ELI SHEPPERD LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA DAVIS nutation J5>oujg;3 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 AIRV LILY& SHADDER!" xo nge FOR MY LADY'S BANJO And Other Negro Lyrics ^f Monologues O00O000000000000000000000000OO0O0O00000000000O00000000000000000000 By ELI SHEPPERD With Pictures from Life by J. W. OTTS O00000000000000000000000000000000000O0000O00000000000O000OOO000000 09000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000 NEW TORK R. H. RUSSELL PUBLISHER Nineteen Hundred and One LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA DAVIS Copyright, />/, by ROBERT HOWARD RUSSELL UNIVERSITY PRESS . JOHN WILSON AND SON CAMBRIDGE, U. S. A. Co WHO WAS ONE OF THE NOBLEST TYPES OF THE OLD SOUTH, AND WHO BORE FORCEFUL PART WITH THE HEROIC UPBU1LDERS OF THE NEW Table of Contents 000000000O00OG00O0000000O030G0O0OOQ000e0000OOOOOO00O0OOO0O000 PAGE SONGS FOR MY LADY'S BANJO 4 9 UNCLE AARON'S GREETING 42 APRIL RHYMES AND RIGMAROLES . . . 52 HOG KILLIN' TIMES IN DIXIE LAND 70 THE PASSING OF MAMMY 94 DE SIGHT OF UNC' SOL 103 Hymns of the Black Belt DARK ARE THE CHURCHES THAT DOT THE BLACK BELT . 111 HYMN OF THE DEAD 112 SINGIN' ON BETHLEHEM ROAD 114 HYMN OF REPENTANCE 117 SONG OF THE LITTLE CHILDREN . . 118 WARNIN' HYMN 119 SONG OF THE STORM . . . 121 A MEETIN' CHANT 122 WHO BUILT THE ARK? .123 SONG OF THE SEEKER . . 124 A SPIRITUELLE 126 A HYMN CHUNE .............. 127 MEMBER'S HYMN ............. 128 7 TABLE OF CONTENTS 00000000000000000000000000000000000000303300003033333333330333330G PAGE HYMN OF REJOICING 132 WHO'LL BE READY? 133 HYMN OF THE WINDS 134 SONG OF THE SEA 135 THE WORLD'S HYMN 137 HYMN OF SAFETY 139 HYMN OF FREEDOM 140 THE MOURNER'S HYMN . 141 THE SOMEDAY HYMN ... , ..... 142 THE ENDLESS CHANT , . 145 HYMN OF TIME ....... . 146 THE HAPPY HYMN . . ...... 150 Plantation Songs G303003000003030000333003033333333333333333O0000390O30330300000000 for 'si Banjo 0000000000000000 ^T^AKE you this tinkling instrument, -^- Strung up with gay and mad intent. Strum it with dainty finger-tips It is a jester full of quips This gay banjo. To the most sentimental sigh With tittering tones it will reply, And only laughter need expect The answer that it would elect From this banjo. 'T is not a thing for serenades Beneath the windows of fair maids: No whit cares it for vows or tears ; It cuts sighs short a pair of shears This bright banjo. 9 PLANTATION SONGS O00O00OG0G0000O0000000G000O00OO0OQO00000aQ000000O0O00O0000OO0GO Yet to the maid of Africa, The ebon maid of Zanzibar, Its twanging measures might suggest Love thoughts she'd deem the tenderest Her swain's banjo. For hear the dusky lover sing, Shooting his fancies on the wing, An improvised, absurd love-song; He fits it as he goes along To his banjo. 00OOO000OO00000 LAS' dance gwine dance to-night Down in Holly's gyarden ; My gal, yo' eye so bright I wisht my heart would harden! Las' light de moon gwine give She wiltin' now, I see ; My eye 's like a sieve, Sift you through and through me. Las* song gwine sing to-night Down in Holly's gyarden ; O gal, yo' hair so bright I sho' hit slick wid lardin'. 10 SONGS FOR MY LADY'S BANJO 0000000000000000000000000000Q0000000000Q000Q00Q000Q000Q00 My gal, she 's des as black Ez airy lily's shadder So light fer airy fac' She float up Jacob's ladder ! Miss Ladies, cyard and spin. Down in Holly's gyarden ; Miss Pretties, lemme in To watch you at dat cyardin'. My gal, yo' mouf so round No black-berry rounder And den yo' teef so sound, Nairy pepple sounder. Oh, my ! yo' eye so bright, Down in Holly's gyarden, Hit gwine cyarve my heart outright, And never ax my pardon ! O00O0O0000000O0 T)IANO, harp, and psaltery Take for their role : Grand Melody, And the guitar and violin Play for their part : Sweet Heroine, ii PLANTATION SONGS (710 O0000000OO000OO0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 In music's drama as they play Our hearts with noble passions sway : Banjo must be Jack Pudding here, Appearing but to disappear; But we '11 remember that the fool Is often Shakespeare's sharpest tool. So : true Hans Wurst, this same banjo Will have his say before he '11 go ; No reverence he for court or king, Before the judge's door he'll sing His parodies upon the law; In strongest proofs he'll pick a flaw, Through longest briefs his nonsense draw ; Will witness what he never saw ! But since good-nature is so free, For once to listen we'll agree, While some dark singer puts to tune The trial that he had last June : 0000000000000000 /^EMPLEUM of de Jury, de Likewise, An' ^^ Ef I stole de pot den who stole de pan ? Mister Distric' 'Torney 'scuse me of a pig; Now who gwine say ef hit little or big? SONGS FOR MY LADY'S BANJO 000000000000O0000OOOOOO00000000000000000000000O000000O000000000 Oh, Mister Gempleum, please lemme go ! Us better give de pig some time to grow ; 'Caze de bigger is de pig den de bigger is de case. And de credit to de lawyer dat 's de winner of de race. Solemn truf, Gempleum, whar de hog 's raise, Right dar 's de ve'y place whar he gwine to graze. Now, don't hoF de hog, Jedge, des let him scoot He'll find de ve'y place where he useter root. Ef he go to my house dat 's whar he b'long (Wisht I had a stick fer ter drive him along) Ef, on de contrary, he belongst to you Le's take him to de country, and have a Barbecue ! Gempleum of the Jury, de Likewise, An' Is you gwine to shut up bof de hog and de man? O Massa Jedge, I would n' ef I was you Bof '11 be de healthier fer stayin' in de dew! 0000000000000000 \ H, no respect for Church or State -* ** That Banjo is insatiate. Such swelling joy its cheeks inflate, And so much nonsense doth it prate, 13 PLANTATION SONGS 0000O000000O000OOOO00000O000G000000GO00O0O00O0O000OQOQ00000OOOO00 Sure " quips and cranks " upon it wait, And laughter is its proper mate. But only blacks in " Open Kiel's " Will sing for us rollicking " reels " For any one who 's " Gethered In " Will say it is a wretched sin " To was'e so much dis worl's good win' Fillin' a banjo's no count skin ; And worser yet hit 's al 'a 's been To lend yo' voice sech reels to spin ! " All lively sounds but make up grist For Brer Dig's grim, dim mill of Mist. His arguments the singers end With laughter at their good old friend, With hitting faults they cannot mend, For faults always with fixtures blend. See ! the gay rhymer shuts his eyes, Throws back his head and sings thus wise : 0000000000000000 Brer Hawk in de Amen Cornder, Jaw in his claw he sit and ponder ; Rain-crow he 's a high-head member, Jine de band sence las' December. H SONGS FOR MY LADY'S BANJO 0G0000G0000000G0000G00000000000000000000000000000000GGG00000000000 Thrush he belong to de Singing Choir, Callin' de Seeker : Higher ! Higher ! 