^® serie, 1880. 100 vols. 8^ and planches 6 vols. fol. Paris, 1831-80. [Cur- rent.] [And] Lois, ordonnances et autres actes concernant Tadministra- tion des Ponts et Chaussees. 1831-80. 50 vols. 8°. Paris, 1831-80. [And] Personnel. 1869-77. 10 vols. 8^. Paris, 1869-77. [And] Ta- bles generales. 1831-70. 5 vols. 8°. Paris, 1843-74. Case 12. Arches. Advantages and disadvantages of different methods of construction of Skew Arches. By E. W. Hyde, C. E. Diagrams. 18°. pp. 104. New York, 1875. ' 18. 1. 44. La Stabilite des Voutes. By Remond, Capitaine du Genie. 6 folding pi. 80. pp. 31. Alger, 1848. 18. 1. 11. Piers, Buttresses, etc. Experimental Essays on the principles of con- struction in, made with a view to their being useful to the practical Builder. By Wm. Bland. Illus. 8^. pp. viii., 103. London, 1839. 18. 1. 8. Treatise on the various elements of stability in the well-proportioned Arch. With numerous tables of the ultimate and actual thrust. By Capt. D. P. Woodbury, Co7ps of Erigitieers, U. S. A. 8 pi. 8^. pp. [253]. New York, 1858. 17. 5. 36 [Professional ]*apersNo. 7, Corps of Engineers, U. S. A.] Blasting. Contributions to the theory of, or Military Mining. By H. Hoe- fer. Ordinary Professor at the Royal Imperial School of Mines at Przibrani, Translated by Capt. Charles W. Raymond, Corps of Engineers^ U, S. Army^ Instructor of Practical Military Engineering at West Point. 8°. Washington, 1881. 6. 1. 52. Operations at Lime Point, Cal., May, 1868. Report by Maf. G. H. Mendell, Corps of Engitieers, U. S. A. 8°. 1 868. \Misc. Pamph., vol. i. ] 31. 2. 1. 119 120 OIVIL ENGINEERINa, HYDRAULIC ETOINEERINa, ETC. 0I?IL ENGINEERING, HYDRAULIC ENGINEERING, ETO. 12i Blasting. Bridge. Blasting. The sa?ne. 2d ed. 8°. 1880. [Misc. Famph.,wo\.\.] 31.2.1. (Submarine) in Boston Harbor, Massachusetts. Removal of Tower and Corwin Rocks. Jjy Lt. Col. John G. Foster, Bvt. Maj. Genl., U. S. A. lUus. 40. pp. 25. New York, 1869. 18. 2. 8. Submarine. Improved systems of retaining the earth of Military Mines, and of Blasting under water. By CoL C W. Pasley, R. E. 8^. pp. 20. Chatham, 1836. 6. 3. 17. {Bound ivith his " Siege Operations."] Blossom Rock, San Francisco Harbor, California. Report upon the Removal of. By R. S. WilHamson, Maj. Engrs., and W. H. Heuer, Lieut. Engrs., U. S. Army. PL 40. Washington, 187 1. 18. 2. 7. Bracing. Treatise on, with its application to Bridges and other Structures of wood or iron. By Robert Henry Bow, C. E. 8°. pp. 48. New York, 1874. 18. 1. 9. Breakwater. Memoire sur la Digue de Cherbourg, comparee au Breakwater ou Jettee de Plymouth. Par J. M. F. Cachin, Inspecte ur- General des Fo?its et Chaussees. PL foL pp. 85. Paris, 1820. 7. 4. 20. On the Manora Breakwater, Kurrachee. By W. H. Price. PL 12°. 1875. [Misc. Pamph., voL vi.J 31. 2. 6. Bitumen : its varieties, properties, and uses. Compiled from various sources, by Lieut. H. W. Halleck. PL and fig. 8°. pp. 206. Washington, 1841. 17. 5. 34. [Professional Papers No. i, Corps of Engineers, U. S. A.] and Asphalt, as applied in Construction. See Reports of the U. S. Commissioners to the Paris Exhibition of 1867, vol. iv. 1. 2. 5. Bridge, Kansas City (The), with an account of the regimen of the Missouri River, and methods used for founding in that river. By O. Chanute, Chief Engineer, and George Morison, Assistant Engineer. 17 pL and views. 40. pp. 140. New York, 1870. 2 copies. 23. 3. 1. Notice sur le Viaduc construit en 1865, pour le passage de I'Avenue Daumesnil sous le chemin de fer de ceinture de Paris. Par E. Malezieux, Ingenieur [etc.]. 2 pL 8^. ,pp. 16. Paris, 1867. [Misc. Pamph., vol. v.] 31. 2. 6. Poto77iac River at Washifigton. Report, plans, and estimates of Alfred L. Rives, C. E., on. (Ex. Doc, H. R., No. 68, 34th Cong., 3d Sess.) 80. pp. 15. Washington, 1857. 7. 5. 43. Quincy, Lll. An account of the iron Railway Bridge across the Mis- sissippi River, at Quincy, 111. By Thomas Curtis Clarke, C. E., Engineer- in-Chief. 21 pi. 40. pp. 70. New York, 1869. 23. 3. 3. Rock Islafid. Report of the suit against. 8°. Saint Louis, 1858. [Misc. Paf?iph., vol. v.] 31. 2. 6 . 16 122 OIVIL ENGINEERING, HYDRAULIC ENGINEEETNG, ETO. OIVIL ENGINEERING, HYDRAULIO ENGINEERING, ETO. 123 Bridge. Bridges. Bridge, Saint Louis. Proceedings and report of the Board of Civil Engineers on construction of a bridge across the Mississippi River at Saint Louis. 80. Saint Louis, 1867. {Misc. Pamph., vol. v.] 31. 2. 5. Saint Louis. Report of the Engineer-in-chief of the Illinois and Saint Louis Bridge Company [J as. B. Eads]. Illus. and plans, pp. 72, and appendix pp. 77. i vol. 8^. Saint Louis. 1868. \Misc. Pa7nph., vol. v.] 31.~2.~5. Tay. Papers upon the disaster at, on the 28th December, 1879. i vol. fol. London, 1880. 47. 3. 8. Contents. 1. Report of the Court of Inquiry, and Report of Mr. H. C. Rothery. 2. Minute of the Board of Trade. 3. Copy of letter from the Board of Trade to railway companies. [British Parliamentary Papers.] Trusses. Graphical method for the analysis of, extended to continu- ous girders and draw spans. By Chas. E. Greene, A. M. 3 pi. 8^. pp. 79. New York, 1875. 23. 3. 8. and Tunnel Centres. By John B. McMaster, C. E. Cuts. 180. pp. 106. New York, 1875. 23. 3. 34. Bridges. Description des projets et de la construction des Ponts, de NeuilH, de Mantes, d'Orleans, de Louis XVI, etc. Second partie. On y ajoute le projet du Canal de Bourgogne, pour la communication des deux Mers par Dijon; et de celui de la conduite des eaux de I'Yvette et de la Bievre a Paris. Par M. Perronet. 40. pp. viii, 696. Paris, 1778. 7. 5. 30. — Elementary and Practical Treatise on Bridge Building. By S. Whip- ple, C. E. 2d ed. Illus. 80. pp. vi, 352. New York, 1873. 23. 3. 22. — General theory of Bridge construction. With practical illustrations. By Herman Haupt, A. M., C. E. 16 pi. 8^. pp. 268. New York, 1856. 23. 3. 18. — Iron truss Bridges for Railroads Methods of calculating strains, with a comparison of the most prominent truss Bridges and new formulas for Bridge computations ; also the economical angles for struts and ties. By Bvt, Col, Wm. E. Merrill, U. S. A., Major^ Corps of Engineers. 9 pi. 40. pp. 130. New York, 1870. 23. 3. 2. — Long and short span Railway Bridges. By John A. Roebling. Text and pi. fol. New York, 1869. Room 12. — Note sur les precedes de fusion et le moyens d'ajustage des voussoirs de font de fer qui composent les arches du Pont du Carrousel. Par fimile Martin, Fondcur. 40. pp. 16. Paris, 1834. 19. 5. 3. 124 OIVIL ENQlNEERINa, HYDRAULIO ENaiNEERIIfa, ETO. OIVIL ENGINEEEINa, HYDRAULIO ENGINEERING, ETO. 125 Bridges. Bridges. Bridges. Fonts en Magonnerie. Manuel de I'lngenieur des Fonts et Chaussees. Far A. Debauve, Iiigmieur des Fonts et Chaussees, lo'"® fas. 8^. pp. 282, and atlas 40. Paris, 1873. . 3. 4. 23 & 40. Table des Matieres, Questions prdiminaires. Courbes d'intrados. Thdorie de la itJsistance des voutes. Description des principaux types de ponts en ma9onnerie. Gdneralitds sur les dldments des ponts, cintres, d^cintrement. Fonts et Viaducs en Bois et en Metal. Manuel de I'lngenieur des Fonts et Chaussees. Par A. Debauve, Ingenieur des Ponts et Chaussees, 1 1'"® fas. 80. pp. 310, and atlas 40. Paris, 1874. 3. 4. 24 & 41. Table des Matieres. Formules de resistance des mattiriaux. Donndes pratiques. Ponts en bois. Ponts mdtalliques formes de poutres droites. Ponts in arcs mdtalliques. Ponts suspendus. Practical Treatise on the construction of iron highway Bridges, for the use of town committees. By Alfred P. Boiler, A.M., C. E. Illus. 8°. pp. 144. New York, 1876. 23. 3. 19. Puentes de cuerdas. For Don Ramiro Bruna y Garcia, Capitan de Ingenieros. PI. 8°. pp.93. Madrid, 1872. 23.3.15. Suspension, across the Potomac at Georgetown, for railroad and common travel. Report on. By Charles Ellet,yr., C. E. 4 pi. and in- sertions. 80. pp. 2>^. Philadelphia, 1852. 23. 3. 20. Suspension. Description of the iron Bridges of suspension erected over the Strait of Menai, at Bangor, over the river Conway, in North Wales, and over the river Thames, at Hammersmith, etc By T. G. Gumming, Surveyor, 3 views. 8^. pp. xv, 71. London, n. d. 23. 3. 16. The theory, practice, and architecture of Bridges. By J. Hann and W. Hosking. lljus. 2 vols, [one of plates]. 8°. London, 1839. 23. 3. 5-6. Traite de la construction des Fonts. Far E. M. Gauthey, Inspec, Gen, des PoJits et Chaussees, PI. 2 vols. 4^. Paris, 1809. 8. 3. 1-2. [Vols. I and II of his Works.] — Treatise on Bridge Architecture, in which the superior advantages of the flying pendent lever Bridge are fully proved. With an historical ac- count and description of the different Bridges erected in various parts of the World from an ancient period down to the present time. By Thomas Vo^Q, Architect, etc, PI. 8°. pp. xxxii, 288. New York, 181 1. 23. 3. 17. — Tubular and other iron girder Bridges, particularly describing the Britannia and Conway tubular Bridges. By G. D. Dempsey, C. E, Cuts. 160. pp. viii, 132. London, 1850. 23. 3. 33. — See also Military Bridges. — and Draw-bridges. Ecole d' Application de I'Artillerie et du Genie. Cours de Mecanique appliquee aux machines. PI. fol. pp. 47. [Metz, n. d.] 6. 5. 6. 126 OIVIL ENGINEERINa, HYDEAULIO ENGINEERING, ETC. OiyiL ENaiNEEEIHG, HYDEAULIO ENGINEEEINa, ETO. 12? Bridges. Canal. Bridges and Girders. A practical Treatise on cast and wrought iron Bridges and Girders as applied to railway structures, and to building generally. By William Humber. 58 pi. 4°. pp. x, 106. London, 1857. 48. 6. and Roofs. Treatise on the strength of, with practical application* and examples. By Samuel H. Shreve, A. M., C. E. 2d ed. ' 8°. pp. xix, T^T^-ii' N^w York, 1877. 23. 3.~21. Bridging the Mississippi River between Saint Paul, Minn., and Saint Louis, Mo. By Bvt, Maj, Gen, G. K. Warren, Major of Engifieers. Folding maps. 80. pp. 232. Washington, 1878. 23. 3. 7. California. Report of the State Engineer. 8^. Sacramento, 1880. 8. 1. 8. Contents. \. Operations of the Department. II. Drainage, Improvement of Rivers. III, The flow of mining detritus. IV. Irrigation of the plains. V. Present condition of the inquiry. Canal [across Cape Cod\, Report of the Joint Committee of i860 upon the pro- posed Canal to unite Barnstable and Buzzard's Bays. Maps and plans. 80. pp. 165. Boston, 1864. 8. 5. 15. and River Engineering, being the article "Inland Navigation " from the eighth edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica. By David Stevenson, F. R, S. E. Map. 8^. pp. viii, 165. Edinburgh, 1858. 8. 5. 1. de jonction de la Meuse au Rhin. Description du. Par A. Hageau, InsJ). Div. au Corps Roy. des Fojits ct Chaussees. 4^. pp. xiii, 547. Paris, 1819. 8. 5. 28. de Bourgogne. Le projet du. Par M. Perronet. 4°. Paris, 1778. 7. 5. 30. et Port Saint-Louis, et jonction du Rhone a la Mediterranee. Par Max Berthaud. 80. 1870. \Misc. Famph., vol. iii.] 31. 2. 3. Fort Saint Fhilip. See "Jetties at the mouth of the Mississippi River." Illinois atid Michigan. Reports of the Canal Commissioners to his Ex- cellency Shelby M. Cullom, Governor of Illinois. December i, 1877, [and] December i, 1878. Profile. 8°. pp. 79, 60. Springfield, 111., i878-'79. 8. 4. 25. yames River and Kanawha Company. Eleventh Annual Report, i845-'46. [And] Seventeenth Annual Report, i85i-'52. 2 vols. 8°. Richmond, i846-'52. 8. 5. 4-5. \Lock-gates\. Memoire sur les portes en tole construites en 1862 et 1863 aux ecluses du Canal de Saint-Maurice. 2 pi. 8°. Paris, 1865. 1865. {Misc. Famph., vol. iii.] 31. 2. 3. 128 OTVIL ENaiNEERINa, HYDRAULIC ENCHNEERING, ETO. CIVIL ENaiNEEKINa, HYDKAULTO EJfGINEERINa, ETO. 129 Canal. Canals. Canal. Muscle Shoals. Photographic views made in April and June, 1877. Improvement under the direction of Capt. Wm. R. King, Corps of Engi- neers, 35 sheets, obi. fol. 1873. North Sea, Holla?id. Report on, and on the improvement of naviga- tion from Rotterdam to the sea. By Bvt» Maj\ Gen. J. G. Barnard, U.S.A. II pi. 80. pp.77. Washington, 1872. 17.6 19. [Professional Papers No. 22, Corps of Engineers, U. S. A.] to connect the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal with the city of Baltimore. Report in reference to, 1838. By Col. J. J. Abert, Chief of Corps of Topi. Engrs., U. S. A. Map. 40. pp. 40. Washington, 1874. 8. 5. 23. Washington City. Records and proceedings of a Board of Engineer Officers (Tower, Gillmore, and Warren), ms. 40. Washington, 1866. 7. 5. 43. Washington City. Report and Documents on the present state, and the improvement of. 80 1865. [Misc. Famph., yoX.m.] 31.2.3. Canals. Canadian. KQ'^oxt oi]o\mV2igQ, Chief E?igineer of Canals. Maps. 80. Ottawa, 1880. 8. 4. 32. Canadian. See also general reports of Minister of Public Works, Canada, i875-'8o. 1. 4. 27-32. ^ Cefitral America?! Interoceanic. See Ship-canals. Detailed drawings of Des Moines Rapids Locks and Canal of the Mississippi, made under the immediate direction of Capt. A. H. Burnham, Corps of Engineers, by O. S. Willey, C. E. fol. [Washington,] 1872. 48. 1. Memoire sur les Grandes Routes, les Chemins de Fer, et les Canaux de Navigation. Traduite de I'AUemand de M. F. de Gerstner, et pre- ced6 d'une introduction par M. P. S. Girard. PI. 8^. pp. 2, clxiv, 164. Paris, 1827. 8. 2. 30. (Navigable Rivers and) in the United States and Canada. Notes on some of the chief. Made for the government of Madras. 1876. By Geo. T. Walsh, M. I. C. E. PI., map, and illus. 80. pp. iv, 198. Madras, 1877. 8. 4. 31. of New York. Annual Report of the State Engineer and Surveyor for the year 1863. Maps and plans. 8°. pp. 203. Albany, 1864. 43. 1. 23. — of New York, Annual Reports of the State Engineer and Surveyor for the years 1872, '73, '76, '77, '78. 5 vols. 8^, Albany, i873-'79. 43. 1. 25-29. — of New York. Public Documents relating to the canals which are to connect the Western and Northern Lakes with the Atlantic Ocean. 2 maps. 8°. pp. lii, 484. New York, 182 1. 43. 1. 12. «7 130 CIVIL ENaiNEERINa, HYDT^AULIO ENGIUEERIHG, ETC. > OIVIL ENGINEERING, HYDRAULIC) ENGINEERING, ETC. 131 Canals. Coignet Beton. Caaals of New York, Laws of New York in relation to the Erie and Cham- plain Canals, with the annual reports of the Canal Commissioners, and other documents. Vol. I. Maps and views. 8^. pp. 614. Albany, 1825. 43. 1. 22. Public documents concerning the Canals which are to connect Lake Erie with the Ohio River, comprising a complete Official History of the great works of Internal Improvement. By John Kilbourn. 8°. pp; 403. Columbus, 1828. 2 copies. 8.4.29. Rapport et Memoire sur le nouveau system d'ecluse a flotteur de M. D. Girard. Par M. Poncelet. Col. du Genie. PI. 4O. pp. 105. Paris, 1845. 8- ^- 31. Report on the Ganges Canal Works from their commencement until the opening of the Canal in 1854. By Colonel Sir Proby T. Cautley. 2 vols. 80 and I vol. 40. London, i860. 8. 5. 9-11. Canals and Railroads. Construction des Canaux et des Chemins de Fer. Chemin de Fer de Paris a Strasbourg et au Canal de la Marne au Rhin. Par M. Graeff. i vol. 8^ and atlas 40. Paris, 1861. 8. 2. 3-4. of the United States. A description of, comprehending notices of all the works of internal improvement. By H. L. Tanner. 4 maps. 8^. pp. 272. New York, 1840. 8. 4. 28. Canals and Reservoirs. A treatise on. [And] Observations on cotton twist [etc.J. By John Sutcliffe, C. E. 8°. pp. xiv, 413. Rochdale [Eng.j, 1816. 8. 5. 3. Canals and Rivers. Adjustable Hydraulic Lock and Chute for open River, Ship, and common Canal, slackwater Navigation, and Fishways. By G. W. Parsons. 8°. pp.21. \Misc. Pamph.,vo\. y.N.\ 31.2.15. Canaux de Navigation. Memoires sur les ; et particulierement sur le Canal du Centre, autrefois Canal du Charolais. Par E. M. Gauthey, Insp. Gen. des Fonts et Chaiissees. PI. 40. Paris, 1816. 8. 3. 3. [Vol. Ill of his Works.] Canaux Navigables, consideres d'une maniere generale, avec des recherches comparatives sur la navigation intcrieure de la France et celle de I'An- gleterre. ParJ/i Huerne de Pommeuse. 2 vols. Ap. [Text and atlas.J Paris, 1822. 8. 6. 17-18. Cement. American natural Cement. By F. O. Norton. 8^. 1880. {Misc. Famph., vol. i.] 31. 2. 1. Certificates and letters recommending American Hydraulic Cement. By F. C. Coyle. 8^. 1838. [Misc. Famph., vol. i.] 31. 2. 1. See also Limes. Coignet Beton : Its fabrication and uses, [and] Asphalt and Bitumen as applied in construction. See " Reports of the United States Commissioners to the Paris Exhibition of 1867," vol. iv. I. 2. 5. 132 CIVIL ENGINEERINa, HYDRAULIC ENGINEERING, ETC. CIVIL ENGINEERING, HYDRAULIO ENGINEERING, ETC. 133 Coignet B6ton. Dikes. Coignet Beton and other artificial Stone. A practical Treatise on. By Q. A. Gillmore, Major Corps of Engineers. 9 pi. S^. pp. 107. New York, 1871. 17. 6. 16. [professional Papers No. 19 Corps of Engineers, U. S. A.] Concrete. Remarks on making and applying Concrete. By Capt, A. H. Bow- man. 80. 1849. Wise. Fa?nph., vol. i.] 3L 2^ 1. Cribs. Method of sinking, devised by D. C. Houston, Major of Engineers^ Bvt. Col. U. S. A. Plan. 40. pp. 4. Washington, 1874. 7. 5. 44. Cyclopaedia of useful Arts, Mechanical and Chemical, Manufactures, Mining, and Engineering. Edited by Charles Tomlinson. Illus. 2 vols. imp. 80. London and New York [1852]. 5. 4. 23-24. Defense des Cotes de la Mer et Rivages des Fleuves. Le9ons sur la : ficole des Fonts et Chaussees. fol. Paris, n. d. 7. 4. 2. Dams (High Masonry). By John B. McMaster, C. E. 18°. pp. 132. New York, 1876. 18. 1. 48. Dikes. Handleiding tot de kennis der dyksbouw en zeeweringskunde. Door Abraham Caland. 5 pi. 80. pp. xxii [14], 393. Zierikzee, 1833. 8. 1. 28. [Guide for the construction of levees and other works of protection against the sea.] [of Holland.] Antwoord op de vraage, voorgesteld door de Hollandsche Maatschappye der weetenschappen te Haarlem. Door J. O. Husley. PI. 80. pp. 184. [Amsterdam, 1783.] 8. 1. 27. [A plan to regulate the currents in the mouths or outlets of the "Texel Sea," and those near and in the "Marsdiep."] [of Holland.] Berigt nopend den toestand van de Zeedyk, tussen Amsterdam en Muyden. By John Van der Heyden, Chief Engifieer. PI. fol. pp. 23. Amsterdam, 1703. (Part of) 7. 5. 27. [Report on the dikes between Amsterdam and Muyden, with plans for improving and straightening them.] [of Holland.] Ontwerp van een onkostbaar en zeker Middel, [etc.]. By Seger Lakemann. PI. fol. pp. 23. Amsterdam, 1733. 7. 5. 27. [Plan ot a comparatively cheap and certain way of protecting the sea-dikes of West Friesland, which, by the weakening of the worm-eaten piles between the bottom of the sea and high-water mark, have become in some places so dangerous that crevices may occur during the summer of 1733-1 [of Holland.] Opweckinge ende aanleydinge, tot het uytvinden van bequaame middelen en gronden om de Zee-dyken. [And] Een tweede opwecking en aanleiding [etc.]. Door N. Listingh. PL In i vol. sm. 40. Amsterdam, 1 702-1 705. 8. 1. 26. [Propositions for better means of protecting the sea-dikes of Holland than those at present in use, etc. I Provinceiown, Mass. Report of the Commissioners appointed to sub- mit a plan for. 80. Map. 1868. [Mise. Famph.,vo\.m.\ 3. 2. 3. — Provi?icetown^ Mass. Report of the Commissioners on, 1872. Map. 8°. 1872. [Misc. Pamph., vol. iii.] 3. 2. 3. 134 OIVIL ENGINEERING, HYDRAULIO ENGINEERING, ETO. OIVIL ElfamEERINa, hydraulic engineering, etc. 135 Dikes. Engineering, Civil. Dikes. Traite des digues, par M. Bourdet. PI. 16°. pp. 164 [4J. (No title.) 8. 1. 25. Dredging. Hydraulic Mining and Dredging. [Description of the Roy Stone apparatus and its working. lUus. by plate.] 4°. pp. 24. t88o. [Misc. Pamph., vol. xiv.] 31. 2. 14. Earthwork. Cubature des Terrassements. See Manuel d' I'lng^nieiir des Fonts et Chauss^es. 5"'« fasc. Paris, 1872. 3. 4. 20. Calculateur et Verifacateur des pentes et ranipes. Profils en long, Nivellements, Terrassements, Tables des declivites. Par M. Vauchier Dieudonne. 2 vols. fol. ms. n. p., 1857. 42. 9. 9-10. Measurement of, by means of the prismoidal formula. By Ell wood Morris, C. E. 80. pp. 189. Philadelphia, 1872. 18. 1. 14. Tables for calculating the cubic quantity of, in cuttings and embank- ments of Canals, Railways, and turnpike Roads. By John Macneill, C. E. PI. 80. pp. 254. London, 1833. 19. 4. 21. Ecole Imperiale Polytechnique. (Correspondance sur 1') a I'usage des Eleves. Tome I. pp. 476. 1804-1808. Tome 2. pp. 499. 1809-1813. 2 vols. 80. Paris, 18 13. 19. 4. 19-20. Royale des Ponts et Chaussees. Nouvelle collection de 530 dessins ou feuilles de texte, relatifs h I'Art de ITngenieur. 2 vols. fol. 1 821-1825. 53. 7. 8. Embanking lands from river floods. Principles and practice of, as applied to levees of the Mississippi. By William Hewson, C. E. 2d ed. 8^. pp. 171. New York, 1870. 18.1.17. Engineer Department, U, S, A. Annual Reports of the Chief of Engineers to the Secretary of War. 1866-80. Maps, plans, and illus. 25 vols. 80. Washington. 39. 1. 1-25. The same. Analytical and topical Index, 1866-18 7 9. Compiled un- der the direction of Major Henry M. Robert, Corps of Engineers , by Louis Y. Schermerhorn, C. E.^ Samuel O. L. Potter, A, M., and others. 80. Washington, 1881. 8. 4. 41. Engineering, Civil. A Manual of By Wm. J. M. Rankine, C, E. nth ed. Revised by E. F. Bamber, C. E. Diagrams. 8°. pp. xvi, 786. Lon- don, 1876. 18. 1. 27. An Elementary Course of, for the use of the Cadets of the U. S. Mili- tary Academy. By Erof. D. H. Mahan. PI. 8^. New York, 1837. - 28. 2.-25. The same. 4th ed. 80. New York, 1848. 28. 2. 30. The same. 6th ed. 80. New York, 1857. 28. 2. 26. The same. 6th ed. 80. New York, 1864. 18. 2. 16. 136 OIVIL ENGINEERING, HYDEAULIO ENGINEERING, ETO. OIVIL ENaiNEERING, HYDRAULIO ENaiNEERlNG, ETC. U1 Engineering, Civil. Engineering, Civil. Engineering, Civil. An Elementary Course of, for the use of Cadets of the U. S. MiUtary Academy. By J. B. Wheeler, Pro/, of Civil Engineering, U. S. Military Academy. lUus. 8^. pp. xix, 472. New York, 1877. 18. 2. 15. An Encyclopiedia of, Historical, Theoretical, and Practical. By Edward Cresy, C. E. Illus. 8°. pp. vii, 1655. London, 1847. 18. 1. 20. at the Paris Exhibition of 1867. In -'Reports of the United States Commissioners," vol. iv. 1. 2. 5, at the Vienna Exhibition of 1873. /;/ "Report of Her Majesty's Commissioners," appendix to vol. iii. 1. 2. 14. at the Vienna International Exhibition in 1873. In "Report of the U. S. Commissioners," vol. iii. 1. 2. 10. Contents. Bouble viaduct, Paris and Cleans Railroad terminus. Iron roof at Montrouge. Iron viaduct over the Oise. River improvement, Paris to Auxerre. Canal feeding between the Aisne and the Marne. Steam pile-driver. Mortar-mill. Measurements of strains in girders. Aubois canal lock. National school of roads and bridges. Regulation of the Danube. Water supply of Vienna and the exhibition. Sewerage. Hydraulic engineering of France. Italian engineering. Hydraulic engineering in the United States. Civil Engineer and Machinist (The). Division III. PI. [only], fol. London, n. d. 51. 19, Civil Engineers' Pocket-Book of mensuration, trigonometry, surveying, hydraulics, hydrostatics, instruments and their adjustments, strength of materials, masonry, principles of wooden and iron roof trusses [etc.]. By John C. Trautwine, C. E, Illus. 160. pp. 649. Philadelphia, 1874. 18. 1. 37. Dictionary of terms used in Architecture, Building, Engineering [etc.]. By John Weale. 12O. London, 1873. 6.1.22. Engineering College of Japan. Reports by the Principal and Pro- fessors for the period 1873-77. Illus. 8°. pp. 62, 72. Tokei, 1877. 18. 1. 3. Engineering Facts and Figures for 1867. An annual register of pro- gress in mechanical Engineering and Construction, with notes on the var- ious departments of the Paris Exhibition, 1867. PI. and cuts. 12O. pp. viii, 383. London and Edinburgh, 1868. 18. 1. 30. Giornale del Genio Civile. Parte ufficiale. 5 vols. 8°. Florence, i866-'7o. 15. 1. 1-5. — Introduction theorique et pratique a la Science de I'lngenieur. 8°. pp. 447. Paris, 1848. 19. 4. 18. — Les Annales des Travaux Publics. Revue universelle de I'outillage des Travaux Publics et des procedes du Genie Civil. Vol. I, i"^® serie, 1880. PI. I vol. fol. Paris, 1880. ICurrenf. 48. 48. . 18 138 OIVIL EUaiKEEEIM, HYDRAULIO ENaiNEEBlUa, ETC). OIVIL ENait^EERING, HYDEAULIO ENGINEERING, ETC. 139 Engineering, Civil. Engineering, Civil. Engineering, CiVil. Manuel de I'lngenieur des Fonts et Chaussees. Redige conformement au programme annexe au decret du 7 Mars, 1868, reglant I'admission des conducteurs des Fonts et Chaussees au grade d'Ingenieur. Far A. Debauve, InoSnieur des Fonts et Chaussees. Fl. and illus. 20 parts 80and 14 parts 40. Faris, i87i-'8o. 3. 4. 16-49. Memoires sur divers objets relatifs ^ la Science de I'lngenieur. Far J. A. M. 'DQ^txtxn, Limtenant- General au Corps des Voies de Commimicatton de V Empire de Russie. 8°. pp. xxvii, 276, and atlas fol. St. Fetersbourg, 1835. 18. 1. 7. Minutes of the proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, con- taining abstracts of the papers and of the conversations for the sessions 1837-1879. Vols. I-LVIII. [Current] and General Index to Vols. I-XX, i837-'6i. 80. London, y^zI-I")' 2. 1. & 2. ■^ The same. Catalogue of the Library. 2d ed. and appendix (List of Members). 8^. pp. 468. London, i866. 2. 2. 9. The same. Charter, By-Laws and Regulations, and List of Members. 80. pp. 116. London, 1879. 2. 2. 8. —. The same. Transactions. Vols. I-II, and parts i and 3 of Vol. III. Fl. 4 vols. 40 and atlas fol. London, i836-'4o. 42. 3. 1-4. Mittheilungen des Saechsischen Ingenieur- und Architekten-Vereins. Erstes heft. 9 pi. 8°. Dresden, 1858. [And] Neue folge, jahr 1879. Fl. I vol. 80. Leipzig, i879-'8o. 43. 7. 19-21. [Journal Saxon Engineer and Architects' Society.] Revista de obras publicas e minas. [Civil Engineers' Association of Fortugal.j Tomos I-X. 10 vols. 8^. Lisboa, i87o-'8o. 44. 9. 9-18. [Imperfect. 1 — Sulla sistemazione idraulica della Valdichiana. By Carlo Fossenti. Fl. 80. Firenze, i866-'67-'68. 8. 1. 11. — Transactions, proceedings, and papers of the American Society of Civil Engineers, 1867 to 1880. And List of Members July, 1880. Flans and illus. 16 vols. 80. New York, i868-'8o. [Current.] 16. 3. 1-16. — Treatise on Engineering Construction, embracing discussions of the principles involved and descriptions of the materials used. By J. E. Shields, C. E. Cuts. 160. pp. 138. New York, 1877. 18. 1. 28. — The practice of Engineering Field Work applied to land, hydrographic and hydraulic surveying and levelling, for railways, canals, harbors, towns' water supply, ranging curves and centre lines, gauging streams, etc. In- cluding the description and use of surveying and levelling instruments, and the practical application of trigonometrical tables. By W. Davis Haskoll, C. E. Flans and diagrams. '8°. pp. 324. London, 1858. 18. 1. 6. 140 OiVIL ENGINEERINa, HYDRAULIO ENaiNEERING, ETC. CIVIL ENaiNEERING, HYDEAULIO ENGINEERING, ETO. 141 Engineering, Civil. Estimates. Engineering, Civil. Zeitschrift des Architeckten- und Ingenieur-Vereins zu Hannover. PL and illus. Band XXV-XXVI. 2 vols. 40. Hanno- ver, i879-'8o. 48. 42-43. [Journal Architects and Engineers' Society of Hanover. J Engineering, Hydraulic. At the Vienna Exhibition of 1873. /«" Report of the United States Commissioners," vol. iii. 1. 2. 10. ■ Contributions to the Science of Hydraulic Engineering. By PMward Fontaine. 5 pi. 4°. pp. 41. Washington, 1879. 2 copies. 7. 4. 9. See also Hydraulics. Engineering, Sanitary. A series of Lectures given before the School of Mili- tary Engineering at Chatham, 1876. By J. Bailey Denton. PI. 8^. Lon- don, 1877. 18. 2. 23. See also Sanitary Works. Engineering and Architecture. An Architectural and Engineering Dictionary. By Peter Nicholson. 2 vols. 40. London, 1819. 28. 3. 16-17. The same. [A new edition.] 281 pi. 2 vols. 4°. London, 1835. 5. 3. 2-3. Civil Engineer and Architect's Journal, from October, 1837, to Decem- ber, 1867. 30 vols. 40. London, 1837-67. 15. 3. 1-30. Dictionary of terms used in [etc.]. By John Weale. 12^. London, 1873. 6. 1. 22. Engineers and Architects' formulas and tables for calculating the strains and capacity of structures in Iron and Wood. By F. Schumann, C, E. 160. pp. 246. Washington, 1873. 18. 1. 36. Engineers, Architects, and Contractors' Pocket-Book for the year 1872. 16°. pp. 389. London, Lockwood b' Co.^ 1872. 18. 1. 38. The Mechanical Principles of. By Henry Moseley, M. A., F. R. S. ist Am. ed. by D. H. Mahan, LL, D. Illus. 8°. pp. xxi, 699. New York, 1856. 19. 2. 1. Engineering and Mechanics. Engineers and Mechanics' Pocket-Book, con- taining weights and measures ; rules of arithmetic ; weights of materials ; latitude and longitude; cables and anchors; specific gravities; squares, cubes, and roots, etc. ; mensuration of surfaces and solids ; trigonometry ; mechanics; friction; aerostatics; hydraulics and hydrodynamics [etc.]. By Charles H. Haswell. 160. pp. 663. New York, 1868. 28. 1. 42. The same, 31st ed. \(P, pp. 655. New York, 1875. ^8. 1. 34. Pocket-Book of. Containing a memorandum of facts and connection of practice and theory. By John W. Nystrom, C. ^. 12th ed. \(P. pp. 511. Philadelphia, 1873. 18. 1. 35. Estimates for Labor and Material. General basis of. U. S. Light-House Estabhshment. 40. pp. 8. Washington, 1881. 18. 2. 50. 142 OIVIL ENGINEEEINa, HYDRAULIO ENaiNEERINa, ETO. OIVIL ETOmEESING, HYDRiULIO ENaiTSTEEElNG, ETC. 143 Execution. Harbor. Execution des Travaux. Manuel del'Ingenieurdes Fonts et Chaussees. Par A. Debauve, Ingenicur des Pouts et Chaussees. 4"^^ fasc. 8*^. pp. 366 and atlas 40. Paris, 1872. . 3. 4. 19 & 37. Tabic des Matihres. Terrassements. Ouvrages d'Art. Conduite des travaux. Materiel. Fondations. Mortiers et batons. Mafonnerie. Bois et mdtaux. Foundations. See Architecture. Harbor Commission of New York. Reports of. i856-'57. Republished by order of the Chamber of Commerce of the State of New York. Maps and plans. 8^. New York, 1864. 8. 4. 4. Dover Pier and Harbor bill. Report from the Select Committee on. fdl. pp. xxi, 196, and index. In i vol. [London,] 1875. ^' 3' *^' Delia Laguna di Venezia e dei fiume nelle Attigue Provincie. By C. Vacani. Map. 8°. pp. 477. Firenze, 1867. , 43. 5. 37. Improvements of Lakes Michigan and Saint Clair. Annual reports for 1855 and 1856, by Lieut. Col. J. D. Graham, Co7'ps Topographical Engi- neers^ U. S. A. 80. pp. 480. (Sen. Ex. Doc. 16, 34M Cong., ^d Sess.J Washington, 1857. 8. 4. 2. 0/ Boston. Second report of the United States Commissioners on the condition of. 8^. i860. {Misc. Pamph., vol. iii.] 31. 2. 3. of Boston. Special Report of the United States Commissioners on the relation of Mystic Pond and River to Boston Harbor. With appendix. 80. pp. 72, 23. Boston, 1 86 1. 8. 4. 7. of Eamagousta (Cyprus). Report on improvements proposed at. By Thomas Ormiston, M. I. C. E. Maps and pi. fol. pp. 5. London, 1880. 47. 3. 24. [British Parliamentary Paper.] of Glasgow. 6'2>' New York, 1863. 17. 6. L [Professional Papers No. 9, Corps of Engineers, U. S. A.] ■ Tke same. 5th ed. Revised and enlarged. Illus. 8°. pp.334. New York, 1879. 19. 6. 43. Levees. Discussion of the subject of. (Am. Society Civil Engineers.) 8°. [Misc. Famph., vol. iii.] 31. 2. 3. See also Rivers. Materials. A Treatise on the Resistance of, with an appendix on the preser- vation of timber. By De Volson Wood. Illus. 8°. pp. 313. New York, 1875. 19- 5. 15. A Treatise on the strength of timber, cast iron, malleable iron, and other materials; with rules for application [etc.]. By Peter Barlow, F. R. S. 80. London, 1837. 28. 2. 18. The same. A new edition revised by his sons. To which is added a summary of experiments by Eaton Hodgkinson, William Fairbairn, and David Kirkaldy. Edited by William Humber. PI. 8°. pp. 396. London, 1867. 19. 5. 17. and Structures. Strength of. By John Anderson, C. E. Illus. 16°. pp. 301. New York, 1872. 19. 5. 25. of Machine construction. Strength, elasticity, ductility, and resilience of. By Prof. R. H. Thurston, Stevens Institute of Technology. 8°. pp. 62. Philadelphia, 1874. 19. 5. 16. Strength of, as applied to Engineering. By John Nader. (Trans. Wis- consin Academy Sciences, Arts, and Letters.) Vol. II. 1873-74. 22. 2. 2. 150 CIVIL ENGINEERING, HYDRAULIC ENGINEERING, ETC. CIVIL ENGINEEEING, HYDRAULIO ETOINEEEINa, ETC. 151 Materials. Movable Dams, Materials. Strength of, containing various original and useful formulae spe- cially applied to Tubular bridges, wrought and cast iron Beams, [etc.J. By Thomas Tate. 8^. pp. 96. London, 1850. 19. 5. 21. Strength of. By William Kent, M. E. 180. pp. 139. New York, 1879. 19.6.26. [Reprinted from Van Nostrand's Magazine.] used in Engineering Construction. Strength of. By J. K. Whildin, C,E. 2ded. Illus. 160. pp.62. New York, 1867. 19.5.23. Materiaux de Construction de I'Exposition Universelle de 1855. Par A. Delesse. 8^. pp. xv, 420. Paris, 1856. 19. 5. 28. Mortars. A brief Treatise on. With an account of the processes employed at the Public Works in Boston Harbor. By Lieut. William H. Wright, U. S. Corps of Engineers, 16^. pp. 148. Boston, 1845. ^^' ^' 39* (Common and hydraulic,) and lime burning. Essays on. Translated from the French of General Treussart and others. With brief observations on common mortars, hydraulic mortars, and concretes, and an account of some experiments made therewith at Fort Adams, Newport Harbor, R. I., from 1825 to 1838. By J. G. Totten, Lieut. Col. of Engineers, Bvt. Col. U. S Army. PI. 8°. pp. 254. New York, 1842. 19. 5. 41. Hydraulic and common. By Lieut, Col.]. G. Totten. ins. 40. pp. 250. n. d. 19. 5. 47. Mortiers, Chaux, et Mastics. Cours sur les. Ecole d'Application de I'Artil- lerie et du Genie. 4°. pp. 245. Metz, 1843. 19. 5. 40. Ciments et Gangues a Pouzzolanes. Traite pratique et theorique de la composition des, et de leur emploi dans toutes sortes de travaux, suivi des moyens d'en apprecier la duree dans la constructions a la mer. Par L. J. Vicat. 40. pp. 103. Grenoble, 1846. 19. 5. 46. et Ciments Calcaires. Resume des connaissances positives actuelles sur les qualites des. Par L. J. Vicat. 40. pp. 149. Paris, 1828. 19. 5. 45. Movable Dams. Fixed and movable Weirs. By L. F. Vernon- Harcourt, M. A. With an abstract of the discussion upon the paper. [Min. of Proceedgs. Institution Civil Engineers, vol. Ix.] PI. 8^. London, 1880. 8. 4. 39 — Hydraulic Gates and Dams in the Ohio River. Report of a Board of Engineer Officers on. PL 8°. pp. 134. (Ex. Doc. No. 78, House of Representatives, 43^ Cong., 2d Sess.) Washington, 1875. 7. 4. 34. in Indian Weirs. By R. B. Buckley, Assoc. M. Iiist. C. E. With an abstract of the discussion upon the paper. [Min. of Proceedgs. Instn. of Civil Engineers, vol. Ix.] PI. 80. London, 1880. 8.4.39. 152 OIVIL ENGINEEKING, HYDRAULIO ENGINEERING, ETC. CIVIL EFGINE BRING, HYDKAULIO ENGINEERING, ETO. 153 Navigation. Nouvelles. Navigation Fluviale et Maritime. Manuel de I'lngenieur des Fonts et Chaus- sees. Par A. Debauve, Ingenieur des Pouts et Chaussees. \(f^^ fasc. Bound in 3 vols. 8*^. pp. 792, and 3 vols, atlas 4"^. Paris, iSyy-'yS. Tables des Maiieres. Premiere partie. Proc6(les de Navigation fluviale et Maritime. Regime des fleuves. Inonda- tions. Torrents. Am61ioration des riviores navigables. 3. 4. 32 & 47. Djuxibtne pariic. Ali- mentation des Canaux. Des 6cluses a sas. Profils et ouvrages d'art des Canaux. Digues et Murs de Reservoirs. 3. 4, 33 & 48. Trolsieme partie. Le mer et ses mouvements. Ouvrages ext6rieurs des ports. Ouvrages int6rieur des ports. 3. 4. 34 & 49. Navigation, Inland ; Foreign and Domestic. A General History of. Con- taining a complete account of the Canals already executed in England *[etc.]. By J. Phillips. 4th ed. S^. pp. 598. London, 1803. 18. 3. 14. A Treatise on, accompanied by a map. By Robert Mills, P. A. 8*^. pp. 103 [5 J. Baltimore, 1820. 8. 6. 2. Navigation Int^rieure. Cours de. Fleuves et Rivieres. Par H. de Lagrene, Ingenienr des Ponts et Chaussees. 55 pi. 3 vols. 4*^. Piiris, 1869-73. 7. 5. 24-26. Cours de. Ecole des Ponts et Chaussees. PI. 4^. pp.163. Paris, 1850. 7. 5. 33. — The same. Session i844-'45. P^- 4°* PP* ^4^* Paris, 1845. ' 7. 5. 32. de la France. Essai sur le systeme general de, par B. Brisson. Suivi d'un Essai sur I'Art de projeter les Canaux a point de partage. Par MM. Dupuis de Torcy et B. Brisson, Ingenieurs des Ponts et Chaussees. Map. 40. pp. xxviii, 172. Paris, 1829. 8. 5. 12. de la France. Rapport au Roi sur la. Map. 4°. pp. 75. Paris, 1820. 8. 4. 13. Legons sur la. ficole des Ponts et Chaussees. fol. Paris, n. d. 7. 4. 2. Notes prises au cours de. Ecole des Ponts et Chaussees. iSyG-yj. 2 vols., text and adas. 4°. Paris, n. d. 42. 7. 44-45. Navigation (Internal) of the United States. A connected view of the whole. [By George Armroyd.] 8 maps. 8°. pp.192. Philadelphia, 1826. 8.4.26. The same. Map and profiles. 8°. pp.617. Philadelphia, 1830. 8.4.27. Nouvelles Annales de la Construction. PubUcation rapide et economique des documents les plus recents et les plus interessants relatifs h la construction. Frangaise et fitrangere. Par C. A. Oppermann. Tomes 1-14. PI. 14 vols. 40. Paris, i855-'68. 46. 5. 14-27. Table des Matteres. Architecture et arts de ddcoration. Bains et lavoirs publics. ]Eclairage. Elements des construc- tions. Gares et stations. Macliines motrices. Machines outils. Maisons de campagne. Ma- t(5riaux de construction. Ponts. Ports de mer. Routes et Chemins vicinaux. Tdldgraphie- <51ectrique. Thjjorie de la construction. Topographie et nivellement. Travaux de fondation. Tunnels et souterrains. Canaux et rivi&res. Charpentes et couvertures. Chemins de far. Docks, magasins, et entrepots. Drainage et sssainissement. 20 154 OIYIL ENGINEERING, HYDRAULIC ENGINEERING, ETO.- OIVIL EMiLNfEEaitJG, HYDRAULIO E ^fGINEGRING, ETJ. 155 Operations. Fonts et Chauss^es. Operations geodesiques relatives aux travaux hydrographiques executees sur les cotes septentrionales de France; sous la direction de M. Beautemps Beaupre, Ingenieur en Chef. Expose des. Par P. Begat, Ingmieur hydro- graphique de la Marine. Carte. 4°. pp. 56. Paris, 1839. ^^' ^' 2^- Paumben Channel, Ceylon : Correspondence relating to the deepening of. fol. pp. 18, II. London, 1872. 47. 3. 15. [British Parliamentary Paper.] Pier Constructions of recent date. 8°. 1879. (Pro. Civ. Etig. Club of Northwest.) [Bound with the following:] (The Ocean) at Coney Island, New York. By Charles Macdonald. 8^. 1879. (Trans. American Society of Civil Engineers^ vol. viii, 1879.) 18. 1. 16. Pile driving. Experimental tests of. By Bvt. Maj. Gen. R. Delafield. In his " Memoir on foundations in compressible soils" [etc.]. [Misc. Pamph., vol vii.J 31. 2. 7. [Water-jet.] The Ocean Pier at Coney Island. By C. Macdonald. Map and 4 pi. 8*^. (Trans. America?i Society of Civil Engineers, vol. viii, 1879, pp. 227-237.) 18. 1. 16. [Water jet.] The water-jet as an aid to Engineering Construction. A historical sketch of its application to the sinking of piles and caissons [etc.]. By L. Y. Schermerhorn, C. E., under the direction of Henry M. Robert, Maj. of Engineers, U. S. A. 8°. Washington, 1881. 8. 4. 41. Piles. New mode of anchoring, in unstable bottoms or quicksands. By Charles Pontez. 8°. 1879. {Misc. Pamph., vol. vii.] 31. 2. 7. Resistance of, to superincumbent pressure; an analytical investigation, by Bvt. Lieut. Col. James L. Mason, Captain U. S. Engineers. 8*^. pp. 25. Washington, 1850. 2 copies. 17. 5. 38. [Professional Papers No. 5, Corps of Engineers, U. S. A.] Iron-pile shafts of the Brandy wine Shoal Light-house. Report on the effects of the sea-water and exposure upon. By John D. Kurtz, Lieu- tenant-Colonel of Engi)ieers,2.w^ Micah R. Brown, Captain of Engineers. PI. 40. pp. 13. Washington, 1874. 18. 2. 10. Ponts et Chauss6es; Annales de. Memoires et Documents relatifs \ TArt des construction et au service de ITngenieur. i^"" a 5"'*^ serie. 100 vols. 8°, and pi. 6 vols. fol. Paris, 1831-80. [Current.] [And] Lois, Ordon- nances, et autres actes concernant I'administration des Ponts et Chaussees. 1831-80. 50 vols. 80. [Discontinued.] [And] Personnel [etc.], 10 vols. 80. 1869-77. [And] Tables generales. [Indices.] i'^^ \ 4"'<^ serie, 1831-70. 5 vols. 8°. Paris, 1843-74. Case 12. Ecole Nationale des. Collection de dessins distribues aux Eleves. Tomes I-II et supplement. 2 vols 8^, and 2 atlases of pi. fol. Paris, 1857. 43. 5. 39-41. 156 CIVIL ENGINEERING, HYDRAULIC ENGINEERING, ETC. OIVIL ENGINEERING, HYDRAULIC ENGINEERING, ETO. 157 Fonts et Chauss6es. Public works. Fonts et Chauss^es Manuel du Conducteur des. Redige d'apres le nouveau programme officiel. Par E. P^ndres, Ingenieur des Fonts et Chaussees, PI. 2 vols. 8o Paris, 1854. 6. 1. 12-13. Programme ou resume des legons d'un Cours de Constructions, avec des applications tirees specialement de I'Art de I'lngenieur des Ponts et Chaussees. Ouvrage de feu M. J. Sganzin. Par M. Reibell. 3 vols. 40 and atlas fol. Paris, 1839. 18. 2. 12-14. Portefeuille Economique des Machines de I'outillage et du materiel relatifs ^ la construction aux chemins de fer, aux routes, a I'agriculture, aux mines, k la navigation, ^ la telegraphie, etc. Par C. A. Oppermann. Tomes 1-13. PI. 13 vols. 40. Paris, i856-'68. 46. 5. 1-13. Potomac Aqueduct. Report on the survey and construction of the Alexandria Aqueduct. By Capt. W. Turnbull, Topographical Engineers. Folding plans. 80. pp. 81. Washington, 1838. 8. 4. 33. Reports on the construction of the Piers of the Aqueduct of the Alex- andria Canal across the Potomac River at Georgetown, D. C. By Maj, William Turnbull, Corps of Engitieers, U. S. A. 1 83 5-'4o. 8 pi. 40. pp. 49. Washington, 1873. 8. 5. 22. Pouzzolanes Artificielles comparees a la Pouzzolane d'ltalie dans leur emploi en eau douce et en eau de mer. Par J. L. Vicat. 4^. pp. 133. Paris, 1846. 19. 5. 44. Proeve van eenen cursus over de Waterbouwkunde. [Containing Treatises on Roads, Bridges, Canals, Harbors, Sluices, Dikes, and the materiab used in their construction, by F. Band.] 2 vols. 8°. Amsterdam, 1838. 7. 4. 29-30. Public works. Belgium. Annales des Travaux Publics de Belgique. Tomes i-xxxiii. PI. 33 vols. 8° and atlas, fol. Bruxelles, 1843-75. 44. 7 & 8. California. Report of the State Committee on Internal Improve- ments. Road across the Sierra Nevada, 1855. Annual report of the Surveyor-General, 1856. 2 copies. 24. 5. 7. Canada, General report of the Minister of Public Works, for the years 1875, ^^T^, 1877, 1878, and 1880. Maps. 5 vols. 8°. Ottawa, i876-'8o. 1. 4. 27-32. District of Columbia. Annual Reports of the Commissioners of the District of Columbia, 1874-79. Maps and plans. 6' vols. 8°. Wash- ington, i874-'79. 22. 1. 1-6. District of Columbia. Statement of appropriations and expenditures from the National Treasury for public and private purposes in the District of Columbia, from July 16, 1790, to June 30, 1876. 40. pp. 222. Wash- ington, 1878. 22. 1. 12. [Senate Executive Document No. 84, Forty-fifth Congress, second session.] 158 CIVIL ENGINEERING, HYDRAULIC ENGINEERING, ETC. OIVIL ENGINEERING, HYDRA.ULIO ENGINEERING, ETO. 159 Public works. Public works. Public Works. France. Exposition Universelle ^ Paris en 1878. Notices sur les modeles, cartes et dessins relatifs aux travaux des Fonts et Chaus- sees, reunis par les soins du Ministere des Travaux Publics. 8°. pp. iv, 417. Paris, 1878. 42. 8. 32. France. Melbourne universal exhibition, 1880. Notices on the de- signs, models, and works pertaining to the " Ponts et Chaussees," the mines, etc. Collected by the Ministry of PubHc Works. 8°. pp. 595. Paris, 1880. 42. 8. 36. France, The same. At the Philadelphia International Exhibition, 1876. [In French and English.] 8°. pp. 426. Pari^ 1876. 42. 8. 11. , Fra7ice. Travaux Publics de la France. ^Administration generale des Fonts et Chaussees et des Mines. Comptes annuels, 1 833-1 845. 12 vols. 40. Paris, i833-'46. 8. 6. 1-16. Great Britain. By T. W. Simms, C E. I. Railways; 83 pi. II. Canals, bridges, river walls, and the docks and port of Liverpool ; 29 pi. III. Turnpike roads, iron, steel, and gas works; 19 pi. IV. Survey of the port of London; 22 pi. i large folio vol. 153 pi. and 6 eng. London, 1838. 53. 23. Holland. Notice sur les Travaux Publics en HoUande. Par M. Ph. Croizette Desnoyers, Ingenieur en Chef des Fonts et Chaussees. Text and pi. 2 vols. 40. Paris, 1874. 7. 5. 22-23. Table des Matieres. .. .i^ Navigation^'entre Rotterdam et la Mer. Canal d' Amsterdam k la Mer du Nord. Travaux de la province de Zelande. Chemins de fer. Traversee d' Amsterdam. Travaux de Rotterdam et de Dordrecht. Pont sur le-HoUandsch Diep pres Moerdyck. Pont sur[le Lek il Kuilenburg. Italy. Regno dTtalia. Minister© dei Lavori Fublici. Cenni mono- grafici sui signoli servici. I-XII. Maps. 12 vols. fol. Roma, 1878. 49. 1. 30-41. Co7ttents. I. Relazione generale. II. Strade ordinarie (national! e provinciali). III. Strade ordinarie (pro- vinciali e comunali). IV. Strade ferrate. V. Fiume. VI. Navigazione interna. VII. Con- sorzi idraulici. VIII. Bonificazioni. IX. Porti. X. Ediliti\. XI. Poste. XII. Telegrafi. — London. Reports of the Metropolitan Board of Works for the years 1874, '76, '77. 3 vols. fol. [London,] i875-'78. 47. 4. 18-20. [British Parliamentary Papers.] — Mexico. Anales del Ministerio de Fomento de la Republica Mexi- cana. Tomos I-III. PI. 3 vols. 80 Mexico, 1877-1880. 42. 7. 48-50. — Mexico. Memoria presentada al Congreso de Union, par el Secre- tario de Estado y del Despacho de Fomento, Colonizacion, Industria y Comercio de la Republica Mexicana. Maps and views. 4°. pp. 558. Mexico, 1877. 42. 7. 42. — New York Citj. Report of the Department of Public Works of the City of New York for the quarter ending June 30, 1879. 43- !• ^^' 160 CIVIL ENaiNEERINa, HYDRAULIC ENGINEEKINa, ETC. OIVIL ENaiNEERING, HYDEAULIO ENaiNEEBINa, ETO. 161 Public works. Railroad. Public Works. The same. For the quarter ending March 31, 1880. 43. 1. 12. The same. For the quarter ending Dec. 31, 1879. (And a review for the year 1879.) ^3. 1. 12. United States. Reports, specifications, and estimates of Public Works in the United States of America ; edited by William Strickland, Edward H. Gill, and Henry R. Campbell. 8^. pp. 168, and atlas fol. 2 vols. London, 1841. 42. 3. 36. United States. Travaux Publics des fitats-Unis d'Amerique en 1870. Report de Mission, par M. fimile Malezieux, Inge'nieur en Chef des Fonts et Chaussees. PI. Text and atlas. 4^. Paris, 1873. 2 copies, 7. 5. 28-29. Virginia. Annual reports of the Board of Public Works with accom- panying documents. [4th and 5th, i8i9-'2o; loth and nth, i826-'27 ; i6th, 1832; 36th and 37th, 1851-52-53; 7 vols, bound in 4.] 8^. Rich- mond, 1820-53. 43. 1. 1-4. Railroad Accidents. General reports to the Board of Trade upon the Acci- dents which have occurred on Railways of the United Kingdom during the years i872-'73, i873-'74, i874-'75, i875-'76, i878-'79. In i vol. fol. London, i873-'79. 47. 3. 34. [British Parliamentary Papers.] Baltimore and Ohio. Narrative of the proceedings of the Board ot Engineers of, from its organization to its dissolution [in 1829]. By Lt. Col. S. H. Long and Capt. Wm. Gibbs McNeill. 8°. pp. 189, 95. Baltimore, 1830. , 8. 2. 6. Construction. From the setting out of the centre line to the com- pletion of the works [etc.]. By W. Davis Haskoll, C. E. 250 pi. 2 vols. 40. London, 1857. 7. 6. 41-42. Curvatures. A treatise on. By J. S. Vandergraaff. 12°. pp. 74. 1836. 18. 1. 23. Engineers and Engineering Students. Manual for. Containing the rules and tables needed for the location, construction, and equipment of Railroads, as built in the United States. By George L. Vose, Professor of Civil Engineering.^ Boivdoin College. PI. and illus. 8^. pp. xviii, 570. Boston, 1878. 18. 1. 21. Estimates and diagrams of Railway bridges, turnpike, public and occupation roads in the embankments of double or single lines. Dia- grams of station buildings. Text and pi. fol. London, 1870. 47. 3. 43. Excavation and embankment. Formulae for the calculation of. By John Woodbridge Davis. 8^. pp. d>S>. New York, 1876. 18. 1. 13. Journal. Edited by D. K. Minor and H. V. Poor, 1 831-185 7. 17 vols. 40, and 11 vols. 8°. New York, i83i-'57. 15. 4. 1-30. 21 162 CIVIL ENaiNEERING, HYDRAULIO ENGINEERING, ETC. CIVIL ENGINEERING, HYDRAULIC ENGINEERING, ETC. 163 Railroad. Railroads. Railroai Manual for the United States and the Dominion, i873-'74. By Edward Vernon. 2 vols. 4^. New York, 1873-74. 8. 2. 1-2. Manual, or a brief exposition of principles and deductions applicable * in tracing the route of a Railroad. By S. H. Long, Bvt. Lt. CoL [Engi- neers, [/. S. A.\. 2 parts in i vol. 24^*. pp. 109. Baltimore, 1829. 18. 1. 47. M^ont Ccnis Tunnel. Relazione della direzione tecnica alia direzione generale delle strade ferrate dello stato. Map and pi. 4^^. pp. 113. Torino, 1863. 8. 5. 32. St, Goihard. Dritter geschaftsbericht der Direktion und des Verwal- tungsrathes der Gotthardbahn, 1874. [Third report of the directors.] Illus. 40. Zurich, 1875. 42. 7. 16. St. Gothard. Ferrovia della Alpia Elvetiche. Progetto di legge per concedere al governo la facolta di prender part ad un Consorzio Interna- zionale per promuovere I'esecuzione di una Ferrovia attraverso il San Gottardo, e documenti giustificativi. Maps and sections. 2 vols. 4°. Firenze, 1866. 43. 5. 35-36. St. Gofhard. Rapports de la Direction et du Conseil d' Administration du Chemin de Fer du Gothard, 1877, 1878, 1879. PL 3 vols. 4"^ Zurich, i878-'8o. 42. 7. 17-19. Railroads, American. Les Chemins de Fer en Amerique. Par MM. Lavoinne et Pontzen. i vol. 8°, and atlas of pi. fol. Paris, 1880. 8. 2. 5. American and other. Report of observations on Railways made dur- ing a tour in 1874 and 1875. By Thos. Higginbotham. fol. pp. 59. London, 1877. 47. 3. 5. Brazil. Chemins de fer de la province de St. Paul. Par J. Ewbank. Map. 80. pp. n8. Rio de Janeiro, 1875. 8. 2. 17. Canada. See " General reports of Minister of Public Works, Canada," 1875-80. 1. 4. 27-32. Central American Ifiter- Oceanic. See Explorations. Chemins de Fer. Manuel de ITngenieur des Ponts et Chaussees. Par A. Debauve, Ingenieiir des Fonts et Chaussees. 13"'^ fasc. 80. pp. 225, and atlas 4°. Paris, 1874. 3. 4. 26 & 43. Tabic des Mati'crcs. Historique. Dispositions gdn^rales du materiel roulant et de la voie. De la voie. Du moteur et du matdriel roulant. Problfeme de la traction. Gares et stations. Entretien. Exploitation. Considerations dconoraiques. Construction des Canaux et Chemins de Fer. Chemin de Fer de Paris a Strasbourg, et au Canal de la Marne au Rhin. Par M. Graeff. I vol. 80, and atlas 40. Paris, 1861. 8. 2. 3-4. — Correspondence respecting the proposed [English] Channel Tunnel and Railway. Plans, pp. iv, 76. London, 1875, ^' ^- ^^• f British Parliamentary Paper.] 164 CIVIL EMINEERINa, HYDRAULIC ENGINEERING, ETC. CIVIL ENGINEERING, HYDRAULIC ENGINEERING, ETC. 165 Railroads. Railroads. Railroads. Di alcune question! relative all' esercizio delle Ferrovie. Parte I. Locomotive e freni. Parte II. Segnali-Ferrovia sotterranea di Londra. Relazione del Cavaliere Felice Biglia. PI. In i vol. 8°. pp. 132, 119. Firenze, i868-'69. 8. 2. 18. European, Le Ferrovie economiche d'Europa. Relazione del Cava/iere FeiicQ Biglisi. PI. 8°. pp.173. Firenze [1867]. 8.'^2.18. [Bound with " Di alcune question! relative all' esercizio delle ferrovie." By same author.^ France. Rapport sur I'exploitation des Chemins de Fer, par fimile de Parieu. 4^. pp. clvi, 453. [Paris, 1857.] 20. 5. 2. [An official report upon the personnel, management, rolling stock, working efficiency, statistics of accidents, etc., of the railroads of France.] French and other. Examen comparatif de la question des Chemins de Fer en 1839, en France et a I'Etranger. Notice sur les Chemins de Fer Anglais. Par G. T. Poussin. 2 vols. 8^. Paris, i839-'4q. 8. 2. 23-24. Italy. Raccolta delle Leggi e Decreti relativi alia costruzione delle Strade Ferrate Governative, e di quelle Concesse all' industria privata. Map. 40. Turin, 1862. 43. 5. 38. Italy. Ministero dei Lavori Pubblici. Commissariato Geneiale delle Strade Ferrate. Relazione sulle Strade Ferrate Italiane. Anno 1867. Map. 40. pp. 183. Firenze, 1869. 7. 5. 20. London Street. Report from the Joint Select Committee of the House of Lords and the House of Commons on Tramways (Metropolis), fol. pp. 133. London, 1872. 47. 3. 6. [British Parliamentary Paper.] Massachusetts. Annual Reports I to VII [And other documents] West- ern Railroad Corporation . In i vol. 8°. Boston, i836-'42. 44. 6. 19. New York. Annual report of the State Engineer and Surveyor on the statistics of. Map. 8°. pp. 512. [Albany, 1855.] 43. 1. 24. New York. The same. For the years 1873, '75, '76, '77. 4 vols. 8*^. Albany, i874-'78. 43. 1. 30-33. — Pacific^ of the United States See Explorations. — Spain. Informe sobre el plan general de Ferro-Carriles de Espana. Emitido por la Junta de Estadislica. Map. 80. pp. 165. Madrid, 1866. 8. 2. 22. — Southern United States. Report of a Select Committee on the past and present relations existing between the Federal Government and the Railroads in the States lately in Rebellion. ' (39//^ Cong., 2d Sess.^ If. ^., Report No. 2iA') ^o. [Washington, 1867.] , 44.6.18. — United States. A description of the canals and railroads of the United States. By H. S. Tanner. 4 maps. 8°. pp. 272. New York, 1840. 8. 4. 28. 166 OIVIL ENGINEERINa, HYDRAULIO ENGINEERING, ETC. CIVIL ENGINEERIUa, HTDEAULIO ENGINEERING, ETC. 167 Railroads. Railways. Eailroads, United States. Voies de Communication aux 'fitats-Unis,' et des travaux d'art qui en dependent. Histoire et description. Par Michel Chevalier. 2 vols. 4^. Paris, 1840-41. 7. 4. 13-14. and Canals. Memoire sur les Grandes Routes, les Chemins de Fer, et les Canaux de Navigation. Traduit de I'Allemand de M. F. de Gerst- ner, et precede d'une introduction, par M. P. S. Girard, PI. 8^. ~pp. 2, clxiv, 164. Paris, 1827. 8. 2. 30. and Carriages. A Practical Treatise on, showing the principles of estimating their strength, proportions, expense, and annual produce. By Thomas Tredgold, C. E. PI. 80. pp. xi, 184. New York, 1825. 8. 2. 21. and Interior Communication in general. A practical Treatise on. By Nicholas Wood. PI. 8^. pp.314. London, 1825. 28.3.21. — The same. First Am. from the second Eng. ed. PI. 8°. pp. 598. Philadelphia, 1832. 28. 3. 22. The sajne. Third ed., with additions. PI. 8°. pp. xvii, 760. Lon- don, [1838.] 8. 2. 20. Railway, Canadian Pacific. Report on surveys and preliminary operations up to 1877. By S. Fleming, Efigineer-in- Chief. Maps. 8°. pp. xvi, 431. Ottawa, 1877. 2 copies. 1. 4. 23. Curves and Tangents. Methods of location, or Modes of describing and adjusting. By Samuel W. Mifflin, C. E. PI. 160. pp. 41. Philadelphia, 1837. 18. 1. 22. Liverpool and Manchester. Report to the Directors, on the com- parative merits of locomotive and fixed engines as a moving power, etc. By James Walker, Civil Engineer. PI. 8°. pp. 206. Philadelphia, 1831. 8. 2. 7. Metropolitan Underground, of London. ^S^^^ Biglia (F). "Di alcuni questioni" [etc.]. 8.2.18. Railways, India. Reports on, for the years 1872-77 and 1878-79. By Juland Danvers. 4 vols. fol. London, 1873-79. 47. 3. 35-38. [British Parliamentary Papers.] Marine. Address of James B. Eads before the House Select Com- mittee on Interoceanic Canals, 9th March, 1880, in reply to Count de Lesseps. 8^. \Misc. Famph., vol. ii.J 31. 2. 2. Marine. The Panama Ship Canal and Interoceanic Ship Railway projects. Paper read before the Engineers' Club of Cleveland, Ohio, by J. M. Goodwin, C. E., November 6, 1880. 8°. pp. 56. Cleve- land, 1880. [Misc. Pamph., vol. xv.] 31. 2. 15. 168 CIVIL ENGIlfEERING, HYDRAULIO ENGINEERING, ETC. CIVIL ENGINEERING, HYDRAULIC ENGINEERING, ETC. 169 Rainfall and Floods. River. Rainfall and Floods. 'J'he Influence of Forests upon rainfall and inunda- tions; being an extract from a work entitled " Etudes sur les Inondations," by M. F. Valles. Translated by Charles J. Allen, Capt. of Engineers and But. Major, U. S. A. 8°. pp. 19. Washington, 1873. \Misc. Pamph,, vol. XV.] 31. 2. 15. *- Zweite Abhandlung iiber die Wasserabnahme in den Quellen, Flussen, und Stromen bei gleichzeitiger Steigerung der Hochwasser in den Cultur Landern. Von Gustav Ritter von Wex. 6 pi. 40. pp.29. Wien, 1879. 7. 4. 16. [Second treatise on the decrease of water in springs, creeks, and rivers, contemporaneously witli an increase in Iieight of floods in cultivated countries.] . The j-^;;;/^, translated by G. Weitzel, Major of Engineers, Bvt. Maj. Gen., U. S. A, PI. 80. pp. 41. Washington, 1880. 7. 4. 27. Reconnaissance Hydrographique des cotes occidentals de France. Expose des travaux relatifs a la. Par M. Beautemps-Beaupre, Tngenieur Hydro- graphique en Chef de la Marine. Map. 4*^. pp.124. Paris, 1829. 23. 6. 1. Recueil des Observations Hydrographiques et Topographiques, faites en Hol- lande. Par Lieut. Gen. Baron Kraijenhoff. Maps, tables, and pi. 8°. pp. xix, 215, 59, 63. La Haye, 1835. 20. 1. 2. River Clyde. An Historical Description of the rise and progress of the Har- bour of Glasgow, and of the improvement of the river from Glasgow to Port Glasgow. By James Deas, M. I. C. E. 5 folding pi. 8^. pp. xi, 127. Glasgow, 1876. 8. 4. 19. Clyde. Report on the purification of. By Sir John Hawkshaw. Folding plans, fol. pp. xli, 64. Edinburgh, 1876. 47. 4. 48. [British Parliamentary Paper.] Danube. Carte du Danube et de ses embranchements entre Braila et la mer. Levee en 1870-71. [6 sheets in portfolio.] 53. 20. Danube. Description of the delta of the Danube, and of the works recently executed at the Sulina Mouth. By Sir Charles A. Hartley, M. I. C. E. Folding maps. 8°. pp. 34. London, 1862. [Proc. Inst. Civil Eng., vol. xxi.) 8. 4. 20. Danube. Lecture on the improvement of the Danube at Vienna. By Gustav Ritter von Wex. Translated by G. Weitzel, Major of Engineers, Bvt.Maj.Gen.^U.S.A. 8^. pp.25. Washington, 1880. [M^ith '' Dq^ crease of Water," etc.] 7. 4. 27. Danube. Lecture on the progress of the works of completion of the new improved bed of the Danube at Vienna, and the lessons taught thereby ; together with a description of the catastrophe produced by the ice gorge of 1880. By 6"/^' Gustav Wex, Imperial Royal Ministerial Coun- sellor, etc. Translated by G. Weitzel, Major of Engineers, But. M ij. Gen., U. S. A. 5 drawings. 8^. pp. 2,1- Washington, 1881. 3. 1. J^i, 22 170 OIVIL ENGINEEEING, HYDRAULTO ENGINEERING, ETC. OIVIL ENGINEEBINa, HYDRAULIC ENGINEERING, ETO. 17l River. River. River Danube. Report on the Improvements made in the navigation of, since 1856. London, 1871. [And] The same, since 187 1. London, 1878. In I vol. fol. 47. 3. 24. [British Parliamentary Papers.] Elbe. Pracisions-nivellement der Elbe. 2 pi. 4°. pp. 133, Ber- lin, 1878. 42. 3. ll. Gironde. Pointe de Graves, Notes on, and on the works for the pro- tection of its shore against encroachments of the sea. By Lieut. William H. Bixby, U. S. Engmeers. PI. 8^. Washington, 1881. 7. 4. 41. Godavery, India. Minutes and Correspondence relating to the open- ing up of the navigation of [etc.]. Maps and plans. 2 vols. fol. London, i862-'68. ' 47. 3. 16-17. [British Parliamentary Papers.] Godavety. See also Irrigation in India. 47. 4. 13-14. Great Kanawha. [Photographs illustrating the Improvement of, under the direction of MaJ. W. P. Craighill, Corps of Engmeers. 7 sheets. i879-'8o.] Irrawaddy. Report on. Parti. Hydrography. Part II. Hydrology. Part in. Hydraulics. Part IV. The Hydraulic works, Nawoon River. AjDpendices and supplements. Maps and plans. 2 vols. fol. Rangoon, 1879. 7. 4. 6. Kanawha. Report on the Improvement of, and incidentally of the Ohio River, by means of artificial lakes. By Chas. Ellet,y>., C. E. Maps and sec. 80. pp.125. Philadelphia, 1858. 8.4.14. Meuse. Memoir sur les travaux de CanaHsation de la Meuse, entre Namur et la frontiere Frangaise. Par M. Martial Hans, Ingenienr en Chef, etc. 6 pi. 8^. pp. 88. Bruxelles, 1880. 8. 4. 23. Mississippi. [Alluvial Basin.~\ Report of the Commission of Engi- neers appointed to investigate and report a permanent plan for the reclamation of the Alluvial Basin of the Mississippi River subject to inun- dation. 5 pi. 8°. pp. 160. [Washington, 1875.] 8* ^' ^7. — Mississippi. Charts of. In "The Western Pilot," 1829-1832. 18. 3. 11-12. — Mississippi: Jetties, See Jetties. — Mississippi. Maps and Drawing illustrating Improvements of the Mis- sissippi River between the Illinois and Ohio Rivers, in 1 1 sheets (scale 3 000 )• Constructed from surveys made under the direction of Lieut. CoL W. F. Raynolds and CoL J. H. Simpson, Corps of Engineers, U. S. A. Also Drawings illustrating construction of dams and dikes proposed for the improvement of this river, in three sheets. In i bound vol. obi. fol. n. d. 52. 3. 1. — Mississippi. Regulations respecting the navigation of channels at the mouth of. 8°. 1874. {Misc. Pamph., vol. iii.] 31. 2. 3. 172 OIVIL ENGINEERING, HYDRAULIC ENGINEERING, ETC. CIVIL ENGINEERING, HYDRAULIO ENGINEERING, ETC. 173 River. River. River Mississippi. Report of the Committee of the Saint Paul Convention appointed to secure a Uberal appropriation for the improvement of. 8^. 1878. \Misc, Pamph., vol. iii.] 31. 2. 3, — Mississippi. Report on the Physics and Hydraulics of. By Capt, A. A. Humphreys and Lieut. H. L. Abbot, Corps Topographical Engrs. 20 pi. and maps. 4^. Philadelphia, 1861. 31. 1. Mississippi. The same. Reprinted with additions. 25 pi. 4O. pp. xxiii, 691. Washington, 1876. 17. 6. 4. [Professional Papers No. 13, Corps of Engineers, U. S. A.] Mississippi. The same. Chapters ii, vi, and vii. Maps. 8^. Wash- ington, 1867. 8. 4. 18. Mississippi. The same. Reviewed by James B. Eads. 8°. \^Misc. Fa7nph., vol. iii.] 31. 2. 3. Mississippi. The same. Reviewed by 7>»/". An gelo Messedaglia /;/ the Italian language. 8^. pp. 128. Venezia, 1863. 8.4. 16. Mississippi. The same. Reviewed by Edwin Hale Abbot. 8°. pp. 42. Boston, 1862. 8. 4. 16. Mississippi. The same. Reviewed by A. Ritter v. Burg. In the Ger- man language. 8^. pp. ^d. Wien, 1864. 8. 4. 16. Mississippi. The same. Reviewed by F. A. P. Barnard. 8^. pp. 40. New Haven, 1863. {Misc. Pamph., vol. iii.] 31. 2. 3. — Mississippi. The same. Reviewed by Victor Fournie, Ingenietir des Pontset Chaussees. 8^. pp. xii, 128. Paris, 1867. 8. 5. 30. — Mississippi. The same. [Reviewed] Beitrag zur Humphreys-Abbot'- schen theorie der bewegung des wassers in Fliissen und Caniilen. Von Heinrich Grebenau. 8o- \Misc. Pamph., vol. iii.] 31. 2. 3. — Mississippi. The satne. Bericht des Comite's zur Beurtheilung der von H. Grebenau herausgegebenen der Humphreys-Abbot'schen Theorie der Bewegung des Wassers in Fliissen und Caniilen. 4°. pp. 4. \Misc. Pamph., vol. xv.] 31. 2. 15. [Extract "Journal Architects and Engineers' Society of Austria; No. vi., 1867.] — Mississippi. The same. Reply to the criticisms made by Dr. Hagen [on Humphreys and Abbot's Report]. By the Authors. 8°. 1878. \Mtsc. Pamph., vol. iii.] 31. 2. 3. — Mississippi. The Improvement of the mouth of. By John Nader. Trans. Wisconsin Acad. Arts, Sciences, and Letters, vol. iii, 1875-76. 22. 2. 3. — Missouri. Memorial for Improvement of navigation of. By Silas Garber. 80. 1878. {Misc. Patnph., vol. iii.] 31. 2. 3. — Missouri. [Photographs illustrating the Improvement of, under the direction oi Maj. C. R. Suter, Corps of Engineers. 18 sheets. 1879-80.] 174 OIVIL ENGINEERING, HYDRAULIC ENGINEERING, ETO. OIYIL ENGINEEKINa, HYDRAULIC ENGINEERING, ETO. 175 River. River. River Mouths. A new force, plan, and implements adapted to the Improve- ment of. By W. T. Stackpole. 80. 1879. [Misc. Pamph., vol. iii.] 31. 2. 3. Ohio. Charts of. In "The Western Pilot," i829-'32. 18. 3. 11-12. Ohio. [Photographs, movable dam No. i. Improvement under the direction of Maj. Wm. E. Merrill, Corps of Engineers. 5 sheets. 1878.] Ohio. [Photographs of Davis Island Dam. Improvement under the direction of Maj. Wm. E. Merrill, Corps of Engineers, U. S. A. 4 sheets. December, 1880. J Po. Memorie idrauliche premesse ai progetti per la regolazione delle acque delle provincie sulla destra del Basso-Po. Dell' Ingegnere Ispettore Cav. Gedeone ScoLini. Map and sections. PI. 4^. pp. 179. Torino, 1865. 7. 5. 21. Red, of Louisiana. Photographic views of the great Red River Raft made in April and May, 1873, under the dh-ection of C W. Howell, Capt, Corps of Engineers, U. ^. A. obi. fol. 1873. Rhine. Travaux du Fleuve du Rhin. 2"^*^ ed. Revue et augmentee By A. J. Ch. Defontaine. Text and pi. i vol. fol. Paris, 1833. 63. 10. Rhone. Apergu historique sur les embouchures du Rhone. Travaux anciens et modernes. Par E. Desjardins. 21 pi. 4^. pp. 133. Paris, 1867. 7. 4. 5. Seine. Observations sur les cours d'eau et la pluie, centralisees pen- dant I'annees 1872, '73, '74, '76, '77, '78. Par G. Lemoine, Ingen., et E. Belgrand, Inspecteur-Ge?i. ties Ponts et Chaussees. 4 vols. 8*^, and 4 atlases of plates fol. Versailles, i873-'8o. 47. 2. 28-31. Shannon. Improvement of. Maps and plans. 9 vols. fol. Lon- don and Dublin, 1832-39. 7. 5. 1-9. 1. Letter [Correspondence and Report]. 1832. 2. Letter and further report [3d]. 1833. 3. Re- port of the Select Committee, with minutes of evidence and an appendix. 1834. 4. Second Report of the Commissioners. Map and estimates. 1837. 5. Third Report of the Commis- sioners. Appendix. 1838. 6. Fourth Report of the Commissioners, vv ith maps, plans, and estimates. Appendix. 1839. 7. Report on a Preliminary Examination of the Country between the Rivers Shannon and Erne. Proposed junction canal. 1839. 8. Fou rth Report of the Com- missioners, part 2. Plans, 1839. 9. Fifth Report of the Commissioners. Appendix. 1839. Thames.. Floods prevAition. Report from the select committee on- fol. pp. xviii, 228. London, 1877. 47. 4. 15. [British Parliamentary Paper.] — liber. Relazione che accompagna il progetto di una nova inalveazione del Tevere. G. Bompiani, Direttore-Generale, \etc.\. G. Zucchelli) V Ingegnere capo. Maps and pi. 2 copies. dP. pp. viii, 79. Roma, 1879. 7. 4. 17. Tiber. Sull' altezza dJ |)ijna massiraa nel Tevere urbano, e sui prov. vedimenti contro le inondazioni. By A. Baccarini. 5 pi. fol. Milano, 1875. 7. 4. 17. 176 OIVIL'ENGINEEEING, HYDBAULIO ENQINEEEING, ETC. OIVIL ENGINEERING, HYDEAULIO ENGINEERING, ETO. 177 River. Rivers. River Vistula. Description of the plan of Improvement successfully adopted upon the river Vistula in the vicinity of Culm, in Prussia. Translated in the Office of the Chief of Engineers. 2 folding maps. 4^. pp. 6. Washington, 1876. 7. 6. 18. Wisconsin. The Wisconsin River improvement. By Prof. W. J. L. Nicodemus. ( Trans. Wtsco?isin Acad, of Sciences, Arts^ and LetUrs, vol. ii. i873-'74.) 22. 2. 2. Rivers. California River Improvements, //z '-Report of the State Engineer," 1880. 8. 1. 8. -, Fox and Wisconsin in the State of Wisconsin, between the Mississippi River and Lake Michigan. Report on Transportation route. By Gou- verneur ¥^.y^axvQVi, Major of Engrs. and Bvt. Maj. Gen., U. S.A. 18 pi. and maps. 8°. pp. 114. Washington, 1876. (Sen. Ex. Doc. 28, \\th Cong., Ii-/ Sess.) 8. 4. 22. Holston and Tennessee. Report of examinations and surveys in 1830, with a view of improving the navigation. By Bvt. Lt. Col. S. H. Long. 24 maps. 8°. pp. 51. Washington, 1875. ^' l* ^3. : Non-tidal. Memoirs on the Improvement of. By MM. S. Janicki, L. Jacquet, and A. Pasqueau. Translated by Bvt. Col. Wm. E. Merrill, Major of Erigineers," U. S. A. In i vol. 4°. Washington, 1881. 7. 4. 50. — ; of the Netherlands. Registers berattende de beschrijring van de peil- schalen, hakkelbouten en andere verkenmerken langs de hoofdrivieren der Nederlanden. In 13 parts, fol. Incomplete, n. p. 1849-58. 42. 9. 7. [Registers of water-stages in the principal rivers of the Netherlands.] of the Netherlands. Tienjarig overzigt der waargenomen watershoogten langs de hoofdrivieren in Nederland. In 2 parts, fol. n. p. 1861-71. 42. 9. 6. [Ten years' review of the observed water-stages in the principal rivers of the Netherlands.] On the Improvement of the Western Rivers [of the United States]. By Chas. M. Scott. 8^. pp. 12. [Misc. Pamph., vol. iii.] 31. 2. 3. Report from the Select Committee of the House of Lords on Con- servancy Boards, etc. fol. pp. xii, 286. London, 1877. 47. 4. 16. [British Parliamentary Paper.] Rivieres \ Marees. fitude sur la navigation des, et la conquete des lais et relais de leur embouchure. Par M. Bouniceau, Ingr. Corps Roy. des Ponts et Chaussees. Chart. 8^. pp. x, 304. Paris, 1845. 8.4.11. Rhone et Danube. Nouvelles observations sur les Fosses mariennes et le Canal du Bas-Rhone. Projet de canalisation du Bas- Danube. Par E. Desjardins. Map. 4°. pp. 109. Paris, 1870. 7. 4. 7. -• Third to Sixth reports of the Commissioners appointed in 1868 to in- quire into the best means of preventing the Pollution of Rivers, fol. 5 vols. i87i-'74. Incomplete. 47. 4. 49-53. [British Parliamentary Papers.] 23 178 CIVIL ENGINEERIUa, HYDRAULIO ENGINEERING, ETO. OIVIL ENGINEERING, HYDRAULIC ENGINEERING, ETC. 179 Rivers. Roads. Rivers. Tidal. Remarks on the Improvement of. By David Stevenson, F, R.S.E. PL and folding map. 8^. pp.36. London, 1845. 8.4.12. Tid'iL The Conservation and Improvement of, considered principally with reference to their tidal and fluvial powers. By E. K. Calver, R. ISF. PI. 80. pp. X, loi. London, 1853. 8. 4. 10. Treatise on the Improvement of the Navigation of, with a new Theory on the cause of the existence of Bars. ^^ Wm. Alex. Brooks, M. I. C, E, 80. pp. v, 154. London, 1841. 8. 4. 21. Upper Hudson and Raquefte. Report on a survey of the waters of, in the summer of 1874, with reference to increasing the supply of water for the Champlain Canal, and improving the navigation of the Hudson River. By Farrand N. Benedict. Maps. 8^. pp. 82. n. p. or d. 8. 4. 36. and Canals (Navigable) in the United States and Canada. Notes on some of the chief, made for the government of Madras during a tour in 1876. By Geo. T. Walsh, M. L C. E, PL, map, and illus. 8°. pp. iv, 198. Madras, 1877. 8. 4. 31. Rivers and Harbors. Laws of the United States relating to works for the im- provement of. Compiled in the Office of the Chief of Engineers, United States Army, under the direction of But. Maj. Gen. John G. Parke, Major of Engifieers. 8°. pp. 251. Washington, 1877. 23. 4. 19. Road Making. A Manual of the Principles and Practice of, comprising the location, construction, and improvement of Roads and Railroads. By W. M. Gillespie, C. E. Figs. 12O. pp. 372. New York, 1859. 8. 2. 2». Remarks on the present System of, with observations deduced froni practice and experience [etc.]. By John L. McAdam. ist Am. ed. 8^. pp. 196. Baltimore, 182 1. ^ 8. 2. 26. The same. Eighth edition. 8^. pp. vii, viii, 236. London, 1824. 8. 2. 27. Roads. A Treatise on, wherein the principles on which Roads should be made are explained and illustrated by Plans, Specifications, and Contracts made use of by Thos. Telford, esq. 2d ed. By Sir Henry Parnell, Bart, 9 pL 80. pp. xii,465. London, 1838. 8.2.25. Manuel de ITngenieur des Ponts et Chaussees. Par A. Debauve, In- genieur des Ponts et Chaussees. 9"'** fas. 8^. pp. 268 and atlas aP. Paris, 1873. 3. 4. 22. & 39. Table des Matiires. Historique. Considerations sur le tract? et le profil des routes. De la construction des Chaussdes. Entretien des Chaussees empierr^es et des Chauss»5es pav«5es. Personnel de I'entretien. Devis. Plantations. Aqueducs. Alignements. National of Sirdinia. Cenni sui lavori eseguiti per le nuove Strade NazionaU nell' isala di Sardegna. Dell' Ingegnere Giuseppe Bella. 8^. pp. 45. Torino, i860. 8. 2. 19. 180 CIVIL ENGlNEEEIUa, HYDEAULIO ENGINEERINQ, ETC. CIVIL ENGINEEEING, HYDEAULIO ENGINEEEING, ETC. 181 Roads. Ship-canals. Roads. Notes prises par les fileves au cours de construction des Routes, ficole des 'Fonts et Chaussees. PI. 4°. pp. 323. Paris,^ 1848. 7. 6. 31. Observations on the management of trusts for the care of turnpike Roads [etc.]. By John L. McAdam.^ ^8°. pp. iv, 148. London, 1825. 8. 2. 28. and Streets. The construction of. I. The Art of constructing com- mon Roads. II. Recent practice in the construction of Roads and Streets, including pavements of Stone, Wood, and Asphalte. By Henry Law and D. K. Clark, C. ^. Cuts. 12°. pp. xii,345. London, 1877. 8.2.32. Streets, and Pavements. A practical Treatise on. By Lieut. CoL Q. A. Gillmore, U. S, Corps of Engineers^ Bvt. Maj. Gen.^ U. S. A. Cuts. 120. pp. 258.^New York, 1876. 8. 2. 31. Roofs and Roof-trusses. See Architecture. Ship-Canal. Amsterdam. The Amsterdam Ship-Canal. By Harrison Hay- ter. PL 80. pp. 69. London, 1880. 8. 4. 24. Convention (National) at the city of Chicago, June 2-3, 1863. Pro- ceedings of. ^8^. pp.248. Chicago, 1863. 8. 5. 16. [Schemes of enlarging the canals between the Mississippi Valley and the Atlantic , within the loyal or non-seceding States. 1 Niagara. Papers written for the Buffalo Commercial Advertiser on the Niagara Ship-Canal and reciprocity. By J. D. Hayes. 8^. 1865. {Misc. Famph., vol. iii.] 31. 2. 3. Niagara. Speech of I. T. Hatch on the Niagara Ship-Canal in the convention at Detroit, July 14, 1865. 8^. \Misc. Paitiph.^ vol. iii.] 31. 2. 3. Suez. Correspondence respecting the purchase by Her Majesty's government of the Suez Canal shares belonging to the Egyptian govern- ment, fol. London, 1876. 47. 4. 44. [British Parliamentary Paper.] Suez. Report on the maritime Canal connecting the Mediterranean at Port Said with the Red Sea at Suez. By Capt. Richards, R. N, and Lieut. Col. Clarke, R. E. Plans and sections, fol. pp. 16. London, 1870. 47. 5. 53. [British Parliamentary Paper.] Suez. The maritime Canal of Suez. Brief memoir of the enterprise from its earliest date, and comparison of its probable results with those of a Ship-Canal across Darien. By J. E. Nourse, U. S. N. Maps and illus. 80. pp. [4,] 57. Washington, 1869. 8. 5. 21. Ship-Canals : American Interoceanic. American interoceanic ship-canals. A paper read before the An::rxan Society of Civil Engineers, March 16, 1870, by Col. J. W. Adams, of a Committee of the Society. 8°. [Misc. Pamph., vol. ii.] 31. 2. 2. 182 CIVIL EUaiNEERING, HYDEAULIO ENGINEEEING, ETO. OIVIL ENGINEERING, HYDEAULIO ENGINEERING, ETO. 183 Ship-Canals. Ship-Canals. Ship-Canals: American Interoceanic. Instructions to Rear- Admiral Daniel Ammen and Civil Engineer A. G. Menocal, U. S. Navy, Delegates on the part of the United States to the Interoceanic Canal Congress held at Paris, May, 1879. 8°. 1879. [Misc, Pamph., vol. ii.] 31. 2. 2. Interoceanic Canals and Railroads between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Report on, by Rear-Admiral Charles H. Davis, U. S. N. 14 maps. 8^. pp. 37. Washington, 1867. 2 copies. 8. 5. 18. Le Canal Interoceanique et le Congres International de Paris. By J. Marcou. Bibliothque Universelle et Revue Suisse, Sept., 1879. ^°' PP* 24. Lausanne, 1879. \Misc. Pamph.^ vol. ii.] 31. 2. 2. Notes, Historical and Statistical, upon the projected routes for an Interoceanic Ship-Canal between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. By S. T. Abert. 8°. pp. 87. Cincinnati, 1870. \^Misc. Pamph.^ vol. ii.] 31. 2. 2. Surveys and Reconnaissances from 1870 to 1875 for a Ship- Canal across the American Isthmus. By Daniel Ammen, Rear- Admiral^ U. S. N. 80. 1876. [Misc. Pamph., vol. ii.] 31. 2. 2. The American Interoceanic Ship-Canal question. By Rear-Admirai Daniel Ammen, U. S. JV. 8°. pp. 102. Philadelphia, 1880. 8. 5. 20. The proposed American Interoceanic Canal in its commercial aspects, by Joseph Nimmo, /r. 8°. pp. 136. Washington, 1880. [Misc. Pamph., vol. ii.] 31. 2. 2. Atrato Valley. Union of the oceans by Ship-Canal without locks, via Atrato Valley. By Frederick M. Kelley. Map. 8°. pp. 114. New York, 1859. 8. 5. 19. Darien. Message from the President of the United States transmit- ting the information required by a resolution of the House of Represen- tatives in relation to a Ship-Canal across the Isthmus of Darien. 8°. pp. 103. (H. R. Ex. Doc. 228, 25M Co?ig.^ 2d Sess.J [Washington, 1838.] 2 copies. 8. 5. 13. Darien. Report of survey for an interoceanic Ship-Canal near the Isthmus of Darien. 8^. pp. 457. (Senate Ex. Doc. No. 9, :xfith Cong., id Sess.) Washington, 1861. 8. 5. 17. Darien. Reports of explorations and surveys to ascertain the practi- cability of a Ship-Canal between the Adantic and Pacific Oceans by the way of the Isthmus of Darien. By Thos. Oliver Selfridge, Commander, U. S. N. PI. and 17 folding maps and plans. 40. pp. 268. Washing- ton, 1874. 8. 5. 26. — Nicaragua, Reports of explorations and surveys for the location of a Ship-Canal between the Atlantic and PacificOceans through Nicaragua, 1872-73. Under the direction of the Hon. George M. Robeson, Sec- retary of the Navy. 20 maps and plans. 40. pp. 143. (Sen. Ex. Doc, ^jj^^d Cong., I St Sess.J Washington, 1874. 8. 6. 25. 184 CIVIL ENGINEEEINa, HYDRAULIC ENGINEERING, ETC. CIVIL EMINEERma, HTDRAULIO ENaiNEEEING, ETO. 185 Ship-Canals. Specifications. Ship-Canals : American Interoceanic. Panama. Panama Ship-Canal and In- teroceanic Ship-Railway projects. Paper read before the Engineers' Club of Cleveland, Ohio, by J. M. Goodwin, C E, Nov. 6, 1880. 80. pp. 56. Cleveland, 1880. {Misc, Pamph., vol. xv.] 31. 2. 15. Panama and Napipi. Reports of explorations and surveys for the location of Interoceanic Ship-Canals through the Isthmus of Panama and by the valley of the river Napipi, by U. S. Naval expeditions, 1875. By Commander E. P. Lull and Lieut. F. Collins, U, S. N. Maps and plans. 40. pp. 124. Washington, 1879. ^ copies. 8. 5. 24. Panama and Nicaragua. Percement de I'isthme de Panama ou de celui du Nicaragua. Discussion commerciale et industrielle au point de vue du trafic Beige. Reponse a la Conference de M. le Comte de Lesseps, par le Capitaine en Retraite C.-J. Tackels. 8°. pp. 52. Brux- elles, 1880. {Misc. Pamph., vol. ii.] 31. 2. 2. Panama and San Bias. A comparative view of the Panama and San Bias routes for an Interoceanic Canal. By S. F. Shelbourne. 8^. 1880. [Misc. Pamph.^ vol. ii.] 31. 2. 2. Sa?i Bias. The Interoceanic Ship-Canal : San Bias Route. By S. F. Shelbourne. 8°. 1880. [Misc. Pamph., vol. ii.] 31. 2. 2. Tehuantepec. Informe sobre el reconocimiento del Istmo de Tehuan- tepec presentado al Gobierno Mexicano, por Manuel Fernandez. Maps. 80. Mexico, 1879. 8. 4. 35. Tehuantepec. Reports of explorations and surveys to ascertain the practicabiHty of a Ship-Canal between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans by the way of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec. By Robt. W. Shufeldt, Captain, U. S. N. PI. and maps. 4O. pp. 151. . (Sen. Ex. Doc. No. 6,^2d Cong.,2d Sess.) Washington, 1872. 8. 5. 27. Specifications for practical Architecture, preceded by an Essay on the decline of excellence in the Structure and in the Science of modern En relish buildings, with the proposal of remedies for those defects. By Alfred Bartholomew, ^r^. pp. xlviii, 977. London, n. d. 7. 3. 24. and Contracts. A Manual of. By Lewis M. Haupt. 8^. pp. 317. Philadelphia, 1878. 2 copies. 18. 1. 19. and Contracts. Devis-Modele des travaux dependant du service du Genie. Analyse-modele des prix des differentes natures d'ouvrages k ex- 6cuter dans les travaux dependant du service du Genie, i vol. fol. pp. 171, 148, 75, 60. n. p., n. d. 6. 6. 26. 24 186 OIVIL ENGINEEEING, HYDKAULIO ENGINEERING, ETC. CIVIL ENGINEEEING, HYDRAULIO ENGINEEEIlfa, ETO. 187 Strains. Timber. Strains in Girders and similar Structures. The Tiieory of, with observations on the application of theory to practice, and tables of strength and other properties of materials. By Bindon B. Stoney, M, A. Illus. 8^. pp. 632. New York, 1873. 18. 1. 11. The Theory of. A compendium for the calculation and construc- tion of Bridges, Roofs, and Cranes, with the application of trigonometrical notes. Containing the most comprehensive information in regard to the resulting strains for a permanent load, as also for a combined (permanent and rolling) load. By John H. Diedrich, C, E, Illus. 80. pp. 108. Baltimore, 187 1. 18. 1. 12. Sea Wall built in the year 1843 ^^r the preservation of Ram Head at the northwest end of Lovell's Island in the harbor of Boston, Mass. By CoL S. Thayer, U. S. Engineers, 8°. pp. [23.] Washington, 1844. 17. 6. 34. [Professional Papers No. 2, Corps of Engineers, U. S. A.] Smeaton's Reports made on various occasions, in the course of his employ- ment as a Civil Engineer. 3 vols. [And] Miscellaneous Papers, com- prising his communications to the Royal Society, i vol. PI. and dia- grams. 4 vols. 40. London, 1812-14. 18.2.2-5. made on various occasions in the course of his employment as a Civil Engineer. 2d ed. PL 2 vols in i. 40. London, 1837. 18. 2. 1. Stone and Stone Cutting. See Architecture. Tapia and Pise. The Economical Builder: a Treatise on Tapia and Pise walls. By E. Oilman. PI. 160. pp. 23. Washington, 1839. 7. 3. 37. Telford (Thomas). Life of A descriptive narrative of his Professional Labors, written by himself. Edited by John Rickman. ^2^ pi.. 2 vols. aP and fol. London, 1838. 24. 6. 1. Timber. Compressive power of Pine and Hemlock timber. Report upon experiments made by W. H. Hearding. By Maj. D. C. Houston, Corps of Engineers, U. S. A. 8^. 1872. {Misc. Pamph., vol. vii.] 31. 2. 7. Preservation of. [Six pamphlets on.] 8°. London, v. d. 19. 5. 30. I. The Prevention of Dry Rot in timber ; 1834 : Prof. Faraday. II Kyan's Patent: A lecture by Dr. Birkbeck. Ill Tiie Dry Rot ; 1838 : A lecture by Robert Dickson, M. D. IV. Report of the Commissioners appointed by the Dutch Government, on Kyan's Process. V. Copy of a Letter to Beilby Thompson, esq.^ M. /*., on Navy Estimates, from 1800 to 1820: By "Mercator." VI. Copy of the Report from the Committee appointed by the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty to investigate Mr. Kyan's Patent for the prevention of Dry Rot in timber, etc, 1835. Preservation of American Wood Preserving Company. Thilmany process. 8°. 1875. [Misc. Pamph., vol. vii.] 31. 2. 7. Preservation of. Burnettizing ; or the use of Chloride of Zinc for pre- serving Timber or Cordage, etc. 8°. 1859. \Misc. Parnph., vol. vii.] 31. 2. 7. 188 OIVIL ENGINEEEING, HYDEAULIO ENGINEERINa, ETO. CIVIL EUGINEEEINa, HYDEAULIO ENGINEEEINa, ETO. 189 Timber. Tunnel. Timber. Preservation of. Report of experiments with the Seely and Bethell processes for the Preservation of Timber, accompanied by descriptions of these processes and of the Hayford process. By Lieut. Col. Q. A. 0\[\moxQ, Corps of Engineers, 8^. 1879. [Misc. Pamph., wo\. V\i.\ 31. 2. 7. — Preservation of. Report upon the Decay and Preservation of Timber. By Col T. J. Cram, U. S. Engineers, Bvt. Maj. Gen. 80. pp. 26. Wash- ington, 187 1. 19. 5. 29. Preservation of. The Hayford process and apparatus. Z^. 1878. {Misc. Pamph., vol. vii.] 31. 2. 7. Preservation of. The Teredo navalis, and the means of preserving wood from its ravages. By G. H. Von Baumhauer. 8°. 1878. \Misc. Pamph., vol. vii.] 31. 2. 7. Preservation of. See also Wood (De Volson) " Treatise on the resistance of materials." 19. 5. 15. ^ — Strength of See Materials. Transportation Routes to the Seaboard. Various reports upon. Maps and plans. 3 vols. 8^. Washington. 47. 2. 38-40. Contents. Vols. I-II. — Report of the Select Committee on Transportation Routes to the Seaboard, with Ap- pendix and Evidence. Senate Report No. 307, 43^? Cong.., 1st Sess.y 1874. Vol. III. — Reports upon Transportation Routes to the Seaboard. I. Mississippi Route, second subdivision: Reservoirs, sources of the Mississippi. Preliminary. Maj. F. U. Farquhar, Corps 0/ Engineers. Yob. 4, 1875. Same, third subdivision : Pokegama Falls to Falls of Saint Anthony. Maj. F. U. Farquhar. Feb. 8, 1875. Same, third subdivision: Falls Saint An- thony to Saint Louis. Col. J. N. Macomb, Corps of Engineers. 1875. Same, third stib- fl^/z/zV/tf« .• Illinois River to Cairo. Col. "i .\i. Simpson, Corps 0/ Engineers. Jan. 20, 1875. Same, third subdivision: Cairo to New Orleans. Maj. C. R. Suter, Corps 0/ Engineers. Feb. 18, ^875. Same, third subdivision : Lacrosse, Wis., to Des Moines Rapids. Col. J. N. Macomb, Corps of Engineers. July 12, 1876. Same, third subdivision : Cairo to New Orleans. (Con- tinued). Maj. C. R. Suter, Corps of Engineers. May 27, 1878. II. Northern Roilte, first subdivision: Fox and Wisconsin Rivers. Maj. D. C. Houston, Corps of Engineers. Jan. 6, 1875. [And] Transportation Route along the Fox and Wisconsin Bivers, in the State of Wis- consin, between the Mississippi River and Lalce Michigan. Maj. G. K. Warren, Corps of En- gineers. Nov. 26, 1875. Same, second subdivision : Hennepin Canal. Col. J. N. Macomb, Corps of Engineers. Jan. 25, 1875. Same, third subdivision: From the Lakes to New Vork City. Maj. J. M. Wilson, Corps of Engineers. Dec. 24, 1874. III. Central Boute, frst sub- division : Ohio River. Maj. William E. Merrill, Corps of Engineers. Feb. 25, 1875. SamOi third subdivision : Ohio River to tide-water in Virginia. Maj. W. P. Craighill, Corps of Engi- neers. Jan. 13, 1875, and Nov. 10, 1876. IV. Southern Boute, Mississippi River to the At- lantic by the Tennessee River. Maj. Walter McFarland, Corps of Engineers. 1875. [And, bound with the preceding Reports.] Pennsylvania through Water Boute. t. Kiskimine- tas and Conemaugh Rivers, Pa ; Report of the results of an examination of. Maj. William E. Merrill, Corps of Engineers. Feb. 12, 1879. 2. Red Bank Creek, Pa. Report of a survey of. Maj. William E. Merrill, Corps of Engineers. Feb. 5, 1881. [And] Report upon Examina- tions and Surveys to ascertain the cost, &c., of construction of ship canals from Lake Erie to the Wabash and Ohio Bivers. Maj. John M. Wilson, Corps of Engineers. Feb. 3, 1881. Tunnel. Bridge and Tunnel centres. By John B. McMaster, C. E. 18^. pp. 106. New York, 1875. 23. 3. 34. English Channel. Correspondence respecting the proposed Channel Tunnel and Railway. Plans, pp. iv, 76. London, 1875. 47. 5. 61. [British Parliamentary Paper.] 190 OIVIL ENGINEERING, HYDEAULIO ENGINEERING, ETO. OIVIL ENGINEERING, HYDRAULtO ENGINEERING, ETO. 191 Tunnel. Tunneling. Tunnel. Mojit Cenis. Traforo delle Alpi tra Bardonneche e Modane. Rela- zione della direzione tecnica alia direzione generale delle strade ferrate dello stato. Map and plans. 40. pp.113. Torino, 1863. 8.5.32. Sai?it Got hard. Geologische Tabellen und Durchschnitte uber den grossen Gotthardtunnel. i.-vi. Lieferung. Illus. fol. 2 vols. Bern, 187— '79. 42. 7. 13-14. Saint Gothard. [Miscellaneous pamphlets, as follows] : — I. Experten- Giitachten iiber die Projektirung und Devisirung des sogenannten reduzir- ten Netzes der Gotthardbahn. 1878. II. Bericht Atv Mehrheit der Na- tionalrathscommission betreffend das Gotthardunternehmen. 1878. III. Bericht der Minderheit der Kommission des Nationalrathes, etc. IV. Memoire \ I'assemblee generale de la Societe du cliemin de fer Gothard concernant la reorganisation financiere de Tentreprise. 1878. V. Bericht an die Generalversammlung der Gotthardbahn betreffend die finanzielle Reorganisation der Unternehmung. 1878. In i vol. 12^. 42. 7. 23. Saint Gothard. Rapport du Conseil Federal Suisse aux Gouvernements des Etats qui ont participe k la subvention de la ligne du St. Gothard sur I'etat actuel de I'entreprise. 2'"® ed. 4 pi. fol. pp. 14, 4. Berne, 1874. 42. 7. 2. Saint Gothard. Rapports du Conseil Federal Suisse aux Gouverne- ments des Etats qui ont participe \ la subvention de la ligne du St. Gothard sur la marche de cette entreprise. Vols. I- VI I. (Rapports trimestriels, 1-28.) fol. 7 vols. Berne, i874-'79. 42. 7. 3-9. Saint Gothard. Rapport sur les causes du surcroit des frais de con- struction des lignes tessinoises de plaine Biasco-Locarno et Lugano- Chi- asso. [Translated from the German of W. Hellwag.] Plans, fol. pp. 41. Zurich, 1876. 42. 7. 1. — — Saint Gothard. Rapport sur la determination du trace et du profil en long du Chemin de Fer du Gothard. Avec devis approximatif. [Trans- lated from the German of W. Hellwag.] fol. Zurich, 1876. 42. 7. 1. Submarine, Design for*an improved Submarine Tunnel; comprising a brick arch within a cast or wrought iron skin, laid in a trench dredged for that purpose. By Lieut. Col. J. G. Foster, Corps of Engineers^ Bvt. Maj. Gen. PI. 40. pp. 8. Washington, 1868. 18. 2. 9. — ^ Sutro, Closing argument on the Bill before Congress to aid the Sutro Tunnel. 8^. pp. 96. Washington, 1872. 18. 1. 24. The same. Report of the Commissioners and Evidence. With argu- ments and Report of the Committee. 8°. pp. 988. Washington, 1872. 18. 1. 25. Tunneling the Hudson and similar Rivers. Safe and rapid mode of. By 01- neyB. Dowd. 8°. pp.20. New York, 1880. \Misc. Pamph.,yo\.yi^.\ 31. 2. 15. 192 OIYIL ENGINEERING, HYDEAULIO ENGINEERING, ETC. CIVIL ENGINEERINa, HYDEAULIO ENGINEERINa, ETO. 195 Tunneling. Water Jet. Tunneling, Explosive Compounds and Rock Drills. Giving the details of practical Tunnel Work ; the constituents and properties of modern Ex- plosive Compounds; the principles of Blasting; the history of the rise of Machine R©ck-drilling; and detailed descriptions of the various Rock Drills and Air Compressors in use. Also, descriptions of the European and American systems of Timbering and Arching, and tables giving the Dimen- sions and Cost of over seventeen hundred tunnels [etc.]. By Henry S. Drinker, E. M, PI. and eng. 40. pp. 1075. ^^^ York, 1878. 18. 2. 6. Tunnels. Construction des Souterrains. Manuel de ITngenieur des Fonts et Chaussees. Par A. Debauve, Ingenieur des Fonts et Chaussees, 12™® fas. 80. pp. no, and atlas 40. Paris, 1874. 3. 4. 25 & 42. Table des Matieres. Travaux d'abatage. Perforations des roches. G^n^ralit^s sur I'ex^cution des tunnels. Descrip- tion des principaux tunnels. Letter upon the subject of. By W. L. Dearborn. 8°. 1853. \Misc, Pamph., vol. xi.] 31. 2. 11. Walls. Retaining, Practical designing of. By Arthur Jacob, A, B. i8^. pp. 47. New York, 1873. 18. 1. 46. Sustaining, Geometrical constructions to determine their Thickness under various circumstances. Derived chiefly from a memoir of M. Pon- celet. With modifications and extensions. By Lieut. D. P. Woodbury, U. S. Engineers, PI. 8°. pp. [47]. Washington, 1845. 17. 6. 34. [Professional Papers No. 3, Corps of Engineers, U. S. A.] Water Jet (The), as an aid to Engineering Construction. By Asst, L. Y. Schermerhom, C. E, Under the direction of Henry M. Robert, Major of Engineers, U. S. A. 8^. Washington, 1881. 8. 4. 41. See also American State Papers. Architecture. 18. 4. 1-21. Hydraulics, etc, Arago (Frangois). CEuvres Mechanics. completes. 16. 2. 1-16. 25 194 EXPLOEATIONS, EXPEDITIONS, SUEVEYS, ETO. 8. I t EXPLORATIONS, EXPEDITIONS, SURVEYS, VOYAGES, I TRAVELS, Etc. i Adirondack Wilderness of New York : Report of a Topographical Survey ot. By Verplanck Colvin. PI. and maps. 8°. pp. 43. Albany, 1873. 20. 3. 29. The satne. Second Report, for the year 1873. Maps and illus. 8°. pp. 306. Albany, 1874. 20. 3. 27. The same. Seventh Annual Report. [Includes third to seventh.] PL and maps. 8^. pp. 536. Albany, 1880. 2 copies. 20. 3. 28. Adventures on the Columbia River, including the narrative of a Residence of six years on the western side of the Rocky Mountains, among various tribes of Indians hitherto unknown. Together with a journey across the American Continent. By Ross Cox. 8^. pp. xv, 335. New York, 1832. 1. 4. 13. Alaska. Travel and adventure in the Territory of. By F. Whymper. Map and cuts. 8°. pp. xviii, 353. New York, 1869. 1. 5. 1. and Missions on the North Pacific Coast. By the Rev. S. Jacksoq. Map and illus. 12^. pp. 327. New York, [1880]. 1. 5. 2. See also Yukon River. \ ■ Algeria. Exploration scientifique de I'Algerie, pendant les ann^es i84of '41-42. Physique generale. Par G. AxmL PI. 2 vols. 4°. Paris, i845-'46. ' Case 48. Amazon: Exploration of the Valley of. ^y Lieuts. Herndon and Gibbon U, S. M. Maps and pi. 4 vols. 8^. (2 of maps.) Washington, 1853. 20. 1. 8-11. Amoor River : Explorations of. [Correspondence between the Secretary of State and Perry McD. CoUins, U. S. Commercial Agent for the Amoor River.] 80. pp. 67. Washington, 1858. 20. 2. 38. [H. R. Ex. Doc, No. 98, 35th Cong., ist Sess.] Arctic Expedition, Narrative of the Second, made by Charles F. Hall : His voyage to Repulse Bay, sledge journeys to the Straits of Fury and Hecla and to King William's Land, and residence among the Eskimos during the years 1864-69. Edited by Prof.]. E. Nourse, U.S.N. Portraits, maps, and illus. imp. 80. pp. 644. Washington, 1879. 20. 4. 13. of Captain Charles F. Hall, U. S. JV., U. S. Ship Polaris. Narrative edited by Rear Admiral C. H. Davis, C/. S. N. PL imp. 8^. pp. 696. Washington, 1876. 20. 4. 12. ^95 196 EXPLORATIONS, EXPEDITIONS, SUEVEYS, ETO. EXPLOEATIONS, EXPEDITIONS, SUEVEYS, ETC 197 Arctic Expedition. Canada. Arctic Expedition of 1 87 5 . Papers and Correspondence relating to the -Equip- ment and Fitting out of, including report of the Admiralty Arctic Com- mittee. With chart, fol. pp. 40. London, 1875. 47. 5. 52. ,3y2-'76. Results derived from. I. Physical observations by Capt. Sir George Nares, R. N. II. The Eskimo dog disease, by Surgeon B. Ninnis. PI. i vol. fol. pp. 156. London, 1878. 47. 3. 19. [British Parliamentary Paper.] Arid Region (The) of the United States. Report on the lands of, with a more detailed account of the lands of Utah. By J. W. Powell. 3 maps. 40. pp. XV, 195. Washington, 1879. . 23. 6. 24. Arizona. PreHminary Report, 1871. U. S. Geographical Surveys West of the 1 00th Meridian. 20. 4. 20. See also U. S. Geographical Surveys, Wheeler, 20. 4. 25-31. U. S. Geological Surveys, Hayden, 20. 2. 2-10. Arkansas River. See Expedition on the Upper Arkansas, etc., by Abert. 20. I. 18. Sources of the Mississippi, etc., by Pike. 20. 3. 8. Astoria, or Anecdotes of an enterprise beyond the Rocky Mountains. By Washington Irving. Vol. II. 80. pp. 279. Philadelphia, 1836. 2. 5. 25. Atlantic (The). A preliminary account of the general results of the Explor- ing Voyage of H. M. S. " Challenger" during the year 1873 ^"^^ the early part of the year 1876. By -S'/r C. Wyville Thomson. Illus. 2 vols. 8^. New York, 1878. 1. 4. 14-15. Black Hills of Dakota : Report of a Reconnaissance of, made in the sum- mer of 1874. By William Ludlow, Captain of Engineers^ U. S. A, [And Geological Report by Prof. N. H. Winchell ] Maps and sections- 40. pp. 121. Washington, 1875. 20. 5. 19. See also Jenney (W. P.) Mineral wealth : 20. 3. 46. Dodge i^Lieut. CoL R. I.) The Black Hills: i. 5. 4. And Dakota. Calabria. \A trip to.] Ein Ausflug nach Calabrien. Von Bvf Gerhard vom Rath. View and section. 8^. pp. vii, 157. Bonn, 1871. 20.1.3. California : For health, pleasure, and residence. A book for Travellers and Settlers. By Charles Nordhoff. Maps and illus. 8^. pp. 255. New York, 1873. 1. 4. 12. Geographical Memoir upon Upper California. By John C. Fremont. An illustration of his Map of Oregon and California. 8^. pp. 67. Washington, 1848. 20. 1. 13. See also Texas, New Mexico, etc., by Bartlett. 20. i. 6-7. New Mexico and CaHfornia, by Abert. 20. i. 14. Western America, by Wilkes. 20. 3. 18. OrCj^'onand North California, by Fremont. 20. i. 12. Canada. Geological survey. Reports of progress for the years 1853-57 and i876-'79. By Sir W. E. Logan, and Alfred R. C. Selwyn. Illus. 6 vols. 80. Toronto and Montreal, i857-'8o. 1. 4. 16-21. 198 EXPLOEATIONS, EXPEDITIONS, SURVEYS, ETO. EXPLORATIONS, EXPEDITIONS, SUEVEYS, ETO. 199 Canada. Central America. Canada. Pacific Railway. Report on Surveys up to Jan., 1877. ^Y Sand- ford Fleming. Maps and profiles. 8°. pp. xvi, 431. Ottawa, 1877. 1. 4. 23. Canadian Red River Exploring Expedition of 1857, and Assinniboine and Saskatchewan Exploring Expedition of 1858. By Henry Youle Hind, M. A. Maps and illus. 2 vols. 8^. London, i860. 20. 1. 23-24. Central America, Tehuantepec and Darien. American interoceanic canal question : By Rear-Admiral Daniel Ammen, U. S. N. 8°. pp. 102, Philadelphia, 1880. 8. 6. 20. American interoceanic ship canals. A paper read before the Am. Soc. Civ. Engrs., Mar. 16, 1870. By Col. J. W. Adams, of a committee of the Society. 8°, \_Misc. Pamph.^ vol. ii.] 31. 2. 2. Atrato Valley. The union of the oceans by ship canal without locks via. By Fredk. M. Kelley. Map. 8°. pp. 114. New York, 1859. 8. 5. 19. Barien. Comparison of the probable results of a ship canal across the Isthmus of, with those of ■^ the Suez Canal. Prof. J. E. Nourse, in his " Maritime Canal of Suez," 8. 5. 21. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting the information required by a resolution of the House of Representatives of the 17th February, 1838, in relation to a ship canal across the Isthmus of. 8°. pp. 103. [Washington, 1838.] 8. 6. 13. Report of survey for an interoceanic ship-canal near the isthmus of. By Lieut. N. Michler, Corps 0/ To/>l. Engineers. 8°. pp.457- [Washington, 1861.] 8.5.17. Reports of Explorations and Surveys to ascertain the practicability of a ship canal by way of the isthmus of. By Thomas Oliver Selfridge, Commander^ U. S. N. PI. and maps. 4°. pp. 268. Washington, 1874. 8. 5. 26. Instructions to Rear-Admiral Daniel Ammen and Civil Engineer K. G. Menocal, U. S. N., dele- gates on the part of the United States to the interoceanic canal congress held at Paris, May, 1879. 8°. [Misc. Pamph.y vol. ii.] 31. 2. 2, Interoceanic canals and railroads between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Report on various proposed lines for. By Rear-Admiral Charles H. Davis. A. Tehuantepec. B. Honduras. C Nicaragua. Z>. Panama. ^'.Atrato. 8°. pp. 37, with 14 folding maps. Washington, 1867. 8. 5. 18. Le Canal interocdanique et le congres international de Paris. By J. Marcou. 8°. pp. 24. Lau- sanne, 1879. {Misc. Patitph.., vol. ii.] 31. 2. 2. Nicaragua- Reports of explorations and surveys for the location of a ship canal between the •Atlantic and Pacific Oceans through Nicaragua, 1872-73. Under the direction of the Hon. George M. Robeson, Secretary of the Navy. 20 maps and plans. 4°. pp. 143. Washington, 1874. 8. 5. 25. The proposed American interoceanic canal in its commercial aspects. By Joseph Nimmo, jr. o. pp. 136. Washington, 1880. \_Misc. Paviph.y vol. ii.] 31. 2, 2. Notes historical and statistical upon the projected routes for an interoceanic ship canal between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. ByS.T. Abert. 8°. pp.87. Cincinnati, 1870. [Misc.Pamph.^ vol. ii.l 31.2.2. Panama Ship Canal and Interoceanic Ship Railway projects. J. M. Goodwin, C. E. 8°. pp. 56 [Misc. Pamph.., vol. XV.] 31. 2. 15. and Napipi- Reports of Explorations and Surveys for the location of interoceanic ship canals through the isthmus of, and by the valley of the river Napipi, by U. S. Naval Expedi- tions, 1875. By Comdr. E. P. Lull and Lieut. Fredk. Collins, U. S. N. 13 maps and plans. 4°. pp. 124. Washington, 1879. 2 copies. 8. 5. 24. and Nicaragua. Percement de I'isthmede Panama ou decelui du Nicaragua. Discussion commercielle et industrielle au point de vue du trafic beige. R6ponse k la conference de M. le Cte. de Lesseps par le Capitaine en retraite C.-J. Tackels. 8°. pp. 52. Bruxelles, 1880. [Misc. Pamph., vol. ii.] 31. 2. 2. and San Bias Route. Comparative view of the Panama and. By S. F. Shelboume. 8°. 1880. [Misc. Pamph., vol. ii.] 31. 2. 2. San Bias. The interoceanic ship canal : San Bias Route. By S. F. Shelboume. 8°. 1880. [Misc. Pamph., vol. ii.] 31. 2. 2. Surveys and reconnoissances from 1870 to 1875 for a ship canal across the American isthmus. By Rear-AdmiralDii.mQ\A.mmQQ,U.S.N. 8°. 1876. [Misc. Pamph., ^o\.u.\ 31.2.2. , 200 EXPLOEATIONS, EXPEDITIONS, SUEVEYS, ETO. EXPLORATIONS, EXPEDITIOHS, SURVEYS, ETO. 201 Central America. Colorado. Central America, Tehuantepec and Darien : Continued. Teliuailtepec- Informe sobre el reconociniiento del istmo de, presentado al Gobierno Mexicano. Por Manuel Fernandez, Maps. 8°. pp. 146. Mexico, 1879. 8. 4. 