iiliiiiiil;^ ^-"■"^^aA *»^•'f^JU*v e PAPERS PRESENTED TO THE HOUSE OF COMMONS, REtATlKG TO EAST INDIA AFFAIRS. (Nabob of Arcot.) Ordered to be printed \-]th May, 1808. n'^€2 c 242. LIST. No. I.— An Account of the whole Balances due from the Nabob of Arcot to the Eaft India Company, whether adjulted or unadjufted, in the mouth of July 1801 - - - - p. 3. No. 2. — An Account, fliewingthe Annual Revenue, Colkftior.s, Charges, Net Revenue, and Balances, fince the transfer oftheCarnatic in July i8oi,to the lateft period to which the Accounts have been received from India ---------p. 4. No 3.— A Statement, {hewing the Annual Aggregate Net Colleftions from tl-.e Carnatic fince the transfer, payments to the Nabob on account of his one-fifth, payments to the Nabob's private Creditors to 15th May 1804, Sum? fct apart for the Private Creditors fubfequent to 15th May 1804; Amount of Military Subfidy payable prior ta the Transfer of the Carnatic, and the Surplus Revenue derived therefrom - - P- 5- No. 4. — A Statement of the Revenue and Plunder of the Tanjore Country by the Nabob Waliajah, while he was in Pofleflion of the Fort and Country of Tanjore - - - p. 6- *^ A9^f^ L C 3 ] — N'i.- An ACCOUNT of the whole BALANCES due from the Nabob of Arcot to the East India Company, whether adjufled or unadjufted, in the month of July i8oi. On account,— Arrears of fubfidy, and due to his private creditors - - - - - New Cavalry Loan -.--.. - - - - Balance of account, as ftated by Meflrs. Woolf andj Place - - . - - . -J Pagodas C3 ■^ 27.3 I > 847 i3>24.34i 35'06,i35 75'62,324 Eaft India Houfe, May i7t!i iSoS. } (Errors excepted) Aud' of India Accounts. o>^" OO* >u»0 PAPERS RELATING TO [Nabob — N° 2. An account, fliewing the Annual Revenue, Collections, Charges, Net Revenue and Balances, fine-- A STATEMENT, fliewingthc ANNUAL AGGREGATE NET COLLECT I ONS from the Carnatic, 1S04; Sums fet apart for the private Creditors fiibfequent to the 15th May 1804; Amount of Mini ary Gross Collections, including Poligars, Pefticurti, &c. Grofs Colledlions, exclufive of Tuckavj'. Recoveries of Tuckavj', Fufly - 1211 . - «2I2 - - 1213 1214 - 1215 1216 - Total S. Vs. F. C. 32,24,778 39 24 37,31,761 II 49 35,65,182 14 I 32,25,646 39 21 37.75.665 33 32 29,03,702 10 15 2,04,26,737 21 62 S. Ps. F. C. 42,794 2 54 95,002 41 31 1,10,095 17 7 1,05,126 19 53 95-393 41 S 94,845 27 21 Total Grofs Colleclions. S. P£. F. C. 32,67,572 41 78 38,26,764 II — 36.75.''77 31 8 33.30.773 i6 74 38,71,059 32 40 29,98,547 37 36 5.43.158 23 14 2,09,69,996 2 76 Charoes, including Poligars Pethcudi. r Charges of everyDefcription eychifive of Tuckavy S. Ps. F. C. 4.64.735 J3 77 7,65,854 8 35 6,43.3-7 34 44 5,87,897 41 51 6,71,899 13 33 5,71,691 38 39 37,05,406 24 40 Tuckavy Advances. S. Ps. F. C 52,592 10 64 1,06,713 6 39 1,10,187 II 39 96,760 32 le 94,885 22 68 1,01,449 22 32 5,62,588 22 1 = Tot al C H A R C E S, including Pcligars Pellicufli. S. Ps. F. C 5.17.327 H 61 8,72,567 14 74 7.53.515 4 6.84,658 31 62 7,66,784 36 21 6,73,141 18 71 42,67,995 4 52 Net Collections, including Poligars Pefhcufh. S, Ps. F. C. 27.5c.245 17 »7 19.54.196 3? 6 29,21,762 27 5 26,46,114 27 12 3'.°-!.i74 38 19 23,25,406 18 45 1,67,02,000 40 24 £ aft India Houfe, 17th May 1808. -Arcot.] EAST INDIA A F F A I 11 S. & N° 3. — the Transfer of the Caknatic in Juiy 1801, to the latefl period towhicli the Accour.ts have been received from India. (iiice the Transfer Pavments to the Nabob, on account of iii-. otie-fiftli P.iymcuts to the Nabob's private Creditors, to 15th May SuBSiDV payable pricr ic the Transfer of the Carn atic, and the Sukplus RtVENUi- derived tbcrefroir. C rcnrinns paid to ihc Family of the Nabob. Naudb's Payments. S. I's. F. C 93,Sii IS 7c 124,230 31 4Q 1,22,995 4 54 1,34,607 41 19 1,41,126 36 44 1,51,251 7 69 Paynienc nn Account of Creilitors .igree.ibly to Tie !ly. 7,67,724 II 65 S. Ps. r. C 6,21,105 6,21,105 — — 6,13,501 14 66 55,083 i3 5, >';445 31 4" 19,22,240 32 7; P'.'nfions 1 CimiiiiiiV'oneil Officers, aiul Airearsto le Triiop'!, jMiil ill tbe M lit.iiv ne'i.utmciit, rn 30th A]inl 1807. S. Pi. F. C 73.iy8 35 =5 23,320 38 3/ 2D,S55 39 3- 23,113 33 14 22,228 II 0; 94,552 6 75 C.ilciilnteJ .It i^\\ ?j;reeable to Tieatv. S. Ps. F. C. 3.33.09^ 33 4S 3,33,092 33 4? 3'33.09i 33 4S 3.33,092 33 48 3>33>09i 33 4^ Total P.^VM E :. TS. S. Ps. F. C. 1 1,20,908 — 63 u,ci,749 19 54 10,50,446 18 40 5,45,903 — 53 5,07,893 29 35 Net R E \' E N u n , after 'uitinj P.r/n-.en;s. S. Ps. F. C. COMPAN V'S formerly Jiawn. S. Ps. F. C. i6..2';o37 16 34 9,oo,cco — '>9S.i74 3 57 5.44.^77 15 45 =.57 574 39 'c 19,63,638 3 57,49,11,178 3 50 i3,5M47 i3 3^ 18,31.316 a 45 21,00,211 26 39 25,96,381 8 64 9,00,000 9,co,ooo 9,co,coo — 17,81,129 9,00,000 — 1,17,90,022 30 54 54,cc,coo 3 U R P H) .«.. N. B. Ammint frorri tlie ift May 1S04 to the 1 i:b July 1807, at P.i;' 3,40,000, cJiie to the private Creditors of His Higlinefs the Nabob, as per late Agreeinem .... - p.ig' 10,87,068 20 56 Deduft aflually paid - - - 66,529 8 is Ne: Surplus - Pag* S. Ps. F. C. 7,29,337 16 34 9,52,447 ig 32 9,31,316 S 45 12,00,2 n 26 39 16,96,381 S 64 8,81,129 63,90,822 36 54 10,20,539 11 44 53,70,283 24 10 (Errors excepted) ^F" Wright, Auditor of India AccovMits. 24.7.. PAPERS RELATING TO [Nabob of A STATEMENT of The Revenue colleaed, and Plunder of th; Tanjore Country by the Nabob Wallajaii, while he was in Pofleffion of the Fort and Country of Tanjour. Extraft of a Letter from the Rajah of Tanjore to the Honourable the Court of Directors of the Eaft India Company; dated 21 ft -October 1776, Received over-land the 19th May 1777. • Nabob In the year 1773, he* fent an armyagainft me under the command of his fecond Wallajah. fQjj^ ^^[^q {qq[, p,-)y f ,;-f^ p^j: myfeif and my family in clofe confinement, ftripped me of my clothes, my jewels, my elephants, my horfes, and every thing about me that was •valuable; he likewife plundered my fort, my treafury, my armory, and pradbifed an imheard-of cruelty in even robbing my women of the ornaments tl:ey wore. Accord- ing to the accounts taken, he carried av;ay to the amount of one crore, five lacks, and ten thoufand pagodas: he enjoyed the revenues of ray country for two years and a half, in which he cnllcfted fitty lacks of pagodas more, and reduced it to a flate of itheutmoft poverty and diftrefs. ACCOUNT of fundry Effects procured by the Anceflors of the Rajah of Tanjore, and which were forcibly carried away by the Nabob. ACCOUNT of fi:r.dry Effcdls which my Anceflors, ■«ho are iioi,v in Hfaven, hsve been procuring from the Tinie of Ecojce Rajah, being hiioiit a Century paft, anJ which wcie forcibly carried awiy by the Nabob. ij.ooo hcrfes, being 0:1 an average wcrth 2:0 pagod.is each - - - - Saddkl, bridles, &.C. for the above horfes, in which are included tliofc for our own ufc - .'40 elephants, wonh on an average 1,51^0 pagodas each --.