I.IHRARV ill THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. FT OK Class U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. LIBRARY BULLETIN No. 41. JOSEPHINE A. CLARK:, LIBRARIAN. LIST OF REFERENCES TO PUBLICATIONS RELATING TO IRRIGATION AND ' LAND DRAINAGE. COMPILED BY A. HEDRICK. PREPARED TXDEE THE DIRECTION OF THE LIBRARIAN. \ WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1902. PUBLICATIONS OF THE LIBRARY OF THE DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. BULLETINS. \ the Department Library, July-October, 1S94. Accessions to the Department Library. November-December, IS'.M, ons to the Department Library. January-March, ls. --ions to tin- Department Library, April-June. I *'..">. .us to the Department Library, July-September, 1S!)5. List of publications <>f the V. S. Department of Agriculture from IS41 to June -SO, 1S!>5, inclusive. L896. -ions to the Department Library. October-December, is i .:>. Accessions to the Department Library. January-March, IS'.Mi. 11'. Accessions to the Department Library, April-June, IS!M>. i:->. Accessions to the Department Library, July-September, 1896. 14. Accessions to the Department Library. ( Mober-December. !*'.>. 15. Accessi>ns to tin- Department Library, January-March, 1S!)7. li. References to the literature of the sujrar beet, exclusive of works in foreign lanjrua^es; compiled by Claribel l.{. Barnett. 1S<)7. 17. Accessions to the Department Library, April-June, .1SJ7. is. Bibliography of poultry; compiled by Kmma I'. Hawks. l7. I'O. Reference list of ]ublications relatin.ir to edible and poisonous mushrooms; compiled by Josephine A. Clark. IS'.IS. 21. Accessions to the Department Library, October-December. 1S!7. 22. Accessions to the D(>])artment Library, January-March, is'.is. 2:i. Accessions to the Department Library, April-June. 24. List of publications relating to forestry in the Department Library, Is'.is 2. r ). Accessions to the Department Library. July-September, Is'.ix. 2(i. Accessions to the Department Library, October-December. is'.)s. 27. Accessions to the Department Library, January-March, INW. 2s. Accessions to the De]>artment Libi-ary. April-June, 1SUJ. 2'.. Accessions to the Department Library. July-September, IS!)'.). :JO. Accessions to the Department Library, October- De-ember, '51. Accessions to the Depailment Library, January-March. H00. /2. Accessions to the Department Library. April-June, I'.HH). :;:;. Accessions to the Department Library. July-September, I'.iOO. :-!4. Accessions to the Department Library. October-December. 1HOO. 35. Accosions to the Dej.artment Library, January-March, lliul. :>M. Accessions to the Department Library. April-June, 1901. 37. Catalogue eriolicals and other serial publications (exclusive of I". S. Government publications) in the Library of the V. >. Department of Agriculture: prepared under the direction of Josephine A. (Mark, libra- rian, 1001. :;S. Accessions to the Department Library, July-September, IDOL :;'.. Accessions to the Department Library, Octolier-December, I'.Hil. Id. A.-eessions to the Department Library, January-March. 1 Department of Agriculture, (in pre.- U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, LIBRARY BULLETIN No. 41. JOSEPHINE A. CLARK. LIBRARIAN. LIST OF REFERENCES TO PUBLICATIONS RELATING TO IRRIGATION AND LAND DRAINAGE. COMPILED BY A. HE!) RICK. PREPARED UNDLR THE DIRECTION OF THE LIBRARIAN. WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1902. /') /c > LETTER OE TRAXSMITTAL U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, WfixJttnt/toH, D. 6 r ., S<-i>trti,l>,-i> 21, 1901. SIR: I have the honor to transmit herewith and to recommend for publication as a bulletin of the Library of the Department a manuscript entitled u List of references to publications relating* to irrigation and land drainage." This list has been prepared, in cooperation with the Office of Experiment Stations, by Miss Ellen A. Hedrick, who was appointed for the special work in connection with the irrigation inves- tigations. The list includes references to irrigation and land drainage princi- pally, but it has been deemed advisable to include, also, references to a few allied subjects, such as hydraulics, and some departments of engineering. No attempt has been made to catalogue articles in peri- odicals except in the following cases, namely: Transactions and Pro- ceedings of the American Society of Civil Engineers, Transactions and Proceedings of the Technical Society of the Pacific Coast, Minutes of Proceedings of the Institute of Civil Engineers. Journal and Proceed- ings of the Royal Society of New South Wales, and Annales des Ponts et Chaussees: Memoires et documents. The work has been done in the libraries of Washington containing the largest collection of books on the subjects mentioned. Books which are available for reference in these libraries are indicated by abbrevia- tions after the entries. Respectfully, JOSEPHINE A. CLARK, Librarian. Hon. JAMES WILSON, Secretary <>f Agriculture* CONTENTS. Page. Author list 5 Periodicals 162 Subject index 165 -95 LIST OF REFERENCES TO PUBLICATIONS RELATING TO IRRIGATION AND LAND DRAINAGE. ABBREVIATIONS. W A = Library of the Department of Agriculture. W G =Library of the Geological Survey. W p =Library of the Patent Office. W c =Library of Congress. References marked * could not be verified. 1 Abbot, Henry Larcom. Practical gauging- of rivers. (Li Professional papers on Indian engineering. 7:183-188. 1870.) Remarks addressed to the Essayon club of the Corps of United States engineers. See also, as joint author, Humphreys, A. A. Abbott, Edwin Hale. See, as reviewer, Humphreys, A. A. 2 Abbott, T. K. Wells in Liverpool plains [New South Wales]. (In Roy. soc. N. S. W. Jour, and proc., 1880. 14:281-292. map. 1881.) ; [reprint], (In N. S. W. Roy. comn. conservation of ivater. First report. Appendix K 1. pp. tW 17. 1885.) 3 Abbott, W. E. Water supply in the interior of New South Wales. (In Roy. soc. N. S. W. Jour, and proc. , 1881. 18 : 85-111. map. 1885.) 4 Abel, Gustav, and Vincent, Otto. Die drainage, deren theorie und praxis. Ed. 6, rev. pp. 235. pi. 8. Leipz., Baumgart- ner's buchhandlung, 1882. W G Voru Mecklenburger patriotischen verein gekronte preisschrift. Preface of 1st edition is dated 1853. Ablett, W. H. See, as editor, Roland, Arthur. 5 Acheson, Frederick. Essay on the collection and storage of water in Victoria, pp. 47. map. 8. Melbourne, Govt, 1861. W Victorian Government prize essay. 6 Adams, Arthur L. Stave pipe, its economic design and the economy of its use, (In Amer. soc. civ. eng. Proc. 24: 676-708. il. 1898; with discussion, Trans. 41 : 27-81. il. 1899.) Adler, Georg Christian. See, as editor, Frontinus, Sextus Julius. Akers, W. R. See, as state engineer, Nebraska Irrigation, State board of. Albuquerque, J\ T . J/^. See, for irrigation congress held here in 1895, National irrigation congress, Official report. Aleksandrovich, K. G. See, as engineer, Russia Public works ministry. 7 Alexander, B. S.. Mendell, G. H., f Kern county. Oil. pp. 300r-306. 1877.) 8 : 'Alfonso-Spagna, F. Studii sulla oconoinia della acque. pp. 176. Palermo. 1 V 04. 9 Allen, Parker Koscoe. Periyar tunnel. (In Inst. civ. eng. Min. of proc. 128:lfU-17:>. iL 1S<7.) Discussion and correspondence on this paper and the paper on Diversion of the Periyar, by John Pennycuick, are given, 128:173-205. 10 "'Amenduni, Giovani. Sulle opere di bonificazione, della plaga lito- ranea dell' Agro Romano. Text & plates [-2 v.]. Roma, 1881. 11 American society of civil engineers. Proceedings .... v. 1-20. s". N. Y., 1876-1900. ' AV A AY" AY 1 ' AY ( Papers are first issued in the Proceedings and are afterwards reissued in the Transactions, with discussions. Papers were not issued in the Proceedings previous to volume 23. such papers as relate to irrigation are entered in the list under their respective authors. 12 - Report of committee on the cause of failure of the South Fork dam. (/// Amer. soc. civ. eng. Trans. 24 : 431 i-0i>. pi. maps. 1891.) Paging given includes discussion on the subject. Committee consisted of James B. Francis, W. K. Worthen, M. J. Becker, and A. Fteley. ; [abstract]. (/// Instit. civ. eng. Min. of proc. 106: 301-300. 1891.) 13 Transactions, v. 1-44. 8. N. Y., 1872-1900. W A W o W P W c Srr note under American society of civil engineers, Proceedings. 14 American society of irrigation engineers. Annual for 1892-93. v. [1]. 8. Denver. is'tf. AY A Continued under the title Transactions. 15 - Cession of the public lands, etc. : resolutions adopted by soci- ety and paper relative to cession of public lands to the States, forestry, irrigation, etc. pp. 37. il. 8. [Wash., Govt.. 1897.] (TJ. B. Senate. 55th Cong.. 1st sess. S. doc. 130. In v. 5.) AY A Includes paper by Elwood Mead on Arid public lands, their reclamation, management, and disposal. 16 - Constitution and by-laws adopted by the Annual conven- tion, Dec. 28, 1892. pp. 30. 10. Denver, 1893. AY G With list of members. 17 - Transactions, elan., 1895-Jan.. 1897. v. 2, no. 1-3. 8. Denver. 1895-97. AY A v. 2. no. 1-2. title reads Quarterly. For v. 1, see American society of irrigation engineers, Annual. 18 "Anderegg, J. Der rationelle wiesenbau in gebirgsgegenden. Stutto-.. is7!. 19 :: Anderson, J. Practical treatise on draining- boo-s and swampy ground. 8. Loud., 1797. 20 Anderson, J. C. Financial results of Madras canals. ( /// Professional papers on Indian engineering. 3:'-W2-4ul. 1800. ) Memorandum from the report of the Ganges canal committee. 21 - Irrigation in the Madras Presidency; report. (In Profes- sional papers on Indian enginooring. 6:301-385. map. 22 Anderson, R. C. Tables for facilitating the calculation of every detail in connection with earthen and masonry dams. pp. 406. pi. 8. Lond., H. S. King, 1876. W p Contains as appendix, Report on the design and construction of masonry dams, by W. J. Macquorn Rankine, 23 Anderson, William. Notes of a journey through the northeast por- tion of the delta of the Nile in April, 1884. (In Instit. civ. eng. Min. of proc. 76 : 346-354. 1884.) 24 Andrade Corvo, J. de. Memoire sur les rizieres du Portugal. (In Ann. des ponts et chaussees: mem. et doc., 1862, semest. 2. pp. 217-247.) 25 Andreossy, Antoine Francois. Histoire du Canal du Midi, ou Canal de Languedoc, considere sous les rapports d'invention, d'art, d'administration, cTirrigation, et dans ses relations avec les etangs de Finterieur des terres qui Favoisinent. New ed. Text & plates 2 v. sq. 4. Paris, 1804. W c 26 Annales des ponts et chaussees; memoires et documents relatifs a Fart des constructions et au service de Fingenieur, 1831-1900. ser. 1, v. 1-ser. 7, v. 28. 8. Paris, Librairie des corps nationaux des ponts et chaussees, des mines et des telegraphes, n. d. W G W W p Each series covers a period of ten years and contains twenty volumes, except the seventh which has twenty-eight volumes. Such papers as relate to irrigation are entered in the list under their respective authors. 27 Apulian aqueduct; [abstract]. (In Instit. civ. eng. Min. of proc. 143:373. 1901.) Original paper in Giornale del genio civile, May, 1900. p. 205. 28 Argentine Republic. Pi Mic works ministry. Report to the Director- General of Public works on the present state of the San Roque water-dam; by Frederico Stavelius; [abstract]. (In Instit. civ. eng. Min. of proc. 112 : 419-421. 1893.) Original paper in Anales de la Sociedad cientifico argentina, Buenos Ayres. il. Sept., 1892. 29 Arizona agricultural experiment station. Agricultural development in southwestern Arizona, pumping water for irrigation; [by F. A. Gulley and C. B. Collingwood]. pp. 15-24. 8. Tucson, 1893. (Bulletin 11.) W A 30 - Irrigation in Arizona; [by V. E. Stolbrand]. pp. 14. 8. Tucson, 1891. (Bulletin 3.) W A 31 Arnaud, Alessandro. Sui serbatoi artificial! di acqua a benefizio dell' irrigazione. pp. 31. 8. Saluzzo, Rovera e Compagno, 1893. W A Estratto dal Bollettino del Comizio agrario di Saluzzo, 1893. Artesian and underflow investigation and irrigation inquiry. See United States Agriculture, Department of Artesian and un- derflow investigation and irrigation inquiry. 32 *Ascono, Antonio. Manuale teorico-pratico sulF uso delle acque per la derivazione e la condotta di esse e per le irrigazione de cam pi, etc. pp. 170. pi. 8. Milan, Silvestri, 1836. 33 Ashhurst, Francis Henry. Reconstruction of the Bhim Tal dam, Kumaon, N. W. P., India. (In Instit. civ. eng. Min. of proc. 75: 202-210. 1884.) 34 Association of American agricultural colleges and experiment stations. Proceedings of loth annual convention. July 5-7. ist.W; edited by A. C. True, W. H. Seal, and II. H. Goodell. pp. 11 8. Wash.. Govt.. liHii). (U. S. Ailtm\. D<+>t. of Experi- ment Stations, Office of. Bulletin 76.) W A At the meetin.tr of the section on agriculture and chemistry, alkali and irrigation in the West were subjects of discussion. R. H. Loughridge, B. C. Buffum. F. W. Traphagen, L. G. Car- penter, A. c. True, El wood Mead, E. J. Wickson, and A. J. McClatchie made short addresses. 35 Aubuisson de Voisins, Jean Francois d". Treatise on hydraulics for the use of engineers; translated from the French and adapted to the English units of measure, bv Joseph Bennett, pp. 53^. pi. 8, Boston, Little. Brown co.. 1852. W 1 ' 36 Auchincloss, W. S. Waters within the earth and laws of rainflow. pp.43, il. 8. Phila., W. S. Auchincloss, 189T. \V 1! Aughey, Samuel, .fe, as commissioner. United States Ayriraltm'*^ Department <>t\ Artesian wells upon the Great plains: report of geological commission. 37 Aymard, Maurice. Etude sur les irrigations de la Metidja et les cours d'eau de V Atlas. (In Ann. des ponts et chaussees: mem. et doc., 1853. semest. _>. pp. 4'>-131. pi.) 38 - Irrigation works of Alicanti, in Spain; [abstract]. (In Instit. civ. eng. Min. of proc. 45:309. 1876.) Original paper in Annales du Genie civil. 2d scr. 4 : *'.:',. 39 - Irrigations du midi de I'Espagne, etudes sur les grands travaux hydrauliques et le regime admioistratif des arrosages de cette contree; par Aymard, precede d'un rapport de M. Lebasteur. Text & atlas [2 v.]. 8 & f. Paris, Eugene Lacroix. 1M'4. (Publications scientifiques. industrielles et agricoles de E. Lacroix.) W G 40 - Memoire sur la pratique des arrosages en Algerie. (In Ann. des ponts et chaussees: mem. et doc., 1870. [semest. 1]. pp. 236-300.) 41 Babb, Cyrus C. Hydrography of the Potomac basin. (In Amer. soc. civ. "eng. Trans. 27 : 21-38. chart. 1S!> I. ) 42 - Rainfall and river-How. (In Amer. soc. civ. eng. Trans. 28:323-347. pi. 1893.) Paging given includt's di-cnssion on the pajit-r. 43 Bachmann. Arched masonry dams; [abstract]. /// Instit. civ. eng. Min. of proc. (188:504:.' ls.m.) Original paper in Centralblatt der bauverwaltung. l^w. ].. 10. 44 Bailey, Gilbert E. [Artesian waters and geology of the southwest section of the state of South Dakota, and eastern section of Wyoming.] (In U. S. Agriculture^ D< }>t. f Art^tnn ,, nif. Kepoit of geological and irrigation surveyor. Is'.i-j Report on Calit/doip irrigation scheme. 45 Baker, Benjamin. River Nile. (In Instit. civ. eng. Min. of proc. (10:367-379. 9 46 Baker, Ira O. Treatise on masonry construction. Ed. 2. pp. 552. il. pi. 8. N. Y., Wiley & sons, 1890. W G 47 Baker, M. N., editor. Manual of American water-works, compiled from special returns, containing the history, details of construc- tion, mode of water supply, cost, etc., of every water-works in the United States and Canada, pp. 611. 8. N. Y., Engineer- ing news, 1889. W G 4th issue, pp. Oil. 8. N. Y., Engineering news, 1897. W A 48 Barbet, . Note sur le calcul des barrages de reservoirs en mafon- nerie. (In Ann. des ponts et chaussees: mem. et doc., 1898, tri- mest. 2. pp. 265-299.) 49 - Note sur les conditions de resistance des barrages de reser- voirs en maconnerie. (In Ann. des ponts et chaussees: mem. et doc., 1899, trimest. 1. pp. 22-56.) 50 Barbour, Erwin Hinckley. Wells and windmills in Nebraska, pp. 85. il. pi. 8. Wash., Govt., 1899. (U. *. Interior, Dept. of the Geological surety Ifydroc/rafthy, Division of. Water supply and irrigation papers. 29.) W A (TI. S. House of Representatives. 55th Cong. 3d sess. H. doc. 299. In\. 73.)' W A 51 Barilari, . Survey of the course of the Po; [abstract]. (In Instit. civ. eng. Min. of proc. 49 : 330-333. 1877.) Original paper in Giornale de genio civile. 14:611. 52 Barker, F. C. Irrigation in Mesilla valley, New Mexico, pp. 51. il. pi. map. 8. Wash., Govt.,' 1898. (U. S. Interior, Dept. of the Geological survey Hydrography^ Division of. W^ater supply and irrigation papers. 10.) W A (U. S. House of Representatives. 55th Cong. 2d sess. , H. doc. 301. In v. 60.) W A 53 Barois, Julien Hippolyte Eugene. Irrigation dans les Indes. (In Ann. des ponts et' chaussees: mem. et doc., 1891, semest. 2. pp. 261-311.) 54 - L'irrigation en figypte. Text & plates [2 v.]. 4. [Paris, Imprimerie nationale, 1887.] (France Agriculture, Ministere de V Hydraulique agricole. Direction de l\ Bulletin, fasc. H.) W Paris, Imprimerie nationale, 1887. English. Irrigation in Egypt; translated by A. M. Miller. pp.113, pi. maps. 4. Wash., Govt., 1889.' (U. S. House of Representatives. 50th Cong. 2d sess. H. mis. doc. 134.) W A W Q 55 Barr, William M. Pumping machinery ; x a practical hand-book relating to the construction and management of steam and power pumping machines, pp. 147. il. pi. 8. Phila., J. B. Lippincott co., 1893. W p T 56 Barraclough, S. H., //7>//v. J///,/V//v <]< /'- .lf//vV////>//v, Direction de /'.) AY (; AY A 58 " Drainage des terres arables. Ed. 3. 2 v. il. pi. Paris, Librairie agricole de la maison rustique. 187-. 59 - Irrigations dans le departement de Vaucluse; rapport sur le concours ouvert en 1876 pour le meilleur einploi des eaux d'irrigation. pp. 595. pi. 7. map. f. Paris, Imprimerie nationale, 1877. (France A(/i'}<-"!t>t/'< 'tr<<-t><>i< /ri',<>i< <1< /".) W A W G Analyses, chemical and botanical, of different kinds of hay grown in this district are given in chap. 80. pp. 4i;>- !>>;. 62 - ; rapport sur le eoneours ouvert en 1870 pour le meil- leur emploi des eaux d'irrigation. pp. 271. pi. f. Paris, Imprimerie nationale, 1876. (France Agriculture ct tin com- meroe, Miniate d#T^ Agriculture, I )!r</< ////*.) W A W Analyses of different kinds of hay are continued in chap. 24, pp. 224-257. 63 * - Legislation du drainage, des irrigations et autres ameliora- tions foncieres permanentes. pp. 664. il. pi. Paris, Librairie agrieole de la maison rustique, ISI;L>. Barrett, AY. AY. See, as superintendent. North Dakota Trrifidt'nw dnd forestry, Department <>f. 64 * Baudot, J. G. Des reservoirs du Nil. pp.15. Vichy, Bougarel, 1894. 65 Baumgarten. . Notiee sur le moulinet de AYoltmann, destine a mesurer les vitesses de Peau, sur son perfectionnement et sur los experiences faites avee eet instrument. (In Ann. des ponts et chaussees: mem et doc., 1847. semest. 2. pp. 326-374. pi.) 66 - Notier sur les rivieres de la Lorn bardie et prineipalement sur le IV). (/;/ Ann. des ponts et chaussees: mem. et doc., 1847, somost. 1. pp. 12H-199. pi.) Analyse des difTerents memoires de M. Lombardini. 67 - Rapport a M. le ministre des travaux pul)lics sur plusieurs travaux d<' colmatage. de dess^chement et d'irrigation. exeYut*'* rii Italie. (/// Ann. des ponts et chaussees: mem. et doc., is"'.".. s.MiU'st. 1. pp. 28i-:>ls. pi.; ls;,4. semest. 2. pp. 217-232.) 68 Bazaine. Etude sur 1'inmience des irrigations sur 1'altitude d'une naj)pe soutei'ramc. avec application aux irrio-ation> pratiquees a dcnncvillicrs. (in Ann. des ponts et chaussees: mem. et doc., 1SS3. semest. 1. pp. 34-6M. pi.) 11 69 Bazin, H. Etude comparative des formules nouvellement pro- posees pour calculer le debit des canaux decouverts. (In Ann. des ponts et chaussees: mem. et doc., 1871, [semest. 1.] pp. 0-43. pi.) 70 - Etude (Tune nouvelle formule pour calculer le debit des canaux decouverts. (fn Ann. des ponts et chaussees: mem. et doc., 18D7, trimest. 4. pp. 20-70. pi.) * - pp. 55. pi. Paris, 1898. 71 - Experiences nouvelles sur I'ecoulement en deversoir. (In Ann. des ponts et chaussees: mem. et doc., 1888, semest. 2. pp. 393-448. pi.; 1890, semest. 1. pp. 9-65. pi.; 1891, semest. 2. pp. 445-520. pi.; 1894, semest. 1. pp. 249-357. pi.; 1896, semest. 2. pp. 645-731. pi.: 1898, trimest. 2. pp. 151-264. pi.) Abstracts of 1st, 2d, and 4th articles entitled New experiments on the flow of water over weirs are given in Instit. civ. eng. Min. of proc. 96:372-374. 1889; 101:322-324. 1890; 117:421-423. 1894. English. Recent experiments on the flow of water over weirs, article 1; translated by Arthur Marichal and John C. Trautwine, jr. pp.52, pi. * [Phila. ? 1890?] * , article 6; translated by G. T. Nelles. [pp. 3?.] n. p. 1899. 72 - Experiments upon the contraction of the liquid vein issuing from an orifice and upon the distribution of the velocities within it; translated by John C. Trautwine, jr. Ed. 1. pp. 64. pi. 8. N. Y., J. Wiley & sons, 1896. W p Translated from Memoires prosentes par divers savants si 1'Academie des sciences de 1'Insti- tnt de France, v. 32. 73 - Notice sur les travaux d'agrandissement du reservoir de Panthier, canal de Bourgogne. (In Ann. des ponts et chaussees: mem. et doc., 1 80, semest. 2. pp. 241-260. pi.) ; [abstract], (fn Instit. civ. eng. Min. of proc. 64 : 365-367. ' 1881.) See also, as joint author, Darcy, Henri Philibert Gaspard. 75 Beach, Horace. [Finding of artesian waters in the Dakotas.] (In II. S. Agriculture, Dept. of Artesian and underflow investiga- tion and irrigation inquiry. Preliminary investigation, etc. pp. 141-144. 1890.) See also, as commissioner, United States. Agriculture, Department of, Artesian wells upon the Great plains; report of geological commission. 76 Beardmore, Nathaniel. Manual of hydrology, pp. 384. pi. 18. 8. Lond., Waterlow and sons, 1862. W p CONTENTS 1. Hydraulic and other tables. 2. Rivers, flow of water, springs, wells, and percolation. 3. Tides, estuaries, and tidal rivers. 4. Rainfall and evaporation. 77 *Beck, Otto. Land- und volkswirtschaftliche tagesfragen fiber ent- und bewasserungsanlagen. Trier, 1866-1868. 78 * Becker, Max. Der wasserbau in seinem ganzen umfange; ein leit- faden zu vorlesungen und zum selbstunterrichte fiir wasser- und strassenbau-ingenieure und andere techniker. Text & plates [2v.]. 8&f. Stuttg., 1856. r Becker, Max Continued. Ed. Stuttg.. 1861. Ed. 3. Leipzig, is.s^. (Handlmch dor ingenieur- wissenschaft. v. 4.) 79 ~ :: " Belgrand, Marie Francois Euo'ene. Coup d'u'il d'ensemble sur le regime des principales rivieres du nord, du centre et du niidi de la France, pp. S. 1875. Extrait des Comptes rendus de 1" Academic des science*. Paris. 80 - DCS distributions d'eau en Egypte et en Greco. (/// ///'* Travaux souterrains de Paris. 2 :[6J-15. 1S7.">. I W G . analyse et extraits; par Malezieux. (In Ann. des ponts et chaussees: mem. et doc., 1*7~>. semest. '2. pp. 375-3si.) 81 - Etudes hydrologiques dans le l>assin de la Seine entre la limite des terrains Jurassic pies et Paris. (In Ann. des ponts et chaus- sees: mem. et doc., 1852. semest. 1, pp. 1-22'J. pi.) 82 - Travaux >outerrains de Paris. Text 5 v. & atlases [5 v.]. il. pi. text 4" cSc atlases f. Paris, Dunod. 1873. 75. 77. s-j, 87. W <; W p CONTENTS V. 1. .La Seine, regime de la plnie, des sources, dea eaux courantes; ai){>lication a 1'agriculture.' V. -J. Les aqueduca remains. V. 3. Les anciennes eaux. V. 4. *Leseaux nouvelles. V. 5. *Les egputs et Ics vidanges. An analysis and abstract of volume t\vo is given in Ann. des ponts et chaussees: mem et doc., semest. 2. j>p. 375-406. 83 - timl Lemoine, G. Observations sur les cours d'eau et la pluie; centralisees pendant Tannee ls"2. 1*73, 1874. 1875. charts. [4 v.] n. p. [1S7^. 73. 74, 75.] (France 7^///.v et chausaees S&*mce }i>/i, : tr<<]>ii flu Ix/ssli, ,1, !,i s.-int'.) AV <: 84 :: 'Belidor, Bernard Forrest de. Architecture hydraulique, ou 1'art de conduire. d'elever et de inenao-er les eaux pour les ditfe- reos besoins de la vie. 4 v. 4. Paris. 178^-no. Belin, E. See, as joint author, Chauveau des Roches, A. 85 Bell, J. H. Colleroon annicuts. (In Madras Presidency YV///V works department. Colleroon annicuts: reports.) .v , ,//.SY,, as editor. Reports on various professional subjects of the corps of engineers, Madras Presidency. 86 Beloe, Charles H. Construction of catch-water reservoirs in moun- tain districts, for the supplv of towns, or for other purposes, pp. 48. pi. 8. Lond., E. F. X. Spon. ls7i>. W G 87 Bengal PnlUr //v>/-/-.v///y^//7////-/// ( lri-i<>, reo-ardin^ the l)iimoda: - canal project. 90 Papers relating to the Orissa ctinals; IsOO to 1*77 and issl to Iss:',. pp. 189+43. map. f". Calcutta, (iovt.. Ivs4. (Selections from the records of the Govt. of Bengal.) 13 Bengal 7VV/V trnrk* <1< partmcnt Irrigation <1< partment Cont'd. 91 - Revenue report for the year 1887-88. maps. f. Calcutta, Govt., 1889. Bennett, Joseph. Sec, as translator. Aubuisson de Voisins, Jean Francois d'. 92 Benton, J. Report on hydraulic experiments on the Bari Doab canal to ascertain the most suitable form for notches of falls on the Sirhind canal, pp. 38+[l]. pi. f. Lahore, Govt,, 1879. ([Punjab PiibUc works department Irrigation 'branch.']) 93 Beresford, J. S. Memorandum on the irrigation duty of water and the principles on which its increase depends. *pp. [11]. f. n. p., [1875]. 94 - Proposed standard designs with estimate and specification for masonry outlets for distributaries, divided into seven classes, pp. 9. pi/ f. Naini Tal, 1882. 95 Bernard, . Nouveaux principes d'hydraulique appliques a tons les objets d'utilite, et particulierement aux rivieres; precedes (Tun discours historique et critique sur les principaux ouvrages qui ont etc publics sur le meme sujet. pp. 331. pi. 4. Paris, Didot Faine, 1787. W p 96 Berry, Thomas. Duty of water under Amity canal [Colorado]. (In U. S. Agriculture, Dept. of- Experiment stations, Office of. Use of water in irrigation; report, pp. 159-170. il. pi. 1900.) (In TJ. $ Agriculture, Dept. of Experiment sta- tions, Office of. Duty of water in Nebraska, pp. 159-170. il. pi. 1901.) 97 Berthot, P. Traite de Felevation des eaux; calculs et renseigne- ments pratiques, pp. 380. il. 8. Paris, Baudry et cie., 1893. CONTEXTS Pompes ti main. Emploi des moteurs a vent et a cau. Pompes centrifuges. Emploi des moteurs a vapeur. a gaz, electriques. Pompes d'alimentation. Appareils hydrauljques. Asoenseurs. Emploi de Fair et des gaz comprirnes. Pulsometres. Injec- teurs. Ejecteurs. Beliers hydrauliques. 98 Bertrand, L. Description et usage d'un abaque destine a faciliter la solution des problemes relatifs a la distribution des eaux. Paris, Berger-Levrault et cie., 1895. Best, S. Colleroon annicuts. (In Madras Presidency Public works department. Colleroon annicuts; reports.) 99 - Description of the sluice of irrigation called the Modulo Magistrale, prefaced by remarks on the taxation of irrigated lands. In Reports on various professional subjects, Madras Presidency. Ed. 2. 2:221-2M. 1859.) 100 - Memorandum on the system of irrigation in the Madras Presidency. (In Reports on various professional subjects, Madras Presidency. Ed. 2. 2:96-101. il, pi. 1859.) See also, as translator, Ferrari, Bernardino. 101 Bidder, George Parker. On the discharge from under-drainage and its effect on the arterial channels and outfalls of the coun- try. (In Instit. civ. eng. Min. of proc. 21 : 48-130. pi. 1862.) Paging includes discussion on the subject. 14 c 102 Bignami, Emilio. 1 canuli nellacittadi Milano. Ed. 2. pp. 116. map. 8. Milano. L868. \V C 103 Billingsley, J. J. W. Manufacture of drain tile. (In Elliott, C. G. Practical farm drainage. 1882.) 104 Binnie, Alexander Richardson. Nagpur waterworks; with obser- vations on the rainfall, How from the ground, and evaporation at Natrpur. (In Instit. civ. eng. Min. of proc. 39:1-61. pi. 1875.) For later paper on these waterworks, see Penny, Edmund, Nagpiir waterworks extension. 105 Bjbrling, Philip R. Water or hydraulic motors, pp. 2S7. il. 12". Loud., E. & F. N. Spon, 1804. W W F Black, Henry C. Sec, as editor. Pomeroy, John Norton. 106 Blackwell, Thomas Evans. Results of a series of experiments on the discharge of water by overfalls or weirs. (In Instit. civ. eng. Min. of proc. .10:331-353. pi. 1851.) 107 Blaine, Robert Gordon. Hydraulic machinery; with an introduc- tion to hydraulics, pp. 383. il. pi. 8. Lond., E. & F. N. Spon, 1897. (Finsbury technical manuals.) W ! W p 108 Bloss, John M. Drainage; address delivered before the Marion county horticultural society, Salem, Oregon, pp. 11. il. 8. Corvallis, 1893. (Oregon agric. exper. sta. Bulletin 26.) W A 109 Blotnitzki, L. Ueber die bewasserungskanale in den Walliser- Alpen. pp. 46. pi. 6. 8. Bern, Rieder & Simmen, 1871. W c Verfasst im auftrag des Comite der landwirthschaftlichen gesellschaft der romanischen Schweiz. 110 Bodmer, George Rudolph. Hydraulic motors, turbines, and pres- sure engines; for the use of engineers, manufacturers, and stu- dents, pp. 525. il. pi. 12. Lond., Whittaker & co.. 1889. (Specialists' ser.) W p See also, as translator, Weyrauch, Jacob J. 111 Bodson, , Detienne, E. , and Leclercq, F. Gileppe dam; [abstract]. (/// Instit. civ. eng. Min. of proc. 48 : 312-314. 1877.) Original papers in Annuaire de 1'Association des ingenieurs de Liege. 2d ser. 5:281; 6:268, 421. ]>!. 14. 112 Body, John Benjamin.. Drainage of the valley of Mexico. (In Instit. civ. eng. Min. of proc. 143 : 286-294~ pi. 1901.) 113 Boggs, Edward M. Study of water rights on Los Angeles river, California. (In U. S. Agriculture, Dept. ofK''j^r>ntcnt sta- tions, Office of. Report of irrigation investigations in Califor- nia, pp. 327-351. 1901.) 114 Boileau, P. New ideas on hydraulics, chietry relating to pipes, canals, and rivers, with a theory of the estimation of molecular resistances; [abstract]. (In Instit. civ. eng. Min. of proc. 59:361-364. 18sn.) Original paper in Mm. de la Soc. national des sciences naturelles et math^matiques de Cher- bourg. 21 : 5-182. 115 - New process for gauging rivers; [abstract]. (In Instit. civ. eng. Min. of proc. 57:351. 1879.) Original paper in Comptes rendus de TAcademie des sciences. 88:680. 15 Boileau, P. Continued. 116 - Notions nouvellesd'hydrauliq.ue; concernant principalement les tii} T aux de conduite, les canaux et les rivieres. Ed. 2 rev. pp. 224. pi. sq. 4. [Versailles], 1881. W p 117 - Properties common to pipes, canals, and uniform rivers; [abstracts]. (In Instit. civ. eng. Min. of proc. 44:257. 1876; 49 : 317, 318. 1877; 51 : 359-361. 1878.) Original papers in Comptes rendus de 1' Academic des sciences. 82 : 601-604; 84 : 326; 85 : 429-432. 118 - Retarding effect of the sides of pipes on the flow of liquids; [abstract]. (In Instit. civ. eng. Min. of proc. 56 : 327. 1879.) Original paper in Comptes rendus de 1' Academic des sciences. 87 : 48, 134. 119 *- Traite de la mesure des eaux courantes, ou experiences, observations et methodes concernant les lois des vitesses, etc. pp. 361. pi. Paris, 1851. 120 Boissay, C. Results of irrigation, drainage, and replanting of desert land; [abstract]. (In Instit. civ. eng. Min. of. proc. 56:311. 1879.) Original paper in La Nature, Feb. 8, 1879, p. 154. 121 Boix, E. Estabilidad de las construcciones de mamposteria. Text & atlas [2 v.]. Madrid, G. Juste, 1889. In this work the walls of the principal reservoirs of France and Spain are compared. 122 Bombay Presidency Public works department. Administration report, irrigation, 1886-871899-1900. pi. maps. f Bom- bay, Govt., 1887-1900. W G 123 - Annual irrigation revenue report, Sind, 1885-86 1898-99. pi. maps. >. [Bombay, Go v't., 1886-1900.] W G 124 - Correspondence relating to the Nira canal, 1877-80. v. p. [Bombay, Govt., 1881.] 125 - Irrigation revenue report of the Bombay Presidency, excluding Sind, 1885-861899-1900. maps. f. [Bombay, Govt., 1886-1900.] W G 126 - Mutha canals; [report by J. H. E. Hart, acting chief engineer for irrigation], pp.16, map. f. [Bombay , Govt. , 1879.] 127 - Report on the Nira canal project. Poona district, pp. 19+xxxi. f. [Bombay, Govt,, 1892.] 128 Report on the slips in earthen embankments of tanks at Ekruk, Ashti, and Waghad in Bombay Presidency; [by J. Le Mesurier]. pp.5. f. [Bombay, Govt., 1885.] 129 [Revenue department^. Selections from settlement reports of the Sakrand Taluka, irrigational settlement, [Sind]. pp. 20 +[!]. f. n. p. [1890]. (no. 752 of 1890.) W G Bond, Fred. See, as state engineer, 1899-1900, Wyoming Engineer department. 130 - - and Wilson, J. M. Irrigation system of Wyoming. (In TJ. S. Agriculture, Dept. of- Experiment stations, Office of. Irrigation laws of the. Northwest Territories of Canada and Wyoming, pp. 47-90. pi. map. 1901.) 16 131 Booth, Robert Bell. Rajkot waterworks. Bombay. (/// Instit. civ. eng. Min. of proc. 119: 204-1' 70. 1895.) * 132 * Borrull, Francisco Xavier. Tratado de la distribucion de las a 135 [Boswell, George.] Treatise on watering meadows, wherein are shewn some of the many advantages arising from that mode of practice, particularly on coarse, boo-o-y. or barren lands. Ed. 3 rev. pp.134, pi. S. Lond.. -J'.'pebrett, 1792, W' ; W 136 Botella, F. de. Irrigation in the provinces of Murcia and Albacete, Spain: [abstract]. (In Instit. civ. eng. Min. of proc. 45:311- 314. ls7<'>. Original paper in Supplement to the Revista de obras publicas. v. 23. 137 Boule, A. Proposed Nile reservoirs; [abstract]. (In Instit. civ. eng. Min. of proc. 130: 388, 389. 1895.) Original paper in Genie civil. 26 : 49 (t seq. 1894. 138 Boultbee, J. W. Artesian boring; report, pp.17, map. U sec- tions of bores. f. [Sidney. Govt. 1892,] (N.S. W. JAW. oj^- Wafer conservation.) W A W 1 - 1 139 Boussinesq, J. Additions et eclaircissements au memoire intitule: Kssai sur l;i theorie des eaux courantes. pp. 6^. sq. 4. n. p.. [1875]. (Memoires presentes par divers savants a 1" Academic des sciences de Flnstitut de France. Savant. Etrang. t. xxiv. no. 2.) W <; 140 Bovey, Henry T. Treatise on hydraulics. Ed. 1. pp. 337. il. 8. X. Y.\ J. Wiley & sons. 1895. W' ; < 'i INTENTS Flow through orifices and over^veirs. Fluid friction. Flow in pipes. Flow in open channels. Method of gauging. Impact. Hydraulic motors and centrifugal pumps. 141 Bowie, Aug. J. Destruction of the English dam, [Sierra county, Cal.]. (/// Tech. soc. Pacif. coast. Trans. 2:3-10. pi. 1885.) 142 - Measurement and flow of water in ditches. (/;/ Tech. soc. Pacif. coast. Trans. 1:51-62. il. 1884:2:171-174. 1885.) 143 Bowser, A. E. Hvdro mechanics, pp. 298. 12". X. Y.. Van Xostrand. 1886. ' 144 Box, Thomas. Practical hydraulics, a series of rules and tables for the use of engineers, etc. Ed. 5. pp. 80. pi. 12. Loud.. K. ^ F. N. Spon, 1-7'.'. W 1 ' Ed. 9. pp. 80. pi. 12. Lond.. E. & F. X. Snon. 1889. W (i 145 Boyd, David. Histoiy of Greeley and the Union colony of Colo- -ido. pp. 448. pi. 8. Greeley, 1890. \V A 17 Boyd, David Continued. 146 Irrigation near Greeley, Colorado, pp. 90. il. pi. 8. Wash., Govt., 1897. (U. S. - Interior, Dept. of the Geological survey Hydrography, Division of. Water-supply and irriga- tion papers. 9.) W A (U. S. House of Representatives. 54th Cong. 2d sess. H. doc. 351. In v. 70.) W A 147 [Boyd, Nathan E.] Memorial to Senate of United States in re bill S. 3794 [for equitable distribution of waters of the Rio Grande between United States and Mexico]; history of Rio Grande dam and irrigation company and Elephant Butte dam case, with abstracts from decisions of United States courts relating to use of waters of nonnavigable streams for irrigation purposes, pp. 24. 8. [Wash., Govt, 1901.] (U. S. Senate. 56th Cong. 2d sess. S. doc. 104. In v. 5.) W A Report to accompany S. 3794 is TT. S. Senate. 56th Cong. 2d sess. S. rp. 1755. In v. 2. 148 Brabant. Note sur la propriete du lit des cours d'eau naturels, fleuves et rivieres navigables, flottables ou non et ruisseaux. (In Ann. des ponts et chaussees: mem. et doc., 1867, [semest. 1]. pp. 148-165.) 149 Brady, Joseph. Sandhurst water supply, Victoria, Australia. (In- Iiistit. civ. eng. Min. of proc. 56 : 134-151. il. 1879.) Discussion on the Geelong and Sandhurst water supplies is given, 56: 152-170. Breckons, Joseph A. See, as joint author, Johnston, Clarence T. 150 Brica, Charles. Memoire sur la distribution des eaux des canaux d'irrigation. (In Ann. des ponts et chaussees: mdm. et doc., 1882, semest. 1. pp. 503-557. pi.) Rsum des Etudes faites ponr la construction des rigoles et la 'reglementation des arro- sages du canal du Verdon. ; [abstract entitled] Distribution of water from irri- gation canals. (In Instit. civ. eng. Min. of proc. 70 : 445-447. 1882.) Brightmore, Arthur William. See, as joint author, Tudsbery, John Henry Tudsbery. 151 Brisse, Alexandre, a??j. 155 " Brown, John Croumbie. Hydrology of South Africa and causes of present aridity. 8". King. 1 S 7">. 156 - Water supply of South Africa and facilities for the storage of it. pp. <>51. 8. Edinburgh, Oliver Boyd. 1877. W A W G 157 Brown, K. H. Fayum and Lake Mceris: with a prefatory note by Colin Scott-Moncrieff. pp.110, il. pi. Lond., E. Stanford. W p 158 introductoi History of the barrage at head of the delta of Egypt: with uctorv note bv W. E. Garstin. 4". Cairo, 1896. 159 Browne, J. Ross. Reclamation of marsh and swamp lands and projected canals for irrigation in California: with notes on the canal systems of China, pp. <><>. 8. San Francisco, Is7 W c Addressed to the legislature of California. 160 Browne, Ross E. Economic head for long pipes. (In Tech. soc. Pacif. coast. Trans. 6:51-50. il. 1889.) 161 Bruce, Alexander Fairlie. Observations on the now of water in the new aqueduct from Loch Katrine. Glasgow corporation waterworks. (/// Instit. civ. eng. Min. of proc. 123:4:10-414:. il. 1896.) 162 * Bruschetti, Giuseppe. Raccolta delle opere idrauliche e tech- nologiche nel Milanese. 2 v. -1. Torino, Botta, 186465. 163 - Storia dei progetti e delle o})ere per 1* irrigaxione del Milanese, pp. 40i>. sq. 4". Lugano. G. Ruggia e C.. 1834:. 164 Bryas, Charles de. Etudes pratiques sur Tart de dessecher, et diverses impressions de voyage. Ed. o. pp. 376. map. 16". Paris. V. Masson, L857. W p CONTENTS Theorie du drainage. Voyage en Angleierri'. en Irlanue. en Eeosse et dans le }i;iys de (ialles. Voyage en Autrieheet danslesEtatsalleniands. Exposition de Vienne. Exposition hortieole de I'ari-. 165 - Expose des travaux de drainage et de de>sechement executes par M. Ch. de Bryas. dans sa |)ropriete du Taillan. pp. ^61. il. map. 24. Paris. Mallet-Bachelier. 1855. W A ?ncchia, G. Sul progetto d* irrigaxione dell* agro Monfelconese; compilato dall' ingegnere R. A. Vicentini. Gorizia. isr.s. map 166 *Bucchia, G. compilato 167 Buckle, E. Report on the resources of the districts bordering the Kistna with reference to their irrigation from that river. (In Reports on various professional subjects. Madras Presidencv. Ed. 2. 2:1-13. 18.V.*. ) Report is dated iMth July. Ivi'.i. 168- Wulloorpollum sluice: report. (/// Reports on various pro- fessional subjects. Madras Piv-idenry. l:34-4<). pi. 1851.) 19 169 Buckley, Robert Burton. Irrigation works in India and Egypt, pp. 348. il. pi. maps. 4. Lond., E. & F. N. Spon, 1893. W A W G W p APPENDICES Ohezy's formula for calculating discharge of open channels. Bazin's formula OF calculating discharge of open channels. Kutter's formula for calculating discharge of open channels. Mississippi formula l\>r calculating discharge of rivers. Discharge of rectangular orifices and overfalls. General instructions for guidance of officers observ- ing canal discharges. Rules for distributary designs. Rules Tor construction of "minor" distributaries and irrigation outlets. SirGuilford M< tle-< worth's formula for high masonry dams. Formulae for notch falls. Lateral pressure of earthwork. Specification of Bhat- garh dam. 170 Irrigation works of India, and their financial results; being a brief history and description of the irrigation works of India, and of the profits and losses which they have caused to the state, pp. 198. map. tables. 