OLIVER OLDBOY G-EOKGE BAILEY 21 Salt of NEW YORK MERCANTILE LIFE BY OLIVER OLDBOY NEW YORK HARPER & BROTHERS, FRANKLIN SQUARE 1880 Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1880, by HAKTER & BROTHERS, In the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. GEORGE BAILEY. CHAPTER I. " What's i' the air ? Some subtle spirit runs through all my veins. Hope seems to ride this morning on the wind, And joy outshines the sun." PROCTER. IT was a raw and gusty evening toward the end of March, 18 . The day had been cold, dreary, and sunless; great masses of leaden clouds had chased each other through the atmosphere ; and the half-frozen snow of a late winter lay soiled on the streets and sidewalks of the city of New York. To the person whose business called him out-of- doors everything wore an aspect of indescribable gloom and discomfort. At this period there existed in the central part of the city many rows of neat two -story houses with slanting roofs and dormer-windows, occupied by well-to-do citizens in the middle rank of life. Toward one of these houses a young man might have been seen walking with a quick, elastic step, his whole frame vibrating with perfect health, and his eye gleaming with hope and happiness. He was a little above the middle height, with great breadth of shoulder and depth of chest. His head was large, well set, and cov- ered with masses of thick, dark hair. lie strode along with the step of a young Titan, almost bounding in his eagerness to reach his home. He spurned the slush of the sidewalk, and he scorned the biting blast of the March wind. 17821 82 4 GEOKGE BAILEY. " Oh Kate," said he, to the middle-aged domestic, who had answered his ring at the door-bell, " I am almost in- clined to kiss you, I feel so happy." " Oh fie, Mr. George ! you ought to he ashamed of your- self !" replied the servant, with a smile which showed that she would not have been much hurt had he followed his inclinations. " Where's mother down-stairs or up ?" " She's up-stairs sewin' an' rnendin', as usual." The young man, having laid aside his overcoat and hat, ran up the stairs two steps at a time, gave an impatient knock at the door, and, without waiting for a reply, rushed into the room, seized his mother's head in both his hands, and showered a dozen kisses on her forehead and cheeks. " Mother, congratulate me ! mother, I'm in luck ! No more poverty, no more struggling !" " Why, George, what's the matter ? Is the boy crazy ? There, there, that will do. Tell me all about it." " Mother, congratulate me ; I almost ran home to tell you the good news. To-day I was promoted to be head- clerk, at a salary of three thousand dollars a year, in the house of Van Hess