r 9/B&^ ;&; s \2v~J~f" / > - GENERAL OFFICE OF THE WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH COMPANY, CORNER BROADWAY AND LIBERTY STREET, NEW YORK. ^MODERN PRACTICE or THE ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH. .X A HANDBOOK TOB ELECTRICIANS AND OPERATORS. BY FRANK L. POPE. SIXTH EDITION. REVISED AND ENLARGED. D. VAN NOSTRAND, Publisher, 23 MTTBBAY STBEET & 27 WABBEX STBEBT. 1872. Entered according to act of Congress, in the year 1372, by D. VAN NOSTRAND, In the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. -rx PREFACE TO THE FOURTH EDITION. During the quarter of a century which has elapsed since the introduction of the Electric Telegraph in the United States, thosd engaged in its service have been almost entirely dependent upon verbal instruction, and long practical experience, for a thorough technical knowledge of their profession. The works accessible to the American telegrapher have been of a popular, rather than of a strictly scientific character, or else of so elementary a nature as to be of little service except to the most inexperienced stu- dents. It is true that a number of excellent foreign works have appeared within a few years ; yet the difficulty and expense of obtaining them, as well as their want of applicability to the American telegraphic system, has prevented their general circu- lation among the class for which this work is more especially designed. The unexpectedly favorable reception which has been accorded to the first three editions of this work, has led the author to believe that it has, to some extent, supplied the acknowledged deficiency which had previously existed in this branch of litera- ture. The present edition has been carefully revised, as well as enlarged by the addition of much new matter, and is believed to embrace all the recent discoveries and improvements in practical telegraphy, which have successfully passed through the test of actual experience. The methods of testing telegraph lines and apparatus by actual measurement, which are now universally employed in Europe, and to some extent in this country, have been treated upon to an extent commensurate with the importance of the subject. It is hoped that, with the aid of this work, the student may obtain a complete and satisfactory knowledge of this useful and beauti- ful system. The principles laid down for the guidance of the student in the formation of the telegraphic alphabet, and the subsequent IV PREFACE. progressive exercises intended for practice with the key, differ but slightly from those employed by the author, while teaching a class of students for the American Telegraph Company in 1864. This plan was believed at that time to be original, but as a method of teaching, involving substantially the same principles, was devised and subsequently published by Prof. J. E. Smith, in his Manual of Telegraphy, it seems proper to make this explanation of the circumstances. Among the additional matter in the present edition will be found an entire new chapter upon the Eecent Improvements in Telegraphic Practice, as well as a number of articles in the Appendix, on the Equipment of Telegraph Lines, the Working Capacity of Telegraph Lines, and the Electrical Tension of Bat- teries and Lines, etc., etc. Most of the illustrations in this volume have been engraved expressly for its pages, from original drawings by the author. In conclusion, the author desires to express his acknowledg- ments to his friend David Brooks, for much valuable aid in the preparation of this work, especially of the present edition ; and he would likewise take occasion to thank Mr. G. Farmer, for information which has been kindly supplied by him. Much useful material has also been obtained from Sabine's Electric Telegraph, Culley's Hand-Book of the Electric Telegraph, Clark's Electrical Measurement, Varley's Report on the Condition of the Western Union Lines, and the columns of The Telegrapher. ELIZABETH, N. J., January, 1871. CONTENTS. CHAPTER I ORIGIN OF THE ELECTRIC CURRENT. GALVANIC BATTERIES. MM. Simple Galvanic Circuit 9 Conductors and Non- Conductors 10 Electrical Tension 11 Electrical Quantity 11 The Daniell Battery 12 Effect of Continued Action 13 The Deposit of Copper upon the Porous Cup It Renewal of the Battery H Application of the Darnell Battery to Main Circuits 13 The Grove Battery 15 Setting up a Grove Battery 16 The Carbon Battery 17 Power of the Carbon Battery 19 Insulation of Batteries 20 CHAPTER II. ELECTRO-MAGNETISM. Deflection of the Magnetic Needle 21 Electro-Magnets 22 Intensity and Quantity Magnet 22 CHAPTER III. TELEGRAPHIC CIRCUITS. Resistance of the Circuit 24 Electrical Measurement 25 Resistance Coils 25 Simple Telegraphic Circuit 25 The Earth Circuit 26 Arrangement of the Batteries 26 Intermediate Stations 28 VI CONTEXTS. The Morse System 26 Other Telegraphic Systems 27 CHAPTER IV. THE MORSE, OB AMERICAN TELEGRAPHIC SYSTEM. The Morse Signal Key 28 The Morse Register 29 The Relay Magnet 30 The Sounder 32 Arrangement of a Terminal Station 34 Arrangement of a "Way Station , 35 Adjustment of the Apparatus 3G SWITCHES OR COMMUTATORS 37 The Plug Switch 39 The Universal Switch 39 Arrangement of the Connections 41 Jones' Lock Switch 41 Lightning Arresters. 42 The Plate Arrester 43 Bradley's Arrester 43 REPEATERS 45 "Wood's Button Repeater 46 Hicks' Automatic Repeater 47 Milliken's Repeater. 50 Bunnell's Repeater 52 Combination Locals 55 Local Circuit Changer 56 Technical Terms used in the Telegraph Service 57 CHAPTER V. INSULATION. The Glass Insulator 59 The "Wade Insulator 60 The Hard Rubber Insulator. 60 The Leflerts Insulator 61 The Brooks Insulator 61 Brooks' Stone-ware Insulator 62 Mode of Testing Insulators 62 Escape 63 "Weather Cross 63 Effect of Escapes and Grounds upon the Circuit 63 The Laws of the Electric Current 64 Practical Application of Ohm's Law 65 CONTENTS. YJ PAOB. Distribution of Batter7 Power 70 Working Several Lines from One Battery 71 CHAPTER VI. TESTING TELEGRAPH LIKES. Interruptions to which Telegraph Lines are Liable 73 Testing for Disconnection 74 Partial Disconnection 75 To Test for an Escape 75 Testing for Grounds 76 Testing for Crosses 76 Testing with the Galvanometer and Resistance Coils. 78 Testing for the Distance of Faults 80 The Loop Test 81 Blavier's Formula for Locating an Escape 84 To Find the Distance of a Cross. 85 Advantages of Testing by Measurement 86 Testing for Conductivity Resistance 87 CHAPTER VII. NOTES ON TELEGRAPHIC CONSTRUCTION. Poles 89 "Wire 89 Galvanized Wire 90 Arrangement of Wires upon the Pole. 90 Joints or Splices 90 Fixing the Insulators 91 Leading Wires into Offices 92 Fitting up Offices 93 Ground Connections 93 Cables 93 Making Joints in Cables 94 CHAPTER VIII. HINTS TO LEARNERS. Formation of the Morse Alphabet 96 Elementary Principles of the Alphabet 97 Exercises for Practice in Sending 99 The Alphabet and Numerals 101 Beading by Sound 102 Vlll CONTENTS. CHAPTER IX. BECENT IMPROVEMENTS IN TELEGBAPHIC PBACTICE. The American Compound Wire 104 The Gravity Battery 106 Siemens' Universal Galvanometer 108 Pope and Edison's Printing Telegraph 112 CHAPTER X. APPENDIX AND NOTES. The Equipment of Telegraph Lines 116 The Working Capacity of Telegraph Lines 121 The Electrical Tension of Telegraph Batteries and Lines 1 24 Double Transmission 131 Edison's Button Eepeater 134 Bradley's Tangent Galvanometer 135 Thompson's Reflecting Galvanometer 137 Mode of Working the Atlantic Cable 141 Velocity of Electric Signals 144 Speed of Transmission 145 Comparison of Wire Gauges 146 Useful Formula for Weight and Resistance of Wires 147 Conducting Powers of Materials 147 Internal Resistance of Batteries 149 Electro-motive Force of Different Batteries 150 Measurement of Electro-motive Force 151 Forces of Electro-magnets 151 Electrical Formulae 152 Ohm's Law 152 Parallel or Derived Circuits 153 Galvanometers and Shunts 153 Formula for the Loop Test 153 Blavier's Formula for Locating a Fault 154 Measures of Resistance 154 Strain of Suspended Wires 154 Index 157 MODERN PEACTICE or THS ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH. CHAPTER I. ORIGIN OP THE ELECTRIC CURRENT. GALVANIC BATTERIES. 1. SIMPLE GALVANIC CIRCUIT. If two plates of dif- ferent metals, such as copper and zinc for example, are immersed in a vessel of water to which a small portion of sulphuric acid has been added, and the upper ends of the two plates are brought in contact, or connected together with a metallic wire as in fig. 1, a, continuous current of electricity will pass from the copper to the zinc through the connecting wire, and from the zinc to the copper through the liquid, as indicated by the arrows in the figure. If the metallic communication be interrupted, or the circuit, as it is termed, broken, the current at once ceases, but is instantly renewed when- ever the connection is again formed. Electricity pro- duced by this means is usually termed Galvanic or Vol- taic electricity, from the names of its discoverers, and is the effect of chemical action by the acidulated water upon the zinc. I MODERN PRACTICE OF THE ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH. 2. The plate (usually of zinc), upon the surface of Which the electricity is generated by chemical action, is called the negative pole, and the opposite plate, gen- erally of copper, platina or carbon, is called the posi- tive pole. They are also frequently designated by the signs (minus) and + (plus). 3. If both metals in this arrangement were equally acted upon by the solution, no electricity would be pro- duced, as this effect arises in all cases from the differ- ence in the chemical action upon the two plates. For this reason the positive plate is made of some metal or other substance upon which the liquid has little or no effect. 4. The apparatus for producing voltaic electricity, which has been described in its simplest form, is called a battery. As electricity is produced under any circum- stances in which the above conditions have been com- plied with, there are various methods of constructing a battery. The forms used in the practical operation of the telegraph will hereafter be described in detail. 5. CONDUCTORS AND NON-CONDUCTORS. Some sub- stances, such as metals, possess the property of allow- ing electricity to diffuse itself freely throughout their whole substance, and are therefore termed conductors. Others, such as glass, hard rubber, and dry wood, offer great resistance or opposition to this diffusion, and are called non-conductors or insulators. 6. This division however is relative and not abso- lute. Few if any bodies are perfect insulators, and even metals, the most perfect of all conductors, offer some resistance to the passage of electricity, or in other words insulate slightly. A good insulator, therefore, is simply a bad conductor, and vice versa. 7. In the following list each substance named con- ducts better than that which precedes it, the first being the best insulator and the last the best conductor : 1. Dry Air, 5. India Rubber, 9. Silk, 2. Paraffine, 6. Gutta Percha, 10. Dry Paper, 3. Hard Rubber, 7. Sulphur, 11. Porcelain, *. Shellac, 8. Glass, 12. Dry Wood, GALVANIC BATTERIES. 11 13. Dry Ice, 18. Mercury, 23. Zinc, 14. Water, 19. Lead, 24. Gold, 15. Saline Solutions, 20. Tin, 25. Copper, 16. Acids, 21. Iron, 26. Silver. 17. Charcoal or Coke, 22. Platinum, 8. ELECTRICAL TENSION. If two or more simple bat- teries, or elements as they are called, are connected to- gether in such a manner that the positive plate of the lirst is united by a metallic conductor with the negative plate of the second, and so on, as shown in fig. 2, the electrical tension, or power of overcoming resistance, is increased in direct proportion to the number of ele- ments. Four elements will therefore possess four times the tension of one element, and the current generated by their combined action will be capable of overcoming four times the resistance of that from a single element. 9. ELECTRICAL QUANTITY. It is important, however, to observe, that although the tension increases with each element added to the series, no greater quantity is produced by a great number of elements than by a single one the action in each cell serving only, as it were, to urge forward a quantity equal to that arising from chemical decomposition in the first cell. If, on the contrary, we connect together the four zincs and the four coppers, forming in effect a single element, with plates equivalent to four times the original surface, there will be four times the original quantity of electri- city generated ; but its tension, or power of overcom- ing resistance, will be no greater than that of a single pair of plates. This distinction is of great importance, 12 MODERN PRACTICE OF THE ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH. and should be thoroughly understood and carefully re- membered. 10. In the simple form of battery previously described (8), if the poles are united by a conductor for a consider- able length of time, bubbles of hydrogen, arising from the decomposition of the water, cover the positive plate, and in a great measure prevent the liquid from coming in contact with it, and the surface of the plate also be- comes coated with a deposit of zinc, tending to convert the battery into one in which both plates are of zinc, and thus its electro-motive force is weakened and finally destroyed. In order to render the battery constant in its action, it is necessary to prevent these effects by surrounding the negative plate with a solution of a salt of the metal itself. This principle is employed in the arrangement about to be described. 11. THE DANIELL BATTERY. This combination con- sists of a jar of glass or earthenware, F (fig. 3), about six GALVANIC BATTERIES. inches in diameter and eight or nine inches high. A plate of copper, G, is bent into a cylindrical form, so as to fit within it, and is provided with a perforated cham- ber, to contain a supply of sulphate of copper in crys- tals, and a strap of the same metal with a clamp for connecting it to the zinc of the next element. H is a porous cup, as it is technically termed, made of unglazed earthenware, six or seven inches high and two inches in diameter, within which is placed the zinc, X. This is usually of the shape shown in the figure, which is called the "star zinc," but it is often made in the form of a hollow cylinder, the latter giving greater power, but being somewhat more difficult to clean. The outer cell is filled with a saturated solution of sulphate of copper (blue vitriol), and the porous cell with a solution of sulphate of zinc. A series of three elements connected together, as usually employed on American lines for a local battery, is shown at I. 12. EFFECT OF CONTINUED ACTION. By continued action sulphate of zinc is formed in the porous cup, and the sulphate of copper in the outer cell consumed, the zinc being constantly dissolved away while the copper plate is at the same time increased. When all the sulphate of copper has been decomposed, and the water in the zinc compartment saturated with sulphate of zinc, the action of the battery ceases. Some of the sulphate of zinc in this case usually passes into the copper cell, and appears upon the copper plate in the form of a black powder ; it is therefore necessary to maintain a con- stant supply of pulverized vitriol in the perforated chamber attached to the copper cylinder. 13. When the solution in the porous cup becomes satu- rated with sulphate of zinc it crystallizes upon the zinc plate, interfering with the action of the battery. Part of this solution should therefore be removed occasion- ally and replaced with water. In setting up the battery pure water may be used in the porous cell, and the battery allowed to stand a few hours with a closed circuit, when it will be found 14 MODERN PRACTICE OF THE ELECTRIC TEIEGRAPH. ready for use. The addition of a little sulphate of zinc will greatly hasten its action. 14. THE DEPOSIT OF COPPER UPON THE POROUS CUP. This cannot be entirely prevented, but may be greatly lessened by suspending the zinc so that it will not touch the porous cup below the surface of the liquid, and by saturating the bottom of the cell to the height of half an inch with melted paraffine, or even tallow. 15. When constructed as above described and used in a local circuit, the Daniell batter}-- will continue in action about ten or fifteen days without attention, the time depending upon the size of the wire in the magnet and the amount of daily service. The sulphate of cop- per solution should be kept of good strength, otherwise the upper portion becomes weak and an extra current is set up within the battery, which tends to eat away and destroy the copper plate without any useful effect. 16. RENEWAL OP THE BATTERY. In renewing this battery the zincs should be scraped and well cleaned with a stiff brush, the porous cups thoroughly washed, and the old solution contained in them thrown out, with the exception of about one third of the clear portion, which should be returned, otherwise the battery will require some hours to recover its full strength. The copper deposit upon the zincs is valuable, and should be preserved. Every two or three months the coppers ought to be taken out and the deposit upon their surface removed, which may be done two or three times. When they become too much encrusted to afford room for the po- rous cups they must be replaced by new ones. Porous cups ought to be renewed whenever they be- come too much encrusted with copper. If cracked they should be changed at once, otherwise a great waste of material will ensue. 17. The crystals which form around the edge of the outer jar require to be occasionally wiped off with a damp cloth, or they will eventually run down the out- side and form a connection between the jars, giving rise GALVANIC BATTERIES. 15 to a great consumption of material without correspond- ing benefit. 18. In order that the current may act with its full force, it is necessary to keep the clamps and connec- tions of the battery clean and bright, and free from rust or dirt. As chemical action is promoted by heat, the battery will act more vigorously if kept in a warm place. 19. APPLICATION OP THE DANIELL BATTERY TO MAIN CIRCUITS. This battery is sometimes used for main circuits, but in that case it is preferable to arrange it differently by placing the zincs outside and the copper within the porous cell, as in fig. 4, in which Z shows the zinc and P the porous cell. The copper, C, is provided with a perforated shelf, D, upon which the vitriol is placed. Other forms have been devised which dispense en- tirely with the porous cup, the two solutions being sepa- rated by the difference in their respective specific grav- ities. Some of these bid fair to come into extensive use. 20. THE GROVE BATTERY. The most intense and powerful voltaic combination that has yet been dis- covered is that of Grove. For many years it was ex- clusively used for telegraphic purposes in this country, and is still employed in that capacity to a considerable extent. Its component parts are shown in fig. 5, in which A represents a glass jar or tumbler, about 3 1 6 MODERN PRACTICE OF THE ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH. inches in diameter and 4 inches high. A thick cylin- der of zinc, B, of a size nearly sufficient to fill the tum- bler, is placed within it, and is furnished with a project- ing arm, to which is attached the positive plate of the next element. The porous cup, C, is placed within the zinc. A thin strip of platina, D, about 2y relay. For a distance not ex- ceeding 20 or 30 miles, a register, whose coils are wound with No. 30 copper wire, may be worked by the line current, if the line be well insulated (57). 55. When the insulation is defective, or the circuit so long that its resistance renders the current too weak to work a register direct, as is usually the case with telegraph lines, it becomes necessary to employ a re- ceiving magnet or relay, which brings a local battery (11) into action at the receiving station, the current of which operates the register. FIG. 12. 56. THE RELAY MAGNET. The construction of the relay is shown in fig. 12. M is the electro-magnet, THE MORSE, OR AMERICAN TELEGRAPHIC SYSTEM. [. which is placed in a horizontal position, and is movable by means of the screw a. The coils of the magnet are of fine wire, usually from No. 30 to No. 36 in size, of great length and closely wound.* The ends are con- nected to the line circuit by the binding screws, m m'. The armature lever b is connected with the binding screw / by a wire carried underneath the base of the instrument. A platina point, c, on the armature lever, is brought in contact with a similar point on the end of the screw d whenever the armature is attracted by the magnet, the screw being in metallic connection with the binding screw /', by means of the frame of the appa- ratus and a wire beneath the base. One of the screws, 1 1', is connected to one pole of the local battery (11), and the other to the other pole, embracing the register magnet in its circuit. Therefore, whenever the arma- ture is attracted by the force of the main current acting upon the relay magnet, the circuit of the local battery is completed through the register, As the relay is con- structed with great delicacy, a feeble line current is enabled to actuate a register powerfully through the intervention of a local battery. The movement of the armature is regulated to corres- pond with the varying strength of the line current by means of the adjustable spiral spring /. The magnet may be also set at any required distance from the arma- ture by means of the screw a, which is cut with a right and left hand thread, passing through the soft iron bar connecting the two cores, and also through the support- ing post in the rear of the coils. The latter slide through openings in the upright metallic plate which, supports the adjustable platina pointed screw d. * In tho instruments manufactured by Dr. Bradley the helices or coils of the electro-magnets, instead of being composed of silk insulated copper wire, as de- scribed in 34, are made of naked wire, ingeniously wound by accurate machinery in such a manner that the convolutions are separated from each other by a space of 1-600 to 1-SOO of an inch, the several layers being insulated frorn. each other by thin paper. It is claimed that, by this method of winding, a coil cf a given length nnd g;iUe of wire, and, consequently, of a given resistance, can be made of much less diameter than is possible with silk insulated wire, while, at the same time, the number of convolutions will bo increased as well as the power of the electro- 32 MODERN PRACTICE OF THE ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH. Fig. 13 represents a Pocket Relay, as it is usually termed, although it is properly a main line sounder (57). This is provided with a key, as shown in the figure, the whole being conveniently and compactly arranged to fit into an oval case four or five inches long, which may be carried in the pocket It is an extremely convenient apparatus for line repairers. The cut shows the ar- rangement manufactured by the Messrs. Chester. FIG. 14. 67. THE SOUNDER. In many of the larger telegraph offices the recording apparatus is dispensed with, and the communications read by the sound of the armature lever. In that case the Sounder (fig. 14) is employed in the place of the register, the connections of the wires being arranged in precisely the same manner. The Sounder consists simply of the electro-magnet, arma- THE MORSE, OR AMERICAN TELEGRAPHIC SYSTEM. 33 ture and lever, fixed upon a base.