SAND DUNE EEGION ON SOUTH SHOES OF SAGINAW BAY THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES GIFT Mrs. Howard Hill :-^- V^ H' 11 MICHIGAN GEOLOGICAL AND BIOLOGICAL SURVEY Publication 4 Biological Series 2 A BIQLOGICAL SURVEY OF THE SAND DUNE REGION ON THE SOUTH SHORE OF SAGINAW BAY, MICHIGAN PREPARED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF ALEXANDER G.[RUTHVEN Chief Field Naturalist, Michigan Geological and Biological »Survey PUBLISHED AS A PART OF THE ANNUAL REPORT OF THE BOARD OF GEOLOGICAL AND BIOLOGICAL SURVEY FOR 1910 LANSING, MICHIGAN WYNKOOP HALLENBECK CRAWFORD. CO., STATE PRINTERS 1911 q) BOARD OF GEOLOGICAL AND BIOLOGICAL SURVEY. 191L EX officio: The Governor of the State, HON. CHASE S. OSBORN, President. The Superintendent of Public Instruction, HON. L. L. WRIGHT, Secretary. The President of the State Board of Education, HON. D. M. FERRY, Junior. Director, R. C. ALLEN. scientific advisers. Geologists.— Dr. L. L. Hubbard, Houghton; Prof. W. H. Hobbs, Ann Arbor; Prof. W. H. Sherzer, Ypsilanti. Botanists.— Prof. E. A. Bessey, East Lansing; Prof. F. C. Newcombe, Ann Arbor. Zoologists. — Prof. W. B. Barrows, East Lansing; Prof. J. Reighard, Ann Arbor; Mr. Bryant Walker, Detroit. 185542 ' \ LETTERS OF TRANSMITTAL. To the Honorable the Board of Geological and Biological Survey of the State of Michigan: Governor Chase S. Osborn, President. Hon. D. M. Ferry, Jr., Vice President. Hon. L. L. Wright, Secretary. Gentlemen: — I have the honor to present herewith as a part of the report for 1910 of the Board of Geological and Biological Survey, Publication No. 4, being a contribution to the biological survey of the state authorized by Act No. 250 of the Session of 1905. Very respectfully, R. C. ALLEN, Director. Ann Arbor, Mich., January 11, 1911. Sir — I submit herewith a report upon the biological survey of the sand dune region on the south shore of Saginaw Bay, Michigan, carried on under my supervision during the summer of 1908. The report aims to give a comprehensive account of the natural history of the region, and to furnish data for the work of students and those interested in the preservation of our native fauna and flora, or in the introduction of animals and plants into the state. Respectfully, ALEXANDER G. RUTHVEN, Chief Field Naturalist. R. C. ALLEN, Director, Geological and Biological Survey, Lansing, Michigan. CONTENTS. Page. Introduction, Itinerary and Acknowledgments, by Alexander G. Ruthven 13 Description of the En\1ronmental Conditions and Discussion of the Geographic Rela- tions of the Biota, by Alexander G. Rutliven 17 Location and Description of the Sand Region 17 Topograpliy 17 General Soil Conditions 20 Habitats ■ • 20 Sand Ridges 21 Beach of Saginaw Bay 21 Wooded Swamps 22 Mesophytic Woods . 23 Sedge and Grass Swamps 23 Transient Ponds 23 Permanent Ponds 24 Streams 25 Saginaw Bay 26 The Geographic Relations of the Terrestrial Flora and A'ertebrate Fauna of the Sand Region 27 Climate 28 Precipitation 28 Temperature 28 Local and General Distribution of the Biota 30 Literature 31 Ecological Relations of the Flora, by G. H. Coons 35 Physiographic Conditions 36 Ecological Relations 37 Hydrophytes — Fresh Water Formations 37 Helophytes — Swamp Formations 38 Ampliibious Formations — Carex, Juncus and Scirpus Association.s 38 Reed — Swamp Formation — Pliragmites Association 40 Bush Swamp Formation — Alnus Association 42 Wooded Swamp Formation — Birch- Willow Association 43 Mesophytes — Forest Formation — Poplar- Bircli-Maple Association 44 Psammophytes — Beach Formations 45 Dune Formation — Calamo\ilfa — Ammophila Association 46 Dune Heath Formation 48 Dune Bushland Formation 49 Dune Forest Formation — Jack Pine Association 49 Summary of Ecological Relations 54 Fungus Formations 65 Phytogeographical Relations 58 General Summary 60 Literature Cited 61 Catalog of Plants, by C. K. Dodge 65 Introduction and General Description of tlie Region 65 Plants of tlie Beaches 68 Plants of the Dunes 70 Geograpiiic Notes 71 Acknowledgments 71 List of Species 72 8 CONTENTS. Page. Mollusca, by H. Burrington Baker 121 Introduction 121 General Discussion 122 Physiography 1 22 Sand Dunes 122 North and Stony Islands 124 Caseville and the Pigeon River 124 Rush Lake 125 Geographic Relations 125 Aquatic Forms • 125 Terrestrial Forms 125 Habitat Study 126 Aquatic Habitats 126 Habitats of Saginaw Bay 126 Habitats of Sand Dune Lakes 131 Habitats of Rush Lake 133 Habitats of Swamps .' 137 Habitats of the Pigeon River 139 Land Habitats 141 Habitats of the Sand Dunes 141 Habitats of North and Stony Islands 144 Habitats of Creek Flats 147 Habitats of the Clay Soil 148 List of Habitats 151 List of Species 153 Thysanoptera and Orthoptera, by A. Franklin ShuU 177 General Introduction 177 Thysanoptera 178 Introduction 178 Scope of Investigations 179 Methods of Collecting and Preser%ing Specimens 181 Ecology of the Thysanoptera 182 Scheme of Classification 182 Factors Determining Habitat 184 Habits of Thysanoptera 188 Locomotion 188 Reproduction 190 Dissemination , 192 Enemies and Checks 200 Predaceous Animals 200 Rains 201 Systematic and Detailed Treatment of Species 204 Key to Species 205 List of Species 207 Summary of Principal Results 214 Discussion of Economic Aspect 215 Orthoptera 217 Introduction 217 Economic Considerations 217 Diurnal Acti%1ty of Acridiidae 219 Ecology 221 List of Species 222 Literature Cited 230 Mallophaga, by Charles A. ShuU and M. A. Carriker, Jr 233 Introduction 233 Hints on Collecting 233 The Huron County Collection 234 List of Species 235 Literature Cited 242 Fish, by A. L. Leathers '. 243 General Discussion 243 List of Species 248 Literature Cited 255 CONTENTS. 9 Page. Ampliibians and Reptiles, by Alexander G. Ruthven 257 Geographic Relations of the Fauna '. 257 Habitat Relations of the Fauna 259 List of Species 261 Literature Cited 27 1 Birds, by N. A. Wood and Frederick Gaige 273 General Discussion 273 List of Species 276 Mammals, by N. A. Wood 309 Introduction 309 List of Species 309 Appendix A. Temperature Records for June, July and August on Sand Point 313 Appendix B. Additional Remarks on the Biota and climate of the Sand Dune Region, by Alexander G. Ruthven 315 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. Page. Plate I. (a). Beach on the north side of Sand Point 272 (b). Face of outer dune at Oak Point 272 Plate II. (a). North side of Sand Point toward tiie end 272 (b). Looking nortlieast at tlie west side of Oak Point 272 Plate III. (a). Sand flat west of Little Oak Point 272 (b). Blowout in outer dune ridge, showing old beach upon wliich the dune 272 is superimposed 272 Plate IV. (a). Fossil beach near the end of Sand Point 272 (b). Jack Pine forest on the more recent dunes 272 Plate V. (a). Grassy marsh on Stony Island ' 272 (b). Grassy marsh on Stony Island 272 Plate VI. (a). Prairie at the base of Sand Point 272 (b). Margin of the prairie at the base of Sand Point 272 Plate VII. (a). Open marsh at the east end of Rush Lake 272 (b). Open marsh about Turtle Bay on Sand Point 272 Plate VIII. (a). Grassy swale between sand dunes near Rush Lake 272 (b). Permanent pond on Stony Island 272 Plate IX. (a). General ^^ew of Rush Lake 272 (b). Raj-mond's Point on the north shore of Rush Lake 272 Plate X. (a). Dune Point on the north shore of Rush Lake 272 (b). Pigeon River above Case\ille 272 Plate XI. (a). Looking into the ox-bow pond off the Pigeon River at Caseville 272 (b). Dead-waters of the Pigeon River above Case\1lle 272 Plate XII. (a). General ^^ew of Long Lake, Sand Point 272 (b). End of Long Lake, Sand Point 272 Plate XIII. (a). Margin of Long Lake, Sand Point ". 272 (b). Turtle Bay, Sand Point 272 Plate XIV. (a). Rock beach on Stony Island 272 (b). Rock Beach on Stony Island 272 Plate XV. Wooded swamp at east end of Rush Lake 272 Plate XVI. (a). Nest and eggs of Eumcccs quinquilineatus in decaying log 272 (b). Nest and eggs of Eumcces quinquilineatus in decaying log 272 Plate XVII. (a). Elaphe vulpinus 272 (b). Heterodon platyrhinus 272 Plate XVIII. (a). Immature American bittern 272 (b). Nest and eggs of ovenbird 272 Plate XIX. Nest and eggs of spotted sandpiper : 272 Map. Huron County 257 A BIOLOGICAL SURVEY OF THE SAND DUNE REGION ON THE SOUTH SHORE OF SAGINAW BAY, MICHIGAN. INTRODUCTION, ITINERARY AND ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. BY ALEXANDER G. RUTHVEN. The region investigated by the biological survey in the summer of 1908 Hes immediately along the west shore of Huron County. (]\Iap.) This county forms the apex of the "thumb" of IMichigan— the broad land area that separates Saginaw Bay and Lake Hm-on. This region was chosen for two principal reasons: first, there was cause to expect that the shghtly pecuHar climate that this coast of ^Michigan is said to have would be attended by a different (more southern) fauna and flora than is found in the interior of the state; and, second, the area is almost wholly uncultivated and in a primitive condition, and would consequently be expected to harbor the primitive fauna and flora. On June 13, the party, consisting at this time of ]\Ir. A. Frankhn Shull, Columbia University, Mr. H. B. Baker, University of ^Michigan, Mr. A. L. Leathers, Cornell University, Mr. N. A. Wood, University of Michigan Museum, and the -RTiter, started from Ann Arbor for the field. Camp was established on the north shore of Sand Point, in the fishermen's shacks of the W. J. Orr Fish Company. From this camp the entire Point could be worked to advantage, and one man (]\Ir. Wood) was kept here throughout the season. The party was enlarged as follows: On June 21 by Mr. Frederick Gaige, Ann Arbor, Michigan; on July 8 by Prof. G. H. Coons, Michigan Agricultural College; on July 9 by IMr. C. K. Dodge, Port Huron, Michigan. The members of the party confined their attention to Sand Point until July 12, except that Dodge and Coons spent a few days on the Charity Islands. On July 12, the writer with Shull, Baker, Gaige and Dodge moved to Stony Island. On July 15, Dodge severed his connection with the expedition, but the Ston}^ Island party remained on the island (also working North Island to some extent) until July 19, returning to Sand Point on the latter date. On July 20, Baker and Leathers were sent to Caseville, where they worked the region about the lower part of the Pigeon River until July 28, when they again 14 INTRODUCTION. joined the Sand Point party. On July 29, Baker, Leathers, Shull and Gaige were sent to Rush Lake, where camp was made at the eastern end of the lake. The writer joined this party on Augusi 1. On August 3, Coons left the party, and on August 8 Leathers was returned to Sand Point. The remainder of the Rush Lake party, consisting of Gaige, Shull, Baker and the writer, remained at Rush Lake until August 27. On August 20, Dodge again joined the Sand Point party and moved to Rush Lake on August 21, leaving the party again on August 25. From the Rush Lake camp the entire region between Oak Point and Port Crescent was examined. On August 28, the parties were again united on Sand Point, and on the following day left the field. On June 15, 1909, Dodge returned to Caseville and spent two days between that place and Sand Point, one day at Rush Lake, and one day on the Charity Islands, and about five days at Bay Port and on the adjoining islands. Again he went to Sebewaing and spent three days in that vicinity, July 10, to Port Austin for three days, August 7, and to Grindstone City for three days, September 14, 1909. From this itinerary it will be seen that the expedition worked in detail a strip of coast extending from Sand Point to Port Crescent, with the islands immediately off shore, and the botany of the entire sand region and the Charity Islands. In this work Shull devoted his entire time to insects, laying particular stress upon the Orthoptera and Thysanoptera; Baker confined his attention entirely to the molluscs; Leathers investigated the fish fauna; Wood and Gaige worked on the birds and mammals; Dodge and Coons studied the botany; and the writer had general charge of the expedition, and devoted his time in the field to the investigation of the reptile-amphibian fauna. That the results of the expedition exceeded what the writer hoped it could accomplish is due in large part to the excellent work done by its members. Both in the field and subsequently in working over the collections, the men have been untiring in their efforts to make the most of the opportunity that the survey provided of obtaining a detailed knowledge of the biota of the region. In work of this kind the actual number of specimens obtained means little as a measure of the results obtained, but the following resume of the collections will give some idea of the amount of data secured: Insects— 15,000. Molluscs— 15,000. Crawfish — 84. Fish— 1,647. - Amphibians and Reptiles — 352. Birds — 641 skins, 68 nests and eggs, 631 stomachs. Mammals— 69. INTRODUCTION. 15 It has been found impossible to work up all of this material in the present report, which will, therefore, have to be supplemented from time to time as the remaining data is organized. In carrying on this investigation the Sm'vey became indebted to a number of persons for very material assistance. The camps on Sand Point and Stony Island were secured from Messrs. W. H. Wallace and W. J. Orr of Saginaw, and Mr. George Clark, Bad Axe, Michigan, kindly provided the camp used for a time at Rush Lake. The assistance re- ceived in the identification of material is acknowledged in the different papers. The writer wishes to acknowledge his personal indebtedness to Prof. Jacob Reighard, University of Michigan, and to Mr. Bryant Walker, Detroit, for many helpful suggestions and much material assistance. DESCRIPTION OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS AND DISCUSSION OF THE GEOGRAPHIC RELATIONS OF THE BIOTA. BY ALEXANDER G. RUTHVEN. LOCATION AND DESCRIPTIOX OF THE SAND DUNE REGION. Topography. The region investigated by this expedition comprises the greater part of the strip of sand ridges that extends along the south shore of Saginaw Bay, from Hardwood Point to Sand Point, "in fact at intervals all along the western shore" (Da\'is, 1900, p. 40). This sand area varies from about three-fourths to one and one-half miles in width and consists of a succession of sand and gravel ridges (in general parallel to the shore) with intervening swales and swamps. Beginning, accord- ing to Davis (1900. p. 56), "at the north extremity of the county around Point Aux Barciues," there is a continuous ridge of sand hills, "which continues swinging from point to point, like draped festoons, clear to the southwest edge of the county. Exceptionally high knobs rise more than 40 feet above lake (620 A. T.). but in general the top of the ridge is a little above 30 feet above lake level On the landward side this ridge is backed by extensive swamps, now rapidly being artificially drained, at an altitude of 20 to 24 feet above lake (606 feet A. T.). On the lake side we find series of sand and gravel beach ridges, interspersed with swamps. Their altitudes are quite various, depending somewhat upon how far the ridges pass into dune sand aggregates. There are in places at least four or five strand lines." ^lany of the ridges are low and composed largely of gravel, being very evidently old beaches. Others consist of small dunes superim- posed upon the old beaches, and two are high ridges of pure sand that are unmistakably fossil dunes. Even in the case of the latter, however, the dunes have been blown up on an old beach and have undergone little subsecjuent migration. This is well shown where blow-outs cut them to the base, revealing the underlying beach. (Plate III b.)/ 3 18 SAND DUNE REGION OF SAGINAW BAY. At the present time the dunes are all stationary, even the newest ones being covered by vegetation. From Sand Point eastward, of the two largest ridges, one — as described by Davis — extends along the landward or southeastern side of the sand area, while the other extends along the northwestern side following the present beach of Saginaw Bay. These two ridges are apparently true sand dunes (with long windward and steep leeward slopes) superimposed upon what was in times past in the case of the southern ridge, or is now in the case of the northern one, the upper beach of Saginaw Bay. West of Caseville the inner sand ridge curves eastward, swinging back toward the shore at Bayport, while the outer one, following the shore, curves abruptly to the west and is continued to the end of Sand Point. The base of the Point (the area lying between a line drawn across the Point just west of Orr Lake and the eastern dune ridge) is low and swampy, and relieved l)y only low gravel ridges. These angle off from the outer dune ridge and parallel the eastern one in a general way. On the Point these ridges successively bear more and more to the west- ward, crossing it in a direction diagonal to its length, and are connected at their southern ends by low ridges that run east and west. From about the middle to the end of the Point the dune ridges are higher, liut have about the same arrangement and cross the Point in a more north and south direction. Near the end the high outer dune swings away to the southwest and leaves a wide sand flat (Plate II a), re- placed at the very end by a bay opening to the west, between the dune and the present beach. The outer side of this bay is formed by a sand bar submerged at its outer end, and there is a parallel submerged bar a short distance ofT shore that is continued far out in the bay. Toward the end of the Point the transverse ridges are connected on the south side by a single ridge, l5ut toward its base other ridges now intervene between the present beach .and the one joining the ends of the transverse ridges, and still another is being formed as a southeast- wardly projecting sand spit. Flats similar to the one at the end of Sand Point are found on the west side of Hat Point, Oak Point (II b) and Little Oak Points (Plate III a). The topographic conditions briefly outlined above may, I believe, be interpreted as follows: 1. As the level of the water in the post-glacial lakes fell low enough to uncover the sand ridge region, the sand formed by the com- minution of the exposed rock was built up into beaches each one of which represents a halt in the fall of the water level. 2. In the longer halts opportunity was given for the sand l)lown up by the winds from the lieach to be piled into dunes on the upper beach. SAND DUNE REGION OF SAGINAW BAY. 19 3. There is now and has been since sometime during the formation of the beaches in the sand region a westward movement of sand along this coast that results in an accumulation be- hind (west side) the points, and the elongation of Sand Point. That this is taking place at the present time is evidenced ])y the projecting bars behind (west side) Oak, Little Oak and Hat Points, and at the end of Sand Point. That Sand Point is being elongated is shown by the fact that the present beach has recently (see next) been built and extends well out into the water, and is replaced off shore by another bar that extends far out in the lake. The em- ployes of the W. J. Orr Fish Company assert that within the past five years the fishing boats have been compelled to keep farther and farther out in rounding the Point, and this com- pany has even added flat-l)ottomed boats to its fleet in order that they may stand in closer to shore. Furthermore, the logs on the fossil beach (Plate IV a), now several hundred yards from the ])resent l^each, show by the mill marks that they were cast up since lumbering operations began in the region. The direction of all the ridges composing the Point shows that practically all of its growth has been in this way. 4. The beaches have been formed by the elevation above water (during storms) of the off-shore bars. These beaches are first tied to the land on the eastern side and then extended westward. This is shown in the flats that extend westward from Hat, Little Oak and Oak Points and particularly well at the end of Sand Point where the present beach swings away from the dunes and extends out into the water for a considerable distance, while just off shore is another bar covered by but a few inches of water and extending far out into the lake. That the last abandoned beach was along the dunes is shown by the drift logs strewn along the foot of the ridge, although at present several hundred yards from the water (Plate IV a). These beaches on Sand Point are also joined with the mainland by others formed by a return drift that builds them to the southward as sand spits, enclosing lakes, ponds, marshes or low flats between the main ridges, or, in the case of those just forming, bays that will become enclosed between the low paralled ridges. The only areas examined outside of the sand region were the islands in Saginaw Bay and the clay country about Rush Lake. The latter region needs little discussion, as it was not worked in detail. It forms a part of the broad flat plain intervening between the high land of the central part of the count}^ and Saginaw Bay. It is mostly cleared and under cultivation, and the onlv wooded areas examined were the ex- 20 SAND DUNE REGION OF SAGINAW BAY. tensive swamps that occur all along the inner dune, and the patches of forest that extend out in places from the south side of the inner dune ridge. Stony, North and Katechay Islands lie off the coast at Bayport. Stony Island was worked in detail, North Island to some extent, but Katechay, which is almost entirely a swamp, was not examined. Stony Island consists of a rocky elevation (north end) and a series of low parallel sand ridges that, with a swamp along its eastern side, forms the long point on the south. This island is being built southward by the formation of sand bars, and the southern end is very much like the sand region on the mainland, consisting as it does of several ridges with intervening swamps, but the ridges are low. The large marsh on the east side is also being enclosed on the east by a sand spit, much like Turtle Bay on Sand Point. North Island is also characterized by a rocky nucleus and is apparently being built up to the southward, as shown by the sand bar running across to Stony Island. The Charity Islands could not be worked in detail in the time available, only a botanical investigation being made as the basis for future work. General Soil Conditions. From the foregoing discussion it will be seen that the sand region is composed of a series of roughly parallel ridges •with, intervening lakes, ponds or swamps as the case maj' be. The ridges are of sand, varying from the pure sand of the dunes to the mixture of sand and beach gravel in the lower ridges. The swamps, ponds and lakes are also apparently floored with sand, which occasionally, in the more recent ones, is not covered as yet by mud or peaty deposits (e. g.. Long Lake), although in the older ones (Orr Lake and Mud Pond) such deposits are present. The soil of the main parts of Stony and North Islands is a shallow stony loam covering the bed rock; that of the southern end of Stony Island is the same as that of the sand region. Habitats. The uniformit}^ in the topography restricts the number of habitats, but there are several major ones plainly indicated by the vegetation. I have distinguished the following groups of environic conditions: Terrestrial hahitots. Aquatic habitats. Sand ridges. Transient ponds. Beach of Saginaw Bay. Permanent ponds. Wooded &-wamps. - Streams and artificial Mesophytic woods. ditches. Sedge and grass swamps. Saginaw Bay. SAND DUNE REGION OF SAGINAW BAY. 21 The habitat distril^utioii of the flora and fauna has been considered more or less completely by the \mters on the different groups, so that all that will be attempted here is a brief outUne of the general con- ditions. Sayid Ridges: This habitat comprises the dry sand ridges and grades down into the swani])s and to the shore of Saginaw Bay. Most of the ridges are clothed with an open growth of oaks, jack pine, large- toothed aspen, sand cherry, choke cherry and wild red cherry, with scattering white and Norway pines and a ground cover of such forms as black huckleberry, bearberry, New Jersey tea, hairy puccoon, winter- green, golden-rod, etc. In other words the society is xerophytic. (Plate IV b) The fauna of the sand ridges is less characteristic because as a rule less closely associated ^^dth the soil. However, certain relations are evident.- The numerous forms, such as myriapods, snails, l^eetle larvae, earthworms and salamanders, usually found in the humus and decaying logs in mesophytic woods are nearly entirely absent from the ridges but are better represented on the borders of the swamps, where some humus has formed under the deciduous shrubs and trees. The absence of these forms from the ridges is due to the lack of humus and the fact that the decaying logs are usually too dry. The few found on the ridges were nearly always in or under the logs. On the other hand, we found on the ridges an abundance of forms not usually found in num- l)ers in mesophytic woods. Among these are to be mentioned the hog-nosed snake, grasshoppers, ant-Hons, cicadas, the mollusk, Polygyra albolabris maritima, and the field sparrow. Beach of Saginaw Bay: From the end of Sand Point eastward the Ij.each of Saginaw Bay is practically pure sand. It may be di^'ided into two parts — a lower washed by the summer waves and devoid of vegetation, and an upper part that is washed by the winter waves, strewn with logs and supporting a few annual plants such as Cakile edulenta, Arabis lyrata, and Triglochin palustris. The outer dune arises directly from the beach proper. The outer face of this dune is covered by a sparse gro^^i:h of xeroph}i;ic grasses and herbs such as Artemisia caudata, beach pea, Cirsium pitcheri, two prominent xero- phytic grasses, Ammophila arenaria and Calamovilfa longifolia. etc., and the top by the vegetation of the older dunes with a greater pro- portion of juneberry. choke cherr}', Cornus baileyi, and sand cherry. The trees that occur l)oth here and on the older ridges are generally more scrubby in this habitat. (Plates I, III b.) The fauna of this group of habitats is ver\' meager, the resident spotted sandpiper and the numerous migrant sandpipers and plovers are characteristic of the beach proper, and also generally to be found 22 SAND DUNE REGION OF SAGINAW BAY. here are a few leopard and green frogs, deer mouse and Baird's field mouse, but as a whole the fauna is very poor owing largely to the drifting sand that soon buries the logs. Where the beach is partially protected from the waves by off-shore bars and is thus narrower, the upper part is damper and more protected from shifting sand. Here a few sedges and certain forms such as various snails (see Baker) are found among the logs. The characteristic forms of the dune face are the grasshoppers (see ShuU). The conditions described above are typical of the beach throughout most of the region, but there are a few local variations that should be mentioned here. These variations are associated with the sand flats that are being formed back of the sand bars at Hat, Oak and Little Oak Points, and at the end of Sand Point. These flats are moist sand and support a sparse vegetation of sedges, Equisetuvi, nodding ladies tresses, etc., and where broader are covered with clumps of willows, balsam-poplar, and occasionally paper birch. (Plates II, -III a.) There is apparently no characteristic fauna on these flats, the inhabi- tants being the beach forms plus a few swamp types (e. g. Jefferson salamander, leopard frog, cockroaches, myriapods, etc.) and in the drver places with some from the ridges (skink, fox snake and milk snake). When these flats are formed or when an off-shore bar has become elevated to enclose a lagoon (Plate II b), the older beach is removed from wave action and becomes a fossil beach. The best fossil beach was found at the end of Sand Point, and was so recent that it was still strewn with logs in advanced stages of decay (Plate TV a). The fauna consists of the upper beach forms with a few others from the sand region that seem to find particularly favorable conditions here. The conspicuous forms are: Baird's mouse, deer mouse, skink, fox snake and milk snake, and a number of invertebrates (such as cock- roaches, myriapods and snails) that are usually found in decaying logs. Wooded Sivamps: The habitats grouped here vary greatly. In one direction they grade into the grass marshes, in another into the low sand flats that occur between the ridges when the elevation is somewhat higher, and in still another into the mesophytic forest. The flora of the typical swamps of the wetter type in the sand region con- sists principally of a groA^ih of swamp white oak, black ash, red maple, arbor vitae, yellow birch and a number of ferns and mosses. As these swamps approach those of the grassy type they become mixed with willows, alder (.4. incana), dogwoods, and cottonwood. While in the hio-her swales the American aspen, paper birch, balsam-poplar, etc., become predominant. SAND DUNE REGION OF SAGINAW BAY. 23 In the wooded swamps the fauna consists chiefly of the forms usually found in mesophytic forests. To be mentioned are, the greater abundance of the invertebrates that inhabit humus and decaying logs, e. g. many gasteropods (see Baker) and. among vertebrates, the sala- manders,. Amhystoma jeffersonianum antl Plethodon cincreus. Other characteristic forms are the wood frog, common tree toad, whippoor- will. ovenbird, redstart, and the American hare. We found no typical bogs within the sand region projicr, douljtless because the porous soil provides too perfect drainage. That the con- ditions in some of the swamps are somewhat bog-like is shown In- the presence of occasional tamaracks and black spruces, but these nowhere dominate the vegetation, as they do in the bogs of the clay country. At Rush Lake several typical bogs occur on the east side of the inner dune ridge and form islands in the lake itself. These support the plants characteristic of such conditions, e. g., tamarack, black spruce, Cassandra, Labrador tea, pitcher plant, etc. The fauna was not studied in detail. Mesophytic Woods: The typical mesophytic forest of this part of the state was found in the sand region proper only on low ridges of considerable age, e. g., at the base of Sand Point and along the south side of the inner dune ridge where it has encroached to some extent upon the ridge from the clay country. On Stony and North Islands the high land is clothed with mesophytic types. The conspicuous plants of this formation are sugar maple, basswood, beech, ironwood, butternut, shag-bark hickory, mountain maple, prickly ash and spikenard with a few hemlocks and balsam firs. Here is found a good development of the ground fauna found in such conditions. Characteristic forms are: Shield-backed locust, Plethodon cinereus, myriapods, cockroaches, and many gasteropods (see Baker). The other forms found here are those mentioned as characteristic of the wooded swamps — ovenbird, redstart, whippoorwill, etc. Sedge and Grass Swamps: The swamps in which grasses and sedges predominate are usually found in the swales and about the ponds. They are all small, with the exception of a rather large area on the l)ase of Sand Point and the wet marsh on the south end of Stony Island. (Plates V, VI, VII, VIII a, XII a.) The vegetation consists of various grasses and sedges, with clumps of willows, poison sumac and Roso Carolina. Characteristic animals are: a number of snails (see Baker), swamp tree-frog, leopard frog, ribbon and garter snakes, green snake, rattle- snake, American bittern, sora rail, Virginia rail, red-winged blackbird, swamp sparrow, long-billed marsh wren and yellow warbler. Transient Ponds: In the sand region there are a large number of shallow depressions that contain water only for a part of the year. 18554'^ 24 SAND DUNE REGION OF SAGINAW BAY. These temporary ponds maj' or may not l^e filled with grasses and sedges. In the former case, upon drying up in the summer, small grassy areas are left, and in the latter expanses of drying mud. These ponds mostly harbor forms (a) that have aquatic larval stages that are passed before the ponds vanish (e. g.. frogs, tree frogs and salamanders), or (b) that may aestivate (a number of gasteropods), but some truly aquatic forms annually get into them that either migrate or are killed by the dning-up. For example, turtles and water snakes are occasionally found in these and the bugs Xotonectidae and Belostoma were found dying in the beds of dried-up ponds in July. The beds of the transient ponds that are not filled with grasses and sedges furnish feeding grounds for several sandpipers and plovers — the greater yellow-legs, least sandpiper, and semipalmated plover were observed. Permanent Ponds: There are also many bodies of water in the sand region that do not usually drA^ up in the summer. Those studied in detail are, Orr Lake, Mud Pond, and Long Lake, all on Sand Point. .The two former are deep ponds, with a bottom of mud and peat and a rich aquatic vegetation. The animals collected in them were such pond forms as Planorhis cainpanulatus, P. exacuous and Segmentina crass- ilahris, and Rana clamitans. Another small one investigated had the following fish: bullhead, tad-pole stone cat and mud minnow. Long Lake is a long narrow lake l^ack (south) of the first dune at the end and north side of Sand Point. It is very shallow, nowhere attain- ing a depth of over two or three feet. The bottom is sand, and there is not an abundant flora except at the east end where the bottom is peaty. Much of the bottom is bare, but there is a sparse gro-«i;h of rushes about the shore, a few large patches of a very short chara, and small patches of water-lilies. At the ends there is a slight deposit of peaty material, and there the aquatic vegetation is much better developed. (Plates XII, XIII a.) There are no fish in the lake. The reptiles and amphibians are represented by the painted turtle, Blanding turtle, and the red nevrt, and such marginal forms as the water snake and green frog. ]\Iany tadpoles of the latter are found in the lake, and there is an abundance of such invertebrates as Xotonectidae, dragon-fly larvae, etc. The shells found here are listed by Baker. On the south end of Stony Island there are three ponds (Plate "\'III b) that have apparently been formed much as the lagoon ponds in the sand region, and the fauna is about the same. The painted turtle. Blanding tm'tle, red newt, dragon-fly larvae and numerous shells were collected. Rush Lake, by far the largest body of water in this region, is outside of the sand region proper. It is a part of the series of swamps that SAND DUNE REGION OF SAGINAW BAY. 25 occur along the landward side of the inner dune ridge. It is about two and one-half miles long by one mile wide. The bottom consists of deep deposits of peat and marl, and the depth of water is, in summer, but a few inches over most of the lake, although along the north side of the middle there is a channel from three to five feet deep. There is a rich aquatic vegetation, consisting mostly of pond weeds, over most of the bottom. The plants whose stems and leaves mostly float upon, or are often tlirust above the water, grow in patches. These patches we found to consist of such forms as potamogetons, pickerel-weed, tape- grass, water-shield, bur-reed (Sparganium eurycarpum), pond-lilies, great bulrush, etc. In places the peat has been l^uilt up so that it \nll support bog plants, and bog-islands have been formed "with a flora the same as in the tamarack swamps about the margin of the lake. (Plates IX, X a.) The aquatic invertebrate collections of Rush Lake have not been studied, with the exception of the mollusks. The painted tm-tle and bull frog were found here, and the following fish: yellow catfish, long- jawed catfish, blunt-nosed minnow, golden shiner, Cayuga minnow, grass pike, sun fish, perch, and spindle darter. Streams: The Pigeon River was the only stream studied that heads back in the "hill district" of the central part of the county. Flowing across the intervening plain it enters the sand region and empties into Saginaw Bay at Caseville. As it crosses the plain district it is little more than a meandering creek, with a bottom of clay and gravel. After entering the sand region it becomes much more winding, as it is nearly at base level. It also becomes wider and deeper (up to six feet) which with the feeble current permits a rich growth of aquatic plants. (Plates X b, XI b.) Within the sand region (at Caseville) the river is a sluggish meandering stream ^\ith a mud bottom, and considerable aquatic vegetation in places. One of the curves has been cut off as an ox-bow pond. (Plate XI a.) The conditions in this pond apparently differ little from those of the river except that the quiet water permits a greater development of vegetation. Zones of rushes surround it and beds of yellow and white waterlilies and Sparganium eurycarpum occur in the open water. The only animal groups studied in these habitats were the fish and mollusks. The fish found in the river are: dog-fish, yellow catfish, black bullhead, common sucker, mullet, silver fin (one specimen), grass pike, calico bass, rock bass, sun-fish, black bass, large-mouthed black bass, wall-eyed pike, perch, log perch, black-sided darter, Iowa darter, and spindle darter. Those found in the ox-bow pond are: bullhead, golden shiner, red-fin dace, little pickerel, grass pike, rock bass, and large-mouthed black bass. 26 SAND DUNE REGION OF SAGINAW BAY. Mud Creek, located in Caseville Township and emptying into Wild Fowl Bay just west of the base of Sand Point, is the only stream in the region studied that does not head in the "hill district." It is nothing more than a small creek that flows for most of its length through the clay country, and is very sluggish in the sand region. It was only studied near its mouth where the following species of fish were taken: Lepisosteus osseous, Ameiurus vulgaris, A. melas, Pimephales notatus, Semotilus atromaculatus, Notropis cayuga, Umhra lima, Amhloplites rupestris, Micropterus salmoides, Perca flavescens. Saginaw Bay: About Sand Point and all along the coast to the east the bottom of Saginaw Bay is sand, except at Oak and Hat Points. (Plate I a.) This sand is practically devoid of pebbles and forms a clean hard bottom out to considerable depths. Except for the fish, the biota of the margin of the httoral zone only was studied. The shallow water part of this zone is nearly everywhere devoid of vegetation, owing to the shifting nature of the substratum and the action of the surf. The animal life is also very meager for the same reasons. The fish taken in this habitat are: common sucker, spawn-eater, red-fin dace, red-fronted minnow, trout-perch, rock bass, wall-eyed pike, perch, log perch, black-sided darter, spindle darter and miller's thumb (one specimen). No bottom forms were found until the deep littoral zone was reached. For the mollusks of the deeper part of this zone see Baker. The north shore of Stony Island is rocky (Plate XIV) ; at Oak Point there are large rocks off shore, and at Hat Point the bed rock forms a cliff and a small high island off shore. The rocks at these points are covered with a coating of algae and in the crevices there may be a scattered growth of the rush, Scirpus atnericanus. Here, as pointed out by Baker, are to be found the univalve mollusks with large feet — Physa, ancillaria tnagnalacustris, Lymnaea emarginata ontarioensis and Goniohasis livescens. Leeches were also found here. Where the bars are being elevated above the water, e. g., on the west side of Oak Point, the end of Sand Point and the south side of the base of Sand Point, shallow bays are being formed. Those in the first two places mentioned are shallow and floored with sand both for the reason that the drift is great along this shore and much sand is washed into them before they become separated from the bay and also because a large amount of sand is blown into them after the barrier beach has been raised above the surface of the water. In general it may be said that the substratum of sand here, as on the beach, is an unfavorable factor, and the elimination of the wave action a favorable condition, the two partially offsetting each other. Thus the vegetation is sparse (mostly sedges) but better represented than off the exposed beaches. Even before the barrier beach has been elevated above water its in- SAND DUNE REGION OF SAGINAW BAY. 27 fiuence in checking the force of the waves is shown by a narrower lower beach and the presence of a Httoral zone of sedges, as at the end of Sand Point. That the fauna also responds to these conditions is shown b\' the abundance of clams (see Baker) on and between the bars and in the lagoons, and a muskrat house on the bar at the end of Sand Point. The bay (Turtle Bay) on the south shore of Sand Point differs from those just mentioned in being itself at the head of a bay (Wild Fowl Bay) and thus protected from severe wave action. (Plate VII b, XlII b.) The beach of the sand spit that is enclosing this body of water is narrow, and the marginal rushes and sedges are rather well repre- sented. In the bay itself there is a deposit of mud and a rich aquatic flora and fauna. The animals found here are: snapping turtle (abundant), painted turtle, Blanding turtle, dog-fish, gar pike, long- jawed catfish, bullhead, Mississippi catfish, mullet, golden shiner, grass pike, calico bass, rock bass, sun fish, large-mouthed black bass, perch, log perch, Iowa darter, spindle darter, wood duck, black duck, and other more or less aquatic birds. THE GEOGRAPHIC RELATIONS OF THE TERRESTRIAL FLORA AND VERTEBRATE FAUNA OF THE SAND DUNE REGION. As previously stated, the main reason for selecting this region for study was to determine, if possible, the effect upon the biota of the slightly more equable climate that this coast is supposed to have. It has become evident upon a study of the material and the literature that this question cannot be definitely answered as yet, owing princi- pally to our lack of knowledge of the biota of other parts of the state. For this reason it has been made the first aim of this report to present the conditions in the region studied so that the data may be available for future comparison when more work has been done in the interior of the state. There are, however, a few conclusions concerning the geographic distribution of some of the forms in the region that seem to be warranted. Before taking up the discussion of the affinities of the terrestrial fauna of the sand region the general geographic conditions in southern Michigan should be briefly outlined. In the first place, there are no physiographic barriers to migration, as there are no high elevations, large streams, etc., so that as far as this factor is concerned there seems to be no reason why any form cannot range over practically the entire area if favorable habitats can be found. This peninsula, however, extends through four degrees of latitude, and furthermore, as is well 28 SAND DUNE REGION OF SAGINAW BAY. known, constitutes an area of transition betueen a northern biota found mostly north of Lake Superior, and a southern one that is characteristic of Indiana, Ohio and Kentucky. This subject need not be discussed in detail here, but it should be pointed out that there are great differences in the extent to which different northern forms push southward and southern forms northward in southern Michigan, and that the determining factors are the climate and the constitution and habits of the organism. Climate. The climate of the sand region may be described briefly as follows: Precipitation: Jefferson * has shown that the "'thumb'' of Michigan is characterized by a decidedly light pi-ecipitation as compared with the rest of the lower peninsula. The rainfall over the greater part of southern Michigan is between 30 and 35 inches. On the west coast, north and south of the Saginaw-Grand Valley and in a few places in the interior the precipitation is increased to 35-40 inches, and two localities in the northwestern and southwestern parts have a rainfall of over 40 inches, but the greater part of the lower peninsula has a precipitation of 30-35 inches. There are two areas that have a rainfall of less than 30 inches. One of the latter is a small area northwest of Detroit, the other is the "thumb", lying between Saginaw Ba}' and Lake Hm-on. The decrease in the precipitation in this region would itself probably be too slight to affect the facies of the biota, but the effect it may be expected to have is, in the sand region, added to those due to the sandy soil thus increasing the general aridity of the conditions. Temperature. Winchell f long ago pointed out that the southern peninsula of Michigan has a much more ec^uable temperatm'e than the states to the south and west. Owing to the prevailing westerly winds and the presence of a large body of water on either side, the winters are milder, and while the summers are cooler the possibilities of early and late frosts are much less than in the region to the west of the lakes. This influence is felt throughout southern Michigan but is much more noticeable along the coasts, particularly along the west coast. How- ever, it is not much less along the east than along the west coast of the state, owing to the fact that, although the prevailing winds are westerly. *Eighth Ann. Rept. Mich. Acad. Sci., 78-97. tHarpers Monthly, XLIII (1871), pp. 275-285. Other references on tliis subject are: Winchell, Sparks from a Geologist's Hammer, pp, 200-23Z; The Grnjid Traverse Region. Proc. Amer. Assn. Adv. Sci.. 1866. PP- 84-89, 1870. pp. 106-117: Rept. Geol. Surv. Mich.. 1871; Walling' s Atlas of Michigan. IS7S: Zeitsch der Osterrcich. Gef. fur Meteor.. VII, p. 351. VIII, 40: Anv. Rept. State Hort. Soc. (Mich.), 1880; Michigan (1873). McCracken. The State of Michigan (1876). Lyster, Sixth Ann. Rept. Sec. St. Board of Health of Mich., pp. 167-250. SAND DUNE REGION OF SAGINAW BAY. 29 Saginaw Bay and the westward bend of Lake Huron exert some in- fluence upon the western shores of the lake. Although Winchell states (pp. 282-283) that the mean annual tem- perature is also slightly higher along the west coast of Michigan than on corresponding latitudes west of Lake Michigan, the annual mean in Huron County (as shown by Da\is) is practically the same as obtains at points on corresponding parallels on the great plains so that in this re- gion the lakes operate principally to check oscillations and extreme va- iations. As said above, just what effect the more ecjuable temperature of this coast has upon the fauna and flora cannot be determined until the fauna of the remainder of Huron County and the interior of the state has been worked in much greater detail. That we may expect more southern forms than occur in the interior seems to be shown by the biota of the west coast, where the flora at least is decidedly more southern than in the interior at a given latitude.* It should be pointed out, also, that within the sand region on this coast peculiar local conditions prevail, for the sparse vegetation and consequent exposure, and the rapidity with which the sand heats up acts to produce higher summer temperatures. That this is true for our region is shown by a comparison of our temperature records for July with the corresponding records for Hayes (in the clay country). Station. High- est. Date. Lowest. Date. Mean. AverE gc daily range. Greatest daily range. ^Hayes ,95a 103a 113c 11 11 11,30 45a 53a 48c 16, 17 16, 24-5 16c, 70.0 75. Sa 76.9c 23.1a 23.3a 33.2c 33a =Sand Point (T\"oods) . . ^Sand Point (Beach) . . 34 a 47 'These records are taken from the July report of the Michigan Section of the chmatological service of the Weather Bureau, and may be taken as representative of the conditions in the clay country adjacent to the sand region. Letters represent number of days for which reccids are wanting. ^Records secured by this expedition. Thermometer placed in the woods and sheltered from the sun. These records are comparable with those of Hayes. ' ^Records secured by this expedition. Thermometer fully exposed to the sun on the • north beach. Of the temperature conditions the most important from the stand- point of the plants and animals are undoubtedly the checking of extreme oscillations and the higher summer temperatm-e. Considering then the physical conditions discussed we may group them on the basis of their effects as follows: *Beal, W. J., Michigan Flora, Fifth Ann. Rept. Mich, Acad. Sci. (1903), p. 20. 30 SAND DUNE REGION OF SAGINAW BAY. Dominant Favorable to Unfavorable to Not strongly effective in Not effective in the case of conditions. the case of Relativelysmall Upland plants Upland plants Lowland Animals and H precipitation and animals and animals plants and plants living o o and sandy adapted to adapted to meso- animals. in bogs and a soil. xerophytic phytic condi- lowest o' conditions. tions. swamps and on sheltered rock cliffs. Higher summer Southern up- Northern up- 3" C5 temperature. land and low- land and low- Animals and y comparison Ijv days shows that the drop in temperature averaged about twice as much for the beach as for the woods. In July the minimum at no time Ijecame low enough to affect the plant activity, luit in growing months when the temperature approached freezing this excessive difference would become an imi)ortant factor, for it must be considered that during the ifight the wind still vigorously exerts its drying action. These records were for air temperatures, but soil temperatures on the beach and in the woods would show the same or greater range in temperature due to the low specific heat of sand (Warming, 1909, p. 52, gives the specific heat of sand as .2). Detail of the Calamovilfa-Ammophila Association. Dominant Species: CalavTovilfa longi folia. Ammoph ila arenaria . Sub-Dominant Species : Equisetum hyemale intermedium. Elynius canadensis. Populus tremuloides. Rumex crispus. Arahis lyrata. Potentilla anserina. Prunus pumila. Lathyrus maratimus. Oenothera biennis. Convolvulus sepium. Solanum nigrum. Erigeron canadensis. Artemisia caudata. Lactuca canadensis. Cirsium arvense. Cirsium pitcheri. Four quadrats laid out at typical parts of the dune. Plants. 1 2 3 4 Av. Calamovilfa longifola ] 31 16 2 20 2 17 1 9 21 Ammophila arenaria J 1 3 1 1 1 1 33 19 23 27 26 48 ECOLOGICAL RELATIONS OF THE FLORA. The plants averaged about 26 to the sq. m. With even spacing this means one plant to every 400 sq. cm., a very sparse vegetation. Dune. Heath Formation: This formation is typical all along the shores of the Great Lakes. There is shown also great similarity to the corresponding formations on sand}^ tracts inland (Warming 1909, p. 272). Such areas make up a large part of the northern half of lower Michigan. Wherever clearings have been made, or where the land has been re- claimed from the lake, the jack pine association is the dominant one in the open area, but it is almost always preceded by a heath formation. (Plate IV a.) In the heath formation the plants grow on very fine leached sand. The waterline is low — Kedzie (1888) gives it as from 15 to 30 feet below the surface of the soil for the jack pine barrens and at Sand Point it is determined by the height of the ridges above the lake level (average about 10 to 15 feet). Humus is practically absent, the dune sand showing up one inch below the surface. In this sort of location the leaves and stems of previous years are slow to decay, which partly accounts for the barrenness of the soil. The plants are subjected to strong light, and the temperature extremes very nearly approach the rigorous ones of the beach. The most typical heath conditions were found on the landward side of the outermost dune. In the dune heath formation two well-defined associations appeared, the Poa and the Arctostaphylos. The former was' a closed one con- sisting of a firm sod broken only in places by seedlings of jack pine and choke cherry. The Arctostaphylos association was different. It did not conceal the sand but it collected the dead leaves forming a thick dry mat. With it occurred the blueberry — dwarfed and stunted — and a great army of other species. The reindeer moss was plentiful with these two associations. Detail of the Arctostaphylos Association. Dominant Species: Arctostaphylos uva-ursi. Vaccinium pennsylvanicum, Sub-Dominant Species: Pteris aquilina. Lycopodium complanatum. Panicum xanthophysum. Myrica asplenifolia. Comandra umbellata. Oxalis stricta. ECOLOGICAL RELATIONS OF THE FLORA. 49 Gaylussacia haccata. Helianthiis divaricatus. Solidago juncea. Quadrats. Plant, 1 2 3 4 5 Av. Pteris aQuilitM 1 6 1 1 10 2 1 1 1 1 3 20 1 Panicum xanthophysum Poa compressa 10 16 7 45 "l6 4 21 1 10 2 1 13 20 10 1 6 8 5 Vacciniutn pennsylvanicuTn 21 30 16 38 49 55 74 47 51 Each plant has about 200 sq. cm., assuming even spacing. Dune Bushland Formation: This formation was not prominent at Sand Point. In many places it was left out of the succession altogether. The trees of the jack pine were able to develop in the Poa compressa sod without the nurse agency of this formation. Where the bushland was developed Primus pumila, Cornus stolonijera and Populus tremuloides were the principal species. The bush was best developed on the inner side of the outer dune. The formation was not prevalent enough to lend itself to a grouping into associations. Dune Forest Formation: In the typical dune forest formation the predominating tree was Pinus hanksiana. The formation was open, the trees averaging 15 to 20 feet apart. The floor stratum consisted of persistent heaths and some other xerophytic species. Blueberries were common and made their best growi;h here. In the open places on Sand Point there was a very prominent sod of Poa compressa and this sod association was very important in the succession, being even more so than the heath mat, for in it were found seedlings of Pinus resinosa and Pinus strohus. (Plate IV b.) Detail of the Jack Pine Association, Dominant Species: Pinus hanksiana. Sub-Dominant Species: Pteris aquilina. Pinus strobus. 50 ECOLOGICAL RELATIONS OF THE FLORA. Pinus resinosa. Maianthem u m canadense. Myrica a splen ifolui . Rumex acetosella. Fragariu virginiana. Prunus virginiana. Prunus pennsylvanica. Prunus pumila. Geranium maculatum . Ceanothus ovatus. Ceanothus americanus. Gaylussacia baccata. Vaccinium pennsylvanicum nigru m. Rhus typhina. Apocynum androsaemifolium. Melampyrum linear e. Lobelia spicata. Solidago juncea. Rudbeckia hirta. Aster macrophyllus. Helianthus divaricatus. Achillea millefolium. Farther in these woods, that is towards the okler portion of the Point, the woods become much more heavily shaded. Here the jack pines were about equaled in numbers bj' Pinus resiyiosa. Scattering trees of Pinus strobus of all ages were found and scrubby growths of Quercus rubra and Q. coccinea were common. The heaths and sod disappear- ed and the group of plants just listed was giving way to plants fitted for shade. In the latter the leaves were larger so that the ground could not be seen because of them, and the species were more meso- phs-tic and showed better than the present upper layer the future of the formation. The following mosses were common: Dicranium jlagellare, D. fuscescens congestum, Polytrichum piliferum, Thuidium virginianum . Detail of the Pine-Oak Association: Dominant Species: Pinus banksiana. Pinus resinosa. Quercus coccinea. Quercus rubra. ECOLOGICAL RELATIONS OF THE FLORA. 51 Sub-Dominant Species. Pteris aquilina. Equisetum hyeniale intermedium. Pinus strohus. Uviilaria grandiflora. Maianthemum canadense. Smilacina racemosa. Smilacina stellata. Polygonatuin commutatum. Medeola virginiana. Dioscorea villosa. Cypripedium acaule. Epipactis puhescens. Quercus velutina. Quercus alba. Actaea rubra. Potentilla monspeliensis. Osmorhiza claytoni. Hamamelis virginiana. Desmodium paniculatum . Psedera vitacea. Vitis vulpina. Rhus toxicodendron. Chimaphila iimhellata. Gaidtheria procunihens. Pyrola elliptica. Pyrola americana. Pyrola secunda. ■ Aralia nudicaulis. A pocynum androsaemi folium Diervilla lonicera. Lonicera canadensis. Lonicera glaucescens. Melampyrum lineare. Aster macrophyllus. 52 ECOLOGICAL RELATIONS OF THE FLORA. Quadrats. Plants. 1 2 3 4 5 Av. Pteris aquilina Equisetum hyemale intermedium 13 20 1 2 22 10 1 16 12 Panicum sp Maianthemum canadense Stnilacina racemosa 8 14 4 1 3 8 3 4 1 10 1 Smilacina Melluta 1 5 1 4 1 Fragaria virginiana 2 Hypericum perforatum, 1 4 5 1 Rhus toxicodendron Aralia nudicaulis 20 1 14 4 2 5 8 1 Pyrola elliptica Gaultheria procumbens Gay-lussacia baccata 5 15 3 20 7 3 9 2 Vaccinium pennsylvanicum nigrum .... Diervilla lonicera 4 7 1 1 1 Solidago juncea 1 42 64 59 42 57 50 Each plant had about 200 sq. cm., assuming even spacing. From inspection of the flora hsts it seems that the jack pine barrens are much ahke throughout ]\Iichigan and INIinnesota. Sand Point has 80 per cent of Smith's hst of plants tj^pical of the jack pine plains and 79 per cent of his list of less frequent plants. Considering the sand region as a whole all the plants in both lists appear. (Smith, 1880, quoted in Beal, 1904, p. 16-17.) The most applicable work on the pine barrens is that of Livingston in Roscommon and Crawford counties where the formation is the same as on Sand Point and the relation of the trees to the substratum is similar. From his studies in these places, Livingston draws the con- clusion that the chief factor in determining the distribution of the species of pine is the amount of humus in the soil. (Livingston, 1903, p. 30.) He proves by laboratory" experiments that the relation of this constituent to the amount of water in the soil is an important one by demonstrating that humus soil holds nearly twice as much water as sandy soil. He considers the mineral elements in the soil sufficient for plant growth, but the analyses given by Kedzie (1888 and 1893) seem to show that these mineral constituents, especially the salts of Potassium, Phosphorus and Nitrogen, are insufficient.* Furthermore these salts are not made available because of the lack of organic acids in the soil water and the analyses of soil water from West Olive, Michigan, as furnished by the Michigan College of Agriculture, show * See footnote opposite page. ECOLOGICAL RELATIONS OF THE FLORA. 53 the same apparent lack of plant food materials.f The soil at West Olive is given as jack pine barren. It would thus seem that in the determination of the factors responsible for the predominance of the jack pine the poor mineral content of the soil must be considered. If Livingston is correct, the chief force in preventing the betterment of the barrens is the fires which not only destroy all growth but burn the small accumulation of humus as well. Beal (1888, p. 28) has shown that jack pine seeds have great vitality and can last over a great many years, which explains in a wa}'' the invasion and ecesis in the burned over sections, for the seeds of many species falling on the newh^ denuded area are not able to last over until a favorable time. It was observed at Sand Point that the sand dune could be rapidly clothed by heath and sod and this in turn be replaced by jack pine and scrub oaks. With these trees the humus building is very slow, but the sod formed by Poa compressa and the gradual accumulation of humus after a time enables Pinus resinosa to replace the jack pine. tAnalyses of Soil Water from W. Olive, Michigan, made July 25, 1904. (Analyses furnislied by Prof. F. S. Kedzie, Michigan Agricultural College.) Material. Sample. (In part.s per million.) 1 2 3 Volatil 24.1 20.866 16.666 trace 106.4 115.9 96 11.173 38.6 24.6 20.9 trace Mineral consisting mostly of Ca Mg Fe Total Solid 88.1 548. 90.9 * Analyses of Soil of Jack Pine Barrens. Material. Sample. 1 2 3 Sand and Silicates 94.97 1.03 .86 .20 .12 .20 .90 .06 .05 (Nitrogen ,02) 1.61 .23 94.30 .61 1.17 .24 .17 .33 .58 .05 .04 (Nitrogen .05) 2.50 .20 95.02 .49 78 Oxide of Iron Lime Magnesia Potash .32 .15 30 Soda Sulphuric .Vcid Phospiioric Acid Organic Matter Water .62 .05 .01 (Nitrogen .04) 2.25 21 Sample 1 is from Airgin soil from experimental farm at Gra3iing (in Jack Pine plains). Samples 2 ami 3 are from fields which have been cultivated and had various green crops (legumes) plowed under for three years. .\dapted from Kedzie, R. C. Mich. Agr. Sta. Bull. 99. 54 ECOLOGICAL RELATIONS OF THE FLORA. Pinus resinosa, on the other hand, is a greater humus producer and very soon beneath this tree appear mesophytic species which lead to the deciduous forest. It should be stated that Pinus strohus appears ■with the Norway pine only as scattering growths and these are generally replaced by the hard woods; Summary of Ecological Relations. The ultimate forest formation will be a mixed deciduous one with a siDrinkling of Pinus strobus. Carya microcarpa has been found at North Island, five miles from Sand Point and Ulmus americana and Tilia americana are making strong growths in the bottom land of Sand Point. Judging from the progressions under similar conditions in other regions about the Great Lakes, the beech-maple type is the climax asso- ciation. There is every indication here that the mesophytic trees — maples, elms, hickories, basswoods, oaks, etc., are taking possession of the humus covered ridges of the pine association, and probably only the Pinus strohus can persist in the mesophytic forest. The older helophytic and mesophytic associations will persist in their lowest situations and the pines will hold the ridges. But the valleys and hollows between are so shallow and the agents of filling and denuding so rapid in this loose soil, that it is but a question of decades until the area will be levelled. With this, of course, comes the uniformity of association. However, the nature of the soil ■\^^ll shut out for a long time those trees that are common in calcareous areas. Scheme of Ecological Succession on Sand Point. Class. Hydro- phytes. Helophytes. Meso- phytes. Formation. Fresh Water. Amphi- bious. Reed Swamp. Bush- Swamp. Wooded Swamp. Forest. Association . Chara Nymp- haea. Scirpus Juncus Carex. Phrag- mites. Ahius. Birch- Willow. Poplar- Birch- Maple. Habitat. Bay. Lagoon. Lake. Marsh. Drained Situa- tions. ECOLOGICAL RELATIONS OF THE FLORA. 55 Class. Hydro- phytes. Psammophytes. Formation. Beach. Dune. Dune Heath. Dune Bush. Dune Forest. Forest. Association . Calamo- vilfa- Ammo- phila. Arctosta- phylos Poa. Prunus. Jack Pine Pine- Oak. Mixed. Habitat. Beach. Upper Beach. Estab- lished Dune. Dry Ridge — Barren. Old Ridge. Tabular View of Meter Quadrats. Name. Number of Plants. Space to Each. Remarks. Helophytes: Car ex Association Phragmites Association Alnus Association 81 102 86 26 51 50 about 120 cm 2. 100 80 400 200 200 Psammophytes: Cala movilfa-A mmo'phila Ass'n. . Arctostaphylos Association Pine-Oak Association Very sparse. Sparse. Sparse. FUNGUS FORMATIONS.* The prevailing xerophytic effect of the conditions upon the green plants likewise shows in the fungous flora on Sand Point. The summer of 1908 was very dry, thus increasing the xerophytic influences and the fleshy fungi were singularly scarce. However, the lists given below show the ecological character of the habitats almost as clearly as do the other plant lists. Such lists of fungi have not often been prepared although the general habitat relation (whether frequenting woods or fields, sandy soil, etc.), have been recorded. The latter kind of records are, however, comparable to the habitat notes given in the manuals of vascular plants, while the former method is an attempt to list the fungi of definite formations. *The determinations of fungi are by Dr. C. H. Kauffman of the University of Micliigan unless othenvise indicated. Thanks are due also to Prof. T. H. Macbride of the Univer.«itv of Iowa, and to Prof. Moore of Missouri Botanical Garden for assistance in this connection. Where the determinations were made only in the field, the species are marked with the author's initials. 53 ECOLOGICAL RELATIONS OF THE FLORA. On this expedition, owing to the scarcity of fleshy fungi, practically all individuals that were seen were collected and these collections were labelled as to habitat. It was found that the restriction of species to these formations was singularly close and that the appearance of the same fungus in two formations was rare. These considerations seem to add an importance to these lists which ordinary citations of habitats, in which duplication of species is avoided, would not have. Fungi, not only in the mycelium but especially in the sporophore production, are probably more susceptible to the water relation than any other plants so that the limitation of species to special formations is largely due to this factor. Bush-Swamp Formation: Galera vittaeformis Fr. fide G. H. C. Hygrophorus cantharellus Schw. Marasmius oreades Fr. Marasmius rotula Fr. Omphalia campanella Batsch. Omphalia fibula Bull. Russida emetica Fr. (swamp form). Russula roseipes (Seer.) Bres. Russula veternosa Fr. media. Wooded Swamp Formation: Agaricus abruptus Pk. Agaricus sylvaticus SchaefT. fide G. H. C. Amanitopis vaginata Roze. Boletus felleus Bull. Cantharellus cibarius Fr. Clavaria cristata Holwsk. Fuligo ovata Schaeff. fide T. H. ]\Iacbride. Fames applanatus (Pers.) Wallr. (leucophaeus.) Hemitrichia clavota (Pers.) Rost. Lactarius piperatus Fr. Lactarius volemus Fr. Lenzites betulina Fr. Paxillus atrotomentosus (Balsch.) Fr. Pluteus cervinus Schaeff. Poria vaporia Fr. fide Prof. ]Moore. Russula chamaeleontina Fr. Stemonitis Smithii Macb. fide Macbride. (S. femiginea Ehren.) Strobilomyces strobilaceus Berk. Tra metes cinnaborina Fr. ECOLOGICAL RELATIONS OF THE FLORA. 57 Beach Formation: Daedalia unicolor Fr. fde Prof. Moore. Lentinus lepideus Fr. Dune Forest Formation: Jack Pine Association. Astraeus stellatus (Scop.) Fischer. Hypoxylon annulatum (Schw.) Mont, fide Prof. Moore. Hypoxylon atropurpureum Fr. ? fide Prof. Moore. Hypoxylon marginatum (Schw.) Berk, fide Prof. Moore. Nximmularia Bullardi Tulasne. Lenzites saepiaria Fr. Panus rudis Fr. Polystictus hirsutus Fr. Polystictus pergametms Fr. Polystictus zonatus Fr. Polystictus versicolor L. Schizophyllum commune Fr. Stereum versicolor Schwartz. In addition to the above in older barrens: Amanita ruhescens Fr. fide G. H. C. Clitocyhe pinophila Pk. Polyporus elegans Fr. Polyporus picipes Fr. Pine-Oak Association: Amanita excelsa Fr. fide G. H. C. Amanita phalloides Fr. Amanita verna Bull. Clitocyhe ochropurpurea Berk. Clitocyhe laccata Scop. Favolus europaeus Fr. Hypocrea Richardsoni Berk. & Mont, fide Prof. ^Nloore. Lycoperdon pyriforme Schaeff. fide Prof. ^loore. Polyporus ignarius Fr. Polystictus perennis Fr. Polyporus Schweinitzii Fr. Russula hrevipes Pk. Stereum versicolor Schwartz. ' Although the data gi^'en above are very meager, the ■v\Titer offers them as an illustration of the fact that fungi may be grouped in forma- tions. All fungi are tending to migrate and many are cosmopolitan. Some agents are very efficient in their distribution, for example, self 58 ECOLOGICAL RELATIONS OF THE FLORA. propulsion as in the Asconiycetes and Basidiomycetes, as has been shown by Buller (1909), or biotic as in the Phalloids, etc., whose spores are carried by insects. Fungi also show successions, as, for example, the successive appearance of different species on fallen logs at chfferent stages of decay and the zonation shown about a dung heap. The ecological relations depend on the life habit. If parasitic, the problem is similar to the problem of the higher parasites, namely: entrance of host, appropriation of the food supply, and reproduction. The problems of immunity and virulence also come here. If sapro- phytic, the problem is comparable to the problems of the green plants, for saprophytic species are affected by climatic and by edaphic factors, chiefly water and nutrient content. The former allows the fungi to be classed as xerophytic, mesophytic or hydrophytic, while the nutrient content probably accounts for the facts of successions and the occurrence on distinct species of fallen trees, etc., or on distinct kinds of soil, as Astraeus on sand and Hygrophorus miniatus in the bogs. Climatic factors would be operative through the effect of light and temperature, the former probably being more important. The fact that fungi present spring, summer and fall aspects would probably come from the effect of climatic factors. These things may be seen working in the general fungus layers but as a group the fungi are much more important as biotic factors, pro- ducing diseases and epidemics, and in the important activities of de- structive metabolism and nitrification. Fungi have been listed from special forest associations (La Garde 1909) and a number of ecologists have listed the species along with the higher plants. (Weber 1902) (Jennings 1909) (Ganong 1897).* The group now requires a great amount of physiological work and nutrient relation determination, and the forms present difficulties in the field through their evanescence, size and periodicity (Harshberger 1904, p. 149) and from the fact that the presence of the mycelium is not always betrayed by the production of a pileus, but notwithstanding these difficulties they present attackable problems of distribution and ecology which are worthy of notice. (For criticism of this view see Pound and Clements, 1900, pp. 121-4.) PHYTOGEOGRAPHICAL RELATIONS. Sand Point is located in the Transition Zone, as outlined by Merriam (1898), and its flora, disregarding species of continental distribution, is about evenly divided between the so-called Boreal and Austral species. *Klebahn (1904, pp. 97-103) has attempted to connect the occurrence of certain heteroec- ious forms of rusts with the formation in which the hosts occur, but the meagerness of observa- tion of both host and fungi in the same formation makes his work largely conjecture. For such analyses there is need for suitable lists. ECOLOGICAL RELATIONS OF THE FLORA. 59 However, more distinctly northern and southern species are found here than in the interior parts of the state at the same latitude. Adams (1902) has pointed out that the post-glacial migration of plants and animals into Michigan was principally from southeastern United States. That the southern forms tend to push farther northward on the western side of the state is shown by the comparison of the species reported for Roscommon County with those found in Kent County. (Livingston, 1903 and 1901.) Similarly the flora of Sand Point is more southern than that of Roscommon County as also is the flora of Manistee and Sturgis as reported by Daniels (1904) or of Manitou Island as reported by Whitford (1901). This is probably due in part to the more equable climate of the coasts. Whatever the explanation, however, the fact stands that the vegetation has advanced in a V-shaped manner, the central portion of the state lagging behind the border portion. Typical southern species which show this advance are Benzoin aestivale. Sassafras variifolimn, Asimina triloba, Liriodendron tulipifera, Celastrus scandens, Gleditsia triacanthos, Cornus florida, Cercis canadensis, etc. Similar to this movement northward by southern forms is the move- ment (or persistence) southward by northern forms for which no ex- planation is offered. This is also V-shaped following the shores of Lakes Michigan and Huron, such species as Pinus hanksiana, Pinus strohus, Tsuga canadensis, Betula lutea, Taxus canadensis, Abies halsamea, Equisetum hyemale var. robustum, Clintonia borealis, Salix glaucophylla, being reported from Northern Indiana (Hill, 1896), Chicago (Cowles, 1899), South Haven (Bailey, 1880) on the west and from Port Huron on the east side (Dodge, 1897) but are rarely found south of 43° in the interior of the state (Beal, 1904). Several classifications of the region have been made, all largel}" based on the type of forest. Schimper (1903, p. 571) has followed Sargent (1884) in including this in the Northern Coniferous Forest Area. A comparison of the floral lists given by Cowles for Chicago and vicinity, Jennings (1909) for Lake Erie, Dodge for Port Huron, Daniels for Manistee and Sturgis, Coulter (1904) and Whitford (1901) for Manitou Island, Ruthven for Ontonagon County (see Adams, 1906) and the compiled records from Beal and Gray's Manual (7 ed.) show that, as far as Michigan is concerned, the flora of the Great Lakes region is strikingly a unit, not alone as regards species but also in the com- position of the plant societies. Furthermore, the genetics of the plant formations are very similar and the formations are passing from a het- erogeneous aggregation into a homogeneous climax if we follow Cowles and Whitford. Now the basis of province delineation is similarity of constituents of formation or climax formation, and the limits of the province that includes the Great Lakes flora seem very well marked 60 ECOLOGICAL RELATIONS OF THE FLORA. by the distribution of Pinus strohus as given by Sargent and (in Michigan) by Spalding (1899). The range of this tree is not restricted to the St. La^\Tence basin but extends from New Brunswick along the ocean well through the Atlantic states, following the Allegheny Moun- tains almost to North Carolina. The explanation of this range seems to be found largely in the climatic conditions. Engler points out that there is a difference in the secondar}^ species found in the Atlantic States and those found in the_ St. LawTence Basin, and he denotes the Atlantic States portion of the Pinus strobus province as the transition zone between this province and the ^Mississippi and Allegheny Forest Province. (Engler, 1902.) The forms and species enumerated for this last proAdnce he records as having penetrated to Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Ontario, and we find them in Mich- igan. A comparison of lists shows that the typical species of each zone are present at Sand Point. It is interesting to note that the plants of the Mississippi and Allegheny Province are almost altogether confined to the swamps or thicket formations while those of the Pinus strohus zone proper are on the sandy ridges. This affords an hypothesis to account for the difference in the secondary species of Sargent's White Pine Forest Area, for apparently the climatic factors account for the wide distribu- tion of the pine but the edaphic conditions determine the exact makeup of the formations. The sandy ridges are taken by the hardier, less mesophytic northern societies and the loamy portions support the flora ^vhich we have learned to associate with the deciduous woods. Hence the leached glacial till of the St. LawTence and Great Lakes is held by pines with the somewhat scanty accompanying flora, and the levelled highlands of the coast states with its richer soil is taken by the mesophytic species from the Allegheny-Mississippi zone. GENERAL SUMMARY. The Sand Point successions fall into two ts^pes: The swamp series (lagoon-swamp-thicket-forest) and the sand series (beach-heath- jack pine barren). The progression is to a similar mesophytic forma- tion in each* The following fungi were noted for the firf-t time in the state ; Clitocybe laccata Scop Clitociihe pinophila Pk. Clitocybe ochropiirpurea Berk. Fuligo ovata Schaeff. Hypocrea Richnrdsoni Berk. & Mont. Hypoxylon nnnulatum (Sch.) Mont. Hypoxylon atropurpureum Fr. H ejniirichia clarata (Pers.) Rost. Nummularia Bullardi Tul. Paniis rudis Fr. Porta vaporia Fr. Russula emetica' Fr. (Swamp Form.) Russula relernosa Fr. media. Stemonitis Smithii yia.cb. (S. femiginea Ehren.) ECOLOGICAL RELATIONS OF THE FLORA. 61 The fungi lists are given to show that this layer responds to the en- \nronmental factors even as the higher plants do. Allowing for differences in life relations, fungi also come under the laws of ecological succession. The phytogeographic relations of this area show that it is now in a transition zone where pronounced northern and southern species are found. The genetics and climax group in this location as compared with other points on the Great Lakes show that the whole region is becoming a phytogeographic unit, and, while the division into northern and southern forms, and Engler's separation of the White Pine area into Eastern and Western regions, are now justifiable, the Great Lakes drainage sj'stem is becoming a stable province, with northern and southern species growing in the same localities, but sorted out into associations by edaphic conditions. LITERATURE CITED. Adams, C. C. 1902. Southeastern United States as a Center of Geographical Dis- tribution of Flora and Fauna. Biol. Bui.. 3: llo-L31. 