'Pecker-wood pass his hat around, Keep his eye sot on de ground. Yonder 's de cat-bird rockin', rocking Rockin' 'long wid a hole in her stockin' ! Ole Brer Buzzard hollerin', shriekin', Singin' : Glory ! and de Preacher speakin'. De Mournin'-Dove des deep in mournin', And dat Whip-Po'-Will cyarn't cease groanin' O my Brothers ! Please come th'oo ! Yas ! My Brothers ! Beg you do ! OO0O00000O0000O GOOD this banjo with five tight strings, King Instrument at " Puncheon Flings," Where all the colored damsels walk Down a slim line that 's made with chalk ; And three dark judges must decide Which walks with most ease, grace, and pride. Now see young Rox Ann take the floor (Surely no duchess could do more), Her shoes, home tanned with red-oak bark, 15 PLANTATION SONGS G0000G000000000000000G00G000G0000GOOG0G000GGOOG000000GGQ0000000GX5W At every step they " squeak and squawk " : " Dem what beats her dey got to walk ! " Then Job takes up his tuned banjo, To make an interlude, you know, Consents to sing a song or two " Dat round de Ole-Time Song-Tree grew." 0000000000000000 MISS Katy at de cake-walk Move des so ! Corn-tossle on de stalk Swing des so ! make a pretty motion, tu-re-lu-re! 1 got a mighty notion, tu-re-lu-re ! Who gwine take De cake! Mosquito say de Katy-did ma' y'd her cousin, Cousin, oh ! Mosquito keep up sech a mighty buzzin', Cousin, oh ! Katy-did say : Katy did ! Katy did n't ! Dee ! dee ! Locust holler : Come see ! Come see ! See Who gwine take De cake. 16 1\/J AKR a pretty motion tu-re-lu-re 1 got a mighty notion tu-re-lu-re Who gwine take de cake ! SONGS FOR MY LADY'S BANJO G0300QG^000000300000000000000Q00000000GQ0000GG00000000000000000G)0 Oh, Miss Jincy, pigeon-toe, Move des so ! Backin' same as de crawfish go, Creep des so ! Dem whar gits hit gits dere potion, tu-re-lu-re ! Dem whar gits hit : Land er Goshen ! tu-re-lu-re! Who gwine take De cake ! 0000000000000000 ^T^HEN the crude minstrel, pressed for more, -- Draws out from his melodious store A summer song of birds and bees, A song that 's set young maids to please : GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO SUMMER-BEE in de wilier tree, Please, sah, fill-a one comb for me ; But all dat honey in dat Souf Is not s' sweet as Mandy's mouf ! O clover-patch, behine yo' latch De sweetes' flowers grow and match ; Dey are not so pretty, dat I know, As my Mandy. I '11 tell her so ! '9 PLANTATION SONGS 0000000G000G00G00000eOGOG0000O0000O00OG000OG00OG0000eOOO300 O sugar-cane, you 're ripe again, As full er juice as clouds er rain ; But, oh, dem tears in Mandy's eyes Air sweeter when she sof'ly cries ! Dem thistle-seed, folks name 'em weed, Air swift to foller breezes lead : But I turn quicker on my track When Mandy calls me to come back ! 00000Q000Q00000& BUT when daylight begins to creep Across the earth that 's half asleep, " Ole Day 'gins move his white-wash brush, And does his business in a rush ! " Frolickers know their time is up, " De pretty walker 's got de cup ! " Then in a spirit of abandon Job gives the banjo to old Shandon, And that old rogue will make confession How 7 certain goods in his possession Came to him by a " crooked arm," (A " crooked-arm " man watch-dogs can't harm). Ah, hear the thievish fellow sing ! True to his words the banjo '11 ring : 20 75 U T I turn quicker on my track JLJ When Mandy calls me to come back SONGS FOR MY LADY'S BANJO 00O000GG000OQGO000OOOOOGO000000OOOOOGOGGOGGOOOO00GOO0OGOGGGOGOOOOO O PHARAOH ! 'Way down in Egypt land, Gwine tell ole Pharaoh's band Let dem people go ! Nigger in de woods settin' on a log. Let dem people go ! Hand on de trigger, and de eye on de hog, Let dem people go ! Oh, some folks say dat de nigger won't steal, Let dem people go ! Ole Master cotch eleven in his corn-fiel' Let dem people go ! Nigger is a-pickin' in de cotton-patch, Let dem people go ! Keepin' all de cotton dat his pockets catch, Let dem people go ! Nigger is a-slippin' on de 'tater-fiel' Let dem people go ! Oh, dat 'possum wid sugar in 's heel ! Let dem people go ! Nigger steal a picayune to buy him a wife, Let dem people go ! You may save all yo' days, but you cyarn't save yo' life Let dem people go! 2 3 PLANTATION SONGS O000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000O000000O0O000Q000 Nigger set a trap in de highes' grass. Let dem people go ! If it cotch Misses' turkey it '11 hoi' him fas' Let dem people go ! O Pharaoh ! 