/ GENEALOGICAL REGISTER OF THE DESCENDANTS OF (' K UVO^ GEORGE ABBOT, OF ANDOVER, GEORGE ABBOT, OF ROWLEY, THOMAS ABBOT, OF ANDOVER, ARTHUR ABBOT, OP IPSWICH, ROBERT ABBOT, OF BHANFORD. CT. AI GEORGE ABBOT, OF NORWALK, CT. COMPILED BY REV. ABIEL ABBOT, D. D , AND REV. EPHRAIM ABBOT. . BOSTON : JAMES MUNROE AND COMPANY, M DCCC XLVII. R i Entered according to act of Congress, in the year 1847, by EPHRAIM ABBOT, in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the District of Massachusetts. UNTED BY THURSTON, TORRY AND CO. 31 Devonshire Street. PREFACE. AT a meeting of a number of the descendants of George Abbot, held in Andover, August 16, 1842, after discussing the subject, it was unanimously resolved, that a monument be erected in grateful and pious remembrance of George and Hannah Abbot, in the burial-place in the South Parish, Andover. A committee, consisting of Abiel Abbot of Peterboro', Ephraitn Abbot of Westford, Samuel Abbot of Charlestown, Asa A. Abbot of Andover, and Josiah G. Abbot of Lowell, was appointed to carry the resolve into effect. The committee was requested to prepare a Genealogical Regis- ter of the descendants of George Abbot, as complete as may be, and print the same, if the subscription for the monument should be sufficient to defray the expense. A plain granite monument has, accordingly, been procured, and was erected, September 26, 1843, in the burial-place opposite to his estate in the South Parish, Andover, where nearly three hun- dred of his descendants have been interred. On the following page is a correct representation of the monu- ment, with the inscription. As this Register is designed for a family book, it is not ex- pected that it will excite much public interest or notice ; but it is hoped that it will receive some regard, and afford some informa- tion, or, at least, gratify the curiosity of some of the descendants of George and Hannah Abbot, and of the other worthy ancestors, whose genealogy we have attempted to collect and compile. In a work of this kind, it would not be strange, if there should be many inaccuracies with regard to names, dates, places, &,c. The compilers have, however, endeavored to obtain all the infor- mation in their power, and have spent much time, and incurred .. GEORGE ABBOT, Born in England, was one of the first settlers of Andover, A. D. 1643 ; where, in 1647, he married HANNAH CHANDLER. HE DIED Dec. 1681, JEt. 66. SHE DIED June, 1711, JBt. 82. Their Descendants, in reverence for their moral worth and Christian virtues, erected this monument, A. D. 1843. much expense, to render the work as complete as possible. We hope that the facts, we have compiled, will enable those, whose genealogy we could not complete, to trace back their lineage to their patriarchal ancestors. We wish it had been in our power to give more extended no- tices of our worthy ancestors, and of the other venerable patri- archs, who, having determined to obey GOD rather than man, preferred to enjoy the liberty, with which Christ had made them free, in a wilderness, to the many pleasant things of their native land, connected as they were with persecution and oppression for their religious opinions. With them, " Religion was all." With the exception of a few brief observations, our limits do not permit us to attempt a description of their hardships, sufferings, priva- tions, dangers, and sacrifices in the cause of civil and religious liberty, nor of the influence of their opinions, actions, and ex- ample on succeeding generations. Many facts and events, which would be gratifying to us to know, our ancestors were too much occupied to record ; or the memorials of them have been lost. The toil, deprivations and inconvenience of the first settlers, their exposures, dangers, and sufferings are unknown, and can hardly be conceived by their descendants. The compilers tender their grateful acknowledgments to those friends, who have aided them in this patient and perplexing concern, and especially to George Abbot and Nathan K. Abbot, Esqrs., of Concord, N. H., and to Joseph Abbot, Esq., Willington, Ct., whose assistance has contributed much to the completion of this work. Our first intention was to make a register of the descendants of George Abbot, Sen. only ; but in our endeavors to collect docu- ments for this purpose, we frequently obtained facts relating to the descendants of George Abbot, Jr., and intermarriages of the two families. In compliance with the requests of a considerable num- ber, we have made a register of the descendants of George Abbot of Rowley, whose son George, Jr. settled in Andover, about 1655. His posterity is numerous and widely dispersed, and we have not been able to make the register as complete as we wish. We have added, as far as we have been able to obtain informa- tion, an account of the descendants of Thomas Abbot, who set- tled in Andover about 1664. A number of his descendants, about fifty years since, moved from Andover, and were among the early settlers in Andover, Me., whose genealogy we have obtained by the kind aid of Dr. E. C. Rolfe, Farmington, Me. a* VI PREFACE. We have also added such account, as we could collect, of the families of Arthur Abbot of Ipswich, Robert Abbot of Branford, Ct., George Abbot of Norwalk, Ct., and Walter Abbot of N. H. Though the account we give of them is limited, it has been ob- tained by patient, persevering labor, and considerable expense. For the account we have compiled of the genealogy of the fam- ily of Arthur Abbot, we are much indebted to his descendants, to Dr. Thaddeus W. Harris, and to Rev. Wm. J. Buddington ; and we present to them our cordial thanks. We wish also to express our grateful acknowledgments to Ebben Abbot, Esq., of Middlebu- ry, Ct., to his son, George Abbot, Esq., of New Haven, to Charles M. Hall, Esq. of Chatham, N. Y., and to Thaddeus M. Abbot, Esq. of Reading, Ct., for the valuable assistance we have received from them in obtaining the genealogy of the families of their respective ancestors. Farmer, in his Genealogical Register, mentions, besides those we have noticed, several persons of the name, who were in New England, and were freemen, before the last century. Daniel of Cambridge, 1631, died as early as 1650 ; Daniel of Providence, before Philip's war; Joseph of New Haven, 1683; (who may have been the Joseph, that came with Maria Abbot, 6 April, 1635, from England in the Hopewell. They were then sixteen years old, and may have been elder children of Robert of Branford, whom he left in England, and this Maria may have been the same that married John Robins, of Branford, 1659.) Robert of Water- town, 1634 ; (who was, very probably, afterwards Robert of Bran- ford) ; John, Concord, 1637, killed by mischance ; Edward, Taun- ton ; Richard, keeper of the prison, New Hampshire, 1684. Samuel Abbot of Leominster was not, probably, descended from any one we have named. He has sons, merchants in Boston. His father died on his passage from England to this country, some time in the last century. There is a family of the name in Detroit, Mich., which came into the United States from Canada, whose genealogy we have not obtained. Joel Abbot, representative in Congress from Georgia several years, as is believed, descended from Robert of Brauford, or from George of Norwalk. Samuel Abbot, who with his wife resided at the Isle of Shoals, 1753, prob- ably descended from Walter. There is some evidence, that the three Abbots, that settled in Andover, were related. Their settlement in the same town and about the same time is noticeable. Perhaps 1 George was a son of an older, and Thomas of a younger brother of George of Rowley. Coincidence of names in their families indicates relationship. All three name sons John, and daughters Sarah. l George, soon after the death of Thomas of Rowley and the marriage of Thomas of Andover, named a son Thomas. The same 1 George, after naming his first daughter for his wife, called his second Sarah for the wife of 2 George, who at that early date had no daughter; but in rea- sonable time returned the compliment by naming his third daughter Hannah. Thomas, as l George had done before, gives the name Joseph twice, and Thomas, and Nathaniel, and Mary, whose name was taken twenty-two years before by 2 George. Thomas had four daughters; for one he takes a name used by 2 George before, for another by both Georges, and two named Dorothy, probably for the wife of Thomas of Rowley ; and of his six sons, five are named after five of those of ! George. The tradition, that three brothers came from England, and set- tled in Andover or vicinity, from whom originated all the Abbots in the country, may have arisen from the fact, that three of the name did settle in Andover, who were probably sons of three brothers, one of whom with three sons came to Rowley. As a similar tradition is believed to exist among all the descend- ants of the early settlers, who bore our name, it is not improbable that all descended from a common ancestor, though the three brothers may have never come to America. NAME. Some of our correspondents have expressed a wish, that we should endeavor to ascertain, which is the more correct mode of writing our name, with a single or double t. So far as we have examined, we find, that English and American writers and authors, with very few exceptions, have written the name with one t. Names of more than one syllable, ending with bot, have but one t, as Cabot, Talbot, &c. It may be satisfactory to name some of the authors and writers, who use but one t in our name. Neal, Burnet, Mosheim, Priestley, Hume, Lingard, Keightley, Lempriere, Walker, Winthrop, Hub- bard, Hutchinson, Belknap, Calef, Eliot, Allen, Farmer, Barnard, Phillips, Pearson, Fiske, Harris, Eaton, Woods, Flint, Everett, Bartlett, Bouton, Channing, Gage, Ware, Cummings, &c., Pan- oplist, Anthology, Christian Disciple, Christian Examiner, North American Review, &c., Harvard University Catalogue, Brown College Catalogue, Dartmouth College Catalogue. We are not aware, that any writer or author of our name in this country has used more than one t, except that, within a few years, Mr. Jacob Abbot and brothers have added another t to their name, as some others have in this century. We have, therefore, on the monument and in this publication, used one t in writing our name, ABBOT. - Several abbreviations have been used ; as a, for aged, or year .of age, and for about ; ab. for about ; b. for born ; c. &> ch. for child and children ; chh. for church ; d. for decease and deceased ; da. for daughter and daughters ; in. for married ; n. for no and not ; s. for son and sons. Small figures before names denote genera- tion ; large figures, number of children. CORRECTIONS AND ADDITIONS. Page 11, line 23, for 1828, read 1832. P. 14, 1. 31, for 1838, read 1738. P. 19, 1. 38, for large 6 s., read small 6 s. P. 20, 1. 28, for 1802, read 1842. P. 21, 1. 34, for large? c., read small 7 c. P. 23, 1. 44, for 1802, probably 1806. P. 28, 1. 16, for 21, read 24. P. 30, 1. 48, for large 8, read small 8 . P. 35, 1. 6, after 89 add, d. 19 March, 1847. P. 36, 1. 29, for 1792, read 1789; 1. 41, for 1781, read 1791. P. 37, 1. 17, for 1816, read 1819; 1. 22, add, d. 29 March, 1847. P. 39, 1. 44, for large 8, read small ". P. 40, 1. 9, for large 8, read small 8 . P. 43, 1. 35, for large 7, read small 7 . P. 49, 1. 12, add 3 Philip, before Hannah ; 1. 28, for 1781, read 1785. P. 51, 1. 44, for Sybil, read Sibyl. P. 69, 1. 4, add, d. 30 July, 1847. P. 79, 1. 27, add 6 before Priscilla. P. 89, 1. 45, for Philips, read Phillips. P. 95, 1. 35, after 7 Sam- uel H., add 7 John H. P. 100, I. 30, for h. read d. before 24. P. 101, 1. 31, for 1756, read 1766. P. 105, 1. 47, for 7 MARY S., read 7 Mary A. ; 1. 48, read 7 DANIEL before Barton, &c. P. 109, 1. 33, for 23, read 1823. P. 110, 1. 9, after Hoyt, for comma, read period, and add 7 Orlando. P. 113, 1. 5, after 1767, add d. 2 May, 1847. P. 118, 1. 27, for 1799, read 1779. P. 121, 1. 17, for Ackby, read Ackley. P. 122, lowest line, for 8 BETSY, read 6 BETSY. P. 141, I. 46, for Palfrey, read Palfray. P. 142, 1. 13, for RICHARD, read 5 RICHARD. P. 145, 1. 23, for 6 Hannah, read 5 Hannah. P. 150, 1. 3, after 5 Samuel, for comma, read period. P. 151, 1. 17, after Foster, add d. 19 July, 1770. P. 156, 1. 1, for 4 NEHEMIAH, read 5 NEHEMiAH. P. 159, 1. 1, after Lois, for comma, read period. P. 170, 1. 35, for Miriam, read Meriam. The following Introduction was prepared with reference to the genealogy of l GEORGE ABBOT of Andover ; but a considerable part of it is not more peculiar to him, than to others of the name, and many other early settlers in New England. INTRODUCTION. THERE is a satisfaction to most persons in being able to trace their lineage to remote ancestors ; in knowing where they lived, and through what scenes and hardships, prosperity and adversity, they passed, and in recollecting what benefits they conferred on their posterity. As nothing is certainly known of George Abbot, previously to his emigrating from England to this country, his settling at Andover seems a suitable epoch, from which to com- mence an account of his family and descendants. Believing that it would be useful and gratifying to many, a Genealogical Register has been prepared as complete as in the power of the compilers. GEORGE ABBOT and the first settlers in Andover were Puritans. Under the tyranny of the Tudors and Stuarts, many left their na- tive country to enjoy civil and religious liberty. They were re- quired to conform to rites and ceremonies, in their view, inconsis- tent with the true worship of God. The great prevailing motive, which induced our ancestors to leave their pleasant homes, was to enjoy the inalienable right of worshipping God according to the conviction of their own minds, and their understanding of his word. They did not come here to accumulate property, to live in ease and splendor, or acquire fame. They had vastly higher and holier views and aims, to obey God and prepare themselves for heaven. With these motives and aims, and firm trust in God, they, with fortitude and cheerfulness, endured the toils and suffer- ings incident to subduing the wilderness, a severe climate and cruel savages. George Abbot emigrated, as tradition reports, from Yorkshire, England, about 1640, and came over in the same vessel with Han- nah Chandler, who, several years after, became his wife. It is this year, (1847,) two hundred and four years, since he, with the first settlers, a band of Puritans, erected their humble cabins, in Ando-' Xii INTRODUCTION. ver, made of logs and covered with thatch, or bark from trees. How different from the large, commodious, and beautiful dwellings, which we now see every where standing around ! Here they be- gan labors, to which they had never been accustomed. Here all was new and strange, a severe climate, a howling, gloomy wilder- ness. The clearing up of the forest, always laborious, even after long experience and skill, with improved instruments, is peculiarly fatiguing, tedious, and discouraging to the inexperienced with in- struments ill adapted to the work. In a new settlement, frequent resort was had to the forest, the brook, and river to supply their necessities. They knew not the use of that invaluable root, the potato, so useful and indispensable to us. Their fare must have been what now would be deemed hard and intolerable. These sons of the forest had sound hearts, firm and fixed reso- lutions, and persevering effort. Their faith in God never failed. They kept constantly in view the grand design of their coming to this wilderness. Their notions of religious liberty were not mere speculations ; their views were rational ; their purposes were strong ; their principles were not to be shaken by any temporal considera- tion ; their consciences were not to be swayed by flattery or frowns; they were determined to obey God rather than man. They never forgot their main object; to worship God according to his word, without the dictation of man, and to train up their families in the way they should go. Accordingly, the few, that began the settlement at Andover, took their minister with them ; and the very next year after entering the forest, they were prepared to have a church 6rganized, and their minister ordained. We won- der how this could be. They had faith in the Savior's instruc- tions, and were resolved to obey them; to deny themselves; to seek first the kingdom of God. The fire never went out on the family altar. There were warm hearts around the warm house- hold hearth ; the morning and evening incense never ceased to ascend, an acceptable offering to Jehovah. They followed the example of faithful Abraham, not only in leaving their native country, but in commanding their household to keep the way of the Lord ; and their precepts were enforced, as were his, by their own holy example. The Sabbath was a day of rest from worldly cares and labors, and from amusements and sports, which they left INTRODUCTION. Xlll their native country to avoid. Hence the Sabbath, in New Eng- land, continues to be observed with commendable strictness by their descendants. It was their great concern to imbue the minds of their offspring with sound religious truth, and to transmit to succeeding generations those Christian principles and virtues, which sustained them in all their trials and persecutions, and ren- dered them cheerful and happy amidst all their hardships and suf- ferings. To the Puritans are we indebted for our civil liberty and free institutions, as well as for our religious privileges; Reformation from Popery was not in the intention of Henry VIII. and Eliza- beth, any farther than to become Pope, and secure the revenues of the Church ; and so far as the Protestant Reformation and religious freedom have been enjoyed in England, they are the result of the struggles of the Puritans. Even Hume, no partial friend of the Puritans, is constrained to admit, " that whatever spark of liberty we have remaining to us is owing to the Puritans alone." The tree of liberty in this country was of their planting and culture. It might, under other circumstances, seem unbecoming in us to speak of the virtues of the descendants of our ancestor, but in a Genealogical Register prepared for the family, it will not be thought to involve any impropriety, if we commend to the living those, as we think, characteristic good qualities, for which we rightly honor the dead. Most races of men, if we trace them down through successive generations, are seen to possess peculiar traits, which distinguish them from others, and which they very probably inherit from their common progenitor. And any one, familiar with those descended from GEORGE ABBOT, cannot but be struck with the fact, that, from his time to the present, they have, as a family or tribe, possessed a marked character of their own. The number of his grandchildren was at least seventy-three ; of these as many as forty-four had families ; thirty of these settled in Andover. A large number of his posterity remains there. In general, his descendants have been good husbandmen, indus- trious, sober, living within their income. Some have been enter, prising, and have made good farms from the forest ; others have much improved old farms. It is a little remarkable, that so many farms continue in succession in the same family. Four of the seven farms occupied by George and his sons, are now in pos. I XlV INTRODUCTION. session of the descendants of the first settlers, and another was kept in the family more than a century ; and another more than eighty years. Scarcely any one has become a pauper. Some have been poor, but few have been reduced to necessitous circumstances. Very few have been distinguished for wealth ; most of them have been in the happy state, for which Agur prayed, a competency with contentment. They have been friendly to their friends, attentive to their rela- tions, hospitable to strangers, ready to assist the unfortunate, and compassionate to the infirm and poor. Children have been dutiful to parents and respectful to superiors; parents have been attentive to bring up their children to some kind of business, and to imbue their minds with religious and moral principles. As members of the community, they have been industrious, temperate, fond of home, minding their own business, honest in their dealings, punctual in paying their debts, and good citizens. They have been modest, unassuming, willing to be excused from public business and public notice. They have been remarkable for peace and good neighborhood ; have carefully avoided litiga- tion and hazardous speculations. They have been remarkable for constancy and punctuality in attending public worship, and other means of religion ; for willing- ness to maintain religious institutions, and for adherence to Con- gregational order. They have been catholic in sentiment and feeling, claiming and freely granting the rights of const ^nce and private judgment. They have been assiduous in educating their families religiously, equally free from fanaticism and indifference. Jn dress and equipage, they have been simple, using what is suitable to their station and business. They have avoided luxury and dissipation ; and a number has attained to a good old age. They have generally improved their privileges, been well in- formed, and have surpassed many of like advantages. Some ot them have been men of learning, and have promoted the literature and morals of their country, as teachers and ministers of the gospel. Most of them have been solicitous to give their children opportu- nity of gaining information suitable to their condition ; and to effect this, some of them have made great exertions, and practised much self-denial. INTRODUCTION. XV EDUCATION. Of the descendants of 1 George Abbot one hun- dred and three have graduated at college ; and fourteen have been, or are now, students at college. It is probable, that some, who have received a collegiate education, are not included in this ac- count. Wilton, N H., having a population of one thousand and thirty- three, has been distinguished for liberal provision for the common schools, and for the number educated at college. Thirty have re- ceived a college education ; of these, seventeen are descendants of 1 George A., and fourteen of 4 John A. ; the first graduate was in 1787. Of descendants of emigrants from Wilton, twenty-two have been students at college since the commencement of the present century ; of these, eighteen descended from ' George A. It is satisfactory to know, that those favored with a collegiate education have not wasted their talents, been drones, or vicious members of society. Though they have not been brilliant and distinguished as public men, they have honorably and usefully discharged the duties of their stations, and have contributed their share to the common interests of society, in promoting good learn- ing and good morals. CLEARING LAND. As in the old towns clearing off the forest has for a long time ceased, it may be proper to describe the man- ner of doing it. The clearing away of the forest was a tedious and arduous task. Most of the land in Andover was probably cleared by felling the trees, cutting them out and piling them with the brush. After burning the heaps of wood, and digging up the ground with a mattock or breaking-up hoe, the grain was sown. The settlers in Concord and Wilton, after some experience, felled the trefes and chopped them into suitable lengths for piling before burning; but improving upon this method, the trees were felled, limbed down, if necessary, which was not often the case, and when sufficiently dry, the .fire was suffered to run through, which consumed the brush and small wood. Soon after burning, the logs were cut into such length as to be easily piled. Sometimes, when there was a brisk wind, fire was used in cutting off the logs, which was done by placing a stick of wood across the log, and setting fire to it where it lay across. When the stick was nearly burned off, it was put further on. A man would sometimes, by the aid of fire> xvi INTRODUCTION. cut off in one day as much, as he could in two days with an axe only. The wood was then piled, commonly by one man with a pair of oxen to haul the logs and two men to pile them. The heaps were set on fire, and poked up once or twice and burnt off. After rain, to neutralize the ashes, the grain was sown and har- rowed in. The plough was seldom used. The grass seed was commonly sown the next spring, when the snow was going off. The crop of grain was often large and paid for clearing the land, and sometimes for the land also. HOUSES. The first houses were built of logs, some of which were hewn into plank five or six inches thick, and fifteen or twenty inches wide. The floors were made of the same. They were covered with thatch or bark ; the chimney of stone, sometimes of small sticks of wood plastered with clay. Few of them had glass windows. The first windows were of diamond glass, set in lead. The second meeting-house in the South Parish, Andover, built in 1732, had diamond glass windows. The log houses were occupied a number of years. Probably the garrison house, in which 1 George A. and his son John lived, was built at the commence- ment of Philip's war. This was of wood, of two stories, the sec- ond story jutting over about two feet, with port-holes, to prevent the Indians from setting it on fire. In time of war or apprehension of danger, there was a garrison house in every neighborhood, to which the inhabitants resorted for the night. They went armed in companies to their work in the fields, while one was employed to watch. Block houses were built in the common fields. None of the garrison houses remain in Andover; and very few in New England. The middle part of the old red house near the garrison house, was built for 3 John A. about 1704 ; twenty-eight by twenty feet, two stories, chimney, entry and stairs at the end ; the chimney ten feet four inches by eight feet ; the fireplace between the jambs, eight feet three inches, three feet four inches deep ; four feet eight inches high, two ovens in the back, mantel-piece of wood ; the floor about six inches below the top of the sill. The west end, one room and small kitchen, was built about 1732, when * John A. was married, in which his father lived ; and was occupied by 5 John A., who was married in 1758; In which he died in 1818. The east INTRODUCTION. XV11 room was built about 1752. The house is occupied by two fami- lies. Houses built before the close of the last century, were nearly all fronting the south. The oldest house remaining in Andover, now owned by Dea. Charles Bailey, was built by Governor S. Bradstreet, in which, September, 1672, his wife Ann died, distinguished among the early matrons of our country for her literary powers and a volume of poems. TRAVELLING AND ROADS. For many years, the first settlers in the country had rough and bad roads. These were improved slowly, as the inhabitants were engaged in clearing the land, pro- viding themselves with food and necessary accommodations, and had few articles to carry to market. Many of the roads were mere foot-paths, or bridle-ways. The country was not so soon stocked with horses as with neat cattle, and very few horses were trained for draught. The saddle only was used. All horses were trained to carry double, and women were accustomed to ride on a pillion. 5 Jeremiah Abbot rode from Andover to Wilton, forty-five miles, in a day, with his mother behind him on a pillion. Carriages for pleasure or for conveying persons were very little used before the war of the Revolution. The pillion in Andover was laid aside about the close of the last century; since which time, roads being greatly improved, travelling has been chiefly in carriages. In making a road through the wilderness, a surveyor and his party, with compass and chain, explore the country around, and where they find the land suitable for a road, the trees are spotted by cutting out a piece of the bark, and at the end of every mile the number is marked on the nearest tree. Then follow the axe- men, who clear away the bushes and fell the trees in a space of one or two rods wide. In wet land and over brooks, causeways and bridges are formed of logs. Roads were not brought to per- fection at once, but were first made passable for single horses and teams of oxen. The expense of making and keeping roads in repair falls very heavily on new towns. DOMESTIC ECONOMY. Industry and economy are essentials in new settlements. All are trained to order and activity. There are no drones; all are working bees. All rise early; reading XV111 INTRODUCTION. the Scriptures and prayer are attended to, and all are prepared for business. The first settlers of Andover and other towns ob- tained much food from the water. Salmon and shad were plenti- ful in the Merrimack, and were taken in other rivers. Alewives and other fish were abundant in smaller streams. The forest yielded some meat, as moose, deer, and smaller animals, and fowls, as turkeys, and partridges. For breakfast, bread and milk, luncheon at nine or ten o'clock; dinner at twelve, of meat, or fish, and vege- tables, and often boiled Indian pudding ; luncheon at four or five o'clock, bread and milk for supper. In winter, broth, bean, corn, or pea porridge for breakfast, and sometimes for supper. Porridge was continued till after the revolutionary war. Tea was rarely used, unless for company, before 1783; coffee less used; chocolate was early used for company. The clothing was almost wholly homespun. Sheep were kept for their wool ; and flax was raised on every farm. The wool was wrought by women into various articles of men's and women's wear and household furniture. This was done by hand cards, spinning wheel, and loom. The carding machine was introduced about the commencement of the present century. Men often wore deerskin breeches ; for every day, often, a woollen frock, striped with blue or black, or tow frock, dyed with oak bark, a sheepskin leather apron and breeches. The flax was pulled and spread for rotting by women and boys, and dressed in the winter by men. It was wrought into various articles of clothing, &,c. for family use, and for sale. This gave much employment for the women. This kind cf labo- has been almost wholly superseded by the woollen and cotton mill. SOCIAL INTERCOURSE. Amon T the early settlers much friend- liness, sympathy, and entire equality prevailed. Envy, unfriendly competition, and pride of birth, or wealth, were unknown. Every one rejoiced in the prosperity of his neighbor, and partook of his adversity. Ready assistance was rendered to the sick and unfor- tunate. All felt as belonging to the same family. There was frequent interchange of labor. Their visits were not spoiled by heartless ceremony or expensive entertainments. They were cheerful, cordial, frank and full of good humor. No expensive, gaudy dress ; a clean checked apron and handkerchief, and home- INTRODUCTION. XIX spun gown, were sufficient. Women would go early in the after- noon, carry their work with them, and return home before sunset, to take care of domestic concerns. Patriarchial simplicity, respect, and submission prevailed in their families.' THE SABBATH. The Sabbath was most strictly observed by our ancestors. On Saturday evening all work was laid aside, and preparation for the Sabbath was attended to. The master of the family shaved himself. The evening, after supper, was spent in reading the Bible and religious books, and in family prayer. Sun- day morning, after necessary work for breakfast was performed, was employed in reading the Scriptures and other books and in prayer, till meeting time, when all, that could, attended meeting. The intermission between the morning and afternoon service was spent in religious conversation or reading. After public service and dinner, the children were instructed in reading in the Primer, Psalter or Testament, and in the Assembly's Catechism ; the older children committed Scripture and hymns to memory ; the younger were taught the Lord's prayer, the commandments, and some short hymns and prayers. Religious conversation, particularly relating to the public services, reading the Scriptures and prayer, closed the exercises of the day. No playing, amusement, walking abroad, or unnecessary work was allowed. Some of the most respectable in the town were ap- pointed tithing-men, whose badge of office was a long staff or pole. They took care, that all should be in the meeting-house before the beginning of service, and noticed any disorder, that took place in or out of the house, and absence from public worship. All travel- ling and servile labor were by law forbidden. The Sabbath was far from being a day of gloom and weariness, as it has been too often represented. Children perhaps were some- times too much restrained. As it was a day of rest, there was a solemn stillness. The fields, the trees, and every thing around were clothed with an impressive grandeur. The ox, freed from his yoke, was refreshed and at perfect ease ; and man, having cast aside his cares and toil, with soul serene and elevated, beheld the works of God, and, though there was no voice nor speech, learned to adore the Majesty of heaven, and to feed his soul with the bread of life. His body relieved from labor and his mind from XX INTRODUCTION. care, he read with delight the sacred Word ; and thus prepared for the journey of life, went on his way rejoicing. Meeting his fellow worshippers cherished his social affections, and strengthened him for the faithful and cheerful discharge of the duties of the week and of life. Thus the trials and duties of life were met with for- titude, temptations overcome, selfishness, passion, and pride sub- dued, the bounties of Providence enjoyed with gratitude, and Christian progress and improvement attained. GENEALOGICAL REGISTER OF TIJE DESCENDANTS OF GEORGE ABBOT. i GEORGE ABBOT, the venerable ancestor of a numerous pro- geny, emigrated, as tradition reports, from Yorkshire, England, about 1640, was among the first settlers of Andover, in 1643, and a proprietor ; lived and died on the farm now owned by 7 John Abbot. His house was a garrison, and was used as such many years after his death. In 1647, he married Hannah Chand- ler, daughter of William and Annis C. Her brother Thomas was among the first settlers of Andover, and progenitor of a numerous race. They were industrious, economical, sober, pious and re- spected. With Christian fortitude and submission they endured their trials, privations and dangers, of which they had a large share. They brought up a large family well, and trained them in the way, they should go, from which they did not depart. He d. Dec. 24, 1681, O. S. a. 66. She m. Rev. Francis Dane, minister of Ando- ver, who d. Feb. 1697, a. 81. Shed. 11 June, 1711, a. 82. The children of i GEORGE and HANNAH A. were, 2 John, b. 2 March, 1648; d. 19 March, 1721 ; 2 Joseph, b. 11 March, 1649; d. 24 June, 1659; the first death on the town record ; 2 Hannah, b. 9 June, 1659; d. 2 March, 1740; 2 Joseph, b. 30 March, 1652; d. 8 April, 1676; the first in Andover who fell a victim to Indian warfare ; 2 George, b. 7 June, 1655 ; d. 27 Feb. 1736 ; 2 William, b. 18 Nov. 1657; d. 24 Oct. 1713. 2 Sarah, b. 14 Nov. 1659; d. 28 June, 1711 ; 2 Benjamin, b. 20 Dec. 1661 ; d. 30 March, 1703 ; 2 Timothy, b. 17 Nov. 1663 ; d. 9 Sept. 1730. 2 Thomas, b. 6 May, 1666 ; d. 28 April, 1728 ; Edward, d. young, drowned ; 2 Nathaniel, b. 4 July, 1671 ; d. Dec. 1749 ; 2 ELIZABETH, b. 9 Feb. 1673; d. 4 May, 1750; m. 1692, Nathan Stevens; 3 NA- THAN, b. 1 Oct. 1693 ; d. 30 Sept. 1741 ; m. Hannah Robinson ; s Elizabeth, b. 25 Oct. 1697. 1 2 1 GEORGE, 2 JOHN, 3 JOHN, 4 JOHN ABBOT. 2 JOHN A., lived with his father in the garrison house; m. 1673, , Sarah Barker, da. of Richard B., one of the first settlers of An- dover. She d. 10 Feb. 1729, a. 82. He was employed in town business, often a selectman. Upon organizing a church in the south parish, in 1711, he was chosen a Deacon, and Mr. Phillips states, that " he used the office well." They were respected for their uprightness and piety. Their children, by their instructions and example, were religiously trained, and respected ; 3 John A., b. 2 Nov. 1674 ; d. 1 Jan. 1754 ; 3 Joseph, b 29 Dec. 1676; d. 9 Jan. 1757; 3 Stephen, b. 16 March, 1678; d. 27 May, 1766: 3 SARAH, b. 7 Dec. 1680; d. 6 March, 1754; m. 1707, 3 Zebu- dlah Chandler; 3 Ephraim, b. 15 Aug. 16S2; d. 8 June, 174^ ; 3 Joshua, b. 16 June, 1685; d. 11 Feb. 1769; 3 Mary, b. 2 Jan. I6<7; d. 22 Dec. 1688; sEbenezer, b. 27 Sep. 1689; d. 14 Jan. 1761; 3 Priscilla, b. 7 July, 1691 ; d. 24 May, 1791 ; n. m. She was mild and meek, kind and cheerful ; often employed as nurse of the sick, and of women in their confinement ; was industrious, pious, and contented, and retained her faculties till the close of life. Her nephew, 4Barachius A., a truly pious man, in his old age, sent a message to her by his son : "Tell rny aged aunt Pris- cilla, that I am likely to shoot the gulf before her." Her answer was : " Ah ! I wish I was as fit to shoot the gulf as I think he is." 3 JOHN A. Dea., settled on the homestead ; m. 1701, Elizabeth Harndin of Wilmington, who d. 9 Aug. 1756. He was a select- man, and useful citizen, and Dea. of the church 34 years; mild, cheerful, humble. She, like Elizabeth of old, with her husband, walked in all the commandments and ordinances of the Lord blameless. They were faithful in commanding their household to keep the way of the Lord, and had the satisfaction of seeing them walk in it. 4 John, b. 1, and d. 10 Sep. 1703; 4 John, b. 3 Aug. 1704; d. 10 Nov. 1713; 4 Barachias, b. 14May, 1707; d 2 Oct. 1784: 4 Elizabeth, b. 1712; d. 4 July, 1758 ; 4ABIEL, b. Jan. 1716; d. 18 May, 1739; H. U., 1737; a good scholar, of good character, and of great promise. Ste Mr. J. Barnard's Funeral Serm. 4 Joseph, b. 24 April, 1719; d. 1789. 4 JOHN A. Capt., lived with his father ; m. 1732, Phebe Fiskc, who d. Dec. 1802, a. 90. He was employed in the business of the town as selectman : of strict integrity, always acting on prin- ciple, and holding truth and his promise sacred. He was con- stant in religious duties, reading the sacred scriptures, and having prayer morning and evening. On the sabbath morning and even- ing, he with his family sung a psalm or hymn before prayer. This was also the custom of his ancestors and his children. He Kassed through a long life with few faults and many virtues, and ad the gratification of seeing his sons well settled and respect- able, regarding him with filial affection and gratitude. 5 Phebe, b. 25 April, 1733; d. 26 July, 1812; 6 John, b. 12 Sep. 1735; d. 24 April, 1818; 5 Ezra, b. 8 Oct. 1737; d. 15 Sep. 1760, in the army; distinguished for agility and strength; a Abiel, b. 1 2 JOHN, 3 JOHN, 4 JOHN, 4 ELIZABETH ABBOT. 3 May, 1741; d. 19 Aug. 1809; s Jeremiah, b. 25 May, 1743; d. 2 Nov. 18-25. a William, b. 14 Jan. 1748; d. 30 Nov. 1793; Benjamin, b 7 June, 1750; d. 12 Aug. 1751. 4 ELIZABETH A., m 1732, Capt. Asa Foster, s Asa, b 9 Sep. 1733 ; 5 Abiel, b. 24 Aug. 1735 ; d. Feb. 1806 ; s David, b. 4 Jan. 1742; s ELIZABETH, b. 25 April, 1744; d. 24 April, 1775; m. Gen. Nathanirl Lovejoy, H. U., 1766; s Jonathan, b. 8 Aug. 1747; 5 Sarah, b. 8 March, 1756. s ARIEL FOSTER, H. U., 1756, m. 1769, Mary Rngr,rs, Ipswich; ordained minister of Canterbury, N. H. Jan. 1761, resigned, 1779; was Representative in the General Court, and President of the Senate of N. H. ; was Chief Jus- tice of the C C. P. He was two years Representative in the old Congress, and ten years a member under the present Constitu- tion His integrity, virtue, and usefulness secured the confidence and favor of the people and the respect of numerous friends. See Hist. Coll. ofN. H. s ('HEBE A , IT). 1754, Nathan Chandler. 6 PHEBE, b. 18 Oct. 1754; d. 19 June, 1798; rn. Benjamin Ames. 7 BENJAMIN, b. 30 Oct. 1778; d. 28 Sep. 1835; H. U. 1803, Counsellor at Law, Bath, Me., Justice of the Circuit Court, Speaker of the House of Representatives, and President of the Senate, Me. m. 6 Mary Bm/ntnn ; d. ; 2m.; 6 Sally Boynton ; 6 NATHAN, b. 16 June, 1756, Concord, m. Lucy Ballard ; had 9 ch. ; 6 LUCY b. 26 June, 1758; m. Zibadiah Ckandlir ; e EZRA, b. 20 June, 1760; d. 10 Sep. 177S; Elizabeth, b. 15 May, 1763; CMARY, b. 15 May, 1760; d. 12 Sep 1819; m. William Ballard, Peter boro'. 7JOSIAH, b. 14 April, 1S(!6, U. C. l>32; settled in the ministry at Stidbury, Ms. ; OPRISCILLA, b 31 May, 176S; m. 5 David Abbot ; 6 Chine," b. 2 June, 1771 ; d. 1821 ; KHODA, b. 2 March, 1774 ; m. kBmjamin Abbot. s JOHN A. Capt., lived with his father, enterprising and indus- trious, and managed his farm well and profitably. His mind was active and improved by reading in the winter evenings; his judgment sound, his integrity firm. He was faithful and punctual in the discharge of social duties, friendly to good order, and constant in attendance on the means of religion. In 175**, he m. 4 Abigail Abbot, da. of 3 Benjamin A., a woman of good understanding, sound discretion, active benevolence, and unfeigned piety. They were successful in training their chil- dren to virtue, piety and usefulness. 6 John, b. 8 April, 1759; d. 2 July, 1843. H. U. 1784, Instructer 2 or 3 years in Phil- lips A cad. Andover, and 5 years Tutor in H. U. Having devoted himself to the study of Divinity, and collected a library, he re- ceived a certificate of his qualifications for the ministry; but his health not permitting him to preach, he engaged in mercantile business in Portland. In 1802, he was elected a Professor in Bowdoin Coll., which went into operation the same year. In 18 1 6, he resigned his professorship, and was appointed a Fellow and Treasurer of the Coll. He served as Librarian 24 years. 4 2 JOHN, 3 JOHN, 4 JOHN ABBOT. Being advanced in life, in 1829, he resigned his connexion with the Coll., and retired to Waterford, Me., and afterwards to Charlestown, Ms. He d. at his brother's at Aridover, being of the 6th generation, that lived arid d. on the place, where the vene- rable George, two centuries before, had pitched his tent, and was the fifth in succession, by the name of John, the oldest son, whose average age is nearly 82 years. While connected with the College, he was most heartily and actively devoted to its lite- rary and pecuniary interests, and was a benefactor. While in Brunswick, he did much for the benefit of the fanners by import- ing several thousand trees of the best kinds of fruit, and by fur- nishing grafts for their nurseries and orchards. From these the best fruit has been extensively propagated over the State. He possessed much energy and decision, moral courage and forti- tude, and was distinguished for benevolence and tender regard for the welfare of others. He was warmly attached to his friends, and received and conferred much pleasure in visiting them. His life afforded an example of the cheerful, active, philanthropic, and devout Christian, e Ezra, b. 3 Dec. 1760; d. 22 Jan. 1844; Ben- jamin, b. 17 Sep 1762; Abigail, b. 15 Sep. 1764; d. 22 April, 1841; Elizabeth, b. 2 Aug. 1766; m. Rev. eAbiel Abbot; Phebe, b. 18 Nov. 1768 ; Abiel, b. 17 Aug. 1770 ; d.7 June, 1828 ; Jacob, b. 25 Aug. 1771 ; d. July, 1772. e EZRA A., like his ancestors on the same farm, was active, in- dustrious and economical, hospitable and kind, Christian in tem- per and manners, and faithful in his social duties. He d. sud- denly in the arms of his son, in a good old age, the 6th genera- tion in possession of the farm, on which the patriarch George settled 200 years ago ; the average age of the six men is 79^ years; of their six wives, 79. In 1798, m. Hannah Poor, da. of Dea. Dan. P.; 7 Ezra, b. 30 March, 1799; d. 12 Jan. 1804; John, b. 17 March, 1801 ; d. 6 Aug. 1803; DANIEL POOR, b. 9 March, 1803 ; Capt. m. Mehitabel Foster, da. of Dea. Charles F. ; HANNAH FRYE, b. 16 June, 1806; m. Rev. D. Mansfield, Wenham. 8 Ezra Abbot, b. 2 Nov. 1841. 7 EZRA b. 27 Nov. 1808 ; H. U. M. D. Canton, Ms. m. 1839, Harriet Lincoln, who d. 22 July, 1844, a 25. s Ezra L., b. 2 June, 1841. 7 John, b. 9 Feb. 1812, on the paternal farm. 6 BENJAMIN A., H. U. 1788, LL.D. He graduated with reputation for scholarship and moral worth. On leaving college, he imme- diately took charge of Phillips Exeter Academy, in which he labored with distinguished ability and success during fifty years ; through which time it maintained the first rank of similar institu- tions, and in which many distinguished men in the different walks of life received their early education. When he retired at the close of a half century's service, a large number of his for- mer pupils held a jubilee in honor of their respected Instructer, procured a splendid portrait of himself for the Academy, and presented to him valuable plate. He still lives in his eighty-fifth 2 JOHN, 3 JOHN, 4 JOHN, 5 JOHN ABBOT. 5 year, respected and beloved. He m. 1791, Hannah Tracy Emery, whod. 6 Dec. 1793, a. 22; 2 m. May, 1798, Mary Perkins of Boston. 7 JOHN EMEKY, b. 6 Aug. 1793; d. 7 Oct. 1819. B.C. 1810; devoted himself to the study of Divinity, and was or- dained, April, 1815, minister of the North Church, Salem, suc- cessor of Dr. Barnard. He was highly esteemed as a preacher, greatly beloved as a minister, and was a most amiable and devout Christian. See a Memoir of his Life by Dr. Henry Ware, Jr , prefixed to a volume of sermons selected from his MSS. 7 Mary P. b. 14 Feb. 1799; d. 22 June, 1802; ELIZABETH, b. 14 Nov. 1801; m. David W. Gorham, M. D. Exeter. sWm. H. Abbot, H. U. ; Mary Abbot ; Emma Forbes. 7 CHARLES B., b. 19 Jan. 1805; H. U. ; Glenburn, Me., m. Harriet Thurston. 6 Francis P. e ABIGAIL A., a woman of energy and discretion, benevolence and piety ; m. 1791, William Douglass, merchant, Portland, who d. 4 Dec. 1827. 7 John Abbot, b. 4 Feb. 1792; ABIGAIL, b. 22 Oct. 1793, d. 15 April, 1826 ; m. Charles Farley ; n. ch. Harriet, b. 9 Oct. 1795; d. 12 July, 1818; ALMIRA, b. 4 Feb. 1804; m. lt-31, Eben Str.ele, merchant, Portland. 8 William D., b. and d. May, 183-2; AbbyA., b. 28 May, 1833; Harriet D, b. 26 March, 1836; Martha T., b. 7 Nov. 1839. 7 JOHN ABBOT DOUGLASS, B. C. 1814, ordained, Nov. 1821, a congregational minister in Waterford, Me. ; m. Oct. 1822, 7 Elizabeth Abbot, da. of Rev. Abiel A.; she d. 12 Oct. 1823; 2m. 18'24 Lucy Abbot, da. of e Benjamin A., Esq. s Harriet E , b. 18 Oct. 1826; William A , b. 18 June, 1828; d. 23 Feb. 1832 ; John A., b. 20 Oct. 1829 ; Abby A., b. 24 May, 1831 ; Lucy E, b. 30 Jan. 1833; Emma F., b. Aug. 1834; William, b. 10 June, 1836; Clara M., b. 4 Aug. 1840; Alfred S. b. 6 Aug. 1843 ; d. 30 Jan. 1844. 6PHEBE A. m. 1789, Edward Carleton, Dea., Portland, who d. 12 June, 1825, a. 63. i ABIGAIL A., b. 17 March, 17UO ; d. 1834 ; m. 1816, Abiel Upton, Andover. s Edward C. b. 29 May, 1817 ; John A., b. 5 Aug. 1818; George W., b. 5 Dec. 1820; d. Oct. 1821 ; Gerry, b. 1822; Abby A., b. 1824. 7 Phebe, b. 13 Feb.' 1792; Hannah E., b. 6 Sep. 1794; d. March, 1844; Eliza- beth A, b. 14 Dec. 1796; Edward, b. 29 Sep. 1799; WILLIAM, b. 4 Feb. 1802, m. III.; John, b. 12 July, 1804; d. 15 Aug. 1805; MARY, b. 9 March, 1807; m. 1833, P. H. Glover, Calais, Me.; HAR- RIET D , b. 6 Dec. 1809; m. 1830, Edward S. Dyer, Calais ; Abiel A., b. 23 March, 1813 ; d. April, 1846, 111. ; 7 EDWARD CARLETON, Dea., Waterford; m. 22 July, 1824, Achsah Munroe. s Caro- line, b. 15 Sep. 1825; Maria, b. 28 Sep. 1827; Emily, b. 8 May, 1829; d. 9 March, 1831; Elizabeth, b. 9 Oct. 1830; Ellen, b. and d. Oct. 1832: Edward, b. 30 Dec. 1834; d. 24 July, 1835 ; Edward, b. 7 Sep. 1836; d. 15 March, 1838; Charles M., b. 28 April, 1838; John A., b. 29 Jan. 1843. 6AEIEL ABBOT, H. U. 1792, D. D., sustained a high rank in 1* 6 2 JOHN, 3 JOHN, 4 JOHN, 5 ABIEL ABBOT. his class at College, was an instructer in Phillips Academy at Exeter and Andover two years ; studied Divinity at Andover and Cambridge, and was ordained, June, 1795, minister of the First Church in Haverhill. Here he labored 8 years, with great ac- ceptance and success. In Dec. 1803, he was installed in the First Church in Beverly. In 1818, his health being impaired, he spent the winter and spring following in S. Carolina. Hav- ing recovered his health, he performed his professional duties with much approbation and success, till the summer of 1827. He spent the winter and spring following in S. Carolina and Cuba; which he left on the last of May, was taken ill on his passage, and died the 7th of June, 1828, as the vessel was near Staten Island, where he was interred. He was an elo- quent preacher, an excellent parish minister, greatly beloved and respected. He published a number of occasional discourses, and a volume of sermons to mariners. A volume of sermons, with a Memoir of his life, by Rev. S. Everett, and Letters from Cuba, were published after his decease. For Dr. Abbot's character, see Mr. Everett's Memoir, and Dr. Flint's Funeral Sermon. He m. 1796, Eunice Walts, da. of Ebenezer W., Esq. of Dorchester; she d. 29 Dec. 1831, a. 59. 7 EUNICE ADELINE, b. 17 Aug. 1797 ; d. 8 Dec. 1828 ; m. Josiali Gould. 8 Catherine Emily, b. 2 Nov. and d. 25 Dec, 1825; EMILY, b. 4 Feb. 1799; m. 1824, Rev. Stevens Everett, Hallowell, who d. 23 Feb. 1833. B Henry G., b. 27 Dec. 1825; d. 27 Aucr. 1829; William Abbot, b. 27 Jan. 1828, H. U.; Emily, b. 1 Nov. 1829; Mary-Susan, b. 15 April, 1832; 7 Abiel, b. 25 Oct. 1800. 7 MARY-SUSANNA, b. 10 Jan. 1803, m. Charles Vaughan, Esq., Hallowell. a Francis, b. 1833 ; Charles E., b. 1835 ; Emily A., b. 6 Feb. and d. April, 1837 ; Abiel A., b. April, 1837 ; William A., b. and d. Jan. 1842. 7 William W., b. 12 Aug. 1805; d. IGFeb. 1806; Anne Wales, b. 10 April, 1808; WILLIAM EBENEZER, b. 2 May, 1810; B.C. 1830; was ordain- ed Feb. 1837, minister of the Church in Billerica ; in 1839, resigned his ministry at B., and now resides in Dorchester; m. 1837, Ann Susan Wales. 7 John Joseph, b. 4 Feb. 1812; d. 17 July, 1816, drowned; Elizabeth, b. 24 March, 1815. 5 ABIEL ABBOT, Dea., Esq., Wilton, N. H. ; m. 28 Nov. 1764, Dorcas Abbot, da. of 3 Benj. A. They were of one mind, and one heart. The fatigue and inconvenience of a new settlement were endured with fortitude and cheerfulness. His industry and judic- ious application of labor secured success in forming a good farm. His honesty, integrity and wisdom secured the confidence and respect of the community. He was much employed in the busi- ness of the town, was the friend of the widow, the guardian of the orphan, and helper of the poor. He was a staunch whig, and an officer of the militia during the war of the Revolution. He frequently represented the town in the Legislature. His at- tendance on the various means of religion was constant. The ed- ucation and forming of the moral character of his children claimed 2 JOHN, 3 JOHN, 4 JOHN, 5 ABIEL ABBOT. 7 his earnest attention and effort. Three of his sons and nine of his grandsons have had the advantage of a collegiate education. They d. as they had lived in the faith and hope of the Gospel. Their children were, 6 Abiel, b. 14 Dec. 1765 ; Jacob, b. 7 Jan. 1768 : d. 2 Nov. 1834, drowned by the upsetting of a boat; Benja- min, b. 17 March, 1770 ; d. 10 Sep. 1823 ; Ezra, b. 8 Feb. 1772 ; Dorcas, b. 30 Jan. 1774; a son, b. and d. April, 1776 ; Samuel, b. 30 March, 1777; d. 10 Jan. 1782; Abigail, b. 13 July, 1779, d. 5 June, 1812; Persis, b. 25 Dec. 1781 ; Rhoda, b. 17 March, 1784; SAMUEL, b 30 March, 1786; d. 2 Jan. 1839, being burned in a starch factory. H. U. 1808; n. in. In Coll. his reputation for scholarship and moral character was good. He studied law in the office of Hon. C. H. Atherton, and in 1812, opened his office in Dunstable ; from which, in 1817, he moved to Ipswich, Ms., which he left at the close of 1818; relinquished the practice of law, and returned to his native place. Having care- fully investigated the properties of the potato, he was satisfied, that the starch it contained might be useful for food, and in manufactur- ing establishments. He invented the process of extracting and clari- fiying the starch from the potato, and, in connexion with his broth- er Ezra Abbot, erected a mill, in 1813, moved by horse power, which fully answered their expectations. Being encouraged by the Waltham Manufacturing Company, they put in operation, in 1821, the first factory for making potato starch on a large scale. His mental powers were of a high order and well balanced. His leisure time was mostly devoted to the study of physical and moral science, in which his attainments were respectable. His disposition was kind and generous: his aid was readily afforded to the cause of knowledge, morality, and religion. By dareful self-culture, his passions and appetites were under perfect control. From childhood, he was governed by religious principle. He contributed to the mental and moral improvement of his native town by lectures at the Lyceum, superintending the schools, and by liberally contributing to libraries for the min- ister, the schools, and the people. He was an honest and learned man, a good and useful citizen, and a devout and exem- plary Christian. He lived beloved, and died lamented. See notices of Mr. Abbot in Wilton's Centennial Address, and a Me- moir by Mr. Atherton. 6 PHEBE, b. 25 June, 1788 ; d. 25 Nov. 1825 ; m. 1818, Ezra Abbot, Esq., Jackson, Me. e ABIEL ABBOT, H. U. 1787, D. D., sustained a good standing in his class at college, and a character unstained. After teaching in Phillips Andover Academy about two years, pursuing a course of theological studies, and being a tutor in H. U. one year, he was ordained, in Oct. 1795, minister of the first church in Coven- try, Ct. Owing to differences of opinion between him and the Church, he left Coventry in June, 1811, and the September following, was appointed Principal of Dummer Academy. In 1819, he resigned the charge of the Academy, and moved to An- 8 2 JOHN, 3 JOHN, 4 JOHN, 5 ABIEL ABBOT. dover, where, and at Chelrnsford in various pursuits, he remained till 1827, when in June he was installed minister of the Congre- gational Church in Peterboro', N. H. ; where he now resides. In 1811, he published a statement of the proceedings, which resulted in the dissolution of his ministry in Coventry; and in 1823, published a History of the Town of Andover, Ms. In 1796, he in. e Elizabeth Abbot, da. of Capt. a John A., Andover. 7 ELIZ- ABETH, b. 22 May, 1798; d. 12 Oct 1823; m. 1822, Rev. John A. Douglass, Waterford, Me ; Abigail, b 17 Oct. 1799; SARAH DOKCAS, b. 22 June, 1801 ; d. 11 June, 1831; m. 1828, Samuel G. Smith, Peterboro', who d. 9 Sep. 1842, a. 43. & Samuel Ab- bot, b. 18 April, 1829; H. U. e JACOB ABBOT, H. U. 1792; held a high rank in his class at college, and sustained a good character. He taught a school at Billerica and elsewhere for some time, studied Divinity, and was ordained, in Aug. 1798, minister of the Church in Hanlp- tonfalls, N. H., where he remained esteemed and beloved till April, 1826, when he resigned his ministry at H. and retired to Wmdham, N. H. on a farm; but continued to preach occa- sionally, till his death. He had a sound mind, well cultivated, a mild disposition, and was governed by religious principles from his childhood. He discharged faithfully, affectionately, and with acceptance the duties of the ministry. For the character of Mr. Abbot, see Mr. Gage's sermon at his funeral. He m. 1802, Catherine Thayer, da. of Rev. Ebenezer T., of Hampton; she d. 27 Jan. 1843, a. 63 ; a woman of much energy, industry, good household management, and Christian virtue. Their children were all well educated. 7 SARAH WHITE, b. 11 Nov. 1802; m. 1830, Rob- ert Moore, Esq., Nashville, s Catherine E., b. Oct. 1831; Sarah H.,b. 1834; Lucy E., b. 1836; George H., b. 1839; Jacob Abbot, b. 18 April, 1845. 7 EBENEZER T., b. 27 May, J804, Esq., Wind- ham ; m. 1838, Elizabeth Ncsmith ; d. 3 Dec. 1846. & Mar- garet E., b. 9 Sep. 1840. 7 MARTHA T., b. 29 May, 1806; m. 1827, N. Porter Cram, Esq., Hampton Falls. 8 Catherine A., b. 2 June, 1828; Sarah T., b. Jan 1832; Jacob A., b. April, 1836; Franklin P., b. 5 June, 1841. 7 CATHERINE, b. 18 March, 1808 ; m. 1833, John W. P. Abbot, Esq , Westford ; 7 ELIZ- ABETH D., b. 24 March, 1810; m. 1838, Rev. i Abiel A. Liver- more, Keene ; 7 GEORGE J., b. 14 July, 1812; H. U. 1835, Teach- er, Washington, D. C. ; m. 1841, Anna, da. of Judge N. Emery, Portland; 8 ch. ; 7 ABIGAIL, b. 29 Sep. 1814 ; m. 1835, Rev. Ho- ratio Wood, Lowell, s Horatio, b. 1 Oct. 1835. i Phebe, b. and d. 1816; 7 MARY A. TOPPAN, b. 2 Dec. 1817; m. Feb. 1844, James Walkr.r, Esq., Peterboro'; 7 LUCY ELIOT, b. 22 May, 1820; m. 19 Aug. 1846, John Kebler, LL.B., Counsellor at Law, Cincin- nati, Oh.; Charles .E., b. Nov. 1822; trader, Tyngsborough. e BENJAMIN A. Esq., m. 1793, 5 Phebe Abbot, da. of Hon. Ja- cob A. Wilton. In 1803, they moved from Wilton, N. H. to Temple, Me. By industry and judicious management, he made 2 JOHN, 3 JOHN, 4 JOHN, 5 ABIEL ABBOT. 9 a good farm from the forest. He was well informed, and from childhood, was governed by moral and Christian principles. He brought up and well educated a large family, and was useful in promoting the order, peace, and prosperity of the town. His uprightness, candor, and wisdom, secured the esteem and confi- dence of all his acquaintance. As a father, in the town of which he was an early settler, he was often called the patriarch ; and his hospitality, manners and usefulness entitled him to the appel- lation. He was constant in using the means of religion, and successfully taught, by precept and example, his household to keep the way of the Lord. He was greatly beloved, and died in the faith and hope of the gospel, deeply lamented. Their chil- dren were, 7 PHEBE, b. 25 Mar. 1794; d. 6 Mar. 1843; m. 1813, Dr. John Barker, Wilton, Me. a John Abbot, b. 16 Sep. 1814, d. 22 May, 1817; Benjamin Fordyce, b. 2 May, 1818, B. C. 1836, M. D., settled in the practice of physic at Norwich, Ct.; Phebe Florella, b. 7 Mar. 1820; Emily A., b. 10 May, 1824. 7 HANNAH, b. 6 July, 1795; m. 1820, Rev. Enos Merrill, Free- port, Me. s Benjamin H., b. 16 July, 1822; Enos A., b. 20 Ap. 1824, d. Feb. 1843; Edward T., b. 15 July, 1826; Hannah M., b. 3 Ap. 1828; Israel W., b. 16 Dec. 1830; George D., b. 8 Aug. 1833; John S., b. 29 June, 1836 : d. 20 Sep. 1840. 7 DOR- CAS, b. 25 Feb. 1797 ; m. 1817, Lafayette Perkins, M. D., Farmington, Me. s Charles J, b. 19 Oct. 1818; d. Feb. 1843; B. C. 183'J, M. D. ; a practitioner of medicine in Virginia; John Warren, b. 7 Mar. 1820; Emeline W., b. 24 Feb. 1822; Benjamin A., b. 20 Oct. 1823; George A., b. 24 June, 1827; Samuel E, b. 30 Nov. 1830. 7SALVA, b. 12 Nov. 1798, m. 1821, Rev. Charles Freeman, Limerick, Me. 8 Nancy P., b. 22 Feb. 1822; d. 2 Sep. 1825; Phebe E., b. 26 March, 1823; Charles M., b. 26 March, 1825; Samuel, b. 17 March, 1830. 7 BENJAMIN, b. 10 August, 1800. Esq. Temple, Me. m. 1823, Mary C. Blanchard. 8 Benjamin, b. 9 March, 1825; d. 14 Oct. 1826; Mary A., b. 11 Aug. 1827; John, b. 31 May, 1830; Wil- liam, b. 25 Nov. 1834; George, b. 24 July, 1837; Phebe E., b. 2 July, 1842. 7 LUCY, b. 6 May, 1802; m. 1J-24, Rev. John A. Douglass, Water ford ; 7 Son, b. and d. 19 April, 1804. 7LYDIA, b. 19 Feb. lJ-05 ; m. 1828, John Titcomb, Esq , Farmington. s Eliz- abeth, b. 28 Nov. 1828; Mary, b. 9 Dec. 1830; John Abbot, b. 30 Oct. 1832; Charles, b. 22 Oct. 1835. 7 JOHN s , b. 6 Jan. 1607; B. C. 1827, Counsellor at Law, Norridgewock, m. 1835, Eliza- beth Allen; 7 Rhoda, b. 26 Sep. 1808; d. 29 March, 1609; 7Abiel, b. 28 Dec. 1809; M. GEORGE, b. 22 Feb. 1813, Law- yer, Thomaston, Me. ; m. 1837, Melina Alden ; 7 ABIGAIL, b. 20 June, 1815; m. 1835, //. Hamlin, Union, Me. and Boston. sAbby F., b. 22 Oct. 1837; Ellen M., b. 26 April, 1839; d. 12 March, 1840; Hannibal, b. 20 Sep. 1841; Cyrus, b. 24 Dec. 1843. 7 Ezra, b. 18 Sep. 1817, B. C. Lawyer, Richmond, Me. e EZRA A., Wilton, Dea., lived on the homestead ; m. 1799, Re- 10 2JOHX, 3 JOHN, 4 JOHN, 5 ABIEL ABBOT. bekah Hale, Coventry, Ct. TREBEKAH, b. 16 July, 1800; m. 1811, Rev. Isaac Knight, Franklin, N. H. 7 Son, b. and d. 13 Sep. 1801; JOSEPH HALE, b. 25 Sep. 1802; B.C. 1822. Tu- tor in B. C., Teacher in Ph. Exeter Acad, and at Boston; m. 1830, Frances Larcum, Beverly, s Henry, b. 13 Aug. 1831 ; Ed- win H., b. 26 Jan. 1834; Francis E., b. 6 Nov. 1836; Emily F., b. 1 April, 1839; Edward S., b. 22 Oct. 1841. 7 DORCAS, b. 24 Jan. 1804; d. 2 Nov. 1833; m. 1825, Eben Bishop, Lisbon, Ct. who d. 5 Jan. 1827 ; T Ezra, b. 27 Nov. 1805, B C. 1830, Teach- er in Virginia; Abiel, b. 11 May, 1808, B. C. 1831, studied Di- vinity at Cambridge, a Teacher in Va., now at Wilton ; Emily, b. 16 Aug. 1810; d. 10 June, 1835; Harris, b. 19 Sep. 1812; HARRIET, b. 19 June, 1814 ; m. 1837, i Herman Abbot; Nelson, b. 17 Nov. 1816; ABBY ANN, b. 13 Dec. 1818 ; m. 1845, Rev. L. B. Rorkwood; Sarah Jane, b. 15 May, 1821; John Hale, b. 2 Sep. 1825. e DORCAS A., m. 1795, Eliphalet Putnam, Dea., who d. 25 Feb. 1826, a. 60. 