35. " Marine Railway. Address of James B. Eads before the Select Committee, House of Rep-' resentatives, on interoceanic canals, 9th March, 1880, in reply to Count de Lesseps. 8°. [Misc. Pamph., vol. ii.] 31. 2. 2. Reports of Explorations and Surveys to ascertain the practicabiliLy of a Ship-Canal between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans by the way of the isthmus of. By Robert W. Shufeldt, Captain., U. S. N. PI. and maps. 4°. pp. 151. Washington, 1872. 8. 5. 27. Results of a survey for a railroad to connect the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans by way of the isthmus of. By Maj. J. G. Barnard. 2 vols, (i of maps). 8°. New York, 1852. 20. 3. 9-10. Central Route to the Pacific, from the valley of the Mississippi to California. Journal of the expedition. By Gwinn Harris Heap. Map and pi. 8^. Philadelphia, 1854. 20. 2. 36. Chili. See Gilliss {Lieut. James M.). U. S. Naval Astronomical Expedi- tion. 20. 5. 13-16. China Seas and Japan. Narrative of the expedition of an American squadron to, in i852-'53^'54, under the command of Commodore M. C. Perry, U- S. N, Compiled from original notes by Francis L. Hawks, Z>. Z>., etc. Maps and illus. 3 vols. 4^. Washington, 1856. 2 copies, 20. 6. 14-16. Coast Survey (U.S.). Annual Report of the Superintendent, showing the progress of that work. 1851-1877. Maps and sketches, i vol. 8^ and 27 vols. 40. Washington, 185 2-' 7 8. 38.3. Notes on the coasts of the United States. By Prof. A. D. Bache, Supt. U. S. Coast Survey. [Maps and sketches. Memoirs ^(ms.) by W. P. Trowbridge. Maps revised by C. P. Patterson.] 13 vols. 4°. Washington, 1861. 18. 3. 26-38. Contents. Sec. Ill, vol. I. — Delaware Bay, coasts of Delaware, Maryland, and Virginia, and Chesapeake Bay, with 15 maps. Sec. Ill, vol. 2. — Potomac, Patuxent, Severn, Patapsco, Susquehanna Rivers, and sounds on east shore of Chesapeake Bay. 7 maps. Sec. Ill, vol. 3.— James River, York River, and Rappahannock River, Virginia, and Potomac River. u maps. Sec. Ill, vol. 4. — James, York, and Rappahannock Rivers. 10 maps. Sec. IV, vol. 5. — Coast of North Carolina. 21 maps and sketches. Sec. V, vol. 6. — Coast of South Carolina. 6 maps. Sec. V, vol. 7.— Coast of Georgia. 10 maps. Sec. VI, vol. 8.— Florida Keys and Reefs, and part of the coast of Florida Peninsula. 13 maps. Sec. VI-VII, vol. 9.— Western coast of Florida Peninsula from Cape Sable to Ocilla River. 8 maps. Sec. VII, vol. 10.— Coast of West Florida from Ocilla River to Mobile Point. 8 maps. Sec. VIII, vol. II. — Mobile Bay, Mississippi Sound. 7 maps. Sec. VIII, vol. 12. — Coast of Louisiana. 19 maps and sketches. Sec. IX, vol. 13.— Coast of Texas. 10 maps. , Colombia. Journals of a residence and travels in, during the years 1823-24. By Capt. Charles Stuart Cochrane, Royal Navy. Vol. II. 80. pp. 517. London, 1825. 2. 5. 26. Colorado Exploring Expedition. Preliminary Report on, by Lieut. J. C. Ives, Corps of Topographical Etigijieers. 8°. pp. [12]. Washington, 1859. 20. 3. 26. 26 202 EXPLORATIONS, EXPEDITIONS, SURVEYS, ETC. EXPLORATIONS, EXPEDITIONS, SURVEYS, ETO. 203 Colorado River. Expedition. Colorado River of the West. Report upon the Exploration of, in 1857-58. By Lieut. Joseph C. Ives, Corps of Topographical Engineers. Maps and pi. 40. pp. 350. Washington, 1861. 20. 5. 17. Part I. General report. II. Hydrographical report. III. Geological report by Dr. Newberry. IV. Botany, Profs. Gray, Torrey, etc. — — V. Zoology, Prof. Baird. Appendixes (4). and its tributaries. Exploration of, in 1869-72. By J. W. Powell. Maps and illus. 40. Washington, 1875. 23. 6. 17. <5V(f<7/f^Sitgreaves (L.). Report. 20.1.27. Johnston (J. E.). Report. 20. 2. 44. Columbia River. Adventures of the first settlers on the Oregon or Columbia River [etc.]. By Alex. Ross. Map. pp. xv, 352. 8^. London, 1849. 1. 5. 19. — Fur Hunters of the Far West: a narrative of adventures in the Ore- gon and Rocky Mountains. By Alex. Ross. Map and pi. 2 vols. 8°. London, 1855. 1. 5. 6-7. Adventures on the, including the narrative of a residence of six years on the western side of the Rocky Mountains [etc.]. By Ross Cox. 8^. pp. XV, 335. New York, 1832. 1. 4. 13. Cruise of the U. S. Brig " Dolphin:" Reports and charts of. ^y Lieut, S. P. Lee, U. S. N. 8^. pp. 331. Washington, 1854. 20. 3. 20. Dakota. See Allen (J. A.) Metamorphism : 19. 3. 6. Hayden (F. V.) U. S. Geol. Survey of the Territories : 20. 2. 2-10. Warren (G. K.) Ne- braska and Dakota : 20. 3. 45. See also Black Hills. Depths of the Sea (The). An account of the general results of the Dredging Cruises of H. M. SS. "Porcupine" and "Lightning," 1868, 1869, and 1870. By -S/r C. Wyville Thomson. Illus. 8^; pp. xx, 527. London, 1873. 7. 4. 32. Doniphan's Expedition. Containing an account of the conquest of New Mexico; General Kearney's overland expedition to California; Doni- phan's campaign against the Navajos [etc.]. Illus. 8°. pp. viii, 144. Cincinnati, 1848. 20. 3. 12. Memoir of a tour to Northern Mexico, connected with Col. Doni- phan's expedition, in 1846 and -1847. By A. Wislizenus, M. D. With a scientific appendix [by George Engelmann, M. D.\ and 3 maps. 8°. pp. 141. Washington, 1848. 20. 3. 13. Expedition from Fort Bridger via Coochetope Pass to New Mexico and back, via Bridger's Pass. Report on. By Capt. R. B. Marcy. 8°. 1858. 20. 3. 7. in 1856 to Lake Miniwaken and the Red River of the North. Re- port on. By Lieut. Col. Charles F. Smith. 8^. 1856. 20. 3. 7. 204 EXPLOEATIONS, EXPEDITIONS, SUKVEYS, ETC. EXPLORATIONS, EXPEDITIONS, SURVEYS, ETC. 205 Expedition, Georgia. Expedition on the upper Arkansas and through the country of the Camanche Indians in 1845. ^X ^^^ut. J. W. Abert, Topographical Eiigmeers. Map and ilius. 80. {^Sm. Doc. 438, 20th Cong,, 1st Sess.) 20. 1. 18. through the Upper Mississippi to Itaska Lake in 1832. Narrative of. By Henry R. Schoolcraft. 80. pp. 307. New York, 1834. 20. 3. 40. to the Northwest Indians in 1832. Report of. By Schoolcraft and Allen. 80. pp. 68. Washington [1834]. 20. 3. 40. [Bouna luith the preceding.] Exploration of the Northwest Territory. Reports of S. J. Dawson, C. E,, on exploration between Lake Superior and the Red River settlement, and between the latter place and the Assiniboine and Saskatchewan; and of Henry Youle Hind, M. A.^ on the Assiniboine and Saskatchewan Explor- ing Expedition. (Appe7idixNo.\,\ith Vol. Journal of Legislative Assem- bly of the Province of Canada.) i vol. 4^. Toronto, 1859. L. S. Exploring Expedition from Santa Fe, N. Mex., to the junction of the Grand and Green Rivers of the Great Colorado of the West, in 1859, under the command of Capt. J. N. Macomb. With Geological Report by Prof. J. S.Newberry. Map and pi. 4^. pp.152. Washington, 1876. 20.4.4. Florida. Documents and other papers relating to the boundary line between the States of Georgia and Florida. 8^. pp. 396. Washington, 1855. 20. 3. 32. Memoir to accompany a Military Map of the Peninsula of Florida, south of Tampa Bay. By Lieut. J. C. Ives. Map. 8°. pp. 42. New York, 1856. 2 copies, 20. 3. 22. Fortieth Parallel. Geological exploration of. By Clarence King, U. S, Geolo- gist-in-charge. 7 vols. 4°; 2 atlases fol., and 2 portfolios of photographic views. Washington, 1870-80. 17. 6. 9. Vol. I. Systematic Geology. II. Descriptive Geology. III. Mining Industry. Atlas accompanying Vol. III. IV. Zoology and Pakeontology. V. Botany. VI. Microscopical Petrography. VII. Odontornithes. Geological and Topographical atlas. [Professional Papers No. i8, Corps of Engineers, U. S. A.] Fur Hunters (The) of the Far West : A narrative of Adventures in the Ore- gon and Rocky Mountains. By Alexander Ross. Map and pi. 2 vols. 8°. pp. XV, 333 and viii, 262. London, 1855. 1. 5. 6-7. Georgia. Documents and other papers relating to the boundary line between the States of Georgia and Florida, and Reports of Committees. 80. pp. 396. Washington, 1855. 20. 3. 32. 206 EXPLOKATIONS, EXPEDITIONS, SURVEYS, ETC. EXPLOEATIONS, EXPEDITIONS, SURVEYS, ETC. 207' Great Britain. India. Great Britain and Ireland. Ordnance Trigoftomeirical Survey. An account of the Measurement of the Lough Foyle Base in Ireland, with its verifi- cation and extension by triangulation, together with the various methods of computation followed on the Ordnance Survey. By Capt. WiUiam Yolland, R. E. PI. and sections. 4^. pp. viii, 154. (Appendix, pp. 117.) London, 1847. 2 copies. 44.9.28. The same. Astronomical observations made with Airy's Zenith Sec- tor, 1842-50, for the determination of the Latitudes. 4°. London, 1852. 44. 9. 25. The same. Account of the Observations and Calculations of the prin- cipal Triangulation, and of the Figure, Dimensions and mean Specific Gravity of the Earth as derived therefrom. Drawn up by Capf. A. R. Clarke, R. E. 40. pp. ii, 782, and i vol. of 28 pi. 2 vols. London, 1858. 2 copies. 44. 9. 26-27. The same. Account of the Methods and Processes adopted for the Production of the Maps of the Survey. Drawn up by Officers of Royal Engineers employed under Lieut. Gen, Sir Henry James, R. E.^ E. R. S.^ Director General. 4°. Illus. pp. vi, 214. London, 1875. L* S. The sa??ie. Reports of Progress for the years 187 1-'79. Maps. In i vol. fol. London, i872-'8o. 47. 3. 12. [British Parliamentary Papers.] Great Divide (The). Travels in the Upper Yellowstone in the summer of 1874. By the Earl of Dunraven. Illus. and maps. 8°. pp. xvi, 377. New York [London], 1876. 1. 3. 1. Great Salt "Lake of Utah. Exploration and Survey of the Valley of, including a reconnaissance of a new route through the Rocky Mountains. By Howard Stansbury, U. S. A. Maps and pi. 8^. pp. 487. With a volume of maps. 2 vols. Philadelphia, 1852. 20. 1. 25-26. See also Utah. Greece. Voyage du jeune Anacharsis en Grece. Par J. -J. Barthelemy. imp. 8^. pp. xxxii, 765. Paris, 1839. 1. 4. 1. India. Geological Survey. Memoirs. Vol. XII, Parts i and 2. Maps and pi. 80. Calcutta, 1876. 44. 8. 13. The same.- Palaeontologia Indica, being figures and descriptions of the organic remains procured during the progress of the Geological Sur- vey of India. By William Waagen. Vol. I. i. Jurassic Fauna of Kutch. PI. 40. Calcutta, 1873. . 44. 8. 6. The same. Records. Vol. IX. 2 maps. 8°. pp. 168. Calcutta, 1876. 44. 8. 14. Great Trigonometrical Survey. Abstract of the reports of the Surveys and other geographical operations in India for 1870-74. In i vol. imp. 80. London, i872-'76. 44. 8. 15. 208 EXPLORATIONS, EXPEDITIONS, SURVEYS, ETC. EXPLORATIONS, EXPEDITIONS, ':SUEVEYS, ETC. 209 India. India. India. The same. Account of the operations of. By Col. J. T. Walker, R. E, Maps and diagrams. 5 vols. 4°, and 2 atlases, fol. Dehra Doon, i87o-'79. 44. 8. 19-23. I. Standards of measure and the base lines. Account of early operations, iSoo-'so. II. Histpry and general description of the principal triangulation, and of its reduction. III. Baseline figures, Karachi longitudinal, Noithwest Himalaya, and Great Indus series of the northwest quadrilateral. ~ . IV. Great Arc, Rahun, Gurhagarh and Jogr-Tila meridional series, and the Sutlej series of the northwest quadrilateral. V. Pendulum operations. The same. Auxiliary tables to facilitate the calculations of the Survey Department of India, fol. Dehra Doon, 1868. 44. 8. 10. The same. General report on the operations of. 1870-75. Maps and plans, fol. Dehra Doon, i87i-'76. 44. 8. 8. The same. General Report on the Topographical Survey of India, and of the Surveyor General's Department, Headquarter Establishment, i87o-'75. fol. Calcutta, i872-'76. 44. 8. 7. The same. Manual of Surveying for India. DetaiHng the mode of operations on the Trigonometrical, Topographical, and Revenue Surveys of India. Compiled by Col. H. L. Thuillier and Lieut. Col. R. Smith. 3d ed. PI. and illus. 8^. pp. xxi, 623, and appendix pp. ccviii. Cal- cutta, 1875. 44. 8. 18. The same. Memoranda of Leveling Operations [and] Spirit Level Heights, 1867-72. In i vol. 8°. Roorkee, 1868, and Dehra Doon, i869-'73. 44. 8. 17. The same. Specimens of Maps, Plans, etc. Portfolio. Calcutta, 1877. 62. 2. 2. The same. Survey reports [2] on the operations. Eastern Frontier, 1871-73. Maps. fol. Calcutta, 1872-73. 44. 8. 11;^ The same. Synopsis of the results. Maj^s and diagrams. 9 vols. 40. Dehra Doon, i874-'79. 44. 9. 19-27. I. Descriptions and co-ordinates of the principal and secondary stations and other fixed pointsof the Great Indus series, or series D of the northwest (iuadrilateral. II. The great arc-section 24° to 30°, or series A of the northwest ([uadrilateral. in. The Karachi longitudinal series, or series B of the northwest quadrilateral. IV. The Gurhagarh meridional series, or series F of the northwest (iuadrilateral. V. The Rahun meridional series, or series E of the northwest quadrilateral VI. The Jogi-Tila meriodional series, or series G, and the Sutlej series, or series H of the north- west quadrilateral, VII. The Northwest Himalaya series, or series C of the nortliwest quadrilateral, and the triangu lation of the Kashmir survey. VIII. The great arc meridional series— Sec. 18° to 24° appertaining to the southeast quadrilateral. IX. The Jabalpur meridional series, or series E of the southeast quadrilateral. Marine Survey. General Report of operations from the commence- ment in 1874 to the end of the official year 1875-76. A. Dundas Tay- lor, Superintendent, fol. pp. 39. [Calcutta], London, 1877. 47. 5. 54. — Revenue Survey. General report on the Revenue Survey operations of the upper and lower Provinces in Bengal (including Boundary Com- mission Report), 1870-75. fol. Calcutta, 1872-76. 44. 8. 9. 27 210 EXPLOEATIONS, EXPEDITIONS, SUEVEYS, ETO. EXPLORATIONS, EXPEDITIONS, StJEVEYS, ETO. 211 Indian Surveys. March. Indian Surveys (The). Memoir upon. By Clements R. Markham. Maps. imp. 8o. London, 1871. 44. 8. 12. The same. 2d ed. [with additions]. Maps. imp. 8°. London, 1878. 20. 5. 21. Inspection made in the summer of 1877 of the country north of the Union Pacific Railroad. By Generals Sheridan and Sherman. 10 maps. 8^. pp.110. Washington, 1878. 20.3.25. Ireland and Scotland. Return of all Surveys of the Coasts of, published by authority of the Hydrographical Department of the Admiralty, fol. pp. 8. London, 1876. 47. 3. 40. [British Parliamentary Paper.] Itaska Lake. Expedition through the Upper Mississippi to, in 1832. Nar- rative, by Henry R. Schoolcraft. 8°. pp. 307. New York, 1834. 20. 3. 40. See also Sources of the Mississippi. By Schoolcraft (H, R.) 20. 3. 39, etc. Japan Expedition. Correspondence relative to the Naval Expedition to Japan. 8°. pp. 195. Washington, 1855. 20. 3. 17. [Sen. Ex. Doc. No. 34, 33d Cong., 2d Sess.] See also Perry {Commodore M. C). Narrative. 20. 6. 14-16. Journey (A) from Prince of Wales's fort in Hudson's Bay to the Northern Ocean. Undertaken by order of the Hudson's Bay Company for the discovery of Copper Mines, a Northwest Passage, &c., in theyears i769-*72. By Samuel Hearne. Maps and pi. 4°. pp. xliv, 458. London. 1795. 20. 5. 9. (A) Through Texas. By Frederick Law Olmsted. Map. 12O. pp, xxxiv, 516. New York, 1857. 1. 5. 16. Kansas River. Sources of. See Pike {MaJ. Z. M.). Account. 20. 3. 8. Southern Boundary Line. Report on. By Col. Jos. E. Johnston. Map. 80. Washington, 1858. 20. 3. 7. Territory. H^nd-book to, and the Rocky Mountains' gold region. By James Redpath and Richard J. Hinton. Maps. 18°. pp. iv, 177. New York, 1859. 1. 5. 45. Lake Survey (U. S.). Report of the Survey of the north and northwest Lakes, i860. By Capt. Geo. G. Meade, Topographical Engineers. Maps and sketches. 8°. pp. 190. Detroit, 1861. 20. 3. 31. Life in the Far West [of the U. S.]. By George F. Ruxton. 2d ed. 12O. pp. xiv, 289. Edinburgh, 1851. 1. 5. 3. Lines of Communication between Southern Colorado and Northern New Mex- ico. By E. H. Ruffner, First Lieut, of Engineers. Map. 8^. pp. 34. Washington, 1876. 20. 3. 15. March from Santa Fe, New Mexico, to San Diego, California, in 1847. Re- port of Lieut. Col. P. St. Geo. Cooke and Capt. A. R. Johnston. Map and illus. 8°. [Washington, 1848.] 20. 2. 39. 212 EXPLORATIONS, EXPEDITIONS, SURVEYS, ETC. EXPLOEATIONS, EXPEDITIONS, SURVEYS, ETC. 213 Maryland, Mexico. Maryland. Southern boundary of. [By Thomas J. Lee, Commissioner i\ Map. 8o. pp. 24. [Baltimore, i860.] 20. 3. 21. Geological Survey of. See Geological Pamphlets, vol. iii. 19. 3. 11. Memoir to accompany the Map of the Territory of the United States from the Mississippi River to the Pacific Ocean, giving a brief account of each of of the Exploring Expeditions since A. D. 1800 [etc.]. By Lieut. G. K. Warren, Topographical Engineers. Maps. 4°. pp. 120. Washington, 1859. 20. 5. 20. [The text of Vol. XI, Surveys for a Pacific Railroad.] Upon the Northern Inter-oceanic Route of commercial transit between Tide-water of Puget Sound of the Pacific and Tide-water on the St. Law- rence Gulf of the Atlantic Ocean. By Bvt. MaJ. Gen, T. J. Cram. PL 80. 1869. [Misc. Famph., vol. viii.] 31. 2. 8. Mexican Boundary. Report on. By A. B. Gray, U. S. Surveyor. Map. 8^. pp. 50. (2>'^d Cong., 2d Sess., Senate Ex. Doc. 55.) [Washington, 1855.] 20. 3. 19. The same. [Bound with Georgia and Florida Boundary Line docu- ments.) 20. 3. 32. Report on the subject of the Boundary Line between the United States and Mexico. By Lieut. Col. J. D. Graham, Topographical Engi- neers, Map and profile. 8^. pp.250. [7^2d Cong. , 1st Sess., Ex. Doc. T2I.) Washington, 1852. 20. 1. 17. Survey of. Personal narrative of explorations and incidents [etc.]. By John Russell Bartlett, U. S. Commr. Map and pi. 2 vols. 8^. New York, 1856. 20. 1. 6-7. Survey of. Report of William H. Emory, Major First Cavalry ajid U. S. Commr. PI. and illus. 2 vols, in 3. 4^. Washington, i857-'59. 20. 4. 1-3. Contents. Vol. I. — Part I. General report, Maj. Emory and Lieut. Michler. Part 2. Geology, Dr. C. C. Parry and Arthur Schott. Geology and Palaeontology, James Hall. Vol. II.— Part I. Jiotany, Dr. C. C. Parry, Dr. John Torrcy, and Dr. George Engelmann Part 2. Zoology, S. F. Haird and Dr. C. Girard. Report to the Chief Topographical Engineer, U. S. A., on. By Bvt, Lt. Col. J. D. Graham, Topographical Engineers, ms. fol. Washington, 1852. 20. 5. 1. Mexico. Report and Map of the Valley of. By Lieuts. Smith and Hard- castle, Topographical E^igineers, U. S. A. 8^, pp. 13. Washington, 1850. 20. 2. 40. [Sen. Ex. Doc. No. ii, 31st Cong., istSess.] and the Rocky Mountains, Adventures in. By George F. Ruxton . 12°. pp. viii, 332. London, 1849. 1. 5. 12. See also Doniphan's Expedition. 20. 3. 12-13. 214 EXPLOEATIONS, EXPEDITIONS, SUEVEYS, ETC. EXPLOEATIONS, EXPEDITIONS, SURVEYS, ETO. 215 Michigan. New Mexico. Michigan. Geological Survey of. See Geological Pamphlets, vol. iii. 19. 3. 11. Military Reconnaissance from Fort Leavenworth, in Missouri, to San Diego, in California, including parts of the Arkansas, Del Norte, and Gila Rivers. Notes on. By Lieut. William H. Emory, Topographical Engineers. Map and pi. 8o. pp. 230. New York, 1848. 20. 1. 15. from Santa Fe, New Mexico, to the Navajo Country, in 1849. Jour- nal of. By Lieut. Jas. H. Simpson, Topographical Engineers. Map and pi. 80. pp. 140. Philadelphia, 1852. 20. 1. 16. Military Road from Fort Walla- Walla to Fort Benton. Report on construc- tion of. By Capt. John MuUan, U. S. A. Maps and pi. 8^. pp. 363. Washington, 1863. 20. 1. 20. See also Wagon Road. Minnesota. Report of an Exploration of the Territory of. By Capt. John Pope. Map. 80. pp. 56. Washington, 1850. 20. 3. 7. , The New England of the West. Sketches of. With incidents of Travel in that Territory during the summer of 1849. ^7 E- S. Seymour. Map, 12°. pp. 281. New York, 1850. 1. 5. 5. Mississippi River. Sources of. See Pike {Maj. Z. M.). Account, 20. 3. 8. Schoolcraft (Henry R.). Exploratory Expedition, 20. 3. 39. Same^ Nar- rative, 20. 3. 40. Missouri River. Report of a reconnaissance of, in 1872. By Thomas P. Roberts, Assistant Engineer. Maps and profiles. 8^. pp. 56. . Wash- ington, 1875. 20. 3. 23. See also Yellowstone Region, Raynolds, 20. 3. 43 : Hayden, 20. 3. 43 : Newberry, 20. 3. 43. Travels to the source of the Missouri River, Lewis and Clarke, 20. i. 35-37. Navajo Country. See Simpson (Lieut J. H.). Expedition, 20. 2. 44. Nebraska Territory. Letter from Lieut. G. K. Warren relative to his Explo- rations of. Map. 80. Washington, 1858. 20. 3. 7. and Dakota. Preliminary report of Explorations in, in the years i855-'56-'57. By LJeut. G. K. Warren, Topographical Engineers^ U. S. A. Maps and sketches. 8°. pp. 173. Washington, 1859. 20. 3. 26. The same. [Reprint.] Maps. 8°. pp. 125. Washington, 1875. 20. 3. 45. Nevada. Preliminary Report, 187 1, United States Geographical Surveys West of the 1 00th Meridian. 20. 4. 20. See also U. S. Geographical Surveys, Wheeler, 20. 4. 25-31. U. S. Geo- logical Surveys, Hayden, 20. 2. 2-10. New Mexico. El Gringo ; or New Mexico and her people. By W. W. H. Davis. Illus. 12°. pp. 432. New York, 1857. 1. 5. 16. 216 EXPLORATIONS, EXPEDITIONS, SURVEYS, ETC. EXPLORATIONS, EXPEDITIONS, SURVEYS, ETC. 217 New Mexico. Northern. New Mexico. Report of Lieut. James W. Abert of his Examination of,- in the years i846-'47. Map and pi. 8o. [Washington, 1848.] 20. 2. 39. Sec also Texas, New Mexico, etc., by Bartlett, 20. i. 6-7. Doniphan's Expedition, 20. 3. 12-13. Lines of communication, Ruffner, 20. 3. 15. and California. Mihtary Reconnaissance from Fort Leavenworth, in Missouri, to San Diego, in California, including parts of the Arkansas, Del Norte, and Gila Rivers, made in i846-'47. Maps. By Lieut. Wil- liam H. Emory, Lieut, James W. Abert, Capt. Philip St. George Cooke, and Capt. A. R.Johnston. Maps and pi. 8^. Washington, 1848. 20. 1. 14. [30th Cong., ist Sess., Ex. Doc. No. 41.] and Texas. Reports of the Secretary of War with reconnaissances of routes from San Antonio to El Paso. By Bvt, Lt. Col, J. E. Johnston ; Lieut. W. F. Smith; Lieut. F. T. Bryan; Lieut. N. H. Michler, and Capt. S. G. French. Also the Report of Capt. R. B. Marcy's route from Fort Smith to Santa Fe; the Report of Lieut. J. H. Simpson of an Expedi- tion into the Navajo Country; and the Report oi Lieut. W. H. C. Whit- ing's reconnaissances of the western frontier of Texas. Maps and illus. In I vol. 80. Washington, 1850. 20. 2. 44. [Senate Ex. Doc. No. 64, 31st Cong., ist Sess.] New York State Survey. Special report on the preservation of Scenery of Niagara Falls, and fourth Annual Report on the Triangulation of the State for the year 1879. By James T. Gardner, Director, Maps and views. 80. pp. 96. Albany, 1880. 20. 3. 30. North America. Three years' Travels through the Interior parts of, for more than five thousand miles ; containing an account of the Great Lakes [etc.]. And an Appendix describing the uncultivated parts of America that are the most proper for forming Settlements. By Jonathan Carver. 80. pp. XX, ix, 360. Philadelphia, 1796. 20. 1. 40. Travels in the Interior of. By Maximilian, Prince of Wied. Trans- lated from the German by H. Evans Lloyd. 4^. pp. x," 520. London, 1843. 23. 6. 31. Northern Boundary (U. S.). Reports of the Survey of the Boundary between the Territory of the United States and the Possessions of Great Britain from the Lake of the Woods to the Summit of the Rocky Mountains. Archibald Campbell, Esq., Commissioner ; Capt, W. J. Twining, Corps of Engineers, U. S. A., Chief Astronomer, Maps and pi. 4°. pp. 624. Washington, 1878. 20. 4. 6. Northern and Western Boundary line of the Creek Country. Reports on the Survey of By Capt. L. Sitgreaves and Lieut. I. C. Woodruff. Map. 80. Washington (35//^ Cong,, 1st Sess,, Ex. Doc. 104), 1858. 20. 3. 7. 28 218 EXPLORATIONS, EXPEDITIONS, SUEVEYS, ETC. EXPLORATIONS, EXPEDITIONS, SURVEYS, ETO. 210 Northwest Boundary. Pacific Railroads. Northwest Boundary of the United States. Documents upon. 4 in i vol. ' 80. Washington, iS6o-'6g. 20. 2. 41. 1. Discussion of the Water Boundary question, Geographical Memoir, and History of the Military occupation of San Juan Island. 2. Error in the print of Ex. Doc. No. 65, relating to difficulties on San Juan Island. 3. Message of the President, on condition of the work of marking the Boundary. 4. Message of the President, transmitting account of expenditures of Boundary Commission. T/ie same. Correspondence respecting the determination of. fol. London, i875-'76., 47. 3. 11. [British Parliamentary Papers.] The same. Maps annexed to the Case of the Government of Her Britannic Majesty submitted to the Arbitration and Award of His Majesty the Emperor of Germany, fol. London, 1873. 47.3.11. The same. Maps annexed to the Memorial and Reply of the United States Government submitted to the Arbitration and Award of His Maj- esty the Emperor of Germany, fol. London, 1873. 47. 3. 11. Oregon. Adventures of the first settlers on the Oregon or Columbia River [etc.]. By Alex. Ross. Map. 8°. pp. xv, 352. London, 1849. 1. 5. 19. The Fur Hunters of the far West : a narrative of adventures in the Oregon and Rocky Mountains. By Alex. Ross. Map and pi. 2 vols. 80. London, 1855. 1. 5, 6-7. — See also Western America, by Wilkes. 20. 3. 18. and North California. Report of the Exploring Expedition to, in the years i843-'44. By Bvi. Capt. John C. Fremont, Topographical Engi- neers. Maps. 80. Washington, 1845. 20. 1. 12. Pacific Fur Company. Narrative of the Expedition fitted out by John Jacob Astor to estabUsh the. By Alex. Ross. In his Adventures of the first settlers on the Oregon or Columbia River. 1. 5. 19. Pacific Ocean. See Vancouver's voyage. 20. 5. 10-12. Pacific Railroads. A few remarks upon the subject of a Railroad to the Pacific, by a member of the Philadelphia Bar. 8°. 1853. [Misc, Famph., vol. xiii.] 31. 2. 13, A Reply to certain portions of the Minority Report of the Hon. Z. Kidwell, M. C, by Capt. A. A. Humphreys, Dec, 1856. 8^. [Misc, Pamph., vol. xiii.] 31. 2. 13. — A Pacific Railroad bill, with explanation and argument in support of it. By F. W. Lander. 8^. {Misc. Pafnph., vol. xiii.] 31. 2. 13. Report made to the President and Executive Board of the Texas Pacific Railroad, by GenL G. P. Buell, Chief Engineer. 8^. 187 1. {Misc. Pa?nph., vol. xiii.] 31. 2. 13. 220 EXPLOEATIONS, EXPEDITIONS, SURVEYS, ETC. EXPLOEATIONS, EXPEDITIONS, SURVEYS, ETO. 221 Pacific Railroads. Pacific Railroads. Pacific Railroads. Reports of Explorations and Surveys for [and Miscella- neous Papers]. Maps. 5 vols. 8°. Washington, i854-'59. 20. 3. 1-5. Contents. Vol. I.— Report of the Secretary of War on the Several Pacific Railroad Explorations, 1855. Report of Maj. Gen. Thomas S. Jesup upon the Cost of transporting Troops and Supplies to California, Oregon, New Mexico, etc., 1854. An examination by direction of the Hon. Jefferson Davis, Secretary of War, of the Reports of Explorations for Railroad Routes from the Mississippi to the Pacific, made under the orders of the War Department in 1853-' 54, and of the Explorations made previous to that time, which have a bearing upon the subject; by Ca/>t. A. A.TIumphreys and Lieut. G. K. Warren, 1855. Extracts from the Annual Reports of the Secretary of War, and Report of Capt. A. A. Humphreys, upon the Progress of the Pacific Explorations and Surveys, 1855 and 1857. A reply to certain portions of the Minority Report of the Hon. Z. Kidwell, of the House of Repre- sentatives, member of the Select Committee upon the Pacific Railroad. Letter to the Hon. William M. Gwin, in relation to the Railroad to the Pacific by the thirty-fifth and thirty-second parallels {Capt. A. A. Humphreys], 1858. Speech of the Hon. Jefferson Davis, of Miss., on the Pacific Railroad bill, January, 1859. n.— Report of Exploration of a route for the Pacific Railroad, near the forty-seventh and forty-ninth parallels, from St. Paul to Puget Sound. By I. I. Stevens, Governor of Washington Territory., 1853. HI.— Report of the Reconnaissance of a Railroad route from Puget Sound via the South Pass to the Mississippi River. By Fred. W. Lander, C. E. Report of Explorations for the Pacific Railroad, on the line of the forty-first parallel, "^y Lieut. E, G. Beckwith, 1854. Report of Explorations of a Route for the Pacific Railroad, near the thirty-eighth and thirty-ninth parallels, from the mouth of the Kansas to Sevier River, in the Great Basin. By Lietit. E. G. Beckwith, 1854. IV.— Report of Explorations for a Railway Route near the thirty-fifth parallel. By Lieut. A. W. Whipple [1854]. Report of a Reconnaissance and Survey in California, in connection with Explorations for a practicable Railway route from the Mississippi River to the Pacific Ocean, in 1853. By ZzVa^f. R.S. Williamson. Preliminary Report on Geology. By William P. Blake, 1854. v.— Report of Explorations for that portion of a Railway Route, near the thirty-second par- allel, lying between Dona Ana, on the Rio Grande, and Pimas villages, on the Gila. By Lieut. J. G. Parke, 1854. Report of Exploration of a Route for the Pacific Railroad, near the thirty-second parallel, from Red River to the Rio Grande. By Bvt. Capt. John Pope, 1854. Reports of Explorations and Surveys for, from the Mississippi River to the Pacific Ocean. Maps,-pl., and illus. 12 vols, in 13. 4°. Washing- ton, i8s3-'6o. 20. 6. 1-13. Contents. Vol. I.— Report of the Secretary of War on the several Railroad Explorations, 1855. An examina- tion of the reports of explorations for Railroad Routes from the Mississippi to the Pacific, made under the orders of the War Department in i853-'s4, etc. By Capt. A. A. Hum- phreys and Lieut. G. K. Warren, 1855. Memoranda on railways, prepared in the office of Pacific Railroad Surveys by Capt. George B. McClellan. Report upon the cost of transporting troops and supplies to California, Oregon, New Mexico, etc., by Maj. Gen. T. S. Jesup. Report of Explorations for a Route for the Pacific Railroad, near the 47th and 49th parallels, from Saint Paul to Puget Sound. By L L Stevens, Governor of Wash- ington Territory., 1853. II. — Report of explorations for a Route for the Pacific Railroad by Capt. J. W. Gunnison, near the 38th and 39th parallels, from the mouth of the Kansas River, Mo., to the Sevier Lake, in the Great Basin. Report by Lieut. E. G. Beckwith, 1854. Report of explora- tions for a Route for the Pacific Railroad on the line of the 41st parallel. By Lieut. E. G. Beckwith, Synopsis of a report of the reconnaissance of a Railroad Route from Puget Sound via South Pass to the Mississippi River, By Fred. W. Lander, C. -£"., 1856. Report of exploration of a Route for the Pacific Railroad, near the 32d parallel, from the Red River to the Rio Grande. By Bvt. Capt. John Pope, 1854. Report on the geology of the Route near the 32d parallel. By William P. Blake. Report of explorations for that por- tion of a Railroad Route, near the 32d parallel, lying between Dona Ana, on the Rio Grande, and Pimas villages, on the Gila. By Lieiit. J. G. Parke, 1854. Extract from report of a military reconnaissance made in i846-'47. By Lieut. Col. W. H. Emory (32d parallel Route). 222 EXPLORATIONS, EXPEDITIONS, SURVEYS, ETC. EXPLOEATIONS, EXPEDITIONS, SUEVEYS, ETC. 223 Pacific Railroads. Panama, Pacific Railroads. Reports of Explorations, etc., for — Continued. Vol, III.— Extracts from the [preliminary] report of Lieut. A. W. Whipple upon the Route near the 35th parallel, with an explanatory note by Capt. A. A. Humphreys. Report of explorations for a railway route near the "35th parallel. By Lieut. A, W. Whipple, 1853-54. Cow/ifw/j.- Part I. Itinerary. Part II. Topographical Features. Part III. In- dian Tribes. Part IV. Geology. YW .—Lieut. Whipple's report, continued. Part V. Botany. Part VI. Zoology, anthapjpen- dices. v.— Report of explorations in California for Railroad Routes to connect with the Routes near the 35th and 32d parallels. By Lieut. R. S. Williamson, i853-'54. Part I. Report. Part II. Geology. Part III. Botany. Part IV. Zoology, and appendices. VI.— Report of Lieut. H. L. Abbot upon explorations for a Railroad Route from the Sacra- mento Valley to the Columbia River, made by Lieut. R. S. Williamson, assisted by Lieut. H. L. Abbot, 1853-54. Part I. General report. Part II. Geology. Part III. Botany. Part IV. Zoology, and appendices. VII. — Report of explorations for Railroad Routes from San Francisco Bay to Los Angeles, Cal., west of the coast range, and from the Pimas villages, on the Gila, to the Rio Grande, near the 32d parallel. By Lieut. John G. Parke, i854-'55. Part I. General report. Part II. Geology. Part III. Botany, and appendices. Conclusion of the official review of the reports upon the explorations and surveys for Railroad Routes from the Mississippi to the Pacific (Washington, 1855-57). VIII. — General report upon the Zoology of the several Pacific Railroad Routes. YSi.— The same. Continued. X. — The same. Continued, XI. — Memoir to accompany the map of the territory of the United States from the Missis- sippi River to the Pacific Ocean, giving a brief account of each of the exploring expedi- tions since A. D. 1800, etc. By Liezit. G. K. Warren, 1859. Topographical maps to illus- trate the various reports of surveys contained in the preceding volumes of Pacific Rail- road Reports. XII.— Book I. Part i of the narrative and final report of explorations for a Route for a Pacific Railroad, near the 47th and 49th parallels, from Saint Paul to Puget Sound. By Isaac I. Stevens, Governor of Washingto7i Territory., 1855. General report. Book II. Parts 2 and 3 of the narrative and final report of Isaac I. Stevens. Botany and Zoology, and appendices. Proceedings of the convention in favor of a National Railroad to the Pacific Ocean through the territories of the United States. Held in Philadelphia, April i, 2, and 3, 1850. 8^. \Misc. Pamph.., vol. xiii.] 31. 2. 13. Report of Board convened to determine a standard for construction of the Pacific Railroad. (February 24, 1866.) 8^. \Misc, Pamph., vol, xiii.] 31. 2. 13. Report on the change of Route, proposed by the Union Pacific Railroad Company. By Lieut. Col. J. H. Simpson, Corps of Engifieers, with the President's decision thereon. Maps. 80. Washington, 1865. 20. 3. 6. Route for the Pacific Railroad, May, i860. 8°. [Misc. Pamph., vol. xiii.] 31. 2. 13. Report of the Select Committee of the House of Representatives on, April 13, i860. (Rep. 428, II. of Reps., ^dth Cong., isi Sess.J 8°. [Misc. Pamph., vol. xiii.] 31. 2. 13. The Pacific Railroad. [Prom Hunfs Merchants' ^Magazine.] 8°. [Misc. Pamph., vol. xiii.] 31, 2. 3. Panama, or Darien : Isthmus Surveys. See Central America, etc. 224 EXPLOEATIONS, EXPEDITIONS, SUEVEYS, ETO. EXPLORATIONS, EXPEDITIONS, SURVEYS, ETC. 225 Persia. Sacramento Mountains. Persia (Eastern). An account of the Journeys of the Persian Boundary Com- mission, 1870-7 1-72. By Majors St. John, Lovett, and Smith. Vol. I. Geography. Introduction by Maj, Gen. Sir F. J. Goldsmid. Vol. II. Zoology and Geology, by W. T. Blanford. Plates and maps. 2 vols. 80. London, 1876. 20. 3. 33-34. Prairie Trayeller (The). A Hand-book for overland Expeditions. By Capt. Randolph B. Marcy, U. S. A. Map and illus. 12^. pp. xiii, 340. New York, 1859. 1. 5. 11. Reconnaissance from Carroll, Montana '1 er., on the Upper Missouri, to the Yellowstone ^National Park and return, in 1875. Report on. By Wil- liam Ludlow, Captain of Engineers^ U. S. A. Maps and pi. 4°. pp. 155. Washington, 1876. 20. 5. 18. Red River of Louisianik, Exploration of, in 1852. By Captains Marcy and McClellan. Maps and pi.. 2 vols, [i of maps]. 8^. Washington, 1854. 20. 1. 30-31. of the North. Expedition in 1856 to Lake Minawaken, and Report by Lieut. Col. Charles F. Smith. 80. 1856. 20. 3. 7. Settlement (The). Its rise, progress and present state. With some account of the Native Races, and its general History to the present day. By Alexander Ross. PI. 8°. pp. xvi, 416. London, 1856. 1. 5. 8. Rocky Mountains. Account of an Expedition from Pittsburgh to the Rocky Mountains in 1819-20. ^^ Maj. S. H. Long, U. S. Topographical Engi- neers. Compiled by Edwin James. Map and pi. 3 vols. 8^. Lon- don, 1823. 20. 1. 32-34. — Adventures in Mexico and the Rocky Mountains. By George F. Ruxton. 12°. pp. viii, 332. London, 1849. ^* ^* ^^' A narrative of adventures in the Oregon and Rocky Mountains (Fur Hunters of the Far West). Map and pi. 2 vols. 8^. London, 1855. 1. 5. 6-7. Reconnaissance of a new Route through the Rocky Mountains. See Stansbury [Capt. Howard). Exploration. 20. 1. 25. Report of the Exploring Expedition to, in the year 1842 [etc.]. By Lieut. John C. Fremont, Lopographical Engineers. Maps and pi. 8°. Washington, 1845. 20. 1. 12. Report on the Exploration of the Kootanie and Boundary Passes of, in 1858. By Capt. Blakiston. 8°. pp. 25. \Misc. Pampli., vol. viii.] 31. 2. 8. Russia. Narrative of the Mission to, in 1866, of the Hon. Gustavus Vasa Fox, Assistant Secretary of the Navy. From the journal and notes of J. F. Loubat. Edited by John D. Champlin, jr. 13 portraits. 8^. pp.444. New York, 1873. 1. 4. 2. Sacramento Mountains. Report of a reconnaissance of. By Lieut. W. F. Smith. 80. Washington, 1850. 20. 2. 44. 29 226 EXPLORATIONS, EXPEDITIONS, SURVEYS, ETO. EXPLOE^TIONS, EXPEDIPIOKS, SURVEYS, ETO. 227 Source. Travels. Source of the Saint Peter's River, Lake Winnepeck, Lake of the Woods, etc., in 1823. Expedition to, under the command of Maj. Stephen. H. Long, U. S. Topographical Engineers. Narrative compiled by William H. Keat- ing. Map and pi. 2 vols. 80. London, 1825. 20. 1. 38-39. Sources of the Mississippi. Account of Expeditions to, and to the sourx:es of the Arkansavv, Kansas, La Platte, and Pierre Jaune Rivers, 1 805-1 807. By MaJ. Z. M. Pike. Maps and illus. 8°. pp. 277 (with appendixes). Philadelphia, 18 10. 20. 3. 8. of the Mississippi River. Exploratory expedition to, in 1820, [and] discovery of its origin in Itaska Lake, in 1832. By Henry R. School- craft. Maps and illus. 8°. pp. xx, 596. Philadelphia, 1855. 20. 3. 39. Southern Atlantic Ocean. Narrative of a voyage to, in the years i828-'3o, performed in H. M. Sloop "Chanticleer," under the command of the late Capt. Henry Foster. From the private journal of W. H. B. Webster, Surg. Vol. n. 80. pp. 398. London, 1834. 2. 5. 24. Boundary Line of Kansas. Report on the Survey of. By C. With colored map. In i vol. 8^. Washington, 1869. 20. 3. 43. [Miscellaneous Documents.] Report upon the so-called Yellowstone Expedition of 1871. By Lieut. G. C. Doane. pp. 40. Washingtori, 1873. Report of a reconnaissance of the basin of the Upper Yellowstone in 187 1. By Capts. J. W. Barlow and D. P. Heap. Map. pp. 43. Washington, 1872. Report in relation to Indian interference with the Northern Pacific Railroad. By Maj. J. W. Barlow. Maps. pp. 19. Washington, 1872. Report on the Yellowstone Expedition of 1873. By Col. D. P. Stanley, pp. 17. Washington, 1874. In i vol. 8°. 20. 3. 42. Reconnaissance of Northwestern Wyoming, including Yellowstone National Park, made in 1873. By Capt. Wm. A. Jones, Corps of Efigineers. Maps and illus. 8^. Washington, 1875. 20. 3. 44. General Report: Chap. I. Descriptive Journal. II. Physical Geography. III. The Yellowstone route to Montana. IV. Meteorology: Astronomical Report— Lieut. S. E. Blunt. Geological Report— Prof . Theo. B. Comstock. Chap. I. Introduction. II. Physical Geography. III. Stratigraphy — Metamorphic and Paleozoic. IV. Stratigraphy— Mesozoic and Tertiary. V. Stratigraphy— Post-Tertiary and Recent. VI. Stratigraphy — General review, with Economic Geology. VII. Dynamical Geology— Elevations, Erosion and Denudation. VIII. Dynamical Geology— Biological and Chemical Action. IX. Thermo-Dynamics—Igneous Rocks and Hot Springs. X. Thermo-Dynamics— Description of Hot Springs. XI. Same., continued. XII. Same., continued. XIII. Thermo-Dynamics— Description of Geysers, and summary. XIV. Archaeology— Manners and Customs of Eastern Shoshones. XV. Philological Notes on Eastern Shoshone dialect. Report on Mineral and Thermal Waters— Z>r. C. L. Heizmann, U. S. A. Botanical Report-Z)r. C. C. Parry. Entomological Report— J. D. Putnam. Appendix— 50 maps. Report of an Expedition up the Yellowstone River made in 1875. By Lieut. Cois. Forsyth and Grant, U, S. A. Maps. 8^. pp. 17. Wash- ington, 1875. 20. 3. 41. ^36 EXPLORA.TIOHS, EXPEDITIONS SURVEYS, ETC. EXPLORATIONS, EXPEDITIONS, SURVEYS, ETO. 237 Yellowstone Region. Zuni. Yellowstone Region. The Great Divide. Travels in Upper Yellowstone in the summer of 1874. ^y Earl Dunraven. Illus. and maps. 8^. pp. xvi, 377. New York [London], 1876. 1. 3. 1. See also Reconnaissance from Carroll, Montana. By Ludlow. 20. 5, 18. Yukon River. Report of a Reconnaissance of, in 1869. By Capt. C- W. Raymond, Corps of Engineers. Map. S^. pp. 112. Washington, 1871. 20. 1. 19. Travels in Alaska and on the Yukon. By Frederick Whymper. Illus. 80. pp. xviii, 353. New York, 1869. 1. 5. 1. See also Alaska. Zuni and Colorado Rivers. Report of an Expedition down the [in 185 1]. By Capt. Lorenzo Sitgreaves, Topographical Engineers. Map and pi. 8^. pp. 198. Washington, 1853. 20. 1. 27. See also American State Papers. 18. 4. 1. 21. 238 GEODESY, SURVEYIl^a, DRAWING, ETO. 9. GEODESY, SURVEYING, DRAWING, MAP-MAKING, PHO- TOGRAPHY, INSTRUMENTS, Etc. Arc du Meridien de 25O 20', entre la Danube et la Mer Glaciale, mesure depuis 181 6 jusqu'en 1855. Par F. G. W. Struve. PI. 2 vols. 4^. St. Petersbourg, 1857. L. S. Barometer. A manuel of the, and a description of the Aneroid Barometer. By John Henry Belville, of the Royal Observatory^ Greenwich. lUus. 12O. pp. 53. London, 1849. 19. 3. 22. Leveling with the Barometer. By John Nader. (Trans. Wisconsin Acad. Sciences, Arts, and Letters, Vol. Ill, 1875-76.) 1,22. 2. 3. Table giving the correction to be applied to Barometers with brass scales, extending from the cistern to the top of the mercurial column, to reduce the observation to thirty-two degrees Fahrenheit. 8*^. [Misc. Pamph., vol. xi.] 31. 2. 11. (The), on Surveys and Reconnaissances. On the use of. B}^ Major R. S. Williamson, Corps of Engineers, U. S. A. Part I. Meteorology in its connection with Hypsometry. Part II. Barometric Hypsometry. Map and 30 plates. 4°. pp. 248, 155. Washington, 1868. 17. 6. 7. [Professional Papers No. 15, Corps of Engineers, U. S. A.J The same. A compendium without plates. 8^. pp. 49. Washing- ton, 1878. 28. 1. 6. Barometric Hypsometry. Contributions to, with tables for use in California. By J. D. Whitney. 40. pp. Z%. [Sacramento], 1874. 19. 3. 37. See also Wheeler {Lieut. George M.). Surveys West of looth Merid- ian. Vol. II. 20. 4. 26. Base Centrale de la Triangulation Geodesique d'Espagne. Par D. Carlos Ibanez e Ibanez. [Translated into French from the Spanish by A. Laus- sedat] Illus. 8°. pp. 300, cclxiv. Madrid, 1865. L. S. Bases. Experiences faites avec I'Appareil ^ mesurer les Bases, appartenant ^ la Commission de la Carte d'Espagne. Par D. Carlos Ibanez e Ibanez. [Translated into French from the Spanish by A. Laussedat.] .Illus. 2P. pp. 235, cxlvii. Madrid, i860. L.S. Breite und Azimuth, Bestimmung der, zu Dablitz in 1863. pp. 38. Und auf dem LaaerBerge bei Wienin 1864. pp. 74. Von C. von Littrow. Illus. I vol. 40. Wien, 1871. L. S. 239 240 aEODESY, SUKVEYING, DEAWING, ETO. GEODESY, SUEVEYINa, DRAWING, ETC. 241 Cadrans Solaires. Drawing. Cadrans Solaires (Instruction sur les). Ecole Royal d'Etat-Major. S^*. pp. 8. Paris, n. d. 6. 3. 30. [Military pamphlets.l Chronometer. New break-circuit Chronometer. 8^. \Mlsc, Pamp/i., vol. xi.] 31. ^. 11. Chronomdtres. Memoire sur Teiiiploi des, a la mer, et sur les principales obser- vations de I'Astronomie Nautique. Par. A. -P. Givey, Ingenieur Hydro- gmphe. 80. pp. 135. Paris, 1840. 18. 3. 15. Nouvelle methode pour calculer la marche des Clironometres. Par M. Daussy. 8^. 1840. [Misc. Pa/np/i., vol. xi.] 31. 2. 11. Draughtsman's Hand-book of Plan and Map Drawing, including instructions for the preparation of Engineering, Architectural, and Mechanical Draw- ings [etc.]. Hy George G. Andre, C. E., M. S. E, lUus. Imp. 8°. pp. xii, 150. London, 1874. 18. 2. 44. Drawing. A Treatise on Shades and Shadows, and linear Perspective. By Charles Da vies, ZZ. A PI. 8^. pp.159. New York, 1853. 18.2.33. Appleton's Cyclopaedia of, designed as a text-book for the Mechanic, Architect, Engineer, and Surveyor. By \V. E. Worthen. PI. and cuts. 80. pp. xiv, 410. New York, 1857. 18.2.45. Descriptive Geometry as applied to the drawing of Fortification and Stereotomy. By Prof. D. H. Mahan, U. b. Military Academy, pi. 8°. New York, 1864. 6. 3. 48. (Industrial). Comprising the description and uses of Drawing. Instru- ments, the construction of Plane Figures, the projection and sections of Geometrical Solids, Architectural Elements, Mechanism, and Topographi- cal drawing [etc.]. By Prof. D. H. Mahan, LL. D. 8°. pp. xvi, 156. New York, 1855. ' 18. 2.42. Methodes pour la levee et la construction des Cartes et Plans Hydro- graphiques, publiees en 1808, sous le titre d'Appendice, a la suite de la Relation du Voyage du Contre Amiral Bruny-Dentrecasteaux. By C.-F. Beautemps-Beaupre. PI. and charts. 4^. pp.96. Paris, n.d. 18.2.47. Practical Geometry and the Principles of Plan Drawing. By Capt. C. W. Pasley, R. E. (Vol. I of his " Course of Military Instruction.") Cuts. 80. pp. xvi, 269 London, 1814. 6. 3. 12. Shades and Shadows, Linear Perspective, and Isometric Projections. By Albert E. Church, ZZ. Z>. (Elements of descriptive Geometry, Part III.) 80. New York, 1865. 18. 2. 48. Topographical. A Manual of By Z/V///. R. S. Smith, ^. ^".^/v^/,. PI. 80. pp. 62. New York, 1854. 18. 2. 40. Topographical, A Treatise on. By Lieut. S. Eastman, U. S. Army. PI. 80. pp.68. New York, 1837. 18.2.38. 31 242 GEODESY, SURVEYING, DE AWING, ETC. GEODESY, SURVEYITO, DRAWING, ETO. 24^ Drawing. Geodatische. Drawing. Topographical Manual of Topography and Text-Book of. For the use of Officers of the Army and Navy, Civil Engineers, Academies, Colleges, and Schools of Science. By J. Enthofifer. With an atlas. 8°. pp. 1 08. New York, 1870. 2 copies. 18. 2. 43. Topographical drawings methodically arranged and engraved for the use of Officers of the Army and Navy, Civil Engineers [etc.J. By J. Enthoffer. Atlas of 24 pi. 40. New York, i860. 60. 38. [See next above for Text.] Topographical, Theorie und Darstellung der Beleuchtung von nicht gesetzmassig gebildeten Flachen mit Riicksicht auf die Bergzeichnung. Von H. Wiechel. Tllus. 40. pp. 30. n. p. or d. 42. 3. 8. Tratado sobre las escalas graficas en general y sus aplicaciones al dibujo geometrico. For Angel Rodriguez de Quijano y Arroquia. 2 vols. Text, 80 ; atlas, 40. Madrid, 1869. 18.2.41. European Surveys. Notes on. By Bvt. Brig. Gen. C. B. Comstock. Maps. 8° pp. loi. Washington, 1876. 20. 3. 24. Figur der Erde (Die). Ein Beitrag zur Europaischen Gradmessung; von Dr. Heinrich Bruns. (Publ. des Konigl. Preuss. geodiitischen Institutes.) 40. pp. 49. Berlin, 1878. L. S. Figurd du terrain. Instruction sur le, ^ I'usage de I'Ecole d'Application du Corps Royal de I'Etat-Major. [Anon.] 8^. pp. 16. Paris, n. d. 6. 3. 30. [Military pamphlets.] Geodasie. Lehrbuch der hoheren. Von T>r. Phillip Fischer. 3 parts, i vol. 8^. Giessen. L. S. Untersuchungen iiber Gegenstande der hoheren. Von Carl Friederich Gauss. 40. pp. 45, 45. Gottingen, 1844-47. L. S. Die mathematischen und physikalischen Theorien der hoheren. Ein- leitung und ein Theil: Die mathematischen Theorien. Von T>r. F. R. Helmert. 8^. pp. xiv, 631. Leipzig, 1880. L. S. Studien liber hohere. Von JDr. C. Bremiker. 8^. pp. 81. Berlin, 1869. L. S. Geodatische Bestimmung der Erdkriimmung und Lothablenkung von Carl Max Bauernfeind. Aus den Abhandlungen der Konigl. Bayer. Akade- mie der Wissenschaften. 11. CI., xi. Bd., 11. Abth. 4°. pp. 39. Miin- chen, 1872. L. S. Hauptpunkte und ihre Coordinaten ; von G. Zachariae. Autorisirte deutsche Ausgabe mit Anmerkungen und Zusatzen von T>r. E. Lamp. 80. pp. X, 331. Berlin, 1878. L. S. 244 GEODESY, SURVEYOa, DRAWINa, ETO. OEODESY, SURVEYING, DEAWITO, EIO. 245 Geodatische. Geodesy. Geodatische Untersuchungen von P. A. Hansen. Des VIII. Bandes der Abhandlungen der Math.-phys. Classe der Konigl. Siichsischen Gesell- schaft der Wissenschaften No. i. 8^. pp. 224. Leipzig, 1865. L. S. Also siipplejnents containing— Die Reduction der Wiiikel eines sphiiroidischen Dreiecks betreffend. pp. 67. Leipzig, 1869 ; [and] Von der Methode der Kleinsten Quadrate im Allgemeinen und in ihrer Anwendung auf dieGeo- dasie. pp. 184. Leipzig, 1868. Geodesia : Principia di, del Cav. F. Schiavoni. Illus. 2 parts in i vol. 8^. L. S. Geodesica (Descripcion) de las Islas Baleares; por Col. Don Carlos Ibaiiez e Ibanez. Illus. 8^. pp. xii, 866. Madrid, 187 1. L. S. Geodesic (Cours de) de feu M. Fran^ais, professe \ I'Ecole d' Application de I'Artillerie et du Genie. Par Theo. Gosselin. PI. fol. pp. 189. Metz, 1834. L. S. d'Ethiopie, ou Triangulation d'une partie de la Haute Ethiopie exe- cutee selon des methodes nouvelles. Par Antoine d'Abbadie. Charts and pi. 40. pp. xxxii, 502. Paris, 1873. L. S. — Discussion sur les methodes de repetition et de reiteration employees en, pour la mesure des Angles. Par Louis Cruls, Ingenieiir du Gouverne- meni Bresilien. 8*^. Gand, 1875. L. S. Expose des Operations Geodesiques relatives aux travaux hydrogra- phiques executes sur les cotes septentrionales de France. Par P. Begat, Ingenieiir hydrographique de la Marine. Map. 4°. pp.56. Paris, 1839. 19.6.20. ; Nivellement; Leve des plans. Manuel de I'lngenieur des Ponts et Chaussees. Par A. Debauve, Ingenieur des Ponts et Chaussees. 5™® fasc. PI. 80. pp. 155. Paris, 1872. 3. 4. 20. Table des Mati'eres. Notions de G(5od6sie. Arpentage et lever des plans. Nivellement. Cubature des terrassements. ; OU Traite de la Figure de la Terre, et de ses parties. Comprenant la toppgraphie, I'arpentage, le nivellement, la geographie terrestre et astrono- mique, la construction des cartes, la navigation. Le(;ons donnees ^ la Faculte des Sciences de Paris. Par L.-B. Francoeur. 8^. pp. 541. Paris, 1855. 19. 4. 17. — The same, 8°. Paris, 1840. L. S. — Traite de, ^ I'usage des Marins. Par P. Begat. 8°. pp. 287. Paris, 839. 2 copies. 19. 4. 16. Traite de, ou Exposition des Methodes Trigonometriques et Astro- nomiques, applicables soit a la mesure de la Terre, soit a la confection des Canevas et des Plans Topographiques. Par L. Puissant. 2d ed. Illus. 2 vols. 40. Paris, 1819. L. S. Geodesy. By Col. A. R. Clarke, C. B. 80. pp. xi, 356. Oxford, 1880. 2 copies. 19. 3. 23. 246 GEODESY, SURVEYING, DRAWING, ETC. aEODESY, SURVEYING, DRAWING, ETC. 247 Geodesy. Geodesy. Geodesy. Astronomische Bestimmungen fiir die Europaische Gradmessung aus den Jahren 1857-66. Von Dr. J. J. Baeyer. 4°. pp. 125. Leipzig, 1873. 42. 3. 18. Astronomische-Geodiitische Arbeiten im Jahre 1870. L. S. \_BouHdivitk Vol. IV " Publicationen des Konigl. Preussischen GeodStischen Instituts."] Astronomische-Geodatische Arbeiten in den Jahren 1857-66, 1867, 1869, 1871, 1872, 1873, 1874. L. S. [Bound luitk Vol.1 " Publicationen des Konigl. Preussischen Geodatischen Instituts."] Astronomische-Geodatische Arbeiten in den Jahren 1867, 1869, 1870, 187 1, 1873, 1874, 1876, und 1877. [Determinations of Longitudes between various points.] 2 vols. 4°. BerHn, 1871-78. 42.3.16-17. Astronomische-Geodatische Arbeiten in den Jahren 1873, 1874, 1875, 1878. L. S. {Bound luiih Vol. II " Publicationen des Konigl. Preussischen Geodatischen Instituts."] Ausgleichung eines Dreiecksnetzes nach der Besselschen Methode [etc.]. Von Dr. J. J. Baeyer. 40. pp. 17. n. p. or d. 42. 3. 18. Beitrage zur kiirzesten und zweckmiissigsten Behandlung geogra- phischer Ortsbestimmungen mit Hiilfstafeln. Von W. Valentiner, 40. pp. 88. Leipzig, 1869. L. S. Beobachtungen mit dem Besselschen Pendel-Apparate, in Konigsberg und Giildenstein. Von Dr. C. F. W. Peters. 4^. pp. 151. Hamburg, 1874. 42. 3. 18. Comptes-rendus de I'Association Geodesique Internationale pour la mesure des'degres en Europe. Pour I'annee 1874. 6 maps. 4°. Ber- lin, 1875. 42. 3. 13. — The same. Pour I'annee 1875. 2 pi. Berlin, 1875. 42. 3. 14. — The same. Pour I'annee 1877. 4 pi. 40. Berlin, 1878. 42. 3. 15. — Comptes-rendus des seances de la Conference Geodesique Internationale pour la mesure des degres en Europe, reunie ^ Vienne du 21 au 28 sep- tembre 1871. 40. pp. 114. Neuchatel, 187 1. 42. 3. 12. — Contributions to Astronomy and. By Thomas Maclear, F. R. A. S, 4°. pp.114. London, 1851. 45.6.42. — Das Messen auf der spharoidischen Erdoberflache. Als Erlauterung meines Entwurfes zu einer mitteleuropaischen Gradmessung, von Geri' J. J. Bayer. Illus. 40. pp.125. Berlin, 1869. 2 copies. 42.3.18. Das Rheinische Dreiecksnetz. I. Heft: Die Bonner Basis. Berlin, 1876. L. S. [Bound with Vol. Ill " Publicationen des KiJnigl. Preussischen Geodatischen Instituts."] — Den Danske Gradmaaling. Udgivet af C. G. Andrae. 3 vols. 4°. Copenhagen, i867-'72-'78. L. S. F^rste Bind : Hovedtrianglerne paa Sjaelland og deres Korbindelser med Svenske og Preussiske Triangelr^ekker. PI. pp. xxviii, 579. Andet Bind : Meridianbuens Hovedtrianglcr fra Elben til Samsj< og deres Forbindelse med Maa lingerne paa Sjoelland. PI. pp. viii, 490, Tredie Bind : De Tilbagestaaende dele af Triangelnettet og dettes Nedlaegning paa Sphseroiden. PI. pp. viii, 422. 248 GEODESY, SURVEYING, DRAWING, ETC. aEODESY, SURVEYma, DRAWING, ETO. 249 Geodesy. Geodesy. Geodesy. Determination des Longitudes et Azimuts Terrestres en Algeria ; par le Commandant Perrier. 4°. lUus. pp. xv, 232. Paris, 1877. L. S. Die Abweichung der Lothlinie, bei astronomischen Beobachtungs- Stationen, iind ihre Berechnung als Erforderniss einer Gradmessung ; von Eduard Pechmann. PL 40. pp. 48. Wien, 1863. L. S. Elenco delle altitudini dei punti geodetici in Italia. Fasc. I (Sicilia), II (Calabrie e Basilicata). In i vol. 8°. Firenze, 1874-75. 42. 3. 9. Europaische Gradmessung. Wissenschaftliche Begriindung der Rech- nungsmethoden des Centralbiireaus. I-IV. PI. 4^. [Berlin], n. d. 42. 3. 23. Formeln und Hiilfstafeln fur geographische Ortsbestimmungen. Von Br. Theodor Albrecht. 80. pp. 176. Leipzig, 1874. 42. 3. 10. General-Bericht der Europaischen Gradmessung. Herausgegeben vom Central-Bureau der Europaischen Gradmessung. Vols. I-IV» 4 vols. 4°. i863-'79. L. S. General-Bericht liber die Mitteleuropaische Gradmessung pro i863-'74. 2 vols. 40. Berlin, i864-'75. ^2. 3. 21-22. Geschichte der Vermessungen in der Schweiz, als historische Ein- leitung zu den Arbeiten der Schweiz. Geodatischen Commission. Von Rudolph Wolf. 4°. pp. vi, 320. Zurich, 1879. L* S* — Gradmessung in Ost-Preussen und ihre Verbindung mit Preussischen und Russischen Dreiecksketten. Ausgefuhrt von F. W. Bessel und J, J, Baeyer. PI. 4°. pp. xiv, 452. Berlin, 1838. L. S. — Memorial du Depot General de la Guerre. Tomes IX-XI, et t sup- plements. PI. and maps. 5 vols. 4°. Paris, 1853-80. 6. 4. 37-42. IX. La troisi^me et derni^re partie de la nouvelle description g6om6trique de la France. Supplfiment. La jonction des r6seaux g6od6siques de France et d'Angleterre, \ X. La description g6om6trique de I'Alg^rie. Suppl6ment. La description g6ometrique d'Alg6rie. XL D6termination des longitudes, latitudes, et azimuts terrestres en Alg6rie. — Pracisions-Nivellement der Elbe. Von Wilhelm Seibt 4°, pp. 133. Berlin, 1878. 42. 3. 18. — Practical Astronomy and, including the projections of the Sphere and Spherical Trigonometry. By John Narrien. 8°. pp. xxviii, 427. Lon- don, 1845. L. S. — Proces-verbaux des seances de la Commission Permanente de I'Asso- ciation Geodesique tenues ^ BerUn les 27 et 28 septembre, et le 6 octobre 1867. The same. Tenues h, Florence en 1869. The same. Tenues ^ Vienne du 16 au 22 septembre 1873. [And] Proces-verbaux de la Con- ference Geodesique Internationale pour la mesure des degr^s en Europe^ reunie h, Berlin du 30 septembre au 7 octobre 1867. Th£ same (et de sa Commission Permanente) r^unies ^ Vienne en septembre 187 1. The same (et de sa Commission Permanente) reunies K Dresde en septembre 1874. In I vol. 40. Neuchatel, 1867-74. 42. 3. 20. 32 250 GEODESY, SURVEYING, DRAWINa, ETC. GEODESY, SUEVEYING, DRAWING, ETO. 251 Geodesy. Instruments. Geodesy. Proces-verbaux des seances de la Commission Geodesique Suisse, tenues k rObservatoire de Neuchatel le ii mai 1873, le 21 juin 1874, et le 16 mai 1875. In i vol. 160. n. d. 42. 3. 24. Protokolle der Verhandlungen der Permanenten Commission der Euro- paischen Gradmessung, vom 23 bis 29 September 1869 in Florenz. 40. [Misc. Pamph., vol. xiv.] 31. 2. 14. Publicationen des Konigl. Preussischen Geodatischen Instituts. 4 vols. 40. L. S. ■ Vol. I. Maasvergleichungen. I. Heft: Vergleichungen mit der Copie No. lo der Besselischen Toise, derselben, die friiher bereits in Pulkowa und Southampton mit Russischen und Eng- lischen Maasen verglichen worden war. Berlin, 1872. [And] Astronomisch-geodati- sche Arbeiten in den Jahren i857-'66, 1867, 1869, 1871, 1872, 1873, 1874. 2. Astronomisch-geodatische Arbeiten in den Jahren 1873, 1874, 1875, 1878. 3. Das Rheinische Dreiecksnetz. Maasvergleichungen. II. Heft: Beobachtungen auf dem Steinheil'schen FUhlspiegel-Comparator. [And] Das Pracisions-Nivellement, ausgefiihrt von dem geodatischen Institut. 4. Astronomisch-geodatische Arbeiten im Jahre 1870. [And] Bestimmung der LSngendif- ferenz auf telegraphischem Wege ausgefiihrt, zv^^ischen Bonn und Leiden, Berlin und Wien. Ueber den Einfluss localer Lothablenkungen auf das Nivellement. Von Dr. J. J. Baeyer. 40. pp. 16. Berlin, 1874. 42. 3. 23. Ueber die Berechnung spharoidischer Dreiecke und den Lauf der geo- datischen Linie. Von Dr. J. J. Baeyer. 40. pp. 13. n. d. 42. 3. 18. Ueber die Grosse und Figur der Erde. Eine Denkschrift zur Begriin- dung einer mitteleuropaischen Gradmessung, nebst einer Uebersichtskarte. Von Lieut. Gen. J. J. Baeyer. 2P. pp. viii, m. Berlin, 1861. L. S. Ueber die Methoden und Ziele der Europaischen Gradmessung. Von W. Jordan. 8^. pp. 45. Carlsruhe, 1873. L. S. Verhandlungen der ersten allgemeinen Conferenz der Bevollmachtigten zur mitteleuropaischen Gradmessung. Vom 15 bis 22 October* 1864. 40. pp. 41- Berlin, 1865. 42. 3. 23. Zusammenstellung der Literatur der Gradmessungs-Arbeiten. Her- ausgegeben von dem Central Bureau der Europaischen Gradmessung. 40. pp.32. Berlin, 1876. 42.3.23. [Publication des Konigl. Preuss. Geod. Inst.] Indian Surveys. A Memoir on the. By Clements R. Markham. Maps and illus. 8^. pp. XXV, 303. London, 187 1. 2 copies. 44. 8. 12, The same. Second ed. with additions, imp. 8°. pp. xxix, 481. London, 1878. 20. 6. 21. Instruments. A Manual of the principal Instruments used in American En- gineering and Surveying. By W. and L. E. Gurley. 21st ed. Illus. 160. Troy, N Y., 1874. 18. 1. 33. \ Reflexion (Instruction sur les). A I'usage de I'ficole d'Application du Corps Royal d'Etat-Major. [Anon.] 8^. pp. 24. Paris, 1825. 6. 3. 30. 252 GEODESY, SUEVEYING, DRAWING, ETC. GEODESY, SUEVEYINa, DRAWING, ETO. 253 Instruments. Least Squares. Instruments. A Treatise on the principal Mathematical Instruments employed in Surveying, Levelling, and Astronomy. 7th ed. 8^. pp.130. London, 1849. 18. 1. 5. The same. 5th ed. 8°. pp. xi, 130. London, 1844. L. S. The same. Revised by J. E. Alexander, C. E. 8°. Baltimore, [1836]. 28. 1. 8. de Geodesic, d'Arpentage et de Nivellement. Legende explicative des Ecoles des Fonts et Chaussees. PI. 40. pp. 217. Paris, n. d. 7. 5. 34. de Physique, Chimie, Optique, Mathematiques et autres \ I'usage des Sciences. Catalogue. \Anon.\ 8°. pp. 34. Paris, 1824. 6. 3. 30. [Military pamphlets.] Engineering and Surveying Instruments, manufactured by W. L. and E. Gurley, Troy, N. Y. Manual of. 160. Troy, 1874. 18. 1. 49. Geometrical and Graphical Essays, containing a general description of the Mathematical Instruments used in Geometry, Civil and Military Surveying, Levelling, and Perspective. By George Adams. PI. 2d ed. 2 vols. 80. London, 1797. 18. 1. 1-2. Mathematical and Engineering Instruments. Price-list of. By W. G. Young & Sons. Illus. 80 Philadelphia, 1874. 18. 1. 4. Instruction in the use of Meteorological Instruments. By Robert H. ^zo\X, Director Meteorological Office. Illus. 80. London, 1875. 19.3.40. Optical, Mathematical, and Philosophical Instruments. Negretti & Zambra's illustrated Catalogue. 8^. London, 1879. 44. 3. 1. Latitude. Determination of the Latitude with zenith and equal altitude Tele- scope. By Capt. T. J. Lee, U. S. Topi, Engrs. 40. pp. 15. Wash- ington, [1848]. 17. 6. 2. [Professional Papers No. ii, Corps of Engineers, U. S. A.] See also Longitude and Latitude. Least Squares. Ausgleichungs-Rechnungen der practischen Geometric der Methoden der Klein sten Quadrate mit ihren Anwendungen fiir geo- datische Aufgaben. Von Christian Ludvvig Gerling. Illus. 8°. pp. xix, 409. L. S. Ueber ein Verfahren, die Gleichungen, auf welche die Methode der Kleinsten Quadrate fuhrt, sowie lineare Gleichungen iiberhaupt, durch successive Annaherung aufzulosen. Von Ludvvig Seidel. 4°. pp. 28. Miinchen, 1874. L. S. Von der Methode der Kleinsten Quadrate im Allgemeinen und ihre Anwendung auf die Geodasie. Von P. A. Hansen. (Des VIII. Bandes der Abhandlungen der mathematisch-physischen Classe der Konigl. Sach- sischen Gessellschaft der Wissenschaften, No. V.) 8°. pp. 236. Leip- zig, 1867. L. S. 254 GEODESY, SUKVEYINa, DRAWING, ETC. aEODESY, SURVEYINa, DEAWING, ETO. 255 Leveling. Longitude. Leveling with the Barometer. By John Nader, C. E. (Trans. lVisco7isin Acad. Set., Arts, and Letters, vol. iii, i875-'76.) 22. 2. 3. Estudios de Nivelacion Geodesica. For Don Carlos Ibanez e Ibanez. 8o. pp. xii, ^66, PI. 9. Madrid, 1864. L. S. The same, 8°. pp.84. Madrid, 1865. 6.1.30. Das Bayerische Pracisions-Nivellement. In Verbindung mit der Europaischen Gradmessung in Bayern. Von Carl Max von Bauernfeind. I., II., and III. Mittheilungen. 40. Miinchen, 1870-74. L. S. Das Bayerische Pracisions-Nivellement. In Verbindung mit der Europaischen Gradmessung in Bayern, Von Carl Max von Bauernfeind. IV. Mittheilung. 40. pp. 52. Miinchen, 1876. L. S. Das Bayerische Pracisions-Nivellement, und seine Beziehungen zur Europaischen Gradmessung. Von Dr, Carl Max von Bauernfeind. 8°. pp. viii, 150. Miinchen, 1880. L. S. Das Pracisions-Nivellement. Ausgefiihrt von dem Geodatischen Insti- tut. Erster Band. Arbeiten in den Jahren 1867-75. lUus. Berlin, 1876. L. S. Nivellement de Precision de la Suisse. Execute par la Commission Geodesique Federale, sous la direction de A. Hirsch et E. Plantamour. Livraisons i-v. 40. Geneve, Bale et Lyon, 1867-74. L. S. Nouveau traite du Nivellement. Par M. Lefebure, Major an Corps des Ligenieurs de Prusse. 4"^. pp. 143. Paris, 1808. 6. 6. 13. [In Vol. II of his '' Attaques des places."] Lithography. Vollstandiges Lehrbuch der Steindruckerei [etc.]. Illus. 4^. pp. 370. Munchen, 181 8. 24. 6. 7. [Treatise on the Art of Lithography , with correct and minute Instructions for the various manipula- tions in its different parts. Preceded by a full History of the Art from its commencement to the present day. Edited and issued by the inventor of Lithography, Alois Senefelder.] Longitude by Lunar Culminations. By Prof. W. H. C. Bartlett. Rev. ed. 80. pp. 9. n. p. or d. 17. 5. 38. [Professional Papers No. lo, Corps of Engineers, U. S. A.] Bestimmung der Meridian-Dififerenz Leipzig- Dablitz in 1863. pp. 128. Berlin, Wein, Leipzig in 1865. pp. 62. Von C. von Littrow. 4°. Wien, 1868 and 1872. L. S. Determination of transatlantic Longitudes. By Prof. J, E. Hilgard. 80. {Misc. Pamph., vol. ix.] n. d. 31. 2. 9. Determination telegraphique de la difference de Longitude entre la station astronomique du Simplon et les observatoires de Milan et de Neu- chatel. Par E. Plantamour et A. Hirsch. 4°. pp. 136. Geneve, Bale, Lyon, 1875. 45. 6.23. • Determination telegraphique de la difference de Longitude entre des stations Suisses. Par E. Plantamour et A. Hirsch. Illus. 2 parts in i vol. 40. Geneve et Bale, 187 1-'72. L. S. 256 GEODESY, SURVEYINa, DEAWING, ETO. GEODESY, SURVEYING, DRAWING, ETO. 257 Longitude, Longitudes. Longitude of several stations near the northern boundary of Ohio. Determi- nation of, from Transits of the Moon, and Moon-cuhninating Stars, ob- served in 1835, by Andrew Talcott, M. A. P. S., late Captain U. S. Engi- neers. By Sears C. Walker, M. A. P, S. 4°. n. d. [Misc. Pamph.^ vol. xiv.] 31. 2. 14. Report on the difference of Longitude between Washington and St. Louis. By Prof. William Harkness. pp. 39, Between Washington and Ogden, Utah. By Prof. J. R. Eastman, pp. 11. Between Washing* ton and Detroit, Mich., Cadin, Nev., and Austin, Nev. By Prof. J* R» Eastman, pp. 22. Between Washington and Sayre Observatory of Lehigh University. By Prof. J. R. Eastman, pp. 19. In i vol. 4°. Washington, i872-'78. 45. 6. 26. Telegraphic measurement of differences of Longitude by Officers of the U. S. Navy in 1878-79. Illus. 40. pp. 87. Washington, 1880. 45. 6. 45. — — Bestimmung der Langen-Differenz zwischen Berlin und Lund. pp. 51. [And] Bestimmung der Langen-Differenz zwischen Berlin und Wien. pp. 47. Herausgegeben von Dr. C. Bruns. In i vol. 4°. Lund und Leipzig, i87o-'7i. 42. 3. 19. Ueber die Bestimmung von Langen-Differenz mit Hiilfe des elec- trischen Telegraphen. 4°. pp. ^2>' I^^ipzig? 1869. ^' ^- ^®* Bestimmung der Langen-Differenz auf telegraphischem Wege ausge- fuhrt, zwischen Bonn und Leiden, Berlin und Wien. L. S. Ueber die Bestimmung von Langen-Differenzen mit Hiilfe des elec- trischen Telegraphen von Dr. Theodor Albrecht. 4^. pp. Z-^. Leip- zig, 1869. L. S. Bestimmung des Langenunterschieds zwischen den Sternwarten von Gottingen und Altona, von Dr. C. A. F. Peters. 4°. pp. 10 1. Kiel, 1880. L. S. [Publ. des Konigl. Preussischen Geodiitischen Instituts.] Ueber die Bestimmung des Langenunterschieds zwischen Altona und Schwerin, ausgefuhrt im Jahre 1858 durch galvanische Signale, von Dr. C. A. F. Peters. Illus. 40. pp. 267. Altona, 1861. L. S. and Latitade. Tables requisite to be used with the Nautical Ephem- eris, for finding the Latitude and Longitude at Sea. By John Garnett. 8^. New Brunswick, N. J., 1806. 19. 4. 27. — The Theory and Practice of finding the Longitude at Sea or Land. To which are added various methods of determining the Latitude of a place [etc.]. By Andrew Mackay, LL. D., F. R. S. 2 vols. 8^. London, 1810. 19. 4. 28-29. Longitudes et Azimuts Terrestres en Algerie. Determination des, par le Com- 7nandant Perrier. Memorial du Depot General de la Guerre : Tome XL Illus. Ap. pp. XV, 232. Paris, 1877. L. S. 33 258 GEODESY, SURVEYING, DRAWING, ETO. GEODESY, SURVEYING, DRAWING, ETC. 259 Map-making. Reconnaissance. Map-making. Coleccion de signos convencionales para la representacion de los objetos en los pianos y cartas. 30 pi. 8°. pp. 67. Madrid, 1849. 18. 2. 30. Theoretisch-practische Schule. Modellen. Von C. Ph. Neutze. [10 pi. in portfolio.] Cassel, n. d. 49. 1.29. Specimens of niaps, plans, etc., Survey of India. Portfolio. Cal- cutta, 1877. 52. 2. 2. Map-Reproduction. Die Technik der Reproduction von Militar-Karten und Planen des k. k. Militar-Geographischen Instituts zu Wien. Von O. Volkmer. 2 pi. 80. pp. 50. Wien, 1880. 18. 2. 51. Operations Geodesiques relatives aux travaux hydrographiques executees sur les cotes septentrionales de France, sous la direction de M. Beautemps- Beaupre, Ingenieur en Chef, Expose des. Par P. Begat, Ingenieur hydro graphique de la Marine. Carte. 4°. pp. 56. Paris, 1839. 19. 6. 20. Pendule k Reversion. Experiences faites 'k Geneve avec le. Par E. Planta- mour. 40. Geneve et Bale. L. S. Part I. Extrait des M^moires de la Societe de Physique et d'Histoire Naturelle de Geneve : Tome XVIII. Illus. pp. 108. 1866. II. Determination de la Pesanteur ^ Genfeve et au Righi-Kulm. pp. 85. 1872. Perspective: Isometrical. The Practice of. By Joseph Jopling, Architect. Illus. 80. pp. 96. London, n. d. 18. 2. 37. Linear. A Manual of. Perspective of Form, Shade, Shadow, and Reflection. By Prof. R. S. Smith. Illus. 8o. pp. 8o. New York, 1857. 18. 2. 39. Photography. Cartographic applications of, as used in the Topographical Departments of the principal States in Central Europe, with notes on European and Indian Surveys. Reports by Lieut, J. Waterhouse. PI. and illus. 8^. pp. xiv, 240. Calcutta, 1870. 44. 8. 16. Instruction in, for the use of the School of Military Engineering, Chatham. By Z^V///. Abney, i?. ^. Illus. 8^. pp. 120. 1871. Re- printed 1874. 19. 1. 8. Plane Table and its use in Topographical Surveying. A Treatise on the. [U. S. Coast Survey, Report for 1865.] PI. 4°. pp. 29. Washington, 1866. 18. 2. 46. Projection Tables for the use of the U. S. Navy; comprising a new table of meridional parts for the Mercator Projection, and the tables of the Poly- conic Projection as used in the U. S. Coast Survey, Bureau of Naviga- tion, Navy Department. 8^. pp. 236. Washington, 1869. 19. 4. 30. Reconnaissance Hydrographique des cotes occidentals de France. Expose des travaux relatifs ^ la. Par M, Beautemps-Beaupre, Lngetiieur hydro- graphique en Chef de la Marine, Map. 4°. pp. 124, Paris, 1829. 23. 6. 1. 260 aEODESY, SUKVEYING, DEAWING, ETC. GEODESY, SUB.VEYING DRAWING, ETO. 261 Stadia. Surveying. Stadia. Tables for obtaining horizontal distances and differences of Level, from Stadia readings. By Alfred Noble and William T. Casgrain. 16°. Ann Arbor, Mich., 1870. 19. 4. 35. Tables showing difference of Level in feet, corresponding to a given angle, when the distance is read in metres or feet, and for Horizontal Reductions for the Use of the Stadia. By J. A. Ockerson and J. Teeple, U. S. Lake Survey. \(P. pp. 65. Washington, 1879. 19. 4. 34. Standards of Length. Comparisons of, made at the Ordnance Survey Office. By Capt, A. R. Clarke, R. E. 4°. London, 1866. 2 copies, 44. 9. 29. The same. 40. London, 1873. L. S. Maasvergleichungen. I. Heft : Vergleichungen mit der Copie No. 10 der Besselischen Toise, derselben, die friiher bereits in Pulkowa und Southampton mit Russischen und Englischen Maasen verglichen worden war. Berlin, 1872. L. S. Maasvergleichungen. II. Heft : Beobachtungen auf dem Stein- heil'schen Fiihlspiegel- Comparator. Mit einer Figurentafel. Berlin, 1876. L. S. Surveying. Anweisung vom 7 Mai 1868, fiir das Verfahren bei den Ver- messungsarbeiten zur Vorbereitung der Ausfiihrung des Gesetzes vom 21 Mai 1 86 1, betreffend die anderweite Regelung der Grundsteuer, in den Provinzen Schleswig-Holstein, Hannover und Hessen-Nassau. 2d ed. Illus. 40. pp. 287. Berlin, 1870. L. S. Anweisung zu der Stiickweisen-Vermessung sammtlicher Liegen- schaften des Grossherzogthums Baden. 2d ed. Illus. 4*^. pp. v, 127. Karlsruhe, 1863. L. S. Die Bayerische Landesvermessung in ihrer wissenschaftlichen Grund- lage : von der K. Steuer-Cataster-Commission in Gemeinschaft mit dem topographischen Bureau des K. Generalstabes. PI. 4°. pp. x, 768. Miinchen, 1873. L. S. Die Klistenvermessung, und ihre Verbindung mit der Berliner Grundhnie. Herausgegeben von J. J. Baeyer. PI. 4°. pp. xx, 587. Berlin, 1849. L. S. (Geographical); its Uses, Methods, and Results. By Frank De Yeaux Carpenter. 180. pp.176. New York, 1878. 2 copies. 18.1.40. • — Goverrwieiit. A Treatise on the method of, as prescribed by the United States Congress, and the Commissioner of the General Land Office. With complete mathematical, astronomical, and practical instructions, for the use of United States Surveyors in the field, and Students who contem- plate engaging in the business of public Land Surveying. By S. V. Clev- enger, U. S. Dep. Surveyor. Cuts. \(P. pp.200. New York, 1877. 18. 1. 39. 262 GEODESY, SURVEYING, DEAWING, ETC. aEODESr, SURVEYING, DRAWING, ETO. 263 Surveying. Surveying. Surveying. Practical notes on Hydrographic and Mining Surveys. By W. H. Hearding, C. E. Illus. 8°. pp. 54. Milwaukee, 1872. 18. 2. 31. Zeitschrift fflr Vermessungswesen. Im Auftrag und als Organ des Deutschen Geometervereins. Vol.11: pp. iv, 386, by W. Jordan. Vol. Ill : pp. viii, 428, by M. Doll. Bound in i vol. Illus. 8^. Stuttgart, i873-'74. L. S. La7id. A Treatise on. Comprising the Theory developed from five Elementary Principles ; and the Practice with the Chain alone, the Com- pass, the Transit, the Theodolite, the Plane Table, etc. By William M. Gillespie, LL. D. Illus. 5th ed. 8^. pp. 413. New York, 1857. 18. 2. 32. Manual of, for India. Compiled by Col. H. L. Thuillier and Lieut. Col, R. Smith. 3d ed. PI. and illus. 8^. pp. xxi, 623 ; and Appen- dix, pp. ccviii. Calcutta, 1875. ^^* ^' ^^* Marine. A Treatise on. By Thomas Charles Robson. PI. 8°. pp. 165. London, 1834. 18. 2. 27. ■ Nautical. A Treatise on, containing an outline of the duties of the Naval Surveyor : with cases applied to Naval Evolutions and miscella- neous rules and tables. By Commander Edward Belcher. Illus. 2P. pp. iv, 290. London, 1835. 2 copies. 18. 2. 34. Nautical. An Introduction to the Practice of, and the construction of Sea-Charts. Translated from the French of C.-F. Beautemps-Beaupr6, by Captain. Richard Copeland, R. N. With an appendix. 2 vols. 4^. [Text and pi.] London, 1823. 18. 2. 35-36. Outline of method of conducting a Trigonometrical Survey, for forma- tion of Geographical and Topographical Maps and Plans ; Military Re- connaissance, Levelling, etc., with the most useful problems in Geodesy and practical Astronomy, and formulae and tables for facihtating their calcu- lation. By Lieut, Gen, Frome, R, E. 4th ed. revised and enlarged by Capt. Charles Warren, R, E. Illus. 8°. pp. xii, 321. London, 1873. L. S. (Subterraneous), with and without the Magnetic Needle. By Thomas Fenwick and Thomas Baker. Illus. \(P, pp. xiii, 165. London, 1877. 18. 2. 26. — The Principles and Practice of Land, Engineering, Trigonometrical, Subterraneous, and Marine Surveying. By Charles Bournes, C E. PI. 80. pp. 356. London, 1843. 18. 2. 29. — (Trigonometrical), Levelling, and Railway Engineering. By William Galbraith. 8^. pp. viii, 161, 20. Edinburgh and London, 1842. L. S. — and Navigation. Elements of. By Charles Davies, LL. D. 8^. pp. 323. New York, 1864. 18. 2. 27. 264 GEODESY, SURVEYING, DRAWING, ETC. GEODESY, SURVEYING, DRAWING, ETO. 265 Surveying. Triangulation. Surveying and Navigation. The same. 8^. New York, 1845. ^^' S- See also Military Surveying. Tables. Rechentafeln. welche alles Multipliciren unci Dividiren mit Zahlen unter Tausend ganz ersparen, bei grosseren Zahlen aber die Rechnung erleichteren und sicherer machen. Von Dr. A. L. Crelle. 4°. Berlin, 1869. L. S. and Formulae useful in Surveying. Geodesy, and practical Astronomy. A Collection of, including the elements for the Projection of Maps. By Capt. T. J. Lee, Topographical Engineers. 8°. pp. 94, 95. Washington, 1849. 28. 1. 20. The same. 2d ed. 8°. Washington, 1853. 28.1.19. The same. And instructions for Field Magnetic Observations. 3d ed., revised and enlarged. 8^. pp. ix, 310. Washington, 1873. 17. 6. 3. [Professional Papers No. 12, Corps of Engineers, U. S. A.] Telescope (The Achromatic), and its various mountings, especially the Equa- torial, to which are added some hints on private Observatories, lllus. By William Simms. 8^. pp. 74. London, 1852. L. S. Tide-gauge \Recording\ Wasserstandszeiger fiir die mittlere Hohe. Von F. H. Reitz. PI. 40. pp. 8. Hamburg, 1873. \Misc. Pamph.^ vol. xiv.] 31. 2. 14. Topographie. Extrait du cours de. Par Livet, Capitaine du Genie. Ecole d' Application de I'Artillerie et du Genie. [Metz, 1841.] 6. 1. 33. Traite de, d'Arpentage et de Nivellement. Par L. Puissant. 4°. pp. XX, 331, and supplement, pp. iv^ 103, in i vol. L. S. Traite de, par Major C. Maes ; et de Reproduction des Cartes au moyen de la Photographie, par A. Haunot. 8°. pp. 374, with atlas of 30 pi., fol. 2 vols. Paris, 1874. L. S. Estudios topograficos. Por A. R. Arroquia, Cor. de Ingenieros. Map. 80. pp. 178. Madrid, 1867. 6. 1. 31. Traverse Tables. A new and complete set of, showing the difference of Lati- tude and the Departures to every minute of the Quadrant, and to five places of decimals. By Capl. J. T. Boileau. PI. 80. pp. xlvi, 96. London, 1839. L. S. — to every degree and quarter degree of the Compass or Horizon, for the use of Surveyors. [Anon.] 8°. pp. 200. New Brunswick, N. J., 1807. 19. 4. 31. Triangulation. Die Konigl. Preussische Landes Hauptdreiecke. Heraus- gegeben vom Bureau der Landes-Triangulation. lllus. 2 vols. BerUn, i87o-'74. L. S. [Incomplete.] 34 266 GEODESY, SURYEYINa, DRAWINQ, ETC. aHODESY, SURVEYING, DRAWING, ETO. 267 Triangulation. Triangulation. Triangulation. Triangulation der Umgegend von Berlin. Herausgegeben vom Bureau der Landes-Triangulation. pp.viii, 516. [And] Instruction fiir die zur Landes-Triangulation kommandirten Trigonometer. Illus. pp. 36, 40. Berlin, 1867. L. S. von Java (Die). Ausgefuhrt vom Personal des Geographischen Dien- stes in Niederlandisch Ost-Indien. L. S. I. Abtheilung. Vergleichung der Maassstabe des Repsold'schen Basis-Mess-Apparates mit dem normal Meter ; von Dr. J. A. C. Oudemans. Illus. 4°. pp. vi, 84. Batavia, 1875. 2 Abtheilung. Die Basis-Messung bei Simplak von Dr. J. A. C. Oudemans, E. Metzger und C. Waldringh. Illus. 4°. pp. 34. Haag, 1878. m aEOGRAPHY, INULUDING ATLASES, ETC. lO. GEOGRAPHY, INCLUDING ATLASES AND MAPS. Atlas. A comprehensive Geographical, Historical, and Commercial Atlas. By T. G. Bradford. 40. Boston, 1838. 23. 6. 30. A complete Historical, Chronological, and Geographical American Atlas. According to the plan of Le Sage's atlas, and intended as a com- panion to Lavoisne's improvement of that celebrated work. fol. Phila- delphia, 1822. 53. 5. A new American Atlas.* Containing maps of the several States of the North American Union. By Henry S. Tanner, fol. Philadelphia, 1825. 53. 26. Colton's General Atlas of the World. Containing 180 maps and plans, accompanied by Geographical, Statistical, and Historical letter-press de- scriptions, fol. New York, 1869. Room 12. The same, 212 maps. fol. New York, 1878. Room 12. Genealogical, Historical, Chronological, and Geographical Atlas, being a general guide to ancient and modern History. According to the plan of Le Sage. By M. Lavoisne. fol. Philadelphia, 1821. 53. 4. Hand- Atlas. Ueber alle Theile der Erde und iiber das Weltgebiiude. Von Adolf Stieler. 84 maps. fol. Gotha [1870]. 48.13. The same. [New ed.] 90 colored maps. fol. Gotha, [1876]. 48. 14. Johnson's (A. J.) new illustrated Family Atlas of the World, fol. New York, 1869. Room 12. [Mitchell's] Universal. Containing maps of the various Empires, Kingdoms, States, and Republics of the World. 122 maps. fol. Phila- delphia, 1852. 53. 16. The same. Philadelphia, 1853. 53. 17. National 'Atlas of Historical, Commercial, and Political Geography. By Alex. Keith Johnston, fol. Edinburgh, 1857. Room 12. New standard Atlas of the Dominion of Canada, fol. Montreal, 1875. Room 12. of the West India Islands, from actual surveys and observations. 18 maps, with plans of Harbors, [and] historical description of the West Indies. By Thomas Jefferys. fol. London, 1796. 53.11. 270 GEOaKAPHY, INOLUDINa ATLASES, ETC. GEOaKAPHY, INCLUDING ATLASES, ETC. 271 Atlas. Geographic. Atlas. Physical Atlas of Natural Phenomena. By Alex. Keith Johnston. Maps and figs. foL Edinburgh, 1856. Eoom 12. Rand, McNally and Co.'s new indexed Business Atlas and Shippers' Guide; together with a complete reference map of the World [etc.]. Maps. 8th ed. 40. pp.427. Chicago, 1881. Room 12. Statistical Atlas of the United States based on the results of the Ninth Census, 1870, under the direction of Francis A. Walker, fol. [Washing- ton], 1874. 2 copies. Room 12. The Royal Atlas of modern Geography. By Alex. Keith Johnston. fol. Edinburgh, 1877. Room 12. Brazil. Subsidies to the formation of the Physical Map of. Geographical study, by Homem de Mello. Map. 4°. pp. 45. Rio de Janeiro, 1876. 19. 6. 37. British Dominions in North America; or, a topographical and statistical de- scription of the Provinces of Lower and Upper Canada, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia [etc.]. By Joseph Bouchette. 2 vols. 4°. London, 1832. 24. 6. 5-6. Bulletin de la Societe de Geographic. Quatrieme serie : Vols. II-III, 1851-52. Cinquieme serie: Vols. V, VII, VIII, i863-'64. Sixieme serie: Vols. IX-XX, i875-'8o. 17 vols. 8°. Paris, i85i-'8o. [Current.] 15. 1. 6-22. California. Geographical Memoir upon Upper California, in illustration of his Map of Oregon and California. By John C. Fremont. 8°. pp. 148. Washington, 1848. {Misc. Pamph., vol. viii.] 31. 2. 8. Canada. A Topographical dictionary of the Province of Lower Canada. By Joseph Bouchette. 4°. London, 1832. 6. 3. 16. Coasts of the United States from Delaware Bay to the Rio Grande. Notes on. By Prof. A. D. Bache, Supt. U. S. Coast Surrey. Memoirs (ms.) by W. P. Trowbridge. Maps revised by C. P. Patterson. Maps and sketches. 13 vols. 40. Washington, 1861. 18. 3. 26-38. Department of the Platte. Tables of distances, etc., between Military Posts in. . 12°. pp. 39. Omaha, Nebr., December, 1877. 16. 2. 36. Eastern Persia. Geography of. See Persian Boundary Commission, vol. i. 20. 3. 33. Europe. Military topography of Continental Europe. From the French of M. Th. l^avallee. By Col. J. R. Jackson, Editor. 16°. pp. xii, 351. London, 1850. 6. 1. 28. Geographie. Dictionnaire universel d'Histoire et de. Par M. N. Bouillet. 20™'^ ed. 80. pp. iv, 2040. Paris, 1866. 5. 2. 14. Physique, Historique et MiUtaire. Par Theophile Lavallee. 6® ed. 12O. pp. xi, 620. Paris, i860. 2. 5. 17. 272 GEOGEAPHY, INCLUDING ATLASES, ETO. GEOGRAPHY, INCLUDING ATLASES, ETC. 273 GeograT^hic, Mississippi. Geographie Physique. Instruction sur la, a I'usage de I'Ecole d'Applica- tion du Corps Royal d'Etat- Major. \Ano?i.] 8°. pp.27. Paris, 1825. 6. 3. 30. [Military pamphlets ] Geography. A system of Universal Geography. By M. Malte-Brun. With additions and corrections by James G. Percival. Maps and pi. 3 vols. 40. Boston, 1834. 23. 6. 32-34. Great outline of, for High Schools and Families. Text-book to accom- pany the Universal Atlas. By Theodore S. Fay. 16°. pp. viii, 238; and atlas of 8 pi. New York, 1867. 1. 5. 43. The American Companion; or a brief sketch of Geography [etc.]. By P. Havvkes. 80 pp. viii, 237. Philadelphia, 1827. 1. 3. 2. India. Topographical Department. [A series of 29 maps, folded in 8° cases. Calcutta, V. d.J 43. 5. 6-34. Contents. I. Bhopal. II. Bengal (Eastern), Assam, liurmah, China, and Slam. III. Bengal Provinces. IV. Bombay Presidency. V. Calcutta. VI. Central Provinces. VII. India (Sketch map. a parts). VIII. India (general). IX. India (small scale, topographical). X. India (minute topo- graphical). XI. India (small-scale outline). XII. India Telegraphs. XIII. India, Triangula- tion. XIV. India Atlas, Index. XV. Jamoo, Kashmir. XVI. Jhelam and Rawal Pindi. XVII. Madras Presidency. XVIII. Military Map— India. XIX. Mount Aboo. XX. North- western Provinces Oudh. XXI. Nynee Tal. XXII. Oudh. XXIII. Persia (general). XXIV. Punjab. XXV. Shahpoor and Goojrat. XXVI. Simla and Jutog XXVII. Sind. XXVIII. Turkestan. XXIX. Western Himalayan Route Map. Influence des Divisions Naturelles de la surface du Globe sur les Divisions PoHtiques. A I'usage de V Ecole d' Application du Corps Royal d'Etat- Major. [Anon.] 80. pp. 10. Paris, 1826. 6. 3. 30. [Military pamphlets.] Italy. Itinerario generale del regno d' Italia, ad uso delle Amministrazioni Mihtari. Vol. I (testo). Vol. II (atlante delle tavole poliometriche). Terza ed. 2 vols. 40 and fol. Roma, 1875. 42. 3. 5. Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama. A Geographical Description of the State of Louisiana, the southern part of the State of Mississippi, and Ter- ritory of Alabama, presenting a view of the soil, climate, animal, vege- table, and mineral productions ; illustrative of their natural physiognomy, their geographical configuration, and relative situation, with an account of the character and manners of the inhabitants. By William Darby. Map. Second ed. 8^. pp. 350. New York, 1817. 24. 5. 26. Military Departments, etc., of the United States. A series of Topographical Maps prepared under the direction of Officers of the Corps of Engineers, U. S. Army. Portfolio, v. d. 52. 4. 1. Mississippi River. Maps and drawings illustrating Improvements of, between the Illinois and Ohio Rivers. In 1 1 sheets. From Surveys made under the direction of Lieut. Col. W. F. Raynolds and Col. J. H. Simpson, Corps of Engineers, U. S. A. In one bound vol. obi. fol. n. d. 62. 3. 1. 35 274 GEOaRAPHY, INOLUDINa ATLASES, ETC. GEOGRAPHY, INOLUDING ATLASES, ETC, 275 Mississippi. Western Territory. Mississippi Valley. Contributions to the Physical Geography of the United States. Part I. Of the Physical Geography of the Mississippi Valley. By Charles Ellet,/>. 40. Washington, 1850. 2 copies. 47. 3. 45. Valley (The). Its Physical Geography, etc. By J. W. Foster, LL. D. Maps and sections. 8^. pp. 443. Chicago, 1869. 24. 4. 21. Mittheilungen aus Justus Perthes' geographischer Anstalt iiber wichtige neue Erforschungen auf deni Gesammtgebiete der Geographie. Von Dr. A. Petermann. 26 vols. 4°. Gotha, 1855-80. [And] Erganzungsheft, 1860-80 [and 2 indexes]. 14 vols. 40. Gotha, 1860-80. 15. 2. 1-40. (Discontinued.] der kaiserlich-koniglichen Geographischen Gesellschaft. II Jahrg., 3 Heft, 1858. [And] III Jahrg., 3 Heft, 1859. Redigirt von Franz Foetterle. 80. Wien, i858-'59. 43. 2. 29-30. [Reports of the Royal-Imperial Geographical Society.] Physical Geography of the Sea. By M. F. Maury, LL. £>., U. S. N. New ed. Sketches and diagrams. S^. pp. 360. New York, 1858. 19. 3. 34. Royal Geographical Society. Journal : Vols. XLVIII-XLIX, i878-'79. Pro- ceedings, Monthly record of Geography: New series. Vols. I-II. 2 vols. 80. London, i879-'8o. [Current.] 44. 3. 15-19. Turkey. Map showing the Territory restored to, by the Congress of Berlin. London, 1878. 47. 3. 3. [British Parliamentary Paper.] Washington, D. C. Map of the city of, showing the subdivisions, grades, and the general configuration of the ground. By A. Bastert and J. Ent- hoffer. fol. Washington, 1872. Room 12. Western Territory of North America. Topographical description of [etc.]. By G. Imlay. Vol. I only. 2 maps. \(P. pp. xxiii, 260. New York, 1793. 1. 5. 37. 276 HISTOEY AND BIOaKAPHY, ETO. 11. HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY (CIVIL, MILITARY, AND NAVAL), WARS, BATTLES, SIKGES, CAMPAIGNS, Etc. Aboukir, Trafalgar, etc. Histoire des Combats d'Aboukir, de Trafalgar, de Lissa, du Cap Finistere [etc.], depuis 1798 jusqu'en 1813, suivie de la Re- lation du Combat de Navarin, ou notions de tactique pour les Combats sur Mer. Par un Capitaine de Vaisseau. 8^. pp. 371. Paris, 1829. 16. 4. 32. Adams (John). His life. John Sanderson's American Biography. Vol. VIII. 80. Philadelphia, 1834. 2. 5. 22. (Samuel). His life. John Sanderson's American Biography. Vol. IX. 80. Philadelphia, 1834. 2. 5. 23. Advance and Retreat : Personal experiences in the United States and Con- tederate Armies. By J. B. Hood, Lieut. Gen. m the Confederate Army. Portraits and map. 80. pp. 358. New Orleans, 1880. 24. 2. 7. Africa. Campagnes de I'Armee d'Afrique, i835-'39. Par le Due D'Orleans. Portrait and map. 8^. pp. xiii, 458. Paris, 1870. 16. 4. 31. 1836-37. Journal de I'Expedition et de la Retraite de Constantine [N. Africa] en 1836. [And] Journal des operations de I'Artillerie pen- dant I'Expedition de Constantine, Octobre 1837. Plan and view. In 1 vol. 80. Paris, i837-'38. 16. 4. 38. Alg6rie. Rapport presente a I'Empereur sur la situation de 1'. 1853. Par M. le Marechal Vaillant, Ministre de la Guerre, 8^. pp. 86. Paris, 1854. 2 copies. 24. 3. 30. American Archives : Fourth series. A documentary History of the English Colonies in North America, from the King's Message, March 7, 1774, to the Declaration of Independence. 6 vols. fol. Washington, 1837-46. 18. 5. 1-6. The same. Fifth series. From the Declaration of Independence to the Treaty of Peace with Great Britain, 1783. Vols. I-III. 3 vols, fol. Washington, i848-'53. [No more published.] 18. 5. 7-8. [Vol. Ill wanting.] American Colonies. Political and Civil History of See Pitkin (Timothy). 16. 3. 29-30. American Revolution. Battles of: 1775-81. Historical and Military Criti- cism, with topographical illustration. By Henry B. Carrington, M. A., LL. D., Col. U. S. Army. 80. pp. vi, 712. New York, 1876. 23. 3. 18. 277 278 HISTOEY AND BIOGRAPHY, ETO. mSTOEY AND BIOGRAPHY, ETO. 279 American Revolution. Artillery. American Revolution. Pictorial Field-Book of the Revolution. By Benson J. Lossing. Illus. 2 vols. 80. New York, i860. 24. 3. 20-21. Principles and Acts of the Revolution in America. By Hezekiah Niles. 80. pp. 522. New York, 1876. 24. 3. 19. Anvers. Journal des operations de I'Artillerie au Siege de la Citadelle d'An- vers, rendue le 23 dec. 1832, a I'armee frangaise sous les ordres de M. le Marechal Cte. Gerard. Par Z/V///. Gen. Neigre. Maps. 4^. pp. 125. Paris, 1833. 24. 3. 9. Siege de la Citadelle d'Anvers par Tarmee frangaise, sous les ordres du Marechal comte Gerard. Plan. 8^. pp. 291. Paris, 1833. 16. 4. 37. Armenia, and the Campaigns of 1877. By C. B. Norman. 8 maps and plans. 80. pp. 484. London, n. d. 24. 4. 6. Army of the Cumberland. History of its Organization, Campaigns, and Bat- tles. Written at the request of Maj. Gen. George H. Thomas, chiefly from his private Military Journal, and official and other information fur- nished by him. By Thomas B. Van Home, U. S. N. With campaign and battle maps by Edward Ruger. 2 vols, and atlas. 8°. Cincinnati, 1875. 24. 2. 9-11. Army of the Potomac. Campagne de I'Armee du Potomac. (Mars-juillet 1862.) Par A. Trognon (le Prince de Joinville). 8^. pp. 64. New York, 1862. 24. 2. 19. Campaigns of. A critical History of operations in Virginia, Mary- land, and Pennsylvania: i86i-'65. By William Swinton. Illus. 8°. pp. 623. New York, 187 1. 24. 2. 16. Engineer and Artillery operations of. By Bri^. Gen. J. G. Barnard, Chief Engineer, and Brig. Gen. W. F. Barry, Chief of Artillery. Maps and plans. 80. pp. 230. New York, 1863. 24. 2. 17. Organization and Campaigns of, to which is added an account of the Campaign in Western Virginia, with plans of Battle-fields. By George B. McClellan, Maj. Gen., U. S. Army. 8^. pp. 480. New York, 1864. 24. 2. 15. Army and Navy of America (The). Containing a view of the heroic Adven- tures, Battles, Naval Engagements, remarkable Incidents and glorious Achievements in the Cause of Freedom, from the period of the French and Indian Wars to the close of the Mexican War, etc. By Jacob Neff, M. D. 80. pp. 684. Lancaster, 1853. 24. 3. 24. Official Gazette, containing reports of Battles; also important orders of the War Department, records of Courts Martial, etc. Vols. I-II. 2 vols. 40. Washington, i863-'65. 42. 7. 46-47. Artillery. Report of the movements of the First Connecticut Heavy Artil- lery, for the year ending March 31, 1865. 8^. \Misc, Farnph., vol. vii.] 31. 2. 7. 280 HISTORY AND BIOaEAPHY, ETC. HISTORY AKB BIOGEAFHY, ETO. m Ashantee Invasion. Campaigns. Ashantee Invasion. Further papers relating to. 7 vols. fol. London, 1874* 47. 6. 25-31y [Parliamentary Papers.] J Association of the Graduates of the United States Military Academy. Firsj: to eleventh annual Reunions: 1870-80. With an index. 3 vols. 8^* New York and East Saginaw, Mich., i87o-'8o. 43. 1. 34-3a Austro-Prussian War, 1866. Guerre de la Prusse et de I'ltalie centre I'Au^ triche et la Confederation Germanique en 1866. Par Ferdinand Lecompte, Col, Federal Suisse, Maps. 8^. pp.474. Paris, 1868. 24.4.33. Beckwourth. Life and Adventures of James P. Beckwourth, Mountaineer, Scout, and Pioneer, and Chief of the Crow Nation of Indians. By T. D. Bonner. Cuts. 12°. pp. xii, 537. New York, 1856. 1. 5. 29. Biographical Annals of the Civil Government of the United States during its first century. By Charles Lanman. 8^. pp. 676. Washington, 1876. 5. 2. 6. Dictionary. By C. N. Baldwin. 8°. pp. 444. Richmond, Va., 1826. 5. 2. 8. Biography of the Signers to the Declaration of Independence. By John Sanderson. Vols. I, II, V, VI, VIII, IX. 6 vols. 80. Philadelphia, i823-'24. 2. 5. 18-23. Bomarsund. Siege of; 1854. Journal of operations of the Artillery and Engineers. By Lieut. F. E. Prime, U. S. Engineers, 2 maps. 12O. pp. 56. New York, 1856. 24. 3. 33. Braxton (Carter). His life. John Sanderson's American Biography. Vol. VI. 80. Philadelphia, 1824. 2. 6. 21. Brazilian Biographical Annual. By Joaquim Manoel de Macedo. Vols. I- III. 3 vols. 80. Rio de Janeiro, 1876. 43. 7. 14-16. British Army. Historical Account of, and of the Law Military, as declared by the ancient and modern Statutes and Articles of War for its govern- ment. With a free Commentary on the Mutiny Act, and the Rules and Articles of War. By E. Samuel. 8°. pp.734. London, 181 6. 17.1.28. Burgoyne {Sir John). Life and Correspondence of Field Marshal Sir John Burgoyne, Bart. By his Son-in-law, Lieut. Col, the Hon. George Wrottes- \qY, Royal Engineers. 2 vols. 8^. London, 1873. 24.4.23-24. California. History of. 6'^^Greenhow(R.). Oregon and California. 24.1.30. Campagne de 1816. Histoire de la. Par le Major Damitz, officier Prussten, Traduite de I'allemand par L6on Griffon. Tome I [only]. Plans. 8°, Paris, i84o-'4i. 16. 4. 34. Campaigns of Marshal Turenne. [Atlas of plates only.] fol. n. d. 48. 45. 36 HISTOEY AND BIOGEAPHY, ETC. HISTOEY AND BIOGEAPHT, ETO. 283 Campaigns. Civil War. Campaigns of 1814-15. Plans of the Attacks upon Antwerp, Bergen-op- Zoom, Cambray, Peronne, Maubeuge, Landrecy, Marienbourg, Philippe- ville, and Rocroy by the British and Prussian Armies in the campaigns of 1814-15. By Col. Carmichael Smith, Royal Engineers, Maps, plans, and text. fol. pp. 18. [181 7.] 24. 6. 4. Carcassonne : La cit6 de (Aude), Par E.-E. VioUet-le-Duc. PI. et figs. 8°. pp. 84. Paris, 1878. 6. 4. 6. Carson (Kit). Life and Adventures of. By De Witt C. Peters. 8°. PI. pp. xii, 534. New York, 1858. 24. 4. 25, Cavalry : History of, from the earliest times, with Lessons for the future. By Lieut. Col. George T. Denison. 11 plans. 8°. pp. xii, 567. London, 1877. 24. 4. L Cayuga History: Early chapters of. Jesuit Missions in Goi-o-gouen, 1656- '84. Also, an account of the Sulpitian Mission among the emigrant Cayugas about Quinte Bay, in 1668. By Charles Hawley, D.D. With an Introduction by John Gilmary Shea, LL. D. Map. 8^. Auburn, N. Y., 1879. 24. 4. IL Charleston, 1863. Engineer and Artillery operations against the Defenses of Charleston Harbor in 1863. By Maj. Gen. Q. A. Gillmore, Major of Engi- neers. 76 pi. and views. 2P. pp.354. New York, 1865. 17.6.7. [Professional Papers No. 16, Corps of Engineers, U. S. A,] Chase (Samuel). His life. John Sanderson's American Biography. Vol. IX. 80. Philadelphia, 1834. 2. 5. 23. Chevalier (Michael). Obituary notice of. By Moncure Robinson. 8°. 1880. {Misc. Pamph., vol. ix.J 31. 2. 9. Civil War in-the United States, 1861-65. [A series of maps of Campaigns, Battlefields, etc., prepared under the direction of officers of the Corps of Engineers, U. S. A.] 3 portfoUos. v. d. Cases 52 & 58. Contents. Armies of the Potomac and James, (In sets.) Army of Virginia, under General John Pope. Army of the Tennessee. Routes followed under General Grant. Atlanta : Siege of. Atlanta Campaign. 3 sheets. Big Black River Bridge, Miss. Blakely. Charleston City and Harbor. Chattanooga : Battlefield of. , Columbus, Ky. : Fortifications at. Corinth and Monterey. Fort Sumter at the time of its capture. Fort Fisher and vicinity. 2 sheets. Franklin, Tenn : Battlefield of. Fisher's Hill and Cedar Creek, Va. Fort Henry. Plan. Fort Donelson. Plan. Gauley Bridge. General Grant's campaigns, Virginia. General Thomas's campaigns. General Sherman's marches. 284 HISTOEY AND BIOGEAPHY, ETC. HISTORY AND BIOGEAPHY, ETO. 286 Civil War. Corps of Engineers. Civil War in the United States, 1861-'65: Battle-field maps continued. Gettysburg. 3 sheets. Hagerstown, Falling Waters, &c. Harper's Ferry, Va. Island No. 10, and New Madrid. Knoxville, Tenn., and approaches and defenses of. Mobile. Confederate defenses. — — Mobile. Defenses of the city. Nashville : Battlefields in front of. Peninsula campaign. 3 sheets. Port Hudson and vicinity. Roanoke Island : Battlefield of. Spanish Fort, Mobile Bay. Siege operations. Shiloh Battlefield. South Mountain. Vicksburg, Miss. : Siege of. Waynesboro, Va. : Battlefield of. Washington : Forts and roads about. Winchester, Va. : Battlefields. Yorktown : Siege of. — Battlefields of Virginia. Chancellorsville, embracing operations of the Army of Northern Virginia, from the first battle of Fredericksburg to the death of Lieut. Gen. Jackson. By Jed. Hotchkiss and William Allen. Portrait and 5 maps. 8^. pp. 152. New York, 1867. 24. 2. 21. — Histoire de la Guerre Civile en Am^rique. Par M. le Comie de Paris. 4 vols., 8O; and 2 atlases, fol. Paris, i874-'75. 24. 2. 23-26. — [History of.] Geschichte des Biirgerkrieges in den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika, i86i-'65. Von Constantine Sander. Zweite Auflage, von F. Mangold. Vol. I. 8^. pp. 792. Frankfurt, 1876. 24. 2. 29. — Narrative of Military Operations during the late War between the States. By Joseph E. Johnston, General, C, S. A. PI. and maps. 8°. pp. 602. New York, 1874. 24. 2. 1. — Puissance Militaire des fitats-Unis d'Am^rique d'apr^s la Guerre de la Secession, 1861-65. Par F.-P. Vigo Rousillon. 7 pi., 3 maps. 8^. pp. ix, 468. Paris, 1866. 24. 2. 34. The "C. S. A." and the Battle of Bull Run. (A letter to an English friend.) By J. G. Barnard, Major of Engineers, Brig, Gen., etc., U. S.A, 5 maps. 80. pp. 124. New York, 1862. 24. 3. 37. Clark (Abraham). His Hfe. John Sanderson's American Biography. Vol. VI. 80. Philadelphia, 1824. 2. 6. 21. Columbia River. Message of the President of the United States, communi- cating letter of Mr. Prevost, and other documents relative to an establish- ment at the mouth of, January 27, 1823. 8°. pp. 65. Washington, 1823. 16. 2. 26. Corps of Engineers, United States Army. Historical Sketch of the Corps of Engineers, by Lieut. Col. Thomas L. Casey, and remarks upon its Organ- ization and Duties, by Gen. A. A. Humphreys, Chief of Engineers. 8°. pp. 43. Washington, 1876. 24. 4. 9. HISTORY AND BIOGEAPHT, ETO. Ui l llH il .H ' l l . I H»!I .JIMJt.M « HISTOEY AND BIOGEAPHY, ETO. 287 Crimean War. First Regiment. Crimean War. Rapport h I'Empereur par le Mar^chal Ministre de la Guerre, sur Tensemble des dispositions administratives auxquelles a donn6 lieu la Guerre d'Orient. 8o. pp. 58. Paris, 1856. 24. 3. 17. See also Delafield {Maj. R.). Art of War: 24. 3. 6. McClellan ( Gz//. George B.). Report: 24.6.22. Mordecai (J/^/'. Alfred). Report: 24. 6. 21. — See also Sebastopol. Danzig. Relation de la defense de Danzig, en 18 13, par le 10™® Corps de I'Armee Fran9aise. Par P.-H. D'Artois, Capitaine du Genie, Text and plan. 2 vols. 80. Paris, 1820. 16. 4. 35-36. Daussy {M. Pierre). Notice sur la Vie et les Travaux de. Par M, de la Ro- quette. 8°. pp. 27. Paris, 1861. 16. 2. 23. Destruction and Reconstruction. Personal experiences of the late War. By ^\Qhax6.T2iy\ox J Lieut, Gen, in the Confederate Army. BP, pp.274. New York, 1879. 24. 2. 6. Dictionnaire universel d'Histoire et de G^ographie. Par M. N. Bouillet. 20™® 6d. 8°. pp. iv, 2040. Paris, 1866. 5. 2. 14. District of Columbia. Chorographical and Statistical description. [By D. B. Warden.] 8°. pp. vii, 212. Paris, 181 6. 1. 5. 27. ^cole Polytechnique (L'Ancienne). Par M. Arago. 8°. pp. 44. Paris, 1855. 24. 4. 7. ill^ments d'Art et d'Histoire Militaires. Par Frof, Ed. De la Barre Duparcq. 80 pp. 401. Paris, 1858. 6. 3. 4. The same. Translated from the French and edited by Brig, Gen, George W. CuUum. 80. pp. 556. New York, 1863. 6. 3. 3. EUery (William). His life. John Sanderson's American Biography. Vol. IX. 80. Philadelphia, 1834. 2. 5. 23. Etudes d'Histoire Militaire d'apres la m6thode appliqu6e. Par Verdy du Vernois, General-Major, 160. pp. 187. Paris, 1877. 6. 3. 38 Farragut (David Glasgow), First Admiral of the United States Navy. The Life of, embodying his journal and letters. By his son, Loyall Farragut. Portraits, maps, and illus. 8°. pp. vi, 586. New York, 1879. 24. 2. 