'Way down in Egypt land, Gwine tell ole Pharaoh's band Let dem people go ! GO00000000000000 fT^HEN as the crowd breaks up to go -*- Job takes again his own banjo, And, walking close behind Rox Ann, Makes love to her ambitious man ! For she 's the belle of six plantations, Filling men's hearts with sore vexations. But Job will hope while there is life Persistency 's won many a wife ! So through the fields where cotton grows, Striped by the corn in even rows, The dusky lovers take their way Beneath the gray wings of New Day. They pass great cotton-woods whose leaves Clap like glad hands ; pass the low eaves 24 R OX She is the belle of six plantations, Filling mens hearts with sore vexations, SONGS FOR MY LADY'S BANJO 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Of some bare lonely cabin home, Across the new-plowed, sooty loam ; Down the white road whose limestone bluff Is gay with " nigger-heads " of buff; Where vines of wild potato blooms Hang down the banks, drooped, snowy plumes, White melilotus fills the air With perfume aromatic, rare ; And thousand bees are hovering o'er Those blossoms rich with crystal store Of honeys sweet as those that fill The flowers of Hymettus Hill ; Across the bridges 'neath which gleam The ripples of the bored-well's stream : Afar, anear the pleasant splash, Artesian waters' downward dash A million fountains whose clear gush Makes Alabama's Black Belt lush. The morning star still shines apace Ere the broad sun lifts up his face ; The hedges are astir with birds ; Afar they hear the lowing herds ; The eternal prairie breezes blow The purple hazes to and fro ; The morning-glories round the corn 27 PLANTATION SONGS 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Open their blue eyes to the morn. Oh, what an hour is this to tell A damsel that you love her well. 'T is very plain that Job thinks so. For hear ! he strikes his gay banjo ! 000000O0000000OO T"\AR's one flower by de brook *^* Dat's got my sweetheart's darkly look Dar 's des one flower black as she, And dat's de ve'y one for me O you sweet-shrub, Dark as my lub ! A many a bloom 's as white as snow. And many a yaller one I know ; Des one's as brown as Roxy's cheek Hit grows along Bogue Chitty Creek Sweet-shrub ! Sweet-shrub ! O lub ! O lub ! De harder dat you press dat bloom, De gooder gits hit's good perfume; Yit nothin' 'bout dat flower 's gran', Hit only suit de po' black man. O dat sweet-shrub, Black as my lub ! 28 SONGS FOR MY LADY'S BANJO 0GOOOOOGO0GGOGOGG00GGGGGOGGG0G0GO0GGGGG0GG0OGe00eGGGGO O honey my lub, de grave is green, O honey my lub, grass is between De heart dat I would hoi' to mine. And des true heart dat 's al'a's dine : Good-bye, sweet-shrub ! Good-bye, my lub ! Dar 's flowers pink, and red, and blue, Left in de world fer next year's dew : Dey all may suit some y'o'her eye, Dey all des make me moan and cry : Fer you, sweet-shrub ! Fer you, my lub ! QGGGGG00GGG00QG NO, Rox Ann is not moved to tears, No sadness to her heart inheres : She laughs as gaily as before, While Job will still his love-talk pour Into her ear as on they go, Timing his talk to his banjo : "Say, why V you marry me? Hum? Haw? I works " " Yas ! works yo' jaw ! " C I 'm name a good hand, dat you know " " A good hand on dat ole banjo ! " 29 PLANTATION SONGS O0O00000000O00G00O0000G0O0000OO00OO00G0OO00O00O0GOO000000OG000O0O " Come, Rox Ann, what 's de cause to tarry ? I sho' I good enough to marry, I good " " Good as ole Harry ! " " Rox Ann I 'm pretty now, I know ! " " Pretty ugly ! dat you is, fer sho' And mo' 'n dat pretty apt to stay so ! " " I got a hoss and buggy, dat's sho' ! " " Is yo' stable down in Hideyo ? " " Yit I suits yo' and yo' suits me " " Young ox go Wo when you tell him Gee ! " " But I love you and you must love me " " Shoo ! all dese niggers is set free ! " So gay Rox Ann goes on her way, Leaving her lover in dismay He to turn brave face to defeat, Will join the jay in carol meet To show he will not deign to be Despairing for such maid as she : O000O000O000000 AR, Miss Nigger ! Hard to please ! Gwine de lef fer de winter breeze Same like corn-stalk lef in de fiel', Lef fer de nex' year's wagon-wheel ! Go 'long, Nigger, I don't keer, Somebody '11 hab me, don't you fear ! 3 "QOOD hand on dot ole banjo ! " SONGS FOR MY LADY'S BANJO O0G0G0OOOOOO0OGG0GGGO00OOGOG000000000000O00O0000000000QOQOO0OOO00 YET scarce the clock one hour can mark, Scarcely has day thrown off the dark, Ere Job feels that he 's been too rough, Quite ready he to cry : Enough ! And Rox Ann, too, begins to sorrow All youth is quick of grief to borrow. Great fear she feels that she will lose The lover that her heart would choose, Three buckets for her load she goes Where the artesian water flows ; She puts one bucket 'neath the stream And stands enwrapped in half a dream. Job has filled up the food-troughs now, And has drawn out his double-plow, On the plow-beam he takes his seat To wait until " de mules done eat." Together he and his banjo Utter the saddest notes they know The song old Elam often sung Before great silence touched his tongue : 0O000000000OO000 ; r SETS on dese heah rottin' logs, -*- I watch dis drove of pigs and hogs, I drives 'em off from ev'y gap 3 33 PLANTATION SONGS 00000000000G00000GG0000GGG0000000000000G0000000000GOOGG0000GOOOOO Dey find in Mister's sorghum-crap- Dem hogs dey grunt an' dey says to me : Elam's room 's better 'n his company ! I sets beside de kitchen fire, De blazes runs up high and higher, De darkeys laugh and joke around, Dey call ole Elam's room : " Was'e Groun' : " Dey ruther have, I easy kin see, Ole Elam's room dan his company. Ole Massa 's kilt at Cedar Run, Ole Missis' days is long been done Eh ! long as dem two was alive, Dey need ole Elam, sah, to drive. Ole Massa 'd hit dat man ho-he ! Dat'dcall Elam's room better 'n his company I Missis could n't do widout me, Dar ! I 'bleeged to drive dat skittish pa'r Dat Dick and Dolly 'd run 't was plain Onless ole Elam helt de rein ! But now so no count Elam be His room 's wof mo' 'n his company ! 34 SE TS on dese be ah rot tin* lops SONGS FOR MY LADY'S BANJO 000000 GG00eQQ0Q000Qe0QQ000Q00Q0QQQ00QQQ00QQ0000 THE limpid stream has filled the pails, And Rox Ann lifts them by the bails. One on her head, one in each hand, She steps across the dew-wet land, And strange her road lies just that way Round which the banjo's tinklings stray. (In all love's lore this axiom 's true : The Long Way Round Is The Short Way Through !) She walks with stately step and slow, She passes Job and his banjo : Then she sends back her even voice In words that make Job's heart rejoice: Q0QQ0QOQ0QQ0 w ATCH out, Nigger man, what you 'bout, You '11 sholy wear dat banjo out Let 'lone dis gal ! I '11 tell you what I '11 hatter do I '11 be obleeged to marry you, And dat I shall. I bound to make yo' big mouf hush, And knock dat banjo inter mush Befo' I die ! 