8. Lond. , W. H. Allen & co. , 1880. W A W G 171 * Irrigation works of India; a statistical review of the finan- cial and agricultural results obtained from them in 1887-88. Calcutta, 1889. ; [abstracts]. (In Instil civ. eng. Min. of proc. 99:1:42-41:1. 1890.) 172 - Movable dams in Indian weirs. (In Instit. civ. eng. Min. of proc. 60:43-55. pi. 1880.) Discussion and correspondence upon this paper and the one preceding it, Fixed and mov- able weirs, by S. F. V. Harcourt, given, 60:5(5-159. 173 - On keeping irrigation canals clear of silt. (In Instit. civ. eng. Min. of proc. 58:278-280. 1879.) Abstract by the author of an original communication on, The proper construction of irri- gating channels, etc. Buffon, B. Nadault de. See Nadault de Buffon, B. 174 Buffum, B. C. Irrigation and duty of water, pp. 1-31. il. 8. Laramie, 1892. (Wyo. exper. sta. Bulletin 8.) . W A 175 - Recent investigations by Wj'oming experiment station in alkali and irrigation. (In Assoc. of Amer. agricultural colleges and experiment stations. Proc., 1899. pp. 69-71. 1900.) 176 Use of water in irrigation in Wyoming and its relation to ownership and distribution of natural supply, pp. 56. pi. charts. 8. Wash., Govt, 1900. (In TJ. "$. Agriculture, Dept. of Experiment stations, Office of. Bulletin 81.) W A See also Wyoming experiment station, Alkali. 177 Burke, Charles Toler. Ashti tank. (In Instit. civ. eng. Min. of proc. 76: 288-316. il. pi. 1884.) 178 Burma [Public works department]. Notes on subjects connected with works in the* Irrawaddy circle, British Burma; with rec- ords of experiments on the double float and Woltmann meter current measurements, pp. 63. pi. map. f. Rangoon, Govt., 1883. W 179 - Report on the Irrawaddy river; by R. Gordon. 3 v. maps. f. Rangoon, 1879, 1880. " W G For contents see Gordon, Robert. 20 t, 180 Burn, Robert Scott. Utilization of town sewage, irrigation. reclamation of wasteland. Kd. .">. pp. 215. il. 12. Lond.. Lock wood '& co., 1885. (Outlines or modern farming : Weale's ser.) W (i 181 ""Burton, William Kinninmond. Water supply of towns and the construction of water works; [with] Paper on the effects of earthquakes on waterworks, by J. Milne. pp. 304. ii. pi. 8 . Lond.. Crosby Lockwood & son. lsit4. 182 Butler, W. P. Irrigation manual: containing useful information and tables appertaining to irrigation by artesian waters in the states of North and South Dakota, together with many tables. rules, and items of miscellaneous information of value to farm- ers and business men. pp. 252. il. 12. Huron. [Shannon & Long-staff], isi'i'. 183 Byrne, Henry. Irrigation in Ceylon. (/// Instit. civ. eng. Min. of proc. 57 : 231-i^s. 1879.) 184 Cadart, Gustave. Note sur les calculs de resistance d'une de porte d'ecluse. (In Ann. des ponts et chaussees: mem. et doc., 1900. trimest. 3. pp. 2HT-2!t;.) 185 California Attorney-genera}* District irrigation laws of Cali- fornia, decisions thereon by the supreme court: compiled by W. H. H. Hart. pp. 75. >". Sacramento. State. lsil. W A W G 186 - Drainage commissioners^ xtp. O-'lt. 187- Eny'nmr <1> ji rtm, at. Irrigation development, history, customs, laws, and administrative systems relating to irrigation, water-courses, and waters in France. Italy, and Spain, introduc- tory part of report of state engineer of California on irrigation and the irrigation question; [by] Win. Ham. Hall, pp.022. 8. Sacramento, State, L886. W A W G 188 - Irrigation in California (Southern), tjie held, water- supply. and works, organization, and operation in San Diego, San Bernardino, and Los Angeles counties, the second part of report of state engineer of California on irrigation and the irri- gation question : [bv]Wm. Ham. Hall. pp. <>T2. pi. maps. s. Sacramento. State'. 1888. AV A W ( ' 189 - Irrigation question, memorandum transmitted to the legislature: by Win. Ham. Hall, state eno'ineer. pp. Is. ^ . Sacramento. State. 1886, W u 190 - Memorandum concerning the improvement of the Sacramento river, addressed to James B. Kads and George H. Mendell, consulting engineers; bv Wm. Ham. Hall. pp. 11. 8. Sacramento. State, 1880. W'' California Engineer department Continued. 191 - Physical data and statistics of California, relating to rainfall, temperature, winds, evaporation, and other atmos- pheric phenomena, drainage areas and basins, flow of streams, descriptions and flow of artesian wells, etc.; [submitted by] W. H. Hall. pp. 547. 8. Sacramento, State, 1886. 192 - Report in the matter of a drainage district for the Sacramento valley; by W. H. Hail. (In. Cal. Drainage com- missioners, State board of. Proceedings; formation of drain- age district no. 1. pp. 6-2-1. 1880.) 193 Report to the legislature, 1880; [by W. H. Hall]. 5 pt. chart. 8. Sacramento, State, 1880. W CONTENTS pt. 1. Operations of the department, pp. 27. pt. 2. Drainage of the valleys and the improvement of tlte navigation of rivers, pp. 92. pt. 3. Flow of mining detritus, pp. 72. chart. pt. 4. Irrigation, pp. 128. pt. 5. Present condition of the inquiry, pp. 8. 194 Report to the legislature, 1881; [by W. H. Hall]. 5 pt. 8. Sacramento, State, 1881. W Q CONTENTS pt. 1. History of operations of the department, pp. 25. pt. 2 and 3. Promotion of drainage, pp. 95. pt. 4. Irrigation, pp. 44. pt. 5. Financial statement for the year 1880. pp. 4.V-1S. 195 - Third progress report of state engineer to the legis- lature, session of 1883; [by W. H. Hall], pp. 15. 8. Sacra- mento, State, 1883. W G 196 - Report of the state engineer [W. H. Hall] to gov- ernor, pp. 124-38. 8. Sacramento, State, 1888. W G Contains reprint of the preface, introduction, and table of contents of Hall's Irrigation in California; followed by press and individual opinions of his Irrigation development. 197 - Report to the board of directors of drainage district no. 1, July, 1880; by W. H. Hall. pp. 29. 8. Sacramento, State, 1880. W G CONTENTS pt. 1. Drainage works for the district. pt. 2. Dams for impounding mining detritus. 198 - Legislature. Reports of the joint committees on swamp and overflowed lands; presented at the 20th session of the legisla- ture, pp. 354. 8. Sacramento, State, 1874. VV Q 199 - Public work* department. Report of the commissioner of public works to the governor of California, pi. 8. Sac- ramento, State, 1895. A. H. Rose, commissioner. Marsden Manson and C. E. Grunsky, consulting engineers. 200 - Rivers and harbors, Examining commission on. Report of the Examining commission on rivers and harbors to the gov- ernor of California, pp. 148. pi. maps. 8. Sacramento, State, 1890. C. E. Reed, C. E. Grunsky, J. J. Crawford, commissioners. 201 Surveyor-general. Annual report, 1862; [by J. F. Hough- ton]. 8. Sacramento, State, 1863. W G 202 California agricultural experiment station. Alkali lands, irrigation and drainage in their mutual relations, second revised reprint from the reports of the College of Agriculture and Experi- ment station and from the report of the 10th United States v Census, with an abstract of the government report on the alkali lands of India; by E. W. Hilgard. pp. 69. 8. Sacra- mento, 1892. (Report, 1890. Appendix.) W A W p For first edition, see California, University of College of agriculture. 9,9 California agricultural experiment station Continued. 203 - Conservation of soil moisture and economy in the use of irrigation water: [by E. W. Hilsfard and R. H. Loughridirej. pp.12, il. pi. 8' ; . Berkeley, 1898. (Bulletin 121.) A\' A 204 - Distribution of the salts in alkali soils: by E. W. llilgard and K. H. Lou^hridiiv. pp. 14. il. 8. Berkeley. 1895. (Bulletin 108.) ' W A 205 - Examination of irrio-ation waters: [by E. W. Hilgard]. [Berkeley. Iss4.[ (Bulletin T.) W A Published in the California ne\v>] 206 - Irrigation, drainage and alkali: [by E. W. Hilgard]. [Berkeley. LS86.] (Bulletin 53.) - W A Published in the California newspaper-. 207 - Reports of examinations of waters, water-supply, and related subjects. ISSij-sO: by E. W. Hilgard. pp. 5Y. 8. Sacramento. INSU. Advanced sheets from the combined reports for isss and 1>s'.i. 208 - Rise of the alkali in the San Joaquin valley: [by E. W. Hilgard]. pp.1. 8. Berkeley, [1889]. (Bulletins:]'.) W A 209 California state association of irrigation districts. Central irriga- tion district, its physical, engineering, and business problems and conditions: by Wm. Ham. Hall: Its legal status: by Wil- son & Wilson, pp. 63. pi. 8. San Francisco, Bacon & co., W A 210 - Ferris irrigation district, its physical, engineering, and business problems and conditions: by Wm. H. Hall: Its. legal status: by Wilson & Wilson, pp. 74. S. San Francisco. Bacon &co., 1891. W A 211 California state irrigation convention. Address of the State irriga- tion committee to the Fresno and Riverside irrigation con- ventions and to the anti-riparian voters, pp. 290. 8. n. p., lss6. AV G With opinions of the p 212 - Proceedings of convention held at San Francisco. May 2"'. 21, and 22, 1886. v. p. 8. n. p., 1886. ' W G With extracts from the press on irrigation. 213 California, University of ('<>lLf . Appen- dix 7.) W A W G W For second edition, see California agricultural experiment station. Alkali lands, etc. Agricultural <'/>< i-'* m< n1 */////"//. Xv California agri- cultural experiment station. 23 214 California water and forest association. Irrigation investigations in California under direction of El wood Mead, assisted by William E. Smythe, [and others: preliminary report of cooperative irri- gation investigations in California, of Office of Experiment Sta- tions and California water and forest association], pp. 73. 8. Wash., Govt., 1901. (U. S. Senate. 56th Cong. 2d sess. S. doc. 108. In v. 5.) W A ; [complete report, entitled] Report of irrigation inves- tigations in California. pp.411, il. pi. maps. 8. Wash., Govt., 1901. (U. S. Agriculture, Dept. of Experiment sta- tions, Office of. Bulletin 100.) W A For contents, see United States Af/ricuUure, Department of Experiment stations, Office of, Report of irrigation investigations' in California. 215 - Preliminary report by J. B. Lippincott, resident hydrog- rapher, U. S. Geological survey, relating to stream measure- ments and reservoir surveys made in co-operation with the Cali- fornia water and forest association, 1900. pp. 48. 8. n. p., [Cal. water and forest assoc., 1900]^ To be followed by detailed publication with maps, diagrams, and views. ; [revised with additional matter, entitled] Progress report of cooperative investigation by IT . S. Geological survey and California water and forest association, 1900. pp. 38. 8. [Wash.. Govt., 1900.] (U. S. Senate. 56th Cong. 2d sess. S. doc. 59. In v. 5.) W A 216 Calmels, Martin. On the removal of deposit from reservoirs in Algeria; [abstract]. (In Instit. civ. eng. Min. of proc. 71 : 441. 1883.) Original paper in Comptes rendus de 1'Association frai^aise pour 1'avancement des sciences. 217 - Removal of silt from the back of reservoir dams in Algeria; [abstract], (In Instit. civ. eng. Min. of proc. 60 : 440. 1880.) Original papers in Annales industrielles, 1879, Dec. 2l,col. 774, pi.; Dec. 28, col. 806; and 1880, Jan. 4, col. 'Jt>: Jan. 18, col. 91. _ v 218 Campbell, D. W., compiler. Digest of decisions of the supreme courts of the states and territories of the arid region and of the United States circuit and supreme courts in cases involving questions relative to the use and control of water in that region; compiled by D. W. Campbell, revised and edited by W. C. Pollock, pp.59. 8. Wash., Govt, 1889. (U. S. Interior, 'he.} Dept. of the.) This list has been further revised and enlarged in Hinton, Richard J., Irrigation in the United States. Ed. 2. pp. 329-358. 1890. Campin, Francis. See also, as joint author, Broadbent, Joseph. 219 Canada Interior, Department of the. General report on irriga- tion and Canadian irrigation surveys, 1894-96. pi. maps. 8. Ottawa, Govt., 1895-98. W A 220 Canal d'irrigation de Carpentras; prix decernes par la Societe d'encouragement. (In Ann. des ponts et chausse'es: mem. et doc., I860, finest. 2. pp. [106]-11(U 24 221 [Canaux d'irrigation.l (In Ann. des ponts et chaussees: mem. et doc., ls;<>. [semest. 1]. pp. 21-24; 1867. [semest. 1]. pp. i^s-32; L868, semest. 1. p. !.>; 1869, semest. 1. pp. 120, 121.) Extrait d'ExposC- de la situation de 1'empire: presents au sOnat et an corps lt'id>latif. Moni- teur, des 24 et 'Jo Janvier istki. du 17 fevrier et du 2o novembre 1MJ7; Jour. off. de I'Empire fran9aisdes 21 Janvier 1869 et jours suivants. 222 * Cannon, George Q. Mormon land system. Denver, 1S1M-. 223 Cape of Good Hope Lumlx^ mines, n/,'< -. /)rj>f Artesian mul underflow investigation <(nd irrnjiitinn ///y///V//. Preliminary investigations, etc. pp. ITo-^oiJ. map. 1S9(>.)' 231 - [Artesian basins, wells, springs, and other supplies of New Mexico.] (///Same. . 233-241. iS9i>. .] (///Same. pp. 232 - Artesian wells of Colorado and their relation to irrigation. pp. 2s. map. 8. Fort Collins, LsiJl. (Colo, agric. expcr. sta. Bulletin !<>.) W A 233 - Irrigation statistics and progress in Colorado for IS'.H). (In. TJ. S. .Af f irt<-ultn,'c. /Jrjtt. <>f Aiirxnin n* investigation n.// ///y^//y/. Report on progress of irrigation investigation, pt. 1. pp". 181-197. IS!) I.) W A 234 - Loss of water from reservoirs t>v seepage and evaporation. pp. ?sl. S". Fort Collins, isns. (Colo, agric. exper. sta. Bul- letin 45.) 25 Carpenter, L. G. Continued. 235 - Losses from canals from filtration or seepage, pp. 36. 8. Fort Collins, 1898. (Colo, agric. exper. sta. Bulletin 48.) W A 236 - Measurement and division of water. Ed. 2. pp. 45. 8. Fort Collins, 1890. (Colo, agric. exper. sta. Bulletin 13.) Ed. 3, rev. pp. 42. il. 8. Fort Collins, 1894. pp. Bull (Colo, agric. exper. sta. Bulletin 27.) W 237 - Preliminary report on the duty of water, pp. 32. il. Fort Collins, State, 1893. (Colo, agric. exper. sta. Bulletin 22.) 238 - Problem of irrigation in western states. (In Assoc. of Amer. agricultural colleges and experiment stations. Proc., 1899. pp. 75, 76. 11)00.) 239 - Seepage or return waters from irrigation, pp. 63. il. map. 8. Fort Collins, 1896. (Colo, agric. exper. sta. Bulle- tin 33.) 240 Carpenter, Samuel Warner. Law of water for irrigation in Colo- rado, pp. 127. 16. Denver, Lawrence & co., 1886. W G ; supplement containing all the legislation adopted by the Colorado general assembly, 1887, and additional deci- sions to May 15, 1887. 12. Denver, Lawrence & co., 1887. 241 Carrie, J. C. Lake Oredon dam, [France; abstract]. (In Instit. civ. eng. Min. of proc. 66:402-404. 1881.) Original paper in Memoires de la Soc. des ingenieurs civils, Paris, 1881. p. 491. 242 *Carton, Oreste, and Marcolongo, Ettore. Manuale dell' ingegnere agronomo e del agricoltore. Ed. 2. pp. 652, Firenze, 1888. 243 Castel, . Experiences faites au Chateau-d'Eau de Toulouse sur Tecouleiiient de Feau par les deversoirs. (In Ann. des ponts et chaussees: mem. et doc., 1837, semest. 1. pp. 113-132.) 244 - Sur 1'ecoulement de 1'eau par des ajutages coniques conver- gents. (In Ann. des ponts et chaussees: mem. et doc., 1840, semest. 2, pp. 179-191. il.) Extrait des Annales des mines. 245 *Castelli, Benedetto. Delia misura dell' acque corrente. [Ed. 2?] pp. 72. Roma, 1639. 246 Castigliano, Alberto. Intorno ai muri di sostegno delle acque. pp. 17. pi. 4. Milano, Premiata tipo-litografia degli Inge- gneri, 1884. W G Estratto dal Politecnico, giornale dell' Ing. arch, civ. ed industr., vol. 32. 247 Cautley, Proby Thomas. Ganges canal; a disquisition on the heads of the Ganges and Jumna canals, North- Western Prov- inces, in reply to strictures bv Maj.-Gen. Sir Arthur Cotton. pp.104, maps. 8. Lond., 1864. W G Printed for private circulation. 248 - Report on the Ganges canal works^ from their commence- ment until the opening of the canal in 1854. 3 v. & plans, v. 1-2 8, v. 3 4, plans f. il. pi. maps. Lond., Smith, Elder & co., 1860. W G CONTENTS. v. 1. (pt. 1.) Historical sketch of the origin and progress of the Ganges canal works; y. 1. (pt. 2.) Topography of the country and description of the works. v. 2. (pt. 3.) Description of the works and details of construction. v. 3. Appendices. [v. 4.] Plans. See also* as joint author, Cotton, Arthur Thomas. 26 249 Ceredi, Giuseppe. Tre diseorsi sopra il modo d' alzar aeque da. luoghi bassi: per adacquar terreni: per levar Y aeque sorgenti, e piovute dalle campagne che non possono naturalmente dare loro il decorso: per mandare Y acqua da be re alle citta che n" hanno bisoo-no e per altri simili usi. pp. loo. 8. il. pi. Parma. Soth Viotti. 1567. ' AW 250 Ceylon \_Irr ic/at ton clrjnii'tin<>nf\. General report on irrigation in the Mannar district: [by Henry Parker, irrigation officer], pp. S. t'. n. p.. Govt, 1880. ([Sessional papers, 1880.] 4S pp. 543-54S.) W ; 251 - Irrigation in the Mannar district: reports upon the Akatti Murippu tank and Modaragamoya works; by Henry Parker, irrigation officer, pp.13. f. Colombo, Govt, 1881. ([Sessional papers, 1881.] 1. pp. 3-13.) W' ; 252 - Irrigation in the Northern Province: [reports] by Henry Parker, irrigation officer. [6 reports.] f. Colombo, Govt.'. 1XS6. iss7. ' (Sessional papers. 1886.) ~ W ( ' CONTENTS Reports on certain valleys in the Mullaittivu. Vil/mkulam and Vavuniyan- Vilankujam districts. 253 Chamberlin, Thomas C. Requisite and qualifying conditions of artesian AVC! Is. (In TJ. S. /;/ 1ci'ioi\ l)f Representatives, 56th Cong. 2d sess. H. doc. 4ss. //, v. 63.) W A Channel, C. li. S& also^ a> state engineer, 1899-1900. Nebraska It'i'iyation, State board of , Biennial report. 261 *Charpentier de Cossigny, J. Hydraulique agricole; amenage- ment des eaux, irrigation des terres labourables, etc. Paris, Societe des agriculteurs de France, 1874. Ed. 2. pp. 400. 8. Paris, Baudry & cie., 1889. (Encycl. des travaux publics.) Chapters on water, its management, climate, intermittent irrigation and that of plants usually cultivated, translated by Mrs. A. F. Wood, are given in U. S. Agriculture, Dept. of Artesian and underflow investigation a)id irrigation inquiry, Final report, pt. 1. pp. o49 ow>. 262 - Notions elementaires theoriques et pratiques sur les irriga- tions; appliquees aux terres en culture, aux jardins et aux prai- ries, et considerees plus specialement dans leurs rapports avec les divers climats de la France, pp. 037. il. 8. Paris, Societe des agriculteurs de France, 1874. W G Awarded the gold medal and 2,000 francs by the Societe des agriculteurs de France. The rirst chapter of this work maybe foimd translated in Victoria lioi/al commission on water 8itpi>li/, Fourth progress report: irrigation in Egypt and Italy. Appendix 1. pp. 47-53. 18s7. A reprint of which, slightly abridged and adapted, is given in TT. S. Agri- culture, Dept. ($ Artesian and underflow investigation and irrigation inquiry, Report on progress ol irrigation investigation, pt. 1. pp. 268-278. 1891. 263 Chauveau des Roches, A., Belin, E., and others. Hydraulique appliquee; des divers appareils servant a eleyer 1'eau pour ali- mentations, irrigations, epuisements, utilisation et description des rnoteurs hydrauliques. Text & plates [2 v.]. il. 8 & sq. 8. Paris, E. Lacroix, [1873]. W p Forme de la reunion d'articles public's dans les Annales du genie civil. 264 Chesbrough, E. S., and Durant, C. F. Letters on hydraulics; a correspondence ... on the physical laws that govern running water applied to a dam and mill privilege on the Housatonic river at Great Harrington, Mass. pp. 91. il. chart. 8. N. Y., 1849. W p Cheyenne, Wyo. See, for irrigation congress held here in 1898, National irrigation congress, Official report. Chicago, III. See, for irrigation congress held here in 1900, National irrigation congress, Official report. Chilcott, E. C. See, as agriculturist, South Dakota experiment station Chemistry and agriculture, Departments of. 265 Chiru, Constantin. Canalisarea riurilor si irigatiunei. pp. 319. il. pi. 19. map. 8. Bucuresci, 1893. W 266 Chittenden, Hiram M. Preliminary examination of reservoir sites in Wyoming and Colorado; report, pp. 110. pi. map. charts. 8. Wash., Govt., 1898. (U. S. War. dept. Engi- neer dept. 55th Cong. 2d sess. H. doc. 141. In v. 38.) Includes Monograph upon reservoirs and their effects on floods of Mississippi system; by J, A Seddon. ( In U. S. War dept. Engineer dept. Report, 1898. pt. 4. pp. 2815-2922. pi. map. 1898.) ; [separate]. 8. 267 - Reservoir s} T stem of the Great Lakes of the St. Lawrence basin, by Chittenden, with a Mathematical analysis of the influence of reservoirs upon stream flow, by James A. Seddon. (In Amer. soc. civ. eng. Proc. 24:526-598. il. chart, 1898; with discussion. Trans. 40:355-448. il. chart. 1898.) 28 268 Chittenden, Samuel H. Description of the work of constructing a dam across the Potomac river for increasing the water supply of Washington. D. C. (In Amer. soc. civ. eng. Trans. 18 : 50-58. pi. 1888.) 269 Church, Benjamin S. Notes and suggestions on the Croton water- works ana supply for the future. (In Amer. soc. civ. eng. Trans. 5:107-114. il. 1876.) Discussion on this subject is given. 5 : iV) l-L'T.x 5 t. <>fKi-L><>r'ninnt xfti- of. Use of water for irrigation in Texas, pp. 111-130. pi. 1901.) 275 Coffin, Frederick F. B. [Artesian wells of South Dakota east of the Missouri and north of 44 C 13' of north latitude.] (In TJ. S. An fiKjuu-i/. Preliminary investigation, etc. pp. 1^5- I4d.' LS'.MI.) 276 - Special report on certain artesian conditions existing in South Dakota. (In TJ. S. Agricidturi . J>i^ Mate engineer of. 29 277 Coffin, Freeman C. Graphical solution of hydraulic problems, treating 1 of the flow of water through pipes, in channels and sewers, over weirs, etc. pp. 79. diagrams 34. 12. N. Y., John Wiley & sons, 1901. W A 278 Coghlan, Timothy Augustine. Discharge of streams in relation to rainfall, New South Wales. (In Instit. civ. eng. Min. of . proc. 75:176-194. 1884.) 279 Cole, Asahel N. New agriculture, or the waters led captive, pp. 223. pi. 8. N. Y., American angler, 1885. W A W G 280 Cole, Asher P. Cole's combined system of drainage and irrigation, a new system of agriculture originated by A. N. Cole. pp. 103. il. 8/ n. p., [1889]. W A W G W Collingwood, Charles B. See, as joint author, Gulley, Frank A. 281 Colorado Commission to revise laws of the state. Report of com- mission appointed by the governor to revise the laws of the state regulating the appropriation, distribution, and use of water, with the draft of a bill prepared by the commission for enactment bv the general assembly, pp. 300. 8. Denver. State, 1800. W A W G COMMISSIONERS E. T. Wells. T. C. Henry. J. S. Greene. 282 - Engineer department. Biennial report, 1881-1900. pi. maps. 8. Denver, State, 1882-1901. W A W G [1st] Biennial report, 1881-82; by E. K. Stimson. Report for 1883-84 [2d] ; by E. S. Net- tlotrm 'ir\ "Rionnial ronnrt 18S?>_fi' YiV Vottloti^n ItVi TtioTinial Tannrt "ia7_fiC- Kir tleton. 3d Biennial report, 1885-86; by Nettleton. 4th Biennial report, 1887-88; by J. S. Greene. 2 pt. Same. Ed. 2. 5th Biennial report, 1889-90; by J. P. Maxwell. 2 pt. 6th Biennial report, 1891-92; by J. P. Maxwell, 7th Biennial report, 1893-94; by C. B. Cramer. 2 pt, maps. Maps of this report, separate. 1894. 8th Biennial report, 1895-96; by H. A. Simmer. 1897. 9th Biennial report, 1897-98; by J. E. Field. 1899. iOth Biennial report, 1899-1900; by A. J. McCnne. 1901. 283 - Irrigation laws and instructions to superintendents and water commissioners; [compiled by Charles B. Cramer]. pp. 197. 8. Denver, State, 1893. W G pp. 228. 8. Denver, State, 1894. W A W c 284 Measurement of water; by A. L. Fellows, pp. 61. il. 8. Denver, State, 1900. (Irrigation bulletin 1.) 285 Colorado agricultural experiment station. A rtesian wells of Colorado and their relation to irrigation; [by L. G. Carpenter], pp. 28. map. 8. Fort Collins, 1891. (Bulletin 16.) W A 286 - Loss of water from reservoirs by seepage and evaporation ; by L. G. Carpenter, pp. 32. 8. ^Fort Collins, 1898. (Bul- letin 45.) W A 287 - Losses from canals from filtration or seepage; [by L. G. Carpenter], pp. 36. 8. Fort Collins, 1898. (Bulletin 48.) 288 - Measurement and division of water; [by L. G. Carpenter]. ed. 2. pp.45. 8. Fort Collins, 1890. (Bulletin 13.) W A Ed. 3, rev. pp. 42. il. Fort Collins, 1894. (Bul- letin 27.) W A 289 - Preliminary report on the duty of water; by L. G. Car- penter. pp.32, il. Fort Collins, 1893. (Bulletin 22.) W A 30 Colorado agricultural experiment 'station Continued. 290 Report of experimental work in the department of physics and engineering, I irrigation and meteorology; by Elwood Mead], pp. 12. il. 8. ~ Fort Collins. issT. (Bulletin 1.) W A 291 - Seepage or return waters from irrigation; [by L. G. Car- penter |. pp. (33. il. map. 8. Fort Collins. 1896. (Bulle- tin 33.) W A 292 - Soils and alkali, fertility, irrigation, etc.: [by D. O'Brine]. pp. 27. 8. (Bulletin 9.) * W A 293 - Irr't. lixil.) W v For earlier reports, 866 Colorado agricultural experiment station Mtttornloiji/ nit.j>. 7 s -^i. For report, 1900, see Colorado agricultural experiment station Irriyiitiijti > nf/itif r. Columbia irrigation company. $f It< i>- rexentatwes Indian ///ift//V.v, Committee l'/<- //>,//* department, Conces- sion. 296 Conley, J. D. Artesian wells of southern Wyoming, their history and relation to irrigation, pp. 87-122. " 8. Laramie, 1894. (Wyo. exper. sta. Bulletin 20.) W A 297 Connell, J. H., and McHenry, S. A. Report from Beeville station; soils, climate, water supply, irrigation equipment, pp. 927- 958. il. pi. 8. Austin, 1898. (Tex. agric. exper. sta. Bulle- tin 43.) W A 298 Conte. Notice sur les irrigations dans 1'arrondissement d' Avignon. (In Ann. des ponts et chaussees: mem. et doc., 1850, semcst. 2. pp. 337-3S2. pi.) Corbett, F. V. S,<<; North West Provinces and Oudh Public for],'* department Irrigation ln't. of Irrigation inquiry* Offc< <>f. Bulletin 1.) . AV A 315 Croes, James R. Flow of the west branch of the Croton river. (In Amer. soc. civ. eng. Trans. 3:76-86. pi. 1875.) Discussion on this subj-'ct is striven in 4 : '_ >1 .)7-309. 316 - Memoir of the construction of a masonry dam. (In Amer. soc. civ. eng. Trans. 3:337-367. pi. 1875.) .Vv ,//.SY, New York aqueduct commission. 317 Crocs, P. de. Regime des eaux. (In //As Code rural. Ed. "2. 2:117-370. 1888.) W ; CONTENTS De la propriety et de 1'usage des eaux. Desusines. Des enrages. 61argissements et redressemeiits des eours d'eau. Des travaux de defense eontre Faction des eaux. Des cours d'eau navigables et flottablcs. Loi sur la peehe. Des eaux utiles (loi des irri- gations. 1^45, 1847). Des eaux stagnantes. Cross, Whitman. Xr. as joint author. Emmons, Samuel Franklin. 318 Crowell, J. Foster. Characteristics of the Ravine du Sud, in the island of Hayti, and plan for averting its overflow. (In Amer. soc. civ. eng/ Trans. 24:170-191. pi. map. 1891.) Paging includes discussion on the subject. 319 Crugnola, Gaetano. Bursting of the Habra dam in the province of Oran, Algeria; [abstract]. (In Instit. civ. eng. Min. of proc. 70:447,448. 1882.) Original paper in Ingegneria civile e le arti industrial!. 3 : 49. !>-_'. 320 Sui muri di sostegno delle terre e sulle traverse dei ser- batoi d" acqua. Text & plates [2 v.]. 8. Torino, A. F. Negro, [1SS3]. AV <; Cuenod, Einile. * . a< translator. Salis, Adolphe de. 321 '"Culcheth, W. \V. Irrigation in India, its lessons for Australia. 8. Melbourne, 1891. ; [abstract*]. (In Instit. civ. eng. Min. of proc. 108: 437-440. 1892.) 322 - Quantity of water consumed in irrigation: [abstract]. (/// Instit. civ. eng. Min. of proc. 69:440. 441. 1882.) Original paper in Royal society of Victoria. Proc., 26 April. IN> 323 - Three papers on Australian irrigation; description. (In. Instit, civ. eng. Min. of proc. 108:435-437. 1M2.) First paper wa- read before the Victorian institute of surveyors. April, 1SN~>: second paper, before I lie same instiime a year later: third paper, in 1MH.), at the Melbourne meeting of the Australian association for the advancement of science. 33 Culcheth, YV. W. Continued. ,W Victoria Water-supply department, Cohuna irri- gation trust. 324 Culver, Garry E. [Dakotas' artesian basins and their geology.] (In U. S. A(jricultni'<>* DepL of Artesian and underflow inves- tigation and irrigation inquiry. Preliminary investigation, etc. pp. 55-00. il. pi. 1890.) 325 - Report for South Dakota. (In U. S. Agriculture, Dept. of Artesian and underflow investigation and irrigation inquiry. Final report, pt. 3. pp. 191-209. il. map. pi. 1892.) 326 Cunningham, Allen. Hydraulic experiments at Roorkee; [ab- stract]. (In Instit. crv\eng. Min. of proc. 44:263-266. 1876.) Report in Professional papers on Indian engineering. 2d ser. 4: 1-111. ; [abstract]. (In Instit. civ. eng. Min. of proc. 48: 322. 1877.) Ad interim report in Professional papers on Indian engineering. 2d ser. vol. 6. 327 - Recent hydraulic experiments. (In Instit. civ. eng. Min. of proc. 71:1-94. il. 1883.) This paper gives a short general account of some extensive experiments on the flow of water in the Ganges canal, a detailed account of which was given in the author's report, Roorkee hydraulic experiments. The paging given here embraces the discussion on the paper before the society and the correspondence. 328 * - Roorkee hydraulic experiments. Text, tables, & plates 3 v. 8. Roorkee, Thomason College, 1880-81. ; [abstract]. (In Instit. civ. eng. Min. of proc. 66: 398-400. 1881.; ; [abstract in French entitled] Compte rendu des expe- riences hydrauliques faites a Roorkee; par M. Flamant. (In Ann. des ponts et chaussees: mem. et doc., 1882, semest. 9. pp. 48-96.) 329 Curetur, Stephen. Tillage and products of the soil on irrigated lands. (In Victoria Roy. comn. on water supply. Fourth progress report; irrigation in Egypt and Italy. Appendix 2. pp. 54-58. 1887.) W G ; [extract]. (In U.S. Agriculture, Dept. of. Artesian underflow and irrigation investigation. Report on progress of irrigation investigation, pt. 1. pp. 282-286. 1891.) W A W G 330 Curran, J. Milne. Notes on the geology and water supply of the interior of New South Wales. (In N. S. W.Roy. comn. conservation of water. First report. Appendix Z. p. 64. 1885.) W A 331 Cutter, W. P. Value of natural waters for crop growth. (In Utah agric. college exper. sta. Bulletin 22. pp. 8-12. 1893.) AV A 332 Czarlinski, V. Report on the district between the Lachlan, Bogan, and Darling rivers. (In N. S. W. Roy. comn. conservation of water. Third and final report. Appendix, pp. 17-27. 1887.) 26761 No. 4102 3 34 t 333 * Dacosta, J. Facts and fallacies regarding irrigation and famine in India. 8. W. H. Allen. 1880. Dahlstrom, Karl P. See, as translator. Weisbach, Ludwig Julius. 334 *Dalgas, E. Engvanding i de jydske heder. pp. 3:2. Aarhus, 186(3. 335 *Darcy, Henri Philibert Gaspard. Recherches experimentales relatives au mouvement de Feau dans les tuyaux. Paris, 1857. (Acad. des sciences, Paris. Mem. par divers savants, v. 15.) 336 * - uml Bazin, H. Recherches hydrauliques. 2 v. & atlas \ v.]. 4 & f". Paris, Dunod. Isijo. CONTEXTS pt. 1. Recherches experimentales sur 1'ecoulement de 1'eau dans les canaux f \oater. First report. Appendix Jl. pp. 33-38. pi. lo. 1885.) 338 Barton, Nelson Horatio. Artesian well prospects in Atlantic- coastal plain region, pp. 23^. il. pi. maps. 8. Wash.. . Lni<' Govt., 18 ( .6. (TJ. S. Int. r><>,\ Dtpt. of th 1- ',io. il. pi. maps. 1897.) W A ; [separate]. 4. 340 - - Preliminary report on artesian waters of a portion of the Dakotas. (/// TJ. S. Inf<,'/'o/'. I)<-ol. <>f f/ t( ,< Geological suwey. 17th annual report, lsi5 in;, pt. pp. 603-694. il. pi. maps. 1>96.) W A pp. 92. il. pi. maps. 4". Wash., Govt.. 1896. 341 - Preliminary report on the geology and water resources of Nebraska west of 103d meridian. (In TJ. S.- ////V/vV,/-, J),^,1. of fj,r G<<- lt f It< j>i'r*< ,,t- tivestt'rwation <>frin. Hearings, pp 37 42. I'.ioi.) ; [before Committee on public lands]. (In TJ. S. IIf. of il (r>1o(jn-iil *///'// // llij///'*/"// of; U. S. S, /,7. (IT. S. Interior, D<-j>f. of tit, Geological */////// - Hydrography, Division of. Water-supply and irrigation papers. 11.) W A (TJ. S, lion*, of Representatives. 55th Cong. 2d ses>. H. doc. 302. hi v. 60.) ' W A Davis, J. B. .sV e New York aqueduct commission. 355 Deacon, George Frederick. Vyrnwv works for the water supply of Liverpool. (In Instit. civ. eng. Min. of proc. 126 : 21-67. 1896.) Discussion and correspondence follow the paper. 356 Deakin, Alfred. Irrigated India, an Australian view of India and Ceylon, their irrijvation and agriculture, pp. 322. map. 8. Lond. , Thacker & co. , 1893. W A W w See also, as president. Victoria Rmjnl commission on miter V "7V ><7 //'' "f*"* as minister. Victoria Wiu'1in.< ///. 357 Dean, G. A. Plea for an arterial drainage, embankment, and im- provement act, etc., with principles upon which arterial drain- age, drainage, outfalls, embanking, warping, etc., should be carried out/ pp. 131. S () . [Lond.], S. Morris, 1861. W p 358 Debauve, Alphonse. Des eaux comme moven de transport; navi- gation fluviale et maritime. Text & atlas [2 v.]. 8 & f. Paris, Dunod, 1878. (Manuel de Tingenieur des ponts et chaus- C INTENTS Riveres. Canaux. Ports maritimes. 359 - Des eaux en agriculture. Text & atlas [2 v.]. S & f. Paris, Dunod, 1876. (Manuel de Tingenieur des ponts et chans- x-cs. 18.) W (i W 1 ' CONTKNTS 1. C ura ire- et dessechements. 2. Draiiui-e. Irrigations. Colmatasres. 1884. W 360 - Irrigations. (In Jtis Dictionnaire administratif des travaux publics. 2:330-318. ISso.) W u CONTKNTS Historique. Etablissement des j irises d'eau d'irrigation. Lois. Jurisprn- dcnce. Syndicats. Jurisprudence relative aux syndicats. Concessions de canaux 361 - Traite des eaux. 3 v. & atlas, s" & f. Paris, Dunod, ls73, 75. (Manuel de Tino-emeur des ponts r^ chaussees. 15, 16, and 17.) W' ; W p CONTEXTS pt. 1. (fasc. 15.) Hydraulique. pt. 4 J. ( fasc. lt">. ) Distributions d'ean. pt, 3. (fa.sc. 17.) Meteorologie.Hydrologie. Culture ranonnelle. il. Atlas accompanies fascicule 1H, Distribution d'eau. 362 *Deby, Julien. Manuel d'irrigation. Priissel, 37 363 Degousee, F. R. J. A. Guide de sondeur; ou, Traite theorique et pratique des sondages. Text & plates [2 v.]. 8. Paris, Langlois et Lc Clercq, 1847. W G 364 Delocre, . Memoire sur la forme du profil a adopter pour les grands barrages en maconnerie des reservoirs, (fn Ann. des ponts et chaussees: mim. et doc., 1866, [semest. 2]. pp. 212-272. pi.) 365 ;> Demoutzey, P. Studien fiber die arbeiten der wiederbewaldung mid berasung der gebirge; iibersetzt von A. von Seckendorff, Wien, 1880. 366 Dempsey, G. Drysdale. On the drainage of lands, towns, and buildings, revised, with large additions on recent practice in drainage engineering; by D. Kinnear Clark. Ed. 2. pp. 351. il. pi. 12. Lond., Crosby Lockwood & son, 1890. W A 367 - Rudimentary treatise on the drainage of districts and lands. pp. 142. il. 12. Lond., J. Weale, 1849. W p Ed. 5, rev. pp. 160. il. 12. Lond., Strahan & co., 1869. (Weale's ser.) W c Ed. 6. pp.160, il. 12. Lond., Lockwood & co., 1876. (Weale's ser.) W G 370 Dennis, J. S. Water rights under Canadian northwest irrigation act. (In II. S. Agriculture, Dept. of Experiment stations, Office of. Irrigation laws of northwest territories of Canada and Wyoming, pp. 11-46. pi. map. 1901.) 371 Denton, J. Bailey. Agricultural drainage; a retrospect of forty years' experiences, pp. 94. map. 8. Lond., E. & F. N. Spon, 1883. W A W 372 * Intermittent downward filtration,^/* se, and in combina- tion w r ith surface irrigation. Ed. 2, enl. Lond., 1881. 373 Storage of water, pp. 18. 8. Lond., E. & F. N. Spon, 1874. W G Reprinted papers with additions. 374 Under-drainao-e of land; its development and maintenance. pp. 24. 8. Lond., E. & F. N. Spon, [1875]. W p Reprint of paper read before the Maidstone farmers' club, 1872; with an appendix explain- ing the assistance afforded to landowners by the General land drainage and improvement company. Denver, Colo. See, for irrigation congress held here in 1894, National irrigation congress, Official report. 375 [Derry, J. D.] [Some of the engineering features of American irrigation.] pp. 46. pi. 21. f. Melbourne, Govt, 1885. (Victoria Roy. conm. on, water supply. Further progress re- port. no. 19.) W A W Detienne, E. See, as joint author, Bodson, . 377 * Dhunowree works, Ganges canal. (In Professional papers on In- dian engineering. 7:207-214. 1870.) Dillingham, B. F. See, for report on water supply in Hawaiian islands, Schuyler, James Dix, and Allardt, G. F. 38 i 378 [Dinghel'shtedt, Nikolai.] Oiibrrb napiemH nppnran,iii Typ- KecxaHCKaro Kpaa, Cbip^-^apbiiHCKaH o6.iacxb. [Ex- periments in the study of irrigation on the borders of Tur- kestan in the province of Syr-Daria.] pp. 513. pi. 5. 8. C.-IIeTepdyprb, Trrnorpa^ia MnmicTepCTBa nyxeii COO(5iu,eHm [St. Petersburg'. Printing office of the minister of public works], 1893. W A 379 Ditch owners' association. Synopsis of irrigation laws and priority decrees of Ouray county [Colo.], embracing Water district no. 68, division 5. * pp. 3:2. 8. n. p.. Executive comn. of the assoc., 1898. 380 Ditching and draining; a manual of tables for computing work done. pp. 63. 12. Lond., Blackie & son, 1860. W A AV 1 Extracted from Agriculturist's calculator. 381 Dixon, W. A. Artesian water in connection with irrigation. (In Roy. soc. N. S. W. Jour, and proc. 1893. 27:466-468. [1894.]) W A 382 Deep well waters of Sydney: [analyses]. (In Roy. soc. N. S. W. Jour, and proc., 1878. ' 12: 133-141. 1879.) 383 - Well and river waters of New South Wales, [analyses]. (In Roy. soc. N. S. W. Jour, and proc., 1889. 23:465-476. [1890.]) 384 Dobson, Edward. Geelong water supply, Victoria. Australia. (In Instit. civ. eng. Min. of proc. 56:94-133. il. pi. 1879.) Discussion on the Geelong and Sandhurst water supplies is given. 56: 152-170. 385 Donald, flames. Land drainage, embankment, and irrigation; their practical application, cost, probable profits and the proper season for such undertakings. New ed., rev. pp.156, il. pi. 16. Lond., Wm. S. Or & co., [1852]. W 386 *- Petit traite des irrigations: traduit de 1'ano'lais par A. de Frariere. 12. Paris, 1854. 387 Donkin, Bryan. Account of some experiments made in 1823 and 1824 for determining the quantity of water flowing through different shaped orifices. (In Instit. civ. eng. Trans. 1.215-218. 1836.) 388 Donkin, John B. Report on the proposal to divert water from the Snowy river into the Murrumbidgee and Lake George. (/// N. S. W. KM/, com n. conservation <>f loater. Third and final report. Appendix, pp. 224-2L ; >'>. L887.) 389 HHf ir. W A Sec nl NO. as editor. Fries, C. F. E. 402 Duponchel. Note sur Pirrigation souterraine et le drainage com- bines. (In Ann. des ponts et chaussees: mem. et doc., 1857, [semest. 1]. pp. 225-233. 403 Dupuit, A. J. E. Etudes theoriques et pratiques sur le mouve- ment des eaux courantes; suivies de considerations relatives au regime des grandes eaux. au debouche a leur donner, et a la marche des alluvions dans les rivieres a fond mobile, pp. 275. pi. 8. Paris, Carilian-Gceury, 184*. AV (r 404 - Traite theorique et pratique de la conduite et de la distri- bution des eaux. Ed. 2. Text & atlas [2 v.]