1902. Post Glacial Origin, and Migration of Life in Northeastern Tnited States. Journ. Geog.. 1:303-310: 352-357. 1905. Post Glacial Dispersal of North American Biota. Biol. Bui., 9: 53-71. Rept. Int. Geog. Cong., 8: 623-637. Bailey, L. H. 1880. Michigan Lake Shore Plants at South Haven. Bot. Gaz., 10:76-77; 90-91. Beal, W. J. 1888. Observations on the Successions of Forests in Northern Mich- igan. Rept. Mich. Forest Comm., 1:25-29. 1904. Michigan Flora. Rept. Mich. Acad. Sci., 5. Reprinted by State Bd. of Agr., 1904. Buller, A. H. R. 1909. Researches on Fungi. London. Bureau of Soils. 1901. Soil Survey of Allegan County, Michigan. Chamberlain. T. C. 1877. Native Vegetation of Wisconsin. Geol. of E. Wis.. 2: 176-188. Coulter, S. M. 1904. Ecological Comparison of Some Typical Swamp Areas. Rept. Mo. Bot. Gard., 15. Cowles, H. C. 1899. Ecological Relations of the Sand Dunes of Lake Michigan. Bot. Gaz.. 27:95-117: 167-202: 281-308: 361-391; figs. 1-26. 62 ECOLOGICAL RELATIONS OF THE FLORA. 1900. Physiographic Ecology of Northern Michigan. Science, 12: 708. 1901. Plant Societies of Chicago and Vicinity, Bui. Geog. Soc. Chicago, 2. Bot. Gaz., 31:73-108; 145-182; figs. 1-35. Daniels, F. P. 1904. a. Flora of the Vicinity of Manistee, Michigan. b. Ecology of Flora of Sturgis, Michigan and Vicinity. Rept. Mich. Acad. Sci., 4: 125-159. Davis, C. A. 1898. Contribution to Knowledge of Flora of Tuscola County, Mich- igan. Bot. Gaz., 25:453-458. 1900. See Lane, A. C. Dodge, C. K. 1897. Flora of St. Clair County, Michigan, and Western Part of Lamb- ton County, Ontario. Rept. of Sec. of Mich. State Hort. Soc, 230-314. Engler, A. 1902. Die Pflanzengeographische Gliederung Nordamerikas. Notizbl. Konigl. Bot. Gart. u. Mus., Appendix IX. Ganong, W. F. 1897. Raised Peat Bogs in Province bi New Brunswick. Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada, 2nd Ser., Ill, 4: 131-163. Gunnar Andersson. 1896. Die Geschichte des Vegetations Schweden. Bot. Jahrb. [Engler], 22:433-450. Harshberger, J. W. 1904. Phytogeographic Sketch of Extreme Southeastern Pennsyl- vania. Bui. Tor. Bot., 31:125-159. Hill, E. J. 1896. Sand Dunes of Northern Indiana and Their Flora. Garden and Forest, 91-353, Sept. 1900. Flora of White Lake Region, Michigan. Bot. Gaz., 29: 419-436. Jennings. O. E. 1908. An Ecological Classification of the Vegetation of Cedar Point. Ohio Nat.. 8:291-340. figs. 1-22. 1909. Botanical Survey of Presque Isle, Erie County, Pennsylvania. Ann. Carnegie Mus., 5:289-421. pi. 22-51. Kedzie, R. C. 1888. Jack Pine Plains. Mich. Agr. Sta., Bui. 37. 1893. Michigan Soils. Mich. Agri. Sta., Bull. 99. King, F. H. 1900. The Soil. ECOLOGICAL RELATIONS OF THE FLORA. 63 Klebahn, H. 1904. Die wirtswechseliiden Rostpilze. Berlin. La Garde, J. 1909. Conditions biologique et repartitions de Champignons dans Massif de TAigoul. Bui. Soc. Mycol. France, 24: 197-220. Lane. A. C. 1900. Geological Survey Huron County, Michigan. i\Iich. Geol. Surv., 7, IL Lixnngston, B. E. 1901. Relation of Soils to Natural Vegetation in Roscommon and Crawford Counties, Michigan. Ann. Rept. Mich. Geol. Surv., 1903:9-30. 1903. The Distribution of the Upland Plant Societies of Kent County, Michigan. Bot. Gaz., 35: 36-55, map. MacMillan. C. 1897. Observations on the Distribution of Plants Along Shores of the Lake of the Woods. Minn. Bot. Studies, 1 : 949. Merriam, C. H. 1898. Life and Crop Zones of North America. T'. S. Dept. Agr., Div. Biol. Surv., Bui. 10: 1-79. Pound, R. and Clements, F. E. 1900. Phytogeography of Nebraska. 2nd Ed. Lincoln, Nebraska. Ruthven, A. G. 1906. An Ecological Survey in Northern Michigan. Rept. Geol. Surv. Mich. 1905. Sargent. C. S. 1884. Report on Forests of North America. U. S. Tenth Census Rept. 9. Schimper, A. F. W. 1903. Plant Geography. Oxford. Smith, E. F. 1880. Catalogue of Phanerogams, etc., of Michigan, Mich. State Hort. Soc. (Quoted in Beal, 1904.) Spalding. V. M. and Fernow, B. E. 1899. White Pine. U. S. Dept. Agr., Forestry, Bui. 22. Transeau, E. N. 1903. On the Geographic Distribution and Ecological Relations of the Bog Plant Societies of Northern North America. Bot. Gaz., 36:401-420, figs. 1-3. 1905. Forests Centers of Eastern America. Am. Nat., 39:875-889, figs. 1-6. 1905-6. The Bogs and Bog Flora of the Huron River ^'alley. Bot. Gaz., 40: 351-375, 418-448; 41: 17-42: figs. 1-16. 64 ECOLOGICAL RELATIONS OF THE FLORA. Warming, E. 1909. Oecology of Plants. Oxford. Weber, C. A. 1902. Uber die Vegetation und Entstehung des Hochmoors von Augstumal. Berlin. Whitford,, H. N. 1901. Genetic Development of Forests of Northern Michigan. Bot. Gaz., 31:289-325, figs. 1-18. University of Nebraska, December, 1909. CATALOG OF PLANTS. 65 CATALOG OF PLANTS. BY C. K. DODGE. INTRODUCTION AND GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF THE REGION. So far as known to the writer, no botanist has ever given special attention to the flora of the region here considered, except Prof. C. A Davis, who more than 10 years ago, while engaged in geological work, noted and reported 300 species. ^ The observations on which this paper is based were mostly made by the writer while attached to the field party of the Michigan Geological and Biological Survey, during the summer of 1908, and on supple- mentary trips to this region in June, July, August and September, 1909. In the course of the work, Stony Island, North Island, Charity Island, and Little Charity Island were visited, and the whole shore between Sebewaing and White Rock traversed. Special attention was paid to the shore and sand dune plants, but at the same time notice was taken of nearby fields and the adventive plants and weeds in villages, gardens, about country dwellings and near fishery buildings. Huron County lies at the north end of a peninsula often called "the thumb " and is bounded on the east by Lake Huron and on the west by Saginaw Bay. (See map.) The proximity of so much water affects its climate, making it average about three degrees warmer in winter and three degrees cooler in summer than in the middle of the state, but the principal effect of the lakes is to check oscillations and extreme variations in temperature. - Beginning near Point aux Barques, sand ridges or sand dunes extend almost continuously to Bayport, Sebewaing and southwest into Tuscola County, but not always close to the shore. ' From Sebewaing to Sand Point much of the shore is of the mud flat type, the dunes being some distance back. These dunes owe their origin exclusively to local conditions and the combined action of waves and wind, the former bringing the material to the shore, the latter heaping it uj) above the water level. They are formed of fine pure sand blown up mostly into long and often somewhat sinuous ridges, occasionally into heaps, ranging ^Geological Survey of Michigan. Vol. VII, p. 234. 2Loc. cit . p. .31 et seq. ^For a report on the geology of Huron County, .'te Vol. VII. pt. II, Geological Survey of Michigan, by Alfred C. Lane. 66 CATALOG OF PLANTS. from a few to 30 and, in exceptional cases, 40 feet above the level of Lake Huron. The dunes are mostly very old, and at present the older ones are mostly fixed, being sufficiently covered with grasses, sedges, other small herbaceous plants, shruljs and trees to protect them from the action of wind. (Plate IV b.) A very few small ones near the lake are still forming (Plate II a), but the sand area is not extending farther upon the flat and valuable agricultural land, except where occasionalls' the vegetation is in some w^ay removed from an old and outer dune which is thus exposed to and attacked by the wind. By far the largest dunes in this district are located between Caseville and Port Crescent. While the dunes at present are of little value for agriculture and useful only for timber growth and a small amount of pasturage, the land south of them is usually flat, very fertile, and valuable for general farming. In 1909 fine crops of wheat, oats, corn, peas, timothy and clover were noticed, and the farmers appeared thrifty and prosperous. At Sebewaing many large fields of sugar beets were observed and at Bayport a large acreage of onions. The climate and land are also apparently suitable for apples, plums, pears and cherries. Between the dunes are bogs, marshes, w^et flats, small tracts known as cranberry marshes, and ponds, some of which are locally called lakes. The largest body of inland water so situated, lying a few miles east of Caseville, is Rush Lake, which is about two miles long by one mile wide, shallow and with a deep muddy bottom. Its surface is about 20 feet above the level of Lake Huron. " The islands consist of rock, general!}' limestone covered bv a rather thin layer of glacial till that has heen more or less modi- fied by wave and current action while the waters of the bay were subsiding to their present level. The rock is often very thinly covered, as on parts of Stony Island, and low sand ridges are also noticed. They are well covered with trees, shrubs and herbaceous plants, and the vegetation generally is quite primitive. No evidence of cultivation or much pasturage was noticed, except on Stony Island which contains about 800 acres and supported about 45 cattle and a few hogs. Just back of the fishery buildings are fields, formerly cultivated, and an old apple orchard, many of whose trees still bear good fruit. In one part the staghorn sumach has taken possession of the ground and com- pletely overshadowed the fruit trees. The farm buildings, if there ever were any, have disappeared, except an old log stable. North Island has an area of about 86 acres. Charity Island, owned by the U. S. Government and used for lighthouse purposes, contains over 640 acres; Little Charity Island, a fraction over 4 acres. In 1909 the fishery buildings on the islands were not occupied except on Little Charity Island. CATALOG OF PLANTS. 07 The river.s and creek.s runninji into Sajjinaw Bay are much impeded l)y the dunes and drifting sand. Durino; tlieir courses they form many so-called '"ox-bows." the streams almost doubling upon themselves and very materially changing their beds from time to time. Pigeon River, reaching the lake at Caseville, seems at present to flow con- tinuously but its winding course near the mouth, and the many coves and old river beds there show that it has often in the past been impeded if not closed up. The Pinnebog River at Port Crescent, the creek at Port Austin, and most of the streams throughout the sand district were, in the summer of 1909, closed up at their mouths with gravel and sand washed up by the waves. Each of the habitats mentioned above harbors plants adapted to such places and in studying and listing the flora of the district all must be taken into consideration. It will be seen therefore that an exhaustive plant list of this region will very probably include nearly all the species of the northern half of Huron County, although the various species vary greatly in abundance in different associations. The present list may be considered a fairly exhaustive one of the flora of the region and should fm'nish substantial data for the study of the geographic distribution of the plants in the state. A better locality than Sand Point for a base from which to examine and study the fauna and flora of the sand dune region could hardly have been chosen. It is a comparatively narrow point running from the mainland westward about three and one-half miles into Saginaw Bay. It is not over a mile wide at the east and gradually narrows to a point on the west end. A large outer dune passes along the north side from southwest to northeast, and from about the middle the west end is covered with dunes mostly running parallel with the shore. The balance, a large tract, is flat sandy land vnth only low gravel ridges, numerous marshes, swamps, small creeks and ponds, some of which are spoken of as lakes. In 1908 the fishery buildings were not occupied, and scarcely any signs of cultivation appeared throughout. It was practically a primitive wilderness. Vegetation on the beaches and dunes is comparatively ^■ery sparse, but quite primitive, especially on the sandy beach. While fires have many times swept over Huron County, especially over all low and marshy parts that become ver>' dry in mid-summer, the plant covering of dunes and beach has been practically untouched and remains nearly the same as it has been for a long time. Only such plants establish themselves on beaches and dunes as are fitted to endure the hard con- ditions imposed. The shore is often swept by heavy waves and powerful winds, both of which must be resisted. I'nder such conditions it is difficult for seeds to lodge and germinate, or for young seedlings to 68 CATALOG OF PLANTS. establish themselves and grow. On dunes drouth and sterility must be overcome. Yet when once these beach and sand dune plants are fairly e.stablished, they become vigorous and thrifty, sending out strong and wide-spreading roots deep into the ground, searching far and wide for food stuffs and water. The sand dunes of Huron County are in no way comparable in size and height to those on our west coast along Lake Michigan nor to those at Port Franks in Lambton County, Ontario, where they rise to nearly 100 feet in height. In Huron County, dunes only in exceptional cases rise to 40 feet above the lake surface. Nor are they being formed at present except in a small way near the shore, while those on the west coast are still forming on an immense scale, invading and covering swamps and destroying forests. The older dunes there are often rejuvenated and blown away exposing the remains of forests formerly covered. In discussing the plant covering and plant associations of. the sand region only those of the beaches and dunes will be considered. But the "List of Species" includes those collected in all habitats. (For a detailed discussion of the plant associations see Coons.) PLANTS OF THE BEACHES. From Sebewaing around to White Rock on the east side of Huron County, the beach varies greatly. Between SebeAvaing and the east end of Sand Point, the water of the bay near shore is shallow, and the beach is partly at least hydrophytic. Out some distance from shore may be found clumps of Scirpus occi- dentalis and Potamogetons. Marshy places and bogs often fringe the immediate shore where are seen in more or less abundance the plants characteristic of such places, Scirpus validus, S. heterochaetus, S. ameri- canus, Typha latifolia and Cicuta hulbifera. At Caseville the beach is Avide, flat and sandy in one place, being often washed by the waves. One plant common there, Triglochin palustris, seems to l^e character- istic of a damp sandy beach, but most species not being able to withstand the attacks of wind and waves seldom come to maturity. At Hat Point, near Port Austin and at Point aux Barc^ues, for short distances, the only beaches are overhanging rocks where the beautiful fern. Poly podium vulgare, is common. From Point aux Barques nearly to White Rock, the beach is mostly narrow and sandy. Back of it is a flat strip of ground varying in width from a few rods to a half mile or more, formerly and mostly now covered with timber — beach, maple, white Iwrch. basswood and ash. A bluff borders this flat strip of wooded ground for nearly the entire distance. From Sand Point to Point aux Barques, except where the rock out- CATALOG OF PLANTS. (ig crops, most of the beach is sandy and xerophytic conditions prevail. The one on the north side of Sand Point is fairly representative of such beaches. Here it is lashed by heavy waves and swept by strong winds. The plants of such beaches, as would be expected, are not numerous nor equally distributed. Very few plants can exist under such severe conditions. One of the most characteristic is the American sea rocket, a succulent crucifer, venturing nearer the water than any other beach plant, and often abundant in places. It has been noticed from Sand Point to Lake St. Clair and from Port Huron to Port Franks in Lambton County, Ontario. In this region it is seldom seen farther up the beach than the dune line. Sea-side spurge was not noticed at Sand Point, but it was frequent and abundant in drifting sand in places from Case- ville to Port Austin, following the shore to Port Huron and on the Canadian shore to Port Franks. The beach pea, a vigorous perennial and a good sand binder, is frequent, seldom seen beyond the first dune, and nowhere noticed as abundant except on the south side of Little Charity Island, where it carpeted the sand and very effectually held it in place. It is remarkable that these three plants are common on the Atlantic shore in similar situations. One of the most interesting plants of the region, said to be found only about the Great Lakes, where it probably originated, is the thistle, Cirsium pitcheri, which prefers a sandy wave-washed and wind-swept shore and seldom gets farther away than the first shoreward dune. It is common from Sand Point to Port Austin and on Charity Island. So far as known to the A\Titer it does not occur from near Port Austin to Port Huron in Michigan, but it is common on the drifting shore at Port Franks in Lambton Count v, Ontario, about 30 or 35 miles northeast of Port Huron. It is interesting to know that this thistle was named for Dr. Zina Pitcher, an army physician stationed more than fifty years ago at Fort Gratiot, now a part of the city of Port Huron, and who probably was one of the first botanists to examine the flora of this part of Michigan. Two grasses of the beach are very prominent as sand binders and are most abundant on the north shore of Sand Point and for a mile or more near Hat Point. One of these, the sea sand-reed, by its matted root- stock system, demonstrates fully at these two places that it can very successfully hold the shore and dune sands against the powerful action of the waves, and equally well against the constant action of strong winds. It is so well fitted for this purpose, as shown here, that its reputation has become world wide. The other. Calamovilfa longifolia, a tall and fine looking grass with a large redflish panicle, tloes not usualK" here at least, gro\v so near the water, but holds the sands firmly against the persistent action of the wind. It is frequent at Sand Point, and from there to Port Huron is noticed in drifting sands. It is also 70 CATALOG OP PLANTS. abundant in places on the Lake Huron shore in Lambton County, Ontario, where also the sea-side reed is noticed, as far as Port Franks. Artemisia caudata and Oenothera biennis often occur as beach plants, but these are also found on dunes and flat sandy land. Salix longifolia, S. glcmcophylla and shrubs of Populus halsamifera and Cottonwood frecjuently spring up on the beach, but usually only above the wave line. PLANTS OF THE DUNES. As has been intimated, the dunes of this region, even the largest and most massive, have almost without exception a fairly good plant covering on sides and crest. The vegetation consists of trees, shrubs and herbaceous plants, but varies somewhat in density. This plant covering, although not so pronounced at first, generally begins at the upper beach and near the foot of the first shoreward dune, and continues on the sides, crests, and between the ridges, if sandy ground prevails, to the farthest outer dune. In the opinion of the writer the dunes of this region are not large or high enough to make it of value or im- portance to undertake to distinguish differences in the plant covering on sides and crest. Species and their relative abundance vary from point to point between Bay port and Point aux Barques, and from the beach to the last outer sand ridges. At Sand Point the dunes are not large or very high. On the north side the first dune is fringed with an abundance of choke cherry, Amelanchier canadensis, A. rotundifolia , and A. spicata, the last being common on other ridges a,nd flat sandy land, and very noticeable on account of the large, sweet, juicy and palatable berries. The dominant trees at Sand Point are scarlet oak and red oak, with jack pine prevailing in places and scattered throughout the upper end. White pine is frequent, but usually small and formerly much more plentiful. Good specimens of red pine are scattering. On the flat sandy land of the eastern half, the dominant trees are red oak, yellow-barked oak and white oak, consisting mostly of small trees. Small white pines pre- vail in spots and are scattered throughout the sand district. Near Caseville, west of Port Austin and at Port Crescent, the jack pine is very common, seldom large, usually scraggy, and apparently of little value. It should be noted that along these dunes the jack pine reaches its extreme southern limit on this side of the state. Here also the red pine, found on the sides and crests of dunes and on flat sandy land, altho not abundant anywhere, finds nearly its southern limit for this region, the exception being a small amount on sandy ground near Port Huron and along the sandy shore of Lake Huron, where it is abundant near Port Franks in Lambton County , "Ontario. The dominant shrubs are the ])lack huckleberry and low SAveet blueberry, the latter often den.sely CATALOG OF PLANTS. 71 covering the ground, and a variety, the bhick blueberry, is very common on flat sandy land and dunes, producing a great abundance of delicious fruit. Ceanothus ovatus, C. americanns, sand cherry, bearberry and Gaultheria procumbens, are plentiful in places, and all these are efficient in holding the sand in place, The beautiful Cyripedium acaule is plentiful near Caseville in sandy ground on the sides of and between dunes. Linaria canadensis, a small blue-flowered plant, is abundant throughout the sand region, and Deschampsia flexuosa freciuents Klymus canadensis and Agropyron dasystachyum, good sand binders, are common on the shoreward dunes near Port Austin and occasional, throughout. Many other very efficient sand binders are frequent and abundant in places, like Asclepias syriaca in sand near Port Aubtin, also Cornus stolonifera and C. haileyi. Sweet fern, Lithospermum gmelini, Lilium philadelphicum andinum, Andropogon scoperius, Koe- leria cristata, Arahis lyrata, Danthonia spicata, Smilacina stellata and Indian grass are scattered throughout. GEOGRAPHIC NOTES. There are no species limited or peculiar to this region, the area being too small. But many other species, like the two pines above men- tioned, find their limits along or near this sand dune district, some reaching from the north to this line or just below it, others from the south just reaching it or going very little beyond. The balsam fir and sweet gale are not known farther south. Linaria canadensis is occasionally noticed south of this line, and black spruce and hemlock freciuently creep down as far south as Port Huron and perhaps some- what farther. On the other hand, a few species common farther south are scantily represented in this district. Only a few small specimen.^ of sassafras were seen, and on Little Charity Island a dozen trees and many shrubs of Celtis occidentalis. The tulip tree and black walnut were not noticed growing Avild. although reported as ocoasionally found near Sebewaing. Carya microcarpa was noted near this last place. The hickories and oaks, except red oak. become less and less frequent north of this line. A (• K XO W L E DG \i E XTS . Both in the field and subsequently in working up the material, I became indebted to several persons for assistance. It was impossible in 1908 to spend the entire summer in the field so that the special effort made by every man in the part}- to gather material and data on the flora was very welcome. I am also indebted to ^fr. Charles McDonald, the lighthouse keeper on Charity Island, for much assist- 72 CATALOG OF PLANTS. ance in getting to and from the islands; to Prof. C. A. Davis, formerl}' of the University of Michigan^ now of the U. S. Geological Survey, for much encouragement and manj^ valuable suggestions; to Prof. C. F. Wheeler, formerly of the Michigan Agricultural College, now of the U. S. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Plant Industry, for kindly looking over the various species of Cyperaceae and other plants; and to A. S. Hitchcock, agrostologist of the U. S. Department of Agri- culture, for the examination of grasses, especially the various species of Panicum. In the preparation of the following list, Gray's New Manual of Botany has been followed, except where no common name is given in this work, it has been taken from Britton and Brown's Illustrated Flora and Britton 's Manual. In writing all specific names capital letters have been purposely omitted. LIST OF SPECIES. 1. Polypodium vulgare L. Common polypody. — Abundant od edge of overhanging rocks at Hat Point, Port Austin and Point aux Barques. 2. Phegopteris polypodioides Fee. Long beech-fern. — " Under over- hanging rocks of old shore cliff east of Point aux Barques." Prof. C. A. Davis. 3. Phegopteris dryopteris (L.) Fee. Oak fern. — "Under overhang- ing rocks east of Point aux Barques." Davis. 4. Adiantum pedatum L. Maidenhair. — Frequent in rich damp woods. 5. Pteris aquilina L. Common brake. — Very common on both damp and dry ground. 6. Woodwardia virginica (L.) Sm. Virginia chain-fern. — Abundant at one place, in a swamp northeast of Rush Lake. 7. Asplenium filix-foemina (L.) Bernh. Lady fern. — Common in moist places. 8. Polystichum achrosticoides (]\Iichx.) Schott. Christmas fern. — Near Port Austin. Not common. 9. Aspidium thelypteris (L.) Sw. ]\larsh shield-fern. — Very com- mon in damp and marshy places. 10. Aspidium cristatum clintonianum D. C. Eaton. Clinton's cre.sted shield-fern. — In rich woods near Harbor Beach. 11. Aspidium marginale (L.) Sw. Evergreen wood-fern. — East of Port Austin and on rocky cliffs west of Grindstone City. 12. Aspidium spinulosum (0. F. Muller) Sw. Spinulose shield- fern. — Rich woods, Caseville, Sebewaing, Port Austin, Sand CATALOG OF PLANTS. 73 Point. Stony Island. Bifi Charity Island, and near Rush Lake. 13. Asplenium spinulosum intermedium (Muhl.) D. C. Eaton. Spinulose shield-fern. — Fre(iuent in damp woods at Caseville, Port Austin, and on North Island. 14. Cystopteris bulbifera (L.) Bernh. Bladder fern. — In damp woods at Sand Point and east of Bayport. 15. Cystopteris fragilis (L.) Bernh. Brittle fern. — Under over- hanging rocks west of Grindstone City. 16. Woodsia obtusa (Spreng.) Torr. Blunt-lobed woodsia. — ''Grow- ing abundantly in crevices in the overhanging rocks on the lake shore near Port Austin." Davis. 17. Onoclea -sensibilis L. Sensitive fern. — Common in damp places. 18. Onoclea struthiopteris (L.) Hoffm. Ostrich fern. — Low bank of Pigeon River near Caseville. 19. Osmunda regalis L. Flowering fern. — Common in low places between sand ridges. 20. Osmunda cinnamomea L. Cinnamon fern. — Occasional in damp ])laces. 21. Botrychium virginicum (L.) Sw. Rattlesnake fern. — Rich woods at Sand Point, Sebewaing and near Rush Lake. 22. Equisetum arvense L. Common horsetail.— Common, especially on damp sand. 23. Equisetum sylvaticum L. Wood horsetail. — Freciuent on damp shaded ground. 24. Equisetum fluviatile L. Pipes. — Common in very wet places and in shallow water. 25. Equisetum hyemale L. Scouring rush. — Frequent on sandy and dry shaded ground. 26. Equisetum hyemale intermedium A. A. Eaton. Scouring rush. — Common on sandy ground at Sand Point and Caseville. 27. Equisetum hyemale robustum (A. Br.) A. A. Eaton. Scouring rush.- — Occasional on sandy ground at Sand Point. 28. Equisetum variegatum Schleich. Variegated eciuisetum. — Lake Huron shore east of Caseville, on damp sand. 29. Lycopodium lucidulum Michx. Shining cluli moss. — East end of Sand Point, among hemlocks. 30. Lycopodium clavatum L. Common clul) moss.— In dr>- woods, east end of Sand Point. 31. Lycopodium complanatum L. Trailing Christmas-green. — Frequent on sides of sand dunes but not abundant. 32. Lycopodium tristachyum Pursh. Trailing club moss. — "Com- mon on sand dunes east of Port Crescent." Davis. 74 . CATALOG OF PLANTS. 33. Selaginella apus (L.) Creeping selaginella. — Common on clamp grx»und at Bay port and Sebewaing. 34. Taxus canadensis Marsh. American yew. — Noticed at Bayport, Sand Point, Point aux Barques, and near Rush Lake. 35. Pinus strobus L. Whi-te pine. — Small trees are frequent throughout the sand region, and formerly large trees were abundant but have been cut by lumbermen. Occasional on the islands of Saginaw Bay. Seedlings abundant. 36. Pinus banksiana Lamb. Jack Pine. — More or less common throughout the sand dune district. Abundant at Sand Point, west of Caseville, and west of Port Austin. Not noticed on the islands of Saginaw Bay, except one small tree on Charity Island. Seedlings abundant. Apparently a tree of little value. 37. Pinus resinosa Ait. Red pine; Norway pine. — Frequent throughout the sand dune district and formerly abundant. Fine specimens still exist west of Caseville and on big Charity Island. Seedlings abundant. 38. Larix laricina (Du Roi) Koch. Tamarack. — Occasional through- out the sand region and formerly abundant in low wet ground, but now nearly exterminated by cutting, drainage and fires. 39. Picea mariana (Mill.) BSP. Black spruce.— Occasional and formerly much more abundant. Noticed at the west end of Sand Point, at Bayport, Caseville, and Point aux Barques. On a small island in Rush Lake the trees are being killed by a parasite, the dwarf mistletoe. 40. Picea abies (L.) Karst. Norway spruce. — Planted as an orna- mental tree and thriving, but not spreading. 41. Abies balsamea (L.) Mill. Balsam fir. — Occasional. Over .50 trees were noticed at the east end of Sand Point and a few near Bayport and Point aux Barques. 42. Tsuga canadensis (L.) Carr. Hemlock. — Occasional throughout the sand district. 43. Thuja occidentalis L. White cedar; arbor vitae. — Frequent in wet places between sand dunes throughout the sand district. Formerly much more abundant, but- has been cut and destroyed by fires. 44. Juniperus communis L. Common juniper. — Freciuent through- out the sand dune district. Abundant west of Port Austin. 45. Juniperus communis depressa Pursh. Low juniper. — Occasional near Caseville. 46. Typha latifolia L. Common cat-tail — Common in wet, boggy places.- CATALOG OF PLANTS. 75 47. Typha angustifolia L. XarroAv-leaved cat-tail. — In very wet places along- the lake .shore near Bayport. 48. Sparganium eurycarpum Engelm. Broad-fruited bur-reed. — Abundant in very wet places throughout the sand region. 49. Potamogeton natans L. Common floating pondweed. — Noticed in Rush Lake, in coves near Caseville. Port Austin, and Sebewaing. 50. Potamogeton heterophyllus Schreb. Various-leaved pondweed. — In Rush Lake and at Sand Point near fishing dock. ''East of Port Austin." Davis. 51. Potamogeton heterophyllus longipedunculatus (Merat) Morong. Various-leaved pondweed.— "In water nearly four feet deep off the beach of Point of Pines Hotel. Port Austin. The root stocks of the plants grow in the crevices in the rocks, and the plants thrive in spite of the violent surf which fre- ciuently breaks on the shore." Davis. 52. Potamogeton angustifolius Berchtold & Presl. Ziz's pondweed. — In Rush Lake. 53. Potamogeton richardsonii (Benn.) Rydb. Clasping-leaved pond- weed. — Near fish dock, 8ton\' Island. 54. Potamogeton perfoliatus L. Clasping-leaved pondweed. — Near fish docks at Sand Point and on Stony Island. 55. Potamogeton foliosus niagarensis (Tucherm.) ^Morong. Leafy pondweed. — Noticed in Pigeon River at Caseville. "Pinne- bog RiA'er." Davis. 56. Potamogeton filiformis Pers. Filiform pondweed. — "Shallow water less than one foot deep on beach between Port Austin and Port Crescent. Also at North Charity Island in water six inches deep. Abundant at both locaUties." Davis. 57. Potamogeton pectinatus L. Fennel-leaved pondweed. — In shallow water on margin of the lake and near the fishery dock on Stony Island. "Pigeon River, Caseville." Davis. 58. Najas flexilis (Willd.) Rostk. and Schmidt. Slender naiad. — Al)un(lant in Rush Lake. 59. Triglochin maritima L. Seaside arrow-grass. — Frecjuent in bogs and marshes at Sand Point, Bayport, Sebewaing and on North Island. 60. Triglochin palustris L. ^larsh arrow-grass. — Frecjuent on damp sand along Lake Huron shore. 61. Sagittaria latifolia "Willd. Broad-leaved arrow-head. — Common on mud and in shallow water throughout the sand region. 62. Alisma plantago-aquatica L. Water plantain. — Yery comuKMi on mud and in shallow water. 7G CATALOG OF PLANTS. 63. Elodea canadensis Michx. Water- weed. — In Rush Lake, coves of Pigeon River, and near the fishery, dock, Stony Island. 64. Vallisneria spiralis L. Wild celery. Tape grass. Eel grass. — Abundant in Rush Lake and the coves of Pigeon River. 65. Andropogon scoparius Michx. Broom beard-grass. — Frequent throughout the sand dune region, mostly growing in tufts. 66. Andropogon furcatus Muhl. Forked beard-grass. — Frec^uent on and near sand dunes. 67. Sorghastrum nutans (L.) Nash. Indian grass. Wood grass. — Frequent on light sandy ground and on fixed dunes. 68. Digitaria sanguinalis (L.) Scop. Crab grass. — A common weed throughout the sand region. "At Port Crescent in drifting sand where it was getting a foothold and may help hold the sand in place." Davis. 69. Panicum capillare L. Old- witch grass. — A common weed throughout the sand region, especially in adjacent gardens and fields. 70. Panicum miliaceum L. European millet. — Cultivated and occasionally escaping near villages. 71. Panicum virgatum L. Switch grass. — Occasional in tufts throughout the sand district. "On Charity Islands in sandy soil." Davis. 72. Panicum depauperatum ]\Iuhl. Starved panicum. — Occasional on sandy ground and sand dunes. 73. Panicum lindheimeri Xash. Lindheimer's panicum. — On open sandy ground at Bayport, Sebewaing, and Port Austin. 74. Panicum meridionale Ashe. Panicum. — Along the railroad near Sebewaing. 75. Panicum tsugetorum Xash. Hemlock panicum. — On sandy ground at Bayport. 76. Panicum scribnerianimi Xash. Scribner's panicum. — On sandy ground at Sand Point and near Rush Lake. 77. Panicum xanthophysum Gray. Slender panicum. — On light sandy ground at Sand Point and Bayport. 78. Panicum latifolium L. Porter's panicum. — On sandy ground and shaded sand dunes at Sand Point, Bayport. and Port Austin. 79. Echinochloa crus-galli (L.) Beauv. Barnyard grass. — A com- mon weed on damp ground and in waste places throughout the sand dune region. 80. Setaria glauca (L.) Beauv. Foxtail. Pigeon grass.— A weed in gardens, about fish shanties, country dwellings and in fields. CATALOG OF PLANTS. 77 81. Setaria viridis (L.) Beauv. Green foxtail. Bottle grass. — A common weed in gardens, fields, and about fish shanties. 82. Setaria italica (L.) Beauv. Millet. German millet. Hungarian grass. — Cultivated as a field crop and occasionally escaping. 83. Cenchrus carolinianus Walt. Sand bur. Bur grass. — Noticed in the streets of villages, on roadsides, about country dwel- lings, fish shanties and occasionally in adjacent fields. Also on the islands of Saginaw Bay. Said to be of recent intro- duction and spreading rapidly. 84. Zizania aquatica L. Wild rice. Water rice. Indian rice. — In Rush Lake, w'here it had been sown by sportsmen to attract wild ducks, but apparently not thriving there. Reported that several barrels of seed had been sown in the lake a number of years ago. Reported by W. H. Wallace as abundant in shallow water near Stony and Katechay Islands. "Marshs^ places along the lake shore usually small in such localities." Davis. 85. Leersia virginica Willd. White grass. — In damp rich woods near Bayport and Sebewaing. 86. Leersia oryzoides (L.) Sw. Rice cut-grass. Often called scratch grass. — Frequent in moist places and along low banks of streams. 87. Phalaris arundinacea L. Reed canary grass.- — Frequent in low wet places throughout the sand dune region and on the islands of Saginaw Bay. 88. Millium effusum L. Millet grass. — In rich damp woods near Rush Lake and Port Austin. 89. Oryzopsis pungens (Torr.) Hitchc. Slender mountain rice. — Frequent on sandy ground and shaded sand dunes. 90. Oryzopsis asperifolia Michx. White-grained mountain rice. — "Sides of older dunes about Port Austin." Davis. 9L Stipa spartea Trin. Porcupine grass. — Occasional in sandy ground at Sand Point. 92. Muhlenbergia sylvatica Torr. Wood muhlenbergia. — In moist woods east of Port Austin. 93. Muhlenbergia mexicana (L.) Trin. Meadow muhlenbergia. — Along a small stream east of Port Au.stin. 94. Muhlenbergia racemosa (Michx.) BSP. Marsh muhlenbergia. — Occasional in low damp ground at Sand Point. 95. Phleum pratense L. Timothy. — In good ground throughout the sand region. Fine fields of it noticed under cultivation on adjacent farms. 78 CATALOG OF PLANTS. 96. Sporobolus cryptandrus (Torr.) Gray. Sand dropseed. — Fre- quent and often abundant in sand on the lake shore and on sand dunes, acting as a sand binder. 97. Agrostis alba L. Red top.- — Frequent between sand dunes on damp prairie-like ground. 98. Agrostis hyemalis (Walt.) BSP. Hair grass. ^ — In dry ground near Port Austin. Not abundant. 99. Calamovilfa longifolia (Hook). Hack. Long-leaved reed-grass. — A very remarkable grass. Often abundant on drifting sand along the lake shore and on the sides of the dune nearest ■ the lake. In Michigan it is probably the best sand binder against the action of strong winds. It usually takes a position on the shore farther away from the water than A mmo phila arenaria . 100. Calamagrostis canadensis (Michx.) Beauv. Blue-joint grass. — Frequent between sand dunes in damp places. 101. Ammophila arenaria (L.) Link. Sea sand-reed. — Frequent and often abundant along the sandy shore of Lake Huron. Prob- ably in Michigan the best shore sand binder against the action of waves. Occasionally mingled with Calamovilfa longifolia, but where the shore is fairly even it takes its place nearer the water than the other grass. This is noticed particularly on the north shore of Sand Point and west of Hat Point. Its root or rootstoek system is remarkable. 102. Cinna arundinacea L. Wood reed grass. — Occasional in moist Avoods and damp shaded places. 103. Koeleria cristata (L.) Pers. Koeleria. — Frec^uent in sandy ground and on sand dunes. 104. Deschampsia flexuosa (L.) Trin. Common hair grass. — Fre- C[uent on shaded sand dunes. Abundant on Sand Point. 105. Danthonia spicata (L.) Beauv. Common wild oat grass. — Frequent throughout on sandy ground and sand dunes. 106. Spartina michauxiana Hitchc. Slough grass. — Frequent in wet marshy ground. 107. Phragmites communis Trin. Reed. — Occasional in very wet ))laces, l)ut nowhere abundant in the sand region. 108. Eragrostis hypnoides (Lam.) BSP. Creeping eragrostis.— Occasional on damp sand and in other damp places. 109. Eragrostis megastachya (Koeler) Link. Strong-scented era- grostis — On sandy ground on Stony Island and abundant on sand along the Pinnebog River at Port Crescent. 110. Melica striata (Michx.) Hitchc. Purple oat. — In rich open woods at SeTiewainR-. CATALOG OF PLANTS. 79 111. Dactylis glomerata L. Orchard grass.— Fre(iiK'iit in the streets of viUages and on roadsides. 112. Poa annua L. Low spear grass. — Frequent in the hiwns and streets of villages. 113. Poa compressa T^. Canada blue grass. English l)lue grass. — Frequent on sandy ground and sand dunes throughout. Often acting as a sand binder on the older dunes. 114. Poa triflora Gilib. Fowl meadow grass. — Along the railroad in a dani]) place south of Port Austin. 115. Poa pratensis L. June grass; Kentucky blue grass. ^-Frequent throughout the sand region in good ground and often on sand. 116. Glyceria canadensis (Michx.) Trin. Rattlesnake grass.— In very wet places near Port Austin. 117. Glyceria nervata (Willd.) Trin. Fowl meadow grass. Nerved manna-grass. — Common in moist and wet places and damp open woods. 118. Glyceria grandis Wats. Reed meadow grass. — Frequent in dam]) open ])laces on Sand Point and near Caseville. 119. Glyceria septentrionalis Hitchc. Floating manna-grass. — In very wet places near Port Austin. 120. Festuca octoflora Walt. Slender fescue grass. — Frequent on sandy ground and on sand dunes. 121 . Festuca elatior L. Meadow fescue. — On roadsides and in streets at Jiayport and Sebewaing. 122. Festuca nutans Spreng. Nodding fescue grass. — In damp shaded places at Sand Point. 123. Bromus secalinus L. Chess. — Occasional as a weed in villages and adjacent fields. 124. Bromus ciliatus L. Wood chess. — In damp shaded places at Sand Point and near Rush Lake. 125. Agropyron repens (L.) Beauv. Couch-grass. — Occasional in streets of villages and about country dwellings. 126. Agropyron dasystachyum (Hook.) Scribn. Northern wheat- grass. — Common on sand along the lake shore and on sand dunes. Abundant at Port Austin. A good sandbinder. 127. Agropyron caninum (L.) Beauv. Awned wheat-grass. — Occasional in dry open woods at Sand Point. 128. Hordeum jubatum L. Squirrel-tail grass.— Occasional in streets and about the grain elevators in villages. 129. Elymus virginicus L. Virginia wild rye.- — Occasional in damp open places. 80 CATALOG OF PLANTS. 130. Elymus canadensis L. Nodding wild rye. — Common on sand on the lake shore and on sand dunes. A fair sand binder against the action of mnd. 131. Elymus striatus Willd. Slender wild rye. — Occasional in dry shaded places at Sand Point. 132. Hystrix patula Moench. Bottle-brush grass. — Frequent in damp woods. 133. Cyperus rivularis Kunth. Shining cyperus.^In damp sand on lake shore east of Caseville. 134. Cyperus strigosus L. Straw-colored cyperus. — Occasional in damp open places near Rush Lake and Port Austin. 135. Cyperus houghtonii Torr. Houghton's cyperus. — Frequent on sandy ground and sand dunes. 136. Cyperus filicuhnis Vahl. Slender cyperus. — In sandy ground throughout the sand dune district. 137. Dulichium arundinaceum (L.) Britton. Dulichium. — Frequent in wet swampy places between sand dunes. 138. Eleocharis olivacea Torr. Bright green spike-rush. ^ — "Lake shore." Davis. 139. EUocharis obtusa (Willd.) Schultes. Ovoid spike-rush. — Wet places about Rush Lake. "Common along shore of Lake." Davis. 140. Eleocharis palustris (L.) R. and vS. Creeping spike-rush. — Common in wet marshy ground and on damp sand. 141. Eleocharis palustris glaucescens (Willd.) Gray. Creeping vspike- rush. — Frequent in wet shaded places. 142. Eleocharis acicularis (L.) R. and S. Needle spike-rush. — Wet ground edge of Rush Lake and near Port Austin. "Very abundant along the lake shore." Davis. 143. Eleocharis tenuis (Willd.) Schultes. Slender spike-rush. — In marshy places and on damp sand along the lake shore. 144. Eleocharis acuminata (Muhl.) Nees. Flat-stemmed spike- rush. — In wet places, often on wet sand near the lake shore. 145. Scirpus pauciflorus Lightf. Few-flowered club-rush. — Shore of Rush Lake and at Bayport. "Forming large masses on the marshy belt left by the retreat of the lake near Port Austin." Davis. 146. Scirpus subterminalis Torr. Water club-rush. — Plentiful in edge of ponds enclosed by sand dunes east of Caseville. 147. Scirpus debilis Pursh. Weak-stalked club-rush. — Abundant in Rush Lake. 148. Scirpus americanus Pers. Three-square. — Found in wet places generally. \er\ common in wet places along the lake shore. CATALOG OF PLANTS. 81 149. Scirpus validus Vahl. Great bulrush. — Common on damp ground and in very wet places. 150. Scirpus occidentalis (Wats.) Chase. Western bulrush.— Common on marshy ii'round and on borders of ponds. 151. Scirpus heterochaetus Chase. Unequal-bristled bulrush. — Lake sliore at Bayi)ort, growing in six inches of water. 152. Scirpus atrovirens Muhl. Dark-green bulrush. — Common in wet open places. 153. Scirpus lineatus Michx. RedcUsh bulrush. — Frequent on low dani]) <)])en ground between sand dunes. 154. Scirpus cyperinus pelius Fernald. Wool grass. — Common in wet and marshy open places. 155. Eriophorum viridi-carinatum (Engelm.) Fernald. Tall cotton- grass. — Frequent in very wet open places between sand dunes. 156. Rynchospora fusca (L.) Ait. f. Brown beaked-rush. — In a boggy place at Sand Point. 157. Rynchospora alba (L.) Vahl. White beaked-rush. — Occasional in very wet oj^en places between sand dunes. 158. Rynchospora capillacea Torr. Capillary beaked-rush. — In marshes aliout Rush Lake and near lake shore at Bayport. 159. Cladium mariscoides (IMuhl.) Torr. Twig-rush.— Common in very wet marshy ])laces. 160. Carex scoparia Schkuhr. Pointed broom sedge. — Frequent on low o]^en ground. 161. Carex tribuloides Wahlenb. Blunt broom sedge. — Frequent in edges of damp woods. 162. Carex siccata Dewey. Dry spiked sedge. — Frequent on dry. sandy ground, occasional in shade on the fixed sand dunes. 163. Carex cristata Schwein. Crested sedge. — Frequent in wet shaded places near Sebewaing. 164. Carex straminea Willd. Straw sedge. — Occasional in dry open places at Sand Point and near Rush Lake. 165. Carex suberecta (Olney) Britton. Prairie sedge.— On damp ground on Stony Island. 166. Carex bebbii Olney. Bebb's sedge.— Stony Island on mar.shy ground. 167. Carex stelluata Good. Little prickly sedge.— On low damp ground west of Caseville. 168. Carex scirpoides Schk. Inland sedge.— On wet ground near Caseville. 169. Carex canescens L. Silvery sedge. — On damp sand at the upper end of Sand Point. 11 82 CATALOG OF PLANTS. 170. Carex canescens subloliacea Laested. Silvery sedge. — On wet ground west of Caseville. 171. Carex bromoides Schkuhr. Brome-like sedge. — Frequent in very wet places. 172. Carex deweyana Schwein. Dewey's sedge. — Frequent in rich open woods at Sebewaing, Bayport, and near Rush Lake. 173. Carex tenella Schkuhr. Soft-leaved sedge. — On very wet shaded ground near Rush Lake. 174. Carex rosea Schkuhr. Stellate sedge. — On open dry ground on Big Charity Island. 175. Carex rosea radiata Dewey. Stellate sedge. — In shaded dry ground on Stony Island. 176. Carex muhlenbergii Schkuhr. Muhlenberg's sedge. — Frequent on sandy ground throughout the sand region. 177. Carex vulpinoidea Michx. Fox sedge. — Common on damp ground. 178. Carex diandra ramosa (Boott) Fernald. Lesser panicled sedge. — In a wet place near Rush Lake. 179. Carex stipata Muhl. Awl-fruited sedge.— Frequent on very wet ground. ISO. Carex sartwellii Dewey. Sartwell's sedge. — In very wet places at Sand Point and on border of Rush Lake. 181. Carex crinita Lam. Fringed sedge. — In very wet places about Rush Lake. 182. Carex aquatilis Wahlenb. Water sedge. — Frequent in wet marshy places near and along the lake shore. 183. Carex stricta Lam. Tussock sedge. — Frequent in very wel marshy places. 184. Carex aurea Nutt. — Golden-fruited sedge. — In damp ground near Rush Lake. Abundant at the end of Sand Point. 185. Carex leptalea Wahlenb. — Bristle-stalked sedge.— In boggy places near Caseville and Rush Lake. 186. Carex polygama Schkuhr. Brown sedge. — Frequent in very wet and lioggy places. 187. Carex gracillima Schwein. Graceful sedge. — Frequent in edge of damp woods near Bayport. 188. Carex communis Bailey. Fibrous-rooted sedge. — ''Near Grind- stone City." Davis. 189. Carex pennsylvanica Lam. Pennsylvania sedge. — Common on sandy ground and fixed sand dunes. 190. Carex livida (Wahlenb.) Willd. Livid sedge. — In a very wet and swampy place west of Caseville. CATALOG OF PLANTS. 83 191. Carex tetanica Schk. Wood's sedge. — On very wet ground west of Caseville. 192. Carex tetanica meadii (Uewey) Bailey. Mead's sedge.— On rich open ground at Sel)ewaing. 193. Carex eburnea Boott. Bristle-leaved sedge. — Occasional on shaded fixed sand dunes. 194. Carex laxiflora patulifolia (Dewey) Carey. Loose-flowered sedge. — In woods near Port Austin. 195. Carex laxiflora varians Bailey. Loose-flowered sedge. — In woods at Port Austin, Sebewaing and on Big Charity Island. 196. Carex laxiflora latifolia Boott. White bear sedge. — In rich woods at Bayport and near Rush Lake. 197. Carex granulans haleana (Olney) Porter. Meadow sedge.— On prairie-like ground near Sebewaing. 198. Carex crawei Dewey. Crawe's sedge. — On damp sand on the upper end of Sand Point and on Little Charity Island. 199. Carex flava L. Yellow sedge. — Frequent in wet marshy places. 200. Carex oederi Retz. Sedge. — On wet ground on Sand Point and near Sebewaing. 201. Carex oederi pumila (Cosson and Germain). Fernald. Green sedge. — Frequent on damp sand along the lake shore. 202. Carex filiformis L. Slender sedge. — Common in boggy places. 203. Carex lanuginosa Michx. Woolly sedge. — On edge of ponds enclosed by sand dunes east of Caseville, and near Rush Lake. 204. Carex riparia W. Curtis. River-bank sedge. — Borders of streams near Sebewaing, Port Austin and Rush Lake. 205. Carex pseudo-cyperus L. Cyperus-like sedge. — In very wet and boggy ground near Rush Lake. 206. Carex comosa Boott. Bristly sedge. — On wet ground at Sand Point and Sebewaing. 207. Carex hystericina Muhl. Porcupine sedge. — Common in wet marshy places. 208. Carex lurida Wahlenb. Sallow sedge. — In swampy places near Bayport. Rush Lake and Sebewaing. 209. Carex lurida gracilis (Boott) Bailey. Bailey's sedge. — In edge of damp woods near Bayport. 210. Carex retrorsa Schwein. Retrorse sedge. — In wet places near Port Austin and Rush Lake. 211. Carex lupulina Muhl. Hop sedge. — Frequent in swampy places and wet woods. 212. Carex intumescens Rudge. Bladder sedge. — In dami) woods near Bayport and Sebewaing. 84 CATALOG OF PLANTS. 213. Carex intumescens fernaldii Bailey. Bladder sedge. — In rich damp woods near Sebewaing. 214. Carex rostrata iStokes. Yellowish sedge. — In swampy places near Sebewaing. 215. Carex rostrata utriculata (Boott) Bailey. Bottle sedge. — Fre- cjiient on edge of streams and very wet places. 216. Carex tuckermani Dewey. Tuckerman's sedge. — On open rich ground near Rush Lake. 217. Arisaema triphyllum L. Schott. Indian turnip. Jack-in-the- pulpit. — Common in damp rich woods and shaded places. 218. Symplocarpus foetidus (L.) Nutt. Skunk cabbage. — On moist ground near Port Austin. Infrequent. 219. Acorus calamus L. Sweet flag. — In shallow water and wet places along streams at Caseville, Port Crescent and Port Austin. 220. Spirodela polyrhiza (L.) Schleid. Greater duckweed. — Occasional in ponds and pools. 221. Lemna minor L. Lesser duckweed. — On stagnant shallow water at Caseville. 222. Pontederia cordata L. Pickerel-weed. — Occasional in c^uiet parts of streams. Abundant in Rush Lake. 223. Juncus bufonius L. Toad rush. — Very common on damp open ground. Abundant on damp sand at Port Crescent and Port Austin. 224. Juncus -tenuis Willd. Slender rush. — Common along paths and road sides. 225. Juncus dudleyi Wiegand. Dudley's rush. — On bank of large flitch at Sebewaing. Apparently infrequent. 226. Juncus balticus littoralis Engelm. Baltic rush. — Frequent on damp ground and common on sand along the lake shore. A good sand binder. 227. Juncus effusus L. Common rush. — Common on damp ground. 228. Juncus brachycephalus (Engelm). Buchenau. Small-headed rush. — In wet places near lake shore, Rush Lake and Port Austin. 229. Juncus brevicaudatus (Engelm.) Fernald. Canada rush. — "Port Austin." Davis. 230. Juncus canadensis J. Gay. Canada rush.- — Frequent in marshy places and on damp sand on lake shore. 231. Juncus nodosus L. Knotted rush.^ — Common in marshy places and on damp sand. 232. Juncus alpinus insignis Fries. Richardson's rush. — "Abundant CATALOG OF PLANTS. 85 in the creek valley at Port Austin, also not uncommon along the lake shore." Davis. 232a. Juncus alpinus fuscescens Fernald. Richardson's rush. — Char- ity Island in damp sand along the west shore. 238. Luzula saltuensis Fernald. Hairy wood-rush. — Aljundant in moist woods. 234. Luzula campestris multiflora (Ehrh.) Celak. Common wood- rush. — Occasional in open woods near Bayport. l^^ebewaing and Port Austin. 235. Uvularia grandiflora Sm. Large-flowered bellwort. — Frequent in i-ich woods. 236. Oakesia sessilifolia (L.) Wats. Sessile-leaved Ijellwort. — Fre- cjuent on damp open ground and in open woods. 237. Allium tricoccum Ait. "Wild leek. — In rich woods west of Caseville. Not noticed elsewhere, but reported as formerly very abundant. 238. Allium canadense L. Wild garlic. — In meadow-like ground near Rush Lake and on North Island. 239. Hemerocallis fulva L. Common day lily. — Common as an escape in the villages and near country dwellings. 240. Lilium philadelphicum andinum (Xutt.) Ker. Western red lily. — Occasional on sandy ground at Sand Point, Sebewaing and on Charity Island. 241. Lilium superbum L. Turk's-cap lily. — Occasional on rich low ground. 242. Erythronium americanum Ker. Yellow adder's-tongue. — Fre- quent on shaded rich ground. 243. Asparagus officinalis L. Garden asparagus. — A freciuent escape to jjoor and sand\' ground. 244. Clintonia borealis (Ait.) Raf. Yellow clintonia. — Frequent in moist woods. 245. Smilacina racemosa (L.) Desf. False spikenard. — Frequent in moist shaded places, often on sandy ground and shaded sand dunes. 246. Smilacina stellata (L.) Desf. Star-flowered Solomon's seal. — Common on moist shaded ground, often abundant on sand near the lake shore. 247. Maianthemum canadense Desf. False lily-of-the-valley.— Very common in damp woods and thickets. 248. Streptopus roseus Michx. Sessile-leaved twisted-stalk. — In rich damp woods at Sand Point. 249. Polygonatum bifiorum (Walt.) Ell. Small Solomon's seal. — In 86 CATALOG OF PLANTS. open woods at Sand Point, Port Austin, Sebewaing, Bayport, Stony Island, and North Island. 250. Polygonatum commutatum (R. and S.) Dietr. Great Solomon's seal.— In open woods at Sand Point, near Rush Lake, and on Charity Island. 251. Medeola virginiana L. Indian cucumber-root. ^ — On shaded rich ground at Sand Point, Caseville. near Rush Lake, on Stony Island and Charity Island. 252. Trillium rectum L. Ill-scented wake-robin. — Common on rich shaded ground at Sand Point and near Rush Lake. The white-flowered form is frequent. 253. Trillium grandiflorum (Michx.) Salisb. Large-flowered wake- robin. ^ — Common in rich shaded woods. 254. Smilax herbacea L. Carrion-flower. — Frequent in moist places throughout the sand region and on the islands. 255. Smilax ecirrhata (Engelm.) Wats. L^pright smilax. — Frequent in rich woods and thickets. 256. Smilax hispida Muhl. Hispid greenbrier. — Frequent on borders of moist woods and in damp thickets. 257. Dioscorea villosa L. Wild yam-root. — Common in damp thick- ets. 258. Hypoxis hirsuta (L.) Coville. Star grass. — Common on meadow- like ground near Caseville and on Stony Island. 259. Iris versicolor L. Larger blue flag. — Frequent in wet places, but not noticed as abundant anywhere. 260. Sisyrinchium albidum Raf. White blue-eyed grass. — Frequent on damp ground. Noticed on the islands. 261. Cypripedium parviflorum pubescens (Willd.) Knight. Larger yellow lady's slipper. — A very few specimens observed near Caseville. Apparently rare. 262. Cypripedium acaule Ait. Stemless lady's slipper. — Frequent between and on the sides of fixed shaded sand dunes. 263. Habenaria bracteata (Willd.) R. Br. Long-bracted orchis. — Occasional in damp woods and thickets. 264. Habenaria flava (L.) Gra}'. Small pale green orchis. — Occasional in wet places. 265. Habenaria hyperborea (L.) R. Br. Tall leafy green orchis. — Occasional on Avet boggy places. 266. Habenaria dilatata (Pursh.) Gray. Tall white bog orchis. — In a very wet and boggy place west of Caseville. 267. Habenaria hookeri Torr. Hooker's orchis. — In dry shaded ground at Sand Point. CATALOG OF PLANTS. 87 268. Habenaria blephariglottis (AVilld.) Torr. White-fringed orchis. — Noticed l)y Coons in boggy ground on Sand Point. 269. Habenaria psycodes (L.) Sw. Smaller purple-fringed orchis. — Fre([uent in damp grassy places. 270. Calopogon pulchellus (Sav.) R. Br. Grass-pink. — In very wet nuirshy places at Sand Point and near Rush Lake. 271. Spiranthes gracilis (Bigel.) Beck. Slender ladies tresses. ^ — A few specimens noticed on open sandy ground at Sand Point. 272. Spiranthes cernua (L.) Richard. Nodding ladies tresses. — Occasional at Sand Point on damp ground. Common near the lake shore below Grindstone City. "What seems to be this species was collected by Dr. Lane in the neighborhood of Bay port." Davis. 273. Epipactis pubescens (Willd.) A. A. Eaton. Downy rattlesnake plantain. — A few specimens noticed in dry woods near Rush Lake. 274. Corallorhiza maculata Raf. Large coral-root. — Frequent in rich woods. "Point aux Barques." Winchell's catalogue. 275. Saururus cernuus L. Lizard's-tail. — "Pinnebog river, Hume township." Davis. 276. Salix nigra Marsh. Black willow. — Mostly on banks of .streams, and seldom more than a shrub. 277. Salix amygdaloides Anders. Peach-leaved willow. — Common on damp ground along streams and on borders of moist woods. 278. Salix lucida Muhl. Shining willow.— Common on low wet ground. 279. Salix alba L. White willow. — Planted more or less in all the villages and often escaping. 280. Salix babylonica L. Weeping willow. — Noticed in cultivation at Sebewaing, but not escaping. 281. Salix longifolia Muhl. Sand bar willow. — Common along the lake shore, in damp sand and along streams. 282. Salix glaucophylla Bebb. Broad-leaved willow.— Common along the lake shore and on sand dunes nearest to the water. A good sand binder. 283. Salix glaucophylla brevifolia Bebb. Broad-leaved willow. — On sand dunes near Caseville. 284. Salix discolor Muhl. Glaucous willow. — Freciuent along streams antl on borders of marshes. 285. Salix petiolaris Sm. Slender willow. — Common on damp ground. 286. SaUx humilis Marsh. Prairie willow. — On sandy ground at Sand Point and near Rush Lake. Not abundant. 88 CATALOG OF PLANTS. 287. Salix sericea Marsh. Silky willow. — On damp ground at Sand Point. 288. Salix rostrata Richards. Bebb's willow. — Frequent in open woods and on borders of marshes. 289. Salix Candida Fliigge. Sage willow. — In a very wet and boggy place west of Caseville. 290. Populus alba L. White poplar. — Cultivated in the villages and spreading by root. 291. Populus tremuloides Michx. American aspen. — Yevy common in damp ground, frecjuent on sand dunes and abundant on burnt-over lands throughout Huron County. 292. Populus grandidentata Michx. Large-toothed aspen. — Frequent Ijetween and on sand dunes. 293. Populus balsamifera L. Balsam poplar. — Common on sand " along the lake shore and frequent on sand dunes. A sand binder. Trees usually small. Covers large areas in Huron County north of Bad Axe. 294. Populus deltoides Marsh. Cotton- wood. — Frequent on damp ground with other trees and along streams throughout the sand region. The large-leaved poplar occasionally planted. is for the present referred to this species. 295. Populus nigra italica Du Roi. Lombardy poplar. — Cultivated in the villages and spreading by root. 296. Myrica gale. Sweet gale. — Abundant in a large marsh at Sand Point. Also noticed near Caseville and on Charity Island. 297. Myrica asplenifolia L. Sweet fern.--In small patches on sandy ground at Sand Point and near Caseville. 298. Juglans cinerea L. Butternut. — Frequent on rich damp ground with other trees and often between sand dunes. 299. Juglans nigra L. Black walnut. — Noticed only in cultivation. Lumbermen report that it is not known to grow wild in the sand district. Noticed in Tuscola County. :300. Carya ovata (Mill.) K. Koch. Shag-bark hickory. — Throughout the sand region on rich ground with other trees. Trees now usually small, the larger ones having been cut. 301. Carya microcarpa Nutt. Small-fruited hickory. — A few trees noticed in good ground about Sebewaing. 302. Carya cordiformis (Wang.) K. Koch. Bitter nut. — Frequent on rich damp ground with other trees, but mostly south of the sand area. 303. Corylus americana Walt. Hazel-nut. — Not noticed in or near tlie sand region, but reported l)y W. H. Wallace as occa- sionally growing Bayport and on Stony Island. CATALOG OF PLANTS. 89 304. Ostrya virginiana (Mill.) K. Koch. Ironwood. — Common on rich ground with other trees. 305. Carpinus caroliniana Walt. Blue beech. — Common on rich dam]:) ground with other trees. 306. Betula lutea Michx. f. Yellow birch. — Frequent on moist ground with other trees. Trees mostly small, the larger ones having been cut. 307. Betula alba L. Paper birch; canoe birch; white birch. — Common throughout the sand district, often on sand near the lake shore. Abundant throughout Huron County on burnt-over lands. 308. Alnus incana (L.) Moench. Speckled alder. — Very common on damp ground and along streams. ,309. Fagus grandifolia Ehrh. American beech. — Not alumdant, but noticed on small patches of rich ground with other trees throughout the sand region. -310. Quercus alba L. White oak. — Frequent on rolling or level sandy ground and on fixed sand dunes. 311. Quercus macrocarpa Michx. Bur oak. — Frequent on small patches of good ground between sand dunes. Occasional on sand near the lake shore, where it acts as a sand binder but usually smaller in such places. 312. Quercus bicolor Willd. Swamp white oak. — Occasional on rich patches of ground near and between sand dunes. 313. Quercus rubra L. Red oak. — Plentiful at Sand Point on 'level sandy ground and common on all the fixed sand dunes. 314. Quercus coccinea Moench. Scarlet oak. — Ablmdant at Sand Point. Fine large specimens noticed near Port Austin. Common throughout the sand region. 315. Quercus velutina Lam. Yellow-barked oak; black oak. — Frequent on sandy ground and sand dunes. 316. Ulmus americana L. American elm. — Very common along streams and in damp ground. 317. Ulmus fulva Michx. Slippery elm. Red elm. — A few specimens noticed near Sebewaing, but reported by lumbermen as fre- quent throughout. 318. Ulmus racemosa Thomas. Rock elm. — Not noticed, Init reported by lumbermen as occasional. 319. Celtis occidentalis L. Sugarberry. Hackl^erry. — Abundant on Little Charity Island. Some of the trees over one foot in diameter two feet from ground. Xot noticed elsewhere, but reported l^y W. H. Wallace as occasional near Bay port. 90 CATALOG OF PLANTS. 320. Cannabis sativa L. Hemp. — On sandy ground as a weed in the villages. 321. Humulus lupulus L. Common hop. — Noticed as an" escape near Caseville, Rush Lake, Port Austin, Bayport, and Sebewaing. 322. Madura pomifera (Raf.) Schneider. Osage orange. — Occasion- ally planted for hedges, but not a success. Not spreading. 323. Urtica gracilis Ait. Slender nettle. — Frequent along streams, in open damp woods and low ground. 324. Laportea canadensis (L.) Gaud. Wood nettle. — Common in rich woods. 325. Pilea pumila (L.) Gray. Richweed. — In damp rich woods near Rush Lake, Port Austin and Sebewaing. 326. Boehmeria cylindrica (L.) Sw. False nettle. — Frequent on moist and shaded ground. 327. Comandra umbellata (L.) Nutt. Bastard toad-flax. — Abun- dant on flat or dry rolling ground and frecjuent on fixed shaded sand dunes. 328. Arceuthobium pusillum Peck. Dwarf mistletoe. — A on Picea mariana on a little island in Rush Lake, where the trees are being attacked and killed by it. 329. Asarum canadense L. Wild ginger. — Common in rich woods. 330. Rumex britannica L. Great water dock. — On low marshy open ground near Rush Lake, Port Austin and Sebewaing. 331 . Rumex crispus L. Yellow dock. — Frequent as a weed in villages and adjacent fields throughout the sand region. A trouble- some weed in meadows and hay fields. 332. Rumex obtusifolius L. Bitter dock. — Occasional as a weed in villages and around country dwellings. 333. Rumex acetosella L. Field sorrel. — Occasional as a weed on poor -ground. 334. Polygonum aviculare L. Knotgrass. Knotweed. — Common as a weed in villages and about country dwellings. 335. Polygonum erectum L. Erect knotweed.— Occasional near Rush Lake and Port Austin. 336. Polygonum lapathifolium L. Dock-leaved persicaria. — In a wet place at Port Austin and frec^uent below Grindstone City. 337. Polygonum amphibium L. Water persicaria. — Frequent in very w^et and marshy places at Sebewaing, Port Austin, Bayport, and near Rush Lake. 338. Polygonum amphibium hartwrightii (Gray) Bissel. Hart Wright's persicaria.— On very wet ground at Port Austin and near Rush Lake. 339. Polygonum muhlenbergii (Meisn.) Wats. Swamp persicaria. — CATALOG OF PLANTS. 91 In .shallow water and in very wet ]:)lace.s along streams and near Rush- Lake. 340. Polygonum pennsylvanicum L. rennsylvania persicaria. — Occasional at Port Au.stin and below CJrindstone City. 341. Polygonum hydropiper L. Common smartweed. — Frecjuent in moist ()])en or shaded places. 342. Polygonum acre HBK. Water smartweed. — On very wet marshy ground near Rush Lake. Port Austin and Har])or Beach. 343. Polygonum orientale L. Prince's feather. — Occasional in the villages as an escape. 344. Polygonum persicaria L. Lady's thumb. — Usually on damp ground in and near the villages. 345. Polygonum hydropiperoides Michx. Mild water pepper. — Fre- quent in Ijottoms of ditches arfd along and in beds of small streams. 346. Polygonum virginianum L. Virginia knotweed. — Common in damp rich open woods and thickets. 347. Polygonum convolvulus L. Black bindweed. — A weed in gardens, fields, and waste places. 348. Polygonum cilinode Michx. Fringed black bindweed. — ^'ery abundant on Little Charity Island. Occasional in other localities. 349. Polygonum scandens L. Climbing false buckwheat. — Occasional in moist thickets at Sand Point. 350. Fagopyrum esculentum Moench. Buckwheat. — Occasional in the villages as an escape. 351. Polygonella articulata (L.) Meisn. Coast joint weed. — On sand at Sand Point, near Caseville. Rush Lake and on Charitv Island. Abundant on the beach at Grindstone City. 352. Cycloloma atriplicifolium (Spreng.) Coult. Winged pigweed. — On sandy ground at Port Austin and Grindstone City. 353. Chenopodium botrys L. Jerusalem oak. — On sand at Port Austin and Grindstone City. 354. Chenopodium capitatum (L.) Asch. Strawberry blite. — On bank of Pigeon river at Caseville. "Occasional in woods." Davis. 355. Chenopodium hybridum L. Maple-leaved goosefoot. — Frecjuent in open woods and a weed in villages and fields. 356. Chenopodium album L. Lamb's quarters. Pigweed. — A com- mon weed in villages, gardens, and fields. 357. Atriplex patula hastata (L.) Gray. Halberd-leaved orache. — 92 CATALOG OF PLANTS. A frequent weed in waste places, villages, and about country - dwelliniis. 358. Salso'a kali tenuifolia G. F. \\. Mey. Russian thistle. — Noticed as a weed in sandy ground at Bayport. Sebewaing, and Port Austin. Not abundant. 359. Amaranthus retroflexus L. Green amaranth. Pigweed. — A common weed in villages, fields, and about country dwellings. 360. Amaranthus graecizans L. Tumble weed. — Frec^uent as a weed in villages, gardens, fields, and waste places. 361. Amaranthus bhtoides Wats. Prostrate amaranth. — A frecjuent weed in the streets and gardens of villages. 362. Mollugo verticillata L. Carpet weed. — Frecjuent on sandy ground throughout the sand district. 363. Arenaria serpyllifolia L. Thyme-leaved sandwort. — A freciuent weed on sandy ground in villages. 364. Stellaria longifoha Muhl. Long-leaved stitchwort. — Freciuent in. damp grassy places. 365. Stellaria borealis Bigel. Northern stitchwort. — "Pointe aux Barc[ues." In Michigan Flora. 366. Stellaria media (L.) Cyrill. Common chickweed. — A common weed in the streets and gardens of villages. 367. Cerastium vulgatum L. Common mouse-ear chickweed. — A common weed in the gardens of villages and in adjacent fields. 368. Agrostemma githago L. Corn cockle. — Occasional in waste ]ilaces in villages and in adjacent wheat fields. 369. Lychnis coronaria (L.) Desr. Mullein pink. — "Waste places, Port Austin." Davis. 370. Silene antirrhina L. Sleepy catchfly. — Freciuent on dry and sandy ground throughout the sand region. 371. Silene noctiflora L. Night-flowering catchfly. — Frecjuent as a weed in villages and adjacent fields. 372. Saponaria officinalis L. Bouncing bet. — Common in villages and along the lake shore, often covering large areas of sandy ground. 373. Clayton'a virginica L. Spring l^eauty. — Common in rich woods. 374. Portulaca oleracea L. Common purslane. — Freciuent on sandy ground in the gardens and streets of villages. 375. Nymphaea advena Ait. Yellow pond lily. — Common in stagnant water. 376. Nymphaea tuberosa (Paine) Greene. Tuberous white water lily. — Frequent in coyes, ponds, and slow streams. Abundant in Rush Lake. CATALOG OF PLANTS. 93 377. Brasenia shreberi rimel. Water shield. — In quiet water in I'i.oeon River. Aluindant in Rush Lake. 378. Ranunculus delphinifolius Torr. Water crowfoot. — Common in still water and slow-flowing streams. 379. Ranunculus sceleratus L. Cursed crowfoot. — Common in wet and liogiiv ]ilaces. 380. Ranunculus abortivus L. Small-flowered crowfoot. — Very com- mon on damp shadetl ground. 381. Ranunculus recurvatus Poir. Hooked crowfoot. — Common in damp places, rich open woods and thickets. 382. Ranunculus septentrionalis Poir. Swamp buttercup. — Frerpient in moist and shaded places. 383. Ranunculus pennsylvanicus L. f. Bristly crowfoot. — Frequent on damp open grassy ground. 384. Ranunculus acris L. Tall crowfoot. — In waste places at Bay- port and Caseville. Not frequent. 38,5. Thalictrum dioicum L. Early meadow rue. — Frequent in rich open woods and thickets. 386. Thalictrum dasycarpum Fisch. and Lall. Purplish meadow rue. —On damp rich ground at Caseville. Bayport. Port Austin, Sebewaing. and near Rush Lake. 387. Hepatica triloba Chaix. Round-lobed liverleaf.— Frequent in rich open woods and thickets near Lake. Port Austin, Bayport and on Charity Island. 388. Hepatica acutiloba DC. Sharp-lobed liverleaf.— In rich damp woods at Bayport. Port Austin and Sebewaing. Also on the islands. 389. Anemone cylindrica Gray. Long-fruited anemone. — Through- out the sand dune region, but nowhere abundant. 390. Anemone virginiana L. Tall anemone. — Occasional on borders of woods, thickets and banks of streams. 391. Anemone canadensis L. Canada anemone. — Plentiful on damp ground in small ]~iatches. 392. Anemone quinquefolia L. Wood anemone. — In o]ien woods near Port Austin and on Stony Island. 393. Clematis virginiana L. Virgin's bower.— Occasional in damp thickets and on banks of streams. 394. Caltha palustris L. ^larsh marigold. — Frequent in swampy places. 395. Coptis trifolia (L.) Salisb. Goldthread.— On damp ground near Port Austin and Rush Lake. 396. Aquilegia canadensis L. Wild columbine.— Frequent on sandy ground. 94 CATALOG OF PLANTS. 397. Delphinium consolida L. Field larkspur. — Occasionally escap- ing to streets in villages. 398. Actaea rubra (Ait.) Willd. Red baneberry.— Frequent in rich woods and thickets. 399. Actaea alba (L.) Mill. White baneberry.— Occasional in rich woods and thickets. 400. Liriodendron tulipfera L. Tulip tree. Whitewood.— Not noticed but reported as formerly existing near Sebewaing. "Not uncommon in southern Tuscola Co." Davis. 401. Menispermum canadense L. Moonseed. — Occasional on banks of streams and in damp shaded places. Also on the islands. 402. Podophyllum peltatum L. May apple; wild mandrake.— Frecjuent on rich shaded ground throughout the sand district and on the islands. 403. Caulophyllum thalictroides (L.) Michx. Blue cohosh. — Frequent in rich woods and thickets. 404. Sassafras variifolium (Salisb.) Ktze. Sassafras. — A very few small shrul)s noticed in sandy ground north of Rush Lake. Reported as existing in many other places. 40.5. Benzoin aestivale (L.) Nees. Spice bush. — Frequent in rich woods and thickets. 406. Sanguinaria canadensis L. Bloodroot. — Noticed in open rich woods near Rush Lake. Abundant on Charity Island. 407. Adlumia f ungosa (Ait.) Greene. Climbing fumitory. — Abundant among broken rocks near cliff west of Grindstone City. "At the quarries, Grindstone City, on refuse piles." Davis. 408. Dicentra cucullaria (L.) Bernh. Dutchman's breeches. — Not noticed but reported as existing at Port Austin, Bayport and Sebewaing. 409. Dicentra canadensis (Goldie) Walp. Squirrel corn. — In rich woods near Rush Lake and on the flats between the bluff and the lake shore above Harbor Beach. 410. Corydalis sempervirens (L.) Pers. Pale corydahs. — Occasional on sandy ground at Caseville and Port Austin. 41 1 . Corydalis aurea Willd. Golden corydalis. — Occasional on shaded sides of sand dunes near Port Austin and Caseville. 412. Alyssum alyssoides L. Yellow alyssum. — Along the railroad south of Caseville and Port Austin. Apparently rare. 413. Thlaspi arvense L. Field penny cress. — A weed on sandy ground at Port Austin l)ut apparently rare. 414. Lepidium virginicum (L.) Willd. Peppergrass. — A common weed about villages and country dwellings. CATALOG OF PLANTS. 95 415. Lepidium apetalum ^^illd. Apetalous peppergrass. — A frequent ^vee(l about villages. 416. Lepidium campestre (L.) R. Br. Field cress. — Along the railroad south of Caseville. 417. Capsella bursa-pastoris (L.) Medic. Shepherd's purse. — A com- mon weed in villages and adjacent fields. 418. Camelina sativa (L.) Crantz. Gold-of-pleasure. — Along the railroad south of Caseville. 419. Cakile edentula (Bigel) Hook. American sea rocket. — Common in sand along the lake shore. "Not observed back of the outer row of dunes and usually on the side facing the lake." Davis. 420. Brassica arvensis (L.) Ktze. Common mustard. Charlock. — A f refluent weed in villages and adjacent fields. 421. Brassica campestris L. Ruta-baga. — An occasional weed along railroads and in villages; an escape from cultivation. 422. Conringia orientalis (L.) Dumort. Hare's-ear mustard. — Along the railroad south of Caseville. Apparently rare. 423. Sisymbrium officinale (L.) Scop. Hedge mustard. — A common weed about villages. 424. Sisymbrium altissimum L. Tumble mustard. — Near the grain elevator. at. Caseville. . 425. Sisymbrium cheiranthoides L. Wormseed mustard. — A weed in villages, al)out fishery buildings and in adjacent fields. 426. Radicula nasturtium aquaticum (L.) Britten and Rendle. True water cress. — Abundant in a creek near Port Austin. 427. Radicula palustris (L.) Moench. Marsh cress. -^Frequent in wet open places. 428. Radicula armoracia (L.) Robinson. Horseradish. — Frequent on damp ground as an escape. 429. Dentaria diphylla Michx. Two-leaved toothwort; crinkle-root. —Not noticed but found in the herbarium of Miss Elma Kelley at Harbor Beach and collected near there. No doubt common on rich shaded ground throughout the sand region. 430. Dentaria laciniata Muhl. Cut-leaved toothwort. — Abundant on east side of Charity Island. Not noticed elsewhere. 431. Cardamine bulbosa (Schreb.) BSP. Spring cress. — Occasional on wet springy ground. 432. Cardamine douglasii (Torr.) Britton. Purple cress. — Common in. rich damp woods. 433. Cardamine pratensis L. Cuckoo flower. — On border of a creek east of Port Austin. 96 CATALOG OF PLANTS. 434. Cardamine pennsylvanica Muhl. Pennsylvania bitter cress. — Occasional on damp shaded ground. 435. Arabis lyrata L. Lyre-leaved rock cress.- — Common on flat :^andy around and on sand dunes. 436. Arabis drummondi Gray. Drummond's rock cress. — Frequent near the lake shores of the islands. 437. Arabis laevigata (Muhl.) Poir. Smooth rock cress. — Frequent on sand on lake shore and sand dunes. 438. Drosera rotundifolia L. Round-leaved sundew. — Abundant on a small island in Rush Lake. Xot noticed elsewhere. 439. Sarracenia purpurea L. Pitcher plant. — Abundant in boggy places about Rush Lake and west of Caseville. 440. Penthorum sedoides L. Ditch stonecrop. — Frequent in wet places. 44L Sedum acre L. Mossy stonecrop. — A harmless weed in villages, often covering large patches of sandy ground. 442. Sedum purpureum Tausch. Live-for-ever. — Frequent on sandy ground as an escape. 443. Tiarella cardifolia L. False miterwort. — Common in rich damp woods. 444. Mitella diphylla L. Two-leaved bishop's cap. — Common in rich damp woods and thickets. 44.5. Mitella nuda L. Xaked bishop's cap. — Freciuent in rich damp woods and thickets. 446. Chrysosplenium americanum Schwein. Golden saxifrage. — In very wet shaded places near Rush Lake and Port Austin. 447. Ribes cynosbati L. Prickly gooseberry. — Common in open damp woods and thickets. 448. Ribes huronense Rydl). Lake Huron gooseberry. — In rich woods near Sebewaing. 449. Ribes oxyacanthoides L. vSmooth gooseberry. — Frequent on damp ground and along streams. 450. Ribes floridum L'Her. Wild black currant. — Common in damp thickets and on banks of streams. 451. Ribes triste Pall. Swamp red currant. — In rich damp woods near Rush Lake and Bayport. 452. Ribes aureum Pursh. Buffalo currant. — Inclined to escape in the villages to sandy ground. 453. Hamamelis virginiana L. "Witch-hazel. — Common. I'sually in damp ground, often on sides of and between sand dunes. 