8. Fifteen decisive Battles of the World, from Marathon to Waterloo. By E. S. Creasy, M. A. 12O. pp. 364. New York, 1877. 24. 3. 25. First Regiment of Artillery, U. S. A. The History of, from its organization in 182 1, to January i, 1876. To which is added a series of communica- tions from Officers now or formerly of the Regiment, giving their per- sonal reminiscenses of services with it. By Bvt, Maj, William L. Haskin, U.S,A, 80. pp. xvi, 668. Portland, Me., 1879. 24.4.22. 288 HISTORY AND BIOGEAPHY, ETO. HISTORY AND BIOGEAPHY, ETO. 289 Five Forks. Franklin, Five Forks, (Va.). \ Battle of.] An account of the operations of the 5th Army Corps, commanded by Major-General G. K. Warren, at the Battle of Five Forks, April i, 1865, and the Battles and Movements preliminary to it. By G. K. Warren, late Major-General Volunteers. Map. 8°. pp. 53. New York, 1866. 24. 2. 36. Florida. The War in : Being an exposition of its Causes, and an accurate History of the Campaigns of Generals CHnch, Gaines, and Scott. By a late Staff Officer. Map. 12O. pp. 184. Baltimore, 1836. 24. 3. 34. Campaign, 1836. Proceedings of the Military Court of Inquiry in the case of Maj. Gen. Scott and Maj. Gen. Gaines [on failure of the Florida Campaign in 1836]. 8°. pp.734. [Washington, 1837.] 2. 5. 14. and Louisiana, 1814-15. Historical Memoir of the War in West Florida and Louisiana in 18 14 and 181 5. With an atlas. By Maj» A. La- carriere Latour. Translated from the French by H. P. Nugent. 8^. pp. 189. Philadelphia, 181 6. 24. 5. 26. Fort Monroe, (Va.). Information obtained from the Records of the Engineer Department and other Official Sources in relation to the History of, etc., by J. W. Kirkley, Clerk in Adjutant- GeneraPs Office. 8°. pp. 18. Washington, 1875. [Misc. Pamph., vol. xv.J 31. 2. 15. Forts Sumter and Moultrie, in 1860-61. Reminiscences of. By Bvt. Maj, Gen. Abner Doubleday, U. S. A. 12O. pp. 184. New York, 1876. 24. 2. 35. Franco-Austrian War, 1796. Memoire Militaire sur Kehl, contenant la rela- tion du passage du Rhin par I'Armee de Rhin et Moselle, an IV. Par le Citoyen Dedon I'atne. Maps. 8°. pp. 124. Strasbourg, 1797. 16. 4. 33. Pr6cis historique des Campagnes de I'Arm^e de Rhin et Moselle, pen- dant Tan IV et Tan V. Par le Citoyen Dedon Paine. Plan. 8°. pp. 279. Paris, n. d. 16. 4. 33. Franco-German War, 1870-71. Historical diary of the War between France and Germany, 1870-71. By H. Allnutt. Map. 16°. pp. viii, 416. London, [1871]. 16. 2. 17. Record and Historical Map of the War between France and Germany, showing routes of the Armies, situation of the Battles [etc.]. By H, Allnutt. 80, folded. London, [1871]. 16.2.18. La Guerre Franco-AUemande de 1870-71. R^digee par la section historique du Grand fitat-Major Prussien. Traduction par E. Costa De Serda. Maps and plans. 18 vols. 8°. Berlin, 1872-81. 2 copies, 16. 3. 22-39. Franklin (Benj.). His life. John Sanderson's American Biography. Vol. II. 80. Philadelphia, 1823. 2. 5. 19. 37 690 HISTORY AND BIOGEAPHY, ETO. HISTORY AND BIOGEAPHY, ETO. 29i French Revolution. Italian Campaign. French Revolution. Tableau historique de la Guerre de la Revolution de France, depuis son commencement en 1792, jusqu'^ la fin de 1794. [Anon.] 2 vols., 4°; and atlas, fol. Paris, 1808. 16. 4. 1-2. Georgetown, D. C. Chronicles of, from 1751 to 1878. By Richard P. Jack- son. 12O. pp. 350. Washington, 1878. 24. 4. 12. Gerona [Spain]. Abriss der Geschichte des Kampfes um Gerona im Jahre 1809, Von H. F. von SchoU. 8^. pp. 47. [1865.] [Mtsc, Pamph., vol. x.] 31. 2. 10. Gerry (Elbridge). His life. John Sanderson's American Biography. Vol. VIII. 80. Philadelphia, 1824. 2. 6. 22. Gettysburg. [Battle, July, 1863.] The Right Flank at Gettysburg. An ac- count of the operations of General Gregg's Cavalry command. By Wm. Brook Rawle. Map. 8^. pp. 24. Philadelphia, 1878. [Misc. Pamph.^ vol. iv.] 31. 2. 4, Gibraltar. Militarisch-Historische Skizze. Von H. F. von Scholl. 2 pi. 8°, pp.66. [1867.] [Misc. Pa1nph.,yQ\.^^^ 31.2.10. Great Campaigns. (Europe, 1 796-1 870.) A succinct account of the princi- pal Military Operations which have taken place in Europe from 1796 to 1870. By Maj, C. Adams. Edited by Capt, C. Cooper King. Maps. 80. pp. X, 634. London, 1877. 24. 3. 23. Hancock (John). His life. John Sanderson's American Biography. Vol. I. 80 Philadelphia, 1823. 2. 5. 18. Harrison (Benj.). His life. John Sanderson's American Biography. Vol. VIII. 80. Philadelphia, 1824. 2. 6. 22. Hart (John). His life. John Sanderson's American Biography. Vol. IX. 8^. Philadelphia, 1834. 2. 6. 23. Henry (Joseph). A Memorial of Joseph Henry. Published by order of Con- gress. Portrait. 80. pp. 528. Washington, 1880. 24. 5. 28. Historical Manuscripts. [British.] Reports (ist to 7th, inclusive) of the Royal Commission on Historical Manuscripts. 10 vols. fol. London, 1870-78. 47. 4. 1-10. [British Parliamentary Papers.] Hopkins (Stephen). His life. John Sanderson's American Biography. Vol. VI. 80. Philadelphia, 1824. 2. 6. 21. Hopkinson (Francis). His life. John Sanderson's American Biography. Vol. II. 8°. Philadelphia, 1823. 2. 6. 19. Humboldt. Notice sur la Vie et les Travaux de M. le Baron A. de Hum- boldt. By M. de la Roquette. 40. pp. %^. Paris, i860. 24. 6. 3. Italian Campaign, 1859. Campagne de I'Empereur Napoleon III en Italie, 1859. Redigee au D^pot de la Guerre d'apr^s les documents officiels, ^tant directeur le General Blondel, sous le Ministere de son Excellence le Marcchal Comte ^■QXi^oxi. i86o-'6i. 2nded. 4°, pp. 385 ; and atlas, fol. 2 vols. Paris, 1863. 47. 3. 41, 292 HISTOEY AND BIOGEAPHY, ETC. HISTOEY AND BIOGRAPHY, ETO. 293 Italic en i860. Lee. Italie en 1860. fisquisse des 6v^nements Militaires et Politiques. Par Ferdi- nand Lecompte. Maps. 8^. pp. 286. Paris, 1861. 24. 4. 8. Italy. Histoire des R^publiques Italiennes du Moyen Age. Par J. C. L. Si- monde Sismondi. 11 vols. 80 Paris, 1809-'! 5. 16.4.12-22. 1796-97 and 1800. Vues des Champs de Bataille de Napoleon en Italie dans les ann^es 1796, 1797 et 1800. Atlas, fol. Paris, 1837. 62. 6. 1. 1860-64. II Genio nella Campagna d'Ancona e della Bassa Italia, 1860-64. Map. 40. pp. 439. Torino, 1864. 6. 5. 48. Histoire des Guerres d'ltalie traduite de I'ltalien de Francisco Guic- ciardini. Tome premier, 1490-1508. Tome second, i5o8-'2 2. Tome troisi^me, i52 2-'34. 3 vols. 4°. London, 1738. 16. 4. 3-5. Johnston (Albert Sidney). Life of Gen. Albert Sidney Johnston, embracing his services in the Armies of the United States, the Republic of Texas, and the Confederate States. By Wm. Preston Johnston. lUus. 8°. pp. xviii, 755. New York, 1878. 24. 2. 2. Jones (John Paul). Life and Character of the Chevalier John Paul Jones, a Captain in the Navy of the United States during the Revolutionary War. By J. H. Sherburne. Portrait. 8°. pp. viii, 387. Washington, 1825. 24. 4. 26. Journals (The) of Lieut. John L. Hardenbergh, of the Second New York Continental Regiment, from May i to October 3, 1779, in General Sulli- van's Campaign against the Western Indians. By Gefi. John S. Clark. Also, a Biographical Sketch by Rev, Charles Hawley, Z>. D, 2 maps. 80. Auburn, N. Y., 1879. 24. 4. 10. Kennebunk {Me.). History of Kennebunk-port from its first discovery by Bartholomew Gosnold, May 14, 1602, to 1837. ^X C. Bradbury. PI. 12°. pp. 301. Kennebunk, 1837. 1. 5. 22. Kentucky. A History of the Commonwealth of. By Mann Butler. Por- trait. 8°. pp. xi, 396. Louisville, Ky., 1834. 1. 5. 21. Lee (Francis Lightfoot). His life. John Sanderson's American Biography. Vol. IX. 80. Philadelphia, 1834. 2. 6. 23. Lee (Richard Henry). His life. John Sanderson's American Biography. Vol. IX. 80. Philadelphia, 1834. 2. 6. 23. Lee (Robert E.). Four years with General Lee; being a summary of the important Events touching the career of General Robert E. Lee in the War between the States [etc.]. By Walter H. Taylor. 8°. pp. 199. New York, 1878. 24. 2. 4. Personal Reminiscences, Anecdotes, and Letters of Gen. Robert E. Lee. By Rev. J. William Jones, D. JD. 8°. pp. xvi, 509. New York, 1874. 24. 2. 3. Popular Life of Gen. Robert Edward Lee, By Emily V. Mason. 2d ed. 12°. pp. xi, 432. Baltimore, 1872. ^ 24. 2. 5. 294 HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY, ETO. HISTOEY AND BIOGEAPHY, ETO. 296 Lewis. Mobile Bay. Lewis (Francis). His life. John Sanderson's American Biography. Vol. VI. 8o. Philadelphia, 1824. 2. 5. 21. Living Officers of the U. S. Navy and Marine Corps. Records of. By Lewis R. Hamersly. 3rd ed. 8^. pp. 403. Philadelphia, 1878. 2 copies. 17. 2. 4. Lynch (Thos.,yr.). His life. John Sanderson's American Biography. Vol. V. 80. Philadelphia, 1823. 2. 5. 20. McKean (Thos.). His life. John Sanderson's American Biography. Vol. VI, 80. Philadelphia, 1824. 2. 5. 21. Meade (George G.). Le General Georges Gordon Meade. Par V. de Cha- nal. 80. 1872. [Misc. Pamph.^ vol. ix.] 31. 2. 9. Address on the Military Services of the late Maj. Gen. George Gordon Meade, U. S. Army. By Bvt. MaJ. Gen, A. A. Humphreys. 8^. 1872. [Misc. Pamph., vol. ix.J 31. 2. 9. Memoires et Lettres de Henri Due de Rohan, sur la Guerre de la ValteHne, Portrait. 3 vols. 160. Geneva, 1758. 16. 1. 39-41. Mexico and the Battle of Buena Vista. Recollections of. By Gen. H. W. Benham, U. S. A. 8^. pp. 27. Boston, 187 1. 24. 3. 16 Middleton (Arthur). His Hfe. John Sanderson's American Biography. Vol. VI. 80. Philadelphia, 1824. 2. 5. 21. Military Biography. Essays in. By Col. C. C. Chesney, Royal Engineers. 12°. pp. vi, 398. New York, 1874. 24. 4. 27. Contents. Grant, Lee, Farragut, Porter. A Northern Raider in the Civil War. De Fezensac's Recollec- tions of the Grand Army. Henry von Brandt (a German soldier of the First Empire). Corn- wallis and the Indian services. A Carolina loyalist in the Revolutionary War. Chinese Gordon and the Taiping Rebellion. Military Record of Civilian Appointments in the United States Army. By Guy V. Henry, U. S. A, 2 vols. 8°. New York, 1871-73. 17. 2. 5-6. Mississippi River. Engagements on. Capture of Forts Jackson and St. Philip, and the city of New Orleans; the destruction of the Rebel Flotilla, etc. PI. and map. 8^. pp. 107. [Sefiate Ex. Doc. 56, 37//^ Cong.^ 2d Sess.) Washington, 1862. 24. 2. 20. Mobile. History of the Campaign of, including the cooperative Operations of Gen. Wilson's Cavalry in Alabama. By Bvt. Maj. Gen. C. C. Andrews. Maps and illus. 8°. pp. 367. New York, 1867. 24. 2. 13. Mobile Bay. Battle of, and Capture of Forts Powell, Gaines, and Morgan, by the combined Sea and Land Forces of the United States under Rear- Admiral Farragut and Major-General Granger, August, 1864. By Cotn- modore F. A. Parker, U. S. N. Charts. ?P. pp. 136. Boston, 1878. 24. 2. 12. 296 mSTOEY AND BIOaEAPHY, ETO. HISTOEY AND BIOaEAPHY, ETO. W Modoc Indian War. North Carolina. Modoc Indian War, 1872-73. Correspondence and papers relative to the War with the Modoc Indians in Southern Oregon and Northern Cali- fornia, during the years 1872 and 1873. {If, R. Ex, Doc, 122,43^ Cong,^ isf Sess.) 80. pp. 330. Washington, 1874. 24. 3. 36. Montgomery (Richard). Biographical sketch of Maj. Gen. Richard Mont- gomery of the Continental Army. By Bvi, Maj. Gen, Geo. W. CuUunx, U, S. A. 80 1876. {Misc. Pamph., vol. ix.] ' 31. %, 9. Morris (Lewis). His Ufe. John Sanderson's American Biography. Vol. IX- 80. Philadelphia, 1834. 2. 5. 23. Morris (Robert). His life. John Sanderson's American Biography. Vol. V. 80. Philadelphia, 1823. 2. 6. 20. Morton (John). His life. John Sanderson's American Biography. Vol. VL $0. Philadelphia, 1824. 2. 6. 21. Navy of the United States (The), from the commencement, 1775, to 1853; with a brief History of each Vessel's service and fate as appears upon record [etc.]. By George F. Emmons, Lieutenant U, S, N, 4^, Washington, 1853. 23. 6. 2* Contents, Ocean Navy of the U. S., no longer in service, etc. Lake Navy of the U. S., no longer in service, etc. Gunboats, Barges, and Surf -boats, no longer in service, etc. Navy of the U. S., still in service, etc. Revenue and Coast Survey vessels still in service. Steam Navy of the U. S. U. S. Mail and other ocean steamers. Captures by the U. S. Navy, in the order of date— Revolutionary War. Captures by the U. S. Navy, in order of date, during the French War. Captures of Vessels of War by the U, S. Navy during the last War with Great Britain. Captures by the U. S. Navy, in the order of date— last War with Great Britain. Captures by the U. S. Navy, in the order of date— Piratical. Captures by the U. S. Navy, in order of date, during the War with Mexico, Services, etc., of the present Navy. Colonial Armed Vessels, and their captures, etc. Private Armed Vessels, and their captures from 1776 to 1783. Private Armed Vessels, and their captures during the War with Great Britain, i8ia to 1815. Dates of interesting nautical events, etc. Administration of the Navy Department, Historical and Comparative. (U. S.) and Marine Corps. Records of living Officers of By Lewis R. Hamersly. 3d ed. 8°. pp.403. Philadelphia, 1878. 2 copies, 17.2.4. New Mexico and California. An historical and personal narrative of the Con- quest of By P. St. George Cooke, Brig, and Bvt, Maj, Gen.^ U, S, A, Map. 12O. pp. 307. New York, 1878. 24. 3. 26. NordenskiOld. Adolf- Erik Nordenskiold. Par James Jackson, Secretaire de la Societe de Geographie pour id>T()-^o, 8°. pp. i6. Paris, 1 880. [Misc» Pamph,, vol. ix.j 31. 2. 9. North Carolina. Historical Sketches of, from 1584 to 185 1. By /ohn H. Wheeler. lUus. Two vols, in one. 8^ pp. 138 and 480. Phila- delphia, 1851. 24.3. 27, 33 296 mSTOEt AND BIOGRAPHY, ^Em mSTOEY AND BIOGRAPHY, ETO. 299 Nova Scotia. Peninsular Campaign. Nova Scotia. Historical and Statistical Account of. By Thomas C. Halibur- ton. 2 vols. 8o. Halifax, 1829. 2. 5. 41-42.J Oregon. [A collection of Documents relating to.] In i vol. 8°. Washing-j' ton, 1822 to 1843. 20. 1. 4.! Contents. 1. Report of the Select Committee appointed to inquire into the expediency of occupying the I Columbia River, and to regulate the intercourse with the Indian Tribes, pp. i8. January, 1822. 2. Message, in relation to claims set up by Foreign Governments, to territory of the United States upon the Pacific Ocean, pp. 38. April, 1822. 3. Message, communicating the letter of Mr. Prevost, and other documents relating to an estab- lishment made at the mouth of the Columbia River, pp. 56. January, 1823. 4. Exploration of the Northwest Coast, pp. 26. January, 1826. 5. Message, transmitting the correspondence with the British Government, in relation to the boundary of the United States on the Pacific Ocean, pp. 26. 1826. 6. Establishment of Military Posts, Exploration, etc.. Northwest coast of America, pp. 22. May, 1826. 7. Claims of the United States, and Great Britain, to the territory west of the Rocky Mountains. pp. 17. March, 1828. 8. British establishments, and state of the Fur Trade on Colubima River, pp. 36. January ,1831. 9. Message, concerning the Fur Trade, and Inland Trade to Mexico, pp. 86. March, 1832. 10. Report on a Memorial for an Exploring Expedition to the Pacific Ocean and South Seas. pp. 42. February, 1835. 11. Memorial [and Report] of William A. Slacum. pp. 31. December, 1837. 12. Report on the Bill to occupy the Oregon Territory. Two maps. pp. 23. June, 1838. 13, 14. Report on the Territory of Oregon, and supplemental report. Map. pp. 51 and 61. Janu- ary, February, 1839. 15. Message, in relation to grants, by the British Government, of portions of Oregon Territory, pp. 4. January, 1843. The Oregon Territory, its History and Discovery; including an account of the Convention .of the Escurial, also, the Treaties and Nego- tiations between the United States and Great Britain [etc.]. [An answer to Greenhow's Oregon and California.] By Travers Twiss. 12°. pp. X, 264. New York, 1846. 1. 6. 49. ■ ^j Our Right and Title. By Wyndham Robertson,//*. 8°. pp. 11; 203, xxiv. Washington, 1846. 20. 1. 5.; and California, and the other Territories of the Northwest Coast ot North America. History of, accompanied by a Geographical View and map of those Countries and a number of Documents as proofs and illus- trations of the History. By Robert Greenhow. 2d ed. 8^. pp. xviii, 492, Boston, 1845. 24. 1. 30. Paca (William). His life. John Sanderson's American Biography. Vol. VIH. 80. Philadelphia, 1834. 2. 5. 22. Paine (Robert Treat). His life. John Sanderson's American Biography. Vol. II. 80. Philadelphia, 1823. 2. 6. 19. Pampelune, St.-S6bastiaii et L6rida. Relation des operations de TArtillerie Fran9aise en 1823, au Si6ge de Pampelune, et devant Saint-Sebastien et L^rida. Plans. 8^. pp.112. Paris, 1835. 24.3.27. Peninsular Campaign (The) and its antecedents as developed by the Report of Maj. Gen. George B. McClellan, and other published Documents. By Brig» Gen, J. G. Barnard, Lieut, CoL Corps of Engineers. Map. 8°. pp. 96. New York, 1864. 24. 2. 18. 300 mSTOET AND BIOGMPHT, ETO. HISTORY ASD MOGEAPHY, ETO. 301 Peninsular War. Russia. Peninsular War, 1807-14. History of the War in the Peninsula and in the South of France from 1807 to 1814. By W. F. P. Napier, C B, [etc.], 3d ed. 6 vols. SO. London, i835-'4o. 24. 1. 6-11. Journaux des Sieges faits ou soutenus par les Fran9ais dans la P^nin- sule, de 1807 ^ 18 14. Par J, Belmas. 4 vols. 8°. Paris, 1836. 16. 4. 23-2a Penn (John). His life. John Sanderson's American Biography. Vol. VI. 80. Philadelphia, 1824. 2. 5. 2L Pennsylvania. Martial Deeds of. By Samuel P. Bates. lUus. 8°. pp, 1 1 16. Philadelphia, 1876. 24. 5. 24 Polish Revolution. History of, and|the events of the Campaign. By Major Joseph Hordynski. 8°. pp. xii, 428. Boston, 1833. ^' ^' ^^ Portugal, 1810-11. Campagne de I'Arm^e Frangaise en Portugal, 1810-11. Par M. A. D. L. G., Officier Superieur employe dans V ^tat-Major de ceite Armee. 8°. pp. 222. Paris, 181 5. 24. 4. 36L Prisoners. Treatment of, during the War between the States. (Southern Historical Papers, Vol. I, No. 3.) 8°. pp.224. Richmond, 1876. \Misc, Pamph,, vol. iv.] 31. 2. 4. of War. Narrative of privations and sufferings of United States Officers and Soldiers while Prisoners of War in the hands of the Rebel Authorities. Being the report of a Commission of Inquiry. 8°. pp. 283, Philadelphia, 1864. 42. 4. 22; Rebellion Record. A Diary of American Events, with Documents, Narratives^ illustrative Incidents, Poetry, etc. Edited by Frank Moore. 12 vols; 80. New York, i862-'7i. 24. 5. 12-2a Reynolds (John F.). Addresses delivered before the Historical Society of Pennsylvania upon the occasion of the presentation of a Portrait of Maj. Gen. John F. Reynolds. Map and portrait. 8^. pp. 95. Philadelphia, 1880. 24. 4. 40. Rodney (Caesar). His life. John Sanderson's American Biography. Vol. VIII. 80. Philadelphia, 1824. 2. 6. 22. Ross (George). His life. Joh n Sanderson's American Biography. Vol. VIII. 80. Philadelphia, 1834. _ 2. 5. 22. Royal Sappers and Miners. History of the Corps of. By T. W. J. Con- nolly, Quariermast s. 17 illus. 2 vols. 8°. Lon- don, 1855. 24. 4. 2-3. Russia. Historical Account of the Operations of the Russian Military Topo- graphical Corps, 1822-72. (In the Russian language.) %^, St. Peters- burg, 1872. 24. 6. 15. Report on the Russian Army and its Campaigns in Turkey in 1877-78. By F. V. Greene, First Lieut, Corps of Engineers^ U, S. A, 26 illus. 2 vols. 80. New. York, 1879. 24, 3. 14-15 802 HISTOEY AND BIOGEAPHY, ETO. HISTOEY AND BIOaEAPHY, ETO. 808 Russia. South America. JRussia. Sketches of Army Life in Russia. By LieuU F. V. Greene, Corps of I Engineers^ U, S, A,^ late Military Attache [etc.], 12O. pp.326. New j York, 1880. 24. 3. 35^ jSanders (John). Memoir of the Life and Services of Captain and Brevet I Major John Sanders, of the Corps of Engineers, U. S. Army. By Lieut* \ James St. C. Morton, Corps of Engineers, 8^. pp. 60. Pittsburgh, 1861. 24.4.39. San Francisco. Presidio of. By Major George H. Elliot, Corps of Engineers, U. S, A, 120. pp. 29. Washington, 1874. 24.4.32. {Bound with Concep9ion de Arguello. By Bret Harte.] Sebastopol. General Todleben's History of the Defense of Sebastopol, 1854-56. A Review by William Howard Russell. 12^, pp.274. New York, 1855. 24. 3. 31. Si6ge de : Journal des Operations du G^nie. Par le Gineral Niel. 40. pp. 598, and atlas fol. Paris, 1858. 24. 3. 5. Journal of the Operations conducted by the Corps of Royal Engi- neers, 1854-55. Part I. By Captain H. C Elphinstone, R, E, Part II. By Major-General Sir Harry D. Jones, R. E. [And] An account of the Artillery Operations, compiled by W. Edmund M. Reilly, C. B,, Royal Artillery, 3 vols. 4°, and 20 pi. in case. London, 1859. 24. 3. 1-4. Seven Years' War in Germany, 1 756-' 63. Nouveaux M^moires Historiques sur la Guerre de Sept Ans. Par M. de Retzow. 2 vols. 8°. Paris, 1803. 1®- 4. 29-30. Geschichte des siebenjahrigen Krieges in Deutschland, zwischen dem Konige von Preussen und der Kaiserin-Konigin mit ihren AUiirten, vom General \XoyA, Six parts in 3 vols. 4°. Berlin, 1794. 16. 4. 6-8. Sherman (W. T.). Memoirs of General William T. Sherman. By himself. 2 vols. Map. 80. pp. 405 and 409. New York, 1875. 24. 2. 27-28. Sieges in Spain. Journals of 'the Sieges undertaken by the Allies in Spain in the years 1811-12. With notes, '^y Lieut, Col, John T. Jones, ^^ja/ Engineers. PL 8°. pp. 371. London, 18 14. 24. 4. 37. Journals of Sieges carried on by the Army under the Duke of Wel- lington in Spain between the years 181 1 and 1814. With notes. By Col, John T. Jones, Royal Engineers, 2 vols. 8^. London, 1827. 24. 4. 34-55. Sixth Corps. Three Years in the Sixth Corps, with a concise Narrative of Events in the Army of the Potomac from 1861 to the close of the Rebel- lion, April, 1865. By George T. Stevens. 2d ed. Portraits and illus. 12O. pp. 449. New York, 1870. 24. 2. 33. South America. Historical and descriptive Narrative of twenty years' resi- dence in South America. Containing Travels in Arauco, Chile, Peru, and Columbia [etc.]. By W. B. Stevenson. PI, 3 vols. 8°. London, 1829. 24. 4. 15-1.7 304 HISTOEY AKD BIOGEAPHY, ETG. HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY, ETC. 305 South America. Totten. South America. Vues de Cordilleres, et Monumens des peuples indigenes de TAmerique. Par F. H. Alex, von Humboldt et Aime Bonpland. 66 pi. fol. pp. 304. Paris, 1810. 53. 25. Spectateur Militaire (Le). Recueil de Science, d'Art et d'Histoire Militaires. I** serie, 1826, a 4® serie, 1880. 157 vols. 8°. Paris, 1826-80. [Cur- rent.] Case 11. Stone (Thomas). His life. John Sanderson's American Biography. Vol. IX. 80. Philadelphia, 1834. 2. 5. 23. Syria. [War in, 1840-41.] Abriss der Geschichte des Krieges i84o-'4i in Syrien. Von H. F. von Scholl. PI. and plans. 8°. pp. 90. Wien, 1866. [Misc. Pamph., vol. x.] 31. 2. 10. Taylor (George). His life. John Sanderson's American Biography. Vol. IX. 80. Philadelphia, 1834. 2. 5. 23. Telford (Thomas). Life of. Containing a descriptive Narrative of his pro- fessional labors, written by himself. 83 pi. 2 vols. 4° and fol. Lon- don, 1838. 24. 6. 1. Texas: Her Resources and her Public Men. By J. De Cordova. 12^. pp. 375. Philadelphia, 1858. 1. 5. 14. and its late military occupation and evacuation. By Capt. Edwin D. Phillips, 12th Infant? y, U. S. A. 8°. pp. 35. New York, 1862. 24. 3. 28. History of, from its first settlement in 1685, to its annexation to the United States in 1846. By H. Yoakum. 2 pi. and 2 maps. 8°. pp. 482 and 576. New York, 1856. 24. 1. 28-29. The rise, progress, and prospects of the Republic of. By William Kennedy. 2 maps. 2 vols. 8°. London, 1841. 24. 1. 26-27. Thirty Years' View ; or, A History of the working of the American Govern- ment for thirty years, from 1820 to 1850. By a Senator of thirty years [Thomas H. Benton.] Portrait. 2 vols. 8°. New York, 1854. 24.4.30-31. Thirty Years' War. Histoire de la Guerre de Trente Ans. Par Johann Chris- toph Friedrich von Schiller. Traduite de I'Allemand, par M. Ch 2 vols. 80. Paris, 1803. 16. 4. 27-28. Thornton (Matthew). His life. John Sanderson's American Biography. Vol. V. 80. Philadelphia, 1823. 2. 5. 20. Torgau. Relation de la Defense par les Troupes Frangaises, en 181 5. Par L' Lieut. Col. du Genie Augoyat. Plan. 8°. pp. 72. Paris, 1840. 24. 3. 29. Totten (Joseph G.). Eulogy on the late Bvt. Maj. Gen. Joseph G. Totten. By J. G. Barnard, A. M., LL. D., Colonel of Engineers, U. S. A. 8°. pp. 38. Washington, 1866. 24. 4. 28. In Memoriam : Joseph Gilbert Totten. By Benjamin Ellis Martin. 80. pp. 8. New York, 1866. 24. 4. 28. 39 306 HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY, ETO. HISTOKY AND BIOaRAPHY, ETC. 307 Transvaal Republic. Waterloo. Transvaal Republic. Correspondence respecting the War between the Trans- vaal Republic and neighboring Native Tribes ; and generally with refer- ence to Native Affairs in South Africa. 2 maps. fol. pp. xv. 255. Lon- don, 1877. 47. 5. 48. [British Parliamentary Paper.] Trial of the British Soldiers of the 29th Regiment of Foot, for the murder of Crispus Attucks, Samuel Gray, Samuel Maverick, James Caldwell, and Patrick Carr, on Monday evening, March 5, 1770, before the Honorable Benjamin Lynde, John Cushing, Peter Oliver, and Edmund Trowbridge, esquires. Justices of the Superior Court of Judicature, Court of Assize, and general Gaol Delivery, held at Boston, by adjournment, November 27, 1770. 12°. pp. 146. Boston, 1824. 2. 5. 16. Twelve decisive Battles of the War. A History of the Eastern and Western Campaigns in relation to the actions that produced their issue. By Wil- ham Swinton. Portraits. 8^. pp. 520. New York, 1867. 24. 2. 14. United States. Biographical Annals of the Civil Government of, during its first century. By Charles Lanman. 8°. pp.676. Washington, 1876. 5.2.6. Political and Civil History of, from the year 1763 to the close of the administration of President Washington, in March, 1797 : Including a summary view of the Political and Civil State of the North American Colonies, prior to that period. By Timothy Pitkin. 2 vols. 8^. New Haven, 1828. 16. 2. 21-22. State of the Union : Being a complete Documentary History of the Public Affairs of the United States, Foreign and Domestic, for the year 1854. 80. pp. 475. Washington, 1855. 42. 3. 35. War Department of the United States. History of, with Biographical Sketches of the Secretaries. By L. D. Ingersoll. 2 pi. 8'^. pp. xiii, 613. Washington, 1879. ^' ^' ^• War of 1812-'15. Diagrams and Plans illustrative of the principal Battles and Mihtary Affairs treated of in Memoirs of my own times. By James Wilkinson, /a^e a Major-General in the sendee of the United States. 4°. Philadelphia, 1816. 24. 3. 8. Campaigns of, against Great Britain, sketched and criticised, with brief Biographies of the American Engineers. By Bvt, Maj, Gen. George W. Cullum, Col. Corps of Engineers, U. S. A., Retired, lllus. 8^. pp. 412. New York, 1879. 24. 3. 22. Washington (George). Fac-Simile of Washington's accounts from June, 1775, to June, 1783. fol. Washington, 1833. 23. 6. 3. Waterloo. Political and Military History of the Campaign of. By Gen. Baron de Jomini. Translated from the French by Capt. S. V. Benet, Ordnance Department^ U. S. A. 3d ed. 12^. pp. 227. New York, 1864. 24. 3. 32. 308 HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY, ETC. HISTOEY AND BIOaRAPHY, ETC. 309 Waterloo. Wythe. Waterloo. Memoires pour servir t\ I'histoire de France en 1815. Avec le plan de la Bataille de Mont-Saint- Jean. 80. pp. 2^6. Paris, 1820. 24. 4. 13. Webster (Daniel). Obituary Addresses on the occasion of the death of Daniel Webster. 8°. pp. 86. Washington, 1853. 24. 4. 29. Wellington (Arthur Wellesley, Du^e of.) The Dispatches of, during his various Campaigns in India, Denmark, Portugal, Spain, The Low Coun- tries, and France, from 1799 to 1818. Compiled from official and au- thentic documents, by Lieut, Col. Gurwood. With index vol. 13 vols. 80. London, i837-'39. 24. 1. 13-24. Divisions. Vol.I-III. — India. Campaigns of 1799 in Mysore. Vol. IV-XI. — Peninsula and South of France. Vol. XII.— The Low Countries, Waterloo, and Paris. The General Orders of, in Portugal, Spain, and France, from 1809 to 1814; in the Low Countries and France, in 1815 ; and in France, Army of Occupation, from 1816 to 181 8. Compiled by Lieut. Col. Gurwood. 8^. pp. Ixvi, 592. London, 1837. 24. 1. 12. West Point. History of, and its Military Importance during the American Revolution, and the origin and progress of the United States Military Academy. By Capt. Edward C. Boynton. 2>^ pi. 8^. pp. 408. New York, 1863. 28. 4. 30. The same. 2d ed. 8^. pp.416. New York, 187 1. 24.4.19. Sketch of the History and Topography of, and of the Military Acad- emy. By Roswell Park. 24°. pp.140. Philadelphia, 1840. 1.5.47. U. S. Military Academy. Biographical Register of the Officers and Graduates of, from 1802 to 1867. With a Supplement continuing the Register of Graduates to January, 1879. ^Y ^^'^- ^^- Gen. George W. CuUum. 3 vols. 8^. New York, 1879. 17. 2. 1-3. U. S. Military Academy. Biographical sketches of Deceased Gradu- ates of. By Bt. Maj. Gen. George W. Cullum. 8°. pp. 16. [Misc. Pamph., vol. ix.] 31. 2. 9. Whipple (William). His life. John Sanderson's American Biography. Vol. V. 80. Philadelphia, 1823. 2. 5. 20. Wilson (James). His life. John Sanderson's American Biography. Vol. VL 80. Philadelphia, 1824. 2. 5. 21. Witherspoon (John). His life. John Sanderson's American Biography. Vol. V. 80. Philadelphia, 1823. 2. 5. 20. Wythe (George). His life. John Sanderson's American Biography. Vol. n. 80. Philadelphia, 1823. 2. 5. 19. See also h.X2i.^o (Francois). CEuvres completes. 16. 2. 1-16. American State Papers. 18. 4. 1-21 310 HYDRAULIOS, WATER-SUPPLY, ETC. 12. HYDRAULICS, WATER-SUPPLY, IRRIGATION, SEWER- AGE, DRAINAGE, Etc. Dams (High masonry). By John B. McMaster, C. E, 18°. pp. 132. New York, 1876. 18. 1. 48. Drainage (House), and Water Service in Cities, Towns, and Rural Neighbor- hoods. With incidental considerations of causes affecting the Healthful- ness of Dwellings. By James C. Bayles. Illus. 8^. pp. 360. New York, 1878. 18." 2. 22. of Districts and Lands. Rudimentary Treatise on. By G. Drysdale Dempsey, C. E. 160. pp. 142. London, 1849. l®* ^' ^l- of the Bedford Level. The history of the drainage of the great Level of the Fens, called Bedford Level ; with the constitution and laws of the Bedford Level Corporation. 2 vols. 80. London, i828-'3o. 8.6.19-20. of Towns and Buildings. Rudimentary Treatise on, suggestive of Sanitary Regulations that would conduce to the health of an increasing population. By G. Drysdale Dempsey, C E. Cuts. i6<^. pp. 176. London, 1849. 18. 1. 32. (Sanitary), of Houses and Towns. By George E. Waring, jr.,. C. E. 120. pp.335. New York, 1876. 18.2.26. See also Sewerage. Draining (The) of Lake Fucino. An abridged Account by Messrs, Alex. Brisse and Leon de Rotrou, Engineers. Text French and English. 40, pp. 304, 304, and atlas fol. Rome, 1876. 8. 5. 29. Hydraulic and other Machines for raising Water, ancient and modern, etc. By Thomas Ewbank. Illus. 80 pp. xvi, 582. New York, 1842. 7.4.28. Experiments [Lowell J. Being a selection from experiments on Hy- draulic Motors, on the flow of Water over Weirs [etc. J. By James B. Francis, C E, 3d ed. revised and enlarged. 23 pi. imp 4°. pp. xi, 251. New York, 1871. 7.5.13. Engineering. (River and Harbor works, etc.) See Engineering: Civil. 311 312 HYDKAULIOS, WATER-SUPPLY, ETC. HYDBiULIOS, WATEE SUPPLY, ETC. 313 Hydraulics. Hydraulics. Hydraulics. Account of some Experiments made in 1823-24 for determining the quantity of Water flowing through different shaped Orifices. By Bryan Donkin. 40. [Misc. Pamph., vol. xiv.] 31. 2. 14. Die neuen Formeln fur die Bevvegung des Wassers in Kanalen und regel- miissigen Flussstrecken. Von W. R. Kutter. PI. 40. pp. 91. Wien, 187 1. {Mhc. Pamph., vol. xiv.] 31. 2. 14. A Treatise on, for the use of Engineers. By J. F. d'Aubisson de Voisins. Translated by Jos. Bennett, C. E. 5 pi. 8^. pp. xxiii, 532. Boston, 1852. 7. 4. 26. Handbuch der Wasserbaukunst. Von G. Hagen. 3 vols, in 5, 8° and atlas of pi. 40. Berlin, 1 869-'; i. 8.1.3-7. Contents. Vol. I. Atmospheric Precipitation and Evaporation ; Springs and Wells ; Water Conduits ; Drain- age and Irrigation ; Foundations (including Pneumatic Processes) ; Pile-driving ; Cribs ; Masonry ; Dredging ; Mortars and Cements. II. River Shore protection ; General Characteristics of Rivers ; Hydrometrical Obseivations ; Motion of Water in Rivers ; Nature of River Improvemen s ; Execution of Works of River Improvements ; Levees and Weirs ; Deepening of Channels ; Canals ; Locks ; Special Lock Constructions ; Dikes. III. General Phenomena of the Ocean ; Levees or Dikes on the Seacoast ; Protection of Sea- coast and Harbor Shores ; Regulation of Harbors; Harbor Mouths; Currents in har- bors; The Harbor of Pilau; Harbor Piers; Breakwaters; Inner harbors; Buoys, Light-houses, and Marine Signals. History of the Science of. By Prof. W. J. L. Nicodemus. (Tra?ts. Wisconsin Acad. Sciences, Arts, and Letters, vol. ii, 1 873-' 74.) 22. 2. 2. La Seine. Regime de la pluie, des sources, des eaux courantes. Par E. Belgrand. Map and profiles, 8^, and atlas, fol. Paris, 1873. 8. 3. 4. Le Mouvement des Eaux courantes, et la figure qu'il convient de donner aux Canaux qui les contiennent. Essai sur. Par P. S. Girard, Ingenieur en Chef des Ponts et Chaussees. PI. 40. pp. vii, 59. Paris, 1804. 7. 4. 4. Le Mouvement et la resistance des Fluides et la conduite et distribu- tion des Eaux. Legons sur, k I'ficole des Ponts et Chaussees. fol. pp. 102. [1839.] 7. 4. 1. New Formula for mean velocity of discharge of Rivers and Canals. By W. R. Kutter. Translated by Lowis d'A. Jackson. 2 pi. 8^. pp. X, 95, cxl. London, 1876. 7.4.33. — (Practical). A series of Rules and Tables for the use of Engineers, etc. By Thomas Box. PI. 12O. pp. 51. Philadelphia, 1868. — Recherches Hydrauliques. i"^® partie : Sur I'ficoulement de I'Eau dans les Canaux decouverts. 2'"*^ partie: Relatives aux remous et a la propagation des Ondes. Par M. H. Darcy, Inspecteur General des Ponts et Chaussees. Continuees par M. H. Bazin, Ingenieur des Ponts et Chaussees. Text. pp. XXX, 501, xviii, 152, and atlas. 2 vols. 40. Paris, 1865. 7. 4. 23-24. 40 314 HYDRAULICS, WATER-SUPPLY, ETC. HYDRAULTOS, WATER-SUPPLY, ETC. 315 Hydraulics. Irrigation. Hydraulics. Traite des Eaux. Manuel de I'Ingenieur des Fonts et Chaussees. Par A. Debauve, Inge'nieur des Fonts et Chaussees. 15'"^, 16™® et 17™® fascicules. Paris, 1875 and 1876. Tables des Matit-*-es. Premiere partie. Hydraulique ; Hydrodynamique ; I^coule de I'eau par des orifices i perinjfetre ; Ecoulement de I'eau par des orifices k perimf^tre non ferm^ ; Deversoirs ; Canaux ; Pressions reciproques des solides et de I'eau en mouvement; Jaugeage desjcours d'eau. pi. 8". pp. 123. 3. 4. 28. Deuxibme partie. Distribution d'eau ; Mouvement de I'eau dans les tuyaux ; Formules pratiques ; Quantite et qualite des eaux; Sources des puits ; Distributions d'eau par derivation; Distribu- tions d'eau par machines ^levatoires ; El($ments d'une distribution d'eau. ^^gouts. 8°. pp. 281 ; and atlas, 4°. 3. 4. 29 & 45- Troisii'me J>artie. M^teorologie ; Notions d'hydrologie ; Notions de chimie agricole. pi. 8°. pp.169. 3. 4. 30. See also Physics (The) and Hydraulics of the Mississippi River, by Humphreys and Abbot: [This group.] Hydraulique (Cours d'). Ecole des Ponts et Chaussees. Session i849-'5o. M.V>t\2.wg^x,Professeur. 4O. pp. 194. Paris, 1850. 2 copies, 7.5.36. Hydro-mechanics, A Treatise on. By W. H. Besant, F. R. S., Mathematical Lecturer of St. John's College, Cambridge, England. Diagrams. 8<^. pp. vii, 320. Cambridge [Eng.], 1877. 7. 4. 31. Hydrostatics (Elementary) By Thomas Besant,^!/. A., F. R. S. Cuts. 160 pp. viii, 223. Cambridge [Eng.], 1877. 7. 4. 46. Irrigation. Des Eaux en Agriculture. Manuel de I'Ingenieur des Ponts et Chaussees. Par A. Debauve, Inge'nieur des Fonts et Chaussees. 18"*® fasc. 8^, pp. 221 ; and atlas, 40. Paris, 1876. 3. 4. 31 & 46. Table des Matiires. Curage et dess^chements. Drainage. Irrigations. Colmatage. : in California. In Report of the State Engineer, 1880. 8. 1. 8. in India, Papers and Correspondence relating to, and Report on the Delta of the Godavery River, fol. 2 vols. [London], i85o-'7o. 47. 4. 13-14. [British Parliamentary Papers.] in India. The Cauvery, Kistnah, and Godavery. Being a report on the Works constructed on these rivers for the Irrigation of the Provinces of Tanjore, Guntoor, Masulipatam, and Rajahmundry, in the Presidency of Madras. 18 maps and plans. By Lieut. Col. R. Baird Smith, Be?igal Engineers. 8°. pp. xii, 148. London, 1856. 7. 4. 40. in India, See also River Godavery. 47. 3. 16-17. — in Italy : Being a report on the Agricultural Canals of Piedmont and Lombardy. By R. Baird Smith, F. G. S., Captain in the Army and 1st Lieut, of Engineers, Royal Bengal iyeside?icy. 2 vols. 8*^. London, 1852. 7. 4. 38-39. /// Southern Europe. Being the report of a tour of inspection of the Irrigation Works of France, Spain, and Italy. By Lieut. C. C. Scott Mon- cx'it^, Royal Engineers. PI. andillus. 8°. pp. xx, 371. London, 1868. 7. 4. 41. 316 HYDKAULIOS, WATER SUPPLY, ETC. HYDRAULIOS, WATEE-SUPPLY, ETO. 317 Irrigation. Physics. Irrigation of the San Joaquin, Tulare, and Sacramento Valleys, California, Report of Commissioners (Alexander, Mendell, and Davidson). Maps. 8^. pp. 91. {Ex. Doc, 90, H. of R., 43^/ Cong., 1st Sess.) Washington, 1874. 7. 4. 42. Madras. Correspondence relative to the present condition and future prospects of the Madras Irrigation Company, fol. London, 1872. 47. 3. 15. [British Parliamentary Paper.] Nouvelles tables Astronomiques et Hydrographiques. Par V. Bagay. 8^. Paris, 1829. L. S. Physics (The) and hydraulics of the Mississippi River. Report upon ; Upon the protection of the Alluvial Region against overflow, and upon the deep- ening of the Mouths; based upon Surveys and Investigations, etc. By Capt. A. A. Humphreys and Lieut. H. L. Abbot, Corps Topographi- cal Engineers. 20 pi. and maps. 4*^. pp. 456, cxlvi. Philadelphia, 1861. 31. 1. The same. Reprinted with additions. 25 pi. and maps. 4°. pp. xxiii, 691. Washington, 1876. 17. 6. 4. [Professional Papers No. 13, Corps of Engineers, U. S. A.] The same. Chapters II, VI, and VII. Map. 8°. Washington, 1867. 8. 4. 18. The same. Reviewed by James B. Eads. 8°. [Misc. Pamph., vol. iii.j 31. 2. 3. The same. [Reviewed.] Delle condizioni fisiche ed idrauliche del flume Mississippi e del progetto della sua regolazione secondo 1' opera dell Sigg. Capitano A. A. Humphreys e Luog. H. L. Abbot, [etc.]. Rela- zjone del Prof. Angelo Messedaglia. 8°. pp. 128. Venezia, 1863. 8. 4. 15. The same. Reviewed by Edwin Hale Abbot. 8^. pp. 42. Bos- ton, 1862. 8. 4. 16. The same. Reviewed by A. Ritter v. Burg. In the Germaft Language. 80. pp. 86. Wien, 1864. 8. 4. 16. The same. [Reviewed.] Experiences hydrauliques executees par le Gouvernement Americain sur le Mississipi. Resume [etc.]. Par Victor Y onxme, Ifigenieur des Ponts et Chausse'es. 4°. pp. xii, 128. Paris, 1867. 8. 5. 30. The same. [Reviewed.] Hydraulics of the Report of Humphreys and Abbot on the Mississippi River. By F. A. P. Barnard. 8°. pp. 40. New Haven, 1863. [Misc, Pamph., vol. iii.] 31. 2. 3. The same, [Reviewed.] Beitrag zur Humphreys- Abbot'schen Theorie der Bewegung des Wassers in Flussen und Canalen, Von Heinrich Gre- benau. 8<^. [Misc. Pa7nph.^ vol. iii.] 31. 2. 3. 318 HYDRAULICS, WATER-SUPPLY, ETC. HYDRAULIOS, WATER-SUPPLY, ETC. 319 Physics. Sewerage. Physics. The same. Bericht des Comite's der von H. Grebenau herausgege- benen der Humphreys- Abbot'schen Theorie der Bewegung des Wassers in Fliissen und Canalen. 4°. pp.4. [Misc. Fa?nph.,Y o\.xw.\ 31.2.15. [Extract Journal Architects and Engineers Society of Austria ; No. vi, 1867.] The same. Reply to the criticisms made by Dr. Hagen on Hum- phreys and Abbot's report. By the authors. 80. 1878. [Misc. Fafnph., vol. iii.] 31. 2. 3. Potomac Aqueduct. Report on the Survey and Construction of the Alexan- dria Aqueduct. By Capt. W. Turnbull, Corps of Engineers. Plans. 8°. pp. 81. Washington, 1838. 8. 4. 33. Rainfall and Floods. The Influence of Forests upon Rainfall and Inunda- tions; being an extract from a Work entided " Etudes sur les Inondations," by M. F. Valles. Translated by Charles J. Allen, Capt. of Engineers atid Bvt. Major, U. S. A. 8°. pp.19. Washington, 1873. [Misc. Pamph., vol. xv.) 31. 2. 15. Zweite Abhandlung iiber die Wasserabnahme in den Quellen, Fliissen, und Slromen bei gleichzeitiger Steigerung der Hochwasser in den Cultur- landern. Von Gustav ^///., Professor in the U. S. Military Academy. 8^. 1861. \Misc. Patnph.y vol ix.] 31. 2. 9. Laws of the United States and of various States relating to the Acquisition of Title to Land required for Fortifications, Lighthouses, and other pub- lic purposes. Cession of Jurisdiction, Protection of Buoys, Beacons, etc. 30. pp. 103. Washington, 1875. 2 copies. 23. 4. 38. of States ceding Jurisdiction over and relinquishing Title to sites for Lighthouses and other public works. 8°. pp. 74. Washington, 187 1 23. 4. 27 of Trade. Essay on. By Charles Ellet, jr. 8°. pp. viii, 284. Richmond, 1839. 23. 4. 24. Legal Forms. American Form Book. By J. R. Sayler. 8°. pp. 365. Cin- cinnati, 1878. 23. 4. 31. Encyclopaedia of Law and Forms. By H. M. Spalding. 8°. pp. 676. Philadelphia, 1879. 23. 4. 30. Wells' Every Man his own Lawyer, and Form Book. 12^. New York, 1875. 23. 4. 32. Light-houses. Laws of the United States relating to the Establishment, Sup- port, and Management of the Light- Houses, Light- Vessels, Monuments, Beacons, Spindles, Buoys, and Public Piers, from August 7, 1789, to March 3, 1855. 80. Washington, 1855. 23. 5. 11. Laws of the United States and of various States respecting Cession of Jurisdiction [etc.], of Sites for Lighthouses [etc.]. 8^. pp. 74. Washing- ton, 187 1. 23. 4. 27. The same. 80. pp.103. Washington, 1875. 2 copies. 23.4.38. Louisiana. Revised Statutes of. Compiled by U. B. Phillips, under the direc- tion of a joint Committee of the Legislature. 80. New Orleans, 1856. 23. 4. 7. Massachusetts. Manual for the use of the General Court: containing the rules and orders of the two branches, together with the constitution of the Commonwealth, and that of the United States, [etc.]. 16°. pp. 421. Boston, 1879. 23. 4. 37. Military and Naval Laws of the Confederate States. A Digest of. From the commencement of the provisional Congress to the end of the first Congress under the permanent Constitution. By Capt. W. W. Lester and William J. Bromwell. 80. pp. 329. Columbia, S. C, 1864. 23. 5. 25. Military Law. A Treatise on, and on the Practice of Courts- Martial. By Capt. S. V. Benet, U. S. Army. 8°. pp. 377. New York, 1862. 28. 2. 6. 336 LAWS, LAW TEEATISES, ETC. LAWS, LAW TREATISES, ETO. 337 Military Law. Mississippi. Military Law. The same. 4th ed. With additions. 80. pp. 389. New York, 1864. 23. 5. 22 and the Constitution and Practice of Courts-Martial. Observations on, with a summary of the Law of Evidence as appHcable ta Military Trials [etc.]. By William C. De Hart, Capt. 2d Artillery. 8°. pp. 433. New York, 1846. " 23. 5. 24. Military Laws. Digest of the Laws relating to the Military Establishment of the United States. By Alfred Mordecai, Capt. Ord. Dept. 12°. pp. 134. Washington, 1833. 23.5.30. of Bavana. Militarstrafgesetzbuch fiir das Konigreich Bayern. 8^. pp. 69. Miinchen, 1869. 23. 4. 20 of the United States. A Digest of. From i860 to the second session of the Fortieth Congress, 1867, relating to the Army, Volunteers, Militia, and the Rebellion and Reconstruction of the Southern States. Compiled by Lieut. Col. J. S. Poland, U. S. A. 8^. pp. 448. Boston, 1868. 23. 5. 17. of the United States. An analytical Digest of. By Robert N. Scott, 3^/ U. S. Artillery. 8^. pp. viii, 510. Philadelphia, 1873. 3 copies. 23. 5. 16. — of the United States; to which is prefixed the Constitution of the United States. Compiled by Trueman Cross. 80, Washington, 1825. 28. 2. 10. The same. Including those relating to the Marine Corps. Compiled by Trueman Cross, U. S. Army. 2d ed. 8^. Washington, 1838. 2 copies. 28. 2. 7. The same. Including those relating to the Army, Marine Corps, Vol- unteers, Militia, and to Bounty Lands and Pensions: Rules and Articles of War. • 3d ed. By Capt. A. R. Hetzel, U. S. A. 80. Washngton, 1846. 2 copies. 23. 3. 26. of the United States relating to the Army, Marine Corps, Volunteers, Militia, and to Bounty Lands and Pensions, from the foundation of the Government to the year 1858. By John F. Callan. 8°. pp. xxxii, 484. Baltimore, 1858. 2 copies. 28. 2. 11. The same. To the year 1863. 80. pp.- 607. Philadelphia, i8i'i3. 23. 5. 29. Military Reservations. Digest of the Law of. Compiled from the Acts of Congress, Decisions of the Supreme Court of the United States, Opinions of the Attorneys-General, and other Authorities. By Jasper W. Johnson. 80. pp. 85. Washington, 1879. 23. 5. 19. Mississippi. Laws of the State of, passed at a regular session of the Legisla- ture, January- March, 1856. 8°. Jackson, 1856. 44. 2. 12. 43 338 L^WB, LAW TKEATISES, ETC. LAWS, LAW TREATISES, ETO. 339 Naval Laws. Supreme Court Reports. Naval Laws. Laws of the United States in relation to the Navy and Marine Corps, to the close of the Second Session, Twenty-sixth Congress. Com- piled and arranged by Benjamin Homans. 8^. pp. 223. Washington, 1 84 1. 23. 5. 27. of the Confederate States. See Military and Naval Laws. Navigable Waters defined. {Wisconsin Supreme Court Reports, Vol. XLII.J 23. 4. 8. Officers of Engineers. Decision of Hon. Joel R. Poinsett, Secretary of War, as to what constitutes Military Duty of an Officer of Engineers, July 21, 1837. \Misc.Famph.,\o\.^v.\ 31.2.15. Penal Codes in Europe: Also a report on the administrative changes in France since the Revolution of 1848. 8°. pp.390. Washington, 1854. 23. 5. 15. [President's Message, 33d Cong., ist Sess., Sen. Ex. Doc. 68.} Peninsula Island, San Francisco Bay, Cal. [Report of the Chief of Engi- neers, U. S. A., on the Title, and opinion of the Attorney-General rela- tive thereto.] 8°. pp. 13. 23. 4. 10. (Sen. Ex. Doc. 163, 46th Cong., 2d Sess.l Point San Jos6, Cal., Military Reservation. [Report of the Chief of Engi- neers, U. S. Army, on the Title.] Map. 8°. pp. 6. 23. 4. 10- [H. R. Ex. Doc. II, 45th Cong., 3d Sess.] Presidio of San Francisco, Cal. Abstract of Title, and of Evidence respect- ing the Southern Boundary of. Prepared in the Office of the Chief of Engineers to accompany a letter to the Secretary of War dated April 8, 1879. With 7 maps. 23. 4. 11. Reliction. Tide by. See Wisconsin Supreme Court Reports, Vol. XLII. 23. 4. 8. Riparian Rights. See Wisconsin Supreme Court Reports, Vol. XLII. 23. 4. 8. Second Comptroller of the Treasury. Digest of the Decisions in the office of. 120. pp. 134. Washington, 1853. 28. 1. 32. The same. Compiled by John W. Butterfield. 8°. Washington, 1869. 23. 4. 29. Supreme Court Reports (United States). Cases argued and adjudged in the Supreme Court of the United States, December term, 1863-October term, 1874. Reported by John William Wallace. 23 vols. 8°. Wash- ington, i87o-'75. 39. 2. 1-23. Cases argued and adjudged in the Supreme Court of the United States. October term, 1875-October term, 1879. Reported by Wil- liam T. Otto. II vols. 80. Boston, i876-'8o. 39. 2. 24-28. 40. 2. 1-6. Index to, embracing all the reported Decisions of the Court from its organization to the present date. [Includes Vol. V, Otto's Reports.] By William G. Myer, of the Saint Louis Bar. \(P, pp. 537. St. Louis (Mo.), 1878. 39. 2. 340 LAWS, LAW TREATISES, ETO LAWS, LAW TREATISES, ETO. 341 Tennessee. Virginia. Tennessee. Acts of the State of, passed at the first session of the 34th Gen- eral Assembly, for the year 1865. 8°. Nashville, 1865. 23. 4. 9. Treaties and Conventions between the United States and Foreign Powers, from 1 778 to 1834. See Elliot (J.). American Diplomatic Code. 2 vols. 80. Washington, 1834. 23. 5. 12-13. United States. Analytical Digest of the Laws of, 1 789-1857. By Frederick C. Brightly. 8°. Philadelphia, 1858. 28. 2. 15. The same. [Continuation.] i857-'63. 8^. Philadelphia, 1863. 28. 2. 16. — The same. [Continuation.] i857-'65. 8°. Philadelphia, 1865. 28. 2. 17. The same. 1789-1869. 2 vols. 8^. Philadelphia, i865-'69. 40. 2. 29-30. — Digest of the Laws of, including an Abstract of the Judicial Decisions relating to the Constitutional and Statutory Law. By Thomas F. Gor- don. 80 Philadelphia, 1827. 23.5.14. — Digest of the General Laws of, with references to the Acts repealed, supplied, or modified. By James Dunlap. 8^. Philadelphia, 1856. 28. 3. 18. — Laws of, from the 4th of March, 1789, to the 4th of March, 181 5. 5 vols. [Index.] Laws [continued] from 4th of March, 1815, to 4th of March, 1827. 3 vols. [Index.] Acts [continued] from the 3d of Decem- ber, 1827, to the 3d of March, 1845. 3 vols. In all 11 vols. 8^. Washington, i8i5-'45. 38. 2. — Laws relating to Public Works for the improvement of Rivers and Harbors, from August 11, 17^0, to August 14, 1876. Compiled under the direction of John G. Parke, MaJ. of Engineers, Byt. Maj. Gen., U. S. A. 80. pp. 251. Washington, 1877. 23. 4. 19. — Statutes at Large. Vols. I-XVII, 1789 to 1873. 8^. Boston, 1845-73. 27. 5. — The Same, Vols. XVIII-XX, 1873 to 1879. 8°. Washington, i875-'79. 27. 5. — The Same. Revised. 2d ed. 1878. 28. 5. The same. Revised, relating to the District of Columbia and Post Roads, together with the Public Treaties in force on the ist day of De- cember, 1873. 80. Washington, 1875. 28. 5. Virginia. Acts passed at a General Assembly of the Commonwealth of. [November 29, 1824, to December 3, 1827.] 2 vols. 8^. Richmond, i82s-'28. 23. 4. 22-23 342 LAWS, LAW TBEATISES, ETO. LAWS, LAW TREATISES, ETC. 343 \Vashington. Verba Buena. Washing^ton (D. C.) Corporation Laws of the City of, to the end of the P'iftieth Council. Also the Acts of Incorporation, and other Acts of Con- gress. Appendix. By James W. Sheahan. 8^. Washington, 1853. 23. 4. 2. Laws of the Corporation of, digested and arranged under appropriate heads in accordance with a Joint Resokition of the City Councils. By William B. Webb. 80. Washington, 1868. 23. 4. 3. Laws of the Corporation of the City of, to the end of the Thirtieth Council; June, 1833. [AndJ Laws of the United States relating to the City. By Andrew Roth well. Map. 8^. Washington, 1833. 23. 4. 1. Watercourses. A Treatise on the Law of. By Joseph K. Angell. 6th ed. Revised by J. C. Perkins. 8°. pp. xxx, 862. Boston, 1869. 23. 5. 8. West Virginia. Acts of the Legislature of, at its 12th Session, commencing January 13, 1875. 80. pp. 481. Charleston, 1875. 23. 4. 12. Wisconsin Supreme Court Reports. Vol. XLII. Containing cases deter- mined at the January and August terms, 1877. 8^. Chicago, 1878. 23. 4. 8. Contents. Olson vs. Merrill. Navigable RiverS' (i) Rights of riparian owner to the bed. (2,3) What streams considered navigable. (4) Plaintiff's right to navigation not affected by his own tort. Delaplainc and ano. 71s. Chicago and N. IV. R. R. Co. Riparian RightSi especially on navigable lakes, and as against railroads built by authority of the State. Boor/nan 7js. Sunnucks. Riparian Rights: Boundaries: Title by Reliction. (1-3) Riparian rights on meandered lake. (4, 5) Patentee takes to water line. (6, 7) Title by reliction : Proof of character of relic- tion. (8) Who owns lake bed. Diedrich vs. The Northwestern Union R. R. Co. (i) The rule stare decisis applied. (2) Parol construction of plat inadmissible. (3) Navigable Waters defined. (4-10) Rights of Riparian Owners. (9) Burden of proof, (n) Time of moving rehearing, how enlarged. Yerba Baena Island, San Francisco Bay, Cal. [Report of the Chief of En- gineers, U. S. Army, on the Tide.J Map. 8^. pp. 27. 23. 4. 10. [H. R. Ex. Doc. 39, 46th Cong., 3d Sess.] 344 LIGHT HOUSES AND FOG SIGNALS. 14. ^ LIGHT HOUSES AND FOG SIGNALS. Fog Signals. Correspondence relative to, 1875. fol. London, 1875. 47. 5. 16. Report made by a Committee [House of Commons] of a recent visit to Canada and Nortii America, with a view of examining the subject of Fog Signals, fol. pp. 29. [London, 1873.] ^7. 5. 16. [British Parliamentary Paper.] Report upon recent experiments with regard to. By Prof. John Tyn- dall. fol. pp. 79. London, 1874. 47. 5. 15. [British Parliamentary Paper.] Lighthouse. Belle Isle. Memoir upon the stability of the Lighthouse in course of construction at Belle Isle. By Leonor Fresnel. 40. pp. 29. Washington, 1858. 43. 6. 2. Great Basses, Ceylon. An account of the construction of, by William Douglass, M. Inst. C. E., with an abstract of the discussion of the paper. Edited by James Forrest, Assoc. Inst. C. E., Secretary. Illus. 8°. pp. 19. London, 1874. 43. 6. 45. Minors ledge. Memoir on. By B. S. Alexander, Liettt. Col. of Engi- fteers, and Bvt. Brig. Gen., U. S. A. (Trans. Am. Soc. Civ. Engrs., Vol. VIII.) 43. 4. 6. [Bound with General Barnard's Lighthouse Engineering at Philadelphia Exhibition.] Skerryvore, Account of, with notes on the illumination of Lighthouses. By Allan Stevenson. 2>2i P^* 4^* PP* x> 439* Edinburgh, 1848. 43. 6. 39. Lighthouse Engineering, as exhibited at the Centennial International Exhibi- tion. Report on. By Col. J. G. Barnard, Bvt. Maf. Gen., U. S A. [And] Memoir on the Minot's Ledge Lighthouse. By B. S. Alexander Lieut. Col. of Engineers, and Bvt. Brig. Gen., M. S. A. PI. 8°. (Trans. Am. Soc. Civ. Engrs., Vol. VIII, iSjg.J 43. 6. 4. Manual of, embracing Plans of Towers, Lightvessels, Beacons, Buoys, etc. Designed and executed under the direction of the United States Lighthouse Board. Vol. II [PI. only]. 4°. Washington, 1869. 43. 6. 43. Lighthouse Establishments. European. Report of a tour of inspection of, made in 1873. By Maj. George H. Elliot, Corps of E'lgineers, U. S. A. PL and illus. 8^. pp. 288. Washington, 1874. 43. 6. 25. 345 44 346 LIGHT HOUSES AND TOG SIGNALS. LIGHT HOUSES AND FOG SIGNALS. 347 Lighthouse. Lighthouse. Lighthouse Establishment of the United States. Annual Reports of the Lighthouse Board, 1867-80. 14 vols, bound in 8. 8°. Washington, i867-'8o. 43. 6. 10-17. Compilation of Public Documents and extracts from Reports and Papers relating to Light-houses, Light-vessels, and Illuminating^ A|)pa- ratus, and to Beacons, Buoys, and Fog Signals, 1789 to 1871. 8°. pp. 1060. Washington, 187 1. 43. 6. 6. Experiments on Mr. Babbage's method of distinguishing Lighthouses. By J. H. Alexander. [Reports on Oil and Fog Signals.] 8°. pp. 116. Washington, 1861. 3 copies. 43. 6. 28. General Basis of Estimates for Labor and Material. 4°. pp. 8. Washington, 1881. 18. 2. 50. Instruction and directions to Light Keepers. 6th ed. PI. 8^. pp. 152. Washington, 187 1. 43.6.29. List of Light-houses, lighted Beacons, and floating Lights, of the United States. 40. pp. 67. Washington, 1857. 43. 6. 32. The same. 8° pp. 84. Washington, 1858. 43. 6. 33. The same. 40. pp.48. Washington, 1870. 43.6.34. The same. 4°. pp. 92. Washington, 1873. 43. 6. 35. The same. 4^^. pp. 95. Washington, 1881. 43. 6. 36. List of Lights on the Northern Lake and River Coasts of the United States, and also of the Canadian Lights on the Northern Shores of those Waters. Corrected to January, 1881. 4^. pp. 56. 43. 6. 45. Management of Lens apparatus and Lamps. 52 pi. 8*^. pp. 30. Lighthouse Board, n. d. 43. 6. 27- — Organization and duties of the Light-House Board ; and regulations, instructions, circulars, and general orders of the Light- House Establish- ment of the United States. 8^. pp. 213. Washington, 187 1. 43. 6. 30. — Papers on the comparative merits of the Catoptric and Dioptric orCata- dioptric systems of Lighthouse Illumination, and other subjects relating to aids to Navigation. 8^. pp, iv, 272. Washington, 1861. 3 copies. 43. 6. 7. — Report of the Officers constituting the Light-House Board, convened under instructions from the Secretary of the Treasury, to inquire into the condition of the Light-House Establishment of the United States, under act of March 3, 1851. PI. 8^. pp. 760. Washington, 1852. 43. 6. 9. — Report of the Secretary of the Treasury, on improvements in the Lighthouse System and collateral aids to Navigation. August 5, 1876. 80. pp. 278. Washington, 1846. 43. 6. 44. 348 LraHT HOUSES AND FOa SIGNALS. LiaHT HOUSES AND FOO SIGNALS. 349 Lighthouse. Lighthouses. Lighthouse Establishment of the United States. Report of the Secretary of the Treasury, on the improvements in the Lighthouse System and col- lateral aids to Navigation, embracing his directions and instructions ; also a report from Lieut. Thornton A. Jenkins, U. S. N., and Lieut. Richard \ Bache, U. S. iV., with an appendix, etc. 8^. pp. vii, 272. Washing- ton, 1846. 43. 6. 8. Rules, regulations, and general instructions, 1857. [And] Prescribed forms for estimates, accounts, returns, etc. In i vol. 4^. Washington? 1857. 43. 6. 42. [Sundry documents. Reports and letters relating to Lighthouses, their construction and management.] Folding pi. ,8^. Washington, 1837-43. 43. 6. 5. Lighthouse Illumination. Coasts of France. Memoir upon the Illumination and Beaconage of the Coast of France. By Leonce Reynaud. Trans- lated by Peter C. Hains, Maj. of Engineers, U. S. A. 39 pi. 40. pp. 226. Washington, 1876. 43. 6. 38. Coasts of Fratice. Memoir upon the Lighthouse Illumination of the Coasts of France. By Leonce Reynaud. Translated by Rear Admiral Thornton A. Jenkins, U. S. N. 2 vols. Text 8°; pi. 4O. Washington, 1 87 1. 43.6.26-37. Coasts of Fratice. i. Rapport contenant I'exposition du systeme adopte par la Commission des Phares, pour eclairer les Cotes de France. 2. Memoire sur un nouveau systeme d'eclairage des Phares. Par M. A. Fresnel. Map and pi. In i vol., 40. Paris, 1825 and 1822. 43. 6. 3. ^opy of Report on the Comparative Merits of the Signal Lights (Electric and Gas) used on the Clock Tower of the Houses of Parliament during session of 1873. fol. London, 1874. 47. 5. 14. [British Parliamentary Paper.] Copy of further correspondence relative to proposals to substitute Mineral Oils for Colza Oil in Lighthouses, fol. pp. 32. London, 1874. H^^ [British Parliamentary Paper.] 47. 6. 11. Further papers relative to a proposal to substitute Gas for Oil as an illuminating power, fol. pp. 33, 66. London, 1871-75. 47.5.13. [British Parliamentary Paper.] The Electric Light applied to Lighthouse illumination. By J. N. Douglass. 7 pi. 80. pp. 93. London, 1879. ^3. 6. 24. Lighthouses. Correspondence between Sir William Thompson, Lloyd's Com- mittee, and the Board of Trade, on Lighthouse Characteristics. 40. pp. 7. London, 1880. 47. 5. 14. [British Parliamentary Paper. Bound xuith Report on Signal Lights (Electric and Gas)]. ■ Phares et fanaux lenticulaires. L. Sautter & Cie., Constructeurs. PL 40. Paris, 1858. 43. 6. 36. 350 LIGHT HOUSES AND FOG SIGNALS. LIGHT HOUSES AND FOG SIGNALS. 361 Lighthouses. Lighthouses. Lighthouses. Rudimentary Treatise on the History, Construction, and Illu- mination of Lighthouses. By Allan Stevenson. Illus. i60. pp. 204. London, 1850. 43. 6. 1. Great Britain. Copies of reports to the Board of Trade by the Trinity House and Commissioners of northern Lighthouses on inspections of local Lighthouses, Buoys, and Beacons, fol. pp. 10. London, 1874. 47. 5. 12. [British Parliamentary Paper.] Great Britain. Extracts from the Report of Her Britannic Majesty's Commissioners, appointed to inquire into the condition and management of- Lights, Buoys, and Beacons. 8°. pp. 254. Washington, 1871. 43. 6. 31. Great Britain. Report from the Select Committee on, together with the minutes of evidence, appendix and index, fol. pp. xxxvi, 782. London, 1845. ^7. 5. 9. [British Parliamentary Paper.] Great Britain. Report from the Select Committee on, with the min- utes of evidence and an appendix and index, fol. London, 1834. 43. 6. 40. Great Britain. The same. fol. London, 1845. ^3* 6* ^' Great Britain. Report of the Commissioners appointed to inquire into the condition and management of Lights, Buoys, and Beacons, etc. 2 vols. fol. London, 1861. 47. 3. 47. [British Parliamentary Paper.] Great Britain. The Lighthouses of the British Islands, corrected to July, 1849. 8^- PP- 39- London, 1849. 47. 2. 12. [British Parliamentary Paper.] — in the British Colonies and Possessions. Statement of what measures have been adopted respecting the Erection, Management, and Superin- tendence of. PI. fol. pp. 137. London, 1850. 47. 5. 10. [British Parliamentary Paper.] 352 MATHEMATICS, ETO. 15. MATHEMATICS, INCLUDING MATHEMATICAL TABLES, LOGARITHMS, Etc. Algebra. Elements of. By Charles Davies. Translated from the French of J/. Bourdon. 8o. Philadelphia, [1838]. 28.4.33. Elements of, on the basis of M. Bourdon; embracing Sturm's and Horner's theorems and practical examples. By Charles Davies, LL. D. 80. pp. 400. New York, 1854. 19. 4. 7. Linear Associative. By Benjamin Peirce, LL. D. 4°. pp. 153. Washington, 1870. 19. 6. 27. : — Manuel de I'lngenieur des Ponts et Chaussees. Par A. Debauve, Ingenieur -des Fonts et Chaussees. i*^"^ fascicule. 8°. pp. 153, and atlas 40. Paris, 1871. 3. 4. 16-36. Table des Maiieres. Algebre : Geometrie analytique ; Calcul diffi^rentiel et integral ; G^omdtrie descriptive ; Coupe des Pierres ; Charpente. Arithmetic, Theoretical and Practical. Elements of. By F. R. Hassler, F. A. F. S. 9th ed. 80. pp. 219. Washington, 1843. 19- 4. 11. Calculus. Elements of differential and integral Calculus. By Charles Davies. 2d ed. 80. pp. 283. Philadelphia, 1840. 19. 4. 9. Elements of the differential and integral Calculus [and] Calculus of Variations. By A. E. Church, LL. D. 8°. pp. 369. New York, 1864. 19. 4. 10. Correspondance sur I'l^cole Imperiale Poly technique, a I'usage des fileves. Tome I, pp. 476, i8o4-'o8. Tome II, pp. 499, 1809-'] 3. 2 vols. 8°. Paris. 19. 4. 19-20. Curves of Pursuit. By James M. Ingalls. 8°. \^Misc. Famph., vol. iv.] 31. 2. 4' Geometria Descriptiva. Complemento de la. Empleo de un solo piano de proyeccion valiendose del sistema de acotaciones para servir de aplicacion de los principios generales de la ciencia a las superficies irregulares y como preliminar a la topografia y a la desenfilada de las obras de fortificacion. Por el Capitan de Lfigenieros Don Angel Rodriguez Arroquia. 2d ed. 19 pi. 80. pp. 100. Madrid, 1865. 19. 4. 12. Geometric. Application de I'Analyse \ la Geometrie; a I'usage de I'ficole Lnpariale Polytechnique. Par M. Monge. 4^. pp. 444. Paris, 1809. 19. 6. 28. 353 45 354 MATHEMATICS, ETC. MATHEMATICS, ETC. 355 Geometric. Logarithmische. G6om6trie Descriptive. Par G. Monge. Nouv. ed., avec un supplement. Par M. Hachette. PI. 40. pp. 118. Paris, 181 1. 19. 4. 3. Geometry. Om Poncelets Betydning for Geometrien. Et Bidrag til de modern geometriske Ideers Udviklingshistorieaf EUing Hoist. 8°. pp. 146. Christiania, 1878. 42. 3. 28. [Essay on the development of Modern Geometry.) Analytical. Elements of. By Albert E. Church, A. M, 80. pp. ix, 297. New York, 1854. 19. 4. 4. Descriptive, as applied to the drawing of Fortifications and Stereot- omy. By Prof. D. H. Mahan, LL. D. PI. 8^. New York, 1864. 6. 3. 48. Descriptive. Elements of. By Charles Davies, ZZ. Z>. 8^. pp.174. New York, 1853. 19. 4. 5. — Descriptive. Elements of, with its application to Spherical Projec- tions. By Albert E. Church. 2 vols. Text 8^. PL 40. New York, 1864. 19.4.1-2. Practical, and the principles of Plan Drawing. By Capt. C. W. Pasley, R. E, (Vol. I of his "Course of Military Instruction.") Cuts. 8°. pp. xvi, 269. London, 18 14. 6. 3. 12. and Trigonometry. Elements of, from the works of A. M. Legendre. By Charles Davies, LL. D. 8°. pp. 386. New York, 1859. l^- ^- 6. Graphical Computing Table and accompanying reference tables. By Lieut. William H. Bixby, Corps of Engineers, U. S. A. Chart. \(P. pp. 29. New York, 1879. 2 copies. 19. 4. 36. Method for finding readily the real Roots of numerical Equations of any Degree, if containing but one variable. By William H. Bixby, Lieut. of Engineers, U. S. A. '8°. 1879. {Misc. Pamph., vol. xi.] 31. 2. 11. Least Squares. List of Writings relating to the Method of. By M. Merri- man. 8^. New Haven, 1877. [Misc. Pamph.,\o\. ya.\ 31.2.11^ Logarithmen, Siebenstellige gemeine. Von Dr. Ludwig Schron. Tafel i, 2, und 3. 1 2th ed. 2 vols. 8^. Braunschweig, 1873. L. S. Tafeln der Additions- und Subtractions-, fiir sieben Stellen. Berechnet von J. Zech. 2nd ed. 80. Berlin, 1863. L. S. Tafeln der funfstelligen. Vierte neu bearbeitete Stereotyp-Ausgabe, 2nd ed. Jerome de Lalande. 12O. pp. iv, 410. Leipzig, 1870. L. S. Logarithmes. Tables portatives de, contenant les Logarithmes des nom- bres, depuis i jusqu'k 108,000. Par Frangois Callet. 8*^. Paris, 1795. (Tirage, 18 14.) 19. 4. 22. The same. 80. pp. 118, 680. Paris, 1795. (Tirage, 1866.) L. S. Logarithmische und trigonometrische Tafeln von Dr. E. F. August. 7th ed. 12*^. pp. vii, 224. Leipzig, 1868. L. S. 356 MATHEMAlIOg, ETC. MATHEMATICS, ETC. S67 Logarithmische. , Mathematics. Logarithmische und trigonometrische tafeln. Funfstellige vollslandige. Von F. G. Gauss. 3d ed. 8^. pp. xliii, 141. Berlin, 1872. L. S. Logarithmorum (Thesaurus) completu<5, ex arithmetica logarithmica, et ex trigonometrica artificiali: Adrian! Vlacci. By Georg Vega. fol. pp. XXX, 684. Leipzig, 1794. L. S. Logarithms. A new Manual of, to seven places of decimals. Edited by Dr. C. Bruhns. 8^. pp. xxiii, 610. Leipzig, 1870. L. S. Mathematical Tables containing common, hyperbolic, and logistic Log- arithms. By Charles Hutton, LL. £>., K J^. S. 80. London, 1785. 19. 4. 24. Tables of, of all numbers from i to 101,000, and of the Sines and Tangents to every Second of the Quadrant. By Michael Taylor. Pref- ace and precepts by Nevil Maskelyne, F, R. S., Astronomer Royal. 40. London, 1792. 47. 3. 46. Logarithms to numbers from i to 120,000, numbers to Logarithms from .0 to 1. 00000, to seven places of decimals. By Robert Shortrede. 8^. pp. XXV, 208. Edinburgh, 1849. L* S* Logarithmic Tables of Numbers and Trigonometrical Functions. By Bar-on von Vega. 8^. Berlin, 1859. L. S. The same. 80. Berlin, 186 1. 19.4.5. Logarathmic and Trigonometric Tables, to seven places of decimals. By F. R. Hassler. \(P. New York, 1S30. 2 copies. 28.1.40. The same. A new edition. 12^. New York, 1844. 19- 4. 23. Mathematical and Physical Essays; containing new theories and illustrations of some very important and difficult subjects of the Sciences. By J. Mansfield. 8^. pp. 274. New Haven, n. d. 19. 1. 15. Contents. Negative Quantities in Algebra ; Goniometrical Properties ; Nautical Astronomy ; Longitude ; Orbicular Motion; Investigation of the Loci; Fluxionary Analysis; Theory of Gunnery; Theory of the Moon. Mathematics. A Course of, in two volumes, for the use of Academies as well as Private Tuition. Revised by Robert Adrian. Vol. 11. 8^. New York, 181 2. 19.4.37. American Journal of Mathematics pure and applied. Vols. I-IL 4°. Baltimore, 1879-80. [Current.] 19. 6. for Practical Men. Being a common-place book of principles, theo- rems, rules, and tables in various departments of pure and mixed Mathe- matics, with their application, especially to the pursuits of Surveyors, Ar- chitects, Mechanics, and Civil Engineers. By Olinthus Gregory, LL. Z>., F. R. A. S. PI. and illus. 8^. pp. xii,427. Philadelphia, 1834. L. S. 358 MATHEMATICS, ETC. MATHEMATICS, ETC. 359 Mathematics. Tables. Mathematics. [Miscellanies.] I. Ueberpartielle Dififerential-Gleichungen: i.o. J I. 1 & 2, Allgemeine Theorie partieller Differential-Gleichungen: i.o. III. Discussion aller Integrations-Methoden der partiellen Differential- Gleichungen: I.o. IV. I. Zur Theorie des Integrabilitatsfaktors : 2. Veralgemeinerung und neue Verwerthung der Jacobischen Multiplicator- Theorie. Von Sophus Lie. In i vol. 12^. n. p. or d. 42. 3. 29. Simplified and made attractive; or, the Laws of Motion explained. By Thomas Fisher. 8^. Philadelphia, 1854. 19. 4. 26. Tables for calculating the cubic quantity of Earthwork in cuttings and em- bankments of Canals, Railways, and turnpike Roads. By John Mac- neill, C. E. PI. 8^. pp. 254. London, 1833. 19. 4. 21. for obtaining horizontal distances and differences of I>evel from Stadia readings. By Alfred Noble and William T. Casgrain. 160. Ann Arbor, Mich., 1870. 19. 4. 35. Le Calculateur et Verificateur des pentes et rampes. Profils en long, Nivellements, Terrassements. Tables des declivites. Par Af. Vauchier- Dieudonne. 2 vols. fol. ms. n. p., 1857. 42. 9. 9-10. Mathematical and Astronomical, for the use of Students in Mathe- matics, practical Astronomers, Surveyors, etc., with an explanation of the tables, illustrated by problems and examples. By William Galbraith. 2d ed. 8^. pp. xvi, 308, 120. Edinburgh, 1834. L. S. of Squares, Cubes, Square Roots, Cube Roots, and Recip rocals of all numbers up to 10,000. By Peter Barlow. 12^. pp. 200. London, 1873. 19. 4. 32. Practical Hydraulics. A series of rules and tables for the use of En- gineers, etc. By Thomas Box. PI. 12O. pp.51. Philadelphia, 1868. 7. 4. 46. Projection, for the use of the United States Navy. 8°. pp. 236. Washington, 1869. 19. 4. 30. requisite to be used with the Nautical Ephemeris for finding the Lati- tude and Longitude at Sea. By John Gannett. 8°. New Brunswick, N. J., 1806. 19. 4. 27- showing Difference of Level in feet corresponding to a given Angle when the distance is read in Meters or Feet, and for Horizontal Reductions for the use of Stadia. By J. A. Ockerson and J. Teeple. 16^. pp. 65. Washington, 1879. 19. 4. 34. — Traverse, to every degree and quarter degree of the Compass or Hori- zon, for the use of Surveyors. 8°. pp. 200. New Brunswick, N. J., 1807. 19. 4. 31. — am/ Forinufie, Die neuen Formeln fiir die Bewegung des Wassers in Kanalen und regelmassigen Flussstrecken. Von W. R. Kutter. PI. 4^. pp. 91. Wien, 1871. \Misc, Pamph.^ vol. xiv.] 31. 2. 14 360 MATHEMATICS, ETO. MATHEMATICS, ETC. 361 Tables. Trigonometry. Tables and Furmuhe. Formeln und Hiilfstafeln fur geographische Ortsbestim- mungen, nebst kurzer Anleitung zur Ausfiihrung derselben, von Dr. Theodor Albrecht. 8^. pp. vii, 176. Leipzig, 1873 L. S. and Formulae useful in Surveying, Geodesy, and practical Astronomy. A collection of, including the elements for the projection of Maps. By Capt/Y. ].\.tQ, Topographic il Engineers. 8°. pp. 94, 95. Washington, 1849. 28. 1. 20. The same. 2d ed. 8°. pp. xviii, 242. Washington, 1853. 28. 1. 19. The same. And instructions for Field Magnetic Observations. 3d ed. revised and enlarged. 8*^. pp. ix, 310. Washington, 1873. 17. 6. 3. [Proft ssional Papers No. 12, Corps of Engineers.] Trigonometry: Analytic, Plane, and Spherical. Elements ot. By F. Hassler, F. A. P. S. 80. pp. 192. New York, 1826. 19. 4. 15. Plane and Spherical. A Treatise on. By William Chauvenet, A. M. 80. pp. 256. Philadelphia, 1850. 19. 4. 13. Plane and Spherical. A Treatise on, with its application to Navigation and Surveying, Nautical and practical Astronomy and Geodesy, with Logarithmic, Trigonometrical, and Nautical Tables. By Rev. Charles W. Hackley. 8^. pp. xix, 238. New York, 1851. 2 c pi?s. 19. 4. 14. 46 362 MEOHANIOS, ETO. 16. MECHANICS (INCLUDING STATICS AND DYNAMICS), MECHANICAL ENGINEERING AND MACHINES: CHEMISTRY: ACOUSTICS, OPTICS, HEAT, ELECTRICITY, TELEGRAPHY, METEOROLOGY. Etc. Acoustics in relation to Architecture and Building. By T. R. Smith. Illus 1 6°. pp. vi, 165. London, n. d. 2. 5. 34. and Optics. Elements of Natural Philosophy. Section II. By Prof. VV. H. C. Baytlett. 80. pp. 360. New York, i"862. 28. 4. 29. The sa7ne. 4th ed. 8^. pp. 365. New York, 1863. 19. 1. 1. Atmosphere (The). Translated from the French of Camille Flammarion. Edited by James Glaisher, F. R. S. Col. pi. and illus. 8°. pp. 453. iSiew York, 1873. 24. 5. 5. Atmospheric Refraction. Ueber die Strahlenbrechung in der Atmosphare. Von J. J. Baeyer. 40. pp. 82. St. Petersburg, i860. 45. 6. 24. Barometer. See Surveying. Chemistry. A Manual of, containing the principle facts of the Science. By John W. Webster, M, D. 3d ed. 80. pp. 554. Boston, 1839. 19. 1. 9. Elementary. A Manual of. By George Fownes, F. R, S. Edited by Robert Bridges, J/. Z>. Illus. 12°. Philadelphia, 1 802. 28.1.26. T/ie same. New ed. 12O. pp. 586. Philadelphia, 1864. 19. 1. 13. Elements of. Including the most recent Discoveries and Applications of the Science to Medicine and Pharmacy and to the Arts. By Robert Kane, M. D., M. R. /. A. Edited by John William Draper, M. D. 8^. pp. 696. New York, 1842 19. 1. 10. — of Inorganic Bodies. A System of. By Thomas Thompson, M. D, 7th ed. 2 vols. 80. London, 183 1. 19. 1. 11-12. Climate. Influence of, in North and South America ; showing the varied Climatic Influences operating in the Equatorial, Tropical, Sub-tropical, Temperate, Cold, and Frigid Regions, extending from the Arctic to the Antarctic Circle. By John Disturnell. 2 maps. 8^. pp. 334. New York, 1867. 2 copies. 19. 3. 30. , 363 364 MECHANICS, ETC. MEOHANIOS, ETO. 365 Climatology. Erd-Magnetismus. Climatology of the United States and of the Temperate Latitudes of the North American Continent. By Lorin Blodget. Isothermal and rain charts. 8°. pp. 534. Philadelphia, 1857. 19. 6. 14. Cranes and Machinery. Rudimentary Treatise on the Construction of. By Joseph Glynn,/; R. S., M. L C E. Cuts. 12O. pp. viii, 112. Weale's Series. London, 1849. 1®' 2. 27. and other Hoisting Machinery. A Treatise on. By Joseph Glynn, F. R. S., M. I. C. E. Cuts. 12O. pp. vii, 124. JVea/e's Series. London, 1873. 19. 2. 30. Cyclopaedia of Useful Arts, Mechanical and Chemical, Manufactures, Mining, and Engineering. Edited by Charles Tomlinson. Illus. 2 vols, imp, ' 80. London and New York, [185 2 J. 5. 4. 23-24. Dynamics. Principles of. By J. W. Nystrom. 8°. pp. 51. 1874. [Mise. Pamph,, vol. xi.] 31. 2. 11. Electrical Standards. Reports of the Committee on. By Prof. Fleming Jen- kin, F. R. S. Revised by Sir W. Thompson, Dr. J. P. Joule, Profs. J. C. Maxwell and F. Jenkin. PL 8°. pp. 248. London, 1873. 19. 1. 30. Tables and Formulae for the use of Telegraph Inspectors and Opera- tors. Compiled by Latimer Clark and Robert Sabine. 12^. pp. 285. London, 187 1. 19. 1. 26. Electric and Gas Lights. Copy of Report on the Comparative Merits of the Signal Lights (Electric and Gas) used on the Clock Tower of the Houses of Parliament during session of 1873. fol. London, 1874. 47. 5. 14. (British Parliamentary Paper.] Electricity. Lectures on, at the Royal Institution. By John Tyndall, £>. C. L., LL. D., F. R. S. 120. pp.113. New York, 1877. 19.1.27. [for military purposes]. La Electricidad aplicada a los Usos Militares. Por el Ten. Coronel del Cuerpo de Ltgenieros, Don Leopoldo Scheidnagel. 4 pi. 80. pp. 42. Madrid, 1875. 6. 3. 28. and Magnetism. (Elements of Chemistry. Part II.) By William Allen Miller,.!/. D., LL. D. 8°. pp. 191. New York, 1864. 19. 1. 33. and Magnetism. By Fleming Jenkin, F. R. SS. L. and E., M. I. C. E. Illus. 160. pp. 368. London, 1873. 19. 1. 22. and Magnetism. By P. M. Roget. 8^. pp. 119. [London], 1832. 19. 1. 32. and the Electric Telegraph. By George B. Prescott. Illus. 8<^' pp. 963. New York, 1877. 19. 1. 29. Erd-Magnetismus. Die Grundlagen der Gaussischen Theorie und die Erscheinungen des, im Jahre 1829. Mit Beriicksichtigung der Sacular- variationen aus alien vorliegenden Beobachtungen berechnet und darge- stellt, von A. Erman und H. Petersen. Tables and charts. 4°. pp. 43. Berlin, 1874. L. S. 366 MECHANICS, ETC. MEOHANIOS, ETO. 367 Erd-Magnetismus. Machines. Erd-Magnetismus. Handbuch des. Von Dr. J. Lamont. Illus. and pi. S^. pp. viii, 264. Berlin, 1849. L. S. Untersuchungen iiber die Richtung und Starke des, an verschiede- nen Punkten in Europa. Ausgefiihrt von Dr. J. Lamont. Illus. 2 parts in i vol. op. Miinchen, 1858-59. L. S. Heat. Caloric : Its mechanical, chemical, and vital agencies in the Phenomena of Nature. By Samuel L. Metcalfe, M. D. 2 vols. 80. Philadelphia, 1859. 19. 1. 3-4. considered as a Mode of Motion. By John Tyndall, F. R. S. Illus. 80. pp. 529. New York, 1867. 19. 1. 5. Mechanical equivalent of, with subsidiary researches on the variation of the Mercurial from the Air Thermometer, and on the variation of the Specific Heat of Water. By Henry A. Rowland, Prof, of Physics, Johns Hopkins University. 8°. Cambridge, 1880. L. S. Traite de la Chaleur consideree dans ses Applications. Par E. Peclet, Inspecteur General de V Universite, etc. 2^^ ed. " 2 vols. 4°, and pi., fol. 3 vols. Paris, 1845. 19. 5. 1-2. Hydraulic and other Machines for raising Water, Ancient and Modern, with observations on various subjects connected with the Mechanic Arts. By Thomas Evvbank. Illus. 8°. pp. xvi, 582. New York, 1842. 7. 4. 28. Journal of the Franklin Institute. Devoted to Science and the Mechanic Arts. Vol. I, first series, to Vol. CX, third series. Illus. no vols. 8^. Philadelphia, i826-'8o. [Current.] 45. 1-3. Light. Lectures on, delivered in the United States in 1872-73. By John Tyndall, LL. Z>., F. R. S. 12O. pp. 194. New York, 1873. 19. 1. 16. Locomotion, Elemental. A Treatise upon, and Interior Communication, wherein are explained and illustrated the History, Practice, and Prospects of Steam Carriages [etc.]. By Alexander Gordon, C. E. 10 pi. 8^. pp. xiv, 344. London, 1836. 19. 2. 9. Locomotive Construction. See Biglia (F.). Di alcune questioni [etc.]. 8. 2. 18. Wood (Nicholas) Practical Treatise on Railroads. 8. 2. 20. See also Steam Engine. Locomotive Engines upon Railways. A Practical Treatise on. By Chev. F. M. G. de Pambour. PI. 80. pp. 304. Philadelphia, 1836. 19. 2. 8. Machines. General Remarks on the Motion of. By Prof D. H. Mahan. 4^. n. d. 7. 3. 45. Portefeuille economique des Machines. Tomes I-XIII. PI. 13 vols. 40. Paris, i856-'68. 46. 5. 1-13. MECHANICS, ETC. MEOHANIOS, ETC. 369 Magnetic. Mecanique. Magnetic Instructions for the use of Portable Instruments adapted for Mag- netical Surveys and Portable Observatories, with forms for the Registry of Magnetical and Meteorological Observations. By Lieut. C. J. B. Riddell. 8°. pp. 146. London, 1844. L. S. Observations made at Magnetical Observatory, Toronto, Canada, for parts of years 1853-54, and 1855, and for years 1856 to 1862, inclusive. Abstracts of 40. pp. xx, 94. Toronto, 1863. L. S. and Meteorological Observations at Magnetic Observatory, Toronto, Canada, from 1841 to 187 1, inclusive. Abstracts and results of. 8^. Toronto, 1875. L. S. and Meteorological Observations made at the Observatory at Hobar- ton, in Van Diemen Island. Under the superintendence of Col. P^dward Sabine. Vol. 11. i843-'5o. 40. London, 1852. 48. 9. Declination in the United States. Remarks on a Chart of the. By J. E. Hilgard. Map. 40. pp. 4. Washington, 1879. 19. 6. 2. [Coast Survey Report for 1876, Appendix 21] Variation in the United States. Being a compilation of Observations made in America, from the year 1640 to the present date, tabulated and arranged for the use of Surveyors. By J. B. Stone, Ph. B , C. E. 8°. pp. 139. New York, 1878. 19. 1. 23. — and Meteorological Observations, St. Petersburg. Annalen des Physi- kalischen Central-Observatoriums. Herausgegeben von H. Wild. Jahrg. i874-'78. [Text Russian and German.] 5 vols. 4°. St. Petersburg, i875-'79. 42. 9. 1-5. and Meteorological Observations made at Chagres and Gorgona, Isthmus of Darien, and at the city of Panama, New Granada. By Bvt. Maj. Emory, U. S. A. 4O. pp. 24. Cambridge, 1850. 45. 6. 34. Magnetism. A Treatise on. By George Biddell Airy. 8°. pp. xv, 220. London, 1870. L. S. Handbuch des Magnetismus. Von Dr. J. Lamont. lllus. 8°. pp. viii, 468. Leipzig, 1867. L. S. Manual of. By Daniel Davis, y>. lllus. 12^. pp.322. Boston, 1854. 19. 1. 25. (The) of Ships, and the Deviation of the Compass. A series of papers on. From the Transactions of Foreign Societies. 8^. Washington, 1867. 18. 3. 2. See also Electricity and Magnetism. Mecanique appliciuee aux principes de la Stabilite des Constructions et k la Theorie Dynamique des Machines, ficole Nationale des Ponts et Chaus- sees. M. Belanger, Prof. 40. pp. 193. Paris, 1849. 19- 6- 29. Industrielle, physique ou exp^rimentale. Par J. V. Poncelet. 2'"*' ed. PI. 80. pp. xvi, 719. Metz, 1841. 19. 2. 16. 47 370 MECHANICS, ETC. MEOHANIOS, ETC. 371 Mecanique. Mechanics. Mecanique Industrielle. Traite de, ou Expose de la Science de la Mecanique deduite de I'experience et de I'observation. Par M. Christian. 3 vols. and adas. 40. Paris, i822-'25. 43. 3. 19-22. L'Application de la Mecanique \ I'Etablissement des Constructions et des Machines Legons sur, a I'Ecole des Ponts et Chaussees. fol. pp. .63. 7.4.1. ; Machines Hydrauliques et ^ Vapeur. Manuel de I'lngenieur des Ponts et Chaussees. Par A. Debauve, Ini^^enieur des Fonts et Chaussees' 6"'«, 7»'«, et 8'"« fasc. 8^, pp. 850; and atlas, 40. Paris, 1873. 3. 4. 21 & 38. Philosophique, ou Analyse raisonnee des diverses parties de la Science de I'Equilibre et du Mouvement. Par R. Prony. yournal de V Ecole Polytechniq7te, Tome III. 4°. pp. 477. Paris, 1800. 19. 6. 33. Mechanic (The Operative), and British Machinist ; being a practical display of the Manufactories and Mechanical Arts of the United Kingdom. By John Nicholson, C^. PI. 8^. pp. xvi, 795. London, 1825. 28.1.9. The same. With additions. 2 vols. 8°. Philadelphia, 1826. 19.2.12-13. Mechanical Engineers. Manual of Rules, Tables, and Data for, based on the most recent investigations. By Daniel Kinnear Clark. Diagrams. 8^. pp. xxvii, 984. London, 1877. 18. 1. 18. Philosophy; A System j)f. By Prof. John Robinson. With notes by David Brewster, LL. D. 4 vols. 8^. Edinburgh, 1822. 19. 2. 17-20. Contents. Vol. I. Dynamics, Projectiles, Corpuscular Forces, Strength of Materials, Carpentry, Roofs, Construction of Arches, and Construction of Centres for Bridges. II. Letter from Mr. Watt to Dr. Brewster, on the History of the Steam-Engine, On i^teara, On the Steam-Engine, Appendix by the late Mr. Watt, Machinery, Resistance of Fluids, Rivers, Water Works, Pumps. III. Astronomy, Telescope, Pneumatics. W . Electricity, Magnetism, Variation of the Compass, Temperament of the Scale of Music. Speaking Trumpet, Musical Trumpet, Watch-Work, Seamanship. Mechanics. American Mechanical Dictionary. By E. H. Knight. Illus. 3 vols. imp. 80. New York, 1877. 5. 2. 15-17. Analytical. Elements of. By Prof. W. H. C. Bartlett, U. S. Military Acadejny. 8th ed. 80. pp. viii, 510. New York, 1865. 19.2.2. r An Elementary Treatise on. Translated from the French of M. Bou- charat by Prof. E. H. Courtenay, U. S. Military Academy, PI. 80. pp. 432. New York, 1833. 19. 2. 5. Applied. A Manual of. By W. J. M. Rankine, C. E. Diagrams. 12O. pp. xvi, 648. London, 1861. 19.2.21. Cyclopaedia of Applied Mechanics (Appleton's.) Illus. 2 vols. imp. 80. New York, 1880. 5. 2. 18-19. Cyclopaedia of Useful Arts, Mechanical and Chemical. Edited by Charles Tomlinson. Illus. 2 vols. 8°. London, [1852]. 5.4.23-24. 372 MECHANICS, ETC. MEOHANIOS, ETO. 373 Mechanics. Meteorological. Mechanics. Elements of Natural Philosophy : Mechanics. By Frof. W. H. C. Bartlett, U. S. Military^ Academy. 80. New York, 1850. 19. 2. 3. Fundamental Ideas of, and experimental data. By A. Morin. Re- vised, translated, and reduced to English units of measure by Jos. Ben- nett, C. E. 30. pp. xiii, 445. New York, i860. 19. 2. 4. - of Engineering and of the Construction of Machines. A Manual of. In 3 vols. Vol. II. Application of Mechanics to Machines. By Julius Weisbach, Professor at the Royal Mitiin^ Academy at Freiberg. Trans- lated by A. Jay Du Bois. 8°. pp. Iviii, 675. New York, 1877. 7. 4. 25. of Machinery and Engineering. Vol.1. Theoretical Mechanics. Vol. II. Machinery and Engineering. By Julius Weisbach. Illus. 2 vols. 80. London, 1847. 19. 2. 14-15. and Useful Arts. The Year-Book of Facts in Science and Art. 1859-62. By John Timbs. 3 vols. 16^. London, 1859-62. 14. 3. 9-11. Mechanics' Magazine, and Engineers' Journal (Appleton's). Vols. I-III. Illus. 1 vol. 80, and 2 vols. 40 New York, 1851-54. 14. 4. 2-4. Magazine, Museum, Register, Journal, and Gazette. Vols. LII-LIII. 2 vols. 80. London, 1850. 45. 4. 17-18. Pocket Dictionary. Being a note-book of Technical Terms, Rules, and Tables. By Wm. Greer. 16^. pp. 547. Glasgow, 1837. 2 copies. 5. 1. 23. Mechanism. Principles of, designed for the use of Students in the Universities and for Engineering Students generally. By Robert Willis, M. A., F. R. S. Illus. 8°. pp. XXX, 446. London, 1841. 19. 2. 6. and Machinery of Transmission. The Principles of. By Wm. Fair- bairn, C. E., LL. D., F. R. S., F. G. S. Illus. 80. pp. 266. Phila- delphia, 1869. 19. 2. 23. Meteorological and Physical Tables. By F^o/. Arnold Guyot. (Smithsonian Misc. Collections.) 2d ed. 8°. Washington, 1859. - copies. 28. 3. 23. The same. 3d ed. Revised and enlarged. 8°. Washington, 1859. 19. 3. 33. Committee. Remarks to accompany the Monthly Charts of Meteoro- logical Data for Square 3, extending from the Equator to 10^ N. Lat., and from 20O to 30° W. Long. 4°. London, 1874. 45. 6. 44. Observations, made at the Magnetical Observatory, Toronto, Canada. Abstracts and results of, for years 1854-59, and 1860-62. 2 vols. 4°. Toronto, i863-'64. L. S. Observations at the U. S. Naval Observatory, made during the years 1872-75. In I vol. 40. Washington, 1874-77. 45. 6. 27. 374 MEOHANIOS, ETO. MEOHANIOS, ETO. 375 Meteorological. Meteorologie. Meteorological Observations; Greenwich. Reduction of. iS^g-j^. 4^. London, 1878. 44. 4. 17. T/ie same. Results of, in the year 1875. 4O. London, 1877. 44. 4. 20. Observations made at Dudley Observatory from 1862 to 1871. Illus. {A finals of Dudley Observatory^ Vol. II.) G. W. Hough, Director. 80. pp. xliii, 367. Albany, 187 1. L. S. Observations made under the direction of the United States Patent Office and the Smithsonian Institution, from 1854 to 1859, inclusive. Re- sults of. Vol. L 40. pp.1219. Washington, 1 86 1. 19.6.6. Observations. Results of a series of, at sundry stations in the State ot New York. Second series, from 1850 to 1863, inclusive, and other Phe- nomena, to 1 87 1, inclusive. By Franklin B. Hough. 4O. pp. 402. Albany, 1872. 19. 6. 4. , Magnetic and other Observatories, of the Dominion of Canada. Re- ports on, for the years i874-'77. 4 vols. 8^. Ottawa. L. S. Office and Service of the Dominion of Canada. Reports for fiscal years ending June 30, 1872, June 30, 1873, and December 31, 1878. By G. Kingston, Supt. 3 vols. 8^. L. S. Register for the years 1826 to 1830. Prepared under the direction of 'Y\\omd.^\.di^'E>oi\^M. D.J Surg. Getil. U. S, Army. 8°. pp.61. Philadel- phia, 1840. 19. 3. 36. Register for twelve years, from 1831 to 1842, inclusive. Prepared under the direction of Thomas Lawson, M. Z>., Surg. Getil. U. S. Army. 8°- PP- 332. Washington, 1851. 19. 3. 32. Register for twelve years, from 1843 to 1854, inclusive, compiled from observations made by the Officers of the Medical Department, U. S. Army, at the Military Posts of the United States. 4^. pp. 763. Wash- ington, 1855. 19. 6. 6. Report: Fourth. By /V^ James P. Espy. 70 maps. 40. pp.240. Washington, 1857. 19. 6. 1. Researches, for the use of the Coast Pilot. By William Ferrel. Part I. On the Mechanics and the General Motions of the Atmosphere. PI. 40. pp. 47. Washington, 1877. {Coast Blot, Part L) 19. 6. 3 The same. Part I L On Cyclones, Tornadoes, and Waterspouts. PI. 4°- PP- 95- Washington, 1880. 18. 3. 45. [Report of the Superintendent of the U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, 1878, Appendix No. 10.] Meteorologie. Lehrbuch der. Bearbeitet von Dr. Ernst Erhard Schmid. Illus. 8^. pp. xvi, 1009, and i vol. of pi. fol. Leipzig, i860. L. S. See also Manuel de I'lngenieur des Ponts et Chaussees. 3. 4. 30. 376 MEOHANIOS, ETC. MEOHANIOS, ETO. 377 Meteorology. Physique. Meteorology. A complete Course of. By L. F. Kaeintz, Prof, of Physics^ University of Halle. With notes by Ch, Martins, and Appendix containing the graphic representation of the numerical tables by L. Lalanne, C. E. Translated with notes and additions by C. V. Walker. Illus. \2^. pp. xxii, 598. London, Paris, and Leipzig, 1845. 2 copies. 19. 3. 28. Directions for taking Meteorological Observations ; adopted by the Medical Department of the United States Army. 8^. pp. 18. 1844. 19. 3. 29. ; From the Encyclopaedia Britannica. By Sir John F. W. Herschel, 2d ed. 12°. pp. vii, 288. Edinburgh, 1862. L. S. in its connection with Hypsometry. See Williamson On the Use of the Barometer on Surveys and Reconnoissances. 17. 6. 7. Instructions for taking, recording, and reducing Meteorological Obser- vations, and for preserving and repairing Instruments. By Lieut. R. L. Hoxie and Lieut. W. L. Marshall. Prepared for the use of the U. S. Geog. Survey West of the looth Meridian. 8°. pp. 88. Washington, 1876. 19. 3. 31. Practical. By John Drew. 12^. pp. xi, 291. London, 1855. L. S. Natural Philosophy. Treatise on, by Sir William Thomson, LL. D., D, C Z., F. R. S., and Peter Guthrie Tait, Af. A. Vol. I. 80. pp. 737. Oxford, 1867. 19. 1. 2. Optics (Acoustics and). Elements of Natural Philosophy: Section 11. By Prof W. H. C. Bartlett. 80. pp. 360. New York, 1852. 28. 4. 29. The same. 4th ed. 8^. pp. 365. New York, 1863. 19. 1. 1. Photometric Observations made during 1877-79. ^ vols. 4*^. Cambridge, 1879. L. S. [Annals of the Astronomical Observatory of Harvard College, Vol. XI, Parts I and II.] Researches made in 1872-75. Illus. 4°. pp. 181. Leipzig, 1878. L. S. [Annals of the Astronomical Observatory of Harvard College, Vol. IX.] Physics. Elementary Treatise on, experimental and applied. Translated and edited from Ganot's Elements de Physique, by Prof. E. Atkinson, Ph. Z>., F. C. S. PI. and illus. 8^. pp. xi, 859. New York, 1875. 19. 1. 14. Physik und Chemie. Annalen der. Von J. C. Poggendorf. Jubel-Band. PI. 4^. pp. xix, 685. Leipzig, 1874. L. S. Physique et Chimie. Manuel de ITngenieur des Ponts et Chaussees. Par A. Debauve, Lngenieur des Ponts et Chaussees, 2'"'* fasc. PI. 8^. pp, 272. Paris, 1872. 3. 4. 17. Tabic des Matieres. Objet de la Physique, etc ; Hydrostatique; Chaleur; Notions sur le Magn^tisme, 1' Electricity et I'Electro-magn^^tisme ; Notions sur la Production et la Propagation du Son. Objet de la Chimie ; M^talloldes; M^taux ; Chimi6 organique. 48 378 MEOHANIOS, ETC. MEOHANIOS, ETO. 379 Sciences. Steam-Engine. Sciences Physiques et Naturelles, Archives des; Nouvelle Periode. Tome XLIX. No. 193. 15 Janvier 1874. 8*^. Bureau des Archives. Geneve, 1874. L. S. Sound. By John Tyndall, D. C. Z., \etc,\ lllus. 3d ed. 12O. New York, 1876. 2.5.-35. Spectrum Analysis in its Application to Terrestrial Substances, and the Physi- cal Constitution of the Heavenly Bodies. By Dr. H. Schellen. Trans- lated by Jane and Caroline Lassell. Edited by William Huggins, LL. D. PI. and illus. 80. pp. 662. London, 1872. 19. 1. 6. Statics. An Elementary Treatise on. By Gaspard Monge. Translated from the French by Woods Baker, A. M. 12^. pp. 216. Philadelphia, 1851. 19. 2. 26. Graphic. The Elements of. By Carl von Ott. Translated from the German by Lieut. George Sydenham Clarke, R. E. 12^. pp. 121. London, 1876. 18. 2. 20. Graphical. New Constructions in. By Henry T. Eddy, C. E. lllus. 80. pp. 62. New York, 1877. 18. 2. 19. Graphical. The Elements of, and their application to Framed Struc- tures, with numerous practical examples of Cranes; Bridge, roof and sus- pension Trusses ; braced and stone Arches ; pivot and draw Spans ; con- tinuous girders, &c., together with the best methods of calculation [etc.]. By A. Jay Du Bois, C. E. 2 vols. Text and pi. 80. New York, 1875. 18. 2. 17-18. Steam-Boilers. \Fuel for.^ Sui combustibili e sul miglior modo di adoperarli nelle Machine a Vapore. Esposte da Felice Biglia. 4 pi. 8^. pp.151. Torino, 1861. 19. 1. 7. Steam-Engine ( ihe) familiarly explained and illustrated. By Rev. D. Lard- ner, LL. D. With additions and notes by James Renwick, LL. D, lllus. 80. pp. 325. Philadelphia, 1836. 19. 2. 7. Handbook of the, containing all the rules required for the right con- struction and management of engines of every class, with the easy arith- metical solution of those rules. By John Bourne, C. E. lllus. 12O. pp. xii, 474. New York, 1878. 19. 2. 24. (The); Its invention and progressive Improvement, an investigation of its principles for Navigation, Manufactures, and Railways. By Thomas Tredgold. A new edition, revised and edited by W. S. B. Woolhouse. PI. and illus. 2 vols. 4°. London, 1838. 7. 5. 16-17. Rules and data for the, both Stationary and Locomotive; and for rail- ways. Canals, and Turnpike Roads. By Henry Adcock, C. E. 12^. pp. 88. London, 1839. 19- 2. 25. ( l^he) and other Prime Movers. A Manual of. By W. J. M. Rankine, C.E. lllus. 120. pp. xxxii, 575. London, 1861. 19. 2. 22. 380 MECHANICS, ETC. MECHANICS, ETC. 381 Steam-Engines. Wire Ropes. Steam-Engines. Pumping. An experimental inquiry concerning the relative power of, and the useful effect produced by the Cornish and Boulton and Watt Pumping Engines, and Cylindrical and Waggon-head Boilers. By Thomas Wicksteed. 40. pp. 34. London, 1841. 19. 6. 31. Storms. The Philosophy of. By James P. Espy, A, M. Illus.. 8^. pp. 552. Boston, 1841. 19. 1. 34. Telegraph : The Electro- Magnetic. A Hand-book of. By A. E. Loring. 16°. pp. 98. New York, 1878. 19. 1. 21. Electricity and the Electric Telegraph. By George B. Prescott. 8°. pp. 963. New York, 1877. 19. 1. 29. See also Electrical Tables. 19. 1. 30. Telegraphy. Military. A Manual of, for the Signal Service, United States Army, embracing permanent and field lines. Illus. 12°. pp. 100. Washington, 1872. 19. 1. 24. Practical. A Hand-book of. By R. S. Culley, Member Inst. C. E. Illus. 80. pp. 373. London, 1871. 19. 1. 31. Turbine Wheels. On the inapplicability of the theoretical investigations of the Turbine Wheel as given by Rankine, Weisbach, Bresse, and others, to the modern construcdons introduced by Boyden and Francis. By Prof. William P. Trowbridge, Columbia College. Cuts. 18^. pp. 88. New York, 1879. 19. 2. 31. Universal Assistant and Complete Mechanic, or 50,000 industrial Facts, Pro- cesses, Receipts, Rules, Formulae, Legal Forms, etc. With nearly 500,000 calculations in every Business, from the Household to the Manufactory. By R. Moore. Cuts. 12O. pp.819. New York, 1878. 18.1.29. Weather Book. A Manual of Practical Meteorology. By Rear-Admiral Fitz Roy. 2d ed. 16 pi. 8^. pp. xiv, 480. London, 1863. L. S. Reports, Signal Service United States Army. Daily Bulletin of. With the Synopses, Probabilities, and Facts. September, 1 87 2, to October, 1873. 14 vols. 40. Washington, i873-'76. 42. 1. 1-14. Winds of the Globe; or the Laws of Atmospheric Circulation over the Sur- face of the Earth. By James Henry Coffin, LL. D. PI. and charts. 40. pp.756. {^Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge. Vol. xx.) Washing- ton, 1875. 19. 6. 7. [Discussion and analysis of the above.] By Alexander Woeikof. Maps. 40. pp. 88. Washington, 1876. - 19. 6. 34. of the Northern Hemisphere. By Prof. James H. Coffin, A. M. Maps. 40. pp.197. (Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge. Vol. vi.) Wash- ington, 1853. 19. 6. 15. Wire Ropes. Transmission of Power by. By A. W. Stahl, M. E. Cuts. 18°. pp. 124. New York, 1877. 19. 2. 32. See also Arago (Fran9ois). CEuvres completes. 16. 2. 1-16, 382 MEDICAL AND SANITAEY WORKS. 17. MEDICAL AND SANITARY WORKS. Ambulances. Report of a Board of Officers to decide upon a Pattern of Am- bulance Wagon for Army use. 9 folding pi. 8^. pp. 79. Washing- ton, 1878. 42. 4. 13. Barracks and Hospitals. Report on, with Descriptions of Military Posts. Illus. 40. Washington, 1870. (Surg. Gen., U. S. A., Circular No. 4.) 42. 4. 10. See also Hygiene of the U. S. Army [containing descriptions of Military Posts]. Illus. 40. Washington,' 1875. 42. 4. 9. Cholera. An Essay to prove the Contagious Character of Malignant Cholera ; with brief instructions for its Prevention and Cure. By B. M. Byrne, M, D. 2d ed. 80. pp. 160. Philadelphia, 1855. 42. 4. 20. Epidemic of 1873 ^"^ ^^ United States. Cuts. 8°. Washington, 1875. 42. 4. 18. [Ex. Doc. 95, H. R., 43d Cong., 2d Sess.] Desiccated Vegetables. Reports of the Boards of Navy Officers convened to examme certain desiccated alimentary Vegetable Substances. 8^. Washington, 1852. 42. 4. 21. Diseases (Contagious) of Domesticated Animals. Continuation of investiga- tion by Department of Agriculture. Illus. 8°. pp.268. Washington, 1880. 42. 3. 39. of Cattle in the United States. Report on, by the Commissioner of Agriculture. 4^. pp. 205. Washington, 187 1. 42. 3. 40. Hospital, The Herbert, at Woolwich. Report descriptive of. By Douglas Gal ton, R. E. 40. pp. 53. London, 1865. 7. 3. 1. Hospitals. Approved Plans and Specifications for. (Surg. Gen. Office, Circular No. 2.) PI. 4°. pp.14. Washington, 187 1. 7.3.4. — ^S><'w?/yr; Barracks and Hospitals. 42. 4. 10. Sanitary Condition of the British Army. 47. 5. 1-2. Hygiene of the United States Army. A Report on, with Descriptions of Mili- tary Posts. Illus. 4°. Washington, 1875. (Surg. Gen., Circular No. 8.) 42. 4. 9. Massachusetts State Board of Health. Seventh annual report. January, 1876. Maps and illus. 8^. Boston, 1876. 44. 3. 20. 383 384 MEDICAL AND SANITARY WORKS. MEDICAL AND SANITAEY WORKS. 386 Medical. Statistical. Medical and Physical Researches, or original Memoirs in Medicine, Surgery, Physiology, Geology, Zo51ogy, and Comparative Anatomy. By Richard Harlan, M. D. PI. 8°. pp. xxxix, dti^. Philadelphia, 1835. 42. 4. 19. and Surgical History of the War of the Rebellion. In 2 parts. Part I, Vol. I, Medical History; Vol. 2, Surgical History. Part II, Vol. i, Medical History; Vol. 2, Surgical History. Colored pi., and illus. 4 vols. 40. Washington, 1870-79. 42. 4. 1-4. Department of the United States Army from 1775 to 1873. By H. E. Brown, A, S. 8^. pp. 314. Washington, 1873. 42. 4. 15. Michigan State Board of Health. Fourth Annual Report. 8°. Lansing, 1876. 44. 3. 21. Quarantine and Miscellaneous Papers of the Board of Health. In i vol. 80. London, i85o-'52. 47. 2. 20. Contents. Second report on Quarantine. Yellow Fever. Powers and duties of local Boards of Health. Duties of Officers of Health. (12th Feb., 1851.) Appointment of Officer of Health under 40th sec. of Public Health Act. By-laws of local Board of Health as to Street Cleansing, etc. On the Cleansing of Towns. By-laws for the regulation of Slaughter Houses. Experience on Disease, and comparative rates of Mortality. Returns of the supply of Water to the Metropolis. Statement of cost of Water in thirty-two towns. Minutes on proposed Surveys under the Public Health Act. On the proposed Gathering Grounds for the supply of the Metropolis from the soft water Springs of the Surrey sands. [British Parliamentary Papers.] Sanitary Condition of the [British] Army, the Organization of Military Hos- pitals, and the Treatment of the vSick and Wounded. Report on regula- tions affecting the, with evidence and appendixes. Folding pi. 2 vols, fol. London, 1858. 47. 5. 1-2. [British Parliamentary Paper.] [Condition of the Italian Army.] Relazione medica suUe condizioni sanitarie dell' Esercito nell' anno 1876. 8^. pp. 429. Rome, 1878. 42. 4. 23. Measures in India in 1874-75. Report on, together with miscella- neous information up to June, 1876. Vol. VIII [only], fol. pp. 198. London, 1876. 47. 4. 34. [British Parliamentary Paper.] Southern Medical Reports ; consisting of general and special Reports on the Medical Topography, Meteorology, and Prevalent Diseases. By E. D. Fenner, M. D. Vol. I, 1849; ^o^- II' i^S^- 2 vols. 8°. New Orleans, i85o-'5i. 42. 4. 16-17. Statistical Report on the Sickness and Mortality in the Army of the United States. Vol. I, i839-'55; Vol. II, i855-'6o. 2 vols. 40. Washing- ton, i856-'6o. 42. 4. 7-8. 49 386 MEDICAL AKD SANITARY WORKS. MEDIOAL AND SANITARY WOEKS. 387 Statistics. Transport* Statistics, Medical and Anthropological, of the Provost-Marshal-General's Bureau, derived from records of the examination for Military Service in the Armies of the United States during the late War of the Rebellion, of over a million Recruits, Drafted Men, Substitutes, and Enrolled men. 2 vols. 4°. Washington, 1875. ^^' ^- ^"^' Transport of the Sick and Wounded by Pack Animals. Report to the Sur- geon-General, U. S. Army. By George A. Otis, Asst. Surgeon^ U. S. A. 4°. pp. 32. Washington, 1877. 