7 Rachel, b. 11 Feb. 1796; Eliphalet, b. 25 Oct. 1797 ; d. 7 Oct. 1799 ; ELIPHALET, b. 25 Oct. 1799 ; m. 1823, Hannah Russell; Abiel Abbot, b. 29 July, 1801; Sevvall, b. 10 Aug. 1803; d. 31 Oct. 1803; Sewall, b. 27 April, 1805; Sam- uel, b. 9 May, 1807 ; d 5 Dec. 1814 ; Dorcas, b. 5 Sep. 1809 ; d. 5 May, 1810; Dorcas, b. 8 April, 1811; Mary E., b. 30 July, 1813; d. 14 April, 1830; Abigail, b. 10 May, 1817; SAMUEL, b. 14 Sep. 1819; m. 1845, Phebe S. Jones. 7 RACHEL P., m. 1820, Calvin Dascomb, Milford. & Philip Far- rington, b. 25 May, 1821; d. ; Benjamin A., b. 25 Aug. 1823; Calvin Brooks, b. 18 August, 1825; Elizabeth R., b. 8 June, 1827; Eliphalet P., b 26 Dec. 1828; Mary; John, d. ; John F. b. Feb. 1845 ; d. 7 Dec. 1845. 7 ABIEL A. P., m. 1835, Mary Ann Radden. s Abiel E., b. 13 March, 1836; Henry E., b. 12 May, 1837; Josephine, b. 24 Nov. 1838; Samuel A., b 12 July, 1840; Arthur H., b. 2 Sep. 1842; Alb'ro H., b. 18 April, 1846. 7 SEWALL p., Capt., m. 1835, Hannah MorrilL 8 Laura Ann, b. 25 June, 1836; Mary A., b. 30 Sep. 1830; Ellen, b. 5 Nov. 1840 ; Emily D., b. 12 Dec. 1842 ; Warren Prescott, b. 8 Feb. 1845. 7 DORCAS P., m. 1834, Amos Putnam, b. 14 April, 1804. s Mary A., b. 16 Sep. 1835; d. 5 Oct. 1835; Emma F., b. 2 Sep. 1836"; d. 20 Nov. 1841; Samuel A., b. 25 July, 1840; William J., b. 17 April, 1842; Emma D., b. 18 Feb. 1844; George T., b. 9 Sep. 1846. 7 ABIGAIL P., m. 1835, Capt. George Buss, s Sarah Dorcas, b. 28 May, 1838 ; sAbby F. and s George S. e ABIGAIL A., m. 1808, Jonathan Livcrrnore, who d. 24 Dec. 1845, a. 75. 7 Jonathan, b. 24 April, 1809 ; ABIEL ABBOT, b. 30 Oct. 1811 ; H. U. 1833 ; ordained minister of the Second Cong. Society in Keene, N. H., Nov. 1836 ; m. ^ Elizabeth D. Abbot; 2 JOHN, 3 JOHN, 4 JOHN, 5 JEREMIAH ABBOT. 11 has published a Commentary on the Gospels and Acts, 3 vols., " Addresses to Young Men," and several Sermons. 7 JONATHAN L., Capt., m. 1833, 7 Dorcas Holt. 8 Abigail Abbot, b. 7 Jan. 1835 ; Abiel A., b. 23 Feb. 1838 ; Henry H., b. 12 Oct. 1840 ; d. 5 Sep. 1843 ; Mary E. epERsis A , m. 1804, e Henry Lovejoy, Milford. 7 HENRY, b. 8 Nov. 1804, m. Malinda C. Wheeler; Samuel, b. 3 Nov. 1806; Abiel A., b. 14 Dec. 1808 ; d. 26 Dec. 1822; da. b. 18 June, d. 4 August, 1811 ; William, b. 22 July, 1812; Jacob A., b. 23 July, d. 25 Sep. 1815 ; Persis, b. 13 May, 1817 ; Sarah, b. 13 Oct. 1819 ; Abigail, b. 13 Jan. 1823 ; Phebe, b. 14 Feb. 1826. e RHODA A., m. 1805, Ephraim Peabody, Esq , Wilton; d. 5 July, 1816, a. 40. 7 EPHRAIM, b. 22 March, 1807. B. C. 1827 ; after a course of theological studies at Cambridge, he went to Meadville, Pa., in 1830; in 1831, to Cincinnati, where he was or- dained ; his health failing, he spent two winters in Louisiana and Alabama, and a third in Boston. In June, 1837, he was installed minister of the Cong. Society in New Bedford. In Jan. 1S46, he became minister of King's chapel, Boston. He has written for periodicals, and published a number of discourses. In 1833, he m. Mary Jane Derby, Salem. 8 Samuel, b. 6 July, 1834 ; d. 12 July, 1835 ; Ellen D., b. 22 July, 1836 ; Anna H., b. 6 Oct. 1838; George D., b. 21 Nov. 1840; d. 10 Jan. 1428 ; Emily M., b. 19 Nov. 1842; d. Ap. 1844 ; Robert S., b. 22 Feb. 1845. i Dorcas, b. 25 April, 1809. s JEREMIAH A., Wilton, by industry and steadiness in business made a good farm from the forest, brought up and provided well for his family. He was much inclined to home; honest and faithful, and constant in the duties of fhe sabbath and public worship. In 1766, he m. 5 Chloe Abbot, da. of 4 Zebadiah A. ; she d. 21 August, 1809, a. about 71. Their children were: e Chloe, b. 4 June, 1767; Lydia, b. 22 Oct. 1768 ; d. 1 Sep. 1832; Anna, b. 15 July, 1770; d. Mar. 1844 ; Phebe and Dorcas, b. 24 Au- gust, 1772 ; Jeremiah, b. 28 August, 1774 ; Zebadiah, b. 20 Sep. 1776 ; d. 24 August, 1830 ; Betsy, b. 21 August, 1778 ; d. ; Sarah, b. 8 Dec. 1781. e LYDIA A., m. Capt. Tkos. Pevey, Greenfield. 7 Thomas, b. 31 Oct. 1791 ; d. 26 Nov. 1814; JEREMIAH, b. 4 Nov. 1793; m. Louisa Fitch; Zebadiah, b. 25 August, 1795. 2 m. Mary Pat- terson. Ezra, b. 9 Nov. 1797 ; d. 3 Nov. 1800 ; Peter J., b. 4 March, 1800; d. 1 June, 1837 ; George S., b. 4 March, and d. 3 Nov. 1800 ; LYDIA, b 12 Nov. 1803 ; m. Joshua Stevens, Peter- boro' ; Chloe A., b. 6 Oct. 1806, d. EZRA, b. 14 August, 1809. Capt. Peterboro ; m. Lucinda Little. e ANNA A., m. David Wood, Hancock. 7 ANNA, b. 24 May, 1795; d. Jan. 1829; m. Daniel Wood; Sally, b. 15 Aug. 1797. ACHSAH, b. 5 Jan. 1801 ; m. David Hills ; DAVID, b. 8 Feb. 1804 ; m. ; MOSES, b. 29 April, 1806 ; m. ; 7 JACOB ABBOT, b. 14 May, 1810, M. D. m. ; T Betsy E., b. 8 March, 1812 ; d. 13 August, 1832. 12 2 JOHN, 3 JOHN, 4 JOHN, 5 JEREMIAH ABBOT. 6PHEBEA., in. Walter Fiske; 2 ra. 1810, Caleb Holt, Weld, Me. 7 Walter, b. 26 May, 1796 ; Benjamin N., b. 22 Jan. 1798 ; Jeremiah, b. 3 Jan. 1800 ; Abiel, b. 13 April, 1815 ; Hiram, b. 28 Sep 1816. e DORCAS A., m. Daniel Holt, i Daniel, b. 13 Feb. 1796, An- trim ; Dorcas, b. 10 June, 1798 ; d. 3 Oct. 1801 ; Samuel, b. 20 May, 1800; Harvey, b. 30 April, 1803; Ralph, b. May, 1805; Mark, b. 17 May, 1807; d. 16 Oct. 109; DORCAS, b. 23 May, 1809; m. Capt. Jona. Livermore ; Mark, b. 23 May, 1812; Lo- renzo, b. 15 July, 1814. e JEREMIAH A., m. Eunice Blanchard. 7 Eunice, b. 4 Sep 1803 ; Infant, b. and d. Jan. 1805 ; Lydia, b. 12 May, 1806 ; JEREMIAH, b. 19 July, 1808; m. ; Chloe, b. 29 May, 1810, d. ; AMOS, b. 2 June, 1812, missionary, India ; m. 1834,. A. Wilson. HERMAN, b. 20 Feb. 1814; m. 7 Harriet Abbot ; Abigail, b. 21 July, 1816 ; ISAAC, b. 26 July, 1819 ; m. 1846, Harriet Park- hurst; Elizabeth, b. 9 July, 1821. e ZEBADIAH A., lived with his father, m. 1801, Elizabeth Hale, who d. April, J845. 7 Eliza, b. 7 Sep. 1802; m. 1829, Aha Stecle, Y. C. Georgia, he d. 1836; ZEBADIAH, b. 16 Oct. 1803, m. Mary A. Hyde; MARY, b. 21 June, 1805; m. J. F. Russell; Rufus, b. 17 April, 1807 ; Y. C. 1833, a practitioner of medicine at Jefferson City, Mo. ; Charles, b. 31 Oct. 1808 ; D. C. 1833, teacher of music, Nashville'; NANCY, b. 24 Feb. 1810; m. George M. Hayward, who d. 1840; CAROLINE, b. 1 Oct. 1811; m. 7 Henry Abbot; LUCY, b. 19 Mar. 1815; m. 7 William Abbot ; Levi, b. 26 May, 1818 ; Y. C. 1840, studied law, is a teacher, Alexandria, Va. e CHLOE A., m. 1786, Joseph Gray, Wilton, b. 9 Mar. 1761; d. 25 Aug. 1845. 7 Joseph, b. 14 Aug. 1787 ; CHLOE, b. 3 Nov- 1789; d. 31 March, 1818; m. Oliver Fletcher. 8 Chloe. 7 SAL- LY, b 11 July, 1791 ; d. ; m. 8. P. Tyler, Rindge ; 7 ANNA A., b 7 April, 1793; m. Asa Pcrham, Lyndeboro'. sEmeline; Elvira, d. ; Eliza Ann, d. ; 7 LYDIA, b. 5 March, 1795; d. 23 Aug. 1846; ra. R. Upton ; James Best, b. 21 April, 1797 ; BETSY, b. 21 June, 1799, m. Abbot Smith, Milford ; Calvin, b. 28 Oct. 1801 ; Henry N., b. 1 Sep. 1804; d. Sep. 1826; MATILDA, b. 24 July, 1807, d.; m. Amos Gutterson. 8 Matilda. 7 ELVIRA, b. 20 Dec. 1808 ; m. Samuel French ; Emeline, b. 11 Oct. 1811. 7 JOSEPH GRAY, m. Mary Spalding. s Infant, b. and d. 9 May, 1816; Charles, b. 7 Sep. 1817; Mary S., b. 17 Feb. 1820 ; d. 1 Aug. 1822; Caroline, b. 21 Feb. 1822; J. Monroe, b. 16 Nov. 1824; George, b. 12 Feb. 1827; d. 7 Aug. 1831 ; Infant, b. 14 Dec. 1828; d. 12 Feb. 1829; Mary Jane, b. 28 Sep. 1830; George S., b. 9 Feb. 1834. 7 JAMES B. GRAY, m. 1822, Sarah B. Burns, who d. 8 Nov. 1843. 2 m. 1844, Adeline Gutterson. s Maria, b. 18 Oct. 1823 ; Mary Ann, b. 18 Dec. 1825; d. 1832; James B., b. 8 Feb. 1829; d. 3 March, 1832; Mary A., b. 17 Feb. 1833; James H., b. 2 JOHN, 3 JOHN, 4 JOHN, 5 WILLIAM ABBOT. 13 6 April, 1835 ; Harris, b. 1 July, 1841 ; Anna E., b. 29 June, 1845, 7 CALVIN GRAY, Maj., m. 1826, Clarissa King, s Henry N. b. 4 Jan. 1827; Harriet N., b. 21 Aug. 1828; Charles D., b. 13 March, 1834. e BETSY A., m. Capt. Moses Wood. 7 Moses, b. 13 June, 1812 ; Elizabeth, b. 15 May, 1814; David, b.31 Aug. 1816; Catharine, b. 1 Jan. 1819; Betsy-Emily, b. 1 Jan. 1821. e SARAH A., m. Stephen Buss, Wilton. 7 STEPHEN ABBOT, b. 25 Sep. 1804; m. Nancy Beede. Calvin, b. 26 Ap. 1806 ; Sally, b. 14 July, 1808 ; Betsy, b. 3 Aug. 1810; George, b. 26 Sep. 1812; Ezra, b. 27 June, 1814 ; Emily-Ann, b. 30 Aug. 1829. 5 Jeremiah and Chloe Abbot had 9 children and 73 grand- children. 5 WILLIAM A., Esq., Wilton, m. 12 Nov. 1772, Phebe Ballard, b. 5 Nov. 1752; she d. Jan. 1846, a. 93. By industry and pru- dent management he made a good farm. His passions were quick and strong ; but well governed. His mind was above the ordi- nary stamp, inquisitive, penetrating, and judicious, and by obser- vation, reflection and reading, was improved beyond most in his condition of life. He was sagacious, and knew well how to over- come prejudice and produce conviction. His influence in town and county was useful in promoting peace and good order, encour- aging learning and moral improvement. Being always governed by Christian principles, his integrity was inviolable and his life blameless. He was constant in his attendance on the means of religion, and cheerfully gave his support to religious institutions. He was a Representative of the town in the General Court, and a > member of the Convention of the State for adopting the Constitu- tion of the United States, and contributed much towards its adop- tion ; was member of the Convention for revising the Constitution of New Hampshire. He died in the meridian of life and useful- ness, greatly beloved and deeply lamented, leaving a wife, six sons, and three daughters, his oldest son a student in H. Univer- sity. Their children, 6 William, b. 15 Nov. 1773 ; John, b. 6 Oct. 1775 ; Timothy, b. 2 Sep. 1777 ; Ezra, b. 10 Aug. 1779 ; d. 29 Aug. 1784; Phebe, b. 11 Aug. 1781; d. 21 Oct. 1844; Her- man, b. 13 Aug. 1783 ; d. 24 July, 1825; H. U., physician, Bel- fast, Me. ; highly respected for his moral worth and Christian virtues ; Ezra, b. 3 July, 1785 ; Isaac, b. 29 July, 1787 ; d. 7 Nov. 1788 ; Hannah, b. 17 July, 1789; Betsy, b. Sep. 1791 ; d. 12 March, 1828; Isaac, b. 11 Sep. 1793. 6 WILLIAM A., H. U., 1797 ; settled in the practice of Law at Castine and Bangor ; m. 1802, Rebekah Atlierton, Lancaster ; 7 William, b. 23 March, 1803; d. 15th Oct. 1812; CHARLES J.,' b. 9 Jan. 1806 ; B. C. 1812 ; is a respectable Lawyer at Castine; in. S. A. Hook, who d. 1843, a. 30. REBEKAH, b. 17 Oct. 1807 ; m. Dr. Thomas Barker, Prospect; Ellen, b. 30 March, 1810; George H., b. 3 Feb. 1812 ; d. 1839, at N. Orleans : William, b. 2 14 2 JOHN, 3 JOHN, 4 JOHN, 4 BARACHIAS ABBOT. 11 Sep. 1813; d. 1837, at New Orleans; FRANCIS, b. 7 Nov. 181t>, Deer Isle ; m. 6 JOHN A., Physician, at Hampden and Bangor ; m. Mary Ham- mond, d. 7 Mary, b. 16 Aug. 1816 ; John, b. 7 Jan. 1818. e TIMOTHY A., Esq., Wilton, Representative and Senator in the Legislature of N. H. ; lives on the homestead; m. 1812, Betsy Rockwood, da. of Dr. E. R. ; d. 6 Oct. 1846, a. 64. 7 Maria, b. 8 Aug. 1813 ; d. 10 Aug. 1823 ; WILLIAM, b. 16 May, 1815 ; m. Lucy Abbot; BETSY R., b. 3 Aug. 1818 ;'m. Rev. Hiram Wason, Vevay, Ind. ; Timothy, b. 6 July, 1821 ; d. June, 1815; Maria, b. 27 Dec. 1823; Matilda, b. 6 Dec. 1828. e EZRA A., Esq., Jackson, Me., m. 1818, e Phebe Abbot, da. of Dea. 5 Abiel A. Wilton. 7 Ezra, b. 28 Aug. 1819; B.C. 1840; PHEBE D. A., b. 28 Oct. 1822 ; m. 1840, W. Grout, d. 1845. e HANNAH A., m. John Mack, Amherst. 7 William, b. 27 Qct. 1818; d. May, 1822; Charles E., b. 9 Oct. 1820; Phebe, b. June, 1822; Elizabeth, b. 1824; William Abbot, b. 1826; Maria L., b. 1828 ; Hannah A., b. 1830. e BETSY A., m. Dr. Timothy Parkhurst, Wilton. 7 HARRIET, b. 7 April, 1820 ; m. 1846, 7 Isaac Abbot ; William Abbot, b. 27 June, 1823 ; Augustus, b. 2 March, 1828. e ISAAC A., Esq., Jackson, m. Chloe Baylis. 7 Mary J., b. 25 Oct. 1815 ; Phebe S., b. 24 May, 1818 ; David S., b. 1 May, 1820 ; Emily, b. 24 April, 1822; 'd. 10 Aug. 1825; Isaac P., b. April, 1824; d. Aug. 1825; Isaac P., b. March, 1826; Emily; Chloe; Amelia; George J. ; Timothy; William, b. 5 Feb. 1839. 5 William and Phebe Abbot had 11 children and 38 grand- children. 4 BARACHIAS A., Andover, meek, upright and pious from his youth ; m. 1733, Hannah Holt, who d. 2 Aug. 1775. 5 Barachias, b. 27 Jan. 1734 ; d. 5 July, 1838 ; Moses, b. 20 Aug. 1735; d. 23 Feb. 1826; HANNAH, b. 29 May, 1737; d. Nov. 1812; m. Jeremiah Holt, Wilton; had 6 sons and 3 da. s Barachias, b. 2 June, 1739 ; d. 29 Jan. 1812 ; ELIZABETH, b. 13 Nov. 1740 ; d. Sep. 1779; m. Z. Shattuck; Rhoda, b. and d. Feb. 1743; PRIS- CILLA, b. 6 Feb. 1744 ; m. Zela Holt ; had 3 sons and 3 da. ; LYDIA, b. 18 March, 1745; m. Uriah Russell; had 5 sons and 2 da. ; Timothy, born 3 June, 1747 ; d.30 March, 1772 ; Rhoda, b. 2 June, 1747; d. 11 Aug. 1775. PHEBE, b. 8 Sep. 1749; m. John Russell; had 2 sons and 6 da. ; ABIGAIL, b. 5 Sep. 1751 ; d. 1841 ; m. John Johnson. 6 MOSES A., Capt., Surveyor, a well informed man, of sterling honesty and integrity, useful citizen, and devout Christian ; m. 1761, Elizabeth Holt, who d. Sep. 1838, a. 95. e REBEKAH, b. 2 Jan. 1763 ; m. 1798, Jos. Phelpa ; Moses, b. 30 Nov. 1765 ; Elizabeth, b. 8 May, 1768; d. 12 Feb. 1829; NOAH, b. 11 May, 1770 ; m. 1806, Hannah Holt, i Noah, b. 2 Jan. 1810; d. Sep. 1840. e Hannah, b. 15 March, 1772 ; d. 13 April, 1840; Enoch, b. 8 April, 1774; d. 26 Sep. 1842; Rhoda, b. 8 Sep. 1776; 2 JOHN, 3 JOHN, 4 BARACHIAS, 5 MOSES ABBOT. 15 Anna, b. 8 Sep. 1776 ; d. 27 July, 1834 ; Henry, b. 22 Sep. 1778 ; d. 24 Sep. 1845; Jacob, b. 30 June, 1781; d. 12 May, 1836; ABIGAIL, b. 22 Dec. 1783 ; d. 9 Aug. 1827 ; m. Jonathan Phelps ; had 2 sons and 5 da. ; Phebe, b. 1786. e MOSES A., m. 1798, Martha Frye, who d. 15 Sep. 1804 ; 2 m. Priscilla N. Flint, d April, 1813. 7 MARTHA FRYE, b. 16 March, 1800 ; m. 1826, Capt. Timothy Bullard, Needham. 7 MOSES, b. 10 April, 1802 ; m. Tryphena Bowman, s Oramel G., b. 2 April, 1834; William F , b. 25 Feb. 1837; Moses K., b. 29 Jan. 1839; George B., b. 20 May, 1843. 7 Priscilla F., b. 28 May, 1809; d. 21 March, 1810; Daniel F., b. 1 Dec. 1810; d. 31 May, 1811 e ENOCH A., m. Nancy Flint; 2 m. L. Floyd. 7 Henry, b. 12 Aug. 1799 ; Nancy, b. 5 March, 1801 ; Sophronia, b. 18 Feb. 1803; Enoch, b. 7 Nov. 1804; Benjamin F., b. 1 June, 1809; Rebecca H., b. 12 July, 1811 ; Samuel F., b. 3 Aug. 1814 ; d. 2 Jan. 1843; Rhoda A., b. 11 April, 1817; Bushrod W., b. 19 Aug. 1821. e HENRY A., m. 1803, Dorcas Holt. N 7 ELIZABETH, b. 1 April, 1804; m. Charles Russell; REBECCA, b. 7 May, 1809; m. E. Higgins ; DORCAS, b. 10 July, 1813; m. John C. Farnum ; SARAH, b. 16 Aug. 1815; m. J. H. Higgins; Abigail, b. 20 Sept. 1819 ; d. 7 March, 1834 ; e JACOB A., m. Betsy Bullard. 7 SARAH, s., b. 5 May, 1808; m. Rev. A. B. Warner, Milford. Nathaniel B., b. 6 July, 1809 ; Jacob' A , b. 9 April, 1811 ; Dan- iel C., b. 26 Aug. 1812; Moses B., b. 20 Dec. 1814; son, b. and d. 1816; Thaddeus A., b. 13 Feb. 1818; Amos, b. 14 April, 1820; Clarissa A., b. 12 May, 1822. Phebe B , b. 12 Dec. 1823; Mary M., b. Jan. 1829. 5 BARACHIAS A., m. Sarah Holt ; moved to Wilton, 1786. eBa- rachias, b. 20 Dec. 1771 ; Timothy, b. 20 March, 1773 ; d. 1 Jan. 1837; Joel, b. 29 April, 1775; d. 7 May, 1775; Joel, b. 6 Oct. 1776; Sarah, b. 10 Oct. 1778 ; James, b. 30 May, 1780 ; Eliza- beth, b. 14 Sept. 1784. 6 BARACHIAS A., Landgrove, Vt., m. Anna Colbnrn. 7 ANNA/ b. 18 March, 1799; m. A. Lawrence, Peru, Vt. CYNTHIA, b. 26:. Jan. 1801 ; d. Oct. 1841 ; m. C. W. Thomas, Peru. EMAS, K, V 2 May, 1802; m. Mary Holt; Daniel, b. 17 Aug. 1803; d. 12 July, 1828; EUNICE, b. 21 Jan. 1805; m. George Chase; NA- THAN, b. 10 Oct. 1807 ; m. Phebe Brown ; LYDIA, b. 10 Oct. 1809 ; m. E. G. Chase ; Sarah, b. 4 May, 1811 ; d. Sept. 1835 ; Hannah, b. 12 July, 1813; d. 19 Oct. 1829; Mehitabel, b. 25 June, 1815 ; d. March, 1835 ; Timothy, b. and d. 1817 ; James, b. 26 July, 1818. e TIMOTHY A., lived with his father ; m. Polly Bancroft. 7 KENDALL B., b. 5 Feb. 1803, Montague, Ms. ; m. Harriet Severance; s James H., b. 31 March, and d. Sept. 1804; 7 James H., b. 6 July, 1805; d. Dec. 1830 ; son, b. and d. March, 1807 ; HENRY, b. 7 Aug. 1808; m. 7 Caroline Abbot ; Mary, b. 6 Nov. 1810 ; Timothy, b. 7 Dec. 1814 ; d. 10 May, 1816. 16 2 JOHN, 3 JOSEPH, 4 JOSEPH ABBOT. 6 JOEL, A., Esq., m. 5 Judith Batchelder. i Fanny, b. 25 July, 1804 ; John, b. 30 July, 1805 . Rebecca, b. 5 Aug. 1807 ; James M., b. 30 July, 1810 ; d. 5 July, 1837 ; Hannah, b. 9 Sept. 1812; d. 15 Aug. 1813; George C., b. 30 Oct. 1817; d. 3 Feb. 1839; Harvey L., b. 23 Dec. 1823. 6 JAMES A., Andover, lives on the farm first owned by 2 Benja- min Abbot; m. Mary Foster. 7 Mary, b. 4 Nov. 1810; James Holt, b. 11 Sept. 1812 ; Sarah, b. 23 July, 1814 ; Barachias H., b. 24 July, 1816; Dorcas, b. 14 June, 1818; Phebe Elizabeth, b. 2 Nov. 1820; Timothy, b. 13 Aug. 1823 ; Hannah, b. 28 Feb. 1826. 4 JOSEPH A., son of 3 John, Lancaster, m. 1741, 4 Hannah Abbot, da. of sEbenezer A., moved to Chester, Vt. 5 Joseph, b. 9 April, 1742; Abiel; John; Ebenezer; Hannah; Elizabeth; Phebe; Relief. 3 JOSEPH A., son of 2 John, m. 1722, Hannah Allen; lived near Dea. Newman's ; the house taken down about 1793. He bore his trials with Christian fortitude and patience, and was accounted a good man. 4 Joseph, b. 10 June, 1724; d. 10 Dec. 1 766, drowned ; William, b. and d. Dec. 1735. 4 JOSEPH A., lived with his father; m. Anna Peabody, who d. !20May, 1766. a ANNA, b. 26 Nov. 1749; tn. T/ieodore Stevens; SARAH, b. 14 Sept. 1751 ; m. B. Herrick, Methuen. 6 LYDIA, b. 23 Oct. 1753; d. 20 Sept. 1826 ; m. Maj. Samuel Lovejoy, Wilton, e SAMUEL, b. 30 July, 1775, Physician, Townsend ; m. Betsy Lawrence ; had 5 sons and one da. WILLIAM, Esq., Milford : m. Esther Burns ; DAVID, Capt., m. Rachel Hutchinson ; had 5 sons and 5 da. HENRY, b. 16 Aug. 1781, Milford ; m. 6 Persis Abbot ; had 5 sons and 5 da. 5 Lydia, d. 1801 ; HANNAH, b. 9 Aug. 1785 ; m. John Stevens, Esq., Mason ; had 3 sons and 3 da. ABIEL, b. 2 Oct. 1788, Esq., Milford; m. Susan Wade, 2 m Emily Wheeler; had 2 sons and 1 da. JOHN, Lynn, m. Blanchard ; SALLY, d. ; m. Silas Stockwcll. FREDERICK, Milford, m. Pamclia Tuttle; had 6 sons and 5 da. 5 DORCAS, b. 26 Oct. 1755 ; m. Joseph Chandler. s Joseph, b. 16 Feb. 1758; d. 1835; HULDAH, b. 21 Oct. 1760; m. 5 Joshua Abbot, Nelson, N. H. 5 JOSEPH A., Andover, Vt.; m. Lucy King, e Benning K., b. 1786; Asa, b. 1787; Luther, b. 1790 ; Lucy, b. 1793; Sally, b. 1796; Betsy, b. 1799. e BENNING, K. A., Western, Vt. ; m. 1807, 7 Lucy M., b. 1808; Benning K., b. 1811; Diantha, b. 1814; Nancy L., b. 1817; Caroline T., b. 1819. e LUTHER A., Andover, Vt., m. 1816; 7 Josiah S., b. 1818; Ma- linda P., b. 1820: Ephraim, b. 1822; Alfred, b. 1824; Eleanor, b. 1826; Samuel, b. 1830. 3 STEPHEN A., son of 2 John ; nx 170S, 3 Sarah Stevens, da. of Ephraim S. ; she d. Jan. 1751, a. 69. They lived near where Prof. Porter lived ; the house taken down about 1808. He was industrious and successful, useful in town affairs, and respected for his Christian character. 4 Stephen, b. 1709; d. Nov. 1768; 2 JOHN, 3 STEPHEN, 4 STEPHEN ABBOT. 17 Ephraim, b. 1710; d. 25 April, 1745; SARAH, b. Oct. 1711 ; d. ; m. Dea. 3 George Abbot, son of 2 Thomas, Concord, N. H. ; 4 MARY, b. 10 Aug. 1713; d. 16 Aug. 1748; m. Joseph Holt, Lunenburg ; HANNAH, b. 10 Aug. 1716; d. 27 July, 1786 ; m. 3 Benjamin Abbot, son of 2 Thomas, Concord; PRISCILLA, b. 3 March, 1720; m. Jacob Fowle, Lancaster; Elizabeth, b. 29 Dec. 1722 ; d. about 1786; Samuel, b. 5 July, 1726; d. 1758, at Lake George; Mehita- bel, b. 28 March ; d. 27 April, 1728. 4 STEPHEN A., lived with his father; m. 1743, 4 Mary Abbot, da. of :TGeorgeA. 5 Mary, b. 19 March, 1744; d. 15 Sept. 1820; Nurse Molly ; DEBORAH, b. 26 Oct. 1745; m. John JFts/ce, Gro- ton; SARAH, b. 12 Aug. 1747; d. 8 July, 1824; m. Joseph Ste- vens; had 2 sons; Stephen, b. 12 Aug. 1749; d. Aug. 1813; Abner, b. 6 Aug. 1751 ; d. 11 March, 1758; Hannah, b. 6 Aug. 1753; George, b. 13 June, 1756; d. Nov. 1829; DORCAS, b. 23 Sept. 1758; d. 3 March, 1844; m. 5 Jonathan Abbot; Abner, b. 29 Jan. 1761 ; d. 16 Sept. 1843; Samuel, b. April, 1763; d. 10 Aug. 1768; ELIZABETH, b. 22 Oct. 1766; m. Valpey, Salem. 6 STEPHEN A., Capt. in the revolutionary war; Major-General ; humane, honest, good and useful citizen; Trader, Salem; m. Sarah Crowell; 2 m. Mary Badger, e Sarah, d. 29 Jan. 1776; Hannah, d. 5 Sept. 1775; POLLY; m. Abijah Chase, Salem; BETSY, b. 4 Nov. 1778 j m. Henry Chase, Salem; HANNAH, b. 8 Nov. 1780; m. John Sncathing, Salem ; Mary. 5 GEORGE A., Wilton and Salem ; m. 1779, Rebecca Blanchard. e Samuel, b. 2 Nov. 1779 ; Rebecca, b. 1781 ; d. 10 Feb. 1801 ; SARAH STEVENS, b. 1783; m. Gen. David Putnam, Salem ; George, b. 1785; EPHRAIM, b. 1787; d. 1822; Zanesville, Oh., m. Sa- rah Chccver; Elizabeth K., b. 1789; Stephen, b. 1791 ; d. 1800 ; Mary, b. 1793; m. Nathan Putnam. e SAMUEL A., Esq. St. Stephens, N. B ; m. 1802, Elizabeth Proc- ter; 2 m. 1805, AnnaM. Burton. ^ William P., b. 1803 ; d. 1805 ; ANNA MARIA, b. 16 Oct. 1806 ; d. 3 Aug. 1841 ; m. Hon. Otis L. Bridges, Calais, Attorney Gen. of Maine, s Frances, b. 19 Oct. 1833; Alice, b. 3 April, 1835: Edward L., b. 13 March, 1837; Maria B., b. 12 July, 1839; Anna M. Abbot, b. 11 June, 1841 ; d. 8 Sept. 1841. 7 SAMUEL A., b. 10 Oct. 1807; merchant, Phil- adelphia ; m. 1840, Elizabeth Sergeant Barton, da. of W. P. C. Barton, M. D. s Caroline Seccomb, b. 11 June, 1841 ; Elizabeth S., b. 29 Sept. 1843. i Susan Rebecca, b. 15 June, 1809 ; CARO- LINE ABBOT PUTNAM, b. 31 Jan. 1811 ; d. 9 Feb. 1843; m. 1834, Eben. Seccomb, Salem, N. C. FRANCES, b. 18 Oct. 1812; m. 1840, Rev. Cahin R. Batcheldcr, Westminster, Vt. ; Thomas B., b. 12 Aug. 1814; Barrister at Law, St. Stephens; David Abbot Putnam, b. 24 Dec. 1816; d. 9 April, 1840; B. U., 1837, Por- trait Painter; George W. Lewis, b. 25 Aug. 1817; Master Mari- ner, St. Stephens; Sarah A. Putnam, b. 30 Jan. 181U ; Alice W., and Elizabeth, b. 17 Feb. 1824; Alice W., d. 23 Aug. 1824; 2* 18 2 JOHN, 3 & 4 STEPHEN, 5 GEORGE ABBOT. Charles F., b. 20 March, 1827; d. 25 May, 1833, killed by a loaded team. 6 GEORGE A., St. Stephens, m. Sarah Mills ; 7 Peter Mills, b. 2 Oct. 1818 ; Mary Rebecca, b. 20 Oct. 1822 ; John W., b. 25 Sept. 1824; Sarah Louisa, b. 6 May, 1827; George T., b. 9 May, 1829; Samuel J., born 9 Oct. 1833. SABNER A., Albany, Me. ; m. 1784, Ruth Holt, who d. 21 Nov. 1806 ; 2 m. Dorcas Nason. a RUTH, b. 2G July, 1785 ; m. R. T. Williams, Salem ; 7 4 sons and 5 da. ; 6 SARAH, b. 1 1 July, 1787 ; m. 1819, David Holt; 7 David G. ; Sarah A. GOBED, b. 14 Sept. 1789; m. 1816, Ruth Jordan; 7 Ruth ; Sarah; Calvin; Char- lotte; Mary; Sewall ; Luther; Emma; Lydia. 6 Stephen, b. 1 Oct. 1792; d. 1793; e STEPHEN 2d, b. 14 Dec. 1794; m. 1819, Temperance Jordan; 7 Seba W. ; David J. ; Joseph; Maria; George W. ; Thomas R. e MARY, b. 12 May, 1797; m. 1819, Edward Phillips, Taunton ; 7 Edward ; Mary; Elizabeth; Ruth; Ann; Louisa; Almira; Daniel Webster ; Henry Clay, ejosEpn s., b. 22 Feb. 1804; m 1829, Grace Wiggin, Concord, N. II.; 7 Edward A.; Margaret Ann ; Joseph II.; Francis L. ; 6 ss. b. and d. 1809. 6 Margaret Nason, b. 12 July, 1812. 4 EPHRAIM A., son ot 3 Stephen A.; Miller; m. 1734, o Hannah Phclps. 5 Hannah, b. 6 Jan. 1735; d. 17 Nov. 1798; MEHITABEL, b. 22 Aug. 1736 ; d. 1 Jan. 1777 ; m. 5 Jonathan Abbot ; Sarah, b. 29 Nov. 1737; d. 30 March, 1831 ; n. m.; lived with Hon. S. Phillips, and after his death took care of the farm for Judge Phillips, raised a nursery of some thousand trees, which she grafted and sold profita- bly. She was blind some time before her death, and was accustom- ed for exercise to walk with speed by a rope. i> Ephraim, b 3 July, d. 3 Nov. 1739 ; RHODA, b. 3 July, 1741 ; d. Jan. 1820 ; m. Ja<:ob Holt; EPHRAIM 2d, b. 19 May, 1742; d. 23 April, 1809; Miller, lived with his father; m. I,ydia Poor; 2 m. Sarah Sajford, n. c. ; ABIEL, da. b. 23 April, 1745; d. May, 1795; m. Benjamin Walker ; 6 c. 4 SAMUEL A., m. Elizabeth Wyman. s ELIZABETH, b. 2 Nov. 1755; m. Eben. Jones; HANNAH, b. 24 April, 1757; m. Benj. Goldsmith. 3 EPHRAIM A., m. 1715, Sarah Hunt. 4 SARAH, b. 8 March, 1716; m. Samuel Gray, Amherst, N. II. ; Ephraim, b 1 Aug. 1718; Mary, b. 20 July, 1720; Joshua, b. 1 Oct. 1722; DANIEL, b. 14 Sept. 1724; d. 11 Aug. 1761; m. Lydia Hinjiild; n. c. ; ELIZABETH, b. 10 July, 1726; d. 18 Dec. 1819; m. 4 Asa Abbot ; Josiah, b. 4 Sept. 1728; d. Dec. 1777; Ebenezer, b. 3 March, 1731; d. 19 Dec. 1771; Martha, b. 10 April, d. 5 May, 1733; Peter, b. 19 May, 1734; d. 18 April, 1774; MARTHA, b. 24 July, 1737; m. Arch. Towne, Milford, N. H. 4 EPHRAIM A., Amherst, N. H. ; m. 1740, 4 Mary Abbot, da. 3 Timothy A. ; 2 m. Hannah Kneeland. a MARY, b. 22 March, 1741 ; m Peter Goss, Amherst ; had 3 sons and 2 da. ; Ephraim, b. 1C Dec. 1742 ; d. 1827 ; HANNAH, b. 12 March, 1745 ; m. Shattuck, Hollisj 5 KNEELAND, m. Stanley, Vt. e Moses ; 2 JOHN, 3 EPHRAIM, 4 EPHRAIM ABBOT. 19 Abiel ; Betsy ; Sarah ; Mary ; Jacob. 5 DANIEL, m. Sarah Ste- vens ; 5 SARAH, m. W. Codman, Deering ; 5 DORCAS, m. John Wil- ley, Amherst ; ESTHER, m. Benj. Pike, Montpelier, Vt. ; ABIGAIL, m. Samuel Twiss, N. Boston, N. H. a EPHRAIM A., Dea., Goffston, m. Dorothy Stiles. e Ephraim, d. y. ; Samuel, d. y. ; SARAH, b. 1767 ; m. Jonathan Rand, Man- chester. 7 3 sons and 4 da. ; DOROTHY, b. 1772 ; d. 1822 ; m. 5 David Abbot, Windham, N. H. ; Samuel, b. 24 Feb. 1777; Ephraim, b. 1780; d. 1818. e SAMUEL A., Preacher in Middle- boro' and Chester, Ms some years ; now resides in Antrim, N. H. ; m. Sarah Rand, i Samuel, b. 25 Oct. 1799 ; d. 27 Sept. 1800 ; EPHRAIM, b. 20 Sept. 1801; Waterville, Me., m. Ann Wallace; Sarah G., b 9 Feb. J804 ; Mille R., b. 21 Feb. 1807 ; Hephzibah N., b. 22 March, 1809 ; d. 2 April, 1841 ; Samuel W., b. 9 Feb. 1812 ; Nashua, m. Clarissa P. Claggett ; Dorothy S., b. 29 Oct. 1813 ; John R., b. 14 Feb. 1817 ; S. Gano, b. 9 Nov. 1819. e EPHRAIM A., Goffston; m. Olive Pierson. 7 Clementine ; Sarah; Langdon ; Mary. 4 MARY A., m. Robert Read, Esq. Amherst; s William ; Lemuel ; Robert; Mary; s OLIVE R., m. Capt. Samuel Greele, Wilton. e NANCY G., m. Dr. Scripture, Hollis; e SAMUEL, H. U. 1802; Dea. Boston; m. Lydia Sewall, da. of Judge S. ; 7 Samuel Sevvall, H. U. 1844. b Augustus, d. 19 Aug. 1843; D. C. 1813; Mer- chant, N. Y. ; Robert ; William ; ABIGAIL, in. Dr. Eliot, N. Y. 7 Augustus G., Y. C. 4 JOSHUA A., Amherst; m. Phebe Ingalls. sPhebe, b. 31 Aug. 1750. Joshua ; Stephen. 4 JOSIAH A., Amherst, N. H. ; m. Hannah Holbs. 5 HANNAH, m. S. Chamberlain; Amey, d. 1777; Josiah, b. 1757; Lemuel, b. 13 May, 1764; d. 19 Jan. 1841 ; Daniel, b. 13 July, 1769 ; Sarah. 5 LEMUEL A., Windham, Vt. ; m. Deborah Batch; 6 LEMUEL, b 3 April, 1799; m. Fanny Sherwin ; HART B., b. 29 Dec. 1800; m. Elizabeth Morse ; Sally B., b. 17 Nov. 1802; LUCIUS, b. 3 Feb. 1804; m. Esther Goddard ; LUCIA, b. 5 Aug. 1807; rn. John Farnsworth ; MARCIUS, b. 1 Dec. 1809; m. Elizabeth Griggs ; Marcia, b. 26 Nov. 1811. s DANIEL A., Peterboro', N. H. and Westford, Ms.; m. Sally Allison, who d. 22 Nov. 1837 ; 6 s. b. and d. May, 1799 ; e JANE, b. Sept. 1800; m. Aug. 24, 1842, John Scott, Esq. Detroit; he d. 1 Sept. 1846; e SARAH, b. Nov. 1806; m. 7 Jefferson Fletcher, Westford. 7 Sarah Jane, d. y. ; 7 Mary ; 7 Sarah, e DANIEL, b. Ap. 1808 ; trader, N. Y. ; m. Dorothy Cutter, i Laura Jane. 2 m. Wid. Charlotte Foster. G JOHN, b. June, 1810; d. Nov. 1834, Mich.; m. 4 EBENEZER A , m. Lydia Farrington ; & HANNAH, b. 17 Feb. 1753; d. 24 July, 1816; m. Abijah Clark; had 3 sons and 3 da. ; o LYDIA, b. 8 June, 1754 ; m. Peter Towne ; 5 Ebenezer, b. 15 Jan. 1757; 5 EPHRAIM, b. 1759, Fryeburgh ; had 9 da.; Jethro, b. 10 April, 1761; d. 2 May, 1764; Theodore, b. 10 Sept, 20 4 PETER, 2 JOHN, 3 JOSHUA, 4 JOHN ABBOT. 1763 ; d. 14 May, 1764 ; SARAH, b. 7 Dec. 1764 ; m. David Ste- vens. 4 PETER A., Kingston, N. H. ; m. Elizabeth Damon. 5 Peter, d. Feb. 1825; and s Edmund, b. 22 June, 1758; e Benjamin, d. 4 March, 1765; 6 Daniel, d. 5 March, 1765 ; Betty, d. 4 March, 1765; 3 buried in one grave; sEphraim; 5 PETER A., Pensioner, Chester, N. H. ; m. Phebe Pratt ; she d. 1846. e Edmund ; e Peter; e George; e Hannah ; 6 Calvin; eJohn, b. 3 May, 1797 ; e Henry, d. y. 6 JOHN A., Kingston ; in. Deborah Wiggin. 7 John E., b. 4 Sept. 1826 ; d. 6 March, 1827 ; 7 George F. H., b. 20 Feb. 1828 ; 7 Elizabeth Ann, b. 1 July, 1831. 3 JOSHUA A., m. settled in Billerica, Dea. ; Town Clerk 31 years ; gentle, meek and pious ; much beloved and respected for his exemplary and Christian character. 4 Rebecca, b. 27 March, 1711 ; d. 9 May, 1761 ; John, b. 5 May, 1713; d. 22 Oct. 1791 ; Sarah, b. 24 Feb. 1715; d. a. between 95 and 100 ; Mary and Hannah, b. 29 Aug. 1717; Mary, d. 1800; Elizabeth, b. 7 Dec. 1719; d. 1803; Joshua, b. 28 Oct. 1722; d. 7 Aug. 1807; Dor- cas, b. 6 Nov. 1724 ; d. 7 Jan. 1810 ; Oliver, b. 26 March, 1727; d. 10 April, 1796; David, b. 27 April, 1729; d. 15 Nov_ 1801 ; Lydia, b. 26 June, 1732 ; d. 13 Oct. 1748. 4 JOHN A., Westford, Dea.; useful, pious and respected; m. Hannah Richardson ; 5 Hannah, b. 4 Jan. 1736; d. 5 Oct. 1738; Rebecca, b. 17 Feb. 1738; d. 19 Feb. 1785; Hannah, 2d, b. 11 March, 1740; d. 5 Dec. 1783 ; John, b. 2 Dec. 1743 ; d. 8 May, 1804; Joshua, b. 25 Oct. 1750; d. 8 Oct. 1753, Martha, b. 17 Sept. 1755; d. 20 Oct. 1802. 6 JOHN A., Capt. ; active and en- terprising, useful in town offices; m. Lucy Proctor; 2 m. Mary Farrar. eJohn, b. 27 Jan. 1777; Abel, b. 7 Dec. 1781 ; d. 9 May, 1810. e JOHN A., H. U. 178; Counsellor at Law, Senator in the Legislature of Massachusetts ; m. Sophia Mosely. 7 John W. Pitt, b. 27 April, 1806 ; son, b. and d. 17 Nov. 1807. 6 ABEL A., m. Catharine Cumings; 7 Julian, b. 19 Oct. 1806; H. U. 1826; Counsellor at Law, Lowell. 7 JOHN w. p. A., H. U. 1827 ; Coun- sellor at Law, Westford ; m. Catharine Abbot, da. of Rev. Jacob A. 8 John William, b. 14 April, 1834; Julian T., b. 27 Jan. 1836; d. 10 March, 1836; Julian 2d, b. 25 May, 1837; Sophia E., b. 6 Dec. 1841 ; d. 15 Aug. 1843; George, b. 17 Feb. 1845. a REBECCA A., m. Joseph Jewett, Westford ; e Jonathan, d. n. m.; e John, b. May, 1766; e Patty, d. 14 Aug. 1824, a. 56; LEONARD, d. Physician, m., Athens, O. ; Joshua A., b. 29 Feb. 1772; d. 23 March, 1838; Ahimaaz. e JOHN, Peterboro' ; m. Elizabeth Gum- ming s ; 2 m. Margaret Moore, b. Feb. 1767; 7 John, N. Y. ; 7 Jonathan, d. ; 7 AHIMAAZ, m. Eliza Scott ; 7 Rebecca ; 7 SAMUEL, b. Feb. 1801; m. Elizabeth Taggart ; n. c. ; 7 ELIZABETH, b. 1803 ; m. Ira Felt, who d. 1826; 7 MARY, b. June 22, 1805; m. 1825, Moses Goioing. s Sophia, b. Dec. 1826 ; Mary, b. 1828; 2 JOHN, 3 JOSHUA, 4 JOHN, 4 OLIVER ABBOT. 21 Henry, b. Sept. 1832. 7 MARGARET, b. 1808, m. John Hoyt ; Joseph, b. 1809, Albion, N. Y. e PATTY j., m. Thomas Fletcher, Esq., Westford, who d. Sept. 1838. 7 PATTY F., m. John Osgood, Westford. 8 JOHN H., b. Oct. 17, 1807; Auctioneer and Commission Merchant, Boston; m. June, 1834, Adaline Stevens; 9 Adaline Frances, b. 7 May, 1836; Edward Hamilton, b. 7 July, 1838; Josiah Alonzo, b. Jan. 1841; George Laurie, b. Dec. 18-13. 8 JOSIAH, b. 29 April, 1809; Teacher of Music, Chelsea; m. 19 Dec. 1845, Mary Ann Gun- nison. o Martha F., b. 21 Dec. 1846. s MARTHA F., b. 12 April, 1811 ; d. 16 Dec. 1843; missionary, Mosul, Persia ; m. 21 July, 1842, Rev. Thomas Laurie, 111. Col., Missionary, Mosul. 7 THOM- AS, b. 1 Aug. 1791, Farmer, Westford ; m. Orpah Fletcher. s MARY, m. Eli Tower, Farmer, Westford; 9 Amanda; 9 Abba ; 9 Adaline; 9 Anna; 9 Waldo, d.y. ; 9 Helen ; 9 Albrow. 8 FRAncis, Stonemason, Westford, m. Esther B. Wright ; 9 Edward F. ; 9 Charles ; o Esther J. s CHARLES L., Carpenter, Westford, m. Sophia M. Keyes ; 9 Ella Maria. 7 REBECCA ABBOT, b. 31 Jan. 1796; m. Wm. Warren Goodhue, Westford ; 8 Francis Warren ; 7 SALLY, b. 1 July, 1799; m. Sewall Parkhurst, Chelrnsford ; 8 Charles; 8 Edgar ; s Sewall. 7 JEFFERSON, Farmer, Westford; m. e Sarah Abbot, da. of & Daniel. e JOSHUA ABBOT, j., m. Rebecca Robinson. 7 JOSHUA ABBOT, b. 25 Dec. 1800, Farmer, Sterling; m. Dec. 1834, Hannah Cob- ley ; s Nathaniel Sumner, b. Feb. 1836 ; 7 George, b. 16 Oct. 1802; 7 ELIZA, b. Dec. 1804 ; m. John A. Levering, Shoe Dealer, Georgetown, s Mary ; 8 Eliza ; s Harriet ; s Sarah ; 8 Frances ; s John ; 8 Benjamin, d. Dec. 28, 1846, a. 7 ; 7 Clarirsa, b. 18 Feb. 1807; 7 HARRIET, b. 22 July, 1809; m. Samuel Dana Prescott, Lowell; 7 Sally, b. 31 July, 1812; 7 WILLIAM, b. 1 Nov. 1814, Fitchburg ; m. Lois Hackct, & da. s MARTHA A., m. John Prescott, Dea. Westford; he d. 1842, a. 90. e JOHN, b. 25 Sept. 1779 ; m. Anna Keyes ; e JOSHUA, b. 15 Nov. 1780 ; H. U. 1807; Counsellor at Law, Reading ; m. ; 7 c. ; e Samuel, b. 8 Jan. 1782; d. 1 Nov. 1813; H. U. 1799; Coun- sellor at Law, Keene, N. H ; 6 Stephen, b. 29 Aug. 1784; d. 5 Oct. 1803; e Hannah, b. 8 Aug. 1786; d. 27 Dec. 1841 ; e Aaron, b. 19 Nov. 1787; H. U. 1814; Counsellor at Law, Randolph; e THOMAS, b. 3 May, 1791; m. Sarah Hale. 7 AARON ABBOT, b. 30 Oct. 1815 ; Joiner, Randolph ; m. ; s c. ; 7 Sarah Ann H., b. 23 Nov. 1817; 7 ABIGAIL E., b. 22 March, 1820; m. Thomas Prescott, son of e Joshua P. 4 JOSHUA A., Billerica, Dea.; a respectable man and good Christian ; gave a bell and clock for the meeting-house, and a legacy of $140[) ; the income for the promotion of sacred music; m.; s Joshua, b. 2 Nov. 1747; d. 7 June, 1752. 4 OLIVER A., Billerica, m. Joanna ; & Joanna, b. and d. April, 1753; Lydia, b. 11 July, 1754; d. 22 July, 1788; Joanna, 2d, b. 24 July, 1755 ; 2 sons and 3 da. d. in infancy ; Dorcas, b. 22 3EBENEZER, 4 ISAAC, 2 HANNAH ABBOT. 19 Dec. 1764 ; Joshua, b. 29 July, 1772 ; d. 7 June, 1795; Abi- gail, b. 14 Sept. 1774; d. 1815; Elizabeth, b. 22 July, 1778. 4 DAVID A., Billerica, m. 5 David, b. 5 June, 1760; d. 19 Dec. 1761; David, 2d, b. 18 Dec. 1770; H. U. 1794; d. 9 April, 1804; a man of unblemished character; his health always feeble ; Blaney, b. 15 Oct. 1771, Esq. ; 8 children d. in infancy 3EBENEZER A., while a boy, employed the winter evenings in study by torchlight ; was a good penman and surveyor, and well informed man ; was much employed in town business ; amidst many trials he maintained a Christian character. He m. Hannah Dane. 4 Ebenezer, b. 12 Jan., d. 29 July, 1721 ; HANNAH, b. 10 Jan. 1722 ; d. March, 1812 ; m. 4 Joseph Abbot, son of 3 John A. ; Ebenezer, b. 4 Dec. 1723; d. 9 May, 1725; MARY, b. 13 April, 1725; m. Isaac Blunt, s John B., Milford. 4 Nehemiah, b and d. 1727; Isaac, b. 10 July, 1728; Phebe, b. 14 Jan. 1732; .d. Feb. 1805; James, b. 25 April, 1736. 4 ISAAC A., m. 1753, Susannah Farmim ; moved to Fryeburgh ; 5 Susannah, b. 29 Aug. 1754; da. b. 17 Feb. 1756; Lucy, b. 20 March, 1759; Ebenezer, b. 7 Dec. 1760; Isaac, b. 16 June, 1762; Simeon, b. 29 May, 1764; Micah, b. 15 May, 1766; d. 16 Aug. 1767. 4 PHEBE A., m. James Griffin, Wilmington, who d. Oct. 1817, a. 90 ; 5 Phebe, m. Benjamin Butler, Esq., Nottingham, N. H. ; 6 Ebenezer, b. 1771, Leominster ; m. Betsy Carter. 6 Elizabeth, b. 13 Jan. 1793 ; MARY, b. 8 Sept. 1794 ; d. 1831 ; m. James M. Howe, Haverhill ; PHEBE, b. 15 July, 1796 ; m. Abel Lincoln, Chelmsford ; Sophia, b. 3 March, 1799 ; m. Hiram Ayrcs, Chelmsford; Ebenezer, b. 3 Aug 1801, La.; SAMUEL p., b. 26 Aug. 1803, Canton, Ms. ; m. Esther Stearns; ABBOT, b. 22 June, 1805; m. e Emily Abbot, Litchfield, N. H. ; Josiah, b. 3 May, 1807; d. 1834; NANCY, b. 21 Aug. 1809 ; m. Daniel Bixby ; GEORGE, b. 28 July, 1811, Esq., Litchfield; m. 1837, Clarissa White; e Caroline, b/ 16 July, 1813; d. 21 June, 1840; Sarah H., b. 18 Dec. 1819. 4 JAMES A., Physician, Dracut, about 1775; had 12 c. ; 3 sons lived to manhood ; s Nehemiah moved to Glover, Vt. ; 5 Nathaniel, N. H. ; Ebenezer, Derry, N. H. 2 HANNAH, m. Dec. 1676, John Chandler, son of Thomas C. ; 3 John, b. 25 Oct. 1677; d. 21 July, 1679; SJOHN 2d, b. 25 March, 1680 ; d. 25 Oct. 1740 ; Capt., wrestler, Andover ; m. Hannah Frye ; 3 Zebadiah, b. 11 April, 1683 ; m. 3 Sarah Ab- bot ; 3 ABIEL, b. 20 June, 1687 ; m. Hcphzibah Harndin ; 3 HAN- NAH, b. 23 May, 1790 ; m. 3 Daniel Abbot; 3 SARAH, b. 19 Oct. 1693 ; m. Joseph Wright. 2 GEORGE ABBOT, b. 7 June 1655, d. 27 Feb. 1736; Capt., selectman, upright, honest, devout Christian, without guile ; m. 1678, Dorcas Graves, da. of Mark G. ; she d. 19 Feb. 1740 ; 3 Sarah, b. and d. 1679 ; Joseph, b. 7 Oct. 1680, d. y. ; Nathan, b. 12 Feb. 1683, d. y. ; Hannah, b. 26 Feb. 1685, d. 25 Dec. 2 GEORGE, 3 DANIEL, 4 & 5 JOSEPH ABBOT. 23 1774; Daniel, b. 10 Jan. 1688; ELIZABETH, b. 25 July, 1690; d. 3 Sep. 1718 ; m. 3 Benj. Abbot : George, b. 22 Dec. 1692; d. 17 Mar. 1768; Henry, b. 12 June, 1696; d. 3 Feb. 1776; Isaac, b. 4 Ap. 1699 ; d. Aug. 1784. 3 HANNAH A. m. 1708, Dea. John Osgood, who d. 1765, a. 83; 4 Josiah; 4 John, Esq. ; 4 JOSEPH, b. 5 Sept. 1718; d. Jan. 1797; H. U. 1737; M. M. S. S. Dea. North Ch. Andover, 34 years, respected for his Christian piety and virtue ; m. Mar- garet Binney ; 5 Mehitabel, b. Feb. 1745 ; Joseph, b. 25 Nov. 1746, Physician, Salem ; John, Thomas, and George d. y. ; s John 2d., b. 14 Nov. 1754, Dea., Newbury ; Thomas, b. 29 Oct. 1756; 5 GEORGE, b. 1 Dec. 1758 ; d. 4 Oct. 1823; M. M. S. S. Physician, Andover, Dea. ; m. 1782, Elizabeth Otis ; 2 m. Sarah Vose ; 6 Joseph Otis, b. 23 Dec. 1782 : d. 1845 ; H. U. 1804, M. M. S. S. Phys. Kensington, N. H. ; George, b. 25 Mar. 1784; Elizabeth, b. 24 Oct. 1788; Benjamin B., b. 29 Oct. 1790 ; John, b. 12 July, 1793 ; REBECCA, b. 31 Jan. 1796 ; m. Col. Moody Bridges ; MARIA, b. 17 Jan. 1802 ; m. E. A. Holyoke, M. D. Salem ; Sarah, b. 30 April, 1804; m. 3 DANIEL A., m. Sep. 1711, 3 Hannah Chandler, da. of Capt. John C. ; they with their family, about 1732, moved to Ashford, Ct. ; 4 Hannah, b. 12 Sep. 1712 ; d. 3 Mar. 1734 ; 4 Dorcas, b. 16 Dec. 1713; d. 22 Aug. 1798; Daniel, b. 18 Feb. 1715; d. Feb. 1741 ; Joseph, b. 19 Dec. 1716; d. 22 Sep. 1776; Elizabeth, b. 9 July, 1719; d. 1 Jan. 1785; Phebe, b. 7 April, 1721 ; d. 30 May, 1756; Nathan, b 16 Oct. 1723; d. 14 Jan. 1793, Wood- stock, Ct. ; Infant b. and d. ; John, b. 11 Jan. 1726 ; d. 7 Mar. 1806 ; Sarah, b. 5 May 1728 ; d. 7 Oct. 1802 ; George, b. 21 Jan. 1730; d. 16 Mar. 1776; David, b. 11 Jan. 1733. 4 JOSEPH A., Woodstock, Ct. ; m. 1738, Abigail Cutler ; & Han- nah, d. a. 21 years ; 5 Joseph, b. 27 Feb. 1743 ; d. 26 Jan. 1813 ; Daniel; Sarah, b. 8 July, 1748; Olive, b. 27 May, 1749; Zeba- diah, b. 4 Aug. 1750. s JOSEPH A., Woodstock; m. 3 Jan. 1765, Persis Perrin, b. 4 July, 1742 ; d. 23 Jan. 1817 ; 6 ORINDA, b. 26 May, 1766 ; d. Dec. 1831; m. Asaph Adams; c HANNAH, b. 3 Aug. 1768; m. Lemuel Clapp ; 2 m. Paris Pray ; 6 Lucy, b. 20 Sep. 1772 ; Polly, b. 23 July, 1775 ; d. y. ; Royal, b. 9 Oct. 1777. 6 LUCY A., m. Jan. 1793, Jedediah Bcnnet, Otsego Co. N. Y. ; he d. 10 Dec. 1844 ; 7 Tryphena, b. 10 Oct. 1793 ; d. 3 Feb. 1815 ; Betsy, b. 3 June 1795 ; d. 3 Nov. 1839 ; Lois, b. 3 June, 1797 ; d. 1 Oct. 1820 ; Lucinda, b. 16 March,' 1799 ; Charles, b. 9 Jan. d. 13 Dec. 1802; Elijah, b. 1 Dec. 1804; Persis L., b. 13 Feb. 1802; Royal A., b. 19 Aug. 1809; Caroline L., b. 9 Jan. 1812; Marvin J., b. 17 Feb. 1816. 6 ROYAL A., Pittstown, Renss. Co. N. Y. ; m. 2 Nov. 1802, Wil- mira Van Woert ; 7 LEONARD J., b. 4 Oct. 1803; m. Jan. 1829, Nancy Tillinghast; 8 Edith Jane, b. 2 July, 1833; Caroline W., b. 14 Nov. 1835 ; 7 JOHN VAN WOERT, b. 15 Jan. 1805, Physi- 24 2 GEORGE, 3 DANIEL, 4 JOHN ABBOT. cian, Pike, N. Y. ; ra. 17 July, 1831, Sally C. Chase; a Leon- ard Joseph, b. 23 June, 1832; d. 22 May, 1835 ; 8 John Beverly, b. Sep. 1834; 8 Caroline Wilmira, b. Jan. 1837; 8 Elizabeth Jane, b. 5 June, 1839; 7 PETER p., b. 1 June 1807; m. 6 Oct. 1836, Julia Bostwick ; 8 Caroline Victoria, b. 7 July, 1837 ; William Perrin, b. 7 July, 1841. 7 JACOB LANSING, b. 24 May, 1809; m. 22 Dec. 1831, Lydia Harrington; s Anna Theresa, b. and d. 1833 ; Anna Theresa 2d, b. 13 Oct. 1834 ; Wilmira Jane, b. 18 Oct. 1836 ; Smith H., b. 19 June, 1838 ; Martha F., b. 17 Jan. 1841. 7 ROYAL, b. 20 Feb. 1812 ; m. 1 1 May, 1837, Harriet Lamb; 8 John Royal, b. 19 May, 1838; Wilmira E., b. 11 Dec. 1839; Harriet J., b.9 Sep. 1841 ; Emily Frances, b. 10 May, 1843. 7 CAROLINE WILMIRA, b. 10 Sept. 1816; m. 14 Oct. 1835, Alfred Bosworth; 8 Suviah, b. 25 Aug. 1839; Nathaniel, b. 8 Dec. 1842; Caroline W, b. 13 April, 1845. 7 WILLIAM PRAY, b. 7 July, 1819 ; m. 5 Feb 1846, Eliza Russell. The sons of Royal live in Pittstovvn. 5 DANIEL A., m., moved to Lebanon, N. H. ; 6 Asahel ; Joseph ; Elisha; Chandler; Lovica; Fanny; Susan. 5 SARAH A., m. James Houghton, Woodstock; 6 Amasa; Sarah ; Hannah; Daniel; Polly; Wealthy. 4 JOHN A., Woodstock ; m. 28 Nov. 1750, Mary Wright ; b. 29 Sep. 1730; d. 30 May, 1811; 5 John, b. 18 Oct. 1751; d. 22 Nov. 1782; Mary, b. 31 Aug. 1753; d. 16 Nov. 1790; Abiel, b. 22 March, 1756; d. 5 April, 1812; David, b. 19 April, 1758; d. 27 Feb. 1827 ; Judith, b. 29 Nov. 1760 ; d. 27 Feb. 1845 ; Nathan, b. 31 July, 1763; d. 21 March, 1836; Abigail, b. 26 March, 1766; d. 7 Sept. 1823; 5 DANIEL, b. 3 Sep. 1768; d. 29 March, 1812, Woodstock; m. Irena Chamberlain ; n. c. ; s Jo- seph, b. 13 Feb. 1771; d. 24 June, 1829; Amos, b. 15 Nov. 1773 ; HANNAH, b. 1 Aug. 1776 ; d. 24 Nov. 1844 ; m. Na- thaniel Round. s MARY A., m. 21 Nov. 1784, Eleazar Wright; e Abigail, b. 28 March, 1786 ; Mary, b. 24 March, 1789. 5 ABIEL A., Ashford ; m. June, 1786, Jane Bartlet ; e John, -b. 3 July, 1787; d. 18 Oct. 1790 ; Daniel, b. 4 Nov. 1789 ; David ; Sally ; John. 5 DAVID A., m. Polly Paine; e POLLY, m. Thomas Paine, Westminster, Vt. 7 Sarepta. 5 NATHAN A., Woodstock, m. 31 Aug. 1785, Elizabeth Botoen ; 2 m. Huldah Skinner, s Abel, b. 29 Sep. d. 1 Oct. 1786; Charles, b. 1 Oct. 1787, Otis- co, N. Y.; Phebe, b. 11 July, 1789; d. 1836 ; Molly, b. 31 May, 1791, d. 1819; Lucy, b. 1 Oct. 1793; Amos, b. 9 March, 1796, Woodstock ; Esther, b. 14 March, 1798; Lois, b. 18 June, 1800 ; Benjamin, Otisco, N. Y. ; Amanda, b. 4 March, 1806; Miran- da, d. 1812; Anna; John, Otisco, N. Y. 5 JOSEPH A., m. 6 March, 1794, Anna Skinner. 6 Roxy, b. 15 Sep. 1794; d. 6 March, 1795; Betsy, b. 19 Sep. 1796; 6 GURDON, b. 22 April, 1801 ; Dea.; m. 1826, Sally Fay; 7 Betsy ; 7 Maria, b. 25 Jan. 1831. 6 BETSY A., m. 5 March, 1821, Amos Bugbee ; 2 GEORGE, 3 GEORGE, 4 GEORGE ABBOT. 25 7 ELEAZAR GILBERT, b. 18 Mar. 1823 ; m. 1845, Susan Day ; i Oli- via and Olive, b. 5 April, 1825; Olivia, d. 24 July, 1825; 7 OLIVE, m. 27 Oct. 1844, Erastus C. Burleigh. s Emerson C., b. 11 Aug. 1845. 7 Edwin G., b. 22 Oct. 1830; Martha Ann L , b. 24 Sept. J834. 5 AMOS A., Otisco, N. Y. m. Sally Griggs ; 6 WARREN, b. 18 May, 1801, m. Sophia Eastman. 3 GEORGE A., Capt., lived with his father; m. 1721 , Mary Phillips, sister of Rev. S Phillips ; she d. 5 Oct. 1785, a. 91. They were righteous and devout Christians, and greatly respected for their piety and virtue. Their children were well trained. 4 MARY, b. 12 March, 1723; d 8 Aug. 1798; m. 4 Stephen Abbot; 4 George, b. 14 Dec. 1724; d. 26 Dec. 1775; 4 Elizabeth, b. 14 Sep. 1726 ; d. 7 Jan. 1727 ; 4 ELIZABETH 2d, b. 5 Nov. 1727 ; m. 4 Benjamin Ab- bot, Hollis; 2 m. J. Pollard, Westford ; 3 m. Capt. Josiah Bowers, Billerica. 4 SARAH, b. 14 Jan. 1730; d 26 Dec. 1797; m. 1757, Rev. 4 Nathan Holt, Danvers ; 5 SARAH, b. 29 Oct. 1758; d. 17 Sept. 1841; m. 1778, William Frost, Andover, who d. 28 Sep. 1836, had 6 sons and 6 da. 5 MARY, b. 3 Oct. 1761; m. 1781, Robert Endicott, Beverly, who d. 6 March, 1819, a. 63; had 4 s. and one da. 5 HANNAH, b. 11 May 1769; m. 1793, Rev. 5 Peter Holt, Epping and Peterboro' ; had 4 s. and 3 da. ; 4 Samuel, b. 25 Feb. 1732 ; d. 12 April, 1812 ; 4 HAN- NAH, b. 14 Dec. 1733; d. 26 March, 1820; rn. William Fos- ter. 5 HANNAH, b. 20 June, 1756; m. Capt. Timothy Rogers, Tewksbury. 6 Timothy F., b. 16 Mar. I781.H.U. 1802, ordained, Bernardston, 20 Sept. 1809 ; 5 WILLIAM, b. 1 June, 1758 ; d. 20 Aug. 1843; m. Sally Kimball; 6 William, a MARY, b. 21 July, 1763; m. Timothy Ballard, n. c. s SALLY, b. 9 Sept. 1765: m. Joseph Brown, Tewksbury. 4 GEORGE A, Esq., lived with his father; Col. of militia; m. 1747, Hannah Lovcjoy, who d. 7 Sept. 1813, a. 89 ; they were esteemed for their moral worth and Christian character. 5 GEORGE, b. 9 Feb. 1748 ; d. 5 Oct. 1784, Salem ; m. Prisdtta Man- ning. 6 Priscilla, d. young, s HANNAH, b. 25 Oct. 1749: d. 27 May, 1784 ; m 1773, Joseph Ballard, had 2 sons and 2 da., who d. n. m. s Mary, b. and d. Sep. 1751 ; 5 MARY 2d, b. 9 June, 1753; d. 17 Aug. 1820; m. Dea. Joseph Poor, Danvers. o Jo- seph. 7Ebenezer, D. C. 1818, settled minister, 2d Parish Beverly. 6 Mary ; Hannah ; Enoch ; Sally ; Nathan ; Daniel, D. C. 1811, D. D., Missionary at Ceylon ; Martha ; George A., and Nancy. s ELIZABETH, b. 10 July, 1755; d. 18 Aug. 1821; m. Samvel Lummus, Hamilton ; 6 Elizabeth ; Hannah ; Samuel ; John ; Tamesin ; Harriet; Clarissa; Ezra. 5 John Lovejoy, b. 12 April, 1757; d. Nov. 1837; 5 Samuel, b. and d. July, 1759; 5 SAMUEL. b. 19 July, 1760; d. 8 May, 1792; H. U. 1784; Merchant, Saco, Me.; m. Mary Cutts, Saco ; 6 Samuel Phillips, d. 1813, B. C. e Thomas Cutts, d. y. 5 SALLY, b. 3 Oct. 1762; m. eNehemiah Abbot; he d. 30 Dec. 1823; no issue; she is the founder of the Abbot Female Academy, Andover. 5 MARTHA, b. 3 26 2 GEORGE, 3 GEORGE, 4 GEORGE ABBOT. 17 Oct. 1764 ; d. 15 Sept. 1798 ; m. John Jenks, Salem, e Pris- cilla ; Martha; Hannah, s DORCAS, b. 18 Dec. 1766; d. 15 March, 1841; m. Dea. 5 John Holt, Greenfield. 6 DORCAS, b. 12 Jan. 1793; m. Dea. 6 Peter Pevey; esARAH A., b. 10 March, 1795; m. F. Dunckke ; e Hannah, b. 15 Sept. 1797; d. 10 Nov. 1821; e JOHN, b. 9 Aug. 1799; Dea. ; m. Phcbe Holt; e Tame- sin, b. 23 Nov. 1803 ; e Phebe, b. 29 Jan. 1806 ; e MARTHA, b. 24 April, 1808; m. Arnold Hutchinson ; 6 Elizabeth, b. 2 April, 1811; d. 20 June, 1830. 5 TAMESIN, b. 14 Jan. 1769; m. W. Appleton, Salem. 5 JOHN LOVEJOY A., Esq., lived on the homestead ; industrious, honest, and attentive to the duties of the Sabbath and the week ; m. ePhr.be Abbot, da. of 5 Nehemiah A.; she d. 1 Oct 1825, a. 62 ; e JOHN L., b. 29 Nov. 1783 ; d. 14 Oct. 1814 ; H. U. 1805 ; Librarian, Minister of the First Church, Boston ; m. Elizabeth R. Warland; George, b. 25 April, 1785; d 21 Oct. 1822; Samuel, b. 29 June, 1787; Phebe, b. 15 June, 1789 ; d. 11 Nov. 1811; Lydia Clark, b. 10 July, 1790; d. 16 March, 1796; e HANNAH, b. 19 Feb. 1793 ; m. E. L. Herrick, Esq., Rockford, III. 7 Phebe A. ; John W. ; Elijah L. ; Edward ; Hannah ; George ; Sarah ; Martha ; Samuel. e William L., b. 6 Jan. 1795; d. 27 March, 1796; e SARAH K., b. 7 July, 1797; m. Rev. Hezckiah Hull, La. ; 2 m. Sidney Hull, N. Haven, Ct. e WIL- LIAM, b. 16 Dec. 1809, Charlestown ; m. Amelia Hull; 2 m. E. M. Bradley. e GEORGE A., Capt., lived with his father on the same farm on which 2 George settled; m. Ruth Diron. 7 Margaret W., b. 9 Feb. 1811; d. 25 Aug. 1813; 7George, b. 4 Oct. 1813; d. April, 1829; 7 Margaret Wood, b. 26 Nov. 1815; 7 Elizabeth, b. 15 Nov. 1817; 7 John, b. 26 March, 1820; d. 14 Jan. 1821: John L., b. 9 March, 1822. e SAMUEL A., Merchant, Charlestown ; m. Lucrctia Fowle. 7 Ann M. ; Lucretia; Sarah; Samuel. 4 SAMUEL A., Esq., bred a Merchant ; opened his store in Bos- ton, about 1753; m. widow Sarah Kneeland, with three children, John K. ; Sarah ; Elizabeth. He had no children. They were industrious and economical. After success in retailing, and ac- quiring some capital, he imported goods from England, and en- tered into wholesale and retail business. .He always traded safely, and was successful. At the commencement of the Revolution he was in full business. Being a whig, he moved his goods from Boston, sold them, and received much of the pay in paper money, which he loaned to the government. He resided in An- dover, lived prudently, kept his public securities, and funded them. His property was large, and by his economy was contin- ually accumulating. He presented a bell and clock for the meeting-house of his native parish, and gave valuable plate for the communion ser- vice, and to the Church five hundred dollars, the income of which to be distributed among the poor of the Church. 3 & 4 HENRY, 2 GEORGE, 3 &, 4 ISAAC ABBOT. 27 In 1807, he became one of the founders of the Theological In- stitution in Andover, and established and endowed^a Professorship of Christian Theology. He died 12 April, 1812, a. 80. After legacies to his immediate relations, he gave the residue of his es- tate to the Theological Institution ; his donations to which amounted to about one hundred thousand dollars He was a man of sterling honesty, upright in all his dealings, industrious and economical, exact in all his habits, kind to the poor, and a devout Christian. His wife, by her diligence and frugality, aided him in acquiring their estate, and was of the same mind in the distribution of it. She d. in Christian faith and hope, 12 Feb. 1816, a. 89. 3 HENRY A, Lieut., Selectman, &c. ; m. 1721, Mary Plaits, who d. Aug. 1784, a. 84. 4 LYDIA, b. 1723; d. 1807; m. Dea. Joshua Lovyoy, who d. at Sanbornton ; 4 Henry, b. 10 Jan. 1725; d. 21 Feb. 1805; 4 DORCAS, b. 28 May, 1729; d. April, 1790; m. Rev. Benjamin Butler, Nottingham, who d. Dec. 1804. s Henry, Maj. Gen , and 4 da. 4 Mary, b. 8 April, 1727 ; d. 7 Feb. 1735 ; 4 MARY 2d, b. 24 Aug. 1737 ; m. Dea. Thomas Hovey, Dracut ; had 7 sons and 2 da. 4HENBY A., Capt , lived with his father; m. Betsy Sibson ; 2 m. 1765, 4 Phe.be Abbot, da. of Dea. a Isaac A. 5 Phebe, b. 25 Jan. 1766 ; 5 Mary, b. 4 April, 1768 ; d. 17 Aug. 1769 ; 5 HENRY, b. 6 Sept. 1771 ; d. 21 May, 1776; 5 Henry 2d, b. 8 April, 1777; 5 ISAAC, b. 9 June, 1779; d. 1838; m Charlotte Houghton; d. Aug. 21, 1821; no issue; 5 Elizabeth Kneeland, b. 10 Jan. 1788; d. 20 Aug. 1812. 5 PHEBE A., m. 1790, Jonathan Porter, Merchant, Medford. e Jonathan, b. 13 Nov. 17 1 ; H. U. 1814; Counsellor at Law, Medford: 6 Henry, b. 9 Nov. 1793; e Sally, b. 7 June, 1795; d. 5 Aug. 1815; e Charlotte, b. 21 Aug. 1797; eGeorge, b. 26 Aug , d. 14 Oct. 1799 ; eGeorge W., b. 26 Jan. 1801 ; e Augus- ta, b. 1 March, 1803. 5 HENRY A., H. U. 1796; Andover; Merchant; m. 1807, Judith Follansbee. e Elizabeth Judith, b. 16 June, 1808; e Henry W, b. 12 Oct. 1810; 6 Phebe A., b. 19 Dec. 1814; e Mary Jane, b. 23 Aug. 1820; e Isaac M., b. 24 Jan. 1823; d. 12 Sept. 1842; e Charlotte S., b. 13 Dec. 1827. 3 ISAAC A., H. U. 1723; Dea. of the S. Church, Andover, 44 y'rs; read the psalm line by line; trader; an honest man, and devout Christian; m. 1739, Phebe Lovejoy, who d. 1751, a. 35; 2m. Elizabeth Galley, who d. 1791, a. S7. 4 William, b. 1 Aug. 1741 ; d. 29 Sept. 1763 4 Infant, b. and d. 1 Aug. 1741 ; 4 Isaac, b. 13 Feb. 1745; d. June, 1836; 4 PHEBE, b. 26 Nov. 1746; d. 29 June, 1833; m. Capt. 4 Henry A. ; 4 son, b. and d. 23 Nov. 1747 ; 4 SARAH, b. 13 Jan. 1750 : d. April, 1835: m. 5 Timothy Abbot. 4 ISAAC A., Dea., Town Clerk, Selectman, Lieut., and wounded in Bunker Hill battle; first Postmaster in Andover; was blind several years before his death ; m. 1765, Phebe Chandler, who d. 28 2 WILLIAM, 3 JAMES, 4 JAMES ABBOT. July, 1800, a 58; s Phebe, b. 27 May, 1767; d. 8 Nov. 1772; Isaac, b. 9 Deg. 1768; d. 27 Dec. 1806; PRISCILLA, b. 1 June, 1770; d. Feb. 1830; m. 1820, John Knceland, Esq.; William, b. 30 Oct. 1772. 5 ISAAC A., IT). 1798, Hephzibah Fiske, who d. March, 1800 ; 2 m. Mary Moulton. eMary Fiske, b. March, 1800; c Josiah F., b. 5 Dec. 1S01 ; cPhebe F., b 9 July, 1803; d. 20 Feb. 1821; Isaac, b. 26 March, 1805. 6PHEBE FISKE A., m. 1824, Nathan Shattuck. 7 Mary, d. ; Nathan; Mary F. ; Phebe A.; Augusta E ; Josiah N. ; Sarah F. ; Augusta P. 5 WILLIAM A., Farmer, Concord, N. II. ; m. 1801, Rebecca Bai- ley ; e William, b. 7 Sept. 1801 ; 6 Isaac, b. 12 Nov. 1803; eRe- becca, b. 6 Oct. 1806; e Moses B., b. 9 April, 1815 ; e Phebe E., b. 2 Oct. 1817. 2 WILLIAM ABBOT, b. 18 Nov. 1657; d. 21 Oct. 1713; a Puritan in faith and Christian conduct ; lived near Prof. Stuart's house, Andover; m. 2 June, 1682 Elizabeth Gray, she d. Dec. 1712. 3 ELIZABETH, b. 29 April, 1683; d. 1718 ; in. 11 11, Joseph Phelps; 3 William, b. 17 March, 1685; d. 28 Oct. 1713; 3 George, b 19 March, 1687; d. 21 March, 1689; 3 Ezra, b. 7 July, 1689; d. 19 Nov. 1712; sGeorge 2d, b. 22 Dec., d. 30, 1691; 3 Nathan, b. 10 Dec. 1692; d. 9 Feb. 1713; 3 James, b. 12 Feb. 1695; d. 27 Dec. 17*7, a. 93; 3Paul, b. 28 March, 1697; d. 6 May, 1752; 3 Philip, b. 3 April, 1699; d. a. 1748; 3 Hannah, b. 5 April, 1701; d. 8 Jan. 1788; 3 Caleb, b. 1704; d. 31 Jan. 1778; 3 Zebadiah, b. 1706. 3 JAMES, Farmer, Andover; moved to Concord, N. H. 13>; 1~7 m. Jan. 1714, Abigail Farnum, b. 1692. 4 Abigail, b. 1 Jan. 1715; 4 James, b. 12 Jan. 1717; d. I53tf, a. 86 ; 4 Elizabeth, b. \ Feb. 1718; 4 William, b. 8 Sept. 1719 ; d. 29 Oct 1741 ^Ra- chel, b. 1720; 4 Ezra, b. 11 March, 1722; d. 5 Dec. 174J ; 4 Reuben, b. 4 April, 1723; d. 13 May, 1822, a. 100; sSimeon, b. 8 Sept. 1824 ; d. 15 Nov. 1741 ; 4 Amos, b. 22 Feb 1726; d. 3 Dec. 1821, a. 96 ; 4 Phebe, b. 22 Nov. 1727 ; d a. 1755 ; 4 son, b. and d. 1729; 4 Sarah and 4 Rebecca, b. 13 Aug. 1730; 4 Mary, b. l2Oct. 1732; d. 1780; 4 Hannah, b. Jan. 1735; d. 10 Sept. 1736. 4 ABIGAIL, m. Jacob Walnron, Warner, N. H. s Elizabeth ; 5 Ezra ; & Sarah, 2m. Hibbard, Charlestown. 4 JAMES, Farmer, Concord, N. H. ; moved, 1763, to Newbury, Vt. : was one of the first settlers there, and Deacon of the First Church; m. 1742, Sarah Bancroft, b. 19 Feb. 1722, da. of Capt. Samuel and Sarah Lampson B, of Reading. 5 Sarah, b. I March, 1743; 5 c. d. y. ; 6 Abigail, b. 22 Jan. 1746 ; 6 Mary, b. 6 Feb. 1748 ; s James, b. 18 Oct. 1750; d. a. 1814; 5 Judith, b. 19 Jan. 1753; d. 1807; 5 William, b. 24 April, 1755; d. 14 June, 1807; 5 Bancroft, b. 4 June, 1757; d. 29 Oct. 1829; 5 Ezra, b. 8 Oct. 1 759 ; d. y. ; 5 c. d. y. ; 5 Susannah, b. 3 March, 2 WILLIAM, 3 JAMES, 4 JAMES ABBOT. 29 1763; 5 Ezra 2d, b. 2 June, 1765; d. 5 July, 1842. All the children of 4 James and many of his descendants were members of the Cong. Church. 5 SARAH, m. /. Walden, Warner, N. H. eEzra; e Sarah ; e Elizabeth. 5 ABIGAIL, m. 15 April, 1767, Maj. Asa Bailey, Haverhill, N. H. e ABIGAIL, b. 11 Feb. 1768; m. 1792, Stephen Bartlett, merchant, Bath, N. H, 7 Stephen ; 7 Cosa'm E. ; 7 Abigail ; 7 Wil- liam K. ; 7 Myron ; 7 Theron ; 7 Chloe ; 7 c. e RUTH, b. 31 Aug. 1769 ; m. Ebenezer Bacon, Landaff, N. H. ; 7 Ebenezer ; 7 Ruth ; 7 Mark ; 7 Abigail; 7 Rhoda ; 7 Mabel ; e Samuel, b. 13 June, 1771; he enlisted, 1798, in the service of the United States; after he had received his discharge and money, he began his return home, and has not been heard of since; ePhebe, b. 20 April, 1772; e Sarah, b. 28 Nov. 1773; d. 1776; 6ASA, b. 16 Oct. 1775; m. 1803, Miss Webber; 7 7 c. ; e Caleb and eAnna, b. 12 Aug. 1777; e CALEB, m. 18U7, Miss Fisk ; 75 c. ; CANNA, m 1799, Phillips, Hanover, N. Y. ; 7 c. ; e SARAH 2d, b. 21 Aug. 1779; m. 1807, Rev. Mr. Beat, Presiding Elder, M. E. Ch.; 7 c. ; 6JABEZ, b. 31 Jan. 1781 ; m. 1811, Miss Hunt ; 7 c. ; e CHLOE, b. 8 Aug. 1782; d. 1834; m. 1810, Ford; 7 c. ; 6 AMOS, b. II May, 1784; m. 1816, 6 Mary Abbot, see & Ban- croft ; e OLIVE, b. 25 Feb. 1786 ; m. 1826, Ethe'ridge. ' Char- lotte ; 6PHINEHAS, b. 6 Nov. 1787, Cong. Minister, East Berk- shire, Vl. 1824, and Hebron, N. Y. 1842; m. Aug. 1810, Ja- net te McArthur, b. at Thornton, N. H. 1791 ; d. 4 Aug. 1839. 7Cyrene, b. 5 July, 1811; drowned April, 1813; 7 Keyes A., b. 31 July, 1813; teacher; 7 Sylvester A., b. 23 April, 1815; d. Beekmantown, N. Y. Oct. 1835; 7 Sally Janette, b. 11 Jan. 1821 ; 7 Cyrena Ann, b. Richmond, Vt. 28 Oct. 1823 ; 7 Persis Lorette, b. 15 Jan. 1831 ; 7 Mary, b. 26 July, 1834. 2 m. 20 Oct. 1839, Betsy Fisk, da. of Dea. Moses Fisk, of Waitfield, Vt.; 7 c. d. y. ; 7 Arabel Paulina, b. 16 July, 1842 ; 7 Louisa Mari- etta, b. 4 June, 1844. e Judith and e Simon, b. 15 Sept. 1789; e JUDITH, m. David Pelton. i Ann S. ; 7 Patience B. ; 7 Harris ; 7 Brewster. e Simeon, d. at Landaff, 1789; e Patience, b. 23 May, 1791. 5 MARY, m. Minchen. e Polly, 2 m. Uriah Cross, c Uriah ; e Sally; e Elizabeth; e Moses ; e Hazen ; e James ; the family moved a. 1794 near to Lake Champlain. 5 JAMES, m. 1780, Zilpha Smith; moved, 1809, to Ohio; e John ; e Sally ; e Susan. 2 m. Mehitabcl Hidden, e James ; 6 Jeremy: 6 Samuel ; e Eben. 5 JUDITH, m. 1773, Dea. Thomas Brock, Newbury, Vt. GMARY, b. 28 Dec. 1773; d. 1840; m. 1796, Samuel Tucker, Newbury, Vt. 7 MARIT, b. 1 July, 1797, m. 1820, Roger Eastman, New- bury. Vt. s Daniel, b. 23 Jan. 1827; a Samuel, b. 30 April, 1828 ; s Mary B., b. 15 Jan. 1829 ; d. 12 Dec. 1830 ; s Judith T., b. 14 Sept. 1830 ; d. 22 Nov. 1832 ; s Duncan McK., b. 22 May, 3* 30 2 WILLIAM, 3 JAMES, 4 JAMES ABBOT. 1836. 7MINDWELL, b. 9 July, 1799 ; m. 1820, Joel Putnam. s Joel P., b. 6 March, 1822 ; d. 11 Sept. 1823 ; 8 Joel P. 2d, b. 2 Dec. 1823; 8 Samuel T., b. 11 March, 1825; sMindwell, b. 17 Feb. 1827 ; 8 Mary, b. 28 Nov. 18^9 ; s William K., b. 1 June, 1833 ; e Sarah, b. 15 Jan. 1836. i ELIZABETH, b. 30 March, 1801 ; m. 1822, Daniel McAlister. s Lucinda T., b. 18 Feb. 1823; s Robert, b. 30 Aug. 1824; s Samuel, b. 6 April, 1826; 8 John, b. 30 Nov. 1827 ; 8 William E., b. 28 May, 1836. 7 JUDITH, b. 5 Aug. 1803 ; m. 1826, Samml Eastman. 8 Mary, b. 18 Feb., d. 3 March, 1828. 7 SARAH, b. 8 Nov. 1805 ; m. 1836, Harvey Westgate. 8 Thomas H., b. 1836. 7 Jonas L., b. 5 Dec. 1807 ; d. April, 180!) ; 7 SAMUEL A , b. 4 Feb. 1810 ; m. 184:3, Irene C. Prescott. 8 Horace L., b. 9 Dec. 1843. 7 THOMAS L., b. 7 Aug. 1814 ; m. 1840, Mary Prescott. 8 Sherburne, b. 1840 ; s Lu- cinda, b. Jan. 9, 1844. c Sarah, b. 24 Jan. 1774 ; d. y. ; CTHP- MAS R., b. 5 Dec. 1775 ; d. 1839 ; m. 1803, 6 Rebecca Abbot ; see 2 William, 3 James, 4 and s Reuben. 6 SARAH, b 27 Sept. 1777 ; d. 1841 ; m. 1806, Samuel White. 7 BAILEY, b. 30 Nov. 1807; m. 1831, Rebecca May hew of Dan- vers ; she d. 1831 ; 2 m. 1832, Almira Atwood, of Newbury, Vt. 8 Mary Ann, b. 31 July, 1833; 8 Almira, d. 1839; 3 m. 1840, Betsy Bliss, of North Haverhill, N. H. ; s Charles, b. 22 March, 1841. 7 Olivia, b. 3 Nov. 1809 ; d. 9 Sept. 1822 ; 7 SARAH A., b. 13 Nov. 1811 ; m. 1839, Harvey Robins, Newbury, Vt. s Olive W., b. 2 April, 1840; 8 Sarah E., b. 27 June, 1842; s Harvey E., b. 24 Nov., d. 10 Dec. 1840. 7 Samuel L., b. 12 Sept. 1813; d. 12 Jan. 1827 ; 7 Abiah, b 13 April, 1815 ; 7 George W., b. 20 April, 1822. e BENJAMIN, b. 18 June, 1778 ; m. 1806, Margaret Gibson, d. 7 HORATIO, b. Aug. 5, 1807 ; m. 1835, Merinda Lovnodl. 8 Ben- jamin Harrison, b. 12 June, 1836; d. 4 Aug. 1838; s Hartwell L., b. 5 Dec. 1837; 8 Adeline Prichard, b. 8 Oct. 1839; sAlma, b. 20 Dec. 1843. 7 Betsy, b. 1 May, d. 4, 1810; 7 THOMAS, b. 28 May, 1811 ; d. 6 March, 1842; m. 1839, Abby C. Johnson, e Al- bert H., b. Jan. 1840; s James M., b. June, 1841 ; d. Aug. 1842. 7 Jane, b. 3 April, d. 8, 1814; 7 James, b. 3 Aug. 1815, 6 BEN- JAMIN, 2 m. 1817, Ruth Putnam, d. ?SOPHRONIA c., b. 9 Jan. 1818; m. 1835, Thomas M. Stevens, Piermont, N. H. s Helen Adelia, b. 18 Ap. 1836; s D. Sevigna, b. 28 Sept. 1837; 8 Sophia Ruth B., b. 19 Dec. 1843. 6 BENJAMIN, 3 m. 1839, Martha C. Johnson. G SAMUEL, b. 18 Dec. 1780; m. 1806, Nancy Field; o JAMKS, Dea., b. 23 Feb. 1782; m. 1812, Chloe Buck; o Judith, b. 6 Aug. 1783; d. 1802. 6 JACOB, b. Nov. 1, 1874 ; m. 1807, Abigail Saundcrs, d. 7 Ed- ner,b. 1809; 7 Adeline, b. 2 Jan. 1809; d. 3 Oct. 1829; 7 JACOB, b. 5 July, 1810, Hartford, Ct. ; m. a 2 c. 7 Samuel, b. 8 April, 1812; d. 20 July, 1823; ?ALDEN, b. 3 Jan. 1814, Topsham, Vt. ; m., 8c. 7 ETHAN s., b. 4 Jan. 1816, Corinth, Vt. ; m. Miss McKeith; 7 Harriet, b. 24 Jan. 1818, Hartford, Ct. ; 7 Abigail, 3 JAMES, 4 JAMES, 5 WILLIAM ABBOT. 31 b. 19 Aug. 1819; d. 15 April, 1834; 7 Moses, b. 12 May, 1821 ; d. 18 July, 1824; 7 Louisa, b. 7 Sept. 1823, Lowell; 7 Moses, b. 30 June, 1826; d. 8 July, 1826; 7 James, b. 27 Oct. 1828. 6 JA- COB, 2 m. 1831, Betsy Sinclair. 7 Edward, b. 18 July, 1833; 7 Clarissa, b. 28 March, 1835; 7 Charles E., b. 14 June, 1839. 6 SUSAN, b. 24 Dec. 1785; m. 1807, John Brown, Dalton, N. H. 7 MARY M., b. 28 Jan. 1809; m. 1832, T. B. Hall, d.; 82 d.; 2m. 1840, E. Cram, Dalton, N. H. ; a 2 s.; 7 JOHN A., b. 26 Sept. 1811; d. 1843; m. 1835, L. D. Springer, Lunenburgh, Vt.; e4 c.; 7 OLIVE, b. 11 March, 1814; rn. 1833, Reuben Hall, Groton, N. H. ; s5 c. 7 JAMES, b. 5 Sept. 1814; m. 1838, S. Van Victin, N. Y.; s3 c. ; 7 GEORGE, b. 30 May, 1816, Plymouth, N. H.; m. 1840, V. Smith; 7 SARAH s., b. 24 Dec. 1819; m. 1843, G. H. Hamilton, Dalton, N. H. ; 7 M icHAEL, b. 28 March, 1821; m. 1844, Elizabeth H. Clatrtth; 7 SUSAN A., b. 1 April, 1823; m. 1843, H. Smith; 7 Jane D., b. 30 March, 1825; 7 Arm E., b. 5 Oct. 1827. 6 Olive, b. 3 April, 1787 ; d. 1789. 6 MOSES, b. 17 Jan. 1789, Newbury, Vt.; m. 1816, Lydia Nurse. 7 JOHN N., b. 1816; m. 1843, Lucinda McAlistcr ; 7Orin P., b. 3 June, 1818; d. 1823; 7 Sarah, b. and d. 1820; 7 Chris- tina, b. and d. 1821; ?Mindwell P., b 17 Aug. 1822; 7 Thomas, b. 1 May, d. 6 July, 1825 ; 7 Moses N., b. 17 July, J826. e WIL- LIAM, b. 14 Sept. 1790; m. 1815, Ann Wallace. eoLivE, b. 13 Oct. 1792; m. 1816, John Wycitt, Castleton, Vt. 7 OLIVE A., b. 12 July, 1817; m. 1840, Albert Drake, Cas- tleton, Vt. ; 7 JOHN, b. 31 Dec. 1818, Castleton; m. 1840, Eliza Parsons, of Castleton. s Mary Eliza, b. 18 May, 1842 ; 7 JULIA p., b. 7 May, 1822 ; m. 1842, D. H Hawkins, Castleton. s Carter Clay, b 27 March, 1843 ; 8 Cassius M., b. 7 Jan. 1845. 7 Frank- lin, b. 19 March, 1824; 7 James, b. 8 Feb. 1828; 7Rollin M., b. 5 Dec. 1831 ; d. 24 June, 1832. 