. 4 & sq. f. Paris, Dunod, 1865. W" W p 405 Durand-Claye, Alfred Augustin. Dessechement du lac Fucino; memoire. (In Ann. des ponts et chaussees: mem. et doc., 1878, semest. 1. pp. 205-231. pi.) 406 - f Hydraulique agricole et genie rural, lecons professees a PEcolo des ponts et chaussees, par Alfred Durand-Claye, et redigees par Felix Launav. 2 v. 8. Paris, Octave Doin, 1890, 1892. W p Durand-Claye, Leon. AVr, as reviewer, Le Rond, L. Durant, C. F. X,v. as joint author. Chesbrough, E. S. 407 Dutoit, . Note sur les precautions a prendre dans la construction des grands reservoirs d'eau. (/// Ann. des ponts et chaussees: mem. et doc., 1895, semest. 1. pp. 658-676. pi.) ; [abstract entitled] Precautions to be taken in the construction of large reservoirs. (In Instit. civ. eng. Min. of proc. 123:484. IS'.MJ.) 408 Dutton, C. E. Irrigable lands of the valley of Sevier river. (In TJ. S. Infi\ I)> J>1. of tJi< Crcolooiccil xiift'ri/. Report on the lands of the arid region of the United States, with a more detailed account of the lands of Utah. pp. 127-148. 187*.) 41 Button, C. E. Continued. 409 - Report [on hydrographic work of the irrigation survey]. (Li TJ. S. Interior, J)ept. of the Geological survey. 10th Annual report, 1888-89. pt. 2. pp. 78-108. 1890.) " W A 410 Dwelshauvers-Dery, Victor Auguste Ernest. Experiments on the measurement of water over weirs. (In Instit. civ. eng. Min. of proc. 114 : 333-339. 1893.) 411 Dwyer, John. Principles and practice of hydraulic engineering- applied to the conveyance of water, thorough drainage, and mill power; also tables of earthwork, pp. 204. pi. Dublin, J. McGlashan, 1847. W c 412 *Dyas, J. H. Cavour canal; memorandum [based on report of Italian irrigation canal company]. 1865. (N. W. P. P. w. d. Irrigation branch, no. 70.) (In Professional papers on Indian engineering. 2 : 369- 381. 1865.) Dyer, C. W. D. See, as joint author, Flynn, A. D. 413 Egypt Public works ministry. Irrigation report, 1884-1888; by C. C. Scott Moncrieff. 4. Cairo, [1884J-1889. [Irrigation] report for 1890, by J. C. Ross; [abstract]. (In Instit. civ. eng. Min. of proc. 107:466-470. 1892.) [Irrigation] report for 1891, by J. C. Ross; [abstract]. (In Instit. civ. eng. Min. of proc. 112:413-414. 1893.) 414 - Note on the corvee in Egypt; by [C. C.] Scott Mon- crieff. pp. 13. 4. Cairo, Govt,, 1886. 415 Note on the Nile flood of 1887; [by C. C. Scott Mon- crieff]. pp.36, il. pi. 4. Cairo, Govt, 1888. 416 - Note on the prevention of sharaki land in Egypt; by C. C. Scott Moncrieff. pp. 27. pi. 4. Cairo, Govt, 1889. 417 - Note on the Wadi Raian project; by C. C. Scott Mon- crieff. pp. 10. 4. Cairo, Govt., 1889. 418 - Notes on the distribution of water and maintenance of works in the basin systems of Upper Egypt; by Justin C. Ross, inspector-general of irrigation. Text and maps [2 v.]. 4 & f. Cairo, Govt., 1892. W A W G 419 - Notes on the Wady Rayan; by G. A. Liernur, [J. H.] Western, and C. C. Scott Moncrieff. pp. 33. map. 4. Cairo, Govt, 1888. 420 Rapport sur le canal Ibrahimieh, presente a S. E. le Ministre des travaux publics; par C. C. Scott Moncrieff, inspect- eur general des irrigations, pp. 13. il. f. Le Caire, 1S84. 421 Rapports sur le systeme dMrrigation dans la Basse- Egypte, et sur le canal Ismai'lieh, presentes a S. E. le Ministre des travaux publics; par C. C. Scott-Moncrieff. pp. 24. il. f. Le Caire, 1883. 42 i Egypt /W,/,V ir< >,-],'* Hi'titixtry Continued. 422 - Report on the irrigation of Egypt, and an examination of a proposal relating to it. by Aly Pasha Moubarik. Minister of public works; [abstract]. (In Instit. civ. eng. Min. of proc. 77:425-428. 18S4.) Report dated Cairo, April 24. 1883. 423 - Report on the low Nile of 1888 and on the measures to be undertaken to prevent sharaqi in Upper Egypt; by Justin C. Ross, inspector-o-eneral of irrigation, pp. 1*6. pi. 4. Cairo, Govt. isv.'. 424 ~ :: ~ Ehmann, - - von. Die versorgung der wasserarmen Alb mit fliessendem trink- und nutzwasser. und das otf'entliche wasser- versorgungs-wesen ini konigreich TV tirt tern berg. Stuttg. . Iss4. 425 Eisen, Gustav. Raisin industry; a practical treatise on the raisin grapes, their history, culture, and curing, pp. 223. il. pi. San Francisco. H. S. Crocker & co., 1890. W A ( 'ultivation of the raisin grape by irrigation is here fully described. A condensed statement Of the same is given in U. S. A'jtt. of. Arfi^inn . 432 Estee, Morris M. Irrigation problem. pp. 24. 8. [Sacra- mento], 1874. AV A Annual address delivered before State agricultural society of California at Sacramen.o. Sept. 23, i*7i. 433 Ewbank, Thomas. Descriptive and historical account of hydraulic and other machines for raising water, ancient and modern; with observations on various subjects connected with the mechanic arts. pp. 582. il. 8. N. Y., D. Appleton & co., 1842. Ed. 15. pp. *512. il. 8. N. Y., Scribner & CO., L870 -1S03. A 43 434 * Eyth, Max. Das agricultur - maschinenwesen in Aegypten. Stuttg., 1867. v. 1. Die landwirtsehaftliche bewjisserung Aegyptens. See also, as joint author, Greig. 435 Fahey, Charles Swaine. River Indus as a source of supply for irrigation canals in Sind. (In Instit. civ. eng. Min. of proc. 71:279-297. il. 1883.) 436 Fanning, J. T. Practical treatise on water-supply engineering; relating to the hydrology, Irydrodynamics, and practical con- struction of water-works in North America, pp. 619. il. pi. 8. N. Y., D. Van Nostrand, 1877. W c W p Ed. 2. pp. 619. il. pi. 8. N. Y., Van Nostrand, 1878. W G Ed. 4. pp. 621. il. pi. 8. N. Y., D. Van Nos- trand, 1884. W Ed. 5, rev. pp.644, il. pi. 8. N. Y., D. Van Nostrand, 1886. W c Ed. 7, rev. pp.644, il. pi. 8. N. Y. , Van Nos- trand company, 1889. W A W G *- Ed. 10. N. Y., Van Nostrand co., 1892. Additional matters relating to evaporation, filtration, and to artesin wells are added to this edition. Ed. 11, rev. pp. 644. il. pi. 8. New York, Van Nostrand co., 1893. W Ed. 14, rev. pp. 644. il. pi. 8. N. Y., D. Van Nostrand company, 1899. W 437 Fellenberg, Ziegler von A. Kurze bewasserungslehre fiir den schweizerischen landmann. Bern, 1870. 438 Fellows, A. L. Measurement of water, pp. 61. il. 8. Den- ver, State, 1900. (Colo. Engineer dept. Irrigation bulletin. 1.) 439 Fernow, B. E. Relation of irrigation problems to forest condi- tions. (In U. S. Senate Irrigation and reclamation of arid land** Select committee on. Report. pt. 5. pp. 112-124. 1890.) * 440 Ferrari, Bernardino. Account of the method of closing the Navi- glio Grande and Muzza channels of navigation and irrigation in Lombard?; extract from an appendix to a treatise on the corro- sion of rivers, translated by S. Best. (In Reports on various professional subjects, Madras Presidency. Ed. 2. 2 : 40. pi. 1859.) 442 Field, John E. Water laws of Colorado. (In Mead, Elwood. Water rights on Missouri river and its tributaries, pp. 39-50. 1899.) See also, as state engineer 1897-98, Colorado. Engineer department, Biennial report. Fields, John. See, as joint author, Holter, George L. 44 443 Filonardi, A. Sardegna, Campidano di Cagliari; relazionc. (/// Italy driii in 'txK'tnn<- f (I i-d a n<-n inquiry. Final report, pt. 2. pp. 87-94. 1892.) 459 - Report on Miles City, Montana, artesian basin. (In TJ. S. Agriculture, Dept. of Artesian and underflow investigation and irrigation inquiry. Final report, pt. 2. pp. 96, 97. 1892.) 460 - Study of the use of water for irrigation on the Rio Grande del Norte. (In II. S. State, Dept. of. Equitable distribution of the waters of the Rio Grande, pp. 47-108. 1898.) Investigates claims of Mexican government, and also considers the sufficiency of the water supply for reservoir at El Paso. 461 - Underground water surveys; report. (In TJ. S. Agri< ///- ture, Dept. of Artesian and underflow investigation and irriga- tion inquiry. Final report, pt. 2. pp. 19-29. 1892.) See also, as joint author, Mills, Anson. 463 Foltz. Note sur les irrigations de la Moselle dans le departement des Vosges. (In Ann. des ponts et chaussees: mem. et doc., 1849. semest, 2. pp. 186-202. pi.) 464 Folwell, Amory Fresco tt. Water-supply engineering; designing, construction, and maintenance of water-supply systems, both eitv and irrigation, pp. 562. il. pi. 8. N. Y., Wiley & sons, 1900. W G W c Ed. 2. rev. pp. 570. il. 8. N. Y., J. Wiley & sons, 1901. W A 465 Fontaine, E. Contributions to the science of hydraulic engi- neering, pp. 41. pi. map. 4. Wash., Govt., 1879. W G CONTENTS pt. 1. Drainage and irrigation. pt. 2. Physical history and geography of lake Pontchartrain. pt. 3. Mississippi river. 466 * Fontes y Musso. Historia de los riegos de.Lorca. Murcia, 1847. 467 Foote, A. D. Automatic waste weir. (In Amer. soc. civ. eng. Trans. 18:59-61. pi. 1888.) 468 - Report [to Idaho water company] on the irrigating and reclaiming of certain desert lands in Idaho, and other projects connected therewith, pp.54, il. map. 4. n. p., 1887. W G 469 - Water-meter for irrigation. (In Amer. soc. civ. eng. Trans. 16:134-137. il. 1887.) 470 Forez canal; apparatus for gauging water supply; [abstract], (hi Instit. civ. eng. Min. of proc. 65:397, 398.' 1881.) Original paper in Annales des travaux publics, June, 1881, p. 375. 1 pi. Forrest, James. See* as editor. Institution of civil engineers, Minutes of proceedings. 471 Fortier, Samuel. Conveyance of water in irrigation canals, flumes, and pipes, pp. 86. il. pi. 8. Wash., Govt., 1901. (II. S. Interior^ Dept. of the Geological survey Hydrography , Dim sionof. Water-supply and irrigation papers. 43.) W A (II. S. House of Representatives. 56th Cong. 3d sess. H. doc. 486. In v. 63.) W A 46 Fortier, Samuel Continued. 472 - Duty of water in Gallatin valley, [Montaifa]. (/// U. S. Agriculture, f)t. of Experiment xfnttnn*. <>Tfi<-, <>f. Use of water in irrigation; report, pp. 175-HM>. il. pi. map. 1900.) ; [separate]. [1901.] (In U. S. At. of Experiment *t twnfy Office of . Duty of water in Nebraska, pp. 175-196. il. pi. map. 1901.) 473 - Earthen dams. pp. 56. il. pi. 8. Logan, State, 189*;. (Utah agric. college exper. sta. Bulletin 46.) 474 - Preliminary report on seepage water and the underflow of rivers, pp. 35^ 8. [Salt Lake City], 1895. (Utah agric. col- lege exper. sta. Bulletin 38.) \Y l 475- Seepage water of northern Utah, pp.50, il. pi. maps. 8. Wash., Govt., 1897. (U. S. 7>//v/vV,/<, !>< Geo- logical .v///w/y Hytfi'oyi'tip/ii/. l)'i rix'inn /if. Water-supply and irrigation papers. 7.) W A (U. S. ILxixc <>f lir<*, //A////V.V. 54th Cong. '2d ' 8688. H. doc. 349. In v. 70.) 476 - Water for irrigation. (In Sanborn, J. W. Sub-irrigation vs. surface irrigation, pp. 9-28. 1893.) 477 - Water supply of Cache valley, pp. 50. il. pi. map. 8. Logan, State, 1897. (Utah agric. college exper. sta. Bul- letin 50.) CONTENTS Loss due to evaporation. Gain from seepage waters. Capacities of the various canals. Irrigating duty of \vater. Foster, Luther. *SW, as director, South Dakota experiment station Agriculture^ Department of. 478 Fournie, Victor. Note sur deux formules relatives a lYcoulement permanent et uniforme des liquides. (In Ann. des ponts et chaussees: mem. et doc., 1898, trimest. 3. pp. 1-10.) ; [abstract entitled] Continuous and uniform flow of liquids. (In Instit. civ. eng. Min. of proc. 136:391. ls!)i>.) 479 Fox, William. Irrigation in southern California with special reference to the artesian wells in San Bernardino count v. (/// Instit. civ. eng. Min. of proc. 105 : ^38-248. il. 1891.) 480 ' :: ' Fraissinet, Eclin. Die \olkswirtschaftliche bedeutung der privat- rn'isse mid l);iche fiir die industrie und landwirtschat't. Leipz., 1891. 481 France Jy/vV-///////v. / commerce ct <7<.8 travail publics^ J/////.V- K W 1 ' \V 482 - Agriculture et du wmmerce, Mwist&re del? . Annuairc des eaux de la France pour' lsr>l, . . . redigc par une commission special*?, pp. ^13. 4. Paris, Imprimerie nationale, 1851. W A 47 France Agriculture et du commerce, Ministere de V Continued. 483 - Pratique et legislation des irrigations dans FItalie superieure et dans quelques etats d'Allemagne; rapport, par [J h ] de Mauny de Mornay. 2 pts. 8. Paris, Imprimerie royale, 1844. CONTENTS pt. 1. Pratique. pt. 2. Legislation. W A 484 - Agriculture, Dir-t'>n de l\ Irrigations dans le departement de Vaucluse; rapport sur le concours ouvert en 1877 pour le meilleur emploi, des eaux d'irrigation, par J. A. Barral. pp. 582. il. pi. 6. l'. Paris, Imprimerie nationale, 1878. W A 485 - Irrigations dans le departement des Bouches- du-Rhone ; rapport sur le concours ouvert en 1875 pour le meilleur emploi des eaux d'irrigation, par J. A. Barral. pp. 548. il. pi. 4. f. Paris, Imprimerie nationale, 1876. W A W G ; rapport sur le concours ouvert en 1876 pour le meilleur emploi des eaux d'irrigation, par J. A. Barral. pp. 271. pi. f. Paris, Imprimerie nationale, 1876. W A W G 486 - Agriculture, Ministere de P Agriculture, Direction de l\ Agriculture, les prairies et les irrigations de la Haute- Vienne; rapports, par J. A. Barral. pp. 771. pi. 4. Paris, Impri- merie nationale, r:8k W Rapports sur les concours d' irrigation dans la Haute-Vienne en 1877 et 1878 et sur le concours de la prime d'honneur dans ce departement en 1879. 487 - Ilydraulique agricole, Direction de l\ Bulletin, A-J, 1884-'8S. pi. maps. 8. Paris, Imprimerie nationale, 1884-88. W G Documents officiels; statistique; rapports. 488 Francis, James Bicheno. Experiments on the flow of water over submerged weirs. (In Amer. soc. civ. eng. Trans. 13 : 803-312. 1884.) ; [abstract]. (It) Instit. civ. eng. Min. of proc. 79: 402. 1885.) 489 - High walls or dams to resist the pressure of water. (In Amer. soc. civ. eng. Trans. 19:147-200. pi. 1888.) Paging includes discussion on the subject. ; [abstract], (fn Instit. civ. eng. Min. of proc. 96: 389. 1889.) 490 - Lowell hydraulic experiments; being a selection from experiments on hydraulic motors, on the flow of water over weirs, in open canals of uniform rectangular section, and through submerged orifices and diverging tubes, made at Lowell, Massa- chusetts, pp. 251. pi. 23. f. N. Y., D. Van Nostrand, 1868. W p Ed. 4. pp. 286. pi. 23. f. N. Y., D. Van Nostrand, 1883. W A 491 - On the cause of the maximum velocity of water flowing in open channels being below the surface. (In Amer. soc. civ. eng. Trans. 7:109-113. 1878.) Discussion on this subject is given. 7 : 122-130. 48 *. Francis, James Bicheno Continued. : 'abstract]. (/// Instit. civ. eng. Min. of proc. 55:357. lS7l.) 492 - Provincetown dike. ( /// Amer. soc. civ. eng. Trans. 1 : 329- 332. pi. 1872.) dl** as cliairnmn of committee. American society of civil engineers, Report of committee on the cause of failure of the South Fork dam. Frankenfield, H. C. Se<.- United States .l///vV-///////v . I),-j>f Wrtit/nf /y///v/v//, Daily river stages at river-gauge stations on the principal rivers of the United States. 494 Franklin, F. A. Report on canals and irrigation in India. (In N. S. W. ROIJ. com n. conservation of imt^r. First report. pp. 108-114. 1885.) W A 495 * Franzius, Ludwig, ami Sonne, Ed. Der wasserbau. Ed. 2. Leipz.. 1SS2. (Handbuch der ingenieurwissenschaften. v. 3.) Frariere, A. do. See, as translator, Donald, James. 496 * Frauenholz, \V. Ueber die bessere benutzung des wassers und der wasserkrafte und iiber den schutz vor wasserschaden. 497 " : Wasser in bezug auf wirthschaftliche aufgaben der gegen- wart. Miinchen, 1881. 498 Freeman, John R. Nozzle as an accurate water-meter. (In Amer. soc. civ. eng. Trans. 24: 4^2-527. 18D1.) Pairing includes discussion on the subject. 499 French, Henry F. Farm drainage: the principles, processes, and effects of draining land . . . including tables of rain-fall, pp. 384. il. pi. 12". X. Y.. A. O. Moore & co., 1859. W A W P A y 1865 [ C 1859.J W A 1884. W c 500 * Fries, C. F. E. Lehrbuch des wiesenbaus: bearl)eitet von F. W. Diinkelber. Ed. 2. Braunschwei. 501 *Frisi, Paolo. Del modo di regolare i tiumi e i torrenti. Ed. 1. Lucca. 17<>2. FA. 2, enl. Firenze, 177<>. Emjl'txh. Treatise on rivers and torrents, with the method of regulating their course and channels; to which is added. An essay on navigable canals; translated by John Garstin. pp. 184. pi. 4. Lond.. Longman, Hurst. Rees. Orme. and Brown. ISls. W^ W Now ed.. rev. pp. 22H. pi. 12. Lond.. J. Weale, 1861. (Weale*s,er.) W 1 ' W 502 Froidour, Louis de. Lett re a Monsieur Burrillon. contenant la relation et la description des travaux qui so sont en Languedoc ])our la communication des deux rners. pp. 1U1. pi. 16. Toulouse, 1072. W c W p 49 503 * Frontinus, Sextus Julius. De aquaeductibus urbis Romse com- mentarius; opera J. Poleni. 4. Patavii, 1722. : adspersis Joannis Poleni aliorumque notis una cum suis editus a Georgio Christiano Adler. pp. 202 + [7]. maps 2. 8. Altonw, 1792. W c French. Commentaire de Frontin sur les aqueducs de Rome; traduit par Jean Rondelet. 2 v. & atlas. 1820-1821. Text and translation on opposite pages. ; [extrait intitule] Memoire sur les aqueducs remains an temps des empereurs Nerva et Trajan (an 98 de notre ere); par Rozat de Mandres. (fa Ann. des ponts et chaussees: mem. et doc., 1858, semest. 2. pp. 184-205. pi.) English. Two books on the water supply of the city of Rome of Sextus Julius Frontinus, water commissioner of the city of Rome, A. D. 97, a photographic reproduction of the sole original Latin manuscript, and its reprint in Latin, also a trans- lation into English and explanatory chapters; by Clemens Her- schel. pp. 296. il. pi. chart.' 4. Boston, Dana Estes, [ C 1899]. W p W c 504 Fteley, Alphonse. Flow of the Sudbury river, Massachusetts, for the years 1875 to 1879. (In Amer. soc. civ. eng. Trans. 10: 225-234. pi. 1881.) Discussion on rainfall and the flow of streams given, 10 : 235-250. See also New York aqueduct commission. 505 - - and Stearns, F. P. Description of some experiments on the flow of water made during the construction of works for con- veying the water of Sudbury river to Boston. (In Amer. soc. civ. eng. Trans. 12:1-118. pi. 1883.) ; [abstract]. (In Instit. civ. eng. Min. of proc. 72:336.) 506 Fulmer, Eltoji. Irrigation experiments in sugar-beet culture in the Yakima valley, pp. 30. pi. map. 8. Pullman, 1897. (Wash, agric. exper. sta. Bulletin 31.) W A Fulton, R. L. See also, as joint author, Newlands, Francis Griffith. Furnas, R. YV. See* as commissioner. United States Agriculture, Department of, Report on climatic and agricultural features and needs of arid regions, etc. 507 * Furstenhaupt, F. G. Practisches handbuch der bodenkultur durch entwasserung, bewasserung und umwandlung. Berlin, 1860. Pt. 1. Entwasserung. 508 * Galens, Georges. Des cours d'eau souterrains dans la province d'Oran. pp.13. Alger, Fontana et cie., [1895?]. 509 Gallo, Anjel Custodio. Lejislacion de aguas; estudio presentado al Congreso de agricultores. pp. 133. 8. Santiago, 1875. W c 510 Galvan Rivera, Mariano. Ordenanzas de tierras y aguas, 6 sea formulario geometiico-judicial. pp. 300. 8. Mexico, 1855. W 26761 No. 4102 4 50 *_ 511 Gamble, John George. Storage reservoir in the Achterfeld [South Africa: abstract]. (/// Instit. civ, eng. Min. of proc. 62:380, 381. ISso.) Original paper in South African phil. soc. Trans. < ><-t. I'y, isy.t. 512 - Water supply in Cape Colony. (In Instit. civ. eng. Min. of proc. 90 : 255-294. 1887. ) 513 *Ganguillet, E., and Kutter, W. R. Versuch zur aufstellung einer neuen allgemeinen formel fiir die gleichformige bewegung des wassers in canalen und fiiissen, gestiitzt auf die resultate der in Frankreich vorgenommenen umfangreichen und sorgfaltigen un te r such un gen und der in Nord-Amerika ausgefiihrten gross- artigen strom mess ungen. Ed. 2. 8. pi. .Bern, 1877. Published first in 1869 in Zeitschrift des bsterreichischen ingenieur-und architecten-vereins. Enylixli. General formula for the uniform flow of water in rivers and other channels: translated with numerous additions, including tables, diagrams, and elements of over 1,200 gaugings of rivers, etc., by Rudolph Hering and John C. Trautwine, jr. pp. 240. pi. X. Y., Wiley & sons, 1889. W (1 Ed. 2. pp. 240. pi. X. Y.. Wiley & sons. 1893 [ C 1891]. W A 514 Gannett, Henrv. Dictionary of altitudes in the United States. 325. S\ Wash., Govt., 1884. (U. *. Interior, Dept. of Geological wryey. Bulletin 5.) Ed. 2 [rev.], pp. 393. 8. Wash., Govt., 1891. (U. S. Interior, Dept. of the Geologic^ survey. Bulletin 76.) Ed. 3 [rev.], pp. 775. 8. Wash., Govt., 1899. (U. S. Interior* Dept. of tin 6V/y/w//Vv// xxrwy. Bulletin 160.) (U. S. lion*: f Representative *. 55th Cong. 3d sess. the- ft, doc. 305. In v. 88.) W 515 - Profiles of rivers in the United States, pp. 100. map. charts. 8. Wash., Govt., 1901. (TJ. S. L\tei^n\ Dept. of the Geological survey Hydrography ^ Dii*'tx/on <>f. Water- supply and irrigation papers. 44.) W A (U. S. HoK*e <>f Repre*<',itf trntci'. First report, pp. 121-122. 1885.) 534 - Report on the Upper Murray valley. (In N. S. W. Roy. . conservation ofv<. semest. 2. pp. 129- 281. pi.; 1857. semest. 1. pp. 97-KH5.) 560 - Rapport sur la forme et le mode de construction du barrage du goutfre d'Enfer, sur le Furens, et des grands barrages en general. (/// Ann. des ponts et chaussees: mem. et doc., 1866, [semest. 2]. pp. 184-211. pi.) 561 * Traite d'hydraulique; precede d'une introduction sur les principes generaux de la mecanique. 3 v. 4. Paris, Impri- nierie nationale. 1882. 1883. 562 Graeve, P. Observations on the movement of water in streams; [abstract]. (/// Instit. of civ. eng. Min. of proc. 57:352, 353. 1879.) Original paper in Civilingenieur. 25 : 174. 563 Grand canal du Gange. (/// Ann. des ponts et chaussees: mem. et doc., 1855. semest. 1. pp. 378-381.) 564 Grangent. Notice sur le canal de Beaucaire a Aigues-Mortes, et sur le dessechement et 1'irrigation des marais situes sur la cote meridionale du departement du Gard. (/// Ann. des ponts et chaussees: mem. et doc., 1832. semest. 1. pp. 106-136. pi.) 565 Grantham, Richard Boxall. On arterial drainage and outfalls. ( //> Instit. civ. eng. Min. of proc. 19 : 53-129. pi. 180<>.) I 'atfinir includes discussion on the subject. 566 Gras, Scipion. Etudes sur les torrents des Alpcs. (/// Ann. des ponts et chaussees: mem. et doc., Ls.~>7, semest. 2. 1-96. pi.) 567 Gras de Perrodil. Note sur la pratique de '."irrigation sur le versant septentrional de la Montagne-noire. (In Ann. des ponts et chaussees: mem. et doc., 1S{>;~>. semest. 1. pp. 52-58. pi.) 568 "'"Graves, Walter H. Irrigation and agricultural engineering. pp. lt>. S". Denver, IS'M;. 569 - Irrigation for Pima Indians, pp.8. 8. [Wash., (iovt. , 1901.] (U. S. ////V/vV,/-. I.)<-j>t. <>ftheIn>///////*- of inquiry <>n Indian famine. 570 Greathed. W. H. Practice and result> of irrigation in northern India. (In Instit. civ. eng. Min. of proc. 35 : 139-185. map. 1873.) I'ajjiiiK eniJuaces discussion on the pa pel. 571 Greaves, Charles. On evaporation and percolation. (In Instit. civ. eng. Mm. of proc. 45 : li-47. il. l>7(i.) Discussion on the subject follow- tlie paper 55 572 Grebenau, H. Die Internationale Rheinstrom-messung bei Basel vorgenommen am 6. -12. November 1867; ein beitrag zur theorie und praxis der wassermessungen an grosseren flussen. pp. 85. pi. IT. 4. Mimchen, J. Lindauer, 1873. W G Abstract in English of a criticism of this work by K. R. Bornemann in Civilingenieur, 23 : 20, is given in Instit. of civ. eng., Min. of Proc. 49:319. 1877. 573 * Theorie der bewegung des wassers in fliissen und canalen , nach den auf kosten der Vereinigten Staaten von Nordamerika vorgenommenen untersuchungen des Mississippi stromes und dem berichte Humphreys 1 und Abbot's. Miinchen, 1866. 574 Greely, Adolphus Washington. Irrigation and water storage in the a rid region; report, pp.356, maps 37. 4. Wash., Govt., 1891. (TJ. S. War Dept. Signal office; TJ. %Hmise of Repre- sentatives. 51st Cong. 2dsess. H. ex. doc. 287. fn v. 38.) W A W G CONTENTS Report on the climatology of the arid regions of the United States, with refer- ence to irrigation, by Greely, with 'appendices containing reports on climate of Arizona New Mexico, California, and Nevada, by W. A. Glassford, and numerous tables of rainfall and temperature throughout this region. 575 - Report on the climate of Arizona, with particular reference to questions of irrigation and water storage in the arid region, by Greely and W. A. Glassford. pp. 71. maps. 4. Wash., Govt., 1891. Extract from his Irrigation and water storage in the arid region. Contains Report on the climatology of the arid regions, by Greely, and Climate of Arizona, by Glassford, with tables relative to the subject. 576 - Report on the climate of California and Nevada, with par- ticular reference to questions of irrigation and water storage in the arid region, by Greely and W. A. Glassford. pp. 219. 4. maps. Wash., Govt, 1891. Extract from his Irrigation and water storage in the arid region. Contains Report on the climatology of the arid regions, by Greely, and Climate of California and Nevada, by Glassford, with tables relative to the subject. 577 - Report on the climate of Colorado and Utah, with particular reference to questions of irrigation and water storage in the arid region, pp.70. 4. maps. Wash., Govt, 1891. Extract from his Irrigation and water storage in the arid region. Contains Report on the climatology of the arid regions, with tables of rainfall, etc., relative to Colorado and Utah. Green, E. C. See, as joint author, Green, W. J. 578 Green, Robert. Address to the nobility, gentry, farmers, and all persons interested in agriculture, on the subject of under-drain- ing wet and cold land by a plough, pp. 49. pi. 8. Lond., James Ridgfwav, 1832. W c 579 Green, W. J., and Green, E. C. Subirrigation in the greenhouse. pp. 57-76. 8. Columbus, State, 1895. (Ohio agric. exper. sta. Bulletin 61.) W A Greenalch, Wallace. See, as joint author, Rafter, George W. Greene, Charles W. See, as joint author, Newlands, Francis J. Greene, J. S. See, as state engineer, 1887-88. Colorado Engineer department, Biennial report. 580 Greenleaf, James L. Water power of Huron river. (In Lane, A. C. Water resources of lower peninsula of Michigan, pp. 38-41. 1899.) Extract from TJ. S. Interior, Drpt. nf tin' 10th CV'.s.s, 1SW, Report. 16 : 493-495. 1885. 56 *. 581 Gregory, J. W. [Artesian and subterranean waters and wells of central division, western Kansas, Nebraska, and Indian Terri- tory, etc.] (In TJ. S. Agriculture, D>pt. ofArt<*>}>t. of Artesian andunderfiow /'// /vV/Vyv/- f/'o/i tind ii'i'ioi< ///y////v/. Final report, pt. 4. pp. 3-50. il. pi. 1892.) 583 - Letter in relation to irrigation and reclamation of arid lands; [addressed to Senator P. B. Plumb], pp. 15. il. 8. [Wash., Govt., 1889.] (TJ. S. Senate. 50th Cong. 2d sess. mis. doc. 84.) W With exhibits. 584 - Progress report of central division of the Great plains. (In TJ. S. AgriciiHiii; . Dtpt. ofArt. il. pi. map. 8. Wash., Govt., 1899. (TJ. S. Y/^r/V, Jh-^t. //v.v/V/// of. Water-su])ply and irrigation papers. 19.) A\ A (TJ. S. Y/'/'/.xv of U5th Cong. 3d sess. H. doc. i^>; /// v. 73.) ^ W A 57 Grunsky, Carl Ewald Continued. 592 - Methods of applying water to land as practiced in central portions of California. (In II. S. Agriculture, Dept. of Artesian and underflow Investigation and irrigation inquiry. Final report, pt. 1. pp. 307-322. pi. 18. 1892.) 593 - Notes on artesian water and the effect of irrigation on sub- surface water in the San Joaquin valley. (In Tech. soc. Pacif. coast. Trans. 10:157-181. 1893.) 594 -- Water appropriations from Kings river. (In II. S. Agriculture, Dept. of Experiment stations, Office of. Report of irrigation investigations in California, pp. 259-325. 1901.) 595 - We need a department of irrigation engineering at our universities. (In Tech. soc. Pacif. coast. Trans. 9 : 119-153. 1892.) 596 Guerard, . Notice sur les irrigations et le flottage dans 1'ar- rondissement de Saint-Die, (in Ann. des ponts et chaussees: mem. et doc., 1866) [semest. 1]. 261-297. pi.) 597 Guglielmini, Giovanni Domenico. Delia natura de' numi, trattato tisico-methematico. 1. Bologna, 1697. Enl. ed. 2 v. Milan, 1852. . 598 Gulley, Frank A., and Collingwood, C. B. Agricultural develop- ment in southwestern Arizona; pumping water for irrigation, pp. 15-21. 8. Tucson, 1893. (Ariz, agric. exper. sta. Bulletin 11.) W A 599 * Gumppenberg-Pottmes, Joseph von. Der wasserbau an gebirgs- niissen. pi. 1. Augsburg, 1851. 600 *Haag. Das gesetz iiber die be- und entwasserungs-unterneh- mungen zum zwecke der bodencultur. Munchen, 1866. 601 "Hafener, Franz. Der wiesenbau in seinem ganzen umfange. Ed. 3. Stuttg., 1867. First edition published in 1855. 602 * Hagen, Gotthilf. Handbuch der wasserbaukunst. -1 v. & atlas. 8 &f. Berl., 1863-65. *- Ed. 2, 1 v. & atlas. 8 & f. Berl., 1878-81. 603 * Untersuchungen iiber die gleichformige bewegung des wassers. Berl., 1876. 604 [Haggin, J. B.] Desert lands of Kern county, Cal. ; affidavits of various residents of said county, also report of B. S. Alexander, G. H. Mendell. and George 'Davidson, pp. 306. map. 8. San Francisco, C. H. Street, 1877. W A W G 605 *Hahn, Oskar. Preussische gesetzgebung iiber vorfluth, die ent- und bewjisserungen und das deichwesen sowie iiberhaupt in bezugauf das wasserrecht; mit einem anhange, enthaltend pro- vinzialgesetze, Ed. 2. 1. Breslau, 1886. 608 Hall, William Ham. Santa Ana canal of the Bear valley irriga- tion company. (In Amer. soc. civ. eng. Trans. 33:61-170. pi. 1895.) Discussion and correspondence on this paper are given, 33:587-617. 58 Hall, William Ham. Continued. ; [abstract]. (/// Inst. civ. eng, Min. of proc. 122: 4:-i2. 433. 1895.) See "/*". as state engineer, California Enyinwr r1n<> ///. 609 Halle, Gustave. Public works of the Orange Free State. South Africa. (In Instit. civ. eng. Min. of proc. 81:272-278. 1SS5.) 610 Halsted, Byron I).. ^//^/Kelsey, J . A. Irrigation of garden crops. pp. 16." il. 8. [Trenton. State. 1895.] (N. J. Agricultural college exper. sta. Bulletin, 115.) AV A 611 Hancock, William A. Some papers on the subject of national aid in the storage of water for the irrigation of the arid west. pp. [10]. 8. Phoenix, [1901]. W A 612 * Hanric, A. Travaux d'hydraulique agricole en Algerie; irriga- tions de la partie et de la plaine de la Mitidja; bar rage- reser- voir du Hamiz, sa construction et son fonctionnement; canaux principaux d'irrigation, canaux secondaires, mode de distribution des eaux, organization des syndicats, etc. pp. 271. il. pi. 8. Alger, 1894. 613 Harcourt, Leverson Francis Vernon-. Fixed and movable weirs. (In Instit. civ. eng. Min. of proc. 60: 24-42. pi. 1880.) Discussion and correspondence upon this paper and the paper following it. Movable dams in Indian weirs, by R. B. Buckley, Kiven. 60: :>ti-lo9. 614 - River Seine. (In Instit. civ. eng. Min. of proc. 84:210- 359. il. pi. 1886.) Paging includes discussion and correspondence on subject. 615 - Rivers and canals; the flow, control, and improvement of rivers, and the design, construction, and development of canals both for navigation and irrigation. Ed. 2, rev. and enl. 2 v. 8. Oxford, Clarendon press, 1896. W u W 1 ' W A CONTENTS: v. 1. Rivers. v. 2. Canals. 616 Some canal, river, and other works in France, Belgium, and Germany. (In Instit. civ. eng. Min. of proc. 96:182- 201. il. pf. 1889.) 617 Training of rivers. (/// Instit. civ. eng. Min. of proc. 118:1-46. il. pi. 1894.) Discussion on the subject given, 118:7x-l^'.t. 618 * Harder, P. E. Die theorie der bewegung des wassers in flussen und canalen. Hamburg, 1878. 619 Hardy, . Etude sur les endiguements de la Durance dans le de*partement deVaucluse et dans la commune de Pertuis en par- ticulier. (In Ann. des ponts et chaussees: mem. et doc., ls7 N. Mex. Commission <>f !rt'<n inquiry. Report on progress of irriga- tion investigation, pt. 1. pp. 137-14-1. pi. 1801.) 635 - Report [on the geological field work of the artesian wells investigation]. (ln\i. S. Agriculture, iJi-pt. <>fAi't-;v.>. 641 Herisson, Albert. Draining machinery in the valley of the Po; [abstract]. (In Instit. civ. eng. Mia. of proc. ^ 81 : 402-403. 1885.) Original paper in Bulletin de la Societe .~>. p. 266. 642 * Irrigations de la vallee du Po. pp. 22<>. 8. Paris, Berger-Levrault, 1SS3. Taken from annals of the Institute national agronomique, 5th year. Herisson supplements Nadault de Button's account of the Italian canals and gives full description of favour canal. ; [extract]. (/// Victoria Rmj. comn. water *2>j>ly. Fourth progress report. 1*87.) 644 Herschel, Clemens. Gauging of streams. (/// Amer. soc. civ. eng. Trans. 7:230-242. pi. 1878.) Suirirestions relative to the form in which the records of the gauging of streams should be Dually published. 645 - Measuring water, pp.27, il. 8. Providence, Builders' iron foundry. 1MC>. Address to students of Rcnsselaer polytechnic institute. Reprinted from the Polytechnic. 646 - On the work done for the preservation of the dam at Hol- yoke. Mass., in !>>.". and on some studies for a new stone dam for tin* same place. (In Amer. soc. civ. eng. Trans. 15 : '43- 580. pi. 1886.) 61 Herschel, Clemens Continued. 647 - 115 experiments on the carrying capacity of large, riveted metal conduits, up to six feet per second of velocity of flow. per seco N. Y., W Ed. 1. pp. 130. il. pi. 8. N. Y., Wiley & sons, 1897. With appendix on water measurements, etc. 648 - Problem of the submerged weir. (In Amer, soc. civ. eng. Trans. 14 : [189]-196. pi. 1885.) -; [abstract]. (In Instit. civ. eng. Min. of proc. 101: 324. 1890.) 649- Venturi meter. pp. [66]. il. 8. Providence, [Builders' iron foundry], 1893. Contains reprint Qf address before the Amer?fian society of civil engineers, Dec. 21, 1887. ; revised, pp. -12. il. 8. Providence, [Builders' iron foundry], 1895. 650 - Venturi water meter; an instrument making use of a new method of gauging water, applicable to the cases of very large tubes and of a small value only of the liquid to be gauged. (In Amer. soc. civ. eng. Trans. 17:228-258. pi. 1887.) Discussion on this paper is given, 18 : 133-141. pi. 1888. ; [abstract]. (In Instit. civ. eng. Min. of proc. 93:515. 1888.) See also, as editor, Frontinus, Sextus Julius; also, as trans- lator, Salbach B. Herve-Mangon. See Mangon, Herve. 651 ' x "Hess, August. Bewasserungsanlagen im sudlichen theile der landrostei Luneburg, insbesondere die Miiden-Nienhofer melio- ration. Hannover, 1883. 652 * Bewasserungsanlagen Oberitaliens. Hannover, 1873. 653 * Heyer, . Hannoversche gesetzgebung fiber cut- und bewas- serung der grundstiicke. Celle, 1861. 654 Hicks, Lewis E. Irrigation in Nebraska, pp.32. 8. [Lincoln, 1887.] (Nebr. agric. exper. sta. [Bulletin 1.]) W A 655 - Stratigraphy^ and hydrology of Nebraska. (In IT. S. Agriculture, l)ept. of Artesian and underflow investigation and irrigation inquiry. Preliminaiy investigation,. etc. pp. 71-86. il. 1890.) 656 - Underflow and sheet waters, irrigable lands, and geological structure of Nebraska, with its effect upon the water supply. (In II. S. Agriculture, Dept. of Artesian and under flow investi- gation and irrigation inquiry. Final report, pt. 3. pp. 167- 190. map. charts. 1892.) ; [extracts]. (In Nebr. Labor and industrial statistics, Bureau of. 3d Biennial report, 1891-92. pp. 457-465. 1892.) 657 Higgin, George. Irrigation in Spain, chiefly in reference to the construction of the Henares and the Esla canals. (In Instit. civ. eng. Min. of proc. 27:483-507. pi. 1868.) Discussion on irrigation in India and Spain is given, 27 : 508-552. il. pi. 658 Higham, Thomas. Hydraulic tables for finding the mean velocity and discharge in open channels, especially adapted to the most recent formula', pp. 68. 8. Lond.. E. & F. X. Spon, 1877. W F 659 Hilgard, Eugene Woldemar. Alkali lands, irrigation and drainage in their mutual relations; revised reprint from reports of the College of agriculture and from report of the 10th United States census, with an abstract of the government report on alkali lands of India, pp. 45. 8. Sacramento, 18S6. (Cal., Uni- versity of. College of agriculture. Report, issu. Appendix!.) W A W u W i> ; second revised reprint, [etc.], pp. 69. s". Sacra- mento, 1893. (Cal. agric. exper. sta. Report. 1 C 90. Appendix. W A W I> 660- Examination of irrigation waters. [Berkeley. 1SS4.J (Cal. agric. expr. sta. Bulletin 7.) W A Published in tin 1 California newspapers. 661 - Irrigation, drainage, and alkali. [Berkeley, 1886.] (Cal. agric. exper. sta. Bulletin 53.) W A Published in the California newspapers. 662 - Nature, value, and utilization of alkali lands, pp. 46. il. 8. Sacramento, State, 19UO. (Cal. agric. exper. sta. Bulletin 128.) W A Revision of paper in Yearbook of TJ. S. Department of agriculture, Ls.tr>, with abstracts from reports and records of California experiment station. 663 ~- Reports of examinations of waters, water-supply, and related subjects, 1886-89. pp. 57. 8. Sacramento", 1889. Advanced sheets from the combined reports of the California agricultural experiment station for ixss and l.v-9. 664 - Rise of the alkali in the San Joaquin valley, pp. 4. 8. Berkeley. [1889]. (Cal. agric. exper. sta. Bulletin S3.) \V A See "/*'/, as commissioner. United States Agriculture, <>f, Report on climatic and agricultural features, A <> etc. 665 - - n'<\ Df. qf Artesian ,< ///y //////. Report on progress of irrigation investigation. pt. 1. pp. 2ia-221. 1891.) 63 Hill, Robert Thomas Continued. 670 - Occurrence of artesian and other underground waters in Texas, eastern New Mexico, and Indian Territory, west of the 97th meridian. (In TI. S. Agriculture^ Dept. of Artesian ami overflow investigation and irrigation inquiry. Final report, pt. 3. pp. 41-166. map. charts. 1892.) 671 - - and Vaughan, T. W. Geology of Edwards plateau and Rio Grande plain adjacent to Austin and San Antonio, Texas, with reference to occurrence of underground waters. ( In TI. S. Interior, Dept. of the Geological Survey. 18th Annual report, 1896/97. pt. 2. pp. 193-321. il. pi. maps. 1898.) ; [separate]. 4. 672 Hinton, Richard J. Brief memorandum of the decisions of the federal, state, and territorial courts upon questions relative to the use and control of water in arid region of the United States. (In his Irrigation in the United States. Ed. 2. pp. 329-358. 1890.) Enlarged from U. S. Interior, Dept. of the, Digest of the decisions, etc. 673 - Facts and conditions relating to irrigation in various coun- tries. (Lt TI. S. Agriculture, Deft, of Artesian and underflow investigation and irrigation inquiry. Final report, pt. 1. pp. 375-427. 1892.) 674 Irrigation in Australia; recent investigation, legislation, and administration by the colonies of Victoria and New South Wales. (In TI. S. Agriculture, Dept. of Artesian and under- flow investigation and irrigation inquiry. Report on progress of irrigation, pt. 1. pp. '235-293. 1891.) 675 - Irrigation in the United States; [its extent and methods, with digest of laws governing water supply], pp. 240. maps. 8. Wash., Govt., 1887. (TI. $. Agriculture, Dept. of.} W G (TI. S. Senate. 49th Cong., 2d sess. S. mis. doc. 15. In v. 1.) W A W a For contents, see United States Agriculture, Department of, Irrigation in the United States. Ed. 2, [rev.], pp. 386. 8. Wash., Govt., 1890. (TI. S. Senate. 51st Cong. 1st sess. S. rp. 928, pt. 6. In v. 6.) W A This revised edition was prepared by order of United States Senate Special committee on irrigation and reclamation of arid lands, in whose report it forms part 6. For contents, see United States Senate Irrigation and reclamation of arid lands, Select Com- witter on. Report, pt. 6. 