MEDICAL PHAPMAHY IN MEMORIAE DR. M.H. SIMMONS MEDICINAL PLANTS OP THE PHILIPPINE ARCHIPELAGO THE MEDICINAL PLANTS OF THE PHILIPPINES BY T. H. PAKDO DE TAYERA DOCTOR EN MEDICINA DE LA FACULTAD DE PARIS, COMISIONADO CIENTIFICO DE S. M. EN LAS ISLAS FILIPINAS Y DELEGADO GENERAL EN LAS MISMAS DE LA SOCIETE ACADEMIQUE INDO-CHINOISE DE FRANCIA, MIEMBRO FUNDADOR COR- RESPONDIENTE DE LA SOCIEDAD ESPANOLA DE HIGIENE, ETC. TRANSLATED AND KE VISED BY JEROME B. THOMAS, JR., A.B., M.D. CAPTAIN AND ASSISTANT SURGEON, U. S. V. PHILADELPHIA : P. BLAKISTON'S SON & CO. 1012 WALNUT STREET. 1901 Copyright, 1901, by P. BLAKISTON'S SON & Co. TRANSLATOR'S PREFACE. This translation was undertaken with the especial object of facilitating the study of the native medicinal plants by the numerous medical officers stationed at small posts throughout the Philippines. In order to aid in the recognition of these plants, the botanical descriptions have been revised to the ex- tent of adding, where possible, the size and shape of the plant, English name, length of leaves, color of flowers, etc., in many instances supplying the entire botanical description where it had been omitted on account of general familiarity with the plant. Comparing the few analyses that I have had an oppor- tunity to make with corresponding ones in the native works from which Dr. Tavera has taken his botanical descriptions, I am impressed with the necessity for a revision of the Botany of the Philippines. However, as the therapeutic properties of the flora are of foremost interest to the medical profession I have not hesitated to publish the book in its present form as an enter- ing wedge, leaving to those better fitted the great work of classi- fying the flora of these islands in accordance with modern botan- ical science. Dr. Tavera has faithfully described the Malay and Hindu therapeutics of the present day, enriching his description by ob- servations founded on a long practice in Paris and* in his own native Luzon. From this potpourri of scientific therapeutics and ignorant, superstitious drugging the interested physician will elicit not a few useful data concerning the treatment of disease in the tropics, and at the same time gain a more inti- mate knowledge of both the people and plants of our new Asiatic possessions. I take this occasion to gratefully acknowledge my obliga- tions to Mr. A. P. Tonielli, stenographer and translator of the Supreme Court of the Philippines, for typewriting the manu- script of this translation. JEROME B. THOMAS, JR. MANILA, P. I. PREFACE. Commissioned by His Majesty's Government to study the medicinal plants of my native country, I returned there and spent two years in collecting data regarding the use that the Filipinos make of their plants in the treatment of disease. At the same time I collected and carefully preserved some with the purpose of taking them to Europe, to study their chemical composition in the laboratories of Paris under the direc- tion of the eminent men who had been my instructors in medicine. The work I did in the Philippines was preliminary, a prepa- ration for the more extended study of the subject which I wished to make in Paris, where I went with my notes and col- lection. Unfortunately, upon leaving Manila, I confided the mounting and pressing of my plants to an inexperienced person who stupidly placed in the midst of them several succulent tubers which decomposed during the voyage and spoiled the other plants. At the same time I received in Paris an im- portant collection of the vegetable drugs of the Philippines, sent by my friend the pharmacist, M. Rosedo Garcia, and des- tined for the World's Fair of 1889. I opened with great pleasure the wood and zinc box in which the collection came, anticipating that I should be able to carry out my plan of study and at the same time win for my friend, Garcia, a well- deserved premium. Imagine my disappointment upon finding that, by an unfortunate coincidence, his plants had arrived in the same condition as mine, having also been packed with tubers of ubi, gabi, etc., and several cocoanuts which had de- composed. Many times since then I have tried to obtain from Manila, through exchange or payment of money, a similar collection, but have been unable to secure a single leaf of the plants I so vii Vlll PREFACE desired. If in the future I have the good fortune to procure any, I shall make a study of those at hand and publish the results. I herewith publish the results of my investigations and ex- periments in Manila, where, especially in the neighboring towns of San Mateo and San Miguel, I often had opportunities for using, with good results, the plants of which this volume treats. I may add that in spite of the limited means at my disposal in Manila and the short time left me by my regular occupations I was able to conduct a few laboratory experi- ments owing to which this work contains some personal obser- vations reinforcing those quoted from medical literature. The flora of the Archipelago is known to-day through the works of Fathers Blanco, Llanos, Fernandez del Yillar and Naves, and of the engineers Jordano, the brothers Vidal and Soler and others who have brought such honor to Spanish science, preparing the way for the study of the therapeutic and industrial applications of that wonderfully rich plant life with which our islands have been endowed. Their works help us to recognize the plants whose medicinal virtues are herein de- scribed and it is to them I owe the botanical descriptions in this treatise. Father Blanco, in describing certain plants, mentions their medicinal uses in the Philippines, but his descriptions are few and very deficient as one would expect in a work of the scope of his Flora. A Jesuit of some reputation, Father Clain, pub- lished in Manila in 1712 a book entitled "Kemedios faciles para diferentes enfermedades ? " in which he speaks of the medicinal virtues of some of the indigenous plants, almost the same ones that appear in another work, a frank and pleasing little treatise written by Father Santa Maria. Father Mer- cado is the only one who has written a special treatise on the subject and his manuscript remained unedited until the Augus- tinian Fathers of Manila published it in the last edition of PREFACE IX Father Blanco's " Flora" ; but neither this work nor those of Clain or Santa Maria are useful to a physician, nor are they as accurately written as works of a scientific character should be. From time to time superficial articles have appeared in the Manila papers regarding the virtues of some plant or other and these books and articles comprise the whole literature on the subject up to this time. Some physicians regard with small favor the therapeutic application of plants by the Filipino "herb-doctors" (curande- ros) as being entirely empirical. This disparagement is un- justified because in all the most rational and scientific remedies that we make use of, the first step towards the final develop- ment of their relative position among remedies is due to em- piricism which is founded on daily experience, on observation of results obtained in specific cases, facts that are handed down from father to son for generations. The scientific explanation is lacking, but those first ideas frequently owing their origin to chance, or, perhaps, to superstition, have often been based upon the observation of facts which, although fortuitous, are none the less positive. Many of the plants mentioned in this book are official in the Pharmacopoeia of India and we see no reason why their use should be proscribed in the Philippines. Filipino physicians not only can but should employ many indigenous plants in their therapeutics; in many instances they would find them more useful than the exotics, which are not always fresh and are commonly reduced in strength by long keeping or damaged by some circumstance of voyage or climate. The price is another argument in favor of the use of native drugs. If the pharma- cists would prepare extracts and keep on hand the crude drugs most in demand the public would gain a great advantage and the druggists be well repaid for their labor. Physicians and pharmacists will surely understand these advantages and when finally one considers that the patients generally prefer to be X PREFACE treated with native plants, I feel justified in the hope that their use will spread rapidly in the Philippines. To employ therapeutically the drugs described in this work is not to experiment " in anima vilis," as some would have us believe. To experiment is to employ unknown remedies of unknown virtues and properties. In this treatise I am not attempting to fix the indications for this or that product, but simply make known the diseases in which the Filipinos and the natives of other countries employ the products. Any physician has a perfect right to prescribe these drugs, as have also the " curanderos " and even the laity, with this difference, however, that the physician is capable of observing results and guiding himself by the physiologic action of the drugs. His knowledge of the physiologic and anatomo- pathologic problems of the human body, will enable the phy- sician to make scientific inferences that would be hidden from the common " curandero." As neither the Manila nor the provincial physicians keep these medicinal plants in stock, with the exception of those that are official in the European and American pharmacopeias, it will be necessary for the physician who wishes to use them, to busy himself with seeking them and laying in a sufficient stock to serve him when the opportunity presents itself. It is necessary to preserve them by drying and this is best done by exposing them several days to the fresh air in a dry place for example, the corridors of the house being careful not to expose them to the rays of the sun, in which latter event the fleshy and juicy plants which do not desiccate rapidly, putrefy or ferment. A convenient way to get them is to visit the Binondo Square where there has been market for native drugs from time im- memorial. The gardeners from the neighboring towns, es- pecially those from Pasay and Singalon, regularly offer the plants for sale and will undertake to supply you with any that PREFACE XI may not be on hand. Inasmuch as the common names of the plants lead to many mistakes and much confusion, it is indis- pensable to acquaint one's self with the description of the plant and be sure that the actual product conforms in all respects to the description. For this purpose it is well to obtain flowering specimens, and bearing this fact in mind I have been careful to indicate the flowering season of each plant. By making ex- cursions to the towns of San Mateo and Angono I have ob- tained an abundance of whatever I sought and at the same time have learned by talking with the mountaineers and " curande- ros," what uses they make of their plants. The " curanderos " know a great deal concerning these uses, but become very reticent as soon as they are questioned about them. Whether it is dread of ridicule or selfishness or fear that silences them, the fact remains that it is no easy matter to glean any useful facts from them. And yet by tact and friendliness one may elicit much more information from them than first impressions would lead one to hope. Leaves should be gathered when fully developed, rejecting the old, dried and worm-eaten ones. The best time to gather bark is one month before the period of inflorescence, when it is rich in sap. The flowers are best gathered when about half expanded. The fruit is gathered green or ripe according to the active principle sought. The seeds should always be mature. Not all parts of the plant are equally provided with the active principle which may be localized in the root or the flower ; or distinct principles may exist in different parts of the same plant. Therefore the part indicated, and only that part, should be employed. In the root the active substance usually resides in the bark, sometimes in the parenchyma that envelopes the woody tissue and rarely in the woody tissue itself, as, for example, in " rhu- barb " and " pareira brava." xil PREFACE The stem bark is also a frequent seat of the active principle, of which the outer portion contains the greater amount, accord- ing to the valuable experiments of Howard. Some plants owe their therapeutic importance to their wood, others to their leaves or flowers, and regarding the localization of the active principle in these parts we have nothing especial to indicate. The fruit, however, may have a pericarp consist- ing of mucilage, starch, sugar and gum, etc., while the seeds contain fatty matter, fixed or essential oils or alkaloids, as is the case with coffee and cacao. In view of these facts, we re- peat that it is indispensable to use that part of each plant which I have indicated as applicable to a determined case or condi- tion. I earnestly hope that the physicians and pharmacists prac- tising in the Philippines may undertake investigations and experiments regarding the therapeutic properties of the plants of my native land, and that my endeavors may have acted as a stimulus or inspiration to the loyal and earnest study of the subjects that are now awakening such interest, not only in Europe and America, but in India and Japan. I should be pleased to receive notes, plants or reports of researches from any one interested in the subject matter of this book, and I shall consider it a pleasure, as well as a duty, to devote my forces, small as they may be, to aiding any one who may do me the honor to claim my assistance. T. H. P. DE TAVERA. PARIS, April, 1892. CONTENTS. DICOTYLEDONOUS, POLYPETALOUS. DILLENIACE.E Tetracera macrophylla 17-18 MAGNOLIACE^E Illicium anisatum, Michelia Champaca 18-20 ANONACE^E Artabotrys odoratissimus, Anona squamosa, A. reticulata, A. muricata 20-22 MENISPERMACE^: Tinospora crispa, Anamirta Cocculus, Cissampelos Pareira 22-27 NYMPH^EACE^E Nymphsea Lotus, Nelumbium nucifera 27-28 P APAVERACEJE Argemone Mexicana 29-30 CRUCIFER^: Brassica juncea, Raphanus sativus 30-31 CAPPARIDACE.E Cleome viscosa, Cratseva religiosa 31-32 BIXINE^E Bixa Orellana, Pangium edule 32-34 PORTULACACE^E Portulaca oleracea 34 GUTTIFER.E Garcinia mangostana, G. venulosa, G. Cam- bogia, G. morella, Ochrocarpus pentapetalus, Calophyl- lum Inophyllum, Mesua ferrea 35-40 DIPTEROCARPE^E Dipterocarpus turbinatus 40-42 MALVACEAE Sida carpinifolia, Abutilon Indicum, Urena sin- uata, Hibiscus Abelmoschus, H. tiliaceus, H. Rosa-Sinen- sis, Thespesia populnea, Gossypium herbaceum, Bombax malabaricum, Eriodendron anfractuosum 42-51 STERCULIACEJE Sterculia foetida, S. urens, Kleinhovia hos- pitata, Helicteres Ixora, Abroma fastuosa, Theobroma Cacao 51-57 GERANIACE^E Oxalis corniculata, Biophytum sensitivum, Averrhoa Bilimbi, A. Carambola 58-61 RTJTACE^E Ruta graveolens, Xanthoxylum oxyphyllum, Murraya exotica, M. Koenigi, Citrus acida, Bigaradia decumana, ^Egle decandra, Feronia elephantum 61-70 SIMARUBACE^E Samadera Indica 71-72 BURSERACE.E Garuga pinnata, Canarium commune 72-75 MELIACE^E Melia Azedarach, Dysoxylum Blancoi, Sandori- cum Indicum, Carapa Moluccensis, Cedrela Toona 75-80 CELASTRACE^: Celastrus paniculata 80-81 RHAMNACE^: Zizyphus Jujuba, Rhamnus Wightii 81-82 ANACARDIACE^: Mangifera Indica, Anacardium occidentale, Odina Wodier 82-86 xiii XIV CONTENTS Moringa pterygosperma ............................... 86-88 LEGUMINOSJE (PAPILIONACE^:) Agati grandiflora, Abrus pre- catorius, Mucuna pruriens, ErythrinaIndica,Clitoria ter- natea, Pterocarpus santalinus, P. Indicus, P. erinaceus, Pongamia glabra .......... .......................................... 88-95 LEGUMINOS^: (CuESALPiNE^T-^Qsesalpinia Bonducella, C. Sappan, C. pulcherrima, Cassia fistula, C. occidentalis, C. alata, Tamarindus Indica, Bauhinia malabarica ........... 96-106 LEGUMINOSJE (MIMOSEJE) Entada scandens, Parkia Rox- burghii, Acacia Farnesiana ....................................... 106-109 CRASSULACE^E Kalanchoe laciniata ................................. 109-110 COMBRETACE.E Terminalia Catappa, T. Chebula, Quisqualis Indica ................................................................... 110-113 MYRTACEVE Psidium pomiferum, Eugenia Jambolana ........ 113-116 MELASTOMACE^: Melastoma malabatrichum ..................... 116-117 LYTHRACE^E Ammannia vesicatoria, Lawsonia alba, Punica Granatum .............................................................. 117-122 ONAGRACE^: Jussisea suffruticosa ................................... 122-123 PASSIFLORACE^E Carica Papaya ...................................... 123-127 CUCURBITACE^E Trichosanthes palmata, T. anguina, T. cu- cumerina, Lagenaria vulgaris, var. Gourda, var. cour- gourda, var. clavata, LufFa ^Egyptiaca, Momordica balsamina, M. charanta, Citrullus Colocynthis .............. 127-134 FICOIDE^: Trianthema monogyna ................................... 134 UMBELLIFER^E Hydrocotyle Asiatica, Carum copticum, Foeniculum vulgare, Coriandrum sativum .................... 134-138 CORNACE^: Alangium Lamarkii ..................................... 138-139 DICOTYLEDONOUS, GAMOPETALOUS. RuBiACE^as Hymenodictyon excelsum, Oldenlandia corym- bosa, Eandia dumetorum, Ixoracoccinea,Coffea Arabica, Morinda citrifolia bracteata, M. tinctoria, Psederia foetida. 140-149 COMPOSITE: Eupatorium Ayapana, Blumea balsamifera, Sphceraiithus Indicus, Spilanthes Acmella, Artemisia vulgaris, Carthamus tinctorius .................................. 149-155 PLUMBAGINE^: Plumbago Zeylanica .............................. 155-156 SAPOTACE^: Achras Sapota, Mhnusops Elengi .................. 156-158 OLE ACE.E Jasminum Sambac ......................................... 158-159 APOCYNACE.E Allamanda cathartica, Thevetia nerifolia, Cerbera Odallam, Plumeria acutifolia, Alstonia scholaris, Kerium odorum ...................................................... 159-167 ASCLEPIADACE^E Calotrops gigantea, Tylophora asthniatica. 167-170 LOGANIACE^: Strychnos Ignatii ..................................... 171-173 BORAGINACE^: Ehretia buxifolia. . . 173 CONTENTS XV CONVOLVTJLACE.E Ipomoea hederacea, I. pes-caprse, I. Tur- pethum 174-176 SOLANACE.E Solanum nigrum, Capsicum fastigiatum, Da- tura alba, Nicotiana Tabacum 176-182 SCROPHULARIACE^: Limnophila menthastrum 182-183 BIGNONIACE^E Oroxylum Indicum 183-184 PEDALIACE^: Sesamum Indicum 184-185 ACANTHACE.E Acanthus ilicifolius, Barleria Prionitis, Jus- ticia Gendarussa, Adhatoda vasica, Khinacanthus com- munis 185-190 VERBENACE^E Lippia nodiflora, Tectona grandis, Vitex tri- folia, Y. Negundo, Clerodendron infortunatum 190-194 LABIATE Ocimum basilicum, O. gratissimum, O. sanctum, Coleus aromaticus, Rosmarinus officinalis, Anisomeles ovata, Leucas aspera 195-199 PLANTAGINACE.E Plantago erosa 199 NYCTAGINACE^: Mirabilis Jalapa 199-200 AMARANTHACEAE Amaranthus spinosus, Achyranthes ob- tusifolia 200-202 CHENOPODIACE M Chenopodium ambrosioides 202-203 ARISTOLOCHIACE^E Aristolochia Indica 203-204 PIPERACE^ Piper Betle, P. nigrum 204-207 CHLOR ANTH ACE^E Chloranthus officinalis 207-208 LAURACE^E Cinnamomum pauciflorum, C. tamala, Cassytha filiformis 208-210 EUPHORBIACE^E Euphorbia pilulifera, E. neriifolia, E. Tiru- calli, Phyllanthus reticulatus, P. Niruri, P. urinaria, Ja- tropha Curcas, Aleurites Moluccana, Croton Tiglium, Acalypha Indica, Echimus Philippensis, Ricinus com- munis 210-223 URTICACE^: Artocarpus integrifolia, Laportea gaudichau- diana 223-225 CASUARINE^E Casuarina Sumatrana 225-226 MONOCOTYLEDONS. MUSACE^: Musa paradisiaca, M. sapieutum 227-228 ZINGIBERACE.E Zingiber officinale, Curcuma longa, Eletta- ria Cardamomum 228231 AM AR YLLIDACE^E Crinum Asiaticum 231-232 LILIACEJE Aloes Barbadensis, Allium sativum, A. Cepa 232-234 PALM^: Areca Catechu, Cocos nucifera, Nipa fruticans 234-238 CYPERACE.E Cyperus rotundus 239 GRAMINE^E Zea Mays, Andropogon Schoenanthes, Saccha- rum officinarum, Oriza 240-243 BAMBUSE^ .. 243-244 EXPLANATION. For the common words of the different Filipino dialects I have adopted the orthography which in my various treatises on those dialects I have demonstrated to be the easiest, most rational and convenient. I should be inconsistent as to my own theories and convictions if I continued to follow the old form of spelling. For the benefit of those who are not familiar with the matter I will state that the consonants are pronounced as follows : g always as in get. h gutturalized aspirate. k as in English. w always as initial w in English, win, wan. g as ng in sing, hung, etc. ABBREVIATIONS. Bic. Bicol. Pan. Pangasinan. Eng. English. Sp. Spanish. Hoc. Ilocan. Sp.-Fil. Spanish-Filipino. Indo-Eng. Indo-English. Tag. Tagalog. Pam. Pampango. Vis. Yiscayan. XVI MEDICINAL PLANTS OF THE PHILIPPINES DICOTYLEDONOUS, POLYPETALOUS. DILLENIACEJE. Tetracera macrophylla, Vail. (T. monocarpa, T. sarmentosa, Blanco.) NOM. VULG. Malakatmon, Tag. USES. The wood of malakatmon is one of the best known and popular drugs of the Binondo * market place. It is used as an infusion internally in the haemoptysis of consumptives, and externally in the treatment of sore throat, its action being due to the large amount of tannin it contains. It is also em- ployed in Malabar in the form of an infusion of the leaves of the species, T. Rheedi, to treat sore throat, mixing it with a decoction of rice called cange. The Filipinos do not distinguish this species from the T. Assa. Both are called malakatmon, and are employed indiscrimi- nately to accomplish the same results. The silicious concretion obtained from the leaves is used as a polish in the form of polish paper. DOSE. In infusion for internal use, 4 grams of wood to 1 liter of water; as a gargle, 10 to 15 grams to the liter. BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION. A shrub with leaves alternate, oval, serrate, finely dentate with very short and stiff hairs. Flowers of a strong, rather agreeable odor, axillary, in panicles. Calyx, 4 sepals. Corolla, 4 petals. Stamens indefinite, ex- 1 A ward or Barrio of Manila. 18 THE MEDICINAL PLANTS OF THE PHILIPPINES panding at the upper end and bearing 2 anthers. Carpels 3, with ovules indefinite in two series. Seeds with red arils. HABITAT. In the vicinity of Manila. Blooms in July. MAGNOLIACEJE. Magnolia Family. Illicium anisatum, L. NOM. VULG. Anis estrellado, Badiana, Sp.; Sagki, Tag. ; Star Anise, Eng. USES. Although this plant does not grow in the Philippines, the use of its fruit is so common there that it demands a place in this work. It is employed chiefly as a condiment in the preparation of food, and its essential oil is used to prepare the native " anise cordial " by mixing it with alcohol obtained from the palm or from sugar cane. The decoction of the fruit is given after meals as a tea-like beverage, to aid digestion or for its carminative effect in flatu- lent colic. Star anise has an aromatic taste, slightly bitter and acrid, and a very marked perfume of anise which with its star-like form gives the plant one of its names. It is a very useful stimulant, tonic, stomachic and carminative. It is official in all Pharmacopoeias and the pericarp is the part employed. The dose is from 1 to 2 grains to 100 of water in infusion, to be taken in one draught. According to Schlegel it contains the following substances : An essential oil 4.675 ; a green waxy material which melts at 51, a resin, a gum and saponin. The essential oil is (almost) identical with that of anise from which it is impossible to dis- tinguish it chemically. The only difference is that the former has a blander odor and solidifies at 1.25 instead of 10, as does the oil of anise. MICHELIA CHAMPACA 19 BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION. The plant grows in the moun- tains of Yunnan, China, and in Tonquin. The part used in the Philippines is the fruit, being indeed the only part known here. This is composed of 8 woody follicles arranged about a central column in the form of a star. These follicles open at maturity and reveal the seeds, which are shining, smooth, ovoid, hard, of a pretty chestnut-red color. In the Philippines they are sold even in the smallest food- vending shops. Michelia Champaca, L. NOM. YULG. Tsampaka, Sampaka, Tag.; Champaca, Fil.- Span. USES. The bark of the trunk is well known as a febrifuge and emmenagogue in India. It is slightly bitter and aromatic. Dr. H. Folliat has used it with success in the Island of Mauri- tius in the treatment of the common intermittent fevers ; he administered the infusion (bark 30 grams, water 600 cc.) or the decoction (bark 30 grams, water 1,200 cc.) ; boil till reduced to 600 cc. giving a wine-glassful every hour just before and after the paroxysm. An astringent decoction made from the leaves is used as a gargle in sore throat. The root is emmenagogue and the seeds are used in the treatment of anal fissure. Dr. Hooper has found the following substances in the bark of the Champana : a volatile oil with a pine-like odor ; a fixed oil, insoluble in alcohol, melting at 15 and forming soap with soda ; a resin extremely bitter, acrid, brown in color ; tannin ; sugar ; a bitter principle, albuminoids, coloring matters, muci- lage and starch. BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION. A tree 15-18 high; leaves al- ternate, 6 x 2', stipulate, simple. Flowers fragrant, saifron- colored, hermaphrodite, solitary and axillary. The receptacle, conical at its base, becomes narrow, lengthens and then enlarges, forming a column which is bare at its narrow part. At its base 20 THE MEDICINAL PLANTS OF THE PHILIPPINES is inserted the perianth composed of 6 overlapping leaflets ar- ranged in two series. Stamens indefinite, fixed in the base of the column of the receptacle on the superior portion of which are inserted the ovaries which contain many ovules arranged in two vertical series. HABITAT. Common in all parts (of the islands). ANONACEJE. Custard-Apple Family. Artabotrys odoratissimus, R. Br. (A. hamatus, BL; Uvaria Sinensis and Unona uncinata, Blanco.) NOM. VULG. Ilag-ilag de China, Sp.-Fil.; Alag-ilag Son- son, Tag. USES. A decoction of the leaves of this species is used to treat cholera in some of the islands of the Malay group ; in the island of Java they use for the same purpose a decoction of the leaves of the species A. suaveolens, BL, which is commonly called Susog Damulog in the Pampanga dialect. The active principles of these plants are so powerful that one must beware of giving a large dose, as hemorrhages, nervous phenomena and abortion may follow. BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION. A tree 15-18 high with leaves alternate, lanceolate, glabrous, and petioles very short. Flowers very sweet, axillary, solitary. Petals 6, fleshy, concave at the base. Stamens indefinite, closely packed, overlapping. Pe- duncle curved like a crook. HABITAT. Cultivated in gardens. Anona squamosa, L. (A. tuber osa, Rumph.) NOM. VULG. Ates, Tag.; Custard Apple, Eng. USES. The fruit of the mature ates is edible and is one of the most delicious that grows in the Philippines ; its white and ANONA RETICULATA 21 delicately perfumed pulp has a delicious flavor. The unripe fruit is exceedingly astringent. The fermented juice of the ripe pulp is used in certain parts of America to prepare a pop- ular drink. The powdered seeds make a useful parasiticide especially when used on the scalp, but it is necessary to avoid getting any of the drug in the eyes on account of its irrritant effect. BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION. Tree 8 or 9 high with leaves alternate, oblong, the edges pubescent. Flowers greenish-yel- low, axillary, solitary ; peduncle not curved. Petals 6, conver- gent. Stamens crowded, indefinite. Fruit fleshy, covered with scales or rather rounded tubercles ; beneath is the white and fragment pulp, covering the long-oval seeds. A. reticulata, L. NOM. VULG. Anonas, Sp.-Fil. USES. The fruit of this species is neither as much prized nor as abundant in the Philippines as that of the ates. When unripe it possesses the same properties as the latter. The large proportion of tannin which both species contain in their unripe state, makes them very useful in treating diarrhoea and dysentery. They are administered in the form of a decoction, by enema. The sap of the trunk is very irritating. The roots are used by the American Indians to treat epilepsy. Lemon juice is the antidote for the sap of this species. I wish to call attention to the similarity of the common name of this plant to another entirely distinct species commonly used in the Tagalo therapeutics ; namely, the anonag (Cordia), with which it must not be confused. BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION. Tree 10 high with leaves lanceolate, pubescent. Flowers in a sort of umbel. Corolla like that of A. squamosa. Fruit without the plainly visible tubercles of the foregoing species, their presence being merely suggested by a sort of net traced on the surface. 