* The coils are usu- ally wound with ]S T o. 23 wire. Main Line Sounders are used in some offices, which enables the operator to dispense with the local battery. The coils are wound with line wire, usually No. 80, and are frequently made somewhat larger than those of the relay. A common form of this instrument is known as the "Box Sounder." The lever, striking upon a hollow wooden box containing the magnet, gives a sound that may easily be distinguished by the operator under ordi- nary circumstances. Fig. 15 (8. F. Day & Co.) shows an excellent form of Main Line Sounder. The parts of the instrument are mounted upon a metallic plate, the centre of which is raised slightly above the base, so as to form a bridge, as shown in the cut. The armature lever is of steel, and the whole arrangement is well adapted to increase the sound of the lever as much as possible a feature of great value in working with weak currents or on badly insu- lated lines. These instruments are also made in seve- ral other forms, and various devices for increasing the sound of the lever arc made use of. On many lines they are found to answer as well as the usual arrange- ment, employing a relay and local battery. * The instrument shown in the figure is from the manufactorj of C. T. & J. N. Chester. 3 ~; ."*K 34 MODERN PRACTICE OF THE ELECTRIC TELE.GRAPH. For circuits of moderate length a Main Line Register (fig 16), manufactured by Day & Co., has been employed with excellent results. 58. ARRANGEMENT OF A TERMINAL STATION. Fig. 17 is a diagram showing the arrangement of wires, batteries, Fio. 17. and instruments for one of the terminal stations of a RELAY MAGNET. LOCAL SOUNDER. COMBINATION MAIN LINE INSTRUMENT. Manufactured bg L. 0. Tittotson & Co., New York. THE MORSE, OB AMERICAN TELEGRAPHIC SYSTEM. 35 line. The line wire L first enters the lightning arrester X, and passes thence through the coils of the relay M by the binding screws, 1, 2, and thence to the key K, main battery E, and finally to the ground at G. The local circuit commences at the + pole of the local bat- tery E' and through the platina points of the relay by the binding screws, 3, 4, thence through the register or sounder coils, S, and back to the other pole of the battery. 59. ARRANGEMENT OF A WAY STATION. Fig. 18 shows a plan of the instruments and connections at a way station. The line enters at L, passes through the lightning arrester X (70), and thence through the relay M, key K, and back to the lightning arrester, and thence to the next station by the line L'. The arrange- ment of the local circuit is the same as in the last figure. The button C, arranged as shown in the figure, is called a " cut-out" (62). When turned so as to connect the two wires leading into the office, it allows the line current to pass across from one to the other without going through the instruments. The instruments should always be cut out by means of this apparatus when leaving the office temporarily, or for the night, and 36 MODERN PRACTICE OF THE ELECTIUC TELEGRAPH. also during a thunder storm, to avoid damage to the apparatus. Fig. 21 shows a better arrangement. The G-round Switch, Q (63), is used to connect the line with the earth on cither side of the instruments at pleasure. It is only used in case of accidents or inter- ruptions on the lines, as will be hereafter explained. 60. ADJUSTMENT OF THE APPARATUS. The princi- pal difficulties which the operator is liable to meet with in working the Morse apparatus are as follows : 1. When the paper in the register does not run freely from the reel on which it is held, or sticks in the guides from irregularity in width, or if the style is adjusted to indent the paper too deeply, the paper moves irregu- larly, shortening dashes into dots, and causing dots to run together. 2. The style should be adjusted so as to move freely in the groove of the upper roller, or the marks will be more or less indistinct. If it is completely out of the groove, no marks will be produced. These faults gene- rally arise from too much end play in the pivots of the lever, or from the pivot screws working loose. When the lever works too loosely in its bearings, irregular dashes, too deep at their commencement, and tapering off to nothing, will be produced. Residuary magnetism sometimes causes the armature of the electro-magnet to stick. This will always hap- pen if the armature is allowed to touch the poles of the magnet. The screw stop should therefore be adjusted so as to prevent the armature from approaching too closely to the poles of the magnet. The upper screw stop, which regulates the play of the lever, should be adjusted so that the movement is just sufficient to with- draw the style from contact with the paper. 3. If the paper runs between the rollers "crooked,"' the pressure of the upper roller upon the paper is greater at one end than the other. This pressure is re- gulated by two springs, one on each side of the iristr.i- ment, and they should be made as nearly equal in pres- sure as possible. THE MORSE, OR AMERICA* TELEGRAPHIC SYSTEM. %*J 4; When the signs are confused the relay requires adjustment to suit the strength of the current. 5. If the relay moves by the action of the line cur- rent, and the register or sounder does not act, the fault is somewhere in the local circuit. If the register does not work when the relay is moved by the linger, the local circuit is certainly at fault, either from weakness of the local battery, a loose connection, a broken wire, or dirt between the platina points of the relay. The latter should, when too much corroded, be cleaned care- fully with emery paper, taking care to remove as little of the platina as possible. 6. The sticking of the key, which sometimes occurs, is caused either by the platina points becoming oxidized and dirty, or by small particles of metal and dirt collect- ing behind the circuit closer and about the anvil, caus- ing a partial connection when the key is open. 7. It is very important that all the connections about an office should be firmly screwed up. Neglect of this pre- caution is a very prolific cause of trouble upon a tele- graph line. 8. In rainy weather, or when the insulation of the line is defective from any cause, the cores of the relay must be withdrawn to a greater distance from the ar- mature, to avoid the influence of the residual magnet- ism, caused by the escape of the "current" from the line. This is called "adjusting" the instrument, and is one of the most important of an operator's duties, re- quiring great judgment and skill during unfavorable weather and on poorly insulated lines. The key should never be opened without carefully adjusting the relay, to be sure that no other offices are using the line. SWITCHES OR COMMUTATORS. 61. These are employed for the purpose of connect- ing one circuit with another, for dividing a circuit into two parts, or in short, for any purpose where it is neces- sary to alter the connections of a line or circuit. 62. Fig> 19 shows the simple Button or Circuit Ckser, 33 MODERN PRACTICE OF THE ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH. which is usually employed as a " cut out" (58). The base A is of wood or hard rubber. The brass lever, B, when in the position shown in the figure, forms an elec- trical connection between the metallic studs C C, which FIG. 19. are continuous with the screws, D D, passing through the table and terminating in binding screws, to which the wires are attached. The spring F, pressing against the lever, insures a firm contact with the studs. This circuit closer is sometimes, for special purposes, made with four connections instead of two. 63. Fig. 20 represents a Ground Switch (58). The lever THE MORSE, OR AMERICAN TELEGRAPHIC SYSTEM. 30 A is attached to a wire leading to the earth, and the two studs, B, C, are connected to the line wire on each side of the instruments. 64. THE PLUG SWITCH is shown in fig. 21. This ar- rangement consists of a brass spring, brought very firmly against a stationary pin. A wedge or plug made of two pieces of brass, separated by an insulating mate- rial, is made in the form shown, to admit of insertion between the spring and the pin. The wires leading to the instrument are attached to this wedge by flexible conductors. When the wedge is inserted, the line cur- rent is diverted through the instrument, but is not in- terrupted. The instrument may readily be withdrawn from the line by taking out the wedge, the spring in- stantaneously closing the main circuit. This arrange- ment is found extremely useful in connecting batter- ies as well as instruments. At a way station it is preferable to a simple cut-out, for the reason that the apparatus is entirely disconnected from the circuit when the wedge is withdrawn (59). 65. THE UNIVERSAL SWITCH, for the use of offices having a considerable number of wires, is constructed 40 MODERN PRACTICE OF THE ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH. in several different forms, although the principle in- volved is nearly the same in each. Fig. 22* represents the arrangement most generally used, which is known as the Culgan Switch, from the name of its inventor. The upright straps of brass, A, B, C, D, E, F, are fixed upon a slab of hard wood, or other non-conducting ma- terial, and provided with binding screws at their upper extremities, for the reception of the line wires. The binding screws, I, II, III, IV, V, VI, are in electrical connection with the horizontal rows of buttons, by wires underneath the board, not shown in the figure. Thus, any wire attached to one set of binding screws may readily be connected with any wire attached to the other set, by simply turning the appropriate button. A row of metallic pegs, x x\ are so arranged that either of the upright straps may be separated into two parts by the withdrawal of the peg belonging to it, as shown at x. The object of this device will be explained hereafter. This switch may be made of any size and with any number of connections, depending upon the number of lines it is designed to accommodate. The wires may be attached to it in a number of different ways, the parti- * L. G. Tillotson & Co., New York. THE MORSE, OR AMERICAN TELEGRAPHIC SYSTEM. ^ cular arrangement adopted in each case depending upon the nature of the changes required to be made. 66. ARRANGEMENT OF THE CONNECTIONS. The switch shown in the figure, placed at a way station, could be arranged to accommodate three through wires, and an equal number of instruments, providing for all the ne- cessary changes. The arrangements in this case would be as follows : Connect line wires Nos. 1, 2 and 3, east, with A, B and C ; 1 , 2 and 3, west, with D, E and F. Instrument No. 1 to I and II, No. 2 to III and IV, No. 3 to V and YI. Turn the buttons so as to connect A with I and D with II. The circuit of No. 1 wire will then enter at A, go to instrument No. 1 via I, returning to II, and thence going out at D. The other instru- ments may be connected at pleasure in the same man- ner. If it is desired to connect a circuit through, for instance No. 1, leaving the instrument out of circuit, it is done by turning the buttons so as to connect both A and D to the same horizontal wire, either I or II. By a little study it will be seen that any wire cast may be connected with any other wire west, with or without any desired instrument, at pleasure. The ground wire is attached at VII, and may be connected with any line wire east or west at pleasure. 67. The same switch, placed at a terminal station,' would provide for six wires, by connecting them as be- fore to the screws A, B, C, D, E, F, and the instruments to I, II, III, IV, V, VI. The wires of a loop (87) may be connected to I and II in place of the instrument, and may be put in circuit with any wire by turning the buttons connected with I and II both on to the corres- ponding strap, which is then divided by withdrawing- the peg, forcing the current to pass through the loop.' Extra sets of buttons for loops are usually provided when the switch is intended for a terminal station, which can be used without diminishing the capacity of the switch for other purposes. 68. JONES' LOCK SWITCH is employed for the same* purposes, and connected in the same mariner as the on# 42 MODERN PRACTICE OF THE ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH. last described, but the connection between the vertical and horizontal wires is made by a metallic peg, provided with a spring, as shown in fig. 23 (Chester). This ar- rangement entirely obviates the danger of imperfect connections, from the loosening of buttons, etc., which is sometimes a source of trouble in the Culgan Switch. FIG. 23. It is also cheaper and much more compact ; a matter of some importance in arranging for the accommodation of a large number of wires. 69. There are other forms of switches designed for special purposes, which it is unnecessary to describe in a work of this kind. Those already referred to are all that are generally required in fitting up a telegraph station. LIGHTNING ARRESTERS. 70. The danger of injury to the instruments and operators at a telegraph station, by atmospheric elec- tricity, is usually guarded against by the use of an apparatus termed the Lightning Arrester, which is con- structed in accordance with the well established fact that this kind of electricity, being possessed of enor- mous intensity, prefers a short route through a poor conductor to a longer one through a good conductor, while the comparatively low intensity of the voltaic THE MORSE, OR AMERICAN TELEGRAPHIC SYSTEM. 43 current, used for telegraphic purposes, confines it to the conducting wires. 71. THE PLATE ARRESTER. The arrester most usu- ally employed upon the telegraph lines in this country consists of a flat plate of brass, about five or six inches in length, which is attached to the "ground wire." Other plates of brass rest upon this, being separated from it by a thin sheet of insulating material. These last mentioned plates are provided with binding screws, for the attachment of the line wires. Any surplus charge of atmospheric electricity, entering by the line wires, forces its way through the insulating material into the ground plate, and is thus carried off to the ground without injuring the apparatus. The form of arrester supplied by the Messrs. Chester is shown in fig. 24. The plates in connection with the line wires are firmly held in their places by a wooden cross piece, secured by screws at each end, as shown in the cut. A thin sheet of gutta percha, or paper, is used to separate the plates. When paper is used it should be saturated with paraffine. Mica is, perhaps, better than either, as it is not carbonized by the passage of the spark, as pa- per sometimes is, so as to form a ground connection. The manner in which the arrester is connected with the wires leading into an office will be seen by reference to fig. 18, where the two line wires, L and L', are attached to the two upper plates of the arrester, X, while a wire leading to the ground at G is attached to the lower plate. 72. BRADLEY'S ARRESTER. Another form of arrester, 44 MODERN PRACTICE OF THE ELECTRIC TELEGRAPK. ! designed by Dr. Bradley, is shown in fig. 25, and lias recently been quite extensively employed, with excel- lent results. It depends for its action upon the well ascertained fact that lightning always passes from a point to a plate with great facility. The line wires leading into the office are attached to the metallic plates A and B by means of binding screws beneath, the ground wire being attached in the same manner to the plate C. Platina tipped screws, 1, 2, 3, 4, are fixed to each plate, and are adjusted so as to come nearly in contact with the op- posite plate. As lightning occasionally passes from the earth to the clouds, as well as from the clouds to the earth, this arrester is so arranged as to facilitate its passage in either direction. The buttons, F F, are so arranged that the apparatus serves for a "cut-out" and a "ground switch" as well as an arrester. Its appli- cation to these purposes will be at once understood by an inspection of the cut. This form of arrester is peculiarly well adapted for the protection of cables, or any situation where it is exposed to accidental damp- ness, as it is much less apt to interfere with the work- ing of the line in such cases than the plate arrester pre- viously described. 73. Lightning arresters must always be kept free from dampness and dirt, as far as practicable. Much annoyance often arises from neglect of this precaution, as moisture between the plates will often cause a seri- ous escape, greatly interfering with the working of the line. This difficulty is especially liable to occur where the arresters are used for the protection of submarine cables. A flash of atmospheric electricity also fre- THE MORSE, OB AMERICAN TELEGRAPHIC SYSTEM. 45 .quently carbonizes the paper between the plates, or fuses the metal, so as to permanently connect the ground and the line. Consequently, the lightning ar- resters should be frequently taken apart and examined. This should invariably be done after a thunder storm. REPEATERS. 74. When the length of a telegraphic circuit exceeds a certain limit, depending upon the insulation, the size of the conductor, the number of instruments in circuit, etc., the line current becomes so enfeebled, even when large batteries are employed, that satisfactory signals cannot be transmitted. In such cases it was formerly customary to re-write the messages at some interme- diate station, but this duty is now usually performed by an apparatus called a repeater. The principle of this arrangement consists in causing the sounder or register connected with one circuit to open and close the circuit of another line by an action similar to that of a relay (56). Repeaters are also often used for connecting one or more branch lines with a main line, for the purpose of transmitting press news, etc., simultaneously to dif- ferent places. This enables all the stations in connec- tion to write to each other as readily as if they were situated upon the same circuit. Since the general introduction of repeaters it has become quite practicable to telegraph direct between places situated at very great distances from each other. It is not uncommon, at the present day, to work direct through four or five thousand miles of continuous line by the aid of these instruments with almost as much facility as if it were one continuous circuit. On one or two occasions the stations at Heart's Content, New- foundland, and San Francisco, California, have been placed in direct communication with each other, the operators at these widely separated points conversing with each other across the entire breadth of the conti- nent without the slightest difficulty. 46 MODERN PRACTICE OF THE ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH. 75. WOOD'S BUTTON REPEATER. This is the simplest Fig. 26 shows arrangement of this kind now in use. the most convenient and serviceable form in which the button or switch, and its connections, can be arranged for the purpose of changing the circuits. The instru- ments, batteries, &c., are shown in outline, for conve- nience of explanation. M and M' are the eastern and western relays, S and S' the eastern and western soun- ders. The local connections are not shown, but are run as usual. The eastern and western main batteries are shown at B and B', and are placed with opposite poles to the ground, at the repeating station, so that when the line is put * ; through" the two batteries will coincide. By means of this arrangement the following result may be obtained : I. Two distinct and independent circuits. The lever L remaining in the position shown in the drawing (marked 1), and the button at 4, closed. II. A through circuit. The lever L remains as before, but the button at 4 is opened, throwing off the ground connection between the two batteries, B and B'. III. Two distinct circuits arranged for repeating. The button at 4 is closed. If the lever L be placed in tho THE MORSE, OR AMERICAN TELEGRAPHIC SYSTEM. 47 position indicated by the figures '2, 2, the eastern soun- der repeats into the western circuit. If the lever is changed to 3, 3, the western sounder repeats into the eastern circuit. The operator in charge of a button repeater will find his duty very simple if he governs himself by the following RULE. When either sounder fails to work coincident with the other, turn the button instantly. In connecting up this apparatus, the arrangement of the poles of the main batteries above specified should be carefull} r borne in mind. It is also of the utmost importance that these batteries should be perfectly in- sulated from the ground, as the point at which the cir- cuit is open and closed is between the battery and the ground. Therefore, an escape occurring from the bat- tery to the ground will cause a residual current upon the main line, when the circuit is open at the repeat- ing points of the sounder, and thus interfere with its working. In cases where it is not required to work the two lines through in one circuit, the connections are ar- ranged differently from the plan shown in iig. 26, the main battery being placed in the circuit between the lever L and the ground Gr, instead of at B and B', as shown. In this case the switch 4 may be dispensed with altogether. 76. The lever of the sounder moves through a certain space before closing the circuit of the second line, so that the duration of the current sent forward is shorter than that received from the transmitting station. A second repeater shortens it still more, so that the dots cease to be repeated, and arc frequently lost altogether. The sending operator must therefore transmit the sig- nals more firmly, as it is termed ; that is, increase the length of the key contact, especially when sending dots. For the same reason, the sounder levers in a repeating apparatus should be adjusted to have as little motion as possible. 77. HICKS' AUTOMATIC REPEATER. This arrangement 48 MODERN PRACTICE OF THE ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH. dispenses with the attendance of an operator for the purpose of changing the circuits while working, the only attention required being to keep the relays properly adjusted. The principle of the apparatus is shown in fig. 27. ' The main circuits pass through the relay magnets M and M', thence to the repeating points / g and f g', attached to the opposite sounder levers respectively, and thence to the main battery and ground at G and G'. The platina points of the screws/ and/' are placed uponU shaped springs, which, in a great measure, pre- vents the shortening of the signals referred to in the last paragraph. The local circuits are run through the relay points b arid b' and the sounders R and R', on each side of the apparatus, in the ordinary manner, but to prevent confusion of lines, are omitted in the draw- ing. The "extra local" magnets, L and L' act upon armatures placed upon the relay levers a and a, oppo- site to the regular armature. (See figure.) These extra local magnets are movable by means of the screws d d', and the adjustment of the relays M M' is performed by means of these extra local magnets, the springs s s 1 not being used for this purpose. In the figure the repeater is shown in its normal position, with both circuits closed. The circuits of the THE MORSE, OR AMERICAN TELEGRAPHIC STSTEM. 49 extra local batteries B B' (shown by dotted lines) pass through the sounder levers / /', the screws p p', and thence respectively to the extra local magnets on the opposite side of the apparatus. These magnets must be so adjusted that their attraction is not sufficient to draw the armatures away from M M' unless the main circuit is broken. It will also be seen, by referring to the drawing, that when the main circuit is broken and the armature falls back on the point c, that the extra local magnet L is cut out. But the instant this happens the spring s draws the armature away again. As soon as the contact is broken at c there is a circuit through L, and the arma- ture is again drawn back to c. The tension of the spring s being but just sufficient to draw the armature away from c, the armature vibrates on the point c through such a small space, and with such rapidity, that the motion is invisible to the eye. On account of the ex- treme rapidity of these vibrations, it is impossible to close the main circuit at a time when the extra local magnet L is not cut out, and the armature will conse- quently obey the slightest impulse caused by the attrac- tion of the relay magnet. The working of the apparatus requires but little fur- ther explanation. If the western main circuit be broken, for instance, the armature lever a falls back and vibrates on the point c, as above described. The sounder lever I first breaks the circuit of the eastern extra local mag- net L', then that of the eastern main line, which passes through the relay M. The circuit through both L' and M' being thus broken, the slight tension of the spring s' will hold the armature in its place, and prevent the local circuit through R, and consequentl} r the western main circuit, from being broken. When the western circuit is again closed the reverse of these operations takes place. 