676 - Progress report on irrigation in the United States, pp. 337. pi. map. 8. Wash., Govt., 1891. (TI. . Agriculture, Deft, of Artesian and underflow investigation and irrigation inquiry. Report on progress of irrigation investigation, etc. pfc. 1.) W A W G For contents, sec United States Agriculture, Department ^'Artesian and underflow investiga- tion and irrigation inquiry, Report on progress of irrigation investigation, pt. 1. 677 - Report on irrigation and cultivation of the soil thereby, with physical data, conditions, and progress within the United States for 1891; accompanied by maps, illustrations, and papers. 64 Hinton, Richard ,1. Continued. pp. 459. pi. maps. 8. Washington, Govt., 1892. (U. S. Agriculture^ l><-ot. of Art<_-x!i^oir investigation ,i inquiry. Final report, pt. 1.) W A W u For contents, m > United States A , Department of Artesian r . . I>uwni <>f. 3d Biennial report. lst>l-9:>. pp. 429- 44*;. 678- Statement. (///U.S. AV//r//, 7/-/vV/'///"// . as joint author, Newlands, Francis Griffith; al*o as special agent in charge. United States vlf//vV///7 ///v. ]), pm- of Art >^'m a and underflow ////v-.s7/V///^/^// lw hmilx. ('<>ini,,;tf<_n. Hearings, pp. 74-70. pi. 1901.) 680 : Hobohm, Heinrich. Grundzuge fiir die beseitigung der ueber- schwemmungen mitgleichzeitiger durchfiihrungder kiinstlichen bewasserung nach einem neuen systeme. Wien. 1877. 681 Holm, G. B. A. Lag om dikning och annan aHedning af vatten pp. 37. 12. Stockholm, Kongl. boktryckeriet. 1,^79. (Sam- ling af k. forordningar. Stadganden m. m. 1<>.) W A 682 Holter, George L.. and Fields, John. Analyses of waters forirri- o-ation. p}). 7. 8. Stilhvater. 1899. (Okla. agric. exper. sta. Bulletin 38.) W A 683 - Study of waters for irrigation: irrigation plant, pp. 14. 8. Stilhvater. 1897. (Okla.^agric. exper. sta. Bulletin r>9.) W A 684 Home, F. Tank irrigation in Ajmere and Mhainvara: report. (bt Professional papers on Indian engineering. 6: 148-104. pi. 1869.) 685 Home, Frederick J. Report on the prospects of irrigation and water conservation in New South Wales, pp. 29. maps 4. charts 18. f. Sydney. Govt.. 1897. (N. S. W. Z,//. rration f ii'nti r. First report. 1885. 686 Hood, Ozni Porter. New tests of certain pumps and water lifts used in irrigation, pp.91, il. pi. 8. Wash.. Govt., 1898. (U. S. Interior* D<-j>t. <>f1li<- Geological *>ir ><->/ Hydrography, Division <>f. Water supply and irrigation papers. 14.) W A (U. S. Ilouxr of Representatives. 55th Cono-. ud sess. H. doc. 509. In v. 60.) W A 687 *Horsley, Stephen. Travancore irrigation, and an account of the opening of the Pandian caul headworks. iss."). s". Madras, 1885. 65 * Horsley, Stephen Continued. ; [extract, entitled] Restoration and enlargement of ancient irrigation works in Travancore. (In Instit. civ. eng. Min. ofproc. 84:485-487. 1886.) 688 Horton, Robert E. Report on run -off and water power of Kala- mazoo river. (In Lane, A. C. Water resources of lower penin- sula of Michigan, pp. 22-38. 1899.) % See also, as joint author. Rafter, George W. Horton, Theodore. See, as joint author, Swan, Charles H. 689 Hotson, John B. Upper Darling (Barwan) survey; [4 reports of engineer-in-charge]. (In N. S. W. Roy. comn. conservation of water. Third and final report. Appendix, pp. 11-15. 1887.) Hougton, J. F. See California Surveyor-general. 690 Howden, Andrew Cassels. Floods in the Nerbudda valley, with remarks on monsoon floods in India generally. (In Instit. civ. eng. Min. ofproc. 27:218-228. pi. 1868.) Discussion on fresh-water floods of rivers, 27 : 229-273. 691 Howe, Malverd A. Retaining walls for earth; theory as developed by J. J. Weyrauch, expanded and supplemented by practical examples, with notes on later investigations, pp. 64. il. 12. N. Y., Wiley and sons, 1886. W c W G W p ; including the theory of earth pressure as developed from the ellipse of stress. Ed. 2, rev. and enl. pp. 136. il. 12. N. Y., Wiley & sons, 1891. W G W c With appendix presenting the theory of Weyrauch. Ed.* 3, rev. and enl. pp. 132. il. 12. N. Y., Wiley & sons, 1896. W W c W p Appendix of 2d edition replaced by a treatise on foundations, illustrated with examples from practice. 693 Hubbell, Ira C. Pumping machinery for irrigation, pp.19. 24. Kansas City, Fairbanks, Morse & co., 1894. Paper read before the Inter-state irrigation association, Omaha convention, March, 1894. Hudson reservoir and canal company. See United States House of Representatives Indian affairs, Committee on. 694 Hugues, Carlo. Irrigazione montana. pp. 129. il. 8. Milano, Ulrico Hoepli, 1888. W G W p 695 Humphreys, A. A., and Abbot, H. L. Report upon the physics and hydraulics of the Mississippi river, upon the protection of the alluvial region against overflow, and the deepening of the mouths based upon surveys and investigations made under acts of Congress, etc. pp. 456+cxlvi. pi. 20. f. Phila., J. B. Lippincott & co., 1861. (TI. S. War Dept. Topograph- ical enqineers* Bureau of . Prof essional papers, no. 4. 1861.) W G W p ; [notes by J. C. Anderson]. {In Professional papers on Indian engineering. 5:165-194. 1868.) * ; [reviewed] by Edwin Hale Abbott, pp. 42. 8. Boston, Crosby & Nichols, 1862. W c Reprinted from the North American review, April, 1862. 26761 No. 4102 5 66 *. 696 ^Huston, Harvey. Right of appropriation and the Colorado sys- tem of laws in relation to irrigation. 8. Denver, Chain & Hardy, 1894. 697 Hutchinson, Henrv. Practical drainage of land. pp. -207. pi. 4. 8. Lond., Houlston & Stoneman, 1844. W A W p 698 Hutson, William Ferguson. Irrigation systems in Texas, pp. 68. il. pi. 8. Wash. , Govt. , 1898. (U. B.lnterior, Dept. oftke- Geological ->?///f Inquiry on Indian famine]. Report of the Indian famine commission. [2 v.] f. Lond., 1880, 1885. W A CONTENTS [v. 1], pt. 1. Famine relief, [v. 1], pt. 2. Measures of protection and preven- tion. [v. 2], pt. 3. Famine histories. ; appendix, [v.] 1-5. f. Lond., 1881, 1882. Contains miscellaneous papers, proceedings of the commission, minutes of evidence, etc. Appendix 5 is entitled Irrigation as a protection against famine. Contains reports from the different provinces of India. 705 - PMi<- work* nt. Drainage and irrigation of the Terraie; abridged from report by C. S. Thomason, superintend- ent of Terraie irrigation. (In Professional papers on Indian engineering. 1 : 422-436. 1864. ) 706 Failure of the Kali Nadi aqueduct, Lower Ganges canal, pp. 51. pi. maps. Calcutta, Govt., -; abstracted by W. H. Thelwall. (In Instit. civ. eng. Min. of proc, 95:283-290. 1888.) Reports in Selections from the records of Government of India, no. 240. l vvs >. 708 - Irrigation; review of the revenue report of irriga- tion and navigation works in Bengal for 1897-98. pp. 3. f [Simla, Govt., 1899.] (C. W. I. no. 247.) \V o A 11 67 India Public works department Continued. 709 Irrigation works of India; statistical review of the financial and agricultural results obtained from them in 1887-88. pp. 21. tables. 8. Calcutta, Govt., 1889. 710 - Papers connected with the Betwa canal project in the North-Western Provinces, pp. 147. pi. maps. f. Calcutta, Govt., 1887. (Selections from records of Govt. of India, Pub- lic works dept. no. 232. P. W. D. serial no. 12.) 711 - Papers connected with the Periar irrigation project in Madras, pp. 85. pi. map. f. Calcutta, Govt., 1886. (Selections from records of Govt. of India, Public works dept. no. 215. P. W. D. serial no. 2.) 712 - Papers relating to the Palar anicut s} T stem. pp. 30. >1. f. Calcutta, Govt., 1886. (Selections from records of rovt, of India, Public works dept. no. 219. P. W. D. serial no. 8.) 713 - Papers relating to the Sidhnai canal project in the Punjab, pp.43, pi. f. Calcutta, Govt., 1888. (Selections from records of Govt. of India, Public works dept. no. 248. P. W. D. serial no. 17.) ; [abstract]. (/;* Instit. civ. eng. Min. of proc. 103:264-267. 1891.) 714 - Papers relating to water-supply schemes in India, major works. 2 v. pi. maps. f. Calcutta, Govt., 1889. Selections from records of Govt. of India, Public works dept. nos. 251 and 252. P. W. D. serial nos. 18 and 19.) 71u - - ' Report connected with the Zhara Karez irrigation scheme, Beluchistan. pp.11, pi. f. Calcutta, Govt., 1887. (Selections from records of Govt. of India, Public works dept. no. 231. P. W. D. serial no. 11.) W G 716 - Sutlej canal, project for an irrigation canal from the river Sutlej; abridged report hy James Crofton. (In Profes- sional papers on Indian engineering. 2 : 145-173; 214-241. pi. map. 1865.) See also Bengal. Bombay Presidency. Burma. North West Provinces. North West Provinces and Oudh. Punjab. 717 Institution of civil engineers. Minutes of proceedings . . . with other selected and abstracted papers, v. 1-143. 8. Lond., 1842-1901. W G W v. 1 covers the sessions 1837-1841, and bears imprint date 1842; session 1837 is a reprint (1848) of the 1837 edition. Papers of this society are also issued separately as Excerpt minutes, edited by James Forrest, Such papers as relate to irrigation are entered in this list under their respective authors. 718 - Transactions, v. 1-3. 4. Lond., 1836-1842. W Continued under the title Minutes of proceedings. See preceding entry. Such papers as relate to irrigation are entered in this list under their respective authors. 719 International commission on the investigation into the distribution of the waters of the Rio Grande, Aug. 17, 1896. Correspondence and proceedings of commission. (In TJ. S. State, Dept. of. Equitable distribution of the waters of the Rio Grande, pp. 31-46. ,1901.) 68 720 International irrigation congress. Irrigation in southern Cali- fornia; by Harry Ellington Brook, pp. 48. il. 12. Los Ano-eles printing *co., 1893. W A W ( Issued for the use of delegates to the Congress. Los Angeles. Oil.. Oct. 10-15. 1893. /See National irrigation congress. 721 International water boundary commission. Treaties of 1884 and 1889; special report of U. S. Commission covering special report of the joint commission on the Bancos ... on the lower Rio Grande, with evidence taken and maps of the survevsmade in each case. pp. 38 + [l]. maps. 8. [Wash.. Govt.'. 1895.] Evidence is recorded in English and Spanish. 722 Interstate irrigation association. Proceedings. 181*3. 1894. 8. Salina, Kans.. 1893; Omaha. Nebr., 1894. 723 Irish, Charles W. Climate, soil characteristics, and irrigation methods of California. (In TJ. S. Jf//vV>//////v . l),-pt. of. Yearbook. 1895. pp. 475-486. il. pi. ' 1896.) W A ; [separate]. 8. 724 - Report on artesian water in Nevada. (In TJ. S. Agricul- ture, Dept. ofArt<'*i nd irri- gation -imjuiri/. Report on progress of irrigation investigation, pt. 1. pp. 199-206. 1891.) Set also, as special agent in charge, 1893-1895. United States Agriculture* Drjm.rtment of Irrigation //?//?///'?/, Office of. 725 Irrigation, Board of, Executive departments. Preliminary report. pp. 32. 8. Wash., Govt.. 1896. (U. S. Senate. 54th Cong. 1st sess. S. doc. 36. Ir< \. 3.) This board was established by the Secretaries of the Interior and of Agriculture and con- sisted of officers from these departments. Contains existing legislation relative to irrigation and bibliography of official reports on irrigation. Irrigation congress. See National irrigation congress. 726 Irrigation in California, the San Joaquin and Tulare plains, a review of the whole field, pp. 22. 8. Sacramento, 1873. W o 727 Irrigation in the Alps; [abstract], (hi Instit. civ. eng. Min. of proc. 77:423-425. 1884.) Original article in Bulletin de la Societe vaudoise des ingenieurs et des architectes. isxi. p. 49. 728 Irving, W. Duty of water under Gage canal, Riverside, Cal. (In TJ. S. Agri<-nltn r> . I>t. <>f fcrp, ///////// .v^///V>//\. ()TJIC,' of. Use of water in irrigation: report, pp. 131-148. pi. map. 1900.) (In TJ. S. Agriculture, !)<)>t. of Experiment xfa- ttotix. Offim of. Use of water for irrigation in Texas, pp. 131-148. pi. ' map. 1901.) 729 Italy Agricoltiera, industries e c<>iiini< !<'> Mini*tir< 21 one general edcW. Le acque sotterranco dei Colli Laziale. (Lt Italy Agriroltiii'it* indmtria e commercio, J/////- stero
  • //". Lazio. pp. 75-121. 69 Italy Ayricoltura, indmtria e cwnmercio, Ministcro di Agri- coltura, Direztone generate deW Continued. 730 - L' Aniene. Text & atlas [2 v.]. 4. Roma, 1891. (Carta idrogratica d' Italia. 4.) W A 731 Attidellacommissione idraulica; verbal! delle adunanze, 1890, 1891. pp. 117. 4. Roma, 1892. (Carta idrografica d' Italia. 9.) W A 732 - Cenni sulle bonificazioni nelle provincie Venete ed in quella di Mantova. pp. 162. maps, chart. 4. Roma, 1892. (Carta idrogratica d' Italia. 11.) W A 733 - Cisterne ed acque piovane. pp. 67. pi. 16. Roma, Govt., 1887. 8. (Annali di agricoltura, 1887. 122.) W A W G 734 - Emilia; relazioni della Commissione miriiste- riale. pp. 70. 4. Roma, 1888. (Carta idrografica d' Italia. [1.]) W A W G 735 - Emilia; relazioni [delle Commission i provin- ciali]. pp. xi -f 279. 4. Roma, 1888. (Carta idrografica d' Italia. 2.) W A 736 Inondazioni della regione veneta nel 1882 in rapporto al diboscamento dei monti e gli efi'etti delle briglie e delle serre, specialmente nella provincia di Sondrio. pp. 143. 8. Roma, Govt., 1883. (Annali di agricoltura. 1882. 59.) W A W G 737 - Irrigazione del Piemonte; canali demaniali d' irrigazione nelle provincie di Torino, Novara, Pavia ed Ales- sandria, pp. 79. 4. Roma, 1891. (Carta idrografica d' Italia. 5.) W A 738 Irrigazione della provincia di Bergamo, pp. 206. 4. Roma, 1891. (Carta idrografica d' Italia, 6.) W A 739 * Irrigazione della provincia di Mantova. 4. Roma. (Carta idrografica d' Italia. 8.) 740 - Irrigazioni e laghi artificial! della Spagna; relazione degli ingegneri Giuseppe Zoppi e Giacomo Torricelli. Text & plates [2 v.]. Firenze, 1888. (Annali di agricoltura, 1888. 141.) W A W G 741 *- Irrigazioni nelFEgitto. Roma, 1892. (Carta idrografica d' Italia. 13.) 742 - Laghi artificiali dell' Algeria, della Francia e del Belgio; relazione degli ingegneri Giuseppe Zoppi e Gia- como Torricelli. Text & plates [2 v.]. 8. Roma, 1886. (Annali di agricoltura, 1886. 106.) W A W G 743 - Lazio. pp. 137. map. 4. Roma, 1892. (Carta idrografica d' Italia. 12.) W A 744 - Liri-Garigliano, paludi Pontine e Fucino. Text & atlas [2 v.]. 4. Koma, 1895. (Carta idrografica d' Italia. 20.) W G 745 Nera e Velino. Text & atlas [2 v.]. 4. Roma, 1892. (Carta idrografica d' Italia. 14.) W A 70 *, Italy A(/i'!<'. JIhu'xt
  • /f ///' < < /' irrigazione, Amministrazione del Continued. 762 - Tariffacapitolato per le concession! d' acqua nel periodo 1877-1883, approvata con decreto ministe- rial del 12 dicembre 1876. pp. 12. 8. [Roma, 1876.] 763 Lavori piibblici, Ministero del Opere idrauliche, Direzione generale delle. Relazione sui servizi idraulici pel biennio finan- ziario 1881-86. pp. 396. f. Roma, 1887. W c Jack, Robert L. See, as government geologist, Queensland Geo- logical survey. 764 Jackson, Lewis D'Aguilar. Hydraulic manual. [Ed. 3.] [2 v. in 1.] 8. Lond., Allen & co., 1875. W G W p CONTENTS v. 1. Working tables and explanatory text, intended as a guide in hydraulic calculations and field operations. v. 2. Hydraulic statistics and Indian meteorological statistics for the use of engineers. 765 - Statistics of hydraulic works and Ivydrology of England, Canada, Egypt, and India, pp. 538. 8. Lond., Thacker & co., 1885. W G W p This volume is to a certain extent an enlargement of pt. 2 of his Hydraulic manual, 3d edi- tion, 1875, with additions of later date. See, as translator, Kutter, Wilhelm R. 767 * Jacob, Arthur. Designing and construction of storage reser- voirs, pp. 95. il. pi. 16. N. Y., 1873. (Van Nostrand's science ser.) 768 ; revised and extended by E. Sherman Gould, pp. 137. il. 16. N. Y. , D. Van Nostrand, 1888. (Van Nostrand's science ser.) *- - .Ed. 2. N. Y., 1897. 769 Jacob, Samuel Swinton. Water supply of Jeypore, Rajputana. (In Instit. civ. eng. Min. of proc. il5: 53-62. pi. 1894.) Jacquet, L. See Merrill, William E. , translator. 770 James, I. E. Reports of James and Richard H. Stretch on the practicability of turning the waters of the Gulf of California into Colorado deserts and Death valley, pp. 7. 8. [Wash., Govt, 1874.] (TJ. S. Senate. 43d Cong. -1st sess. S. mis. doc. 84. In v. 1.) James, J. E. See James, I. E. Janicki, S. 'Sec -Merrill, William E., translator. 771 *Jaubert de Passa, Jacques Francois. De 1'arrosage dans le depar- tement des P3 T renees-Orientales et des droits des arrosants sur les eaux. Paris, 1848. 772 * - Recherches sur les arrosages chez les peuples anciens. 4 v. Paris, 1846-1847. '- 773 - Voyage en Espagne dans les annees 1816-1819; on, Kecher- ches sur les arrosages, sur les lois et coutumes qui les regissent, sur les lois domaniales et municipales, consideres comme un puissant moyen de perfectionner 1'agriculture francaise. 2 v. 5 pi. map. 8. Paris, Huzard, 1823. W G 774 Jeffreys, W. Manufacture of irrigation pipes [and their adoption by the Irrigation department, North "West Provinces]. (In Pro- fessional papers on Indian engineering. 3 : 272-277. pi. 1866.) 775 - On the proper alignment of rajbubas, or canal distributa- ries, (in Professional papers on Indian engineering. 4:330- 336. 18C>7.) 776 *Jijemski, . Irrigations dans la province du Zerafchane, [Turkistan]. 1885. 777 Jilinsky, J. Short sketch of the work of canalization of Polesie, marshes of Pinsk in western Russia, under the superintendence of Lieut. -Gen. Jilinsky, from 1873 to 1892. pp. 11. 8. St. Petersburg, 1893. Imprinie par ordre du Ministre des domaines. 778 - Short sketch of the work of irrigation in the south of Russia, under the superintendence of Lieut. -Gen. Jilinskv, from 1880 to 1892, pp. 13. 8. St. Petersburg, 1893. Imprime par ordre du Ministre des domaines. 779 Johnson, A. A. Reclamation of arid lands; Harvey water motor, [a new invention for irrigation purposes], pp. 47-72. il. 8. Laramie, 1894. (Wyo. exper. sta. Bulletin 18.) W A 780 Johnson and Stokes, cOinjn'I<-rx. Irrigation by cheap modern methods, pp. 62. il. pi. 12. Phila., Johnson & Stokes, 1898. W u 781 Johnston, Clarence T. Computation of discharge records and preparation of diagrams. (/;/ TT. S. Agriculture, Dept. of Experiment stations, Office of. Use of water in irrigation; report, pp. 47-82. pi. 1900.) (In TJ. S. Agriculture, Dept. of Krp<-ri u^nt sta- tions, Office of. Use of water in irrigation, pp. 47-82. pi. 1901.) 782 - Duty of water in Wyoming. (In TJ. S. Ayr!<.-uJtnre., Dept. of Experiment stations, Office of. Use of water in irrigation; report, pp. 171-174. pi. map. 1900.) (In TJ. S. Agriculture, Dept. of- Expert UK nt sta- tions. Office of. Duty of water in Nebraska, pp. 171-174. pi. map. 1901.) Use of water in irrigation, report of investigation made in 1899. See United States Agriculture, Department of Experiment stations, Office of. 783 - - and Breckons, J. A. Water-right problems of Bear river. pp. 40. pi. map. 8. Wash., Govt., 1899. (TJ. $.-- Api- culture, Dept. ofKrpri>n,n-nt stations, Office of. Bulletin 7<>.) CONTENTS Water supply of Bear river and its diversion: by Johnston. Interstate water rights in Bear river, by Breckons. 784 - - and Stannard, J. D. Practical irrigation. (/// TJ. S. Agriculture, Dept. of. Yearbook, 1900. pp. 491-512. il. 1901.) ; [separate]. 8. 73 785 Johnstone, John. Account of the mode of draining land, accord- ing to system practised by Mr. Joseph Elkington; drawn up for consideration of Board of agriculture. Ed. 4, enl. pp. 211. pi. 19. 8. Lond., B. & R. Crosby & co., 1814. W A New ed. pp. 118. pi. 19. 8. Lond., M. Taylor, 1841. W p W 786 - Systematic treatise on the theory and practice of draining land, etc., according to the most approved methods; and adapted to the various situations and soils of England and Scot- land; also, on sea, river, and lake embankments, formation of ponds and artificial pieces of water, etc. Ed. 3, enl. pp. 250. pi. 4. Edinburgh, University press, 1834. W G Joint commission on investigation into distribution of waters of Rio Grande, Aug. 17, 1896. See International commission on the investigation into the distribution, etc. 787 Joly, Ch. Note sur les orangeries et les irrigations de Blidah, [Alg&rie]. pp. 19. il. size. 8. Paris, Georges Chamerot, 1887. W A 788 [Jones, J. H.] System of drainage tables calculated for the use of township officers, contractors, land owners, and all other per- sons interested in drainage works, pp. 100. 12. Detroit, 1888. W c These tables show the cubic yards in 1 rod of every dimension of drain, from 1 foot to 10 feet in depth. 789 Jones, John Alfred. Waterworks of the Madras Presidency. (In Instit. civ. eng. Min. of Proc. 137:2-71. pi. 1899. Paging includes discussion and correspondence on the subject. Jones, T. 0. See, as commissioner, United States Agriculture, Department of. Report on climatic and agricultural features and needs of arid regions. 790 Joyce, Frederick Talbot. Queensland water supply. (In Instit. civ. eng. Min. of Proc. 107:305-315. pi. 1892.) 791 Kaiser, Otto. Beitrage zur pflege der bodenwirthschaft mit be- sonderer riicksicht auf die wasserstandsfrage. pp. 123. pi. 21. 8. Berl., 1883. W A 792 Kansas Forestry and irrigation, Commissioner of. Biennial report of the commissioner of forestry and irrigation, 6th. pi. 8. Topeka, State, 1899. Commissioner, E. D. Wheeler. 793 - Irrigation sur cey and experiment, Board of. Report of the Board of irrigation survey and experiment for 1895 and 1896, to the legislature of Kansas, pp. 238. pi. maps. 8. Topeka, State, 1897. W A Members of the board D. M. Frost, Wm. B. Button, M. B. Tomblin, Geo. T. Fairchild, Eras- mus Haworth. 794 Kansas agricultural experiment station Horticultural department. Small fruit culture by irrigation, pp. 125-148. il. pi. 8. Manhattan, 1895. (Bulletin 55.) W A S. C. Mason, professor of horticulture; F. C. Sears, assistant. 74 795 Kansas irrigation association. Proceedings, 1893. 1894. pi. 8. [Topeka, 1893], Hutchinson, 1894. W A W G Wichita convention. Nov. 22 and 23, 1893; 2d annual convention at Hutchinson. Nov. 23 and 24, 1894. 796 Keelhoff, J. Traite pratique de 1'irrigation des prairies. Ed. 2, enl. Text & atlas [2 v.]. 8. Louvain, D. Aug. Peeters- Ruelens, 1888. W A W G W p Kelsey, J. A. Set, as joint author, Halsted, Byron D. 797 Kennedy, Robert Greig. Prevention of silting in irrigation canals. (/// Instit. civ. eng. Min. of proc. 119:281-290. 1895.) 798 Kenney, A. J. Irrigation guide; a concise treatise on irrigation, designed for the practical farmer, pp. [19]. 24. Livings- ton, Montana. 1895. W c 799 *Kennison, Robert L. Irrigation in Utah. Wash., 1871. * 800 Kindermann, Fr. Connection between the heading-up due to weirs and the surface-fall according to measurements in the Nile; [abstract]. (In Instit. civ. eng. Min. of proc. 91: 518, 519. 1888.) Original paper in Wochenschrift des osterreichischen ingenieur-und architekten-vereins. pp. 214-216. 1887. 801 King, Franklin Hiram. Irrigation and drainage; principles and practice of their cultural phases, pp. 502. il. 12. N. Y., Macmillanco.,1899. (Rural science ser.) W A W G W p W c 802 - Irrigation in humid climates, pp. 27. il. 8. Wash., Govt., 1896. (II. S. AgicuUure, Dept. of Experiment sta- tions, Office of. Farmers' bulletin 46.) W A 803 - Principles and conditions of the movements of ground water, (in TJ. S. Interior* Dept. of the Geological survey. 19th Annual report, 1897-98. pt. 2. pp. 59-294. il. pi. 1899.) W A y [separate with], Theoretical investigation of motion of ground waters; bv Charles Simmer Slichter. pp. 59-384. il. pi. 4. Wash., " Govt., 1899. 804 Kinney, Clesson S. Treatise on the law of irrigation; including the law of water-rights and the doctrine of appropriation of waters, as the same are construed and applied in the states and territories of the arid and semi-humid regions of the United States, and also including the statutes of the respective state> and territories and decisions of the courts relating to those subjects, pp. 792. 8. Wash., Lowdermilk & co., 1894. W A 805 Kittle, Robert. History and science of irrigation, artesian and petroleum and deep well drilling. pp. 99. il. nar. 12. Fremont. Nebr., [ C 1895]. W A W c 806 Klippart, John H. Principles and practice of land drainage; em- bracing a brief history of underdraining, a detailed examina- tion of its operation and advantages, a description of various kinds of drains, with practical directions for their construction, the manufacture of drain tile, etc. pp. 454. il. 12. Cincin- nati, R. Clarke & co., 1861. W c 75 Klippart, John H. Continued. 1862. W A W Ed. 2. pp. 454. il. 12. Cincinnati, R. Clarke & co., 1867. W p 807 Knibbs, G. H. Steady flow of water in uniform pipes and chan- nels. (In Roy. soc.'N. S. W. Jour, and proc., 1897. 31:314- 355. 1897.) Koning, de. See, as joint author, Hasselt, J. van. 808 Korzybski, WladysJaw Habdank. Instrukcyja do przeprowadzenia melijoracyj rolnych. [Instructions for the improvement of fields.] pp. 144. il. 8. Warszawa, Sklad glowny w ksie- garni Gebethnera i Wolffa, 1889. W A 809 - Melijoracy je rolne. [Improvement of fields.] pp. 183. il. 8. Warszawa, Sklad glowny w ksiggarni Gebethnera i Wolffa, 1887. W A 810 Krantz, J. B. Study on reservoir walls; translated from the French by F. A. Mahan. pp. 54. pi. 8. N. Y., Wiley & sons, 1883. W G W c 811 Kresnik, Peter. Vorstudien liber die bodenbewasserung; inaugu- ral-dissertation ... an der Universitat Leipzig, pp. 49 [+2]. 8. Gottingen, 1881. W A 812 Kreuter, Franz. On the design of masonry dams. (In Instit. civ. eng. Min. of proc. 115 : 63-81. 1894.) Discussion and correspondence on masonry dams and impounding reservoirs given 115:82-188.) 813 - Praktisches handbuch der drainage, oder Anleitung zur trockenlegung nasser und kalter griinde und zur dauernden boden-verbesserung nach englischer art. pp. 217. il. pi. 8. Wien, C. Gerold, 1851. W c Ed. 2. Wien, 1854. 814 Kiihl, Charles Henry Leopold. Sulina mouth of the Danube. (In Instit. civ. eng. Min. of proc. 91:329-333. 1888.) This subject is treated at length in papers and reports by Sir Charles Hartley. 815 Kuhn, F. Gileppe dam at Verviers; [abstract]. (In Instit. civ. eng. Min. of proc. 56:337. 1879.) Original paper in Civilingenieur, 1879, p. 1. 816 Kuichling, E. Loss of head resulting from the passage of water through a 24-in. stop valve. (In Amer. soc. civ. eng. Trans. 26:439-468. pi. 1892.) Paging given includes discussion on the paper. 817 *Kunzel, F. Sachsische landescultur-gesetze. Leipzig, 1872. 818 Kutter, Wilhelm R. Bewegung des wassers in canalen und fliissen; tabellen und beitrage zur erleichterung des gebrauchs der neuen allgerneinen geschwindigkeits-formel von Ganguillet und Kut- ter. pp.134, pi. 8. Berl., Paul Parey, 1885. W A 819 * Kurzer bericht fiber die neuen theorien der bewegung des wassers in fliissen. und kanalen von Darcy und Bazin, und von Humphreys und Abbot; nebst einer coefficienten-scala zum gebrauche fur den schweizerischen ingenieur. Bern, 1868. Demonstrates the inapplicability of Humphreys and Abbot's formula to channels with great descent. Kutter, Wilhelm R. Continued. 820 " Xeue formeln fiir die bewegung des wassers in kumilen und regelm&ssigen ilussstrecken. pp. 91. pi. 4. Wien, 1871. Ed. 2. Wien, 1877. English. New formula for the mean velocity of discharge of rivers and canals; translated from articles in the Cultur-inge- nieur by Lowis D'A. Jackson. pp. 95-f-cxl. pi. 2. 8. Lond., E. & F. N. Spon, 1876. W G W 1 ' Also translated into Italian by B. Dal Basco. See also, as joint author. Ganguillet, E. 822 *Laffineur, Jules. Guide pratique de Tingenieur agricole hydrau- lique,dessechement, drainage, irrigations, etc. ; suivi d'un appen- dice contenant les lois . . . pp. 266. pi. Paris, [1865]. 12. Paris. 1874. (Biblotheque des professions, etc.) 823 * Hydraulique et hydrologie souterraine et superticielle. 12". Paris, [18 ?]. (Biblotheque des professions, etc.) 824 Lafont, de. Etude sur les reglements d'eau; comprenant un resume des experiences faites par Mm. Castel, Poncelet, Les- bros et Boileau sur 1'ecoulement des orifices ouverts a la partie superieure. (In Ann. des ponts et chaussees: mem. et doc., 1861, semest. 1. pp. 225-348. pi.) 825 La Grange, B. S. Tabulation of artesian wells data. (In IT. S. Agriculture, Dept. of- ArtexiitH and underflow investigation and '*." Ann. des ponts et chaussees: mem. et doc., 1895. semest. 2. pp. 77-89.) ; [critique], par Leon Durand-Claye. (In Ann. des ponts et chaussees: mem. et doc., 1897, trimest. 1." pp. 291-294. il.) 846 Lesbros, Joseph Aime. Experiences hydrauliques stir les lois de Pecoulement de Teati. (Memoires presentes par divers savants a FAcademie des sciences de Flnstitut national de France.) Experiments made in 1828, 29. 31, and 32, forming a continuation to paper presented to the Academy by Poncelet and Lesbros. See also, as joint author, Poncelet, Jean Victor. 847 Leslie, James. Observations on the flow of water through pipes, conduits, and orifices. (In Instit. civ. eng. Min. of proc. 14: 273-317. 1855.) The paging given includes discussion on the subject. 848 Lette, . Die preussische gesetzgebung uber benutzung der pri- vatflusse zur bewasserung von grundstucken. Berl., 1850. 849 Leverett, Frank. Water resources of Illinois. (In TJ. S. Inte- rior, Dept. of the Geological *////%//. 17th Annual report, 1895 96. pt. 2. pp. 695-849. il. pi. maps. 1896.) W A pp.155, il. pi. maps. 4. Wash., Govt., 1896. 850 - Wells of northern Indiana, pp. 82. maps. 8. Wash., Govt. , 1899. (II. S. Interior, D<'pt. of the Geological sur^ ;/ Hydrography, Division of. Water-supply and irrigation papers 21.) W A (TJ. &.Home of Representatives. 55th Cong. 3d sess. H. doc. 278. In v/73.) W A 851 Wells of southern Indiana, pp. 64. 8. Wash., Govt., the 1899. (TJ. S. Interior, Dept. of the Geological su/'wy Hy- drography, Dirixio,, <>f. Water-supply and irrigation papers. 26.) W A (II. S. Hnuxe <>f Representatives. 55th Cong. 3d sess. H. doc. 283. Li v/73.) W A 852 Levinge, H. C. Soane canal, [in BeharJ. (In Professional papers on Indian engineering. 7:329-338. pi. 1870.) 853 Levy-Salvador, Paul. Hydraulique agricole. 3 v. il. pi. 12. Paris, V ve Ch. Dunod, 1896-1900, (Bibliotheque du conducteur de travaux publics.) \\ x CONTENTS v. 1. Coursd'eau non navigables ni flottables. v. 2. (Jeiu'-rnlitOs: 1'^ ciinaux d' irrigation; priM'stlfan: ouv rages d'art. harragt's-ivM-rvuirs; lao-ivst-rvoirs; a[>pareil.s elevatoires, canaux seconQaires et rigoles d'arrosage* ^tuded'un rC-seau dedis- tribution. utilisation des eaux. confession et administration des canaux d'irrigation; annexes. v. 3. Assainissements et dessechements, colmatages polders, drainage, utilisa- tion agricole des eaux d'egout. annexes. Liburnau, J. K. Lorenz. See Lorenz-Liburnau, Josef Roman. 79 854 Lieckfeldt, . Strength of arched masonry dams; [abstract]. (In, Instit. civ. eng. Min. of proc. 138 : 504, 505. 1899.) Original paper in Centralblatt der bauverwaltung, 1899. p. 301. 855 Liernur, G. A. Wady Rayan survey. (In Egypt Public works ministry. Notes on the Wady Rayan. pp. 5-10. 1888.) Lincoln, Nebr. See, for irrigation congress held here in 1897, National irrigation congress, Official report. 856 Lippincott, Joseph Barlow. Preliminary report relating to stream measurements and reservoir surveys, made [by U. S. Geological survey] in cooperation with the California water and forest asso- ciation, 1900. pp. 48. 8. n. p., [Cal. Water and Forest Assoc., 1900]. To be followed by a detailed publication with maps, diagrams, and views. ; [revised with additional matter, entitled] Progress report of co-operative investigation by U. S. Geological survey and California water and forest association, 1900. pp. 38. 8. [Wash., Govt., 1900.] (TI. S. Senate. 56th Cong. 2d sess. S. doc, 59.) 858 - Storage of water on Gila river, Arizona, pp. 98. il. pi. maps. 8. Wash., Govt., 1900. (IT. S. Interior, Dept. of the Geological survey Hydrography, Division of. Water- supply and irrigation papers. 33.) W A (U. S. House of Representatives. 56th Cong. 1st sess. H. doc. 351. In v. 73.) ' W A 859 - Water supply of San Bernardino vallej^. (In U. S. Inte- rior, Dept. of the Geological survey Hydrography^ Division of. Report of progress of stream measurements, 1897. pp. 540-632. il. pi. 1899.) 860 Litchfield, H. C. Hartz river valley irrigation scheme; reports of Litchtield, engineer-in-charge . . . covering letters by the chief inspector, pp.53, map. f. Cape Town, Govt., 1899. (Cape of Good Hope Public works department.) W A W G 861 Livesay, Charles Edward. Dimensions of channels for surface drainage. (In Instit. civ. eng. Min. of proc. 128: 283-292. pi. 1897.) Refuting conclusions of Mr. James Craig in his paper on Discharge of catchment areas. 862 Llaurado, Andre de. De Favenir des canaux d'irrigation; rapport. pp. 12. 4. Paris, 1889. (Exposition universelle de 1889. Congres international de 1'utilisation des eaux fluviales.) W G (In his Projet de loi de secours aux entreprises de canaux et reservoirs d'irrigation. pp. 32-42. [1891.]) Spanish. (In his Proyecto,de ley de auxilios a los canales y pantanos de riego. pp. 47-58. 1890. 863 - Les irrigations en Espagne. (In Ann. desponts et chaussees: mem. et doc., 1878, semest, 2. pp. 613-630.) Taken from his Tratado de aguas y riego.-. pp. 1-19. - pp. 20. 8. Paris, Dunod, 1879. W A W Q 80 Llaurado, Andre de Continued. 864 - Proyecto de ley de auxilios a los canales y pantanos de riego y exposition de motives de la ley. pp. 58. V. Madrid. 1890. W A ///H<:r. History of the Periyar project. pp. 181. il. pi. maps. 4. Madras, Govt., 1809. W G W c 892 McKinney, H. G. Irrigation and water conservation in Riverina. (In N. S. W. Roy. comn. con*<'i'<*titif witer. Third and final report. Appendix, pp. 188-223. 1887.) 893 - Irrigation in its relation to the pastoral industry of New South Wales. (In Roy. soc. N. S. W. Jour, and proc., 1889. 23:75-96. [1890.]) ; [abstract]. (In Instit. civ. eng. Mm. of proc. 100: 445-447. 1890.) 894 - Irrigation in Upper India, (la Roy. soc. N. S. W. Jour. and proc., 1883. 17: 139-148. 1884.) 895 - Memorandum on the Clarence river and its catchment area, (In N. S. W. Roy. comn. conservation of water. Third and final report. Appendix, pp. 15, 16. 1887.) 896 - Notes and memoranda regarding the Nepean and Warra- gamba rivers. (In N. S. W. Hoy. comn. conservation of water. Third and final report. Appendix, p. 10. 1887.) 897 Notes on the experience of other countries in the adminis- tration of their water supply. (In Roy. soc. N. S. W. Jour, and proc. , 1887. 21 : 60-72. 1888. ) (In his Progress report. Appendix 1. pp. 24-28. 1891.) , [slightly abridged]. (In II. S. Agriculture, De])t. of Artesian and ninltrllow investigation and irrigation in- quiry. Report on progress of irrigation investigation, pt. 1. pp. 261-267. 1891.) 898 - Progress and position of irrigation in New South Wales. (In Roy. soc. N. S. W. Jour, and proc., 1893. 27: 384-400. [1894.]) 899- Progress report, [being 1st Annual report], pp.30, maps, charts. f. Sydney, Govt, 1891. (N. S. W. Mines and agri- culture, Dept. of Water conservation.) W A 900 - Report on river-gauges. (In N. S. W. Roy. comn. con- servation of water. First report, p. 114. 1885.) 901 - Report on river Murray as a source of supply for canals. (In N. S. W. Roy. comn. conservation of water. First report, pp. 118-120. 1885.) 902 - Report on river Murrumbidgee as a source of supply for canals. (In N. S. W. Roy. comn. conservation of water. First report, p. 118. 1885.) 903 - Report on the Barwon river, and the Tarrion and Cato creeks. (In N. S. W. Roy. comn. conservation of water. First report, p. 133. 1885.) 904 - Report on the Macquarie river and the district between the Macquarie and Bogan rivers. (In N. S. W. Roy. comn. con- servation of water. First report, pp. 134-136. 1885.) . 83 McKinney, H. G. Continued. 905 - Water conservation surveys of New South Wales. (In Roy. soc. N. S. W. Jour, and proc., 1896. pp. Ixxiv-lxxxix. 1887.) 906 Maclean, Loudoun Francis. Chenab weir, [Punjab]. (In Instit. civ. eng. Min. of proc. 113:314-318. il. 1893.) 907 - Sidnai canal system; [abstract]. (In Instit. civ. eng. Min. of proc. 103 : 264-267. 1891.) Original paper published in Selections from the records of the government of India, Public works department, no. 248. 908 MacMaster, John Bach. High masonry dams. pp. 132. 24. N. Y., D. Van Nostrand, 1876. (Van Nostrand's science series.) W p 909 Madras Presidency Public works department. Cheyaur annicut and channels. (In Reports on various professional subjects, Madras Presidency. 4 : 75-80. 1856.) 910 - Colleroon annicuts; report by D. Sim. (In Reports on various professional subjects, Madras Presidency. 1 : 131- 147. 1851.) Report is dated 16th July, 1839. -; [reports by H. C. Cotton, D. Sim, J. H. Bell, and S. Best]. (In Reports on various professional subjects, Madras Presidency. Ed. 2. 2:108-123. 1859.) Reports are dated, 1842, 1843, and 1844. For later report, see Lawford, Edward. 911 - Project for constructing an annicut across the river Kistnah to irrigate portions of the Masulipatam and Guntoor districts. (In Reports on various professional subjects, Madras Presidency. 4:5-74. pi. map. 1856.) 912 - Report by E. Lawford on irrigation of the 3d division. (In Reports on various professional subjects, Madras Presidencv. Ed. 2. 2:25-33. 1859.) 913 - Report upon a project for erecting an annicut across the Vellaur. (In Reports on various professional subjects, Madras Presidency. Ed. 2. 2:195-197. 1859.) 914 - [Reports and letters upon the rivers Cauvery and Colleroon in connection with the construction of the upper and lower annicuts, by A. T. Cotton and A. Ross; together with statement of results, extracted from Fort Saint George Gazette]. (In Reports on various professional subjects, Madras Presidency. 1:62-91. pi. 1851.) 915 - Reports on the irrigation of the delta of the Goda- very, in the Rajahmundry and Masulipatam districts; extract from the diary of Captain A. Cotton, 1844. pp. 226. pi. f . [Madras, 1854.] (In Reports on various professional subjects, Madras Presidency, v. 3. 1854.) 916 - Wulloorpollum sluice; report by [E. Buckle]. (In Reports on various professional subjects, Madras Presidency. 1:34-40. pi. 1851.) 84 . Madras Presidency Public works department Continued. 917 - I r i' i (jut *< HI 1>i' /'.) 923 Mahan, D. H. Treatise on civil engineering; revised and edited with additions and new plates, bv DeVolson Wood. pp. 513. il. pi. 8. N. Y., J. Wiley son, 1873. W c Mahan, F. A. See* as translator, Krantz, J. B. 924 Maitland, A. Gibb. Delimitation of the artesian water area north ofHughenden; report, pp.19, map. f. [Brisbane, Govt], 1898. (Queensland Geological survey. Publications, no. 121.) 925 Malezieux, . Notes sur les travaux publics d'Egypte, recueillies pendant un voyage en 1849-1850. (Li Ann. des ponts et chaus- sees: mem. et doc., 1851, semest. 1. pp. 161-192. pi.) CONTENTS Des irrigations en Egypte: barrage du Nil. De la navigation du Nil entre Alexandrie et Assouan; rectification de la premiere cataracte. Le Caire et Alexandria. 926 Manara, Enrico. Hydraulic work and inland navigation in Italy, administrative regulations and methods of construction; [abstract]. (In Instit. civ. eng. Min. of proc. 105 : 357-359. 1891.) Original paper in Politecnico, 1890. pp. 573, 655. 1891. 927 *Mancha de Eafael, . Memoria sobre los riegos de la huerta de Murcia. 1836. 928 *Mangon, Herve. Etudes sur le drainage au point de vue prati- que et admin istratif; extraits d'un rapport, pp. 378. pi. 12. Paris, 1853. 