22 THE MEDICINAL PLANTS OF THE PHILIPPINES A. muricata, L. NOM. VULG. Guandbano, GoyabanOj Sp.-Fil. USES. The ripe fruit possesses antiscorbutic properties ; the unripe fruit is used in treating dysentery. It is said that the ripe fruit is used in diseases of the liver. BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION. Tree with leaves oval, alternate and glabrous. Flower solitary, terminal, whitish. The fruit is much larger than that of the other species, is covered with scales that end in a soft point or thorn and has a very pro- nounced acid taste. HABITAT. All three species are common in all parts of the Archipelago. MENISPERMACE^. Moonseed Family. Tinospora crispa, Miers. (Menispermum crispum, L.; M. rimosum, Blanco ; Cocculus crispus, DC.) NOM. VULG. Makabuhay, Tag. USES. Makabuhay is one of the most widely known and used plants in the Philippines ; a sort of panacea applied to all bodily afflictions. Its Tagalo name means literally " you may live." A shoot deprived of roots and dropped in some moist place is soon covered with bright green leaves and adventi- tious roots. This peculiarity of the plant made it possible for me to take a large number of sprouts from Manila to Paris where they arrived perfectly fresh after a voyage of forty days, during which they lay almost forgotten in the ship and the cars. The stem is the part employed in medicine. A decoction is given internally in the various forms of malarial fever and of dyspepsia. Externally it is most useful as a wash for ulcers of all kinds, rapidly improving their appearance. In India the species T. cordifolia is used ; it differs but little TINOSPORA CRISPA 23 from T. crispa. It is official in the Pharmacopoeia and has been introduced into Europe. T. cordifolia has given excellent results iii the mild forms of intermittent fever ; in general de- bility following long and severe cases of illness ; in chronic rheumatism, and in the second stage of syphilis. As the two species are so much alike we shall add the preparations and dose of T. cordifolia which we have used on several occasions with good results. TINCTURE OF T. CORDIFOLIA. Sterns of the dried plant, 100 grams. Alcohol 21 (Cartier), 500 cc. Macerate seven days in a closed vessel stirring from time to time. After decanting add enough alcohol (21) to bring the quantity up to 500 cc., and filter. DOSE. 4-8 grams. MACERATION. Fresh stems cut in small pieces, 30 grams, water 300 grams. Macerate for two hours and filter. DOSE. 30-90 cc. a day. EXTRACT. Dry makabuhay in small pieces 500 grams. Water 2| liters. Macerate for twelve hours, filter the liquid and express the macerated drug which is then macerated a sec- ond time in 2J liters of water. Express again, unite the two liquids and filter. Evaporate in a water-bath to the consistency of a pill mass. DOSE. J-1J grams a day in fractional doses. BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION. A vine whose runners entwine themselves among the tops of the highest trees, giving oif many adventitious roots which seek the earth. The stem is cov- ered with projecting tubercles. Leaves heart-shaped, pointed, entire with five well-marked nerves. Flowers yellowish -green, dioecious, growing in axillary racemes. The male flowers have a corolla of six petals, the three smaller ones arranged alter- nately. In the female flower the stamens are represented by three glands situated at the base of the petals. Fruit, an ellip- tical drupe. 24 THE MEDICINAL PLANTS OF THE PHILIPPINES Anamirta Cocculus, Wight & Arn. (Menispermum Cocculw, (L.) Blanco ; M. lacunosum, Famk ; Cocculus lacunosus, C. suberosus, DC.) NOM. VULG. Laktay, Liktay, Suma, Lanta, Lintay bagiii, Tuba, Balasin, Bayati, Tag., Vis., Pam. USES. One of the uses to which the India berries (Cocas de Levante) are put in the Philippines, is to throw them into small sluggish streams or into lakes with the object of intoxicating the fish which soon come to the surface and float there as if dead. This custom is very extensive in Malaysia, in India and even in Europe, where, in order to avoid the cases of poisoning which this practice has occasioned in the consumers of fish taken in this way, it has been found necessary to forbid the sale of the berries except in the pharmacies. These restrictions are practiced in France. In the Binondo market in Manila the root of this plant may be found in abundance ; it is yellow and very bitter. The natives use the infusion (510 grams to 300 cc. of water) in fevers, dyspepsia and menstrual derangements. In India also the root is used in the same complaints. The fruit contains the highly toxic principle pierotoxin, and others as follows : Menispermin (C 18 H 24 N 2 O 2 ) is an alkaloid which crystallizes in pyramidal prisms, is soluble in alcohol and ether and insoluble in water. Hot nitric acid converts it into oxalic acid and a yellow substance of a resinous appearance. Picrotoxin (C 30 H 24 O 13 ) is not an alkaloid as may be seen from its formula. Its properties are not well known at the present time. It crystallizes in small quadrilateral prisms, white and transparent, or in needles grouped in stars. No odor, taste bitter, insoluble in water, partly soluble in alcohol and in ether, freely soluble in acids and alkalies. A solution in concentrated sulphuric acid has a saffron-yellow color. Nitric acid trans- forms it into oxalic acid. ANAMIRTA COCCULUS 25 Picrotoxinin exists in picrotoxin in the proportion of 32 to 100, and may be separated by boiling in benzine. It is bitter, poisonous, reduced by Fehling's solution and nitrate of silver. Sixty-six per cent, of picrotoxin consists of another bitter sub- stance, non-poisonous picrotin, which is insoluble in benzine and is reduced by Fehling's solution and nitrate of silver. Lastly, anamirtin is found in the mother water of picrotoxin ; it is not bitter, not poisonous, and not reducible by the afore- mentioned reagents. The fruit of the anamirta, the "coca de Levante" is an acrid, narcotic poison, which may not be employed internally ; its uses are limited to external medication. In the Pharma- copoeia of India is given the formula for a parasiticide oint- ment, highly recommended in the treatment of pediculi : Unguentum anamirtce : 4 grams Cocculus berries, powdered, 30 Vaseline. M. Fiat unguentum. In applying this ointment it is necessary to make sure that there is no wound or abrasion of the skin through which ab- sorption might take place. BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION. A vine with leaves alternate, entire, glabrous, broadly oval, pointed, with 5 nerves which unite at the base, long petioles. Flowers dioecious, in com- pound racemes. Male flowers consist of a perianth without corolla, the sepals arranged by threes in two or three whorls. The end of the receptacle expanded like a bead, bears a large number of stamens in 6 vertical series, with anthers sessile and 4-lobed. Female flowers analogous as regards the peri- anth, with 6-9 sterile stamens. Carpels formed of 5 ovaries, free, unilocular, containing one ovule each. Fruit, a drupe of a purple color, the size of a filbert, kidney-shaped, the albumen horny. 26 THE MEDICINAL PLANTS OF THE PHILIPPINES. Cissampelos Pareira, L. NOM. VULG. Sansawsansawan, Tag.; Chinchaochinchauan, Sp.-Fil. USES. Although this plant formerly bore the Portuguese name of Pareira brava, the U. S. P. and B. P. recognize now under this title only the root of Chondrodendron tomentosum. It is diuretic and tonic and apparently exercises an astringent and sedative action upon the mucous membrane of the genito- urinary organs. The root is used in acute and chronic cys- titis. In Brazil it is used as a diaphoretic and as such is employed in cases of venomous snake bites. It is also used there as an emmenagogue and diuretic, in intermittent fevers, dropsy and suppression of the lochia in women recently confined. It is official in the Pharmacopoeia of India. DECOCTION. Root of cissampelos, small pieces, 50 grams. Water 600 " DOSE. 30-100 grams. Boil 15 minutes; filter and add enough water to bring the total bulk up to 600 cc. EXTRACT. Root of cissampelos in powder .... 500 grams. Water 5 liters. DOSE. .5-1 gram. Digest the powder for 24 hours in 500 cc. water, pour the mixture into a filter and add water gradually until the percolate amounts to 5 liters. Evaporate the percolate in a water-bath to the consistency of a pill mass. FLUID EXTRACT. This is prepared in the same manner as the extract and is allowed to remain in the bath until reduced in bulk to 400 grams. It is then removed and 100 grams of alcohol (36) are added. DOSE. 1.75-7 cc. NYMPH.EA LOTUS 27 CHEMICAL COMPOSITION. Fliickiger has isolated a bitter principle analogous to berberin ; also buxine and paracine, which latter received the name pelosine from Wiggers in 1839. The former chemist proposed the name buxine for all these analogous principles. Pelosine or buxine is precipitated by a concentrated solution of HC1, by sal ammoniac, by potassium nitrate and potassium iodide. He also discovered a neutral substance, deyamitin, which crystallizes in microscopic tablets ; sulphuric acid added to these gives a pretty dark blue color which changes to green. BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION. A climbing shrub with cylin- drical woody stem, with leaves simple, alternate, entire, petio- late, ovoid, broad at the base. The inferior surface of the leaf is pubescent, especially in the intervals between the ribs. Flowers dioecious, small, racemose. Calyx of 12 sepals ar- ranged in 3 whorls, the inner ones broad and petaloid. Corolla of 6 petals arranged in 2 whorls. Stamens sterile or rudi- mentary in the pistillate flower, the staminate flower bearing 6 ; anthers innate, 2-celled. Drupes oval, 2 or 3 cm. long, black, closely resembling a grape seed. NYMPILEACEJE. Water-Lily Family. Nymphsea Lotus, L. NOM. VULG. Lawas, Talaylo, Tunas, Gaway-gaway, Tag., Vis., Pam.; Water Lily, Eng. USES. The anaphrodisiac virtues attributed to this plant and to all the water-lily family are purely imaginary. Its juice being slightly bitter and astringent is used in decoction as an injection in gonorrhoea. It possesses mild narcotic properties, for which some use the juice of the whole plant, rubbing the forehead and temples with it to produce sleep. BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION. An aquatic plant, with leaves 28 THE MEDICINAL PLANTS OF THE PHILIPPINES solitary, terminal, floating on the water, dentate, glabrous, broad, deeply cleft at the base, with a very long petiole. Flowers solitary, persistent in the ripe fruit, oval. Stamens indefinite in fine whorls or verticils. HABITAT. Common on the shores of the Laguna de Bay. Nelumbium nucifera, Gaertn. (N. speciosum, Willd.; N. Asi- aticum, Rich. ; Cyamus Nelumbo, Sm. ; C. mysticus, Salis.) NOM. VULG. Bayno, Tag. ; Sukaw, Hoc. ; Sacred Lotus, Eng. USES. An infusion of the flowers is used internally in dysentery. In India they use, for diarrhoea and vomiting, the viscid juice obtained from the petioles and the peduncles of the flowers. The rootstock contains a large quantity of starch which has been utilized for food in the periods of famine which have desolated India and Egypt. This flower was the Sacred Lotus of the Egyptians and the people of India have dedicated it to Lakshmi, the goddess of health and prosperity. INFUSION. Petals, dried 5 grams. Water 250 Sig. To be taken during 24 hours. BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION. An aquatic plant with fleshy rootstock which creeps along the muddy bottoms ; from its nodes spring the stalks of the leaves and flowers. Its leaves are alternate, polymorphous, some above and some below the surface of the water, concave in the center whence ribs separate, shield-shaped. Petioles very long, bearing soft, short spines. The flowers white or pink, solitary ; peduncle long and, like the petioles, covered with soft, short spines. Calyx of 4-5 unequal sepals, imbricated. Corolla with an indefinite num- ber of unequal petals, the inner ones shorter. Stamens indefi- nite, inserted in the base of the receptacle. Receptacle expanded above the androccium, in the form of an inverted cone, con- taining a large number of alveoli with circular openings. ARGEMONE MEXICANA 29 PAPAVERACEJE. Poppy Family. Argemone Mexicana, L. NOM. VULG. Kasubhag-aso, Hoc. USES. Padre Blanco says that the yellow juice of this plant ' ' is used by the natives (Filipinos) to treat fissures of the cor- ners of the eyes." The negros of Senegal use the decoction of the root to cure gonorrhoea. The milky juice to which Blanco refers is used in different countries to treat various skin diseases, including the cutaneous manifestations of syphilis and leprosy ; to re- move warts, and as an eye wash in catarrhal conjunctivitis. The English physicians of India state that it is dangerous to use the milky juice as an application to the eye, although Dy- mock claims the contrary. The flowers are narcotic by virtue of a principle resembling morphine, perhaps identical with that alkaloid. The seeds yield a fixed oil on expression, which is laxative and relieves the pains of colic, probably by virtue of its nar- cotic properties. Physicians in India praise this oil highly ; not only is it a sure and painless purgative, but it is free from the viscidity and disgusting taste of castor-oil ; besides it has the advantage of operating in small doses, 2-4 grams. Its ac- tivity is proportionate to its freshness. Dr. W. O'Shaughnessy does not value this oil highly, but the experience of many dis- tinguished physicians of India has proved the purgative and other properties that have just been mentioned. Possibly the differences of opinion may arise from the fact that oils from different plants were used in the trials. The seeds yield a fixed oil, yellow, clear, of sweet taste, den- sity 0.919 at 15 ; it remains liquid at 5 ; is soluble in an equal volume of alcohol at 90 ; characterized by an orange-red color on adding nitric acid. From its soap Frolicher has ob- 30 THE MEDICINAL PLANTS OF THE PHILIPPINES tained acetic, valerianic, butyric and benzoic acids. Charbon- nier claims to have found morphine in its leaves and capsules. Dragendorf has isolated from the seeds an alkaloid which pre- sents the principal characters of morphine. It is, then, prob- able that morphine is the narcotic principle possessed by this plant, which is not hard to believe when one considers the family to which it belongs. BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION. A plant of American origin nowadays acclimated in almost all warm countries. Its stem is green, pubescent, 30-40 centimeters high. Leaves alternate, thin, sessile, lanceolate, covered with rigid green thorns. Flowers hermaphrodite, terminal, yellow. Calyx, 3 sepals with conical points. Corolla, 6 rounded petals. Stamens in- definite, free, hypogynous. Ovary free, triangular, Capsule expanded, oblong, angular, thickly set with prickles : it opens inferiority by 5 valves. CRUCIFERJE. Mustard Family. Brassica juncea, Hook. & Thorn. (Sinapis juncea, L.) NOM. VULG. Mostaza, Sp.; Mustard, Eng. USES. The seeds are used in the same way as those of white or black mustard (Sinapis alba and S. nigra, L.). BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION. Plant with a glabrous stem, leaves sessile, glabrous, lanceolate, the upper ones serrate, the lower ones almost entire. Flowers in racemes. Calyx, 4 sepals. Corolla, 4 rounded, unguiculate petals. Stamens 6, two of them short and the other four longer and united in pairs. Ovary flattened. Seed vessel quadrangular, nodular, glabrous, containing many oval seeds. Raphanus sativus, L. NOM. VULG. Rdbano, Sp.; Radish, Eng. USES. Used principally as food ; it possesses the antiscor- butic properties common to the greater part of the CruciferaB. CLEOME VISCOSA 31 It is an herbaceous plant, the root of which is so commonly known that its description would be useless. CAPPARIDACEJE. Caper Family. Cleome viscosa, L. (C. icosandra, L.; Polanisia viscosa, DC.) NOM. VULG. Balabalanoyan, Apoyapoyan, Tag.; Wild Mustard, Eng. USES. The seeds possess the same properties as those of mustard and are used in place of the latter in Manila. In America the leaves are used as a poultice in otitis. their action being rubefacient. In India the seeds are given internally for their anthelmintic and carminative effect ; the dose is one tea- spoonful twice a day. The juice of the leaves mixed with cocoanut oil is used in the form of eardrops in suppurative otitis. The natives give the same common name to the Gynan- dropsis pentaphylla, DC. (Cleome pentaphytta, L.; C. altiacea or C. alliodora, Blanco), which is distinguished from the former by its six stamens inserted on the pistil and its violet-colored stem. Its therapeutic properties are identical with those of the Cleome viscosa. Dr. Sir W. Jones believes that the plant pos- sesses antispasmodic properties, basing his belief on its odor, which resembles asafetida, though not so disagreeable. In India the juice of the leaves is a popular remedy for earache. It is also used there as a rubefacient. BOTANICAL, DESCRIPTION. An annual, the stem channeled and bearing glandular hairs. Leaves compound, alternate ; leaflets lanceolate with glandular hairs. Calyx, 4 sepals. Co- rolla, 4 petals, yellow. Stamens 14-16, encircling the pistil. Seed vessels cylindrical, with channels and glandular hairs. The whole plant is sticky and emits a garlicky odor. 32 THE MEDICINAL PLANTS OF THE PHILIPPINES Cratseva religiosa, Forst. NOM. VULG. Saligbobog, Tag.; Balay-namuk, Hoc. USES. It is in common use in India as a tonic and stom- achic. It seems also to possess laxative and diuretic proper- ties. In Concan the juice of the leaves mixed with cocoanut oil is used as a liniment in rheumatism. INFUSION. Leaves, fresh 50 grams. Water 500 " DOSE. 50100 grams a day as a tonic or stomachic. BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION. A shrub 15-20 high with com- pound trifoliate leaves with long petioles ; leaflets lanceolate, acuminate, smooth, dark green. Calyx of 4 imbricated sepals. Corolla of 4 unguiculate petals, between white and straw color, V long. Stamens indefinite, violet-colored. Ovary unilocular, many-ovuled. Berry spherical with many seeds buried in pulp. HABITAT. Blanco has seen the plant growing in Ilocos and Imus. BIXINEJE. Bixa Orellana, L. NOM. YULG. Atsuiti, Achuiti, Tag.; Achiote, Achuete, Sp.- Fil.; Annatto, Eng. USES. The principal use of the seeds is in cookery and everybody knows the yellow color which Filipino cooks im- part to almost all their dishes. In medicine the fine powder that covers the seeds is used as a haemostatic and internally as a stomachic. On account of the astringent qualities of the coloring matter it is used in some countries to treat dysentery, a fact which suggests its possible therapeutic or rather hygienic usefulness as a condiment. It seems to effect a cure in dysen- tery in the same manner as ipecac. In India, Brazil and the Antilles the natives make a sort of paste of achuete known under the name of roeu. There is a PANGIUM EDULE 33 hard, odorless form of rocu and another soft, unctuous, of a deli- cate red color and an odor rendered highly disagreeable by the urine added to it to keep it soft. Hocu is the preparation of achuete that has been subjected to chemical analysis. Its com- position is as follows : Two coloring matters, bixin (C 28 H 34 O 5 ), of a red color, resinous, soluble in alcohol, ether, alkaline solu- tions and benzine, crystallizing in microscopic laminae, quad- rangular, red, of a metallic violet lustre ; orettin, yellow in color, soluble in alcohol and in water. BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION. A well-known tree growing to a height of 5-7 meters, with leaves alternate, simple, oval, heart- shaped at the base, sharply pointed, glabrous, short petioles. Flowers in panicles. Calyx, 5 rounded sepals, tuberculate at the base, imbricated, caducous. Corolla of 5 rose-colored petals. Stamens very numerous, free, inserted on the receptacle. Cap- sule round, dark red, bristling with stout hairs of the same color. The seeds are covered with a fine, yellowish-red powder. Pangium edule, Reinw. (Hydonocarpus polyandra, Blanco.) NOM. VULG. Pangi, Tag. USES. All parts of this tree are anthelmintic. The seeds, fruit, leaves and bark all possess narcotic properties dangerous to man and the symptoms following an excessive dose are sleepiness, headache, a sort of intoxication or an attack of de- lirium that may end in death. These narcotic properties have been utilized in Java to stupefy the fish in the rivers by throw- ing the bark in the pools and quiet portions of the stream. The juice of the leaves is used in the treatment of chronic skin diseases. In Amboina the natives eat the seeds, the toxic quality of which is removed by brushing and macerating in pure water for a certain time. After such treatment they may be eaten with impunity and an oil may be extracted from them which is useful as a food. BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION. A tree with leaves 5' long, al- 34 THE MEDICINAL PLANTS OF THE PHILIPPINES ternate, ovate, broad, entire, glabrous, palmately nerved. Pet- iole long with 2 persistent lateral stipules. Flowers dioecious, the male ones in panicles, the female solitary. Calyx gamosepalous, dividing unequally when the flower opens. The male flower has a corolla of 5-7 petals, violet-colored, concave, half oval, with pubescent borders ; at its base a flat scale. Stamens free, numerous, thick filaments, anthers bilocular. In the female flower the perianth is the same as in the former, the stamens sterile. Ovary unilocular, with 2-4 parietal placentse with many ovules. Fruit as large as a man's head, with thin woody pericarp and many seeds embedded within its pulp. PORTULACACEJE. Purslane Family. Portulaca oleracea, L. NOM. YULG. Verdolagas, Sp.; Olasiman, Kolasiman, Tag.; Purslane, Eng. USES. The entire plant is edible, in the form of a salad or as a condiment with meat or fish. The leaves are succulent and acid, and the juice expressed from them is used as an eye- wash to remove corneal opacities ; it is also used in superficial erysipelas and other skin affections. The bruised leaves are used as a poultice for abscesses, contusions and on the temples for headache. The juice is given internally to check hemoptysis and in diseases of the lungs and bladder ; the seeds also are used in these complaints. BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION. A plant with prostrate stem. Leaves fleshy, wedge-shaped. Flowers small, sessile, terminal, pale yellow. Calyx of 2 large teeth, deciduous. Corolla, 4-5 petals with a notch at the end. Stamens 9-14. Style of equal length with the stamens. Stigma in 46 divisions. The seed vessel, which dehisces horizontally, contains many small, heart-shaped seeds. HABITAT. It grows in all parts of the islands. GARCINIA MANGOSTANA 35 GUTTIFER-E. Gamboge Family. Garcinia mangostana, L. NOM. VULG. Mangostdn, Sp.; Mangosteen, Eng. USES. The seed of the fruit is astringent and is given inter- nally as an infusion in dysentery and chronic diarrhoea. The decoction is very useful as an injection in leucorrhcea. The following potion has given excellent results to Dr. Ed. J. Waring in chronic dysentery and the diarrhoeas of tropical countries : Dried peel of mangosteen 60 grams. Cumin seed 5 " Coriander 5 u Water 1,200 Boil till reduced to 600 grams. Take 120 grams twice a day. Tincture of opium may be added. An analysis of mangosteen peel by W. Schmidt demonstrated a large quantity of tannin, a resin and a crystallizable principle named mangostin (C 20 H 22 O 5 ) which exists in the form of fine, golden yellow laminae, tasteless, soluble in alcohol, ether and the alkalies, insoluble in water. With the perchloride of iron it gives a blackish-green color, and sulphuric acid colors it red. BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION. The mangosteen grows only in the southern islands of the Archipelago and its delicious fruit is the part of the plant known in Manila. The peel is at the present time almost universally employed in medicine. The fruit is about the size of a small Manila orange, the pericarp a dark red or chocolate color, tough and thick, crowned with the remains of the calyx. On breaking it open the edible portion of the fruit is seen, consisting of 6-18 seeds covered by a white, sweet pulp, cottony in appearance, of a delicious slightly acrid flavor. 36 THE MEDICINAL PLANTS OF THE PHILIPPINES 1. Garcinia venulosa, Choisy. (Cambogia venulosa, Blanco.) 2. G. Cambogia, Desrouss. (Cambogia binucao, Blanco.) NOM. VULG. Binukaw, Tag., applied to both trees, though the first is also called Gatasan puld in Tagalo and Taklag-onak in Pampango. USES. The fruit of the second species, the true name of which is binucaw, is acid and edible. The fruit and the trunk of both species, when cut, exude a gum-resin very much like gamboge which is obtained from the G. morella or G. pedicel- lota, Desr. These gum-resins, however, seem to be much inferior to gamboge ; they contain an essential oil which does not exist in the latter and their color is paler. BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION. The G. venulosa is a tree with leaves opposite, lanceolate, acute, entire and glabrous, the in- ferior surface covered with nervelets which converge at the apex. Petioles short and flattened. Flowers tetramerous. Calyx, 4 persistent sepals. Corolla, 4 petals, overlapping, fleshy, ovate, of the same color as the calyx. Stamens numer- ous ; no filaments ; anthers round and very small. Style very short and thick, stigma peltate, divided into 10 parts. Fruit globose, depressed, no well-marked ridges when ripe. G. Cambogia differs from the foregoing in the leaves which present no nervelets on the lower surface and the fruit which presents 8 angles or rounded ridges. HABITAT. Very common throughout the islands, abound- ing in the mountains of San Mateo and Morong. Blooms in August. Garcinia morella, Desr. NOM. YULG. I do not know the name given by the Fili- pinos to this tree, which Yidal and Soler have seen in Montal- van, Tiwi (Albay) and San Mateo (Province of Manila) ; but it is highly important in medicine as the true gamboge is ob- tained from it. Gamboge Tree, Eng. The Gamboge of the U. S. P. and B. P. is obtained from GARCINIA MORELLA 37 6r. Hanbuni which differs somewhat botanically from G. morella. USES. All parts of the plant contain a thick, yellow, milky juice which constitutes the gamboge. In Malabar, Ceylon, Canara and Singapore the following method of extraction is followed : At the beginning of the rainy season a spiral inci- sion is made around the bark of about half the tree trunk, and a piece of bamboo is fixed in place to collect the juice which slowly exudes from the cut for several months, soon becoming viscid and then solid after contact with the air. One tree, as a rule, yields enough sap to fill three internodal segments of bamboo, each 50 cm. long by 3-5 cm. in diameter. Gamboge is a laxative in doses of 10-15 cgm., produces abundant evacuations with violent colicky pains in doses of 30-50 cgm., and is an irritant poison in large doses. In other words it is a highly energetic hydragogue cathartic, especially indicated when we wish to drain off the fluid element of the blood, as in dropsy, asthma, pulmonary and cerebral congestion. It is also used as a vermifuge. It is rarely given alone, but is combined with calomel, aloes, jalap, rhubarb, etc. It is official in all pharmacopoeias. BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION. A tree 10-20 meters high, with leaves opposite, elliptical, lanceolate, narrowed at both extremi- ties, acuminate, entire, coriaceous, glabrous, 1012 cm. long by 3-4 cm. broad, with short petioles. Flowers dioecious. Male flower axillary, solitary or in groups of 3 6, pedunculate with small bracts. Calyx, 4 sepals. Corolla, 4 petals, orbicu- lar, thick, fleshy. Stamens 30-40, sessile, adherent at the base. Anthers unilocular. Female flower sessile, solitary, axillary, larger than the male ; calyx and corolla equal ; staminodia 20-30, jointed at the base, forming a membranous corolla from the upper edge of which spring a few short filaments which support each a suboval sterile anther. The ovary is superior 38 THE MEDICINAL PLANTS OF THE PHILIPPINES and almost spherical, with 4 cells each containing 1 ovule. The fruit, almost spherical, is 2J cm. in diameter, corticate, bearing at its base the persistent calyx ; each of its 4 cells contains a seed. Ochrocarpus pentapetalous, Blanco. (Tovomita pentapetala, Blanco.) NOM. VULG. Namakpakan, Tagudin, Hoc. (?). USES. An oil expressed from the fruit is used in Ilocos for illuminating purposes. The flowers are astringent and are used in infusion in cases of diarrhoea. The oil of the fruit is also used locally in rheumatism, tumefactions and other painful con- ditions. In some countries of Malaysia the oil is used in the same way especially in beriberi and the periarticular inflamma- tions incident to puerperium. BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION. Straight trunk about 8' in diam- eter, with milky sap. Leaves 1 \' long, sessile, opposite, ovate, expanded, minutely notched and glabrous, with a small downy swelling at the base, superior and glued to the branch. Flowers terminal, in racemes, with opposite pedicels. Calyx white, of 2 rounded leaflets bent downwards. Corolla white, 5 petals (not 4), oval, concave, twice as long as the calyx. Stamens numerous, joined to the receptacle. Filaments slightly longer than the corolla. Anthers oval, 2-celled. Ovary superior, oval. Style longer than the stamens. Stigma peltate, some- times bilobed, sometimes 4-lobed. Fruit about the size of an acorn, oval, fleshy, containing a milky juice ; it is 2-celled and each cell contains a solitary, hard seed ; of these one aborts. HABITAT. It grows near the sea. Blooms in December. Calophyllum Inophyllum, L. NOM. YULG. Palo Maria, Sp.