37 PLANTATION SONGS 0OOOOO00000O00O000O000O000000O00000000O0O00O00O000000OO00QOOOGO00 I mus' give dem po' strings a pause, I '11 marry you fer des dat cause And reason why. 000000000000000 AND so you Jike this gay banjo ? It little suits a hand of snow ; Yet still on Music's Sea 'twill float A pretty, skimming pleasure-boat. Right merrily ! Among the ships upon Sound's Sea (A sparkling sea of Harmony) 'T will ever drift a lively craft, While gayest breezes round it waft, Right cheerily ! Forever down its good taut strings Laughter will murmur light nothings ; In truth we could not well dispense With this meek friend of no pretence Nay, verily ! Then little banjo, ever float On Melody, a jolly mote, 38 r PHREE buckets for her load she goes SONGS FOR MY LADY'S BANJO 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Touched by my Lady's finger-tips, And sung to by her dainty lips, Right cheerily ! Surely no strings can happier be Than those she touches frequently ; So, pretty banjo, do your best, Follow her lightest, sweet behest, Right merrily ! PLANTATION SONGS OGGOO000O000000000G000OO0000Q00000OOOOOO0OO00000000000000000GOOOOO Wintlt Aaron's Greeting : & jHonologue 0OO0000000000000 A / Md" Quarter AT ! Come back from Santiago? And wearin' his arm in a sling Lawsy marcy, ole 'oman, heah dat ! Don't dat beat ev'ything? Take my hat off de peg, Jerushy, I ain't had it down for a year ; Git my long-tail-black, out de chist dar You ! Handle dat coat wid keer : My folks wore dat coat th'oo three sessions Ole master, his pa, and his son You has to have 'spec' for a coat That 's been th'oo de years like dis one. Hu ! yu ! Den. I 'm stiff in the jints, But walkin' '11 limber me some. Git my cane out de cornder, Jerushy ; Now call dem boys : Lewis ! oh, Lum ! Come go wid gran-pa to de Gre't House And come quick, you lazy young coons ; Yo' marse Tom is come from de wars Des tetotally kivered wid woun's ! 42 UNCLE AARON'S GREETING (D000000O000000O00O00000000000000000000000000000000000O00O00000000 I feel sorter now like a gen'leman, Bar's virtoo in dis coat, I believe, To make me feel most like a scholard Wid de larnin' dat ole master leave Des hangin' around in dese pockets, Or maybe slipped up in de sleeve. I feel now as spry as a sojer Off a day on a bravery leave. Singing Bar's blood on de clouds and de moon's shickle 's sharp, Be angel is strikin' war-chunes on de harp For he 's struck his shickle in de harves'-nel', And a many a soul has to crouch and creel ; For he '11 gether de grain in his gol'en hand, 4nd a many feet '11 press on de gol'en strand Yes ! my brother! you oughter been dar When de winds blew free and far ! O ! my sister ! You oughter been along When de death-wind swept so strong ! Bern winds air filt wid breath of de dyin' (Byin' breaf sets de winds' wings flyin'). O ! my brother, de angel was dar When de woun's fell nigh and fell far : 43 PLANTATION SONGS 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000G000000000000000000 When de cradle was struck in de fiel' When War turned de chariot-wheel Yes ! Dat wheel is fleein' and flyin', Whirled by de sobbin' and de sighin' ! Swift wid breaf of so many a dyin', Sobbin' wid cryin' and sighin' ! On the Path Hold up, chil'en, de ole man 'bleeged to rest. Lemme set on dis log des a spell, I must wait twel my strengt' rises some'at Good you cotch me I mos' might er fell ! How quiet de fiel's and de country, As still as de ole gin in June. Dis a cur'us war anyhow, Our war wa'n't played to dis tune ! Des Marse Tom, and some one or two mo'. Few several gone to de fight Marcy ! in our war my master And four hunderd 'listed one night ! Ev'y one had his several hosses, Nigger cook, nigger boy, nigger man ; Besides from dis ve'y plantation Mos' a whole endurin' brass ban'. And us melt and roll into bullets 44 UNCLE AARON'S GREETING O0O0GGOO0GOOG00OG0OOQ00000000OO00000O0OO000QOO0OO0Q0000GOOOO0O000 Ev'y teapot and plantation bell. And us took ev'y plow offde stock When later us needed mo' shell. And all day de ladies picked lint, A-singin' to keep back de tears, And de quarter-folks tried to raise corn Wid a passel o' scrubby ole steers, 'Caze our hosses all gone to de front, And our mules gone pullin' de guns, And dar war' n't a white man to be seen To de front ! All fathers and sons ! Well, times is obleeged to change, And de ole ways is mos' wo' out : Young folks, and new ways, and new wars Wonder what dis new war is about : Never heard of no Spaniards in my time, De Lord must have made 'em sence. In Cuba ? Freein' mo' niggers ? Dar 's enough on dis side of de fence. A passel of skittish free darkeys As won't let ole folks teach 'em sense. Well, chil'en, le 's move on along ; De House ain't much fudder, I know, But, law ! when de years git heavy How long de short paths grow. 45 PLANTATION SONGS G000000000O00OOOOO0OOOOO0O000000000OOOOO0OO0O0000OOG00G0O00OOOG0O Singing I 'm on de road, I 'm on de road, I got no time to tarry ! I got no load, I got no load, I got no load to carry ! I 'm on de heaven-road. I Ve los' de sinner's load, I feel salvation's goad, drivin' me on de road ! My feet are shod, My feet are shod, I wear de shoes of John ! De way he trod, De way he trod Leads me so gently on ! I 'm on de heaven way, I cannot stop nor stay, The Leader's voice I will obey, and keep right in de heaven way ! At the Great House Marcy me ! what 's dat on de tower ? Yankee-flag, des sho as I 'm born ! Heah, chil'en, slip down and hide Right heah in dis ruslin' high corn UNCLE AARON'S GREETING 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000O00000OO Dem Yankees sure found dat Marse Tom Was des come home for a spell, And dey done come and took dat boy Ter deir Dry 'Tugas Prison, or hell ! Dey done raise deir flag on de house ! Gracious me ! what is dey gone done ? I 'spec' neither man nor mouse Is left not nary a one ! Is you crept up and tuck a nigh look, Lum ? Des tell de ole man what you see Ole Marse and ole Miss on de gallery, As easy as easy can be P Den tell me : Is dat flag a flyin' What I think dat I think I see ? Yas. And, Lewis, you say dat Marse Tom Is come out on de front porch, too ? Is you tryin' to fool yer grand-daddy, Or tellin' him truf fer true? Well, come and le 's go 'long and see If dey is done surrender or not Maybe Marster done give up de place Widout even parley or shot. Lord, boy! Lord, chile! Lord, honey Our boy wid his arm in a sling 4 49 PLANTATION SONGS GO000OO0O0000e00000000000OO00000000000000000O00OOOOOOG000O0OGO0G> Didn' I teach you to ride ! You ! sonny Didn' I bait yo' fust hook ? Ev'y thing And to think you done been to de wars ! Yit dese arms kin clasp you once mo'. Bless de Lord for dis day, little massa ! Dis day He-he! ho-ho ! My soul, boy De brass and de buttons Sojer-straps ! and des one heavy fight ? But-- What 's dis I see ? Gracious me ! Tell me oh, does my ole eyes see right? Is my boy heah got on de blue ? Shoo den oh ! I scarcely kin ax it Is you 'serted and left us for true ? Don't you know dem gray cloze in de chist In camphire laid up in de lof ? Don't you know how us cried when us fold 'em ? Even Marse hid a sob wid a cough. Come heah ! boy ! Tell me ! what you done ? Is I done load yo' very fust musket, Fer you ter be feared of a gun ? Hu ! You laughin' at dis ole nigger ? Des tell me, den, what all dis mean, Fer dat flag and dese cloze is de beatenes' Things my old eyes even seen. 50 UNCLE AARON'S GREETING HYMNS OF THE BLACK BELT GQGGGG00GGGGGGGG00000OGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG000GGG000000O00G000O00000 Gwine my road in de mornin' ! Chillen ! Dat Mornin' ! De music of dat Heavenly Band Sound so sweet in de mornin' ! Gwine th'oo to Bethlehem Gwine meet Moses, and Aaron, and dem Gwine rise up when de trumpet soun', Gwine put on de shine-line-gown ! For I profess dat I do right, 1 confess my sins in de Members' sight, Gwine my road in de mornin' ! O Chillen ! Dat Mornin' ! De singin' in dat Heavenly Land Sound so sweet in de mornin' ! GGGGGGGGGGG000 HYMN OF REPENTANCE TF I was in de ball-room when de Bridegroom come, - If I was in de ball-room when He come ! My feet would grow so weary and my heart begin to sink, For de worl' would be only des hangin' on de brink, If I was in de ball-room when He come ! 117 PLANTATION SONGS 0000000000000000GGGOOOOOGOG000000G00000000000000000000000000000000 If I was in de ball-room when de Bridegroom come, If I was in de ball-room when He come ! If my banjo was a-talkin' when de worl' begin to quake, If my banjo was a-talkin' den my soul 'd 'gin to shake, If my banjo was a-talkin' when He come ! If I was in de ball-room when de Bridegroom come, If I was in de ball-room when He come ! If my seekin' had not found, if my soul was not unbound ! If my feet was not planted on de solid ground ! Oh, I want ter be fixed when He come Hallelujah !- Yas Yas Yas. 0000000000000000 SONG OF THE LITTLE CHILDREN T ITTLE children, I believe ! *^ Been long time waggin' wid de cross, Been long time shakin' wid de fros', Been long time lingerin' and los' But now, little children, I believe ! Then now, little children, don't yer grieve. 118 HYMNS OF THE BLACK BELT 303333333300000000O003333333333333333303333333330O00000Q0O0 000000 Little children, I believe ! My heart's done bud and bloom, My body is ready for de tomb, My soul kin pass th'oo de gloom. For now, little children I believe ! My soul de good news done receive ! Little children, I believe ! My golden shoes are on my feet, My starry crown fit so neat, My tongue is chuned to sing so sweet Fer now, little children, I believe ! And my soul's white robe is weave ! 00OOO00OO000000 WARNIN' HYMN OTARS and de elements a-fallin', ^ De moon in blood drips away : Yonder 's de Angel a-callin' De sheep in de fold dis day ! Sinner ! Sinner ! Whar will yer stand When de rocks begin to melt, And de earth begin to shake, And dar ain't no solid land ? 119 PLANTATION SONGS O0O0O000O00OOO0OO0OOO00OGO0OOOO00000OOO0OOOOO000OO0O00O000Q0OG0O When de rocks begin to melt, And de stars air swept away. And de hail begins to pelt And de sinner cannot pray Oh, den, Hypocrit, whar will you stand When de trees begin to cry, And de hills begin to quake, And de solid earth 's quicksand, When de trees begin to cry, And de limbs begin to swink And de leaves dey fall to nothin' 'Caze de earth is des a brink ? Oh, den, Seeker-man, whar will you stand When de sheep is on de right And de goats is on de left And dey '11 never run no mo' in a band? When de sheep is on de right And de goats is on de left And dey '11 never run together any mo', Fer de Seeker 's found a cleft But de Sinner! Sinner! De Sinner's rockin' loose And de Mourner 's got a seat, And de Member 's got a crown, But de Hypocrit 's rockin' loose. I 20 HYMNS OF THE BLACK BELT GO0O0000O00O000O000OOO0GO00OO0OO000O0OO00O00000OGO00OQOO0O000OQGOO SONG OF THE STORM T WONDER what de thunder grumblin' about : -*- Hit chain to a cloud and can't git out ; I wonder what de lightenin' gwine to do Slashin' out a hole and try ter git th'oo : O my soul ! Try to be bole You gotter hear how Jorden roll ! I wonder why de winds air rollin' roun' : Dey roll high up and dey roll low down I wonder why de waters rush and roar ; Is dey retchin' fer de Ark and good ole Noah? O my soul ! Try to be bole For you 'bleeged to hear how Jorden roll ! I wonder what de wile trees weepin' for, Bendin' to de Souf and bendin' to de Nor* : Is dey cryin' 'caze de storm do strip dey leaves 'Stroyin' all de work dat de Summer weaves O my soul ! Try to be bole You can't get outer hearin' how Jorden roll ! I wonder why de rains air sweepin' so : Dey sweepin' out a place fer de new rainbow, 