5 WILLIAM, Farmer, Haverhill, N. H. ; m. 1777, Mabel Whit- tlesey, of East Guilford, Ct. G Moses, b. 16 June, 1778; eLois, b. 11 Dec. 1779; e JACOB, b. 15 Dec. 1781; 6 Elizabeth, b. 18 June, 1783; d. 30 Sept. 1840; 6 Mehitabel, b. 9 Jan. 1785; d. 7 Sept. 1840; 6 Sarah, b. 25 Oct. 1786; e William, b. 19 Aug. 1788; s Amos W., b. 3 Sept. 1790; 6 Ann, b. 30 July, 1792; e Abigail, b. 20 Aug. 1794; e s. b. and d. Aug. 1797; e Mary, b. 23 Nov. 1802; d. 1835. e MOSES, Farmer, Bath, N. H. ; m. 1802, Lucy Willis ;' she d. 13 July, 1842. 7MIRON, b. 1803, Farmer, Bath, N. H. ; m. 1826, Clarissa Willis. 8 Nancy W., b. Oct. 1827 ; s Horace, b. March, 1835 ; 8 Miron, b. Dec. 1841 ; B 6 d y. 7 ADAMS, b. 1804, Farmer, Troy, Vt. ; m. Elizabeth Dodge, s Cordelia M., b. Oct. 1832; s Edwin P., b. March, 1834; s Lucy M., b. April, 1836; s Henry, b. Oct. 1838 ; s Moses, b. Sept. 1839 ; & William C., b. Jan. 1843; s 2 d. y. ; 7 CYNTHIA, b. 1806; m. 1828, Jonathan B. Rowell, Farmer, Haverhill, N. H. s Mary J., b. 29 June, 1829; s Ira, b. 20 May, 1831: e Jonathan H., b. 10 Feb. 1833; 8 Lucy M., b. ' 32 3 JAMES, 4 JAMES, 5 WILLIAM ABBOT. 27 Jan. 1835; 8 Charles C., b. 11 Dec. 1836 ; 8 William Frank- lin, b. 15 Sept. 1838; sMilo A., b. 13 Dec. 1841 ; 8 George, b. 13 Dec. 1842; 8 twin, b. and d. the same day. 7 WILLIAM B., b. 1807, Farmer, Bath, N. H. ; m. 1835, Mary Ann Chamber tin. 8 Julia, b. 7 Oct. 1835 ; 3 Eunice, b. Nov. 1837 ; 8 Phineas, b. July, 1839 ; d. Sept. 1840 ; 8 Ellen, b. 23 Feb. 1842. 7 LUCY MARIA, b. 1809 ; m. 1834, John C. Wood, Alton, 111. ; s c. d. ; 7 CHARITY, b. 1811 ; m. 1837, B. F. Rowell, III. ; 8 Jonathan, b. April, 1838; 8 Lucy Amanda, b. April, 1839 ; 8 Sarah Adeline, b. April, 1841. 7 MABEL, b. 1813; m. 1837, Moses Hastings, Bath, N. H.; 7 Amanda, b. 1817 ; i Moses, b. Dec. 1818 ; 7 SARAH ANN, b. 1820; m. March, 1845, Moses Bishop, Franconia, N. H. ; 7 Albert L., b. 17 April, 1823; 7 Milo J., b. 22 June, 1825 ; 7 Ira, b. 17 Feb. 1828. 6 M os E s, 2 m. 17 Aug. 1844, Widow Lucy Wells, of Newbury, Vt. e LOIS, m. 1805, Silas Buck, Bath, N. H. 7 PERSIS, b. Aug. 1806; m. Ereck Clark, Granby, Vt. ; moved to N. Y. ; 8 6 c. ; 7 WILLIAM A., b. Feb. 1808 ; m. 1831, ' Lois Sly ; & 6 c. ; see 6 Elizabeth; moved to western N. Y. 7 Sarah, b. June, 1809; 7 Silas, b. Nov. 1810; 7 MARY ANN, b. Aug. 1813; m. 1832. Nathan Closson; 8 1 da. 7 LOIS, b. July, 1814; m. 1838, Albert G. Whitman, N. Y. ; 7 Chloe, b. March, 1816 ; d. y. ; 7 Amasa, b. April, 1817; d. y. ; 7 Timothy, b. 1818; d. y. ; 7 Sybil, b. 1819 ; d. y. 6 JACOB, Esq., Groton, Vt. ; m. 10 Nov. 1808, Nancy Wesson, of Groton, Vt. 7 PRISCILLA, b. at Haverhill, N. H. Aug. 29, 1809 ; m. 6 Jan. 1842, Capt. Leonard Martin, Barford, Canada. 8 Laurin, b. 28 Aug. 1843. 7 PATTY ELIZA, b. at Groton, Vt. 11 June, 1811 ; m. 24 Oct. 1843, Dea. Manda T Cushion, Barnston, Ca.; 7 Jacob J., b. 17 July, 1813; D. C. 1839; Cong. Minister, Bennington, Vt. ; i EMILY, b. 23 Nov. 1815 ; m. 24 Oct. 1838, William Brooks, Esq., Sherbroke, Ca. 8 Elizabeth and Eleanor, b. 11 Aug. 1839; 8 William and Emily, b. 21 Aug. 1842. 7 GEORGE B., b. 21 Oct. 1817, Topsham, Vt. ; m. 28 March, 1839, Mary Tillotson. s Jackson, b. 1 Jan. 1840 ; 8 Henry, b. 5 Nov. 1841. 7 SALLY, b. 9. Oct. 1819; m. 2 Oct. 1843, Charles Brooks, Lenox- ville, Ca. ; 7 Ephraim, b. 27 March, 1822, Sherbroke, Ca. ; 7 Ju- dith, b. 20 Feb. 1824 ; 7 a. s. and da., b. 22 July, 1826 ; d. y. ; 7 Josiah W., b. 23 July, 1827. 6 ELIZABETH, m. Jan. 1802, Stephen Sly, Ryegate, Vt. 7 Eliza, b. 1702; 7 William, b. April, 1804; d. Dec. 1815; 7 Stephen, b. 1805; d. Oct. 1806; 7 CHARITY, b. 1 Jan. 1807; m. 1829, Dr. Franklin, Ryegate ; moved to Warren, N. H. ; 8 3 c. 7 ISRAEL, b. 1808, Newbury, Vt. ; m. 1833, Martha Page; 8 3 c. 7 LOIS, b. 1810; m. 1833, 7 William A. Buck; see s Wm., e Lois, N. Y.; 86 c. 7 Violet, b. 1812; d. 1815; 7 MABEL, b. 1813; m. 1840, Brown, Newbury, Vt. ; 82 c. 7 ANN A., b. 1816; m. Nov. 1843, Hittchins, Bath, N. H. ; 7 Harriet, b. 1821 ; 7 Amos, b. 1822; 7 Austin, b. 1824 ; 7 Timothy, b. 1826; 7 Reu- ben M., b. 1829. 3 JAMES, 4 JAMES, 5 BANCROFT ABBOT. 33 6MEHITABEL, m. 1808, Horatio Buck, Bath, N. H. 7 Nancy, b. 8 Dec. 1809; 7 Lucinda, b. 30 April, 1811; d. 30 March, 1835; 7 CLARISSA, b. March, 1813; m 5 Nov. 1840, George W. Daracott. s Elvira M., b. 30 Sept. 1841. 7 ABIGAIL, b. 26 Oct. 1814 ; m. Phinehas Chamberlain ; n. c. ; 7 Jane E. S., b. 12 March, 1817; d. 16 Feb 1819; 7 Mary A., b. 3 Feb. 1820; 7 Mehita- bel, b. 23 Jan. 1823; 7 Jane E., b. 12 Jan. 1826. e SARAH, m. 28 Oct. 1817, Benjamin Fuller, Barnet, Vt. 7 Ann A, b. 30 Oct. 1819; 7 Benjamin S., b. 19 July, 1821; d. 1822; 7 Mary S., b. 16 Nov. 1822; d. 1833; 7 Sarah B., b. 3 June, 1824; 7 Benjamin H., b. 12 May, 1828. e WILLIAM, m. 1812, Patience Burbank ; moved, May, 1827, from Bath, N. H. to Michigan. 7 William F. ; 7 Norman; 7 Isaac; 7 Jane; 7 Elizabeth; 7 Mary ; 7 Amos W.; 7 Ellen. 6 AMOS w., Ryegate, Vt. ; m. 17 Feb. 1814, Betsy Knight ; 7 a s., b. 21 March, 1815, d. ; 7 Nathaniel K., b. 12 Nov. 1816 ; d. 14 Feb. 1818; 7 Mary, b. 26 July, 1818; d. 24 June, 1833; 7 William S., b. 26 Sept. 1820 ; 7 Lucy K., b. 24 Nov. 1822 ; d. 26 Aug. 1823; 7 Nathaniel K., b. 11 March, 1825; 7 Lucy K , b. 11 July, 1827; 7 Julia Ann, b. 11 July, 1829; d. 13 July, 1833; 7 Amos W., b. 18 July, 1831 ; d. 17 July, 1833. 7 Amos W. 2d, b. 24 Nov. 1833 ; 7 Julia Ann 2d, b. 7 Dec. 1835 ; 7 Betsey Jane, b. 22 Sept. 1837. e ANN, m. 2 July, 1823, Samuel Knight, Farmer, Ryegate, Vt. 7 Samuel W., b. 9 June, 1824 ; 7 Lydia, b. 7 Oct. 1825: ' Thomas S., b. 25 Aug. 1827 ; 7 s., b. 9 March, 1829 ; d. y. ; 7 Moses H., b. 30 June, 1830; 7 William A., b. 15 March, 1832; 7 Julian, b. 2 Jan. 1834 ; T Mary A., b. 2 Feb. 1839. e ABIGAIL, m. 18 March, 1819, N. Culver; d. Bath, N. H. ' Emily, b. 16 June, 1820 ; 7 Abigail, b. 21 Dec. 1821 ; 7 Phebe, b. 15 May, 1823; 7 Nathan Franklin, b. 4 Jan. 1$25 ; 7 Josiah Jackson, b. 2 March, 1827; 7 John W., b. 29 Oct. 1828; d. April, 1829; 7 Lucy A., b. 26 June, 1830; 7 Moses, b. 8 July, 1832 ; 2 m. 14 Feb" 1833, Capt. Nathan Robbins, Lowell. ' Mar- tha Maria, b. 5 Nov. 1834. e MARV, m. 1824, Rev. William Hutchinson, St. Johnsbury, Vt.; hed Plainfield, N. H. 1842. 7 William P., b. Aug. 1827; d. 12 March, 1832; a Memoir of him was written by his mother. 7 Joseph, b. June, 1829; 7 Martha Robbins, b. Aug. 1831; 7 William Fitch, b. 1 April, 1823; 7 Merrill, b. Feb. 1835. c BANCROFT, Farmer, Newbury, Vt. ; m. 1787, Lydia White, now a. 84, residing with her son James ; e Thomas, b. 8 June, 1788; e Merrill, b. 9 Feb. 1790; d. 12 April, 1794; 6 James, b. 14 Feb. 1792; e Elizabeth, b. 22 March, 1794 ; d. y. ; e Mary, b. 6 June, 1795; d. Chicago, III., 24 Oct. 1834; e Ebenezer, b. 6 Nov. 1797; e Nicholas, b. 18 Sept. 1799; 6 Sarah, b. 11 March, 1802. e THOMAS, Farmer, Newbury, Vt. ; m. 17 Sept. 1812, Anna Powers, of Newbury, Vt. ; she d. 1 Sept. 1841. 7 Emily, b. 16 34 3 JAMES, 4 JAMES, 4 REUBEN ABBOT. Nov. 1813 ; d. 15 Jan. 1844; 7 WILLIAM, b. 4 July, 1815, Sidney, O. ; m. 4 July, 1838, Miranda Dye, of Troy, O. 8 Charles E., b. 21 Dec. 1840; 8 Clarence H., b. May, 1842; 8 Thomas, b. 2 Oct. 1843. 7 Martha P , b. 25 Nov. 1817; 7 Mary, b. 20 Dec. 1819; ? George E., b. 7 Oct. 1824. e THOMAS, 2 m. 23 Dec. 1841, Abigail Powers, of Newbury, Vt. e JAMES, Esq., Farmer, Newbury, Vt. ; m. 6 July, 1820, Eliz- abeth W. Martin, of Newbury, Vt. 1 George N , b. 4 Aug. 1823 ; 7 Alonzo I , b. 26 June, 1825 ; 7 Elizabeth C , b. 16 May, 1828. e MARY, m. 10 Feb. 1816, e Amos Bayley, (see sand * James, a Abigail,) Bath, N. H. ; moved to Plum Grove, 111. 7 Aijalan, b. Nov. 1816; d. y. ; 7 Mary, b. Sept. 1817; d. y. ; 7 BANCROFT, b, 7 July, 1818; m. 3 March, 1839, Almeda Kent, of 111. sCe- lestia A., b. Dec. 1839 T PERSIS, b. 24 Nov. 1820 ; m. 3 March, 1839, Daniel W. Kent, 111. ; 7 Marietta, b. April, 1826 ; 7 Orange S., b. 11 Feb. 1832. 6EBENEZER, Bradford, Vt. ; m. 11 June, 1829, ''Rebecca Brock; see 3 James, 4 and & Reuben, 6 Rebecca. 7 Hazen, b. 10 June, 1830; 7 Charles, b. 20 June, d. 21, 1832; 7 James B., b. 31 June, 1833; 7 Chloe Ann, b. 18 Feb. 1836; 7 Mary B., b. 21 May, 18; 7 Julia F., b. 29 July, 1840; d. 30 Jan. 1842; 7 Martha S., b. 2 Dec. 1843. ' c NICHOLAS, M. D. ; D. C., 1827, Troy, O.; m. 12 Aug. 1829, Mira Jewett, of St. Johnsbury, Vt. 7 Luther J., b. 15 Sept. 1831 ; 7 Ephraim A., b. 9 June, 1833; 7 Jane F., b. 9 Jan. 1841. e SARAH, m. Feb. 1829, Marshall Southard, Newbury, Vt., and Lyme, N. H. ; 7 s., b. 8 Nov. 1829 ; d. y. ; ' s., b. 31 Aug. 1831 ; 7 Emily A., b. 20 March, 1833; 7 Sarah E., b. 8 March, 1835; 7 Mary E, b. 10 Nov. 1836; 7 Nathaniel, b. 5 May, 1839; 7 Abi- gail C., b. 25 Dec. 1840. s EZRA, Newbury, Vt., and Bath, N. H. ; m. 1786, 5 Hannah Abbot; see 3 James, 4 Reuben, e REUBEN, b. 26 Dec. 1786, Esq., Sutton, Vt. ; m. 1809, Lydia Hunt; n. c. ; she d. 28 Jan. 1843 ; 2 m. 21 Aug. 1843, Ruth Maria P. Swasey. 6 Ezra, b. 11 March, 1788; d. y. ; e Hannah, b. 24 Jan. 1790; n. m. ; 6 EZRA 2d, b. 19 Sept. 1791, Esq., Sutton, Vt. ; m. Mary Ann Lang. 7 SARAH, m. James Gordon, Littleton, N. H. ; 8 2 c. ; 7 George ; 7 Mary Ann; 7 Jacob ; 7 Nancy Maria; 7 several d y. ; 6 SUSAN, b. 21 Feb. 1793 ; d. Sept 1830 ; m. Thomas Martin, Bradford, Vt. ; 7 Ezra ; 7 other c. c Jacob Wood, b 7 Aug. 1795 ; d. y. 4 RACHEL A., m. Manning ; d. ; 2 m. Russell, London- derry, N. H. s Phebe. 4 REUBEN, Farmer, Concord, N. H. The first who drove an ox team from Andover to Concord. He also drove to the fort the team, carrying the bodies of the men killed by the Indians, Aug. 11, 1746. He was a kind husband and father ; a useful, benevo- lent, humble and exemplary Christian. He lived to see his son, 3 JAMES, 4 REUBEN, 5 REUBEN ABBOT. 35 grandson, and great-grandson, bearing his own name, residing at the same time in the same house ; m. Rhoda Whittemore ; she d. 27 Jan. 1785, a. 55. 6 Reuben, b. 18 May, d. 11 Dec. 1752; s Reuben 2d, b. 5 Feb. 1754 ; d. 12 Dec. 1834; 5 Rhoda, b. 31 Dec. 1755; d. 31 Aug. 1839; 5 Elias, b. 24 Oct. 1757; living 1846, a. 89; sPhebe, b. 14 April, 1759; drowned, 4 July, 1760; 5 Phebe 2d, b. 6 Dec. 1760; d. 2 Nov. 1777 ; n. m. ; 5 Hannah, b. 29 March, 1762 ; d. 2 Sept. 1832 ; s Ruth, b. 14 Feb., d. 2 Sept. 1764'; s Ezra and Nathan, b. 8 Aug. 1765. 5 Ezra, d. 24 April, 1839; 2 m. Wid. Dinah Blanchard ; she d. 11 March, 1826, a. 94. 5 REUBEN, served several campaigns in the Revolution ; Farmer; lived with his father; m. 24 Sep. 1776, Zerviah Farnum; she d. 1818. e RUTH, b. 25 April, 1777; m. 11 March, 1798, Henry Chandler, Concord, b. Andover, 16 July, 1766. T PHEBE, b. 23 Jan 1799; m. 4 July, 1836, Daniel Dunlap, b. 16 Feb. 1800; T Henry, b. 13 May, 1800; d. 15 Jan. 1810; * REBECCA A., b. 14 Feb. 1803; d. 23 April, 1844: m. 6 March, 1828, Dea. James Moulton, Jr., b. 11 Nov. 1798. s James H., b. 16 Jan. 1829; 8 Susan R., b 2 Sept. 1830; a William R., b. 12 Aug. 1832; s Edward A., b. 9 May, 1835 ; 8 Ann M., b. 23 Sept. 1837 ; s Helen C., b. 7 Sept. 1840. 'JUDITH, b. 8 Jan. 1807; m. 2 Aug. 1842, Abiel R. Crosby, b. 29 Dec. 1818 ; 7 SUSAN D., b. 31 Dec. 1810 ; m. 9 Oct. 1834, William Pecker, b. 23 Jan. 1809. s Susan E., b. 6 Sept. 1839 ; s Ruth K., b. Oct. 1841. i Maria, b. 28 Nov. 1813; 7 Lucia, b. 23 April, 1816. e PHEBE, b. 17 May, 1779; d. 25 April, 1816; m. 27 March, 1804, Peter C. Farnum, Esq., Concord, N. H. 1 MARY FKYE, b. 11 March, 1805 ; m. 7 July, 1824, James K. Page ; 7 PHEBE A., b. 10 Oct. 1806 ; m. 3 Nov. 1838, Benjamin G. Davis, s Benja- min P., b. 9 Nov. 1839 ; s Augusta M., b. 3 Jan. 1842. T BRIDGET w., b. 19 Jan. 1809; m. 27 March, 1828, e Thomas E. Rowell. s Peter C. F., b. 18 July, 1828; d. 20 Aug. 1829 ; a Lydia A., b. 18 June, 1830, Boston ; ss., d. y. 7 SOPHIA F., b. 10 Feb. 1812 ; m. 18 March, 1830, Samuel B lake, s Sophia F., b. 15 March, 1831 ; s Sarah E., b. and d. 1832 ; 8 Sarah E., 2d, b. May, 1835. 7 TIMOTHY w., b. 1 June, 1815; m. 10 May, 1837, Rebecca 8. Bartlctt. s Martha R. B., b. 16 Oct. 1838; s John E. W., b. 9 April, 1842. 6 REBECCA, b. 13 May, 1781 ; m. 1803, 6 Thomas R. Brock, Newbury, Vt. CHARLES, b. 4 April, 1804; m. 1830, Elvila Smith; 'REBECCA, b. 10 May, 1805; m 1829, e Elenezer A bbot ; see 3 and 4 James, 5 Bancroft ; 7 c. b. and d. 1806; 7 Robinson, b. 18 Oct. 1806, Springfield ; JUDITH, b. 23 Feb. 1808; in. 1835, William A. Boyce, Albany, Vt.; 7 ZERVIAH, b. 6 Nov. 18C9 ; m. 1832, R. C. Sawyer, s Azubah, b. 7 May, 1833 ; d 25 Feb. 1842: e Joseph, b. 5 Dec. 1835. 7 REUBEN o., b. 15 April, 1812; m. Eliza Sweet ; she d. 1840 ; 2 m. Caroline Sweet. 8 Nelson C., b. 13 Nov. 1843, State of N. Y. TMARF F., b. 11 Oct. 1815; d. 36 3 JAMES, 4 REUBEN, 5 RHODA ABBOT. 13 March, 1842; m. 1841, Adams Wilson. 8 Adams B., b. 8 March, 1842. 7 William, b. 27 Sept. 1817; 7 George A., b. 14 July, 1822. 6 Susannah, b. 20 June, 1784 ; n. m. ZERVIAII, b. 20 Dec. 1785; d. 1 July, 1841; m. Jesse C. Tuttle, Printer, Concord, N. H.; d. Dec. 1835. 7 Mary J. ; 7 ZER- VIAH, m. Oct. 1835, Joseph Popes, 8 Angelina E. 7 NANCY, m. Augustus Haskell. 8 Augustus. T Jesse C., d. ; 7 Sarah T. ; 7 Hen- ry W. ; 7 Susan A.; 7 Jesse C. 2d, d. ; 7 Reuben A.; 7 Jesse C. 3d. 6 POLLY, b. 2 March, 1789; m. Henry Martin. 7 Polly Z., b. 22 July, 1827; 7 Henry, b. 21 Feb. 1831. REUBEN, b. 23 Oct. 1790; Farmer, Concord, N. H.; lived with his father; m. 5 Hannah Abbot; see 2 Thomas, 3 George, 4 Daniel. 7 Reuben K., b. 20 Nov. 1815 ; 7 CATHARINE w., b. 16 Dec. 1817; m. Daniel Farnum. 8 Clara Ann, b. 9 May, 1842; 8 Mary K., b. 4 Sept., d. 15 Dec. 1843; 8 Ellen Catharine, b..6 Oct. 1844; 8 Daniel P., b. 22 April, 1846. 7 HANNAH G., b/9 Jan. 1820 ; m. 22 May, 1845, Capt. John Bollard, Farmer, Con- cord. 8 Isabel G., b. 14 Sept. 1846. i Elizabeth B., b. 29 March, 1822; 7 ESTHER M., b. 20 Sept. 1824 ; m. 1846, Albert G. Dow, Concord. 7 Ezra C., b. 16 March, 1827; 7 Peter G., b. 14 Feb. 1830; 7 Henry C., b. 31 Oct. 1833. 5 RHODA, in. Jonathan Johnson; he d. 16 Sept. 1820, a. 67. 6PHEBE, b. 10 Sept. 1778; d. 23 Sept. 1819; m. Eleazer Davis. 6 TIMOTHY, b. 10 Jan. 1780; m. Melinda Sweet ; 7 4 c. 6 Elea- nor, b. 16 Oct. 1781 ; n. m. 6 RHODA, b. 1 Nov. 1783; m. 6 Tim- othy Abbot; see 4 Reuben, 6 Ezra. 6 HANNAH, b. 13 May, 1785; m. Ezekiel Eastman. 7 Judith; 7 Caroline; 7 Rhoda; 7 Luke ; 7 Philip; 7 Reuben. 6 John, b. 17 Feb. 1787; d. 2 Dec. 1790. e REUBEN, b. 12 Jan. 1792; m. e Judith H. Chandler; see 2 Nathaniel, 3 Tabitha A., 4 and 6 John C. 7 LUCY JANE, b 31 Aug. 1812 ; m. 8 Jan. 1835, William M. Kimball. B William S., b. 30 March, 1837; 8 Mary Elizabeth, b. 28 Dec. 1838. 7 Luther G., b. 13 Nov. 1813, and a twin. d. y. 7 Charlotte, b. 9 Oct. 1815; drowned in Merrimack river, 23 July, 1824; 7 CLARISSA, b. 3 Dec. 1817; m. 26 May, 1841, John C. Smith, Salisbury, N. H. 8 George F., b. 1 Sept. 1842. 7 SUSAN G., b. 5 July, 1820 ; m. 27 Oct. 1842, Isaac K. Page. * Frederick J., b. 12 Sept. 1843. 7 John C., b. Feb. 19, 1825 ; d. 12 March, 1826 ; 7 John C. 2d, b. 23 Sept. 1827; ''Charlotte, b. 9 Nov. 1829; 7 Mary N., b. 17 May, 1832; 7 Annette E., b. 1 March, 1837; d. March, 1838. e Sarah C., b. 15 May, 1781; n. m. e JOHN, b. 15 Jan. 1793; m. 28 Aug. 1817, 6 Sophia Abbot; see 4 Reuben, 5 Nathan. 6 PHILIP c., b. 9 March, 1795 ; several years Secretary of Maine ; m. ' Mary Chandler ; see 2 Nathaniel, 3 Tabitha A., 4 John, s Jer- emiah C. 7 Reuben, b. 9 May, 1819 ; 7 JUDITH, b. 14 July, 1821 ; m. 31 Dec. 1840, Hiram S. Jones ; he d. 25 June, 1842. 7 Jon- athan E., b. 21 July, 1824; 7 Mary K., b. 29 April, 1827; * Philip C., b. 20 Nov. 1828 ; 7 Sarah O., b. 2 June, 1831 ; ' Harriet C., 3 JAMES, 4 REUBEN, 5 EZRA ABBOT. 37 b 10 Oct. 1833; 7 Eleanor : 7 Ebenezer N., b. 21 Nov. 1839. e Ruth, b. 24 Aug. 1797. BOBADIAH c., b. 11 July, 1801 ; d. 10 Feb. 1836; m. Betsy Charles. 7 Charles ; 7 Phebe Ann. SELIAS, served several campaigns in the Revolution; Farmer; moved from Concord to Northfield, N. H 1801; appointed first Deacon of the Cong. Church, organized 18 July, 1822; m. 5 Sept. 1782, Elizabeth Buswell, b. 4 Sept. 1761 ; d. 25 Jan. 1832; da. of Dea. J. Buswell, of Bow. e ABIGAIL, b. 5 Aug. 1783; m. 8 Feb. 1827, Dea. e Jeremiah Hall; see 2 Thomas, 3 Edward, 4 Dorcas A., 5 Obadiah If. 6ELIAS, b. 22 March, 1786, Concord, N. H. ; m. 21 May, 1812, Lydia Sawyer, da. of Gideon S., of Northfield ; she d. 14 May, 1826. 7 GARDNER, b. 27 Feb. 1813, Northfield, N. H. ; m. 1839, Phebe Buswell, da. of James B., Northfield; 7 ALFRED SHERBURNE, b. 10 April, 1816; m. 1842, Susan Howe, da. of John H., Canterbury, N. H. ; s c. 7 MATILDA D., b. 29 June, 1816; m. 1834, Barnard Currier, Concord, son of William C., Hopkinton, N. H. s Adna S. ; 8 George G. ; s c. 7 EMILY B., b. 16 Jan. 1822 ; m. 1841, David Webber, Franconia, N. H. ; s c. e ELIAS, 2 m. Aug. 1826, Sarah Winslow, da. of Dea. Z. W. of Loudon. 7 Lydia S. ; 7 Sarah W. e Elizabeth, b. 3 June, 1788 ; n. m. e CHARLOTTE, b. 9 Dec. 1790; m. 29 Sept. 1808, William Straw, Hopkinton, N. H., son of James S. 7 MILTON A., b. 13 Sept. 1809, Boston; m. Miss Tarbox. e c. 7 Mary B., b. 23 April, 1813; d. 2 Dec. 1816; 7 Eliza Ann A., b. 15 June ; d. 30 Nov. 1816; 7 EIias A., b. 29 Nov. 1817; d. 16 Dec. 1834; 7 Edmund S., b. 6 Dec. 1819, Hopkinton; 7 Rufus; 7 Sanford'; 7 s. d. e JAMES B., Dea., b. 24 June, 1799; M. D., D. C. 1826; Phy- sician, Loudon and Sanbornton ; m. 15 Nov. 1827, Nancy B. Rogers, da. of Enoch R., Northfield; she d. 11 Nov. 1837; 2 m. 2 Oct. 1838, Elizabeth A. Rogers, sister to N. B. R. ; d. 27 Nov. 1842. 7 James H., b. 3 Oct. 1839; d. 29 Feb. 1840; 7 James Henry White, b. 30 May, 1842. 3 m. 22 March, 1843, Sarah Gerrish, da. of Capt. Joseph G., of Canterbury, N. H. 7 Joseph G., b. Oct. 1845. All the children and nearly all the adult de- scendants of 5 ELIAS are members of orthodox churches. e EZRA, Lieut., Farmer, Concord, N. H. ; m. 1786, Mary Walker; both admitted members of Cong. Church, 2 Aug. 1789 ; she b. 7 Dec. 1763. e JOHN, b. 20 March, 1787 ; d. 3 Dec. 1839, Hopkinton, N. H. ; m. Sarah Straw, da. of James S. 7 Laura S., d. ; 7 Joseph W., b. 22 March, 1814; 7 Charlotte, b. 11 April, 1816; 7 Laura S. 2d ; 7 William; 7 Mary Ann; 7 Esther Ma- rinda. e TIMOTHY, b. 21 Dec. 1788; d. Jan. 1847, Boscawen, N. H. ; m. 8 Aug. 1818, e Rhoda Johnson; see s> Rhoda. 1 Charles, b. 29 July, 1822. e JOB, Lieut., b. 14 Nov. 1790, Boscawen ; m. 9 May, 1816, 4 38 3 JAMES, 4 REUBEN, 5 NATHAN ABBOT. Lydia Morrison. 7 Samuel W., b. 9 March, 1817; d. 18 Feb. 181 ( J; 7 Ezra M., b. 18 Jan. 1819; 7 Mary E., b. 12 June, 1820; d. 17 June, 1832; 7 Judith E., b. 31 March, 1822; d. 23 Sept. 1827; 7 ABIGAIL, b. 29 March, 1824; m. 18 Jan. 1844, James Tallent. 7 Emeline, b. 19 Nov. 1826 ; 7 Judith E. 2d, b. 12 July, 1829; 7 Lydia Ann, b. 10 Nov. 1831; 7 Achsah, b. 12 Nov. 1833; 7 Augustus Putney, b. 9 Dec. 1839. NANCY, b. 21 Nov. 1792 ; m. 30 March, 1818, James Hoit, Esq., Concord, N. H., b. 17 Sept. 1788. 7 MARY M., b. 21 Dec. 1818; m. 9 Aug. 1842, Gilbert Bullock, b. 25 April, 1816; T RHODA ANN, b. 11 Sept. 1821 ; m. 16 May, 1841, Stephen Stwall. s Mary Helen, b. 18 Dec. 1841 ; d. 25 Aug. 1842 ; 8 Clara Ann, b. 7 Jan. 1843. 7 James Franklin, b. 19 Feb. 1825; 7 Amanda P., b. 4 Aug. 1829 ; d. 30 April, 1831. e HERMAN, b. 4 Oct. 1795 ; d. 28 Dec. 1828, Hopkinton ; m. Sarah Eastman. 7 Sarah j 7 Ezra; 7 William. e DAVID, b. 13 Jan. 1798, Concord, N. H ; m. 18 May, 1828, Mary Holbrook, b. 4 Jan. 1798. 7 Mary Priscilla, b. 20 July, 1829 ; 7 James Munroe, b. 3 May, 1831 ; d. 1 1 May, 1842 ; 7 Jo- seph May, b. 21 May, 1834 ; 7 Elizabeth M., b. 26 March, 1838. 6 ESTHER, b. 30 March, 1800 ; m. Wm. Kimball, Portland, Me. 7 Charles; 7 William ; 7 Alfred; 7 others. CRUTH, b. 9 May, 1802 ; m. 24 March, 1829, Samuel Ellsworth, Boscawen. 7 Wil- liam G., b. 14 Feb. 1830 ; 7 Jeremiah, b. 13 March, d. 5 June, 1831; 7 Charles, b. 3 Dec. 1833; 7 John T., b. 10 Feb. 1835. 6 MARY w., b. 8 Nov. 1806; d. 12 May, 1836 ; m. Alexander H. Putney, Portland, Me. 7 Charlotte; 7 Augustus; 7 Helen Maria. 5 NATHAN, Farmer, Concord, N. H. ; m. 6 Phebe Abbot; (see 2, 3, and 4 Nathaniel;) both admitted members of Cong. Church, 6 Sept. 1812. 6RHODA, b. 17 May, 1790; m. 13 Nov. 1810, Richard Webster, b. 1783; d. March, 1846, Hookset, N. H. 7 Phebe, b. 1811; 7 LUCY, b. 1813; d. 1838; m. Samuel Colby, b. 1812. * Gilbert, b. 1835. 7 Lavina, b. 1816 ; d. 1822 ; 7 Nan- cy, b. 1818; d. 1838. 7 ESTHER, b. 1822 ; m. 1843, Jonathan S. Hazeltine, b. 1819; 7 Caroline, b. 1823; 7 Horace, b. 1827; d. 1829; 7 Horace A., b. 1831. e AMOS, b. 16 Nov. 1791; d. Nov. 1845, Nashville, N. H. ; m. 18 Oct. 1820, Sally G. Foster, da. of Benja. F., of Warner, N. H. 7 Caroline C., b. 9 Aug. 1821 ; 7 Henry Moody, b. 15 June, 1823 ; 7 Henry F., b. 18 Dec. 1824 ; 7 Martha Ann, b. 24 Sept. 1826; 7 Samuel K., b. 17 June, 1830; 7 Sarah Jane, b. 2 Sept. 1831 ; d. Jan. 1847; 7 Benjamin C., d. Oct. 1837; 7 Amos, b. 16 Nov. 1840; d. Jan. 1842. e WILLIAM, b. 23 Aug. 1793, Col., Concord, N. H. ; d. 3 Feb. 1837 ; m. 7 March, 1820, Dorcas Carter, da. of Ephraim and Dorcas P. C. 7 Julia Ann, b. 17 Oct. 1823; 7 William P., b. 15 Dec. 1824; 7 Emily E., b. 1 Jan. 1827; 7 George W., b. 23 Jan. 1831; 7 Charles Carroll, b. 3 Feb. 1833; 7 Rogers A., b. 15 July, 1835. 2 WILLIAM, 3 JAMES, 4 AMOS ABBOT. 39 6 SOPHIA, b. 17 July, 1795; d. 17 Jan. 1843; m. 28 Aug. 1817, 8 John Johnson, Boscawen, N. H. ; see 5 Rhoda A. 7 Lo- renzo, b. 17 Oct. 1819: d. 1 Sept. 1820; 7 Catharine C., b. 9 Dec. 1820; 7 Lorenzo 2d, b. 16 Nov. 1822; 7 Lucretia, b. 9 May, 1825; T Francis, b. 24 June, 1827; T Timothy, b. and d. 15 April, 18:30 ; 7 John, b. 25 April, 1831 ; d. 9 March, 1833; So- phia, b. 15 Sept 1834 ; 7 John 2d, b. 10 Oct. 1837. 6HAZRN, b. 6 Nov. 1797, Concord, N. H. ; m. 1828, Ruth M. Ela, of Hookset. T Mary Jane, b. 13 March, 1829 ; 7 Nathaniel C., b. 16 May, 1830; 7 Amanda Malvina, b. 19 May, 1832; 7 Clara Ann, b. 23 Aug. 1833; d. 9 July, 1834; 7 Franklin Au- gustus, b. 1 Aug. 1835; 7 Hazen Edwards, b. 8 April, 1837; 7 Nathan G., b. 20 June, 1840 ; 7 c., b. 1845. e Susannah, b. 13 March, 1800. e Jacob, b. 13 March, 1802; d. 13 Sept. 1803. e JACOB, b. 11 May, 1804, Nashua, N. H. ; in. 11 April, 1833, Harriet Garoin. 7 Harriet Elizabeth, b. 10 Jan. 1834 ; 7 William Henry, b. 13 June, 1837 ; 7 Ann Maria, b. 14 Nov. 1838 ; 7 Eu- gene,' b. 18 May, 1841; 7 Lydia, b. 13 Dec. 1843. BPHEBE, b. 17 Oct. 1806 ; m. 17 Jan. 1831, Scth Jud/cins, Braintree. 7 George Henry ; i Phebe Ann ; T Susanna Maria. 4 AMOS, Farmer, Concord, N. H. : m. wid. 3 Rebecca A. Chand- ler; (see 2 Nathaniel ;) both were exemplary Christians, many years members of the Cong. Church, s Amos, b. 15 July, 1754 ; d. 11 Oct. 1834; e John, b. 23 June, 1756; served in the Revo- lution ; d. 31 Aug. 1779; 5 Rebecca, b. 26 Dec. 1760; d. 24 Dec. 1846, a. 86. s AMOS, Lieut., served several campaigns in the Revolution ; Farmer; lived with his father; he was distinguished for his skill and success in managing bees; m. Judith Morse. eJohn, b. 15 Nov. 1805 ; 6 SIMEON, b. 3 Aug. 1807 ; Farmer on the homestead ; m. Mary Farnum. 7 Amos S., b. 24 Dec. 1838 ; 7 Rebecca C., b. 6 Feb. 1841 ; 7 Emeline, b. 24 July, 1842; 7 Calvin F., b. 29 Jan. 1846. e SARAH H., m. 18 Dec. 1838, e David Abbot; see 2 and 3 Thomas, 4 Jabez, 6 Nathan. s REBECCA, distinguished by Christian virtues and strength of mind ; in. 9 Oct. 1781, Moses Chamberlain, Loudon, N. H. e RE- BECCA, b. 15 March, 1783; m. 8 Feb. 1805, Shadrach Gate, Farmer, Loudon. 7 Hiram and 7 Hannah, twins ; 7 HIRAM, Farm- er, Loudon; m. Mary Potter. 8 Charles ; 8 Elvira; * Anthony. 7 HANNAH, m. Ira A. Chase, Farmer, Loudon. 8 Angelina ; 8 Hen- ry ; * Hannah; 8 Rebecca ; 8 Hiram; "Ira; 8 John C. ; 8 3 d. 7 REBECCA, m. Ebenczer Gave, Farmer, Solon, O. 8 Page. 7 ELIZA ANN, m. Alphcus Morrill, M. D ., D. C. 1832, Columbus, O. 8 Shadrach ; 8 da. 7 SALLY, m. Thomas D. Dickerman, Carpen- ter, Loudon ; 7 JUDITH, m. Charles Morrill, Physician, Colum- bus, O. 8 Edwin C. ; 8 Rebecca A. 7 Shadrach, Physician, Co- lumbus O ; 7 Moses, lives with his widowed mother ; 7 3 d. e JUDITH, .b. 20 April, 1785 ; d. 22 May, 1843 ; m. 16 June, 1807, Samuel Eliot, Farmer, Canterbury, N. H., and Etna, O. 40 3 JAMES, 4 AMOS, 4 PHEBE ABBOT. 7 Samuel Barnard, Merchant, Cincinnati, O. ; 7 MERINDA, m. Pea- body Atkinson, Etna, O. 8 4 c. ; 7 Moses C., Etna, O., m. ; 8 2 c. T Charles H., Merchant, Columbus, O. ; 7 William, Cabinet maker, Boscawen, N. H. ; 7 Mary Rebecca, lives with her father, e Patty, b. 31 May, 1786; d. 11 Sept. 1816. e AMOS, b. 24 April, 1788 ; d. 24 Oct. 1818 ; Farmer, Loudon ; m. 20 Jan. 1812, Betsy Wood. 1 LOUISA, m. Samuel Durgin, Farm- er, Maumee, O. ; 8 2 da. 7 JULIA ANN, m. Augustus D. Williams, Maumee, O. ; 8s. 7 Amos, d. ; 7 Moses, d. ; 7 Elizabeth, d. e WILLIAM, b. 3 April, 1790; Mechanic, Boscawen ; m. U Nov. 1820, Mary Ann Baker. 7 Amos ; 7 William; 7 Mary; 7 Ann Eliza, e MOSES, b. 7 Feb. 1792; Farmer, New Buffalo, Mich.; m. Polly Foster, of Canterbury, N. H., b. 1 Jan. 1797. 7 MARY p., b. 3 Nov. 1818; m. Hall E. Crosby, New Buffalo. 8 Josiah B., b. 3 June, 1842. T Mellen, A. M , b. 4 June, 1821; Teacher, Mass.; 7 Henry, b. 17 March, 1824; 'Elizabeth, b. 18 Oct. 1826; 7 William, b. 7 Feb 1834. e JOHN A., b. 12 Feb. 1794; Dea. Cong Church, Canterbury, N. H. ; Farmer; m. 10 Dec. 1817, Polly Clough. 7 MARTHA c., b. 23 April, 1820 ; m. 16 April, 1845, Tliomas C. Bradley, Mari- ner ; 7 John, b. 27 Nov. 1821 ; 7 Mary G., b. 26 April, 1824 ; d. 23 July, 1843; T Elizabeth E , b. 11 Aug. 1826 ; 7 Rebecca A., b. 5 March, 1829 ; d. 28 Sept. 1843 ; 7 Jeremiah C., b. 15 April, 1832 ; > Caroline S., b. 29 Oct. 1834. e BETSY, b. 31 Aug. 1796 ; d. 24 Oct. 1825 ; m. 3 Oct. 1815, Joshua Emery, Cabinet maker, Loudon. 7 John C., b. Aug. 1816 ; 7 William C., b. 1818 ; 7 Eliz- abeth, d. ; 7 Thomas, e SAMUEL, b. 16 June, 1799; d. 3 Nov. 1838; Farmer, Loudon; m. 20 Nov. 1823, Martha Gerrish. 7 MARTHA ANN, b. 1824; m. Orville Messer, Innholder, Canter- bury ; 7 Samuel W. ; 7 Jacob G. 4 PHEBE!, m. Thomas Merrill, son of Dea. J. Merrill, of Concord, N. H. ; he was born in Haverhill, West Parish, 1724. s Thomas; 5 William ; and s Enoch, b. in Concord, N. H. ; and 5 Amos and 5 Phebe, b. in Hopkinton ; 4 Phebe, d. ab. 1755 ; and in 1756, he served as a Lieut, in the French war, at Fort William Henry. e THOMAS, Conway, N. H.; m. Hannah Ambrose, e SAMUEL, Frankfort, Me; m. Ann Reed. 7 Ambrose Prentiss, Minister, Meth. Epis. ; grad. Waterville or Readfield ; 7 Albert, B. C. 1837 ; Attorney at Law, Frankfort, Me.; 7 Emeline; 7 Chandler. 6 ABIGAIL, m. Daniel Jackson, Eaton, N. H. 7 Walter P. ; T Thomas, Bap. Minister; 7 Caleb ; 7 Daniel, Bap. Minister ; 7 William C., D C. 1831 ; A. T. S. 1835 ; Cong. Missionary, Asia Minor; 7 Samuel ; 7 James ; 7 Abigail ; 7 Hannah ; 7 Ebenezer ; 7 Merrill ; all m. and have 8 c. 6 HANNAH, m. William Chamber- lain, Farmer. 6 THOMAS, Farmer, Conway ; m. 6 Lydia Merrill; see 5 Amos. 7 Lois ; 7 Catharine ; T CHARLES, Farmer, m. Caroline Kilgore ; s c. 7 ELIJAH, Grad. Wesleyan Coll., Middletown ; Teacher, Mich. ; m. Alary Witcher, of Ohio ; s c. T ELVIRA, m. Rollin 3 JAMES, 4 AMOS, 5 PHEBE ABBOT. 41 Crocker; 8 c. 7 Harriet, and T Olive, twins ; 7 Hannah ; T Lydia Ann. 6 Catharine, d. NATHANIEL, Farmer, Gray, Me. ; m. Olive Plaisted. 1 William; 7 George; 7 Harriet E. 6 JONATHAN, Farmer; m. 1813, Ruth Jordan, T MIAL, m. Lydia Burbank. 8 4 c. 7 JONATHAN, m. Eunice Chaplain. 8 2 c. 7 RUTH, m. Osborn Chaplin. * 3 c. 5 William, Farmer, Conway, d. ; n. m. 5 ENOCH, Farmer, Conway ; m. Mary Ambrose. e ENOCH, Farm- er ; m. Sarah Merrill. 7 MARY, m. Eben Wentworth. 8 5 c. 7 RUFUS, Book-merchant ; m. Sophia West. * 4 c. 7 ANN, m. Joseph Bickford ; 8 2 c. 7 LYDIA, m. David Ambrose. 8 4 c. 7 FLORELLA, m. Otis Eastman. 8 5 c. 7 SARAH, m. Jesse Bick- ford; 1 DOLLY, m. Austin Garnscy. 6 PHEBE, m. Nathaniel Merrill. 'MARY, m. Joseph Grant, Farmer. 8 3 c. 7 SAMUEL, Farmer ; m. Clarissa Flint. * 4 c. ; T CLARINDA, m. Rev. Carlton. 8 4 c. 7 THEODORA, m. Joseph Mixer, Farmer ; 7 Horatio, D. C. 1840 ; Cong. Minister, West Newbury. e MARY, m. 180-, William Broughton. 7 Mary A.; 7 SARAH M., m. Bard P. Roberts, 7 ABIGAIL K., m. David S. Morse. *4 c. 7 Phebe ; 7 MEHITABEL, m. Nathanid Randall; 8 3 c. 7 Susan K. 7 PRISCILLA, m. Stephen Hearsem; 7 William, d. ; 7 Mary. 6 JAMES, m. Polly Sherburne. e SALLY, m. Moses Merrill. 7 Enoch ; 7 HANNAH, in. Nathan Potter, Joiner ; 8 c. 7 Judith ; 7 Lucius ; 7 Moses. 6 JOSIAH G., Cong. Minister, Washington, Me. ; m. Harriet Jones. 7 Harriet; 7 Henry; 7 Caroline; 7 Augusta; 7 James; 7 Josiah, B.C. 1841, Cong. Minister. SMEHITABKL, m. Henry Sherburne, Farmer. 7 Henry ; 7 Enoch ; 7 Samuel ; 7 John ; 7 Frances. e STEPHEN, Cong. Minister, Me. ; m. Mary Gilman. 7 Susan P. 7 Donatus, B. C. 7 Hannah ; 7 Mary ; 7 Stephen, B. C. 6 HEN- RY, Cong. Minister, m. Abigail Hill. T Frances ; 7 Henry N. ; 7 Abba ; 7 Jacob McGaw ; 7 John ; 7 Andrew. s AMOS, Farmer, Conway, N. H. ; m. Lois Willey. eLois; 6 AMOS, Farmer, m. Nancy Millican. 7 5 c. e LYDIA, m. e Tho- mas ; see 5 Thomas. 6 Henry, Merchant; e Elijah, a soldier ; d. 1812 or 13; 6 MARK, Joiner; m. Betsy Gibson. 7 2 c. ; 2 m. Harriet Broughton. ? 4 c. 6 BETSY, m. Barnard Chubbuck. 7 2 c. e PHEBE, m. Jacob Barry. 7 5 c. e SALLY, m. John Broughton. 7 4 c. 6 SAMUEL, m. Martha Green. 7 4 c. e AL- BERT, m. Emily Eastman. 7 2 c. e PHEBE, b. Dec. 1753 ; d. 9 Oct. 1839 ; m. 3 Dec. 1775, Col. Abiathar Eastman, Farmer, Conway. e Samuel, b. 19 Jan. 1777; d. 25 Jan. 1802 ; e LYDIA, b. 15 Sept. 1779; m. 26 May, 1801, Frye Holt, Conway. 7 Phebe, b. 26 Aug. 1802 ; 7 Robert T., b. 15 April, 1804 ; d. Dec. 1842 ; 7 ESTHER, b. 8 May, 1806 ; m. 1831, Lorenzo Eastman, Farmer, Conway. 8 Ezra, b. 14 May, 1832 : 8 Ann Augusta, b. 8 Dec. 1837 ; d. 27 June, 1838 ; 8 Ann Augusta 2d, b. 4 Dec. 1839; 8 Chauncy H., b. 29 Aug. 1843. 7 ALMIRA, b. 13 June, 1808 ; m. 1825, Stephen Blake, Pembroke. 4* 42 3 JAMES, 4 SARAH, 4 REBECCA ABBOT. s Lorenzo, b. 16 Aug. 1826 ; d. 1839 ; 8 Louisa, b. 8 Dec. 1839. 7 Abiathar, b. 12 April, d. 1C April, 1812; 7 Lydia, b. 21 April, 1814; d. May, 1843; 7 SALLY G., b. 13 April, 1816; m. 5 Dec. 1835, Daniel Eastman, Farmer. 8 Benjamin D., b. 19 Feb. 183? ; 8 Lorenzo H., b. 27 June, 1839; 8 Henry Harrison, b. 23 May, 1840. 7 LOUISA, b. 8 June, 1821 ; m. 1840, Abiathar Eastman, Conway. 8 Franklin, b. 30 Sept. 1840; d. 27 March, 1842; s Albert, b. 15 Feb. 1843; 8 Emily, b. 23 Dec. 1844. e ABIATHAR, b. I Aug. 1781 ; d. Dec. 1813, at Plattsburg, N. Y., Joiner; m. in Conway, 1802, Susan Durgin. 7 BENJAMIN D., b. 21 Dec. 1802, Farmer ; m. in Me.; 7 Samuel, b. 17 June, 1804 ; 7 OTIS, b. 15 April, 1806 ; Farmer, Conway ; m. Florella Merrill; 7 CAROLINE, b. 25 Dec. 1808; m. James Evans, Loudon, N. H. ; 7 Calvin, B., b. 13 Jan. 1811 ; 7 Polly R., b. 14 Dec. 1812. e HENRY, b. 29 Aug. 1786 ; d. 3 July, 1838, Farmer, Conway ; in. 1815, Esther Eastman ; 7 LYDIA, b. 1 May, 1816; m. 12 May, 1836, Chandler E. Chase, Farmer, Conway. 8 Abby Jane, b. 8 Aug. 1837 ; 8 Henry E., b. 24 Feb. 1842. i Hannah, b. 2 Dec. 1819 ; 7 SUSAN, b. 2 Sept. 1823; m. 2 Dec. 1841, Timothy Wol- cott, Farmer. 8 Henrietta Louisa, b. 20 Aug. 1845. e THOMAS, Esq., b. 18 July, 1788; Farmer ; m. 18 April, 1816, Eunice Hill. 7 ABIGAIL H., b. 22 Jan 1817; m. 21 Jan. 1836, Jonathan R. Thompson, D. C. 1827; M. D. 1832, Conway. 8 Sa- rah E., b. 30 Dec. 1836 ; e Abby, b. 10 April, 1837 ; 8 J. Edward, b. 26 Feb. 1840 ; Mary E., b. 30 Sept. 1841 ; 8 Eunice Jane, b. 7 April, 1843 ; 8 Henry Abiathar, b. 8 Sept. 1844. TDrusilla A., b. 10 July, 1819; 7 Abiathar, b. 29 April, 1822; d. 11 Oct. 1843 ; 7 Leavitt H., b. 6 May, 1824 ; 7 Charles, b. 3 June, 1829 ; 7 Thomas C., b. 8 Oct. 1831; 7 Mary Ann, b. 12 Nov. 1835. e Caleb, b. 12 Aug. 1790; d. 1 July, 1791; e CALEB 2d, b. 12 March, 1793 ; Physician, York, Me. ; m. 8 May, 1833, Adeline Yalpey. 7 Abby Jane, b. 24 April, 1834; d. 29 July, 1837; 7 Louisa Maria, b. 6 Dec. 1835 ; 7 Mary Adeline, b. 15 April, 1838 ; 7 Ellen Frances, b. 5 Feb. 1840 ; i Anna Elizabeth, b. 28 Oct. 1841 ; 7 Abby Harriet, b. 22 Nov. 1843. 4 SARAH, m. 4 Job Abbot, Farmer, Pembroke, N. H. ; see 2 Ben- jamin, 3 Jonathan. 5 Nathan ; 6 Sarah; e Job ; & Abigail ; 2 m. Dea. Eastman, Fryeburg, Me. 6 Daniel ; & others. 4 REBECCA, m. Enoch Eastman, Hopkinton, N. H. 6 Enoch, d. y. ; 6 Ezra, d. y. ; & Simeon ; 5 Enoch ; 6 Samuel ; a Ezra 2d ; 5 Joseph ; a Abigail ; 5 Rebecca ; 5 Lucy ; & Tamson ; 5 Sarah. 5 SIMEON, m. Mehitobel Piper, e Simeon ; e Enoch ; e Josiah ; e Stephen ; 6 Timothy ; e AMOS, d. ; m. Patty llilliard. 7 Eliza- beth ; 7 Charles H. 5 SAMUEL, m. Sarah Harris e Anna, d. ; e Rebecca ; e Joseph ; e James; e Samuel ; eAnna2d; e Jonathan; e Abigail; e Nancy; e Sarah; eMary. e EZRA, m. Mary Eaton, e MOSES, d. ; m. Sarah Putney ; 7 da. e SARAH, m. Putney ; 7 c. ; e MARY, d. ; m. Joseph C. 3 JAMES, 4 REBECCA, 4 MARY ABBOT. 43 Thompson; e IRA, d. ; m. Rhoda Morrill. 7 Cyrus, e Lucy, d. ; e EZRA, Henniker, N. H. ; m. ; 7 c. e Clarissa, d. ; e EATON, d. ; m. ; 7 c. ; e ADELINE, m. ; e FLORA, m. 5 JOSEPH, m. Betsy dough. 6 Ruth ; e Betsy ; o Hannah ; 6 Sally ; 6 Phebe ; e Jonathan ; c James ; e Stephen, d. ; e Enoch ; e Moses. 6 ABIGAIL, m. Moses Colby. eAnna; e Enoch ; e Hezekiah ; 6 Rebecca ; e Abigail. SREBKCCA, m. James Putney. 6 Anna; e Jonathan ; 6 Baily. s LUCY, m. Benjamin Ordway. e Tappha ; e Lucy ; e Par- thenia ; o Abigail ; e Dorcas ; e Moses ; e Benjamin ; e Fred- eric. 5 TAMSON, m. Samuel French, e Enoch, d. ; e Samuel ; e ELIZA- BETH, m. John Eastman, i Enoch F. ; 7 William ; 7 Eliza B. ; 7 Persis A., d. ; 7 John G, ; 7 Phebe ; 7 Angeline ; 7 Joseph B. ; 7 Lucinda R. ; 7 Charles, and 7 Lucy Jane, twins; 7 Mary. a SARAH, m. Thomas Eaton, c Polly ; e Moses, d. ; e Stephen, d. ; M. D., D. C. 1823; e Enoch, d. ; e Rebecca, d. ; 6 Sally ; e Walter, d.; 6 Thomas, d. e RUFUS, m. ; e True. 4 MARY, m. Adonijah Tyler, Hopkinton, N. H. ; b. 1739 ; d. 1812. s James, b. 2 April, 1760; s> Rachel, b. April, 17G2; d. Feb. 1843; s Miriam, b. March, 1764; d. June, 1840; 5 Jere- miah, b. 9 April, 1766 ; d. Dec. 1843; e Simeon, b. 22 March, 1768; 6 Moses, b. 9 April, 1770; 5 Mary, b. 4 June, 1773; 6 Sarah, b. March, 1775 ; d. 7 Feb. 1839. s JAMES, Thetford, Vt. ; m. Sarah Gould, d. e CHRISTOPHER, Capt. ; killed in battle in the last war with England ; m. ; 7 c. ; e JOHN, m. 7 c. .; e JAMES, m. ; 7 c. ; e JEREMIAH, m. ; 7 c. ; e MARY, m. ; 7 c. ; cAnna, d. ; e LUCINDA, m. ; 7 c. ; e CANDACE, m. ; 7 c. s RACHEL, m. Jacob Stanly ; moved to the State of New York ; c c. 5 MIRIAM, m. Moses Hastings, d. Hopkinton, N. H. e Moses, d. ; e Maxirnillian, d. ; GMARY, m. Enoch Long; moved to 111. ; 7 c. ; 6 LAURA, d.; m. Joel Blood; moved west; 7 c. ; e EDNAH, m. Abiel Silver ; went west ; 7 c. ; e MARIA, m. Lee ; went west ; 7 c. ; e Betsy ; e Harriet ; e Martin. 6 JEREMIAH, Oxford, N. H. ; m. Irene Heaton ; 6 CYRUS s., Physician, Hopkinton, N. H. ; m. Sally Putnam, of Charlestown. 7 Isabel ; 7 Sarah. 6 LATIMER, Physician, 111.; m. Miss Hall, of Thetford, Vt. 7 Charles ; 7 Mary. 6 JAMES M., m. Mary Hazel- tine, of Thetford, Vt. 7 3 c. s SIMEON, m. Hannah Rowell, d., of Hopkinton, N. H. 6 Lydia, d. ; 6 Irene, d. ; 6 Pluma, d. ; 'IRENE, d. ; m. Joel Blood; 7 c. ; 6 Mary Jane, d. ; 6 Lucius H. 5 SIMEON, 2 m. Susan Page, of Hopkinton. s MOSES, m. Betsy McConnel, of Pembroke, N. H., b. 30 Jan. 1774. 6 NANCY, b. 4 May, 1799 ; m. Rev. Eber Childs, Brock- port, N. Y. 7 Mary Elizabeth ; 7 William Henry, d. ; 7 William 44 2 WILLIAM, 3 PAUL, 4 NATHAN ABBOT. Henry 2d ; 7 Francis Brown ; 7 Charles Carroll ; 7 Frederic Ober- lin ; 7 Ellen Louisa. 6 SALLY, b. 12 Jan. 1802; m. 18 Au ; d. 15 Oct. 1840; s Ann Maria, b. 23 April, 1841 ; s Charles F., b. 22 April, 1844. 2 WILLIAM, 3 PAUL, 4 BENJAMIN ABBOT. 47 e URIAL, b. 17 Jan. 1780, Williamstown, Vt. ; m. 14 May, 1809. 7 ORCUT, b. 17 April, 1810, Williamstown, Vt. ; m. 7 May, 1833. 3 Ellen, b. 3 June, 1835; 8 James, b. 27 Aug. 1838; 8 Persis, b. 20 July, 1840. 6 BETSY, b. 8 Oct. 1784; m. Joseph Smith, Montpelier, Vt. 7 Sydney ; 7 Betsy ; 7 Joseph ; 7 Lovina ; 7 Abigail. 6HARDIN, b. 3 May, 1787; d. 30 Jan. 1832, Pittsfield, Vt. ; m. 17 May, 1814, Persis Smith. 7 Elvira, b. 22 March, 1815; d. 5 Feb. 1817; 7 Elvira L., b. 19 Nov. 1817; ^ Josiah L., b. 17 Dec. 1821 ; 7 Sylvester, b. 10 March, 1824. e Eunice, b. 2 July, 1791, Pa. 6 Asenath, b. 9 Oct. 1793, Bolton, Vt. 5 MARY, m. 17 May, 1781, Thomas Adams, Brookfield, Vt. e ELIPHALET, b. 4 March, 1782; d. 27 Jan. 1826, Cabot, Vt.; m. Lucinda Walbridge. 7 Lucinda, b. 15 Feb. 1609, Lowell ; 7 RUFUS, b. 15 March, 1811, Cabot, Vt.; m. 4 Sept. 1834, Char- lotte Russell 8 William W., b. 12 June, 1636 ; 6 Charles T., b. 19 Oct. 1838 ; 8 Betsy A., b. 16 Feb. 1841. 7 MARY, b. 15 Aug. 1813; m. 20 Oct. 1837, Israel D. Russell, Lowell. 8 Edgar A., b. 3 Aug. 1839. 7PHEBE, b. 27 Dec. 1817; m. 10 March, 1841, Brookfield, Vt. ; 7 Betsy L., b. 25 Jan. 1820; d. 16 May, 1837; 7 Eliphalet, b. 7 April, 1822; 7 Lorrin W., b. 27 Aug. 1824. e Charles, b. 15 Oct. 1785 ; d. 20 Jan. 1839, Randolph, Vt. 6 RUFTJS, b. 17 Feb. 1788, Brookfield, Vt. ; m. 23 March, 1815, Nancy Morgan. 7 Ezra E., b. 13 Jan. 1816; 7 Anna E., b. 13 Aug. 1817; 7 Martha M., b. 14 July, 1819; d. 8 May, 1840; 7 Justin M., b. 21 June, 1823; 7 Emily, b. 10 March, 1825; d. 29 April, 1826. 5 ASA, Hampton, Ct. ; m. Sarah Bidlack Fuller, wid. of 5 Ste- phen Fuller; see 3 Philip, 4 Mary, e Patty, b. 13 Nov. 1783; d. a. 3y'rs; e JAMES, b. 28 Oct. 1785, Farmer, Hampton, Ct. ; d. 1839, returning from mill late in the evening, in a severe snow storm ; m. 20 Jan. 1814, Asenath Burnet, of Hampton, Ct. 7 CAROLINE ELIZABETH, d. 7 May, 1842 ; m. Jan. 1838, Thomas Farnham, Brooklyn, Ct. 8 Royal A., b. 3 Dec. 1839; d. 28 April, 1842; 8 Caroline, b. 3 May, 1842. 7 HARRIET A., b. 1816; m. 14 Oct. 1838, Frederic L. Kisley. B Ann Janette, b. 3 Dec. 1839 ; s Lora, b. May, 1843. i JAMES B., b. 3 Dec. 1818 ; m. 1838, Amanda Atwood ; 7 Lora H., b. 21 May, 1821; 7 s. b. and d. Aug. 23, 1823; 7 CHLOE ELIZA, b. 11 Oct. 1824; m. 1 Jan. 1843, Thomas Farnham. 8 Harriet, b. Nov. 1843. 7 Wil- liam Asa, b. 26 Feb. 1827 ; 7 Edwin, b. 30 Sept. 1829 ; d. 27 Nov. 1830; 7 Maria Cecilia, b. 12 Sept. 1831. e PATTY, b. 13 June, 1787 ; m. Dorance Knox, Plainfield, Ct. ; n. c. e OLIVE, b. 28 March, 1780 ; d. a. 53 ; m. Marvin In- galls ; n. c. 6 SALLY, b. ab. 1792; d. ab. 1817; m. 15 June, 1812, Eben- ezer Greenslitt, b. 17 July, 1789. 7 George, b. 13 Aug. 1815; Baptist Minister, Killingly, Ct. ; 7 MARY, b. 17 June, 1817; m. Ralph Snow, Hampton, Ct. ; Painter. 48 2 WILLIAM, 3 PAUL, 4 BENJAMIN ABBOT. e CHAUNCY G., b. 8 May, 1794, Hampton, Ct. ; Shoemaker ; m. 11 March, 1821, Mary Ann Fuller. 1 George Prentiss, b. 25 Oct. 1821; 7 Charles F., b. 13 Aug. 1823; 7 David Edward, b. 13 Feb. 1825 ; 7 Thomas H., b. 17 March, 1827 ; 7 Lucius, b. 25 Feb. 1829; 7 John Francis, b. 7 Feb. 1833 ; 7 Mary Ann, b. 24 Jan. 1835 ; 7 Sarah B., b. 13 March, 1837; 7 Henrietta P., b. 26 Feb. 1839. 6 WARREN w., b. 13 Oct. 1796, Hampton, Ct. ; Joiner ; m. 12 Feb. 1823, Maria E. Franklin, 7 Sarah Ann, b. 3 Jan. 1824 ; d. 5 Aug. 1825 ; 7 Henry W., b. 18 Oct. 1826 ; 7 Edwin H., b. 30 May, 1830. 6 ISABEL, m. Samuel Preston. 6 HANNAH, m. Joseph Collins, Ct.; 6 c. 5 TRYPHENA, m. 22 May, 1781, Abner Ashley, Tolland, Ct. 6 Abner, b. 2 May, 1782 ; e Elijah, b. 28 July, 1784; probably 6 Benjamin. 6 BENJAMIN, Brookfield, Vt., m. 21 Dec. 1786, Lucy Flint. e LUCY, b. 13 May, 1788; m. 19 June, 1814, Alba Davidson, Brookfield, Vt. 7 LUCETTA, b. 3 Sept. 1815, Randolph, Vt. ; m. 25 Feb. 1840; 7 ALPHEUS, b. 25 July, 1817, Brookfield, Vt. ; m. March 22, 1842; 7 Albezene, b. 15 June, 1819; d. 20 Aug. 1833 ; 7 Nabby, b. 1 March, d. Oct. 22, 1822 ; 7 Lucy, b. 17 Feb. 1825 ; 7 Benjamin, b. 12 Feb. 1828. 6 ANNA, b. 7 March, 1790 ; m. 9 May, 1815, Phinehas Kel- logg, Brookfield, Vt. 7 Emeline, b. 29 Sept. 1815; d. 27 Sept. 1831 ; 7 MARY ANN, b. 11 July, 1818 ; d. 9 March, 1841, Brook- field, Vt. ; m. 8 Jan. 1840; 7 Phinehas, b. 14 Aug. 1822; 7 Louisa, b. 18 Oct. 1826; 7 Cynthia, b. 14 Aug. 1830. 6 EPENEZER, b. 31 March, 1792, Braintree, Vt. ; m. 9 May, 1815, Sally Flint. 7 LYDIA LOUISA, b. 1 April 1816 ; m. 12 March, 1839, Benjamin Chase, Braintree, Vt. & George B., b. 8 Dec. 1840; 7 POLLY, b. 19 March, 1819; m. 18 June, 1839, Lamb, Granville, Vt. 8 Mary D., b. 10 Nov. 1841. 7 CARO- LINE, b. 11 Oct. 1821 ; m. 14 April, 1839, Zaccheus Flint, Braintree, Vt. 8 Annette, b. 20 Aug. 1841; d. 18 Dec. 1842; sVilus C., b. 14 Oct. 1842. 7 Samuel B., b. 31 Jan. 1825; 7 Charles, b. 22 Aug. 1831; d. 21 Aug. 1833; 7 Charles 2d, b. 16 Oct. 1833; 7 Augusta Ann, b. 10 Jan. 1835. 6 LESTER, b. 31 March, 1794 ; d. 24 Dec. 1833, Potsdam, N. Y. ; m. 1818, Mehitabel Clark. 7 Lester, Brookfield, Vt. ; 7 Benjamin, N. Y. State ; 7 Lucy Ann, Brookfield ; i Laura Lou- isa, Randolph, Vt. 6 WALTER, b. 10 July, 1796, Brookfield, Vt. ; m. 2 Dec. 1820, Sarah Amidon. t Laura Lucina, b. 26 April, 1822 ; d. 28 Sept. 1839 ; 7 Orpa, b. 29 May, 1824 ; 7 Owen, b. 4 July, 1828; 7 Ad- eline, b. July 10, 1835 ; 7 Emeline, b. 7 Sept. 1837. e BENJAMIN, b. 25 Feb. 1799 ; Cong. Minister, Bethel and Pitts- field, Vt. ; m, 25 Dec. 1834, Adeline Remington. 7 Charles Ben- jamin, b. 13 Nov. 1837 ; d 27 Aug. 1839 ; 7 Harriet N. C., b. 2 Feb. 1841. e Laura, b. 16 March, 1801, Brookfield, Vt. 2 WILLIAM, 3 PAUL, 4 SARAH ABBOT. 49 e ROYAL, b. 7 June, 1803, Brookfield, Vt. ; m. 29 Jan. 1828, Ruth Porter. 7 Harrison, b. 27 Feb. 1831 ; 7 Royal, b. 25 May, 1834 ; 7 Elizabeth, b. 9 Aug. 1839 6 ALBA, b. 18 Oct. 1805, Brookfield, Vt. ; m. 6 May, 1835, Ahina Griswold. 7 Mary Al- zina, b. 29 June, 1840; 7 Sylvester G., b. 5 Aug. 1842. e Lou- isa, b. 7 March, 1808; d. 6 Sept. 1829. 4 MARY, m. 17 June, 1749, Joshua Holt, Jr., Windham, Ct. 5 Dinah, b. 11 March, 1750; 5 MARY, b. 30 June, 1752; m. Jo- seph Fuller ; 5 Uriah, b. 23 March, 1754; Farmer, Ashford, Ct. ; e LEMUEL, b. 28 Feb 1756; d. 1841; m. 5 Mary Abbot; see 4 Isaac. 5 Keturah, b. 21 Aug. 1758 ; 5 SARAH, b. 26 Oct. 1761 ; m. 5 Stephen Utley; see 4 Hannah. 6 Harriet, b. 24 May, 1764; 5 Dorcas, b. 30 March, 1767. 4 SARAH, m. 24 May, 1749, Joseph Ingalls, Pomfret, Ct., b 21 Aug. 1723; d. 18 Oct. 1790. 5 Phebe, b. 22 Aug. 1750; d. 20 Sept. 1754; 5 PETER, b. 14 Feb. 1752; d. 11 June, 1808; m. 20 April, 1775, Sarah Ashley, c Asa ; e Chester ; e Royal ; 6 Marvin ; 6 Elisha ; e Sarah ; e Olive ; 6 Clarissa ; e Mille. 5 DARIUS, b. 27 June, 1754 ; d. 1824; m. March, 1796, Lode- ma Lee. e Dilla ; e Parker ; 6 Sarah ; Polly ; Harry ; e Al- vin ; e Anna ; e Lodema ; e Darius. 5 Asa, b. 29 Feb. 1756 ; d. 25 Dec. 1775. s LUTHER, b. 24 Aug. 1758, Hanover, N. H. ; living, 1846, in his 89th year ; member of the Cong. Church ; served several years in the Revolution ; m. 23 June, 1781, Lucy Utley, da. of Joseph Utley, Hampton, Ct. ; she was b. 1760 ; d. 7 Jan. 1831. 6 Royal, b. 26 March, 1783; d. 11 Oct. 1793; 6 SYLVESTER, b. 25 April, 1785; m. ; 7 Osmyn S. ; 7 Orville, d. ; 'Erne- line, e Lucy, b. 30 May, 1787; d. 3 Jan. 1805. e SARAH, b. 25 Aug. 1789 ; m. Timothy Owen, Esq. 7 Zaphi- ra ; 7 Julius; 7 Lucy Ann; 7 Frederick ; 7 Langdon ; 7 Sarah; 7 Lydia ; 7 Timothy, e Alvin, b. 24 Aug. 1791 ; drowned 20 June, 1813 ; e ELIZABETH w., b. 26 Oct. 1794 ; m. Ruel Durkee. 7 Hulduh ; 7 Lucy. 6 POLLY, b. 8 April, 1797 ; m. Silas F. Vaughan. 7 Orsino ; 7 Alvin ; 7 Orcasto ; 7 Sophronia ; 7 Elizabeth ; T Phinehas ; ^ Mary ; 7 Ellen ; 7 Orville ; 7 Royal, d. ; 7 Mira; 7 William. 6 LUTHER, b. 5 May, 1799 ; m. ; 7 Melvin ; 7 Newton ; 7 Sarah ; 7 Almira. 5 CALVIN, b. 22 Nov. 1760; d. Oct. 1830; D. C. 1792; Cong. Minister, West Stafford, Ct. ; m. da. of Rev. Mr. Horton, Union, Ct. ; 6 da. m. ; 7 2 c. ; 2 m. Calvin Cutler, Bridgewater, N. H. ; 6 da. ; m. Knight, Stafford, Ct. 5 CHESTER, b. 9 Aug. 1762 ; d. 27 May, 1842, Hanover, N. H. ; m. ; e CHESTER, d. Indiana ; m. . 7 Joseph ; 7 s. s Royal, b 24 Aug. 1764 ; d. 6 Sept. 1783. s SARAH, b. 18 Dec. 1766; d. 24 April, 1833; m. Abraham Ford, e 11 c. ; 3s. and 4 da., m., live in Jericho, Vt. k B HANNAH, b. 7 July, 1769; m. Josiah Ing er soil ; 6 10 c. ; she 5 50 3 PAUL, 4 DARIUS, 4 ELIZABETH ABBOT. and 5 c. died in the space of 6 weeks ; he m. again, and moved west. 6 HARVEY, b. 7 July, 1775 ; d. 20 Dec. 1833; m. Ford, da. of Abraham Ford. 6 Waldo, Esq. ; e 3 da. m. Brookfield, Vt. 4 ISAAC, m. 29 April, 1756, Sarah Barker, of Pomfret, Ct., where seven of his children were born; he moved to Mil ford, N. H. 5 MARY, b. 20 Jan. 1757; m. 9 Dec. 1778, 6 Lemuel Holt, Lyme, N. H. ; see 4 Mary. e Lester, b. 27 Aug. 1779 ; 6 Deborah and 6 Dorothy, b. 3 Oct. 1781 ; 6 Isaac ; 6 Harwey. 5 Hannah, b. 2 Aug. 1758; 5 CHLOE, b. 7 Aug. 1760; d. m. ; her first husb. d. ; 2m. Dea. William Porter ; n. c. 6 SARAH, b. 14 Oct. 1762 ; m. James Brown, Mason, N. H. e Sally; e Chloe ; e Patty ; e Isaac A. 5 Matilda, b. 29 Aug. 1764; 5 ISAAC, b. 17 July, 1766; m. e Mary, b. 26 Sept. 1795 ; e Stephen, b. 22 Nov. 1797 , c Rebecca, b. 22 Jan. 1799 ; c Hen- ry, b. 1 April, 1801 ; e Walter, b. 16 July, 1803; 6 Deborah, b. 15 July, 1805; c Franklin, b 20 Aug. 1807; c William B., b. 7 Sept. 1811; e Robert B., b. 20 Jan. 1813 ; c Dorothy, b. 1 Aug. 1815 ; e Harriet, b. 20 Dec. 1819. s Esther, b. 28 June, 1768 ; 6 Stephen, d. y. ; 5 Fidelia; 5 Olive; 5 Deborah; 5 Dorothy. 4 DARIUS, Farmer, Amherst, N. H. and Hillsboro' ; m. 1 Nov. 1757, Mary Holt. 5 Anna, b. 31 Aug. 1758 ; d. 14 Oct. 1777; 5 Henry, b. 1 June, 1761 ; t> Elizabeth, b. 26 May, 1763; s Paul, b. 8 March, 1766, d. ; 6 Tryphena, b. 23 Feb. 1769; 6 Calvin, b. 15 April, 1771 ; d. 14 Aug. 1H41 ; i> Hannah, and a Luther, b. II Sept. 1775; s Luther, d. 14 Sept. 1775; 6 Mary; 5 Nancy. 5 PAUL, Farmer, Holderness, N. H. ; m . 6 Thomas, Farm- er, Holderness ; e Darius, Farmer, Holderness. 6 TRYPHENA, m. John Wallace ; e 10 c. 5 CALVIN, Farmer, Barre, Vt. ; m. Lucy Dutton. 6 JOHN D., b. 2 June, 1800, Farmer; m. Dorcas Bcckley. 7 BETSY, m. Heman Perry ; 8 1 c. 7 Lucy, b. 16 Oct. 1827 ; 7 Nancy ; 7 George ; 6 Lucy, b. 24 Nov. 1801 ; d. 2 July, 1827 ; e Betsy, b. 24 Feb. 1803; c Calvin, b. 3 March, 1806; d. 3 Aug. 1837; e Henry, b. 26 March, 1808 ; d. 7 Feb. 1840 ; e ALMOND, b. 27 Feb. 1810 ; Brickmaker, Cambridge ; m. 4 Sept. 1837, Caroline Simpson ; 6 Joel, b. 4 Oct. 1820 ; Farmer. 6 HANNAH, m. Joel Jones ; 5 NANCY, m. the same Joel Jones ; e 8 da. 4 ELIZABETH 2d, m. Joseph Phelps, Pomfret, Ct., and Andover; she d. in Lexington ; hed. 27 January, 1802, a. 77. & ELIZABETH, b. 1 March, 1765; d. 26 June, 1834; m. Levi Harrington, Chelmsford ; ' c. s LYDIA, b. 5 Feb. 1767 ; m. Philip Wlnite- more; 5 TRYPHENA, -b. 28 Sept. 1769; d 8 Oct. 1818; m. BUI Russdl, Woburn; 5 Elisha, b. 10 Oct. 1771; 5 Samuel, b. 5 Autr. 1773; d. 19 Aucr. 1778; 5 Polly, b. 8 Oct. 1775; d. 14 Aug. 1778. 3 PHILIP, Farmer ; went from Andover, ab. 1722, to Hampton, Ct. ; removed to Windham, where most or all of his children 2 WILLIAM, 3 PHILIP, 4 ARIEL, 5 PHILIP ABBOT. 51 were born ; his estate was partially settled in the probate court, Windham, 17 April, 1749; m. 20 Oct. 1723, Abigail Bickford. 4 John, b. 12 July, 1724 ; d. 18 July, 1740 ; 4 Abiel, b. 3 March, 1726; was found dead in his field, 21 May, 1772; was supposed to have died in a fit ; 4 Stephen, b. 21 April, 1728 ; 4 Hannah, b. 16 March, 1730 ; d. 18 Dec. 1801; 4 Mary, b. 6 July, 1732; 4Zebadiah, d. 2 Dec. 1736; 4 Joseph, b. 14 Feb. 1735; d. 5 Jan. 1814; 4 John 2d, b 27 Sept. 1741 ; killed by the Indians, July, 1778. 4 ABIEL, Capt, Farmer, Hampton, Ct. ; much respected for his good sense, moral and religious character, and usefulness ; m. 5 June, 1750, Abigail Fenton; she d. 14 Aug. 1776; after her first husband's death, she m. John Chamberlain, of Armenia Pre- cincts, N. Y. 6 Philip, b. 23 March, 1751 ; d. a. 83, March, 1834; 5 James, b. 9 March, 1753; d. 1830, a. 77 ; 5 Abiel, b. 28 Nov. 1754; d. 1838, a. 84; 5 Abigail, b. 21 Feb. 1763; d. 1843, a. 80; 5 Anna, b. 18 Sept. 1765; d. in Armada, Mich. 1846. 5 PHILIP, Kingston, Pa., m. 6 July, 1775, Anna Hewe.it; she d. 29 Dec. 1796. 6 Anna, b. 27 April, 1776 ; n. m. ; e Aurelia, b. 1 July, d. 10 Nov. 1777; e Aurelia 2d, b. 28 April, 1779; d. 3 Sept. 1783. c Philip, b. 14 April, 1781; 6 Hannah, b. 6 Feb. 1783; d. 27 April, 1786; e James H., b. 13 Jan. 17-6 ; d. 13 April, 1809 ; e Hannah 2d, b. 1 March, 1788; e Abiel, b. 7 Oct. 1790 ; d. 2 Oct. 1838 ; c Mary, b. 10 Nov. 1793 ; 2 m. 17 March, 1815, Mabid Merrit ; n. c. 6 PHILIP, Esq., Tobyhanna, Monroe Co., Pa.; m. 25 Dec. 1805, Lucy Waller ; she d. 27 May, 1822 7 MERRIT, b 8 Oct. 1806 ; Machinist, Mauch Chunk ; m. 9 Nov. 1829, Isabella Ad- am.*. 8 Anna Eliza, b. 16 Dec 1830 ; d. 21 June, 1842 ; 8 Rob- ert, b. 25 June, 1?32 ; 8 Lucy Harriet, b. 24 Aug. 1834: d. 3 July, 1843; 8 Merrit Erskine, b. 14 June, 1836; " Stella Merry, b. 28 Aug. 1839. 7 Eliza, b. 12 Dec. 1808 ; 7 ANN MARIA, b. 30 Jan. 1810; m. Aug. 1840, Thomas Van Horn. B Merrit A, b. 23 April, 1841 ; ' c. d. y. ; 8 Anna Eliza, b. Jan. 1845. 7 POLLY w., b. 20 Nov. 1812; d. 21 Feb. 1839; m. 14 Feb. 1834, Luther Andrus. sLydia; s Philip; 8 William Alonzo ; 7 c. d. y. T AR- RILA w., b. 27 Jan. 1816; m. 7 July, 1834, John Craigh, d. * Merrit A., b. 14 Oct. 1837; 2 m. 14 Sept. 1840, James D. Brown. William Joseph, b. 8 June, 1841 d. 2 Feb. 1842; 8 Miller Horton, b. 22 Dec. 1842 ; 8 Louisa F., b. 14 Feb. 1844. 7 James L., b. 30 Aug. 1818; d. 10 Feb. 1823; 7 Eliud R. and 7 Alemon S., b. 17 April ; Eliud R., d. 25 April ; Alemon S., d. 28 April, 1821. PHILIP, 2 m. 5 Sept. 1837, wid. Sybil Rohn. 7 Lucy W., b. 18 May, 1838; 7 Philip, b. 29 April, 1840. 6 JAMES H., m. 1806, Anna Stephens. T HARRIET w., b. 22 Jan. 1808 ; m. 1833, Lawrence Ruck; 7 JAMES H., b. 21 April, 1809; m. 25 Jan. 1836, wid. Rachel Conner, s Hughet J., b. 9 Nov. 1836; 8 Harriet, b. 1 Aug. 1839; "Anna Eliza, b. 15 'March, 1843. 52 2 WILLIAM, 3 PHILIP, 4 ABIEL ABBOT. 6 HANNAH, m. 13 June, 1807, Luther Yarington, Wilkesbarre ; he d. 25 Dec. 1836. 7 ZEBULON B., b. 18 March, 1808, Mauch Chunk; Contractor on Public Works ; m 1834, Rebecca Bow- man. 8 Bowman; s Hugh ; 8 Luther, d. y. ; 8 Edward ; 8 Susan ; e Mary Ann. 7 MARY ANN, b. 20 Sept. 1813 ; m. 1829, Hugh Jackson ; he d. 24 Sept. 1834. 8 Jane, b. 1831 ; Elizabeth, b. 1833; Abiel A., b 1835; 2 m 1844, John Horn, Mauch Chunk. 8 James P., b. 1845. 'Rebecca, b. 15 Nov. 1815; 7 TEMPERANCE, b. 25 Jan. 1817; m. 31 May, 1839, Mr. Hoit, merchant, N. Y. city. 8 3 c. 7 Thomas O., b. 25 Aug. 1819 ; 7 Abiel A., b. 1 Jan. 1822; 7 Bell, b. ID April, 1823; 7 Dorman A., b. 13 Feb. 1831 ; 7 5 d. y. 6 ABIEL, Maunch Chunk, Pa. ; m. 17 Oct 1813, Celinda Ather- ton ; she d. 2 July, 1817, a. 23. 7 Jacob D , b. 4 Feb. 1815; d. 6 Feb. 1833 ; 7 Celinda, b. 27 June ; d. 17 Oct. 1817 ; 2 m. 12 May, 1822, Sibyl Wheeler. 7 James W., b. 4 Dec. 1823; 7 Ce- linda, b. 24 Dec. 1825 ; 7 Edwin W., b. 2 Oct. 1827 ; 7 Anne, b. 7 Aug. 1829; 7 Hannah, b 16 April, d. 29 Dec. 1832 ; 7 Louisa, b. 9 June, 1834 ; after 6 Abiel's death, this family removed to Kingston, Luzerne Co., Pa. 6 MARY, m. 26 Feb. 1S22, Josiah Jackson, Physician, Kingston, Luzerne Co., Pa.; 7 Geo. Duggan, b. 15 April, 1823 ; d. 9 April, 1825; 7 Elizabeth C , b. 19 Dec. 1824 ; 7 Geo. D. 2d, b. 16 April, 1827; 7 Roxana Courtright, b. 26 Oct. 1828; d. 25 March, 1829; 7 Mary Webb, b. 8 Jan. 1830 ; 7 Benjamin Rush, b. 18 June, 1832 ; Dorman A., b. 7 March, d. 11 Sept. 1835; 7 Emily, b. 10 May, 1837. 6 JAMES, Alleghany Co. N. Y. ; m. 1 Jan. 1778, Hannah Den- nison ; she d. 17 Jan. 1784. e DANIEL, b. 25 Oct. 1778 ; d. 1824 ; m. Catherine Hillman ; 7 many c. e ELIJAH, b. in Pomfret, Ct. 20 Nov. 1781; d. in Alleghany Co. N. Y. ; m. Mary Love; 7 many c. ; e da. d. y. a JAMES, '2 m. wid. Phtbe Cory, c James, b. at Hornelsville ; e Austin ; e Eleazer ; e Stephen ; c Abiel. s JAMES, d. in Steuben Co. N. Y. ; several of the family settled in Pike Co. III. 6 ABIEL, Farmer, m. 13 Nov. 1777, Ruth Hovey, of Hampton, Ct ; moved, 1781, to Hatley, Ca., in which were then only four families; a Baptist church was soon after organized, of which he was Deacon, till he became blind by a cataract two years before his death ; his wife died 1832 ; she was blind by the same disease four years, e Abiel, b. in East Windsor, Ct. 21 Aug. 1778; d. 6 March, 1841 ; 6 John, b. in Willington, Ct. 27 May, 1781 ; 6 Colbe, b. 21 May, 1783; e Augustus, b. 30 Aug. 1788; e2 d. y. e ARIEL, Farmer, Hatley, Ca. ; m. Grace Hitchcock. 7 AUGUS- TUS, Farmer, Hatley; m. Lora Bean; 7 Leta ; 7 ABIEL, m. Miss Fish. 8 1 c. 7 PHILIP, m. Caroline Hovcy ; 1 Luther ; 7 5 d. y. 6 JOHN, Farmer, Hatley; m. 10 March, 1806, Lydia Boynton; shed. Feb. 1836, a. 48. T LATHROP, b. 2 Jan. 1807; Farmer, Hatley; m. 31 Dec. 1832, 7 Emily Abbot; see c Augustus. 2 WILLIAM, 3 PHILIP, 4 ABIEL ABBOT. 53 8 Lydia Ann, b. 4 Feb. 1834; 8 Lewis G., b. 20 Jan. 1836; s Emily M., b. 14 Oct. 1839. 7 ABIEL B , b. 28 Nov. 1808 ; Farmer, Hatley; m. 16 Dec. 1839, Sabrie Young, s Kirk, b. 27 Dec. 1840; s Othrnan A., b. 10 Sept. 184-i; s Marcus, b. 15 Feb. 1844. ' Ruth, b. 20 Dec. 1810; 'JOHN, b. 16 March, 1813; Farmer, Stockton, Chautauque Co. N. Y. ; m. May, 1836, Laura Flagg. 8 Agnes M. ; 8 Alonzo B. ; " Julian E. 1 CHAUNCY H., b. I Aug. 1815; Farmer, Hatley; m. 20 Feb. 1839, Caroline Bullock. 8 Edmond, B., b. 13 Nov. 18/i9 ; 8 Ellen A., b. (i March, 1843. 7 Semantha, b. 18 June, 1817; 7 Melvina, b. 28 May, 1819 ; 7 Lewis G., b. 9 March, 1822 ; d. 13 March, 1824 ; 7 Har- vey C., b. 5 July, 1823; 7 Alvin B , b. 26 Aug. 1825; 1 Carlile S., b. 26 Feb. 1828. 6 COLBE, Farmer, Hatley, Ca. ; m. 11 March, 1807, Esther Oliver. 7 Esther, b. 12 April, 1808; 7 CALVIN, b. 3 Dec. 1811); m. 12 March, 1835, Sylvia Chambe.rlain ; 7 Luther, b. 8 Nov. 1813; d. 5 Feb. 1814 ; 7 COLBE, b. 7 July, 1816; Farmer, Hat- ley ; m. 1 July, 1841, Rectina Kerf or d ; 7 GEORGE, b. 24 Jan. 1818; Farmer, Hatley; m. 24 Jan. 1844, Bitay Merry; 7 Joseph, b. 30 Oct. 1819; 7 Lorinda, b. 13 May, 1824. c AUGUSTUS, Farmer, Hatley, m. 25 Sept. 1810, Laura Judd; she d. 18 March, 1843, a. 52. 7 Annis, b. 12 May, 1811 ; 7 AU- GUSTUS, b. 4 Nov. 1813; Merchant, Georgia ; m. 1836, Emcline Jlousseau. 8 James A. S. ; 8 Annis L. E. ; 8 Francis N. J. ; s Charles M. D. 7 EMILY, b. 14 Sept. 1815; m. 7 Lathrop A. ; see e John ; 7 Laura, b. 9 June, 1817 ; 7 Ruth, b. 27 April, 1819; 7 Francis J., b. 24 April, 1821; Merchant, Georgia; 7 Newton K., b. 6 May, 1823; d. 16 Feb. 1836; 7 Paulina, b. 26 Dec. 1825, Georgia; 7 Ezra H., b. Oct. 1828; d. April, 1836; 7 Haw- kins E., b. 16 July, 1833 ; 7 2 d. y. s ABIGAIL, m. Col. Joseph Utlcy, Hartford, Ct. e Horace, b. 17 Aug. 1785; D. C. 1804; commanded a packet, and afterwards a steam-boat from New York to Charleston, S. C. ; President of the Sailor's Missionary Soc., S. C. ; resides at Buffalo, N. Y. ; n. m. ; RALPH, b. Jan. 1790; Merchant, Hudson, N. Y. ; m. Sarah Huntington; 6 ABBY, b. June, 1792; d. 1837 ; m. David Ladd, Esq., Perrysburgh, O. 7 2 da ; 6 ANNE L., b. 1798 ; m. May, Ackron, O. 7 Albert Dexter ; 7 Helen Maria ; 7 other c. e LAU- RA, b. 29 Jan. 1800 ; rn. 27 Sept. 1819, Augustus Phelps, Ger- rettsville, O. 7 Abby Adeline, b. 12 April, 1821; 7 Horace U., b. 6 July, 1823 ; 7 Alonzo N., b. 20 June, 1824 ; 7 Joseph A., b. 6 Nov. 1825. e BETSY M., b. 1804; m. Edward Farnham, O. 7 Mary Amelia ; 7 Abby Maria. 5 ANNE, m. 29 Aug. 1787, Seth Lathrop, M. D., b. 11 April, 1762. e BETSY, b. 28 July, 1788; m. Sept. 1808, Rev. Elisha D. Andrews, Armada, Macomb Co. Mich. 7 SETH L., b. 1809, D C. 1831, M. D. ; Missionary at the Sandwich Islands; m. Parndly Pierce, e George P., b. 1838 ; s Elizabeth W., b. 1841 ; d. 1842. 7 Ann Amelia, b. 1812 ; 1 Joseph, b. 1814 ; 5* 54 3 PHILIP, 4 STEPHEN, 4 HANNAH ABBOT. 7 Charles, b. 1817; d. 1818; 7 Charles L., b. 1820; ' Edmund, b. 1824 ; 7 George, b. 1826. e SOLOMON, b. 11 May, 1790; Y. C. 1811 ; Attorney at Law, Armada, Mich.; m. 1820, Sophia Pomroy. 7 George A., b. IS March, 1822 ; 7 Henry K., b. 24 Feb. 1824 ; 7 Frances Maria, b. 2 Sept. 1827; 7 Solomon, b. 20 Dec. 1829; 7 Catharine Sophia, b. 23 Feb. 1832 ; 7 Joseph, b. 10 June, 1834 ; 7 Mary, b. 25 May, 1837. 6 EDWARD, b. 18 April, 1792; m. 3 Oct. 1815, Emma Andrews, 7 Charles A., b. 25 Oct. 1816; 7 Seth, b. 1 July, J818; 7 George, b. 4 April, 1820; d. 9 Sept. 1821 ; T JANE M. M., b. 18 March k l822; m. 26 Dec. 1843, Henry O Smith; T Horace, b. 6 March, 1824 ; T James Edward, b. 18 Oct. 1827 ; 7 Samuel, b. 7 Dec. 1829 ; 7 Elizabeth, b.29 July, 1832 ; 7 Dwiaht, b. 17 Aug. 1834; 7 Anne A., b. 27 April, 1837; 7 Elisha D., b. 25 Dec. 1839. 4 STEPHEN, Farmer, Ashford, Ct. ; m. 3 Jan. 1750, Freelove Burgess. 5 SUSANNAH, b. 23 Oct. 1752; d. Oct. 1815, at Fort Ann, Washington Co. N. Y. ; m. Stephen Burgess, Ashford, Ct. ; moved to Coos, N. H. e Benjamin, b. Aug. 1774; e Abigail; 6 Philip ; e Stephen ; e William; 6 Freelove ; 6 Joseph. 5 Philip, b. 1753; served in the Revolutionary War, taken prisoner, and d. on board a prison-ship at N. Y. 1776 ; n. m. 6 Lucy, d. y. 5 UEUBEN, b. 15 April, 1774; Farmer, Ashford, Ct. ; tn. Molly Snow, b. 12 May, 1773. e PHILIP, b. 6 April, 1799, Roxbury ; m. ; e STEPHEN, b. 4 May, 1803, Stockton, Chautauque Co. N. Y. ; m. Harriet Bump, b. 22 May, 1809. i Mary Elizabeth, b. 20 March, 1829 ; 7 Ada Sophia, b. 30 Nov. 1831 ; 7 Reuben Nash, b. 1 Sept. 1834 ; T Polly Freelove, b. 5 May, 1839 ; d. o Betsy, b. 16 July, 1805; e JOSEPH, Capt., b. 11 Sept. 1808; m. 1846, Lucinda H. Baker, Ashford ; e Nash, b. 29 June, 1812 ; e Ezra, b. 28 Jan. 1817. 4 HANNAH, m. Aug. 1748, Samuel Utley ; he d. 15 Nov. 1782. s Abigail, b. 19 Nov. 1749; 6 Philip, b. 26 July, 1751; d. 18 May, 1759; s Hannah, b. 5 Jan. 1753; d. 25 Feb. 1778; s Anna, b. 6 Jan. 1755 ; m. probably, Stephen Hare ; 5 Elizabeth, b. 18 Jan. 1757 ; d. a 66; n. m. ; 5 SAMUEL, b. 2 Feb. 1759 ; m. Eastman; s Philip, b. 26 Oct. 1760; n. m. ; s STEPHEN, b. 21 Nov. 1762 ; m. ; wife d. ; 2 m. 5 Sally Holt, e Erastus ; e Betsy ; e probably others; s TIMOTHY, b. 2 March, 1765; m. ; moved west. 5 CYRUS, b. 11 March, 1767, Homer, N. Y. ; m. Betsy Bennet ; 6 c. 6ANTIPAS, b. 16 Feb. 1770; m. Polly Luce; killed almost in- stantly by a fall in a barn, e POLLY, m. George Backus ; c Sophia, d. a 22; e EBENEZER, Ashford, Ct.; m. Maria Minor. 7 Maria ; 7 Lewis, b. 27 Oct. 1827, Willington, Ct. ; 7 Austin ; 7 Harriet, d. ; 7 Origen ; 7 Edmund; 7 Orrin ; 7 Lucinda; 7 Juliaette ; 7 Heze- kiah, and 7 Ann Sophia, twins. 6 LEWIS, in. Jcrusha , d. 7 Leis- ter ; 7 Clark ; 2 m. Laura Almira Russ, Chatham, Ct. e ORIGEN, Middletown, Ct., m. Susan . 7 John, e William, Chatham, 2 WILLIAM, 3 PHILIP, 4 MARY ABBOT. 55 Ct. ; c Caroline ; e Masha ; 6 LORINDA, m. Freeman Spencer, Chap- lin, Ct. 5 RUFUS, b. 25 May, 1773 ; m. ; moved west; d. of sui- cide, probably deranged ; 5 Elijah, b. 15 Feb. 1778 ; n. m. 4 MARY, in. 17 Oct 1751, Stephen Fuller; moved to the Sus- quehannah, Pa. 5 Abigail, b. 3 Jan. 1753 ; 5 Stephen, b. 22 Jan. 17-35; 5 Thomas, b. 7 May, 1757; B Mary, b. 28 May, 1759; o John, b. 26 Jan. 1762; probably 5 Hannah was of this family ; s Reuben, b. 10 Feb. 1769. 5 ABIGAIL, m. Capt. James Bidlack. He, and Robert Durkee, and Samuel Ransom were taken by the Indians, 21 March, 1779. They stripped him, tied him to a tree, stuck him full of sharp splints of pine knots, and, having piled pine knots around him, set the whole on fire ; put the others on the fire, and held them down with pitchforks, and tortured them till they expired. 5 STEPHEN, m. Sarah Bidlack; ' 1 da. He, with others taken by the Indians in the Wyoming battle, July 3, 1778, was led to a wheat field, where the Indians piled around them sheaves of wheat, and burned them to death. The fort was surrounded and taken, the men cut to pieces, and the women and children perished in the flames of the barracks. A few escaped by flight. Mrs Fuller, with some others, went in boats down the Susquehanna to North- umberland, and in about fourteen days returned to the battle-field to seek the body of her husband. She found the heads of the men scalped, and their bodies so cut, bruised and torn, and al- tered by the summer heat, that she could not recognize an indi- vidual. From this distressing scene she went to her house, hoping to obtain some clothing and provision : but the Indians and tories had been there. The feathers of her bed were emptied on the floor, and her bedding, clothes, furniture and provisions all taken away. About the evening twilight she went to the river, and called to the boatmen to take her across; but they, fearing there might be Indians or tories lying in wait to kill them, would not go for her. She therefore passed alone the anxious, fearful night. Soon after she returned to Hampton, Ct. on horseback, accompa- nied only by her daughter, two or three years old, who afterwards married Judge Ebenezer Griffin, of Hampton, Ct. She after- wards married 5 Asa Abbot. See 2 William, 3 Paul, 4 Benjamin. s THOMAS, n m. ; supposed to have been killed by the Indians, or drowned ; his shoes and shoe-buckles were found near the river after the Wyoming battle. 5 MARY, m. Col. Franklin ; 5 JOHN, m.;- 6 c. ; s REUBEN, m. Miss Cash; s HANNAH, m. Wilkes Durkee. 4 JOSEPH, Colonel of Militia in the Revolution; a wealthy Farmer, highly respected for his patriotism, understanding, and moral character, Ellington, Ct. ; m. 20 April, 1758, Elizabeth Stedman ; she d. 2 March, 1766. 