-Fil.; Bitanhol, Tamawian, Dankalan, Dinkalin, Tag.; Dankalan Bitaoy, Vis., Pam., Bik. USES. From the seeds of the fruit there exudes a yellowish- green oil, bitter and aromatic. It is used in some districts for MESUA FERREA 39 illuminating purposes. Its density i& 0.942 and its point of solidification 5 above zero. In India it is used by inunction in rheumatism and in the Philippines locally over the stomach in indigestion and colic. The bark of the tree when incised exudes a green resin of a very agreeable odor, which is used as an application to wounds and old sores. In India it is used in the same way. This resin is fusible and dissolves completely in alcohol. It has been mistaken for the tacamahaca of India, which, however, is a product of the C. calaba, L. Mixed with equal parts of pitch and wax it is applied to the chest as a plaster in bronchitis. A decoction of the leaves is used for purulent ophthalmia in some parts of India and Mauritius. The pounded bark is applied locally in orchitis and epididymitis. We have had occasion to use a mixture of equal parts of the resin with white vaseline spread on linen and applied between the shoulder blades ; in the persistent cough of senile bron- chitis the relief was marked. BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION. A large tree with beautiful, dark green leaves 4-5' long, opposite, entire, large, oval with nerves numerous, fine and perpendicular to the midrib. Petioles very short. Flowers large, white, sweet-scented, axillary, in racemes of 7-9. Calyx white, of 4 sepals. Corolla white, of 4 petals. Stamens numerous, polyadelphous. Ovary rudimentary in the male flower ; unilocular and uniovulate in the female. Style single and large. Drupe superior, with a hard, bony pit, con- taining a thicker, softer substance which envelopes a seed of like consistency. HABITAT. It is found in central Luzon and in the Prov- inces of Tayabas, La Union and Ilocos. Blooms in November. Mesua ferrea, L. (Calophyllum apetalum, Blanco.) NOM. VuLG.Malabukbuk (?), Tag. USES. We do not know to what use the Filipinos put this plant, but in India the sweet flowers are dried and sold in the 40 THE MEDICINAL PLANTS OF THE PHILIPPINES bazars under the name of Nag-Kasar or Nagesur, which is used as a mild stimulant, but especially as a perfume. A dark oil is expressed from the seeds, its density 0.954 and its solidifying point 5 above zero. In northern Canara it is used locally in rheumatism. The incised root bark exudes a resinous sap which is a good bitter tonic. The infusion of the wood is equally good. The dried flowers, finely powdered and mixed with oil or lard make a useful ointment for acute hemor- rhoids. The fruit is acrid and purgative. BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION. A tree with leaves long-petioled, oblong, lanceolate, acuminate, rounded at the base, thick, coria- ceous, upper surface lustrous, lower surface greenish or covered with a waxy, ash-colored powder. Flowers terminal or axil- lary, solitary, yellowish. Calyx 4 imbricated sepals, orbicu- late, slightly pubescent. Corolla 4 persistent petals, wedge- shaped, short, with rounded points. Stamens indefinite, free, in 56 series. Ovary free, 2-celled, each cell containing 2 ovules. Style bilobed. Fruit nearly unilocular, ovate, acumi- nate, encompassed at its base by the sepals, the lower part of the petals, and crowned by the style. Pericarp woody, dehis- cent at the tip by 2-4 valves ; contains 1-4 seeds, slightly or- biculate, coriaceous. HABITAT. Common in the forests. DIPTEROCARPEJE. Dipterocarpus turbinatus, Gaertn. (D. Indicus, Bedd.; D. MayapiSj Blanco.) NOM. VULG. Mdyapis, Tag.; Gurjvn, Kanym, Indo-Eng. USES. This tree yields an oleo resin, used in medicine and known under the name of bdlsamo de gurjun. Other species of Dipterocarpus (D. alatus, Roxb.; D. incanus, Roxb.; D. trinervis, Bl., etc., etc.) produce the same substance. Balsam of Gurjun is a stimulant of the mucous membranes, especially DIPTEROCARPUS TURBINATUS 41 those of the geni to-urinary tract, and is diuretic. It is also in- dicated in bronchial catarrh and as a local application in ulcer. The first to recommend the use of gurjun as a substitute for copaiba was Sir W. O'Shaughnessy in 1838, and in 1852 this property was confirmed by Waring with highly satisfactory re- sults. Dr. Enderson of Glasgow employed it in cases that re- ceived no benefit from copaiba, giving a teaspoonful t. i. d. in emulsion. Dr. Rean also classed it as equal to copaiba in effi- ciency. The daily dose ranges from 520 grams, in liquid or pill. The following is an excellent formula for an emulsion : Cinnamon water 125 grams. Sodium carbonate, crystals 2 " Balsam of gurjun 25 " Syrup of gum 25 " Sulphuric ether 2 " Mix and shake. DOSE. 6-12 large spoonfuls each day, for the declining stage of gonorrhoea. In Burmah they extract the balsam by the following method : A large hole is cut in the trunk of the tree and a fire is built in this cavity and kept up till the wood of the trunk begins to burn, by which time the oleo resin has collected in abundance in the segments of bamboo placed to receive it. When the exudate diminishes, fire is again placed in the cavity and one tree may tolerate 2, 3 or even 4 of these cavities. The exu- date on standing separates into 2 parts ; a solid called " guad " which forms the lower layer, and a supernatant liquid which is the balsam. It is dense, viscid and very fluorescent ; opaque and gray-green by reflected light. It has an odor similar to that of copaiba, is bitter and aromatic. Its density is 0.964. It is soluble in benzine, in bisulphuret of carbon, chloroform, the essential oils and less so in ether and acetic acid. It be- 4 42 THE MEDICINAL PLANTS OF THE PHILIPPINES comes turbid and coagulates if it be kept at 100 for some time and it solidifies at 200 , while copaiba remains liquid at this temperature. A specimen of the balsam examined by Fluckiger con- sisted of 54.44 parts semifluid resin and 45.56 volatile ma- terial. Upon distillation it yields an essential oil, of slight odor, straw-colored ; formula C 20 H 32 (Werner). If purified its density is 0.915. It is soluble in amylic alcohol, scarcely so in absolute alcohol. Hydrochloric acid colors it a beautiful blue. The resin remaining after distillation, dissolved in alcohol 0.838 with the addition of ammonia, yields as a precipitate a crystalline acid (gurjunic acid), C 44 H 64 O g , soluble in alcohol 0.838, in ether, in benzol and bisulphide of carbon. It melts at 220 (Werner), solidifies at 180 and is decomposed at 260. BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION. A very large, handsome tree with leaves about 5 r in length, alternate, ovate, broad and lanceo- late, entire, glabrous and membranaceous. Petioles very short. Flowers terminal, paniculate, handsome, fragrant. Calyx free, 5 lanceolate sepals, of which 2 are slightly longer than the others. Corolla, 5 yellow oblong petals longer than the sepals. Stamens numerous, attached to the receptacle. Filaments very short. Anthers of 2 divisions each ending in a long beard. Ovary half buried in the receptable. A single thick style. Three simple stigmas. Seed vessel of 3 cells, seeds in pairs. HABITAT. In Luzon in the mountains of Tala, Angat and San Mateo ; in Mindanao, Paragua, Balabac and Negros. Blooms in June. MALVACE.2E. Mallow Family. Sida carpinifolia, L. (S. acuta, Burm.; S. stipulata, Cav.; S. frutescens, Blanco.) VULG. Wawalisan, Eskobayhaba, Pamalis, Hic/ot- amalis, Tag., Vis., Pam. ABUTILON INDICUM 43 USES. The root is emollient and bitter. The decoction is used as a lotion for ulcers, and internally as a sudorific and tonic-astringent. The physicians of India prescribe the pow- dered root with milk for fevers and for nervous and urinary diseases. The leaves are used locally in ophthalmia. The juice of the root is employed as a wash for all kinds of sores and ulcers and the juice of the entire plant is given for spermatorrhoea. After experimenting with the root, the com- pilers of the Bengal Dispensatory announced their uncertainty as to whether or not it possessed antipyretic properties ; how- ever, they pronounce it diaphoretic, an exciter of the appetite and an excellent bitter tonic. In Goa the Portuguese consider it diuretic and use it especially in rheumatic affections. The root of S. carpinifolia gives a blue color with the salts of iron. It does not precipitate gelatin and contains asparagin. BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION. A plant 2-4 high with woody, branching stem, leaves alternate, oblong, pointed, serrate, un- der surface neither hoary nor tomentose as in some other species of Sida. Petioles very short, curved near the leaf, 2 stipules near the base. Flowers axillary, solitary. Calyx simple, in 5 parts. Corolla, 5 petals notched obliquely. Stamens nu- merous, inserted on the end of a column. Anthers globose. Styles 5, mingled with the stamens. Stigmas globose. Cells of the same number as the styles, verticillate, with solitary seeds. HABITAT. Common in Luzon, Panay, Mindanao, Paragua, Cebu and Balabac. Abutilon Indicum, Don. (Sida Indica, L.) NOM. VULG. Kuakuakohan, Gilig-giligan, Tag.; labig, Mails, Dulupag, Pilis, Vis.; Malvas de Castilla, Sp.-Fil. USES. The trunk bark is slightly bitter, and in decoction is used as a diuretic. An infusion of the leaves and flowers is used as an emollient in place of mallows. The infusion of the 44 THE MEDICINAL PLANTS OF THE PHILIPPINES root it used for the same effect, as a lotion or injection. I have often had occasion to employ this plant and would never use the Philippine mallow in place of it. BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION. A plant 3-4 high, all its parts covered with hairs, simple and tomentose. Leaves heart- shaped, angular, obtuse, unequally serrate, smooth, soft, the lower surface hoary and bearing 9 well-marked nerves. Pet- ioles longer than the leaves, with 2 stipules at the base. Flowers yellow, axillary, solitary. Peduncles long, with a node near the end. Calyx, 5 sepals, as in all the Malvaceae. Corolla, 5 petals with a small notch at the end. Stamens very numerous as well as the styles. Both arise from the summit of a very short column and twist in all directions forming a tassel or tuft. Fruit much higher than the calyx, of 10-20 cells or carpels which are broad, compressed, hairy, the walls united toward the center, each containing 23 seeds. HABITAT. Common in Luzon, Panay, Mindanao and other islands. Blooms in September. Urena sinuata, L. ( U. morifolia and muricata, DC.; U. multi- fida, Blanco.) NOM. YULG. Kulutan, Kulutkulutan, Molopolo, Tag., Vis., Pam. USES. The infusion of the root is used internally as an emollient and refrigerant ; externally in skin diseases accom- panied by smarting and inflammation. The boiled and pounded leaves are used as a poultice in inflammation of the intestines and bladder. BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION. A spreading plant 4-6 high, with straight stem, leaves cleft at the base, serrate and hairy; the larger ones have 5-6 lobules which subdivide into smaller ones and bear a small gland in the inferior surface of the mid- rib. Petioles short. Flowers terminal and racemose. Calyx double, composed of 5 narrow sepals externally, and 5 colored HIBISCUS ABELMOSCHUS 45 sepals internally alternating with the outer ones. Corolla, 5 petals. Stamens numerous, inserted about a small column. Styles 10, on the end of the column. Stigmas thick, covered with little spheres. Five united carpels, kidney-shaped, brist- ling with short stiff hairs, containing solitary seeds. HABITAT. Common in all parts of the Archipelago. Hibiscus Abelmoschus, L. NOM. VULG. KasMi, Kastio, Kastiogan, Dalupan, Tag.; Marikum, Dukum, Marukum, Marapoto, Vis.; ! Marsh Mallow, Eng. USES. The bruised seeds emit an odor of musk, and for this reason the plant has received the name Kastuli, signifying musk in Sanscrit. They possess antispasmodic and stimulant properties, and the infusion is diuretic. Bonastre 2 analyzed Kastuli seeds as follows : Water and parenchyma 52.00 Gum 36.00 Albumin 5.60 Fixed oil, resin, crystals and odorous principles 6.40 Total 100.00 The fixed oil is greenish-yellow, fluid, but gradually solidi- fying in the air. The crystalline material is white, of an agreeable odor, soluble in ether, where it crystallizes in rays, fusible at 35. The odorous principle is a bright green, non- volatile liquid of the odor of musk. BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION. A plant 5-6 high, the stem hairy and with few branches. Leaves heart-shaped, cleft at the base, with 5 large pointed lobes, serrate, pubescent. Petioles long with two awl-shaped stipules at the base, and a large vio- 1 In the U. S. P. and P. G. Marsh Mallow is a synonym for Althcea offi- cinalis, the root being the part of the plant which is used. 2 Journal de Phar. et de Chim., XX., p. 3811. 46 THE MEDICINAL PLANTS OF THE PHILIPPINES let spot in the axil. Calyx double ; the outer sepals 8-9 iii number, awl-shaped ; the inner ones are larger and separate unequally when the flower expands. Both sets are deciduous. Corolla very large, yellow. Stamens very numerous, inserted around a column. One pistil. Five stigmas. Ovary very large, downy, ovoid, 5-angled, with 5 compartments, each con- taining many kidney-shaped seeds with numerous grooves con- centric at the hilum. HABITAT. Common in all parts of the islands. Hibiscus tiliaceus, L. NOM. VULG. BalibagOj Tag., Pam.; Malabago, Vis. USES. An infusion of the leaves is used as a wash for ulcers and indolent sores. The flowers boiled in milk are used to .re- lieve the pain of earache (Blanco), the warm milk being dropped into the external canal. The powdered bark in dose of 3 grams is emetic (?) (Blanco). BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION. A small tree 6-12 high with leaves 4-6' long, alternate, 7-nerved, cleft at the base, abruptly acute, scalloped, pubescent. Petioles long. Flowers axillary, in panicles of very small flowerets. Calyx double, the outer portion divided into 8-9 teeth, the inner into 5 longer parts. Stamens numerous, inserted about a column. Style 1. Stigmas 5. Ovary of 5 cells, each containing 2 seeds. HABITAT. Abounds in all parts of the islands. Hibiscus Rosa-Sinensis, L. NOM. VULG. Takumgan, Aroganan, Kayaya, Tcipulaga, Gumamila, Tag., Vis., Pam.; Rose of China, Eng. USES. The flowers are emollient and are widely used by the Filipinos as a domestic remedy ; they are bruised and applied to boils, tumors and all sorts of inflammations. The decoction is much used internally in bronchial catarrh for its sudorific effect. THESPESIA POPULNEA 47 The Chinese use the trunk bark as an emmenagogue, calling it Fu-yong-pi. BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION. A small tree about 7 high com- monly called Gumamda in Manila ; the leaves are ovate, acute, with about 5 nerves, serrate from the middle to the apex, hairs growing sparsely on both surfaces, with a small group of dark- colored, deciduous hairs growing on the lower part of the mid- rib. Petioles short with 2 stipules at the base. Calyx double, the outer part divided almost to the base into 6-8 parts ; the inner cylindrical, divided in 5. Corolla large, splendid scarlet- red, often double, on slender peduncles. Styles numerous. Fruit identical with that of the Hibiscus tiliaceus. HABITAT. Universally common in the Philippines. Thespesia populnea, Corr. NOM. VULG. Babuy or Bobuy gubat, Tag. ; Bulakan, Vis. USES. The fruit yields a yellow juice which is used locally in the itch and other cutaneous troubles, after first washing the affected part with a decoction of the roots and leaves. The bark is astringent and is used as a decoction in the treatment of dysentery and hemorrhoids. BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION. A tree of the second order with leaves 4-5' long, sparse, 5-nerved, heart-shaped, broad, acute, entire, glabrous, 6 small glands on the lower face of the base. Petioles of equal length with the leaves. Flowers large, axil- lary, solitary. Calyx double, the outer portion deciduous, con- sisting of 3 small, acute leaflets inserted on the base of the inner calyx ; the inner is bell-shaped, larger than the outer, with 5 inconspicuous, persistent teeth. Corolla four times longer than the calyx, of 5 fleshy, fluted petals, their borders overlapping, much broader above. Stamens very numerous, arranged around and along a column. Filaments long. An- thers of half-moon shape. Style 1, very thick. Stigma cleft in 5 parts, which are twisted in spiral form. Seed vessels 48 THE MEDICINAL PLANTS OF THE PHILIPPINES about the size of a filbert, 5-sided, with 5 apartments each con- taining 5 ovoid seeds attached by separate seed stalks to the central axis of the ovary. Seeds not woolly. HABITAT. Mandaloya Tayabas, Iloilo. Gossypium herbaceum, L. (G. Indicum, Lam.; G. Capas, Rumph.) NOM. VULG. Algodon, Sp.; Bulak, Tag.; Cotton, Eng. USES. The root bark is antiasthmatic, emmenagogue, and according to Daruty l is a substitute for ergot in uterine hemor- rhage. The leaves are used in bronchial troubles and the seeds are sudorific. The negroes in the United States use the root bark in large doses as an abortifacient ; but a dose of 60 grams to 1,200 of water in decoction is proper and useful in treating dysmenorrhoea. For a long time the seeds went to waste but industry has learned to obtain from them a brownish-red oil which is used as a substitute for olive oil, from which it is hard to distinguish it, if the latter is adulterated by mixing the two ; for both have the same density and a very similar odor and taste. For this reason the production of cottonseed oil is very considerable nowadays. It is cheap and excellent for domestic, industrial and pharmaceutic use. The seeds are used in North America in dysentery and as a galactagogue, and the juice of the leaves as an emollient in diarrhoea and mild dysentery. The pulp of the seeds, after the oil is extracted, yields a sweet material called gossypose, which is dextrogyrous and has the formula C 18 H 32 O 16 -f- 5H 2 O. The cotton itself, the part used in commerce as a textile, is also the portion of the plant most widely employed in therapeu- tics ; not only the fiber from this species is used, but also that of others that grow in the Philippines, the G. Barbadense, L. 1 Daruty, loc. cit., p. xxvi. GOSSYPIUM HERBACEUM 49 (nom. vulg. Pernambuko, Tag.), and the G. arboreum, L. (Bulak na bundok, Bulak net totoo, Tag.). Cotton is used extensively in bacteriological laboratories as a filter of liquids and gases. This property possessed by cotton, of retaining in its fibers the germs of the air was utilized by the famous French surgeon Guerin in the treatment that bears his name. The denuded surfaces exposed to infection by air- borne bacteria are completely protected against them when, ac- cording to the Guerin treatment, they are enveloped in large masses of fresh, raw cotton, presumably free from microorgan- isms. To avoid the possibility of infection by the cotton itself, it is now the practice to sterilize it either by means of chemicals such as carbolic acid, iodoform, etc., or by physical means such as high temperatures. Raw cotton is used in compounding gun cotton or explosive cotton, also named pyroxylin, and this is used to make collodion, so extensively employed in medicine. Pyroxylin is made by treating cotton with equal parts of nitric and sulphuric acids, then washing with water till the latter ceases to give a precipitate with chloride of baryta ; then dry in the air. Collodion is made by dissolving 5 grams of pyroxylin in the following mixture : Sulphuric ether, rectified 75 grams. Alcohol at 95 20 " Filter. Elastic collodion : Canada Balsam 1.50 grams. Castor oil 50 Collodion 30.00 Mix. BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION. A plant 2-3 high, of herba- ceous stem, branches sparsely covered with small, black points ; 50 THE MEDICINAL PLANTS OF THE PHILIPPIXKS leaves cleft at their base, with 5 lobules and a small gland on the midrib. Petiole long with 2 stipules at the base. Flowers axillary, solitary. Calyx double ; the outer portion divided in 3 parts, heart-shaped, and each with 59 long, acute teeth. Corolla bell-shaped, of 5 petals, pale yellow or turning rose color, purple at the base. Stamens many, inserted on a column. Stigma in 4-5 parts. Ovary of 3-5 compartments. Seeds en- veloped in the fiber. HABITAT. Batangas, Ilocos. Bombax malabaricum, DC. (B. Ceiba, Blanco.) NOM. VULG. Taglinaw, Bobuy gubat, Tag. ; Talutu, Vis. USES. In India the roots are used to obtain an astringent and alterative effect and form part of a well-known aphrodisiac mixture called Musla-Samul. If the trunk is incised, an astrin- gent gum exudes and this they use in diarrhoea, dysentery and menorrhagia. Dose of the gum 2J-3 grams. BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION. A large tree covered with sharp, conical and tough spines. Leaves alternate, compound, digi- tate, caducous ; leaflets 57 with long common petiole. Flow- ers solitary or in axillary cymes, hermaphrodite, regular. Calyx gamosepalous, cup-shaped, with 5 acute lobules. Cor- olla violet, with 5 deep clefts ; aestivation convolute. Stamens numerous, united at the base in 5 bundles, free above, bearing unilocular anthers. Ovary of 5 many-ovulate compartments, with a style ending in 5 short branches. Capsule woody, ovoid, loculicidal, with 5 valves. Seeds numerous, black, covered with cottony fibers. HABITAT. Angat, Iloilo. Blooms in February. Eriodendron anfractuosum, DC. (Bombax pentandrum y L.) NOM. VULG. Boboy] Tag. ; Doldol, Vis. ; Buldk kastila, Pam. USES. The principal use made of this plant in the Philip- STERCULIA FCETIDA 51 pines is to stuff the pillows with the cotton that it yields. The leaves, pounded with a little water, yield a mucilaginous juice highly prized by the natives as a wash for the hair, mixing it with gogo. The root bark is emetic in dose of 1.25 grm. The cotton yielded by this tree should be used for the same thera- peutic purposes as that of gossypium, and being of an exceed- ingly fine fiber it would give better results. The Filipinos use it to treat burns and sores. I have often used it, being careful always to impregnate it thoroughly with some antiseptic solution. In the treatment of burns it has been my custom to envelope the part in a thick layer of this cotton, after bathing it with a tepid 1-2,000 solution of corrosive sublimate and dusting with a very fine powder of boracic acid. BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION. A tree 40-50 high. Trunk somewhat thorny, the branches horizontal, arranged in stars of 3-4. Leaves compound with 7 leaflets, lanceolate, entire, glabrous. Flowers in umbels of 8 or more flowerets. No common peduncle, the individual ones long. Calyx, 5 obtuse sepals, slightly notched. Corolla, 5 fleshy petals, obtusely lan- ceolate and bent downwards. Stamens 5. Anthers of irreg- ular shape, peltate, with the borders deeply undulate. Stigma in 5 parts. Pod 4-6' long, spindle-shaped. Seeds enveloped in very fine cotton fiber. HABITAT. Exceedingly common in all parts of the islands. Blooms in December. STERCULIACEJE. Sterculia Family. Sterculia foetida, L. (S. polypliilla, R. Br.; Clompanus major, Rumph.) NOM. VULG. Kalumpay, Tag.; Bagar, Hoc. USES. A decoction of the leaves is used as a wash in sup- purative cutaneous eruptions. The fruit is astringent and is 52 THE MEDICINAL PLANTS OF THE PHILIPPINES used in Java as an injection for gonorrhoea. In western India and in the Philippines it is an article of diet. The seeds yield an oil that is used for illumination and as a co- mestible. BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION. A large tree of the first order with digitate leaves of 6-8 leaflets, broad, oval, very acute, tough, glabrous, growing on a long common petiole. No pet- iole proper. Flowers of a foetid or feculent odor, herma- phrodite, in compound racemes. Calyx fleshy, soft pubescent internally, bell-shaped, in 5 parts. Corolla none. Nectary 5- toothed, on the end of a small column. Stamens 15, inserted on the border of the nectary by threes, forming a triangle. Filament almost entirely wanting. In the midst of the sta- mens is visible a small, hairy body of 5 lobules which are the rudiments of the ovaries. The style protrudes and twists downwards. Stigma thick, compressed, of 5 lobules. Fruit, five woody pods, semicircular, joined to a common center, each enclosing many oval seeds inserted in the superior suture. HABITAT. Luzon, Mindanao, Cebu, Iloilo. Blooms in March. Sterculia urens, Roxb. (8. cordifolia, Blanco ; Cavattium urenSj Schott. & Endl.) NOM. VULG. Banilad, Tag. USES. The root bark is pounded up and applied locally in orchitis and in severe contusions with supposed fracture of the bones ; native charlatans pretend to cure the latter condition by this treatment. The trunk exudes a sort of gum, which with water forms a sort of colorless, odorless gelatin which dissolves at the boiling point. I do not know to what use this gum is applied in ther- apeutics, but it is often found mixed with the Senegambian gum acacia. KLEINHOVIA HOSPITATA 53 BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION. A tree with leaves bunched, 7- 9- veined, heart-shaped, ovate, broad and entire, glabrous upper surface, short white down on lower surface. Petioles of same length as the leaves. Flowers small, yellow, numerous, polyg- amous, growing in large, terminal panicles covered with a fine, sticky down. Calyx bell-shaped, 5 acute papyraceous divi- sions, each bearing a small gland near its base. No corolla. Stamens 10, united in a column, the upper ends free. Five pods joined at one point, half-moon shaped, with woody shell, glabrous within and with a short down on the outer surface. Three or four kidney-shaped seeds, the testa thin and crusta- ceous. HABITAT. Cebu, Iloilo. Kleinhovia hospitata, L. NOM. YULG. Tanag, Tag., Vis.; Hamttanago, Vis.; Pan- ampat, Pam.; Bttnog, Hoc. USES. The decoction of the leaves is used, according to P. Blanco, to cure the itch. It is also used locally in all forms of dermatitis, and the tender leaves and sprouts are cooked and eaten. BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION. Tree 25 high or more, with leaves alternate, heart-shaped, pubescent, almost entire. Petioles long with 2 stipules at the base. Flowers red, axillary, in large panicles. Calyx, 5 sepals, almost linear. Corolla the same size as the calyx, 5 linear petals, the lower shorter and curved. Nectary bell-shaped, of 5 parts, each 3-toothed ; set on a col- umn ; at its base a wavy fringe with dentate edge. Stamens 15. No filaments. Anthers seated on the 15 teeth of the nec- tary. Ovary within the nectary, 5-angled, 5 apartments each containing an almost spherical seed. HABITAT. Luzon, Mindanao, Panay, Cebti, Jolo. Flowers in March and September. 