454. Platanus occidentalis L. Sycamore. Buttonwood. — Frequent in rich ground with other trees. Occasional in sand along lake shore. Trees not large. CATALOG OF PLANTS. 97 455. Physocarpus opulifolius (L.) Maxim. Nine-bark. — Frecjuent aloiiti' streams and ])orders of woods. Also on the islands. 456. Spiraea salicifolia L. ^Iea(k)\v-sweet. — Common on low ground, on borders of marshes, ponds, and often on damp sand be- tween sand dunes. 457. Sorbaria sorbifolia (L.) A. Br. Mountain ash spiraea. — Inclined to escape to sandy ground in villages. 458. Pyrus baccata L. Siberian oral). — On Stony Islantl. apparently part of an old abandoned orchard. 459. Pyrus coronaria L. American crab. — In thickets and open woods l)ut usually not common. Rare on the islands. 460. Pyrus malus L. Ajiple. — Frequent throughout the sand region. 461. Pyrus arbutifolia atropurpurea (Britton) Robinson. Choke- berry. — Noticed in very wet places between sand dunes near Caseville and Rush Lake, and often over ten feet high. 462. Pyrus melanocarpa (Michx.) Willd. Black chokeberry.^ — Fre- (pient on damp ground, occasional on damp sand. 463. Amelanchier canadensis (L.) Medic. Juneberry; May-cherry. — Frequent along banks of streams and on sandy ground throughout the sand district. Abundant at Sand Point and on Stony Island. 464. Amelanchier oblongifolia (T. and G.) Roem. Shad-bush. — Abundant at Sand Point. Frec[uent on sand dunes. 465. Amelanchier spicata (Lam.) Koch. Round-leaved Juneberry. — Abundant at Sand Point and on Stony Island. Common on sand dunes throughout. Fruit comparatively large and very palatable. 466. Crataegus crus-galli L. Cockspur thorn. — Frequent in dry ground throughout. Crataegus attenuata Ashe and C. arduennae Sarg. 467. Crataegus punctata Jacq. Large-fruited thorn. — Frequent throughout the sand district and on the islands. Throughout the sand dune district and on the islands of Saginaw Bay many species of Crataegus were noticed that are not yet identi- fied. These were formerly included under C. coccinea. 468. Fragaria virginiana Duchesne. Common strawberry. — Common throughout. 469. Fragaria vesca americana Porter. American wood strawberry. Freciuent in damp open woods and thickets. 470. Potentilla monspeliensis L. Rough cinquefoil. — A common weed in villages, adjacent fields, and about fishery buildings. 13 98 CATALOG OF PLANTS. 471. Potentilla argentea L. Silvery cinquefoil.— Frequent on dry and sandy ground. 472. Potentilla palustris (L.) Scop. Marsh five-finger.— Frequent in wet marshy open places. 473. Potentilla fruticosa L. Shrubby cinquefoil. — Occasional on wet or dry open ground. 474. Potentilla anserina L. Silver weed.— Common in many places and often abundant not far from the lake shore. Usually not extending far inland. 475. Potentilla canadensis L. Five-finger. — Frequent throughout the sand region. 476. Geiim canadense Jacq. White avens. — Frequent in damp open woods and thickets. 477. Geum virginianum L. Rough avens. — Occasional on low ground and on borders of woods at Bayport, Sel)ewaing and near Rush Lake. 478. Geum strictum Ait. Yellow avens. — Frequent in moist meadow- like i)laces at Sebewaing, Bayport and Port Austin. 479. Geum rivale L. Water avens. — Occasional in wet boggy places at Sebewaing and near Rush Lake. 480. Rubus idaeus aculeatissimus (C. A. Mey). Regel and Tiling. Wild red rasp])erry. — Common on dry and sandy ground throughout the sand region. 481. Rubus occidentalis L. Black caps. Black raspberry. — Frequent in damp open woods and thickets. 482. Rubus triflorus Richards. Dwarf raspberry. — Common in damp woods and thickets. 483. Rubus allegheniensis Porter. High ])ush blackl)erry. — Common on flat sandy ground and on fixed sand dunes. 484. Rubus hispidus L. Hispid blackberry. — Common on low dry ground and between sand dunes. 485. Rubus villosus Ait. Dewberry. — Common on flat or rolling ground and on shaded sides of fixed sand dunes. 486. Agrimonia gryposepala Wallr. Tall hairy agrimony. — Frequent on dry ground in open woods. 487. Rosa blanda Ait. Meadow rose. — Frequent on borders of marshes and on sandy ground not far from the lake shore, where it often acts as a sand binder. "Growing in sand and nearly buried by it at Hat Point." Davis. 488. Rosa rubiginosa L. Sweet brier. — Frequent on sandy ground throughout the sand district. 489. Rosa Carolina L. Swamp rose. — Common on borders of swamps in marshes and along streams. CATALOG OF PLANTS. 99 490. Prunus serotina Ehrh. Wild black cherry. — Frequent on rich ii'rouud with other trees. 491. Prunus virginiana L. Choke cherry. — Common on flat sandy firound and on sand dunes. Fringing the lake shore in al)undance on the north side of Sand Point. 492. Prunus pennsylvanica L. f. Wild red cherry. — Frecfuent in . open dry woods throughout the sand region and on the islands. 493. Prunus pumila L. Sand cherry. — Frequent throughout the sand region on du«es and flat sandy ground. "Abundant on the dunes west of Port Crescent." Davis. 494. Prunus cerasus L. Common sour cherry. — Noticed as a frequent escape in the ^•illages. 495. Prunus americana Marsh. Wild plum. — Apparently rare in the immediate vicinity of sand dunes. Two specimens noticed on the west side of Stony Island. Rare on the islands. More frequent east of Port Austin to and below Grinrlstone City as far as White Rock. "Hume township along streams." Davis. 496. Lupinus perennis L. Wild lupine. — Al)undant on south side of Sand Point, on flat sandy ground. Apparently rare in other places. 497. Trifolium pratense L. Red clover. — Occasional throughout the sand region. A1)undant in cultivation in adjacent fields. 498. Trifolium repens L. White clover. — Common in streets and waste places of villages, abundant in adjacent pastures and fields. 499. Trifolium hybridum L. Alsike clover. — Frequent in streets and waste places of villages, abundant under culti^'ation in adjacent fields. 500. Melilotus ofl[icinalis (L.) Lam. Yellow sweet clover. — Occasional in villages, around country dwellings and fishery buildings. 501. Melilotus alba Desr. White sweet clover. — Frequent in streets and waste places of villages. Abundant along the road below Grindstone City. 502. Medicago sativa L. Alfalfa. Lucerne.— Occasional near Rush Lake. Port Austin and Sebewaing. 503. Medicago lupulina L. Black medic. — Common in villages and adjacent fields. 504. Robinia pseudo-acacia L. Common locust. — Cultivated as an ornamental tree ami escaping in the villages. 505. Astragalus canadensis L. Carolina milk vetch. — Along the bank of a creek near Harbor Beach. 100 CATALOG OF PLANTS. 506. Desmodium nudiflorum (L.) DC. Naked-flowered tick trefoil. — On rich shaded ground at Sand Point. 507. Desmodium grandiflorum (Walt.) DC. Pointed-leaved tick trefoil. ^ — Frequent in rich woods. 508. Desmodium dillenii Dark Di lien's tick trefoil.- — On poor shaded ground near Rush Lake. 509. Desmodium paniculatum (L.) DC. Panicled tick trefoil. — On flat sandy and shaded ground at Sand Point. 510. Desmodium canadense (L.) DC. Showy tick trefoil.— In open dry woods and on open ground at Sand Point and Port Austin. 511. Lespedeza frutescens (L.) Britton. Wand-like bush clover. — On poor sandy ground on Stony Island. Apparently rare. 512. Lespedeza hirta (L.) Hornem. Hairy bush clover.— On sandy ground near Rush Lake. Apparently rare. 513. Lespedeza capitata Michx. Round-headed bush clover. — On poor sandy ground at Sand Point, Port Austin and Sebe- waing. Not common. 514. Vicia sativa L. Spring vetch. — Occasional as a weed in villages and adjacent fields. 515. Vicia augustifolia (L.) Reichard. Common vetch. — Frequent along railroad near Caseville and Port Austin. 516. Lathyrus maritimus (L.) Bigel. — A conspicuous beach and sand dune plant and sand binder. Common on sand along the lake shore, often growing near the wave line, and on the dunes nearest to the water. Very abundant at Port Austin and on south side of Little Charity Island, where it almost completely covers the ground. 517. Lathyrus palustris L. Marsh vetchling. — Frec^uent in damp and marshy places. 518. Lathyrus palustris myrtifolius (Muhl.) Gray. Myrtle-leaved marsh pea. — On borders of marshes and along streams. Freciuent. 519. Apios tuberosa Moench. Groundnut. Wild bean. — Frequent on borders of woods and thickets. 520. Amphicarpa monoica (L.) Ell. Hog peanut.— Frequent on dry open or shaded ground. . 521. Amphicarpa pitcheri T. and G.' — Common in rich damp woods and thickets. 522. Linum usitatissimum L. Common flax. — Occasional as a weed in villages and along railroads. A common weed in fields near Ruth. CATALOG OF PLANTS. 101 523. Oxalis stricta L. Yellow wood-sorrel. — Common on damp or dry ground. 524. Geranium maculatum L. Wild craneslsill. — Common in rich open woods and in open places. 525. Geranium robertianum L. Herb robert. — Abundant in shade on North Island and near Harbor Beach. ''Along the beach near Grindstone City, also in rocky soil inland." Davis. 526. Geranium carolinianum L. Carolina cranesbill. — Occasional on dry ground in the villages. 527. Geranium bicknellii Ikitton. Bicknell's cranesl^ill. — On the edge of overhanging rocks at Pointe aux Barques. 528. Geranium pusillum Burra. f. Small-flowered cranesbill. — Noticed as an occasional lawn weed in the villages. 529. Zanthoxylum americanum Mill. Northern prickly ash. — Common on rich damp ground throughout the sand region. Specimens over three inches in diameter and 15 feet high were observed. 530. Polygala paucifolia Willd. Fringed polygala. — On poor and sandy ground east of Bayport, near Rush Lake, and on Charity Island. 531. Polygala polygama Walt. Racemed milkwort. — On sandy ground on Sand Point. 532. Polygala senega L. Seneca snakeroot. — On poor ground west of Caseville. Apparently rare. 533. Euphorbia polygonifolia L. Seaside spurge. — Observed only in drifting sand on the lake shore where it is often abundant. 534. Euphorbia preslii Guss. Upright spotted spurge. — On dry open ground near Sebewaing. 535. Euphorbia maculata Engelm. Milk purslane. — Frecjuent in villages, about country dwellings and fishery buildings. 536. Euphorbia hirsuta (Torr.) Wiegand. Hairy spurge. — Frequent along railroad near Caseville and Port Austin. 537. Euphorbia corollata L. Flowering spurge. — On poor dry ground at Port Austin and Bayport. Not common. 538. Euphorbia cyparissias L. Cypress spurge. — Common, especi- ally on sand\' ground, in and near villages, about country dwellings and in cemeteries. 539. CalUtriche palustris L. Water fennel. — "Dry bed of branch of Pinnebog River, Hume Township." Davis. 540. Rhus typhina P. Staghorn sumach. — Very abuntlant on damp ground and on sand dunes. 541. Rhus copallina L. Dwarf sumach. — "Sand dunes." Davis. 102 CATALOG OF PLANTS. 542. Rhus vernix L. Poison sumach; poison dogwood. — Frequent in swampy places. 543. Rhus toxicodendron L. Poison ivy; poison oak. — Abundant on sand dunes and generally in dry sandy or rich damp ground. 544. Ilex verticillata (L.) Gray. Black alder; winterberry. — Common in low damp ground. 545. Nemopanthus mucronata (L.) Trel. Mountain holly. — In swampy places near Caseville and Rush Lake. Apparently infrecjuent. 546. Evonymus obovatus Nutt. Running strawberry bush. — In damp shaded places at Caseville, Port Austin, and Stony Island. 547. Colastrus scandens L. Bittersweet. — Common along streams, in open woods and thickets. 548. Acer spicatum Lam. Mountain maple. — Frec[uent in damp woods. Also on the islands. 549. Acer saccharum Marsh. Sugar maple. — Frequent on rich ground with other trees. Charity Island. 550. Acer saccharinum L. Silver maple. — Frequent on rich ground along streams with other trees. 55L Acer rubrum L. Red maple. — Common on rich damp ground with other trees. 552. Acer negundo L. Box elder. — Cultivated as an ornamental tree and spreading. 553. Aesculus hippocastanum L. Common horsechestnut. — An orna- mental street tree but apparently not spreading. 554. Impatiens biflora "Walt. Spotted touch-me-not. — Common on damp shaded ground. 555. Ceanothus americanus L. New^ Jersey tea. — Frequent on sand dunes and flat sandy ground. 556. Ceanothus ovatus Desf. Smaller red-root. — Common on sand dunes and flat sandy ground. 557. Psedera vitacea (Kneer.) Greene. Virginia creeper. American ivy. — Common in woods and thickets and along streams. 558. Vitis bicolor Le Conte. Summer grape.— On dry ground near Rush Lake and Bayport. Apparently rare. 559. Vitis vulpina L. River-bank grape; frost grape. — Common along streams and on sides of sand dunes, often acting as a sand binder. 560. Tilia americana L. Basswood. — Common on rich ground with other trees. CATALOG OF PLANTS. 103 561. Abutilon theophrasti Medic. Indian mallow. — Occasional as a weed in the .streets and gardens of villages. 562. Malva rotundifolia L. Common mallow; cheeses. — A common weed ill the streets, gardens, and waste i)laces of villages. 563. Malva sylvestris L. High mallow. — "Port Austin." Davis. 564. Malva moschata L. .Musk mallow. — "Roadsides. Fretjuent." Davis. 565. Hypericum perforatum L. Common St. John's-wort. — Frec}uent in tlry sandy ground on roadsides and about country dwel- lings. 566. Hypericum punctatum Lam. Spotted St. John's-wort. — Noticed on damp and usually shaded ground near Caseville and Port Austin. 567. Hypericum kalmianum L. Kalm's St. John's-wort. — Frecjuent on sandy ground, usually along the lake shore." Often abundant. "Prairies near Bayport." Davis. 568. Hypericum mutilum L. Dwarf St. John's-wort. — In damp o]ien ground at Port Au.stin. 569. Hypericum majus (Gray) Britton. Larger Canadian St. John's- wort. ^ — "Crevices in the rocks on the lake shore near Port Austin." Davis. 570. Hypericum canadense L. Canadian St. John's-wort. — On damp open ground among grasses and sedges near Rush Lake. 571. Hypericum virginicum L. Marsh St. John's-wort. — Common in marshes and swamps. 572. Helianthemum canadense (L.?) Michx. Frost-wort. — Common on sand dunes and poor sandy ground. 573. Viola cucullata Ait. Marsh blue violet. — On marshy ground near Sebewaing. 574. Viola nephrophylla Greene. Small mottled lilue violet. — Along the railroad near Sebewaing. 575. Viola sororia Willd. Woolly blue violet.- — In open woods near Sebewaing, Bayport, and Rush Lake. 575a Viola sagitata Ait. ArroAv-leaved violet. — Along the railroad near Sebewaing. 576. Viola pallens (Banks) Brainard. Small sweet white violet. — In very wet and springy places. 577. Viola incognita Brainard. Sweet white violet. — Common in rich woods and thickets. 578. Viola pubescens Ait. Downy yellow violet. — Occasional on tlry shaded sandy ground. 579. Viola scabriuscula Schwein. Smooth yellow violet. — Common in rich damp wootls. 104 CATALOG OF PLANTS. > 580. Viola conspersa Reichenl). American dog violet. — Common on rich, damp and shaded ground. 581. Viola arenaria DC. Sand violet. — Occasional on sand dunes north of Rush Lake. 582. Viola rostrata Pursh. Long-spurred violet. — Below Grindstone City on the bluff facing the lake and from that point south to Harbor Beach. 583. Dirca palustris L. Moose wood. — On rich shaded ground near Caseville. 584. Shepherdia canadensis (L.) Nutt. Canadian buffalo-berry.— At Pointe aux Barques near the edge of the overhanging rocky shore. "Also on sand dunes west of Port Crescent." Davis. 585. Decodon verticillatus (L.) Ell. Water willow. — On swamp}- ground about Rush Lake. 586. Lythrum alatum Pursh. Wing-angled loosestrife. — In a small "cranberry marsh" near Caseville; wet places near Bayport and Port Austin. 587. Ludvigia polycarpa Short and Peter. Many-fruited ludvigia. — "Common in marshy places near lake shore in Tuscola Co." Davis. 588. Ludvigia palustris (L.) Ell. — In ditches and muddy places near Caseville and Port Austin. 589. Epilobium densum Raf. Linear-leaved willow-herb. — On wet marshy ground among grasses and sedges near Rush Lake and Port Austin. 590. Epilobium coloratum Muhl. Purple-leaved willow-herb. — "Port Austin." Davis. 591. Epilobium adenocaulon Haussk. Northern willow-herb. — Com- mon on rich damp ground. 592. Oenothera biennis L. Common evening primrose. — Common on sand on or near the lake shore and on sand dunes. 593. Circaea lutetiana L. Enchanter's nightshade. — Common in damp open woods. 594. Circaea alpina L. Smaller enchanter's nightshade. — Common in damp woods and thickets. 595. Myriophyllum spicatum L. Spiked water milfoil. — In quiet places in Pigeon River at Caseville. 596. Myriophyllum heterophyllum Michx. Various-leaved water mil- foil. — "Pinnebog River, Port Crescent." Davis. 597. Proserpinaca palustris L. Mermaid-weed. — Frequent in wet, marshy places. 598. Aralia racemosa L. Spikenard. — Very frequent in rich woods. CATALOG OF PLANTS. 105 599. Aralia hispida ^'ent. Bristly sarsaparilla. — On poor sandy ground at Sand Point and near Rush Lake. Xot common. 600. Aralia nudicaulis L, Wild sarsaparilla. — Abundant throughout. in rich woods and thickets, often spreading to ]wor and sandy ground. 601. Panax quinquefolium L. Gin.-laces. often growing in shallow stagnant water. 648. Steironema ciliatum (L.) Raf. Fringed loosestrife. — Common in low damp ground, damp open woods and thickets. 649. Steironema quadriflorum (Sims) Hitchc. Prairie moneywort. — Freciuent on open marshy grountl. 650. Trientalis americana (Pers.) Pursli. Star flower. — Common in rich woods and thickets. 65L Fraxinus americana L. White ash. — Common on rich moist ground with other trees. 652. Fraxinus pennsylvanica ALarsh. Red ash. — Fretpient on low rich urounil with other trees. 108 CATALOG OF PLANTS. 653. Fraxinus pennsylvanica lanceolata (Borkh.) Sarg. Green ash. — In rich woods at Bayport. Apparently infrequent. 654. Fraxinus nigra Marsh. Black ash. — Frequent in swamps and wet places with other trees. Reported as formerly very abundant, but it has been mostly destroyed by drainage and fires. 655. Syringa vulgaris L. Common lilac. — Frequent as an escape in villages and near country dwellings. 656. Ligustrum vulgare L. Privet. — On Stony Island, apparently persisting in an old garden or yard. 657. Gentiana crinita Froel. Fringed gentian.; — Frequent on damp ground near the lake shore from Grindstone City to Harbor Beach. 658. Gentiana andrewsii Griseb. Closed gentian. — Abundant on flat damp ground near Harbor Beach. 659. Menyanthes trifoliata L. Buckbean. — Common in very wet places and often in shallow water. 660. Apocynum androsaemifolium L. Spreading dogbane. — Fre- quent on open dry ground in open woods, and on shaded sand dunes. 661. Apocynum cannabinum L. Indian hemp. — On the bank of a stream near Sebewaing. "Stream banks near Port Austin." Davis. 662. Apocynum cannabinum pubescens (R. Br.) DC. Velvet dog- V)ane. — "Charity islands." Winchell's catalogue. 663. Apocynum cannabinum hypericifolium (Ait.) Gray. Clasping- leaved dogbane. — Common on marshy ground, the prevail- ing form in the sand region. 664. Asclepias tuberosa L. Butterfly- weed. — Frequent on flat sandy ground and sand dunes. 665. Asclepias purpurascens L. Purple milkweed. — Reported as found in Tuscola County by Davis. 666. Asclepias incarnata L. Swamp milkweed. — Common in wet and swampy places. 667. Asclepias syriaca L. Common milkweed. — Common on flat sandy ground and sand dunes. Often growing on drifting sand near the lake shore, and acting as a sand binder. Very abundant on the sandy shore at Port Austin. 668. Asclepias suUivantii Engelm. Sullivant's milkweed. — "Common on ]n-airie-like land, Akron Township, Tuscola County." Davis. 669. Acerates floridana (Lam.) Hitchc. Florida milkweed. — Com- mon on prairie-like ground l^etween Bayport and Sebe- wains;. CATALOG OF PLANTS. 109 670. Convolvulus sepium L. Hedge binchveed.-r-Common on open dani]) liround. 671. Convolvulus arvensis L. Field bindweed. — Occasional at Sebe- Avaing and l)clo\v Grindstone City. 672. Cuscuta gronovii Willd. Gronovius' dodder. — Occasional near Rush Lake and below Grindstone City. "Valley of the Pinnel)0g River." Davis. 673. Phlox divaricata L. Blue phlox. — In damp rich woods near Port Austin and Sebewaing. 674. Cynoglossum officinale L. Common hound's tongue. — Noticed as a weed in viHages and about country dwellings. 675. Cynoglossum virginianum L. Wild comfrey. — Frequent in rich open woods near Bayport and Sebewaing. 676. Lappula virginiana (L.) Cireene. Beggar's lice. — Occasional on borders of woods at Sebewaing, Bayport and Sand Point. 677. Lappula echinata Gilibert. European stickseed. — A roadside weed and in the streets and waste places of villages. 678. Lithospermum arvense L. Corn gromwell. — A weed noticed in the streets and waste places of Caseville and Port Austin. 679. Lithospermum gmelini (Michx.) Hitchc. Hairy puccoon. — Frequent on flat sandy ground and sand dunes. Noticed on Charity Island. 680. Verbena urticaefolia L. White vervain. — "Port Austin." Davis. 681. Verbena hastata L. Blue vervain. — Common on damp open ground. 682. Verbena bracteosa Michx. Large-bracted vervain. — Noticed as a weed in the streets of Caseville. 683. Teucrium canadense L. Wood sage. — Frequent on rich low open ground. 684. Teucrium occidentale Gray. Hairy germander. — On marshy ground at Sand Point. 685. Scutellaria lateriflora L. Mad-dog skullcap. — Frequent in damp shaded ]ilaces. 686. Scutellaria galericulata L. Marsh skullcaj).— Frequent in marshy places. 687. Marrubium vulgare L. Common horehound. — Frequent on sandy ground in the streets and wa.ste places of villages and about country dwellings. 688. Agastache nepetoides (L.) Ktze. Catnip;' giant-hyssop. — In damp open woods, Sebewaing, North Island. 689. Nepeta cataria L. Catnip. — Common in villages and about country dwellings. 110 CATALOG OF PLANTS. 690. Nepeta hederacea (L.) Trevisan. Ground ivy. — Frequent in villages and near country dwellings. 691. Prunella vulgaris L. Heal-all.— Very common everywhere ex- cept on sand dunes. 692. Leonurus cardiaca L. Common motherwort. — Frecjuent in vil- lages and about country dwellings. 693. Stachys palustris L. Woundwort; hedge nettle. — Occasional on marshy ground. 694. Monarda fistulosa L. Wild bergamot. — Occasional on damp shaded ground. 695. Monarda mollis L. Pale wild bergamot. — Frequent on flat sandy ground and shaded sand dunes. 696. Blephilia hirsuta (Pursh) Benth. Wood mint.- — In rich woods near Harbor Beach. 697. Satureja vulgaris (L.) Fritsch. Basil. — Occasional on poor open ground. 698. Hyssopus officinalis L. Hyssop. — Abundant on sandy ground at one place in Caseville. 699. Pycnanthemum virginianum (L.) Durand & Jackson. Moun- tain-mint. — On damp open ground at Sebewaing and Stony Island. 699a. Pycnanthemun pilosum Nutt. Hairy mountain-mint. — In damp prairie-like ground near Caseville. Not noticed elsewhere. Dr. Edward L. Greene has lately named this P. huronense Greene. 700. Lycopus virginicus L. Bugle weed. — On rich moist ground near Rush Lake and at Harbor Beach. 701. Lycopus uniflorus Michx. Thin-leaved bugle weed. — On damp ground at vSand Point. 702. Lycopus rubellus ^loench. Stalked water hoarhound. — In rich woods near Rush Lake. This may be doubtful. 703. Lycopus americanus Muhl. Cut-leaved water hoarhound. — Very common on clamp open ground. 704. Mentha spicata L. Spearmint. — Occasional in villages and about country dwellings. 705. Mentha piperita L. Peppermint. — Frequent on damp ground near country dwellings and about fisheries. 706. Mentha arvensis canadensis (L.) Briquet. American wild mint. — Common in damp places and on shaded rich ground. 707. Collinsonia canadensis L. Horsebalm. — In rich woods near Rush Lake. Apparently infrequent. 708. Solanum dulcamara L. Known as "nightshade" in Michigan. the common name "bittersweet" being applied only to Celas- CATALOG OF PLANTS. Ill triis scandens. — Frequent, usually appearing like a native plant, being found even in deep woods and swamps. 709. Solanum nigrum L. Common nightshade. — Common on rich shaded or o])en ground, and a common garden weed. 710. Physalis heterophylla Xees. Clammy ground-cherry. — Frequent on open sandy ground, but not a sand dune plant. 711. Physalis pruinosa L. Strawberry tomato. — Along the roadsides; on sandy ground west of Caseville. 712. Physalis subglabrata McKenzie & Bush. Philadelphia ground- cherry. -^In a cultivated field near Rush Lake. 713. Lycium halimifolium Mill. Common matrimony vine. — In- clined to escape from cultivation to sandy ground, in villages and about country dwellings. 714. Datura stramonium L. Stramonium. — Noticed as a weed in the streets of villages and about country dwellings. Also a weed in adjacent bean fields. 71.5. Datura tatula L. Purple thorn apple. — In streets and waste places at Port Austin. 716. Verbascum thapsus L. Common mullein. — Occasional as a weed along roads and often abundant in pastures. 717. Linaria vulgaris Hill. Butter and eggs. — Common as a weed in poor and sandy ground in the villages. Yery abundant at Bayport. 718. Linaria canadensis (L.) Dumont. Wild toad-flax. — Common on flat sandy ground and shaded sand dunes throughout the sand region. 719. Linaria minor (L.) Desf. Small toad-flax. — Along the railroad at Port Au.stin. 720. Chelone glabra L. Turtle-head. — Frequent in damp places. 721. Mimulus ringens L. Sc^uare-stemmed monkey-flower. — Com- mon in wet open places. 722. Veronica americana Schwein. American lirooklime. — "Brooks near Port Austin." Davis. 72,3. Veronica scutallata L. Marsh speedwell. — Frequent in wet open places. 724. Veronica serpyllifolia L. Thyme-leaved speedwell. — With gras- ses on dami^ ground near Port Austin. 72.5. Veronica peregrina L. Xeckweed. — A garden weed at Port Austin. 726. Veronica arvensis L. Corn speedwell. — In grassy places about Port Austin. 727. Gerardia pedicularia L. Fern-leaved false foxglove. — On shaded sandv oround at Sand Point. 112 CATALOG OP^ PLANTS. 728. Gerardia virginica (L.) B8P. Smooth false foxglove. — On sandy ground on Charity Island. 729. Gerardia paupercula (Gray) Britton. Small-flowered gerardia. — Common, usually on damp sandy ground, at Sand Point, near Rush Lake, and Harbor Beach. 730. Castilleja coccinea (L.) Spreng. Scarlet painted cup. — On prairie-like ground at Sand Point and on Stony Island. Ap- parently not frequent. 731. Melampyrum lineare Lam. Cow wheat. — Frec^uent in open dry woods. 732. Pedicularis canadensis L. Wood betony. — Frequent on dry shaded ground. 733. Utricularia vulgaris americana Bray. Greater bladderwort.- In shallow water on Sand Point and North Island. 734. Utricularia intermedia Hayne. Flat-leaved bladderwort. — On very wet and boggy ground at Sand Point. "Chandler Township." Davis. 735. Utricularia cornuta Michx. Horned bladderwort. — "In shallow pools left by the retreat of the lake on the beach just east of Port Austin. A small flowered stunted form of the species common at Bayport on the flats along the bay shore." Davis. 736. Epifagus virginiana (L.) Bart. Beech-drops. ^Occasional under beech trees near Port Austin. 737. Conopholis americana (L. f.) Wallr. — Occasional at Sand Point, and abundant on north side of Stony Island. 738. Catalpa bignonioides Walt. Catalpa. — Occasionally planted in the villages as a street tree, but not thriving or spreacUng. 739. Phryma leptostachya L. Lopseed.— In moist open woods on Sand Point and North Island. 740. Plantago major L. Common plantain. — Common in the villages and about country dwelhngs. 741. Plantago rugelii Dene. Rugel's plantain. ^Frequent in villages, open woods, fields, and along roadsides. 742. Plantago lanceolata L. English plantain. — Frequent as a weed in villages, fields, along roadsides, and about country dwell- ings. 743. Plantago aristata Michx. Large-bracted plantain.— "Grounds of the Bayport Hotel under trees, sandy soil." Davis. 744. Galium aparine L. Cleavers. Goose grass. — Occasional on rich shaded ground. Very abundant on the Saginaw Bay islands. CATALOG OF PLANTS. 113 745. Galium pilosum Ait. Ilaiiy bedstraw. — Freciuent on fiat .■^andy .croiind and shady sand dunes. 746. Galium circaezans Michx. Wild liquorice.— Frecjuent in rich woods. 747. Galium lanceolatum Torr. Torrey's wild lic|Uorice.^ln dry open woods near Port Austin. 748. Galium boreale L. Northern bedstraw. — Borders of dry woods near Port Austin and Se])ewaing. 749. Galium trifidum L. Small bedstraw. — Freciuent on very wet and l)oi!;o;y ground. 750. Galium tinctorium L. Stiff marsh bedstraw. — Frecjuent on marshy ground and in damp shaded places. 751. Galium asprellum Michx. Rough bedstraw. — Common in damp thickets. 752. Galium triflorum :\lichx. Sweet-scented bedstraw. — \'ery com- mon in rich dry woods. 753. Mitchella repens L. Partridge berry. — Common in dry shaded ]daces. 754. Cephalanthus occidentalis L. Buttonbush. — Frequent along streams, about small ponds, and in very wet swampy places. 755. Diervilla lonicera Mill. Bush honeysuckle. — Frequent on dry open or shaded ground. 756. Lonicera canadensis Marsh. American fly honeysuckle. — Fre- quent in rich open woods. 757. Lonicera oblongifolia (Goldie) Hook. Swamp fly honeysuckle. — In very wet marshy places at Sand Point and west of Case- ville. 758. Lonicera hirsuta Eat. Hairy honeysuckle. — "Charity Islands." Winchell's catalog. 759. Lonicera glaucescens Rydb. Douglas honeysuckle. — Frequent on sandy ground throughout the sand region. 760. Lonicera dioica L. Glaucous honeysuckle. — On Stony Island and Charity Island. Apparently infrecjuent. 761. Symphoricarpos racemosa Michx. Snowberry.^In open woods east of Port Austin and not far from the lake shore. 762. Linnaea borealis americana (Forbes) Rehder. Twin-flower. — Frequent on dry shaded ground. 763. Triosteum aurantiacimi Bicknell. Scarlet-fruited horse gen- tian. — In open damp woods near Port Austin and Sebewaing. 764. Viburnum opulus americanum (Mill.) Ait. Cranberry-tree. — Borders of rich woods west of Caseville and near Port Austin. 765. Viburnum acerifolium L. Dockmackie. Arrow-wood. — Fre- 15 114 CATALOG OF PLANTS. quent in open woods, Sand Point, Port Austin, and near Rush Lake. 766. Viburnum pubescens (Ait.) Pursh. Downy arrow-wood.— On dry shaded ground at Sand Point and near Rush Lake. 767. Viburnum lentago L. Nannyberry; sheepberry. — Frequent in rich woods. Also on the islands. 768. Sambucus canadensis L. Common elder. — Common on rich o])en ground. 769. Sambucus racemosa L. Red-berried elder. — Frequent in damp woods and thickets. 770. Dipsacus sylvestris Huds. Wild teasel. — Frequent along road- side below Grindstone City. Not noticed elsewhere. 771. Sicyos angulatus L. One-seeded bur cucumber. — In waste places at Caseville and Port Austin. 772. Echinocystis lobata (Michx.) T. & G. Wild balsam apple.— On damp sand at the extreme west end of Sand Point,' appearing as an escape. 773. Campanula americana L. Tall bellflower. — On shaded rich ground near Port Austin. Apparently infrequent. 774. Campanula rotundifolia L. Harebell: bluebell. — Frequent along and near the lake shore, on flat sandy ground and sand dunes. 775. Campanula aparinoides Pursh. Marsh bellflower. — Frequent in wet grassy ■[)laces. 776. Lobelia cardinalis L. Cardinal flower. — Frequent on low open and often shaded ground. 777. Lobelia siphilitica L. Great lobelia. — -On low damp ground near Port Austin and Rush Lake. 778. Lobelia spicata Lam. Pale spiked lobelia. — Frequent on prai- rie-like ground. Also on islands. 779. Lobelia kalmii L. Brook lobeha. — Frequent in wet places along creeks, and around small ponds. Occasional on damp sand. 780. Lobelia infiata L. Indian tobacco. — Occasional on dry open ground below Grindstone City. 781. Eupatorium purpureum L. Joe-pye weed. — Occasional in damp places on 1)or(lers of woods. 782. Eupatorium purpureum maculatum (L.) Darl. Spotted joe-pye weed. — Frecjuent in wet marshy places. 783. Eupatorium perfoliatum L. Thorough wort ; boneset. — ^'ery common on low marshy ground. 784. Eupatorium urticaefolium Reichard. White snakeroot. — Oc- casional in rich damp woods. 785. Liatris cylindracea ]\lichx. Cylindric blazing star. — Occasional on flat sandv "round and shaded sand dunes. CATALOG OF PLANTS. 115 786. Liatris spicata (L.) Willcl. Dense button-snakeroot. — On wet marshy iiround west of Caseville and near Rayport. 787. Solidago caesia L. Wreath golden-rod. — Common on rich shad- ed ground. 788. Solidago caesia axillaris (Pursh) Gray. Wreath golden-rod.— Fretiuent in damp woods. 789. Solidago latifolia L. Broad-leaved golden-rod. — Common in rich woods. 790. Solidago hispida Muhl. Hairy golden-rod. — Frequent on flat sandy ground and shaded sand dunes. 791. Solidago uliginosa Xutt. Bog golden-rod. — On wet marshy ground near Rush Lake. Apparently infrequent. 792. Solidago juncea Ait. Early golden-rod. — Common on dry sandy ground. Occasional on shaded sand dunes. 793. Solidago neglecta T. ct G. Swamp golden-rod. — Occasional in ver\' wet places at Sand Point and near Rush Lake. 794. Solidago rugosa Mill. Wrinkle-leaved golden-rod. — Often abundant on flat sandy ground, occasional on shaded sand dunes. 79,5. Solidago nemoralis Ait. Field golden-rod. — Occasional on shaded sand dunes and flat sandy ground. 796. Solidago canadensis L. Canada golden-rod. — Common on bor- ders of woods, thickets and fields. 797. Solidago serotina Ait. Late golden-rod. — Frequent on rich open ground. 798. Solidago serotina gigantea (Ait.) Bray. Late golden-rod. — Oc- casional on low ground. 799. Solidago ohioensis Riddell. Ohio golden-rod.— "Marsh near Bayport." Davis. 800. Solidago graminifolia (L.) Salisb. Bushy golden-rod.— Very common in moist open ground. 801. Aster macrophyllus L. Large-leaved aster. — Very common in dry open woods and thickets. 802. Aster novae-angliae L. New England aster. — Occasional on moist ground, but nowhere abundant, at Caseville. Bayport, Port Austin. Sebewaing. North Island and near Rush Lake. 803. Aster azureus Lindl. Sky-blue aster.— Occasional on flat sandy ground near Rush Lake and Bayport. 804. Aster cordifolius L. Common blue wood a.ster. — Frequent in woods and thickets. 805. Aster laevis L. Smooth aster.— Common on flat sandy ground and on shaded sand dunes. 806. Aster polyphyllus Willd. Faxon's aster.— Occasional at Sand 116 CATALOG OF PLANTS, Point, on dam]) sand near the lake shore. Apparently in- frequent. 807. Aster multiflorus Ait. Dense-flowered aster.— On dry open ground east of Port Austin and near Sebewaing. 808. Aster vimineus Lam. Small Avhite aster. — Abundant near Huron on roadsides and borders of fields. Not noticed else- where. 809. Aster lateriflonis (L.) Britton. Cahco aster. — Common in fields and along roadsides below Grindstone City. 810. Aster tradescanti L. Tradescant's aster. — Common on low wet ground. 811. Aster junceus Ait. Rush aster. — On very wet marshy ground near Rush Lake. "Bog on North Charity Island." Davis. 812. Aster puniceus L. Red-stalk aster. — Common on wet open ground and in damp open woods. 813. Aster umbellatus Mill. Tall flat-top white aster. — Common in damp open woods and thickets. 814. Aster angustus (Lindl.) T. & G. Rayless aster. — Plentiful in the streets of Port Hope. An immigrant from the west. 815. Erigeron pulchellus Michx. Robin's plantain. — Occasional on open shaded ground at Sand Point, Caseville, and near Rush Lake. 816. Erigeron philadelphicus L. Philadelphia fleabane. — Common as a weed in villages and adjacent fields. 817. Erigeron annuus (L.) Pers. Sweet scabious. — Common as a weed in villages and adjacent fields. 818. Erigeron ramosus (Walt.) BSP. Daisy fleabane.- — Usually on poor dry and sandy ground. Common as a weed in villages and adjacent fields. 819. Erigeron canadensis L. Horseweed. — A common weed in waste places and fields. 820. Antennaria dioica (L.) Gaert. Smaller cat-foot. — Common on dry and sandy' ground at Sand Point and near Rush Lake. Usually in shade. 821. Antennaria canadensis Greene. Canadian cat's-foot. — Frequent on sandy ground at Sand Point. 822. Antennaria fallax Greene. Tall cat's-foot. — Frequent on shaded sandy ground at Sand Point. 823. Anaphalis margaritacea (L.) B. »t H. Pearly everlasting. — Fre- cjuent on dry open or shaded ground. 824. Gnaphalium polycephalum Michx. Common everlasting. ^ — Fre- cjuent on borders of woods and often abundant in adjacent fields. CATALOG OF PLANTS. 117 825. Gnaphalium decurrens 'Ives. Clammy everlasting.— Occasional on open sandy ground, often with Gnaphalium polycephalunt. 826. Gnaphalium uliginosum L. Low cudweed. — Fretjuert in dry ditches, low ground, and along roadsides. Often abundant as a weed in cultivated fields. 827. Inu'a helenium L. Elecampane. — Occasional along roadsides and in ])astures. 828. Silphium terebinthinaceum Jacci. Prairie dock. — Common and in many places abundant on prairie-like ground between Bay- port and Sebewaing, often invading cultivated fields and be- coming a troul:)lesome weed. 829. Ambrosia trifida L. Great ragweed. — As a weed in waste places at Port Austin. 830. Ambrosia artemisiaefolia L. Ragweed. — Common as a weed in villages and adjacent fields. 831. Xanthium canadense Mill. American cocklebur. — Occa.sional in moist open or shaded places. 832. Xanthium echinatum ^lurr. Beach clotbur. — Occasional on or near the lake shore; more frequent in the streets of the vil- lages. 833. Heliopsis helianthoides (L.) Sweet. Ox-eye; false sunflower. — Occasional on banks of small streams and in damp places ])eIow Grindstone City. 834. Rudbeckia hirta L. Yellow daisy; black-eyed-susan. — Fre- quent on light sandy ground and occasional on shaded sand dunes. l)ut nowhere abundant. 835. Rudbeckia laciniata L. Tall cone-flower. — The cultivated form known as "golden glow." In low damp ground l)elow Grind- stone City. 836. Helianthus annuus L. Common sunflower. — Noticed as an oc- casional escape in the villages. 837. Helianthus giganteus L. Tall sunflower. — Occasional in damp o]>en ground. Not al:)undant. 838. Helianthus divaricatus L. Woodland sunflower. — Common in dry open woods, on flat sandy land and on shaded sand dunes. 839. Helianthus strumosus L. Pale-leaved wood sunflower. — In open dry woods on Charity Island antl near Port Austin. Ap- jiarently infreciuent. 840. Helianthus tracheliifolius Mill. Throatwort sunflower. — In dry ground north of Rush Lake. Apparently rare. 841. Helianthus tuberosus L. Jerusalem artichoke. — Ob.served only in cultivation. 118 CATALOG OF PLANTS. 842. Bidens frondosa L. Beggar-ticks.— Common on damp ground and as a weed in villages and adjacent fields. 843. Bidens comosa (Gray) Wiegand. Leafy-bracted tickseed.— Noticed in clamp rich ground below Grindstone City and from there to White Rock. Probably frequent in rich ground throughout the sand region. 844. Bidens connata Muhl. Swamp beggar-ticks. — In swampy places, ditches, and on the borders of damp cultivated fields, from Grindstone City to White Rock. Probably common through- out Huron County. 845. Bidens cernua L. Stick-tight; small bur-marigold. — Frecjuent in open wet places. 846. Bidens laevis (L.) BSP. Larger bur-marigold. — Occasional in wet and swampy places along the lake shore, from Grind- stone City to White Rock. Probably common throughout Huron County. 847. Bidens trichosperma (Mich.) Britton. Tickseed sunflower. — In wet swampy places at Sand Point and near Rush Lake. 848. Bidens trichosperma tenuiloba (Gray) Britton. Tickseed sun- flower. — Occasional on swampy ground about Rush Lake. 849. Helenium autumnale L. Sneeze^veed. — Occasional on damp ground from Grindstone City to White Rock. 850. Achillea millefolium L. Common yarrow. ^ — A common weed along roadsides, in villages and adjacent fields. 851. Anthemis cotula L. Mayweed. — Common in villages and about country dwellings. 852. Chrysanthemum leucanthemum pinnatifidum Lecocj. tt Lamotte. Ox-eye daisy ; marguerite. — A few specimens noticed on the north side of Stony Island and near Port Austin. Not no- ticed as a weed in the cultivated fields adjacent to the sand region. 853. Tanacetum vulgare L. Common tansy. — Frecjuent as an escape in villages and about country dwellings. 854. Artemisia caudata Michx. Tall wormwood. — Common on sand along the lake shore and seldom far away from the lake. 855. Artemisia vulgaris L. Common mugwort. — On North Island near an old stable. 856. Artemisia stelleriana Bess. Beach wormwood; dusty miller; old woman. — Often cultivMed. More than ten years ago Davis noted and reported this as an escape from cultivation to sandy ground, saying: "This plant is well established in the sand of a roadside dune between Port Austin and Port Crescent where it covers a large space. It is also abundant CATALOG OF PLANTS. 119 in the barren sand near Huron City, and a large tuft of the phint grows in the sand just back of the storm wave Hne near the old Carrington Salt Blocks at Port Austin. Prof. Wheeler of the agricultural college informs the writer that it has not been previously reported as growing wild in the state." In 1908 and 1909 it was noticed as a common and permanent escape covering large areas of sandy ground about country dwellings and in all the villages of the sand region. Also found in sand at Port Huron, Michigan, and near Sarnia, Lamliton County. Ontario. 857. Artemisia biennis Willd. Biennial wormwood. — Occasional about villages and fisheries, and on Stony Island. 858. Artemisia absinthium L. Wormwood. ^"Roadside near Port Austin." Davis. 859. Erechtites hieracifoh'a (L.) Raf. Fireweed.— Occasional on dam]) gromid and in damp open woods. 860. Cacalia tuberosa Nutt. Tuberous Indian plantain. — Frequent on prairie-like ground between Bayport and Sebewaing. 861. Senecio aureus L. Golden ragwort. — Occasional in moist places l)elow (iriiulstone City. 862. Senecio balsamitae Muhl. Balsam groundsel. — On poor sandy ground on Stony Island and west of Caseville. 863. Arctium minus Bernh. Common burdock. — Common every- where on dry or damp ground. 864. Cirsium lanceolatum (L.) Hill. Common thistle. — Occasional about country dwellings, along roadsides, and in pastures. 865. Cirsium pitcheri (Torr.) T. A: G. Pitcher's thistle.— Frequent and often plentiful on drifting sand along the lake shore. "Not seen back of the crest of the first dune line." Davis. 866. Cirsium muticum Michx. Swamp thistle. — On damp marshy ground near Port Austin, Bayport and Sebewaing. 867. Cirsium arvense (L.) Scop. Canada thi.stle. — Not often on sand dunes, occasional in villages, more frequent on roadsides and in adjacent cultivated fields. 868. Cichorium intybus L. Common chicory. ^ — Occasional in the villages and aliout country dwellings. 869. Tragopogon porrifolius L. Oyster-plant. — Noticed as an escape near Port Austin and Sebewaing. 870. Taraxacum officinale Weber. ^Infreciuent on sand dunes, more common about country dwellings, in villages and cultivated fields. 871. Sonchus arvensis L. Field sow thistle. — Noticed at Caseville and along the railroad at Port Hope. 120 CATALOG OF PLANTS. 872. Sonchus oleraceus L. Common sow thistle. — Noticed as a weed in fields, gardens, and waste places. 873i Sonchus asper (L.) Hill. Spiny-leaved sow thistle. — Frequent as a weed in cultivated grounds. 874. Lactuca scariola L. Prickly lettuce. — Along the railroad be- tween Bayport and Sebewaing. Rare. 875. Lactuca scariola integrata Gren. & Godr. Prickly lettuce. — Frequent about country dwellings, along railroads, and in villages. The prevailing form. 876. Lactuca canadensis L. Wild lettuce. — Borders of woods, thick- ets, and on damp ground. Frequent; --^ 877. Lactuca hirsuta Muhl. Hairy wood lettuce. — On dry open ground on Sand Point, Stony Island and near Rush Lake. 878. Lactuca spicata (Lam.) Hitchc. Tall blue lettuce. — Frequent on damp ground and in damp open woods. 879. Prenanthes racemosa Michx. Glaucous white lettuce. — In wet marshy places at Sand Point and near Rush Lake. 880. Prenanthes alba L. White lettuce. — In rich open woods at Sand Point. 881. Prenanthes altissima L. Tall white lettuce. ^ — In rich open woods at Sand Point, Bayport and Sebewaing. 882. Hieracium venosum L. Rattlesnake-weed. — Frequent on poor sandy ground; occasional on shaded sand dunes. 883. Hieracium scabrum Michx. Rough hawkweed. — Occasional in sandy ground at Sand Point. 884. Hieracium gronovii L. Gronovius' hawkweed. — On sandy ground on Charity Island. 885. Hieracium canadense Michx. Canada hawkweed. — On poor sandy ground near Bayport and Sebewaing. 886. Hieracium umbellatum L. Narrow-leaved hawkweed. — Fre- quent on sandy shaded ground throughout the sand region. MOLLUSCA. 121 MOLLUSCA. BY H. BURRINGTOX BAKER. Introduction. General Discussion. Physiography. Sand Dunes. North and Stony Islands. ' Caseville and the Pigeon River. Lake. Geographic Relations. Aquatic Forms. Terrestrial Forms. Habitat Study. Aquatic Habitats. Habitats of Saginaw Bay. Habitats of the Sand Dune Lakes. Habitats of Rush Lake. Habitats of the Swamps. Habitats of the Pigeon River. Land Habitats. Habitats of the Sand Dunes. Habitats of North and Stony Islands. Habitats of the Creek Flats. Habitats of the Clay Soil. List of Habitats. List of Species. INTRODUCTION. The work that has furnished the basis of this report was done bv the writer while attached to the biological expedition sent out by the Michi- gan Geological and Biological Survey during the summer of 1908. The party made its headquarters on Sand Point, Huron County, but made trips to a number of other places in the vicinity. Thus the writer worked on Sand Point from June 14 to July 12, on Stony and North Islands from July 12 to 20, in the vicinity of Caseville and along the Pigeon River from July 20 to 28, and in the vicinity of Rush Lake (this includes the region between Hat and Oak Points) from July 28 to Au- gust 24. In pursuing this work, the writer has become indebted to a number of persons. He wishes to thank all of the members of the party, but especially Dr. Ruthven, for kind assistance in collecting and in locat- ing favorable places to study. He is also under considerable obligation to Mr. C. K. Dodge for the identification of many of the plants of the various habitats. Some of the identifications of the shells were made 122 MOLLUSC A. in the field, others from the .specimens after the party had returned to Ann Arbor. In this connection it should be said that the majority of the identifications were made or verified by Mr. Bryant Walker, with the exception of the Sphaeridae, which were sent to Dr. Y. Sterki for examination. GENERAL DISCUSSION. Physiography. The region studied (see map) lies in about 83° 15' longitude and 44° latitude, and is about 600 feet above sea-level. Sand Point is four miles long, about one and one-half miles wide at the base, and runs out almost due into Saginaw bay, tapering towards the point. North Island lies about two miles south and one mile west of the end of Sand Point and is approximately one mile long from e^st to west and one-fourth of a mile wide ; Stony Island is somewhat over a mile still farther south and west, is tadpole-shaped, and measures about one and one-fourth miles from north to south, by one mile wide in the widest portion. Caseville is .situated on the shore of the Bay, near the mouth of the Pigeon River, about three miles north and east of the base of Sand Point ; the portion of the Pigeon River studied is that running east from Caseville. Rush Lake is about three miles long from the north-east to the south-west corner and one mile wide, and lies about four miles east and one mile north of Caseville. The portion of the Pinnebog River investigated is about three miles due east of Lake. The shore of the Bay runs almost due north from Caseville for about two miles to Oak Point, w'here it turns almost straight east so that Rush Lake is but little over a mile from the shore of the Bay and lies immediately behind the innermost sand dune. This strip of sand dunes between Oak Point and Hat Point is about nine miles long by one wide. It is broken along the Bay in three places by outcroppings of rocks, viz., at Hat, Little Oak, and Oak Points. Sand Dunes. — The sand dunes were most thoroly studied on Sand Point, but the strip along the coast between Oak and Hat Points was also examined. The underlying rock in the latter region is Marshall sandstone, with the exception of the western end; there and at Sand Point the sand is underlaid by rocks of the Michigan or Lower Grand Rapids Series, hydraulic Umestones, shales, gypsum, etc. Thruout this entire region the rock is but a short distance below the surface so that it outcrops in several places as mentioned above. (.A C. Lane* states that it also should underlie Sand Point.) The shallow water off Little Oak and Hat Points most likely rejire- *Geol. Surv. of Mich., Vol. VII, part 2, page 106. MOLLUSCA. 123 sents the primitive beach habitats of this region. At Hat Point, the sandstone outcrops in ahnost horizontal layers to form a small cliff about twenty feet high. For some distance off the Point the water deepens very gradually and the bottom is strewn with large and small irregular rock fragments broken from the shore by the waves. At Little Oak Point the conditions are similar except there is no cliff and the outcrop is smaller. In most places the sand has been washed up over the rock outcrops and has covered them entirely, but at Hat Point the overhanging cliff still outcrops some distance in from shore and forms damp caves (habitat 27). In the former case, unprotected, sand beaches (habitat 5) are produced. TwQ kinds of currents, the off-shore and the littoral, work on the ex- posed, sandy shores. The off-shore currents build points or sand hooks, while the littoral currents make barrier beaches parallel with the shore. The former are usually formed in partially protected places, the latter on the side from which the currents come. Behind these points and bars, the water is more nearly calm and the sand is not disturbed so that another habitat, that of the protected, sandy shores (habitat 7), is formed. This kind of a habitat is also found on the protected side of projections not built of sand. The barrier beaches often become connected at both ends with the shore, forming shallow lagoons or sand pools (habitat 6). New beaches are built up farther out and the sand dunes are blown up around these lagoons, the larger of which become long, shallow lakes (habitat 9), or swamps (habitats 18, 19). In a similar manner the free ends of the sand spits produced by the off-shore currents swing in towards shore and form, at first partially land-locked coA'es (habitat 8), and finally lakes (habitat 10), which are usually deeper and more nearly circular than those produced by the barrier beaches. Swamps of a similar shape may also be produced in this manner, if the vegetation in the cove forms a deposit of muck fast enough to fill the cove before it becomes a lake. The sand beaches along any of these places form another habitat (habitat 25), and the wind, blowing back the sand from these beaches, builds up rows of sand dunes (habitats 28, 29). with swamps (habitats 18, 19) or even long, shallow lakes (habitat 9). similar in shape to those formed from the sand pools, between them. The vegetation in all of these lakes soon starts depositing material which converts them first into perennial (habitat 19), and then into annual swamps (habitat 18). and finally fills them entirely, forming alluvial flats (habitat 26). This filling in takes place mainly around the edge where the water is shallow, so that all except the very young- 124 MOLLUSCA. est lakes and swamps have an alluvial deposit partly or entirely sur- rounding them. These deposits may be reconverted into swamps artificially by the Ijurning of the peat that composes them, or naturally by the formation of sand dams thru the agency of the wind. North and Stony Islands. — When the water retired from the Algon- quin level, North and Stony Islands appeared as rocky islands covered with a thin layer of clay or sand and the currents attacking them from the north-west soon laid bare these shores. On Stony Island, the Max- ville limestone outcropped for some distance above water, but on North Island the outcropping along the north-west shore was mostly under water. The soil from the exposed portions of these islands and more sand from the shallow water off shore was carried about the ends of each of them and deposited in long bars which converged toward a point some distance southwest of each. A large amount of sand was also deposited between the bars around each of the islands, so that North Island came to have a long, submerged triangle of sand stretch- ing southeast from it, while Stony Island acc[uired on the south two long converging ridges of sand above the water with a large swamp between them. A bar of sand along the south side of North Island makes the water very shallow for a considerable distance off shore; in fact, there is a long sand bar, reaching from the eastern shore of that island to a sand point on the eastern shore of Stony Island, along which the water is so shallow that it is grown up with bulrushes along the entire length. A similar strip lies between Stony and Katechay Islands. There is a low ridge of alluvial soil all of the way around North Island while the central portion is low and swampy. Only the northern por- tion of Stony Island corresponds to North Island; the remainder is built up of drifted sand, as described above. This northern alluvial portion may be divided into a northern dry ridge and a southern swampy strip corresponding to the similar divisions on North Island. A sand beach, about two rods wide, along the southern side of the latter island, together with the shallow water off shore, is all that represents the south- ern two-thirds of Stony Island. Caseville and Pigeon River. — ^The region around Caseville is a young coastal plain sloping gently towards the Bay, the soil of which is a cal- ciferous, gravelly clay, with streaks of sand and even boulders in it. forming low ridges in some places, and with high dunes between it and the Bay. Thru this plain cuts the Pigeon River, a small stream which is very sluggish until it gets within two miles of Saginaw Bay, where it becomes swifter, but becomes sluggish again near the town where it cuts thru the sand dunes to the Bay. On account of the very gentle slope of the land," the river has already cut its valley about as deep as possible and is now MOLLUSCA. 125 widening it by meandering greatly, so that quite extensive creek flats have l)een and are being formed. Rush Lake. — Rush Lake occupies a semi-circular depression in the clay plain immediately behind the sand dune area. On the northern and northwestern .sides of the lake is the innermost ridge of sand dunes, while on the southern and southwestern sides is a portion of the clay plain, similar to but not .so well drained as around Caseville. where the land is .somewhat higher and slopes toward the Pigeon River. Geographic Relations. Aquatic Forms. — The portion of Huron County under consideration was uncovered after the Wisconsin stage of glaciation at about the time when Lake Warren combined into one lake what had been Lake Saginaw, a lake of the Saginaw Bay basin, and Lake Whittlesey, a lake of the Huron-Erie ba.sin. At, and previous to, this time, the Great Lakes had been draining into the Mississippi valley, and it was not until considerably later that they began to empty into the Atlantic Ocean. The Saginaw-Grand River drainage led directly past here, and this and others following nearly the same route were the main ch-ainage channels, altho Lake Maumee, one of the progenitors of Lake Whittle- sey, early in its life hi.story drained thru the Fort Wayne outlet into the Ohio.* Thus the acjuatic habitats in Huron County are at. present in connec- tion with the northern and southeastern portions of the state, and have been connected with the western portion. It is then not surprising to find that the aquatic shells of Huron County are mostly similar to those of all parts of the lower peninsula. The strongest affinities appear to be with the northern and southeastern portions; for example, Lamp- silis multiradiata, which is found only in the southeastern portion of the state, inhabits the Pigeon River, while Sphaerium flovum, more typical of the northern portion, is common in Rush Lake. On the other hand, no shells distinctive of the western portion appear to occur in the region stucUed.t Terrestrial Forms. — The land molluscan fauna of this region has rather distinct northern affinities. Altho those collected with the excep- tion of six forms, are those of general distribution at least in the lower peninsula, the smaller shells which are characteristic of the northern regions were more prevalent here. Of the six exceptions, four (Vitrea hinneyana, Zonitoides milium. Pyramidula cronkhitei catskillensis. and Cochlicopa luhrica morseana) ar,e northern forms, *A. C. Lane, Geol. Rept. Huron County. Geol. Surv. Mich., Vol. VII, Pt. II, Chap. IV. tWalker. Bryant. The Di-stribution of the Unionidae in Michigan. Detroit. Mich., 1S9S. 126 MOLLUSCA. while two (Strobilops virgo and Bifidaria cortkaria) are typical of the northern and middle counties. This northern element in the fauna may be due to the fact that the pecuHar shape and location of this county make it a sort of a pocket which prevented the shells entering it after the retreat of the glaciers from migrating farther northward, but this cannot be jDOsitively ascer- tained until more is known of the interior of the county. Only the re- gion among and near the sand dunes was studied, and conditions and those of the adjacent swamps are often favorable to northern faunas and thus may have formed a region of preservation of these forms.* HABITAT .STUDY. Aquatic Habitats. Habitats of Saginaw Bay. — 1. Deep littoral, 16-24 feet. This is just such a habitat as was found by Hankinson at corresponding depths in Walnut Lake,t ))ut in -this case the habitat does not extend so far in towards shore, as the instability of the sand in shallower water effect- ually prevents all higher plant and most animal life. The only data in regard to this habitat was obtained from the evidences of life which were brought up on the line of fish nets off the camp on Sand Point, when these were taken out for the summer. It was found at this time that the sandy bottom at these depths has a scanty vegetation, con- sisting, in the main, of Potamogeton. This belt of vegetation begins in about sixteen feet of water, is most dense in about nineteen feet, and is diminishing at the end of the net in about twenty-four feet of water, one and three-quarters miles off shore. Altho this is the only locality actually studied, it was deduced from dead shells along the shore that this kind of a habitat stretches all the way along the north shore of Sand Point. In this habitat were obtained a few specimens of Goniobasis livescens, one of Campeloma decisum. one of C. integrum, seven of C. rufum. a single light-colored specimen of Planorbis bicarinatus, two specimens of a variety of Physa ancillaria (one of which was very much distorted),' and a specimen of the lake form of Lampsilis luteola. Two other species, Pkniorbis truncatus and Lymnaea catascopium. which had been washed up on the beach were referred to this hal)itat. as there was apparently no other habitat in the vicinity from which they could have come. 2. Shallow littoral, rocky, unprotected. In places, especially at the ends of points facing the north and on the north sides of islands, the sand is washed away, or perhaps has never been deposited, so that the *Adams. C. (". Post Glacial Origin and Migration of Life. Jour. Geog., Vol. I, 1902, p. 310. t State Geol. Siirv. of Mich. Ann. Rept. 1907. MOLLUSCA. 127 bare rock is ex]wsc(l. The farther north one goe.s, the hirjier are the outcroppings, until Port Austin is reached, where the rock predomi- nates. This is probably due to the fact that the main currents come down along the shore from the north. The islands, however, being out some distance from the protection of the shore, have as much rock ex- posed as points far to the north of them. The rock forming the points to the north is Marshall sandstone; that forming the outcrops on the two islands studied, North and Stony Islands, is Maxville limestone. (PI. XIV). This firm sul)stratum of rock gives a secure footing to ])lants. so that there is often a narrow belt of Scirpus americanus growing in the crev- ices along the edge of the water, even in places where the exposm'e to the wave action must be very severe. The rocks under water are cover- ed with a thin layer of gelatinous, diatomaceous material and marl, while crevices, etc., support tufts of Cladophora and Chara. These plants can, of course, obtain no such footing on the unprotected, sandy stretches, as the sand there is constantly shifting. This habitat was preeminently one of univalve molluscs with large feet, as these found here a firm substratum to which they could cling. Physa ancillaria mognalacustris, Lymnaea emarginata ontarioensis, and Goniohasis livescens were present in very large numbers all along the rocky shores of North and Stony Islands ; Goniobasis livescens and Physa ancillaria occurred on the rocks off Oak and Hat Point. In addition, a few specimens of Physa heterostrapha were found off the north shore of North Island, and a thin form of Physa ancillaria magnalacustris on an artificial rock breakwater off Sand Point. 3. Rock pools. On the northwest shore of Stony Island, the strata of rock are slightly tilted up toward the lake so that the beach is formed of successive terraced outcroppings. When these terraces outcrop near the water's edge, shallow pools are formed behind them; some of which are connected with the Bay all of the time while others are filled only by the waves. The outcropping ledges of rock protect the pools thus formed from the direct action of the waves, and along these ridges there are often dwarfed willows and belts of Scirpus americanus which also help to protect them. A rank growth of Cladophora is character- istic of these spots, and the rocks are covered with a thin layer of gel- atinous material, probably full of diatoms. These pools form a habitat rich in food for molluscs, but with rather adverse physical conditions, despite the protection already referred to. Go7iiobasis livescejis. Physa ancillaria magnalacustris, and Lymnaea emarginata ontarioensis were found in these places in considerable a])undance; specimens of Lymnaea humilis and a light-colored, little- malleated form of L. palustris, were also collected, but in lesser numbers. 128 MOLLUSCA. 4. Shallow littoral, rocky, protected. East of the un))rotecte(l north- west shore of Stony Island, described under habitat two. and Ijetween that strip and the sandy coast along the north and east sides of the is- land, there is a small stretch of rocky shore protected by a rocky point jutting out to the east of it, and by the shallowness of the water for some distance off shore. Here, the water plants, obtaining a strong foothold, have formed a thick layer of peaty muck over a small area. At present, several species of water plants that flourish here form a small swamp, much like of the small inland lakes on Sand Point. Scirpus americanus, S. validus. Pontederia cordata and Typha latifolia predomi- nate; Carex filiformis, Sagittaria latifolia and Spartina cynosuroides are also present, but in lesser numbers. On driftwood and decaying plant material in this swamp, variations of Lymnaea reflexa were cjuite abundant, together with lesser numl^ers of Planorbis trivolvis, P. exacuous and P. hirsutus. 5. Shcdloic littoral, sandy, unprotected. This habitat includes all sandy beaches not protected from the direct action of the waves by islands, sandbars, etc. Of course no distinct boundary hne can be drawn between this habitat and the one that includes the protected beaches, as they intergrade around the edges of the barriers. Usually there is no vegetation in the shallow water along the shore in this habi- tat, but in places where the shoals extend some distance out from shore there is a narrow belt of Scirpus americanus along the edge of the water. Being so unprotected, this habitat is one of extremely variable physical conditions; also, the substratum being sand, every storm materially alTects the whole shore-line and the depths of the water thruout the area. This drifting makes a secure footing for molluscs impossible, so that most of the forms in this habitat are quite large, burrowing ones. (Pis. I a, II b.) Under this head were included all of the beaches from Ca.seville as far west as Twin Bars (near the end of Sand Point), the shoals northwest of them, and the beaches from about one mile west of Little Oak Point to Hat Point, excepting those on the points themselves, where there are rocky headlands. All of the shells of this habitat are bivalves, with the exception of a few which were found on the rocks in artificial breakwaters, etc., and which have been also included among the shells of the rocky littoral habitats, 2, from which they have probably been brought by the waAes and currents. This is probably due to the fact that the univalve mol- luscs are unable to cling to the drifting sand, which would also be liable to bury them on account of their small size. The univalve shells above mentioned were a thin form of Physa ancillaria magnalacustris, which was obtained in considerable numbers from an artificial break- MOLLUSCA. 129 water on Sand Point, a single specimen of Goniobosis livesceyis which was found on a board that had jirobably been washed from some other habitat, and specimens of Goniobasis livescens and Physa ancillaria ob- tained from the stone piers of a dock near Little Oak Point. The small, lake forms of LampsUis luteola and L. ventricosa were very abundant all along the coast, and a similar form of L. nasuta were also found, but in lesser numbers; all of these were most abundant in places where the water was .shallow for some considerable distance off shore, as at Twin Bars. A few specimens of Unio gibbosus were obtained from Sand Point and Stony Island, and single individuals of the small, lake forms of Anodonta grandis footiana and Anodontoide^ ferussacianus subcyliyi- draceus, and specimens of LampsUis recta sageri and Alasmidonta cal- ceola were also collected, the three from Sand Point, the last from Little Oak Point. 6. Sand pools. As remarked under the description of habitat two, most of the currents in this region come from the north; that is, their general trend is southwest. This causes the sand beaches to be worn away, more or less, to the east of points jutting north, while wide beaches are deposited to the west of them. Also, the beaches to the east of points are piled up by the action of the littoral currents during storms, etc., so that they are relatively steep, while the sheltered beaches on the western sides are low. On such beaches as the latter, where the water is shallow for some distance off shore, the sand is piled up slightly along the shore, while inside of this low. rounded ridge there is often a more or less temporary lagoon. This relationship is caused, as is shown at Oak Point, by a barrier beach, parallel to the shore, being formed in shallow water by the drifting and pounding up of the sand, especially during the high water produced by heavy storms, which shoal in time landlocks the small lagoon left behind it. Sand pools are also formed by the currents blocking up the mouths of small, intermittent brooks, which have washed out considerable de- pressions in the beach during heaA'v rains. Pools formed in both wa}'S have a similar fauna and apparently constitute but one habitat. The water in these pools is usually strongly impregnated with iron obtained probably from repeated evaporations. The flora of these pools consisted, in the main, of such sedges as Juncus balticus; one pool had in addition several shoots of Sparganium eurycarpum in it. The moUuscan fauna of these localities consisted mostly of Lymnaea palustris and a small form of L. obrussa, the former being very abundant. Succinea retusa and the form major of S. avara vermeta occurred in and around several of them. These pools shift considerably with the ch'ifting of the sand. The 17 130 MOLLUSCA. larger ones may form the shallow, sand dune lakes and swamps, as will be described under those habitats. 7. Shalloiv littoral, sandy, pi^otected. Along protected portions of sandy shoals, Scijyus americaniis has formed marshes of considerable extent. These marshes are protected from the direct force of the waves and currents in various ways. Off some, a point or sandbar has been formed as described under habitat six. These marshes, when small, are often the first stage in the production of the sand pools (or when larger, of the sand dune lakes to be described under habitat nine). Also, the whole south shore of Sand Point and of North Island, and the sandy stretch on Stom^ Island which is protected by the latter, all have a belt of Scirpus americonus along the water's edge and form extensive marshes. Those on Sand Point, east of "The Bayou", and those on Stony Island are, however, rather unfavorable habitats for molluscan life as they are not well enough protected, the former being unprotected from the south (Wild Fowl Bay being too wide for the opposite shore to afford such protection) and the latter from the northwest. Those on North Island are, on the other hand, ver}^ favorable, as the water deepens slowly off shore and the entire south side forms a shallow bay; here the pickerel weed is intermingled with the common sedge, Scirpus americaniis. In all of these localities, the molluscs congregate in great- est numbers where the water is from six to twelve inches deep, and where there is a belt of dead and decaying sedges floating along the shore. Better protected marshes, as those along the east end of Wild Fowl Bay, and the similar one in the marshy cut-off between the lower part of the Pigeon River and Saginaw Bay, have a marly bottom and a sparse growth of Charo. These are especially well protected by their sheltered position to the east of large points, by the shallowness of the water and by the outlying barrier beaches characteristic of such posi- tions. In all of these places the molluscs are to be found in large num- bers all over the bottom, especially in ver}" shallow places, where the spires of such large shells as Lymnaea stagnalis appressa often project above the surface of the water. In these places, the water, being so shallow, is quite w^arm. Lymnaea reflexa was the most abundant shell in these localities. It varied considerably; the variety imlkeri and many other variations were found.* Lymnaea ohrussa, L. stagnalis appressa, and L. hwnilis, Planorhis deflectus^ P. trivolvis, and P. exacuoiis, Physa heterostrapha and P. gyrina were also obtained, but in lesser numbers, together with a few juvenile specimens of Planorhis truncatus, and the lake forms of Strophitus edentulus, Lampsilis luteola, and L. ventricosa. In addition, *Baker, H. Burrington. Variations in Lvmnaea reflexa Say, from Huron County. 12tLi Ann. Rept. Mich. Acad. Sci., 1910, pp. 60-63. MOLLUSCA. 131 Succinea retusa, S. avara, and Agriolimax campestris were found out on the decaying sedges. 8. Cove, almost cut off from Bay. On the south side of Sand Point and about a mile from its base, there is a large cove that is separated from Wild Fowl Bay, except for about ten rods, by a long sand spit which runs out from the shore in a southeasterly direction. This spit has been formed, apparently, by the sand being washed down along the coast by the off-shore currents, and deposited to form a small point, which has increased with continued deposition, so that a long sand strip has been built up. To all appearances, this process is still going on as there is a shoal for some distance out from the end of the spit, and the end itself is a low sandbar, elevated but slightly above the water. Prob- abh' in time there will be formed a lake, like the several that are along this side of Sand Point, which were apparently formed in a similar man- ner. (PL XIII b.) This cove (known locally as "The Bayou'") is oval in shape and is quite large, being about three hundred yards long b}"" one hundred wide; in places the water reaches a depth of six feet. Scirpus americanus, Typha latifolia, Potamogeton natans, the common white and yellow water-liUes {Castalia odorata and Nymphaea advena), bulrushes (Scirpus validvs). and other water plants, gaining a footing here, have deposited a layer of soft, peaty muck, reaching, in places, a depth of fom- or five feet. Along the north and south shores, the bottom is more firm and sandy; here there is a zone of Scirpus aiyieiicaiius off shore, with a zone of Scirpus validus outside of that. The west and southwest shores are, however, very soft and mucky, the sedges hai-ing grown out for some distance from the shore, forming a floating marsh. There is a moderate- sized patch of Typha latifolia separating this soft portion from the firmer southern shore. The whole center of the cove is soft -bottomed and over large patches is almost covered with the flat, floating leaves of Pota- mogeton natans and the white and yellow water-lilies. Planorbis trivolvis, P. exacuous, and P. parvus occurred thruout this habitat, but the remainder of the shells were more restricted. Amnicola icalkeri, A. limosa; Ancylus parallelus, Lymnaea humilis, and Physa heterostrapha were found only on the under side of lily-pads, etc., in places where the bottom was mucky. Lymnaea reflexa and an obese variation of that species, Physa gyrina, P.- sayii, Planorbis hirsutus, Lymnaea palustris] and L. ohrussa, on the other hand, were found only in localities where the bottom was hard and sandy, while Musculium securis was collected both from the latter place, and from among sedges where the bottom was very mucky. Habitats of the Sand Dune Lakes. — 9. Shallow lakes, north side of Sa?hd Point. Near the end of Sand Point, just south of the outer dune 132 MOLLUSCA. on the north shore, there is a long, narrow lake, Long Lake, which is about nine hundred yards long by sixty wide, and is very shallow, no- where reaching a depth of over three feet. This lake has apparently been formed in the same manner as the sand pools and marshes in partially protected places where the water is very shallow for some dis- tance off shore, that is, by a barrier beach having been thrown up paral- lel to the beach during storms. Then, as the beach moved north, grow- ing out in this same way, a sand dune would be blown up between the lake and the Bay, and the present relations would be established. The long narrow shape of the lake and its shallowness accord with this view; but these relations might also be explained by the presumption that the lake was formed by the drainage water collecting between parallel sand dunes. It seems probable, indeed, that both methods have contributed to the formation of this lake. (Pis. XII, XIII a.) The lake has a firm, sandy bottom and has the characteristic zone of Scirpus americanus along the edge. The main portion of the lake has little vegetation besides this sedge and a few patches of the yellow water-lily (Nymphoea advena). The extreme east end, however, has a soft peaty bottom composed of decaying vegetation. (PI. XII b.) Here the yellow water-lilies and a small sedge, probably Carex fiUformis, almost hide the water. The water thruout the lake is cpite strongly impregnated with iron. A few specimens of Planorhis trivolvis, P. exacuous, and of a small form of Musculium secnris were found on lily-pads and among sedges in the sandy, western portion of the lake. In the mucky-bottomed east end, the first species was found in much greater abundance on the under-side of lily-pads; and among and on sedges, about six inches from the bottom, the small form of Miisculium securis was also collected in great abundance. T^e eastern end of this lake is being filled in by the deposition of plant material, the western end by sand blown in from the dunes on l)oth sides. The ultimate end of either process will be the destruction of the lake. The eastern end will probably become a peaty swamp, while the western end may become dominated by the aquatic vegetation as the lake be- comes shallower and better protected by the surrounding growths, or it may be filled in by the sand alone. 10. Deep lakes , south side of Sand Point. A few rods in from shore, along the south side of Sand Point, are two lakes and several marshes where similar lakes have been. These two lakes are known locally as Mud and Orr Lakes. They are neither of them long, narrow lakes of small depth, as is that described under habitat nine, but are irregularly oblong in shape, are Cjuite deep and have a soft, mucky bottom. These MOLLUSCA. 