929 - Etudes sur les irrigations de la Campine et les travaux analogues de la Sologne et cVautres parties de la France, pp. 117. map. pi. 8. Paris, Carilian-Gceurv et V. Dalmont, 1850. W (; 930 - Experiences sur Pemploi des eaux dans les irrigations sous difierents climats et sur la proportion des lirnons eharries par les cours d'eau. Ed. 2, [rev.1. pp.198, pi. 4. Paris, Dunod, 1869. W" W 1 ' CONTENTS pt. 1. Jaugeage des eaux employees. pt. 2. Examen chimique des eaux et des recoltes. 1st Memoire (1864). Expterk'nce* sur les liuions eharries par loeours d'eau. 2d Meinoire. Experiences sur les limons eharries par les cours d'eau. 85 Mangon, Herve Continued. 931 Instructions pratiques sur le drainage; reunies par ordre du Ministre de 1'agriculture, du commerce et des travaux publics, pp. 216. il. 12. Paris, Imprimerie imperiale, 1855. W A W p W 932 Manning, James. Condensation of moisture beneath the surface, a solution of the water question in arid sections, pp. 15. 8. n. p., n. d. W A 933 Manning, Robert. On the results of a series of observations on the flow of water off the ground in the Woodburn district, near Carrickfergus, Ireland. (In Instit. civ. eng. Min. of proc. 25 : -158-479. pi. 1866.) Paging includes discussion on the subject. 934 Manson, Marsden. Features and water rights of Yuba river, Cali- fornia. (In U. S. Agriculture, Dept. of Experiment stations, Office of. Report of irrigation investigations in California, pp. 115-15-1. 1901.) 935 - Reconnaissance of Yuba river, Cal. (In Olmsted, Frank H. Physical characteristics of Kern river, Cal. pp. 39-54:. 1901.) 936 - Swamp and marsh lands of California. (In Tech. soc. Pacif. coast. Trans. 5:83-99. 1888.) Marcolongo, Ettore. See. as joint author, Carton, Oreste. Marichal, Arthur. See, as translator, Bazin, H. 937 Markham, Clements Robert. Report on the irrigation of eastern Spain. 8. [Lond.], n. d. 938 Marsh, George P. Irrigation: its evils, the remedies, and the compensations. (In TI. S. Agriculture, Dept. of. [Annual report], 1871. pp. 362-381. 1875.) W A pp. 22. 8. [Wash., Govt,, 1874.] (U. S. Senate. 43d Cong. 1st sess. S. mis. doc. 55. In v. 1.) W 939 Marx, Charles D. Report on irrigation problems in the Salinas valley. (In TJ. S. Agriculture, Dept. of Experiment sta- tions, Office of. Report of irrigation investigations in Cali- fornia. * pp. 193-213. 1901.) 940 - Wing, Charles B., and Hoskins, L. M. Experiments on the flow of water in the six-foot steel and wood pipe line of the Pioneer electric power company, at Ogden, Utah. (In Amer. soc. civ. eng. Proc. 24:307-363. il. pi. 1898; with discussion, Trans. 40:471-564. il. pi. 1898.) ; [abstract]. (In Instit. civ. eng. Min. of proc. 134: 437. 1898.) , second series. (In Amer. soc s civ. eng. Proc. 26: 108-128. pi. charts. 1900; with discussion, Trans. 44:34- 91. charts. 1900.) second series; [abstract]. (In Instit. civ. eng. Min. of proc. 141:423. 1900.) 941 Marzy, E. Hydraulique. pp. 330. il. pi. 12. Paris, L. Hachette et cie., 1868. (Bibliotheque des rnerveilles.) W p CONTENTS Puits artesiens. Canaux. Des rivieres. Irrigations et dessechements. Dis- tribution des eaux. 86 Mason, S. C. /SW Kansas agricultural experiment station Horti- 942 Masoni, U. Corso di idnuilica tcoretica e pratica. pp. 534. il. 8. Napoli, B. Pellerano, 1889. W 943 Mauny de Mornay, Marie Joseph. Pratique et legislation des irri- gations dans 1'Italie suporieure et dans quelques etats d'Alle- magne; rapport adresse a M. le Ministre de 1 agriculture et du commerce. "2 pts. 8. Paris. Imprimerie rovale, 1844. W A W c W G CONTENTS pt. 1. * Pratique. pt. '2. Legislation. Maxwell, George H. S&\ as chairman of executive committee, National irrigation association. Maxwell, J. P. See, as state engineer, 1889-1892, Colorado En- <1< jxii'i UK nl. Biennial report. 944 Maxwell, Walter. Irrigation in Hawaii, pp. 48. il. pi. 8. Wash., Govt, 1900. (U. &. Agriculture, Dqrf. of Experi- ment stations, Office of . Bulletin 90.) W A 945 Mead, Elwood. Abstract of laws for acquiring titles to water from Missouri river and its tributaries, with legal forms in use. pp.77. 8. Wash.. Govt., 1899. (II. S. Agriculture, Dept. of- Merriment stations, Office of . Bulletin 60.) W A Contains water laws of Colorado, Kansas, Montana, Nebraska, South Dakota. Wyoming, and Northwest Territories of Canada. 946 - Agricultural situation in California. (Li II. S. Ayr'x >< rim nx, Office of. Use of water in irrigation; report, pp. 15-46. il. pi. 1900.) (Tn U. S. Agriculture, Dept. off^eriment xta- * Office of. Use of water in irrigation, pp. 15-46. il. pi. 1901.) Irrigation investigations in California. See United States o Agriculture, Department of Experiment stotwns, Office- of. 950- Irrigation studies. (In Amer. soc. civ. eng. Proc. 26:565- 591. il. pi. 1900; with discussion. Trans. 44:149-180. il. pi. 1900.) 951 - Ownership of water, pp. 8. 8. Denver, 1887. Address before the farmers at Fort Collins. 952 - Report of experimental work in the department of physics and engineering, [irrigation and meteorology], pp. 12. il. 8. Fort Collins, 1887. (Colo, agric. exper. ita. Bulletin 1.) W A 87 Mead, Elwood Continued. Report of irrigation investigations in California. See United States Agriculture. Department of Experiment sta- tions, Office of. Investigations were conducted by the Office of experiment stations in cooperation with the California water and forest association. 954 - Rise and future of irrigation in the United States. (In U. S. Agriculture, Dept. of. Yearbook, 1899. pp. 591-612. pi. 1900.) - ; [separate]. 8. 955 Statement; [before Committee on irrigation of arid lands]. (In U. S. House of Representatives. Irrigation of arid lands ^ Committee on. Hearings, pp. 88-108. 1901.) 956 - -; [before Committee on public lands]. (In U. S. House of Representatives Public lands, Committee on. Hear- ings, pp. 124-130. 1901.) Use of water in irrigation, report of investigation made in 1899. See United States Agriculture, Department of Exper- iment stations, Office of. 958 Usefulness of reservoirs to agriculture in irrigated regions. 14. il. 8. ^ [Wash., Govt., 1899.] (U. S. Agriculture, *>ept. of Experiment stations, Office of; U. S. Senate. 55th Cong. 3d sess. S. doc. 124. In v. 11.) W A 959 Water-right problems of Bighorn mountains, pp. 62. il. pi. 8. Wash., Govt., 1899. (U. S. Interior, Dept. of the Geological survey Hydrography, Division of. Water-supply and irrigation papers. 23.) W A (U. S. House of Representatives. 55th Cong. 3d sess. H. doc. 280. In v. 73.) " W A 960 - Water rights on Missouri river and its tributaries; with papers on water laws of Colorado, b} T John E. Field, and of Nebraska, by J. M. Wilson, pp. 80. il. maps. 8. Wash., Govt. , 1899. (U. S. Agriculture, Dept. of Experiment stations, Office of. Bulletin 58.) W A 961 [Work of Office of experiment stations in the West.] (In Assoc. of Amer. colleges and experiment stations. Proc., 1899. pp. 78-80. 1900.) See also, as state engineer, 1886-1898, Wyoming Engineer department; also, as chairman, Wyoming State board of control and special commission to select state lands. Means, Thomas H. See, as joint author, Whitney, Milton. 963 Meaux (France], Societe d'agriculture, sciences et arts, de. Du drainage; extrait d'un rapport publie par la Societe d'agricul- ture, sciences et arts^de Meaux, sur un voyage agronomique en Angleterre et en Ecosse. pp. 49. il. 8. Meaux, 1853. W p 88 . 964 *Mechi, John Joseph. Experience in drainage. Ed. 4. 8. Lond.. 1848. 965 Medley, Julius George. Engineering in the Derajat, [Punjab]. (In Professional papers on Indian engineering. 3:278-286. map. 1866.) 966 India and Indian engineering. pp. 119. 12. Lond., E. & F. N. Spon, 1873. W p Three lectures delivered at the Royal engineer institute, Chatham, July, 1872. 967 - Irrigation works. Ed. 2. pp. 185. pi. 8. Roorkee, Thomason civil engineering college, 1873. (Thomason civil engineering college manuals, new series, no. 10.) W p Reprint of section 110. 10 in the 2d edition of the Roorkee treatise on civil engineering. 968 Meissner, G. Diehydraulik unddie hvdraulischen motoren. 2 v. pi. 38 + 98. 8. ' Jena, H. Costenoble, 1878, 1882. W p CONTENTS v. 1. Die hydraulik. v. 2. Theorie und bau der turbinen und wasserriider. Mendell, G. H. See, as joint author, Alexander, B. S. 969 Mengotti, Fr. Idraulica, iisica e sperimentale. Ed. 3. 2 v. 8. Venezia, Francesco Andreola, 1818. W p Opera coronata dalla I. r. accademia della Crusca. 970 Menschke, Jul. Reform des wiesenbaus auf grund der Petersen- 'schen wiesenbauniethode. Leipz., 1872. 971 Merl, F. Neue theorie der bodenentwiisserung. pp. 70. il. charts 2. 8. Ansbach, Max Eichinger, 1890. W A 972 Merrill, William E., tra/idiitor. Improvement of non-tidal rivers; memoirs by Janicki, L. Jacquet, [and] A. Pasqueau. pp. 191. il. pi. 4. Wash., Govt, 1881. (TJ. S. War Dept.) W G CONTENTS Review of the various methods employed for improving the condition of navi- gable rivers, translated from Note sur les divers moyens emplojs pour ameliorer le.s conditions de navigability des rivieres; par S. Janicki. * 1879. Preliminary project for the improvement of the Rhone, translated from Ameliortion du Rhone entre Lyon et lamer; par L. Jacquet. 1878. Preliminary project for the improvement of the Rhone. 1st division, from Lyons to Givors, translated from Avant-projet-general pour 1'amelioration du Rhone, l r section, de Lyon a Givors; par A. Pasqueau. 1878. Improvement of rivers with movable bottoms by the use of submerged spurs, translated from Amelioration des rivieres a fond mobile par 1'emplpi des epis noyes; par L. Jacquet. 1880. Review of the various methods employed for improving the condition of navigable rivers, translated from the Russian through the French, Seconde note sur les divers moyens employes pour ameliorer les conditions de navigabilite des rivieres; par S. Janicki. 1880. 973 Merriman, Mansfield. Text-book on retaining walls and masonry dams. pp. 122. il. 8. N. Y., Wiley & sons, 1892. VV' ; 974 Treatise on hydraulics, pp. 381. il. 8. N. Y.. Wiley & sons, 1889. W (; Ed. 2. pp. 384. 8. X. Y.. Wiley &sons, 1890. Ed. 4, rev. pp. 384. il. 8. N. Y., Wiley & sons, 1894 [ C 1889J. *W A Ed. 5, rev. pp. 427. il. 8. N. Y., Wiley & sons, 1895. * W 1 ' 975 Messilla valley land and irrigation company. Rio Grande dam and irrigation company /. Messila valley company; memo- randa of papers, [etc.]. (/// TJ. S. Stfite. Dept. of. Equitable distribution of the waters of the Rio Grande, pp. 201-205.) Mexico Boundary cormi<'/xx/<>i<. 6W International commission on the investigation into the distribution of the waters of the Rio Grande. International water boundary commission. 89 Mexico Continued. 976 - Fomento, colonization, indmtria y comercio, Secretaria de. Bases convencionales propuestas por el Ministro de fomento a los interesados en el uso de las aguas del rio Nazas con el pro- posito de terminal- por un acuerdo mutuo las cuestiones pen- dientes a virtud del curso de ese rio. pp. 97. 8. Mexico, Govt., 1890. W 977 - Breve relacion sobre el drenaje segun se practica en la hacienda de Zacatepec; por Felipe Ruiz de Velasco. pp. 12. map. 8. Mexico, 1885. W A 978 - Desague del Valle de Mexico; documentos relatives al provecto en ejecucion. pp. 145. map. charts. 8. Me- xico, Govt, 1888. W c 979 - Discurso sobre aprovechamiento de las agu.as en la agricultura [y legislacion de riegos en general] ; por Jose Ramon de Ibarrola, pp. 31. 8. Mexico, Govt, 1895. (Concurso cientifico.) 980 - Public works department. Concession to Carlos Conant; and Mexican colonization laws. pp. 23. 8. [Mexico, 1890.] CONTENTS Contract between Gen. Carlos Pacheco, Minister of public works, representing the government of Mexico, and Mr. Carlos Conant, for construction of irrigating canals on the banks of the rivers Yaqui, Mayo, and Fuerte, and for purchase and colonization of lands. Colonization laws decreed by the congress of the United States of Mexico. 981 *Meyn, Friedrich. Grundziige des wiesenbaus und der drainage. Heidelberg 1880. 982 *Michaelis, K. Beschreibung von wasserbauanlagen in Irland f ur entwasserung, binnenschifffahrt, nutzbarmachung von wasser- kraft u. s. w. Berl., 1866. 983 Michelier, . Note sur la distribution des eaux de la Neste, travaux du reservoir d'Oredon. (In Ann. des ponts et chaussees: mem. et doc., 1887, semest 2. pp. 326-337. pi.) ; [abstract entitled] Oredon reservoir. (In Instit. civ. eng. Min. of proc. 91 : 519-521. 1888.) 984 *Midy, . Le drainage et 1'irrigation. pp. 22. Paris, Librai- rie agricole de la Maison rustique, 187-. 985 Miles, Manly. Land draining; a handbook for farmers on the principles and practice of farm draining, pp. 199. il. 12. N. Y., Orange Judd co., 1892. W 1897. W A Millar, W. J. See, as editor, Rankine, William John Macquorn. Miller, A. M. See? us translator, Barois, Julien Hippolyte Eugene. 986 Miller, Howard. Preliminary report on the possibilities of the reclamation of the arid regions of Kansas and Colorado by util- izing the underlying waters. (In TJ. S. Agricultre, Degt. of Artesian and underflow investigation and irrigation inquiry. Final report, pt. 1. pp. 303-306. map. 1892.) 987 Mills, A. A. Farm irrigation, by Mills; Orchard irrigation, by E. S. Richman. pp. 76. 8. [Salt Lake City], 1895. (Utah agrie. college exper. sta. Bulletin 39.) W A 90 988 Mills, Anson. International dam in the Rio Grande river, near El Paso. Texas; letters to Secretary of State. Dec. 10, 1888. pp. 6. 8. [Wash.. Govt.. 1896.] (if. S. House of Representatives. 54th Cong. 1st sess. H. doc. 125. In v. 47.) W A (/// />/'.$ and Follett' s Reports on the investigations and survey for an international dam and reservoir on the Rio Grande del Xbrte. Appendix A. pp. 31-36. 1896.) 989 - Statement before House select committee on irrigation of arid lands. (In II. S. IIonxc of Representatives Irrigation of nr'l land* in tin- U'ntft-v, D<'2>/, Daily river stages at river-gauge stations on the principal rivers of the United States. 1016 Morrow, G. E. Irrigation for Oklahoma, pp. 17. 8. Still- man, LStM}. (Okla. agric. exper. sta. Bulletin IS.) W A 1017 Mortson, O. C. Report on the geological character of certain sections of the state of Montana, showing the possibility of imbibition of water which would be available for artesian pur- poses. (In U. S. Agriculture^ Dept. of Art* *'ti ///y ////'//. Final report, pt. 2. pp. 78-83. map. 1892.) 1018 Moser, Henri. L'irrigation en Asie centraie; etude geographique et economique. pp. 379. map. 8. Paris, Societe cTeditions scientitiques, 1894. (Bibliotheque generale de geographic.) W A W G 1019 Muchkundi dam; [abstract]. (/ Inst. civ. eng. Min. of proc. 131:408. 1898.) Original paper in Engineer, Oct. 22, 1897. p. 402. Muller, Adam. See, as joint author, Villeroy, Felix. 1020 Mullins, J. Irrigation manual, pp. 2:23. pi. 112. f. Lond., E. & F. N. Spon, 1890. W G Published for the Madras government. Many of the subjects treated of in this manual were dealt with from time to time as occasion arose, by tin- author, as chief engineer for irrigation in the form of Professional circulars for the members of the Public works department. 1021 Munn, B. Practical land drainer; a treatise on draining land. pp.190, il. 12. N. Y., C. M. Saxton&co., 1855. \V C 1022 Murphy, Edward Charles. Windmill, its efficiency and economic use. ^pts. pp. 14:7. il. pi. Wash., Govt, "1901. (U. S.- Iiit<'i'i.t. of the Geological survey. Hydrography ^ Division of. Water-supply and irrigation papers. 41, '2.) W A (U. S. House of Representatives. 56th Cong. 2d sess. H. doc. 484, 485. Inv. 63.) W Revision of his Windmills for irrigation, embodying additional data obtained by more recent investigation. 1023 - Windmills for irrigation, pp. 49. il. pi. 8. Wash., Govt., 1897. (IT. S. Interior, Dept. uf the 6rY/,/W//Vv// sur- vey Hydrography i Division of. Water-supply and irrigation papers. 8.) W A (U. S. House of Representatives 54th Cong. 2d sess. H. doc. 350. In \. 70.) W Murray, Stuart. X/v, as chief engineer, Victoria Tn/^/'-.v/yyV// department. 1024 *Nadault de Buffon, B. Considerations sur le regime legal des eaux de sources naturelles et artiticielles. Paris, Chevalier- Marescq et cie., 1877. 93 * Nadault de Buffon, B. Continued. 1025 - Cours d'agriculture et d'hydraulique agricole, comprenant les principes generaux de Feconomie rurale et les divers tra- vaux d'ainelioration du regime des eaux dans Pinteret de Pagri- culture. 3 v. il. pi. maps. 8. Paris, V. Dalmont, 1853, 1855, 1858. W G 1026 - Des canaux d'arrosage de PItalie septentrionale dans leurs rapports avec ceux du midi de la France; traite theorique et pratique des irrigations envisagees sous les divers points de vue de la production agricole, de la science b^draulique et de la legislation. 3 v. & atlas. 8 & f. Paris, Carilian-Goeury et V. Dalmont, 1843, 1844. W" G Edition 2 of this work is entitled Des canaux d' irrigation de 1'Italie, etc. Des canaux d'irrigation de PItalie septentrionale envisages sur les divers points de vue de la science hydraulique, de la production agricole et de la legislation. Ed. 2. 2 v. & atlas. 8 & f. Paris, Dunod, 1861, 1862. (Hydraulique agricole: applications.) W G W c This work is the 2d edition of his Des canaux d'arrosage de PItalie, etc. 1027 * Du concours de Petat dans les entreprises d'interet agri- cole pouvant etre declarees d'utilite publique, telles que les irrigations, colmatages, limonages, submersions, etc. 8. Paris, Chevalier- Marescq et cie., 1880. Souscription du Ministere des travaux publics. 1028 National irrigation association. Statement of George H. Maxwell, before Committee on irrigation of arid lands, (in TJ. S. House of Representatives Irrigation of arid lands. Committee on. Hearings, pp. 31-37, 108-125. ' 1901.) ; [before Committee on public lands]. (In U. S. House of Representatives Public lands, Committee on. Hear- ings, pp. 87-121. pi. 1901.) Includes editorial extracts from newspapers on national irrigation policy. 1029 National irrigation congress. Address to the people of the United States bv the congress, 4th annual session, Albuquerque, N. Mex.,^Sept. 16-19,1895. pp. 3. 8. [Wash., Govt.,1896.] (TJ. $. Senate. 54th Cong. 1st sess. S. doc. 253. In v. 8.) W A 1030 - Colorado as an agricultural state; progress of irrigation. pp. 56. il. sq. 8. Denver, 1894. 1031 Official report, 1891-1900. lst-9th. 8. Salt Lake City, etc., 1891-1900. 1st Congress (called Irrigation congress) was held at Salt Lake City, Utah, 1891; 2d, Los Angeles, Cal., 1893; 3d, Denver, Colo., 1894; 4th, Albuquerque, N. Mex., 1895; 5th, Phoenix, Ariz., 1896; 6th, Lincoln, Nebr., 1897; 7th, Cheyenne, Wyo., 1898; 8th, Missoula, Mont,, 1899; 9th, Chicago, 111., 1900. 1032 Resolutions adopted by the Fifth national irrigation con- gress at Phoenix, Ariz., 1896. pp. [4]. 8. Phoenix, [1896]. 1033 Nebraska Irrigation, State board of. Biennial report of the state engineer, 1895-'96 1899-1900. lst-3d. pi. maps. 8. Lincoln, State, 1897-1901. W A 1st Biennial report was prepared by W, R. Akers; 2d, by J. M. Wilson; 3d, by C. B. Channel. 1034 Irrigation laws, 1897. pp. 53. 8. Lincoln, State, 1897. W A 94 Nebraska Continued. 1035 - Ley i*l i it t.u'i'. District and general irrigation law of the state of Nebraska. 1895. pp. 34. 8. Lincoln. State. 1895. Distributed by the secretary of state. 1036 Nebraska agricultural experiment station. Irrigation in Nebraska; by Lewis . Hicks, pp. 32. 8. Lincoln, 1887. ([Bulletin 1.]) W A 1037 - Water supply in Nebraska; by O. V. P. Stout, pp. 153- 172. il. 8. Lincoln, 1895. (Bulletin -11.) W A 1038 Nebraska commission to National irrigation congress. Report of the investigations of the commission to congress to be held in Denver, Colo., Sept. 3-10,1894. pp.33. 8. n. p.,n. d. W A 1039 Nebraska irrigation annual, 1896-1897; a suggestive hand-book for the progressive citizen, farmer, and business man. no. 1-2. il. 8. Lincoln, 1896, lSi>7. W A W c Xo. 1 contains proceedings of 3d annual convention of Nebraska state irrigation associa- tion; no. 2, the proceedings of the 4th annual convention. 1040 Nebraska state irrigation convention. Proceedings of convention, Lincoln, Feb. 11-13, 1891. pp. 39. 8. n. p., n. d. W A 1041 Nemec, A. Boden-entwasserung in der landwirthschaft mit 'besonderer berucksichtigung der drainage, pp. 73. il. 8. Wien, G. P. Faesy, 1882. W 1042 Nettleton, Edwin S. Artesian and underflow investigation; final report of the chief engineer, with . . . additional papers. pp. 116. maps 28. (U. S. Agriculture, Dept. ofArt<'xin and underflow investigation and irrigation inquiry. Final report, pt. 2. 1892.) 'W A W li For contents, see United States Agriculture, Department of Artesian and ictnli rfloir iinrnti- gatioii and irri>iati<>n i minify. Final report, pt. 2. 1043 - Progress report of the artesian and underflow investigation between the ninety-seventh degree of west longitude and the foothills of the Rocky mountains, pp. 14. il. maps, charts. 8. Wash., Govt., 1891. (TI. S. Agriculture, Deft, of Arte- sian and underfiow investigation ana irri n* inves- tigation and irrigation inquiry. Preliminary investigation, etc. pp. 31-36. pi. 1890.) 1045 - Reservoir system of Cache la Poudre valley, pp. 48. pi. map. 8. Wash., Govt, 1901. (U. B.~A#ricuttwre, Dept. of Krjx ///// <-t,t xtnt.ions, Office of . Bulletin 92.) W A 1046 - Statement concerning estimates for expenditures of sur- vey. (In II. S. Senate Irriijat'mn n <>f nr'nl lands, Select committee on. Report, pt. 5. pp. 106-108, 227. 1890.) See also, as state engineer, 1883-86, Colorado Eny'i department, Biennial report. 1047 Nevada agricultural experiment station. [Irrigation: by R. H. McDowell.] pp.55, il. 8. Reno, 1894. (Bulletin 25.) W A 95 1048 Nevada state irrigation convention. Report of proceedings, Carson City, Oct., 1891. pp. 40. 8. Carson City, State, 1891. 1049 Neville, John. Hydraulic tables, coefficients, and formulae for finding the discharge of water from orifices, notches, weirs, pipes, and rivers. Ed. 3. pp. 491:. il. 12. Lond., Lock- wood f n-airr. Fii>t report of the commissioners. Text &. maps ["2 v.*] f . Sydney. Govt. , 1885. W A W G CONTENTS v. 1. Report of the commissioners!: Physical features; rainfall; evaporation; subterranean -water; storage of water; tanks and dams: wells; irrigation: navigation; principal river basins and other drainage areas; riparian rights and proposed legislation: conclusions and recommendations. Canals and irrigation in India; by F. A. Franklin, pp. 108-114. River Gauges. Railway and other levels, River Murrumbidgee as a source for canals, River Murray as a source of supply to canals; by H. G. McKinney. pp. 114- 120. Namoi river; by F. B. Gipps. pp. 121-122. Conservation of water in Victoria: report of secretary, C. Robinson, pp. 122-132. Waterworks trusts, p. 132. Barwon river and the Tarrion and Cato creeks, Macquarie river and the district between the Macqua- rie and the Began rivers: by H. G. McKinney. pp. 133-136. Upper Murray valley; by F. B. Gipps. pp. 136-138. Minutes of evidence. Water conservation: by John Wright. Appendix H. Tanks and wells of New South Wales, water supply and irrigation: by A. Pepys Wood. Appendix I. Notes on drilling and boring artesian wells, as practiced in the United States of America; by C. W. Barley, Appendix J 1. Wells in Liverpool plains; by T. K. Abbott. Appendix K 1. Report of superintendent of drills. Appen- dix L 5. Water supply by artesian wells for the borough of Tamworth. Appendix V. Notes on the geology and water supply of New South Wales; by J. Milne Curran. Appen- dix Z. Transfer of' Malvern water-race to the corporation of the county of Sehvyn. Appendices DD 2. DD 3. A more recent report on the principal river basfns and other drainage areas of New South Wales is given in Home, Frederick J.. Reports on the prospects of irrigation and water conservation in New South Wales. 1M>7. 1063 Second report of the commissioners, pp.31, maps. f rt . Sydney, Govt., 1886. (N. S. W. Z,\ I>< pt. of the Geolo(/n- pt. 2. "pp. 457-538. il. pi. maps, 1 in pocket, 1895.) W A ; [separate]. 4. Report of progress of stream measurements, 1897; includ- ing papers by Dwight Porter, J. B. Lippincott, and other hydrographers. (//*"U. S. Interior. Dept. of the 6W/*//Vv// survey. 19th Annual report, 1897 98. pt. 4. pp. 1-632. il. pi. maps. 1899.) W A ; [separate]. 4. Report of progress of stream measurements, 1898. (In TJ. S. Int<:r'tn,\ Drjrf. of tin <;>lo. 1896. In v. 50, pt. In.) [Ed. 2.] pp. 336. il. pi. maps. 4. Wash.. Govt., 1894 [1896]. Contains appendix entitled Data concerning water supply, that brings record up to date of publication. Results of stream measurements. (/;> TJ. S. Interior* I>< j>f. off/o Geological survey. 14th Annual report, 1892 !>;. pt. 2. pp. 89-155. il. pi. 1894.) W A This report is the fifth of a series, the preceding papers of which are: Hydrographic work. 10th Annual report, pt. -2. pp. 78-w. Hydrography, llth Annual report, pt. -2. pp. 1-110. Hydrography of arid regions. H'th Annual report, pt. 2. pp. 213-361. Water supply for irrigation. 13th Annual report, pt. 3. pp. 1-99. ; [separate]. 4. 1MC>. 99 Newell, Frederick Haynes Continued. 1089 - Statement; [before Committee on irrigation of arid lands]. (In TT. S. House of Representatives Arid lands, Committee on. Hearings, pp. 20-30; 43-61. 1901.) 1090 - ; before Committee on public lands. (In TT. S. House of Representatives Public lands, Committee on. Hear- ings, pp. 10-63. pi. map. 1901.) 1091 - Surveys of reservoir sites, pp.20. 8. [Wash., Govt., 1SU9.] (II. S. Interior, Dept. of the Geological survey; TT. $. Senate. 55th Cong. 3d sess. S. doc. 116. In v. 11.) W A 1092 - Water supply for irrigation. (In U. S. Interior, Dept. of the Geological survey. 13th Annual report, 1891/92. pt. 3. pp. 1-99. *il. pi. 1893.) W A ; [separate]. 1. [abstract]. (/>/ Instit. civ. eng. Min. ofproc. 117: 432-435. 1894.) 1093 Newlands, Francis Griffith. Address to the people of Nevada on water storage and irrigation, pp. 19. maps. 4. [Reno, Nevada state board of trade, 1890.] W A 1094 - Statement; [before Committee on irrigation of arid lands]. (In TT. &. House <>f Representatives Irrigation of arid lands, Committee OIL. Hearings, pp. 5-20. 1901.) ; [before Committee on public lands.] (In TT. S. House of Representatives Public lands, Committee on. Hear- ings, pp. 7-33; 82-87. il. pi. 1901.) 1095 - Storage reservoirs, the arid-land question; speech in the House of Representatives, Jan. 9, 1901. pp. 30. 8. Wash., 1901. W A Contains extracts from newspapers. 1096 - - Hinton, Richard J., Greene, Charles W., and Fulton, R. L. [Correspondence concerning water storage and reclamation of arid lands in Nevada.] pp. 12. 8. n. p., [1891]. W A 1097 Newman, John. Earthwork slips and subsidences upon public works; their causes, -prevention, and reparation; especially written to assist those engaged in the construction or mainte- nance of railways, docks, canals, roads, waterworks, river banks, reclamation, embankments, drainage works, etc. pp. 234, 12. Lond., E. & F. N. Spon, 1890. W G 1098 Nichols, George. Phreatic waters in Nye county, Nevada. (In TT. S. Agriculture, Dept. of Artesian and underflow investi- gation and irrigation inquiry. Report on progress of irriga- tion investigation, pt. 1. pp. 207-212. 1891.) 1099 Nicolls, J. R. C. Agricultural engineering in India, pp. 92. il. wide 8. Lond., Offices of " Engineering," n. d. W G Reprinted from Engineering. 1100 - Report on the deterioration of the Kali-Burhganga Doab, June, 1889. Text & plates [2 v.]. f . Roorkee, Govt. , 1890. (N. W. P. and Oudh P. w. d. Irrigation branch.) 100 1101 Nimmo, Joseph TV., jr. Progress of irrigation in the North- west: Montana, Idaho, eastern Washing-ton, and Oregon, in 1S90. (In U. S. A'//'rj>t. ofAiiixnni /. Report on progress of irrigation investigation, pt. 1. pp. 14-9-179. 1891.) 1102 - Uncle Sam's farm, reclamation of arid region of United States by means of i miration, pp. 4-3. map. 8. Wash.. IS'.M). \V A From Frank Leslie's illustrated newspaper of Nov. Hi, 23, 30, and Deo. 7, ]sv*. 1103 Nira irrigation canal, [Bombay: al>stract]. (In Instit. civ. eng. Min. of proc. 128:3S:>. 1S!7.) Original ]>ai>er in Engineer, Feb. 5, 19. and March, 1M7. pp. 135 et seq. 1104 North Dakota 7/r/V/'^''"" <'<1 f<>r<*f/'//. I)rpt of. Annual report of state superintendent. lst-9th, 1891-1900*. 8. Bis- marck. etc.. 181^-1901. W A W. W. Barrett, state superintendent. 1105 North West Provinces /VV/V //v//^-.s- tlrmi'tnimt. Collection of trjmi'ni the proceedings of the Govt. N. W. P. relating to [the project for a second canal on the right bank of the Ganges to be called] the Lower Granges canal. '2 pts. il. maps. f. Allahabad. Govt., 1874. (no. 2.) 1106 *- li'i'njtitto.n l>i'. Cavour canal: memorandum by J. H. Dyas, chief engineer of irrigation. 1805. (no. T<>.) Memorandum is based on reports of the Italian irrigation canal company. (/// Professional papers on Indian en- gineering. 2:369-381. 1865.) 1107 - Damage done to works of the Agra canal by the floods of September. 1875. pp. [16]. pi. n. p. [1876]. 1108 - Irrigation and drainage in the Dey rah Dhoon; [report] from [R. E. Forest,] superintendent-general of irriga- tion. (In Professional papers on Indian engineering. 1: 57-77. il. pi. 1864,) 1109 - Revenue report for 1861-62; abstract. (In Professional papers on Indian engineering. 1:277-293. 1864.) 1110 - Revised estimates relating to the project of the Lower Ganges canal, pt. 3. pp. 325. f. Allahabad. Govt,, 1876. 1111 - Selections from proceedings of the Govt. N.-W. P., relating to the project of the Betwa canal in Bundel- khand. pp. 25+26. il. pi. map. f. Allahabad, Govt.. 1874. (no. 3.) 1112 - Tank irrigation in Ajmere and Mhairwara; report by F. Home, executive engineer. (In Professional papers on Indian engineering. 6:14-8-164:. pi. 1869.) 1113 North West Provinces and Oudh 7VV/V.' ir<,,'l-* d< p/"// './< Continued. 1115 - Irrigation revenue report of the North- Western Provinces for the year ending 31st March, 1893; [by F. V. Corbett]. v. p. charts, maps. f. Roorkee, 1894. W 1116 - Memorandum on irrigation experiments on the Parichatgarh distributary, Anupshahr branch, Ganges anal; [by W. J. Wilson], pp. 49. pi. f". n. p., [1893]. c 1117 - Report on the deterioration of the Kali- Burhganga Doab, June, 1889; by J. R. C. Nicolls, executive engineer. Text & plates [2 v.].' f. Roorkee, Govt., 1890. 1118 *Nubar, Boghos. Note sur les irrigations en Egypte. pp. 80. il. pi. Paris. 1887. Publie dans le Journal le genie civil, 10: 26-30, 37-42, 78-75, 92, 93, 109-111. il. pi. 1886. ; [abstract]. (In Instit. civ. eng. Min. of proc., 89:515-521, 1887.) An illustrated article on these works appeared in Engineer, Dec. 3 and 31, 1886. 1119 O'Brine, D. Soils and alkali, fertility, irrigation, etc. pp. 27. 8. (Colo, agric. exper. sta. Bulletin 9.) W A 1120 O'Connell, Peter Peirce L}^ons. On the relation of the fresh-water lioods of rivers to the areas and ph} r sical features of their basins; and on a method of classifying rivers and streams with reference to the magnitude of their floods, proposed as a means of facilitating the investigation of the laws of drainage. (In Instit. civ. eng. Min. of proc. 27: 204-214. pi. 1868.) Discussion on this subject is given, 27: 229-273. 1121 (In Professional papers on Indian engineering. 7:60-74. pi. 1870.) 1122 Ohio agricultural experiment station. Subirrigation in the green- house; by W. J. Green and E. C. Green, pp. 57-76. 8. Columbus, State, 1895. (Bulletin 61.) . W A 1123 Oklahoma agricultural experiment station. Analyses of waters for irrigation; [by] Geo. L. Holter [and] John Fields, pp. 7. 8. Stillwater, 1899. (Bulletin 38.) W A 1124 - Irrigation for Oklahoma; [by] G. E. Morrow, pp. 17. 8. Stillwater, 1896. (Bulletin 18.) W A 1125 - Study of waters for irrigation; irrigation plant [by] G. L* Holter [and] John Fields, pp. 14. 8. Stillwater, 1897. (Bulletin 29.) W A 1126 Oliver, . Note relative a la valeur des concessions faites par les anciens seigneurs sur les cours d'eau non navigable ni not- table. (In Ann. des ponts et ehaussees: mem. et doc., 1856, semest, 2. pp. 373-383.) 1127 Olmsted, Frank H. Physical characteristics of Kern river, Cal., and Reconnaissance of Yuba river, Cai. ; by Marsden Manson. pp. 57. il. pi. 8. Wash., Govt., 1901. (U. S. Interior, Dejjt. of the Geological survey Hydrography, Division of. Water-supply and irrigation papers. 46.) W A (U. $.IIome of Representatives. 56th Cong. 2d sess. H. doc. 530. Li v. 63.) W 102 1128 O'Meara, Patrick. Introduction of irrigation into new countries, as illustrated in north-eastern Colorado. (In Instit. civ. eng. Min. of proc. 73: 17S-27:>. il. pi. 1883.) AV U Paying embraces discussion upon the paper and correspondence. 1129 - Fr///- ,'-t',<> n audrv et cie.. 1894. W G Estuaries; [translated from the French and abridged]. (In Instit. civil eng. Min. of proc. 118:47-77. pi. 1894.) Discussion on this paper and paper on Trainin.tr of rivers, by S. F. V. Harcourt given, lit: 78-189. Abstract of Partiot's reply to correspondence on the subject given. 119: 1'.'" 103 Pasqueau, A. See Merrill, William E. , translator. Passa, Francois Jacques Jaubert de. See Jaubert de Passa, Jacques Francois. 1139 Passy, G. de. Etude sur le service hydraulique et sur les mesures administratives concernant les cours d'eau non navigables ni flottables. Ed. 3, rev, and enl. pp. 533. 8. Paris, Dunod, 1876. W G CONTEXTS Eaux utiles: usines, irrigations, et colmatages. Eaux nuisibles: enrages et tra- vaux d'aruelioration, endiguement et travaux de defense, dessecheinent des marais, assainissement des terres humides et insalubres, drainage. Considerations generates sur la loi du 21 juin 1865. Suppression des tangs insalubres, assainissement et mise en valour des communaux, flottage a buches perdues. Rivieres navigables ou flottables. 1140 Patton, W. M. Practical treatise on foundations, explaining fully the principles involved, with descriptions of all of the most recent structures, accompanied by numerous drawings, also an accumulate record of the bearing resistances of mate- rials as determined from the loads of actual structures. Ed. 1. pp. 402. pi. 22. 8. New York, J. Wiley & sons, 1893. W 1141 - Treatise on civil engineering, pp. 1654. il. pi. 8. New York, J. Wiley & sons, 1895. W Deals with all the more important branches of engineering. 1142 *Patzig, G. C. Der praktische rieselwirth. Ed. 4. Witten- berg, 1862. 1143 Pelletreau, . Memoire sur les profils des barrages en macon- nerie envisages dans leurs rapports possibles avec les sous- pressions. (In Ann. des ponts et chausse'es: mem. et doc., 1897, trimest. 1. pp. 90-192. pi.) ; [abstract entitled] Sections of masonry dams. (In Instit. civ. eng. Min. of proc. 129 : 419-421. 1897.) 1144 Penny, Edmund. Nagpur waterworks; [abstract]. (In Instit. civ. eng. Min. of proc. 93:532. 1888.) Original paper in Indian engineering, March-April, 1888. p. 194 et seq. 1145 Nagpur waterworks extension. (In Instit. civ. eng. Min. of proc. 110:238-259. pi. 1892.) For earlier paper on these waterworks, see Binnie, Alexander Richardson. 1146 Pennycuick, John. Diversion of the Periyar. (In Instit. civ. eng. Min. of proc. 128 : 140-163. il. 1897.) Discussion and correspondence on this paper and the paper on Periyar tunnel, by P. R. Allen, are given, 128 : 173-205. 1147 Perels, Emil. Abhandlungen iiber kulturtechnik. pp.333. 8. Jena, H. Costenoble, 1889. W G 1148 - Handbuch des landwirthschaftlichen wasserbaus. Ed. 2, enl. pp. 660. il. 4 pi. 8. Berlin, P. Parey, 1884. W G W p 1st edition was published in 1877. Contains a bibliography. 1149 * Trockenlegung versumpfter landereien mit besonderer berucksiehtigung der drainage, pp. 160. Berl. und Leipz., 1875. 1150 Perry, Thomas O. Experiments with windmills, pp. 97. il. pi. 8. Wash., Govt, 1899. (II. S. Interior, Dept. of the- Geological survey Hydrography, Division of. Water-supply and irrigation papers. 20.) W A 104 Perry, Thomas O. Continued. (U. S.- llonftr of Representatives. 55th Cong. 3d sess. II. doc. -'77. /// v. 73.) W A 1151 Peru Ftniu.-itt<> J/////A-A //> . Las irrigacionesde la costa; por Federico Moreno, pp. 226. 12. Lima, 1900. W" W 1152 *Pestalozzi, C. Die geschiebsbewegung and das natiirliche ge- falle dor gebirgsflusse. Zurich. 1880. 1153 *Petersen, A. Enffvanding i f orbindelse . med rorhegning. pp. 2. pi. Kobenhavn, 1863. 1154 *Peyrer, Karl. Das Osterreichische wasserreeht. gr. S". Wien, L880. 1155 Phelps, C. S. Notes on irrigation in Connecticut and New Jer- sey; by Phelps and Edward B. Voorhees. pp. 64. il. 8. Wash.,Gpvtj 1897. (U. B. Agriculture, Dept. of -Experi- ment station*, Ojjiceof. Bulletin 36.) CONTEXTS Irrigation in Connecticut; by C. S. Phelps. Irrigation in New Jersey; by E. B. Voorhees, Phoenix, Ai'iz. *fe, for irrigation congress held here in 1896, National irrigation congress. Official report. 1156 Picard, Alfred. Canal de la Marne an Rhin; construction du reservoir de Paroy. (In Ann. des ponts et chaussees: mem. et doc., 1880, semest/1. pp. 86-127. pi.) 1157 Pichault, S. Retaining walls under superincumbent loads; [abstract]. (Li Instit. of civil eng, Min. of proc. 139:^8. 1900.) Original paper in Memoires de la Societe des ingenieurs civils de France, iS'.t'J. ]>p. 210-'266. Mention is made in the abstract of a list of works of reference appended to the paper. 1158 Picquenot, . Memoire sur les pouvoirs de Fadinmistration des travaux publics en matiere de cours d'eau non navigables ni flottables. (/// Ann. des ponts et chausees: mem. et doc.. 1875, semest. 2. pp. 1159 Pinchot, Gifford. Statement [on forest preservation as related to conservation of water supply; before Committee on irrigation of arid lands], (f/i TJ. S. House of Representatives /rriga- ) Committee,. Hearings, pp. 72-74. luul.) 1160 - ; [before Committee on public lands], (fn II. S. Ifouxe of Representatives Pnlil/c lands ^CorriTmtte^ <>n. Hear- ings. pp. 65-73. map. pi. 1901.) 1161 Pinondel de la Bertoche, . Note sur les travaux executes dans la Campine. (In Ann. des ponts et chaussees: mem. et doc., is4s. s!>. 1162 *Playfair, J. W. Irrigation in the Deccan. (In- Professional papers on Indian engineering. 6:37-52. maps. 186';).) 1163 Plympton, George W. Van Xostrand's tal>lc book for civil and mechanical engineers, pp. lt5. 16". X. Y., D. Van Nostrand co., 1S12. (Van Nostrand's science ser.) W 105 1164 Pochet, Leon. Memoire sur la mise en valeur de la plaine de 1'Habra, province d'Oran, Algerie. (In Ann. des ponts et chaus- sees: Mem. et doc., 1875. semest. 1. pp. 261-389. pi.) Barrage-reservoir. Assainissement. Irrigations. - ; [abstract, entitled] Irrigation of the plain of 1'Habra. (In Instit. civ. eng. Min. of proc. 41:217-251. 1875.) 1165 Podhagsky, E. von. Irrigation of the Marschfeld; [abstract]. (In Instit. civ. eng. Min. of proc. 50: 233. 1877.) Original paper in Wochenschrift des bsterreichischen ingenieur- und architekten-vereins. 2 : 153. 1166 * Podhagsky, Johann von. Technischer bericht zu clem projecte fiir die ^larschfeldbewiisserung. Wien, 1877. Poleni, Giovanni. See, as editor, Frontinus, Sextus Julius. Pollock, W. C. See, as editor, Campbell, D. W. 1167 Polonceau, A. R. Des eaux relativement a 1'agriculture; traite pratique des mo} T ens de remedier aux dommages causes par les eaux des clivers procedes d'irrigation et de limonage et de Fetablissement des reservoirs et des etangs. pp. 255. pi. 4. 12. Paris, Mathias, 1846. W G 1168 Pomeroy, John Norton. Treatise on the law of water rights as the same is formulated and applied in the Pacific states, includ- ing the doctrine of appropriation and the statutes and decisions relating to irrigation, revised and enlarged edition of "Pome- roy on riparian rights," with several additional chapters; by Henry C. Black, pp. 592. 