--- Accoutrements for the above-mentioned elephants, coti-fifting of cioihcs, caOlts, chains, gold chains, belli, Sic. --..----. -. 500 p 'a kcfn fliells made of ivory, &c. in which thofe for my own ufe :irc inchidod, am lit .ig at an average 10 100 pagodas each --.---_ Apiend.Tgcs, (uch as pingertts, bedding, pillows, bulkcrs, curtains, ornament?, !lu:. 200 hackeries, amounting on an average to 30 pagodas each - - . 6,oco Two Ivorv hackeries for our ownwfc ----- 1,000 ■Carried forv/ard Pagodas. 8,00,000 6o,COO 2,10,000 50.000 25,000 /,ooo I I,*2,C0O Arcot.] EAST INDIA AFFAIRS. 7 Brought over Bulkers/and other nfceflaricsfor the hackeries - - - - 200 camels, worth on an average loo pagodas each - - - An Account of Cows taken, vvortli lo pago.lase*ch : i,ooc Guz rat cows, 1,000 of a larger fpecies, ■8,000 country cattle, ■ •1,000 buffaloes of different kirrtis, ■ I 1,000 .vvl'.ich, at lopagodas eatf;, aniour.isto An Account nf L'ullncks taken, worth 10 pagod.is each : 500 Guzerat carriage bullock^ 500 buliocksof a larger for:, 2,000 country carriage iiuUecks, 3,000 bullocks, at '10 pagoc'ai eacii, amounts to Ann: and accoutrements, confiding of the follov^fing articles : — fwords with even blades, faan-.mers with fpike?, fliort fabres, long fwords, knives, creafes, lances, fliiclds, pikes, fcabbard-, ferrils of different meials, with bows, arrows, &c. - . - . - .20,000 mufkets, worth on an average 5 pagodas each ------ Gingal pieces of different fizes, rockets, &c. -------- 200 o-uiis, great and fmall, of dilfcrent metals, worth upon an average 750 pagodas each Brafs pots and vfiTels of different fizes, for drefling provifions, and for other ufes, to- gether with a quantity of brafs metal --------- Tents, tent poles, tent walls, curtains, carpets of different fizes, &c. - - - - •Furniture made of timber and ivory, cots of different fiiap^s, chairs, chell^, ftool?, and fome china furniture, amounting to --------- Iron utenfils of differcntTorts, fuch as hatchets, chiiTels, mamooties, chains, bells for cattle, armour, helmets, locks. Sec. --------- Snuff-boxes, boxes for toilets, mufical inftruments, looking glafles, Chinefe figures, candlefticks, candles, &c. ----------- Medicines of different forts (the namei of fome of them are mentioned, and the com- pofitionscofl a great deal of money) -- -.._.-- Enfigns and flags of different forts, fome of them made of gold, and refembling the heads of alligators and other fiflies, together with white umbrellas, hair faas^ ornaments for hories, fans, fee. « -----_----- Carrried over , - - I'agodas. 11,72,000 3,000 20.009 !,10,00l» 3o,oo« 2,00,000 60,000 1 5,000 1,50,009 30,000 25,000 30,00» 25,000 30,000 10,000 10,000 19,10,000 PAPERS RELATING TO [Nabob of Brought over ... Provifions, fin« paddy rice, wheat and other grains, ghee, fugar, tobacco, oil, &c. Clothes, (hauls, kingcob?, velvets, cloth, turbans, gold cloth?, and a great quantity of other wearing apparel, tog ether with my own wardrobe, altogether amounting to Jewels, conCfting of rubies, diamonds, emeralds, cat's-eyes, pearls, coral, &c. Several implements of religion, peculiar to the king Shree Ram Predaop Bamah Sawmy, an anointed gold cup, golden images of the difTerent gods, a particular ftone brc'ght from Benaras, near the banks of the Ganges, pots, ornaments for images, &c. - - Stores and ammunition of different forts -----.-- Gold, filver, ornaments, pots, and gold bars -.-..--. Ready money ------------- Ten Lacks of the above-mentioned fuin was burltd by my anceflors for ages under ground, and was not to be removed or difpofed ot iti any manner, let the demands for it be ever fo preiling. Two Lacks remained in my poffcflion to be ufed by me as my neceffities required. Taken from the Soucars, merchants, accountants, people in different employs, inhabi- tants of different ranks, including houfehold furniture - - - - . - In all Pagodas - - . PagodiJ. 19,10,000 ZjOO.OCO 10,00,000 15,00,000 1, 00,000 1,00,000 5,00,000 12,00,00-3 30,00,000 1,05,10,000 In ail, one crore five lacks and ten thoufand pagodas. This is a part of that riches which my an- Ceilors were ages in procuring; but as I have no proper account of the remainder, I cannot affix a value to it. The above is fuch as was particularly under my eye : I have been able to form a ilate- itient of \ii Every place belonging to me all over the country was plundered. If I had proper accounts «f the things taken, they would be found far to exceed what 1 have ftaied ; but the Nabob carried theft ac- counts out of the country, fo that the above is the only one I have got. Tranflated from the accounts fent hither by the Rajah. (Signed) l^iUiam Ro/s. Arcot.] EAST INDIA AFFAIRS. ACCOUNT of Cou-N'TRit:s and Jewels which were fold and mortgaged by the Kajah of Tanjore. An account of the Countries and Jewels which were fold and mortgaged to the Dutch, including Nag ore. ■In 1181 of the Phafely, when Omdut-ul-Omrah came to Tanjore, jewels were mortgaged for a fum of money to j>ay my troops, amounting to Pa.rod;is Of this fum, a part was given to the troops, and th.e remainder was given to the Nabob. To make up the firft fum I at that time flipulated fhould be paid to Omdut-ul-Omrah, I mortgaged to Co'elapa Moodaly fome jewels, together with fome veffels of gold and filver, and obtained from him a fum of money which I paid to the Nabob. To difcharge the debt due to Comera, I fold fome gold and filver veficls, and difcharged part of the debt due to him. As to the remaining balance of that debt, I mortgaged the jewels he had in his poffeiRon, to the people of Negapatnam, and raifed a fum of money with which I difcharged it. The fum thus raifed amounted to ' Thus the fum borrowed at tv;o different times from the people at Negapatnam, amounted to 1,80,000 pagodas, and the value of the jewels depofited with them as a mortgage, amounted to live lacks of pagodas. Being at that time In diftrefs, I was under the neceffity to receive this Imall ium of t, 80,000 pagodas, for a depofrt worth five lacks ; ail of which the Nabob took away, after he got poffeffion of the country. The fams of money received on account of different diftrids, arc as follow : I fold Keelore Perci;unnah for - I fold Nagore for ------ = I fold Tcrpoondee Maganam for - - - - I fjld the annual Pedicufli of 5,000 Chuckrams for J fold' the annual Pelhcufh of three elephants from the Dutch, for ------- 8a,oo9 I.OCijOOO 3,60,000 