5 Mary, b. 6 April, 1759 ; d. 25 Dec. 1835; 5. Elizabeth, b. 11 April, 1761 ; d. 1 Nov. 1784; s Abigail, b. 10 Dec. 1762; d. 11 Sept. 1844; 5 Joseph, b. 31 Jan. 1766; d. 5 Feb. 1834; 2 m. 7 Sept. 1766, Olive Fearce, b. 56 2 WILLIAM, 3 PHILIP, 4 JOSEPH ABBOT. March, 1738; d. 9 Sept. 1822. 5 Lemuel, b. 9 March, 1768; d. 6 June, 1846 ; 5 Olive, b. 1772; d 18 Dec. 1776 ; 5 Delano, b. 16 April, 1774 ; d. 9 Nov. 1838 ; 5 John, b. 6 July, 1784. 5 MARY, m. Daniel Ellsworth, Ellington, Ct. ; b. 3 Dec. 1758; d. 3 March, 1798. 6 Betsy, A., b. 24 Dec. 1785 ; d. 24 July, 1797 ; e MARY, b. 20 Jan. 1789; m. 9 Nov. 1809, Samuel Thomp- son, Ellington, Ct. 7 PHILO E., b. 26 Jan. 1811; m. 13 Sept. 1838, Ellen C. Wallace. 8 David W., b. 9 Oct. 1839; 8 Mary ; 8 Ellen, b. 17 April, 1842. 7 Samuel, Col., b. 18 Aug 1813; d. 3 May, J840; 7 MARY, b. 18 April, 1816; m. 9 Nov. 1837, Oli- ver M. Hyde, e Arthur A., b. 13 March, 1839 ; 8 Mary E., b. 26 March, 1843. 7 Emily, b. 20 Dec. 1818; 7 Jane, b. 19 Sept. 1823; 7 J. Abbot, b. 29 April, 1827; 7 Laura, b. 17 July, 1829; d. 20 Dec. 1835; 7 Ellen, b. 20 Aug. 1734. e NANCY, b. 12 Nov. 1790 ; d. 4 Dec. 1843 ; m. Luther Scarboro', Hartford, Ct. 7 Em- ily, d. ; 7 Luther, d. ; 7 Daniel, III. ; 7 Jered, d. ; 7 Joseph, d. e JOHN, b. 22 Aug. 1792 ; m. 1 April, 1S36, Hannah May. 7 Mary A , b. 5 Sept. 1838 ; d. 6 Oct. 1839 ; 7 Lucy Ann, b. 29 July, 1840; 7 Mary A., b. 13 Dec. 1842. Sophia, b. 13 Aug. 1794; 6 Chloe, b. 18 March, 1796; d. 22 July, 1797. 5 ABIGAIL, m. Samuel Whitman, Hartford, West Parish, Ct., b. 26 July, 1753; d. instantly by the kick of a horse, 7 Feb. 1810. 6 Samuel, b. 14 April, d. 27 April, 1785; e SAMUEL 2d, b. 4 May, 1786: m 20 April, 1813, Elizabeth Howard, b. 27 Nov. 1790. 7 Henry L., b. 30 Dec. 1814; 7 George A, b. 15 Feb. 1817; 7 Eliza, b. 3 Nov. 1819; 7 Charlotte, b. 7 Oct. 1821; 7 Samuel, b. 7 Nov. 1823 ; 7 Emeline, b. 12 Sept 1826 ; 7 John, b. 3 Dec. 1828 ; 7 Joseph Howard, b. 30 Dec. 1830. e Eliza, b. 6 June, 1788 ; d. 28 Feb. 1814; Abigail, b. 20 Oct. 1789; d. 17 Dec. 1812; (J Henry, b. 25 July, 1791; d. 11 Sept. 1814; Emma, b. 13 Sept. 1793 ; d. 23 July, 1795 ; 6 Emma 2d, b. 14 Aug. 1795; d. 7 Feb. 1797; Lucy," b. 19 Aug. 1797; d. Feb. 1831; Harriet, b. 20 Aug. 1799; 6 Emeline, b. 4 July, 1801 ; d. 4 April, 1825; e Julia, b. 28 July, 1803 ; e Laura, b. 29 Sept. 1807; d. 5 Sept. 1833. 5 JOSEPH, Capt. ; a respected and wealthy Farmer, Ellington, Ct. ; m. Laura West, now living in Ellington ; n. c. 5 LEMUEL, Farmer, Vernon, Ct. ; m. 8 May, 1792, Lucrctia Bingham, b. 22 July, 1766; d. 17 March, 1835. e Harvey, b. 3 May, 1793 ; d. in Virginia, 14 Sept. 1820 ; e Perley, b. 27 June, 1796; d. in Va. 24 Aug. 1821; e Charles, b. 25 July, 1798; a OLIVE, b. 3 Oct. 1800; m. 1 March, 1837, Newman H Chafe. 7 Lucretia, b. Dec. 1839. 6 BELA, Capt., b. 9 Jan. 1803 ; Farmer, Dep. Sheriff of Vernon, Tolland Co. Ct. ; m. 30 March, 1836, Fidelia C. Hunt. 7 Frances Adelaide, b. 30 Jan. 1842. 6 LEMUEL, b. 14 June, 1805 ; Farmer, Vernon ; m. 28 Dec. 1830, Sarah J. Burr. 7 Olive, b. 4 July, 1837. Joseph, b. 22 July, 1807 ; Manufacturer, Willington, Ct. ; 6 BICKFORD, b. 15 March, 1809; Farmer and merchant, Vernon; m. 21 May, 1835, Amelia S. Ris- 2 WILLIAM, 3 PHILIP, 4 JOSEPH, 4 JOHN ABBOT. 57 ley, b. 18 Aug. 1815. 7 Janette L., b. 3 June, 1836 ; 7 Sherman B., b. 10 April, 1843;'? Delano. 5 DELANO, Manufacturer of woollen and satinett, and Farmer. Ira, N. Y. ; m. 1 Jan. 1801, Alary Bingham. 6 BETSY, b. 17 Jan. 1802 ; m. Jabez H. Moses, Merchant, 111., d. ; she lives in Read- ing, Mich 7 Henry, d ; 7 Sidney H. ; 7 Jabez. 6 HORACE, b. 5 May, 1804, Farmer, Ira, N. Y.; m. Rosettn Heath. 7 Julia J. ; 7 Eugenia S., d. LORENZO, b. 4 Dec. 1806; Farmer, Reading, Mich.; m. Clarissa Hannahs. 7 Eliza; 7 Delia Ann ; 7 c. "JU- LIA, b. 22 April, 1809; m. Daniel Harrison, Dyer, and restorer of damaged goods, N. Y. city. 7 Julia V., d. : 7 Daniel Webster, d. ; 7 Mary. 6 DELANO B., b. 22 July, 1812, Farmer, Reading, Mich. ; m. Mary Fulk. 1 Julia E. ; 7 Henry H. ; 7 Horace W. ; 7 c. Mary, b. 3 Oct. 1814, N. Y. city. 6 Henry K., b. 15 Dec. 1816, Carpenter and Joiner, Ira, N. Y. 6 DELIA ANN, b. 19 April, 1819 ; m. Birdseye Curtis, Farmer, Ira, N. Y. 7 George. 5 JOHN, Farmer, Vernon, Ct. ; m. 31 March, 1813, Achsah Cone, D. 17 July, 1789. 6 John Edwin, b. 11 Jan. 1814 ; Caro- line Newell, b. 20 Aug. 1816 ; d. 16 April, 1889 ; 6 William C., b. 11 Feb., d. 3 May, 1S20 ; 6 Abeline, b. 16 April, 1824; d. 26 Feb. 1845. 4 JOHN, Farmer, Windham Co. Ct. ; moved to Wyoming, Pa. ; was in the battle of Wyoming, and escaped ; but was soon after killed and scalped by the Indians, while attempting to save a por- tion of his harvest. His house, barn, and furniture were burned, and his cattle lost. His widow, in a state of utter destitution, and nine children, the eldest son, nine years old, begged their way to their friends in Connecticut. He m. 4 Nov. 1762, A lire Fuller. 6 Alice, b. 17 April, 1764 ; d. ; s Abigail, b. 15 Dec. 1765 ; d. y. ; 5 Stephen, b. 6 Dec. 1767; d. 19 June, 1770; 6 Charles, b. 3 June, 1709; 5 Stephen 2d, b. 29 April, J771; 6 Abigail 2d, d., n. m. ; s Reuben ; oLydia; 5 Solenda ; 5 Mary and 5 Hannah, twins ; & Sarah, b. 28 Feb. 1778. 5 ALICE, m. Amos Utley ; d. 6 TRUMAN, Luzerne Co. Pa.; m. twice ; 6 AMOS, Del. Co. O. ; m. Hannah Stark ; 6 LUCUS, Sus- quehanna Co. Pa.; m. Catherine Canada; 7 3 c. 6 FESTUS, Del. Co. O. ; m. Miss Tin ; 7 3 c. ; 6 JERED, Ohio, m. ; 6 LORANA, m. A. Hartshorn ; 6 ALICE, m. Webb ; 7 c ; s LETTIA, m., Ct. 5 CHARLES, Del. Co. O. ; m. Ijorana Manville. 6 Charles; c Caro- line ; c Lyman ; e Lorana ; 6 c. 8 STEPHEN, Farmer, Jacob's Plains, Luz. Co. Pa. ; after the war, he returned to the estate on which his father was killed ; m. 14 July, 1799, Abigail Sear le ; she d. 2 June, 1842, a. 62. 6 JOHN, b. 8 April, 1800 ; Farmer, Jacob's Plains ; m. 11 March, 1830, Hannah Cartwright. 7 Robert, b. June, 1^31 ; d. 1 July, 1836 ; 7 Lucy, b. 25 Dec. 1833 ; 7 Robert 2d, b. 19 June, 1837 ; 7 Catherine, b. 15 Dec. 1838. e WILLIAM, b. 19 June, 1802 ; Farmer, Pittston, Luz. Co. Pa. ; m. 2 Nov. 1824, Eleanor Court- 58 2 WILLIAM, 3 PHILIP, 4 JOHN ABBOT. right. rJohn Sommerfield, b. 16 June, 1825 ; 7 Lucinda, b. 22 Sept. 1826; i Stephen, b. 25 Sept. 1830; 7 Cornelius, b. 22 Jan. 1833; e Lucy, b. 1 April, 1805; d 2 July, 1806; e ELIZABETH, b. 22 Oct. 1S06 ; m. 3 Jan. 1826, Robert Miner; he d. 9 Dec. 1843. 7 Helen Elizabeth, b. 17 June, 1828; d. March 4, 1829; 7 Charles A., b. 30 Aug. 1830; 7 John Howard, b. 4 Jan. 1838; d. 18 June, 1844. 6 STEPHEN FULLER, b. 14 July, 1809; Farmer, Jacob's Plains; m. 22 Feb 1838, Charlotte Miner. 7 William Penn, b. 31 Dec. 1838 ; 7 Ashur M., b. 15 Aucr. 1841. 6 Charles M., b. 24 May, d. 26 Dec. 1814. 5 Stephen, 2 m. 29 May, 1843, wid. Ferrier. 5 LYDIA, m. Artemas Swetland, Sunbury, Del. Co. O. 6 Au- gustus ; e 5 c. 5 BELINDA, m. Reuben Taylor, a Revolutionary Pensioner, e John A. ; e Henry; 6 Reuben, d. ; e Benira, d. ; 6 Polly, d. ; e Cynthia, d. e JOHN A. , m. . 7 STEPHEN, b. 1812; m. . 8 Leono- ra, b. 1837; 8 Angelina, b. 1844. 7 TRUMAN, b. 1814; m. . 9 Gertrude, b. 1839; s Martha, b. 1843. 7 Charlotte, b. 1816 T SILAS, b 1818 ; m. . 8 Reuben, b. 1841 ; s John, b. 1843 'Theodore, b. 1814. 7 CYNTHIA, b. 1820; m. Gilbert Barry * Charlotte, b. 1841 ; * Susan Ann, b. 1842; s Celinda, b. 1843 s Rosella, b. 1845. 7 John Milton, b. 1823; 7 Celinda, b. 1825 7 Charles, b. 1827; 7 Henry, b. 1830; 7 Draper Uriah, b. 1832 T Helen Altenda, b. 1833; i Benira, b. 1836. e HENRY, m. . T Erastus, b. 1820 ; 7 Polly, b. 1823 ; 7 Reuben, b. 1825 ; 7 Cor- nelius, b. 1826 5 MARY, m. John Cartwright. e HANNAH, m. Horace Phclps. 7 John ; 7 Elisha ; 7 Charles ; 7 Eliza Ann; 7 c. e CORNKLIUS, III., m. Harriet Bailey ; 7 7 c. e ROXANNA, m. Chamberlain, Sandusky, O. ; T c. e CHARLES, Wayne Co. Pa.; m. Rebecca Hart ; 7 3 c. e JOHN D., N. Y. State ; m. e VOLNEY, Wayne Co. Pa. ; m. Philcna Hamlin ; 7 3 c. s SARAH, m. 16 April, 1800, James Kennedy, Tunkhannock, Pa.; Farmer, e CATHERINE, b. 8 Aug. 1804; m. 1825, Lucius Utley, Lenox, Susq. Co. Pa. 7 Sarah ; 7 James ; 7 Jared ; 7 Cath- erine ; 7 Eliza Ann; 7 Hester ; 7 Lydia ; 7 Charles ; 7 John, b. 28 Aug. 1844 ; 7 Mary. 6 LYMAN, b. 14 Nov. 1806, Canaan, Wayne Co, Pa.; m. Mercy Swingle. 7 Mary; 7 James; 7 Abi- gail; 7 John ; 7 Thomas; 7 Janctte ; 7 Robert, d. ; e JOHN A., b. 6 Aug 1808, Tunkhannock; m. 11 Jan. 1837, Elizabrth Camp- bell. 7 Louisa, b. 22 Nov. 1839; 7 Amos, b. 23 April, 1841; 7 Annette, b. 26 March, 1843. 6 Thomas, b. 3 Jan. 1811, Tunk- hannock ; 6 STEPHEN A., b. 15 Aug. 1814; m. 8 Sept. 1838, Mi- nerva Billings, i James, b. 13 May, 1842; 7 Charles, b. 5 April, 1844 ; 7 2 d. y. 3 HANNAH, m. 28 Oct 1738, John Bartholomew; moved west. 3 CALEB, went from Andover to Pomfret, Ct ; purchased a farm therein 1726; moved thence to Union, 1749; d. there 31 Jan. 3 CALEB, 4 CALEB, 4 HANNAH ABBOT. 59 , 1778, a. 74 ; m. 3 Dec. 1730, Elizabeth Paine. 4 Caleb, b. 7 Sept. 1731 ; 4 Elizabeth, b. 12 March, 1733; d. 31 Oct. 1742 ; 4 Hannah, b. 27 Oct. 1734; d. 19 April, 1813; 4 Sarah, b. 6 July, 1736; 4 Mary, b. 21 March, 1739; 4 Samuel, b. 4 March, 1743; d. 25 Sept. 1826, a. 83; 4 William, b. 7 Oct. 1745; d. 25 July, 1832, a. 87. 4 CALEB, m. Margaret Paul, of Union, Ct. ; served in the Revolu- tion as Waiter to Gen. Putnam ; d. in the service ; Jan. 3, 1778 ; n.c. 4 HANNAH, m. 24 March, 1761, John Hendrick, Farmer, Union, Ct. ; moved to Hartland, Vt. ; he was b. 3 Oct. 1722 ; d. 8 Nov. 1810, a. 83. 5 Ezra, b. 21 Feb. 1762; d. June, 1770; 5 John, b. 4 April, 1764 ; d. in the western part of N. York, between 1825 and 1830 ; 5 Mary, b. 5 Dec. 1765 ; resides in Putney, Vt. (1844,) a. 79; & Caleb, b. 17 Sept. 1767; d. 26 Aug. 1837; 5 Hannah, b. 22 March, 1770; d. April, 18J3; 5 Ezra, b. 13 March, 1772 ; -d. 28 Dec. 1799; s Elizabeth, b. 11 June, 1775. 5 JOHN, an honest man ; m. ; lived in Cambridge, Berne, and Otisco, and in Chautauque Co. N. Y. ; n. c. 5 MARY, m. 14 Sept. 1786, John Stoddard, b. 19 Nov. 1761, Westminster, Vt. e UEU- BEN, b. 10 April, 1788, Westminster, Vt. ; m. Oct. 1817, Abigail Foster, b. 20 May, 1789. 7 Mary Ann, b. 29 Aug. 1818 ; 7 Ro- manzo, b. 27 Sept. 1820. e Lydia, Westminster, Vt., b. 9 Aug. 1790 ; d. 3 Sept. 1832. 6 Melinda, b. 5 March, 1794 ; e JOHN H., b. 21 Feb. 1796, Westminster, Vt. ; m. 31 Dec. 1823, Sarah Pierce, of Westmoreland, N. H. ; b. 18 Sept. 1820. 7 John P., b. 18 June, 1829; 7 Hannah M., b. 8 April, 1832 ; 7 William A., b. 23 July, 1834; 7 William B., b. 10 Sept. 1837; 7 Sarah F., b. 18 Jan. 1839 ; 7 George A., b. 18 April, 1842, at Putney, Vt. e SA- REPTA, b. 12 June, 1800 ; m. 2 Nov. 1835, Henry Holmes, Graf- ton, Vt. 7 Solon, b. 3 Sept. 1837; 7 Sidney, b. 30 Aug. 1839. e SALINA, b. 19 Nov. 1802 ; m. 22 Oct. 1828, Rodney R. Burton, Grafton, Vt. 7 Albert P., b. at Kirby, Vt. 27 Nov. 1829 ; 7 Ellen N., b. at Kirby, Vt., 25 May, 1832; 7 Henry H., b. at Westmin- ster, Vt. 3 April, 1836 ; 7 John L., b. at Westminster, Vt. 28 Aug. 1839. e PROSPER F., b. 30 Aug. 1806, Westminster, Vt. ; in. 15 March, 1828, Nancy Burr. 7 Charles F., b. 23 Sept. 1829; i Nancy M., b. 16 July, 1834. 5 CALEB, m. 3 Dec. 1795, 5 Sarah Abbot ; see 4 Samuel, 3 Caleb. 5 HANNAH, m. Hezekiah Goodell, Walerford, Vt. ; e 5 c. 6 EZRA, Waterford, Vt. ; m. Esther Goodell ; e 1 c. 5 ELIZABETH, m. late in life Lot Tcnny ; went to the State of N. York ; n. c. 4 SARAH, m. 11 Nov. 1754, Jonathan Hurt, Sturbridge ; moved to Hartland, Vt. 5 Sarah; 6 Betsy; 5 Abigail, b. 12 Nov. 1761 ; d. 16 Oct. 1800; s Jonathan, d. in the army ; 5 JOSEPH, m. Miss Carrol; fi 1 son, Tavern-keeper, Hartland, Vt. ; m. ; 7 c. ; 6 Jo- seph, d. in the army. s SARAH, m. Lazarus Banister, Farmer, Windsor, Vt. e Mary ; e Sarah ; 6 Thomas ; e Norman. 5 BETSY, m. Jesse Slack, Farmer, West Windsor, Vt. e Jesse ; e Sarah ; 6 other c. 60 2 WILLIAM, 3 CALEB, 4 SARAH ABBOT. 6 ABIGAIL, m. 1779, Reuben Robinson, Farmer, Westminster, Vt. ; b. 6 Aug. 1753; d. 16 Dec. 1834, in Bridgewater, Vt. 6 Sarah, b. 3 Sept. 1780 ; d. 1836; o Eli, b. 25 Jan. 1782; e Lucy, b. 9 Oct. 1783; d. 9 Dec. 1802; 6 Relefa, b. 21 June, 1785 ; 6 Asa, b. 20 Aug. 1787; Elijah, b. 31 Dec. 1789'; < Betsy, b. 31 March, 1792. 6 SARAH, m. 1807, Benjamin Rand, Farmer, Bridgewater, Vt. ; moved to Morristown, Vt. ; he d. 26 April, 1843. 7 ELI B., b. 17 Sept. 1808, Farmer, Hyde Park, Vt. ; m. 20 Nov. 1842, Sarah Garlic; 7 BRADFORD L., b. 10 Dec. 1809; Farmer, Morristown, Vt. ; m. 12 Jan. 1832, Hannah Lane; 7 Reuben B., b. 6 Dec. 1811; d. 23 Sept. 1812; 7 REUBEN B., 2d, b. 5 May, 1813; Farmer, Barnard, Vt. ; m. 11 Feb. 1838, Harriet Amidon. 8 Preston A., b. 20 Dec. 1838; 8 Rosina A., b. 20 Nov. 1840; 8 Benjamin A., b. 15 Feb. 1843; 8 Albion A., b 3 Dec. 1844. 7 CVNTHIA A., b. 1 Oct. 1814 ; m. 20 May, 1839, Arid K. Spauld- ing, Farmer, Morristown, Vt. 8 Alverno O., b. 24 April, 1841. 7 STILLMAN H., b. 19 March, 1816, Farmer, Unity, N. H. ; m. 6 Jan. 1841, Mary M. Gilman. e Samuel I., b. 9 Jan. 1842. 7 CAROLINE j., b. 11 Aug. 1817; m. 19 Jan. 1845, Thomas Straw, Mechanic, Stow, Vt. ; 7 ALVINZA B., b. 27 Feb. 1819; Mechanic, Stow, Vt. ; m. 21 March, 1842, Lucinda F. Small. 9 Joseph A., b. 12 July, 1843; 7 da., b. 17 Nov. 1822 ; d. y. 8 ELI, Farmer, Bridgewater, Vt. and Thornton, N. H. ; m. 1804, Polly Miller, b. 22 March, 1784. 7 WILLIAM H., b. 14 Jan. 1806 ; Farmer;" Dea. of Bap. Ch. Charlestown, 111.; m. 1831, Miriam Pattee. 8 William W , b. 1833; 8 George M., b. 1334 ; 8 Mar- tha J., b. 1837 ; 8 Mary E., b. 20 Nov. 1841. 6 ORIN B., b. 25 Oct. 1803; Farmer; Dea. of a Bap, Ch. Thornton, N. H. ; m. 1831, Mary W. Follett, of Winchester, N. H. 8 Mary L., b. 1833; 8 Orin F., b. 1835 ; 8 George R., b. 26 Feb. 1842. 7 E. Warren, b. 26 Aug. 1814; Farmer, Dorchester. 7 SARAH, b. 31 Aug. 1816; m. Feb. 1834, Weld Hatch, Farmer, Lincoln, N. H. 8 (VI. Eliza, b. 22 Nov. 1834; 8 Caroline A., b. 10 Nov. 1836; 8 Julia Ann, b. 12 Oct. 1838; 8 John H., b. 23 Jan. 1841 ; 8 Hannah L., b. 23 Sept. 1843. 7 Alfred M., b. 10 Nov. 1822 ; Painter, Mass. 6 RELEFA, in. 1808, Amos Averill, Bridgewater, Vt. 7 ORIN E., b. 1809, Baltimore, Vt. ; m. Lucinda Woodward; 7 PRESTON, b. 1811, Springfield, N. H. ; m. 7 Nov. 1839, Ann G. Barrett. 8 Augustus R., b. 5 July, 1840; 8 Mary E., b. 5 Dec. 1841; s Lucy A., b. 22 Sept. 1844. 7 Oramill, b. 1814; ^ Volney, b. 1818 ; 7 Alonzo, b. 1822. ASA, m. ab. 1813, Hannah , of Thomaston, Me. 7 Asa, b. 15 Sept. 1814 ; 7 George, b. 8 Jan. 1817; 7 Reuben, b. 2 Nov. 1819; 7 Sarah, b. 27 Nov. 1820; he moved his family to New Brunswick, afterwards went to Florida; and, having acquired some money, in returning to his family, was robbed in St. Mary's, and shortly after died of dysentery, Sept. 13, 1822. Elijah, enlisted into the army, 1812, and probably d. ab. 1814. 3 CALEB, 4 SAMUEL, 4 WILLIAM ABBOT. 61 6 BETSY, m. 14 Jan. 1812, John Miller, b. 26 March, 1786; Farmer, Westminster, Vt. on the farm formerly owned by Reuben Robinson. 7 LUCY A., b. 31 Oct. 1812; m. Lyman C. Ranney, Farmer, Westminster, Vt. 8 Ellen, b. 15 July, 1836 ; 8 Alfred P., b. 16 June, 1838; 8 John Franklin, b. 17 Sept. 1840; d. 11 July, 1843 ; 8 Walter W., b. 18 Dec. 1843. 7 JOHN R., b. 16 Dec. 1813; Merchant, Putney, Vt. ; m. 7 Sept. 1841, Charlotte A. Noyes, of Putney, Vt. a TirzahC., b. 13 Sept. 1843. 7 Alfred, b. 18 March, 1815; Medical Student at Woodstock, Vt. ; 7 Patter- son, b. 3 Dec. 1818 ; d. 19 Jan. 1826; 7 Betsy, b. 16 Feb. 1821 ; 7 Wealthy, b. IS Aug. 1823 ; 7 Reuben, b. 9 Aug. 1825 ; Clerk. 4 MARY, m. John Capen, Hartland, Vt. ; moved to Scipio, Ca- yuga Co. N. Y. ; both d. there ; n. c. 4 SAMUEL, Farmer, Union, Ct. ; m. 11 Jan. 1770, Rachel Ward; moved, 1774, to Windsor, Vt. ; she d. 15 Oct. 1774 ; he after- wards served some months in the army, in defence of the frontier of Vermont. 5 Sarah, b. 12 April, 1771 ; d. 3 July, 1772 ; Sa- rah 2d, b. 15 April, 1773; 2 m. 3 Dec. 1778, wid. Lydia Stone; n. c. She d. 21 Sept. 1843, a. 86. He moved to Hartland, Vt. 1778. He belonged to the Baptist denomination, and was much respected for his moral and religious character. All his descend- ants are Baptists. 6 SARAH 2d, m. 3 Dec. 1795, & Caleb Hendrick, (see 3 Ca- leb, 4 Hannah A.,) Farmer, Hartland, Vt. ; e MOSES, b. 16 Oct. 1796, Hartland, Vt. ; moved, 1835, to Woodstock, Cham- paign Co. O. ; m. 4 April, 1822, Lucy Hall. 7 Moses S., b. 28 Feb. 1823; 7 John H., b. 28 Feb. 1825; 7 Lucy E., b. 17 Dec. 1826; * Samuel A., b. 18 Nov. 1828 ; 7 Sarah E., b. 16 Feb. 1831. e Rachel, b. 25 June, 1798; 6 Lydia, b. 7 July, 1800; d. 1810; e MARILLA, b. 30 March, 1802; m. 17 June, 1824, David Gilbert, Hartland; moved, 1840, to Morristown, Vt. 7 William S., b. Oct. 1825; 7 Sarah Ann I., b. 24 July, 1827; 7 Nathaniel D., b. 30 Sept. 1829; 7 Laura L., b. 23 March, 1833; 7 Edwin D, b. 28 Sept. 1841. 6 DIANTHA, b. 13 Sept. 1804 ; m. 5 Dec. 1833, George Holbrook, Hartland, Vt. 7 Lucy D., b. 15 Jan. 1835 ; 7 Frances, b. 26 Aug. 1836; 7 Sarah W., b. 23 July, 1839; d. 20 Sept. 1839. 6 SARAH, b. 13 April, 1807 ; m. 5 Dec. 1838, Alfred Hovey, Dorchester, N. H. e Malinda, b. 9 M^y, 1810. e HANNAH, b. 30 July, 1812 ; m. 24 Sept. 1840, George P. Hayes, Hartland,Vt. 7 Georgianna M., b. 1 1 Oct. 184 1 ; d. 8 Feb. 1844. e MARY, b. 22 July, 1815 ; m. 1 June, 1840, Ezra L. Stoddard, Hartland, Vt. 7 Elizabeth M., b. 26 March, 1842. 4 WILLIAM, Farmer, Union, Ct. ; moved to Cambridge, Wash- ington Co. N. Y. 1792, and to Clinton, Oneida Co. 1799 ; m. 15 Nov. 1770, Mary Coy ; she d. 10 Dec. 1776, a. 25. s Caleb., b. 2 Feb. 1774 ; 5 Nehemiah, b. 2 May, d. 25 Sept. 1776 ; 2 m. 24 Sept. 1778, Esther Green, of Willington, Ct. ; she d. in Clinton, N. Y. 23 Dec. 1839, a. 86. s Mary, b. 23 Aug. 1779 ; n. m. ; 5 Nehemiah, b. 4 June, 1781; 5 Paul, b. 7 May, 1783; d. Low- 6 62 3 CALEB, 4 WILLIAM, 5 CALEB ABBOT. ville, Lewis Co. N. Y. 19 March, 1831 ; 5 Esther, b. 4 Oct. 1784 ; sOrinda, b. 1 May, 1786 ; 5 Samuel, b. 18 July, 1789, Mechanic; n. m. ; 5 William, b. 2 Dec. 1792; d. in Clinton, N. Y. 21 Oct. 1819; Tailor; n. rn. 5 CALEB, Farmer, Golden, Erie Co. N. Y. ; m. 1794, Hannah Wheet; she d. 4 Sept. 1842. 6 TRYPHENA, b. 9 June, 1795; m. Reuben Abbot, Mich. ; moved, 1844, to 111. 7 Samuel, b. 8 Aug. 1820 ; 7 Sylvester, b. 3 Nov. 1821 ; 7 Caroline, b. 11 Feb. 1824 ; d. 28 Jan. 1837; 7 Flavel B., b. 11 Sept. 1826; 7 William W., b. 11 Aug. 1828; 7 Jonathan G., b. 2 Nov. 1830. e JOHN ALLEN, b. 28 Sept. 1796 ; Farmer, Colden ; m. Esther Crocker. 7 Hannah Maria, b. 14 June, 1818; 7 Elizabeth Ann, b. 11 March, 1820 ; 7 Caleb C., b. 10 July, 1822; 7 Eunice Lou- isa, b. 26 May, 1832. s 4 c. 6 MARY, b. 8 March, 1796 ; m. Abiel Holt, Farmer, Boston, Erie Co. N. Y. 7 Emeline, b. 9 Dec. 1818 ; 7 Caroline, b. 8 Aug. 1820; 7 Bethiah, b. 13 Oct. 1822; 7 Hiram, b. 20 Jan. 1825; 7 Wiram; 7 John Allen ; 7 Oliver ; 7 George; 7 Nelson. o SAMUEL w., b. 28 Sept. 1799; Farmer, Concord, Erie Co., N. Y. ; m. Ann Amanda Griggs. 7 Albert G., b. 15 Dec. 1825; 7 Harriet G., b. 5 June, 1828; 7 Mary M., b. 3 March, 1834. 6 SALLY, b. 11 Aug. 1801 ; m. Ichabod Griggs, Farmer, Col- den ; 7 David, b. 18 Nov. 1823; 7 Julia Ann, b. 2 March, 1825 ; 7Alonzo M., b. 14 June, 1826; 7 Jerusha, b. 17 Oct. 1827; T Sylvester, b. 2 March, 1829 ; 7 Marilla, b. 1 Jan. 1831 ; 7 Mar- tha Miranda, b. 10 July, 1832; 7 John Allen, b. 9 May, 1834; 7 Adeline, b. 15 Oct. 1835 ; 7 Ichabod, b. 22 Feb. 1837 ; 7 Est- her, b. 4 Feb. 1839 ; 7 Albert, b. 10 June, 1840 ; 7 Harriet, b. 6 March, 1842. e ORINDA, b. 21 Aug. 1803 ; m. Zebina Holt, Farmer, Colden. 7 Sylvester, b. 3 July, 1820; * Caroline, b. 13 May, 1822; 7 Me- lancthon, b. 26 Dec. 1825; 7 Zebina; 7 Cyrus; 7 Sidney; Al- bert; 7 Janette; 7 Rosetta ; 7 Ruthelia; 7 Aurelia. 6 JERUSHA, b 27 March, 1805 ; m. Russell Green, Farmer, Col- den. 7 David Newell, b. 8 Jan. 1824 ; 7 Orange J., b. 16 Aug. 1825 ; 7 Susan M., b. 12 Feb. 1827 ; 7 Ruth A., b. 2 Sept. .1828; T Leonard A., b. 5 May, 1831 ; T Luther W., b. 23 Aug. 1836 ; 7 Davis Russell ; 7 Dudley Francis, b. 5 Aug. 1843. e MELANCTHON, b. 6 Sept. 1807 ; Farmer, Colden ; m. Olive M. Griggs. 7 Leveret, b. 25 Feb. 1842. 6 CALEB j., b. 25 April, 1810; U. C. 1835; Presbyterian Min- ister, Doylestown, Wayne Co. O. ; m. Jane Anderson, of Schenec- tady, N. Y. ; b. 12 Oct. 1810: d. 22 May, 1837. 7 John Ander- son, b. 25 July, 1836 ; 2 m. Lury Hale Keyes, b. 16 March, 1816. 7 Mary Jane, b. 1 Nov. 1838; d. 5 July, 1840; T John Knox, b. 23 June, 1840 ; ' John Francis Montgomery, b. 31 Oct. 1842 ; 7 John Howard Augustine, b. 4 Jan. 1845. e SYLVESTER, b. 27 Sept. 1811 ; Farmer, Concord, Erie Co. N. Y. ; in. Louisa Webster. 7 Lucretia Alsina, b. 10 May, 2 WILLIAM, 3 CALEB, 4 WILLIAM ABBOT. 63 1835 ; T Caroline Miranda, b. 19 May, 1839 ; 7 Louisa Eveline, b. 24 July, 1842 ; 7 William Webster, b. 27 April, 1844. 5 NEHEMIAH, Clinton, Oneida Co. N. Y. ; Farmer; m. Oct. 4, 1803, Esther Barker, b. in Plymouth, Ct. 29 Oct. 1776. e WIL- LIAM B., b. 10 Aug. 1804; m. 20 Oct. 1830, Lucretia A. Green, b. 25 Jan. 1810. 7 Charles William, b. 3 July, 1831 ; ' Samuel Junius, b. Sept. 1833; 7 Harriet Elizabeth, b. 19 Aug. 1835; 7 Mary Louisa, b. 11 Oct. 1837; 7 Henrietta Esther, b. 4 Dec. 1839; 7 Henry Green, b. 11 Aug., d. 24 Aug. 1842; 7 Henry James, b. 4 Nov. 1843. e EMERY, b. 8 Feb. 1806; m. 21 May, 1834, Lavina Hubbard, b. 12 Oct. 1807 ; n. c. 6 SAMUEL WRIGHT, b. 27 Oct. 1808; m. 21 May, 1829, Ursula Bryan, b. 23 Jan. 1809. 7 Julia Atwater, b. 14 Nov. 1830; 7 Sidney Mor- gan, b. 19 June, 1834; 7 Newell Judson, b. 5 Jan. 1837 ; 7 Mary Angelina, b. 23 Sept. 1840. 6 Junius, b. 25 May, 1812, Salina, Onondaga Co. N. Y. e SHELDON SWEZEY, b. 1 March, 1818; m. 21 Feb. 1844, Ann Maria Derran, b. 17 June, 1819. 7 Junius Emery, b. 13 Dec. 1844. 5 PAUL, Merchant, Lovvville, Lewis Co. N. Y. ; m. 6 March, 1807, Mary Gaylord ; she d. at Middletown, Ct. 2 Sept. 1809. e SYLVESTER G., b. 23 Dec. 1807; Merchant, Concord, Jackson Co. Mich.: m. 1832, Mary Bush, of Lowville, N. Y. ; n. c. ; 5 PAUL, 2 m. 7 March, 1811, Patty Eds, of New Hartford, Onei- da Co. N. Y. e MARY E., b. 27 Dec. 1811, d. 24 June, 1837 ; m. 8 July, 183<>, Rev. Lorenzo D. Butts ; moved to Cheffield, Ohio. 7 Charles William, b. 19 May, 1837. e Elizabeth, b. 10 Nov. 1812, New Hartford, N. Y. e HENRY GREEN, b. 19 July, 1818, Merchant, Syracuse, N. Y. ; m. 9 Oct. 1844, Mary C. Babeveh, of New Hartford, N. Y. e WILLIAM E., b. 19 Jan. 1822, mer- chant, Syracuse, N. Y. ; m. 12 Aug. 1845, Jane Foster, of Litch- field, Herkimer Co. N. Y. e James Hamlin, b. 6 Jan. 1824; Clerk, Syracuse, N. Y. ; e Thomas Scott, b. 31 Jan. 1827. 5 ESTHER, m. 30 Jan. 1810, Etisha Wakelee, b. 27 Dec. 1789 ; d. 1 Aug. 1833. WILLIAM PLATT, b. 26 Nov. 1810; m. 12 Sept. 1844, Mary A. Parker ; e Elisha W., b. and d. 13 Jan. 1812; e Pelina, b. 27 March, d. 13 April, 1813. 6 ANGELINA, b. 19 March, 1814 ; m. 9 Dec. 1835, Allen Grinmll. i William E., b. 18 Feb. 1837; 'Mary A., b. 14 Dec. 1839; 7 Louisa, b. 17 June, 1841 ; 7 Elmira W., b. Aug. 1843. e Mary E., b. 27 Jan. 1816; e Janette L., b. 5 May, 1817. 6 PELINA A., b. 27 Dec. 1818; m. 8 March, 1842, Joseph W. Ntwell. 7 Erastus W., b. 13 Dec. 1843. e LUMINDA, b. 17 June, 1820 ; m. 5 Sept. 1837, Selah Strong, b. 27 Aug. 1811. 7 Emeline M., b. 30 Oct. 1843 e LEZEREU, b. 29 Dec. 1821 ; m. 10 Aug. 1843, Orilla M. Whit- ing, b. 28 Oct. 1823. 7 Mary L., b. 21 May, 1844. 6 Zipporah, b. 12 Dec. 1823. 5 ORINDA, m. 17 Oct. 1805, Joel Hubbard, b. 15 March, 1784. e HANNAH M., b. 27 July, 1806; m. 17 Sept. 1838, Hiram Will son. 7 John Joel, b. 13 Sept. 1840 ; 7 Lydia Maria, b. 2 Oct 64 3 ZEBADIAH, 2 SARAH, 2 BENJAMIN ABBOT. 1842 ; 7 Mary Ellen, b. 10 Sept. 1844. e Lovina, b. 12 Oct 1807. e SAMUEL B., b. 13 Nov. 1808; m. 1832, Eunice Rice, i Henry William; 7 Emery : 7 Hannah Maria; 7 Solomon G. 6 Esther, b. 12 Dec. and d. Dec. 1809; e LUMAN, b. 31 Dec. 1810 ; m. 20 Sept. 1838, Pamclia Morton. ? 3 c. o Mary A., b. 14 March, d, 1812; 6 Mary L., b. 24 May, d. 1813; e William G., b. 6 Sept. 1814; e Paul E., b. 17 Aug. 1817; 6 Mary, b. 3 Nov. 1819; 6 James, b. 12 Dec. 1822; e Henry G., b. 10 April, 1825. 3 ZEBADIAH, m. Hannah . 4 Anna, b. 1752, d. 1764 ; he d. before his wife ; she d. 1769, a. 59. 2 SARAH, m. 1680, Ephraim Stevens ; who d. 26 June, 1718, a. 70. 3 SARAH, b. 8 Nov. 1681 ; d. 8 Jan. 1751 ; in. 3 Stephen Abbot ; see a John; 3 Elizabeth, b. 18 Aug. 1683; 3 Hannah, b. 29 Nov. 1685 ; 3 Mehitabel, b. 10 Oct. 1691 ; 3 Mary, b. 21 Feb. 1694 ; 3 Ephraim, b. 24 July, 1698 ; 3 Mehitabel, b. 10 Sept. 1700. 2 BENJAMIN ABBOT, m. 1685, Sarah Farnum, da. of Ralph F., an early settler in Andover ; made and lived on the farm near Shawshene river, where e James Abbot, a descendant, now lives ; was active, enterprising, and respected ; 3 Benjamin A., b. 11 July, 1686; d. 8 Dec. 1748: Jonathan, b. Sept. 1687; d. 21 March, 1770; David, b. 29 Jan. 1689; d. 14 Nov. 1753; SAMU- EL, b. 19 May, 1694; d. 29 Oct. 1762; he was Industrious and respected for his moral worth and piety ; he lived in Merrimac Corner ; m. wid. Mary Looejoy, 1735 ; had no issue. 3 BENJAMIN A., lived on his father's farm ; was active, upright, and useful, and assisted his brothers in forming their farms ; he m. 1717, 3 Elizabeth Abbot, da. of a George A, who d. 1718; 2 m. 1722, Mary Carlton, who. d. Jan. 1726; 3 in. 1729, 'Abi- gail Abbot, da. of Dea. sNehemiah A.; she d. 8 Dec. 1753, a. 54. 4 Sarah b. 13 Au BETSY, b. 8 March, 1797 ; m. Charles Shepard, Farmer, 6* 06 2 BENJAMIN, 3 BENJAMIN, 4 BENJAMIN ABBOT. Bedford, N. H. 8 Charles; 8 George. 7 BENJAMIN, b. 22 July 1799; d. 3 Sept. 1833; in. 22 March, 1831, Althea Gilson. a Lucy, 8 Laura Maria, b. 14 Aug. 1832. 7 SOPHIA, b. 13 April, 1801 ; m. True Richards, Farmer, Goffstown, N. H. s Benja- min ; 8 Elizabeth ; 8 George ; 8 other c. 7 GEORGE, b. 21 Jan. 1803; Bloomer, Westford ; m. 10 Sept. 1834, Mary Ann Pres- cott. 8 Ellery Channing, b. 3 Nov. 1842 ; 8 John F., b. 14 July ; d. 3 Sept. 1844. 7 Mary, b. July, 1805; d. y. ; i Martha, b. 1 Oct. 1809 ; 7 WALTER, b. 1 March, 1811 ; d. 8 Nov. 1842 ; m. 28 Nov. 1837, Hannah Webber. 8 George Walter, b. 11 Aug. 1841. 7 Franklin, -b. 25 Oct. 1813; d. Aug. 1835, drowned. e MARY ABBOT P., b. 16 Oct. 1774 ; m. William Willougliby, Holiis; n. c. ; 6 Sampson, b. 1? Jan. 1777; d. 27 Dec. 1812 ; n. m. o PETERS, b. 24 Feb. 1779 ; d. 5 Aug. 1822, Bakersfield, Vt. ; m. Sarah Start. 7 Joel ; 7 Almira , 7 Peter; 7 Josiah ; 7 Ira; 7 William ; 7 Relief; 7 Mary, e Joel, b. 8 Aug. 1781 ; m. Rlwda Blood; 2 m. Rachel Blood; 3 m. Elizabeth Francis, 7 RHODA ANN, in. Charles H. Nurse, Salem ; 7 Eliza ; 7 Ann ; i Stephen ; 7 Abbot; 7 George A. 7 Emeline A.; 7 Edward E. ; 7 Charles ; 7 Sarah ; 7 Elizabeth A. e GRANT, b. 31 May, 1784; d. 10 April, 1841; Cong. Minis- ter, 1815, Haverhill, N. H. ; removed, 1829, to Groton, Ct. ; in. 1817, Elizabeth H. Hopkins. 7 Elizabeth, b. and d. 1818 ; 7 Mary, d ; 7 Elizabeth ; 7 Charles H. ; 7 Mary W. ; 7 Henrietta M. ; 7 William G.; 7 George C. e I.EVI, b. 20 March, 1786 ; Captain ; in. Cynthia Eaton; n. c. e Anna, b. 11 Sept. 1788; d. 4 Sept. 1790. e Ursula, b. 3 Oct. 1790; m. 1823, Simon Sounder son. i Nancy P., b. 23 June, 1824; d. 31 May, 1826; Grant P., b. 27 July, 1825; 7 Elizabeth A., b. May, 1828. 5 SAMUEL A., m. Susan Hubbard. o Susan, d. y. 6 GEORGE A., m. Naomi Tuttle, who d. 1833, a. 68. e George, b. 17 Oct. 1788; d. Nov. 1841; Naomi, b. 1 Feb. 1790; Elizabeth, b. 11 Jan. 1791; Mary, b. 12 March, 1796; William, b. 11 June, 1798; d. Dec. 1827; supposed to be murdered at Millbury, where he had finished a job on the Blackstone Canal, and was about to return home with his money; Harriet, b. 24 July, 1802; d. July, 1820, by lightning. 6 GEORGE A., Danvers ; m. 1817, Betsy Goldthioait. i Samuel Cumrnings, b. July, 1818 ; John G., d. ; Joseph Sandford ; John Goldthwait. 6 NAOMI A., m. 1810, Samuel French, Clymer, N. Y. 7 Naomi, b. 16 Feb. 1811; d. July, 1816; Samuel H., b. 22 May, 1812; Hiram A., b. 19 March, 1814; d. 24 Sept. 1830; Harriet, b. 29 March, 1815; d. 19 May, 1817; twins, b. and d. 1818; William R., b. 30 May, 1819; Edward P., b. 24 Nov. 1820; Frederic F., b. 20 July, 1822; Cordelia, b. L4 July, 1825; Samantha, b. 29 Feb. 1832. e WILLIAM A., m. 1819, Rachel Cochran. 7 William P., b. 29 Feb. 1820 ; d. 1824 ; George L., b. 27 Oct. 1821 ; James C., b. July, 1823; Walter F., b. 1825; Salome, b.'Oct. 1827. 2 BENJAMIN, 3 BENJAMIN, 4 BENJAMIN ABBOT. 67 5 JOEL A., Westford, m. Lydia Cummings ; b. 26 Nov. 1769 ; d. 5 Mar. 1813. ELIZABETH, b. 22 Jan. 1787 ; d. 30 Apr. 1837 ; m. Rev. Jonathan Cogswell, D. D , Prof, in theTheol. Seminary, East Windsor, Ct. 7 Mary ; Elizabeth ; Louisa ; and Ann. 6 Joel, b. and d. 29 June, 1789 ; e Lydia, b. 27 Nov. 1790; d. 20 Aug. 1791 ; e Joel, b. 18 Jan. 1793; Walter, b. 17 Sept. 1795 ; d. 12 July, 1825, of a wound received in the Chesapeake ; Lieut. U. S. N. I.YDIA, b. 5 July, 1798 ; m. Daniel W. Lord, Esq. Kenne- bunkport; no issue; Mary P., b. 23 Nov. 1801 ; d. 1831 ; Isaac Houghton, b. 18 Jan. 1804. e JOEL A., Capt. U. S. N. ; m. 1 Jan. 1820, Mary Wood, New- buryport, who d. 15 April, 1821, a 24 ; 2 m. 29 Nov. 1825, Laura Wheaton, Warren, R. I. : 7 Joel Wood A., b. 24 Feb. 1821 ; Lydia Lord, b. 14 Sept. 1826; John Pickens, b. 26 June, 1828; Charles W., b. 18 Nov. 1829; Trevett, b. 2 July, 1831 ; Mary, b. 29 Dec. 1832; d. 12 Oct. 1837 ; Laura W., b.' 10 Mar. 1835 ; Nathan M. W., b. 25 Dec. 1836; Mary, b. 1 May, 1839 ; Walter, b. 14 Oct. 1841. 5 JACOB A., Westford, m. Sept. 1787, Polly Cummings. 6 Mary, b 9 April, 1788 ; m. Silas Meriam, Lowell ; 7 MARY M., b. 29 Aug. 1809; m. Alexander R. Abbot, Preacher, Lowell; v Silas, b. 1811; Eliza, b 6 Feb. 1815; Harriet, b. 1817; Maria, b. 1819; m. Joseph Brown, Lowell; Cynthia, b. 1822; m. Jacob Brown, Lowell ; 7 Jacob, b. 1824 ; George, b. 1826. * Cummings, b. 22 Jan. 1790; d. 11 Oct. 1797. e BETSY, b. 3 April, 1792 ; m. Timothy Smith, Westford ; 7 Timothy Abbot, b. July, 1816 ; 7 Granville, O ; 7 ELIZA MARIA, b. 1818; m. Loami Chamberlain, Lowell ; 7 Mary Ann, b. 1820; Harriet Jane, b. 1823; Nancy A., b. 1825; Samuel, b. 1827; George, b. 1834. 6 JACOB CUMMINGS A., b. 4 Dec. 1798; wharf- inger, Boston ; m. Mary Todd. 7 Mary T. b. and d. 1829 ; Jacob, b. 1831; infant, b. and d. 1833; Ellen S., b. 1835; Edwin, b. 1836; d. Sept. 1843; Emma, b. 1839; Ann M., b. Sept. 1842. 6 NANCY, b. 29 May, 1804; m. Jonathan S. Hill, Westford, 7 Nancy M., b. 12 Ap. 1834; Mary A., b. 6 Mar. 1836; Abby F., b. 31 Jan. 1841. e Samuel B., b. 18 Oct. 1812 ; Dentist, Lowell; m. H Eastman. 5 MARY A., m. Col. Abel Boynton, Westford ; e ABEL, b. 4 May, 1783 , d. 1817; H. U. 1804 ; Lawyer, Bath, Me. ; m. Sarah Lc- land ; no issue; 6 MARY, b. 3 Ap. 1785; d. Nov. 1810; m. Hon. Benjamin Ames, Bath ; 6 Elizabeth, b. 1 Oct. 1787; Benjamin A., b. and d. 1790 ; Benjamin A. 2d, b. 10 June, 1794, Troy or Wa- terford, N. Y. ; Isaac N., b. and d. 1792; SARAH, b. 21 June, 1796 ; m. Hon. Benj. Ames ; 7 c. 4 DANIEL A., Dracut ; m. Lucy Parker, da. of Rev. T. P. 5 Daniel, b. 1758; d. 1829, Claremont, N. H. ; n. m. ; William, b. 1761; Samuel, b. 1765; Jonathan, b. 20 Jan. 1772. 5 WIL- LIAM A., Bedford, N. H. ; m. 1786, Martha Cvlburn. 6 Polly, b. 1787; William, b. 1789; John, b. 1791. 5 SAMUEL A., Clare- 68 2 &, 3 BENJAMIN, 4 DANIEL, 4 MARY ABBOT. mont, m. Elizabeth Carllon. 6 Elizabeth, b. 1794; Lucy, b. 1796; Daniel, b. 1793; Samuel, b. 1800. 5 JONATHAN A., Litch- field, N. H. ; Deacon, Representative to the General Court; m. 1794, Rebekah Mussey, who d. Dec. 1795, a. 23; 2 m. 1799, Dolly Parker. 6 Rebekah, b. 21 Nov. 1795; d. 18 July, 1819; Clar- issa, b. 20 Aug. 1801 ; Dolly, b. 19 Ap. 1803; Eliza, b. 5 Ap. 1805; EMILY, b. 18 Sept. 1807; m. Abbot Griffin, Litchfield ; Thomas P., b. and d. May, 1810 ; Sally P., b. and d. Sept. 1811; Mary P., b. 17 June; d. 7 Nov. 1815. 4 MARY A., da. of 3 Benja. A., m. 1759, Nehemiah Barker, Me- thuen ; after the War of the Revolution moved to Milford, N. H. ; he d. 20 Jan. 1810, a. 78 ; they were righteous and pious, e Abigail, b. 24 Jan. 1762; d. 5 July, 1793; Joel, b. II Aug. 1764 ; d. 1834; Mary, b. 19 Sept. 1766; d. 23 Oct. 1766; Mary, b. 18 Dec. 1767; d. Aug. 1824; Dorcas, b. 4 Sept. 1770; d. 23 July, 1840. 6 JOEL BARKER, Milford, m. Sally Foster. Joel B., b. 14 Nov. 1794 ; Sally, b. 9 July, 1797 ; Polly, b. 9 Mar. 1800 ; Benjamin, b. 8 Aug. 1802; John, b. 25 Sept. 1805; James, b. 28 June, 1808; Hannah, b. 15 July, 1810; Nancy, b. 18 July, 1812; d. Feb. 1835. 5 MARY B., m. Dea. Jacob Spaulding, Hillsborough. 6 Polly, b. 21 Ap. 1792 ; Abigail, b. 14 Mar. 1794; Jacob, b. 26 Ap. 1796 ; d. 1818 ; Sally, b. 8 May, 1798 ; d. June, 1820 ; Benjamin, b. 27 Aug. 1800; Cyrus, b. 28 Sept. 1802; Franklin, b. 30 Jan. 1806 ; Nancy B., b. 2 Feb. 1809 ; Emeline, b. 1 Dec. 1812. 5 DORCAS B , m. Merrill Pierce, Danville, Vt. 6 Benjamin, b. and d. Feb. 1793; POLLY, b. 3 Sept. 1794; m. Moses Chapman, Peter- boro'; Merrill, b. June, 1797; Jesse, b. May, 1801; d. June, 1825 ; MARY ANN, b. Sept. 1802 ; m. Wm. B. Kimball, Peterboro'. ADELINE, b. Mar. 1806; m. Gushing; Louisa, b. Sept. 1808. NANCY, b. Oct. 1811 ; m. Col. Emerson, Nashua; ELIZABETH, m. Fenncr. 4 ABIEL A., some time in H. U., which he left, and studied medi- cine; and was Physician in the war of 1755; after which he set- tled in Andover in practice ; m. 1761, Phebe Bollard, who d. July, 1815, a. 77; s Abiel, b. 6 Nov. 1761 ; d. Seaman ; Benja- min, b. 28 May, 1763; d. 18 Aug. 1821. 6 BENJAMIN A., Dea., Newburyport ; m. 1785, Joanna Holmes, who d. Aug. 1828, a. 63. 6 Phebe B., b. 10 Oct. 1787 ; Joan- na, b. 4 Jan. 1790 ; Mary S., b. 21 Oct. 1791 ; Elizabeth, b. 1 Feb. 1793; Benjamin, b. 10 Dec. 1794; d. Aug. 1818, at sea ; Francis, b. 4 Jan. 1797; Abiel, b. 26 July, 1798; Sarah; John. 4 ELIZABETH A., da. of 3 Benjamin A., m. 1758, Ebenezer Cum- mings, Hollis ; 2 m. 1780, Thomas Merrill, Esq. Conway, N. H. ; d. 1788, a. 66. 6 Elizabeth, b. 23 Nov. 1759 ; d. 3 Oct. 1812; Ebenezer, b. 15 Sept. 1761 ; d. Oct. 1842; Abigail, b. 1 July, 1763; d. Nov. 1801 ; Bridget, b. 15 July, 1765 ; d. 24 Jan. 1786 ; Lucy, b. 9 July, 1767; MARY, b. 22 Oct. 1770; m. Hon. Wit- 4 ABIEL, 4 ELIZABETH, 4 ANNA ABBOT. 69 Ham Bixby, Francestown, N. H. ; Jacob Abbot C., b. 2 Nov. 1772; d. 24 Feb. 1820; Sarah, b. 28 Jan. 1775; John M., b. 2 Mar. 1782; H. U. 1804; Benjamin, b. 15 Mar. 1784; H. U. 1804 ; LL. D., S. H. S. ; Salem. 5 ELIZABETH c., m. Henry Lovgoy, Wilton, e Betsy, b. 31 Jan. 1782 ; d. 1846 ; Henry, b 26 Feb. 1784; d. 18 Aug. 1785 ; Henry, b. 2 May, 1786 ; Jacob, b. 28 Oct. 1788 ; William, b. 6 June, 1791 ; d. 6 Apr. 1816 ; Ezra, b. 2 Mar. 1794; Amos, b. 27 Nov. 1796; d. 3 Oct. 1799; Polly, b. 27 Mar. 1800; Sally, b. 1801. 5 EBENEZER c., Andover, Vt. ; d. in Wisconsin T. ; m. Hannah Washer, e Hannah, b. Aug. 1787 : d. ; Bridget, b. 1789 ; Eb- enezer and Betsy, b. and d. Feb. 1792 ; Betsy, b. 1793 ; Ste- phen ; Leonard ; Jacob ; Franklin. 5 ABIGAIL c., m. Joseph Sever/, Bartlett, N. H. e Joseph, b. 16 Oct. 1788 ; Hannah, b. 22 April, 1790; Ebenezer Cummings, b. 13 Jan. 1792; Benjamin, b. 11 Jan. 1794. 5 LUCY c., m. Maj. Peter Pcvey, Greenfield, N. H. 6 PETER, b. 29 July, 1788, Dea. ; m. Dorcas Holt ; 7 3 s. and 2 da. e Sally, b 11 July, 1790; 6 LUCY c., b. 3 July, 1792; m. Farnum Holt ; 7 13 c. ; 3 d. y. e BENJAMIN A., b. 25 Sept. 1794 ; m. C. Whit- tern ore ; 7 7 c. e JACOB, b. 24 Dec. 1796; m. Susan Campbell; 2 m. Sarah Marsh ; 7 6 c. e Abiel, b. 27 Mar., d. 29 Nov. 1799 ; e DORCAS, b. 8 Oct. 1800 ; m. Edward Pratt, i 1 s. and I da. e Elizabeth, b. 6 Ap., d. 25 Nov. 1803; ELIZABETH 2d, b. 30 Aug. 1804 ; m. Nehemiah Low ; 7 3 c. d. y. e ABIEL, b. 17 June, 1807; Capt. ; m. Louisa Stone; 7 4 c. John, b. 30 Mar., d. 2 Dec. 1809; MERRILL c., b. 1812; m. Elizabeth Stone. s JACOB ABBOT c., H. U. 1801 ; an eminent Teacher in Boston ; published a Geography and other school-books; m. 1809, Eliza- beth Merrill, da. of Rev. G. M., Haverhill. 6 JAMES M., b. 27 July, 1810; M. D. Br. Coll. 1834; Physician, Groton ; m. ; 7 Elizabeth ; 7 s. 6 John S., b. 5 Nov. 1811 ; d. 16 July, 1813. 6 JOHN MERRILL, H. U. 1804; M. M. S. S. ; M. D. Portland; m. 1820, Mary S. Boyrl. 6 Isabella Southgate, b. 3 July, 1823 ; Francis B., b. 27, d. 28 Nov. 1825; Charles Benjamin, b. 14 Ap. 1827 ; B. C. ; John Cummings, b. 3 Nov. 1831 ; Mary Boyd, b. 7 May, 1837. 4 ANNA A., m Jan. 1762, Ephraim Burge, Hollis ; who d. 20 July, 1784, a. 46; e Anna, b. 20 Nov. 1762; d. 31 Oct. 1794; Ephraim, b. 7 June, 1764; d. 2 Mar. 1843; Josiah, b. 15 Ap. 1766; d. 25 Mar. 1790; H. U. 1787; Preacher, good scholar, and excellent character; Jacob, b. 7 Jan. 1768; d. June, 1809; Sukey, b. 21 July, 1773 ; d. 6 Sept. 1816 ; SALLY, b. 2 May, 1777 ; d. Oct. 1825 ; rn. Dea. D. Thurston, Bedford, N. H. ; Samuel, b. 28 May, 1779; d. Aug. 1824; Benjamin, b. 5 Aug. 1782 ; d. 15 June, 1816 ; H. U. 1805; M. D. ; Tutor B. C. ; Vassalboro', Me. ; sound mind, and irreproachable character ; 5 c. d. in in fancy. 70 2 BENJAMIN, 3 & 4 JONATHAN ABBOT. 5 ANNA B., m. Phinchas Fletcher , Dunstable, Ms. 6 Anna, b. 29 Oct. 1784; d. 1 Feb. 1337; Sewall, b. 19 Oct. 1786; d. 29 May, 1795; Mark, b. 19 Aug. 1788; d. 16 Nov. 1790; Mark, b. 14 Sept. 1790; Betsy, b. 2 Oct. 1792; Charlotte, b. 19 May, d. 30 Sept. 1794. 6 EPHRAIM B., Hollis, Dea. ; an active, honest man, and zealous Christian ; m. Jan. 1794, Patty Baldwin ; 6 Ephraim, b. 8 Nov. 1794; d. Oct. 1825 ; Martha, b. 9 May, 1796 ; d. 3 Ap. 1830; m. Gilbert Brooks, Medford ; 7 MARTHA ANN, b. July, 1827. 'Anna.b. 13 July, 17!'8; Nahum, b. 5 Sept. 1800; d. 3 Nov. 1801 ; Clarissa, b. 12 May, 1802; d. 2 Dec. 1820 ; CYRUS, b. 5 Sept. 18U4 ; m. 1835, Joan Cumins ; ^ Cyrus F. ; Edward A. ; Charles H. ; George A. EMMA, b. 7 Nov. 1807 ; m. George W. Hubbard. 6 SUKEY B., m. Dea. Thomas Farley, Hollis; 6 infant, b. and d. 19 Nov. 1799; Susanna, b. 13 June, 1801; d. 12 Dec. 1822; Polly, b. 2 Jan. 1803; Asa, b. 7 April, 1804; d. July, 1809; Anna, b. 3 June, 1806; d. 27 July, 1809; Josiah B., b. 11 June, 180S; d. Jan. 1815; Anna, b. 8 Jan. 1810; Thomas Abbot, b. 1 July, 1813; d. 1841 ; A. C. 1838; studied divinity at Andover ; Ephraim B., b. and d. July, 1816. 5 SAMUEL B., Francestown ; m. Anna May. 6 Anna, b. 23 Ap. 1807; d. Oct. 1829; Sally, b. 27 Jan. 1808; d. 25 Nov. 18(19; Mary, b. 27 Feb. 1810; Benjamin, b. 25 Ap. 1812; D. C. 1835 ; Minister in Enfield, N. H. ; infant, b. and d. 1813. 3 JONATHAN ABBOT, m. 1713, Zf.rviah Holt ', 4 Jonathan, b. 14 Dec. 1714; d. 21 May, 1794; 4 David ; 4 NATHAN, b. 1718; d. 28 June, 1798 ; m. Abigail Ames; who d. 27 Aug. 1812, a. 89 ; no issue ; 4 Mary ; 4 ZERVIAH, m. 1745, Ephraim Blunt, Pem- broke, N. H. 4 Job, b. 14 Oct. 1724 ; d. ; 4 Samuel, b. 1 Oct. 1727; d.; 4 Jeremiah, b. 10 Oct. 1733; d. in the French war of 1755. 4 JONATHAN A, lived with his father; m. 1739, Martha Love- joy ; 2 m. 4 Mary Abbot, da. of 3 George A. 6 Jonathan, b. 29 Aug. 1740 ; d. 26 Dec. 1821 ; William, b. 21 Jan. 1746; d. Oct. 1807. MARTHA, b. 3 Feb. 1749; d. Dec. 1841 ; m. Oliver Whit- ing, Temple; who d. 1830; 6 Oliver; Patty; Nathan Abbot; Hannah ; Benjamin ; George ; David ; 5 Nathan, d. y. 6 JONATHAN A., lived with his father; m. 5 Mchitabd Abbot, da. of 4 Ephraim A. ; she d. 1 Jan. 1777; 2 m. s Dorcas Abbot, da. of 4 Stephen A. ; she d. 3 Mar. 1844. 6 Mehitabel, b. 29 Sept. 1764 ; Sarah, b. 22 June, 1766; d 25 July, 1845 ; Zerviah, b. 19 Mar. 1768; Abigail, b. 30 July, 1770; d. 2 June, 1810; Han- nah, b. 18 Nov. 1774; Jonathan, b. 11 June, 1776; d. 7 Jan. 1843 ; Stephen, b. 30 Dec. 1779 ; d. I Oct. 1835 ; Dorcas, b. 6 Mar. 1782 ; Phebe, b. 17 Jan. 1788 ; Polly, d. y. e MEHITABEL A., m. 1787, Benjamin Russell, Bethel, Me.; 7 Stephen Abbot, b. 6 July, 1788; 1 SAMUEL, b. 14 Feb. 1790, Newry ; m. 1811, Abigail Burke; have 12 c. and 13 gr. c. 7 WILLIBEE, b. 22 Dec. 1791; m. 1819, Polly Bartlett ; 760. 2 BENJAMIN, 3 & 4 JONATHAN ABBOT. 71 7 Polly, b. Feb. 1794 ; Dorcas, b. 8 Ap. 1796. 7 John, b. 22 June, 1798 ; d. 26 July, 1820 ; 7 LUKE, b. 6 Ap. 1801 ; d. 9 Oct. 1831 ; m. Abigail Kilgore. s Ira ; Moses ; Frances ; Luke. 7 Benjamin, b. 10 Jan. 1803; 7 Abigail, b. Jan. 1805; d. 30 July, 1825; 'MEHITABEL, b. 4 Mar. 1807; m. 16 Feb. 1830; Ballard Hatch. 8 Benjamin R., b. 28 Dec. 1832 ; s Sylvanus, b. 20 Jan. 1834. 7 MARTHA A., b. 23 Dec. 1810; m. 1842, Alonzo Fifield. 7 LYDIA, b. 30 Aug. 1812 ; m. 1834, Ira Kilgore, Newry. a Ira ; Albert ; Charles ; Hermon C. ; 8 2 d in infancy. 7 STEPHEN ABBOT RUSSELL, m. 2 Jan. 1817, Eunice Mason. 8 Agnes, b. 11 Feb. 1818 ; ANGELINE, b. 28 Jan. 1819 ; m. 1838, Sylvester Robinson; 8 John, b. 11 July, 1821 ; d 15 Oct. 1839; Mary and Maria, b. 9 Oct. 1823; Mary, d. a. 3; Hannah, b. 14 Aug. 1825; Mary, b. 27 Sept. 1826; Thirza, b. 15 July, 1827; Eunice, b. 28 Sept. 1828; Moses, b. 5 Mar 1829; Mehitabel, b. 14 Jan. 1831; Abigail, b. 13 Ap 1832; Stephen, b. 8 Dec. 1833. 7 POLLY R., m. James Eames, Newry. 8 MARY, b. 25 May, 1813 ; m. 1838, Charles Cummings, Andover, Ms. ; 9 Martha R., b. 1831); Mary E., b. 1840; 8 DORCAS, b. 10 July, 1815; m. 1838, C. Goodnow; 9 Mary A., b. Feb. 1839 ; Ellen M., b. Jan. 1843 ; 8 COLUMBUS, b. 18 Nov. 1817 ; m. 1842, Maria T. Rice ; s Mehitabel, b. 18 May, 1823; d. 5 May, 1846; Levi F., b. 10 Mar. 1826; Benjamin R., b. 8 Sept. 1&28 ; 4 d. in infancy. 7 DORCAS R., m. Sept. 1821, Samuel Woodbridge, Andover. 8 DOR- CAS c., b. 1 Aug. 1822; m. June, 1843, * John Abbot; Abby L., b. 26 Nov. 1825; Lydia J., b. 15 June, 1827; John R., b. 21 Mar. 1829; Stephen A., b. 13 Nov. 1831; Henry W., b. 30 Sept. 1833; Albert A., b. 9 May, 1836; George B , b. 19 Jan. 1839. 7 BENJAMIN R., m. Sept. 1822, Mahala Wright; 8 Nelson, b. 17 Ap. 1825; Lurana W., b. 1 Aug. 1828 ; Melvina, b. 29 Aug. 1833; Martha, h. 5 July, 1834; Mary A., b. II May, 1936; Hannah B., b. 22 May, 1838 ; Ebenezer E., b. 21 Sept. 1839 ; Sarah V., b. 24 Dec 1841; Lawson P., b. 21 Oct. 1843; Ben- jamin, b. 26 Oct. 1844; Mahala, b. 1 Oct. 1846. 6 SARAH A., m. Jonathan Stickney, St. Armanda, L. C. 7 Sarah S., b. 15 Sept. 1794; Polly, b. 21 Feb. 1796; d. 21 Aug. 1811 ; Joseph, b. 6 Oct. 1797; d. 28 Jan. 1801; HANNAH, b. 1 Jan. 1800, m. 1829, Noses L. Dudley; 7 Thomas P., b. 13 Nov. 1801 ; d. 20 Jan. 1826 ; DORCAS, b. 8 June, 1805 ; m. TJiomas Allen, Farnum, L. C. ; JONATHAN, b. 8 June, 1805 ; m. 1827, Mary Getty; WILLARD, b. 23 Dec. 1807; m. 1838, Clarissa Cummings. e ZERVIAH A., m. 1789, John Ellenwood, Bethel. 7 Sarah ; Jacob, d. 1 Mar. 1826 ; John, b. June, 1798 ; d. 25 Jan. 1835 ; DANIEL, b. 23 Aug. 1800 ; m. 1822, Catharine Brown ; had 8 c. ; moved to N. Y. 1834. 7 Ebenezer, b. 26 Oct. 1804 ; 7 GEORGE v., b. 12 Dec. 1800; m. 1827, Esther Swan; 7 Esther, b. 1829. 7 Fuller, b. 1831 ; Fernando, b. 1835 ; 7 4 d. in infancy. 7 SARAH 72 2 BENJAMIN, 3, 4, & 5 JONATHAN ABBOT. E., m. Samuel Libbey, Newry. a Varanes, b. 1818 ; Esther J., b. 1822 ; Lucy T., b. 1S26; 5 d. in infancy. 7 JACOB E., m. 1816, Adeline Twitchell. 8 Hiram, b. 1817; Cynthia, b. 1821, d 1823; Cynthia, b. 1824 ; Jacob, b. 1826. 7 JOHN E., m. Rachel Bar- rows. 8 Hester A., b. 1820; Isaac, b. 1822; Wesley, b. 1824; Jacob, b. 1826; Asa F, b. 1828; Ossacer, b. 1831. i EBENE- ZER E., m. 1832, Sarah Chickering. 8 Osgood, b. 1833; Sarah T., b. 1835; Gayton B., b. 1837; d. ; Zerviah, b. 1838; C. Cheever, b. 1841; Charles G., b. 1843: George, b. 1845. e ABIGAIL A., m. 1789, Theodore Russell, Bethel. 7 Lydia, b. 16 July, 1790; 7 Jonathan A., b. 12 June, 1793; 7 Benjamin, b. 11 June, 1796 ; d. 8 May, 1840 ; 7 13 c. d. in infancy. 7 LYDIA R., m. 25 June, 1818, Timothy Carter, M. D., Bethel, s Lydia D., b. 22 Mar. 1823; Sarah W., b. 8 May, 1824; d. 18 June, 1843; Abigail A., b. 9 Ap. 1825; Theodore R., b. 12 July, 1827; Benjamin, b July, 1832. 7 JONATHAN A. R., m. 1818, Sarah Hale; s Casper L., b. 23 Mar. 1819; d. 6 Aug. 1823; Solon H., b. 3 Nov. 1820; d. 1 Aug. 1823; John O., b. 10 Oct. 1822 ; d. 24 Dec. 1842 ; Betsy H., b. 23 Oct. 1825 ; Casper L., b. 10 Sept. 1827 ; Solon Abbot, b. June, 1829 ; Sarah, b. 18 Aug. 1831 ; Charlotte M. H., b. 20 Sept. 1834. 7 BENJAMIN R., m. Jan. 1832, Athalinda Cushman. s Theodore, b. Aug. 1833; d. 1835; Perry, b. 1835; Lydia, b. 1837; Benjamin A., b. 1839; d. 1840; Ome, d. 1842. e HANNAH A., m. 16 Aug. 1795, Simeon Twitchell, Bethel ; he d. 4 May, 1844. 7 Sylvanus, b. 10 June, 1796; Curatio, b. 16 Jan. 1798 ; JONATHAN A., b. 1 Jan. 1800, Oldtown, Me. ; m. 1833, Ann Flanders ; n. c. ^ Uzziel, b. 3 Jan. 1802 ; d. 31 Aug. 1820; Andrew, b 21 Dec. 1803; Levi, b. 10 Feb. 1806; Lois, b. 11 Jan. 1808 ; MOSES, b. 29 Aug. 1809, Calais ; m. 1836, Huldah Swan. * Mary H , b. 24 Aug. 1839; Huldah A., b. 28 Oct. 1842. 7 Abigail, b. 31 July, 1811; HIRAM, b. 2 Sept. 1813, Bethel ; m. 1841, Mary Hunter; 7 NANCY, b. 25 Jan. 1816 ; m. 1838, Calvin Bakeman, Master Mariner, Brewer, Me. e George R., b. 16 Aug. 1840 ; Alexander F., b. 2 Nov. 1841 ; Charles H., b. 14 Mar. 1844. ^SYLVANUS T., Greenfield, Me.; m. 26 Ap. 1821, Sophia Towne. 8 Sylvia; Newton; William; O'Connell; Huldah; Sophia; Martin Van Buren ; Isaac T., and others. 7 CURATIA T., Gilead, Me ; m. 16 Jan. 1823, Betsy Blake. 8 Uzziel, b. 27 April, 1824; d. Sept. 1839, drowned. Hannah, d. in infancy ; Freeman, b. Ap. 1831 ; d. Aug.. 1833; Lucy M., b. 4 May, 1833. 7 ANDREW T., m. 8 July, 1828, Lydia Little- hale, e Hannah A., b. 12 July, 1829; Isaac L., b. 17 Nov. 1830; Hiram, b. 30 Aug. 1833. 7 LEVI T., m. Nov. 1836, Agnes M. Russell. * Harriet A ., b. 26 Aug. 1837 ; Levi, b. 16 Mar. 1839 ; Eunice, b. 2 Nov. 1841 ; Jonathan, b. 7 Nov. 1843. 7 LOIS T., m. 28 Sept. 1828, William Frye, Esq., Attorney at Law, Bethel ; e Richard A., b. 22 July, 1829; Sarah J., b. 14 Mar. 1831 ; d. 11 June, 1833; Martha M., b. 24 Mar. 1833; Sarah Jane, b. 18 2 BENJAMIN, 3, 4, & 5 JONATHAN ABBOT. 73 July, 1834; Amanda A., b. 30 July, 1835 ; William C., b. 2 Oct. 1839 ; Joseph U., b. 19 Oct. 1841 ; Marietta F., b. 16 July, 1844. 6 JONATHAN A., Bethel, m. 27 Jan. 1799, 5 Betsy Batchelder. 7 BETSY, b. 15 Jan. 1801; d. 14 Ap. 1821 ; ni. Jan. 1819, John Howe, Rum ford; 8 2 c. d. in infancy. 7 Patty and Polly, b. 13 Nov. 1802 ; d. in infancy. 7 ADDISON, b. 25 July, 1803, Paris, Me. ; Baptist Preacher ; m. 9 Oct. 1842, Rebekah Chase. Jud- son, b. 4 Sept. 1845. 7 Mary, b. 18 Nov. 1804; Rebekah, b. 23 Dec. 1806; d. 10 Nov. 1H24 ; Jonathan, b. 7 Aug. 1808; Daniel, b. 16 May, 1810; d. 2 Ap. 1812; MEHITABEL, b. 13 Oct. 1812; m. 1840, T Joshua Bullard, Soutbbridge ; 7 Dorcas, b. 9 Sept. 1817; Sybil B., b. 4 Jan. 1821. 7 MARY A., m. 3 Mar. 1825, Nathan Eames, Bethel; a Curtis C., b. 11 Feb. 1826; Daniel, b. 10 June, 1827; Elizabeth, b. 24 Sept. 1828; Eleanor, b. 8 June, 1830; Mary A. and Martha M., b. 1832; Nancy, b. 27 Mar. 1834; Nathan, b. 20 Ap. 1836. e STEPHEN A., Capt., Representative in the General Court; lived with his father ; m. & Hannah Russell; 7 Stephen, b. 4 Oct. 1802; d. 10 Ap. 1822; HANNAH, b. 4 Oct. 1802: m. John Hard- ing. MARTHA L., b. 9 Sept. 1804; m. Samuel Gray; MARY P., b. 5 Jan. 1807; m. Rev. H. Green. Jonathan, b. 1808; d. 1 Oct. 1837; Samuel, b. 22 Feb. 1811; PHKBE H., b. 22 Mar. 1813; m. George Sihley. David, b. 15 Sept. 1817; John ; Dorcas, d. y.; Jane, b. 1820; d. Nov. 1822. 6 DORCAS A., m. George Valpe.y, Salem ; 2 in. Capt. Joseph Sib- ley ; 7 Dorcas A., d inf. : Joseph A., b. 21 June, 1812; George, b. 17 July, 1813; John S., b. 15 June, 1815; Moses H., b. 15 Sept. 1816; William H., b. 29 Oct. 1818 ; Sarah J. ; Charles. 6 PHEBE A., m. 1810, Capt. Joshua Bollard, Andover. T PHEBE, b. 22 Aug. 1811 ; m. H. P. Chandler; 7 Joshua, b. 28 Jan. 1813; m. 7 Mchitalel Abbot ; STEPHEN, b 9 Sept. 1815 ; m. ''Sarah B. Russell; Edward, b. 26 June, 1819; Gayton, b. 8 July, 1821; William, b. 15 May, 1825 ; d. 25 Sept. 1828; Mary, b. 24 Mar. 1828. 5 WILLIAM A., m. Sarah Holt. 6 Hannah, b. 27 May, 1767; SARAH, b. 3 June, 1769; m. Ezra Upton; n. c. ; Martha, b. 11 Dec. 1772; WILLIAM, d. May, 1843, Maiden; had 3 wives and 11 ch. ; MARY, d. June, 1806 ; m. Samuel Tufts, Maiden ; i \ c. d. y. e HANNAH A , m. Capt. Daniel Heald, Temple, N. H. 7 HANNAH, m. Larkin Mason, Wilton. 8 9 c. 7 Sally ; 7 ALFRED, Pa., m. Lucy Stanley ; 8 3 c. 7 EDWARD, Pa. ; m. Ann Sherwin ; 8 6 c. ; 7 LYDIA, m. Jonathan Spalding, Temple ; s 1 c. 7 Oliver ; 7 Lucy ; 7 CLEMENT, m. Milty Heald ; 8 9 c. 7 MARTIN, m. Mary Searle ; e 1 c. 7 MARY, m. Joshua Foster, Temple ; s 4 c. e MARTHA A., m. Elislia Child, Temple; 7 Moses, b. 30 Jan.; d. 2 Mar. 1796; Patty, b. 15 Aug. 1797; 7 SARAH, b. 22 Mar. 1799; rn. James Killam, Temple; 8 3 c. 7 POLLY, b. 22 Mar. 1801 ; m. Nathaniel F. Laws, Peterboro'. 8 Martha Caroline, b. 7 74 3 JONATHAN, 4 DAVID, 4 JOB ABBOT. 28 July, 1827; Almena F., b. 16 May, 1832; Albert D., b. 4 Feb. 1836. 7 JAMES, b. 20 Sept. 1802, Temple ; m. 1827, Mary Laws. 8 Nahum A., b. 16 Oct. 1836. 7 NAHUM, b. 9 July, 1805, Wilton ; m. Betsy Wright ; 7 HARRIET, b. 9 July, 1809 ; m. Sam- uel Mitchell. 8 Maria Jane, b. May, 1837. 7 BETSY, b. 8 Ap. 181 1 ; m. Francis Killam, Pembroke, N. H. 8 George F. A., b. 1835. 4 DAVID A., Pembroke, N. H. ; m. 1741, Hannah Chandler. 5 Benjamin, b. 2 Jan. 1743. 5 JOB A., b. in Andover ; m. Phebe Farnum; moved, about 1783, from Pembroke to Barnet, Vt. e Sarah, b. 21 Mar. 1772; e HANNAH, b. Dec. 1773; m. Jonathan Darling, Esq. Ryegate, Vt. ; n. c. 6 Phebe, b. 28 Feb. 1774; e SUSANNA, b. Dec. 1778 ; m. Josiah Darling, Ryegate ; n. c. ; 6 John, b. 26 Aug. 1780 ; e Mary, b. 1782. c SARAH A., m. 1793, Alexander Stuart, Barnet ; 7 WALTER s., b. 13 May, 1794 ; m. Rachel McKinley ; had 2 s. and 4 da. ; 7 JOB s., b. 10 Aug. 1796 ; m. Mary Blanchard, Hardwick, Vt. ; have 6 s. and 2 da. 7 WILLIAM s., b. 22 Aug. 1798; m. Jane Whit daw ; have 4 s. and 3 da. 7 JOHN s., b. 22 June, 1800 ; m. Elizabeth Brock; have 3 s. and 2 da. 7 JENNET s., b. 30 Mar. 1802; m. Reuben Hight ; have 2 s. and 3 da. 7 Alexander S., b. 10 June, 1806 ; d. 22 Jaa. 1812 ; James, b. 3 Dec. 1808; d. 1 Feb. 1812 ; Phebe, b. 3 Jan. 1810; d. 3 Feb. 1812; Phebe 2d, b. 8 Nov. 1812; Alexander, b. 8 Aug. 1814. 6 PHEBE A., m. John Brock, Barnet; 7 Jennet; John; Phebe; Sally ; Maria. 7 JENNET B., m. 1821, John Darling, Esq. Gro- ton, Vt. 8 John B., b. 22 Nov. 1822 ; Jonathan R., b. 16 Nov. 1823; Judith, b. 16 Jan 1825; Phebe; b. 30 Dec. 1*26 ; d. 23 Aug. 1827 ; Phebe 2d, b. 24 Nov. 1828; George W., b. 29 Sept. 1830 ; Jennet, b. 28 Feb. 1834 ; Walter, b. 17 June, 1837. 7 PHEBE B., m. Moses Wesson, Danville, Vt. 9 Hannah, b. 15 Dec. 1830; Phebe, b. 7 Oct. 1833; Aaron, b. 20 Aug. 1836; Peter, b. 15 Feb. 1839. 6 JOHN ABBOT, m. Mar. 1804, Ann Brock, Barnet. 7 Jennet, b. 1805 ; John, b. 1807 ; Job, b. 1809 ; d. 1841 ; Walter, b. 1811; Jeremiah, b. 1813; Harvey, b. 1814; Phebe, b. 1817; Martha, b. 1819; Jonathan D., b. 1822. e MARY ABBOT, m. 1805, James Brock, Barnet. 7 Phebe, b. 1805; d. 1837; Jen- net and Priscilla, b. and d. 1807 ; Thomas, b. 1809 ; Harvey, b. 1811; Hannah, b. 1812; David, b. 1814; d. 1843; Maria, b. 1815; Sarah, b, 1818; Jane, b. 1820; Isabella, b. 1822; Eli- zabeth, b. 1x25. 4 JOB ABBOT, Pembroke; son of 3 Jonathan ; m. s SARAH, b. 1751 ; m. Abiel Holt, Temple, N. H. Nathan, b. 9 Sept. 1753 ; d. 5 Mar. 1801; Job, b. 1755; d. 12 July, 1805; ABIGAIL, b. 1757; m. Stephen Dresser, Lovell, Me. ; had 15 c. s NATHAN A., Andover, Dea. ; respected for his moral worth and Christian virtue; lived with his uncle, 4 Nathan A.; in. 1777, Sarah Bullard. 6 Nathan, b. 25 Aug. 1778 ; d. 13 Feb. 1837 ; 3 JONATHAN, 4 JOB, 5 JOB ABBOT. 75 son b. and d 1780 ; son b. Mar. 1781 ; d Mar. 1782; Job, b. 7 Aug. 1782; Joshua, b. 29 June, 1784; d. 29 Jan. 1786; Abel, b 7 Sept. 17S6; Paschal, b. 23 July, 1788; Jeremiah, b. 14 Aug. 1790; Sarah, b. 20 Dec. 1792; Amos, b. 13 Mar. 1795; Joshua, b. 22 Ap. 1797; Lydia, b. 4 Nov. 1800. 6 NATHAN A., m. 6 Hannah Russell; who d. Nov. 1832, a. 52. 7 HANNAH, b. 9 Sept. 1807 ; m. Samuel Morrill, Andover, Printer; Nathan, b. 17 July, 18C9 ; PASCHAL, b. 13 Ap. 1812; m. Phebe A. Smith ; HENRY R., b. 19 Ap. 1815 ; m. Lydia Luscomb. i NATHAN A., m. Mary E. Cummings. 8 Nathan E., b. 13 Nov. 1833 ; Mary F., b. 3 Feb. 1834 ; Joseph W., b. 18 Sept. 1836 ; Costello C., b. 27 Dec. 1838; d. 8 Jan. 1839 ; Albert C., b. 13 Oct. 1839; Lewis P., b. 31 Aug. 1842. 6 JOB A., Capt., lived with his father; m. 1807, 7 Lvcy Chand- ler ; T NATHAN B., m. Elizabeth Noyes ; 7 LUCY, b. 18 Oct. 1811; m. Joseph S. Holt, N. Y. ; Job, b. 15 Sept. 1813; d. 9 Feb. 1817; son, b. and d. 1816; SARAH j., m. William Abbot, Green- field, N. H. ; Amos, b. 15 Feb. 1823; Joanna. CABEL A., Capt., m. 6 Sarah Abbot; 2 m. Mary Jones. 7 ABEL, b. 5 Mar. 1812, Dexter, Me.; m. Aphia Small; i Alfred; Abiathar. 6 PASCHAL A., Dea., m. 6 Mary Abbot; d. 28 Oct. 1828; 2 m. Hannah Foster. 7 MARY, b. 21 June, 1814 , m. Rev. James Routwcll, Brentwood, N. H. ; 7 Hannah L, b. 27 Sept. 1830: Paschal G., b. 20 Jan. 1833; d. 7 Sept 1834; Isaac F., b. 3 Sept. 1834; Paschal G. 2d, b. 25 Ap., d. 20 Nov. 1836; Milton L., b. 21 Oct. 1837 ; Paschal Job, b. 22 Sept. 1839. e JEREMIAH A, Dexter, Me.; m. Lvcy Safford. 7 Job ; Hannah; Olive A. 6 SARAH A., m. 1815, 6 Abid Russell 7 Abiel, b. and d. 1815; SAKAH B., b. 24 Sept. 1816 : m. 7 Stephen Bollard ; Lydia A., b. 2 June, 1818 ; Abiel E , b. 27 Feb. 1821 ; Moses A., b. 4 Aug. 1824; d. 31 Oct. 1834; Job A., b. 18 Mar. d. Nov. 1830. 6 AMOS A, Dexter; ra. Mfhitabel Safford. 7 Sarah ; Emily; George. * JOSHUA A., Dexter ; m. 6 Lydia Abbot, d. May, 1826 ; 2 m. Mary Baker 7 Lydia J, b. 23 Sept. 1821; d. 1826; Lydia J. ; Joseph K. ; Mary F. ; Joseph B., d. ; Hannah; Ann C" 6 LYDIA A., m. 1823, Thomas P. Kendall, Athens, Me.; 7 Lydia H. ; Sarah J ; Walter ; John ; George W. ; Daniel A. 6 JOB A., Wilton, m. 17SO, Anna Bollard. 6 Samuel, b. 14 May, 1781; d. Ap. 1782; Samuel, b. 15 July, 1783; Anna, b. 22 July, 1785; d. 9 May, 1828; James, b. 14 Mar. 1787; d. 6 May, 1807; SARAH, b. 7 Ap. 1789; d. 1 Dec. 1821; m Capt. Abel Abbot ; MARY, b. 18 Ap. 1791 ; d. 28 Oct. IrtZS ; m. Dea. 6 Paschal Abbot; William B., b. 6 July, 1793; d. ; Job, b. 15 Aug. 179o; d. 15 Oct. 1819; Timothy B., b. 14 Aug. H97; d. 22 Nov. 1*20; Abigail, b. 5 Jan. 1799 ; d 15 July, 1822 ; LYDIA, b. 18 Aug. 1800 ; d. May, 1826 ; m. Joshua Abbot ; Fanny, b. 7 Jan. 1802; son, b. and d. 1804; e SAMUEL A., Dexter; m. Sarah Palmrr. 7 Anne ; Sarah; Mary ; Elizabeth ; Olive; Samuel; Willard ; James P. FANNY A., m. 1823, Benjamin R. Downes, 76 3 JONATHAN, 4 SAMUEL, 3 &, 4 DAVID ABBOT. Andover. 7 Sarah S., b. 20 Nov. 1824 ; d. 14 Nov. 1826; Wil- liam S., b. 1 Aug. 1826; Sarah &, b. 17 Nov. 1827; d. 28 Oct. 1828; Isaac H. K., b. 27 Sept. 1829; Charles C., b. 2 July, 1834 ; George P., b. 2 June, 1835 ; d. 19 Aug. 1835 ; Joel P., b. 28 May, d. 12 Aug. 1838. 4 SAMUEL A., m. and settled it Pembroke, N. II. 6 Samuel, b. JO Sept. 1749; d. ; Ebenezer, b. 18 Oct. 1751 ; d. ; Judith, b. 28 July, 1753; d. ; Abigail, b. 6 Dec. 1755; d. ; Jeremiah, b. 7 July, 1757; d. ; Sarah, b. 20 Aug. 1759; Lydia, b. 18 Sept. 1761; d. ; Ezra, b. 15 Aug. 1763; d. ; William, b. 1 July, 1765; d. July, 1837; Rachel, b. 15 June, 1768 ; Alariam, b. 20 Sept. 1770. 5 SAMUEL A., m. ; 6 Ebenezer; Amos; Job; John; Betsy; Hannah; 5 EZRA A., m. ; 6 Sarah ; Mary; John; William ; Chauncy; 5 WILLIAM A , m. 1791, Dorcas Pnrktr; 6 Nathaniel, b. 10 Feb. 1792; 6 William, b. 15 Aug. 1794; Hannah, b 10 July, 1796; 6 Mariam, b. 3 Mar. 1798; Mary, b. 29 Jan. 1800; Adrian, b. 20 Dec. 1802; Levina, b. 2 Ap. 18U7; Savalla, b. 27 Aug. 1809. 6 WILLIAM A., m. 1816, Esther Fowler. 7 Orson ; Clarissa ; Marietta; Elvira; Laura. e MARIAM A., m. 1816, Samuel Ktllcy. 7 Nathaniel ; Adolphus; Savalla; William. 3 DAVID A., made a farm, and settled in Merrirnac Corner ; m. 1718, Hannah Danfort/i, who d. 1788, a. 91. T Hannah, b. 21 Oct. 1721; d. 25 Feb. 1722; Hannah, b. 23 Dec. 1723; d. 12 Mar. 1813; David, b. 28 Mar. 1728, d. Nov. 1799; Solomon, d. 17 Dec. 1797; SARAH, m 1753, Robert Hildreth, Dracut. Eliz- abeth, b. 2 Aug. 1733; d. 31 Aug. 1753; Josiah, b. 1735; d. 26 Nov. 1753; Jonathan, b. 4 Nov. 1739; d. 10 Ap. 1817; Benja- min, d. 20 Nov. 1753. 4 DAVID A., Billerica ; m. 1752, Prudence Sheldon. & Hannah, b. 1752; 5 ELIZABETH, b. 26 Feb. 1754; m. Douglas; moved to Barton, Vt. ; s Prudence, b. 3 Oct 1757; d. 15 Dec. 1839; 5 Josiah, b. 29 Dec. 1759; d. Feb. 1837; 5 Samuel, b 27 Mar. 1764 ; d. 1834 ; 5 David, b. 4 Mar. 1766, Barton, Vt. e David S.; e Hannah. 5 Benjamin, b. 26 June, 1768, Salem, O. ; 6 Augus- tus; 6 Betsy; 6 OLIVE, b. 24 July, 1770; m. David Towne, Wa- terbury, Vt. ; 5 'DORCAS, b. 5 Dec. 1773; m. John Snow, Chelms- ford ; has 1 s. and 4 da. Jeremiah, b. 17 May, 1776; d. 1834. a HANNAH A., m. Aaron Parker, Campton, L. C. ; had 6 s. and Id. s PRUDENCE A., m. 1778, Nathaniel Sawyer, Wilton ; he d. 16 Oct. 1807, a. 57. . e FANNY, b. 5 July, 1779; m. 1800, Silas Buss, Temple, N. H. ; e HANNAH, b. 5 Dec. 1780; in. 1804, Leonard Barker, Salem, N. Y. ; e SALLY, b 25 Nov. 1782; m. 1808, Timothy A. Holt, Syracuse, N. Y. ; 6 NATHANIEL, b. 21 Nov. 1784; m. 1820, Jane C. Watrrhouse, Cooper, Me.; 6 OLIVE, b. 14 Feb. 1787; m. 1808, Joseph Parker, Chester, Vt. ; e Asaph, b. 11 May, 1789; d. Feb 1790; c Anna, b. 17 Jan. 1791 ; d. 30 May, 1809; 6 ASAPH, b. 15 July, 1793, Cooper, Me. ; m. 1819, 3 BENJAMIN, 3 & 4 DAVID, 5 JOSIAH ABBOT. 77 Betsy Russell, Wilton ; Arnos, b. 26 Oct. 1795 ; d. Oct. 1799 ; infant, b. and d. Dec. 1797 ; e ACHSAU, b. 15 Sept. 18UO ; m. 1825, Jo/in C. Allan, Lubec, Me. 5 JOSIAH A., Audover ; m. 1784, Ruth Bodwdl; 2 m. 1790, Anna Furbush : moved, 1800, to Bath, N. H ; removed to Lem- ington, Vt. ; 6 Charles, b. 25 Nov. 1784 ; d. 29 Dec. 1833 ; Ruth B., b. 1 Jan. 1786 ; Fanny, b. 21 Dec. 1787 ; Nancy, b. 30 Nov. 1790 ; d. 10 July, 1818 ; Sarah, b. 10 Nov. 1791 ; Sophia, b. 20 Aug. 1793; Dorcas, b. 4 Mar. 1796; d. H June, 1842; Walter S., b. 23 Feb. 1798; George W., b. 24 Dec. 1799; Moses and Sewall, d. y. ; Moses S., b. 22 Oct. 1806; Maria F., b. 18 July, 181)9. 6 CHARLES A., Bath ; m. Nancy Lang. 7 Samuel L., b 1813 ; Hannah L., b. 1815; Nancy, b. 1817; Martha, b. 1819; Charles, b 1821; Edward, b. 1823; Luvia, b. 1826; Edwin, b. 1829; Persis A., b. 1831. RUTH B. A., m. Asa Holmes, Dalton, N. H. 7 Joanna, b. Jan. 1815 ; Sophia, b. 1816; Asa S., b. 1818; Abi- gail, b. 1821; Mary, b. 1824. 6 FANNY A., m. Jeremiah Clough, Bath ; had 5 s. and 8 da. 6 SALLY A., m. Aaron Hall, Troy, N. Y. 7 Angeline H., b. 1820; Narcissa, b. 1823; Aaron S. ; Sewall W.; Sarah F., b. 1829. 6 SOPHIA A., m. Henry Goss, Chazy, N. Y. 7 William J., b. 19 Feb. 1820; Henry A, b. 19 Aug. 1821 ; Aaron G , b. 23 Mar. 1822; Alfred, b. 4 Dec. 1823 ; Sarah M., b. 2 May, 1826 ; Sally A., b. 5 Sept. 1829 ; d. 6 July, 1837. 6 DORCAS A., m. Artcmas W. Buffington, Lemington, Vt. 7 Dor- cas F., b. Oct. 1821 ; Nancy E., b. 23 May, 1823 ; Mariane L., b. Sept. 1824 ; Darius A., b. 4 June, 1820 ; Charles A., b. 10 Jan. 1828; Laura M., b. 20 Dec. 1829; Simeon P , b. 11 Dec. 1831; Oscar W., b. 4 Nov. 1834. 'WALTER s. A., Hereford, L. C. : m. Betty G. Ladd. 7 Stewart L., b. 28 Mar. 1826; Eliza C., b. 24 Mar. 1827 ; Angeline L , b. 9 Jan. 1829 ; Charles F., b. 8 Nov. 1830; Seneca J., b. 9 June, 1834. 6 GEORGE w. A., Lyman, N. H., m. Lucinda Rowdl. 7 Arnos F., b. Nov. 1821 ; George B, 14 Dec. 1823; Hannah E. ; Edwin. MOSES s. A., Hereford, L. C., m. Sophronia S. Ladd. i Sewall W., b. 29 Aug. 1831; Maddalon M., b. 14 Dec. 1833; Adeline D , b. 3 Mar. 1836; Azro A., b. 19 Feb. 1839 ; Adelaide A., b. 24 Feb. 1842 Amanda M., b. 31 July, 1844. 6 MARIA F. A., m. Stephen Harris, Lemington. 7 Julia A., b. 17 Mar. 1836 ; Warren, b. 4 Sept. 1837. Luellah, b. 5 Oct. 1840; Horace E., b. 6 Aug. 1842; Sewall A., b. 25 Nov. 1844. 5 SAMUEL A., Society Land, N. H. ; m. Rhoda Blanchard ; 2 m. Ann Wallace. Henry, b. 11 Feb. 1787; Rhoda, b. 18 Oct. 1788; Samuel, b. 23 Sept. 1790; William, b. 18 Oct. 1792; David, b. 10 July, 1794; Pamela, b. 7 Dec. 1796; Hannah, b. 14 Jan. 1799; d. ; Betsy, b. 1 May, 18U3; Sarah, b. 23 Sept. 1804 ; Robert M., b. 24 Sept. 1808 ; d 16 Aug. 1810. s JEREMIAH A., Gorhain, Me. ; m. ; had 4 c. ; moved to Portland. 78 3 DAVID, 4 SOLOMON, 5 DANIEL C. ABBOT. ., son of 5 Jeremiah A., Portland; m. Miss Chandler. 7 George ; Henry; Charles; Edward; Abby ; Estella; Josephine. 4 SOLOMON A., Dracut ; in. I75(>, Hannah Colby. 5 Hannah, b. 1 May, 1757; Solomon, b. 5 May, 1759; d. 5 Jan. 1842 ; Sarah, b. 22 May, 1761; Daniel Colby, b. 26 Oct. 1766; d. 18 Sept. 1842; Elizabeth D., b. 11 Oct. 1758; Lydia, b. 22 May, 1771 ; David, b. 18 May, 1775. 5 HANNAH A., m. Parker Bodwell; 2 in. David Jones, Methuen ; 6 Parker L. ; Herman; Sarah; Susannah; Fanny; Hannah; Charles ; Samuel ; Nabby. 5 SOLOMON A., Dracut ; was cheer- ful, generous, open-hearted, and respected ; m. Rachel Bowers ; 6 Dorcas, b. 19 Sept. 1786; d. 20 Sept. 1801 ; Dolly, b. 17 July, 1789; Sally, b. 13 June, 1791; Polly, b. 4 April, 1793; d. 20 July, 1799 ; Rachel, b. 5 April, 1795 ; Abigail, b. 23 Mar. 1797 ; Samuel B., b. 22 Sept. 1799; Solomon, b. 1 Sept. 1801 ; d. 15 Aug. 1805; Lydia, b. 2 Nov. 1804; Emily, b. 10 Jan. 1807; d. 14 Dec. 1842. 6 DOLLY A., m. 1814, Prescott Coburn, Lowell. 7 Harriet New- ell ; Perlena A. 6 SALLY A., m. 1810, Reuben Upton, Lowell ; 7 Angelirie; Dorcas; Reuben Augustus. 6 RACHEL A., m. 1818, Allen Pierce, Lowell. 7 Otis ; Eliza; Janette ; Sophronia; Da- rius; Rachel; Henry; Prescott C. ; Melissa; Orson B. ; Sarah A. e ABIGAIL A., m. 1824, Thomas Bowers, Dracut. 7 Abigail Sophia. 