133 lakes were apparently formed in the same manner as one is even now being formed at Turtle Ba}' (habitat 8). These habitats are much richer in plant and animal life than the sand dune lakes along the north shore of the Point. Yellow and white water- lilies abound, and Potamogetons are also very numerous. The common rush (Scirpus americanus) is largely replaced by the bulrush (Scirpus validus) ai)d cat-tails {Typha latifolia), the first named appearing to prefer sandy regions. The alders have deposited a layer of fallen leaves in the shallow places along the shore; these are the places that were most studied. The most abundant shell in this habitat was Planorhis campanulatus; both the ty])ical shell and a variation of it were obtained. Planorhis exacuous, P. trivolvis, and a form of Segmentina crassilabris were also found in considerable abundance. All along this side of the Point are many large swamps and peaty bogs. These are apparently the beds of former lakes, which have been filled in by the encroachment of vegetation and are probably the final stage in the life history of lakes similar to Mud and Orr Lakes. Habitats of Rush Lake. — Rush Lake is about three miles long by one wide and lies just behind the sand dunes farthest from Saginaw Bay. Its formation was probably due to a combination of the forces acting in the formation of the lakes on Sand Point; also, the lowering of Lake Huron, mentioned in the preHminary discussion, probably played a greater role in the production of this larger and older lake. It can not loe included among the sand dune lakes, as it is not entirely surrounded by the sand dunes; its greater size and age also tend to place it in a class by itself, as does its fauna. (Pis. IX, X a.) The greater portion of the lake has a soft, mucky bottom, but in some places there is a heavy deposit of marl which makes the bottom more firm. In other places, off, and to the west of, points running out from the northwest shore, the sand or gravel outcrops or has only a very thin covering of peat and marl. There are three such places — off Ray- mond's, Dune and Fourth Points. In mucky-bottomed places, there are three more or less well-defined zones. Counting out from the shore these are: the sedge-marsh zone, the water-lily zone, and the pond-weed zone. Thruout the other por- tions of the lake, the sedge-marsh is broken thru, and then the three zones are: the zone of Scirpus americanus, the zone of Scirpus validus (the bulrush), and the mucky zone with a vegetation consisting of horn- worts, Potamogetons, etc. Between the two there is often a zone with no vegetation. This lake is a good example of the encroachment of vegetation in a filling lake. Besides the sedge marsh, other water plants have built 134 MOLLUSCA. up islands all over the lake, varying in size from a few feet to several hundred yards across. The larger ones are covered with spruce, tam- arack and a, few white pine, with an undergrowth of sphagnum, pitcher plant, sundew, huckleberries and poison sumach. As the water in most places is not over a foot or two in depth, and nowhere is over four or five feet deep, while the peat deposit is in places over twenty feet deep and the tamarack belt around the lake attains a width of oyer a mile, Rush Lake is apparently in a late stage of its life history. 1 1 . Mucky bottom . The bottom over the greater portion of this lake, as mentioned in the general discussion, is finely divided, peaty muck, so soft that it is almost impossible to distinguish, by feeling, the upper- most layers from the water over them. This layer of muck varies from a few inches to over twenty feet in depth, and is underlaid thruout the northern, western and most of the eastern portions with sand or gravel, and thruout most of the southern side by clay and, in a few places, with Marshall Sandstone. The water over most of the lake is very shallow but along the northern side there is a deeper channel, the bottom of which is also mucky. Beds of bur- weed (Sparganium eurycarpum), pickerel weed {Pontederia cordata), bulrush (Scirpus validus), wild celery {VaUsneria spiralis), Potamogcton natans, Najas, and other water plants are forming islands, by the deposition of peat, all over the shal- lower portions of the lake, while the white and yellow water-lilies {Castalia odorata and Nymphaea advena) and Carex filiformis are filling in along the mucky shores. Also, along the deeper channel, there is an abundance of vegetation, consisting mainly of several species of Pot- amogeton. On lily-pads, Lymnaea stagnaUs appressa, Planorhis trivolvis, Physa heterostrapha, Ancylus parallelus, and Armiicola limosa were collected in considerable numbers. The first two species were also obtained from the roots of sedges, and on the bottom in shallow places. In lesser numbers, all of these species were present in the pond-weed zone, and, in addition, numerous specimens of Anodonta marginata and A. grandis gigantea, and a few individuals of Lampsilis luteola, were found partially buried in the soft muck, especially in places where there was little vege- tation. 12. Floating sedge-marshes. Out from the shore of the lake, in al- most all places where the bottom is mucky off shore, there runs out a belt of floating marsh, which in many places is twenty yards wide. The marsh is principally built up of Carex filiformis; there is, however, a nar- row zone of a heavier sedge along the drier portions in-shore. Among the sedges and helping to form the marsh are large numbers of plants of the marsh fern (Aspidium thelypteris) , the common blue flag (Iris ver- sicolor), arrowhead (Sagittaria latifolia), Asclepias incarnata, alder MOLLUSCA. 135 (Alniis i7ica7ut), dwarf willows {Salix sp.). and, in wetter i)laces, patches of the cat -tail flag (Typha latifolia), and the sweet flag (Acorus calamus). During the month of August, which was the time of the year the party was at Rush Lake, there is no water in most places along the marsh, but the ground is very wet and is overflowed every season. For this reason, both land and water snails were found in these places; however, in most places, the latter were aestivating. (PI. VII a.) In the drier portion of this sedge marsh, a single specimen of Vertigo ovota and many specimens of Succinea retusa were obtained under planks, etc., and considerable numbers of Lijmnaea palustris, and two specimens of Planorhis nautUeus were found aestivating. In the wetter portions, Pla7iorbis trivolvis, Lymnaea palustris and the form zebra, and Succinea retusa were found in some abundance. 13. Marly bottom. One of the places where the bottom is covered with cj[uite a firm deposit of marl was studied. This deposit is probably due to Chara as there is quite a thick growth of it here, and Davis has shown that this plant is a great producer of marl.* There is also, be- sides the Chara, a wide zone of Scirpus americanus along the w^ater's edge and outside of that a scattered belt of Scirpus validus. The water deepens very gradually off shore which makes the zone of the first- named sedge especially wide. In this habitat, out beyond the middle of the sedge zone, Anodonta grandis gigantea was very abundant. A few small specimens of Lamp- silis luteola were also obtained. 14. Raymond's Point. This point is one of the few places in the lake where the sand on the bottom is not covered with a deposit of marly muck; here there is practically no peat present but the sand is some- what intermixed with marl. The water is ciuite shallow for some dis- tance off shore; the sand begins to become covered over with the peaty muck about forty yards out from the shore. Along the sandy beach and out into about two inches of water, Dulichium arundinaceum is the pre- dominant plant. Beyond this for about ten yards is a zone of Scirpus americanus, and beyond that a narrow zone of Scirpus validus. Thru- out the second zone, there is a sod formed of a small Utricidarw that is almost buried in the sand; so much so that it is hardly noticeable from a boat. In this habitat, in about six inches of water, Pleurocera subulare in- tensum and Amnicola limosa were very abundant. As the water be- comes deeper farther out, first Sphaerium flavum and then S. sulcatum and a form of Amnicola lustrica appeared, while the first species soon began to diminish in numbers, until in about a foot and one-half of water, near the middle of the inner sedge zone, the Sphaeridae were *C.eol. Surv. Mich., Vol. VIII, Part III, Chap. V. 136 MOLLUSCA. more numerous than the Pleurocera, and Aynnicola lustrica had almost entirely supplanted A. limosa. Thruout these depths, the living and dead shells were present in such large numbers as to almost entirely cover the bottom. In about two feet of water, the Sphaeridae reached the climax of their abundance ; in deeper water they diminished in num- bers even faster than the Pleurocera, until in nearly four feet of water, some distance beyond the limits of the vegetation, both the Sphaeridae and the Pleurocera were rare, but were present in almost equal numbers, while Amnicola lustrica had about disappeared. Here, however, the Pleurocera apparently dropped out, leaving only the Sphaeridae in deep- er water. Planorhis parvus was quite abundant from the shallow water out into the deep places, while Anodonta grandis gigantea, a form of Lymnaea ohrussa, and Valvata tricarinata simplex were present in con- siderable numbers in water about a foot and a half deep. 15. Dune Point. This locality resembles the preceding, but there is a layer of peaty marl, not quite an inch thick, covering the sandy bottom; and in places w^here there are clumps of Chara this layer is much thicker, reaching a depth of over a foot. Along the shore there is a zone of Scirpus americanus only about two yards wide ; the bottom in this zone is mucky, and is carpeted with decaying leaves from the trees along the shore. East of this habitat the layer of mucky deposit becomes much deeper, until it reaches a depth of two or three feet. (PI. X a.) Off this point, Sphaerium sulcatum, Amnicola limosa, a ventricose form of Amnicola lustrica, and Pisidium medianum w'ere found in great abundance; Lymnaea ohrussa and forms connecting it with the variety decampi, Anodonta grandis gigantea, A. marginata, Planorhis parvus, Valvata tricarinata unicarinata, V. t. simplex, and variations connecting the last two forms, were also obtained but in lesser numbers. In ad- dition, a few specimens of Planorhis hirsutus, Pisidium splendidulum, P. vesiculare, P. strengi, P. variahile, and Musculium truncatum, single individuals of Lymnaea haldemani, Pisidium compressum and the variety rostratum, and Lampsilis luteola, and a few, indeterminate, juvenile specimens of Lymnaea and Pisidium were collected. Amnicola limosa was only abundant in the mucky strip along the shore, and A. lustrica and Sphaerium sulcatum, only in the deeper water out beyond this strip; the remainder of the shells occurred in both localities, or their distribution was not satisfactorily determined on account of the small numbers of specimens that were obtained. 16. Fourth Point. Off Fourth Point, as in the two preceding habi- tats, there is little or no peaty marl covering the firmer, and in this case gravelly Ijottom. There is a narrow border of Scirpus americanus along MOLLUSCA. 137 the shore, but the definite mucky zone of the preceding habitat is not present. In this locaHty, there were found considerable numbers of Sphaerium sulcatum, and a ventricose form of Amnicola lustrica; small numbers of Valvata tricarinata unicarinata, Planorbis campanulatus minor, and P. -parvus, and single specimens of Pisidium splendidulum, Lymnaea obrus- sa, Amnicola ivalkeri, and of some species of Musculium (too young to indentify). 17. County drain. This ditch empties into the south-east corner of Rush Lake. It has a clay bottom and is almost choked with Spirogyra, except at the mouth, where the bottom is mucky and covered with a growth of Potamogetons, Ceratophyllum, etc. There is no current in this drain except after heavy rains; but it does not dry up as the heavy, clayey soil is almost impenetrable. Near the mouth of this ditch, Lym- naea stagnalis appressa was quite abundant. In the upper portions, L. polustris, Planorbis trivolvis, and Physa gyrina were present, the first in much greater abundance than the others. Habitats of the Swamps. 18. — Annual swamps. In every part of the region, where work was carried on, there was one habitat that was al- ways present and which always showed similar conditions and faunas. This was the temporary swamp. The swamp in the sand dunes, altho it may only be a small hollow protected by a few dogwoods, differs from the larger hollows in the alluvial woods mainly in the number rather than in the kinds of shells. In all cases, the substratum is made up of a thick layer of decaying leaves, etc., the water is shallow when present, and there are extreme seasonal variations between dessication and a flooded condition. The similarity of these conditions apparently domi- nate over the effects of differences in the sub-soils. The formation and surroundings of these swamps vary greatly. In the sand dunes, any hollow capable of holding water in the spring becomes choked with dog- woods (Cornus stolonifera and circinata), whose leaves and roots prevent too rapid seepage and evaporation, and an ideal habitat of this kind is formed. In the long hollows between the ridges, as in the beds of old lakes and swamps, there is a thicker deposit of leaf mould, alders (Abms incana) and perhaps a few ashes and swamp maples {Acer rubrum) help- ing in its production, and the seepage is slower ; here we find the num- ber of shells increasing but the species remaining about the same. There are also the swamps in the low woods on Stony and North Islands, where there is a thin layer of alluvial soil over limestone, and those of similar localities around Rush Lake and Caseville, where the underlying soil is clay. In both of these the trees shading the swamps are about the same; they consist of swamp maples and sugar maples {Acer rubrum and saccharum) and the elm {Ulmus americanus). 138 MOLLUSCA. Lymnaea palustris, Apleza hypnorum. Sphaerium occidentale, and Musculium truncatum were the t\'pical shells of the annual swamp habi- tat in this region. All of these were found in large numbers at all of the places where this habitat was studied, with the exception of Musculium truncatum which was not found on North and Stony Islands where these conditions were but poorly represented. In addition, there were found in lesser numbers: at Sand Point, Lymnaea palustris zebra, L. p. michi- ganensis, a slender, little-malleated form of L. palustris, Planorhis par- ■ vus, p. umbilicatellus , Physa elliptica, and a small form of Musculium partumeium.; on Stony Island, Segmentina armigera; near Rush Lake, Planorhis parvus whlkeri, P. umbilicatellus, Physa gyrina, P. g. hildreth- iana, Lymnaea palustris michiganensis, Segmentina crassilahris, a small form of Musculium partumeium, and some shells of Lymnaea which were too young to be indentified. 19. Perennial sivamps. On Sand Point, Stony Island, and around Rush Lake there are a few shallow ponds and marshes which do not dry up in the summer, or, at least, have not for some time. Of course this depends upon the dryness of the season, but the ones studied were those that did not dry up during the summer of 1908, which was one of ex- treme drouth thruout this part of Michigan. (PI. VIII b.) These habitats, then, are distinguished from the annual swamps by their greater permanency. They intergrade into the latter, however, and are probably converted into them thru filling-in by vegetation, etc. They often have an aquatic vegetation of Riccia, duck-weeds, horn- worts, etc., while around the edges are found the semi-aquatic bulrush (Scirpus validus), Scirpus americanus, Equisetum ftuviatile, and other sedges and rushes, the Equisetum being especially abundant in the sandy regions. Planorhis trivolvis and Musculiwn securis appeared to be the typical shells of this habitat: they were found in abundance at Sand Point, on Stony Island and near Rush Lake. There were also collected, but in lesser numbers: at Sand Point, Aplexa hypnorum, Segmentina armigera, a form of S. crassilahris, Planorhis exacuous, Succinea retusa, Amnicola walkeri, Physa elliptica, Musculium truncatum, Sphaerium occidentale, a small form of Lymnaea ohrussa, an elongate form of L. reflexa, and L. pcdustris michiganensis; on Stony Island, Musculium ryckhaltii, Plan- orhis deflectus, P. hirsutus, P. nautileus, Lymnaea reflexa, and an elongate form of the last shell; near Rush Lake, Aplexa hypnorum, Segmentina armigera, Sphaerium occidentale, Lymnaea palustris, a form of Planor- his parvus, and Physa gyrina. 20. Sivamp in old stone quarry. About a half of a mile west of Little Oak Point, there is an old stone quarry, Babbitt's Stone Quarry, which is partially filled with Avater. Cat-tails and alders have grown up in MOLLUSC A. 139 places where there is an alluvial deposit along the edges of the pond, and the pond itself is choked with Potaviogeton nutans and bladder- worts, so that a favorable habitat for acjuatic life has been formed. These conditions have, of course, developed after the work on the quarry was stopped, which was not many years ago, so that whatever shells are now present have been planted in the last few years. The quaiTy is not connected with any other ponds or swamps, and none of these drain into it, so that the shells must have been introduced by accidental means. The only shells found were Musculium securis, Pisidium ahditum, and Planorbis parvus, but these were present in considerable numbers. Habitats of the Pigeon River. — 21. River portion. The Pigeon River is a small, sluggish stream that winds around thru the clay country be- tween Pigeon and Caseville, and down thru the sand dunes to empt\" into Saginaw- Bay near the latter town. Thruout the last mile of its course, the stream assumes the proportions of a small river as here the slope is very gradual, the river being hardly above the level of the Bay. This river portion is from three to six feet deep and in most places has almost no current; in conseciuence, there is a luxurious growth of algae, mosth' Vaucheria, along the bottom and sides, and a few of the higher water-plants, especially Potamogeton nutans, in the more sluggish places. The bottom, in these places, is muddy and soft, but contains some gravel and boulders in the more rapid portions. (PI. X b.) Among the algae along the shores, a few specimen-s of Planorhis hicarinatus. and numerous individuals of Sphaerivni striatinum, S. solidulum, Planorhis parvus, P. trivolvis, Phy&a heterostropho , P. integra, Amnicola limosa, Pisidium ahditum, and Succinea retusa, and many small, juvenile specimens of Goniohasis livescens were found. From places where the current was swifter, considerable numbers of Campe/oma integra, Anodontoides feriissacianus suhcylindraceus, Lampsilis luteola, and Quadrula unduJata, and single individuals of Anodonta grandis, A. g. footiana, Lampsilis midtirodiata, L. iiis, and Quadrvla ruhiginosa were discoA-ered partially buried in the clay along the shore and in the gravel in deeper water. In addition, almost every rock was literally covered with specimens of Goniohasis livescens. 22. Bayou off the Pigeon River. Near its mouth the river made in the past an "oxbow" bend about nine hundred yards long. Dm-ing the da^^s when the river was used for floating logs, the small neck of land separating the ends of the bend was cut thru in order to obtain more current, leaving a typical oxbow pond, which has filled in at the upper end so that it is only connected with the river at the lower end. This pond is about six feet deep in the deepest place and is choked thruout by a thick growth of vegetation, consisting of Potamogetons, etc.; along 140 MOLLUSCA. the shores beds of yellow and white water-lilies (Nymphaea advena and Castalia odorata), and marshes of Sparganium euryearpum and Scirpus validus are already making inroads on the channel. In addition, the upper end of the pond is covered over with duckweeds and Riccia; this, however, is probably largely washed out during the high water in the spring, when the river partially overflows into its old channel. (PI. XI a.) On the west side of this pond there is a high bank of sand which by caving in has destroyed most of the plant life for some distance along the shore. In these bare spots, partially hidden by large masses of algae, numerous specimens of Campeloma integrum, Lampsilis luteola, Anodontoides ferussacianus modestus, A. f. subcylindraceus, and Ano- donta grandis were found. From boards floating among the sedges along the edges of the pond, considerable numbers of Planorbis parvus, P. exacuous, P. trivolvis, Lymnaea humilis, Physa heterostropha, and Succinea retusa, and a single specimen of Ancylus fuscus were obtained. There were also collected, but in lesser numbers, Planorhis campanu- latus and a form of that species in which the aperture was deflected, Lymnaea reflexa, Physa heterostropha, Goniobasis livescens, and Anini- cola limosa, from Potaniogeton, etc., near the middle of the bayou; and Planorbis campanulatus, P. parvus, ■ Physa heterostropha, Amnicola limosa, and Ancylus parallelus, from the under-side of lily-pads near the shore. Vegetation is fast fihing in this bayou. There is a filled-in marsh along the inner shore which has in places become a rod wide, and the upper end has already been converted into a flat, about fifteen rods long, which is only under water during flood seasons. This rapid de- position is not to be wondered at, as the bottom growth of higher aquatic plants is remarkably luxuriant even for an ox-bow pond. 23. Creek portion. Above the lower portion of the river, described under habitat twenty-one, the stream becomes swifter and smaller and runs thru a clay country. It has a gravelly bed, and presents the gen- erak appearance of a typical small creek of the glacial region. People living in Caseville say that the rapids and the most shallow spots be- come dry in the late summer so that the rapid creek is converted into a series of stagnant pools. In the spring, on the other hand, the stream becomes a torrent so both extremes of conditions are present during the year. This is extremely detrimental to moUuscan life as in the spring the forms living in the algae probably tend to be washed out, while in the summer the shells which prefer swifter water die. The older inhabitants state that these conditions have not always prevailed, but that formerly the stream used to flow thruout the year. The change is probably due to the fact that the woods, which fed a more MOLLUSCA. 141 constant supply of water, have now been cleared off. This probably accounts for the fact that the bottom of this portion of the stream was strewn with the dead shells of Goniohasis and a few of the larger uniones, which are not now found alive in this part. On a plank floating along the marshy shore of this part of the river, there were found a few specimens of Sphoerium solidnlum, Segmentina crassilabris, Succinea avara, Lymnaea palustris michiganensis, and L. humilis. Among algae, in situations similar to those in the river, Amnicola cincinnatiensis, Planorhis trivolvis, Physa integra, Agriolimax agrestis, Succinea retusa, Campeloma integrum, Sphaerium solidulum, S. striatinum, and a small form of Lymnaea obri/ssa occurred in larger numbers. In addition, along the bottom were obtained specimens of Planorhis trivolvis, a form of Planorhis campanulatus similar to that found in the bayou, Sphaerium solidulum, and Lymnaea palustris, and some dead shells of Goniohasis livescens and Quadrula undulata. 24. Dead waters. About five miles up stream from its mouth, the river widens and deepens, so that there is formed a long "pickerel pond" or dead water, a stagnant pool about ten yards wide by one hundred yards long. This pool is bordered by swampy, deciduous w^oods, and there is a marginal zone of button-ball bushes {Cephalanthus occidentalis) growing out over the water. The edges of the pool are covered with pickerel weed (Pontederia cordata), while outside of these the yellow water-lilies form cjuite a definite zone. The water is black and slimy, and rotting logs almost block up the stream. (PI. XI b.) In this habitat, on the under-side of lily-pads, a few specimens of Ancylus parallelus, Lymnaea palustris. Planorhis parvus, Physa gyrina and P. integra, and single individuals of P. elliptica, Planorhis trivolvis, and Succinea retusa were collected. This dead w^ater is so deep and wide (in comparison with the small stream w^hich flows into and out of it) that there is little current even during flood seasons, and the quiet water causes most of the sediment carried in by the stream to be deposited. In addition, the broad zones of pickerel w^eeds and water-lilies along the shores must deposit con- siderable organic material, so that it appears that it will be simply a matter of time before this body of water is reduced to the size of the creek. La7id Hahitats. Hahitats of the Satid Dunes. — 25. Sand heach. Along considerable stretches of the lower and middle beaches of protected shores, the waves have washed up masses of decaying vegetation. These are kept moist by the capillary action of the sand; the masses themselves are often in direct contact with, and even floating on, the water. Among these de- 142 MOLLUSCA. caying sedges, and under driftwood washed up with them, there are to be found considerable numbers of land shells, especially the smaller ones; these places comprise one of the most favorable land habitats for shells in the sand dunes. As these habitats are separated from all humus deposits by consider- able stretches of sandy beach, and the humus deposits near these shores are themselves devoid of a large proportion of the shells found along the beaches, it seems probable that a large proportion of these localities are populated from driftwood, etc., .washed upon the beaches from other more favorable localities, such as the clay region inland and the alluvial deposits on the rocky islands. In most of the places studied, this would mean a journey by w^ater of not much over a mile, and land shells will stand an immersion of several hours. All of these places must neces- sarily be repopulated nearly every spring as the ice and the fall storms must usually sweep these beaches clean. In these places, Succinea retusa, S. avara, Pymmidtila cronkhitei anthonyi, Agriolimax campestris, Zonitoides arhorea, Vitrea hammonis, and Carychium exigimm were found in great abundance. Vertigo ovata, Bifidai'ia tapjyaniana, Carychium exile, Zonitoides minuscula. Z. nitida, Vitrea hinneyana, Pblygyra cdholabris, P. a. maratima, P. mono- don, and Cochlicopa hthrica were also obtained, but in lesser numbers. These habitats are very short-lived. In addition to the fauna being swept away nearly every winter by the ice and the fall storms, slower changes are constantly affecting all of these shores, as has been discussed under the habitats of Saginaw Bay, so that these conditions are either moving out towards the Bay or in towards land, depending on their position. As they are usually in more or less protected places, the movement is probably outwards, as in such localities there is usually deposition. 26. Borders of lakes and sivamps. The sand dunes are usually ar- ranged in ridges more or less parallel to the shore. Between these ridges, swamps, marshes, small ponds and even lakes may be formed. Here the deciduous trees, such as the maples (Acer saccharinum and A. ruhrum), the red and white oaks (Quercus rubra and Q. cdba), the ashes, the dogwoods (Cornus stolonifera and C. circinata), and the alders (Alnus incana) predominate, the coniferous trees being in the minority, but represented by the white pine (Pinus strohus), the arbor vitae (Thuja occidentalis) , and the hemlock (Tsuga canadensis), \^dth an occasional clump of tamaracks (Larix laricina), balsam firs (Abies balsamea). or Norway pines (Pinus resinosa). This vegetation of course causes the formation of considerable leaf mould and humus, and a rich soil has also been formed where sedges, etc., have partly or entirely filled in a marsh, pond or lake. Among the fallen logs and decaying leaves in these MOLLUSC A. 143 moist places (many of which are flooded in the spring) the land shells, especially the smaller ones, are quite numerous, surpassing in numl^ers of species, altho not in indi\'iduals, the sedge-heaps along the beach. These localities vary considerably in the numl^ers and habits of the shells present, as the concUtions vary from those in small hollows in the sand dunes, which are flooded in the spring and dessicated in the sum- mer, to the large, moist alluvial flats and cedar thickets along the lakes ^ and marshes. (PI. XII b.) In this habitat, Zonitoides arborea, Z. nitida. Vertigo ovata, Agrioli- viax campestris, Polygyra alholabris, P. monodon, Succinea retusa, S. avara, Carychium exile and C. exiguum were collected in considerable numbers. Bifidaria tappaniajia, B. contrada, B. pentodon. Punctum pygmaeum, Helicodiscus parallelus, Vitrea rJwadsi, V. indentata, V. ham- monis, Euconulus jidvus, Pyramidula alternatu, Polygyra thyroides, P. multilineata, P. alholabris dentata, Vertigo gouldii, V. ventricosa elatior, Succinea oralis, and Philomycus caroUnensis were also obtained, but in lesser numbers, the last nine being represented by only a few specimens. Along the borders of bodies of water, these habitats are constantly l^ecoming larger, owing to the fiUing-in of the swamp or lake which they sm-round, while the xerophytic conditions are, in their turn, encroach- ing on these more humid ones: thus the latter displace the aquatic habitats, and are themselves finally, but much more slowly, destroyed by the advance of the sand dune conditions. 27. Under rock ledge. Hat Point. Hat Point, as mentioned under preceding habitats, is formed by an outcrop of Marshall Sandstone which juts out over the water, forming a small cliff some fifteen or twenty feet high. The waves have worn this away at the base so that it hangs over the water and small caves are formed. Along both sides of this Point, the sand has iDeen washed and blown up around it; on the west side it is flush with and covers the rock, but on the east side the small overhanging cliff is still exposed for about one hunched and fifty yards back from the Point. Against the base of this, the fallen leaves of the nearby birches (Betida papyrifera). the red oaks {Quercus rubra), and the dogwoods {Cornvs stolonifera and C. cireinata) have gathered, and the ground is kept moist and well shaded by the trees themselves and the overhanging rock, thus forming an excellent habitat for the small shells. In these places, a few specimens of Vitrea binneyana, Helicodiscus paraUelus, Zonitoides minuscula, Z. arborea, Pyramidula cronkhitei antJwnyi, P. c. catskillensis, Sphyradium edentulum, Euconulus fulvus, Strohilops virgo. Agriolimax campestris, Pallifera dorsalis, and Polygyra thyroides were collected. 28. Outer sand dunes. The outer sand dunes form the most un- 144 MOLLUSCA. favorable land habitat for molluscan life in this region, only excepting the exposed sand beach where no mollusc can live. They are very dry and have little humus, and that little comes mainly from coniferous trees, the principal trees of .this region being white, Norway, and jack pines (Pinus strohus, P. resinosa, and P. divaricata), with lesser numbers of poplars (Populus treniuloides. P. grandidentata. and P. halsamifera), and a scattering growth of red. white, pin, and scarlet oaks (Quercus rubra, Q. alba, Q. palustris, and Q. coccinea). The fallen leaves of these deciduous trees might harbor more snails, despite the dominance of the conifers, except that the mycelia of a dry mould attack all of the leaves except those directly exposed; and this, together with the exceeding dryness, effectually prevents all molluscan life except under fallen logs. Here a few dwarfed shells are to be found, which are more numerous, contrary to what might be expected, in the pine woods on the outer- most dunes, perhaps on account of the fact that the mould does not ap- pear to be able to obtain as strong a footing among the pine needles. The sand roads on these ridges form effectual traps for molluscs, and several specimens were found dead and dried up, which had apparently perished in attempting to cross them. (Pis. I, II a, III b, IV b.) Polygyra albolabris maratima was by far the most abundant shell on these dunes, both on Sand Point and north of Rush Lake. Polygyra fraterna was also present, but in lesser numbers, in the latter locality, while a single specimen of typical P. albolabris was obtained from under a log in the humus near a cabin on Sand Point. 29. Inner sand dimes. The inner and more permanent sand dunes have a thicker deposit of humus than the outer shifting ones, so that they are not as dry and barren as the latter. The deciduous trees pre- dominate here, especially the oaks, the same species being present as were found on the outer dunes. Also there is a thicker undergrowth of brake {Pteris aquilina) and a considerable layer of leaf-mould. The ground, however, is dry enough so that most of the snails and slugs are congregated under the decaying logs during the summer, altho they may wander out among the leaves at night and in wetter seasons. They are, nevertheless, much more numerous both in species and individuals than on the sand dunes nearer the Bay. This habitat was best represented just north of Rush, Lake. Here were found a number of specimens of Polygyra albolabris maratima, P. fraterna, Pyramidida aUernata, Pallifera dorsalis, and Zonitoides ar- borea. A few albino specimens of the last species were also obtained. Habitats of North and Stony Islands. — North and Stony Islands, as has been mentioned under the rocky, littoral habitats, are formed of limestone and covered with a relatively thin deposit of alluvial soil, ex- cept along the north shores where the rock outcrops or is covered with MOLLUSCA. 145 sand. Almost all of North Island and the northern portion of Stony Island are quite heavily wooded, mostly with deciduous trees, so that there is a good carpeting of humus. In fact, the whole appearance of the islands suggests the deciduous woods of the southern part of Michi- gan. There is a wide strip all the way around North Island and along the northern and western shores of Stony Island that is high and dry. l)ut a large part of the center of the former and the whole southern two- thirds of the latter is lower, and is covered with pools during the rainy season. The northern portion of this damp area on Stony Island is wooded and is relatively dry during the summer, as is the whole of North Island, but the southern part of the former forms a large swamp wdiich is never dry and is without trees. This part is apparently de- void of molluscan life except in open pools which have been included in the treatment of perennial swamps. Probably this lack of life is due partly to the stagnancy and the oily character of the water, and partly to the fact that the marsh grasses and sedges grow so thickly as to ex- clude the light. 30. Swampy icoods. As mentioned under the general treatment ol these islands, there are considerable areas near the center of both North and Stony Islands which are damp and quite heavily wooded. woods are mostly made up of deciduous trees, which in these swampy places are mostly small, such as ash, sugar maple and American elm saplings, with a few larger trees among them. There are also a few arbor vitae (Thuja occidentalis) scattered thru them. These damp, well-shaded localities, as might be expected, formed excellent habitats for the larger shells, but, on the other hand, few of the more minute species were found. I cannot explain this, but do not think that I could have so entirely overlooked them if they had been, present, as considerable time was spent in searching for them. Their absence seems all the more strange because they were found in con- siderable numbers among the drift on the sandy beaches of North Island- In this habitat, Polygyra albolahris was the most abundant shell, both on Stony and North Islands. On both islands, P. thyroides. P. niultilineata, Pyramidula alternata and Agriolimax agrestis were also ol)- tained quite abundantly. In addition, on Stony Island, a few speci- mens of Polygyra monodon. and on North Island, a few individuals of Pyramidida alternata alba, P. cronkhitei anfhonyi, Zonitoides arborea, and Succiyiea avara major were found. 31. High icoods. The strip of high woods around North Is- land, and that along the north and west shores of Stony Island chffer mainly from the preceding habitat in being much higher and drier, antl in containing, on the average, larger and fewer trees. Here, in addition 19 146 MOLLUSCA. to the trees found in the damper woods, basswoods and oaks are quite abundant, and, in one Hmited area, there are considerable numbers of white pine. This habitat was only studied on Stony Island. There, Polygyra al- holahris, P. thyroides, P. vionodon, Pyramidula alternata, Pallifera dor- salis and Agriolimax agrestis were very abundant; and a few specimens of Zonitoides arhorea, and a single juvenile individual of Polygyra multi- lineata were also obtained. Polygyra albolahris was much more abund- ant here than in the preceding habitat, while P. multilineata, on the other hand, was almost entirely wanting. 32. Dry clearing. On account of the shallowness of the soil on these islands, all of the clearings are very dry. Grasses are the only plants that appear to be able to hold their own here, with the exception of the sumachs, which are of large size and cover considerable patches of ground. In these places a few shells were found which had taken refuge under boards and in a stone pile, from which they probably come out during rains and heaw dews. Under a stone-pile in this habitat, a number of specimens of Pyra- midula alternata and Polygyra monodon were obtained. A single in- dividual of Polygyra albolahris was also obtained under a plank. 33. Rocky beach. A few shells are to be found on the bare rocks of the middle beach, in protected places under driftwood and rocks where a little soil has gathered. The fauna of these places is most probabl}^ temporary, as the ice in the winter months sweeps these beaches clean. A few molluscs may be able to winter in the deeper crevices of the rocks, but it appears that the main portion of the fauna must be derived an- nually from the woods adjacent to the beach; snails may also be washed ashore as mentioned in the discussion of the sand beaches in the sand dune region, but in this case this would not be necessary for their re- stocking, as woods with considerable molluscan life are in direct con- nection with these beaches. (PI. XIV.) Polygyra albolahris, Pyramidida alternata and Succinea retusa were obtained from these localities. The first two were present in ciuite con- siderable numl)ers. 34. Sa7id beach. Land molluscs also occur in considerable numbers on the middle beach along the sandy portions of the shore of these two islands, especially where the beach is partially protected, as along the southern shore of North Island. These sand beaches appear to ])e more favorable to molluscan life than the rocky ones discussed under the preceding habitat, perhaps because the sand beaches are formed in the protected places — the ones most suitable for the life of the snails. The fauna of these places is probably destroyed during the winter as are those of the preceding habitat and habitat twenty-five; and they are MOLLUSC A. 147 probably restored both by migration from inland as mentioned under the preceding habitat, and by shells being washed ashore on driftwood as suggested under the discussion of habitat twenty-five. These conditions were much better represented on North Island than they were on Stony Island. On the former, considerable numbers of Succinea return, S. avara, S. a. vermeta, Pyramidula cronkhitei anthonyi, P. alternata, Polygyra albolabris, P. monodon, P. thyroides, Zonitoides minuscula, Z. arborea, Vertigo ovata, Bifidaria contracta, B. tappaniana and Agriolimax agrestis were obtained, while on the latter, lesser num- bers of Polygyra albolabi'is, P. monodon, Pyramidula aUernata, all of them large shells, were all that were collected. Habitats of the Creek Flats. — ^The flats of the Pigeon River form a series of closely alUed habitats unlike any others in this region. The\' are formed, primarily, by the meandering of the stream, which deposits soil and debris on the side where there is little current, but there may also be included under this head the other low ground on which the stream is depositing soil during floods, as of course the soil will be prac- tically the same. This is necessarily deposited below the level of floods, so that these habitats are flooded nearly every spring. In the district studied, these flats may be di\'ided into three groups: swampy meadows, dry meadows and woode(,l flats. 35. Swampy meadows. Under this habitat are included all of those treeless flats which have pools of water on them even in the summer. They are grassy, except around the pools, where the vegetation con- sists mainly of the common blue flag with scattered sedges and marsh ferns {Aspidium thelypteris) . Most of the shells obtained were found under drift logs, etc.. but also in lesser numbers in the wet grass. In such localities, Cochlicopa lubrica, Carychium exile, Zonitoides nitida, Z. arborea, Succinea retusa, S. avara, Vitrea hammonis and Heli- codiscus parallelus were present in considerable num1:)ers. and Zoni- toides minuscula, Punctum pygmaeum. Pyramidula cronkhitei anthonyi, Bifidaria tappaniana. Vertigo ovata, Vallonia pulchella, and Agriolimax agrestis, were also obtained, but in lesser numbers. In addition, a few specimens of Vertigo, too young to l3e identified, were collected. 36. Dry meadows. Most of the meadow flats along the Pigeon are high enough above the level of the river so that they are well-drained and relatively dry during most of the year. They are covered with grass which is quite green, even in August, and which, in the places studied, had been kept short by grazing. Under driftwood, etc.. in these places, as in the preceding habitat, many species and individuals of shells are to V^e found. Here were found considerable numV)ers of Bifidaria contracta. B. tappaniana, Zonitoides arborea, Z. nitida, Vitrea hammonis. Cochlicopa 148 MOLLUSCA. lubrica, C. I. morseana, Pyramidula cronkhitei anthonyi, P. alternata, Succinea avara and Polygyra thyroides. 37. Wooded flats. On the wooded flats, most of which are con- siderably above the level of low water, the trees keep the ground quite moist. A habitat is thus formed which is more moist than the dry meadows, less so than the swampy ones, and more stable than either. Also, in addition to the river deposit, there is considerable leaf mould; the ground in the higher places is carpeted with fallen leaves, and in the lower and damper places has a thick undergrowth of nettles. The trees of these woods are mostl}" deciduous, consisting of swamp maples, black ashes, poplars, cottonwoods, and elms, the first two being the most abundant. It is under fallen logs and driftwood that the majority of the shells are to be found. Wooded flats were studied both along the Pigeon and Pinnebog Rivers, but the former was a much more favorable collecting ground. Along the Pigeon River, Helicodiscus parallelus, Zojiitoides arhorea, Pyramidula alternata, P. cronkhitei anthonyi, Cochlicopa lubrica, C. I. morseana, Agriolimax agrestis, Succinea avara, and juvenile specimens of some Polygyra were collected in considerable numbers, while Zoni- toides minuscula, Z. nitida, Carychium exile, C. exiguujn, Euconulus chersinus polygyratus, Bifidaria tappaniana, Vitrea hammonis, V. in- dentata, V . hinneyana, Polygyra albolahris, P. thyroides, P. fraterna, and Succinea ovalis optima were also obtained, but in lesser numbers. Along the Pinnebog River, Pyramidida alternata, Succinea avara, S. ovalis, Polygyra albolahris maratima, P. fraterna, Cochlicopa lubrica, Helicod- iscus parallelus, and Zonitoides arborea were found in small numbers. Habitats of the Clay Soil. — Behind the narrow sand region along the shores of the Bay lies a flat region of clay soil, the old lake bottom. In Huron County, the latter region is much larger than the former. l)ut most of the work of the party was done in the sand dune region, so that the only portions of the clay region that were studied are those along the inner border of the sandy region. These records, then, cannot be taken as characteristic of the region farther in towards the center of the county. 38. Swampy woods. The land around Rush Lake is so low and flat that the majority of the woods near the lake are low and swampy. These woods are made up in large part of deciduous trees, consisting mostly of ashes, swamp maples and elms, with a sprinkling of sugar maples, common and blue beeches and poplars; the arbor vitae, how- ever, is quite abundant and the hemlocks and balsam firs are also present in small numbers. (PI. XV.) In damp swamps, under logs and among leaves, a large number of shells were collected. The species were: Euconulus fulvus, Succinea MOLLUSCA. 149 avara, S. ovalis optima, Vertigo ovata, Strohilops virgo, Carychium exi- guum, C. exile, Pyramidula alternata, Pyramidula cronkhitei anthonyi, P. c. catskillensis, Agriolimax campestris, Vitrea ferrea, V. hammonis, Punctum pygmaeum, Bifidaria tappaniana, B. corticaria, Zonitoides nitida, Z. arhorea, Polygyra monodon and P. jraterna. In very wet swamps, among leaves and underbrush and fallen bark in quite dr}^ raised portions around the roots and bases of trees, a large number of shells were also obtained. Here were found Euconulus fulvus, Succinea avara, S. retusa, S. ovalis, Carychium exiguum, C. exile, Pyramidula alternata, P. cronkhitei anthonyi, Agriolimax campestris, Vitrea hammonis, V. binneyana, V. rhoadsi, Helicodiscus parallelus. Vertigo gouldii, Bifid- aria tappaniana. B. pentodon, B. contracta, B. corticaria, Zonitoides ar- horea, Polygyra monodon, and specimens of Vertigo and Bifidaria which were too young to indentify. 39. Dry ivoods. On the higher and drier ground around Rush Lake, the woods consist mainly of poplars, birches, beeches, elms, and maples, with a few balsam firs and hemlocks scattered thru, and of rich cedar thickets. They are often adjacent to the sand dunes, but they are usually quite easily distinguished as the latter are much more sandy and are covered with great numbers of small oaks. Under fallen logs and beneath their bark, the small land shells were especially plentiful, this and the preceding habitat l^eing the most favorable localities for such shells in this region. Pallifera dorsalis, Pyramidula alternata, P. cronkhitei anthonyi, Polygyra thyroides, P. fraterna, Philomycus carolinensis, Vitrea hammonis, Zonitoides arhorea, Bifidaria contracta, B. pentodon, Agriolimax campestris, and Helicodis- cus parallelus were present in great abundance in such places. Zoni- toides minuscula, Z. milium, Punctum pygmaeum, Succinea avara, Vitrea rhoadsi, V. ferrea, V. indentata, Bifidaria corticaria, Strohilops virgo, Polygyra alholahris, P. a. maratima, Carychium exiguum, C. exile. Vertigo gouldii, Euconulus fulvus, E. chersiniis polygyratus, Pyramidula cronk- hitei catskillejisis, and indeterminate specimens of Vertigo were also ob- tained, but in lesser numbers. 40. Meadow along the edge of woods. Under fallen logs in a moist, grassy meadow along woods such as were described in the preceding habitat were found Bifidaria contracta, B. tappaniana, Carychium exile, C. exiguum, Succinea avara, Zonitoides arhorea, Polygyra alholahris, P. monodon, P. thyroides, Pyramidula alternata, P. cronkhitei anthonyi, Vitrea hammonis, Helicodiscus parallelus, Agriolimax campestris. and some juvenile specimens of Polygyra, which were too young to identify. 41. Dry yard. Under stones in the yard of a deserted farmhouse near Rush Lake, numerous specimens of Vallonia pulchella were col- 150 MOLLUSCA. lected. altho the place seemed almost too dry to support molluscan life. 42. Tamarack swamps. Around the most of Rush Lake, there are large tamarack swamps with the characteristic vegetation of tamaracks, sphagnum, black spruces, pitcher plants, sun-dews, poison sumach and huckleberries. Most of these places are without any molluscan life, but in the sphagnum in a very wet portion, a few specimens of Vitrea hammonis, Agriolimax campestris, Pisidium roperi, Lymnaea palustris, Musculium truncatum, and M. securis were collected. Darlvatlon of the Sand Diine Habitats. 2. Rocky shores. 5. Unprotected, sandy shores. 37. Overhanging rock lodge. 7, Protected, 'sandy an ores. \&. Sand pools^ 28, 29. Sand dunes. 18, 19. Swamps. 88, 29. Sand dunes >y8. Coves. 25. Sand beaches. 9. Long, 'shallow lake*. 18,19.Swainp8» \ 16, 19. Swamps. 10. Round, deep lakes. 19. Perennial swamps II 18. Temporary swamps II 26. Alluvial flats. MOLLUSCA. 151 LIST OF THE HABITATS. Aquatic Habitats. I. Habitats of Saginaw Bay. 1. Deep littoral, 16-24 feet. • 2. Shallow littoral, rocky, unprotected. 3. Rock pools. 4. Shallow littoral, rocky, protected. 5. Shallow littoral, sandy, unprotected. 6. Sand pools. 7. Shallow littoral, sandy, protected. 8. Cove, almost cut off from Bay. II. Habitats of the Sand Dune Lakes. 9. Shallow lakes, north side of Sand Point. 10. Deep lakes, south side of Sand Point. III. Habitats of Rush Lake. 11. Mucky bottom. 12. Floating sedge-marshes. 1.3. Marly bottom. 14. Raymond's Point. 15. Dune Point. 16. Fourth Point. 17. County ch'ain. IV. Habitats of the Swamps. 18. Annual swamps. 19. Perennial swamps. 20. Swamp in old stone quarry. V. Habitats of the Pigeon River. 21. River portion. 22. Bayou off of the Pigeon River. 23. Creek portion. 24. Dead waters. Land Habitats. I. Habitats of the Sand Dunes. 25. Sand beach. 26. Borders of lakes and swamp. 27. Under rock ledge, Hat Point. 28. Outer sand dunes. 29. Inner sand dunes. II. Habitats of North and Stony Islands. 30. Swampy woods. 31. High woods. J52 MOLLUSCA, 32. Dry clearing. 33. Rock beach. 34. Sand beach. III. Habitats of the Creek Flats. 35. Swampy meadows. 36. Dry meadows. 37. Wooded flats. IV. Habitats of the Clay Soil. 38. Swampy woods. 39. Dry woods. 40. Meadow along the edge of woods. 41. Dry yard. 42. Tamarack swamps. MOLLUSCA. 153 LIST OF SPECIES. PULMONATA. Helicidae. 1. Polygyra albolabris (Say). — This species appeared to be one of the most abundant and widely distrilmted of the larger shells in this region. It was found in the following localities and habitats: on Sand Point, under fallen logs among sand dunes, even on the outermost ones (26)*, among driftwood and decaying sedges along the sand beach (25) and among fallen leaves, etc., around the borders of swamps and lakes (26) ; on Stony and North Islands, under fallen logs and among decaying leaves, etc., in both swampy and dry woods (30, 31), under boards in a dry clearing (32), under slabs of rock on the open rock beaches (33), among driftwood and sedges along the sand beaches (34) ; at Caseville, on wooded fiats (37) ; at Rush Lake under fallen logs in dry woods (39), in similar places in meadows along the edges of woods (40) and among the sand dunes along the borders of swamps (26) ; and under fallen logs, etc., on the wooded flats (36) along the Pinnebog River. Altho sometimes found in damp places, this shell appeared to prefer the drier habitats. The shells varied considerably in size; the largest shells were found on North and Stony Islands, where the thin, rich soil, over limestone rock, seemed to furnish excellent conditions for all of the larger land shells. The smallest were obtained from the sand dunes, where the shells graduated into the variety maratima. A single albino speci- men was obtained. under a log in high woods, 31, on Stony Island. 2. Polygyra albolabris, var. dentata (Tryon). — A single specimen of the dentate form was collected near a swamp (26) on Sand Point. 3. Polygyra albolabris, var. maratima (Pilsbry). — This shell was the most aljundant one among the sand dunes. It was obtained from Sand Point, among sedges and driftwood along the sand beach (25) and under fallen logs on the sand dunes (28) ; from near Rush Lake, on both the inner and outer sand dunes (29. 28) and in high woods grading into the sand dunes (39), under fallen logs; and from wooded flats (37) near the sand dunes along the Pinnebog River. 4. Polygyra multilineata (Say). — A few specimens of this shell were obtained from under logs in damp places along the borders of *The numbers thruout the list refer to the type of habitat described above under the same number. 154 MOLLUSCA. swamps (26) at Sand Point. It was also collected, in considerable numbers, in swampy woods (30) on North and Stony Islands. In the latter locality, a single specimen was found on higher ground (31). but, in the region studied, the species appeared to prefer a wet habitat. 5. Polygyra thyroides (Say). — Single specimens of this species were found at Sand Point, along the border of a swamp (26) and at Hat Point, among leaves under a rock ledge (27). It was collected in larger numbers on North and Stony Islands, from under logs both in the swampy and the higher woods (30, 31) and on the sand beach (34) ; at Caseville. in dry meadows and under driftwood, etc., on wooded flats (36, 37): and near Rush Lake, from under fallen logs in dry woods and along the edges of meadows (39, 40). 6. Polygyra fraterna (Say). — This species was generally found on rich and ciuite dry ground. It was obtained in considerable numbers on wooded flats (37) along the Pigeon and Pinnebog Rivers, and in swampy and dry woods (38, 39) and on the outer and inner sand dunes (28, 29) near Rush Lake. 7. Polygyra monodon '(Rackett). — This shell was found cjuite abundantly as follows: at Sand Point, among driftwood along the sand beach (25), and among fallen leaves near the borders of swamps and lakes (26) ; on Stony and North Islands, under fallen logs in swampy and high woods (30, 31), in a stone-pile in a dry clearing (32) and under driftwood along the sand beach (34) ; and near Rush Lake, under logs in swampy woods (38) and in a clearing near a cedar woods (40). Polygyra sp? A considerable number of juvenile shells, too young to identify, w^ere obtained from a stump on a wooded flat near Case- ville (37) and from a log in a meadow near Rush Lake (40). Zonitidae. 8. Vitrea hammonis (Strom). — This shell was found in abundance: under driftwood and sedges along the sand beach (25) and under logs and leaves around swamps and lakes (26) on Sand Point; under logs and driftwood on the wooded flats (37) and the low and high meadow- flats (35, 36) along the Pigeon River; under logs and among leaves in the swampy and dry woods (38, 39), in the damp meadows (40) and in Spoghnum in a tamarack swamp (42) near Rush Lake. 9. Vitrea binneyana (Morse). ^ — This species was collected in small numbers among sedges and driftwood along the sand beach (25) at Sand Point, under logs and driftwood on the wooded flats (37) along the Pigeon River, under logs and among leaves in wet woods (38) near Rush Lake, and among leaves under a rock ledge (27) at Hat Point. MOLLUSCA. 155 10. Vitrea ferrea (Morse). — A few specimens of this species were obtained under logs and leaves in both swampy and dry woods (38, 39) near Rush Lake. 11. Vitrea indentata (Say). — Small numbers of this shell were col- lected: at Sand Point, among decaying leaves along the border of a swamp (26) ; along the Pigeon River, under logs and driftwood on wooded flats (37), and near Rush Lake, from dry woods (39). 12. Vitrea rhoadsi Pilsbry. — This species was found in small numbers at Sand Point, among decaying leaves along the border of Long Lake (26), and at Rush Lake, among leaves and under logs in both swampy and dry woods (38, 39). 13. Euconulus fulvus (Miiller). — A few specimens of this shell were obtained among fallen leaves in wet places along the border of a large marsh and in an alder thicket along the south side of Mud Lake (26), on Sand Point. It was also found in small numbers among fallen leaves and under logs in both swampy and dry woods (38, 39) around Rush Lake, and among leaves gathered under an overhanging rock ledge at Hat Point (27). 14. Euconulus chersinus, var. polygyratus (Pilsbry). — Two speci- mens of this form were collected under fallen logs on a wooded flat (37) along the Pigeon River, and a single juvenile specimen was ob- tained under a log in a cedar thicket near Rush Lake (39). 15. Zonitoides nitida (Miiller). — This species was very abundant in wet places thruout the region studied. It was found as follows: at Sand Point, among sedges and driftwood along the sand beach (25) and among leaves and under logs along the borders of swamps and lakes (26) ; along the Pigeon River, on dry and wet meadow-flats (35, 36) and under logs and driftwood on wooded flats (37) ; and near Rush Lake, among leaves in wet woods (38). 16. Zonitoides arborea (Say). — This appeared to be the most abundant of the small land shells in the region studied. It was col- lected: at Sand Point, under driftwood and among rotting sedges along the sand beach (25) and among leaves and under logs along the borders of lakes and swamps (26) ; on North and Stony Islands, under logs in dry and swampy woods (30, 31) and under driftwood and among decaying sedges along the sand beach (34); along the Pigeon River, under driftwood, etc., on the wooded flats (37) and on the dry and swampy meadow-flats (36, 35) ; near Rush Lake, under logs and among leaves in the swampy and dry woods (38, 39) and damp mea- dows (40) ; along the Pinnebog River, under logs and on wooded flats (37); and at Hat Point, among leaves under a rock ledge (27). Albino specimens were obtained from the inner sand dunes (29) north of Rush Lake. 156 MOLLUSCA. 17. Zonitoides minuscula (Binney). — This species was found in small numbers among decaying sedges and driftwood along the sand beach (25) at Sand Point; in a similar location on North Island (34); under logs and driftwood on a swampy meadow-flat (35) and a wooded fiat (37) along the Pigeon River; under logs in dry woods (39) near Rush Lake; and among leaves under a rock ledge (27) at Hat Point. 18. Zonitoides milium (Morse). — A few specimens of this species were found under logs in a cedar thicket (39) near Rush Lake. Liimacidae. 19. Agriolimax agrestis (Linne). — This slug was found in con- siderable abundance among sedges and under driftwood on a sand beach (34) on North Island; in swampy and high woods (30, 31) on Stony Island; and under logs and driftwood on swampy and wooded flats (35, 37) along the Pigeon River, and on algae floating in the river itself (23). The species was probably originally carried to the islands by man. There was a farm on Stony Island for a number of years and later a hotel, and lioth islands are now used by the fishing com- panies. 20. Agriolimax campestris (Say). — ^The native species was collected in abundance in the following localities: under driftwood and among sedges along the sand beach (25), on driftwood floating in the .sedge marshes (7), and under logs along the borders of lakes and swamps (26) at Sand Point; among leaves and under logs in wet and dry woods and meadows along their borders (38, 39, 40) and in a tam- arack swamp (42) at Rush Lake; and among leaves under a rock ledge at Hat Point (27). Endontidae. 21. Pyramidula alternata (Say). — ^This species was found in small numbers at Sand Point, but was collected in abundance thruout the rest of the region. On Sand Point it was obtained only from swamps near the base of the Point (26) ; on North and Stony Islands, from the wooded habitats (30, 31), under logs, from the sand beaches (34), among sedges and driftwood, on the rock beaches (33), under slabs of rock, and in a stone-pile in a dry clearing (32) ; along the Pigeon River, from the dry meadows and the wooded flats (36, 37) ; from near Rush Lake, under logs and among fallen leaves in swampy and dry woods and an open meadow (38, 39, 40) ; along the Pinnebog River, on a wooded flat (37) ; and north of Rush Lake, under logs on the inner sand dunes (29). 22. Pyramidula alternata, var. alba (Tryon). — A few specimens of the albino form were found in a swampy woods (30) on North Island. MOLLUSCA. 157 23. Pyramidula cronkhitei, var. anthonyi Pilsbry. — This variety was found in considerable abundance at Sand Point, under drift- wood and among decaying sedges on the sand beach (25) ; on Stony and North Ishmds, in swampy woods (30) and along the sand beach (34) ; along the Pigeon River, on swampy and dry meadow- flats (35. 36) and wooded fiats (37) ; near Rush Lake, under logs and among fallen leaves in swampy and dry woods (38, 39) and meadows (40) ; and at Hat Point, under leaves along a rock ledge (27). 24. Pyramidula cronkhitei, var. catskillensis (Pilsbry). — The cari- nate form was also collected, altho in much smaller numbers than the prececUng. It was found near Rush Lake, in swampy and dry woods (38. 39). under logs and among fallen leaves, and at Hat Point, under leaves along a rock ledge (27). 25. Helicodiscus parallelus (Say). — A few specimens of this species were obtained among fallen leaves along the border of a swamp (26) on Sand Point, and many individuals from under leaves along a rock ledge among the sand dunes at Hat Point (27). It was also collected, but in smaller numbers, along the Pigeon and Pinnebog Rivers, both on wet, open fiats and on wooded ones (35, 37), under driftwood, etc., and, in larger numbers, around Rush Lake, under logs in both swampy and dry woods and in a moist meadow (38, 39, 40). 26. Punctum pygmaeum (Draparnaud). — This minute species was found in small numbers under logs along the border of a sw^amp (26) on Sand Point, in a swampy meadow-flat along the Pigeon River (35), and in swampy and dry woods (38, 39) near Rush Lake. 27. Sphyradium edentulum (Draparnaud). — A single specimen of this species was found among leaves gathered under a rock ledge (27) at Hat Point. Philomycidae. 28. Philomycus carolinensis (Bosc). — This slug was found in a woodpile near a swamp (26) on Sand Point, and in a high woods near Rush Lake (39). All of the specimens obtained are variation d of Binney*, that is, they are heavily blotched with large markings which are arranged in the form of three distinct longitudinal bands. The specimen from Sand Point is ciuite large, measuring about 60mm. in alcohol. Those from Rush Lake are far below the normal, the largest alcoholic specimens measuring 40mm. 29. Pallifera dorsalis (Binney). — This slug was obtained in small numbers from the south side of Sand Point (29), feeding on fleshy fungi; from under logs in high woods (31) on Stony Island: and in * W. G. Blnnev and T. Bland: Land and Fresh Water Shells of N. A. Smith. Mi.'c. Coll. 194, Part I, pa^e 299. 158 MOLLUSCA. large numbers in dry woods (39) and on the inner sand dunes (29) near Rush Lake, and among leaves under a rock ledge at Hat Point (27). Succineidae. 30. Succinea retusa Lea. — This shell was found in great abund- ance in wet places thruout the region studied. It was collected as follows: on Sand Point, among driftwood and rotting sedges along the sand beach (25), on leaves and on trees growing in the water in swamps (26), and on floating driftwood along the protected shores of Saginaw Bay (7) and in Turtle Bay (8), and in a perennial swamp (19); on Stony and North Islands, among sedges and drift- wood along the sandy and rocky beaches (34, 33) and on driftwood out in the water in these localities (7, 4) ; along the Pigeon River, in swampy meadows (35) and on algae and driftwood in the upper and lower portions, the ox bow pond and the "dead waters" (23, 21, 22, 24) of the river itself; at Rush Lake, in the sedge marsh along the border of the lake (12) and in very wet places in woods nearby (38); and near Little Oak Point, in a sand pool (6). 31. Succinea ovalis Say. — ^This species was obtained at Sand Point, among leaves, etc., in a large swamp (26), and near Rush Lake, in swampy woods (38). Living specimens were found at Rush Lake but not at Sand Point. An example measures: length 16.5mm., diam. 10mm.. aperture length 12.5mm., apertm'e width 7mm. 32. Succinea ovalis, var. optima Pilsbry. — A few shells of this variety were collected along the wooded flats (37) of the Pigeon and Pinnebog Rivers, and in a poplar swamp (38) about two miles east of the first river. An example measures: length 21mm., width 12.5mm., aperture length 14.5mm., aperture width 9.5mm. 33. Succinea avara Say. — Specimens of this shell were found in considerable numbers at Sand Point, among sedges along the sand beach (25), under logs and fallen leaves along the shores of lakes and swamps (26) and on floating driftwood out from the shore in the sedge marshes (7); on North Island, among decaying sedges along the sand beach (34) ; along the Pigeon River, under driftwood and logs in the swampy and dry meadow and wooded flats (35, 36, 37) and on planks floating along the marshy shore of the upper portion of the river (23) ; near Rush Lake, under logs, etc., in swampy and dry Avoods and meadows (38, 39, 40) ; and along the Pinnebog River, under logs and driftwood on the wooded flats (37). 34. Succinea avara, var. major W. G. Binney. — Single specimens of this form were collected in swampy woods (30) on North Island and in a sand pool (6) near Little Oak Point. The latter specimen MOLLUSCA. 159 has the sutures enough impressed to be referable to the form vermela; it measures: length 9.5mm., width 5.25mm., aperture length 5.75mm., aperture width 3.25mm. 35. Succinea avara, var. vermeta (Say). — Specimens of this form were obtained from the sand beach (34) on North Island and, as men- tioned above, from a sand pool (6) near Little Oak Point. Pupillidae. 3C. Strobilops virgo (Pilsbry). — ^This species was found in small numbers among leaves and under logs in swampy and dry woods (38, 39) near Rush Lake, and among leaves gathered under a rock ledge at Hat Point (27). 37. Bifidaria contracta (Say). — This shell was, next to Bifidaria tappaniana, the most abundant and the most widely distributed species of the genus in the region studied. Specimens were found not uncommonly in damp places on Sand Point (26), on the sand beach along the south shore of North Island (34), in dry meadow-flats along the Pigeon River (36), in wet and in high woods (38, 39) and in a damp meadow along a cedar thicket (40) near Rush Lake. It was found most abundantly around Rush Lake, under fallen logs in quite dry woods on clayey soil. 38. Bifidaria corticaria (Say). — ^This species was c^uite rare in the region studied. A few specimens were found near Rush Lake, under decaying logs and among fallen leaves in wet woods (38) and under the bark of a fallen log in a quite dry patch of woods (39) just inside of the sand dunes. It seemed to prefer a wet, rich habitat. 39. Bifidaria pentodon (Say). — ^This shell was not rare in wet places on Sand Point (26), under fallen logs and among decaying leaves, and in similar places in both swampy and high woods (38, 39) in the clay region around Rush Lake. Bifidaria sp? — A few juvenile pupiform shells, probalily Bifidaria pentodon, were found among leaves around the bases of trees in a wet woods (38) near Rush Lake. 40. Bifidaria tappaniana (C. B. Adams). — ^This species was the most widely distrilmted and abundant species of the genus in this region. It was quite abundant under driftwood and decaying sedges along the sandy, middle beach (25) and among fallen leaves on the border of a swamp (26) at Sand Point, on the sand beach on North Island (34), under driftwood on both swampy and dry creek flats (35, 36) and in woods (37) along the Pigeon River, and under fallen logs in swampy woods (38) and in a moist meadow along a cedar thicket (40) near Rush Lake. 4L Vertigo ovata Say. — ^This species was collected in numbers 160 MOLLUSC A. among sedges and driftwood on the sand beach (25) and among leaves and under logs along the shores of lakes and swamps (26) on Sand Point, under driftwood along the sand beach (34) on North Island, under logs and driftwood in the swampy meadows (35) along the Pigeon River, and among leaves and under logs in swampy woods (38) and under driftwood in the sedge marsh (12) at Rush Lake. 42. Vertigo ventricosa, var. elatior Sterki. — A single individual of this form was obtained among leaves along the shore of Mud Lake (26) on Sand Point. 43. Vertigo gouldii (Binney). — This shell was found in small num- bers under logs near a small swamp (26) on Sand Point and under logs and among leaves in both swampy and dry woods (38, 39) at Rush Lake. Vertigo sp? — Specimens of this genus, too young to identify, were collected under driftwood on the swampy flats (35) along the Pigeon River and under logs and fallen leaves in swampy and dry woods (38, 39) at Rush Lake. Cochlicopidae. 44. Cochlicopa lubrica (Miiller).- — A single specimen of this species was obtained from the middle sand beach at Sand Point (25), and a juvenile specimen from a wooded flat on the Pinnebog River (37). Around Caseville, it was found in considerable numbers under drift- wood and in the grass on the dry, wet and wooded flats along the Pigeon River (35. 36. 37). 45. Cochlicopa lubrica, var. morseana (Doherty).^ — This elongate form was found on the dry and the wooded creek flats (36, 37) along the Pigeon River, in the same localities as the typical individuals, but in larger numbers; intermediate examples were also present. VaUonidoe. 46. Vallonia pulchella (Miiller). — This species was found in small numbers on a low flat along the Pigeon River (35) and in larger num- bers under rocks in a dry pasture (41) near Rush Lake. Auriculidae. 47. Carychium exiguum (Say). — ^This species was cjuite abundant in wet places on the mainland thruout the region. It was found to be very abundant under driftwood and among deca\'ing sedges along the middle beach (25) and was taken in considerable numbers in wet places on the borders of swamps, etc., on Sand Point. In the latter locality, however, it was not nearly so abundant as its companion MOLLUSCA. 161 species, Carychium exile. It was also found. l)ut in lesser numbers, on a wooded flat along the Pigeon River, under driftwood in wet places (37), and under fallen logs, etc., in quite dry woods (39) and in an open meadow near a cedar thicket (40) at Rush Lake. It was ob- tained in greater abundance from similar places in a wet woods (38) near Rush Lake. 48. Carychium exile H. C. Lea. — ^This species occurred in about the same localities as the preceding species. Specimens were found, in larger numbers than those of Carychium exiguum, around the bor- ders of swamps, etc. (26), but in lesser numbers on the sand beach (25) at Sand Point. It was found in the wet meadows along the Pigeon River (35) where Carychium exiguum. was not found, and on the wooded flats farther up the riA'er (37), and in about the same places (38, 39, 40) and in the same abundance as the preceding species at Rush Lake. Lymnaeidae. 49. Lymnaea stagnalis, var. appressa (Say).— This species was quite abundant in the sedge marshes (7) along the shores of Sand Point and near Caseville, on the mucky bottom in Rush Lake (11) and near the mouth of a county drain (17) which emptied into the lake. The shells vary considerably, as is characteristic of this species. Those from Rush Lake are, as a general rule, smaller and more slender than those from the Bay. An extreme from Rush Lake measures: altitude 29.5mm., width 10.25mm., aperture length 15mm., aperture width 7mm.; one from the Bay: altitude 53.5mm., width 23.5mm., aperture length 28.5mm.. width 16mm. 50. Lymnaea haldemani "Dkr.'' W. G. Binney. — A dead shell of this species was collected in about six inches of water in a placa where the marl layer over the sand was ciuite thick, off Dune Point (15). This specimen could not have been long dead, as it was in excellent condition. Several other dead specimens were found that were so fragile that they could not be saved. The shell measures: length 20.5mm., width 4.5mm.. aperture length 9mm., apertiu-e \\adth 3 mm. 51. Lymnaea obrussa Say. — A very few specimens of this shell were found at Sand Point, in a shallow, marly-bottomed marsh at the east end of Wild Fowl Bay (7) and on the under side of lily-pads in Turtle Bay (8), and at Rush Lake juvenile specimens were obtained off Dune and Fourth Points (15. 16). A representative example from Sand Point measures: altitude 8.5mm., width 4.5mm., aperture length 5mm.. aperture width 3mm. Lymnaea obrussa Say, small form. — Shells thus labeled by Mr. 21 162 MOLLUSCA. Walker were obtained on leaves on the bottom of a large swamp (19) on Sand Point, on driftwood along a marshy shore in the upper por- tion of Pigeon River (23) and in a sand pool on the beach at Little Oak Point (6). They are small and narrow. An example from Sand Point measures: altitude 6.5mm., width 3mm., aperture length 3mm., aperture width 1.5mm. Lymnaea obrussa, var. approaching decampi (Streng). — A juvenile, very fragile shell found at Raymond's Point (14) and heavier, adult specimens obtained from off Dune Point (15) are intermediate be- tween the typical species and the variety. 52. Lymnaea obrussa, var. decampi (Streng). — Typical specimens of this form were obtained from the shallow water off Dune Point (15). An example measures: altitude 9.25mm., width 4.75mm., aperture length 4.5mm., aperture width 2.75mm. 53. Lymnaea humilis Say. — A single specimen of this shell was found on floating driftwood in the mucky part of Turtle Bay (8). A few specimens were also obtained from driftwood in the ox-bow pond near the mouth of Pigeon River (22) and along a marshy bank of the river itself (23). A considerable number of shells were .collected in rocky pools along the north shore of Stony Island (3). 54. Lymnaea catascopium Say.^ — A single dead shell of this species was found on the north shore of Sand Point. It had probably been washed up from deep water (1) as that is the only habitat in the neighborhood that it could have come from. The shell is quite large, measuring: altitude 21mm., width 12mm., aperture length 12.5mm., aperture width 7.5mm. 55. Lymnaea emarginata, var. ontarioensis (Miihlfeldt). — This form was very abundant on hmestone rock off the north shore of Stony Island, on the docks in the same locality (2) and in the rock pools along the shore (3). The shells are quite heavy,, and are almost pure white outside and pinkish inside. There is considerable variation in size among them. Some are malleate, others not; some are long and narrow with the aperture only about one-half as long as the en- tire shell, others are wdde with the aperture almost two-thirds the length of the shell. Extremes measure: altitude 18.5mm., width 9.75mm., aperture length 10mm., aperture width 9.75mm.; and alti- tude 15.5mm., width 11mm., aperture length 10.25mm., aperture width 7.5mm. Some of the shells are perforate but the majority are not. 56. Lymnaea palustris (Miiller). — In this region, Lymnaea palu- stris was the characteristic shell of the temporary swamp (18). Ow- ing to the work being done in the summer, a large part of the shells were found buried in the leaves, aestivating, where ponds had been MOLLUSCA. 163 in the spring. This species was found in al)undance wherever the temporary swamps (18) were studied, on Sand Point, North and Stony Islands, and around Rush Lake. It was also found, but in lesser numbers, in protected marshes (7) and in Turtle Bay (8), on Sand Point, in rock pools along the north shore of Stony Island (3), in the creek portion and in the "dead waters" of the Pigeon River (23, 24), in a sedge marsh (12), in perennial swamps (19) and in a county drain (17) at Rush Lake; and in sand pools (6) along the beach at Hat Point. Lymnaea palustris, var.