78. In using this repeater the springs s s' should be adjusted with the smallest possible amount of tension, just sufficient to hold the armature in place. When once 50 MODERN PRACTICE OF THE ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH. adjusted they should be let alone. Care must be taken that none of the wires under or about the magnets touch any part of the brass. The extra local magnets, for example, may be cut out entirely in this way. The screws that adjust the extra local magnets should be oiled with fine oil to prevent wear and make their ad- justment easy. The extra local batteries must be kept of a uniform strength ; if they, are allowed to become weak the instrument will be thrown out of adjustment. 79. MILLIKEX'S REPEATER. In the general arrange- ment of its connections this repeater somewhat resem- bles that of Hicks', but 'is more simple in principle. Fig. 28 is a plan of its connections. The main line L - , , WEST n^fiHlfr 1 \ EAST FIG. 28. wire from the west passes through the relay magnet M and the repeating points f g' of the opposite soun- der, and thence to the battery and ground at G'. The eastern line passes through M', /and g to G, in a simi- lar manner. The extra local magnets L and L' are arranged, as shown in the figure, so that when either of their arma- tures is released it is drawn back by the spring attached to its lever, bringing the latter firmly in contact with the armature lever of the corresponding relay. The extra local batteries arc shown at B and B' the circuit THE MORSE, OR AMERICAN TELEGRAPHIC SYSTEM. 5^ of each being indicated by dotted lines. The ordinary local circuit through the relay and sounder is omitted, to avoid confusion in the diagram. If the main circuit be broken in the western wire, the relay M breaks the local circuit of the sounder R at 5. The movement of the lever / of the sounder first breaks the extra local circuit at p, causing the magnet L' to release the armature d', which is drawn back by the spring s' against the top of the lever a, and, secondly, the eastern main circuit, is also broken at /. g. The lever a is prevented from falling back when* the circuit of M' is broken by the tension of the spring s', which is so adjusted as to be greater than that of the spring h '. The apparatus on the right hand side of the repeater, therefore, remains quiet while the west is working, and vice versa, the current through M' being always restored before that through L' is broken, which is effected by the U shaped spring on the screw/. One of the principal advantages in the construction of Milliken's repeater consists in the fact, that any slight variation in the strength of the extra local circuit, from weakness of the battery or other causes, does not affect the adjustment of the relay magnets, as in the case with Hicks' repeater. The adjustment and action of the two magnets are entirely independent of each other, as will be seen by reference to the diagram. The relay levers also move more freely, being unencum- bered with extra armatures or other appliances. In this, as in the Hicks repeater, buttons are pro- vided, by means of which each line may be worked separately without interfering with the other, if desired. These are omitted in the drawing, to prevent confu- sion, but are arranged so that, when closed, one button forms a permanent connection between /and g, thus preventing the movement of the lever I from breaking the eastern main circuit, and another connects p and /, thus keeping the extra local circuit constantly closed, and the armature lever d' withdrawn from interference with a. 52 MODERN PKACTICE OF THE ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH. The same thing may be accomplished by causing the button to break the extra local circuit entirely, when the instruments are to be worked separately, and " turn- ing down" the adjusting spring s' of the lever d'. It will, of course, be understood that the other side of the repeater is arranged in precisely the same manner. J 80. BUNNELL'S EEPEATER. The arrangement of the main circuits in this repeater is exactly the same as in THE MORSE, Oft AMERICAN TELEGRAPHIC SYSTEM 53 the ordinary "button repeater,''' and will be readily understood by reference to fig. 29. The eastern main wire enters at the right, passing through the repeating point, ', of the western sounder, S', and through the coils of the eastern relay, M, and thence to the main battery and earth at E. The western main wire is similarly connected on the opposite side of the instru- ment. In the button repeater (75) a switch is so ar- ranged as to form a connection, cutting out the repeat- ing points of the sounder on the opposite side, when either line is working, requiring a person to be con- stantly stationed at the instrument to make the neces- sary changes when two stations, on opposite sides of the repeater, are corresponding with each other. In Bun- nell's repeater this duty is performed automatically by means of two "governor" or controlling magnets, Gr Gr, the action of which will be hereafter described. The eastern and western main circuits both being closed and the apparatus at rest, the course of the local circuit of the eastern instrument is as follows : From the local battery, L, through the coils of the eastern sounder, thence passing through the closed relay points at M, arid returning to the other pole of the battery. The resistance of the governor magnet, G, prevents any appreciable portion of the current from passing through its coils, as long as the closed points of the relay, M, afford it a shorter route. If the local circuit be broken by the relay points at M, it is forced to pass through the coils of the sounder, S, and also of the governor, G-. When a circuit of low intensity passes through the coils of two magnets, differing considerably in resistance, the attraction of the magnet having the least resistance is very small in comparison with that of the other. A practical application of this principle is made in this re- peater, by forming the helices of the governor magnet of finer wire than that of the sounders. The effect of this is, that when the local circuit is thrown through both mag- nets by the opening of the relay, that the armature of the governor magnet is attracted with considerable 54 MODERN PRACTICE OF THE ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH* strength, while the magnetism developed in the sounder is not sufficient to move its armature, although the same current passes through its coils. This arrangement is, of course, the same on each side of the repeater, and by bearing it in mind the action of the instrument may be readily comprehended. When both main circuits are closed and the repeater at rest, the governor magnets remain open, being cut out by the points of the relays, which, as well as the sounders, are closed on both sides of the apparatus. If, now, we suppose the circuit to be opened by an oper- ator on the western main line, the armature of the relay, M', falls back, opening the sounder, S', and closing the governor magnet, G', as previously explained. This breaks the eastern main circuit at s, and also at a', as well as the circuit of the opposite governor magnet, G, at the point b. The breaking of the eastern main cir- cuit at S' opens the eastern relay, M, and consequently its sounder, S, but the circuit of the governor magnet, G, being broken at 5', it remains inactive, and the wes- tern main circuit is complete through the points, a, although broken at the point, s, by the opening of the sounder, S. Upon the closing of the western main circuit this action is reversed, and the apparatus re- sumes its original position. If the eastern main circuit be opened the same action takes place, but on the opposite side of the repeater. In most repeaters hitherto constructed one side of the apparatus remains silent while the opposite side is in action, but in this oire the relays and sounders on both sides work together, the points, a, a, on the armature of the governor magnets acting automatically in the same manner as the switch of a button repeater, when moved by the hand of the operator. 81. An advantage claimed for this repeater is, that both sides of the apparatus work together, affording the operator in charge a better opportunity to know how both lines are working. The extra local batteries are dispensed with, and the relay levers are not encumbered THE MORSE, OR AMERICAN TELEGRAPHIC SYSTEM. 55 with extra armatures and other appliances. The ad- justments required are the same as in a simple relay and sounder. 82. Various other repeaters have been contrived, and to some extent adopted in this country, but as those we have described are much more extensively used than any others, it has not been deemed necessary to describe the others in a work of this kind. 83. COMBINATION LOCALS. In offices containing a number of instruments, a single local battery is fre- quently employed to operate all the sounders in the office. Such an arrangement is called a combination local. The best way of making the connections is shown in fig. 30, in which the instruments are represented at I, II, III and IV. The local battery is shown at E. The common conductors, a and b, should be of large copper wire, say No. 1 2 or 14. If the ordinary Daniell's battery is used for this purpose, the cells should be con- nected for quantity, as shown in the diagram, and not in a single series. Every sounder in the combination should have the same size and amount of wire in its coils, as nearly as possible, in order to secure the best results. 84. Another plan is to use separate locals, a wire being run from one pole of each local to its correspon- ding instrument, the opposite poles of the batteries, and the instrument wires being all connected to a common return wire. 85. These combination locals are very objectionable, however, and their use should be avoided wherever 56 MODERN PRACTICE OF THE ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH. possible. The iron cores in two different relays may happen to be in connection with the silk covered wire with which they are wound, a circumstance which fre- quently occurs. In such a case, if the two armatures chance to touch the poles of their respective relays, a metallic connection, technically called a cross, is made between the two main lines. Again, if these two relays are at a terminal station, and in connection with two main batteries, with opposite poles to the ground, the combined force of both batteries is thrown on short circuit, through the local return wire, burning the re- la}^, exhausting the batteries, and interfering with the operation of every wire connected with them. The cause of these troubles being somewhat obscure, it might, for a considerable time, escape detection. 86. LOCAL CIRCUIT CHANGER. In offices containing two sets of instruments on different circuits, it is often desirable to change them. A simple arrangement for this purpose it shown in fig. 31, in which the relays are represented at M and M' ; S and S' are the sounders or registers, E and E' are the local batteries. B is a simple button or circuit closer (62), having four connecting points, 1, 2, 3, 4. When the button is in the position 1, 2, as shown in the figure, the relay M works the sounder S, and the relay M' the Sounder S'. By changing the position of the button to 3, 4, S is worked by M' and S' by M. This simple arrangement is often very convenient in railway stations, where a sounder may be placed on one circuit and a register on the other, so that an operator who is unable to read by sound can instantly shift the register upon either line at pleasure. THE MORSE, OR AMERICAN TELEGRAPHIC SYSTEM. 57 TECHNICAL TERMS USED IN THE TELEGRAPH SERVICE. 87. Line. The wire or wires connecting one station with another. Circuit. The wires, instruments, c., through which the current passes from one pole of the battery to the other. Metallic Circuit. A circuit in which a return wire is used in place of the earth. Local Circuit. One which includes only the appa- ratus in. ah office, and is closed by a relay. Local. The battery of a local circuit. Loop. A wire going out arid returning to the same point, as to a branch office, and forming part of a main circuit. Binding Screws or Terminals. Screws attached to instruments for holding the connecting wires. To Cross-connect Wires. To interchange them at an intermediate station, as in 117. To put Wires straight. To restore the usual arrange- ment of wires and instruments. To Ground a Wire, or put on Ground. To make a connection between the line wire and the earth. To Open a Wire. To disconnect it so that no current can pass. Reversed Batteries. Two batteries in the same cir- cuit with like poles towards each other. To Reverse a Battery. To place its opposite pole to the line ; or, in other words, interchange the ground and line wires at the poles of the battery. Escape. The leakage of current from the line to the ground, caused by defective insulation and contact with partial conductors. Cross. A metallic connection between two wires, arising from their coming in contact with each other, or from other causes. Weather Cross. The leakage of current from one wire to another during rainy weather, owing to defec- tive insulation. CHAPTER V. INSULATION. 88. A telegraph wire suspended on poles is attached to insulators, to prevent the escape of the current to the earth at the points of support. Insulators should be regarded in the light of conductors, whose value depends ,upon their resistance to the passage of the current. 89. The insulation of a line is never perfect, even in the dryest weather. There is a leakage at every sup- port, which is greatly increased when the surfaces of the insulators are damp, especially if covered with smoke or dirt. Experiments show that soot will destroy the surface insulation of the best insulators, even when exposed to the cleansing action of the rain. This evil is confined, however, principally to cities, and does not manifest itself to nearly so great an extent in the open country. 90. Insulators, considered as conductors, follow the same law as other conductors. The less the diameter and the greater the length, the more resistance is op- posed to the escape of the current. As in this case the resistance is almost entirely a question of surface, the best insulator is that having the smallest diameter and the greatest length between the wire and the support. The latter is accomplished by making the insulator of a cup form, or still better, of two cups, one placed within the other. 91. The material of which the insulator is composed shouM be a poor conductor of electricity and heat, a non-absorbent of moisture, with a surface repellant of water, and free from pores or cracks. It should also remain unaffected by exposure to the weather, and the effects of heat and cold. Nearly all of the materials INSULATION. |f|| . fyty ordinarily employed are, however, liable to some of these objections. ',/. Insulators of glass and porcelain being conductors of heat, a change of temperature from cold to warm causes a condensation of moisture upon their surfaces, including the portion protect- ed from the direct action of rain, and from this arises the principal objection to the use of these substances in the construction of an in- sulator. Hard rubber is in itself a better insulator than glass ; but its surface, from exposure to atmospheric influences, soon loses its property of repelling moisture, and becomes rough and porous. A surface which repels wa- tery accumulations will cause theni: to flow disconnectedly in drops, instead of forming a continuous conducting film. This property is therefore one of great value for the pur- poses under consideration. .1 92. THE GLASS INSULATOR. The insulator most com- monly employed in this country is the glass. This is generally made in the form represented by Fig. 32, which is a sectional view of the insulator fixed upon a wooden bracket, the latter being securely spiked to the side of the pole. The line wire passes alongside the groove surrounding the insulator, and is fastened with a tie-wire encircling the insulator, both ends of which are wrapped around the line wire. Tlie concavity of the under side of the glass keeps it dry, in some meas- ure preventing the current from escaping to the wet MODERN PRACTICE OF THE ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH. bracket and pole through the medium of a continuous stream of water. 93. THE WADE INSULATOR. This is largely used in the Western States. Its construction is shown in Fig. 33. A glass insulator, somewhat similar in shape to that last { described, is covered with a (wooden shield, to prevent frac- ture from stones and other causes, the wood being thor- oughly saturated with hot coal tar, to preserve it from decay. The line wire is tied to the outside of the shield, in the same manner as when the glass insulator is used. This insulator is usually mounted upon an oak bracket, as in Fig. 33, secured by spikes to the side of the pole or other support. When it is intended to be mounted upon a hori- zontal cross-arm it is placed upon a straight wooden pin, instead of a bracket. The pin or bracket is usually saturated with hot coal tar, in the same manner as the insulator shield. FIG. 34. Fio. 35. 94. FARMER'S HARD RUBBER INSULATOR. This is shown in Fig. 34. It is a good insulator when new, INSULATION. 61 but by exposure to the weather its surface becomes rough and spongy, and retentive of moisture. It is screwed to the under side of the cross-arm or wooden block, which is secured to the pole. The best form is that which is made with a drip or shed, as shown in the figure. If exposed to the direct action of rain it ought always to be placed in a perpendicular position. It will be noticed that this insulator holds the line wire by suspension. 95. THE LEFFERTS INSULATOR. This is composed of a suspension hook fixed in a socket of glass, of the form represented in Fig. 35. This is inserted into a hole bored in the under side of a block or cross-arm, and fastened with a wooden pin. In painting the arm or blocks the paint must not be allowed to get on the sur- face of the glass. 96. THE BROOKS INSULATOR. Figs. 36 and 37 show the construction of this insulator, which consists of a suspension hook cemented into an inverted blown glass bottle, which is again cemented into a cast iron shell, provided with an arm which screws into the pole, as in Fig. 36. Another form is made, designed for attachment 62 MODEKX PRACTICE OF THE ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH. to a cross-arm, as in Fig. 38. The remarkable insula- ting properties of this arrangement are mostly due to the use of paraffine, with which the cementing material (sulphur) is saturated. It has also been discovered that blown glass possesses extraordinary properties of repel- ling moisture. Additional advantage of this fact has been taken in the construction of this insulator, as may be seen by reference to the cut. 97. Some important improvements have quite recently been made in the mechanical construction of the Brooks insulator, which are shown in Fig. 39. In the old form of hook, shown in Fig. 37, the wire has three bearings. To hold the wire securely, it is neces- sary that these bearings should be so direct as to make it difficult to place the wire in it, and the latter is often weakened by being bent. The new hook, shown in Fig. 39, has five bearings for the wire, but not so direct as to injure or weaken it by bending. The wire can be placed in this hook without labor or difficulty, and a strain cannot be applied in any direction by means of which the wire can be removed or released. 98. MODE OF TESTING INSULATORS. The proper way to test the comparative value of insulators is to fix them upon frames or standards, in sets of ten or more, 'and place them where they will be fully exposed to the weather. The tests should be made when the weather is very wet, by means of a wire attached to .all of -them in the usual manner, and leading to the testing instrument, battery and ground. By this means 4he relative resistances of either of the insulators above described, and their consequent value in the construc- tion of a line, may be readily ascertained. FIG. 39. INSULATION. 63 99. ESCAPE. When the insulation is defective, or the wire comes in contact with the branches of trees, a wet wall, or other partial conductor, a portion of the cur- rent passes to the ground, forming what is technically known as an escape. 100. WEATHER CROSS. The escape of the current from one wire to another one upon the same poles^ owing to defective insulation, is sometimes wrongly called " induction," or " sympathetic currents." Wea- ther cross is a much more appropriate term. As electric currents always move in the direction of the least resistance, their tendency is to escape from a long circuit to a shorter one. This mixing of the cur- rents from different wires is a much more serious evil than a simple escape to ground, for the latter may in most cases be overcome by increased battery power ; but when cross connection exists between different wires upon the same poles, an increase of battery upon one wire gives it an advantage over the others, but necessarily at their expense. The effects of weather crosses usually manifest themselves upon the occurrence of a shower sooner than the escape to ground, because the horizontal arms become wet sooner than the vertical pole. On the English lines this difficulty is obviated by means of an earth wire attached to each pole, and wrap- ped around the center of the arms, thus cutting off the currents passing from wire to wire, and conveying them to the ground. The battery can then be increased at will on one wire, without interference with the others. A much more economical and effective method of obtain- ing this result is that of improving the insulation. 101. EFFECT OF ESCAPES AND GROUNDS UPON THE CIRCUIT. If the wire touches a conductor communica- ting with the earth, or the earth itself, in a moist or wet place, so that the point of contact offers littl^-or no resistance compared with the wire beyond, the fault is called a ground. The effect of a ground or escape is to increase the strength of the current going out to the g^ MODERN PRACTICE OF THE ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH. line, and to exhaust the batteries more rapidly. There- fore, in working with a continuous current, as is the case on American lines, the line current increases in strength in wet weather, but the variation or difference in the current at one station, when the line is opened and closed at another, decreases, and the effective sig- nals are therefore weakened. 102. THE LAWS OF THE ELECTRIC CURRENT. The laws which govern the propagation and distribution of electric currents are so simple, and at the same time so important, that every telegrapher should be familiar with them. By their aid the phenomena above referred to may be readily comprehended. The most important of these laws was first enunciated by Ohm, in 1827, and is known as Ohm's law. It may be briefly stated as follows : Call the sum of the electro-motive forces. . .B " " internal resistance of the battery. .R " " resistance of line and instruments. .L " " the effective strength of current. . .0 E That is : The effective strength of the electric current in any given circuit is equal to the sum of the electro-motive forces divided by the sum of the resistances (174). 103. PRACTICAL APPLICATION OF OHM'S LAW. FIRST CASE. To illustrate the application of this law to cir- cumstances occurring in practical telegraphy, take the case of an ordinary telegraph line (Fig. 40), extend- ing from A to B, and perfectly insulated, having a re- sistance of 100 Ohms. Let the main batteries, E and E' have each an electro-motive force of 1,000, and a INSULATION. 