75,000 24,COO 29,200 30,000 5»i3,2oo Pa2:odas 6,98,200 My € The 10 P A P E R S R E L A T I N G T O [Nabob of The Turn of five lacks eighteen thoulliixl and two hundred pagodas. Of this fum the people at Negapat nam paid me a part only, and the remainder continued due by them at the time Ummeer-ul-Omrah took my kingdom, in the year of the Phafely i iSj ; and they have never paid that balance, nor have they fettled their accounts. Part of the money I received was given to the Nabob, and part was given to my people ; the remainder continued in the country in ready money, and ■was carried away by Ummecr-ul-Omrah, with the reft of myefFeds. My reaions fordifpofing of the above countries were as follows : — When Omdut- vil-Orarah tirft came, attacked my country, and forced my confent to pay him lifty lacks of rupees, I gave Ibme part of that fum in ready money, and, that he might receive the remainder in the fpace of two years, he made me mortgage to him a part of my country. In the countries thus mortgaged, he ftationed liis own people, and made them colleft the revenues ; but having declared that he could •not by this means receive his money in the time limited, and having threatened me with the confequences of not paying it, to make up the deficiency that might be in thefe mortgages, I gave part of my country as a mortgage to the Negapatnam people,; upon which I received a loan from them, and thus paid the whole amount of what was due to the Nabob, together with the fum of fifty lacks of rupees ftipu- Jated. I paid tl e Nabob the Pelliculli for two years ; by this means I had no money to pay my people, or to anfwer my own expences. When I was labouring und.r thefe various difficulties, the Nabob thought it a proper time to invade my ■country, and therefore fent his fecond fon, Mader-ul-Mulk, with an army for that purpofe. As I was in diPcrefs for money to give my people, and as the Negapatnam people had failed of their engagements, I determined to fell thefe diftridts to them^ "for when I endeavoured to borrow money at Madras, the Nabob prevented the people there from lending it. It was therefore my misfortune to be obliged to borrow money from the Dutch, and, as the lail; refource, to difpofe of my .country. Translated from accounts fent hither by the Rajah. (Signed) WiUiam Rofi, Alcol.] EAST I N 1) I A A F F A 1 R S. II ji C C O U N T of TuN'CAWs given to Europeans by the'Nabob, on the Tanjorc Countr)', in the Year 1 183 of thePhafely. In the Yi'ar 1 1S5 of ths Fhafely, the Tuncaws givtn toE«ro;)ca!W upon the Tanjore Country, aniouiited to Cliiickrams 34,79.342 S-, t^, or Star pagodas, io,5;,03g|-. The Tuncaws in f.4>79.342|: l?z 8,27.638 3rf 3,3,06.981 Z^'-g The Towjees amounted to - ianams 7|^ The follow ing is the account of particulars : Expencesof the Houfehold - . . . . Chuckrams Horfemen's pay (by thefe are meant fuch as rode their own horfes) ^Allowance to dependants - ....... Troopers' pay (by thefe are meant fuch as rode the Nabob's horfes) Cavalry's pay ---......- Writers --------... Sepoys -.--..-.... Regiments ......_... Attendants ----...__. Prefents or gratuities ..»-._.. In .ill Chuckrams Or Star P.igndas Chuckrams - 16,25,292 — 2,04,120 — 53>40i 7l 2, '5- '73 6iA 4.857 7-h 42.^ > 8 3i| 79.343 7-M 5 72.835 4-i\ 3/'6,565 «Ts 80,098 —^jl 6,581 8;^ 1,6,25,292 7i! Or Star Paootias Tot A I, Star Pagodas StAr P.igodav. or 46,130 — ^ 14,07,226 — 6.91,616 — \ 21,44,972 242, 24 PAPERS ;v/<2/% to EAST INDIA AFFAIRS. The foregoing is an account of Tome part only of the Tuncaws and Towjees which were given when Lord Pigot was ufing his influence with the Nabob to le- {tore Tanjore ; the Nabob, knowing that the kingdom would not continue with him, was unbounded in his grants to Europeans and others. As the Nabob granted Tuncaws and Towjees both before and after Ixjrd Pigot's arrival, J have not been abie to diftinguifli fuch people as received them at thefe different limes, particularly as the Nabob carried away the accounts out ot the country, and many of them were deftroyed by the Mutfeddies. The above Statement was taken from fuch accounts as have fallen into my hands : if they are in any refpe<51: defedive, the errors will be cleared upvvhen the proper accounts are examined. The Nabob continued to give Tuncaws upon the Tanjore country until the Dobbeer Punt arrived at Arrialore. The above is taken from the accounts in my poffeffion. Tranflated from accounts fent hither by the Rajah. (Signed) Williavi Rofs. N. B. — The above Account was tranfmitted from Tanjore in Chuckrams, which I have exchanged into Pagodas, as the other is a coin little known ; the difierent calculations were made by people well acquainted with the rates of exchange ; and I have literally tranflated their accounts, and examined them according to the following table : I o Tanjore Fanams make - - - - i Chuckram. 2 Chuckrams and 35- Fanams, or") 23 ^ Tanjore Fanams, make - j " ° * (Nabobs of Arcot's Debts.) T II E FIRST REPORT or thp: C O M M I S S I l.\ lli JLV. o Appointed under an Agreement, concluded oo the 10th of July 1805, between the East Indi'a Gompauy and the Private Creditohs of thjc late Nabobs of 'The Carnatic. (46 GEO. III. cap. 123.) Ordered to be printed \ft January i8i'7. A THE REPORT p. 3, LIST OF CLAIMS pp. 4. to 18. PERSONS who have figned the Deed, but have not yet prefented Schedules of their Claims .-----__.__. p. ig^ -OBSERVATION of The Commiffioncrs ibid. [ 3 ] To die Honourable The C M M O N S of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, in Parliament afFcmblcd. The FIRST REPORT of llie Commissioners appointed under an Agreement concluded on the 10th Jul/ 1805, between the East India Company and the Phivati; •Creditors of the late Nabobs of The Carnatic. TN Obedience to the 4Cth of the King, cap. 133. f. 9. We prefent to this Honourable Houfe, a List of all the Claims which haA'e been preferred to Us by Perfons, who defcribe them- felves to be Creditors of the late Nabobs Wallaii-Jaii and Omdut ul Omrah, or of the late Ameer ul Omrah, and have become Parties to tlie Deed of Agreement with tlie Eaft India Company. 'o* LIST !• IRST REPORT or hie LIST of CLAIMS preferred to the Co.nmiffioners in England for inveftigating The DEBTS of the late Nabobs of the Carnatic, by Parties who have executed the Deed of AgTeenient ^\ith the East India Company. No. <)■ 10. -C L A I JI A X T S. Alexar.dcr, M.ijor, affignee of Dr. Davis ; — Bond, 25th Aiigud 177S, of the Nabob Onidut ul Oiurah, lor moiicv advanced - ' - ^iiderfon, Dr. James; — Balance of Bond, i6ih Jul}' 1773, of the Nabob Vvallajah, for interclt ol money lent at the liege of Tanj ore Abbott and Alaitland, alfignees of R. A. Maitland ; — Bontl, 1 ft January 1796, of ihe Nabob Oun'uit ul Oinrah. for money lent.