— The majority of the specimens obtained from a certain temporary swamp (18) on Sand Point are elongate, small, little malleated, and have a very heavy internal callus on the lip. A representative example measures: altitude 18mm., width 7.75mm. ^ aperture length 9mm., aperture width 4mm. An example of the short, light-colored, Httle malleated specimens that were col- lected from the rock pools (4) on Stony Island measures: altitude 18.25mm., width 9.5mm., aperture length 10.5mm., aperture width 6.5mm. Of some large, slender, and heavily malleated specimens that were found in a temporary swamp (18) on Stony Island, an ex- treme measures: altitude 31mm., width 11mm., aperture length 12.5 mm., aperture width 6mm. 57. Lymnaea palustris, var. michiganensis Walker. — A consider- able number of juvenile shells of this form were collected from a temporary swamp (18) on Sand Point. A few young specimens ^yere also obtained from the upper portion of the Pigeon River (23) and from a large, perennial swamp on Sand Point (19). A number of adult shells were found in an annual swamp near Rush Lake (18). 58. Lymnaea palustris, var. zebra Taylor. — The striped form of Lymnaea ■palustris was found abundantly in two of the temporary swamps on Sand Point (18) and in shallow^ water in a sedge marsh along the shore of Rush Lake (12). Most of the shells are striped longitudinally, often with serrated or wavy stripes, and one specimen from Rush Lake is spirally striped. 59. Lymnaea reflexa Say. — This species was characteristic of the protected sedge marshes of the Bay (7) just as Lymnaea palustris was of the temporary swamps in this region (18). It was found in great abundance in this habitat at Sand Point, Stony Island, and Caseville. It was also collected in small numbers at Sand Point, in Turtle Bay (8) and in a large perennial swamp (19); at Stony Island, in a protected marsh on the rock}^ north shore (4) ; and at Caseville. in the ox-bow pond of Pigeon River (22). 60. Lymnaea reflexa, var.* — Some specimens obtained from the * Baker, H. Burrinatoii. Variations in Lymntea reflexa Say, from Huron County. 12tli Ann, Kept. Mich. Acad. Sci., pp. 60-63. 164 MOLLUSCA. sedge marshes and Turtle Bay (7, 8) at Sand Point are striped trans- versely, much as Lymnaea palustris zebra except that the stripes run at right angles to the usual direction of the bands on that form. Other specimens collected in Turtle Bay are considerably broader than normal. An example measures: altitude 28mm., width 11mm., aperture length 14.25mm., aperture width 7mm. Those from the perennial swamps on Sand Point and Stony Island (19) are, on the other hand, large, elongate and very often strongly but irregularly malleate. One of these measures: altitude 29.25mm., width 10.5mm., aperture length 12.5mm., aperture width 7mm. Some of the shells from these swamps on Stony Island are, in addition, somewhat scali- form, with the suture quite deeply impressed. 61. Lymnaea refiexa, var. walkeri Baker. — The scaliform variety was found in small numbers with the typical shells in two of the sedge marsh habitats (7) and in Turtle Bay (8) at Sand Point. Lymnaea sp? — Juvenile specimens, too young to identify, were obtained in a temporary swamp (18) and off Dune Point (15) at Rush Lake. Planorhidae. 62. Planorbis bicarinatus Say. — This species appeared to be very rare in the region studied as only four specimens were obtained. One of these was brought up on the nets of the fishermen from deep water off Sand Point (1), the other three were found among algae, principal- ly Vaucheria, along the shores of the Pigeon River (21). The speci- men from Sand Point is pure white and very sharply carinated; the specimens from the river are considerably roughened by the growth lines. The largest of the latter measures: greater diameter 13.25mm., aperture length 7mm., aperture width 6.25mm. 63. Planorbis trivolvis Say. — ^This shell was widely distributed and quite abundant in the region studied. It was found as follows: at Sand Point, on decaying sedges and driftwood in the sedge marshes (7) and in Turtle Bay (8), on hly-pads in the lakes (9, 10) and on leaves on the bottoms of the perennial inland swamps (19); on North and Stony Islands, on driftwood, etc., in the protected swamps along both the rocky and sandy shores (4, 7) and in the perennial swamps (19) ; at Caseville, in a sedge marsh (7) on the Bay near the mouth of the Pigeon River, among algae thruout the river itself (21, 23) and on lily-pads and driftwood in the ox-bow pond (22), and in the "dead waters" (24) off from it ; and at Rush Lake, in the perennial swamps (19), on lily-pads in the lake where the bottom was mucky (11), in the wet places in the sedge marshes (12) and in a county drain (17). MOLLUSC A. 105 The shells from the Bay were, as a rule, larger and heavier than those from inland waters. 64. Planorbis truncatus Miles. — Only two living specimens of this species were oV)tained, but dead shells were quite common in places along the exposed north shore of Sand Point. The two living speci- mens, which were juvenile, were collected from floating driftwood and dead sedges in a protected sedge marsh on the south shore of Sand Point (7) near Turtle Bay. The dead shells had probably been washed up from deep water (1), as continued search did not reveal any adult specimens' anywhere. It seems probable that in this region the species lives during the summer in deep water, and comes into shallow water at certain seasons of the year to breed, etc., as has already been noted in the case of Lynmaea mcgasoma. 65. Planorbis campanulatus Say. — Typical specimens of this shell were obtained from the ox-bow pond of the Pigeon River (22), on Potamogeton, lily-pads, etc. Planorbis campanulatus, var. — Many of the specimens of this shell are far from typical, the size being smaller and the whorls narrower, the lips not so strongly campanulate, and the reflection more abrupt, the end of the last whorl turning upward very much after the manner of variety minor, which shell they somewhat resemble. A shell from Sand Point measures: height 5mm., greater diameter 11.5mm., aper- ture length 4.5mm., aperture width 3mm. This type of shell was obtained from the lakes on the south side of Sand Point (10), and from the upper portion of the Pigeon River (23) and the ox-bow pond off from it (22). A specimen was also found washed up on the rocky east shore of Stony Island (2). Shells nearer the average for campanulatus were collected from Stony Island and Caseville, in the same localities as the more aberrant ones. In the latter locahty typical shells were found, as mentioned above. 66. Planorbis campanulatus, var. minor Currier. ^ — Dead shells of this variety were found in large numbers in Rush Lake. These ap- peared to be fresh shells, but no living specimens were found. An individual measures: height 4.5mm., width 9.75mm., aperture length 4mm., aperture width 4.25mm. 67. Planorbis exacuous Say. — This shell was obtained on drift- wood in the sedge marshes (7), on driftwood and lily-pads in Turtle Bay (8), on lily-pads and decaying leaves in the lakes (9, 10) and on leaves in the perennial swamps (19), at Sand Point; on driftwood in protected places along the shores, both rocky and sandy (4, 7), on Stony Island; and on driftwood in the ox-bow pond of the Pigeon River (22). The amount of carination varies considerably in these shells. 166 MOLLUSC A. 68. Planorbis hirsutus Gould.- — Specimens of this shell were ob- tained in small numbers at Sand Point, ifrom the under-side of lily- pads in Turtle Bay (8) ; on Stony Island, from lily-pads in the large swamps (19) and from driftwood in a marsh along the protected rocky shore (4) ; and in Rush Lake, off Dune Point (15). Some of the speci- mens are quite strongly carinated, others show very little carination. 69. Planorbis deflectus Say. — ^This species was not found so widely distributed as the two preceding ones, but it was more abundant in the localities where it was found. It was collected at Sand Point, from decaying driftwood in the sedge marshes (7), and on Stony Is- land, from lily-pads in the perennial swamps (19). 70. Planorbis parvus Say.- — This shell appeared to be the most abundant and widely distributed of the small planorbices in this region, just as Planorbis trivolvis was among the larger ones. It was found at Sand Point, on the under-side of lily-pads and driftwood in Turtle Bay (8) and on decaying leaves in an annual swamp (18) ; in the Pigeon River, among algae (21), on lily-pads in the ox-bow pond (22) and in the dead water, (24); at Rush Lake, on the bottom off Raymond's, Dune, and Fourth Points (14, 15, 16) and in a perennial swamp (19); and near Little Oak Point, in an old stone quarry (20). Planorbis parvus, var. — A variation that was slightly carinate and concave, above and below, was collected in a perennial swamp (19) near Rush Lake. 71. Planorbis parvus, var. walkeri Vanatta. — A single individual of this form was found in a temporary swamp (18) near Rush Lake. 72. Planorbis umbilicatellus Cockerell. — Single specimens of this species were collected from temporary swamps (18) on Sand Point and at Rush Lake. 73. Planorbis crista (Linne). — A shell of this species was found on the under-side of a lily-pad in a perennial swamp (19) on Stony Island, and two others in the sedge marsh (12) at Rush Lake. Planorbis sp? — Some specimens, too young to identify, were found in temporarv swamps (18) on Sand Point and near Caseville. 74. Segmentina armigera (Say). — This species was obtained in considerable abundance on Sand Point, from a perennial swamp (19); on Stony Island, from a temporary swamp (18); and from Rush Lake from both kinds of swamps (18, 19). An example measures: greater diameter 7.5mm., height 2.75mm., aperture height 2.5mm., aperture width 2.25mm. 75. Segmentina crassilabris Walker. — This species was collected in small numbers from driftwood in the upper portion of Pigeon River (23) and from temporary swamps (18) near Rush Lake. A MOLLTISCA. 167 shell measures: greater diameter 6.5mm.. height 2.75mm., aperture height 2mm.. aperture width 1.75mm. Segmentina crassilabris, var. — A variation of the species was found on Sand Point, on leaves on the bottom of the larger lakes (10), and in a perennial swamp (19). This form has not so strong a callus on the lip as has the typical form, nor is the lower lip so strongly carinate ; it is even higher in proportion to its diameter. A representative example measures: greater diameter 6.7omm., width 3mm., aperture height 2.5mm., aperture width 2.25mm. Ancylidae. 76. Ancylus fuscus C. B. Adams. — Only one specimen of this species was found. It was obtained from a board which was floating on the water in the ox-bow pond off the Pigeon River (22). This shell is quite narrow and high, measuring: length 6mm., width 4mm., altitude 1.75mm.; the left slope is quite convex, while the right is .straight. 77. Ancylus parallelus Haldeman. — ^This shell was found in small numbers in a cove on the south shore of Sand Point (8), in con.sider- able abundance in the ox-bow pond off the Pigeon River (22) and in the dead waters several miles up the same river (24), and from mucky-bottomed portions of Rush Lake (11). In all of these places the specimens were found on the under-side of lily-pads. The speci- mens from Sand Point are narrow, and the sides are quite parallel; those from Caseville and Rush Lake are more typical, are broader and wider anteriorly. All of the shells are small; one of the larger examples from Sand Point measures: length 4.25mm., width 1.25mm., altitude 1.25mm.; one from Rush Lake: length 4mm., width 2.25 mm., altitude 1.50mm. Physidae. 78. Physa ancillaria Say. — A few specimens of this species were found on rocks in an old wharf near Little Oak Point. A represen- tative example measures: altitude 11.5mm.. width 7.25mm., aperture length 9mm.. aperture width 4mm. Physa ancillaria, var. — Two 'specimens of this species that are not typical were brought up on the nets of the fishermen from about twenty feet of water, a mile off the north shore of Sand Point (1). One is a deformed shell, but apparently is the same form as the other, which is a fragile shell, Avith the last whorl enlarged at the top so that it swells considerably out of the line of the conical first whorls. In shape it somewhat resembles the variety magnalacustris, but the last whorl enlarges more abruptly at its upper end. It measures: alti- 168 MOLLUSCA. tude 9.5mm., width 6.5mm., aperture length 6.75mm., aperture width 3mm. The deformity of the other specimen has apparently been caused by an injury near the beginning of the last whorl, which is greatly enlarged. The shell measures: altitude 12.25mm., width 9.25mm., aperture length 9.5mm., aperture width 5mm. 79. Physa ancillaria, var. magnalacustris Walker. — This variety was collected in considerable numbers on the limestone rock bottom off the north shores of North and Stony Islands (2), and from rock pools along 'the shore of the former (3). A thin form was also found on the rocks of a wharf off the north shore of Sand Point. An ex- ample of the former measures: altitude 14.25mm., width 10mm., aperture length 11mm., aperture width 6.25mm.; of the latter: alti- tude 15mm., width 11mm., length of aperture 12.25mm., aperture width 7mm. 80. Physa sayii Tappan. — A single specimen of this species was obtained from Turtle Bay (8), from the under-side of a piece of drift- wood. It measures: altitude 17mm., width 9.75mm., aperture length 13mm., aperture width 6.25mm. 81. Physa heterostropha (Say). — ^This species was fairly abundant and quite widely distributed in the region studied. It was found as follows: in the sedge marshes (7) and on lily-pads in Turtle Bay (8), at Sand Point ; on rocks off the north shore of North Island (2) ; among algae along the shores of the Pigeon River (21) and on the under-side of lily-pads and driftwood and among Potamogeton in the ox-bow pond off the river (22); and on the under-side of lily-pads in the mucky-bottomed portions of Rush Lake (11). The specimens ob- tained from North Island are very light-colored, some of them being pure white. All of the specimens are quite small: one of the largest measures: altitude 10.25mm., width 6.25mm., aperture length 7.75 mm., aperture width 3.25mm. 82. Physa gyrina Say. — ^This shell was more abundant locally than the preceding and was almost as widely distributed. It was found on driftwood in the sedge marshes (7) and on driftwood and among grass in Turtle Bay (8), at Sand Point; on the under-side of hly-pads in the dead waters several miles up the Pigeon River (24); and in temporary and perennial swamps (18, 19) and in a county drain (17) at Rush Lake. The shells are mostly small; the largest one measures: altitude 16.5mm., width 10.75mm., aperture length 12.5mm., aperture width 6.5mm. 83. Physa gyrina, var. hildrethiana (Lea). — A few' specimens of this variety were obtained from a temporary swamp (18) near Rush Lake. The largest one measures: altitude 14mm., width 7.5mm., aperture length 10.5mm., aperture width 4.75mm.; it is considerably malleated. MOLLUSCA. 169 84. Physa elliptica Lea. — This shell appeared to he quite rare in the region studied. A few specimens were found in a temporary swamp (18) and in a perennial swamp (19) on Sand Point, and in the dead waters of the Pigeon River (24). An example measures: alti- tude 7.5mm., width 4.5mm., aperture length 5.5mm., aperture width 2mm. 85. Physa Integra Haldeman.— A few juvenile shells of this species were collected among algae, principally Vaucheria, in the creek and river portions, and on the under-side of Hly-pads in the dead water of the Pigeon River (23, 21, 24). 86. Aplexa hypnorum (Linne). — ^This shell was very abundant in the temporary swamps (18) on Sand Point, Stony and North Islands, and around Rush Lake. Juvenile specimens were also obtained from a perennial swamp (19) on Sand Point and from one near Rush Lake. The shells are quite narrow: a representative specimen from Sand Point measures: length 14.25mm., width 6mm.; from Stony Island: length 15mm., width 6.25mm.; from Rush Lake: length 17.5mm., width 7.5mm. PECTINIBRANCHIA. Pleuroceridae. 87. Pleurocera subulate, var. intensum (Reeve). — This species was found in great abundance off Raymond's Point (14) in Rush Lake, living in from about six to forty-eight inches of water. An example measures: altitude 21.5mm., width 8mm., aperture length 7.5mm., aperture width 4.5mm. 88. Goniobasis livescens (Menke).^ — ^This species was found in great numbers in the unprotected, rocky, littoral habitats off the north shores of both North and Stony Islands, both on the Hmestone rock that forms the bottom and on piers of wharves, etc., in the same localities (2). It was also collected in rock pools (3) along these shores. In the Pigeon River (21), from about one-half mile from the mouth up as far as the creek portion, these molluscs almost cover the stones on the bottom. A single specimen was found on Potamogeton in the ox-bow pond (22) off from this river. A few specimens were also found on the rock bottom off Little Oak Point (2). The shells obtained off the shores of North and Stony Islands and Little Oak Point are heavy, and often have concretions of marl on them. Those from the Pigeon River are comparatively fragile, strongly malleated, and encrusted with a growth of algae. Goniobasis livescens, var. — A few shells were obtained off Sand Point in deep water (1) and one from shallow water off Twin Bars (5) 170 MOLLUSCA, ft that are not typical. They are somewhat narrower, and the whorls are much less convex. They somewhat resemble the specimens of Pleurocera suhulare intensum obtained from Rush Lake. An ex- ample measure's: altitude 17mm., width 7mm., aperture length 7mm., aperture width 4.5mm. Amnicolidae. 89. Amnicola limosa (Say).- — In this region, this species was the most widely distributed of the genus, altho it was the most abundant one only around Caseville. Specimens of Ammcola walkeri were more numerous on Sand Point, and shells of a form of Amnicola lus- trica in Rush Lake. A single juvenile specimen was found on the under-side of a lily-pad in Turtle Bay (8) on Sand Point. Around Caseville it was very abundant in the masses of algae along the Pigeon River (21) and on lily-pads and Potamogeton in the ox-bow pond (22) off from the same. Specimens of this species were quite numerous in Rush Lake, on the under-side of lily-pads in places where the bot- tom was mucky (11) and on the bottom in sandy and gravelly places (14, 15, 16). In these latter places it was found in the very shallow water along the shore. 90. Amnicola lustrica Pilsbry, var? — Shells referred to this species were found in great abundance off Raymond's, Dune, and Fourth Points (14, 15, 16) at Rush Lake. They differ from typical shells in having the basal whorl larger and more ventricose, and the aperture more nearly circular; these make the shell somewhat broader. An example measures: length 3.90mm., width 2.2mm. 91. Ammcola walkeri Pilsbry. — ^This species was the most abund- ant- Amnicola on Sand Point, where specimens were quite numerous in a cove on the south side (8) and in one of the more permanent swamps (19). A single juvenile shell was also obtained on the gravel- ly bottom off Fourth Point (16) in Rush Lake. 92. Amnicola cincinnatiensis Anthony. — Only one specimen of this species was obtained. This was found in a small basin along the shore of the creek portion of Pigeon River (23). It is shghtly smaller than the average, being 4.5mm. in height. Valvatidae. 93. Valvata tricarinata, var. simplex Gould. — Specimens of this form were obtained in large numbers at Rush Lake, off Raymond's and Dune Points (14, 15). They were much more numerous off the latter. Some of the shells approached closely the following form. 94. Valvata tricarinata, var. unicarinata (De Kay). — ^This shell was collected in large numbers off Dune and Fourth Points (15, 16) MOLLUSCA. 171 at Rush Lake. They occurred in greater numbers off the former. As mentioned al)ove, shells intergrading between the unicarinate and non-carinate forms were found in abundance. Viviparidae. 95. Campeloma decisum (Say). — A single specimen that has })een referred to this si)ecies by ^Ir. Walker was brought up on the nets by the fishermen, from about twenty feet of water, a little over a mile nprth of Sand Point (1). The shell is heavily eroded and measures: length 12mm., width 9mm., aperture length 7.5mm., aperture width 6mm. The epidermis is green with a tinge of red at the apex. 96. Campeloma integrum (De Kay). — A single juvenile or dwarf specimen of this species was brought up with Campeloma decisum from about the same situation as that shell (1). Its epidermis is copper-colored and its measurements as follows: length 19.5mm., width 13mm., aperture length 10.5mm., aperture width 8.5mm. Specimens were also found in considerable numbers buried in the sand in shallow water along the shore of the ox-bow pond off the Pigeon River (22), and in less abundance in the river itself, both in the creek and river portions (21, 23). The epidermis of these shells is green, sometimes tinged with reddish. Representative examples measure: male, length 25mm., width 14mm., aperture length 12mm., aperture width 10mm.; female, length 35mm., width 22mm.. aperture length 19mm., aperture width 16mm. 97. Campeloma rufum (Haldeman).^ — Seven specimens of this species were obtained in the same manner and in the same locality as Campeloma decisum and the first specimen of C. integrum (1). Five are apparently females while two are males. They all have a copper- colored epidermis and are quite heavily eroded. The largest of each sex measure: female, length 16.5mm., width 13mm., aperture length 11.25mm., aperture width 8mm. ; male, length 12.5mm., width 8.5mm., aperture length 6.5mm., aperture width 5mm. PELECVPODA. Unionidae. 98. Lampsilis ventricosa (Barnes). — This unione was very abund- ant all along the unprotected north shore of Sand Point (5). It also occurred, but in lesser numbers, along the protected south shore (7) of the Point, and on the unprotected, sandy, west shore of Stony Is- land (5). All of the shells are the small Great Lakes form. The beaks are considerably eroded. The largest male shell measures: 172 MOLLUSCA. length 75mm., height 53mm., breadth 39mm., the largest female: length 70mnl., height 49mm., breadth 42mm. The average specimen is considerably smaller. 99. Lampsilis multiradiata (Lea).- — A single female specimen of this shell was ol^tained from the lower portion of the Pigeon River (21). It measures: length 58mm., height 36mm., breadth 23mm. 100. Lampsilis luteola (Lamarck). — ^This was the most abundant, widely distributed and variable unione in the region studied. The small Great Lakes form was found exceedingly abundant along the unprotected, sandy shores of Sand Point (5). It was also obtained, but in lesser numbers, from the protected sedge marshes (7) and the deep littoral habitat (1) off Sand Point, and the unprotected, sandy beaches of Stony Island (5) and near Little Oak, and Hat Points (5). The largest examples measure: male, length 64mm., height 37mm., breadth 23.5mm.; female, length 52.5mm., height 34.5mm., breadth 20mm. The large river form occurred in considerable numbers in the lower portion of Pigeon River (21) and in the ox-bow pond (22) off the river near its mouth, and in small numbers in Rush Lake, in places where the bottom is mucky (11) or marly (13) and off Dune Point (15) where the bottom is sandy with a very thin layer of marl. The largest examples measure: male, length 119mm., height 66mm., breadth 42.5mm.; female, length 101mm., height 63mm., breadth 36.5mm. The specimens from Rush Lake are smaller; the largest specimen, a male, measures 86.5mm. in length. As will be seen from the above measurements, the males in this region appear to attain a greater size than the females; this is true both in the thirty-odd specimens collected from the Pigeon River and in the specimens from Sand Point, which number about one hundred. The few shells collected from Rush Lake were found entirely buried in the light muck, each with only a funnel-shaped cavity about four inches deep leading down to the siphons. When disturbed in this position, the mollusc, by suddenly ejecting water, caused the sides of the funnel to cave in and completely bury it. The ejection of the water appeared to be done by the sudden closing of the valves, as is common among bivalves when disturbed. 101. Lampsilis recta, var. sageri (Conrad). — A single male speci- men of this Great Lakes form was obtained from shallow water along the unprotected sandy shore of Sand Point (5) off Twin Bars. It measures: length 87mm., height 37mm., breadth 20mm. The beaks are quite heavily eroded. 102. Lampsilis nasuta (Say). — This species was found quite MOLLUSCA. 173 abundantly along the unprotected sandy shore of 8and Point (5), in shallow water. A single specimen was also collected in a similar locality off the shore of Stony Island. The beaks are considerably eroded. A large specimen from Sand Point measures: length 66mm., height 31mm., breadth 18mm. 103. Lampsilis iris (Lea).- — A single specimen of this shell was ob- tained from the lower portion of Pigeon River (21), in quite shallow water. It measures: length 74mm., height 42mm., breadth 18mm. The beaks are somewhat eroded. 104. Strophitus edentulus (Say).— A single shell of this species was found in about four feet of water off the south, protected shore of Sand Point (7). It measures: length 83.5mm., height 43mm., breadth 33mm.; the beaks are quite heavily eroded. 105. Anodonta marginata Say. — This species was obtained in con- siderable abundance in Rush Lake, in places where the bottom was mucky (11), and off Dune Point (15), where the bottom was sand with a very thin cover of marl. A representative example measures: length 86mm., height 45mm., breadth 31mm. In mucky places these shells buried themselves as has been described for Lampsilis luteola. 106. Anodonta grandis Say. — A few specimens of the typical form of this species were collected in the lower part of the Pigeon River (21) and in the ox-bow pond off the river (22). The largest shell measures: length 118mm., height 65mm., breadth 39.5mm. 107. Anodonta grandis, var. footiana (Lea). — A single depaupe- rate and deformed specimen of this form was obtained from the lower portion of the Pigeon River (21) and three shells of the lake form were collected from the unprotected sandy shore of Sand Point (5). The largest of the latter measures: length 85mm., height 44mm., breadth 33mm. The beaks are considerably eroded. 108. Anodonta grandis, var. . gigantea (Lea). — This form was ob- tained abundantly in Rush Lake, in places where the bottom was mucky (11) or marly (13), or sandy, as off Raymond's and Dune Points (14, 15).. It did not bury itself in the muck as did Anodonta marginata and Lampsilis luteola. An average example measures: length 115mm., height 63mm.. breadth 40mm. 109. Anodontoides ferussacianus, var. subcylindraceus (Lea). — A juvenile individual of this species was found on the unprotected north shore of Sand Point (5). It was obtained in great abundance in the lower portion of the Pigeon River (21) and in the ox-bow pond off from it (22). A representative example measures: length 66mm., height 32.5mm., breadth 25mm. 110. Anodontoides ferussacianus, var. modestus (Lea). — This species occurred in considerable abundance in the ox-bow pond (22) 174 MOLLUSCA. off the Pigeon River. An example measures: length 141mm., height 69mm., breadth 54.5mm. 111. Alasmidonta calceola (Lea).^ — This species appeared to be very rare in this region, only one specimen being found. It was col- lected on Little Oak Point, where it had been washed up alive into very shallow water on the bare sand beach (5) apparently from some- what deeper water. The shell is quite small, being only 26mm. long, and is quite thin; the beaks are very heavily eroded, the left valve being worn thru in two places. 112. Unio gibbosus Barnes. — A single valve of this species was picked up along the sandy unprotected shore of Sand Point (5) and an entire specimen was obtained from a similar locality on Stony Is- land. Both are the small Great Lakes form: one of the shells meas- ures: length 60mm., height 31mm., breadth 31mm. 113. Quadrula undulata (Barnes). — A few dead shells of this species were obtained from the Pigeon River, both in the upper and the lower portions (23, 21). It seems probable that the shell is still living in the lower part. An example measures: length 94mm.. height 73mm., breadth 31mm. 114. Quadrula rubiginosa (Lea). — A single dwarfed shell of this species was obtained from the lower portion of the Pigeon River (21). It measures: length 49mm., height 37.5mm., breadth 20.5mm. Sphaeriidae. 115. Sphaerium solidulum (Prime). — ^This species was found in considerable abundance among algae, principally consisting of Vauch- eria, along the banks in both the upper and the lower portions of the Pigeon River (23, 21). The largest shell measures: length 11.5mm., height 9.5mm., breadth 7mm. 116. Sphaerium striatinum (Lamarck). — ^This species was collect- ed, together with the preceding species, but in lesser abundance, from both the upper and the lower portions of the Pigeon River (23, 21). The largest shell measures: length 11.5mm., height 8mm., breadth 5.75mm. 117. Sphaerium sulcatum (Lamarck). — Considerable numbers of this shell were obtained from Rush Lake, on the gravelly and sandy bottom off Raymond's, Dune, and Fourth Points (14, 15, 16). It was not found in .such abundance as Sphaerium flavum off Ray- mond's Point, but this was the only habitat where the latter was found. A representative example measures: length ISmm., height 12.5mm., breadth 9mm. 118. Sphaerium OGcidentale Prime.— Together with Lymnaea pal- ustris and Musculiiun truncatum, this species appeared to be one of MOLLUSCA. 175 the dominant shells of the temporary swamp habitat (18), probably on account of a similar ability to withstand considerable dessication. It was collected in such places on Sand Point, North and Stony Is- lands, and near Rush Lake. It was also obtainetl, but in lesser abundance, from the ])erennial swamps (19) on Sand Point and near Rush Lake. A large shell measures: length 7.75mm., height 7mm., breadth 4.5mm. 119. Sphaerium flavum (Prime). — As mentioned above, this species was found in great al)undance in Rush Lake, off Raymond's Point (14). An example measures: length 11.75mm., height 9mm., breadth 7mm. The lieaks of the older specimens are considerably eroded. 120. Musculium truncatum (Linsley). — In this region, this species occurred most commonly, along with Sphaerium occidentale, in the annual swamps (18). It was found in considerable abundance in such places oh Sand Point and near Rush Lake. It was also found, but in lesser numbers, in a perennial swamp (19) on Sand Point, and oE Dune Point (15) and among Sphagnum in a tamarack swamp (42) at Rush Lake. The specimens obtained are small; the largest one measures: length 8mm., height 6.75mm., breadth 4.25mm. 121. Musculium securis (Prime). — This species was found ciuite abundantly in Turtle Bay (8), in the sand dune lakes along the north shore (9) and in the perennial swamps (19) of Sand Point; in peren- nial swamps on Stony Island and near Rush Lake (19) ; and in an old stone quarry (20) and among Sphagnum in a tamarack swamp (42) near Rush Lake. The shells are small thruout the region, those from the sand dunes especially so, and are labeled "small form" by Dr. Sterki. The largest shell from this locality measures: length 5,5mm., height 4.75nim., breadth 3.25mm. A representative example from another habitat on Sand Point measures: length 7mm., height 6.5mm. breadth 4.25mm.; a more slender, truncate example from Turtle Bay measures: length 6.5mm., height 5mm., breadth 3.75mm. 122. Musculium partumeium (Say). — A few specimens of this shell were obtained in a temporary swamp (18) on Sand Point and in one near Rush Lake. They are marked "small form" in Dr. Sterki's identification; an example measures: length 8.7omm.. height 7.5 mm., breadth 4.5mm. 123. Musculium ryckhaltii (Norman), var. — A few specimens that were thus identified by Dr. Sterki were collected in a perennial swamp (19) on Stony Island. One measures: length 5.5mm., height 5.5mm., breadth 3.75mm. Musculium sp? — Shells too young to be identified were collected off Fourth Point (16) at Rush Lake. 124. Pisidium abditum Haldeman. — A few specimens of this species 176 MOLLUSCA. were obtained among algae in the Pigeon River (22) and from an old stone quarry (20) near Little Oak Point. One of the former measures: length 3.25mm., height 2.75mm., breadth 2mm. 125. Pisidium compressum Prime.- — A single living specimen of this shell was collected off Dune Point (15) in Rush Lake. It meas- ures: length 2.5mm., height 2.25mm., breadth 1.5mm. 126. Pisidium compressum, var, rostratum Sterki. — A single valve of this form was collected off Dune Point (15) in Rush Lake. It measures: length 3mm., height 2.5mm., breadth (estimated for the complete shell) 2mm. 127. Pisidium variabile Prime. — A few dead specimens of this shell were found off Dune Point (15), in a somewhat muck-covered portion. One measures: length 3.5mm., height 3.5mm., breadth 2.5 mm. 128. Pisidium vesiculare Sterki. — A small number of specimens, a very few of which were living, were obtained from shallow water off Dune Point (15). An example measures: length 2.25mm., height 2mm., breadth 2.25mm. 129. Pisidium splendidulum Sterki. — This shell appeared to be the most abundant species of Pisidum in the places where it occurred. It was found in considerable numbers off Dune Point (15) and in lesser numbers off Fourth Point (16). An individual measures: length 2.25mm., height 2mm., breadth 1.5mm. 130. Pisidium roperi Sterki. — A few individuals of this species were obtained from a tamarack swamp (42) near Rush Lake, A representative example measures: length 3.75mm., height 3mm., breadth 2.25mm. 131. Pisidium medianum Sterki. A few specimens were obtained from Rush Lake, off Dune Point (15). Dr. Sterki notes that some of these are somewhat deformed. One of the more typical shells measures: length 2.5mm., height 2.25mm., breadth 2.5mm. 132. Pisidium strengii Sterki. — A few dead valves of this species were obtained from the shallow water off Dune Point (15) in Rush Lake. An example measures: length 2.5mm., height 2mm., breadth 1.5mm. Pisidium sp? — A few indeterminate valves were collected from Dune Point (15) in Rush Lake. Ann Arbor, Mich., June, 1910. THYSANOPTERA AND ORTHOPTERA. 177 THYSANOPTERA AND ORTHOPTERA. BY A. FRANKLIN SHULL General Introduction. Thysanoptera . Introduction. Scope of Investigations. Methods of Collecting and Preser\'ing Specimens. Ecology of the Thysanoptera. Scheme of Classification. Factors determining Habitat. Habits of Thysanoptera. Locomotion. Crawling. Flight. Leaping. Reproduction. Copulation. Mode of Reproduction. Dissemination. Local Distribution. Tendency not to Migrate. Possible Factors Operating against Migration. Preference of Location. Incapabihty of Sustained Fl'ght. Aimlessness of Flight. Inertia. Enemies and Checks. Predaceous Animals. Rains. Systematic and Detailed Treatment of Species. Key to Species. List of Species. Summary of Principal Results. Discussion of Economic Aspect. Orthoptera. Introduction. Economic Considerations. Diurnal Activity of Acridiidae. Ecology. List of Species. Literature Cited. GENERAL INTRODUCTION. When the field party of the Biological Sui've}- of the State of .Alichi- gan was organized for the season of 1908, and I was asked to take charge of the entomological studies, I was given pretty free rein to hmit the field as seemed best. While no opportunity was lost to collect in all orders of insects wherever this was practicable. I elected to work chief! v 23 178 THYSANOPTBRA AND ORTHOPTERA. on the Thysanoptera and Orthoptera, laying emphasis upon the former. One of the least known and one of the best "known groups of insects thus became the centers of attention. The data secured on these orders is thought to be of sufficient interest to warrant publication, to the ex- clusion of the scattering information obtained on other groups. I wish to express my appreciation of the assistance and interest, in all my work, of the Chief Field Naturalist, Dr. A. G. Ruthven. Ac- knowledgments are made to the other persons to whom I have become indebted in the progress of the work, in the introductions to the dis- cussion of the groups. THYSANOPTERA. INTRODUCTION. In a list of literature dealing with Thysanoptera, which is fairly com- plete up to the time of its publication, Hinds (1902, pp. 221-231) in- cludes 480 titles. The earlier papers were nearly all of a systematic nature, as are also many of the more recent ones. Many of the refer- ences are to textbooks or other compilations, and do not represent original work.- A considerable number were issued from experiment stations or were published in agricultural periodicals, and were naturally concerned chiefl\' with the economic importance of the group, — the dangers of epidemics of thrips and the means of combating them. A few were written primarily as contril^utions to anatomy. Others were published l)y economic botanists interested particularly in the relation of thrips to plants. When the ])apers falling into one or another of the above categories are deducted, the number which treat of the l^iological aspect is so small as to plainly indicate the need of work from the standpoint of the biologist. It is not intended to decry the publications mentioned, for many of them contain necessary and valuable contributions; I merely call attention to the paucity of biological investigations represented by them. It is true that some of the experiment station workers have studied the life histories of indi\i duals; and they and others have ac- cumulated a certain amount of data on habits, but any one acquainted with the present state of knowledge of the order Thysanoptera must feel that there are large gaps Avaiting to be filled. This report is intended as a small beginning toward the obliteration of the vacant spots. While some systematic work was done, the new results of which were published in an earlier paper (Shull, 1909), the biological aspect was made the principal subject of investigation. Much work that was highly desiralile could not l)e undertaken, owing to the limitations of field work. Perhaps the most crying need now is THYSANOPTERA AND ORTHOPTERA. 179 the definite and accurate working out of the Ufe C3'cles of the various species. This is sure to yield information of considerable biological interest. In addition to the acknowledgments made in the general introduction to this paper, I wish to express my thanks to Dr. W. E. Hinds for veri- fying or correcting my identifications of a number of species of the Thysanoptera collected; to Mr. E. P. Van Duzee for the identification of a bug found predaceous on thrips; and to Mr. C. K. Dodge for the determination of most of the plants on which thrips were collected. Assistance pertaining exclusively to the description of new species in my earlier paper (Shull, 1909) was acknowledged in that paper. SCOPE OF INVESTIGATIONS. All Studies and collections of Thysanoptera were made in Huron County, Michigan, between June 15 and August 27. (See map.) The localities most thoroughly studied were Sand Point, from base to tip; Stony Island, the middle one of three islands which partly enclose Wild Fowl Bay, south of Sand Point; and the region north and east of Rush Lake. Some collections were made in the immediate vicinity of Case- ville; a few habitats were examined near Bayport; and a hasty survey was made of North Island, north of Stony Island. A brief description of these regions will be to the point. The shore of Lake Huron was bordered, at nearly every part of the region studied, by smooth beaches and a strip of sand dunes, of variable width. It thus happened that the great majority of localities studied were of a sandy nature. (Pis. I, II, III.) Sand Point, which projects about four miles westward into the bay, north of Wild Fowl Bay, was nearly all sand and comparatively well wooded. Two or three small lakes or ponds were found on it, and several interior places were c^uite wet when work was begun in June, but were rapidly drying. At the base of the point was a treeless area of several hundred acres called the "prairie", which was said to have been ciuite marshy in the spring, but was nearly dry during the summer. (PI. AT.) Inland from this "prairie" was clay farming country. At Caseville the sandy strip was very narrow, the cla}' country reaching almost to the lake. On Stony Island, with an area of some 900 acres, the sand was least in evidence of any of the localities studied. Good sand beaches were almost wanting, rocks were scattered rather profusely over the bottom in shallow water, and on the west side of the island there was an outcropping of bed rock. (PI. XIV.) In the interior were several small ponds (PI. VIII b) and dry marshes; on the east the island was bordered by low wet areas (PI. V). ■ Rush Lake, four or five miles to the east of Caseville, occupies a de- ISO THYSANOPTERA AND ORTHOPTERA. pression lying landward of the oldest sand dune, on the north of it. (Pis. IX, Xa.) . Between it and Lake Huron is a strip of'sand ridges roughly parallel to each other, the whole strip averaging perhaps a mile in width (PI. IV b). Rush Lake itself is about two miles long northeast and southwest, by a mile wide, and is comparatively shallow. The bottom is covered in most places with a layer of soft, decaying plant remains, so deep in places that it is difficult to find bottom. Several small islands, some of which seem almost to float on the water, so un- steady are they, are found at various points in the lake. In the water such plants as pickerel weed, water lilies, rushes, Equisetum, and sedges are found. Inland from this lake is clay country under cultivation. Rocks are found only near the shore and were studied by me in only one place near Rush Lake, namely, at Hat Point sev- eral miles to the northeast, on the shore of Lake Huron. Here the rock stands boldly out into the water, forming a blunt promontory with vertical or overhanging walls to a height of some 20 feet above the water. This brief description of the region studied will suffice to indicate the character of vegetation which might be expected, and the insect fauna which might depend on the vegetation or directly on the nature of the region itself. Six principal objects were kept in view throughout the study: (1) To discover what species existed in a given limited region, including any new species; (2) to devise a scheme of ecology applicable to Thy- sanoptera; (3) to study the habits of the members of the group, with especial reference to their dissemination; (4) to determine their abund- ance ; (5) to study the life cycle of the more abundant species, in so far as it could be done without breeding them; and (6) to consider the economic features of the order. Naturally, some of these received more attention than others. In pursuit of the first two objects, I aimed to examine the flowers of ever}' species of plant that bloomed during my sta}^ in the region, and the leaves of. nearly all species. Some species were examined many times. I searched the leaves, I believe, of every species of tree, and the bark of many of them. Practically all the mosses and many of the fungi and lichens were examined, but without success. The various grasses were examined, and the tm-f sifted. All the insect-galls that came to my notice were searched. I estimate that one part or another of over four hundred species of plants were examined. It is not to be supposed, however, that the list of plants infested even approaches completeness; for many unsuccessful examinations of a given flower does not even mai-ce it probable that it is not sometimes infested. For example, the flower of Black-eyed Susan (Eudheckia hirta) was searched THYSANOPTERA AND ORTHOPTERA. 181 in vain over thirty times in as many different localities, until a single specimen of Euthrips tritici was taken on it. METHODS OF COLLECTING AND PRESERVING SPECIMENS. There are two ways of collecting thrips. (1) One can go into the field armed with paper bags and other light receptacles, gather flowers, leaves, etc., promiscuously, and examine them at leisure at home or in the laboratory. (2) Mais of the killing fluid may be carried on field trips and the insects placed directly in them. In the latter case it is necessary to take specimens of only such plants as rec^uire identifica- tion. The former method has the advantage of rapidity and of re- quiring the minimum of time in the field. Its disadvantages are that rare material is likely to be lost or overlooked in the bags, and that one can never be sure just what part of the plant bore the thrips in the field. It is more imjiortant in many cases, I believe, for reasons which are explained under the heading of Ecology, to know the nature of the part of the plant inhabited by thrips than to know the species of plant. I have therefore rejected the method of collecting in bags, ex- cept when material was abundant, and then only after carefully noting the exact location of the thrips on the plant. Specimens intended for immediate mounting were put directly into xylol, as Hinds (1902, p. 85) recommends. They adhered very readliy to a camel's-hair brush moistened with xylol, and came off as soon as they were dipped into the vial. After remaining in this for from one to several hours, they were mounted in balsam on slides. If left in xylol for a longer time, they tended to become brittle, and antennae were frequently broken between the second and third segments. The A\-ings were usually spread by shifting the cover glass slightly after it had settled on the insect. A twisting motion accomphshed this more readily than a direct lateral shift, and thick Isalsam was found bet- ter than thin. If the covers were moved gently, no serious injury- was done; such injur}' as was done was usually due to brittleness caused by remaining too long in xylol, and would not have been avoided by adjusting the wings with fine bristles before applying the cover. In point of time required, at least, the method of shifting the cover glass has much in its favor, and this is no small item to the field worker. Known species can usually be identified without expos- ing the entire ^ying. If it was found that specimens thus mounted could not be determined with certainty, or that they were undescribed species not fully exposed to view, they were dissolved from the slide with xylol and remounted more carefully. In some cases, species were taken in series too extensive to be mounted on slides. These were plunged into a killing fluid in the hope of pre- 182 THYSANOPTERA AND ORTHOPTERA. venting distortion. Carnoy's solution was used in the field, though I have employed others at different times. Final preservation was in 95% alcohol. Distortions were not wholly prevented, however, the insect being in nearly every case somewhat longer and more slender than in life. ECOLOGY OF THE THYSANOPTERA. Scheme of Classification. It has been found impracticable to classify Thysanoptera according to the ecological schemes in use for this and many other groups. Jordan (1888, p. 603) divided Thj^sanoptera into three classes according to the food. The first was the flower-inhabiting class ; the second included those which live on the under side of leaves; the third was made to comprise all other forms, such as those living on roots, under bark, on lichens, on fungi, under wet or dry leaves, or under decaying plant matter. This last category is too inclusive to be satisfactory from an ecological point of view. The same species (Eidhrips tritici) may be found on Kentucky blue grass {Poa pratensis) which grows in dry to moderately moist open situations everywhere; on Canada thistle (Cirsium arvense) and dog- fennel {Anthemis cotula) growing along roadsides; on the beach-pea {Lathyrus maritimus) and Pitcher's thistle (Cirsium pitcheri) which grow on sandy beaches; on the swamp rose {Rosa Carolina) and cinque- foil (Potentilla fniticosa) growing in half-dry marshes; on heal-all (Pru- nella vulgaris) and woodland sunflower (Helianthus divaricatus) in open woods; on the button-bush (Cephalanthus occidentalis) and swamp milkweed (Asclepias incarnata) standing at the edges of ponds; and on pickerel weed (Pontederia cordata) which grows in shallow water some- times far from the nearest land. It is therefore impossible to classify species of Thysanoptera as campestrian or sylvan, xerophile or hygro- phile, as Morse (1904, p. 14) has proposed for Orthoptera. A glance at the list of plants infested by a single species makes it evident, further- more, that thrips in general cannot be grouped according to their food plants. The same species sometimes feeds on plants of widely different orders. This is especially true of certain members of the suborder Terebrantia, of which Euthrips tritici (p. 208) sind Thrips tabaci (p. 211) are the most common representatives in Huron County. The sub- order Tubulifera is somewhat less general in food habits, but even among some of these the few plants inhabited by one species belong to very different groups. The nature of the place inhabitated by species, however, is usually rather definite and characteristic of that species. An inspection of the habitats given in the annotated hst of species (p. 207 et seq) will make THYSANOPTERA AND ORTHOPTERA. 1S3 this clear. One class of species, of which Thrips tabaci is typical, is to be found in chinks and crevices of plants, almost everywhere if the tis- sues are sufficiently tender. Among the florets of various compositae is a favorite situation. A single flower of the common white yarrow (Achil- lea millefolium) may harbor dozens of them, and one head of Canada thistle (Cirsium arvense) has been known to contain over a hundred of Euthrips tritici. Other flowers, if not large or open, furnish the right location. One umbel of the common milkweed (Asclepias syriaca) con- tained several hundred. But flowers are not alone in the hst. I have found Thrips tabaci among the young buds and in tufts of small leaves of burdock (Arctium mirius), among buds of boneset (Eupatorium per- foliatum) and in young curled leaves of balsam-poplar (Populus balsatyi- ifera). Other species Hve in narrow crevices in the bark of various trees. More open and exposed situations, on the other hand, are the home of other species. Thus, Anaphothrips striatus was found rather com- mon on the upper side of the leaves of wild rye (Elymus canadensis) and of sea sand-reed (Ammophila arenaria). On the former plants the adults showed a shght preference for the curled portions of the leaves, but many adults were also found wholly exposed, and the larvae were about as abundant on the flat leaves as on the rolled one«. Specimens of Ctenothrips bridwelli were found on the leaves of the star-flowered Solomon's seal (Smilacina stellata), and PhyUothrips aspersus on leaves of sweet-scented grape (Vitis vulpina), both without apparent attempt at concealment. These examples are given, merely to indicate the character of the places occupied by the different groups of species. The complete list of plants is given for each species under the heading of "habitat" in the annotated list of species. Those species which inhabit narrow crevices I designate "interstitial"; those in exposed situations, "superficial". These classes may be conveniently subdivided according to the scheme given below. The species belonging to each class are indicated in their proper places, arranged alphabetically, not taxonomically. 1. Interstitial, living in closely concealed situations, a. Anthophilous division, dwelling in flowers. Aeolothrips fasciutus Anthothrips niger Anthothrips verbasci Chirothrips maiiicatus Euthrips tritici Euthrips juscus Scirtothrips ruthveni 184 THYSANOPTERA AND ORTHOPTERA. Thrips physopus Thrips tahaci b. Phloeophilous division, inhabiting bark. Allothrips 7negacephalus Neothrips corticis Trichothrips beachi (?) Trichothrips tridentatus 2. Superficial, living in exposed situations, a. Poephilous division, li\dng on grasses. Anaphothrips striatus Aptinotkrips rufus (with its variety connaticornii) Baliothrips basalis h. Phyllophilous division, found on leaves other than grasses. Ctenothrips hridivelli Heterothrips salicis Phyllothrips aspersus Trichothrips hrevicruralis It is not meant by this classification that a given species is to be found only in the situations designated. Even Euthrips tritici, which is almost exclusively anthophilous, was taken on leaves of blackberry (Ruhus canadensis), and in several other equally superficial situations. Some species really belong to more than one group. For example, Chirothrips manicatus is to be found on grass and in flowers. Such as these have been placed in the group which the majority of collections would indicate as the principal one. Other species have been found in too small numbers to warrant as yet a final ecological grouping. These are placed tentatively in the groups indicated by the few col- lections made. Further work is needed on the less common species; but care should be taken to note the condition of the indi\aduals when captured. Thus, while some species undoubtedly live all the year round under bark scales, others apparently only hibernate there. Such species belong to the group indicated hj their habitat during their sea- son of activity. Factors determining Habitat. The C[uestion naturally arises, what are the factors which determine the habitat of a given species?- Why is one species nearly always in flowers, another exclusively on bark? In the great majority of cases, the home of any animal is where proper food may be found or its ene- mies avoided or both. Other factors, such as climatic conditions, often play a role, but in a cosmopolitan order like the Thysanoptera this role can not, I believe, be other than a minor one. To the question regard- THYSANOPTERA AND ORTHOPTERA. 185 ing the factors determining the habitat of thrips. therefore, two answers suggest themselves: (1) The character of the food, and (2) the amount of protection afforded. If either of these factors predominates over the other in the case of an individual species, the effect of this pre- dominance should be evident in the local distribution. (1) If char- acter of food is exclusively, or even chiefly. responsil)le for the habitat, almost any part of a plant, provided it is tender enough to be pierced or rasped by the mouth parts of thrips, should be infested. At least we should expect the whole plant to be infested unless the enemies of and checks to Thysanoptera were powerful enough to remove them from the exposed portions of the plant after these were once infested. Furthermore, nearly related plants should be infested by the same species of thrips, whether or not they afford equal protection. Xo test of the influence of the character of food on the choice of food plants can be made by examining plants which afford abundant protection but have unpalatable juices, hke the dandelion (Taraxacum officinale), or plants that have palatable juices but afford no protection. For what may seem to us highly unpalatable may be quite agreeable to tlu-ips. (2) If, on the other hand, the protection afforded by a plant is the chief factor in determining whether it is likely to be inhabited by thrips, the exposed portions should not be occupied in equal degree with the con- cealed portions; and nearly related species of plants, which afford un- equal degrees of protection, should be unequally infested. The large number of plants on which Thrips tabaci and Euthrips tritici have been taken, in nearly every case from the flowers, close tufts of leaves, or some other equally concealed situation, suggests at once that for these two species, at least, the protection is the determining factor. It is interesting to note that on white clover {Trifolium repens) Euthrips tritici was often abundant, and on red clover (Trifolium pra- tense) not uncommon; while on the closely related yellow, and white, sweet clovers (Melilotus officinalis and M. alba respectiveU'), on which the flowers are much more widely separated than in the species of Trifolium, and hence offer little protection, the same species of thrips was rare. The specimens of Melilotus examined were in localities in which these thrips were fairly abundant on other plants, so that op- portunity was present for them to infest the sweet clovers also. . From these observations, and the large number of unrelated or distantly re- lated plants on which Thrips tabaci and Euthrips tritici may be found, I conclude that the local distribution of these two species is determined largely, and perhaps almost exclusively, by the protection afforded by the inhabited plants. With two of the poephilous species. Anaphothrips striatus and Aptino- thrips rufus, the 'case seems to be different. The former species was 186 THYSANOPTERA AND ORTHOPTERA. often found quite exposed on grass blades; or when found in concealed situations, it was usually among the young blades that were not yet unrolled (e. g., on sea sand-reed, Ammophila arenaria), and here the location may have been determined by the greater tenderness of the young leaves. Owing to the comparative scarcity of Aptinothrips rujus on blue grass (Poa pratensis), and to its sluggishness, I have no direct observations upon the degree of concealment of this species. But judging from the ease with which it could be swept from the grass with a net, I am inclined to place it among the superficial species, as shown in the classified list above. An examination of the habitat of Anapho- thrips striatus (see p. 210) shows that it was captured in a large majority of cases from grasses: and Aptinothrips rufus with its variety connati- cornis was swept or sifted only from grass collections that were largel}^, or exclusively made up of blue grass {Poa pratensis). It would appear from these observations that the local distribution of these two species of thrips is determined chiefly by the character of the food; while the fact that the adults of Anaphothrips striatus were more abundant on rolled leaves of wild rye {Elymus canadensis) than on flat ones would indicate that protection is a minor factor in distribution, — unless, in- deed, it should be found that some of those which had been on exposed surfaces were washed ofT by rain, or captured by enemies, factors which have nothing to do with the distribution of the thrips in the first place. Another species may be considered, namely, Anthothrips verhasci. Although hundreds of specimens were collected, not a single specimen was taken from any other plant than the common mullein {Verbascum ihapsus). I have found as many as 874 specimens of this species, young and adults together, on a single spike of mullein about 17 cm. long. There seems no doubt that this species desires protection, for when disturbed both young and adults crawled away among the mullein buds or seed capsules. However, when the spike was crowded, a num- ber of adults could often be found on the under side of leaves and on the stem, some of them more than 30 cm. below the spike. 1 have also transplanted these thrips from a spike of mullein to the leaves of a plant in its first year, which had no spike. Specimens thus transplanted were thriving two weeks after the change, at which time observations ceased. Here, apparently, is a species that seeks protection, but en- dures exposure rather than quit its food plant. It is unnecessary to go into detail regarding each species. Using such data as has been employed in the case of the five species mentioned, namel}^, Euthrips tritici, Thrips tabaci, Anaphothrips striatus, Aptino- thrips rufus, and Anthothrips verbasci, I have grouped all the species taken according to the factor which I believe plays the chief role in determining their habitat. The arrangement follows: THYSANOPTERA AND ORTHOPTERA. 187 Habitat determined chiefly by food. Anaphothrips striatus Anthothrips verbasci Aptinothrips rufus (with its var. connaticornis) Baliothrips hasilis Ctenothrips hridwelli Heterothrips salicis Phyllothrips aspersus Phyllothrips citricornis Habitat determined chiefly by protection. Aeolothrips fasciatus Anthothrips niger Chirothrips manicatus Eiithrips tritici Eiithrips fuscus Scirtothrips ruthveni Thrips physopus Thrips tabaci Factor determining habitat doubtful. Allothrips megacephalus Neothrips corticis Trichothrips beochi Trichothrips tridentatus Trichothrips brevicritralis The last group, comprising the doubtful species, is made necessary because specimens have been taken in too small numbers to justify a classification. It seems probable that the phloeophilous species (Allo- thrips megacephalus, Neothrips corticis, and Trichothrips tridentatus) will be found only on bark, and the few collections made suggest that some may be so highly specialized as to inhabit almost exclusively the bark of one species of tree. Whether this is to be taken as indicating that the insects are influ- enced by food, or by protection, to choose the bark habitat can only be decided when the food of phloeophilous species is known. It is con- ceivable that they may feed upon the bark itself, or upon mucor or lichens growing on the bark. Several guesses have been made on this point, without, however, any evidence in support of them. I am un- willing, until more data are at hand, to hazard a conjecture as to the factor determining their habitat. 188 THYSANOPTERA AND ORTHOPTERA. HABITS OF THYSANOPTERA. Locomotion. Crawling seems to be the only method of locomotion common to all thrips. Many are wingless, which precludes flight, and of both winged and wingless species a considerable proportion apparently do not leap. Crawling may be quite rapid, as, for example, in Thrips 'physo'pus, which crawls 1 inch in about a second, or very slow, as in Aptinothrips rufiis, which travels 1 inch in 10 or 12 seconds in the average specimen. The tests were made on a sheet of smooth paper. In their natural habitat crawling may be much slower. Thus, for example, Anthothrips verbasci crawls more rapidly on paper than it does in the spikes of mul- lein (Verhascum thapsus), which is covered with large branching hairs. Temperature seems to have some effect on the general activity of thrips, and so to alter the rate of crawling. For example, Chirothrips mani- catus, though at all times slow, would allow me, on cool mornings in August, to separate the florets of timothy between which it was located, and to push it with my brush before it would move. Sex also appar- ently has an influence on the rate of crawling. Thus, in Euthrips tritici, the female is larger than the male and nearly always crawls more rapidly, though the male is usually quicker in its individual movements, as Jordan (1888, p. 610) points out for the Terebrantia in general. It would doubtless be better here to say that rate of crawling is correlated with size, rather than with sex. In Anthothrips verbasci, where there is less difference in size between male and female, the male is rather the more active crawler ; and occasionally even in Euthrips tritici the male crawls more rapidly, the female in one instance crawling 1 inch in 3.5 sec, the male 1 inch in 2.0 sec. These unusual cases are probabty de- termined by physiological state. Among the more rapid crawlers are Euthrips tritici, Ctenothrips brid- welli, Thrips physopus, Thrips tahaci, and Aeolothrips fasciatus. Several of the -Others, especially Aptinothrips rufus and the phloeophilous species, are quite sluggish. Between these are all gradations of rapidity of crawling. It is interesting to note that the active species, when dis- turbed, nearly always come out of their concealed places if they are so located, and either take to flight, or crawl away along exposed surfaces. Of the more sluggish species, at least Anthothrips verbasci and the phloeophilous ones crawl at once, when disturbed, into some other neighboring crevice. Flight is the chief method of locomotion for several species, and is of particular interest, as is shown later on, because of its relation to the dissemination of these insects. Three species, Euthrips tritici, Thrips physopus and Thrips tahaci, were found to be preeminently fliers; THYSANOPTERA AND ORTHOPTERA. 189 Aeolothrips fasciatus, and probably Trichothrips heachi and Ctenothrips hridwelli, fly often; Anaphothrips striatus, Chirothrips manicatus and Scirtothrips rnthveni flew occasionally; Anihothrips. verhasci and A. niger rarely; and Aptinothrips rufus, Allothrips megatephalus, Neo- thrips corticis and Trichothrips hrevicruralis never. The first two species were the best subjects for observations on flight. Large specimens of Thrips physopus found on dandelion {Tarax- acum officinale) w'ere especially favorable if placed on white paper. The method of flight is therefore described wholly from Thrips physopus and Euthrips tritici. The individual did not usually fly from a steeply inclined plane. It crawled up to the top of some eminence before at- tempting to spread its wings. If, as soon as it had reached such an eminence, its support were turned so as to leave the thrips at the bot- tom instead of at the top, the insect usually turned and crawled up again. The turning could often be repeated many times, until finally the thrips apparently lost its hold and dropped. . When the thrips had reached the point from which it was to take its flight, it began to curve up its abdomen at frequent intervals (0.7 sec. to 2.0 sec. were observed). The purpose of this was apparently to comb out the long fringes which border the hind margins of both wings, and which in the resting position of the w^ngs lie nearly parallel to the longitudinal axis of the insect. There are many spines on the sides of the abdomen which doubtless serve as teeth to the comb. The abdo- men was usually curved up several times in succession, in some cases eight or ten times. After this, I have seen a large female rest quietly with her abdomen raised and wings spread for two seconds or longer without any attempt at flight. Very often after combing out the hind fringes with the abdomen several times, the wings were laid back in resting- position, and the hind legs thrown over them. There followed a series of movements somewhat resembhng those of a fly in cleaning its AAings, during which the abdomen was slightly curved with its con- vex side upward. Apparently only the hind tibiae covered the wings; these tibiae are usually furnished with prominent spines. Further- more it seemed that they did not extend to the posterior (inner when at rest) edge of the wings, so that the tibiae combed out only the costal fringes. Meanwhile the legs were placed in a rather definite position, the mid- dle legs nearly at right angles to the long axis of the body, the other two pairs very obliquely forward and backward respectively. Inasmuch as the direction of flight was usually more nearly perpendicular than parallel to the supporting surface, I judge that the middle legs are most effective as aids in starting flight. This seems the more probable, since in manv cases the hind legs had scarcelv finished combing the costal 190 THYSANOPTERA AND ORTHOPTERA. wing fringes when flight occurred, thus hardly giving them time to get a secure footing. After few or many of these movements had been made, the insect would fly, and there was apparently no way of determining when it was ready to do so. Sometimes the abdomen was raised but once; in other cases I have found the entire preparation for flight to occupy over 20 seconds. The abdomen was sometimes lowered after combing the "^ings and before flight began, l)ut flight was often commenced while the abdomen was still elevated. The flight is irregular and dancing, often not unlike that of a A-ery small midge in a swarm. The rapidity of flight varied consideral^ly in different species and in different individuals of the same species. One specimen of Euthrips tritici flew about 30 cm., another 45 cm., in one second. The only specimen of Ctenothrips hridweUi which was timed flew about 90 cm. per second. Leaping. The more active species, like Thrips tabaci and Euthrips tritici, frequently leaped for short distances. Hinds (1902, p. 112) has descrite.d leaping as Ijeing effected by elevating the abdomen and l^ring- ing it down forcibly upon the surface on which the insect rests. After many careful observations I am convinced that the movement of the abdomen is not the cause of the leap, for the abdomen was sometimes plainly still elevated when the leap occurred, and at other times the abdomen was lowered l^efore the leap occurred, the two acts being separated iDy an observable interval. Furthermore, if the insect was suddenly disturbed, it sometimes leaped without raising the abdomen. Often the leap was preceded by all the movements of combing the wings with both abdomen and legs; in such cases the leap might well have been only an unsuccessful flight. Specimens of Euthrips fuscus taken elsewhere in September usually raised the abdomen when about to leap. As this is a wingless species, it is not certain what function, if any, may here be served by raising the abdomen; it may ])e merely to throw the center of mass farther forward over the middle legs, and so prevent the anterior end of the body from being unduly raised by the act of springing, or it may be functionless. Leaping is insignificant from the standpoint of dissemination, for a leap assisted by the wings was usually found to be only 10 to 20 mm., rarely more than 25 mm., while a leap without the assistance of the ■wdngs varied from 3 to 10 mm. As a means of escaping from sudden danger, however, springing is probably quite effective. Reproduction. Copulatioyi. I have observed this many times in Anthothrips ver- hasci, representing the Tubulifera, and several times in Euthrips tritici THYSANOPTERA AND ORTHOPTERA. 191 among the Terebrantia. Mj- observations on the former species con- firm in the main the description given by Jordan (1888, p. 583). Copu- lation in Anthothrips verhasci was not uncommon at the end of July, when it was observed on separating the seed capsules of spikes of mul- lein (Verhascum thapsus). In every case observed the male and fe- male met while crawling in opposite directions. When the two were side by side, the male turned and crawled upon the back of the female. His abdomen was curled down by the side of hers, usually on the right side but observed at least once on the left, and brought into contact with the female's at the base of the tube. In most cases the female crawled a short distance, say 5 or 6 mm. with the male on her back. The male then turned aside and crawled from the l^ack of the female, the abdomens separated, and both insects crawled away in the same direction as they were going when they met. In one instance the fe- male kept on crawling when the male tried to mount her l^ack, and the genital o])enings were never brought into contact. The next male she met, however, was ]3ermitted to complete the act. The whole of a suc- cessful copulation occupied 16 to 18 seconds. Jordan (1888, p. 583) states that the male creeps vip behind the female, and that copulation lasts about half a minute. In other particulars his description for the entire suborder Tubulifera agrees very well with my observation on Anthothrips verhasci. In the suborder Terebrantia, however, there is a substantial dis- agreement Ijetween Jordan's account (1888, p. 58-4) and observations made on Euthrips tritici. Jordan dismisses copulation in this suborder with the statement that the male is carried around on the back of the female, and that his abdomen is bent beneath hers. In the three cases which I have to record, the males were not being carried. Two of these copulating pairs were rather forcibly ejected from flowers by genth' Squeezing the latter between the fingers, hence it was not to be expected that the in.sects were necessarily in their natural position relative to each other. In both cases the male projected laterally from the fe- male, or at an angle backward as stated by Mr. Frederick Gaige, who observed one of these pairs. The male of one pair was mounted, and its external genitalia found to be considerably distorted. The third pair was observed on the silks of common field corn (Zea mays). I am certain in this case that I did not in any way prevent the thrips from maintaining their natural positions. The abdomens were in contact at'or near their tips, and the two individuals faced in opposite direc- tions. Both were resting directly on the corn-silks. "\Mien I moved the silks, the female crawled away, dragging the male after her for a short distance. Many thrips have a tooth on the tarsus, which Hinds (1902, p. 99) 192 THYSANOPTERA AND ORTHOPTERA. supposes enables the insects to go through small jDassages. The same author states, however, that this tooth is sometimes larger in the male than in the female, an observation confirmed by Hood (1908 a, p. 371) for Neothrips corticis and by my own work. Furthermore, the tooth is sometimes present in the male and wanting in the female. It seems to me more probable, since the tooth is located on the inner side and hence is not in a position to be thrust into plant tissues, that it serves rather to enable the male to hold on to the back of the female. I am led to this belief the more strongly, notwithstanding the fact that the females of some species also possess these teeth, because the tarsi of the majority of the members of the suborder Terebrantia are unarmed; and I believe it will be found on further observation that in most of the species of this suborder the males are not carried by the females dming copulation. However, the Aeolothripidae have armed tarsi and it will be interesting to learn how they copulate. Mode of Reproduction. It is not known of any one of the species taken, so far as I can learn, what the ^lethod of reproduction is through- out the season under natural conditions. At least one species (Anapho- thrips striatus) has been bred parthenogenetically in the laboratory (Hinds, 1902, p. 163). The male exists, however, for out of some two hundred specimens collected at fourteen different times and places at intervals from June 15 to August 20, two individuals were males. Both of these were taken from sea sand-reed (Ammophila arenaria) on July 7. The male of this species has not, so far as I know, been known hitherto. It seems very doubtful if these rare males ever fertilize any eggs. Other species w^hose males are unknown or rare are presumably either exclusively or occasionally parthenogenetic. I have found no evidence in any species that the males are common only at certain times of the year. Those species whose copulation has been observed (Eutkrips tritici and Anthothrips verhasci in my own work) are of course presumably bisexual; and the fact that males are common in both these species throughout the active season suggests that they may be exclusively bisexual. Yet, it may easity be that females of any of these species, in the absence of males, reproduce parthenogenetically. There is need of further study of eA'ery species to determine this matter of partheno- genesis. Dissemination. Local distribution. A species which can and does readily change its location, especially over considerable distance at one time, should be nearly equally distributed over its habitat wherever external conditions are the same. Such a species, unless it were a social one, if unusually THYSANOPTERA AND ORTHOPTERA. 