42. 4. 12. 388 METALS, METALLUEGY, ETC. 18. METALS, METALLURGY. Etc. Distribution geographique de I'Or et de I'Argent aux Etat-Unis et dans les Canadas. Par Jules Marcou. 80. [Mis^:. Pamph,^ vol. viii.] 31. 2. 8. Iron Industry of Germany. By Herman Wedding. 8^. pp. 23. Edin- burgh and London, 1880. \Misc. Pamph.^ vol. xv.] 31. 2. 15. Fabrication of, for Defensive Purposes. See Barnard {Col. J. G.), Wright [Lieut. Col. H. G.) and Michie {Capt P. S.). Report. 17. 6. 18. Trade. Comprehensive History of, throughout the World. By Harry Scrivenor. 8°. pp.453. London, 1841. 16.2.35. Treatise on the Metallurgy of, containing outHnes of the history of iron manufacture, etc. By H. Bauerman, F. G. S. Illus. 8^. pp. 399. London, 1868. 19. 3. 13- Cast. Experimental Researches on the Strength and other Properties of, with the development of new principles ; calculations deduced from them ; and enquiries applicable to rigid and tenacious bodies generally. By Eaton Hodgkinson, F. P.,S. PI. 8°. pp. 196. London, 1846. 19. 5. 20. Cast, and other Metals. Practical Essay on the Strength of, containing practical Rules, Tables, and Examples, founded on a series of Experiments, with an extensive table of the Properties of Materials. By Thomas Tred- gold, M. I. C. E. 80. pp. 296. London, 1842. 2 copies. 19. 5. 19. Cast and Wrought. On the Application of, to Building Purposes. By William Fairbairn, C. E., F R. S. Illus. 8^. pp. 166. New York, 1854. 19. 5. 6. Iron Casting. Note sur les procedes de Fusion et les moyens d'Ajustage des Voussoirs de font de fer qui composent les Arches du Pont du Carrousel. Par fimile Martin, Fondeur. 4O. pp. 16. Paris, 1834. 19. 5. 3. Iron and Steel as manufactured by Jones & Laughlin, Am. Iron Works, Pitts- burgh. Report by Robert H. Thurston, A. M. 8°. Pittsburgh, 1878. 19. 5. 13. Industries of the United States. Reports on. [To which is added] Report on the Pubhc Debt and Expenditure of the United States. By J. P. Harriss-Gastrell. 8^. pp. 825. London, 1874. 47. 2. 11. 390 METALS, METALLURaY, ETC. METALS, METALLURGY, ETO. 391 Iron and Steel. Phosphorus Bronze. Iron and Steel Institute. Journal of the. 3 vols. 8°. London, 1877-79. 19. 6. 8-10. Practical and Experimental Papers on. A series of Original Commu- nications made to the Philosophical Magazine, chiefly on those subjects, with copious illustrative notes. By David Mushet. PI. S^. pp. xxvi, 925. London, 1840. 19. 6. 4. Report of the United States Board appointed to test Iron, Steel, and other Metals. PI. and illus. 8°. pp. 584. Washington, 1878. 19. 5. 14. The Metallurgy of, theoretical and practical, with special reference to American Materials and Processes. By H. S. Osborn, ZL. D. Illus. 80. pp. 940. Philadelphia, 1869. 19. 5. 5. The Production of, in its economic and social relations. By Abram S. Hewitt, Commissioner at the Paris Universal Expositio?i, 1867. 8^. pp. 183. Washington, 1868. 19. 5. 7. Works of Charles Cammell & Co., Sheffield, etc. Illustrated Cata- logue. 40. n. p. or d. 14. 4. 5. Iron Works (Pascal). Illustrated Catalogue. 40. Philadelphia, 1863. 47. 3. 44. Metallurgie. Principes generaux de. Par A. Gueny veau, Ifigenieur en Chef, Professeur a P Ecole Royale des Mines de France. PI. 8^. pp. 159. Paris, 1824. 19. 3. 14. Metals. Reports of Experiments on the Strength and other Properties of. By Officers of the Ordnance Department, U. S. A. PI. 40. pp. xx, 428. Philadelphia, 1856. 7. 2. 2. The same. With an account of the Fabrication and Trial of a 15-inch Gun. By Capt. T. J. Rodman. PL 40. pp. xii, 308. Boston, 1861. 7. 2. 1. Strength, Elasticity, Ductility, and Resilience of Materials of Machine Construction. By Prof. R. H. Thurston, Stevens Institute of Technology. 80. pp. 62. Philadelphia, 1874. 19. 5. 16. The law of Fatigue and Refreshment of. By Thomas Egleston. 8°. 1880. \Misc. Pamph., vol. i.] 31. 2. 1. See also Materials and Strength of Materials. Ores. Description of L. R. Krom's System and Machinery for Dry Crushing and Concentrating. 8°. pp. 64. New York, 1876. 19. 6. 48. Phosphorus Bronze. Essay on the use of, for the founding of Cannon. By C. Montefiore-Levy and C. Kunkel. Brussels, 1870. Translated by John D. Brandt. PI. 4°. pp. 123. Washington, 1872. 7. 2. 7. 392 METALS, METALLURGY, ETC. METALS, METALLURGY, ETC. 393 Steel. Steel. Steel. A treatise on, comprising its Theory, Metallurgy, Properties, Practical Working and Use. By M. H. C. Landrin,y>. Translated from the French, with notes, by A. A. Fesquet, with an appendix on the Bessemer and Martin processes for manufacturing Steel. 16^. pp. 352. Philadelphia, 1868. 19. 5. 24. The use of, for Constructive Purposes. Method of working, apply- ing and testing Plates and Bars. By J. Barla, Chief Naval Constructor at L Orient. Translated from the French, with a preface, by Alex. L. Holley. 160. pp. no. New York, 1875. 1®- 5. 27. — See also Iron and Steel. 50 394 MILITARY EDUCATION, ADMINISTRATION, ETC. 19. MILITARY EDUCATION, ADMINISTRATION, ORGANIZA- TION, ORDERS, REGULATIONS, Etc. Admission of University Candidates to the Scientific Corps. Report of a Committee appointed by the Secretary of State for War. fol. pp. 25. London, 1874. 47. 5. 8. [British Parliamentary Paper..] Armies of Asia and Europe, embracing official reports on the Armies of Japan, China, India, Persia, Italy, Russia, Austria, Germany, France, and England. By Emory Upton, Bvt Maj, Gen.^ U. S. A. 8^. pp. ix, 376. New York, 1878. 2. 5. 10. Army Manual. Containing instructions for Officers in the preparation of Rolls, Returns, and Accounts required of Regimental and Company Commanders [etc.]. By George Patten. 12^. pp. 306. New York, 1854. 17. 1. 25. Austria. Bericht iiber die Thatigkeit und die Leistungen des K. K. Technischen und Administrativen Militar-Comite im Jahre 1871-72. 8^. Wien, 1872-73. [Arise. Famph., vol. iv.] 31. 2. 4. Barrack Accommodation for the Army. Report from an official Committee on. fol. pp. XV, 206. London, 1855. ^*^' 5- 35. The same. Correspondence relative to improvement of. fol. pp.35. London, 1858. 47. 5. 36. [British Parliamentary Papers.] Brevets in the Armies of Great Britain and the United States. The history and legal effect of. By Bvf. Maj. Gen, James B. Fry, U, S. A. 8°. pp. 576. New Vork, 1877. 2. 5. 15, British Army. Appropriation Accounts for the years 1873-74, 1874-75, i876-'77, i878-'79. In i vol. fol. London, 1874-80. 47. 5. 44. [British Parliamentary Papers.] Estimates of effective and non-effective services for 1875-76, 1876-77, 1879-80, and 1880-81. 3 vols. fol. London, 1875-80. 47. 5. 39-41. [British Parliamentary Papers.] General annual Return for the years 1872 and 1873, with abstracts for the years 1861-73. pp. 6^, 78. In i vol. 8^. London, 1874-75. 47. 2. 5. 395 396 MILITARY EDUCATION, ADMINISTRATION, ETO. MILITARY EDUCATION, ADMINISTRATION, ETO. 397 British Army. Company Clerk. British Army. The same. For the year 1874. 8°. pp. 78. London, 1876. 47. 2. 6. [British Parliamentary Papers.] Returns showing the number of Soldiers under Punishment in any Prison or Barrack ; the Crimes for which imprisoned, etc., 1869-75 inclu- sive, fol. pp. 196. London, 1876. 47. 4. 17. [British Parliamentary Papers.] Report of the Commissioners appointed to inquire into certain memo- rials from Officers in the Army in reference to the Abolition of Purchase; together with minutes of evidence, appendix and index, fol. pp. 193. London, 1874. 47. 5. 47. [British Parliamentary Paper.] Report of the Royal Commission on Army Promotion and Retirement; together with minutes of evidence, appendix and index, fol. pp. xliii, 308. London, 1876. 47. 5. 46. [British Parliamentary Paper.] Revised Maps of the United Kingdom, showing the D^pot Centres, etc., as proposed in report on Organization of the Military Land Forces. 3 folded maps. London, 18.72. 47. 3. 39. [British Parliamentary Paper.] Supplementary estimate for year 1878-79. fol. London, 1878. 47. 5. 41. [.^tfawdTwiVA "Army Estimates," 1879-80. Parliamentary Papers.] and Navy. Civil employment of Soldiers, Sailors, and Marines. Re- port from a Select Committee, fol. pp. viii, 232. London, 1876. 47. 4. 22. [British Parliamentary Paper.] British Militia. Report of the Committee appointed by the Secretary ot State for War to enquire into certain questions that have arisen with ref- erence to the Militia and the present Brigade D^pot System, fol. pp. xxiv, 548. London, 1877. 47. 6. 49. [British Parliamentary Paper.] Volunteer Corps. Abstract ot annual Returns dated ist November, 1875. SO. pp. 80. London, 1876. 47. 2. 10. [British Parliamentary^ Paper.] Yeomanry Cavalry. Report of the Committee on certain questions that have arisen with respect to. fol. pp. iv, 256. London, 1876. 47. 4. 45. [British Parliamentary Paper.] California. Annual Report ot the Adjutant- General* for the year 1862. 8<5. Sacramento, 1863. 44. 2. 25. The sa?ne. Report from May i, 1864, to November 30, 1865. 8^. Sacramento, 1866. 44. 2. 26. Company Clerk (The). Showing how and when to make out all the Returns [etc.], and what to do with them. By Brig. Gen. August V. Kautz, U. S. V. i2thed. 12O. pp.142. Philadelphia, 1865. 17.1.30. 398 MILITAET EDUOATION, ADMINISTRATION, ETO. MILITARY EDUCATION, ADMINISTEATION, ETO. 399 Connecticut. Massachusetts. Connecticut. Annual Report of the Adjutant- General for year ending March 31, 1866. 80. Hartford, 1866. 44. 2. 24. Corps of Engineers (The). A paper on the relations of the Corps of Engi- neers to the Army and on the 63d Article of War. By Bvt. Col. William P. Craighill. 80. pp. 21. Washington, 1869. 19. 5. 49. Ecole d'Apphcation de I'Artillerie et du Genie. Ordonnance et Reglemens concernant r. 8^. pp.361. Metz, 1831. 17.2.13. Engineer Department (The). A paper on the relations of the Engineer De- partment to the Army and on the 63d Article of War. By Bvi. Maj, Gen. A. A. Humphreys. 8^. pp. 9. Washington, 1869. 19. 6. 49. France. Cours d' Administration Militaire. Par A. J. Nauchelle. 4th ed. 3 vols. 80. Paris, 1861. 6. 1. 1-3. . Cours de Legislation et d'Administration Militaires. Par le Capifai?ie. E. Richard. 2 vols. 80 Paris, 1862. 6. 1. 4-5. The Military Organization and Administration of. By Capt. Th. James Thackeray. 2 vols. 8^. London, 1856. 6. 1. 6-7. Legislation et Administration Militaires. Par Prof. Leon Ouillot. 8^. pp. xxxi, 551. Paris, 1855. 6. 3. 2. General Orders, U. S. Army. 1853-60 and 1872-80. 8 vols. 12°. 17. 3. 21-30. [Also an incomplete set from i86i-'7i.] War Department, A. G. O. Selections from, 1866 to G. O. No. 51, 1880, inclusive. Compiled by Lieut, A. B. Dyer. 12°. San Francisco, 1880. 17. 3. 34. General Staff. The duties of. By MaJ, Gen. B. von Schellendorf. Trans- lated [from the German] by W. A. H. Hare, R. E. Vol. L 8°. Lon- don, 1877. 6. 3. 42. Horse Equipments, Cavalry Equipments and Accouterments [etc.]. Proceed- ings of the Board of Officers convened under S. O. Nos. 238 and 253, A. G. O., 1873, with the action of the War Department thereon. PI. 40. pp. 119. Washington, 1874. 6. 6. 26. Illinois. Report of the Adjutant- General of the State of, 1861-66. 3 vols. 80. Springfield, 1867. 44. 1. 21-23. Infantry Equipment. Proceedings of the Board of Officers convened under Special Orders No. 120, A. G. O., 1874, on Infantry Equipment, and ma- terials and supplies necessary for efficient outfit of Infantry-troops in Field and Garrison, with the action of the War Department thereon. {Ordnance Memoranda, No. 19.) PI. 4O. pp. 62. Washington, 1875. 6. 6. 28. Italian Army. Delia leva sui giovani nati nell' anno 1857 e delle vicende del R. Esercito dal i" ottobre 1877 al 30 settembre 1878. 40. Roma, 1879- 42. 7. 43. Massachusetts. Annual Report of the Adjutant-General for the year ending December 31, 1862. 2P. Boston, 1863. 44. 2. 23. 400 MILITARY EDUOATION, ADMINISTRATION. ETC. MILITARY EDUOATION, ADMINISTRATION, ETC. 401 Mexico. Organization. Mexico. [Military Stations bordering on the United States.] Reglamento para el establecimiento de las Colonias Militares en la frontera del norte. Folding map and pi. 8°. Mexico, 1869. 2. 5. 11. Military Education. First, second, and third Reports by the Director-Gen- eral, on Army schools, Libraries, and Recreation rooms. In r vol. 8^. London, iSyz-'yy. 47. 2. 22. [British Parliamentary Papers.] of F'rance, Prussia, Austria, and Sardinia, together with a description of Addiscombe and Woolwich, fol. pp. 414. London, 1857. 47. 5. 5-6. [British Parliamentary Paper.] Report on the best mode of re-organizing the system for training Of- cers for the Scientific Corps ; [And] an account of foreign and other Military Education, pp. Ixxxvi, 441, 245. 2 vols. fol. London, 1857. 47. 5. 6-6. [British Parliamentary Paper.] v Report on foreign Military Education, fol. pp. vi, 84. London, 1856. 47. 5. 7. [British Parliamentary Paper.] Military Posts (U. S.). Military Division of the Pacific. Outline descriptions of. Illus. 12°. pp.104. Presidio of San Francisco, Cal., 1879. 42. 4. 14. Outline description of U. S. Military Posts and Stations in the year 187 1. (War Department, Quartermaster-Generals's Ofllice.) 40. pp. 271. Washington, 1872. 42. 4. 11. Military Prisons. Great Britain. Reports on the discipline and management of, i872-'74-'75-'76. By Lieut, Col, E. F. Du Cane, R, E. In i vol. 80. London, i873-'77. 47. 2. 7. [British Parliamentary Papers.] Missouri. Annual Reports of the Adjutant- General for 1863 and 1864. 2 vols. 80. St. Louis, 1864, and Jefferson City, 1865. 44. 2. 16-17. New York. Annual Report of the Adjutant-General transmitted February i, 1864. Vol. II [only]. Same. Transmitted March 10, 1869. Same, Transmitted January 4, 1870. 3 vols. 8°. Albany, 1864-70. 44. 2. 20-22. Organization (Army). By Sir Archibald Alison, Bart, 12O. pp. 117. Edinburgh, 1869. 6. 3. 40. — Regulation, Equipment, etc., of European Armies, 1855-56. Report on, by Capt, George B. McClellan, U. S. A, Map [of Sebastopol and approaches], and figs. 40. pp. 360. Washington, 1857. 24. 6. 22. Contents. Report upon the operations in the Crimea ; the European Engineer Troops ; the French, Austrian, Prussian, and Sardinian Infantry ; the Russian Army ; the Prussian, Austrian, French, English, and Sardinian, and the United States Cavalry ; Regulations and instructions for field service of cavalry, in time of war, for the United States Army. The same. Extracts for the use of the Cadets at the United States Military Academy. 8^. pp. 104. Washington, i86o. 6. 3. 36. 51 402 MILITAEY EDUOATION, ADMINISTRATION, ETO. MILITABY EDUOATION, ADMINISTEATION, ETC. 403 Organization. Organization. Organization of European Armies. See also Mordecai (Maj\ A.), Military Commission. 24. 6. 21. United States Atmy, A bill for the better Organization of the Army. (/T. of R., January 4, 1855.) 8°. 19. 5. 49. The same. Report by Mr. Faulkner, from Committee on Military Affairs, on the Increase and better Organization of the Army, January 29, 1855. With testimony of Officers of the Army. (:^2>^ Cong., 2d Sess., H. Report A^o.) 8°. pp.59. Washington, 1855. 19.5.49. The same. Report by Mr. Garfield, from Committee on Military Affairs, on Army Organization, with testimony of Officers of the Army. (40M Cong., T^d Sess., H. Report 2tZ') 8^. pp. 132. Washington, 1869. 19. 5. 49. The same. Report by Mr. Coburn, from Committee on Military Affairs, February 2, 1873. Staff Organization, with testimony of Officers of the Army. (42^ Cong., 3^ Sess,, H. Report 74.) 8^. pp. 309. Wash- ington, 1873. 19. 5. 49 & 53. The same. Report by Mr. Coburn, from Committee on Military Affairs, on Reduction of the Army and on Fortifications and Works of Defense. With testimony of Officers of the Army. (43^ Cofig., 1st Sess., Report 2,^\^ H. of. R., April d, 1874.) 8^. pp. 415. Washington, 1874. 19. 5. 50. — The same. Proceedings of a Commission [composed of the Secretary of War, Senators Cockrell and West, Representatives Banning and Hurl- but, Generals Sherrnan and Meigs], on Reform and Reorganization of the Army, under the provisions of the Act of July 24, 1876. (44//^ Cong., 2d Sess., Senate Ex. Doc. 26, yaniiary 29, 1877.) 2P. pp. 5. Wash- ington, 1877. 19. 5. 54. — The same. Report by Mr. Maish, from Committee on Military Affairs, with Mr. Banning's bill to Reorganize the Army of the United States. With testimony of Officers of the Army. (45//^ Cong., 2d Sess., H. of R. Misc. Doc. 56, March 21, 1878.) 8^. pp. 559. Washington, 1878. 19. 5. 51. — The same. Report of Mr. Burnside, from Joint Committee on the Reorganization of the Army. With testimony of Officers of the Army. (45/// Cong., ^d Sess., Senate Report 555, December 12, 1878.) 8°. pp. 512. Washington, 1878. 2. 5. 10. — The same. Papers and Letters in relation to the Reorganization of the Army: Supplementary to the above report. (46/// Cong., ist Sess., Senate Misc. Doc. \^, March 2t^,\Z']^.) 8^. pp.49. Washington, 1879. 19. 5. 54. 404 MILITARY EDUCATION, ADMINISTRATION, ETO. MILITARY EDUCATION, ADMINISTRATION, ETC. 405 Organization. Regulations. Organization : U, S,Army ; continued. Report of the Secretary of War show- ing the strength of the Regular Army from the beginning of the Govern- ment to January 14, 1879. (45^^^ Cong., 3^ Sess.^ H, of R. Ex. Doc. 23, J-anuary 15, 1879.) ^^' PP* ^^' Washington, 1879. 19. 5. 54. The same. Letter from the Secretary of War transmitting a communi- cation from Col. George W. Getty, submitting a substitute for sections 253, 254, and 255 of Senate Bill 1491, reorganizing the Army. (45/// Cong., 2t^i Sess,, Senate Ex. Doc. 20, January 13, 1879.) ^^' PP* 3* Washington, 1879. l^* 5. 54. The same. Statement in relation to the present and proposed Organi- zation of the Army. (45/// Cong., yi Sess., Senate Misc. Doc. 42, yami- ary 22, 1879.) ^^' PP* 2. Washington, 1879. ^^- ^- ^^• Proceedings of the Convention of National Guards, St. Louis, October i, 1879. 80. {Misc. Pa7tiph., vol. ix.J 31. 2. 9. Prusse : Systeme militaire de la, et principes de la Tactique actuel des troupes les plus perfectionnees. (Extraitde ^^ La Mojiarchie Prussienne.^' ) Par !e Comte de Mirabeau. 93 pi. 40. pp. 424. Londres, 1788. 6. 6. 29. Regulations: British Army. An act for punishing Mutiny and Desertion; and for the better payment of the Army, and their Quarters. Also, Rules and Articles for the better government of all His Majesty's Forces. 12^. pp. 100, 52. London, 1829. 17. 1. 29. The same. General Regulations and Orders for. 8°. London, 1822. 17. 1. 2. The same. The Queen's Regulations and Orders for. 3d ed. 8°. London, 1844. 17. 1. 2. The same. 180. London, i860. 17. 1. 31. The same. 180. London, 1868. 17. 1. 32. Bfitish Navy. Engineer Officers' Navy List, and Handbook of Infor- mation for the Steam branch of the Royal Navy. 12°. Devonport, 1873. 18. 5. 25. Confederate States Army. Regulations for the Army of the Confed- erate States, and for the Quartermaster's and Pay Departments, the uni- form and dress, the Articles of War; also, all the laws appertaining to the Army. 12O. New Orleans, 1861. 17. 1. 3. ficole d'Application de TArtillerie et du Genie. [Metz.] Ordonnance et reglemens concernant 1'. 8°. pp. 361. Metz, 1831. 17. 2. 13. Engineer Department, U. S. A, PI. 8°. pp. 25. Washington, 1825. • 17. L 13. The same. Regulations for the government of. 12O. Washington, 1840. 7. 1. 14. The same. Regulations for the Corps of Engineers and Topographi- cal Engineers. 120. pp. 23. Washington, 1857. 2 copies. 17. 1. 16. 406 •MILITARY EDUCATION, ADMINISTRATION, ETC. MILITARY EDUCATION, ADMINISTRATION, ETO. 407 Regulations. Regulations. Begulations for the Uniform and Dress of the Army of the United States. 1 85 1. 25 colored pi. 40. pp.13. Philadelphia, n. d. 47.2.42. French Army: Journal MiHtaire Officiel : Annee 1838. Regtement pour servir a I'execution, en ce qui concerne le Departement de la Guerre, de rOrdonnance Royale du 31 mai 1838, etc. 8°. [Paris], 1838-39, 17. 2. 9. The same, Manuel portatif du Recrutement de TArmee. 32°. pp. xcv, 199. Paris, 1832. 1. 1. 42. The same, Ordonnance du Roi sur le service des Armees en Cani- pagne, du 3 mai 1832. PI. fol. pp. 14. Paris, 1832. 6. 5. 17. The same, 32°. pp. 268. Paris, 1840. 1. 1. 39. The same. Ordonnance du Roi portant Reglement sur la progression de I'avancement et la nomination aux emplois dans I'Armee [etc.]. 32°. pp. 252. Paris, 1838. 1. 1. 41. The same. Ordonnance du Roi portant Reglement sur le service de la solde, et sur les Revues, du 25 decembre 1837. 32^. pp. xx, -i^Z^, 71. [Strasbourg], 1838. 1. 1. 40. French Engineer Corps, Recueil des principales lois et ordonnances sur I'organization du personnel et I'avancement dans le Corps du Genie. 120. Paris, [1840]. 17.2.14. {Bound -with "Etat du Corps du G^nie."J Medical Department, U. S, A, Regulations for. 12°. pp.57. Wash- ington, 1856. 17. 1. 19. Mexican Army, Reglamento de la Milicia activa, y general della civica de la Repiiblica Mejicana. 16^. pp.215. Mejico, 1833. 1.1.33. Ordnance Department, U, S. A. Regulations for the government of. 80. pp. 171. Washington, 1839. 17. 1. 26. — Ordnance Instructions for the United States Navy. Part I. Relating to the preparation of Vessels of War fv^r battle. Part II. The equipment and manoeuvre of boats. Part III. Ordnance and ordnance stores. 3d ed. 80. Washington, 1864. 17. 1. 27. — Paymaster's Manual, for the information of Officers of the Pay Depart- ment of the United States Army. By J. H. Eaton, Paymaster, U, S. A. 80. pp.62. Washington, 187 1. 17.2.10. — Quartermaster' s Department, U. S. A. Property and Money Accounts, Clothing, Camp and Garrison Equipage, Transportation. 187 1, 1872, and part of 1873. 12O. Washington, 1873. 17.1.22. — The same. Regulations for. 12°. pp.88. Washington, 1855. 17.1.16. — Recruiting Service of the Army of the ^United States. Regulations for. 12^. pp. 22. Washington, 1854. 17. 1. 20. — Subsistence Department y U, S, A, Regulations of the. 12O. pp. 35. Washington, 1855. 17. 1. 17. 408 MILITAEY EDUOATION, ADMINISTRATION, ETO. MILITAET EDUCATION, ADMINISTKATION, ETO. 409 Regulations. Sandhurst. Regulations: Subsistence Department, U. S. A. Regulations. 12^. pp. 57. Washington, 1862. 17. 1. 18. United States Army. General Regulations for the Army ; or MiHtary Institutes. 8°. Philadelphia, 182 1. 2 copies. 17. 1. 4. T/ie same. 8^. Washington, 1825. 17. 1. 6. The same. 12°. Washington, 1834. 17. 1. 6. The same. 12^. Washington, 1835. ^^' ^' ^' The same. 12^. Washington, 1841. 2 copies. 17. 1. 8. The same, 12^. Washington, 1847. 17. 1. 9. The same. 12^. Washington, 1857. 2 copies. 17. 1. 10. The same. Revised. 1861. 8^. Philadelphia, 1862. 2 copies. 17. 1. 11. The same. With an appendix, changes, and laws affecting Army Regu- lations and Articles of War to June 25, 1863. 12O. Washington, 1863. 17. 1. 12. United States Army. Report by Mr. Coburn, from the Committee on Military Affairs, with Code of Army Regulations submitted by the Secre- tary of War, in accordance with section 20 of the Actof July 15, 1870. [H. of R. Rep. 85, 42^/ Cong., 3^ Sess., March i, 1873.) 17. 1. 33. U. S. Military Academy, West Point, N. Y. Regulations of. 8^. New York, 1832. 17. 4. 23. The same. To which is added the Regulations for the interior police of the Institution, with an appendix containing the Rules and Articles of War [etc.]. 8^. New York, 1839. 2 copies. 17. 4. 24. The same. 12O. New York, 1853. t, copies. 17. 4. 25. The same. 8^. New York, 1857. 17. 4. 26. U. S. Naval Academy, Annapolis, Maryland. Regulations of. 8^. pp. 64. Washington, 1855. 17. 6. 24. The same. Rules and Regulations for the Government of. 8°. pp. 46. Washington, 1850. 17. 5. 22. The same. Regulations. 8^. pp. 78. [Washington], Jan., 1865. 17. 5. 23. Roll of Honor. (Nos. I to XXV.) Names of Soldiers who died in defense of the American Union, interred in the National Cemeteries. [And] Supplements I-IV. 12 vols. 8^. Washington, 1866-70. 40.1.17-28. Royal Engineers. Report of Committee on Employment of Officers of, in Civil Departments of the State : 1870. fol. London, 187 1. 47.4.23. [British Parliamentary Paper.] Return of the number of Officers of, employed in the Civil Service of the State. [London, 1872.] 47. 4. 23. [Bound with preceding.] Sandhurst: Royal Military College. Report from the Select Committee on, together with the proceedings of the Committee, minutes of evidence, appendix and index, fol. pp. xxii, 230. London, 1855. 47. 5. 32. [British ParliamenUry Paper.] 52 410 MILITAEY EDUCATION, ADMINISTEATION, ETO. MILITAEY EDUOATION, ADMINISTEATION, ETO. 411 Sandhurst. Woolwich. Sandhurst : Royal Military College. Reports of the Boards of Visitors ap- pointed for the Inspection of, in the years 1878-79. fol. London, i878-'79. 47. 3. 18. [ British Parliamentary Papers.] Stoves and Ranges for Army use. Specifications, Supply-table, etc. 8^. pp. 17. Washington, 1876. 6. 5. 43. Subsistence Department of the U. S. Army. Legislative History of, from June 16, 1775, to August 15, 1876. By Bvt, Brig, Gen. John W. Bar- riger, U. S.A. 2d ed. 8^. pp. 113. Washington, 1877. 24. 4. 14. United States Army. Mortality in each year among the Officers of the Army (including those killed in Battle) for fifty years, from 1824 to 1873. 8^. {Misc, Pamph., vol. vii.] 31. 2. 7. The Command of the Army. By Getu J. B. Fry and Col. W. H. Wherry. 12O. 1879. {Misc. Famph.,vo\.V\.\ 31.2.6. The law of Promotion and Retirement in the. By Lieut. William H. Birkheimer. 12O pp.90. 1880. \Misc. Pamph.,vo\.v\.\ 31.2.6. The Staft' of. By Bvt. Brig. Gen. R. Williams.. 80. 1878. [Msc. ■ Pamph., vol. iv.J 31. 2. 4. United States Military Academy. Addresses delivered in the Chapel at West Point before the Officers and Cadets of the U. S. Military Academy, June 16, 1848. 8°. pp. 21. New York, n. d. \Misc. Pamph.^ vol. ix.] 31. 2. 9. The United States Military Academy at West Point. [Am. Jour. Edu- cation, March, 1863.] 8^. pp. 32. {Misc. Pamph., vol. ix.] 31. 2. 9. Report of Congressional Board of Visitors for 1880. With draft of a Bill for amending existing Laws in relation to the Military Academy. (46M Cong., 2>d Sess., Senate Misc. Doc. \^.) 8°. pp.16. Washington, 188 1. 2. 5. 45. Report of the Commission appointed to examine into the Organiza- tion, System of Discipline, and Course of Instruction of. 8^. pp. 350. [Washington, i860.] 2. 6. 44. Woolwich. Report of a committee on the advanced class of Artillery Officers at. fol. pp. 62. London, 1872. 47. 3. 21. [British Parliamentary Paper.] Royal Military Academy. Reports of the Boards of Visitors ap- pointed for the Inspection of, for the years 1872, '74, '76, '78, '79. In I vol. fol. London, 1872-79. 47. 3. 18. [British Parliamentary Papers.] Royal Military Academy. Records. 9 pi. imp. 40. pp.152. Wool- wich, 1851. 48. 8. See also American State Papers. 18. 4. 1-21, 412 NATURAL HISTORY, ETC. 20. NATURAL HISTORY, AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY, MINES, MINING, Etc. Agricultural Reports of the Patent Office. General index to, for twenty-five years, from 1837 to 1861, and of the Department of Agriculture for fifteen years, from 1862 to 1876. 8^. pp.225. Washington, 1879. 43.1.17. Agriculture. Chimie Agricole. See Manuel de I'lng^nieur des Fonts et Chauss6es: 17"^^ fasc. 3. 4. 30. Des Eaux en Agriculture. See Manuel de ITngenieur des Fonts et Chauss^es : i8"»« fasc. 3. 4. 31 & 46. Indiana State Board of. Eleventh annual Report, and the Report of Prof. E. T. Cox, State Geologist. Illus. 8^, and portfolio of folding maps. Indianapolis, 1869. 43. 2. 5-6. Letter descriptive of Cultivation by Sewer and Liquid Manures in England and Scotland. 8^. pp. 8. London, 185 1. 47. 2. 21. [British Parliamentary Paper.] Maine Board of. Annual Reports, 1872-78. Index, 1850-75. 8 vols. 80. Augusta, i873-'77. 44. 2. 1-8. Minutes of information collected on the practical application of Sewer Water and Town Manures to agricultural productions. 8*^. pp. 167. London, 1851. 47. 2. 21. [British Parliamentary Paper.] Animal resources of the United States. Classification of the Collection to il- lustrate the. By G. Brown Goode. U. S. National Museum Bulletin No. 6. 80 pp.126. Washington, 1876. 22.2.9. The same. Catalogue of the Collection. By G. Brown Goode. Bul- letin No. 14. 80. pp. 351. Washington, 1879. 22. 2. 11. Birds. Odontornithes : A Monograph on the extinct toothed Birds of North America. By Othniel Charles Marsh, Professor of Paleontology in Yale College, 40. pp. XV, 201. Washington, 1880. 17. 6. 16. [U. S. Geological Exploration of the 40th Parallel, Vol. VII. ] of North America. History of. By S. F. Baird, T. M. Brewer, and R. Ridgway. Land Birds, illus. by 64 pi. and 593 woodcuts. 3 vols, imp. 80. Boston, 1874. 24. 6. 10-12. 413 414 NATURAL HISTORY, ETC. NATUEAL HISTORY, ETO. 415 Birds. Fish and Fisheries. Birds of North America. Key to. Containing a concise account of every species of living and fossil Bird at present known from the Continent north of the Mexican and United States Boundary. By Elliott Coues, Assi. Surg,, U. S.A. PI. and woodcuts, imp. 8°. pp.361. Salem, 1872. 24. 6. 13. of Southwestern Mexico. Collected by Francis E. Sumachrast. Bui- letin U. S. National Museum, No. 4. 8^. pp. 56. Washington, 1876. 22. 2. 9. of the Colorado Valley, a repository of scientific and popular infor- mation concerning North American Ornithology. By Elliott Coues, 70 illus. 80. pp. 807. Washington, 1878. 24. 6. 8. of the Northwest. A hand-book of the Ornithology of the region drained by the Missouri River and its tributaries. By Capi. Elliott Coues, Asst. Surg., U. S. A. 80. pp. 791. Washington, 1874. 24. 6. 9. Botany. See Explorations. Brachiopoda. Index to the names which have been applied to the subdi- visions of the class. By W. H. Dall. Bulletin U. S. National Museum, .No.^. 80. pp.88. Washington, 1877. 22.2.9. Check-list of North American Batrachia and Reptilia. By Edward Cope. Bulletin No. \,U. S. National Museum. 8^. pp.104. Washington, 1875. 22. 2. 7. Coal-fields (Anthracite) of Pennsylvania and their exhaustion. By P. W. Sheafcr. 8^. 1879. {Misc. Famph., vol. i.] 31. 2. 1. Depths of the Sea (The). An account of the general results of the Dredg- ing cruises of H. M. SS. Porcupine and Lightning. By Sir C. Wyville Thomson. 1868-70. Illus. 8^. pp. xx, 527. London, 1873. 7.4.32. Earth (The) as modified by Human Action, A new edition of Man and Nature. By George P. Marsh. 8°. pp.656. New York, 1874. 24.5.2. Entomological Commission (U. S.). Bulletins of. In i vol. 8^. Washington. 20. 2. 30. No. I. Destruction of the young or unfledged Locusts. 1877. II. On the natural history of the Rocky Mountain Locust, and on the habits of the young or unfledged insects as they occur in the more fertile country in which they will hatch the present year. 1877. III. The Cotton Worm. 1880. IV. The Hessian fly. 1880. V. The Chinch bug. 1879. First annual Report, for the year 1877, relating to the Rocky Mountain Locust. Illus. 8°. pp. 477 [294] Washington, 1878. 20. 2. 33. Ferns (The) of North America. Colored figures and descriptions, with synon- ymy and geographical distribution (including the Ophioglossaceae) of the United States and British North America. By Daniel Cady Eaton. Vol. I. 40. pp. 352. Salem, 1879. 23. 6. 29. Fish and Fisheries. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Marine and Fisheries for year ended June 30, 1874. 8°. pp. Ixxiii, 253, Ot- tawa, 1875. 1. 4. 22. 416 NATURAL HISTORY, ETO. NATURAL HISTOEY, ETC. 417 Fish and Fisheries. Forestry. Fish and Fisheries. Canada. Report of the Commissioner for year ending December 31, (876. lllus. 8^. Ottawa, 1877. L. S. Catalogue of the Fishes of the Bermudas. By G. Brown Goode. Bulleti7i No. 5, U. S. Natiotial Museum. 8^. pp. 82. Washington, 1876. 22. 2. 9. Catalogue of Collection illustrating the Animal Resources and the Fish- eries of the United States. Prepared under the direction of G. Brown Goode. Bulletin No. 14, U. S. National Museum. ?P. pp. 351. Washington, 1879. 22. 2. 11. Contributions to North American Ichthyology, Nos. 1-3. By David S. Jordan. Bulletin U. S. National Museum^ Nos. 9, 10, 12. In i vol. 80. Washington, i877-'78. 22. 2. 10. Twelfth Annual Report of the Inspectors of Salmon Fisheries (Eng- land and Wales). 8^. pp. 128. London, 1873. 47. 2. 17. [British Parliamentary Paper.) Report of Hon. Thomas Jefferson, Secretary of State, on the subject of the Cod and Whale Fisheries, 1791. [And] Report of Lorenzo Sabine, Esq., on the Principal Fisheries of the American Seas. 8^. Washington, 1872. 46. 1. 21. United States Commission of. Reports : Condition, Decrease, and Propagation of Food Fishes in the waters of the United States. Parts I-VI. lUus. 6 vols. 80. Washington, i872-'8o. 46. 1. 22-27. United States Exhibit at the International Fishery Exhibition at Ber- lin, 1880. By G. Brown Goode. Bulletin No. 18, U. S. National Mu- seum. 80. pp. 263. Washington, 1880. 22. 2. 12. Flora of St. Croix and the Virgin Islands. By Baron H. F. A. Eggers. Bul- letin U. S. National Museum, No. i^. 8^. pp.133. Washington, 1879. 22. 2. 11. Forest Culture and Eucalyptus Trees. By Ellwood Cooper. 12^. pp. 237. San Francisco, 1876. 16. 2. 29. Forestry. Cultivation of Timber and the Preservation of Forests. 8^. pp. 119. Washington, 1874. 43. 1 16. |H. R. Report 259, 43d Cong., ist Sess.l Epping Forest Commission. Preliminary Report of, dated February 27,1875. PL fol. pp.71. London, 1875, 47.4.32. The same. Final Report of, dated March i, 1877. Maps. fol. pp. 116. London, 1877. 47.4.47. Report upon. Prepared under the direction of the Commissioner of Agriculture, by Franklin B. Hough. 8°. Washington, 1878. 2 copies. 47. 2. 32. Tree Planting and Schools of Forestry in Europe, with other papers. By B. G. Northrop, Secretary Conn. Board of Education. 8^. pp. 79. New York, 1879. \Misc. Pamph., vol. xv.] 31. 2 15. 53 418 NATURAL HISTORY, ETC. NATUEAL HISTORY, ETO. 419 Gardening. Geological. Gardening. The American Gardener, [etc.]. 18°. pp. 348. Georgetown, D. C. 1818. 1. 5. 36. See also Parks and Gardens of Paris. 16. 1. 27. Gems. A popular Treatise on, in reference to their scientific value. By L. Feuchtwanger. Col. pi. 12O. pp. 437. New York, 1859. 19. 3. 21. Geological Chart of the United States, by F. H. Bradley. 12O. Case. New York, 1875. 20. 1. 1. Exploration of part of Iowa, Wisconsin, and Illinois in 1839. ^Y David Dale Owen, J/. Z>. 8^. pp.191. Washington, 1844. 20.3.14. Exploration of the Fortieth Parallel. Report of. Clarence King, U. S. Geologist in Charge. 7 vols., 4*^; and 2 atlases, fol. Washington, i87o-'8o. 17. 6, 9-16. Vol. I. Systematic Geology. II. Descriptive Geology. III. Mining Industry. Atlas accompanying Vol. ,111. IV. Zoology and Palaeontology. V. Botany. VI. Microscopical Petrography. VII. Odontornithes. Geological and Topographical Atlas. [Professional Papers No. i8, Corps of Engineers, U. S. A.J The same. Collection of Photographic Views taken during the Survey. 2 vols. fol. Washington, n. d. 52. 1. 1-2. Pamphlets. 3 vols. 8°. V. p. and d. 19. 3. 9-11. Vol. I.— I. Geology of Arkansas Territory. By Featherstonhaugh. 2. Geological Reconnaissance in Wisconsin. By Featherstonhaugh. 3. First Report on Geology of Maine. By Jackson. 4. Second Geological Report : States of Maine and Massachusetts. By Jackson. 5. Geology and Mineralogy of London and Vl^'indham Counties, Conn. By Mather. 6. New York State Geological Survey. Reports by Emmons, Mather, and others. II.— I. Pennsylvania State Geological Survey: Annual Reports i-6. By Rogers. (i836-'42.) 2. Geology, &c., of Portion of Alleghany Mountains. By Taylor. III. — I. Maryland Geological Survey. Reports of Project and Annual Reports, 1833-' 40. By Ducatel and Alexander. 2. Tennessee. Fourth and Fifth Geological Reports. 1837-39. By Troost. 3. Michigan Geological Survey. Second, Third, and Fourth Annual Reports. By Douglas Houghton. (i839-'4i.) 4. Notes on the Geology of the Western States, by J. Hall, New York State Geologist. 5. Address of Prof. Edward Hitchcock, before the Association of American Geologists, at Philadelphia, April 5, 1841. — Reconnaissance made in 1835 from the Seat of Government, by way of Green Bay and Wisconsin Territory, to the Coteau de Prairie. By G. W. Featherstonhaugh, U. S. Geologist. Illus. 8^. pp. 168. Washing- ton, 1836. 20. 1. 29. — Report of the Exploration of the Yellowstone and Missouri Rivers. [Reynolds's, in 1859-60.] By Dr. F. V. Hayden. 8^. pp. ix, 144. Washington, 1869. 20. 3. 43. 420 NATURAL HISTORY, ETC. NATURAL HISTORY, ETO. 421 Geological. Geological. Geological Report of the Exploring Expedition from Santa ¥6, New Mexico, to the junction of the Grand and Green Rivers of the Great Colorado of the West in 1859, under the command of Capt. J. N. Macomb, Topograph- ical Engineers. By Fro/. J. S. Newberry. 4°. Washington, 1876. 20. 4. 4. Report of an examination made in 1834 of the Elevated Country be- tween the Missouri and Red Rivers. By G. W. Featherstonhaugh, U. S. Geologist Profile. 8°. pp. 97. Washington, 1835. 20. 1. 28. Survey of Canada. Reports of progress for the years 1853-57, 1875-79. By SirV^, E. Logan and Alfred R. C. Selwyn. Maps and illus. 6 vols. 80. Toronto and Montreal, 1857-80. 1.4.16-21. Survey of India. Figures and descriptions of the Organic Remains procured during the Progress of. By William Waagen. Vol. I. PI. 4°. Calcutta, 1873. 44. 8. 6. The same. Memoirs. Vol. XII, Parts i and 2. Maps and pi. 8°. Calcutta, 1876. 44. 8. 13. The same. Records. Vol. IX. 2 maps. 8°. pp. 168. Calcutta, 1876. 44. 8. 14. Survey of Indiana. Second report made during the year 1870. By E. T. Cox, State Geologist, Maps and illus. 80. pp. 303. Indian- apolis, 1 87 1. 43.2. 4. Survey of Maryland. See Geological pamphlets. Vol. III. 19. 3. 11. Survey of Michigan. 2d, 3d, and 4th Annual Reports. By Douglas Houghton, State Geologist, 8°. Detroit, i839-'4i. 19. 3. 11. [Geological Pamphlets, vol. iii.] Survey of Missouri. Preliminary Report on the Iron Ores and Coal Fields from the field work of 1872. Illus. imp. 8° pp. xiv, 441 ; and atlas, fol. 2 vols. New York, 1873. 43. 2. 10. — The same. Reports 1855-187 1, by G. C. Broadhead, F. B. Meek, and B. F. Shumard. Illus. 80. Jefferson City, 1873. 43. 2. 11. — The same. Reports for the years 1873 and 1874. Illus. 8°; and atlas, fol. 2 vols. Jefferson City, 1874. 43. 2. 12. — Survey of Nebraska and portions of the adjacent Territories. Final report. By Dr. F. V. Hayden. Map and pi. 8°. pp. 264. Wash- ington, 1872. 20. 2. 1. — Survey of Ohio. Report of Progress in 1869. By Prof. J. S. New- berry. 80. Columbus, 1870. 43. 2. 13. The same. Report of Progress in 1870. 2 vols, [i of maps]. 8°. Columbus, 1 87 1. 43.2.14-15. The safne. Report of the Geological Survey of Ohio. Vol. I, Part I, Geology; Part 2, Palaeontology. Vol. II, Part i. Geology, and two portfolios of maps. 5 vols. 8©. Columbus, i873-'74. 43. 2. 16-20- 422 NATURAL HISTORY, ETO. NATURAL HISTOEY, ETC. 423 GeologicaU Geological, Geological Survey of Pennsylvania (Second). Report of Progress. 200 tables of Elevations above tide-level of the Railroad stations, Summits, and Tun- nels, Canal locks and dams. River riffles, etc., with a map. By Charles Allen. 8°. pp. xxiv, 279. Harrisburg, 1878. L. S. The same. Report of Progress in the Cambria and Somerset-District of the bituminous Coal-fields of Western Pennsylvania. By F. and W. G. Piatt. Illus. and maps. 2 vols. 80. Harrisburg, 1877. 43. 2. 7-8. Survey of Wisconsin, 1873-77, un^ler the direction of Prof. T. C. Chamberlin, State Geologist. Vols. II-III. 2 vols. imp. 8°, and atlas. [Madison], i877-'8o. 43. 2. 23-24. The same. Annual Reports of Progress for the years 1876, 1878, and 1879. 2 vols. 80. Madison, i877-'8o. 43. 2. 21-22. Survey of Wisconsin, Iowa, and Minnesota ; and a portion of Ne- braska. By David Dale Owen. PI. and maps. ap. Philadelphia, 1852. 43. 2. 2. Surveys of the Territories (United States). Annual Reports. By Po/. F. V. Hayden. Maps and illus. 9 vols. 8°. Washington, 187 1-'79. 20. 2. 2-10. I. First, Second, and Third Annual Reports, 1867, i868, 1869. Nebraska. II. [Fourth Annual] Report, 1870. Wyoming Territory. III. Fifth Annual Report, 1871. Montana Territory. I\'^. Sixth Annual Report, 1872. Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, Utah. V. Seventh Annual Report, 1873. Colorado. VI. Eighth Annual Report, 1874. Colorado and adjacent Territory. VII. Ninth Annual Report, 1875. Colorado and adjacent Territory. VIII. Tenth Annual Report, 1876. Colorado and adjacent Territory. IX. Eleventh Annual Report, 1877. Idaho and Wyoming. The same. Bulletin. Vols. I-V. Illus. 5 vols. 8^. Washington, 1875-80. 20. 2. 22-26. — The same. Miscellaneous Publications. Nos. i, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, II, 12. 80. Washington, i875-'8o. 20. 2. 13-18. — The same. Reports. Vols, i, 2, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, and 12. 9 vols. 40. Washington, i873-'8o. 23. 6. 4-15. Contents. I. Extinct Vertebrate Fauna. By Prq/". Joseph Leidy, II. Vertebrata of the Cretaceous Formation. By Proy. E. D. Cope. V. Synopsis of the Acrididae. By Pro/. Cyrus Thomas. VI. Fossil Flora: Cretaceous. By /V^/". Leo Lesquereux. VII. Fossil Flora : Tertiary. By Pro/. Leo Lesquereux. IX. Invertebrate Cretaceous and Tertiary Fossils. By Pro/ F. B. Meek. X. Geometrid Moths: Phalaenidae. By A. S. Packard, M. D. XI. North American Rodentia. By Dr. Elliott Coues and Pro/ J. A. Allen. XII. Fresh-water Rhizopods. By Pro/. Joseph Leidy. — Surveys of the United States and Territories, and of British North America. Catalogue of official reports upon. By Frederick Prime, jr, go. 1879. {Misc. Pamph., vol. viii.] 31. 2. 8, 424 NATURAL HISTORY, ETC. NATURAL HISTORY, ETC. 425 Geological. Geology. Geological and Natural History Survey of Minnesota. Annual Reports for years 1873, 1875, ^"^ 1876. By N. H. Winchell, State Geologist, [Re- port for 1873 contains also Report of Regents of University of Minne- sota for 1873.] 3 vols. Illus. 80 St. Paul. L. S. 44. 6. 35. Geologic appliquee aux Constructions. Cours de. 2'"® partie. ^cole dcs Fonts et Chaussees. 4^. pp. 191. Paris, 1850. 7. 5. 40. Cours de. ^cole des Pouts ct Chaussees. fol. pp.212. [Paris, 1829.] 7. 4. 1. Explication des planches de fossiles qui accompagnent le Cours litho- graphique de G^ologie profess6 a I'lficole des Ponts et Chaussees. PI. 40. pp. 94. Paris, 1847. 7. 5. 39. pratique de la Louisiane. Par R. Thomassy. 6 pi. 4^. Paris, i860. 43. 2. 25. — et Mineralogie. Manuel de I'lngenieur des Ponts et Chaussees. Par A. Debauve, Ingenieur des Fonts et Chaussees. 3'"® fasc. PI. 8^. pp. 112. Paris, 1872. 3. 4. 18. Geologue Voyageur. Guide du. Par Ami Boue. 2 vols. 16°. Paris, 1835. 19. 3. 19-20. Geology as a Science, applied to the reclamation of Land from the Sea, the construction of Harbors, the formation of Railroads, and the discovery of Coal. By John Rooke. 12^. pp. 442. London, 1840. 19. 3. 18. P^lementary. By Frof. Edward Hitchcock. 12^. pp. 7,61. New York, 1847. 28. 1. 27. The same. 12O. pp. 330. New York, 1864. 19. 3. 17. of Eastern Persia. See Persian Boundary Commission, Vol, II. 20. 3. 34. of Massachusetts. Final Report on. By Frof. Edward Hitchcock. Maps, pi., and illus. 2 vols. 4°. Northampton, 1841. 43. 2. 27-28. — of North America, with two Reports on the Prairies of Arkansas and Texas, the Rocky Mountains of New Mexico, and the Sierra Nevada of California. By Jules Marcou. Maps and pK 4°. Zurich, 1858. 2 copies. 43. 2. 1. of South Carolina. Report on. By M. Tuomey. Maps and illus. 40. Columbia, 1848. 43. 2. 26. of the Eastern portion of the Uinta Mountains and a region of country adjacent thereto. Report on. By J. W. Powell. Illus. 4°, and atlas fol. Washington, 1876. 23. 6. 23 of the Henry Mountains. Report on. By G. K. Gilbert. Illus. and maps. 40. pp. 160. Washington, 1877. 23. 6. 22. of the high Plateaus of Utah. Report on. By C. E. Button, Captain of Ordnance, U. S. A. Illus. /\9. pp. 307, and atlas fol. 2 vols. Washington, 1880. 23. 6. 25. 54 426 NATUEAL HISTORY, ETC. NATURAL HISTOEY, ETO. 427 Geology. Mineralogy. Geology and Agriculture of Mississippi. Preliminary Report. By Frof. L. Harper. 8°. Jackson, 1857. 43. 2. 9. and Mineralogy considered with reference to Natural Theology. By Rev. William Buckland, D. D. Illus. 2 vols. 8^. . Philadelphia, 1837. 19. 3. 1-2. and Topography of a portion of the Lake Superior Land District, in the State of Michigan. Report on. By J. W. Foster and J. D. Whitney, U. S. Geologists. Part I : Copper Lands. Part II : The Iron Region [and] General Geology. Maps and pi. 2 vols. 8°. Washington, i85o-'5i. 20. 1. 21-22. War and. La Guerra y la Geologia. Por el Corl. de Ingenieros Don A. R. Arroquia. 4 maps. 8^. pp. 293. Madrid, 187 1. 6. 3. 43. Glacial Drift in the Northeastern Carpathians. By John Home and R. L. Jack. 80. {Misc. Pa7nph., vol. viii.] 31. 2. 8. Introduction and succession of Vertebrate life in America. An address de- livered before the American Association for the Advancement of Science at Nashville, Tenn., August 30, 1877, by Prof. O. C. Marsh. 80. pp. 57. 14. 4. 10. Invertebrate Fossils collected in 1871-73. Report on. By C. A. White, M. D. [U. S. Geographical and Geological Surveys West of the looth Meridian. First Lieut. George M. Wheeler, Corps of Engineers^ in charge.\ 80. pp. 27. Washington, 1874. 20. 3. 36. Metamorphism produced by the burning of the Lignite beds in Dakota and Montana. By J. A. Allen. 8°. pp. 19. Boston, 1874. 19. 3. 6. Microscopical Petrography. See Geological Exploration of the Fortieth Parallel. Vol. VI. 17. 6. 15. Mineral Wealth, Climate and Rainfall, and Natural Resources of the Black H ills of Dakota. By Walter P. Jenney, E. M., Geologist-in- Charge. Map. 80. pp.71. Washington, 1876. 20.3.46. Mineralogy. Mineralogie appliquee aux Constructions. Cours de. J^cole des Fonts et Chaussees. PI. 4O. pp.336. Paris, 1847. 7.5.38. according to the Natural History system. By Frof Robert Jameson. 80. pp. 283. Edinburgh, 1837. 19. 3. 12. and Geology. An Elementary Treatise on. By Frof. Parker Cleve- land, Bowdoin College. 2 vols, in i. 8^. pp. 818. Boston, 1822. 19. 3. 8. A System of, including an extended Treatise on Crystallography. By James D. Dana, A. M. 8°. pp. 558. New Haven, 1837. 19. 3. 7. An Elementary Introduction to the Knowledge of. By William Phil- lips, F. L. S. [etc.] 12O. pp. 406. London, 1823. 19. 3. 16. 428 NATURAL HISTORY, ETO. NATUEAL HISTORY, ETC. 429 Mineralogy. Natural History. Mineralogy. A Manual of, including Observations on Mines, Rocks, Reduc- tion of Ores, etc. By James D. Dana, A. M, S^. pp. 454. New Haven, 1864. 19. 3. 15. , Geology, and Mineral Analysis. Outlines of. By Fro/. Thomas Thompson, M. D. Ill us. 2 vols. 8°. London, 1836. 19. 3. 3-4. Mines. Annual Report of the Department of, New South Wales, for the year 1877. 2 maps. 40. pp. V, 208. Sydney, 1878. 42. 3. 7. Friction of Air in. A practical Treatise on. By J. J. Atkinson. 18°. pp. 69. New York, 1875. 18. 1. 41. Gases met with in Coal Mines. A practical Treatise on. By J. J. Atkinson. 180 pp. 53. New York, 1875. 18. 1. 42. Mines and Mining in the States and Territories west of the Rocky Mount- ains. Statistics of. 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th annual reports. By R. W. Raymond. Illus. 4 vols. 80. Washington, i873-'77. 47. 2. 33-36. Mariposa Company (Cal.). [Prospectus and reports.] Map. 8°. New York, 1863. 44. 2. 14. Practical Notes on Hydrographic and Mining Surveys. By W. H. Hearding, C. E, Illus. 8°. pp. 54. Milwaukee, 1872. 18. 2. 31. Subterraneous Surveying, with and withouTthe Magnetic Needle. By Thomas Fenwick and Thomas Baker. Illus. \(P. pp. xiii, 165. Lon- don, 1877. 18. 2. 26. See also Geological Exploration of the Fortieth Parallel. Vol. III. 17. 6. 11. Mineur et du Metallurgiste (Atlas du), ou Recueil de Dessins lithographies re- latifs ^ I'exploitation des Mines et aux operations Metallurgiques, executes par MM, les Aleves de I'ficole Royale des Mines. Annees 1837, 't^^^^ '39, '4i-'42. 5 vols. fol. Paris, i837-'42. 51. 8-12. Mining Journal (Engineering and). Vol. XXVI I-XXX. 4 vols. fol. New York, i879-'8o. [Current.] 48. 18-21. Natural History of Arctic America. Contributions to. By Ludwig Kum- lein. Bulletin No. 15, U. S. National Museum. 8^. pp. 179. Wash- ington, 1879. 22. 2. 11. of Kerguelen Island. Contributions to. By Dr. J. H. Kidder, U. S. N. Bulletins o/tlie C/. S. National M?/seum, Nos. 1-2. In i vol. 8°. Wash- ington, 1875. 22. 2. 8. of New York. J^of. James Hall, State Geologist. Part 6: Palaeon- tology, Vol. Ill (text and pi.), Vol. IV, and Vol. V, part 2 (text and pi.) 5 vols. 40. Albany, i859-'79. 21. 2. 2-4. of New York. Bro/. James Hall, State Geologist. Illustrations of Devonian fossils. PI. 40. Albany, 1876. 21. 2. 1. 430 NATURAL HISTOEY, ETC. NATURAL HISTORY, ETO. 431 Natural History. Zoology. Natural History. New York State Museum of. 19th to 31st Annual Reports. PL 12 vols, in 8. 8°. Albany, i866-'79. 21. 2. [Also extracts from the loth, 13th, 14th, and 15th Reports.] of portions of Montana and Dakota. Notes on. By J. A. Allen. 80. pp. 61. Boston, 1874. 19. 3. 5. • of the Hawaiian and Fanning Islands, and Lower California. By Thomas H. Streets, M. D. Bulletin U. S. National Museum^ No. 7. 8^. pp. 172. Washington, 1877. ^^' 2' ^* Ornithological Specimens collected in i87i-'73. Report on. By H. C. Yar- row, M. D. [U. S. Geographical and Geological Surveys west of looth Meridian : First Lieut. George M. Wheeler, Corps of Engineers ^ in charge.'] 8c. pp. 148. Washington, 1874. 20. 3.- 35. Ornithology. See Birds. See also Explorations. Palaeontology. See Explorations. Parks and Gardens of Paris, considered in relation to the wants of other Cities and of public and private Gardens. Being notes on a study of Paris gardens. By W. Robinson. Illus. pp. xxiv, 548. London, 1878. 16. 1. 27. Plants collected in 1871-73. Catalogue of, etc. [U. S. Geographical and Geological Surveys West of looth Meridian: First Lieut. George M. Wh^Qltx, Corps 0/ Efigineers, in charge.] 8°. pp.62. Washington, 1874. 20. 3. 37. Preglaciai outlet of the Basin of Lake Erie into that of Lake Ontario. Dis- covery of; with Notes on the Origin of our Lower Great Lakes. By Prof. J. W. Spencer, B. A. Sc, Ph. Z>., F. G. S., Kings College, Windsor, N. S. 2 maps. 8^. pp. 37. n. p. 1881. \Misc. Pamph., vol. xv.] 31. 2. 15. Silurian System (The), founded on Geological Researches in the counties of Salop, Hereford, Radnor, Montgomery [etc.]. By Roderick Impey Mur- chison. Part I. 4^. pp. 576. London, 1839. 19' 6- 13« Vertebrata of the Eocene of New Mexico, collected in 1874. Systematic Catalogue of. By E. D. Cope, A. M. [U. S. Geographical Expeditions and Surveys west of looth Meridian: First Lieut. George M. Wheeler, Corps of Engineers, in charge.] 8^. pp. 57. Washington, 1875. 20. 3. 38. Zoological position of Texas. By Edward D. Cope. Bulletin No. 17, U. S. National Museum. 8°. pp.51. Washington, 1880. 22.2.12. Zoology of Eastern Persia. See Persian Boundary Commission. Vol. II. 20. 3. 34. See also Explorations. 432 NAVIGATION, ETC. 21. NAVIGATION, NAVAL SCIENCE, NAVAL CONSTRUC- TIONS, Etc. Africa. The West Coast of. Part I: From Cape Spartel to Sierra Leone. Translated and compiled by Lieut. Cominander Henry H. Gorringe, U, S. N. lUus. 8o. pp. 214. Washington, 1873. 18. 3. 9. American Coast Pilot (The). Containing directions for the principal Harbors, Capes, and Headlands on the Coasts of North and South America, etc. By Edmund M. Blunt. 14th ed. Maps. 8^. pp. 687. New York, 1842. 18.3.4. Black Sea [and Sea of Azoff Coast Pilot.] Portolano del Mar Nero e del Mar d* Azoff, ossia guida ai maritimi per questi mari. Dal Cavaliere Taitbout de Marigny. 8^. pp. v, 162. Constantinopoli, 1850. 18. 3. 18. Brazil. The Coasts of. Vol. I : From Cape Orange to Rio Janeiro. Com- piled at the U. S. Hydrographic Office by Lieut. Commander H. H. Gor- ringe, U. S. N. Illus. 80 pp. 367. Washington, 1873. 18. 3. 8. British Navy. Supplementary Estimate for year 1878-79. fol. London, 1878. 47. 6. 41. {Bound with Army Estimates i88o-'8i. British Parliamentary Papers.] California. A series of Charts with sailing directions. By C. Ringgold, Com- mander, U. S. N. imp. 80. pp. 44. Washington, 1851. 18. 3. 39. Chronom^tres. Memoire sur I'emploi des, ^ la Mer, et sur les principales Ob- servations de I'Astronomie Nautique. Par A. P. Givey, Ingenieur-Hydro- graphe. 8^. pp. 135. Paris, 1840. 18. 3. 15. Docks. Bassins de Radoub de Marseille. Notice sur Texecution des travaux- Par L. A. Sebillotte. Figs. 4°. pp. 204, and atlas, fol. 2 vols. Mar- seille, 1873. 8. 5. 36. Expose de la Chambre de Commerce de Saint-Malo, sur les avantages generaux que presente le projet de Bassin ^ Flot commun aux deux villes de Saint-Malo et de Saint-Servan. Folding map. fol. pp. 16. Paris, 1836. 7. 5. 10. The Naval Dry Docks of the United States. By Charles B. Stuart, Engineer-in- Chief, U. S. N. 24 pi. 4O. pp. 94. New York, 1852. 7. 5. 12. Dock Yards and Iron Works of Great Britain and France. Report on. By Chief Engineer]. W. King, U. S. N. {^i^th Cong., 2d Sess., H. R. Ex, Doc. 14.) 80. Washington, 1864. 18. 3. 7. 433 55 434 NAVIGATION, ETC. NAVIGATION, ETO. 435 Exercise. Metallic. Exercise and Manoeuvre (Form of) for the Boat-Howitzers of the U. S. Navy. By Lieut, J. A. Dahlgren. PL 8^. pp. i6. Philadelphia, 1852. 7. 1. 49. Exercises in Small-arms and Field Artillery. Arranged for the Naval service under an order of the Bureau of Ordnance and Hydrography of the Navy Department. By Henry H. Lockwood. 8^. pp. viii, 168. Philadel- phia, 1852. 7. 1. 49. Experiences faites \ Brest, en Janvier 1824, du nouveau systeme de Forces Navales ; suivies des experiences comparatives des Canons [etc.]. 8°. pp. 43. Paris, 1837. 6. 2. 12. ( Military pamplilets.] Experiments on Hemp and Wire Rope, made by order of the Bureau of Equip- ment and Recruiting, Navy Department. 4^. pp. 39. Washington, 187 1. 19.6.32. France. Pilote Fran9ais. Instructions Nautiques. Partie des Cotes septen- tionales de France comprise entre la Pointe de Barfleur et Dunkerque. Par A. P. Givry, In^enieur-Hydrographe. 12 pi. 4^. Paris, 1842. 2 copies. 18. 5. 20. Guerre Maritime (De la) avant et depuis les nouvelles inventions. Attaque et Defense des Cotes et des Ports [etc.]. Etude Historique et Strategique. Par R. Grivel, Capitaine de Vaisseau. 2 pi. 8^. pp. ii, 282. Paris, 1869. 6. 4. 21. Gulf of Mexico. A Nautical Description of, and of the Bay of Honduras, and the islands of Porto Rico, Hayti, Jamaica, Cuba, and the Bahamas. [And] Sailing Directions for Porto Rico, the Caribbee Islands, and the coasts of Colombia and Mosquito. In i vol. 8^. London, 1852-56. 18. 3. 10. India Directory, or directions for sailing to and from the East Indies, China, New Holland, Cape of Good Hope, Brazil, and interjacent ports. Com- piled chiefly from observations and remarks made during twenty-one years' experience navigating those seas. By James Horsburgh, F, R. S. 2 vols, in I. 40. London, 181 7. 18. 3. 43. Lake Survey : United States. [A Series of Charts of Surveys of the Northern and Northwestern Lakes.] Portfolio, v. d. 52. 5. 2. Magnetism of Ships (The) and the Deviation of the Compass. A series of papers from the Transactions of Foreign Societies, by Poisson, G. B. Airy, Archibald Smith, Frederick John Evans, R. N., W. W. Rundell, with other papers and documents. Reprinted by order of the Secretary of the Navy, under the direction of Commodore Thornton A. Jenkins, U. S. N. 80. Washington, 1867. 18. 3. 2. Metallic Life Boat (Francis'). [Testimonials and communications.] Illus. 80. New York, 1853. 18. 3. 1. 436 NAVIGATION, ETO. NAVIGATION, ETO. 437 Mississippi River. Navigation. Mississippi River. The Western Pilot, containing charts of the Ohio River, and of the Mississippi from the mouth of the Missouri to the Gulf of Mexico, accompanied with directions for navigating the same, and a Gazetteer or description of the Towns. By Samuel Cumings. Illus. 8°. pp. 104. Cincinnati, 1829. 18. 3. 11. The sa?ne. 8^. pp.151. Cincinnati, 1832. 18.3.12. Nautical Almanac. Almanaque Nautico para 1878-82 (Ciudad de San Fer- nando). 5 vols. 80 Madrid, i877-'8o. 42. 7. 27-31. American Ephemeris and. 1866-81. 16 vols. 8^. Washington, i864-'8o. 46. 2. 1-16. (British) and Astronomical Ephemeris. 1847-65. 19 vols. 8° Lon- don, i843-'6i. Room 24. Naval Architecture, or the rudiments and rules of Ship Building, exemplified in a series of draughts and plans. By Marmaduke Stalkartt. 3d ed. fol. pp. iv, 231. London, 1803. 48. 12. Training. Report on the System of training Naval Cadets on board H. M. S. Britannia, fol. pp. xx, 147. London, 1875. ^7. 3. 22. [British Parliamentary Paper.] Training Systems of England and France. See Chadwick (F. E.). 18. 3. 44. Mission to Europe. Report on ; especially devoted to the material and construction of Artillery. By Commander Edward Simpson, U. S. N. PI. and illus. 2 vols. 40. Washington, 1873. 24. 6. 19-20. and MiHtary Technical Dictionary of the French Language. By Lieut. Col. Robert Burn. Fr.-Eng., Eng.-Fr. In i vol. 8^. Boston, 1853. 5. 1. 21. Navies of the World ; giving concise descriptions of the Plans, Armament and Armor of the Naval Vessels of twenty of the principal Nations. To- gether with the latest developments in Ordnance, Torpedoes, and Naval Architecture, and a concise summary of the principal Naval Battles of the last twenty years, 1860-80. By Lieut. Edward W. Very, U. S. N. Illus. 80. pp. 452. New York, 1880. 18. 3. 6. Navigation. A new Theoretical and Practical Treatise on, in which the aux- iliary branches of Mathematics and Astronomy are treated of; also theory and most simple methods of finding Time, Latitude, and Longitude. By M. F. Maury, Lietitenafit U. S. Navy. Illus. 8^. pp. -t^-xf^. Philadel- phia, 1845. L. S. and Nautical Astronomy. The Practical part. By H. W. Jeans, F. R. A. S. \(P. pp. 279. Weale's series. London, 1853. 18. 3. 20. Elements of Surveying and. By Charles Davies, LL. D. 8°. pp. 323. New York, 1864. 18. 2. 27. 438 NAViaATION, ETO. NAVIGATION, ETO. 439 Navigator. Pacific Coast. Navigator. The New American Practical. Being an epitome of Navigation ; containing all the tables necessary to be used with the Nautical Almanac m determining the Latitude and the Longitude by lunar observations, etc. By Nathaniel Bowditch, LL. D. Map. 27th ed. 8°. pp. 460. New York, 1857. 18. 3. 3. The same. 80. New York, 1839. L. S. Navy of the United States (The) from the commencement, 1775, to 1853; with a brief History of each Vessel's Service and Fate, as appears upon record fete.]. By Lieut. George F. Emmons, U. S. N, 40. Washington, 1853. 23. 6. 2. Contents. Ocean Navy of the United States no longer in service, etc. Lake Navy of the United States no longer in service, etc. Gunboats, Barges, and Surf-boats no longer in service. Navy of the United States still in service. Revenue and Coast Survey Vessels still in service. Steam Navy of the United States. United States Mail and other Ocean Steamers. Captures by the United States Navy in the order of date, Revolutionary War. Captures by the United States Navy in the order of date, French War. Captures of Vessels of War by the United States Navy during the last War with Great Britam. Captures by the United States Navy in the order of date, last War with Great Britain. Captures by the United States Navy in the order of date : Piratical. Captures by the United States Navy in the order of date during the War with Mexico. Services, etc., of the present Navy. Colonial Armed Vessels and their Captures, etc. Private Armed Vessels and their Captures from 1776 to 1783. Private Armed Vessels and their Captures during the War with Great Britain, i8i2-'i5. Dates of Interesting Nautical Events, etc. Administration of the Navy Department, Historical and Comparative. Norway. Den Norske Lods, [North Sea coast pilot.] Par^s i, iii, iv, viii. 4 vols. 80. Kristiania, i867-'7i. 44. 9. 2-5. Notice explicative sur les differents produits et specimens de Navires et Machines exposes par la Societe Nouvelle des Forges et Chantiers de la Mediterranee. 4^. 1867. \Misc. Pamph.^ vol. xiv.] 31. 2. 14. Ohio River. The Western Pilot, containing Charts of the Ohio River, and of the Mississippi from the mouth of the Missouri to the Gulf of Mexico, accompanied with directions for navigating the same, and a Gazetteer or description of the Towns. By Samuel Cumings. Illus. 8°. pp. 104. Cincinnati, 1829. 18. 3. 11. The same, 8°. pp. 151. Cincinnati, 1832. 18. 3. 12. Pacific Coast of the United States. Coast Pilot of Alaska (first part), from southern boundary to Cook's Inlet. By George Davidson, Assistant^ Coast Survey. Illus. 8^. pp.251. Washington, 1869. 18.3.41. The same. Coast Pilot of California, Oregon, and Washington Ter- ritory. By George Davidson, Assistant^ U. S. Coast Survey. Illus. 8^. pp. 262. Washington, 1869. 18. 3. 42. The same. Directory for. By George Davidson, Assistant, U. S» Coast Survey. 40. pp. 166. Washington, 1859. 18. 3. 40' 440 NAViaATION, ETO. NAVIGATION, ETC. 441 Ships. Vanguard. Ships (Famous) of the British Navy. By W. H. D. Adams. Illus. 12^. pp. xiv, 316. London, 1878. 1. 5. 10. Observations on the best means of propelling Ships. By Alexander S. Byrne, Member of the National Institution, Washington. 8^. pp. 47. New York, 1841. 18. 3. 16. (The Iron-clad) of the World. By M. P. Dislere. Translated by Com- mander R. W. Meade, U. S. Navy. 4°. pp. 29. Washington, 1875. 18. 3. 19. Ships of War (European) and their Armament, Naval Administration and Econ- omy, Marine Constructions and Appliances, Dock-yards, etc. By J. W. King, Chief Engineer, U. S. N. (Ex Doc. No. 27, Sen., ^^th Cong., 2d Sess.) Illus. 80. pp. 273. Washington, 1877. 18. 3. 5. British. Amounts expended in each year on Experiments in connec- tion with Construction of. Return, fol. pp. 5. London, 1878. 47. 3. 40. (Parliamentary Paper.] British. Report of the Committee appointed by the Lords Commis- sioners of the Admiralty to examine the Designs upon which Ships of War have recently been constructed. PI. pp. xlix, 24. With Evi- dence, Appendix, and Index, pp. ^Gt,. fol. London, 1872. 47. 5. 17. British. Report of the Committee on Designs for Ships of War, on the ships of the Cyclops and Devastation classes, fol. pp. 20. London, 187 1. 47. 5. 17. [Parliamentary Paper. Bound with preceding.] Signals. Code of Flotilla and Boat Signals for the United States Navy. By Commander Thornton A. Jenkins, U. S. N. 16°. pp. 169. Washing- ton, 1 86 1. • 18. 3. 21. Spontaneous Combustion of Coal in Ships. Report of the Royal Commis- sioners on. fol. pp. xxviii, 245. London, 1876. 47. 4. 46. [British Parliamentary Paper.] Tables requisite to be used with the Nautical Ephemeris for finding the Lati- tude and Longitude at sea. By John Garnett. 8°. New Brunswick, N. J., 1806. 19. 4. 27. Upper Lakes (Coast Pilot for), on both shores, from Chicago to Buffalo, Green Bay, Georgian Bay and Lake Superior. By Thomas S. Thompson. Charts. 8^. pp. 74.- Chicago, 1861. 18. 3. 13. Vanguard. Minutes of proceedings at a Court-Martial held at Devonport in September, 1875, ^^ inquire into the loss of H. M. S. Vanguard. With maps. fol. pp. 70. London, 1876. 47. 4. 40 f British Parliamentary Paper.] See also Arago (Fran9ois). CEuvres completes. 16. 2. 1-16. American State Papers. 18. 4. 1-21 Mechanics. 56 442 PERIODICALS AND JOUENALS. 22. PERIODICALS AND JOURNALS. American Association for the Advancement of Science. Proceedings. Vol. XXVIII, 1879. I vol. 80. pp. Ixii, 572. Salem, Mass., 1880. 14. 4. 7, Engineer (The). Vol. I. fol. Chicago, 1880. [Incomplete.] Journal of Mathematics, POre and Applied, Published under the auspices of the Johns Hopkins University. Vols. I-II. 4^. Baltimore, i879-'8o. [Current.] , 19. 6. Journal of Science and Arts. Vol. I, ist series, to Vol. XX, 3d series. Plates, maps, and illus. 120 vols. 8^. New York, 1819-80. [Current.] Case 3. [Conducted by R. Silliman, M. Z>., iSig-'sy ; Pro/. Silliman and B. Silliman, /r., i838-'45 ; B. Silliman, B. Silliman, /r., and James D. Dana, i846-'64 ; Profs. B. Silliman and J. D. Dana, 1865- '70; James D. Dana and B. Silliman, 1871-74 ; James D. Dana, B. Silliman, and E. S. Dana, 1875 [and associate editors]. Polytechnic Journal. A new monthly Periodical devoted to Science, Mechanic Arts, and Agriculture. Vols. I-IV. 8°. Washington, 1853- '54. 44. 2. 33-36. Quarterly Register and Magazine, conducted by James Stryker. Vols. I- VI 6 vols. 80. Philadelphia, i848-'5i. 44. 2. 27-32. Philosophical Society, Transactions. Vols. I-VI. 6 vols. 40. Philadelphia, 1 789-1809. 22. 3. 1-6. The same. Vols. I-II. New series. 40. Philadelphia, 1818-2^ 22. 3. 7. Society of Civil Engineers, Transactions. Vol. I, 1867, to Vol. IX, i88o. [With] proceedings and papers. Vols. I-VI. 15 vols. 8°. New York, 1868-79. [Current] 16. 3. 1-15. The same. Constitution and by-laws; and List of members, July, 1880. In I vol. 80. New York, 1880. 16. 3. 16. Annales des Ponts et Chauss^es. Memoires et Documents relatifs \ I'Art des Constructions et au Service de I'lngenieur. i" s6rie, 1831-40; 2™® serie, 1841-50; 3™® serie, 1851-60; 4"'® serie, 1861-70; 5"'«s6rie, 187 1- '80. 100 vols. 8° and pi., 6 vols. fol. Paris, 1831-80. [Current.] [And] Lois, Ordonnances et autres Actes concernant I'Administration des Ponts etChaussees, 1831-80. 50 vols. 8°. Paris, 1831-80. [Dis- continued.] [And] Personnel. Annuaire du Ministere de TAgriculture, du Commerce, et des Travaux Publics, 1869-77. 10 vols. 8°. Paris, 1869-77. [And] Tables generales. [Indices.] i'® i 4'"® serie, 1831-70. 5 vols. Paris, 1843-74. Case 12. 443 444 PERIODIOALS AND JOURNALS. PEEIODIOALS AND JOUENALS. 446 Annales. Field Glass. Annales des Travaux Publics. Revue universelle de I'Outillage des Travaux Publics et des Precedes du Genie Civil, i*"® serie. Vol. I. PI. fol. Paris, 1880. [Current.] 48. 48. des Travaux Publics de Belgique. Tome I-XXXIII. PI. 33 vols. 80, and atlas fol. Bruxelles, i843-'75. 44. 7 & 8. Annual Record of Science and Industry, 1871-78. Edited by Spencer F. Baird, with the assistance of Eminent Men of Science. 8 vols. 8°. New York, i872-'79. 1. 2. 19-26. (The) of Scientific Discovery; or, Year Book of Facts in Science and Art. For the years 1851, '52, '54, '59, '60, *6i, '62 and '69. 8 vols. 12°. Boston, i85i-'68. 14. 3. 1-8. Army and Navy Journal, and Gazette of the Regular and Volunteer Forces. Vols. X-XVII. fol. New York, i872-'8o. 25. 3. [Imperfect.] Association of the Graduates of the United States Military Academy. First to Eleventh annual Reunions, 1870-80. With an index. 3 vols. 8^. New York, and East Saginaw, Mich., 1870-80. 43. 1. 34-36. Bulletin de la Societe de Geographic. 4™® s6rie, tomes 2-3, i8^i-'52; 5'"® s^rie, tomes 5, 7, 8, i863-*64; 6'"® serie, tomes 9-20, 1875-80. 17 vols. 80. Paris, 185 i-'8o. [Current.] 16.1.6-22. Civil Engineers and Architects' Journal. From October, 1837, to December, 1867. 30 vols. 40. London. 15. 3. 1-30. Congressional Record ; containing the Proceedings and Debates of Congress. Vol. I, Special Session of the Senate, 43d Congress, to Vol. X, 2d Session of the 46th Congress; with Indexes. 10 vols, in 45. 40. Washington, i873-'8o. 25. 1-2. Diario del Gobierno de la RepubHca Mexicana. 1-3 1 Julio, 1842. fol. Mexico. 48. 10. Engineer (The). Vol. XXIV. July to December, 1867. i vol. fol. Lon- don, 1867. 38. 2. 26. Engineering : An illustrated weekly Journal. Conducted by Zerah Colburn. From Vol. JV, 1867, to Vol. XXX, 1880. 27 vols. 40. London. [Current.] 38. 2. News. Vols. II-VII. 6 vols. 40. Chicago and New York, 1875- '80. [Current.] 46. 5. 37-42. — ■ Magazine. Van Nostrand's. PI. and illus. Vols. I-XXIII. 23 vols. 80. New York, i869-'8o. [Current.] 4. 1-2. and Mining Journal. Vols. XXVII-XXX. 4 vols. fol. New York, i879-'8o. [Current] 48. 18-21. Field Glass (The). Vols. I-II. 40. New York, i879-'8o. [Current.] 22. 2. 1-2. 446 PERIODIOALS AND JOURNALS. PERIODICALS AND JOURNALS. 447 Franklin Institute. Mechanics. Franklin Institute. Journal of. Devoted to Science and the Mechanic Arts. Vol. I, ist series, to Vol. CX, 3d series. Illus. no vols. 80. Philadel- phia, i826-'8o. [Current.] 46. 1-3. Giornale del Genio Civile. Parte ufficiale. 5 vols. 8^. Florence, 1866-70. [Discontinued.] 16. 1. 1-6. del Genio Militare [and] Giornale di Artiglieria e Genio. I-XV. Text and pi. 43 vols. 8^ and fol. Torino, Firenze, Roma, 1863-79. [Current.] 42. 6. 1-28. Institution of Civil Engineers. [BrifisA.] Catalogue of the Library. 2d ed., corrected to December 31, 1865, and Appendix, List of members. 8°. pp. 412, 54. London, 1866. 2. 2. 9. T/ie same. Charter, By-laws and Regulations, and List of members. 80. pp. 116. London, 1879. 2.2.8. The same. Minutes of proceedings, containing abstracts of the papers and of the conversations for the sessions i837-'79. Vols. I-LVIII [cur- rent], and General Index: Vols. I-XX, 1837-61. 8°. London, 1837- '79. 2. 1&2. The same. Transactions. Vols. I-II, and part i and 3 of Vol. III. PI. 4 vols., 4O; and atlas, fol. London, 1836-40. 42. 3. 1-4. Iron and Steel Institute. Journal of. 3 vols. 8^. London, 1877-79. 19. 6. 8-10. Journal des Amies Speciales, et de I'Etat- Major. Recueil scientifique du Genie, de I'Artillerie, de la Topographic MiUtaire, etc. Par J. Correard, A?icien Ingenieiir. Avec cartes, planches, dessins, etc. From th,e ist vol., ist series, to Vol. VII, 6th series. 66 vols. 8^. Paris, 1835-69. [Dis- continued.] Case 9. des Sciences Militaires des Armees de Terre et de Mer. i^® s6rie, i825-'32; 2'"«serie, i833-'39; 3»»« serie, i84o-'46 ; 4°^^ s6rie, 1847-53; 5'"® serie, 1854-60; 6'n« serie, 1861-67; 7"'« serie, 1868-71; 8'"*^ serie, 1872— [Current.] PI. 202 vols. 8^. Paris, 1825-80. Case 10. of Military Engineering. [In the Russian language.] 4 vols. 8°. St. Petersburg, 1873. 42. 9. 11-14. Polytechnique, ou Bulletin du Travail fait ^ I'ficole Centrale des Tra- vaux Publics. 4 vols, in 3. 40. Paris, an 11 1-VI [1794-97]. 16.4.9-11. Literary and Philosophical Society of Liverpool. Proceedings, 1876-78. 2 vols. 80. London, i877-'78. 1. 3. 20-21. Manufacturer and Builder (The). Vol. VII, 1875, to Vol. XII, 1880. 6 vols. 40. New York. [Current.] 46. 6. 28-33. Mechanic's Magazine and Engineer's Journal (Appleton's). Vols. I-III. Illus. 1 vol. 80, and 2 vols. 40. New York, i85i-'54. 14. 4. 2-4. . Magazine, Museum, Register, Journal, and Gazette. Vols. 52-53. 2 vols. 80. London, 1850. 46. 4. 17-18. 448 PERIODIOALS AND JOURNALS. PEEIODIOALS AND JOURNALS. 449 Memorial. Popular Science. Memorial de Ingenieros. Memorias, Articulos y Noticias interesantes al Arte de la Guerra en general, y a la profesion del Ingeniero en particular. Vols. I-X [except Vol. IV]. PI. and diagrams. 9 vols. 8^. Madrid, i846-'55. 2. 5. 1-9. de rOfficier du Genie, ou, Recueil de Memoires, Experiences, Obser- vations et Procedes generaux propres k perfectionner la Fortification et les Constructions Militaires. PI. Vols. I-XXV, and Index to Vols. I- XV. 26 vols. 80. Paris, 180^-76, [Current.] 45. 5. 1-26. Military Service Institution of the United States. Journal. Vol. I. 8°. New York, i879-'8o. 40. 3. 11. Mittheilungen aus Justus Perthes' Geographischer Anstalt uber wichtige neue Erforschungen auf dem Gesammtgebiete der Geographic. Von Dr. A. Petermann. 26 vols. 4^. Gotha, i855-'8o. [And] Ergiinzungsheft, 1860-80. [And 2 Indexes.] 14 vols. 4^. Gotha, 1860-80. [Discon- tinued.] 15. 2. 1-40. des k. k. Oesterrich. Museums fiir Kunst und Industrie. XIV-XV Jahrg. 2 vols. 8°. Wien, i879-'8o. 43. 7. 27-28. [Austrian Museum of Art and Industry.] des Sachsischen Ingenieur- und Architekten-Vereins. Erstes Heft. 9 pi. 80. Dresden, 1858. [And] Neue Folge: Jahr 1879. ^1- ^ vol. 8°. Leipzig, i879-'8o. 43. 7. 19-21. uber Gegenstande des Artillerie- und Genie-Wesens. PI, and figs. 8 vols. 80. Wien, iSyz-'jc). 43. 7. 1-8. National Museum (U. S.). Proceedings. Vol. I, 1878. 8*^. pp. iv, 520. Washington, 1879. 40. 2. 32. Nature: A weekly Illustrated Journal of Science. Vol. I, November, 1869, to Vol. XXII, 1880. 22 vols. 80. London and New York. [Current.] 4.3-4. Niles' Weekly Register, from March to September, 1822. Vol. XXII. 8^. Baltimore. 44. 3. 22. Nouvelles Annales de la Construction. Publication rapide et economique des documents les plus recents et les plus interessantes relatifs k la con- struction fran^aise et etrangere. Tomes I-X IV. PI. 14 vols. 40. Paris, i855-'68. 46. 5. 14-27. Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science. New series, Vol. I, 1827, to fourth series. Vol. XXVIII, 1864. 76 vols. 8°. London, i827-'64. [Discontinued.] 44. 4-6. Society of Washington. Bulletin. Vols. I-III. 3 vols, in i. 8°. Washington, i874-'8o. 44. 3. 13. Popular Science Monthly (The). Conducted by E. L. Youmans. Vol. I, 1872, to Vol. XVI, 1880, and supplements. 8°. New York. [Current.] 2. 4. 1-17. 57 450 PERIODIOALS AND JOURNALS. PEEIODIOALS AND JOURNALS. 451 Portefeuille. Year-Book. Portefeuille ficonomique des Machines. Tomes I-XIII. PI. 13 vols. Paris, i856-'68. 46. 5. 1-13. Railroad Journal. Edited by D. K. Minor and H. V. Poor. 1831-57. 17 vols. 40, and 1 1 vols. 80. New York. 15. 4. 1-30. [Discontinued.] Republic (The). A Monthly Magazine devoted to the dissemination of Political Information. Vol. I, March, 1873, to Vol. VIII, December, 1876. 7 vols. 80. Washington. 45. 5. 30-36. Revista de Obras Publicas e Minas. Publica^ao mensal da Associa^ao dos Engenheiros Civis Portuguezes. Tomo I-X. 10 vols. 8^. Lisboa, i87o-'8o. 44. 9. 9-18. [Imperfect.] Revue Maritime et Coloniale. PI. Tomes XXV-XXXV. 11 vols. 8^. Paris, i869-'72. 44. 3. 3-12. [Discontinued. Tome XXXI wanting.] Royal Engineers. Corps Papers and Memoirs on Military Subjects; com- piled from contributions of the Officers of the Royal Engineers and the East India Company's Engineers. First volume. Illus. and vol. of pi. and maps. 2 vols. 8^. London, 1849-50. 46. 3. 32-33. Professional Papers. Vol. I-X, 1837-72, with Index. And same. New series. Vols. I-XXIII, 1851-76 (incomplete). And same. Occa- sional papers, Vols. I-V, 1 877-^80. 46. 3. 1-38. Royal Geographical Society. Journal: Vol. XLVIII-XLIX, i878-'79. Pro- ceedings, Monthly record of Geography: New series. Vols. I-II. 2 vols. 80. London, i879-'8o. [Current.] 44. 3. 15-19. United Service Institution. Journal: Vols. XV-XXIV. Diagrams and illus. 8°. London, i872-'79. [Current] 1. 3. 3-12. The same. Index of lectures and papers contained in Vols. XI-XX. 80. London, 1878. 1. 3. 9. Scientific American (The). Vols. XXXIV-XLII; and Supplements, Vols. I-IX. 18 vols. fol. New York, i876-'8o. [Current.] 49. 1-18. Spectateur Militaire (Le). Recueil de Science, d'Art, et d'Histoire Militaires. i"^® serie, 1826-50; 2"® s^rie, 1851-65; 3™® serie, 1865-78; 4™® serie, 1878-80. 157 vols. 80. Paris, i826-'8o. [Current.] Case 11. United Service (The). A monthly review of Military and Naval A^airs. Vols. I-II. 80. Philadelphia, i879-'8o. 40. 1. 29-30. Journal, and Naval and Military Magazine. 141 vols. 8°. Lon- don, 1833-80. [Current.] Case 13. Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts, and Letters. Transactions : Vols. I-IV. 4 vols. 80. Madison, Wis., i872-'78. 22. 2. 1^. Year-Book (The) of Facts in Science and Art, 1859, '61, '62. By John Timbs. 3 vols. 160. London, i859-'62. 14. 3. 9-11. 452 PEEIODIOALS AND JOURNALS. PERIODIOALS AND JOUENALS. 453 Zeitschrift. Zeitschrift. Zeitschrift des Architekten und Ingenieur-Vereins zu Hannover. Illus. Biinde XXV-XXVI. 2 vols. 40. Hannover, iSyQ-'So. 48. 42-43. [Journal Architects and Engineers' Society of Hanover.] des Oesterrich. Ingenieur- und Architekten- Vereins. XXXI Jahrg. PI. I vol. fol. Wien, 1879. 48. 52. (Journal Austrian Engineers and Architects' Society.] des Vereines Deutscher Ingenieure. Bande XXUI-XXIV. PI. 2 vols. 40. Berlin, iSyQ-'So. 48. 53-54. I Journa. Society German Engineers.] 464 PHILOLOaY, GRAMMAR, RHETORIO, ETC 23. PHILOLOGY, GRAMMAR, RHETORIC, Etc. English Composition: Aids to, prepared for students of all grades. By Richard G. Parker, A. M. 12^. pp. 429. New York, 1863. 16. 5. 14 Grammar. By Lindley Murray. 12^. pp. 232. New London Conn., 1840. 16. 5. 22 Grammar: Analytical and Practical. 'By Rev. Peter Bullions. 12° pp. 244. New York, 1854. 16. 5. 25 Grammar : Digest of, Synthetical and Analytical. By L. T. Covell. 120. pp.218. New York, 1852. 16.5.26. Grammar in familiar Lectures. By Samuel Kirkham. 12°. pp. 228. Rochester, N. Y., 1842. 16. 5. 23. Grammar : Part of a course on Language, prepared for instruction in the U. S. Corps of Cadets. By Rev. J. W. French. 12^. pp. 467. New York, 1863. 16. 5. 21. Grammar. Principles of. By Rev. Peter Bullions. 12°. pp. 216. New York, [1842]. 16. 5. 24. Grammars: Grammar of. By Goold Brown. loth ed. 8^. New York, 1873. 16. 5. 42. Language. Lectures on. By George P. Marsh. 8°. New York, i860. 24. 1. 1. — Synonymes. Dictionary of. By Richard Soule. 12^. pp.456. Bos- ton, 1873. 16. 5. 15. — Synonymes. With copious Illustrations and Explanations drawn from the best Authors. By George Crabb. loth ed. 8°. New York, 1873. 24. 1. 3. — The same. 80. New York, 1831. 24. 1. 4. French Grammar, theoretical and practical By M. de Levizac. Revised by Stephen Pasquier, Af. A. 12°. pp. 446. New York, 1842. 16. 5. 7. Language. Elementary Tabular system of instruction in. By H. R. Agnel. 80. New York, 1863. 24. 1. 2. Good English; or Popular Errors in Language. By Edward S. Gould. 12°. pp. 228. New York, 1875. 16. 5. 20. Greek Grammar. By Benj. F. Fisk. 12^. pp. 263. Boston, 1841. 16. 5. 3. 455 456 PHILOLOGY, GRAMMAR, RHETORIO, ETO. PHILOLOGY, GRAMMAE, EHETORIO, ETO. 457 How to Write. Spanish, How to Write clearly. Rules and Exercises on English Composition. By Rev. Edwin A. Abbott. 12O. pp. 78. Boston, 1879. 16. 5. 29. How to Write Letters. A Manual of Correspondence [etc.]. By J. Wiles Westlake. 160. pp. 264. Philadelphia, 1876. 16. 5. 28. Lecons Fran^aises, \ I'usage des Commen^ans et des Cadets de rAcademie Militaire des fitats-Unis \ West Point. Par C. Berard. 12O. pp. 322. New York, 1838. 16. 5. 6. Litterature Fran9aise. Le9ons et Models de, ou Choix de Morceaux en Prose et en Verse, etc. Par M. Chapsal. 12^. pp. 396. New York, 1862. 16. 5. 5. The same* 12O. New York, 1846. 28. 1. 25. Morceaux choisis des Auteurs modernes, \ I'usage de la Jeunesse. With a translation of the new and difficult Words and Idiomatic Phrases which occur in the work. By F. M. Rowan. Revised by J. L. Jewett. 12^. pp. 341. New York, 1853. 16. 5. 8. Proof-Reading. See Cocker (W. J.). Hand-book. 16, 5, 31 : ^i;//^/ Mackellar (Thos.). American Printer. 16. 5. 32. Punctuation. Hand-book of. By Jos. A. Turner. 12^. pp. 67. Phila- delphia, 1876. 16. 5. 30. Treatise on (English). By John Wilson. 12O. pp. 334. Boston, 1855. 16. 5. 27. Capitalization, Letter-writing, and Proof-reading. Hand-book of. By W. J. Cocker, A, M. 160. pp. 127. New York, 1878. 16. 5. 31. Rhetoric and Belles-lettres. Lectures on. By Hugh Blair, D. D. Analysis by Abraham. Mills. 8^. Philadelphia, n. d. 24. 1. 5. and Belles-lettres. Lectures on. Chiefly from the Lectures of Dr. Blair. By Abraham Mills, A. M, \2^, pp. 408. New York, 1854. 16. 6. 13. Russian Language. A short Manual of, for the use of Englishmen; contain- ing the principal l^ules of its Grammar, etc. By James Languen. 12°. pp. 94. Helsingfors, 1848. 16. 6. 4. Scholar's Companion (The). Containing Orthography, Derivation, and Classi- fication of English Words. 12^. pp.299. Philadelphia, 1844. 16.5.2. Spanish Grammar, with Practical Exercises. By M, Josse. Revised, etc., by F. Sales. 12O. pp. 468. New York, 1863. 16. 6. 10. Language. Ollendorft's (H. G.) New Method of Learning to Read, Write, and Speak the Spanish Language. 12°. pp. 558. New York, 1864. 16. 5. 9. Reader (Progressive). Analytical Study of the Spanish Language. By Agustin Jos6 Morales, A. M, 12°. pp. 336. New York, 1856. 16. 5. 12. 58 458 PHILOLOGY, GEAMMAE, EHETOEIO, ETC. PHILOLOaY, GEAMMAE, EHETOEIO, ETO. 469 Spanish. Words. Spanish Teacher (Practical). By N. Pinney and J. Barcel6. 12O. pp. 360. New York, 1855. 16. 6. 11. Standard Speaker (The). Containing exercises in prose and poetry. By Epes Sargent. 12O. pp. 558. Philadelphia, 1865. 16. 5. 1. Words and their Uses, Past and Present. A study of the English Language. By Richard Grant White. 12°. pp.467. New York, 1876. 16.5.18. On the Study of. By Richard Chenevix Trench, Archbishop. With an exhaustive Analysis [etc.]. By Thomas D. Supine. 12O. pp. 395. New York, 1878. 16. 6. 19. ■ ; Their Use and Abuse. By William Mathews, LL. D. 1 2^. pp. 384. Chicago, 1880. 16. 5. 17. Thesaurus of English Words and Phrases. By Peter Mark Roget. 12O. pp.510. Boston, 1866. 'I6. 5. 16. 460 REGISTEfiS. 24. REGISTERS; CIVIL, MILITARY, AND NAVAL. British Army. New Army List, exhibiting the Rank, Standing, and various Services of every regimental Officer in the Army serving on full pay. By Maj. H. G. Hart. 8°. pp. 246. London, 1851. 1. 1. 43. The Army List. Officers of the Army, the Royal Marines, the MiHtia, Yeomanry, and Volunteers, 1865 to 1875. 12 vols. \(P. London. 1865-75. 1- 1- 44-^55. Department of the Interior. Register, corrected to August i, 1880. 8^, Washington, 1880. 42. 5. 25. French Army [Register]. Annuaire de I'fitat Militaire de France, pour rann6e 1841. 12°. Paris, 1841. 17. 2. 16. The same. Annuaire Militaire de I'Empire Frangais, pour les ann6es i860, '61, '64, '70. 4 vols. 120. Paris, i86o-'7o. 17. 2. 17-20. The same, ^tat du Corps du G6nie. 12O. Paris, 1838. 17. 2. 14. National Calendar and Annals of the United States, for 1829, '31, '34. By Peter Force. 3 vols. 12°. Washington. 42. 5. 1-3. New Jersey. Official Register of the Officers and Men of New Jersey in the Revolutionary War. Compiled under orders of his Excellency Theodore F. Randolph, Governor^ by Wm. Stryker, Adjutant- General. 80. pp. 878. Trenton, 1872. 47. 3. 47. The same. In the Civil War, i86i-*65. 2 vols. 40. Trenton, 1876. 47. 3. 48-49. New York State Register for 1858 (Distumell's). 12O. New York, 1858. 16. 2. 25. Prussian Army and Navy Lists. Rang- und Quartier-Liste der Koniglich Preussischen Armee und Marine, fur das Jahr 1869. i(P. pp. 1003. Berlin. 17. 2. 15. Russian Army [Register]. Ezhegodnik Russkoi Armii, na 1870 god. [An- nual.] I-II. 2 vols. 80. Saint Petersburg, 1870. 17. 2. 11-12. United States Army. Official Army Register for 1848, and Register of the Commissioned and Warrant Officers of the Navy of the United States, including Officers of the Marine Corps, and others, for the year 1848. In I vol. 12°. Washington, 1848. 17. 5. 1. 461 462 EEGISTEBS. REGISTERS. ' 463 United States Army. U. S. Official Register, United States Army. Military Record of Civilian Appointments in the United States Army. By Guy V. Henry, U. S. A 2 vols. ?P. New York, i87i-'73. 17.2.5-6. Complete Regular Army Register of the United States for one hun- dred years. By T. H. S. Han\ersly. 8°. Washington, 1880. 17. 2. 21. A compilation of Registers of the Army of the United States from 1815 to 1837. 120. Washington, 1837. 17. 3. 1. Official Army Registers, 1830 to 1880. 15 vols. 12O. 17. 3. 2-16. United States Military Academy, West Point, N. Y. Biographical Register of the Officers and Graduates of, 1802 to 1867. By Bvt. Maj. Gen, George W. Cullum, Corps of Engineers. 2 vols. 8°. New York, 1868. Room 12. — The same. Revised ed., with a Supplement continuing the Register of Graduates to January i, 1879. 3 vols, 8^. New York, 1879. 17. 2. 1-3. — List of Cadets admitted from its establishment till September 30, 1876. Compiled by Bvt. Lieut, Col. Robert H. Hall, U. S. A, 12O. pp. dd, Washington, 1876. 2 copies, 17. 4. 10. — Register of Cadets admitted from its establishment till 1880. 8^. [Abstract from Complete Army Register.] 17. 4. 11. — Register of Officers and Graduates of the United States Military Academy from 1801 to 1844. 8^. pp. 35. [New York], 1844. 17.4.9. — Register of Officers and Graduates from 1802 to 1850. By Capt. George W. Cullum. 12^. New York, 1850. 17. 4. 12. Registers, (i), June, 1819, to June, 1834; (2), 1835 to 1848; (3), 1849 to 1862; (4), 1863 to 1872; (5), 1873 to 1879 {^"^^ current]. 17. 4. 13-16. United States Navy. Register of the Commissioned, Warrant, and Volunteer Officers of the Navy of the United States, including Officers of the Ma- rine Corps and others, 1855 to 1880 [and current]. 8^. Washington, v. d. 17. 5. 2-21. The same. For 1848. 12O. Washington, 1848. 17.6.1. [Bound witk U. S, Army Register for 1848. ] and Marine Corps. Records of living Officers of. By Lewis R. Hamersly. 3d ed. 8^. pp. 403. Philadelphia, 1879. ^ copies. 17. 2. 4. United States Official Register [Blue Book] for the years 1832, '2>Zy '36, '37, '39, '41-42, '43> '49» '5i» '53» 'S5> '57" 5^, '60, '61, '63, '65, '67, '71, '73, 75> '77> '79- 120 and 80. Washington, i832-'79. 42. 5. 3-24. 464 EEGISTERS. EEaiSTEES. 465 U. S. Vol. Register. U. S. Vol. Register. United States Volunteer Army Register. Official Army Register of the Vol- unteer Force of the United States Army for the years 1861-65. 8 vols. 12O. [Washington, 1865.] 17. 4. 1-8. Contents. I. — Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut. II.— New York and New Jersey. III.— Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, and District of Columbia. IV.- West Virginia, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, P'lorida, Alabama, Mis- sissippi, Louisiana, Texas, Arkansas, Tennessee, and Kentucky. V. — Ohio and Michigan. VI. — Indiana and Illinois. VII. — Missouri, Wisconsin, Iowa, Minnesota, California, Kansas, Oregon, and Nevada. VIII.— Washington, Utah, New Mexico, Nebraska, Colorado, Indian Territory, Dakota, Arizona, Idaho, and Montana. United States Troops.~VetQra.n Reserve Corps, First Army Corps (Veteran), Miscella- neous, Colored Troops. 59 466 MISOELLANEOUS. 26. MISCELLANEOUS. Abaddon, the Spirit of Destruction ; and other Poems. By Sumner L. Fair- field. 8o. pp. 157. New York, 1830. 16. 2. 31. Ab-sa-ra-ka, Land of Massacre : Experience of an Officer's Wife on the Plains, etc. By C(^/. Henry B. Carrington, [/. S. A. lUus and maps. 3d ed. 12O. pp. viii, 2>^T,. Philadelphia, 1878. 1. 5. 34. Alaska. Report upon the Customs District, Public Service, and Resources of Alaska Territory. By William Gouverneur Morris. Illus. 8*^. pp. 163. Washington, 1879. ^3. 1. 15. [Sen. Ex. Doc. 59, 45th Cong., 3d Sess.j Almanac (American) and Treasury of Facts, Statistical, Financial, and Politi- cal, for the years 1878-81. By Ainsworth R. Spofford. 4 vols. 12^. New York, i878-'8i. 23. 1. 26-28. (British) and Companion, for the years i859-*79. 21 vols. 12^. London, 1859-79. 23. 1. 1-21. [1863 wanting.] (National) and Annual Record for 1863 and 1864. 2 vols. 12°. Philadelphia, i863-'64. 23. 2. 44-45. Almanach de Gotha, pour les annees 1870, 1874-81. 9 vols. 32^. Gotha. i87o-'8i. 23. 1. 31-42. Almanack (American) and Repository of Useful Knowledge. 30 vols. 12^. Boston, i832-'6i. 23. 2. 14-43. [1834, 1842, 1845 wanting.] American Archives : Fourth series. A documentary History of the English colonies in North America, from the King's Message, March 7, 1774, to the Declaration of Independence. 6 vols. fol. Washington, 1837-46. 18. 5. 1-6. The same : Fifth series. From the Declaration of Independence to the treaty of peace with Great Britain, 1783. Vols. I-III. 3 vols. fol. Washington, i848-'53. [No more published.] 18. 5. 7-8. [Vol. Ill wanting.] Commerce. Report of proceedings of the Convention for the Pro- motion of, held at the city of New Orleans, La., December, 1878. 12O. 1878. [Misc. Pamph., vol. vi.] 31. 2. 6. 467 468 MISOELLANEOUS. MISCELLANEOUS. 409 American. Census. American State Papers. Documents, Legislative and Executive, of Congress, 1 789-1859. First series, 21 vols.; second series, 17 vols. fol. Wash- ington, i832-'6i. 18. 4. 1-21. Contents. Claims, 1789-1823. i vol. Coininerce and Navigation, 1789-1823. a vols. Finance, 1789-1828. 5 vols. [Vols. IV-V wanting.] ~ Foreign Relations, 1789-1828. 6 vols. [Vols. V-VI wanting.] Indian Affairs, 1789-1827. 2 vols. Military Affairs, 1789-1838. 7 vols. [Vols. I II-VII wanting.] Miscellaneous, 1789-1823. 2 vols. Naval Affairs, 1789-1836. 4 vols. [Vols. III-V wanting.] I'ost-Olfice, 1789-1823. I vol. Public Lands, 1789-1827. 8 vols. [Vols. IV-VIII wanting.] Annuaire pour I'an 1880, par le Bureau des Longitudes. Avec des Notices scientifiques. 18°. Paris, 1879. 23. 1. 61. Bible.' The Holy Bible, containing the Old and New Testaments; translated out of the Original Tongues, and with the former translations diligently comjmred and revised. 8^. New York, 1857. 24. 1. 31. Black Hills of Dakota. A minute description of the Routes, Scenery, Soil, Climate, Timber, Gold, etc. By Lieut, Col. Richard Irving Dodge, U. S. A. Map and pi. 12°. pp. 151. New York, 1876. 1. 6. 4, Mineral Wealth, Climate and Rainfall, and Natural Resources of By Walter P. Jenney. 8°. pp. 71. Washington, 1876. 20. 3. 46. Boston. Inaugural Address of His Honor Frederic W. Lincoln, jr.. Mayor. 80. pp. 31. Boston, 1863. 44. 2. 18. Brazil. View of the Commerce between the United States and Rio de Jan- eiro. By John M. Baker. Map. 8°. pp. n8. Washington, 1838. 16. 2. 32. British Association for the Advancement of Science. Reports of the 38th, 40th, 41st, and 42d meetings. Illus. 4 vols. 8°. London, 1869, '71, '72, '73. L.S. Camels and Dromedaries. Letter of W. Re Kyan Bey on the treatment and use of the Dromedary. (35^/^ Cofig., ist Sess. Se?t. Misc. Doc. 271.) 8^. PP' 35- [Washington, 1858.J 16. 1. 32. Reports upon the Purchase, Importation, and Use of, for Military pur- poses. By MaJ. H. C. Wayne, U. S A. i855-'56-'57. Illus. 80. pp. 238. Washington, 1857. 16. 1. 31. [Sen. Ex. Doc. 62, 34th Cong., 3d Sess.] Canada. Census of, 1870-71. Vols I, II, III, and V. 4 vols. 8^. Ottawa, r873-'78. 43.8.4-7. (Upper). Statistical Account of, compiled with a view to a grand System of Emigration. By Robert Gourlay. Vols. I-II. Maps. 8^. London, 1822. 1. 4. 25-26. Census of the United States. Sixth, 1840. Compendium of the Enumeration of the Inhabitants, and Statistics, i vol. fol. Washington, 1841. 43. 8. 13. 470 MISOELLANEOUS. MISOELLANEOUS. 471 Census. Congressional. Census of the United States. Seventh, 1850. Statistics. 4°. Washington, 1853. 43. 8. 8. Eighth, i860. 4 vols. 40. Washington, i864-'66. 43.8. 9-12. Ninth, 1870. 3 vols. 40, and atlas, fol. Washington, i872-'74. 43. 8. 14-16. The same. Compendium. 8^. Washington, 1872. 43.8.18. Cherokee Land Lottery. Containing a numerical list of the Fortunate Draw- ers in said Lottery. By James F. Smith, of Milledgeville, Ga. 8°. pp. 412. New York, 1838. 42.3.37. Chicago [111.] and its Suburbs. By Everett Chamberlin. Illus. 8°. pp. 468. Chicago, 1874. 16. 3.37. Chili. A Sketch of, expressly for the use of Emigrants from the United States and Europe to that country, with a map and several papers relating to the present war between that country and Spain, and the position assumed by the United States therein. By Daniel J. Hunter. Map. 8°. pp. 53, 128. New York, 1866. 42. 3. 38. Cincinnati Industrial Exposition. Report of Board of Commissioners. 8°. pp. 408. Cincinnati, [1879]. 44. 3. 23. Civil Service: Great Britain. Sixteenth Report of Her Majesty's Commis- sioners, together with appendices. 8<^. London, 1871. 47. 2. 1. The same. Eighteenth Report. 8^. London, 1874. 47.2.2. The same. Nineteenth Report. 8^. London, 1875. 47. 2. 3. The same. Twentieth Report. 8°. London, 1876. 47. 2. 4. [Parliamentary Papers.] Great Biitain and Revenue Departments. Estimates for the years 1874- '75, 1875-76, 1876-77, 1877-78, 1879-80, and appropriation accounts for the years 1873-74, 1874-75. 7 vols. fol. London, 1873-78. 47. 3. 27-33. [British Parliamentary Papers.] Commercial Relations of the United States with all Foreign Nations. Report on. By Edmund Flagg, Superintendent. 4 vols. 40. Washington, i856-'57. 18. 5. 10-13. and Revenue System of the United States. The Treasury Depart- ment and its various Fiscal Bureaus. By Robert Mayo, M. D. 40. Washington, 1847. 2.3. 27. Comptes Rendus hebdomadaires des Stances de I'Acad^mie des Sciences, par J/J/. les Secretaires Perp6tuels. For the years 1873-81. 18 vols. 40. Paris. L. S. Congressional Documents. From the 14th to the 45th Congress, inclusive, 1285 vols, bound in 1426. 8° and 4°. Washington, 1815-79. Room 12. 14th Oong., \st Sess. State and Executive Papers, 8 vols.: Sen. and House Journals, id Sess. Reports of Committees, 4 vols. 15th Cong., \st Sess. State Papers, 11 vols.: Sen. and House Journals, aaf Sess. State Papers, 10 vols. : Sen. and House Journals. 16th Cong., \st Sess. 472 MISCELLANEOUS. MISOELLANEOUS. 473 Congressional. Congressional. Congressional Documents — Continued. State Papers, 14 vols.: Sen. and House Journals, id Sess. State Papers, 14 vols.: Sen. and Mouse Journals. 17th Oong., \st Sess. State and Executive Papers, 12 vols. : Sen. and House Journals: Reports of Committees, 2 vols. 7.d Sess. State Papers, 12 vols.: Reports of Com- mittees, 2 vols. : Sen. and House Journals. 18th Oong., \st Sess. State Papers, 12 vols.: Sen. Docs., 3 vols. : Reports of Committees, 2 vols. : Sen. and House Journals, -zd Sess. State Papers, 9 vols. : Sen. Docs., 4 vols. : Reports of Committees, 2 vols. : House Jour. 19th Cong., ut*, Sess. State Papers, g vols. : Sen. Docs., 6 vols. : Reports of Committees, 2 vols. : Sen. Jour. 2.d Sess. State Papers, 9 vols.: Sen. Docs., 3 vols.: Reports of Committees, 3 yols. : Sen. and House Journals. 20th Oong., is< Sess. State Papers, 7 vols. : Sen. Docs., 5 vols. : House Docs., I vol. : Reports of Committees, 4 vols. : Sen. and I louse Journals. 2./ Sess. State Papers, 6' vols. : Sen. Docs., 2 vols. : Reports of Committees, 1 vol. : Sen. and House Journals. 21st Oong., isi Sess. State Papers, 3 vols.: Reports of Committees, 3 vols.: Sen. and House Journals. 2d Sess. Sen. Docs., 2 vols.: House Ex. Docs., 4 vols.: Reports of Committees, i vol.: Sen. and House Journals. 22d Oong., isi Sess. Sen. Docs., 3 vols. : House Ex. Docs., 5 vols. : Sen. and House Journals. 2d Sess. Sen. docs., i vol.: House Ex. docs., 3 vols.: Reports of Committees, I vol. : Sen. and House Journals. 23d Oong., isi Sess. Sen. Docs., 6 vols. : House Ex. Docs., 6. vols.: Reports of Committees, 5 vols.: Sen. and House Journals. 2d Sess. Sen. docs., 4 vols. : House Ex. Docs., 5 vols.: Reports of Committees, 2 vols.: Sen. and House Journals. 24th Oong., i.y^ Sess. Sen. Docs., 5 vols. : House Ex. Docs., 7 vols.: Reports of Committees, 3 vols. : Sen. and House Journals. 2d Sess. Sen. Docs., 4 vols.: House Ex. Docs., 4 vols. : Reports of Committees, 3 vols.: Sen. and House Journals. 25th Oong., isi Sess. House Ex. Docs., i vol.: House Jour. 2d Sess. Sen. Docs., 6 vols. : Sen. Jour. : House Ex. Docs., 12 vols. : House reports of Committees, 4 vols. : House Jour. 3^/ Sess. Sen. docs., 4 vols. : Sen. Jour. : House Ex. Docs., 6 vols.: Reports of Committees, 2 vols.: House Jour. 26th Oong., i^-^ Sess. Sen. Docs., 8 vols. : House Ex. Docs., 6 vols.: House reports of Committees, 4 vols. : House Jour. 2d Sess. Sen. Docs., 5 vols. : Sen. Jour. : House Ex. Docs., 6 vols. : House Reportsof Committees^ 1 vol.: House Jour. 27th Oong., liV Sess. Sen. Docs., i vol.: Sen. Jour.: House Ex. Docs., i vol.: House Jour. 2d Sess. Sen. Docs., 5 vols.: Sen. Jour. : House Ex. Docs., 6 vols. : House Reports of Committees, 5 vols. : House Jour. 3^/ Sess. Sen. Docs., 4 vols. : Sen. Jour. : House Ex. Docs., 8 vols. : House Reports of Committees, 4 vols. : House Jour. 28th Oong., isi Sess Sen. Docs., 7 vols.: Sen. Jour. House Ex. Docs., 6 vols.: House reports of Committees, 3 vols.: House Jour. 2d Sess. Sen. Docs., ii vols.: Sen. Jour.: House Ex. Docs., 4 vols.: House Re- ports of Committees, i vol.: House Jour. 29th Oong., isi Sess. Sen. docs., 9 vols.: Sen. Jour. House Ex. Docs., 8 vols. : House reports of committees, 4 vols. House Jour. 2d Sess. Sen. Docs., 3 vols.: Sen. Jour.: House Ex. Docs., 4 vols.: House Reports of Committees, i vol.: House Jour. 30th Oong., isi Sess. Sen. Docs., i vol. : Sen. Reports of Committees, i vol. : Sen. Jour.: House Ex. Docs., 7 vols. : House Jour. 2d Sess. Sen. Docs., 2 vols. : Sen. Reports of Com- mittees, I vol.: Sen. Misc. Docs., 1 vol.: House Ex. Docs., i vol.: House Reports of Commit- tees, I vol. 31st Oong., 1st Sess. Sen. Ex. Docs., 12 vols. : Sen. Misc. Docs., 2 vols. : Sen. Re- ports of Committees, i vol. : Sen. Jour. : House Ex. Docs., n vols. : House Misc. Docs., 2 vols. : House reports of Committees, 3 vols. : House Jour. 2d Sess. Sen. Ex. Docs., 5 vols. : Sen. Misc. Docs., I vol. : Sen. Reports of Committees, i vol. : Sen. Jour. : House Ex. Docs., 6 vols. : House Misc. Docs., I vol. : House Reports of Committees, i vol. : House Jour. 32d Oong., isi Sess. Sen. Ex. Docs., 16 vols.: Sen. Misc. Docs., i vol.: Sen. Reports of Committees, 2 vols. : House Ex. Docs., 15 vols. : House Misc. Docs., i vol. : House Reports of Committees, i vol. 2d Sess. Sen. Ex. Docs., 10 vols.: Sen. Misc. Docs., i vol.: Sen. Reports of Committees, i vol.: Sen. Jour.: House Ex. Docs., 11 vols. : House Misc. docs., i vol. : House reports of committees, i vol. : House Jour, 33d Oong., Special Sess. Sen. Docs., i vol. \st Sess. Sen. Ex. Docs., 10 vols. : Sen. Misc. Docs., i vol. : Sen. Reports of Committees, 3 vols. : Sen. Jour. : House Ex. Docs., 15 vols.: House Misc. Docs., 2 vols. : House Reports of Committees, 3 vols. : House Jour. 2d Sess. Sen. Ex. Docs., lo vols.: Sen. Misc. Docs., 3 vols.: Sen. Reports of Committees, 1 vol.: Sen. Jour. : House Ex. Docs., 13 vols. : House Misc. Docs., i vol. : House Reports of Committees, i vol.: House Jour. 34ib. Oong., 1st and 7d Sess. House Ex. Docs., 16 vols. : House Misc. Docs., 2 vols. : House Reports of Committees, 3 vols. : House Jour. : Reports Court of Claims, 2 vols. : 3^th Cong., 2d Sess., H. R. Report No. 78.) 8°. Washington, 1 86 1. 44. 2. 13. 480 MISOELLANEOQS. MISCELLANEOUS. 481 Indian Tribes. Le Valhalla. Indian Tribes. Ab-sa-ra-ka, Land of Massacre : Experience of an Officer's Wife on the plains, etc. By CoL H. B. Carrington, U. S. A. 3d ed. Illus. and maps. 12^. pp. viii, 383. Philadelphia, 1878. 1. 5. 34. An account of some Indian Tribes on the Coast of the Pacific. By Alex. Ross. \Iu Adventures on the Columbia River.] 1. 5= 19. Dahcotah : or. Life and Legends of the Sioux around Fort Snelling. By Mrs, Mary Eastman. Illus. 12°. pp. xxxi, 268. New York, 1849. 1. 5. 9. Ethnography and Philology of the Hidatsa Indians. By Washington Mathews, Surgeon, U. S. A. 8^. pp. 239. Washington, 1877. 20. 2. 4. [U. S. Geol. Surv. of the Territories, Misc. Pub. No. 7.] Illustrations of the Manners, Customs, and Condition of the North American Indians. By George Catlin. 8th ed. PI. and maps. 2 vols. 80. London, 1851. 1. 4. 3-4. Introduction to the study of Mortuary Customs among the North American Indians. By Dr. H. C. Yarrow. 4^. pp. 114. Washing- ton, 1880. 23. 6. 27. Life of James P. Beckwourth, Chief of the Crow Nation of Indians. Cuts. 12O. pp. xii, 537. New York, 1856. 1. 5. 29. Nadve Races of the Pacific States of North America. By H. H. Bancroft. 5 vols. 80. New York, i875-'76. 1.4.5-9. — Informadon respecting the History, Condition, and Prospects of the Indian Tribes of the United States. Collected and prepared under the direction of the Bureau of Indian Aflfairs, by Henry R. Schoolcraft. Illustrated by S. Eastman, CapL, U. S. A, Parts I-VI. 6 vols. 40. Philadelphia, 1853-57. 24. 6. 23-28. — Wanderings of an Artist among the Indians of North America. By Paul Kane. Map and illus. 8°. pp. xvii, 455. London, 1859. 1. 4. 10. — See also ^QH (Ross). Adventures: 1.4. 13. Powell (J. W.). Con- tributions: 23. 6. 20. — of Georgia. /// White ((ieorge), Statistics. 44. 1. 