8. St. Paul, West pub. co. , 1893. W A 1169 *Poncelet, Jean Victor, and Lesbros, Joseph Aime. Experiences hydrauliques sur les lois de Pecoulernent de 1'eau a travers les orifices rectangulaires verticaux a grandes dimensions, entre- prises a Metz.^ 4. Paris, 1832. (Memoires presentes par divers savants a PAcademie des sciences de Flnstitut national de France.) These experiments were made in 1827 and 1828. For account of further experiments, from 1828-1832, see Lesbros, Joseph Aime. ; analyse. (In Ann. des ponts et chaussees: mem. et doc., 1836. semest. 1. pp. 214-236. pi.) 1170 Ponmarede, F. A. Desagiie del valle de Mexico; nuervo sistema de impedir las inundaciones de la ciudad y del valle de Mexico y hacer disaparecer en parte las causas de insalubridad que ofrecen uno y otro. pp. 167. 16. Mexico, 1860. W c Text is accompanied by French translation with title-page, and title, Nouveau moyen de prevenir les inondations de la ville et de la vallee de Mexico, et de fa ire en partie dis- paraitre les causes d'insalubrite qu'elles presentent 1'une et 1'autre. Ponthoz, F. van der Straten. See Straten Ponthoz, F. vander. 1171 Ponzi, Giuseppe. Tevere ed il suo delta; memoria. pp. 47. maps. 8. [Roma, 1876.] W Estratto dalla Rivista marittima, Luglio, 1876. 1172 Poole, William. Rapid preliminary surveys on the Darling river, N. S. VV. (In Instit. civ. eng. Min. of proc. 139:259-264. pi. 1900.) 106 1173 Pope, J. B. Measurement of watej- for irrigation, pp. 25. il. 8, X. Y., [J. B. Pope. 1896]. 1174 Porter, Dwight. Water-power streams of Maine. (In TJ. S. Interior. Dept. of the Geological *////'// II>/<1 >><>],>/. />/V/.v//,/, of. Report of progress of stream measurements, 1S<>7. pp. 84-111. il. maps. 1899.) 1175 Porter, W. M., and Duncan, C. M. Excavation and embankment tables for preliminary estimates. pp. [23]. 4. Denver. Porter & Duncan. 1896. W c 1176 Possenti, Carlo. Sulla sistemazione idraulica della Valdichiana; osservazioni storico-critiche. pp. 89. 8. Firenze, 1866. W c 1177 Poston, Charles D. Irrigation, pp. 30. pi. 8. Chicago, 1887. Powell, John Wesley. See, as director. 1880-1891. United States IitterJor* Department <>fil 6rW^/,Vw/ survey. 1178 *Pozl, J. von. Die bayerischen wasscr^esetze vom 28. Mai 1852. Ed. 2. Erlangen, 1880. 1179 Prendergast, H. L. Streeviguntum anicut. (In Professional papers on Indian engineering. 7:3-22. pi. 1870.) Includes note by J. C. A., chief engineer. 1180 Prince, G. T. Logarithmic diagram for flow of water in pipes: [abstract]. (In Instit. civ. eng. Min. of proc. 139: 418. IIMO.) Original paper in Engineering news, July 6, 1899. p. 4. 1181 Professional papers on Indian engineering; edited by J. G. Medley, v. 1-7. il. pi. 8. Roorkee, Thomason college, [18633-70. W G Papers are also issued separately. Such papers as relate to irrigation are entered in this list under their respective authors. 1182 Prony, Gaspard Clair Francois Marie Riche de. Description hydrographique et historique des marais Pontins. pp. 454. ^4. Paris. Didot, pere et tils, 18:^. W 1183 - Nouvelle architecture hydraulique; contenantrartd'elever 1'eau au moyen de differences machines, de construire dans ce fluide, de le diriger et generalement de Pappliquer. de diverses manieres. aux besoins de la societe. 2 v. pi. -4. Paris. Firmin Didot. 1T1KMT96. W G W p CONTENTS v. 1. Traite de mecanique aTusagede ceux qui se destinent aux constructions de tous K's genres, et iles artistes en general. v. 2. Description detaillee des machines a feu. 1184 Provis, W. A. Experiments on the flow of water through small pipes. (/// Instit. civ. eng. Trans. 2:201-210. 1838.) 1185 Pueblo gravity water company of Colorado. Report of [Jas. D. Schuyler] consulting engineer, pp. 16. map. 8. Denver. Shattuck print, co., 1890. W A 1186 Punjab /WV/V' v/v>/^-.v (l,-j>nrln-i, /it fr/'!(/"t^>/i l>i>. pi. Mi. maps. 8. Albany, State, 1807. (N. Y. ^txi<>n of. Water-supply and irriga- tion papers. 3, 22.) W A pt. 2 contains a bibliography. (II. S. //"//*,' <>f Representatives. 54th Cong. 2d Bess, H. doc. 343. In v. 70; 55th Cong. 3d sess. H. doc. 270. In v. 73.) W A 1208 - Upper Hudson storage surveys; report to C. W. Adams, state engineer and surveyor, pp. 105. pi. maps, charts. 8. [Albany, State, 1806.] (N. Y. State cmjinctr and sur- veyor.) 1209 - Upper Hudson storage surveys; report to C. W. Adams, state engineer, and G. W. Aldridge, superintendent of public works, pp. 58. tables. 8. Albany, State, 1807. (N. Y. State enf. Water-supply and irrigation papers. 24,25.) W A (TT. S. lion*, of Representatives. 55th Cong. 3d sess. H. doc. 281,282. In v. 73.) 1211 - , Greenalch, Wallace, and Horton, Robert E. Indian river dam. pp. 10. il. pi. 4. n. p., 18 ( .> ( .. Imprinted from Engineering news, May is, 1890. 1212 *Raillard, . Les irrigations de la France, cTapres la derniere statistique officielle. >. Metz, 1805. 1213 Ramon de Ibarrola, Jose. Discurso sobre aprovechamiento de las aguas en la agricultura [y legislacion de riegos en general |. pp.31. 8. Mexico. Govt., 1S05. (Mexico fbmento, Secre- tar'oi . First report, pp. 122-132. 1885.) AV A 1233 Robinson, Henry. Hydraulic power and hydraulic machinery. Ed. 2, rev. andenl. pp. 226. il. pi. S." Lond., E. & F. X. Spon, 1893. W p 1234 Rodda, J. T. Notes on water supply; containing references, tables, notes, memoranda, and detailed advertisements in rela- tion to waterworks engineering, illustrated description and prices of apparatus, appliances, tools, etc. pp. 140. il. 4. Lond., 1898. Taken from Journal of water supply, with additions. 1235 Roesler, F. E. [Artesian waters, wells, springs, and undersheet supplies of Texas west of 97 longitude.] (In II. S. Ayrn-nl- tui'c, l)jfic< <>f. Use of water in irrigation; report, pp. 219-248. pi. map. 1900.) Ill Ross, D. W. Continued. (In II. S. Agriculture, Dept. of Experiment sta- tions, Office of. Duty of water in Nebraska, pp. 219-248. pi. map. 1901.) See also, as state engineer, Idaho Engineer department. 1239 Ross, Justin C. Introduction. (In Willcocks, W. Egyptian irrigation.) 1249 - Notes on the distribution of water and maintenance of works in the basin systems of Upper Egypt. Text & maps [2 v.]. 4 & f. Cairo, Govt., 1892. (Egypt Public works depart- ment.} W A W 1241 - Report on the low Nile of 1888, and on the measures to be undertaken to prevent sharaqi in Upper Egypt, pp. 96. pi. 4 . Cairo, Govt., 1889. (Egypt Public works departme7it.) 1242 Roth, Henry Ling. Notes on continental irrigation, pp. 39. pi. 8. *Lond., Triibner & co., 1882. W p CONTEXTS 1. Bouches-du-Rhone. 2. Valentia, Grenada, and Seville. 3. Milan and Lucca, and Douai. t. Conclusions. Rotrou, Leon de. See, as joint author, Brisse, Alexandre. 1243 Royal society of New South Wales. Journal and proceedings, 1875-1900. v. 9-34. 8. Sydney, [1876]-1900. W A Papers published by this society relating to irrigation are entered in this list under their respective authors. 1245 Rozat de Mandres. Memoire sur les reservoirs de Gentilly et de Coulanges-la-Vineuse. (In Ann. des ponts et chaussees: mem. et doc., 1867, [s*emest, 1]. pp. 51-62. pi.) 1246 - Memoire sur les reservoirs de Passy. (In Ann. des ponts et chaussees: mem. et doc., 1859, semest. 2. pp. 90-112. pi.) See also Frontinus, Sextus Julius. 1247 Ruiz de Velasco, Felipe. Breve relacion sobre el drenaje segun se practica en la hacienda de Zacatepec. pp. 12. map. 8. Mexico, Secretario de fomento, 1885. W A 1248 Russell, H. C. Notes upon floods in Lake George. (In Roy. soc. N. S. W. Jour, and proc., 1886. 20 : 241-260. map. charts. 1887.) 1249 - Notes upon the history of floods in the river Darling. (In Roy. soc. N. S. W. Jour, and proc., 1886. 20:155-210. chart. 1887.) ; [separate]. W G 1250 - Some facts bearing upon irrigation. (In Roy. soc. N. S. W. Jour, and proc., 1883. 17:129-131. 1884.) Gives results of experiments for ascertaining loss of water by evaporation from grassed land and cultivated land. 1251 Source of underground water in the western districts, [Australia]. (In Roy. soc. N. S. W. Jour, and proc., 1889. 23 : 57-63. [1890.]) 112 1252 Russell, Israel Cook. Geological feconnoissance in central Wash- ington, pp. ins. il. pi. maps. 8. Wash.. Govt.. 1893. (U. S. lnl<-r'tt. of tin (rrolot/fcdf survey. Bulletin 108.) Investigation of Yakinm river basin ami vicinity with special reference to artesian resource's. 1253 - Geology and water resources of Nez Perce county, Idaho. L'pt. il. pi. maps. 8\ Wash.. Govt,, 1901. (U.&.Inte- r'ioi\ J)//vV<>// of. Water-supply and irrigation papers. 53, 54.) W A (TJ. S. //"?/.; of Representatives* 57th Congf. 1st sess. H. doc. 53, 54. YV A 1254 - Reconnoissance in southeastern Washington, pp. 96. il. pi. map. Wash. , Govt. , 1897. (U. %. Interior, Dept. of tic- (r* <>/<>'/<< Depart inent of TTTv/Mr/' IHUTHH* Daih" river stages at river-gauge sta- tions on the principal rivers of the United States. 1256 Russia [7/wV/v/f/Vy// 7*,, // 3Kcne r a,ni],in no opomemio na rori Poccin n KaBKaa-fe; }KnJiliHCKmn>. [Report on the work of the Board on irri- gation in south Russia and the. Caucasus; prepared by the chief of the board, Lieut. -Gen. Zhllinski. pp. 403+4. 8. C.-neTepdypn, [St. Petersburg], 1892. W A 1257 - - [7-W/V ,/V,/^A ,,,'tn AV//V/]. Tpy^bi KOMMnccin yqpe/K- npii MiiHiicTepCTB'fe uyxeii coo6in,eHia Kii iiporpaMMw rn^pojioriiiiecKaro Bania no.i r fecLa; ns^ano rio^T) Had.iio^eHieM ^axe.iH KOMMnccin, A. A. TII.I.IO n iiHHvenepa, K. F. A.ieKCaH^pOBn^ia. [Acts of commission appointed by the Minister of public works to consider methods for carrying on hydrologic investigations; edited under the surveillance of the president of the commission, A. A. Tillo, and the engineer. K. G. Aleksandrovich.] pp. 121+[1]. map. 8. C.-ITeTep- dyprt, Tnnorpa(})iH MnmicTepCTBa iiyTeii coo6in,eHia [St. Petersburg. Printing office of the minister of public works], 1895. 1258 Ryon, A. M. Devices for obtaining a constant flow in laterals with variable heads in the main canals or reservoirs, pp. 47-.~>s. il. 8. Bozeman, 1896. (Mont, agric. exper. sta. Bulletin 11.) W A 1259 - Measurement of water. pp. 147-1 7<>. s". Bozeman, B (Mont, agric. exper. sta. Bulletin 6.) 1260 S., E. Distribution of canal water. (In Professional papers on Indian engineering. 4:399-400. pi. 1S07: 5:396-399. 1868.) 113 1261 Saccheri, G. Experimental hydraulic station at Santhia, [Italy]; [abstract]. (In Instit. civ. eng. Min. of proc. 88 : 4:98. 1887.) Original paper in Ingegneria civile, 1886. pp. 161-165. 1 pi. 1262 Sadasewjee, Jagannath. Barodo waterworks. (In Instit. civ. eng. Min. of proc. 115 : 43-52. pi. 1894.) 1263 Sadler, Ralph. On the flow of water in earthen channels. (In Instit. civ. eng. Min. of proc. 103:273-277. 1891.) 1264 Saint- Venant, de. Memoire sur la conservation et Fassainis- sement des e tangs. (In Ann. des ponts et chaussees: m^m. et doc., 1849, semest. 1. pp. 307-333. pi.) 1265 Salazar, A. E. Kalkulos sobre las kanerias de agua; ensayo de unitikazion de las formulas usuales i de simplifikazion de los kalkulos basada en la nozion de zirkuito idrauliko. pp. 246. il. 8. Santiago de Chile, Hume i k a ., 1898. W Q 1266 Salbach, B. Experiences had during the last twenty -five years with waterworks having an underground source of supply; translated from the German by Clemens Herschel. (In Amer, soc. civ. eng. Trans. 30:293-329. pi. 1893.) Discussion on the paper is given, 30 : 690-701. Prepared for the International engineering congress of the Columbian exposition, 1893. 1267 Sails, Adolphe de. Correction des torrents en Suisse, expose raisonne d'ouvrages executes; redige par ordre du Departe- ment federal de Finterieur. 2 v. pi. map. 4. Berne, 1891, 1892. W G 1268 - De Famenagement des eaux en Suisse, organisation,^ tra- vaux executes et systemes de construction; traduit par Emile Cuenod. pp. 81. pi. 42. f. Berne, 1884. W G 1269 Salles, Alfred. Note sur les canaux d'irrigation du Piemont et de la Lombardie. (In Ann. des ponts et chaussees: mem. et doc., 1884, semest. 2. pp. 308-314.) Salt Lake City, Utah. See, for irrigation congress held at this place in 1891, National irrigation congress, Official report. 1270 Sanborn, J. TV. Amount of water to be used in irrigation, (In Utah agric. college exper. sta. Bulletin 29. pp. 1-13. 1894. 1271 - Early versus late irrigation. (In Utah agric. college exper. sta. Bulletin 23. pp. 11-14. 1893.) 1272 - Irrigation, pp. 8. 8. [Salt Lake City], 1893. (Utah agric. college exper. sta. Bulletin 24.) W A CONTENTS Influence of the use of varying amounts of water on the amount of crop. In- fluence of the amount of water on percolation from the soil. Influence of increased percolation of water on the fertility of the soil. Whether irrigation waters to the extent of percolation adds to or takes from soil fertility. 1273 - Irrigation; early, late, and usual, pp.8. 8. [Salt Lake City], 1894. (Utah agric. college exper. sta. Bulletin 27.) W A 1274 - Irrigation, night versus day irrigation. (In Utah agric. exper. sta. Bulletin 21. pp. 12-14. 1893.) 1275 - Sub-irrigation vs. surface irrigation, by Sanborn; Water for irrigation, by Samuel Fortier. pp. 28* 8. [Salt Lake City], 1893. (Utah agric. college exper. sta. Bulletin 26.) W A 26761 No. 41028 114 1276 Sankey, R. H. Irrigation in Mysore. (Li Professional papers on Indian ono'ineerino-. 4:143-157; 212-224. 11. map. 1867.) Abridged from a report. 1277 '""Sasse, O. Ueber die wasserabnahme in don bachen undstromen Deutschlands. S. Halle. 1880, 1278 Schubert, F. C. Landwirthschaftlicher wasserbau; handbuch fur land- und forstwirthe, cultur- uncl bautechniker. pp. 226. il. 8. Berl., Xiegardt, Hempel & Parey, 187!.'. W p 1279 Schuyler, James Dix. Conditions and cost of water storage for irrigation on Gila river, Arizona; report for the benefit of Indians occupying Gila river reservation, pp. 17. 8. [Wash., Govt., 1899.] (U. S. ////< //"/. lJ<-j>t. ftl ////vy Hydrography, />//'/.v/V/// <>f; TJ. S. Senate. 56th Cong. 1st sess. S. doc. 37. In \. 4.) \V A [Ed. 2 rev.], pp. 19. 8. [Wash., Govt., 1900.] (TJ. S. Interior, Dept. <>f the Geological survey lh/di-<>- '//*'//>////. />/V/Vr,// of; TJ. S. Sennit. 56th Cong. 1st sess. S. doc. 152. In. \. 10.) W A 1230 - Construction of the Sweetwater dam. (In Amer. soc. civ. eng. Trans. 19:201-232. pi. 188H.) Paging includes discussion on the subject. ; [abstract] I,, Instit. civ. eng. Min. of proc. 97:449-451. 1SS9.) 1281 Problems of water storage on torrential streams of south- ern California as typified by Sweetwater and San Jacinto rivers. (In, TJ. S. Agriculture^ Dept. of Experiment xta- tivns, Office of. Report of irrigation investigations, pp. 353- 395. 1901.) 1282 - jEteport on irrigation works and practice in Los Angeles and San Bernardino counties. (In Cal. Engineer department. Report, 1880. pt. 4. Appendix A. pp. 3-60. 1880.) Report on the works and practice of irrigation in Kern county. (In Cal. Engmeer department. Report, 1880. pt. 4. Appendix B. pp. 61-115. 1880.) 1284 - Report on the works and practice of irrigation in Yolo county. (In Cal. Engineer department. Report, 1880. pt. 4. Appendix E. pp. 183-191. 1880.) W (; 1285 - Report on the works and practice of irrigation, San Joa- quin and Kings river canal, and Chowchilla canal. (In Cal. Engineer department. Report, isso. pt. 4. Appendix D. pp. 162-1*2. 1880.) 1286 - Reservoirs for irrigation. (In U. S. ///A/vV, D^t. <>f the Geological survey, isth Annual report, 1896 97. pt. 4. pp. 617-740. 51. pi. maps. 1897.). ; [separate]. 4. 115 Schuyler, James Dix. Continued. 1287 - Reservoirs for irrigation, water-power, and domestic water- supply, with an account of various types of dams and the meth- ods and plans of their construction. Ed. 1. pp. 414. il. maps. 4. New York, John Wiley & sons, 1901. W A W Includes discussion of the available water supply for irrigation in various sections of arid America: the distribution, application, and use of water, the rainfall and run-off, evap- oration from reservoirs; effect of silt upon reservoirs, etc. 1288 - Use of asphaltum for reservoir linings. (In Amer. soc. civ. eng. Trans. 27:629-039. 1892.) Discussion on this paper is given, 28 : 130-143. 1893. 1289 - - and Allardt, G. F. Culture of sugar cane; report on water supply for irrigation on the Honouliuli and Kahuku ranches, island" of Oahu, Hawaiian islands, pp. 32. map. 4. Oak- land, [B. F. Dillingham], 1889. W Q Report made under the authority of B. F. Dillingham, Honolulu. 1290 Scott, Addison M. General notes on the Great Kanawha improve- ment, tripping bars and improved hurters on Chanoine wicket dams. (In Amer. soc. civ. eng. Trans. 31:539-551. pi. 1891.) Paging includes discussion on the subject. 1291 Scott, John. Draining and embanking, a practical treatise embodying the most recent experience in the application of improved methods, pp. 133. il. 12. Lond., Lockwood & co., 1883. (Scott's farm engineering text-books: Weale's ser.) W p Ed. 2. pp. 134. il. (pt. 1, in his Complete text- book of farm engineering. 1885.) W A 1292 - Irrigation and water supply; a practical treatise on water- meadows, sewage irrigation and warping, the construction of wells, ponds, and reservoirs, and raising water by machinery for agricultural and domestic purposes, pp. 149. il. 12. Lond., Lockwood & co., 1883. (Scott's farm engineering text-books: Weale's ser.) W G W p (pt. 2, in his Complete text-book of farm engineer- ing. 1885.) W A Ed 3. pp. 149. il. 12. Lond., Lockwood & son, 1895. (Scott's farm engineering text-books: Weale's ser.) Scott-Moncrieff, Colin C. See Moncrieff, Colin C. Scott-. 1293 Scougall, H. Construction of canals for irrigating purposes and the reclamation of alkaline and saline lands, pp. 14. 8. n. p., 1891. Read before the Polytechnic society of Utah, March, 1891. 1294 Modern ideas on irrigation, pp.20. 8. Salt Lake City, 1891. W A . For the benefit of the Salt Lake irrigation congress corunrttee, 1891. 1295 Sears, Alfred F. Reclamation of the arid lands of the valley of Piura, Peru, [and] Concession for irrigation of the lands to Alfred F. Sears, from the government of Peru. pp. 41. maps. 8. Portland, 1891. 116 Sears, F. C 1 . > S V< Kansas agricultural experiment station Unfit- ci/Jt i/i'iil departrru /if. Seckendorff, A. von. Sec, as translator, Demoutzey, P. 1296 Seddon, James A. Mathematical analysis of the influence of reservoirs upon stream flow. (In Amer. soc. civ. eng. Proc. 24 : 559-598. 1898; with discussion. Trans. 40:401-427. 1898.) This art irk- is issued in connection with article by II. M. Chittenden on Resevoir system of the Great Lakes. 1297 - Monograph upon reservoirs and their effects on floods of the Mississippi system. (In TT. S. Wei/' ])cpt. Engineer . charts. S. Wash., Govt.. 1898. [without charts]. (In U. S. War Dept. department. Keport. 1898. pt. 4. pp. 2887-2907. 1898.) 1298 - River hydraulics. (/// Amer. soc. civ. eng. Proc. 25: 619-069. il." 1899: with discussion. Trans. 43:179-243. il. 1900.) Shepard, James H. See* as chemist. South Dakota experiment station Cheniistry and agriculture* Department <>f. Shunk, W. F. See New York aqueduct commission. 1300 Sim, D. Colleroon annicuts. (In Madras Presidency PnUic work.* f the Geological survey ////V/w//r//>////. 7>/V/.v/W of. Water-supply and irri- gation papers. 55.) W A (II. B.Ifouse of Representatives. 57th Cono-. 1st sess. H. doc. 55.) W A 1304 Smith, Hamilton. Flow of water through pipes. (In Amer. soc. civ. eng. Trans. 12:119-125. pi. 1883.) 1305 - Hydraulics: flow of Avater through orifices, over weirs. and through open conduits and pipes, pp. 3(>2. il. pi. 17. f". N. V.'. J. Wiley A sons. 1886. W 1 ' 1306 Smith, Isaac W. Flow of water in wrought and cast iron pipes from 2S to 42 inches in diameter. (In Amer. soc. civ. eng. Trans. 36: 1H7-2HJ. 1SD7.) Paging includes discussion and correspondence on the subject. 117 Smith, J. T. See, as editor, Reports on various professional sub- jects of the corps of engineers, Madras Presidency. 1307 Smith, J. Waldo. Experiments on the discharge of a 30-in. stop valve. (Iti Amer. soc. civ. eng. Trans. 34:235-246. il. 1895.) 1308 Smith, James. Remarks on thorough draining and deep plowing. Ed. 7. 31 pp. pi. 8. Stirling, W. Drummond & sons, 1844. W A Extracted from third report of Drummond's agricultural museum. 1309 Smith, John. Essay on the advantages of watering pasture and meadow grounds in the Highlands, pp.26. 8. Edinburgh, Highland society of Scotland, n. d. W G Received highest premium offered by the Highland Society. 1310 * Smith, Richard Baird. Irrigation in southern India. 2 v. 8. Lond., 1856. 1311 - Italian irrigation; report on the agricultural canals of Piedmont and Lombardy, addressed to the court of directors of the East India company. Ed. 2. Text 2 v. & atlas. 8 & f . Edinburgh, Blackwood & sons, 1852. W CONTEXTS v. 1. Historical and descriptive. v. 2. Practical and legislative. Appendix A, v. 1, gives a list of Italian authors on the history, practice, and legislation of irrigation in northern Italy. Appendix B, v. 1, is a sketch of the irrigation system of northern and central India, pp. 305-434. 1855. W A W G W F 1312 Smith, William. Observations on utility, form, and manage- ment of water meadows, and draining and irrigating of peat bogs, pp.121, pi. 8. Lond. , John Harding, 1806. \ V V 1313 Smythe, William E. Campaign for national prosperh^y. pp. 15. 8. [Chicago, National irrigation committee, 1895.] 1314 - Colonial lectures; delivered in Willard Hall, Chicago, 1895. pp. T6. 8. [N. Y.,T. B. Wakenian, C 1S96.] 1315 Conquest of arid America, pp. 325+[l]. pi. 12. N. Y., Harpers & bros., 1900. W A W 1316 - Irrigation problems of Honey lake basin, California. (In TJ. S. Agriculture, Dept. of Experiment stations, Office of. Report of irrigation investigations in California, pp. 71- 113. 1901.) 1317 Societe du canal de Pierrelatte. Canal d'irrigation de Pierrelatte; notice descriptive, pp. 29. map. 8. Paris, 1889. W G Exposition universelle de 1889. Sonne, Ed. See, as joint author. Franzius, Ludwig. 1318 Soule, Frank. Irrigation from the San Joaquin river. (In TJ. S. Agriculture, Dtpt. of Experiment stations, Office of. Report of irrigation investigations in California, pp. 215- 258. 1901.) 1319 South Dakota Irrigation, State engineer of. First report; by Fred F. B. Coffin, pp. 64. il. 8. Huron, State, 1890. W A 118 1320 South Dakota experiment station Agriculture, 1>< purl ,, nt of. Irriiration. pp. tf.V il. s. Brbokings, 1891. (Bulletin 28.) W A Luther Foster, director: Charles A. Duncan, irrigator. 1321 - Chemistry and agriculture, Departments of . Irrigation in South Dakota, pp.32, il. 8 Brookings, 1897. (Bulletin 52.) W A James H. Shepard, chemist: K. ('. Chilcott, agriculturist. 1322 Specht, George el. Description of the earthwork on the Upper San Joaquin canal. California; [ abstract 1. (In Instit. civ. eng. M in. of proc. 74 : 317-319. 1883.) Origin;) 1 paper in Wochenschrift des bsterreichischen ingenieur- und architecten-vereins, 1883. p. 221. 1323 - Notes on earthwork. (In Tech. soc. Pacif. coast. Trans. 2:145-170. il. pi. 1S85.) 1324 Spon, Ernest, Water supply; the present practice of sinking and boring wells, with geological considerations and examples of wells executed. Ed. 2. pp. 271. il. pi. 1. 12. Loncl.. E. & F. N. Spon. 1885. W (i Stannard, J. D. Set, as joint author, Johnston, Clarence T. 1325 Stanton, Robert Brewster. Notes upon the construction of a water system for placer mining, and suggestions for a new method of dam building. (In Amer. soc. civ. eng. Trans. 35 : 70-101. il. pi. 1896.) Construction of asphalt dams. Paging given includes discussion on the subject. 1326 Starling, William. Discharge of the Mississippi river. (In Amer. soc. civ. eng. Trans. 34:347-49:2. il. chart. 18W.) Discussion and correspondence on this paper is given, 35: 305-870. 1*%. 1327 Stavelius, Frederico. Report to the director-general of public works of the Argentine Republic on the present state of the .San Roque water dam: [abstract]. (In Instit. civ. eng. Min. of proc. 112 : 419-421. 1893.) Original paper in Anales de la Sociedad cientifica argentina, Buenos Ayres. il. Sept., 1892. 1328 Stearns, F. P. Experiments on the flow of water in a 48-inch pipe. (In Amer. soc. civ. eng. Trans. 14:1-18. il. 1885.) Paging given includes discussion on the subject. 1329 - On the current-meter, together with a reason why the max imum velocity of water flowing in open channels is below th^ surface. (In Amer. soc. civ. eng. Trans. 12:301-338. pi. 1883.) 1330 Stephens, George. Practical irrigator and drainer. pp. 195. pi. il. 8. Edin.. Wm. Blackwood, 1834. W A W G W p W c 1331 Stephens, Henry. Manual of practical draining. Ed. 2. enl. pp. 160. il. " 8. Edin.. Wm. Blackwood & sons. 1S47. W A Ed. 3, rev. pp.162, il. 8. Edin., Wm. Black- wood & sons, 1848. W p Stevenson, Charles L. Sec Utah irrigation commission. 1333 Stevenson, David. On reclamation and protection of agricultural land. pp. 70. il. 8. Edin., A. & C. Black, 1874. W A 119 Stevenson, David Continued. 1334 - Principles and practice of canal and river engineering; revised by his sons, D. A. and C. A, Stevenson. Ed. 3. pp. 406. il. " pi. 4. Edin., A. & C. Black, 1886. W G 1335 Stewart, Henry. Irrigation for farm, garden, and orchard, pp. 264. il. 12. N. Y., Orange Judd co., [1877]. W A W p [Ed. 2.] pp.276, il. 12. N. Y., Orange Judd co., 1889. W G 1890. W A W c Stimson, E. K. See, as state engineer, 1881~S2, Colorado Engi- neer department, Biennial report. 1336 Stoddard, J. F. Irriftwaddy delta surve} T ; report of operations during 1869. (In Professional papers on Indian engineering. 7:352-378. pi. map. 1870.) 1337 Stolbrand, V. E. Irrigation in Arizona, pp. 14. 8. Tucson, 1891. (Ariz, agric. exper. sta. Bulletins.) W A 1338 Stone, T. W. Notes on water supply in new countries, pp. 42. pi. 18. 12. Lond., E. & F. N. Spon, 1888. W A W G 1339 Simple hydraulic formulae, pp.90, pi. 8. 12. Lond., E. & F. N. Spon, 1881. W G W p CONTEXTS Flow of water over weirs. Discharge through orifices. Through short tubes. Flow through long pipes. Flow from jets, and heights attained by different diameters of jet. Flow through canals, rivers, aqueducts, etc. Special formulse for sluicing, etc. Examples and tables. 1340 Stotherd, Charles Egremont. Irrigation works in the Jeypore state, Rajpu ana, India. (In Instit. civ. eng. Min. of proc. 138:332-313. 1899.) 1341 Stout, O. V . P. Duty of water in Nebraska. (In U. S. Agricul- ture, Dept. of Experiment stations, Office of. Use of water in irrigation; report, pp. 149-158. pi. 1900.) ; [separate, with other reports of investigations made in 1899]. pp. 149-248. il. pi. maps. 8. [Wash., Govt, 1901.] For contents, see United States Agriculture, Department of Experiment stations, Office of, Duty of water in Nebraska. 1342 - Water supply in Nebraska, pp. 153-172. il. 8. Lin- coln, 1895. (Nebr. agric. exper. sta. Bulletin 41.) W A 1343 Strachan, James. Karachi waterworks. (In Instit.' civ. eng. Min. of proc. 83 : 333-350. il. 1886.) 1344 Strachey, R. Irrigation of Sindh. (In Professional papers on Indian engineering. 4:278-295. 1867; 5:375-382. 1868.) ,1345 Strange, William Lumisden. Reservoirs with high earthen dams in western India. (In Instit. civ. eng. Min. of proc. 132 : 130-272. il. pi. 1898.) Paging includes discussion and correspondence on the "paper. 1346 Straten Ponthoz, F. van der. Etat, progres et avenir du drai- nage en France; de sa pratique et de son application dans le departement de la Moselle, pp. 108. il. pi. 8. Metz, Lamort, 1853. W p 120 1347 Stretch, Richard H. Supplementary report on the Colorado desert and its surroundings. (/// James, I. E. Reports, pp. 4-7. 1874.) Strickland, T. P. JHI, /,,,, ,,f. Biennial report. 1351 Suttor, W. H. Artesian bores on Bunda station in Queensland. (L, Roy. soc. N. S. W. Jour, and proc. 1893. 27 : 370. 377. [1894.]) 1352 Swan, Charles H. Note on Kutter's diagram. (In Amer. soc. civ. eng. Trans. 9:320, 32s. isso.) Based on article on Flow of water in small channels by K. Hering, 8:1-14. 1353 - - fE.rp<>i''i,int xt<;t/f. Duty of water in Nebraska, pp. 211-218. pi. map. 1901.) 1355 Symes, George G. Irrigation of the arid region of the United State's: speech in the House of Representatives, September. 1888. pp. 10. 8. [Denver. isss.J 1356 Symons, George James. On the floods in England and AVales during 1875, and on water economv. (/// Instit. civ. eng. Mill. of proc. 45:1-1*. pi. 1870.) Discussion on rainfall, evaporation, and percolation is given, 45 : 4S-105. Tacoma and Yakima land company. See United States I/UHN, <>f TtepresentcLtwes fmft8: with discussion, Trans. 39:431- {. of the Geological *"///;/. Report on Lands of arid region of the United States, with a more detailed account of the hinds of Utah. pp. 149-163. 1878.) 1370 - Report [of work of the topographic branch of the Irrigation survevj. (/// TJ. S. ///fc/vV>/', Sept. <>ftli< Geological survey. 10th Annual report, 1888 ,s9. pt. 2. pp. 65-77.' IS>,. ]>//'/v//. 13th Annual report, 1891 92. pt. 3. pp. 445-478. 1893.) AV A 1374 Thompson, John. Proportional water-meter, specially adapted to inferentially measure the total discharge of nozzles. (/// Amer. soc. civ. eng. Trans. 24:528-539. 1891.) Paging includes discussion on the subject. 1375 Tickell, R. P. Headworks of the Ganges canal; [abstract]. (In Instit. civ. eng. Min. of proc. 54: 294-2'.)*;. 1^78.) Tillo, A. A. See, as president of commission. Russia PnhJ!c works ministry. Tivoli, V. de, jr. See, as translator. Brisse, Alexandre. 1376 Todd, James Edward. Geology and water resources of a por- tion of southeastern South Dakota, pp. 34. pi. maps, one in pocket. 8. Wash., Govt. 1900. (V.&.Jnterior, I><}>1. of the Geological .v///-/v// Hydrography, 7>//v'x/V/// of. Water- supply and irrigation papers. 34.) W (II. S. House of Representatives. ";th Cong. 1st A seas. H. doc. 663. In v. 73.) W 1377 *Tompkins, C. H..^'y'. Memorandum of data relating to value of irrigated lands, and prices of water rights, pp. 21. n. p., 1892. 1378 Torricelli, Giacomo. Dei grandi bacini per irrigazione e del ser- batoio Grisanti sulP Enza nelF Emilia; considerazioni general!, progetto e cenni sui principali serbatoi della Spagna, dell' Algeria e della Francia. Text & plates [2 v.J. 8. Roma. Tip. e lit. del Genio civile, 1885, W {> 123 Torricelli, Giacomo Continued. 1379 - Notes upon the more important features of large reser- voirs for irrigation; [abstract]. (In Instit. civ. eng. Min. of proc. 84 : 483-185. 1886. ) Origin.nl article in Giornale del genio civile, 1885. p. 611. 1380 - Sluices, scour-culverts, and waste-weirs for irrigation stor- age reservoirs; [abstract]. (In Instit. civ. eng. Min. of proc. 83 : 473-476. 1886.) Original paper in Giornale del genio civile, 1885. pp. 74, 134. See frtxo* as joint author, Zoppi, Giuseppe. 1381 Tournadre, - - de. Description d'un barrage execute sur la riviere du Verdon et de la prise d'eau du canal du Verdon en Provence. (In Ann. des ponts et chaussees: mem. et doc., 1872., [semest. 1]. pp. 428-458. pi.) 1382 - Notice sur le canal du Verdon. (In Ann. des ponts et chaussees: mem. doc., 1881, semest. 2. pp. 15101. pi.) 1383 ' Toussaint, F. AV. Die bodencultur und das wasser. Breslau, 1872. 1384 * - Technische und administrative instructionen iiber einlei- tung, ausfuhrung und unterhaltung landwirtschaftlicher ent- und bewasserungsanlagen. Metz, 1875. 1385 Tranie, H. De Parrosage pratique; canal d'irrigation de Les- telle (Haute-Garonne). pp. 33. pi. 3. 8. Toulouse, Giniet, 1871. W G CONTEXTS Etablissement des ouvrages de distribution d'eau. Preparation du sol et de 1'arrosage: Re"sultats acquis par les arrosants. Barrages automobiles pour reservoir d'eau et irrigations. 1386 - Irrigation works in the Haute-Garonne; [abstract]. (In Instit. civ. eng. Min. of proc. 42:276-278. 1875.) Original paper in Nouvelles annales de la construction, May and June, 1875. 7 cols. 1387 Traphagen, F. W. Alkali in Montana. (In Assoc. of Amer. agri- cultural colleges and experiment stations. Proc., 1899. pp. 72-74. 1900.) Trautwine, John C. , jr. See, as translator, Bazin, H. ; as editor, Trautwine, John C.. sr. 1388 Trautwine, John C., sr. Civil engineer's pocket-book; revised by John C. Trautwine, jr. Ed. 16. pp. 866. 10. N. Y., Wiley & sons, 1894. W A 1389 Travaglia, R. Serbatoi d' irrigazione in Sicilia, progetti di mas- sima dell' ingegnere R. Travaglia; relazione. (In Italy Commissione idraulica. Irrigazione mediante serbatoi in Sicilia.) 1390 Tremenheere, George Borlase. On public works in the Bengal Presidency. (In Instit. civ. eng. Min. of proc. 17:483-538. 1858.) Paging includes discussion on the subject. 1391 Trending, F. A. Ueber ent- und bewasserung der landereien. Hannover, 1866. 124 1392 Trevillini, Luigi. Vflloresi canal ;[abstract]. (/// Instit. civ. eng. Min. of proc. 82 : 410-418. 1885.) Original paper in Annuario scientifico ed industriale, Milan, 1885. p. 480. 1393 Tripp, William Blomefield. South African rivers south of the Orange and Viuil. (./// Instit. civ. eng. Min. of proc. 90: 295- 3n4. 1887.) 1394 True, Alfred Charles. [Work of Office of experiment stations in the west.] (In Assoc. of amer. colleges and experiment sta- tions. Proc., 1899. p. 77. 19<><>.) >', e <'/w, as editor, Association American agricultural colleges and experiment stations. 1395 Tudsbery, John Henry Tudsbery. Gauging of flowing water. (/// Instit. civ. eng. "Min. of proc. 80: 318-329. il. 1885.) Read at a meeting of students. Feb. _!~. IN.V>. 1396 - - 4. pi. map. 8. Wash., Go vt., 1899." ($.%. Agriculture, Dept. nfKrper'uMnt xfittfini** < >Tfic<' of. Bulletin 73.) TJmatilla irrigation company. See United States IIou.^ <>f R< j>r< - sentativts Inf- Art<-xi> partuunt <>f Agriculture, Special reports, v. 5. 1402 - Climate, soil characteristics, and irrigation methods of California; by C. W. Irish. (In Yearbook, 1895. pp. 475- 4S(5. il. pi. 1896.) ; [separate]. 8. 125 United States Agriculture, Department of Continued. 1403 - [Facts and conditions surrounded and connected with the question of irrigation within the United States; let- ter from the Department to the president of the Royal com- mission on water supply.] (In Victoria Roy. comn. water supply. First progress report, pp. 79-88. 1885.) 1404 - Irrigation for garden and greenhouse; by L. R. Taft. (In Yearbook, 1895. pp. 233-246. il. 1896.) W A -; [separate]. 8. . W A ; [separate, with] Galloway, B. T. Health of plants in greenhouses, pp. 232-256. il. 8. Wash., Go vt, 1896. W A 1405 - Irrigation in the United States, [its extent and methods with digest of laws governing water supply]; report prepared by R. J. Hinton. pp. 240. maps. 8. Wash., Govt., 1887. W G (TI. S. Senate. 49th Cong. 2d sess. S. mis. doc, 15. In v. 1.) W A W G Contains extended extracts from Irrigation in western America, by Alfred Deakin, entitled Australian report on American irrigation, pp. 197-222; also, information as to water supply and irrigation in Mexico furnished by the Mexican government, pp. 223-231. A second edition of this work, revised and enlarged, appears in United States. Senate- Irrigation and reclamation of arid lands, Select committee on, Report. 1406 - Irrigation, its evils, the remedies, and the compen- sations; by Geor 362-381. 1875.) pp. 22. 8. [Wash. , Govt. , 1874.] (U. S. Senate. 43d Cong. 1st. sess. S. mis. doc. 55. In v. 1.) W A 1407 Practical irrigation; by C. T. Johnson and J. D. Stannard. (In Yearbook, 1900. pp. 491-512. il. 1901.) -; [separate]. 8. W A 1408 - Report on climatic and agricultural features . . . and needs of arid regions of Pacific slope, with notes on Ari- zona and New Mexico; b}^ E. W. Hilgard, T. C. Jones, and R. W. Furnas, [commissioners]. pp.182. 8. Wash., Govt., 1882. W A CONTENTS Climates of Pacific slope; by E. W. Hilgard. Field crops and animal indus- tries of Pacific coast; by T. C. Jones. Miscellaneous field cultures; by E. \V. Hilgard. Standard sugar refinery. Alvarado, Cal.; by R. W. Furnas. California wines and brandies; by E. W. Hilgard. Raisin-making: by R. W. Furnas. Orchard and small fruits. Olive industry. English walnuts. Fruit canning. Exotic fruits and useful plants; by E. W. Hilgard. Insect pests. Phylloxera in California; by E. W. Hilgard. Quarantine rules. Arizona and New Mexico; by R. W. Furnas. Also bound in United States. A griculture, Department of, Special reports, v. 5. 1409 Rise and future of irrigation in the United States; by Elwood Mead. (In Yearbook, 1899. pp. 591-612. pi. 1900.) 1410 - Artesian and underflow investigation and irrigation inquiry. Preliminary investigation to determine proper loca- tion of artesian wells within the area of the 97th meridian and east of the foot-hills of the Rocky mountains; [prepared by Richard J. Hinton, special agent in charge], pp. 398. il. pi. sations; by George P. Marsh. (In [Annual] report, 1874. pp. 126 United States Agriculturi . Department of-^- Artesian ///// Continued. 'nmps. 8. " Wash., Govt, 189o. (TJ. *. Senate. 51st Cong. 1st soss. S. ex. doc. 1*>. /// v. 12.) \V A CONTENTS Reports by R. J. Hinton, special agent in charge, K. S. Nettleton, supervising engineer, and Robert Hay, general field geologist; reports of the field geologists and field agents. G. E. Culver, (i. K. Bailey, L. E. Hicks, P. H. Van Diest, K. T. Dumble, F. S. Under- bill, S.G. Updike, F. F. B. Coffin, Horace Beach, J. \V. Gregory, L. G. Carpenter, F. E. Roes- ler; tabulation of wells reported. : synopsis, pp. T. 8. [Wash., Govt., 1890.] (TJ. S. Senate . 51st Cong. 1st >css. 8. mis. doc. 179. /// v. 4.) W A Synopsis was made in advance of the report for the use of the r. s. Senate Committee on irrigation. Report of [R. J. Hinton] special agent in charge, 1890, 1891. (In IT. S. At/twihm^ D*>pt. of. Report, 1890. pp. 471-488. map. 1890; same, 1891. pp. 439-450. map. 1892.) W A Each report also issued separately. For later reports of Ollice of irrigation inquiry, see United States Aiirk-alturt', Department of Irrigation iit'jutry, Office of. Report on progress of irrigation investiga- tion under deficiency appropriation act of 1890. pp. 337. pi. map. 8. [Wash., Govt, 1891.] (U. S. Senate. 51st Cong. 2d sess. S. ex. doc. 53. [pt. 1.] Li\. 1.) W A ; [with title-page and title] Progress report on irrigation in the United States; prepared by R. J. Hinton. pt. 1. \V A W G CONTENTS Irrigation in United States, progress report for 1S90: by R. J. Hinton. Progress report of artesian and underflow investigation: by Robert Hay. Progress report of cen- tral division of the Great plains: by J. \V. Gregory. Progress of irrigation in the north- west; by Joseph \V. Nimrao. Irrigation statistics and progress in Colorado for 1890; by L. G. Carpenter. Report on artesian water in Nevada: by Charles W. Irish. Phreatic waters in Nye county, Nevada: by George Nichols. Inhibition of rocks; by Robert T. Hill. Cultivation of raisin grape by irrigation [in] California districts; condensed from treatise by Gustav Eisen. Irrigation in Australia; by R. J. Hinton. Notes of irrigation conference held at Melbourne. Victoria. Notes on experience of other countries in administration of their water supply: by II. G. McKinney. Irrigation theories and prac- tices; translated from Notions elementaires theori<]Ues et pratiques sur les irrigations appliquees aux terres en culture . . . par J. Charpentier de Cossigny, adapted in part from report on water supply, Victoria, Australia: by Alfred Deakin. Irrigation in France, Italy, and Spain. Tillage and products of soil on irrigated lands: adapted from paper (1887) by Stephen Cureton. Arizona as presented in Census bulletin, no. 35. Alkali -oils and waters in California: extracts from reports (1888-89) ; byE. W. Hilgard. Appen- dix: copies of circulars and general letters sent out by Office of irrigation inquiry. Report of progress of irrigation in Novem- ber and December, pp. 14. il. maps, charts. 