193 abundant in one place, whether or not it actually lacked room there, would tend to spread to places where competition was less. If, con- versely, a given species is found crowded in certain localities when other similar, but less crowded, situations are open to it. it may safely be taken for granted that the species does not disseminate readily. The tendency to spread should A'ary inversely as the difference in the numbers occupying the two neighboring similar situations, other things being equal. This test was applied to determine the rapidity of dissemination of Thysanoptera. A short time spent in collecting thrips in settled country was sufficient to make it evident that even with the same species, in- dividuals were more abundant in certain localities than in others only a short distance away where, to all appearances, the conditions of life were precisely the same. Thrips living among the florets of white clover were collected in patches where the clover was eciually abundant, and equally large and fresh; yet one patch often yielded many more specimens on a given number of heads than did the other. Where this difference was noted, one of the localities where collections were made was nearly always near a road, the other in a wood or field a greater or less distance from the road. To test whether this were generally true, different kinds of flowers were examined along differ- ent kinds of roads. The character of the road was noted in every case, especially as to its direction and the amount of travel over it. Some roads running north and south, others east and west were examined. Only such flowers were examined as nelded thrips in large enough numbers to make a fair test, and care was taken to select flowers of ap- proximately the same size and age. Two localities were examined only when the flowers were about as abundant and as evenly distribut- ed in one as in the other. No counts were made except where the two localities were connected by a series of flowers as close together as in the localities examined, so that migration from one to the other could easily have been effected. Six flowers were examined in each locality. Only one flower was examined on a single plant, and plants were selected at about eciual intervals from each other in the two localities. The results are given in Table I. 25 194 THYSANOPTERA AND ORTHOPTERA. TABLE I. — Showing the number of thrips in flowers near a road and in simi- lar flowers some distance from the road. Name cf Flower. No. of thrips in 6 flowers near road. Distance of thrips in preceding column" from road in feet. No. of thrips in 6 flowers at a distance from road. Distance of thrips in preceding column from road in feet. Character of road. Canada thistle . . . 377 6 72 75 to 100 Much traveled; R. F. D. route; E. and W. White clover. . . . 40 6 22 165 Leads to 3 houses; E.andW. Canada thistle . . . 149 20 128 325 Private road leading to 1 house; N. and S. White clover. . . . 92 4 34 400 Much traveled; R. F. D. route; N. and S. Dandelion 135 6 31 150 Leads to 4 houses; E.andW. It seems evident from the figures that thrips were generally more abundant near a road than at some distance from it. I have noticed this to be true in many cases where I did not count the individuals. For example, I collected from nearly two hundred heads of an undeter- mined species of thistle extending in a continuous line along a ditch, from a well traveled public highway back into the fields. No two successive plants were more than about six feet "apart. I would esti- mate that thrips were about twice as abundant near the road as at a distance of 70 yards from it. These thrips were exclusively Euthrips tritici, those of Table I were principally of this species. The same relative abundance of thrips near roads was noticed in a number of other instances, and in no case, apparently, were there fewer near the road than in similar situations farther from it. If this variation in the abundance of thrips in different localities is really due to a lack of a tendency to migrate, as I have supposed, in- teresting information regarding the rapidity of their dissemination may be gained by noting how rapidly the numbers of thrips diminish in ])ass- ing from the point of greatest abundance. Individuals were counted in a number of places at different distances from a road. The same ^ THYSANOPTERA AND ORTHOPTERA. IPo care was taken to select flowers of approximately the same size and age, to have them equally abundant, etc., as in the previous counts (Table I). The road was a well traveled Rural Free Delivery route and ran north and south; the flower examined was white clover (Trifolmrn repens) ; and the thrips, as l^efore, were chiefly Euthrips tritici. The results are given in Table II. TABLE II. — Showing the number of thrip.s taken from G lieads of white clover (Trifolium repens) at different distances from a highway. Number of thrips in six heads of clover. Distance from the road in feet. 92 4 81 8 46 20 35 40 39 80 35 165 45 240 48 320 34 400 The figures seem to show that the decrease in numbers in passing from the road is all in the first 40 feet, or perhaps even in the first 20 feet. Tendency not to migrate. If this tendency to remain crowded in one place rather than fly away is as marked as the figures seem to show, it ought to be capable of demonstration in the laboratory. With this point in view, tw^o heads of Canada thistle {Cirsium arvense) were brought in and placed in water. One, in its prime, or perhaps slightly past, was from a bunch which averaged more than 75 thrips per flower, and seemed as badly infested as the others. The other was an opening biid in which the tips of the bracts had separated so as to expose the tips of the florets, but none of the florets were open, and I could find no thrips among them. The l^ud and the flower were placed about 3 cm. apart. The leaves immediately below them touched so that migrat- ing thrips could crawl, as well as fly, to the opening flower. At the end of 24 hours the l)ud had nearly all its florets open, but contained no thrips; the older flower was decidedly Ijrownish already, but apparently 196 THYSANOPTERA AND ORTHOPTERA. as badly infested as before. In 48 hours the older flower was quite brown and was becoming dry; it bore 6 thrips. The younger flower seemed past its prime and contained about 15 thrips. Here was an opportunity to migrate to better material and to less crowded quarters which was not seized until drying plant tissues compelled it. The significance of the small number (15) found on the younger flower, as compared with the probable 75 that were on the older one, is pointed .out elsewhere. Possible factors operating against migration. In an attempt to explain this variation in number in different localities, it is to be determined why the thrips remain near the road. There are several possible solu- tions. (1) The conditions maybe most favorable near the roads. (2) They may be incapable of sustained flight, w^hile leaping or crawling is wholly inadequate to cover considerable distance. (3) They may fly long distances, but without aim, so that most of the migrating ones are lost. Or (4) they may be simply inert, that is, they may "prefer" remaining in tolerably favorable circumstances to flying away to a fate unknown. While I may not be able to answer the question definitely, I hope to eliminate some of the suggested answers, and to establish a strong probability. (1) Preference of location. The only difference I could detect be- tween the situations near the road and those back in the fields was a larger or smaller amount of dust in the former. Inasmuch as the food of thrips is apparently the juice or tissues of the plants, dust can hardly be other than a deterrent factor, if it is a factor at all. -The care taken to have all the flowers practically alike, equally abundant, and evenly distributed, precludes, I believe, any likelihood that anything could have made one situation better than the other. (2) Incapability of sustained flight. The ability to fly may be more directly tested. As stated above, the rate of flight in the species observed was 30 to 90 cm. per second. It is evident that flight must be wholly unsuccessful in the face of even an ordinary wind. But with" the wind, or in calm weather, the case may be different. Owing to the small size of the insect, it is generally impracticable to observe their flight for any great distance. By darkening a room everywhere ex- cept a portion of one window which admitted direct sunlight, and re- leasing a thrips in the beam of light, where it could be observed against a dark background as it flew towards the window, I have been able to trace continuous flight for about three meters. But there is indirect evidence of much greater distances. Parth" to test this, and partly to observe the reaction of thrips to light, two adjoining rooms were dark- ened, except a south window in one of them. There was an open door between the two rooms so that the farthest side of the second room was THYSANOPTERA AND ORTHOPTERA. 197 lighted directly from the window some 8 or 9 meters away. A bag con- taining a number of thrips was opened and set in the darkened room near the farthest wall. The tlirips were not disturbed, so that they had opportunity to arrange their wings for flight. Four minutes later the window was carefully examined and the thrips counted. The results are given in Table III below. These rooms were not used for labora- tory purposes, hence it is not probable that any thrips other than those confined in the bag were afterwards found at the window. One speci- men was found on the outside of the glass, wher^ it might easily have crawled through broken glasses or other holes, so that the number of thrips found at the window may not be complete. The exi^eriment was repeated another day, after making sm'e that there were no tlirips on the window pre\dousl5^ to releasing those in the bag. Both counts are given in the table. The numbers in the third column are computed on the assumption that, were the insects not attracted by the light, they would fly along approximately horizontal lines in all directions from the starting-point. TABLE III. — Showing the number of individuals of Euthrips tritki which flew to a window 8 or 9 m. distant, probably at a single flight. Approximate number Number of thrips Number which should, by of thrips in the found at window the laws of chance, have bag. after -i minutes. reached the window. 120 12 2.2 45 6 0.86 The numbers show conclusively enough, I think, that this species of thrips is positively phoiotactic. But the point I wishio make here is that these specimens must have gone to the window b}- a single flight, a distance of 8 or 9 meters. Studies of the thrips on Rush Lake seem to give evidence of longer flights. Rush Lake is an old hollow lying landward of the first sand dune to be thrown up, that is, the one farthest from Lake Hm-on, It is being gradually filled up, and much of the bottom is now very soft ooze formed of decaying plant material. In this the pickerel weed (Pontederia cordata) is one of the most common plants. In some places it grows in great patches in which the plants are not over a few- inches or at most a few feet apart. Elsewhere there are isolated clumps, separated from all other vegetation by as much as a hundred meters or more. These plants die down beneath water in the winter, so that no thrips can hibernate on them. Any specimens, therefore, that are 198 THYSANOPTERA AND ORTHOPTERA. found on them in the summer must have come to them the same season. Search was made in the spikes of this plant, and cjuite a few thrips were found, some of them on plants that were separated by about 100 meters from all other vegetation of any kind. At first thought this might seem proof positive that one or more thrips had flown at least this distance of 100 meters. But it is con- ceivable that the insects were blown, or fell, into the water nearer shore, and then drifted to the pickerel weed. If this is to occur, the thrips must be able to float on the water and to remain there some time with- out serious injury. To determine this, specimens of Thrips physopus and Anthothrips verhasci were placed in water. Most of the former species adhered to the surface film. At the end of 50 hours they were removed, and in a few minutes were crawling rather actively about. Some of this species, however, parted from the surface film and sank to the bottom; when removed at the end of 50 hours they did not revive. The specimens of Anthothrips verhasci all floated on the surface. I tried to force them down into the water, but adhering air bubbles brought them back every time to the surface. After 72 hours, they were re- moved; one began to crawl in less than three minutes, and the rest shortly afterwards. Other drowning experiments, performed for another purpose, are described under the head of "Enemies and Checks." It seems probable, therefore, that thrips could drop into the water and float to plants at a considerable distance from the shore. If this was the case at Rush Lake, and the thrips fell into the water near the shore after only a short flight, which is the- point at issue, the plants near the windward side of the lake would stand a better chance of being infested than those on the leeward. Since thrips do not readily mi- grate until forced to do so by drying tissue, as I have shown above, and since the spikes of Pontederia last for several weeks, the plants near "the windward side of the lake should, on the supposition of short flights and drifting on the water, bear more thrips at any time during their active season than plants on the leeward side. In Table IV, I give some observations on this point. Examinations were all made in two days time, so that seasonal variations in the abundance of the insects would not vitiate results. Prevailing winds were, as usual in this region, westerly. THYSANOPTERA AND ORTHOPTERA. 199 TABLE IV. — Showing number of thrips taken in spikes of Pickerel weed {Fonte- den'a cordata) in various parts of Ilush Lake. Location of pickerel weed Number of thrips taken examined. on 16 spikes. 20 ni. from northwest shore 2 200 m. from west end 1 200 m. from west end (J 500 m. from west end Middle of lake 2 Middle of lake 1 100 m. from southeast shore 1 50 m. from southeast shore 1 150 m. from south shore 30 m. from east shore 2 These figures go to show that there are no more thrips in one part of the lake than in another, and hence to oppose the view that they have drifted to the plants on the water. It would be expected, furthermore, if this drifting occurred, that many specimens would drift across the lake without meeting any plants, and could be found on the leeward side. Two hours careful towing at the surface on the southeast side of the lake with a muslin net after a long-continued northwest wind, however, failed to secure a single specimen. I have concluded, therefore, that the thrips did not cbift to the pic- kerel weed, but flew to it. This would involve flights of at least 100 m., and I know of no reason why single flights should not be much long- er. It is barety possible that the thrips have been carried to the plants, for there are a few private boats on the lake, but the traffic is slight, and the boats usually carry only passengers, which does not present a very likely method of transporting thrips for considerable distances. Moreover, if this were the method of dissemination, one would expect to find more thrips on the Pontederia near the boat-landings than else- where, which was not the case. If it is true that thrips fly long dis- tances, they do not remain near roadsides because the\' are incapable of sufficiently long flight. (3) Aimlessness of flight. This factor can not, I believe, be opera- tive in the cases examined. Except where positive phototaxis may ex- plain the direction of their flight, I believe their migrations to be prac- tically aimless. For thrips do not apparently see obstacles or enemies several centimeters away; and in the experiment described above in which a fresh and an old thistle head were placed 3 cm. apart, only 15 of the probable 75 thrips on the old head migrated to the fresh one. Supposing their flight to be aimless, if the distribution of the food plants were irregular, then many individuals would probal)ly be lost by flying to locations where there were no plants. But in the cases ex- 200 THYSANOPTERA AND ORTHOPTERA. amined the flowers were nearly uniformly distributed, and were abun- . dant, so that an insect might have flown almost anywhere and still have been within eas}^ reach of food and protection. (4) Inertia. Three tangible factors which might have explained the crowding of thrijis near roadways have been examined and found insufficient. There remains one possible factor, namely, inertia. The meaning of this term is explained at the beginning of this section. There can be no direct evidence that inertia accounts for the non- migration of thrips from roadways. It is merely the one factor that is left after the other conceivable factors have been eliminated. By proposing the name ''inertia" for what I suppose to be the responsible factor in preventing migration, I do not mean to imply that any thing very definite is known about it, but, on the other hand, it is not merely a name. It is employed for convenience to indicate that we are here dealing with an. internal factor, in contradistinction to the several ex- ternal factors which have been excluded. It is to be noted that so far no explanation has been offered for the congregation of thrips along the roadways in the first place. This I suppose to be due to traffic. Uzel (1905, p. 368) mentions the possi- bility of artificial spreading, as advocated by Blanchard (1851), but is inclined to discount its eflficiency. Loads of hay in summer probably contain thousands of thrips, since the insects remain in flowers until the latter are rather dry. Many of these flowers (e. g., clover) are dropped by the roadside. Loads of hay or straw in winter may bear hibernating individuals or eggs. Bouquets may transport a few, es- pecially in or near cities. Passing vehicles may intercept the flight of thrips and carry them for longer or shorter distances. Stock pasturing along the road, or the clothing of pedestrians probably carry some; for after walking through a patch of white clover bearing thrips I have several times found some of the insects on my leggings. Phloeophilous species are doubtless carried in logs where lumbering is practised. In- asmuch as the phenomenon of abundance near roads may be the cumu- lative effects of years, the young remaining near their place of birth, I believe the above considerations are sufficient to account for the ob- served greater abundance of thrips along highways. It would be interesting to test this view by studying a region about to be thrown open to settlement, both before its opening and at in- tervals thereafter. If my interpretation is correct, it should be possil^le to observe the gradual increase in the relative abundance of thrips near lines of traffic. ENEMIES AND CHECKS. Predaceous Animals.. Among these, spiders must probably be num- bered, as I have seen the empty skins of Anaphothrips striatiis entangled THYSANOPTERA AND ORTHOPTERA. 201 in the webs of small spiders on rolled leaves of wild rje (Elymus cana- densis). In several instances mites were found attached to thrips, as is well known, usually near the base of the abdomen but in one case at the articulation of the hind femur and tibia. The most common insect enemy which I have noted is a small l)lack bug {Triphleps insidiosus) mentioned by Osborn (1888), found in flowers, on some grasses, in ter- minal bunches of leaves, in fact almost anywhere where thrips may be found. It was quite common on the blades and among the silks and husks of common field corn {Zea mays), and its presence was so closely associated with the presence of thrips that I used it as a means of find- ing the latter. Thrips lived quite commonly concealed at the bases of the blades of corn, but not nearlj- on all, nor even on a large proportion of the leaves. On those leaves where Triphleps insidiosus was found, there were usually thrips. The bug would go about with its long beak thrust forward and when it came upon a thrips, it would crawl up to the latter, pierce it near the middle of the body, and bear it away im- paled on its beak. Rove-beetles (Staphylinidae) were often found in flowers with thrips, but as this family is not generally predaceous, they may not attack thrips. Certain members of the Staphylinidae live symbiotically with ants, but the advantages derived from the ants can hardly also be derived from thrips. It seems quite probable that such insectivorous lairds as the ruby- throated humming-bird {Trochilus coluhris), which visits flowers, would devour thrips. The stomach of one individual which was captured in August was examined for these insects, but the only contents besides some plant hairs and pollen grains were legs of small spiders together with irregular chitinous pieces which were probably portions of the bodies of the same animals. This single stomach-examination, does not, however, even make it probable that thrips are not sometimes captured by humming-birds. Rains. This seems to be the great enemy of thrips. ■ It has been noticed mam^ times that these insects are less abundant in wet seasons than in moderately dry ones. During the summer it seemed to me that thrips were not as common immediately after a rain as they were be- fore, but as hard rains were uncommon in Huron County during the season, I hav^ no definite data on this point. I have, however, at- tempted to determine experimentally the relations of thrips to water, and to observe the effect of rain in their natm^al habitat. It was noticed that, on the spikes of mullein {Verbasciini thapsus), during or after a rain, specimens of Anthothrips verhasci were not as abundant on the side which the rain struck as on the protected side. Definite counts were made in a number of instances. A row of buds, flowers or seed capsules, was gently examined one at a time, and the thrips on or be- tween them were counted. Usually a row two buds wide through the 202 THYSANOPTERA AND ORTHOPTERA. length of the spikes was examined, first on one side and then on the opposite. A strip about four buds wide thus remained undisturbed on each side between the rows counted. It seemed scarcely probable that insects as sluggish as Anthothrips verhasci would crawl past these four buds when disturbed, and be counted again on the other side; but to insure that no error was in this way introduced into the total result, sometimes the leeward side was counted first, sometimes the wind- ward. The results appear in Table V. TABLE V. — Showing the number of individuals of Anthothrips verbasci taken on the leeward and on the windward side of spikes of mullein {Verbascum thapsus) during or shortly after a rain. No. of spike. Number of thrips. o- , , , Time elapsing after Leeward side. Windward side. "" fi ^t* * ^^^^ before count Young. Adult. Young. Adult. ' was made. 6. 18. 152. 34. 15. 12. 16. 4. 12. 8. 46. . 0. . 4. .24. . 7. 14. ,11. 11. 2. 0. . 0. 10. 4. 5. 129. 31. 10. 10. 8. 7. 2. 3. 30. . 0. . 0. .52. . 4. .10. . 3. . 6. . 0. . 0. . 0. . 3. Leeward . . Windward . Leeward . . Windward . Windward . Leeward . . Windward . Leeward . . Windward . Leeward . . Windward . During rain. During rain. 3 hours. 4 hours. 2 hours. 2 hours. 2 hours. During rain. During rain. During rain. During rain. Total 323 Total ex- clusive of 3 and 4... 137 83 52 239 79 78 A count of thrips was made in like manner at times not closely fol- lowing a rain. The spikes were dry, and the times were so chosen that they must have been dry at least several days before the counts were made. One set of counts was made with reference to the direction of wind. The results are given in Table VI. TABLE VI. — Showing number of individuals of Anthothrips verbasci taken on the windward and the leeward sides of spikes of mullein (Verbascum thap- sus) during dry weather. No. of spike. No. of thrips on windward side. Young Adult. No. of thrips on leeward side. Young. Adult. 19. 135. 12 3 15 6 12 6 137 3 •Total... 162 24 152 18 THYSANOPTERA AND ORTHOPTERA. 203 Similar counts made with reference to the direction of the sun are recorded in Table VII. TABLE VII. — Showing the number of individuals of Anthothrips verhasci taken on the sunny and shady sides of spikes of mullein {Verbascum thopsus) at times not closely following a rain. No of "spike '^^' °^ ^hrips on sunny side. Xo. of thrips on shady side. "^ ' Young. Adult. Young. Adult. 1 13 6 11 8 2 28 1 32 1 3 2 2 3 4 4 138 11 109 8 Total 181 20 155 21 Some irregularities were of course introduced into the above counts because it was a matter of judgment to determine whether the rows of buds examined on opposite sides of a spike were equal. The work was done carefully, however, with this source of error constantly in mind. It is thought, therefore, that if there was any marked tendency of the thrips to congregate on a definite side of the spike, it would be notice- able in the counts. In Table \1, there is a larger number of thrips on the windward side in every case, but the difference is too small to in- dicate any preference for that side. In Table VII, the total shows a small majority of thrips on the sunny side; but in two of the individual cases the majority were on the shady side, and in another case the two numbers were ecjual. Defects and differences in the plant tissues on different sides could not readily be measured, and were not taken into account. I conclude from these data that in dry Aveather thrips distribute themselves uniformly over symmetrical spikes. During rains, how- ever, or shortly after them, it appears from Table "\^ that there is a tendency to favor a definite side of the spike, namely, the one protected. In onl}' two cases out of the eleven was the number of thrips greater on the windward than on the leeward side ; in one of these (No. 8) the number was quite small; in the other (No. 3) the observations were not made until 3 hours after rain had ceased, and the spikes were practi- cally dry already. The total of the eleven counts shows a decided majority of thrips on the leeward side, in the ratio of 1.28 to 1. If Nos. 3 and 4 be rejected as belonging more properly to dry weather counts, the number on the leeward side bears to that on the windward 204 THYSANOPTERA AND ORTHOPTERA. side the ratio of 1.87 tO' 1. I conclude from these figures that this species (Anthothrips verhasci) is somewhat influenced by the rains. If, then, a thrips is in a position where it cannot well escape the water, or is too sluggish to crawl away when once wet, it is interesting to know what will happen. It was stated under the heading "Dissemination" that when specimens of Thrips physopus were immersed in water they were all dead at the end of 50 hours. To determine the maximum time of immersion that could be endured, several groups of larvae of Anthothrips verhasci were enclosed in draw-string muslin bags, and sunk in water. Care was taken on immersion that all air bubbles should be removed from the bags. At the end of various intervals a bag was opened and the condition of the thrips noted. The results are shown in Table VIII. TABLE VIII. Showing condition of larvae of Anthothrips .verhasci after immer- sion in water for various periods. TVT f rr.- • , XT f i u " No. aUvc On Time elapsing after removine No. of Time m water No. of thrips ^^ ,^j ^^^^^ larvae began to crawl^ group. in hours. immersed. from water. . in minutes. First larva. Last larva. 1 19.4 5 5 2 70 2 28.3 5 5 40 90 3 38.0 5 1 .90 It appears from these figures that a rain lasting 40 hours, or keeping the plants wet for that length of time, would probably be fatal to all larval thrips of this species which could not escape to a protected situ- ation. Passing showers, on the other hand, occurring infrequently, would have little effect on them. It is probal)le, however, that even brief showers, occurring at frequent intervals, would in time have a detrimental effect. SYSTEMATIC AND DETAILED TREATMENT OF SPECIES. For the identification of the twenty-one species of Thysanoptera which I have collected in Hm-on County, the following key has been compiled. Little attempt has been made, beyond the separation into suborders and families, to arrange the species taxonomically. This is especially true of the Tubulifera, in which there are fewer clues to relative specialization than among the Terebrantia. In the latter sub- order, the arrangement of species in the key is roughly that of ascend- ing specialization, as adopted by most workers on Thysanoptera. This 2.1 THYSANOPTERA AND ORTHOPTERA. 205 lack of arrangement need not be a serious defect, inasmuch as the taxonomic order is preserved in the "List of Species" which follows, and the purpose of the key is only the identification of species. Key to the Species of Thysanoptera taken in Huron County, Michigan. a. Terminal segment of abdomen conical or bluntly rounded, not a tube. Female with curved, saw-like ovipositor. Suborder 1. ■{ Terehrontia. I b. Terminal segment of abdomen a slender, slightly tapering [ tube. Female without ovipositor. Suborder Tuhulijera. Suborder Terehrantia. ■ a. Ovipositor of female curved with concave side up. Fore-wings with distinct cross veins. Antennae nine-segmented. Fam- ily Aeolothripidae. Ovipositor of female curved with concave side down. Fore- wings without distinct cross veins. Antennae six-to nine- segmented (nine only in genus Heterothrips). Family Thripidae. Family Aeolothripidae. ( Single species found. Wings with three white bars, at base, \ middle, and tips respectively. Aeolothrips jasciatus, p. 207. Family Thripidae.. a. Antennae nine-segmented. Heterothrips salicis, p. 208. b. Antennae eight-segmented (sixth segment may be apparently divided by an obliciue groove). (5). c. Antennae seven-segmented. (11). j d. Antennae six-segmented. Aptinothrips rvfus var. connoticornis, [ p. 211. f a. Second segment of antenna elongated on its outer side to form I a conspicuous, more or less angular process. Chirothrips moni- I catus. p. 208. [ b. Second segment of antenna symmetrical. (6). a. Prothorax without any prominent spines. (7). b. Prothorax bearing few or many conspicuous spines (8). a. Always wingless. Eyes small, composed of but few facets. Ocelli wanting. Sixth segment of antennae apparently not 7. \ divided by an oblique grove. Aptinothrips rufus, p. 210. I b. Usually winged. Eyes of normal size. Ocelli present. Sixth [ segment of antenna apparently divided by an oblique groove. 4. c aj ■ S| S> p o .a: ■» 3 "3 a >, c 3 O o 3 X X X X X X 1 X X X X Affibloplites rupestris X X X X X X X X X X yiicrovterus doloTnieu . ■ ■ X X Micropterus salmoides X X X X X X Stizostedion vitrewm X X X Perca flavescens X X X X X X X X PerciTM cQprodes -X X X Hadropterus aspro X X EtheostoTfM iowae X X Boleichthys fusiformis X X X X X Aplodinotus grunniens .... X Cottus ictolops X Lold tnuculoscL X Statement of fish caught in Saginaw Bay in 1908, giving number of "pounds of each kind of fish and the total value of each kind. Value. Kinds. Whitefish Lake Trout Pike Perch Herring Sturgeon Bass Saugers Perch Suckers Catfish Cavaire All other kinds Pounds. 253,184 21,314 778,214 4,569,381 1,994 258 3,850 1,983,920 821,853 62,987 617 373,125 7.970.697 27,067.19 1,398,18 74,256.84 73,483.87 1,597.36 21.30 163.09 32,877.25 13,386.69 2,912.42 266.75 7,933.40 234.464.34 248 FISH. LIST OF SPECIES. 1. Icthyomyzon concolor (Kirtland). Silver lamprey. — Seldom seen by the commercial fisherman of this region and very little of its destructive work was noticed hence I have concluded that it is not abundant. 2. Lepisosteus osseus (Linnaeus). Long-nosed gar.— This fish is quite common in the sand region, especially in the shallower waters of the bayous and stagnant mouths of streams. Taken in Orr's fish-trap, Turtle Bay, Mud Creek, and the county drain near Bayport. Recorded from Saginaw Bay by Cope (1864, 276) under the name Lepidosteus huronensis. 3. Amia calva Linnaeus. Dogfish; bowfin; grindle fish; mudfish; brindle fish; poisson de Marais.- — Common throughout the region. Specimens were taken in Orr's fish-trap. Turtle Bay, and the upper and lower parts of the Pigeon River. 4. Ameiurus natalis (Le Sueur). Yellow catfish; catfish. — This species is very generally distributed and fairly abundant. Taken in the Pigeon River, Caseville marsh (a marsh joining both with the Pigeon River and Saginaw Bay), Rush Lake (deeper part), Mud Creek, and the county drain near Bayport. 5. Ameiurus vulgaris (Thompson). Long-jawed catfish.— Not found abundantly in any place. Onlv a few specimens were taken and these were all from the following places: Orr's fish-trap, Rush Lake (deeper part), Tiu-tle Bay. 6. Ameiurus nebulosus (Le Sueur). Common bull-head; horn- pout; catfish. — Found abundantly in the following places: Turtle Bay, Wild Fowl Bay (near Turtle Bay), ox-bow pond at Caseville, pond near Turtle Ba}' on Sand Point. 7. Ameiurus melas (Rafinesque). Bull-head; black bull-head; small black -catfish. — This species is the most abundant of the cat- fishes of this region. It was found in great numbers in the following places: Turtle Bay, Pigeon River, marsh on lake shore near Pigeon River, Mud Creek, county drain near Bayport and in the county drain and in the marsh at the west end of Rush Lake, as well as in the deeper part of the lake itself. 8. Ameiurus lacustris (Walbaum). Great fork-tailed cat; Mis- sissippi cat; Florida cat; great catfish of the lakes.— A single speci- men was taken in Turtle Bay. They are caught on set lines in from 2-10 feet of water in various parts of Wild Fowl Bay, especially near the Sand Point shore, where the^'' are fairly abundant. 9. Noturus flavus Rafinesque. Yellow stone-cat; common stone- cat.— This species was taken only in the deeper waters of Saginaw PISH. 249 Bay, at a considerable distance from the shore. Specimens were taken in Orr's fish-trap, and in Wild Fowl Bay in water from 8-10 feet deep and one-half mile from shore. 10. Schilbeodes gyrinus (Mitchill). Tad-pole cat. — Specimens of this species were found only in very stagnant and muddy pools. Taken in the county drain at Rush Lake, and in the pond near Turtle Bay on Sand Point. 11. Carpiodes thompsoni Agassiz. Lake Carp. — ^This species ap- pears to be rather common for it was frequenth' seen in Turtle Bay and along the shore of Wild Fowl Bav, and was often taken in Orr's fish-trap. A small specimen from Mud Creek possesses only four rows of extra large scales on the sides. Recorded from Saginaw Bay by Cope (1864, 285; 1871, 483.) 12. Catostomus catostomus (Forster). Northern sucker; long- nosed sucker; sturgeon sucker. — This sucker is taken frequently in the pound nets along the shore of Saginaw Bay. Our specimens were taken from Orr's fish-trap or found dead along shore just after a storm. 13. Catostomus commersonii (Lacepede). Common white sucker; brook sucker. — This fish is abundant along the shores* of Saginaw Bay. Specimens were taken in the following places: Orr's fish-trap, county drain near Bayport, Mud Creek, Pigeon River (lower part) and the beach on Sand Point (dead). Michael (1905, 10) states that this species is recorded by the U. S. Fish Commission from Saginaw Bay and Caseville. 14. Moxostoma aureolum (Le Sueur). Red-horse; mullet.— This fish was rather uncommon. Specimens were taken in Turtle Bay and in the lower part of the Pigeon River. Recorded by Cope (1864, 285; 1871, 476-477) from Saginaw Bay, under the name of Ptychosto- mus aureolus Ag., and stated by Michael (1905, 11) to be recorded by the IJ. S. Fish Commission from Saginaw Bay and Caseville. 15. Pimephales notatus (Rafinesque). Blunt-nosed minnow. — Found in Rush Lake, Mud Creek, and county drain near Bayport. 16. Semotilus atromaculatus (^litchill). Horned dace; creek chub. — The Horned Dace was not found to be abundant. It was taken in the upper part of the Pigeon River, Mud Creek, and county drain near Bayport. 17. Abramis crysoleucas (Mitchill). Golden shiner; roach; bream. — Found abundant in the ox-bow pond at Caseville, and in Rush Lake. Specimens were taken in Turtle Bay. Recorded by Cope (1864, 281) from Saginaw Bay under the name of Plargyrus ameri- canus Cope. 18. Notropis cayuga Meek. Cayuga minnow. — Specimens were 250 FISH. taken in the upper part of the Pigeon, in Rush Lake, Mud Creek, and the county drain near Bayport. 19. Notropis hudsonius (De Witt CHnton). Spawn-eater; spot- tailed minnow; shiner. — This species was found commonly along the sandy shore of SaginaAv Bay, especially on the north side of Sand Point. 20. Notropis cornutus (Mitchill). Shiner, red fin; dace. — Found in small numbers in the upper part of the Pigeon River, and in the ox-bow pond at Caseville. It was exceedingly numerous along the shore of Sand Point where on calm days the young could be seen in immense schools. 21. Notropis rubrifrons (Cope). Red-fronted minnow. — Common along the shore of Sand Point. 22. Notropis whipplii (Girard). Silver-fin. — Apparently not com- mon. A single specimen was taken in the lower part of the Pigeon River. 23. Anguilla chrysypa Rafinesque. Common eel; fresh-water eel. —The fishermen occasionally take this eel in Orr's fish-trap. 24. Coregonus quadrilateralis Richardson. Pilot fish; Menominee whitefish; shadwaiter; round whitefish. — Reported to have been taken occasionally both at Caseville and Bayport. 25. Coregonus clupeiformis (Mitchill). Common whitefish. — This species spawns on the broad sand fiats off Sand Point, and specimens are taken in limited numbers the year round on these grounds. This is the commercial whitefish of the county and is, next to the sturgeon, the most valued fish. It forms the most profitable part of the com- mercial fishermen's catch. Specimens were taken in Orr's fish-trap. 26. Argyrosomus artedi (Le Sueur), Lake herring; Michigan herring; cisco. — Like the common whitefish, the herring is also abun- dant along the broad flat to the north of Sand Point and is taken in immense numbers during November and December. Although it brings only a small price per pound, it is considered a profitable part of the seasons catch and is much depended upon. Specimens were taken from Orr's fish-trap. 27. Cristivomer namaycush (Walbaum). Lake trout. — Recorded by Cope (1865, 80) from Saginaw Bay, under the name Trutta namay- cush. 28. Umbra limi (Kirtland). Mud minnow; dogfish.- — This fish was found to be very common in the following places: ponds near Turtle Bay, stagnant pools of the upper part of the Pigeon River; Rush Lake (shallow water at south side) ; ^Nlud Creek, and county drain near Bayport. 29. Lucius vermiculatus Le Sueur. Little pickerel. — Only a few FISH. 251 Specimens were taken, all of these being from the following places: ox-bow pond at Caseville, upper part of Pigeon River, and county drain near Bayport. A specimen was taken from the crop of an American bittern shot on Sand Point. 30. Lucius lucius (Linnaeus). Common pike; lake pickerel; grass pike. — Very common in the larger inland bodies of water. Taken in the upper and lower parts of the Pigeon River; ox-bow pond at Caseville, and in the deeper waters and the adjacent county drain at Rush Lake. 31. Lucius masquinongy (Mitchell). Muskallunge. — Recorded from Saginaw Bay by Cope (1865, 80; 1869, 410) and Goode (1884, 465) under the name Esox nobilior Thompson. 32. Fundulus diaphanus (Le Sueur). Spring minnow; barred killifish; toothed minnow; horse minnow. — Found in small numbers in the Caseville marsh and in the county drain at Rush Lake. 33. Percopsis guttatus Agassiz. Trout perch. — Large numbers of dead individuals were found on the shores of Sand Point. 34. Pomoxis sparoides (Lacepede). Calico bass; grass bass; strawberry bass.^ — ^This species is apparently uncommon in the region studied. One specimen was taken in Turtle Bay and another in the lower part of the Pigeon River. Recorded from Saginaw Bay by Cope (1865, 84) under the name of Hyperistius hexacanthus (Gill). 35. Ambloplites rupestris (Rafinesque). Red-eye; goggle-eye; rock bass.— Common and widely distributed in the sand region and ad- jacent waters of Saginaw Bay. Found in Orr's fish-trap, Turtle Bay, Pigeon River, ox-bow pond at Caseville, Caseville marsh. Mud Creek, county drain near Bayport, and under Orr's fish house on Sand Point. 36. Eupomotis gibbosus (Linnaeus). Pumpkin-seed; sunny; com- mon sunfish. — Like the rock bass this species is very common and widely distributed in the region. It was taken in Turtle Bay, upper and lower parts of the Pigeon River, and in the deeper waters and adjacent county drain and marsh (west end of lake) at Rush Lake. This fish was abundant in Turtle Bay and was observed breeding there. As said before, this bay is a shallow body of water measuring from four and a half to six feet in depth and comprises about fifteen acres. The conditions are well suited to the life of the common sun- fish, the bottom being mudd^^ the water shallow, quiet, and warm, and the vegetation abundant. Individuals were found with nearly ripe eggs as early as June 23, and males with milt were found as late as August 20. The only case of spawning was observed on July 5. Nest building was watched closely in connection with a number of individuals in different lo- calities, and the following was the general method. The ne.sts. 252 FISH. which are well known and easily recognized as saucer-shaped depres- sions, were usually located in comparatively shallow water, the depth ranging from six inches to two or three feet. The fish began opera- tions by removing any plant material that was present. The loose material was rooted or bunted out of the way and the attached stalks were seized in the mouth and dragged away, little judgment being used in the method of seizing. When the aquatic vegetation had been cleared awaj'' sufficiently, the clearing away of the sediment was be- gun. This the fish accomplished with a long sweeping stroke of the tail. The movement of the body caused by the sweeping tail was largely but not entirely compensated for by an opposing motion of the pectorals, so that a slow progressive motion took place. This forward movement was accompanied by a depression of the tail or caudal fin, so that the fish lay vertically in the water. The result of these sweeping strokes was the production of a current in the water which carried out the debris. The sweeping was quite vigorous, especially as the breeding season approached, so that the mud and fine sand were swept aside exposing the coarse gravel or the roots of aquatic plants. Often the mouth was brought into play in removing the gravel and small stones. The final result of the sweeping and handling of the plants and gravel was a shallow depression of some ten to eighteen inches in diameter by two to four inches in depth. The single case of spawning th^t was observed from first to last took place as follows. At about half-past three on a warm sunny afternoon (June 5) my boat glided over a nest w^here the owner poised a moment and then disappeared among the weeds near by. I paused, and it was not long before he returned from his concealment showing little fear of me. He was a splendid big fellow, six to eight inches long, with a little greenish blue showing on his muzzle as from a scar. By this mark he was easily recognized. Directly beneath me, in about two feet of water, I observed him stroking vigorously with his pectoral fins and tail. The result of this motion was to produce currents as shown by the disturbed particles on the bottom, yet was so compensated for that the position of the fish was not changed. While performing in this way the male stayed within about two inches of the bottom. This exercise was occasionally interrupted by the unwelcome ap- proach of a few minnows (Notropis sp.), and by the fish leaving the nest suddenly. These sudden departures were accomplished by quick movements very similar to those shown in fright. That they were not from fright, I was able to demonstrate by attempting to frighten him. He would allow me to chase him all over the nest with a stick FISH. 253 without once leaving tlie nest. Finally he returned from one of his trips in company with a fish a trifle shorter than himself and differing in color in that the back was a lighter brown and the body was banded. In the lighter colored bands, one could distinguish golden or orange- colored scales mingled with others of a lighter shade. Upon entering the nest, the newcomer, a female, came a little in advance and to all appearances freely entered the nest. When once in the nest, she avoided the owner for a time, dodging this way and that, but after a few seconds she allowed him to conie abreast. In this position they circled about for a few seconds, keeping the axis of their bodies parallel and stroking in unison. Finally the female began to vary her motion by rotating or turning her body so as to lay almost com- pletely on her side, recovering her original upright position by a quick stroke to resmiie her movement about the nest. I counted eleven such circles in a minute, including the movements associated with the turning of the body upon its side and the recovery of the upright position. During this entire process, the male retained an upright position in close proximity to the ventral surface of the fe- male, the ventral surfaces of the two being very near together at the time when the female was in a horizontal position. At the time that the female made the quick motion of the tail that returned her to the upright position, a little cloud of sperm intermixed with eggs could be obserA^ed streaming in a general direction past the male and toward the bottom. The spawning took place close to the bot- tom where weeds and roots were present, and the body of the female seemed actually to strike them at the time of the sudden movement. Spawning was continued from eignt to ten minutes (the actual time occupied was observed for five minutes and the remainder esti- mated) with only an occasional intermittance of a few seconds. At the time, towards the last of the interval, when the male was dis- turbed, the iemale remained rather c[uiet and exhibited every mark of fatigue, such as the rapid movement of the opercular and sluggish- ness of other parts of the body. At intervals, especially towards the last, the female would appear to avoid the male and he would bunt into her side above the ventral fins. These bunts were followed in every case by spawning which extended over an appreciable time. At the end, the male made a bunt at the female and she quickly left the nest, pursued by him. 37. Micropterus dolomieu Lacepede. Large-mouthed black bass. — Generally not abundant but somewhat more common locally. Specimens were taken in Orr's fish-trap, and in the upper and lower parts of the Pigeon River. Recorded from Saginaw Bay by Cope (1865, 83) under the name of Micropterus fasciaius Gill. 254 FISH. 38. Micropterus salmoides (Lacepede). Large-mouthed bass. — Rather more common than the preceding species but still not abun- dant. Taken in Pigeon River, ox-bow pond at Caseville, Mud Creek, county drain near Bayport, and Turtle Bay. 39. Stizostedion vitreum (Mitchill). Wall-eyed pike; pike perch; glass-eye; yellow pike; blue pike. — Very common in Saginaw Bay and in the open waters of the lake. This species is, with the exception of the herring and then only during the fall, the most abundant fish taken in the pound nets. Several specimens were taken in Orr's fish-trap, on the north shore of Sand Point, and in the lower part of the Pigeon River. Said by Michael to be recorded by U. S. Fish Commission from Saginaw Bay and Caseville. Recorded from Saginaw Bay by Cope (1865, 82) and Milner (1872, 11, 34) under the name Stizostedion americanus, and by Goode (1884, 420). 40. Perca fiavescens (Mitchill). Yellow perch; common perch; ringed perch. — Very common and only a little less numerous than the precechng species in the habitats in which they are found together, but much more widely distributed. Specimens were taken in Orr's fish-trap, north shore of Sand Point, Turtle Bay, Pigeon River (lower part), Mud Creek, county drain near Bayport, and the county drain and marsh (at west end) at Rush Lake as well as in the deeper waters of the latter. Recorded from Saginaw Bay by Cope (1865, 82) and Goode (1884, 415-416). 41. Percina caprodes (Rafinesque). Log perch; rock fish; hog fish.' — Not uncommon in the lower part of the Pigeon River, off the north shore of Sand Point, and in Turtle Bay. 42. Hadropterus aspro (Cope and Jordan). Black-sided darter. — Specimens were taken in the upper and lower parts of the Pigeon River, and on the north shore of Sand Point. 43. Etheostoma iowae. Jordan and Meek. Iowa darter.- — Taken in the lower part of the Pigeon River, and in Turtle Bay on Sand Point. 44. Boleichthys f usif ormis (Girard). Spindle darter. — Found com- monly in both the upper and lower parts of the Pigeon River, on the north and south shores of Rush Lake, along the shore of Sand Point, and in Turtle Bay. 45. Roccus chrysops (Raf.). White bass.— Recorded from Sagi- naw Bay by Cope (1865, 83) and by Goode (1884, 430). The latter writes as follows: "On the fishing grounds of Saginaw Bay, including also those of Charity Islands, a few white bass are occasionally taken in May and the first part of June." They were never abundant in this region. FISH. 255 46. Aplodinotus grunniens Rafinesque. Fresh-water drum : sheepshead. — Taken in the pound nets by the commercial fishermen all along the shore. 47. Cottus ictalops (Rafinescfue). Miller's thunil); blob; muffle jaw; bullhead; springfish.^ — Apparently rare in the sand region and adjacent waters of Saginaw Bay. A single specimen was taken on the north shore of Sand Point. 48. Lota maculosa (Le Sueur) . Lawyer ; ling ; burbot ; aleky trout ; mother of eels; eel-pout. — Not common. A few specimens were taken from Orr's fish-trap, and one was found dead on the shore of Sand Point in August. LITERATURE CITED. The literature that deals with the fish of this region is, so far as we have been able to find, restricted to those of Saginaw Bay. 1864. Cope, E. D. Partial Catalogue of the Cold-blooded Vertebrata of Michigan. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1864, 276-285. 1865. Cope, E. D. Partial Catalogue of the Cold-blooded Vertebrata of Michigan. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1865, 78-85. 1869. Cope. Synopsis of the Cyprinidae of Pennsylvania. Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc, XIII, 351-410. 1871. Cope, E. D. A Partial Synopsis of the Fishes of the Freshwaters of North Carohna. Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc, XI, 448-495. 1884. Goode. G. Brown. The Fisheries and Fishery Industries of the United States. Sec. I, U. S. Com. of Fish and Fisheries. 1905. Michael, Ellis. Catalogue of Michigan Fish. 16th Ann. Rept. State of Michi- gan Board of Fish Commissioners. 1873. Milner, J. W. Report on the Fisheries of the Great Lakes; the Result of In- quiries prosecuted in 1871 and 1872. Rept. U. S. Com. Fish and Fisheries for 1872-1873. 1-75. Mich Publication 4; Biology 2. Map. Mlolilgan Geological And rubUcatlon 4: Elologj- 2- AMPHIBIANS AND REPTILES. 257 AMPHIBIANS AND REPTILES. ' BY ALEXANDER G. RUTHVEN. GEOGRAPHIC RELATIONS OF THE FAUNA. The writer gave particular attention to the amphibians and reptiles on this expedition, and in this work he was assisted very materially l)y the other members of the party. To one interested in the herpet- ology of Michigan the results obtained in this summers work are very gratifying; for while our Michigan fauna is composed of species which are of wider range in eastern North America, and thus for the most part well known, comparatively little is know^n of the distribution of many of these forms in the state. This is particularly true of the north and south distribution, an interesting question in view of the inter- mediate position of the state between northern and southern faunas. The remarks on the general nature of the fauna of Michigan in an earlier paper in this report apply equally to this group, and we find as we go northward that the species that inhabit the extreme southern tier of counties gradually drop out of the fauna until few are left on our northern boundary. In the case of amphibians and reptiles, how- ever, we do not, as in the case of mammals and birds, have many other forms coming into the fauna from the northward, and the explanation is that these groups are preeminently tropical and are in this region reaching the outskirts of their range. This is less true of the am- phibians than of the reptiles, for the former have a greater capacity for enduring cold. It is thus not surprising that the only two forms that enter our region from the north belong to the genus Rana (the frogs). These species are Rana cantahrigensis and R. septentrionalis, both of which are of decidedly northern distribution, the latter not occm-ring in the southern peninsula, so far as we know, and both ranging tlirough the northern peninsula and far into Canada. From these general remarks, it will be seen that the rei)tile-amphibian fauna of the region studied may be divided into three groups: 1. Those forms that are known to occur throughout the state, or at least range well north of this latitude. The species that fall into this group need no discussion here. They include most of the am- phibians and may be enumerated as follows: Bufo americaii'us, Rana pipiens, R. clamitans, Ilyla pickeringi, H. versicolor, R. sylvatica can- tahrigensis, Ambystoma jefjersonianum, Diemictylus viridescens, Plct- 33 258 AMPHIBIANS AND REPTILES. hodon cinereus, Storeria dekayi, S. occipitomaculata, Thamnophis sirtalis, Liopeltis vernalis, Chrysemys cinerea, Chelydra serpentina. 2. Those forms that are not known to extend far north of latitude 44° north, but are nevertheless known to occur near this latitude and might reasonably be expected here. The Huron County records of these species, which are listed below, are of value as adding to our knowledge of their distribution within the state. They are Choro- philus nigritus triseriatus, Thamnophis sauritus, LampropeUis doluitus triangulus, Natrix sipedon, Sistrurus catenatus and Emydoidea bland- ingi. Further investigation will undoubtedly result in the placing of some of these forms in the first group. 3. Those forms of southern distribution that were not definitely known to occur in the lower peninsula as far north as this latitude. Here belong Eumeces quinquelineatuus, Elaphe vulpinus, Heterodon platyrhinus and Thamnophis hutleri. This group is a very interesting one from the standpoint of Michigan herpetology, as it gives us more exact data on the northern limit of these species, and may indicate a more southern element in the fauna of this coast than in that of the interior. Eumeces quinquelineatus. "The Eumeces quinquelineatus is distrib- uted throughout the eastern district, with the exception of the Cana- dian and Hudsonian subdistricts, and throughout the Austroriparian, excepting the Texan district. The most northern locality from which I have seen a specimen is Michigan, as pointed out by Hallo well." (Cope, 1898 p. 638). The Michigan specimen referred to by Cope was taken at Flint. ^Michigan, and hitherto has been the most northern record for the state. Elaphe vulpinus. The fox snake does not extend as far south as do most of the species that make up the Michigan fauna. The only Michigan record known to the writer, previous to this expedition, was Grosse Isle (Cope, 1898, p. 832) and "from the vicinity of Saginaw Bay" (Miles 1861, p. 234). Other specimens were recorded from this coast in 1909 (Ruthven 1909) so that, as it was found to be rather abundant in the sand region and on Stony Island, it is now known to extend up the east coast of Michigan as far north as this latitude. It probably occurs in suitable habitats farther north in the lower penin- sula, for it is known from the upper peninsula (Ruthven 1910). Heterodon platyrhinus. This species occurs throughout the eastern forest region, from Florida northward. It w'as to have been expected in the state, but up to 1909 its status was very doubtful. The reliable records seem to show that it is primarily confined to the sandy regions in southern Michigan, as far north as Oscoda Countv and Manistee AMPHIBIANS 'AND REPTILES. 259 (Ruthven 1909). We found the species not uncommon in the sand region. Thamnophis butleri. Thi.-5 garter-snake inhabits Indiana, Ohio, western Pennsylvania and southern Michigan. The most northern record for the species, as well as for the state, has hitherto been Oak- land County, Michigan. Three specimens were found in Huron County,— two on Stony Island and one at Rush Lake (neither locality in the sand region), — which extends the range considerably to the northward. It will be seen that of the forms in this group Eumeces quinqnelineatus and Thamnophis butleri probably also occur in the interior of the state, so that the milder climate of this coast cannot be said to be of influence in introducing them farther northward than in the interior. On the other hand, if Elophe vulpinus and Heterodon platyrhimis also occur in the interior it is not a little singular that they have not been found at Ann Arbor, Lansing, or Olivet. At first sight it appears that this distribution may be accounted for on the basis of temperature, for both species may be called abundant in the sand region, and, further- more, Eumeces quinquelineatus is certainly much more common there than in the interior. In this connection it is interesting to note that these forms are apparently not only confined to this general region but also to the very limited confines of the sand region, which the more equable temperature of this coast would not rec[uire, that Heterodon platyrhinus prefers sandy regions and has been found elsewhere in lower Michigan only in such areas (Ruthven, 1909), and that Elaphe vulpinus and Eumeces quinquelineatus were by far the most abundant in this region in the dryest and sandiest habitats. In view of these things I believe the explanation for the fact that these forms are here introduced beyond the major part of their range, or at least occur here more abundantly than in the interior, is to be found not so much in the more equable temperature as in the higher summer temperature, sandy soil and general aridity of the upland habitats of the sand region. HABITAT RELATIONS OF THE FAUNA. As regards their habitat relations the amphil)ians and reptiles of the region studied fall into several groups, the forms of which are particu- larly adapted to the conditions of life in the habitats in which they are found. A. Aquatic habitats. Xone of the reptiles and amphibians obtained are deep water, aquatic-breathing forms, although the fishermen informed us that Necturus moculosus is frequently found in their pound-nets off Sand Point. Most of the forms that are associated 260 AMPHIBIANS AND REPTILES. with the aquatic habitats are air breathers during a part or all of their existence, and few are peculiar to those habitats. S'ome of them are terrestrial except in the larval state or during the breeding season (Hylidae, Ranidae, Ambystomadae), while others are always air breathers but live in the water except during the breeding season (Testudinata), and one other Natrix sipedon, only takes to the water to obtain food and escape enemies. Diemyctilus viridescens is unique in that it is an aquatic form in the larval state, a terrestrial air-breather the second year, and a partially aquatic breather in the adult state. This fauna, not being strictly an aquatic one, is not dependent upon continuous waterways in its migrations. The presence of bodies of water is, however, an indispensible condition in the environ- ment, and the forms, being weak swimmers, prefer the quiet water conditions of ponds, small lakes and bays to those in the large bay. There is a considerable number of ponds, small lakes and quiet bays in the sand region which accounts for the abundance of this fauna. Many of these are transient but they are mostly large enough to presist until after the larval stages of the amphibians that breed in them are passed, and other forms are rarely found in such places. B. Swamp habitats. Here may be grouped (a) the grassy marshes that exist throughout the sand region and on Stony Island, and the grass zones about many of the bodies of water, and (b) the timbered swamps. These two kinds of swamps have in common the adult stages of Hyla pickeringi, Bufo americanus (see p. 262), Rana pipiens, and the garter-snakes, T. sirtalis and T. sauritus. Characteristic of the grass swamps are the adult stages of Chorophilus nigritus tri- seriatus, Sistrurus catenatus and Liopeltis vernalis, while Plethodon cinereus, Hyla versicolor, Rana sylvatica cantahrigensis and Ain- by stoma jeffersonianum were characteristic of the wooded swamps. The abundance of these habitats in this region together with the numerous ponds explains the abundance of the forms enumerated above. It should be noted that some of these species are occasional- ly found also upon the sand ridges, these being usually the ones most capable of resisting dessication, e. g., Rana pipiens, Bufo americanus, Liopeltis vernalis, Hyla versicolor, and the garter-snakes. C. Sand ridge habitat. As stated elsewhere, the numerous sand ridges are the prevailing feature in the topography of the san d region. These ridges although clothed with vegetation are rather open, and the soil although covered with herbaceous plants is loose and dry. The habitat is thus a dry hot one during the summer months. Amp- hibians are quite scarce here, but the conditions are more favorable for reptiles, and the fact that the number of characteristic forms is AMPHIBIANS AND REPTILES. 261 small is due in large part to the fact that only a few species get as far north as this latitude. To this grpup, however, belong the hog- nosed snake {H. platyrhinus) , the fox snake (Elaphe vulpinus) and the skink {Eumeces quinquelineatus) . Being dry habitat forms we should expect these species, if present in the fauna, to seek this habitat, but, while they may also be occasionally found in the ad- joining clay country, I believe that one cause of their abundance in this region is the xerophilous nature of the terrestrial habitats (see p. 28 et seq). Three other species, Lampropeltis doliatus triangulus, Storeria dekayi and S. occipitomaculata, were practically confined to this habitat, but this was probably not due to the aridity of the conditions but merel}' to the fact that they prefer high terrestrial conditions and have been able to persist here. Other forms that occur in, but are not peculiar to, this habitat are the ubiquitous garter snakes {T . sirtalis, T. sauritus), the green snake (Liopeltis vernalis), and the tree toads, Hyla versicolor and H. pickeringi, all species which occur also in the swamps. LIST OF SPECIES. Amphibia. 1. Necturus maculosus Rafinesque. ]Mud-puppy. — No specimens of this amphibian were observed, but the fishermen informed the writer that individuals were frequently caught in the pound-nets off Sand Point. 2. Plethodon cinereus (Green). Red-backed salamander. — We found this salamander much less common than might be expected. Only 15 specimens were secured, and these were all taken east of Caseville, in and under moist decaying logs in the swamps between the sand ridges. Individuals were also taken in the clay country immediately adjoining— in the low woods at the east end of Rush Lake. 3. Ambystoma jeffersonianum (Green). Jefferson salamander. — This little salamander apparently occurs throughout the sand region. It was found under logs in damp places — usually in the swamps among the ridges. On Sand Point a number of specimens were taken under decaying logs on the fossil beaches. It was also found in the woods at the east end of Rush Lake. Both spotted and uniformly black specimens were taken. In the spotted individuals the ground color was black above and blackish slate beneath, and the spots, both above and below, dark blue (about CC. 403).* *KlincksUck; and Valet te. Code des Couleurs, Paris, 1908. 262 AMPHIBIANS AND REPTILES. 4. Diemictylus viridescens Rafinesque. Newt.- — As Avas to have been expected, this amphibian was comparatively common in the region explored. Adults were secured in the permanent ponds on Stony Island and throughout the sand region, from Sand Point to Rush Lake. Larvae were found in a pond on Stony Island, and the terrestrial form was found under logs in the woods on Stony Island and in a swale back of the beach on the north side of Sand Point. 5. Bufo americanus Le Conte. Toad. — Singularly enough this amphibian could not be found in the sand region proper, except on the low ground about the mouth of the Pigeon River. Specimens were also found on Stony Island and in the woods at the east end of Rush Lake. 6. Hyla versicolor Le Conte. Tree toad. — A series of eleven specimens of this amphibian was obtained. It was found to be relatively common in all of the sand region localities investigated and on Stony Island. The immature individuals (July 11 and 15) were taken about the margins or in the recently dry beds of ponds; the adults on plants, the walls of shacks, etc., in wooded swamps and even on the dry ridges. 7. Hyla pickeringi Holbrook. Spring peeper.— As H. versi- color the spring peeper is not uncommon in the sand region, and it was also observed on StonN^ Island. Adults were taken on the vege- tation in the wooded swamps on Sand Point, Hat Point and Rush Lake, in the grassy margins of ponds on Sand Point and Stony Is- land, and a single specimen on the beach near the extremity of Sand Point. On the prairie at the base of Sand Point immature individuals were found on the sites of ponds that had recently become dry (July, 3). 8. Chorophilus nigritus triseriatus (Wied). Swamp tree-toad. — A few^ adult specimens of the swamp tree-toad were secured at the following places: Stony Island, North Island, Sand Point, woods at east end of Rush Lake. These were all taken in grassy areas, except the single specimen from the last named locality. On July 11, a great number of immature specimens were taken on the mud beds of dried-up ponds, on the prairie at the base of Sand Point. I hesitate to refer the Michigan representative of this genus to the subspecies triseriatus, for the relations of the forms of this group do not seem as yet to be satisfactorily worked out. I am unable to distinguish the specimens from Huron Count}^, as well as those from Ann Arbor, from Iowa material, all of these specimens having a rather short hind-limb (the length to the heel equaling the distance from the anus to some point between the ear and eye) and a rather prolonged snout; characters that seem to refer this form to AMPHIBIANS AND REPTILES. 263 the triseriatus-septentrionalis section of the genus rather than to the feriarum-nigritufi section. 9. Rana sylvatica cantabrigensis (Baird). Wood frog. — This species Avas common in the swamps l)etween Sand Point and Rush Lake. It was only very rarely found on the sand ridges. I have elsewhere (Ruthven, 1909, p. 116) given my reasons for referring these specimens to the variety cantabrigensis. 10. Rana pipiens Schreber. Leopard frog. — Common in suitable habitats everywhere in the region studied. 11. Rana clamitans Latreille. Green frog. — Although not as abundant as the leopard frog, the green frog was found to be not un- common in the ponds and swamps of the sand region, between Sand Point and Hat Point, and individuals were occasionally found on the beach of Saginaw Bay. It was also a common form on Stony and North Islands. 12. Rana catesbeana Shaw. Bull frog. — This species was found in numbers in Rush Lake and in the county ditches near hv, but nowhere else in the region. Sauria. 13. Eumeces quinquelineatus (Linneaus). Blue-tailed skink. The expedition .secured a large series of this lizard, which is verv fortunate in view of the fact that the species is apparently becoming rare in the regions that it formerly occupied in the state, as the woods are removed by lumbering and fire. We found it throughout the sand region, from Sand Point to Hat Point, but it was much more abundant on Sand Point, probablv for the reason that this region has not been .so extensively burned over. A careful search failed to discover it on Stony Island. In the woods of the sand region it was found on the drv ridges, under and in decaying logs, where it fed on the insects that frecjuent such situations. It was, however, much more common than elsewhere under the drift logs on the fossil beaches, and also on the middle beach on the pre.sent shore, at the extremity of Sand Point. The logs strewn along the fossil beaches were in an advanced stage of decay, and usually consisted of an outer sheU of better preserved wood covering a mass of decomposed debris, the decomposition taking place most rapidly next to the ground. This apparently furnished a very favorable habitat for these lizards, great numbers of which were found in the decomposed material when the outer shell of the log had been removed. (PI. XVI.) The eggs were laid in the same material, the female generally scooping out a small hollow in the bottom of which the eggs were 264 AMPHIBIANS AND REPTILES. partially buried in the debris. Both in the woods and on the beaches nests were occasionally found in the sand beneath a log or board where there was only a small amount of decaying wood, but in every case there was at least a small amount. Females taken on June 19 were pregnant, containing large eggs apparently nearly ready to be laid. The first sets observed were on July 2, and on and after this date nests of eggs were found in numbers. Everything went to show that the eggs are mostly laid about the first of July. None were observed before this date, and those collected on July 2 were all clean — they usually become much stained from the decaying wood after being in the nest for some time. The number of eggs in the set was counted in eight instances and were as follows: 6, 6, 8, 8, 9, 11, 13, 14. An examination of the pregnant females shows that the number in each set varies with the size (age?) of the female, the smaller ones having 6 to 8 eggs, the larger ones 9 to 14. It is inter- esting to compare this with the statement of Ditmars (1907, 202) that he found the normal numbers to be 3 or 4, and that of Strecker (1908, 169) "the several sets that I have examined Avere all of 8 eggs each." It was interesting to observe the behavior of the female when with her eggs. As is well known she remains with them until they are hatched, but for what purpose is not evident. We usually found them coiled about the eggs, but sometimes they simply lay beside them. In any case there seemed to be no attempt to come in im- mediate contact with the eggs, and indeed this would have been im- possible in most instances, as the eggs themselves were not even in contact with each other, being somewhat scattered about in the de- caying debris. However, there seemed to be a disposition on the part of the female to keep her set together; several times I saw a female leave her position and crawl about the eggs, and when she encountered one which I had displaced, lick it and then nose it back with the others. If care was taken in removing the outer shell of the log to expose the nest, the female would remain with the eggs, only burying herself deeper in the loose debris when her head w^as exposed to the light. The first young of the year were observed on July 31, when a fe- male was found under a small log on a sand beach, coiled about a nest of 8 eggs from which the young were emerging. In life the ground color of the young was black; the stripes yellow (CC. 202), the tail bright blue (CC. 436). One of the enemies of the skink is the milk snake {Lampropeltis doliatus triangulus) that captures it in decaying logs. AMPHIBIANS AND REPTILES. 265 Serpentes. 14. Heterodon platyrhinus Latreille. Hog-nosed snake. — This species was found throughout the sand region from Sand Point to Rush Lake, and a specimen was collected at Port Austin b}^ Miss Crystal Thompson of the University of Michigan Museum. The sand country evidently furnishes favorable conditions for this snake, for it could not be called uncommon, and specimens of large size were obtained. One female (University of Michigan No. 37746) taken on June 21 was 898 mm. in length and had a girth of 125 mm. Mr. Yax, a resident, informed us that specimens were occasionally killed in the clay country near the sand region, but all of the in- formation that we could gather from the residents was to the effect that it was seldom found outside of the sand region. The color pattern of blotches is distinct in all of the specimens ob- tained; indeed all but two are brightly colored, having a considerable amount of bright yellow or orange in the ground color. (PI. XMI b.) Locality. Dorsals. "3 S a 3 02 2 3 S3 1 "3 t.1 3 8 2 a; a; 1 Total Lengh. ■3 E 36162 Port Austin 25-23-21-19 8 9-10 12 37746 Sand region 25-23-21-19 8 10-11 12 42 135 898 150 59 9 37954 Sand region 27-25-23-21-20 8 10 10-11 36 131 455 ^ 37744 Sand region 25-23-21-19 8 10 10-11 33 130 479 64 2 37741 Sand region 25-23-21-19 8 10 9-11 42 137 442 62 ? 37737 Sand region 25-23-21-19 8 10 9-10 38 134 466 64 9 37739 Sand region 25-23-21-19 8 10 9-10 40 120 658 123 5" 37738 Huron Co. 27-25-23-21-19 8 10-11 10 49 119 403 72 60 c- 37735 Sand region 25-23-21-19 7-8 9-10 11 49 126 342 I 37736 . and region 25-23-21-19 8 9 9-10 49 127 207 35 ' 37740 Sand region 25-23-21-19 8 10-11 10-11 42 >34 510 75 ■^ 266 AMPHIBIANS AND REPTILES. 15. Elaphe vulpinus (Baird and Girard). Fox snake. — As else- where stated (Ruthven 1909 and 1910), the southern Michigan lo- cahties in which this species has been found are: Grosse Isle, Pearl Beach, St. Clair County, Hensens Island, Lake St. Clair, and vicinity of Saginaw Bay. It was found to be comparatively common in the sand region. Specimens were secured on Sand Point and Stony Island, and the residents reported that it was often found in the region northeast of Caseville. In most of the individuals from the sand region the upper surface of the head is dark reddish brown (color of those examined in life CC. 112-113). For this reason it is called the copper-head by the residents, and thus confused with the true copper-head, and conse- quently dreaded for its supposed venomosity. This is rather re- markable for most individuals are exceedingly docile, only occasional ones attempting to bite when handled. A specimen taken among the drift logs on the fossil beach at the extremity of Sand Point had recently eaten four young rabbits. (PI. XVIIa.) . a; E-2 3 = 0) 3 Locality. Dorsals. .2 2 2 3 02 Infralabials. o O "3 o ft S to 1 Gastrosteges. Total Length. Tail Length. e 37628 Sand Point 27-25-23-21 8 9-10 1-2 2-4 2-3 63 201 1220 180 d* 37745 Sand Point 25-27-25-23-21 8-9 10 1-2 2-3 58 211 1370 160 9 37630 Sand Point 7 9-11 3-5 2-4 1-2 50 207 1070 147 9 37627 Sand Point 25-23-21 8 11 1-2 2-3 2-4 54 209 310 45 9 37629 Stony Isl. 23-21 8 10-11 1-2 2-4 65 200 936 155 37625 Sand Point 25-23-21 8 10-11 1-3 1-2 2-4 57 212 1242 158 9 37626 Sand Point 27-25-23-21 9-8 11 1-2 2-3 64 203 1024 159 d^ 16. Storeria dekayi (Holbrook). Little brown snake. — This little snake was found on Stony Island and Sand Point and at Caseville and Rush Lake, but not in numbers. It was found in two hab- itats — grassy swamps and pine woods on the sand ridges. AMPHIBIANS AND REPTILES. 267 Museum Number. Locality. Dorsals. 2 a s 3 C Oculars. Temporals. s o 1 "3 ■3 E 37732 Rush Lake 17 7 7 1-2 1-1 1-2 1-3 57 125 281 70 c? 37952 Case%1ile 37742 Sand Point 37730 Sand Point 17 7 7 1-2 1-2 55 126 276 70 c? 37729 Stony Isl. 17 7 7 1-2 1-3 1-2 46 133 330 66 9 37731 Sand Point 17 7 7 1-2 1-3 1-2 47 127 ,341 72 ? 17. Storeria occipitomaculata (Storer). Red-bellied snake. — Only two specimens of the red-bellied snake were taken — both on the pine ridges of Sand Point. One of these, taken on August 1, had large eggs in the oviducts. The number of specimens taken does not necessarily indicate the abundance in view of the small size and secretive habits of the species. 11 Locality. Dorsals. ■3 — 3 3 3 c h-l 1 0. E M Total LenKth. .3 M C OJ ij 3 H Remarks. 37728 Sand Point 15 6 7 2-2 1-2 44 121 272 54 9 37727 Sand Point 15 6 7 2-2 1-2 41 122 215 44 9 18. Liopeltis vernalis (De Kay). Green snake. — The green snake was only observed on Sand Point, where several specimens were seen but only one secured. This specimen, an adult female, was taken in the woods on a low sandy ridge on the south side of the Point. The scutellation is as follows: dorsals 15, supralabials 7. infralabials 8, oculars 2-2, temporals 1-2, urosteges 71, ventrals 129. Total length 387, tail 115. 19. Lampropeltis doliatus triangulus (Boie). Milk snake. ^ — The milk snake was a common form throughout the region studied. 268 AMPHIBIANS AND REPTILES. Specimens were taken on Stony Island and Sand Point, and at Rush Lake. They were mostly found in the decaying logs on the fossil beaches and pine ridges, where they fed, in part at least, on the Michigan mouse (Peromyscus maniculatus hairdii) and blue-tailed skink (Eumeces quinquilineatus) , as remains of these animals were found in the stomachs examined. "3 m m Hi M Locality. Dorsals. 3 ■3 3 i2 C4 g bO J CO S^; a 3 S 5S '72 S c3 cd "^ S OQ *-" H P H H « 37663 Sand region 21-19-17 7 9 1-2 1-3 46 202 235 31 9 37660 Sand Point 21-19-17 . 7-8 1-2 1-3 2-3 42 204 789 97 9 37662 Stony Isl. 21-19-17 7 9 1-2 2-3 48 195 837 120 c? 37661 Sand Point. 