20. International Monetary Conference of 1878 at Paris. Proceedings and ex- hibits, followed by the Report of the American Commission, etc. 8^. pp. 918. Washington, 1879. 43. 1. 18. [Sen. Ex. Doc. 58, 45th Cong., 3d Sess.] Kansas Territory and the Rocky Mountain Gold Region. Hand-book to. By James Redpath and Richard J. Hinton. Maps. 18^. pp. iv, 177. New York, 1859. 1. 6. 45. Le Valhalla des Sciences Pures et Appliquees, ou la Galerie Commemorative desBlois. 8^. 1875. {Misc. tamph.,yQ\.y:\.\ 31.2.11. 61 482 MISOELLANEOUS. MISOELLANEOUS. 488 L'Evangile. Library, L'Evangile medite et distribue pour tous les jours de I'annee. Par VAbbe Duquesne. 2 vols. 80. Paris, 1845. 1^- 2. 27-28. Libraries. Manual of Public Libraries, Institutions, and Societies in the United States and British Provinces of North America. By Wm. J. Rhees. 80. Philadelphia, 1859. 21. 3. 7. Public Libraries in the United States. Published by the Bureau of Education. Part I. 8^. Washington, 1876. 2 copies. 28. 4. 11-12. The same. Parts I-IL In i vol. 80. Washington, 1876. 21. 3. 6. Library. Astronomische Gesellschaft : Catalog der Bibliothek der, heraus- gegeben von dem Bibliothekar der Gesellschaft, Dn C. Bruhns. 8^. pp. vii, 75. Leipzig, 1880. L. S. Boston Public. Index to the Catalogue of a portion of the Public Library— Lower Hall. And 5 supplements. 8^. Boston, 1858-62. 21. 6. 10. The same. Index to the Catalogue of Books in the Bates Hall. 8^. Boston, 1865. 21. 6. 8. The same. Index to the Catalogue of Books in the Bates Hall. First supplement. 80. Boston, 1866. 21. 6. 9. The sa7ne. Index to the Catalogue of Books in the Upper Hall. 8^. Boston, 1 86 1. 21. 6. 7. of the American Society of Civil Engineers. Index to. Part I : Railroads. 8^. New York, 1881. 21. 3. 14. of the College of the City of New York. Catalogue. 2 vols. 8^. New York, i877-'78. 21. 3. 3-4. of the Engineer Department, U. S. A. Catalogue. 8°. Washington, 1881. 2L 3. 8. — National Medical. Specimen Fasciculus of a Catalogue of. 8°. Washington, 1876. 21. 3. 13. — of Congress. Catalogue of. 3 vols. 1864-69. [And] Catalogue of Books added to the Library. 7 vols. 1868-76. 10 vols. 8^. Wash- ington, i864-'76. 21. 4. 1-10. — of the United States Naval Observatory. 40. pp. 10. Washington, 1879. 21. 5. 5. — Ordnance Department, U. S. A. Catalogue. 8°. pp. 78. Wash- ington, 1875. 21. 3. 2. — Providence Public. Finding list [Catalogue]. S^. pp.217. Provi- dence, 1880. 21. 5. 13. — United States Military Academy. Catalogue. 8°. New York, 1853. 21. 3. 6. — War Department (U. S.). Catalogue. Part I : Authors. 8^. pp 183. Washington, 1880. 21. 3. 1. 484 MISOELLANEOUS. MISOELLANEOUS. 485 Life-Saving. New South Wales. Life-Saving Service of the United States. Annual report of operations for year ending June 30, 1880. 8^. Washington, 1880. 7. 2. 53. The same. Regulations for the government of. 8^. pp. 48. Wash- * ington, 1873. 43. 6. 23. Logic. Elements of. By Richard Whately, Z>. Z>. 12O. pp.443- Boston, 1854. 1. 5. 31. London International Exhibitions of 1871-74. Special report on the Annual International Exhibitions of 187 1, '72, '73, and '74. By Sir Henry Cole, K. C. B. 80. pp. 211. London, 1879. 47. 2. 18. International Exhibition, 1872-73. Official Catalogue of the Victo- rian Exhibition. 80. n. p., n. d. 42. 8. 35. Manual of Scientific Inquiry, prepared for the use of Officers in Her Majesty's Navy [etc.]. Edited by Sir John F. W. Herschel. 2d ed. Map. 80. pp. 503. London, 1851. 16. 2. 34. The same. 8^. London, 1871. L. S. Manufacturing Districts of England. A Home Tour through. By Sir George Head. 12O. pp. xi, 348. New York, 1836. 1. 5. 26. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. 15th Annual Catalogue of the Offi- cers and Students. 8^. 1880. {Misc. Pamph., vol. i.] 31. 2. 1. Melbourne Universal Exhibition, 1880. Notices on the designs, models, etc. Collected by the Ministry of Public Works, France. 8^. pp. 595. Paris, 1880. 42. 8. 36. Mental and Moral Science. Elements of. By George Payne, LL. D. 2d ed. 80. pp. 418. London, 1824. 16. 1. 29. M^tre. Commission Internationale du. Reunions. Centrales de 1872. Pro- ces-verbaux. 8°. pp. 229. Paris, 1872. L. S. Metric System : (The French), or the Battle of the Standards. By Charles Latimer. 12^. pp. 64. Chicago, 1880. 16. 1. 38. Mexico. Statistics of, and United States and Mexican Mail Steamship Line. By Carlos Butterfield. Map. 8°. pp.159. New York, i860. 16. 1. 37. Minneapolis (Minn.). Annual Report of the Board of Trade of, for 1877. 8°. 1878. \Misc. Pamph., vol. i.] 31. 2. 1. Moral Science. Elements of. By Francis Wayland, D. D. 12O. pp. 396. Boston, 1863. 1. 5. 30. and Political Philosophy. Principles of. By William D. Paley, D. D. 160. pp. 374. Bridgeport, [Conn.], 1827. 16. 2. 19. Netherlands. Elementary and middle-class Instruction in the Netherlands. 80. pp. 120, 1. Leyden, 1876. 42. 3. 30. New South Wales, its Progress and Resources. 1876. \Misc. Pamph.^ vol. vi.l 31. 2. 6. 486 MISOELLANEOUS. MISOELLANEOUS. 487 New York City. Paris. New York City: American Institute. Twenty-ninth and Thirtieth Annual Reports. 2 vols. 80. Albany, i869-'7o. 43. 1. 8-9. Communication from the Street Commissioner, being his Report of the Business of the Street Department to Sept. 30, i860. [And same] to Dec. 31, i860. Doc. 14-15. 80. New York, i86o-'6i. 43. 1. 10. New York Produce Exchange. Report from June i, 1876, to December 31, 1877. Also the Report of the Statistician of the Exchange. 8^. New York, 1878. 43. 1. 7. State Chamber of Commerce. Eighth [1865-66] and Seventeenth [1874-75] Annual Reports. 2 vols. 8°, New York, i866-'75. 43. 1. 5-6. Niagara Falls. Special Report of New York State Survey on the Preservation of Scenery of Niagara Falls [etc.]. Maps and views. 8°. pp. 96. Al- bany, 1880. 20. 3. 30. Ninth Bridgewater Treatise: A fragment. By Charles Babbage. 8°. pp. 2.'io. London, 1837, 16. 1. 30. Norway. Kongeriget Norges Inddelinger, som de var den iste Januar 1870. [The Norway Government in its different Divisions.] 8^. pp.174. Kris- tiania, 1870. 44. 9. 1. Ocean (The), Atmosphere and Life ; being the second series of a description of the Life of the Globe. By filisee Reclus. Illus. 8°. pp. 534. New York, 1873. 24. 5. 3. Paris Exposition of 1855. Bericht iiber die Allgemeine Agricultur- und In- dustrie-Ausstellung zu Paris im Jahre 1855. [Report by £>r. E. A. Jonak.] Illus. 3 vols. 80. Wien, i857-'58. 1. 2. 16-18. Exposition Universelle en 1878. Notices sur les Modeles, Cartes et Dessins relatifs aux Travaux des Ponts et Chaussees. 8^. pp. iv, 417. Paris, 1878. 42. 8. 32. Universal Exhibition, 1867. Reports of the United States Commis- sioners. Illus. 6 vols. 8^. Washington, 1870. • 1. 2. 2-7. Contends. I. Introduction, with Selections from the Correspondence of Commissioner-General N. M. Beck- with and others ; General survey of the Exposition, with a report on the Character and Con- dition of the United States Section Report ; on the Fine Arts, Frank Leslie ; The Fine Arts applied to the Useful Arts; Extract from the Report of the International Committee on Weights, Measures, and Coins ; Bibliography of the Exposition of 1867 ; General alphabet- ical index. II. The production of" Iron and Steel in its Economic and Social Relations, Abram S. Hewitt ; Re- port upon the Precious Metals, William V. Blake ; The progress and condition of several departments of Industrial Chemistry, J. Lawrence Smith. III. Machinery and processes of the Industrial Arts and apparatus of the Exact Sciences, Fred- erick A. P. Barnard. IV. Examination of the Telegraphic Apparatus, and the Processes in Telegraphy, Samuel F. B. Morse ; Steam-engineering, as illustrated by the Exposition, William S. Auchincloss ; En- gineering and Public Works, William P. Blake; Bt^ton-cbignet : its fabrication and uses, L. F. Beckwith ; Asphalt and Bitumen as applied in Construction, A. Beckwith ; Buildings, Building-materials, and Methods of building, James H. Bowen ; Mining and Mechanical preparation of Ores, H. F. Q. D'Aligny and Messrs. Huet, Geyler, and Lepainteur. 488 MISCELLANEOUS. MISCELLANEOUS. 489 Paris. Parliamentary Papers. Paris Universal Exhibition, 1867 — Continued. V. Quantities of Cereals produced in diflferent countries compared, S. B, Ruggles ; The quality and cliaracteristics of the Cereal Products exhibited, G. S. Hazzard ; Report on the prepara- tion of Food, W. E. Johnston ; The manufacture of Beet-root Sugar and Alcohol ; The manu- facture of pressed and agglomerated Coal ; Photographs and photographic apparatus ; Outline of the history of the Atlantic Cables, H. F. (^). D'Aligny ; Culture and Products of the Vine, and the Production of Wine in California, Messrs. Wilder, Thompson, Flagg, and Barry ; School-houses, and the means of promoting Popular Education, J. R. Freese ; Mu- nitions of War exhibited at the Exposition, C. B. Norton and W. J. Valentine ; Instruments and apparatus of Medicine, Surgery, Hygiene, etc., T. W. Evans; Report on Musical In- struments, Paran Stevens. VI. Wool and manufactures of Wool, E. R. Mudge and J. L. Hayes ; Report on Cotton, E. R. Mudge and B. F. Nourse ; Silk and Silk Manufactures, E. C. Cowdin ; Clothing and Woven Fabrics, Paran Stevens ; Report on Education, J. W. Hoyt ; List of the reports. Universal Exhibition of 1878. Catalogue of the ed. 2 parts in i vol. 8°. London, 1878. The same. United States Official Catalogue, i 2 copies. Parliamentary Papers [British.] 167 vols. 8° and fol. Subject Index. Admission of University Candidates to the Scientific Corps, 1874. Arctic Expedition. Equipment, 1875. The same. Results, i875-'76. Armour Plates. Penetration by Steel Shot, 1866. Army. Abolition of Purchase, 1874. Appropriation Accounts, i873-'79. • Annual Returns, i872-'74. 2 vols. Estimates, i873-'8o. 3 vols. Manufacturing Establishments, i872-'74. 2 vols. Promotion and Retirement, 1876. Sanitary Regulations, 1858. 2 vols. Soldiers in Prisons, 1876. Artillery Officers. Advanced class, 1872. (Royal) Organization, 1872. Ashantee Invasion, I- VII, 1874. 7 vols. Barrack Accommodation, 1855. Improvement, 1858. Channel Tunnel and Railway, 1875. Civil Service Commission. i6th, i8th, 19th, and 20th reports, i87i-'76. Service and Revenue Accounts, etc., 1873-80. 7 vols. Coast Surveys, Ireland and Scotland. Returns, 1876. Digest of statutes relating to Urban Sanitary Authorities, 1875. Dover Pier and Harbor bill. Report on, 1875. East India finances, 1871-72, and indexes. 4 vols. Electric and Gas Lights. Comparison, 1873. Epping Forest Commission. Report, 1875. The same. Final Report, 1877. Exhibitions : Annual International, i87i-'74. Explosion of Dynamite at Cymmer, 1876. of Fulminate of Mercury, Birmingham, 1876. of Gunpowder in Doncaster, 1880. of same in Herods foot, 1876. 62 British Section. 2d 42. 8. 33. 20. London, 1878. 42. 8. 34. London, v. d. 47. 5. 8. 47. 5. 52. 47. S. 10. 7. 2. 3. 47. 5. 47. 47. 6. 44. 47. 2. 5-6. 47. 5. 39-41. 47. 5. 33-34. 47. 5. 46. 47. 5. 1-2. 47. 4. 17. 47. 3. 21. 47. 3. 2. 47. 5. 25-31. 47. 5. 35. 47. 5. 36. 47. 5. 51. 4 vols. 47. 2. 1-4. 47. 3. 27-33. 47. 3. 4. 47. 2. 23. 47. 3. 7. 47. 4. 24-27. 47.5.14. 47. 4. 32. 47. 4. 47. 47. 2. 18. 47. 4. 39. 47. 4. 39. 47. 4. 39. 47. 4. 39. 490 MISOELLANEOUS. MISCELLANEOUS. 491 Parliamentary Papers. Parliamentary Papers. Parliamentary Papers — Continued. Explosion of Gunpowder in the Regent's Park, 1874. 47, 4. 39. Explosive Substances. Report : 1874. 47. 4. 36. Explosives. Annual Reports on, 1875-76. 47. 4. 39. Guncotton and other, 1871-74. - 41, 4. 88. Necessity of amending Law relating to, 1874. 4T7 4. 39. Reports of Committees on, i87o-'72. 47. 4. 35. Use of Blasting Powder in fiery Mines, 1875. 47. 4. 39. Fog-signals. Recent Experiments with. 2 vols. i873-'74 47. 5. 15-16. Fortifications. Defenses Loan. Returns, 1867-79. ^^^ 3. 9. of the United Kingdom, i860. 47. 5. 37, The same. Map, 1867. 47. 6. 38. Oeneva Arbitration. Argument of the United States, 1872. 47. 3. 10, [British] Counter-case, 1872. 47. 3. 10. Case of the United States, 1872. 47. 3. 10. Examination of Claims, 1872. , 47. 3. 10. Harbors. Famagousta, (Cyprus). Proposed Improvements, 1880. 47. 3. 24. (Tidal). First and Second Reports of the Commissioners, and appendix, 1845-46. 3 vols. 47. 6. 22-24. Wick Harbor, 1874. 47, 3. 15. Historical Manuscripts, ist to 7th Reports of the Royal Commission, i87o-'79. 10 vols. 47, 4, 1-10. Hudson's Bay. State and Condition of Countries adjoining, 1749. 48. 11. Index: List of papers, i873-'7S. 3 vols. 47. 4. 41-43 India. Moral and Material Progress, i87i-'75. 3 vols. 47. 4. 28-30, Sanitary Measures in. Vol. 8. 1876. 47. 4. 34. Iron Armour ; Penetration by Steel Shot, 1866. 7. 2. 3. and Steel Industries, &c. United States, 1874. 47. 2. 11. Irrigation in India, i85o-'7o. 2 vols. 47. 4. 13-14. Madras Company, 1872. 47. 3. 15. Lighthouses ; Report, appendix, and index, 1834. 43. 6. 40. The same. 1845. 47. 5. 9. British Islands, 1849. '*'?• 2. 12. British Colonies and Possessions, 1850. 47. .'). 10. Condition and Management, i86i. 2 vols. 47. 3. 47. Gas as an Illuminating Power, 1875. 47. 6. 13. Local inspections, 1874. . 47. 6. 12. Management of, 1850. 47. 5. 10. Mineral Oils, i874-'75. 47. 5. 11. MapSt District. Suggestions for Preparation of, 1878. 47. 3. 14. of the United Kingdom: Depot Centres, &c., 1872. 47. 3. 39. Territory restored to Turkey, Congress of Berlin, 1878. 47. 3. 3. Metropolitan Board of Works, 1874-77. 3 vols. 47. 4. 18-20. Military Education : Foreign, 1856. 47. 5. 7. The same, ist, 2d, and 3d Reports, i872-'74-'77- 47. 2. 22. Hospitals. Treatment of Sick and Wounded, 1858. 2 vols. 47. 5. 1-2. Prisons. Discipline, 1872, '74-' 76- 47.2.7. Warfare. Brussels Conference on Rules of, i874-'7S. 47. 3. 20. Militia and Brigade Depot Systems, 1877. 47. 6. 49.. Navy. Supplementary Estimate, i878-'79. 47. 6. 41. Northwest American Water Boundary. Correspondence and maps, 1872". 47. 3. 11. 492 MISCELLANEOUS. MISOELLANEOUS. 493 Parliamentary Papers. Parliamentary Papers, Parliamentary Papers — Continued. Ordnance- Armstrong and Whitworth. Vols. I-II. 1866. Artillery Experiments, 1875. Cost of Experiments with Guns, &c., 1878. Rifled Guns. Return, 1872. Thirty-eight-ton Rifled Guns, 1874-75. Trials of Rifled Guns, 1865. Survey. Progress Reports, i87i-'8o. Paumben Channel ; deepening. Correspondence, 1872. Philadelphia Exhibition, 1876. Education Department. 2 vols. The same. Plans of the Buildings. Quarantine* Yellow Fever, etc., 1852. Bailway Accidents, i872-'79- Returns. Eailways in India, 1872-79. 4 vols. The same. Returns, i876-'77. ^ The same. Statistics, i875-*76. Metropolitan Tramways, 1872. Victorian. Observations on, i874-'75. Biver Clyde ; Purification of. Maps, 1876. Danube. Improvements to Navigation, 1856. 1876. Godavery, India. Navigation, i862-'68. 2 vols. Thames. Floods Prevention, 1877. Rivers* Conservancy Boards. Report, 1877, Pollution of. Reports and Evidence, 1871- 74- 5 vols. Royal Engineers. Civil Employment of Officers, 1870. Sandhurst Royal Military College. Report on, 1855. The same. Reports of Boards of Visitors, 1878 and 1880. Scientific Instruction and the Advancement of Science. Vols. I-II, 1872 and 1874. Sewerage and Drainage of Dublin. Report, 1880. , Drainage, Liquid Manures, etc., 1852. Town. Modes of Treating Sewage. Ships of war. Cost of Experiments, 1878. The same. Cyclops and Devastation, 1871. The same. Recently constructed, 1872. Small arms, Cost of experiments, 1878. Martini-Henry Rifle, i874-*76. Report and Proceedings, 1854. Soldiers^ Sailors, and Marines ; Civil Employment, 1876. in Prisons, 1876. Spontaneous Combustion of Coal in Ships, 1876. Suez, Maritime Canal, 1870. The same. Purchase of. Correspondence, 1876. Taxation (Local) England, 1877. Tay Bridge Disaster, 1879. Reports. Torpedoes* Cost of Experiments, 1878. Training Naval Cadets. H. M. S. Britannia, 1875. Officers for Scientific Corps, and appendix, 1857. Vanguard (H. M. Ship). Court-martial on Loss of, 1876. Ventilation (Warming and) of Dwellings, 1857. Vienna Universal Exhibition, Reports, 1873. 4 vols. 8°, and plans fol. 47. 5. 19-20. 47. 6. 50. 47. 3. 40. 47.3.4. —41-4.86. 47. 5. 21. 47. 3. 12. 47. 3. 15. 47. 2. 13-14 47. 3. 23. 47. 2. 20. 47. 3. 34. 47. 3. 35-38. 47. 3. 35-38. 47. 3. 35-38. 47. 3. 6. 47. 3. 5. 47. 4. 48. 47. 3. 24. 47. 3. 16-17. 47. 4. 15. 47. 4. 16. 47. 4. 49-53. 47. 4. 23. 47. 5. 32. 47. 3. 18. 2 vols. 47. 3. 13. 47. 2. 21. 47. 4. 11 47. 3. 40. 47. 6. 17. 47. 5. 15. 47. 3. 40. 47. 3. 4. 47. 5. 3. 47. 4. 22. 47. 4. 16. 47. 4. 46. 47. 6. 63. 47. 4. 44. 47. 4. 21. 47. 3. 8. 47. 3. 40. 47. 3. 22. 47. 4. 5-6. 47. 4. 40. 47.3.1. 1. 2. 12-15. 494 MISOELLA.NEOUS. MISOELLANEOUS. Parliamentary Papers. 495 Printing. 47. 2. 10. 47. , 5. 48. 47. 2. 20. 47. 2. 19. 4T. 2. 24-27. 47 3. iH. 47 4. 45. Parliamentary Papers — Continued. Volunteer Corps. Annual Returns, 1875. War in Transvaal, South Africa, 1877. Water Supply, 1852. upply to Metropolis, 1850. Weights and Measures (Standard), 1873-76. 4 vols. Woolwich, Royal Military Academy. Reports of the Hoards of Visitors, i872-'8o. Yeomanry Cavalry. Organization, 1876. Patents. Specifications and Drawings of, issued from the United States Pat- ent Office. May, 187 1 — August, 1880. 130 vols. Imp. 8^. Wash- ington. Room 26. [Incomplete.] Pennsylvania. Annual Report of the Auditor-General of the State of, for the year 1868. 8<^. Harrisburg, 1869. 44. 6. 20. Pensioners (Census of), for Revolutionary or Military Services; with their Names, Ages, and Places of Residence. (Sixth Census.) 4°. Washing- ton, 1841. 43. 8. 17. Philadelphia International Exhibition, 1876. [Various descriptive catalogues, as follows] : ^ 42. 8. 1-30. American Society of Civil Engineers ; Water works. Argentine Repuhlic Australia (New South Wales and Victoria). Belgium. Bessemer Steel, exhibited by Fagersta Bruck. Bra- zil- China: Imperial Maritime Customs Collection. Dutch Society of Sciences at Harlem. France : CEuvres d'Art et Produits Industriels. T/w same. Objects exhibited by the Minister of Public Works. (In French and English.) The same. Cercle de la L^brarie de I'lmprimerie. Germany: Catalogue. The same. Chemical Industry of. Great Britain: Catalogue with Commercial Guide. Japan. Krupp's Cast Steel Works, Essen. Netherlands: Sketch of Tublic Works of. The same. Hookseller's Association. Norwegian Special Catalogue. Portu- gal: Catalogue (in two parts). Bussia: Collections of the Ministry of War. Sweden, Mo- tala Iron Works, and Sandvik : Bessemer steel. SwisS Catalogue. Switzerland: Board of Public Works, Canton of Bern. St. Ga// Voluntary School. North Eastern Railroad Associa- tion. Venezuelan Department Catalogue. International Exhibition of 1876. Reports. 2 vols. 8°, and plans, fol. London, 1877. 47. 2. 13-14. & 47. 3. 23. Phonography. Manual of. By Benn Pitman. 12O. pp. 144. Cincin- nati, 187 1. 16.6.33. Popular Science. New York Tribwie. By L. Agassiz and others. 8°. Boston, 1874. 2. 6. 43. Postal Union. Treaty signed at Berne, October 9, 1874. 4^. pp. 58. Washington, 1875. 24. 6. 14. Post Offices and Postmasters in the United States. 40. pp. 291. Washing- ton, 1868. 42. 3. 26 of the United States. Tables by States and Counties, 1830-31. \(P, pp. 359. Washington, 1831. Practical Ethics. By Rev. J. W. French, D, D. 3d ed. 8°. pp. 223. New York, 1865. 16. 1. 33. Printing. American Encyclopaedia of. By J. Luther Ringwalt. 8°. pp. XV, 512. Philadelphia, 187 1. 6. 4. 24. 496 ISOELLANEOUS. MISOELLANEOUS. 497 Printing. Texas. Printing. Specimen Book of plain and fancy Printing Types, etc. By L. Johnson & Co. 40. Philadelphia, [1865]. 44. 8. 24. The American Printer: A manual of Typography. By Thomas Mac- kellar. Illus. 12O. pp.336. Philadelphia, 1876. 16.5.32. Random Shots from a Rifleman. By Capt. J. Kincaid. 12^. pp. 192. Philadelphia, 1835. 16. 2. 30. Receipts and Expenditures of the United States. An account of, for the years 1822, '24, '25, '26, '27, '28. 6 vols. fol. Washington, i823-*29. 18. 5. 14-19. Rules of Order for Deliberative Assemblies. By Maj. Henry M. Robert, U. S. A. 180. pp. 192. Chicago, 1877. 16. 5. 34. Rules of Proceeding and Debate in Deliberative Assemblies. By Luther S. Cushing. 180. pp. 189. Boston, 1874. 16. 5. 35. Smithsonian Institution. Annual Reports of the Board of Regents; 1853-80. PI. and illus. 28 vols. 8^. Washington, i854-'8i. 16. 1. 1-28. Contributions to Knowledge. Vol. IX-XXIII. 15 vols. 40. Washington, i857-'8i. 46. 4. 1-15. Miscellaneous Collections. Vols. I-XXI. 21 vols. 8°. Washing- ton, i862-'8i. 46. 1. 1-20. [Vol. Ill wanting.] Song of Hiawatha (The). By Henry W. Longfellow. 12°. pp. 316. Bos- ton, 1857. 1. 5. 35. Statesman's Year-Book. Handbook for Politicians and Merchants for the year 1874. By Frederick Martin. 12O. London, 1874. 16. 2. 20. Statistical Atlas based on the results of the Ninth Census. By Francis A. Walker, fol. Washington, 1870. Room 12. Statistics. Rechenschaftsbericht iiber die dritte Versammlung des Interna- tionalen Congresses fur Statistik. 40. pp. 576. Wien, 1858. 42. 3. 6. Switzerland. Eidgenossiche Staatsrechnung, [and] Voranschlag der Schwei- zerischen Eidgenossenschaft, fiir die Jahre 1869-75. [Estimates of receipts and expenditures, statements of funds, &c.] 27 parts, fol. n. p. or d. 42. 9. 8. Taxation. [England.] The Annual Local Taxation Returns; year 1875-76. fol. pp. 276. London, 1877. 47. 4. 21. [Parliamentary Papers.] Tennessee Resources. By J. B. Killebrew, A. M.^ assisted by J. M. Safford, Fh. D, Under the direction of the Bureau of Agriculture. Map. 8^. Nashville, Tenn., 1874. 43. 2. 3. Texas. Eagle Pass; or. Life on the Border. By Cora Montgomery. 12O. pp. 188. New York, 1832. 1. 5. 25. Information about. Carefully prepared by D. E. E. Braman, of Matagorda, Texas. 12°. pp. 192. Philadelphia, 1857. 1. 6. 13. 63 498 MISCELLANEOUS. MISOELLANEOUS. 499 Tides. Vienna. Tides and Waves (Airy's). Extracted from the Encyclopaedia Metropolitana. 40. L. S. in the Port of London. By J. W. Lubbock, V. P. and Treas. R. S. [From the "Philosophical Transactions."] 4°. London, 1831. L. S. Tokio, Japan. University of. The Calendar of the Departments of Law, Sci- ence, and Literature. 2539-40 (1879-80). 12O. Tokio. 16. 2. 24. Trans-Continental Tourist's Guide, containing a full and authentic description of over five hundred Cities, Towns, Villages [etc.]. By George A. Crofutt. Illus. 12O. pp.215. New York, 1871. 1.5.46. Travels in the Air. By James Glaisher, F, R. S., Camille Flammarion, W. De Fonvielle, and Gaston Tissandier. Edited by James Glaisher. Illus. 80. Philadelphia, 1871. 24. 6. 1. Universal Assistant and Complete Mechanic, or 50,000 Industrial Facts, Pro- cesses, Receipts, Rules, Formulae, Legal Forms, etc., with nearly 500,000 Calculations in every Business from the Household to the Manufactory. By R. Moore. Cuts. 12O. pp. 819. New York, 1878. 18. 1. 29. Vienna International Exhibition in 1873. Reports of the Commissioners of the United States. PI. and illus. 4 vols. 8^. Washington, 1876. 1. 2. 8-11. Confenfs. Vol. I. Introduction ; Executive Commission ; Agriculture; The Exhibition, its Antecedents, In- ception, Organization, and Results; Abstracts of foreign Reports on Exhibits from the United States; Report of Hon. H. Garretson ; Report on Forestry, by J. A. Warder; Sheep and Wool, by J. R. Dodge. 2. Science; Education; Report on Chemicals, by J. L. Smith; on Vienna Bread, by E. N. Horsford ; on Commercial Fertilizers, by P. Collier; on Photography, by C. A. Dore- mus; on Medicine and Surgery, by A. Ruppaner; on Physical Apparatus, by W. Gibbs ; on Instruments of Precision, by C. F. Carpenter and R. D. Cutts ; on Telegraphy, by R. B. Lines ; on Telegraphs and Apparatus, by D. Brooks; on Education, by E. Seguin and J. W. Hoyt; on Deaf-Mute Instruction and Governmental Patronage of Art, by E. M. Gallaudet; on Printing, by G. W. Silcox and A. H. Brown. 3. Engineering: Manufactures and Machinery, by R. H. Thurston; Sewing-Machines, by G. A. Fairfield; Civil Engineering and Architecture, by W. Watson; Hydraulic Engi- neering, by C. Davis. 4. Architecture; Metallurgy; General Index; Construction of Dwellings in Vienna, by J. R. Niernsee; Architecture and Materials, by N. L. Derby; Wood Industries, by N.M. Lowe; Working of Stone and Artificial Stone, by L. J. Hinton; Metallurgy of Iron and Steel, by W. P. Blake; Metallurgy of Lead, Silver, Copper, and Zinc, by H. Painter; General Index. T/ie same. Reports of Her Majesty's Commissioners. Illus. 4 vols. 80, and pi. fol. 5 vols. London, 1874. 1. 2. 12-15. Contcttts. I. Royal Commission; Report of H. M. Commissioners to the Secretary of State for the Home Department; List of Commissioners for India and the Colonies; Committees, Jurors, and Executive Staff ; List of I'Mrnis who lent objects for use ; List of Industrial Exhibitors ; Sub- ject Index of Exhibited Objects; Description and Drawing of Medals awarded ; Table of Awards to Great Britain by the International Jury; Memorandum on the Return and For- warding of Goods, W. M. Peters; Memorandum on the Police and Sanitary Arrangements, Inspector Hagen. Reports: Colonial Produce, William Robinson; Raw Material, Prof. Archer. Appendices: Imperial Programme; Translation of Austrian Tariff, Dr. F. L. Weinman ; Extracts from Austrian Official Reports relating to Objects contributed by British Exhibitors. 600 MISOELLANEOtTS. MISOELLANEOUS. 501 Vienna. Weights and Measures. Vienna International Exhibition in 1873. Reports of Her Majesty's Com- missioners — Continued. II. Reports: Machine Tools, Textile and other Machinery, Z)r-. John Anderson; Stationary and Portable Engines, G. C. V. Holmes ; Agricultural Machinery, Col. Michael ; Machinery lent to Commission, J. H. Cundall ; Small Arms, Mr. W. H. Russell ; The Art of War, Lieut. Anstey, A'. E. : Utilization of Peat and Peat Lands, Mr. Paget, C. K. Appendices: Technical Papers on Special Sections of the Exhibition contributed by W. H. Maw and James Dredge; Mineral Fuel; Metallurgical Exhibits; Locomotives; Stationary and Portable Engines; Boilers; Cranes and Hoisting Machinery; Hydraulic Motors ; Agricultural Ma- chinery ; Railway RoUmg Stock ; Marine Engines ; Printing Machinery ; Machine Tools ; Wood-working Machinery; Sugarmaking Machinery and Brewery Plant; Artillery. III. Reports: Influence of International Exhibitions, Prof. Archer; Characteristic Features of Buildings, Sir D. Wyatt, M. A.: Pottery and Porcelain, Prof. Archer ; Glass, Prof. Archer ; Small Wares and Fancy Goids, H. Mounsey ; Educational Appliances, Rev. J. G. C. Fus- scU. Appendices : Buildings in the Park, and Exhibits in the Rotunda, W. H. Sweny ; The Exhibition Buildings ; Brickraaking Machinery ; Building Materials ; Iron and Steel ; Civil Engineering; Educational Appliances ; Science Exhibits ; Miscellaneous. IV. Reports: Wine and Beer, Henry Vizetelly ; Food Products, S. P. Bevan ; International Horse and Cattle Shows, Z/Vv//". T. H. Anstey, R. R.: International Patent Congress, with ap- pendix, Th. Webster, Q. C. ; Yarn Congress and Flax Congress, Dr. F. L. Weinman ; Chinese Manufactures suited to English Markets, E. C. Bowra. V. Maps and plans. The same. Notices sur les Dessins, Modeles et Ouvrages relatifs aux Travaux des Fonts et Chaussees et des Mines. Reunis par les soins du Ministere des Travaux Publics. 8°. pp. 517. Paris, 1873. 42. 8. 31. Virginia. Governor's Message and Annual Reports of the Public Officers of the State, etc. 80. Richmond, 1848. 42. 3. 46. Washington, D. C, and its Environs. Handbook of. By De B, Randolph Keim. 16O. pp. xx, 252. Washington, 1874. 1. 5. 44. Relations of the General Government to. Letter from Mayor Wal- lach to the Secretary of the Interior. 8^. pp. 16. 7. 5. 43. and Georgetown (D. C.) Directory [Boyd's], 1858, 1864 to 1880. 19 vols. 80. Washington, v. d. 44. 1. 1-19. Water Power of Maine. Reports on, by Walter Wells. 1868 (provisional) and 1869. Maps and illus. 2 vols. 80. Augusta, 1869. 44. 2. 9-10. Wave Motion. Recherches sur le Mouvement des Ondes. Par M. N. Th. 'Qxemonixtx, Inspecteiir-General des Fonts ei Chaussees. PL 8°. pp. 122. Paris, 1809. 19. 1. 28. Weights and Measures. Comite Internationale des Poids et Mesures. Proces- Verbaux des Seances de 1875, 1876, 1878, et 1879. ^ vols. 8°. Paris, L. S. Dictionary of. Ancient and Modern; reduced to the Standards of the United States. By J. H. Alexander. 8°. pp. 158. Baltimore, 1850. 16. 1. 35. Nachweisung der Resultate der Geschaftsthatigkeit der Eichiimter im Deutschen Reiche (excl. Bayern) wiihrend des Jahres 1877. Herausge- geben von der Kaiserlichen Normal Eichungs-Kommission. 4°. Berlin, 1879. L. S. Report of Prof. Alexander D. Bache, Superintendent of, for i846-'47. 80. [Misc, Famph., vol xi.] 31. 2. 11. 602 MISOELLANEOUS. MISOELLANEOUS. 503 Weights and Measures. West Virginia. Weights and Measures. Report on the Standards for the State of Maryland. By J. H. Alexander. 80. pp.213. [Balthnore, 1845.] 16.1.34. Seventh, Eighth, Ninth, and Tenth Annual Reports of the Warden of the Standards on the Proceedings and Business of the Standard Weights and Measures Department of the Board of Trade. Plans. 4 vols. 8^. London, i873-'76. 47. 2. 24-27. [British Parliamentary Papers. 1 West Virginia. Resources of. By M. F. Maury and William M. Fontaine. 8o. pp. X, 438. Wheeling, 1876. 16. 2. 23. PART IT. AUTHORS. Abbot (Edv\-in Hale). Review of the Report upon the Physics and Hydrauhcs of the Mississippi River, prepared by Capt. A. A. Humphreys and Lieut. H. L. Abbot, Corps of Engineers, U.S. Army. 8°. pp. 42. Bos- ton, 1862. 8. 4. 16. \ Bound with Bufg (A. Ritter zj.) Review of same subject. Abbot (Henry L., Lieut. Corps Topogfaphical Engineers). Report upon Ex- plorations for a Railroad Route from the Sacramento Valley to the Colum- bia River: 1853-54. See Pacific Railroad Reports, vol. vi. 20. 6. 6. \Major of Engineers, Bvt. Brig, Gen., U. S. A.]. On the Velocity of Transmission of Earth Waves. 8°. 1878. [Misc. Pamph., vol. xi.] 31. 2. 11. Siege Artillery in the Campaigns against Richmond, with notes on the 15-inch gun [etc.]. 6 pi. 8^. pp. 183. Washington, 1867. 17. 6. 5. [I'rofessional Papers No. 14, Corps of Engineers, U. S. A.] \Lieut. Col. Corps of Engineers, Bvi. Brig. Gen., U. S. A.\. Reports upon Experiments and Investigations to develop a System of Submarine Mines for defending the Harbors of the United States, lllus. 4°. Wash- ington, 1881. 6. 1. 20. The same. Proof edition. ' 14. 4. 8. I Professional Papers No. 23, Corps of EriRineers, U. S. A.] — See also Humphreys (A. A.) and Abbot. Abbott {Rev. Edwin A.). How to write clearly. Rules and Exercises on En- glish Composition. 12^. pp. 78. Boston, 1879. 16- ^- 29. Abel (F. A.). On recent Investigations and Applications of Explosive Agents. ^^- PP- 35- 187 »• {Misc. Paniph., \q\. y:\.\ 31.2.11. Abert {Lteiit. James W., Corps Topographical Engifieers). Expedition on the Upper Arkansas, and through the country of the Comanche Indians, in 1845. 80. [Washington, 1846.] 20. 1. 18. 505 64 506 AUTHOES. AUTHORS. 507 Abert. Adjutant General. Abert [Lieut, James W., Corps Topographical Engineers). Report on his Ex- amination of New Mexico in 1846-47. Map and pi. 8^. 20. 2. 39. Contains also: Report of Lieut. Col. P. St. George Cooke, of his march from Santa F6, New Mex- ico, to San Diego, Upper California. Map. And Journal of Capt. A. R. Johnston of route from Santa F^ to San Diego. Illus. 8°. [Parts of Ex. Doc. 41, 30th Cong., ist Sess.] Washing- ton, 1848. Abert [Col. John J., Chief of the Corps of Topographical Engineers^ U, S. A.). Report in reference to the Canal to connect the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal with the city of Baltimore: 1838. Map. 4°. pp.40. Wash- ington, 1874. 8. 5. 23. Abert (S. T., C. E.). Notes, Historical and Statistical, upon the projected Routes for an Interoceanic Ship Canal between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. 8°, pp.87. Cincinnati, 1870. \Misc. Pamph.,No\.\\.\ 31.2.2. Abney ( — Lieut., R. E.). Instruction in Photography for use of the School of Military Engineering, Chatham. Illus. 8^. pp. 120. 1871. (Re- printed 1874.) 19. 1. 8. Academia de Ingenieros del Ejercito ; El Coronet efectivo de Lnfa?iteria y Capi- tan del Cuerpo D. Antonio Sanchez Osorio; el Comandante de Ingenieros en Ultramar D. Francisco de Albear, y el Capitan D. Angel Rodriguez Arroquia. Coleccion de Signos Convencionales para la Representacion de los Objetos en los Pianos y Cartas. 30 pi. 8^. pp. 67. Madrid, 1849. 18. 2. 30. Acaddmie des Sciences. Comptes-rendus hebdomadaires des Seances. Par J/J/. les Secretaires Perpetu els : 1873-81. 18 vols. 4*^. Paris. L. S. Adams [Major Charles). Great Campaigns. A succinct account of the principal Military Operations which have taken place in Europe from 1796 to 1870. Edited by Capt. C. Cooper King. Map&. 8°. pp. x, 634. London, i >77. 24. 3. 23. Adams (George). Geometrical and Graphical Essays, containing a General Description of the Mathematical Instruments used in Geometry, Civil and Military Surveying [etc.]. PI. 2 vols. 8°. London, 1797. 18. 1. 1-2. Adams (W. H. Davenport). Famous Ships of the British Navy. Illus. 12°. pp. xiv, 316. London, 1878. 1. 5. 10. Adcock (Henry). Rules and Data for the Steam-Engine, both Stationary and Locomotive, and for Railways, Canals, and Turnpike Roads. 12°. pp. 88. London, 1839. 19. 2. 25, Adjutant General, California. Annual Report for the year 1862. 8^. Sacra- mento, 1863. 44. 2. 25. The same. From May i, 1864, to November 30, 1865. 8°. Sacra- mento, 1866. ' 44. 2. 26. Connecticut. Annual Report for the year ending March 31, 1866. 80. Hartford 1866. 44. 2. 24 508 AUTfiOES. AUTHORS. 609 Adjutant General. Albrecht. Adjutant General, Tdmois. Reports ol. i86r-'66. 3 vols. ?P. Spring- field, 1867. 44. 1. 21-23 Massachusetts. Annual Report for the year ending December 31, 1862. 80. Boston, 1863. . 44. 2. 23. Missouri, Annual Reports for 1863-64. 2 vols. 8^. Saint Louis and Jefferson City, i864-'65. 44. 2. 16-17. New Jersey. See Stryker (William S.). Neiu York. Annual Report transmitted February i, 1864. Vol. II [only]. 80. Albany, 1864. 44. 2. 20. The same. Transmitted March 10, 1869. 8°. Albany, 1869. 44. 2. 21. The same. Transmitted January 4, 1870. 8^. Albany, 1870 44. 2. 22. Admiralty Manual of Scientific Enquiry. For use of Officers in Her Majesty's Navy, and travellers in general 8°. pp. xvi, 392. London, 1871. L. S. Agassiz (Louis), and others. Tribune Popular Science. Portrait and illus. 80. Boston, 1874. 2. 5. 43. Agnel {Prof. H. R.). Elementary Tabular System of Instruction in French. 80. New York, 1863. 24. 1. 2. Aim^ (G.). Exploration Scientifique de I'Algerie, pendant les annees 1840- '4i-'42. Physique generale. PI. 2 vols. 4^. Paris, i845-'46. Case 48. Ainslie (CJeorge). Notes on the Grammatical Structure of the Nez Perces Language. {Bulletin U. S. Geol. Survey of the Territories, Vol. II., No.z.) 80. Washington, 1876. 20.2.23. Airy (George Biddell). A Treatise on Magnetism. 8°. pp. xv, 220. Lon- don, 1870. L. S. Report on the Telescopic Observations of the Transit of Venus, 1874. PI. fol. pp. T,2>. London, 1877. 45. 6. 46. [British Parliamentary Paper.] Airy's Tides and Waves. [Extracted from the Encyclopaedia Metropolitana.j 40. L. S. Albrecht {Dr. Theodor). Formeln und Hiilfstafeln fiir Geographische Orts- bestimmungen nebst kurzer Anleitung zur Ausfiihrung derselben. 8^. pp. vii, 176. Leipzig, 1873. L. S. The same. 8°. Leipzig, 1874. 42. 3. 10. Ueber die Bestimmung von Langen-Differenzen mit Hiilfe des Elec- trischen Telegraphen. 40. pp.83. Leipzig, 1869. 2 copies. 42.3.18. 610 AUTHORS. AUTHORS. 511 Alexander. Allen. Alexander {Lieut. Col. B. S., Corps of Engineers, U. S. A.), Mendell (Afaj. George H., Corps of Engineers, U. S. A.\ and Davidson {Prof George, U. S. Coast Survey). Report on the Irrigation of the San Joaquin, Tu- lare, and Sacramento Valleys of the State of California. 6 maps. Wash- ington, 1874. 7. 4. 42. Alexander (J. H.). Experiments on Mr. Babbage's Method of distinguishing Lighthouses. [Reports on Oils and on Fog-Signals. | 8^. pp. 116. Washington, 1 86 1, -^copies. 43.6.28. Report on the Standards of Weight and Measure for the State ot Maryland ; and on the Construction of the Yard Measures. 8^. pp. 213. [Baltimore, 1845.] 16. 1. 34. Universal Dictionary of Weights and Measures, Ancient and Modern reduced to the standards of the United States. 8^. pp. 158. Balti- more, 1850. 16. 1. 35. Alison {Sir Archibald, Bart.) On Army Organization. 12^. pp. 117. Edinburgh, 1869. 6. 3. 40. Allen (Charles). Second Geological Survey of Pennsylvania: Report of Progress. Two hundred tables of Elevations above Tide-level of the Rail- road Stations, Summits, and Tunnels ; Canal Locks and Dams ; River Riffles, &c. With a map. -iiO. pp. xxiv, 279. Harrisburg, 1878. L. S. Allen (Joel Asaph). History of North American Pinnipeds; a monograph of the Walruses, Sea-Lions, Sea-Bears, and Seals of North America. ( U, S. Geo/, and Geo^. Survey of the Territories; Misc. Pub., No. 12.) 8^. pp. 785. Washington, 1880. 20. 2. 18. Metamorphism produced by the Burning of the Lignite Beds in Dakota and Montana. 8°. pp. 19. Boston, 1874. 19. 3. 6. [Proceedings Boston Society of Natural History, Vol. XVI.] Notes on the Natural History of portions of Montana and Dakota. 8°. pp. 61. Boston, 1874. 19. 3. 6 [Proceedings Boston Society of Natural History, Vol. X VH.] On the Coatis (genus Nasua, Storr). {Bulletin U. S. Geol. Survey of the Terntones, Vol. V, No. 2.) 8°. Washington, 1879. 20. 2. 26. Sexual, Individual, and Geographical Variation in Leucosticte Tephro- cotis. Geographical Variation among North American Mammals, espe- cially in respect to size. {Bulletin U. S. Geol. Survey of the Territories^ Vol. II, No. 4.) 80. Washington, 1876. 20. 2. 23. — Synonymatic List of the American Sciuri, or Arboreal Squirrels ( U. S, Geol. Survey of the Territories, Vol. IV, No. 4.) 8^^. Washington, 1878. 20. 2. 25. On the Species of the (ienus Bassaris. {Bulletin U. S. Geol. and Geog, Survey of the Territories, Vol V, No. 3.) 8°. Washington, 1879. 20. 2. 26. 612 AUTHORS. AtlTHOES. 5X3 ^^1^"- American. Allen (Joel Asaph). The Geographical Distribution of the Mammalia. {Bul- letin U. S. Geol. Survey, Vol IV, No. 2.) 80. Washington, 1878. 20. 2. 25. Description of a Fossil Passerine Bird from the Insect-bearing Shales of Colorado. {Bulletin U. S. Geol, Survey, Vol. IV, No. 2.) 8^-. Wash- ington, 1878. 20. 2. 25. AUnutt (H.). Historical Diary of the War between France and Germany, i87o-'7i. Map. 160. pp. viii, 416. London [1871]. 16.2.17. Record and Historical Map of the War between France and Germany, showing Routes of the Armies, situation of the Battles [etc.]. 8"^ folded! London [1871J. X6. 2. 18. Almanach de Gotha, pour les annees 1870, 1874-81. 9 vols. 32^. Gotha, '870-81. 23. 1. 31-42.' Almirante {Z>. Jose, Coronet de Ins^enieros). Diccionario Militar, Etimologico, Historico, Tecnologico, con dos Vocabularios Frances y Aleman. imp. 80. pp. xiv, 12 18. Madrid, 1869. 5. 2. 3. Guia del Oficial en Campafia. 2d ed. 2 pi. 8^. pp. 492. Madrid, 1873. 6. 1. 17. Ambert {Baron Joachim), fitudes Tactiques pour Tlnstruction dans les Camps. I**' serie, Zorndorf (1758); Austerlitz (1805). 8^. pp. 555 and pi. fol. 2 vols. Paris, 1865. 6. 5. 40. American Almanac and Repository of Useful Knowledge. 30 vols. 12^. Boston, i832-'6i. 23. 2. 14-43. [1834, 1842, 1845 wanting.] Archives: Fourth series: A Documentary History ot the EngHsh Colonies in North America, from the King's Message, March 7, 1774, to the Declaration of Independence. 6 vols. fol. Washington, i837-'46. [And] Fifth series : From the Declaration of Independence to the Treaty of Peace with Great Britain, 1783. 3 vols. fol. Washington, 1818-53. [No more published.] 18. 5. 1-8. [Vol. Ill, 5th Series, wanting.] — Association for the Advancement of Science. Proceedings : Vol. XXVIII, 1879. I vol. 80. pp. Ixii, 572. Salem, Mass., 1880. 14. 4. 7. Ephemeris and Nautical Almanac, i866-'8i. 16 vols. 8^. Wash- ington, i864-'8o. 46. 2. 1-16. Interoceanic Ship Canals. A paper read beiore the American Society of Civil Engineers, March 16, 1870. 80. [Mtsc. Pamph., vol. ii.] 32. 2. 2. Journal of Mathematics, Pure and Applied. Published under the auspices of the Johns Hopkins University. Vols. I-II. 2 vols. 40. Baltimore, i879-'8o. [Current.] 19. 6. Philosophical Society. Transactions: Vols. I-Vl. 6 vols. 40. Philadelphia, 1789-1809. 22. 8. 1-6. 65 614 AUTHOES. AUTHOES. 615 American- Andrews. American Philosophical Society. Transactions, new series: Vols. I-II. 40. Philadelphia, 1818-25. 22. 3. 7. Polytechnic Journal ; a new monthly periodical devoted to Science, Mechanic Arts, and Agriculture. Conducted by Chadcs G. Page, J. J.; Greenough, and Charles L. Fleischmann. Vols. [-IV. 4 vols. 8^.^ Washington, i853-'54. 44. 2. 33-36.' State Papers. First series, 1789-1859, 21 vols. Second series, 17 vols. Washington, 1832-61. 18. 4. 1-21. Contents . Claims, 1789-1823. i vol. Commerce and Navigation, 1789-1823. 2 vols. Finance, 1789-1828. 5 vols. [Vols. IV-V wanting. 1 Foreign Relations, 1789-1828. 6 vols. [Vols. V-VI wanting.] Indian Affairs, 1789-1827. 2 vols. » Military Affairs, 1789-1838. 7 vols. [Vols. III-VII wanting.] Miscellaneous, 1789-1823. 2 vols. Naval Affairs, 1789-1836. 4 vols. [Vols. III-V wanting.] Post-Office, 1789-1823. I vol. i Public Lands, 1789-1827. 8 vols. [Vols. IVM'III wanting.] Ammen (Daniel, Commodore, U, S.N.). Surveys and Reconnoissancesfrom 1870 to 1875 ^^^"^ Ship-Canal across the American Isthmus. 8^. 1876. \Misc. Pamph,, vol. ii.] 31. 2. 2. [Bulletin American Geographical Society, session iSjO-'jj, No. i.] i [Pear Admiral, U. S. JV.] The American Interoceanic Ship-Canal; Question. 8°. pp. 102. Philadelphia, 1880. 8. 5. 20.; Anales del Ministerio de Fomento de la Republica Mexicana. Tomos I-II I. PI. 3 vols. 80. Mexico, i877-'8o. 42.7.48-50. Anderson (Charles F.). American Villa Architecture: 1853. 3 designs and plans, obi. fol. [New York, 1853.] 50. 1. 3. Anderson (John). The Strength of Materials and of Structures. Illus. 16°. pp. 301. New York, 1872. 19. 5. 25. Anderson {Maj. Robert, isl U. S. Artillery). Evolutions of Field Batteries ot Artillery. Translated from the French and arranged for the Army and Militia of the United States. 2 vols., i of pi. 32^. New York, i860. 7. 1. 41. Andrae (C. G.). Den Danske Gradmaaling. 3 vols. 40. Copenhagen, i867-'72-'78. L. S. Contents. F^rst Bind: Hovedtrianglerne paa Sjaelland og deres Forbindelser med Svenske og Freussiske Triangelraekker. PI. pp. xxviii, 579. Andet Bind : Meridianbuens Hovedtriangler fra Elben til Sams^ og deres F'orbindelse med Maa- lingerne paa Sjaelland. PI. pp. viii, 490. Tredie Bind : De Tilbagestaaende dele af Triangelnettet og dettes Nedlaegning paa Sphaeroiden. PI. pp. viii, 422. Andr6 (George G., C, E,, M, S. E,). The Draughtsman's Handbook of Plan and Map Drawing. Illus. imp. 8o. pp. xii, 150. London, 1874, 18. 2. 44. Andrews {Bvt. Maj. Gen, C. C). History of the Campaign of Mobile ; in- cluding the cooperative operations of Gen. Wilson's Cavalry in Alabama. Maps and illus. 8°. pp.367. New York, 1867. 24. 2. 13. 616 AtJTfiOES. AtlTHOES. 617 Angell. Appleton's. Angell on the Law of Watercourses. 6th ed., by J. C. Perkins. 8^. pp. XXX, 862. Boston, 1869. 23. 5. 8, Annales des Fonts et Chaussees ; Memoires et Documents relatifs k I'Art des construction et au service de I'lni^enieur. i*'** b. 5"'® serie. 100 vols. 8^, and pi. 6. vols. fol. Paris, i83i-'8o. [Current.] [And] Lois, Ordon- nances, et autres actes concernant Tadministration des Ponts et Chaussees. 1831-80. 50 vols. 8°. [Discontinued.] [And] Personnel [etc.], 10 vols. 8°. 1869-77. [And] Tables generates. [Indices.] i" 'k 4"'« serie, 1831-70. 5 vols. 8^. Paris, 1843-74. Case 12. des Travaux Publics; Revue universelle de I'Outillage des Travaux Publics et des Procedes du Genie Civil. Vol. I, i""® serie. PI. i vol. . fol. Paris, 1880. [Current.] 48. 48. Annual (The) of Scientific Discovery : or Year-Book ot Facts in Science and Art. For 1851, '52, '54, '59, '60, '61, '62, and '69. 8 vols. 8°. Boston, i85i-'68. 14. 3. 1-8. Anthropological Society of Washington, D. C. Abstract ot Transactions of, with the Annual Address of the President, for the first year, ending Jan- uary 20, 1880, and for the second year, ending January 18, 1881. Pre- pared by J. W. Powell. 80. pp. 150. Washington, 1881. 42. 3. 47. Anweisung zu der Stiickweisen Vermessung sammtlicher Liegenschaften des Grossherzogthums Baden. 2d ed. Illus. 4°. pp. v, 127. Karlsruhe, 1863. L. S. Appleton's Annual Cyclopaedia and Register of Important Events. [First series], 1861-75, and index; new series, 1876-79. 20 vols. 8°. New York, i867-'8o. [Current.] 5. 4. 1-20. Cyclopaedia of Applied Mechanics. Edited by Park Benjamin. Illus. 2 vols. imp. 80. New York, 1880. 6. 2. 18-19. Cyclopaedia of Drawing, designed as a text-book for the Mechanic, Architect, Engineer, and Surveyor. By W. E. Worthen. PI. and illus. 80. pp. xiv, 410. New York, 1857. 18. 2. 46. Dictionary of Machines, Mechanics, Engine-work and Engineering. Illus. with 4,000 engravings on wood. 2 vols. 8°. New York, 1852. 5. 2. 20-21. European Guide-Book, illustrated, parts I and II. 6th ed. 2 vols. 12O. New York and London, 1873. 1. 5. 39-40. Mechanics' Magazine and Engineers' Journal. Vols. I-III. Illus. I vol. 80, and 2 vols. 4^- New York, 1851-54. 14. 4. 2-4. New American Cyclopaedia. A popular Dictionary of general Knowl- edge. 16 vols. 80. New York, i858-'65. 43.3.1-16. — T/ie same. Edited by George Ripley and Charles A. Dana. 16 vols. 80. New York, i873-'76. 5. 5. 1-16 — Popular Science Monthly. Conducted by E. L. Youmans. Vols. I- XVI, and supplements. 8°. New York, 1872-80. [Current.] 2.4. 1-16. 618 AUTHORS. AUTHOES. 519 Arago. Arroquia. Arago (Frangois). L'Aiicienne Ecole Polytechnique. 8^. pp. 44. Paris, 1855. 24. 4. 7. CEuvres Completes. Publiees d'apres son ordre, sous la direction de J. A. Barral. 16 vols. 80. Paris, i854-'59. 16. 2. 1-16. Contents. Notices Hiographiques. Vols, i, 2, and 3. Astionomie Populaire. Vols. 4, 5, 6, and 7. Notices vScientifiques. Vols. 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12. Vol. 8. LeTonnerre; Electro Magnetisme; Magnetisme Terrestre; Aurores Borealis. g. Sur les Machines ^ Vapeur; Explosions des Machines ^ Vapeur ; Les Chemins de Ker ; Sur les Chaux, les Mortiers et les Ciinents Hydrauliques ; Navigation. 10. Les Phares; Les Fortifications ; Les Puits fores; Filtration des Eaux, etc. 11. De la Scintillation; Constitution Physique du Soleil et des Etoiles; Les Eclipses; La Polarisation de la Lumiere ; La Daguerreotype; Sur 1' Action Calorifique et I'ActJon Chimique de la Lumiere ; Sur les Theories de I'Emission et des Ondes. 12. Sur la Prediction du Temps ; De I'lnfluence de la Lune ; Sur le Rayonnement de la Cha- leur ^ travers I'Atmosphere; Sur la Formation de la Glace; Sur I'Etat Thennom^- trique du Globe Terrestre. Voyages Scientifiques. Vol. 13. Memoires Scientifiques. Vols. 14 and 15. Melanges. Vol. 16. Ardant (P., Lieut. Col. du Genie). Considerations Politiques et Militaires sur les Travaux de Fortifications executes depuis 1815 en France et cl I'Etranger. Map. 80. pp. 104. Metz, 1846. 6. 4. 9. Arentschildt {Lien/. Col. von). Instructions for Officers and Non-Commis- sioned Officers of Cavalry on Outpost Duty, with an abridgment of them by Lieut. Col. the Lion. F. Ponsonby. \(P. pp. viii, 44. London, 1854. 1. 1. 17. Argelander {Dr. Fr.). Uranometria Nova [Star Catalogue]. 8°. pp. xix, 119, and I vol. pi., fol. 2 vols. Berlin, 1843. L. S. Arizona [Laws of J. The Howell Code. Adopted by the First Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Arizona, begun 26th September and ended loth November, 1864, at Prescott. 80. Prescott, 1865. 23. 5. 1. Armroyd (George). A Connected View of the whole Internal Navigation of the United States, natural and artificial, present and prospective. \Anon.\ 10 maps. 8°. pp. 192. Philadelphia, 1826. 8. 4. 26. The same. Map and profiles. 80. pp.617. Philadelphia, 1830. 8. 4. 27. Arroquia {Don Angel R., Capitan de In^^enieros). Complemento a la Geome- tria Descriptiva. 19 pi. 8°. pp.100. Madrid, 1865. 19.4.12. \Coronel de Ini^enieros], Estudios Topographicos. Map. 8^. pi)i 178. Madrid, 1867. 6. 1. 31. La Fortification en 1867. 9 pi. 8^. pp. 261. Madrid, 1868. 6. 3. 44. — La Guerra y la Geologia. 4 maps. 8°. pp. 293. Madrid, 187 1. 6. 3. 43. — Tratado sobre las Escalas Graficas en general y sus Aplicacioncs al Di- bujo Geometrico. 2 vols. Tex, 8°; tatlas, 40. Madrid, 1869. 18.2.41. 630 AUTHOES. AUTHORS. 521 Artois. Babbage. Artois (P. H. d'). See d'Artois. Aspin (Jehoshaphat). A Familiar Treatise on Astronomy, explaining the general phenomena of the Celestial B xlies, with numerous graphic illustra- tions. Written expressly to accompany Urania's Mirror, or a Vie>y of the Heavens, consisting of thirty-two Cards, on which are represented all the Constellations visible in Great Britain, on a plan p-^rfectly original, (!_•- signed by a Lady/ Second ed., with considerable augmentations and improvements. lUus. and 32 pi. 8^. pp. vi, 199 London, 1825. 23. 2. 11. Association of the (xraduates of the United States Military Academy. First to Eleventh Annual Reunions, 1870-80. With an index. 3 vols. 8*^. New York, and East Saginaw, Mich., 1870-80. 43. 1. 31-36. Atkinson [Prof. E., Ph. D., F, C. S.). Elementary Treati-se on Physics, ex- perimental and applied. Translated and edited from Ganot's Elements de Physique. 1^1. and illus. 8^. pp. xi, 859. New York, 1875. 19. 1. 14. Atkinson (J. J.). A PracticaL Treatise on Friction of Air in Mines. 18^. pp. 69. New York, 1875. 18. 1. 41. A Practical Treatise on the Gases met with in Coal Mines. 18*^. pp. 53. New York, 1875. ^^ 1- *2. Attorneys General of the United States. Digest of the Opinions of, and of Leading Decisions of the Federal Courts. Revised ed. 8^. pp. 290. Washington, 1877. 23. 4. 26 of the United States, Official Opinions of. Vols. I-XVL 16 vols. 80. Washington, i852-'8i. Attghey (Samuel). Catalogue of the Land and Fresh-Water Shells of Ne- braska. (Bulletin United States Geol. Survty of the Tcrntories, IW. IF!, No. 3.; 80. Washington, 1877. 20. 2. 24. Augoyat (.1/., Capitaine au Corps Royal du Genie). Memorre sur TEtfet des Feux Verticaux i)ropose par M, Carnot, dans la Defense des i*la<:es Fortes. 4°. i)p. 48. Paris, 1821. 7.2.23. \Lieut. Col. du Genie]. Relation de la Defense de 'I'orgau par les TroupesFranyaisesen 1815. Plan. 8^ pp.72. Paris, 1840. 24.3.29. August {Dr. E. F.). Logarithmische und Trigonometrische 'Tafeln. 7lh e«l. 12'^. p|). vii, 224. Leipzig, 1868. L. S. Austin (James (;.). 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Journaux des Sieges, faits ou soutenus par les Frangais dans la Peninsule de 1807 ^ 1814. 4 vols. 8^. Paris, 1836. 16. 4. 23-26. Belville (John Henry). A Manual of the Barometer. Also, a description of the Aneroid Barometer. 12^. pp. 53. London, 1849. .19. 3. 22. Benedict (Farrand N.). Report on a Survey of the Waters of the Upper Hudson and Raquette Rivers in the summer of 1874. Maps. 8^. pp. 82. n. p. or d. 8. 4. 35. Ben6t {Capt. S. V., Ordnance Department). Translation of the Political and Military History of the Campaign of Waterloo, from the French of Gen. Baron de Jomini. 3d ed. 12^. pp.227. New York, 1864. 24.3.32. — Treatise on Military Law and on the Practice of Courts- Martial. 8°. pp. 377- New York, 1862. 28. 2. 6. The same. 4th edition with additions. 8^. pp. 389. New York, 1864. 23. 5. 22. 534 AUTHOES. AUTHORS. 535 Benet. v Bessel. Benet (S. V., Bvt. Lieut. Col., U. S. A.). Electro-Ballistic Machines and the Schultz Chronoscope. 4 pi. 40. pp.47. New York, 187 1. 7.2.12. 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Canal et Port St. Louis, et jonction du Rhone i\ la Medi- terranee. 8°. 1870. {Misc. Pamph., wiA.'\\\.\ 31.2.3. Besant (W. H., M. A.). A I'reatise on Hydromechanics. Diagrams. 8^. pp. vii, 320. Cambridge, Eng., 1877. 7. 4. 31. Elementary Hydrostatics. Cuts. 16^. pp. viii, 223. Cambridge Eng., 1877. 7. 4. 46. Bessel (F. W.). Gradmessung in Ost-Preussen und ihre Verbindung mit Preus- sischen und Russischen Dreiecksketten. Ausgefuhrt von F. \V. Bessel und J. J. Baeyer. PI. 40. pp. xiv, 452. Berlin, 1838. L. S. 536 AUTHOES. AUTHORS. 637 Bessels. Blodget. Bessels {D^, Eniil). The Human Remains found near the ancient ruins of Southwestern Colorado and New Mexico. {BuUetin U. S. GeoL Sur- vey of the Territories, Vol. II, No, n.) go. Washington, 1876. 20. 2. 23. Bidder (Geo. Parker,//-.). The National Defences [of Great Britain]. (Minutes Proceedings Inst. Cwil E-igineers, Vol. XX, 1860-61.) pp. 391-585. 8^. London, 1861. 2. 1. 20. Biglia (Felice). Di alcune Questioni relative all' Esercizio delle Ferrovie. Parte I: Locomotive e Freni. Parte II: Segnali-FerroviaSotterranea di Londra. PI. In i vol. pp. 132, 119. Firenze, i868-'69. 8. 2. 18. [lioicnd ivith the following) : Le Ferrovie Economiche d' Europa. PI. 8°. pp. 173. Firenze [1867]. 8. 2. 18. Sui Combustibili e sul miglior modo di adoperarli nelle Machine a Vapore. Nozioni teorico-pratiche. 4 folding pi. 8^. pp. 151. To- rino, 1 86 1. 19. 1. 7. Birkheimer (Lieut. Wm. E.). The Law of Promotion and Retirement in the Regular Army of the United States. 12^. pp.90. 1880. [Misc. Pamplt., vol. vi.] 31.2.6. Bixby (William Yi., Lieut, of Engineers, U. S. A.). Graphical Computing Table and accompanying Reference Tables. Chart. 16^. pp. 29. New York, 1879. 2 copies. 19.4.36. Graphical Method for Finding readily the real Roots of Numerical Equa- tions of any degree, if containing but one Variable. Chart. 8^. 1879. {Misc. Pdniph., vol. xi.] 31. 2. 11. 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Philadelphia, 1857. 19. 6. 14. 08 538 AUTHORS. AUTHORS. 639 ^^^^*- ^ Bouchette. Blunt (Charles John) and Stephenson (Macdonald). The Civil Engineer and Machinist. Division III: PI. [only], fol. London n. d. 61.19. Blunt (Edmund M.). The American Coast Pilot: containing directions for the principal Harbors, Capes, and Headlands on the coasts of North and South America, [etc.]. 14th ed. Maps. 8^. pp. 687. New York, 1842. 18. 3. 4. Board of Commissioners of Public Works, Illinois. Message from the Gov- ernor to the General Assembly transmitting the semi-annual Reports of. 80. Vandalia, 1838. 42. 3. 44. of Engineers for the Pacific Coast (U. S.) Journal. June 17, 1851, to September 8, 1852. 40. ms. » 43. 8. 23. Boileau {Capt. J. T.). A new and complete set of Traverse Tables, showing the Difference of Latitude and the Departures *to every minute of the Quadrant, and to five places of decimals. PI. 80. pp. xlvi, 96. Lon- don, 1839. L. S. Boiler (Alfred P.). Practical Treatise on the Construction of Iron Highway Bridges for the use of Town Committees. Illus. 8^. pp. 144. New- York, 1876. 23. 3. 19. Bompiani (G., // Diretiore Generale). Relazione che accompagna il progetio di una nova Inalveazione del Tevere, attraverso i prati di Castello [etc.|. G. Zucchelli, ITngegnere Capo. Maps and pi. 4^. pp. viii, 79. 2 copies. Roma, 1879. 7. 4. 17. Bond (William C). Results of Astronomical Observations made at the Ob- servatory of Harvard College. Zone Catalogue of 5,500 Stars situated between the Equator and 0° 20' north declination. 1852-53. 4°. Cam bridge, 1855. 45. 6. 40. [Annals of Astronomical Observatory, Harvard College, Vol. I, Part II. J Bonner (T. D.). Life and Adventures of James P. Beckwourth, Mountain- eer, Scout, and Pioneer, and Chief of the Crow Nation of Indians. Illus. 120 pp. xii, 537. New York, 1856. 1.6.29. Bormann {Capt, Charles). Considerations et Experiences sur le Tir des Obus ^ Balles. PI. 80. pp. 31. Paris, 1836. 6. 3. 16. [Military Pamphlets.] Boss (L.). Declination of [500] Fixed Stars. 4°. [Report of U. S. Northern Boundary Commission, Appendix H. Washington, 1878.] 46. 6. 31. Boston Public Library. Index to the Catalogue of Books in the Upper Hall, in the Bates Hall, and in the Lower Hall. In 4 vols. 8°. Boston, i858-'66. 21. 6. 7-10. Bouchette (Joseph). A Topographical Description of the Province of Lower Canada, with remarks upon Upper Canada, and on the relative connec- tion of both Provinces with the United States of America. Portrait and plans. 8°. pp. XV, 640. Appendix Ixxxvi. London, 18 15. 1. 4. 24. 540 AUTHORS. AtJTHOES. 641 Bouchette. Boyer's. Bouchette (Joseph). A Topographical Dictionary of the Province of Lower Canada. 40. London, 1832. 53^ iq The British Dominions in North America; or, a Topographical and Statistical Description of the Provinces of Lower and Upper Canada, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, the islands of Newfoundland, Prince Ed- ward, and Cape Breton. Views and plans. 2 vols. 40 London, 1832. 24. 6. 5-6. Boue (Ami). Guide du Geologue-Voyageur, sur le modele de I'Agenda Geog- nosticade M. Leonhard. 2 vols. 160. Paris, 1835. l^- 3- 19-20. Bouillet (M. N.). Dictionnaire Universel d'Histoire et de Geographic. Nou- velle ed. (20'"^'). S^- pp. iv, 2040. Paris, 1866. 5. 2. 14- Bouniceau (J/. — , Ingenieur au Corps Royal des Ponh et Chaussee.). f:tude sur la Navigation des Rivieres a Marees, et la conquete des lais et relais de leur embouchure. Chart. 80. pp. x, 304. Paris, 1845. 8- 4. 11. Bourdet ( — ). Traite des Digues. 9 pi. 160. pp. 164. [No title.] 8. 1. 25. Bourne (John). Handbook of the Steam Engine fete.]. Constituting a Key to the Catechism of the Steam Engine, lllus. 12°. pp. xii, 474. New York, 1878. 19. 2. 24. Bournes (Charles, C. E.). The Principles and Practice of Land, Engineering, Trigonometrical, Subterraneous, and Marine Surveying. lllus. 8° pp. 356. London, 1843. 18. 2. 29. Bousmard (Henri J. B. de). Essai general de Fortification, et d'Attaque et Defense des Places. 2 vols., 8^; and atlas, 40. Paris, 1814. 6.2.2-4- Bow (Robert Henry., C. E.). A Treatise on Bracing, with its application to Bridges and other Structures of Wood or Iron, lllus. 8°. pp. 48. New York, 1874. 18. 1. 9. Bowditch (Nathaniel, LL. D.). The New American Practical Navigator. Being an epitome of Navigation ; containing all the tables necessary to be used with the Nautical Almanac in determining the Latitude and the Longitude by Lunar Observations, lllus. 8°. pp. xvi, 317, 447. New York, 1839. I" S. T/if same. 27th ed. Map. 8^. pp. 460. New York, 1857. 18. 3. 3. Bowman [Capt. A. H., Corps of Engiueers). Remarks on making and apply- ing Concrete. 8°. 1849. {Misc. Pamph., vol. i.] 31. 2. 1. Box (Thomas). Practical Hydraulics: a series of rules and tables for the use of Engineers, etc. PI. 12^. pp.51. Philadelphia, 1868. Boyd (W. H.). Washington and Georgetown (D. C.) Directory, 1858, and 1864-80. 19 vols. 80 Washington, v. d. 44.1.1-19. Boyer's French Dictionary; comprising all the additions and improvements of the latest Paris and London editions, etc., according to the Dictionary of the Abbe Tardy. 8°. Boston, 1832. 14.4.6. 642 AUTHOES. AUTHOES. 543 Boynton. Brightly. Boynton {Bvt, Maj. Edward C). History of West Point and its military im- portance during the American Revolution ; and the origin and progress of the United States Military Academy. 36 pi. 8"^. pp. xviii, 408. New York, 1863. 28. 4. 30. The same. 2d ed. 8^. pp. 416. New York, 1871. 24. 4. 19. Bradbury (Charles). History of Kennebunk-port, from its first discovery by Bartholomew Gosnold, May 14, 1602, to 1837. PI. 12'^. pp. 301. Kennebunk, 1837. 1. 5. 22. Bradford (T. G.). A comprehensive Atlas, Geographical, Historical, and Commercial. 40. Boston, 1838. 23. 6. 30. Bradley (Frank H.). Geological Chart of the United States. 12'^. New York, 1875. 20.1.1. Braman's (D. E. H) Information about Texas. i2C>. pp. 192. Philadel- phia, 1857. 1. 5. 13. Brande (W. T.). Dictionary of Science, Literature, and Art; comprising the History, Description, and Scientific Principles of every branch of Human Knowledge, etc. 8^. pp. 1352. New York, 1852. 22. 3. 8. Brandegee (1\ S.). The Flora of Southwestern Colorado. {Bulletin U, S, GeoL Survey of the Territories^ Vol. //, No. 3.) 8<^. Washington, 1876. 20. 2. 23. Bremiker (Z>r. C). Studien iiber hohere Geodasie. 8*^. pp. 81. Berlin, 1869. L. S. Bremontier [M. N. Th.). Recherches sur le Mouvenient des Ondes. 6 pi. 8^. pp. 122. Paris, 1809. 19. 1. 28. Brialmont (A., Colonel d' Etat- Major). Etudes sur la Defense des ^tats, et sur la Fortification. 3 vols., 8^ ; and atlas of 38 pi , fol. 4 vols. Paris, 1863. 6. 5. 34-36. La Fortification I mprovis^e. 2'"® ed. 9 pi. 12°. pp.150. Bruxelles, 1872. 6.2.48. Traite de Fortification Polygonale. 2 vols., 8°; and atlas, fol. 3 vols. Bruxelles, 1869. 2 copies. 6. 6. 37-38. Bridge Equipage of the United States Army. Organization of the, with direc- tions for the construction of Military Bridges. Prepared by a Board of Engineer Officers. 16 pi. 8^. pp. 102 ; and atlas, fol. 2 vols. Wash- ington, 1870. 1. 1. 56. Brightly (Frederick C). Analytical Digest of the Laws of the United States, 1789-1857. 80 Philadelphia, 1858. 28. 2. 15. The same. [Continuation.] 1857-63. 8^. Philadelphia, 1863. 28. 2. 16. The same. [Continuation.] 1857-65. 8^ Philadelphia, 1865. 28. 2. 17. — The same. 1 789-1869. 2 vols. 8^. Philadelphia, 1865-69. 40. 2. 29-30, 544 AUTHOES. AUTHOES. 545 Brisse. Brown. Brisse (Alexander) and Rotrou (Leon de). The Draining of Lake Fucino, accomplished by His P^xcellency Prince Alexander Torlonia. Text French and t^nglish. 4^. pp. 304., 304; and atlas, fol. Rome, 1876. 8.5.29. Brisson (B.). Essai sur le Systeme General de Navigation Interieure de la France, suivi d'un essai sur I'Art de projeter les Canaux \ point de par- tage, par MM. Dupuis de Torcy et B. Brisson, Ingenicurs des Fonts et Cfiaiissces. Map. 4°. pp. xxviii, 172. Paris, 1829. 8. 5. 12. British Almanac, for the years 1859-79. 21 vols. 12^. London, 1859-79, 23. 1. 1-21. [1863 and 1867 wanting.] British Association for the Advancement of Science. Catalogue of Stars, con- taining 8,377 Fixed Stars, reduced to January i, 1850. 40. London, 1845. 2 copies. 45. 6. 43. Association for the Advancement of Science. Repons of the 38th. 40th, 41st, and 42d meetings. Ill us. 4 vols. 8^. London, 1869, '71, '72, and '73. L. S. Bro.xdhead (Garland C.). Report of the Geological Survey of the State of Missouri, including Field Work of 1873-74. Illus. 8°, and atlas fol. 2 vols. Jefferson City, 1874. 43. 2. 12. {(Hid others). Reports on the Geological Survey of the State of Mis- souri, i855-'7i. Illus. 80. Jefferson City, 1873. 43. 2. 11. Brooke {Commander John M., C. S. Navy). Reports on Rifled and other Cannon for the Confederate States Navy. 13 pi. fol. pp. 43, 17. ms. Richmond, 1863. 7. 2. 5. Brooke-Rawle (William). The Right Flank at Gettysburg An account of the operations of General Gregg's Cavalry command. Map. 8^. pp. 24. Philadelphia, 1878. {Misc. Famph., vol. iv.] 31. 2. 4. Brooks (William Alexander). Treatise on the Improvement of the Navigation of Rivers ; with a new Theory on the cause of the existence of Bars. 8^. pp. V, 154. London, 1841. 8. 4. 21. Brown (Goold). Grammar of English Grammars. lothed. 8°. pp.1102. New York, 1873. 16. 5.42. Brown (Harvey E., Assistant Surgeon, U. S. A.). The Medical Department of the United States Army from 1775 to 1873. 8^. pp. 314. Wash- ington, 1873. 42. 4. 15. Brown {Capt. M. R., Corps of Engineers). Inspection Reports upon the Im- provement of the SjiMth Pass of the Mississippi River. In i vol. S^. Washington, v. d. 8. 1. 2. 7th Report ; August i, 1877. 8th Report ; December 23, 1877. 9th Report; May 11, 1878. loth Report ; September 18, 1878. (Annual report for 1878.) nth Report ; April 29, 1879. j2th Report ; September 23, 1879. (Annual report for 1879.) 69 546 ADTHOKS. AUTHORS. 547 Brown. Bureau of Education. Brown (William, Architect). The Carpenter's Assistant: Containing a suc- cinct account of Egyptian, Grecian, and Roman Architecture [etc.J. Illus- trated with upwards of 50 pi., embracing plans, elevations, details, &:c., for dwelling-houses. 40. pp. 140. Worcester, 1848. 7. 3. 10. Bruhns [Dr. C). A new Manual of Logarithms to seven places of decimals. 8°. pp. xxiii, 610. Leipzig, 1870. L. S, Catalog der Bibliothek der Astronomischen Gesellschaft. Herausge- geben von dem Bibliothekar der Gesellschaft. 8^. pp. vii, 75. Leipzig, 1880. L. S. Bruna y Garcia (Ramiro). Puentes de Cuerdas. PI. 8<^. pp. 93. Madrid, 1872. 23. 3. 16. Bruns \Dr. Heinrich). Die Figur der Erde. Kin Beitrag zur Europiiischen Gradmessung. (Publ. des Konigl. Preuss. Geodiitischen Institutes.) 4°. pp. 49. Berlin, 1878. L. S. Bryan [Lieut. F. T.). Report of a Reconnaissance for a road from the Gulf of Mexico to YX Paso, dated Dec. i, 1849. Map. 8^. Washington, 1850. 20. 2. 44. Buckland [Rev. William, D, D.). Geology and Mineralogy considered with reference to Natural Theology. Illus. 2 vols. 80. Philadelphia, 1837. 19. 3. 1-2. Buckley (Robert B.). Movable Dams in Indian Weirs. PI. 8°. London, 1880. 8. 4. 39. [Excerpt Minutes of Proceedings Institute Civil Engineers, Vol. LX.] Buell (G. P.). Report made to the President and Executive Board of the Texas Pacific Railroad. 8°. 187 1. [Misc. Fdmph,,\o\.\\\\.\ 31.2.13.. Bugeaud (k I^arechal), Aper(;us sur quelques Details de la (}uerre. PI. 24O. pp. 195. Paris, i860. 7. 1. 42. Bullions [Re%K Peter). Analytical and Practical Grammar of the English Language. 12O. pp.244. New York, 1854. 16.5.25. Principles of English Grammar. 12O. pp. 216. New York [1842]. 16. 5. 24. Bureau des Archives ((Geneva). Archives des Sciences, Physiques et Natu- relles. Nouvelle periode, tome 49•"^ No. 193, 15 Janvier 1874. 80 Geneva, 1874. L. S. Bureau des Longitudes. Annuaire pour I'an 1880, avec des notices scienti- fiques. 180. Paris, 1879. 23. 1. 51. Bureau of Education. Public Libraries in the United States. Part I. 8c». Washington, 1876. 2 copies. 28. 4. 11-12. The same. Parts I and 11. S^. Washington, 1876. 21.3.6. 548 AUTHOES. AUTHORS. 549 Bureau of Navigation. Callan. Bureau of Navigation, Navy Department. Projection tables for the use of the United States Navy; comprising new tables of Meridional Parts for the Mercator Projection, and the tables of the Polyconic Projection as used in the United States Coast Survey. 8°. pp. 236. Washington, 1869. 19.4.30. Burg (A. Ritier v.). [A review of the Report upon the Physics and Hydrau- lics of the Mississippi River, by Capt. A. A. Humphreys and Lieut. H. L. Abbot, Corps Topographical Engineers, U. S. A. /// the German laii- ^mW.\ 80. Wein, 1864. 8. 4. 16. {Hound with Abbot (K. H.) Review of same subject. | Burgoyne (^/r John). Rudimentary Treatise on the Blasting and Quarrying of Stone for building and other purposes. Cuts. 12°. pp. vii, 106. WeaWs series. London, 1852. 19. 2. 28. Burn [Lieut- Col. Robert). A Naval and Military technical Dictionary of the French Language; in 2 parts, French-English, and English-French, with explanations of the various terms. In i vol. 8^. Boston, 1853. 5. 1. 21. Burnell (George R.). Rudimentary Treatise on Limes, Cements, Mortars, etc. 160. pp 124. Weales series. London, 1850. 19.5.37. Burritt (Elijah H.). Geography of the Heavens, and Class-book of Astron- omy. 120. pp.345. New York, 1857. 23.2.13. Burritt (L N.). Humanity and Economy in War. (Penn Monthly, Vol. X, No. 115.) 80. {Misc, Famph.,yQ\.\\.\ 31.2.4. Butler (Mann). History of the Commonwealth of Kentucky. [Portrait of Gen. George Rogers Clark ] 8°. pp. xi, 396. Louisville, Ky., 1834. 1. 5. 21. Butterfield (Carlos). United States and Mexican Mail Steamship Line, and Statistics €f Mexico. Map. 8^. pp.159. New York, i860. 16.1.37. Byrne (Alexander S.). Observations on the best means of propelling Ships. 2d ed. 80. pp. 47. New York, i84t. 18. 3. 16. Byrne (Barnard M., M. D.). An Essay to prove the Contagious Character of Malignant Cholera; with brief instructions for its prevention and cure. 2d ed. 80. pp. 160. Philadelphia, 1855. 42. 4. 20. Proceedings of a Court-Martial for the Trial of, held at Fort Moultrie, S. C, on March 24, 1859. 80. pp. 130. Charleston, 1859. 2. 5. 13. Cachin (J. M. F.). Memoire surla Digue de Cherbourg, comparee au Break- water ou Jettee de Plymouth. 5 folding pi. fol. pp. 85. Paris, 1820. 7. 4. 20. Caland (Abraham). Handleiding tot de Kennis der Dyksbouw en Zeewerings kunde; 5 pi. 80. pp. xxii [14], 393. Zierikzee, 1833. 8. 1. 28. Callan (John F.). Military Laws of the United States relating to the Army, Marine Corps, Volunteers, Militia, etc. 8°. pp. xxxii, 484. Baltimore, 1858. 2 copies. 28. 2. 11. 650 AUTHORS. AUTHORS. 551 Callan. Carnot. Callan (John F.). The same. To the year 1863 80. pp. 607. Philadel- phia, 1863. 23. 5. 29. Callet (Frangois). Tables portatives de Logarithmes, conterjant les Loga- rithmes des Nombres, depuis i jusqu'^ 108,000 [etc.]. 8^. Paris, 1795 (tirage 1814). 19. 4. 22. The same. 8° pp. 118, 680. Paris, 1795 (tirage 1866). I- S. Calver (Edward Killwick, R. N.) The Conservation and Inii)rovement of Tidal Rivers, considered principally with reference to their tidal and flu- vial powers. Folding plans. 8^. pp. x, loi. London, 1853. 8.4.10. Calvin (/Vi/. S.). On some Dark Shale recently discovered below the De- vonian Limestones at Independence, Iowa [etc.]. {Bulletin No. 3, Vol. fV, U, S. GeoL Survey of the Territories.) 8^. Washington, 1878. 20.2.25. Cammell's (Charles, and Co.) Iron and Steel Works, Sheffield, etc. Illus- trated iJatalogue. 4^. n. p. or d. 14. 4. 5. Gamp (W. F., Capitaine du Genie). Memoire sur la Fortification, contenant Vindication et le developpement de moyens efficaces de defense. PI. 80. pp. 133. Paris, 1840. 6. 2. 18. Campbell (Archibald, U. S. Commissioner). Reports upon the Survey of the Boundary between the territory of the United States and the possessions of Great Britain, from the Lake of the Woods to the summit of the Rocky Mountains. Maps and pl. 4^. pp. 624. Washington, 1878. 20. 4. 6. Campbell (E. S. N.). A Dictionary of the Military Science [etc.]. 8^. pp. viii, 284. London, 18^0. 5. 1. 20. Campin (Francis). On the Construction of Iron Roofs. A Theoretical and Practical Treatise. 8 pl. imp. 8^. pp. 38. New York, 1868. 7. 3. 19. Canada. Census of, i87o-'7i. Vols. I-IV. 4 vols. 80. Ottawa, i873-'78. 43. 8. 4-7. Annual Report of the Department of Marine and Fisheries for year ended3oth June, 1874. 90 pp. Ixxiii, 253. Ottawa, 1875. 1.4.22. Commissioner of Fisheries. Report for year ending December 31, 1876. Illus. 80 Ottawa, 1877. L. S. Reports on Meteorological, Magnetic, and other Observatories, for the years 1874-77. 4 vols. 8^. Ottawa. L. S. The New Standard Atlas of the Dominion of. fol. Montreal, 1875- Room 12. Minister of Public Works. General Report for the years 1875, '76, '77, '78, and '80. Maps. 5 vols. 80. Ottawa, i876-'8o. 1. 4. 27-32. Carnot (Lazare N. M., Cjmte). De la Defense des Places Fortes. 1 1 folding pL 3d ed. 40. pp. xxxix, 616. Paris, 1812, 6.5.27, 552 AUTHOES. AUTHOES. 553 Carnot. Cessac* Carnot (Lazare N. M., Comte). Memoire sur la Fortification Primitive, pour servir de suite au Traite de la Defense des Places Fortes. 2 pi. 40. pp. xxxvi, 51. Paris, 1823. 6. 5. 26. Carpenter (Frank de Yeaux). Geographical Surveying, its Uses, Methods, and Results. 18^. pp. 176. New York, 1878. 2 copies. 18. 1. 40. Carrington ( O^/. Henry B., U. S.A.). Ab-sa-ra-ka, Land of Massacre: being the experience of an Officer's Wife on the Plains. With an outHne of Indian operations and conferences from 1865 to 1878. Illus. and maps. 3d ed. 120. pp. viii, 383. Philadelphia, 1878. 1. 5. 34. Batdes of the American Revolution, i775-*8i. Historical and Mili- tary Criticism, with topographical illustration. 8°. pp. vi, 712. New York, 1876. 24. 3. 18. Carrington (Richard C). A Catalogue of 3,725 Circumpolar Stars observed at Redhill in the years 1854, 1855, and 1856, and reduced to mean posi- tions for 1855.0. 40. pp. Ixii, 151. London, 1857. L. S. Carver (Jonathan). Three Years' Travels through the Interior Parts of North America, for more than five thousand miles ; containing an Account of the Great I^akes [etc.]. And an Appendix, describing the uncultivated parts of America that are the most proper for forming settlements. 8^. pp. XX, ix, 360. Philadelphia, 1796. 20. 1. 40. Casey (Lieut. Col. Thomas L., Corps of Engineers). Historical Sketch of the Corps of Engineers. 8°. pp. 43. Washington, 1876. 24. 4. 9. Catlin (George). Illustrations of the Manners, Customs, and Condition of the North American Indians : In a series of letters and notes written dur- mg eight years of Travel and Adventure among the wildest and most re- markable Tribes now existing. With 360 engravings from the author's original paintings. 8th ed. 2 maps. 2 vols. 8^. London, 1851. 1. 4. 3-4. Cautley (Colonel Sir Proby T.). Report on the Ganges Canal Works; from the commencement until the opening of the Canal in 1854. Illus. 2 vols. 8°, and i vol. 4^. London, i860. 8. 5. 9-11. Cavalli (Jean). Apergu sur les Canons Rayes se chargeant par la Bouche et par la Culasse. PI. 4°. PP- 63. Paris, 1862. 7. 2. 21. Memoire sur Divers Perfectionnements Militaires, (Memoire lu dans la stance de I'Academie des Sciences de Turin du 25 mars 1855.) Traduit de I'italien. 4 folding pi. 8^. pp.155. Paris, 1856. 6.4.27. Cerero ( Rafael, Capitan de Ingenieros). Memoria sobre el Estado de las Defensas Maritimas despues de la Introduccion de la Artilleria Rayada y Buques de Coraza. 14 pi. 8°. pp. 251. Madrid, 1865. 6. 3. 45. Cessac (M. de). Guide de I'Officier Particulier en Campagne, ou Con- noissances Militaires necessaires pendant la Guerre aux Officiers Particu- liers. PI. 3d ed. 2 vols. 80. Paris, 18 16. 6. 1. 14-15. 70 554 AUTHORS. AUTHOES. 556 Chadwick. Chapsal. Chadwick {Lieut. Commander F. E., U. S. JV.). Report on the Training Sys- tems for the Navy and Mercantile Marine of England, and on the Naval Training System of France. {Se;i. Ex. Doc, 52, \(-ih Long., 2d Sess.) go. pp. 207. Washington, 880. 18. 3. 44. Chalmers (James). Armour for Ships and Forts. 2 folding pi. go. pp. 20. London, 1865. 2 copies. ^ 2. 33. Chamberlin (Everett). Chicago and its Suburbs. Illus. 8°. pp. 468. Chicago, 1874. 16, 3, 37^ Chamberlin {Prof. T. C). Annual Report of Progress and Results of the Wis- consin Geological Survey for the year 1876. 8°. pp. 40. Madison, '877. 43.2.21! Thesime. For the year 1878. 8^. pp.45. Madison, 1879. L. S. The same. For the year 1879. 8^- PP- 72. Madison, 1880. 43. 2. 22. Geology of Wisconsin : Survey of 1873-77. Vols. 11,111. PI. and illus. 2 vols. imp. 8^, and atlas fol. [Madison], 1877-80. 43. 2. 23-24. Chambers (V. T.). Descriptions of new Tineina from Texas, and others from more northern localities. Tineina and their Food-Plants. Index to the described Tineina of the United States and Canada. {Bulletin (7, S. Geol. suriiey of the Taritoriei, Vol. IV, No. i.) 8^. Washington, 1878. 20. 2. 25. The Tineina of Colorado: Notes on a Collection of Tineid Moths made in Colorado in 1875, t>y A. S. Packard, jr., M. D. : On the Dis- tribution of Tineina in Colorado: New Entomostraca from Colorado. {Bulletin U. S. Geol. Survey of the Territori s, Vol. Ill, No. i.) 8°. Washington, 1877. 20. 2. 24. Champion (Maurice). Les Inondations en France depuis le VI" siecle jusqu'i nos jours. Recherches et documents. 2 vols. 8°. Paris, 1858-59. 8. 1. 9-10. Champlin (John D.,y>., editor). Narrative of the Mission to Russia, in 1866, of the Hon. Gustavus Vasa Fox, Assistant Secretary of the Navy^ From the journal and notes of J. F. Loubat. 13 portraits. 8°. pp. 444. New York, 1873. 1. 4. 2. Chanute (O.) and Morison (George). I he Kansas City Bridge, with an ac- count of the Regimen of the Missouri River, and a description of methods used for founding in that River. 12 pi. 5 views. 40. pp.140. New York, 1870. 2 copies. 23. 3. 1. Chapsal (M.). Lemons et Modeles de Litterature Frantjaise. 12O. New York, 1846. 28. 1. 25. The same. 120 pp.396. New York, 1862. 16.5.5. 556 AUTHOKS. AUTHOES. 557 Chase. Chitty. Chase (William H., Major of Engineers). Brief Memoir explanatory of a new trace of a Front of Fortification in place of the present Bastioned Front. 3 folding pi. 8o. pp. n. New Orleans, 1846. 6.2.22. Chauvenet {Prof. William). A Treatise on Plane and Spherical Trigonometry. 80. pp. 256. Philadelphia, 1850. 19. 4. 13. Manual of Spherical and Practical Astronomy ; with an appendix on the method of Least Squares. 2 vols. 8°. London and Philadelphia, 1868. L. S. The same, 2 vols. 80. Philadelphia, 1873. 25. 2. 1-2. Chesney {Col, Charles Cornwallis, Royal Etigineers). Essays in Military Biog- raphy. 12O. pp. vi, 398. New York, 1874. 24. 4. 27. Contents. Military Life of General Grant. A Memoir of General Lee. Admirals Farragut and Porter, and the Navy of the Union. A Northern Raider in the Civil War. De Fezensac's Recollections of the Grand Army. Henry von Brandt, a German Soldier of the First Empire. Cornwallis and the Indian Services. A Carolina Loyalist in the Revolutionary War. Sir William Gordon, of Gordon's Battery. Chinese Gordon and the Taiping Rebellion. Chevalier (Michel). Histoire et Description des Voies de Communication aux fitats-Unis et des Travaux d'Art qui en dependent. 2 vols. 4°. Paris, i84o-'4i. 7. 4. 13-14. Chickering {Prof. J. W.). Catalogue of Phaenogamous and Vascular Crypto- gamous Plants collected during the summers of i873-'74 in Dakota and Montana, along the Forty-ninth Parallel. {Bulletin No. 4, Vol. IV, U. S. Geol, Sm-vey of the Territories.) 8^. Washington, 1878. 20. 2. 25. Chief of Engineers, U. S. Army, Annual Reports to the Secretary of War, 1866 to t88o. Maps, plans, and illus. 25 vols. 8^. Washington, i866-'8o. 39. 1. 1-26. Letter to the Secretary of War, containing a Historical Sketch of the Corps of Engineers, and remarks upon its Organization and Duties. 8^. pp. 43. Washington, 1876. 24. 4. 9. Report of a Board of Engineer Officers on Hydraulic Gates and Dams in the Ohio River. 20 folding pi. 80. pp. 3, 131. (/^. R» Ex, Doc. 78, 43^ Cong., 2d Sess.) Washington, 1875. 7. 4. 34. Chief of Ordnance, U, S. Army, Annual Reports to the Secretary of War, i873-'8o. PI. and illus. 8 vols. 8^. Wa.shington, i873-'8o. 40.1.1-8. Chipman (George). Digest of the Decisions in the Office of the Second Comp- troller of the Treasury. 12O. pp. 134. Washington, 1853. 28. 1. 32. Chitty (Joseph, fr.). Practical Treatise on the Law of Contracts, not under seal, and upon the usual defences to Actions thereon. 8°. Boston, 1827. 28. 2. 14. 558 AUTHORS. AUTHORS. 569 Chitty. Clarke. Chitty (Joseph, jr.). The same, nth Am. ed. By J. C. Perkins, LL. D. 2 vols. 8° New York, 1874. 23. 5. 6-7. Chounara (Theodore, Capitaine du Genie). Memoires Diverses. [Various pamphlets on Fortification, etc. J i vol. 8^. Paris, 1833. ^' 3. 16. Christian {M. — .). Traitede Mecanique Industrielle, ou Expose de la Science de la Mecanique, deduite de TExperience et de I'Observation. PL 3 vols- and atlas. 40 Paris, 1822-25. 43. 3. 19-22. Church {Prof. Albert E.). Elements of Analytical Geometry. 2d ed. 80. pp. ix, 297. New York, 1854. 19. 4. 4. Elements of the Differential and Integral Calculus. Revised ed., containing the Elements of the Calculus of Variations. 80. pp. 369. New York, 1864. 19. 4. 10. Elements of Descriptive Geometry, with it application to Spherical Projections. Text 8°; pi. 40. 2 vols. New York, 1864. 19. 4. 1-2. The same. Part III. Shades, Shadows, and Perspective. 8°. New York, 1865. 18. 2. 48. Cincinnati Industrial Exposition. Report of the Board of Commissioners. 80. pp. 408. Cincinnati [1879]. ^' 3. 23. Clark (Daniel Kinnear). A Manual of Rules, Tables, and Data for Mechan- ical Engineers, based on the most recent investigations. Diagrams. 8°. pp. xxvii, 984. London, 1877. 18. 1. 18. Recent Practice in the Construction of Roads and Streets [etc.]. 12O. London, 1877. 8. 2. 32. [Bound ivith Law (Henry). The Construction of Roads and Streets.] Clark {Gen. John S.). The Journal of Lieut. John L. Hardenbergh, of the Second New York Continental Regiment, from May i to October 3, 1779, in General Sullivan's Campaign against the Western Indians [etc.]. Also, a Biographical Sketch, by Rev. Charles Hawley, DD. 2 maps. 8°. pp. 94. Auburn, N. Y., 1879. 2*- ^- ^^ [Collections of Cayuga County Historical Society, No. i.] Clark (Latimer) and Sabine (Robert). Electrical Tables and Formulae. 12^. pp. 285. London, 187 1. 19. 1. 26. Clark (W. R. C). Record of the Earth-clo.set. 8°. pp. 32. 1870. \Misc, Pamph., vol. xxi.] 31. 2. 12. Clarke (A. R., Captain, Royal En^^ineers). Account of the Observations and Calculations of the Principal Triangulation, and of the Figure, Dimen- sions, and Mean Specific Gravity of the Earth, as derived therefrom. 40. pp. ii, 782, and i vol. of 28 pi. London, 1858. L. S. Comparisons of the Standards of Length of England, France, Bel- gium, Prussia, Russia, India and Australia, made at the Ordnance Survey Office. 10 pi. 40. London, 1866. 2 copies. 44. 9. 29. 560 AUTHORS. AUTHOES. 561 Clarke. Coffin. Clarke (A. "^., Lieut. CoL, Royal Engineers). The same. With a preface and notes on the Greek and Egyptian Measures of Length, by Sir Henry James. 4°. 1873. L. S. {Colonel, Royal Engineers]. Geodesy. 80 pp. xi, 356. Oxford, 1880. 2 copies, 19. 3. 23. Clarke {Lieut, George Sydenham, Royal Engineers). The Elements of Graphic Statics. Translated from the German of Carl von Ott. 12^, pp. 121. London, 1876. 18. 2. 20. On Plevna, and the defense there made by the Turks against the Russians in the War of 1877-78. 13 pi. 8°. pp. xiii, 249. London, 1 88 1. 46. 3. 38. [Royal Engineer Institute : Occasional Papers, Vol. V.] Clarke (Thomas Curtis, C. E.). An Account of the Iron Railway Bridge across the Mississippi River at Quincy, 111. 21 pi. 40. pp. 70. New York, 1869. 23. 3. 3. Claudel (J.). Formules, Tables et Renseignements Pratiques. Aide-memoire des Ingenieurs, des Architectes, etc. PI. and illus. 8°. pp. xxiv, 834. Paris, 1849. 19. 2. 11. — Introduction Theorique et Pratique k la Science de ITngenipur. 8^. pp. 447. Paris, 1848. 19. 4. 18. Cleaveland {Prof. Parker). An Elementary Treatise on Mineralogy and Geol- ogy. Map. 2 vols, in i. 8°. pp. 818. Boston, 1822. 19. 3. 8. Clegg (Samuel, yr.). A Practical Treatise on the Manufacture and Distribu- tion of Coal-Gas. Its introduction and progressive Improvement, illus- trated by engravings from working drawings, with general estimates. 19 pi. 40. pp. xii, 208. London, 1841. 19. 6. 30. Clevenger (S. V.). A Treatise on the method of Government Surveying as prescribed by the United States Congress and. Commissioner of the Gen- eral Land Office. Cuts. 160. pp. 200. New York, 1877. 18. 1. 39. Cochrane {Capt. Charles S., R, N,). Journal of a Residence and Travels in Colombia, during the years 1823-24. Vol.11. 8^. pp.517. London, 1825. 2. 6. 2a Cocker (W. J.) Hand-Book of Punctuation, Capitalization, Letter-Writing, and Proof-Reading. \(P. pp. 127. New York, 1878. 16. 5. 31, Coehorn (Minno, Baron de). Nouvelle Fortification, tant pour un terrain bas et humide, que sec et eleve, representee en trois mani^res sur le contenu interieur de I'Exagone k la Fran9ois, ou Ton fait vgir quelle est la force des fossez sees modernes, et de ceux qui sont pleins d'eau [etc.]. 14 folding pi. 120. pp. [37], 261. Wesel, 1706. 6. 2. 30. Coffin {Prof. James H.). Winds of the Northern Hemisphere. 4°. pp. 197. {Smithsonian Contributions, Vol. VL) Washington, 1853. 19. 6. 15. 71 562 AUTHOES. AUTHORS. 563 Coffin. Congressional Documents. Coffin {Ptof. James H.). Winds of the Globe : or the Laws of Atmospheric Circulation over the surface of the Earth. PI. and charts. 40. pp. 756. {Smiihsonian Contribuiions^ Vol, XX.) Washington, 1875. ^^* ^* 7. Colange (L., ZZ. Z>.). Zell's Popular Encyclopaedia, a universal Dictitjnary of English Language, Science, Literature, and Art. Illus. 2 vols. 40. Philadelphia, i87o-'7i. 28. 5. 10-11. Cole {Sir Henry, K. C. B.). Special Report on the Annual International Ex- hibitions of 187 1, '72, '73, and '74. 80. pp. 211. London, 1879. 47. 2. 18. Colton (G. Woolworth). General Atlas of the World, containing 180 maj)s and plans, accompanied by Geographical^ Statistical, and Historical letter- press descriptions, fol. New York, 1869. Room 12. 7 he same. 212 maps. fol. New York, 1878. Room 12. Columbia River {Oregon). Letter of Mr. Prevost and other documents rel- ative to an establishment made at the mouth of [Astoria], January 27, 1823. 80. pp. 65. Washington, 1823. 16. 2. 26. Colvin (Verplanck). Report on a Topographical Survey of the Adirondack Wilderness of New York. PI. and 2 maps. 8^. pp.43. Albany, 187:. 20. 3. 29. Th^ same. Second Report. 80. Albany, 1874. 20. 3. 27. ^ 7 he same. Seventh Annual Report [Third to seventh]. PI. and maps. 8°. pp. 536. Albany, 1880. 2 copies. 20. 3. 28. Comite Internationale des Poids et Mesures. Proces-verbaux des seances de 1875, '76, '78 and '79. 2 vols. 8^. Paris. L. S. Commission Internationale du Metre. Reunions generates de 1872 : Proces- verbaux. 80. pp. 229. Paris, 1872. L. S. Commissioner of Agriculture. Contagious Diseases of Domesticated .\nimals. (Special Report, No. 22.) Illus. 8°. pp. 268. Washington, 1880. 42. 3. 39. Report on the Diseases of Cattle in the United States. 40. pp. 205. Washington, 187 1. ^2. 3.4. Comstock (C. B., Bvt. Brig. Gen., U, S. A , Major of Engineers). Notes on European Surveys. Maps. 8°. pp. loi. Washington, 1876. 20. 3. 24. Reports of the Inspection of the South Pass Improvement of the Mississippi River, i vol. 8^. v. d. 8. 1. 1. ist Report ; November 20, 1875. 2d Report; [April] 1876. 3d Report ; June 9, 1876. 4th Report; September 20, 1876. 5th Report ; December 6, 1876." 6th Report; April 5, 1877. Congressional Documents. From the Fourteenth to the Forty-fifth. Congress, inclusive. 1426 vols. 8° and 4^. Washington, i8i5-'79. [For detailed list, see MiscellaaeouS, in Subject Index. | 564 ADTHORS. AUTHOES. 566 Congressional Globe. Cope. Congressional Globe (The). Official Proceedings of Congress, published by John C. Rives. From December 7, 1857, to February 10, 1858. (35/// Coiig.^ 1st Sess.) In i vol. 40. pp. 624. Washington, D. C. [Incom- plete.] 14. 4. 1. Congressional Record. Containing the Proceedings and Debates of Congress. Vol. I, Special Session of the Senate, Forty-third Congress, to Vol. X, Second Session of the Forty-sixth Congress, with Indexes. 10 vols, in 45. 40. Washington, 1873-80. 25. 1. & 2. Connolly (Thomas W. J.). History of the Corps of Royal Sappers and Miners. 17 col. illus. 2 vols. 8°. London, 1855. 24. 4. 2-3. Convention for the Promotion of American Commerce, held at the city of New Orleans, La., December, 1878. Report of Proceedings. 12^. \Misc, Pamph., vol. vi.] 31. 2. 6. Cooke (Philip St. George, Lieut. Col., U. S. A.). Report of his march from Santa Fe, New Mexico, to San Diego, Upper California [in 1847]. Map. 80. 20. 2. 39. [Brig. Gen., U, S. A.]. Cavalry Tactics, or Regulations for the In- struction, Formations, and Movements of the Cavalry of the Army and Volunteers of the United States. 18°. pp. 96, 12. Washington, 1862. 1. 1. 23. [Brig, and Bvt. Maj. Gen., U. S. A.]. The Conquest of New Mexico and California. An historical Narrative. Map. 12^. pp.307. New York, 1878. 24. 3. 26. Cooper (Ellwood). Forest Culture and Eucalyptus Trees. 12O. pp. 237. San Francisco, 1876. 16. 2. 29. Cooper {Bvt. Capt. S.). A concise system of Instructions and Regulations for the Militia and Volunteers of the United States [etc.]. Prepared under the supervision of Maj. Gen. Alexander Macomb. \(P. pp. 70. Phila- delphia, 1836. 1. 1. 19. Cope {Prof. Edward D.). Check List of North American Batrachia and Rep- tilia. {Bulletin U. S. National Museum, No. \.) 8°. pp.104. Wash- ington, 1875. 22. 2. 7. Descriptions of New Extinct Vertebrata from the Upper Tertiary and Dakota Formations. {Bulletin U, 5. Geol. Survey of the Territories^ Vol. IV, No. 2.) 80. Washington, 1878. 20. 2. 25. — Descriptions of Fishes from the Cretaceous and Tertiary Deposits west of the Mississippi River. [And] Professor Owen on the Pythonomorpha. {Bulletin U. S. Geol. Sun'ey of the Territories, Vol. IV, No. i.) 8^. Washington, 1878. 20. 2. 25. Extinct Species of Rhinoceridae of North America and their allies. {Bulletin U. S. Geol. Sun^ey of the^ Territoties, Vol, F, No. 2.) 8°. Wash- ington, 1879. 20. 2. 2a 566 AUTHORS. AUTHORS. 667 Cope. Cormontaingne. Cope {Frof. Edward D.). Fishes of the Tertiary Shales of the South Park. [Bjilletin U. S. Geol. Survey of the Territories^ Vol. /, 2d Series^ No. i.) 8°. Washington, 1875. 20. 2. 22. On a Carnivorous Dinosaurian from the Dakota Beds of Colorado: A contribution to the knowledge of the Ichthyological Fauna of the Green River Shales: On the genus Erisichthe. {Bulletin U, S, GeoL Suri'ey of the Territories^ Vol III, No. 4.) 80. Washington, 1877. 20. 2. 22. On a Wading Bird from the Amyzon Shales. {Bulletin U. S. Geol. Survey of the Territories, Vol. VI, No. i.) 8°. Washington, 1881. 20. 2. 27. On some new Batrachia and Reptilia from the Permian Beds of Texas. (Bulletin U. S. Geol. Survey of the Territories, Vol. VI, No, i.) 80. Washington, 1881. 20. 2. 27. On the Nimravidae and Canidae of the Miocene Period. [And] On the Vertebrata of the Wind River Eocene Beds of Wyoming. [Bulletin U. S. Geol. Survey of the Territories, Vol. VI, No. i.) 8^. Washington, 1881. 20. 2. 27. On the Zoological Position of Texas. {Bulletin No. 17, U. S. National Museum.) 8°. pp. 51. Washington, 1880. 22. 2. 12. Report on the Geology of the region of the Judith River, Montana, and on Vertebrate Fossils obtained on or near the Missouri River. PI. {Bulletin U. S. Geol. Survey of the Trritories, Vol, III, No. 3.) 8°. Washington, 1877. 20. 2. 24. Systematic Catalogue of the Vertebrata of the Eocene of New Mexico, collected in 1874. {U. S. Geog. Surveys west of the looth Meridian.) 80. pp. 57. Washington, 1875. ' 20. 3. 38. Vertebrata of the Cretaceous Formations of the West. ( U. S. Geol, Survey of the Territories, Vol.11.) 57 pi. 4°. Washington, 1875. 23. 6. 5. — Vertebrata of the Cretaceous Period found west of the Mississippi River. {Bulletin U. S. Geol. Survey of the Territories, Vol. I, No. 2.) 80. Washington, 1874. 20. 2. 22. Copp (Henry N.). Public Land Laws, passed by Congress from March 4, 1869, to March 3, 1875. With the important Decisions, Opinions, and Instructions. 8^. pp. xii, 953. Washington, 1875. 23. 6. 9. Carmontaingne (Louis de, Marechal de Camp). Memorial pour la Defense des Places. PI. pp. xxii, 371. Paris, 1806. 28. L 14. The same. 2d ed. PI. 8^. pp. xxiii, 386. Paris, 1822. 6. 2. 9. Memorial pour la Fortification Permanente at Passagere. PI. 8°. pp. xvi, 390. Paris, 1809. 28. 1. 12. The same, 2d ed. PI. 80. pp. xvi, 384. Paris, 1824. 6. 2. 7. 668 AUTHOES. AUTHORS. 669 Cormontaingne. Corps of Engineers. Cormontaingne (Louis de, Marechal de Camp). Memorial pour TAttaque des Places. PI. 8o. pp. xiv, 316. Paris,i8i5. 28.1.13. The same, 2d ed. PI. 8°. pp. liv, 352. Paris, 1835. 6. 2. 8i Cornibert {M. — ). Table de Portees des Canons et Caronnades, en usage dans la Marine. Avec figures. 8°. pp. 4^2. Paris, 1809. 7. 1. 47, Corps of Engineers, United States Army. Professional Papers. 30 vols. S^* and 40. Washington v. d. 17. 5 & 6. No. I. Bitumen : its varieties, properties, and uses. Compiled from various sources. By I. tent. H. Wager Halleck. 8°. Washington, 1841. 2. A special report on the Sea- Wall built in the year 1843, for the preservation of Ram Head, at the northwest end of Lovell's Island. By Kvt. Col. S. Thayer. 8°. Washington, 1844. 3. Sustaining Walls: Geometrical Constructions to determine their thickness under various circumstances. By Lieut. D. P. Woodbury. 8°. Washington, 1854. 4. Description of a system of Military Bridges with India-rubber pontons. Prepared for thft use of the United States Army. By dipt. George W. CuUum. 8°. New York, 1849. 5. An analytical investigation of the Resistance of Piles to superincumbent pressure. By Bvt. Lieut. Col. James L. Mason. 8°. Washington, 1850. 6. Report on the effect of firing with Heavy Ordnance from casemate embrasures, and also the effects of firing against the same embrasures with various kinds of missiles. By Bvt. Brig. Gen. Joseph G. Totten. 8°. Washington, 1857. 7. Treatise on the various Elements of Stability in the well-proportioned Arch, with nu.iier- ous tables of the ultimate and actual thrust. By Capt. D. P. Woodbury. 8°. New York, 1858. 8. Official Report to the United States Engineer Department of the Siege and Reduction of Fort Pulaski, Ga., February, March, and April, 1862. ^y Brig. Gen. Q. A. GiUmore, U. S. Vols., Capt. 0/ Engineers. 8°. New York, 1864. 9. Practical treatise on Limes, Hydraulic Cements, and Mortars. Bj' Q. A. Gillmore, .<4 . M., Brig. Gen. U. S. Vols.., and Major U. S. Corps 0/ Engineers. 4th ed. 8°. New York, 1872. 10. Longitude by Lunar Culminations. By /'rrj/. W. H. C. BarUett. 4°. Washington, 184s. 11. On the use of the Zenith and Equal Altitude Telescope in the determination of the Lati- tude. ^Y Capt. 'li.].l.Qe, Topographical Engineers. 4°. Washington, [1848]. 12. Tables and Formulae useful in Surveying, Geodesy, and Practical Astronomy, including elements for the projection of maps, and instructions for field magnetic observations. By Thomas J. Lee. 3d ed. revised and enlarged. 8°. Washington, 1873. 13. Report upon the Physics and Hydraulics of the Mississippi River ; upon the protection d the alluvial region against overflow ; and upon the deepening of the mouths. By Capt. A. A. Humphreys and Lieut. H. L, Abbot, Topographical Engineers.. 4*. Philadel- phia, 1861. The same. Reprinted with additions. 4°. Washington, 1876. 14. Siege Artillery in the Campaigns against Richmond, with notes on the is-inch gun. Bjr Bvt. Brig. Gen. Henry L. Abbot, U. S. A., Major Corps 0/ Engineers. 8<». Washington, 1867. 15. On the use of the Barometer on Surveys and Reconnaissances, With an appendix. Bjr R. S. Williamson, Major Corps 0/ Engineers, Bvt. Lieut. Col., U. S. A . 4°. New York, 1868. The same. A compendium without plates. 8°. pp.49- Washington, 1878. aS. i. 6. 16. Engineer and Artillery Operations against the Defences of Charleston Harbor in 1863. With a supplement. By Q. A. Gillmore, Major 0/ Engineers, Bvt. Maj. Gen., U.S.A. 8°. New York, 1868. 17. Report on certain Experimental and Theoretical Investigations relative to the quality, form, and combination of materials for Defensive Armor. By Bvt. Maj. W. R. King, Capt. 0/ Engineers. 4°. Washington, 1870. 18. Report of the Geological Exploration of the Fortieth Parallel, by Clarence King, U. S. Geologist-in-charge. 7 vols. 4°, and 2 atlases, fol. Washington, i87o-'8o. Vol. I. Systematic Geology. XL Descriptive Geology. III. Mining Industry. Atlas accompanying Vol. III. IV. Zoology and Palaeontology. V. Botany. 72 570 AUTHORS. AUTHOES. 671 Corps of Engineers. Coues. Corps of Engineers, United States Army : Professional Papers — Continued. No. 18 ; continued. VI. Microscopical Petrography. VII. Odontornithes. Geological and Topographical Atlas. 19. Report on Bdton Agglomt^rd or Coignet-B^ton and the materials of which it is made, by Q. A. Gillmore, Major Corps 0/ Engineers^ Bvt. Maj. Gen.y U. S. A. 8°. Washington, 1871. 20. A Report on the Defenses of Washington, to the Chief of Engineers, U. S. Army, by Bvt. Maj. Gen. J. G. Barnard, U. S. A.., Colotiel of Engineers. 4°. Washington, 1871. 21. Report on the Fabrication of Iron for Defensive Purposes and its Uses in Modern Fortifi- cations, especially in Works of Coast Defense, by Bvt. Maj. Gen. J. G. Barnard, Col. of Engineers., Bvt. Maj. Geti. H. G. Wright, Lieut. Col. of Engineers^ and Bvt. Lieut. Col. Ve.\.&xS.lA\c\v\Q.., Capt. of Engineers. With a supplement. 4°. Washington, 1871. 22. Report on the North Sea Canal of Holland and on the Improvement of Navigation from Rotterdam to the Sea. By Bvt. "Maj. Gen. J. G. Barnard, Col. of Engineers. 4°. Wash- ington, 1872. 23. Reports upon Experiments and Investigations to develop a System of Submarine Mines for defending the Harbors of the United States. By Lieut. Col. H. L. Abbot, Bvt. Brig. Gen., U.S. A. lUus. 4°. Washington, 1881. Corthell (E. L., C E.). A History of the Jetties at the Mouth of the Mis- sissippi River. Illus. and maps. 8^. pp. xvi, 383. New York, 1880. 8. 1. 4. Cotty (6^^;/. Bon. H.). Encyclopedie Methodique: Dictionnaire de I'Artillerie. 40. Paris, 1822. 5. 3. 14. The same. Supplement. Paris, 1832. 5. 3. 15. Coues [Dr. Elliott, U, S. A.). American Ornithological Bibliography: 2d and 3d instalments. (^Bulletin U. S. Geol. Survey of the Territories^ Vol. V, Nos. 2 and ^.) 8°. Washington, 1879. 20. 2. 26. An Account of the Various Publications relating to the Travels of Lewis and Clarke, with a commentary on the zoological results of their expedition. [Bulletin U. S. Geol. Survey of the Territories., Vol. /, 2d Series, No. 6.) 8°. Washington, 1876. 20. 2. 22. Birds of the Colorado Valley : A repository of scientific and popular information concerning North American Ornithology. 70 illus. 8°. pp. 807. Washington, 1878. 24. 6. 8. Birds of the Northwest : A hand-book of the Ornithology of the region drained by the Missouri River and its Tributaries. 8^. pp. 791. Wash- ington, 1874. 24. 6. 9. Field- Notes on Birds observed in Dakota and Montana along the Forty-ninth Parallel, i873-'74. (Bulletin No. 3, Vol. IV, U. S. Geol. Sur- vey of the Territories.) 8°. Washington, 1878. - 20. 2. 26. Fur-Bearing Animals : A Monograph of North American Mustelidae. [U. S. Geol. Survey of the Territories, Mis. Pub. No. 8.) 20 pi. 80. Washington, 1877. 20. 2. 15. Key to North American Birds. PI. and illus. 8^. pp. 361. Salem, 1872. 24. 6. 13. Passer Domesticus in America. [Bulletin U. S. Geol. Survey of the Territories, Vol. V, No, 2.) 8°. Washington, 1879. 20. 2. 26. 672 AUTHOES. AUTHORS. 5T3 Coues. Crabb. Coues (Z>r. Elliott, U. S. A.). Precursory Notes on American Insectivorous Mammals, with descriptions of New Species. {Bulletin U, S. Geol. Sur- vey of the Territories, Vol. Ill, No. 3.) 80. Washington, 1877. 20. 2. 24. On consolidation of the Hoofs in the Virginia Deer. [And] On a breed of Solid-Hoofed Pigs apparently established in Texas. {Bulletin U. S. Geol. Survey, Vol. IV, No. 1.) 8©. Washington, 1878. 20. 2. 25. Some Account, Critical, Descriptive, and Historical, of Zapus Hud- sonius. [And] On the Breeding, Habits, Nest, and Eggs of the White Tailed Ptarmigan (Lagopus Leucurus). (Bulletin U, S. Geol. Survey of the Territories, Vol. I. 2d Series, No. 5.) 8°. Washington, 1876. 20. 2. 22. d!;/^ Allen {Prof. Joel Asaph). Monograph of North American Ro- dentia. {U. S. Geol. Survey of the Territories, Vol. XI.) 7 pi. 40. Washington, 1877. 23. 6. 14. ^^/^ Yarrow {Dr. H. C). Notes on the Herpetology of Dakota and Montana. {Bulletin U. S. Geol. Sumey of the Territories, Vol. IV, No. 1.) 80. Washington, 1878. 20. 2. 25. See, also, McCauley {Lieut. C. A.) and Coues. Counting Electoral Votes. Proceedings and Debates of Congress relating to Counting the Electoral Votes for President and Vice-President of the United States. Compiled and printed by order of the House of Repre- sentatives. 8°. pp.807. Washington, 1877. 40.2.31. Courtenay {Prof. Edward H., Translator and Editor-). An Elementary Trea- tise on Mechanics. From the French of M. Boucharlat. PI. 8°. pp. 432. New York. 1833. 19. 2. 5. Covell (L. T.). Digest of English Grammar. 12°. pp. 218. New York, 1852. 16. 5. 26. Cox {Prof. E. T., State Geologist). First Report of the Geological Survey of Indiana, made during the year 1869. i vol. 8°, and portfolio of maps. Indianapolis, 1869. 43. 2. 6-6. [Bound ivith nth Annual Report of Indiana State Board of Agriculture,] Second Report of the Geological Survey of Indiana, made during the year 1870. Maps and pi. 8°. pp. 303. Indianapolis, 187 1. 43. 2. 4. Cox (Ross). Adventures on the Columbia River, including the Narrative of a residence of six years on the western side of the Rocky Mountains, among various Tribes of Indians hitherto unknown : Together with a Journey across the American Continent. 