121 PLANTATION SONGS e00OO0O0000O0000OOO000G0000OOOOO00OO00O000000OO00OG000OO00O00000G> I wonder why de sunshine 's a-creepin' about : Oh, des 'caze de storm is mos' wo' out O my soul ! You will be bole For dar 's al'a's dry land fer de Member's soul. 0OOOOO00000000OO A MEETIN' CHANT Y "OU, Hypocrit ! You, Belzebug ! You dwellin' 'mong-a de swine, You go 'long to Glory wid yo' tongue in yer teef And you leave-a yo' hearts-a behine ! Holy Warrior ! Holy Warrior ! Come to tell you ! Come to tell you ! You better start up de incline. O Mourner, hark ! O Sinner, turn ! Sech a lumberin' in-a de West ! Oh, a Reason come along, and he 'low to me : Dis ain't no time-a for to rest ! Holy Warrior ! Holy Warrior ! Come to tell you ! Come to tell you ! Dat de narrer way is de best. I 22 HYMNS OF THE BLACK BELT O00OO000000O0OOOOO0G0O00000000000000eOOOGOOOOO0000000OO0O00GOO0O Let yo' gun be prime ! Let yo' sword be fine ! And you '11 start out to fight de devil. You '11 find him-a ready and-a waitin' sho He mo' 'n apt meet you wid a shevil ! Holy Warrior ! Holy Warrior ! Come to tell you ! Come to tell you ! Dat de road to hell is level. 00000000000000 WHO BUILT THE ARK? w HO built de ark? Norah ! Norah ! Who built de ark ? Norah! Oh, Norah built de Ark on de highest hill. O Sinner-man ! Whar you gwine buil' ? Who 'lee' de beas' ? Norah ! Norah ! Who kept de peace ? Norah! Oh, Norah built de Ark on de dryes' Ian' And de Sinner he 'low : " What a foolish man ! " 123 PLANTATION SONGS GOO00O0OOGO0O0O0O000O0000000OOOQ0O00OGG0OOO00O0OOO0G0O0Q00GOG0000O Who snare de birds ? Norah ! Norah ! Who druve de herds ? Norah! Oh, Water in de Eas' ! Water in de Wes' ! Water make de worl' a Wilderness ! Who cotch de snakes ? Norah ! Norah ! In de cane-brakes Norah! Oh, Norah receive de rainbow sign : No mo' water, but fire nex' time. 000000000000000 SONG OF THE SEEKER SOMETIMES I 'm up ; sometimes I 'm down; Trouble done bore me down But faith is sure, and faith is sound, And to de Land of faith I 'm bound: Wake up, Jacob ! Wake up, John ! Sinner-man, don't you Sleep too long. 124 HYMNS OF THE BLACK BELT 0GGGGG0000000O0GGGGGGG00000000000000000O00OO00000000O0000000000000 De hill of doubt is hard to climb, But all de years is full of time. And truth 's de traces tight and prime To pull us out de mud and slime : Wake up, Member ! Wake up, All ! Sinner-man, don't you Hear de call ? De Member's chariot is four-wheel : Wheel, Tentance hit will never creel, Wheels, Prayer and Praise '11 never yiel', Wheels, Pleadin' Terms is strong to feel. Chariot strong, Chariot long Sinner-man, come! whar You belong. Ef Hope and Love together '11 hoi', Dey '11 make a strong breas'-yoke and pole, To pull 'long to'ard de streets of gole, Char'ty 's de reins pull on 'em bole : Come den. Git in ! Git in, now ! Sinner-man, you bes' Be quick, I 'low. 125 PLANTATION SONGS 00000Q0OOO000O00O000O000000000O00OGOOOOOO0O0O0OOGOOGG0eO00 A SPIRITUELLE OOMETIMES I 'm up; sometimes I 'm down ^ Almost level wid de solid groun' : For I think I hear de wheel of time, Dat 's hot wid sand and cole wid rime All round my bed a-turnin', All round me daylight 's burnin'. All round my bed I hear dem angels singin' ; All round my bed I hear dem charmin' bells a-ringin'. Sing, angels, sing ! Ring, bells, ring ! Don't I hear dem bells a-ringin' ? Oh, let me get on de bright star-crown ! Oh, let me lay de sinner-load down ! For I think I hear white horses' feet Slippin' and slidin' on de gol'en street All round my bed a-turnin', All round me daylight 's burnin'. All round my bed I hear dem angels singin' ; AD round my bed I hear dem charmin' bells a-ringin'. Sing, angels, sing ! Ring, bells, ring ! Yas, I hear dem angels singin' ! 126 HYMNS OF THE BLACK BELT 00000O000000O0000O0000O00O0000000000O0000O000000O0000O00000000000 o A HYMN CHUNE H, two white bosses stand-in' side and side, Me and Massa Gab'iel gwine for to ride ! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Sittin' by de side of de Lamb. I went to de Meeting I did n't go to stay, But I got so happy dat I stayed all day ! Hallelujah ! Hallelujah ! Sittin' by de side of de Lamb. Oh, a contrite mind and a hick'ry-nut heart Ef you want to go to Glory why don't you start? Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Sittin' by de side of de Lamb. Ef you go to Sister Mary's house talk about me Ef you go to Sister Martha's house don't call my name, Hallelujah ! Hallelujah ! Sittin' by de side of de Lamb. Oh, de white chillen has dere heaven down heah, But de niggers hatter wait fer dere's up Dar ! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Sittin' by de side of de Lamb. 127 PLANTATION SONGS O0000000000O0000000O0000000O00000000000000000000000000000000000000 Oh, de golden slippers, and de gold wais'-band Ev'ything in Glory so golden and grand ! Hallelujah ! Hallelujah ! Sittin' by de side of de Lamb. Oh, twenty-three balls round de Elders' throne And dere heads all 's white as de marble-stone ! Hallelujah ! Hallelujah ! Sittin' by de side of de Lamb. 000O00000O00000 MEMBERS' HYMN OH, when I was a sinner I run my race so well I soon come to find out I was hangin' over hell, I was hangin' over hell, I seed hit's fires well ! Oh, I was bound to go right down Onless I turn right aroun' Onless I put on de lily white robe and fasten on de crown And fasten on de crown Yas, I turn so swif aroun' ! 