21-19-17 7 8-7 1-2 2-3 51 202 777 115 "3 c .c II Locality. "3 "3 1 03 o 01 £ ^ c Remarks. iZ i-» a S E o !e ; ' c O o s Q GQ O H p o H H 37725 Stony Island 19-17 6 8 1-3 1-1 62 140 518 122 9 37724 Stony Island 19-17 6 8 1-2 1-3 1-2 1-1 51 139 444 95 9 37723 Rush Lake 19-17 7 8 1-3 1-1 59 141 426 96 9 22. Thamnophis sauritus (Linnaeus). Ribbon snake. — It has been the experience of the writer that this snake is generally much less common in Michigan than its relative T. sirtalis. We found that this was decidedly not the case in the sand region and the neighbor- ing islands of Huron County, where it is apparently quite as abundant as T. sirtalis. It was found everywhere, both in the swamps and on the ridges, in the sand region and on Stony Island. 23. Natrix gipedon (Linnaeus). Water-snake.— This water snake was found throughout the region investigated — Stony Island, North Island, Sand Point and Rush Lake. It was not numerous in the sand region, but was found at almost every permanent pond. It was more abundant at Rush Lake, and very numerous on Stony Island. Nearlv all of the smaller specimens (450 mm. and less) were found under loose stones, driftwood etc., on the shores, only the larger individuals roaming about. Two specimens (taken on August 17 and 21) were about to give birth to young; indeed, three young emerged and escaped when one of these snakes was picked up. 270 AMPHIBIANS AND REPTILES. Museum Number. Locality. Dorsals. 3 .2 1 "3 8 i O n E 1 1 o O "3 37646 Stony Island 23-21-19-17 8 10 1-3 1-3 60 144 700 150 9 37651 Stony Island 23-21-19 17 8 10 1-4 1-3 1-3 1-2 61 1.38 . 662 154 9 37644 Sand Point 23-21-19-17 8 10 1-3 1-2 1-3 59 144 577 124 2 37640 Rush Lake . ... 21-23-21-19-17 8 10 1-3 1-3 67 145 606 144 9 37654 Stony Island. . 23-21-19-17 8 10 1-3 1-3 63 144 282 65 9 37641 Rush LalvB 23-21-19 8 10 1-3 1-3 60 143 417 91 9 37642 Sand Point . . . 23-21-19-17 8 10 1-3 1-3 65 137 731 266 177 60 163 9 37659 Hat Point 21-23-21-19-17 9 10 1-3 1-2 1-3 65 147 37653 North Island.. 23-21-19-17 8 10 1-2 1-3- 1-3 62 142 718 9 37648 North Island.. 23-21-19-17 8 10 1-3 1-2 59 143 357 78 9 37647 Stony Island. . 23-21-19-17 8 10 1-3 1-3 56 144 327 67 9 37655 Stony Island. . 2.3-21-19-17 8 10 1-3 1-3 56 144 9 37650 Steny Lsland.. 23-21-19-17 8 10 1-3 1-2 1-3 70 141 410 99 d^ 37652 Stony Island.. 23-21-19-17 8 10 1-3 1-3 59 140 458 100 9 37649 North Lsland.. 21-23-21-19-17 8 10 1-3 1-3 59 139 447 96 9 37645 Rush Lake.. . . 2.3-21-19-17 7? 8 10 11 1-3 1-3 145 ? 37643 Rush Lake .... 23-21-19-17 8 10 1-3 1-3 61 144 V 24. Sistrurus catenatus (Rafine^que). Mas.sauger; rattlesnake.— The rattlesnake was found on Sand Point but nowhere else in the sand region, although we have records from the residents that cover the area from Bay Port to Hat Point. It was doubtless formerly common throughout the sand region, the numerous swaiiips afTording very favorable conditions. Stony Island is locally notorious for its abundance of rattlesnakes, and it merits its reputation. About the swamps on the island we found the rattlers almost as abundant as the garter-snakes, although more difficult to capture as they fre- quented the tall marsh grass, and were often able to elude capture even after we had seen them. A single specimen was taken on North Island where they are also said to be abundant. Frogs were found in the stomachs of some of the individuals taken, and these probably form the bulk of the food. The remains of snakes were found in two specimens; one of these was a rattlesnake, the other could not be identified. The condition of the devoured snakes leaves little doubt that they were eaten after having been dead for a consideral^le time. AMPHIBIANS AND REPTILES. 4 Locality. Dorsals. o i 1 1 a O 1 Remarks. 37633 Stony Island 25-23-21-19 22 144 566 40 9 37631 Stony Island 25-23-21-19 27 141 710 70 ? 37639 North Island 25-2.3-21-19 23 147 676 58 9 37638 Stony Island 25-23-21-19 29 143 694 75 cf 37637 Stony Island 25-23-21-19 27 142 718 78 o^ 37636 Sand Point 25-23-21-19 28 137 694 74 d" 37635 Stony Island 25-23-21-19 28 141 413 42 & 37634 Stony Island 25-2.3-21-19 28 134 360 42 d 37632 Stony Island 25-23-21-19 30 139 577 67 d Testudinata. 25. Chelydra serpentina (Linnaeus). Snapping turtle. — A con- siderable number of snapping turtles were taken in Turtle Bay (on the south side of Sand Point) and in the lower part of the Pigeon River at Caseville, by means of the fyke-net. Several specimens were also taken in the woods on Sand Point. 26. Emydoidea blandingi (Holbrook). Blanding's turtle.— We did not find this turtle abundant anywhere in the region explored. Three specimens were found wandering about on the pine ridges on Sand Point, one was taken in a fyke-net set in Turtle Ba}', and a small specimen was taken on the margin of a pond on Stony Island. The writer observed a few others in Long Lake. Sand Point, and in the ponds on Stony Island. 27. Chrysemys cinerea (Bonn.). Painted turtle. — A large series of specimens of the painted turtle was secured, as the species was very common throughout the region. It was taken or observed on Stony and North Islands, on Sand Point, in the Pigeon River at Caseville, and at Rush Lake. Most of the specimens from Sand Point, particularh' those taken in Long Lake, have red plastrons and more or less red on the carapace due to a deposit of some chemical substance from the water. The coloring is so regular that it appears at first sight to be due to pigment. LITERATURE CITED. 1861. Miles, M. A. A Catalogue of the Birds, Reptiles and Mollusks of Michigan. 1st. Biennial Rept. Geol. Surv. Mich., pp. 210- 241. 272 AMPHIBIANS AND REPTILES. 1898. Cope. E. D. The Crocodilians. Lizards and Snakes of North America. Kept. U. S. Nat. Mus., 1898, pp. 153-1270. 1907. Ditmars, R. The Reptile Book. New York. 1908. Strecker, John K. Notes on the Breeding Habits of Phry- nosma Cornutum and other Texas Lizards. Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., XXI, pp. 165-170. 1908. Ruthven, Alexander G. Variations and Genetic Relation- ships of the Garter Snakes. Bull U. S. Nat. Mus., 61. 1909. Ruthven, Alexander G. Notes on Michigan Reptiles and Amphibians. 11th Ann. Rept. Mich. Acad. Sci., pp. 116-117. 1910. Ruthven, Alexander G. Notes on Michigan Reptiles and Amphibians, II. 12th. Ann. Rept. Mich. Acad. Sci., p. 59. Michigan (Jeolojiical antl Biological Survey. rul)li(;it 1(111 4 : r.iniojry riatc I. (A) UKACII ON THE NORTH SIDK OF SAND I'olNT. ^: m -^ ^ (B) FACE OF OITKU DINK AT l(i.i;-ic;il Survey. riibliciUioii 4 : I'.ii Plate II. (Al XUKTII SIDE OF SAXl) TUIXT 'l'(tWAUI» TIIK ICXI). XOTI', SI'AKSF VIOdKTA- TIOX OX WINDWAUI) SIDK AXI) (iKKATKl; (UioWTlI ON Li:!:\\Al;i) SIDK OF BFACIi DUXFS. I MWLM. ??< m > ci i» ji ,^«r!aaK (B.( LOOKIXC; XOKTIIFAST Al' Till: WKST SIltK OF OAK I'ulNI. I '.MIUMOXIC 13ARRIFK 1!i:a(II. SAXl isfii's .vxn i;x(i.osi:ii i.A(;ooxs. riii^si: saxd AREAS ARi: SooX FFOTIIFD W ITI 1 TIIi: FSFAI. lUXi: SFi:cii:s. Michigan (ieoiogical and Biological Survey. I'lildication 4 : IJinlogy Plate III. ■ • •"'C^^ •«•{•■»>? (Ai SAM) FLAT WKST OF LITTLi: OAK I'olXT. NOTE EMBIUOXIC DTNKS. (1!) BLOWOUT i.\ oLTi;U DISK KUtGi;. SlioWlNO r.lA> B1;A( II lI'oN WlUill fill DUNE IS SUl'ERIMl'OSED. Mieliisiin (Jeolntcical and Biological i^urvey. I'ublication 4 . Hiolocv i'. I'late IV. (Al FOSSIL BI:ACII XKAI: TIIK KXD of SAXI> IMIXT. • 1 ■-'':l iV^t' {M) JACK PIXK FOItFST (>X TIIK MoKK KKt'KXT DIXKS. RIDGES CLOTIIKD WITH rSAMMOI'HYTKS. VALLEYS MOSTLY XEAKLY RAISED TO BASE LKVKL. IXDERfJROWTII BEGIXXIXc; TO BE MES( »I'IIYTK\ Michisan Goolosical aud Biological Survey. I'liblicai ion 4 : ItioloK.v riate V. •-"^i I A) GRASSY MAUSH ON STONY ISLAND. r, I (JKASSV .MAKSIl ON STONY ISLAND. Michigan (Jeoloyical anil Kiolngical Survey. I'liblicatiiin 4 : I'.IoIokv 2. I'late VI. (Ai rUAIKIE AT TIIK BASK OF SAXI) I'OIXT. I'll KAC.M ITi:S ASSOCIATION WITH ••WOODY ISLANDS." TIIIC LATTKK TKItKACi:D. ^mygl^yi^i (B) MAK(;iX OF TDK ritAIKIK AT TIIK BASK OF SAND I'olNT. I'll KAci.MlTKS ASSOCIATION IN Till: Foi;i:( ;U( UND. AI.NIS ASSOCIATION IN BACK- GROUND. Michigan (JeoloRical and P.iological Survey. I'iil)lirMtii)ii 4 : Iti.ilii^y (Al (>Pi:X MAR8II AT TIIK EAST END ( »E rtlSII LAKE. (i!) olK.X MAKSII AUOIT TlKlEi: I'.AY <>N SAM> TdlNT. Michigan (ioolciiicnl and r>ii)l().irical Survey. I'lililicaiiciii 4 : I'.iulu-v riaic VIII. (Ai (iKAssi swALK i;i; T\\ 1 ;i;.\ sam> lawus m:ai; kisii i.aki: r, 1 ri:u.MAM:N'r imnd «'N stunv islam • Michigan Geological and Biological Survey. rnliliiation -1 ; Biology 2. I'late IX. ^■■■■■iMiiMaw I liiiiiMiii^iiiiiify^aiifrtiiii^ii, (A) GENERAL VIEW (»E lUSII LAKi:. (B> RAYlIUXIiS I'OINT ON Till: NuKTII SIldKE ( >E ItlSIl LAKi:. Micliigan (;('()liifri<;il niul Biological Survey. I'lihlicaliDii 4: r'.iology 2. I'late X. (A) DT'NE I'OINT OX THE XORTH SIIOUE OF lilSII LAK! -if; ' \ ^^. ' (V,) I'IGEitX KIVEl; AI'.DVE CASEVILLE. ^lichigan (Jeologioal and Biological Survey. I'ublication 4 : Biology 2. Plate XI. (Al LOOKING INTO THE OX-BOW POND OFF THE PIGEON RIVER AT CASEVILLE. *#«*■■■■•;• (Bl DEAD-WATERS OF THE PKJEON RIVER AB(»VE CASEVILLE. Alichiiian Coolouiciil and Biolosical Siirvi'.v. I'ublication 4 : Biologry Plate XII. •" • ' -'-^' Ji^ ■ka^tab^^^ta (A) GEXERAL VIEW OF LONG LAKE, SAXD I'OINT. SHOWING SCIRPUS AND JFXCrS ASSOCIATIOXS IX THE WATER AXD CAREX ASSOCIATIOX OX THE AYATER-SOAKEIi EKGE. (B) EXD OF LOXG LAKE, SAXD I'olXT. ASS( ICLVTU iNS AM> PKi MJRESSIOXS AS IX TURTLE BAY. Michigan Oeologioal niul liiological Siirvcv. riililii Ml inn 4 : I'.iohjtrv 1.'. I'lati' xiri. (A) MAU(;i.\" ol' LOXO LAKi:. SAM) I'dlXT. (B) TfirrLi-: bay. saxd i'oixt. (junvr \vati:i; axi> i;i:sii/i-ax r iiviik<>i'iivti:s. LARGK AKIOAS OF LILY PADS IXTIUJSI'KUSi:!) ^VITI1 ALISMA. .SA(iITTAKL\ AXD POTAMOGICTOXS: SICDlil-: AXD I'lIUACiMITlCS ASSOCLVTIOXS OX TIIK BORDKR. Michii;;iii (Jt^oldjiical and r.iolojiical Survey. I'lihlical iim 4 : RioloKy Plate XIV. (Al noCK P.KACII OX STOXY ISLAND. (I! 1 Udl'K BKACII OX STOXV ISI.AXH. Michigan (yeological and Biological Survey. riiblication 4: Biology 2. riate XVI. ^•^--i-" (A) XEST AND EGGS OF EUMECE.'^ QUIXQUILIXEArUS IX DECAYIXG LOG. PAR- EXT SKIXK TARTLY COILED ABOT-r EGGS. rB) XEST AXD E(;(;S (tE EUMEVES QUIXQri LI \EATU!< IX DECAYIXG LOG. I'AR- EXT SKIXK PARTLY COILED ABOUT EGGS. Michigan Ceological and Biological Survey. I'ul)lication 4 ; Biology 12. riate XVII. (A) ELIPHE rULPIXUS. (B) 111:TI:H()D0S PLATYinilMti. Mii'higan (jeological and Biological Survey. rublioation 4 : Hiology 2. IMate XVIII. (A) IMMATURE AMEKICAX BITTEKX. (B) NEST AND EGGS OF OVENBIUD. BIRDS. 273 BIRDS. BY NORMAN A. WOOD AND FREDERICK GAIGE. GENERAL DISCUSSION. The following observations on the birds of the sand region of Huron County, Michigan, were made by the "v\Titers while attached to the biological survey in the summer of 1908. The senior writer reached Sand Point, which was the first locality studied, June 13, and from that date remained upon the Point, making daily observations upon the birds, until August 27, when the party left the field. The junior writer joined the party on Sand Point on June 21 and remained there until July 12. On the latter date he went with three other members of the expedition to Stony Island, remaining there until July 19. The time between July 19 and 29 was again spent on Sand Point, and the rest of the time (until August 27) in the vicinity of Rush Lake. (See map.) It may be seen from this itinerary that three distinct localities were studied: the sand region between Sand Point and Hat Point, Stony Island, and the clay country at Rush Lake. In the sand region the habitat conditions are dominated by the sandy soil. The ridges are covered with open growths of jack pine and the swamps with dense growths of maple, cedar etc., or with grasses and sedges. The clay country at Rush Lake, on the other hand, is largely taken up with open fields. (See plates.) We hoped to be able to make a comparison between the avifaunas of the three regions, but enough time could not be given to the ornis of the clay country. For this reason, in the following list of the birds that occur in the clav country but not in the sand region, as far as our observations go, we have excluded all species that we believe may con- fidently be expected to occur in the sand region: Killdeer (as a breed- er), bob-white, phoebe, horned lark, bartramian sandpiper, bobolink, meadow lark, bronzed grackle, vesper sparrow, grasshopper sparrow and migrant shi-ike. The conditions on Stony Island differ from those of the other two regions in that the soil is not sandy nor the A'egetation cleared away, the highland being largely covered by a dense growth of deciduous trees and the lowland principally by large wooded and grassy swamps. 3.5 274 BIRDS. The conditions on the island may thus be considered similar to those of the clay country before the latter was cleared. We give a list of the species observed on the island between July 12 and 19: Herring gull, common tern, black duck, American bittern, great blue heron, American woodcock, spotted sandpiper, killdeer, mourning dove, bald eagle, great horned owl, yellow-billed cuckoo, black-billed cuckoo, belted kingfisher, northern downy woodpecker, flicker, whip-poor--svill, chimney swift, ruby-throated hummingbird, kingbird, crested flycatcher, phoebe, wood pewee, least flycatcher, American crow, bobolink, cow- bird, red-Annged blackbird, meadow lark, Baltimore oriole, bronzed grackle, American goldfinch, vesper sparrow, chipping sparrow, field sparrow, song sparrow, swamp sparrow, towhee, indigo bird, eave swallow, barn swallow, tree swallow, bank swallow, cedar waxwing, red-eyed vireo, northern yellow-throat, American redstart, catbird, house ^^Ten, long-billed marsh wren, white-breasted nuthatch, black- capped chickadee, American robin, bluebird. It will be seen from this list that the ornis of the island is in no way peculiar except for the presence of certain species that frequent it as a secluded locality. To summarize the results of our work in the sand region, we have divided the birds into two groups — the residents and migrants — in the following list. Birds are classed as breeding if found nesting (species starred) or if very young birds incapable of prolonged flight were noted; as residents, when not found breeding, if the species was observed before the beginning of the migration. Probabl,v a large percentage of the latter were in reality breeders. These lists may be considered exhaus- tive onh" as regards the summer and fall birds. As it was summer when the observations were made nothing of the spring, late fall, and "udnter migrants could be noted. Even a few resident species have probably been overlooked, for birds are frequently shifting and may remain but a brief time in one locality. Summer Residents: Loon, Herring Gull, Common Tern, Hooded Merganser, Mallard, Black Duck, Wood Duck, American Bittern, Great Blue Heron, Green Heron. Black-crowned Xight Heron, Virginia Rail, Florida Gallinule, Coot, American Woodcock, Spotted Sandpiper. Kill- deer, Ruffed Grouse, Mourning Dove, Cooper's Hawk, Bald Eagle, Osprey, Great Horned Owl, Yellow-billed Cuckoo*, Black-billed Cuckoo, Kingfisher, Hairy Woodpecker, Northern Downy Woodpecker, Red- headed Woodpecker*, Flicker*, Whip-poor-mll, Night Hawk*, Chim- ney Swift*, Ruby-throated Hummingbird*, Kingbird*, Crested Fly- catcher*, Phoebe*, Wood Pewee*, Blue Jay, Crow*, Cowbird, Red- winged Blackbird*, Baltimore Oriole*. Bronzed Grackle (?), Purple Finch, American Goldfinch*, ^>sper Sparrow. Chipping Sparrow*, BIRDS, 27.5 Field Sparrow*, Song Sparrow*, Swamp Sparrow, Towhee*, Indigo Bunting*, Scarlet Tanager, Purple ^lartin, Cliff Swallow, Barn Swal- low*, Tree Swallow*, Bank Swallow*, Rough-winged Swallow*, Cedar Bird*, Red-eyed Vireo*, Black and White Warbler, Yellow Warbler, Chestnut-sided Warbler, Blackburnian Warbler, Black-throated Green Warbler, Pine Warbler*, Oven-bird*, Northern Yellow-throat*, Ameri- can Redstart*, Catbird*, Brown Thrasher, House Wren*, Winter Wren, Carolina Wren, Long-billed Marsh Wren, AYhite-breasted Nut- hatch, Black-capped Chickadee*, Blue-gray Gnatcatcher*, Wilson's Thrush*, Robin, Bluebird*. . Doubtful Summer Residents: Yellow-bellied Sapsucker, Prairie Warb- ler, Canadian Warbler, Rose-breasted Grosbeak. Migrants: Pied-billed Grebe, Ring-billed Gull, Knot, Pectoral Sand- piper, Least Sandpiper, Red-backed Sandpiper, Semipalmated Sand- piper, Sanderling, Greater Yellow-legs, Yellow-legs, Semipalmated Plover, Turnstone, Sharp-shinned Hawk, Sparrow Hawk, Yellow- bellied Flycatcher, Alder Flycatcher, Least Flycatcher, Savanna Spar- row, Golden-wdnged Warbler, Nash\'ille Warbler, Cape May Warbler, Black-throated Blue Warl^ler, Yellow-rumped Warbler, Magnolia Warbler, Baybreasted Warbler, Grinnell's Water Thrush, Mom-ning Warbler, Wilson's Warbler, Brown Creeper, Red-breasted Nuthatch, Red-Tailed Hawk, Red-Shouldered Hawk. ]\Iigrants began to appear in the sand region about August 1. The exact observations will be found in the list of species. In regard to the migration one thing that was very striking was the apparent differ- ence in the routes of the warblers and sandpipers. At Sand Point the' warblers were ver^' abundant during the migration, while sandpipers, particularly three or four species, were rather scarce. Between Oak and Hat Points this condition was reversed; only a few warblers were noted, while the beach from Oak Point northward fairly teemed "uith sandpipers. One could stand there and see the latter coming in flocks from across the Bay, lighting on the beach to feed and working con- tinually northw'ard along the shore. They were first seen in large numbers on August 20, and did not seem to diminish up to August 27, on which date the party left the region. In fact some species, as the turnstone, seemed to be increasing in numbers. The first of these migrants were seen farther north along the beach than Oak Point (where the largest flocks seemed to alight), between Hat Point and Port Crescent. Here a small flock of sanderling was seen August 18, and two semipalmated sandpipers were noted the same day. Later the\^ struck the beach farther down, mostly about Oak Point, a few even as far west as Sand Point. Few prol)ably cross farther west than Sand Point, as there are no suitable beaches. 276 BIRDS. * The facts seemed to show that the warblers cross the Bay nearer its head, and that the sandpipers strike across nearer the mouth, probably not only because they are stronger fliers but also because the best beaches are nearer Lake Huron. The sandpipers seemed without exception to follow the beach north and east and probably continue round the end of the thumb, and from some point on the east coast fly down to southern Ontario. The follo'^ing list gives the results of our work upon the ornis of the region. Besides the collecting of specimens and the recording of ob- servations, however, stomachs and parasites were saved in every case. The former are reserved for future study, the latter have been reported upon elsewhere in this volume by Prof. Shull. LIST OF SPECIES. 1. Podilymbus podiceps. Pied-billed grebe. — Michigan: Common as a migrant and locally common as a breeder throughout the state. On August 15, two were seen at Rush Lake a,nd three at Turtle Bay on the south side of Sand Point, August 24. It was not found breeding, although at Rush Lake and also on the Point the conditions seemed favorable. "We were told by residents that it is very abundant in the spring. 2. Gavia immer. Loon. — Michigan: Common as a migrant and locally common as a breeder throughout the state. One specimen was seen flying over Sand Point early in the morning of June 16. This bird no doubt had a nest along the marshy shore of Wild Fowl Bay. Mr. Frank Brackenbury, a fisherman, told us that in the spring of 1908 more than twenty-five loons were found in the pounds and entangled in the nets on one line of fish stakes. It is well known that this species lives on fish which it pursues to a great depth and is often caught on set lines as well as in gill and pound nets. 3. Larus argentatus smithsonianus. American herring gull. — Michigan: Common as a migrant and locall}' common as a breeder north of latitude 44°. The herring gull was first seen June 17, when about twentv-five lit on the top of the fish stakes on the north side of Sand Point. After this date it was seen here only occasionally until August 17, after which it was common every day. On July 15, it was seen at Stony Island, and at Oak Point four were seen on August 2, and afterward occasionally during our stay near there. The fishermen said that a few of this species breed each year on Little Charity Is- land, a small rocky island about twelve miles to the north of Sand Point. They also reported the species as very abundant both in BIRDS. 277 spring and fall. After August 17 we saw large flocks flying over the bay often alighting on the fish stakes that extend for a mile or more out from shore. They generally kept well out from the shore and did not often alight on the beach, although one was observed on the beach at Hat Point, August 18, and another feeding near the fish house on Sand Point on August 23. Near the end of Sand Point the low sand bar about thirty rods from the beach was a favorite resort of the gulls. Thes' lit and rested there even when the waves were so high as to sweep entirely over them at intervals. Several times a number of ring-billed gulls were seen with these flocks. 4. Larus delawarensis. Ring-billed gull. — Michigan: This species is given as a scarce migrant throughout the state, but our observations seem to show that it is not an uncommon one along the Great Lakes. Major Bois* says it breeds near the Neebish Is- lands. Upper Peninsula. Only observed at Sand Point. It was first seen August 12. with a flock of herring gulls, and after this nearly every day during our stay. Early in the morning of August 22, flocks of two, three or more were seen flying along the beach west of the fish house. These were mostly out of range of the gun but wdth the field glass could be easily identified, not only by the smaller size but also by the black band at the end of the tail. The tail band is very conspicuous, es- pecially in the juvenile and immature birds, and the flight also is lighter than that of the herring gull. Individuals were seen to fly and pick up food from the surface of the water. In the throat of one examined, we found a large cicada, and there w^ere others in the stomach. On August 12, we saw numbers of them in company with herring gulls and the common tern on a sand bar near the end of the Point, where they seemed to be resting and at times feeding. 5. Sterna hirundo. Common tern. — Michigan: Common sum- mer resident, breeding north of latitude 44°. Observed all along the shore of Saginaw Bay. The first one was seen on July 15, on' Stony Island. The first record for Sand Point was on August 12, when they were observed along the north beach. After this date they were frequentl}^ seen in the latter place. The birds observed flew over the water and seldom came very near the shore. When they did, they flew quite high. The only exception was one morning when a wounded bird fell into the water a few rods from shore. In response to its calls over fifty of this species were in a few minutes swooping down to the injured one, calling and seeming to lose all timidity. A fisherman told us that they breed on some islands near Thunder Bay, Alpena Countv, and also that they were verv abundant near Sand Point in the spring and fall. *BiiUetin of the Mich. Ornith. Club, Vol. I. i>. 18. 278 BIRDS. 6. Mergus americanus. American merganser. — Michigan: This is a common migrant and summer resident, breeding north of latitude 44°. One was seen near the end of Sand Point in the water of the bay July 11. and another was in Turtle Bay on the south side of the Point on July 18. The nest of this species was not found by our party, but Mr. Edward Arnold* found it nesting on North and Stony Islands. 7. Lophodytes cucullatus. Hooded merganser. — Michigan: Common migrant and summer resident, breeding north of latitude 44°. A small flock was seen in the rushes at the extreme end of Sand Point on August 12, and a female was seen on Long Lake near the end of the Point on June 24. The fisherman told us that the species was very common at the Point both in the spring and fall, and that it breeds on Charity Island. 8. Anas platyrhynchos. Mallard.— Michigan: Common migrant and summer resident: breeds throughout the state in suitable lo- cahties. (On North Island, May 12, 1903. Arnold, loc. cit.) A flock of eight was seen flying near the end of Sand Point on June 14, and no doubt bred in the wet marshes somewhere in the vicinity. The fishermen told us that it is abundant at Sand Point and Rush Lake in spring and fall. 9. Anas rubripes. Black duck. — Michigan: Common migrant and summer resident, breeding in suitable marshes inland, as well as along the Great Lakes. A flock of ten was seen June 14 near the end of Sand Point, and single birds were seen after this in the grass}^ swamp that bordered the bay. At Rush Lake they were common after August 10, and one was seen on Stony Island on July 12. On June 15, two females were seen to fly up from a wet grassy marsh near the end of the Point. These birds circled about the marsh several times and then lit near the spot where they were flushed. Later other birds were seen with broods of young that were unable to fly, and these seemed to feed among the islands of rushes and tall grass near the end of the Point. After the young became large enough to fly we often saw them flying across the Point to Turtle Bay on the south side, where they seemed to feed on the wild rice, generally returning to spend the day in the shelter of the rush islands. At Rush Lake the crop and stomach of the single bird taken was found to be full of the roots of the wild celery, and the shallow water where the ducks fed was covered with the plants which had been pulled up, only the roots being eaten. *Bull. Mxh. Ornith. Club, Vol. IV, p. 71. BIRDS. 279 10. Aix sponsa. Wood cluck. — Michigan: Common summer resi- dent, breeding in suitable localities throughout the state. This species was seen in flocks at Rush Lake on August 10. Three were also seen on Turtle Bay on Sand Point on August 22, and on the same date we saw one on Long Lake. The birds seen at Rush Lake were no doubt raised in the vicinity as the young were not fully feathered. The crop and stomach of one was full of the tubers of Potamogetan, and one taken in Turtle Bay on Sand Point had eaten many flowers of wild rice. One of the residents near Rush Lake said that he had found the nest of this species in that vicinity. 11. Botaurus lentiginosus. American bittern. — Michigan: Com- mon summer resident ; breeds throughout the state. This species was seen on Sand Point, at Rush Lake and on Stony Island. The species was common 'throughout the region. We found an adult female and one young bird nearly feathered on the grassy prairie near the base of the Point, on July 8. It also bred on Stony Island, where an adult was seen on July 13, and two voung on Julv 14. (PL XVIII a.) 12. Ardea herodias. Great blue heron. — Michigan: Common summer resident ; breeds all over the state in colonies. This bird is a rather common one in the sand region, and specimens were seen at various times between Sand Point and Rush Lake, and on Stony Island. We frequently saw them fly out to the fish pounds and alight on the stakes where they watched for fish. When the latter came near the surface, a ciuick stroke with the herons bill either killed or disabled it, so that it could be eaten or carried to the young in the nest. They often killed fish of a pound weight, and we saw them make regular excursions to these pounds for fish. We also saw them wading in the grassy marshes near the west end of the Point, and they must have lired somewhere in the vicinity. 13. Butorides virescens. Green heron. — Michigan: Common summer resident: breeds in all suitable localities throughout the state. One was seen on Sand Point (July 10) and one at Rush lake (Au- gust 10). No nests were found, as the swamps where they breed were inaccessable in early summer on account of high water and myriads of mosciuitoes. The one seen at Sand Point was flying along the south shore. 14. Nycticorax nycticorax naevius. Black-crowned night heron. — Michigan: Rare summer resident: doubtless breeds. This bird was seen as follows: one on Sand Point on June 22 and ♦Arnold, Edward, Bull. Mich. Ornith. Club, Vol. IV, y. 71. 280 BIRDS. one on July 25, one at the end of the line of fish stakes about one mile north of Sand Point on June 27, and one on Stony Island, July 12. Early in the morning of June 22 we heard a strange squawk from a heron perched in a tree at the edge of a grassy inland swamp, and when the bird was flushed it proved to belong to this species. Again on July 25 we saw three flying over to the south near the same spot. At an old camp site on the south shore of the point we found a pair of legs of this species nailed to a tree. Mr. Brackenbury told us that a short-legged, short-necked, spotted or striped heron with a thick heavy bill was caught in a net about one of the fish pounds early last spring, and this was no doubt an immature bird of this species. 15. Rallus virginianus. Virginia rail. — Michigan: Common sum- mer resident, breeding throughout the state. One was seen on Sand Point on August 17, and another at Rush Lake on August 6. The only bird seen on Sand Point was flushed from the rushes bordering the east side of Wild Fowl Bay; the one at Rush lake was seen in a grassy marsh at the edge of the lake. 16. Gallinula galeata. Florida gallinule. — Michigan: Abundant summer resident throughout the southern peninsula, breeding in grassy swamps. , (We know of no records for this species from the Upper Peninsula.) A single bird was heard calling in the marsh which surrounded the small lake near the base of Sand Point, but none w^ere seen. 17. Fulica americana. American coot. — Michigan: Abundant summer resident, breeds locally in wet marshes throughout the state. One individual was seen in Saginaw Bay, off the north side of Sand Point, and another was seen near Rush Lake (August 6), where it was reported by the residents as common in spring and fall. 18. Philohela minor. American woodcock. — Michigan: A com- mon summer resident and breeder throughout the state. Two were seen at the edge of a thicket near the base of Sand Point on July 10, three in a damp wooded swamp at Stony Island on July 13, a dead bird was found in the road near Rush Lake on August 4, and one was flushed in a low Avet thicket near Rush Lake on August 13. Mr. Wallace of Bayport told us that in October this species is usually very abundant on Stony Island, Sand Point, and in the upper part of Huron County generally, where they stop on their southern migration to feed in the low woods and thickets. 19. Tringa canutus. Knot. — Michigan: A rather rare migrant not known to breed in the state. On August 20, wdiile observing the incoming flocks of sanderling, turnstones and other inigrating sandpipers on the sand flat west of BIRDS. 281 Oak Point, Ruthven observed three of these birds flying toward the beach. Two of these were taken, and the following day he took another (probably the third one of the three seen the day before) from a flock of spotted sandpipers on the beach just northeast of Little Oak Point. These were the only ones observed. 20. Pisobia macula ta. Pectoral sandpiper. — Michigan: This species is a common migrant, but not a breeder, in the state. One was seen on the beach near Oak Point on August 24. This specimen was feeding with a flock of sanderling and was the onh^ one seen. 21. Pisobia minutilla. Least sandpiper. — Michigan: A common migrant but does not breed in the state. First seen at Sand Point on August 18, and at Oak Point on August 14. These birds were rather common after these dates, and were found in company with semipalmated sandpipers which greatly outnum- bered them. 22. Pelidna alpina sakhalina. Red-backed sandpiper. — Michigan: A common migrant, not breeding in the state. A flock of about twenty were seen flying along the beach near Oak Point on August 20. These birds still retained the black patch on the belly which served in part to identify them. 23. Ereunetes pusillus. Semipalmated sandpiper. — Michigan: A common migrant, not breeding in the state. This species was first seen at Sand Point and also at Oak Point on August 18. Small flocks were seen feeding all along the beach, but it was more common on the sand flat at Oak Point. 24. Calidris leucophaea. Sanderling. — Michigan: An abundant migrant along the shores of the Great Lakes, not known to breed in the state. It was first seen at Sand Point on August 8, and east of that place at Hat Point on August 18. After August 20, it became very com- mon all along the beach from Sand Point eastward. It was, how- ever, most abundant along the beach from the sand flat at Oak Point eastward, flocks of from twenty to sixty being commonly observed. Nearly all of the birds were in the fall plumage. The first one seen, August 8, was an adult female and still partly retained its spring plumage, and a male, August 20, was also in changing plumage. In common with most species of waders the adult birds migrated first, and the later ones were juvenile and immature. They were very fearless and ran along the beach at the waters edge within a few feet of us. The\' apparently fed principally on insects, but they were often seen to pick up small fish, swallowing them whole if small, or picking them to pieces if too large. 282 BIRDS. 25. Totanus melanoleucus. Greater yelloAv legs. — Michigan: Rather common migrant; does not breed in the state. This species was only seen at Oak Point, where it was first observed on August 20, on the sand flat. It was afterwards observed several times in small numbers on the expanse of mud left by the drying-up of a large pond just south of Oak Point. 26. Bartramia longicauda. Bartramian sandpiper. — Michigan: Not uncommon summer resident; breeds in low grassy fields. It seems to be gradually becoming less common in all parts of the state. Observed several -times (first on August 3) in the fields about Rush Lake. 27. Actitis macularia. Spotted sandpiper. — Michigan: Abun- dant summer resident, breeding all over the state in suitable situa- tions. Common along the beach of Saginaw Bay and on the shores of Stony Island. A nest found at the end of Sand Point (June 16) was built in a slight depression in the ground, very poorly lined with dead weeds and grasses, and contained two eggs. Another nest was found, June 29, which contained four eggs. This nest (PL XIX) M^as built several yards from the water on the beach side of the first sloping sand dune, and its only shelter was the short thin dune grass. It was not disturbed, and on July 17 the eggs were hatched and near the nest Ave found the old bird. This bird was very anxious and fearless and alternately tumbled about our feet and fluttered off, trying to lead us away. Looking carefully over the ground Ave saw a downy young in plain sight, but sciuatting flat on the sand, and within a small area the other three. The old bird was a male bird, the female (?) being down on the beach at some distance from the nest. 28. Oxyechus vociferus. Killdeer. — Michigan: Common migrant and summer resident; breeds throughout the state in open fields. Rare in the sand region and on Stony Island, during the breeding season, but common afterwards. PreA'ious to August 10 it was seldom seen in the sand country and then only along the beach. On July 9, four Avere seen on the beach at Sand Point, and, on August 4, scA-eral Avere seen at Oak Point. After August 10 they Avere seen in numbers all along the beach, particularly at Oak Point. It was not found breeding in the sand country, due no doubt to lack of suitable conditions, but it was a not uncommon breeder in the clay country about Rush Lake. 29. Aegialitis semipalmata. Semipalmated plover. — Michigan: Common migrant along the Great Lakes, breeding rarely (Charity Island, :\Lay 20. 1903. Arnold.*) *Bull. Mich. Ornith. CI ih, A'ol. lA', pp. 74-75. BIRDS. 283 First seen on August 3 and again on August 17 at Sand Point. Ob- served several times between Oak Point and Hat Point after August 22. The species was the first migrant wader seen. The bird seen on August 3 was a fine adult female in breeding plumage; an old male in the same plumage was seen on August 17, but the birds that came later all seemed to be immature. A flock of about fifteen was seen feeding on the mud in a recently dry pond on Oak Point, August 28, the last day of our stay. 30. Arenaria interpres morinella. Ruddy turnstone. — Michigan: Rather common migrant along the shores of the Great Lakes. After August 20 (first record) this species was observed commonly along the beach, although usually in small numbers and in company with sanderling. semipalmated plovers or spotted sandpipers. The only flock seen was on August 27, when five were seen at Oak Point. 31. Colinus virginianus. Bob-white. — Michigan: Common resi- dent; breeds throughout the state but not so commonly in the Upper Peninsula. One was heard calling at the base of Sand Point on July 16, and another in the clay country near Rush lake on July 19. This species preferred the vicinity of cultivated fields and occurred in the sand region only as a straggler. It was not uncommon on the farms about Rush Lake. 32. Bonasa umbellus. Ruffed grouse. — Michigan: Common resi- dent and breeder as far north as latitude 44°. In northern Michigan B. u. togata is the common form. The species was quite common in the wooded swamps and was often seen in patches of blueberries in the burnings. In July and August, berries with grasshoppers picked up in the same locahties formed a good share of their food. The juneberry seemed to be a favorite food, and a juvenile bird on July 10 had its crop full of these fruits. We often saw^ bevies of old and young in the roads that crossed the Point in all directions. An adult female and ten young were seen at Sand Point on July 10, and a good sized covey near Oak Point on August 25. 33. Zenaidura macroura carolinensis. Mourning dove. — Michi- gan: Common summer resident and an occasional winter resident, especially in southern Michigan; breeds all over the state. This bird was only seen a few times in the sand country and once on Stony Island, but was more common in the clay country. Only one nest was found and that was in the hardwoods at the base of Sand Point. 34. Circus hudsonius. Marsh hawk. — Michigan: A common sum- mer resident throughout the state, breeding locally on the ground in marshes. 284 BIRDS. Occasionally observed in the sand country, but no nests were found. It undoubtedly breeds in the clay country, as it was quite common on the farm land south of Rush Lake. 35. Accipiter velox. Sharp-shinned hawk. — Michigan: Common migrant but rare summer resident; breeds in northern Michigan. The only bird seen was observed at the end of Sand Point on Au- gust 18, where it was circling over the tops of the trees. It was a female and no doubt a migrant from across the bay. 36. Accipiter cooperii. Cooper's hawk. — Michigan: A common summer resident, and an occasional winter resident in southern Michi- gan, breeding throughout the state in heavy woods. On June 17, an old male was taken at the end of Sand Point, and the female was seen a few days later. This pair no doubt bred on or near the Point. On August 11, two birds were seen near Rush Lake. These are the only records secured. 37. Buteo borealis. Red-tailed hawk. — Michigan: A common summer resident and an occasional winter resident in southern Michi- gan, breeding all over the state in heavy woods. The only bird of this species seen was observed by Wood on August 10. We could see no reason why this hawk was not common in the sand country, unless the numerous eagles kept it away. 38. Buteo lineatus. Red-shouldered hawk. — Michigan: Common summer resident, breeding throughout the state in the more open woods. Two individuals of this species were observed, both at Rush Lake, on July 29 and August 5. 39. Haliaeetus leucocephalus. Bald eagle. — Michigan: Not uncommon summer resident and an occasional winter resident; breeds in tall trees along the Great Lakes. Eagles were common all along the shore of the bay and on Stony and North Islands, being seen almost every day. Often as many as three or four different birds could be distinguished in a day. It breeds in several places in this region and old or immature birds were seen every day by some of our party. A nest was found on North Island (Arnold*), one was reported on Charity Island, and another was found in the woods near the base of Sand Point. The birds observed by us fed largely, if not entirely, on fish that were cast upon the beach, especially on the north side of Sand Point. The writers observed only two adult birds to pick up fish from the water, and these may have been dead. On the steep sand dunes west of the fish camp were several tall Norway pines that were used as perches for observation and rest. The birds may have roosted in .. *Bull. of the Mich. Ornith. CI ib, Vol. IV, p. 7l". BIRDS. 285 them, as they were seen there many times very early in the morning, sometimes two in one tree. We often saw the tracks in the beach sand, where the birds had picked up fish which were always carried away to trees (generally dead ones) and eaten. Under these trees (of which w^e found several on the Point) the bones of fish were found in large cjuantities. These eagles were very tame and cjuite often allowed us to approach within a few rods. This was probably due both to the fact that no one troubled them and because a number of them w^ere young of the year. We did not notice eagles hunting any of the ducks or other birds, nor did we see them mobbed by the jays or crows, although the latter species was very common. On several occasions we saw eagles coming across the bay from the direction of Charity Island, where Arnold* found them breeding in 1902 and 1903. 40. Falco sparverius. American sparrow hawk. — Michigan: Abundant summer resident, and also an occasional winter resident in southern Michigan, breeding in holes in trees throughout the state. Observed at Sand Point on August 15 and 18, and three times in the sand country at Rush Lake after August 7. The species did not breed on the Point, although there were many trees with suitable cavities, and plenty of food in the way of small birds, grasshoppers and mice. Three were seen on August 18 that were no doubt mi- grants from across the bay, as they were near the end of the Point, where most of the migrants were first seen. 41. Pandion haliaetus carolinensis. American osprey. — Michi- gan: Scarce summer resident: breeds about lakes throughout the state. One was seen near the end of Sand Point on June 14, and one at Rush Lake. August 5. These were the only ones observed. 42. Otus asio. Screech owl. — Michigan: Common resident, breeding in hollow trees throughout the state. Not observed in the sand country. Two were seen on August 8, and others were heard several times afterward in the clay country near Rush Lake. 43. Bubo virginianus. Great horned owl. — Michigan: A com- mon resident and breeds all over the state. Observed several times in the sand country and on Stony Island. This species was not a rare breeder in the sand country, and was often mobbed by the crows. A family of three young birds and one adult was observed on July 17 and 18 on Stony Island, and a breeding record for North Island is given by Arnold. t 44. Coccyzus americanus. Yellow-billed cuckoo. — Michigan: *Bull. of the Mich. Ornith. Chib, Vol. IV. p. 74. tBuil. Mich. Ornith. Ckib, Bull. Vol. IV. p. 71. 286 BIRDS. Common summer resident; breeds throughout the southern peninsula. This bird was common on Stony Island and throughout the sand country, being observed many times at various points between Sand Point and Hat Point. It was a common breeder in the region, and nests were found as late as August 27 (at Rush Lake). A nest found by Wood on August 8 contained three eggs of this species and one of the black-billed cuckoo. This nest was built in a tall willow bush at the edge of an open swamp near the south side of the Point and was flat and frail. On Stony Island it was observed most frequently in low dense woods. 45. Coccyzus erythrophthalmus. Black-billed cuckoo. — Michi- gan: Common summer resident, breeding throughout the state. This species occurred on the Point as often as the preceding species, and was seen or heard nearly every day. In the sand country at Rush Lake it was not as common as the yellow-billed but still was seen quite frequently. It was also common on Stony Island, being somewhat more abundant than the preceding. Both species were partial to the edges of the wooded swamps and were also seen in the poplar zone just outside the willows, and occasionally on the ridges near the swamps. This species was a common breeder on Stony Island and was often seen and heard there. 46. Ceryle alcyon. Belted kingfisher. — Michigan: Common summer resident all over the state, breeding in holes dug in banks of earth generally near the water. Observed along the shore of the sand country, on Stony Island and at Rush Lake. The species was a rare breeder on Sand Point, and few were seen until the young made their appearance, about July 18. After this date a family ranged along the beach on the south side, and another on the north side of the Point. A family was seen on Stony Island that had evidently bred there. We often saw them perched on dead stubs and on bushes near the waters edge, watching for the schools of small minnows that on still days came to the very edge of the beach, where they were easily caught by the kingfishers. We also saw them frequently on the fish stakes about the pounds. At Rush Lake they were more abundant than along the bay, and were seen along the open ditches and small ponds as well as on the lake itself. 47. Dryobates villosus. Hairy woodpecker.— Michigan: Com- mon resident throughout the state, except on Isle Royale where it is replaced by D. v. leucomelas. Breeds in holes which it excavates in dead trees. Occasionally observed in the sand country between Sand Point and Rush Lake. It was rather rare, and nests were not found, although BIRDS. 287 it no doubt bred in the region. It was usually seen in the dead trees on the rid'ges. 48. Dryobates pubescens medianus. Northern downy wood- pecker. — Michigan: Common resident throughout the state, breed- ing in holes which it excavates in dead trees. Common in the sand countr^^ and on Stony Island. It was a com- mon breeder, and after July 30 families of young were seen through- out the sand region, searching for food on the oaks and pines. 49. Sphyrapicus varius. Yellow-l^ellied sapsucker. — Michigan: Common summer resident north of latitude 42°, breeding in holes which it generally excavates in living trees. A single specimen was observed in the sand country at Rush Lake on August 24. 50. Melanerpes erythrocephalus. Red-headed woodpecker. — Michigan: An abundant summer and an occasional winter resident, breeding in holes in trees throughout the state. This species was rare on the Point, as only two pair were found. It was also rather rare in the clay country, and was not seen in the sand region about Rush Lake. A nest was located in a large dead white pine stub, and the young were first seen July 23. On bright days the young w^ere seen chmbing about on the home stub, and caUing to the parents for food which was bought to them quite regularly. 5L Colaptes auratus luteus. Northern flicker. — ^Michigan: An abundant summer and an occasional winter resident, breeding through- out the state, mostly in holes in dead trees. Occasionally observed throughout the sand country, but abundant only on Stony Island, and in the sand region during migration — after August 14. After migration had begun, we often saw flocks of eight or ten birds feeding on the blueberries and juneberries, or dusting in the sand. 52. Antrostomus vociferus. Whip-poor-will.— Michigan: Com- mon summer resident; breeds all over the state in low wet woods. Rather common in the sand region and heard at Stony Island. As was to be expected, this bird was heard much oftener than seen, but one pair frequently came about the camp and was seen several times. Individuals were seldom flushed in the da\-time. but on Au- gust 20 one was raised at the edge of a thicket near a wooded swamp. On August 19, two were flushed on the sand dunes near Saginaw Bay near Rush Lake. Only two breeding pairs were located, both on Sand Point. 53. Chordeiles virginianus. Nighthawk. — ^Michigan: Common summer resident; breeds all over the state. This species was more common than the preceding one and oc- 288 BIRDS. curred throughout the sand region. Nests were onl^' found in the burned clearings on Sand Point. On June 16, the writer flushed two birds from the ground on the top of one of the burned over ridges near camp on Sand Point, that evidently had a nest nearb}'. On August 3, a female was flushed in a burning, which immediately fell to the ground, fluttering along as though wounded. On searching closely a very j^oung bird in the down was found. Ten of these birds were seen flying over the camp at Rush Lake, on August 9. 54. Chaetura pelagica. Chimney swift. — Michigan: Common summer resident, breeding throughout the state. The swift was not commonly observed in the sand country-, but was more abundant about Rush Lake and on Stony Island. Only one nest was found at Sand Point. This was built on the inside of the north gable of the fish house and was firmly glued to the rough boards. At Rush Lake the species was not uncommon and was seen nearly every day. On Stony Island. July 15, a nest which contained four young birds was found in an old chimney, and on July 16 another nest with four eggs was found on the inside of- an old ice house. On July 14, at Stony Island, a flock of about thirty was seen flying over the woods. 55. Trochilus colubris. Ruby-throated hummingbird. — Michi- gan: Common summer resident, breeding throughout the state. Observed occasionally throughout the sand country and on Stony Island, but less commonly on Sand Point. No nests were found on Sand Point, although the species no doubt bred there. At Rush Lake two nests were found. One of these (found on August 14) was not completed, and the female was at w^ork covering it with lichens. But two birds were seen on Stony Island. 56. Tyrannus tyrannus. Kingbird. — Michigan: Common sum- mer resident, breeding throughout the state. Commonly observed in the sand country and on Stony Island. The kingbird was a common breeder both in the sand and clay regions; in the former nesting in the scrub oaks as well as in the jack pines. On Sand Point, two nests were found on July 1, one contain- ing three eggs and the other two young, and, on July 4, a set of three fresh eggs was found. Another found on Jul\' 10 had two \^oung that were nearly fledged. At Rush Lake, on July 29, a nest was found on a low swampy island about five hundred yards from the shore. The three birds in this nest were nearly fledged. On Stony Island, the birds were most common about the clearings. It is re- markable that all of the nests found by our party contained only two or three eggs with one exception, a set of four, 'for at Ann Arbor the usual complement seems to be four or five. BIRDS. 289 -57. Myiarchus crinitus. Crested flycatcher. — Michigan: Com- mon summer resident, breeding all over the state \nth the possible exception of the extreme northern part of the upper peninsula. Common at Sand Point, but apparently not so abundant in the sand region to the east or on Stony Island. It was a common breeder on Sand Point and nested in the cavities of the oak trees which bordered the low thickets. A pair was seen on Stony Island on July 14. 58. Sayomisphoebe. Phoebe. — Michigan: Common summer resi- dent, breeding all over the state. Very common about the clearings on Stony Island, but only oc- casionally observed in the sand country at Sand Point and at Rush Lake before August 1. In August they become more abundant as migrants in the sand region. A few probabh' nest in the sand region, but no nests were found. A pair nested in the fish house on Stony Island, and the nest contained fom' eggs on July 17. 59. Myiochanes virens. Wood pewee. — Michigan: Common summer resident, breeding throughout the state. Abundant throughout the sand region and on Stony Island. It was one of the most common breeders on Sand Point, and its nests were often found in jack pine as well as scrub oak trees. On July 4 a nest containing three eggs was found, and on July 1 another with three young. All but one had only three eggs. Several nests were found at Rush Lake, the first on August 7. 60. Empidonax flaviventris. Yellow-bellied flycatcher. — Michi- gan: Scarce migrant and summer resident, breeding in extreme northern portion. Summer resident in latitude 45° 20'. (Gibbs*.) Two individuals (probably migrants) were seen in small oak trees at the end of Sand Point on August 18. These were the only ones seen. 61. Empidonax traillii alnorum. Alder flycatcher. — Michigan: Common summer resident, breeding throughout the state. Two were seen in a willow swamp near Turtle Bay on the south side of Sand Point on August 26. These may have been migrants. 62. Empidonax minimus. Least flycatcher. — Michigan: Com- mon summer resident, breeding throughout the state. This species was apparently a rare breeder in this region as only tw^o indi^^duals were seen — one on Stony Island, July 15, and one on Sand Point. August 18. 63. Otocoris alpestris praticola. Prairie horned lark. — Michi- gan: Common summer resident, breeding throughout the state ex- cept in extreme northern portion. *Bull. U. S. Geol. and Geo?r. Survey of the Terrltorle-. Vol. V, p. 488. 37 290" BIRDS. ^ It was not observed in the sand country. A large flock was seen on July 29, and five more on August 4, in cultivated fields near Rush Lake. 64. Cyanocitta cristata. Blue jay. — Michigan: Abundant resi- dent, breeding throughout the state. This species was a rare breeder in this region, and was very rarely seen or heard. It was reported to be more common in winter. 65. Corvus brachyrhynchos. American crow. — Michigan: Abun- dant migrant and summer resident, also an occasional winter resident in southern portion; breeds throughout the state. Abundant throughout the sand region and on Stony Island. It was an abundant breeder, and many nests were found in the jack pine trees. They were very tame and daily patrolled the beaches for the dead fish that drifted up in varying numbers, and apparently made up a large portion of their food. The residents told us that a few crows often wintered in the region. 66. Dolichonyx oryzivorus. Bobolink. — Michigan: Abundant summer resident, breeding throughout the state except in the ex- treme northern portion. Five were seen at Stony Island during the week of July 13, and others in the fields near Rush Lake. Not seen at Sand Point until August 8. It no doubt bred on Stony Island and in the cultivated fields near Rush Lake. On Sand Point there was no favorable lo- cation for nests, and no birds were seen until August 8, when large flocks came to the large grassy swamp at the base of the Point. The latter were all in fall plumage, and may have wandered from the clay country to the east or have migrated across the bay from the north- west. 67. Molothrus ater. Cowbird.- — Michigan: Abundant summer resident and breeds all over the state except in extreme northern portion. This species was a common one on the Point but was only seen in small numbers until August, when flocks of twent}^ or -thirty were seen. It was also common on Stony Island. On August 6, a female red-eyed vireo was seen feeding a young cowbird larger than her- self. Eggs were found in nests of the ovenbird, cedar-bird and wood pewee. 68. Agelaius phoeniceus. Red-winged blackbird. — Michigan: Abundant summer resident; breeds all over the state. This species was found in marshy places throughout the sand region and on Stony Island. On June 24, a nest was found in the open wet marsh near the end of Sand Point. It was built in a low willow bush and contained two fresh eggs. On July 8, several pairs BIRDS. 291 were found nesting in the large grassy marsh at the base of Sand Point, and nearly all of the nests contained young too small to leave them. On Stony Island it was probably the most common bird and by July 15 had commenced to flock. Large flocks were seen daily in August at Sand Point and Rush Lake. 69. Stumella magna. Meadow lark. — Michigan: Abundant summer and an occasional winter resident, breeding throughout the state except in extreme northern portion. Several individuals were seen in the marsh on Stony Island, and the species was common in the fields at Rush Lake. It was not seen in the sand region. On August 15 a nest with two young birds was found at Rush Lake. It probably bred also on Stony Island. 70. Icterus galbula. Baltimore oriole. — Michigan: Common summer resident, breeding throughout the state except in extreme northern portion. Observed in the sand country only at Sand Point, where a single bird was seen on June 25 and three more on August 3. One speci- men was seen on Stony Island. Not uncommon in the clay country near Rush Lake. We secured no breeding records for the sand region. A family with several young w^as seen at Stony Island on July 13. 71. Quiscalus quiscula aeneus. Bronzed grackle. — Michigan: Abundant summer resident, breeding throughout the state. Observed but once in the sand region (at Sand Point on June 22), but common on Stony Island and in the clay country at Rush Lake. It was observed in flocks on Stony Island on July 15 and July 17. At Rush Lake it was common until August 10, when all apparently left the region. 72. Carpodacus purpureus. Purple finch. — Michigan: Com- mon migrant and not uncommon summer resident, breeding north of latitude 43° 30'. Only observed on Sand Point, where it was a rare breeder. No nests were found, but the adult birds w^ere seen from June 16 until August 27, when we left the Point. On July 27, the writer saw two males fluttering their wings and singing before a female as though courting her. She finally flew away and both males followed. 73. Astragalinus tristis. American goldfinch. — Michigan: Abun- dant summer and common winter resident in southern portion. Common throughout the sand region, on Stony Island, and in the clay country near Rush Lake. After July 1, a favorite food of the goldfinch in this region was the seed of the thistle, which was com- mon on the sand dunes along the beaches. 292 BIRDS. 74. Pooecetes gramineus. Vesper .sparrow. — Michigan: Abun- dant summer resident, breeding throughout the state. Single birds were seen on Sand Point on June 15, August 20, and August 22 and on Stony Island on July 12. Not observed else- where in the sand region except once at Rush Lake. Common in the fields at Rush Lake. 75. Passerculus sandwichensis savanna. Savanna sparrow. — Michigan: Abundant migrant and scarce summer resident; breeds- locallj^ north of latitude 42°. A single bird w^as found on a sand dune on Sand Point, June 14, and another in a field near Rush Lake on July 30. These were the only specimens seen. 76. Cotumiculus savannarum australis. Grasshopper sparrow. — Michigan: Rather common summer resident south of latitude 43°, breeding in grassy fields. A single bird of this species was seen in a hay field near Caseville, on July 29. 77. Spizella passerina. Chipping sparrow\ — Michigan: Abun- dant summer resident, breeding throughout the state. Abundant throughout the sand region and in the clay country at Rush Lake. Only two birds seen on Stony Island. It was a very common breeder in the sand country and nested in jack pine growths as well as in the more open oak openings. The first young were ob- served on July 3, and they soon became very abundant. 78. Spizella pusilla. Field sparrow. — Michigan: Abundant summer resident, breeding throughout the state. Rather common throughout the sand region, and a nest and one family observed on Stony Island on July 18. It was a very common breeder on Sand Point, nesting in low bushes in the burnings and clearings generally, but it was not as common elsewhere in the sand region. On July 2, the young birds were ready to fly. The family observed on Stony Island consisted of five birds. 79. Melospiza melodia. Song sparrow.— Michigan : An abundant summer and an occasional winter resident in the southern portion, breeding throughout the state. Common throughout the sand region and on Stony Island. The species was a common breeder in the sand region, seemingly prefer- ing the edges of sw^amps and thickets. It was the most abundant bird along the beach, being characteristic of the shrub zone along the top of the dunes. Young birds were seen first July 2. Wood saw large flocks of this species on August 22 at the extreftie end of Sand Point, in the low willows which cover an extensive area there. Many of these (if not all) were no doubt migrants. At Rush Lake it was BIRDS. 293 also very common, and many nests were found, each containing three young. 80. Melospiza georgiana. Swamp sparrow. — Michigan: Com- mon summer resident, breeding throughout the state. Found in grassy marshes in the sand region, but not common. Two birds seen in the large marsh on Stony Island. With the ex- ception of those seen on Stony Island, the species was found during the breeding season only in the large grassy swamp at the base of Sand Point. Several male birds were observed singing on July 8 and 9, in the tall grass and clumps of wild rose and willow that are scattered through the marsh and margin the surrounding forest, but it was impossible to locate a nest. This species was again seen at the edge of Turtle Bay on the south shore of Sand Point, on Aug- ust 22, in some bushes at the edge of Long Lake, and in a wet marsh at Rush Lake on August 1 and 13. 81. Pipilo erythrophthalmus. Towhee. — ^Michigan: Abundant summer resident, breeding throughout the state. Very abundant in the sand region. One pair observed on Stony Island. The towhee was a very abundant breeder on Sand Point, nesting in the fallen tree tops and at the edge of the swamps and thickets that were not too wet. The young birds began to leave the nests on July 1, and after that date were very common. We saw them feeding on the juneberries and blueberries, which were very plentiful and furnished food for many species. A nest containing three young was found in the sand dunes at Rush Lake on August 8. The pair at Stony Island was observed on July 16. 82. Zamelodia ludoviciana. Rose-breasted grosbeak. — Michi- gan: Common summer resident, breeding all over the state with the exception of Isle Royale. This species was very rare in the sand region and was seen onh- twice — on July 12 at Sand Point and on July 30 at Rush Lake. 83. Passerina cyanea. Indigo bunting. — Michigan: Common summer resident, breeding all over the state with the exception of Isle Royale. Very common on Stony Island and Sand Point, but apparenth' not as common elsewhere in the sand region. Common in the claj- country at Rush Lake. It was a very common breeder on Sand Point and was seen practically every day, until August 17, in the open woods and burnings near the edges of swamps and thickets. A nest with three eggs was found, July 1, in a low oak on a dune. The first young were seen on June 29. Migration probably took place about the middle of August, for it was not observed after the 17th. 84. Pirango erythromelas. Scarlet tanager. — Michigan: Com- 294 BIRDS. mon summer resident, breeding all" over the state with the exception of Isle Roy ale. Observed four times on Sand Point and once in the clay country at Rush Lake. It is probably to be considered as a rare breeder in this region, for during the breeding season it was observed only twice, on June 26 and June 30 (Sand Point). An immature male in fall plumage was seen on August 24 and another on August 25. These were with flocks of warblers and were probably migrants. 85. Progne subis. Purple martin. — Michigan: Common sum- mer resident, breeding throughout the state with the exception of Isle Roy ale. Common about the towns in the sand region (Bayport and Case- ville), but only occasionally elsewhere. It apparently did not breed on Sand Point, but several breeding pairs and nests were observed at Bayport, on June 13. The nests were built on cornices of the hotel and stores. We saw single pairs on August 2 and 5 flying over the water along the north beach of Sand Point. There was a small colony at Caseville, where we saw^ them several times, and they were also occasionally seen about Rush Lake. 86. Petrochelidon lunifrons. Cliff swallow. — Michigan: Com- mon summer resident, breeding throughout the state. Several flocks observed on Sand Point, August 12, and a single bird on Stony Island, July 16. The species occurred in the sand region only as a migrant. The only record was secured on August 12, when early in the morning several flocks were seen near the end of Sand Point. In company with barn and bank swallows, these birds were slowly flying down the Point, feeding on the way. The single bird seen on Stony Island was also with a flock of barn swal- lows. 87. Hirundo erythrogaster. Barn swallow. — Michigan: Abun- dant summer resident, breeding throughout the state. A rare breeder, except about the towns, but a common migrant in the sand region, and a common breeder in the clay countr}^ at Rush Lake and on Stony Island. The only pair that nested on the Point had a nest on top of a door on the west side of a fish house, and on June 15 the five eggs w^ere nearly ready to hatch. A severe storm washed this nest away on July 17, and for five days the old birds flew about in distress. On July 22 we saw them carrying nesting material into a large house on the shore nearby, and here they built a second nest on a high rafter in the peak, where they raised a brood of young which were still in the nest on August 4. On the latter date, flock after flock of this species were coming from the west and northwest across the bay from the direction of Point Lookout. These BIRDS. 295 birds were in company with bank and tree swallows. On August 10, another migration took place, but these birds did not stop to feed on the way, flying on down the north beach in loose straggling flocks, accompanied by a few flocks of chimney swifts. At Rush Lake this bird was a common breeder, nesting in the farm buildings in the clay country, and was seen daily during August. They bred in numbers in the fish house on Stony Island, and many nests were found, each containing eggs and young, during our stay there. 88. Iridoprocne bicolor. Tree swallow. — Michigan: Common summer resident, breeding throughout the state. Uncommon as a resident on Stony Island and Sand Point but common as a migrant in the latter place. Not observed elsewhere. The species was first seen on Stony Island, July 12, in compan\- with barn swallows, and a single nest containing young birds was found two da3's later. On Sand Point, it was first seen on July 15, and on the following day about fifty were seen near Turtle Bay. These acted like visitors, and were not seen again. On August 4, at the end of Sand Point, we saw several small flocks migrating in company with barn and bank swallows, and again on August 10, a few were seen under the same conditions. The bulk of the migrants were seen after August 13. 89. Riparia riparia. Bank swallow. — Michigan: Abundant summer resident, breeding all over the state. Xot common in the sand region during the breeding season; more abundant after August 18. Observed on Sand Point, at Rush Lake and on Stony Island. Only two colonies were found. On Sand Point a small colons' (six pairs) nested in the steep sand dune west of the fish house, where the waves had washed away the beach and left a vertical face exposed. On June 18 we found the birds about this spot and the next day one of the nests was dug out. It was about 20 inches from the entrance and about ten inches below the surface. The nest was made of grass and grass roots, and beautifully lined with white gull feathers arranged so that they stood on end, thus forming a cup nearly closed at the top. It contained five eggs slightly incubated. This colony had left before the migration of this species on August 4 and 10, but a few birds were seen on the Point as late as August 24. The other colony was found on August 3 in a sand bank between Oak and Little Oak Points, and the young were nearly full grown. The few birds seen on Stony Island were in flocks of barn swallows. 90. Stelgidopteryx serripennis. Rough-winged swallow. — Michi- gan: Common summer resident, breeding throughout the state with the exception of Isle Royale. 296 BIRDS. Apparently rare both as a breeder and migrant in the sand region. Only observed on Sand Point. Only two pair of rough-winged swallows were found breeding. The nests were in the bank on Sand Point near those of the bank swallow described above. The nests of the rough-winged could be identified by the more elliptical shape of the entrance. We found the nest about twenty-four inches from the entrance, and back of it, in a small pocket, the female. The nest was made of small twigs and stems of grass and was lined principally with fine blades of grass and pieces of birch bark, but two pieces of fish bones, a wing of a maple seed and small pieces of dried water plants were also found in the structure. It contained seven fresh eggs. These w^ere a little larger than those of the bank swallow and more obtuse. During July a few birds were seen among the colony of bank swalloTVS but apparently left with them about August 1, as none were seen later in the swallow migrations of Aug- ust 4 and 10. 91. Bombycilla cedrorum. Cedar waxwing. — Michigan: Abun- dant summer and occasional winter resident in southern portion. Common throughout the sand country, on Stony Island, and in the clay country at Rush Lake. The cedar-bird was one of the characteristic breeders in the sand country, nesting almost exclusive- ly in the jack pine trees. The first nest found was just commenced on June 19; one on June 29 contained four fresh eggs; another June 30 was just commenced. Others were found in different stages throughout July, and as late as August 6 one found near Rush Lake was just commenced. They w^ere placed from twelve to thirty feet from the ground and were strongly built of fibres and roots. One nest near camp on Sand Point was composed almost entirely of cotton which the birds had picked from an old mattress on the ground. Throughout the month of August small flocks of this species were seen flying about Sand Point, often feeding on the wild red cherry trees near Long Lake. 92. Lanius ludovicianus migrans. Migrant shrike. — Michigan: Common summer resident, breeding throughout the state except the extreme northern portion. This species was not seen in the sand region even during the migra- tion, but was not uncommon in the fields about Rush Lake. 93. Vireosylva olivaceus. Red-eyed vireo.— Michigan: Abun- dant summer resident, breeding all over the state. Very common throughout the sand region and on Stony Island. This bird was one of the most abundant breeders in the sand region, nesting generally in the oak trees. Nests were found as early as June 25 (Sand Point) and as late as July 25 (Sand Point). On the BIRDS. 297 latter date, young birds began to appear. When we called birds by sucking the back of our hands, this species was nearly always the first to appear. It was still on Sand Point when we left the field, August 27. 94. Mniotilta varia. Black and white warbler. — Michigan: Com- mon migrant and summer resident: breeds throughout the state. Not observed commonls' in the sand region during the breeding season, but abundant after August 1. It was a rare breeder on Sand Point. A female that acted like a nesting bird was seen near the edge of a thicket on June 22. Others were seen on Jul}' 3 and 4. We first saw the young on July 18, when a family was seen at the edge of a thicket, where they no doubt were raised. It was seen in small flocks during the rest of July. From August 1 to 4 a migration wave of warblers reached Sand Point, and this species became very com- mon, a few being observed in every flock. At Rush Lake they were not observed so commonly until August 10. They were still ver\' common all over the sand region w'hen the party left the field, August 27. They were the most curious of the warblers, often coming with- in a few feet of one when called by chirping. When feeding they seemed to prefer the larger limbs and trunks of the trees and were often found feeding on the trunks of the willow bushes at the edge of the thickets, going over them like a nuthatch or chickadee, in whose company they often fed. They w^re also often seen on the low jack pines and in the oaks. 95. Helminthophila chrysoptera. Golden-winged warbler. — Michigan: Not uncommon summer resident, breeding throughout the state with the exception of Isle Roy ale. Apparently a rare migrant in the sand region. The species was only observed on Sand Point. The first one seen was on August 5, when the water thrush was also first noted. Another was seen Aug- ust 6. All of these were in the thick willow-poplar thickets at the end of the Point. Four more were seen on August 7, in thick willows at the edge of an open swamp. They were very shy and wild and could be seen only by hiding and chirping softly. If this was done, and one of these birds was within hearing, it would cautiously work its way toward us but would disappear at the slightest movement. The last one w^as seen August 14, and, although these habitats were worked daily during our stay, no more were seen. 96. Helminthophila nibricapilla. Nashville warbler. — Michigan: Common migrant and summer resident, breeding north of latitude 44°. Apparently to be considered only as a migrant in the sand region: seen at Sand Point and Rush Lake. It was first found on July 24 298 BIRDS. at the edge of a small thicket near the end of Sand Point. It seems safe to conclude that the two birds seen on this date were not resi- dents, as we had worked that locality for more than a month and had not seen or heard one. The species was found breeding in Iosco County, in June 1907, by Miss Harriet Wright, of Saginaw, so it had only to migrate across Saginaw Bay to get to the Point. The first ones seen w^ere juvenile and immature birds, but after the migration wave of August 5 and 6, it became very common at Sand Point and adults were seen. It was seen but once at Rush Lake — a male on August 27. The species was very tame and when called would come from the thick willow and poplar swamps and feed within a few feet of us, especially the young ones. It seemed to prefer to feed low down in such thickets, but was also seen in low oak and pine trees. It was still common when we left Sand Point, August 27. 97. Dendroica tigrina. Cape May warbler. — Michigan: Rather rare migrant, breeding to the north of Michigan; no breeding records for the state. This species was a common migrant on Sand Point but was only observed once elsewhere — a single bird at Little Oak Point on Aug- ust 2L The first bird seen was in a small jack pine at the end of the Point, on August 14. The night preceding August 18 was clear and cool with a strong northwest wind and several warblers appeared. The Cape May came in small flocks of ten to twenty birds and the next day was found all over the Point. All stages of plumage were seen from ±he plainly colored juveniles to the highly colored and striped adults. It was one of the most common warblers when we broke camp on August 27. Its food seemed to be found only on the jack pine trees, and none were observed feeding on other trees. The young birds of this species may be known by the peculiar dark streaks on the sides and breast, and by the golden color of the feathers about the ear coverts, also by the actions, for while feeding this species has a slow creeping movement and was often seen clinging to the under side of the pine cones hke the red-breasted nuthatch, which was nearly always in their company and fed largely on the same food. When the small flock of warblers passed on to other trees, the nut- hatches usually followed and again fed with them. The flocks seen first were composed of juvenile and immature birds while the last ones seen. August 25 and 27, were nearly all adults. 