-r-N* 1 . - - - Abbott and Maitland, ailignces of R. A. Maitland ; — Boiid, lit July 1796,, of the Nabob Omdut i:l Ouirah, for niosicy !ent.-^-N° 2. - Abbott, William ;— Debt of the Nabob OmdiU ul Onr.ab, for ancars of falary, as lecretary to hi» Higbnefs, Nov. 15th 1801 - - " - .Vndrcws, John; Sir Alexander Hamilton, heir of; — Bond of t'le Nabob Wallaiah, dated lotli Rajab, Hegira 1 186, for pagodas 10,000, payable in Janu- ary 1773, without intcrcft; appears to have been a gift; iiuereli is claimed from the day of- payment - Buck, Colonel George ; Robert Storey, principal devilce of ;— Bond, ill; Noveniber 1782, of the Nabob Wallajab, lor arrears of pay - - .- Buck, ('olonel George; Ann Buck, widow and exe- cutrix of, and P. Lawrie her liulband; — Bond, id November 1782, of the Nabob Wallajali, fir ar- rears of |)ay. — N° 1 . , N. B. , A ckum has likev.-ife been made by Robert Storey, princi;;al devilce of Colonel Buck, ibr tb.t amount of the above bond, iind has already 'bee;; Hated, N" 6.' J .: :.. Buck, Colonel George ; Ann Buck, widow and exe- cutrix of, and 1*. Lawrie ficchMfbatid;— iltJati, io;;i February 1789, of the Nabob A^Qlajab, payable ill Jidy 1790, for expences in proceeding to England on the Naliob's affairs. — N" 2. - - N . B. Robert Store y, |)rincipal devilce of Colonel Buck, Ik'.s alii) made a claim for the amount of tii< bond Italcd in the preceding article. Buck, Colonel George; Ann Buck, widow and exe- cutrix of, and I'. La-.vrie her luilba.".d ; — Claim for arrears of pay ftaled to be due to her late hiiibtuu! by the Nal)()b V/ailajah, tVojn January to Scjjtein- ber 1783, a' 518 pagodu,s per month - - - Ari'l fur arrears due horn September 17S7 to Jun(,' 1788, o montljs, a' 500 pagodas per mouth, he having returned to India at the delire of the Amrcr ---_-_._ Brodie, Alexander; — l^alancc of bond for })agoda^ 95,000, bert Smith, aliigticc of Admiral Yern(jii : William Mali* rmaii and 'i'homas AValker, cxcc(!- ior» of; — Bond of the Nabob Wallajali, i Aiutl 1780, for 50,000 rr.pccs - - . t.i. AMOUNT (ti The PriiiciiJal of Tlie Claims In tlie Coin I'pccified. raj-odas. F. C. 12,435 14 O 1,690 5 o (.AIi.d.,P,-,gs.) ■ 76,982 O O (Mad. Pags.) 26,332 O O 18,819 33 30 1 0,000 o o 20,210 31 40 2,Soo o o Ag^^rescatc A r»; o u X T of the Principal and Iulc:cil in Sterling Money. 4,144 o o- 4,500 O O 14,285 30 o £. s. d. 11,370 16 s 1.995-18 3 43>679 7 6 14,679 10 3 10,491 o 3 14,398 o o 18.533 5 o 2.052 8 o 3,457 12 o 29»792 o 9 17,087 10 • C A R N A T I C C O ]\1 !\I I S S I N E R S. S Ko. 11, i3- J4- a 6. aS 10. C L A I Bi A N T S. Nabob AVallajali, Braminy, Vonkiah; — Bond, 8ih July 1705, »f the Nabob Wallajah, ibr money icrit ; — iN . B. Tlic bond bears to be due on account of Major Charles Smart and others, but fiates the money to have been borrowed of Vcnkiuh, l)y whom it is accord- inc;ly claimed ------- Bainbri<;gc, Hcv. William, affignce of Captain Dibdui ; P, M. Caiiin, achuiniitrator of; — Bond, lit December 1776, of the Nabob Wallajah, for pailage money, — N° 1 . - - - - Bainbrigge, Rev. William, allignec of Major David- fon ; P. M. CaHin, adniiniltrator of ; — Bond, lit June 1782, of the Nabob Wallajah, for pa\% l)aj;ta, Sic. — N°2. - - - - - '- Balfour, "Walter, alfigiiec of Mr. Callin, administra- tor to the Rev. Wni. Bainbrigge; — A 15ond, ill June 17S2, of the Nabob Wallajah, to Major Davidfon, for pagodas 5,000 — the fame which is claimed in the preceding arlicle. Burford, Captain Henry; Mrs. Mary Eaftment, executrix of; — Debt of the Nabob Wallajah for refpoiidentia, October 1776; advances to flii|) and crew, and pay as captain of the Nabob's Ihip Goodwill -------- Burrowcs, Colonel Thomas; — Bond, it5 September 1781, of the Nabob OinJut ul Omrah, for luoaty lent ---------- Binny, Charles^ — Order of the February i5lh 1794, for agency. — N^i. Binny, Charles ; — Balance of a Bond for pagodas 15,573. 6. 40. anno 1785, of tlie Nabob Walla- jali, granted for arrears of lalar\', as lecretary to his Hignefs, on the qth March 1794. — N" 2. Binny, Charles; — Bond, 10th March iSoi, of the Nabob Onidnt ul Omrah, for lalary as agent in England. — N«3. - - - " - ' - liinny, Charles ; — Debt of the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah, 15th July 1 So 1, for Jidaiy as agent, and incidental charges. — N'4. - - - - - Binny, Alexander, formerly commander of the Nabob Wallajah's Ihip tlie Succefs galkv, which in 1794 was placed by his Higimefs under the orders of Sir John Shore, for tranCporling troops in the propofed expedition to the Mauri lius; — Debt of the Nabob Wallajah, for Mr. i5iniicy's expcnces '' in j>roviding necellkries for the oihcc he v.as to have had."— N'l. ------ Binny, Alexander ; — Debt of the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah, for arrears of fainry to Mr. Binny, as his Highuel's's agent at ('ulcutta, by balance of ac- count current, 15th July iSoi. — N* 2. Buchanan, James; Archibald Buchanan, executor of ; — -I'v balance of account cunrent with tiie Circar nirah to ; V V nch. l:=c .-yr .-,-.: «>• Tor pagoca? 27,;37v.' J; AMGSj.NT lit The I'liii^ipal oC The (,'iiiinn [11 llie Ctiin I'nccificd. Pagoda?. 1". C. i5><'"'4 7 '^ ,000 o o ,000 o o 40,203 o 24 21,379 o o 10,000 o o 604 9 60 36,000 o o S,ooo o o (Sic. Rupees.") 8,000 o o 46,488 12 O (Ciiiicri!!:;;,) 23.253 M o ts^oo o c Ajigicoafc A A1 O U N 1' of ilie. I'rincipal and Tnlrrrtl I.. Sltrlin? Muncf. £. s. d. 0,2 1119 o Ml o o 4,035 o o 15,341 12 6 13,241 17 o 6,,t6o o o 447 7 3 17,148 o o 3)744 o o 1 ,6co o o •-i>7J'J 10 3 11,518 15 o '^rM^ 4 3 FIRST R E P O R T o F the A 2.1, AMOUNT of Tlio I'liiir.ipal of The Claims Intlic Coin i'pecified. As^rcjate A M U N r of the Principal and Iiitcrcfl; in Slerling Money. 22. 23- 24. .26. 27. 28. Bm-rington, Colonel George ; Hdcn Bnrrinsiton, cxe ciitri.-c of; — Bond of "the JSabob Vw.llajah, iltj March 1793, for money advanced, and in part ot baliir.ce of pagodas 130,000, ^vlucll is iiated to be due to the late Colonel Bmrinolon's eflate - Bulmaii, Job;— Debt of the ^abob ^v ajbjah, abdi Janiiaiy 1790, to Mr. Buhnau ; Ihited lo be for iioufe-rcnt due to the Nabob from MeiiVs. Boyd and Grifhths, v.hich the Nabob compelled Mr. Biilman to advance, upon a promife of re-paymeni if Boytl and Co. woiilc! not pay him the amount. He received from Boyd and Co. their accepted note for this fum, but it has not been difchaiged — N'^i. - - - - -. -- - Bulman, Job ; — Debt of the Nabob Wallajali, 15th January 1700, for money advanced to ftlr. Bin- ney, iii part payment of his arrears of pay due to him from tlic Nabob. — N* 2. Benfiekl, Paul, aliii^nces of; — Claim a debt of the Nabob U'allajah to Mr. Benfiekl ; but they have not lent in any vouchers, nor flatcd the amount, otherwifc than by reference to the printed lift of unconfoliduted creditors of the Carnatie, laid before the Houie of Commons in Augult 1803, in which the amount of the debt is ftated to be pago- das 1,50,836. 