6 SAMUEL B. A., Capt.., Lowell ; m. 1822, Sally J. Var- num; 2 m. Rachel U. Whiting. T Antoinette, b. 12 .Ian. 1823; Mary Ann, b. 21 Mar. 1825; Sarah, b. 25 Sept. 1826; Albert G., b. 25 June, 1828 ; Elizabeth J., b. 16 July, 1830; Charles S., b. 12 Aug. 1832; William G., b. 6 Sept. 1835; Phineas, b. IS Jan. 1838; d.28 July, 1838; Samuel L., b. 21 June, 1841 ; George W., h. 4 Nov. 1843. e LYDIA A., in. 1824, Solomon Combs ; 2m. Joshua Hale, Lowell. 7Solomon; Otis; Lydia Ann; Jonas; Henry, e EM- ILY A , m. Joel Pierce, d. Dracut. 7 Emily Almira ; Margaret Ann. 5 SARAH A., m. 1786, Samuel Morse, Loudon, N. H. e Samuel ; Charles A. ; Sarah. 5 DANIEL COLBY A., Esq., Dracut ; Member of the Legisla- ture, useful in town affairs ; Town Treasurer twenty-one years in succession ; beloved and respected ; in. 1792, Patience Co- burn, who d. 15 April, 1830; 6 PATIENCE, b. 7 Dec. 1792; m. William Ames, Esq., Hollis. LUTHER, b. 20 May, 1795, Gilsum, N. H., m. Nancy Locke ; Daniel C., b. 19 Jan. 1799 ; d. 4 Dec. 1799; Ziba, b. 11 Nov. 1800; DOLLY, b 30 Mar. 1803; m. 1836, Leonard Peabody, Bradford ; Daniel, b. 20 Oct. 1805. 6 ZIBA A., Grocer, Lowell ; m. 1833, Elizabeth Thayer. i Sarah E., b. 25 Feb. 1835; d. 30 April, 1835; Elizabeth M., b. 14 Jan. 1837; George Henry, b. 23 Nov. 1839; Edward T., b. 30 June 1843 ; o DANIEL A., lives on the farm of his father ; m. 1832, Ellsie Marshall. 7 Lucelia, b. 26 Mar. 1833 ; Henry, b. 12 June, 1835; d. 3 Sept. 1836; Hannah, b. 6 Aug. 1837; d. 5 Sept. 1838; infant, b. and d. Aug. 1837; Edwin, b. 23 May, 1839; Henrietta, b. 27 Dec. 1841 ; d. 10 Feb. 1842. 3 DAVID, 4 JONATHAN, 2 TIMOTHY ABBOT. 79 5 ELIZABETH D. A., m. Ephrfihti Lane, Walpole, N. H. RE- BECCA, m. D. Pulsipher, Rockingham, Vt. ; M SAN, m. E. Pvhi- p/icr, Rockinghain ; UKTSY, m. H. Reynolds, Putney, Vt ; MARY, m. J. Hooper, Walpole ; UEORGE, m. SOLO- MON, b. 15 Dec. 1768; d. Ap. 1828; Dea., Andover; m. Mary Cummings; had 5 s. and 3 da. & HANNAH, b. 7 June, 1771 ; d. Ap. 1842 ; m. Ephraim Holt, Esq., Greenfield ; d. Oct. 1836, a. 67 ; had 3 s. and 4 da. 5 STEPHEN, b. 28 Ap. 1773 ; Dea., Green- field ; m. Fanny Bowers ; d. Ap 1828, a. 55 ; had 3 s. arid 5 da. 6 CHLOE, b. 27 May, 1775 ; m. Francis Bowers ; Capt., Peter- boro' ; d. Oct. 1835, a 60 ; had 2 s. and 6 da. Dea. 4 Joshua and Phebe Holt had 11 c. and 88 gr. c. 4 DANIEL H., b. 21 Feb. 1733; d. ; Andover; m. 5 Daniel, Dea., Ashby : m. ; no issue. 6 Abiel lived at Rindge. 2 THOMAS, 3 THOMAS, 4 ELIZABETH ABBOT. 83 2 THOMAS ABBOT, b. May 6, 166G; d. 28 Ap. 1728; Farmer; lived on the west side of Shawshene river, Andover, near 2 Ben- jamin ; the farm remained in his family a century : a strict Puri- tan, he taught his children to reverence the Sabbath, and keep it holy, and to make the Bible their only rule of faith and practice; in. 7 Dec. 1697, Hannah Gray, b. 30 Nov. 1674 ; d. 1763. 3 Tho- mas, b. 3 Jan. 1699; d. 11 July, 1774, a. 76; 3 Hannah, b; 10 Sept. 1700 ; d. 22 July, 1764, a. 46 ; n. m. ; 3 Edward, b. 9 June, 1702 ; d. 14 Ap. 1759, a 57 ; 3 Deborah, b. 1 Dec. 1704 ; d. 25 Oct. 1801, a. 97 ; 3 George, b. 7 Nov. 1706; d. 6 Oct. 1785, a. 79; 3 Zebadiah, b. 25 Jan. 1709 ; d. 17 May, 1745, a. 37, in the expedition against Louisburgh ; 3 Benjamin, b. 31 Mar. 1711; d. 8 Mar. 1794, a. 83. 3 Catharine, (twin) b. 31 Mar. 1711 ; d. 25 Sept. 1744, a. 34; n. m. ; 3 Aaron, b. 8 Aug. 1714; d. 9 Ap. 1730; 3 Isaac, b. 24 Feb. 1717; d. 14 Nov. 1745, a. 29, at Lou- isburgh, in the war. Average age of the ten, 55 years. 3 THOMAS, Farmer ; useful in the town, guardian of orphans, observer of events, and recorded them in his almanac ; respected for his piety and worth ; succeeded his father on the homestead ; m. 28 Jan. 1725, Elizabeth Ballard, d. 31 July, 1782, a. 82. 4 Samuel, b. 1 Nov., d. 19 Nov 1725 ; 4 Elizabeth, b. 10 Jan 1727; d. 27 Sept. 1792; 4 Thomas, b. 4 Ap. 1729; d. 29 Mar. 1775 ; 4 Jabez, b. 18 Ap. 1731; d. 7 Jan. 1804; 4 Aaron, b. 17 Feb. 1732 ; d. 31 Dec. 1812 ; 4 Joseph, b. 2'J Dec. 1734 ; d. June, 1758, in prison at Quebec; 4 Nathan, b. 7 Feb. 1736; d. 18 Jan. 1805; 4 Isaac, b. 3 May, d. 15 July, 1740; 4 Jesse, b. 4 Oct. 1741 ; d. 12 May, 1808 ; 4 Lydia, b. 5 Oct. 1743; d. 2 June, 1749. 4 ELIZABETH, m. 4 Jan. 1753, Samuel Osgood, Farmer, Andover ; he d. 16 Mar. 1774 ; descended, through Samuel, Ezekiel, and Christopher, from John O., one of the founders of the First Church in Andover. 5 Lydia, b. 30 May, 1754 ; 5 Elizabeth, b. 17 Dec. 1755; d. 18 Sept. 1764; 5 Sarah, b. 14 Sept. 1757; d. 21 Oct. 1764 ; A Joseph, b. 6 Oct. 1760 ; living, 1845 ; 5 Dorcas, b. 21 Mar. 1763; d. 1831; a John, b. 7 Sept. 1765; d. Dec. 1829; a Thomas, b. 11 June, 1767; d. 21 Mar. 1818; 5 Chris- topher, b. 25 A p. 1769 ; d. 3 Oct. 1841. j> LYDIA, m. Abiel Faulkner, Joiner ; his 2d wife ; n. c. 5 JOSEPH, Farmer, Bluehill, Me.; m. Miss Bailey. 6 Hannah ; e BETSY, m. Jeremiah Holt, Temple, Me.; 7 JEREMIAH, m. Miss Darling ; 7 JULIA, m. Samuel Smith ; s c. 7 Frederick ; 7 Tho- mas J. N. B. ; 7 Phebe ; 7 Smith O., d. a 21 ; 5 SARAH, in. Ellis. 8 NATHAN, m. Susan Gardner ; 9 c. 8 Mary ; 8 LEMUEL, m. Miss Gushing. 6 JOSEPH, m. Phebe Hinkley. ~ SALLY, m. Capt. Mears ; 8 c. 7 Mary Jane ; 7 Sylvia ; 7 Nabby ; 7 John ; 7 Ann. e BAI- LEY, m. 7 Sewall, d. : 7 Smith ; 7 other c. s DORCAS, m. Theodore Stevens, Blue Hill, Me. e BETSY, m. Jonah Holt ; 6 VARNUM, m Sutan Hinkley. 7 Theodore ; 7 Eli- za ; 7 Charles ; 7 Frederic ; 7 Albert, e BENJAMIN, m. Mary Fisher, 84 2 THOMAS, 3 THOMAS, 4 ELIZABETH ABBOT. da. of Rev. Jonathan Fisher. 7 Mary Louisa ; 7 Harriet Eliz- abeth ; 7 Sarah; 7 Henry Martin ; 7 Albert Cole. 6 LYDIA F., m. Dea. Parker ; 7 3 c. d. y. ; 2 m. Capt. Thomas Coggin. e EI.VI- NA, m. Joseph Hinkley. 7 Maria Elizabeth. e JOHN, m. Mary Perkins. 7 Edgar ; 7 Frank. 5 JOHN, Farmer, Allenstown, N. H. ; m. Oct. 1802, Mary Sla- ter ; n. c. 6 THOMAS, Carpenter, Charlestown ; m. 15 Mar. 1792, Hannah Stevens, b. 23 Mar. 1770; d. 1 Sept. 1830. e Isaac, b. 28 Jan. 1793; Merchant Tailor, Boston; 6 Elizabeth, b. 22 July, 1794; 6 Hannah Wilkins, b. 3 June, 1796; 6 Mary, b. 19 Oct. 1799; d. 6 Oct. 1801 ; c Harriet, b. 2 Feb. 1802 ; e Sarah Page, b. 16 Jan. 1804; e Mary, b. 24 Aug. 1805; e Thomas A, b. 18 Feb. 1807 ; d. 14 May, 1833; Merchant Tailor, Boston ; 6 Samuel, b. 9 Oct. 1808 ; d. 6 Oct. 1809 ; 6 Samuel 2d, b. 16 Nov. 1810 ; d. 9 Sept. 1811. e SAMUEL 3d, b. 30 Aug. 1812; H. U. 1832; Cong. Minister, Nashua, N. H. and Providence, R. I. ; in. 24 May, 1843, Ellen H. Murdoch, of Boston ; 7 c. Abby, b. 30 Sept. 1814, Teacher. 5 CHRISTOPHER, Miller and Farmer; Dea. of Cong. Church, Pembroke, N. H ; m. 7 Nov. 1793, e Anna Abbot; see 1 George of R., 2 George, 3 Nehemiah, 4 and 5 Zebadiah. e ANNA, b. 2 Oct. 1795; m. 22 Aug. 1815, John L. Parker, Pembroke ; he d. 20 Jan. 1830. 7 Hermon, b. 12 July, 1816; 7 Nancy A., b. 11 Dec. 1819; d. 12 Oct. 1833; 7 Mary Jane, b. 28 Ap. 1822; 7 Abigail, b. 29 June, 1824; 7 Thomas O., b. 20 Ap. 1828. e HKRMON A., b. 20 July, 1797 ; Farmer, Pembroke; m. 12 Sept. 1828, e Hannah Abbot; see 2 Benjamin, 3 Jonathan, 4 Samuel, 5 William. 7 Ann, b. 4 Aug., d. 4 Sept. 1829; 7 Francis, b. 27 Aug. 1830; 7 William, b. 7 Aug. 1832; 7 Eliza J., b. 6 Ap. 1835 ; 7 Abbot M., b. 12 Mar. 1838. 6 JOHN H , b. 23 Ap. 1801 ; Farmer, Pembroke ; m. 7 May, 1827, Cynthia Steward. 7 Alon- zo, b 4 Aucr. 1830; 7 Melissa, b. 14 Au Stephen, b. 13 May, 1759; d 23 Nov. 1808 ; & Abiel, b. 13 May, 1761 , d. Oct. 1829; 5 Hannah, b. 1 Nov. 1764; d. 16 Nov. 1765; 5 Hannah 2d, b. 2 Oct. 1766; d. y.; 5 Lydia, b. 10 Oct. 1767; 5 Deborah, b. 18 Sept. 1769. & HEPHZIBAH, m. Richard Hazeltine, b. 5 Ap. 1742; d. 21 Aug. 1817; 6 MARY, b. 25 May, 1766; d. 29 Sept. 1793; m. Ebenezer Dustin, Concord ; 7 da. d. y. ; 7 EBENEZER, d. ; rn. Bet- sy Shaw, of Pembroke, N. H. , moved to Madison, O. 8 Eben- ezer; e Nathaniel ; 8 Charles; "Mary; e Eliza; B Ismenia. T Na- thaniel, d. ; 7 SALLY, m. Alpheus Chiikering, Concord, N. H. ; 8 s. d. y. ; 8 MARY H., m. Elisha H. Wolcott, N. Haven, Ct. 9 Al- pheus ; 9 Louisa. o ABIGAIL, b. 24 Ap. 1768; m. Benjamin Thompson, Concord, N. H., b. 26 Mar. 1762; d. 6 Mar. 1842. 7 HANNAH, b. 22 Jan. 1787; m. Benjamin Fifield, Sutton, N. H. 8 BENJAMIN F., b. 4 Sept. 1806; m. Caroline Young, of Exeter, N. H. 9 Mary ; 9 John. * SALLY, b. 16 Feb. 1808 ; m. William Norcross, Charlestown ; 9 George H. ; 9 William ; 9 s. 8 Phebe, b. 6 Aug. 1809; s Abigail, b. 20 Dec. 1811; d. 8 Oct. 1813; e HANNAH, b. 1 July, 1813 ; m. Oilman Greely, Sutton, N. H. 9 Sarah E. ; 9 Dorothy. * ABIGAIL 2d, b. 8 Ap. 1815 ; m. Or an Silver, New- 3 EDWARD, 4 DORCAS ABBOT, 5 HEPHZIBAH H. 91 port, N. H. ; moved to Edwardsburgh, Mich. 9 George. 8 LOU- ISA, b. 9 Oct. 1817; m. 3 Nov. 1812, Joseph Grummet, b. 2 Nov. 1809, Concord, N. H. ; 9 Mary Isabel, b. 6 Dec. 1838; 9 Susan E., b. 4 Nov. 1839 ; 9 Louisa Augusta, b. 30 Nov. 1842. 8 Al- bert, b. 29 July, d. 29 Sept. 1819 ; & SHUAH, b. 28 Sept. 1820 ; m. Moses Colby, Concord, O. 9 George H., d. ; 9 Charles. & SU- SAN, b. 7 Ap. 1823; m. Hiram Judkins, Sutton, N. H. 9 Mary Elizabeth; 8 c., b. 4 Ap. 1825; d. Margaret H., b. 21 Feb. 1827; 8 Jonathan, b. 17 Mar., d. 16 May, 1829; & James J., b. 8 Aug. 1831 ; s Caroline, b. 4 July, 1834. 7 BETSY, b. 10 May, 1790 ; d. 29 Feb. 1839 ; m. Benjamin Judkins. 8 SARAH T., b. 31 Aug. 1817; m. 5 Nov. 1842, Jacob Dow, Concord, N. H. 9 Edwin M., b. 5 Sept. 1843. 8 MARY E., b. 25 Sept. 1818; m. Capt. George W. Dow. o Emeline, b. 20 Jan. 1843; 9 George W., b. 26 Feb. 1846. 8 HIRAM, b. 1 May, 1820 ; m. 8 Susan Fifield ; 8 Caleb, b. 17 Jan. 1823; 8 James; e Abigail, d. ; 8 Emily, b. 1 July, 1832; 8 Benjamin, b. 16 Sept. 1834. T MOSES, b. 28 Mar. 1792 ; m. Nancy True. 8 Belinda ; 8 Sally ; 8 Harriet; 8 Franklin ; 8 Elvira. 7 RICHARD H., b. 7 Feb. 1794, Orange, N. H. ; m. 1815, Irene Whitticr, b. 18 May, 1797. 8 IRA w., b. 22 Jan. 1816; m. 11 Sept. 1838, Cynthia W. Spotting, of Lebanon, N. H., b. 25 Ap. 1813. 9 Elbridge H., b. 8 Nov. 1839; 9 John M., b. 1 Aug. 1842 ; 9 Ellen Maria, b. 6 Sept. 1844. " Zebediah R., b. 9 Jan., d. 5 Ap. 1818 ; 8 RICHARD H., b. 15 Ap. 1819 ; m. 1841, Hannah Jane Jacobs. 9 Abiel N., b. July, d. 1 Aug. 1842. 8 Hiram, b. 17 Jan. 1821 ; s Benjamin, b. 8 Oct 1823 ; s Irene, b. 22 Sept. 1824; e Elizabeth W., b. 23 Aug. 1826; 8 Thomas W., b. 28 July, 1828; s Abigail, b. 20 June, 1S30 ; s Mary E., b. 5 Sept. 1832 ; 8 V. G. Evans, b. 7 Ap. 1834 ; e Cyrus A., b, 16 Dec. 1836 ; s James W., b. 13 Oct. 1840. 7 Polly, b. 27 Jan. 1796 ; 7 Sally, b. 5 Ap. 1798 ; d.' 7 ABIGAIL, b. 1 July, 1800; m. Ebcn- ezer Watson ; * c. 7 Hephzibah, b. 20 Mar. 1802 ; d. 7 ISMINA, b. 28 Feb. 1804 ; m. Bean, d. ; 8 c. ; 2m. Howe ; 8 c. 7 BENJAMIN, b. 12 May, 1806 ; d. ; m. Fifield. * Frances Anna, s Benjamin. 7 James, b. 5 May, 1808; 7 Susannah, b. 18 Mar. 1810; d. ; 7 Emily, b. 23 Sept. 1813. 6 JOSEPH, b. Nov. 1770 ; d. Concord, N. H. ; m. Ruth Chase. i William, b. 8 Feb. 1792; d. ; 7 MARY, b. 7 Mar. 1794; m. Jew- etf Bishop, Weare, N. H. s Susan ; 8 William; 8 George P. 7 SUSANNA H., b. 15 Ap. 1796; d. ; m. Henry Allen. 8 MARY JANE, m. ; 9 c. s Sally ; 8 George. 7 DANIEL H., b. 7 May, 1798 ; d. ; m. ; 8 c. 7 EBENEZER H., b. 4 Sept. 1801 ; m. ; 7 PE- TER P., b. 3 Feb. 1803 ; d. ; m. ; 8 c. 7 PHEBE, b. 7 Mar. 1805 ; m. Jabcz Churchill; * 6 c. 7 SARAH, b. 13 June, 1807; m. Wil- liam HOICP. s Calista. 7 LUCY, b. 6 July, 1809 ; m. George Por- ter, d. ; 2 m. Cady Clark, Hill, N. H. 7 TIMOTHY, m. ; 8 c. 7 JOHN c., m. ; 8 c. RICHARD, b. 28 Nov 1773 ; d. ; M. D., D. C., 1810; Berwick, 92 3 EDWARD, 4 DORCAS ABBOT, 5 OBADIAH H. Me. and Lynn ; m. Phebe Carter, of Concord, N. H. 7 Phebe; 7 Hephzibah, d. 6 TIMOTHY, b 28 Aug. 1776; d. 24 July, 1811; Farmer, Con- cord, N. H. ; m. 1800, Lydia Brickett, of Pembroke, N. H. ; b. 1778 ; d. 1823. 7 BARNABAS, b. 1801 ; m. Hannah Moore. 8 Ru- fus; 8 Sarah ; 8 Moses. 7 LYDIA, b. 1802 ; d Jan. 1842 ; m. Dec. 1830, Samuel B Knowl.es, Concord, N. H. Charles H., b. 1831 ; d. July, 1843; 8 John A. ; 8 Sarah H. ; s Mary T.; 8 Car- oline F. ; s Joseph ; 7 Mary, b. 1804 ; d. June, 1823 ; 7 CAROLINE, b. 1805 ; m. Henry Arlin. 8 Henry ; s Caroline, d. 1836, a. 5 y. ; 8 Mary Ann; 8 Caroline; 8 Charles; s Esther A. ; 8 Lewis ; s True- worthy H. 7 HANNAH, b. 1806; m. 19 Jan. 1830, Daniel Davis. 8 George, b. 25 Oct. 1830; 8 Lucy W., b. 15 Oct. 1831; s Ly- man, b. 23 Dec. 1835; 8 Hannah, b. 22 May, d. 11 Oct. 1838; 8 Elizabeth C., b 24 Dec 1844. 7 Sarah, b. 1808; d. 22 July, 1834; 7 Rhoda, b. Aug. 1810; d. 16 Ap. 1812; 6 Barnabas, b. 3 Nov. 1778; d. 6 Nov. 1799. 6 SALLY, b. 23 Jan. 1781 ; m. Peter Robertson, Concord, N. H. 7 SALLY, m. Atherton; 2 m. Tlwrnas C. Campbell; 7 Peter, d. at New Bedford, 1844 ; a. 38 yrs. 6 HANNAH, b 29 A p. 17*3; d. ; m. Nathaniel Dickey, Dan- ville, Vt. 7 LORENZO, d. ; m. William Boyd, Francestown, N. H. 8 Hannah ; 8 Lorenzo; 8 William H. 7 Charlotte, d. ; 7 Melvina ; 7 George Calvin ; d, ' e BETSY, b. 23 May, 1785; m. William Hoy t. 7 WILLIAM B., b. 20 Jan. 1810 ; m. 6 June, 1830, Ruth G. Hopkins, b. 9 Dec. 1813, Provincetown. 8 Mary H., b. 3 Dec. 1832; 8 William P., b. 13 May, 1838 ; 8 Ruth E., b. 28 Aug. 1841 ; 8 Abby F., b. Mar. 1843. 7 HEPHZIBAH H., b. 20 Feb. 1812; m. 2 Mar. 1836, Phinehas H. Fuller, Pembroke, N. H. 8 Elizabeth, b. 28 Sept. 1836. 7 GEORGE, b. 1 Sept. 1814; m. 2 Sept. 1839, Mary Ann Erving, of New York city ; Physician, Burlington, Iowa ; 7 da. ; b. 11 Feb., d. 17 Feb. 1817 ; 7 THOMAS c., b. 19 May, 1818; m. 4 June, 1843, Augusta Needham, of Hillsboro', N. H., b. Jan. 1820; 7 Grace and Ada, (twins) b. 14 May, 1821; 7 Charles H., b. 3 Aug. 1823; 7 Edward, b. 23 Aug. 1826; i Franklin, b. 28 Aug. 1829. e OBADIAH, Farmer, Northfield, N. H. ; m. 3 Nov. 1770, Mary Perham, of New Ipswich, N. H. ; b. 3 May, 1749 ; d. 27 Feb. 1822. 6 SARAH, b. 3 Sept. 1771; d. 1824; m. 1787, 6 Stevens Blanchard, d. 1790. 7 Sarah, b. 1788; 7 Parker, b. 1790; 2 m. 10 June, 1793, Obadiah Mooney, Grand Isle, N. Y. 7 Stephen B. ; 7 Obadiah ; 7 John ; 7 Hercules ; 7 Benjamin F. ; 7 Asa. HANNAH, b. 29 July, 1773 ; d 28 July, 1839 ; m. 7 Ap. 1793, Thomas Lyford, Esq., Northfield, N. H. ; b. 12 Nov. 1768. 7 ANN, b. 9 Dec. 1793; m 10 Dec. 1844, Ebent-zer Morrison, Northfield, N. II , b. 3 July, 1792. 8 THOMAS L.. b. 17 Jan. 1815, Northfield, N. H. ; m. 20 Jan. 1840, Susan French, of Rutland, b. 1 Ap. 1811. 9 Byron K., b. 21 Jan. 1842. 8 ROBERT G., b. 16 Ap. 2 THOMAS, 3 EDWARD, 4 DORCAS ABBOT. 93 1817, Sanbornton, N. H. ; m. 13 Sept. 1841, Sarah Damrcll, of Boston, b. 11 July, 1823. 9 Sarah Augusta, b. 28 Oct. 1742. 8 AMOS H., b. 26 May, 1819, Boscawen, N. H. ; m. 31 Aug. 1841, Martha Morrison, b. 7 Dec. 1823. 9 Asenath J. W., and 9 Caro- line B. (twins) b. 9 Sept. 1843. 9 Asenath J. W., d. 1 Oct. 1843. 8 Obadiah H., b. 17 Mar. 1823, Washington City ; s Mary H., (twin) d. 17 Aug. 1824 ; * Ebenezer, b 6 May, 1832. 7 SUSAN, b 9 Jan. 179(i; m. 4 Feb. 1819, Robert Gray, Esq., Sanbornton, N. H ; b. 7 July, 1793, in Salem ; 7 POLLY H., b. 6 May, 1798; m. 29 Dec. 1816, Enoch Gill, Northfield, N. H., b. 22 May, 1792. s SARAH s., b. Aug. 1817; m. 29 Dec. 1836, Lyman P. Law- rence, b. 26 Oct. 1808, Meredith, N. H. 9 Lucy P., b. 4 Dec. 1837; 9 Ellen S., b. 29 Mar. 1839. 8 Rufus, b. 10 June, 1820; d. 10 Oct. 1828; s Hannah L., b. 13 Sept. 1829. 7 HANNAH, b. 5 June, 1800 ; m. 4 Feb. 1820, Amos Hannaford, Esq , b. 12 May, 1797, Northfield, N. H. e ALVAH, b. 23 Aug. 1820; m. 1 Aug. 1840, Caroline Follansby, b. June, 1824. 9 Maria, b. 4 Oct. 1842. 8 SAMUEL ., b. 30 July, 1822, Sanborn- ton, N. H. ; m 4 Oct. 1842, Lucy Maria Hannaford, of Bos- cawen, N. H., b. 13 Dec. 1822. 9 J. Russell, b. 25 Oct. 1843. 8 Jeremiah L., b. 7 June, 1824, Newbury, Vt. ; s Mary E., b. 14 June, 1826 ; 8 Susan G , b. 4 Aug. 1828; & Cordelia, b. 30 Oct. 1831 ; 8 Charles H., b. 4 Feb. 1835. 7 THOMAS D., b. 15 Mar. 1803, Northfield, N. H. ; m. 18 Dec. 1825, Sally Oilman, b. 18 Dec. 1802. s Sarah K., b. 4 Mar. 1827 ; 8 Joseph G., b. 8 July, 1830. 7 JEREMIAH H., b. 19 Oct. 1808, M. D., D. C. 1833 ; Port Byron, Rock Island Co. III. ; m. 16 July, 1834, Mary Ann Haines, b. 1812. e William P., b. 1836; 8 Eugene, b. 1839; 8 Mary,b. 1842. 6 MARY, b. 11 July, 1775; d. 6 Feb. 1817 ; m. 3 Jan. 1795, Jo- seph Kimball, b. 24 May, 1772. 7 HANNAH, b. 18 Jan. 1797 ; m. ; 8 2 c. 7 Obadiah H., b. 5 July, 1797; 7 JEREMIAH, b. 30 Nov. 1798; m. ; 7 Sarah M., b. 2 Nov. 1800; 7 RuthG., b. 2 Aug. Ifc02; 7 MARY, b. 26 Sept. 1804 ; m. s Joseph ; 8 Mary. 7 JOSEPH s., b. 27 Oct. 1806; m. 8 Obadiah ; s Ann Eliza. 7 WILLIAM M., b. 4 Dec. 1808; m. 8 Jan. 1835, T Lucy Jane Johnson; see 2 Wil- liam, 3 James, 4 Reuben, 6 Rhoda ; 1 Emeline, b. 19 Oct. 1810 ; 7 Nancy G., b. 10 Dec. 1813. 6 JEREMIAH, b. 18 Oct. 1777; Farmer, Dea. of Cong. Church, Northfield, N. H ; his two wives, and many of his descendants members of Cong. Church; m. 15 Sept. 1801, Hannah Haines, b. 30 Jan. 1780 ; da. of Richard H., of Canterbury, N. H ; d. 14 Oct. 1826. 7 HANNAH c., b. 17 July, 1802 ; m. 20 June, 1820, Benjamin A. Chase, Esq., son of Stephen C., Esq., of Northfield, N. H. ; b. 3 Ap. 1798, Lowell. 8 Priscilla C., b. Jan. 1826; 8 Charles G., b. 5 July, 1829. 7 JOHN LANGDON, b. 25 July, 1805; m. 1825, Abigail Jones, of Canterbury, N. H. ; she d. 1826; 2 m. 1827, Eliza Cochran,A*. of Maj. Israel C. of Northfield, N. H. s Hannah Elizabeth, b. 1828 ; 8 Laura J., b. 1831 ; 8 Joseph C., b. 1834 ; 8 James A., b. 1836 ; 8 Charles H., b. 1843. 7 JEREMIAH, 94 2 THOMAS, 3 EDWARD, 4 DORCAS ABBOT. b. 4 July, 1807 ; Physician, Danville, Iowa ; m. Harriet Corn- ing, of Galena, 111. ; 8 4 c. 7 EBENEZER M., b. 7 June, 1813; m. 9 Mar. 1834, Sally Dyer, da. of Samuel D., of Northfield, N. H. 8 Hannah L., b. 13 Dec. 1834 ; 8 Charles H., b. 28 June, 183(5 ; 8 Ellen A., b. 16 Sept. 1838; 8 Abby A., b 13 Dec. 1840; 8 George A., b. 13 May, 1843. i ELIZA BRACKETT, b. 12 July, 1817; m. May, 1840, James H. Cochran, son of Col. James C., Northfield, N. H. a Charles Chase, b. 11 Mar. 1841; 8 Helen Eliza, b. 25 June, 1843. 7 Adino B., b. 17 Oct. 1819 ; Physi- cian, e JEREMIAH, 2 m. 8 Feb. 1827, 6 Abigail Abbot; see 2 William, 3 James, 4 Reuben, 5 Elias. e Betsy, b. 2 Nov. 1779; d. 12 Nov. 1795. e RUTH, b. 26 Sept. 1782 ; m. 1801, Charles Gliddcn, b. 1780, Northfield, N. H. 7 John L., b. 31 Oct 1802 ; d 10 Sept 1828 ; 7 CHARLES M., b. 7 June, 1804, Northfield, N. H. ; m. 4 Aug. 1826, Alice G. Smith, b. 22 Mar 1804. a Mary Y., b. 18 May, 1828; a Stephen S., b. 2 Jan. 1830; 8 Nancy G., b. 5 Aug. 1831 ; s Charles, b. 14 Aug. 1832 ; d. Sept. 1838. 7 JEFFERSON w., b. II Mar. 1805, Green, Sciota Co. O. ; m. Catharine W. Young; s5c. 7 JOSEPH M., b. 1 June, 1807; D. C. 1829; Attorney at Law, Portsmouth, O. ; m. 1834, Mary Donaldson, of Waterloo, O.; she d. 1836. 8 Charles, b. 1835; 2 m. 1843, Alice Young. 7 Mary, b. 5 May, 1810 ; d. 14 Jan. 1811 ; 7 JONAS G., b. 22 Nov. 1811, Marietta, O. ; m. Margaret f rat son ; 8 3 c. 7 OBADIAH H., b. 25 Dec. 1813 ; Green, Sciota Co. O. ; m. 1840, Lyncha Blair; 8 2 c. 7 Daniel A., b. 16 Oct. 1820, Green. e OBADIAH, Esq., b. 23 Mar. 1785 ; m. 17 Sept. 1812, Hannah Forest, b 15 May, 1785. 7 Joseph and 7 Mary P. (twins) b. 15 June, 1813; 7 JOSEPH, Manchester, N. H. ; m. 11 Oct. 1836, Maria B. Parker, of Tamworth, N. H., b. 18 Ap. 1813. 8 Mar- shal P., b. 11 Aug. 1837; 8 Joseph Newton, b. 14 Sept. 1840; d. 7 Mar. 1842. 7 MARY p., m. 21 June, 1843, Samuel Crowrll, Hopkinton, N. H. ; b. 6 June, 1808. 7 Betsy B., b. 12 Ap. 1815 ; d. 28 Aug. 1831 ; 7 JEREMIAH F., b. 2 Dec. 1816 ; Physi- cian, Wolfboro', N. H. ; m. 14 Dec. 1837, Annette A. Livy, b. 14 Aug. 1819. 8 Susan P., b. 8 Aug. 1839 ; 8 Henry F., b. Aug. 1812. 7 Martha Jane and 7 Almira (twins) b. 28 Oct. 1818; 7 MARTHA j., m. 14 Dec. 1842, Benjamin F. Dow, b. 9 Nov. 1816, Concord, N. H. s Franklin F. and 8 James Monroe, (twins) b. 3 Sept. 1843; both d. Oct. 1843. 7 Dixi C., b. 13 July, 1821 ; 7 Harriet G., b. 2 Nov. 1822; 7 Obadiah J., b. 10 Aug. 1826. LYDIA, b. 26 Nov. 1787 ; m. 1824, Isaiah Day, Stow, Me. 7 Obadiah H., b. 1825 6 DORCAS, m. Ephraim Carter, Concord, N. H., son of Dr. Ezra Carter. 6 Ezra, b. 24 Oct., d. 4 Nov. 1769; e Hannah, b. 31 Oct. 1770; e Ezra, b. 15 Feb. 1773; d. ; D. C. 1797; Pre- ceptor of the Academy at Peacham, Vt. ; e Ebenezer, b. 2 Ap. 1775 ; d. at Charleston, S. C., 8 Oct. 1795 ; e Dorcas, b. 22 Oct. 1777; e Ruth and e Judith, (twins) b. 21 Sept. 1780. e RUTH, 3 EDWARD, 4 DORCAS ABBOT, 5 DANIEL H. 95 m. Knight, Calais, Me. ; c POLLY, b. 1 July, 1783 ; m. Daniel Carter. 7 William ; 7 Ann ; 7 Daniel. 6 Thomas Gross, b. 21 May, 1786, Seaman; e BELA, b. 12 July, 1789, Concord, N. H. ; m. Judith Carter. 7 Clarissa, b. 18 Aug. 1815; 7 Dorcas H., b. 1 June, 1817; 7 Phebe W., b. 21 Feb. 1819; 7 Ruth T. Knight, b. 2 May, J821 ; 7 Judith A., b. 28 Oct. 1824 ; d. 5 Sept. 1826 ; 7 John W., b. 18 Aug. 1826. e Hubbard, b. 2 Ap. 1791 ; School Teacher ; 6 Polly, b. 6 June, 1794; d. 5 SARAH, seventy-two years member of Cong. Ch. ; m. 1773, William Hazeltine, b. 16 June, 1744; d. Jan. 1826; Farmer, Canterbury, N. H. "JUDITH, b. 10 July, 1774; m. 1799, Rev. William Rolfe, b. 14 Mar. 1773; d. Jan. 1836; Cong. Minister, Groton, N. H. 7 HORACE H., b. 24 July, 1800 ; d. at Charleston, S. C. Feb. 1831 ; D. C. 1824 ; m. Mar. 1828, Mary Marcy, of Plymouth ; she d. July, 1829. 8 Mary Augusta, d. 1830. 7 CHARLES H., b. 16 Mar. Concord, N. H. ; m. 1825, Sarah Blaisdel, of Dor- chester, N. H., b 22 Mar. 1806. s Charles B., b. 20 Nov. 1825 ; d. Boston, 1826; 8 Caroline F., d. 15 Mar. 1827; e Sarah Jane, b. 31 July, 1829 ; 8 Charles F., b. 1 Nov. 1831 ; 8 Horace H., b. 18 Ap. 1834 ; B Irene W., b. 13 Feb. 1838 ; 8 Harriet A., b. 25 Dec. 1839 ; & Clara Ann A., b. 14 July, 1843. 7 William, b. and d. Oct. 1811 ; 7 ABIEL, b. 5 Mar. 1813, Lowell, m. 1841, 6 Clara C. Abbot ; see 2, 3, and 4 Nathaniel, 5 Levi. e ABIEL, b. 22 June, 1777, Canterbury, N. H. ; m. 28 Nov. 1805, Hannah Adams, b. 1 May, 1779. 7 HANNAH, b. 6 Jan. 1811 ; m. Thomas Clough, Canterbury, N. H., b. 12 Dec. 1798. 8 Hannah, b. 18 Sept. 1831 ; d. 26 June, 1840 ; 8 Thomas V. B., b. 26 Mar. 1833 ; 8 Philip C., b. 11 Feb. 1835 ; 8 Sarah G., b. 28 May, 1838; 8 Hannah A., b. 1 July, 1840; d. 9 July, 1842. 8 Susan A., b. 6 June, 1843. 7 SARAH H., b. 4 Feb. 1814; m. 1832, Abner Clough, Loudon, N. H. 8 Lucy Maria, b. 28 Nov. 1835; 8 Abiel, b. 8 Dec. 1839. 7 Abiel S., "b. 1 Sept. 1815; d. 24 Dec. 1820. 6 SARAH, b. 13 Oct. 1779 ; m. Sept. 1810, Henry Jones, Wheelock, Vt. ; he d. 1836. 7 William H. ; 7 Samuel H. ; these three had 8 19 c. e SAMUEL c., b. 5 Sept. 1781; d. Aug. 1824; m. Ap. 1816, Sally Clough, of Canterbury, N. H., b. 5 Aug. 1786 ; d. 1843 ; n. c. 5 DANIEL, Farmer, Concord, N. H. ; m. 26 Sept. 1775, Debo- rah, da. of Robert and Sarah W. Davis, b. at Concord, N. H., 15 July, 1757; d. 31 Oct. 1822. 6 DORCAS, b. 14 Aug. 1776; m. Joseph Sherburne, Farmer, Concord and Epsom, N. H. ; he d. 29 July, 1837, a. 37. 7 ROBERT H., m. Ruth Eaton, of Boston. 8 Rebecca; 8 da. ; 8 Joseph ; 8 Robert. 7 GEORGE WASHINGTON, Portland, Me.; in. Runnels; 8 c. 7 Ahnira ; 7 MARY j., m. Oliver Sanborn, Portland ; 8 Joseph; 8 Charles H. e EBENEZER, b. 9 May, 1778 ; Concord, N. H. and Boston ; m. 5 Hannah Ab- bot ; see 2 Thomas, 3 and 4 Benjamin, e Robert, b. 16 June, 1780; d. at St. Croix, W.I. Aug. 1805; e Joseph and 6 Jere- miah, (twins) b. 4 May, 1782 ; Farmers, Rumford, Me. 96 2 THOMAS, 3 EDWARD, 4 DORCAS ABBOT. e JOSEPH M., m. 3 Mar. 1805, Judith Blanchard. 7 JOSHUA i., b. 8 Oct. 1805, Rumford ; m. 15 May, 1834, Charlotte Eliot. 8 Elizabeth A., b 7 Dec. 1837; d. 7 iViar. 1838; " Imogene, b. 25 Feb. 1841. 7 Edward A., b. 12 Aqg., d. 19 Dec. 1807 ; 7 DOR- OTHY, b. 11 Dec. 1808; m Henry Durgin, Mexico, Me. 8 An- geline, b. 21 May, 1830; 8 Francis M. and 8 Mannsvilie, twins ; b. 13 May, 1833 ; 8 Harvey, b. 19 Dec. 1835; d. 18 June, 1838 ; 8 Minerva, b. 19 Ap. 1837; 8 Harvey 2d, b. 31 Mar. 140 ; 8 Turner, b. 16 Aug. 1842. 7 DEBORAH, b. 11 Jan. 1811; m. Philip M. Wheeler, Rumford. 8 Anveslette, b. 9 Mar. 1835; 8 Addison M., b. Jan. 1841; d. 25 Ap. 1843; 8 Charles, b. 11 Feb. 1843. 7 BETSY, b 21 Mar. 1813 ; m. Cyrus Eliot. 8 Cy- rus, b. 17 Nov. 1834 ; 8 Delphina, b. 10 Ap. 1835 ; d. Nov. 1837 ; 8 Caroline, b. 9 Ap. 1837; 8 Delphina 2d, b. 10 Dec. 1843. 7 OS- GOOD, b. 15 Oct. 1816 ; m. Harriet Askley, Lowell ; 7 Livermore R., b. 15 Sept. 1818, Roxbury, Me.; 7 WILLIAM M., b. 13 Sept. 1820; m. Caroline C. Kimball, Mexico, Me.; 7 IVORY, b. 20 Ap. 1822 ; m. Lucinrla Smith, Mexico. 8 Adrian, b. 13 May, 1843. e JEREMIAH, m. Judith Rolfe. 7 DANIEL, b. 12 Aug. 1805, Peru, Me. ; m. 3 Jan. 1828, Sally Lovejoy. 8 Ivory F., b. 27 June, 1831 ; 8 Emeline A. E., b. 14 Feb. 1833 ; 8 Atwell R., b. 6 Ap. 1835 ; 8 Daniel E., b. 24 Nov. 1836 ; " Judith A., b. 23 Oct. 1840. 8 Henry D., b. Mar. 1845. 7 MARY, b. 6 Ap. 1807; m. 1827, Farwdl Walton, Westbrook, Me. 8 Jeremiah H , b. Feb. 1828; 8 William, b. Jan. 1830; d. Nov. 1832; 8 L. Augusta, b. Jan. 1833. 7 LYDIA, b. 30 Sept. 1808; m. 1833, Justus Austin. 8 Elbridge G., b. May, 1834 ; 8 Rosamond, b. Sept. 1836 ; d. Aug. 1839 ; " William, b. Jan. 1839. 7 DAVIS, b. 12 July, 1810, Wal- tham ; m. 1833, Mary Ann Patrick. W. Patrick, b. Ap. 1834; 8 Davis C , b. Aug. 1836; " Samuel R., b. May, 1840; 8 Wil- liam H. H., b. Ap. 1843. 7 ELBRIDGE G., b. 11 Mar. 1812; d. 22 Oct. 1845, Peru, Me. ; m. 8 June, 1837, Deborah R. Hall. 8 Betsy R., b. Aug. 1838; 8 Olive W., b. Dec. 1839 ; 8 Eliza J., b. Feb. 1842 ; 8 Cordelia F., b. Oct. 1844. 7 CHARLES, b. 19 Dec. 1813, Waltham ; m. May, 1838, Angelina Cook. 8 Francis L., b. Sept. 1839 ; " Henry C., b. Dec. 1843. 7 Anna, b. 29 Sept. 1815; d. 14 July, 1816. 7 LUCINDA, b. 4 Mar. 1818; m. 15 May, 1838, William Adams, Andover, Me. 8 Julia A., b. Ap. 1839 ; 8 Joseph E., b. Feb. 1843 ; 8 Charles H., b. 1844. 7 ANN 2d, b. 20 Ap. 1820; m. 20 June, 1843, James Bragg, Andover, Me.; 7 Simeon, h. 11 May, 1822; d. 3 Feb. 1824; 7 PRISCILLA w., b. 21 July, 1824 ; m. 8 Aug. 1844, Ira Parlin, Jr., Weld, Me. ; 7 Cordelia, b. 26 Aug. 1826 ; 7 Jeremiah, b. 7 Oct. 1828. e JER- EMIAH, 2 m. 28 July, 1844, Betsy Adams. e JAMES, Capt., b. 19 June, 1784 ; Farmer, Concord, N. H. ; m. 26 Nov. 1805, 5 Ruth M. Abbot ; see 2 Thomas, 3 and 4 Ben- jamin ; e Simeon, b. 16 Mar. 1786, Cleaveland, O. ; n. m. c SALLY, b. 11 Sept. 1788; m. Jan. 1811, Jeremiah Farnum, Rumford, Me. 7 MILTON F., b. 4 Dec. 1811, China, Me. ; rn. 4 2 THOMAS, 3 EDWARD, 4 DORCAS ABBOT. 97 July, 1843, Emily Ward; 7 Ivory H., b. 16 Ap. 1812; d. 26 Sep. 1828; 7 Emily H., b. 27 Dec. 1814; 7 ALFRED, b. 16 Aug. 1817, Boston; m. 15 Sept. 1844, Caroline Sweetser. 8 Alfred E , b. 1845. 7 Calvin, b. 15 July, d. 4 Dec. 1819; 7 JOHN c., b. 29 Nov. 1820, Rumford ; m. 1-9 June, 1845, Mary R. Bass. 7 Wal- ter H., b. 15 Jan. 1823, Boston ; 7 Sarah D , b. 29 Feb. 1825; d. 1 1 Aucr. 1826 ; 7 Rebecca E., b. 29 Aug. 1827 ; 7 Deborah D., b. 27 Jan 1830 ; d. 26 Sept. 1833. 6 Polly, b. 9 May, 1790 ; d. 28 Sept. 1798. 6 DANIEL, b. 17 June, 1792; Farmer, Rumford, Me. ; m.4June, 1820, Sally Johnson. 7 Joseph S., b. 16 Nov. 1821 ; d. 21 Mar. 1841; 7 Sarah A., b. 26 Sept. 1823; d. 1 May, 1824; 7 Rosilla W., b. 30 Dec. 1826 ; 7 Arixene S., b. 5 July, 1830 ; d. 24 Mar. 1831 ; 7 Henry S., b. 20 July, 1833: 7 Mary J., b. 17 Mar., d. 26 A p. 1836. e Hannah, b. 12 Mar. 1794 ; d. y. e IVORY, b. 25 Aug. 1795 ; Watchmaker and Jeweller, Con- cord, N. H. ; m. July, 1821, Pamela L. Clement, b. 16 July, 1801; d. 11 Jan. 1835. 7 Martha G., b. 11 Feb. 1822; d. 29 July, 1825; 7 Charlotte H., b. 23 Sept. 1824 ; i Ann A., b. 12 Sept. 1826; 7 Elizabeth, b 14 Mar., d. 24 Ap. 1830; 7 Henry K., b. 3 June, 1832 ; 2 m. 8 Aug. 1837, Sarah Dow, b. 10 Ap. 1813. 7 Sarah Jane, b. 25 Sept. 1838; d. 25 Nov. 1843; 7 Franklin P., b. 19 Aug. 1840; 7 Pamela, b. 28 June, 1842; 7 Charles I., b. 3 Jan. 1844. e JOHN CALIN, b. 12 Sept. 1798; Farmer, Bedford, O. ; m. widow Phebe Parker Kimball ; she d. 1827. 7 Emeline ; 2 m. in Cleaveland, O. ; 7 2 c. e Polly, b. 27 July, 1801 ; d. 8 July, 1803. 5 DANIEL, 2 m. 17 Nov. 1825, Elizabeth Btirnum Fellows, b. in Ipswich, 9 Nov. 1757 ; d. 1831. s TIMOTHY, Peacham, Vt. ; m. ; e c. s STEPHEN, Farmer ; succeeded his father on the homestead, Concord, N. H. ; m. Patience Flanders, b. 9 Oct. 1758; d. 18 Feb. 1834. 6 MOSES, b. 12 May, 1780; d. 4 June, 1833 ; Farm- er ; succeeded his father on the homestead ; m. Lucy Bradley, b. 1787; d. 3 June, 1843, da. of Capt. Samuel Bradley. 7 CHARLES, b. 6 Feb. 1815; Farmer, Concord ; m. 1841, Abigail Joy ; 7 Cath- erine, b. 19 Feb. 1817; 7 Lucretia, b. 14 Dec. 1820; 7 John, b. 16 Jan. 1824; Farmer, on the homestead; 7 Samuel, b. 19 Dec. 1826; 7 Moses, b. 29 Ap. 1829. e SUSAN, b. 13 Nov. 1781 ; m. 5 Henry Abbot, Rumford, Me. ; see 2 and 3 Thomas and 4 Nathan. e NANCY, b. 17 Feb. 1784 ; d. 21 May, 1823; m. Timothy Darl- ing, Hopkinton, N. H. 7 Susan ; 7 Lucretia. e JOHN c., b. 21 Jan. 1786; d, 30 Sept. 1820; m. Mercy Smith, of Westminster, Vt. 7 SARAH, d. ; m. William Goodell. 7 Mary ; 7 Harriet. 6LYD1A, b. 2 Mar. 1788; d. 29 June, 1818; m. Benjamin Em- ery, Farmer, Concord. 7 Ruth; 7 Maria ; 7 Benjamin ; 7 Joseph. 6 ABIEL, b. 21 Jan. 1790 ; d. Nov. 1826 ; m. Martha Carver, of Portland, Me. 7 MARTHA, m. Obadiah Kimball; 7 Mary ; 7 Lydia ; 7 Stephen, e Deborah, b. 16 Mar. 1792 ; d. 21 May, 1825. 9 98 2 THOMAS, 3 EDWARD, 4 DORCAS ABBOT. 6 SALLY, b. 30 Ap. 1794 ; m. Daniel Clark, Concord. 7 Henry, b. 17 Sept. 1814 ; d. July, 1842, in St. Louis, Mo. ; 7 GEORGE F., b. 15 Nov. 1815; m. Nancy G. Spiller. 8 Ellen F., b. 11 May, 1841 ; 8 Sarah H., b. 17 Aug. 1843. John, b. 18 Sept. 1823; d. 27 Feb. 1826; T MARY G., b. 18 July, 1827; m. 1846, George Frye, Concord ; 7 John F., b. 18 June, 1832. 6 HANNAH, b. 13 May, 1796; rn. Peter Ellcins, d. Concord. 7 HARRIET E., d. ; m. ; 7 William C. ; 7 Ann. 6 STEPHEN, b. 15 Ap. 1798; m. Char- lotte Bradley, of Concord. T Augusta; 7 Caroline; 7 Harriet ; 7 Thomas. e EBENEZER, b. 3 Jan. 1800; m. 15 Jan. 1824, Abi- gail E. Hodgden, of Barnstead, N. H. 7 Mary, b. 29 Mar. 1826 ; 7 Ann Amanda, b. 27 Jan. 1830. 5 ABIEL, Physician, Alfred, Me. ; m. Mary Farnuni. e Ivory; 6ABIEL, Physician, m. Elizabeth Frost. 7 EDWIN, M. D., D. C. 1841 ; m. Jane Curtis, of Hanover, N. H. ; 8 c. 7 Usher Abiel ; 7 Jeremiah. 6 JOHN, m. Lucretia Liitlcfield. 1 0ran ; 7 John, e DAVID, m. Nancy Conant. 7 Mary Ann, d. ; 7 David A., d. ; 7 Charles ; 7 Lydia Augusta. 6MARY, m. Rufus Seyward. 7 John H. ; 7 Mary E. ; 7 Abiel ; 7 Julia, e IVORY, m. Charlotte Kent, of Boston. 7 John H. ; 7 William, e JULIA, m. Nathan D. Apple- ton. 7 Elizabeth ; 7 Mary D. ; 7 Nathan D. 6 PORTER, m. Mary Dane, d., of Kennebunk; T c. e LYDIA, m. 5 Jan. 1788, Capt. Nathaniel Cavis, b. 25 Dec. 1761 ; d. 10 Sept. 1842 ; Farmer, Bow, N. H. c NATHANIEL, b. 30 Sept. 1788, New Hampton, N. H. ; m. Nancy Veasy. 7 Mary Ann ; 7 Charles H. V. ; 7 Lydia Louisa ; 7 Almira Belinda, fi SA- RAH, b. 23 May, 1790; m. 23 May, 1812, Seth N. Cilley, Weare, N. H. 7 John ; 7 ELIZABETH L., m. John L. Hadlcy, Weare. s George L ; 8 Mary Ann. CMARY, b. 13 Mar. 1793 ; m. 20 Oct. 1818, Maj. Obed Gault, b. 7 Jan. 1791, Bow. 7 CLARA ANN, b. 3 Dec. 1819 ; m. June, 1844, Parker Brown. 7 Nathaniel C., b. 30 June, 1822 ; ' William, b. 3 Feb. 1824; d. 6 Jan. 1836 ; ' Al- fred, b. 3 Mar. 1827 ; 7 Mary Louisa, b. 17 Nov. 1835. 6 JOHN, b. 28 Nov. 1796; d. 29 Mar. 1843, Hopkinton, N. H. ; m. 21 Oct. J823, Nancy Mills, of Dunbarton, N. H. 7 Joseph, b. 9 July, 1826; 7 Mary Louisa, b. 2 Mar. 1828. s SOLOMON, b. 22 Nov. 1800, Bristol, N. H. ; m. Oct. 1827, Almira Minot, of Bristol, N. H. 7 George, b. 7 Mar. 1829 ; 7 Harriet Maria, b. Nov. 1830. 6 Lydia Louisa, b. 24 May, 1809 ; d. 9 July, 1826. s DEBORAH, m. Daniel Barker. Robert ; 6 Hannah. 4 EDWARD, Farmer ; succeeded his father on the homestead, Concord, N. H.; m. Deborah, da. of Aaron Stevens, Esq. & Mary, b. 1761 ; d. 1843 : 6 Mehitabel, b. 23 Ap. 1763 ; d. 16 Sept. 1838 ; s Susannah, b. 25 Feb. 1765 ; d. 25 Feb. 1841 ; a Edward, b. ab. 1767 ; da. a. 17 : 5 Timothy, b. 12 Mar. 1769 ; d. 23 Jan. 1819; s Samuel, b. 1771; d. ; s Deborah, b. ab. 1773; d. y. ; s Deborah, b. 27 May, 1774 ; 6 Esther, b. ab. 1777; d. ab. 1824. 5 MARY, m. Thomas Capen ; he d. at sea, 1808. e EBENEZER, b. 30 Dec. 1781 ; Farmer, Concord ; m. Abigail Carter, da. of 2 THOMAS, 3 EDWARD, 4 EDWARD ABBOT. 99 Joseph C., b. 17 July, 1780; d. 5 July, 1840. 7 NANCY, b. 24 Feb. 1804 ; d. 24 Jan. 1829; m. Daniel Hutchinson, Colebrook, N. H. * Don Carlos; 8 Erasmus Darwin. 7 ALBERT G., b. 30 June, 1806, Lowell; m. 6 Mary Hall; (see 3 and 4 Benjamin, 6 Ruth M.;) n. c. 7 THOMAS c., b. 28 Aug. 1808; m. Mary S. Corlis, of Concord. 8 Sarah Jane, b. Dec. 1834; 8 George M., b. Dec. 1836; 8 Maria F., b. and d. 1838 ; 8 Deborah, b. June, 1841 ; 8 Hannah A., d. 7 ELIZA JANE, b. 27 July, 1810 ; m. July, 1828, John Kent, Trader and Farmer, Southport, Wis. 8 Alonzo W., b. 31 Aug. 1829 ; a Joseph F., b. 13 Sept. 1832. 7 HANNAH A., b. 14 Oct. 1812; m. e Ira Abbot, Farmer, Concord; see 2, 3, and 4 Nathaniel, and s Levi. 7 Lucinda S. and 7 Maria L., (twins,) b. 13 July, 1814; 7 LUCINDA s., m. 6 Robert Hall; see 3 and 4 Benjamin, and 5 Ruth M. 7 MARIA L., d. 21 Feb. 1842; m. 25 Nov. 1835, Benjamin S. Bohonnon, b. 21 June, 1808, Bille- rica. 8 Sarah L., b. 2 Nov. 1836 ; 8 Georgianna O., b. 7 Dec. 1838 ; s Louisa A., b. 25 Aug. 1841. i Valeria Ann, b. 8 Oct. 1817 ; d. 30 Ap. 1834. ^ ROSANNA E., b. 28 Mar. 1820 ; m. Dec. 1837, Willard Saunders, Farmer, S. Gardner. Mary A., b. Oct. 1838 ; 8 Henry A., b. June, 1841 ; 8 Eliza Jane, b. 12 May, 1844. 7 Nathaniel H. Eckford, b. 8 May, 1829. 6 EBENEZER, 2 m. Aug. 1840, Nancy E. Buntin. 6 JAMES, m. ; 6 Mary, n. m. ; 6 Timothy, b. 1793, Farmer, Bethel, Me.; m. Ruth Dustin, d 7 Louisa ; 7 Lucy ; 7 Mary Ann; 7 Francis, d. ; 2m. 6 Sarah Abbot; see 2 and 3 Thomas, 4 and s Aaron. 6 DEBORAH, b. 17 June, 179t>; m. 4 Mar. 1814, William Ackky, b. Dec. 1794 ; Farmer, Rumford, Me. 7 JEF- FERSON, b. 4 Mar. 1818; Farmer, Rumford; m. Dec. 1842, Abi- gail Smith; e c. 7 SARAH, b. 22 Jan. 1820; m. Mar. 1841, John Abbot, Farmer, Rumford. 8 John T., d. 7 Mary Ann, b. 1 Sept. 1822; d. 31 Aug. 1832; 7 George W , b. 26 jJly, 1824; 7 William B., b. 21 Nov. 1827 ; 7 Hosea, b. 12 Sept. 1829 ; 7 Ez- ra, b. 29 Sept. 1831 ; 7 Esther, b. 27 Sept. 1835. e SAMUEL, m. ; 7 c. e OLIVER BEALES, Farmer, Colebrook, N. H. ; m. 1829, Su- san Chace. 7 Alfred; 7 Lucina ; 7 c. ESTHER, m. Uriah Fur- long. 7 7 c. 5 MEHITABEL, m. Benjamin Lufkin, Farmer, Roxbury, Me. ; b. at Ipswich, 8 Ap. 1763; d. Nov. 1844. 6 JOSEPH, b. 19 Aug. 1786; a Local Preacher of the Wesley an Methodist ^Church, Rumford, Me.; m. 7 Mar. 1811, I,oruhamah S. Kimball, b. 15 Feb. 1792 7 Loruhamah K., b 5 Dec. 1811 ; d. 29 Sept. 1813 ; 7 Joseph M. and 7 David M. (twins) b. 6 July, 1814; 7 Joseph M., d. 15 July, 1816. 7 DAVID M., Boston, m. Ap. 1841, Julia Latham ; 8 c. 7 Van Rensellaer, b. 14 Jan., d. 17 Mar. 1816; 7 Le Roy C., b. 16 Mar. 1817, Boston; 7 Phebe M., b. 15 May, 1820; 7 Orin, b. 6 Ap. 1823 ; 7 Ransom, b. 6 Nov. 1824 ; d. 2 Aug. 1826; " Merett N., b. 15 Feb. 1828; 7 Mary Ann, b. 21 Feb. 1831. e SAMUEL, b. 15 Aug. 1788 ; m. 27 Nov. 1816, Pamelia Seger, 100 2 THOMAS, 3 EDWARD, 4 EDWARD ABBOT. b. 18 Ap. 1790. T ALFRED, b. 24 Sept. 1817, Bethel, Me. ; m. June, 1843, e Dorcas A. Howe, b. 1819; 8 c. 7 MARY R., b 8 Aug. 1820; m. 7 Eliphalet E. Lrtjkin ; see c Jacob; 7 Russell S., b. 3 Aug. 1821. 7 Addison, b. 20 Mar. 1823; d. 14 July, 1827; 7 Lawson, b 10 July, 1824; 7 Elisha, b. 30 Ap. 1826; 7 Samuel A., b. 23 May, 1828; 7 Nathaniel, b. 27 Ap. 1830; 7 Horatio, b. 22 Feb. 1833. 'JACOB, b. 22 July, 1790, Wilton, Me.; m. 1812, Eleanor Eliot, b. 5 Mar. 1794. 7 ELIPHALET, b. 23 Mar. 1813, Rumford ; m. 1U May, 1842, T Mary R. Lufkin ; 8 c. 7 Phebe K., b. 7 Jan. 1815 ; d. 21 July, 1817 ; 7 William S., b. 1 Jan. 1817 ; d.21 Mar. 1827 ; 7 Aaron H., b. 20 Nov. 1818; 7 Hezekiah H., b. 21 Oct. 1820 ; d. 7 Sept. 1838 ; 7 Nathan S., b. 25 Nov. 1822 ; 7 Randall, b. 12 Dec. 1824 ; 7 Frederick E., b. 21 Aug. 1826; T Hannah, b. 3 Nov. 1830 ; 7 Deborah, b. 15 May, d. 19 May, 1833; 7 Dorcas, b. 21 Ap. 1835 ; d. 5 Oct. 1336 ; 7 Samuel E., b. 16 May, 1837. e JOHN, b. 16 Dec. 1792, Wilton, Me.; m. Dec. 1819, Phi-be Kimball, b. 23 May, 1796. 7 Marchant H., b. 23 June, 1822, Mercer, Me. ; 7 Charles M., b. 15 June, 1824; 7 Frances, b. 19 Feb. 1829; d. 13 Jan. 1830; 7 Sarah C. F., b. 12 Feb. 1834. e AARON, b. 26 May, 1795,, Mexico, Me. ; m. 5 Ap. 1825, Lucy Brown. > Arvillia, b. Jan.' 1826 ; 7 Daniel, b. 9 June, 1828 ; 7 Charles V., b. 4 Feb., d. 27 May, 1831 ; 7 Charles V. 2d, b. 30 Ap. 1834 ; 7 Rebecca A. M., b. 20 Jan. 1836 ; 7 Lucy Jane, b. 15 Jan. 1839. e ESTHER, b. 4 June, 1797 ; m. Carter Stevens, Grafton, N. H., b. 1790 ; 7 Dexter ; 7 Mary ; 7 William W. ; 7 c. e MOSES, b. 12 Feb. 1800 ; Elder in the Wesleyan Methodist Church ; m. 1833, Hannah Virgin, b. Sept. 1807. 7 Mary C., b. 15 May, 1834; 7 Eliza G., b. 14 Nov. 1835; 7 James C., b. 13 Ap. 1838 ; b. 24 Oct. 1839 ; 7 Jason L., b. 25 Jan. 1839 ; ' James G., b. 15 Nov. 1841. 6 Benjamin, b. 12 Ap. 1802; Elder in the Wesleyan Methodist Church, e Mary, b. 2 July, 1804; d. 10 Oct. 1812. e David, b. 7 Feb. 1807; d. 16 Jan. 1832; e HANNAH, b. 9 Nov. 1809; m. Jesse Mansfield; 8 c. 5 SUSANNAH, b. 25 Feb. 1765; d. 25 Feb. 1841 ; m. John Weeks, b. in Portsmouth, N. H., 23 June, 1757; d. 6 Ap. 1836, Concord, N. H. Abigail, b. 29 June, 1786, Concord. 6 MARY, b. 13 July, 1788 ; d. July, 1820 ; m. Keyes Powell ; 7 c e NANCY, b. 7 Ap. 1791 ; m. Ebenezer Flanders. 7 WOODBURY, m. 1846, Miss Crummit ; 7 c. 6 Joseph, b. 21 July, 1793; d. 22 May, 1813; 6 JAMES, b. 22 Nov. 1795, Concord, N. H. ; m. Mary Locke; 7 7 c. e Timothy and 6 Edward A. (twins) b. 17 Sept. 1797, and both d. 8 Nov. 1807. 'SAMUEL, b. 25 May, 1799, Epsom, N. H. ; m. Betsy Heath; 7 8 c. e George, b. 26 Oct., d. 8 Nov. 1801. 6 ELIZABETH R., b. 1 Ap. 1803; m. 23 Jan. 18-29, John B. Crummit, b. 3 Jan. 1807, Tin-plate worker, Concord, N. H. T Edward A., b. 16 Mar. 1831 ; 7 Henry A., b. 24 Nov. 1832; 7 Georgianna Toscan, b. 16 June, 1834; d. 16 Sept. 1843. e HARRIET s., b. 27 June, 1805 ; m. Nov. 1827, Robert Crummit; 7 3 c. 2 THOMAS, 3 &, 4 EDWARD, 4 BETSY ABBOT. 101 TIMOTHY, b. 12 Mar. 1769 ; d. 22 Jan. 1819 ; Farmer, Con- cord, N. H. ; m. Sarah Bradley, da. of Abraham B., of Frye- burg, Me., d. 1809. 6 ESTHER, b. 8 Ap. ; m. James Walker, Fryeburgh, Me. ; 7 c. 6 PHILBRICK, Hallowell, Me. ; m. ; 7 c. 6 GEORGE, Me. ; m. ; 7 c. o TIMOTHY, 2 m. 17 Ap. 1810, 5 Lydia Abbot ; (see 2 and 3 Thomas, 4 Aaron ;) n. c. 5 SAMUEL, b 8 Ap. 1771 ; Joiner, near Buffalo, N. Y. ; m. Ruth Currier, da. of William C., of Concord and Plymouth, N. H. ; 6 9 C. 5 DEBORAH, b. 29 May, 1774 ; m. 21 Dec. 1799, Phinchas Howe, b. in Berlin, 25 Mar. 1767, Rumford, Me. 6 CHARLOTTE, b. 21 Aug. 1800 ; m. Feb. 1824, Samuel Bunker, Rumford, Me. 7 Diana, b. 16 Feb. 1825; 7 Darius, b. 9 May, 1827; 7 Louisa, b. 9 June, 1828 ; 7 Maria, b. 7 Dec. 1835 ; 7 Viola, b. 7 May, 1841. e Phinehas, b. 25 Feb. 1802 ; 6 LOUISA, b. 19 Dec. 1805 ; m. 17 Jan. 1824, Merrill Farmtm, Rumford. 'Manly, b. 9 June, 1825; 7 Sarah, b. 5 Oct 1833 ; 7 Frelinhuysen, b. 26 Ap. 1840. e George W., b. 3 July, 1810; 6 MARY, b. 29 Jan. 1817; in. 1 Jan. 1837, George W. Bisbee, Westford, Me. ; 7 George D., b. 9 July 1842 ; and probably 6 DORCAS A., b. 1819; m. ^ Alfred Luf kin. 5 ESTHER, m. Trutworthy Kilgore, Brunswick, Me. ; n. c. 4 PHEBE, m. 4 Jabez Abbot ; see 2 and 3 Thomas. 4 LYDIA 2d, m. 4 Aaron ; see 2 and 3 Thomas. 4 BETSY, m. 1759, Thomas Saltmarsh, b. 1734 ; d. 1826. 6 ME- HITABEL, b. 1762 ; d. 1814; m. 1784, James Hoit. e SALLY, m. 7 c. e BETSY, in.; 7 c. ; 6 ELIPHALET, m. ; 7 c. ; 6 THOMAS, m. 7 c. ; 6 PEASLEE, m. ; 7 c. ; e ELNATHAN, in. ; 7 c. 5 JOHN, b. 1764, Goffstown, N. H. ; m. Susan Burnum, b. 1754. 6 John, Goffstown; c Betsy; e Samuel ; e Jabez; e Thom- as ; e Nehemiah. 5 POLLY, b. 1756; m. 1791, Samuel Vose, b. 1759, Antrim, N H. ; e Samuel ; e Thomas ; e Mary ; e Isaac ; e Deborah ; 6 John ; e Hazen ; e Luke ; c Harriet. 5 EDWARD A., b. 1768; m. 1791, Sally Story, b. 1763. e Ne- hemiah, b. 1792 ; d. 1813, at Pittsburgh, N. Y. in the army, e AARON, b. 1793, Hookset ; d. 1842 ; m. Joan George. 1 AUSTIN G., m. Lucinda Sleeper. 8 Mary Ann, b. 6 Oct. 1844. 7 Ed- ward ; 'Henry; 7 Sally ; 7 Louisa ; 7 Andrew. 6 ABBOT, b. 10 Nov. 1795, Concord, N. H. ; m. 12 Mar. 1823, Potty Stevens, b. 5 June, 1803. T MARY, b. 14 Nov. 1824; m. Sept. 1846, 7 Albert Abbot. 7 John E., b. 16 Dec. 1826; 7 Oilman, b. 7 Dec. 1828; 7 Hannah, b. 18 Feb. 1831 ; d. 4 Sept. 1833; i s., b. 23 June, d. 24 July, 1833 ; 7 Seth, b. 30 Sept. 1834 ; 7 Nehemiah, b. 17 May, 1837; 7 Alfred and 7 Albert (twins) b. 18 Feb. 1840; * Amanda, b. 7 June, 1842 ; 7 Emeline, b. 1 Dec. 1845. e LUCY, b. 1798 ; m. 1820, John Pope, Blacksmith, Henniker. 7 David, d. e BETSY, b. 1800; rn. 1819, James Putnam. 7 Alden ; 7 Alonzo ; 7 Mary Jane; 7 James Franklin; 7 Sylvanus. e THOMAS, b. 1802, Black- smith, Weare, N. H. ; m. 1826, Sophia Muzzy. ^ Jonathan ; 9* 102 2 THOMAS, 3 DEBORAH ABBOT, 4 MARY. 7 George; ^ Oilman; 7 Emeline and 7 Adeline, (twins.) e HENRY, b. 1804, Hookset, N. H. ; m. 1824, Keziah Batchdder. 7 Eliza Ann ; 7 Betsy ; 7 William Henry ; 7 John ; 7 Orissa. 6 HAZEN, Farmer, Hookset, b. 1806 ; m. 1829, Sally Batchcldtr. 7 John ; 7 Wilbert; 7 Elizabeth; 7 Rebecca; 7 Abigail ; 7 Sally. 6 SUSAN, b. 1808; m. 1825, Eri Poor, Farmer, Hookset; 7 Eri ; 7 Perry; 7 Margaret; 7 Alonzo; 7 Oilman; 7 Sally ; 7 Amanda, d- ; 7 Sam- uel ; 7 Susan. 6 OILMAN, b. 1810, Farmer, Hookset; m. 1843, Lydia Clough. 6 FRANKLIN, b. 1812, N. Y. State ; m. 18:54, Betsy Ring. 7 Moses ; 7 Abigail. 6 SALLY, b. 1814 ; d. 1834 ; m. 1832, David Page, Bow, N. H. 7 Sylvester; 7 Martha Ann. 6 ABIGAIL, b. 1817 ; m. 1842, Cyrus Sargent, i Melissa. 5 THOMAS, b. 1771; d. 1804 ; Physician, Saco, Me. ; m. Betsy Evans. e Betsy ; e Lydia ; e Thomas. 5 Sally, b. 1773 ; d. a SAMUEL, b. 1775 ; d. 1844, Goffstown ; m. Betsy Burnum, b. 1780 ; d. 1840. e BETSY, m. Dodge Talant. 6 Sally; e Hannah; e MARY, m. Stevens, Goffstown. 5 CATHARINE, b. 1777; m. Thomas Saltmarsh, b. 1774, Guil- ford, N. H. e William; e Seth; c Mary ; e Eliza ; c Thomas; 6 Martha. 5 ISAAC, b. 1779 ; d. 1822, Antrim ; m. Phebe Stratton. e Cy- rus ; e Jackson; e Betsy; c Abigail; e Thomas; sHazen, b. 1781 ; d. 1805; n. m. 3 DEBORAH, a consistent and exemplary member of the Cong. Church in Concord, N. H. ; distinguished for industry, economy, charity, and active benevolence, till her 95th year, when she was so much injured by a fall, that she was not afterwards able to walk. She rose, summer and winter, as early as four o'clock. In the early settlement of the town, going one day from her brother Edward's to her brother George's, she turned from the path to pick berries, near the place where the State-house now stands, lost the points of compass, and with difficulty found her way out of the woods. Married, 5 July, 1736, Joseph Hall; he d. 8 Ap. 1784, a. 77 ; Dea. of the First Cong. Ch. in Concord, N. H., more than 40 years; a benefactor to the poor, and an example of Christian virtues. During the hostilities of the Indians, his house was a garrison, surrounded by a fort. 4 Joseph, b. 17 July, 1737 ; d. 10 June, 1807, a. 70; 4 Sarah, b. 20 Sept. 1738; d. 21 Oct. 1746; 4 Hannah, b. 24 Nov. 1740; d. 21 Oct. 1746; 4 Mary, b. 17 Mar. 1743; d. 12 Dec. 1773; 4 Jeremiah, b. 6 Jan. 1746; d. 8 Oct. 1770. 4 JOSEPH, succeeded his father on the homestead ; Dea. of the First Cong. Church ; patriotic and benevolent in times of scarcity, he distributed provisions gratuitously, not only to the needy in Concord, but also in the neighboring towns. He made a handsome donation to the Concord Musical Society, charitably assisted indi- gent scholars in obtaining education, and left a liberal bequest to the First Cong. Society ; n. m. 4 MAEY, m. Thomas Willson, Saddler, Concord, N. H. ; d. 3 2 THOMAS, 3 DEBORAH ABBOT, 4 JEREMIAH H. 103 May, 1818, a. 73. 5 Thomas, b. 2 Aug., d. 20 Sept. 1769. s'Jer- emiah, b. 1770; d. 10 Ap. 1775; 5 MARY, b. 23 July, 1772; m. 25 Mar. 1792, John Thorndike, Apothecary, Concord, b. 30 Nov. 1768; d. 23 Mar. 1821. 6 MARY, b. 12 Oct. 1793; m. 19 May, 1812, Charles Hutchins, Merchant, Concord, e JOHN L., b. 23 Ap. 1796 ; m. Miss Carroll, d. ; 2 m. Maria Joy, of Pittsfield, N. H. 7 Charles; 7 James Joy, b. 13 June, 1831 ; i Sarah, b. 7 June, 1833 ; 7 Thomas H., b. 15 Jan. 1835; 7 John S., b. 20 Ap. 1837; 7 Mary T., b. 15 Sept. 1838; 7 Maria, b. 25 Sept. 1840; 7 Abiel Walker, b. 6 Oct. 1843. 6 THOMAS w., b. 27 Nov. 1797 ; m. 19 Nov. 1823, Ruth G. Dow, b. 8 Dec. 1794, at Weare, N. H. 7 Henry, b. 27 Oct. 1824; 7 John, b. 2 June, 1826; 7 Willson, b. 5 June, 1828; 7 Mary D., b. 29 Aug. 1830; 7 Charles H., b. 25 Jan. 1833; i Lucy Pool, b. 26 June, 1835; 7 Anna D., b. 7 July, 1838. e Henry, b. 22 May, 1800; d. 11 May, 1824. 4 JEREMIAH, m. 1769, Esther W/iittemore, b. 1752, d. 12 July, 1803; da. of Rev. Aaron W., First Cong. Minister of Pembroke, N. H. 5 SARAH, b. 29 Aug. 1770 ; d. 16 Feb. 1826 ; m. 1787, Jonathan Wilkins, Esq., b. 19 June, 1755 ; D. C. 1779. After preaching some time in Concord, N. H., and declining an almost unanimous invitation to become Pastor of the First Church, he settled there as a Merchant and Farmer ; was a useful and respected citizen, and Dea. of the Church, from 1811 till his d., 9 Mar. 1830, a. 75. 6 SOPHIA, b. 21 May, 1788 ; m. 12 Dec. 1811, John White, b. 19 July, 1783, Chester, N. H. ' Caroline, b. 25 Sept. 1812; d. 28 Dec. 1819; 7 WILLIAM H., b. 8 Sept. 1814; d. 23 Nov. 1843, Mas.; m. 1842 ; 7 Caroline 2d, b. 26 Oct. 1819; d. 13 Sept. 1821; 7 Ann Maria, b. 6 June, 1823; 7 James, b. 8 Feb. ^26. 6 JANET.TE, b. 13 Oct. 1789 ; m. 28 Dec. 1809, Jonathan P. Webster, b. 20 May, 1782, Salisbury, N. H. 7 Francis B., b. 27 May, 1816, N. Y. city; i Frederick H., b. 5 Jan. 1825; d. 11 Nov. 1832. e JEREMIAH H., b. 25 Dec. 1791, Merchant, Pembroke, N. H. ; m. 1817, Mary Thompson. 7 SARAH, b. 28 Feb. 1818 ; m. 1838, David Austin, s Augustus, b. 1841. 7 Charles, b. 21 Dec. 1819; d. 1820; 7 Alanson, b. 31 Mar. 1822; 7 Sophia, b. 5 Aug. 1824 ; 7 Francis, b. 3 Ap. 1826 ; 7 George, b. 29 Dec. 1827 ; d. 1829 ; 7 Caroline, b. 15 Sept. 1831 ; 7 Thompson, b. 27 Dec. 1832; d. 1833; ' Henry, b. 7 July, 1836; 7 Charlotte, b. 27 June, 1838 ; d. 1840; 7 Mary Esther, b. 23 Mar. 1840; 7 Hall, b. 14 Sept. 1842. 6 JOSEPH H., b. 22 Jan. 1794, Salem ; d. at Matanzas, Cuba, 24 July, 1819 ; m. 15 May, 1817, Susan Morgan Low. 7 Joseph H., b. Mar. 1818; d. Roxbury, 1842. e SARAH, b. 24 July, 1796; m. 1816, John L. Sargent, Moultonboro', N. H., b. 1793; d. 1840. 7 SALLY H., b. 1817 ; m. 1840, Parker Pillsbury ; e c. 7 Zadoc H., b. 1819; d. 1829 ; 7 Charles W., b 1822, Warner, N. H. ; 7 Frances A. B., b. 1829 ; ^ Caroline W., b. 1832 ; d. 1833. e ESTHER, b. 5 July, 1798 ; m. 1829, Dudley S. Palmer, 104 2 THOMAS, 3 GEORGE ABBOT. Concord, N. H. 7 Frederic, b. 23 Dec. 1830; 7 Clara Ellen, b. 23 July, 1832. 6 FANNY, b. 21 Jan. 1800; m. 1824, Stephen Brown, Concord, N. H., b. 5 Oct. 1798. 7 Frances Ann, b. 1825 ; d. 1829; 7 Henry Kirk, b. 1827; d. 1831; 7 Ellen, b. and d. 1828; 7 William Stover, b. 1829; 7Georgianna, b. 1831; 7 Ed- ward, b. 1833; d. 1835; 7 Henry K.2d, b. IS35; d. 1838; 7 Eve- line, b. and d. 1837 ; 7 Helen, b. 1839 ; 7 Ellery Channing, b. 1842; d. 1813. e CYNTHIA, b. 13 Sept. 1802; m. 1830, Moses Clement, b. 12 Dec. 1805, Salisbury, N. H. 7 Rufus W., b. 14 Feb. 1832 ; d. 1834; 7 Mary W., b. 23 Nov. 1835; 7 Sarah Jane, b. 7 Jan. 1S38 ; 7 Rebecca, b.21 July, J841 ; 7 Joseph, b. 15 July, 1843; d. 1843. e CAROLINE, b. 21 Feb. 1805; d. 3 Mar. 1840 ; m. 1S29, Benjamin Graver, Concord, N. H. 7 Abel W., b. 1830; d. 1832; 7 Walker, b. 1833; d. 1837; 7 Edward M.,b. 10 Jan. 1840. 6 RUFUS, b. 27 Mar. 1807, Lowell ; m. 29 Sept. 1832, Mary Jane Willson. 7 Rufus Monroe, b. 12 July, 1835; 7 Henry Kirk, b. 25 Oct. 1837 ; 7 Charles Albert, b. and d. 1840 ; 7 Albert, b. 28 Sept. 1841. 6 Mary T., b. 23 May, 1809, State of Georgia; ERASTUS, b. 16 Dec. 1811, Warner, N. H. ; m. 1832, Margaret George Whitticr, b. 7 June, 1813. 7 Clarena L., b. 12 Nov. 1833; 7 Isabel De Yen, b. 17 May, 1835 ; d. 20 Feb. 1843 ; 7 Ada Augusta, b. 4 Jan. 1837 ; 7 Stephen G., b. 31 May, 1838 ; 7 Mary Helen, b. 30 Dec. 1839 ; 7 Edwin Eustis, b. 12 Aug. 1841 ; 7 c., b. 12 July, 1843. 6 CHARLOTTE, b. May, 1818 ; m. 1838, Perkins Gale, Concord, N. H. 7 Georgianna, b. 2 Oct. 1841. 3 GEORGE, settled in Concord, N. H. as early as 1732, By pur- chasing an original -right, he became a proprietor in the town. He was a Deacon in the First Cong. Church 41 years. He was enterprising and industrious, benevolent and charitable ; and was so distinguished for prudence and good sense, that his observa- tions were for many years cherished by his neighbors, as maxims for the regulation of their conduct. A strict observer of the Sabbath, he was constantly with his family at public worship, and carefully instructed his children in the various duties of life and of the Christian religion. He m. 1 Feb. 1737, 4 Sarah Abbot, born 8 Oct. 1711 ; d. 14 June, 1769 ; see 2 Jo/m, a /Ste- phen. She was kind and charitable, and not only relieved the immediate wants of the poor, but gave them advice and instruc- tion, both temporal and spiritual, to promote their future com- fort. She lived the life of a Christian, and died in the hope of a glorious immortality. In 1746, their house was garrisoned for defence against the Indians. 4 Daniel, b. 7 Aug. 1738: d. 11 June, 1804; 4 George, b. 9 Ap. 1740; d. 17 Sept. 1791; n. m. ; 4 Joseph, b. 23 Oct. 1741 ; d. 19 Jan. 1832, a. 91 ; 4 Sam- uel, b. 30 Mar. 1743; d. at Crown Point, N. Y., 5 Nov. 1761; 4 Stephen, b. 10 Dec. 1744 ; d. 10 Oct. 1746 ; 4 Stephen 2d, b. 28 Oct. 1746; d. 12 May, 1811 ; 4 Nathan, b. 16 Nov. 1748; d. 7 Mar. 1749; 4 Nathan 2d, b. 3 July, 1752; d. 15 Nov. 1758: 4 Ezra, b. 24 Aug. 1756 ; d. 21 Feb. 1837, a. 81. 2 THOMAS, 3 GEORGE, 4 DANIEL ABBOT. 105 4 DANIEL, when a boy was taken by the Indians. By engaging with spirit in every thing which they considered manly, and spurn- ing all they considered the drudgery of squaws and unbecoming a warrior, he so won their esteem, that they promised to adopt him and make him a chief. After he had been some time with them, they obtained several pairs of skates. He soon perceived that they were unskilled in the use of them; and, having obtained per- mission, put on a pair of them, appeared to be as inexperienced in their use as they were, till, their attention being turned from him, he got behind a point of land ; then, being a good skater, he" put forth all his strength, and neither their shouts nor balls could stop him ; and, though they pursued him, he escaped. This happened on Lake Champlain ; and having reached the south end of it, he found his way to Albany, and returned to Concord. He was a good farmer, distinguished for the cultivation of fruit, lived in Concord, near the south end of Long Pond, where his son Na- than K. now lives. His son, 5 BERIAH, b. 1757; d. 13 Mar. 1832 ; served six and a half years in the revolutionary war ; was taken prisoner, and escaped by running away ; m. 1785, widow Mary Andrews Fairfteld. He settled as a Farmer and Innholder, in Lebanon, N. H. e MOSES, b. 21 Ap. 1789; moved to Pomfret, Vt., 1828, and afterwards to Windsor ; m. 1819, Relief Straw, of Canaan, N. H. 7 Mary A., b. 1820 ; 7 CORDELIA j., b. 1822 ; m. 1837, Paschal P. Williamson. & Augustus ; 8 Moses Andrews. 7 Cyn- thia Ann, b. 1823; 7 Lois S.,'b. 1825; d. 1844; 7 Rosetta, b. 1827; d. 1829; 7 Priscilla M., b. 1830; 7 Thomas P., b. 1836. 4 DANIEL, m. 1761, 4 Rachel Abbot ; see a and 3 Nathaniel. 5 SA- RAH, b. 19 Nov. 1761 ; d. 21 Jan. 1774 ; 5 Samuel, b. 26 Mar. 1764; s Jeremiah, b. 21 Feb. 1766; d. 10 Feb. 1811; 5 Daniel, b. 21 Feb. 1768; d. 19 Sept. 1769 ; 5 Daniel 2d, b. 7 May, 1770; 5 George, b. 12 May, 1772 ; d. 18 Ap. 1813 ; 5 Thomas, b. 5 July, 1776; d. 22 Sept. 1845; a Abiel, b. 19 Mar. 1778; d. 1 Aug. 1736 ; s Peter Hazeltine, b. 28 Feb. 1780 ; 5 Benjamin, b. 29 Mar. 1782 ; s Judith, b. 4 Ap. 1784 ; d. 18 Ap. 1831 ; s c. b. and d. 12 June, 1788; 2 m. 1 Jan. 1789, Mercy Kilburn. o Sarah, b. 4 Ap. 1790, Concord, N. H. ; 5 Hannah, b. 28 Oct. 1791; a Lois, b. 31 Oct. 1793 ; 6 Susannah, b. 23 May, 1797 ; a Nathan K., b 30 Aug. 1799. 5 SAMUEL, Farmer ; settled near his father; m. 17 Nov. 1787, Mary T. Story, b. 16 Oct. 1764; da. of Jeremiah and Mary Burnum S., of Hopkinton, N. H. e RACHEL, b. 28 Aug. 1788 ; m. 1812, e John Flanders ; see 2 Nathaniel, 3 Tabitha, 4 Daniel, s Mary C. 7 Louisa, b. 1812; 7 John W., b. 1814; d. 11 July, 1840, Amoskeag, N. H. 7 WILLIAM, m. 1840, Harriet Sturte- vant. B John William, b. and d. 1842 ; s William Henry, b. 19 Ap., d. It July, 1843; s George, b. 9 Feb. 1845. T MARY s., Barton, Vt. ; m. 1845, Martha Sturtevant. 7 DANIEL ; 7 Rachel A.; 7 Sarah A.; 7 George, d. ; 7 George W. 106 2 THOMAS, 3 GEORGE, 4 DANIEL ABBOT. 6 JERRE, b. 29 Oct. 1790 ; Farmer, lives with his father; m. 14 June, 1821, Rebecca Chandler, b. 1? July, 1790; da. of Nathan and Lucy Ballard C. 7 Jeremiah S., b. 26 June, 1822 ; 7 Leon- ora Augusta, b. 14 Aug. 1824; 7 John K., b. 6 Dec. 1820; 7 Abigail S., b. 15 Dec. 1828. 6 POLLY B., b. 30 Ap. 1793; m. Jan. 1819, 6 Calvin Abbot, Concord; see 2, 3, and 4 Nathaniel, 5 Moses. 6HULDAH, b. 28 Mar. 1796; m. 19 Ap. 1818, 6 Jacob Flanders ; see 2 Nathaniel, 3 Tabitha, 4 Daniel, 5 Mary. 1 RICH- ARD MERRILL, b. 16 Oct. 1818; m. 1844, Vilicia A. Williams, of Nashua, N. H. ; 7 Lucia Ann, b. 30 Ap. 1822; d. 21 Jan. 1845 ; 7 Jacob N., b. 25 Mar. 1825 ; 7 Lydia Louisa, b. 14 Oct. 1829 ; d. 5 Ap. 1832 ; 7 George H., b. 15 Jan., d. 4 Oct. 1828 ; 7 Samuel A., b. May, 1832 ; 7 William Henry, b. 20 Feb. 1835. e JOSEPH s., b. 10 May, 1799, Concord ; m. 24 Dec. 1827, Esther Farnum, da. of Isaac and Hannah Martin F. 7 Almira F., b. 3 Aug. 1831 ; 7 Isaac N., b. 8 Jan. 1835; d. y. e GEORGE DANIEL, b. 14 Aug. 1801, Concord; m. Nov. 1832, Phebe Ballard, b. 4 Ap. 1807, da. of Nathan and Hannah Russ B. 7 William B., b. 6 Oct. 1834 ; 7 Clara Ann, b. 19 June, 1838. s JEREMIAH, Farmer, Lebanon, N. H. ; Amoved, 1800, to Pom- fret, Vt. ; m 15 Jan. 1795, Clarissa Perry ; she d. 10 Oct. 1826, a. 55. e ALFREDA, b. 3 Feb. 1796; d. 25 Mar. 1813; m. Mar. 1812, Joshua Reed, who d. May, 1817, a. 33 ; 7 c. d. y. e AMAN- DA, b. 5 Ap. 1793 ; m. 3 June, 1818, William Maxham, Randolph, Vt., Carriage-maker ; 7 c. d. y. 7 ALFREDA AUGUSTA, b. 24 Jan. 1823; m. 3 July, 1845, Elijah Blodgett, Merchant, Royalston, Vt. ; 7 Gustavus V., b. 8 July, 1828 ; 7 Edgar, b. 3 Jan. 1835 ; 7 c. d. y. e ROBERT P., b. 23 Jan. 1801 ; Farmer, Lincoln, Addi- son Co. Vt. ; m. 11 May, 1822, Sarah Cady, of Reading, Vt. 7 SARAH, b. Aug. 1824; m. 16 Sept. 1845, Charles Gave, Shoe- maker ; 7 CLARISSA, b. 16 Nov. 1826 ; m. Jan. 1844, David Grant, Farmer. 8 Affa Luana, b. Mar. 1845; 7 Huldah Livona, b. 17 July, 1830; 7 Elizabeth, b. 2 Sept. 1834; 7 Orpha, b. 1839; 7 Gray Luana, b. May, 1843; 7 c. d. y. 6 DANIEL, b. 25 Feb. 1802, Farmer, Pomfref; m. 27 Oct. 1828, Deborah De Wolfe. 7 Scott, b. 19 Jan. 1830; 7 Austin, b. 20 Dec. 1831; 7 Loriette, b. 3 Nov. 1833 ; ' Collamer, b. 27 July, 1835 ; 7 Juliaette, b. 14 Oct. 1837; 7 Louisa Almina, b. 23 Jan. 1840; 7 Ira Anson, b. 20 July, 1845. e POLLY, b. 12 Feb. 1804 ; m. 24 Mar. 1822, Edmund Hodges, Farmer, Pom fret ; 7 Luther, b. 3 Jan. 1823 ; d. 31 Mar. 1825; 7 Smith, b. 23 May, 1824; Carriage-maker; 7 Edmund Munroe, b. 19 May, 1828; 7 Livona Selina, b. 24 Nov. 1829; d. 7 Feb. 1832; 7 Lois A., b. 19 Ap 1831 ; d. 19 July, 1835; 7 Lucy Amanda, b. 29 Sept. 1832; 7 Augusta Eudora, b. 10 Aug. 1834; 7 s. b. 31 Mar., d. 28 Ap. 1836; 7 Margaret Le- mira, b. 2 Jan. 1838; 7 Seth, b 7 Mar. 1840; d. 28 Feb. 1841 ; 7 Selden, b. 28 Dec. 1841. 6 Ira, b. 5 Jan. 1806; d. 25 Jan. 1813 ; s Clarissa, b. 7 Aug. 1807; d. 8 July, 1827; e Sarah H., b. 19 Ap. 1810; d. 21 Ap. 1811. 2 THOMAS, 3 GEORGE, 4 DANIEL ABBOT. 107 5 DANIEL, Tailor, Surry, N. H. ; m. 29 Jan. 1794, Lucy Har- vey, b. 15 Dec. 1767. e BETSY, b. 16 May, 1795 ; m. Sept. 1816, George Leonard, Farmer, Moira, N. Y. ; 7 9 c. e Lucy, b. 10 Jan. 1797; e DANIEL, b. 13 Dec. 1799; Farmer, Representative in the General Court, Surry, N. H. ; m. 23 Mar. 1823, Polly Brown, b. 17 Feb. 1798. 7 John, b. 28 Dec. 1823 ; d. 28 Nov. 1840 ; 7 Mary Ann, b. 25 Aug. 1825 ; d. 20 Sept. 1831 ; 7 Charles, b.GJan. 1827; 7 George, b. 1 Dec. 1828; 7 Thomas H., b. 15 Oct. 1830; 7 Henry, b. 5 Oct. 1832; 7 Joseph B., b. 11 Aug. 1835; 7 Milton, b. 17 May, 1838; d. 1 Aug. 1841; 7 Mary Ann, b. 9 July, 1841. e LYNA, b. 10 May, 1800; m. Mar. 1820, Joseph Al- len, Elder in the Methodist Church, Guilford, Vt. ; 7 10 c. ; 7 living. 5 GEORGE, Farmer, St. Johnsbury, Vt. ; m. Betsy Eastman, of St. Johnsbury. e Artemas, d. ; 6 Lucinda, d. 6 BARNABAS T., Ship-carpenter in the Navy ; m. ; c MIRANDA, m. ; 6 George, d. ; 6 Artemas. 5 THOMAS, Concord, N. H. ; m. 14 Ap. 1801, Anna Eaton. 6 EUNICE BUSS, b. 22 Nov. 1801 ; m. 6 Abira Fish; see 2 Nathan- iel, 3 Sarah, 4 John, ^Sarah. 7 John B. ; 7 Henry ; 7 Edwin ; 7 Francis; 7 Lucy B. 6 JUDITH, b. 17 Dec. 1803; m. William Moore, Chester, N. H. 7 William ; 7 Elizabeth B. ; 7 Charles H. ; 7 Mary F., d. Aug. 1825, ag. 4 or 5. e Peter H , b. 8 Ap. 1806; d. 17 Dec. 1813; 6 Harriet, b. 9 May, 1808; 6 RUFUS, b. 7 Feb. 1810; m. 19 June, 1845,wid. Susan K. Ladd,of Franklin, N. H. ; 6 LUCRETIA, b. 6 Mar. 1812 ; m. Doliver Johnson, East Boston.- 7 Lucy Jane; 7 Lovisa ; 7 s., b. Sept. 1845. 6 LUCY E., b. 30 Ap. 1815 ; m. 1846, Noycs, Beverly ; 6 Dorcas M., b. 16 Ap. 1817 ; e CLARISSA ANN, b. 6 Nov. 1819 ; m. 28 Ap. 1846, Joseph Dole Pillsbury, Canaan, N. H. ; 6 FRANCIS B., b. 11 Aug. 1821, Andover, N. H. ; rn. 1 Aug. 1844, Nancy Goldthwaite, of Croy- don, N. H. 7 Mary F., b. 20 Dec. 1845. c Sarah Elizabeth, b. 15 July, 1823. 5 ABIEL, Farmer, Waldo, Me. ; m. wid. Sarah Copps Coombs. 6 ABIEL, m. Eleanor West ; 7 c. e CLARISSA,.. Joseph Rowland- son ; i 5 c. e Charles, d. ; 6 HANNAH, m. ; d. ; e HARRIET, rn. Curtis ; 7 c. s PETER H., Farmer, Concord, N H. ; m. e Sarah Abbot ; see 2, 3, and 4 Nathaniel, 5 Moses, e ASAPH, b. Sept. 1815; m. 15 June, 1842, Hephzibah Dow, da. of Joseph and Hannah Farnum D. 7 Georgianna, b. 6 Aug. 1845. e Jeremiah, b. 1 July, 1817; 6 John C., b. 31 July, 1820. 5 BENJAMIN, Shoe-maker, Concord, N. H. ; m. Esther Currier, b. 5 Nov. 1787, da. of Nathaniel C. e JEDEDIAH c., b. 4 Sept. 1806, Concord ; m. 11 Mar. 1833, Sally M. Bartlett, b. 30 Jan. 1815; e NATHANIEL c., b. 14 Sept. 1808 ; m. 1840, Julia H. Fellows, b. 9 Nov. 1812. 7 John F., b. 3 May, 1841 ; i James A., b. May, 1843 ; 7 Hiram, b. 8 Nov. 1845. 6 BENJAMIN K., Concord, N. H. ; b. 1 June, 1811 ; m. 4 June, 1836, Mary A. Hook; e HORACE s., 108 2 THOMAS, 3 GEORGE, 4 JOSEPH ABBOT. b. 12 Oct. 1812; m. 26 Nov. 1835, Levina P. Bartlett, b. 25 July, 1810; e THOMAS w., b. 4 July, 1815; m. Adaline Vent, of Pittsfield, N. H. 7 Esther Jane, b. Aug. 1843; 7 Caroline M., b. 30 Jan. 1845. e James B., b. 24 July, 1818; e WILLIS s., b. 9 Oct. 1820; m. 30 Oct. 1845, Betsy B. Hadlcy, of Boscawen, N. H. 7 Henrietta, b. 1 Nov. 1846. 5 JUDITH, m. John Carpenter, Hanover, N. H. e EMILY, m. John Powell, Thetford, Vt. 7 John Sabin. e EMILV, 2 m. Ed- ward Colman ; e ABIGAIL c., m. Hyde, Thetford; e John, d. 1814 ; e SUSAN A., m. John Ford, Hudson, N. Y. 7 Henry. 6 Lucia, m. Gear ; 7 c. e Sarah J. A. 5 HANNAH, m. e Reuben Abbot; see 2 William, 3 James, 4 and 5 Reuben. 5 Nathan K., Farmer, on the homestead. 4 JOSEPH, Farmer, succeeded his father on the homestead ; m. 25 Ap. 1765, Phebe Lovcjoy, da. of Henry and Phebe Chandler L. ; she d. 4 Jan. 1789. 5 Phebe, b. 22 Feb. 1766; d. 3 May, 1837 ; * Molly, b. 20 July, 1767; d. 15 Aug. 1791 ; 5 Hannah and 5 Sarah, (twins) b. 3 Jan. 1769 ; 5 Hannah, d. 31 Oct. 1810 ; 5 Lois, b. 29 Mar. 1771 ; d. 14 Mar. 1790; 5 Rachel, b. 2 Mar. 1773; d. 2 Mar. 1837; 5 Dorcas, b. 20. Dec. 1774; d. 6 Oct. 1788; s Isaac, b. 10 Ap. 1777; d. Jan. 1800; 5 Nathan, b. 27 Aug. 1779; d. 26 Oct. 1839; a Ruth, b. 9 May, 1782, Concord, N. H. ; n. m. ; 2 m. Abigail Tyler, who d. 1826. 5 PHBEE, m. 5 Joseph Blanchard, (see 2 Nathaniel, 3 Sarah, 4 John B.,) Concord, N. H. ; moved to Plainfield, N. H. in 1788. Here she began to experience the difficulties incident to new settlements. In the winter of 1798, they moved about sev- enty miles through a wilderness, broken by only a few settlements, to Cabot, Vt.. and suffered much from cold, depth of snow, and the badness of the roads. Her husband being a carpenter, was from home much of the time, and the care of the family rested principally upon her. The woods and streams supplied much of their food. Cabot is at the head of Onion river, and at times wild onions, from which the river takes its name, and the scanty allowance of milk from one cow, were their living. Once they ate their last morsel at night, not knowing whence they should obtain more. He who hears the young ravens when they cry, sent a friend in the morning with a few quarts of meal. They lost much for want of secure shelter for their crops, after they were harvested ; and suffered much from fear of bears and other wild beasts, which injured their crops, and killed their cattle and sheep. While they lived in a poor log-house without doors, and having only part of a floor, when her husband was absent, she used to take her children into the chamber, and take up the ladder, before she could sleep in safety. About 1816, they removed to Woodbury, Vt. While residing there, she went late in the day into the woods for something needful, and, fog coming over, she could not find her way home, and passed a dreary night in the woods. 