98. Dendroica aestiva. Yellow warbler.— Michigan : Abundant summer resident, breeding all over the state. A rare breeder but common migrant in the sand region. Observed at Sand Point and Rush Lake. Common breeder in the clay country BIRDS. 299 at the latter place. It was first observed on July 3, when a single pair was seen in the willows at the margin of the large meadow at the base of Sand Point. This pair acted like nesting birds and must have had a nest nearby. The species did not become common until August 1, when it was seen in company with other migrating warb- lers. It was not seen after August 13. 99. Dendroica caerulescens. Black-throated blue warbler. — Michigan: Common migrant and summer resident, breeding north of latitude 44°. This species was observed but once, on August 25, when two males were seen on a low jack pine on Sand Point. These birds were with a small flock of Cape ^lay warblers. It was found breeding in Iosco County, in June, 1907, by Miss Harriet Wright, of Saginaw, and in Ogemaw County, June 19, 1903, by E. H. Frothingham. Later in the season it probably crosses Saginaw Bay to the Point in numbers. 100. Dendroica coronata. Myrtle warbler.— Michigan: AVjun- dant migrant and summer resident, breeding north of latitude 44°; a common breeder on Isle Royale. Only observed on Sand Point, where it was a common migrant after August 18. The first ones seen — near the end of the Point — were all young birds and looked like sparrows with their dull streaked coloration, but a close examination would reveal the yellow rump patch. The first adult birds were seen on August 24. After this date they were common and were generally seen in the taller jack pines, sometimes in company with the Cape May and bay-breasted warblers. Each flock of warblers was often accompanied by a family of chicka- dees and red-breasted nuthatches. They were still common when we left the Point. August 27.* 101. Dendroica magnolia. Magnolia warbler. — Michigan: Abun- dant migrant and summer resident, breeding north of latitude 44°: a common breeder on Isle Royale. Only observed on Sand Point, where it was a common migrant. The first one, a young male, was seen, on August 19, in a dense willow thicket near the end of the Point. On August 24, the species be- came common in the thickets all over the Point, and many were still there when we broke camp on August 27. It was not observed out- side of the swamps, and could only be seen by calling. 102. Dendroica pennsylvanica. Chestnut-sided warbler. — Michi gan: Abundant summer resitlent, breeding locally throughout the state with the exception of Isle Royale. Evidently a rare breeder in the sand region; not observed on Stony Island. On Sand Point, July 29, an adult male was heard singing in a bushy clearing, where no doubt it had a nest. On July 22, an 300 BIRDS. immature male was seen, after which no more were seen until Aug- ust 7, when a few were observed in company with a flock of migrating bay-breasted warblers at the end of the Point. These had probably crossed the bay during the night, as the spot had been most thorough- ly worked the day before, and none of either species were seen. On August 10, a male was seen in the jack pines on a sand dune north of Rush Lake. It was not observed after August 14. 103. Dendroica castanea. Bay-breasted warbler. — Michigan: Common migrant especially in the fall; breeds in extreme north por- tion '(Isle Royale, July 7, 1905). Common migrant on Sand Point. Not observed elsewhere in the sand region except a single individual near Rush Lake, on August 10. The first bird was seen on August 6. After August 14, it was seen in flocks, often in company with blackburnian warblers. On August 25, we observed several flocks near camp on Sand Point, feeding in the large oak trees but seldom in the pine or other trees. They were common when w^e left camp on August 27. 104. Dendroica blackbumiae. Blackburnian warbler. — Michigan: Common migrant and summer resident, breeding north of latitude 43°, Common on Sand Point. A single bird observed at Rush Lake. This species was a common breeder on the Point and was seen or heard singing nearly every day. It frequented the tops of the tallest jack pines, where it no doubt nested, but no nests were found al- though many pairs were watched carefully. Our inability to locate nests was due to the height of the trees and the multitude of mos- quitoes that bred and lived near the haunts of this species, and made it almost impossible to continue long observations. On July 24, a brood of nearly fledged young was found and watched while the parents fed them. When we left the Point, on August 27, the species was abundant. 105. Dendroica virens. Black-throated green warbler. — Michi- gan: Abundant migrant and common summer resident, breeding north of latitude 43°. A rather rare breeder but common migrant in the sand region. This species was found in the jack pines on the dunes southwest of Caseville, on July 7. No nests w^ere found, as this locality was not worked in detail, but the birds were singing, and, on July 24, a juvenile bird was taken there as it was being fed by the female. This bird was very young and the nest must have been close by. Other young birds were seen on the Point at the same time. About August 1 it became very common in flocks, no doubt from across the bay, as it was found breeding in Iosco County in June, 1907, by Miss BIRDS. 301 Harriet Wright. On August 20, the last one was seen on the Point. In the sand region about Rush Lake a few birds were seen between August 10 and 20. 106. Dendroica vigorsii. Pine warbler. — Michigan: Not un- common migrant and summer resident, breeding localh' throughout the state except on Isle Royale. This species was the most common warbler that bred in the sand region, and it was also a common migrant. Nests were found in the tops of small jack pine trees. The following observations are from notes of the senior writer: "On June 16, while tramping through the sand dunes near the end of the Point, I saw a female on the ground collecting material for a nest. With her bill full, she flew into the top of a jack pine about thirty feet high. Here she disappeared, and I next saw her on the ground with more material which she carried to the same place in the jack pine. With the glass the foundation of a nest was found, and the bird was watched for a long time as she flew back and forth. The male came and chased her away among the tree tops, but soon I heard his song and found him perched on a dead hmb of a w^hite pine nearby, while the female worked steadily on. The male was not seen to help with the nest building, but stayed near by and kept singing his sweet clear trill. Both birds were very tame and often came within a few feet of me. About thirty hours later the nest seemed nearly complete. It was a beautiful cup-shaped affair, quite deep and round, and was placed in a thick bunch of short stems and small cones that were woven into it. The outside was made of pieces of bark fibre and grass or weed stems, and the walls seemed ready for the lining, which was not seen as the nest was blown away a day or two afterward. On July 7, a female was observed about a pile of chips near camp where she seemed to be picking up food and carrying it to a thick bunch of jack pines not far away. On July 13 the first young were seen, as they were being fed by the female, and they became common about July 25. These local birds were all gone by August 3, and none were seen on the Point until August 18, when small flocks were again common all over the Point, with other migrating warblers that no doubt came from across Saginaw Bay. (The species was found breeding in Iosco County in June, 1907, by Miss Harriet Wright.) At Rush Lake the species was also not uncommon and became numerous on August 10 and 11, but was seen but once after the latter date. 107. Dendroica discolor. Prairie warbler.— Michigan: Scarce summer resident, breeding locally north of latitude 42°. This species was a rare migrant in the sand region. It Avas ob- 302 BIRDS. served first on August 10, when a male was seen in the jack pines on the sand dunes between Rush Lake and Saginaw Bay, and four more were noted between this date and August 18. Four of these were immature birds and had evidently been bred nearby. On Sand Point it was seen first (at the west end) on the morning of August 15. This bird (an adult male) was feeding in a small jack pine. On August 17, at the same place, a large flock of warblers that included several of this species was seen. Still another (the last one observed) was seen in a thicket near the same place on Aug- ust 24. 108. Seiurus aurocapillus. Oven-bird.— Michigan: Abundant summer resident, breeding throughout the state. Rather a common breeder in the sand region, and observed in the clay country near Rush Lake. Not seen on Stony Island. A nest with three eggs was found on Sand Point, at the edge of an old fallen tree top on the edge of a wooded swamp. (PI. XVIII b.) This nest was built in, and partly covered by, dry oak leaves. Xo more eggs were laid in this nest, and the young were soon hatched and gone. The young birds were often seen in the thickets, between July 15 and 25, and the species was still common on the Point when we left, on August 27. 109. Seiurus noveboracensis notabilis. Grinnell's water thrush. — Michigan : Not uncommon as a migrant ; may breed on Isle Royale. This species was not an uncommon migrant in the sand region, and was found in dry willow thickets and at the edge of wet swamps on Sand Point and in the region of Rush Lake. It was observed as early as July 30, at Rush Lake, but the first records for Sand Point were on August 5, 6 and 7, when several were seen. The same habi- tat was thoroughly worked again on August 8, but not a bird could be found, and no more were seen until August 24, when a single bird was observed in a clamp willow-poplar thicket. Nearly all of the ' individuals found were on the ground not far from the water. Only three were seen at Rush Lake, between July 30 and August 13, and all in low wet thickets. The Michigan water-thrushes have usually been referred to the ■ typical form, 'and Ridgway* gives the breeding ground of Grinneirs as 'X'orth and west of Lake Superior." If this is the true breeding range these records show a migration to the southeast. The whole subject of Michigan water-thrushes is in need of careful examination to determine the status of the two forms in the state. The probabili- ties seem to be that the typical form (noveboracensis) does not enter our limits, although one of the Isle Royale specimens has been so *Birds of North and Middle America. Vol. II, p. 640. BIRDS. 303 identified by Mr. Dett Miller. He also says of a single specimen taken at Rush Lake on August 5, "it is not a typical specimen but is nearer noveboracensis, especially in measurements. If it were not for its smaller size it might equally be refered to either form." 110. Oporornis Philadelphia. Mourning warbler. — Michigan: Common migrant and summer resident, lireeding north of latitude 43° but not found on Isle Royale. This species was a rare migrant on the Point, and was first seen on August 17, when the writer called one out of a tangle of fallen tree tops. The next and last one seen was at the edge of a poplar thicket near camp. At Rush Lake the only one seen was on August 22, in a brush pile in low woods in the clay country. 111. Geothlypis trichas brachidactyla. Northern yellow-throat. — Michigan: Common summer resident, breeding throughout the state with the exception of Isle Royale. Common throughout the sand regior in July and August and on Story Island in July. This species was one of the common breeders on Sand Point, and was found in the usual habitat, i. e., in grassy swamps and adjacent thickets and on the edges of ponds. No nests were found, but the young made their appearance about July 1, and females were seen as late as July 20. At Rush Lake it was common in the clay country as well as in the sand region. 112. Wilsonia pusilla. Wilson's warbler. — Michigan: Scarce migrant, not known to breed in the state. This species was a rare migrant in the sand region. It was fii'st seen on August 20, when an adult male was noted in a willow thicket near the end of Sand Point. This was the only adult bird seen, but on August 22 several immature birds were observed in the tops of the thick willow bushes near the edge of Long Lake, and on August 24 one was called out of a thicket at the edge of a wooded swamp near camp. This was the last one seen. At Rush Lake, only one bird was seen (August 2 ) in low. wet woods. 113. Wilsonia canadensis. Canadian warbler. — Michigan: Com- mon migrant but scarce summer resident, breeding north of latitude 44°. An uncommon migrant in the sand region. This warbler was one of the earliest migrants, as an adult male was seen by Wood on July 30. This bird was in low heavy woods near the center of Sand Point, and was called out of a big pile of white pine tree tops left by the lumbermen the winter before. It was in fine plumage, with the ex- ception of the first three primaries of each wing and the outside tail feathers which were only half-grown. This was the only bird seen until August 10, when a juvenile male was seen; and a very few more 304 BIRDS. were observed between this date and August 24, when the last one was seen. At Rush Lake, one was seen on August 4 and several small flocks on August 13, all in the clay country. Those seen on the latter date were the last ones noted. 114. Setophaga ruticilla. Redstart. — Michigan: Abundant sum- mer resident, breeding all over the state. This species was the most common warbler breeding in the sand region and on Stony Island. It was found in all sorts of habitats throughout the region, but more especially in the timbered swamps. It was still to be seen when we broke camp on August 27. 115. Dumatella carolinensis. Catbird. — Michigan: Abundant summer resident, breeding all over the state. Found throughout the sand region but not commonly. A single bird seen on Stony Island. The catbird was a rare breeder on Sand Point, and but two pairs were seen. On June 30 a nest with three eggs was found near the shore of Long Lake, and at Rush Lake a nest with one egg was found near Oak Point on August 20. During the migration in August, one or two birds were seen almost daily near the latter place, but it never became common. 116. Taxostoma rufum. Brown thrasher. — Michigan: Abun- dant summer resident, breeding all over the state except in the ex- treme northern portion and Isle Roy ale. Very rare in the sand region, and observed only on Sand Point. One was found dead on the south shore of Sand Point on June 27 (this may have drifted in from another place), and a single bird was seen on the Point, July 9. At Rush Lake one was seen in the culti- vated land east of the lake, on July 30. These were the only birds seen in the ten weeks work. 117. Thryothorus ludovicianus. Carolina wren. — Michigan: Rare summer resident in extreme southern portion; breeds rarely as far north as latitude 44°. Five individuals were observed by Wood on Sand Point. On August 13, the senior writer was caUing near the end of Sand Point, and out of a tangle of fallen tree tops a female juvenile wren of this species appeared. On August 18 and 19 two others were seen near the same spot, one of which was an adult female, and on August 24 a juvenile male was found in our camp shack. On August 26, the fifth and last one was seen, near the road not far from camp. These birds apparently represented a brood that had -been reared on the Point. The finding "of a brood of this species in the sand region is very interesting, as it is supposed to be characteristic of the Carolinian zone and the most northern records for the state are, a bird taken at BIRDS. 305 Ann Arbor, on December 14, 1890, one taken near Detroit, August 11, 1906, by P. A. Taverner* and the nest with young found near Ann Arbor by Mr. A. D. Tinker.f June 20, 1909. The presence of this brood so far north of the usual range seems to indicate that the warm- er (than the interior) climate of this coast may serve to introduce this southern form farther northward than in the interior. 118. Troglodytes aedon. House wren. — Michigan: Abundant summer resident, breeding all over the state with the exception of Isle Roy ale. Common throughout the sand region and in the clay country at Rush Lake; apparently rather common on Stony Island. The species was a common breeder in the sand region and was found nesting in cavities in trees and about the old shacks. On June 27, Wood found a nest in a low dead poplar stub at the edge of a poplar thicket on Sand Point. It contained seven 3'oung about half fledged. During July many broods of young were seen in the tops of the fallen trees all over the Point, and on July 31 a nest with two well fledged young was found. When we left camp, on August 27, a few of this species were still to be seen. 119. Nannus hiemalis. Winter wren. — Michigan: Common summer resident, breeding all over the state north of latitude 44°. This species was a rare migrant in the sand region. It was first seen at Rush Lake on August 4 and again on August 13. On Sand Point it was only seen on August 24. It may easily have been more common than our records indicate, for it is a very difficult bird to see, as it rarely leaves the fallen tree tops and brush piles. 120. Telmatodytes palustris. Long-billed marsh wren. — Michi- gan: Abundant summer resident, breeding locally throughout the state with the exception of Isle Royale. Apparently a rare breeder in the sand region and on Stony Island. The long-billed marsh wren was seen on Sand Point only at Turtle Bay on the south side, where thick tall grass and rushes with some blue flags afforded cover and nesting sites. A male was taken here on July 22 and others seen. There was a colony of this species in the grass-covered area at the east end of Rush Lake, on August 10, and a single bird was found in the marsh on Stony Island. 121. Certhia familiaris americana. Brown creeper. — Michigan: Common migrant and rare summer resident, breeding in extreme northern portion. A rare migrant in the sand region. An adult male was seen at Rush Lake on July 30, and a juvenile male on Sand Point, August *The Auk, Vol. XXIV. p. 147. tThe Auk, Vol. XXIV. p. 434. 39 306 BIRDS. 6. After the latter date it was observed occasionally at different places in the sand region. 122. Sitta carolinensis. "White-breasted nuthatch. ^ — Michigan: Common resident, breeding all over the state. A rare breeder in the region. Observed at several places between Sand Point and Hat Point, and a single bird on Stony Island. Not- withstanding the fact that there were many apparently suitable cavities for them to nest in, onl^^ a very few of these birds were seen during July. It was seen more often after the young made their appearance, about August 1, but never became common anywhere in the region. The single bird seen on Ston}^ Island was taken on July 14. 123. Sitta canadensis. Red-breasted nuthatch. — Michigan: Common migrant and summer resident, breeding north of latitude 44°. A rather common migrant in the sand region, at least on Sand Point. The species became common alx)ut August 15, after which date it was seen almost daily with flocks of warblers and chickadees. It seemed to prefer to feed in the jack pines, where the}" were seen climbing up and down over the branches and cones, and even hang- ing, back down, like the chickadees. A number could be seen with nearly ever}* flock of Cape ]\Iay warblers, feeding with them and fol- lowing them from tree to tree. Only two were seen at Rush Lake, August 25, and these were with a flock of chickadees. 124. Penthestes atricapillus. Black-capped chickadee.- — Michi- gan: Common resident, breeding all over the state. Common throughout the sand region and on Ston}' Island. The chickadee was not rare as a breeder in the sand region and was quite common during migration. It nested in ca\'ities in dead trees, generall\' near the edge of the wooded swamps. On July 3, the first juvenile birds were seen (on Sand Point), and from about August 5 it was seen daily in company with the flocks of warblers that fed all over the Point; no large flock of any species of the latter being without a few chickadees. During August it was very common in both the sand region and clay country about Rush Lake. 125. Polioptila caerulea. Blue-gray gnatcatcher. — Michigan: Common summer resident, breeding all over the state except in ex- treme northern portion and Isle Royale. This species was a rare breeder and only observed on Sand Point. A pair was seen on Jul}' 1, and the next day a juvenile bird was noted. It was also seen on July 24 and 30, but not after the latter date. This species is said to be characteristic of the Carolinian zone, but in BIRDS. 307 Michigan it breeds well north of northern boundary of this zone as defined by Merriam.* 126. Hylocichla fuscescens. Wilson's thrush. — Michigan: Com- mon summer resident, breeding all over the state. Apparently rather rare on Sand Point but very common in the sand region northeast of Caseville. It was a rare breeder on Sand Point. Its habitat was the thick bushes between the swamps and burnings. It was seen on June 15, 23, and 30, but rarely after the latter date. Near Rush Lake it was a common breeder in the sand country, and severaj could often be heard singing at one time all during August. A nest containing two eggs was found, on August 17, on a sand dune near Hat Point. 127. Planesticus migratorius. Robin.— Michigan: Abundant summer resident, breeding all over the state. Apparently a rather rare breeder in the sand region and on Stony Island, but common as a migrant. No nests were found, but it was observed as^arly as June 27 on Sand Point, July 12 on Stony Island and July 29 at Rush Lake. Only two birds were seen on Stony Is- land. It became very common in the sand region in August. Large flocks were seen on August 14 near the camp on Sand Point, feeding on the*juneberry and blueberry bushes, and a few were seen feeding on the wild red cherry near Long Lake on August 22. At Rush Lake it became very common after August 10, when large flocks were seen in both the sand region and clay country. Many in the former habitat fed among the blueberries. 128. Sialia sialis. Bluebird. — Michigan: Common summer resi- dent throughout except on Isle Royale. A rather uncommon breeder in the sand region but more common as a migrant. A single bird observed on Stony Island, July 12. Onh- a pair or two of bluebirds were noticed on Sand Point, between June 17 and August 1. On June 27, a brood of young still being fed by the parents were seen flying about a burning on the sand ridges. After August 1, they became common on Sand Point, and they were also common at this time at Rush Lake, both in the sand region and clay country but particularly in the latter. After August 15, there was a decided decrease in numbers. ♦Life Zones and Crop Zones of the U. S., U. S. Dept. of Agr., Div. of Biol. Surv., Bull. No 10. MAMMALS. 309 MAMMALS. BY N. A. WOOD. INTRODUCTION. The mammals were not given particular attention on this survey, and the following notes mostly concern the species that were en- countered in the course of the work on the other groups. The list therefore purports to be neither a complete synopsis of the mam- malian fauna of the region nor a discussion of the local records se- cured. The specimens and notes were mosth^ secured by the writer on Sand Point and by Dr. Ruthven at Rush Lake and on Stony Island, but a few skins were purchased, and notes were secured from various residents in the vicinity. We are particularly under obliga- tion to Messrs. L. H. Fittenger and Austin Yax for records of species now rare or extinct in the region. We are indebted to the U. S. Biological Survey for the identification of the mice in the collection. LIST OF SPECIES. 1. Cervus canadensis (Erxleben). Wapiti; American elk.— Mr. Fittenger informed us that in 1856 the elk was not uncommonly found on Sand Point, and that he shot a specimen on the shore of Mud Lake (at the base of the Point) in September of that year. 2. Odocoileus americanus (Erxleben). Virginia white-tailed deer. — Mr. Fittenger informed us that while camping on Sand Point in 1857-8 he saw numbers of this species and shot -several. They have long been extinct in this region, but, on July 5, a buck and two does swam over from Stony Island, where they had been placed by Mr. Wallace, and remained here all summer. They apparently found plenty of food on the Point, and on the first of September were in fine condition. This region should make a fine preserve for deer. 3. Sciurus rufiventer E. Geoffrey. Fox squirrel. — This species occurs throughout the sand region, but was seldom seen. It was only observed on Sand Point. Mr. Yax informed us that ii was often found on the sand ridges north of Rush Lake. 4. Sciurus hudsonicus loquax Bangs. Xoisy chickaree; red squir- rel. — The red scjuirrel was of general occurrence but not abundant in the sand region and on Ston\^ Island. 310 MAMMALS. 5. Tamais striatus lysteri (Richardson). Lyster's chipmunk. — This species was rather rare on Sand Point, but quite common in the sand region east of Caseville. It was not observed on Ston\' Island. 6. Marmota monax (Linnaeus). "Woodchuck.— The woodchuck was common throughout the sand region, and burrows were rather numerous on the ridges. 7. Mus musculus (Linnaeus). House mouse. ^ — It is hardh' neces- sary to state that this species was found about the fisherman's shacks throughout the sand region. 8. Peromyscus leucopus noveboracensis (Fischer). Deer mouse. Although not as plentiful as the Baird's field mouse, this species was found rather commonly on Sand Point. It was taken in traps set both in the woods and along the beach, but was most common under log piles and old boats along thfe shore. The only other place that it was taken was in a cedar swamp at the east end of Push Lake, but it probably occurs throughout the sand region. 9. Peromyscus maniculatus bairdi (Hoy and Kennicott). Baird's field mouse. — This mouse is probably common in suitable habitats throughout the sand region. It was abundant in the cb-ift Avood along the beach on the north side of Sand Point (Pis. la, IVa), parti- cularly on the fossil beaches, and a single specimen was taken from a milk snake found on the north shore of Stony Island. It was not found elsewhere, but was not looked for east of Caseville. The sandy beach is the principal habitat in which we have seen JMichigan and Ontario specimens of this species. 10. Microtus pennsylvanicus (Ord). Pennsylvania meadow vole. —This species was not seen anywhere in the sand region, although looked for in the more favorable places. It was, however, taken in the clay country just southeast of Rush Lake. 11. Fiber zibethicus (Linnaeus). Musk rat. — This was not an uncommon species about the edges of the inland lakes and ponds. It was found both on Sand Point and at Rush Lake. 12. Zapus hudsonius (Zimmerman). Woodland jumping mouse. The onh' specimens of this species seen were a female and seven v^oung that were taken from a burrow in a low sand ridge at the east end of Rush. Lake, on August 12. 13. Sylvilagus floridanus mearnsi Allen. Mearns' cottontail.^ The cottontail was not very common in the sand region, but was of general distribution. The scarcity is probably to be attributed to the abundance of great horned owls, eagles and foxes. It was also found on Stony Island and in the clay country at Rush Lake. 14. Lepus americanus Erxleben. American hare. — The writer thought he observed this hare two or three times on Sand Point, but MAMMALS. 311 no specimens were secured. The residents informed us that in the winter the\' were common in the swamps on Sand Point and to the east of Caseville, and that a great number are killed each season. We are indebted to Mr. Yax for a specimen taken January 24, 1909, in the sand region near Rush Lake. 15. Lynx canadensis (Kerr). Canada lynx. — While trapping on Sand Point in 1855-6, Mr. Fittenger took fifteen individuals of this species. He was apparently very sure of the identity of the form, distinguishing it from the wild cat by the long ear tufts. 16. Lynx ruffus (Guldenstaedt). Wild cat; red lynx. — Mr. Fitt- enger claimed to have trapped many individuals of this species on Sand Point, in 1856-7, and there seems good reason to believe that it is still to be found in the sand region. We saw many tracks that we believe were made by wild cats, and Mr. Kelly, a resident living east of Caseville, informed us that individuals are still occasionally shot in that vicinity. 17. Canis occidentalis (Richardson). Timber Wolf. — Mr. Fitt- enger told us that this species was common on Sand Point in 1855-6. At the present time it is without doubt entirely extinct. 18. Vulpes fulvus (Desmarest). Red fox. — Although hunted with dogs in the winter and now mostly driven out of the neighbor- ing I'egion, the red fox is very common in the sand region and on Stony Island. In July it was a very common occurrence to find turtle nests that had been dug out, and the contents destroyed by these animals. Both on Sand Point and east of Caseville we could also almost any morning find many tracks on the sand beach, where the animals were probably looking for fish. Individuals were seen several times. Ruthven saw one on a moonlight night on the beach near the west end of Sand Point, and another in a marsh on the north side of Rush Lake. Mr. Fittenger informed us that he captured one of the silver variety on the Point, in the winter of 1855-6. 19. Ursus americanus Pallas. Black bear. — Black bears were shot on Sand Point as late as 1855-6 and on North Island. in 1863 by Mr. Fittenger and his brother. 20. Procyon lotor (Linnaeus). Raccoon. — The raccoon probably occurs throughout the sand region at the present time. A single track was seen on Sand Point, and a specimen was secured from' Mr. Austin Yax that was taken by him at the east end of Rush Lake, in August 1908. Mr. Yax stated that it was not uncommon about Rush Lake. 21. Mephitis olida Boitard. Eastern skunk. — This skunk was common in the adjacent clay country, but, with the exception of a 312 MAMMALS. track seen by Wood near Turtle Bay on Sand Point, it was not noted in the sand region. 22. Mustela americana Turton. American martin. — Mr. Fittenger trapped one of this species on Sand Point in the winter of 1855-6. This was the only one that he had ever seen in the region. 23. Putorius vison (Schreber). Mink. — The mink was not found on Sand Point, but was observed at Caseville and on Stony Island, being quite common in the latter place. 24. Putorius noveboracensis Emmons. Northern weasel. — The only weasel seen during the summer was on the south shore of Rush Lake. On August 4, while standing on the bank of the county ditch which empties into the lake at the southeast end, Ruthven saw a specimen of this species run down a log on the opposite side of the water, jump in, swim across, and disappear in the underbrush. After leaving the field Mr. Austin Yax sent us a specimen which he trapped at Rush Lake. 25. Sorex personatus Geoffroy. Common shrew.- — A single speci- men was taken in a cedar swamp at the east end of Rush Lake, on August 19. 26. Lasionycteris noctivagans (Le Conte). Silver black bat.— A single specimen of this species was found under the bark of a Norway pine stump (July 1) on Sand Point. APPENDIX A. 313 APPENDIX A. Temperature Records for June, July and AugUrSt on Sand Point. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. e 3 1-5 o o ■a o o "3 1-9 § X! o a> ■6 o o < •3 § o ■a o o o C3 P3 15 68 84 1 81 62 1 88 98 16 45 2 72 80 58.5 2 82 82 65 62 17 80 53 3 72 76 64 3 95 103 70 62 18 93 62 4 87 100 65 60 4 93 103 64 54 19 92 75 5 89 100 68 64 5 86 96 74 62 20 93 71 6 96 110 74 69 6 86 104 71 65 21 93.5 65 7 77 78 71 67 7 78 85 66 1 56 22 92 69 8 91 98 57 56 8 81 81 66 1 57 23 96 68 9 94 102 63 59 9 81 95 68 58 "Is 24 89 76 10 95 100.5 62 56 10 81 95 56 25 83 65 11 103 113 76 72 11 86 90 62 52 48 26 93 54.4 12 96 102.5 70 66 12 82 89 60 27 97.6 59 13 91 103 67 62 13 86 96 67 57 28 91 66.4 14 88.5 96.5 62 57 14 15 83 86 66 57 29 81 69.3 15 82 90 64 60 84 94 68 68 30 83.6 61 16 83 86 53 48 16 88 92 67 56 1 17 86 88 67 62.5 17 86 94 65 56 1 1.... 18 74 70 68 62 18 84 88 74 6} 1 1 19 83 82 62.5 59.5 19 74 74 66 60 20 81.5 92 56 50 20 67 82 64 55 21 92 101 62 56 21 81 88 59 51 22 86 90 72 t6 22 75 88 56 45 _. 23 90 94 58 54 23 76 92 65 54 1. 24 84 86 53 60 24 72 72 55 42 , ... 1 ! 1.. 25 84.5 85.5 53 58 25 72 72 62 62 1 26 92 93.5 63 58 26 73 78 50 37 1 27 96 101.5 61 56 27 82 92 56 45 1 1 28 90 96 68 62.5 28 52 40 1 1 29 96 110.5 68.5 63.5 29 58 46 1 i 30 98.5 113 71.5 66.5 .... 31 ! SS 86 71 67 1 In the woods the thermometer was placed about four feet from the ground in a low swale near the middle of Sand Point, a..d was shaded from the sun. The thermometer on the beach was two feet from the ground, fully exposed to the sun. and placed near the top of the outeniiost dune on the north side of Sand Point. APPENDIX. B. 315 APPENDIX B. Additional Remarks on the Biota and Climate of the Sand Dune Region. by alexander g. ruthven. Since this report was written the United States Weather Bureau has issued a bulletin (V) "on the length of the crop-growing season, as determined from the average of the latest and earliest dates of kill- ing frost". According to the charts in this paper the influence of the lakes in checking early and late frosts is not as great along the east as along the west coasts, but still appreciable. The average date of the first killing frost in the autumn comes between 5 and 10 days later and the last killing frost in the spring probably about 5 days earlier on the east coast than in the interior, and the former about 5 days earlier and the latter about 10 days later than on the west coast in the same latitude. This is in harmony with the fact that there are apparently only a few southern forms that push farther northward along the east coast than in the interior. INDEX. INDEX. A Page Abies balsamea. 23, 31, .59, 71, 74. 142, 148, 149 Abramis cr.vsoleucas 25, 27, 246, 249 Abutilon theophrasti 103 Accipiter cooperi 274, 284 velox 275, 284 Acerates floridana 108 Acerrubrum 22, 44, 45, 102, 137, 142 saccharinum 102, 142 saccharum 23, 102, 137, 145, 148 negundo 102 spicatum 23, 102 Achillea millefolium ' 50, 118, 183, 208, 211, 213 Acknowledgments 15, 71 Acorus calamus 84, 134 Acridiidae 219, 221 Acridiinae 226 Actaea alba 94 rubra 51,94 Actitis macularia 21, 30, 230, 241, 274, 275, 282 Adams, C. C 59, 61, 120 Adiantum pedatum 72 Adlumia fungosa 94 Aegialitis semipalmata 236, 237, 241, 275, 282 Aeolothripidae 192, 205 Aeolothrips fasciatus 183, 187, 188, 189, 205, 207 Aesculus hippocastanum 102 Agaricus abruptus 56 sylvaticus 56 Agastache nepetoides 109 Agelaius phoeniceus 23, 239, 241, 274, 290 Agriolimax agrestis 141, 145, 146, 148, 156 campestris 131, 142, 143, 147, 149, 150, 150 Agrimonia gryposepala 98 Agropyron caninum 79 dastachyum 31, 71, 79 repens 79 Agrostemma githago 92 Agrostis alba 44, 45. 78 hyemalis , 78 Aix sponsa 27, 30, 235, 230, 240. 274, 279 Alasmidonta calceola 129, 174 Alisma plant ago-aquatica : 38, 75, 211, 212 Allium canadense 85 tricoccum 85 Allothrips megacephalus 184. 187, 189, 206, 214 Alnus incana 22, 43, 44, 89, 134, 137, 142 Alyssum alyssoides 94 Amanita excelsa 57 phalloides 57 rubescens 57 verna 57 320 INDEX Page Amanitopis vaginata 56 Amaranthus blitoides 92 graecizans 92, 211 retroflexus 92, 211 Ambrosia artemisiaefolia 117, 208 211 trifida 117 Ambloplites rupestris *. . . 25, 26, 27, 247, 251 Amblystegium riparium longifolium 42 Ambyst oma jeffersonianum 22, 23, 257, 260, 261 Ambystomidae ' 260 Amelanchier canadensis 21, 70, 97 oblongifolia 97 rotundifolia 70 spicata 31, 70, 97 Ameiurus lacustris 27, 246, 248 melas 24, 25, 26, 27, 246, 248 natalis 25, 246, 248 nebulosus 246, 248 vulgaris 25, 26, 27, 246, 248 Ampliibians 14, 257 geographic relations of 257 habitats of ♦. 259 species, list of 261 Amphicarpa monoica ' 41 , loO pitcheri ' 100 Amia calva 25, 27, 246, 248 Ammophila arenaria 21, 47, 69, 78, 183, 186, 192, 210, 225 Amnicola cincinnatiensis 141, 170 Hmosa 131, 134, 135, 136, 139, 140, 170 lustrica 135, 136, 137, 170 walkeri ..131, 137, 138, 170 Amnicolidae 170 Anaphalis margaritacea 116, 211 Anaphothrips striatus 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 189, 192, 200, 206, 208, 210, 215, 216 Anas platyrhynchos 274, 276 rubripes ,27, 235, 239, 240, 274, 278 Andromeda polifolia 43 glaucophylla • 106 Andropogon furcatus 76 scoparius 71,76 Ancylidae 167 Ancylus fuscus 140, 167 parallelus , 131, 134, 140, 141, 167 Anemone canadensis 93, 208 cylindrica 93 quinqiiefolia 93 virginiana 93 Angelica atropurpurea 105 Anguilla chrysypa 246, 250 Antennaria canadensis 116 dioica 116 fallax 116 Anthemis cotula 118, 182, 208, 211 Anthothrips verbasci 183, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 198, 201, 202, 203, 204, 207, 213, 216 niger 183, 187, 189, 207 Antrostomus vociferus 23, 274, 287 Anodonta grandis 139, 140, 173 gigantea 134, 135, 136, 173 footiana 129, 1.39, 173 marginata. 134, 136, 173 Anodontoides ferussacianus modestus 140, 173 ferussacianus subcylindraceus 129, 139, 140, 173 INDEX . 321 Page Apios tuborosa 40, 100 Aplexa hypnoruni 1.38,- 169 Aplodinotus jjrunniens 247, 255 Apocyiuim andro.saemifolium 50, 51, 108, 21 1 cannabiniiin 45, 188 hypericifolium 108 pubescens 108 Aptinothrips rufus 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 205, 210 Aquilegia canadensis 9.3 Arabis dnimmondi 96 laevigata 90 lyrata 21 , 46, 47, 71 . 96 Alalia hispida 105 nudicaulis 44, 51, 52, 105 racemosa 23, 104 Arceuthobium pusillum 90 Arctium minus 119, 183, 209, 210, 211 Arctostaphylos uva-ursi 21, 48, 49, 71, 107 Ardea herodias " 30, 274, 279 Arenaria interpres morinella 237, .238, 241, 283 serpyllifolia 92 Argyrosomus artedi 240, 250 Arisaema triphyllum 84 Arnold, E 278, 279, 282, 284, 285 Arphia tenebrosa 224 Artemisia absinthium 119 biennis 119 caudata 21, 41, 46, 47, 70, 118 stellariana 118 vulgaris 118 Asarum canadense 90 Asclepias incariiata 41, 43, 1C8, 134, 182, 209, 212 purpurascens ' 108 syriaca 71, 1C8, 183, 209, 211 suUivantii 108 tuberosa 41 , 108 Asimina triloba 59 Astragulas canadensis 99 Asparagus officinalis S5 Asplenium filix-loeniina 72 Aspidiuni cristatum clintonianum 72 marginale 72 spinulosum 41, 72 intermedium 41,73 thelypteris 41, 42,' 45, 72, 134, 147 Aster angustus 116 azureus 115 cordifolius 115 junceus 116 laevis 115 lateriflorus 116 macrophyllus 50. 51, 115, 2C9, 211 multiflorus 116 novae-angliae 115 polyphyllus 115 puniceus 116 tradescanti 116 umbellatus 116, 209, 211 vimineus 116 Astraeus stellatus 57 Astragalinus tri-stis 274, 291 Atriplex patula hastata 91 Auriculidae 59 Avena sativa 208, 210 41 322 INDEX B. Page Baker, H. B 13, 14, 121, 130, 163 Bailey, L. H 59, 61 Baliothrips basalis 184, 187, 206, 212 Bartramia longicauda 273, 282 Beal, W. J '. 29, 53, 59, 61 Benzoin aestivale 31 , 59, 94 Betula alba 22, 44, 68, 89, 143 lutea 22, 31, 59, 89 Bidens cernua 118 comosa.. . 118 connata 118 frondosa 118 laevis 118 tricliosperma 118 tenuiloba 118 Bifidaria contracta 143, 147, 149, 159 corticaria 126, 149, 159 pentodon 143, 149, 159 tappaniana 142, 143, 147, 148, 149, 159 Binney, W. G 157 Biota, geographic relations of (see also plants, phytogeographical relations) 27, 315 Birds 14, 273 species, list of 276 Blanchard, E 200, 230 Bland, T 157 Blephilia hirsuta 110 Boelimeria cylindrfca 44, 90 Boleichthys fusiformis 25, 26, 27, 247, 254 Boletus felleus 56 Bombycilla cedrorum 236, 274, 275, 296 Bonasa umbellus 274, 283 Botaurus lentiginosus 23, 274, 279 Botrychium virginicum 73 Bower, Seymour 245 Brackenbury, Frank 280 Brasenia shreberi 25, 93 Brassica arvensis 95 campestris 95 Bromus ciliatus 79 secalinus 79 Bubo virginianus 274, 285 Bufo americanus ; 30, 260, 262 Buller, A. H. R 58, 61 Buteo borealis 275, 284 lineatus 275, 284 Butorides virescens 279 Cacalia tuberosa 119 Cakile edentula 21, 46, 47, 69, 95, 209, 211 Calamagrostis canadensis 41, 78, 208 Calamovilfa longifolia 21, 47, 69, 78 Calidris leucophaea 235, 237, 241, 275, 281 Callitriche palustris 101 Calopogon pulchellus 41,87 Caltha palustris 93 Camelina sativa 95 Camnula pellucida 224, 225, 227 Campanula americana 114 aparinoides 41, 114, 209 rotundifolia 114, 208, 209 INDEX 323 Page Campeloma decisum 126, 171 integra.. 126, 139, 140, 141, 171 rufum 126, 171 Canis occidentalis 311 Cannabi.s sati va 90 Cantharellus cibarius 56 Cardamine bulbosa 95 douglasii 95 peiinsylvanica 96 pratensis 95 Carex aquatilis 82 aurea 82 bebbii 81 brortioides 82 canescens 81 subloliacea 82 communis 82 comosa 83 crawei 83 cristata 81 crinita 82 deweyana 82 diandra ramosa 82 eburnea 83 filiformis 38, 39, 82, 128, 132, 134 flava 83 gracillima 82 granularis haleana 83 hystericina 83 intumescens 83 fernaldii 84 lanuginosa 83 laxiflora latifolia 83 patulifolia 83 varians 83 leptalea 82 livida 82 lupulina 39, 83 lurida 83 gracilis 83 muhlenbergii 40, 82 oederi 3 pumila 83 pennsylvanica 82 polygama 82 pseudo-cyperus 83 retrorsa 83 riparia 83 rosea 82 radiata 82 rostrata 84 utriculata , 84 sarlwellii 82 scirpoides 81 scoparia 81 siccata 81 stelluata 81 stipata 82 straminea 81 stricta 82 suberecta 81 tenella 82 tetanica 83 meadii 83 324 INDEX Page Carex tribuloides 44, 81 tuckermani 84 vulpinoidea 82 Carpinus caroliniana 89, 148 Carpiodes thompsoni 245, 249 Carriker, M. A 233, 234, 235, 237, 238, 239, 240, 242 Carum carui 105 Capsella bursa-pastoris 95 Carya cordiformis 88 microcarpa. 31, 54, 71, 88 ovata 23, 31 Carychium exiguum 142, 143, 148, 149, 160, 161 exile 142, 143, 147, 148, 149, 161 Carpodacus purpureus 274, 291 Castilleja coccinea 112 Catalpa bignonioides ' 112 Catostomus catostomus ; 246, 249 commersonii 249 Caulophyllum Ihalictroides 25, 26, 94, 246 Ceanothus americanus 21, 50, 70, 102 ovatus 31, 50, 70, 102 Celastrus scandens 59 Celtis occidentalis 71, 89 Cenchrus carolinianus 77 tribuloides 46 Centurus carolinus 238 hoffmanni 240 uropygialis 240 Cephalanthus occidentalis 39, 43, 113, 141, 182, 209, 211, 213 Cerastium vulgatum 92 Cercis canadensis 59 Certhia familiaris americana , 275, 305 Ceuthophilus meridionalis ■ 229 neglectus 229 seclusus 229 terrestris 229 Cervus canadensis 309 Ceryle alcyon 30, 238, 241, 274, 286 Chaetochloa viridis .' 209, 211 Chaetiira pelagica 274, 288 Chamaedaphne clayculata 31, 43, 106 Chamberlain, T. C 61 Chelone glabra Ill, 211 Chenopodium album 91 botrys 91 capitatum 91 hybridum 91 Chelydra serpentina 27, 258, 271 Chimaphila umbellata .'. 51, 106 Chirothrips manicatus 183, 184, 187, 188, 189, 205, 208, 216 Chloealtis conspersa 223 prima 224 Chordeiles virginanus 274, 287 Chorophilus nigritus triseriatus 23, 258, 260, 262 Chortophaga viridifasciata 224 Chrysanthemum leucanthemum pinnatifidum 118 Chrysemys cinerea 24, 25, 27, 258, 271 Chrysosplenium americanum 96 Cichorium intybus 119 Cicuta bulbifera 68, 105 maculata ' 105 Cinna arundinacea .' 31, 78 Circaea alpina 104 lutetiana 104 INDEX 325 Page Circotettix verruculatus 226 Circus hudsonius 283 Cirsium arvense 47. 119, 182. 183, 194, 495. 209, 216 lanceolatum 119, 209, 211 muticum 119 pitcheri 21, 46, 47, 09, 119, 182, 209 Cladium mariscoides 41, 81 Clark, George 15 Clavaria cristata 56 Claytonia virginica 92 Clematis virginiana 93, 209 Clements, C. E 58. 63 Climate 13, 27, 28. 315 Clintonia borealis 31, 59, 85 Clitocybe laccata 57, 60 ochropurpurea 57, 60 pinophila 57, 60 Coccyzus americarius 236, 240, 241, 274, 285 occidentalis 236 erythrophthalmus 274, 286 Coehlicopa lubrica 142, 147. 148. 160 morseaiia 125, 148, 160 Cochlicopidae 1 60 Colaptes auratus luteus 237, 240, 241, 274, 287 Colastrus scandens 102 Colinus virginanus 273, 283 CoUinsouia canadensis 110 Colpocephalum bicolor ■- 238, 241 dissimile 239 ocularis 238. 241 osbornii 239, 241 pustulosum .* 238 quadrimaculatus 239, 241 spinulosum 2.38 obscuruni 238, 241 minor 238 subpustulatum 238, 241 tricinctum 239 Comandra umhellata 48, 49, 90 Conocephalinae 228 Conopholis americana 112 Conoceiihalus ensiger 228 Conringia orientalis 95 Convolvulus arvenis 109 sepium 47, 109. 208, 209, 211 Coons. G. H '.13, 14. 35, 68 Cope. E. D 248, 249, 250, 251, 253, 254, 255, 258, 272 Coptis trifolia 93 Corallorhiza maculata ^ • ■ 87 Coregonus clupeiformis 240, 250 quadrilateralis 240, 2.50 Cornus alternifolia 106 amomum 106 baileyi 21, 71, 106 canadensis 1C6 circinata 44, 45, 106, 137. 142, 143 florida 59 paniculata , 106 stolonifera 43. 49. 71. 106, 137. 142. 143. 208. 209. 213 Corvus brachyrhynchos 240. 241, 274, 290 Corydalis aurea ^ 94 sempervirens • 94 Corylus americana 88 Cottus ictalops 26. 247. 255 326 INDEX Page Coturniculus savannarum australis 273, 292 Coulter, S. M 59, 61 Cowles, H. C 43, 46, 59, 61 Crataegus crus-galli 97 punctata 97 Crawfish 14 Cristivomer namaycush 250 Cryptotaenia canadensis 105 Ctenothrips bridwelli 170, 183, 184, 187, 188, 189, 206, 210, 215 Cucurbito pepo 208, 209, 212 Cuscuta gTonovii 109 Cycloloma atriplicifolium 91 Cyanocitta cristata 274, 290 Cynoglossum officinale 109 virginianum 109 Cyperus filiculmis 80 houghtonii 31, 80 rivularis 80 strigosus 80 Cypripedium acaule 51,71,86 parviflorum pubescens 86 Cystopteris bulbif era 73 f ragilis 73 D. Dactylis glomerata 79 Daedalia unicolor 57 Daniels, F. P 59, 62 Danthonia spicata 71, 78 Datura stramonium Ill tatula Ill Daucus carota 106 Davis, C. A 18, 29, 31, 32, 33, 62, 65, 72, 73, 75, 76, 77, 80, 84, 87, 91, 92, 94, 95, 98, 99, 101, 103, 104, 105, 106, 108, 109, 111, 112, 115, 116, 119, 135 Decodon verticillatus 104, 209, 211, 212 Delphinium consolida 94 Dendroica aestiva 23, 275, 298 blackburniae 31, 275, 300 caerulescens 275, 299 castanea 275, 300 coronata 299 discolor 275, 301 magnolia 275, 299 pennsylvanica 31, 275, 299 tigrina 275, 298 vigorsii 235, 242, 275, 301 virens '. 31, 275, 300 Dentaria diphylla • 95 laciniata 95 Deschampsia flexuosa 31, 71, 78 Desmodium canadense 100 dillenii • 100 grandiflorum 100 midiflorum 100 paniculatum 40, 51, 100 Diaphermora femorata 222 Dicentra canadensis * 94 cucullaria 44, 94 Dicranium flagellare 50 fuscescens congestum 50 Diemictylus viridescens -. • 24, 257, 260, 262 Diervilla lonicera 5 j , 52. 1 1 3 Dlgitaria sanguinahs 76 INDEX 327 Page Dioscorea villosa 51 , 86, 213 Dipsacus sylvestris 114 Dirca palustris 104 Dissosteira Carolina 225 Ditmars, R . 264, 272 Docophorus coccygi 236, 241 cordiceps 2.35, 241 fusiformis 235, 241 halieti 235, 241 icterodes 235, 240, 242 incisus 236, 242 intermedius 236 lari 235, 240 latifrons 236 occidentalis 236, 241 Dodge, C. K 13, 14, 35, 59, 62, 65, 121, 179 Dolichonyx oryzivorus 273, 274, 290 Drosera rotundifolia 96, 134, 150 Dryobates pubescens medianus 240, 241, 274, 287 villosus 274, 286 leucomelas 286 Dulichium anindinaceum 80, 135 Dumatella carolinensis , 31, 274, 275, 304 E. Echinochloa crus-galli 76, 209, 210 Echinocystis lobata 46, 114 Elanus leucurus 239 Elaphe vulpinus 22, 31, 258, 259, 261, 266 Eleocharis acicularis 80 acuminat a 80 obtusa .■ 80 olivacea 80 palustris 80 glaucescens 80 tenuis 80 Elodea canadensis 76 Elymus canadensis 47, 71, 80, 183, 186, 201, 210, 211, 215 striatus 80 virginicus 79 Empidonax flaviventris 275, 289 minimus 274, 275, 289 traillii alnorum 275, 289 Emydoidea blandingi 24, 27, 258, 271 Endont idae 156 Engler, A - 60, 61, 62 Epifagus virginiana , 112 £pigaea repens 106 Eplob um adenocaulon : 104 angustifolium 209, 211 coloratum 104 densum 104 Epipacf is pubescens 51 , 87 Equisetum arvense 73 fluviatile 73. 138 hyemale 73 rol)Ustum 59, 73 intermedium 47, 51, 52, 73 sylvaticum 38. 39. 41. 44, 45. 73 variegat um 73 Eragrost is hy pnoides 78 megastachya 78 Erechtites hieracifolia 119 328 INDEX Page Erethizon dorsatum 31 Ereunetes pusillus 24, 275, 281 Erigeron annuus 116, 209, 211 canadensis 47, 116 philadelphicus 116 pulchellus 116 ramosus 116, 209 Eriophorum viridi-carinatum 81 Erysium cheiranthoides 209, 211 Erythronium americanum 85 Etheostoma iowae 25, 27, 247, 254 Euconulus chersinus polygyratus 148, 149, 155 fulvus 143, 148, 149, 155 Eupatorium perfoliatum 39, 114, 183, 211, 213 purpureum 39, 41, 114, 209, 211 maculatum 41 , 114 urticaefolium 114 Euphorbia corollat a 101 cyparissias 101 hirsuta 101 maculata 101 polygonifolia 69, 101 preslii , 101 Eumeces quinquilineatus 22, 31, 258, 259, 261, 263, 268 Eupomotis gibbosus 25, 27, 247, 251 Euthrips fuscus 183, 187, 190, 206, 210 tritici 180, 182, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 194, 195, 197, 206, 208, 210, 211, 216 Evonymus obovatus 102 F. Fagopyrum esculentum 91 Fagus'grandifolia. , 23, 30, 68, 89, 148 Falco sparverius 275, 285 Favolus europaeus 57 Fernow, B. E 63 Festuca elatior 79 nutans 79 octoflora 79 Fiber zibet hicus 27, 310 Fish 14, 243 ' habitats of 246 - species, list of 248 Fittenger, L. H 309, 311, 312 Femes applanatus 56 Fragaria vesca americana ^ 97 virginiana ^ 50, 52, 97 Franklin, H. J 207, 23.0 Fraxinus americana 45, 107 nigra 22, 108, 148, 214 pennsylvanica 107 lanceolata 108 Fulica americana 274, 280 Fnligo ovata 56, 60 Fundulus diaphanus 247, 251 G. Ga-ge, Frederick 13, 14, 191, 273 Galera vittaeformis 56 Galium aparine ' 112 asprellum 1 13 Ijoreale 113 INDEX , 329 Page Galium circaezans 113 lanceolatum 113 pilosum 113 tinctorium 113 trifidiuin 45. 113 triflorum 113 Gallinula galeata 274, 280 Ganong. W. F 58, 62 Gaultheria procumbens 51, 52, 71, 107 Gavia immer 274, 270 Gaylussacia baccata 49, 50, 52, 107 glaucocarpa 107 Gentiana andrewsii 108 crinita 1Q8 Geothlypis trichas brachidactyla 274, 275, 303 Geranium biclcnellii 101 carolinianum 101 maculatum " 50, 101 pusillum 101 robertianum 101 Gerardia paupercula 112, 211 pedicularia Ill, 209, 211 Yirginica 112 Geum canadense 98 rivale 98 striftum 98 virginianum 98 Gibbs, Morris 289 Gleditsia triaeantlios " . 59 Glyceria canadensis 79 grandis 79 nervata 79 septentrionalis 79 Gnaplialium decurrens 117 polycephalum 1 1 •> uliginosum 117 Goniobasis livescens 126, 127, 129, 139, 140, 141, 169 1 vescens var 26, 169 Goode, G. Brown 254, 255 Gray, Asa 230 Gryllidae 229 Gryllinae 229 Gryllus pennsylvanicus • 229 Gunnar, Andersson 43, 62 H. Habenaria blephariglottis 41, 87 bracteata 86 dilatata 86 fla va 86 hookeri . . . . i 31,80 hyperborea 86 psy codes 41,87 Hadropterus aspro 25, 26, 247, 254 Haliaeetus leucocephalus 236, 239, 241, 274, 284 vocifer 236 Hamamelis virginana 51, 96 Hankinson, T. L 126 Harshberger, J. W 58, 62 Helenium autumnale 118 Helianthemum canadense 103 330 INDEX Page Helianthus annuus 117 divaricatus 49, 50, 117, 182, 209, 211 giganteus 117 strumosus 117 tracheliifolius 117 tuberosus 117 Helicidae 153 Helicodiscus parallelus 143, 148, 149, 157 Heliopsis helianthoides 117 Helminthophila chrysoptera 275, 297 rubricapilla 275, 297 Hemerocallis f ulva 85 Hemitrichia clavata 56, 60 Hepatica acutiloba 93 triloba 93 Heterodon platyrhinus 31, 258, 259, 261, 265 Heterothrips salicis 184, 187, 205, 208 Hieracium canadense 120, 209, 211 gronovii 120 scabrum 120 umbellatum 31, 120 venosum 120 Hill, E.J 59, 62 Hinds, W. E 178, 1 9, 181, 190, 191, 207, 213, 230 Hippiscus tuberculatus 225 Hirundo erythrogaster 274, 275, 294 Hitchcock, A. S 72 Hood, J. D 192, 207, 231 Hooker, W. A 231 Heracleum lanatum 105 Hordeum jubatum 79 Humulus lupulus 90 Hydrocotyle americana 105 Hygrophorus cantharellus 56 miniatus 58 Hyla pickeringi 257, 260, 261, 262 versicolor 23, 257, 260, 261, 262 Hylidae 260 Hylocichla fuscescens 31 , 275, 307 Hypericum kalmianum 39, 40, 103, 209, 212 majus 103 mutilum 103 perforatum 40, 52, 103, 209 punctatum 103 virginicum. 41, 103 Hyperistius hexacanthus 251 Hypocrea richardsoni 57, 60 Hypoxis hirsuta 86 Hypoxylon annulatum 57, 60 atropurpureum 57, 60 marginatum 57 Hyssopus ofHcinalis .' 1 10 Hystrix patula 80 I. Icterus galbula 274, 291 Icthyomyzon concolor 248 Ilex verticillata 43, 45, 102 Impatiens biflora "15, 102, 212 Insects 14 Itinerary : 13 Inula helenium 117 Iridoprocne bicolor 274, 275, 295 INDEX 331 Page Iris versicolor 41, 42, 86, 134 Ischnoptera intricata 222 pennsylvanica 222 uhleriana 222 J. Jefferson, M. W 28 Jennings, O. E 58, 59. 62 Jordan, K 191, 231 Juglans cinerea 21, 23, 88 nigra 31, 88 Juniperus communis 74 depressa 74 Juncus alpinus fuscescens > 85 insignis 84 balticus littoralis 39, 84, 129 brachycephalus 4 brevicaudatus 84 bufonius ' 84 canadensis 84 dudleyi 84 effusus 84 nodosus 84 tenius 84 K. Kalmia polifolia 106 Kauffman, C. H 55 Kedzie, R. C 48, 52, 53, 62 Klebahn 63 Kellogg, V. L 233, 237, 240, 242 Koeleria cristata 71 , 78 L. Lactarius piperatus 56 volemus 56 Lactuca canadensis 43, 47, 120 hirsuta 120 scariola integrata 120 spicata 120 Laemobothrium giganteum 239, 241 LaGarde, J 58, 63 Lampropeltis doliatus triangulus 22 258, 261, 264, 267 Lampsilis iris 139, 173 luteola 126, 129, 130, 134, 135, 136, 139, 140, 172 multiradiata 125. 139. 172 nasuta 129, 172 recta 129, 172 ventricosa 129, 130. 171 Lane, A. C.» 32, 33, 63, 65, 122. 125 Lanius ludovicianus migrans 273, 296 Laportea canadensis 90 Lappula echinata 109 virginiana 109 Larix laricina 23, 31, 42, 43, 74, 134, 142 Larus argent atus smithsonianus 235, 240, 274, 276 delawarensis 275. 277 glaucus 235 islandicus _. 235 rissa ^ . . •■ 235 tridactylus 235 332 INDEX Page Lasionycteris noctivagans 312 Lathyrus maritimus 47, 69, 100, 182, 2C8, 209 palustris , . . 100 myrtifolius 100 Leathers, A. L 13, 14, 243 Ledum groenlandicum 23, 31, 106 Leersia oryzoides 77 virginica 77 Lemna minor - 84 Lentinus lepideus 57 Lenzites betulina 56 saepiaria 57 Leonurus cardiaca • 110 Lepidium apetaliim 95 campestre 95 virginicum 94 Lepidosteus huronensis 248 Lepisosteus osseus 26,27, 246, 248 epus americaiius 23, 31, 310 Lespedeza capitata '. 100 frutescens 100 hirta 100 , Liatris cylindricea 114, 209, 211 spicata 115 Ligustrum vulgare , 108 Lilium philadelpliicum andinum 71, 85 superbum 85 Limacidae 156 Linaria canadensis 31,71,111 minor Ill vulgaris Ill, 209, 211 Linnaea borealis americana 113 Linum usitatissimum 100 Liopeltis veraalis 258, 260, 261, 267 Liriodendron tulipfera 59, 94 Lipeurus baculus 237 Lithospermum arvense 109 gmelini 21, 71, 109 Lobelia cardinalis 114, 209, 212 inflata 114 kalmii , 114 siphilitica 114 spicata 42, 50, 114 Locustidae - • ■ 227 Lonicera canadensis 51, 113 dioica 113 glaucescens 51 , 1 13 hirsuta 113 oblongif olia 31,113 Lophodytes cucuUatus 274, 278 Lota maculosa 247, 255 Loxia curvirostra minor 239 Livingston, B. E ; 52, 53, 59, 63 Lucius lucius 25, 27, 247, 251 masquinongy : 251 vermiculatus ...25, 246, 250 Ludvigia palustris 104 polycarpa 104 Lupinus perennis .' 99 Luzula campestris multifiora 85 saltuensis 85 Lychnis coronaria 92 Lycium halimifolium IH INDEX 333 Page Lycopodium clavatum 73 coinphinatum 31, 48, 49, 73 liu'iduliim 73 tristachyum 73 Lycoperdoii pyriforme 57 Lycopus americanus 39, 4.5, 110, 209, 212 lubellus 1 10 uniflorus 110 virginicus 110 Lymnaea catascopium. .-. 126, 102 cinarginata ontarionensis 20, 127, 102 haldeinani 130, 101 humilis 127, 130, 131, 140, 141, 102 niegasoina lGi3 obrussa 129, 130, 131, 134, 136, 137, 141, 161 decampi 136, 162 palustris 127, 129, 131, 135, 137, 138, 141, 160, 162, 163, 170 michiganensis 138, 141 zebra 135, 138, 163, 164 reflexa 128, 130, 131, 138, 140, 163 walkeri 130, 104 stagnalis appressa 130, 134, 137, 101 Lymnaeidae 1 *>1 Lynx canadensis 311 ruffiis 311 Lysiniachia nummularia If 7 terrestris 1C7 thyrsiflora 107 Lythrum alatum 41 . 104 M. MacBride, T. H 55 MacDonald, Capt. Chas 71 Madura pomifera 90 MacMillan, C 03 Maianthemum canadense 45, 50, 51, 52, 85, 210, 215 Mallophaga 233 collecting and preserving 233 Huron County collection, the .234 species, list of 235 Malva moschata 103 rotundifolia 103 sylvestris 103 Mammals 14, ,309 species, list of 309 Marasmius oreades 56 rotula 42, 56 Marmota monax. 31 , 310 Marrubium vulgare 109 Medeola virginiana 51 , 86 Medicago lupulina 99 sativa 99 Meek, S. E 245 Melampyrum lineare 50, 51, 112, 209 Melanerpes erythrocephalus 31, 274, 287 Melanoplus atlanis 226 bivittatus 227 femoratus 218, 225 dawsoni 226 fasciatus 227 femur rubrum 227 foedus " 227 luridus 227 minor 227 334 INDEX Page Melica striata yg Melilotus alba 99_ ig5_ 209, 212 officinalis 99_ ig.5_ 209, 212 Melospiza georgiana 23, 31 , 274, 275, 293 melodia 274, 275, 292 Menispermum canadense 94 Menopon hirsutum 240 241 loomisii 240, 241 mesoleucura 240 americanum 240, 241 praecursor 240, 241 meridionale 240 Mentha arveiisis canadensis 110 piperita HO, 209, 212 spicata 110 Menyanthes trifoliata 41, 43, 108 Mephitis olida 311 Mergus americanus 278 Merriam, C. Hart 58, 63, 307 Michael, Ellis 255, 249 Micropterus dolomieu 25, 247, 253 fasciatus 253 salmoides 25, 26, 247, 254 Microtus pennsylvanicus 310 Miles, M. A 32, 33, 258, 271 Millium effusum ; 77, 208, 213 Milner, J. W 254, 255 Mimulus ringens 39, 41 , 111, 209 Mitchella repens 113 Mitella diphylla 96 nuda 96 Mniotilta varia 275, 297 Mollugo verticillata 92 Mollusca 14, 121 geographic relations of 125 habitats of 126 species, list of 153 Molothrus ater 274, 290 Monarda fistulosa 110 mollis 110, 209, 212 Monotropa uniflora 106 Morse, A. P 182, 217, 221, 231 Moxostoma aureolum 25,27,246, 249 Muhlenbergia mexicana 77 racemosa 77 sylvatica 77 Mus musculus 310 Musculium partumeium 138, 175 ryckhalti 138, 175 securis 131, 132, 138, 139, 150, 175 truncatum 136, 138, 150, 174, 175 Mustela americana 312 Myiarchus crinitus 274, 289 Myiochanes virens 274, 289 Myrica asplenifolia 31 , 48, 50, 88 gale 43, 71 , 88 Myriophylluru heterophyllum 104 spicatum 104 N. Nannus hiemalis 275, 305 Natrix sipedon 24, 258, 260 Najas flexilis 75 INDEX 335 Page Nectunis maculosiis 259, 261 Nemobius fasciatus 229 Neniopanthiis mucronata 102 Nemotettix cristatus 222 Neothrips corticis 184, 187, 189, 192, 206, 214 Nepeta cataria 109, 212 hedaracea 110 Nirmus actophilus . 237 candidus 2.37, 241 complcxivus 236, 241 , 242 boephilus 237, 241 furvus ravus 236, 241 parallelus 237, 241 simplex 238, 242 stramineus 238 Nitzschia brunneri 240 latifrous 239, 242 pulicaris 240 Notonectidae 24 Notropis cayuga 25, 26, 246, 249 cornutus 25, 26, 246, 250 hudsoiiius 26, 246, 250 rubrifrons 26, 246, 250 whipplii 246, 250 Noturus flavus 246, 248 Nummularia bullardi 57, 60 Nycticorax nycticorax naevius 274, 279 Nymphaea adveiia 25, 92, 131, 132, 133, 134, 140, 141 tuberosa 25, 92, 131, 133, 140 O. Oakesia sessilifolia 85 Oecanthinae 230 Oecanthus fasciatus 230 quadripunctatus 230 niveus 230 Odocoileus americanus 309 Oedipodinae 224 Oenothera biennis 47, 70, 104, 212 Oidemia deglandi 240 Omphalia campanella 56 fibula 56 Onoclea sensibilis 45, 73 struthiopteris 73 Oporonis Philadelphia 275, 303 Orchelimum vulgare 228, 229 Orphulella pelidna 223 Orr, VV. J 15 Orthoptera 14, 177, 217 diurnal activity of Acridiidae 219 ecology of Acridiidae 221 economic importance of Acridiidae 217 species, list of ' 222 Oryzopsis asperifolia 77 pungens 77 Osborn, H 231, 236, 237, 242 Osmorhiza claytonia 51, 105 longistylis 105 Osmunda cinnamomea 73 regalis 43, 73 Ostrya virginiana 23, 89 Otocoris alpestris 273, 289 Otus asio 285 336 INDEX Page Oxalis stricta 48, loi Oxj-echus vociferus 237, 273, 274, 282 P. Pallifera dorsalis 143, 144, 14G, 149, 157 Panax quinquefolium 105 trifolium 105 Pandion haliaetus carolinensis 274, 285 Panicum capillare 76 depauperat um 76 latifolium 76 lindheimeri 76 meridionale 76 miliaceum ■ ' 76 scribnerianum 76 t suget orum 76 virgatum 76 xanthophysum 48, 49, 76 Panus radus 57, 60 Passerculus sandwichensis savanna 275, 292 Passerina cyanea 274, 275, 293 Pastinacea sativa 105 Paxillus atrotomentosus 56 Pectinibranchia 169 Pelecypoda 171 Penthestes atricapillus ' 31, 274, 275, 306 Penthorum sedoides 96, 212 Perca flavescens 25, 26, 27, 247, 254 Percina caprodes 25, 26, 27, 247, 254 Percopsis guttatus 26, 247, 251 Pedicularis canadensis 112 Pelidna alpina sakhalina 275, 281 Peromyscus leucopus noveboracensis 22, 310 maniciilatus bairdi 22, 268, 310 Petrochelidon lunifrons 274, 275, 294 Phalaris arundinacea ■ 77 Phaseropterinae 227 Phaseolus vulgaris 209 Phegopteris dryopteris 72 polypodioides 31, 72 Philohela minor 274, 280 Pliilomycidae : 157 Philomycus carolinensis 143, 149, 157 Phleum pratense '. 77, 208, 212 Pliloethripidae 213 Phlox divaricata 109 Phragmites communis 38, 39, 41, 42, 78 Phryma leptostachya 112 Phyllothrips aspersus 183, 184, 187, 206, 214 citricornis 187, 206, 214 Physa ancillaria 126, 127, 129, 167 magnalacustris 26, 127, 128, 167, 168 elliptica 138, 141, 169 gyrina 130, 131, 137, 138, 141, 168 hildrethiana 138, 168 heterostropha 127, 130, 131, 134, 139, 140, 168 integra 139, 141, 169 sayii 131, 168 Physalis heterophylla 46, 111 Physalis pruinosa Ill subglabrata Ill Physidae ! 167 Physiographic conditions 17, 36, 65, 122, 179, 243 Physocarpus opulifolius 97 INDEX ^337 Page Picea ahies 74 mariana 23, 31, 43, 71, 74. 1,34, 150 Picus canus 238 virifiis 238 Pilea puniila : 90 Pimephales notatus 20, 25. 24fi, 249 Finns baiiksiana 21, 31, 48, 49, 50, 53, 59, 70, 74, 114 resinosa 21, 31, 49, 50, 53, 54, 70, 74, 142, 144 strobus 21, 49, 50, 51, 54, 59, 60, 70, 74, 134, 142, 144 Pipilo erythrophthalmus 31, 240, 242, 274, 275, 293 Pirango eiythromelas 275, 293 Pisidiuin ahditum , 139, 175 corapressiim 1 36, 1 76 rostratum 136, 176 medianum .• 136, 176 roperi 150, 176 splendidulum 136, 137, 176 streiigii 136, 176 variabile 136, 176 vesiculare 136, 176 Pisobia maculata 237, 241, 275 miiiutilla 24, 235, 236, 241, 281 Pisum sativum 209, 212 Planesticus migratorius 30, 238, 242, 274, 275 Planorbidae 1 64 Planorbis campanulatus 24, 133, 140, 141, 165 minor 137, 165 bicarinatus 126, 139, 164 crista 166 deflectus 130, 138, 166 exacuous 24, 128, 130, 131, 132, 133, 138, 140, 165 hirsutus 128, 131, 136, 138, 166 nautileus 135, 136 parvus 131, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 166 walkeri 138, 166 trivolvis 128, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 164, 166 truncatus 126, 130, 165 umbilicatellus 138, 166 Plantago aristata 112 lanceolata 112 major 112 rugelii 112 Plantauus occidentalis - 96 Plants 14, 35, 65 alnus association ; 42, 43, 44 amphibious formation 38 arctostaphylos association 48 beach formation 45 beaches, plants of 68 birch-willow association 43 bog societies 43 ' bush swamp formation ' 42 calamovilfa-ammophila association : 46 catalog of 65 carex association 38, 40 chara association , 37 dune formation 46 dune bushland formation 49 dune forest formation 49 dune heath formation 48 dunes, plants of 70 ecology of 35 forest formation .' 44 fungus formations 55 43 338 INDEX Page Plants helopliytes 38 39 hydrophytes 37 jack pine association 4g 49 barrens 52 juncus association 3g 49 mesophytes 44 mesophytic woods 23 phragmites association 40 poa association 4g potamogeton association 38 psammophytes 45 phytogeograpliical relations 58, 71 quadrats 39, 55 reed swamp formation 40 scirpus association 38, 40 species of 72 succession of 36, 54 water-lily association 37, 38 wooded swamp formation 43 xerophytes 38, 39 xerophytic society 21 Plargyrus americanus 249 Plethodon cinereus 23, 258, 260, 261 Pleurocera subulare intensum 135, 169, 170 Pleuroceridae 169 Pluteus cervinus 56 Poa annua 79 compressa 49, 53, 79 pratensis 45, 79, 182, 186, 208, 209, 210, 211 triflora 79 Podilymbus podiceps 30, 275, 276 Podophyllum peltatum 94 Polioptila caerulea 275, 306 Polygala paucifolia _. 101 polygama 101 senega 101 Polygonatum biflorum 85 commutatum 51, 86 Polygonella articulata 91 Polygonum acre 91 amphibium 41, 90, 209, 212 hartwright ii 90 aviculare 90 cilinode 91 convolvulus 91 erectum 90 hydropiper 41,91 hydropiperoides 41 , 91 lapathifolium 90 muhlenbergii 90 orientale 91 pennsylvanicum 91 persicaria 41, 42, 91 scandens 91 virginianum 91 Polygyra albolabris " 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 153 albolabris dentata 143, 153 maratima 21,142,144,148,149,153 fraterna. 144, 148, 149, 154 nionodon 142, 143, 145, 146, 147, 149, 154 multiUneata 143, 145, 146, 153 thyroides 143, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 154 Folypodium vulgare .- 31, 68, 72 INDEX 339 Page Polyporus elegans 57 ignarius .• 57 picipes 57 schweinitzii 57 Polystichum achrosticoides . . 72 Polystictus hirsutus 57 perennis 57 pergamenus 57 versicolor 57 zonatus 57 Polytrichium piliferum 50 Pomoxis sparoides 25, 27, 247, 251 Pontederia cordata 25, 84, 128, 130, 134, 180, 182, 197, 198, 199, 209, 212 Pooecetes gramineus • 273, 274, 292 Popiilus alba 88 balsamifera 22, 70, 88, 144, 183, 212 deltoides 88 grandidentata 21, 88, 144 nigra italica 88 trerauloides 22, 43, 44, 47, 49, ' 8, 144 Poria vaporia 56, 60 Portulaco oleracea 92 Potamogeton angustifolius 75 filiformis. 75 heterophyllus 37, 75 longipedunculatus 75 foliosus niagareiisis 75 natans ". ...75, 131, 134, 139 pectinatus 37, 75 perfoliatui? 37, 75 riehardsoiiii • 75 Potentilla anserina 41, 46, 47, 98 argentea 98, 212 canadensis 41, 98 43, 98, 182, 209 monspeliensis " 51, 97, 209, 212 paliLstris 41, 98 Pound, R 58, 63 Precipitation 28 Prenanthes alba 120 altissima 120 racemosa. 120 Procyon lotor 311 Progne subis 275, 294 Proserpinaca palustris 104 Prunella vulgaris 110, 182, 208, 209 Prunus americana 99 cerasus 99 pennsylvanica 21, 50, 99 pumila 21, 47, 49, 50, 71, 99 serotina ' 99 virginiana 21 , 48, SO, 70, 99 Psedera vitacea 45, 51, 102 Pseudopotnata brachyptera 223 reversa 223 Pteris aquilina 48, 49, 51, 52, 72, 144 Ptychostomus aureolus 249 Pulmonata 153 Punctum pygmaeum 143, 147, 149, 157 Pupilidae 159 Putorius noveboracensis 312 vison 312 340 INDEX Page Pycnanthemum pilosum 110 virgiiiianum lio Pyramidula alternata 143, 144, 145, 14G, 147, 148, 149, 156 alba 145, 156 cronkhitei anthonyi 142, 143, 145, 147, 148, 149, 157 catskillensis 125, 143, 149, 157 Pyrola americana 51, 106 flliptica 51 , 52, 106, 209 secunda 51, 106 Pyriis arbutifolia atropiirpurea 97 baccata 97 coronaria 31, 97 mallus 97 melanocarpa 43, 97 Q. Quadrula riibiginosa 139, 174 undulata 139, 141, 174 Quercus alba 30, 51, 70, 89, 142, 144, 214 bicolor 22, 30, 89, 213 coccinea... '. 31, 50, 70, 89, 144 macrocarpa 30, 89 rubra . .50, 70, 71, 89, 142, 143, 144 velutina 30, 51, 71, 89 Quiscalus quiscula aeneus 273, 274, 291 R. Radicula armoracia 95 nasturtium aquaticum 95 palustris 95 Rallus virginanus 23, 31, 274, 280 Rana catesbeana 25, 263 clamitans 22, 24, 30, 257, 263 plpiens 22, 23, 30, 257, 260, 263 septentrionalis 257 sylvatica cantabrigensis 21, 23, 257, 260, 263 Ranidae 260 Ranunculus abortivus 93 acris 93 delphlnifolius _ 93 pennsylvanicus 93 recurvatus 93 sceleratus 93 septentrionalis 93 Reighard, Jacob 15 Reindeer moss 48 Reptiles 14, 247 geographic relations of 257 habitats of 259 species, list of 263 Rhus 101 toxicodendron 44, 51 , 52, 102 : typhina .' 50, 101 vernix.. '. 23, 43, 102, 134, 150 Ribes aureum 96 cynosbati 96 floridum 96 huroneuse 96 oxyacanthoides 96 . : triste ■ , . , 31, 96 Ridgway, R 302 Riparia riparia 240, 242, 274, 275, 295 INDEX 341 Page Rissa tridiictyla 23.5 Robinia pseudo-acacia 99 Roccus chrysops 254 Rosa Carolina '.-. 23, 42, 43, 98, 182, 209, 212 blaiida 98 rubiginosa 98 Rulms allegheniensis 44, 98 canadensis 184, 209, 210 liispidus 40, 44, 98 idaeus aculeatissimus 44, 98 occidentalis 98 trifloris 98 villosus 98 Rudbeckia hirta 50, 117, 180, 209 laciniata 117 Ruraex acetosella 50, 90 britannica 90 crispus 47, 90 obtusifolius. 90 Russula brevipes 57 chamaeleontina 56 emetica 56, 60 roseipes 56 veternosa media 42, 56, 60 Rusts 58 Ruthven, Alexander G 17, 32, 33, 34, 30, 37, 59, 63, 121, 178, 235, 245. 257, 258, 259, 266, 272, 281, 309, 311, 315 Ryncliospora alba 81 capillacea 81 fusca 81 Sagittaria latifolia 38, 75, 128, 134, 209, 212 Salix alba ' 87 amygdaloides 87 babylonica 87 Candida. . . . ; 88 discolor 87 fluviatilis ^. 208, 213 . glaucophylla 31, 59, 70, 87 brevifolia 87 humilis 87 longifolia 43, 70, 84 lucida 87 nigra 39, 42, 87 petiolaris 87 rostrata 88 sericea ; 88 Salsola kali tenuifolia 46, 92 Sambucus canadensis 114 racemosa 114 Samolus floribundus 107 Sanguinaria canadensis 94 Sanicula marilandica 105 Saponaria officinalis 92 Sargent, C. S 59, 60. 63 Sarracenia purpurea 23, 31, 96, 134, 150 Sassafras variifolium 31, 59, 71, 94 Satureja vulgaris ■ 110 Sauria 263 Saururus cernuus 87 Sayornis phoebe 273, 274, 289 Schilbeodes gyrinus 24. 246, 249 44 342 INDEX Page Schimper, A. F. W 59, 63 Schizophyllum commune 57 Schoolcraft, H. R 32, 33 Scirpus americanus 39, 41, 68, 80, 127, 128, 130, 131, 132, 133, 135, 136, 138 atrlvirens r 81 cyperinus pelius 81 debilis 80 heterochaetus 68, 81 lineatus 81 occidentalis 68, 81 pauciflorus 80 subterminalis 80 validus 39, 68, 81, 128, 131, 133, 134, 135, 138, 140 Scirtetica marmorata 226 Scirtothrips ruthveni 183, 187, 189, 208 Sciurus hudsonius loquax 31, 309 rufiventer 309 Scudderia curvicauda _ 227 furcata 228 pistillata - 228 texensis • 227 Scutellaria galericulata 45, 109 lateriflora 41 , 45, 109 Sedum acre 96 purpureum 96, 210 Segmentina armigera 138, 166 crassilabris 24, 133, 138, 141, 166, 167 Seiurus aurocapillus 23, 275, 302 noveboracensis *! 302, 303 notabilis 275, 302 Selaginella apus 74 Semotilus atromaculatus 26, 246, 249 Senecio aureus 119 balsamitae .• • ■ • 119 Serpentes 265 Setaria glauca 76 italica 77 viridis 77 Setophaga ruticilla 23, 274, 275, 304 Sheperdia canadensis 104 Shull, A. F ■ 13, 14, 177, 178, 179, 207, 231 Shull, C. A 233, 242 Sialia sialis 31, 236, 242, 274, 275, 307 Sicyos angulatus 114 Silene antirrhina. 92 noctiflora 92 Silphium terebinthinaceum 117 Sisturus catenatus 258, 260, 270 Sisymbrium altissimum 95 cheiranthoides 95 officinale 95 Sisyrinchium albidum 86 Sitta canadensis 237, 242, 275, 306 carolinensis 274, 275, 306 Slum cicutaefolium 41, 105, 212 Smilacina racemosa ■ 51, 52, 85 stellata 49, 51, 52, 71, 85, 183, 210, 215 Smilax ecirrhata 86 herbacea 86 hispida 86 Smith, E. F 52, 63 Smith, H. I ; 33, 34 INDEX 343 Page Solanum dulcamara 41,110, 210, 212 nigrum 47, 1 1 1 tuberosum 210 Solidago caesia 115 axillaris 115 canadensis 115, 2C8, 210, 212 graminifolia 40, 115 hispida 115 juncea 39, 40, 49, 50, 52, 115 latifolia 115 neglecta 115 nemoralis 115 ohioensis 115 rugosa ; 115 serotina 115 gigantea 115 uliginosa 115 Sonclius arvensis 119 asper . 120 oleraceus. 120 Sorbaria sorbifolia • • ■ ■ 97 Sorex personatus 312 Sorghastrum nutans 71, 76 Spalding, V GO, 63 Sparganium eurycarpum ' 25, 75, 129, 134, 140 Spartina michauxiana t 78 cynosuroides 40, 128 Sphaeridae 135, 136, 174 Sphaerium flavum 125, 135, 174, 175 occidentale 138, 174, 175 solidulum 139, 141, 174 striatinum 139, 141, 174 sulcatum 135, 136, 137, 174 Spharagemon bolli 225 wyomingianum 225 Sphyradium edentulum 143, 157 Sphyrapicus varius 275, 287 Spiraea saHcifolia 42, 43, 97 Spiranthes cernua 22, 87, 210, 212 gracilis 87 Spirodela polyrhiza 84 Spizella passerina 274, 292 pusilla 21, 274, 275 Sporobolus cryptandrus 78 Stachys palustris 110 Staphylinidae 201 Stieronema ciliatum 1 67 quadriflorum 107 210 Stelgidopteryx serripennis 275. 295 Stellaria borealis 92 longifolia 92 media 92 Stemonitis smithii 56, 60 ferruginea 56, 60 Stenobothrus curtipennis 224 longipennis 224 Stenopelmatinae • 229 Stereum versicolor •''7 Sterki, V 175. 176 Sterna hirundo . . . ._ 274 , 275 Stipa spartea '. .' 77 Stizostedion americanus 254 vitreum , 25. 26, 247. 254 344 INDEX Page St oreria dekayi 31 , 258, 261 , 266 occipitomaculata 31 , 258, 261 , 267 Streptopus roseus 31, 85 Strecker, John K 264, 272 Strobilomyces strobilaceus 56 Strobilops virgo 126, 143, 149, 159 Stropliitus edentulus 130, 173 Stiirnella magna 273, 274, 291 Succinea avara 131, 141, 142, 143, 147, 148, 149, 158 major 129, 145, 158 vermeta 129, 147, 150 ovalis 143, 148, 149, 158 optima 148, 149, 158 retusa 129, 131, 135, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 14G, 147, 149, 158 Succineidae 1 58 Sylvilagus floridaniis mearnsi 310 Symplocarpus foetidus 84 Symphoricarpus raceraosa 113 Syringa vulgaris 108 : ' T. Taenidia integerrima 105 Tamias striatus lysteri 31, 310 Tanacetum vulgare 118, 210 Taraxacum officinale 119, 185, 189, 194, 210, 212 Taverner, P. A 305 Taxostoma rufum 275, 304 Taxus canadensis 31, 59, 74 Telmatodytes palustris 23, 31, 274, 275, 305 Temperature 28, 46, 313 Terebrantia 182, 188, 191, 204, 205, 215 Testudinata 271 Tettigidea parvipennis pennata 223 Tettix granulatus 222 hancocki 223 ornatus 223 Teucrium canadense • 40, 109, 212 occidentale 109 Thalictrum dasycarpum 93 dioica 93 Thamnophis butleri 31. 258, 259, 268 sauritus 23, 31, 258, 260, 261, 268, 269 sirtalis 23, 31, 258, 260, 268, 269 Thaspi arvense 94 Thomas, Cyrus 32, 33 Thompson, Crystal 265 Thripidae 205 Thrips phvsopus 184, 187, 188, 189, 198, 204, 206, 212 tabaci 182, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188. 189, 190, 206. 2r8. 211, 212, 216 Thryothorus ludovicianus 31, 275, 304 Thuja occidentalis 22, 31, 43, 44. 74. 142, 145, 148 Thysanoptera 14, 177, 178 anthophilous species 183 collecting and preserving 181 dissemination of 192 ecology of 182 economic importance of 215 enemies and checks to 200 habitats of -184 habits of 188 interstitial species.' "■ 183 locomotion in _ •, 188 migration 195, 196 INDEX 345 Page ThysanopttTii phloeophilous species 184, 187, 188, 200 reproduction in 190 species, list of 207 superficial species 183 Tiarella cordifolia 31 , 90 Tilia aniericana .' 23, 54, C8, 102, 208, 210 Tinlvcr, A. D 305 Totanus nielanoleucus -. 24, 237, 241, 275, 282 Tragopogon porrifolius 119 Trainctes cinnabarina 50 Transeau, E. N 43, 03 Trichotlirips boachi 184, 187, 189, 207, 213 Ijrevicruralis 184, 187, 189, 207, 213 triflentatus 184, 187, 207, 214 Trientalis americana 44, 107 Trifolium liybridum 99 pratense 99, 185, 213 repens 99, 185, 193, 194, 195, 208, 210, 212, 213 Triglochin maritima 46, 75 palustris 21, 68, 75 Trillium grandiflorum 86 rectum f 6 Trimerotropis maritima 226 Tringa canutus 237, 241, 275, 280 Trinoton lituratum 239, 240 luridum 239, 240 Trochilus colubris 201, 274, 288 Troglodytes aedon 274, 275, 305 Triosteum 113 Triphleps insidiosus 201 Trutta namaycush 250 Tsuga canadensis 23, 31, 59, 71, 74, 148 Typha angustifolia 75 latifolia 68, 74, 128, 131, 133, 134 Tubulifera 182, 190, 191, 204, 205, 213, 215 Tyrannus tyrannus 274, 288 U. Umbra limi 24, 26, 246 250 Ulmus americana 44, 45, 54, 89, 137, 145, 214 fulvus 89 racemosa 89 Unio gibbosus 129, 174 Unionidae 171 Ursus americanus 311 Urtica gracilis 90 Utricularia coriuita 41, 112 intermedia 112 vulgaris americana 112 Uvularia grandiflora 51, 85 Uzel, H ;. 200, 231 V. Vaeciniimi corymbosum 107 macrocarpon 107 pennsylvanicum 48, 49, 70, 107 nigrum 48, 60, 52, 71 , 107 vacillans 107 Vallisnerla spiralis 25, 76, 134 Vallonia pulchella 147, 149, 160 Vallonidae 160 346 INDEX Page Valvata tricarinata simplex 136, 170 unicarinata 136, 137, 170 Valvatidae 170 VanDuzee, E. P 179 Verbascum thapsus Ill, 18G, 188, 191, 201, 202, 203, 210, 212, 213 Verbena bracteosa 109 hastata 43, 109, 212 urticaefolia 109 Veronica americana Ill arvensis Ill peregrina Ill scutallata 41, 111 serpyllifolia " 111 Vertigo gouldii 143, 149, 160 ovata 13o, 142, 143, 147, 149, 159 ventrieosa elatior 143, 160 Viburnum acerifolium 113 lentago 114 opulus americanum 113 pubescens 114 Viola augustifolia 100 sativa. . . 100 Viola arenaria 104 conspersa 104 eucullata 103 incognito 44, 103 nephrophylla 103 pallens 103 pubescens 103 rostrata 104 sagitata 103 scabriuscula 103 sororia 103 Vireosylva olivaceus 274, 275, 296 Vitis bicolor 102 vulpina 51 , 102, 183, 213, 214 Vitrea binneyana 125, 142, 143, 148, 149, 154 ferrea 149, 155 hammonis 142, 143, 147, 148, 149, 150, 154 indentata 143, 148, 149, 155 rhoadsi 143, 149, 155 Viviparidae 171 Vulpes fulvus 311 W. Walker, Bryant ....15, 122, 125 Wallace, W. H 15, 88, 89, 280 Warming, E 47, 48, 64 Weber, C. A 58, 64 Wheeler, C. F 72 Whitford, H, N 59, 64 Wilsonia canadensis 275, 303 pusilla 239, 242, 275, 303 Winchell, A ] .29, 32, 33 ' Winchell, N. A 32, 33 Wood, N. A : 13, 14, 273, 309 Woodsia obtusa 31 Woodwardia virginica 72 Wright, Miss Harriet 298, 301 INDEX. 347 X. Page Xanthium canadense 117 echinatum 46, 117 Xiphidium brevipenne 229 f asciatum 229 nigropleura 229 Y. Yax, Austin 265, 309, 311, 312 Z. Zamelodia ludoviciana 31, 275, 293 Zanthoxylum americanum 23, 101 Zapus hudsonius 310 Zeamays 191, 201, 208, 210, 212 Zenaidura macroura carolinensis • 274, 283 Zizania aquatica 77 Zizia aurea 105 Zonitidae 154 Zonitoides arborea 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 155 milium 125, 149, 156 niinuscula 142, 143, 147, 148, 149, 156 nitida 142, 143, 147, 148, 149, 155 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. A 000 333 906 6