10 f. 16 c. Benficklj'BauJ; — -Claims a debt of the Ameer ul Oinrah to liim, amounting to the ium of about ^£".70,000. ftcrling, principal, with about 30 years intereft; lie- has icht no vouchers, but Ihites that the necelfary documents are in the hands of the aliiguees of the btfukrupt eftate of Boyd, Benfield, and Co. Conolly, Viilcntine; — Bond, ift July 1779, of the Nabob Omdui iilOnnali, for arrears of pay. — N° 1. Conolly, Valentine;— Order, 15th Augulc 1790, of the Nabob Omdut ui Omrah, for arrcare of pay, and prefent for palTage-money. — N° 2. - - Campbell, Keil, heirs "of ; — ^Tunka, 28th January 1790, of'ilic Is'abol> AWiilajiih, ibr pay, — N° 1. - Campbell, Neil, heirs o!'; — Debt, in July 1701, of the Nabob VV'aliajah, for arrears of pay. — N" 2. - Chafe, ChiniKry, and Macdowall; — Claim on the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah, on obligation, dated 8th September 1800, and fublcqucnt iralifacHons up to 30th September 1802 . . - - - Campbell, Mary, ailiguccof Charles Darke ; — Bond, ift November 1783, of the Nabob Omdut u' Onu-ali Campbell, Captain Graham; James Graham, admi niltraior of; — Bond, ift January 1786, of the N'aljob VVallaiali, for arrears of pay atid advances to the Nabob's troops Cutiibert, Aie>;andcr; — Balance of a de!)t, of the Nabob \Vallaiah, for pagodas 15,000, in Jidj 1780, (fischargcd in part by a liile of jewels. — N° 1 Cutiibert, Alexander; — Balance of a debt of the Nabob Omdut ul Omral-i, for pagodas 17,000, the piircliale of a lioufe, &c. and amounting on 12th July 178310— N" 2. - - - - " -^ Cofil;j William, w ho was the executor of John Cook ; Ilcnrv .Suiilh, lll(|. executor of; — A Claim on ac (ouiit of liidleiy goods i'uriiillicd to the Nabob W^allajah, but the amoiuit not Iiated, and no vouchers fcnl in, except a general refcrcntc to ihe accounts of the Durbar. PafiO-Jiis. f. C. 27,777 12 O 1,642 iS o 3,000 o o 6,000 3;000 1,542 2,354 11 1.749 3)545 45 2,506 1,91,181 28 60 1 7,401 o 14,3-^ 40 i3,'J57 40 £. s. il. 18,553 o 1,120 ID 4 2,000 O O ,102 o o •0 14 91,308 18 14,155 7 3 12,044 16 6 4,208 8 o 11,15b 17 2 C A II N A TIC CO M M I S S I N E R S. / 20. .3i' 32. 33' -^4 C L A I II A N T S. Crawfiirti, Quiiitin ; — Balance due upon a bond, 15th May 17 So, oC the Nabob Wallajali, for pagodas 83,442, Dearing intereil at 12 per cent, in I'ecurity ol' which tliere was a depolit of jewels, the net proceeds of which were only pagodas 4(3, 200, with interest upoa tiie principal or' tiiat balance Irom 11 til December 1788, ibr money lent and advanced Chaic, Richard ; — has fent in a claim, as Irufiee under an aitignment by Samuel J oiinTion, i'A'i\. of ten bond.-^, ill November 1797, of the' Nabob Omdut ul Oinrah, to the faid Sainuel Johnfton, au)0untin2; to pagodas 2,81,510. o. 10.; to pay one-fourth of the value to. Pan piali Brahmin}', as creditor of Mr. Johniton, and the remainder to Mr. Jolmfion him- ielf. Thefe arc the fame bonds, tlie balanro of wiiich is claimed by the Honorable Mrs. Johniton, in her account, N° 1. — Claim N" 66. Crucifix, Lieut. John Henry; — Debt of the Nabob Omdut nl Omrali, for arrears of pay on the 15th July 1801, being the balance of account current, including interest at 12 per cent, to that date. A bond, granted by the Nabob in partof lliofe arrears, for 2305 pagoda^, is ftated to be in the hands oi the Government at Fort St. George . - - Call, Jaines; James Taylor, executor of ;—Bv bond, 18th June i77tJ, of the Nabob Omdut ul Oinrah, in the name of James Taylor, but (as heitates) the property of James Call; the latter having purchaied a bond to that amount from Lieut. Mackay, which was renewed in Taylor's name : Cliinny Mootto Chitty ; — For loans made on bond and aliignment, of the revenues of the diitri<5ts of Angole and Palnaad ; balance of account current due September 30th 1802, upon an obligation of the Nabob Wallajah, dated 19 Jafiar, 120S Hc- gira, about 27th September 1703, for pagodas 20,000 -_--_--- Balance of account current, due 30th Sep- tember i8g2, upon an obligation of the Nabob Wailajah, dated the I4tli Jerjenjie, 1^08 Hegira, about the 12th July 1794, for M. pags. 12,000 Star pa;.^'. Balance of account current due 30th September 1802, on au o'.iligation of the Nabob Wallajali, dated ijdiJuly 1795, for iL pagodas 32,534. o. 04. Star pag'. Davies, Dr. ; Lady Cockburn, executrix of; — Bond, 16th September 1781, of the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah, for arrears of ]xiy. — N° 1. . . . Davies, Dr.; Laily Cockburn, executrix of; — Debt, 30th April 1768, of the Nai)ob Omdut ul Omrab, for arrears of pay. — N° 2. - - - - - Davies, Dr.; Lady Cockburn, executrix of; — Bond, 23d December 1786, of the Nabob Omdut ul Om- rah, for money advanced. — N° 3. - _ . Davies, Dr. ; Lady Cockburn, executrix of; — The balance of a bond, 15th Augull 177S, for pagodas 5,000, being for money lent, was fecured by a tiinka for pagodas 17,175, 25th September iSoo, of the Nabob Oiiidut ul Oinrah; and the balaiiie of the tiinkawas in June iSoi. — N°4.- Dighton, James Luc,- ; — 2 Bonds, 2o;!i Julv 1791, of the Nabob \^'a!lajab, for fervk-es.— N° I. '" - AMOUNT of Tilt Principal (.f 'J lie Claims In llie Coin I'ljCL-iiied. Paoodas, F. C. 1,24,74;, o o 8,65s 33 1 8,000 o o 2,405 4 7 A. AgRrcgale A M O U N T of il.e Principal and Intcrcfl; in Sfcrlinq Money. S,t55 13 8 3h35o 4 7/'; 70,000 o o 42,000 o o IC.OO/) o o 11,1 /.I o o 20 000 - O D £. s. ,d. 80,793 12 a 4,052 o 10,218 17 ^ 18,481 13 S 71,798 o 7,47s 'S 5.3^1 o 14,-153 S FIRST REPORT of the Ko. 36. C L A I JI A N T S. ;S. 40. -:iitative of; — Bond, 23d December 1786, of the Nabob Oiudut ul Onu'ah, to Antonio de Souza, for the ulc of Sir Jrilni Dalling, payaljle 011 his fuccelVion to the Mufnud of Arcot - - - D;iy, Sir John ;-- Bond, lit J idy 1770, of the Nabob W'allajah, " a fponlaneoiis compeni:uiey ibi' Lieutenant Colonel Grant, 22d Augufi; 1776 Gratton, Major; Lucia CaryGractan, beirol; — -Pro- milibry note of the Nabol) Wallajah, 25th Sep- tember 1794, to Mefirs. Colt and J5aker, altornies to Sir George Leith, on account of Major Gratton, for his allowance ------ Home, General; Mrs. Ann -Eliot} executrix of;— ]?ond, lit July 1777, of the Nabob Wallajah, for a houle