54 THE MEDICINAL PLANTS OF THE PHILIPPINES Helicteres Ixora, L. (H. chrysocalyx, Miq.; H. Roxburghii, G. Don.) NOM. YULG. (?); Indian Screw Tree, Eng. USES. I am ignorant of the use that the Filipinos make of this plant, though it is very possible that they do not employ it at all in medicine, which is usually the case with those plants to which they have given no name. In India the peculiar spiral form of the fruit has suggested its application, according to the theories of the doctrine of symbolism. Ainslie says that the Hindoos use it to treat diseases of the external auditory canal. On account of its emollient properties and probably on account of its twisted form, it is used internally as a decoction, in flatulence and the intestinal colic of children. It is indis- pensable in the marriage ceremonies of the caste of Vaisya, among whom it is customary for the groom to wear on his wrists in the form of bracelets, strings of this fruit combined with that of Randia dumetorum. The root yields a juice which is employed in skin diseases, in abscess, and in cardialgia. In Jamaica the juice of the leaves is sometimes used for constipation. BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION. A small tree with leaves alter- nate, simple, entire, irregularly nerved or veined at the base, petiolate. Flowers of a handsome red color, hermaphrodite, regular, axillary. Calyx gamosepalous, tubular, of 5 parts. Corolla, 5 free petals slightly dentate at the point. Stamens numerous, united on a free column on the cusp. Compound nectary of 5 unilocular, many-ovuled ovaries. Styles 5, joined at the base. Fruit of 5 carpels, thin, twisted on themselves in spirals, forming a cone, pubescent, of a greenish-brown color, each containing a single row of angular seeds. HABITAT. Luzon, Pan ay. THEOBROMA CACAO 55 Abroma fastuosa, R. Br. (A. angulata, Lam.; A. communis, Blanco ; A. augusta, L.) NOM. VULG. Anibog, Tag.; Anabo, Vis.; Perennial Indian Hemp, Eng. USES. The root bark is used in India as an emmenagogue in the congestive and neuralgic forms of amenorrhoea. It seems to act as a uterine tonic. The dose is 2 grams of the juice of the fresh root mixed with pepper which also acts as a carmina- tive and stomachic. BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION. A shrub 3-4 meters high with hairy branches. Leaves opposite, oval, oblong, serrate, tomen- tose. Flowers purple, solitary, terminal. Calyx, 5 sepals. Corolla, 5 petals. Stamens 5, united in the form of a tube. Ovary sessile, with 5 many-ovuled compartments. Styles 5, united in the form of a tube which divides into 5 stigma-bearing branches. Capsule membranous, 5-angled, truncate, dehiscent at apex. Seeds albuminous, covered with filaments of cotton. HABITAT. San Mateo, La Laguna, Batangas, Iloilo. Theobroma Cacao, L. NOM. VULG. Cacao. USES. The roasted bean ground with sugar constitutes chocolate, one of the most generally used foods of the Philip- pines. It is very nutritious by virtue of the fat and sugar it con- tains, but all stomachs do not bear it well and its use is the unsuspected cause of much dyspepsia. The custom of drink- ing it very hot and following with a large quantity of cold water is a very common cause of dilatation of the stomach in the Philippines. The seed of the cacao contains several substances : cacao butter, albumin, theobromine, starch, glucose, gum, tartaric acid, free or combined, tannin, and mineral sub- stances. Of these the butter and theobromine are the most im- portant. 56 THE MEDICINAL PLANTS' OP THE PHILIPPINES Theobromine (C 7 H 8 N 4 O 2 ) is a weak alkaloid, crystalline, slightly bitter, slightly soluble in cold water, more soluble in hot water, less soluble in alcohol and ether ; stable in the air up to 100 ; sublimes without decomposition at 290 in micro- scopic crystals of the form of rhomboid prisms ending in an octohedric point (Keller). This alkaloid is very little used in therapeutics and its physiological action is said to be analogous to that of caffeine but weaker. It is better to use the salt of the alkaloid, and that most frequently employed is the salicylate of soda and theobromine in doses of from 2 to 6 grams daily in solution or pill. Lately, however, Dr. Gram has maintained that theo- bromine is a powerful diuretic operating when other diuretics fail and further that this effect is produced without injuring the heart. The double salt is non-toxic, though sometimes in ex- ceedingly weak patients it produces vertigo. Dr. Gram ad- ministers 6 grams a day in one-gram doses. Cacao butter is a white substance, slightly yellowish, unctu- ous to the touch, brittle ; with the agreeable odor peculiar to cacao, and a sweet and pleasant taste. Its density is 0.961, it melts at 30-33, and solidifies at 25. It dissolves in 20 parts of boiling alcohol, in 100 parts of cold alcohol and in twice its weight of benzin. Cacao butter is obtained by grind- ing or mashing the roasted seeds in a hot apparatus and mix- ing the mass Avith a fifth or tenth of its weight of boiling water. It is then pressed between two hot iron plates and the butter thus obtained is refined by boiling water. It is then put aside in earthen pans, or still better, in moulds, where it solidifies. It does not easily become rancid and, for this reason, enters into the composition of many ointments and pomades, or is used alone. It serves as the base for suppositories and is, finally, a highly valued cosmetic. A common substitute is made by mixing oil of almonds, wax and animal fat. Before going further let us describe the composition of THEOBROMA CACAO 57 Spanish chocolate according to the French chemist Bous- singault : Cane sugar 41.40 grams. Cacao butter 29.24 " Starch, glucose 1.48 " Theobromine 1.93 " Asparagin a trace Albumin 6.25 " Gum 1.42 " Tartaric acid 1.98 " Tannin and coloring matter 0.022 " Soluble cellulose 6.21 Ash 2.34 Water 4.36 " Undetermined material 3.27 " 100.00 BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION. A small tree about 10 high, with leaves broad, 6-12' long, hanging or drooping, lanceolate, entire, and somewhat pubescent on both surfaces. Petioles very short with 2 deciduous stipules at the base. Flowers in clusters on the roots, trunk and branches. Peduncle very long. Nectary divided in 5 parts, straight, awl-shaped and 2-nerved. Calyx, 5 sepals. Corolla, 5 petals curved upward in the form of a bow as far as the middle, where they form a hollow with two little horns ; then curving downwards, then upwards, widening at the end, the edge finely dentate. Stamens 5, in- serted on the nectary, and alternating with the lobes of the lat- ter. Anthers 2 on each filament, concealed in the hollows of the petals. Ovary globose. Style awl-shaped. Stigma cleft almost to the middle, 5-parted. Fruit broad, spindle-shaped, 4' or more long, dark reddish, warty, 10-ribbed, with 5 com- partments each containing many compressed, ovoid seeds. HABITAT. Common in orchards and gardens throughout the islands. 5 58 THE MEDICINAL PLANTS OF THE PHILIPPINES GERANIACEJE. Geranium Family. Oxalis corniculata, L. (0. Acetosella, Blanco.) NOM. VULG. Taigan dogd, Susokayoli, Tag.; Darasig, Vis.; Malabalugbug dagis, Ayo, Kongi, Yayo, Para.; Indian Sor- rel, Eng. USES. The part of the plant used in medicine is the leaf which is acid by virtue of the potassium oxalate which it con- tains. The decoction is used internally as an antipyretic in fevers and in dysentery. Mistaking the properties of the plant it is given for vesical calculus which, if composed of oxalates, would be increased instead of diminished by the treatment. In fact the salt of sorrel in the leaves contains a large quan- tity of oxalic acid mixed with potassium oxalate. In China, India and the Philippines the entire plant is used as an anti- scorbutic. The cold infusion of the leaves is given internally in doses of from 30 to 60 grams, but it is not a medicine to be given in- discriminately, because in addition to its power of adding to the bulk of calculi of the oxalates, the contained potassium oxalate is poisonous in doses of 25 to 30 grams. If a concen- trated solution is taken, it operates as a corrosive poison, produc- ing violent pains in the stomach, vomiting, faintness and great weakness. If the solution is dilute its absorption is rapid and it operates very energetically. When a patient is poisoned by a concentrated solution, the stomach-pump is contraindicated, be- cause the mucous membrane of the organ is corroded and ulcer- ated ; if by a dilute solution, use the pump to remove as much of the poison as possible. The best antidote is a watery solu- tion of a soluble salt of lime, i. e., the saccharate, which forms an insoluble salt with oxalic acid. The juice of the leaves is an antidote for the Datura (Stra- monium). In India they make a decoction of the plant, mix BTOPHYTUM SENSITIVTJM 59 it with onion juice and apply it to the head as a fomentation in hemicrania. BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION. A plant 1 high, with a creep- ing, glabrous stem, leaves horizontal, ternate with common long petiole. Leaflets sessile, obcordate, with downy borders. Flowers axillary or terminal, from 1 to 3 in number on a com- mon long peduncle. The pedicel is also long. Calyx common to the family. Corolla, 5 petals ending in small claws. Sta- mens 10, monadelphous, the 5 shorter ones bearing each a small gland on the outer surface of the base. Ovary large, fluted. Styles 5, short. Stigmas hemispherical. Seed vessel pyram- idal, containing many seeds enveloped in an elastic aril by which they are ejected when the fruit opens. HABITAT. Abundant in Luzon, Panay and Cebu. Biophytum sensitivum, DC. (B. cumiagianum,, Turcz. ; Ox- alis sensitivum, Blanco.) NOM. YULG. Makahiya, Damoghiya, Tag. ; Mahihiin, Hoc. USES. A decoction of the leaves is used internally as an expectorant. The bruised leaves are used as an application to wounds and contusions. In Java the decoction is used inter- nally in asthma, phthisis and snake bites. The peculiar property which this plant possesses of closing its leaves when touched, has caused the natives of India to attribute to it mysterious virtues. Symbolism has determined its therapeutic application and the Hindoos pretend that it en- dows with delicacy and modesty women who lack these virtues and that it restores virginity. BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION. A plant about 7' high. Stem straight, nodose and without branches. Leaves abruptly pin- nate, the place of the odd leaflet taken by a stylet. The leaf- lets nearly linear with a small point at the apex, 1113 pairs, 2 stipules to each pair. Common petioles long, cleft at the base and disposed in whorls around and on the end of the stem. 60 THE MEDICINAL PLANTS OF THE PHILIPPINES Flowers sessile, verticillate, on the ends of several very long peduncles which rise from the midst of the petioles. Calyx, 5 sepals. Corolla, 5 petals, clawed, rounded at the end and slightly notched, forming a tube. Stamens 10, free. A small gland on the outer surface of the base of each short stamen. Styles 5. Seed vessels ovate, 5-angled, containing many seeds. HABITAT. Common in all parts of the islands. Averrhoa Bilimbi, L. NOM. VULG. KamiaSj Kalamias, Tag.; Kilingiwa, Vis.: PiaSj Hoc. USES. The small fruit of the camia springing from the branches and trunks of the trees is widely known in the Phil- ippines, where they eat it green, pickled, and in salad; and when ripe fresh and preserved. Its qualities and therapeutic applications are the same as those of the following species. BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION. A tree 4-5 meters high with odd- pinnate leaves. Leaflets 12 pairs, ovate, linear, acute, soft and downy. Flowers small, pinkish or purplish, on trunk and branches. Stamens 10, five alternately longer. Pistils diver- gent. Fruit oblong, obtuse at the end, with five broad ribs. HABITAT. Very common throughout the islands. Averrhoa Carambola, L. NOM. VULG. Bilimbin, BalimMn, Tag. USES. The common name of this tree, whose fruit is so common, causes it to be confused with the name which Lin- naeus gives to the former species. Balimbin is a fruit of an acid taste, agreeable when ripe, serving the same uses for food as the camia. Its acidity is due to the presence of oxalic acid, which makes the green fruit useful for removing ink and rust stains from clothes. The juice of the fruit is refreshing and is given internally mixed with water and sugar as a refreshing drink in RUTA GRAVEOLENS 61 fevers and as an antiscorbutic. For the latter the ripe fruit is eaten uncooked. In Mauritius the juice is used to treat dysentery and hepa- titis. Padre Blanco says that the natives use a decoction of camias and unthreshed rice in diarrhcea and bilious colic. In connection with the subject of camias and balimbins we should mention the fruit treatment of the bilious diarrhcea of the tropics, spoken of by the French physicians of Cochin China. Dr. Van der Burg of the Dutch Indies also strongly recom- mends the treatment of diarrhcea by fruits ; in temperate regions using fruits like peaches, pears, etc., and in the tropics, lychies, mangosteens, etc. In regard to the mangosteens we must not forget that, while the bark is given because of the amount of tannin it contains, the composition of the pulp is very different. The fruit acids seem to exercise great influence in the cure of this obstinate disease and I do not hesitate to recommend for this purpose the camia and the ripe balimbin. BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION. A tree much like the former. Leaves odd-pinnate. Leaflets, 3-4 pairs, obliquely ovate, acute, the terminal leaflet nearly lanceolate. Flowers on the trunk, branches and in the axils of the leaves. Fruit oblong, with 5 very prominent acute-angled ribs. HABITAT. It grows, like the former plant, in all parts of the islands. RUTACEJE. Eue Family. Ruta graveolens, L. (L. angmtifolia, Pers.) NOM. VULG. Rudu, Sp.; Rue, Eng. USES. The rue of the European, American and Indian pharmacopoeias is emmenagogue, antispasmodic, anthelmintic, excitant, diaphoretic, antiseptic and abortive. It contains an essential oil, and rutinic acid (C 2 .H 28 O 15 , Borntrager), starch, gum, etc. The essential oil is greenish-yellow, thick, acrid and 62 THE MEDICINAL PLANTS OF THE PHILIPPINES bitter; specific gravity 0.911. It boils at 228, is slightly soluble in water, and soluble in absolute alcohol. It is promptly oxidized by nitric acid, and is converted into pelar- gonic acid and other fatty acids. Rutin (or rutinic acid), according to Weiss, is a glucoside which exists in the form of fine needles, bright yellow in color. It is slightly soluble in cold water and more so in boiling water. It melts at 190, and solidifies at freezing point, forming a resinous mass. Its physiological properties are as yet unknown. The part of the plant employed is the leaves, which owe their property, apparently, to the essential oil they contain, from which they also derive their strong and disagree- able odor and their bitter, acrid and nauseous taste. It is used principally as a uterine stimulant or emmena- gogue, for which purpose it is given in doses of 0.100.15 cen- tigrams of the freshly powdered leaf and 0.05-0.10 centigrams of the fresh leaves infused in a liter of water. The dry pow- der of the leaf should not be used because the essential oil vol- atilizes and a large proportion of it is lost, which is the most active principle of the drug. It is an agent which should be pre- scribed with the greatest prudence for large doses are poison- ous even to the point of causing death. The symptoms following such doses are colic, vomiting, bloody diarrhoea and tenesmus. It is also used as an antihemorrhagic after childbirth, but its action is slow, not being felt for several hours after the admin- istration of the drug ; for this reason it cannot take the place of ergot, though it seems to be superior to the latter in passive hemorrhages. The essential oil is given internally in doses of 2-6 drops on a piece of sugar. It is sometimes used as an an- tispasmodic in hysteria, epilepsy and chorea. The Chinese make extensive use of this drug and it is one of their principal abortives. In Hindostan the dried leaves are burnt and the smoke inhaled as a cure for catarrh in children. They are careful not to administer it to pregnant women. XANTHOXYLUM OXYPHYLLUM 63 BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION. A plant, 1 meter high, with leaves alternate, compound, the inferior ones 2 3-cleft ; leaflets narrow, oblong, slightly fleshy. Flowers greenish-yellow, hermaphrodite, arranged in corymbose terminal cymes. Co- rolla, 4-5 free, concave petals. Calyx deeply divided, persist- ent. Stamens 8-10, free, in two whorls, inserted beneath a thick disc. Ovaries 5, unilocular, many-ovuled. Styles 5, first free, then united, forming a column terminating in a small stigma. Follicles 5, united at the base, 1 centimeter long, free superiorly, hard, rounded, rugose, opening on top. Seeds ovoid, angular, blackish, albuminous. HABITAT. Common everywhere in the Philippines. Xanthoxylum oxyphyllum, Edgew. (X. violaceum, Wall.; Fagara piperita, Blanco.) NOM. VULG. Kayutana,; Tag.; Salay, Saladay, Vis. USES. The trunk bark is stimulant and is used as a sudor- ific in the treatment of fevers. The fresh bark is quite irritat- ing, for which reason it is best to use bark taken from the more mature parts of the trunk, powdered and desiccated. The dose is J-2 grams 2-3 times a day. Its stimulating properties render it useful in colic and in India it is used as a sto- machic and digestive. Is seems also to possess diuretic prop- erties. BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION. A tree 30-35 high, with trunk thickly set with large spines. Leaves odd-pinnate. Leaflets ovate, acute, obtusely serrate, small transparent vesicles on the surface, spines on the midrib and common petiole. Calyx very small, monophyllous. Corolla twice as large as the calyx, 4 petals. Stamens 4, inserted on the receptacle, the same length as the petals. Ovary superior, 4-angled. No style. Stig- mas 2. HABITAT. Batangas, Morong, Manila. 64 THE MEDICINAL PLANTS OF THE PHILIPPINES Murraya exotica, L. (M. paniculata, Jack.; Connarus foe- tens, and C. santaloides, Blanco.) NOM. VULG. Kamunig, Tag. USES. The leaves are stimulant and astringent, and are used in infusion (15 grams, to water one liter) to treat diarrhea and dysentery. The root and trunk barks are used for the same treatment and they as well as the leaves owe their properties to an essential oil and a bitter principle present in all parts of the plant. Vry has demonstrated the presence of a glucoside which he has named murrayin (C 18 H 22 O 10 ) ; it crystallizes in small, white needles, is slightly bitter, soluble in hot water and alcohol, insoluble in ether, slightly soluble in cold water. It melts at 170, and dissolves in alkaline solutions coloring them green. Boiled in dilute acids it splits into murrayetin and glu- cose. Murraydin (C 12 H 12 O 10 ) crystallizes in white needles, in- odorous, tasteless, slightly soluble in cold water and in ether, soluble in hot water and alcohol. Heat destroys its green color in solutions ; alkalies, in the presence of cold, increase it. The leaves and the bark of the plant contain an essential oil. The foregoing description of this species applies equally well to the following species. BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION. A small tree 12 high with leaves alternate, odd-pinnate. Leaflets lanceolate, almost en- tire, rigid with small dots on each surface. Flowers in axil- lary, very short, compound racemes. Calyx very small, mon- ophyllous, 5 lanceolate lobules. Corolla much longer than the calyx, 5 lanceolate petals. Stamens 10, joined, but not entirely united at the base ; 5 alternate stamens longer than the others. Anthers sessile, regular. Ovary superior, compressed and borne on a disc. Style 1, same length as the stamens. Stigma thick, depressed, apparently 4-angled. Fruit fleshy, ovoid, acute and somewhat curved at the end enclosing a seed with coriaceous, downy testa. CITRUS ACIDA 65 Murraya Koenigi, Spreng. (Bergera Koenigi, L.; Connarus sp., Blanco.) NOM. VULG. (?) BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION. Leaves alternate, odd-pinnate. Leaflets obliquely ovate, acute, entire and glabrous. The testa of the seed bears no down, and may be divided into two parts. The decoction of the leaves of this species as well as the former is used to allay toothache. Citrus acida, F. (C. notissima, Blanco.) NOM. VULG. Limon, Sp.; Dayap, Tag.:, Lemon, Eng. USES. The essence (essential oil) and juice of the fruit are the parts of the plant used in therapeutics. The essence extracted from the rind is yellow, fragrant, slightly bitter ; density, 0.856 ; boiling point 165. The juice which is turbid and pale yellow in color contains 9^ citric acid, 3 5J& gum and sugar and ^-f^^o inorganic salts. The essence is used to flavor certain pharma- ceutical preparations, and is a diffusible stimulant which may be given internally in doses of 36 drops on a little sugar. The bitter rind is occasionally used in infusion as a stomachic and stimulant. The juice is most commonly used in lemonade, a cooling drink which, used intemperately in the Philippines, is apt to cause gastro-intestinal trouble, so commonly attributed to " irritation," but really the result of a general atony of the di- gestive organs. Lemon juice is also used with very good re- sults as a local cleansing application for sore throat, as well as externally on fetid ulcers. In some forms of malarial fever it seems to have given satisfactory results, administered internally. In many navies lemon juice forms a part of the sea ration as a preventive of scurvy, upon which it exercises a real and noteworthy action. The Danish navy adopted it for this pur- pose in 1770, the English navy followed, then the French and possibly others. The English call it lime-juice, and its pre- 66 THE MEDICINAL PLANTS OF THE PHILIPPINES ventive dose is 3040 grams a day. Its curative dose is 100 150 grams a day. To preserve the lime-juice it was bottled with a layer of oil, which, floating on the surface kept it from contact with the air ; but this process gave it a bad taste as did also the addition of sulphate of calcium, and at present the English add, to each liter of juice, 60 grams of alcohol, which preserves it perfectly. Fonssagrives says that the antiscorbutic action of lemon juice is due rather to the vegetable juice itself than to the citric acid which it contains. BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION. A most familiar tree 11 or more high, trunk with solitary thorns. Leaves ovate, obtuse, acute-toothed, the petiole bearing serrate wings. Calyx 4-6- toothed. Corolla, 4 thick petals. Filaments 10-25 on the receptacle, some joined and bearing 2-3 anthers. Fruit thin- skinned, globular, about 1' in diameter; the rind adheres closely to the pulp. (This fruit closely resembles, if it is not identical with the lime fruit, C. Limetta, or C. Bergamia, Risso, though Gray states that the leaf of the latter has a wingless petiole. J. B. T.) HABITAT. Common to all parts of the islands. Citrus Bigaradia, Hook. f. (C.mUgaris,R,i8SQ; C.aurantium, Blanco.) NOM. YULG. Naranjas del pais, Sp.; Kahd-, Kahil, Tag.; Native Orangey Eng. USES. The rind of the cagel is the so-called bitter orange peel, the best of which comes from Cura9ao and Barbadoes. It is tonic and is used in decoction and in syrup. The infusion of the leaves, 5-10 grams to the liter, is useful as a sedative and diaphoretic in hysterical and nervous attacks ; the infusion of the flowers is similarly used. When distilled the flowers yield a very sweet essential oil called neroli, which is used as a perfume only. BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION. A tree 15-20 high, trunk DECANDRA 67 bearing solitary spines. Leaves medium lanceolate, serrate, the apex notched, petioles winged. Flowers usually solitary. Calyx 4-5-toothed. Corolla 4-5 petals. Filaments joined or separate. Anthers about 20. The fruit, a small orange 2' or more in diameter, the peel closely adherent. The C. aurantium verum or C. reticulata (Blanco) has a yel- low pulp and the rind is readily separated from it, a thin net of fibers intervening. Citrus decumana, L. NOM. VULG. Suha, Lukban, Tag.; Toronjas Penins.; Na- ranjaSj Sp.-Fil. USES. The fruit, which is handsome and large, and the leaves and flowers, are used for the same purposes as those of C. bigaradia. HABITAT. The above species are cultivated in all parts of the islands, and, like the variety C. aurantium venim, H. f. (C. reticulata, Blanco), commonly called naranjita, are among the most abundant of native fruits. -ffigle decandra, Naves. (Feronia ternata, Blanco.) NOM. YIJLG. Malahabuyaw, Tag.; Tabog, Pam., Tag. (A species of Bael-Frnit Tree.) USES. We do not know the medicinal use of this plant in the Philippines. Probably it has none, but we may give those of the species. R. marmelos, Cor., the fruit of which is almost identical with that of our species and is called Bela or Bael in India. The fruit of the Malakabuyaw is ovoid and full of a mucilaginous pulp, aromatic and acid, the same as that of the Bael. The uses of the latter are the following : The pulp acts as an astringent, but it would be more correctly called a tonic of the intestinal mucosa, for it has been experimentally proved that, although it checks diarrhrea, it also acts as a laxative in 68 THE MEDICINAL PLANTS OF THE PHILIPPINES chronic constipation. In both conditions it seems to operate by toning and regulating the functions of the intestine. Martin, an English physician, was the first to call attention to the properties of Bael, and according to Dr. Green one dose of the pulp of the ripe fruit, prepared with sugar and given every morning, is an efficient remedy in the treatment of the dyspepsia of Europeans in India, especially in the form charac- terized by constipation and flatulence. The green fruit is a powerful astringent used by the Hindoos for diarrhoea. In cholera epidemics Dr. Bose advises the daily use of an ice made from the pulp of the ripe fruit, the object being the regulation of the functions of the intestine. The Pharmacopoeia of India contains the following prepara- tions : Mixture. Pulp of the ripe fruit 60 grams. Water 120 " Sugar 60 " Mix, and if desired add chopped ice. This forms a very agreeable drink which has the aroma of the fruit itself, and may be repeated 2-3 times a day. When the fruit is ripe, this preparation is not only astringent in cases of diarrhoea, but possesses the additional property of increasing the appetite. If the patient's stomach is very weak, the preparation may pro- duce vomiting in which event it is necessary to give it in small doses or to employ the extract. Extract of Bad. Pulp of the ripe fruit is placed in a vessel and sufficient water added to cover it. It is then heated and evaporated to the consistency of a soft extract. The dose is 2-4 grams, 2, 3 or 4 times a day. Fluid Extract of Bad. Pulp of Bael 500 grams. Water 3 liters. Rectified alcohol 60 grams. FERONIA ELEPHANTUM 69 The Bael is macerated in a third of the water and at the end of 12 hours the liquid is decanted and another third of water is added ; the maceration is repeated and the same process followed till the last third of water is used. Express the residuum, put all the liquid into one vessel, filter and evaporate till reduced to 800 grams, then cool and add the alcohol. Dose, 48 grams. The fluid extract is less active than the freshly prepared solid extract. According to Dr. G. Bidie, the fruit of the Feronia elephan- tum, Correa (the species that grows in the Philippines), possesses the same properties as Bael. Its leaves are astringent, aro- matic and carminative, and the gum with which the trunk of the tree is covered is a good substitute for gum arabic. BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION. A tree 7-8 meters high, the trunk covered with large, solitary spines. Leaves alternate, ternate. Leaflets lanceolate, scalloped and glabrous, the middle one larger than the others. Calyx 5-toothed. Corolla, 5 thick petals, linear, much longer than the calyx. Stamens 10. Ovary cylindrical. Style and stigma thick. Fruit oblong, more than 3 r long and 2' thick, with a surface irregular with prominences and grooves ; 10 or more compartments, each containing several ovoid, compressed seeds, ending with a woolly tuft. HABITAT. San Mateo, Montalban (Manila) ; Arayat (La Pampanga). Feronia elephantum, Correa. (Murraya odorata, Blanco.) NOM. VULG. Panoan, Pamunoan, Vis. ; Wood-apple, Eng. USES. The pulp of the ripe fruit has an agreeable odor and is edible. In India the green fruit is used as an astringent in diarrhoea and dysentery ; the ripe fruit is given in diseases of the gums and as a gargle. Mir Muhammad Husain states that the ripe fruit is a refrigerant, astringent, cardiac and general tonic, and is very efficacious in the treatment of salivation and ulcers of the throat, strengthening the gums and operating as 70 THE MEDICINAL PLANTS OF THE PHILIPPINES an astringent. A sorbet made of the ripe fruit whets the appe- tite and the pulp is used locally for bites of venomous animals. In the latter case the pulverized bark may be used if the fruit cannot be obtained. The fruit of Ferona is a substitute for Bael (JEgle Marme- los), and is used as such by the English physicians in the hos- pitals of India. The tender leaves have an agreeable aroma similar to that of anise and are used internally in decoction as a stomachic and carminative. The incised trunk exudes a gum which is used in India as a substitute for gum arabic and there is an active trade in this gum in the bazars of Bombay and Calcutta. According to Pereira, it was at one time imported into England from the east of India under the name of gum arabic. It exists in the form of irregular, semitransparent pieces, of a brownish-red color. With water it forms a mucilage as adhesive as gum arabic, and this solution reddens litmus paper. It is dextro- gyrous and is precipitated by the neutral acetate of lead and by caustic baryta. BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION. Tree 3-4 meters high. Leaves fragrant, opposite, odd-pinnate. Leaflets, 2 pairs, lanceolate, entire, and glabrous. Common petiole flattened above. Flow- ers terminal, white, racemose, with 2 flattened peduncles. Calyx inferior, with 5-6 divisions. Corolla, 5-6 petals. An- thers oval. Ovary oblong, 5-lobuled. Style short, caducous. Stigma spindle-shaped. Ovules numerous, compressed, in sev- eral series. Fruit pulpy, globose, with woody rind, one com- partment and many compressed, oblong seeds. HABITAT. Mountains of Augat. Woods of Catugan (Iloilo). SAMADERA INDICA 71 SIMARUBAGE^. Quassia Family. Samadera Indica, Gaertn. (Niota tetrapela, DC. & Blanco ; Manungala pendula, Blanco.) NOM. VULG. Manungaly Tag., Pam., Bicol.; Manunagl, Linatoganak, Palagarium, Daraput, Vis. USES. The wood and seeds contain an intensely bitter prin- ciple. The Filipinos make cups and vases of the wood and allow water to stand in them 6-12 hours, thus preparing a solu- tion of the bitter principle of the plant which they use in various stomach disorders. Vrij has extracted from the seeds a 33 ^ oil of a bright yellow color, composed, according to Oudermans, of 84 parts olein to 16 of palmitin and stearin. The bitter principle contained in the root, wood and bark was discovered by Blunse who named it samaderin ; it is a white, crystalline, foliaceous sub&tance, more soluble in water than in alcohol, fusible. Nitric and hydrochloric acids color it yellow. Sulphuric acid immediately forms a violet red color which disappears as iridescent, feathery crystals are precipi- tated. (D. Beaumentz et Egasse.) The Filipino " herb-doctors " concoct an oil of manungal that in reality contains none of the ingredients of the seeds ; it is simply cocoaimt oil in which chips of the wood have been soaked. They use it in doses of 30-60 grams as a purgative, externally as an application to the abdomen in colic or indi- gestion and with friction in rheumatism or contusions. In India the oil extracted from the seeds is used locally with fric- tion in rheumatism. The decoction of the wood and the powdered wood are given in fevers, in dyspepsia and as a general tonic. IXFUSIOX. Chips of the wood 20 grams. Water . 