2 THOMAS, 3 GEORGE, 4 JOSEPH ABBOT. 109 She and her husband became members of a Baptist Church in Plainfield. As a Christian, she was benevolent, charitable and helpful to the needy and afflicted. Her husband was a Deacon in Cabot. His talents, education, and piety made him useful and successful in promoting the interests of religion. They lived to see most of their children settled comfortably around them, and possessing good moral and religious characters. Deacon Blanchard served in the revolutionary war, and received a pension under the first act, which, with other means, made them comfortable in their declining years. He also, from zeal for his country, served one year in the last war. 6 ISAAC, b. in Concord, 9 Ap. 1787 ; enlisted in the last war in the cavalry for five years, and at the close of the war was trans- ferred to Mackinaw. While at that station, he went on an express in midwinter, on snow-shoes, from Mackinaw to Detroii, a dis- tance of nearly three hundred miles. Having served his country honorably ten years, he settled as a Farmer, in Mackinaw, near the fort; m. Nov. 1824, Mary ; 7 4 s. and 2 da. 6 PHEBE, b. 9 June, 1789 ; m. 17 May, 1811, Joel Cilky, Farm- er, Woodbury, Vt. 7 LOVINA T., b. 6 Mar. 1812 ; m. 8 Jan. 1840, Joseph D. Dudley, Carpenter, Brighton. 8 Joel, b. 17 Feb. 1842. 7 PHEBE, b. 17 Feb. 1814; m. 4 Ap. 1837, Elisha Town, Farmer and Last-maker, Woodbury. 8 Albert, b. 9 Sept. 1838 ; 8 Dudley, b. 2 Aug. 1842. 7 MARY JANE, b. 19 Aug 1819 ; m. 14 Aug. 1839, e John S. Abbot ; see 4 Stephen, 5 Samuel; 1 Joel W., b. 17 June, 1822 ; Farmer and Inn-keeper, Woodbury ; 7 Susan W., b. 20 May, 1824 ; ? Luveann Josephine, b. 28 Feb. 1834. 6 LOIS, b. 19 Mar. 1791 ; rn. 1809, Peter Lyford, Farmer, Woodbury. 7 DOKCAS, b. 23 Mar. 1813; m. Aha Elmore, Farmer, Calais, Vt. 7 Mehitabel, b. 23 Mar. 1813 ; 7 AURA, b. 21 May, 1815 ; Farmer, Woodbury ; m. Nov. 1840, Asenath Hoit. 8 Betsy, b. 1841. 7 Bet- sy, b. 8 Jan. 1818; d. 10 Feb. 1835; 7 Sarah B , b. 26 July, 1820; 7 Calvin, b. 4 Jan. 1^23: 7 Peter R, b. 29 Aug. 1825; 7 George, b. 9 July, 1829; 7 Martin, b. 27 Mar. 1831; 7 James M., b. 26 Feb. 1835. 6 JAMES, Dea., b. 9 Mar. 1793 ; Farmer, Barre, Vt. ; m. 4 Feb. 1819, Abigail Hoyt, b. 2 Sept. 1799 ; d. 5 Mar. 1837. 7 Luthera, b. 3 June, 1820; 7 Alonzo, b. 10 Oct. 1822; d. 3 Jan. 1824, 7 Elvira, b. 2 Ap. 1824 ; 7 Lucinda, b. 30 Nov. 1825; 7 Andrew J., b. 11 Aug. 1827 ; 7 Franklin, b. 9 Aug. 1829; 7 James, b. 6 Dec. 1832 ; 7 Rosette, b. 23 Feb. 1835; 7 Abigail, b. 3 Feb., d. 23 May, 1837; 2 m. 31 Oct. 1838, Susan Everett, b. 21 Jan. 1799. 6 JOSEPH, b. 20 June, 1795; Farmer, Calais, Vt. ; m. 1 Ap. 1821, Lucy D. Wkeelock. i Aaron D., b. 6 Feb. 1822; 7 I.UCY ANN, b. 19 Jan. 1824; m. 1 Dec. 1841, Arad Jackson, Carpen- ter, Woodbury, Vt. ; 7 Isaac M., b. 4 Jan. 1826 : 7 Recta W.. b. 3 June, 1S29; 7 Byron I., b. 13 Ap. 1831 ; 7 Emily C., b. 7 Mar. 1840; 7 Evelina F", b. 31 Mar. 1842. " POLLY, b. 19 Aug. 1797; 10 110 2 THOMAS, 3 GEORGE, 4 JOSEPH ABBOT. m. 9 Jan. 1818, Thomas Harvey, Mason and Farmer, Wondhury. 7 FANNY M , b. 18 Sept. 1818; m. 18 Jan. 1842, Roswell Farr, Joiner, Cabot; 7 William, b. 26 May, 1820; d. 26 Sept. 1843; 7 Louisa, b. 3 May, d. 23 June, 1822 ; 7 Isaac, b. 8 June, 1823 ; 7 Thomas, b. 9 July, 1825; 7 Joel C., b. 24 Aug. 1829 ; 7 Han- nah L., b. 22 July, 1833 ; 7 Edwin, b. and d. 9 Jan. 1836 ; 7 Na- than L., b. 30 Jan. 1837 ; d. 21 Ap. 1839; 7 Sarah J., b. 6 Dec. 1839; 7 George F., b. 22 Aug. 1843. 6 JOHN, b. 26 Sept. 1799; Farmer, Cabot; m. Anna Hoyt, b. 27 Sept. 1827. 7 Sarah, b. 2 Mar. 1829 ; 7 Baron, b. 31 July, 1831; 7 Ruth, b. 28 Dec. 1833; 7 Laura, b. 15 June, 1836; 7 Clinton, b. 2 Oct. 1839; 7 Jasper, b. 31 Oct. 1842. e ELEANOR, b. 15 July, 1801 ; m. 25 Nov. 1824, James R. Norcross, Farmer, Woodbury. 7 Eleanor, b. 4 Sept. 1825 ; d. U Aug. 1827 ; 7 Ed- mund, b. 2 Feb 1827; 7 Nathan A., b. 27 Nov. 1828; 7 Seman- tha, b 5 May, 1831 ; 7 Joseph L., b. 6 Dec. 1834; 7 Nancy E., b. 16 Ap. 1839; 7 Duran, b. 20 Dec. 1841. e Sally, b. 19 May, 1^04; d. Feb. 1816; e Hannah, b. 3 Aug. 1806, Tailoress, Barre, Vt. 6 RUTH, b. 24 Aug. 1808; d. 18 Nov. 1838; m. 4 Mar. 1829, EKas Heath, Farmer, Woodbury. 7 Charles H., b. 4 Nov. 1829; 7 Elvira, b. 14 Aug. 1832; T Irene, b. 16 Aug. 1834 ; 7 Sapphira, b. 31 Oct. 1836. e Nathan A., b. 23 Oct. 1811; d. Feb. 1812. 6 MOLLY, m. 22 May, 1785, Isaac Houston, Blacksmith, Con- cord, N. H. c SALLY, b. 20 Sept. 1786 ; m. 13 Dec. 1814, Joel Amsden, who d. 15 Jan. 1830 ; 2 m. 30 Aug. 1831, Manly A/ns- dcn; n. c. e Phebe, b. 24 Feb., d. 7 Nov. 1789; c son, b. 16 Aug. 1790; d. y.; 6 s. b. 1 June, 1791 ; d. y. 5 HANNAH, m. David Kimball, Farmer, Northfield, N. H. 6 Simeon, b. 30 Sept. 1796; d. 16 Mar. 1799; e Dorcas, b. 7 Jan., d. 10 Feb. 1799 ; e DAVID, b. 30 Mar. 1800, Farmer, Northfield. 7 David, b. 17 Oct. 1824. e ISAAC, b. 19 June, 1802, Painter and Glazier, Lowell; m. 16 Dec. 1832, Sarah Moody. 7 Sarah Moody, b. 8 Sept. 1834 ; e da. b. and d. 1804 ; e JOHN, b. 26 Feb. 1806, Farmer, Northfield; m. 30 June, 1831, Susan Weeks. 7 Harriet Ann, b. 1 Ap. 1836. e JOSKPH, b. 16 Mar. 1808, Farmer, Northfield; m. 6 Dec. 1832, Harriet Rog- ers. 7 Lucy Ann, b. 15 Dec. 1S&5 ; 7 Elizabeth G., b. 19 Julv, 1838; 7 Joseph Warren, b. 23 Aug. 1840; 7 Rebecca V., b. 18 May, 1843. 6 SIMEON, b. 11 May, 1810, Sanbornton, N. H. ; m. 5 Sept. 1837, Fanny Ropers. 7 Arthur L. G., b. 27 July, 1839 ; 7 Lucy F., b. 21 Aug. 1841. 5 SARAH, m. Nov. 1787, Maj. a Timothy Chandler, Clock and Instrument Maker, Concord, N. H. ; see % Nathaniel, 3 Tabitha, 4 Timothy. G Peregrine H. W., b. 10 July, 1788; d. 2^ Aug. 1792. S 'SALLY, b. II Feb. 1791 ; m. 1808, Abel Eastman, Con- cord. 7 EMILY, b. Jan. 1809; m. John W. Moore, Bellows Falls, Vt. ' Ellen ; 8 s. d. a. 1 yr. 7 Chandler, b. in Belfast, Me. 20 Nov. 1815, Concord, e Peregrine H. W. 2d, b. 6 Mar. 1793; d. 2 THOMAS, 3 GEORGE, 4 STEPHEN ABBOT. Ill IS July, 1828; e Judith, b. 16 Feb. 1796; e Timothy J., b. 21 May, 1798; 6 Dorcas, b. 22 July, d. 25 Aug. 1800; 6 Isaac A., b. 2 Oct. 1801; d. 11 Nov. 1819; 6 John B., b. 13 Feb. 1805; 6ABIEL, b. 2 A[>. 1807; m. Mary L. Felt, of Boston ; e Seneca, b. 10 Sept. 1809; d. Sept. 1810; 6 Elizabeth, b. 4 Feb. 1812. 5 RACHEL, rn. 29 Nov. 1797, Jonathan Ward, Clock-maker, Fryeburgh. e FANNY, b 27 Sept. 1798; d. 12 Sept. 1829; m. 4 Nov. 1822, Parmenio Sibley. 7 Eunice J., b. 21 Sept. 1823; 7 George A., b. 29 June, 1825 ; d. 19 Jan. 1826; 7 George W., b. 29 Nov. 1826 ; 7 Charles A , b. 3 Sept. 1829. 6 RACHEL, b. 20 Sept. 1800 ; m. Edward Wrstan. 7 Jabez, b. 13 Jan. 1834 ; T Henry, b. 22 Feb. 1836 ; 7 John, b. 26 Aug. 1838; 7 Harriet, b. 6 May, 1840. e RUTH A., b. 1 Ap. 1802; m. 15 Oct. 1834, Asa Charles. 7 Elizabeth C , b. 24 June, 1836 ; 7 Susanna A., b. 26 Oct. 1837; 7 Henry W. and 7 Edward W., (twins,) b. 27 May, 1839; 7 Stuart B., b. 14 Nov. 1842; 7 Walter W., b. 4 June, 1844. e JONATHAN H. c., d. 28 Oct. 1841 ; in. 22 Feb. 1834, Harriet Durgin. i Fanny L., b. 4 Dec. 1834 ; 7 Henry D., b. 22 Feb. 1836; 7 John, b. 26 Aug. 1838; 7 Harriet, b. 6 May, 1840. HARRIET H., b. 29 July, 1806 ; d. 31 July, 1833 ; m. 28 Feb. 1828, Asa Charles. 7 Harriet F., b. 28 Dec. 1828 ; 7 Ann B., b. 24 Ap. 1831 ; d. 28 Jan. 1840; 7 A. Grenviile, b 9 June, 1833. 6 George A. F., b. 3 Sept. 1809 ; d. 1 Jan. 1820. e Amos J. C., b. 4 Jan. 181 1. e TIMOTHY c., b. 29 Dec. 1813 ; m. July, 1841, Elizabeth C. Fesscnden. 7 Henry F., b. 31 July, 1842; 7 Eliza Ann, b 7 Ap. 1845. e NATHAN, Farmer, Concord, N. H. ; rn. Elizabeth Colby, da. of John and Ann Carter C., who d. 14 Dec. 1819, a. 33. e ISAAC c., b. 9 July, 18(14, Concord, N. H. ; m. 2 Mar. 1842, Mary O. Evans, da. of Col. William E., of Fryeburgh, Me. ; e Hiram, b. 1 Oct. 1807, Seaman; GJOHN c., b. 19 Feb. 1810, St. Louis, Mo. ; m. July, 1836, Lydia Ann Breed, of Lynn, who d. May, 1838. 7 Lydia Ann, b. Dec. 1*37; 2 m. 29 June, 1842, Ellen Fuller, of Lynn. 4 STEPHEN, Concord, N. H ; m. Mary Gile, of Sutton, N. H. 5 Ephraim, b 5 Feb. 1779 ; d. Jan. 1822, Concord ; 5 Sarah, b. 26 June, 1780; 5 Mary, b. 26 Ap. 1782; 5 Theodore, b. 23 Feb. 1784; 6 Stephen, b. 19 May, 1786; 5 Lucy B., b. 24 Jan. 1789 ; 5 Samuel, b. 14 May, 1791. 6 SARAH, m. 5 Aaron Abbot ; see 2 and 3 Thomas, 4 Aaron. 5 MARY, m. 5 Mar. 1804, Joseph Twitchel, Farmer, Bethel. Me. 6 Deborah, b. 3 Jan. 1805; d. 9 Ap. 1844 ; Martha, b. 12 Nov. 1806; d.23 Jan. 1831 ; 6 Mary, b. 8 July, 1809; d 9 Aug. 1810; e Almon, b. 14 Sept. 1811; B. C., M. D. 1840; e Albert and 6 Alfred, twins, b. 25 June, 1814; c Albert, d. 23 July, 1823; 6 Alfred, Shoe-maker, Bethel; 6 Joseph, b. 19 May, 1817, Farmer, Bethel ; 6 Osmon M., b. 29 June, 1819, Medical Student. 5 THEODORE, Farmer, Wendell, N. H. ; m. 27 June, 1809, Mary Burpee, b. 29 Sept. 1791. e AMASA s., b. 21 Ap. 1810; m. 112 2 THOMAS, 3 GEORGE, 4 EZRA ABBOT. 11 Jan. 1835, Maliala Chase, b. 30 July, 1817. 7 Diantha, b. 25 Oct. 1835. e STEPHEN, b. 25 Feb. 1812 ; m. 24 Jan 1S44, Sarah Kidder, b. 8 July, 1817. 7 Almeron B., b. 13 Feb. 1845. e SAL- LY, b. 1 Aug. 1814 ; m. 20 Ap. 1834, Albert S. Wortlu-n, b. 21 Jan. 1812. 7 Lorenzo, b. 12 Nov. 1834; 7 Jerome B., b. 14 May, 1837; 7 Betsy R., b. 26 Feb 1840. 6 MARV ANN, b. 11 Oct. 1816; m. 12 June, 1336, Asa Chase, Jr., b. 12 Mar. 1812. 7 Marshal, b. 16 Sept. 1837 ; 7 Willard, b. 18 Ap. 1839 ; 7 James, b. 23 July, 1841. 6 Martha, b. 20 Dec. 1818. 6 EI.IAS B., b. 25 July, 1820; m. 4 Dec. 1844, Lorinda Rarthtt ; i s., b. 29 Dec. 1845. ABIGAIL, b. 7 Nov. 1823 ; m.29 Dec. 1843, Elbridgc G. Chase, b. 30 Oct. 1815. ' Edgar A., b. 23 Jan. 1845. c Thomas, b. 25 Dec. 1826 ; 6 Lois, b. 27 Sept. 1829 ; 6 Harris, b. 5 Dec. 1831 ; e Lydia Jane, b. 9 Ap. 1834. 5 STEPHEN, Shoe-maker, Portland, Me. ; m. wid. Abigail Webb, who d. 26 Aug. 1846, a. 59 ; n. c. 5 LUCY B., m. Benjamin Hazcltinc, Farmer, Springfield, N. H. e Francis P., b. 4 Ap. 1818 ; d. in Arkansas, Oct. 1838; e JONA- THAN s., b. 31 Jan. 1819 ; in. 1843, 7 Esther Webster, da. of Richard and eRhoda Abbot W. ; see 2 William, 3 James, 4 and s Reuben. "MARTHA, b. 8 May, 1821 ; m. 13 Mar. 1845, ^ Charles Abbot ; see 2 William, 3 James, 4 Reuben, 5 Ezra, 6 Timothy. 6 MARY ANN, b. 8 June, 1826 ; m. Truman Schollay ; e Harriet, b. 20 Dec. 1827 ; e Clara, b. 2 Mar. 1831. s SAMUEL, Watch-maker, Montpelier, Vt. ; m. 5 Mar. 1813, Jane Day. 6 MARY ANN, b. 26 Aug. 1815, m. 7 Oct. 1832, George W. Hassan, Shoe-maker, Montpelier. 7 Ann, b. 15 June, 1834 ; 7 Ernily, b. 7 Sept. 1836. 6 JOHN s., b. 20 Jan. 1817, Watch-maker, Montpelier ; m. 14 Aug. 1839, 7 Mary Jane Cil- ley ; see 3 George, 4 Joseph, 6 and e Phebe. 4 EZRA, Farmer, Concord, N. II.; m. 21 Nov. 1782, Betty Andrews, b. 12 May, 1762; d. 25 Ang 17<>4 ; da. of Thomas and Mary Burnum A., of Middleton. 5 LUCY, b. 5 A p. 1784; m. 17 Feb 1835, Diah Hutchcrson, Farmer, Warner, N. H. ; he d. 22 Aug. 1843. 5 HARRIET, b. 12 Ap. 1786 ; m. 20 June, 1816, John Champion, Hartford, Vt. 6 Lucy, b. 29 Mar. 1817; d. 28 Aug. 1841 ; e SARAH ANN, b. 23 Feb. 1819 ; m. 8 Mar. 1840, Lemuel Shat- tuck, Hartford, Vt. o Ezra A., b. 7 Ap. 1825, o Harriet, b. 25 May, 1828. 6 ROBERT B., Capt., b. 22 Ap. 1791 ; d. 22 Aug. 1830, Farmer, Concord ; m. 25 Dec. 1817, Rachel Burnum, of Hopkinton, N. H., b. 2 Sept. 1796; d. 19 June, 1823; 2 m. II May, 1824, Elizabeth Fox, of Lebanon, N. H., b. 2 June, 1794 ; d. 7 Ap. 1840. s ROSE, b. 26 Oct. 1793; m. 12 Dec. 1816, Capt. Jacob Di- mond, Concord, N. H. e ELBRIDGE, Capt., b. 4 Aug. 1818; m. 11 Ap. 1843, Janette Hoit, b. 24 June, 1823. 7 Gilman, b. 31 May, 1844. 2 THOIYIAS, 3 GEORGE, 4 EZRA ABBOT. 113 4 EZRA, 2 m. 10 May, 1795, Anner Ckoale, d., da. of Capt. Thomas and Dorothy C., of Boscawen, N. H., b. 19 Jan. 1758. 5 Anner, b. 2 Mar., d. 12 June, 1798; 3 m. 15 Nov. 1798, Jane Jackman, da. of Lieut. Benjamin arid Jane Woodman J., b. 20 Dec. 1767. 6 BETSY, b. 9 Aug. 1799; m. 9 Ap. 1S22, Amos Hoit, Concord, e MARTHA JANE, b. 18 Jan. 1823 ; m. 30 Mar. 1843, Capt. Timo- thy Dow, b. 15 Jan. 1821, Concord. 7 William Edward, b. 12 Mav, 1844. e Rosanna, b. 3 Aug. 1824 ; e POLLY E., b. 23 Ap. 1826 ; m. 23 Jan. 1844, John Sawyer, b. 13 Jan. 1821. 7 Alonzo Perley, b. 7 Mar. 1845. e Harriet Emeline, b. 20 Jan. 1828; d. 28 Sept. 18-29; c Sylvester G., b. 29 Jan. 1830; o Sarah E., b. 4 Ap. 1832 ; e George A., b. 14 Ap. 1834 ; e Ruth A. S., b. 6 Sept. 1836. 6 Joseph S., b. 28 Oct. Ib38. s ANNER, b. 8 Feb. 1801 ; m. Samuel Runnels, Concord; e c. ; b. 21 Jan., d. 22 Jan. lf-28; e Joanna, b.28 Aug. 1829 ; d. 1 Oct. 1830; e Cyrus, b. 6 Ap. 1832; e Louisa Jane, b. 18 Jan. 1835; e Emily, b. 24 May, 1838; 6 Almira, b. 16 May, 1841 ; e Anner, b. 1 May, 1844. s GEORGE, Esq., b. 27 Jan. 1803, Concord ; m. 25 Aug. 1836, Eliza D. Spaulding, da. of Lieut. John and Elizabeth Wheeler S., of Lebanon, N. H. 6 George, b. 13 Nov. 1838. 5 Jane W., b. 15 Sept. 18(J5, Concord ; 5 BENJAMIN j., b. 4 Feb. 18 Hannah, b. 6 Sept. 1784. 5 Sarah, b. May, 1787 ; d. y. 5 HANNAH, m. 27 Feb. 1806, Benning Noi/e.*, who d. 2 Nov. 1814; Fanner, Bow, N. H. ; son of Benjamin Noyes, Esq. 6 Han- nah, b. 12 July, 18U7 ; d. 10 Feb. 109 ; o BENJAMIN A., b. 10 July, ISO!) ; Farmer, on the homestead of Benjamin Noyes; in. 27 May, 1832, Jane Roach, of Hookset. 7 Benjamin F., b. 15 June, 1835; 7 George W., b. 20 May, 1842. "JEREMIAH s., b. 7 June, 1811 ; Farmer, on the homestead of 3 Benjamin A. ; m. 13 Sept. 1831, Caroline Bates, of Pembroke. 7 Charles H., b. 29 Aug. 1834; 7 Eliza Ann, b. 24 Sept. 139. 6 HANNAH 2d, b. 3 Aug. 1813; m. 18 Sept. 1832, John Parker, Bow, who d. 4 Sept. 183U. 7 John, b. 29 Aug. 1833 ; d. 17 Aug. 1836 ; 7 Frances, b. 20 June, 1835. 6 HANNAH, 2 m. 16 Sept. 1816, Ephraim Ujj/iam, Farmer, Concord ; who d. 29 Mar. 1844. 6 MARY A., b. 7 July, 1817 ; m. 7 Nov. 1839, John Scales, Lowell. 7 John R., b. 5 Ap. 1841. 6 Charlotte, b. 10 Feb. 1827. 4 ISAAC, Farmer, succeeded his father on the homestead. He was a man of great athletic powers, and respected for his moral worth ; fought as a volunteer in the Battle of Bennington ; m. 28 Feb. 1771, Lucy Burnum, b. 6 Aug. 1738, da. of Jonathan and Rose Burnum, of Ipswich ; n. c. * BENJAMIN, Joiner and Farmer, Concord, N. II . He was in the Battle of Bunker Hill, and a ball cut a hole through his whis- 2 THOMAS, 3 &, 4 BENJAMIN ABBOT. 115 ker, but did not draw blood. He m. 29 Jan. 1778, Sarah firown, da. of Daniel and Ruth Morrill B , of Brunswick, Me. 5 Ephraim, b. 28 Sept. 1779; & Hannah, b. 9 Mar. 1782; 6 Ruth M., b. 27 June, 1784; s Benjamin, b. 23 Sept. 1786 ; 5 Sarah, b. 3 Oct. 1788; 5 Abigail L., b. 20 May, 1791 ; 5 Isaac, b. 3 Aug. 1793; d. 14 Nov. 1840: 5 Permelia, b. 1 Feb. 1796; 5 Theodore Thom- as, b. 22 Mar. 1799. s EPHRAIM, H. U. 1806; A. S. 1810 ; Missionary, Me., R. I , and N. H.; ordained, 27 Oct 1813, Pastor of the Cong. Church, Greenland, N. H. On account of ill health, his connection with the parish was dissolved, 27 Oct. 1828 ; Preceptor of the Brack- ett Academy, Greenland, and of the Westford Academy; Jus. of Peace; Representative of Westford, 1839; m. 5 Jan. 1814, Mary Holyoke P,, da. of Rev. Eliphalet and Priscilla Holyoke Pearson, who was b 6 Mar. 1782 ; d. 15 July, 1829; n. c. ; 2 m. 21 Jan. 1830, Abigail W. B., b. 25 Mar. 1797, da. of Dr. Amos and Abigail Whiting Bancroft, of Groton. < Abba Maria, b. 14 Nov. 1830 ; d. 30 Oct. 1831 ; 6 Lucy M. B., b. 10 Ap. 1832; Amos B., b. 11 Nov. 1833; d. 25 Jan. 1835; Ephraim E. P., b. 9 Aug. 1835 ; d. 20 Ap. 1841 ; 6 George Edward Henry, b. 15 Feb. 1838 ; s Sarah Bass, b. 13 July, 1841. 5 HANNAH, m. 15 Nov. 1803, 6 Ebenezer Hall; Farmer, Tan- ner, and Shoe-maker, Concord, N. H., and Boston ; see s Ed- ward, 4 Dorcas, s Daniel H. 6 LUTHER, b. 8 Oct. 1804, Teach- er and Grocer, East Boston; m. 19 Oct. 1834, Lydia Elizabeth White, of Dorchester, b. 15 July, 1806; d. 5 Mar. 1837. 7 Eliz- abeth Lydia, b. 1 Sept. 1835 ; 7 Lydia E. W., b. 20 Feb. 1837 ; 2 m. Olivia Porter, da. of Rev. Huntington and Sarah Emery Moulton P., of Rye, N. H. 7 Olivia P., b. 7 June, d. 20 July, 1838 ; 7 s., b. and d. Ap. 1839; 7 Caroline P., b. 18 June, 1840; d. 17 Feb. 1842 ; 7 Luther A., b. 30 Jan. 1843. 6 SARAH BROWN, b. 13 Feb. 1806; m. 2 Dec. 1836, Rufus Patten, Farmer, Westford. 7 Augusta Virginia, b. 15 June, 1838; 7 Mary Olivia, b. 16 Aug. 1839; 7 Georgianna, b. 12 Nov. 1840; 7 William Oliver, b 22 May, 1842 ; T Rufus Rolando, b. 30 June, d. 12 July, 1844. 7 Sarah Jane, b. 3 Sept. 1846. G EPHRAIM A., b. 27 June, 1812, Clerk, Boston ; m. 26 May, 1839, Lydia Louisa Glover, da. of Elisha V. and Lydia Wooly G. 7 Ephraim A., b. 18 Mar. 1840 ; 7 Mary H. P., b. 23 July, 1841 ; 7 Lydia L., b. 18 Aug. 1842 ; 7 Eliza Matilda, b. 21 Nov. 1843. e Mary Holyoke Pearson, b. 1 Dec. 1816; d. 18 Aug. 1838; distinguished by talents, ac- quirements, and virtuous character. 6 ANGELINA D., b. 29 Oct. 1821 ; in. 29 Aug. 1841, John B. Parktr, Clerk, Salem. 7 John Brooks. s RUTH MORRILL, m. 26 Nov. 1805, Capt. 6 James Hall ; (see 3 Edward, 4 Dorcas, 5 Daniel;) Farmer, Concord, N. H. c MA- RY, b. 28 Dec. 1806 ; in. 5 June, 1838, 7 Albert G. Capen, Low- ell ; (see 3 and 4 Edward, 5 Mary, 6 Ebenezer ;) n. c. ; e SARAH, b. 29 Aug. 1808 ; m. Ap. 1829, Leonard Russell, Manchester, 116 2 THOMAS, 3 & 4 BENJAMIN ABBOT. N. H. 7 James Cyrus, b. May, 1830 ; 7 Mary Jane, b. Ap. 1832 ; 7 Isaac H., b. 20 Nov. 1834 ; 7 Sarah L., b. 12 June, 1842. e ROB- ERT, b. 7 Nov. 1810 ; Apothecary, Concord, N. H. ; m. 1 June, 1833, 7 Lucinda S. Capen ; see 3 and 4 Edward, 5 Mary, c Ebcn- ezer. 7 Ann L , b. 13 June, 1734 ; 7 Tilton C., b. 7 July, 1839. c Isaac A., b. 21 July, 1812 ; d. 4 Dec. 1834 ; Jeweller, Concord, N. H. e Judith D , b. 22 May, 1817 ; d. at Lowell, 9 Jan. 1835. e BENJAMIN A., b. 22 July, 1819, Lowell; m. 1842, Eleanor Stone. e JOHN CALVIN, b. 8 Oct. 1821, Machinist, Lowell; m. 1842, Elizabeth Carrigain, da. of Obadiah C., Esq. ; e Theodore A., b. 17 Oct. 1824, Machinist, Lowell ; m. 17 Mar. 184(3, Susannah Bate/wider Smith, b. 1 May, 1823 ; da. of Benjamin and Hannah Smith, of New Hampton, N. H. 7 George Smith, b. 22 Jan. 1847. 5 BENJAMIN, Carpenter and Farmer, Manchester, N. H. ; rn. 17 Sept. 1807, Dorcas Noyes, da. of Enoch and Eunice Kinsman N. e Ephraim, b. 25 Oct. 1808; d. 10 Ap. 1813; 6 SUSANNAH M., b. 3 Dec. 1810; m. 12 Nov. 1842, Jesse Frye, Machinist, N. Y. state. 7 Benjamin A., b. 14 Aug. 1843. 6 EPIIRAIM, b. 25 Feb. 1813; Printer and Editor, St. Louis, Mo. ; m. 28 July, 1835, Mary Hunt, of Boston. 7 Ephraim, b. 28 Ap. 1836 ; 7 Hiram Enoch, b. 29 Nov. 1837 ; d. 14 Oct. 1838; 7 Hiram E 2d, b. 18 July, 1840; d. 7 Mar. 1841 ; 7 Mary, b. 29 Mar., d. 3 Ap. 1842; 7 Mary D., b. 18 Ap. 1843. G Peter Green, b. 8 May, 1815; d. 7 Nov. 1829 ; e ENOCH N., b. 16 Dec. 1817, Clerk, Manchester, N. H. ; in. 11 Ap. 1843, Maria H. Wood. 7 Susan Maria, b. 3 Feb., d. 12 July, 1844 ; 7 Mary B., b. 15 June, 1846. c Asa McFarland, b. 16 Nov. 1820 ; Machinist, St. Louis, Mo.; e Laura D., b. 31 Mar. 1824 ; Teacher ; e Ruth M , b. 28 Feb. 1828; d. 30 Sept. 1832. 5 SARAH, m. Oct. 1805, Stephen Noyes, Carpenter and Mill- wright, Concord, N. H. 6 Enoch, b. 16 July, 1806; d. 18 May, 1811 ; c SUSAN PARKER, b. 12 Nov. 1808; d. 31 Jan. 1846; m. 28 June, 1829, Joshua D. Allen, Concord, N. H. 7 Stephen N., b. 28 May, 1830; 7 Joshua B., b. 9 Mar. 1832; 7 Sarah N., b. 19 Nov. 1834 ; 7 Joseph S., b. 15 July, 1840. 6 BENJAMIN A., b. 16 Mar. 1811 ; Joiner, Concord, N. H. ; m. 6 June, 1830, Lucia Ann W. Thompson, of Hartland, Vt., who d. 18 July, 1831 ; 2 m. 17 Sept. 1834, Julia Ann Bartlett, da. of Amos and Eunice K. N. B., of Bath, N. H. 7 Lucia Ann, b. 22 Nov. 1835; 7 Lavinia B., b. 10 Sept. 1839. e Stephen, b. 26 May, 1817; d. 22 Mar. 1822. 5 ABIGAIL LAWRENCE, m. 9 Feb. 1809, Scth Baker, Farmer and Joiner, Pembroke, N. H. ; moved to Springfield, c THOMAS, b. 2 Oct. 1810; d. 24 Sept. 1832; Machinist, Sandwich; m. 2 May, 1832, Mary Eayrs, of Boston. 7 Thomas, b. 14 Feb. 1833. 6 TIMOTHY HALL, b. 2 May, 1812; d. 1 Aug. 1835, Springfield; m. 5 June, 1835, Emclinc Simmons, of Alstead, N. H. ; e CHAR- LOTTE G. p., b. 3 Oct. 1821 ; m. 8 Dec. 1840, Joseph W. Hitch- cock, Shoe-dealer, Springfield. 2 THOMAS, 3 &, 4 BENJAMIN ABBOT. 117 5 ISAAC, Carpenter and Farmer, Lancaster, N. H. ; in. 7 May, 1817, Susan Ela, b. 17 Jan. 1797, of Hookset. e ERASTCS i , Capt., Farmer, Lancaster; m. 21 Mar. 1843, Lydia A. Aklcy. - George Ephraim, b. Ap. 1845. 7 .Vary Roe Ann, b. Aug. 1846. e RODERICK T., b. 11 Aug 1819; Farmer, Northumberland; m. April, 184(5, Susan Jane Jones; 6 Edwin L-, b. 2 June, 1821; e Roe Ann, b. 25 Ap. 1823, Lowell ; s Sarah Ann, b. 27 Mar. 1825, Lowell ; 6 Mary O., b. 29 Ap. 1817, Lowell; 6 Susan Est- her, Lowell, and e John Isaac (twins) b. 17 Sept. 1829: 6 Wil- liam Nathaniel and e Elizabeth P. (twins) b. 19 Sept. 1832 ; e Lu- cretia D., b. 8 Mar. 1835 ; 6 Fanny H., b. 12 Nov. 1837 ; 6 Lu- ther Erasmus, b. 15 May, 1840. 5 PERMELIA, m. 7 Nov. 1816, Nathaniel Goss, Farmer, Lan- caster, N. H. and Pewaukie, Wis e SARAH A., b. 7 Jan. 1818; m. 7 July, 1840, Timothy Lyman Clark, Farmer, Pewaukie ; s. of Dea. Asa and Naomi C. 7 Harriot N., b. 27 Dec. 1841. e MARY NYE, b. 23 Mar. 1820 ; m. 25 June, 1844, James H. Wattrman, Farmer, Pewaukie. 7 Martha Sophia, b. May, 1845. e Benjamin Franklin, b. 24 Ap. 1823 ; e Nathaniel Stickney, b. 7 June, 1826. s THEODORE THOMAS, Machinist and Cutler, Concord, N. H. ; m. 7 Aug. 1826, Mthitabel F. Greenough, b 1 Jan. 18(10. 6 Mar- garet H., b. 13 May, 1827; o Theodore Edson, b. 5 Mar. 1830; 6 Edward P., b. I April, 1832; e Elizabeth M., b. 22 Ap. 1834 ; 6 Ossiau F., b. 16 May, 1836; e Ephraim E. P., b. 20 Sept. 1841. 2 NATHANIEL, b. 15 July, 1671 ; d. 12 Dec. 1749, a. 78. He was a member of Rev. Thomas Barnard's church, Andover; m. 1 Nov. 1695, Dorcas Hibbert ; she d. 7 Feb. 1743. 3 Nathaniel, b. 1696: d. 1770, a. 74; 3 Mary, b. 8 Feb. 1698 ; 3 s., b. and d. 20 June, 1700; a Joseph, b. 2 Feb. 1705; d. 23 Aug. 1787; 3 Tabi- tha, b. ab. 1707; 3 Jeremiah, b. 4 Nov. 1709; d. 2S Aug. 1748 ; 3 Joshua, b. 1711; 3 Sarah ; 3 Hannah ; 3 Elizabeth, d. July, 1799; 3 Rebecca, b. 1717; d. 1803, a. 86. 3 NATHANIEL, Capt., an original proprietor in the town of Con- cord, N. H. ; honest, respected, and beloved, and resolute in pro- tecting the town, and defending the rights of his country. In 1746, he commanded a company in the defence of the town against the Indians. He was a Lieutenant in the provincial service, in the expedition against Crown Point. Moore, in his Annals of Con- cord, says, "At the commencement of the French war, in 1744, he entered the service and joined the Rangers under Maj. Rogers. He was at the capture of Cape Breton, in 1745; was subsequently in many of the sanguinary conflicts on the northern frontiers; and endured almost incredible hardships. He held a commission in the corps of Rangers, and was in every station a brave and useful officer." He m. Penelope Ballard. < Nathaniel, b. 10 Mar. 1727 ; d. 19 Feb. 1800, a. 79 ; 4 Dorcas, b. 11 Nov. 1728 ; Rebecca, b. 27 May, 1731; d. Thetford, Vt. ; 4 Elizabeth, b. 1 July, 1733; 118 2, 3, & 4 NATHANIEL, 5 MOSES ABBOT. d. 25 Jan. 1834, a. 100 y. and 6 mo ; 4 Mary, b. 7 Mar. 1735 ; d. Mar. 1795; 4 Hannah, b. 7 Mar. 1736; 4 Ruth, b. 28 Jan. 173*; d. 27 Feb. 1817, a. 79; "Joshua, b. 24 Feb. 1740 ; d. Mar. 1815, a. 75; * Rachel, b. 7 Ap. 1743; d. 13 June, 1788; "Jeremiah, b 17 Mar. 1744; d. 8 Nov. 1823, a. 79 ; * Dorothy, b. 28 Dec. 1746; d. 27 Sept. 1776; 4 Sarah, b. 3 Dec. 1748; d". June, 1842, a. 94 ; 2 m. Mchitabel . 4 NATHANIEL, a respectable Farmer, Concord, N. H. ; m. 1749, Miriam Chandler, of Dunstable, who d. Jan. 1811, a. 82. 5 Na- thaniel Chandler, b. 28 July, 1750; s, Moses, b. 19 June. 1752; d. 11 July, 1837, a. 85; 5 Joseph, b. 24 May, 1754 ; d. 24 Jan. 1774; s "Philip, b. 4 Feb. 1757 ; d. 16 Ap. 1841, a. 84 ; s Joshua, b. 15 June, 1759; d. 4 Mar. 1837, a. 78; t> Susanna, b. 21 Jan. 1762; d. 24 June, 1832, a. 70 ; 5 Phebe, b. 8 Aug. 1764; sLevi, b. 23 Sept. 1767 ; d. 15 Dec. 1825 ; 5 David, b. 8 Aug. 1770 ; d. 30 June, 1836, a. 66 ; 4 Joseph 2d, b. 4 Jan. 1774 ; n. m. ; 5 Na- thaniel C., Moses, Philip, and Joshua, served several campaigns in the Revolutionary War. s NATHANIEL c., Blacksmith and Farmer, Concord, N. H. ; moved to the north part of the State ; m. Hannah Farrington. e Joseph, b. 14 Dec. 1778; e Susy, b. 25 Sept. 1782; e Katy, b. 21 Jan. 1785; 6 Abigail, b. 4 Jan. 1787; e David, b. 6 May, 1789; 6 Sally, b. 5 Sept. 1791. s MOSES, Farmer, Concord, N. H. ; m. Mary Batchelder, of Loudon, N. H.; she d. 2 July, 1833, a. 77. e JOHN, b. 6 Sept. 1799; Farmer, Hanover, Me.; m. 1801, * Hannah Flanders, da. of Richard Flanders and a Mary Chandler; see 2 Nathaniel, 3 Tabitha, 4 Daniel C. 7 HAZEN F., b. 23 Mar. 1801 ; Farmer, Rumford, Me. ; rn. 29 May, 1822, e Hannah Martin, b. 2 June, 1802. s Henry M., b. 23 May, 1823; " Dolly M., b. 2 Sept. 1826; 8 Susan V., b. 29 Oct. 1827; 8 Marshall F., b. 24 Jan., d. 2 Oct. 1829; 8 Hannah, b. 25 Aug., d. 17 Nov. 1830 ; 8 Hannah, 2d, b. 23 Aug. 1832 ; 8 Lucinda Ann, b. 12 July, 1835 ; 8 Hazen M., b. 20 Dec. 1836. 7 Nancy W., b. 9 May, 1803, Hanover, Me. 7 HIRAM, b. 2 Feb. 1806 ; Farmer, Rumford, Me. ; m. 28 Ap. 1833, Mary Huston, b. II Jan. 1805. 8 Hannah, b. 2 Mar. 1834 ; s Hiram, b. 2 June, 1835 ; 8 William W., b. 5 July, 1837 ; 8 Lucy Ann, b. 27 May, 1839; s Edwin F., b. 11 Sept. 1841 ; 8 George, b. 27 Sept. 1843. 7 POLLY, b. 29 Dec. 1808; m. 5 Oct. 1826, T Isaac Hall, Rumford, Me.; he was born 1 June, 1805. 8 Hannah F , b. 21 Ap. 1828; 8 Emeline W., b. 3 Feb. 1830: 8 Nancy E., b. 19 Aug. 1832; 8 John G., b. 20 Ap. 1834; 8 Isaac F., b. 25 Ap. 1836; 8 Hiram A., b. 1 June, 1838 ; 8 Mary S., b. 8 Ap. 1840; d. 10 Aug. 1842; 8 Daniel Q., b. 26 A p. 1842. 7 JOHN G., b. 27 March, 1812, Charlestown ; m. Sophia Huston, s Henry; 8 John. 7 EMILY, b. June, 1814; m. 1836, Asa Etheridgc, Hanover, Me. ; b. 1810. 8 John A. ; 8 Nancy L., b. 5 May, 1838 ; 8 Martin R., b. 20 Feb. 1841 ; 8 Lucretia R., b. 27 July, 1842. 7 ANDREW B., b. 6 Sept. 1816; m. 1843, Penia Smith, of Newry, Me. 2, 3, & 4 NATHANIEL, 5 PHILIP ABBOT. 119 e SARAH, b. 10 Sept. 1781 ; d. 16 Aug. 1846 ; m. 9 Mar. 1815, 5 Peter //. Abbot; see 2 Thomas, 3 George, 4 Daniel 6 MOSES, Concord, Farmer; b. 3 Aug. 1783; m. Eunice Call, i Adaline; 7 Luther; 7 Mary Elizabeth ; 7 Moses Batchelder ; 7 George ; v Charles; 7 Sarah; 6 Liza, b. 22 June, 1785; d. 1803. e NA- THANIEL, b. 23 June, 1787 ; m. Sabrina, da. of Benjamin Morse; moved to Me. 7 Judith ; 7 MARY ANN, d. ; m. Holdtn. 8 Mary Ann. 7 Sabrina ; 7 Dorothy ; 7 Moses ; 7 other c. 6 LEVI, b. 21 Ap. 1789; m. Eliza Dimond. 7 MAHALA, b. 3 May, 1816; d. 4 March, 1842; m. James Conner. * Caroline Augusta, b. 4 Feb. 1842 ; d. 4 Ap. 1842. 7 ALBERT, b. 30 Oct. 1818; m. Sept. 1846, 7 Mary Saltmarsh; 7 Lucinda, b. 24 Nov. 1820; 7 Eliza Jane, b. 2 Feb. 1823; 7 Benjamin Dimond, b. 13 Mar. 1825 ; 7 Franklin, b. 7 Sept. 1827 ; 7 Abigail D., b. 23 Dec. 1829 ; 7 Angeline, b. 17 July, 1832 ; 7 Gilman Woodbridge, b. 9 July, 1831 ; 7 Susannah Dow, b. 21 Dec. 1836; 7 Cyrus, b. 12 Mar. 1838; d. 22 Mar. 1844; ' Laura Ann, b. 14 July, 1841 ; d. 19 Jan. 1844 ; 7 Cyrus 2d, b. 23 Aug. 1845. e CALVIN, b. 14 July, 1791, Bridgewater, Vt. ; m. Jan. 1819, 6 Polly Burnum Abbot ; see 2 Thomas, 3 George, 4 Daniel, 5 Sam- uel ; 7 Alba, b. 3 June, 1822 ; 7 MARY STORY, b. 14 Oct. 1823; m. May, 1842, Jesse W. Leonard, Woodstock, Vt. ; 8 Frances L. ; s da. 7 Luther ; 7 Abigail Story ; 7 Daniel George, e Luther, Quincy. o ELSIE, m. Moses Colby, s. of James Colby, of Hopkin- ton, N. H. 7 John Gilman, d. July, 1841 ; 7 Mary Eliza ; 7 George ; 7 Melvin ; i Sewall. e MARY, d. Ap. 1822 ; m. Carter Busirell. 7 MARY ANN, b. Ap. 1822 ; m. July, 1845, Smith Morrill, Henni- ker, N. H. s PHILIP, Farmer, Rumford, Me. ; m. 10 Feb. 1791, Experience Howe, b. 1 Ap. 1771. e SUSANNA, b. 26 June, 1793; m. 20 June, 1815, Rufus Virgin, Rumford Falls, Me., b. 2 Jan. 1792. 7 Jon- athan A., b. 24 Sept 1817; 7 Chaplin, b. 24 Oct. 1820 ; 7 Abbot, b. 28 Oct. 1822; 7 Susan M., b. 10 Jan. 1829; 7 Albert, b. 13 Ap. 1831. e BETSY, b. 10 Aug. 1795; m. 1 Oct. 1822, Joseph Baxter, Jr., Boston, b. 17 Dec. 1769 ; d. 25 Aug. 1828, a 58. 7 Paris A., b. 18 May, 1823. e Parna, b. 10 Ap. 1797 ; d. 8 Ap. 1801; 6 David, b. 5 Feb. 1799; d. 1 July, 1808. e PHILIP, b. 11 Dec. 1800; m. 16 Feb. 1823, wid. Lucina White, of Dixfield, Me., b. 2 May, 1786; d. 24 June, 1841. 7 LUCY TRASK, b. 12 Feb. 1824 ; m. 29 Nov. 1842, Barnard Marble, Mexico, Me., b. 29 Dec 1813. 8 Trancilia, b. 1 Ap. 1843. 7 Ach- sah Ann, b. 7 Aug. 1825 ; d. 7 June, 1841 ; 7 Joseph White, b. Jan. 10, 1827; 7 Chandler Pollard, b. 21 July, 1829; 7 Susan, b. 11 July, 1831 ; ' Gurtine Marshall, b. 10 July, 1838. e LEVI, b. 4 Nov. 1802 ; m. 4 Feb. 1825, Vashti Wheeler, of Rumford, Me., b. 28 Nov. 1805. 7 Dexter D. W., b. 8 July, 1826; 7 Sophia Scott, b. 17 June, 1828 ; 7 Victor M., b. 11 Oct. 1831; 7 William W., b. 20 Dec. 1835; 7 Paris Baxter, b 18 Dec. 1843. e bopiiix, b. 4 Ap. 1805; m. Jan. 1824, Simeon Par- 120 2, 3, & 4 NATHAMEL, 5 LEVI ABBOT. /in. 7 Joseph S., b. 6 May, 1825 ; 7 Josephine M. L., b. 28 Jan. 1827; 7 Sophia E., b. 23 Mar. 1830; 7 David A., b. 16 Sept. 1833 ; 7 Edwin M., b. 26 Nov. 1835 ; 7 Mary Ann E., b. 27 June, 1838; 7 Augusta M. 6 CHANDLER, b. 10 Oct. 1807; in. Charatee Durgan, of Rumford, Me. ; e David, b. 16 Nov. 1809. 5 JOSHUA, b. 15 June, 1759; d. 4 Mar. 1837, a. 77; Farmer and Innkeeper, Hookset, N. H. ; m. Polly Brown. 6 Miriam ; e Betsy ; e Polly ; e Philip ; 6 Joshua; 6 s. d. y. ; 2 m. Ann Man- ning, e Susan; e Margaret ; 6 Sally ; * Nancy , 6 Dolly ; 'Cyn- thia ; e Elmira ; e William ; e Walter. 5 SUSANNA, m.John Garvin, Farmer, Concord, N. H. ; b 1764; d. 16 Dec. 1826. e NATHANIEL, b. 15 Sept. 1792; m. Mary Rog- ers, b. 11 May, 1793. 7 George W., b. 14 July, 1826 ; 7 Sarah A., b. 29 Mar. 1828 ; 7 Caroline R., b. 3 Feb. 1830 ; 7 Mary E., b. 16 June, 1832. 6 James, b. 20 Dec. 1794 ; d. 8 Dec. 1829 ; 6 HUBBARD, b. 26 June, 1796 ; m. Lydia Garvin ; she d. 15 June, 1843. 7 Susan A., b. 1820; 7 Mary R., d. ; 7 John, d. ; 7 John 2d, b. 1830; 7 Sarah Frances, b. Dec. 1837; 7 Mary E., b. Mar. 1840. G JEREMIAH, b. 28 Nov. 1798 ; m. Mary F. Hutchinson, b. 23 May, 1807. 7 John, b. Oct. 1826; 7 Charles, b. 1828; 7 James F., b. 1831 ; 7 Mary, b. 1837 ; 7 Lydia E., b. 1839 ; 7 s. 6 MIRIAM c., b. 23 July, 1802 ; m. Francis W. Rogers, son of Jo- siah Rogers, b. 15 Dec. 1795. 7 William A. S., b. June, 1823; 7 Charles, b. 1825; 7 Susan A., b. Aug. 1828; 7 Almira Malvina, b. 1830 ; d. ; 7 George Francis, b. 1838. c Seth N., b. 17 May, 1807. s PHEBE, m. o Nathan; see 2 William, 3 James, 4 Reuben. 5 LEVI, Farmer, on the homestead of his father ; m. 10 July, 1791, s Elsie Moar, (see 2 and 3 Nathaniel, 4 Hannah,) who d. Ap. 1795. 6 ANN, d. 1817 ; m. Samuel Moar. a LEVI, 2 m. 6 Oct. 1795, Mary Carter, da. of Joseph Carter ; she d. 24 Sept. 1840. e JOSEPH c., b. 2 Ap. 1796; d. 23 July, 1825; m. Susan Furber. 7 Joseph C., b. June, 1821. 6 CHARLES, b. 30 Nov. 1797; m. 13 Dec. 1827, Sarah Carter, da. of Moses Carter. 7 Levi W., b. 27 Sept. 1828; 7 Mary Josephine, b. 12 June, 1832 ; d. July, 1846; 7 Clara Ann, b. 9 July, 1834; 7 Sally W., b. 18 Oct. 1836 ; 7 Betsy C., b. 18 Oct. 1838; 7 Frances Maria, b. 23 July, 1841. 6 AARON, b. 28 Sept. 1799 ; m. 5 Oct. 1824, Nancy Banger. 7 Joseph C, b. 15 July, 1825; 7 Ann Mary, b. 24 Feb. 1827; 7 Elizabeth H., b. 8 Oct. 1829 ; 7 Sarah J. H., b. 14 Sept. 1831 ; 7 George D., b. 16 Sept. 1834; 7 Edward M., b. 13 Mar. 1836; 7 Susan F., b. 16 Feb. 1838 ; 7 Ellen S., b. 15 Nov. 1840 ; 7 Alice A., b. 25 Sept. 1843. 6 ALICE, b. 28 June, 1801 ; m. 26 Sept. 1820, Mmdal Sampson. 7 Aaron A., b. 22 Dec. 1821. 6 Mary C., b. 1 June, 1803 ; d. 27 Oct. 1825. e IRA, b. 14 Feb. 1805; Farmer on the homestead, Concord; m. 20 Feb. 1831, 7 Hannah A. Capen, da. of 6 Ebenezer Capen ; see a Thomas, 3 and 4 Edward, 6 Mary. 7 Laura T., b. 13 Mar. 1832; 7 Lydia P., b. 28 Oct. 1834 ;' 7 Valeria Ann, b. 8 July, 2, 3, & 4 NATHANIEL, 4 DORCAS ABBOT. 121 1836 ; 7 Albert G., b. 24 July, 1839 ; d. 12 Mar. 1840 ; 7 Albert G. 3d, b. 11 July, 1841 ; d. 11 Feb. 1842; 7 Hannah Jane, b. 24 Oct. 1843. c ELIZA, b. 3 Ap. 1807; m. 12 Dec. 1827, Simeon Carter, son of Moses C. 7 Hannah F., b. 8 Oct. 1828 ; 7 Mary A., b. Hi Nov. 1829 ; 7 Elvira N., b. 22 Dec. 1833 ; 7 Lucy Ann, b. 12 Mar. 1837; 7 William C , b. 26 Mar. 1841. e HANNAH jr., b. 1 July, 1809 ; m. Ap. 1844, Page, M. D , East Ware, N. H. ; e SUSAN G., b. 17 Nov. 1811 ; m. 17 Nov. 183!), John C. Willson. 7 Charles Colby, b. 4 July, 1842; 7 John Francis, b. 13 Mar. 1844. 6 CLARA c., b. 4 May, 1813; m. 13 Jan. 1841, 7 A bid Rolfe, Lowell ; see 2 Thomas, 3 Edward, 4 Dorcas, 5 Sarah, e Judith. 7 Frank O., b. 14 Dec. 1841. e RUTH w., b. 23 Dec. 1816; d. 10 Feb. 1845; m. 10 Dec. 1843, John O. M. Ladd, Lowell. 5 DAVID, b. 8 Aug. 1770; Farmer, Rumford, Me. ; m. Betsy Colstm, of Surnner, Me., b. 8 Aug. 1780 ; d. 16 Feb. 1821. 6 VESTA, b. 28 Dec. 1802; d. Dec. 1840; m. Nov. 1822, John Ackby, Farmer, Rumford, Me. 7 Betsy C. ; 7 Maxalana; 7 Arvilla ; 7 George ; 7 Charles H. ; 7 John W. ; 7 Cynthia J. ; 7 Augustus, e LAURA, b. Aug. 1804; m. June, 1824, William Moody, Rum- ford, Me. 7 Jane; 7 Mary; 7 Eliza A. e ARVILLA, b. 30 Dec. 1807 ; m. 7 Dec. 1834, John Martin, Rumford, Me., b. 4 Dec. 1804. 7 Henry, b. 17 Ap. 1836; 7 Franklin, b. 28 Oct. 1837; 7 Abigail, b. 6 May, 1839 ; 7 Charles K., b. 7 June, 1841 ; 7 Mary E., b. 28 Ap. 1843 e GIDEON c., b. Nov. 1809 ; m. 1833, Sevilla Barker. 7 Charles L., b. June, 1834; 7 Josiah K., b. Mar. 1836; 7 Syette, b. May, 1839; 7 Elias B., b. Nov. 1841; i Se- villa, b. Nov. 1843. 6 LUNA, b. 1 Oct. 1811; m. Ap. 1835, Tim- othy Walker, Rumford, Me., great-grandson of Rev. Timothy Walker, of Concord, N. H. 7 Sarah, b. Mar. 1836 ; 7 Charles, b. Sept. 1837 ; 7 Hannah, e ELIZABETH, b. May, 1813; m. Ap. 1837, Charles A. Kimball, b. Dec. 1816. 7 Charles W., b. Mar. 1839; 7 Elizabeth A., b. Dec. 1841. c SAMUEL u., b. 22 May, 1816; m. May, 1843, Mary Cyle; 7 s. e JAMES w., b. Aug. 1818; rn. 1844, Ann Richie; live in Northumberland, N. H. 7 Mary E. e Deban R , b. 16 Feb. 1821. 4 DORCAS, m. Capt. Moses Merrill, Concord, N. H., son of Dea. John Merrill, Concord. 5 PENELOPE, m. Hoit ; 5 DORCAS, in. William Beard, Reading; e 4 c. 5 Muses, b. 19 Nov. 1751 ; d. 10 Ap. 1752; 5 NEHEMIAH, had two or three wives; 5 BETSY, m. Piper; a LYDIA, b. 11 Nov. 1759; d. 10 Jan. 1839, a. 80 ; rn. Capt. Samuel Davis, Farmer, Concord, N. H., b. J7 Ap. 1759 ; living, a. 88. 6 DORCAS, b. June, 1781 ; d. 14 Oct. 1830 ; m. Enoch Farnum, Farmer, Concord. 7 Theodore, b. 3 Sept. 1804; 7 Josiah, b. 15 July, 1807; d. June, 1826; 7 Samuel D., b. 27 Mar. 1810; 7 Robert D., b. 3 Feb. 1817; d Sept. 1825. 6 SARAH, b. 17 Mar. 1783; d. 3 Mar. 1831; in. 6 Aug. 1810, James Buswdl, Concord. 7 James, b. 7 Dec. 1813; d. 24 Aug. 1817; 7 Charles, b. 30 May, 1816; d. 1 Sept. 1817; 7 Sarah, b. 11 122 4 REBECCA, 4 ELIZABETH ABBOT. 30 July, d. 27 Aug. 1818; 7 James Henry, b. 4 Ap. 1820; 7 Rob- ert D., b. 22 June, d. 18 Aug. 1825. e NANCY, b. 12 June, 1785 ; d. 6 Sept. 1836 ; m. 25 Ap. 1814, Laban Page. T Hannah H., b. 22 Feb. 1815; T Emeline, b. 16 Aug. 1816 ; d. 6 Dec. 1842; 7 WILLIAM H., b. 28 Dec. 1818; m. 16 May, 1842, Mary Thompson. * Charles Henry, b. 2 Oct. 1843. ' Charles, b 27 Aug. 1820 ; d. 27 Aug. 1825; 7 George, b. 1 Ap. 1822; d. 14 Sept.l825; 7 Charles G., b. 16 Jan. 1826; 7 Ann Elizabeth, b. 18 Mar. 1829. e RUTH, b. 20 Aug. 1787; m. Ephraim Colby. 7 Mary, d. ; 7 David D. ; 7 Moses D. ; 7 Julia Ann. ROBERT, Esq., b. Oct. 1789; d. Jan. 1825; m. Elmira Dear- born. 7 Sarah, d. ; 7 Lydia Ann, d. ; 7 Charles ; 7 Ann F., d. e Samuel, b. 10 Ap. 1793 ; d. 12 Jan. 1843 ; n. m. ; e JUDITH, b. 16 Ap. 1795 ; m. 8 Mar. 1832, James Buswell. 7 Sarah Frances, b. 8 June, 1835. e MOSES 2d, b. 24 July, 1797; m. 6 Esther Martin. 7 Lydia Ann, b. 4 Jan. 1828; 7 Elizabeth M., b. 10 July, 1830; 7 Sarah Jane, b. 11 Aug. 1833; T Esther Chase, b. 29 Oct. 1835 ; 7 Robert Samuel, b. 3 Aug. 1838. G David, Col., Justice, Concord, N. H., b. July, 1799. 4 REBECCA, m. John Merrill, d. Concord, N. H. ; son of Dea. John Merrill. 5 REBECCA, b. 16 Aug. 1751 ; m. Abner Farnum, Farmer, Concord, N. H. 6 Thomas, drowned, 7 Sept. J793, a. 24; 6 John, d. ; e MOSES, m. Rebeeca Dcrn, of Pembroke, N. H. 7 AMANDA M., m. Sylvester Diggins. 7 John M. ; 7 Daniel : 7 Tho- mas ; 7 Lucy M. ; 7 Rebecca M. 5 Lydia, b. 19 Feb. 1753 ; s Pe- nelope, b. 15 Oct. 1754 ; 5 John, b. 14 June, 1756. 4 REBECCA, 2 m. Jacob Doyne, Pembroke, N. H , and moved to Thetford, Vt. 5 Nathaniel ; 5 Jacob ; 5 HANNAH, m. Eben Garvin. 4 ELIZABETH, (see Bouton's Centennial, p. 57;) m. Joseph Ifa- zletine, Farmer, Concord, N. H. ; who d. 30 May, 1798, a. 67. 5 Sarah, b. 24 Dec. 1755; 5 Abigail, b. 3 Sept. 1758; d. 17 Sept. 1785; s Anna, b. 19 May, 1760; 5 Peter, b. 23 Sept. 1762; drowned, 20 Nov. 1779 ; 5 Susanna, b. 12 Sept. 1765; 5 Hannah, b. 31 Aug. 1767; 5 Ballard, b 4 Sept. 17H9 ; d. at Pittsburgh, N. Y. 1836; 5 Betsy, b. 3 Oct. 1771; a Nathaniel, b. 24 Aug. 1774 ; d. 23 Feb. 1796. 5 SARAH, m. Naaman Houghton, d. ; 2m. Carlcton. 5 AB- IGAIL, m. John Page, Haverhill, N. H. ; 5 ANNA, m. Jacob Green, Esq., Farmer, Bow, N. H. e MARTHA, d. ; m. John Noyes. 7 MATILDA, m. Job Willis. 8 Martha G. ; 8 Isaac Thomas, d. ; 8 Isaac T. 2d ; e Daniel S. 7 LUCY, m. Jonathan Sanborn. 8 Ma- ry ; s George; 8 John. 7 Peter G. ; 7 HIRAM, m. Rdirf Quirnby, 8 Alonzo S. ; 8 Walter B. ; s Sarah Ann ; 8 c. s Mary Ann, d. ; c JACOB, m. Sarah Dow. 7 Asenath ; 7 Calvin ; T Nathaniel ; i Ma- ry Ann ; 7 Gardner ; 7 Emeline; e PF.TER H., m. Margaret Foster. 7 Albert C. ; T Peter H. ; 7 Joseph F. 6 NATHANIEL, m. Marga- ret Rog LUCY, 2 m. 5 JEREMIAH, Upper Canada, and Smithville, Chenango Co., N. Y.; m. 4 JACOB, Hon., m. 1767, Lydia Stevens, who d. June, 1821, a. 75 ; moved to Wilton, N. H., where he made a farm from the forest. About 1776 he sold his farm to his brother Joseph, and bought in the middle of the town, and traded in goods. He built the first mills on Souhegan river, in Wilton ; was employed in town business; was first Representative to the General Court; first Justice of the Peace in the town ; Justice of the C. C. Pleas ; and a Counsellor of State. He moved to Andover, and assisted Hon. Samuel Phillips in his business, and was a Trustee of Phil- lips Academy. In 1797 he moved to Concord, N. H , traded in goods, and represented the town in the General Court three years. In 1802 he moved to Brunswick, Me. ; was a useful mem- ber of the Board of Overseers of Bowdoin College, and a Senator for the county of Cumberland, in the legislature of Maine. In the several offices which he sustained, he was capable, faithful, and useful ; and in the several places in which he lived, he was influ- ential in promoting peace, good order, and prosperity. His mind was active, his perceptions quick, his memory prompt, his judgment sound, his disposition mild. He was facetious, affa- ble, and benevolent, and had a fund of anecdote. Early impressed with a sense of right and wrong, he was upright in his dealings, faithful in business, a firm friend arid supporter of religion and re- ligious institutions, and active in the cause of education. One son and seven grandsons have had collegiate education. He died in Brunswick, a. 74. Rev. S. Eaton delivered a discourse at his funeral, which was published. 5 Lydia, b. and d. 1 June, 1"69; 5 Lydia 2d, b. 1 May, 1771 ; s Hannah, b. 31 July, 1772 ; d. 10 May, 1786 ; a Phebe, b. 25 June, 1774 ; 5 Jacob, b. 20 Oct. 1776 ; 5 Dorcas, b. 6 Sept., d. 29 Dec. 1778 ; e Salva, b 7 Sept., d. 16 Sept. 1778, (twins.) 5 John S., b. 25 Nov. 1779; d. 9 June, 1809 ; H. U. 1801 ; 5 Lucy, b. 19 Ap. 1781 ; 5 Dorcas Hibbert, b. 21 Feb.; d. 14 Aug. 1784. 5 LYDIA 2d, m. 10 Feb. 1789, Thomas Russell, Farmer, Temple, Me. e Thomas, b. 7 Aua., d. 26 Aug. 1791 ; e Thomas 2d, b. 3 Sept. 1792 ; d. 22 Oct. 1840; e Hannah A., b. 4 May, 1794 ; d. 16 Mar. 1838; e Jacob A , b. 25 July, 1795; e Lydia". b. '27 Feb. 1797 ; 6 Polly, b. 10 Aug. 1799 ; 6 John, b. 24 May, 1S01 ; e Jo- 132 2 NATHANIEL, 3 JOSEPH, 4 JACOB ABBOT. seph, b. 23 Feb. 1803 ; d. 27 Aug. 1804 ; o Samuel P., b. 17 Feb. 1805 ; e Benjamin W., b. 22 Jan. 1807 ; e Joseph 2d, b. 18 Feb. 1809 ; e Fisk, b. 12 Nov. 1810. 6 THOMAS 2cl, Farmer, Temple, Me. ; m. 18 Aug. 1813, Martha True, b. 14 Jan. 1799. 7 Martha, b. 27 Dec. 1814; 7 LYDIA A., b. 28 Ap. 1816 ; m. 9 Nov. 1835, William Dinsmore, b. C Dec. 1814, Blacksmith, Temple, Me. 8 Sylvester, b. 7 July, 1839; 8 Thomas R., b 21 Sept 1841 ; d. 5 Mar. 1842. 7 THOMAS w., b. 4 Ap. 1818, Machinist, Cabotville ; m. 15 May, 1846, Calista Wcllman, b. 18 July, 1823 ; T ZEBULON T., b. 20 Mar. 1820 ; Ma- chinist, Cabotville; m 15 May, 1846, Elvira A. Bean, b. 6 May, 1826. 7 Lewis, b. 31 May, 1>22 ; 7 Shepard, b. 29 May, 1824 ; 7 Mary A., b. I July, 1826 ; 7 Martin, b. 4 Oct. 1828; 7 Charles, b. 11 Jan. 1835; 7 Adaline B., and 7 Abigail H., (twins) b. 19 Jan. 1839. e HANNAH A., m. 4 Feb. 1813, William True, b. 12 Ap. 1789; Farmer, Temple, Me. 7 SUMNER, b. 6 Oct. 1813; Farmer, Tem- ple, Me. ; m. 1 Mar. 1841, Eunice Smith, b. 14 Dec. 1816 ; 7 WIL- LIAM, b. 10 June, 1815 ; Stone Mason, Farmington, Me.; m. 28 Mar. 1839, Mary S. Smith, b. 19 Dec. 1815. 7 Hannah A., b. 22 May, 1817 ; 7 Julia Ann, b. 7 Mar. 1824 ; 7 Octavia, b. 4 Feb. 18:28 ; d. 26 Aug. 1839; 7 Marilla, b. 14 June, 1832; 7 Philip, b. 5 Oct. 1835. William True, 2 m. 15 Jan. 1839, Elizabeth P. Haskell, b. 23 Aug 1799 ; 7 Octavia, b. 3 Dec. 1839. e JACOB A , Farmer, Temple, Me.; m. 28 Dec. 1820, Appah Staple, b. 29 May, 1803; d 25 Nov. 1836. 7 Jacob G., b. II Nov. 1822 ; 7 Samuel, b. 6 May, 1824 ; 7 Abiel, b. 10 May, 1826; 7 Emily D , b. 26 Aug. 1829; 7 Abigail W., b. 8 Feb. 1832; 7 Mary, b. 29 Ap. 1834; 7 Sarah H., b. 22 Feb. 1836. 6 JACOB A., 2 m. 4 Dec. 1839, Mary Tufts, b. 24 May, 1819. 7 Thomas, b. I Mar. 1840; 7 Francis P., b. 10 May, 1843; i Eliot A., b. 28 July, 1845. 6 LYDIA, m. 27 Nov. 1817, Samuel Staple, b. 10 July, 1795 ; d. 22 Oct. 1840. 7 SARAH H., b. 16 May, 1819; m. 22 Feb. 1838, Luther Mitchell, b. 2 Dec. 1814, Farmer, Temple, Me. e Eliza Ann, b. 9 Ap. 1839 ; 8 Augustine, b. 30 May, 1843. 7 Abigail C., b. 8 July, d. 29 July, 1820; 7 ASENATH, b. 4 Aug. 1821 ; m. 23 July, 1839, Peter K. Oake.s, b. 28 June, 1804; Farmer, Temple, Me. * Henrietta, b. 30 Ap. 1842; 8 Abby J., b. 25 Nov. 1843; 8 Edwin Z., b. 16 June, 1845. 7 PHEBE, b. 3 Jan. 1823; m. 31 Dec. 1843, Daniel Sampson, b. 29 Dec. 1820; Shoemaker, Tem- ple, Me.; 7 Ezra, b. 19 July, 1824; 7 Mary Ann, b. 24 Feb. 1826; 7 Lydia, b 28 Sept. 1827; 7 Samuel, b. 27 May, 1829; d. 9 Nov. 1832; 7 David H., b. 26 Mar. 1831; 7 Harriet, b. 16 July, 1837. e POLLY, m. 5 Jan. 1828, Aaron Dresser, b. 11 Ap. 1800; Farmer, Temple, Me. 7 Aaron E., b. 6 Mar. 1830; 7 Ephraim, b. 21) June, 1832; 7 Augustus, b. 6 May, 1837. e JOHN, Farmer, Weld, Me. ; m. 20 Oct. 1822, Eleanor Burn- 2 NATHANIEL, 3 JOSEPH, 4 JACOB ABBOT. 133 ham, b. 7 Mar. 1804. 7 MARGARET B., b. 7 Feb. 1824; ra. 12 Oct. 1839, John Hankcrson, b. 2 Feb. 1817; Coppersmith, Cab- otville. 8 George M., b. 1 Sept. 1840; 8 Eleanor R., b. 6 Ap. 1842. < John, b. 22 Jan. 1825 ; 7 Charles B., b. 24 Sept. 1827 ; 7 Samuel S , b. 22 Sept. 1829 ; i Benjamin W., b. 15 Nov. 1831 ; 7 Deborah B., b. 14 Sept. 1837. e SAMUEL P., Machinist, Cabotville ; m. 6 Oct. 1839, Caroline Wilder, b. 26 Nov. 1805. 7 Milton W., b. 17 June, 1831 ; d. 26 Oct. 1840 ; 7 Franklin M., b. 23 Oct., d. 30 Oct. 1834 ; 7 Auaus- tus F., b. 9-Nov. 1836; d. 6 Mar. 1838; 7 Alden C., b. 12 June, 1838 ; 7 Herbert F., b. 2 Sept. 1844. 6 BENJAMIN w., Farmer, Weld, Me. ; m. 7 Ap. 1840, Hannah B. Edes, b. 27 June, 1813. 7 Hannah C., b. 7 Ap. 1841 ; 7 Ben- jamin S. O., b. 3 June, 1844 ; 7 Sophanas, b. 15 July, d. 15 Sept. 1846. c JOSEPH, Farmer, Temple, Me.; m. 28 Feb. 1832, Alice Ab- bot, b. 23 Aug. 1811. 7 Charles F., b. 20 Mar. 1833; i Stillman, b. 11 Dec. 1836 ; 7 Jeremiah F., b. 25 July, 1843; 7 Gearac S., b. 20 Dec., d. 24 Dec. 1845. e FISK, Machinist, Boston ; m. 26 Mar. 1837, Elizabeth M. Batchelder, b. 15 Aug. 1813. 7 Eleanor E., b. 22 Jan. 1838; 7 Emily A , b. 15 Sept. 1839; 7 Abba C., b. 4 Mar. 1841 ; 7 Ar- thur W., b. 31 May, 1842; 7 Ada F., b. 27 May, 1844. a PHKBE, m. 6 Benjamin Abbot, Esq., Temple, Me; see 2, 3, and 4 John, 5 Jeremiah. s JACOB, Esq., Merchant, Concord, N. H., and Brunswick, Me., and Farmer, Farmington, Me.; m. 8 Ap. 1798, s Betsy Ab- bot ; see 2 and 3 Nathaniel, 4 Joshua. 6 Sallucia, b. 7 Aug. 1801 ; e JACOB, b. 14 Nov. 1803 ; B. C. 1820 ; Author of the Teacher, and other popular and useful books ; Teacher in N. York city : m. 18 May, 182^, Harriet Vaughan, da. of Charles V., Esq., Hallowell, Me. 7 Benjamin V., b. 4 June, 1830 ; 7 Austin, b. 18 Dec. 1831; 7 Frances Elizabeth, b. 31 May, d. 11 Dec. 1834; 7 Lyman, b. 18 Dec. 1835; 7 Edward, b. 15 July, 1841. 6 JOHN s. c., b. 18 Sept. 1805 ; B. C. 1825 ; Cong. Minister, Worcester and Nantucket; Author of several interesting, valuable, moral, and religious works; Teacher, N. York city; m. 17 Aug. 1830, Jane Williams Bourne, da. of Abner Bourne, Esq , Boston, b. 8 Sept. 1810. 7 John B., b. 29 Nov. 1831 ; d.24 May, 1839 ; 7 Jane Maria, b. 25 Nov. 1833 ; 7 Waldo, b 8 Sept. 1836 ; 7 Harriet V., b. 18 Feb 1838. 7 Ellen W., b. 11 Jan. 1840. 6 GORHAM D., b. 3 Sept. 1807; B. C. 1826; Minister of the Gospel, New Ro- chelle, and N. York city; m. 11 Feb. 1834, Rebecca S. Leach, da. of Joseph Leach, Esq., South Natick. 7 Elizabeth Rebecca, b. 11 Ap. 1840. e Clara Ann, b. 28 Oct. 1809. 6 CHARLES ED- WARDS, b. 24 Dec. 1811; B. C. 1832; A. S. 1837; Teacher, Boston, and N. York city; m. 25 Nov. 1841, Mary Elizabeth Sfjtinlding, da. of Rev. Levi Spaulding, of the Ceylon Mission. 7 Francis S., b 13 Sept. 1842. e SAMUEL PHILLIPS, b/8 Dec. 1815; 12 134 2 NATHANIEL, 4 REBECCA, 3 TABITHA ABBOT. B C. 1836; A. S. 1840; Cong. Minister, Holton, Me.; m. 12 June, 1841, Hannah Barker, da. of William Barker, of Notting- ham, Eng. 5 LUCY, m. Daniel Campbell, Cong. Minister, Orford, N. H.; n. c. 4 NATHANIEL, Shoemaker and Farmer, Wilton, N. H. ; m. 1773, Sarah Stevens. 5 Nathaniel, b. 5 June, d. 1 1 July, 1774 ; SSARAH, h. 12 Oct. 1775; m. Abijah Keyes, Pelham, N. H. ; he d. 1845. 6 Nathaniel A., D. C. 1835; settled in the Ministry, s PIIKBE, m. Ephraim Abbot, Brunswick, Me.; 5 Dorcas, d. 6 July, 1811 ; 5 Hannah ; 5 Peter, Bedford ; 6 Nathaniel 2d, b. Nov. 1791, Bedford. 4 REBECCA, m. 1775, Daniel Batchcldrr, Andover ; moved to Wilton, N. H. s REBECCA, b. 1775; d. 1805; m. 1709, William Abbot, Wilton ; 5 BETSY, b. 1777 ; m. 1800, Jonathan Abbot, Bethel, Me.; s JUDITH, b. 1779; m. 1803, Joel Abbot, Wilton ; 5 DANIEL, b. 1781, Wilton; m. 1805, Persis Maynard ; 5 John, b. 1783 ; d. ; s MARY, b. 1785 ; m. 1806, Cutler, Jaffrey, N. H. ; s Joseph, b. 1787 ; d. ; 5 John, b. 1789 ; d. ; 5 HERMAN, b. 1790; m. 1812, Blood, Cicero, N. Y. ; 5 HANNAH, b. 1793; m. 1818, Nathaniel Richards. Philadelphia, Pa ; s LYDIA, b. 1795; m. 1819, , Temple, N. H. ; descendants of 4 Re- becca, 6 54 c. ; e 15, d ; 7 39 c. ; 7 3 d. 3 TABITHA, m. John Chandler, Farmer, Concord, N. H ; Capt. of Militia, in Andover ; a Proprietor of the Town of Concord ; useful as a citizen. Both he and his wife were respected for their moral and religious characters. He was b. 1702; d. 26 July, 1775, a. 72; and was grandson of Capt. John and 2 Hannah Abbot Chandler, of Andover. 4 John. b. 1731 ; d. 1 Mar. 1807 ; 4 Timothy, b. 15 Aug. 1733; d 24 Mar. 1770; 4 Daniel, b. 15 Feb. 1735; d. 25 Oct. 1795; 4 Joshua, b. 9 June, 1740; d. 3 Dec. 1816. 4 JOHN, Lieut., Farmer, Concord, N. H. ; m. 1751, Mary Car- ter, who d. 9 June, 1793, a. 64; t> John, b. 11 Dec. 1752; d. 24 Jan. 1825; & Nathan, b. 28 Ap. 1754 ; d. 13 Ap. 1781 ; s Isaac, b. 18 Ap. 1758; d. Mar. 1826; 5 Joseph, b. 18 Nov. 1760; d. 23 Ap. 1826; s Jeremiah, b. 31 Mar. 1763; d. Feb. 1829; 6 Moses, b. 23 Nov. 1765. s JOHN, Capt., Innholder, and Farmer, Boscawen, N. H. ; m. Naomi Farnum, of Concord, N. H., b. Ap. 1760; d. Mar. 1S32. 6 JOHN, b. 25 Oct. 1780 ; D. C. 1805 ; Physician, Fryeburgh, Me. ; m. 27 Sept. 1807, Prisrilla Kimball, b. 7 Aug. 1781. 7 Rox- ana, d. y. ; 7 PRISCILLA, b. 27 Sept. 1809; m. 4 June, 1829, John S. Drake, Pittsfield, N. H. 8 John, d. y. ; 8 Priscilla, d. y. ; 8 John S., b. 1832; s Priscilla 2d, b. 1839. ^ Sarah K., d. ; 7 John, d. y ; 7 Isaac W., b. 14 Oct. 1815; Student in College, Ohio; 7 MARX- ANN, b. 14 Dec. 1817; m. Nov. 1841, Samuel C. Evans, Frye- burgh. 8 Isaac ; 8 Samuel K. 7 JOHN R., b. 30 July, 1820 ; "m. Sept. 1845, Elizabeth M. Godfrey, of Manchester, N. H. 7 Peter K., b. 4 July, 1823 ; 7 George, d. 2 NATHANIEL, 3 TABITHA ABBOT, 4 JOHN C. 135 e NATHAN, b. 14 Ap. 1782; d. 1 Ap. 1835; m. 16 Ap. 1804, Jane Rolfe, of Concord, b. 21 Jan. 1783. 7 ABIEL R., b. 25 Aug. 1805 ; m. 29 Oct. 1829, Eliza Jane Morrison. * Henry W., b. 2 Aug. 1830; 8 Catherine Frances, b. 4 Dec. 1831; 8 Ann Re- becca, b. 11 Ap. 1837 7 JUDITH w., b. 5 Aug. 1807; m. 29 Mar. 1837, Enoch H. Dow. 8 Nathan Moody, b. 27 Nov. 1838 ; 8 Abiel R., b. 14 Ap. 1842; 8 Ellen Maria, b. 22 Ap. 1844. 7 NAOMI F., b. 5 Dec. 1809 ; m. 19 Ap. 1842, Asa H. Morrill. 8 George S., b. 28 Mar. 1843. 7 NATHAN, b. 12 June, 1812; m. 8 Dec. 1840, Louisa Webster Ftrrin. 8 Edward W., b. 19 Dec. 1841 ; 8 Sarah B., b. 15 June, 1843. 7 Harriet, b 10 July, 1815 ; 7 Sarah B ., b 10 Aug. 1817; d. 16 Feb. 1841 ; 7 William, and 7 s. d. y., (twins) b. 27 Oct. 1820. 6 EPHRAIM, b. 4 Sept. 1784; d. 12 Mar. 1837; m. Tabitha Currier, i Philip ; 7 SARAH, b. 19 June, 1816 ; m. Luke East- man. 8 Philip. 7 Jonathan E., d. e MARY, b. 3 Sept. 1786; m. 9 Aug. 1804, Jonathan Eastman, Esq., Concord, N. H., b. 25 Oct. 1781. 7 Caroline, b. 29 Sept. 1806 ; d. 30 Aug. 1830 ; 7 ANNETTE, b. 30 Oct. 1809; m. 10 Aug. 1837, Jeremiah F. Dan- iel, Franklin, N. H. 8 Francis A., b. 22 June, 1838 ; 8 Mary C., b. July, 1840; 8 Susan K., b. Mar. 1843. 7 SARAH c., b. 16 Dec. 1812; m. 12 Nov. 1-40, James Frye, Concord, N. H. 8 Sarah C , b. 5 Nov. 1843. 7 MARY L., b. 22 Dec. 1815; m. Aug. 1835, Jeremiah Peck- er, Concord, s Caroline E., b. 29 Sept. 1836 ; 'Jonathan E , b. 16 May, 1838; 8 Sarah F., b. 21 Feb. 1840; d. 23 Aug. 1841; s George B., b. 12 Ap. 1842. 7 Harriet, b. 26 July, 1828. e SU- SANNAH, b. 7 Dec. 1788; m. 6 Feb. 1805, Richard Gage, Bos- cawen. 7 Hiram, b. I Dec. 1807; d. 19 May, 1815: i^Luther, b. 19 Aug. 1809 ; d. 29 Nov. 1813. 7 CALVIN, b. 17 Nov. 1811 ; m 21 Sept. 1835, Rebecca Parsons, of Boscawen. 8 Hannah, b. 13 June, 1836; 8 Martha AnnG., b. 10 May, 1840. 7 JOHN c.,b. 11 Ap. 1814; m. 28 Nov. 1843, Miriam Fellows. 8 Susan Me- hitabel, b. 7 Ap. 1844 ; 7 Luther, b. 5 June, 1820 ; 7 Mary M., b. 13 Aug. 1822; 7 Franklin, b. 6 Nov. 1826; 7 Richard, b. 11 Sept. 1835. 6 JUDITH H., b. 19 Mar. 1792 ; d. 2 Nov. 1843 ; m. e Rleuben Johnson ; see 2 William. 3 James, * Reuben, r> Rhoda ; 6RHODA c., b. 10 July, 1799 ; m. Nov. 1829, eJosephus Chandler; see below, 5 Joseph C. 5 NATHAN, m. Susan Ambrose. * POLLY, d. ; e JUDITH, d. ; m. Enoch Gerrish, Canterbury, N. H. ; 6 SALLY, d. ; m. Joseph Ger- rish, Canterbury. 7 Judith, d. ; 7 LUCY, m. Rev. Jacob Little, Ohio ; 8 2 s. 7 MARY, d. ; m. Rev. Mr. Shedd, Ohio ; 7 Nathan C.; d. 5 ISAAC, m. Mary Kimball, of Boscawen ; n. c. * JOSEPH, Fryeburgh, Me. ; in. Hannah Farrington. 6 Moses, Physician, Concord, N. H. ; d. 2 Sept. 1825, a. 39 ; 6 DANIEL, N. York ; m. Mchitabel Colby. 6 HANNAH, d. ; m. Luther Rich- ardson, Fryeburgh. 7 DRUSILLA, m. Charles Tibbets, Fryeburgh. 8 Charles Henry. T Joseph C. 6 ISAAC, Oregon Ter. , m. Judith 136 3 TABITHA A , 4 TIMOTHY, 4 DANIEL C. Walker, d. 7 HALL, m. Oregon Ter. ; 7 OLIVE, ra. ; Oregon, e NATHAN, rn. ; 7 c. 6 josEPHus, m. Sally Colby, d. ; 2m. Nov. 1829, eRhoda C. Chandler. 7 Catharine, and ' Caroline, (twins) b Sept. 1830 ; ^ John, b. 1832 ; 7 Harriet, d. ; 7 George, b. 1840 ; 7 Henry, b. 1842. 6 MARV, m. Myrick Wylcy ; 7 c. 6 SUSAN, m. Stephen Farrington ; 7 c. 6 JEREMIAH, N. York; m. ; i c. ; e Hazen, N. Y. ; 6 George, Oregon ; e Peter. 5 JEREMIAH, m. Judith Famum. 6 CARTER, b. 28 July, 1794; m. Mehitabel Hazletine ; 6 MARY, m. Philip C, Johnson; see 2 William, 3 James, * Reuben, 5 Rhoda. 5 MOSES, Physician, b. 23 Nov. 1765; rn. Sally Goodwin, of New Market, N. H. e JEREMIAH, Physician ; m. Miss Eastman ; T c. ; e ENOCH F., m. ; 7 c. e MARY ANN, m. Frederick Fryc, d. Na- thaniel ; 7 Frederick ; 7 Martha. & MOSES, 2 m. Mary Langdon. 6 Sewall, d. ; e Sally, d. ; e SAMUEL, m. Miss Kilgnre. ; e BETSY, m. Justus Charles ; 7 c. ; 6 twin*, JOSEPH, ni. Miss Chase ; Moses ; e twins, (sons) d. ; 6 Isaac, Physician, Canterbury, N. H. ; e Paul L., Attorney at Law, Waterville, Me., e Ann. 4 TIMOTHY, m. Elizabeth Capp, b. 16 Ap. 1740; d. 20 Mar. 1830, a. 90. 5 TABITHA, b. 17 June, 1760 ; rn. Mackentire ; 5 TIMOTHY, Maj., b. 25 Ap. 1763; Clock and Instrument maker, Concord, N. H. ; m. 5 Sarah Abbot ; see 2 Thomas, 3 George, * Jdseph A. ; & ABIEL, b. 20 Oct. 1765 , m. Miss Thomas ; 5. Eliz- abeth, b. 28 Jan. 1768 ; d. 25 Jan. 1791 ; n. m. 4 DANIEL, Concord, N. H., and Fryeburgh, Me. ; m. Sarah Eastman, da. of Capt. Ebenezer Eastman. 5 SARAH, b. 15 Dec. 1756; d. 1842, a. 86; m. Abner Flanders, Farmer, Concord, N. H. e MARY, b. 26 Feb. 1774 ; m. Daniel Carter, Concord ; moved to Me.; 7 12 c. ' CHARLES, b. 5 Aug. 1776 ; d ; m. Nan- cy Shute. 7 MARY, m. Palmer ; 8 10 c. 7 Ann, d. ; 7 SA- RAH ; m. Palmer; 8 4 c. 7 Calvin, d.; 7 Oliver, d. ; 7 OLI- VER 2d, m ; 8 c. ; 7 Origen and ELIZA (twins) ; m. ; s c. 7 Ruth ; 7 Abigail; 7 3 c. e SARAH, b. 7 Nov. 1779 ; m. Abner Dimond, Concord, N. H. ; 7 Mary, d. 20 Mar. 1820, a. 20 ; 7 Dorcas, d. 10 Aug. 1825, a. 22; 7 Walter H., d. ; 7 Philinda ; 7 SARAH, m; 7 Abner; 7 Tho- mas W. ; 7 Luther ; T MARY H., m. Joseph D. Spilhr ; s 2 c. e NATHAN, b 13 Mar. 1782; d. 1834; m. Alice Cowry. 7 NANCY, b. 24 Aug. 1806 ; m. 25 Dec. 1828, David Simonds. * Charles F. ; 8 Mary E. ; 8 George; e Elizabeth K. 7 CHARLES, b. 25 Aug. 1808; m. July, 1836, Hannah , Hook. * Nancy S. ; 8 Harriet ; 3 Robert P. 7 David George, b. 4 Feb. 1811 ; d. 10 Feb. 1823. e SAMUEL w., b. 19 June, 1785 ; d. ; m. Miss Farley ; e CHRISTO- PHER PAGE, b. 11 May, 1788; m. Miss Powers, of Landaff, N. H. 7 Nicholas; 7 SARAH, m. a Methodist Minister ; 7 6 c. e ABNER, b. 22 May, 1790, Illinois ; m. Deborah Hill, of Buffalo. ' 8 c. e NANCY, b. 27 July, 1794 ; m. Hanniford, Northfield, N. H. 7 da. d. ; 7 Franklin, e Origen, b. 10 Mar. 1797; e Aphia, b. 4 Aug. 1801. 2 NATHANIEL, 3 TABITHA A., 4 DANIEL C. 137 4 DANIEL, 2 m. Sarah Merrill, da. of Dea. John Merrill, of Con- cord, N. H. ; she d. at Fryeburgh, Me., 25 Oct. 1795, a. 60. 5 MARY, b. 27 Jan. 1760 ; d. 7 May, 1831 ; in. 1775, Ebenezer West, d. Concord, N. H. 6 SARAH, m. Asa Graham, d. Concord, N. H. 7 AZUBAH, m. Hazen Virgin, Concord, N. H. 8 MARY E., m. Tilden, Hanover, N. H. 8 George E. ; 8 Sarah, d. ; 8 Caroline G. D. ; 8 Gilbert, d. ; 8 Charles G. 5 MARY, 2 m. Nov. 1777, Richard Flanders, Farmer, Concord, N. H. ; he d. 23 Ap. 1841, a. 89. 6 Daniel, b. 17 Dec. 1778. 6 HANNAH, b. 29 July, 1781; m. a John Abbot; see 2, 3, and 4 Nathaniel, s Moses ; 6 JOHN, b. 19 Jan. 1787; m. 31 May, 1812, 6 Rachel Abbot ; see 2 Thomas, 3 George, * Daniel, s Samuel ; e Ebenezer, d ; 6 Ja- cob ; d. ; 6 Lydia, b. 11 Aug. 1794; n. m. ; e JACOB 2d, b. 7 Feb 1796; m 15 Ap 1820, 6 Hulclah Abbot, sister of 6 Rachel ; e SARAH, b. 17 Ap. 1800; m. 1819, Dea. Henry Martin, Rum- ford, Me. T MARY JANE, b. 25 July, 1820; m. Joseph Colby, Rum- ford, Me. 8 Honry M. ; 8 Timothy E. T John H., b. July, 1822; d. Feb. 1823; 7 Hannah W., b. .\ ; ar. 1824; 7 John H., b. Feb. 1826; 7 Sarah A., b. Oct. 1828; 7 Lydia Ann, b. Mar. 1831; 7 Lyman R., b. Sept. 1833; 7 Caroline L., b. June, 1836; d. 1837 ; 7 Jeremiah W., b. 1838 ; 7 Richard E., b. July, 1840. 6 MARY, b. 21 Feb. 1803 ; m. 16 June, 1825, Dea. Ezra Ballard, Esq. 7 William, b. 28 Sept. 1825 ; 7 Sarah M., b. 24 Oct. 1827 ; d. 24 Sept. 1829; 7 George H., b. 9 July, 1831 ; d. 7 Aug. 1833; 7 John H., b. 24 May, 1834; * George A., b. June 28, 1837; 7 Charles E., b. 11 June, 1843. 5 HANNAH, b. 19 June, 1763 ; d 31 March, 1828, a. 65 ; m. 7 June, 1787, Joshua Graham, Concord, N. H. e AARON, Esq., b. 6 Mar. 1788 ; m. 21 Ap. 1811, Geneva Moore. 7 Sarah ; 7 George W. ; 7 Lucy A.; 7 John C.; i Janette ; 7 Lucinda. e Abiel, d. ; c SARAH, b. 31 May, 1790; m. 21 Mar. 1811, James F. Bragg. 7 James F. ; 7 Sarah ; 7 Hannah G. ; 7 Joshua ; 7 William ; 7 Nan- cy B. ; 7 Mary, e NANCY, b. 30 May, 1792; m. 7 June, 1810, Elijah Bartlett. 7 HANNAH c., m. Abiel Chandler. 8 Elizabeth B. ; 8 Abiel ; 8 Caroline; s Mary Eliza, e GEORGE, b. 24 Feb. 1795; m. 21 Mar. 1818, Hannah Eastman. 7 Nancy; 7 Eliza- beth; 7 Elsie; 7 Emeline ; 7 Maria; 7 William Harrison. 6 ASA, Gen., m. 7 Feb. 1817, Lucinda Farnum. ^ Susan ; 7 Phebe C. ; 7 Joshua; 7 Farnum ; 7 Carter; 7 Augusta; 7 Caroline; 7 Lucin- da. e JOSHUA, d. ; m. 27 Dec. 1825, Hannah P. Goddard. 7 Sy- byl ; 7 Hannah C. ; 7 Nancy B. ; 7 Phebe; 7 Caroline: 7 Ruth. Abiel C., b. 24 Aug. 1799; d. 12 Jan. 1802; 6 John C., b. 1 Jan. 1802 ; d. y. 5 LYDIA, b. 22 June, 1765; d. 24 June, 1842; m. Jonas Wy- man, d. Concord and Chatham, N. H. 6 MARY, b. 30 Ap. 1784; m. June, 1807, Benjamin Baker. 1 Lucy ; 7 Mary ; 7 George ; 7 Car- oline. 6 BETSY, b. 28 May, 1786 ; m. Sept. 1838, John Hobart, Franklin, N. H. 6 REUBEN, Esq., b. 12 July, 1789; m. 15 Ap. 1811, Sarah Walker. 7 Sarah; 7 Susan; 7 Reuben; 7 Harriet; 12* 138 2 NATHANIEL, 3 TABITHA A., 4 DANIEL C. 7 Merrill ; i Nancy ; 7 Benjamin, 2 m. 20 Mar. 1834, Mary Baker ; n. c. G JONAS, Capt, b. 15 Jan. 1791; m. Dec. 1816, Sarah Noyes. 7 Eliza; 'Abigail; 7 Seth ; T Jonas. e SARAH, b. 14 May, 1793; m. 16 Aug. 1816, Gardner Howe. 7 Reuben; 7 Su- san ; 7 Sarah ; 7 Mary ; 7 Paulina ; 7 Betsy ; 7 Harvey. 6 LYDIA, b. 16 May, 1795; m. 15 Aug. 1820, Chandler G. Heath. ^ Mary ; 7 Kim- ball ; 7 Harriet ; 7 Chandler; 7 Almira; 7 Betsy ; 7 Jonas; 7 Lo- rian; 7 Seth. 6 ABIEL, b. 20 Feb. 1798; m. 15 Aug. 1820, Han- nah Stevens. 7 Caroline; 7 Calvin; 7 Alvin; 7 Susan. 6 NANCY, b. 19 July, 1801; m. Feb. 1831, Nathaniel Greely. 7 Merrill ; 7 Henry. 6 MERRILL, b. 4 July, 1804 ; m. 12 Dec. 1844, Martha Mcserve. 6 ABIGAIL, b. 20 Sept. 1809; m. Sept. 1839, Hubbard Stevens. 7 Nancy ; 7 Lydia. 5 ABIGAIL, b. 23 July, 1767; d. 2 Jan. 1841 ; m. 12 Jan. 1784, Oliver Flanders, Concord, N. H. ; moved to Plymouth, N. H. e PETER, b. 19 June, 1785, Plymouth, N. H. ; m. 22 Oct. 1808, Hannah Heath, of Bow, N. H. 7 GEORGE, m. 8 2 c. ; 7 SARAH ANN, m. Zebadiah Woodbury, Wentworth, N. H. ; 8 1 c. 7 EMI- LY, m. Thomas, Holderness, N. H. ; 8 4 c. 7 Peter; 7 Lou- isa; 7 HANNAH, m. Jewett, Wentworth, N. H. ; 8 2 c. 7 Car- oline; 7 Charles, e MOSES, b. 21 Ap. 1787; m. Ruth Bean, who d. in Concord, N. H. ; 2 m. 9 Sept. 1813, Sarah Bean; moved to Rumney, N. H. 7 Peabody, d. ; ? MARY ANN, m. Ames, Wentworth, N.H; 7 DANIEL, Boscawen, N. H. ; m. ; 8 c. 7 Sa- rah E. ; 7 Moses. 6 RICHARD, b. 23 Ap. 1789; d. 16 Mar. 1833, Concord, N. H. ; m. 29 Sept. 1814, Abigail Furbcr. 7 Walter H., d. ; 7 Mary Jane, d. ; 7 Langdon S. ; 7 Abigail ; 7 MARTHA ANN, m. 1843, Samuel M. Currier; 7 Richard ; 7 Abiel ; 7 Loui- sa A. ; 7 John S.; d. 6 EBENEZER, b. 28 Ap. 1791 ; d. 19 May, 1837 ; m. 1 1 Nov. 1815, e Nancy Weeks ; see 2 Thomas, 3 and 4 Edward, .i Susan. 7 HENRIETTA, m. William Gray, Gardner, Me ; she d. in Concord, N. H., 1841 ; 7 Woodbury ; 7 ANN ELIZA, d. 1845 ; m. John Seavy, Concord, N. H. e ABIEL c., b. 7 Jan. 1793; d. 12 Feb. 1824, Plymouth, N. H. ; m. 11 May, 1819, Sarah Fellows ; 7 Abiel C. ; 7 Joseph. e MARTHA, b. 13 Feb. 1796 ; m. 20 Mar. 1816, Stephen Lang, Joiner, Concord, N. H. 7 MOSES c., Lowell ; m. Betsy Chandler, of Tewksbury. s John C. 7 Ruth F. ; 7 Abiel F., d. 1825 ; 7 George H. ; 7 Charles W. ; 7 John K. e SUSAN, b. 5 Mar. 1799 ; rn. 16 Feb. 1827, Nathaniel Lancaster, Lyme, N. H. ; 7 Moses; 7 Mehitabel. 6 ABIGAIL, b. 24 Feb. 1801 ; d. 3 Sept. 1837; m. 3 Dec. 1822, Nathaniel Cole, d. ; 7 Maria ; 7 Abigail, 2 m. Samuel Morse, Plymouth, N. H. ; 7 Ly- man; 7 Cynthia, e OLIVER, Col., b. 28 Mar. 1803, Plymouth, N. H.; m. 29 Ap. 1830, Hannah F. Green, of Rumney, N. H. ; 7 Mary; 7 Oliver H. ; 7 Abiel C. ; 7 Sarah A. ; 7 Edward Payson. e Betsy, b. 17 Ap. 1805 ; 6 ANN, b. 5 Oct. 1807 ; m. 3 Feb. 1830, James R. Payne. 7 George ; 7 James R. ; 7 Orilla F. ; i Anna; 7 Elisha ; 7 Mary F. Mary, b. 20 Feb. 1809 : d. 28 Ap. 1840 ; e Orilla, b. 5 Mar. 1811. 2 NATHANIEL, 3 TABITHA A., 4 JOSHUA C. 139 5 PAUL, Capt., b. 5 May, 1770; d. 5 Ap. 1815 ; Farmer, Chat- ham, N. H. ; m. Susan Hardy, of Fryeburgh, Me. 6 DORCAS, b. 23 Mar. 1796 ; m. 14 Nov. 1816, John Leavitt. t Paul C. ; 7 Sam- uel, d. ; 7 Moses C. ; 7 Susan C., d. ; 7 Joseph ; 7 Susan C., 2d ; 7 Samuel ; 7 Judah D. ; 7 Hannah; 7 Betsy. 6 DAVID H., Maj., b. 26 Mnr. 1798; in 27 May, 1821, Mehitabel Charles. 