and garden fold ----- Holland, Edward Jolm; — Claims for two orders, 6ih December 1786, of the Nabob A\'ailajab, on his agents, for the delivery of confolidated bonds, a' 6 per cent, to Mr. Holland, i'or pagodas 1,49,549 and 11,808, when fuch bonds ihtmld come into polfeihon of the agents: thele orders received by Mv. Holland in lieu of other bonds, bearing 12 per cent., given lip and cancelled. — N'l. - - - Holland, Edward John; — I'alanee of bond, ili Auguil 17S0, of the Nabob \\ allajah, for monev lent on a pledge of jewels. — N° 2. - - - Harpur, Colonel Humphry;' Mrs". Frances Oliver, reliduary legatee of; — Claims her brotlier's fliarc of two bonds, silt June 1777, of the Ameer ul Omrah, OTanled iu tlie name of Willituu ^V'ynch - 9- C AMOUNT ol Til'; Priiicil)iil of Tht? Claims hi Uic (^oin Jppcificd. Aggrc(/ate A Ul) V N r ol llic I'liricipal aud liilercft in Sterling Money. r.ifiodas. y. c. 4,012 10 O 7,000 O O 11,047 '9 17 15;350 o o 9,010 o o 14,972 10 40 2,520 1 1 o 56,186 29 o 3,500 o o 4,000 o o 16,000 o o i='-'i>357 15 40 50,000 o o 6,575 21 o £. s. d. 3,482 12 » 6,467 4 • 9A7^ 7 4 12,540 iS 19 4,119 iS 3 13^400 3 O 2,912 14 Q 48/264 7 % 4,434 10 a 2,525 <5 6 19,642 8 o 1,31,828 19 ^ 32,800 o o 6,167 13 t to FIRST REPORT of the No. C L A I ]\r A N T S. 56- bl' 5S. 59- 60. 61. 62, «>3- ^4. Hay, James; — Bond, 4th March 1775, of Omdut ul Omrah, for the anioiuit, witli arrears of interest, of money expended by Mr. Hay in fiirniflring cattle ■&,c. to the Nabob's army in 1771, on its march againft Tanjore, under the conunand of Omdut ul Omrah.— Is" 1. Hav, James ; — Bond of Ameer ul Omrah, 4 March 1 777, for a houfe and gardens in the neighbourhood of Madras, fold to his Highness by Mr. Hay's attorney, the Honble. Edwaid Miinkton, and which was taken poflellion of by the Nabob Wiillajah upon the death of his Son. — N" 2. - - - Hughes, Ruth Lady, the widow and fole executrix of the late Su- Edward Hughes; Thomas Coutts, Edward Antrobus, and Trotter Coutts, executors of; — Order of the Nabob Wallajah, upon his agents, Mellrs. Storey and Binny, lit December 17S6, for the delivery of new conlblidated bonds to this amount to Antonie de Souza, attorney of Sir Edward Hughes; cuftomary allowances, as commander of His Majefty's fquadron in the Ealt Indies -------- Hiflop, Captain James; Ann Stewart, executrix of; — Renewal, in 1781, of a bond originally granted in 1777 by Omdut ul Omrah to Captain Hillop, for i'ervices rendered to the Nabob Wallajah, by him as Captain of Cavalry _ - . - - Jourdan, Francis ; Edward Jourdan, executor of; — Balance of bond, 30th March 1779, for pagodas 20,059, of the Nabob Omdut ul Ouuah, for money adviinccd on March 31ft 1780 - - - - Jojinfon, Samuel; — Balance, with intereft, of bond, loih May 1780, of the Nabob Wallajaii, to John Douglas, for pagodas 10,600, in I'ecurity of which thercT was a depoiit of jewels, the proceeds of which were only pagodas 15,238, in Auguft 1795. — N. B. Jolmibn iuiles Douglas to have acted as his agent _------ Johnfon, Samuel; — Claims as holding a bond granted by theNaboi) Vrallajah to one Vidinadoo Moodel- liar, dated iStii December 1779, who aligned the faid bond to the late Jolin iXiuglas, of Madras, as a fecinity for the payment of ievcral oi)iigations from tiic faid Vidinadoo to the faid .lohii Douglas, amounting to pagodas 39,506, with intereft, and which Mr. Jolmibn alledges were held by Douglas for his behoof ------- Johnfon, Samuel ; Lieut. Colonel ]\Lacalifter, and the heirs of the late Thomas Powuey, Elq.; — Balance itated on 71b :July 1785, of bond, 24th May 1780, of the Nabob Wallajah, to Thomas Powncy and John Dijuglas, ibr pagodas 31,800, i'or money advanced ----_._ Jordan, Lieut. John; James Stewart PLdl, executor of; — l5ond, 31ft December 17S6, of the Nabob Wallajah, for arrears of pay. — N" 1. - Jordan, Lieut. Joiui, allignee of Henry Price; James Stewart Hall, executor of; — Bond, 1 It Seplcaihci 17S1, of the Nabob Wallajah, ibr arrears oi pay.— N°2. - - - - - Joddrcll, Sir Paul; Ricliaid Pan) Joddrell, executor ol'; — 15ond, ifi July 1797, of the Nabob Omdut ul Ouirah, Ibr arrvars of liilary -. - - - AMOUNT 558 6,295 19 o :9,68i Aggregate AMOUNT ol ilie Principal and Intereft in Sterling Money. 21 5,000 O 17,429 O O 24,760 O O 1 ,00,000 O O £. 36,900 3 O 7,828 17 3 25,674 10 o 6,230 16 o 15,380 9 10 15,084 16 o 110,936 8 o 5,856 39 o 22,043 o 6 1,072 o o 66 o o 8j,ouo o o 875 16 6 62 7 3 48,590 o o CARNATIC COiAIMISSIONERS. n 65- €6. 67. 68. t)Q. 71' 72. 73- 74- 75- Johnfton, Samuel, the Honourable Hefter Maria Johnllon, executrix of"; — Balance of ten bonds, lit Moveniber 1797, for fwgodas 2,81,510. 9. 10. of the Nabob Onidut ul Oinrali, on the 1 8lh September 1803 ; advances of money, and tranlaciions in grain with the Circar of the Nal>()b Wallajah, while Mr. Johntton was payaiafter and ftorekeeper at Tritchinopoly. — N°i. - - - - Johnfton, Samuel, the Honourable Hefter Maria John- fton, executrix of; — Debt, ift January 1802, of the late j\abob Omdut ul Oiniah, fur two vcars falary as agent in England. — N" 2. - Jamefon, Captain; Charles Jamefbn, heir of; — Bond, of Onidut ul Oiurah, SOth'January 1784, for mo- ney lent -------- Klauman, Claude Chrifiian ; Bafil Cockrane, admi- niltrator of; — Bond, 3iit December 17S6, of the Nabob Wallajah, for arrears of pay - - - Koenig, John ; Gerhard Frederick Koenig, fon and heir of; — Tunka of the Nabob Wallajah, on Mnl- hani Row, renter of Madura, dated in 1190 He- say to the late John linefs's I'ervice a;ira, or 1776, for arrears of Koenig, as a furgeon in his Hi Lyfaught, Major; Sir Charles Oakley, as truftee of; • — ^Four bonds, 22d February 1779, of the Nabob Wallajah, for money advanced - _ - - Lindfay, Honourable Lieutenant Colonel John ; — Bond, 15th Augult 1798, of the Nabob Omdui ul Omrah, for money advanced - - _ _ This Bond was afligned on ibtli Odober 1798 to Mr. John Lantour. Lautour, Francis, aflignee of Vencata Soubiah ; — Balance of account between the Nabob \^'allajah and Vencata Soubiah ; transferred on 17th Augult 1793 to F. Lautour, and the account brought down to 15th May 1804. — N" 1. . - - Lautour, Francis, aihgnee of Colonel Capper; — Bond, 16th February 1781, of the Nabob \V'allajah ; the confideration does not appear. — N° 2. Lautour, Frances ; alfignee in truft of Colonel Cap- per; — Bond, in January 1702, of the Nabob AVal- lajah, for money lent in 1775 to Vencatachalum, on account of the Nabob. — N° 1. _ - . Lautour, Francis ; alhgnce in truft for Colonel Capper; — On a bond to Charles Darke, lit January 1786, of the Nabob Omdut ul Ouirah, for money bor- rowed, alligned to Capper. — N° 