65 resistance of 5 ohms, and let the resistance of the in- struments I and I' be equal to 10 ohms each. The total resistance of such a circuit will be : 100 ohms, line, I = L 20 " instruments, J ~ 10 " batteries, = R 130 " = R + L The line being perfectly insulated, the whole cur- rent from the batteries will necessarily act upon both instruments. As the effective strength of the current in any cir- cuit is, by Ohm's law, equal to ^^ in this case it will be 2000 130 =15 ' 4 With key open at A or B = 00.0 Difference, or effective working strength . = 15.4 If, on the above line, an escape occurs between the stations A and B, offering a resistance of -50 ohms, the effect will be the same as if a wire having a resistance of 50 ohms were connected from the centre of the line to the ground. The current from each battery has a tendency to divide at the fault between the two routes open to it, in proportion to their relative conductivity; or, what is the same thing, in inverse ratio to their respective resistances. But in this case the electro- motive forces and the resistances are exactly the same on each side of the fault ; and the positive current from one battery, and the negative from the other, have an equal tendency to escape to ground at the fault. These opposite tendencies consequently neutralize each other, and no effect whatever is produced upon the circuit by the fault as long as the line remains closed both at A and B. If, however, A is sending to B, his key is alternately open and closed. When open, the circuit of the bat* I (5Q MODERN PRACTICE OF THE ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH. tery E (Fig. 41) is entirely broken. There will still, however, be a circuit from the battery E', through I 1 and the line to the fault F, and thence to the ground. [ u 50 EL.. I By Ohm's law we find the strength of this current to be as follows : 5 ohms resistance of battery, . . = II 10 " " " instrument, ) 50 " " " i line, ] = L 50 " " " fault, 115 = II + L. C = JL L 115 With the key dosed at A, the strength of the current in the instrument at B was found to be 15.4 With key open at A, as above 8.7 Difference, or effective working force. .. 6.7 In this case the latter will obviously be the same, whether A sends to B or B to A. 104. SECOND CASE. Suppose the same fault to be located near A (see Fig. 42). The current from the battery E will divide at F, part going to the ground through the fault, and the remain- der over the line to B, and through the instrument and battery to ground. The current from E' will divide in INSULATION. (J7 the same manner between the fault and the route through I and E. Taking the battery E alone, and considering the other battery E' simply as a conductor, the two circuits beyond the fault give the following resistance : 1. By the line instrument and battery at B. . 115 ohms. .-,. 2. " faulc F 50 " 115 x 50 Their joint resistance will be * .. r ^ = 34.8 ohms. Add resistance of battery itself, 5 ohms, and instru- ment, I, 10 ohms 15 " The total resistance will be 49. 8 1000 This current will divide at the fault between the two circuits, whose resistances are respectively 115 and 50, or in the proportion of 23 to 10. Therefore 23 parts of the current will go to the ground at F, and 10 parts, = 2^2 = 6<1| wi ii go over the line to B. The current from the other battery, E', in like man- ner divides at F, between the fault and the circuit through the instrument and battery at A. The joint resistance of the two circuits is 15 x 50 Add the resistance of the battery E, 5 ohms, instrument I, 10 ohms, and line, 100 ohms ........................... .115.0 Total resistance ...................... .................. 126.5 1000 The current leaving the battery E will therefore be , = 1.9 The resistance of the two circuits beyond the fault being 15 and 50, or as 3 to 10, 3 parts will go to ground and 10 parts, or ^ =6.1, through I. . /.^ * The joint resistance of any two circuits is found by dividing the product of the two resistances by their sum. When there are three circuits, first find the joint re- 'sistance of two circuits as above, and treat it as a single circuit, again applying the same rule. In the same manner the joint resistance of any number of circuits maj be calculated (175). igg MODERN PRACTICE OF THE ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH, When A sends to B, the current in the instrument at B will be : Key closed at A. From battery E' T.9 ' E 6.1 Total strength in I' 14.0 Key open at A. ^ From battery E' -y^r = 6.1 E ... 0.0 61 Difference, or available working current at B, 7.9 Now let B send to A. The current at A will be : Key closed at B. From battery E ....................... 20.0 E' . . ..................... 6.1 Total strength in 1 ..................... 26.1 Key open at B. 1000 From battery E ............... ^r~ 15.4 " " E' ....................... 0.0 Total strength in 1 ................... 15.4 Difference, or available working current at A, 10.1 ID 10 10 ' ft I no. 43. 105. THIRD CASE. Let the battery at A be doubled, the fault remaining as in the last case. The electro- motive force and internal resistance of E are both dou- bled, as in Fig. 43. The current from E will now be : ,' ' 2000 50 x 115 = 3G.5 which ^vvill divide at the fault in the same proportion as before, the part going to B being 3g - 5 8 * 10 = 11.0. 1000 The current from E' will be ilTj> x * =.7.7, and the portion reaching A 7 - = 5.5. INSULATION. C9 ' "When A sends to B the signals will be as follows : Key closed at A. Current at B = 7.7 + 11.0 = 18.7 Key open at A. ]000 Current at B = -T^T- = 6.1 loo Effective strength at B 12.6 Now let B send to A : Key closed at B. Current at A = 36.5 -f 5.5 = 42.0 Key open at B. 2000 ( ';) ~ 10 450 ohms, the resistance of the wire between the resistance coils R and the fault. Let M' F = a, N F = y. Then x + y = L, the resistance of the loop. As R + y = x, or R + N F = M' P. L R Therefore, y = - Suppose that the loop of 1,000 ohms measures 120 miles, then, by proportion, If 1,000 ohms = 120 miles, 450 ohms = 64 miles. When an instrument or section of small wire is in- cluded in the circuit, allowance must be made for their resistance. It is a great assistance in these tests to, know from previous records the exact resistance oi every section of the line. g MODERN PRACTICE OF THE ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH. - 128. BL AVI ER'S FORMULA FOR LOCATING AN ESCAPE. Where there is but one wire the following method may be employed. Three tests have to be taken for the operation, viz : ;. * , Let R = resistance of the line before it was defective. This must be obtained from previous records. ( " S = resistance of the line when grounded at the distant end. " T = resistance of the line when disconnected at the distant end. Multiply S by S and T by E, and add the products together; subtract from this amount T times S, and also R times S. Subtract the square root of the re- mainder from S ; the remainder will give the resistance, x, or the distance of the fault from the testing station. .This process appears complicated, but is in reality very simple. For example, suppose the line 100 units loner, and the fault 68 units distant, and the resistance of tli2 fault 9G units, as shown in Fig. 53 X 68 V32 Then R =: x + y = 63 + 32 = 100 . s =;.;. =M+ _ = 92 T = x + z = 68 + 96 = 164 We shall, however, have obtained these resistances by measurement, and not by calculation. We there- fore have : S x S = 92 x 92 = 8464 ) , . ' T x R = 164 x 100 = 16400 J T x S = 164 x 92 = 15088 ) 24288 R x S = 100 x 92 = 9200 J ~ ^fg And the square root of 576 is 24; which deducted, S = 92, gives 68 as the resistance of x, or the distance of the fault from the testing station. The distance, cc, being known, the others are obtained with ease ; for R 68 gives y, the distance from the opposite end ; and T 68 gives 2, or the resistance of the fault itself. This test should be taken from both * See note, 104, TESTING TELEGRAPH LINES. g ends of the line, if possible. In the above calculation the resistance of the fault is supposed to remain con- stant during the measurements ; but as this is not often the case in practice, the average of several measure- ments should be taken. 129. To FIND THE DISTANCE OF A CROSS. The two wires in contact form a loop, provided they are clean, and are twisted together, so that the contact offers no appreciable resistance. In such a case open both wires, at the nearest station beyond, and test the resistance of the loop. Half this resistance will be the resistance of the wire between the galvanometer and the fault, and from this the distance can be calculated, as before ex- plained (127). All relays in circuit must be taken out, or the proper allowance made for their resistance. As it is difficult to tell with certainty whether the cross offers resistance or not, it is a better plan to test it as a ground. Test each wire in turn by the loop method (127), grounding the wire at both ends. The wire tested will then make a ground through the other wire at the point of contact, and the location of the latter may be readily ascertained. Second Method* Suppose two wires. A and B,; touch one another at the point F. Connect A to the zinc of the testing battery, leaving it open at the re- mote end ; it will then serve as a battery wire between the battery and the fault (F). Ground B at the distant end, and connect it to one coil of the differential gal- vanometer at the testing station Put the other wire of the galvanometer to ground. The current of the battery will pass along the wire A and "divide at F, one portion going to ground at the distant end of B, and reaching the galvanometer through the wire con- nected with the ground, the other portion returning to the galvanometer through the nearer portion of B. If the cross is exactly in the centre of B the needle will not move, as the two currents will balance each other, If one section of B is longer than the other, the resist^ _ , * * Culley's Handbook, 3d edition, page 279. g MODERX PRACTICK OF THE ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH. ance added to the shorter section to balance the needle will show the difference in the resistance of the two sections. Let L = the total resistance of B. " x = resistance of the shorter portion. (i L x = " " longer " 1 R = resistance added to shorter portion. L-R Then x = ^ . 130. ADVANTAGES OF TESTING BY MEASUREMENT. The testing of lines by actual measurement lies at the very foundation of all efforts to improve the working of our telegraphic system. The insulation resistance of each of the principal circuits should be measured every morning, and a record of the results kept for reference. In England the standard of insulation is 1,000, 000 ohms per mile in the worst of weather. Therefore, a line of 200 miles should not give less than ~^ = 5,000 ohms. If it gives less than this the low resistance is due to defective insulation. The line should, in that case, be tested in many separate sections, either from the terminal office or by a visit to each section. If the resistance per mile is the same for each section, the fault is probably owing to the nature of the insulation; but if, as is usually the case, some sections are very much worse than others, the trouble will be found in contact with trees, broken insulators, and the like. A visit to the faulty locality will disclose the cause of tho evil. 131. In comparing the insulation of line wires of different lengths, the insulation per mile must be ascer- tained, othel-wise the longest wire will appear the worst; therefore, multiply the insulation test in ohms by the length of the wire in miles. If the insulation is uniformly good throughout the circuit tested, the leak- age will increase in direct proportion to the length of the wire, irrespective of its thickness or conducting power, for the resistance of the wire is very small in comparison with the insulators, and need not be taken into account. TESTING TELEGRAPH LINES. $[ The following example from Culley's work will illus- trate this. The figures given are the result^ of an ae- tual test : The wire A had a leakage equal to 29 " B " " " 30 " C " " " 50 Total leakage. . . : 109 The three wires, when connected together at the test- ing end and left open at the distant end, gave a com- bined leakage of 110. When connected so as to form a continuous wire, open at the distant end, the leakage was still 110. The ex- periment was repeated, and extended to other wires, with the same result. In this case the resistance of the- insulators was very great compared with that of the wire as much as t^o million ohms per mile. But on a wet day three similar wires, whose respective leak- ages were 196, 185 and 141, making a total of 552, when looped in a continuous line, as in the second case above, gave a test of only 476, the distant portion of the wire being in reality tested by a current weakened by the leakage in the nearer portions. 132. TESTING FOR CONDUCTIVITY RESISTANCE. The metallic resistance of the line wires should be occasion- ally tested in sections, in the finest weather. The re- sistance should be uniformly in proportion to the length of the wire. If any section discloses an unusually high resistance per mile, it is very probable that there are rusty, unsoldered joints in the line, or that the ground connections are defective. It is difficult for those who have not tried it to believe the vast improvement that may be made in any line in a few days by actual mea- surement, and an inspection of the sections which give indications of being defective. It is not an uncommon occurrence to find that a single unsoldered joint in galvanized iron wire, which appears perfectly firm and sound, will give a resistance, when tested by the galvanometer, equal to many miles of line. A line containing many bad joints will frequently 88 MODERX PRACTICE OF THE ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH. work better in wet than in dry weather, as the mois- ture increases the conductivity of the oxide between the wires at the joints. In testing for conductivity, with the distant end of the wire to ground, as in Fig. 54, the result is some- times interfered with by earth currents. It is there- fore better, when practicable, to use the loop method, by connecting the wire to be measured in a loop with another wire of known resistance. Unless this test is made in fine weather, however, the leakage from one wire to the other will decrease the resistance of the loop. The battery must also be insulated from the LINE: CD J3 FIG. 54. earth, otherwise the leakage at each insulator will de- crease the apparent resistance, especially if the insula- tion is defective. For instance, two wires on the same poles, disconnected and looped at the distant end, had a resistance of 6,475 ohms when the battery was en-? tirely disconnected from the earth. Upon putting the zinc pole of the battery and the line attached to it to earth, the apparent resistance fell to 5,250 ohms. The insulation resistance, with one wire disconnected, was 9,250 ohms, the weather being damp. CHAPTER YII. NOTES ON TELEGRAPHIC CONSTRUCTION 1 . 133. In order to maintain uninterrupted telegraphic communication between any two points, it is of the first importance that the line should be well constructed and properly insulated throughout. There are numerous minor details in the construction and repairing of tele- graph lines which merit much more attention than they generally receive. The bad working of our lines is in a great measure owing to the neglect of these appa- rently trifling details, through ignorance or carelessness. 134. POLES. The poles intended for an ordinary line should never be less than five inches in diameter at the top, their length depending upon the number of wires to be provided for, and in some measure upon the location of the line. They should be set in the ground to the depth of five feet, wherever practicable. In setting poles around the curve of a railway, they should be made to lean back against the strain of the curve. 135. WIRE. For ordinary lines, galvanized iron wire, of No. 8 or 9, Birmingham gauge, is generally employed. For short lines, No. 10 or 11 will answer very well. The "American Compound Wire," a re- cent invention, is composed of a combination of a steel core with a sheathing of copper. It has come into ex- tensive use within the short time which has elapsed since its introduction, and has, thus far, been found to answer admirably. A wire of this kind, having a con- ductivity equal to a No. 8 iron wire, weighs but 112 pounds per mile. 136. The less the size, and consequently the conduc- tivity of the line wire, the more care is required in its 90 MODERN PRACTICE OF THE ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH. insulation, for an increased resistance virtually adds to the length of the circuit. Increased conductivity thus ad- mits of a reduction in battery power, with a consequent decrease in the escape of electricity, and long circuits may be thus worked with much greater facility; a fact which has been most unaccountably ignored in the con- struction of the greater portion of the lines in this country. 137. GALVANIZED OR ZINC COATED WIRE must always be used for permanent work, for rust reduces the conducting power of wires very rapidly. This is especially the case with the smaller sizes, such as No. 11 or 12. In smoky places it is a good plan to paint the wire before it is put up, for the gas arising from the combustion of coal destroys the zinc coating in a short time, as may be observed in many of our larger cities. 138. ARRANGEMENT OF WIRES UPON THE POLE. Wires arranged vertically upon the poles, or one above another, are more liable to get into contact with each other than when arranged horizontally upon cross-arms. When placed one above another, each alternate wire should be fastened upon opposite sides of the poles. It is better not to place wires of different sizes upon the same poles or cross-arms if it can be avoided, as they are much more likely to get " crossed" than wires of the same size would be, as they do not keep time with each other when swung to and fro by the wind. 139. JOINTS OR SPLICES. In the construction of a line nothing is of greater importance than the perfect continuity of the circuit, and this depends, in a great measure, upon the perfection of the joints. The impor- tance of this has been very generally overlooked by the telegraphers of this country, and much trouble in working lines has been experienced in consequence, the cause of which has remained unsuspected. A single rusty unsoldered joint will often cause more resistance than fifty miles of line. No joint or splice, however clean and firm, can be depended upon if made by mere contact or twisting. NOTES ON TELEGRAPHIC CONSTRUCTION. Sooner or later the metals will certainly rust, and this tendency is increased by the passage of the current. When copper and iron wires are joined together the joint is especially liable to become defective from this cause. It is a common error to suppose that joints made in galvanized wire do not require soldering. 140. In making a joint each wire should be twisted round the other, in the manner represented in Fig. 55, the turns passing as close, and as nearly at right angles as possible to the wire which they surround. A wire must never be spliced by being bent back and twisted around itself. 141. The best solution for soldering is chloride of zinc, with a little muriatic acid added, for the purpose of cleansing the wire. In connecting copper and iron wire together, it is well to wash off the chloride of zinc, and then coat the joint with paint or rosin, or else to solder with the rosin alone. This will prevent local galvanic action between the metals. 142. FIXING THE INSULATORS. In attaching insula- tors to the poles they should be arranged in such a manner as to prevent, as far as possible, the lodgment of snow about them, so as to form an escape between the wire and its support. The glass insulator is usually cemented to the bracket by means of white lead or asphaltum. The edge of the insulator must never le per- mitted to touch the shoulder of the bracket; for in this case, during a shower, a continuous stream of water flows directly from the wire to the pole, entirely destroying the usefulness of the insulator. For the same reason an insulator ought never to be fastened down to a bracket by means of a spike driven over it, as is often done where there is an upward strain upon the wire. ,The proper way, in such cases, is to use some form of 92 MODERN PRACTICE OF THE ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH. "hook, or suspension insulator, and fasten the line into it with a tie-wire. In turning a sharp angle it is better to put on two insulators and brackets at the corner pole, or the wire will be liable to come in contact with it. When the Lefferts or Brooks insulator is used, there is danger of fracturing the glass while stringing wire, by violently wrenching the wire into the hooks. By a little precaution this result may be avoided. 143. Insulators and brackets are sometimes attached to a cross-arm, or other support, in a horizontal posi- tion. This ought never to be allowed, for a driving rain will wet the whole inner surface of the insulator, causing a great leakage of the current at every sup- port. The same thing often occurs with improperly shaped brackets, which cause the spray from falling rain-drops to be dashed against the inside of the insu- lator. The shoulder of the bracket ought to be rounded or sloped off, so as to prevent this from happening. Unless the insulator is securely fastened to the pin or bracket which supports it, it is liable to be lifted off by the wind, causing an interruption. 144. LEADING WIRES INTO OFFICES. The wires lead- ing into offices are fruitful sources of escapes and other interruptions, as the work is often very unskilfully or carelessly done. Gutta-percha covered wires, unless well protected, become entirely useless in a year or two, if exposed to the air and light. The method em- ployed in England to protect this kind of wire might be adopted with great advantage in this country. The gutta-percha wire is first covered with tape, and then saturated with a preservative mixture.* The best way to lead wires through the side of a building is to enclose them in hard rubber tubes, with * This mixture is made and applied as f >llows: Take equal portions of wood tar, gas tar and slacked Mme. Boil tfiese together, stirring; them well while boiling, until the moisture is entirely driven out, which may be known by the subsidence of the frothing. When cool apply to the taped wire, and then cover the latter with dry sand. ITang the wire up to dry in the air, and in three or four days it will be ready for use. This coating resists sun and moisture, and effectually protects th gutta-percha. NOTES ON TELEGRAPHIC CONSTRUCTION. Q3 the outer ends inclined downwards, to prevent moisture from entering. In arranging these wires, it should be borne in mind that the current will follow moisture and dampness along the outer surface of covered wire, unless it is so placed that the line of leakage is broken at some point. 145. FITTING UP OFFICES. In running wires inside an office, it is better never to allow two wires to touch each other, even when covered with an insulating coat- ing, as this may be burned by lightning or otherwise rendered imperfect causing a cross-connection. The proper mode of arranging the office connections and running the wires to the instruments is shown in Figs. 17 and 18, pages 34 and 35. Splices in the office wires should be avoided as far as possible, but when required, they should be made by turning each wire eight or ten times around the other. A less number of turns answers for the line wire, because the strain tends to keep the joint pressed together. Great care must be observed in making the joint between the iron and cop- per wire, which must in all cases be soldered. 