128 // > T WENT to de Meeting I did n't go to stay ; But I got so happy I stayed all day. HYMNS OF THE BLACK BELT 000000000000000000000000000000000000O0000000000O00000000000000000 Oh, de mornin' star so high ! But I '11 ride on it by-m-bye, When I git whar I '11 no mo' die Dar whar I '11 no mo' die, When I git dar by-m-bye ! Oh, us is left de sinner-seat; Us stand firm on Zion's beat, When de meetin' day come us '11 all gather roun', Us '11 all gather roun', Us '11 all have a gol'en crown. Oh, spit de cup er damnation ! Oh, take up de cup er salvation ! Fer you don't want be found in de Open Fiel' Don't want be found in de Open Fiel' When you cotch sound of de chariot wheel ! Oh, leave de sinner-seat now, Oh, jine in de Members' Row, Fer de Members' way is de best way to go De ve'y best way to go Is clost to de Members' Row ! PLANTATION SONGS O0O0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000O0000000 HYMN OF REJOICING T OOK-a-yonder ! Look-a-yonder! -^^ Bar's all of de chillen right size and numberin' Oh, in de Eas' sech a noise and a lumberin' Moses strike de rock and dey all pass under. My Soul ! dat dangerous thunder ! I 'm standin' ! standin' ! Standin' in de shoes of John! Look-a-yonder ! Look-a-yonder ! Dar's Pharaoh's chillen all runnin' and hollerin'; All Egypt's land is a-fleein' and a-follerin'. Moses raised his hand and de elements thunder, Pharaoh and his men were kivered under I 'm standin' ! standin' ! Standin' in de shoes of John ! Look-a-yonder ! Look-a-yonder ! Dar's ole Satan at de gate er Torment, And yonder 's Heaven des crost and forment ; Satan reach for sinners wid a pitch-fork prong ; Gab'iel call de Members : Come along ! Come along ! I'm standin' ! standin' ! Standin' in de shoes of John ! 132 HYMNS OF THE BLACK BELT 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Look-a-yonder ! Look-a-yonder ! Bar's de wheel er fire des whirlin' and twirling And ole Satan on hit, him wheelin' and whirlin'. Ole Satan ! I hear you clankin' dat chain, But you no need to make a grab at me again I 'm standin' ! standin' ! Standin' in de shoes of John ! Look-a-yonder ! Look-a-yonder ! Dar 's many a sinner, when de day comes nigh, Dat '11 wish he 'd helt Heaven when Heaven was by ; For as Daniwell was safe in de lions' den Oh, des dat safe is de Member when A-Standin' ! Standin' ! Standin' in de shoes of John ! 0O00O000000O00O WHO'LL BE READY? \T7HO 'LL be ready when de Bridegroom come? Who '11 be happy and who '11 be glum ? Jorden river so chilly and cole, Oh, dat water so swimmin' and swole! Dem whar '11 swim it is obleeged to swum Des a-fo' de Angel '11 beat on de drum ! Yas ! O my Soul ! Dem waters roll Who '11 be ready ? PLANTATION SONGS 0OGXIXD0O0O0000O0Q^ Who '11 be ready when de song's begun ? Who '11 be singin' and who '11 be dumb ? Oh, dem Members a-wearin' of gole Safe acrost de shaller and safe acrost de shoal, Whar de gracious tree grows free and firm, Whar de blessed welcome rises from, For de righteous few and de righteous some. Yas ! O my Soul! Dem bells do toll Who'll be ready? Who '11 be ready when de body's numb ? Who '11 be shoutin' and who '11 be mum ? Oh, de Member he '11 be bole And de Seeker will take good hoi' Dey '11 be ready ! OO0G0G00O0OGOO0O HYMN OF THE WINDS 'S war in de worl', O my brothers, For hear how dem brief winds arise; Yas. De winds lift dey voice, my brothers, Wid de breaf er dem what dies ! Roll, winds, roll, And rock de Death-river's tide. Roll, winds, roll, Dat river is long and wide. 134 HYMNS OF THE BLACK BELT GXD00000000030303330000O0000000O00000O000000000000000000O000000000O Dar 's many a soul passin' on, sisters, For watch how dem white clouds pass by ; Dar 's many a soul passes, sisters, When de clouds slip fast and high. Roll, winds, roll, And rock de Death-river's tide. Roll, winds, roll, Dat river is deep and wide. Dar 's war in de worl', O Elders, Brief reverend winds arise ! Dar 's war in de worl', O Elders And dar 's tears in de wori's eyes Roll, winds, roll, And rock de Death-river's tide. Roll, winds, roll, Dat river is heavy and wide. 0O0000000000000O SONG OF THE SEA T~"\E Lord He hardened Pharaoh's heart **^ Because he would not bow ; His heart was hard as hick'ry wood Pitched and tarred, I 'low ! PLANTATION SONGS 000000000000000000000000000000O000000000000000000O0O00000000000 De Lord did harden Pharaoh's heart Ole Pharaoh got a los' den ! Oh, watch him how he led his host And tried to git across den ! De Lord made good ole Moses' heart Des as sof as wax is I 'low dat Mercy 's in it fas', Tight as new wove flax is ! De Lord made Moses meek and true, And let him come across ; Let him smote his rod and pass along And would not let him git los' ! Come across ! Come across ! Come across, Moses, now ! Moses' knee was soon to bow. Den come across ! Den come across ! Dar ain't no danger gittin' los' Gittin' los', Gittin' los'. Dar ain't no danger gittin' los' den, When de waters roll back how and when, And left dry land for de Member-men. 136 HYMNS OF THE BLACK BELT 000000000O0000000000000O0O000000000000000000O0000O000O0000000 THE WORLD'S HYMN 'The Plantation Dies /r^, Dies Ilia H, in dat awful day De moon in blood '11 drip away, Wile winds will arise, Rise wid breaf of all dat dies. o What will de Sinner-man do dat Day ? He will go to his home to be driven away Driven away ! Driven away ! Skies gittin' grey wid gloom : John takes his shinin' broom John sweeps hit far and nigh, Sweeps de stars from out de sky. What will de Elder-man do dat Day? He will go to his home and dey '11 ax him to stay Ax him to stay ! Ax him to stay ! In dat one hour Day Oceans '11 bile away; Birds '11 forgit to fly All livin' 'bleeged to die. PLANTATION SONGS 0000000OO0O0000OOOO00O0GG00G0000OO0O0OO0OO0G00OOGGGOO00OO0000000O0 What will de Hypocrit do dat Day? He will knock at de do' and be driven away Driven away ! Driven away ! Dat Day what '11 light de sky ? De sun '11 rise des one hour high, Den down dat sun will fall Come in, Seekers ! Come in all ! What will de Church-Leader do dat Day ? He will tap at de do' and dey '11 ax him to stay Ax him to stay ! Ax him to stay ! Den when de Archangel sing He '11 hide his face behin' his wing; Prayers '11 roll from sho' to sho' And Praise '11 rise ter set no mo'. Sinner and Hypocrit *fo dat Day, Can't you come in and plead to stay Plead to stay ? Plead to stay ? 