8. " [Wash. , Govt., 1891.] (U. S. Senate. 51st Cong. iM sess. S. ex. doc. 53. pt. 2. In v. 1.) W A ; [with title-page and title] Progress report of artesian and underflow investigation between 97th degree of west longitude and the foothills of the Rocky moun- tains; prepared by E. 8. Nettleton. pt. 2. W A - [Final report.] 4pts. pi. maps. 8. Wash., Govt, 1892. (U. S. Senate. 52d Cong. 1st sess. S. ex. doc. 41. 4pts. /,/ v. 4.) W A W (: pt. 1, with title-page and title, Report on irrigation ami cultivationof the soil thereby, with physical data, conditions, and progres.- within the United States (or 1891: by R..I. Hinton, special agent in charge. Accompanying reports Preliminary report on possibilities of reclamation of arid regions of Kansas and Colorado by Utilizing underlying waters, by Howard Miller. Method* of applying water to land a< practiced in central portions of California, by C. K Grun- sky. Cultivation of soil by mean* oi irrigation in some of the southern states. Agricultural hydraulics; translated ir<>m the French of ,1. Charpentier de Cossigny Irrigation by artesian wells in Aimers. Fart* and conditions relating to irrigation in various countries: prepared by K ,J. Hinton. Extract iroin. ex em and importance (4 ancient water supply and irrigation work*. i>v F. S. Gippt. Waterworks, east ol and n. having th-.-ir supply iroin artesian and underflow sources, abstracts Iroiu Manual of American waterworks, 188 1 127 United States Agriculture, Department of Artesian and under- flow investigation and irrigation inquiry Continued. 'pt. 2, with title-page and title, Final report of the enief engineer, Edwin S. Nettleton. Accompanying report*. Underground water surveys; Red river valley artesian basin; and Miles City, Montana, artesian basin: by W.W.Follett. Report on geological character of certain sections of the state of Montana, showing possibility of imbibition of water which would be available for artesian purposes; by O. C. JMortson. Tabulation of artesian wells data: by B. S. La Grange. pt. 3, with title page and title. Final geological reports of artesian and underflow inves- tigation between 97th meridian of longitude and the foothills of the Rocky mountains, made by Robert Hay, chief geologist. Accompanying reports; Occrrence of artesian and other underground waters . . . ; by R. T. Hill. Underflow and sheet waters, irrigable lands, and geological structure of Nebraska, with its effect upon water supply; by L. E. Hicks. South Dakota; by G. E. Culver. pt. 4, with title-page and title, Final report on the mid-plains division, by J. W. Gregory, special agent; and, Special report on certain artesian conditions in the state of South Dakota, by F. F. B. Coffin, engineer for South Dakota. Experiment stations, Office of. Abstract of laws for acquiring titles to water from Missouri river and its tribu- taries, with legal forms in use; compiled by Elwood Mead. pp. 77. 8. Wash., Govt., 1899. (Bulletin 60.) W A Contains water laws of Colorado, Kansas, Montana, Nebraska, South Dakota, Wyoming, and Northwest Territories of Canada. 1416 - Duty of water; general instructions to observ- ers. pp. 4. il. 4. [Wash., Govt., 1899.] (Irrigation inves- tigation schedule 2.) W A 1417 Duty of water in Xrallatin valley; by Samuel Fortier. pp. 175-196. il. pi. map. 8. [Wash., Govt., 1901.] W A From bulletin 86, Use of water in irrigation; report. ' (In II. S. Agriculture, Dept. of Experiment stations, Office of. Duty of water in Nebraska. pp. 175-196. il. pi. map. 1901.) 1418 - Duty of water in Nebraska, by O. V. P. Stout; Duty of water under Amity canal, by Thomas Berry; Duty of water in Wyoming, by C. T. Johnson; Duty of water in Gallatin valley, by Samuel Fortier; Duty of water on Big Cottonwood creek, Utah, by R. C. Gemmell; Duty of water under Logan and Richmond canal, by George L. Swendsen; Duty of water as related to irrigation problems of Boise val- ley, 'Idaho, by D. W. Ross. pp. 149-248. il. pi. maps. 8. [Wash., Govt, 1901.] W A From bulletin 86, Use of water in irrigation; report. 1419 - Irrigation in field and garden; by E. J. Wickson. pp. 40. il. 8. Wash., Govt., 1901. (II. S. Agriculture, J)ept. of. Farmers' bulletin 138.) W A 1420 - Irrigation in fruit growing; by E. J. Wickson. pp. 48. il. 8. Wash., Govt. 1900. (Farmers' bulletin 116.) W A 1421 Irrigation in Hawaii; by Walter Maxwell. pp.48, il. pi. 8. Wash., Govt, 1900. (Bulletin 90.) W A 1422 Irrigation in humid climates; by F. H. King. pp. 27. il. 8. Wash., Govt., 1896. (Farmer's bulletin 46.) W A 1423 - Irrigation in New Jersey; by Edward B. Voorhees. pp.40, il. 8. Wash., Govt, 1900. (Bulletin 87.) W A 128 United States Agriculture^ I>< jtri m< nt <>f E,>-p< rnx. oifict cf. Report of irrigation investiga- tions in California. 1427 Irrigation laws of the Northwest Territories of Canada and of Wyoming, with discussions by J. S. Dennis, Fred Bond, and J. M. Wilson, pp. 90. pi. maps, r>th -d BeS8., S. doc. 10*. 129 United States Agriculture, Department of Experiment stations, Off.ce of Continued. CONTENTS- Agricultural situation in California; by Elwood Mead. Irrigation problems of Honey lake basin, Cal.; by W. E. Smythe. Features and water rights of Yuba river Gal., by Marsden Manson. Irrigation investigations on Cache creek; by J. M. Wilson. Report on irrigation problems in Salinas valley; by C. D. Marx. Irrigation from San Joaouin river; by Frank Soule. Water appropriations from Kings river; bv C. E Grunsky. Study of water rights on Los Angeles river, Cal.; by E. M. Boggs. Problems of water storage on torrential streams of southern California as typified by Sweetwater and San Jacinto rivers; by J. D. Schuyler. Recommendations of special agents and experts. 1433 - Reservoir system of Cache la Poudre valley; by E. S. Nettleton. pp. 48. pi. map. 8. Wash., Govt, 1901. (Bulletin 92.) W A 1434 - Statement of Elwood Mead [before Commit- tee on irrigation of arid lands]. (In TJ. S. House of Repre- sentatives Irrigation of arid lands, Committee on. Hearings, pp. 88-108. 1901.) 1435 - Statement of Elwood Mead [before Commit- tee on public lands]. (In IT. S. House of Representatives. Public lands, Committee on. Hearings, pp. 124-130. 1901.) Subwatering greenhouse plants. (In TJ. S. Agriculture, Dept. of. Farmers' bulletin 78. pp. 21-24. 1898.) W A Use of water for irrigation in Texas; Use of water in irrigation in Pecos Valley, by W. M. Reed, Use of water in irrigation in Arizona, by W. H. Code; Dut}^of water under Gage canal, Riverside, Cal., by W. Irving, pp. 83-148. pi. maps. 8. [Wash., Govt., 1901.] W A From bulletin 86, Use of water in irrigation; report. Use of water in irrigation; Discussion of investigations, by Elwood Mead; Computation of discharge records and preparation of diagrams, by C. T. Johnson, pp. 15-82. il. pi. 8. [Wash., Govt, 1901.] W A From bulletin 86, Use of water in irrigation; report. Use of water in irrigation in W} T oming and its relation to ownership and distribution of natural supplv; by B. C. Buffum. pp.56, pi. charts. 8. Wash., Govt, 1900. (Bulletin 81.) W A Use of water in irrigation, report of investi- gations made in 1899 under supervision of Elwood Mead and C. T. Johnson; including reports by W. M. Reed [and others]. >p. 253. il. pi. maps. 8. Wash., Govt, 1900. (Bulletin 6.) W A (U. S. House of Representatives. 56th Cong. 2d sess. H. doc. 466. In v. 43.) W 7A CONTENTS Discussion of investigations, by Elwood Mead. Computation of discharge records and preparation of diagram, by C*. T. Johnson. Texas Use of water in irriga- tion in Pecos valley N. Mex.. by W. M. Reed. Use of water in irrigation in Arizona: by W. H Code. Duty of water under Gage canal, Riverside, Cal., by W. Irving. Duty of water in Nebraska' byO. V P. Stout. Duty of water under Amity canal, Colo., by Thomas Berry. Duty oi water in Wyoming: Dy C. T. Johnson. Duty of water in GalJatin valley, Mont, by Samuel Fortier. Duty of water on Big.Cottonwood creek, Utah, by R, C. Gemmeil. Duty ol water under Logan and Richmond canal, Utah; by G. L. Swendsen. Duty of water, irrigation problems of Boise valley, Idaho, by D. VV. Ross. Usefulness of reservoirs to agriculture in irri- gated regions; report [by Elwood Mead], pp. 14. il. 8. [Wash., Govt, 1899.] (TJ. $.Stnate. 55th Cong. 3d sess. S. doc. 124. In V. 11.) W A 26761 No. 4102 9 130 United States Agricu Office ''/Continued. 1442 - Water- right problems of Bear river; by Clarence T. Johnson and Joseph A. Breckons. pp. 40. pi. map. 8. Wash., Govt., 1899. (Bulletin 70.) W A CONTEXTS Water supply of Bear river and its diversion; by J. C. Johnson. Interstate water rights in Bear river: by J. A. Breckons. 1443 - Water rights on Missouri river and its tribu- taries, by Elwood Mead; with papers on water laws of Colo- rado, by John E. Field, and of Nebraska, by J. M. Wilson, pp. 80. il." maps. Wash., Govt., 1899. (Bulletin 58.) W A 1444 -- Forestry, ./>>V/V^// <>f. Statement of Gifford Pin- chot [on forest preservation as related to conservation of water supply; before Committee on irrigation of arid lands]. (In U. S. Howe of Representatives Irr'tfnl>l'- land*, Committee on. Hearings, pp. 65-73. map. pi. 1901.) 1446 - Ir r if/at !> ii />/. Ojficc of. Abstract of the laws of the several states and territories on irrigation and water rights; compiled by O. A. Critchett. pp. 180. 8. Wash., Govt, 1893. (Bulletin 1.) W A 1447 - Report of [C. W. Irish], special agent in charge, 1893-1895. 3d-[5th]. (In U. S. Agriculture, Dep1. of. Report, 1893. pp. 593, 594. 1894; same, [1894]. pp. 219-220. 1895; same, [1895]. pp. 183-185. l.sijo.) \Y A Office was discontinued June 30, 1896. Fur earlier reports of this office, see United States Ayriftiltun., Dfnarinifnt <>fArt< *ian and itndtrjtoiv investigation and irrigation hirjiiiri/. 1446 - Soils, Division of. Alkali lands; by Milton Whit- ney and Thomas H. Means.' pp. 23. il. 8. Wash., Govt., 1899. (Farmers' bulletin 88.) W A 1449 - Alkali soils of Yellowstone valley from pre- liminary investigation of soils near Billings, Mont. ; by Milton Whitney and T. H. Means, pp. 39. il. pi. 8. ' Wash.. Govt., 1898. (Bulletin 14.) W A 1450 - Wi.'it.thrr bureau. Daily river stages at river-gauge stations on the principal rivers of the United States, v. !-(>. 4. Wash., Govt., 1890-1900. W A CONTEXTS v. 1. * Stages of the Ohio river and of it? principal tributaries, 1858 to ]svi; compiled by Thomas Russell. y. 2. * Stages of the Mississippi river and of its tributaries/ except the Ohio river, istio to issi : compiled by Thomas Russell. v.' :;. * Stages of water at miscellaneous river stations in California, Oregon, North Carolina, etc., 1875 to 1889; compiled by Thomas Russell. v. 4. Daily river stages at river-giiuue stations on the principal rivers of the United States for the years 1890, 1891. and 1 - Thomas Russell. v. 5. Same, for the years 1893, 1894. and 1895; by Park Morrill. v. G. Same, for the years IMK;. i7. ls98, and 1899: by H. C. Frankenfield. v. 1 of this series was published by the Signal service. 1451 - Commission on the irrigation of the San Joaquin, and Sawamento vatteys, California. Report, pp.91, nm^s. 8. [Wash.. Govt., 1874.] (U. S. ///>//*,< of Representative. 43d Cong. 1st sess. H. ex. doc. 290. In v. 17.) W x W" Ks B. S. Alexander, George H. Mendell, George Davidson. ('li;t]M( ! 1 gives the history, description, and statistics of irrigation in India, Italy, and France. 131 United States Continued. 1452 - Home <>f Representatives Agriculture, Committee on. Arid lands of New Mexico; report to accompany H. R. 8058. pp. 3. 8. [Wash., Govt, 1889.] (50th Cong. 2d sess. H. rp. 3934. Li v. 2.) W G W A Irrigation of the Jornada del Muerte. Report favors passage of bill with amendments. .453 - Water-d itch in Utah; [adverse] report. 1 p. 8. [Wash., Govt, 1878.] (45th Cong. 2d sess. H. rp. 224. In\. 1.) W A Report in reply to petition of citizens of Sevier county, Utah, asking aid of government in improving their lands. 1454 - Foreign affairs, Committee on. Equitable distribu- tion of the waters of the Rio Grande; report to accompanv H. res. 246. 1 p. 8. [Wash., Govt, 1898.] (55th Cong. 2d sess. H. rp. 598. In v. 3.) W A Requests transmission of proceedings of International commission on equitable distribution of waters of Rip Grande river for which see United States State, Department of, Equitable distribution of the waters of the Rio Grande. 1455 - Indian affairs, Committee on. Hudson reservoir and canal company; report to accompany H. R. 9029. pp. 3. 8. [Wash., Govt, 1896.] (54th Cong. 1st sess. H. rp. 2049. In v. 8.) W A Report amending House bill 9029, to grant company right of way through Gila river reservation. 1456 - Right of way through Yakima Indian reser- vation: report to accompany H. R, 2015. p. 1. 8. [Wash., Govt., 1894.] (53d Cong. 2d sess. H. rp. 714. In v. 2.) W A Passage of bill to grant right of way through Yakima reservation to Columbia irrigation company recommended, with amendments. 1457 - Right of way through Yakima Indian reser- vation; report to accompany H. R, 6854. p. 1. 8. [Wash., Govt., 1894.] (53d Cong. 2d sess. H. rp. 1402. In v. 4.) W A Passage of bill recommended to grant right of way through Yakima reservation to Tacoma and Yakima land company for irrigation purposes. 1458 Umatilla irrigation company; report to ac- company H. R. 1969. 1 p. 8. [Wash., Govt, 1894.] (53d Cong. 2d sess. H. rp. 355. In v. 1.) W TA Report favoring bill to extend time for construction of ditch across Umatilla reservation. 1459 - Irrigation of arid lands, Committee on. Arid lands in the United States belonging to the government; report, pp. 4. 8. [Wash., Govt., 1894.] (53d Cong. 2d sess. H. rp. 1152. In v. 4.) W A Report submitting House bill 7558 as substitute for House bill 7154. 1460 - Artesian wells in state of Colorado; report to accompany H. R. 6448. p. 1. 8. [Wash., Govt., 1896.] (54th Cong. 1st sess. H. rp. 1996. In v. 8.) W A Favors appropriation of $100,000 for artesian wells in eastern portion of Colorado. 1461 - Hearings before the committee relating to the reclamation of the arid lands of the United States, Jan., 1901. pp. 130. 8. Wash., Govt, 1901. W A Contains statements of F. G. Newlands, F. H. Newell, G. H. Maxwell, N. H. Barton, F. W. Mondell, Gifford Pinehot, J. F. Wilson, Elwood Mead. 132 United States IIf n Continued. Reclamation of arid lands: report to accom- pany H. R. 14241. 6 pts. 8. [Wash.. Govt.. 1901.] (56th Conor. 2d sess. H. ip. 2927. <> pts. In v. 3.) W A (.INTENTS pt 1. Report recommending bill; ViewsofR. I). Sutherland. pp.9. pt.2. Views of the minority, pp.10. pt.S. Views of T. H. Tongue, pp. 4. pt. 4. views of committee recommending substitute bill. pp. 12. ]>t. ;\ Report to accompany amendment to H. R. , 1-1-J41. l'. 1. pt. f Representatives Public land*, Com- mittee on Continued. 1483 Sugar Loaf reservoir; report to accompany S. '2'i:\'2. pp. 2. 8. [Wash., Govt, 1896.] (54th Cong. 1st sess. H. rp. 2003. In v. 8.) AV A Report favoring Senate bill 2232, to vacate Sugar Loaf reservoir site, Colorado, and restore lands to entry. 1484 - Territories, Committee on. Artesian wells for New Mexico and Arizona: report to accompany H. R. 7937. pp. 2. 8. [Wash., Govt., 1888.] (50th Coiur. 1st sess. H. rp. 793. /// v. 3.) W A 1485 - Interior, Department of the. Digest of the decisions of the supreme courts of the states and territories of the arid region and of the United States circuit and supreme courts in cases involving questions relative to use and control of water in that region: compiled by D. W. Campbell; revised and edited by W.C. Pollock, pp.59. 8. Wash., Govt, 1889. W A W' (; This list has been further revised and enlarged by Hinton, Richard J., in his Irrigation in the United States. Ed. 2. pp. 329-358. lv.o. 1486 - Irrigation of certain parts of Montezuma valley, lying within boundaries of Southern Ute Indian reservation, pp. 5. 8. [Wash., Govt,, 1898.] (U. ^Senate. 55th Cong. 2d sess. S. doc. 124. In v. 10.) W A Letter from Secretary relative to the purchase of water rights from Montezuma valley canal company. 1487 - Report relative to the construction of certain dams in the Rio Grande, pp. 62. pi. 6. maps. 8. [Wash., Govt., 1889.] (U. S. ^natc. 50th Cong. 2d sess. S. ex. doc. 144. In v. 4.) W A Contains correspondence and documents in relation to action of Mexican authorities in constructing at Paso del Xorte certain wing-dams, and complaints caused thereby. 1488 - Statement on irrigation submitted [to Committee on public lands]. (In U. &.lIf tltc Continued. (i, ulf books on irrigation. ; [separate]. 4. Arid lands: statement before Committee on irrigation of the House of Representatives, (hi TJ. S. Int<<- i-ioi\ Dt'pt. <>f the Geological .v/y/vy. llth Annual report, 1889 90. pt. 2. pp. 203-289. 1891.) W A Artesian well prospects in the Atlantic coastal plain region: by N. H. Darton. pp.232, il. pi. maps. 8. Wash.. Govt., 1896. (Bulletin 138.) (TJ. S. ILni*e <>f Representatives. 54th Cong. 2d sess. H. doc. 28. /// v. 85.) W A [Construction of reservoirs; letter in regard to bill S. 5833 and report.] (In TJ. S. ^nateJWltr lands, Com m t'fter 0,1. Construction of reservoirs, etc. : report amend- ing S. 5833. pp. 5-7. 1901.) Dictionarv of altitudes in the United States: by Henry Gannett, pp. 325. 8. Wash., Govt., 1884. (Bul- letin 5.)" Ed. 2, [rev.], pp. 393. 8. Wash., Govt, 1891. (Bulletin 76.) Ed. 3. [rev.], pp. 775. 8. Wash., Govt,, 1899. (Bulletin 160.) (TJ. S. Ifotixe of Representatives. 55th Cong. 3d sess. H. doc, 305. /// v. S8.) W A 1507 - Effect upon certain rivers in Colorado of the diversion of water for irrigation; [report]. pp. 7. 8. [Wash., Govt., 1889.] (TJ. S. Senate. 50th Cong. 2d sess. S. ex. doc. 120. In v. 3.) W A 1508 - Engineering results of irrigation survey; by H. M. Wilson. (In 13th Annual report, 1891 92. pt. 3. 351-427. pi. maps. 1893.) ; [separate]. 4. 1509 - Estimates of necessary expenses of irrigation branch of the Survey for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1891, also calling attention to the report of the director, made last December, pp. 3. 8. [Wash. , Govt. , 1890.] (TJ. S. House of R'-jti'm-ittiifinrx. 51st Cong. 1st sess. H. ex. doc. 326. In v. 35.) W A additional estimate. pp. 3. 8. [ Wash., Govt., 1890.] (TJ. S. Hun*. <,f Representatives. 51st COMO-. 1st sess. H. ex. doc. 33M. ///v. 35.) W 137 United States Interior, Department of the Geological survey Continued. Gauging the streams and determining the water supply of the United States; letter from acting Secre- tary of the Treasury, transmitting estimate of appropriation for continuing work. pp. 3. 8. [Wash., Govt., 1896.] (U.S. House of Representatives. 54th Cong. Istsess. H. doc. 257. In v. 58.) W A Geoloical reconnoissance in central Wash- n gton; by I. C. Russell. pp. 108. il. pi. maps. 8. Wash., Govt., 1893. (Bulletin 108.) W A Investigation of Yakima river basin and vicinity with special reference to artesian Geological reconnoissance of northwestern Wyoming; by G. H. Eldridge. pp. 72. pi. map. 8. Wash., Govt.', 1894. (Bulletin 119.) W A Geology of Denver basin in Colorado; by Samuel Franklin Emmons, Whitman Cross, and George Romans Eldridge. pp.556, il. pi. 4. Wash., Govt., 1896. (Mon- ographs, v. 27.) W A Contains description of artesian wells and structural conditions in vicinity of Denver. Geology of Edwards plateau and Rio Grande plain adjacent to Austin and San Antonio, Texas, with refer- ence to occurrence of underground waters; by Robert T. Hill and T. Wayland Vaughan. (In 18th Annual"report, 1896 97. pt. 2. pp. 193-321. il. pi. maps. 1898.) W A ; [separate]. 4. Glacial Lake Agassiz; by Warren Upham. pp.658, pi. niMps. 4. W 7 ash., Govt, 1895. (Monographs. v. 25.) W A Chapter 10. Artesian and common wells of the Red river valley. Chap. 11. Agricultural and material resources of the area of Lake Agassiz. Hydrography of the arid regions; by E. II. Newell. (In 12th Annual report, 1890 91. pt. 2. pp. 213-361. il. pi. charts. 1891.) W A Irrigation in India; by H. M. Wilson. (In 12th Annual report, 1890/91. pt 2. pp. 363-561. il. pi. 1891.) W A ; [separate]. 4. W G Irrigation survey; . . . estimate of appro- priation for the survey of arid lands, pp. 2. 8. [W T ash., Govt., 1889.] (U. S. House of Representatives. 50th Cong. 2d sess. H. ex. doc. 54. In v. 25.) W G W A Irrigation upon Pima Indian reservation, Ariz.; report, pp. 5. 8. [Wash., Govt, 1900.] (U. S. Senate. 56th Cong. 1st sess. S. doc. 304. In\. 26.) W A Letter from the director of the Geological survey relative to gauging the streams and determining the water supply of the United States, including the investigation of underground currents and artesian wells in arid and semiarid sections, pp.11. 8. [Wash., Govt, 1896.] (U. S. Senate. 54th Cong. 1st sess. S. doc. 187. In v. 7.) W A 138 United States- ///frr>V>/'. Dt-jnuiinrnt of the 6-V"/W//Vw/ stervey Continued. 1521 - Now developments in well boring and irri- gation in eastern South Dakota. 1896: by Nelson Horatio Dar- ton. (In 18th Annual report, 1896 97.* pt. 4. pp. 561-615. il. pi. maps. 189T.) W A ; [separate]. 4. 1522 - Preliminary report on the artesian waters of a portion of the Dakotas; bv Nelson Horatio Darton. (In 17th Annual report, 1895 "96." pt. 2. pp. 603-694. il. pi. maps. 1896.) \V A pp. 92. il. pi. maps. 4. Wash. , Govt., 1896. Preliminary report on the geology and water resources of Nebraska west of 103d meridian: by Nelson Hora- tio Darton. (In 19th Annual report, 1897 98. pt. 4. pp. 719-785. pi. maps. 1899.) W A ; [separate]. 4. [Preliminary report on the organization and prosecution of the survey of the arid lands for purposes of irrigation.] pp. 12. 8. [Wash., Govt., 1889.] (II. S. Senate. 50th Cong. 2d sess. S. ex. doc. 43. In v. 1.) W A Principles and conditions of movements of ground water; b} T Franklin Hiram King. (In 19th Annual report, 1897-98. " pt. 2. pp. 59-294. il. pi. 1899.) W A ; [separate with], Theoretical investiga- tion of motion of ground waters: by Charles Simmer Slichter. pp. 59-384. il. pi. 4. Wash. /Govt, 1899. Public lands and their water supply; by F. H. Newell. (In 16th Annual report, 1894 1895. pt. 2~. pp. 457-533. il. pi. maps, 1 in pocket. 1895.) W A ; [separate]. 4. Report, in response to Senate resolution of Feb. 13, isss. concerning the irrigation of certain lands, pp. 6. 8. [Wash.. Govt. /18SS.] (U. S. Senate. 50th Cong. 1st sess. S. ex. doe. 134. In v. 10.) W A W u In reply to Senate resolution requesting the opinion of the Secretary of the Interior as to the desirability of authorizing the Geological survey to segregate lands of the public domain, capable of irrigation in the sections of the United States where irrigation is required, limn other lands, and to lay mu suitable places to be reserved lor reservoirs, and rights of way for ditches and canals, for the pm poses of irrigation. Report in response to Senate resolution of March 27, 1888, relative to the reservoirs for storage of water in. the arid regions of the United States, pp. 6. 8. [Wash., Govt,, 1888.] (U.S. Senate. 50th Cong. 1st sess. S. ex. doc. 163. In v. [10]. W (i W A Report on lands of the arid region of the United States, with a more detailed account of the lands of Utah; by ,!. W. Powell, pp. 195. maps in pocket. 4. Wash., Govt.. isT.s. (U. S. House of R<: [>!<*,,, /,///. v. 45th Cong. 2d sess. H. ex. doc. 73. In V. 13.) W A CONTENTS Physical characteristics of arid region. Land-system needed. Rainfall Water supply, bv <- K Gilbert. Certain important questions relating to irrigable lands Lands ot Utah Imtzabk laiMNmSait Lake drainage system i>yG . K Gilbert. Irngatiie lands oi the vaileyot M-vier river t>y (. F. Button. Irritable lands ot I' tan drained by Colorado nvet and its tributaries, hy A. H Thompson. Land grants in aid of internal impmvements by \\iilisDrummond. jr 139 United States Interior, Department of the Geological survey Continued. * Ed, 2. Wash., 1879. Report relative to the use made of the appro- priations for the irrigation surve} 7 . pp. 8. 8. [Wash., Govt., 1890.] (II. S. Senate. 51st Cong. 1st sess. S. ex. doc. 141. In v. 11.) W A Report upon the construction of topographic maps and selection and survey of reservoir sites in h} T dro- graphic basin of Arkansas river in Colorado; by A. H. Thompson. (In 13th Annual report, 189192. pt 3. pp. 429-444. il. pi. 1893.) W A Report upon the location and survey of res- ervoir sites, during fiscal year ended June 30, 1891; by A. H. Thompson. (In 12th Annual report, 1890 "91. pt. 2. * pp. 1- 212. il. pi. 1891.) W A , during fiscal } r ear ending June 30, 1892; by A. H. Thompson. (In 13th Annual report, 1891 92. pt. 3. pp. 445-478. 1893.) W A Reports of the director of the Geological sur- vey and commissioner of the General land office relative to the selection of sites for reservoirs, pp. 8. 8. [Wash. , Govt., 1890.] (U, S. Senate. 51st Cong. 1st sess. S. ex. doc. 199. In v. 11.) W A Reports on the investigations and survey for an international dam and reservoir on the Rio Grande del Norte, to preserve boundary between United States and Mexico by controlling flood waters of said river; by Anson Mills and W. W. Follett. pp. 86. map. charts. 8. Wash., Govt., 1896. Appended are congressional reports, hearings, etc., bearing on this subject. Reports upon irrigation and reclamation of lands; in response to Senate resolution, April 20, 1892. pp. 73. 8. [Wash., Govt., 1892.] (U. *. Senate. 52d Cong. 1st sess. S. ex. doc. 100. In v. 6.) W Contains reports from Census office and Geological survey in regard to the publications of these offices relative to irrigation matters and the expenses thereby entailed, with list of persons employed, etc. Requisite and qualifying conditions of arte- sian wells; by Thomas C. Chamberliii. (In U. S. Interior, Dept. of the Geological survey. 5th Annual report, 1883;' 84. pp. 125-173. 1885.) W A ; [separate]. 4. Reservoirs for irrigation; by James D. Schuyler. (In 18th Annual report, 189697. pt 4. pp. 617-740. il. pi. maps. 1897.) W A ; [separate]. -4. Results of stream measurements; by F. H. Newell. (In 14th Annual report, 1892 93. pt. 2. pp. 89-155. il. pi. 1894.) W A 140 United States Interior, Department <>f tin Geological xiu'vey Continued. ; [.separate]. 4. I8. This report is tin fifth of a series, preceding papers of which are: Hydrographie work. 10th Annual report, pt. 2. pp. 78-90. -Hydrography, nth Animal' report, pt. 2. pp. 1-110. Hydrography of arid regions. 12th Annual report, pt. 2. pp. 213-301. Water- supply for irrigation'. 13th Annual report, pt. 3. pp. 1-99. 1539 - Statement of Chas. D. Walcott, [before Com- mittee on public lands]. (In II. S. House of Representatives-- I'liltl '!f iiritl lands, Si'lrt'f foillllltttrr <>/(. Report, pt. 5. pp. 5-224. ISM.) 1541 - Statements of J. W. Powell and other officers of the U. 8. Geological survey before House select committee on irrigation of arid lands. (/// U. S. House of Representa- tive* irrigation <>f ar'nl hunt* /// t],<- H//W XA/A.V, SJ,<-t <:S. 'pt. 2. pp. 21)5-384. il. pi. 1899.) W A Contains bibliography. (fit King, Franklin Hiram. Principles and conditions of movements of ground water, pp. 295-384. il. pi. 1899.) 1544 - Underground water of Arkansas valley in eastern Colorado; by Grove Karl Gilbert. (In 17th Annual report, 1895 96. pt.' 2. pp. 551-601. il. pi. 1896.) W A ; [separate]. 4. pp. 51. il. pi. 4. Wash., Govt., 1896. 1545 - Water resources of a portion of the Great plains; by Robert Hay. (In 16th Annual report, 1894 1895. pt. 2. pp. 535-588. il. pi. maps. 1895.) W A ; [separate]. 4. 1546 - Water resources of Illinois; by Frank Lever- ett. (In 17th Annual report, 1895/96. pt. 2/ pp. 695-849. il. pi. maps. 1896.) \V A pp. 155. il. pi. maps. 4. Wash., Govt., ISJMi. 1547 - Water resources of the United States; com- munication relative to investigations being made, particularly of the arid regions, pp. 7. 8. [Wash.. Govt.. 1900.] (U.S. Senate, ."i'tth Cong. Isi sess. S. doc. 338. In \. 33.) W A 141 United States Interior, Department of tfie Geological survey Continued. 1548 - Water supply for irrigation; by F. H. New- - ell. (In 13th Annual report, 1891/92. pt. 3. pp. 1-99. il. pi. 1893.) W A 1549 - Hydrography, Division of. Abstract oi petitions, memorials, requests, and estimates relating to oper- ations of office, pp. 71. 8. Wash., Govt,, 1901. (IT. S.- Scaiate. 56th Cong. 2d sess. 8. doc. 152. In v. 11.) W A 1550 Circular 1-7. 8. [Wash., Govt, 1896-1899.] CONTENTS Circular 1; Instructions for rain-fall observers of U. S. Geological survey, pp. 4. il. 1889. Circular 2; Instructions for observing air temperature, humidity, and direction and force of wind. pp.7. il. [1896?] Circular 3; Vapor pressure, dew-point, and relative humidity tables adapted to whirled, or sling, psychrometer. pp. [4]. ob. 8. n. d. Circular 4; Instructions for measuring rate of evaporation from water sur- faces, pp. 4. n. d. Circular 5: Hydrographic survey [with bibliography of Survey publications relating to water supply], pp. 10. [1896.] Circular 6; Annual reports, [information concerning,] and work of the Division, pp. 4. 1898. Circular 7; Reser- voir surveys, pp. 4. 1899. 1551 - Conditions and cost of water storage for irrigation on Gila river, Arizona; report of James D. Schuyler, for benefit of Indians occupying Gila river reserva- tion/ pp. 17. 8. [Wash., Govt/1899.] (U. * Seriate. 56th Cong. 1st sess. S. doc. 37. In v. 4.) W A [Ed. 2, rev.] pp.19. 8. [Wash., Govt., 1900.] (IT. S. Senate. 56th Cong. 1st sess. S. doc. 152. In v. 10.) W A 1552 - Hvdrographic surveys, pp. 10. 8. [Wash., Govt., 1896.] (Circular 5.) Reports the progress and character of work of the Irrigation survey and of related investi- gations being carried on by the Division of hydrography. Also gives review of the legislation authorizing this work, with a list of publications of the Geological survey, showing results accomplished. 1553 - Methods of stream measurements. 8. pp.51, pi. 12. il. Wash., Govt., 1901. (Water-supply and irrigation papers. 56.) W A W G (U. S. House of Representatives. 57th Cong. 1st sess. H. doc. 56.) W A 1554 Operations at river stations, 1897-1900; report, v. [1-15]. 8. Wash., Govt., 1898-1901. (Water- supplv and irrigation papers. 15, 16, 27, 28, 35-39, 47-52. W A W G (TJ. S. House of Representatives. 55th Cong. 2d sess. H. doc. 510, 511. In v. 60; 55th Cong. 3d sess. H. doc. 297, 298. In v. 73; 56th Cong. 1st sess. H. doc, 721-725. In v. 73; 56th Cong. 2d sess. H. doc. 531-534, 553, 554. In v. 63.) W A 1555 - Preliminary report by J. B. Lippin- cott, resident h}'drographer, U. S. Geological survey, relating to stream measurements and reservoir surveys made in co-op- eration with the California water and forest association, 1900. pp. 48. 8. n. p., [Cal. water and forest assoc., 1900]. To be followed by detailed publication with maps, diagrams, and views. 142 United States Li\ I>ftl Geolv// ^/ Continued. : [revised, with additional matter, entitled] Progress report of cooperative in vestigation by L\ S. Geological survey and California water and forest association, 1900. pp. 38. 8. [Wash.. Govt,, 1000. J (U. S. Senate. 56th Cong. 2d sess. S. doc. 59. In v. 5.) Report of progress, 1893 and by F. H. Newell, topographer in charge, pp. 126. 8. Wash., Govt., 1895. (U. S.///>ior, Dept. of the Geological sunf tf/-!n. Hearings, pp. 20-30; 43-61. 1901.) Statement of Frederick H. Newell before Committee on public lands. (/// TJ. S. House of Rfpr< - s t n tatives Publi*: ////^/x. ( f om /// /V// e on. Hearings, pp. 40-63. pi. 1901.) 143 United States Interior* Department^ of the Geological survey Hydrography, Division ^/Continued. 1564 - Water-supply and irrigation papers, no. 1-56. il. pi. maps. 8. Wash., Govt, 1896-1901. W A W G ([1-9.] U.S. House of Repre- sentatives. 54th Cong. 2d sess. H. doc. 108, 342-346/349-351 ; [10-18.] 55th Gong. 2d sess. H. doc, 301, 302, 453, 477, 509, 510, 511, 579, 580; [19-30.] 55th Cong. 3d sess. H. doc. 220, 277-283, 297-300; [31-39.] 56th Cong. 1st sess. H. doc. 119, 350, 351, 663, 721-725; [40-52.] 56th Cong. 2d sess. H. doc. 106, 484-488, 530-534, 553, 554; [53-56.] 57th Cong. 1st sess. H. doc. 53-56'.) W A 1. Pumping water for irrigation; by H. M. 24,25. Water resources of the state of New Wilson. York; by G. W. Rafter. 2 pts. 2. Irrigation near Phoenix, Ariz.; by A. P. 26. Wells of southern Indiana; by Frank Lev- Davis, erett. 3. Sewage irrigation; by G. W. Rafter, [pt. 1.] 27,28. Operations at river stations for 1898; re- 4. Reconnoissance in southeastern Washing- p< rt. 2 pts. ton. by I. C. Russell. 29. Wells and windmills in Nebraska; by E. H. 5. Irrigation practice on the Great plains; by Barbour. E. B. Cowgill. 30. Water resources of lower peninsula of 6. Underground waters of southwestern Kan- Michigan; by A. C. Lane. sas; by Erasmus Haworth. 31. Lower Michigan mineral waters; by A. C. 7. Seepage water of northern Utah; by Samuel Lane. Fortier. 32. Water resources of Puerto Rico; by H. M. 8. Windmills for irrigation; by E. C. Murphy. Wilson. 9. Irrigation near Greeley, Colo.; by David 33. Storage of water on Gila river, Ariz.; by Bcyd. J. B. Lippiucott. 10. Irrigation in Mesilla valley, N. Mex.; by 34. Geology and water resources of a portion of F. C. Barker. southeastern South Dakota: by J. E. Todd. 11. River heights for 1896; by A. P. Davis. 35-39. Operations at river stations, 1899; report. 12. Underground waters of portion of south- 5 pts. eastern Nebraska; by N. H. Darton. 40. Austin dam; by T. W. Taylor. 13. Irrigation systems in Texas; by W. F. 41,42. Windmill, its efficiency and economic EuUon. use; by E. C. Murphy. 14. New tests of certain pumps and water lifts 43. Conveyance of water in irrigation canals, used in irrigation; by O. P. Hood. flumes, and'pipes; by Samuel Fortier. 15.16. Operations at river stations, 1897; report. 44. Profiles of rivers in United States; by Henry 2 pts. Gannett. 17. Irrigation near Bakersfield, Cal.; by C. E. 45. Water storage on Cache creek, Cal.; by Grunsky. A. E. Chandler. 15. Irrigation near Fresno, Cal.; by -C. E. 46. Physical characteristics of Kern river, Cal.; Grunsky. by F. H. Olmsted, and Reconnoissance of Yuba 19. Irrigation near Merced, Cal.; by C. E. river, Cal.; by Marsden Manson. Grunsky. 47-52. Operations at river stations, 1900; report. 20. Experiments with windmills; by T. O. pts. 1-6. Perry. 53,54. Geology and water resources of Nez 21. W T ells of northern Indiana; by Frank Lev- Perces county, Idaho; by I. C. Russell. 2 pt. erett. 55. Geology and water resources of a portion of 22. Sewage irrigation: by G. W. Rafter, pt.2. Yakima county. Wash.; by G. O. Smith. 23. Water-right problems of Bighorn moun- 56. Methods of stream measurements, tains; by Elwood Mead. 1565 Irrigation survey. Annual report, 1st. (TI. S. Interior, Dtpt. of the Geological survey. 10th An- nual report, 1888^9. pt.2. 1890.) W A Contains reports of work of topographic branch, by A. H. Thompson; and Report of hydro- graphic work, by C E. Button. 1566 - -, 2d. (TJ. S. Interior, Dept. of the Geological survey, llth Annual report, 1889 90. pt. 2. 1891.) W* Contains: Reports on hydrography and engineering; Statement of director of Geological survey to House committee on irrigation; Report of work of topographic branch, by A. H. Thompson; and Biblography of irrigation, pp. 345-388. 1567 , 3d. (TJ. S. Interior, Dept. of the Geological survey. 12th Annual report, 1890 91. pt. 2. 1891.) W A Contains: Report on reservoir sites, by A. H. Thompson; Hydrography of arid regions, by F. H. Newell; Irrigation in India, by H. M. Wilson. 144 United States Int<_-rini\ DrjHU'tin<-nt of tin (* <<>!< xjn-al xu./'rcy Irrigation *////t. <>f tin Geological survey*. 13th Annual report, 1891-92. pt. :->. ' is<>3.) AY A CONTENTS Water supply for irrigation: by F. H. Newell. American irrigation engineer- ing: by H. M. Wilson. Engineering results of irrigation survey; by Wilson. Report upon construction of topographic maps and selection and survey of reservoir sites in hydrographic basin of Arkansas river, Colorado; by A. H. Thompson. Report upon loca- tion and survey of reservoir sites during fiscal year ending June 30, 1892: by Thompson. Indian lii'<$ic<\ (1< nrroL [Circular] F [to] registers and receivers [relating to note of reservation of right of way for railroads, canals, and reservoirs upon certificates for entries of lands subject to such right of way under acts of Mar. 3, 1875, and Mar. 3, 1891]. 1 p. 8. [Wash., Govt, Nov. 27, 1896.] (In TJ. S. Interior, Dept. of the. Decisions of the Department of the interior and General land office relating to public lands. 23 : 458, 459. 1897.) [Construction of reservoirs; letter in regard ~ to bill, S. 5833.] ~ (In U. $. Senate Public lands, on. Construction of reservoirs, etc. ; report amending S. 5833. pp. 1-5. 1901.) Irrigation of public lands; letter in answer to a resolution of the House of 7th inst. [May], transmitting information [from General land office] relative to the most approved method of irrigation of public lands, etc. pp. 8. 8. [Wash, Govt., 1868.] (U. S. House of Representatives. 40th Cong. 2d sess. H. ex. doc. 293. Li\. [17.]) W A W (i Letter recommending the reappropriation of the sum of $1,000 appropriated by the sundry civil act of Aug. 18, 1894, for "Examination of desert lands." pp. 2. 8. [Wash., Govt., 1896.] (U. S. Senate. 54th Cong. 1st sess. S. doc. 198. In v. 7.) W A Letter relative to the appropriation for inves- tigation as to the irrigation of arid lands, pp. 15. 8. [Wash., Govt, 1890.] (U. S. Senate. 51st Cong. 1st sess. S. ex. doc. 136. In v. 11.) W A Regulations concerning permission to use right of way over public lands for tramroads, canals, and res- ervoirs; approved Mar. 8, 1895. pp. 3. 8. Wash., Govt., 1895. Regulations concerning permission to use right of way over public lands for tramroads, canals, reser- voirs, etc. ; approved December 23, 1896. pp.5. 8. Wash., Govt., 1897. 145 United States Interior, Department of the Land office, Gen- eral Continued. ( In U. S. Interior, Dept. of the. Deci- sions of the Dept. of the interior and General land office relating to public lands. 23 : 519-522.) 1578 - Regulations concerning permission to use right of way over public lands for tramroads, canals, reser- voirs, etc.; approved Sept. IT, 1898. pp. T. Wash., Govt., 1898. (In- U. S. Interior, Dept. of the. Decisions of the Dept. of interior and General land office in cases relating to public lands. 27 : 495-499. 1899.) 1579 - Regulations concerning right of way for canals, ditches, and reservoirs over the public lands and reser- vations for irrigation; approved Feb. 20, 1894. pp. IT. 8. Wash., Govt, 1894. W G (In U. S. Interior, Dept. of the. Decisions of the Dept. of interior and General land office in cases relating to public lands. 18 : 168-1T6. 1894.) pp. IT. 8. 1896. Reprint without change of regulations, 1894. pp. IT. 8. 189T. Reprint without change of regulations, 1894. 1580 - Regulations concerning right of way for canals, ditches, and reservoirs, over the public lands and res- ervations, for irrigation, oil pipe lines, [and] reservoirs for watering live stock; approved July 8, 1898. pp. 19. Wash., Govt., 1898. (In U. S. Interior, Dept. of the. Deci- sions of the Dept. of interior and General land office in cases relating to public lands. 27 : 200-216. 1899.) 