500 " 72 THE MEDICINAL PLANTS OF THE PHILIPPINES A wineglassful several times a day in cholera, fevers, diar- rhoea, etc. BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION. A small tree, trunk straight, the wood white and very light in weight. Leaves 45' long, alter- nate, acute, oval, entire, glabrous, coriaceous, veined. Petioles very short, no stipules. Flowers in terminal umbels, each com- posed of 4-6 flowerets with moderately long pedicels. Common peduncle, very slender, very long, drooping. Calyx of same color as corolla, inferior, very small, 4-lobuled. Corolla pur- plish, very long, 4 straight, linear petals. Stamens 8, inserted on the receptacle. Filaments of equal length with the petals, with 1-2 appendices at the base. Anthers spiral. Ovary 5- lobuled, borne on small stalk. One style of equal length with the stamens, situated above the center of the 5 lobules of the ovary which develop into 5 future pods. Stigma simple. Fruit 5 woody pods, short, united centrally above a small base, semi- lunar in form, medianly expanded, venate, containing a small wrinkled, kidney-shaped seed attached by a seed-stalk to the superior suture. HABITAT. Very common and well known everywhere in the Philippines. Blooms in February. BURSERACEJE. Myrrh Family. Garuga pinnata, Eoxb. (G. Madagascar ensis, DC.) NOM. VULG. Bugo, Tag. USES. The fruit is slightly acid and edible. The trunk exudes an abundant gum, of the odor of turpentine, translucent, greenish-yellow, forming small masses slightly soluble in alco- hol, soluble in water, with which a mucilage is formed. The juice of the leaves is used for asthma. The sap is used in Bombay to remove opacities of the cornea. There is another species in the Philippines, G. floribunda, Decsne (Idea Abilo, CANARIUM COMMUNE 73 Blanco), abilo, Tag., the root of which furnishes a decoction used for phthisis. This species also produces a gum-resin similar to that of the bugo. BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION. A tree, with leaves alternate, odd-pinnate, without stipules, bunched on the ends of the branches, with opposite, serrate leaflets. Flowers yellowish- white in panicles, compound, polygamous. Calyx bell-shaped, 5-toothed. Corolla, 5 petals. Stamens 10, free, in 2 series. Ovary inferior, 5-lobuled. Fruit, a globose, greenish-yellow drupe with numerous bony seeds. HABITAT. Everywhere in Luzon, Panay and Balabac. Canarium commune, L. (C. album and C. Luzonicum, Blanco.) NOM. VULG. Piliy Tag.; Java Almond Tree, East Indian Elerrdy Eng. USES. The ripe pili nut is edible and sold in confectioneries. It yields a fixed oil, an excellent sample of which was sent by the Manila pharmacist D. A. del Rosario to the Paris Exposi- tion of 1889. "It is an oil very similar to oil of almond and owing to its physical properties may be used as a substitute for the latter for all the requirements of pharmacy. The only inconvenience connected with its use is the slight one that it solidifies at 3 C. It could furthermore be very advantageously used in the manufacture of fine grades of soap." (D. A. del Rosario.) The incised trunk exudes a gum-resin called brea blanca (white pitch) in the Philippines and elemi in Europe. Until recently it was not known in Europe what tree yielded the gum elemi, some authors stating that according to Blanco it was the resin of the Idea abilo, Blanco ( Garuga floribunda, Decsne) ; it is not true, however, that Padre Blanco ever attributed such origin to that product or named his Icica the " pitch-tree." On the contrary in speaking of the Canarium, Blanco states that it yields a resin called " pili-pitch." I do not know the 74 THE MEDICINAL PLANTS OF THE PHILIPPINES reason for this confusion of terms, but presume it to be due to imperfect knowledge of Spanish on the part of those who thus quote Blanco. Pili-pitch, or elemi, as they call it in Manila, is a substance existing in soft masses, slightly yellowish or gray, resembling old honey in appearance. Its odor is strong and agreeable, somewhat like that of lemon and turpentine. Its taste is acrid and bitter. The French pharmacist Meaujean demonstrated in 1820 that elemi contains two resins, one soluble in the cold, and the other in hot spirits of wine. Other chemists, among them Baup, Fliickiger and Hanbury, have found elemi to be composed of a resinous substance and a colorless essential oil ; the proportion of the latter Fliickiger gives as 10J& and further states that it is dextrogyrous. Sainte-Claire Deville found the essential oil levogyrous, a fact that emphasizes the probability of there be- ing different products in the market bearing the name of elemi. Baup obtained several principles from it : (1) A resin, brein, fusible at 187, soluble in cold alcohol, crystallizablein oblique rhombic prisms ; (2) another crystalline substance, bryoidin, soluble in 360 parts water at 10, and melting at 13; (3) a small amount of brMin, a body soluble in 260 parts water and melting at 100-j- ; (4) another resin soluble in boiling alcohol, called amyrin. White pitch is used in the Philippines to make plasters which they apply to the back and breast of patients suffering from bronchial or pulmonary complaints ; it is also applied to indolent ulcers. We believe that elemi possesses the same properties as copaiba, and that its indications for internal use are the same. BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION. A tree 30-40 meters high, with leaves alternate, odd-pinnate ; leaflets opposite, coriaceous. Flow- ers yellowish-white in axillary, compound panicles, hermaphro- dite. Calyx 3-toothed. Corolla, 3 oblong, concave petals. Sta- MELIA AZEDARACH 75 mens 6, inserted on the base of the disc. Ovary free, of 3 lobules each containing 2 ovules. Style simple. Stigma, 3 lobules. Drupe oblong, size of large prune, fleshy, containing a hard, 3-sided pit. HABITAT. Very common in all Philippine woods especially in Camarines. MELIACE^E. Melia Family. Melia Azedarach, L. NOM. VULG. Paraiso (Paradise), Sp.-Fil.; Pride of India, China Tree, Eng. USES. The root was official in the U. S. P., 1880, as an anthelmintic ; it is administered in the following form : Fresh root bark 120 grams. Water 1 liter. Boil till reduced one half. DOSE. For a child 1 soup-spoonful every 15 minutes till nausea is produced. In view of the narcotic effects produced by this drug, the foregoing method of administration seems to us imprudent ; we prefer to give 30-70 grams of the decoction and follow with a purgative such as castor oil. This drug is also tonic, febrifuge and astringent, and a de- coction of its leaves and flowers is used as a wash for ulcers. Some believe that the leaves and fruit contain toxic principles, which may well be true considering the effects of large doses of their preparations. It has also been observed that the bark collected in March and April may cause dilatation of the pupil, stupor, etc.; this may be explained by the fact that at this sea- son the sap is rising in the tree and the bark contains an in- creased amount of active ingredients. The fruit yields a fixed oil, and by fermentation and distil- lation produces alcohol. 76 THE MEDICINAL PLANTS OF THE PHILIPPINES The root bark referred to is bitter and nauseous, if taken from the superficial roots the part usually employed ; the bark of the deeper parts is astringent by virtue of the con- tained tannin. Jacobs analyzed the bark and isolated an amorphous resin of yellowish color and very bitter taste. It is soluble in alcohol, ether and chloroform, slightly soluble in sulphuret of carbon, insoluble in turpentine or benzin. He believes that it is the active principle of the root, and produces the anthelmintic ac- tion already mentioned ; the proper dose is 0.20 centigrams to a child of 4 years, followed by a purge of calomel. BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION. A tree, 30-40 high, with leaves alternate, compound, odd-pinnate ; leaflets opposite, ovate, pointed, dentate. Flowers in large axillary compound panicles. Calyx, 5 sepals. Corolla, 5 petals, rose-colored within, lilac- colored without. Stamens 10, united into a cylindrical tube, expanded at both ends, the mouth 15-toothed. Anthers in- serted near the apex of the tube, short, fleshy, bilocular. Ovary free, of 5 biovuled cells. Style of equal length with the tube. Stigma button-shaped. Fruit a drupe, about the size of a small olive, yellow when ripe, with a dark brown pit of 5 one-seeded cells. HABITAT. Native of China ; is cultivated in most gardens in the Philippines. Dysoxylum Blancoi, Vidal. (D. salutare, F. Villar ; Turroea virens, Blanco.) NOM. VULG. Ig'iWj Ag'iWj Tcdiatan, Tag. ; Ananagtag, Bakugan, Makasili, Vis. ; Malabagaw, Pam. ; Basiloag, Hoc. USES. The bark of the trunk, dry and finely powdered, is used in doses of 1J-2J grams as an emetic, and, according to Padre Blanco, its effect is very certain. It is also a febrifuge, and Padre Mercado states that it cures "all forms of asthma, suffocative affections of the chest, SANDORICUM INDICUM 77 and griping pains of the belly." He also states that it yields marvelous results in malarial fevers, given during the cold stage in doses of 4-8 grams in water or wine in which it has macerated 12 hours. He also recommends its use before breakfast as an anthelmintic in lumbricoids, and finally attributes to it virtues as an emmenagogue. Padre Blanco calls attention to the species D. sehizochitoides, Turcz. (Turroea octandra, Blanco), Himamaw, Tag., as a sub- stitute for 1). Blaneoi. The Tagalo "herb-doctors" pretend that the part of the bark near the earth is doubly efficacious, for which reason they administer only that portion which is within one meter of the ground, giving it in the doses already mentioned. BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION. Tree 1 6-20 meters high. Leaves glabrous, odd-pinnate, petioles very long ; leaflets entire, oppo- site, short-petiolate, acute, oblique at the base. Flowers in axillary panicles. Calyx, 5 imbricated sepals. Corolla, 5 linear, lanceolate petals united at the base. Staminal tube, 10- toothed and 10-anthered. Ovary 5-celled, each cell contain- ing two ovules. Style somewhat longer than the stamens. Stigma thick and depressed. Seed vessel globose, depressed, somewhat downy, 5-angled ; with 5 compartments each contain- ing 2 seeds. HABITAT. Batangas and Laguna. Sandoricum Indicum, Cav. NOM. VULG. Santolj Tag. USES. The santol is doubtless one of the best known fruits in Manila. The most savory portion is the center, which con- sists of seeds covered with a white pulp of a delicious flavor in the ripe fruit of good quality. The fleshy covering is edible only in the center of the fruit and only a very thin layer of that, the rest having very little flavor. The whole fruit is used in making a confection often prescribed as an astringent. 78 THE MEDICINAL PLANTS OF THE PHILIPPINES Padre Mercado compares it very appropriately to the quince. The root of the santol is aromatic, stomachic and astringent, by virtue of which latter property it is used in Java in the treat- ment of leucorrhoea. BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION. A tree, 30-40 high, well known in the islands. Leaves ternate ; leaflets 4-5' long, half-ovate, obtuse, entire, stiif and downy, the middle one elliptical. Flowers in panicles. Calyx 5-toothed. Corolla much longer than the calyx, 5 greenish petals, linear and curved downwards. Nectary a cylindrical tube attached to the corolla for half its length, mouth 10-toothed, containing 10 sessile anthers. Style somewhat longer than the stamens. Stigma 5-parted. Fruit about size and form of a small apple, thick, brown, pericarp indehiscent, 5 or more one-seeded compartments. HABITAT. Grows in all parts of the islands, commonly along the roads. Carapa Moluccensis, Lam. (Xylocarpus granatum, Blanco.) NOM. VULG. Tabigi, Nigi, Kalumpag sa lati, Tag.; Migi, Pam. USES. The seeds contain a yellow oil, bitter and astringent, with a characteristic odor, having a taste somewhat resembling the odor. In decoction they are used for diarrhoea and dysen- tery, on account, doubtless, of the tannin they contain. The dose is 12 seeds dried, pounded and infused with 200 grams of sweetened water. The bark, also bitter, is said to be useful in fevers. In America they extract an oil from the species of the C. Guianensis, Aubl., with which the negroes anoint themselves to keep away stinging insects. Wood soaked in this oil is also proof against insects. BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION. This tree, 20 high, grows in swampy districts. Leaves opposite, abruptly pinnate. Two pairs of wedge-shaped leaflets, entire and glabrous. Petiole CEDRELA TOON A 79 very short. Calyx inferior, 4-5-toothed. Corolla, 4-5 con- cave petals, slightly notched at the end. Nectary notched, ovate, 8-9-toothed. No filaments. Anthers equal in number to the teeth of the nectary and inserted between them. Ovary very thick, globose. Stigma shield-shaped. Drupe globose, resembling a very large orange, 5 chambers, each containing 1, 2 or more seeds, convex on one side and concave on the other, angular and much crowded. Testa hard and porous. HABITAT. Common throughout the Archipelago. Cedrela Toona, Roxb. (C. odorata, Blanco.) NOM. VULG. KalantaSj Tag., Pam.; Lanigpa, Vis. USES. The infusion of the flowers is antispasmodic. The trunk bark is an excellent astringent, and Dr. Waitz recom- mends it in extract as a treatment for infantile diarrhea, for which I also have found it very useful. Blume says that it contains marked antispasmodic virtues, and Dr. G. Kennedy confirms it. Other physicians of India, among them Ros and Newton, have recommended the bark as a substitute for cin- chona, given dry in doses of 30 grams. INFUSION. Bark dry, pounded 30 grams. Water ..150 Filter and add : Syrup of cinnamon 20 grams. DOSE. Several dessert-spoonfuls a day. The powdered bark is very useful as an application to indo- lent ulcers which it instantly deodorizes ; like powdered quinine it is used in the treatment of superficial gangrene. BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION. A large tree. Leaves odd-pin- nate. Leaflets oval, lanceolate, acuminate, entire, glabrous, 5- 6 pairs. Flowers yellow, in terminal panicles. Calyx 5- toothed. Corolla, 5 oblong petals. Stamens 5, free, inserted on the apex of a disk. Ovaries sessile, 5 many-ovuled cells. 80 THE MEDICINAL PLANTS OF THE PHILIPPINES Style short. Stigma on a disk. Seed vessel coriaceous, 5 compartments, septicidal, 5-valved. Seeds compressed, pendu- lous, prolonged in a membranous wing. HABITAT. Very common in the islands. CELASTRACEJE. Staff-Tree Family. Celastrus paniculata, Willd. (C. alnifolia, DC.; C.Rothiana, Roem.; Diosma serrata, Blanco.) NOM. VULG. Bilogo, Tag. USES. I am not acquainted with the medicinal uses of this plant in the Philippines. In India, by means of a primitive system of distillation, they extract from the seeds a dark-col- ored oil of empyreumatic odor, which under the name of Oleum nigrum was once proclaimed by Dr. Herklots as the sovereign remedy for beriberi. This oil in doses of 10-15 drops a day is a very powerful stimulant, the action of which is manifested by profuse perspi- ration several hours after its administration. Malcolmson re- ports that it has given him good results in several cases of beriberi, particularly in recent cases and those in which nerv- ous and paralytic symptoms predominated. In Coucan, the juice of the leaves is given in doses of 30 grams as an antidote for opium. The bruised seeds made into a paste with cow urine are used locally in treatment of itch. They are also used in the treatment of leprosy, gout, rheumatism, and other diseases which according to their medical theories, are derived from "cold humors. " For these purposes they give the seeds internally, beginning with one and increasing daily until 50 are taken. At the same time they make external applications of the oil or of another compound prepared in the following way : Place in an open pot with one opening, seeds of C. panicu- lata, cloves, benzoin, nutmeg and mace. The pot having been ZIZYPHUS JUJUBA 81 previously heated, is covered with another, inverted over the opening. On the sides of the latter a thick black oil condenses which Herklots very appropriately named Oleum nigrum. BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION. A climbing shrub, 6-9 high, without spines. Leaves 6-7 ' long by 5' broad, alternate, pet- iolate, entire, glabrous, half-ovate. Flowers small and panicu- late. Calyx, 5 divisions. Corolla, 5 petals. Stamens 5, in- serted in a disc. Anthers oblong. Ovary 3-celled. Stigma 3-lobulate. Style short. Seed vessel the size of a pea, globose, 3-celled, loculicidal, with pulpy seeds. HABITAT. Tayabas, Laguna, Ilocos North, San Mateo, Albay. Flowers in April. RHAMNACE^I. Buckthorn Family. Zizyphus Jujuba, Lam. (Rhamnus Jujuba, L. & Blanco ; Z. Mauritania, Wall.) NOM. VULG. Manzanitas, Sp.-Fil.; Jujube Fruit, Eng. USES. The small fruit known commonly as manzanitas has an agreeable taste, although ordinarily offered for sale before they are quite ripe. They are among the most popular dain- ties at the fairs and festivals in the provinces of Manila and are the only part of the plant used in medicine. They possess emollient qualities and are official in the codex. They enter in the composition of the so-called pectoral remedies (composed of equal parts of figs, dates, Corinthian raisins and manzanitas). BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION. A shrub, with hooked thorns, leaves alternate, petiolate, coriaceous, entire, 3-nerved, 2 thorny stipules, one of them crooked. Flowers small, greenish, axillary. Calyx, 5 oval divisions. Corolla, 5 petals. Stamens 5, free. Ovary bilocutar, situated on the disc. Styles 2-3, divergent ; small papillary stigmas. Drupe pulpy, globose, resembling a crab-apple in size and taste, enclosing a hard, 2-celled seed. HABITAT. Common in all parts of the islands. 82 THE MEDICINAL PLANTS OF THE PHILIPPINES Rhamnus Wightii, W. & Am. (Ceanothus WigUiana, Wall.; R. Carolianus, Blanco.) NOM. VULG. Kabatitij Tag. USES. The dried trunk bark is the part employed in med- icine. Hooper analyzed it in 1888 and found a crystalline principle (0.47 /o), a brown resin (0.85), a red resin (1.15), a bitter principle (1.23), sugar, starch, calcium, oxalate, etc. As the active principles exist in the resins, an alcoholic tinc- ture of the latter is the best preparation for administration. In India it is used as a tonic and an astringent. BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION. A small tree that grows near the sea coast. Trunk 9-12 high, straight, many-branched, de- void of thorns. Leaves alternate, ovate, acutely serrate, glab- rous, short-petioled. Flowers greenish-white, axillary, perfect. Calyx 5-toothed, inversely conical. Corolla, 5 petals, smaller than the teeth of the calyx, oval, without claws, notched at the apex. Disc fleshy, smooth, slightly concave. Stamens 5, hid- den within the petals. Filaments flattened. Anthers rounded. Ovary fleshy, inserted at the bottom of the calyx tube. Style short. Stigmas 3, divergent. Fruit oval, its base adherent to the calyx, 3 seeds. HABITAT. Batangas. Blooms in July and October. ANACARDIACEJE. Cashew Family. Mangifera Indica, L. NOM. VULG. Manga. USES. The dried and pulverized kernel of the seed is used as an anthelmintic in doses of 1J-2 grams both in India and Brazil. The same preparation is used in the Philippines in the treatment of dysentery and diarrhoea and its effect is doubt- less due to the large quantity of tannin it contains. It is ad- ministered as follows : The pounded kernels of 20-25 seeds are MANGIFEKA INDICA 83 brought to a boil in 2 bottles (sic) of water. When the liquid has evaporated a third, it is removed from the fire, cooled, decanted, and again placed on the fire after adding three to four hundred grams of sugar. This time it is allowed to boil till reduced to one bottle. The dose is 50-60 grams 2-3 times a day. In- cisions in the trunk exude a brownish resin which solidifies in the air, is slightly acrid, bitter, dissolves in alcohol and partially in water. In Malabar it is given internally in the treatment of diarrhoea and dysentery, mixing it with white of egg and opium. But the curative value of the combination is more likely due to the albumen and opium than to the resin. Dis- solved in lemon juice it is a useful application in the itch. The trunk bark is astringent and is employed in decoction as a wash for ulcers and eczema and as an injection in leucorrhoea. The fruit is one of the most highly prized in the Philippines, and resident Europeans are able to eat large quantities of it without ill effects unless the fruit is over-ripe, in which case it often causes transient diarrhcea, which should be treated with a mild purge. In Mauritius the following compound powder is used in dysentery : Dried slices of manga fruit 30 grams. Dried manga kernels 60 " Plantain seeds 15 " Dried ginger 8 " Gum arabic 15 " Pulverize each ingredient separately ; add powdered candy sugar 30 " Mix. DOSE. For an adult one dessert-spoonful every 4 hours ; may be given in cange or arrowroot. The flowers, testa and bark are, in Hindoo therapeutics, considered " cold," and " astringent," and are used especially in diarrhcea. In certain throat affections the Hindoos employ 84 THE MEDICINAL PLANTS OF THE PHILIPPINES the burning leaves for inhalation. They also use the gum made by evaporating the juice of the ripe fruit, as a confection and an antiscorbutic. Dr. Linguist recommends the bark as a local astringent in uterine, intestinal and pulmonary hemorrhage and employs the following : Fluid Extract. Fluid extract of manga bark 10 grams. Water 120 " Mix. Dose, 1 teaspoonful every 1 or 2 hours. BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION. A noble tree, 30 to 40 high, dome-like or rotund in outline. Leaves dark green, lustrous, alternate, lanceolate, entire ; short petioles. Flowers racemose, in verticillate panicles. Calyx, 4, 5 or 6 sepals. Corolla white, fragrant, 4, 5 or 6 petals. Stamens 5, of which per- haps 1, 2 or 3 are fertile. Style on one side of the ovary. Stigma simple. Fruit large, reniform, fleshy, yellow when ripe ; contains a large, flattened, reniform pit. Blooms from Janu- ary even till June. The natives force the fruit by building fires under the trees when but little air is stirring. HABITAT. Common throughout the islands. Anacardium occidentale, L. (Cassuvium reniforme, Blanco.) NOM. VULG. Kasuy, Tag.; Caskew Nut, Eng. USES. The pericarp of the nut contains an essential oil which is very irritant and used by the Hindoos as a vesicant ; it severely blisters the lips and tongues of imprudent persons who break the nut without taking the precaution of cleansing it of the oil before opening it. In addition to the oil called cardolj the pericarp contains an especial acid anacardic, a little tannin and ammonia. Cardol (C 21 H 31 O 2 ) is an oleaginous, yel- low liquid very unstable, neutral, soluble in alcohol and ether, insoluble in water, volatile, and vesicant if applied to the skin. " Anacardic " acid is white, crystalline, odorless, with a burn- ing, aromatic taste. It melts at 26 and decomposes at 200 ANACARDIUM OCCIDENTALE 85 forming a colorless oil ; it is not vesicant, burns with a dark flame, and has the odor of rancid oil. A tincture of the pericarp has been made (1 part to 10 of alcohol) and given in- ternally as a vermifuge in doses of 210 drops. Cardol, ac- cording to some authors, does not exercise a vesicant action in the gastro-intestinal canal, because it is not dissolved by the gastro-intestinal juices ; I am sure, however, that I have seen a choleraic diarrhoea brought on by swallowing, in fun, the peri- carp of one nut and a half. Cardol is eliminated by the urine. The kernel is edible and has a very agreeable taste when roasted. By expression it yields a sweet, yellowish oil, density 0.916. The trunk exudes a gum resin in masses varying in color from red to yellow. The fleshy part, called the fruit, is edible but contains a cer- tain quantity of cardol not only evidenced by the odor but by the smarting of the mouth and throat after eating. It is very juicy and the expressed liquid is fermented in Bombay and dis- tilled to make a very weak alcohol which sells for the very low price of 4 annas (5 cents gold) a gallon. This alcohol is again- distilled and a stronger obtained which sells for 1J rupees a gallon. The Portuguese of India make a sort of wine from the fermented juice of the fruit, which, like the weak alcohol we have mentioned, is a well-known diuretic and is used as a liniment. The gum resin of the trunk contains 90J& of anacardic acid and 10J6 cardol. Wood soaked in it is preserved from the ravages of insects, especially of white ants, for which purpose it is used by bookbinders also. Therapeutically it is used ex- ternally in leprosy, old ulcers and to destroy corns, but on ac- count of its rubefacient and vesicant qualities it is necessary to use it cautiously. BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION. A tree, 18 high, with leaves cuneiform, glabrous, stiff, short-petioled. Flowers polygamous in terminal panicles. Calyx with 5 erect segments, imbricated, caducous. Corolla, 5 linear, lanceolate petals, curved and im- 86 THE MEDICINAL PLANTS OF THE PHILIPPINES bricated. Stamens 8-10, all fertile. Filaments united to one another and to the disc. Ovary heart-shaped. Style filiform and eccentric. Stigma defective. Ovule solitary. Fruit a reni form nut enclosed in a pulpy pyriform