146. GROUND CONNECTIONS. It is of the utmost importance that the ground plate at each end of the line should make a perfect connection with the earth. The plate must be large, and buried deep in wet soil below the reach of frost. A water or gas pipe makes an excellent ground connection. The ground wire should be attached outside the metre, as the latter is liable to be occasionally disconnected for repairs. It is advisable, whenever practicable, to form a connection both with the gas and water pipes. The connection should be carefully made and always well soldered. 147. CABLES. The shore ends of cables should be bedded well out to low water mark. Dig the trench to a good depth, and cover the cable with a piece of heavy plank or joist, and secure it well with heavy stones, laid at short intervals. -If the covering be merely of sand it will soon wash away and leave the cable uncovered. Newer allow any portion of a calk to 94 MODERN PRACTICE OF THE ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH. le exposed to sun or air, but cover it all the way from the box where the connection is made with the air line. Cable boxes always ought to be made double (one box within another), in order to prevent wet from entering. The unskilful manner in which these are often arranged is a fruitful source of trouble in working lines. Lightning arresters should be kept attached to cables all the year round. It is not uncommon for heavy light- ning to occur in midwinter in this country. 148. MAKING JOINTS IN CABLES. In splicing cables, or other gutta-percha wire, the following is the method recommended by the Bishop Gutta-Percha Company, who have manufactured the greater portion of the sub- marine cables in use in this country : " Use gutta-percha one sixteenth of an inch thick, cut in pieces to suit the joint. Soften it in hot water, and keep it flat Wipe the surface with a cloth. Heat the surface by holding it near a flat file or other iron, about as hot as a laundress's iron ; if the iron causes the gutta-percha to smoke, it is too hot. When dry and a little sticky, wind two or three coatings of gutta-percha around the joint, taking care that each coating is per- fect and each layer is dry ; then smooth off and lap the joint well over on the gutta-percha on each side of the joining. Use no spirit lamp, nor anything with a Haze. When gutta-percha is burned it cannot be re- stored. Hot water joints are worthless. They will not stand, and will open when dried out. "In making joints it is absolutely necessary that the hands of the operator should be clean, and that no water, grease, dirt, or anything of the sort must be allowed to touch the gutta-percha." 149. Another method is given in Culley's Handbook of Practical Telegraphy, as follows : "Prior to making the joint the gutta-percha is removed from the ends of the wires for about one and a half inches, and the copper wires are carefully cleaned by scraping; the wires are twisted together for one inch, the sharp ends being closely trimmed off. The NOTES ON TELEGRAPHIC CONSTRUCTION. 95 joint is then soldered with rosin and good soft solder, containing a sufficiency of tin. "After this the gutta-percha is scraped, or very carefully pared back for about two inches, to remove its outer surface, which is oxidized, and will not join properly ; the wire joint is covered with Chatterton's compound* and the gutta-percha, heated on both sides, and tapered down over the joint till that from each side meets. The junction is completed by means of a warm joining tool, care being taken to mix the gutta-percha well without burning. As soon as this has cooled an- other coating of Chatterton's compound is spread over the gutta-percha, taking care not to burn the compound. "A new and clean sheet of gutta-percha is then heated by means of a spirit lamp, and while so heated carefully stretched so as slightly to thin it. Then, while it and the Chatterton coated joint are still hot, it is laid on the joint, and pinched tightly round it with the finger and thumb, after which it is trimmed off close with scissors. The seam is again pinched and carefully finished off with a warm tool, so as to mix the gutta- percha of the two sides, and the coating of the wire itself, well together. "The joint, when cool, is again covered with Chat- terton's compound, and a longer and larger sheet of gutta-percha is laid over it, pinched, cut, and tooled off as before. "When the joint is complete, another coating of Chatterton's compound is applied over the whole, well tooled over the joint, and when cool, rubbed with the hand, well moistened, till the surface is smooth. "The mixing of the old and the new gutta-percha is most important, and joints generally fail from this having been imperfectly done, or from the percha being overheated. Cleanliness is essential to success. The fingers should be used as little as possible, and must be kept very clean." * The ingredients of this are by weight, as follows' one part of Stockholm tar; one part of rosin, and three parts of gutta-percha. CHAPTER Till. HINTS TO LEARNERS. 150. FORMATION OF THE MORSE ALPHABET. The characters of the American Morse Alphabet are formed of three simple elementary signals, called the dot, the short dash and the long dash, separated by variable intervals or spaces. There are four spaces employed in this alphabet, viz., the space ordinarily used to sepa- rate the elements of a letter ; the space employed in what are termed the "spaced letters," which will be hereafter referred to ; the space separating the letters of a word; and lastly, that separating the words them- selves. The value of these spaces should be carefully im- pressed upon the mind of the learner. Beginners are apt to conceive that the Morse alphabet consists solely of dots and dashes, and this misconception has a ten- dency to greatly increase the time required to become good "senders." Uniformity and accuracy in spacing is of no less importance than in the formation of the letters themselves. The foundation of perfect Morse sending lies in the accurate division of time into mul- tiples of some arbitrary unit. 151. The duration of a dot is the unit of length in this alphabet. 1. The short dash is equal to three dots. 2. The long dash is equal to six dots. 3. The ordinary space between the elements of a let- ter is equal to one dot. 4. The space employed in the "spaced letters" is equal to two dots. 5. The space between the letters of a word is equal to three dots. 6. The space between two words is equal to six dots. HINTS TO LEARNERS. 97 The dot is an unfortunate appellation for this sign, because it conveys the idea of a point, or to speak elec- trically, a current of infinitely short duration. Elec- tro-magnets, however, require time in magnetization (38). Currents involve time in transmitting signals. Clock-work requires time to run. Currents must be of sensible duration. The dot, therefore, involves time, but this time is variable, according to circumstances. The length of the dot should increase with the length of the circuit. In long submarine lines the dot has to be made longer than the dash itself on short open air lines, and the same thing occurs in working through repeaters (76). In commencing, therefore, the habit should be acquired of making short, firm dashes, instead of light, quick dots. After the student has once learned to send well, it is very easy to learn to send fast, but after once getting in the habit of sending short and rapid dots, or ''clipping," it is almost impossible to get in the way of sending firmly and steadily. Begin- ners should rather take pride in the accuracy with which they space out the elements of the telegraphic music than in the number of words they can stumble through in a minute. 152. In the excellent little Manual of Prof. Smith* six elementary principles are laid down as the basis for practicing the alphabet, viz : First principle. Dots close together. >^ I S HP 6 Second principle. Dashes close together. M 5 T Third principle. Lone dots, j *~ E Fourth principle. Lone dashes. ^_ T L or cipher * Published by L. G. Tillotson & Co., New York 7 f)g MODERN PRACTICE OF THE ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH. Fifth principle. A dot followed by a dash. A. Sixth principle. A dash followed by a dot. N 153. Correctness in sending depends in a great mea- sure upon the manner in which the key itself is handled. Place the first two fingers upon the top of the button of the key, with the thumb partly beneath it, the wrist being entirely free from the table. The motion should be made by the hand and wrist, the thumb and fingers being employed merely to grasp the key. The motion, both up and down, must be free but firm. Tapping upon the key must be strenuously avoided.. 154. The downward movement of the key produces dots and dashes ; the upward movement spaces. It is first necessary to acquire the habit of making dots with regularity and precision, then dashes, and finally com- binations of dots and dashes. It is the best plan for the student to practice upon a register in a local circuit with his key, as he will the more readily be able to observe and correct the faults in his manipulation. 155. The student may now proceed to practice upon the elementary principles. 1. Practice making dots at regular intervals, until they are produced with the regularity of clock-work, and of definite and uniform dimensions. The regular tick of a watch or of a short pendulum is a valuable auxiliary in acquiring this habit. 2. Next proceed to make dashes, first at the rate of about one per second of time, which may afterwards be slowly increased to three. The space between the dashes must be made as short as possible. If the up- ward motion of the hand, in forming the space, be made full, it cannot be made too quick. 3. The third principle occurs but once in the alpha- bet, and forms the letter E. It is made by a quick but firm downward movement of the key. In practicing HINTS TO LEARNERS. <}<) upon this or any other character, it should not be repeated too rapidly, nor should the thumb and fingers be taken from the key in the intervals between the suc- cessive repetitions of the letter. 4. The fourth principle is somewhat difficult. The usual tendency is to make T too long and L too short. It will be observed that the same character is used for L and the cipher or 0. Occurring by itself or among letters it is always translated as L, but when found among figures becomes 0. This would at first seem liable to cause confusion, but in practice it is found not to be the case. It was formerly the custom to make the cipher equal to three short dashes. 5. The fifth principle, which forms the letter A, may be timed by the pronunciation of the word again, strongly accenting the second syllable. The tendency of beginners is usually to make the dot too long and the dash too short, and more especially to separate them too much. 6. The final principle, the dash followed by a dot, usually presents some difficulties. The universal ten- dency of the student is to separate the dot from the dash by too great a space. Time the movement by pronouncing the word ninety, with the first syllable somewhat longer than usual. 156. Having become thoroughly conversant with the six elementary principles, the following exercises may be taken up in order. (1.) E I S H P 6 These should be practiced separately, until the right number of dots can be made invariably, the last dot in each being neither shorter nor longer than the prece- ding ones. (2.) T M 5 Tf L or cipher. In practicing this exercise, care must be taken not to separate the dashes too much, and to make the final one in each letter exactly equal to the preceding ones. 1'0() MODERN PRACTICE OF THE ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH. Observe not to make the L too short. There is a gen- eral tendency in beginners to shorten the final dash, where two or more occur together. (3.) A U Y 4 The usual tendency to make too much space between the dot and dash, in the above letters, may be avoided by making them as if by prolonging the final dot in I, S, H and P. (4.) I A S U H V P" T These are to be practiced in couples, as represented, the object being to impress upon the student the differ- ence in the characters thus coupled together. (5.) N p B _ 8 The student having thoroughly mastered the sixth elementary principle, he will have no difficulty in form- ing the above characters. (6.) AFX Parenthesis Comma Semicolon "W 1 . The only caution necessary in this exercise is to form the letters compactly, with the dashes of equal length. (See Exercise 2.) Observe, that the Parenthesis may be formed by running A U together, and the Semicolon by AF, etc. (7.) U Q 2 Period 3 These differ but little from exercises previously prac- ticed, and require no particular directions. (8.) K J 9 Interrogation G 7 Exclamation J and K are generally considered the most difficult letters in the alphabet. Do not separate J into double: HINTS TO LEARNERS. 101 N, and be careful that the dashes correspond in length. (See Exercise 2.) The figures 7 and 9 require care in spacing correctly. (9.) R & C Z Y These are termed the "spaced letters," and require great care in order to make them correct!}'. The "space" should be just double that ordinarily used between the elements of a letter. The usual tendency is to make it too great. It should be just sufficient t6 distinguish these characters from I, S and H. 157. The construction and manipulation of the alpha- bet having been thoroughly mastered by the practice of the foregoing exercises, it is now presented in its complete and consecutive form. I. ALPHABET. A ~ -- B - P C -. Q D R ... E - S ... F T _ G U H .... Y - I - W J X K Y .... L Z .... M & .... N , II. NUMERALS. 1 . 6 . 2 7 3 8 4 9 5 102 MODERN PRACTICE OF THE ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH, III. PUNCTUATION, ETC. *Period Exclamation . Comma fParenthesis Semicolon Italics Interrogation ^Paragraph Numbers are always sent twice over, to avoid error ; once written out in full, and then in figures. In frac- tions one dot is used to represent the line between the numerator and denominator. 158. It is necessary to again caution the student against falling into the common error from which most books on the telegraph are not exempt that is enter- tained respecting the elementary signs of the Morse alphabet. It is said to consist of two characters, the dot and the dash. The importance of the space is utterly ignored. The difference between good and bad sending is almost entirely a matter of spacing. A com- mon fault of young operators is to run their words too closely together. If the principles laid down in this work be firmly adhered to, the learner will be surprised, not only at the rapidity with which he masters what appears to be a very difficult lesson, but at the extreme accuracy with which he manipulates his instrument. He must also carefully bear in mind that one of the most universal faults, among those attempting to learn the telegraphic art, is that of going over a great deal and learning nothing well. 159. READING BY SOUND. This can only be attained by constant and persevering practice, keeping in mind the principles above given. The lever of the Morse apparatus makes a sound at each movement, the down- * The Semicolon, Parenthesis and Italics are seldom used in this country. It is customary among operators to ejnphasize particular words by separating the letters more widely than ordinarily. | Preceding and following the words to which they refer. $ When this occurs the copyist makes a new paragraph, b/ commencing the next word upon another line. HINTS TO LEARNERS. 103 ward motion producing the heavier one, or that repre- senting clots and dashes ; or, more properly, the heavy stroke indicates the commencement of a dot or dash and the lighter one its cessation. A dot makes as much noise as a dash, the only difference being in the length of time between the two sounds. Thus, if the recoil or lighter stroke be dispensed with, it would be impossible to distinguish E, T and L from each other. In learning to read by sound it is best for two per- sons to practice together, taking turns at reading or writing, and each correcting the faults of the other. The characters must first be learned separately, and then short words chosen and written very distinctly and well spaced, the speed of manipulation being gradually increased as the student becomes more proficient in reading. After becoming sufficiently well versed in the art to read at the rate of twenty-five or thirty words per minute, the best practice will be found in copying with a pen and ink from an instrument connected with a line employed in transmitting regular commercial messages, in order that the student may familiarize himself with the usages of the lines and the minute details of actual telegraphic business. In conclusion, the student is warned against falling into the common error of expecting great results from little labor. To become an expert operator requires much time and patience, and the most unwearied appli- cation. Remember, that whatever is worth doing at all is worth doing well. The time will seldom or never be found when a thoroughly competent operator cannot obtain immediate and remunerative employment, how- ever overcrowded the lower walks _of the profession may have become. CHAPTER IX. UECENT IMPROVEMENTS IN TELEGRAPHIC PRACTICE. 160. THE AMERICAN COMPOUND .WIRE. This impor- tant improvement in telegraphic conductors, referred to in another part of this work (135), has, within two or three years of its first introduction, become so extensively used that it seems likely in time to work a complete revolution in the American system of line construction. This wire is composed of a core of steel enveloped in a sheathing of pure copper, and coated with an alloy, of which tin is the principal ingredient, which serves to protect the whole from oxidization. ; The relative strength of this wire is more than 50 per cent, greater than that of iron wire of equal weight, and its conductivity is also largely in excess of the latter. If we take, for example, a No. 8 galvanized iron wire, the gauge now usually employed in this country in the construction of the best lines, and compare it with a compound wire of nearly similar electrical capacity, the superiority of the latter will be manifest. Weight per mile. Tensile Strength. Conductivity. Poles per mile. . Galvanized Iron Wire (No. 8) American Compound Wire (No. 8) . 375 112 1091 514 1 1 07 35 23 In the above table the average conductivity of a mile of No. 8 galvanized wire is taken as 1, as a standard of comparison. The last column shows the number of poles per mile which will give the same percentage of strain upon the ultimate strength of the wire. In practice, however, it is safe to reduce the proportionate number of poles used for the compound wire, as the RECENT IMPROVEMENTS IN TELEGRAPHIC PRACTICE. 105 fiteel core is much more homogeneous and less liable to fracture on account of flaws, than the iron wire. The advantages which arise from increased conduc- tivity of the line wire and the diminution of the number of points of insulation and support are fully treated upon in another part of this work. The mechanical advantages of the compound wire are also very great. The labor of handling and stringing a light wire is much less than when a heavy one is employed. In running the wires over buildings, a mode of construction which has become very common in all large cities, stretches may safely be made double the length of those taken with the ordinary wire, and yet with less strain upon the insulators. Another important point in favor of this wire is the imperishable nature of the copper, which is the exposed metal. It is well known that the zinc coating of galvanized iron wire is soon de- stroyed near the sea-coast, and from the effects of carbonic acid arising from the combustion of coal in cities (137). Copper, under the same conditions, remains wholly unimpaired. Many cases occur in the construction of lines in which transportation is an item of great expense. In such cases, wire of the same or greater conductivity than galvanized iron, weighs materially less, with no disadvantage whatever arising from its lightness. 161. The following table exhibits the weight, size, and relative strength of compound wires, equivalent in conducting power to the ordinary sizes of iron wire used in telegraphic construction. 1 6 8 f; 6 GALVANIZED IRON WIRE. COMPOUND STEEL, AND COPPER WIRE. Weight per mile. Relative Strength. Weiirht per mile. Relative Strength. Size of Steel Core. Size of Compound. 313 375 449 525 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 99 112 121 147 4.9 4.6 44 4.5 16 16 16 15 14 14-1- 13- 12- 106 RECENT IMPROVEMENTS IN TELEGRAPHIC PRACTICE. The term relative strength, used in the preceding table, is the quotient obtained by dividing the strain which would break the wire by its weight per mile. In constructing lines with the compound wire, much care should be used in making the joints so as not to separate the copper sheathing from the steel core, thus allowing moisture to penetrate to the steel and oxidize it. This may, however, be guarded against by care- fully soldering the joints. 162. THE GRAVITY BATTERY. Several modifications of the Daniell battery (19), especially adapted to tele- graphic use, are finding much favor within the past few years. The most economical and generally useful of these improved forms is the gravity battery. The best arrangement is that known as the Callaud. Another combination very closely resembling it, and giving nearly as favorable results, is known in this country as the Hill battery. In these elements the porous cup of the Daniell battery is entirely dispensed with, the two FIG. 56. solutions being prevented from mingling by the differ- ence of their respective specific gravities. The zinc plate of the Callaud element, in the form of a short hollow cylinder, open at both ends, is suspended in the upper portion of the containing jar, as shown in Fig. 56, by means of three hooks projecting from its upper edge, resting upon the jar. A strip of copper rolled into a spiral form is soldered to a copper wire covered with gutta-percha, forming the positive pole and con- necting it to the zinc of the next element. RECENT IMPROVEMENTS IN TELEGRAPHIC PRACTICE. 107 163. The manner of setting up this battery is as follows : A sufficient quantity of soft water is poured into each jar to fill it to a point above the upper surface of the zinc. The battery should now be placed in the position which it is to permanently occupy, unless this has been already done. After the connections are made and everything in readiness, about three-quarters of a pound of sulphate of copper in lumps of the size of a hickory nut or larger, is dropped in, taking care that it does not lodge upon the zinc. The solution of sul- phate -of copper being of greater specific gravity, will remain at the bottom of the jar. The battery, after it is set up, should be kept on a closed circuit for about twelve hours, when its resistance will have become reduced so that the force will be available. As the bat- tery continues in action, the sulphate of copper solu- tion gradually becomes weaker and the zinc solution stronger. It is therefore necessary from time to time to add crystals of sulphate of copper, and to remove a portion of the zinc solution and replace by water. A good practical rule for maintaining this battery is to always see that the stratum of liquid around and in contact with the copper is kept of a blue color. The formation of transparent crystals upon the zinc indi- cates that the point of saturation of the zinc solution has been reached and that it should be diluted with water. A Baume hydrometer is very convenient for determining the density of the zinc solution. The latter should be maintained at from 20 to 30 in a main battery, and from 15 to 25 in a local. It often occurs in using this battery that stalactites of copper attach themselves to the lower edge of the zinc and hang suspended in the solution, slowly but constantly increasing in length. These are first pro- duced by a deposit of copper upon the zinc, which sets up a local action followed by a rapid decomposition of the solution and a further deposit of copper. These should be removed by means of a bent wire and allowed 108 RECENT IMPROVEMENTS IN TELEGRAPHIC PRACTICE. . to fall to the bottom of the jar, as they occasion a use- less expenditure of sulphate. Absolute quietude is essential to the proper per- formance of this battery. A slight jar will cause the solutions to mingle, and this effect will be followed by a rapid deposition of metallic copper upon the zinc. When the zincs are removed for cleansing, care must be taken not to agitate the solution. Prof. Hough, of the Dudley Observatory, has sug- gested the use of sheet lead in the place of the copper spiral, as it is cheaper and more readily cut and formed into proper shape. There is no perceptible difference in the electro-motive force or in the resistance of the battery when lead plates are substituted for copper in this way. The electro-motive force of the gravity battery is the same as the Daniell, and the average resistance when in good working condition about three units. 