1581 - Regulations concerning selection of desert lands by certain states under act of Congress approved Aug. 18, 1894; approved Nov. 22, 1894. pp. 10. 8. Wash., Govt., 1895. 1582 - Reports of the director of the Geological surve} 7 " and the commissioner of General land office relative to sites for reservoirs, pp.8. 8. [Wash., Govt, 1890.] (U.S. Senate. 51st COUP-. 1st sess. S. ex. doc. 199. In v. 11.) W A 1583 - Right of way granted for canals and reser- voirs in certain states and territories under act of March 3, 1891. (In Annual report, 1895. pp. 266, 26T. 1895.) W A --; [with additions]. (In same, 1896. pp. 231, 232. 1896.) 1584 [Rights of riparian owners along the waters of the Platte and Arkansas rivers in Kansas and Nebraska.] (In U. S. Interior, Dept. of the Geological survey. Effect , upon certain rivers in Colorado of the diversion of water for irrigation; report, pp. 6, T. 1889.) 26T61 No. 4102 10 146 United States Continued. A(/i'<<-nltin'< ii ml foi'ixti'tj* ( 'uiiuiiitftr on. Report to accompany S. 2541 [for artesian wells in the arid districts of South Dakota. Nebraska, and 'Kansas]. 1 p. 8. [Wash., Govt., 1895.] (53d Cong. 3d seas. S. rp. i>44. /// v. 2.) Passage of bill recommended with amendments. Foreign r^lo^ions^ Oommittee on. Equitable distri- bution of waters of Rio Grande [between United States and Mexico]: report to accompany S. 3794. pp. S. 8. [Wash., Govt., 1900.J (56th Cong. 2d sess. S. rp. 1755. In v. 2.) W A ; memorial in re bill S. 3794, history of the Rio Grande dam and irrigation company and Elephant Butte dam case, with abstracts from decisions of United States courts relating to use of waters of non- navigable streams for irriga- tion purposes: [by Nathan E. Boyd]. pp. 24. S. [Wash., Govt,, 1901.] (56th Cong. 2d sess. S. doc. 1<>4. It, v. 5.) W A ,'rrlf ri<{lo.] (46th Cong. :M sess. S. rp. L>:,O. //, v. 1.) W A Report to accompany S. 1591 [to provide for reservation, sale, and settlement of arid lands], pp. 4. | Wash., Govt.. 1894.] (53=1 Cong. iM sess. S. rp. 332. /// v. 5.) W A Right of way through public lands [for tram- roads, canals, and reservoirs so as to include water for domestic, public, and other purposes]; report [amending] H. R. l.V.5. pp. 2. [Wash., Govt.. L89&] (55th Cono-. 2d sess. S. rp. A //, v. 1.) House report on this bill is 55th Cong. _<1 8688., H. rp. -!79. In v. 147 United States Continued. 1593 - State, Department of. Canals and irrigation- in foreign countries; reports from consuls of United States in answer to circulars from the Department of state, pp. 501. pi. maps. 8. Wash., Govt., 1891. (Special consular reports, [v. 5.]) (U. S. House of Representatives. 51st Cong. 2d sess. H. ex. doc. 45. pt. 1. In v. 26.) W A ; [reissued with supplementary reports], pp. 620. il. pi. maps. Wash., Govt. , 1898. (Special consular reports, v. 5.) 1594 - Equitable distribution of the waters of the Rio Grande [between United States and Mexico]; reports of Secre- tary of state, Secretary of war, and Attorney-general, with accompanying papers, pp. 210. pi. maps. 8. [Wash., Govt, 1898.] (U. S. Senate. 55th Cong. 2d sess. S. doc. 229. In v. 21.) W A CONTEXTS Correspondence touching protest of Mexican citizens against construction of dams by Rio Grande dam and irrigation company. Correspondence touching proceed- ings of International commission on equitable distribution of waters of Rio Grande. Study of use of water for irrigation on Rio Grande del Norte; by W. W. Follett. Cor- respondence touching negotiation of treaty between United States and Mexico for construction of international dam in the Rio Grande. Rio Grande dam and irrigation company r. Mesilla valley land and irrigation company; memoranda of papers on file in lands' and railroads division of office of Secretary of interior. Letter from Attorney- general stating that records of the Department of justice show no correspondence on subject, 1595 - Reports on irrigation from consuls of the United States. (In U. S. Senate Irrigation and reclamation of arid lands, Select committee on. Report, pt. 5. pp. 249-350. pi. map. 1890.) Reports from United States consuls in Mexico, Cuba, Central America, Venezuela, Ecua- dor, Chile, British Guiana. Argentine Republic, Hawaiian islands, China, Siam, Syria,, Palestine, Philippine archipelago, New South Wales, South Africa, South Atlantic islands, Spain, France, Italy, Sicily. See "also, International water boundary commission. 1596 - Treasury department Coast survetf office. Irrigation and reclamation of land for agricultural purposes, as now prac- ticed in India, Egypt, Italv, etc., 1875. [by George Davidson]. pp.73, pi. maps 6. 8*. [Wash., Govt., 1876.] W A ; [transmitted] in answer to Senate reso- lution, May 19, 1876. (U. S. Senate. 44th Cong. 1st sess. S. ex. doc/94. 1876.) W G W A War department. Equitable distribution of the waters of the Rio Grande. See United States State, Department of. 1597 - Engineer department. Monograph upon reservoirs and their effects on floods of Mississippi system; by James A. Seddon. (In U. S. War Dept. Engineer department. Pre- liminary examination of reservoir sites in Wyoming and Colo- rado, pp. 73-93. charts. 1898.) pp. 26. charts. 8. Wash., Govt., 1898. [without -charts]. (In U. Dept. Engineer department. Report, 1898. pt. 4. pp. 2887- 2907. 1898.) 148 United States TIT//- department- Kmj'um-r departinent Con- tinued. 1598 - Preliminary examination of reservoir sites in Wyoming and Colorado: report from [Hiram M.] Chitten- den. 'pp.110, pi. maps, charts. 8. Wash.. Govt., 1898. (IT. S. llonx, of Representatives. 55th Cong-, 2d sess. H. doe. 141. In \. 38.) W <; W A Include-; Monograph upon reservoirs and their effects on floods of Mississippi system; by .T. A. Seddon. (In U. S. War Dept. Engineer de partinent. Report, 1898. pt, 4. pp. 2815-2922. pi. map. 1898.) -; [separate]. 8. 1599 - Signal <>$<'<>. Irrigation and water storage in the arid region; report of [A. W. Greely] chief signal officer of army in response to House resolution. May 23, 1890. pp. 356.' maps 37. 4. Wash., Govt,, 1891. (U. *. House of Rcpn-xrntiith'rx. 51st Cong. 2d sess. H. ex. doc. 287. In v. 38.) W A W ; CONTENTS Report on the climatology of the arid regions of the United States, with refer- ence to irrigation, by Greely, and appendices containing reports on climate of Arizona, New Mexico, California, and Nevada, by W. A. Glassford, with tables of rainfall and tem- perature throughout this region. For extractsof this report, see Greely, A. W., Report on climate of Arizona, Report on cli- mate of California and Nevada, Report on climate of Colorado and Utah. 1600 - Topographic engineet^ ^Bureau of . Report of the physics and hydraulics of the Mississippi river: bv A. A. Humphreys and H. L. Abbot, pp. 456+cxlvi. pi.' // <>n /////ij>j>li/. First and fourth progress reports: irrigation in western America and irriga- tion in Egypt and Italy: by Alfred Deakin. pp. 213. chart. 8. Melbourne, Govt. [1887]. W Memoranda for the members of the Royal commission on water supply. First progress report: irrigation in western America, so far as it has relation to the circumstances of Victoria; by A. Deakin. pp. 88. f. Melbourne, Goyt., 1885. \V A Memorandum for the members of the Royal commission on water supply. Extract* from this report are contained in United States Ar/riculturf. J>( {/art/unit of, Irri- gation in the United states, report: by R. J. Hinton. Appendix 1. pp. 197-222. 1887. pp. 175. chart, 8. Melbourne, Goyt., 1885, W' ; ; [with fourth progress report entitled] First and fourth progress reports; . . . by Alfred Deakin. pp. 213. chart. 8. Melbourne, Goyt, [1887]. W G Fourth progress report: Irrigation in Egypt and ' rourtn progress report: irrigation in Higypi ana Italy; by Alfred Deakin. pp. (U. f". Melbourne, Govt. 1887. W ; Memorandum for the members of the Royal commission on water supply. (In Victoria Roy. comn. n*pl Melbourne, Govt.. 1887-1891. W A W (i The first annual report is published under Department of mines and water supply. 1630 - Cohuna irrigation trust, reports, etc., upon pro- posed amendment of scheme: general report by [W. W.| Culcheth. pp. [12]. map. f. Melbourne, Govt, 1887. W ; 151 Victoria Wa tsr-wpply department Continued. 1631 - Conference of irrigationists; proceedings, 1890. pp. 256. 8. Melbourne, Govt., [1890]. W A Notes on this conference are in United States A rjriculture, Department of Artesian and underfloic investigation and irrigation inquiry, Report on progress of irrigation investi- gations, pp. 250-261. 1891. 1632 Gaugingsof the Murray river at Echuca, [1865-1886]. pp. [7]. f. [Melbourne, Govt., 1887.] W G 1633 - Goulburn weir and its dependent system of works; a descriptive memorandum compiled from official records, by Stuart Murray, pp. 15. pi. 25. maps. ob. f. [Mel- bourne], Govt., 1893. " W G 1634 - Loddon river weir and dam; schedule of quantities. pp. '34-41. f. n. p., n. d. W G 1635 - Memorandum for the guidance of irrigation and water-supply trusts constituted under act no. 898, and admin- istering loans advanced for the construction of works, pp. 2. f. [Melbourne, Govt., 1887.] W G 1636 - Memorandum for the guidance of irrigation trusts, constituted under act no. 778, and administering loans advanced for the construction of works under sec. 1 of act no. 859. [l]p. n. p., 1886. W G 1637 - Memorandum, table, and diagram in connection with the discharge of water in open channels in earth. 3 sheets. f. [Melbourne, Govt., 1886.] W G 1638 - National works; contract at schedule of prices. [4v.] f. Melbourne, Govt,, [1888]. W G CONTENTS Form of tender, conditions of tendering, form of contract with documents annexed, viz, specification, conditions of contract, and schedule of quantities, for the construction of [various works specified on the several title-pages] . 1639 - Proposed Bacchus marsh irrigation and water-supply trust; first petition of landowners, together with engineering reports, estimates, plans, and documents, as also the declaration of the Minister of water supply thereon, pp. 7. maps. f. Melbourne, 1888. W G 1640 - Proposed Bairnsdale irrigation and water-supply trust; first petition for the constitution of an irrigation and water-supply district, and for the appointment and creation of a trust for the same. pp. 31. maps. f. Melbourne, 1890. W G 1641 - - Proposed Buckley's swamp irrigation and water- supply trust; first petition of landowners, together with engi- neering reports, etc. pp. 10. maps. f. Melbourne, 1888. V T 1642 Proposed Carrum irrigation and water- supply trust; first petition, together with engineering reports, etc, pp. 25. pi. maps. f. Melbourne, 1890. W G 1643 * Proposed East Goulburn irrigation and water- supply trust; first petition, together with engineering reports, etc. pp. 36. maps. f. Melbourne, 1889. 152 Victoria Wfj)jJt/ (lj>. W G 1673 *Vignotti, A. Irrigations du Piemont et de la Lombardie. pp. ( J4. Met/. 1860. Vigreux. X,-/ -. as joint author. Chauveau des Roches, A. 1674 Villeroy, Felix, und Muller, Adam. Manuel de rirrigateur; suivi du code des irrigations, par Bertin. pp. 380. il. 8. Paris, Librairie agricole de la Maison rustique, [1850]. W c Table of contents of Manuel de I'irrigateur same as in their Manuel des irrigations, q. v. 1675 - Manuel des irrigations. Ed. '2. pp. 263. il. 12. Paris, Librairie agricole de la Maison rustique. 1867. W G CONTENTS pt. 1. Del'etmet de son action sur les di verses natures de snl. pt. !. Prepara- tion du sol des pres arroses. pt. 3. Des travaux necessaires pour disposer le sol a 1'irri- gation. pt. 4. Des pivs. 1676 Vincent, J. E. Matthew, <-nip. Lond., Chaffev bros., [1888]. W A W G \V P 1677 Vincent, L. Bewasserung und entwasserung der acker und wiesen. Ed. 2. pp.151, il. 12. Berl. , P. Parey, 1882. W G Vincent, Otto. See ahv, as joint author, Abel, Gustav. 1678 Vischer, Hubert. v. Lond., Eyre & Spottis- woode, [1893]. W A Chapter 6, on Water, discusses the need of irrigation in India and suggests recommenda- tions for the same. 1681 Voorhees, Edward B. Irrigation in New Jersey. (In Phelps, (\ S. Notes on irrigation in Connecticut and New Jersey. pp. 27-f>4. il. 1897.) pp. 40. il. 8. Wash., Govt, 1900. (TJ. S. At. <>f- Egpperinient stations. Office of. Bui- letin 87.) W* See "/*", as director. New Jersey state agricultural experi- ment station. 1683 Wagoner, Luther. Notes on the Walnut Grove dam. (/;/ Tech. soc. Pacif. coast. Trans. 5 : 73-7>. pi. 1-sss.) Se. -. 1698 "Weber von Ebenhof, Alfred. Gebifgs-wasserbau ini alpinen Etsch-berken und seine beziehuDgen zum fkissbau des ober- italienischen schwemmlandes. Text & atlas [-2 v.j. Wieiu 1892. 1699 Wegmann, Edward. Design and construction of masonry dams: giving the method employed in determining 1 the profile of the Quaker bridge dam. pp\ 100. pi. 50. f 1 '. X. Y.. Wiley & softs, L888. 'W 1 ' Ed. -2. pp. 112. pi. 4:. X. Y., Wiley . revenues, and other practical subjects connected with the pro- ceedings of the adventurers, and illustrative also of the ancient and modern drainage of that extensive count rv culled Bedford level, pp. N.tt. 8. Lond., R. Phoney, IM'S. W c 157 Wells, Samuel Continued. 1705 - Histoiy of the drainage of the great level of the fens, called Bedford level, with the constitution and laws of the Bedford level corporation. 2 v. & atlas. 4 & atlas 8. Lond. , R. Pheney, 1830. W p W c 1706 West, John. Irrigation and intense culture; a lecture, pp. 18. 12. Numurkah, [1S89J. ' W A Reprinted from the Numurkah Standard. 1707 West Virginia agricultural experiment station. Sub-irrigation in the greenhouse ; byF. Win. Kane. pp. 255-270. 8. Charles- ton, State, 1893. '(Bulletin 33.) W A 1708 Western, J. H. Memo calculations concerning the Wady Ra} r an according to the latest survey. (In Egypt Public works min- istry. Notes on the Wady Rayan. pp. 13-25. 1888.) 1709 - Rules for rajbaha estimates, [or canal distributary, in connection with the Sirhind canal], pp. [6.] [Lahore, Govt., 1885 *] ( [Punjab Public works aepartmen t. ] ) 1710 Weston, Edmund B. Results of investigations relative to formu- las for the flow of water in pipes. (In Amer. soc. civ. eng. Trans. 22:1-90. pi. 1890.) Paging given includes discussion on the subject. 1711 *Wex, Gustavvon. Hydrodynamik; entwicklung neuer, genauer formeln, berechnung der wasser-abflussmengen bei iiberfall- wehren, grundschleusen, schutzenolinungen und bei wasser- ausleitungen in canale, ferner mittheilungen fiber die neusten, diesbezfiglich in America, in Oesterreich und in Italien im gros- sen maassstabe durchgefuhrten versuche. pp. 168. pi. 8. Leipz., 1888. 1712 * Ueber die wasserabnahme in den quellen, fliissen und stromen bei gleichzeitiger steigerung der hochwasser in den culturlandern. pp. 43. 7 pi. Wien, 1873. English. First treatise on the decrease of water in springs, creeks, and rivers; translated by G. Weitzel. pp. 58. 8. Washington, 1881. 1713 ' Zweite abhandlung fiber die wasserabnahme in den quel- len, fliissen und stromen bei gleichzeitiger steigerung cler hoch- wasser in den culturlandern. pp. 29. 6 pi. Wien, 1879. 1714 Weyrauch, Jacob J. Calculation of dimensions as depending on the ultimate working strength of materials; translation from the German by George Rudolph Bodmer. (In Instit. civ. eng. Min. of proc. ' 63: 275-296. 1881.) Abstract of criticisms by H. Tresca and others on this work, contained in articles in Resume de la Societe de's ingenieurs civils, Paris. 1SS1, pp. 228-337, is given in Instit. civ. eng. Min. of proc. OS: 329-336. 1882. See also Howe, Malverd A. Wheeler, E. D. See^ as commissioner, Kansas Forestry and irri- gation, Commissio'ner of. 1715 Wheeler, W. H. Drainage of fens and low lands by gravitation and steam power, pp. 175. pi. 8. 8. Lond., E. & F. N. Spon, 1888. W p 158 Wheeler, W. H. Continued. 1716 - History of the fens of South Lincolnshire, being a descrip- tion of the rivers Witham and Welland and their estuary, and an account of the reclamation, "drainage, and enclosure of the fens adjacent thereto. Ed. 2, enl. pp. 489 -f- [140]. pi. maps. 4. Boston, J. M. Newcomb; Lond., Siuipkin, Marshall & co., [1896]. W First edition published in lMi>. There are eight appendices and index, eaeh its own pagination, making a total of 140 pages. White, C. A. See, as commi*sioner. United States At. <>f Soils, Div'i*'m <>f. Bulletin 14.) W A 1720 Wickson, Edward James. Irrigation in field and garden, pp. 40. il. 8. Wash., Govt., 1901. (U.S.Agricidture, Depi. of. Farmers' Imlletin 138.) 1721 - Irrigation in fruit growing, pp. 48. il. X. Wash., Govt., 1900. (TJ. B Agriculture, D/*, Office of. Report of irrigation investigations in Califor- nia, pp. 155-191. 1901.) 1741 - Water laws of Nebraska. (/// Mead, El wood. Water rights on Missouri river and its tributaries, pp. 58-04:. 1899.) - Set * as joint author. Bond, Fred; ///.vo. as state engineer, 1897 98. Nebraska Iri-iijatioii* Xt eaux en droit romain. pt. 2. Des eaux i-ous 1'ere feodale; Des eaux en droit moderne. 1745 - Repertoire general du droit des eaux et cours d'eau. pp. 172. 8. Kamur. Wesmael-Charlier. ls7>. W G Complement utile a Le droit des eaux et des cours d'eau. 1746 Wood, A. Pepys. Tanks and wells of New South Wales, water supplv and irrigation. (In Roy. soc. N. S. W. Jour, and proc.; 1883. 17:14:9-18:2. 188^.) ; [reprint]. (/;/ N. S. W.- E; U. S. Ifonxr of U presentatvoe*. 55th Cong. 2d sess, T' i i 1-1 / oil' \ AA T A H. doc. 1^. Ln v. 39.) >> 161 1750 Wright, John. Water conservation. (Li N. S. W. Roy. comn. conservation of icdtcr. First report. Appendix H. pp. 19-23. 1885.) Paper read before the Engineering association of New South Wales, Mar. 23, 1882. 1751 Wyoming Engineer department. Biennial report of state engi- neer, 1889-1900. pi. map. 8. Cheyenne, 1890-1901. W A 2d Annual report of the territorial engineer for the year 1889, covering the work of the department from its organization in April, 1886, to Nov. 30, 1889; by Elwood Mead. 1890. 1st Biennial report, 1891-92: by Mead. 1892. 2d Biennial report, 1893-94; by Mead. 1894. 3d Biennial report, 1895-96; by Mead. 1897. 4th Biennial report, 1897-98; by Mead. 1898. 5th Biennial report, 1899-1900; by Fred Bond. 1901. Appendix to the 5th report contains water laws and amendments to same enacted in 1901. 1752 - Review of the work of the state engineer's office in 1895 and 1896 and progress of irrigation, pp. 35. 1 pi. 8. Cheyenne, 1897. W A Extract from 3d Biennial report of state engineer. 1753 - State board of control and special commission to select state lands. Grazing lands in Wyoming; memorial pp.4. 8. [Wash. , Govt. , 1897,] (IT. ~ Senate. 55th Cong. 1st sess. S. doc. 31. In v. 2.) W A Signed by Elwood Mead, J. A. Johnston, Edward Gillette, N. H. Brown, C. H. Priest. 1754 - State board of land commissioners. 1st Annual report of the State board of land commissioners of the state of Wyoming concerning the reclamation of arid lands; also a compilation of the statutes, rules, and regulations relating thereto, 1896. pp. 56+ [1]. pi. 8. Cheyenne, State, 1897. 1755 Wyoming experiment station. Alkali, some observations and experiments; by [B. C. Buffum]. pp. 219-253. pi. 8. Laramie, 1896. (Bulletin 29.) W A Alkali studies, 2; by E. E. Slosson and B. C. Buff urn. pp. 35-56. 8. Laramie, 1898. (Bulletin 39.) W A , 3; by B. C. Buffum. pp. 40. - Jl. (In 9th Report, 1899.) W A 4; by E. E. Slosson. pp. 29. (In 9th Report, 1899.) W 1756 - Artesian, wells of southern Wyoming, their history and relation to irrigation; by [J. D. Conley]. pp. 87-122. 8. Laramie, 1894. (Bulletin 20.) W A 1757 Irrigation and duty of water; by B. C. Buffum. pp. 1-31. il. 8. Laramie, 1892. (Bulletin 8.) W A 1758 - Reclamation of arid lands, Harvey water motor, [a new invention for irrigation purposes; bv A. A. Johnson], pp. 47-72. il. 8. Laramie, 1894. (Bulletin 18.) W A 1759 Water analyses; [by E. E. Slosson]. pp. 99-141. 8. Laramie, 1895. (Bulletin 24.) W A Contains analyses of irrigation waters. 1760 Ysabeau, A. La science des campagnes; defrichements, irriga- tions et drainage, pp. 104. il. 1C . Paris, Paul Dupont, n. d. W G 26761 No. 4102 11 162 1761 Yuma county (Arizona), Citizens' executive committee of. Report of committee to the senatorial Committee on the irrigation and reclamation of arid lands, pp. 17. map. 12". n. p. lSV->. W A *. 1762 Zhlllnski, Lieut. -Gen. Sn-, as chief officer of board, Russia Zhizhemski. Sec Jijemski. 1763 Zoppi, Giuseppe, nnd Torricelli, Giacomo. Irrigazioni e laghi artificiali della Spagna; relazione. Text & plates ['2 v.]. 8. Firenze, 1888. (Italy Agricoltura, indnxtr'nt e comtnercio, Miitixtn-o di Ayrintttura* Dirizioin i Cnited States. Amity canal, duty of water. Berry 96 Analyses of waters for irrigation. Dixon 383 Hilgard C,60, 663 I.ane 834 Mingaye 993 Oklahoma agricultural experiment station 1 123, 1125 Wyoming experiment station 1759 Apulian aqueduct 27 Aqueducts, see Apulian aqueduct Canals- Roman aqueducts Roquefavour aque- duct. Arid lands of United States, see United States. No. Arizona. Code 274 Davis 351 Greely 575 Gulley and Collingwood . . . ; 598 Newell 1068 Stolbrand 1337 United States Agriculture, l.)ci>art- ment of 1408 United States House of Representa- tiw.ft Irrigation of arid lands, < 'inn in ittee on 1464 Yuma county, Citizens' executive committee of 1761 see also Artesian wells and underground waters. Artesian wells and underground waters. Auchincloss 36 Bidder 101 Capito 229 Chamberlin 253 Cox 308 Dixon 381 Fortier 474 Grunsky 588, 593 King /, 803 Kittle 805 La Grange 825 Marzy 941 Newell OJ7 Salbach 1266 Slichter 13 ; 31 Spon 1 324 in Algeria. Galens 508 Laurent 837 United States Agriculture, Depart- ment of Artesian and underflow* investigation and irrigation in- quiry 1414 in Arizona United States House of Representa- tives Territories, Committee on .. 1484 in Australia. Dixon 382 Russell, H. C 1251 in California. Fox 479 Grunskey 593 in Coloni lo. Carpenter, L. G 230, 232 Eminons, Cross, and Eldridge 430 166 166 SUBJECT INDEX. Artesian wells and underground water* Continued. in Colorado Continued. (filbert ">'> Miller 986 Tinted States ILonv of //''.- Irrigatinn of nri'l (',,ntmitt nil 1460 Van Diest It 120 in France. Bazaine 68 in Idaho. Ku.-.-ell. I. ( ' 1253 in Indian territory. Gregory 5M Hill 670 in Indiana. Leveret t .v>u. ,v>i in Italy. Italy Agricultiira, indnstrin <:om- // rdn, Mi/ii.M Haworth G31 Hay 032 Miller 986 Fimed States * a at > A'/rii-nltm-' <(nd forestry. O> ni in ittff ' _ 1585 in Montana. Follett : -159 Mortson 1017 in Nebraska. Ba rbour 50 Darton 341. 343 i iregory > 1 Hicks 655. r,5fi United states nubAi/rii-nlttirf. and fon. i> 15*5 in Nevada. Irish 724 Nichols 1098 in New Mexico. Carpenter, L. G 231 Hill, R. T C70 United States IIo//*> ,,f /.V^/v.w ntn- tivcs Territories, Committ& mi.. 1484 Van Diest 1620 in New South Wales. Abbott. T.K 2 David . 345, 346 Dixon 3^3 New South Wales Lf.nitlntin a& . iiibhj 1056 New South Wales Mini* nud ufiri- culture, l)<_}xtrtiiii at of]\'II!I/ dt-part- uiod ............................ 1201 Suttor ............................. . . 1351 in Sahara desert. Laurent ............................ 837 in South Dakota. Bailey Beach Butler Coffin 44 75 1S2 275. 276 Culver 324.325 Darton 330, 340 Todd 1376 United States Senate Agriculture and fore^tr;/, Committee on 1585 Updike 1601 in Texas. Hill. R.T 670 Hill, R. T.. and Vaughan 671 R< .esler 1235 in United State-. Darley 337 Hay 636 United States Agricidtnre. D< part- nii nt of 1401 United States Agriculture, Deport- ment of Artesian and undcrrio-u- infxtigation and irrigation rn- ijuinj 1410 United flutes Interior, Department of the 2. 1251 Smith, G. o 1303 in Wyoming. Bailey 44 Conley 296 Ashti tank, India. Bombay Presidency Public >n,rks d/partmt nt 128 Burke 177 Asia. Moser 1018 ace also India. Asphalt in irrigation works. Purcell 1195 Schuyler 12ss Stanton 1325 Austin dam. Taylor 1361 Australia. Culcheth 323 Hinton 674 Vincent. J. E 1676 Wallace 1690 .-< < < uiiftnn at of. I") 1 . 1 :; .SYC n/{n, Flow of water in rivers. canals. pipes. etc. names of canals. Cape Colony, water supply. Gamble ............................. 512 Cape of (.rood Hope. Cape of Good Hope Z< nxl*. mines, am/ iKjriniltnf . ]>artin< at of 22::. 22 1 Cape of Good Hope Public imrkx dt pnrtnH nt .................... 225-22^ Carpentras. Cana! d 'irrigation de .......... 220 Cavour canal. Dyas ................................ 412 Italy Finanzc. Miiti.?trro (l>U>J>c- nMnio e dellf tatse, Diresioiu ;/l'ir,i,,i( nt ____ 2.">ii-2-'>2 Deakin ............................. :;:>; ChelitY dam, France. Lamairesse ......................... s-_>t; Cliina, canal systems. Browne. ,T. R ....... '. ............... l.V.) Cincinnati reservoir. Hill, J. W .......................... <;t,,s Cippnletti weir. Flynn. A. D., and Dyer ............. 119 Colorado. Chittenden ......................... iv,,; Colorado agricultural experiment station ........................ 292-29 1 Gannett ............................ 516 < ; reely .............................. 577 James .............................. 770 National irrigation congress ........ 1030 O'Meara ........................... . 1 12S Pueblo gravity water company of ( ' >1< >rado ........................ 1185 Thompson. A. H .................... l:;71 United States HOH.--I nf 7.Vy,/v.>v ,,t- tttii-fx Public liiitilt. Cnninnttu "ii .......................... 14711-1473 United States lultrior. J>r jt ,irtmf)it ,vfr nl>" nlxo Kitchie-Haskeil direction cnr- %, rent meter Woltmann current me- ter. Damodar canal. Bengal Public n-urk-i lUnniiunnt Ji-i-ii/otinn Kreuter 812 Le Rond s 15 Lieckfeldt 854 McCulloh 888 Mac-Master 908 Merriman 973 Pelletreau 1143 Rafter 1204 Schuyler 1287 Scott. A. M 1290 Stanton 1325 ' Strange 1:;15 Thiery 1367 Van Buren 1619 Vischer and Wagoner 167* Wegmann 1699. 1700 movable. Buckley 172 Thomas i:;c,s Tranie i:',s5 Wegmann 1700 '.-o Jrlow of water in rivers, canals, pipes, etc. names of dams sluices Weirs. Danube river. Hartley f.JS-Giifi Kuhl Ml Darling river, 'N. S. W. New South Wak> y.'"//'// commU- !-i r 1064 Poole 1172 Russell. H. C r_> 19 Deccan, India. Playfair 1162 Discharge of water over weirs, from orifice, etC.,K< Flow of water in rivers, canals, ].ipes. etc. Distributaries, sei Canals Pi]>e-. Drainage. Abel and Vincent 4 Ameiiduni 10 SUBJECT IN"DES, 169 Drainage Continued. No. Anderegg 18 Anderson, J 19 Andreossy 25 Aymard 39, 40 Barral 58 Bidder 101 Brisse and Rotrou 151 Bryas 164 California l>rriin7 Farm irrigation. Mills. A. A 9*7 Wiekson 1 720 Wilcox 1721 Fayum, Egypt. Brown. R. H 157. Filtration, m Seepage. Floods. Craig 309 Crowell 318 Howden t'.'.n > Hutton 699 Russell, H. C I.Ms. i24'. Seddon 1297 Symons 1 '',''> Williams 172-s g& 7s McAlpine ......... . ................. 886 Manning. R ........................ 933 Marx. Wing, and Hosk::is ........... 940 Minard ............................. 992 Poncelet and Lesbros ............... 1109 Prince, G. T ........ ................. 1180 I'rovis ............................. . 1184 Rafter .............................. 1205 Rhind .............................. 1223 Ryon ............................... 125s Sadler .............................. 1263 Smith. H ........................ 1304, 1305 Smith. I. W ......................... 1306 Smith, J. W ......................... 1307 Stearns ......................... 18:2s, !:{ stone ............................... 1:339 Swan ............................... 1352 Swan and Horton .................. 1353 Vauthier ........................... 1621 Victoria Wnti r-.--tij>iil.i/4 Weston Wood,'). V Flumes, .<' r C.ui;i!> Pipes. Forests and irrigation. Fernow ............................ 439 Pinchot ......................... 1159, 1160 France. Andreo.-sy .......................... 25 Bazaine ........................... 68 Belgrand ........................... 79 Boec ................................ 133 Bryas ............................... 165 California Kinjinn r it ____ 1^7 ( 'hambrelcnt ..................... 2-34-257 Charpentier de Cossigny ........... 2f,-j Conte ....................... ' ........ 29S Crepin ....................... . ...... 313 Dumont. G .......................... 400 Foltz ............................... 463 France A r& . Mlnittir.' '/' r ................... 4,s2 France A<>, 1710 1747 France .!/// ifidturt . Minidtr* >lf !' ai'. , Jjirtctivii (.It I' ...... 48t> SUBJECT INDEX. 171 France Continued. No. France Agriculture. Minitftrr Hayti. ( 'mwell :n> Benares canal, Spain. Higgin 657 Hoi yoke dam. Herschel 646 Hudson reservoir and e;tnal company. United States 7/o//.-v nj 1!< IH-I *< ntn- tir<*Itl>i njJ'iurx, Committee on 1455 Hudson river storage surveys. Rafter 120S,12U'.l Hydraulic "machinery. Elaine 107 Ewbank 433 Robinson 1 -'-'A Hydraulic motors. Bjurling 105 Bodmer 110 Bovey 140 Chauveau des Roche:-. Belin. and others 2r,:; Francis Uo Meissner 968 Weisbach 1701 Set n/.-'o Harvey water motor. Hydraulic station at Snnthia. Italy. Saccheri 1261 Hydraulic surveying. Baskoll 62s Hydraulic tables. Beardmore .' 76 Box 144 Davis :;5i> Flynn 452, 458 Higham C5s Hydraulics. Aubuisson de Voisins 35 Becker 7s Belinor M Bernard 95 Bossut i:U Bovey 1 40 Bowser 143 ( 1 har])ent ier de ( '< is-igny 261 Church 270 Craig 311 I >ebauve 361 Downing 392 Durand-Cla ye 106 Dwyer 411 Franzius r,i:> (iould 51'.). 551 2 Jackson . . .. 764,765 Hydraulics Continued. No. Lallineur yj-j Levy-Salvador sf>3 Lombardini >::;. ^71 Marxy 941 Masoni 942 Meissner 968 Mengotti 969 Merriman 974 Neville 1049 Kevy i-.>i-j Salazar ]-_>;5 Seddon 1298 Stevenson 1334 Sullivan 13 1'.i. 1 :;5o Tudsbery and Brightmore 1396 Weisbach 1701, 1702 Wex 17H f i alfio Flow of water in rivers, canals. 1'ipes, etc. Gauging of streams and rivers Hydraulic m a c bin e ry Hydraulic motors Measurement of water Pumps and pumping. Hydrography of arid regions of the United State-. United States I,it< ri< n< />,1557 United States Intci-io,-. J)<'j.:irfntit oj tin (reolofi/rtd *ii iT< ij /rr/t/a- tion .n*tru in nil ....... Works .............................. in Colorado. Carpenter, S. W .................... Colorado Cnmntixxioii 1<> re rim: lairx No. CSS 792 793 795 1398 1343 604 1127 Colorado Eitf/iiKf-r d> part men t ..... Ditch owners' association .......... Field ..... ' .......................... Huston ............................. in England. Dumas .............................. in France. Croos ............................... Daviel ............................ :: Debauve ............................ . Doyat ............................... l)ul)reuil ........................... Ta vernier ................... . ....... in German v. Hahn ............................... Heyer .............................. Kiinzel ............................. Lette ............................... Mauny de Mornay .................. Pci/l ................................ in Idaho. Idaho Leijialntnrf .. ................ in Italy. Dumon t and Dumont .............. Lombardini ........................ Mauny de Mornay .................. Taveruier .. .......... 63 509 600 S22 1020 1213 674 185 1748 240 25:i S17 848 943 1178 701 398 s75 943 1360 Legislation Continued. No. in Nebraska. Nebraska Irrii/atiii, Mat< hoard <>f. 1034 Nebraska Ij- d< pitiinieiit Irrif/ntion branch. 917-921 Maine, water-power streams. Porter 1174 Majorca island. Waring 1693 Marne-Rhine canal. (iraelY 5-59 Picard 1156 Marseilles canal aqueduct. Rennie 1220 Marsh lands. Browne, J. R 1 "vj Crepin 313 Dassel :'.H Dornds 390 Manson 936 Smith, W 1312 Wheeler 1715, 1716 see also Meadows. SUBJECT IJ^DEX. 175 Masonry construction. No. Baker 46 Beresf orcl 94 Boix 121 Patton 1 1140 see also Dams- ""eservoirs Walls. Meado ws Anderegg . IS Boswcll 135 Diinkelberg 401 Fries 500 Meyn 981 Puvis 1196 Scott, J 1292 Smith, J 1309 Tatham 1359 Vincent, L 1677 sec also Marsh lands. Measurement of water. Carpenter, L. G 236 Castelli 245 Cipolletti 271, 272 Dwelshauvers-Dery 410 Fellows 438 Herschel 645,647 Pope i 1173 Ryon . . 1259 see also Gauging of streams and rivers Flow of water in river, canals, pipes, etc. Water meter. Mesilla valley, N. Mex. Barker 52 Metidja, Algeria. Aymard 37 Mexico. Body 112 Garay 517, 518 Mexico Fomento, colon izacidn, in- dttstrfay comercio, Seci-etaria de 976-979 Mexico Public works department. . . 980 Mora 1014 Ponmared'e 1170 United States Agriculture, Depart- ment of 1405 Water storage in Mexico 1697 Michigan, water resources. Lane ... 834, 835 Midi, Canal du, France. Andreossy 25 Milan canal, Italy. Bignami 102 Miles City, Mont., artesian basin. Follett 459 Mississippi river. Humphreys and Abbot . 695 Seddon 1297 Starling 1326 Missouri river water rights. Mead 960 Mcer'is, Lake. Brown, R. H 157 Montana. Montana State arid land grant com- mission 1007 Montana state irrigation conven- tion... . 1010 Montana Continued. No. Newell 1070 Nirnmo HOI Wilson, H. M 1735 see also Artesian wells and underground waters. Montezuma valley. United States Interior, Department . of the 1486 Moselle river, France. Foltz 463 Muchkundi dam, India 1019 Murcia, Spain. Botella 136 Mancha de Rafael 927 Mysore, India. Sankey 1276 Nagpur, India, waterworks. Binnie 104 Penny r. 1144,1145 Nebraska. Nebraska Irrigation, State board of . 1033 Nebraska agricultural experiment station 1036, 1037 Nebraska commission to National irrigation congress 1038 Nebraska irrigation annual 1039 Nebraska state irrigation conven- tion 1040 see also Artesian wells and underground waters Duty of water Legislation Water rights. Nevada. Greely 576 Nevada state irrigation convention . 1048 Newell 1071 Newlands 1093 Newlands, Hinton, Greene, and Fulton 1096 sec also Artesian wells and underground waters. New Jersey. Voorhees-^ 1681 New Mexico. Newell 1072 United States Agricalture, Depart- ment of 1408 United States House of Representa- tivesAgriculture, Committee on. 1452 see also Artesian wells and underground waters. New South Wales. Abbott, T. K 2 Abbott, W. E 3 David 345, 346 Dixon 383 Gipps 532 Home, F. J 685 McKinney 892, 893, 895, 896, 898-905 Mingaye.. 993 New South Wales Legislative as- sembly 1055-1059 New South Wales Mines and agri- culture, Department of Water conservation 1060, 1061 New South Wales Royal commission on conservation' of water 1062-1064 . 1746 176 SUBJECT INDEX. New York. Xc\v York stuff ngineer and .///- 1065 1210 Rafter New Zealand, water supply. Ritso ............................... 12:;u Lombardini ........................ N72 Malezieux .......................... '.25 Willeocks ....................... 1725. 17-J7 Nile river reservoirs. Baudot ____ . ........................ 64 Boule ............................... 137 Brown, R. H ....................... 158 Malezieux .......................... 925 Willcocks .................. .* ....... 1725 Nira canal, Bombay. Bombay Presidency Pub/ic icorks nt .................... 124, 127 Nira canal, Bombay ................ 1103 North Dakota. North Dakota Irrigation an39 Oklahoma. Oklahoma agricultural experiment station ..................... 1123-1125 Orange Free State, South Africa, public works. Halle ............................... r.09 Orchard irrigation. McClatchie ................... ...... 586 Richman ........................... 1 22f. Oredon reservoir, France. Carrie ............. : ................ 241 Michelier ........................... 983 Oregon. Newell ............................. 1073 Nimmo ............................. 1101 Oregon agricultural experiment sta- tion . ........................... 1131 Orissa canals. Bengal Public u-ork dcpartm/nt Irrigation deport mud ........... 90 Panthier reservoir, France. Bazin ...................... .......... 73 Parana river, hydraulics. Revy ............................... 1222 Paroy reservoir, France. Pichard PCCOS Valley, X. Mex. Reed Percolation, see Seepage. Periyar project. Allen Gaudard India Public imrkx dt part UK nt MacKenzie P nnvcuick Peru. Peru Font' nt". Mtn i*t< rio dr Sears Piedmont, Italy. Paladini Sulles Smith, R. B Vignotti Pierrelatte canal d'irrigation. Soriete du canal de Pierrelatte Pima Indian reservation. United States Interior, Department of the Geological Surrey Pima Indians. Davis United States Int< rior, J>f.partni< nt oftht Indian bureau Pipes, curves in. Henny manufacture. Jeffreys wooden stave. Adams Henny Marx, Wing, and Hoskins 8( al.--o Flow of water in rivers, canals, pipes, etc. Piping water. Dupuit T Fortier Goldmark Platte river, water rights. United States Into //, I)fpartni t t of the Land Office. ral Po river, Italy. Barilari Baumgarten Comoy Herisson ti Lombardini Porto Rico, water resources of. Wilson, H. M Portugal, rice fields of. Andrade Corvo Potomac river, hydrograpi . Babb Potomac river dam. Chittenden Probolingo, Jftvik. Lamminga Prussia, legislation. Lette Puerto Rico, fee Porto Rico. Pumps and pumping. Barr Berthot.. 1218 9 520 711 891 1146 1151 1295 1132 1269 1311 1673 1317 1519 353 1569 637 774 940 4U4 471 539 1584 51 66 41,t>42 870 1738 24 41 268 sin 848 SUBJECT INDEX. 177 Pumps and pumping Continued. Bovey Hawksley Hood Hubbell .. No. ... 140 ... 630 ... 686 693 Richards 1224, 1225 Weisbach and Herrmann 1703 Wilson, H. M 1737 see also Hydraulic motors. Punjab. MacLean 906 Medley 965 Punjab Public works department Irrigation branch 1186-1194 PyrJa- tions. Committee on 1586 United States State, Department of. 1594 Rio Hondo dam, N. Mex. New Mexico reservoir and irrigation company 1054 Ritchie-Haskell direction current meter. Haskell 627 Rivers. Beardmore 76 Bernard 95 Debauve 358 Frisi 501 Harcourt 615, 617 Merrill 972 O'Connell 1120 Partiot 1138 \Vex 1712 in France. Belgrand 79 in Italy. Baumgarten 66 Comoy 295 iu United States. Gannett 515 see also Floods Flow of water in rivers, canals, pipes, etc. Gauging of streams and rivers names of ri vers Torrents. Roman aqueducts. Belgrand 82 Frontinns 503 Roquefavour aqueduct, Marseilles canal. Rennie 1220 Russia. Jilinsky 777, 778 Russia Irrigation board. 1256 Russia Public works ministry 1257 Sacaton Indian reservation. United States House, of Representa- tivesIrrigation of arid lands, Committee on 1464 Sahara desert. Laurent 837 St. Lawrence basin. Chittenden 267 Salinas valley. Marx 939 San Bernardino valley. Lippmcott 859 San .Toaquin canal, Cal. Specht 1322 San Roque water-dam. Argentine Republic Public works ministry 28 Sandhurst water supply, Victoria. Brady 149 Santa Ana canal, Cal. Hall 608 Seepage. Carpenter, L. G 234, 235, 239 Denton 372 Fortier 474. 1T.\ 177 Seepage Continued. No. Greaves 571 ee also Artesian wells and underground waters. Seine river, France. Belgrand si, 82 Harcourt 614 Sewage irrigation. Rafter 1207 Sidhnai canal, Punjab. India Public works department 713 Mat-Lean 907 Punjab Public works department- Irrigation branch 1188, 1191, 1192 Silt in canals and dams. Buckley 173 I Calmels 216, 217 Kennedy 797 Schuyler 1287 Sind. Bombay Presidency Public uvrks department 123 Fahey 435 Strachan 1343 Strachey 1344 Sirhind canal. Punjab Public works department- Irrigation branch 1186, 1187, 1190 Sluices. Best 99 Cadart 184 Macalister 884 Torricelli 1380 Walker 1689 see also Dams Weirs. Soane canal, India. Levinge 852 Sodom dam. McCulloh 888 Soil moisture. Hilgard and Loughridge 665 Manning, J 932 Soonkesala canal, Madras. Latham 836 South Africa, hydrology. Brown, J. C 155, 156 'Tripp 1393 storage reservoir. Gamble 511 South Dakota. Butler 182 Darton 339 South Dakota Irrigation, State en- i/infir of 1319 South Dakota experiment sta- tion 1320, 1321 see also Artesian wells and underground water.-. South Fork dam, failure of. American society of civil engineers. 12 Spain. Aymard 38, 39 Botella 136 California Engineer department 187 Higgin 657 Jaubert