7 Daniel ; 7 Asa ; 7 George ; 7 Paul ; 7 Hannah ; 7 Susan ; 7 Stephen ; 7 Charles ; 7 Abigail ; 7 Horace, e DANIEL, b. 15 Ap. 1800 ; m. 1 Nov. 1832, Jane Walker; 7 David; 7 Sarah; 7 Mary; 7 Perry. 6 MOSES, b. 10 Oct. 1S02; m. Nancy Swan. 7 Susan ; 7 Sarah ; 7 Moses ; 7 Mary Ann ; 7 Jane ; 7 Oliver Perry. 6 ABIEL, b. 19 Jan. 1805 ; m. 11 Mar. 1827, Hannah C. Bartlctt. 7 Elijah B. ; 7 Abiel ; 7 Caroline; 7 Mary Eliza, e JOHN, b. 14 Mar. 1807; m. 23 Nov. 1834, Betsy Fife. 7 Sophronia ; 7 William ; 7 Jay ; 7 Emily. 6 SUSAN, b. 19 Ap. 1809 ; m. 1 Dec. 1825, Henry S. Farrington. 7 John ; 7 Nancy ; 7 Betsy ; 7 Charles ; 7 Susan ; 7 Henry ; 7 Cy- rene. 6 Stephen, b. 27 Dec. 1810; d. 8 Sept. 1839; n. m. COL- IVER PERRY, b. 30 Oct. 1813; d. 8 Dec. 1837; m. 1837, Eunice Sanborn. 5 ANN, b. 1771 ; d. 7 Feb. 1799 ; m. Richard Walker. 6 HAN- NAH, b. 29 Dec. 1795; m. Otis Bent, Paris, Me. 7 Clarissa S. ; 7 Ann C. ; 7 Daniel C. ; 7 Oren Webster. 6 Daniel, b. 1797 ; d. y. 5 ARIEL, b. 26 Feb. 1777 ; H. C. 18U6 ; Commission Merchant, Boston ; m. 15 May, 1827, Dorcas Sargent, d. ; da. of Eppes Sar- gent, Esq., Boston. 5joN, b. 19 Mar. 1781; m. 28 Nov. 1805, Mary Harra- man. e Hannah ; 6 Sarah M. ; c John C. ; c Paul ; e Charles H. 4 JOSHUA, b. 9 June, 1740; d. 3 Dec. 1816, Concord, N. H. ; m. Irene Capp, who d. 7 Dec. 1810. 5 DANIEL, b. Sept. 1768; d. June, 1817 ; m. Mcldtabel Arlin. e Sarah, d. ; 6 Nathaniel L. ; 6 Judith; 6 ELIZA, m. Moses Powell; he d. Aug. 1842. 7 John; 7 Andrew J. ; 7 Alfred, e NANCY, m. Jeremiah Arlin; e SARAH, m. ; 7 c. 6 JEREMIAH, m. Fidelia Chase, d. 7 Lydia M., b. 25 June, 1830; 7 Lorenzo J., 2 m. Mercy Merrill, d. ; 7 1 c. ; 3m. 6 MOSES, m. 7 c. e Samuel. 5 RUTH, b. 20 Feb. 1770 ; d. May, 1792 ; m. George Arlin ; e 1 c. 5 RUHAMAH, b. 4 May, 1772; m. a Sarah, b. 12 Feb. 1774; m. 1792, George Arlin. 6 IRENE, b. 19 Ap. 1793; m. David Gove, Ware, N. H. 7 JAMES, m. Clarissa Knox, of South Ber- wick, Me. 8 Sarah ; 7 Emza ; 7 Elijah ; 7 Enoch ; 7 Johnson ; 7 Ed- mond ; 7 May; 7 George ; 7 Sarah. "PRISCILLA, b. 7 June, 1795 ; m. Lebante. 7 Francis; 7 SARAH, m. David Netcton, d. ; 2 m. Samuel Johnson. 8 Charles Henry ; 8 Moses. PRISCILLA, 2 m. Amos Perry, Concord, N. H. 7 Moses ; 7 Mary N. ; 7 Ellen ; 7 George; 7 Abigail ; 7 James ; 6 c. b. 20 Oct. 1797 ; d. y. 6 SA- RAH, b. 5 Jan. 1799 ; m. Nathan Brown. 1 Louisa; 7 Mary Ann ; 7 Abigail ; 7 Lavina ; 7 Catherine ; 7 Benjamin F. ; 7 George, e ZACHARIAH, b. 30 Nov. 1801 ; m. Harriet Daniels, d. ; 7 Rhoda, 140 2 NATH'L, 3 JEREMIAH, 4 HANNAH ABBOT. d. ; 7 Moses, 2 m. Lavina Arlin ; 7 Lucinda ; 7 Zachariah ; 7 Elec- ta. 6 HANNAH, b. 8 July, 1804 ; m. Henry L. Emerson, d. 7 George Henry ; 7 Sarah Jane; 7 James Henry; 7 Nathan ; 7 Mary Fran- ces, 2 m. Joseph Wallace ; 7 Joseph, e ABIGAIL, b. 22 Mar. 1807; m. John Dodge, Tunbridge, Vt. 7 Gyrene ; 7 Elizabeth, d. ; 7 Sa- rah, d.; 7 Miles; 7 Albert; 7 George ; 7 Sarah. 6 MARY, b. 15 June, 1809; d. 18 Mar. 1840; m. Epkraim Wentworth ; 7 da. d. 6 CATHERINE, b. 11 Dec. 1811 ; m. Nathaniel Arlin; he d. Ap. 1844. 7 Lucy Ann ; 7 Mary Elizabeth ; 7 Sarah, d. ; 7 Cathe- rine, d. ; 7 Robert, d. e ANNA, b. 5 May, 1814 ; m. John Tib- betts. 7 Mary. e ELIZABETH, b. 6 July, 1816; m. Enoch Quinby, Hartford, Vt. 7 Sarah ; 7 Harriet ; 7 Parkhurst ; 7 Lucy Ann. 6 HARRIET, b. 6 June, 1819; m. 7 Feb. 1839, Thomas Jefferson Barnes, Royalton, Vt., now in Concord, N. H. ; 7 Leander Coburn, b. 16 Mar. 1840 ; 7 George Jefferson, b. 7 Feb. 1842. s JOSHUA, b 1776; d. Hannah, b. 2 Ap. 1779; d. 18 Sept. 1808; n. in. 5 JOSHUA 2d, b. 2 Sept. 1782; m. Nancy Arlin. e Charles ; e SALLY ; m. Warren Puffer. 1 Hazen ; 7 Charles Henry ; 7 Adeline ; 7 Mary Ann ; 7 Dorcas. 6 Dorcas ; 6 Polly, d. ; 6 Ann, d. ; 6 Susan ; 6 Daniel ; 6 Joseph ; 6 Mary ; 6 Samuel. 3 JEREMIAH, b. in Andover ; settled inBillerica; Saddler; m. Jan. 1735, Hannah Ballard, of Andover. 4 Hannah, b. 10 Oct. 1735 ; d. Sept. 1819, a. 84 ; 4 Jeremiah, d. 12 Ap. 1740 ; 4 Re- becca, b. 13 July, 1741 ; d. 1816; 4 Jeremiah 2d, b. 20 July, d. 7 Aucr. 1745 ; 4 William, b. 21 July, 1746 ; 4 Jeremiah 3d, b. 11 Aug. 1748; d. 4 Mar. 1832, a. 84; his wid. Hannah B., m. Wit- Ham Sticfcney, Esq., of Billerica, and d. 1789, a. 76. * HANNAH, m. 3 July, 1766, Oliver Farmer, Billerica. 5 HAN- NAH, b. 17 Sept. 1767; m. 10 Dec. 1789, William Rogers, Farm- er, Billerica. c WILLIAM, b. 23 Dec. 17!0; was Postmaster at Medford ; resides at Billerica; m. Mary Howe, of Boston ; n. c. ; 6 JEREMIAH, b. 26 Oct. 1792: m. 16 Ap. 1822, Abigail Crosby. 7 William Francis. 6 CALVIN, b. 30 Aug. 1794, Farmer, Billerica; m. 30 A p. 1820, Ann Faulkner. 7 Eliza Ann, b. 18 Oct. 1821 ; 7 Mary Howe, b. II June, 1827 ; 7 Elvira, b. 21 Ap. 1830 ; 7 Har- riet Burbank, b. 12 Ap. 1734; 7 Ella Faulkner, b. 25 Nov. 1843. 6 HANNAH, b. 11 May, 1796; m. 10 May, 1821, Capt. Charles Rouncly ; n. c. 6 Charles, b. 25 May, 1798 ; d. 27 May, 1799. 6 REBECCA FARMER, b. 18 May, 1800; m. 1822, Maj. Jabez Ward, Innholder at the Albion House, Boston. 7 John Warren, b. 29 Oct. 1822; 7 Jabez, b. Aug. 1824; d. 7 Feb. 1827 ; 7 Rebecca Maria, b. 26 Ap., d. 9 Sept. 1826 ; 7 William R., b. 15 Oct. 1827; 7 Charlotte Farmer, b. 7 Nov. 1829; 7 Charles Frederick, b. 17 Nov. 1832 ; 7 Samuel Maverick, b. 2 May, 1835 ; 7 Edwin, b. 12 Jan. 1839; 7 Clara Louisa, b. 19 July, 1841 ; 7 Martha Maria, b. 1844. e SUSAN, b. 1 Ap. 1802 ; m. 24 Nov. 1825, Job Kit- tredgc, d. ; Farmer, Tewksbury. 7 Susan Roundy, b. 2 Nov. 1828 ; 2 m. 27 Ap. 1837, Capt. Oliver C. Rogers. 7 Oliver Web- ster, b. 30 Aug. 1814. 6 HARRIET, b. 17 Ap. 1S05 ; m. 4 Dec. 2 NATH'L, 3 JEREMIAH, 4 REBECCA ABBOT. 141 1828, Samuel Bin-bank, Merchant, Lowell. 7 Charles Henry, b. 5 Oct. 1838 ; 7 Gertrude Elizabeth, b. 27 May, 1840 ; d. 15 Dec. 1844. e Louisa, b. 23 Aug. 1808; n. m. 6 Elvira, b. 5 Aug. 1810; d. 22 Feb. 1830. e AUGUSTUS, b. 25 Nov. 1813; Currier, Salem ; m. 22 Dec. 1844, Sarah Haley. 5 REBKCCA, d. 3. 23. 5 JEREMIAH, b. 1771 ; in. 1816 J 6 2 C. 4 REBECCA, m. Richard Boynton. 5 John, b. 14 Mar. 1762; 5 Rebecca, b. 1763; d. 27 Ap. 1833; 5 Richard, b. 3 Oct. 1765; d. July, 1841; 5 Hannah, b 7 June, 1767; & Jerusha, b July, 1769; d. 1788; 5 Sarah, b. 28 Aug. 1770; 5 Orpah, b. 10 May, 1772; 5 Betsy, b. 1774; d. 1819; 5 David, b. 7 Mar. 1776; d. 1813; s Susannah, b. 25 Oct. 1778. 5 JOHN, Rockingham, Vt., m. 7 Feb. 1787. Phebe Martin, who d. 27 Sept. 1840. e PHEBE, b. 3 Aug. 1788; m. 23 Dec. 1807, Joseph Damon, who d. 7 June, 1>45 ; 7 2 c. d. y.; 7 Clarissa, b. 1811; d. 1812; T ANNA B., b. 8 Jan 1813; rn. 22 Feb. 1838, Justin E. Wright. s Ann Elizabeth, b. 22 Feb. 1840 ; 8 George Justin, b. 12 Dec. 1842. 7 OUPAH B , b. 26 Ap. 1815; m. 28 Sept. 1836, Carl, ton //. Raima 1 !/, s Morton C., b. 27 Aug. 1840 ; s Rosalinda D., b. Oct. 1844. ' T JEHIEL, b. 31 Aug 1817; m 8 June, 1842, Heln M. Liddlc. s Betsy Helen, b. 29 July, 1843; Francis Fayette, b. 11 Jan. 1845. 7 Mary B., b. 1 July, 1819; d. 1820; 7 MARY JANE, b. 7 Ap. 1822; m. 11 July, 1842, George S. Holden. 8 George Richard, b 1 Aug. 1843. 7 Mandana, b. 5 July, 1824; 7 Richard M., b. 10 Nov. 1826; 7 Diantha, b. 27 Ap., d. 1 Sept. 1829. 6 jonN.b. 4 Mar. 1790 ; m 17 June, 1822, Laura Mason. 7 Warren, b. Nov. 1824, d. Dec. 1825; 7 Allen, b. 28 Jan. 1828. JAMKS, b. 25 Dec. 1791 ; Merchant, Boston ; m. 6 Feb. 1831, Eliza B. Bacon, who d. 4 May, 1832. 7 James Henry, b. 8 Ap. 1832 ; d. 1 June, 1833. 6 WILLIAM, b. 16 Oct. 1793; m. 28 Mar. 1821, Frinda Cutler. 7 William Winslow, b. 23 Dec. 1821 ; 7 Frinda Livera, b. 24 July, 1823; 7 Lucius Cut- ler, b. 11 June, 1825; 1 James Alden, b. 13 July, 1831; 7 Mary Elvira, b. 22 June, 1834 ; 7 Ann Eliza, b. 19 Sept. 1843. e Jeru- sha, b. 12 Oct. 1795 ; d. 29 Mar. 1796 ; 6 Loami, b. 17 Jan., d. 3 Feb. 1797; 6 Hannah, b. 16 Feb. 1798; d. 23 Ap. 1809; 6 ORPAH, b. 22 Mar. 1800 ; m. Ap. 1821, Noah Parker. 7 John B. ; 7 James M. ; 'Mary B. ; 7 Ann M. 6 MARY, b. 1 Feb. 1802; m. Nov. 1835, Napoleon B. Roundy. 7 Royal Benton, b. 2 Mar. 1837. e Matilda, b. 4 May, 1804; d. 16 May, 1818. "HASKELL, b. 15 Ap. 1808; m. 19 Mar. 1837, Martha M. Walker. 7 Saloma, b. 12 Feb. 1838; 7 Hannah M., b. 19 Mar. 1840; 7 Roscius H., b. 2 A p. 1845. 5 REBECCA, m. 1785, Nehcmiah Roundy, b. 10 May, 1756, Sa- lem ; Master Mariner ; lost at sea with the brig Minerva, Sept. 1804, in a severe gale. 6 George, b. 9 Sept. 1786; d. in N. York, March, 1826; ELIZABETH, b. 17 Aug. 1788; m. 29 Jan. 1809, Warwick Palfrey, Printer, Salem; he d. 23 Aug. 1838, a. 51. 7 Rebecca B.; 7 Charles Warwick ; H. IL, L. L. B. 1838. 6 Charles, 142 2 NATH'L, 3 JEREMIAH, 4 REBECCA ABBOT. d. y. ' CIMRLKS 2d, b. 15 Oct. 1794, Salem; Master Mariner ; m. 11 May, 1821, * Hannah Rogers; (see 2 Nathaniel, 3 Jeremi- ah, 4 and 5 Hannah ;) n. c. ; 6 ABIGAIL, b. 26 June, 1798 ; m. 4 Oct. 181.3, John Chapman, Printer, Salem, b. 4 Sept. 1793. 'JOHN OLIVER, m. 3 June, 1839, Elizabeth B. Glov Obadiah ; s Aaron, b. 2 Ap. 1746 ; s 6 da. s OBADIAH A., N. Braintree, m. ; e Eli, Sherburne, Ms. ; e Moses, Preacher; 6 Lynius ; e da. 5 AARON A., N. Braintree ; m. Mary Ayres ; 6 SEWALL, b. 5 Nov. 1768 ; d. 1810; m. Dorothy House. 7 Anna ; 7 Mary ; 7 Dolly ; 7 Catherine ; 7 Orey ; 7 John ; 7 Calvin ; 6 DANFORD, b. 25 May, 1770, Warren, N. Y. ; m. Mary Allen; 7 Martin, b. 1797; d. 1805; 7 Amasa, b. 1799; 7 HANNAH, b. 1801, m. Joseph Bloom- Jield; i MARY, b. 1807; m. R. S. Starr, Medina, N. Y. 7 JOHN, b. 1811 ; Principal of Oxford Acad., N. Y. ; m. L. T. Cleland; 7 ELIZA, b. 1813, m. M. Thompson; 7 JAMES c. N., b. 1816, m. M R. Billings, e AARON A., b. 19 Mar. 1773: m. Martha Bush ; 7 Ezra; George; Pliny; Darius; James; Electa ; Polly; Rox- ana; Sarah S. e SAKAH A., b. 21 Ap. 1775; m. John Weather- bee, O. ; 7 Paul ; Justus; John; Orey; Miranda; Mary; Sally; Fanny; Lucretia; Louisa; Emily. 6 CALVIN, b. 29 Nov. 1777; m. Sybil Fox. 7 Lewis ; Homer; Aaron; Dan ford ; Mariette. e MARY, b. 15 Oct. 1779; m. Timothy Wilson; i Asa ; Levi ; Silas; Timothy; John; Perry; Betsy; Elvira; Mary; Arvilla. e Martin, b. 26 Oct. 1783; e PLINY A., b. 29 Dec. 1787, Capt., Ohio ; m. 1837, Sarah Corliss ; 2 m. 1842, Ann Gillett. 7 Ar- vine, b. 10 Sept. 1839; d. 10 Sept. 1843; Homer F., b. 22 Oct. 1843. 3 JOHN A., settled about 1696, in Sudbury, Mas. ; m. Jemima : 13* 150 2 GEORGE, 3, 4, & 5 JOHN ABBOT. 4 Jemima, b. 10 Oct. 1699; John, b. 3 Oct. 1701 ; Sarah, b. 10 Sept. 1704. JOHN A , Ct., m. ; 5 John, b. 19 May, 1723 ; d. 21 May, 1814, a. 91; s Samuel, 2 m., moved; a JEMIMA, m. Wal- der ; 5 Sarah. 5 JOHN A. ; Colchester, Ct., Hoosac, N. Y., Pawlet, Vt., Rich- field and Niles, N. Y. ; d. in Sempronius, N. Y. ; Col. in the Rev- olutionary War; active, bold and zealous; m. Miss Sarah Baker, ab. 1747; e John, b. ab. 1748; d. ab. 1835; e Samuel, b. ab. 1750 ; d. 1837 ; e JOEL, m. and moved to Athens, O. ; e Chauncy, d. a. 17, by fall of a tree ; c SARAH, m. Green ; had 3 sons; 6 Daniel, b. 4 June, 1768 ; d. 9 Sept. 1828 ; e BETSY, m. Stew- art, Royalton, O. ; e EUNICE, m. Johnson ; moved to Canada. 7 Chauncy; John; Samuel; Polly; Phebe ; Eunice. s PHEBE, m. Gut/irie, Sherburne, N. Y. 7 Chauncy ; Lorrin ; Phebe; Diantha ; Sally ; Almira ; and others. 6 JOHN A., Pawlet; stout, brave, active in the war; his life, through great exertions, was preserved almost by miracles, when endangered by Indians and by wild beasts ; m. Susannah Meach- am ; she d. ab. 1832 ; in 1796, moved to Niles, N. Y. 7 Sally, b. ab. 1779 ; 7 Chauncy, b. ab. 1781 ; 7 Ira, b. ab. 1783; d. Sept. 1814, at Fort Erie; 7 John, b. ab. 1785; d. 1814, a prisoner at Halifax; 7 Lyman, b. ab. 1787 ; 7 Clara, b. ab. 1790 ; 7 Orrin, b. 1792 ; 7 Reuben, b. ab. 1794; d. 1819; 7 Levi, b. ab. 1796; d. ab. 1S34; 7 Daniel G., b. ab. 1798; 7 ISAAC, b. ab. 1800; m. Jane Miller; 2 m. Ann Moore ; moved to Ohio ; have children. 7 SALLY A., m. David Derby, Huron, N. Y. 8 CHAUNCY, b. ab. 1799; m. ; has a son, 9 Milton, a Mathematician ; 8 Ervin; 8 Su- san ; 8 Lydia ; 8 John ; 8 Ira ; and others. 7 CHAUNCY A., Esq., Niles; m. Polly O. Foster. 8 SABRINA, b. ab. 1819 ; m. H. H. Winter; 8 MARY ANN, b. ab. 1821; m. John Green, Physician, Ind. ; 8 Milton, b. ab. 1823; Janette; Betsy. 7 JOHN A., m. 7 Betsy Abbot, da. of Samuel A.; 8 Samuel, b. ab. 1808; 8 Desire. 7 LYMAN A., m. Anna Davis; 2 m. Abi- gail Davis ; e Lyman, b. ab. 1809, A. M. ; 8 John, b. ab. 1811 ; s Clara Ann, b. ab. 1813; s Harriet, b. ab. 1818; 8 William. 7 CLARA A., m. Eliab Derby, Niles; * Eliab ; 8 Orrin ; 8 Clara; 8 Reuben ; B Charles. 7 ORRIN A., Akron, N. Y. ; Preacher of the Gospel ; m. 1817, Abigail Bowen, who d. 1819; 2 m. 1825, Sarah Maria Lee; 8 George, b. 1826; 8 Caroline, b. 1829 ; s Julia, b. 1831 ; s Orrin Lee, b. 1834; 8 Sarah Maria, b. 1838; 8 Sophronia, b. 1840; 7 DANIEL G. A., Niles ; m. Kate Burch ; 8 Lovina, b. a. 1823; 8 Hiram ; 8 Dorleska; 8 Orrin. e SAMUEL A., Cato, N. Y. ; m. Gibbs; 7 BETSY, b. ab. 1786; m. 7 John Abbot; 7 DESIRE, b. ab. 1787; d. ab. 1814; m. Nathaniel Carr ; had c. ; 7 ANNA, b. ab. 1796 ; m. John Barns, Cato; had. c. ; SYBIL, b. ab. 1799; m. 6 DANIEL A., Richfield and Hamburgh, N. Y. ; m. Susan Scott, b. 1770. ' 7 SALLY, m. 1802, William Hodge, Buffalo; had 6 s. 2 GEORGE, 3, 4, & 5 NEHEMIAH ABBOT. 151 and 6 da. 7 SOBRINA, m. E. A. Howe; 8 1 s., d. 7 BETSY, m. John Haight ; 8 3 c. ; 7 Daniel ; 7 John ; 7 CHAUNCY, b. 17 Mar. 1802; m. Harriet Barnard. 8 Sophia ; 8 Harriet ; 8 Fanny ; 8 Susan ; 8 Thaddeus C. ; 8 Huldah ; s Cornelia ; 8 Chauncy. 7 THATCHER, d. 1838, JNlich. ; m. Prudence Whitaker ; "Mary; 8 Oliver. 7 EMELINE, m. Leander Welter. 8 1 c. 7 Adelia ; 7 ABRAM, Buffalo ; m. Cornelia Barnard.. 3 Walter F. ; Huldah M. ; Sally H. ; 7 Lovina. 3 NEHEMIAH, Deacon, Representative in the General Court ; was highly respected for his moral worth and Christian virtues ; m. 1691, Abigail Lovejoy. 4 Nehemiah, b. 19 Jan. 1692; d. 17 Feb. 1767 ; 4 Abiel, b. 10 Aug. 1693 ; d. 21 Jan. 1758 ; 4 Zeba- diah, b. 6 Ap. 1695; d. 9 Sept. 1767; 4 John, b. 31 Oct. 1697; d. 25 Nov. 1779; ABIGAIL, b. 30 Sept. 1699; d. 8 Dec. 1753; m. 3 Benjamin Abbot ; MARY, b. 24 Mar. 1701; d. 1774; m. James Bridges; 4 Joseph, d. 12 Nov. 1726. 4 NEHEMIAH, Dea. Lexington; m. 1714, Sarah Foster, s Ne- hemiah, d. 13 July, 1785; 5 Sarah; 5 Abigail, b. 26 Jan. 1721 ; d. 6 Jan. 1784 ; * William, b. 1724 ; d. 2 Jan. 1798 ; 5 Joseph, b. 8 June, 1727 ; d. 1793. s NEHEMIAH, Physician, Andover, 1748 ; moved to Chelmsford, 1770 ; m. Joanna Parker ; 2 m. the \Vidow of Rev. Ebenezer Bridge; n. c. He was highly respected for his good sense, use- fulness, and Christian character. 5 SARAH, m. Warren. 6 Amos ; 6 Abijah ; e Micah ; n. m. ; 6 Nathan, Dea., Weston ; 6 Isaac ; 6 Abigail, n. m. 6 AMOS, m. Elizabeth Whittemore, W. Cambridge ; 7 Amos ; * Isaac ; 7 ELIZA, d. ; m. Col. Thomas Russell, W. Cambridge ; 7 Sarah A. 6 ISAAC, had 3 wives. 7 Amos; 7 Isaac ; 7 Gerson W. s ABIGAIL, m. Nov. 1749, Amos Lawrence, Groton son of John, of Lexington son of Nathaniel, of Groton who was son of John Lawrence, who came from England with John Win- throp and others, and settled in what is now a part of Newton. 6 Amos, b. Sept. 1750; d. May, 1798; 6 Nehemiah, b. 14 Jan. 1752; d. 13 July, 1786; 6 Samuel, b. 24 Ap. 1754; d. 8 Nov. 1827; 6 Asa, b. 1 June, 1756; d. 6 Nov. 1759. 6 AMOS, m. Betsy Hubbard. 1 Amos ; 7 Asa ; 7 Abigail ; 7 Eliz- abeth. GNEHEMiAH,m. Fitch. 7 Sarah ; 7 Esther; 7 Mary ; 7 Susan. 6 SAMUEL, Dea., Groton ; in. July, 1777, Susanna Parker, who d. Ap. 1845, a. 90. 7 Luther, b. 28 Sept. 1778; d. 17 Ap. 1839, by a fall ; 7 Samuel, b. 2 July, 1781 ; d. 21 May, 1796; 7 Wil- liam, b. 7 Sept. 1783 ; 7 Amos, b. 22 Ap. 1786 ; 7 Susan, b. 24 May, 1788; d. 18 Aug. 1815; 7 Mary, b. 12 Nov. 1790; 7 Ab- bot, b. 16 Dec. 1792; 7 Eliza, b. 13 Mar. 1716; 7 Samuel, b. 15 Jan. 1801. 7 LUTHER, H. U. 1801 ; Counsellor at Law, Speaker of the House of Representatives ; Mayor of the city of Lowell at his death; m. 2 June, 1805, Lucy Bigelow, da. of Col. Timothy B., 152 2 GEORGE, 3 &, 4 NEHEM1 A H, 5 ABIGAIL ABBOT. of Worcester. 8 ANNA MARIA, b. 25 Mar. 1806 ; rh. 1 Dec. 1829, Norman Seavcr, Lawyer, Boston, who d. at St. Louis, Mo., 12 May, 1838. 9 Edward Lowell, b. 11 Jan. 1831 ; 9 Norman, b. 23 Ap 1834 ; 9 Emily, b. 5 Nov. 1835. 8 Emily, b. 24 June, 1807 ; d. 1808; 8 Elizabeth Andrews, b. 29 June, 1809; d. 19 Aug. 1830 ; s KATHARINE, b. 26 Ap. 181 1 ; d. 18 Ap. 1846 ; m. Charles T. Appleton; 9 3 da. 8 Rurus Bigelow, b. 13 July, 1814; d. 13 Jan. 1841, at Pau, in France; H. U. 1834. 7 WILLIAM, Merchant, Boston; m. 20 May, 1813, Susan Rug- gles Boardman. * William Boardman, b. 18 Feb. 1814; d. 7 Sept. 1840; 8 SAMUEL ABROT, b. 28 July, 1815; m. 24 Nov. 1845, Sally C. Bunker, of Philadelphia ; 8 Lydia Elizabeth, b. 15 June, d. 29 June, 1818; s Sarah, b. 20 Aug., d. 24 Aug. 1819 ; 8 George Henry, b. 9 Jan. 1821 ; d. 5 Feb. 1823; 8 SUSAN ELIZAIJETH, b 5 Oct. 1822; m. W. W. Tucker, Derry, N. H. 9 William Law- rence, b. 4 Nov. 1844. e Mary Boardman, b. 21 Feb., d. 24 Aug. 1824 ; 8 Harriet Boardman, b. 8 Jan. 1826 ; 8 Mary Frances, b. 19 Aug. 1828. 7 AMOS, Merchant, Boston ; m. Sarah Richards, who d. 14 Jan. 1819. 8 WILLIAM RICHARDS, b. 3 May, 1812; m. 6 Dec. 1838, Susan Coombs Dana, of Marblehead. 9 Francis William, b. 20 Nov. 1839, in Brookline ; 9 Arthur, b. 22 Aug. 1842, in Brook- line. 8 AMOS ADAMS, b. 31 July, 1814 ; H. U. 1835; Merchant, Boston ; m. 31 Mar. 1842, Sarah E. Appleton, da. of William Appleton, of Boston. 9 Marianne Appleton, b. 12 May, 1843; 9 Sarah, b. 5 July, 1845. 8 SARAH, b. 23 May, 1817 ; d. 2 Dec. 1844; m. 15 June, 1838, Rev. Charles Mason, Salem. 9 Susan Lawrence, b. in Salem, 25 Aug. 1839 ; 9 Amos Lawrence, b. in Salem, 20 Ap. 1842 ; 9 Mary and 9 Sarah, (twins) b. 23 Nov. 1844. 7 AMOS, 2 m. 16 Ap. 1821, Nancy Ellis, wid. of Judge Ellis, and da. of Col. Robert Means, of Amherst, N. H. 8 Mary Means, b. 15 Ap. 1823 ; d. 3 Dec. 1828 ; 8 Robert Means, b. 17 Sept. 1826; d. 1 Nov. 1845. 7 MARV, in. 28 July, 1818, Rev. Samuel Woodbury, of N. Yar- mouth, Me ; he d. in Groton, 6 July, 1819. 8 SARAH LAWRENCE, b. 20 Sept. 1819; m. Mar. 1841, Rev. Daoid Fosdick, of Sterling and Boston. 9 Samuel Woodbury, b. 10 Dec. 1841 ; 9 Mary, b. 19 Feb. 1844 ; 9 George, b. 14 Jan. 1846. 7 ABBOT, Merchant, Boston ; Representative in the Congress of the U. S. ; m. 28 June, 1819, Katherine, da. of Hon. Timothy Bigelow, of Medford. 8 ANNE BIGELOW, b. 18 Ap. 1820 ; m. 1846, B. S. Rotch, of New Bedford ; s James, b. 6 Dec. 1821 ; H. U. 1840 ; Merchant, Boston ; 8 George, d. y. ; e John Abbot, d. y. ; 8 Timothy Bigelow, b. 22 Nov. 1826 ; H. U. 1846; Student in the Law School, H. U. : 8 Abbot, b. 9 Sept. 1828 ; Student, H. U. ; s Katherine, b.2l Feb. 1832. 7 ELIZA, m. 5 Jan. 1824, Joshua Green ; H. U. 1818 ; M. D. Gro- ton. 8 William Lawrence, b. Oct. 1824; d. Aug. 1825; 8 WilJ liarn Lawrence 2d, b. 2 Aug. 1826 ; 8 Henry Atkinson, b. 29 Ap. 2 GEORGE, 3 & 4 NEHEMIAH, 5 WM. ABBOT. 153 1828; e Samuel Abbot, b. 16 Mar. 1830; a Joshua, b. 7 May, 1834; d. 13 Feb. 1840. 7 SAMUEL, Manufacturer, Lowell ; m. 2 Ap. 1833, Alison Turn- lull, of Baltimore, Md. 8 Charles, b. in Boston, 27 May, 1835; d. in Lowell, 15 Ap. 1842 ; 8 Henry, b. in Boston, 28 A p. 1837 ; s George, b. in Lowell, 22 Jan. 1839; Mary, b. 26 Oct. 1841 ; e Alison, b. 24 May, 1843; s Nisbit, b. 29 Nov. 1844; 8 Samuel, b. 27 Sept. 1846. 5 WILLIAM. Andover, m. 1747, Experience Bigsby, who d. 4 Sept. 1815, a. 93. 6 Jedutlmn, b. 17 Aug. 1749; d. 5 July, 1810; e Bigsby, b. 24 Nov. 1750; d. 1813; 6 Hannah, d. June, 1792; 6 LUCY, b. 23 Sept. 1758 ; d. ; m. John Brown, Hopkinton, N. H. ; 6 SARAH, b. 16 June, 1763; d. 1786; m. Isaac Moar ; n. c. 6 JEDUTHAN, Capt., lived with his father, respectable and re- spected ; in. 1772, Hannah Poor, who d. 1823. 7 Hannah, b. 10 July, 1773; 7 Lucy, b. 9 Oct. 1775; d. 16 Aug. 1798; 7 Jedu- than, b. 18 June, 1777; 7 Fanny, b. 30 Mar. 1779; d. 19 July, 1829; 7 LYDIA, b. 24 Mar. 1781 ; d. Feb. 1843; m. John Rich- ardson ; 2 m. Dea. Fulsom, Corinth, Vt. ; 7 Sarah P., b. 4 July, 1783; d. Feb. 1820; 7 Amos, b. 6 Sept. 1786; 1 Abigail, b. 23 May, 1790; d. 24 Oct. 1844; 7 Pamela, b. 11 Oct. 1792; d. 31 Aug. 1798 ; 7 Rebecca, b. 10 Mar. 1795 ; d. 8 Sept. 1798. 7 JEDUTHAN A., lived with his father; m. Betsy Bridges. 8 WIL- LIAM, b. 27 May, 1805; m. Mary Bailey; 8 MOODY BRIDGES, b. 24 May, 1808; m. Hannah Noyes. 7 FANNY A., b. 30 Mar. 1779; d. 19 July, 1829; m. Osgood Johnson. 8 Osgood, d. 1837; D. C. 1828; Principal of Phillips Academy; 8 FANNY, d. 1839; m. Dea. J. Dascomb, Andover ; 8 Rebecca, d. y. 7 AMOS A., Dea. ; Member of the House and Senate of the Leg- islature of Mass. ; Member of Cong, of the U. S. ; m. 6 Dec. 1812, Esther West. 8 SARAH BARNARD, b. 10 Ap. 1814; d. 10 Aug. 1834; m. 6 May, 1834, * Albert Abbot; 8 ELIZABETH, b. 4 Mar. 1816 ; m. 10 Oct. 1844, Rev. Joel Blac kmer ; 8 Edward W., b. 4 Ap. 1818; Major; Alfred Amos, b. 30 May, 1820; U. C. 1841; Lawyer, Danvers; 8 Caroline M., b. 22 Feb. 1823; s Esther Ann, b. 6 Feb. 1826; Jane G., b. 23 July, 1828 ; s William Albert, b. 9 Aug. 1831 ; "Emma Frances, b. 7 Dec. (832; 8 Sarah Barnard, b. 10 July, 1838. T ABIGAIL A., m. Capt. Thomas C. Foster. 8 Caroline A., d. ; 8 Sarah Jane ; 8 Hannah Abbot ; 8 ABIGAIL CAR- OLINE, m. 7 Joseph Abbot; 8 Thomas Edwin, Y. C. 1840; Preach- er ; 8 Ann Maria, d. ; 8 Joseph William ; 8 Ann Maria ; 8 Mary E., d. 6 BIGSBY A., Andover and Greenfield ; m. 1772, Hephzibah Ames; 2 m. Deborah Johnson, 7 HEPHZIBAH, b. 17 Aug. 1772 ; d. ; m. Joshua Bailey. 8 Hephzibah ; Joshua ; Elizabeth. 7 William, b. 14 July, 1774 ; Benjamin, b. 8 Nov. 1776; BETSY, b. 18 Sept. 1780; d.; m. Nathan Bailey. 8 Mary ; Nathan; Eliza. 7 Jo- seph, b. 1 Feb 1783; d. at sea ; 7 Henry, b. 5 Mar. 1785 ; 7 ASA, b. 7 Mar. 1787 ; d. ; m. Hannah Bailey. 8 Matilda. 7 Samuel, 154 2 GEORGE, 3 & 4 NEHEMIAH, 5 WM. ABBOT. b. 29 Jan. 1789; 7 Nehemiah, b. 18 Oct. 1790; 7 Timothy, b. 22 Feb. 1793; d. 1813; 7 Warren, b. 4 July, 1796; d. Aug. 1825; Y. C., M. D. 7 WILLIAM A., Greenfield, m 1799, s Hannah Bailey. 8 William, b. 5 Jan. 1801 ; d. 6 June, 1813; 8 HUGH ADAMS, b. 3 Nov. 1802; m. Minerva Cragin ; SHERMAN, b. 23 Nov. 1804; m. Hannah Hasdy ; 8 HANNAH, b. 7 Sept. 1807; m. John D. Hasely ; 8 AL- BERT, b. 27 Feb. 1810; m. * Sarah B. Abbot ; 2 m. Abby Cutler; 8 WILLIAM, b. 16 July, 1814 ; m. Sarah J. Abbot ; 8 ELIZABETH E., b. 28 Feb. 1817; m. David Ramsay; 8 Caroline, b. 14 Aug. 1823. 7 BENJAMIN A., Col., m. 1798, Mary Kidder, who d. May, 1816, a. 37 ; 2 m. Elizabeth Goldsmith. 8 Benjamin, b. 19 July, 1798 ; d. Providence; 8 Samuel K., b. 22 Nov. 1803; d. 17 A p. 1*20 ; 8 MARY G., b. 11 July, 1806; d.; m. Geo. Wardwell; a William, b. 9 Feb. 1808; d. ; 8 Joseph T , b. 19 Dec. 1809; 8 Hephzibah, b. 7 Feb. 1812; d. ; 8 ELIZABETH, b. 8 Mar. 1814; m. Albert Ware, Providence, e SARAH, b. 25 Dec. 1817 ; m. Charles Fray ; 8 Samuel W., b. 14 Mar. 1828. 7 HENRY A., Amherst, m. Jan. 1811, eRhoda Bailey. s Nathan P., b. 16 Nov. 1811 ; 8 Timothy B., b. 29 Jan. 1814; 8 Eliza; s Mary ; s Rhoda, b. 9 Ap. 1817; 8 Azel B. and Mary B., b. 28 July, 1820 ; 8 Archer P., b. 6 Dec. 1822 ; 8 Sylvia Ann, b. 24 Aug. 1826; 8 Asa Warren, b. 5 Sept. 1829; d. 1 Nov. 1829. SAMUEL A., Woburn, m. Ruth Winn ; 8 Elizabeth Mary ; Sam- uel Warren. 7 NEHEMIAH A., Andover, m. JOSEPH A., Lincoln, m. Sarah White. 6 Joseph, b. 10 July, 1752 ; d. 1834 ; 6 NEHEMIAH, b. 1754 ; d. 1840, Lincoln ; Soldier of the Revolution; m. Sally Hoar; n. c. ; 6 ABIEL, d. 1817, Farrnington, Me. ; m. Polly Merriam ; n. c. ; ti Hannah W., b. 10 Dec. 1758; d. 1785; Abigail, d. y. ; 6 SARAH, rn. Ezekiel Al- len ; 2 m. Moses Coolidge, Watertown ; n. c. ; 6 MARY, b. 1771 ; m. Amaziah Fawcett, Lincoln. 7 Amaziah. 6 JOSEPH A., Sidney, Me. ; m. Ruth Bucknam. 7 Elizabeth ; 7 Hannah; 7 John; 7 William; 7 Joseph, b. 1791; 7 SAMUEL, d. 1830; m. ; 8 Sarah; a Abigail; 8 ARIEL, m. Harriet Bucknam ; 8 Gilbert ; 8 Mary ; 8 Emeline, d. ; 8 Nehemiah, d. 7 JOSEPH A., Cambridgeport, m. Electa Richardson. & Joseph B. ; 8 Sylvanus R. ; 8 Cornelius F. ; 8 Electa; 8 Harriet. 6 ASA A , Sidney ; m. Hephzibah Brooks ; 7 Asa, b. 1783 ; Abiel; Nehemiah; 7 Howard Brooks, b. 1810; B.C. 1836; Law- yer, Belfast, Me.; 7 ELIZA, m. Asa Sawtell, Sidney; 7 Sarah ; 7 HEPHZIBAH, m. Ruel Townsend; 7 Augusta; 7 ASA A., Farming- ton; m. 1818 and 1827; 8 Martha C., b. 1818 ; 8 Caroline, b. 1820, d. 1821; s Alexander H., b. 1822; B. C. 1840; Teacher; 8 William T., b. 1824 ; 8 Asa, b. and d. 1826; 8 Henry T., b. 1830; d. 1832; 8 Caroline B., b. 1832; s Ellen B, b. Ic34 ; 8 Asa H., b. 1836; d. 1837 ; 8 Ann E , b. 1838; s Samuel B., b. 1843. 2 GEORGE, 3 NEHEMIAH, 4 ABIEL ABBOT. 155 6 HANNAH w. A., m. Timothy Wellington, b. 15 Ap. 1747; d. Ap. 1809, Lexington. 7 REBECCA s., b. 9 Mar. 1778; m. John K. Coolidge, Cincinnati. 8 Hannah ; a William ; 8 John ; 8 Joseph ; 8 Henry. 7 NEHEMIAH, b. 1 Jan. 1780 ; m. Nancy Stearns. "Au- gustus; 8 Sullivan; 8 Jonas Clark ; * Horatio ; "Joseph. ''TIMO- THY, b. Oct. 1781 ; H. U. 1806 ; M. D., M. M., S. S. ; West Cam- bridge ; m. 1813, Maria E. Lord, who d. Mar. 1816 ; 2 m. 1820, Lydia Yates; 8 William Williamson, b. 27 July, 1814; H. U. 1832 ; M. D., M. M., S. S., Cambridgeport. 8 Francis E., b. 1821 ; 8 Maria E., b. 1823 ; 8 George Y., b. 1826 ; 8 Ellen, b. 1834; 7 Hannah, d. y. ; 7 Joseph A., d. y. 4 ABIEL ABBOT, East Windsor, Ct. ; m. Abigail Grant, who d. 2 Sept. 1724, a. 29; s Abiel, d. 4 Feb. 1762; Abigail; Ann, b. 1721; d. 21 Aug. 1803, a. 82. 6 ABIEL A , E. Windsor, m. Tryphena, da. of Peter Mills, e Au- relia, b. 27 June, 1755; d. 3 Nov. 1829; m. 1780, Dr. Samuel Cooky, Bolton, Ct. 7 William, d. 1839; Physician, E. Hartford ; 7 Abiel Abbot, E, Druggist, Hartford; 7 Samuel. 6 TRYPHENA, m. Talcott. 7 Horace ; 7 Horatio. 5 ABIGAIL A., m. Hon. William Wolcott, E. Windsor. 6 Wil- liam, Y. Coll 1775 ; Physician, d. in Vt , leaving children ; "Eu- nice; e Abigail W. ; e Abiel, b. Aug. 1761 ; d. Jan. 1840. c AB- IGAIL w., m. 1773, Hon. Oliver Ellsworth, Windsor, Ct ; Chief Justice of the U. States. 7 ABIGAIL, m. Ezckiel Williams, Esq., Hartford; 7 Oliver, d. 1802; Y. C. 1799; Tutor; Martin, Y. C. 1801, Windsor, Ct. ; 7 William W., Y. C. 1810; Hartford; Gov. of Conn 1838, '39, 40, '41 ; 7 Henry L., a twin-brother of Gov. W. W.,Y. Col. 1810; Commis. of Patents, Washington; 7 FANNY, m. Wood, Esq., Bridgeport, Ct. ; 7 DELIA, d. 1840; m. Tho- mas 8. Williams, Chief Jus. of Con. e ABIEL WOLCOTT, E. Wind- sor, m. Ursula Tudor. 7 FRANCES, m. Harris Has hell ; 7 Ursula ; 7 SAMUEL TUDOR, m. Maria Steward ; Eveline, m. Edgar Bissell, Esq. 5 ANN ABBOT, m. Daniel Mosely, Westfield, Ms.; he d. 6 Mar. 1777, a. 64. 6 ABIGAIL, d. 1823, a. 77; m. Enoch Holcomb; e JOSIAH, d. 1830, Pittsfield ; m. Abigail Holt; 6 PLINY M., d. 1810 ; m. Abigail Chapin ; 2 m. Sophia Pomeroy ; 7 Daniel Mose- ly, Judge of N. Y. State; 7 SYBIL, m. Rev. Hiram Bingham, Mis- sionary to the Sandwich Islands; MARY ANN, d. 26 Jan. 1814, a. 62; m. Col. Taylor, Westfield ; TRYPHENA, d. 1842; m. Joseph Root ; moved to Brutus, N. Y. ; LYDIA, m. Stephen Lee ; ESTHER, m. Ephraim Stiles; moved to Black River, N. Y. ; Elizur, Phy- sician, Whitesboro', N. Y. 4 ZEBADIAH ABBOT, lived with his father ; m. 1728, Anna Love- joy ; 5 Anna, b. Oct. 1729; d. 14 Ap. 1738 ; Neheiniah, b. 4 Sept. 1731 ; d. 13 Oct. 1808 ; s SARAH, b. 14 Aug. 1733 ; m. 1755, Timothy Bollard ; e Timothy; William; Sarah; Anna; Joshua, s LYDIA, b. 3 Aug. 1735; m. 1758, Abraham Moar ; 6 Isaac; Abraham; Sally; Lydia; s CHLOE, b. 16 Nov. 1737; d. 21 Aug. 1809; m. *> Jeremiah Abbot, Wilton; 6 Zebadiah, b. 8 Oct. 1739; d. 24 Nov. 1793. 156 2 GEORGE, 3 &, 4 NEHEMIAH, 4 JOHN ABBOT. 4 NEHEMIAH A., lived with his father; Trustee of Phillips Acad- emy; useful and respected; m. 1756, Hannah Ballard, who d. 27 Sept. 1778, a. 42; 2 m. Lydia Clark, who d. 1814, a. 69. 6 NE- HEMIAH, b. 10 Mar. 1757; d. 13 Dec. 1823; in. 6 Sarah Abbot, da. of 4 George Abbot, Esq.; n. c. ; Hannah, b. 19 Sep;. 1758; d. 29 Oct. 1764; c Abiel, b. 4 Sept. 1760; d. Aug. 1828; 'PHEBE, b. 1763; d. 1 Oct. 1825; m. 5 John L. Abbot, Esq. e WILLIAM L., b. 18 Jan. 1765; d. Ap. 1798; H. U. 1787 ; Physician, Haver- hill ; m. M\ssCarr; no issue ; HANNAH, b. 18 Jan. 1765; m. Sam- up.l Hawlcy ; Lydia, d. y. 6 ABiEL A , lived on the homestead ; m. Hannah Frye, who d. 13 Oct. 1821, a. 54 ; 2 m. Chloc Hawley. 7 Nehemiah, b. 28 Sept. 1794; Lydia Clark, b. 19 May, 1797. 7 LYDIA CLARK A., m. John Flint, Esq., Andover. 8 Anna Maria, b. 20 Sept. 1824 ; d. 14 Ap 1836 ; Sarah Abbot, b. 12 Sept. 1826 ; Emily Elizabeth, b. 26 Nov. 1828; Lydia L., b. 14 May, 1831; Martha Russell, b. 15 July, 1833; Ann Eliza, b. 13 Mar. 1835; Hannah Maria, b. Nov. 1838; John Henry, b. 6 Mar. 1840. 5 ZEBADIAH A, entered H. U.; Deacon, Teacher, Member of the Convention for forming the Constitution of Massachusetts, Trader ; honest and respected ; m. Rebecca Bollard, who d. 15 Sept. 1821, a. 77. e ANNA, b. 30 Aug. 1767 ; d. 26 Dec. 1826; m. 5 Christopher Osgood, Pembroke, N. H. ; Zebadiah, b. 6 June, 1769; d. 31 May, 1836; Herman, b. 5 May, 1771. e ZEBAOIAH A., Dea., m. 1796, Sarah Farnum. 7 Sarah F., b. 22 Feb. 1798 ; Rebecca, b 5 June, 17i9 ; ANNA, b. 18 May, 1801 ; m. John Stanyon ; 1 Zebadiah, b. 20 May, 1805; d. 4 Oct. 1808; Jeremiah, b. and d. Jan. 1807; Jeremiah, b. 9 Jan. 1808 ; ZEBA- DIAH, b. 10 Ap. 1810; m Caroline W. French ; Edward F., b. 24 Dec. 1816; Preacher; 7 REBECCA A., m. Dea. Robert Knights, Milford, N. H. 8 Atlanta, b. 10 Aug. 1825; d. 6 Sept. 1825; Rinalda F., b. 19 Nov. 1827; twin sons, b. and d. 6 Ap. 1829; Atlanta Rebecca, b. 6 Mar. 1830 ; Edward R., b. 12 Nov. 1831. 6 HERMAN A., m. 1799, Lydia Farrington. 7 Lydia, b. 5 Oct. 1800. 7 Herman, b 25 Mar. 1803 ; d. 23 Sept. 1805; 7 Joshua, b. 3 Dec. 1804 ; 7 JOSEPH, b. 6 Sept. 181 1 ; m. B Abigail C. Foster ; 8 Albert; a Caroline E. 7 Benjamin F., b. 1 Nov. 1815. 4 JOHN ABBOT, settled in Tolland, Ct. about 1720 ; m. 31 Dec. 1721, Elizabeth Birge, who d. Mar. 1728; 2 m. Oct. 1731, Mary Robinson, who d. 3 Ap. 1778, a. 81; 5 Sarah, b. 22 Ap. 1723; ft John, b. 18 Sept. 1725 ; d. 25 Nov. 1776 ; s JOSEPH ADNA, b. 26 Sept. 1733; d. in the French war; m. Parsons; 6 Joseph; Adna; Charles; 5 MARY, b. 7 May, 1737; m. a brother of Jo- seph's wife. 5 JOHN A , Tolland ; m. Elizabeth Stearns, who d. 6 Jan. 1783 ; 6 Nehemiah ; e John ; Nehemiah ; Jehiel ; Sarah ; Abiel ; Eliza- beth ; Erastus ; Alexander; Nehemiah and Jehiel d. y. e JOHN A., m. 1780, Temperance Baker ; 7 Sally, b. 1781; MARY, b. 1784; d. Nov. 1806; m. Reuben Chapman, Dennis, Mass. ; 9 Reuben Abbot. 7 John, b. 2 Ap. 1786; d. 1827; ELIZABETH, 2 GEORGE, 3 SAMUEL, 4 SAMUEL ABBOT. 157 b. 1789; rn. Joel Kibbe, Oswego, N. Y. ; has "4 c. ; 7 Jehiel, b. 3 Sept. 1797. 7 SALLY A., m. John Bliss, Esq., Tolland ; s Sally ; Olive ; Ma- ry ; Sylvester, b. 1814; Emeline, b. 1817; d. Dec. 1840. 7 JOHN A., m. Eunice Richardson ; removed to Ohio ; had sev- eral children; 7 JEHIEL A., Westfield ; Physician ; Senator in the Leg. of Mass. ; m. May, 1824, Olive P. Barnard, who d. 25 Mar. 1825; 2 m. Ap. 1827", Sophia P. McMahon. 8 John Henry, b. 18 Nov. 1829; 8 Frances O., b. 9 June, 1831 ; * William Atwa- ter, b. 25 Feb. 1833. 6 ABIEL A., Lyme, N. H., m. Anna Tirrell ; T Nehemiah, went to the west, i Anna ; ^ John, settled in Lyme, N. H. e ERASTUS A., Rutland, Vt., m. Acksah Richardson ; 7 4 s. 6 ALEXANDER A., Tolland, m. 1795, Elizabeth Hatch; 7 Lucius, Physician, Detroit, Mich.; 7 Luther D., Grandville, Mich.; 7 Ephraim and Lucy, Tolland; 7 John Stearns, Y. C. 1835; Lawyer, Detroit. 3 SAMUEL A., b. 30 May, 1678; settled in Sudbury ; m. Joyce . 4 Joyce, b. 18 Aug. 1706; 4 Martha, b. 10 Mar. 1712; 4 Samuel, b. 21 Aug. 1716; 4 George. 4 SAMUEL A., Sudbury, m. Abigail Myrick. 5 John, b. 5 June, 1738 ; d. 23 May, 1799 ; Ephraim, b 27 May, 1740 ; Jason, b. 6 Oct. 1742 ; d. in Paxton, 9 Aug. 1770 ; Samuel, b. 27 Sept. 1743; d. 1792; Sarah, b. 27 Feb. 1745; Rebekah, b. 19 Mar. 1748; Abigail, b. 7 May, 1751 ; Abraham, b. 11 Jan. 1754, Warwick; Abijah, b. 11 July, 1756; d. 11 Ap. 1810; 5 AMOS, b. 1759; d. 1839; m. Abigail Hayden, Wayland ; s Jonas; Lewis; Onesi- mus; Abigail. 6 EPHRAIM A., Sudbury, m. 12 Oct. Sarah Curtis. 6 Abner ; Alpheus, b. 1771; Joseph, b. 17 Mar. 1773, Sudbury; * Joel ; Jane; Mary ; 6 SARAH, b. 20 Oct. 1781 ; m. 18 May, 1803, Lu- t/tcr Good/low, Sudbury ; 6 Ephraim ; e Jason ; 6 Abigail. s SAMUEL A., settled in Framingharn ; m. Martha Jennings; 6 BETSY, b. 1771; in. William Hastings; 7 Sewall ; Martha; Charles; Lyman ; Lucy A. ; Edwin; 6 SALLY, m. Amaziah For- rester ; 6 Josiah, b. 22 Sept. 1775 ; ABHY, b. June, 1783 ; m. Thomas Hastings ; e JOSJAH A , Framingham ; m. 5 Sept. 1803, Ruth Estabrook. 7 Mary, b. 20 Sept. 1804 ; d. 10 Feb. 1825 ; 7 CYRUS, b. 23 May, 1H06 ; d. 21 Sept. 1833; m. Mary Puffer; 7 KBKNEZER K, b. 2 July, 1807, Barre ; m. Augusta Kendall; 7 ELIZA c., b. 30 May, 1809; m. Sept. 1833, Rev. Benjamin &:hneidcr, Missionary at Broosa, Asia Minor. 7 JOSIAH, b. 22 May, 1811; Y. C. 1835 ; M. D, Rindge, N. H. ; m. 1842, Arminda White. 7 ALEXANDER, b. 6 Mar. 1813; M. D, Kin- derhook, N. Y. ; m. 1839, Mary De Pew; 7 MARTHA ANN, b. 28 Nov. 1815; m. 1840, Rev. Nathan Shotwell, West Liberty, Va.; 7 James, b. 20 Oct. 1818; d. 18 June, 1838; 7 Susan Maria, b. 10 July, 1820; 7 Alraira, b. 12 Aug. 1822; d. 10 Feb. 1825; Franklin, b. 12 Aug. 1826. 14 158 2 GEORGE, 3 & 4 SAMUEL, 5 JOHN ABBOT. 5 JOHN A., Holden, Mas., m. Mary Alien, who d. 16 Aug. 1814, a. 80. s Sarah, b. 15 Dec. 1760; d. 27 May, 1782; e John, b. 30 May, 1762; d. 10 June, 1820, e Lemuel, b. 3 Nov. 1763 ; d. 15 May, 1813; 6 Cyrus, b. 16 Jan. 1765; d. 21 Oct. 1839; e Isaac, b. 2 Oct. 1766; d. 8 Feb. 1846 ; 6 Mary, b. 7 Ap. 1768 ; d. 15 July, 1818 ; e Elisha, b. 6 June, 1770; d. 2 June, 1822; 6 Jason, b. 28 June, 1772; d. July, 1843; 6 Abijah, b. 3 Oct. 1773 ; d. 22 Sept. 1822 ; 6 Samuel, b. 25 July, 1776; e Betsy, b. 17 Sept. 1778; d. 27 Sept. 1782. e JOHN A., m. Betsy Webb, Holden ; 7 BETSY, b. 22 Jan. 1787; m. Hezekiah Howe, Bloomfield, O. ; 7 SAMUEL, b. 21 Sept. 1788 ; m. Betsy Hubbard, Washington, Mas. ; 7 ASA, b. 13 July, 1790 ; m. Miss Morse ; 7 JOHN, b. 24 May, 1792, Hindsdale, Mas. ; m. Miss Flagg ; 7 AMOS, b. 5 Mar. 1794, Washington, Mas. ; m. Miss Martin ; 7 NANCY, b. 15 July, 1796 ; m. Adolphus Stearns ; 7 POL- LY, b. 4 Dec. 1798; m. Mr. Bossen, Upton, Mas. ; 7 Sally, b. 3 Mar. 1801; 7 Lucy, b. 9 July, 1803; d. June, 1839; SIMON, b. 14 June, 1805; m. Hannah Hubbard ; lives on the home- stead. e LEMUEL A., Capt., Holden ; m. Zillali Clienery, da. of Dr. Isaac C. ; she d. 8 Mar. 1842, a. 71. 7 CYRUS c., b 25 Aug. 1791; d. 1824, Salem, O. ; m. 8 W. Snow, d. 12 Jan. 1846; 8 Cyrus. ' Jervis, b. 16 Dec. 1792; 7 Chenery, b. 10 Dec. 1795 ; HOLLICE, b. 28 Sept. 1797; d. 1824, Salem, O., leaving 2 sons, 8 Hollice, and Edward Fifield. 7 Susannah A., b. 11 Sept. 1805; 7 JERVIS A., Col., Holden, m. Rebekah Crosby, b. 2 Sept. 1791. 8 Lemuel Chenery, b. 7 May, 1815; 8 Zillah Maria, b. 15 Jan. 1817 ; 8 MERRILL, b. 28 Aug. 1818 ; m. Louisa Knowlton. 9 Su- sa Maria, b. 8 Ap. 1841; 8 Hollice Edward, b. 27 July, 1835. 7 CHENERY A., Maj., Holden ; m. Betsy Wood, da. of Rev. Benja. W., Upton, Mas. ; she d. 8 Aug. 1825. s BENJAMIN WOOD, b. 18 May, 1822; m. Susan Knowlton; 9 Ann Wood, b. 25 Oct. 1845. 6 SAMUEL A., Williamston, Vt. ; m. Anna Howe, who d. Ap. 1834 ; 7 Lemuel H., b. 1812 ; d. 21 Aug. 1842. 7 1 da. s ARIJAH A., Paxton, Bias.; m. Rachel Jennings. 6 SUSANNA, b. 26 Nov. 1776 ; m. Otis Me Lane, Rutland ; Daniel, b. 21 Dec. 1778, Lebanon, N. Y. ; 6 AARON, b. 20 Sept. 1780; d., a. 52; m. 1806, Betsy Howe ; 6 BETSY, b. 11 Feb. 1783; m. 1802, Joel Crossman; e PATTY, b. II Feb. 1785; m. Maj. Lamb, Oxford ; o JASON, b. 11 July, 1787; d. Enfield ; m. 1812, Cynthia Howe; e ABIJAH, b. 9 Jan. 1790, Oxford; m. 1812, Sally Whitmore ; eNabby, b. 25 Sept. 1792; d.y.; 6 Alice, b. 16 Aug. 1796; d. y. ; e LOIS, b. 8 Ap. 1798 ; m. 1822, Nathan Clark, Paris, N. Y. 4 GEORGE A., Hardwick ; d. at Bennington, Vt. ab. 1771 ; his children were, 5 Isaac; 5 Jacob ; 5 SARAH, m. Roberts, Mor- ristown, Vt. ; 6 Josiah and Sarah ; 5 Timothy, d. 3 Nov. 1807, a. 69 ; s RUTH, in. Pratt, Shaftsbury, Vt. ; e Scena ; e Caleb; 3 SAMUEL, 4 GEORGE, 5 TIMOTHY ABBOT. 159 e Paul; e Nathan, d. ; e Lois, 2m. Ellis ; 6 Eunice ; e David; 6 Calvin ; 6 Nathan; 6 Ruth. o TIMOTHY A., Bennington ; m. Hannah Murray, who d. 15 Sept. 1795, a. 53; 6 Jonas, b. 21 July, 1765; d. 23 Ap. 1834; 6 HANNAH, b. 2 Aug. 1767 ; d. 30 Aug. 1804; m. William Wal/c- er, Cambridge, Vt. ; e Seth, b. 21 Sept. 1769; d 8 June, 1831; 6 Timothy, b. 19 Mar. 1772; 6 MARY, b. 20 Nov. 1774; d. 13 May, 1815 ; m. Simeon Hinman, Benson, Vt. ; e Samuel, b. 14 Jan. 1779; d. 1846 ; 6 SARAH, b. 22 Nov. 1783; m. Ebenezer Brush, Concord, N. Y. 6 JONAS A., Physician, Granby, L. C. ; m. Cynthia Preston. 7 Jonas, d. 20 Mar. 1837 ; 7 Lucy ; 7 Mary ; 7 Cornelia ; 7 Mason ; 7 George ; 7 JONAS, St. Armanda, L. C. ; m. a Chauncy C.; 8 Mary R.; 8 Mason D.; 8 Emily A. ; 8 Emilia E. ; 7 Jonas B. * SETH A , E. Hamburgh, N. Y. ; m. Sophia Starkweather, who d. 30 Dec. 1842; r Henry, b. 1796; T HULDAH, m Hawkstice Ad- din gt on ; 7 George W. and Chauncy, b 6 May, 1802; 7 Geo. W., d 1 Oct. 1845 ; 7 CHAUNCY, m. Mary Ann Smith. 8 Seth and Ju- lia. 7 HENRY A., m. Margaret Potter; 8 Sarah M. ; 8 Lucius ; 8 Marcus ; 8 Catharine Jane; 8 Harriet L. 7 GEORGE w. A., m. Caroline Sijdnor. " Eliza L., b 16 Sept. 1829 ; d. 29 Aug. 1830 ; 8 Sophia, b. 12 Sept. 1831 ; 8 Henry S., b. 29 Mar. 1833'; d. 20 June, 1836; 8 Eliza M., b. 24 Mar. 1835; 8 William B., b. 25 Feb. 1837; s Ward B., b. 15 Feb. 1839; d. 9 Vay, 1842; 8 Ma- ry AnnC., b. 16 Nov. 1842 ; B George W., b. 12 Nov. 1844. 6 TIMOTHY A., Jericho, Vt. ; had 3 wives and 22 children, 12 of whom are living. 7 Timothy ; 7 Sarah ; 7 Hannah ; 7 Electa ; 7 Charlotte; 7 George ; 7 Harriet ; 7 Chauncy ; 7 Martha Jane ; 1 Delia Ann ; 7 Betsy ; 7 Ira. e SAMUEL A., E. Hamburgh, m. Sophia firown. 7 Harriet, b. 3 Sept. 1807; d. 28 Aug. 1817; 7 SARAH, b. 14 Jan. 1810; rn. Ar- chibald K. Htwson ; 7 FRANKUN B., b. 28 Nov. 181 1 ; d. 20 Aug. 1840; m. Ann Dorr; 7 SAMUEL, b. 1 Aug 1813; M. D., Aurora, N. Y. ; m. 5 Sept. 1838, Harriet Lawrence. 8 Lawrence; s Mary Ellen. 7 CHAUNCY B , b. 22 Sept. 1816; m. Ap. 1841, Charlotte Rrown. Of the descendants of 2 George Abbot, 22 have been students at college ; probably some have received a collegiate education, who are not included in this account. 2 NEHEMIAH ABBOT ; born in England, settled in Ipswich ; Dea. ; d. Mar. 1707. 3 Nehemiah, his only son, and probably only child, d. 1736. 3 NEHEMIAH A., m. 21 Jan. 1689, Remember Fisk, who d. 12 July, 1703. 4 John, b. 9 Ap. 1691 ; d. Nov. 1764 ; 4 Nehemiah, b. 19 Oct. 1692 ; d. Nov. 1764. SARAH, m. 1727, Joshua Jackson ; Mary ; n. m. ; Mehitabel, b. 17 Oct. 1700 ; n. m. 4 JOHN A., m. 3 Feb. 1715, Abigail Dresser; 5 Remember, b. 30 Nov. 1715; John, bap. 26 Oct. 1717 ; s JOHN A., Rowley, m. 160 2, 3 & 4 NEHEMIAH, 4 JOHN ABBOT. 11 July, 1751, Susanna Kneeland ; pub. July, 1772, Elizabeth Fish ; 10 Sept. 1774, to Sarah Perkins. 6MEHITABEL, m. 1774, Joshua Burpee, Rowley ; 6 SARAH, m. 1804, Robert Gary ; 6 BE- THIAH, m. 1795, Josiah Parsons, Gloucester. 4 NEHEMIAH A., Ipswich, pub. Mar. 1743, Eleanor Porter. 5 Ele- anor, b. 15 Mar. 1746; 5 John, b. 15 Sept. 1749; s Nehemiah, b. 14 Nov. 1752 ; 6 GEORGE, b. 29 Jan. 1754 ; m. 1777, Mcliitabd Jcwett, Rowley. GENEALOGICAL REGISTER OF THE DESCENDANTS OF 1 THOMAS ABBOT, OF ANDOVER, ABBOT, m. in Andover, 15 Dec. 1664, Sarah Steward, who d. Feb. 1716 ; he d. 6 May, 1695. Their children were: 2 JOSEPH, l>. 16 Mar. 1666; d. Mar. 1667; 2 Thomas, b. 1668; d. 25 Dec. 1753; 2 Sarah, b. 8 Jan. 1671 ; 2 Joseph, b. 16 Aug. 1674 ; * Dorothy, b. 2 Jan. 1676; d. 4 Nov. 1678 ; 2 Nathaniel, b. 9 Jan. 1678; 2 John, b Oct. 1681; a DOROTHY 2d, m. 1710, Braviter Gray ; 2 Mary, b. 22 July, 1686 ; 2 Ebenezer, b. 23 Nov. 1690. 2 THOMAS A., m. Jan. 1707, Elizabeth French ; 3 Thomas, d. 9 Mar. 1729. 2 SARAH A., m. Joseph Chandler, 1691 ; 3 SARAH c., b. 10 Mar. 1693 ; m. John Russell; 3 Joseph, b. 29 July, 1694 ; 3 ISAAC, b. 24 Aug. 1696; m. Susannah Barnard; 3MEHITABEL, b. 27 Feb. 1699 ; m. Ichabod Davis ; 3 JEMIMA, m. Moses Rowell; 3 NATHAN, m. Susanna Row ell ; 3 RHODA, in. James Russell; 3 PHEBE, m. Andrew Gray. 2 JOSEPH A , Marblehead, m. Sarah . 3 Susanna, bap. Aug. 1701 ; 3 Joseph ; 3 Sarah ; 3 Ann; 3 Hannah. 3 JOSEPH A., m. Sarah . 4 Joseph, b. 24 Feb. 1736 ; d. 2 June, 1778, by explosion of powder-mill at Andover; 4 John, and 4 John 2d, d. in infancy ; 4 John 3d, b. 1741 ; 4 Francis, b. 1744 ; Mary, b. 1746; 4 Sarah, b. 1748; 4 George. 4 JOSEPH A., Marblehead, m. 11 Sept. 1760, Hannah , who d. 4 Oct. 1772, a. 36; 2 in. 3 Dec. 1772, Jane , who d. Sep. 1773, of small-pox, a. 34 ; 3 m. Aug. 1774, wid. Sarah Hooper. 5 Joseph, b. 29 Oct. 1761 ; d. in the Revolutionary War; 5 Han- nah, b 4 Nov. 1763 ; d. 21 Jan. 1820 ; 5 Mary, b. 21 Ap. 1766 ; 14* 162 2, 3 & 4 JOSEPH, 2 & 3 NATHANIEL ABBOT. d. 3 Dec. 1772 ; 5 Benjamin, b. 24 Oct. 1767 ; d. 1845; a John, b. 21 Oct. 1770 ; d. 26 Nov. 1772; 5 son, b. and d. Sept. 1773 ; 5 BENJAMIN A., Master Mariner, Marblehead; m. 15 Dec. 1794, Mercy Martin, who d. 16 Mar. 1803; 2 m. 9 Sept. 1803, wid. Priscilla Human. e Benjamin, b. 7 Sept. 1795 ; e MERCY, b. 13 Nov. 1799; d. 1830; m. 8 Nov. 1829, Thomas Paine; e BENJA- MIN A., Cooper, Boston; rn. 21 Feb. 1828, Olivia Welch. 4 JOHN A., Marblehead; m. Anna ; s Sarah, bap. Sept. 1767 ; 5 John, bap. 16 Oct. 1768 ; 5 Anna, b. 23 Sept. 1770. 4 GEORGE A., Marblehead ; in. Rebecca ; 5 Samuel, bap. 20 Dec. 1779. 2 NATHANIEL, m. IT 10, Mercy Hutchinson, Ashford, Ct. 3 NA- THANIEL, b. May, 1714; in. Esther Lyon, Ashford. 4 Mary, b. 22 Ap. 1734; 4 Stephen, b. 10 Nov. 1735; 4 Nathaniel, b. 18 Ju- ly, 1737 ; 4 Hannah, b. 16 Aug. 1740; 4 John, b. 22 Sept. 1742; 4 Nathan, b. 6 Dec. 1744 ; Esther ; 4 DOLLY, m. 1792, Samuel Jones; 4 MARSILVA, m. 1796, Penuel Tucker, Pompey, N. Y. 4 ESTHER, m. Nehemiah Jackson. 5 Sally, b. 10 Sept. 1767; n. m. ; & Charles, b. 3 Nov. 1770; went south; 5 LOVINA, b. 1 Oct. 1771 ; m. Smith; 5 Willard ; 5 John, b. 12 May, 1778; s Nehemiah, b. 27 July, 1780; s ESTHER, b. 20 Jan. 1785; m. David Lyon; 6 Nathan, b 21 June, 1787 ; f> CHESTER, b. 13 Sep. 1789 ; m. Hannah Lyon ; c George ; e William ; and others. 5 Chloe ; f> POLLY, m. Olcott Fisher. e Lucien B. 5 WILLARD, m. Orinda Goodell. 6 Perry ; 6 Benjamin, b. 6 Aug. 1800; 6 Otis; "Walter, b. 8 Feb. 1805; 6 Lucretia, b. 8 Nov. 1808; 6 Mary, b. 22 Aug. 1810; e Charles, b. 21 Sept. 1813; e John; 5 NATHAN, m. Priscilla Morcy. e Elijah M., b. 22 Ap. 1818; e Nancy, b. 2 Dec. 1820 ; 6 SARAH, b. 28 Oct. 1822 ; m. Henry Allen; 7 Ellen ; 7 Albert H. 6 Nehemiah, b. 29 Aug. 1826. 5 CHLOE, m. Adolphus Child, N. Y. c Justin ; e Nancy ; 6 Ro- ena; * 1 son, a Preacher. 2 JOHN A., m. Ap. 1710, Hannah Chubb, who d. June 3, 1733; 2 m. 1734, Hephzibah Frye. 3 Hannah ; 3 Sarah, b. Mar. 1712 ; d. ; 3 Mary, b. 1716 ; d. ; 3 John, b. Feb. 1718 ; d. 1803 ; 3 SA- RAH, b. 16 Aug. 1722; m. 1753, Timothy Noyes ; 3 MARY, b. 23 Nov. 1727; in. 1754, Samuel Griffin. 3 JOHN A., m. June, 1746, Hannah Far num ; moved to Ando- ver, Me. 4 Jonathan, b. 23 Ap. 1748 ; d. 26 Jan. 1833 ; ' Philip, b. 22 Oct. 1749 ; d. 4 May, 1840; 4 HANNAH, b. 9 Sept. 1751 ; in. John Johnson; 4 SUSANNAH, b. 20 Dec. 1753 ; m. 1771, Daniel Stevens; 4 BETSY, b. 9 Nov. 1758; d. 11 Sept. 1839; m. Piter Carlton ; 4 John, b. 24 Jan. 1769 ; d. 6 Jan. 1833. 4 JONATHAN A., m 1768, Ruth Bragg, who d. 25 Jan. 1823; s Enos, b 7 Feb. 1769; e Daniel, b. 20 Oct. 1770; d. 6 June, 1830; 5 Dorcas, b. 1772; s SARAH, b. 25 Jan. 1775; m. William Porter; 5 Farnum, b. 25 Jan. 1779: a Enoch ; 5 HANNAH, m. Jacob Farrington ; 5 Jonathan, b. 1788 ; d. 17 Sept. 1815 ; ft Moses ; 5 Amos. 2 & 3 JOHN, 4 JONATHAN, 4 PHILIP ABBOT. 163 5 ENOS, m. Sarah Farnum. 6 ASA, b. 1793 ; d. ; rn. Esther Ab- bnt; 7 Martha P., b. 25 Dec. 1823 ; 7 Sarah F., b. 8 Sept. 1825 ; 7 William D., b. 10 Aug. 1828; e ENOS, b. 1 Jan. 1795; m. Polly Hutchins; 7 Hezekiah H., b. 18 Mar. 1821; 7 Sarah E., b. 16 Mar. 1823; 7 Joseph H., b. 27 Ap. 1829. e SARAH, b. 24 Feb. 1798; m. David Hutchins ; 7 8 c. 6 THOM- AS, b. l> May, 1800 ; m. Dolly Simpson. 7 Levi B., b. 23 Sept. 1823; 7 Monroe, b. 5 Jan. 1825; 7 John E., b. II Feb. 1826; 7 Oren, b. 20 Jan. 1828; * STEPHEN, b. Sept. 1801; m. Lucy Mansur; 7 Charles H., b. 23 Jan. 1826: 7 Maria H., b. 25 May, 1829. 6 FARNUM, b. 12 Dec. 1802 ; m. Mary Chapman. 7 Mary F., b. 1 Nov. 1829; 7 Abel, b. 13 Nov. 1831 ; 7 Lucretia M., b. 30 Nov. 1835; i Samuel D., b. 2 Dec. 1837; 7 Parnelia B., b. 1 Nov. 1843. e MARY, b. 12 Dec. 1804 ; m. Abel Chapman; 7 Pa- melia, b. 24 Jan. 1827; 7 Charles D., b. 13 Oct. 1828 ; 7 Edwin P., b. 18 Feb. 1830; 7 Sophia N., b. 30 Sept. 1832; 7 Levi L., b. 19 Nov. 1834; 7 Walter S., b. 2 May, 1836; 7 William M., b. 14 Ap. 1840. e JACOB, b. 13 Sept. 1808; m. Mary Gaud. 5 DANIEL A., m. Lydia Ripley ; 6 Edmond, b. 25 July. 1800 ; d. 28 Nov. 1802 ; Moses, b. 25 Oct. 1802 ; e Ruth, b. 2 Feb. 1804; d. 5 Mar. 1816; 6 EDMOND 2d, b 26 Sept. 1807; m. Mary Rolfe. < Lydia B., b. 30 July, 1830; 7 Beamsley S., b. 7 Mar. 1832; 7 Miriam R. ; 7 Jeremiah R. ; 7 Helen M. o DORCAS A , m. IJominicus Frost, Bethel. 6 George ; 6 Enoch ; 6 Sarah ; e Dolly ; Elmira ; e Porter ; 6 William ; e Joseph ; 6 Hannah ; e Harriet ; e Nathan. 5 FARNUM A., Andover, Me., m. Anna Hayden. 6 SUSAN H., b. 30 Nov. 1810; d 13 June, 1837 ; m. Hiram Goud. 7 Judith F., b. Feb. 1830 ; i Ann S., b. 30 Oct. 1832. e SARAH A., b. 31 May, 1812 ; m. James Brickett. 7 James L., b. 8 Aug. 1832 ; 7 Cath- arine M., b 11 Dec. 1834; 7 John W., b. 14 July, 1836; 7 Hen- ry F., b. 15 Sept. 1839 ; Horatio H., b. 11 Sept 1842. e ROYAL, b. 14 Jan. 1814; m. Miss Goud. 7 Ann E., b. 25 Jan. 1841 ; 7 William H., b. 1 Ap. 1843. e Jonathan, b. 27 Oct. 1815 ; c James F., b. 22 Sept. 1817 ; e Aaron J., b. 3 Ap. 1819 ; * Wil- liam W 7 ., b. 24 May, 1821; 6 Thomas P., b. 20 Sept. 1823; e Ed- win R., b. 12 July, 1825. 5 ENOCH A., m. Lois Howe. G Otis H.; G Charles ; e Maria ; 6 William ; 6 Martha. 5 MOSES A., m. Harriet Gardner ; e George G., b. 3 Feb. 1817 ; 6 Harriet B., b. 21 Dec. 1820; e Laura P., b. 21 Aug. 1822; c Sarah M., b. 23 July, 1824; G Mary P., b. 9 Nov. 1820; 6 Mo- ses E., b. 29 Ap. 1829. 4 PHILIP A., m. 1771, Susan Fryr. 5 Olive, b. 1772; d. 1809; 5 Houltou, b. 26 June, 1774 ; d. II July, 1840 : Isaac, b. 1776 ; 5 Philip, b. 1778; a TIMOTHY, b. Feb. 1781 ; d. II Feb. 1841 ; m. Sarah Pillsbury ; no issue. 5 Nathaniel, b. 1783; 5 Samuel, b. 1785; d. ; * Betsy, b. 1787, d. ; 5 Lydia, b. 1789 ; d. 5 HOULTON A., m. Dolly Farrington. 6 Caroline, b. 22 Oct. 164 2 & 3 JOHN, 4 PHILIP, 4 JOHN ABBOT. 1802 ; d. 7 Sept. 1803 ; ELIZA, b. 10 Mar. 1803 ; m, John Frost, Belfast; 7 Caroline A., b. 29 Oct. 1831 ; 7 Benjamin H., b. 10 Jan. 1833; 7 James R., b. 20 Mar. 1835; 7 John F., b. 12 Feb. 1837; 7 Francis, b. 6 May, 1839; 7 Hosea B., b. 12 May, 1840; 7 Margaretta N... b. 19 Ap. 1842. e John F., b. 30 Jan. 1805; d. 1833; Caroline M., b. 30 Mar. 1807; d. 7 Mar. 1829; 6 Lydia M., b. 24 Feb. 1809 ; e Sarah P., b. 30 Mar. 1812 ; e MA- RY P., b. 30 June, 1814 ; m. E. G, Hall 7 Ann M. R., b. 30 June, 1838; 7 Sarah F., b. 18 Jan. 1840; 7 Lydia A., b. 10 Feb. 1842; 7 Deborah F., b. 17 Dec. 1844. e Philip H., b. 1 Ap. 1817; James W., b. 17 June, 1819. s ISAAC A., m. Betsy Lovejoy. 6 Wheeler P., b. Aug. 1812 ; 6 Olive, b. Oct. 1815 ; e Sarah, b. Ap. 1818 ; e Nancy, b. 1823; 6 Pamelia, b. 1825; e Betsy R, b. 1827; 6 Mary P., b. 1829 ; 6 Isaac W., b. 1833. 5 NATHANIEL A., m. Polly Stockbridge. 6 Harriet S., b. 8 Nov. 1820; d. ; "Elizabeth F., b. 4 July, 1823; e Minerva D., b. 22 Mar. 1826 ; e Simon A., b. 28 Sept. 1828 ; e Lyman F., b. 12 Oct. 1830. 4 JOHN A., m. 1788, Ruth Lovejoy. 5 Betsy, b. 29 July, 1788 ; 5 John, b. 19 Feb. 1790 ; a Eben, b. 30 Jam 1792 ; 6 PHEBE M., b. 23 Ap. 1794; d. 1833; m. Francis Cushman ; 5 Susan, b. 17 Ap. 1796; d. 1834; 5 Louisa P., b. 8 Dec. 1797; 5 Abner, b. 24 May, 1799; 5 Hannah F., b. 17 June, 1802 ; 6 Joseph F., b. 15 Dec. 1803; B Moody E., b. 25 July, 1805; 6 Benjamin, b. 23 July, 1809 ; d. 1835. 3 BETSY A., m. John Rolfe, Rumford, Me. 6 ENOCH c., b. 16 Ap. 1812; M. D., B. C. 1838; Farmington ; m. Emtline Small. 7 George, b.27 Aug. 1842; 7 Henry and Emma, b. 30 July, 1844. 6 Betsy C., b. 22 Aug. 1813 ; e John A., b. 28 Jan., d. 17 Mar. 1815 ; 6 Ruth L., b. Mar. 1816 ; 6 Samuel P., b. 2(5 July, d. 31 Aug. 1817; e Benjamin M., b. 2 July, 1818; e John M., b. 25 July, 1820; d. 8 Sept. 1823; o Henry L., b. 23 Oct. 1822; sJohn A., b. 2 July, 1824 ; Laura H., ,b. 18 Ap., d. 1C Sept. 1826; 6 Hannah A., b. 4 Ap. 1828 ; e Clara D., b. 26 Oct. 1829 ; 6 Os- car D., b. 5 Feb. 1833. 5 JOHN A , m. Fanny Dustin. 6 FANNY D., b. 17 Sept. 1817 ; m. Daniel Towne, Physician, Andover ; 6 Louisa, b. 1 Mar. 1819; 6 Hiram D., b. 18 Feb. 1821 ; d. 13 Sept. 1823 ; 6 John L., b. 18 May, 1823; e Hiram D., b. 2 May, 1825 ; e Hannah F., b. and d. Aug. 1827; 6 Hannah M., b. 12 Jan. 1829; 6 Albion F., b. 18 May, 1831 ; Winthrop N., b. 9 Ap. 1833 ; c Martha D., b. 16 Jan. 1836; 6 Maria and E , b. 4 Ap. 1839. EBEN A., Rumford, m. Catharine Farnum. 6 Horatio N., b. 29 Nov. 1820 ; 6 Cleopatra P., b. 3 Feb. 1822; 6 Barzilla C., b. 22 Feb. 1824; ' Caroline M., b. 19 Nov. 1825; 6 Sophia C., b. 15 July, 1827 ; 6 Charles R., b. 11 Feb. 1832. 5 LOUISA P. A., m. Hazen K. Hutchins, Rumford ; 6 Hazen H., b. 4 June, 1820 ; Abner P., b. 26 Sept. 1823; d. 6 Oct. 1842 ; 2, 3, & 4 JOHN, 2 &, 3 EBEN'R, 3 BENJ. ABBOT. 165 s Louisa F., b. 12 July, 1825; Urvilla S., b. 16 Jan. 1827; e John A., b. 18 Sept. 1828; George W., b. 11 July, 1830; e Moody E., b. 28 Jan. 1832; 6 Laura H., b. 17 Sept. 1833; 6 Carlton H., b. 18 May, 1836; Melinda W., b. 6 Oct. 1838; e Lucretia L., b. 12 Aug. 1840. 5 SUSAN A., m. Benjamin Hall; 6 Benjamin F., b. 27 Oct. 1828 ; e Catharine, b. 20 May, 1830; 6 Francis C., b. 31 July, 1831 ; Ruth A., b. 20 Dec. 1832. 6 HANNAH A., m. Bcnja. Hall, Ando- ver, Me. e Hannah E., b. 25 Nov. 1836; 6 Nath. J., b. 7 Mar. 1838; 6 Joseph E., b. 29 Ap. 1840 ; 6 Daniel P., b. 3 Mar. 1842. 2 EBENEZER A., m. Elizabeth Tucker; she d. Ap. 1743, a. 47; 2 m. Mary Ingalls. 3 Sarah, b. 7 June, 1717 ; d. 25 Sept. 1721 ; 3 Elizabeth, b. 6 May, 1719 ; 3 EBENEZER, b. 6 Sept. 1721 ; m. Martha . 4 Isaac, b. 13 Oct. 1750 ; 4 Martha, b. 7 Mar. 1753; 4 Phebe, b. 22 Aug. 1755; 3 JOHN, b. 28 Feb. 1723; m. Phebe ; 4 Benjamin, b. 9 June, 1751. 3 Philip, b. 11 Sept. 1725; d. 1746, at Louisburgh ; 3 Thomas, b. 28 May, 1728; d. 12 Sept. 1731; 3 Sarah, b. 15 July, 1730; 3 THOMAS, b. 22 Feb. 1733 ; m. 1759, Elizabeth Faxbury ; 3 SAMUEL, b. 16 June, 1736, Shrewsbury; m. 1759, Bathsheba Dustin ; 3 BENJAMIN, b. 26 Jan. 1738 ; d. in the Revolutionary War; m. Joanna Barker. 4 Benjamin ; 4 DEBORAH, m. Isaiah Davis, Nashua; 4 BETSY, m. Bennett, Hudson, N. H. 4 BENJAMIN A., Vt., m. Anna Smith ; s Samuel; s Benjamin ; 5 Oilman ; 5 James, Derry ; s Andrew; 5 Andrew 2d ; 5 Abra- ham, Thetford, Vt. ; 6 JANE, m. Patten, Alexandria ; s Sally, d. ; 5 BENJAMIN A, Bow, N. H. ; m. Sarah Foster; 6 Christo- pher C. ; 6 Andrew J.; 6 Martha J. ; 6 Sarah Ann; 6 James M. GENEALOGICAL REGISTER OF THE DESCENDANTS OF 1 ARTHUR ABBOT, OF IPSWICH. 1 ARTHUR ABBOT came from Totness, near the Ivy Bridge, De- vonshire, England, with the early settlers of Salem, and probably resided at Marblehead, till 1633, when J. Winthrop, son of the Governor, with twelve others, commenced the settlement of Ips- wich. He is believed to have been one of these, and, like several of the others, to have had a large estate in England, from which he several years received an annual income. He was afterwards, by some cause, deprived of it, and, at different times, sent two of his sons to England to regain his rights; but they both died there, or on their passage, and he never recovered his property. Besides his sons, before mentioned, he had 2 Arthur and 2 Philip. Rich- ard Abbot, keeper of the prison in New Hampshire, 1684, may have been his son. 1 Arthur probably died between 1671 and 1679. His son, 2 Arthur, was styled Jun'r, and was a freeman 1671 ; and was a voter, but not Jun'r, 1679. 2 ARTHUR, Ipswich, m. Elizabeth ; she d. a wid. 17 Feb. 1738, a. 90. 3 Elizabeth, b. 6 June, 1686. It is probable, from tradition and other circumstances, that 3 Moses, of Boston, was one of their older children. 3 MOSKS was lost at sea, Feb. 1718; m. 11 Sept. 1701, Rebecca Knight; she d. 3 Oct. 1741. 4 HULL, b. in Boston, 15 June, 1702 ; H. U. 1720 ; d. 19 Ap. 1774 ; ordained 5 Feb. 1724, Pas- tor of the First Church in Charlestown, Colleague with Rev. Si- mon Bradstreet, whose da. Mary, b. 9 Sept. 1803, he m. 27 July, 1731 ; she d. 10 May, 1763. a Mary, b. 13 June, d. 26 June, 1732 ; 5 Thomas, b. 12 Oct. 1733 ; d. 17 May, 1734; Mary 2d, b. 7 Nov. 1734 ; t> Moses, b. 14 Ap. 1738 ; 5 Rebecca, b. 19 Ap. 1739 ; d. 27 Nov. 1756 ; 5 THOMAS 2d, b. 2 May, 1745 ; d. 1 Nov. 168 1 & 2 ARTHUR, 3 MOSES, 4 ELIZAB. ABBOT. 1789; H. U. 1764 ; Pastor of the Second Cong. Church, Roxbu- ry ; m. 18 July, 1776, Hannah, da. of Sir Robert and Sarah He- silrige ; she was b. 20 Aug. 1757. 4 ELIZABETH, b. 10 Mar. 1706; d. 18 July, 1788, at Prince- ton, and was buried at Charlestown, in the tomb with her second husband ; m. John Gill, of Charlestown, who was son of Mi- chael and Relief Gill ; Michael G. was b. in Canterbury, Eng., 1673, and d. in Charlestown, 3 June, 1720. His children were Michael, John, Josiah, Elizabeth, and Relief. The descend- ants of JOHN and 4 ELIZABETH A. GILL, were 5 MICHAEL, b. Oct. 1728 ; Master Mariner, Charlestown. His house was burned in the conflagration, and he lived afterwards in Cambridge ; m. e JOHN, Princeton, m. Hannah Foster, of Cape Cod. 7 sev- eral c. ; * MICHAEL, m. 6 Nancy Gill. 7 John ; 7 Nancy ; ^al- ly ; 7 Fanny ; 7 Moses, H. U. 1805 ; Teacher, Shrewsbury ; m. Mary . s Moses; 8 Mary. 7 Michael, Cincinnati ; 7 Thomas Brigden, Princeton, m. ; 8 c. 7 Hull Abbot, m. ; n. c. s RE- BECCA, b. 10 June, 1730 ; m. Davis, Chelsea ; 6 c. s JOHN, b. 17 May, 1732, Printer, Boston; d. 3 July. 1787; m. Ann Knceland. 6 John, n. m. ; 6 NANCY, m. e Michael Gill ; 6BETSY, m. Edward E. Powers ; 6 MOSES, H. U. 1784 ; Princeton, m. Susan Butrlck, of Princeton ; he was an adopted son of Hon. 5 Moses Gill ; 7 c. 6 SARAH, b. 18 July, 1770; m. 4 Sept. 1795, Mather Withington, b. 28 July, 1759; d. 13 Jan. 1831. 7 SARAH PRINCE, b. 20 June, 1796; d. 5 Jan. 1823; m. 24 Mar. 1814, William Vose. 8 Mather W., b. 1816, Dorchester ; s William H., b. 2 Aug. 1818 ; d June, 1846, Boston ; n. m. ; 8 Sarah W., b. 8 Nov. 1822; d. Sept. 1823. 7 MARY PRESTON, b. 19 Sept. 1800; d. 3 May, 1825; m. 20 Dec. 1821, Jason Wadsworth, Milton. 8 Mather W., b. 27 Oct. 1822 ; 8 Henry A., d. 30 Sept. 1824 ; a. 9 mo. ; s Augustus, d. 15 Sept. 1825, a. 5 mo. 7 Ann, b. 10 Jan. 1805; d. 7 Oct. 1831 ; n. m. 6 POLLY, m. Levi Pease, Boston. o MOSES, b. 18 Jan. 1734; d. 20 May, 1800; Merchant, Bos- ton ; honorable, upright, and liberal. About 1767 he retired from business, and resided a portion of his time in Princeton : represented that town in the General Court, in 1774 ; and subse- quently in the Provincial Congress, and in the State Legislature. In 1789 he was elected to the Senate and transferred to the Exec- utive Council, in which he had a seat till he was elected Lieut. Governor in 1794. This office he held till his death-, and dis- charged the duties of governor after the death of Gov. Sumner, 7 June, 1799, till 1800. He was a firm patriot, and exemplary, consistent Christian; m. 1759, Sarnh Prince, b. 16 July, 1728, the third and only surviving da. of Rev. Thomas Prince, D. D., Pastor of the Old South Church, Boston ; she d. 5 Aug. 1771 ; n. c. ; 2m. 1772, Rebecca Boylston, da. of Thomas Boylstou, Esq., and sister to Mary, the mother of Ward Nicholas Boylston ; n. c. 5 ELIZABETH, b. (after her father's decease) 4 Ap. 1736; m. 2 PHILIP, 3 ARTHUR, 4 ARTHUR ABBOT. 1G9 Capt. Elias Ellery, Princeton, who d. at sea. e Elias, d. y. ; 6 William, d. y. ; John Gill, d. of sickness on a voyage at sea. 4 ELIZABETH, 2 m 17 Ap. 1740, Dea. Michael Brigden, Charles- town, who d. 18 Aug. 1767, a. 70 ; he m. 20 May, 1721, Winifred Sprague, by whom he had 10 c. The children of 4 ELIZABETH by him were 5 Thomas, b. 2 Jan. 1741, d. y. ; a Nathaniel, b. Dec. 1741 ; 5 Joanna, b. Sept. 1743 ; 5 Thomas, b. Ap. 1745. It is not known that any of them left issue. 4 MOSES, b. 3 Aug. 1711 ; d. 1 May, 1734 ; 4 Richard, b. 29 May, 1715; d. 6 July, 1774; 4 4 d. y. ; 4 Richard may have been the Richard Abbot published in Ipswich, 8 Oct. 1737, to widow Martha Pattershall, or the Richard published there Aug. 19, 1738, to Tabitha Hodgkins. One of these Richards may have been son of Richard of N. Hampshire. 4 Hull published Sermons on the Artillery Election, 1735; on the Rebellion in Scotland, 1746; Against Profane Cursing and Swearing, 1747. 2 PHILIP, Ipswich, m. Mary ; she d. a widow, 11 Jan. 1730. 3 Arthur, b. 3 Feb. 1694; d. 16 June, 1767; 3 Frances, b. 18 May, 1696; 3 Susannah; 3 Mary, b. 26 July, 1701. 3 ARTHUR, Ipswich, pub. 1 Sept. 1716; m. wid. Mercy Apple- ton Smith; she d. 11 Sept. 1733. 4 Arthur, bap. 3 Aug. 1718; d. 19 Dec. 1779 ; Sarah, bap. 3 Aug. 1718; 4 Frances, bap. 12 Nov. 1721 ; and probably 4 Hull, who, by credible tradition, was distantly related to 4 Hull, of Charlestown ; 2 m. 23 May, 1734, wid. Priscilla Burnum ; 4 Daniel, bap. 9 Mar., d. 19 July, 1735. 4 ARTHUR, Ipswich, published 18 Nov. 1738; m. Sarah Will- comb. 5 William, bap. 28 Feb. 1741 ; 5 Elizabeth, bap. Feb. 19, 1743; d. y.; 5 Philip, b. 5 Ap. 1752; d. 20 Sept. 1805; 5 Eliza- beth 2d, bap. 14 Ap. 1754; d. 19 Feb. 1773; 5 Daniel, bap. 28 Nov. 1756; * Anna, bap. 19 Nov. 1758. 5 WILLIAM, Ipswich, m 9 May, 1758, Martha White. 5 PHILIP, Ipswich, m. Sarah Huvey ; she was b. 1 Oct. 1754 ; d. 25 July, 1838. 6 Daniel, b. 15 Jan. 1774; 6 Philip, b. 23 Dec. 1775 ; e Thomas, b. 20 July, 1779 ; d. 14 Aug. 1818 ; 6 Arthur, b. 24 Jan 1782: d. 17 Ap. 1805: 8 Sally, b. 18 Mar. 1784; d. 25 June, 1790 ; e John Hovey, b. 17 June, 1787 ; d. 24 Dec. 1805; e Samuel N., b. 11 Nov. 1789 ; 6 William, b. 1 Jan. 1792; e Sally 2d, b. 3 Oct. 1794; d. 7 Sept. 1796. 6 DANIEL, Salem, m. 22 Feb. 1796, Rebecca Alkn, b. 22 Nov. 1774. 7 Rebecca, b. 4 Dec. 1796 ; 7 Daniel, b. 16 Ap. 1799. 7 REBECCA, m. 28 Nov. 1816, Elijah Porter. * Edward E. ; 8 Rebecca A. ; 8 Mary A. ; s Harriet L.; 8 Ellen M. ; 8 Caroline E. ; 8 William H.; 8 Daniel, d. y. ; 8 Henry, d. y. 7 DANIEL, Salem, m. 29 Ap. 1830, Rebecca Gray. 8 Daniel Endicott, b. 22 Feb. 1831 ; s Anna, b. 2 Jan. 1834 ; 8 Alice R., b. 13 Dec. 1835; d. 27 Jan. 1842 ; 8 Martha G., b. 5 Ap. 1838. 6 PHILIP, Baker, Salem; m. 3 Ap. 1810, Ptggy Turner, b. 27 Sept. 1775. 7 Hannah D., b. 13 Feb. 1811 ; 7 PHILIP, b. 10 July, 1813, Salem ; m.2 Mar. 1841, Harriet Rowell. e Samuel T., b. 18 15 170 2 PHILIP, 3 ARTHUR, 4 HULL ABBOT. Nov. 1841 ; s Margaret E., b. 18 Sept. 1845. 7 Arthur, b. 10 Jan., d. 13 Nov. 1815; 7 Samuel T., b. 17 Mar. 1817; d. 9 Oct. 1837. e THOMAS, m. 9 May, 1810, Nabby Corbin, b. 21 July, 1788; d. 7 ABIGAIL c., b. 25 June, 1812; m. 4 July, 1837, Samuel S. Harry, b. 19 May, 1811. 8 Martha E., b. 1 Sept. 1838; 8 George B., b. 5 Jan. 1840 ; 8 Helen S , b. 3 Mar. 1842. 7 John H., b. 21 Dec. 1814 ; 7 Thomas L., b. 28 Aug. 1816. c SAMUEL N., Salem, m. 31 July, 1833, Mary A. frauds, b. 23 Nov. 1792. 7 Sarah E , b. 13 June, d. 16 June, 1824; 7 Sam- uel H., b. I May, 1826; d. 28 Sept. 1827; 7 George B., b. 31 Oct. 1828; 7 Sarah R., b. 6 June, 1S32 ; 7 Mary Francis, b. 6 Mar. 1835. 6 WILLIAM, Franklin, Lake Co., 111. ; m. 2 Dec. 1824, Mary Barry, b. 28 Oct. 1801 ; d. 24 Aug. 1829. 7 Mary E., b. 23 Aug. 1825; d. 15 Dec. 1831; 7 Sarah E., b. 15 Aug. 1827; 2 ra. 21 June, 1830, Eliza F. Barry, b. 18 Nov. 1803; 7 George B., b. 9 Ap., d. 1 Sept. 1831 ; 7 Arthur B., b. 9 Jan. 1833; d. 16 June, 1844; 7 Martha B., b. 1 Aug. 1834; 7 William Gage, b. and d. 24 July, 1836 ; 1 William G. 2d, b. 16 May, d. 25 June, 1838; 7 Eliza S., b. and d. 29 May, 1840 ; 7 Mary E. 2d, b. 23 Sept. 1841. 4 FRANCES, pub 22 Nov. 1740 ; m. Daniel Sawyer, Wells, Me. 4 HULL, Cape Ann, was lost at sea in a violent gale, by which a great number of fishing vessels, and some hundreds of persons, belonging to Cape Ann and vicinity, were lost ; m. Bcthiah Rowe, of Cape Ann. 5 Hull, b. 18 Aug. 1756; 5 POLLY, m. Vinery or Winery Parsons; 5 RACHEL, m. Richard W/iitridge ; 5 BETHIAH, m. Josiah Parsons. 5 HULL, settled in Maine; m. Elizabeth Wingby, who d. soon after the birth of e Hull ; 2 m. Anna Wingby. * William ; e Eliz- abeth ; eBethiah; e Anna ; * Polly ; 6 Rachel ; e David, d. y. ; e David, 2d; e Reuben ; e James M. ; e Richard W. ; 6 Charles B. ; c Benjamin F. ; e Lucy W. 6 HULL, Me., m. Ann W. Robinson; she d. 21 Nov. 1834. 7 ALEXANDER R., Minister, Bath, N. H., m. 7 Mary A. Miriam, of Westford ; see 1 George of Andover, * Benjamin, 3 David, 4 Ben- jamin, s Jacob, 6 Mary ; 7 ELIZABETH w., m. Nathan C. Morse. 8 Albert A. 7 HANNAH R., m. Moses Durrell. 8 Mary E. 7 John ; 7 Theresa A. ; 7 Rufus K ; 7 Albert G. ; 7 Charles R. 6 HULL, 2 m. Eliza Durrell; 7 Eliza A. ; 7 Edwin S. ; 7 Hannah ; 7 Hull. 6 WILLIAM, m. Patience Robinson. 7 Lewis H. ; 7 Cyrus ; 7 Mar- tha R. ; 7 Joseph T. ; 7 James R. ; 7 Thomas O. ; 7 William ; 7 Susannah ; 7 Charles. 