164. SIEMENS' UNIVERSAL GALVANOMETER. The ap- paratus employed for the measurement of electrical resistances consists essentially of a standard resistance, which is used for the purpose of comparison, a galva- nometer, by which the result is indicated, arid a galvanic battery. In the different methods of testing, these appliances are arranged in various ways, as particular circumstances may render convenient or desirable. The various methods of testing in use may be classified, however, under three heads, viz. : 1. By the angles of deflection of a galvanometer needle. 2. By the differential galvanometer. 3. By the Wheatstone bridge, or electrical balance. The first-named method is the simplest in principle, and, with proper care, gives very accurate results. It is not so convenient as the other two methods for ordi- nary use, but is applicable more especially for the measurement of very high resistances, such as insula- tors, etc. It is also employed in measuring the inter- nal resistance of batteries. As the strength of the RECENT IMPROVEMENTS IN TELEGRAPHIC PRACTICK. 109 current passing through the coils of a galvanometer is always proportionate to the sine or tangent of.the angle of deflection of the needle, and is also inversely pro- portional to the resistance in circuit, it follows that if we find the deflection with a certain known resistance in circuit to be only 22, and we then substitute for this known resistance an unknown one, which gives us a deflection of 39. the tangent of the latter will be twice that of the former, and the unknown resistance is consequently found to be half that of the known re- sistance. (170.) The second method is very convenient and is much used, although not equal in strict accuracy to the third method. The galvanometer coils are wound with two wires of the same length and resistance, insulated from each other with the utmost care. The needle is there- fore surrounded by an equal number of convolutions of each wire, which are also equidistant from it. One end of each wire is connected to the battery, but in such a manner that the current flows in opposite direc- tions through the two wires. When, therefore, the two currents are of equal strength, one tends to deflect the needle to the right and the other to the left with equal power, and the needle remains at rest. If we insert an unknown resistance into the circuit of one of these wires the current is weakened, as is also its effect on the needle, which no longer remains balanced and at rest, but is deflected to one side. If we now insert a series of known resistances into the circuit of the other wire, until the needle is again brought into equilibrium, we are certain that the unknown resistance in one cir- cuit is exactly equal to the known resistance in the other. (122.) The third method is susceptible of the greatest accu- racy of measurement, when proper precautions are ob- served. The connections of the "bridge" are arranged as follows : We will suppose the wires A B C D (Fig. 57), arranged in the form of a parallelogram, to be of exactly equal 110 RECENT IMPROVEMENTS IN TELEGRAPHIC PRACTICE. resistance. If we attach the two poles of a battery, E, to the points 1 and 2, its current will divide at 1, half of it going through A B, and the other half going through C D, to the point 2, and thence to the other pole of the battery. The galvanometer Gr, placed on a wire connected across from 3 to 4, will not be affected as long as A B is equal to C D, no matter what the absolute resistance may be. Again, when A bears the same proportion to C that B does to 1), or when A: C: : B: D, no current will pass from 3 to 4 through the galvanometer. If the resistance of A be made 10, that of B 1, of C 1,000, FIG. 57. and of D 100, the total resistance of A B will now be 11. and that of C 1,100 ; but the tension in each branch will have fallen in the same proportion at the points 3 and 4, and no current will pass between those points. If, therefore, we insert a known standard resistance in the wire B, and an unknown one in D, and divide a given resistance between A and C until we get no effect upon the galvanometer needle, we are then certain that the resistance of A bears the same proportion to that of B as the known resistance does to the unknown one D, which may be readily calculated by proportion or the "rule of three." It is not necessary, of course, that the wires should be arranged in the exact form shown, nor in fact is it RECENT IMPROVEMENTS IN TELEGRAPHIC PRACTICE. Ill often done, but the principle is more easily explained and remembered when thus arranged. 165. The Universal Galvanometer of Dr. Werner Siemens is constructed upon the principle of the Wheat- stone bridge, just described, but its connections are so arranged that it may be used when desired for the method of deflections first mentioned. The galvanometer is mounted upon a disk of slate about six inches in diameter. A groove in the edge of this disk, extending about half way round the circum- ference, contains a wire of considerable resistance, which corresponds to the wires A and C in the above diagram. A small platina roller, mounted upon a radial arm, is connected to one pole of the battery, and forms the connection with the wire A C, as shown at 1 in the diagram. The wire corresponding to B is sup- plied with three standard resistances of 10, 100, and 1,000 Siemens' units, respectively, either of which may be placed in circuit at pleasure, by means of contact plugs. The wire D is provided with binding screws for the attachment of the wire, or other resistance which it is required to measure. The galvanometer consists of a pair of very delicate astatic needles, suspended by a fine silk fibre. The coil has a resistance of 1 00 Sie- mens' units. The radial arm carrying the platina roller also car- ries a pointer or index, moving over a scale upon the circumference -of the slate disk, which is divided into 300 degrees, and which may be read to one-fifth of a degree by means of a vernier. In using the instrument, the standard resistance cor- responding most nearly to the unknown resistance which is to be measured is unplugged and placed in circuit at B (Fig 57), while the unknown resistance itself is inserted at D. The radial arm carrying the platina roller 1 is now moved towards A or C, until the needle is balanced. The proportion of A to C is then read off the scale, from which the proportion of B 112 RECENT IMPROVEMENTS IN TELEGRAPHIC PRACTICE. to D is readily calculated, or is taken from a printed table furnished with the instrument. This galvanometer may also be employed for com- paring electro-motive forces, according to the method of Poggendorff,* and is applicable to almost any pur- pose for which an apparatus of the kind may be re- quired. This instrument usually has a constant of about four degrees, with one Danieli's cell through 1,000,000 Sie- mens' units. When used as a Wheatstone bridge, its range of measurement is from O.L7 to 59,000 Siemens' units. Higher resistances, such as insulators, may be measured by the method of deflections. The entire apparatus (except the battery) occupies a space only nine inches in diameter, and the same in height. It is packed in a neat case, and can be carried about with great convenience. 166. POPE & EDISON'S PRINTING TELEGRAPH. Type- printing telegraph instruments, which were formerly employed for commercial telegraphing, have, within two or three years, been extensively introduced, in a modified and simple form, in the various branches of private telegraphy, with great success. One of the best of these is that of Pope NOTES. 131 An experimental proof of the above theory of ten- sion may be obtained by connecting a wire from the neutral point in the middle of 'the closed circuit of- a telegraph line, and inserting a galvanometer or relay. It will be found that no current passes between the line and the earth, which proves that the electric ten- sion or potential at that point is zero, or the same as, that of the earth itself. 170. DOUBLE TRANSMISSION. One of the most inte- resting problems in practical telegraphy is that of double transmission, or working in opposite directions at the same time over a single wire. This apparently para- doxical result may be accomplished in several different ways, the principles involved being very simple arid easily understood. The method shown in the accom-; paiiying diagram is that of Siemens & Halske, of Ber- lin, Prussia ; the apparatus now used in this country differing slightly from it in some of its minor details. Fia. A and B (Fig. 60), are the two terminal stations of the line. The main battery E, at station A, is placed with its -f , and the battery E' at station B with its 132 APPENDIZ AND NOTES. ) pole to the line, as represented. M and M' are the receiving magnets or relays, which are wound through- out with two similar wires of equal length, as shown in the figure, whose connections will hereafter be explained. The rheostat or resistance, X, must be adjusted so as to be exactly equal to that of the line A, B, added to that of the relay wire 7, 5, at the other station. Similarly X' is also made equal to the line including the relay wire 3, 1. If, now, the key K at station A be depressed, the current from the battery E will divide at the point 1, one portion going through the relay coils to 3, over the line A, B to 7, and thence through the relay M' to 5, key lever 6'. and contact C' to the earth at G', and the other portion in an opposite direction through the relay coils from 2 to 4, and thence through the resistance X to the negative pole of the batter} 7 . These two cur- rents will be equal to each other, the resistance being the same by each of the two routes, as before explained, but as they pass in opposite directions through tb.o two wires surrounding the relay M, they produce no mag- netic effect upon it. The relay at B, however, will be affected by the current coming from A through the wire 7, 5, and will give signals corresponding to the movements of the key at that station. If, now, the key at B be also depressed, the same action takes place ; one half the current passes over the line, combining with the current from A, and the other half returns to the battery through the other Wire of the relay and the rheostat. The relay wires 1, 3 and 7, 5 are now traversed by the double current, equal to 5 + 5, but the wires 2, 4 and 6, 8 are traversed only by the current of a single battery, having at A the force of and at B the force of j. The latter current being in the opposite direction to the former, the relays at both stations are affected by the difference in the forces of these currents, the relay at A by (J+J) - J, and the relay at B by (J+5) - . MODERN PRACTICE OF THE ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH. 133 Thus each station receives its signal through the action of the distant battery only. In the arrangement shown in figure 60 a third posi- tion occurs, where one of the keys, at B for instance, is in the act of changing from the front contact A' to the rear contact C', or vice versa, in which case the cur- rent from A is interrupted at B', and therefore passes through the second wire of the relay 6, 8, but this time in the same direction, and thence through the rheostat X' to the ground. The current arriving at B is con- siderably weakened in consequence of the additional resistance encountered at X', but this is compensated for by its passing through both wires of the relay M in the same direction, and its action upon the relay, there- fore, remains about the same as before. One slight difficulty, however, arises in this connec- tion. It will be seen that when the current at the receiving station is thus momentarily thrown through both relay wires and the rheostat, it must necessarily cause an unequal division of the current between the two opposing relay wires at the sending station, as the resistance of the long circuit becomes about double that of the short one. This effect is avoided in the Ameri- can system by a modification of the transmitting appa- ratus, which is operated by the lever of a sounder placed in a local circuit in connection with the key. When the local circuit is closed the downward movement of the sounder lever makes the battery connection upon a flat spring, and the movements thus imparted to the spring breaks the earth contact. The spring being at- tached to the line wire the connection is necessarily always complete, either direct or through the battery, and it is not obliged to pass through the rheostat when the transmitter is changing from the battery to the earth contact, or vice versa. The disadvantage in this case arises from the fact that the main battery is thrown on short circuit at each movement of the transmitter, ren- dering it necessary to interpose a considerable addi- tional resistance between the back contact and the bat- 134 APPENDIX AND NOTES. V' = tery, to prevent the rapid consumption of the latter which would otherwise ensue. These improvements "were devised by Mr. J. B. Stearns. In working this system, it is necessary to keep the rheostat so adjusted that its resistance will correspond exactly with that of the line, as above shown. If the relay works too feebly the counter current must be weakened by increasing the resistance of the rheostat. If the magnetism is too strong the resistance should be diminished. A careful study of the diagram will show that this system operates equally well, whether similar or opposite poles of the two batteries are placed to- wards the line. With like poles the action will be as follows: If the key at A be depressed, the current on the line will be \ and through the rheostat , neutralizing each other upon the relay of A, but giving a current of g in the relay at B. Now, if the key at B be also depressed, a current equal to f is thrown through each wire of his relay, but the current being equal and opposite to the current of the main line will 0. The current through the second wire of the relays being still unaffected, each relay will give a signal cor- responding to the time the key at the other station is depressed. 171. EDISON'S BUTTON REPEATER. This is a very simple and ingenious arrangement of connections for a button repeater, which has been found to work well in practice. It will often be found very convenient in cases where it is required to fit up a repeater in an emergency, with the ordinary instruments used in every office. Fig. 61 is a plan of the apparatus. M is the western and M' the eastern relay. E is the main battery, which, with its ground connection G, is common to both lines. E' is the local battery, and L the sounder. S is a common " ground switch," turn- ing on two points, 2 and 3. In the diagram the switch is turned to 2, and the eastern relay, therefore, repeats into the western circuit, while the western relay ope- MODERN PRACTICE OF THE ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH. 135 rates the sounder, the circuit between 1 and 2 through the sounder and local battery being common to both the main and local currents. If the western operator e breaks the relay WEST 1 E -S- M opens, and con- sequently the soun< dcr, L, ceases tp work. The opera- tor in charge then turns the switch to 3, and the reverse operation takes place; the westera relay repeats into the eastern circuit, and the eastern relay operates the sounder. The soun- der being of coarse wire, offers but a slight resistance to the passage of the main current. 172. BRADLEY'S TANGENT GALVANOMETER. The com^ mon galvanometer used for the measurement of elec- tric currents consists of a magnetized steel needle, suspended in the centre of a hollow frame covered with insulated copper wire. The degree of deflection of this needle from its normal position in the magnetic meridian, when a current is passing, indicates the strength of the current. In the ordinary galvanometer, however, the angle through which the needle is moved, or in other words, the number of degrees over which it passes, is not .an accurate measure of the strength of the current when the deflection exceeds 15, for the further the needle moves from a position parallel to the wires of the coil the more nearly does it approach a right angle, in whicji position the effect is null, so that the action of the cur- rent upon it becomes less and less powerful as the de- viation increases. Several arrangements have been tried in order to obviate this objection, the most com- mon being that of a ring having a groove on its edge APPENDIX AND NOTES. filled with wire. The needle is hung precisely in the centre of the ring, and must not be longer than one sixth of its diameter a half inch needle requiring a three inch ring. The needle is then deflected with a force varying as the tangent of the number of degrees through which the needle moves. Owing to the great distance of the coil from the needle, this arrangement has very little sensitiveness compared with the common galvanometer. In Bradley 's Galvanometer a compound needle is employed, composed of several needles of thin, flat steel, fixed horizontally upon a light flat ring of metal, forming a complete circular disc of needles, having an agate cup in the centre, to rest upon the pivot upon which it moves. At each extremity of the meridian light points project, to indicate the degrees of deflection. This compound needle, after having been magnetized, is placed within or over a coil whose breadth is exactly equal to the diameter of the disc. This compound cir- cular needle, being under the influence of the same number of convolutions of the coil in all its deflections, fulfils the required conditions for a true tangent gal- vanometer. The theorem, " The intensity of currents, as measured by the tangent galvanometer, is proportional to the tangents of the angles of deflection" may be verified in the fol- lowing manner : Call the terrestrial magnetism, whose tendency is to di- rect the galvanometer needle to the magnetic meridian, the unit of directive force, and let this unit be represented geometrically by the line A M (Fig 62), which is the radius of the circle M B M the line M A M representing the meridian. When there is no other force acting on the needle its direction is with the meridian. Now let an electric current be sent through the galvanometer coil, whose directive force is precisely equal to the terrestrial force, and whose tendency is to direct the needle in a line perpendicular to the meridian, and let this force be represented by the line A B. MODERN PRACTICK OP TUB ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH. 137 If the terrestrial force could now, for a moment, be suspended, the needle would point due east and west ; but the combined action of the two equal forces will direct the needle toward the point of intersection of the line drawn perpendic- ularly from M, and that drawn horizontally from B, at 1, which direction cuts the quadrant at 45, the line M 1 being the tangent of 45, which is 1. Now, if we augment the intensity of the current through the coil to twice its present force, which will be 2, and will be represen- ted by the line A C, the combined forces A M and A C will direct the needle toward the point 2. If we now lay a protractor on the circle, we find that the line A 2 cuts it about 63 30', of which the tangent is 2. We may increase the parallelogram erected upon A M at pleasure, and the two forces combined will always so balance the needle between them as to make it point from A, diagonally, across the parallelogram to its opposite angle, the height of which is the tangent of the angle of deflection. By inspection of the diagram it is seen that the law holds good in the subdivisions of the force A B, as at .5 .25 and .125, a truth admitted by all experimenters, as to the relations, up to 14. 173. THOMPSON'S REFLECTING GALVANOMETER. This is the most delicate apparatus of this kind which has yet been devised, and is for this reason employed in operating the Atlantic Cables. FIG. 62. 138 APPENDIX AND NOTES. The special feature which distinguishes this galvan- ometer from an ordinary one, is the extreme lightness of the magnet or needle, and the delicacy with which it is suspended in a horizontal position. Instead of an index needle, to render the motions of the magnet visi- ble to the eye, a reflected ray of light is made use of, which, of course, can be made of any required length. This arrangement is of great practical value in mea- suring faint electrical currents, too feeble to be indicated by any other apparatus. It is especially valuable in submarine telegraphing, because it permits the use of such extremely low battery power. When the insulation of a cable is in the slightest degree defective at any point, a current of intensity has a tendency to aggravate the fault, and to corrode and eat away the conductor by chemical decomposi- tion, at the point where the escape occurs, finally des- troying the communication altogether. Fig. 63 is a side elevation of this instrument, show- ing a section through the galvanometer coils and the outer case containing them. Fig. 64 is a cross section through the coils, showing the magnet, technically termed the needle. Similar letters refer to like parts in both figures. The magnet A is a small bar of steel, one half inch in length and one tenth of an inch square, cemented to the back of a very thin circular glass mir- ror, a. The mirror is suspended in a brass frame, B (Fig. 64), by an exceedingly delicate silk fibre, and is adjusted in height by the screw b. This frame slides into a vertical groove left in the centre of the coil, dividing it into two parts. The coil and mirror are enclosed in the brass case D, this case having pieces of glass let in wherever necessary, to permit the passage of light. The object of this arrangement is to pre- vent the mirror and its attached needle from being dis- turbed by currents of air. A narrow pencil of luminous rays from the lamp, E, passes through the opening, F, which is capable of ad- justment by the slide G-. This pencil of light, passing MODERN PRACTICE OF THE ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH. 139 through the lens, is reflected by the mirror back through the lens upon an ivory scale at I, as shown by the dot- ted lines. The scale is horizontal, extending to the right and left of the centre of the instrument, the zero point being exactly opposite the lens. The luminous pencil is brought to a sharp focus upon the scale by a |40 APPENDIX AND NOTES. sliding adjustment of the lens M, in the tube N. When the needle is at rest in its normal position, and no cur- rent is passing, the spot of light which serves as an in- dex will remain at zero on the scale. The operator reads the signals from a point just in the rear of the magnet and coils, the light of the lamp being cut off by the screen Y, so that he only sees the small luminous slit through which the light enters the instrument, and a brilliantly denned image of the slit upon the white ivory scale just above, which is kept in deep shadow by the screen Y. A very minute dis- placement of the magnet gives a very large movement of the ray of light on the scale I, the angular dis- placement of the ray of light being double that of the needle. It is obvious that the ray of light from the needle will be reflected to the right or left of zero on the scale, according as the deflection is produced by a positive or negative current. The Morse alphabet is used for sig- naling through the Atlantic cable, deflections on one side of zero indicating dots, and on the other side dashes. It will be observed that the end, and not the broad part of the flame of the lamp, is presented to the slit F, which is also arranged to receive the brighest part of the vertical section of the flame. The galvanometer coils, E, consist of many thousand convolutions of fine insulated copper wire, arid they are insulated from the case, D, by a disc of hard rub- ber, T, to which they are fastened. The instrument is usually provided with a directing magnet, by which its sensitiveness may be varied to a great extent. This magnet is in the form of a bar, slightly curved, and is of considerable power. It is placed upon a vertical rod passing through its centre, which is fixed above the coil immediately over the needle, in such a manner that it can be turned horizon- tally so as to follow the movements of the needle, or be removed nearer to or further from it vertically. If MODERN PRACTICE OF THE ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH. 141 it is placed with its south pole over the north pole of the needle, it will add its directive force to that of the earth, and by holding the needle more powerfully in its position, will lessen its sensitiveness. The nearer the magnet approaches the needle the greater will be its power over it, and it can be arranged so as to hold the needle in any desired position. If it is placed in a reverse direction, so as to repel the needle instead of attracting it, it will lessen the attractive force of the earth so as to increase its sensitiveness, and in a cer- tain position will render the galvanometer astatic. When the magnet is too near the needle it repels to the full extent of the scale. If it is raised upon the supporting rod the repelling effect will decrease, until, at a certain distance from the magnet, the spot of light on the scale can be held at zero. The greatest sensibility is obtained at the point at which the slightest lowering of the magnet upon the rod will again repel the needle to the full extent of its swing. An improvement in this instrument, made by Mr. C. F. Varley, consists in giving the mirror a concave form, silvered upon the back, and thus dispensing with the use of the lens above described. 