2. - - - Lautour, Francis, and Company's intereft on a mort- gage bond, 31ft December 1797, from the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah ------ Leech, William, Lieutenant Colonel ; Francis John- fon, adminiftrator of; — Debt, ift June 1781, of the Nabob Wallajah, for arrears of pay - - - Luard, William, ailignee of Charles Darke; John Luarcl, executor of; — Ailignment from Charles Darke, of a bond of Onidut ul Omrah, ift Janu- ary 1786 -------- Lowden, Captain John ; David Lowden, brother of; — Bond of the Nabob \Vallajah, 31ft December 1786, to the heirs of the late Captain John Low- den, for arrears of pay at his death - - - AMOUNT l,( Tlie Princijsal of The Claims Tn the Coin Ipecificd. Aggregate AMOUNT oCtle Piiiicipal and Ihtcrcil in Storlinc Money. Piigc-das. F. C. !,4 1,333 28 20 24,000 o o 20,955 4 o 3>37i o 1,239 3 o 21,442 10 40 97,500 o o 5,000 o o 12,000 O O 10,000 O o 6,556 15 17 10,000 o o 1,890 o o £. s. d. 132,793 17 6 1 0,968 o • 16,890 7 6 2,754 2 ® 1,590 16 o 24,637 2 6 50,212 10 9 26,672 6 o 5,268 6 8 8,340 o o 7,674 o o 6,Soo o o 6,817 7 ® 7,674 o o . 1,551 9 8 12 FIRST REPORT of the Xo. CLAIMANTS. Q. /b So. AMOUNT of The Pii'.xipal 1,1' Tlic Claims In thc-Cuiii Ipccificd. Pallidas. F. C. 77. Landon, James ; James Landou, heir of; — ^Order of the iNiabob Wallajah, upon his agents, Me'.frs. Storey a-.id Biiiny, lit September 1780, for the deliver.- of new eonfolidated bonds to this amouiU to Mr! Scorev, in behalf of the three gentlemen who acted as a Committee at Madras for iiivefti- gatingthe Nabob's debts ; afiigned to j\lr. Landon by the other member's of tiic committee, for a valuable coniideration _ _ - . - 78. Mowbray, George, a.Tignce of. . Chaflcs T)arl;e ; — Bond, loth Ausiuft 1702, of the iSabob Omdm nl Omrah -"--'----- Murray, Lientenaiit Colonel ; Mrs. Ann Miuray, executrix of; — Bond, ift May i7S4,of the Nabob Wi.llajah, for arrears of pay - - - - MitelieUun, Arehibaki Hepburn, a.Tignee of James Lucy Dighton ; — Bond, QotliJuly 1791, of tlie Nabob W'aliajali ------ Majendie, Andrew; James Taylor, executor of; — His Iharc of a bond, 21ft Jur.c 1777, of the Ameer ui Omrah, in the name of William \^'yneh - 82. Mills, Mr. John ; — Letter, Sth September 1 702, of the Nabob W^allajah, to the Governor of Madras, rcquefting 1dm to pay the fum of pagodas 3,427. 21. o. to John iVIills, for the price of a chariot, out of the Nabob's one-fifth : a part of this fum, amounting to pagodas 1,4'^,S. :li. 40. is feted to have been received by Mr. ^lills on the iSth January 1801. — balance - - - ^3- !Mors,Cap',ai!i John ; — Bond, 31ft December 1786, of I t!ie Nabob \V'nilajah, for arrears cif pay 84- 'Monro, Sir Hector, Bart.; — Bond, in the year 1782, of the Nabob "^^'ailajah, to Mr. Alexander lirodie, on account of Sir Hector, for table money St. Macpheri'on, Sir Jolm, Bart.; — Debt of tlie Nabob '\^"ailajall, in account ciirrent to the ift Jani:arv i7o6,i!s fettled l)et\vecn the Nabob Omdut uiOmraii and Sir John's attornies at ^Jadras, the balance of a bill accepted i)y his i lighncis, pa^-abie to Mefl'rs. Drummond and Co. London, pagodas 53,000. — N° 1. - - - - -■ - "^ - "acpherfon, Sir John, Bart.; — For money ad- vanced in 1777 and 1778 to Colonel L. Maclean, Oil account of the Nabob Wallajah ; account clolcd on the ift January 1 796. — N° 2. 86. Macaihkr, Captain John; K. Maealhter, admini- firator of; — Obligation, iji the year 1776, of the Ameer ul Onu-ah, payable tit April 1777, formoney advanced -------- 87. Moi)rleaj)ah, Diittajifec; — Bond, ;5d June iSoi, ol the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah, for m()i\(V lent. — N" 1. - " - Moorleajiali, Diiltajee; — Letter of acknowledgment, i^tli June iSoi, of the Nal)ob Omdut ul Omrah, " on the ieeurity of the 'I'alook of Nclloor, lor difeharging to i'hecrboo ])ofs Malhor Ilou, and oilier Soncars, money l'i;[iplied by ihem in Fudiy 1200, with the knowledire of llaiee Ueddv How." — N" 2. Moorleapah, Datiajee, alTignec of AntiapaliNaig; — Letter of acknowledgment, 13th June iSoi, of the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah, " on the feeinity of tiie Talook of Vcnktuni Pettah and 'I'lnvum Ncl- loor, for the payment of debt to Narrain Chiiiv." "— *> '■,. ------- J ■.; ,000 o 3,000 o o Aggreaiile AMOUNT ol Ihf Prittcipgl anil latereft in Sterling Money. 5,000 O O 1.941 31 40 40,000 o o S2„g66 37 10 85,264 3 66 4,285 o o 60,050 o o %:M7 5 o Cnn.l 1,298 .\ O £. v. d. 9,900 o a 1,905 14 o 978 16 o 3»538 7 >. 12,llS 12 O 1,619 6 9 4,311 6 2 37,199 2 o 50,464 1 8 51,243 14 6 4,038 o o 27,562 19 o io45 o o 595 7 ••' C A R N A T I C C O ISI M I S S I O N E 11 S. 13 No, AMOUNT (if Till.' Principal ot' The Claims In IliuCoiii fpecified. Aggregalo A M O II N T oftlie I'lir.cipal and Intereft ill Sterling Money. 88. •So. Moorleapah, Duttajco, aflignce of Soiree Vencatafli Chitty ; — Letter of aekiio\vloda;nu'nt, i^tli June 1801, of the Nabob OiiRlut ul Omiali, tor i.ioiu'v lent " uitli rhe kiiowledj^o of liaicc Reddee Row, on tlie leeurity of tlie 'I'alook of iMadiuira; 7,500 pa>^i)das, on account of the Company's kKts for A|)jil 1801 ; 4,000 pagodas on the monthly receipts of the Talook of Villiah Nclhoor; 2,000 pagodas for tbe purchafe of a iioric and carriage, and otiji-r things; ,3,000 transferred to Vifvanaut Tuukei-, on account of a purchafe of pearls. — .\''4. Moorleajiah, Duttajee ; — ^Letter of aeknovvledginen!, 17th June 1801, of the Nahol) Onidut ul Oinrah, for money lent, " with the knowledge oi' Raiee Reddee Row, on the leeurity of the Talooks of Madura, Vclloor, and DilVakauveliah, belonging to Tinnavelley, on aceoiuit of jsaynients to the Com- pany's kills, and monthly payments, tmd olher matters, and for ihe purehai'e of jew(!ls, and drell'es for prefents to the Rajah of Malawar." — N° 5. Moorlenpah, Duttajee, aliignee of Maudho Annum ; — Bond, 24th Jime 1801, of the Nabob Omdul ul Omrah, for money lent. — N°6. - _ _ Moorleapah, Duttajee, aliignee of Boojung Row; — ■ Letter of acknowledgment, 26 June 1801, of the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah, " for money lent with the knovvledge of Raiee Reddee Row, on the leeu- rity of the Talook of Tinnivelly, for the purpofe of paying the debt to \ illVanaut 'I'auker Soucar, who fupplied the lame to the Cirear oti account l"'T O-.seii, Colnncl Arthur ;—Tuiika, 15th March 1770, of the Naboi) V.'aUajah, for uiicars of pay and ailo^va.