138 HYMNS OF THE BLACK BELT 0000OOOOOO0G00OGOOGOO0G000G00O000GGG0GOGGG0GOOG0GQQOGOGG00000GGOO HYMN OF SAFETY ' tree in Paradise, Members call it Tree of Life Safe from sorrer and from strife, Safe from sin, and safe fer Life ! Satan sought my sorrer out, Knocked my soul around about ; Satan aimed a ball at me, Hit my sin, but I went free ! If a Hypocrit is nigh me, Des don't let him spy me ! And why not Satan, too If he don't aim too true? My soul 's as light as leaven is I 'm risin' up whar heaven is. I knock at de gate, I do ; I will knock twel dey let me th'oo ! PLANTATION SONGS OOO0OOOG0O0OOGGO0OQOO0QOOOGG0OGGOOGGOG0OOGOGOGGQGGG0OOO0OGOGG00OG^ HYMN OF FREEDOM , de elements open And de love come down Shine so bright, shine all aroun' ! I '11 out from Egypt on de furder shore, I '11 out from Egypt, and I '11 'turn no more ! Oh, rock-a my soul in de weary Ian' Moses say Pharaoh's a mighty bad man ! you, Chillen of Is'iael, Does you un'erstan' How Moses kilt a Egypchan And buried dat man in Egypt Ian' Diggin' a hole in Egypt san' P Oh, rock-a my soul in de weary Ian' ; Dat 's what he done to de Egypt man ! Oh, rough rocky road 1 mos' done trabblin'. Hypocrit, stop yo' tell-tale babblin' ; I 'm tired er trabblin' in de Wilderness Rain in de mornin', in de evenin' res'. Oh, rock-a my soul in de weary Ian' De trumpet is sound ! And de march is began ! 140 HYMNS OF THE BLACK BELT 0OG00Q0G000OGO000OOGOO000OO00O0OO000QOG0O0O0OGOOGG(^OGOGGG0G0 Carry my soul up yonder ! Carry my soul up yonder ! Yas ! My soul ! Um m m m M m m M m - M- 0O0000OOO00000O0 THE MOURNER'S HYMN IACKNOLEDGE I did wrong, I stayed in de wilderness mos' too long ; But I '11 sign my hand to de Gospel plow, And I '11 take my start to Glory now, Plough dis furrough to Heaven's door, I ain't gwine loose dis plow no more. I acknoledge I did wrong, But now I 'm gwine whar I belong; For I '11 lay my hand on de Christian hoe, And I ain't gwine let no meanness grow Hoe dis row to Heaven's door, I ain't gwine loose dis hoe no more. 141 PLANTATION SONGS 00000O000000000000000000000033300000000000000000000000000003Q3QO I acknoledge I did wrong, Onct I was singin' a banjo song ; But I '11 fill my hand wid de Gospel seed, And I '11 sow so thick dat I '11 choke de weed Sow de seed to Heaven's door I ain't gwine cease dese seed to sow. I acknoledge I did wrong, I stayed in de sinner-seat mos' too long ; But I '11 take my fork in harvest-time, And I '11 fling my sins afur behine. I '11 fork and pitch to Heaven's door, And when I git dar I '11 work no more. Hallelujah ! 000O0O00O0000O00 THE SOMEDAY HYMN TT THEN Abel lives again Color '11 quit dese sons of Cain. We '11 all be free from sorrer and pain In dat day ! In dat day ! When Gab'iel read dat day, When de worl' git wrinkle' and grey, Ef yer can't read yer name dey '11 sen' you 'way In dat day! In dat day ! 142 T ACKNOWLEDGE I did wrong, I stayed in de wilderness mos' too long HYMNS OF THE BLACK BELT 00000000000000000G000000000000000000000000000000G0000G000O0O000000 But de Member '11 read dat day Name so plain he might and may Find and read it out loud and stay In dat day ! In dat day ! You better be lookin' fer dat day, Close in de narrer-road you stay, Den you '11 be safe an' de y'other folks may In dat day ! In dat day ! 00000O00O0000000 THE ENDLESS CHANT DE big bell done rung Dat bigges' big one De pretties' thing my sister done Was serve de Lord when she was young Live humble ! De table is set De Member can feas', He need not to cease. Live humble ! De big room is swept, De big chair is kept Ready 'ginst de Leader-man come Come hurryin' home Live humble ! 10 145 PLANTATION SONGS 00000000G000000000000000000G00000000000G00000000000000000000000000 De long seam is sewed. Come, git in de road, Fer de bells do ring And de Elders sing Live humble ! 00000O0000O00000 HYMN OF TIME earth is a shuttle, my brothers, Around which Time 's twisted and twirl It's wropped in a many a lap, brothers, Wropped round de rollin' old worl'. Den reel me a day from de grave, Des reel me off time to be save ; For de thread is cut short, O brothers, When we retch ole Jo.rden's wave. Ah, dese is de laps er Time, Elders, Bar's many a day in de skein Ah, don't let it be cut short, Elders, Fer hit can't be spliced again. Den reel me a day from de grave, Des reel me off time to be save ; For de thread is snap close, O Elders, When we tetch on Jorden's wave. 146 ^T, come quit de Open FieF : For you ''re walk in on borrowed ground. HYMNS OF THE BLACK BELT 000000O0OO000OOOO000000000000000GG0OOGO000OOO0O00OO0000O000O0O0OGG Oh, de sun is a spinnin'-wheel, sisters, Hit spins off our thread of time ; And dat is a brittle thread, sisters, Hit 's longes' lengt' lies behine. Den reel me a day from de grave, Des reel me off time to be save ; For de thread is broke loose, O sisters, When we retch ole Jorden's wave. Yas, time is a golden thread, Members When hit's spun from de wheel of de sun, And de rollin' ole sun '11 stand still, Members When de stint er time is done. Den reel me a day from de grave, Des reel me off time to be save ; For de thread 's broke loose, O Members, When we tetch ole Jorden's wave. Oh, dis worl' is a bobbin, O seekers, Whar de threads of time are wrop When de bobbin is full, O Seekers, Bobbin and cards will drop. Den reel me a day from de grave, Des reel me off time to be save ; For de thread is cut short, O Seekers When we retch ole Jorden's wave. 149 PLANTATION SONGS 0OOOO00O000000000000G00GG000OOOOOOOOOOOO0OOOOOO00O0000Q0Q0OO0G0000 THE HAPPY HYMN OH, come quit de Open Fiel' : For you 're walkin' on borrowed ground. You are out on a barren land, But you '11 own de land whar you bound, When you step in de golden sand ! You are wearin' gyarments dat '11 tear, And yo' cloze ain't no way grand But a shine-line robe you '11 sholy wear Ef you jine wid de member band ! Den come quit de Open Fiel' : Can't yer quit yer dancin' a reel ! Won't yer catch hoi' de Chariot wheel ? Won't yer come wid de Seekers, and kneel Come ! Now ! Quit de Open Fiel' - Yas, my Soul, yas ! Come ! Come ! Come ! Home ! Home ! Home ! 150