8*^. pp. xv, 335. New York, 1832. 1. 4. 13. Coyle (T. C). Certificates and Letters recommending American Hydraulic Cement. 8^. 1838. [Misc. Pamph., vol. i.] 31. 2. 1. Crabb (George). English Synonymes. 80. New York, 1831. 24. 1. 4. The same. loth ed. 8^. New York, 1873. 24. 1. 3. 574 AUTHOES. AUTHOES. 575 Craighill. CuUey. Craighill (William P., Lieut. ^ Corps of Engineers, U, S. A.). The Army Officer's Pocket Companion ; principally designed for Staff Officers in the Field. i6o. pp. 314. New York, 1863. 1. 1. 22. [Copt., Corps 0/ £ //gin eers, U. S. A.\ Strategy and Tactics. Trans- lated from the latest French edition of Gen, G. H. Dufour. 12*^. pp. 400. New York, 1864. 1. 1. 14. \Bvt, CoL, U. S. A., Majorof Engineers^, A Paper on the Relations of the Corps of Engineers to the Army, and on the 63d Article of War. 8°. pp.21. Washington, 1869. 19.5.49. Photographs illustrating the Improvement of the Great Kanawha River, Va., under his direction. 7 sheets in portfolio. 1879-80. Gram (Thos. J., Bvt. Maj. Gen., U. S. A., Col. of E/zgineers), Memoir upon the Northern Interoceanic Route of Commercial Transit between Tide- Water of Puget Sound of the Pacific and Tide-Water on the St. Lawrence Gulf of the Atlantic Ocean. PI. 8°. 1869. [Misc, Famp/i., vol. vm.] 31. 2. 8. Report upon the Decay and Preservation of Timber. PL 8^, pp. 26. Washington, 187 1. 19. 5. 29, Creasy (Edward S.). Fifteen Decisive Battles of the World, from Marathon to Waterloo. 12O. New York, 1877. 24. 3. 25. Crelle {Dr. A. L.). Rechentafeln, welche alles Multipliciren und Dividiren mit Zahlen unter Tausend ganz ersparen, bei grosseren Zahlen aber die Rechnung erleichteren und sicherer machen. 40. Berlin, 1869. L. S. Cresy (Edward). An Encyclopaedia of Civil Engineering, Historical, Theo- ■retical, and Practical. Diagrams and illus. 8^. pp. vii, 1655. Lon- don, 1847. 18. 1. 20. Croce {Mag. Gen. Cesare). Del Servizio del Vestiario e del Corredo Militare durante I'anno 1878. 8^. pp. xii, 213. Roma, 1881. 42. 7. 51. Crofutt (George A.). Transcontinental Tourists' Guide, containing a Full and Authentic Description of over five hundred Cities, Towns, Villages [etc.]. Illus. 2d annual. 12^. pp.215. [New York, 187 1.] 1.5.46. CroU (James). On the Origin of Nebulae. 8^. [x\fisc. Pamph., vol. ix.] 31. 2. 9. Cross (Trueman). Compilation of the Military Laws of the United States, [etc.]. 80. Washington, 1825. 28. 2. 10. The same. 2d ed. 8°. Washington, 1838. 2 copies. 28. 2. 7. Cruls (Louis, Ingenieur du Gouvernement Bresilien). Discussion sur les Me- thodes de Repetition et de Reiteration employees en Geodesic pour la Mesure des Angles. 8^. Gand, 1875. L. S. CuUey (R. S., Member Institute Civil Engi?ieers). A Handbook of Practical Telegraphy. 5th ed. Illus. S^. pp. 373. London, 187 1. 19. 1. 31. 576 AUTHORS. AUTHORS. 677 Cullum. Cutbush. CuUum (George W., Captaifi, U. S. Corps of Engineers). Description of a System of Military Bridges with India-rubber Pontons. Prepared for the use of the United States Army. PI. 8^. pp. [143]. New York, 1849. 17. 5. 34. I Professional Papers No. 4, Corps of Engineers, U, S. A.l Register of the Officers and Graduates of the United States MiHtary Academy at West Point, N. Y., from March i6, 1802, to January i, 1850. 120. New York, 1850. 17. 4. 12. \Brig. Gen. ^* Lieut. Col. Corps of Engineers], Systems of MiUtary Bridges in use by the United States Army, those adopted by the Great European Powers, and such as are employed in British India. With di- rections for the Preservation, Destruction, and Re-establishment of Bridges. 8 pi. 80. pp. vi, 226. New York, 1863. 23. 3. 24. [Bvt. Maj. Gen., U. S. A., Col. Corps of Engineers], Biographical Register of the Officers and Graduates of the United States Military Acad- emy from 1802 to 1867. 2 vols. 8°. New York, 1868. Room 12. The same. With a Supplement continuing the Register of Graduates to January, 1879. 3 vols. 80. New York, 1879. 17. 2. 1-3. Campaigns of the War of 1812-15 against Great Britain sketched and criticized, with Brief Biographies of the American Engineers. Por- trait and cuts. 80. pp. 412. New York, 1879. 24. 3. 22, Biographical Sketches of Deceased Graduates of the United States Military Academy. 8^. pp. 16. n. d. \Misc, Patnph.^ vol. ix.] 31. 2. 9. Biographical Sketch of Major-General Richard Montgomery, of the Continental Army. 8°. 1876. \Misc Pamph,, vol. ix.] 31. 2. 9. Cumings (Samuel). The Western Pilot, containing Charts of the Ohio River, and of the Mississippi from the Mouth of the Missouri to the Gulf of Mexico, accompanied with Directions for navigating the same, and a Gazetteer, or Description of the Towns [etc.]. 8^. pp. 104. Cincinnati, 1829. 18. 3. 11. The same, 80 pp. 151. Cincinnati, 1832. 18.3.12. Gumming (T. G., Surveyor), Description of the Iron Bridges of Suspension, erected over the Strait of Menai, at Bangor ; over the River Conway, in North Wales; and over the River Thames, at Hammersmith [etc.]. 3 views. 8^. pp. XV, 71. London, n. d. 23. 3. 16. Gushing (Luther S.). Rules of Proceeding and Debate in Deliberative As- sembhes. 18°. pp. 189. Boston, 1874. 16. 5. 35. Gutbush (James, Asst. Surg.^ U. S, Army), A System of Pyrotechny, com- prehending the Theory and Practice, with the Application of Chemistry, 80. pp. xliv, 612. Philadelphia, 1825. ■ 7.2.32, 73 678 AUTHORS. AUTHOKS. 579 D'Abbadie. Darcy. D'Abbadie (Antoine). Geodesic d'fithiopie, ou Triangulation d'une partie de la Haute Ethiopie executee selon des methodes nouvelles. PI. and charts. 40. pp. xxxii, 502. Paris, 1873. L. S. Dahlgren [Lieut. J. A., U. S, N.). Form of Exercise and Manoeuvre for the Boat-Howitzers of the U. S Navy. Illus. 8^. pp. 16. Philadelphia, 1852. 7. 1. 49. {Bound with Lockwood (H. R.), Exercise.] Naval Percussion Locks and Primers, particularly those of the United States. PI. 8^. pp. 125. Philadelphia, 1853. 7.1.20. System of Boat Armament in the United States Navy. Reported to Commodore Charles Morris, Chief of Bureau of Ordnance [etc.]. 11 pi. 80. pp.122. Philadelphia, 1852. 7.1.48. [Commander, U. S. N.\ Shells and Shell-Guns. PI. 8^. pp. 436. Philadelphia, 1856. 7. 2. 33. Dall (W. H.). Index to the Names which have been applied to the Subdivis- ions of the class Brachiopoda. {^Bulletin U. S. National Museum, No. 8.) . 80. ■ Washington, 1877. 22. 2. 9. Tribes of the Extreme Northwest. Map and illus. {^Contributions to North American Et/mology, Vol. I.) 4O. Washington, 1877. 23. 6. 18. Damitz (J/<2/'^r de). Histoire de la Campagne de 1815. Traduite de I'alle- mand, par Leon Griffin. Tome I [only]. 8^. Paris, 1840-41. 16. 4. 34. Dana (Charles A.). See Ripley (George) and Dana. Dana (James Dwight, A. M.). A System of Mineralogy; including an ex- tended treatise on Crystallography [etc.]. 8^. pp. 558. New Haven, 1837. 19. 3. 7. Manual of Mineralogy, includmg observations on Mines, Rocks, Re- duction of Ores [etc.]. 18°. pp. 454. New Haven, 1864. 19. 3. 15. See, also, Silliman (B.)., Silliman, and Dana. Danvers (Juland). Reports on Railways in India for the years 1872-77, and i878-'79. 4 vols. fol. London, i873-'79. . 47.3.35-38. [Jkitish Parliamentary Papers.] Darby (William). A Geographical Description of the State of Louisiana, the southern part of the State of Mississippi, and Territory of Alabama. Map. 80. pp. 350. New York, 1817. 24. 5. 26. ^//^/ Dwight (Theodore,yr.). A new Gazetteer of the United States of America. 8°. pp.630. Hartford, 1833. 28.2.36. D'Arcon [Col. — .). Reponse aux Memoires de M. de Montalembert. Sur la Fortification dite Perpendiculaire, la Composition des Casemates Inexpug- nables [etc.]. [And] Suite des Rcponses du Col, D'Ar9on. 12°. pp. 119, 2i^. Paris, 1790. 6. 4. 23. Darcy (H.) ^^Z Bazin (H.). Recherches Hydrauliques. 2 vols. Text and pi. 40. Paris, 1865. ^ 7. 4. 22-24. I" f>artie. Recherches Exp^rimentales sur I'Ecouleraent de I'Eau dans les Canaux Ddcou verts. c2">e partie. Recherches Experimentales relatives aux Remous et k la Propagation des Ondes. 580 AUTHOES. AUTHORS. 581 D'Arsac. Davies. D'Arsac (Charles Gabriel). See Ternay {Marquis de). D'Artois (P. H.). Relation de la Defense de Danzig en 1813, par le 10® Corps de I'Armee Frangaise. Text and plan. 2 vols. 8°. Paris, 1820. 16. 4. 35-36. D'Aubuisson de Voisins (J. F.). Treatise on Hydraulics, for the use of Engineers. Trans, and adapted to the English units of nieasure by- Joseph Bennett, C. E. 5 pi. 8^. pp. xxiii, 532. Boston, 1852. 7. 4. 26. Daussy ( — ). Nouvelle Methode pour calculer la Marche des Chronometres. 80. 1840. {Misc. Pamph., vol. xi.] 31. 2. 11. Davenport (Bishop). A New Gazetteer, or. Geographical Dictionary of North America and the West Indies. 8°. pp.471. Baltimore, 1833. 9. 4. 16. Davidson (Ellis A.). House Painting, Graining, Marbling, and Sign-Writing. lUus. 12°. pp. xxi, 394. London, 1875. ^' 5* 33. Davidson (George, Assista?it U. S. Coast Survey). Coast Pilot of Alaska (first part), from Southern Boundary to Cook's Inlet. 8^. pp. 251. Wash- ington, 1869. 18. 3. 41. — ■ — Coast Pilot of California, Oregon, and Washington Territory. 8*^. pp. 262. lUus. Washington, 1869. 18. 3. 42. Directory for the Pacific Coast of the United States. (Ap. 44, Coast Survey Report for 1858.) 4°. pp. 166. Washington, 1859. 18. 3. 40. See, also, Alexander (B. S.), Mendell, and Davidson. Davies (Charles, LL. D.). A Treatise on Shades and Shadows, and Linear Perspective. PI. 8°. pp. 159. New York, 1853. 18.2.33. Elements of Algebra. Translated from the French of J/. Bourdon. 80. Philadelphia, [1838 J. 28. 4. 33. Elements of Algebra, on the basis of M. Bourdon, embracing Sturm's and Horner's Theorems, and Practical Examples. 8°. New York, 1854. 19. 4. 7. Elements of Geometry and Trigonometry, from the works of A. M. Legendre. 8^ pp.386. New York, 1859. 19.4.6. Elements of Descriptive Geometry, with their application to Spherical Trigonometry, Spherical Projections, and Warped Surfaces. 8°. pp. 174. New York, 1853. 19. 4. 5. Elements of Surveying and Navigation, with a description of the In- struments and the necessary Tables. 8th ed. Illus. 8^. pp. 188,71, 100. New York, 1845. L. S. The same. Rev. ed. 80. pp. 323. New York, 1864. 18. 2. 27. Elements of the Differential and Integral Calculus. 2d ed. 8°. pp. 283. Philadelphia, 1840. 19. 4. 9. 582 AUTHOKS. AUTHOES. 583 Davis. Debauve. Davis {Lieut Charles Henry, U. S. JV.). Law of Deposit of the Flood Tide. {Smithsonian Cofitribiitio?is, Vol, III, Art, 6.) 4°. pp. 13. Washing- ton, 1851. 7. 4. 3. \Rear- Admiral, U, S. JV.]. Report on Interoceanic Canals and Rail- roads between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. 14 maps. 8^. pp. 37. Washington, 1867. 2 copies. 8. 5. 18. Davis (Daniel, yr.). Manual of Magnetism. Illus. 12°. pp. 322. Boston, 1854. 19. 1. 25. Davis (Jefferson). Speech delivered in the Senate of the United States on the Pacific Railroad Bill. 8°. 1859. 20. 3. 1. [Bound ^vith Pacific Railroad Surveys, Vol. I.l Davis (John Woodbridge, C. E.). Formulae for the Calculation of Railroad Excavation and Embankment. 8°. pp. 88. New York, 1876. 18. 1. 13. Davis (W. W. H.). El Gringo; or. New Mexico and her People. Illus. 12°. pp. 432. New York, 1857. 1. 5. 16. Davy (Christopher). The Architect, Engineer, and Operative Builder's Con- structive Manual for the Construction of Artificial Foundations. PI. 8°. pp. Ixvi, 180. London, 1839. l^* ^* ^^* Dawson (S. J., C. E.). Report on the Exploration of the Country between Lake Superior and the Red River Settlement, and between the latter place and the Assiniboine and Saskatchewan. {Appendix No, 4, 17M vol, of journals of Legislative Assembly of the Prorinu of CaHada.) i vol. 4°. Toronto, 1859. L. S. [Contains also Report of Assiniboine and Saskatchewan Exploring Expedition, by Henry Youle UmA,M.A.\ Dearborn (W. L.). Letter upon the subject of Tunnels. 8°. 1853. [Misc. Famph., vol. xi.] 31. 2. 11. Deas (J.). The River Clyde. An Historical Description of the rise and prog- ress of the Harbour of Glasgow, and of the Improvement of the River from Glasgow to Port-Glasgow. 5 folded pi. 8°. pp. xi, 127. Glasgow, 1876. 8. 4. 19. Debauve (A., Ingenieur des Fonts et Chaussees). Manuel de ITngenieur des Ponts et Chaussees. Redige conformement au programme annexe au decret du 7 mars 1868, reglant I'admission des Conducteurs des Ponts et Chaussees au grade dlngenieur. PI. and illus. 19 parts 8®, and 14 parts (plates) 40. Paris, i87i-'8o. 3. 4. 16-49. Ctntsnts, Fasc. I. Algfebre; Gdora«5trie Analytique; Calcul Diff^rentiel et Integral; G^om^trie Descrip- tive ; Coupe des Pierres ; Charpente. Avec un atlas. 2. Physique et Chimie. 336 figs, et 2 pi. 3. Geologic et Min^ralogie. 46 figs, et 3 pi. 4. Execution des Travaux. Avec un atlas. 5. G^od^sie ; Nivellement; Lev«5 des Plans. 98 figs, et 7 pi. 6. 7, et 8. M^canique : Machines, Hydrauliques et i Vapeur. 436 figs. Avec un atlas. 9. Routes. Avec un atlas. 10. Ponts en Ma9onnerie. Avec un atlas. 584 AUTHORS. AUTHORS. 685 Debauve. Delafield. Debauve (A., Ingenieur des Fonts et Chaussees) Manuel de I'lngenieur des Fonts et Chaussees — Continued. 11. Fonts et Viaducs en Hois et en M^tal. Avec un atlas. 12. Construction des Souterrains. Avec un atlas. 13. Chemins de Fer. Avec un atlas. 14. Notions sur la Construction des Hatiments; Code du Batiment. Avec un atlas. 15. Traite des Eaux. I'^'partie: Hydraulique. 16. Traits des Eau.x. a" partie: Distributions d'Eau. Avec un atlas. 17. Traitt^ des Eaux. 3" partie : Mdteorologie ; Hydrologie ; Culture Rationnelle. 24 figs. 18. Des Eaux en Agriculture. Avec un atlas. 19. Navigation Fluviale et Maritime, i*""" partie: Riviferes, atlas; a* partie: Canaux, atlas ; 3" partie : La Mer. Avec un atlas. 20. Droit Administratif. De Birago {Le Chevalier). Recherches sur les fiquipages de Fonts Militaires en Europe, et Essai sur tout ce qni a rapport ^ Tamelioration de ce ser- vice. Traduit de I'Allemand par J. T.,, Capitaine d'Artillerie. 4 pi, 8°. pp. xii, 2>^T,. Paris, 1845. 23. 3. 26. De Cessart (Louis Alexandre). Description des Travaux Hydrauliques. 67 pi. 2 vols. 40. Paris, 1806. ' 7. 4. 11-12. De Chanal (V.). Le General Georges Gordon Meade. 8°. 1872. \Misc, Pamph., vol. ix.] 31. 2. 9. De Cordova (Jacob). Texas: Her Resources and her Public Men. A com- panion for J. T3e Cordova's new and correct Map of the State of Texas. 120. pp. 375. Philadelphia, 1858. 1. 5. 14. [Map not in library.] Dedon ( — , Vatne), Precis Historique des Campagnes de TArm^e de Rhin et Moselle, pendant I'an IV et I'an V [1796-97]. Map. 8°. Paris, n. d. 16. 4. 33. Memoire Militaire sur Kehl. Maps. 8°. Strasbourg, 1797. 16. 4. 33. \_Botind ivith his "Precis Historique," etc.l Defontaine (A. J. Ch.). Des Travaux du Fleuve du Rhin. 2d ed. Text and pi. I vol. fol. Paris, 1833. , 53. 10. De Gerstner. Sec Gerstner (F. de). De Hart {Capt. Wm. C). Observations on MiHtary Law and the Constitu- tion and Practice of Courts Martial, with a summary of the Law of Evi- dence as applicable to miUtary trials [etc.]. 80. pp. 433. New York, 1846. 23.5.24. De la Barre Duparcq. See Duparcq (Ed. De la Barre). Delafield {Col. Richard, U, S. A., Major Corps of Engineers). Report on the Art of War in Europe in 1854, 1855, and 1856. Maps, plans, and illus. 40. pp. xvi, 287. Washington, i860. 24. 3. 6, The same. Text and atlas. 2 vols. Washington, i860. 24. 3. 7. \Bvt. Maj. Gen., U, S. A.]. Memoir on Foundations in Compressible Soils, with experimental tests of Pile Driving, and Formula for Resistance deduced therefrom. (Reprint.) 8°. pp. 35. Washington, 1878. [Misc. Bunph.j vol. vii.] 31. 2. 7. 74 686 AUTHORS. AUTHORS. 587 De Lagrene. Destrem. De Lagren^ (H.). Cours de Navigation Interieure: Fleuves et Rivieres. 55 pi. 3 vols. 40. Paris, iS6c)-'j^. 7. 5. 24-26. Delesse (A.). Materiaux de Construction de I'Exposition Universelle de 1855. 80. pp. XV, 420.' Paris, 1856. 19. 5. 28. De Marigny (Taitbout). Portolano del Mar Nero e del Mar d'Azoft ossia Guida ai Maritimi per questi mari. 8^. pp. v, 162. Constantinopoli, 1850. 18. 3. 18! Dempsey (G. Drysdale, C. E,). Rudimentary Treatise on the Drainage of Districts and Lands. Illus. i(P. pp. 142. London, 1849. 18. 1. 32. Rudimentary Treatise on the Drainage of Towns and Buildings. Illus. 160. pp. 176. London, 1849. 18. 1. 31. Tubular and other Iron Girder Bridges, particularly describing the Britannia and Conway Tubular Bridges. \(P. pp. viii, 132. Weale's Series. London, 1850. 23. 3. 33. Denison (Lieut. Col. George T.). History of Cavalry from the earliest times, with Lessons for the Future. 11 plans and maps. 8°. pp. xii, 567. London, 1877. 24. 4. 1. Denton (J. Bailey). Sanitary P^ngineering : A series of Lectures given before the School of Military Engineering at Chatham, 1876. PI. 80. pp. xvi, 429. London, 1877. 18. 2. 23. D'Entrecasteux (J. A. Brune). Voyage a la Recherche de La Perouse. Re- dige par M. de Rossel. 32 pi. 2 vols. 4°. Paris, 1808. 20. 5. 7-8. De Pambour {Chevalier F. M. G.). A Practical Treatise on Locomotive En- gines upon Railways [etc.]. 4 pi. 8°. pp. 304. Philadelphia, 1836. 19. 2. 8. De Sellon. See Maurice-de-Sellon (P. E.). De Serda (E. Costa). La Guerre Franco-AUemande de 1870-71. Redigee par la Section Historique du Grand if, tat- Major Prussien. Maps. 18 vols. 80. Berlin, i872-'8i. 2 copies. 16. 3. 22-39. De Silva {Le Marquis). Pensees sur la Tactique et la Strategique, ou vrais principes de la Science Militaire. 30 pi. and maps. 4°. pp. 359. Turin, 1778. 6.6.9. Desjardins (Ernest). Apergu Historique sur les Embouchures du Rhone. Tra- vaux anciens et modernes. 21 pi. 40. pp. 133. Paris, 1867. 7. 4. 5. Rhone et Danube. Nouvelles Observations sur les Fosses Mariennes et le Canal du Bas-Rhone. Projet de canalisation maritime du Bas- Danube. Chart. 4°. pp. 109. Paris, 1870. 7. 4. 7. Desnoyers (Ph. Croizette). Notice sur les Travaux Publics en HoUande. Text and pi. 2 vols. 40. Paris, 1874. 7. 6. 22-23. Destrem (J. A. M.). Memoires sur divers objets relatifs a la Science de ITn- genieur. 8°. pp. xxvii, 276, and atlas, fol. St. Petersbourg, 1835. 18. 1. 7, 588 AUTHORS. AUTHOfiS. 689 De Ternay. Doniphan's. De Ternay. See Ternay. De Touzac. See Touzac. De Vernon. 6'^. London, 1851. 28. 1. 23- The same. 5th ed., revised. PI. and illus. 8^. pp. xii, 668. Lon- don, i860. 7. 2. 45. An Essay on the Principles and Construction of Military Bridges, and the Passage of Rivers in Military Operations. 13 pi. 8°. pp. ii, 204. London, 181 6. 23. 3. 32. Observations on Modern Systems of Fortification, including that pro- posed by M. Carnot, and a Comparison of the Polygonal with the Bas- tion System, [etc.], with numerous illus. 8^. pp. xi, 283. London, 1859. 6. 2. 6. Tiaite d'Artillerie Navale. Traduction de la 3*^ partie, par F. Blaise. Suivie de notes du traducteur. 2 pi. 8^. pp. 234. Paris, 1853. 7. 1. 46. Douglass (James Nicholas). The Electric Light applied to Lighthouse Il- lumination. 7 pi. 8°. pp.93. London, 1879. (JProc. Inst. Civil En- gineers, Vol. LVII.) 43. 6. 24. Douglass (William). The Great Basses Lighthouse, Ceylon. PI. 8°. pp. 19, London, 1874. [Froc. Inst. Civil Engineers, Vol. XXXVIII.) 43. 6. 45. Dowd (Olney B.). Safe and Rapid Mode of Tunneling the Hudson and sim- ilar Rivers. 8^. pp. 20. New York, 1880. \Misc. Pamph., vol. xv.] 31. 2. 15. Dred Scott. Decision of the Supreme Court of the United States, and the Opinions of the Judges thereof, in the case of Dred Scott vs. John F. Sandford. 8°. Washington, 1857. 23. 4. 25. Drew (John). Practical Meteorology. 12°. pp. xi, 291. London, 1855. L. S. Drieu ( — , Capt. d'Artillerie). Le Guide du Pontonnier. Memoire sur les Ponts Militaires [etc.]. 8°. pp. vi, 150. Paris, 181 5. 23. 3. 29. 592 - AUTHORS. AUTHOKS. 593 Drinker. Dufour. Drinker (Henry S., E. M.). Tunneling, Explosive Compounds and Rock l^rills. Giving details of practical tunnel work [etc.]. PI. and illus. 40. New York, 1878. 18. 2. 6. Duane (James C, Capt. Corps of Engineers, U. S. A.). Manual for Engineer Troops. Illus. 12°. pp. 275. New York, 1862. 1. 1. 11. I'art 1. Ponton Drill. II. Rules for Conducting a Siege. III. School of the Sap. IV. Military Mining. V. Construction of Batteries. The same. Parts III and IV. 12O. [New York, 1862.] 1. 1. 12. \Bvt. Brig. Gen.], Abbot (Bvt. Brig. Gen, H. L.) and Merrill {Bvt, Col. Wm. E.). Organization of the Bridge Equipage of the United States Army, with directions for the Construction of Military Bridges. 16 pi. 8^. pp. ia2, andatlas fol. 2 vols. Washington, 1870. 1.1.56. Duane (William, late Lieut. Col., U. S. A.). A Military Dictionary, or, Ex- planation of the Several Systems of Discipline of different kinds of Troops, Infantry, Artillery, and Cavalry; the Principles of Fortification, and all the Modern Improvements in the Science of Tactics [etc.]. 8^. pp. 748. Philadelphia, 1810. 5. 1. 18. Du Bois ( A. Jay, C. E., Translator). A Manual of the Mechanics of Engineering and of the Construction of Machines. By Dr. Phil. Julius Weisbach. In 3 vols. Vol. II : Application of Mechanics to Machines. 8°, New York, 1877. 17. 4. 25. The Elements of Graphical Statics and their Application to Framed Structures, with numerous practical examples [etc.]. Text and pi. 2 vols. 80. New York, 1875. 18- 2. 17-18. Du Cane [Lieut. Col. E. F., R, E.). Reports on the Discipline and Manage- ment of Military Prisons. 1872, 1874-76. In i vol. 8°. London, i873-'77. 47. 2. 7. [British Parliamentary Papers.] Dufour (Guillaume Henri, Lieut. Col. du Genie). Memorial pour les Travaux de Guerre. 6 pi. 8°. pp. vii, 328. Geneve, 1820. 6. 3. 35. De la Fortification Permanente. 4°. pp. xxix, 455 ; and pi. fol. 2 vols. Geneve, 1822. 6. 4. 3. — Cours de Tactique. 2d ed. 21 pi. 12O. pp. xiii, 377. Paris, 185 1. 1. 1. 13. Strategy and Tactics. Translated from the latest French edition, by Capt. Wm. P. Craighill, Corps of Engi?ieers, U. S. A. 12^. pp. 400. New York, 1864. 1. 1. 14. 75 694 AUTHOES. ATTTHOES. , 595 Dumont. Dutton. Dumont (Aristide, Tngenieur des Pouts et Chaussees, etc.). Les Eaux de Lyon et de Paris. Description des Travaux executees ^ Lyon pour la Distri- bution des Eaux du Rhone filtrees, et projet pour alimenter Paris en Eau du Seine, pour drainer et assainir cette Capitale, suivis d'une pratique des distributions d'eau en general. 4O. pp. xiv, 344, xii, 139, with atlas of plates, fol. 2 vols. Pans, 1862. 8. 3. 31. [I/ige/iieur en Chef des Fonts et C/iaitssees] a?id Dumont i Georges, In- gt'fiieur). Les Eaux de Nimes, de Paris et de Londres. Description des Travaux executees a Nimes pour la Distribution des Eaux du Rhone filtrees. 40. pp. xvi, 310, and atlas, fol. 2 vols. Paris, 1874. 8. 3. 32. Dunlop (James). Digest of the General Laws of the United States 8°. Philadelphia, 1856. 28. 3. 18. Dunn (J.). Public Land Laws and Legal Decisions relating to Public Lands and Private Land Grants. 12°. pp. 115. Chicago, 1878. 23. 4. 34. Dunraven {Ear ). The Great Divide. Travels in the Upper Yellowstone in the summer of 1874. lUus. and maps 8*^. pp. xvi, 377. New York [London], 1876. 1. 3. 1. Duparcq (Prof. Ed. De la Barre . Elements d'Art et d'Histoire Militaires. Comprenant le Precis des Institutions Militaires de la France, I'Histoire et la Tacticjue des Amies Isolees, la Combinaison des Armes et les petites operations de la Guerre. 8°. pp. 401. Paris, 1858. 6. 3. (.• The same. Translated and edited by Brig. Gen. George W. Cullum, (/. S. V. 80 'pp. 556. New York, 1863. 6. 3. 3. Dupuit (J., Inspectenr General des Ponts et Chaussees). 'I'raite theorique et pratique de la Conduite et de la Distribution des Eaux. 2'"*' ed., revue, etc. 4^. pp. XV, 496. Avec un atlas de 47 pi., fol. 2 vols. Paris, 1865. 8.3.30. Duquesne {rAbl)e Arnaud-Bernard dTcard). L'Evangile medite et distribue pour tous les jours de I'annee. 2 vols. 8^. Paris, 1845. 16.2.27-28. Dardn (Joaquin R., Comandante de Ingenieros). Minas proyectantes Ligeras. PL 80. pp. 23. Madrid, 1875. 6. 1. 43. Durand-Claye (Alfred). See Mille (M.) and Durand-Claye. Dtirer (Albrecht). Etliche Underricht, zu Befestigung der Stett, Schloss, und Flecken. [Title piece and 18 wood engravings. Fortifications, plans, details, etc. 26 unnumbered leaves.] fol. Nurnberg, 1527. 6. 5. 16. Durtubie (Theodore, General de Brigade). Manuel de I'Artilleur, contenant tous les objets dont la connoissance est necessaire aux Officiers et Sous- officiers de I'Artillerie, suivant Tapprobation de Gribeauval. 5th ed. 14 pi. 80. pp. iv, 468. Paris, 1795. 7.1.11. Dutton {Capt. C. E., U. S. A.). Report on the Geology of the High Plateaus of Utah. Illus. 40. pp. 307, and atlas, fol. 2 vols. Washington, 1880. 23. 6. 25. 596 AUTHOKS. AUTBOES. 597 Dyckman. Ecole. Dyckman (J. G.). The American Militia Officer's Manual, being a plain and concise system of instruction for Infantry, Field and Horse Artillery, Cav- alry and Riflemen, as adopted by law for the standard of discipline in the States of New York and New Jersey. i6o. pp. 179. New York, 1825. 1. 1. 18. Dyer {Lieut. A. B.). Selections from War Department General Orders, 1866, to G. O. No. 51, 1880, inclusive. 12O. San Francisco, 1880. 17. 3. 30. Dziobek (Ernst, KonigL Preiiss. Inge nieur- Major). Taschenbuch fiir den Preussischen Ingenieur. [Manual for Engineer Officers.] PI. 160. pp. X, 517. Coblenz, 1853. 6. 1. 19. Eads (James B., C. E.). Address before the House [of Representatives] Select Committee on Interoceanic Canals, 9th March, 1880, in reply to Count de Lesseps. 8^ [Misc. Pamph., vol. ii.] 31. 2. 2. Report of the Engineer-in-Chief of the Illinois and Saint Louis Bridge Company. Illus. and plans, pp. 72, and appendix pp. 77. 8°. Saint Louis, 1868. {Misc. Pamph., vol. v.] 31. 2. 5. Report on the Mississippi Jetties. Pi. 8°. 1876. \Misc. Pamph.^ vol. iii.] 31. 2. 3. Review of Humphreys and Abbot's Report on the Physics and Hy- draulics of the Mississippi River. 8^. \Misc. Pamph.^woX. iii.] 31. 2. 3. Eastman [Prof. John R.). Reports on the Difference of Longitude between Washington and Detroit, Mich.; Carlin, Nev., and Austin, Nev. 4^. pp. 22. Washington, 1874. 2 copies. [And] Between Washington and Ogden, Utah. 4^. pp. 11. Washington, 1876. 2 copies. [And] Be- tween Washington and Sayre Observatory of Lehigh University. 4°. pp. 19. Washington, 1878. In i vol. 45. 6. 26. Tables of Instrumental Constants and Corrections for the 1 eduction of Transit Observations made at the United States Naval Observatory. 40. Washington, 1873. 2 copies. 45. 6. 18-19. Eastman [Mrs. Mary). Dahcotah; or, Life and Legends of the Sioux around Fort SnelHng. With preface by J/rj. C. M. Kirkland. Illus. 12°. pp. xxxi, 268. New York, 1849. l* ^' ^' Eastman [Lieut. Seth, U. S. Army). Treatise on Topographical Drawing. 12 pi. 80. pp. 6S. New York, 1837. 18. 2. 38. Eaton (Daniel C). The Ferns of North America. Colored figs, and de- scriptions. Vol. I. 40. pp. 352. Salem, 1879. 23. 6. 29. Eaton (J. H., Paymaster, U. S. A.). The Army Paymaster's Manual, for the information of Officers of the Pay Department of the U. S. Army. Re- vised to include June 30, 187 1. 8^. pp. 62. Washington, 187 1. 17. 2. 10. jilcole d'Application de I'Artillerie et du Genie. Cours sur les Chaux, Mor- tiers, et Mastics. 40. pp. 245. [Metz], 1843. ^^' ^* ^^' 598 AUTHORS. AUTHOES. 599 Ecole. Ecole. ]6cole des Fonts et Chanss^es. Collection de Dessins distribues aux Eleves. 2 vols. 8o, and 2 atlases of pi. fol. F^aris, 1857. 43. 5. 39-41. Cours de Droit Administratif, sessions 1847-48. 40. pp. 217. Paris, 1848. 7. 5. 35. Cours de Geologie appliquee aux Constructions. 2'"^ partie. Ed. de 1850. 40. [Paris, n. d.] 7. 5. 40. Cours de Mineralogie appliquee aux Constructions, fid. de 1847. PI. 40. pp. 336. Paris, 1847. 7. 5. 38. Geologie. Explication des Planches de Fossiles. PI. 4°. [Paris], 1847. 7. 5. 39. Legons sur le Mouvement et la Resistance des Fluides et la Conduite et Distribution des Eaux: Le9ons sur I'Application de la Mecanique k rfitablissement des Constructions et des Machines : Le9ons sur la Ge- ologic : Legons sur les Ports Maritimes : Le9ons sur la Defense des Cotes de la Mer et Rivages des Fleuves : Legons sur la Navigation Interieure. 2 vols. fol. Paris, n. d. 7. 4. 1-2. Legende explicative des Instruments de Geodesic, d'Arpentage et de Nivellement. PI. 40. Paris, n. d. 7. 5. 34. Notes sur la Mecanique appliquee aux Principes de la Stabilite des Con- structions et a la Theorie Dynamique des Machines: Session i848-'49. 40. pp. 193. Paris, 1849. 1®- 6- 29. Notes sur le Cours d'Hydraulique: Session 1849-50. 4°. pp. 194. Paris, 1850. 7. 5. 36. — Notes prises par les Eleves au Cours de Construction des Routes. PI. 40. pp. 323. Paris, 1848. 7. 5. 31. — Notes prises par les Eleves au Cours de Navigation Interieure. PI. 40. pp. 163. Paris, 1850. 7. 5. 33. — T/te same. Session 1844-45. ^^' 4^- PP- ^4^- Paris, 1845. 7. 5. 32. — T/ie safne. Session 1876-77. Texte et atlas. 2 vols. 4^. [Paris, n. d.]. 42. 7. 44-45. — Nouvelle Collection de 530 Dessins. 2 vols. fol. 1821-25. 53. 7-8. Recueil des Programmes des Cours Professes, pendant les sessions 1847-48 et 1848-49, precede de quelques Explications Sommaires sur le systeme general d'Enseignement de cette Ecole. 4°. pp. 104. Paris, 1849. 7. 5. 37. ilcole Regimentaire d' Arras, ficole de Ponts. 7 pi. 4°. pp. 65. [Arras], 1850. 23. 3. 25. Ecole Royale d'Artillerie et du Genie. Cours de Fortification Permanente. 2'"« partie, 6 pi. [only], fol. n. d. 48. 25. 600 AUTHORS. ATTTHOES. m Eddy. Elliot. Eddy (Henry T., C. E.). New Constructions in Graphical Statics. Illus. 8o. pp. 62. New York, 1877. 18. 2. 19. Edwards (W. H.). On the Lepidoptera collected by Dr. Elliott Coues, U. S. A., in Montana, 1874. {Bulletin U. S. GeoL Survey, Vol. IV, No. 2.) 80. Washington, 1878. 20. 2. 25. Eells {Rev. M.). The Twana Indians of the Skokomish Reservation in Wash- ington Territory. {Bulletin U. S. Geol. Survey of the Territories, Vol. Ill, No. I.) 80. Washington, 1877. 20. 2. 24. Eggers {Baron H. F. A.) The Flora of St. Croix and the Virgin Islands. {Bulletin No. 13, U. S. National Museum.) 8^. pp. 133. Washington, 1879. 22. 2. 11. Egleston (Thos.). The Law of Fatigue and Refreshment of Metals. 80. 1880. {Misc. Paniph., vol. i.] 31. 2. 1. Ellet (Charles, jr.). An Essay on the Laws of Trade, in reference to the Works of Internal Improvement in the United States. 8°. Richmond, 1839. 23. 4. 24. Contributions to the Physical Geography of the United States. Part I : Of the Physical Geography of the Mississippi Valley. 4°. pp. 64. Washington. {Smithsonian Contributions. Vol. II.) 1850. 2 copies. 47. 3. 45. Report on a Suspension Bridge across the Potomac for Railroad and Common Travel. 4 pi. 8^. pp. 36. Philadelphia, 1852. 23. 3. 20. Report on the Improvement of the Kanawha, and incidentally of the Ohio River, by means of Artificial Lakes. Maps and sections. 8"^. pp. 125. Philadelphia, 1858. 8. 4. 14. Ellicott (Andrew). Observations to accompany a Map of the Mississippi, the Pearl (or Half- Way), the Pascagoula, the Mobile, the Conecuh (or Es- cambia), the Chattahoochie (or Apalachicola), and the St. Mary's Rivers, the Gulf Coasts and the Floridas, and the positions of the Military Works near the Boundary, ms. fol. pp. 30. [Washington, 1800.] 20. 6. 25. Elliot {Major George H., Corps of Engineers, U. S. A.). Report of a Tour of Inspection of European Light-house Establishments, made in 1873. 50 pi. and 31 figs. 80. pp. 288. Washington, 1874. 43. 6. 25. Specifications and Forms of Contract, etc. [for Washington Aqueduct], for 36-inch Cast-iron Water Pipe, Stop-cocks, and Special Castings for the District of Columbia, and for laying the same; for 48-inch Sheet-iron Water Pipe; for Slope-wall of Distributing Reservoir; for Iron Cornice of Georgetown High Service Reservoir; for Gate-houses, and for Wood- work of Rock Creek Bridge and for Parapets of Cabin John Bridge. 4°. 1871. 8.4.34. The Presidio of San Francisco. [To which is appended] Concep9ion de Arguello, by Bret Harte. 12^. pp. 39. Washington, 1874. 24. 4. 32. 76 6G2 AUTHOKS. AUTHOES. 603 Elliott . Endlich. Elliott (Jonathan). American Diplomatic Code, embracing a collection of Treaties and Conventions between the United States and Foreign Powers, from 1778 to 1834. 2 vols. 80. Washington, 1834. 23. 1. 12-13. Elmes (Webster). The Executive Departments of the United States at Wash- ington [etc.]. 12'^. pp. 557. Washington, 1879. 23. 4. 33. Emmons {Lieut. George F., U. S. N.). The Navy of the United States, from the cominencement, 1775, ^^ iS53> ^ith a Brief History of each Vessel's Service and Fate, as appears upon record. 40. Washington, 1850. 23. 6. 2. Emory (Wm. H., Lieut. Corps of Topoi^raphical Engineers^ Bvt. MaJ., U. S. A.). Notes of Military Reconnaissance from Fort Leavenworth, in Missouri, to San Diego, in California, including parts of the Arkansas, Del Norte, and Gila Rivers. Maps and pi. 8°. pp. 230. New York, 1848. 20. 1. 15. Observations, Astronomical, Magnetic, and Meteorological, made at Chagres and Gorgona, Isthmus of Darien, and at the City of Panama, New Grenada. 4°. pp. 24. Cambridge, 1850. 45. 6.* 34. \^Major ist Cavalry., U. S. Commissioner^ Report upon the United States and Mexican Boundary Survey and Appendices. PI. and illus. 2 vols, in 3. 4°. Washington, 1857-59. 20. 4. 1-3. Contents. Vol. I.— Part I. General Report. Maj. Emory and Lieut. Michler. II. Geology. Dr. C. C. Parry and Arthur Schott ; Geology and Palaeontology, James Hall. Vol. II.— Part I. Botany. C. C. Parry, M.D.^ JohaTorrey, M. Z>., and George Engelman, .1/. D. II. Zoology. S. F. Baird, and C. Girard,i1/. D. [Lieut., Topographical Engineers], Abert (Lieut. J. W.), Cooke {Capt, P. St. G.) .). Southern Medical Reports. Vols. I-H, i8|9-'5o. 2 vols. 80. New Orleans, i85o-'5i. 42. 4. 16-17. Fenwick (Thomas) and Baker (Thomas, C. E.). Subterraneous Surveying, with and without the Magnetic Needle. Diagrams. 16^. pp. xiii, 165. London, 1877. 18. 2. 26. Fergusson (James). An Essay on a i)roposcd New System of Fortification ; with hints for its application to our National Defences. PI. sm. fol. pp. x, 165. London, 1849. 6. 5. 15. History of the Modern Styles of Architecture. 2d ed. With 332 en- gravings. 8°. pp. xix, 584. London, 1873. 7.3.22. 608 AUTHORS. AUTHOES. 609 Fernandez. Foetterle. Fernandez (Manuel). Informe sobre el Reconocimiento del Istmo de Tehu- antepec presentado al Gobierno Mexicano. Maps. 8°. Mexico, 1879. 8. 4. 36. Ferrel (William). Meteorological Researches, for the use of the Coast Pilot. Part II: On Cyclones, Tornadoes, and Waterspouts. PL 4^. pp. 95. Washington, 1880. 18. 3. 45. [Report Superintendent U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, 1878, Appendix No. 10.] Feuchtwanger (Lewis). A popular Treatise on Gems, in reference to their scientific value, a guide for the teacher of Natural Sciences [etc.]. Col- ored illus. 12O. pp. 437. New York, 1859. 19. 3. 21. Field-Glass (The). Vols. I-II. 40. New York, i879-'8o. [Current.] 22. 2. 1-2. Fischer {^Dr. Philip). Lehrbuch der hoheren Geodasie. 3 parts, i vol. 8°, Giessen. L. S. Fisher (Richard Swainson, M, £>.). A new and complete Statistical Gazet- teer of the United States of North America. 8^. pp. 960. New York, 1858. 9. 4. 12. Fisher (Thomas). Mathematics simplified and made attractive; or, the Laws of Motion explained. 8^. pp.104. Philadelphia, 1854. 19.4.26. Fisk (Benjamin Franklin). Grammar of the Greek Language. 12*^. pp. 263. Boston, 1 84 1. 16. 6. 3. Fitz Roy [Rear Admiral). The Weather Book : a manual of Practical Me- teorology. 2d ed. Illus. 8^. pp. xiv, 480. London, 1863. L. S. Flagler (MaJ. Daniel W.). A History of the Rock Island Arsenal from its establishment in 1863 to December, 1876, and of the island of Rock Island from 1804 to 1863. 15 pi. 4°. pp. xvii, 485. Washington, 1877. 7. 2. 15. Flammarion (Camille). The Atmosphere. Translated- from the French [by C. B. Pitman]. Edited by James Glaisher, F. R. S. Colored pi. and eng. 8°. pp. 453. New York, 1873. 24. 5. 5. Fleming (Sandford). Report on Surveys and Preliminary Operations on the Canadian Pacific Railway up to January, 1877. Maps and profiles. 8^. pp. xvi, 431. Ottawa, 1877. 2 copies, 1. 4. 23. Fleming and Tibbins' Royal Dictionary: English and French, and French and English. 2 vols. 4O. Paris, 1846. 5. 3. 1-2. The same. 2 vols. 4O. Paris, 185 2-'54. 28.5.1-2. Fliigel {Dr.]. G.). .A Complete Dictionary of the English and German and German and English Languages. 2 vols. 8°. Leipsic, 1838. 5. 1. 3-4. Foetterle (Franz). Mittheilungen derKaiserlich-Koniglichen Geographischen Gesellschaft. II.-III. Jahr. 2 vols. 8^. [Incomplete.] Wien, i858-'59. 43. 2. 29-30. [Reports Royal-Imperial Geographical Society. [ 77 610 AQTHORS. AUTHORS. 611 Fontaine. Francis. Fontaine (Edward). Contributions to the Science of Hydraulic Engineering. 5 folding pi. 4°. pp. 41. Washington, 1879. 2 copies. 7. 4. 9. Fontaine (Wm. M.). Resources of West Virginia. 8^. pp. x, 438. Wheel- ing, 1876. 16. 2. 23. Force (Peter). The National Calendar and Annals of the United States for 1829, 1 83 1, 1834. 3 vols. 160. Washington. 42. 5. 1-3. Forester (Frank). See Herbert (Wm. H.). Forsyth {Lieut. Col. J. W.) ^//^ Grant {Lieut. Col. F. D.). Report of an Ex- pedition up the Yellowstone River, made in 1875. Maps. 8*^. pp. 17. Washington, 1875. 20. 3. 41. Foster {Bvt. Maj. Gen. J. G., Lieut. Col. Corps of Engineers, U. S. A.). De- sign for an Improved Submarine Tunnel; comprising a brick arch within a cast or wrought iron skin [etc.]. PI. 40. pp. 8. Washington, 1868. 18. 2. 9. Submarine Blasting in Boston Harbor, Massachusetts. Removal of Tower and Cor win Rocks. lUus. 4^. pp. 23. New York, 1869. 18. 2. 8, Foster {Prof. J. W., LL. D.). The Mississippi Valley ; its Physical Geog- raphy [etc.]. Maps and sections. 8^. pp. 443. Chicago, 1869. 24. 4. 21. and Whitney (J. D., U. S. Geologist). Report on the Geology and Topography of a portion of the Lake Superior Land District. Part I : Copper Lands. Part II : Iron District and General Geology. Maps and pi. 2 vols. 80. Washington, i85o-'5i. " 20. 1. 21-22. Foster's Voyage. See Webster (W. H. B.). 2. 5. 24. Fourni^ (Victor, Lngenienr des Fonts et Chaussees). Resume des Experiences Hydrauliques executees par le Governement Americain sur le Mississipi, et remarques sur les consequences qui en decoulent relativement a la theorie des eaux courantes. 4°. pp. xii, 128. Paris, 1867. 8. 5. 30. Fownes (George, F. R. S.). A Manual of Elementary Chemistry, theoretical and practical. Edited by Robert Bridges, M. D. Illus. 12O. Phila- delphia, 1862. 28. 1. 26. The same. New ed. 120- pp.586. Philadelphia, 1864. 19.1.13. Fox's Mission to Russia in 1866. See Loubat (J. F.). 1. 4. 2. Fran9ais {Frof. T. F.). Cours de I'Art Militaire, a I'usage des fileves de I'ficolc d'Application de I'Artillerie et du Genie. (Organisation, Tactique, Strate- gic.) fol. pp. 60, J 8, 35. [Metz], 1832. 6. 5. 12. Francis (James B., C E.). Lowell Hydraulic Experiments. Being a selec- tion from experiments on Hydraulic Motors, on the flow of water over Weirs, in open Canals of uniform rectangular section, through submerged and diverging Tubes. 3d ed., revised and enlarged. 23 pi. imp. 40. pp. XI, 251. New York, 1871. 7. 5. 13, 612 AUTHOES. AUTHOES. 613 Francoeur. . Frissard. Francoeur (Louis B.). Astronomic Elementaire. PI. 8°. pp. xiv, 512, Paris, 1837. L. S. Astronomic Pratique. PI. 8°. pp. xv, 528. Paris, 1840. L. S. Geodesic. Ou Traite dc la Figure de la Terre, et dc ses parties. PI. 2d ed. 8^. pp. xiv, 472. Paris, 1840. L. S. The same. 3d ed. Augmentee de notes sur la mesure des Bases, par M. Hossard. 8^. pp. 541. Paris, 1855. 19. 4. 17. Uranographie, ou Traite Elementaire d'Astronomie. 6th ed. PI. 8^. pp. xxviii, 564. Paris, 1853. 23. 2. 10. Franklin Institute: Journal of the, devoted to Science and the Mechanic Arts. Vol. I, ist series, to Vol. CX, 3d series, no vols. 8°. Philadelphia, i826-'8o. [Current.] 45. 1-3. Fraser {^Capt. T., R. E.). The Attack of Fortresses in the Future. (Royal Engineer Prize Essay, 1876.) 22 pi. and illus. imp. 8^. pp. vi, 102. [London], 1877. 6. 5. 45. Fremont [Bvt. Capt. John C, U. S. A.). Geographical Memoir upon Upper California, an illustration of his map of Oregon and California. 8°. pp. 67. Washington, 1848. 20. 1. 13. iBound, also, in Misc. Pamph., vol. viii. 31. 2. 8.] Report of the Exploring Expedition to the Rocky Mountains, in the year 1842, and to Oregon and North California in the years 1843-44. Maps and pi. 8^ Washington, 1845. 20. 1. 12. Flench [Rev. J. W.). Grammar. Part of a course on Language, prepared for instruction in the U. S. Corps of Cadets. 12^. pp. 467. New York, 1863. 16. 5. 21. Practical Ethics. 3d ed. 8^. pp. 223. New York, 1865. 16. 1. 33. Lectures on Ethics and Jurisprudence. 8°. pp. 65. New York, 1865. 16. 1. 33. [Bound with the preceding.] Law and Military Law, with an analysis, by subjects, of the Rules and Articles of War. A preliminary lecture. 8Q. pp. 32. New York, 1861. [Misc. Pamph., vol. ix.] 31. 2. 9. Fresnel (A.). Memoire sur un Nouveau Systeme d'ficlairage des Phares. Map and pi. 4°. pp. 42. Paris, 1822. 43. 6. 3. Fresnel (Leonor). Memoir upon the Stability of the Lighthouse m course of construction at Belle Isle. 4°. pp. 29. Washington, 1858. 43. 6. 2. Frissard ( — , Inspecteur div. des Fonts et Chaussees). Notes prises au Cours de Construction de Ports de Mer. [Ecote Nat. des Fonts et Chaussees.) 82 pi. 40. pp. 292. [Paris, 1849.J 8- 5- 33. 614 AUTHORS. AUTHORS. 616 Frome. Gannett. Frome [Lieut. Gen, — , R. E.). Outline of Method of conducting a Trigonomet- rical Survey for formation of Geographical and Topographical Maps and Plans; Military Reconnaissance, Levelling [etc.]. 4th ed., revised and enlarged by Capf. Charles Warren, R. E. Illus. 8^. pp. xii, 321. London, 1873. L. S. Fry [Bvt, Maj. Gen, James B., U. S. A.). The History and Legal Effect of Brevets in the Armies of Great Britain and the United States, from their origin in 1692 to the present time, 8°. pp. 576. New York, 1877. 2. 5. 15. rtj;/^/ Wherry [Col. William H.). The Command of the Army. 12°. 1879. \Misc. Paniph., vol. vi.] 31. 2. 6. Gadolin (Axel, Colonel de PArtillerie Riisse). Memoire sur la Resistance des Parois des Canons h. la Pression des Gaz de la Poudre, suivi de la Theorie des Canons Cercles. 2 pi. 8^. pp. 107. Paris, 1865. 7. 2. 37. Gaigne (A. T.). Nouveau Dictionnaire Militaire. 8°. pp. xii, 642. Paris, 1801. 5. 1. 19. Galbraith (William). Mathematical and Astronomical Tables for the use of Students in Mathematics, practical Astronomers, Surveyors, etc. With an explanation of the tables illustrated by problems and examples. 2d ed. 8°. pp. xvi, 308, 120. Edinburgh, 1834. L. S. Trigonometrical Surveying, Levelling, and Railway Engineering. 8^. pp. viii, 161, 20. Edinburgh, 1842. L. S. Gallenga (A.). The Pearl of the Antilles. 8^. pp. 202. London, 1873. 1. 5. 23. Gallier (James). The American Builder's General Price Book and Estimator [etc.]. To which are added a variety of useful tables, memorandums, etc. 80. pp. iv, 218. New York, 1833. 7. 3. 35. The same. 2d ed. 8^. pp. 130, 78. Boston, 1836. 7. 3. 36. Galton (Douglas). Report to the Right Hon. the Earl de Grey and Ripon, Secretary of State for War, descriptive of the Herbert Hospital at Wool- wich. Plans and details. 4°. pp. 53. London, 1865. 7. 3. 1. Gannett (Henry). Meteorological Observations during the year 1872, in Utah, Idaho, and Montana. ( U. S. Geol. St/rvey of the Territories, Misc. Pub., No. 2.) 80. Washington, 1873. ' 20. 2. 13. List of Elevations, west .of the Mississippi River. ( U. S. Geol. Sur- vey 0/ the Territories, Mise, Pt/b., A^o. 1.) 3d ed. 8°. Washington, 1875. 20. 2. 13. Notes concerning a Contour Map of the United States. Sketch Map. (Bulletin U. S. Geol. Sun^ey of the Territories, Vol. II, No. 3.) 80. Wash- ington, 1876. 20. 2. 23. Additional Lists of Elevations. (Bulletin U. S. Geol. SuJTey of the Territories, Vol. V, No. 3.) 8°. Washington, 1879. 20. 2. 26. 616 AUTHORS. AUTHORS. 617 Garber. Geuss. Garber (Silas). Memorial for Improvement of the Navigation of the Missouri River. 80. 1878. [Misc. Pamph., vol. iii.] 31. 2. 3. Gardiner (John) and Hepburn (David). The American Gardener. To which is added a Treatise on Gardening, by a citizen of Virginia. 18^. pp. ix, 348. Georgetown, D. C., 181 8. 1. 6. 36. Gardner (Charles K.). A Dictionary of all Officers who have been commis- sioned, or have been appointed and served, in the Army of the United States, 1789-1852. 2d ed. 80. pp. 640. New York, i860. 6. 2. 10. Gardner (James T., Director). Special Report of New York State Survey on the Preservation of the Scenery of Niagara Falls, and Fourth Annual Re- port on the Triangulation of the State, for the year 1879. Maps and views. 80. pp. 96. Albany, 1880. 20. 3. 30. Garnett (John). Tables requisite to be used with the Nautical Ephemeris, for finding the Latitude and Longitude at sea. Astronomical 'J'ables. 80. New Brunswick, N. J., 1806. 19. 4. 27. Gandard (Jules, C. E.). Foundations. Translated from the French by L. F. Vernon-Harcourt, J/. ^. 180. pp.104. New York, 1878. 18.1.45. Gauss (Carl Friedrich). Untersuchungen uber Gegenstande der hoheren Geodasie. 4°. 2 parts, pp. 45, 45. Gottingen, 1844-47. L. S. Gauss (F. G.). Fiinfstellige vollstandige Logarithmische und Trigonometrische Tafeln. 3d ed. 8°. pp. 141, xliii. Berlin, 1872. L. S. Gauthey (fimiland-Marie, Inspecteiir General des Fonts et Cham sees). CEuvres de. PI. 3 vols. 40. Paris, 1809-'! 6. 8. 3. 1-3. Tomes I et II. Traits de la Construction des Ponts. III. Mdmoires sur les Canaux de Navigation, et particuliferement sur le Canal du Cen- tre, autrefois Canal du] Charolais. Geise (O.). Extracts from " Constructions of Iron applied to Fortifications." Translated by G. Weitzel, Capt. Corps of Engineers^ and Bvt. Maj. Gen. U. S. A. I pi. 80. 1867. [Misc. Famph., vol. vii.] 31. 2. 7. Georgetown, D. C. Report of the Water Board to the Councils, with the Report of the Engineer. 8°. i860. [Misc. Famph., vol. v.] 31. 2. 5. Georgetown College, D. .C. Annals of the Astronomical Observatory of; No. I. 8 pi. 40 pp. 215. New York, 1852. 45. 6. 33. Gerling (Christian L.). Ausgleichungs Rechnungen der practischen Geome- tric der Methoden der Kleinsten Quadrate mit ihren Anwendungen fiir geodatische Aufgaben. Illus. 8°. pp. xix, 409. L. S. Gerstner (F. de). Memoire sur les Grandes Routes, les Chemins de Fer et les Canaux de Navigation. Traduit par M. P. S. Girard. PI. 80. pp. 2, clxiv, 164. Paris, 1827. 8. 2. 30. Geuss (J. M., Frof. de Matheniatique en V Universite de Copenhagiie). Theorie de I'Art du Mineur. Traduite de I'Allemand par A. L. Smeets. 4 pi. 8°. pp. XV, 314. Maestricht, 1778. 6. 1. 39. 78 618 AUTHORS. AUTHOES. 619 Gibbon. Gillmore. Gibbon {Brig. Gen. John). The Artillerist's Manual, compiled from various sources, and adapted to the service of the United States. PI. and illus. 8o. pp. 478. New York, 1863. 7. 1. 3. Gibbon {Lieut. Lardner, U. S. JV.). Exploration of the Valley "of the Ama- zon, made under direction of the Navy Department. Part II. 2 vols., I of pi. 80. Washington, 1854. ' 20. 1. 10-11. [See Herndon (Lieut. Wm. L.). Exploration.] Gibbs (George). Tribes of Western Washington and Northwestern Oregon. Contributions to North American Ethnology : Vol. I. 40. Washing- ton, 1877. 23. 6. 18. Gibbs {Dr. Morris), Annotated List of the Birds of Michigan. {Bidletin U, S. Geol. Survey of the Territories^ Vol. V, No. 3.) 8^. Washington, 1879. 20. 2. 26. Gilbert (G. K.). Report on the Geology of the Henry Mountains. Illus. and 5 maps. 4°. pp. 160. Washington, 1877. 23. 6. 22. Gill (E. H.). See Strickland (Wm.), Gill, and Campbell. Gillespie (Wm. M., LL. D.). A Manual of the Principles and Practice of Road-making : comprising the location, construction, and improvement of Roads and Railroads. Figs. 12^. pp.372. New York, 1859. 8.2.29. A Treatise on Land Surveying. Illus. 8^. pp. 413. New York, 1857. 18. 2. 32. Gillis {Lieut. James M., (7. S. JV.), The United States Naval Astronomical Expedition to the Southern Hemisphere, during the years i849-'5o-'5i- '52. PI. and maps. 4 vols. 40. Washington, 1855-56. 20. 5. 13-16. Vol. I. Chile; its Geography, (Climate, Earthquakes, Government | etc. J. II. [Journal and Natural History.] III. [Astronomical] Observations. IV. Magnetic and Meteorological Observations. Gillmore (Quincy A., Brig. Gen. U.r£. Vols., and Capt. U. S. Corps of E?tgi- neers). Official Report to the United States Engineer Department of the Siege and Reduction of Fort Pulaski, Georgia, 1862. 12 views and maps. 80. pp. 96. New York, 1862. 17. 5. 37. [Professional Papers No. 8, Corps of Engineers, U. S. A.J \Brig. Gen. U. S. Vols., and Maj. U.S. Corps of Engineers], Practical Treatise on Limes, Hydraulic Cements, and Mortars. Containing re- ports of numerous experiments conducted in New York City, 1850 to 1 86 1 inclusive. Illus. 8^. pp.333. New York, 1863. 17.6.1. — The same. 5th ed., revised and enlarged. Illus. 8^. pp. 334. New York, 1879. 19. 5. 43. [Professional Papers No. 9, Corps of Engineers, U. S. A.] [MaJ. Gen. U. S. Vols., and Maf. Corps of Engineers, U. S. A.]. Engineer and Artillery Operations again&t the Defenses of Charleston Harbor in 1863. 76 pi. and views. 8°. pp. 374. New York, 1865. 24. 2. 22. 620 AUTHORS AUTHORS. 621 Gillmore. Gomard. Gillmore (Quincy A., Maj. Gen., U. S. Vols., and Maj. Corps of Engineers, U. S. A.). The same. With a supplement. 8°. pp. 314, 172. New York, 1868. 17. 6. 7. [Professional Papers No. i6, Corps of Engineers, U. S. A.] \Major Corps of Engineers, Bvt. Maj. Gen., U. S, A\ A Practical Treatise on Coignet-Beton and other Artificial Stone. 9 pi. 8°. pp. 107. New York, 1871. 17. 6. 16. I Professional t'apers No. 19, Corps of Engineers, U. S. A.] ■■ [Lieut. CoL Corps of Engijieers, Bvt. Maj. Gen., U. S. A.]. A Practical Treatise on Roads, Streets , and Pavements. Cuts. 12^. pp.258. New York, 1876. 8. 2: 31. Report of Experiments with the Seely and Bethell Processes for the Preservation of Timber, [and] Descriptions of these Processes and of the Hayford Process. 8°. 1879. [Misc. Pamph., vol. vii.] 31. 2. 7. Report on the Compressive Strength, Specific Gravity, and Ratio of Absorption of various kinds of Building Stone. PI. 8°. pp.15. Wash- ington, 1874. 19. 5. 22. See, also, Newton (John) and Gillmore. Gillot (C. L., Capitaine au Corps Imph'ial du Genie). Traite de Fortification Souterraine, ou des Mines Offensives et Defensives. 16 folding pi. 40. pp. XV, 521. Paris, 1805. 6. 6. 11. Gilman (E.). The Economical Builder: a Treatise on Tapia and Pise Walls. PI. 160. pp. 23. Washington, 1839. 7. 3. 37. Giornale del Genio Militare [and] Giornale di Artiglieria e Genio, I-XV. Text and pL 43 vols. 8^ and fol. Torino, Firenze, Roma, 1863-79. [Current.] 42. 6. 1-28. Girard (P. S.). Essai sur le Mouvement des Eaux Courantes, et la Figure qu'il convient de donner aux Canaux qui les contiennent. i pi. 4*^. pp. vii, 59. Paris, 1804. 7. 4. 4. Givry (A. P., Ingenieur-Hydrographe). Memoire sur I'Emploi des Chronom^- tres ^ la Mer [etc.]. 8^. pp. 135. Paris, 1840. 18. 3. 15. Pilote Fran9ais. Instructions Nautiques. 12 pi. 40. Paris, 1842. 2 copies. 18. 5. 20. Glaisher (James, F. R. S., Editor). Travels in the Air. By James Glaisher, F. R. S., Camille Flammarion, W. De Fonvielle, and Gaston Tissandier. PI. and cuts. 8^. pp. xxix, 398. Philadelphia, 1871. 24. 5. 1. Glynn (Joseph). Rudimentary Treatise on the Construction of Cranes and Machinery for raising heavy bodies [etc.]. Cuts. 12^. pp. viii, 112. Weale's Series. London, 1849. 19. 2. 27. Treatise on the Consiruction of Cranes and other Hoisting Machinery. Cuts. 12°. pp. vii, 124. Weak' s Series. London, 1873. 19.2.30. Gomard. See Possellier (A. J. ]., dit Gomard). 622 AUTHORS. AUTHOES. 623 Goode. Gourlay. Goode {Prof. G. Brown). Catalogue of Collection illustrating the Animal Re- sources and the Fisheries of the United States. ( U. S. National Museum^ Bulletin No. 14.) 8°. pp. 351. Washington, 1879. 22. 2. 11. Catalogue of the Fishes of the Bermudas. (Bulletin U, S. Natiofial Museum, No. 5.) 8°. Washington, 1876. 22. 2. 9. Classification of the Collection to illustrate the Animal Resources of the United States. {Bulletin U. S. Nadonal Museum, No. d.) 8^. Wash- ington, 1876. 22. 2. 9. Exhibit of the Fisheries and Fish Culture of the United States of America, made at Berlin in 1880. {Bulletin, No. 18, U. S. National Museum.) 8°. pp. 263. Washington, 1880. 22. 2. 12. Goodwin (J. M.). The Panama Ship Canal and Interoceanic Ship Railway projects. 8^. pp. 56. Cleveland, 1880. [Misc, Pamph., vol. xv.] 31. 2. 15. Gordon (A., C. E.). A Treatise upon Elemental Locomotion and Interior Communication [etc.]. 10 pi. 8*^. pp. xiv, 344. London, 1836. 19. 2. 9. Gordon (Robert, M. L C. E., M. I. M. E.). Report on the Irrawaddy River: with appendices and supplements. 2 vols., i of maps. fol. Rangoon, 1879. 7. 4. 6. Part I. Hydrography. II. Hydrology. III. Hydraulics. IV. The Hydraulic Works, Nawoon River. Gordon (Thomas T.). Digest of the Laws of the United States fete.]. 80. pp. xxiv, 884. Philadelphia, 1827. 23. 5. 14. Gordon (Wm. A.). A Compilation of Registers of the Army of the United States from 1815 to 1837. ^^o. Washington, 1837. 17. 3. 1. Gorringe {Lieut. Commander Henry H., U. S. N.). The West Coast of Africa. Part I: From Cape Spartel to Sierra Leone. Illus. 8°. pp. 214, Washington, 1873. 18. 3. 9. The Coast of Brazil. Vol. 1 : From Cape Orange to Rio Janeiro. Illus. 80. pp. 367. Washington, 1873. 18. 3. 8. Gosselin (Theo.). Cours de Geodesic de feu M. Frangais, professe ft I'Ecole d' Application de I'Artillerie et du Genie. PI. fol. pp. 189. Metz, 1834. L. S. Gould (Edward S.). Good English; or. Popular Errors in Language. 12^. pp. 228. New York, 1875. 16- 5. 20. Goulon {General — ). Memoires pour I'Attaque et pour la Defense d'une place. 4 pi. 12°. pp. 69. Amsterdam, 1706. 6. 2. 30. [Bound with Coehorn. {Baron dc). Nouvelle Fortification.] Gourlay (Robert). Statistical Account of Upper Canada, compiled with a view to a grand System of Emigration. Maps. 3 vols. 8°. London, 1822. 1. 4. 25-26. [Vol. Ill wanting.) 624 AUTHOKS. AUTHOES. 625 Governor's. Greene. Governor's Message and Annual Reports of the Public Officers of the State of Virginia [etc.]. 80. Richmond, 1848. 42. 3. 46. Graeff ( — ). Construction des Canaux et des Chemins de Fer. Histoire Critique des Travaux executes dans les Vosges au Chemin de Fer de Paris k Strasbourg et du Canal de la Marne au Rhin, par M. Graeff. i vol. 80, and atlas 4^. Paris, 187 1. 8. 2. 3-4. Graham [Lieut. Col. James D., Corps Topographical Engineers^ U, S. A.). An- nual Reports on the Harbor Improvements of Lakes Michigan and St. Clair for 1855 and 1856. {Sen. Ex. Doc, 16, 34M Co?ig., 3^ Sess.) 80. pp. 480. Washington, 1857. 8. 4. 2. Report on the subject of the Boundary Line between the United States and Mexico. Map. 8^. pp. 250, Washington, 1852. 20. 1. 17. Report to the Chief Topographical Engineer, U. S. A., on the United States and Mexican Boundary, ms. fol. Washington, 1852. 20. 5. 1. Graham (Lieut. Col. J. J.). Elementary Fiistory of the Progress of the Art of War. 12O. pp. xvi, 336. London, 1858. 6.3.31. Grant {Lieut. Col. F. D.). See Forsyth (J. W.) dt;/^ Grant. Grant (John). Improvement of the Harbor, Bay, and River of Mobile. 8°. 1872. [Misc. Pamph., vol. iii.] 31. 2. 3. Gray {Prof. Asa) and Hooker (Joseph D.). The Vegetation of the Rocky Mountain Region and a Comparison with that of other parts of the World. {Bulletin U. S. Geol. Survey of the Territories, Vol. VL, No. 1.) S^*. Washington, 1881. 20. 2. 27. Gray (A. B.). Report relative to the Mexican Boundary. Map. 8°. pp. 50. {Sen. Ex. Doc, No. 55, ^yl Cong., 2d Sess.) Washington, 1855. 20. 3. 19. {Boundy also, with Georgia and Florida Boundary Papers. 20. 3. 32.] Grebenau (H.). Beitrag zur Humphreys- Abbot'schen Theorie der Bewegung des Wassers in Fliissen und Canalen. 8°. [Misc. Paniph., vol. iii.] 31. 2. 3. Greene (Charles E., A. M.). Graphical Analysis of Roof Trusses; for the use of Engineers, Architects, and Builders. 3 folding pi. 8°. pp. 64. New York, 1878. , 7. 3. 29. Graphical Method for the Analysis of Bridge Trusses; extended to continuous Girders and Draw-Spans. 3 pi. 8°. pp. 79. New York, 1875. 23. 3. 8. Greene (Francis V., Lieut. 0/ Engineers, U. S. Army). Report on the Russian Army and its Campaigns in Turkey in 1877-78. Vol. I, Text [26 illus.]; Vol. II, Atlas. 2 vols. 8°. New York, 1879. 24. 3. 14-15. Sketches of Army Life in Russia. 12°. pp. 326. New York, 1880. 24. 3. 35. 79 AUTHORS. AUTHORS. 627 Greener. Guillot. Greener (William, C. E.). Gunnery in 1858: Being a Treatise on Rifles, Can- non, and Sporting Arms. PI. and illus. 8°. pp. xvi, 439. London, 1858. 7. 2. 40. Greenhow (Robert). History of Oregon and California, and other Territories of the Northwest Coast of North America [etc.]. Map. 8^. pp. xviii, 492. Boston, 1845. 24. 1. 30. Gregory (George, D. D.). A Dictionary of Arts and Sciences. Illus. 3 vols. 40. New York, 1821. 5. 3. 6-8. Gregory (Olinthus, LL. D. and F. R. A. S.). Mathematics for Practical Men : being a common-place book of Principles, Theorems, Rules, and Tables in various departments of pure and mixed Mathematics, with their appli- cation especially to the pursuits of Surveyors, Architects, Mechanics, and Civil Engineers. Illus. 8°. pp. xii, 427. Philadelphia, 1834. L. S. Grier (William). The Mechanic's Pocket Dictionary; being a Note-Book of Technical Terms, Rules, and Tables in Mathematics and Mechanics, pi. 16'^. pp. 547. Glasgow, 1837. 2 copies. 6. 1. 23. Grivel (Richild, Capitaine de Vaisscaii). De la Guerre Maritime avant et de- puis les Nouvelles Inventions. Etude Historique et Strategique. 2 fold- ing pi. 80. pp. ii, 282. Paris, 1869. 6. 4. 21. Grote (Aug. R.). Notes on a Collection of Noctuid Moths made in Colorado in 1875 t>y Dr. A S. Packard, jr. (^Bulletiti U. S. Geo/. Survey of the Territories, Vol. Ill, No. i.) 8°. Washington, 1877. 20. 2. 24. On Lithophane and New Noctuidae. {^Bulletin U. S. Geol. Survey of the Territories, Vol. V, No. 2.) 8^. Washington, 1879. 20. 2. 26. Preliminary List of the North American Species of Agrotis, with descriptions. [Bulletifi U. S. Geol. Survey of the Territories, Vol. VI, No- I.) 80. Washington, 1881 20. 2. 27. Preliminary Studies on North American Pyralidae : I. (Bulletin U. S. Geol. Survey of the Territories, Vol. IV, No 3.) 80. Washington, 1878. 20. 2. 25. Grover (J. W., C. E.). Estimates and Diagrams of Railway Bridges, Turn- pike, Public, and Occupation Roads in the Embankment of Double or Single Lines. Diagrams of Station Buildings. Text and pi. fol. Lon- don, 1870. 47. 3. 43. Guenyveau (A.). Principes G6n^raux de M^tallurgie. PI. 8°. pp. 159. Paris, 1824. 19. 3. 14. Guicciardini (Francisco). Histoire des Guerres dTtalie [1490-1534]. Tra- duite de ITtalien. 3 vols. 4^. London, 1738. 16. 4. 3-5. Guillot (Leon). Legislation et Administration Militaires, ou programme d^- taille des matieres enseignees ^ I'f^cole Imperiale d'fitat-Major. 8°. pp. xxxi, 551. Paris, 1855. 6.3.2. 628 AaiHOKS. AUTHORS. 629 Gummere. Halfpenny. Gummere (John). Elementary Treatise on Astronomy. 80 Philadelphia, 1822. 28. 4. 16. The same. Revised and adapted to the present state of the Science, by E. Otis Kendall, A. M. 80. pp. 363, 114. Philadelphia, 1854. 23. 2. 7. Gumpertz (H.) ^//^-ZLebrun (Officiers dc Mineurs). Traite Pratique et I'heo- rique des Mines. 14 pi. 4°. pp. x, 290. Paris, 1805. 6. 1. 36. Gurley (W. L. and K., Manufacturers^ of Troy^ N. K). Manual of the Prin- cipal Instruments used in American Engineering and Surveying. 16°. Troy, 1874. 18. 1. 49. Guyot {Prof Arnold). Tables, Meteorological and Physical. 2d ed. 8°. (Smithsonian Mis. Collections), Washington, 1858. 28. 3. 23. The same. 3d ed. Revised and enlarged. 8^. Washington, 1859. 2 copies. 19. 3. 23. Hachette (Jean N. P.). Correspondance sur I'ficole Imperiale Polytechnique, \ I'usage de Eleves de cette ficole. Tome i'"^ pp. 476 ; 1804-08. Tome 2"^% pp. 499; 1809-'! 3. 19.4.19-20. Hackley {Rev. Charles W., 6". T. D.). A Treatise on Trigonometry, plane and spherical. Tables. 8°. pp. 372. New York, 1851. 2 copies. 19. 4. 14. Hageau (A.). Description du Canal de Jonction de la Meuse au Rhin. 4°. pp. xiii, 547. Paris, 18 19. 8. 5. 28. Hagen (G.). Handbuch der Wasserbaukunst. 3 vols, [bound in 5]. 8^, and atlas 40. Berlin, 1869-71. 8. 1. 12-16. Contents. Vol. I. Atmospheric Precipitation and Evaporation ; Springs and Wells ; Water Conduits ; Drain- age and Irrigation ; Foundations (including Pneumatic Processes) ; Pile-driving ; Cribs; Masonry; Dredging; Mortars and Cements. II. River Shore protection ; General Characteristics of Rivers ; Hydrometrical Observations ; Motion of Water in Rivers ; Nature of River Improvements ; Execution of Works of River Improvements ; Levees and Weirs ; Deepening of Channels ; Canals ; Locks ; Special Lock Constructions ; Dikes. III. General Phenomena of the Ocean ; Levees or Dikes on the Seacoast ; Protection of Sea- coast and Harbor Shores ; Regulation of Harbors; Harbor Mouths; Currents in har- bors; The Harbor of Pilau; Harbor Piers; Breakwaters; Inner harbors; Buoys, Light-houses, and Marine Signals. Haillot (C. A.). Essai d'une Instruction sur le Passage des Rivieres, et la Construction des Ponts Militaires, \ I'usage des troupes de toutes armes. II folding pi. 80 pp. iii, 524. Paris, 1835. 23.3.31. — Nouvel fCquipage de Ponts Militaires de I'Autriche, ou description de- taillee, applications, manoeuvres diverses [etc.]. Avec atlas de 43 pi. 8^. pp. xlix, 487, and atlas 40. Paris, 1846. 23. 3. 27- Halfpenny (William). New and Complete System of Architecture, delineated in a variety of plans and elevations, and estimates of each design. PI., obi. 40. pp. 24. London n. d. 7. 3. 3. AUTHORS. AUTHOES. 631 Haliburton. Hans. Haliburton (Thomas C). Historical and Statistical Account of Nova Scotia. Plans. 2 vols. 8*^. pp. viii, 340; viii, 456. Halifax, 1829. 2. 5. 41-42. Hall (G///. Charles F.). Narrative of the North Polar Expedition; U. S. Ship Polaris. Edited by Rear Admiral C. H. Davis, U, S. N. PL imp. 80. pp. 696. Washington, 1876. 20. 4. 12. Narrative of the Second Arctic Expedition: His Voyage to Repulse Bay, Sledge Journeys to the Straits of Fury and Hecla and to King Wil- liam's Land, and Residence among the Eskimos during the years 1864- '69. Edited by Prof. J. E. Nourse, U. S. N. Portraits, maps, and illus. imp. 80. pp. 1, 644. Washington, 1879. 2^- ^' ^^' Hall [Prof. James). Illustrations of Devonian Fossils : Gasteropoda [etc.] of the Upper Helderberg, Hamilton, and Chemung Groups. Published in advance of the Palaeontology of New York. PI. 4°. Albany, 1876. 21. 2. 1. Natural History of the State of New York. Part 6 : Palaeontology, Vol. Ill (text and pi.), Vol. IV and Vol. V, Part 2 (text and pi.). Text and pi. 5 vols. 40. Albany, i859-'79. 21. 2. 2-4. Hall [Bvt. Lieut. Col. Robert H.). List of Cadets admitted into the United States Military Academy, West Point, N. Y., from its establishment till September 30, 1876. 12°. Washington, 1876. 2 copies. 17. 4. 10. Hall (Wm. H.). Report of the State Engineer of California. 8^. Sacra- mento, 1880. 8. 1. 8. Halleck [Lieut. Henry W., U. S. Corps of E?igineers). Bitumen : Its Varieties, Properties, and Uses. Compiled from various sources. PI. and figures. 80. pp. 206. Washington, 1841. 17. 6. 34. [Professional Papers No. i, Corps of Engineers, U. S. A.] International Law; or. Rules regulating the Intercourse of States'in Peace and War. 8°. pp. 907. San Francisco, 1861. 23. 5. 28. Hamersly (Lewis R.). The Records of Living Officers of the U. S. Navy and Marine Corps. 3d ed. 8^. pp. 403. Philadelphia, 1878. 2 copies, 17. 2. 4. Hamersly (Thomas H. S.). Complete Regular Army Register of the United States for 100 years (1779 to 1879). 8^. Washington, 1880. 17. 2. 21. Hamley [Col. Edward B., Royal Artillery). Operations of War explained and illustrated. 20 maps and plans. 3d ed. 8°. pp. xxv, 479. Edin- burgh and London, 1872. 6. 3. 1. Hann (James) and Hosking (William). The Theory, Practice, and Architec- ture of Bridges. Text and pi. 2 vols. 8^. London, 1839. 23.3.5-6. Hans (Martial, Directeur des Pants et Chaussees). Memoire sur les Travaux de Canalisation de la Meuse, entre Namur et la Frontiere Fran9aise. 6 pi. 80. pp. ^^, :3rux^lles, 1880, 8. 4. 23. 632 AUTHOKS; AUTHORS. 633 Hansford. Haskel. Hansford (R.) and Kuhl (C). Carte du Danube et de ses Embranchements entre Braila et la Mer, levee en 1870-71. 6 sheets in portfolio. 53. 20. Hardcastle {Lieut. E. L. T.). See Smith (Martin 1..) and Hardcastle. Harkness {Prof. William). Instructions for observing the Total Solar Eclipse of July 29, 1878. PI. 40. pp. 30. Washington, 1878. 45. 6. 28. Report on the Difference of Longitude between Washington and St. Louis. 40. pp. 39.. Washington, 1872. 2 copies, 45. 6. 26. Harlan (Richard, M. D,). Medical and Physical Researches; or original memoirs in Medicine, Surgery, Physiology, Geology, Zoology [etc.], PI. 80. pp. xxxix, 653. Philadelphia, 1835. 42. 4. 19. Harper {Prof, L.). Preliminary Report on the Geology and Agriculture of Mississippi. Maps and illus. 8^. Jackson, 1857. 43. 2. 9. Harris (Elisha, M, Z>.). An Introductory Outline of the Progress of Sani- tary Improvement, pp. 37. New York, 1864. 2. 5. 38. [/« Reid (D. B.). Ventilation.] Harris-Gastrell (J. P.). Report on the Iron and Steel Industries of the United States. [To which is added] Report on the Public Debt and Expenditure of the United States. 8°. pp. 825. London, 1874. 47. 2. 11. Hart {Maj, H. G.). The New Army List, exhibiting the rank, standing, and various services of every Regimental Officer in the [British] Army, serv- ing on full pay. 8°. pp. 246. London, 1851. ' 1. 1. 43. Hartley {Sir Charles A.). Description of the Delta of the Danube, and of the works recently executed at the Sulina Mouth. Maps. 8^. pp. 34. London, 1862. {Proc. Inst, Civil Engifieers^ Vol. XXI.) 8. 4. 20. Harvard College. Annals of the Astronomical Observatory. 13 vols. 4°. Cambridge, v. d. L. S. Vol. II. — Part 2. Zone Catalogue of 4,484 Stars situated between 0° 20' and 0° 40' North Declina- tion, observed in i854-'55. pp. vi, 257. 1867. IV.— Part I. Catalogue of Standard Polar and Clock Stars, pp. 32. 1863. Part 2. Right Ascension of 505 Stars, determined during i862-'65. pp. xiv, 143. 1878. V. — Observations upon the Great Nebula of Orion. Illus. pp. xvi, 189. 1867. VI.— Zone Catalogue of 6,100 Stars situated between 0° 40' and i'' o' North Declination, ob- served during i859-'6o. pp. 303. 1872. VII.— Observations of Solar Spots, 1847-' 49. Illus. pp.22 1871. VIII.— Part I. Historical Account of the Observatory from October, 1855, to October, 1876. Illus. pp. viii, 65. Part 2. I. Astronomical Engravings of the Moon, Planets, &c. 2. Astronomical Engravings illustrating Solar Phenomena. Illus. pp. 15. 1876. IX.— Photometric Researches made in 1872-' 75. Illus. pp. i8t. Leipzig, iZjZ. X.— Observations made with the Meridian Circle, 1871 and 1872. Illus. pp. Ixxxix, 239. 1877. XI,— Photometric Observations made during i877-'79. In 2 vols. 1879. XII.— Observations made with the Meridian Circle in 1874 and 1875. pp. xcii, 271. [And, extract], Catalogue of 618 Stars observed with Meridian Circle during i87i-'72, '74, and '75. 2 vols. 1880. Haskel (Daniel) and Smith (J. Calvin). A Complete Descriptive and Statis- tical Gazetteer of the United States of America. 8°. pp. 752. New York, 1845. 9* 4. 15. 80 634 AUTHOES. AUTHORS. 635 Haskin. Hausen. Haskin {Bvt, Maj. Wm. L , U. S. A). The History of the First Regiment of Artillery from its organization in 182 1 to January i, 1876. 8^. pp. 66^, Portland, 1879. 24. 4. 22. Haskoll (W. Davis, C. E.). Railway Construction, from the -setting out of the Centre Line to the Completion of the Works [etc.]. Illus. by 250 plates and diagrams of executed work. 2 vols. 4°. London, 1857. 7. 5. 41-42. The Practice of Engineering Fieldwork applied to Land, Hydro- graphic, and Hydraulic Surveying and Leveling. PI. and illus. 8^. pp 324. London, 1858. 18. 1. 6. Hassler (Ferdinand R., F. A. F. S.). Elements of Analytic Trigonometry, Plane and Spherical. 8^. pp. 192. New York, 1826. 19. 4. 15. Elements of Arithmetic, Theoretical and Practical. 9th ed. 8^. pp. 219. Washington, 1843. 19. 4. 11. Logarithmic and Trigonometric Tables to seven places of decimals. 160. New York, 1830. 2 copies. 28. 1. 40. The same. A new edition. 12°. New York, 1844. 19. 4. 23. Haswell (Charles H.). Engineers' and Mechanics' Pocket-Book, containing Weights and Measures; Rules of Arithmetic; Weights of Materials; Lati- tude and Longitude; Squares, Cubes, Roots, etc.; Mensuration of Sur- faces and SoHds; Trigonometry [etc.]. 23d ed. 16°. pp. 663. New York, 1868. 28. 1. 42. The same. 31st ed. 16°. pp.665. New York, 1875. 18.1.34. Hatfield (R. G.). The American House-Carpenter. A Treatise upon Archi- tecture, Cornices and Mouldings, Framing [etc.]. Illus. 8^. pp. xii, 294. New York, 1850. 7. 3. 27. Haupt (Herman, C. F.). General Theory of Bridge Construction, containing Demonstrations of the Principles of the Art and their Application to Practice. 16 pi. 80. pp. 268. New York, 1856. 23. 3. 18. Military Bridges; with suggestions of New Expedients and Construc- tions for Crossing Streams and Chasms. Including, also, designs for Trestle and Truss Bridges for Military Railroads. 69 pi. 8°. pp. xix, 310. New York, 1864. 23. 3. 9. Haupt (Lewis M.). A Manual of Engineering Specifications and Contracts, designed as a text-book and work of reference for all who may be en- gaged in the theory or practice of Engineering. 8^. pp. 12, 305. Phil- adelphia, 1878. 2 copies. 18. 1. 19. Hausen (P. A.). Geodatische Untersuchungen. Des VIII. Bandes der Ab- handlungen der Math.-Phys. Classe der Konigl. Siichsischen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften No. i. pp. 224. Leipzig, 1865. [Also supplements containing] Die Reduction der Winkel eines Sphciroidischen Dreiecks be- AUTHORS. AUTHORS. 637 Hausen. Hayden. Hansen (P. A.). Geodatische Untersuchungen — Continued. trefifend. pp. 67. Leipzig, 1869. [And] Von der Methode der Klein- sten Quadrate im Allgemeinen und in ihrer Anwendung auf die Geodasie. pp. 184. Leipzig, 1868. In i vol. 80. L. S. Von der Methode der Kleinsten Quadrate im Allegemeinen und ihre Anwendung auf die Geodasie. 8^. pp. 236. Leipzig, 1867. L. S. Hanser (Georg Freyherm v.. Major im K, K, Genie-Corps). Abhandlung iiber die Befestigungskunst. [Treatise upon Fortification.] 2 vols., text and pi. 4°. Wien, 1826. 6. 6. 24-25. Hawkes (Pitty). The American Companion; or, a Brief Sketch of Geogra- phy, which points out the Climate, Latitude and Longitude, Bearing per Compass, and Distance in Geographical Miles of each place from the city of Washington, together with the length of the Longest Days and Nights, and conversely. 8°. pp. viii, 237. Philadelphia, 1827. 1.3.2. Hawks (Francis L., D, D.). Narrative of the Expedition of an American Squadron to the China Seas and Japan in the years 1852-53-54, under the command of Commodore M. C. Perry, U. S. N, Maps and illus. 3 vols. 40. Washington, 1856. 2 copies, 20. 6. 14-16. Hawkshaw (67r John). Report on the Purification of the River Clyde, fol. pp. xH, 64. Edinburgh, 1876. 47. 4. 48. [British Parliamentary Paper.] Hawley [Rev, Charles, D. D.), Early Chapters of Cayuga History. Jesuit Missions in Goi-o-gouen, 1 656-1 684. Also, an Account of the Sulpitian Mission among the Emigrant Cayugas, about Quinte Bay, in 1668. With an Introduction by John Gilmary Shea, LL. D. Map. 8°. pp. viii, 106. Auburn, N. Y., 1879. 24. 4. 11. Hayden {Dr. F. V.). First, Second, and Third Annual Reports of the United States Geological Survey of the Territories, for 1867, 1868, and 1869. 80. Washington, 1873. 30. 2. 2. The same. Fourth Annual Report : Preliminary Report of the United States Geological Survey of Wyoming and portions of contiguous Terri- tories, being a second annual Report of Progress. Illus. 8^. pp. 511. Washington, 1871. 20. 2. 3. The same. Fifth Annual Report: Preliminary Report of the United States Geological Survey of Montana and portions of the adjacent Ter- ritories. Maps and illus. 8°. pp.538. Washington, 1872. 20.2.4. The same. Sixth Annual Report, embracing portions of Montana, Ida- ho, Wyoming, and Utah, for 1872. Maps and illus. 8°. pp. 844. Washington, 1873. 20. 2. 5. The same. Seventh Annual Report, embracing Colorado, for 1873. Maps and illus. 80. pp.718. Washington, 1874. 20.2.6. 638 AUTHORS. AUTHORS. 639 Hayden. Hayden. Hayden {Dr. F. V.). Eighth Annual Report of the United States Geological and Geographical Survey of the Territories, embracing Colorado and parts of adjacent Territories, for 1874. Maps and illus. 8^. pp.515. Wash- ington, 1876. ' 20. 2. 7. The same. Ninth Annual Report, embracing Colorado and parts of adjacent Territories, for 1875. Maps and illus. 8°. pp. 827. Wash- ington, 1877. 20. 2. 8. — The same. Tenth Annual Report, embracing Colorado and parts of adjacent Territories, for 1876. Maps and illus. 8^. pp. 546. Wash- ington, 1878. 20. 2. 9. — The same. Eleventh Annual Report, embracing Idaho and Wyoming, 1877. Maps and illus. 8°. pp. 720. Washington, 1879. 20. 2. 10. — Final Report of the United States Geological Survey of Nebraska, and portions of the adjacent Territories. Map and pi. 8^. pp. 264. Wash- ington, 1872. 20. 2. 1. — Reports of the United States Geological Survey of the Territories. Vols, r, 2, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, II, and 12. 9 vols. 4°. Washington, 1873-80. 23. 6. 4-15. Contents. I. Extinct Vertebrate Fauna. By Prof. Joseph Leidy, II. Vertebrata of the Cretaceous Formation. By Prof. E. D. Cope. V. Synopsis of the Acrididae. By Prof. Cyrus Tliomas. VI. Fossil Flora : Cretaceous. By Prof. Leo Lesquereux. VII. Fossil Flora : Tertiary. By Prof. Leo Lesquereux. IX. Invertebrate Cretaceous and Tertiary Fossils. By Prof F. B. Meek. X. Geometrid Moths: Phalaenidae. By A. S. Packard, M. D. XL North American Rodentia. By Dr. Elliott Coues and Prof. J. A. Allen. Xn. Fresh-water Rhizopods. By Prof. Joseph Leidy. — Geological Report of the Exploration of the Yellowstone and Missouri Rivers [Raynolds\ in 1859-60]. 8^. pp. ix, 144. Washington, 1869. 20. 3. 43. [AV//«<^/m////j! Raynolds (W. F.). Exploration.] — Notes descripUve of some Geological Sections of the Country about the Headwaters of the Missouri and Yellowstone Rivers. {Bulleim U. S. Geo/. Sun^ey of the Territories, Vol. Tl, No. 3 ) 8^. Washington, 1876. 20. 2. 23 — Notes on the Lignitic Group of Eastern Colorado and Wyoming. {Bulletin U. S. GeoL Survey of the Territories., Vol. /, second series, No. 50.) 80. Washington, 1876. 20. 2. 22. — Notes on the Surface Features of the Colorado or Front Range of the Rocky Mountains. (Bulletin U. S. Geol. Survey of the Territories, Vol.1, second series, No. 4.) 80. Washington, 1875. 20. 2. 22. 640 AUTHORS. AUTHOES. 641 Hayden. Hellwag. Hayden (Z>r. F. V.). On some Artesian Borings along the line of the Union Pacific Railroad in Wyoming Territory. [Bulletin U. S. Geol. Survey of the Territories, Vol. Ill, No. i.) 8o. Washington, 1877. 20. 2. 24. Two- Ocean Pass. [Bulletin U. S. Geol. Survey of the Territories, Vol. V, No. 2.) 2 pi. go. Washington, 1879. 20. 2. 26. Haydn (Joseph). Dictionary of Dates, relating to all Ages and Nations. Thirteenth ed., with a supplement bringing the History of the Worldf down to the end of 1870. By Benjamin Vincent. 8^. pp. vii, 851, 56. London, 187 1. 5. 2. 11. Hayes (J. D.). Papers written for the Buffalo Commercial Advertiser on: "The Niagara Ship-Canal and Reciprocity." 8^. 1865. [Misc. Famph.y vol. iii.] 31. 2. 3. Hayne (J. E. G.). Elemens de Topographic Militaire, 011 Instruction detaillee sur la maniere de lever a vue et de dessiner avec promptitude les Cartes Militaires. 12 pi. 8°. pp. xvi, 424. Paris, 1806. 6. 1. 35. Hajrter (Harrison). The Amsterdam Ship-Canal. [Excerpt Min, of Proc, Inst. Civil Engrs., Vol. LXII, Sess. i8yg-'So, Part IV.] 8^. pp. 69. London, 1880. 8. 4. 24. [Bound, a/so, in Misc. Pamph., vol. vi, 31. 2. 6.] Head (6'/y Francis Bond). The Defenceless state of Great Britain. 12°. pp. xiv, 410. London, 1850. 6. 3. 37. Head [Sir George). A Home Tour through the Manufacturing Districts ot England, in the summer of 1835. ^2°. pp. xi, 348. New York, 1836. 1. 5. 26. Head (George E.). An Essay on a New System of Fortification, with illus- trations. 40. pp. 23. New York, 1869. [Misc. Pamph., vol. xiv.] 31. 2. 14. Heap [Capt. D. P., Corps of Engineers). See Barlow (J. W.) and Heap. Heap (Gwinn Harris). Central Route to the Pacific from the Valley of the Mississippi to California. Journal of the expedition of E. F. Beale, Su- perintendent of Indian Affairs in California, and Gwinn Harris Heap, from Missouri to California, in 1853. Map and illus. 8°. pp. 136. Philadelphia, 1854. 20. 2. 36 Hearding (W. H., C. E.). Practical Notes on Hydrographic and Mining Surveys, with illustrations. 8°. pp. 54. Milwaukee, 1872. 18. 2. 31. Hearne (Samuel). Journey from Prince of Wales's Fort in Hudson's Bay to the Northern Ocean. Undertaken by order of the Hudson's Bay Com- pany for the discovery of Copper Mines, a Northwest Passage, &c., in i76o-'72. Maps and pi. 40. pp. xhv, 458. London, 1795. 20. 5. 9. Heath [Lieut. F.). See Whittemore (James M.) and Heath. Hellwag (W.). Rapport sur la Determination du Trace et du Profil en long du Chemin de Fer du Gothard. 'Avec devis approximatif. Traduit de I'Allemand. (3 parts in i vol.) fol. Zurich, 1876. 42. 7. 1. 81 642 AUTHORS. AUTHOES. 648 Hellwag. Hilgard. Hellwag (W.). Rapport sur les Causes du Surcroit des Frais de Construc- tion des Ligues Tessinoises de plaine Biasco-Locarno et Lugano- Chiasso. Traduit de I'Allemand. PI. fol. pp. 41. Zurich, 1876. 42. 7. 1. Helmert {Dr. F. R.). Die Mathematischen und Physikalischen Theorien der hoheren Geodasie. Einleitung und i Theil: Die Mathematischen Theorien. 8°. pp. xiv, 631. Leipzig, 1880. L. S. Henriet {Lieut, J.). M^moire sur le Projet de Fortificatign en Terrain Hori- zontal, ms. fol. pp. 79. Metz, 1837. 6. 6. 14, Henry (Guy V.). Military Record of Civilian Appointments in the United States Army. 2 vols. 80. New York, i87i-'73. 17. 2. 5-6. Herbert (William Henry). Frank Forester's Fugitive Sporting Sketches. 12^. pp. 147. Westfield, Wis., 1879. 1. 5. 28. Herndon [Lieut, Wm. Lewis) and Gibbon {Lieut, Lardner). Exploration of the Valley of the Amazon, made under the direction of the Navy De- partment. Maps and pi. 4 vols., 8^ (2 of maps). Washington, 1853, 20. 1. 8-11. [Sen. Ex. Doc. 36, 32d Cong., 2d Sess.] Herschel (6'/rJohn F.W.). Manualof Scientific Enquiry. Map. 2ded. 8o. pp. 503. London, 1851. 16. 2. 34. Meteorology: from the Encyclopaedia Britannica. 2d ed. 12°. pp. vii, 288. Edinburgh, 1862. L. S. Heth {Capt, Henry). A System of Target Practice for the use of Troops when armed with the Musket, Rifle-Musket, Rifle, or Carbine. PI. 12O. pp.48, Philadelphia, 1858. 1. 1. 16. Hetzel {Capt. A. R.). Compilation of Military Laws of the United States [etc.]. 3ded. [istand 2dbyTruemanCross.] 8^. Washington, 1846. 2 copies, 23. 3. 26. Hewitt (Abram S.). The Production of Iron and Steel in its Economic and Social Relations. lUus. 8^. pp. 183. Washington, 1868. 19. 5. 7. Hewson (William, C. E.), Principles and Practice of Embanking Lands from River- Floods, as applied to Levees of the Mississippi. 2d ed. 8°. pp. 171. New York, 1870. 18. 1. 17. Hickey (W.). Constitution of the United States of America, Declaration of Independence, Articles of Confederation [etc.]. 4th ed. 12°. Phila- delphia, 1 85 1. 23.4. 36. Hickman (William, R. N,), A Treatise on the Law and Practice of Naval Courts- Martial. 8°. pp. xix, 319. London, 185 1. 23. 5. 20. Higinbotham (Thomas). Report of Observations on American and other Railways made during a tour in 1874 and 1875. ^^^^ PP* 59* London, 1877. 47. 3. 6. Hilgard (J. E.). Determination of Transatlantic Longitudes. 8°. \Misc, Pamph., vol. ix.] 31. 2. 9. 644 AUTHOES. AUTHOES. 645 Hind. Holden. Hind {Prof. Henry Youle). Narrative of the Canadian Red River Exploring Expedition of 1857, and of the Assinniboine and Saskatchewan Exploring Expedition of 1858. Maps and illus. 2 vols. 8°. London, i860. 20. 1. 23-24. Report on the Assinniboine and Saskatchewan Exploring Expedition. (Appendix No. 4, 17th vol. of Journals of Legislative Assembly of the Province of Canada.) i vol. 4°. Toronto, 1859. L. S. [Contains also Report of Exploration of country west of Lake Superior. By S. J. Dawson, C. E.] Hinton (Richard J.). See Redpath (James) at^d Hinton. Hirsch (A.). Nivellement de Precision de la Suisse. Execute par la Com- mission Geodesique Federale, sous la direction de A. Hirsch et E. Plan- tamour. Livraisons i-v. 4°. Geneve, 1867-74. L. S. See, also, Plantamour (E.) and Hirsch. Histoire des Combats d'Aboukir, de Trafalgar, de Lissa, du Cap Finist^re [etc.], depuis 1798 jusqu'en 18 13, suivie de la Relation du Combat de Na- varin, ou notions de Tactique pour les Combats sur Mer. Par,un Capitaine deVaisseau. Plans. 80. Paris, 1829. 16.4.32. Hitchcock {Prof. Edward). Elementary Geology. Illus. 12O. New York, 1847. 28- 1- 2'7* . The same, 12^. pp. 330. New York, 1864. 19. 3. 17. — Final Report on the Geology of Massachusetts. Maps, pi., and illus. 2 vols. 40. Northampton, 1841. 43. 2. 27-28. First Anniversary Address before the Association of American Geolo- gists, at their second annual meeting in Philadelphia, April 5, 1841. 8^. pp. 48. New Haven, 1841. 19. 3. 11. [Geological Pamphlets, vol. iii.] Hodgkinson (Eaton). Experimental Researches on the Strength and other Properties of Cast-Iron. PI. 8°. pp.196. London, 1846. 19.5.20. Hoefer (H., Ordinary Professor at the Royal Imperial School of Mines at Przi- bram). Contributions to the Theory of Blasting, or MiHtary Mining. Translated by CapL Charles W. Raymond, Corps of Engineers, U, S. A., Instructor of Practical Military Engineering at West Point,) 80. pp. 48. Washington, 1881. 6. 1. 52. Hoffman (W. J., M. D.). On the Mineralogy of Nevada. {Bulletin No, 3, Vol. IV, U, S, Geol, Survey of the Territories,) 8^. Washington, 1878. 20. 2. 25. Holden {Prof Edward S.). A Subject Index to the Publications of the United States Naval Observatory, 1845-75. 40. pp. 74. Washington, 1879. ^^' ^' ^^- \Second Lieut., Fourth U. S, Artillery'], Notes on the Bastion System of Fortification; its defects and their remedies. 2 pi. 8°. pp. 24. New York, 1872. \Misc. Pamph,, vol. vii.] 31. 2. 7. 646 AUTHOBS. AUTHORS. 647 Holley. Hough. HoUey (Alexander L., B, P.). A Treatise on Ordnance and Armor; embra- cing Descriptions, Discussions, and Professional Opinions concerning the Material, Fabrication, Requirements, Capabilities, and Endurance of European and American Guns for Naval, Sea-Coast, and Iron-Clad War- fare [etc.], Illus. 8o. pp. xliv, 900. New York, 1865. 7. 2. 42. Holmes (W. H.). A Notice of the Ancient Remains of Southwestern Colo- rado. {Bulletin U, S. GeoL Survey of the Territories, Vol. II, No, I.) Illus. 80. Washington, 1876. 20. 2. 23. Hoist (Elling). Om Poncelet's Betydning for Geometrien. Et Bidrag til de modern-geometriske Ideers Udviklingshistorie. [Essay on the develop- ment of Modern Geometry.] 80. pp.146. Christiania, 1878. 42.3.28. Holtzapffel (C). Turning and Mechanical Manipulation of the Lathe. Vol. I. Materials; Vol. II. Construction and Application; Vol. III. Pro- cesses. Illus. 3 vols. 80. London, i85o-'52. 7. 3. 30-32. Homans (Benjamin). Laws of the United States in relation to the Navy and Marine Corps. 8°. pp. 223. Washington, 1841. 23. 5. 27. Hood (John B., Lieut. Gen., Confederate Army). Advance and Retreat: Per- sonal Experiences in the United States and Confederate States Armies. Portraits and maps. 8°. pp. 358. New Orleans, 1880. 24. 2. 7. Hooiberg (T.). A Complete Pocket Dictionary of the English and Dutch Languages. In 2 parts; English-Dutch, Dutch-English. 2 vols. 18^. Dort, i843-'45. 5. 1. 25-26. Hooker (Jos. D.). See Gray {Prof A.) and Hooker. Hopkins (Archibald). See Nott (Charles C.) atid Hopkins. Hordynski {Maj. Joseph). History of the late Polish Revolution and Events of the Campaign. 2d ed. 8^. pp. xii, 428. Boston, 1833. 24. 4. 18. Home (John). See Jack (R. L.) rt!«^Home. Horsburgh (J., F. R. S.). India Directory, or Directions for Sailing to and from the East Indies, China [etc.]. 2 vols, in i. 4°. London, 181 7. 18. 3. 43. Horton (Richard). The Complete Measurer. 16^. pp. 380. London, 1874. 19. 4. 33. Hosking (William). A Guide to the Proper Regulation of Buildings in Towns, as a means of promoting and securing the Health, Comfort, and Safety of the Inhabitants. 8^. pp. 295. London, 1848. 7. 3. 34. See, also, Hann (J.) and Hosking. Hotchkiss (Jed.) and Allen (William). Battle-Fields of Virginia. Chancellors- ville [etc.]. Portrait and 5 maps. 8^. pp. 152. New York, 1867. 24. 2. 21. Hough (Franklin B.). Report upon Forestry. Prepared under the direction of the Commissioner of Agriculture, in pursuance of an Act of Congress approved August 15, 1876. 8^. pp.650. Washington, 1878, 2 copies. 47. 2. 32. 648 AUTHORS. AUTHOES. 649 Hough. Hulot. Hough (Franklin B.). Results of a series of Meteorological Observations at sundry stations in the State of New York. Second series, from 1853 to 1863 inclusive, and other phenomena to 187 1 inclusive. Map. 4°. pp.402. Albany, 1872. 19. 6. 4. Hough (G. W., Director). Meteorological Observations made at Dudley Ob- servatory from 1862 to 187 1. lUus. {Aimals of Dudley Obsenmtory , Vol. 11.) 80. pp. xliii, 367. Albany, 187 1. L. S. Hough (Capt. W.). The Practice of Courts-Martial. Also, the Legal Exposi- tion and Military Explanation of the Mutiny Act and the Articles of War [etc.]. 2d ed. 8° pp. 1000. London, 1825. 23. 5. 23. Houghton (Douglass, State Geologist). Second, Third, and Fourth Annual Reports on the Geological Survey of Michigan. 8^. Detroit, i839-'4i. 19. 3. 11. [Geological Pamphlets, Vol. III.] Houston {Bvt. Col. D. C., Major of Engineers). Method of Sinking Cribs. Plan. 40. pp. 4. Washington, 1874. 7. 6. 44. Report upon Experiments made by Assistant W. H. Hearding upon the Compressive Power of Pine and Hemlock Timber. 8^. 1872. [Misc. Pamph., vol. vii.] 31. 2. 7. Howell (Charles W., Captain of Engineers, U. S. A.). On Eads' Jetties. 8^. 1874. [Misc. Pamph., vol. iii.] 31. 2. 3. Photographic Views of the Great Red River Raft, 1873. obi. fol. Hoxie {Lieut. R. L.) and Marshall {Lieut. Wm. L.). Instructions for taking, recording, and reducing Meteorological Observations, and for preserv- ing and repairing Instruments. Prepared for the use of U. S. Geograph- ical Surveys West of the 100th Meridian. 8°. pp. ^'i, Washington, 1876. 19.3.31. Huerne de Pommeuse ( — ). Des Canaux Navigables consideres d'une ma- niere g^nerale, avec des Recherches Comparatives sur la Navigation In- terieure de la France et celle de I'Angleterre. Cartes et profils. 2 vols. 40. [Text and atlas.] Paris, 1822. 8. 6. 17-18. Hughes (John T.). Doniphan's Expedition; containing an account of the Conquest of New Mexico. Illus. 80. pp. viii, 144. Cincinnati, 1848. 20. 3. 12. Hugo (Leopold). Astronomic G^ometrique, ou Braves Considerations sur la Nouvelle Theorie des Ovhelites. 8°. pp. 30. Paris, 1876. 23. 2. 3. Le Valhalla des Sciences Pures et Appliqu6es, ou la Galerie Comme- morative des Blois. 8°. 1875. [Misc. Pa?nph., vol. xi.] 31. 2. 11. Hulot {M, — , Chef de Bataillon au Corps Imperial d^Artillerie). Instruction sur le Service de I'Artillerie. Revue et augment^e, par M. Bigot. 3d ed. 120. pp. xii, 283. Paris, 1813. 7. 1. 39. 82 650 . AUTHORS. AUTHOES. 651 Humber. Humphreys. Humber (William). A Comprehensive Treatise on the Water Supply of Cities and Towns, with numerous specifications of existing Water-Works. Text, pp. 298, xii, and pi. 2 vols. 4^. Am. ed. Chicago, 1878. Case 48. A Practical Treatise on Cast and Wrought Iron Bridges and Girders as applied to Railway Structures and to Buildings generally. 58 pi. 4^. pp. X, 106. London, 1857. 48. 6. Humboldt (T. H. Alexander von) et Bonpland (Aime). Voyage de. Ttvisihne partie : Essai Politique sur le Royaume de la Nouvelle-Espagne. 2 vols. 40. Paris, 181 1. 20. 5. 5-6. The same. Quatrieme partie : Astronomic, Trigonometric, et de Mesures Barometriques. Redige par Jabbo Oltmans. 2 vols. 4*^. Paris, 18 10. 20. 5. 3-4. Vues des Cordilleres, et Monumens des Peuples Indigenes de I'Amerique. 69 pi. fol. pp. 304. Paris, 18 10. 5. 3. 25 Humphreys (Andrew A., Capt, Topographical Engineers). Annual Report from the Office of Explorations and Surveys. December, 1858. [Contains reports of Experiments in sinking Artesian Wells on the Public Lands, etc.]. 80 Washington, 1859. 20. 3. 28. Letter to Hon. Wm. M. Gwin, U. S. S., in reply to communication from "A Citizen of Arkansas," respecting the two routes for a Railroad to the Pacific [etc.]. Washington, 1858. 28. 3. 1. [Bound ivzth Pacific Railroad Surveys, vol. i.] Reply to certain portions of the Minority Report of the Hon. Z. Kid- well, H. R., member of Select Committee upon the Pacific Railroad. December, 1856. 8°. [Misc. Famph.,Yo\.x\\\.] 31.2.13. Reports upon the Progress of the Pacific Explorations and Surveys, i855-'56. See Pacific Railroad Surveys, Vol. I. 28. 3. 1. [Bvt. Maj. Gen.. Chief of Engineers], Address on the Military Ser- vices of the late Maj. Gen. George Gordon Meade, U. S. Army, made at the Meade Memorial Meeting of the citizens of Philadelphia, Nov. 18, 1872. 80. Washington, 1872. \Misc. Pamph., vol. ix.] 31. 2. 9. A paper on the Relations of the Engineer Department to the Army, and on the 63d Article of War. 8°. pp. 9. Washington, 1869. 19. 5. 49. Remarks upon so much of the proposed Revised Statutes of the United States, " Title XIV, The Army," as affects the legal status of the Corps of Engineers. Being a letter to the Board of Commissioners for the Revision of the United States Statutes. 8^. pp. 1 1 . Washington, 1873. {Misc, Pamph., vol. xv.] 31. 2. 15. \Captain\ and hX^^A (Henry L., Lieut., Corps Topographical Engineers). Report upon the Physics and Hydraulics of the Mississippi River ; upon the Protection of the Alluvial Region against Overflow [etc.]. PL and maps. 40. pp. 456, cxlvi. Philadelphia, 1861. 31. 1. 652 AUTHOES. AUTHOES. 653 Humphreys. Ibanez e Ibanez. Humphreys {Captain A. A.) and Abbot [Lieut. H. L., Corps Topographical En- gineers). The same. Reprinted with additions. 25 pi. and maps. op. pp. xxiii, 691. Washington, 1876. 17. 6. 4. [Professional Papers No. 13, Corps of Engineers, U. S. A.| The same. Chapters II, VI, and VII. Maps. 8^. pp. xx, 214. Washington, 1867. 8. 4. 18. \Bvt. Maj\ Gen.] and k\iboi (H. L., Bvt. Brig. Gen., U. S. A.). Re- ply to the Criticisms made by Dr. Hagen, Director General of Public Works, Prussia [on Physics and Hydraulics of the Mississippi River]. 8^. 1878. {Misc. Famph., vol. iii.] 31. 2. 3. [Captain] and Warren (G. Y^., Lieut. ^ Corps Topographical Engineers). An Examination of the Reports of Explorations for Railroad Routes from the Mississippi to the Pacific, made under the orders of the War Department in 1853, 1854 [etc J. Ln Pacific Railroad Reports, Vol. I. 20. 6. 1. Hunter (Daniel J.). A Sketch of ChiH, expressly prepared for the use of Emigrants from the United States and Europe to that country. Map. 8°' PP- 53? 128. New York, 1866. 42. 3. 38. Huntington (Samuel H.). See Nott (Charles C), and Huntington. Husly, or Otten-Husly (Jacob). Antwoord op de Vraage, voorgesteld door de Hollandsche Maatschappye der Weetenschappen te Haarlem. [In rela- tion to the construction of dykes.] Folding pi. xxiii. 8^. pp. 184. [Amsterdam, 1783.] 8. 1. 27. Hutton {Prof. Charles, LL. Z>., F. R, S.\ A course of Mathematics for the use of Academies as well as private tuition. Revised by Robert Adrian. Vol.11. 80. New York, 1812. 19.4.37. Mathematical Tables, containing Common, Hyperbolic, and Logistic Logarithms [etc.]. 8°. London, 1785. 19.4.24. Hyde (E. W., C. El.). Skew Arches: Advantages and Disadvantages of Different Methods of Construction. PI. and diagrams. 18^. pp. 104. New York, 1875. 18. 1.44. Ibanez e Ibanez {Don Carlos). Base Centrale de la Triangulation Geodesi- que d'Espagne. Translated into French from the Spanish, by A. Laus- sedat. Ilius. 8°. pp. 300, cclxiv. Madrid, 1865. L. S. Descripcion Geodesica de las Islas Baleares. Illus. 8°. pp. xii, ^dd. Madrid, 187 1. L. S. Estudios de Nivelacion Geodesica. PI. 8^. pp. xii, 866. Madrid, 1864. L. S. The same. PI. 8°. pp.84. Madrid, 1865. 6.1.30. Experiences faites avec I'Appareil ^ mesurer les Bases appartenant \ la Commission de la Carte d'Espagne. Translated into French from the Sfjanish, by A. Laussedat. Illus. 8^. pp. 235, cxlvii. Madrid, i860. L. S. 654 AUTHORS. AUTHOKS. 655 Imlay. * Ives. Imlay (George). A Topographical Description of the Western Territory of North America [etc.]. Vol. I [only]. i6o. pp. xxiii, 260. New York, T793. . 1.5.37. India : Topographical Department. [A series of 29 maps, folded in 8° cases. Calcutta, V. d.] 43. 5. 6-34. Indiana State Board of Agriculture. Eleventh Annual Report, lllus. 8^. Indianapolis, 1869. 43. 2. 5. Ingalls (James M.). Curves of Pursuit. 8^. [Misc, Pcunph.^ vol. iv.] 31. 2. 4. IngersoU (Lurton D.). History of the War Department of the United States. With biographical sketches of the Secretaries. 2 pi. 8^. pp. xiii, 613. Washington, 1879. 24. 4. 5. Institution of Civil Engineers. Minutes of Proceedings ; containing abstracts of the Papers and of the Conversations, for the sessions 1837-79. Vols. I-LVIII [current], and General Index to Vols. I-XX, i837-'6i. 8^. London, 1837-79. 2. 1 & 2. Catalogue of the Library, 1866; [and] Charter, By-Laws, and Regula- tions, and List of Members. London, 1879. 2. 2. 8-9. Transactions. Vol. I-II, and part i and 3 of Vol. III. PI. 4 vols. 40, and atlas, fol. London, 1836-40. 42. 3. 1-4. Instructions to Rear Admiral Daniel Ammen and Civil Engineer A. G. Meno- cal, U. S. Navy, Delegates on the part of the United States to the Inter- oceanic Canal Congress held at Paris, May, 1879. ^°* ^^79* \Misc, Pamph., vol. ii.] 31. 2. 2. Interior Department (U. S.). Register, corrected to August i, :88o. 80. Washington, 1880. 42. 5. 26. Iron and Steel Institute. Journal: 1877-79. P^- 3 vols. 8°. London, i877-'79. 19. 5. 8-10. Irving (Washington). Astoria, or Anecdotes of an Enterprise beyond the Rocky Mountains. Vol. II [only]. 8°. pp. 279. Philadelphia, 1836. 2. 5. 25. Italy. Itinerario generale del Regno d' Italia ad use delle Araministrazioni Militari. 40 and fol. 2 vols. Text and pi. Roma, 1875. 42. 3. 6. Relazione Medica sulle Condizioni Sanitarie dell' Esercito nell' anno 1876. [Army medical report.] 8°. pp.429. Roma, 1878. 42. 4. 23 • Del Servizio del Vestiario e del Corredo Militare durante I'anno 1878. Relazione del Maggiore Generale Cesare Croce. 8'^. pp. xii, 213. Ro- • ma, 1 88 1. 42. 7.61. [Report on Military Clothing and Equipments.] Ives {Lieut. Joseph C). Memoir to accompany a Military Map of the Penin- sula of Florida, south of Tampa Bay. Map. 8^. pp. 42. New York, 1856. 2 copies, 20. 3. 22. 656 AUTHOES. AUTHOES. 657 Ives. Jacob, Ives {Lieut, Joseph C). Preliminary Report on the Colorado Exploring Ex- pedition. 8° pp. [12]. Washington, 1859. 20. 3. 26. ■ Report upon the Colorado River of the West, explored in 1857-58. Maps and pi. 4^. Washington, 1861. Contents, Part I. General Report. II. Hydrographical Report. III. Geological Report. By Dr. J. S. Newberry. IV. Botany. By Profs. Gray, Torrey, Thurber, and Engelman. V. Zoology. By Prof. S. F. Baird. Appendices (4). ■ Jack (R. L.) and Home (John). Glacial Drift in the Northeastern Carpa- thians. 8°. {Misc. Pamph,, vol. viii.] 31. 2. 8. Jackson (Basil, Lieut. Col.., Royal Staff Corps). A Treatise on Military Sur- veying, including Sketching in the Field, Plan Drawing, Levelling, Mili- tary Reconnoissances, etc. PI. and illus. 5th ed. 8^. pp. vii, 330, 12. London, i860. 6. 1. 29. Jackson (Charles T.). First Report on the Geology of the State of Maine. 80. Augusta, 1837. 19. 3. 9. (Geological Pamphlets, Vol. I.J Second Annual Report on the Geology of the Public Lands of Maine and Massachusetts. 8°. Augusta, 1838. 19. 3. 9. [Geological Pamphlets, Vol. I.] Jackson {Col, J. R., Editor). The Military Topography of Continental Eu- rope. From the French of M, Th. Lavallee. 16^. pp. xii, 351. Lon- don, 1850. 6. 1. 28. Jackson (James). Adolf-Erik Nordenskiold. 8°. pp. 16. Paris, 1880. \Misc, Pamph,, vol. ix.] 31. 2. 9. Jackson (Richard P.). Chronicles of Georgetown, D. C, from 1751 to 1878. 12O. pp. 350. Washington, 1878. 24. 4. 12. Jackson {Rev. Sheldon). Alaska, and Missions on the North Pacific Coast. Portrait, map, and illus. 12°. pp.327. New York [1880]. 1.5.2. Jackson (W. H.). A Notice of the Ancient Ruins in Arizona and Utah ly- ing about the Rio San Juan. {Bulletin U. S. Geol. Survey of the Terri- tories, Vol. IL, No I.) 80. Washington, 1876. 20. 2. 23. Ancient Ruins in Southwestern Colorado. {Bulletin U. S. Geol. Sur- vey of the Territories^ Vol. /, 2d Series, No. i.) 8^. Washington, 1875. 20. 2. 22. Descriptive Catalogue of the Photographs of the United States Geo- logical Survey of the Territories, 1869-75, 2d ed. [And of the] Photo- graphs of the North American Indians. ( U. S. Geol. Sun^ey, Misc. Pub. Nos. 5 and 9.) 8^. Washington, i8j5-'77. 20. 2. 13 & 16. Jacob (Arthur). Practical Designing of Retaining Walls. 18^. pp. 47* .New York, 1873. 18. 1. 46. 83 658 AUTHOKS. AUTHOBS. 669 Jacob. Jefferys. Jacob (Arthur). The Designing and Construction of Storage Reservoirs. 24O. pp. 95. New York, 1873. 18. 1. 43. Jacob! (G. A., Lieut, (fArtillerie de la Garde Fnissienne), fitat actuel de TArtillerie de Campagne en Europe : Artillerie de Canipagne Anglaise. Traduit de TAllemand. 5 pi. 8^. pp. xx, 168. Paris, 1838. 7. 1. 21. Jacquet (L.). Memoir on the Improvement of Non-Tidal Rivers. Trans- lated by BvL Col. Wm. E. Merrill, Major of Engitieers, U, S. A. 40. Washington, 1881. 7. 4. 50. James (Edwin, Cojnpiler). Account of an Expedition from Pittsburgh to the Rocky Mountains, performed in the years 1819-20. By Maj. S. H. Long, U. S. Topographical Engifieers. Map and pi, 3 vols. 8^. Lon- don, 1823. 20. 1. 32-34. James (Lieut Gen, Sir Henry, R. E.). Account of the Methods and Pro- cesses adopted for the production of the Maps of the Ordnance Survey. Drawn up by Officers of Royal Engineers employed under Lieut. Gen. James. Illus. 40. pp. vi, 214. London, 1875. L. S. [Lieut. Col., R. E.], Ordnance Trigonometrical Survey of Great Britain and Ireland. Account of the Observations and Calculations of the Principal Triangulation, and of the Figure, Dimensions, and Mean Specific Gravity of the Earth as derived therefrom. Drawn up by Capf, Alexander Ross Clarke, R, E. Text and pi. 2 vols. 4°. London, 1858. 44. 9. 26-27. Jameson [Prof, Robert). Mineralogy according to the Natural History Sys- tem. [From] Encyclopaedia Britannica, 7th ed. 8°. pp. 283. Edin- burgh, 1837. 19. 3. 12. Janicki (S.). Memoir on the Improvement of Non-Tidal Rivers. Translated by Bvt. Col. Wm. E. Merrill, Major of Engineers, U. S. A, 40. Washing- ton, 1 88 1. 7. 4. 50. Jeans (H. W., F, R. A, S.). Navigation and Nautical Astronomy: The practical part. 160 pp.279. ^o^^ov\, Weak' s Series, 1^^^. 18.3.20. Jebb (J., Capt. Corps Royal Engineers). A Practical Treatise on strengthen- ing and defending Outposts, Villages, Houses, Bridges, etc. 2d ed. Illus. 80. pp. X, 81. Chatham, 1837. 6. 3. 8. A Practical Treatise on the Attack of Military Posts, Villages, In- trenchments, etc. Intended as a supplement to " The Defence of Out- posts." PI. 80. pp. viii, 82. London, 1837. 6. 3. 9. Jefiferson (Hon, Thomas). Report made to the House of Representatives on the Cod and Whale Fisheries, February i, 1791. Also Report of Lorenzo Sabine, Esq, 8°. Washington, 1872. 46. 1. 21. Jefferys (Thomas). The West-India Islands; from actual. surveys and obser- vations, in 18 correct maps, with plans of most of the distinguished Har- bours [atlas]. To which is added an historical description of the West- Indies, fol. London, 1796. 