174. MODE OF WORKING TOE ATLANTIC CABLES. Yery little has been made public in regard to the pre- cise method employed in signaling through the Atlantic cables. As before remarked, the reflecting galvanome- ter is employed as a receiving instrument, and by em- ploying deflections on one side of zero to represent dashes, and those on the other side dots, the Morse alphabet is found to answer the purpose admirably. It is said that the two cables have been looped in a metallic circuit without ground connection, arid that they have also been worked separately witlr and without conden- sers. The latter method is made use of in order to avoid the disturbances generated by what arc known as " earth currents." Different parts of the earth and sea are found to be at different electric potentials. One part is electro- 142 APPENDIX AND NOTES. positive or electro-negative to another. That is to saj*, there is the same difference between the two parts of the earth that exists between the two poles of a bat- tery. If, therefore, these two points are joined by a wire, a current will flow through that wire as if from a battery, and this current is termed an earth current, to distinguish it from the current generated by an ordi- nary voltaic battery. This difference of potential be- tween two given points, such as Newfoundland and Valencia, is not constant but continually varies, causing a corresponding variation in the current it produces. This current and its fluctuations interfere with the sig- naling current, disturbing the distinctness of the sig- nals. When very rapid changes take place in the elec- tric condition of the earth, it is known as a magnetic storm, and this occasionally interferes with the work- ing of all telegraph lines. By the method of working with condensers the dis- turbances from this cause are avoided. The condenser is constructed of alternate layers of tin foil and thin plates of mica, gutta-percha or paper, saturated with paraflBne, arranged like the leaves of an interleaved book. Each alternate metal plate is connected so as to form two distinct series, insulated from each other, one of which is connected with the line and the other with the earth. By an inductive action, similar to that of the well known Leyden jar, a quantity of electricity, in proportion to the amount of surface exposed, may be accummulated or stored up upon the metallic plates. If, therefore, one series of plates be charged with positive electricity .the other series will become negative by induction, and by means of this induction a much larger quantity of electricity may be accumulated than would otherwise be the case. The manner in which the condenser is made use of ia working a cable is as follows : The sending apparatus consists of a battery, B (Fig. G5), which is permanently connected with the cable through the back contact of a Morse key, K, and the MODERN PRACTICE OP THE ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH. 143 CABLE cable is therefore kept constantly charged from this batter}-. When the key is depressed the cable is placed in connection with the earth at E. The receiv- ing apparatus consists of the reflecting galvanometer G (1G3), one terminal of which is attached to the cable and the other to one series of plates in the condenser C the other series |0 beingconnectcd with the earth, as shown in the figure. R is: a very high resist- ance, inserted in a wire leading from the point 0, between the cable and the galvanometer, so as to allow a very slight but constant leakage from the cable to the earth. The cable is, therefore, charged to the tension of the battery B, and the condenser to a tension equal to that of the point but owing to the high resistance at R the tensions are nearly the same. Upon charging the cable with the battery at K a charge of electricity enters the cable, and a quantity sufficient to charge the condenser passes through the galvanometer, deflecting the mirror until the condenser is charged equal to the tension of the point when the mirror will return to zero. By putting the cable to earth at K a portion of the charge will be withdrawn, and the tension of the point lowered below that of the con- denser. A portion of the charge of the latter, there- fore, flows into the cable, deflecting the galvanometer in the opposite direction. The right and left hand deflec- tions necessary for signaling are therefore produced with- out reversing the currents, or rendering it necessary to entirely discharge tho cable after each signal. This mode of signaling possesses many important advan- tages over the old method, in point of rapidity of action and freedom from interference by earth currents. The rate of working through the cable by expert operators 144 APPENDIX AND NOTES. is said to average from fifteen to twenty words per minute. 175. VELOCITY OF ELECTRIC SIGNALS. For many years the velocity of electric signals in passing through a conductor was supposed to be infinitely great, or at least so great as to be incapable of measurement. In 1849, Professor Sears C. Walker, of the United States Coast Survey service, while engaged in measuring longitude by means of the electric telegraph, discovered a perceptible retardation. Experiments between Wash- ington and St. Louis indicated a velocity not far from 16,000 miles per second. Some of the measurements were as low as 11,000 miles per second. On the even- ing of the 28th of February, 1868, a number of experi- ments were made by the officers of the Coast Survey, for the purpose of determining accurately the difference in longitude between Cambridge, Mass., and Sari Fran- cisco, Cal. A wire was connected from Cambridge to San Francisco and back, embracing thirteen repeaters the whole distance thus traversed by the signals being about 7,000 miles. The following table shows the time, in hundredths of a second, occupied by a signal in passing from Cam- bridge to each of the repeating stations and back. The number of repeaters in circuit is also given : TIME OF TRANSMISSION FROM CAMBRIDGE. Seconds. To Buffalo and Return - 0.10 1 Repeater. " Chk-ago " 0.20 3 " Om. ha " 0.33 5 " Salt Lake " 0.54 9 " Virginia City " 0.10 11 " San Fraucisco " 0.7413 The actual time of transmission from Cambridge to San Francisco and back was estimated not to exceed three tenths of a second, the "armature times" of the thirteen repeaters probably amounting to four or five tenths of a second. In submarine cables the velocity of signals is con- siderably less than upon air lines. Prof. Gould, in his MODERN PRACTICE OF THE ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH. \^ experiments upon the Atlantic Cable, found it to ba between 7,000 and 8,000 miles per second being greater when the circuit was composed of the two cables, and less when the earth formed a part of the circuit. His experiments seemed to show that, instead of travelling around the entire circuit in one direction, the electric wave, or polar influence, travelled both ways from the battery, and the signal was received when the two influences met. Experiments made on air lines indicate that an instrument placed at the cen- tral point of resistance between the two poles of the battery will record the signal sooner than when placed in any other part of the circuit, it being understood that the two terminal batteries of a telegraph line are in effect but one, being connected by the earth, which is a conductor of infinitely small resistance. 176. SPEED OF TRANSMISSION. The average rate of transmission, by the most skilful operators upon the Morse apparatus, is about 1,800 words per hour. ;This has been considerably exceeded, however, by many operators within the past two or three years. On tho evening of January 28th, 1868, 2,520 words of Press news were sent from New York to Philadelphia in one hour, and legibly copied by the receiving operator, without a stop or break the average rate being forty- two, and the maximum rate forty-six words per minute. On the 7th of February following 2,630 words of Press news were sent from Milwaukee, Wis., to St. Paul, Minn., in one hour, the distance being about 400 miles. On the 19th of the same month 1,352 words of Press news were sent from New York to Philadelphia in thirty minutes, the average rate being over forty-five words per minute. This is believed to be the quickest time on record which has been made in the transmission of regular business by the Morse system. The receiving opera- tor, in all the above cases, copied entirely from the sound of the instrument. The speed of the printing instrument exceeds that 146 APPENDIX AND NOTES of the Morse under favorable circumstances. On the 24th of September, 1867, the Combination instrument transmitted from Albany to New York 1,453 words of Press news in thirty-three minutes. It is claimed that, on some occasions, as many as 2,900 words per hour have been transmitted by the House instrument. 177. COMPARISON OF WIRE GAUGES. The different sizes of wire employed for telegraphic and other pur- poses are designated by a series of arbitrary numbers. The system known as the Birmingham gauge is the one in most general use at the present time, but is objec- tionable, both on account of the irregularity of its gra- dations and the absence of any authorized standard wire of the same number from different makers often varying considerably in its size. The American gauge is formed upon a geometrical progression, and it is to be hoped will eventually supersede the old gauge : it is already employed to a considerable extent.* The fol- lowing table gives the diameter, in thousandths of an inch, of each number in the American and Birmingham gauges : TABLE OF DIAMETERS OF "WIRES. Kumber. American Gauge. Birmingham Gauge. Number. American Gauge. Birmingham Gauge. 0000 .460 .454 19 .03589 .042 000 1 .40964 .425 20 .OIJI9G .035 00 .36480 .380 21 .02846 .032 .32495 .340 22 .0253"3 .028 1 .28930 .300 23 .02257 .025 2 .25763 .284 24 .0201 .022 3 .22942 .259 25 .0179 .020 4 .20431 .238 26 .01591 .018 5 .iai94 .220 27 .01419 .016 I .16202 .203 28 .01264 .014 1 .14428 .180 29 .01126 .013 8 .12849 .165 30 .01002 .012 9 .11443 .148 31 .00893 .010 10 .10189 .134 32 .00795 .009 11 .09074 .120 33 .00708 .008 12 .08081 .109 34 .one:; .007 13 07196 .095 35 .00561 .005 14 .06408 .083 36 .005 .004 15 .05707 .072 37 .00445 .... 16 .05082 .065 38 .00396 '..'.'. 17 .04526 .058 39 .00353 .... ... 18 .0403 .049 40 .00314 This gauge is manufactured by Darling, Brown & Sharpe, of Providence, E. I. MODERN PRACTICE OF THE ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH. 147 178.' USEFUL FORMULAE FOR WEIGHT ANI> RESISTANCE OF WIRES. The following formulae, from Clark's tables-, will be found convenient in telegraphic work : The weight of any iron wire, per statute mile of 52SO feet, is T-IVir Ibs. ; c? 2 denoting the square of the diame: ter of the wire in" mils " or thousandths of an inch. The conductivity of ordinary galvanized iron wirej compared with pure copper 100, averages about 14, or about one seventh that of pure copper. The resistance per statute mile of a galvanized iron wire is about IMS*", o hms a t 00 Fahr. The resistance of iron wire increases about .35 per cent, for each degree, Fahr. The weight per statute mile of 5280 feet, of any cop per wire, is ^/^ Ibs. A mile of No. 16 wire weighs in practice from 63 to 66 Ibs. The resistance per statute mile of any pure copper wire is ^^r- 2 ohms at 60 Fahr. No. 16 copper wire of good quality has a resistance of about 19 ohms. The resistance of any pure copper wire I inches in length, weighing n grains, ^JL!l ohms. The resistance of copper increases as the temperar hire rises, .21 per cent, for each degree, Fahr. The conductivity of any copper wire is obtained by multiplying its calculated resistance by 100, and divi- ding the product by its actual resistance. Pure copper is taken as 100. 179. CONDUCTING POWERS OF MATERIALS. According to the experiments of Mr. M. Gr. Farmer, made some years since, the relative electrical resistance of differ- ent metals and fluids at ordinary temperatures is as fol- lows, pure copper being taken as 100 : Silver ' 98 Zinc '' ... 370 Gold ' . .. 1.13 IJrass " 3.88 5 63 11.30 Lead ' .. .. 10.76 Nickel " 7.70 50.00 2.61 Palladium W ire 5.50 Aluminum " .... 1.H Platinum " . . 6.78 148 APPENDIX AND NOTES. : ; His experiments with fluids gave the following results : Pure Rain Water 40,653.723,00 Water, 12 parts ; Sulphuric Acid, 1 part 1,305.467.00 Sulphate Copper, 1 pound per gallon 18,450,00'.0< Saturated solution of common salt 3,173.000.00 " " of sulphate of zinc 17.330.000,00 Nitric Acid, 30 B 1,606,000,00 > The following table gives the specific resistance in ohms of various metals and alloys, at 32 Fahr., according to the most recent determinations of Dr. Matthiessen : , | vj, : NAMS or MKTAIA Resistance of wire 1 foot long, weighing 1 grain. Resistance of wire 1 foot long, 1- 1000th inch in diameter. Approximate per cent, variation in resistance per decree t-mpt'ratura at 20 degrees. Silver annealed * )0 14 9 936 0377 " hard drawn ''421 9 151 9718 388 2106 9 940 5849 12 52 365 5950 19 74 068 <> 2 17 72 Zinc pressed 57] 32 22 365 55 09 Iron annealed 1 2425 59 10 1 0785 75 78 1 317 80 36 365 3 236 119 39 387 18 746 600 00 072 Platinum silver alloy, hard or annealed, used for standard resistance coils 4 43 148 35 031 German silver, hard or annealed, commonly used for resistance coils 2 652 127 32 044 Gold silver alloy, 2 parts gold, 1 part silver, 2 391 66 10 og5 The use of this table is as follows : Suppose it is required to find the resistance at 32 Fahr. of a con- ductor of pure hard copper, weighing 400 Ibs. per knot. This is equivalent to 460 grains per foot. The resist- ance of a wire weighing one grain is found by the table to be 0.2106, therefore the resistance of a foot of wire weighing 460 grains will be ^J-f 5 , but the resistance of VODERN PRACTICE OF THE ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH. 140 one knot will be 6087 times that of one foot, therefore the resistance required will be 6087 4 Y 8 '- !L = 2.79 ohms. If the diameter of the wire be given instead of its weight per knot, the constant is taken from the second column. Thus the resistance at 32 Fahr. of a knot of pure hard drawn copper wire 0.1 inch in diameter would be ~~ = 6.05. The resistance of wires is materially altered by annealing them, and a rise in temperature increases the resistance of all metals. Dr. Matthiessen found that for all pure metals the increase of resistance between 32 and 212 Fahr. is sensibly the same. The resistance of alloys is much greater than the mean of the metals composing them. They are very useful in the construction of resistance coils. The highest value which has probably been found for the conducting power of pure copper is sixty times that of pure mercury, according to Sabine. Commer- cial copper may be considered of good quality when its conducting power is over fifty. Different samples of copper vary greatly in their specific conductivity, as may be seen by the following table, which gives the result of careful determinations by Dr. Matthiessen, the conducting power of pure copper at 59.9 Fahr. being taken as 100. take Superior, native, not fused 98.3 at 50 9 fused (commercial) 92.6 at f,9 Burr.iBurrn 88.7 at 67.2' Best sck-eted 81.3 at 57.5 Biigl.t copper wire 72.2 at ".2 Tough copper 71.0 at G3 1 Dem -doff 59.3 at 54.8 Kio Tiiito 1 i.2 at 58.6 Thus Rio Tinto copper possesses no better conduct-, ing power than iron. This shows the great importance of testing the conductivity of the wire used in the manufacture of electro-magnets, cables, etc. 180. INTERNAL RESISTANCE OF BATTERIES. This may be measured by the sine or tangent galvanometer. Place the battery to be measured in circuit with a sine galvanometer giving a certain deflection. Insert resist- ance till the sine of the deflection becomes half what 150 APPENDIX AND NOTES. it originally was. The total resistance of the circuit is now doubled, and the resistance added is, therefore, equal to the original resistance. Deduct the resistance of the galvanometer and connections from the resist- ance added, and the remainder is the resistance of the battery. " Second Method* Let D = the deflection obtained with the battery in circuit with a galvanometer whose deflections arc proportional, and some resistance r; and d the deflection with some larger resistance li (the resistance of the galvanometer being included in II and r\ and let x = the resistance of the battery. Then D: d :: P. -i- x : r + x and * = 11- r> ~ P *_L> ii D d - In using this method any other resistance y may be included with x, and the formula becomes '.', (d y R)- (D x r) , D d, and by deducting x we get the value of y, or if y be large in comparison with x, the latter may be neglected. By this method one resistance r may be compared with another. The approximate resistance of the batteries in com- mon use is as follows, according to Mr. Farmer : ftrove 0.41 ohms - ''~ Carbon O.C t " Daniell 1.70 " 181. ELECTRO-MOTIVE FORCE OF DIFFERENT BAT-" TERIES. The following table gives approximately the electro motive force of various batteries, being the mean of numerous observations taken on a sine galvan- ometer by Mr. Latimcr Clark. f The electro-motive force of batteries is within certain limits very variable, depending on a variety of undetermined causes. It {3 not much affected by temperature. Clark, Eedrical Measurement, p. 100. \ Electrical Measurement, p. 108. MODERN VUACTICE OF THE ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH. 151 Grove's. 100 Carbo-. with bi-chromate solution 107 Daniell's 5G Smee's (when not ia action) 57 " (when iu action) about 25 Copper and zinc in acid (Wollaston) 46 Sulphate mercury and graphite (Marie Davy) 76 Chloride silver 62 Chloride lead 30 When connected on short circuit, the electro-motive force of several of the batteries, especially Smee's and Wollaston 's, will fall off 50 per cent, or more, owing to the formation of hydrogen on the negative plate. Grove's and Daniell's do not so fall off, because tho hydrogen is reduced by the nitric acid in one case and by the oxygen in the other. 182. MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRO-MOTIVE FORCE.* When a number of cells are joined up in circuit with, .but in opposition to, a number of other cells with a galvanometer inserted, by adjusting the number of cells so that no current passes, the relative electro- motive force of the two batteries may be determined. ' Second Method. Call the electro-motive forces of the two batteries E and E'; join them up successively in circuit with the same galvanometer, and by varying the resistance, cause them both to give the same de- flection ; their forces will then be in direct proportion to the total resistances in circuit in each case, or - I X where E represents the resistance with E (including that of battery, galvanometer, and the adjustable re- sistance) and R' with E'. 183. FORCES OF ELECTRO-MAGNETS. The laws which govern the forces of electro-magnets have been investi- gated by Lenz, Jacobi and Miiller. Let M = the magnetic force of the electro-magnet n the number of convolutions of wire. d = the diameter of the soft iron core. Q = tho quantity of electricity in circulation, and c a constant multiplier. Then M = c n Q V d. * Clark, Electrical Measurement, p. 103. 152 : "'Vs* APPENDIX AND NOTES. This law only holds good for bars of iron whose length is considerably greater than their diameter, for feeble currents of electricity, and under the supposi- tion that the number of convolutions of wire is not so great as materially to diminish the influence exerted by the outer coils upon the bar of iron. These condi- tions are fulfilled in the electro-magnets used for tele- graphic purposes. It will be noticed, in the above formulae, that M in- creases directly as Q and as n, but Q decreases as n increases, supposing the electric force to remain con- stant. Hence it is evident that a certain proportion between the resistance of the wire and that of the remaining portions of the circuit must be preserved to obtain the maximum magnetic force. This relation is found to be the following: When the resistance of the coils of the electro-magnet is equal to the resistance of the rest of the circuit, i. e., the conducting wire and battery, the magnetic force is a maxi- mum* The application of this law to a telegraphic circuit would be to make the sum of the resistances of all the magnet coils in circuit equal to the resistance of the line and batteries, but as in practice the resistance of a telegraphic circuit varies, being considerably re- duced by defective insulation, the total resistance of the instruments should be less than that of the line when in good condition, to attain the best results dur- ing unfavorable weather. ELECTRICAL FORMULAE. 184. OHM'S LAW. Let C = the quantity, or strength, or force, or intensity of the current, as it is variously called. Let n = the number of cells. " E - the electro-motive force in each cell. " R = the internal resistance of each cell. " r = the resistaucea exterior to tho battery. Then c = n E tt + r. * Noad'a Students' Text-book of Electricity, p. 277. MODERN PRACTICE OF THE ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH. 153 185. PARALLEL OR DERIVED CIRCUITS. 1. The joint resistance of any two parallel or derived circuits, whose resistances = a and b, is equal to their product divided by their sum, or + 6 2. The joint resistance of any three circuits, a, b and c, is a 5 c R = 3. The joint resistance of any number of circuits is obtained by adding their reciprocals together, thus : "=--;-- b 186. GALVANOMETERS AND SHUNTS. 