body, formed by the matured disc and extremity of the peduncle. Seed reniform, testa membranous. HABITAT. Common throughout the Archipelago. Blooms in February. Odina Wodier, Roxb. NOM. YULG. Amugis, Tag. and Vis. USES. The bark is very astringent and in decoction is used for chronic ulcers. In India Dr. Kirkpatrick has used it as a lotion in impetigo. It has also given good results as a gargle in affections of the pharynx and buccal cavity. The trunk exudes a gum called in India " kanni ki gond," an article of commerce. It is almost odorless and has a dis- agreeable taste. It is only partially soluble in water, forming a viscid mucilage. It is used in the treatment of contusions and sprains and is edible when mixed with cocoanut milk. * BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION. A tree, with leaves bunched at the extremities of the branches, oblong, oval, acuminate, odd- pinnate, 3-4 pairs of opposite leaflets. Flowers greenish-white, polygamous, in terminal panicles. Calyx gamosepalous, 4 rounded lobules. Corolla, 4 imbricated petals. Stamens 8, free. Ovary 4-parted. Pistillate flowers ; ovary sessile, oblong, tmi- locular. Style 4-parted, thick. Drupe oblong, compressed, unicellular. Testa hard, with 1 non-albuminous kernel. HABITAT. San Mateo. MO RINGED. Moringa pterygosperma, Gaertn. (M. oleifera, Lamk.; M. poligona, DC.; Gidlandina Moringa, Blanco.) NOM. VULG. Malugay, Kamalugay, Kalugay, Tag.; Dool, Malugit, Vis. and Pam.; Horse Radish Tree, Indo-Eng. MORINGA PTERYGOSPERMA 87 USES. The root is vesicant and the Filipinos bruise it and use it for sinapisms. I have often observed, however, that it is quite painful used in this way. Dr. Waitz states that it is a good plan to add a few drops of the root juice to mustard sin- apisms, a proceeding which seems to me superfluous, especially in the case of children as he advises it. The Bengal pharmacopoeia contains the following official preparations : Compound Spirit. Small pieces of moringa root ) I aa 600 grams. Orange peel j Nutmeg 20 " Spirit of wine 4J liters. Water 1 " Mix and distil 4 liters. DOSE. 830 cc. as a stimulant and diuretic. Compound Infusion . Moringa root, small pieces, bruised ) __ OA V . . aa 30 grams. Mustard seed J Boiling water J liter. Let stand 2 hours, filter and add com- pound spirit 30 grams. DOSE. 30-60 grams a day, as a strong stimulant. The expressed seeds yield a fixed oil, which is irritating and in my opinion should not be used internally. The green pods, the flowers and the tender shoots of the leaves are eaten stewed. The juice of the leaves is given internally in India, as an emetic, in doses of 30 grams. BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION. A well-known tree, 5-6 meters high. Leaves 3-pinnate, their terminal divisions odd-pinnate. Leaflets oval, glabrous, entire. Calyx, 5 unequal petaloid segments, imbricated, caducous. Corolla white, 5 unequal petals. Stamens inserted on the border of a disc, unequal, 5 88 THE MEDICINAL PLANTS OF THE PHILIPPINES opposite the petals bearing anthers, 5 alternate without anthers. Anthers dorsal, unilocular. Ovary pedunculate, lanceolate, unilocular, with many ovules in 2 series, inserted on the parietal placentae. Fruit a pod terminating in a beak, 3-valved. Seeds numerous, very large, winged, embedded in a spongy substance. HABITAT. Common throughout the islands. Blooms in November. LEGUMINOS-E. (PAPILIONACEJE.) Pulse Family. Agati grandiflora, Desv. (Sesbania grandiflora, Pers.) NOM. YULG. Katuray, Tag. USES. The flowers are edible. They and the leaves are purgative and are given in decoction for this purpose, 30-40 grams to 200 of water. The juice of the flowers is a popular remedy in India, for migraine and coryza. The trunk bark is bitter and tonic. BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION. A tree, 4-6 meters high, with drooping limbs ; leaves long, very narrow, abruptly pinnate ; many caducous leaflets, linear, elliptical. Flowers large, white, fragrant, in axillary racemes. Calyx bell-shaped with two in- distinct lips. Corolla papilionaceous, white. Standard oval, a slight notch at the apex. Wings almost as large as the keel which is strongly arched. Stamens 10, diadelphous. Anthers uniform. Style and stamens equally long. Stigma a small head. Pod 1-2 long, linear, 4-sided, containing many oval seeds, separated by filamentous partitions. HABITAT. Grows in all sections of Luzon and Panay. Abrus precatorius, L. NOM. YULG. Saga, Sagamamin, Bagati, Tag.; Bagati Gi- kosgikos, Yis.; Kanaasaga, Pam.; Bugayon, Hoc.; Jequiriti, Prayerbeads, Eng. ABRUS PRECATORIUS 89 USES. The part of the plant most important in thera- peutics is the seed, the size of a small pea, bright red with a black spot, hard and shining. The Filipino children use them to make rosaries and other decorations. In the distant past the Filipinos used these seeds to weigh gold, a practice followed even to-day by the Hindoos. The famous Susrutas, author of the " Ayur Veda," recommends them internally for nervous diseases ; modern therapeutics, however, limits their use to one disease, though that is frequent and stubborn enough, namely chronic granular conjunctivitis. Some physicians state that these seeds are poisonous and others the contrary, but the fact that they are used as food among the poor classes of Egypt, demonstrates their harmless- ness in the digestive tract at least ; when introduced into the circulation they undoubtedly exercise a toxic effect. We have already mentioned that their use is limited nowadays to the therapeutics of the eye ; the decoction of the seeds known in Europe under the name of " Jaqueriti " so named in Brazil produces a purulent inflammation of the healthy conjunctiva and it is precisely this counter-irritant effect which makes it useful in chronic granular conjunctivitis, the persistence of which has defied the most heroic measures of therapeutics. The French oculist, Dr. de Wecker, was the first to employ jequirity for this purpose, in the form of a 24 hours 7 macera- tion of the seeds, 10 grams to 500 grams of water. It is nec- essary to use a product recently prepared and with this several applications a day are made. It is now known that the in- flammation of the healthy conjunctiva is not caused by germ- life contained in the solution but by an inorganic ferment dis- covered by Bruylans and Venneman and named jequiritin ; they state that it is produced during the germination of the seeds or of the cells in the powdered seeds. Warden and Wad- dell, of Calcutta, have isolated an essential oil, an acid named " abric " and an amorphous substance called abrin, obtained by 8 90 THE MEDICINAL PLANTS OF THE PHILIPPINES precipitation with alcohol from a watery infusion of the pul- verized seeds. Its action is identical with that of " jequiritin." The infusion appears to possess considerable value as a stimu- lating application to indolent ulcers. The root is a good substitute for licorice, is emollient and has an agreeable taste. The extract is useful in catarrhal dis- eases of the bronchi and in dysuria. The leaves contain the same properties as the root and an extract prepared from them is used as a substitute for licorice. BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION.- A vine, with leaves opposite, ab- ruptly pinnate, a stylet taking the place of the terminal leaflet. Leaflets linear, entire, glabrous, tipped with a small point. Com- mon petiole with 2 awl-shaped stipules at the base. Flowers in small racemes. Calyx gamosepalous, caducous, 45 short teeth. Corolla papilionaceous, wings horizontal. Stamens 9, monadelphous with bilocular anthers. Style very short. Stigma globose. Pod 4-5 cm. long, truncate at the ends, with 5-6 red seeds, each with a black spot. HABITAT. Common in all mountainous regions of the is- lands. Grows near houses and roads. Mucuna pruriens, DC. (If. prurita, Hook.; M. utilis, Wall.; Dolichos pruriens, L.; Carpopogon pruriens, Iloxb.) NOM. VULG. Nipay, Lipay, Vis. USES. The pods are official as an anthelmintic in the Phar- macopoeia of India. They are used in the form of an electuary triturated to the proper consistency with honey or syrup. The dose for adults is one soupspoonful, and for children a teaspoon- ful, given every morning for 3-4 consecutive days. The last day a purge is given to expel the lumbricoids. BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION. A vine with ternate leaves. Flowers red, keel larger than the standard and wings. Pods about as thick as the little finger, lacking transverse grooves, curved in the form of the letter f, covered with bright red down, ERYTHRINA INDICA 91 which causes an unendurable itching. They are divided into 3 or 4 oblique cells each containing a brown, shiny seed. HABITAT. Luzon and Panay. Erythrina Indica, Lara. (E. corallodendron, L.; E. carnea, Blanco.) NOM. VULG. Dapdap, Kasindik, Tag.; Dapdap, Kabrab, Vis.; Dapdap, Sulbay, Para.; Indian Coral Tree, Eng. USES. This tree is well known on account of the beauty of its crimson flowers. The decoction of the leaves is a useful cleansing and deodorizing application for ulcers. The bruised leaves are used locally in painful affections of the joints and to abort syphilitic buboes and abscesses of all kinds. The juice of the tender leaves is used in Con can to destroy maggots in ulcers, and the powder has a similar use. A decoction is used locally in ophthalmia. The root and the leaves are used as a febrifuge in the Philip- pines and in India, according to Wight. In Brazil the bark is given in small repeated doses as a hypnotic and in the Phil- ippines as a diuretic and purgative ; a decoction of the leaves is similarly used. The bark contains an alkaloid discovered by Rochefontaine and Rey, called erythrin, which acts upon the central nervous system, diminishing its normal functions even to the point of abolishment, without modifying motor excitabil- ity or muscular contractility. W. Young isolated a glucoside, migarrliin, similar to saponin, but possessing the additional property of dilating the pupil. In bronchitis with dyspnoea the following infusion of bark is very useful : Fresh bark, 1 -^ , , , . , , > aa 2 grams. -b reshly bruised leaves, j Water 1,500 " Boil till reduced one-half, filter and add : Simple syrup 200 " Dose : Wineglassful every two hours. 92 THE MEDICINAL PLANTS OF THE PHILIPPINES BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION. A large tree, 20 high, thorny, with ternate leaves. Leaflets rhomboid, broad, entire, glabrous. Secondary petioles : that of the middle leaflet long, bearing 2 glands, those of the others short, bearing 1 gland each. The leaves fall at the end of the rainy season and the flowers bloom. They are a handsome scarlet color, large, in terminal racemes. Calyx half-cylindrical, oblique, truncate, entire. Corolla papilionaceous ; standard elongated, lanceolate. Wings short. Keel very short, 2-lobuled. Stamens diadelphous. Anthers large. Ovary woolly. Stigma thick. Pod curved, rounded, furrowed in parts corresponding to the seeds which are numer- ous, oval, pointed at the ends. HABITAT. Common throughout the islands. Blooms in February. Clitoria ternatea, L. NOM. YULG. Kolokantiy, Pukingay, Tag. ; Kolokatig, Vis.; Butterfly-pea, Eng. USES. The pounded seeds mixed with oil are used locally for painful joints. They possess purgative and emetic proper- ties and Dr. J. Shartt has employed a mixture of the powdered roasted seeds, 8 grams, with double the quantity of acid tar- trate of potassium. Its action is gentle, but sure. The alco- holic extract of the root, a soft, brown, resinous substance with an odor recalling that of jalap, is a very active cathartic, pro- ducing sharp effects in doses of 30-60 centigrams ; in fact it produces such severe tenesmus that its use in such doses should not be recommended. The root bark is used internally in an infusion (4-8 grams to 1 liter of water) as an emollient in irritability of the bladder and urethra and has been recommended for such a purpose by Mooden Sheriff. It is a diuretic which frequently acts as a purgative, a fact that is not surprising in view of the above- mentioned properties of the alcoholic extract. PTEROCARPUS ERINACEUS 93 The roasted seeds used as a purgative are so trustworthy that they deserve the further attention of physicians. BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION. A vine very well known by its blue flowers. Leaves alternate with 3 pairs of oval leaflets. Stipules persistent. Flowers axillary, solitary, 11 J' in long diameter. Calyx in 5 acute divisions, the two upper ones smaller. Corolla papilionaceous. Standard open, notched at the end. Keel shorter than the wings and covered by them. Stamens 10, 9 united and 1 free. Stigma downy, thick. Pod full of short hairs, with more than 6 surrounded with a tow- like substance, reniform, with black spots. HABITAT. Common along the roads and in gardens. Flow- ers in July and November. 1. Pterocarpus santalinus, L. 1 NOM. VULG. Narra, Naga, Tag. ; Apalit, Daytanag, Pam. ; Red Saunders or Red Sanddlwood Tree, Eng. 2. P. Indicus, AVilld. (P. pallidm, Blanco.) NOM. VULG. Asana, Tag.; Naga, Vis. 3. P. erinaceus, Poir. (P. echinatus, Pers. & DC.) NOM. VULG. Asana, Narra, Tag. USES. The wood of the first is the so-called " red sandal- wood.' 7 It is used for building purposes and, in medicine, as an astringent. In decoction it is used as a gargle for sore throat. The second is also an excellent building material and is used medicinally for its astringent properties. A decoction of sufficient strength to color the water a light blue is used as a mouth wash in toothache and has some reputation as a solvent of vesical calculi. All three species yield a resin known in phar- macy under the name of " kino." The true gum kino is really 1 Official in the U. S. P. under the name of Santalum rubrum, and used only for coloring alcoholic solutions. 94 THE MEDICINAL PLANTS OF THE PHILIPPINES produced by the P. marsupium, Roxb., but the Philippine product, especially that of the second and third species, has for a long time been exported to Europe under the name of " red astringent gum " or " kino." This name is given to the sap of these trees dried without the aid of artificial heat. The bark is the part which produces it and the following extractive process is employed in Madras : a vertical incision is made in the trunk and lateral incisions perpendicular to it and a receptacle is placed at the foot of the tree. This soon fills and when the gum is suffi- ciently dried by air and sun it is packed in boxes and exported. In respect to appearance, solubility and chemical composi- tion, Fliickiger and Hanbury were unable to discover any difference between the kino of P. marsupium, Roxb., and that of P. erinaceus, Poir. It is therefore interesting to consider a product that is identical with that described in the pharmaco- poeias as produced by the P. mawtpiiuii, Roxb., though the latter does not grow in the Philippines. Kino is at present used but little in therapeutics and its ac- tion is analogous to that of tannin and catechu. It is given in- ternally for its astringent effect in chronic diarrhoea, leucorrhoea, blenorrhoea and hemorrhages. The dose of the powder is 14 grams, and of the alcoholic tincture, containing 20 parts kino to 100 of alcohol, 5-10 grams. In prolapse of the rectum and anal fissure the following solution is used by enema : Kino 3 grams. Water 500 " For vaginal injections a solution of 20 to 250 water. BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION. The " pterocarpus, " L., is a tree of the first order with odd-pinnate leaves. Leaflets alter- nate and coriaceous. Flowers yellow, in racemes, with caducous bracts and bractlets. Calyx turbinate, with short teeth. Petals exserted, markedly unguiculate. Standard and wings curled. Keel obtuse with its petals slightly or not at all coherent. The staminal tube, cleft above and below or above only. Stamens PONGAMIA GLABRA 95 superior, often almost, and at times entirely, free. Anthers versatile. Ovary pedunculate, with 2 ovules. Style curved. Stigma terminal. Pod orbicular, smooth or spiny, usually con- taining one seed, encircled by a broad, rigid wing, the point curved downward. HABITAT. In the mountains of Luzon, Panay and Min- doro. Blooms in March. Pongamia glabra, Vent. (Robinia mitis, L.; Gadelupa maculatctj Blanco.) NOM. VTiLQ.Balikbalik, Tag.; Bwtog, Vis. USES. The oil expressed from the seeds is used in India for lighting purposes, and in addition is of notable therapeutic value. It is an excellent local remedy for the itch, for herpes and especially for pityriasis versicolor, used alone or emulsified with lemon juice. In stubborn cases Dymock recommends the addition of oil of hydrocarpus, camphor and powdered sul- phur. Dr. Gibson states that he knows of no plant in the vegetable kingdom possessing more notable curative properties in itch, herpes and other cutaneous diseases than the plant under consideration. It is also used as an embrocation in articular rheumatism. The powdered leaves mixed with common salt and pepper are given internally with a little milk, as a remedy for leprosy. The juice of the root makes a useful wash for gangrenous ulcers and a good injection for fistula. BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION. A tree, 18 high, with leaves opposite, odd-pinnate, Leaflets in 3 pairs, ovate, lanceolate, entire, glabrous and membranaceous. Flowers slightly spotted, racemose. Calyx bell-shaped, with 5 scarcely visible tooth- lets. Corolla papilionaceous, petals equal, clawed. Standard with 2 callosities athwart the base. Stamens 10, diadelphous. Pod with one seed, which is flat, smooth, veined, bright red. HABITAT. Luzon and Panay. Blooms in October. 96 THE MEDICINAL PLANTS OF THE PHILIPPINES LEGUMINOS^!. Brasiletto Family. Caesalpinia Bonducella, Flem. (Guilandina Bonducella, L.) NOM. YULG. Bayag-Kambig, Kalambibit, Tag.; Dalugdug, Vis.; Fever Nut, Physic Nut, Bonduc Seeds, Indo-Eng. USES. The seed is the part of the plant employed and is official in the Pharmacopeia of India. It is used as a tonic and antiperiodic in intermittent fevers and in general where tonic treatment is indicated. It has given good results in the malarial fevers of India, according to English physicians. The Pharmacopeia of India contains the following preparation under the name of " Compound Powder of Bonduc " (Pulvis bonducellse compositus). Seeds of Bonduc, powdered 30 grams. Pepper 30 " Mix and keep in a well-corked flask. DOSE. 12 grams 3 times a day. In the Philippines the powdered seed is given in affections of the digestive tract, especially in diarrhea and feeble digestion. The same name of Bonduc is given to the seeds of another species that grows in the Philippines, O. Bonduc, Roxb.; Kamot-Kabag, Bayan-Kambig, Tag. The seeds are identical in chemical composition and therapeutic indication. The two principal substances contained in the seeds are an oil, 24J& and a resin, 1.88JJ&. The former is straw-colored and slightly bitter by virtue of the presence of a resin that may be precipitated by alcohol. The resin or bitter principle exists as an amorphous powder, Avhite, bitter, not acrid, soluble in chloroform, alcohol, acetone, crystallizable acetic acid, fixed and essential oils ; slightly soluble in ether and bisulphide of car- bon, insoluble in water and petroleum ether. The alkalies do not affect it. It melts at 140, decomposing and leaving only a carbon. Its discoverers, Heckel and Schlagdenhaussen, have C^SALPINIA SAPPAN 97 given it the name bonducin (C U H 15 O.). Hydrochloric acid colors it red ; sulphuric acid, a maranthin red in half an hour. Bonducin seems to be the active principle of the seeds and is given internally in doses of 10-20 centigrams; according to Dr. Isnard, of Marseilles, this dose has given as good results in fevers as the same quantity of quinine. BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION. A shrub with prostrate stem bristling with thorns. Leaves twice abruptly pinnate, a thorn taking the place of the terminal leaflet. Leaflets in 10-14 pairs, ovate, expanded, with a spine at the apex. Common petioles thorny, with 4 leaf-like stipules at the base. Flowers yellow, in racemes. Calyx 5-parted, curved downward. Corolla inserted on the calyx, 5 petals, 4 nearly equal, the uppermost broader and shorter. Stamens 10. Filaments very unequal in height, inserted on the calyx, united and woolly at the base. Pistil very short. Stigma thick. Pod rhomboidal before ma- turity, prickly, containing 2 semi-globose seeds with testa hard, mottled and tough. The other species, C. Bonduc, Roxb., is distinguished by leaf- lets unequal at the base, by the absence of stipules, and by the bright orange yellow seeds. HABITAT. Common in Luzon, Panay and Jolo. Blooms in December. Caesalpinia Sappan, L. NOM. VULG. Sibukao, Sapag, Tag. ; Palo del Brawl, Sp.; Sappan Wood, Eng. USES. The decoction of Sibukao is given in hemorrhages, especially of the lungs. It is probably the red color of this de- coction which originated the idea of giving it to check bleeding, and this is the practice of the native Filipino doctors, as well as of the Arabs and Hindoos. The natives of Cochin China, reasoning in an opposite manner, prescribe it as emmenagogue. Some authors recommend Sibukao as a substitute for logwood. The decoction is administered in chronic diarrhoea, especially 98 THE MEDICINAL PLANTS OF THE PHILIPPINES that of children. A few cases of phlebitis have been reported as occasioned by its use. The extract is made as follows : Sibukao in small pieces 500 grams. Boiling water 4J liters. Macerate for 24 hours, boil until reduced by half, filter and evaporate the filtrate to a syrupy consistency. Do not use iron vessels. Sibukao contains much tannin and gallic acid, and a pecu- liar substance which distinguishes it from logwood, brasilin (C 22 H 20 O 7 ), which gives a red color to alkaline solutions instead of blue or purple. It is a crystalline pigment which may be considered a compound of hematoxylon and fenol. BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION. A very common tree, 12-15 high, with spiny trunk, leaves twice abruptly pinnate. Leaf- lets linear, notched at the apex. Flowers racemose. Calyx boat-shaped. Corolla, 5 petals, the uppermost broad, short, spotted red. Stigma bifid. Pod sabre-like, woody, with 3-4 seeds separated by partitions. The wood is well known every- where in the Philippines, being a very important article of commerce, and there is no fear of logwood being substituted for it, as the latter is more expensive, and substitutions are not ordinarily made under such circumstances. In commerce it occurs in large pieces of all shapes and forms, since the branches and trunks are cut into pieces which vary from J-2 meters in length. Its color is reddish-yellow or white with more or less red grain. Blooms in September. Caesalpinia pulcherrima, Swartz. (Poinciana pulcherrima, L. & Blanco.) NOM. YULG. Flores y Rosas Caballero, Caballero, Sp.-Fil.; Barbadoes Flower-Fence, Eng. USES. The leaves are emmenagogue, purgative like those of senna, and excitant. The bark especially is a powerful emmen- agogue, used in some countries for criminal purposes. The CASSIA FISTULA 99 decoction of the flowers is pectoral and febrifuge and is given in bronchitis, asthma and malarial fever. The flowers contain a bitter principle. The roots are acrid and poisonous. The seeds of the green fruit are eaten frequently by children ; when ripe they contain gallic and tannic acids, by virtue of which they are used in tanning hides and to dye yellow combined with alum, and black combined with salts of iron. They also con- tain a pigment and a resin. INFUSION OF THE FLOWERS. Flowers of the caballero, dry 20 grams. Water 500 " Sugar 70 " Mix. Dose, a wineglassful several times a day. BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION. A shrub, with prickly trunk, Leaves twice abruptly pinnate. Leaflets 58 pairs, glabrous, ovate and elliptical, bearing a spine at the extremity, 3 stipules to each pair of leaflets. Flowers yellow and red, in racemes on the ends of the branches. Calyx divided almost to the base, with 5 concave parts. Corolla, 5 petals V long with short claws, one petal very small and straight, the others larger, with wavy edges. Stamens 10, crimson, 3' long, free, woolly, united at the lower end. Pistil the same length as the stamens. Stigma somewhat concave. Ovary sessile, unilocular, many- ovuled. Pod compressed, with 7 or more seeds inserted on the superior suture and separated from each other by fleshy divisions. HABITAT. Very common in gardens where it is cultivated for its beautiful flowers. Blooms throughout the entire year. Cassia fistula, L. NOM. VULG. Cana/istula, Sp.; Lombayog, Ibabaw, Baloyog, Vis.; Purging Cassia, Eng. USES. The pod known in pharmacy under the name of " Canafistula " contains a blackish, sweet pulp, which is a mild purgative if combined with carminatives, but it produces severe 100 THE MEDICINAL PLANTS OF THE PHILIPPINES colic if given alone. The urine sometimes takes on a dark color after taking it. The laxative dose is 48 grams, the purgative 30-60. EXTRACT OF CASSIA. Pulp and seeds of ripe pods 1 kilo. Water 1 liter. After mixing the pulp with water the liquid is strained through a woolen cloth ; the material which remains in the strainer is washed with a little more cold water which is added to the other liquid and the two are evaporated to the consist- ency of the extract. DOSE. 15-30 grams. Dr. Irving states that the root is a very energetic purgative. In Coucan the juice of the tender leaves is used in the treat- ment of impetigo. BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION. A tree with trunk about as thick as the human body, with leaves opposite and abruptly pinnate. Leaflets, the lower ones smaller, 5 pairs, ovate, lanceolate, glabrous and rather tough. Common petiole, cleft at the base, lacking glandule. Flowers bright yellow, in long, pendulous racemes. Calyx, 5 ovate sepals. Corolla, 5 unequal petals. Stamens 10, free, 3 longer than the rest. Ovary unilocular, many-ovuled. Pod cylindrical, pointed at the end, woody, black, 1-2 long, with many circular seeds, surrounded by a blackish pulp and separated by partitions. HABITAT. Common in Luzon and Panay. Blooms in March. Cassia occidentalis, L. NOM. VULG. Tighiman, Balotagaso,Tsig.', Tambalisa, Vis.; Western Senna, Styptic Weed, Eng.; Negro Coffee, Indo-Eng. USES. In Brazil they use an infusion of the root as a tonic and diuretic, 4 grams of the root bark and 180 of boil- ing water to be taken in one day. In Dahomey the leaves are used as a febrifuge. Thirty grams of fresh leaves are boiled CASSIA OCCIDENTALIS 101 in 300 grams of water till the liquid is reduced to 250 grams. The patient takes this decoction hot the first day of the fever and a profuse perspiration promptly breaks out. As a rule the effect is immediate and the fever does not recur. This treatment of fevers is more common in that country than that by quinine and they claim that it has the advantage over the latter of acting as a stomachic tonic. By adding a small quantity of the roots to the decoction it is rendered diuretic. The seeds possess the same properties and are used in de- coctions of 30 grams to 300 of water. According to De Lanesan the roasted seeds are used in La Reunion in infusion similar to coffee in the treatment of gastralgia and asthma. In some countries they mix them with coffee just as chicory is used in Europe. Heckel and Schlagdenhaufen have made a very complete study of the plant and we quote the following from their works : Chemical composition of the seeds. Water 8.850 Fats and pigments soluble in petroleum ether . 1 . 600 " " " " "chloroform 1.150 Odorous material and traces of tannin 5.022 Glucose 0.738 Gummy, mucilaginous and pectic matter. . . . 