6 ELIZABETH, m. Benjamin Fillebrovn, d. ; 2m. Tliomas Filfc- brown. i MATILDA w., m. Calvin P. Gilbert. 6 Mary E. ; e Ma- tilda E. 7 James H. ; 7 Benjamin ; 7 Alfred J. ; 7 Anne E. ; 7 Tho- mas D. ; 7 George ; 7 Silas ; 7 Maria A. ; 7 Lucy A. ; 7 Aurelia. c BETHIAH, d. ; m. James N. Wills. 7 BETHIAH c., m. Samuel Perry. * Albert H. ; " John W. 7 Elvin A. ; 7 Hannah E. ; 7 Martha R. 2 PHILIP, 3 ARTHUR, 4 HULL ABBOT. 171 RACHEL, m. James N. Wills. T Anna H. ; 7 Mary J. ; 7 James M. : 7 Bearthena E. ; 7 Deborah ; 7 John ; 7 Theodosia ; 7 Isaac P. ' ANNA, m. Daniel Savage, i James ; 7 Daniel ; i MARY ANN, m. Nathan Strickland. 8 Daniel S. ; 8 Lucinda ; 8 Alden. 7 Da- vid ; 7 Lucinda W. ; 7 Rachel A. ; 7 Hiram ; 7 Alexander R. A. e POLLY, m. David Witham. rBethiah; 7 Susan ; 7 Zilpha ; 7 Harriet H.; 7 James ; 7 Polly M. e REUBEN, m. Lucinda Wills, i Lucy E. e RICHARD w., m. Susannah Davis, i Amanda ; 7 Davis ; T Pris- cilla. e CHARLES B., m. Eliza Norton. 7 William A. e BENJAMIN F., m. Sally Young. 7 Olive ; 7 Benjamin R. 3 SUSANNAH, published 29 Aug. 1719 ; m. Abraham Hobbs, Hamilton ; 4 c. GENEALOGICAL REGISTER OF THE DESCENDANTS OF 1 ROBERT ABBOT, OF BRANFORD, CT. 1 ROBERT ABBOT came from England ; was one of the early set- tlers of Weathersfield, Ct , where he resided in 1641. He removed to New Haven, where he was admitted freeman, 6 Aug. 1642. By his request, his land was laid out in Bran ford ; but he resided in New Haven till 6 May, 1645. The name of his wife is not known, nor the date of birth or baptism of his elder children. In 1665, most of the inhabitants, with Rev. Abraham Pierson, their Pastor, removed to Newark, N. J., and carried with them the records. Hence no account has been found of the marriage of the children of 1 ROBERT; and most of his descendants, though confident that he was their ancestor, know not, with certainty, from which of his sons they descended. The following were his children. 2 BENJAMIN, d. in Branford, 27 May, 1658; 2 John, bap. 7 Oct. 1649; 2 Abigail, b. 2 Oct. 1649; bap. 1 June, 1651; 2 Robert, bap. 1 June, 1651 ; d. 31 Sept. 1658; they were baptized in New Haven by virtue of the communion of churches. 2 John, b. in Branford, 20 Ap. 1652; 2 Daniel, b. 12 July, 1654; 2 Mary, b. 13 May, 1657. 2 MARIA, probably one of the elder children of i ROBERT ; m. 4 Nov. 1659, John Robins, supposed to have been a clergyman, and leader of a colony of the early settlers of Branford, who removed to Rhode Island. 2 DANIEL, was father to 3 Joseph, and probably to 3 Stephen, and to 3 HANNAH, who m. 7 Dec. 1727, Ttenjamin Barnes, 2d. 3 JOSEPH, Branford; m. 14 Ap. 1730, Hannah Marks. 4 Thank- ful, b 29 Jan. 1731 ; 4 Jemima, b. 13 Oct. 1733; 4 Joseph, b. 28 Aug. 1737; 4 Lydia, b. 14 Feb. 1739; 4 Hannah, b. 4 Ap. 1741 ; 4 Rebecca, b. 28 Jan. 1745 ; 4 Abigail, b. 24 June, 1747. 15* 174 1 ROB'T, 2 MARIA, 2 DAN'L, 3 STEPHEN ABBOT. 3 STEPHEN, Branford, moved ab. 1750, to Middlebury, where he d. at an advanced age ; m. 6 Jan. 1725, Hannah Frisbie, who d. in Middlebury, 25 Dec. 1803, ag. 103 yrs. 4 Daniel, b. in Bran- ford, 4 Jan. 1726 ; d. at Middlebury, 18 Mar. 1786 ; 4 David, b. 16 Aug. 1727 ; d. y. 4 DANIEL, Middlebury, m. 1 Mar. 1763, Lois Smith, da. of Jo- seph S., of Wallingford ; she d. Aug. 1800, a. 59. e David, b. 6 June, 1764; d. 7 Nov. 1826 ; 5 Daniel, b. 24 June, 1768; s LOIS, b. 31 Oct. 1771 ; d. after m. y. ; m. Edward Perkins ; 5 Stephen, b. 26 Ap. 1778 ; d. y. ; 5 HANNAH, b. 8 Feb. 1780 ; m. ab. 1800, Alexander Hine; 5 Stephen, b. 1783 ; d. in Jefferson Co., N. Y., a. ab. 60. 5 DAVID, Farmer,' Middlebury ; m. 30 May, 1786, Sarah Tyler. 6 Ebben, b. 17 Jan. 1789; 6 Philomela, b. 8 June, 1791 ; d. 28 July, 1801; ' Alvin, b. 7 May, 1794; 6 David, b. 1 Jan. 1797; s Sally, b. 27 Dec. 1799; d. 9 Dec. 1816; 6 ANNA, b. 9 Aug. 1800 ; m. 21 Nov. 1822, Aaron Tutth, Jr. ; 6 Philo, b. 20 Oct. 1802; e PHILOMELA 2d, b. 11 June, 1805; m. 5 Nov. 1825, George F. Smith ; 6 EMMA, b. 20 Dec. 1807 ; m. 21 Nov. 1826, Henry Townsend ; UUTH, b. 1 May, 1810; d. 27 June, 1844; m. 8 Ap. 1831, Anson Platt ; 6 Ira, b. 22 May, 1812; 6 SARAH, b. 1 Aug. 1817 ; m. 10 Ap. 1839, Hawkins Munson. e EBBEN, Esq., Farmer, Middlebury; m. 31 Oct. 1809, Sally fironson, da. of Dr. Abel Bronson. 7 HENRY, b. 13 Ap. 1810 ; Key-maker, Woolcotville; m. 19 July, 1835, Emily Curtis, of Plymouth. 8 Imogene, b. 7 June, 1839. 7 GEORGE, b. 8 Aug. 1811 ; Grocer, New Haven ; m. 18 Jan. 1842, Lovisa Merrick, of New Haven; she was b. 23 Mar. 1820. 8 Helen, b. in Middle- bury, 13 May, 1844 ; 8 Anthony Wayne, b. in New Haven, 2 Aug. 1846. 7 LYDIA ANN, b. 28 Mar. 1814 ; m. 30 Nov. 1837, E. S. Dunbar, Camden, N. Y. ; 7 SARAH, b. i9 Oct. 1816; m. 23 May, 1840, Samuel G. Stoddard ; 7 HOMER B., b. 4 May, 1818; m. 2 Nov. 1841, Mary Ann Nettleton, who d. 12 Aug. 1845; 2 m. 5 May, 1846, Sarah Judd; 7 Calista, b. 12 Ap. 1824; 7 Franklin, b. 9 Feb. 1828 ; 7 Marion, b. 16 Feb. 1831 ; 7 Ebenezer, b. 25 May, 1833. 6 ALVIN, Methodist Minister; m. 24 Mar. 1817, Fanny Wooster. 1 LARMON w., b. 11 Jan. 1818; Machinist, Waterbury; m. 18 Ap. 1841, Altha M. Todd; 7 Benjamin, b. 19 Aug. 1820; Machinist, Springfield, Mass. ; 7 Charles S., b. 12 Dec. 1822; Printer, New Haven; 7 Lochinvar, b. 11 Jan. 1825; Carpenter and Joiner; 7 Alvan V., b. 12 Dec. 1829; Machinist ; 7 Anson F., b. 23 Ap. 1830; 7 Nathan B, b. 10 Feb. 1833; 7 James M, b. 12 June, 1835. 6 DAVID, Farmer ; m. 7 Jan. 1819, Hannah Hawkins ; she suf- fered, 13 July, 1841, a violent death by her husband's hands; he being at the time, as is believed, in a paroxysm of derangement. He is doomed for the deed to perpetual confinement. 7 WILLIAM H., b. 27 Oct. 1819; Merchant, Ohio; m. Sept. 1845, Jane Wheeler; 4 & 5 DAN'L, 3 SETH, 4 SELAH, 5 BENJ. ABBOT. 175 7 JANE E., b. 15 Feb. 1821; m. 16 Oct. 1839, Harris Fenn ; 7 Hannah, b. 15 Sept. 1822; 7 David, b. 2 July, 1824 ; 7 Caroline, b. 13 July, 1826; 7 JUSTINA, b. 27 Ap. 1828; m. 30 Mar. 1845, William Ellis ; 7 Betsy, b. 29 Ap. 1830 ; 7 Elizabeth, b. 28 Ap. 1832; 7 Andrew Jackson, b. 1 May, 1834; 7 Lucius and 7 Lu- cien, (twins) b. 8 June, 1836 ; 7 John, b. 19 Nov. 1839. e PIIILO, Farmer, m. 27 Oct. 1822, Anna Wooster. 7 Robert, b. 10 July, 1823; 7 Augusta E., b. 11 Sept. 1826; 7 Sterne, b. 28 Feb. 1830; d. 26 Aug. 1831. e IRA, Methodist Minister, m. 1 Sept. 1832, Lydia Woodin. 1 Leavings, b. Nov. 1833; 7 Bennett, b. Dec. 1836. a DANIEL, Farmer, Middlebury ; m. 25 July, 1787, Lois Terrel, da. of Benjamin T. ; she d. 16 Jan. 1836, a. 69. e Polly, b. 12 Aug. 1792; d. 28 Mar. 1817; 6 Daniel, b. 18 Sept. 1796; e BET- SY M., b. 10 Sept. 1804; m. 9 Dec. 1818, Burritt Johnson; e LOIS A., b. 1807; m. Sept. 1828, George W. Henderson; e John, b. 1 Dec. 1809. 6 DANIEL, Manufacturer and Machinist, Middlebury and South- ford ; m. 10 Feb. 1819, Sally Sherman, da. of Elijah S , of Wood- bury ; she was b. 27 Mar. 1801. 7 Daniel S., b. 22 Mar. 1820 ; 7 Margaret S., b. 25 Aucr. 1822 ; 7 Samuel P., b. 21 Nov. 1824 ; 7 Elijah E, b. 26 Jan. 1827; 7 Nancy M., b. 29 June, 1829; 7 Smith A., b. 6 Aug. 1831. 7 Charles K., b. 7 Nov. 1836; d. 8 July, 1846 ; by accident he fired a keg of twenty-five pounds of powder, within two feet of him, which caused his death in about seven hours ; 7 John, b 10 Feb. 1842. 6 JOHN, Farmer, Pulaski, Richland Co., N. Y. ; m. 10 Feb. 1830, Laura Ann Bishop. 7 John B., b. 7 Aug. 1831 ; 7 Lucy Jane; 7 da. 5 STEPHEN, moved to Jefferson Co., N. Y., in early life ; name of his wife noi known, e Nelson; 6 Lois; 6 Delia; e Charlotte; e others. a SETH, is supposed to have been the grandson of l Robert; but it is not known whether he was a son of 2 John or of 2 Daniel. He had a brother, who was father of 4 Abijah Abbot, of Lenox, Mass. The name of his wife is not known. He moved with his family from Branford to Cornwall. His children were 4 Selah; 4 Nathan ; 4 Abel ; 4 Solomon ; * a son, named Seth, or Samuel ; 4 Daniel ; 4 Sarah ; 4 da. * SELAH, moved with his father from Branford to Cornwall ; in. Anne Jones, of Cornwall, and moved to N. Lebanon, N. Y. 5 Ben- jamin, b. 12 July, 1762; d. 19 Ap. 1846; s Caleb, b. 13 July, 1764; d. 19 Ap. 1785; s Mary, b. 18 Dec. 1766; d. 16 Aug. 1834 ; 5 Theodore, b. 15 July, 1770 ; d. 27 Aug. 1832 ; 5 Irene, b. 24, d. 29 Oct. 1772 ; a Irene 2d, b. 7 Feb. 1774; 5 Dinah, b. 23 May, 1777 ; d. 24 Mar 1831 ; * Cynthia, b. 8 June, 1784 ; d. 23 Jan. 1788; 5 Sally, b 9 Oct. 1786; d. 29 Aug. 1829. 5 BENJAMIN, Farmer, New Lebanon ; m. Huldah Beach, b. 29 Dec. 1764; living 1847. e Sibyl, b. 7 Aug. 1781 ; d. a. 6 mo. ; 176 4 ABEL, 4 DANIEL, 4 ABIJAH ABBOT. e Sibyl 2d, b. 1 Aug. 1783; d. 20 Sept. 1787; Huldah Parthe- nia, b. 6 Aug. 1785; s 2 s., b 28, d. 30 July, 1787. 6 HULDAH P., ra. 25 Ap. 1805, Hczekiah Hall, New Lebanon, b. 25 Ap. 1782; drowned 22 Feb. 1822, in Claverack Creek, N. Y. ; son of John and Mary Jones H., of Windsor, Mass., who d. 20 Dec. 1787, and whose parents moved from Wallingford, Ct. to Great Barrington, Mass. 7 Benjamin A., b. 9, d. 25 Jan. 1806 ; 7 Hezekiah B., b. 9, d. 27 Jan. 1806 ; 7 BENJAMIN A. 2d, b. 9 Mar. 1807 ; Farmer ; m. ab. 1830, Eliza A. Root, of Chardon, O. ; 8 2 c. 7 JARED i., b. 23 July, 1809; d. 7 June, 1837; m. i Cath- arine P., b. 26 Dec. 1811 ; m. Nov. 1842, Nahum Rice, of Leb- anon Springs, moved to Chatham Corners, N. Y. ; Merchant ; 7 HEZEKIAH F., b. 5 Feb. 1814; m. Pamelia A. Gray, of New Lebanon ; s 1 c. 7 JOHN E., b. 11 May, 1816 ; d. 18 Nov. 1841 ; m. ; 7 George D., b. 17 Nov. 1818; d. 16 Ap. 1827 ; 7 Charles M., b. 22 Mar. 1821 ; Attorney at Law, Chatham, Columbia Co , N. Y. 5 MARY, m. John Hubbard, New Lebanon, moved to Western N. York ; 2 m. ; n. c. s THEODORE, m. Preston. ' Caleb ; e John ; e Almira ; 6 Frisbee ; e Rhoda ; 2 m. s IRENE, m. 5 Seth Abbot, Canistola, N. Y. ; lives a widow; see 4 Abijah. 5 DINAH, m. Nathaniel Gilbert, New Lebanon ; moved to Nor- wich, N. Y. e NANCY, d. 1844 ; m. Spatding, Pa. , 6 ROYAL, Norwich, N. Y. ; m. 6 POLLY ANN, m. Jacob McGuion, Sheriff of King's Co., N. Y., Rossville, Staten Island ; e ELECTA, m. ; e Clinton, supposed to be lost at sea; 6 ELIZABETH, m. ; N. Y. city ; e Mary, m. ; Norwich, N. Y. ; e Harriet, m. ; Norwich. s SARAH, m. Amos Sage, New Lebanon ; moved to Norwich, N. Y. ; 6 Selah; e John; * Ann Mary; ' Amos; 6 Harriet; e s. 4 ABEL, m. s ANN, m. Mclntirc ; & Esther ; 5 ABEL, m. Bentley. 4 DANIEL, m. ; 5 WILLIAM, d. ; m. Daley ; 5 SOLOMON, d. ; m. Sage. 6 Myron ; e Rufus ; e 2 da. & RUFUS, m. Rawson; s Daniel, (maybe Daniel, of Stockbridge, Vt. ;) s Dinah. * ABIJAH, moved from Vermont to Lenox, Mass. ; m. 6 Abijah ; 5 Pitts ; s SETH, d., Canistola; m. 5 Irene Abbot; see * Sclah. e Cynthia; 6 Selah; 6 Nancy ; 6 Harriet. GENEALOGICAL REGISTER OF THE DESCENDANTS OF 1 GEORGE ABBOT, OF NOR WALK. 1 GEORGE ABBOT, as is believed, came from England, and was one of the first settlers of Norwalk, Ct. He was a pro- prietor, and his name is in the earliest town records, 1653. His will, made 1689, was recorded 11 March, 1690. The name of his first wife, who was probably the mother of his children, is not known. His last wife, whose given name was Johannah, had been a widow. An inventory of her estate was exhibited 19 Mar. 1682. Her heirs were James Williams, Eliz- abeth, and Sarah. The children of 1 GEORGE ABBOT, named in his will, are 2 John, and 2 Jonathan. It is not known whether the latter had issue. He was living in 1709. 2 DOROTHY, m. Rook ; SPRISCII.LA, m. Clason ; 2 MARY, m. Jackson ; 2 George, b. ab. 1669 ; his will, dated 1731 ; 2 Daniel, b ab. 1672; living, 1709; whether he had issue, is not known. 2 JOHN, Norwalk ; a Wheelwright; named, 1687, with his father and * Jonathan, as a Cornmonger ; d. ab. 1620 ; m. Ruth , who survived him. 3 John, living, 1770 ; 3 ESTHER, m. Ebenezer Jackson ; 3 MARY, m. Joseph Scrivnor. 3 JOHN, Norwalk, m. Eunice Judd, of Farmington, Ct. 4 John, 4 Jesse ; 4 Thaddeus ; 4 PHEBE, m. Isaac Hoyt ; 4 EUNICE, m. Lemuel Weed; 4 ESTHER, m. Ebeneztr Bishop. 4 JOHN, Norwalk, m. Elizabeth St. John. 5 Jerusha ; 5 Azubah ; 5 MATTHIAS, m. Ruth St. John ; n. c. ; 5 Judd, b. 7 July, 1760 ; d. 22 Aug. 1827 ; 5 Susan ; 5 Stephen, d. 1844, a. 83 ; 5 Thad- deus, b. 27 Mar. 1767 ; d. 6 July, 1832; s John, b.27 Feb. 1769; d. 29 Aug. 1840 ; 5 Elizabeth. 178 2, 3, &- 4 JOHN, 5 JUDD, 5 STEPHEN ABBOT. 5 JERITSHA, m. Noah Hoyt, Norwalk. e LEWIS, m. Elizabeth Hoyt ; 6 CALEB, Blacksmith, Syracuse, N. Y. ; m. Amelia Odell. 7 Thomas, Blacksmith ; 7 Joseph O., Hatter ; 7 Susan ; 7 Noah ; 7 Jason ; 7 Jane ; 7 Charlotte ; 7 others, e BETTY, m. ; 6 AARON, m. ; e URIAH, Norwalk, m. Betsy Aikin. 7 BETSY, m. Gideon Leeds, Wilton, N. Y. ; 8 Sally ; 7 MARY, m. John W. Taylor, Merchant, Westport, Ct. ; 7 Jane ; 7 John ; 7 s. ; 7 da. e AZUBAH, m. Nathan Betts, Farmer, Brunswick, N. Y. ' NA- THAN, m. . 7 JOSEPH, Brunswick, m. ; 8 da., m. Moses Jil- let, Farmer, Brunswick ; 9 2 c. 7 AZUBAH, m. James Decker, Merchant, Troy, N. Y. ; 8 2 s ; 82 da. e BURRALL, m. . 7 NELSON, m. ; 8 c. 7 da m. Eddy ; 7 Nathan Burrall. 6 THOMAS, Farmer, Brunswick ; m. Catharine . 7 EDWARD, Brunswick, m. ; 8c. 7 da. m. Lynk ; 7 AZUBAH, m. c Uriah Abbot ; see 5 Judd. 5 JUDD, Farmer, moved, 1796, from Long Island to Brunswick, N. Y. ; m. Sarah Weed, b. 22 Dec. 1758; d. 24 Jan. 1833. e SALLY, b. 13 June, 1760 ; m. Phinehas St. John, Farmer, Otse- fo. 7 13 c. 6 JERUSHA, b. 18 Feb. 1782 ; m. Daniel Wagar, armer, Luzerne; 7 11 c. 6 JUDD, b. 22 Mar. 1784 ; d. 27 Oct. 1838; Blacksmith, Brunswick ; m. Elizabeth Way ; n. c. ; e MAT- THIAS, b. 5 Ap. 1786 ; d. 25 Jan. 1825 ; m. Eve Mcdiesney ; ?5c. 6 Roxana, b. 28 Ap. 1788; d. 20 July, 1805; n. m. ; 6 HENRY, b. 13 June, 1790 ; d. 11 June, 1817; Blacksmith; m. Eleanor Roberts; n. c. ; e JONAS, b. 9 June, 1792; d. 4 Nov. 18331 ; Farmer, Brunswick ; m. Harriet St. John ; 7 5 c. 6 IRA, b. 16 Oct. 1795; Farmer, Brunswick; m. Elizabeth Tenncy ; 7 8 c. e DEBORAH ANN, b. 16 Oct. 1799 ; d. 25 Feb. 1841 ; m. John McChcsney, Blacksmith, Brunswick ; 7 8 c. e URIAH, b. 20 Mar. 1801; Farmer, Brunswick; m. 7 Azubah Betts. 7 Sarah, b. 7 Oct. 1827; 7 Catharine Mary, b. 7 July, 1831; 7 Thomas Judd, b. 7 Ap. 1834 ; d. 19 Ap. 1838 ; 7 Esther Ann, b. 8 Nov. 1839. 5 SUSAN, m. Joseph Barker. 6 SALLY, m. e James Squire, e THO- MAS, m. Betsy Glover, of Huntington, L. I. 7 Harriet; 7 Laura; 7 William E. e PATTY, m. Niram Dikeman, Farmer, Danbury, Ct. 7 LEANDER, Farmer, Reading, Ct. ; m. Betsy M. Osbornc. 8 Mary Ann; 8 Esther Ann ; 8 John H. 7 BETSY MARIA, m. Czar Dikeman ; 7 HARRIET, m. Ezra Schofield ; 7 WILLIAM, m. Maria Judd', 7 DAVID, m. Lucretia Pullen ; 7 ALFRED, m. Potts ; 7 FREDERICK, m. Hannah Morgan; 7 LAURA, m. Ezra Carter; 7 PATTY, m. Edwin Platt ; ^ Susan, e ROXANA, m. ; 6 JOHN A., m. ; Ogden ; 6 Betsy. 6 STEPHEN, Farmer, Norwalk ; d in Wilton, Ct. ; m. Ruth , who d. 1834, a. 72. ELIZABETH, b. 1787 ; m. 1806, Matthew Middlebrook, Farmer, Wilton, Ct. 7 GEORGE B., b. 1807, Merchant, Wilton; m. 1840, Jane Daggett. * Francis Skiddy, b. 1841; 8 Elizabeth Abbot, b. 1843. ti CYNTHIA, m. 1811, David Corn- stock, Farmer, Norwalk. 7 SARAH, b. 1812 ; m. Samuel Comstock, 2, 3, & 4 JOHN, 4 JESSE, 4 THADDEUS ABBOT. 179 Farmer, New Canaan, Ct. 8 Sarah ; 8 Eliza; 8 Josephine; 'Cle- mentine. 7 DAVID, Hatter, Norwalk, Ct. ; m. Emetine Camp. 8 Emily ; 8 David. 7 ELISHA, Hatter, Norwalk ; in. Harriet Da- venport, s George William. 7 Charles ; 7 Elizabeth ; T Stephen ; 7 Samuel ; 7 Marcus ; 7 Joseph. 5 THADDEUS, Blacksmith, Reading, Ct. ; m. 1788, Rebecca Marvin, b. 18 Mar. 1770. 6 POLLY ANN, b. 8 Nov. 1788; m. Feb. 1819, Jared Olmstrad, Cabinet-maker, Reading. 7 FREDERICK, b. 1820; Painter, Reading; m. 1843, Jane. A. Flyn ; 7 Hiram, b. 1823, Merchant, Bridgeport, Ct. ; 7 Edmund, b. 1826; Hatter, Reading; 7 George, b. 1831; Clerk, Bridgeport. 6 SALLY, b. 15 Jan. 1792; m. Oct. 1815, David Taylor, b. 1781; Shoemaker, Westport, Ct. 7 ELIZA M., b. 1816 ; m. 1842, 6 William E. Ab- bot; see 5 Aaron. 1 ANGELINE, b. 1818; in. 1846, Jesse Bradley, Merchant, Westport; 7 Thomas Hart, b. 1821; d. J822; 7 Frank- lin, b. 1823 ; d. 1844; 7 Theodore, b. 1826; 7 Maria, b. 1829; 7 Harriet Marvin. 6 BETSY, b. 1 Ap. 1794; m. Feb. 1817, Phin- chas Chapman, Lime-burner, Ridgefield, Ct. 7 EDWIN N., b. 1819; Y. C. 1842 ; Physician, Brooklyn, L. I. ; m. 1846, Mary Read; 8 da. b. 1847; 7 Charles G., b. 1822 ; Physician, Bridgeport, Ct. ; 6 Edwin, b.20 May, 1801 ; d. 19 Aug. 1802 ; < Maria, b. 25 Nov. 1803; d. May, 1820; e THADDEUS MARVIN, b. 3 Sept. 1812; Mer- chant and Farmer, Reading ; m. 1 June, 1836, Jane Frost. 7 Fran- ces Jane, b. 19 Mar. 1837; 7 Ezra Marvin, b. 22 Mar. 1839. 5 JOHN, b. 27 Feb. 1769 ; d. 29 Aug. 1840 ; Farmer, Norwalk ; m. Leah Whiting, b. 8 Mar. 1765; d. 27 Dec. 1841. 6 Lurana, b. 20 May, 1799; n. m. ; 6 Susanna, b. 20 May, 1801 ; d. 2 Feb. 1802 ; 6 Harriet, b. 13 Nov. 1802 ; 6 Eliza Ann, b. 7 Sept. 1805 ; d. 12 Aug. 1844; e SUSANNAH 2d, b. 4 Dec. 1807; d. 12 Aug. 1837; in. 6 William E. Abbot, Shoe-maker, Binghampton; 7 5 c. 4 JESSE, Paulington, N. Y , in. Johannah Kellogg. a Seth ; 5 Jesse ; a Mary ; a Eunice ; a Olive. < THADDEUS, m. Lydia Rockwell. 5 Hannah ; 5 Aaron ; 5 HAN- NAH, m. Selah Squire, Binghampton. e LEWIS, Binghampton ; m. Dolly IVIiiting. i HARRIET, m. 6 Joseph Abbot, (see a Aaron ;) she d. Jan. 1847 ; 7 CHAKLOTTE, m. Elijah B. Freeman, Amenia, N. Y. 8 Robert Henry; 8 Frances Eliza; 8 Lewis Bacon. 7 MORGAN LEWIS, Binghampton, m. Caroline Smith. 8 Elizabeth ; 8 Damon ; s c. 7 ANKKUNE, m. Alonzo Bacon, Binghampton ; s s. e SELAH, Ovid, N. Y. ; m. Rhoda Ogdtn. 7 MARIA, m. Hazzard Lewis, Binghampton. s Morgan ; 8 Frederick ; 3 Jane ; 8 Caroline ; 7 Lewis; 7 Caroline; 7 Frances ; 7 Whiting; 7 Charles. eAaron; e SAMUEL, m. Eliza Allen; e JAMES, Binghampton, m. Sally Bar- ker Scars. 7 Albert ; 7 LAURA, m. Eugene Cushman, Binghamp- ton. 8 James Frederic ; 8 Susan Adaline ; 8 2 c. 7 Samuel ; 7 James ; 7 ADALINE, m. Albert Morgan; 7 Selah ; 7 Frederick. 6 ANTHONY, Green, N. Y., m. Polly Ogdtn. i PAMELIA, m. Rob- ert P. Monncl, Green. 8 George ; 8 2 c. 7 William ; 7 FRANCES, m. Perkins, Oxford, N. Y. e HENRY, Conklin ; m. Sarah 180 2, 3 & 4 JOHN, 5 AARON, 2 GEO., & DAN'L ABBOT. Lewis. 7 ELIZABETH, m. Charles Rogers ; 7 Caroline; 7 Frances; 7 Henry, e CHARLES, Green ; m. ' Robert ; 7 Hamilton ; 7 The- odore ; 7 Clinton; 7 2 c. 6CHARLOTTE, m. Robert Monnel, Green. 7 CATHARINE, m. Randall; 7 James; 7 George ; ? Charles; 7 Genet; T Joseph; i Hannah. * AARON, b. ab. 1758; m. 1788, 5 Betsy Abbot; see * John. 6 JAMES HERVEY, m. Sally Long. T AARON SYLVESTER, m. Augus- ta Holmes; 7 ANGELINE, m. William Ogden; 8 4 c. 7 GEORGE WASHINGTON, m. Jane Carman; 7 William Harvey ; 7 SARAH ANN, rn. Robert Whetmore. 8 Robert. 7 BETSY ANN, m. at Otsego ; Hiram ; 6 Hannah; 6 Thaddeus; e JOSEPH, m. 7 Harriet Squire. Elizabeth ; 7 Lewis S. ; 7 Pamelia ; 7 Dolly Ann ; 7 Charlotte ; Charles; 7 Harriet; 7 Adaline. e AARON, m. Eleanor Lockwood. MASON, m. Elizabeth Shepard ; 7 HANNAH, m. Samuel Newell; William Jefferson ; 7 Mary Elizabeth ; 7 Henry ; 7 Henrietta ; Judd ; 7 James Harvey ; 7 Aaron, e JOHN, m. Maria Cooley ; e Angeline ; 6 Eliza ; 6 EDWIN, m. e Susan Abbot ; 2 m. Eliza M. Taylor. 7 John Whiting; 7 Harriet Augusta; 7 William Augus- tus ; 7 Joseph Barker ; 7 Frederick Marvin ; 7 Franklin Taylor, e Matthias; e CHARLES, m. B GEORGE, m. Hannah . 3 George; 3 Samuel ; sEbenezer; 3 Benjamin ; 3 Israel ; 3 Hannah, m. Powers ; 3 Elizabeth, m. Beers. 3 EBENEZER, m. 4 Ebenezer ; 4 Seth. This 4 Seth may be the Seth who is supposed to be of the family of Robert, of Branford. 3 BENJAMIN lived in Woodbury, Ct. 1737, and 3 ISRAEL in Mid- dletown, Ct., 1748. 5 DANIEL ABBOT, of Stockbridge, Vt., very probably descended from i George, of Norwalk, or from i Robert, of Branford ; he was b. ab. 1765; d. 26 Aug. 1837, a. 72 ; m. Eleanor Blodget, of Stafford, Vt. e John ; e Elam ; e Justin ; e David ; e Araunah ; e Eleanor ; e Charlotte ; e Fila ; e Amanda ; all m., and all live in Stockbridge, except e ARAITNAH, who lives in Springfield, Mass. ; m. 3 Dec. 1818, Harriet Young Belcher. ^ Lucia Ann, b. 4 Oct. 1819; 7 Johannah Y., b. 18 June, 1821 ; 7 Semantha, b. 2 Oct. 1823 ; 7 Almira Sawyer, b. 26 Aug. 1828; 7 Gorham Tenny* b. 12 Mar. 1838 ; d. 15 Mar. 1842 ; 7 Edgar Romine, b. 5 Feb. 1841; d. 9 Mar. 1842. i WALTER ABBOT, N. Hampshire, probably Portsmouth ; d. 1667, leaving a wife, Sarah, and children 2 Peter ; 2 William ; 2 Wal- ter ; 2 John ; 2 Elizabeth ; and a daughter, who m. Wills ; and grandchildren "Thomas Abbot; 3 Joseph Abbot; and 3 Sarah Wills. Sarah, wid. of i Walter A., after his decease, m. Henry Shcrburne, of Portsmouth, N. H. 8 PETER may have been the unhappy man who killed his wife, and would have killed his child, if he had not been prevented, in Fairfield, Ct., 1667 ; for which act he was executed. In modern times he would probably have been considered and treated as in- sane. 1 WALTER, 6 JOHN, &, DANIEL ABBOT. 181 6 JOHN ABBOT, b. 27 Mar. 1768, probably in Portsmouth, N. H. ; d. 17 May, 1805. He was probably descended from i Walter. His mother was living, at the close of the last century, a widow, and resided in Lee, N. H. e JOHN, m. 1789, Sally Seaward, of Portsmouth, b. 16 Mar. 1764 ; d. 4 Oct. 1838. 7 John W., b. 6 June, 1790 ; Mechanic, Portsmouth ; 7 Joshua, b. 7 Nov. 1791 ; d. 24 Nov. 1836 ; 7 HENRY, b. 1 Dec. 1793, York, Me. ; m. 1815, Elizabeth Perkins, who was b. 29 Aug. 1796; d. 21 Ap. 1831. 8 JOHN P., b. 11 Nov. 1815; Boston; m. Catharine Freely ; 93 c. 8 Mary E., b. 7 June, 1818 ; d. 28 Dec. 1825 ; 8 Eliza T., b. 13 May, 1820; 8 William H., b. 18 Aug. 1824 ; 8 Samuel P., b. 24 May, 1829; d. 14 Sept. 1831. 7 HENRY, 2 m. wid. Rhoda M. Fernald, b. 29 Aug. 1803. 8 Samuel P., b. 19 Oct. 1836 ; 8 George W., b. 6 Feb. 1839; d. 23 Feb. 1840; 8 Lydia A., b. 13 Sept. 1840 ; s Frances J., b. 23 Ap. 1843. 7 William, b. 5 Feb. 1796 ; d. 12 July, 1821; 7 ELIZABETH, b. 17 Ap. 1799; m. Richard Walker, Boston ; 7 Theodore, b. 15 June, 1801 ; Bookbinder, Boston ; m. ; 8 c. A man, by the name of Abbot, came from Ireland, and settled in Berwick, Me. He had sons, who fought and died in the war of the Revolution. Nathaniel Abbot, of North Berwick, is supposed to be one of his descendants. Daniel Abbot, of Cambridge, 1630, probably died as early as 1650. It is not known whether he had issue. He may have been father to Daniel Abbot, who was in Providence before Philips' war, and was several years Town Clerk of that town. There is some probability, from tradition, that he was brother to 1 George Abbot, of Rowley, and father to 1 George Abbot, of Andover. 16 INDEX OF NAMES NOT ABBOT. [Th. firm. de*. the pap*,] 121 John 48 Sarah Amsden 65 Benjamin lOSDaVid 156 Temperance Balch 99 William 110 Joel 83 Jeremiah 19 Deborah Adams HOManley 96 Justus Baldwin 23Asaph Anderson ' Averill 70 Patty 96 Betsy 62 Jane 60 Amos 143 Susannah 95 Hannah Andrews Ayers Ballard 51 Isabella 47 Thomas 112 Betty 53 Elisha D. 22 Hiram 149 Mary 75 Anna 83, 147 Elizabeth 96 William 54 Emma 137 Ezra [nab. Addmston 159 Hawkstice 46 Mary Ann Andrus Babereh 63 Mary C. 140, 145, 156 Han- 36 John Aikin 51 Luther Backus 86 Jonathan 173 Betsy Akley 117Lydia A. Alden Angier 79 Mary Appleton 152 Charles 54 George Bacon 179 Alonzo 29 Ebenezer 25 Joseph 73 Joshua 13, 68, 106 Phebe 117 Penelope 9 Melina 93 Nathan D. 141 Eliza B. 156 Rebecca Allen 152 Sarah E. Badger 75 Stephen [thr 85, 179 Eliza 9 Elizabeth 26 W. Arlin 120 Nancy Bailer 83 15, 25, 155 TIHMH 3 William 154 Ezekiel 139 George 34 Amos Bancroft 16 Hannah 91, 162 Henry 77 John C. 92 Henry 139 Jeremiah 140 Larina 29 Asa 142 Deborah C. 153. 154 Hannah 115 Abigail W. 15 Polly 23 Sarah 107 Joseph 139 Mehitabel 53 Harriet Banister 116 Joshua D. 149, 153 Mary 140 Nancy 140 Nathaniel 144 Hephzibah 144 Moses 59 Lazarus Barker 123 71 Thomas Arnold 153 Nathan 93 Daniel 169 Rebecca 46 Lacy 23 Rebecca 63 Esther Allison Asklev 154Rboda 134 Hannah 19 Sally 48 Abner j 85 Willard 24 Jane Ambrose 96 Harriet t 145 William 163 Joanna 41 David 49 Sarah Bakeman 9 John 40 Hannah Atherton92 72Calnn 178 Joseph 4tMarr 52 Celinda Baker 76 Leonard 135 Susan 13 Rebecca 129 Alice 123 Mary Ames 123, 138 Atkinson 137 Benjamin 68 Nehemiah 70 Abigail 40Peabody 81 Deborah 1,50, 150 Sarah 3, 67 Benjamin 88 Sarah 54 Lucinda 121 Sevilla 153Hephzibah Atwood 75, 138 Mary 147 Stephen 153 Simeon 73 William SOAlmira 47 Amanda 4 1 Marv Adn 150 Sarah 140 Thomas Barnard Amidon Austin 142 Sarepta 151 Cornelia 60 Harriet 45Apollos lieSeth 151 Harriet' 184 INDEX. 157 Olive P. 121 William 142 Elizabeth 24 Julia 161 Susannah Beckley 142 Lucy Bosworth Barnes 50 Dorcas Blackmar 24 Alfred 173 Benjamin Beede 153 Joel Bourne 148 Comfort 13 Nancy Blair 133 Jane W. 150 John Beers 180 94 Lyncha Boutwell 140 Thomas J. Belcher Blaisdel 75 James Barrett 180 Harriet Y. 95 Sarah Bowen 60 Ann G. Bennett 165 Blake 150 Abigail Barrows 54 Betsy 72 Betsy 24 Elizabeth 72 Rachel 23 Jedediah 88 Esther Bowers Barry Bent 35 Samuel 82 Fanny 170 Eliza F. 139 Otis 41 Stephen 82 Francis 41 Jacob Bently 176 Blanchard 25 Josiah 170 Mary Bernard 128 Benjamin 78 Rachel 170 Samuel S. 85 Nancy 145 Beulah 78 Thomas Bartholomew Berry 35, 144 Dinah Bowman 58 John 80 Eber G. 89 Edmund 52 Rebecca Bartlett 58 Gilbert 12 Eunice 15 Tryphena 137 Elijah Belts 128 Deborah 129 Willard 139 Hannah C. 178 Nathan 108, 144 Joseph Boyce 116 Julia A. Bickford 96 Judith 35 William A. 108 Lavina P. 51 Abigail 74, 145 Mary Boyd 112 Lorinda 44 Betsy 9 Marv C. 69 Mary S. 125 Mary E. 41 Jesse 123 Nathan 92 William 70 Polly 41 Joseph 148 Peter Boylston 35 Rebecca S. 44 Mary 17 Rebecca 168 Rebecca 107 Sally M. Bid lack 77 Rhoda Boynton 29 Stephen 55 James 144 Stephen 67 Abel Barton 55 Sarah 92 Stevens 145 Betsy 17 Elijah S. Bigelow Bliss 52 Lydia Bass 151 Lucy 30 Betsy 3 Mary 97 Mary R. Bigsby 157 John 79 Rebecca Batchelder 153 Experience Blodgett 141 Richard 73 Betsy Billings 149 106 Elijah 3 Sarah 17 Calvin 58 Minerva 180 Eleanor Brackett 134 Daniel Bingham Blood 134 89 Peter 133 Elizabeth M. 56 Lucretia 43 Joel Bradley 82 Joseph 57 Mary 66 Rachel 98 Charlotte 16 Judith Binney 66 Rhoda 26 E. M. 102 Keziah 23 Margaret Bloomfield 179 Jesse 118 Mary Biram 169 Joseph 97 Lucy 102 Sally 155 Hiram Blunt 101 Sarah Bates Birge 70 Ephraitn 40 Thomas C. 114 Caroline 156 Elizabeth 22 Isaac Bradstreet Baxter Bisbee 84 Lydia 167 Mary 119 Joseph 101 George W. Boardrnan Bragg Bailey 80 Samuel Bishop 10 Eben 85 Lydia 130 Sarah A. 96 James 137 James F. Baylies 177'Ebenezer 152 Susan R. 162 Ruth 14 Chloo 142 Jerusha Bodwell Breed Beach 91 Jewett 78 Parker 111 Lydia Ann 175 Huldah 175 Laura Ann 77 Ruth Brickett Beal, Rev. 28 32 Moses Bohonnon 163 James Bean 91 Bissell 99 Benjamin 92 Lydia 132 Elvina A. 155 Edgar Bond 87 Rhoda 52 Lora Bixby 130 Silas 88 Thomas 138 Ruth 22 Daniel Booth 147 Bridges 138 Sarah 69 William Bosson 147 153 Betsy Beard Blackburn Bostwick 151 James 185 23 Moody 77 Artemas Bushby Carman 17 Otis L. Bugbee 62 Asa 180 Jane Brigden 169 Michael 24 Amos Bullard 82 Henry Busk Carpenter 108 John Briggs 15 Betsy 63 Mary Carr 156 129 Reuben 73 Joshua Buss 150 Nathaniel Brock 74 Sarah 10 George j Carrington 74 Ann Bullock 76 Silas 116 Elizabeth 74 Elizabeth 53 Caroline 13 Stephen Carrol 59, 103 74 James 38 James Buswell 129 Betsy 74 John Bump 44 Aaron W. Carter 34 Rebecca 54 Harriet 119 Carter 123 Aaron 34 Thomas R. Bunker 37 Elizabeth 98 Abigail Bronson 152 Sally 121 James 22 Betsy 174 Sally 101 Samuel 37 Phebe 81 Charles S. Brooks Buntin 126 Richard 95, 136 Daniel 32 Charles 99 Nancy E. Butler 38 Dorcas 70 Gilbert Burbank 22, 27 Benjamin 94 Ephraim 154 Hephzibah 41 Lydia Butrick 146, 178 Ezra 32 William 33 Patience 149 Mary A. 95 Judith Broughton 141 Samuel 168 Susan 120, 134 Mary 41 Harriet Burch Butts 92 Phebe ' 41 John 150 Kate 63 Lorenzo D. 120 Sarah 41 William Burge Buxton 121 Simeon Brown 32 46 Betsy 69 Ephraim Burgess 59 Rodney R. 72, 146 Timothy Cartwright 71 Catharine 54 Freelove Cady 57 Hannah 159 Charlotte 54 Stephen 106 Sarah 58 John 46 Hannah Burke 45 Waterman Carver 44 Hephzibah 70 Abigail Caldwell 97 Martha 127 Isabel Burleigh 127 Elizabeth Cary 67 Jacob 25 Erastus C. Call 160 Robert 50 James Burn 124 Eliza Cash 55 51 James D. 132 Eleanor 119 Eunice Cate 31, 153 John Burnet Galley 39 Shadrach 25, 67 Joseph 47 Asenath 27 Elizabeth Cavis 100 Lucy Burnham Camp 98 Nathaniel 13'J JNathan 132 Eleanor 179 Emeline Chaffe 98 Parker Burns Campbell 56 Newman H. 15 Phebe 16 Esther 58 Elizabeth Chamberlain 58 107, 120 Polly 12 Sarah B. 134 Daniel 24 Irena 115 Sarah Btirnum 69 Susan 51 John 159 Sophia 104 Stephen 102 Betsy 114 Lucy 92 Thomas C. Canada 143 Joseph 67 Loami Brush 169 Priscilla 57 Catharine 32 Mary Ann 159 Ebenezer 112 Rachel Capen 39 Moses Brvan 101 Susan 61 John 33 Phinehas 63 Ursula Burpe 98 Thomas 19 S. Buck 30 Chloe 160 Joshua 111 Mary 88 Timothy Capp 53 Sylvia 40 William 33 Horatio Burr 136 Elizabeth Champion 51 LawrencQ 140 Bathena 139 Irene 112 John 32 Silas 59 Nancy Card Chandler 32 William 56 Sarah J. 45 Betsy 79,137,146Abicl Buchanan Burt iCarleton 41, 122 138 Betsy 89 Peter 59 Jonathan 5 Edward 143 David Bucknam Burton 68 Elizabeth 145 Deborah 154 Harriet 17 Anna M. j 64 Mary 90 Dorcas 154 Ruth Bush j 162 Peter 124 Elizabeth Buffington 149 Martha 148 Sarah 1,74 Hannah 16* 186 INDEX. 73 H. P. 44 Nancy 19 W. Coy 35, 147 Henry 44 Roena Coggin 61 Mary 65 Isaac Choat 84 Thomas Cragin 22, 134 John 113 Anner Cogswell 154 Minerva 16, 161 Joseph Chubb 67 Jonathan Craigh 36 Judith 162 Hannah Colburn 51 John 75 Lucy Chubhuck 15 Anna Cram 36 79 Mary 41 Barnard 67 Martha 31 E. 113, Miriam Churchill Colby 143 Eunice 3 Nathan 91 Jabez 111 Elizabeth 8 N. Porter 27 Phebe Cilley 122 Ephraim Crandall 79 Priscilla 109 Joel 78, 146 Hannah 45 Timothy 39, 106 Rebecca 1 1 2 Mary Jane 123 John Crocker 79, 127 Rhoda 98 Seth N. 137 Joseph . 62 Esther 110 Timothy 2, 3 Zebadiah Claggett 19 Clarissa 43, 91, 119 Moses 135 Mehitabel 40 Rollin Crosby Chaplain 41 Eunice Clapp 23 Lemuel 136 Sally 38 Samuel 35 Abiel R. 140 Abigail 41 Osborn Clark Cole 142 Charlotte A. Chaplin 146 Abby 138 Nathaniel 40 Hall E. 155 Abigail 19 Abigail Collins 79 Hannah Chapman 146 Augustine 48 Joseph 158 Rebekah 163 Abel 91 Cady Colman Grossman 124 Abigail 98 Daniel 108 Joseph 158 Joel 148 Annis 32 Ereck C olson Crowell 142 John 141 George 121 Betsy 44 Robert 163 Mary 46 Luke Colton 94 Samuel 63 Moses 81, 156 Lydia 147 Ebenezer 17 Sarah 179 Phinehas 48 Mehitabel 147 Hephzibah Crummit 100 156 Reuben 87 Paul Comstock 100 John B. Charles 45 Ruby 178 David 91 Joseph 123 Abigail 45 Sally 178 Samuel 100 Robert ill Asa 1 1 7 Timothy Conant Culver 37 Betsy 139 Mehitabel 142 Ward I 98 Nancy Clarke , Cone 33 N. Cummings Charrice 44 158 Nathan 57 Achsah 20 Catharine Chase 136 Clason 177 Congdin 71 Charles 17 Abijah Clatreth j 45 Alvin 71 Clarissa 112 Asa 31 Elizabeth Conner 63 Ebenezer 48, 93 Benjamin Cleland 119 James 20 Elizabeth 42 Chandler E. 149 L. T. 1 126 Martha H. 67 Lydia 15 E. G. Clement 51 Rachel. Wid. 82 Mary 112 Elbridge G. 81, 104 Moses Cook 75 Mary E. 145 Elizabeth 85 Jonathan D. 96 Angelina 67 Polly 139 Fidelia 97 Pamela L. Cooley 81 Samuel 15 George Closson ISO Maria Cumins 17 Henry 32 Nathan 155 Samuel 70 Joan 39 Ira A. 121 Betsy Coolidge Currier 112 Mahala Clough 155 John R. 37 Barnard 144 Mehitabel 95 Abner 154 Moses 107 Esther 73 Rebecca 43 Betsy Coombs 124 Mehitabel 91 Ruth 77 Jeremiah 107 Sarah C. 101 Ruth 24 Sally C. 99 Susan 102 Lydia 40 Polly 73 Solomon Coon 138 Samuel 135 Tabitha Cheever 95 Sally 45 Eliza Curtis 17 Sarah 95 Thomas Corbin 57 Birdseye Cheney Coats 1 70 Nabby 174 Emily 158 Zillah 45 Eleazer Corey 98 Jane Chesley 89 Trueworlhy Coblay 21 Hannah 52 Phebe, Wid. Corlis 4* Margaret 157 Sarah C bickering Coburn 99 Mary S. Gushing 68,83 90 Alpheus 15 Anna 149 Sarah 82 Leonard 72 Sarah 78 Patience Corning Cushion Child 78 Prescott 94 Harriet 32 Manda T. 1 62 Adolphus Cochran Courtwright Cushman 73 Elisha 93 Eliza 57 Eleanor 72 Athalinda Childs 94 James H. Cowry 179 Eugene 43 Eber Codman 136 Alice 164 Francis 187 Cutler 134, 144 178 James 132 Aaron Eaton 154 Abby Dennison 159 Abigail 66 Cynthia 23 Abigail 52 Hannah 74 Stephen 144 Hannah 49 Calvin De Pew Dudley 142 Joshua 19 Dorothy 141 Friuda 157 Mary Derby 109 Joseph D. 71 Moses L. 42 Mary 95 Ruth Cults 150 David Dummer 43 Thomas 25 Mary 150 Eliab 125 Gorham Eayrs Cyle 1 1 Mary Jane Dunbar 116 Mary 121 Mary Dern 174 E. S. Eels 122 Rebecca Dunklee 63 Patty Dale Derran 26 F. Eddy 178 143 Martha 63 Ann Maria Dunlap Edes 123 Timothy De Wolfe 35 Daniel 133 Hannah B. Daley 176 106 Deborah Dunshee Edwards Dagget Dickerman 143 John 46 Hannah 178 Jane 39 Thomas D. 79 S. Ela Damon Dickey Durgan 39 Ruth M. 20 Elizabeth 92 Nathaniel 120 Charatee 117 Susan 141 Joseph Dickman Durgin Ellenwood Damrell 43 Samuel 111 Harriet 71 John 93 Sarah Dana 144 Diggins 122 Sylvester 96 Henry 40 Samuel Ellery 169 Elias 152 Susan C. Dike 42 Susan Ellis S3, 159 Dane Dikeman Durkee 152 Nancy 22 Hannah 173 Niram 49 Ruel 175 William 98 Mary 178 Czar 55 William Elliot, Dr. 19 80 William Dimond Durrell 96 Charlotte Danforth 136 Abner 170 Eliza 96 Cyrus 76 Hannah 119 Eliza 170 Moses 100 Eleanor Daniel 112 Jacob Dustin 39 Samuel 135 Jeremiah F. Dinsmore 165 Bathsheba Elkins Daniels 132 William 90 Ebenezer 87 Almira 139 Harriet Dixon 164 Fanny 87 Mary Daracott 26 Ruth 126 Nathan 122 Peter 33 George W. Dodge 99 Ruth Ellsworth Darling 83 130 Baker Dutton 56 Daniel 74 John 31 Elizabeth 50 Lucy 155 Oliver 74 Jonathan 88 Hannah Dye 33 Samuel 74 Josiah 140 John 34 Miranda Elmore 97 Timothy Dascomb 65 Nancy Donaldson Dyer 5 Edwards 109 Asa Emerson Col. 48 10 Calvin 94 Mary 94 Sally 140 Hannah 153 Dea. J. Dorr 90 Mehitabel Davenport 179 Harriet 159 Ann Douglas 76 Ealy 123 George Emery 8 Anna Davidson 8,9 J. A. Eames 97 Benjamin 93 Alba 5 William 71 James 4 Hannah P. Davis 168 Dow 73 Nathaniel 40 Joshua 150 Abigail 36 Albert G. Eastman 54, 136 142 Noah 150 Anna 94 Benjamin F. 110 Abel 148 Susannah 35 Benjamin G. 135 Enoch H. 41 Abiathar Endicott 36 Eleazar 91 George W. 107 Betsy 25 Robert 90 Daniel 161 Ichabod 107 Hephzibah 91 Jacob 41 Emily 42 Enoch Erving 92 Mary Ann 165 Isaiah 103 RuthG. 67 H. Estabrook 112 Jane 97, 122 Sarah 137 Hannah 125 John 124 Judith 113 Timothy 89 Jeremiah 127 Ruth 121 Samuel Downs 43 John Etheridge 29 171 Susannah 75 Benjamin R. 135 Jonathan 118 Asa 88 Theodore Downing 135 Luke Evans Day 144 Nathan 41 Oiis 102 Betsy 94 Isaiah Doyne 29 Roger 42 James 25 Susan 122 Jacob 30 Samuel 111 Mary O. Dearborn Drake 38,136 Sarah 134 Samuel C. 124 Elizabeth 31 Albert 25 Sophia Everett 122 Elmira 134 John S. , Easty 6 Stevens Decker Dresser ! 148 Hannah 109 Susan 188 INDEX. 105 Mary Andrew 138 Sarah 48 Lucy 143 George Felt 15 Nancy French Fairfield 65 Ephraim 15 Priscilla N. 156 Caroline W. Farnham 20 Ira 48 Sally 161 Elizabeth 53 Edward 111 Mary L. 48 Zaccheus 12, 43, 66 Samuel Farnum Felton Floyd 80 Sarah 28 Abigail 82 Levi 126 Arnold 92 Susan 122 Abner Fenn 15 L. Frisbie 89 Betsy 175 Harris Flyn 74 Hannah 88 Bridget W. Fenner 68 179 Jane A. 163 Dominicas 164 Catharine Fenton Follansbee 98 Elizabeth 89 Cynthia 51 Abigail 93 Caroline 179 Jane 36 Daniel Fernald 27 Judith 164 John 121 Enoch 181 Rhoda M. Follet 25 William 104 Esther Ferrin 60 Mary W. Frost 162 Hannah 135 Louisa W. Folsom Frye 90 Jeremiah Fessenden 123 Wentworth 136 Frederick 123 John 1 1 1 Elizabeth Ford 98 George 15 John C. Field 49 Abraham 22, 156 Hannah 87, 136 Judith 30 Nancy 108 John 162 Hephzibah 137 Lucinda Fife 130 Mary Ann 82 Isaac 146 Martha 139 Betsy Foster 135 James 39, 98 Mary Fifield 91 59 Abigail 115 Jesse 101 Merrill 71 Alonzo 156 Abigail C. 79 Lucy 134 Naomi 90 Benjamin 3 Asa 15 Martha 140 Oliver 91 Susan 19 Charlotte 86 Peter 35 Peter C. Fillebrown 148 David 127 Stephen 74, 82 Phebe 127 Samuel 170 Benjamin 170 Thomas ,;&\** 163 Susan 72 William 64, 146 > ,, . Fish 52 82 Isaac Fulk 156, 163 I Sarah 107 Abira 63 Jane 57 Mary 22 Susannah Fisher 73 Joshua Fuller ' 47, 80 Thomas 84 Mary 122 Margaret 142 Aaron 89 Zebadiah 162 Olcott 16,80 Mary 57 Alice 35 Zerviah Fisk 29 4 Mehitabel 33 Benjamin Farley 136 29 Betsy 40 Polly 111 Ellen 5 Charles 144 Ebenezer 150 Polly O. 49 Joseph 70 Thomas 169 Elizabeth 146 Ruth 48 Mary Ann Farmer 23 Hephzibah 68, 82 Sally 92 Phinehas H. 80 Edward 17 John 38 Sally G. 47 Sarah (Bidlack) Farnsworth 2 Phebe 151, 165 Sarah 55 Stephen 19 John 159 Remember 153 Thomas C. Fulsom 153 Fan- 12 Walter 25 William Fulton 110 Roswell 124 William Forrest 85 James Farrar Fitch 151 94 Hannah Furber 20 Mary 11 Louisa Forrester 138 Abigail 143 Sally Fitts 157 Amaziah 120 Susan Farrington 86 Mary Fosdick Furbush 163 Dolly Flagg 58 152 David 77 Anna 118, 135 Hannah 53 Laura Fox Furlong 139 Henry S. Flanders 80 Charles J. 99 Uriah 162 Jacob 136 Abner 112 Elizabeth 19, 156 Lydia 136 Stephen 72 Ann 100 Ebenezer 149 Sybil Fowle Gage 135 Richard Faulkner 106 Jacob 17 Jacob Gale 83 Abiel 138 Oliver 26 Lucretia 104 Perkins 140 Ann 97 Patience Fowler Gardner 147 John 137 Richard 76 Esther 45 Ann P. Fawcett Fletcher Franklin 55, 32 163 Harriet 154 Amaziah 19 Jefierson 48 Maria E. 83 Susan Faxbury 81 Mary Francis Garlick 165 Elizabeth 12 Oliver 66 Elizabeth 60 Sarah Fay 24 Sally 21 Orpah 70 Phinehas 170 Mary A. Freely Sarnsey 41 Austin Fellows 21 Thomas 181 Catharine jlarvin 97 Elizabeth Flint Freeman 123 Ehen 107 Julia H. 41 Clarissa 9 Charles 39 Harriet 135 Miriam 156 John 179 Elijah B. 120 John 189 120 Lydia 59 Esther 126 James 21 G. H. Gassett 59 Hezekiah 150 John Hamlin 143 Lotan 162 Orinda 152 Joshua 9H. Gates 97 William 63 Lucretia 58 Philena 123 Abraham Goodhue 41 Martha Hammon Gault 123 21 Wm. Warren 62 Russell 14 Mary 98 Obed Good now Greenough 123 Timothy 123 William 71 C. U7MehitabelF. Hancock Gaylord 157 Luther Greenslitt 142 Lovisa 63 Mary Goodwin 47 Ehenezer Hankerson Gear 108 136 Sally 46 Sarah 138 John George Gordon Griffin Hannaford 136 127 David 34 James 68 Abbot 93 Amos 101 Joan Goss 22 James 93 Lucy M. Gerrish 77 Henry 162 Samuel Hannahs 135 Enoch 117 Nathaniel Griggs 57 Clarissa 135 Joseph 18 Peter 62 Ann Amanda Harding 40 Martha Goud 163 19 Elizabeth 22 John 37 Sarah 163 Hiram 62 Ichabod Hardy Getty 163 Mary 62 Olive M. 139 Susan 71 Mary Gould 25 Sally Hare Gibbs 150 6 Josiah Grinnell 54 Stephen Gibson 43 Sarah 63 Allen Harlow 27, 41 Betsy Gove Griswold 134 Hi ram 30 Margaret 106 Charles 49 Alzina Harndin Gilbert 139 David Grover 144 2 Elizabeth 170 Calvin P. 39 Ehenezer 104 Benjamin 22 Hephzibah 61, 148 David Gowing Grout Harriman 25 Elizabeth 129 Ira 14 W. 130 Mary 176 Nathaniel 20 Moses Gunnison Harrington Gile Graham 21 Mary A. 50 Eli 93 Enoch 137 Asa Guthrie 150 24 Lydia 111 Mary 137 Joshua Gutterson Harris Gill Grant 12 Adeline 42 Sarah 168 John 155 Abigail 12 Amos 77 Stephen Gillett 79 Hannah 145 Simeon Harrison 149 Ann 41 Joseph 57 Daniel Gillis 79 Mary Hackett Hart 85 John Graves 21 Lois 81 Dorcas Gilman 125 22 Dorcas Hadley 81 Rachel 41 Mary 79 Hannah 108 Betsy 53 Rebecca 60 Mary M. Gray 98 John L. Hartshorn 93 Sally 1 6 f Andrew Haight 57 A. Gilson 161 Bra viler 151 John Harvey 66 Althea 81 David Haines 107 Lucy Glidden 23, 44 Elizabeth 93 Hannah 110 Thomas 94 Charles 83 Hannah 93 Mary Ann Hasely Glover 145 Jesse Hale 154 Hannah 178 Betsy 12 Joseph 12 Elizabeth 154 John D. 86 Elizabeth 79 Mary ?8 Joshua Haskell 142 Elizabeth B. 176 Pamelia 21,72 Sarah 36 Augusta HSLyriia Louisa 169 Rebecca Haley 132 Elizabeth P. 5 P. H. 93 Robert 141 Sarah 155 Harris Goddard 13, 18 Samuel Hall 43 144 Job 19 Esther 133 William 77 Aaron Hassan 137 Hannah P. Gregg 165 Benjamin 112 George W. Godfrey 85 Anna 96 Deborah R. Hastings 134 Elizabeth 85 Christy 90, 115 Ebenezer 32, 43 Moses Godwin 85 Eunice 164 E. G. 157 Thomas 89 Mahala Greely 176 Hezekiah 157 William Goldsmith 90 Gilman 102 Joseph Hatch 18 Benjamin 138 Nathaniel 80 Rev. J. 71 Ballard 154 Elizabeth 19 Samuel 61 Lucy 157 Elizabeth Goldthwait Green 150 31 Reuben 60 Weld 66 Betsy 61 Esther 26 Sidney Hawkins 107 Nancy 73 Rev. H. 89 Susan 45 Albert Goodell 133 Hannah F. 31 T. B. 31 D. H. 5 David W. 122 Jacob Hamilton Hawley 190 INDEX. IseChloe 1 149 Mary 14, 83 Jeremiah 73 John 155 Samuel Hills 26 John 163 Lois Haycock 11 David 83 Jonah 140 Mary 89 Charlotte Billiard! I 17 Joseph 101 Phinehas Hayden 42 Patty 75 Joseph S. 37 Susan 157 Abigail Hillman 49 Joshua 91 William 163 Ann 52 Catharine 82 Lydia Hovt Hayes Hine 85 Maria A. 109 Abigail 61 George P. 174 Alexander 15, 50 Mary 110 Anna Hayward Hinkley 129 Mehitabel 178 Elizabeth 12 George M. 84 Joseph 25 Nathan 21 John Haywood 83 Phebe 79, 82 Nicholas 177 Joseph 143 Olive M. 83 Susan 25 Peter 178 Noah Hazeltine Hinman 26 Phebe 92 William 112 Benjamin 159 Simeon 18 Ruth Hubbard 44 38 Jonathan S. Hitchcock 54 Sally 151, 158 Betsy 122 Joseph 52 Grace 79 Samuel 70 George W. 43 Mary 116 Joseph W. 15, 73 Sarah 158 Hannah 136 Mehitahel Hoar 82 Thomas 63 Joel 90 Richard 154 Sally 76 Timothy 176 John 95 William Hobart 62 Zebina 63 Lavina Heald 129 Daniel 14 Zela 66 Stephen 73 David 137 John 70 Zerviah Hull 73 Milly Hobbs Homan 26 Amelia Hearsem 171 Abraham 162 Priscilla 26 Hezekiah 41 Stephen 19 Hannah Hook Hunt 29 Heath Hodge 136 Hannah 143 Betsy 100 Betsy 150 William 107 Mary A. 56 Fidelia C. 138 Chandler G. Hodges 13S. A. 34 Lydia 110 Elias 106 Edmund Hooper 116 Mary 133 Hannah Hodgden 79*0. 18 Sarah 57 Rosetta 98 Abigail 79 J. Hunter Heaton Hoit 52, 121 161 Sarah 72 Mary 43 Irene 113 Amos Hopkins 85 Elizabeth A. Henderson 109 Asenath 145 Betsy Huntington 175 George W. 38 James 66 Elizabeth 79 O. Henfield 112 Janette 142, 145 John 53 Sarah 18 Lydia Holbrook 92 Ruth Huston Hendnck 130 Adin Horn 118 Mary 61 Caleb 61 George 52 John 118 Sophia 59 John 80 Laurinda Hosmer Hutchins 32 Herrick 38 Mary 65 Elmira 102 Charles 16 B. Holcomb Houghton 163 David 26 Elijah L. 155 Enoch 27 Charlotte 166 Hazen K. Hesilrige Holden 119 24 James 163 Polly 168 Hannah 141 George S. 122 Nahum Hutcherson Hewett Holman House 112 Diah 51 Anna 65 Sarah 149 Dorothy Hutchinson 112 Hews Holmes Houston 26 Arnold 130 Sophronia ISO Augusta 110 Isaac 99 Daniel Hewson 59 Henry Howard 145 F. 159 Archibald K. 63 Joanna 56 Elizabeth 145 Luther Hibbard 23 Holyoke 89 Leander 120 Mary F. 117 Dorcas Hidden 23 Edward A. Holt Hovey 61 Alfred 162 Mercy 16 Rachel 29 Mehitabel 62, 74, 79 Abiel 52 Caroline 33 William Higgins 15 E. 155 Abigail 1 1 Caleb 52 Ruth 169 Sarah Hyde 108 12 Mary A. 15 J. H. 12 Daniel 27 Thomas 56 Oliver M. Hight 18 David Howe 91 74 Reuben 11, 15, 69 Dorcas 158 Anna Ingalls Hildreth 14, 82 Elizabeth 158 Betsy 45 Esther 76 Robert 82 Ephraim 158 Cynthia 82 Hannah Hill 69 Farnum 151 E. A. 147 James 41 Abigail 136 Deborah 41 Frye 14, 82 Hannah 119 Experience 138 Gardner 49 Joseph 47 Marvin 42 Eunice 18 Jacob 158 Hezekiah 165 Mary 67 Jonathan S. 64 James 22 James N. 80 Mehitabel 191 46 Oliver 124 Patty 18 Temperance Joy 82 Daniel 1 1 David Lancaster 138 Nathaniel 19 Phebe 97 Abigail 125 Eliza Lane Ingersoll 103 Maria 93 Joseph 79 Ephraim 49 Josiah Joyce 157 99 Loruhamah S. 60 Hannah Jackman Judd 135 Mary Lang 113 Jane 177 Eunice 97 Obadiah 34 Mary Ann Jackson 177 53 Laura 100 Phebe 77 Nancy 109 Arad 178 Maria 97 Phebe P. 138 Stephen 40 Daniel 174 Sarah 134 Priscilla Langdon 177 Ebenezer Judkins 89 Rebecca 136 Mary 122 Elijah 52 Hugh 19 Benjamin 91 Hiram 25 Sally 38 William Larcum 10 Frances 159 Joshua 39 Seth 68 William B. Latham 52 Josiah Justus 36 William H. 99 Julia 123 William 136 Charles King Lathrop Jacobs 128 Betsy 53 Seth 91 Hannah J. Kebler 13 Clarissa Lawrence Jaquith 8 John 16 Lucy 15 A. 80 Judith Keep Kinney 142 151 Amos 149 Susan 147 Sarah 142 Harriet 16 Betsy Jenkins Kelley Kingsbury 159 Harriet 148 Charles 76 Samuel 130 Lois 125 Henry 145 Micah Jenks Kellogg 179 Johannah Kisley 47 Frederick 93 Lyman P. Laws 26 John 48 Phinehas Kittredge 74 Mary Jennings Kelly 140 Job Leach ' 157 Martha 86 Nathan 129 Lydia 133 Rebecca S. 153 Rachel Kelsea Knapp Leland Jessup 125 William 89 Betsy 67 Sarah 131 Catalena Kendall Kneeland Leavitt Jewett 138 157 Augusta 168 Ann 139 John 20 Joseph 75 Thomas P. 13 Hannah Lebante 139 160 Mehitabel Kenedy 28 John Lee 43 34 Mira 58 James 26 Sarah 148 Larkin T. Jillet Kenny 169 Susannah 49 Lodema 178 Moses 142 David Knight 49, 95 150 Sarah Maria Johnson 150 Kent 33 Betsy 46 Serena 30 Abby C. 34 Almeda 10 Isaac 155 Stephen 148 Benjamin 98 Charlotte 167 Rebecca Leeds 175 Burritt 45 Elizabeth 33 Samuel 178 Gideon 153 Deborah 99 John Knights Leonard 107 Deliver Keves 156 Robert 107 George 14, 39, ) T . n 134 Abijah Knowles 119 Jesse W. 143 1 fi9 C 'O^^ 21 Anna 92 Samuel D. Lewis 36 Jonathan 62 Lucy E. 87 Sarah B. 179 Hazzard 93 Lucv Jane 21 Sophia N. Knowlton 179 Sarah 30 Martha C. Kibhe 79 Daniel Libby 153 Osgood 157 Joel 158 Louisa 72 Samuel 37 Rhoda Kidder 153 Susan Liddle 97 Sally 80 Martha J. Knox 141 Helen M. 139 Samuel 154 Mary 139 Clarissa Lincoln Jones 112 Sarah 47 Dorance 22 Abel 93 Abigail Kilbee 46 4 Harriet 175 Anna Kilburne Laberre Little 78 David 105 Mary 129 Susan 135 Jacob 18 Eben Kilgore 136 Ladd 11 Lucinda 41 Harriet 71 Abigail 77 Betsy G. Littlefield 95 Henry 40 Caroline 53 David 98 Lucretia 36 Hiram S. 71 Ira 121 John O. M. Littlehale 50 Joel 75 Mary 101 True worthy Killum 77 Sophronia T. 107 Susan K. 72 Lydia Livermore 10 Phebe S. 74 Francis Lake 8 Abiel A. 162 Samuel 73 James 142 Daniel C. 81 Caroline 117 Susan Jane Kimball 142 Freeman 10, 12 Jonathan 143 Zadock 79 Calvin Lamb 43 Livy Jordan 96 Caroline C. 24 Harriet 94 Annette A. 18, 41 Ruth 121 Charles A. 159 Major Locke 192 100 Mary Mansur Meacham ! Moodv 78 Nancy 163 Lucy 150 Susannah 87 Eunice K. 87 Simeoti K. Manville Mears 83 110 Sarah Locker 57 Lorana Meloon 121 William 44 Harriet Lock wood Marble 119 Barnard 86 Molly Meriam Mooney 92 Obadiah ISO Eleanor Long 123 Marcy 95 Mary 170 Mary A. 67 Silas Moore - 150 Ann 43 Enoch Marks Merriam 123 Epbraim Loomis 173 Hannah 154 Polly 137 Geneva v 44 Justin Marsh Merrill 92 Hannah Lord 44 Eunice 69 Elizabeth 110 John W. 67 Daniel W. 69 Sarah 9 Enos 20 Margaret 155 Maria E. Marshall 42 Florella 45 Mary Love 78 Ellsie 122 John 8 Robert 52 Mary Lovejoy Martin 158 127 Daniel 139 Mercy 121 Moses Morgan 179 Albert 151 Abigail 34 Elizabeth 137 Sarah 173 Hannah 155 Anna 144 Hannah 40, 63 Thomas 47 Nancy 126, 164 Betsy 25 Hannah 36, 137 Henry 44 Jacob Merrick 174 Lovisa Morey 162 Priscilla 11, 69 Henry 121 John Merrit Mori ill 27 Joshua 79 Joshua 51 Mabiel 39 Alpheus 81 Lucy 89 Kimball Merrv 135 Asa H. 70 Martha 32 Leonard 53 Betsy 39 Charles 14 Mary 162 Mercy Meserve 10 Hannah 30 Mennda 142 Nathan 138 Martha 43 Rhoda 127 Nancy 141 Phebe Messer 75 Samuel 3 Nathaniel 179 Rebecca 40 Orville 119 Smith 27, 108Phebe 34 Thomas Messinger Morrison 164 Ruth Mason 88 Charles O. 92 Ebenezer 96 Sally 152 Charles Middlebrook 135 Eliza Jane 16 Samuel 71 Eunice 178 Matthew 33 Lydia Lovering 148 J. Miller 93 Martha 21 John A. 73 Larkin 130 Jane Morse 158 Low 141 Laura 61 John 89 Azubah 130 David Maxham 60 Tolly 127 Benjamin 124 Joseph 06 William Millican 41 David S. 69 Nehemiah May 41 Nancy 19 Elizabeth 103 Susan M. 70 Anna Mills 87 Joseph Luce 56 Hannah 143 Luther 39 Judith 54 Polly Mayhew 93 Nancy 170 Nathaniel C. Lufkin 30 Rebecca 18 Sarah 45 Philena 99 Benjamin Mavnard Minchen 29 119 Sabrina Luminus 134 Persis Miner 78 Samuel 25 Samuel McAlister 58 Charlotte Morton Luscomb 30 Daniel . 58 Robert 64 Pamelia 75 Lydia Lyford 31 Lucinda McArthur Minor 54 Maria Mosely 155 Daniel 109 Peter 29 Janette Minot 20 Sophia 92 Thomas McChesney 178 93 Almira Moses Lynk 178 178 Eve Mitchell 57 Jabez H. Lyon McConnel 132 Luther Moulton 162 David 43 Betsy 74 Samuel 127 Benning 162 Esther McCoy 145 148 Sarah 35 James 162 Hannah McElhenny Mixer 90 Jefferson 128 James M. 41 Joseph 28 Mary Mack McGuion Moar 124 Munroe 14 John 176 Jacob 155 Abraham 5 Achsah Mackentire 136 Mclntire 176 123 Ephraim Munson Manning 34 McKeith 30 123 Esther 174 Hawkins 120 Ann McKinley 153 Isaac Murdock 80 Jesse 74 Rachel 81 Joshua 8 Ellen H. 25 Priscilla 79 Sarah 120 Samuel Murray 80 Thomas McLane 144 Timothy 64 Hannah Mansfield 158 Otis Monnel Muse 4 Rev. D. McMahon ISO Robert 85 Anna 100 Jesse 157 Sophia P. 179 Robert P. Muzzy INDEX. 193 68 Rebecca 86, 156 Christo 115 Rufus 42 Mehitabel 101 Sophia pher Patrick Pierce Myrick 21, 23 John 96 Mary Ann 78 Allen 157 Abigail 127 Reuben Pattee 146 Augustine C. Nason 83 Samuel 60 Miriam 78 Joel 18 Dorcas Otis Patterson 68 Mary Need ham 23 Elizabeth 11 Mary 53 Parnelly 92 Augusta Owen Paul 129 Phehe Nesmith 86 Ruth 59 Margaret ' 59, 123 Sarah 8 Elizabeth 49 Timothy 80 Jane 82 William Nettleton Paine Pierson 174 Mary Ann Page 1 38 James R. 19 Olive Newcomb 102 DaTid Peabody Pike 129 Gideon 126 Emily M. 16 Anna 19 Benjamin Newell 144 Hannah 11 Ephraim Pillsbury 63 Joseph W. 36 Isaac K. 78 Leonard 125 John C. 180 Samuel 35 James K. Pearse 107 Joseph Newton 122 John 55 Olive 124 Lois C. 139 David 122 Laban Pearson 103 Parker Norcross 32 Martha 115 Mary H. 163 Sarah 110 James R. 121 M. D. Pease Plaisted 90 William 43 Susan 168 Levi 41 Olive Norton Paine Peavey 126 Platt 45 Charlotte 59 Elizabeth Pecker 174 Anson 171 Eliza 24 Pollv 135 Jeremiah 178 Edwin Nourse 24, 162 "Thomas 35 William Plaits 142 Lydia Paifray Pelton 27 Mary Noyes 141 Warwick 29 David Pollard 123 Abigail Palmer 127, 136 Perham 148 Anna 1 14 Benning 88 Almira 12 Asa 25 J. 61 Charlotte A. 1 1 6 Dorcas 103 Dudley S. 86 Elizabeth S. 92 Mary Perkins 179 Pomroy 54, 155 Sophia 75 Elizabeth 75 Sarah 174 Edward Poor 153 Hannah 89 Wesley 181 Elizabeth 145 Chloe 123 Jane 146 William A. 44 James 145 Dorcas 122 John Parker 34 9 Lafayette 81 Ebenezer 123 John P. 76 Aaron 4, 84 Mary 102 Eri 123 Sally 131 Abba 160 Sarah 4, 153 Hannah 138 Sarah 116 Stephen 143 Betsy 81 Carleton Perrin 144 Hannah 25 Joseph 18 Lydia 162 Timothy 68 Dolly 23 Persis 145 Sally Nurse 76 Dorcas Perry i Pope 31 Lvdia 81 Frances 139 Amos 101 John 66 Charles H. 151 Joanna 106 Clarissa Popes Nutting 65 Ebenezer 170 Josiah 1 14 John 50 Heman 170 Samuel 36 Joseph Porter 115 John B. 148 Sarah 146 Aaron Oaks 125 John H. Person 89 Daniel 132 Peter K. 84 John L. 129 Caroline 160 Eleanor Oher 76, 80 Joseph Pevey 169 Elijah 148 Pamelia Odell 67 Lucy 94 Maria B. 26, 69 Peter Phelps 91 George 27 Jonathan 178 Amelia 63 Mary A. 53 Augustus 115 Olivia 126 Thomas 141 Noah 18, 79 Hannah 49 Ruth Ogden 151 Susannah 58 Horace 50, 162 William 179 Polly Parkhurst 15 Jonathan Potter 179 Rhoda 12 Harriet 14 Jos. 45 James A. 180 William 21 Sewall 28, 50 Joseph 159 Margaret Oliver 53 Esther 14 Timothy Parlin 79 Lydia Phillips 29 39 Mary 41 Nathan Olmstead 96 Ira 18 Edward 45 Nathaniel 179 Jared 119 Simeon 89 Huldah Potts 178 Ordway Parsons 156 45 Jeremiah Powell 45 Benjamin 31 Eliza 89 Jones i 108 John Osborne 160 Josiah 25 Mary 100 Keyes 178 Betsy 135 Rebecca Pickman 139 Moses Osgood 170 Vinery 80 Elizabeth Powers 136, 180 128 Aaron De G. Patten 165 " Piper 121 34 Abigail 17 194 INDEX 33 Anna 163 Edward E. 61 Lyman C. Rawson 176 21 Rebecca 60 Reuben 70 Benjamin 77 Betsy 65 Sampson Pratt 153 Read 123 Hiram 71 Sylvester Rockwell 50 Bill 15 Charles 69 Edward 179 Mary 179 Lydia 47 Charlotte 124 Lucy Ann Reed Rockwood 82 Edward 20 Phebe 40 Ann 14 Betsy 24 Eliza Pratson 143 Benjamin 10 L. B. 10, 73, 75 Hannah 94 Margaret 129 Harriet Rogers 47 Israel D. Prav 106 Joshua 130 Charles 12 J. F. 154 Charles 19 Robert 110 Fanny 161 James 23 Paris Remminston 120 Frances W. 14, 161 John Prescott 43 Adeline 110 Harriet 115 Leonard 84 Alice Rex ford 122 Margaret 73 Sarah B. 30 Irene C. 53 Rectina 72 Theodore 81 James M. Reynolds 37' Nancy B. 131, 151 Thomas 21 John 79 H. 140 Oliver C. 14 Uriah 30 Mary 66 Mary Ann Rice 64 Eunice 25 Timothy 140 William Ryan 87 Janette C. 21 Samuel D. 71 Maria T. Rhon Preston 176 176 Nahum 51 Sibyl, Wid. Safford 159 Cynthia 48 Samuel Richards 46 Maria Rolandson 107 Joseph 75 Lncy 75 Mehitabel Prince 86 Mary A. Rolfe 18 Sarah 168 Sarah 134 Nathaniel 135 Jane Sage Procter 152 Sarah 164 John 176 Amos 17 Elizabeth 66 True 96 Judith Saint John Proctor Richardson 163 Mary 177 Elizabeth 20 Lucy 157 Achsah 95 William 178 Harriet Puffer 154 Electa Rook 177 178 Phinehas 157 Mary 157 Eunice Root 177 Ruth 89 Prudence 20 Hannah 176 Eliza A. Salisbury 140 Warren 153 John 155 Joseph 46 Theophilus Pulsipher 79 D. 135 Luther Richie Ross 65 John Saltmarsh 101, 102 Thomas 79 E. 121 Ann Rotch Sampson Pullen Richmond 152 B. S. 46 Betsy 178 Lucretia 142 Lucy Round 132 Daniel Putnam Rickard 24 Nathaniel 120Mendall 10 Amos 46 Rebecca, Wid. Roundy Sanborn 17 David Ricker 141 CarletonH. 88 Elizabeth 10 Eliphalet 79 Ebenezer 140 Charles 139 Eunice 101 James Rideout 141 Nehemiah 122 Jonathan 30 Joel 65 Nathaniel 141 Napoleon B. 95 Oliver 17 Nathan Ring Rousseau 126 Rebecca 30 Ruth 102 Betsy 53 Emeline Sargent 43 Sally Riplev Rowe 102 Cyius Putney 163 Lydia i 170 Bethiah 139 Dorcas 33 Alexander H. Rislev Rowell 103 John L. 43 James 56 Amelia S. 32 B. F. 127 Mary S. 42 Sarah Roach 87 Christopher Saunders 114 Jane 43 Hannah 30 Abigail Quimby Robbins 169 Harriet 81 Daniel 122 Relief 33 Nathan 31 Jonathan 99 Willard Quinby 140 Enoch Roberson 126 Roberts 158 77 Lucinda 161 Moses Saunderson 66 Simon 41 Bard P. 161 Susannah Savage Radrten 178 Eleanor 35 Thomas E. 171 Daniel 10 Miry Ann Robertson Rumory Sawtell Ramsay 92 Peter 147 John 154 Asa R154 David Robins Runnels 95 Sawyer and 30 Harvey 144 Hazen 170 Daniel 60 Benjamin 173 John 113 Samuel 1 1 3 John 19 Jonathan 19 Sarah Robinson 170 Ann W. Russ 54 Laura A. 37 Lydia 76 Nathaniel Randall 180 1 Hannah Russell 35 R. C. 41 Nathaniel 156 Mary 75 Abiel Saxton Ranney 170 Patience 72 Agnes M. 126 Harriet INDEX. 195 Scales Shotwell 83 Samuel 112 Alva 114 John 157 Nathan 8 Samuel G. SEben Scarboro' Shute 116 Susannah B. Stevens 102 56 Luther 136 Nancy 67 Timothy 21 Adaline Schneider 157 Benjamin Schofield Sibley 73 George 73 Joseph 31 V. 29 Zilpha Sneathing 51 Anna 100 Carter 162 Daniel 178 Ezra 111 Parmenio 17 John 20 David Schollay Silver Snow 98 Deborah 112 Truman 43 Abiel 46 Hannah 123 Ebenezer Scott 90 Oran 76 John 144 Eleanor 20 Eliza Simmons 54 Molly 64 Ephraim 19 John 1 1 6 Emeline 47 Ralph 89 Haines 143 Mehilabel Simonds Southard 84, 138 I TT.,,,,-1. 150 Susan 136 David 34 Marshall 145 I Hannah Scripture 19 Simpson Spalding 176 86 Hephzibah Scrivnor 50 Caroline 12 Mary 138 Hubbard 177 Joseph Searle 163 Dolly Sinclair Spaulding 60 Ariel K. 16, 123 John 17 Joseph 57 Abigail 31 Betsy 143 Bridget 11 Joshua 73 Mary Sears Skinner 24 Anna 91 Cynthia W. 113 Eliza D. 131 Lydia 1 Nathan 179 Sally B. 24 Hannah 68 Jacob 101 Polly Seaver 131 Pepperell 73 Jonathan 123 Samuel 142 Lucy 152 Norman Slack ' 59 Jesse 133 Mary Elizabeth Spencer 16, 19, 134, Sarah 16, 83 Theodore? Seavy Slater 55 Freeman 30 Thomas M. 144 Andrew 84 Mary Spiller Stephenson 133 John Sleeper 136 Joseph D. 82 Nathaniel Seaward 85 Levi H. 98 Nancy G. Steward 181 Sally Seccomb 101 Lucinda Sly le^Winifred 84 Cynthia 155 Maria 17 Ebenezer 32 Lois Spring 161 Sarah Seger 32 Stephen 145 Mary Stewart 150 99 Pamelia Small Springer 74 Alexander Strong 63 Selah 75 Aphia 164 Emeline 31 L. D. Squire Stickney 125 Elizabeth Severance 60 Lucinda F. 173 James 123 James 15 Harriet 89 Sarah 179 Selah 71 Jonathan Sevey Smally Stanley 18 14 William 69 Joseph 46 Benjamin, Jr. 43 Jacob Stiles Sewall Smiley 145 73 Lucy 19 Dorothy 19 Lydia Smith 162 Stanyon 155 Ephraim 33 Stephen Seyward 12 Abbot 99 Abigail 156 John Staples Stockbridge 164 Polly 93 Rufus 94 Alice G. 132 Appah 16 Silas Shaituck 18 165 Anna Stark Stoddard 79 Joseph 46, 126 Betsy 57 Hannah 61 Ezra L. 112 Lemuel 179 Caroline Starling 58 John 28 Nathan 144 Dorothy 123 James 44 Judith 14 Z. 130 Elisha Starkweather 174 Samuel Shaw 35 Elvila 159 Sophia Stone 90 Betsy 132 Eunice Starr 116 Eleanor Shedd Rev. Mr. 135 174 George F. 149 R. T. 69 Elizabeth Shelden 31 H. Stearns 69 Louisa 76 Prudence 54 Henry O. 153 Adolphus 61 Lydia Shepard 36 John C. 149 Alice 123, 148 Mary 65 Charles 47 Joseph 156 Elizabeth Story 180 Elizabeth 174 Lois 22 Esther 8 1" Fanny Sherburne 96 Lucinda 148 Josiah 114 Jeremiah 41,80 Henry 44 Lydia 155 Nancy 105 Mary T. 96 Joseph 159 Mary Ann ISOOnslow 101 Sally 41 Polly 132 Mary S. 127 Phinehas Stowell Sherman 97 Mercy Stedman 46 Jerusha 175 Sally 169 Mercv A. 155 Elizabeth Stratton Sherwin 118 Penial Steel 102 Phebe 73 Ann 47 Persis 143 Phebe Straw 19 Fanny 75 Phebe A. Steele 105 Relief 196 37 Sarah 60 Thomas 43 Joseph C. 116 Lucia A. W. Turner 169 Peggy Wadleigh 144 Eliza 37 William 149 M. Tuttle 5S Wadsworth Strickland 122 Mary 174 Aaron 127, 168 John 171 Nathan Thorndike 36 Jesse C. Wagar Stuart 103 John 66 Naomi 178 Daniel 66 Sarah Thorngate 144 16 Pamelia Walhridge Sturtevant Thresher 127 Twiss 47 Lucinda 105 Harriet Thurston 19 Samuel Walcott 105 Martha 69 D. Twitchel 72 Timothy Sumner 5 Harriets 1 1 1 Joseph 155 William 85 Eben Tibbets Twitchell Walden Swan 135 Charles 72 Adaline 29 J. 124 Abigail Tibhetts 72 Simeon Walder 150 71 Esther 140 John Tyler Waldron 72 Huldah 139 Nancy Tydd 129 Sophia 108 Abigail 43 Adonijah 28 Jacob Wales Swasey Tilden 137 12 S. P. 6 Ann S. 34 Ruth M. P. Tillinghast 174 Sarah 6 Eunice Sweet 23 Nancy Wakelee 35 Caroline Tillotson Upham 63 Elisha 36 Melinda 32 Mary 114 Ephraim Walker Sweelser Tilton 44 123 Martha 18 Benjamin 97 Caroline Tin 57 Upton 124 123 Hannah Swetland Terrel 5 Abielj 8, 101,124 James 58 Artemas 175 Lois 73 Ezra 139 Jane Swift Tirrell 12 R. 131,146 Judith 80 Nathaniel 157 Anna 73 Reuben 123 Joseph Swingle Ti'comh Utley 141 Martha M. 58 Mary 9 John 57 Amos 37 Mary Sydnor Todd 53 Joseph 139, 181 Richard 159 Caroline 174 AlthaM. 49 Lucy 137 Sarah 67 Mary 58 Lucius 121 Timothy Taft Tower 54 Samuel 159 William 130 ParlaP. 21 Eli Wallace Taggart Towle 20 Elizabeth 123 David Valpey 17 73 George 77 Anna 19, 31 Ann Talant Town 81 Samuel S. 56 Ellen C. 102 Dodge 109 Elisha Van Horn 50 John Talcott 155 Towne 51 Thomas 140 Joseph Tallent 18 Arch. Van Victin Waller 38, 103 James 164 Daniel 31 S. 151 Lucy Tarbox 37, 89 76 David Van Woert Walton Tay 19 Peter 23 Wilmira 96 Farwell 148 Elizabeth 72 Sophia Varnum Ward Taylor 155 179 David ISO Eliza M. Townsend 174 Henry 154 Ruel 78 Sally J. Vaughan 6 Charles 65 Anderson 97 Emily 140 Jahez 178 John W. Trow 133 Harriet 101 Jonathan 58 Reuben 80 John P. 49 Silas P. 61 Rachel Tenney True Veasy Wardwell 173 Elizabeth 132 Martha 98 Nancy 154 George Tenny 91 Nancy Vent Ware 154 59 Lot 132 William 103 Adaline 154 Albert Tewksbury Tuck Verrill Warland 113 Daniel 145 John 144 Witty 26 Elizabeth D. 1 1 3 Dorothy Tucker Virgin ' Warren 151 Thayer 165 Elizabeth 100 Hannah 130 Levi 73 Elizabeth 162 Penuel 137 Hazen 80 Mary B. Thorn 29 Samuel 127 Jeremiah 44 Otis T. 126 Samuel 152 William W. 119 Rufus Warriner Thomas 136, 138 Tudor Vose 128 Laura Ann 15 C. W. 155 Ursula 101 Samuel Washer 83 Mary Tufts 123 Sarah 69 Hannah Thompson 132 Mary 168 William Wason 90 Benjamin 73 Samuel 14 Hiram 87 Elizabeth Turnbull Wade Waterhouse 42 Jonathan R. i 153 Alison 16 Susan 76 James T. .f INDEX. 197 Waterman 11 Malinda C. Wilder 128 Deborah 117 James H. 96 Philip N. 133 Caroline 8 Horatio Watkins 52 Sibyl Wilkins 32 John C. 87 Jason D. 119 Vashti 85 Anna 128 Lewis Watson Wheelock 85 Lucinda 116 Maria H. 91 Ebenezer 109 Lucy D. 103 Jonathan 67 Mary Way Wheet Wills 180 13 Moses 178 Elizabeth 62 Hannah 170 James N. 148 Polly Weatherbee Whitaker 171 Lucinda Woodbridge 149 John 151 Prudence Willard 71 Samuel Webb 57 Whetmore 127 Harvey Woodbury 112 Abigail 158 Betsy 180 Robert White Willey 19 John 148 Nancy 152 Samuel Webber 157 Arminda 41 Lois 138 Zebadiah 37 David 22 Clarissa Williams Woodcock 66 Hannah 103 John 40 Augustus D. 143 Polly Webster 33 Lydia 177 Jonathan Woodin 112 Esther 62 Louisa 115 Lydia E. 119 Lucinda 18 R. T. 155 Thomas S. 175 Lydia Woodward 103 Jonathan P. 161 Martha 106 Vilicia A. 60 Lucinda 38 Richard 130 Samuel Williamson Wooster Weed 154 Sarah 105 Paschal P. 175 Anna 177 Lemuel Whitelaw Willis 174 Fanny 178 Sarah 74 Jane 31 Clarissa Worthing Weeks Whiting 132 Job 1 12 Albert 100 John 179 Dolly 31 Lucy Wright 110 Susan 179 Leah Wilson 74 Betsy Welch 70 Oliver 12 A. 21 Esther B. 162 Olivia 63 Orilla 36 Adams 24, 65 Eleazer Weller Whitehouse 79 Elijah 22 Joseph 131 Leander 144 Hannah 65 Herman 141 Justin E. Wellington Whitman 44 John 71 Mahala 155 Timothy 32 Albert G. 121 John C. 24 Mary Wellman 56 Samuel 85 Lavonia 142 Reuben 132 Calista Whitmarsh 82 Mary 65 Sally Wells 144 123 Abigail 104 Mary J. 148 Sarah 32 Lucy Whitmore 148 Rebecca Wyatt Wentworth 158 Sally 102 Thomas 31 John 130 Asa 41 Eben 140 Ephraim Whitney 125 Joseph 82 Richard 149 Timothy Willoughby 66 William Wyman 142 Betsy IS Elizabeth Wesson Whitridge Wingby 128 Isaac 74 Moses 170 Richard 17 Anna 137 Jonas 32 Nancy Whittemore 170 Elizabeth West 69 C. Winter 137 Ebenezer 15 Elizabeth 150 H. H. Yalpey 107 Eleanor 103 Esther Wise 42 Adaline 153 Esther 88 Jane 79 C. Yarrington 125 Joseph C. 56 Laura 50 Philip 35 Rhoda Witcher 40 Mary 52 Luther Yates 41 Sophia Whittier Witham 155 Lydia Westgate 91 Irene 171 David York 30 Harvey 104 Margaret G. Withington 81 Jerusha Weston Whittlesey 166 Mather Young 111 Edward 31 Mabel Wolcott 94 Alice Wheaton Wiggin 90 Elisha H. 90 Caroline 67 Laura 20 Deborah Wood 142, 155 94 Catharine W. Wheeler 18 Grace 40, 89, 158 Betsy 53 Sabrie 16 Emily Wilcox 11 Daniel 171 Sally 174 Jane | 45 Joseph 11 David 18 UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY A 000020212 7