1. The joint resistance of a galvanometer and shunt is as follows: Let g = resistance of galvanometer. s = resistance of shunt. ThenR= JLL. g + s 2. The multiplying power of any shunt is equal to a s 3. To prepare a shunt having some definite multiply- ing power, for example 10 100 or 1,000, Let n = the multiplying power required, Then s = - 187. FORMULA FOR THE LOOP TEST (127 . Let x = resistance of shortest part of the loop. y = resistance of longest part L = total resistance of both. R resistance added to shortest part, to make it equal to the longer. Then x + y = L. y =. x + R. and X = L ~ R 154 APPENDIX AND NOTES. 188. BLAVIER'S FORMULA FOR LOCATING A FAULT (128). Let R = resistance of line when in good order, S = resistance of defective line when distant end is to ground, and T the resistance when it is dis- connected or open at distant end. The distance (x) of the fault from the testing station will be x =. S ^ -4- T li T 8 It S~ or x =. S ^(tt .S) x (I 1 S)i and the resistance of the fault (z) will be z =_ T S + ^&~+ T It ~"T~S~ or z = T S + "'(IT S) * (T b) 189. MEASURES OF RESISTANCE. 1.0456 Siemen's units = 1 ohm. To convert Siemen's units into ohms. multiply by .9564. 1 Varley'a unit = 25 ohms. 1 Megohm = 1,000,0,0 ohms. -1 Microhm = 14 sug- gestions ire made apparent even to the unpractised eye by a series of well-executed v,'on& ro p*;-\ns." Philadelphia Inquirer. N 28 D. Van Nostrands Publications. "DLYMPTON. The Blow-Pipe : A System of Instruction in its prao -L tical use, being a graduated course of Analysis for the use of students, and all those engaged in the Examination of Metallic Combinations. Second edition, with an appendix and a copious index. By GEORGE W. PLYMPTON, of the Polytechnic Institute, Brooklyn. I2mo. Cloth. $2. " This manual probably has no superior in the English language as a text-book for beginners, or as a guide to the student working without a teacher. To the latter many illustrations of the utensils and apparatus required in using the blow-pipe, as well as the fully illustrated descrip- tion of the blow-pipe flame, will be especially serviceable." New York Teacher. UGENT. Treatise on Optics : or, Light and Sight, theoretically and practically treated ; with the application to Fine Art and In- dustrial Pursuits. By E. NUGENT. With one hundred and three illustrations. I2mo. Cloth. $2. " This book is of a practical rather than a theoretical kind, and is designed to afford accurate and complete information to all interested in applications of the science." Bound Table. O ILVERSMITH (Julius). A Practical Hand-Book for Miners, Met- ^-? allurgists, and Assayers, comprising the most recent improvements in the disintegration, amalgamation, smelting, and parting of the Precious Ores, with a Comprehensive Digest of the Mining Laws. Greatly augmented, revised, and corrected. By JULIUS SILVERSMITH. Fourth edition. Profusely illustrated, i vol., i2mo. Cloth. $3. C LOUGH. The Contractors' Manual and Builders' Price-Book. By A. B. CLOUGH, Architect, i vol., i8mo. Cloth. 75 cents. BRUNNOW. Spherical Astronomy. By F. BRTTNNOW, Ph. Dr. Translated by the Author from the Second German edition, i vol., 8vo. Cloth. $6.50. C~"HAUVENET (Prof. Wm.) New method of Correcting Lunar Dis- tances, and Improved Method of Finding the Error and Rate of a Chronometer, by equal altitudes. By WM. CHAUVENET, LL.D. i vol., 8vo. Cloth. $2. A SYNOPSIS OF BRITISH GAS LIGHTING, comprising the essence of the " London Journal of Gas Lighting" from 1849 to 1868. Arranged and executed by JAMES R. SMEDBERG, C. E. of the San Francisco Gas Works. Issued only to subscribers. 4to. Cloth. $15.00 In press. AS WORKS OF LONDON. By ZERAH COLBURN. i2mo. Boards. 60 cents. HEWSON. Principles and Practice of Embanking Lands from River Floods, as applied to the Levees of the Mississippi. By WILLIAM HEWSON, Civil Engineer, i vol., 8vo. Cloth. $2. " This is a valuable treatise on the principles and practice of embanking lands from river Jloods, as applied to Levees of the Mississippi, by a highly intelligent and experienced engineer. The author says it is a first attempt to reduce to order and to rule the design, execution, and measurement of the Levees of the Mississippi. It is a most use.lu! and needv. contribution ta ientific literature." Philadelphia Evening Journal. G Scientific Books. 29 WEISBACH (Julius). Principles of the Mechanics of Machinery and Engineering. By DR. JULIUS WEISBACH, of Freiburg. Translated from the last German edition. Vol. i. Svo, cloth. $10. HUNT (R. M.) Designs for the Gateways of the Southern Entrances to the Central Park. By RICHARD M. HUNT. With a descrip- tion of the designs, i vol., 4to. Illustrated. Cloth. $5. TDEET. Manual of Inorganic Chemistry for Students. By the late -L DUDLEY PEET, M. D. Revised and enlarged by ISAAC LEWIS PEET, A. M. i8mo. Cloth. 75 cents. WHITNEY (J. P.) Colorado, in the United States of America. Schedule of Ores contributed by sundry persons to the Paris Universal Exposition of 1867, with some Information about the Region and its Resources. By J. P. WHITNEY, of Boston, Com- missioner from the Territory. Pamphlet. 8vo., with maps. Lon- don, 1867. 25 cents. WHITNEY (J. P.) Silver Mining Regions of Colorado, with some account of the different processes now being introduced for working the Gold Ores of that Territory. By J. P. WHITNEY. I2mo. Paper. 25 cents. " This is a most valuable little book, containing a vast amount of practical information about that region. It will be found useful to men of a scientific turn of mind, should they never COH- template a journey to the region of silver and gold/' fall E'w&r News. CILVER DISTRICTS OF NEVADA. 8vo., with map. Paper. ^ 35 cents. McCORMICK (R. C.) Arizona : Its Resources and Prospects. By Hon. R. C. McCoRMiCK. With map. Svo. Paper. 25 cents. PETERS. Notes on the Origin, Nature, Prevention, and Treatment of Asiatic Cholera. By JOHN C. PETERS, M. D. Second edition. With an appendix and map. iamo. Cloth. $1.50. SEYMOUR. Western Incidents connected with the Union Pacific Railroad. By SILAS SEYMOUR. I2mo. Cloth. $i. EULOGIES IN MEMORY OF MAJ.-GEN. JAMES S. WADS- WORTH AND COL. PETER A. PORTER, before the " Cen- tury Association." Tinted paper. Svo. Paper. $i. PALMER. Antarctic Mariners' Song. By JAMES CROXALL PALMER, U. S. N. Illustrated. Cloth, gilt, bevelled boards. $3. " The poem is founded upon and narrates the episodes of the exploring expedition of a small jailing vessel, the ' Flying Fish,' in company with the ' Peacock,' in the South Seas, in 1S3&- 42. The 'Flying Fish' was too small to be safe or comfortable in that Antarctic region, al- though wo find in the poem bnt little of complaint or murmuring at the hardships the sailors were compelled to endure." Athenaeum. FRENCH'S ETHICS. Practical Ethics. By Rev. J. W. FREXCH. D. D., Professor of Ethics, U. S. Military Academy. Prepared foi the Uf.e of Students in the Military Academy, i vol. Svo. Cloth, $4.53, Scientific Books. 31 THE MECHANIC'S AND STUDENT'S GUIDE in the Designing and Construction of General Machine Gearing, as Eccentrics, Screws, Toothed Wheels, etc., and the Drawing of Rectilineal and Curved Surfaces ; with Practical Rules and Details. Edited by FRANCIS HERBERT JOYNSON. Illustrated with 18 folded plates. 8vo. Cloth. $2.00. "The aim of this work is to be a guide to mechanics in the designing and construction of general machine-gearing. This design it well fulfils, being plainly and sensibly written, and profusely illustrated." Sunday Times. FREE-HAND DRAWING - a Guide to Ornamental, Figure, and Landscape Drawing. By an Art Student. i8mo. Cloth. 75 cents. THE EARTH'S CRUST : a Handy Outline of Geology. By DAVID PAGE. Fourth edition. iSmo. Cloth. 75 cents. " Such a work as this was much wanted a work giving in clear and intelligible outline the leading facts of the science, without amplification or irksome details. It i? admirable in arrangement, and clear and easy, and, at the same time, forcible in style. It will lead, we hope, to the introduction of Geology into many schools that have neither time nor room for the study of large treatises." The Aluseum. HISTORY AND PROGRESS OF THE ELECTRIC TELE- GRAPH, with Descriptions of some of the Apparatus. By ROBERT SABINE, C. E. Second edition, with additions. i2mo. Cloth. $1.75. TRON TRUSS BRIDGES FOR RAILROADS. The Method of J- Calculating Strains in Trusses, with a careful comparison of the most prominent Trusses, in reference to economy in combination, etc., etc. By Brevet Colonel WILLIAM E. MERRILL, U. S. A., Major Corps of Engineers. With illustrations. 4to. Cloth. $5.00. USEFUL INFORMATION FOR RAILWAY MEN. Compiled by W. G. HAMILTON, Engineer. Second edition, revised and enlarged. 570 pages. Pocket form. Morocco, gilt. $2.00. REPORT ON MACHINERY AND PROCESSES OF THE IN- DUSTRIAL ARTS AND APPARATUS, OF THE EXACT SCIENCES. By F. A. P. BARNARD, LL. D. Paris Universal Ex- position, 1867. i vol., 8vo. Cloth. $5.00. THE METALS USED IN CONSTRUCTION : Iron, Steel, Bessemei Metal, etc., etc. By FRANCIS HERBERT JOYNSON. Illustrated. i2mo. Cloth. 75 cents. " In the interests of practical science, we ere bound to notice this work ; and to those wlw. wish further information, we should say, buy it ; and the outlay, we honestly believe, will b tonsidered well spent." Scientific Review. DICTIONARY OF MANUFACTURES, MINING, MACHINERY, AND THE INDUSTRIAL ARTS. By GEORGE DODD. i2mo. Cloth. $2.00. WORKS ON ELECTRICITY AND THE ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH. A HAND-BOOK OF PRACTICAL TELEGRAPHY. By- R. S. CULLEY, Engineer to the Electric and Intel-national Telegraph Company. Published with the sanction cf the Chairman and Directors of the Electric and International Telegraph Company, and adopted by the Department of Telegraphs for India. FOURTH EDITION, REVISED AND ENLARGED.] 1 vol., 8vo, cloth, $5.00. HiSTORI AND PROGRESS OF THE ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH, WITH DESCRIPTIONS OF SOME OF THE APPARATUS. By ROBERT SABINE. Second Edition, with Additions. l'2rno, cloth, 1-.W.* /' 2-J Modern Practice of the Electric Telegraph. A HAND-BOOK FOR ELECTRICIANS AND OPERATORS. By FRANK L. POPE. lition. 8vo, illustrated. Cloth, THE TELEGRAPH MANUAL. A COMPLETE HISTORY AND DESCRIPTION OF THE SEMAPHORIC, ELECTRIC, AND MAGNETIC TELEGRAPHS OF EUROPE, ASIA, AFRICA, AlfD AMERICA, ANCIENT AND MODERN. WITH SIX HUNDRED AND TWENTY-FIVE ILLUSTRATIONS. By TAL. P. SHAFFNEK. 8vo, cloth, $6.50. D. VAST ^OSTEA]\ T D, Publisher, Bookseller, and Importer of Scientific Books, 2% Murray and 27 Warren Street, New Yo k. *,* Any of the above sent free by mail on receipt of price. CHARLES T. & J. IV. CHESTER, 104 Centre St., New York* ENGINEERS, AND MANUFACTURERS OF Instruments, Batteries, AND EVERY DESCRIPTION OF INSULATED AND OFFICE WIKES. We are now prepared to furnish, after an experience of three year?, an Insulated AViiv, which can be buried in the earth or exposed to rain and sun, or to the vapor of acids, without injury. Professor SII.LIMAN, who has exposed it to the most destructive agencies, finds that it remains uninjured in an atmosphere of ozone which would de- stroy gutta-percha in a few hours. It exceeds glass, or any other known substance, as a'non-conductor. We have made special arrangements to furnish this article for office purposes at a reduced rate. Also, Agents for the new insulator, KRYOLITE. Haider than glass, and possessing the best insulating properties. 'We construct the DIFFERENTIAL GALVANOMETERS AND RESISTANCE BOXES used bv English electricians, and described in this work, for measuring resistances and ascertaining faults. To accommodate these instruments to the wants of our Telegraph patrons we have made them at different prices, as the absolute accuracy required in the philosophical investigation of Electrical phenomena is not necessary for ordinary telegraphic prob- lems. These instruments instantly determine the resistances of magnets and lines, and furnish every required assistance in line tests. We have submitted to the test of more than a year's active use our new ENDURING BATTERY. For thirteen months it has given a constant current, day and night, on a short tele- graph line. So equal is the current derived from it that the adjustments of magnets formerly necessary on that line have been almost entirely dispensed with. The con- sumption of material for currents equal to those from the sulphate of copper battery used on lines from the same office, is only about one-tenth. The reason for this great difference is that the salts decomposed in exciting electrical action are separate from the other elements, and are retained in a reservoir insulated, but allowed to escape and carry on their action entirely under control. Thus, for Electrical Clocks, where the amount of current required is very small, the adjustments can be so made that the battery will last two years. For a local, this battery acts admirably ; though having less quantity force than many now in use, it has quite power enough for a well con- structed Sounder or Eegister. We also construct a made with great perfection. It is very compact, works on one wire, does not easily get out of order, works with speed, and will, in many cases, be used for commercial purposes on private lines where our dial instruments have been largely used. We have, after a test of live years, an ALPHABETICAL TELEGRAPH in extensive use. Over thirty of these are employed in the Police Telegraph System of St. Louis, and have given perfect satisfaction. They are used by the Steamship Companies, by Iron Founders, Lumber Merchants, Coal Dealers, Sugar Kctineries, and wherever the nature of the business requires a separation of office aiid factory. We supply every description of ELECTRICAL BE&CHINERV- AND APPLIANCES for submarine and subterranean blasting. Also, complete PORTABLE APPARATUS For the safe manufacture of NITROGLYCERINE at the place where it is to be used. Our Catalogue, embracing a large amount of new matter and description, is now ready for distribution. CHESTER, PARTRICK & CO, CONTRACTORS, etc., 37 South Fourth Street, Philadelphia, Manufacturers of and Dealers in every variety of TELEGRAPHIC, ELECTRIC AND PHILOSOPHICAL APPARATUS, BAT- TERIES, WIRE, ACIDS, INSULATORS, MEDICAL INSTRUMENTS AND OTHER SUPPLIES. Also, Contractors for the construction, re-construction and repair of TELEGRAPH LINES, SIMPLE BURGLAR ALARMS FOR PRIVATE RESIDENCES, AND BURGLAR ALARMS WITH " TELL-TALE CLOCK," AND OTHER APPARATUS FOR BANKS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS. Among other Telegraphic Supplies constantly kept on hand, they are prepared to furnish promptly the following novel articles : KERITE (OR HORN COVERED) COPPER, OR COMPOUND WIRE OR CABLES, COVERED COMPOUND AIR LINE WIRE ; BLASTING APPARATUS, CARTRIDGES, BATTERIES, &c., &c. CALCIUM LIGHTING APPARATUS, MEDICAL BATTERIES, INDUCED AND DIRECT CURRENTS ; ELECTRO-PLATERS' BATTERIES AND MATERIALS, ELECTRO GONGS OF ANY DESIRED SIZE OR WEIGHT ; ALARM APPARATUS, PATENT APPARATUS for the MANUFACTURE of NITRO-GLYCERINE, ELECTRICAL CLOCK-WORK, &c., &c., &c. They guarantee to give satisfact'.on to all who favor them with orders, in the promptness of execution and in the quality of articles supplied. L. G. TILLOTSON & CO., 3STo. :Q T^e-y Street, 3STev^ Y MANUFACTURERS OF TELEGRAPH INSTRUMENTS, BATTERIES AND SUPPLIES, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, Glass Insulators, Plain or with Screw; Brackets, &c.; Zincs, Tum- blers, Porous Cups, and all kinds of Battery Material; Hill's Patent Galvanic Battery ; Ogden's Improved Carbons, with the Immersed Platina Connection; Pure Nitric and Sulphuric Acids; Agents for the Best English and American Plain and Galvanized Wire. Agents for Gutta-Percha Covered Wire and Cables, American Manufacture; Agents of American Compound Telegraph Wire Company; SOLE AGENTS FOR Brooks' Patent Paraffine Insulator. This Insulator, as now constructed, is, beyond question, the best in use. MANUFACTURERS OF JONES' PATENT LOCK SWITCH BOARD. e invite attention to our cuts, opposite pages 29 and 35 of this work. BLISS, TILLOTSON & CO,, 171 So, Clark St., Chicago, CHARLES WILLIAMS, JR., 1O9 COURT STREET, BOSTON, MA.SS., (ESTABLISHED 1856.) MANUFACTURER OF TELEGRAPH INSTRUMENTS, BATTERIES AISS MATERIALS, 'SOLK MANUFACTURE OF THE GRIGim CELEBRATED EMI- A. All Instruments and Materials used in furnishing and working TELEGRAPH LINES, including Registers, Belays, Main Sounders, Local Sounders, Keys, Switches, Cut-outs, Galvanometers, Repeaters, Arresters, Rheostats, Resistance Coils, Boll Calls, Dial Telegraphs, Gongs, Batteries, Porous Cups, Zincs, Coppers, Blue Vitriol, Acid, Insu- lators, Line Wire, Insulated Wire, Cables, etc., constantly on hand, and for sale at the lowest prices. Also, Electro-Medical Instruments and Magnetical Apparatus of every description. IMPROVED PREMIUM TELEGRAPH INSTRUMENTS. DR. L. BRADLEY, Ko. 7 EXCHANGE PLACE, JERSEY CITY, N. J. KEEPS CONSTANTLY ON HAND AND FOR SALE HIS CELEI RATED flnjnmim JmpromI S^Irgraplt BRADLEY'S Relays were awarded the FIRST of the late Great Fair of the American Institute, New York, and their superi- ority is generally acknowledged by operators who use them. Aside from the advantages apparent upon inspection of these magnets, their acknowledged merits consist in the construction of the helix, which was patented August 15, 1865 this being of naked copper wire, so wound that the convolutions are separated from each other by a regular and uniform space of the l-800th of an inch, the layers separated by thin paper. In helices of silk insulated wire the space occupied by the silk is the l-150th to the l-300th of an inch ; therefore a spool made of a given length and size of naked wire will be smaller, and will contain many more convolutions around the core than one of silk insulated wire, and will make a proportionably stronger magnet, while the resistance will be the same. He is also manufacturing superior Lightning Arresters, with Cut-out Switch and Switches for grounding either wire. From hundreds of testimonials there is space only for the following : 80 BROADWAY, NEW YOEE, March 15, 1870. L. BRADLEY, Esq. DEAR SIB, I have used a very large number of the Magnets manufactured by you, with the patent naked wire helices, principally in the manufacture of printing instruments, and they have in all cases given entire satisfaction. With a given battery power and equal resistance, I have found them 20 per cent, stronger than silk covered magnets will average. They are remarkably even in quality and free from permanent magnetism. FRANK L. POPF, Electrical Engineer. PRICKS will be as favorable as goods of equal or approximate excellence can be pur- chased of any other manufacturer. The following list comprises the principal articles manufactured and sold at this establishment : Button Repeaters, Pony Sounders, Keys. Kelays, with Helices in Bone Rubber Cylinders (very fine). Box Relays, large and small ; Excellent Registers. Large and small Box Main Sounders. A new style of both Main and Local Sounders (very loud and fine). Pocket Relays, with all the adjustments of the above, and good Lever Keys. All other kiuds of Telegraph Apparatus manufactured to order. Extra Spools, for replacing such as may be spoiled by lightning, fur- nished at $1.25 each. Old Spools taken at the price of new wire by the pound. Goods sent to all parts of the continent with bill C. 0. D. Or, to save ex- pense of returning funds by express, remittances may be made in advance by certified check, payable in New York, or by Post-office order, in which case he will make no charge for package. He has ample facilities for furnishing all other kinds of Telegraph Sup- lisj at the lowest manufacturers' prices. BROOKS' Patent Paiaffine Insulator Works, ;...::':,.., 1 1 21 Aspen 5>reet, North of 2123 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. DAVID BROOKS, Proprietor. L, G, TILLOTSON & CO,, 8 Dey Street, New York, WORKS ON ELECTRICITY AND THE ELECTEIC TELEGEAPH, FOE SALE BY ID. "V ^ 1ST 1ST O S T R^ 1ST D, PUBLISHER AND BOOKSELLER, 23 Murray Street and 27 Warren Sreent, New York. Prescott's Theory and Practice of the Electric Telegraph. 12mr., illustrated. Cloth, $2. 50. Blight's Electric Telegraph. 12mo, illustrated. Cloth, $1.75. Ferguson's Electricity. 12mo, illustrated. Cloth, $1.75. Noad's Student's Text-Book of Electricity. Crown 8vo, illust'd. $6.25. Electrical Measurement. By LATIMEK CLABK. 12mo, illustrated. Cloth. $3. The Atlantic Telegraph. Its History. 12mo, illustrated. Cloth, $1.00. Blavier's Traite de Telegraphic Electrique. 2 vols., 8vo. Paper, $10. Du Moncel's Traite Theorique et Pratique de Telegraphic Electrique. bvo. Paper, $5. Gavarret's Telegraphic Electrique. 12mo. Paper, $2.50. Tennant's Manuel Pratique de Telegraphic Sous-Marine. 12mo. Paper, SI. 75. Boussac Precis de Telegraphic Electrique. 8vo. Paper, $3.50. TZEiZE! JOURNAL OF THE TELEGRAPH, A SEMI-MONTHLY PAPEK, DEVOTED TO THE Interests of the Telegraph in the United States, And a record of its progress throughout the world. Published on the 1st and 15th of each Month, AT THE EXECUTIVE BOOMS OF THE WESTEBN UNION TELEGRAPH CO., 145 BROADWAY. NEW YORK. The JOUBNAL OF THE TELEGKAPH is the Official Organ of the Western Union Telegraph Company, through which are promulgated, for the informa- tion of the Stockholders and the public, authentic details relating to tho financial affairs of the Company embracing a monthly statement of earn- ings, expenditures, and net profits and the orders of the Executive Offi- cers to the employes. In its columns will also be found accurate and valuable information in regard to the operation and extension of the lines, and a full discussion of all other matters of a scientific or general character pertaining to the telegraphic art. Over five thousand copies of the JOURNAL OF THE TELEGKAPH are now issued, every Telegraph Office in the country receiving one, and many Stock- holders and others being subscribers. TEKMS OF SUBSCEIPTION. One copy, one year $1 00 Five copies, " 400 Single copies, five cents. inserted at reasonable rates. All communications and remittances for the JOURNAL OF THE TELEGRAPH should be addressed to JAMES D. REID, Editor, 145 BRO Jilt WAY, XJ2W TO11K. THE ' TELEGRAPHER: A JOURNAL OF Electrical I? j? ogress. PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY, AT Nos. 78 and 80 Broadway (Room 48), New York. (OVER THE GOLD EXCHANGE.) Devoted strictly and exclusively to Telegraphic interests, and the only recognized organ of the TELEGRAPHIC PROFESSION in this country or the world. Experience, energy, industry, and capital will all be combined to make THE TKI.F- GRAPHER what it purports to be A. JOURNAL OF ELECTRICAL, PROGRESS and to rer- der it worthy of the continuance of the liberal support which it has received from the profession and others interested in E'ectrical Science and Telegraphic Art, and to make it a creditable representative of the Practical Telegraphic Talent of the United State?. Correspondence, items of news or personal interest, and newspaper extracts relating to Telegraphic matters, are solicited. The co-operation of every person interested in sustaining a first-class Telegraphic newspaper is cordially invited. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION" : One copy, one year $2 00 Six copies, one year to one address 10 00 Twelve" " '' " 1700 Single copies, five cents. ^^ Subscribers in the British Provinces must remit 20 cents, Great Britain, France, Italy, Spain and Portugal, $1.04, Russia, Prussia, and the west coast ot S^uth America, $3.12 per annum, in addition to the subscription price, for prepay- ment of American postage. THE PAPER WILL ALWAYS BE DISCONTINUED WHEN THE PAID SUBSCRIPTION EX- PIRES. Remittances may be made by Registered Letter or Post-office Order, at our risk. will be inserted at reasonable rates, but no Advertisement will be inserted for less than One Dollar for each insertion. Any persons who may interest themselves in procuring Subscribers at the adver- tised rates, and remitting us the money, will be entitled to an extra copy for one year, for every club of not less than six Subscribers'. All communications, and letters relating to or intended for THE TELEGRAPHER, must be addressed to the PUBLISHER AND EDITOR, P, O. BOX 6010, NEW YORK. m 53(03 n THE LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA Santa Barbara THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW. A