15.734 Soluble albuminoids and aleuron 6.536 Cellulose 7.434 Insoluble albuminose 2.216 Lignose 32.727 Fixed salts 17.976 Lost material .017 100.000 Previous to the studies of the above authors the seeds had been therapeutically tested by Delioux de Savignac and Pro- 102 THE MEDICINAL PLANTS OF THE PHILIPPINES fessor Clouet. Heckel and Schlagdenhauffen have confirmed the febrifuge virtues of the seeds and are uncertain as to the active principle since they found no glucoside or alkaloid in their analysis. The antiperiodic properties are comparable with those of quinine and have even proved effective in some cases in which quinine failed. It seems quite clear that the tannin is the active principle which is the more probable because its anti- periodic virtues are now recognized by all therapeutists. It is given in maceration or infusion, 215 grams of the seeds to 3 or 400 of water to be taken several times a day. The treatment causes no very marked physiological effects. It seems to act as a sedative to the nervous system. BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION. An annual plant, .60-1 meter high. Root central with lateral rootlets. Stem straight, ramose. Leaves opposite, abruptly pinnate with a stylet in place of the odd leaflet. Leaflets, 5-6 pairs, the lower ones smaller, ovate, oblong, margins and lower face downy. Com- mon petiole swollen at the base, 2 stipules and 1 glandule. Calyx, 5 unequal sepals. Corolla, 5 nearly equal petals, sul- phur yellow, concave, the posterior one further developed. Two verticils of 5 stamens each. Of the 5 stamens supe- rior to the sepals, 2 are fertile, larger and arched ; of the other 5 stamens 4 are fertile and small. Pod compressed, linear, smooth, 5 r long, containing many compressed, heart- shaped seeds, separated by thin partitions. HABITAT. Common in Luzon. Blooms in October. Cassia alata, L. NOM. VULG. Acapulco, Sp.-Fil.; Katandd, Gamut sa Buni, Sontiy, Tag.; Suntig, Kansitm, Vis.; Pakayomkom- kdstlla, Pam. USES. This is one of the most popular Philippine remedies and its usefulness is vouched for by many physicians practicing in many different lands. Its antiherpetic properties are nota- CASSIA ALATA 103 ble and the Tagalo name of the plant, "Gamut sa Buni," means literally "medicine for herpes. " The natives use the juice of the leaf applied locally to the affected part. These properties have long been familiar to the Malays and to the Hindoos who in their medical works give the plant the Sanscrit name of "Dadrughna," meaning "to cure herpes." The Pharmacopoeia of Bengal recommends cassia in the form of an ointment made by mixing the crushed tender leaves with simple ointment. This preparation is, in our opinion, undesirable on account of its liability to become rancid and vaseline should be the ex- cipient used. Another application for herpetic eruptions is the juice of the leaves mixed with an equal quantity of lemon juice. The Malays use the leaves dried in the sun, adding to them a little water and rubbing them briskly on the affected parts, the vigorous treatment being an important part of the cure. The decoction of the leaves is a laxative and according to Mr. J. Wood the tincture has an action similar to that of senna. Dr. Pulney Andy of India states that the extract prepared from the tender leaves is a good substitute for extract of colocynth. Mr. A. Porte claims to have obtained the best results with an acetic extract of the fresh leaves. The following is his formula : Fresh leaves of C. alata 100 grams. Acetic acid diluted in f water . .450 " Macerate 10 or 12 days, filter and express, then filter again and evaporate to the consistency of an extract. The seeds contain vermifuge principles. The activity of this plant in herpes is due to the chryso- phanic acid contained in it. The more recent the eruption the more certain is the effect. The following species, all of which grow in the Philippines, contain principles analogous to those of the C. alata, viz.: C. sophera, L. and C. torn, L., called in Tagalo manimanihan. 104 THE MEDICINAL PLANTS OF THE PHILIPPINES BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION. A shrub, 7-9 high, with a straight, ramose trunk 3 4' in diameter. Leaves 1J 2 long, opposite, abruptly pinnate, a thick stylet taking the place of the odd leaflet. Leaflets 10-13 pairs, the smaller ones 1-2' long. Common petiole with 2 horizontal stipules at the base. Flow- ers in conspicuous, erect racemes. Calyx, 5 free concave, un- equal sepals. Corolla, 5 petals of a beautiful yellow color. Stamens perigynous, 10 in number, 3 upper ones very small and frequently sterile, 3 lower very large. The bilocular an- thers open by 2 pores. Ovary many-ovuled with filiform style. Pod long with 2 prominent wings on the sides and many seeds which slightly resemble a cross with blunt ends. The C. sophera, L., is characterized by 10 stamens, all fer- tile and a smooth, linear, bivalved pod full of seeds separated by false partitions. The C. tora, L., bears a quadrangular pod about 15 centimeters long by 2 in diameter. HABITAT. Grows in all parts of the islands and is univer- sally known by the natives. Blooms in May. Tamarindus Indica, L. NOM. YULG. Tamarindo, Sp.; Sampalok, Tag., Pam., Bik.; Sambak, Sumalagi, Kamalagi, Vis.; Tamarind, Eng. USES. The pulp of the fruit is used to make a sort of sweet preserve and is very popular among the Filipinos. They pre- pare a refreshing drink from the pulp mixed with sweetened water and believing it to be beneficial to the liver, stomach and blood, they use too much of it. Its excessive use is rather prejudicial to the health, but given in moderation it is very effi- cient in allaying the thirst of fever patients. The pulp con- tains weak laxative properties and it is customary to administer it in solution with cream of tartar. Its chemical composition is as follows : BAUHINIA MALABARICA 105 Citric acid 9.40 Tartaric acid 1.55 Malic acid 0.45 Potassium bitartrate 3.25 Sugar 12.50 Gum 4.70 Vegetable gelatin 6.25 Parenchyma 34.35 Water 27.55 (Yauquelin.) At the end of any sickness, especially after labor, the first bath given to the convalescent is with a decoction of the leaves of the "sampaloc," to prevent convulsions, the native herb- doctors say. BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION. A large tree, somewhat re- sembling the elm in contour, with leaves opposite, abruptly pinnate. Leaflets 12 or more pairs, linear, with a notch at the apex, entire, glabrous. Flowers yellow-white, spattered dark red, racemose. Calyx, 4 sepals. Corolla, 5 lanceolate petals with crispate borders. Stamens monadelphous, dividing into 7 filaments above. The ripe pod is chocolate color, oblong, slightly compressed, straight or curved, 615 centimeters long, full of a light-brown pulp in which rest the seeds enveloped in a cellular membrane. These seeds are flattened, almost quad- rangular ; testa hard, of a chestnut color, shiny and without albumen. HABITAT. Very common everywhere in the islands. Blooms in May. Bauhinia malabarica, Roxb. (B. tomentosa, Wall. and Blanco.) NOM. VULG. Alibagbag, Tag., Vis., Pam. USES. The leaves of this tree and of the species B. tomen- tosa, L., are quite acid and the Filipinos use them as an ingre- 106 THE MEDICINAL PLANTS OF THE PHILIPPINES client of many dishes. The fresh flowers possess anti-dysen- teric virtues for which purpose they are given internally in infusion of 1020 grams of the flowers to one-half liter of water. The decoction of the root bark is a common remedy for liver troubles along the coast of Malabar according to Rheede. BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION. A tree 20 high, with leaves alternate, peltate, slightly cordate, orbicular, the apex divided into two large lobules with a stylet between them, glabrous above, somewhat downy beneath ; 2 large, flat glandules are situated at the base. Petioles short. Flowers cymose. Pe- duncle long. Calyx inferior, funnelform, with 45 sepals as long as the corolla. Corolla, 5 petals. Stamens 10, 5 alter- nate ones longer than the others. Stigma thick, peltate, 2 lo- bules. Pod 1 long, with linear stalk, containing many seeds separated by filamentous isthmuses. HABITAT. Common everywhere. Blooms in November. LEGUMINOSJE. Mimosa Division. Entada scandens, Benth. (E. Purscetha, DC. and Blanco.) NOM. VULG. GogOj Tag. ; Bayogo, Balogo, Gohog bakay, Vis. and Pam. ; Gilla Nuts, Indo-Eng. USES. The use made of the mashed bark of this tree is well known throughout the Philippines. Cut in strips and beaten thoroughly between stones it is sold under the name of " gogo "; it is macerated in water, to which it imparts a reddish color, and forms a substitute for soap. The Filipinos use this prepa- ration for bathing, especially the hair, for which purpose there is no more useful or simple preparation. It cures pityriasis, and renders the hair very soft, without drying it too much as is usually the case with soap. The natives use it in treating the itch, washing the affected parts with the maceration and at the same time briskly rubbing them with the bark ; in this way PARKIA ROXBURGHII 107 they remove the crusts that shield the acari. The treatment is successful in direct proportion to the energy of rubbing. The seeds of " gogo " are very large, lenticular, flattened, 3-4 centimeters in diameter. Their chemical composition has been studied by Petti t. Alcohol dissolves the active principle, perhaps a glucoside, the study of which the author has not completed. Five centigrams of this substance administered to a guinea-pig causes paralysis of the hind quarters without any apparent inflammation. He also found saponin in the seeds, but it exists in much greater quantity in the trunk. In the Sunda Islands they eat the seeds roasted and also extract from them an illuminating oil. The maceration of gogo is emetic and purgative ; it is used in the treatment of asthma; it is exceedingly irritating, the slightest quantity that enters the eye causing severe smarting and a slight conjunctivitis for one or two days. BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION. A high climbing shrub with stem as much as 78' in diameter. Leaves opposite, twice abruptly pinnate, a stylet replacing the terminal leaflet ; 5 pairs of elliptical leaflets, entire, glabrous and notched at the apex. Common petiole with 2 stipules at the base. Flowers in deli- cate spikes. Calyx obliquely truncate, 5-toothed. Corolla, 5 oval petals much larger than the calyx. Stamens 10-13. Fila- ments longer than the corolla. Anther with 1-2 white, globose glandules. Pod woody, 4-6 long by " 4 fingers " broad, with large notches on the borders, many compartments containing many large, compressed, circular seeds with dark-colored testa, 3-4 centimeters in diameter. HABITAT. Mountains of Luzon and Panay. Blooms in May. Parkia Roxburgh!!, G. Don. (P. brunonia, Grah.; P. biglo- bosa, Benth.; Mimosa peregrina, Blanco.) NOM. VULG. Kopag, Tag. USES. The fruit is edible. Its pulp is golden yellow with a sweetish taste and an odor like that of violets. 108 THE MEDICINAL PLANTS OF THE PHILIPPINES The roasted seeds are used in certain parts of Africa to make an infusion like coffee, for which reason they have been called " Soudan Coffee." The pulp was analyzed by Heckel and Schlagdenhauffen in 1887 ; it contains 60 Jo of its weight of sugar (a mixture of dextrose and levulose), 0.98 Jfc of free tartaric and citric acids, fats, albuminoids, etc. BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION. A large tree of the first order. Leaves opposite, twice abruptly pinnate. Leaflets small, linear, more than 40 pairs. Principal petiole with one glandule at the base and often another higher up. Calyx long, tubular, with 5 unequal lobules. Corolla, 5 equal petals. Stamens 10, monadelphous. Ovary free, unilocular, multi-ovulate. Pod, 1 x 1', woody, much compressed, brown, with many seeds em- bedded in a yellow pulp. HABITAT. Abounds in the provinces of central Luzon. Blooms in December. Acacia Farnesiana, Willd. (A. Indica, Desv.; Mimosa Farnesiana, L. and Blanco.) NOM. VULG. Aroma, Sp.; Cassie Flower, Eng. USES. The trunk bark is astringent and in decoction is of use in the treatment of prolapsed rectum and as an injection for leucorrhcea. A poultice of the tender leaves is applied to ulcers and sores previously washed with the decoction. The tree exudes an abundant gum very similar to gum arabic which latter is the product of another species of acacia (A. Arabica, Willd.). The Manila pharmacist, D. Anacleto del Rosario, sent to the Paris Exposition of 1899 a specimen of this gum obtained on the plantation of D. P. P. Roxas, in Batangas. This specimen differed in no respect from gum arabic and it will surely sooner or later take the place of the latter in the Philippines, both for pharmaceutical and industrial purposes. It would be superfluous to describe here the prop- erties of gum arabic. KALANCHOE LACINIATA 109 BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION. A small tree 9-12 high, very well known, trunk bristling with long thorns. Leaves twice abruptly pinnate. One or more pairs of leaflets, very small, linear. Common petiole with two thorns united at its base and a small glandule on the upper part. Flowers yellow, aro- matic, axillary, joined in a globose head J-f ' in diameter, con- sisting of more than 50 minute flowerets. In each axil are 2 peduncles. In some heads all the flowerets are staminate, in others hermaphrodite. The hermaphrodite flowers have a calyx with 5 small teeth. Corolla, 5 petals. Stamens 40 or more. Pistil same length as the stamens. Staminate flowers : calyx, corolla, stamens and anthers as in the hermaphrodite flowers. Pistil none. Pod round, curved, with 8 or more elliptical, compressed seeds. HABITAT. Grows everywhere, but forms dense thickets in the provinces of La Lagnna and Batangas. Blooms in Jan- uary. CRASSULACE.E. Orpine Family. Kalanchoe laciniata, DC. (Cotyledon laciniata, Roxb.; Bryo- phyllum serratum, Blanco.) NOM. VULG. Siempreviva (Live-for-ever'), Sp.-Fil.; Kataka- takd, Tag. USES. The fleshy leaves are beaten up and applied to chronic ulcers and sores on which they exert a stimulant action. Applied to the temples they relieve headache. Ainslie testifies to the good effect of its local use in inflammations and as a wash for ulcers. The juice of the leaves is used in Concan in the treatment of bilious diarrhoea and gall stones. BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION. A well-known plant, about 2 high, with leaves sessile, opposite, oval, serrately toothed, fleshy. Flowers yellow, in umbels, the stalks reaching a height of 3. Calyx very short, with 4 lanceolate, acuminate sepals, united 110 THE MEDICINAL PLANTS OF THE PHILIPPINES at the base. Corolla salver-shaped, persistent, with border having 4 small lobules. Stamens 8, fertile. Ovaries 4, free, each with 1 many-ovuled cell. Styles same length as the sta- mens. Stigmas awl-shaped. Four seed vessels, each with 1 compartment containing many oblong seeds. HABITAT. Common in all parts of the islands. COMBRETACEJE. Terminalia Catappa, L. (T. molucana, Lam.; T. mauricimui, Blanco.) NOM. VULG. Talisay, Tag.; Almendro, Sp.-Fil.; Talisay, Banilak, Nato, Hitam, Vis.; Kalisay, Pam.; Lugo, Pandan, Hoc.; Indian Almond, Indo-Eng. USES. The kernel is edible and has a very agreeable taste. It yields about 50 Jfe of a fixed oil, sweet and savory. If left for some time, it deposits an abundance of stearin. It closely resembles oil of sweet almonds for which it, as well as the oil of Pili (Canarium commune, L.), which we have already de- scribed, makes a good substitute. The trunk bark is astringent and in decoction is used for atonic diarrhoea and as a lotion for ulcers. DECOCTION. Bark (ground and pounded) 12 grams. Water 150 " Simple syrup 40 " To be given by the tablespoonful in 24 hours. BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION. A tree, 6-8 m. high. Branches horizontal and radiating from the trunk. Leaves purplish, bunched, cleft at the base, sometimes transversely ovate, some- times oval, notched, glabrous. Petiole very short. Flowers axillary, racemose, with a scale at the base of the peduncle, some hermaphrodite and others lacking pistils. Staminate flowers : calyx downy within, with 5 lobes. Corolla wanting. Stamens TERMINALIA CHEBULA 111 1.0, inserted on the calyx. Hermaphrodite flowers : pistil same length as stamens. Drupe, fleshy, inferior, oval with the bor- ders turned upward containing a very hard and fibrous nut; seed long and sharp-pointed. HABITAT. Common in Luzon. In Manila it is cultivated extensively as an ornamental tree, especially along the Sabana Walk, General Solano Ave. and in Sarnpaloc and Malacanan. Terminalia Chebula, Retz. (T. reticulata, Toth.; Bucida cuminata, Blanco.) NOM. VULG. Diylas, Diglas, Tag.; Black Myrobalan Tree, Indo-Eng. USES. The ripe fruit, called myrobalans in India, is purga- tive and six of them pounded up and given in decoction oper- ate with certainty, producing 4 or 5 copious evacuations with- out nausea or other disagreeable symptoms. Dr. Waring has experimented with them and recommends them highly. The taste may be made more agreeable by adding a little cinnamon to the decoction. Dymock states that three fruits are sufficient, and Dr. Hove gives one as the effective dose. This lack of agreement may be explained by the fact that the fruits are of different sizes, and probably Waring refers to those of medium size. Contrary to what one would imagine, judging from its purgative action, the fruit contains astringent principles, and makes an effective injection for leucorrhoea as a substitute for nut galls. It is also of some merit in the treatment of piles. The green fruit is highly esteemed by Radja Kalikesen as a carminative, tonic and purgative. Dr. Twining also men- tions these same properties, recommends it as a tonic and aperient of great benefit in atony of the digestive organs and expresses surprise that the Europeans make no use of it. Ac- cording to the same author a dose in the treatment of diarrhoea and dysentery is 4 grams twice a day. He quotes a case of hypertrophy of the spleen which he cured with this fruit. 112 THE MEDICINAL PLANTS OF THE PHILIPPINES Some of the leaves bear horn-shaped galls, flattened, narrow and hollow. They are caused by an insect which stings the leaves and deposits its eggs in them. These leaves with galls are astringent and very useful and effective in dysentery and diarrhrea, especially that of children. The dose for a child of more than one year is 0.40 to 0.50 gram a day, administered in fractional doses every two or three hours. Fridolin has obtained from its fruit an acid, which he calls chebulinic (C 28 H 25 O 10 ) and presumes to be a mixture of tannic and gallic acids. As Stenhouse had formerly indicated, no principle has been discovered to which the purgative properties can be attributed, unless it be a green oleo-resin turned red by nitric acid, obtained from the fruit by Apery. BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION. A tree of the second order, with leaves 3 r long, alternate, lanceolate, entire and glabrous. Peti- oles short. Flowers terminal, in spiked panicles. Calyx supe- rior, bell-shaped, colored, downy within, 5-toothed. Corolla wanting. Stamens 10, longer than the calyx. Anthers round- ish. Ovary cylindrical. Style curved and longer than the stamens. Stigma simple. Fruit ovoid, 2-4 centimeters long, 5-10 acute angles, wrinkled, with blackish, hard, compact meso- carp ; contains 1 seed. HABITAT. Batangas, San Mateo. Blooms in May. Quisqualis Indica, L. (Q. villosa, Roxb.; Q. spinosa, Nares.) NOM. YULG. TagaraWj Niogniogan, Tag.; Tangolon, Vis.; Babebabe, Pam.; Tartaraw, Hoc. USES. The fruit contains a kernel that tastes much like cacao, for which reason the Tagalogs call it " niogniogan " (like cacao). This kernel is a powerful anthelmintic, used also in India, the dose for a child of 4 years being 2-4, pulverized and mixed with a little molasses or sugar. A large dose pro- duces hiccough, a fact well known to the natives. Dr. Bouton PSIDIUM POMIFERUM 113 states that they may cause convulsions and other similar nerv- ous disorders. They yield a light green, fixed oil, probably the active prin- ciple of the plant. BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION. A climbing shrub, 6-9 high, whose stem is thickly set with long, opposite thorns. Leaves in stars of 3, oblong, acute, entire, glabrous. Petioles very short. Flowers white, veined with red, in axillary spikes. Calyx very long, nearly cylindrical, 5-toothed. Corolla, 5 petals, inserted between the teeth of the calyx. Stamens 10, inserted on the calyx-tube, shorter than the corolla, arranged in 2 series, 5 higher than the rest. Style the same length as the stamens, united throughout nearly its entire length with the wall of the calyx-tube from which it separates near the stigma. Stigma rather bulky. Fruit 1' long, ovoid, 5 sharp ridges in the woody, fragile, mahogany-colored pericarp, which contains a pointed kernel at one end. HABITAT. San Mateo, and along the shores of Luzon. Blooms in May. MYRTACE^S. Myrtle Family. Psidium pomiferum, L. (P. aromaticum and P. pyriferum, Blanco.) NOM. VULG. Guayabas, Sp.; Bay abas, Guayabas, Tayabas, Tag., and other dialects ; Guava, Eng. USES. The green fruit is acid and very astringent. The stage of development when it is best eaten raw, is just before it ripens, for then its acidity has lessened, it is not astringent and does not emit the strong odor, so disagreeable to many, that characterizes the ripe fruit. When fully ripe it is sweet, non- astringent and very bland, and this is the stage when it is best for making the jellies and preserves so popular in the Philip- pines. 10 114 THE MEDICINAL PLANTS OF THE PHILIPPINES The bark, especially that of the root, is highly astringent and a decoction of it is used for diarrhoea and as a wash for ulcers. Dr. Waitz has successfully used the following formula in treat- ing the chronic diarrhoea of children : Root bark of guava 15 grams. Water , .180 " Boil till reduced one half. Dose, a tablespoonful every 2 or 3 hours according to age. A decoction of the shoots is very useful in stomatitis, cuta- neous eruptions and ulcers. Dr. Waitz advises his formula in prolapsus recti of children. It is also of value as an injection in diarrhoea and dysentery. BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION. A tree, about 10 high, branches square and somewhat winged towards the ends. Leaves op- posite, oblong, obtuse, downy, aromatic in odor. Petiole very short. Flowers axillary, solitary, white and fragrant. Calyx adherent, the border breaking in 3, 4 or more unequal parts when the flower expands. Corolla, 5-6 petals, inserted on the calyx, curved downward. Stamens numerous, inserted in the calyx, as long as the corolla. Style same length as stamens, awl-shaped. Fruit somewhat pear-shaped, with 4 or 5 ribs that disappear at maturity, 4 or more cells each with many small, hard, irregular seeds. In the Philippines the fruit grows to the size of a small pear. Eugenia Jambolana, Lam. (Calyptrcmihes Jambolana, Willd. and Blanco ; Syzygium Jambolanum, DC. and Blanco.) NOM. YULG. Lomboy, Duhat, Duat, Tag., Pam., Vis.; Jambul or Black Plum, Indo-Eng. USES. The ripe fruit, so dark a purple in color that it seems black, is edible and very popular in the Philippines, though not considered choice. Some suppose it to be harmful, but it is in reality very easy of digestion. EUGENIA JAMBOLANA 115 The syrup of the fruit juice, and the decoction of the trunk bark are both very efficacious in the treatment of diarrhoea and dysentery. SYRUP OF JAMBUL. Juice of ripe fruit 500 grams. White sugar 950 " Dissolve in a covered water-bath, strain through woolen cloth and put aside. DOSE. 60-200 grams a day. The juice of the leaves is also used to treat diarrhoea. A Hindoo physician, Bhavaprakasa, advises the following receipt : Juice of leaves of lomboy ~| " " manga V aa 4 grams. Pulp of Terminalia chebula J Give in one dose in a little goat's milk and honey. A sort of wine of very agreeable taste is made from the fruit juice. Lately the powdered seed has been recommended in the treatment of glycosuria or at least it has been stated that its in- ternal use lessens and finally abolishes the glucose from the urine of the patient. It has even been affirmed that while under this treatment the patient may eat glucose-forming foods without fear of glycosuria supervening. The chemical composition of the seeds are as follows : Essential oil Traces. Chlorophyl and fatty matters 0.37 Resin soluble in alcohol and ether 0.30 Gallic acid 1.65 Albumin 1.25 Pigment soluble in water 2.70 Water 10.00 Insoluble residuum . . 83.73 100.00 116 THE MF.mriNAI, PLANTS OF TIM: I'll I I.I 1MM NES Dujardin-Beaumetz has tested the therapeutic value of these seeds in diabetes but with negative results. Scott has main- tained that by adding the powdered seed to a mixture of malt and starch, fermentation is impeded ; but Dr. Villy in the laboratory of Dujardin-Beaumetz has demonstrated that such is not the case. Contrary to the opinions of those physicians who stated that "jambul " was capable of causing the glucose to disappear from the urine of diabetic patients without concur- rent diabetic regimen, Dujardin-Beaumetz observed in his trials of the drug that the slightest relaxation of the regimen was followed by an increase of glucose. Under the influence of the medicine in doses of 210 grams daily, at the same time main- taining a strict diabetic diet, the Parisian therapeutist noted that the glucose disappears from the third to the fifth day ; but this occurred only in cases of medium intensity, whereas in severe cases the medication produced no effect. Upon stopping the treatment the sugar reappeared. BOTANICAL DKS< -u i PTION. A tree, 15-20 high, with leaves opposite, acute, entire, ovate, lustrous, very smooth. Flowers in racemose panicles with peduncles opposite. Calyx superior, with 5 small teeth and a deciduous cover composed of many orbicular pieces joined below. Corolla none. Stamens numer- ous, inserted on the edge of the calyx. Stigma pointed. Fruit black, oval, crowned with the calyx ; one long cylindrical seed with membranaceous epidermis. HABITAT. Common all over the Archipelago. Blooms in February. MELASTOMACE^l. Melastoma malabatrichum, L. (IT. obm/ntum, Jack.; ^[. tittjH-i'ti and rili* and Celosia mana, Blanco.) NOM. VULG. Bias pogo, Tag.; Blistering Ammannia, Indo- Bug. r>i-:s. The leaves contain an irritant and acrid principle that renders them vesicant when applied to the skin. The Pharmacopeia of India quotes Sir \V. O'Shaughnessy to the effect that plasters made of the bruised leaves even when renewed every half hour require 24 hours to raise a blister and at the same time cause severe pain. He found it much more painful than cantharides and much less prompt to act. Dr. Dymock has prepared an ethereal tincture of the leaves and obtained with it results very different from those just men- tioned ; this is not surprising in view of the fact that the tinc- ture holds in solution in a small quantity of ether, a consider- able amount of the vesicant principle. This tincture has the same color as the " epispastic " of the English Pharmacopoeia, causes less pain and rapidly raises a good blister, facts of which I have convinced myself by the use of a small quantity sent me from Bombay in 1891. 118 THE MEDICINAL PLANTS OF THE PHILIPPINES Dr. Bholanauth Bose recommends the internal use of the juice of the leaves as a remedy for chronic diseases of the spleen ; this treatment, however, has caused severe pain and is absolutely uncertain in effect. In Concan the juice of the leaves is given mixed with food to animals in heat, for its anaphrodisiac action. The fresh or dried plant is given in decoction mixed with ginger in inter- mittent fevers. If the ethereal tincture be evaporated a resinous residue remains that has not been studied, but appears to be the vesi- cant principle. This tincture should be made from the dried leaves to avoid hydration of the ether. BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION. A small plant with stem red, straight, quadrate, ramose. Leaves opposite, lanceolate, and fringed with hairs. Flowers axillary, small, red, solitary. Peduncles short. Calyx inferior, bell-shaped, with 8-toothed border, the 4 alternate teeth larger. Corolla none. Nectary bell-shaped, surrounding the ovary, shorter than the calyx, with 4 toothlets which lengthening form the filaments of as many stamens. Anthers 4-celled. Ovary of 4 pluriovulate locules. Style almost wanting. Stigma fluted. Seed vessel glabrous, horizontally dehiscent, containing 15 or more angular seeds joined to a common axis. HABITAT. It grows in the marshes of Mandaloyon. Lawsonia alba, Lam. (L. spinosa, L.; L. inermis, Roxb.) NOM. YULG. Cinamomo del pais (native cinnamon), Sp.