53. 11. 660 AUTHORS. AUTHOKS. 661 Jenkin. Johnston. Jenkin (Fleming, F. R. S. S., L. d^ E., M, I. C. E.). Electricity and Mag- netism. Illus. i6o. pp. 368. London, 1873. 19. 1. 22. Reports of the Committee on Electrical Standards. PI. 8^. pp. 248. London, 1873. 19. 1. 30. Jenkins (Thornton A., U. S, N.). Code of Flotilla and Boat Signals for the United States Navy. 160. pp. 169. Washington, 1861. 18. 3. 2L The Magnetism of Ships, and the Deviation of the Compass. From the Transactions of Foreign Societies. Reprinted by order of the Secre- tary of the Navy. Illus. 8^. Washington, 1867. 18. 3. 2. Jenney (Walter P.). The Mineral Wealth, Climate and Rainfall, and Natu- ral Resources of the Black Hills of Dakota. 8^. pp. 71. Washington, 1876. 20. 3. 46. Johnson (A. J.). New Illustrated Family Atlas of the World, fol. New York, 1869. Room 12. df Son. New Universal Cyclopaedia: a Scientific and Popular Treasury of Useful Knowledge. Illus. with maps, plans, and engravings. 4 vols. imp. 80. New York, i876-'78. 28. 5. 6-9' Johnson (Jasper W.). Digest of the Laws of Military Reservations. 8^. pp. 85. Washington, 1879. 23. 5. 19. Johnson (L.) &* Co. Book of Specimens of Plain and Fancy Printing Types. . etc. 40. Philadelphia [1865]. 44. 8. 24. Johnson (Samuel, LL. D.). A Dictionary of the English Language. 2 vols. 40. Philadelphia, 1819. 5. 3. 9-10. The same. As improved by Todd, and abridged by Chalmers ; with Walker's Pronouncing Dictionary combined. To which is added. Walker's Key to the Classical Pronunciation of Greek, Latin, and Scripture Proper Names. 8^. Boston, 1828. 5. 2. 4. Johnston (Cap. Abraham R.). Journal [of March from Santa Fe, N. Mex., to San Diego, Cal.], in 1847. [Piif^f of Ex. Doc, 41, 30/// Cong., ist Sess.] Illus. 80. Washington, 1848. 20. 2. 39. Johnston (Alexander Keith). Physical Atlas of Natural Phenomena. Colored maps and figs. fol. Edinburgh, 1856. Room 12. -^ The National Atlas of Historical, Commercial, and Political Geog- raphy, fol. Edinburgh, 1857. Room 12. The Royal Atlas of Modern Geography. New ed. fol. Edinburgh, 1877. Room 12. Johnston (Joseph E., General, C. S. A.). Narrative of Military Operations dur- ing the late War between the States. PI. and maps. 8°. pp. 602. New York, 1874. 24. 2. 1. 662 AUTHORS. AUTHORS. 663 Johnston, Jordan. Johnston (Joseph E., Bvt, Lieut. Col., U, S, A.). Report descriptive of the country between San Antonio and El Paso, dated December 28, 1849. [And] Report on the Condition of the River Colorado, and probable Cost of improving its Navigation. Map. In i vol. 8^. Washington, 1850. 20. 2. 44. [Co/ofiel, U. S. A.]. Survey of the Southern Boundary Line of Kan- sas. Map. 80. Washington, 1858. 20. 3. 7. Johnston (William Preston). Life of General Albert Sidney Johnston, em- bracing his services in the Armies of the United States, the Republic of Texas, and the Confederate States. 8°. pp. xviii, 755. New York, 1878. 24. 2. 2. Jomlni (Henri, Baron de). Precis de I'Art de la Guerre, ou Nouveau Tableau Analytique des Principales Combinaisons de la Strategic, de la Grande Tactique et de la Politique Militaire. Map and pi. 2 vols. 8°. Paris, 1838. 6. 3. 10-11. Political and Military History of the Campaign of Waterloo. Trans- 'lated from the French by Capt. S. V. Benet, Ordnance Department, U. S. A. 3d ed. 12O. pp. 227. New York, 1864. 24. 3. 32. Joinville (Le Prince de). Campagne de I'Armee du Potomac (Mars-Juillet 1862). Map. 80 .pp. 64. New York, 1862. 24.2.19. Jonjik (Dr. Eberhard A.). Bericht iiber die AUgemeine Agricultur- und In- dustrie-Ausstellung zu Paris im Jahre 1855. Ulus. 3 vols. 8°. Wien, i857-'58. 1. 2. 16-18. Jones (Rev. J. William). Personal Reminiscences, Anecdotes, and Letters of General Robert E. Lee. 8°. pp. xvi, 509. New York, 1874. 24. 2. 3. Jones (Col. John T., Royal Engineers). Journals of Sieges carried on by the Army under the Duke of Wellington, in Spain, 1811-14. Maps and plans. 2 vols. 8^. London, 1827. 24. 4. 34-35. [Lieut. Col., Royal Engineers], Journals of the Sieges undertaken by the Allies in Spain in the years 1811-12, with notes. 8°. pp.371 London, 18 14. 24. 4. 37 Jones (Capt. Wm. A., Corps of Engineers). Report upon the Reconnaissance of Northwestern Wyoming, including Yellowstone National Park, made in 1873. With appendix. 50 maps. 8^. pp. 331. Washington, 1875. 20. 3. 44. Jopling (Joseph, Architect). The Practice of Isometrical Perspective. PI. 80. pp. 96. London, n. d. ^18. 2. 37. Jordan (David S., M. D.). Notes on a Collection of Fishes from the Rio Grande at Brownsville, Texas. [And] A Catalogue of the Fishes of the Fresh Waters of North America. (Bulletin U. S, Geol. Survey, Vol. JV, No. 2.) 80. Washington, 1878. 20. 2. 25. 664 AUTHORS. AUTHORS. 665 Jordan. Keim. Jordan (David S., M. D.). Notes on a Collection of Fishes from the Rio Grande at Brownsville, Texas — Continued. [Bulletin No. 3, Vol. IV, U. S. Geol. Suf-vey of the Territories,) 80. Washington, 1878. 20. 2. 25. Report on the Collection of Fishes made by Dr. Elliott Coues, U. S. A., in Dakota and Montana, i873-'74. [Bulletin No. 4, Vol. IV, U. S, Geol. Survey of the Territories.) 8^. Washington, 1878. 20. 2. 25. and Brayton (A. W.). Contributions to North American Ichthyol- ogy, Nos. 1-3. [Bulletins U. S, National Museum, Nos.^, 10, 12.) In I vol. 80. Washington, i877-'78. 22. 2. 10. Jordan (W.). Ueber die Methoden und Ziele der Europaischen Gradmessung. 8^. pp. 45. Carlsruhe, 1873. L. S. Zeitschrift fiir Vermessungswesen, Im Auftrag und als Organ des Deutschen Geometervereins. Vol. II. Illus. 8^. pp. iv, 386. Stutt- gart, 1873. L. S. Josse (M.). Grammar of the Spanish Language. 12°. pp. 468. New York, 1863. 16. 6. 10. Journal de I'Expedition et de la Retraite de Constantine [N. Africa] en 1836. [And] Journal des Operations de TArtillerie pendant I'Expedition de Constantine, Octobre 1837. Plan and view, in i vol. 8^. Paris, 1837-38. 16. 4. 38. Journal Polytechnique, ou Bulletin du Travail fait a TEcole Centrale des Tra- vaux Publics. 4 vols in 3. 4^. Paris, an III-VI [1794-97]. 16. 4. 9-11. Kaemtz [Prof L. F.). A complete Course of Meteorology. Translated, with notes, by C. V. Walker. Illus. 16^. pp. 598. London, 1845. 2 cop- ies. 19. 3. 28. Kane (Paul). Wandering of an Artist among the Indians of North America, from Canada to Vancouver's Island and Oregon through the Hudson's Bay Company's Territory and back again. Map and illus. 8^. pp. xvii, 455. London, 1859. 1- ^* ^^• Kane (Robert, M. D., M. R. I, A.). Elements of Chemistry. Edited by John William Draper, M. D. 8^. pp. 696. New York, 1842. 19. 1. 10. Kautz [Brig. Gen. August V., U. S. V.). The Company Clerk : showing how and when to make out all the Returns, Reports, Rolls, and other Papers, and what to do with them. 12th ed. 12O. pp. 142. Philadelphia, 1865. 17. 1. 30. Keating (William H., Compiler). Narrative of an Expedition to the Source of St. Peter's River, Lake Winnepeek, Lake of the Woods, etc., in the year 1823, under the command of Maj. Stephen H. Long, U. S. Topographical Engineers. Map and pi. 2 vols. 8^. London, 1825. 20. 1. 38-39. Keim (De B. Randolph). Washington and its Environs. Illus. 2 maps. 1 6°. pp. XX, 252. Washington, 1874. 1. 5. 44. 84 666 AUTHORS. AUTHOES. 667 Kelly. King. Kelly (F. M.). The Union of the Oceans by Ship-Canal without Locks, via the Atrato Valley. Map. 8^. pp.114. New York, 1859. 8.5.19. \Hou}uf^ nlso^ in Misc. Painph., vol. ii.] Kennedy (William). Texas : The Rise, Progress, and Prospects of the Re- public of Texas. Maps 2 vols. 8^. pp. lii, 378 and 548. London, 1 84 1. 24. 1. 26-27. Kent (James). Commentaries on American Law. loth ed. Vol. L Law of Nations, Jurisprudence of the United States, [etc.], and index. 8°. Bos- ton, 1840. 23. 4. 4. The same, 4th ed. Vol. I. 8^. New York, 1840. 23. 4. 6. Kent (William). The Strength of Materials. 18°. pp.. 139. New York, 1879. 19. 5. 26. [Reprinted from Van Nostrand'3 Magazine.] Kidder {Dr. J. H., U. S. N.), Contributions to the Natural History of Ker- guelen Island. I. Ornithology. Edited by Dr. Elliott Coues, U. S. A. {Bulleiin U. S. National Museum, No. 2.) 8^. Washington, 1875. 22. 2. 8. The same. Part IL {Bulletin U. S. National Museum, No. 3.) 8°. Washington, 1876. 22. 2. 8. Killebrew (J. B.) and Safford (J. M.). Introduction to the Resources of Ten- nessee. (First and Second Reports of the Bureau of Agriculture for the State of Tennessee.) Map. 8°. Nashville, 1874. 43.2.3. Kimber (Thomas). Field Works; with Observations on their Construction and Uses. 4 pi. 80. pp. 4t. London, 185 1. 6.2.40. Kincaid (Cc?//. J.). Random Shots from a Rifleman. 12^. pp.192. Phila- delphia, 1835. 16. 2. 30. King (Clarence, Geologist iii Charge), Collection of Photographic Views taken during the Geological Survey of the Fortieth Parallel. 2 vols. fol. Washington, n. d. 52. 1. 1-2. ' United States Geological Exploration of the Fortieth Parallel. 7 vols. 40, and 2 atlases fol. Washington, 1870-78. 17. 6. 9-16. Vol. I. Systematic Geology. 26 pi. and 12 analytical geological maps. II. Descriptive Geology. By Arnold Hague and S. F. Emmons. 26 pi. III. Mining Industry. By James D. Hague. With Geological Contributions, by Clarence King. 37 pi., and atlas of 14 maps. IV. Palaeontology. By F. B. Meek, James Hall, and R. P. Whitfield. Ornithology. By Robert Ridgway. 24 pi. V. Botany. By Sereno Watson, aided by Prof. Daniel C. Eaton and others. Map and 40 pi. VI. Microscopical Petrography. By Ferdinand Zirkel. 12 pi. VII. Odontornithes. By Prof. O. C. Marsh. 34 pi. and 40 woodcuts. Topographical atlas of 11 maps. [Professional Papers No. 18, Corps of Engineers, U. S. A.] King (J. W., Chief Efigineer, U. S. N.). European Ships of War and their Armament, Naval Administration and Economy, Marine Constructions and Appliances, Dock- Yards, etc., etc. Washington, 1877. 2 copies. 18. 3. 5. 663 AUTHORS. AUTHOES. 669 King. Knowlton. King (J. W., Chief Engineer, U. S. JV.). The Dock-Yards and Iron Works of Great Britain and France. {Ex. Doc. No. 14, H.of R., T,^th Cong., 2d Sess.) Illus. 80. pp. 45. Washington, 1864. 18. 3. 7*. King {Bvt. Maj. William R., Capt, Corps of Engineers, U, S. A ). Coimter- poise Gun Carriages and Platforms. 16 pi. 40, pp. 60. Washington, 1869. 7. 2. 10. Photographic Views illustrating Works on the Muscle Shoals Canal under his direction. 35 sheets, obi. fol. 1873. Report on Certain Experimental and Theoretical Investigations relative to the Quality, Form, and Combination of Materials for Defensive Armor. 28 pi. 40. pp. 107. Washington, 1870. 17. 6. 8. [Professional Papers No. 17, Corps of Engineers, U. S. A.] Reports on Experimental Firing with Modern Sea-Coast Artillery, to determine the Elements of Trajectory. [And] Supplement, to ascertain the Penetration and other Effects of Shot and Shell. By Maj. C. B. Reese, Corps of Engineers. PI. 8^. Washington, 1868. 7. 2. 46. Torpedoes : their invention and use, from the first appHca tion to the Art of War to the present time. 2iZ P'^* S^. pp. iv, 98. Washing- ton, 1866. 2 copies. 7. 2. 51. Kingsley (J. S.). A Synopsis of the North American Species of the Genus Alpheus. {Bulletin U. S. Geol. Survey of the Territories, Vol. IV, No. i.) 80. Washington, 1878. 20. 2. 25. Kingston ( G., Superintendent). Reports of the Meteorological Office and Service of the Dominion of Canada for the fiscal years ending June 30, 1872, June 30, 1873, and December 31, 1878. 3 vols. 8^. L. S. Kirkham (Samuel). Engfish Grammar in Familiar Lectures. 12^. pp. 228. Rochester, 1842. 16. 5. 23. Kirkwood (James P., Civil Engineer). Report on the Filtration of River Waters for the Supply of Cities, as practiced in Europe, made to the Board of Water Commissioners of the city of St. Louis. 30 pi. 4^. pp. 178. New York, 1869. 7. 4. 15. Knight (Edward H.). American Mechanical Dictionary. A Description of Tools, Instruments, Machines, Processes, and Engineering; History of Inventions ; General Technological Vocabulary and Digest of Mechani- cal Appliances in Science and the x\rts. Illustrated with upwards of 7,000 engravings. 3 vols. imp. 8°. New York, 1877. 5. 2. 15-17. KnoUys {Maj. W. W., 93^/ Sutherland Highlanders). Hand-Book of Field Fortification, intended for the Guidance of Officers preparing for promo- tion. Illus. 12°. pp. 273. Philadelphia [London], 1873. 6. 2. 46. Knowlton {Lieut. Miner, U. S. A.). Notes on Gunpowder, Percussion- Powder, Cannon, and Projectiles. 40 pp. 73. New York, 1839. 7. 2. 6. 670 AUTHOfiS. AUTHORS. 671 Krayenhoff. Lamont. Krayenhoff (C. R. T.). Recueil des Observations Hydrographiques et Topo- graphiques, faites en Hollande. Maps and pi. 8°. A la Haye, 1835. 20. 1. 2. •Krupp (Fried.). Report of Trial with a 9-inch Breech-Loading Cast-Steel Cannon [made by him], 12°. [Misc. Pamph.^ vol. vii.] 31. 2. 7. KuW (C). Sec Hansford (R.) and Kuhl. Kumlien (Ludwig). Contributions to the Natural History of Arctic America, made in connection with the Howgate Polar Expedition, 1877-78. {^Bul- letin No. \^^ U, S. National Museum,) 8°. pp. 179. Washington, 1879. 22. 2. 11. Kunka (Josef). Die Panzerthiirme. [A study of Iron Turrets for Defensive Purposes. From Mittheilungen ilber Gegenstlinde des Artillerie- und Genie- wesens, 1876, Parts I-IV.] i vol. Illus. 80. Wien, 1876. 6. 5. 52. Kunkle (C). See Montefiore-Levy (C.) and Kunkle. Kurtz (John D., Lieut. Col. Engineers) andBiowR (Micah R., Copt. Engineers). Report on the Effects of Sea- Water and Exposure upon the Iron Pile Shafts of the Brandy wine Shoal Lighthouse. PI. 4°. pp. 13. Wash- ington, 1874. 18. 2. 10. Kutter (W. R.). Die neuen Formeln fur die Bewegung des Wassers in Kanillen und regelmassigen Flussstrecken. PI. 4^. pp.91. Wien, 187 1. [Misc. Painph., vol. xiv.] 31. 2. 14. The same. Translated from articles in the Cultur Ingenieur^ by Lowis d'A. Jackson. 2 pi. 8^. pp. x, 95, cxl. London, 1876. 7. 4. 33. Laboria {M.). Notice sur la Defense des Cotes Maritimes de France. 8°. pp. 62. Paris, 1 84 1. \Misc. Pamph.^ vol. vii.] 31. 2. 7. Laidley {Col. T. T. S.). A Course of Instruction in Rifle Firing. Illus. 160. pp. 234. Philadelphia, 1879. "^^ ^' ^^* Laisne (J., Capt. du Genie). Aide-Memoire Portatif a I'usage des Othciers du Genie. 2d ed. 8 pi. 12^. pp. x, 620. Paris, 1840. 28.1.37. The same. 3d ed. 8 pi. 12O. pp. xi, 712. Paris, 1853. 28.1.38. The same. 4th ed. PI. 12°. pp. xi, 873. Paris, 186 1. 6.1.18. Lakenman (Seger). Ontwerp van een Onkostbaa»en Zeker Middel [etc.]. PI. fol. pp. 23. Amsterdam, 1733. 7. 5. 27. [^'v Civil Engineering: Dikes] Lalande (Jerome de). Tafeln der Fiinfstelligen Logarithmen. Vierte neu bearbeitete stereotyp. Ausgabe. Zweite Auflage. 12^. pp. iv, 410. Leipzig, 1870. L. S. Lamont {Dr. J.). Handbuch des Erd-Magnetismus. Illus. 8°. pp. viii, 264. Berlin, 1849. L. S. Handbuch des Magnetismus. Illus. 8°. pp. viii, 468. Leipzig, 1867. L. S. 672 AUTHOES. AUTHORS. 673 Lament. Lavallee. Lamont (Z?/'. J.). Untersuchungen iiber die Richtung und Starke des Erd- MagnetismUs, an verschiedenen Punkten in Europa. lllus. 4O. Miin- chen, 1858-59. L. S. Lander (Fred. W ). A Pacific Railroad Bill with Explanation and Argument in siii)port of it. 8°. i860. [Af/'sc. Pamph., vol. xiii.] 31. 2. 13. ■ Synopsis of a Report of the Reconnaissance of a Railroad Route from Puget Sound via the South Pass to the Mississippi River. See Pacific Railroad Reports. Vol. II. 20. 6. 2. Landrin (M. H. C.,y>.). A Treatise on Steel: comprising its Theory, Metal- lurgy, Properties, Practical Working, and Use Translated from the French, with notes. By A. A. Fesquet. \(P. pp. 352. Philadelphia, 1868. 19. 5. 24. Languen (James). A short Manual of the Russian Language, for the use of Englishmen. 12^. pp. 94. Helsingfors, 1848. 16. 5. 4. Lanman (Charles). Biographical Annals of the Civil Government of the United States, during its first century. 8^. pp. 676. Washington [New York], 1876. 5. 2. 6. Dictionary of the United States Congress, and the General Govern- ment. 6th ed. 8°. pp. 652. Hartford, 1869. 5. 2. 7. Laplace (Pierre Simon). Traite de Mecanique Celeste. 4 vols. 40. Paris, 1789-1805. 23. 3. 42-45. [Vol. II wanting.] Lardner [Rev. Dionysius, LL. D.). The Steam-Engine familiarly explained and illustrated. With additions and notes by James Renwick, LL. D. lllus. 80. pp.325 Philadelphia, 1836. 19.2.7. Laroche i^M. — ., Ingenieur des Pouts et Chaussees). See Stoecklin ^z/z^/ Laroche. Latimer (Charles, 6". i5".). The Divining Rod : Water- Witching. 12O. pp. 83. Cleveland, 1876. 1. 6. 48. The French Metric System, or the Battle of the Standards. 1 2^. pp. 64. Chicago, 1880. 16. 1. 38. Latour {Maj. Antoine Lacarriere, lYuicipal Engineer in the late Seventh Mili- tary District^ U. S. A.). Historical Memoirs of the War in West Florida and Louisiana in 1814-15. Translated from the French by H. P. Nugent. Maps. 80. pp. 189. Philadelphia, 1816. 24. 5. 25. Latrille (G., Ancien Chef de Brigade). Considerations sur la Guerre, et par- ticulierement sur la derniere Guerre. 8°. pp. 176. Paris, n. d. 6. 3. 7. {Bounii xvith Essai sur le Mccanisme de la Guerre. \_Anon.'\ 8". Paris, 1808.] Laurencie (S. de la). See Thiers (Edouard) and Laurencie. Lavallee (Theophile). Geographie Physique, Historique et Militaire. 6th ed. 12°. pp. xi, 620. Paris, i860. 2. 5. 17. Military Topography of Continental Europe. Translated by J. R. Jackson. 160. London, 1850. 6. 1. 28. 674 AUTHOES. AUTHORS. 675 Lavoinne. Leeds. iavoinne (F^.) rt!//<'/ Pontzen (E.). Les Chemins de Fer en Amerique. Tome premier, Construction, i vol. 8°, and pi. fol. Paris, i860. 8. 2. 5. Law (Henry, C. E.) and Clark (D. K.). The Construction of Roads and Streets. I. The Art of constructing Common Roads. II. Recent Practice in the Construction of Roads and Streets, including Pavements of Stone, Wood, and Asphalte. Cuts. 12°. pp. xii, 345. London, 1877. 8. 2. 32. Lawrence (George N.). Birds of Southwestern Mexico, collected by Francis E. Sumichrast. {^Bulletin U. S. National Museum^ No. 4.) 2P. pp. 56. Washington, 1876. 22. 2. 9. Lebrun [M. — .) See Gumpertz (H.) ^-W Lebrun. Lecomte (Ferdinand, Major a VEtat- Major Federal Suissi ). L'ltalie en i860 : Ksquisse des Evenements Militaires et Politiques. Maps. 8°. pp. 286. Paris, 1 86 1. '24. 4. 8. [Colonel Federal Suisse\ Guerre de la Prusse et de l'ltalie contre TAutriche et la Confederation Germanique en 1866. Maps. 8°. pp. 474. Paris, 1868. 24. 4. 33. Le Conte (John L., M. D.). Colebptera of the Alpine Regions of the Rocky Mountains. Parts I-II. i^Bulletin U. S. G ol. Survey, Vol. TV, No. 2, and Vol. V, No. 3.) 80. Washington, i878-'79. 20. 2. 25-26. Lee (Lieut. Samuel Phillips, . 6^. S. N.). Reports and Charts of the Cruise of the U. S. Brig Dolphin. 8°. pp. 331. Washington, 1854. 20. 3. 20. Lee (Capt. Thomas J., Topographical Engineers). A Collection of Tables and Formulae useful in Surveying, Geodesy, and Practical Astronomy, including the Elements for the Projection of Maps. 8^. pp. xiv, 94, 95. Wash- ington, 1849. 28. 1. 20. The same. 2d ed. 8^. pp. xviii, 242. Washington, 1853. 28. 1. 19. The same; And Instructions for Field Magnetic Observations. 3d ed., revised and enlarged.- 8^. pp. ix, 310. Washington, 1873. 17. 6. 3. [Professional Papers No. 12, Corps of Engineers, U. S. A.] Determination of the Latitude with Zenith and Equal Altitude Tele- scope. 40. pp. 15. Washington, [1848]. 17. 6. 2. [Professional Papers No. ii, Corps of Engineers, U. S. A.] Southern Boundary of Maryland. Map. 8°. pp. 24. [Baltimore, i860.] , 20. 3. 21. Leeds (Lewis W.) A Treatise on Ventilation : Comprising seven Lectures delivered before the Franklin Institute, Philadelphia, i866-'68. Showing the great want of Improved Methods of Ventilation in our Buildings. 2d ed. Col. pi. 80. pp. 226. New York, 1876. 2. 5. 40. 676 AUTHORS. AUTHORS. 677 Lefeljvre. . Lester. Lefebvre (M., Major au Corps des [ii^niieurs de Prusse). L'Art d'Attaquer et de Defendre les Places, suivi d'un essai sur les Mines, et d'un nouveau traite siir le Nivellement. 2 vols, text, i vol. pi. 3 vols. 4^^. Paris, 1808. 6. 6. 12-14. Leidy {P^of. Joseph). Contributions to the Extinct Vertebrate Fauna of the Western Territories. (U. S. GeoL Siwvey of the Territories, Vol. /, Part I.) 37 pi. 40. Washington, 1873. 23. 6. 4. Fresh Water Rhizopods of North America. PI. 4^. pp. 334. Wash- ington, 1880. 23. 6. 15. [U. S. Geol. Survey of the Territories, \'ol. XII. 1 Lemome (G.) and Belgrand (E.). Service Hydrometrique du Bassin de la Seine. Observations sur les Cours d' Eau et la Pluie, i872-'74, 1876-78. 4 vols. 80, and 4 vols. pi. fol. Versailles, v. d. 49. 2. 28-31. Lendy (Gz//. A. F., Dirt dor of the Practical Military College of Sunbiiry). Elements of Fortification, Field and Permanent. For the use of Stu- dents, Civilian and Military. Illus. 8°. pp. 222. London, 1857. 6. 2. 28. Maxims, Advice, and Instructions on the Art of War. Translated from the French. 24O. pp. 180. Paris, 1857. 1. 1. 31. Treatise on Fortification ; or, Lectures delivered to Officers reading for the Staff. Illus. imp. 80. pp. xiv, 538. London, 1862. 6. 5. 33. The Principles of War; or, Elementary Treatise on Higher Tactics and Strategy. 2d ed. 8*^. pp. vi, 172. London, 1862. 6.3. 5. Le Sage (E., Professeur). Cours sur la Fortification Permanente, a I'usage des Eleves de I'Ecole Royale de I'Artillerie et du Genie. 3 fold. pi. fol. pp. 201. Metz, 1825. '6. 5. 5. Lesquereux {Prof Leo). A Review of the Fossil Flora of North America. On some New Species of Fossil Plants of the Lignitic Formations. New Species of Fossil Plants from the Cretaceous Formation of the Dakota Group. {Bulletin U. S. Geol. Survey of the Territories^ Vol, I, id series, No. 5.) 80. Washington, 1876. 20. 2. 22. Contributions to the Fossil Flora of the Western Territories. Part I. The Cretaceous Flora. 30 pi. ( U. S. Geol. Survey of the Territo?-ies, Vol. VI.) 40. Washington, 1874. 23. 6. 9. Contributions to the Fossil Flora of the Western Territories. Part II. The Tertiary Flora. 65 plates. (6^.-^. Geol. Survey of the Tefritories, Vol. VII.) 40. Washington, 1878. 23. 6. 10. Lester {Capt. W. W., C. S. A.) ^7//^/ Bromwell (Wm J.). Digest of the Military and Naval Laws of the Confederate States, from the commencement of the Provisional Congress to the end of the First Congress under the Per- manent Constitution. 8^. pp.326. Columbia, S. C, 1864. 23.5.25. 678 AUTHORS. AUTHORS. 679 Leverett. Littrow. Leverett (F. P., Editor), A New and Copious Lexicon of the Latin Lan- guage. [And] An English-Latin Lexicon to accompany. In i vol. 80. Philadelphia, 1861. 5. 2. 2. Levret (H.). Jonction Geodesique des Triangulations de la France_et_ de I'Angleterre. (Memorial du Depot General de la Guerre: Supplement au Tome IX.) PI. and maps. 4^. Paris, 1865. 2 copies. 6. 4. 40. Levizac {M. de). Theoretical and Practical Grammar of the French Tongue. 12°. pp. 446. New York, 1842. 16. 5. 7. Lewis {Capt. Meri weather) a?id Clarke [Lieut. Wm.). Travels to the Source of the Missouri River and across the American Continent to the Pacific Ocean in 1804-06. Maps and illus. 3 vols. 8^. London, 181 7. 20. 1. 35-37. Lie (Soph us). [Mathematical Miscellanies.] I. Ueber partielie Differential- Gleichungen: i.o. II. i & 2. Allgemeine Theorie partieller Differential- Gleichungen: i.o. III. Discussion aller Integrations-Methoden der partiellen Dififerential-Gleichungen : 1.0. IV. i. Zur Theorie des Inte- grabilitatsfakt^Ts: 2. Veralgemeinerung und neue Verwerthung der Jaco- bischen Multiplicator-Theorie. In i vol. 12°. n. p. or d. 43. 3. 29. Life-Saving Service of the United States. Annual Report of Operations for year ending June 30, 18S0. 8^. Washington, 1880. 7. 2. 53. of the United States. Regulations for the government of. 8^. pp. 48. Washington, 1873. 43. 6. 23. Lincoln (Frederick W., jr., Mayor of Boston). Inaugural Address to the City Council: January 5, 1863. 8^. pp. 31. Boston, 1863. 44.2.18. Lippincott's Pronouncing Gazetteer, or Geographical Dictionary of the World. 80. Philadelphia, 1855. 28. 2. 21. The same. New ed., revised and enlarged. 8^. pp. 2478. Phil- adelphia, 1880. 9. 4. 11. Listingh (N.). Opweckinge ende aanleydinge, tot het uytvinden van be- quaame middelen en gronden om de Zee-dyken, in Holland t en West- Vrieslandt. [And] Een tweede opwecking en aanleiding, tot het lang ver- eischte beeter versorgen en meerder verstercken van de oude magteloose Muyder-zee-dyk, etc. [In relation to the construction of dykes.] PI. In £ vol. sm. 40. Amsterdam, 1702-05. * 8. 1. 26. Literary and Philosophical Society of Liverpool. Proceedings. 1876-78. 2 vols. 8^. London, i877-'78. 1. 3. 20-21. Littrow (C. von). Bestimmung der Breite und des Azimuthes zu Dablitz in 1863. pp. 38. Bestimmung der Breite und des Azimuthes auf dem Laaer Berge bei Wien in 1864. pp. 74. Bestimmung der Meridian- Differenz : Leipzig- Dablitz in 1863. pp. 128. Berlin- Wien-Leipzig in 1863. pp. 62. In I vol. 40. Wien, i868-'72. L. S. 680 AUTHORS. AUTHOES. 681 Lockwood. Loubat. Lockwood {Pfof. Henry H., U. S. JV.). Exercises in Small Arms and Field Artillery : arranged for the Naval Service, under an order of the Bureau of Ordnance and Hydrography of the Navy Department. PL 8°. pp. viii, 1 68. Philadelphia, 1852. 7. 1. 49. [Co.-if tin;, ttis>. Form of Exercise and MaiKi-uvre for the K lat-'.Iouit/.ers of the U. S. Na-vy. By Licut. J. A. Dahlgren ] Loj^an (.V/r William E.). Geological Survey of Canada. P..eport of Progress for 1853-56. Maps. 8^. pp. iv, 494.. Toronto, 1S57. 1. 4. 16. The same. For the year 1857. Maps and illus. 8^. pp. 240. Toronto, 1858. 1. 4. 17. Lombard {M. — ). Tables du Tir des Canons et des Obusiers, avec une in- struction sur la maniere de s'en servir. 8^. pp. vii, 177. [Paris], 1787. 7. 1. 4. Long (Stephen H., Major U. S. A.). Expedition from Pittsburgh to the Rocky Mountains, in 1819-20. Compiled by Edwin James. Map and pi. 3 vols. 80. London, 1823. 20. 1. 32-34. Expedition to the Source of the St. Peter's River, Lake Winnepeek, Lake of the Woods, etc., in the year 1823. Compiled by William H. Keating,^. ;^. Map and pi. 2 vols. 8°. London, 1825. 20.1.33-39. \Bvt. Lieui. CoL, U. S. A.\. Report of Examinations and Surveys with a view of Improving the Navigation of the Holston and 'J'ennessee Rivers, in 1830. 24 maps. 8^. pp. 51. Washington, 1875. 8. 1. 23. \Lieut. Co/., U S. A.\ Railroad Manual, or a Brief Exposition of Principles and Deductions applicable in tracing the Route of a Railroad. 2 parts in i vol. 24O. pp. 109. Baltimore, 1829. 18. 1. 47. and McNeill [Capt. William Gibbs). Narrative of the Proceedings of the Board of Engineers of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company, from its Organization to its Dissolution. 8^. pp. 189, 95. Baltimore, 1830. 8. 2. 6. Longfellow (Henry W.). Song of Hiawatha. 12°. pp.316. Boston, 1857. 1. 5. 35. Loomis (Elias). An Introduction to Practical Astronomy, with a Collection of Astronomical Tables. 8^. pp. xi, 497. New York, 1855. 2 copies. 23. 2. 6. Loring (A. E.). A Hand-Book of the Electro-Magnetic Telegraph. 16°. pp. 98. New York, 1878. 19. 1. 21. Lossing (Benson J.). Pictorial Field-Book of the Revolution. Illus. 2 vols. 80. New York, i860. 24. 3. 20-21. Loubat (J. F.), Narrative of the Mission to Russia, in 1866, of the Hon. Gustavus Vasa Fox, Assistant Secretary of the Navy. Edited by John D. Champlin, yr. 13 portraits. 8^. pp. 444. New York, 1873. 1. 4. 2. 86 AUTHORS. AUTHOKS. 683 Loudon. Macauley. Loudon (John Claudius). An Encyclopaedia of Cottage, Farm, and Villa Architecture and Furniture. lUus. 8^. pp. xxiv, 1317. London, 1853. 7. 3. 23. Louisiana. [Private Land Claims.] Report of the Commissioner of the Gen- eral Land Office communicating a Report of the Register and Receiver of the Land Office at Monroe, La. (32^/ Cong., 2d Sess., Senate Ex. Doc. 4.) 80 [Washington, 1853.] 42. 3. 34. Lovelace ( 7%^ ^rzr/^/). On Harbours of Refuge. 80. London, 1849. {Misc, Fafnph., vol. iii.] 31. 2. 3. Lovett {Maj. St. John) and Smith {Maj. Euan). Eastern Persia. An Account of the Journeys of the Persian Boundary Commission, 1870, '71, '72. Vol. L Geography : with introduction by Maj. Gen. Sir Frederick John Goldsmid, Commissioner. Vol. IL Zoology and Geology: by \V. T. Blantford. PI. and maps. 2 vols. 8° London, 1876. 20. 3. 33-34. Lubbock (J. VV., V. P. b' Treas. R. S.). On the Tides in the Port of London. (From the " Philosophical Transactions.") 4O. London, 1831. L. S. Ludlow (William, Capt. of Engi eers, But. Lieut. Col., U. S. A.). Reconnais- sance of the Black Hills of Dakota. [Geology by Prof. N. H. Winchell ] Maps and sections. 40. pp.121. Washington, 1875. 20.5.19. Reconnaissance from Carroll, Montana Ter., on the Upper Missouri, to the Yellowstone National Park, and return, in 18; 5. Maps and pi. 40. pp. 155. Washington, 1876. 20. 5. 18. Lull {Commander Edward P.) and Collins {Lieut. Frederick, U. S. N.). Re- ports of ^Explorations and Surveys for the Location of Interoceanic Ship- Canals through the Isthmus of Panama, and by the Valley of the river Napipi by U. S. Naval Expeditions, 1875. ^3 maps and pi 40. pp. 124. Washington, 1879. 2 copies. 8. 5. 24. Lyle {Lieut. D. A., Ordnance Dept.). Report on Foreign Life-Saving Appa- ratus. 19 pi. 80. pp. 47. Washington, 1880. 7. 6. 22. Report on Life-Saving Ordnance and Appurtenances. 54 pi. 8^. pp. 164. Washington, 1878. 7. 2. 44. McA.dam (John Loudon). Observations on the Management of Trusts for the Care of Turnpike Roads, as regards the Repair of the Road, the Ex- penditure of the Revenue [etc.]. 8^. pp. iv, 148. London, 1825. 8. 2. 28. Remarks on the present system of Roadmaking, with observations deduced from Practice and Experience [etc.]. ist Am. ed. 8^. pp. 196. Baltimore, 182 1. 8. 2. 26. The same. 8th ed., revised, with appendix [etc.] 8^. pp. vii, viii. 236. London, 1824. 8. 2. 27. Macauley (I. S., Co/, of U. C. Militia). A Treatise on Field Fortification, the Attack of Fortresses, Military Mining, and Reconnoitrihg, with atlas. 5th ed. 8^. pp. xiii, 337. London, i860. 6. 2. 44. [Atlas wanting.] 684 AUTHORS. AUTHORS. 685 McCauley. MjcJMaster. McCauley {Lieut, C. A.) and Cones [Dr. Elliott). Notes on the Ornithology of the Region about the Sjurce of the Red River of Texas, from Obser- vations made during the Exploration conducted by Lieut. E. H. Ruffner, Corps of Engineers, U. S. A, [Bulletin U. S. Geol. Survey of the Terri- tories, Vol. Ill, Nj. 3.) 8^. Washington, 1877. 20. 2. 21. McChesney (C. E., M. D.). Notes on the Mammals of Fort Sisseton, Da- kota. Annotated by Dr. Elliott Coues, U. S. A. {Bulletin U. S. GdoL Survey of the Territories, Vol. IV, No. i.) 80. Washington, 1878. 20. 2. 25. McClellan (George B., C.ipt., U. S. A.). Manual of Bayonet Exercise, rpe- pared for the use of the Army of the United States. PI. 12°. pp. 118. Philadelphia, 1862. 1. 1. 15. Memoranda on Railways; prepared in the Office of Pacific Railroad Surveys. See Pacific Railroad Reports, Vol. i. 20. 6. 1. The Seat of War in Europe, in 1855-56. Maps and illus. 4^. pp. 360. Washington, 1857. 24. 6. 22. The same. Extracts for the use of the Cadets at the United States Military Academy. 8°. pj). 104. Washington, i860. 6. 3. 36. \Maj. Gen., U. S. A.\ Organization and Campaigns of the Army of the Potomac: to which is added an account of the Campaign in West- ern Virginia, with Plans of the Battlefields. 8^. pp. 480. New York, 1864. 24.2.15. See also Marcy {Capt. R. B.) ^?//^/ McClellan. McCalloch (J. R.), A Dictionary: Geographical, Statistical, and Historical. 2 vols. 80. London, 1846. 21. 1. 1-2. Macdonald (Charles, C. E.). The Ocean Pier at Coney Island. Map and 4 pi. {Trans. Am. Sjc. C-.v. Eigrs., Vol. VIII, 227-237, 1879.) ^8. 1. 16. Maciongall {Lieut. Col. P. L., Rjyjl Military College). The Theory of War. Illustrated by numerous examples from Military History. Maps and diagrams. 2d ed. 12°. pp. xi, 354. London, 1858. 6. 3. 32. Macedo (Joaquim Manoel de). Brazilian Biographical Annual. Vols. I-III. 3 vols. 80. Rio de Janeiro, 1876. 43. 7. 14-16. Mackay (Andrew). The Theory and Practice of Finding the Longitude at Sea or Land; to which are added various Methods of Determining the Latitude of a place, and the Variation of the Compass, with Tables. 2 vols. 80. London, 18 10. 19. 4. 28-29, Mackellar (Thomas). American Printer: a Manual of Typography. Illus 12°. pp. 336. Philadelphia, 1876. 16. 5. 32 Maclear (Thomas). Contributions to Astronomy and Geodesy. 4^. pp 114. London, 1851. 45. 6. 42 McMaster (John B., C. £.). Bridge and Tunnel Centres. Illus. 18°. pp 106. New York, 1875. 23. 3. 34 686 AUTHORS. AUTHORS. 687 McMaster. Mahan. McMaster (John B , C. E.). High Masonry Dams. PI. i8^. pp. 132. New York, 1876. 18. 1. 48. Macneill (John). Tables for calculating the Cubic Quantity of Earth-Works in the cuttings and embankments of Canals, Railways, and Turnpike Roads. PI. 30. pp. 254. London, 1833. 19. 4. 21. McNeill [CapL William Gibbs). See Long (Stephen H.) and McNeill. Macomb {Cnpt. John N., Corps of Topographical E'lgi-iecrs). Report of the Exploring Expedition from Santa Fe, New Mexico, to the junction of the Grand and Green Rivers of the Great Colorado of the West, in 1859. With Geological Report by Prof. J. S. Newberry. Map and pi. 4^. pp. 152. Washington, 1876. 20. 4. 4. McPherson (Edward). Hand-Book of Politics for 1872. 4th ed. 8^. pp. iv, 225. Washington, 1872. 44. 2. 11. Madalaine (Joachim). Fortification Permanente. Difauts des Fronts Bas- tionnes en Usage. 2 pi. 8*^. pp. 145. Paris, 1844. 19. 5. 28. {^Bound with Materiaux de Construction de I'Expjsition Universelle de 1855.] Madsen (C. L.). Projet d'une Methode Telegraphique pour la Mesure des Distances a I'usage de I'Artillerie. Folding pi. 8°. pp. 15. And 2 supplements, fol. Copenhague, 1863-61. 7. 2. 24. Maes {Maj. C). Traite de Topographie ; et de Reproduction des Cartes au moyen de la Photographic par A. Haunot. 2 vols. 8^. pp. 374. With atlas of 30 pL, fol. Paris, 1874. L. S. Mahan {Prof. D. H., U. S. Military Academy). A complete Treatise on Field Fortification, with the general outlines of the principles regulating the Arrangement, the Attack, and the Defence of Permanent Works. PI. 160. pp. xviii, 268. New York, 1836. 6. 2. 49. The same. 3d ed. 16^. New York, 1862. 6. 2. 50. An Elementary Course of Civil Engineering for the use of the Cadets of the United States Military Academy. PI. 8^. pp. xxvi, 310. New York, 1837. 28. 2. 26. The same. 4th ed. 8^. pp. iv, 358. New York, 1848. 28. 2. 30. — The same. 6th ed. 8^. pp. v, 401. Ne^v York, 18J7. 28. 2. 26. The same. 6th ed. New York, 1864. 18. 2. 16. An Elementary Course of Military Engineering. Part I. Comprising Field Fortification, Military Mining, and Seige Operations. Ulus. 8^. pp. XXX, 284. New York, 1865. 6. 2. 41. An Elementary Course of Permanent Fortification, for the use of the Cadets of the U. S. Military Academy. Revise 1 and edited by J. B. Wheeler, Profes or, Military Academy. i8 folding i)l. 8^. pp. ix, 177. New York, 1874. 6. 4. 7. An Elementary Treatise on Advance-Guard, Out-Post, and Detach- ment Service of Troops, and the manner of posting and handling them m presence of an Enemy [etc.]. 6 pi. 16°. pp.168. New York, 1861- 6. 1. 25. 688 AUTHORS. AUTHOES. 689 Mahan. Malezieux. Mahan {Prof. D. H., U. S. Military Academy). Descriptive Geometry, as ap- plied to the drawing of Fortification and Stereotomy. PI. 8^. New York, 1864. 6. 3. 48. Industrial Drawing : Comprising the description and uses of Drawing Instruments, the construction of Plane Figures, the Projection and Sections of Geometrical Solids, Architectural Elements, Mechanism, and Topo- graphical Drawing [etc.]. PI. 8^. pp. xvi, 156. New York, 1855. 18. 2. 42. Notes on Architecture [And] General remarks on the Motion of Machines. PL and figs. 4°. n. p. or d. 7. 3. 45. Notes supplementary to the Course of Permanent Fortification. PI. 40. n. p. or d. 6. 5. 53. Stone Cutting. [9 folding pl. and sheet of descriptive text.] 8^. n. p. or d. 7. 3. 28. Summary of the Course of Permanent Fortification and of the Attack and Defence of Permanent Works. For the use of the Cadets of the U. S. Mihtary Academy. 12 folding pl. imp. 8^. pp. 372, and atlas. West Point, 1850. 6. 4. 6. Majendie {Maj, V. D.). Report of an Explosion of Gunpowder in the Re- gents' Park, 2nd October, 1874. Pl. pp. 46. London, 1875. [And] Reports on the necessity for the Amendment of the Law relating to Gun- powder and other Explosives, pp. 81. In i vol. fol. 47. 4. 39. [British Parliamentary Papers.] Report on the Circumstances attending an Explosion of Dynamite at Cymmer, Glamorganshire, on the 21st April, 1876. pp. 16. [Lon- don], 1876. [And] Report on the Circumstances attending an Explosion of Gunpowder at a gunpowder factory at Herodsfoot, Liskeard, Cornwall, i2th May, 1876. i vol. fol. pp. 11. [London], 1876. 47. 4. 39. [British Parliamentary Papers.] Report on the Circumstances attending an Explosion of Gunpowder in Doncaster, January 3, 1880. Plan. fol. pp. 21. [London, 1880.] 47. 4. 39. [British Parliamentary Papers.] Malezieux (fimile). Memoire sur las Portes en Tole construites en 1862 et 1863 aux Ecluses du Canal de Saint-Maurice. 2 pl. 8°. Paris, 1865. {Misc. Pamph., vol. iii.] 31. 2. 3. Notice sur le Viaduc construit en 1865, pour le Passage de 1' Avenue Daumesnil sous le Chemin de Per de Ceinture de Paris. 2 pl. 8°. pp. i6. Paris, 1867. {Misc. Pamph., vol. v.] 31. 2. 5. Travaux Publics des fitats-Unis d'Amerique en 1870. Rapport de Mission par M, Malezieux, Pigenietir en Chef. Text and atlas. 2 vols. in I. 40. Paris, 1873. 2 copies. 7. 5. 28-29i 87 690 AUTHOKS. AUTHOKS. 691 Mallat. Marcy. Mallat (J. F. Gustave). Balistique. Methodes nouvelles pour determiner la Resistance de 1' Air, pour Calculerla Trajectoire des Projectiles; Precedees de Discussions relatives a des Decouvertes concernant I'Artillerie, suivies d'une Proposition Extraordinaire concernant le Tir des Bombes. 80. Paris, 1846. 7. 1. 2. Mallery (Garrick, Bvt. Lieut. Col./U. S. A.). A Calendar of the Dakota Nation. PL (Bulletin U. S. Geol. Survey of the Territories, Vol. Ill, No. I.) 80. Washington, 1877. 20. 2. 24. Introduction to the study of Sign Language among the North Ameri- can Indians, as illustrating the Gesture Speech of Mankind. 40. pp. 72. Washington, 1880. 23. 6. 27- \Bound with Yarrow (H- C.) Mortuary Customs.) Malte-Brun (Conrad). A system of Universal Geography, or a description of all the parts of the Wqrld, on a new plan, according to the Great Natu- ral Divisions of the Globe; accompanied with Analytical, Synoptical, and Elementary tables. With additions and corrections, by James G. Perci- val. Maps and pi. 3 vols. 4°. Boston, 183^. 23.6.32-34. Mangin (A.). Die Polygonal-Befestigung welche seit dem Jahre 1815, in Deutschland zur Anwendung gekommen ist. Mit einem Anhange von J, Coster. 4 pi. 8^. pp. x, 132. Leipzig, 1855. 6. 4. 12. Mansfield (E. D.). The United States Military Academy at West Point. [Am. Jour. Education, March, 1863.] 8°. pp. 32. \Mtsc. Puftiph., vol. ix.] 31. 2. 9. Mansfield (J.). Essays Mathematical and Physical. 80. pp. 274. New Haven, n. d. 19. 1. 15. Manufacturer and Builder (The). Vol. VII, 1875, to Vol. XII, 1880. 6 vols. 40. New York, 187 5-'8o. [Current.] 46.5.28-33. Marcou (Jules). Distribution Geographique de I'Or et de I'Argent aux £tats- Unis et dans les Canadas. 8°. {Misc. Famph., vol. viii.] 31. 2. 8. Geology of North America. Maps and pi. 4°. Zurich, 1858. 2 copies. 43. 2. 1. Le Canal Interoceanique et le Congres International de Paris. (Bi- bliotheque Universelle et Revue Suisse, septembre 1879.) 8^. pp. 24. Lausanne, 1879. [Misc. Famph., vol. ii.] 31. 2. 2. Marcy {Capl. Randolph B.). Expedition from Fort Bridger via Coochetope Pass to New Mexico, and back via Bridger's Pass, during the winter and spring of i857-'58. 8°. pp. 15. [Washington] 1858. 20. 3. 7. Report on a Route [for a road] from Fort Smith to Santa Fe, New Mexico, dated Nov. 20, 1849. Map. 8°. Washington, 1850. 29.2.44. The Prairie Traveller. A Hand-Book for Overland Expeditions [etc.]. Map and illus. 12O. pp. xiii, 340. New York, 1859. 1.5.11. AUTHOES. AUTHORS. 698 Marcy. Mason. Marcy [Capt. Randolph B.) and McClellan {Capt. George B.). Exploration of the Red River of Louisiana, in 1852. Maps and pi. 2 vols. 8^. Washington, 1854. 20. 1. 30-31. Mariposa Company. [Prospectus and Reports.] Map. 8^. pp.81. New York, 1863. 44. 2. 14. Markham (Clements R.). A Memoir on the Indian Surveys. Maps. imp. 8°. pp. XXV, 303. London, 187 1. 2 copies. 44. 8. 12. The same, 2d ed. [with additions.] Maps. imp. 8°. pp. xxix, 481. London, 1878. 20. 5. 21. Marsh (George P.). Lectures on the English Language. 8^. pp. viii, 697. New York, i860. 24. 1. 1. The Earth as Modified by Human Action. 8°. pp. 656. New York, 1874. 24. 6. 2. Marsh [Prof. O. C). Introduction and Succession of Vertebrate Life in America. An address delivered before the American Association for Ad- vancement of Science at Nashville, Tenn., Aug. 30, 1877. 8"^. PP'57. n. p. or d. 14. 4. 10. Odontornithes ; a Monograph on the Extinct Toothed Birds of North America. PL andillus. 4°. pp. xv, 201. Washington, 1880. 17.6.16. [U. S. Geological Exploration of the 40th Parallel, Vol. VII.] Marshall [Lieut. Wm. L.). See Hoxie (R. L.) ^;/^ Marshall. Martin (Benjamin Ellis). In Memoriam : Joseph Gilbert Totten. 8°. pp. 8. New York, 1866. 24. 4. 28. [Bound with Barnard (J. G.). Eulogy on the late Bvt. Maj. Gen. Joseph G. Totten, U. S. A.] Martin (fimile, Fondeur). Note sur les Procedes de Fusion et les Moyens d'Ajustage des Voussoirs de Fonte de Fer, qui composent les Arches du Pont du Carrousel. 4^. pp. 16. Paris, 1834. 19. 5. 3. Martin (Frederick). Statesman's Year Book; Statistical and Historical An- nual of the States of the Civilized World [etc.]. For the year 1874. [Seventh.] 12O. London, 1874. 16.2.20. Martony de Koszegh (Carl). Versuche iiber den Seitendruck der Erde. [Ex- periments on the lateral Pressure of Earth.] 2 vols. 4°. Wien, 1828. 43. 3. 17-18. Maryland Geological Survey. Reports of Project and Annual Reports, 1833-40. Maps. 80. Annapolis, 1833-40. 19. 3. 11. Contents. I. Report on a Projected Survey. By J. T. Ducatel and T. H. Alexander. II. Report of the Geologist, 1836. By J. T. Ducatel. III. Engineer's Report, 1837. By T. H. Alexander. IV. Annual Report of the Geologist, 1837. By J. T. Ducatel. V. Annual Report 0/ the Geologist, 1840. By J. T. Ducatel. [Geological Pamphlets, Vol. III. J Mason (Emily V.). Popular Life of Gen. Robert Edward Lee. 2d ed. 12°. pp. xi, 432. Baltimore, 1872. 24. 2. 5. 694 AUTHORS. AUTHOES. 695 Mason. Mayo. Mason {Bvt. Lieut. Col. James L., U. S. Engineers). An Analytical Investi- gation of the Resistance of Piles to Superincumbent Pressure deduced from the Force of Driving [etc.]. S^. pp. 25. Washington, 1850. 17. 5. 38. [Professional Papers, No. 5, Corps of Engineers, U. S. A.] Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Fifteenth Annual Catalogue of the Officers and Students. 8^. 1880. {Mi^c. Pamph., vol. i.] 31. 2. 1. Massachusetts State Board of Health. Seventh Annual Report. January, 1876. Maps and illus. 8°. Boston, 1876. 44. 3. 20. Massachusetts Western Railroad Corporation. Annual Reports I-VII, 1836-42. [And seven other reports and documents relating to same.] In I vol. 80. Boston, i836-'42. 44. 6. 19. Mather (William W.). Sketch of the Geology and Mineralogy of New Lon- don and Windham Counties, in Connecticut. Map. 8°. Norwich, 1834. 19. 3. 9. [Geological Pamphlets, Vol. I.] Mathews (William). Words; their Use and Abuse. 12O. pp.384. Chicago, 1880. 16. 5. 17. Matthews (Washington, Surg., U. S. A.). Ethnography and Philology of the Hidatsa Indians. 8^. pp. 239. i^U. S. Geol. Survey of the Terri- tories, Misc. Pub., No. 7.) Washington, 1877. 20. 2. 14. Maurice (Pierre fimile, Baron, Capitaine du Genie). Essai sur la Fortification Moderne, ou Analyse Comparee des Systemes Modernes Frangais et Alle- mands. 8^. pp. vii, 156, and pi. fol.. 2 vols. Paris, 1845. ^- ^' ^5. Maurice-De Sellon ( Pierre Emile, Capitaine du Genie). Memorial de I'lngenieur Militaire, ou Analyse Abregee des Traces de Fortification Permanente des Principaux Ingenieurs, depuis Vauban jusqu'k nos jours. 8°. pp. 98 and atlas, fol. Paris, 1849. 6. 4. 29. Maury (M. F., U. S. N.). A New Theoretical and Practical Treatise on Navigation in which the Auxiliary Branches of Mathematics and As- tronomy are treated of; also Theory and most simple Methods of finding Time, Latitude, and Longitude. Illus. 8°. pp. 336. Philadelphia, 1845. I'-S. The Physical Geography of the Sea. New ed. Sketches and dia- grams. 80. pp. 360. New York, 1858. 19. 3. 34. Maury (M. F., ^. 6^. S.,etc.) and Fontaine (Wm. yi., A. M.). Resources of West Virginia. 80. pp. x, 438. Wheeling, 1876. 16. 2. 23. Maximilian (Alexander Philipp, Prinz von Wied-Neuwied). IVavels in the In- terior of North America. Translated from the German by H. Evans Lloyd. Illus. 40. pp. X, 520. London, 1843. 23. 6. 31. Mayo (Robert, M. D.). A Synopsis of the Commercial and Revenue System of the United States as developed by instructions and decisions of the Treasury Department for the administration of the Revenue Laws. With appendix. 4°. Washington, 1847. 42. 3. 27. 696 AUTHORS. AUrHORS. 697 Mazzola. Mendell. Mazzola (Giuseppe, Assistenie nel ihtto OhsenatoniJ). Determinazione del Diametro Solare, mediante lo Studio delle Esagerazioni a cui vanno soggette le Grandezze Apparent! degli Astri. Nota prima. 8^. Torino, 1873. L.S. Meade [Capt. Geo. G., Topographical Ejig'uieers). Report of the Survey of the North and Northwest Lakes, i86d. Maps and sketches. 8^. pp. 190. Detroit, 1861. 20. 3. 31. Mechanics' Magazine, Museum, Register, Journal, and Gazette Vols. 52-53. 2 vols. London, 1850. 45. 4. 17-18. Medical Department ( U. S. A.). Meteorological Register for the years 1826- '30. Prepared under the direction of Thomas Lawson, M. D., Surg. Gen. U. S. A. 8°. pp. 161. Philadelphia, 1840. 19. 3. 36. The sarne. For twelve years, from 1831 to 1842, inclusive. 8^. pp. 324. Washington, 185 1. 19.3.32. Directions for taking Meteorological Observations. 8^. pp. 18. Washington, n. d. 19. 3. 29. — Meteorological Register, from 1843 ^^ 1854., inclusive. 4°. pp. 763. Washington, 1855. 19. 6. 5. Meek {Prof. Fielding B.). Descriptions and Illustrations of Fossils from Van- couver's and Sucia Islands, and other northwestern localities. [And] Note on the new genus Uintacrinus. [Bulletin U. S. Geol. Survey of the Territories, Vol. II, No. 4.) 80. Washington, 1876. 20. 2. 23. Notes on some Fossils from near the Rocky Mountains. (Bulletin U. S. Geol. Survey of the Territories, Vol. /, 2d series, No. i.) 8^. Washington, 1875. 20. 2. 22. Notice of a very large Goniatite from eastern Kansas. {Bulletin U. S. GeoL Survey of the Territories, Vol. /, id series. No. 6.) 8°. Wash- ington, 1876. 20. 2. 22. Report on the Invertebrate Cretaceous and Tertiary Fossils of the upper Missouri country. {U. S. GeoL Survey of the Territories, Vol. IX.) 45 pi. 40. Washington, 1876. 23. 6. 12. Mello (Homem de). Subsidies to the formation of the Physical Map of Brazil. Map. 40. pp. 45. Rio de Janeiro, 1876. 19. 6. 37 Memorial de I'Ofticier du Genie ou Recueil de Memoires, Experiences, Ob- servations et Procedes Generaux propres a Fortification et les Constructions Militaires. (Index, Vols. I-XV.) PI. 25 vols. 80. Paris, i8o3-'76. 45. 5. 1-26. Mendell (George H., Capt. Corps of Engineers). A Treatise on Military Sur- veying, theoretical and practical, including a description of Surveying In- struments. Illus. 12O. pp.193. New York, 1864. 6.1.34. [Major of Engineers, Bvt Col., U. S. A.]. Report on the Blasting Op- erations at Lime Point, Cal, May, 1868. 8°. n. p., 1868. 31. 2. 1. 88 698 ATITHOES. AUTHOES. 699 Mendell. Michie. Mendell (George H., Lieut. Col. of Enoinerrs). The same. 2d ed. 80. 1880. [Misc. Pamph., vol. i.| 31. 2. 1. _ [Bvt. Co/., U. S. A., E/ii^r. of the Water Co !nniission\. Report on the Various Projects for the Water-Supply of San Francisco, Cal. Maps. 8°. pp. 223. San Francisco, 1877. 7. 4. 47. S(u\ also, Alexander (T>. S.), Mendell, a;iJ Davidson. Merkes (J. G. W., Capitaine dii Gthiie). Kssai sur les dififerentes methodes, tant Anciennes que Nouvelles, de construire les Murs de Revetement, particu- lierement ceux avec Arceaux ou Voiitcs en D^'cliarge, et les Gasemates Defensives a I'epreuve de la Bombe. Suivi de considerations sur les Ex- periences faites en 1834, par I'Artillerie Saxonne sur les Batteries Blindees. Traduit du Hollandais et annote ])ar H. G. Gaul)ert. 8*^. pp. vii, 328. Paris, 1841. 6. 2. 20. Merrill (Bvt. Col. WiUiam F., Mijor Corps of En^^iiu-crs, U. S. yL). Iron Truss Bridges for Railroads. Methods of calculating Strains, with a com- parison of the most prominent Truss Bridges, and new Formula for Bridge Gomputations [etc.]. 9 pi. 4^. pp. 130. New York, 1870. 23. 3. 2. [Photographs of tlie Davis Island Dam, Ohio River. Improvement under his direction: 4 sheets in portfolio, 1880, and of movable dam No. I, Ohio River; 5 sheets, i87>''.] Memoirs on the Improvement of Non-tidal Rivers. From the French of MM. S. Janicki, L. Jacquet, and A. Pasqueau. In i vol. 8^. Wash- ington, 1 88 1. 7. 4. 50. See, also, Daine (J. G.), Abbot, ^r/^/ Merrill. Msrrimi!! ( Mansfteld). List of Writings relating to the Method of Least Squares. 8°. 1877. {Misc. Pamph., vol. xi.] 31. 2. 11. Messedaglia {Prof. Angelo). Delle condizioni fisiche ed idrauliche del fiume Mississippi e del progetto della sua regolazione secondo 1' o])era dei Sigg. Gapitano A. A. Humphreys, e Luog. H. L. Abbot. 8*^. pp. 128. Venezia, 1863. 8. 4. 15. Metcalfe (Samuel L., M. D.). Galoric: its Mechanical, Ghemical, and Vital Agencies in the Phenomena of Nature. 2 vols. 8^. Philadelphia, 1859. 19. 1. 3I4. Meurdra (M. H., Capitaine du Genie). Ponts Militaires et Passages de Rivieres. Folding pi. 80. pp.250. Paris, 1 86 1. 23.3.^8. Michaelis [Lieut. O. F., Ordnance Corps, U. S A.). The Le Boulenge Ghrono- graph. 2 pi. 40. pp. 43. New York, 1872. 7. 2. 11. Michaud [Le Citoyeu). Des Fortifications et des relations generales de la Guerre de Siege. Pour servir de reponse au dernier ouvrage de Marc- Rene Montalembert. 12O. pp.68. Paris, 1794. 6.2.29. Michie [Capt. P. S., Corps of Eni^ineers). Fabrication of Iron [etc. J. See Barnard (J. G.), Wright, a?td Michie. ♦ 700 AUIHOKS. AUTHOBS. 701 Michigan. - Mitchell's. Michigan State Board of Agriculture. Seventeenth and Eighteenth Annual Reports of the Secretary. For the years ending August 31, 1878, and August 31, 1879. 2 vols. 8°. Lansing, i878-'79. 44. 3. 23-24. Michigan State Board of Health. Fourth Annual Report. 8°. Lansing, 1876. 44. 3. 21. Michler [Lieut. N., Corps lopographkal Enghieets), Report of a Reconnais- sance for a Road between Corpus Christi, Tex., and the Military Post on the Leona, dated July 31, 1849. [Andj Report of a Reconnaissance of a Route from the Upper Valley of the South Branch of Red River to the Rio Pecos, dated January 28, 1850. Map. In i vol. 8°. Wash- ington, 1850. 20. 2. 44. Report of Survey for an Interoceanic Ship-Canal near the Isthmus of Darien. 8^. pp. 457. [Sen. Ex. Doc. No. 9, 36//^ Co?ig.j 2d Sess.) Washington, 1861. 8. 5. 17. Mifflin (Samuel W.). Methods of Location, or Modes of Describing and Ad- justing Railway Curves and Tangents, as practiced by the Engineers of Pennsylvania. PI. 16°. pp. 41. Philadelphia, 1837. 18. 1. 22. Militarstrafgesetzbiich fiir das Konigreich Bayern. [Bavarian Military Code.] 80. pp. 69. Miinchen, 1869. 23. 4. 20. Military Service Institution of the United States. Journal, Vol. I. 8°. New York, i879-'8o. 40. 3. 11. Mille (M., Ingaiieur €71 Chef des Po7its et Chaiissees) ^j/z^/Durand-Claye (Alfred, Ingcnicur ordinaire). Service Municipal des Travaux Publics [Ville de Paris]. Service des eaux d'Egout: Annee 1869. Compte-rendu des Travaux et des Resultats. 2 vols., text and pi. 4*^. Paris, n. d. 7. 5. 14-16. Miller (William Allen, yJ/. D., LL. D). Elements of Chemistry: Theoreti- cal and Practical. Part II. Electricity and Magnetism. 8^. pp. 191. New York, 1864. 19. 1. 33 Millhouse (John). New English and Italian Pronouncing and Explanatory Dictionary. 4th ed. 2 vols. 12°. New York, 1877. 5. 1. 6-6. Mills (Robert). Treatise on Inland Navigation, accompanied by a Map. 8°. pp. 103. Baltimore, 1820. 8. 6. 2. Mirabeau (Honore G. R., Conife de). Systeme Militaire de la Prusse, et Principes de la Tactique Actuelle des Troupes les plus Perfectionnees. Extrait de La Motiarchie Pnisiienjte. 93 folding pi. 4°. pp. 424. Londres, 1788. 6. 6. 29. Mississippi. Laws of the State of, passed at a Regular Session of the Missis- sippi Legislature, January, February, and March, 1856. 8^. Jackson, 1856. 44. 2. 12. Mitchell's Universal Atlas of the World, fob Philadelphia, 1852. 63. 16. The same. Philadelphia, 1853. 53. 17. 702 AUTHORS. AUTHORS. 703 Mittheilungen. Mordecai. Mittheilungen des k. k. Oesterrich. Museums fiir Kunst und Industrie. XIV- XV. Jahrg. 2 vols. 80. Wien, iSyQ-'So. 43. 7. 27-28. Mittheilungen des Sachsischen Ingenieur- und Architekten-Vereins. Erstes Heft. 9 pi. 80. Dresden, 1858. [And] Neue Folge, Jahr 1879. PI- I vol. 80. Leipzig, i879-'8o. 43. 7. 19-21. Moncrieff {Lieut. C. C. Scott, R. E.). Irrigation in Southern Europe: being the Report of a Tour of Inspection of the Irrigation Works of France, Spain, and Italy, undertaken in 1867-68, for the government of India. PI. and illus. 80. pp. xx, 371. London, 1868. 7.4.41. Monge (Gaspard). An Elementary Treatise on Statics, with a Biographical Notice of the Author. Translated from the French, by Woods Baker, A. M. 120. pp. 216. Philadelphia, 1851. 19. 2. 26. Application de I'Analyse a la Geometric. 4th ed. 4°. pp. 404. Paris, 1809. 19. 6. 28. Geometric Descriptive. Nouvelle ed., avec un supplement, par M. Hachette. PI. 4^. pp. 118. Paris, 1811. 19.4.3. Montalembert (Marc-Rene, Marquis de). L'Ami de I'Art Defensif, ou Obser- vations sur le Journal Poly technique de I'Ecole Centrale des Travaux I^ublics: mois germinal. Article Fortification, No. III. 4O. pp. 25. Paris, 1796. 6.6. 25. La Fortification Perpendiculaire, ou essai sur plusieurs manieres de fortifier la Ligne Droite, le Triangle, le Quarre, et tous les Polygenes, de quelqu'etendue qu'en soient les Cotes, en donnant k leur Defense une Direction Perpendiculaire. Maps, folding plans, and diagrams. Vols. I-X. [Vol. X imperfect.] 10 vols. 40. Paris, i776-'83. 6.6.15-24. Montefiore-Levy (C.) and Kunkle (C.). Essay on the use of various Alloys, especially of Phosphorus Bronze, for the founding of Cannon. Brussels, ■ 1870. From the French by John D. Brandt. Diagrams 4°. pp 123. Washington, 1872. 7. 2. 7. Montgomery (Cora). Eagle Pass; or, Life on the Border. 12O. pp. 188. New York, 1852. 1. 5. 25. Moore (Frank, Editor). The Rebellion Record : A diary of American Events, with Documents, Narratives, illustrative Incidents, Poetry, etc. With an introductory AdJress on the causes of the Struggle, and the Great Issues before the Country, by Edward Everett. Portraits, maps, and illustrations. 12 vols. 80. New York, i862-'7i. 24. 5. 12-23. Moore (R.). The Universal Assistant, and Complete Mechanic. Cuts. 12°. pp. 819. New York, 1878. 18. 1. 29. Morales (A. J.)* Progressive Spanish Reader. 12°. pp. 2)2f>' New York, 1856. 16. 5. 12. Mordecai (^Alfred, Captain, U. S. A.). Artillery for the United States Land Service, as devised and arranged by the Ordnance Board. PI. 8°. Washington, 1849. 2 copies. 7. 1. 14. 704 AQTHORS. AUTHORS. 705 Mordecai. Mouze. Mordecai (Alfred, Ciptain U. S. A). Digest of the Laws relating to the Military Establishment of the United States. 12^. pp. 134.. Wash- ington, 1833. 23. 5. 30. Report of Experinents on Gunpowder, made at Washington Arsenal, in 1843 and 184. ^.. 4 pi. 8^. pp. viii, 328. Washington, 1845. 2 copies. 7. 2. 29. Th-; same. Second report. 2 pi. 8'^. pp. 71. Washington, 1849. 7. 2. 30. \MaJor^ U. S A.\. Report [upon the Crmiean War] : Military Com- mission to Europe, in 1855-56. PI. 40. pp. 232. Washington, i860. 24. 6. 21. Mordret (V., Chef de Bataillon. du Genie). Memoires sur les Modifications \ apporter a la Fortification, en raison de la portee nouvelle des amies a feu. 8 folding pi. 8^. pp.64. Paris, 1859. 6.4.20. Moriu (Arthur). Fundamental ideas of Mechanics and Experimental Data. Revised, translated, and reduced to English units of measure, by Joseph Bennet, C. E. Illus. 8^. pp. xiii, 445. New York, i860. 19. 2. 4. Morison (George). See Chanute (O ) r?;/^/ Morison. Morris (Ell wood, C. E.). Easy Rules for the Measurement of Earthworks by means of the Prismoidal Formula. Diagrams. 8°. pp. 189. Phil- adelphia, 1872. 18. 1. 14. Morris (Isaac N.). Report from the Select Committee on Abstracted Indian Trust Bonds. {z^tJi Cons^., 2d Sess., No. 78.) 8°. Washington, 1861. 44. 2. 13. Morris (William G.). Report upon the Customs District, Public Service, and Resources of Alaska Territory. Illus. 8°. pp. 163. Washington, 1879. 43. 1. 15. Morris, Tasker & Co. Illustrated Catalogue, Pascal Iron Works. 40. Phil- adelphia, 1863. 47. 3. 44. Morton (James St. C, Lieut, of Eni:;ineers), Memoir of the Life and Services of Capt. and Bvt. Maj. John Sanders, of the Corps of Engineers, U. S. Army. 8^. pp. 60. Pittsburgh, 1861. 24. 4. 39. Memoir on American Fortification. 2 maps. 8°. pp. 91. Wash- ington, 1859. 6. 2. 34. — Memoir on the Dangers and Defences of New York City. 8^. pj). 93. Washington, 1858. 6. 4. 18. Moseley (Henry, M. A., E. R, S.). The Mechanical Principles of Engineer- ing and Architecture, with additions by D. H. Malian, ZL. D. Illus. 80. pp. xxi, 699. New York, 1856. 19. 2. 1. Mouze ( — ., Chef de Bataillon du Genie). Traite de Fortification Souterraine, suivi de quatre xVIemoires sur les Mines. 20 folding pi. 4O. jjp. vii, 434. Paris, 1804. 6. 4. 1. 89 706 AUTHORS. AUTHOKS. 707 Mowbray. Napoleon I. Mowbray (George M.). Tri-Nitro Glycerine, as applied in the Hoosac Tun- nel. 13 illustrations, tables, and appendix. 3d ed. imp. 8^. pp. 124. New York, 1874. 7. 2. 28. Muchet (David). Papers on Iron and Steel : Practical and Experimental. 8°. pp. xxvi, 925. London, 1840. 19. 5. 4. Mudge (B. F.). Notes on the Tertiary and Cretaceous Periods of Kansas. {Bulletin U. S. GeoL Survey of the Territjries, Vol, II, No. 3.) 80. Washington, 1876. 20. 2. 23. Mullan [Lieut. John, U. S. A.). Topographical Memoir of Col. Wright's Campaign against the Indians of Washington Territory. 8*^. (SS^^ Cong., 2(1 Sess., Ex. Doc. 32.) Washington, 1859. 20. 3. 7. \Capt., U. S. A.]. Report on the Construction of a Military Road from Fort Walla-Walla to Fort Benton. Maps and pi. 8°. pp. 363. Washington, 1863. 20. 1. 20. Muller (Alex.). Maniement de la Bayonnette. Moyen de mettre le fantassin en croupe derriere un cavalier. PI. 4°. pp. 11. Bellemain, [Paris, 1840]. 21. 5. 14. Muller {Prof. J.). A Treatise containing the Elementary Part of Fortification, Regular and Irregular. 6th ed. 34 pi. 8^. pp. xvi, 240. London. 1807. 6. 4. 1« Murchison (Roderick Impey). The Silurian System, founded on Geological Researches in the counties of Salop, Hereford, Radnor, Montgomery, Caermarthen [etc.]. In 2 parts. Part I. PI. 4°. pp. 576. London, 1839. 19. 6. 13. Murray (Lin dley). English Grammar. 12^. pp.232. New London, 1840. 16. 5. 22. Myer (William G.). Index to the Reports of the Supreme Court of the United States, embracing all the Reported Decisions of the Court from its organi- zation to the present date. [Includes Vol. V, Otto's Reports.] 16^. pp. 537. St. Louis, (Mo.), 1878. 39. 2. Nader (John., C, E.). Leveling with the Barometer. (Trafis. Wisconsin Acad. Sciences, Arts, and Letters, Vol. Ill, iSjs-'jO.) 22. 2. 3. On the Strength of Materials as applied to Engineering. ( Trans. IVis- consin Acad. Sciences, Arts, and Letters, Vol. II, i873-'74.) 22. 2. 2. The Improvement of the Mouth of the Mississippi River. ( Tratis. Wisconsin Atad. Sciences, Arts, and Letters, Vol. Ill, 187 5-' 7 6.) 22. 2. 3. Nancy (A. P. F.). See Peretsdorf (J. R.) and Nancy. Napier (^/> William F. P.). History of the War in the Peninsula, and in the South of France, from the year 1807 to the year 18 14. 3d ed. 6 vols. 80. London, i835-'4o. 24. 1. 6-11, Napoleon I. Maximas de Guerre. 32^. pp.188. Paris, 1830. 1.1.33, 708 AUTHOES. AUTHORS. 709 Napoleon I. Newberry. Napoleon I. Maximes de Guerre. Memoires pour servir k I'Histoire de France en 1815. Avec le plan de la bataille de Mont-Saint-Jean. 8°. pp. ss^. Paris, 1820. 24. 4. 13. Vues des Champs de Bataille de Napoleon en Italie dans les annees 1796, 1797, et 1800. fol. Paris, 1837. ^2. 5. 1. Napoleon III. Campagne de TEmpereur Napoleon III en Italie, 1859. 2d ed. 4'^. pp. 385, and atlas fol. 2 vols. Paris, 1863. 47. 3. 41. Nares {Capf. Sir George, R JV.) and Ninnis (B., M. D.). Results derived from the Arctic Expedition of 1875-76. I. Physical Observations: II* Eskimo Dog Disease. PL fol. London, 1878. 47. 3. 19. [British Parliamentarj' Paper.] Narrien (John). Practical Astronomy and Geodesy, including the Projections of the Sphere and Spherical Trigonometry. 8^. pp. xxviii, 427. Lon- don, 1845. ^"- ^• National Almanac and Annual Record for 1863 and 1864. 2 vols. 12°. Philadelphia, i863-'64. 23. 2. 44-45. Navy Department, TJ. S. Engagements on the Mississippi River, Capture of Forts Jackson, St Philip, and the city of New Orleans, the Destrucdon of the Rebel Flotilla, etc. PI. and map. 8^. pp. 107. [Ex. Doc. No. 56.) Washington, 1862. 24. 2. 20. Experiments on Hemp and Wire Rope, made by order of the Bureau of Equipment and Recruiting. 4O. pp.39. Washington, 187 t. 19. 6. 32. Neff (Jacob, J/". Z>.). Army and Navy of America; Warlike operations on Land and Sea, etc. Illus. 8^. pp. 684. Lancaster, 1853. 24. 3. 24. Negretti ^zz/^/Zambra. Illustrated and Decriptive Catalogue of Optical, Math- ematical, Philosopical, Photographic, and Meteorological Instruments. 80. London, [1879]. 44. 3. 1. Neigre [Lieutenant-General). Journal des Operations de I'Artillerie au Si6ge de la Citadelle d' An vers, rendue, le 23 dec. 1832, 5. I'Armee Fran^aise sous les ordres de M. le Marechal Cte. Gerard. Maps. 4^. pp. 125. Paris, 1833. 24. 3. 9. Neuman ami Barretti's Dictionary of the Spanish and English Languages [etc.]. To which are added directions for finding the difference between the Ancient and Modern Orthography. 2 vols. 8°. Boston, 1847. 5. 1. 1-2. Neutze (C. Ph.). Theoretisch-Practische Schule. Modellen. [Instruction in map making.] 10 pi. in portfolio. Cassel, n. d. 49. 1. 29, Newberry [Prof. J. S.). Geological Report of the Exploring Expedition from Santa Fe, N. Mex., to the Junction of the Grand and Green Rivers of the Great Colorado of the West, in 1859, under the command of Capt. J. N. Macomb. Map and pi. 4^. Washington, 1876. 20. 4. 4. 710 AUTHOES. AUTHORS. 711 Newberry. New York City, Newberry {Prof. J. S.). Geological Survey of Ohio. Report of Progress in 1869. 8°. Columbus, 1870. 43. 2. 13. The same. Report of Progress in 1870. i vol., and portfolio of maps. 80. Columbus, 1871. 43. 2. 14-16. T/ie sa?ne. General Report. Vol. I, Part i, Geology; Part 2, Palaeon- tology; Vol. II, Part I, Geology, and 2 portfolios and maps. 5 vols. 80 Columbus, i873-'74. 43. 2. 16-20. Newcomb [Prof. Simon). Investigation of Corrections to Hansen's Tables of the Moon. With tables for their application. 40. pp. 51. Wash- ington, 1876. 2 copies. 45. 6. 28. On the Right Ascensions of the Equatorial Fundamental Stars, and the Corrections necessary to reduce the Right Ascensions of Different Catalogues to a mean Homogeneous System. 40. pp. 73. Washing- ton, 1872. 45. 6. 28. Popular Astronomy. With 112 engravings and 5 maps of the stars. 80. pp. xvi, 563. New York, 1878. 23. 2. 8. Researches on the Motion of the Moon: Part I. 4°. Washington, 1878. 45. 6. 21. The Uranian and Neptunian Systems investigated with the 26-inch equatorial. 4°. pp. 74. Washington, 1875. ^5. 6. 35. New South Wales. Annual Report of the Department of Mines for the year 1877. 2 maps. 40. pp. V, 208. Sidney, 1878. 42. 3. 7. , Its Progress and Resources, 1876. \Misc. Pamph., vol. vi.J 31. 2. 6. Newton {Bvt. Maj. Gen. John) and Gillmore {Bvt. Maj. Gen. Q. A.). Re- port upon the Results of Firings to Determine the Pressure of the Blast from 15-inch smooth-bore Guns, made at Staten Island, New York Har- bor, in 1872-73. Folding pi. 8"^. pp. 18. Washington, 1874. 7. 2. 31. New York Canals. Annual Reports of the State Engineer and Surveyor on, for 1863, i872-'73, i876-'78. Maps and plans. 6 vols. 8°. Albany, i864-'79. 43. 1. 23-29. ( l'h<^) which are to connect the Western and Northern Lakes with the Atlantic Ocean: Public Documents relating to. 2 maps. 8°. pp. Hi, 484. New York, 182 1. 43. 1. 21. New York City. American Institute. 29 th and 30th Annual Reports. 2 vols. 80. Albany, i869-'7o. 43. 1. 8-9. Catalogue of the Library of the College of 'the City of New York. 2 vols. 80. New York, i877-'78. 21. 3. 3-4. Report of the Department of Public Works for the quarter ending June 30, 1879. 8°- "• P- or d. 43. 1. 11. The satnc. For the quarter ending December 31, 1879 (and a review for the year 1879). 8°- "• P- or d. 43.1.12- 712 AUTHOES. AUTHOES. 713 New York City. Nicholson. New York City. The same. For the quarter ending March 31, 1880. 43. 1. 12. Reports of the Street Commissioner [September 30, i860, and De- cember 31, i860]. Docs. 14-15. 80. New York, i86o-'6i. 43. 1. 10. New York Harbors. Report of the Commissioners relative to Encroachments and Preservation of. 80. [Albany, 1856.] 42. 3. 45 Produce Exchange. Report from June i, 1876, to December 31, 1877. Also, Report of the Statistician of the Exchange. 8°. New York, 1878. 43. 1. 7. Railroads. Annual R.eport of the State Engineer and Surveyor on the Statistics of. Map. ?P. pp.512. [Albany, 1855.] 43.1.24. The same. Annual Reports of the State Engineer and Surveyor on, for the years i873-'75-'76-'77. 4 vols. 8^. Albany, 1874-78. 43. 1. 30-33. State Chamber of Commerce. Part I ; Eighth Annual Report for the year 1865-66. Part II; Memorial of Officers of the United States Navy to Congress for an Increase of Pay. i vol. 8^. New York, 1866. 43. 1. 5. The same. Seventeenth Annual Report for 1874-75. 2P. New York, 1875. 4' 3. 6. State Geological Survey. 8°. pp. 212. Albany, 1837. 19. 3. 9. t 'oiitents. I. Report on Botany. Hy Dr. John Torrey. II. Report on Zoology. By Dr. James E. Kay. III. Report on Mineralogy. By Dr. Lewis C. Beck. IV. Report on Geology, First District. By William W. Mather. V. Report on Geology, Second District. By Prof. E. Emmons. VI. Report on Geology, Third District. By T. A. Conrad. VII. Report on Geology, Fourth District. By Lardner Vanuxeni. [Geological Pamphlets, Vol. I.] State Museum of Natural History. 20th to 31st annual reports. 12 vols in 8. 80. Albany, i868-'79. 21. 2. 6-13. Nicholson (H. A., M. D.). See White (C. A.), ami Nicholson. Nicholson (John). The Operative Mechanic and British Machinist. PI. 8°. pp. xvi, 795. London, 1825. 28. 1. 9. The same. With additions. 2 vols. 8°. Philadelphia, 1826. 19. 2. 12-13. Nicholson (Michael Angelo). The Carpenter and Joiner's Companion, in the geometrical construction of Working Drawings, comprehending a complete System of Lines. PI. and illus. 8^. pp. viii, 264. London, 1826. 7. 3. 26. Nicholson (Peter, Architect). An Architectural Dictionary, containing a cor- rect Nomenclature and derivation of the Terms employed by Architects, Builders, and Workmen. lUus. 2 vols. 4°. London, 1819. 28. 3. 16-17. 90 714 AUTHORS. AUTHOKS. 715 Nicholson. Norman. Nicholson (Peter, Architect.) The same, A new ed. 281 pi. 2 vols. 40. London, 1835. 5. 3. 2-3. Nicodemus {Prof. W. J. L.). On the Wisconsin River Improvement. [And J History of the Science of HydrauHcs. {Trans. Wisconsin Acad. Sciences, Arts, and Letters, Vol. II, 1873-74.) 22. 2. 2. Nicola {Maj. Lewis). L'Ingenieur de Campagne, or, Field Engineer. Writ- ten in French by the Chevalier de Clairac, and translated by Maj. Lewis Nicola. To which is added, by way of appendix, a short treatise on Sea Batteries, shewing their defects, and an attempt to remedy them. By the Translator. 2>^ pi. 8°. pp. 256. Philadelphia, 1776. 6. 2. 43. Niel (6^/;//ra/ Adolphe). Siege de Sebastopol. Journal des Operations du Genie. Ap. pp. 598, and atlas, fol. Paris, 1858. 24. 3. 5. Niles (Hezekiah). Principles and Acts of the Revolution in America. Re- published by Sam. V. Niles. 80. pp. 522. New York, 1876. 24. 3. 19- Weekly Register: from March to September, 1822. Vol. XXII. 8^. Baltimore, 1822. 44. 3. 22. Nimmo (Joseph, jr.). The proposed American Inter-Oceanic Canal in its Commercial Aspects. 8<^. pp. 136. Washington, 1880. \Misc, Fa?nph., vol. ii.] 31. 2. 2. Ninnis (B.). See Nares {Capt. Sir George) and Ninnis. Noble (Alfred) and Casgrain (William T.). Tables for obtaining Horizontal Distances and Differences of Level, from Stadia Readings. 16^. Ann Arbor, Mich., 1870. 19. 4. 35. Noble {Capt. W. H., Royal Artillery). Report on various Experiments carried out under the direction of the Ordnance Select Committee relative to the Penetration of Iron Armour Plates by Steel Shot. 16 pi. fol. pp. 54. London, 1866. 2 copies. 7. 2. 3. Noizet ( — , Chef de Bataillon du Genie). Legons sur le Dessin dela Fortifica- tion. [2.] Resumes des Legons de la i^*^" partie du Cours de Fortification Permanente. [3.] Cours de Fortification Permanente, 3"'® partie, — At- taque et Defense des Places. 3 vols. fol. pp. 51, 37, 39. Ecole d'Ap- plication de I'Artillerie et du Genie. [Metz], 1837. 6. 5. 9-11. Noizet-de-Saint Paul ( — , Ancien Directeuf des Fortificatiofis). Traite com- plet de Fortification. 2 vols. 8^, and atlas, obi. fol. 3 vols. Paris, i8i7-'i8. 6. 2. 10-11. Tome I. De la Fortification Permanente, ou des Places de Guerre. //. De la Fortification Passag6re, ou de Campagne. Nordhoff (Charles). California: for Health, Pleasure, and Residence. A book for Travellers and Settlers. Maps and illus. 8°. pp.255. New York, 1873. 1. 4. 12. Norman (C. B.). Armenia and the Campaign of 1877. 8 maps and plans. 8^. pp. XX, 484. London, n. d. 24. 4. 6. 716 AUTHORS. AUTHOKS. 717 Northrop. Nouvelles. Northrop (B. G.). Treeplanting and Schools of Forestry in Europe, with other papers. 8*^. pp. 79. New York, 1879. [Misc. Pamph,, vol. xv.] 31. 2. 15. Worton [Bvl. Brig. Gen. Charles B., U. S. Commissioner at Paris Exposition). American Inventions and Improvements in B'eech-Loading Small Arms, Heavy Ordnance [etc.], and other Munitions of War, including a chapter on Sporting Arms. PL andillus. 4^. pp.407. Springfield, Mass., 1880. 7. 2. 14. Norton {Bvt. Brig. Gen. Charles B.) and Valentine (W. J.), Comniissio?iers, Report to the Government of the United States on the Munitions of War exhibited at the Paris Universal Exhibition, 1867. lUus. 8°. pp. 286. New York, 1868. 7. 2. 25. The same, 80. pp. 213. Washington, 1868. 7. 2. 26. [Bounds a/so, in " Report of the United States Commissioners," etc., vol. V.] Norton (F. O.). American Natural Cement. 8^. 1880. [Misc. Pamph.^ vol. i.] 31. 2. 1. Norway. Kongeriget Norges inddelinger, som de var den iste Januar 1870. [The Norway Government in its different branches or divisions.] 8°. pp. 174. Kristiania, 1870. 44. 9. 1. Den Norske Lods. [North Sea Coast Pilot.] Parts I, III, IV, VIII. 4 vols. 80. Kristiania, 1 867-'7 1. 44.9.2-5. Nott (Charles C.) ^?//^ Huntington (Samuel H.), Reporters. Cases Decided in the Court of Claims of the United States. Vols. I-VII. 7 vols. 8°. Washington, 1867-73. 40. 2. 5-11. and Hopkins (Archibald). Cases Decided in the Court of Claims of the United States. Vols. VILI-XV. 8 vols. 8°. Washington, i874-'8o. 40. 2. 12-21. Digest of Court of Claims Reports from March, 1863, to De- cember, 1875, and of Appealed Cases in the Supreme Court. 8°. Wash- ington, 1876. 2 copies. 40. 2. 26. Nourse {Prof. J. E., U. S. N.). The Maritime Canal of Suez. Brief Memoir of the enterprise from its earliest date, and comparison of its probable results with those of a Ship Canal across Darien. Maps and illus. 8°. pp.57. Washington, 1869. 8.5.21. Narrative of the second Arctic Expedition made by Charles F. Hall : his Voyage to Repulse Bay, Sledge Journeys to the Straits of Fury [etc.]. Illus. imp. 80. pp. 1, 644. Washington, 1879. 20. 4. 13. Nouvelles Annales de la Construction. Publication rapide et economique des documents les plus recents et les plus interessants relatifs a la Con- struction Frangaise et fitrangere. Vol. I-XIV. PI. 14 vols. 4^. Paris, i855-'68. 46. 5. 14-27. 718 AUTHOKS. AUTHORS. 719 Nystrom. Orleans. Nystrom (John W., C. E.). Pocket-Book of Mechanics and Engineering. Containing a Memorandum of Facts and Connection of Practice and Theory. 1 2th ed., revised and greatly enlarged with original matter. 1 6°. pp. 511. Philadelphia, 1873. 18. 1. 35 Principles of Dynamics. 8°. pp.51. 1874. [Misc. Famph., \o\. x\.] 31. 2. 11. Ockerson (J. A.) and Teeple (J.). Tables showing Difference of Level in Feet, corresponding to a given Angle, when the Distance is read in metres or feet, and for Horizontal Reductions, for the use of the Stadia. 160. pp. 65. Washington, 1879. ^^' ^- ^4. O'Connor {Capt. John Michael). Treatise on the Science of War and Fortifi- cation. Translated for the use of the Military Academy of the United States. 2 vols. 8° (with a volume of plates). New York, 181 7. 6. 2. 15-16. [Plates wanting.] Ollendorff (H. G.). New Method of Learning to Read, Write, and Speak the Spanish Language. By M. Velazquez and T. Simonne. 12^. pp. 558. New York, 1864. 16. 5. 9. Olmsted (Denison, A. M.). An Introduction to Astronomy ; designed as a text-book for the students of Yale College. With a supplement contain- ing Special Rules for adjustment and use of Astronomical Instruments, etc., by Ebenezer Porter Mason. 3d ed. PI. 8^. pp. xv, 284-viii, 141. New York, 1843. L. S. Olmsted (Frederick Law). A Journey through Texas; or a Saddle-Trip on the Southwestern Frontier. With a statistical appendix. Map. 12^. pp. xxxiv, 516. New York, 1857. 1. 5. 15 Oppermann (C. A., Ancien Ingenieur des Po?its ei Chaussees). Nouvelles An- nales de la Construction. PI. 14 vols. 4*^. Paris, 1855-68. 46. 5. 14-27 Portefeuille Economique des Machines de TOutillage et du Materiel relatifs a la Construction, aux Chemins de Fer, aux Routes, a I'Agriculture, aux Mines, a la Navigation, a la Telegraphic, etc. PI. 13 vols. 4^. Paris, i856-'68. 46. 5. 1-13. Ordnance Department, U. S. Army. Catalogue of the Ordnance Office Library. 8°. pp. 78. Washington, 1875. 21. 3. 2 Ordway (Albert). General Index of the Journals of Congress from the First to Tenth Congress, inclusive. {Report No. 1776, H. of R., \()th Cong., 2d Scss.) 40. pp. 151. Washington, 1880. . 14. 4. 8. Oregon. [A collection of Documents relating to.] In i vol. 8°. Wash- ington, 1822-43. 20. 1. 4. L^^-e' History]. Orleans (Louis-Philippe, Le Due d'). Campagnes de I'Armee d'Afrique^ 1835-39. Portrait and map. 8^. pp. xiii, 458. Paris, 1870. 16. 4. 31. 720 AUTHORS. AUTHORS. 721 Ormiston. Packard. Ormiston (Thomas). Report on Improvements proposed at the Harbour of Famagousta [Cyprus], dated January lo, 1880. Maps and pi. fol. pp. 5. London, [1880]. 47. 3. 24. Osborn [Prof, H. S.). The Metallurgy of Iron and Steel, theoretical and practical, in all its branches. With special reference to American Mate- rials and Processes. Illus. 8^. pp. 910. Philadelphia, 1869. 19. 5. 5. Ostea-Sackea (C. R.). Western Diptera: Descriptions of New Genera [etc.]. [BuUetin U. S. Geol. Survey of the Territories, Vol. Ill, No. 2.) 80. Washington, 1877. ' 20. 2. 24. Otis (George A., Asst. Suroeo/i, CI. S. A.), Report to the Surgeon-General on the Transport of Sick and Wounded by Pack Animals. Illus. 4O. pp. 32. Washington, 1877. 42. 4. 12. Ott {Prof. Karl von). The Elements of Graphic Statics. Translated from the German by George Sydenham Clarke, Lieut.., R. R. 12°. pp. 121. London, 1876. 18. 2. 20. Otten-Husly (Jacob), See Husly (J.). Otto (William T., Reporter). Cases argued and adjudged in the Supreme Court of the United States. October term, 1875-October term, 1879. II vols. 80. Boston, i876-'8o. 39. 2. 24-28. 40. 2. 1-6. OudemaTis {Dr. J. A. C). Die Triangulation von Java. Ausgefiihrt vom Personal des Geographischen Dienstes in Niederlandisch OstTndien. 2 vols. 40. L. S. \sie Ahtheilung. V'ergleicluing der Maasssliibe des Repsold'schen Basis-Mes.s-Apinirates mit dem Normalmeter. fl. 4°. pp. vi, 84. Batavia, 1875. ■ztt' Ai>i/ti'iiung. Die Basis-Messung bei Simplak. PI. 4°. pp.34. Haag, 1878. , Oar Oldest Fortress | Fort Independence]. {''Old n'll Nrnf^' Vol. IF, No. 3, September, 1870.) 8°. pp. 10. {Misc. Pamph.., vol. iv.] 31. 2. 4. Owen (David Dale). Report of a Geological Exploration of part of Iowa, Wis- consin, and Illinois, in 1839. 8°. pp.191. Washmgton, 1844. 20.3.14. [Sen. Doc. 407, 28th C'ong., ist Sess.] Report of a Geological Survey of Wisconsin, Iowa, and Minnesota; and incidentally of a portion of Nebraska Territory. PI. and maps. 40. Philadelphia, 1852. 43. 2. 2. Owen {dipt. John F., R. A.). Treatise on the Construction and Manufacture of Ordnance in the British Service. Prepared in the Royal Gun Factory. Colored pi. and illus. 8^. pp. x, 454. London, 1877. 7. 2. 43. Packard (A. S., y>., M. D.). A Monograph on the Geometrid Moths or Phalaenidse of the United States. 13 pi. (U. S. Geol. Survey of the Ter- ritories, Vol. X.) 40. Washington, 1876. 23. 6. 13. On a new Cave Fauna in Utah. Description of new Phyllopod Crustacea from the West. {Bulletin U. S. Geol. Survey of the Territo- ries, Vol. HI, No. I.) Illus. 80. Washington, 1877. 20. 2. 24. 91 722 AUTHORS. AUTHORS. 723 Packard. Parke. Packard (A. S,, yr., M. D.). On the supposed Ancient Outlet of Great Salt Lake. {^Bulletin U. S. Geol. Survey of the Territories^ Vol. I, 2d Series, No. 5.) 8°. Washington, 1876. 20. 2. 22. The Hessian Fly. (Bulletin U. S. Ento?nological Commission, No. 4.) 80. pp. 43. Washington, 1880. - 20. 2. 30. afid Uhler (P. R.). Report upon the Insects collected during the Exploration of 1875. [Bulletin U. S. Geol. Survey of the Territories, Vol. Ill, No. 2.) 80. Washington, 1877. 2. 2. 24. Page (John). Report of the Chief Engineer of Canals [of the Dominion of Canada]. 6 maps and plans. 8°. pp. 592. Ottawa, 1880. 8. 4. 32. Paixhans (H. J., Officier d'Artillerie). Considerations sur I'etat actuel de I'Artillerie des Places, et sur les Ameliorations dont elle parait suscepti- ble. PL 40. pp. 93. Paris, 1815. 7. 1. 1. Palacio (Vicente Riva). Memoria presentada al Congreso de la Union, por el Secretario de P^stado y del Despacho de Fomento, Colonizacion, In- dustria y Comercio de la RepubUca Mexicana. Maps and views. Imp. 40. pp. 558. Mexico, 1877. Paley (William, D. D.). Principles of Moral and Political Philosophy. 16°. pp. 374. Bridgeport [Conn.], 1827. 16. 2. 19. Palmer (A. B,, M. D.). Dry Earth as a Means of disposal of Excreta. 8^. pp. 16. 1870. [Misc. Pamph., vol. xii.] 31. 2. 12. Parieu (Emile de). Rapport sur I'Exploitation des Chemins de Fer. [No title.] 40. pp. clvi, 453. [Paris, 1857.] 20. 5. 2. [An official report upon the personnel, management, material, rolling-stock, working efficiency, statistics of accidents, etc., of the railroads of France.] Paris {Comte de). Histoire de la Guerre Civile en Amerique. 4 vols, 8^, and 2 atlases, fol. Paris, i874-'75. 24. 2. 23-26. Park (Roswell). Sketch of the History and Topography of West Point and the Military Academy. 24°. pp. 140. Philadelphia, 1840. 1. 5. 47, Parke (John G., Lieut. Corps Topographical Engineers). Report of Explora- tions for Railroad Routes from San Francisco Bay to Los Angeles, Cal., west of the Coast Range, and from the Pimas villages on the Gila to the Rio Grande near the 3 2d Parallel. 1854-55. {Pacific Railroad Reports, Vol. VII.) 20. 6. 7. Report of Explorations for that portion of a Railway Route near the 32d Parallel, lying between Doiia Ana on the Rio Grande and Pimas villages on the Gila. 1854. [Pacific Railroad Reports, Vol. II.) 20. 6. 2. \Major of Enginee.s, Bvt. Maj. Gen., U. S. A.]. Laws of the United States relating to Public Works for the Improvement of Rivers and Har- bors, from August 11, 1790, to August 14, 1876. 80. pp. 251. Wash- ington, 1877. 23. 4. 19. 724 AUTHORS. AUTHOBS. 720 Parker. Patten. Parker {^Commodore Foxhall A., U, S. N.). The Battle of Mobile Bay, and the Capture of Forts Powell, Gaines, and Morgan, by the combined Sea and Land Forces of the United States under the command of Rear-Ad- miral David Glasgow Farragut and Major-General Gordon Granger, August, 1864. 2 charts. 80. pp. 136. Boston, 1878. 24. 2. 12. Parker (Richard Green). Aids to English Composition. 12O. pp. 429. New York, 1863. 16. 6. 14. Parliamentary Papers (British). See Miscellaneous, in Subject Index. Parmentier (Theodore, Capitaijie du Genie ^ Traducteur). Exposition et de- scription d'un Systeme de Fortification Polygonale et a Caponnieres. Par un Officier du Genie Prussien. 2 pi. 8*^. pp. 53. Paris, 1850. 6. 2. 23. Parnell {Sir Henry). A Treatise on Roads; wherein the Principles on which Roads should be made are explained and illustrated by Plans, Specifi- cations, and Contracts made use of by Thomas Telford, esq. 2d ed. 9 pi. 80. pp. xii, 465. London, 1838. 8. 2. 26. Parsons (G. W.). Adjustable Hydraulic Lock and Chute, for open River, Ship, and Common Canal, Slackwater Navigation, and Fishways. 8^. pp. 21. [Misc. Pamph., vol. xv.] 31. 2. 15. Parsons (Theophilus, ZZ. Z>.). The Law of Contracts. 5th ed. 3 vols. 8^. • Boston, 1866. 23. 5. 3-6. Paschal (George W.). Constitution of the United States, defined and care- fully annotated. 12O. Washington, 1868. 23. 4. 36. Pasley (C. W., Captain R. E.). Course of Instruction originally composed for the use of the Royal Engineer Department. Vol. I. Practical Geometry and the principles of Plan Drawing. Vols. II-IIL Elementary Fortifi- cation. Cuts. 3 vols. 8°. London, 1814-'! 7. 6. 3. 12-14. \Lieut. Co/., R. E.\. Rules, chiefly deduced from Experiment, for con- ducting the Practical Operations of a Siege. 2 parts. 8^. Chatham, i829-'32. 6. 3. 17. [Bound with his ''Systems of retaining the Earth of Military Mines," etc.] The same; Part I. 2d ed. 8°. pp. xiii, 61. London, 1841. 6. 2. 36. Systems of retaining the Earth of Military Mines, and of blasting un- der water, first practiced at the Royal Engineer Establishment, in 1834. In I vol. 80. Chatham, 1836. 6. 3. 17. Pasqueau (A.). Memoir on the Improvement of Non-Tidal Rivers. Trans- lated by Bvf. Cot. Wm. E. Merrill, Major of Engineers, U, S. A. 40. Washington, 1881. 7. 4. 50. Patten (George). Army Manual : Containing Instruction for Officers in the preparation of Rolls, Returns, and Accounts required of Regimental and Company Commanders [etc.]. 12°. pp. 306. New York, 1864. 17. 1. 25. 726 AUTHOES. AUTHOES. 727 Patton. Perry. Patton (W. H.). The American Bembecidae : tribe. Stizini. [And] List of a collection of Aculeate Hymenoptera made by Mr. S. W. Williston in Northwestern Kansas. [And] Generic arrangement of the Bees allied to Melissodes and Anthophora. {Bulleti?i U. S. Geol. Survey of the Terri- tories, Vol. V, No, 3.) 80. Washington, 1879. 20. 2. 26. Payne (George, LL. D.). Elements of Mental and Moral Science. 2d ed. 80. pp. 418. London, 1824. 16. 1. 29. Peale (A. C., M. D.). The Laramie Group of Western Wyoming. [Bulletin U. S. Geo/, Survey of t/ie Territories, Vol. V, No. 2.) 8°. Washington, 1879. 20. 2. 26. Pearson [Rev. W.). An Introduction to Practical Astronomy, containing tables recently computed for faciHtating the reduction of Celestial Obser- vations, and a popular explanation of their construction and use; and de- scriptions of the various Listruments usefully employed in determining the places of the Heavenly Bodies, with an account of the methods of adjust- ing and using them. 3 vols, (i of pi.). 4^. London, i824-'29. L. S. Pechmann (Eduard). Die Abweichung der Lothlinie, bei Astronomischen Beobachtungs-Stationen, und ihre Berechnung als Erforderniss einer Grad- messung. PI. 4'^. pp. 48. Wien, 1863. L. S. Peclet (E.). Traite de la Chaleur consideree dans ses Applications. 2d ed. 2 vols. 4°, and pi. fol. 3 vols. Paris, 1843. 19. 5. 1-2." Peirce (/V^?/. Benjamin). Linear Associative xAlgebra. 4°. pp.153. Wash- ington, 1870. 19. 6. 27. Penfield (A.). Memorial to Congress for a supply of Water from Reservoirs of small lakes in the Upper Mississippi River and for a Canal from Lake Superior to Red River of the North. 8°. 1864. [Misc. Painph,, vol. iii.] 31. 2. 3. Pennsylvania. Annual Report of the Auditor-General of the State, for the year 1868. 80. Harrisburg, 1869. 44. 6. 20. Peretsdorf (J. Ravichio, Marechal de Camp, etc) amTN&nGj (A. P. F., Chefde Bataillon). Traite theorique et pratique de la Construction des Batteries. 80. pp. xvi, 560, and atlas fol. Paris, 1826. 6. 4. 22. Perouse [Recherche de la). See D'Entrecasteaux. Perrier [Commandant). Determination des Longitudes et Azimuts Terrestres en Algerie. (Memorial du Depot General de la Guerre, tome XI.) Illus. 40. pp. XV, 232. Paris, 1877. L. S. Perronet [M.). Description des Projets et de la Construction des Ponts de Neuilli, de Mantes, d'Orleans, de Louis XVI, etc. Seconde partie,, Canal de Bourgogne, etc. Nouvelle ed. augmentee. Texte. 40. pp. viii, 696. Paris, 1788. 7. 5. 30. Perry [Co/nmodore M. C, U. S. Navy). Narrative of the Expedition of an American Squadron to the China Seas and Japan, 1852-54. Compiled by Francis L. Hawks, D. D. Maps and illus. 3 vols. 4^. Washing- ton, 1856. 2 copies. 20. 6. 14-16. 72d AUTHOES. AUTHORS. 729 Petermann. Philosophical. Petermann {Dr. August). Mittheilungen aus Justus Perthes Geographischer Anstalt. 26 vols. 4°. Gotha, 1855-80. [And] Erganzungsheft. i86o-'77. 14 vols. (2 of index). 40. Gotha, r86o-'8o. 15. 2. 1-40. [Discontinued.] Peters {Dr. C. A. F.). Bestimmung des Liingenunterschiedes zvvischeji Al- tona und Schwerui. Ausgefdhrt im Jahr 1858, durch galvanische Signale. Illus. 40. pp. 267. Altona, 1861. L. S. Bestimmung des Liingenunterschiedes zwischen den Stern vvarten von Gottingen und Altona. 4°. pp. 10 1. Kiel, 1880. L. S. |Publ. des Kijnigl. Preussischen Geodiitischen Instituts.] Peters (Z>r, C. F. W.). Astronomische Tafeln und Formeln. 8^. pp. xvi, 217. Hamburg, 1871. L. S. Beobachtungen mit dem Bessel'schen Pendel-Apparate in Konigsberg und Giildenstein. PI 4°. pp. 151. Hamburg, 1874. 42. 3. 18. Astronomische Nachrichten. Biinde 77 bis 100. 12 vols. 40. Kiel, i87i-'8i. L. S. The same. General Register der Bande LXI bis LXXX. 4O. pp. pp. 188. Leipzig, 1875. L. S. Peters (De Witt C.). Life and Adventures of Kit Carson. 8°. pp. xii, 534. New York, 1859. 24. 4. 25. Petersen (H.). Die Grundlagen der Gaussischen Theorie und die Erscheinun- gen des Erd-Magnetismus, im Jahre 1829. Mit Beriicksichtigung der Siicularvariationen aus alien vorliegenden Beobachtungen berechnet und dargestellt. Charts. 4^. pp. 43. Berlin, 1874. L. S. Peytier (E). Nouvelle Description Geometrique de la France: troisieme partie. (Memorial du Depot General de Guerre, tome IX.) Maps. 4°. Paris, 1853. 6. 4. 37. Phillips (Capt. Edwin D., U. S. A.). Texas and its late Military Occupation and Evacuation. 80. pp. 35. New York, 1862. 24. 3. 28. Phillips (J,). A General History of Inland Navigation, Foreign and Domestic. 4th ed. 80. pp. 598. London, 1803. 18. 3. 14. Phillips (U. B.). Revised Statutes of Louisiana. 8°. New Orleans, 1856. 23. 4. 7. Phillips (William). An Elementary Introduction to the Knowledge of Min- eralogy. 12O. pp. 406. London, 1823. 19. 3. 16. Philosophical Magazine (The) and Journal of Science. New series, Vol. I, 1827, to 4th series, Vol. XXVIII, 1864. 76 vols. 8^. London, 182 7-'64. [Discontinued.] Philosophical Society of Washington. Bulletin: Vols. I-III. 3 vols in i 8°. Washington, i874-'8o. 44. 3. 13. 92 730 AUTHOES. AUTHORS. 731 Picot. Poland. Picot (A., General de Brigade), Etudes sur la Defense Active des Places. 8^. pp. 147. Paris, 1850. 6. 2. 31. Pike {Maj. Zebulon M-.). Account of Expeditions to the Sources of the Mis- sissippi, and to the Sources of the Arkansaw, Kansas, La Platte, and Pierre Jaune Rivers during i8o5-'o6-'o7. Maps and iUus. cS^._ pp. 277 (with appendices). Philadelphia, 1810. 20. 3. 8. PinettD (Joseph). Theorie de I'Escrime a la Baionnette. 16 figs. 16^. pp. 52. Paris, 1848.' 1. 1. 3.2. Pinney (N.) and Barcelo (J.). Practical Spanish Teacher. 12°. pp. 360. New York, 1855. 16. 5. 11. Piobert (G.). Traite d'Artillerie theorique et pratique. 3'"*^ ed., revue et aug- mentee. 9 pi. 8°. pp. xii, 559. Paris, 1852. 7. 1. 13. Piron (F. P. J., Officicr du Genie), Essai de Fortification Iniprovisee, ou suite a la Fortification Eclectique. 4 pi. 8^. pp. in. Paris, [864. 6. 2. 37. Etudes sur les Batteries Casematees, et sur une nouvelle Houche a Feu. 2 folding pi. 80. pp. 48. Namur [Belgium], i860. 6. 4. 13. Pitkin (Timothy). Political and Civil History of the United States from the year 1763 to 1797. 2 vols. 80. New Haven, 1828. 16.2.21-22. Pitman (Ben n). The Manual of Phonography. 12^. pp.144. Cincinnati, 1871. 16. 5. 33. Plantamour (E.). Experiences faites a Geneve avec le Pendule a Reversion. 40. Geneve et Bale. L. S. Contents. Part I. Extraitdes Mcmoires dela Sociut6 de Physique et d'llistoire Naturelle de Geneve. Tome XVIII. IIlus. pp. 108. 1866. II. Determination de la Pesanteuri Geneve et au Righi Kulm. pp. 85. 1872. Nivellement de Precision de la Suisse execute par la Commission Geodesique Federale sous la direction de A. Hirsch et E. Plantamour. Livraisons I-V. 40. Geneve, 1867-74. L. S. and Hirsch (A.). Determination Telegraphique de la Difference de Longitude entre la Station Astronomique du Simplon et les Observatoires de Milan et de Neuchatel. 40. pp. 136. Geneve, 1875. 45. 6. 23. Determination Telegraphique de la Difference de Longitude entre des Stations Suisses. Illus. 40. Geneve, 1871-72. L. S. Piatt (F. and W. G.). Second Geological Survey of Pennsylvania. Report of Progress in the Cambria and Somerset District of the Bituminous Coal Fields of Western Pennsylvania. Part I. Cambria: Part II. Somerset. Illus. and maps. 2 vols. 8°. Harrisburg, 1877. 43. 2. 7-8. Poggendorf (J. C). Annalen der Physik und Chemie. PI. 4*^. pp. xix, 685. Leipzig, 1874. L. S. Poland i^Dvt, Lieut, Col. J. S.). Digest of the Military Laws of the United States. 80. pp. 448. Boston, 1868. 23. 5. 17. 731 AUTHORS. AUTHORS. 733 Poncelet. Porter. Poncelet {M., Chef de Bataillon du Genie). Introduction a la Mecanique In- dustrielle, Physique ou Experimentale. 3 pi. 2d ed. 8^. pp. xvi, 719. Metz, 1 84 1. 19. 2. 16. Memoir upon the Stability of Revetments, and of their Foundations. 'JVanslated by John Sanders, Capt. Corps of Engmeers, U. S. A. 8^. pp. 62. 6. 2. 21. Rapport et Memoire sur lenouveau systeme d'Ecluse a Flotteur de M. D. Girard. PI. 4O. pp. 105. Paris, 1845. 8. 5. 31. Pontez (Charles). New mode of making Foundations and anchoring Piles in unstable Bottoms or Quicksands. 8^. 1879. \Misc. Pamph., vol. vii.] 31. 2. 7. Ponts et Chaussees, Corps de. Comptes Annuels de 1' Administration Gene- rale des Ponts et Chaussees et des Mines. i833-'45. 12 vols. 4°. Paris, i833-'46. 8. 6. 1-16. Manuel des procedes de reproduction d'ecritures et de dessins a em- ployer dans les services des Ponts et Chaussees. 8°. pp. 56. [Paris] 1880.' 18.2.62' Pontzen (E.). See Lavoinne (E.) and Vonizen, Poore (Ben: Perley). The Federal and State Constitutions, Colonial Charters, and other Organic Laws of the United States. 2d ed. 2 vols. roy. 80. Washington, 1878. 28. 5. 12-13. Pope (Bvt. Capt. John). Report of an Exploration of the Territory of Min- nesota. (31^-^ Cong., ist Sess., Ex. Doc. 42.) Map. 8^. Washington^ 1850. 20. 3. 7. Report of Explorations of a Route for the Pacific Railroad near the 32d parallel, from the Red River to the Rio Grande, 1854. {Pacific Rail- road Reports, Vol. II.) 20. 6. 2. Pope (Thomas). A Treatise on Bridge Architecture; in which the superior advantages of the Flying Pendent Lever Bridge are fully proved. With an historical account and description of different Bridges erected in va- rious parts of the world [etc.]. PI. 8^. pp. xxxii, 288. New York, 1811. 23.3.17. Porter (MaJ. Gen. Fitz-John). Proceedings and Report of the Board of Army Officers convened by Special Orders No. 78, Headquarters of the Army, Adjutant-General's Office, Washmgton, April 12, 1878, in the case of Fitz- John Porter. Together with the proceedings in the original trial and pa- pers relating thereto. 3 vols. 8^, and atlas 4O. Washington, 1879. 43. 8. 19-22. Porter (Thomas C.) and Coulter (John M.). Synopsis of the Flora of Colo- rado. [U. S. Geol. Survey of the Territories, Misc. Pub. No. 4.) 80- Washington, 1874. 20. 2. 13 731 AUTHOKS. AUTHORS. 735 Ports. Powers. Ports Maritimes de la France. I. Dankerque k Etretat. II. Havre au Bec- quet. III. Cherbourg b. Argenton. IV. D'Ouessant an Poliguen. 4 vols. 80, and 4 atlases of pi. fol. Paris, 1874-79. 21. 1. 3-6. Portugal. [Cwi/ Engineers' Association], Revista de Obras Publicas^e Minas. PublicaQao mensal da Associagao dos Engenheiros Civis Portuguezes. Tomo I-X. 10 vols. 30. Lisboa, i87o-'8o. 44. 9. 9--18. [Imperfect.] Possellier (A. J J., dit Gomard). L'Escrime k la Baionnette ou Ecole du Fantassin pour le Maniement du Fusil comme arme blanche. 36 pi. 80. pp. XX, 208. Paris, 1847. 1. 2. 1. Possenti (Carlo). Sulla Sistemazione Idraulica della Valdichiana. PI. 8°. Firenze, i866-'68. 8. 1. 11. Potevin (P. L., Prof, de Fortification). Fortification. Notions sur le Defile- ment. 5 pi. fol. pp. 8. Paris, 1844. 48. 23. Potter (S O. L.). See Eobert {Maj. H. M.), Schermerhorn and Potter. Potter (VV.). The War in Florida : Being an Exposition of its Causes, and an accurate History of the Campaigns of Generals Clinch, Gaines, and Scott. Map. 12O. pp.184. Baltimore, 1836. 24.3.34. Poussin (Guillaume Tell). Examen comparatif de la question des Chemins de Fer en 1839, ^^^ France et a I'Etranger. Notice sur les Chemins de Fer Anglais, ou resume analytique. 2 vols. 8^. Paris, 1839-40. 8. 2. 23-24. Powell (John W.). Contributions to North American Ethnology. Vols. I and III. Maps and illus. 2 vols. 40. Washington, 1877. ^3. 6. 18. CiUiteiits. I. Tribes of the Extreme Northwest. By William H. Dall. Tribes of Western Washington and Northwestern Oregon. By George Gibbs. III. Tribes of California. By Stephen Powers. ' Exploration of the Colorado River of the West, and its tributaries, in 1869-72. Map and engravings. 4°. Washington, 1875. ^3' ^' ^^' Introduction to the Study of Indian Languages. 2d ed., with charts. aP. pp. 228. Washington, 1880. 23. 6. 26. Report on the Geology of the eastern portion of the Uinta Mountains and a region of country adjacent thereto. Illus. 4^, and atlas fol. 2 vols. Washington, 1876. 23. 6. 23 Report on the Lands of the Arid Region of the United States, with a more detailed account of the Lands of Utah. 3 maps. 4*^. pp. xv, 195. Washington, 1879. 23. 6. 24. Powers (Stephen). Tribes of California. (Contributions to North American Ethnology, Vol. III.) Map. 4O. Washington, 1877. 23. 6. 20. 736 AQTHOES. AUTHORS. 737 Prescott. Rankine. _ Prescott (George B.). Electricity and the Electric Telegraph. Illus. 8^. pp. 963. New York, 1877. 19. 1. 29. Price (William H.). The Manora Breakwater, Kurrachee. {Minuses of Pro- ceedings Inst. Civil Engineers^ Vol. XLITI, Sess 1875-76, Pafi I,) PL 12O. i8f5. [Misc. Pamph., Yo\. \\.] -31.2.6. Prime ( Frederick, y>.). Catalogue of Official Reports upon Geological Surveys of the United States and Territories, and of British North America. 8°. pp. 71. Philadelphia, 1879. [Misc. Prnip/i., vol. viii.] 31. 2. 8. Prime [Lieut. F. E., U. S. Engineers). The Siege of Bomarsund : Journal of the Operations of the Artillery and Engineers. Translated from the French. 2 maps. 12^. pp.56. New York, 1856. 24.3.33. Proceedings and Report of the Board of Civil Engineers on C'onstruction of a Bridge across the Mississippi River at St. Louis. 8^. 1867. [Misc. Pdjnph., vol. v.] 31. 2. 5. Proctor (Richard A.). Half-Hours with the Telescope; being a Popular Guide to the use of the Telescope as a means of amusement and instruc- tion. 12^. pp. viii, 109. New York, 1873. 23. 2. 12. Prony (R.). Mecanique Philosophique, ou Analyse Raisonnee. (Journal de I'Ecole Polytechnique, Tome HI.) 4^. pp. 477. Paris, 1800. 19. 6. 33. Puissant (L.), Traite de Geodesic, ou Exposition des Methodes Trigono- metriques et Astronomiques, applicables soit a la rnesure de la Terre, solt a la confection des Canevas et des Plans Topographiques. 2d ed. Illus. 2 vols. 4^. Paris, i8iq. L. S. Traite de Topographic, d'Arpentage et de Nivellement. PI. 40. pp. XX, 331 ; iv, 103. L. S. Pujazon (Cecilio). Anales del Instituto y Observatorio de Marina de San Fernando. i87o-'76. 7 vols. 4O. San Fernando, 1870-77. 42. 7. 35-41. Quartermaster Department, U.S. A. Instructions for Transport and Erection of Military Wire Suspension Bridge equipage. 10 pi. 8°. pp. 24. Washington, D. C, 1862. 23. 3. 23. Raccolta delle Leggi e Decreti relativi alia Costruzione delle Strade Ferrate Governative, e di quelle Concesse all' Industria Privata nel Regno d' Italia. Carta. 40. Turin, 1862. 43. 5. 38. [Laws and Decrees relative to the Construction of the Government Railroads, and ('barters for, and Grants to, Private Works in the Kingdom of Italy.l Rand, McNally & Co.'s New Indexed Business Atlas and Shipper's Guide, together with a Complete Reference Map of the World [etc.]. Maps. 8th ed. 40. pp. 427. Chicago, 1881. Room 12. Rankine (William J. M.). A Manual of Applied Mechanics, with numerous diagrams. 2d ed. revised. 12O. pp. xvi, 648. London, 1861. 19. 2. 21. 93 738 AUTHOES. AUTHOBS. 739 Rankine. Redpath. Rankine (William J. M.). A Manual of Civil Engineering, nth ed., re- vised by E. F. Karaber, C. E. Diagrams. 8^. pp. xvi, 786. London, 1876. 18. 1. 27. A Manual of the. Steam -Engine and other Prime Movers. With numerous engravings. 2d ed. revised. 12^. pp. xxxii, 575. London, 1 86 1. 19. 2. 22. Ratheau (A.). Attaque et Defense des Places Fortes. 2 vols. Text 8°, adas 40. Paris, 1877. 6. 4. 8. Rawlinson (Robert). Suggestions as to the Preparation of District Maps and of Plans for Main Sewerage, Drainage and Water- Supply. (Revised to 1878.) 18 pi. fol. pp. 40. London, 1878. 47. 3. 14. Raymond [Capt. Charles W., Corps of Engineers^ U. S. A.). Contributions to the Theory of Blasting, or Military Mining. By H. Hofer, Ordinary Professor at the Royal Imperial School of Mines at Przibram. Translated by Capt. Charles W. Raymond, Corps of E/igineeys, U. S. A., Instructor of Practical Military^ Efigineering at West Point. 8°. pp. 48. Washing- ton, 1 88 1. 6. 1. 52. Report of a Reconnaissance of the Yukon River, x\laska Ter. July to September, 1869. Map. 8^. pp. 112. Washington, 1871. 20. 1. 19. The National Surveys. [Galaxy, Jan., 1876.] 8^. [Misc. Pamph., vol. viii.] 31. 2. 8. Raymond (Rossiter W^ ). Statistics of Mines and Mining in the States and Territories west of the Rocky Mountains. 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th An- nual Reports. PI. and illus. 4 vols. 8^. Washington, 1873-77. 47. 2. 33-38. Rxynolds (Capt. W. F.). Exploration of the Yellowstone River fin 185 )-'6o]. [Se?i. Ex. Doc. 77, 4.0th Cong., 1st Sess.) Map. 8°. pp. 174. Wash- ington, 1868. 20. 3. 43. \Contain\\ also, Hayden's {f^r. F. V.) Report on Geology, and Newberry's (/^^- J. S.) Rai port on the Cretaceous and Tertiary Plants. Colored map. 8°. Washington, 1869.] Reclus (Elisee). The Earth: a Descriptive History of the Phenomena of the Life of the Globe. Illus. 8^. pp. 567. New York, 1873. 24. 5. 4. The Ocean, Atmosphere, and Life. Being the second series of a De- scriptive History of the Life of the Globe. Illus. 8^. pp. 534. New York, 1873. 24. 5. 3. Redfield (Isaac F.). Law of Carriers of Goods and Passengers, Private and Public, Inland and Foreign. The Construction, Responsibility, and Duty of Telegraph Companies; Responsibility and Duty of Innkeepers, and the Law of Bailments. 8^. pp. vi, 509. Cambridge, 1869. 