- Fil.; Henna, Campkire, Samphire, Indo-Eng. USES. This is a very popular plant in the Orient, for many races use its leaves to impart a reddish-yellow stain to the nails, finger tips and palms of the hands. There is a tradition among the Mohammedans that the Prophet once called this plant " the best of all herbs." The leaf in form of a dry powder is sold in the bazars of India under the name of " henna " ; mixed LAWSONIA ALBA 119 with water it gives it a yellow color, and when boiled the tone of the liquid becomes darker ; the addition of an alkali turns it brown. In Persia they add indigo to this solution and use it as a hair dye. The Hindoos apply the bruised leaves to the soles of the feet of small-pox patients, their purpose being to prevent the spread of the eruption to the eyes. They also use it locally in a dis- ease known among them as " burning of the feet." Grierson and Waring obtained good results in this disease by making a paste of the bruised leaves and vinegar ; cases that resisted such treatment yielded completely to a brisk rubbing of the feet with a simple paste of the leaf. The decoction and the bruised leaves are also used locally for contusions. The bark has been given in jaundice, hypertrophy of the spleen, calculi of various sorts, leprosy and stubborn skin dis- eases, as an alterative. In decoction it is applied to burns. An English physician, Dr. Newton, made an extract of the leaves and flowers with which he pretended to cure leprosy ; it was but one more useless drug in the long list used to combat that terrible disease. The dose of the extract is a teaspoonful daily, given in 2 doses. The juice of the leaves is given in sweetened water in some countries as a remedy for spermatorrhoea. The flowers are given in decoction for headache and the fruit is emmenagogue. BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION. A small tree, about 12 high. Leaves opposite, lanceolate, broad, entire, glabrous and tough, the edges turned downwards. Flowers yellowish-white, term- inal in racemose panicles with opposite peduncles. Calyx in- ferior, bell-shaped, 4 acute sepals. Corolla, 4 petals, longer than the calyx. Stamens 8, inserted by pairs on the segments of the calyx, alternating with and longer than the petals. An- ther kidney-shaped. Ovary at the bottom of the calyx. Styles of the same length as the stamens. Stigma obtuse. Seed ves- 120 THE MEDICINAL PLANTS OF THE PHILIPPINES sel a little larger than a pea, globose, 4 chambers, many seeds. HABITAT. Common all over the Archipelago. Blooms in July. Punica Granatum, L. NOM. VULG. Granada, Sp. and Fil. dialects ; Pomegranate, Eng. USES. The decoction of the tender leaves is used as a gargle and wash in angina, aphthae, and wounds within the buccal cavity. The peel of the fruit is highly astringent and in decoction is a useful agent in treating chronic diarrhoea, and locally in injec- tions of lotions for leucorrhoea and inflamed haemorrhoids. It should not be given when rectal tenesmus exists. The Phar- macopoeia of India contains the following formula for preparing the decoction of the peel : Pulp of the fruit, mashed 60 grams. Water 600 " Boil for 15 minutes in a covered vessel, cool, filter and add water enough to make a liter. Dose, 30-50 grams per diem. This preparation is also used in astringent gargles and injec- tions. For internal use the decoction is rendered more active by adding a small quantity of cloves or cinnamon. This mix- ture with the addition of opium gives excellent results in the treatment of diarrhoea among the natives of India and is highly recommended by Dr. Kirkpatrick. The most important part of the pomegranate, however, is its root, the bark of which is a very efficient taenifuge and the most astringent portion of the plant. It should be used fresh, as drying destroys its activity and gives negative results. Many failures to expel the taenia are probably due to this fact. Ac- cording to Beranger-Ferand the root gives 25% to 40% of cures, whereas pumpkin seeds give but 5% to 10%. PUNICA GRANATUM 121 DECOCTION. (French Codex.) Fresh bark of pomegranate root 60 grams. Water 750 " Macerate 6 hours, boil over slow fire till reduced to 500 grams. Strain. Administer fasting, in 3 doses half an hour apart. The evening before the patient should eat a light meal and take a cathartic in order that the intestinal canal may con- tain the smallest possible quantity of faecal matter. After tak- ing the third dose of the decoction the patient should take a mild purgative such as 30 grams of castor oil to expel the ta3nia. This preparation has a most disagreeable taste. It is better to give the " tannate of pelletierine," a compound of tannin and one of the alkaloids that Tanret discovered in pomegranate root. A sufficient dose of tannate of pelletierine is 30-40 centigrams in wafer form, followed by a purge and with the other precautions and preparatory measures mentioned above. It causes toxic symptoms similar to those produced by curare, according to the experimental studies of Dujardin-Beaumetz and Rocheniere. Its action is upon the ends of the motor nerves. A dose of 40 centigrams may cause in man such symptoms of intoxication as vertigo, inverted vision and muscular paralysis. Pelletierine should not be administered to children, but Be>anger-Ferand states that the tannate may be safely given them, as follows : Tannate of pelletierine 0.30 grams. Sweetened water 40.00 " A coffee-spoonful of this solution contains 0.03 gram of the tannate, and this quantity may be given to a child, in a little milk. If no symptoms supervene within one-half hour give another similar dose and so on up to 3 or 4 doses or .12 gm. in all. After the last dose give the purgative as a routine. It is certainly imprudent to trust the administration of such a drug to any one incapable of recognizing the symptoms of intoxica- tion, and as no one but a physician can judge the effects of the alkaloid he himself should remain with the patient until the 122 THE MEDICINAL PLANTS OF THE PHILIPPINES efficient dose has been absorbed. This is manifestly impractical and we therefore maintain that the alkaloid is not suited for the treatment of children. An analysis of the root bark made by the French chemist Tanret revealed the presence of four alkaloids : pelletierine, iso- pelletierine (C g H 15 NO), pseudo-pelletierine (C 9 H 16 NO), and me- fhylpeletierine (C 9 H 17 NO). BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION. A shrub 6-9 high with branches terminating in thorns ; some of the branches abort and form thorns. Leaves simple, oval, oblong, without stipules, with short petioles. Flowers axillary, solitary or in pauciflorous cymes. Calyx, 4-8 sepals, persistent, fleshy, yellow or red. Corolla, 4-8 petals, imbricated. Stamens numerous, free. Style 1 . Stigma thick. Fruit with leathery rind, about size of small apple, packed with seeds, each imbedded in a small amount of crisp, juicy pulp. ONAGRACEJE. Evening Primrose Family. Jussisea suffruticosa, L. (J. villosa, Lam.; J. erecta, Blanco.) NOM. VULG. Malapoko, Tag. USES. The entire plant reduced to a pulp and mixed with milk is used in India to treat dysentery. Ainslie states that the decoction is employed as a vermifuge and purgative. BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION. An herb with square stem, leaves alternate, lanceolate, nearly entire, glabrous. Flowers axillary, yellow, solitary. Calyx of 4-5 lobules. Corolla, 4 lanceolate petals inserted between the divisions of the calyx. Stamens 8, of these 4 alternate being shorter. Ovary very long, inferior, with 4 many-ovuled locules. Style the same length as the stamens. Stigma 4-lobuled. Seed vessels very long, with faint longitudinal ridges, crowned by the remains of the calyx, 4 pluriovulate locules. CARICA PAPAYA 123 HABITAT. In the arable fields and along the banks of rivers. Blooms in January and March. PASSIFLORACE^E. Passion Flower Family. Carica Papaya, L. NOM.. VULG. Papaya, in many Phil, dialects ; Papaya, PapaWj Eng. USES. The decoction of the leaves is used locally in sores and atonic ulcers, followed by a poultice of the boiled and mashed leaves. The natives use the cold infusion of the leaves to wash clothes spotted with blood and the spots disappear rapidly by virtue of the ferment papain which digests the fibrin. The infusion is also very useful as a wash for sores and gan- grenous ulcers, modifying their appearance very rapidly. Before proceeding further it is desirable to give a descrip- tion of papain, a digestive ferment which exists throughout the whole plant, fruit, trunk, leaves and petioles ; it is contained in the milky juice which exudes from all these parts when cut. This juice was studied simultaneously by Wurtz in France and Peckolt in Brazil. The best method of collecting it is to make several superficial, longitudinal incisions in the green fruit without removing it from the tree ; immediately an abundance of juice appears in the incisions and coagulates rap- idly. The best time to do this is the early morning. The fruit does not suffer by this process but continues developing and ripens perhaps more rapidly, at the same time improving in flavor, becoming sweeter ; the seeds, however, atrophy and lose their power of germination. Peckolt gives the following as the composition of the juice : A substance analogous to caoutchouc 4.525 Awa.. . 2.424 124 THE MEDICINAL PLANTS OF THE PHILIPPINES Soft resin 0.110 Brown resin 2.776 Albuminoids 0.006 Papayotin (Papain of Wurtz) 1.059 Extractive matter 5.303 Malic acid 0.443 Peptic material and salts 7.100 Water 74.971 The milky juice is neutral and coagulates rapidly, separating in two parts : a kind of insoluble pulp and a limpid colorless serum. If combined with fibrin, raw meat, white of egg or gluten it gradually softens them and completely dissolves them in 3 or 4 hours in vitro at 40 C. Combined with milk it coagulates it and soon precipitates the casein which is also dis- solved a little later. It digests lumbricoids and tape-worms and the false membrane of croup, in a few hours. According to Wurtz and Bouchut papain is prepared as follows : The fluid juice or the aqueous solution of the milky exudate is precipitated by the addition of ten times the volume of alcohol. The precipitate, after treating again with concen- trated alcohol, is dissolved in water and the addition of sub- acetate of lead eliminates the albuminoids and peptones but does not precipitate the papain. The liquid is filtered and the lead salts separated by means of a current of hydrogen sulphide. It is filtered again and alcohol added gradually, which process first precipitates whatever sulphate of lead may have passed through the filter, and then the papain. Papain is an amorphous substance, perfectly white, soluble in water, insipid, odorless. An aqueous solution, if shaken violently, foams like a solution of soap. Boiling makes it turbid and when concentrated it has a slightly astringent taste. It is precipitated by hydrochloric, nitric, picric and the meta- phosphoric acids. Trommer's test gives it a beautiful blue violet color which, on boiling, changes to a red violet. CARICA PAPAYA 125 It is an extremely active digestive ferment, comparable with pepsin, but superior to the latter because it does not require an acid medium, as its digestive action takes place even in the presence of an alkaline medium and of antiseptic substances such as boric acid, phenol, etc. It is given in doses of 10-40 centigrams in different vehicles such as water, wine, etc. It should be given after meals carefully and properly diluted, in order that its action may not be exerted upon the gastric mucous membrane itself. Its use is contraindicated in gastric ulcer. A watery solution prepared by macerating the green fruit has been used effectively to remove blemishes from the face, leaving the skin clean and smooth. The natives use little pieces of the green fruit to remove freckles (which they call pecas). The ripe fruit is edible and its taste quite agreeable ; in some of the Malay Islands it is given for dysentery, but it must be remembered that the ripe fruit does not contain papain. The pure exudate is given to children as an anthelmintic in doses of 2-6 grams with a little molasses, but it is not so harm- less that it may be used with impunity in this form, Moncorvo and others having reported cases of peritonitis with symptoms suggestive of cholera following its use. It is drastic and di- gestive in addition to its anthelmintic action, but according to Rabuteau, boiling destroys the first property without affecting the others. Dr. Lemarchand of the island of Mauritius gives the following anthelmintic prescription : Juice of papaya and molasses aa 1 tablespoon. Add gradually while shaking the mixture. Boiling water 4 tablespoons. Cool and administer in one dose followed immediately by 30 grams of castor oil. For a child, one-half dose. This treatment frequently causes colic, for the relief of which the author advises an injection of sweetened water. Sir O'Shaughnessy's prescription is preferable : 126 THE MEDICINAL PLANTS OF THE PHILIPPINES 2060 drops of the exudate in a little sweetened water. This dose cannot cause any untoward symptoms and is efficient in expelling both lumbricoids and tsenise. The triturated seeds may be given internally in doses of 1-2 grams with milk or molasses to expel lumbricoids. Analysis has revealed in the seeds the presence of a resinous oil, an oleag- inous material of disagreeable odor and taste called by Peckolt caricin, a fatty acid, papayic acid and a resin. In India the seeds are considered emmenagogue. In some countries they wrap meat in papaya leaves for several hours before eating in order to soften it. For the same purpose they sometimes boil the meat in water containing a few leaves or pieces of the green fruit ; some even go to the length of saying that it is only necessary to hang a piece of meat in a papaya tree for a time in order to soften it. The decoction of the green fruit is given internally for indi- gestion, a treatment common in the provinces of Bulacan and Pampanga. The milky juice is used to remove corns and Dr. Daruty offers the following prescription for eczema and psoriasis : Exudate of papaya 1.00 grams. Borax (powdered) 0.60 " Water 16.00 " Mix. Paint the affected part with feather or brush, 2-3 times a day. The same solution may be used for softening corns. BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION. Trees 15 in height, trunk cov- ered with large leaf scars, wood soft and brittle, the long-peti- oled, palmately-lobed leaves growing in a crown and giving the tree the general appearance of a palm. Flowers dioecious. Staminate tree : Flowers loosely clustered on long, hanging stems. Calyx, 5-6 teeth. Corolla tubular, V long, limb divided into 5 oval parts. Stamens 10, inserted in the throat. Style short, awl-shaped. Pistillate tree : Flowers much larger, TRICHOSANTHES PALM ATA 127 sessile, in axils of leaves. Calyx 5-toothed. Corolla large, 5 lanceolate petals curved outward, fleshy. Stigmas 5, fringed. Fruit about size of child's head or smaller, somewhat pear- shaped, juicy, pulp melon-like, 1 compartment with numerous seeds, each in a mucilaginous aril. CUCURBITACEJE. Gourd Family. Trichosanthes palmata, Roxb. (T. tricuspis, Mig.; T. luci- aniana, Bares.) NOM. VULG. (?). USES. Roxburgh states that the fruit is toxic and sometimes used to kill crows. Dymock states that the leaf is smoked in Bombay as a remedy for asthma. The extremely bitter taste of the fruit and rind induced Sir W. O'Shaughnessy to examine it for tonic and purgative prop- erties ; doses as high as 0.20 gram 3 times a day failed to exert a purgative effect. The root is used in veterinary medi- cine particularly for pneumonia. Mixed with equal parts of colocynth it is applied to carbuncles. In combination with equal parts of Terminalia chebula and ginger it is made into a sweetened infusion for internal use in gonorrhoaa. BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION. A climber with broad, heart- shaped, serrate, 7-lobulate leaves. Flowers mono3cious ; stami- nate white and racemose; pistillate solitary, growing at the base of the staminate racemes. Staminate receptacle tubular, calyx inserted on the border of the receptacle, 5 sepals. Corolla, 5 petals. Stamens 5, of which 4 are in pairs. Pistillate : the receptacle dilates in its lower part in form of a globose vase and encloses the unilocular pluriovulate ovary. Fruit ovoid or pyriform, scarlet when fresh, orange-yellow when dry. Seeds of irregular form, somewhat triangular. Kernel oily. HABITAT. Luzon. 128 THE MEDICINAL PLANTS OF THE PHILIPPINES T. anguina, L. (T. amara, Blanco.) NOM. VULG. Salagsalag, Pakupis, Salimpokot, Kukubitan, Halahala, Buyokbuyok, Tag. ; Tabdbog, Kukubitan, Pukopukot, Kuragda, Vis., Pam. T. cucumerina, L. NOM. VULG. Probably the same as T. anguina. USES. The fruit of T. anguina is purgative, emetic and anthelmintic. The natives use an infusion of the filamentous, reticulate portion surrounding the seeds, in doses of 0.500.60 gm., according to P. Blanco. The second species, T. cucumerina, has a wider use. In India it is regarded as a febrifuge and laxative and is commonly given with some aromatic. Ainslie notes that the leaves, as well as the fruit, are bitter and purgative and that the Tamuls use them for their laxative and stomachic effect. Drury states that on the Malabar coast the seeds have a considerable reputation as a remedy for functional disorders of the stomach. Although the green fruit is very bitter the natives of that region use it as a condiment. The tender stems and the dry capsules, both bitter and purgative, are given in infusion and in a sweetened solution, as an aid to digestion. The seeds are febrifuge and anthelmintic. The juice of the leaves is emetic and that of the roots purgative. The decoction of the stem is expec- torant. In Bombay the plant is considered febrifuge, and is given in decoction with ginger, Swertia chirafft, and sugar. The Mohammedan authors say that the T. cucumerina is effective in expelling lumbricoids and one of them mentions the following as a cure for stubborn fevers : Seeds of T. cucumerina No. 180. Seeds of coriander or cumin No. 180. Boiling water 200 grams. LAGENARIA COURGOURDA 129 Let stand over night, filter, add a little sugar, administer in 2 doses morning and evening. In Concan they use the juice of the leaves as a liniment in remittent fevers, rubbing the hepatic region and in fact the en- tire body. BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION. T. anguina, L., is a vine with 5-angled stem, bearing tendrils and spattered with white dots. Leaves heart-shaped, with 5 acute lobules, spiny -toothed. Peti- oles with a bifid swelling at their bases. Flowers white, monoe- cious. Staminate : calyx 5-toothed with dotted borders ; corolla, 5 fringed petals; stamens 3 ; anthers 3, entirely united and form- ing a cylinder. Pistillate : 3 glandules in the corolla tube ; style long ; stigmas 3. Fruit ribbed, long, the compartments formed by reticular partitions; contains many irregular seeds, one border sharp, the other obtuse, covered by a very thin aril. The T. eucumerina, L., is less common, bears a spindle- shaped or obovate fruit, is hairy and lacks ribs. Its seeds are ovoid, very smooth, encircled by a narrow wing. The reticulum within the fruit is similar to that of the foregoing species. HABITAT. Common in all parts of the islands. Blooms in October. Lagenaria vulgaris, Ser. NOM. VULG. Common Gourd, Bottle Gourd, Calabash, Eng. Yar. Lagenaria Gourda, Ser. (Cucurbita lagenaria oblonga, Blanco.) NOM. VULG. Calabaza de peregrino, Sp.; Pilgrim's Gourd, Eng. Var. L. courgourda, Ser. NOM. VULG. Tabayag, Tag. 11 130 THE MEDK.'IXAL PLANTS OF THE PHILIPPINES Yar. L. clavata, Ser. (C. layeitai'ift. vi/lo*, Blanco.) EfOM.VlttA ' -*{>.: 'tj t >,. Tag.: En-. l'-f>. The three above-mentioned varieties of Z. n<(<> ^ram (Dujardin-Beaumetz), the product of 250 grams of the seeds. The dose of 100 grams of the seeds mentioned above is very small, if the pepo-resin rep- resents the entire active principle, for 100 grams of the - would only contain about 40 centigrams. BOTANH-AL I>P> f:iKrrx. A very familiar vine, clammy, pubescent and Brack-Mated ; large leaves, long-stalked flowers, white petals, greenish veiny fruit usually club-shaped or en- larged at the' apex, the hard rind used for dippers, and so forth. It is noteworthy that none of the Uenifuge varieties mentioned bears vellow fruit. LUFF A JEGYPTIA'A 131 Luffa .ffigyptiaca, Mill. (L. pentamtra, Roxb.; L. petola, Ser.: l[n,iiD,>Ks. The root is a hydragogue cathartic even in minute doses. The fruit is emollient by virtue of the large quantity of mucilage it contains, but it is more interesting for other properties. When cut in two, deprived of epidermis and seeds, and washed until none of the mucilage remains, there is left a fibrous skeleton, a sort of skein of interwoven nets that consti- tutes the so-called vegetable sponge. It serves the same pur- p< se as a sponge and has the advantages that its fibers do not rot and that they are easily kept clean. In view of its cheap- ness and plent it\i In ess in the Philippines the above advantages should suffice to bring it into universal use for the toilet, for surgical purposes and for cleaning in general. BOTANICM. OI>M KIPTION. A vine with square, glabrous stem. Leaves alternate, cordate. -> 3-lobulate, dentate, rough, o-7-nerved. Petioles short. Flowers monoecious. Staminate in axillary panicles ; calyx bell-shaped ; corolla yellow, 5 oval petals, borders entire : stamens 3 ; filaments short ; two thick ones divide high up in '2 parts, thus giving the appearance of " stamens in all. Pistillate axillary, calyx adherent, 5 pointed sepals ; corolla, ~) nearly triangular petals, finely dentate ; style thick, short, the base encircled by 3 glandules : stigma cordate. ( )vary, 3 pseudo-locales formed by the central union of the placentas ; pluriovulate. Fruit oblong, terminating at the apex in a deciduous lid or cover, marked with 8 or 10 black longitu- dinal lines ; the interior reticulate, 3 compartments with many seeds, oval, black, Hat with thin borders. The natives do not dis- tinguish between this specimen and the Trichox,it/n'* % but it is to be noted that the corolla of the former is not ravelled or fringed. HA HIT AT. Common in Lu/on and Panay. Blooms in January. 132 THE MEDICINAL PLANTS OF THE PHILIPPINES Momordica balsamina, L. NOM. VULG. Ampalaya, Ampalea, Tag.; Amargoso, Sp.- Fil.; Paria, Hoc.; Apalia, Pam.; Balsamina, Sp.; Balsam Apple, Eng. M. charanta, L. (M. muricata, Willd.; M. cylindrica, Blanco.) NQM. VULG. The same as of M. balsamina. USES. The fruit of both varieties is edible, though a bitter principle gives it such an intensely bitter taste that it is intol- erable to the unaccustomed palate. It is eaten raw as a salad, or cooked with meat or fish. The juice of the leaves is pre- scribed internally as a purgative and anthelmintic. In Concan it is given alone or combined with aromatics, in bilious dis- orders as an emetic and purgative ; externally they use it as an ointment for the itch and other skin diseases ; in India it is mixed with cinnamon, pepper, rice and oil of Hydnocarpus inebrians, Vahl. The fruit and leaves are used internally for worms and ex- ternally for leprosy. Some Hindoo writers state that the fruit is tonic and stomachic, and that it is useful in rheumatism, gout, diseases of the liver and spleen. BOTANICAL DESCRfPTiox. The first variety, M. balsamina, more common than the second, is a vine with angular stem and simple tendrils. Leaves, many serrate lobules with white dots on the ends. Flowers yellow, monoecious. Staminate soli- tary, peduncles very long, involucre cordate ; calyx 5-lobed ; corolla 5 petals ; filaments simple, one separate, 2 approxi- mated ; anthers joined at their bases. Pistillate solitary ; ovary, 3 locules and numerous ovules ; stigma, 3 bifid divi- sions ; fruit globose, narrowing at the ends, covered with tuber- cles ; seeds numerous, lacking albumen, having red aril. The second variety, M. cylindrica, has a downy stem, 5- angled with simple tendrils. The leaves are 5-lobuled, cordate, CITRULLTJS COLOCYNTHIS ' 133 serrate, with short hairs on under surface. Melon hollow, glabrous, very long, cylindrical, tapering at the ends, covered with tubercles, some elevated in longitudinal lines, others de- pressed ; seeds in 3 rows, enveloped in pulpy arils, white, long quadrangular, truncate above, encircled by 2 rows of obtuse toothlets. HABITAT. Both grow in all parts and are well known. Citrullus Colocynthis, Schard. (Cucumis Colocynthis, L.) NOM. VULG. Coloqnintida, Sp.; Coloeynth, Bitter Apple, Eng. USES. The part employed is the fruit pulp, official in all the pharmacopeias as a very energetic hydragogue cathartic. It is seldom given alone, but in combination with other drugs to modify its energy and its action. In large doses it causes vomiting, bloody diarrhoea and a series of nervous phenomena that may end in death. Six to ten grams constitute a toxic dose. It operates with most force upon the large intestines and sympathetically upon the uterus. DOSE. Extract, 0.10-0.30 gram; powder, 0.30-1.00 gram. The pulp contains a yellow, intensely bitter substance, quite soluble in water and in alcohol, discovered by Hubschmann and named by him eoloquintina. The seeds contain 17yfc of an insipid oil. BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION. An herb with long, prostrate stems covered with stiff hairs. Leaves alternate, triangular, deeply cleft in 3 lobules that subdivide. Petioles long. The color of the leaves is pale green above, whitish or gray and covered with white hairs underneath. Flowers yellow, monoB- cious, solitary, axillary, with long peduncles. Staminate : re- ceptacle cup-formed, 5 sepals and 5 free, yellow petals ; 5 stamens in pairs, one free. Pistillate : the 'receptacle globose, covering the lower part of the ovary ; 3 staminodes take the place of the stamens. Ovary unilocular, uniovulate, with a 134 THE MEDICINAL PLANTS OF THE PHILIPPINES short style bearing 3 lobules at its apex. Fruit globose, 6-8 centimeters in diameter, smooth, greenish, later yellow with white spots ; it is full of a whitish pulp that becomes dry and pithy and that contains the obovate seeds, smooth, flattened, brown, lacking albumen. HABITAT. Manila. FICOIDEJE. Trianthema monogyna, L. (T. obcordata, Roxb. ; Portulaca toston and axiflora, Blanco.) NOM. VULG. Toston, Tag. ; Alusiman, Ayam, Vis. USES. This plant is edible, the natives eating it boiled, fried or in salad. The root is cathartic and is used powdered. BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION. A plant with prostrate stems, radiating branches. Leaves ensheathing the stem, opposite, oval, red-bordered, glabrous. Petioles with 2 stipules at the base and 2 small teeth near the middle. Flowers axillary, soli- tary, sessile. Calyx, 2 pointed sepals. Corolla, 5 oval petals. Stamens 15-20. Style simple. Seed vessels inversely pyram- idal, dehipccnce horizontal. Seeds numerous. HABITAT. Very common in the rice fields. Blooms in January. UMBELLIFER.E. Parsley Family. Hydrocotyle Asiatica, L. NOM. YULG. Takip kohol, Takip suso, Tag. ; Rabasa, Sp. ; Indian Pennywort, Indo-Eng. USES. Dr. Daruty, of Mauritius, has published a study of this plant, giving a resume of its composition, therapeutic uses and physiological action. The writers of antiquity recognized the plant as a powerful alterative, tonic, diuretic, stimulant and vermifuge, especially effective in secondary syphilis and in ulcerative diseases of the skin. HYDROCOTYLE ASIATICA 135 Lepine and Boileau used it experimentally to treat leprosy and reported favorably ; but later experience demonstrated that it did not exercise any specific effect, but benefited ,ana3sthetic lep- rosy simply by improving the general condition of the patient. The plant is official in the Pharmacopeia of India, as altera- tive, tonic and stimulant. It states that the drug has been found very useful in the treatment of secondary and constitu- tional syphilis, when the disease attacks the skin and subcuta- neous tissue. In Bombay it is a popular remedy for the mild dysentery of children, given as a decoction of 3 or 4 leaves with a little cumin seed and sugar ; the bruised leaves are then applied to the umbilical region. In the Philippines the decoction of the leaves is given as a purge. Dr. Dervegie reports good results in the treatment of eczema, administering the powdered leaf in dozes of 0.10 gram and applying locally the powder or an ointment of the same. The most marked and constant effects of the drug are a considerable increase of the urinary secretion, elevation of the temperature of the skin and profuse diaphoresis. Dr. Boileau, quoted above, himself contracted leprosy of which he died ; he experimented on himself with " hydroco- tyle " and on one occasion a dose of 3 grams nearly proved fatal ; tetanic symptoms supervened with suffocation, palpita- tion, epistaxis and rectal hemorrhage, abating finally with pro- fuse sweating and diuresis. Dr. Lepine, a pharmacist of Pondicherry, has analyzed the plant and isolated a substance that seems to be the active prin- ciple ; he has named it vallarin, from " vallarai," the Tamul name of the plant. " Vallarin " is a thick, pale yellow oil of a piquant and persistent taste and an odor peculiar to the plant. It changes under the influence of air, moisture or heat and volatilizes at 120. It is soluble in alcohol. The plant contains T 8