23. 5. 10. Redpath (James) ^t//.'/ Hiaton (Richard J.). Hand-Book to Kansas Territory and the Rocky Mountains' Gold Region, accompanied by reliable maps and a preliminary treatise on the Pre-emption Laws of the United States. i8o. pp. iv, 177. New York, 1859. 1. 6. 45. 740 AUTHORS. AUTHORS. 741 Regnault. Raynaud. Regnault (J,). Manuel des Aspirants au grade d'Ingenieur des Fonts et Chaussees. Guide du Conducteur des Fonts et Chaussees, de I'Agent Voyer, du Garde du Genie et d'Artillerie. Fartie theorique. Fl. 2 vols. 80. Faris, i854-'55. 6. 1. 8-9. The same. Fartie pratique. Fl. 2 vols. 8°. Faris, i856-'57. 6. 1. 10-11. Reibell {M.). Frogramrne ou Resume de Legons d'un Cours de Construc- tions, avec des Applications tirees specialement de I'Art de I'lngenieur des Fonts et Chaussees, ouvrage de feu M. J. Sganzin. 4th ed. Fl. 3 vols. 40, and atlas fol. Faris, 1839. . 18. 2. 12-14. Reid (David Bosvvell). Illustrations of the Theory and Fractice of Ventila- tion, with remarks on Warming, Exclusive Lighting, and the Communica- tion of Sound. Illus. 8°. pp. xx, 451. London, 1844. 2. 5. 39. Ventilation in American Dwellings, with a series of diagrams, pre- senting examples in different classes of Habitations. Illus. 8°. pp. xxxvii, 124. New York, 1864.. 2. 5. 38. Reitz(T. H., C^.). Wasserst andszeiger fiir die Mittlere Hohe. Fl. 40. pp. 8. Hamburg, 1873. \Misc. Pamph., vol. xiv.] 31. 2. 14. Re Kyan Bey (W.). Letter of, to Edwin de Leon, U. S. Consul General in P^gypt, on the Treatment and Use of the Dromedary. 8"^. pp. 35. [Washington, 1858.] 16. 1. 32. R^mond ( — , Capitaine de Genie). La Stabilite des Voutes. 6 folding pi. 80. pp. 31. Alger, 1848. 18. 1. 10. Rennie (>5z> John). The Theory, Formation, and Construction of British and Foreign Harbours. 123 eng. 2 vols. fol. London, 1854. 2 copies. 50. 28-31. Republic (The). A monthly Magazine devoted to the Dissemination of Fo- litical Information. Vol. I, 1873, to Vol. VII, December, 1876. 7 vols. 80. Washington. 45. 5. 30-36. Retzow {M. de). Nouveaux Memoires Historiques su r la Guerre de Sept Ans. 2 vols. 80. Faris, 1803. 16. 4. 29-30. Revue Maritime et Coloniale. Fl. Tome 25-Tome 35. 11 vols. 8°. Faris, i869-'72. 44. 3. 3-12. [Discontinued. Tome XXXI wanting.] Reynaud (Leonce). Memoir upon the Light-House Illumination of the Coasts of France. Translated by Rear Admiral Thornton A. Jenkins, U. S N.. 2 vols. Text 80, pi. 40. Washington, 1871. 43. 6. 26-37 The same. Translated for the use of the Light- House Board of the United States, by Feter C. Hains, Major of Engineers^ U, S. A. 39 pi. 40. pp. 226. Washington, 1876. 43. 6. 38. Traite d' Architecture, contenant des notions generales sur les Frincipes de la Construction et sur I'Histoire de I'Art. Fremiere partie: Elements des Edifices. 4°. pp. viii, 523, and atlas fol. Faris, 1850. 28. 3. 12, 742 AUTHORS. AUTHORS. 743 Reyna.ud. Ripley. Reynaud (Leonce). The same. Premiere partie, Art de Batir: Deuxieme partie, Composition des Edifices. 2 vols. 4^, and 2 atlases fol. 4 vols. Paris, i875-'78. 7. 3. 5-6. Rhees (William J.). Manual of Public Libraries, Institutions, and Societies in the United States and British Provinces of North America. 8^. Phil- adelphia, 1859. 21. 3. 7. Richard (E.). Cours de Legislation et d'Administration Militaires. 2 vols. 80. Pans, 1862. 6. 1. 4-5. Richards {Capt. Geo. H.) ajid Clarke {Lieut. Col. And.). Report on the Mari- time Canal connecting the Mediterranean at Port Said with the Red Sea at Suez. Plans and sections, fol. pp. 16. London, 1870. 47.5.53. [British Parliamentary Paper.] Riddell {Lieut. C. J. B.). Magnetical Instructions for the use of Portable Instruments adapted for Magnetical Surveys and Portable Observatories, with forms for the registry of Magnetical and Meteorological Observations. 8^. pp. 146. London, 1844. L. S. Ridgway (Robert). Outlines of a Natural Arrangement of the Falconidae. {Bulletin U. S. Geol. Survey of the Territories, Vol. /, 2d series, No. 4.) 8*^. Washington, 1875. 20. 2. 22. Studies of the American Falconidcie. Monograph of the Polybori. PI. {Bulletin U. S. Geol. Survey of the Territories, Vol. I, 2d series, No. 6.) 80. . Washington, 1876. 20. 2. 22. Studies of the American Falconidae. [And] Ornithology of Guade- loupe Island. {Bulletin II. S. Geol. Sumey of the Territories, Vol. II, No. 2.) 80. Washington, 1876. 20. 2. 23. Studies of the American Herodiones. {Buletin U, S- Geol. Survey of the Territories, Vol. IV, No. i.) 80. Washington, 1878. 20. 2. 25. See, also, Baird (S. F.), Brewer, ^z//^/ Ridgway. Riley (Charles V., M. A.). The Cotton Worm. Summary of its Natural History, with an account of its enemies, and the best means of controlling it; being a report of progress of the work of the [U. S. Entomological] Commission. {Bulletin No. 3.) Illus. 8^. pp. vi, 144. Washington, 1880. 20. 2. 30. Ringgold (Cadwalader, Commander, U. S. N.). A series of Charts with sail- ing directions, State of (California, imp. 8°. pp. 44. Washington, 1851. 18. 3. 39. Ringwalt (J. Luther, ^V/V^^r). American Encyclopa;dia of Printing. 8°. pp. XV, 512. Philadelphia, 1871. 5.4.24. Ripley (George) ^z/z^/Dana (Charles A.), Editors. The American Cyclopaedia : A Popular Dictionary of General Knowledge. 16 vols. 8°. New York, i873-'76. 5. 5. 1-16. 744 AUTHORS. AUTHOKS. 745 Robert. Roget. Robert {Maj. Henry M., Corps of Engineers, U. S. A.). Rules of Order for Deliberative Assemblies. i8^. pp. 192. Chicago, 1877. 16. 5. 34. ^;/^ Schermerhorn (L. Y.). The Water Jet, as an aid to Engineering Construction. S^. pp. 16. Washington, 1881. 8. 4, 41. and Potter (S. O. L.). Analytical and Topical Index to the Reports of the Chief of Engineers and the Officers of the Corps of En- gineers, United States Army, upon Works and Surveys for River and Harbor Improvement, 1866-79. ^°- Washington, 1881. 8. 4. 41. Roberts [Capi. Joseph, Fourth U. S. Artillery). The Handbook of Artillery for the Service of the United States (Army and Militia). 18^. pp. 180. New York, i860. 7. 1. 40. Roberts (Thomas P., C. E.). Report of a Reconnaissance of the Missouri River in 1872. Maps and profiles. 8^. pp. 56. Washington, 1875. 20. 3. 23. Robertson (Wynd ham, //-.). Oregon: Our Right and Title. Map. 8°. pp. ii, 203, xxiv. Washington, 1846. 20. 1. 5. Robinson {Prof. John). A System of Mechanical Philosophy. With notes by David Brewster, LL. D. 4. vols. 2P. Edinburgh, 1822. 19. 2. 17-20. Robinson (Moncure). Obituary Notice of Michael Chevalier. 8^. 1880. \Misc. Pamph., vol. ix.] 31. 2. 9. Robinson (W.). The Parks and Gardens of Paris, considered in relation to the wants of other Cities and of Public and Private Gardens ; being notes on a study of Paris Gardens. Illus. 8°. pp. xxiv, 548. London, 1878. 16. 1. 27. Robson (Thomas Charles). A Treatise on Marine Surveying. PI. 8^. pp. 165. London, 1834. 18. 2. 27. Rocheaymon [Conite de Id). Introduction \ I'etude de I'Art de la Guerre. Avec plans et cartes. 4 vols. 2P, and atlas fol. Weimar, 1802-04. 6. 3. 18-21. Rock Island Bridge. Report of the Suit against. 8^. St. Louis, 1858. {Misc. Pamph., vol. v.] 31. 2. 5. Rodman (Capt. Thomas J.). Reports of Experiments on the Properties of Metals for Cannon, and the qualities of Cannon Powder ; with an account of the Fabrication and Trial of a 15-inch Gun. PI. 40. pp. xii, 308. Boston, 1 86 1. 7. 2. 1. Roebling (John A.). Long and Short Span Railway Bridges. Text and pl. fol. New York, 1869. Room 12. Rogers (Prof Henry D.).' Annual Reports on the Geological Survey of Penn- sylvania: I-VI. 80. Harrisburg, i836-'42. 19. 3. 10. [Geological Pamphlets, V^ol. II.] Roget (P. M.). Electricity and Magnetism. 8^. pp. 119. n. p., 1832. 19. 1. 32. 94 746 AUTHOES. AUTHORS. 747 Roget. Rothrock. Roget (P. M.). Thesaurus of English Words and Phrases. 12^. pp. 510. Boston, 1866. ' 16. 5. 16. Rogaiat [Biroii J., Lieut. GhtrrM). Considerations sur I'Art de la (iuerre. 8^. pp. xi, 608. Paris, 18 16. 6. 3. 6. Memoire sur I'emploi des Petites Amies dans la Defense des Places. [A?wn.] 80. pp. 159. Paris, 1827. 6. 2. 32. Roguet {Lieut Col. C. M.). Experiences sur le Petard, faites a Metz. PI. 80. ])p. 40. Paris, 1838. 7. 2. 47. Rohan (Henri, Due de.) Le Parfait Capitaine, ou Abrege des Guerres, des Commentaires de Cesar. 18^. pp.330, n. p., 1757. 16.3.35. Memoires et Lettres de Henri, Due de Rohan, sur la Guerre de la Vakeline. Publics pour la premiere fois, et accompagnes de notes Geo- graphiques, Historiques et Cienealogiques. [Portrait.] 3 vols 16^. Geneve, 1758. 16. 1. 39-41. Roll of Honor (Nos. I-XXV). Names of Soldiers who died in Defense of the American Union interred in the National Cemeteries [and Supple- ments I-IVJ 12 vols. 8^. Washington, i866-'7o. 49. 1. 17-28. Rondelet (Jean). Traite theorique et pratique de I'Art de Batir. 5 vols. 40. Paris, 1838. 7. 3. 14-18. Rooke (John). Geology as a Science, appHed to the Reclamation of Land from the Sea, the Construction of Harbours, the Formation of Railroads, and the Discovery of Coal. 12O. pp. 442. London, 1840. 19. 3. 18. Roquette {M. de la). Notice sur la Vie et les Travaux de M. le Baron A. de Humboldt. 40. pp. 8^<. Paris, i860. 26. 6. 3. Notice sur la Vie et les Travaux de M. Pierre Daussy. 8°. pp. 27. Paris, 1 86 1. 16. 2. 23. [Extrait du Bulletin de la Societe de Geographic, Novembre et Decembie, i86i.] Ross (Alexander). Adventures of the First Settlers on the Oregon or Colum- bia River: being a narrative of the expedition fitted out by John Jacob Astor to establish the "Pacific Fur Company;" with an account of some Indian Tribes on the Coast of the Pacific. Map. 8°. pp. xv, 352. London, 1849. ^' ^* ^^* The Fur Hunters of the Far West. A narrative of adventures in the Oregon and Rocky Mountains. Map and 2 pU 2 vols. 8°. pp. xv, 333; viii, 262. London, 1855. 1. 5. 6-7. The Red River Settlement: Its Rise, Progress, and Present State; with some account of the Native Races, and its General History to the present day. PI. 8°. pp. xvi, 416. London, 1856. 1. 5. 8. Rothery (H. C.). Report on the circumstances attending the Fall of a por- tion of the Tay Bridge on the 28th December, 1879. ^^^^ PP- Z^' Lon- don, 1880. 47. 3. 8. Rothrock {Dr. J. T.). See Watson (S.) and Rothrock. 748 AUTHORS. AUTHOES. 749 Rothwell. Ruxton. Rothwell (Andrew). Laws of the Corporation of the City of Washington to the end of the thirtieth council, June, 1833. [And] Laws of the United States relating to the City. Map. 8°. Washington, 1833. 23. 4. 1. Rotrou (Leon de). See Brisse (Alex.) and Rotrou. Rouvre {M. de, Lieut. Col. d' E tat- Major). Aide-Memoire de I'Ofticier d^'fitat- Major. Le Service en Campagne PL 180. Paris, 1859. 6. 1. 26. Rowan (F. M.). Morceaux choisis des Auteurs Modernes, a I'usage dela jeunesse. 12°. pp. 341. New York, 1853. 16. 5. 8. Rowland (/V,/. Henry A.). Mechanical Equivalent of Heat, with Subsidiary Researches on the Variation of the Mercurial from the Air Thermometer, and on the Variation of the Specific Heat of Water. 8°. Cambridge, 1880. L. S. Riyal Engineers (Corps of). Papers on subjects connected with the duties of the Corps of Royal Engineers, ist series, i 837-'4o. 10 vols. 4^. New series, 1851-76, 1837-72 [duplicate]. 23 vols. 8°. Maps and illus. London, i837-'76. 46. 3. 1-31. Corps papers and memoirs on Military Subjects. Vol. 1 and vol. of pi. 2 vols. 80. London, i849-'5o. 46. 3. 32-33. Occasional papers. Vols. I-V. PL 5 vols. 8^. Chatham, 1877- '80. 46. 3. 34-38. [For table of contents, See Military Engineering in Subject Index.] Royal Geographical Society. Journal: Vols. 48-49, 1878-79. Proceedings, Monthly Record of Geography; New series: Vol. I-LL 4 vols. 8^. London, i878-'8o. [Current.] 44. 3. 15-17. Ruffner [Lieut. E. H., Corps of Engineers). Lines of Communication be- tween Southern Colorado and Northern New Mexico. Map. 8°. pp. 34. Washington, 1876. 20. 3. 15. Report of a Reconnaissance in the Ute Country, made in the year 1873. Maps. 8^. pp. loi. Washington, 1874. 20. 3. 16. [H. R. Ex. Doc. 193, 43d Cong., ist Sess.] Riimker (Carl). Stern-Catalog. Mitdere Oerter von 12,000 Fixsternen fiir den Anfang von 1836, abgeleitet aus den Beobachtungen auf der Ham- burger Stern warte. <\^'. pp. 349. Hamburg, 1852. L. S. Ruskin (John). The Seven Lamps of Architecture. Illus. 12°. pp. viii, t86. New York, 1877. 7. 3. 33. R'lssell (William Howard). General Todleben's History of the Defense of Sebastopol, 1854-55. A Review. 12^. pp. 227. New York, 1855. 24. 3. 31. Russian Military Topographical Corps. Historical account of the Operations of. 1822-72. [In the Russian language.] 80. St. Petersburg, 1872. 24. 6. 5. Ruxton (George F.). Adventures in Mexico and the Rocky Mountains. 12^. pp. viii, 332. London, 1849. ^- ^' ^*^' 750 AUTHOES. AUTHOES. 751 Ruxton. Sanderson, Ruxton (George F.). Life in the Far West [of the United States]. 2d ed. 12O. pp. xiv, 289. Edinburgh, 1851. 1. 5. 3. Ryan (James T ). Specifications of a Revolving Iron Fort, mounting 8 xv-inch guns. 80 New York, 1867. \Misc. Pamph.,\o\. v\\.\ 31.2.7. Report of the Board of Engineers, U. S. A., on the Ryan Revolving Fort, and the answer thereto. 8^. 1868. yMisc. Famp/i., vol. vii.] 31. 2. 7. Sabine (Lorenzo). Report on the Principal Fisheries of the American Seas. 80. Washington, 1853. 46. 1. 20. Sabine (Robert). See Clark (Latimer) and Sabine. SafFord (J. M.). See Killebrew (J. B.) a?id Saflford. SaiFord (T. H.). Catalogue of the Mean Declination of 981 Stars, between 12'^ and 26'' of Right Ascension, and 30^ and 60^ of North Declination, for January I, 1875. 4°- Washington, 1875. 2 copies. 45.6.29-30. [Published by the Engineer Department, U. S. A.J Catalogue of the Mean Declination of 2,018 Stars, between o^' to 2'* and 12^^ to 24^* Right Ascension, and 10° and 70^ of North Declination, for January, 1875. Prepared under the direction oi First Lieut. Geo. M. Wheeler, Corps of Engineers, U. S. A. 4^. pp.207. Washington, 1879. 20. 4. 23. St. John (O.). Notes on the Geology of Northeastern New Mexico. [Bulle- tin U. S. Geol. Survey of the Territories, Vol. II, No. 4.) 8<^. Washing- ton, 1876. 20. 2. 23. St. Paul Convention appointed to secure a liberal Appropriation for the Im- provement of the Mississippi River. Report of the Committee. 80, 1878. [Misc. Pamph., vol. iii.| 31. 2. 3. Samuel (E.). An Historical Account of the British Army and of the Law Mil- itary [etc.]. With a free Commentary on the Mutiny Act, and the Rules and Articles of War. 80. pp.734. London, 1816. 17.1.28. Sander (Constantine). Geschichte des Biirgerkrieges in den Vereinigten Staaten von America, i86i-'65. Zweite Auflage, von F. Mangold. Erster Band. Maps and plans. 8^. pp. 792. Frankfurt a. M., 1876. 24. 2. 29. Sanders (Cipt. John, Corps of Engineers, Translator). Memoir upon the Sta- bility of Revetments, and of their Foundations. By M. Poncelet. 8°. pp. 62. [Washington, n. d.] 6. 2. 21. Sanderson (John). Biography of the Signers to the Declaration of Independ- ence. Vols. I, II, V, VI, VIII, IX. 6 vols. 80. Philadelphia, 1823- '24. 2. 5. 18-23. Contents. I. John Hancock. II. Henj. Franklin, George Wythe, Francis Hopkinson, Robt. Treat Paine. V. Thos. Lynch, jr., Matthew Thorn'on, Wm. Whipple, John Witherspoon, Robt. Morris. VI. Arthur Middleton, Abraham Clark, Francis Lewis, John Penn, James Wilson, Carter Brax- ton, John Morton, Stephen Hopkins, Thomas McKean. VIII. Elbridge Gerry, Caesar Rodney, Benj. Harrison, Wm. Paca, Geo. Ross, John Adams. IX. Richard Henry Lee, Geo. Taylor, John Hart, Lewis Morris, Thomas Stone, Francis Light- foot Lee, Samuel Chase, Wm. EUery, Samuel Adams. 752 AUTHOES. AUTHORS. 753 Sands Schellendorf. Sands (B. T.). Reports on Observations of the Total Solar Eclipse of Decem- ber 22, 1870. 40. Washington, 187 1. 45. 6. 3?. Sanford (H. S.). The different Systems of Penal Codes in Europe, and a report on the Administrative Changes in France since the Revolution of 1848. 80. pp. 390. Washington, 1854. 23. 5. 15. Sargent (Epes). Standard Speaker. Exercises in Prose and Poetry. 12^. pp. 558. Philadelphia, 1865. 16. 5. 1. Savart {^Prof. N.). Cours Elementaire de Fortification, a I'usage de MM. les Eleves de I'Ecole Speciale Militaire. Folding pi. 8°. pp. xvi, 563. Paris, 18 1 2. 6. 2. 26. Sawitsch (Z?a A.). Abriss der Practischen Astronomic vorziiglich in ihrer Anwendung auf Geographische Ortsbestimmung. PI. 2 parts in r vol. 8^. pp. 409, 453. Hamburg, 1851. L. S. Sayler (J. R.). American Form Book, containing the most improved Legal Forms and Instruments; also a Statement of the Law of Deeds, [etc.], for every State and Territory. 8°, pp. 365. Cincinnati, 1878. 23. 4. 31. Scheidnagel [Don Leopoldo, Tcniente Coroneldel Cite i^po dd Inge nieros). La Electricidad aplicada a los Usos Militares. 4 pi. 8^. pp. 42. Madrid, 1875. 6. 3. 28. Scheliha (Lieut. Col. von. Chief Engineer^ Dept. Gulf, C. S. A.). A Trea- tise on Coast- Defence, based on the experience gained by Officers of the Corps of Engineers of the Army of the Confederate States, and compiled from official reports of Officers of the Navy of the United States, made during the late North American War, from 1861 to 1865. 12 pi. 8°. pp. xviii, 326. London, 1868. 6. 5. 41. Contoits. Part I. Necessity of modification of the principles heretofore observed in Coast Defence in con- sequence of the progress made in Naval Architecture and Artillery. II. Obstructions. III. Torpedoes. IV. Methods for lighting up Channels. Schellen {Dr. H.). Spectrum Analysis in its application to Terrestrial Sub- stances, and the physical consdtution of the Heavenly Bodies. Translated by Jane and Caroline Lassell. Edited, with notes, by William Huggins, LL. D. PI. and illus. 8°. pp.662. London, 1872. 19.1.6. Schellendorf (Mz/'. Gen. Broiisart von). Duties of the General Staff. Trans- lated from the (ierman by W. A. H. Hare. Vol. I. 8°. London, 1877. 6. 3. 42. Contents. Chap. I. General description. II. Organization— Prussia, Russia, Austria, Italy, France, England. III. Peace Formation, Commands, etc., Prussian Army. IV. Recruiting in Time of Peace. \^. Office duties— Command, Corps, Division, (ieneral Staff. VI. Manoeuvres—History, Ground, Camps, and Bivouacs, etc. VII. Reconnaissance— General and Special, Reports, etc. 95 754 AUTHOES. AUTHOES. 755 ochermerhorn. 'Schumacher, Schermerhorn (L. Y.). The Water Jet as an aid to Engineering Construction. A Historical Sketch of its appUcation to the sinkhig of Piles and Caissons and the removal of sand-bars and other alluvial deposits [etc.]. 8°. pp i6. Washington, 1881. 8. 4. 41. See^ (^Ay;, Robert [Maj. H. M.), Schermerhorn, andVoiiex. Schiavoni (G??;. F.). Principi di Geodesia. Illus. 2 parts, i vol. 8<^. pp. 300, 225. L. S. Schiller (Johann C. F. von). Histoire de la Guerre de Trente Ans [i6i8-'48]. Tjraduite par M.Ch***. 2 vols. 80. Paris, 1803. 16. 4. 27-28. Schmid [Dr. Ernst Erhard). Lehrbuch der Meteorologie. Illus. 8°. pp. xvi, 1009, and atlas fol. 2 vols. Leipzig, i860. L. S. Scholl (Heinrich F. von). Abriss der Geschichte des Kampfes urn Gerona im Jahre 1809, nach franzosischen und spanischen Quellen zusammengestellt undbesprochea. PI 8^. pp- 47. [1865.] . [And] Abriss der Geschichte des Krieges 1840-41 in Syrien. PI. and plan. 8°. pp. 90. Wien, 1866. [And] Gibraltar, Militarisch-Historische Skizze. 2 pi. 8°. pp.66. [1867.] [And] Ueber den Bau von Wohn-Baraken. 2 pi. 8^. pp. 13. n. d. [Misc. Pamph., vol. x.] 31. 2. 10. Schoolcraft (Henry R.). Information respecting the History, Condition, and Prospects of the Indian Tribes of the United States. 6 vols. 4°. Philadelphia, i853-'57. 24. 6. 23-28. Narrative of an Expedition through the Upper Mississippi to Itaska Lake in 1832. 80. pp. 307. New York, 1834. 20. 3. 40. Summary Narrative of an Exploring Expedition to the Sources of the Mississippi River in 1820: resumed and completed by the Discovery of its Origin in Itaska Lake in 1832. Maps and illus. 8^. pp. xx, 596, Philadelphia, 1855. 29. 3. 39. ^;^// Allen {Lieut, J.). Report of an Expedition to the Northwest In- dians in 1832. {H. R. Doc. No. 323.) 20. 3. 30. {Bound with Schoolcraft (H. R.). Narrative, etc.] Schron [Dr. Ludwig). Siebenstellige gemeine Logarithmen. 12th ed. 2 vols. 8°. Braunschweig, 1873. L. S. Schnfeldt (R. W.). Osteology of Speotyto Cunicularia, var. Hypog^ea. [And] Osteology of Eremophila alpestris. [Bulletin U. S. Geol. Sun^ey of the Territories, Vol. VI, No. i.) 8^. Washington, i88i. 20. 2. 27. Schumacher (Paul). Methods of making Stone Weapons [by the Klamath Indians]. (Bulletin U. S. Geol. Survey of the Territories, Vol, TIT, No. 3.) 80. Washington, 1877. 20. 2. 24. Researches in the Kj5kkenmoddings and Graves of a Former Popu- lation of the coast of Oregon. [And] of the Santa Barbara Islands and adjacent Mainland. PI. {Bulletin US Geol. Survey of the Territories, Vol ITT, No. I.) 80. Washington, 1877. 20. 2. 24. 756 AUTHORS. AUTHORS. 757 Schumann. Scudder. Schumann (F.). A Manual of Heating and Ventilation in their Practical Application. 12O. pp.89. New york, 1877. 2.5.37. Formulas and Tables for Architects and Engineers in Calculating the Strains and Capacity of Structures in Iron and Wood. 16*^. pp. 246. Washington, 1873. 18. 1. 36. Scientific American (The). Vols. XXXIV-XLII, and Supplements, Vols. I- IX. 18 vols. fol. New York, i876-'8o. [Current.] 49. 1-18. Scotini (Gedeone). Memorie idrauliche premesse ai progetti per la Regola- zione delle Acque della Provincie sulla destra Basso-Po. Map and sec- tions. 40. pp. 179. Torino, 1865. 7. 5. 21. Scott (Charles M.). On the Improvement of the Western Rivers [of the United States]. 8°. pp 12. {Misc, Pamph.,\ro\.\\\?^ 31.2.3. Scott [Col. Henry L., U. S. A,). Military Dictionary, comprising Technical Definitions, Information on Raising and Keeping Troops, Actual Service [etc.]. 80. pp. 674. New York, 1862. 5. 2. 9. Scott [Lieut. Col. Percy). A Hand-Book Dictionary, for the Militia and Vol- unteer Services, including an epitome of the duties of all ranks. Obi. 180. pp. 290. London, 1861. 1. 1. 37. Scott (Robert PL). Instructions in the use of Meteorological Instruments. Illus. 80. London, 1875. 19. 3. 40. Scott [Bvt. Lieut. Col. Robert N., U. S. A.). An Analytical Digest of the Military Laws of the United States. 8°. pp. viii, 510. Philadelphia, 1873. 3 copies. 23. 5. 16. Scott {Alaj. Gen. Winfield). Infantry Tactics; or Rules for the Exercise and Manoeuvres of the United States Infantry, Vol I. Schools of the Soldier and Company. Vol. 11. School of the Battalion, and Instruction for Light Infantry or Rifle. Vol. III. Evolutionsof the Line. 3 vols. 18°. New York, 1835. 1. 1. 27-29. Proceedings of the Court of Inquiry in the case of Major General Scott, and Major General Gaines. [On Failure of the Florida Campaign in 1836.] (24//^ Co?ig., 2d Sess., Doc. 224.) 8°. pp. 734. [Washing- ton, 1837.] 2. 5. 14. Scrivenor (Harry). Comprehensive History of the Iron Trade throughout the World. 8^. pp. 453. London, 1841. 16. 2. 35. Scudder (Samuel H.). An account of some Insects of unusual interest from the Tertiary Rocks of Colorado and Wyoming. [Bulletin U. S. GeoL Survey of the Territories, Vol. IV, No, 2.) 8°. Washington, 1878. 20. 2. 25. Brief Synopsis of North American Earwigs. List of the Orthoptera collected by Dr. A. S. Packard in Colorado and neighboring Territories, 1875. Notice of a small collection of Butterflies, made by Dr. A. S. Packard in Colorado and Utah, in 1875. [Bulletin U. S. Geol. Survey of the Territories, Vol. II, No. 3.) 8°* Washington, 187^1. 20. 2. 23. 758 " AUTHORS. AUTHORS. 759 Scudder. Selwyn. Scudder (S. H.). Fossil Insects of the Green River Shales {Bulletin U. S, Gcol. Survey of the Territories, Vol. IV, No. 4.) 80. Washington, 1878. 20. 2. 25. Fossil Orthoptera from the Rocky Mountain Tertiaries {Bulletin U, S. Geol. Survey of the lerritories, Vol. f 2d Series, No. 6.) 8^. Wash- ington, 1876. 20. 2. 22. The first discovered traces of Fossil Insects in the American Ter- tiaries. [And] Description of two species of Carabidae found in the In- terglacial Deposits of Scarboro' Heights, near Toronto, Canada. {Bulletin U. S. Geol. S'lrvey of the Territories, Vol. Ill, No. 3.) 8^. Washington, 1877. 20. 2. 22. The Tertiary Physopoda of Colorado. {Bulletin U. S. Geol. Survey of the Territories, Vol. I, 2d Series, No. 4.) 8^. Washington, 1875. 20. 2, 22 Sea ( — ). Memoire sur la Fortification Permanente, pour servir a la con- struction d'un Front de Fortification sur le terrain. 4O. pp. 284, and atlas fol. 2 vols St. Petersbourg, 181 1. 6. 4. 2. Seaman (Ezra C). Essays on the Progress of Nations in Civilization, Pro- ductive Industry, Wealth, and Population. 8°. pp. 645. New York, 1853. 16.2.33. Sdbillotte (L. A.). Bassins de Radoub de Marseille. Notice sur I'execution des travaux. Figs. 4^. pp. 204, and atlas, fol. 2 vols. Marseille, 1873. 8. 5. 36. Second Comptroller of the Treasury. Digest of the Decisions in the Oflice of. Compiled by John W. Butterfield. 3d ed. 8^. Washington, 1869. 23 4. 29. Secretary of War of the United States. Annual Reports for the years 1847 ; 1859, '67, '69, (abridgments); 1870, Vols. I-II ; 1871, Vol. I; 1872, Vols. I-II; 1873, Vols. I-III; 1874, Vols. I-II; 1875, Vols. I-IV; 1876, Vols. 1-IV; 1877, Vols. I-IV; 1878, Vols. I-IV; 1879, Vols. 1-IV. 34 vols. 80. Washington, 1848-79. 43. 9. Seibt (Wilhelm). Pracisions-Nivellement der Elbe. 4°. pp. 133. Berlin, 1878. 42. 3. 18 Seidel (Ludwig). Ueber ein Verfahren, die Gleichungen, auf welche die Methode der Kleinsten Quadrate fiihrt, sovvie lineiire Gleichungen iiber- haupt, durch successive Anniiherung aufzulosen. 4*^. pp.28. Munchen, 1874. L. S. Selfridge (Thos. Oliver, Conunandcr, U. S. N.), Reports of Explorations and Surveys, to ascertain the practicability of a Ship-Canal, by the way of the Isthmus of Darien. PI and maps. 4°. pp.268. Washington, 1874. 8. 5. 26 Sdl^/n (Alfred R. C). Geological Survey of Canada. Report of Progress for 1874-78. Maps and illus. 6 vols. 8^ and fol. Montreal, n. d, 1. 4. 18-21. 760 AOTHORS. AUTHOES. 761 Senefelder. Shields. Senefelder (Alois). Vollstandiges Lehrbuch der Steindruckerei. [Treatise on the Art of Lithography, with correct and minute Instructions for the various manipulations in its different parts. Preceded by a full History of the Art from its commencement to the present day,] PI. 4^. pp. 370. Mihichen, 1818 24. 6. 7. Sennet (George B.). Notes on the Ornithology of the Lower Rio Grande of Texas. Edited by Dr. Elliot Coues, U, S. A. {Bulletin U, S. Geol. Survey of the Territories, Vol. IV, No. i, ami Vol. V, No. 3.) 8^. Wash- ington, i878-'79. 20. 2. 25-26. Serrell (James E.). Engineer Drill, for Reconnoitering and Communicating with those with whom they act. ms. Illus. sm. 4^. [pp. 58, New York], 1861. 1. 1. 10. Seward's (William H.) Travels around the World. Edited by Olive Risley Seward. 200 illus. 8^. pp. xii, 730. New York, 1873. 1. 4. 11. Seymour (E.- S.). Sketches of Minnesota, the New England of the West. With Incidents of Travel in that Territory during the summer of 1849. Map. 12O. pp.281. New York, 1850. 1.5.6. Sheafer (P. W.). The Anthracite Coal-Fields of Pennsylvania and their Ex- haustion. 80. 1879. {Misc. Pajnph., vol. i.j 31. 2. 1. Sheahan (James W.). Corporation Laws of the City of Washington to the end of the Fiftieth Council [June 3, 1853], etc. 8°. Washington, 1853. 23. 4. 2. Shedd (J. Herbert, C. E.). Report on Sewerage in the City of Providence. Map and 15 pi. 8^. pp. 96. Providence, 1874. 18. 2. 24. Shelbourne (S. F.). The Interoceanic Ship-Canal: San Bias Route. {Bulle- tin Am. Geog. Soc, 1879, ^^' 4-) 8°. 1880. [Misc. Pamph., vol. ii.] 31. 2. % A Comparative View of the Panama and San Bias Routes for an In- teroceanic Canal. 8^. 1880. {Misc. Pamph., vol. ii.j 31. 2. 2. Sherburne (John Henry). Life and Character of the Chevalier John Paul Jones, a Captain in the Navy of the United States during the Revolu- tionary War. 80. pp. viii, 387. Washington, 1825. 24. 4. 26. Sheridan (P. H.) ajid Sherman (W. T.), Generals. Report of Inspection made in the summer of 1877 of the country north of the Union Pacific Rail- road. 10 folding maps. 8^. pp.110. Washington, 1878. 20.3.25. Sherman {General William T.). Memoirs of. By himself. 2 vols. Map. 80. pp. 405 and 409. New York, 1875. 24. 2. 27-28. See, also, Sheridan (P. H.) rt-;?^/ Sherman. Shields (J. E., C. E.). A Treatise on Engineering Construction, embracing Discussions of the Principles involved and Descriptions of the Materials used. 44 illus. 16^. pp. 138. New York, 1877. 18. 1. 28. 96 762 AUTHOES. AUTHOKS. 763 Shortrede. Simpson. Shortrede (Robert). Logarithmic Tables. Logarithms from i to 120,000. Numbers to Logarithms from .0 to i. 00000, to seven places of decimals. 8*^. pp. XXV, 208. Edinburgh, 1849. L. S. Slireve (Samuel H., C. E.). A Treatise on the Strength of Bridges and Roofs, with Practical Applications and Examples. 2d ed. 8<^. pp. xix, ^^Z- New York, 1877. 23.3.^21. Shufeldt [Capt. Robert W., U. S. N.). Reports of Explorations and Surveys to ascertain the Practicability of a Ship-Canal between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans by the way of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec. PL, folding maps, and plans. 4°. pp. 151. Washington, 1872. 8. 5. 27. Siege de la Citadelle d'Anvers par I'Armee Frangaise, sous les ordres du Mare- chal Com.te Gerard. Plan. 8°. pp. 291. Paris, 1833. 16. 4. 37. Signal Service, U. S. A. A Manual of Military Telegraphy. Illus. 12O. pp. 100. Washington, 1872. 19. 1. 24. Daily Bulletins of Weather Reports, etc. September, 1872, to Octo- ber, 1873. 14 vols. 40. Washington, 1873-76. 42. 2. 1-14. Silliman (Benjamin, M. D.), Silliman (B., y>.), and Dana (James D.). The American Journal of Science and Arts. PI., maps, and illus. Vol. I, 1819, to Vol. XX, third series. 120 vols. 8^. New York, 1819-80. [Current.] Case 3. fVol. 22, ist series, wanting.] Simms (Frederick W.). A Treatise on the Principal Mathematical Instru- ments employed in Surveying, Levelling, and Astronomy, explaining their Construction, Adjustments, and Use, with an Appendix and Tables. Illus. 8^. pp. xi, 130. London, 1844. L. S. The same. 7th ed. 8°. pp. 130. London, 1849. 18. 1. 5. The same. Revised by J. E. Alexander, C. E. Baltimore, [1836]. 28. 1. 8. Simms (T. W., C. E.). Pubhc Works of Great Britain. 153 pi. fol. Lon- don, 1838. 53. 23. Contents. I. Railways. II. Canals, Bridges, River- Walls, and the Docks and Port of Liverpool. III. Turnpike Roads, Iron, Steel, and Gas Works. IV. Survey of the Port of London. Simms (William). The Achromatic Telescope and its Various Mountings, especially the Equatorial, to which are added some hints on Private Ob- servatories. Illus. 8°. pp. 74. London, 1852. L. S. Simpson {Commander Edward, U, S. TV). Report on a Naval Mission to Europe, especially devoted to the Material and Construction of Artillery. PI. and illus. 2 vols. 40. Washington, 1873. 24. 6. 19-20. Simpson (James H., A. M., Luut Corps of TopographicaV Engineers). Jour- nal of a Reconnaissance from Santa Fe, New Mexico, to the Navajo Country in 1849. Map and pi. 80. pp. 140. Philadelphia, 1852. 20. 1. 16. 764 AUTHORS. AUTHOES. 765 Simpson. Smith. Simpson (James H., Capt., Corps Topographical E?igineers), Report and Map of Wagon Routes in Utah Territory. 8^. pp. 84. Washington, 1859. 20. 2. 40. [Sen. Ex. Doc. 40, 35th Cong., 2d Sess.] Report of Explorations across the Great Basin of the Territory of Utah for a Direct Wagon Route from Camp Floyd to Genoa, in Carson Valley, in 1859. Maps and pi. 40. pp. 518. Washington, 1876. 20. 4. 5. [Lieut. Col., Corps of Engineers, U. S. A.]. Report on the Change of Route west from Omaha, Nebraska Territory, proposed by the Union Pa- cific Railroad Company, with the President's Decision thereon. Maps. 80. Washington, 1865. 20. 3. 6. Sismondi (J. C. L. Simonde de). Histoire des Republiques Italiennes du Moyen Age. 11 vols. 8°. Paris, i8o9-'i5. 16. 4. 12-22. Sitgreaves (Cap/. Lorenzo, Corps of Topographical Engineers'), Report of an Expedition down the Zuni and Colorado Rivers [in 185 1]. Map and pi. 80. pp. 198. Washington, 1853. 20. 1. 27. and Woodruff {Lieut, I. C). Survey of Creek Indian Boundary Line. Map. 80. Washington, 1858. 20. 3. 7. Sleeman (C. W.). Torpedoes and Torpedo Warfare : containing a complete and concise account of the Rise and Progress of Submarine Warfare ; also a detailed description of all matters appertaining thereto, including the latest improvements. 57 illus. 80. pp. viii, 309. Portsmouth [England], 1880. 7. 2. 48. Smeaton (John, F. R, S.). Reports made on various occasions in his employ- ment as a Civil Engineer. PI. 2 vols, in i. 4"^. London, 1837. 18. 2. 1. The same. 3 vols. [And] Miscellaneous Papers, comprising his Com- munications to the Royal Society, i vol. PI. and diagrams. 4 vols. 40. London, i8i2-'i4. 18. 2. 2-5. Smith {Col. Carmichael, Royal Engineers). Plans of Attacks by the British and Prussian Armies : Campaigns of 1814-15. fol. n. p., [1817]. 24. 6. 4. Smith {Lieut, Col, Charles F.). Report of his Expedition in 1856 to Lake Miniwaken and the Red River of the North. 8^. n. p. 1856. 20. 3. 7. Smith (MaJ. Euan). See Lovett {MaJ. St. John) and Smith. Smith (J. Calvin). See Haskel (Daniel) and Smith. Smith (James F.). Cherokee Land Lottery, containing a Numerical List of the Names of the Fortunate Drawers in said Lottery. 8°. pp. 412. New York, 1838. 42. 3. 37. 766 AUTHOES. ATTTHOES. 767 Smith. Soleirol. Smith {Lieut. Martin L.) a;;/^ Hardcastle (Lieut. Edmund L. F.). Reports of Surveys, and Map of the Valley of Mexico, pp. 13. 8^. Washington, 1850. 20. 2. 40. [Sen. Ex. Doc. ii, 31st Cong., ist Sess.j Smith (Lieut. Col. R.). See Thuiller (H. L.) and Smith. Smith (R. Baird, Lieut. Bengal Engineers). Italian Irrigation: being a Re- port on the Agricultural Canals of Piedmont and Lombardy. Vol. I. Historical and Descriptive. Vol. II. Practical and Legislative. 2 vols. 80. Edinburgh, 1852. 7. 4. 38-39. [Lieut. Col., Bengal Engineers]. The Cauvery, Kistnah, and Godav- ery : being a Report on the Works constructed on these rivers for the Irrigation of the Provinces of Tanjore, Guntoor, Masulipatam, and Ra- jahmundry, in the Presidency of Madras. 18 folding maps and plans. 80. pp. xii, 148. London, 1856. 7. 4. 40^ Smith (Lieut. Richard S., U. S. A.). A Manual of Topographical Drawing. PI. 80. pp. 62. New York, 1854. 18. 2. 40. A Manual of* Linear Perspective. PI. 8^. pp. 80. New York, 1857. 18. 2. 39. Smith (T. Roger). Acoustics in relation to Architecture and Building : the Laws of Sound as applied to the Arrangement of Buildings. Illus. 160. pp. vi, 165. London, n. d. 2. 5. 34. Smith [Lieut. W. F.). Report of a Reconnaissance of a Route for a Road from San Antonio to El Paso, dated May 25, 1849. [And] Report of a Reconnaissance of the Sacramento Mountains, dated October 3, 1849. Map. In I vol. 8°. Washington, 1850. 20. 2. 44. Smith (William L.). Comparative View of the Constitutions of the several States with each other, and with that of the United States. 8^. pp. 135. Washington, 1832. 23. 4. 28. Smithsonian Institution. Annual Reports of the Board of Regents. 1853-80. PI. and illus. 28 vols. 8°. Washington, 1854-81. 16. 1. 1-28. Contributions to Knowledge. Vols. IX-XXIII. 15 vols. 4°. Wash- ington, 1857-81. 46. 4. 1-15. Miscellaneous Collections. Vols. I-XXI. 21 vols. 8^. Washing- ton, 1862-81. 46. 1. 1-20. [Vol. Ill wanting.] Soci6t6 de Geographic. Bulletin : 4th series, Vols. II-III ; 5th series, Vols. V, VII, Vlil; 6th series, Vols. IX-XVIII. 15 vols. 80. Paris, i85i-'79. 15. 1. 6. Soleirol (H. A., Capitaine du Genie). Memoire sur les Marches relatifs au Service du Genie. 4°. pp. 159. Metz, 1833. 6. 5. 22. 768 AUTHORS. AUTHORS. 769 Sommeiller. Stanley. Sommeiller (G.). Traforo delle Alpi tra Bardonneche e Modane. [Mont Cenis Tunnel] Relazione della DirezioneTecnicaalla Direzione Generale delle Strade Ferrate dello Stato. Map and pi. 4^. pp.113. Torino, 1863. 8. 5. 32. Soule (Richard). Dictionary of English Synonymes. 12O. pp. 456. Bos- ton, 1873. 16. 5. 16. Southern Railroads ( United States). Report of a Select Committee on the past and present Relations existing between the Federal Government and the Railroads in the States lately in rebelHon. 8°. Washington, 1867. 44. 6. 18. [H. R. Report No. 34, 39th Cong., 2d Sess.] Spalding {Hon. Hugh M.). An Encyclopaedia of Law and Forms. For all the States and Canada. 8^. pp. 676. Philadelphia, 1879. 23. 4. 30. Jpencer {Prof. J. W.). Discovery of the Preglacial Outlet of the Basin ot Lake Erie into that of Lake Ontario. With notes on the origin of our Lower Great Lakes. 2 maps. 8^. pp. 37. n. p., 1881. \Misc. Pamph.^ vol. XV.] 31. 2. 15. Ipiers (A.) and Surenne (Gabriel). Pronouncing Dictionary of the French and EngHsh Languages. 12°. pp. 583, 390. New York, 1879. 5. 1. 30. pofford (Ainsworth R.). American Almanac and Treasury of Facts, Statis- tical, Financial, and PoHtical, for the years i878-'8i. 4 vols. 12°. New York, i878-'8i. 23. 1. 25-28. pon (Ernest). Water Supply. The Present Practice of Sinking and Boring Wells, with geological considerations and examples of Wells executed. PI. and cuts. 12O. pp. vii, 217. London, 1875. 18. 1. 26. )on's Architects' and Builders' Pocket-Book of Useful Memoranda and Prices, obi. 24O. London, 1879. ' 7. 3. 41. )runer {Dr. K. von) and Menke {Dr. Th.). Hand-Atlas fiir die Geschichte des mittelalters und der Neuern Zeit. 3d ed. 90 colored maps. fol. Gotha, i872-'8o. 48. 15. ackpole (W. T.). The World's Navigation: The Problem of River Mouths. A NewForce, Plan, and Implements adapted to the Improvement of River Mouths [etc.]. 80. pp. 32. Bloomington, 111., 1879. \^i^c. Pamph., vol. iii.] 31. 2. 3. ahl (Albert W.). Transmission of Power by Wire Ropes. Cuts. 18°. pp. 124. New York, 1877. 19. 2. 32. ilkartt (Marmaduke). Naval Architecture, or the Rudiments and Rules of Ship-Building, exempHfied in a series of draughts and plans. 3d ed. fol. pp. iv, 231. London, 1803. 48. 12. inley {Col. David S.). Report on the Yellowstone Expedition of 1873. 80. pp. 17. Washington, 1874. 20. 3. 42. 97 770 AUTHORS. AUTHOES. 771 Stansbury. Stevenson. Stansbury {Capt. Howard, U. S. A.). Exploration and Survey of the Valley of the Great Salt Lake of Utah, includnig a Reconnaissance of a New Route through the Rocky Mountains. Maps and pi. 8^. pp. 487. With a volume of maps. 2 vols. Philadelphia, 1852. 20. 1. 25-28. Stearns (Charles W.). Concordance to the Constitution of the United States of America; with a classified Index. 8^. pp. 153. New York, 1872. 2 copies. 23. 4. 18. Stephenson (Robert). 6'^'^ Walker (James). Report. 8.2.7. Stevens i^Suri:;eon George T.). Three Years in the Sixth Corps, 1861-65. 2d ed. Portraits and illus. 12^. pp. 44.9. New York, 1870. 24. 2. 33. Stevens {Gov. 1. 1.). Report of Explorations for a Route for the Pacific Rail- road near the 47th and 49th Parallels, from St. Paul to Puget Sound. 1853. See Pacific R. R. Reports, Vol. I. 20. 6. 1. Narrative and Final Report of Exploration of a Route for the Pacific Railroad near the 47th and 49th Parallels, from St. Paul to Puget Sound. See Pacific R. R. Reports, Vol. XII. 20. 6. 12-13. Stevenson (Allan). Account of the Skerry vore Lighthouse, with Notes on the Illumination of Lighthouses. 33 pi. 4°. pp. x, 439. Edinburgh, 1848. 43. 6. 39. Rudimentary Treatise on the History, Construction, and Illumination of Lighthouses. Illus. \(P. pp.204. London, 1850. Weale's Series. 43. 6. 1. Stevenson (David). Canal and River Engineering, being the article "Inland Navigation" from the 8th edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica. Maps. 8°. pp. viii, 165. Edinburgh, 1858. 8. 5. 1. Remarks on the Improvement of Tidal Rivers. Folding map and pi. 80. pp. 36. London, 1845. 8. 4. 12. Stevenson [Prof. John J.). Report upon Geological Examinations in South- ern Colorado and Northern New Mexico during the years 1878-79. ( U. S. Geog. Suri'eys West of the looth Meridian, Vol. Ill, Appendix.) 40. Washington, 1881. , 20. 4. Stevenson (Roger). Military Instructions for Officers detached in the Field : Containing a Scheme for forming a Corps of a Partisan. Illustrated with plans of the Manoeuvres necessary in carrying on the Petite Guerre. 16^. pp. vii, 232. Philadelphia, 1775. 6. 1. 20. Stevenson (Thomas, F. R. S. E.). The Design and Construction of Harbours. A Treatise on Maritime Engineering. 2d ed. 20 pi. 8^. pp. xx, 283. Edinburgh, 1874. 8. 4. 3. Stevenson (VV. B.). Historical and Descriptive Narrative of Twenty Years' Residence in South America. PI. 3 vols. 8°. London, 1829. 24. 4. 15-17. {Contains Travels in Arauco, Chile, Peru, and Colombia. With an account of the Revolution, its Rise, Progress, and Results.] 772 AI3TH0ES. AUTHOES. 773 Steiler. Struve. Stieler (Adolf). Hand-Atlas iiber alle Theile der Erde und iiber das Weltge- baude. 84 maps. fol. Gotha, [1870], 48. 13. The same. New ed. 90 colored maps. fol. Gotha, [1876]. 48. 14. Stoecklin ( — , Ligenieur en Chef) ^/^^Laroche ( — , Ingenieur des Fonts et Chaus- sees). Des Ports Maritimes consideres au point de vue des Conditions de leur fitablissement et de I'Entretien des leurs Profondeurs. Rapport fait k la suite d'une mission en Belgique, en Hollande et en x\ngleterre. 15 pi. 80. pp.138. Boulogne-sur-mer, 1880. 8.4.38. Stone (J. B., Ph. B., C. E.). Magnetic Variation in the United States: be- ing a Compilation of Observations made in America from the year 1640 to the present date; tabulated and arranged for the use of Surveyors, with a brief account of the nature of Terrestrial Magnetism. 8^. pp. 139. New York, 1878. 19. 1. 23. Stone (Ormond). Micrometrical Measurements of 1054 Double Stars made at Cincinnati Observatory in 1878-79, 8^. pp. xxix, 180. Cincinnati, 1879. L. S. Stone (Roy, C. E.). Hydraulic Mining and Dredging. [Description of Ma- chinery.] PI. 4O. pp. 24. n. p., 1880. [Misc. Pamph.^ vol. xiv.] 31. 2. 14. Stoney (Bindon 1^., M. A.). The Theory of Strains in Girders and similar Structures. lUus. 80. pp. 632. New York, 1873. • 18. 1. 11. Storrow (Charles S.). A Treatise on Water- Works for conveying and dis- tributing SuppHes of Water. 12O. pp. vii, 242. Boston, 1835. 2 copies. 7. 4. 46. Stotherd {Maj. R. H., R. E.). Notes on Torpedoes, Offensive and Defensive. lUus. 80. pp. 318. Washington, 1872. 7. 2. 49. Streets (Thos. H., M. D.). Contributions to the Natural History of the Ha- waiian and Fanning Islands and Lower California. [Bulletin U. S. Na- tional Museum, No. 7.) 8^. pp. 172. Washington, 1877. 22. 2. 9. Description of Cambarus Couesi, a new species of Crawfish from Da- kota. [Bulletin U. S. Geol. Survey of the Territories^ Vol. III^ No. 4.) 80. Washington, 1877. 20. 2. 22. Strickland (William), Gill (E. H.), and Campbell (Henry R.). Reports, Specifications, and Estimates of Public Works in the United States of America. 8°. pp. 148, and atlas fol. London, 1841. 42. 3. 36. Struensee (C. A.). The First Principles of Field Fortifications. Translated from the German by William Nicolay. 13 pi. ■ 8°. London, 1800. 6. 2. 42. Struve (F. G. W.). Arc du Meridien de 25O 20', entre le Danube et la Mer Glaciale, mesure depuis 18 16 jusqu'en 1855. PI. 2 vols. 4^. St. Petersbourg, 1857. L. S. 774 AUTHOES. AUTHOES. 775 Stryker. ' Talcott. Stryker (James). American Quarterly Register and Magazine. Vols I-VI. 6 vols. 8o. Philadelphia, iS^S-'si. 44. 2. 27-32. Stryker (William S., Adjutatit General of New Jersey). Official Register of the Officers and Men of New Jersey in the Revolutionary War. Com- piled under orders of His Excellency Theodore F. Randolph, Governor. 80. pp. 878. Trenton, 1872. 47. 3. 47. The same. In the Civil War, 1861-65. 2 vols. 4°. Trenton, 1876. 47. 3. 48-49. Stuart (Charles B., Engineer in Chief, U. S. N.). The Naval Dry-Docks of the United States. 24 pi. 40. pp. 94. New York, 1852. 7. 5. 12. Stuart (Robert). A Dictionary of Architecture ; Historical, Descriptive, To- pographical, Decorative, Theoretical, and Mechanical. 3 vols, (i of pi.). 80. London, [1830]. 5. 1. 8-10. Suplee (Thomas D.). See Trench (R. C.) On the Study of Words. 16. 5. 19. Surenne (Gabriel). See Spiers (A.) and Surenne. Sutcliffe (J.). A Treatise on Canals and Reservoirs [etc.]. Observations on Carding, Roving, Drawing and Spinning Cotton Twist [etc.]. 8^. pp. xiv, 413. Rochdale [Eng.], 1816. 8. 5. 3. Suter {Maj. C. R.). [Photographs illustrating the Improvement of the Mis- souri River, under his direction.] 18 sheets in portfolio, n. p., i879-'8o. Swindell (John George). Rudimentary Treatise on Well-Digging, Boring, and Pump Work. PI. and cuts. 12O. pp. vi, 89. London, 1849. [Weale's Series.) 19. 2. 29. Swinton (William). Campaigns of the Army of the Potomac, a critical His- tory of Operations in Virginia, Maryland, and Pennsylvania, 1861-65. Illus. 80. pp. 623. New York, 1871. 24. 2. 16. Twelve Decisive Battles of the War. Portraits. 8^. pp.520. New York, 1867. 24. 2. 14. Switzerland. [Estimates of Receipts and Expenditures, and Statements of Funds for the years 1869-75. In the German language,^ 27 parts, fol. n. p. or d. 42. 9. 8. Tacitus (Caius Cornelius). Germania and Agricola. With notes for Colleges, by Prof W. S. Tyler. 12O. pp. ix, 181. New York, 1848. 1. 5. 32. Tackels (C.-J.). Percement de ITsthme de Panama ou de celui du Nicaragua. Discussion commerciale et mdustrielle au point de vue du Trafic Beige. 80. pp. 52. Bruxelles, 1880. [Misc, Famph., vol. ii.] 81. 2. 2. Tait (Peter G.). See Thomson (Sir W.) and Tait. Talcott (Andrew). Determination of the Longitude of Several Stations near the Northern Boundary of Ohio [in 1835J. 40. n. p. or d. [Misc. Pamph., vol. xiv.] 31. 2. 14. 776 AUTHOES. AUTHOKS. 777 Tanner. Teliakoffsky, Tanner (H. S.). A Description of the Canals and Railroads of the United States, comprehending notices of all the works of Internal Improvement throughout the several States. 4 maps. 8^. pp. 272. New York, 1840. 8. 4. 28. A new American Atlas, containing Maps of the several States of the North American Union, fol. Philadelphia, 1825. 53. 26. An Alphabetical Index to the four-sheet Map of the United States 12O. pp. V, 99. Philadelphia, n. d. 1. 5. 42. S[Map wanting.] Memoir on the Recent Surveys, Observations, and Internal Improve- ments in the United States [etc.]. Intended to accompany his new Map of the United States. 12O. pp.108. Philadelphia, 1829. 1.5.41. [Map wanting.] Tate (Thomas). Strength of Materials ; Tubular Bridges, Iron Beams, etc. 80. pp. 96. London, 1850. 19. 5. 21. Taylor (A. Dundas). General Report of the Operations of the Marine Sur- vey of India from the commencement in 1874 to the end of the official year 1875-76. fol. pp. 39. [Calcutta], London, 1877. 47. 5. 54. Taylor (Michael). Tables of Logarithms of all Numbers from i to 101,000 and of the Sines and Tangents to every Second of the Quadrant. Preface and precepts, by Nevil Maskelyne, F. R. S., Astronojtier Royal. 40. London, 1792. 47. 3. 46. Taylor (Richard, Lieut. Gen. in the Confederate Army). Destruction and Re- construction : Personal Experiences of the late War. 8^. pp.274. New York, 1879. 24. 2. 6. Taylor (Richard C). Geology and Natural History of the Northeastern Ex- tremity of the Alleghany Mountains. 8^. pp. 13. n. p., 1835. 19. 3. 10. [Geological Pamphlets, Vol. II. 1 Taylor (Walter IL), Four Years with General Lee ; being a summary of the more important events touching the career of General Robert E. Lee, in the War between the States; together with an authoritative statement of the Army which he commanded in the field. [Portrait.] 8^. pp. 199. New York^ 1878. 24. 2. 4. Teeple (J.). See Ockerson (J. A.) and Teeple. Telford (Thomas, Civil Engineer). Life of, written by himself; containing a descriptive narrative of his Professional Labors. With a folio atlas of copper pi. Edited by John Rickman. 2 vols. 4° and fol. [Atlas, port., and 83 pi.] London, 1838. 24. 6. 1. Tdliakoffsky (A., Colonel du Genie). Manuel de Fortification Permanente. Traduit du Russe par A. Goureau. 8°. pp. 250, and atlas obi. 40. 2 vols. St. Petersbourg, 1849. ^- ^- ^* 98 778 AUTHOES AUTHOES. 779 Tempelhof. Thompson. Tempelhof (G. F. von). Geschichte des Siebenjahrigen Krieges in Deutsch- land, zwischen dem Konige von Preussen und der Kaiserin-Konigin mit ihren Alliirten, vom General Lloyd. [History of the Seven Years' War in Germany.] 6 parts. 3 vols. 4*^. Berlin, 1794. 16. 4. 6-8. Tennessee. Acts of the State of, passed at the first session of the 34th Gen- eral Assembly, for the year 1865. 80. Nashville, 1865. 23. 4. 9. Geological Reports. By G. Troost. Fourth, 1837, and fifth, 1839. 80. Nashville, i837-'4o. 19. 3. 11. [Geological Pamphlets, Vol. III.] Ternay {Col. Charles Gabriel d'Arsac, Marquis de). De la Defense des fitats par les Positions Fortifiees. 8^. pp. iv, 264. Paris, 1836. 6. 2. 17. Thackeray {Capt. Thomas James). The Military Organization and Adminis- tration of France. 2 vols. 8^. London, 1856. 6. 1. 6-7. Thayer [Col. Sylvanus, U. S. Corps of Engineers). A Special Report on the Sea Wall, built in the year 1843, for the preservation of Ram Head, at the northwest end of Lovell's Island, in the harbor of Boston, Mass. 8^. [pp. 23.] Washington, 1844. 17. 5. 34. [Professional Papers No. 2, Corps of Engineers, U. S. A.] Thiers (fidouard, Capitaine du Genie') and Laurencie (S. de la, Capitaine d'Artitlerie). Histoire de la Defense de Belfort. Ecrite sous le controle de M. le Colonel Denfert-Rochereau. Avec cartes et plans. 4th ed. 8°. pp.413. Paris, 1874. 6. 5. 54. Thiery (A., Capitaine d'Artillerie). Applications du Fer aux Constructions de TArtillerie. 5 pi. 2 parts in i vol. 4°, and atlas to 2d part, fol. 2 vols. Paris, i834-'4o. 7. 2. 20. Thiroux (M. — ). Instruction theorique et pratique d'Artillerie, a I'usage des Sieves de I'ficole Militaire de Saint-Cyr. 3d ed. 20 pi. 8^. pp. xxii, 572. Paris, 1849. 7. 1. 12. Thomas {Prof. Cyrus). On the Orthoptera collected by Dr. Elliott Coues, U. S. A., in Dakota and Montana, 1873-74. (Bulletin U. S. Geol. Survey oj the Territories, Vol IV, No. 2.) 8°. Washington, 1878. 20. 2. 25. Synopsis of the Acrididae of North America. ( U. S. Geol. Survey of the Territories, Vol. V, Part I.) i pi. 4^- Washington, 1873. 23. 6. 8. The Chinch-Bug. {Bulletin U. S. jEntomologieal Commission, No. 5.) 80. pp. 44. Washington, 1879. 20. 2. 30. Thomas (Lynall, F. R. S. L.). Rifled Ordnance : a Practical Treatise on the Application of the Principle of the Rifle to Guns and Mortars of every calibre. To which is added a new theory of the Initial Action and Force of fired Gunpowder. 80. pp. 200. New York, 1864. 7. 2. 35. Thomassy (R.). Geologic Pratique de la Louisiane. 6 pi. 40 Paris, i860. 43. 2. 25. Thompson {Prof Thomas). Outlines of Mineralogy, Geology, and Mineral Analysis. Illus. 2 vols. 80. London, 1836. 19. 3. 3-4. 780 AUTHOES. AUTHOES. 781 Thompson. Tokio. Thompson (Thomas S.). Coast Pilot for the Upper Lakes, on both shores, from Chicago to Buffalo, Green Bay, Georgian Bay, and Lake Superior. Charts. 8^. pp. 74. Chicago, 1861. 18. 3. 13. Thomson (Sir C. Wyville). The Atlantic : a Preliminary Account of the Gen- eral Results of the Exploring Voyage of H. M. S. "Challenger" during the year 1873 and the early part of the year 1876. Portrait, pi. and maps. 2 vols. S^. pp. xx, 391; viii, 340. New York, 1878. 1. 4. 14-15. The Depths of the Sea: an Account of the General Results of the Dredging Cruises of H. M. SS. "Porcupine" and "Lightning" during the summers of 1868, '69, and '70, under the scientific direction of Dr. Carpenter, F. R. S., J. Gwyn Jeffreys, F. R. S., and Dr. Wyville Thom- son, F. R. S. Illus. 80. pp. XX, 527. London, 1873. 7. 4. 32. Thomson (Thomas, M. D.). A System of Chemistry of Inorganic Bodies 7th ed. 2 vols. 80. London, 1831. 19. 1. 11-12. Thomson (6'/r William) and Tait (Peter Guthrie). Treatise on Natural Phi- losophy. Vol. I. 80. pp. 737. Oxford, 1867. 19. 1. 2. Thorell (T.). Descriptions of the Aranese collected by A. S. Packard, jr., M. D. (Bulletin U. S. Geol. Survey of the Territories, Vol. Ill, No. 2.) 80. Washington, 1877. 20. 2. 24. Thuillier (Col. H. L.) ^;/^ Smith (Lieut. Col. R.). Manual of Surveying for India. PI. and illus. 3d ed. pp. xxi, 623, and appendix, pp. ccviii. In I vol. 80. Calcutta, 1875. ^- 8. 18. Thurston (Prof. Robert H.). On the Strength, Elasticity, Ductility, and Re- silience of Materials of Machine Construction. Illus. 8°. pp. 62. Philadelphia, 1874. 19. 5. 16. Report on Cold-Rolled Iron and Steel, as manufactured by Jones & Laughlins, American Iron Works, Pittsburgh. 8^. pp. 109. Pitts- burgh, 1878. 19. 6. 13. Tidball (Bvt. Brig. Gen. J. C). Manual of Heavy Artillery Service, pre- pared for the use of the Army and Militia of the United States. 76 pi. 12^. pp. vii, 516. Washington, 1880. 7. 1. 61. Tielke (Capt. J. G.). The Field Engineer, or Instructions upon every branch of Field Fortification: demonstrated by examples which occurred in the Seven Years' War between the Prussians, the Austrians, and the Russians. With plans and explanatory notes. Translated from the 4th (German) ed., by Edwin Hewgill. 2 vols. 8^. London, 1789. 6.2.38-39. Timbs (John). The Year-Book of Facts in Science and Art. For the years 1859, '61, '62. 3 vols. 160. London, i859-'62. 14. 3. 9-11. Tokio, Japan : University of. Calendar of the Departments of Law, Science, and Literature, i879-'8o. 12O. Tokio, n. d. 16. 2. 24. 782 AUTHOES. AUTHOKS. 783 Tolhausen. Tracy. Tolhausen (Alex.). Technological Dictionary in the English, German, and French Languages, containing about 76,000 Technical Terms and Locu- tions employed in Arts, Trades, and Industry in general. Revised by Louis Tolhausen. 2d [Taiichnitz) ed. 3 vols. 12°. Leipzig, 1878. 5. 1. 27-29. Tomlinson (Charles). A Rudimentary Treatise on Warming and Ventilation. Cuts. 12^. pp. 260. London, 1850. Weale's Series, 2. 5. 36. Cyclopaedia of Useful Arts, Mechanical and Chemical Manufactures, Mining, and Engineering. PI. and engravings. 2 vols. imp. 8^. London, [1852]. 5. 4. 23-24. Toronto (Canada) Magnetical and Meteorological Observatory. Abstracts of Magnetical Observations for parts of years 1853, '54, and '55, and for years i856-'62, inclusive. 4^. pp. xx, 94. Toronto, 1863. L. S. Abstracts and Results of Meteorological Observations for years 1854- '59 and 1860-62. 2 vols. 4^. Toronto, 1863-64. L. S. Abstracts and Results of Magnetical and Meteorological Observations from i84i-'7i, inclusive. 8'^. Toronto, 1875. L. S. Totten [Lieut. Charles A. L., U. S. Army). Strategos : A series of American Games of War. Illus. 2 vols. 8^ and 4^. New York, 1880. 24. 3. 10-11. Totten (J. G., Lieuf. Col. of Engineers and Bvt. Col., US. A.). Essays on Hy- draulic and Common Mortars, and on Lime-Burning. P'rom the French of Gen. Treussart, M. Petot, and M. Courtois. 2 pi. 8^. pp. 254. New York, 1842. . 19. 5. 41. < The sa?ne. [In part.] ms. 4°. pp. 250. n. p. or d. 19. 5. 47. [Bvt. Brig. Gen., Col. and Chief Engineer, U. S. A.] Report ad- dressed to the Hon. Jefferson Davis, Secretary of War, .on the Effects of Firing with Heavy Ordnance from Casemate Embrasures with various kinds of Missiles, in the years 1852, '53, '54, and '55, at West Point, New York. 9 pi. 8^. pp. [152J. Washington, 1857. 17.5.35. [Professional Papers No. 6, Corps of Engineers, U. S. A.] Touzac [M. de). Traite de la Defense Interieure et Exterieure des Redoutes. 5 pi. 80. pp. 52. Paris, 1785. 6. 2. 45. Tracy (Gen. Uriah). Report, made to the Secretary of War [Samuel Dexter], December 20, 1800, of inspection of the Inland Frontier, including Forts Fayette, Franklin, Le Boeuf, Presq' Isle, Niagara, D'Etroit, and MichiH- macinac; and an account of the Indian Tribes and the routes of com- munication between the Forts, ms. fol. pp. 37. Washington, 1800. 20. 6. 25. 784 AUTHORS. AUTHOKS. 785 Trautwine. / Turnbull. Trautwine (John C, C. E.). The Civil Engineer's Pocket-Book of Mensura- tion, Trigonometry, Surveying, Hydraulics, Hydrostatics, Instruments and their Adjustments, Strength of Materials, Masonry, Principles of Wooden and Iron Roof and Bridge Trusses [etc.]. 650 engravings. 16^. pp. 649. Philadelphia, 1874. 1%. 1. 37. Treadwell {MaJ. Thomas J., Ofd'tance Department). Metallic Cartridges (regulation and experimental), as manufactured and tested at the Frank- ford Arsenal, Philadelphia, Pa. 67 pi. 40. pp. i6. Washington, 1873. 7. 2. 19. Treaties between the United States of America and the several Indian Tribes from 1778 to 1837. 8^. pp. Ixxxiii, 699. Washington, 1837. 44.3.2. Tredgold (Thomas, C. E.). A Practical Treatise on Railroads and Carriages, showing the principles of estimating their Strength, Proportions, Expense, and Annual Produce. PI. 8^. pp. xi, 184. New York, 1825. 8. 2. 21. Elementary Principles of Carpentry, with Practical Rules and Exam- ples. 3d ed. PI. and illus. 4°. pp. xxii, 312. London, 1840. 28. 3. 15 The same. 4O. Philadelphia, 1837. 7. 3. 13. Practical Essay on the Strength of Cast Iron and other Metals. 4th ed. With notes by Eaton Hodgkinson. PI. 8°. pp. 296. London, 1842. 19. 6. 18. The Steam-Engine, its Invention and Progressive Improvement. An Investigation of its Principles for Navigation, Manufactures, and Rail- ways. Enlarged and edited by W. S. B. Woolhouse. 125 engravings and numerous wood-cuts. 2 vols. 40. London, 1838. 7. 5. 16-17. Trench (Richard C, Archbishop). On the Study of Words. With an Analy- sis, etc., by Thomas D. Suplee. 12°. pp. 395. New York, 1878. 16. 5. 19. Trognon (A., le Prince de yoinville). Campagne de I'Armee du Potomac (mars-juillet 1862). Map. 80. pp. 64. New York, 1862. 24. 2. 19. Trowbridge {Prof. W. P.). Turbine Wheels : on the Inapplicability of the Theoretical Investigations of the Turbine Wheel to the modern Construc- tions. Cuts. 180. pp. 88. New York, 1879. 19. 2. 31. Tuomey (M.). Report on the Geology of South Carolina. Maps and illus. 40. Columbia, 1848. 43. 2. 26. Turenne (Henri de la Tour d'Auvergne, Marechai). [An atlas of plates illus- trating his Campaigns, Battle-Fields, etc.] fol. n. p. or d. 48. 45. Turnbull (William, Captain Topographical Engineers). Report on the Survey and Construction of the Alexandria [Potomac] Aqueduct. PI. 8^. pp. 81. Washington, 1838. 8. 4. 33. 99 786 AUTHOES. AUTHORS. 787 Turnbull. United States. TurnbuU (William, Major ^ Corps of Engineers), Reports on the Construction of the Piers of the Aqueduct of the Alexandria Canal across the Poto- mac River at Georgetown, I). C, 1835-40. 8 folding pi. 4°. pp. 49. Washington, 1873. 8. 5. 22. Turner (Jos. A.). Hand-Book of Punctuation. 12O. pp.67. Philadelphia, 1876. 16.5.30. Turpin-De Crisse (Lancelot, Comte). Commentaires sur les Institutions Mili- taires de Vegece. Maps and pi. 3 vols. 40. Montargis, 1779. 6. 6. 4-6. Commentaires sur les Memoires de Montecuculi. Maps and pi. 3 vols. 40. Paris, 1769. 6.6.1-3. Twiss (Travers). The Oregon Territory, its History and Discovery [etc.]. 12O. pp. X, 264. New York, 1846. 1. 5. 49. [An answer to Greenhow's " Oregon and ( •alifornia."] Tyler {Prof. W. S.). Germania and Agricola of Caius Cornelius Tacitus; with notes for Colleges. 12^. pp. ix, 181. New York, 1848. 1.5.32. Tjmdall {Prof. John, F. R. S.). Heat considered as a Mode of Motion. Illus. 80. pp. 529. New York, 1867 19. 1. 5. Lectures on Electricity at the Royal Institution, 1875-76. 12^. pp. 113. New York, 1877. 19.1.27. Lectures on Light. Delivered in the United States in 1872-73. 12°. pp. 194. New York, 1873. 19. 1. 16. Report upon Recent Experiments with regard to Fog Signals, fol. pp. 79. London, 1874. 47. 5. 15 Sound. Illus. 3d ed. 12°. pp.448. New York, i 76. 2.5.35 Uhler (P. R.). List of Hemiptera of the Region west of the Mississippi River {Bulletin U. S. Geol. Survey of the Territories, Vol. I.) 8^. Washing- ton, 1876. 20. 2. 22 On the Hemiptera collected by Dr. Elliott Coues, U. S. A., in Dakota and Montana, i873-'74. {Bulletin U. S. Geol. Survey of the Territories, Vol. IV, No. 2.) 80. Washington, 1878. 20. 2. 25. Report upon the Insects collected during the Exploration of 1875. [A continuation.] {Bulletin U. S. Geol. Survey of the Territories, Vol. Ill, No, 4.) 80. Washington, 1877. 20. 2. 22. See a I so Packard (A. S.,y>.) and Uhler. United Service (The). A Monthly Review of Military and Naval Affairs. Vols. I-II. 80. Philadelphia, i879-'8o. 40. 1. 29-30. United States Army and Navy Official Gazette. Containing reports of Bat- tles ; also Important Orders of the War Department, Records of Courts Martial, etc. Vols. I-II. 40. Washington, i863-'65. 42. 7. 46-47. Coast Survey. A Treatise on the Plane Table and its use in Topo- graphical Surveying. PI. 4*^. pp. 29. Washington, 1866. 18. 2 46, 788 AUTHOE.S. AUTHOKS. 789 United States. United States. United States Coast Survey. Annual Reports of the Superintendent, show- ing the Progress of that Work, 1851-77. Maps and sketches, i vol. 80, and2 7 vols. 40. Washington, 185 2-'8o. 38.3. Coast Survey. Meteorological Researches for the use of the Coast Pilot. Part I. Mechanics and General Motions of the Atmosphere. By William Ferrel. PI. 40. pp. 47. Washington, 1877. 19. 6. 3. Coast Survey. Remarks by Prof. J. E. Hilgard on a Chart of the Magnetic Declination in the United States. Map. 40. pp. 4. Wash- ington, 1879. ^^' ^' 2' — Coast Survey. Notes on the Coasts of the United States from Dela- ware Bay to the Rio Grande. J^ro/. A. D. Bache, Superintendent. Mem- oirs [ms.] by W. P. Trowbridge. Maps revised by C. P. Patterson. 13 vols. 40. Washington, 1861. 18. 3. 26-38. Executive Documents, Miscellaneous Documents, Reports and Jour- nals of Congress. From the ist Session, 14th Congress, 1815, to the 3d Session of the 45th Congress, 1879-80. 1426 vols. 8° and fol. Wash- ington, 1815-80. Room 12. [Incomplete.] Entomological Commission. First Annual Report, for the year 1877, relating to the Rocky Mountain Locust. Maps and illus. 8°. pp. 477 [294]. Washington, 1878. " 20. 2. 33. The same. Bulletins: Nos. 1-5. In i vol. 8°. Washington, 1877- '80. 20. 2. 30. Laws of, from the 4th of March, 1789, to the 3d of March, 184.5. II vols. 80. Washington, 181 5-'4 5. 38.2. Military Academy, West Point, N. Y. Catalogue of the Library. 8^. New York, 1853. 21. 3. 6. National Museum. Bulletin of: 18 numbers in 6 vols. 8^. Wash- ington, 1875. 22. 2. 7-12. Contents. No. I. Check List of North American Batrachia and Reptilia. By Edward P. Cope. 2. Contributions to the Natural History of Kerguelen Island. By J. H. Kidder, M. D., U. S. N, I. Ornithology. Edited by Dr. Elliott Coues, U. S. A. 3. Contributions to the Natural History of Kerguelen Island. Part II. By J. H. Kidder, M, Z)., U. S. N. 4. Birds of Southwestern Mexico. Collected by Francis E. Sumichrast ; prepared by George N. Lawrence. 5. Catalogue of the Fishes of the Bermudas. By G. Brown Goode. 6. Classification of the Collection to illustrate the Animal Resources of the United States. By G. Brown Goode. 7. Contributions to the Natural History of the Hawaiian and Fanning Islandsand Lower Cal- ifornia. By Thos. H. Streets, J/. /;. 8. Index to the Names which have been applied to the subdivisions of the class Brachiopoda. By W. H. Dall. 9. Contributions to North American Ichthyology, No. r. By David S. Jordan. 10. Contributions to North American Ichthyology, No. 2. By David S. Jordan. 11. Not published. 12. Contributions to North American Ichthyology, No. 3. By David S, Jordan and Alembert W. Brayton. 790 AUTHOKS. AUTHORS. 791 United States. Ure. United States National Museum. Bulletin — Continued. 13. Flora of St. Croix and the Virgin Islands. By Baron H. F. A. Eggers. 14. Catalogue of Collection illustrating the Animal Resources and the Fisheries of the United States. By G. Brown Goode. 15. Natural History of Arctic America. Howgate Expedition of iZjj-jZ. By Ludwig Kum- lein. 16. Wanting. 17. Zoological Position of Texas. By Edward D. Cope. 18. United States Exhibit at the International Fishery Exhibition at Berlin, 1880. By G. Brown Goode. National Museum. Proceedings: Vol. I, 1878. 8°. pp. iv, 520. Washington, 1879. 40. 2. 32. — Naval Observatory. Catalogue of the Library. 4O. pp.10. Wash- ington, 1879. 21. 6. 5. — Naval Observatory. Astronomical and Meteorological Observations made during the years 1845-52, 1861-65, ^^^^, 1870, 187 1, and 1875. 15 vols. 40. Washington, i846-'78. 45. 6. 1-17. — Naval Observatory. Instruments and Publications. PI. 40. Wash- ington, i845-'76. 45. 6. 38. — Naval Observatory. Reports on the Total Solar EcHpses of July 29. 1878, and January 11, 1880. PI. 40 pp. xiv, 427. Washington, 1880. 19. 6. 38, — Official Register [Blue Book] for the Years 1832, '2>Zi 'S^j '39j '41-42. '43, '49. '5i» '53. '55. '57. '58, '60, '61, '6z, '65, '67, '71, '73, '75, '77, '79. 12O and 80. Washington, i832-'79. 42. 5. 3-24. — Statutes at Large. Vols. I-XVII, 1789 to 1873. 80. Boston, 1845- '73. 27. 5. — The same. Vols. XVIII-XX, i873-'79. S°- Washington, i875-'79 27. 5. — The same. Revised. 2d ed. 1878. 28. 5. The same. Revised, relating to the District of Columbia and Post ^oads, together with the Public Treaties in force on the ist day of De- cember, 1873. 8°. Washington, 1875. 28. 5. Upton (Bvt. Maj. Gen. Emory). Infantry Tactics, Double and Single Rank. Adapted to American Topography and Improved Fire- Arms. Revised ed. Illus. 180. pp. 445. New York, 1877. 1. 1. 36. The Armies of Asia and Europe; embracing Official Reports on the Armies of Japan, China, India, Persia, Italy, Austria, Germany, France, and England. 8^. pp. ix, 376. New York, 1878. 2. 5. 10. Ure (Andrew). A Dictionary of Arts, Manufactures, and Mines; containing a clear exposidon of their Principles and Practice. 8^. New York, 1843. 28. 1. 23. The same. To which is appended a Supplement of recent improve- ments to the present time. 2 vols. 8^. New York, 1845. ^' 2. 12-13, 792 AUTHOES. AUTHORS. 793 Vacani. Vauban, Vacani (Barone Camillo di Forteolivo). Delia Laguna di Venezia e dei Fiumi nelle Attigue Provincie. Chart. 8o. pp. 477. Firenze, 1867. 43. 5. 37. Vaillant [Le Marechal). Rapport h, I'Empereur par le Marechal Ministre de la Guerre, sur I'ensemble des Dispositions Administratives auxquelles a donne lieu la Guerre d'Orient. 8°. pp. 58. Paris, 1856. 24. 3. 17. Rapport presente ^ I'Empereur sur la situation de FAlgerie en 1853. 80. pp. '^6. Paris, 1854. 24. 3. 30. Valentine (W. J.). See Norton (Charles B.) and Valentine. Valentiner (W.). Beitrage zur Kiirzesten und Zweckmassigsten Behandlung Geographischer Ortsbestimmungen mit Hiilfstafeln. 4°. pp. "^Z. Leip- zig, 1869. 2 copies. 42. 3. 18. Vallds (M. F.). The Influence of Forests upon Rainfall and Inundations. Translated [from the French] by Charles J. Allen, Capt, of Engineers and Bvt. MaJ., U. S. A. 8^. pp. 19. Washington, 1873. {Misc. Pamph.^ vol. xv.l 31. 2. 16. Vancouver [Capt. George, 7?. N^. Voyage de Decouvertes a I'Ocean Paci- fique du Nord, et autour du Monde. 1790-95. PI. 3 vols. 40. Paris, 1800. 20. 5. 10-12. Vandergraaff (J. S.). A Treatise on Railroad Curvatures. 12^. pp. 74. n. p., 1836. 18. 1. 23. Vander-Heyden (Jan, de Jonge). Berigt nopend den Toestand van de Zeedyk, tussen Amsterdam en Muyden. PI. fol. pp.23. Amsterdam, [1703]. 7.5.27. \_See Civil Engineering: Dikes.) Van Home (Thomas B., U. S. A,). History of the Army of the Cumberland. With campaign and battle maps by Edward Ruger. 2 vols. 8°, and at- las, 22 maps. Cincinnati, 1875. ^^* '^' ^-H* Van Nostrand's (D.)*Engineering Magazine. PI. and illus. Vol. I, 1869, to Vol. XXIII, 1880. 23 vols. 80. New York, i869-'8o. [Current.] 4. 1-2. Van Pittius (Gey, Lieutenant Colonel du Gmie). Description de la Nouvelle Citadelle de Gaud [Ghent]. 2 folded pi. 4°. pp. 52. Breda, 1845. 6. 5. 20. Vattel {M, de). The Law of Nations; or. Principles of the Laws of Nature applied to the Conduct and Affairs of Nations and Sovereigns. 6th Am. ed. 80. pp. Ixvi, 500. Philadelphia, 1844. * 23. 5. 2. Vauban (Sebastien Le Pretre, Marquis de), CEuvres Militaires. Nouvelle edition, par F. D. Foissac, General de Brigade. 3 vols. 8°. Paris, 1795. 6. 3. 22-24. Contents, I. Traits de I'Attaque des Places. II. Traite de la Defense des Places. III. Traite des Mines, 100 794 f AUTHOES. AUTHOES. 795 Vauban. Vicat. Vauban (Sebastien Le Pretre, Marquis de). Traite des Sieges et de I'Attaque des Places. Edited par M. Augoyat. 8^. pp. xxiv, 529. Paris, 1828. 6. 3. 24. Traite de la Defense des Places. Nouvelle ed., par M. le Baron De Valaze. 8^. pp. 552. Paris, 1829. [With an atlas, fol., which includes pis. to next above.] 6. 3. 25. Vauchelle (Andre-Jean, Ancien Intendant Militaire). Cours d'Administration Militaire. 4th ed. 3 vols. 80. Paris, 1861. 6. 1. 1-3. Vauchier-Dieudonne (J/. — ). Le Calculateur et Verificateur des Pentes et Rampes; Prolils en Long, Nivellements, Terrassements, Tables des De- clivites. Ouvrage des Fonts et Chaussees, des Chemins de Fer et des Voies Vicinales. 2 vols. fol. ms. n. p., 1857. 42.9.9-10. Vega [Baron von). Logarithmic Tables of Numbers and Trigonometrical Functions. 8^. Berlin, 1859. L. S. The same, 45th ed. 80. Berlin, 1861. 19. 4. 25. Vega (Georg). Thesaurus Logarithmorum Completus, ex Arithmetica Loga- rithmica et ex Trigonometrica Artificiali Adriani Vlacci. fol. pp. xxx, 684. Leipzig, 1794. L. S. Velazquez (Mariano, de la Cadena). Seoane's Neuman and Baretti's Pronounc- ing Dictionary of the' Spanish and English Languages. 8^. New York, i860. 5. 2. 1. Verdu (Gregorio, Comandaiite del Ciierpo de Ingeiijeros). Nuevas Minas de Guerra y su aplicacion a la Defensa. 6 pi. 8°. pp. 79. Madrid, 1854. 6. 1. 44. Verdy-du Vernois. Essai de Simplification du Jeu de Guerre. Carte. 16^. pp. 188. Bruxelles, 1878. 6. 3. 38. Etudes d'Histoire Militaire d'apres la Methode Appliquee. PI. 160. pp. 187. Paris, 1877. 6. 3. 38. Vernon (Edward). American Railroad Manual of the United States and the Dominion, 1873-74. 2 vols. 4°. New York, 1873-74. 8. 2. 1-2. Vernon (Gay de. Of/icier du Gefiie). Traite Elementaire d'Art Militaire et de Fortification, a I'usage des Aleves de TEcole Polytechnique. 2 vols. 40, and atlas fol. Paris, 1805. 6. 5. 28-29. Vernon-Harcourt (L. F., M. A.). Fixed and Movable Weirs. PI. 8°. Lon- don, 1880. 8. 4. 39. [Excerpt Minutes of Proceedings M. Inst. Civil Engineers, Vol. LX.] Very [Lieut. Edward W., U. S. N.). Navies of the World; giving concise descriptions of the Plans, Armament, and Armor of the Naval Vessels of twenty of the Principal Nations. lUus. 8°. pp. 452. New York, 1880. 18. 3. 6. Vicat (Louis Joseph). Nouvelles Etudes sur les Pouzzolanes Artificielles comparees ^ la Pouzzolane d'ltalie, dans leur emploi en eau douce et en eau de mer. 40. pp. 133. Paris, 1846. 19. 5. 44. 796 AI3TH0ESJ. AUTHORS. 797 Vicat. Walch. Vicat (Louis Joseph). Resume des Connaissances Positives Actuelles sur les Qualites, [etc.], des Mortiers et Ciments Calcaires. PL 4^. pp. 149. Paris, 1828. 19. 5. 45. Traite Pratique et Theorique de la Composition des Mortiers, Ciments et Gangues a Pouzzolanes [etc.]. 4°. pp. 103. Grenoble, 1856. 19. 5. 46. Vigo-Roussillon (F. P.). Puissance Militaire des Etats-Unis d'Amerique d'apres la Guerre de la Secession, 1861-65. 7 pi. 3 maps. 8°. pp. ix, 468. Paris, 1866. 24. 2. 34. Villeneuve ( — , Capitaine du Genie). Manuel Pratique du Mineur. 8 pi. 160. pp. X, 168. Paris, 1826. 6. 1. 45. Manuel Pratique du Sapeur. 10 pi. \(P. pp. viii, 98. Paris, 1828. 6. 1. 46. VioUet-Le-Duc (E. E.). Annals of a Fortress. Translated by Benjamin Buck- nail, pp. XV, 390. 80. Boston, 1876. 6. 4. 28. Discourses on Architecture. Translated, with an introductory Essay, by Henry Van Brunt. PI. and illus. imp. 8°. pp. xx, 517. Boston, 1875. 7. 3. 21. La Cite de Carcassonne (Aude). PI. and figs. 8^. pp. 84. Paris, ' 1878. 6. 4. 5. Virginia. Acts passed at a General Assembly of the Commonwealth of: Be- gun Nov. 29, 1824. \Same.\ Begun Dec. 5, 1826. \Satne.\ Begun Dec. 4, 1826. ^Same.^ Begun Dec. 3, 1827. 2 vols. 8^. Richmond, 1825-28. , 23. 4. 22-23. Annual Reports of the Board of Public Works, with accompanying documents. [Fourth and Fifth, 1819-20; Tenth and Eleventh, 1826- '27; Sixteenth, 1832; Thirty-sixth and Thirty-seventh, 185 [-'53. 7 vols, bound in 4.] 8^. Richmond, 1820-53. 43. 1. 1-4. Vogdes (Frank W.). The Architect's and Builder's Pocket Companion and Price-Book. 16^. pp. 284. Philadelphia, 1879. 7. 3. 39. Volkmer (Ottomar). Die Technik der Reproduction von Militiir-Karten und Planen des K. K. Militar-Geographischen Institutes zu Wien. Tafeln I-II. 80. pp. 50. Wien, 1880. Vom-Rath (Gerhard). Ein Ausflug nach Calabrien. [A trip to Calabria.] View and section. 8°. pp. vii, 157. Bonn, 187 1. 20. 1. 3. Vose (George L.). Manual for Railroad Engineers and Engineering Students. Containing the rules and tables needed for the Location, Construction, and Equipment of Railroads, as built in the United States. PI. and illus. 80. pp. xviii, 570. Boston, 1878. 18. 1. 21. Walch (George T., Executive Engineer^ Madras P. W.Depi,). Notes on some of the Chief Navigable Rivers and Canals in the United States and Can- ada, made for the Government of Madras, during a tour in 1876. PL, map, and illus. 8°. pp. iv, 198. Madras, 1877. 8. 4. 31. 798 AUTHORS. AUTHOES. 799 Walker. Wallace. Walker (Francis A.). Ninth Census of the United States. 3 vols. 40. Washington, iS']2-''j4. 43. 8. 14-16. The sam^. Compendium. 8^. Washington, 1872. 43.8. 18- — • Statistical Atlas of the United States based on the results of the Nint]i Census, 187-0. fol. [Washington], 1874. Room 12. Walker (James, C, E.). Report to the Directors of the Liverpool and Man- chester Railway, on the comparative merits of Locomotive and Fixed Engines.. PI. 8°. pp. 119. Philadelphia, 183 1. 8.2.7. Cotttnitis also "Observations" on same subject, by Robert Stephenson and Joseph Locke. And An account of the Liverpool and Manchester Railway. By Henry Booth. Walker. (Col. J. T., R. E.). Account of the Operations of the Great Trigo- nometrical Survey of India. Maps and diagrams. 5 vols. 4°, and 2 atlases, fol. Dehra Doon, i87o-'79. 44. 8. 19-23. Contents. I. The Standards of Measure and the Base Lines. Also an introductory account of the early operations of the survey during the periods iSoo-'so. II. History and general description of the principal Triangulation and of its Reduction. III. The Base Line Figures the Karachi Longitudinal, Northwest Himalaya and Great Indus Series of the Northwest (Quadrilateral. IV. The Great Arc, Rahun, Gurhagarh, and Jogi-Tila Meridional Series, and the Sutlej Series of the Northwest Quadrilateral. V. Pendulum Operations. — Synopsis of the Results of the Operations of the Great Trigonometri- cal Survey of India. Maps and diagrams. 9 vols. 40. Dehra Doon, i874-'79. 44. 9. 19-27. Contents. I. Descriptions and Co-ordinates of the principal and secondary Stations and other fixed points of the Great Indus Series, or Series D of the Northwest Quadrilateral, II. The Great Arc-Section 24° to 30°, or Series A of the Northwest Quadrilateral. III. The Karachi Longitudinal Series, or Series B of the Northwest Quadrilateral. IV. The Gurhagarh Meridional Series, or Series F of the Northwest Quadrilateral. V. The Rahun Meridional Series, or Series E of the Northwest Quadrilateral. VI. The Jogi-Tila Meridional Series, or Series G, and the Sutlej Series, or Series H, of the North- west Quadrilateral. VII. The Northwest Himalaya Series, or Series C of the Northwest Quadrilateral, and the Trian- gulation of the Kashmir Survey. VIII. The Great Arc Meridional Series, Sec. 18° to 24° appertaining to the Southeast Quadrilateral. IX. The Jabalpur Meridional Series, or series E of the Southeast Quadrilateral. Walker (John). A Critical Pronouncing Dictionary and Expositor of the English Language [etc.]. Principles of English Pronunciation [etc.]. 8^. New York, 1825. 5. 2. 5. Walker (Sears W.). Ephemeris of the Planet Neptune, for the year 1851. 40. pp. 10. Washington, 1850. 46. 6. 37. [Smithsonian Contributions, Vol. II. Appendix III.] Researches relative to the Planet Neptune. 4^. pp. 60. Washing- ton, 1850. 45. 6. 36. [Smithsonian Contributions, Vol. II.] Wallace (John William, Reporter). Cases argued and adjudged in the Su- preme Court of the United States, December Term, 1863, to October Term, 1874. 23 vols. 8^. Washington, i87o-'76. 39. 2. 1-23. 800 AUTHORS. AUTHOKS. 801 Warden. Washington. Warden (David Baillie). Chorographical and Statistical Description of the District of Columbia. PI. 8^. pp. vii, 212. Paris, 18 16. 1. 5. 27. [Plan of D. C. wanting.] War Department (U. S.). Catalogue of the Library. Part T, Authors. 80. pp. 183. Washington, 1880. 21. 3. 1. Waring (Cxeorge E.,7>.). Earth-Closets and Earth-Sewage. lUus. 8°. pp. 104. New York, 1870. [Misc. Pamph., vol. xii.] 31. 2. 12. The Sanitary Drainage of Houses and Towns. 12^. pp. t^t^^. New York, 1876. 18. 2. 25. Warren (Gouverneur K., Lieut. Corps Topographical Engineers). Examination of the Reports of Explorations for Railroad Routes from the Mississippi to the Pacific, made in 1853-54 [etc.]. See Pacific Railroad Reports, Vol I. 20. 6. 1. Letter to the Hon. George W. Jones, relative to Explorations of Nebraska Territory. Map. 8°. Washington, 1858. 20. 3. 7. Memoir to accompany the Map of the Territory of the United States from the Mississippi River to the Pacific Ocean, giving a brief account of each of the Exploring Expeditions since A. D. 1800. Maps. 4^. pp. 120. W^ashington, 1859. See Pacific Railroad Reports, Vol. XL 20. 5. 20. Preliminary Report of Explorations in Nebraska and Dakota in the years 1855, '56, '57. Maps and sketches. 8^. pp. 173. Washington, 1859. 20. 3. 26. The same. Reprint. Map. 8^. pp.125. Washington, 1875. 20. 3. 45. \Late Maj. Gen., U. S. Fo/s.]. An Account of the Operations of the 5th Army Corps, commanded by Major General G. K. Warren, at the Battle of Five Forks, April i, 1865, and the Battles and Movements pre- liminary to it. Map. 80. pp. 53. New York, 1866. 24. 2. 36. [Jlfajor of Engineers, Bvt. Maj. Gen., U. S. A.\. Report on the Transportation Route along the Wisconsin and Fox Rivers in the State of Wisconsin, between the Mississippi River and Lake Michigan. 18 pi. and maps. 8^. pp. 114. Washington, 1876. 8.4.22. [Senate Ex. Doc. 28, 44th Cong., ist Sess.] Geographical Surveys in the United States. Remarks upon Prof. J. D. Whitney's article in the North American Review ,]\}\y , 1875. 8^. pp. 28. n. p., 1877. {Misc. Fa?nph., vol. viii.] 31. 2. 8. Report on Bridging the Mississippi River between St. Paul, Minn., and St. Louis, Mo. 29 folding diagrams. 8°. pp. 232. Washington, 1878. 23.3.7. See, also, Humphreys (A. A.) and Warren. Washington City Canal. Report and Documents on the present state and the Improvement of. S^. n. p., 1865. \Misc. Famph.,yo\,\\\.\ 31.2.3. lOI 802 AUTHORS. AUTHORS. 803 Waterhouse. Weisbach, Waterhouse (J., Lieut. ^ R. A.). Report on the Cartographic Applications of Photography as used in the Topographical Departments of the pnncipal States in Central Europe, with notes on European and Indian Surveys. PI. and illus. 8o. pp. xiv, 240. Calcutta, 1870. 44. 8. 16. Watson {Prof. James C). Theoretical Astronomy relating to the motions of the Heavenly Bodies revolving around the Sun in accordance with the law of Universal Gravitation. 8°. pp. 662. Philadelphia, 1868. L. S. Watson (Sereno) and Rothrock {Dr. J. T.). Catalogue of Plants collected in 1 87 1, '72, and '73. ( U. S. Geog. Surreys IVest of the icot/i Meridiaji.) 80. pp. 62. Washington, 1874. 20. 3. 37. Wayland (Francis, D. D.). Elements of Moral Science. 12°. pp. 396. Boston, 1863. ■ 1. 5. 30. Wayne [Maj. Henry C). Reports upon the Purchase, Importation, and Use of Camels and Dromedaries for MiHtary Purposes. i855-'56-'57. Illus. 80. pp. 238. Washington, 1857. 16. 1. 31. Weale (John). A Dictionary of Terms used in Architecture, Building, Engi- neering, Mining [etc.]. 12^. London, 1873. 5. 1. 22. Webb (WilHam B.). Digest of the Laws of the Corporation of the City of Washington. 8^. pp. 649. Washington, 1868. 23. 4. 3. Webster (John W., M. D.). A Manual of Chemistry, containing the princi- pal facts of the Science. 3d ed. 8^. pp. 554. Boston, 1839. 19. 1. 9. Webster (Noah, LL. D.). An American Dictionary of the English Lan- guage. 2 vols. 40. New York, 1828. 5. 3. 4-5. The same. 8^. New York, 1844. 28. 2. 27. The same. Revised and enlarged by Chauncey A. Goodrich. 40. Springfield, Mass., 1854. 28. 5. 3. The satne. Thoroughly revised, and greatly enlarged, by Chauncey A. Goodrich and Noah Porter. Illus. 40. Springfield, 1865. 28. 5.4. The same. [Counting-house edition.] 8°. pp. 632. New York, 1878. 9. 4. 17. The same. With a supplement of nearly 5,000 new words, with their definitions, [etc.]. Illus. 4^. pp. 1928. Springfield, 1881. 28. 5. Webster (W. H. B.). Narrative of a Voyage to the Southern Adantic Ocean in the years 1828-30, performed in H. M. Sloop " Chanticleer," under the command of Capt. Henry Foster. Vol. II. 8^. pp. 398. Lon- don, 1834. 2. 5. 24. Wedding (Herman). The Iron Industry of Germany. 8^. pp. 23. Edin- burgh and London, 1880. \Misc. Fafnph., vol. xv.j 31. 2. 15. Weisbach (Julius). A Manual of the Mechanics of Engineering and of the Construction of Machines. In three vols. Vol. II. Application of Mechanics to Machines. Translated from the German by A. Jay \)yx Bois, Ph. D. Illus. 80. pp. Iviii, 675. New York, 1877. 7. 4. 25. 804 AUTHOES. AUTHORS. 805 Weisbach. Whately. Weisbach (Julius). Principles of the Mechanics of Machinery and Engineer- ing. IIlus. 2 vols. 8o. London, 1847. 19. 2. 14-15. Weisse (Maximilian). Star Catalogue. Positiones mediae Stellarum Fixarum in Zonis Regiomontanis a Besselio, inter 4-15° et +45° Declinationis, observatorum, ad annum 1825 reductse et in Catalogum ordinatae. 4°. pp. xlviii, 300. St. Petersburg, 1863. L. S. Weitzel {^Bvt. Maj\ Gen. Godfrey, Major Corps of Engineers). Translation of Notes accompanying Drawings concerning the Construction of Iron Lock- gates, for the Harbors of the Weser River, Germany. 5 folding pi. 40. pp. 8. Washington, 1873. 7. 4. 21. See, also, Wex (Gustav Ritfer von). Wells (John G.). E>ery Man his own Lawyer, and Business Form Book. 12° New York, 1875. 23. 4. 32. Wells (Samuel). The History of the Drainage of the Great Level of the Fens, called Bedford Level; with the Constitution and Laws of the Bedford Level Corporation. 2 vols. 8^. London, 1828-30. 8.6.19-20. Wells (Walter). Provisional Report upon the Water- Power of Maine. Map. 80. Augusta, 1868. 44. 2. 9. The Water-Power of Maine. Map and illus. 8°. Augusta, 1869. 44. 2. 10. Westlake (J. Wiles). How to Write Letters: A manual of Correspondence, etc. 160. pp. 264. Philadelphia, 1876. 16. 5. 18. Wex (Gustav, Ritter von). Lecture on the Progress of the Works of Com- pletion of the new Improved Bed of the Danube at Vienna, and the Lessons taught thereby, etc. Translated by G. Weitzel, Major of Engi- neers, Bvt. MaJ. Gen,, U. S.A. 5 drawings. 8°. pp. n. Washington, 1881. 8. 1. 24. Ueber die Donau-Regulirung bei Wien. 40. n. p. 1876. 7. 4. 16. \Bound -with his "Zweite Abhandlung," etc,]. The same. Translated by G. Weitzel, Major of Engineers, Bvt. MaJ. Gen., U. S. A. 8°. pp. 25. Washington, 1880. 7. 4. 27 [Bound with translation of the following.] Zweite Abhandlung liber die Wasserabnahme in den Quellen, Flilssen, und Stromen, bei gleichzeitiger Steigerung der Hochwasser in den Cul- turlandern. PI. 4O. pp. 29. Wien, 1879. "^^ ^- ^^• [Second treatise on decrease of water in springs, creeks, and rivers contemporaneously with an increase in height of floods in cultivated countries.] The same. Translated by G. Weitzel, Major of Engineers, Bvt. MaJ. Gen., U. S. A. PI. 80. pp. 4T. Washington, 1880. 7. 4. 27. Whately (Richard, D. D.). Elements of Logic. 12O. pp. 443. Boston, 1854. 1. 5. 31. AUTHORS. AUTHOBS. 807 Wheeler. Wheeler. Wheeler {Lieut. George M., Corps of Engineers, U. S. A.). Catalogue of Plants collected in 187 1, 1872, and 1873, with Descriptions of New Spe- cies. [By Sereno Watson and Dr, J. T. Rothrock.] 80. pp. 62. Wash- ington, 1874. 20. 3. 37. Instructions for Taking, Recording, and Reducing Meteorological Observations, etc. By Lieiits. R. L Hoxie and Wm. L. Marshall, Corps of Engineers, U. S. A. 80. pp. d>^. Washington, 1876. 19. 3. 31. Preliminary Report concerning Explorations and Surveys principally in Nevada and Arizona, in 187 1. Map. 4^. pp. 96. Washington, 1872. 20. 4. 20. Preliminary Report upon a Reconnaissance through Southern and Southeastern Nevada, made in 1869. 4°. pp. 71. Washington, 1875. 20. 4. 19 Preliminary Report upon Invertebrate Fossils, collected by the Expe- ditions of 1871, 1872, and 1873. By C. A. White, M. D. 8^. pp. 27. Washington, 1874. 20. 3. 36. Progress Report upon Geographical and Geological Explorations and Surveys West of the looth Meridian, in 1872. Maps and pi. 4O. pp. 56. Washington, 1874. 20. 4. 22. Report upon Ornithological Specimens collected in 1871, 1872, and 1873. [By H. C. Yarrow, Surgeon and Naturalist.] 8°. pp. 148. Washington, 1874. 20. 3. 35. Report upon the Determination of Astronomical Co-ordinates of the Primary Stations at Cheyenne, Wyoming Territory, and Colorado Springs, Colorado Territory, made during the years 1872 and 1873. 4°. pp. 82. Washington, 1874. 20. 4. 24. Report upon United States Geographical Surveys West of the looth Meridian. PL, maps, and illus. 7 vols, bound in 8. 40, and 2 atlases fol. Washington, 1875— 20. 4. 25-31. Contents. Vol. 1. Geographical Report. II. Astronomy and Barometric Hypsometry : 22 pi. and 3 wood-cuts. III. Geology and Mineralogy: 13 pi. and 171 wood-cuts. Appendix to Vol.'III. IV. Paleontology: 83 pi. and i wood-cut. V. Zoology: 45 pi. and 3 wood-cuts. VI. Botany: 30 pi. and i wood-cut. VII. Archaeology. [Vols. I and VII and Appendix to Vol. Ill, not yet published.] — Systematic Catalogue of Vertebrata of the Eocene of New Mexico, collected in 1874. ( U. S. Geog. Survejs West of the 100th Meridian.) E. D. Cope, A. M., Paleontologist. 8^. pp. 57. n. p. or d. 20. 3. 38. — Tables containing Camps, Lines of March, Latitudes, Longitudes, Altitudes, etc. {Explorations and Surreys West of the 100th Meridian, Eield season of i^'j2.) Map. 40. pp.20. Washington, 1873. 20. 4. 21. 808 AUTHORS. AUTHORS. 809 Wheeler. White. Wheeler (John H.). Historical Sketches of North Carolina from 1584 to 1851. 2 vols in I. 8°. pp. 138 and 480. Philadelphia, 185 1. 24. 6. 27. Wheeler {Prof. Junius B., U. S. Military Academy). A Course of Instruction in the Elements of the Art and Science of War. For the use of the Cadets of the United States Military Academy. Illus. 12°. pp. xiv, 326. New York, 1879. 6. 3. 33. An Elementary Course of Civil ^Engineering, for the use of Cadets of the United States Military Academy. Illus. 8°. pp. xix, 472. New York, 1877. 18. 2. 15. Wherry [Col. Wm. H.). See Fry (James B.) and Wherry. Whildin (J. K.). Memoranda on the Strength of Materials used in Engineer- ing Constructions. 2d ed. Illus. 16^. pp. 62. New York, 1867. 19. 5. 23. Whipple {Lieut. A. W.). Report of Explorations for a Railway Route near the 33th Parallel of Latitude, from the Mississippi River to the Pacific Ocean. See Pacific Railroad Reports, Vols. Ill and IV. 20. 6. 3-4 Whipple (S.). An Elementary and Practical Treatise on Bridge Building. 2d ed., revised and enlarged. Illus. 8°. pp. vi, 352. New York, 1873. 23. 3. 22. White (C. A.,^/;/).). Pal^ontological Papers. Nos. i-ii. {In Vols. Ill- V. Bulletin U. S. GeoL Survey of the Territories.) 8^. Washington, i877-'79. 20. 3. 24-26. Contents. No. I. Descriptions of Unionidae-and Physidae, from the Judith River Group of Montana. 2. Descriptions of new Species of Uniones and a new genus of Fresh Water Gasteropoda, from the Tertiary Strata of Wyoming and Utah. 3. Catalogue of the Invertebrate Fossils hitherto published from the Fresh and Brackish- Water Deposits of the western portions of North America. 4. Comparison of the North American Mesozoic and Cenozoic Unionidae and associated Mol- lusks with living Species. 5. Remarks on the Paleontological Characteristics of the Cenozoic and Mesozoic Groups, Green River Region. 6. Descriptions of new Species of Invertebrate Fossils from the Laramie Group. 7. On the Distribution of MoUuscan Species in the Laramie Group. 8. Remarks upon the Laramie Group. 9. Fossils of the Jura-Trias of Southeastern Idaho. 10. Conditions of preservation of Invertebrate Fossils. 11. Certain Carboniferous Fossils from Colorado, Arizona, Idaho, Utah, and Wyoming, and certain Cretaceous Corals from Colorado. Description of new forms. Preliminary Report upon Invertebrate Fossils. Expeditions of 187 1- '72-73. {U. S. Geog. Surveys West of the looth Meridian.) 80 pp. 27. Washington, 1874. 20. 3. 36. Report on Invertebrate Fossils collected in 1871-73. 8°. pp. 27. Washington, 1874. 20. 3. 36. The Carboniferous Fossils of New Mexico. ( U. S. Geog, Surveys West of the looth Meridian, Vol. Ill, Appendix.) 4O. Washington, 1881. 20. 4. 102 810 AUTHOES. AUTHORS. 811 White. Wilhelm. White (C. A., M. D.) rt-;;^ Nicholson (H. A., J/. D.). Bibliography of North American Invertebrate Palaeontology. ( U, S. Geol, Survey of the Ter- ritories, Misc. Pub. No. \o.) 8°. pp.132. Washington, 1878. 20. 2. 16. White (George). Statistics of the State of Georgia; Natural, Civil, and Ec- clesiastical History; a Particular Description of each County, [and] No- tices of the Manners and Customs of its Aboriginal Tribes. Maps. 8°. Savannah, 1849. 44. 1. 20. White (Richard Grant). Words and their Uses. 12°. pp. 467. New York, 1876. 16. 5. 18. Whiting [Lieut. W. H. C). Report on a Reconnaissance of the Western Frontier of Texas, 8^. Washington, 1850. 20.2.44. Whitney (J. D.). Contributions to Barometric Hypsometry. 40. pp. ^'^. [Sacramento], 1874. 19. 3. 37. Geographical and Geological Surveys. \From North American Re- view, Vol. CXXI.] 80. [Misc. Famph., vol. viii.] 31. 2. 8. See, also, Foster (J. W.) and Whitney. Whittemore {MaJ. James M.) and Heath (Lieut. F.). Ammunition, Fuses, Primers, Military Pyrotechny, etc. 25 pi. 4°. pp. 122. Washington, 1878. 7. 2. 9. Whitworth (Joseph, LL. D., F. F. S.). The Report of the Armstrong and Whitworth Committee, with a letter thereon to Earl de Grey, and ap- pendices. 4°. pp. 171. Manchester, 1866. 7. 2. 22. Whymper (Frederick). Travel and Adventure in the Territory of Alaska, formerly Russian America, now ceded to the United States, and in vari- ous other parts of the North Pacific. Map and illus. 8°. pp. xviii, 353. New York, 1869. 1. 5. 1. Wicksteed (Thomas). An Experimental Inquiry concerning the Relative Power of, and Useful Effect produced by, the Cornish and Boulton, and Watt Pumping Engines, and Cylindrical and Waggon-Head Boilers. 4°. pp. 34. London, 1841. 19. 6. 31. Wiechel (H.). Theorie und Darstellung der Beleuchtung von nicht gesetz- massig gebildeten Flachen mit Riicksicht auf die Bergzeichnung. [Shad- ing in topographical drawing.] Illus. 4^. pp. 30. n. p. or d. 42. 3. 8. Wilcocks (Alexander). Thoughts on the Influence of Ether -in the Solar System. 40. n. p., 1864. [Misc. Fa?nph.,wo\. x\y.] 31.2.14. Wilcox (Z2>?//. Cadmus M., U, S. A.). Rifles and Rifle- Practice: An Ele- mentary Treatise upon the Theory of Rifle-Firing. Illus. 12°. pp^ viii, 276. New York, 1859. 7. 1. 43. Wilhelm (Thomas, Captain, Eighth Infatitry). A Military Dictionary and Gazetteer. Comprising Ancient and Modern Military Technical Terms, [etc.] ; also notices of Battles from the earliest period to the present time, with a concise explanation of terms used in Heraldry, [etc.]. Rev. ed. 32 pi. 80. pp. 659, Philadelphia, 1881. 5. 3. 22. 812 AI3TH0ES. AUTHOES. 813 Wilkes. Wilson. Wilkes {Lieut. Charles, U. S. M). Narrative of the United States Exploring Expedition during the years iS^S-42. Maps, pi., and illus. 5 vols. 8^. New York, 1856. 20. 4. 7-11. Western America, including California and Oregon. 3 maps. 8^. pp. 130. Philadelphia, 1849. 20. 3. 18. Wilkins (John H., A. M.). Elements of Astronomy, illustrated with plates. 12^. pp. viii, 152. Boston, 1826. L. S. Wilkinson (Ge?i. James). Diagrams and Plans illustrative of the Principal Battles and Military Affairs treated of in Memoirs of my own Times. 4^. Philadelphia, 181 6. 24. 3. 8. Willett (James R.). Applications of the Equilibrium Polygon to determine the Reactions at the Supports of Roof-Trusses. 8°. [Misc. Pamph,^ vol. xi.] 31. 2. 11. Williams [Col. R.). The Staff of the United States Army. 8^. n. p., 1878. {Misc. Pamph., vol. iv.] 31. 2. 4 Williams (S. G.). Notes on the Geology of some localities near Canon City, Fremont County, Colorado. {Bulletin U. S. Geol. Survey of the Terri- tories, Vol. /, id series, No. 5.) 8^. Washington, 1876. 20. 2. 22. Williamson {Lieut. R. S., Corps Topographical Efigineers). Report of Explora- tions in California for Railroad Routes to connect with the Routes near the 35th and 32d Parallels [for a Pacific Railroad]. 1853-54. See Pacific Railroad Reports, Vol. V. 20. 6. 5. [Major Corps of Engineers, Bvt. Lieut. Col., U. S. A.\ On the use of the Barometer on Surveys and Reconnaissances. Part I. Meteorology in its connection with Hypsometry. Part II. Barometric Hypsometry. Map and 30 pi. 40. pp. 248, 155. Washington, 1868. 17. 6. 6. [Professional Papers No. 15, Corps of Engineers, U. S. A.J The sa7ne. Compendium without plates. 8^. pp. 49. Washington, 1878. 28. 1. 6. and Heuer {Lieut. W. H., Co7ps of Engineers). Report upon the Re- moval of Blossom Rock in San Francisco Harbor, California. PI. 4^. pp. 40. Washington, 187 1. 18. 2. 7. Willis (Robert, M. A., F. R. S.). Principles of Mechanism. Illus. 8^. pp. XXX, 446. London, 1841. 19. 2. 6. Wilson (A. D.). Notes on the Geographical Work of the United States Geo- logical and Geographical Survey of the Territories. {Bulletin U. S. GeoL Survey of the Territories, Vol. LL, No. 3.) Diagrams. 8^. Washington, 1877. 20. 2. 24. Wilson (John). Treatise on English Punctuation. 12°. pp. 334. Boston, 1855. . 16. 6. 27. 814 AUTHORS. AUTHOES. 815 Winchell. Worcester. Winchell (N. H., State Geologist). Annual Reports of Geological and Nat- ural History Survey of Minnesota for years 1873, '75> ^"^ '7^* IHus. 3 vols. 80. St. Paul. L. S. (Report for 1873 contains Report of Regents of University of Minnesota for 1873. ] Winthrop (W., Bvt. Col. and yudge Advocate^ U. S. A.). Digest of Opinions of the Judge Advocate General of the Army, with notes. 8°. pp. 606. Washington, 1880. 23. 5. 18. Wisconsin Supreme Court Reports: Vol. XLII, containing cases determined at the January and August Terms, 1877. 8°. Chicago, 1878. 23. 4. 8. Wislizenus (A., M. D.). Memoir of a Tour to Northern Mexico, connected with Col. Doniphan's Expedition in 1846-47. 3 maps. 8^. pp. 141. Washington, 1848. 20. 3. 13. Woeikof [Dr. Alexander J.). Discussion and Analysis of Professor Coffin's Tables and Charts of the Winds of the Globe. 2 maps. 4°. pp. 88. Washington, 1876. 19. 6. 34. [From Vol. XX, Smithsonian Contributions.] Wolf (Rudolph). Geschichte der Vermessungen in der Schweiz, als Histo- rische Einleitung zu den Arbeiten'der Schweiz. Geodatischen Commis- sion. 40. pp. vi, 320. Ziirich, 1879. L. S. Wolseley (Sir Garnet J.). The Soldier's Pocket-Book for Field Service. 3d ed., revised and enlarged. Illus. 16^. pp. ix, 399. London, 1874. 1. 1. 30. Wood (De Volson). A Treatise on the Resistance of Materials, and an Ap- pendix on the Preservation of Timber. Illus. 8^. pp. 313. New York, 1875. ^^' 5- 15- Wood (Nicholas). A Practical Trci'. e on Railroads, and interior communi- cation in general. PI. 80. pp]3i4. London, 1825. 28.3.21. The same. First Am. from the 2d Eng. ed. Illus. 8^. pp. 598. Philadelphia, 1832. 28. 3. 22. The same. 3d ed., with additions. PI. 80. pp. xvii, 760. London, [1838]. 8.2.20. Woodbury (D. P., Litnt. U. S. Corps of Engifieers). Sustaining Walls: Geo- metrical Constructions to determine their Thickness under Various Cir- cumstances [etc.J. PI. 80 pp. [47]. Washington, 1845. ^7. 5. 34. [Professional Papers No. 3, Corps of Engineers, U, S. A.] — [Capt. U. S. Corps of Engineers]. Treatise on the Various Elements of Stability in the well-proportioned Arch [etc.J. 8 pi. 8^. pp. [253]. New York, 1858. 17. 5. 36. [Professional Papers No. 7, Corps of Engineers, U, S. A.] Worcester (Joseph E., A. M.). A Geographical Dictionary, or Universal Gazetteer j Ancient and Modern. 2 vols. 8°. Andover, 1817. 9. 4. 13-14. — A Pronouncing, Explanatory, and Synonymous Dictionary of the English Language. 80. Boston, [1855]. 5. 2. 22. 816 AUTHOKS. AUTHOES. 817 Worcester. Young, Worcester (Joseph E., A. M.). A Dictionary of the English Language. 40. Boston, i860. 28. 5. 2. The same. [Unabridged; with illus.] 4^. Philadelphia, 1878. 28. 5. 5. The same. With a supplement containing over 12,500 new words and entries [etc. J. Illus. 4°. pp. 2058. Philadelphia, i88i. 28. 5. Worthen (W. E.). Appletons' Cyclopaedia of Drawing. PL and illus. 8^. l)p. xiv, 410. New York, 1857. 18. 2. ,45. Wright i^Col, George) a}id Mullan [Lieut. John). Topographical Memoir of Campaign against the Indians of Washington Territory. (35//^ Cong., 2d Sess.^Ex. Doc. 2>2.) 80 Washington, 1859. 20.3.2. Wright (Bvt Maj. Gefi. H. G.). Fabrication of Iron [etc.]. See Barnard (J. G.), Wright, a7id Michie. Wright [Lieut. William H.). A brief Practical Treatise on Mortars: With an account of the Processes employed at the Public Works in Boston Harbor. 160. pp. 148. Boston, 1845. 19. 5. 39. Wrottlesey (Lieut. Col. George, R. E.). Life and Correspondence of Field Marshal Sir John Burgoyne, Bart. 2 vols. 8^. London, 1873. 24. 4. 23-24. Wurmb (Julius von). Lehrbuch der Kriegs-Baukunst, zum Gebrauche der Kais. Konigl. Genie-Academie. 8°. pp. 387. Olmutz, 1852. 6. 4. 11. Yarrow [Dr. H. C). Introduction to the Study of Mortuary Customs among the North American Indians. 4^. pp. 114. Washington, 1880. 23. 6. 27. Report upon Ornithological Specimens collected in 187 1, '72, and '73. ( U. S. Geog. Surveys West of the 100th Meuidian.) 8^. pp. 148. Wash- ington, 1874. 20. 3. 35. See, also, Coues (Elliott) and Yarrow. Yoakum (H.). History of Texas from its first settlement in 1685, to its an- nexation to the United States in 1846. Maps and pi. 2 vols. 8°. pp. 482 and 576. New York, 1856. 24. 1. 28-29. Yolland {Capt. William, R. £,). An Account of the Measurement of the Lough Foyle Base in Ireland, with its verification and extension by Triangulation ; together with the various methods of computation fol- lowed on the Ordnance Survey, and requisite tables. PI. and sections. 4°. pp. xix, 117. London, 1847. 2 copies. 44. 9. 28. Young (William, Editor). Spon's Architects' and Builders' Pocket- Book of Useful Memoranda and Prices, obi. 24O. London, 1879. '^' ^' ^^' Young (William J.) and Sons. Price List of Mathematical and Engineering Instruments. Illus. 8^, Philadelphia, [1874]. 18. 1. 4. 103 818 AUTHORS. AUTHORS. 819 Yule. Zell's. Yule {Lieut. Henry, Bengal Engineers). Fortification for Officers of the Army and Students of Military History, with illustrations and notes. 8°. pp. xxii, 2IO. Edinburgh, 1851. 6. 2. 6. Zachariae (G.). Geodatische Hauptpunkte und ihre Coordinaten. Autorisirte deutsche Ausgabe mit Anmerkungen und Zusatzen von Dr. E. Lamp. 8°. pp. X, 331. Berlin, 1878. L. S. Zapata (Francisco Javier, Captain Commandant Spanish Artillery), Extracts from a description of the Zapata Chronograph, used to determine more than one velocity in the same Trajectory. Translated from the Madrid edition by J. D. Marvin. 2 pi. 8°. pp. 18. Annapolis, 1875. 7. 2. 36. Zech (J.). Tafeln der Additions- und Subtractions-Lo^arithmen fiir sieben Stellen. 2d ed. 80. Berlin, 1863. L. S. Zeitschrift des Oesterrich. Ingenieur- und Architekten-Vereins. XXXI. Jahrg. PI. I vol. fol. Wien, 1879. ^8- ^2. [Journal Austrian Engineers and Architects' Society.] des Vereins Deutscher Ingenieure. Bande XXIII-XXIV. PI. 2. vols. 40. Berlin, i879-'8o. 48. 53-54. [Journal German Engineers' Society.] Zell's (T. Ellwood) Popular Encyclopedia, a Universal Dictionary of English Language, Science, Literature, and Art. By L. Colange, LL. D. lllus. 2 vols. imp. 40. Philadelphia, i87o-'7i. 28. 5. 10-11. 4 .- --^Illljjjj^^^i^^ '".•«'■ "^^Blp\ ^^"^^ 1