^Cc■s, iiiokidinjj aprelent of 3,000 pagodas Pyhns, John, who was the rcprefentative of Ann i'ylfiis ; John Pybus, executor of; — Bond, ift Fe'/niary 1770, of the Nabob Waliajali, for intc- roft on iiio;iey advanced - _ - - - Pai'eai, Miis Catherine, aiiifrnec of Henry Price ; — ISondjifr September 1781, of llie ]S;ibo)h Wi•^- lajah, for arrears of pay. — N" 1. - _ _ - Pafcal, Aiifs Catiierine, heireis of Lieut. John ^N"! ills: -^IJoiid, ;3iic i)cceinbcr 17K6, of the Nabob U'a!- lajai), for arrears of pay. — iS°i3. - - - - Pater, Colonel John; — Bond, ifr June 1784, of the . Xabnh Waliajali, for ariears of pay Price, Henry; .Sob Hart Price Clarke, heir of; — Two b()nal and Iiitcreft' ill Sterling Moiicy. 4,917 23 O 12,525 20 05 31,500 O O 3,500 O O 5,000 o o 4,00,01 8 25 32 I4,.j0o o o of. s. d. 2,316 o o 687 o o 14,284 12 O 2,62s 9 s 1,119 1^ ^ 085 d o S36 id o 2,780 3 9 3o4i 6 3 2,584 1 o 4,250 D O 2,q6S d o 16,746 15 6 2,117 ^^ ^ 2,885 o o 200,339 8 6 ii;90o 12 9 C A R N A T I C! C; O U M I S S I O N E R S, Ko. ,.4t/ 104. lOr, ■f^: 1 _»/", lOO. .107. loS. loq. :J10. Ill, 1 1-2. 114 1 1/^ 116. C L A I M A N f S. Raice Rccklee Row, aflienee of Gopaul Row;^ Bond, 26th July 1708, of rlie ISiibob Omcliit iil Oiiuali, for iiioiiev It'iit. — N' 1. - Riuce Rtsdcicc Kow"; — Bond, gtli iMiiy 1801, of tlif IN'abob OmhUu td OiUi-ab, for money lout. — ^(° 2. ilcdliead, Joiin ; lleury Redhead, out; of the reli- duary legatees of; — Balance doe upon a .tunk« al]i<>iu'd upon the revenues of Tiiiuivelley by Ameer id Oinrah, 23d Ji'.dc 177S, in conlideratioii of one l:ic of pon(l, 6th April 1798, of the Nabob Oniriut ul r. Vaicntinc Conolly ; Reliecca Sevvcll, executrix of; — Bund, 1 It Juiuiary 179S, of the Nabob Omdut ul 0;iirah, for ai'reais of lalary. Sec. with the collateral iecurity of a mort- gage Oil the revenues of Punjiuahal diitriet:, from the Nahol) Omdiit ul Omrah, 11th November 1790 An ailigmnent of the above bond was made in November 1805, by -Mrs. licbecca. Sewell, iu Colonel Trcadway Clarke. Sullivan, Stephen, ailignce of John Stuart ;— Bond, 3d February 1785, oi' the Nabob Walla jail, in the name of Stuart, but for the fola benefit of Lavv- reucc Sulivaa ..-...-- AMOUNT of The i'lincipal of 'Ihc Claims In Uic Coin fpecified. Aijgrcgali; A Jl t N T of tl(C I'l iHiipal and Intcrcft in Sic-iling Money. I'.gnd.,. F. C. £. s. (1. 38,500 o o 1 1 ,800 o o 50,000 o o 31,250 o o 2,200 o o 2,212 O O 3>237 9 40 18,022 26 20 5,000 o o 19,500 o o 2,000 o o 14,933 30 o 10,000 o o 1,500 o o 6,119 ^ ^ 4,000 o o 1,520 o o 4,114 42 6G 31,743 11 40 37,500 o o 19,867 11 o 5:4:31 15 4 37,468 8 9 29,902 15 o 1,398 13 o 1,807 4 o \ ■ \ 2,844 ' 7 10 f 16,706 18 o 3,96^ o o 23,474 o o 2,407 12 O 8,3o9 17 ^ 5.2'^ 1 7 4 1,477 8 11 7,612 4 o 4,036 8 o 1,483 17 o 2,504 6 7 17,554 o o )-')355 o o i6 FIRST REPORT of the ii; ii8. 110. ::2i. .122. :123. 124. ;125. 120. :;o. aQiapiikih, aifignce of Hen ry Price deccafcd ; — Bond, ift Sej)tfii)!)cr 17S1, oK the Nabob AWiilajah, for arrears of pay ------- Salmon, Benjamin Wyniboricy; — Debt, in the year 1775, of the Ameer ul Omrah, for a houfe and fowling-piee'e ------- Soiiza, Antonio de, John Tiilloh, Tiiomas de Millo. and T!5o;na.s de Soiiza, executoi-s of; — Five boud.s, 3i!t ])."reml)er 17S6, of the Nabob Waliajah, for nione3' lent.— N ' 1. S;niza, A'.itonio de, John Tulloh, Tlionui'^ de Miilo^ and Tiinmas de Souza, executors of; — Bond, ■23d iMav 1789, of the Nabob Wailajaii, for money advanced. — N ' 3. ----- - Souza, Antonio de, .John Tulloh, Th.inia^ de ^lillo, and Thomas de Souza, executors: of; — Bond, i4ili Ajiguit 1790, of the Nabol) Alallajah, for money advanced. — N° 3. - Sydenham, General ; Amelia Sydenham and Ben- jamin Sydenham, adminiftrators of; — Bond, in the year 1780, of the Nabob Waliajah, renewed by bond, lit May 1797, of the Nabob Omdat ui Omrah, for pagodas 38,989, for money lent, the balance due being — N' 1. - Sydenhapi, General; Amelia Sydenham and Benjamin .Sydenham, adminiftrators of; — Bond, 2 iff March 1789, of the Nabob Oaidut ul Omrah, for moiie\ aflvanecd, by an e'lhile of which General Sydcnlian; was adminiitrator'a:id principal creditor. — N" 2. - Sydenham, Genera!; Amelia Sydenham' and Ben- jamin Sydenhani, adminiftrators of; — Bond, 61I1 June 1789, of the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah, foi money advanced. — N° 3. - S;uni!el, Emanuel ;— Debt, June 1801, of the Nabob ■ Omdut nl Omrah, for (en'ices performed as counfeL for one year - - ' - Sinclair, Sir John; — Debt of the Nabob AVallajah to t!ie late George Andcrfon, i'.fq. of Madras;, be- queathed by Mr. Anderibn to Sir John Sinclair. — ' The amount not Itated in the claim, and no vouchers lent in. Simpfon, David; afTifince of a bond, ift Januar\ 17S6, of the Nabob Wailajah, to Lieutenant Jamc- (j'rahiun, as adminiiirator to the cltate of hi- decealod brother, Captain Graham Camplicll, iii part of arrears of jiay, batta, 8cc. to liud Captain Campbell -------- Stowey, Piiilip ; Samuel Kekcwich and "^i". Swici. executors of; — Debt of the Nabob 'Waliajah to Mr. Slowcy, in March 1786, l"oi" It'vcn years and fi.\ months falary as civil Arcliileft and Surveyor o! his palaces and buildings, a' 250 fingodas pci month -----... Spralt, John; Admiral Peter Bainier, one of the heir; of;'^|{ond, of the Nabob Omdut ul Omiiih, ni; ribruary 1705,(0 Ai)toniunds . - . AMOUXr The Piintipal of The ('I.iims In tlie Vtiin Ipccified. AupetMe A IVfoi] N T of tlic Principal and Intercft in Sterling Money. Pngotlas. F. C. 440 O O 700 O O 58,019 o o j£. s. (I. 415 lO O 735 5 % 47.401 12 o 5,Sdt) 13 66 j 18,095 o o iip3t'5 33 72 36,989 .0 o 9,450 o o 3,oco o o 3,000 o o :l;,5oo o o C4,ooo o o 15:434 o o 7,672 9 6 21,040 14 19 6,647 14 1,002 16 O ; 1 o o 2,523 o o I ^,8 in n n 12,842 6 o '3>9.'^4 j; C A R N A T I C COMMISSION i: R S. 17 No. 127. 128. 12Q. 130. 131 132, 133' J34' 135- C L A I M A N T S. Taylor, Jjimes, George Savage, Andrew Majetidie and .hunos Call, allignees of Lieutenant Mairkay; — Bond, oi the ISabob Oindiit ul Oniiali, 27di April 1777, tor arrears of pay and money ad- vaiued. — fs" 1. - Taylor, James, George Savage, Andrew Majendie, and .ianics Call; — Hond, 30lh May 1777, of the Nabob Omdut ill Omrah, to Mr. Taylor, ior money leiil. — N'' 2. - - - - ' - Taylor, James, George Savage, Andrew Majcndie, a!id James Call; — Bond, 71I1 July 1777, of the Nabob Omdut ul Omndi, to Mr. Taylor, for money lent. — N^' 3. ------ - Taylor, James, George Savage, Andrew JNIajendic, and James Call, aiiignees of John Way ; — Debt, ill January 1780, of the Nabob Wallajah, for arrears of iixlary. — N° 4. - - - - - Taylor, James, George Savage, Andrew Majendie, and James Call; — Baianee on hond, 4t!i May 1777, of the inhabitants of Worrio[;oll()m, elaiiaed as dae iiom the Nabob Wallajah. — N" 5. - Taylor, James, George Savage, Andrew jNTajendie, and James Call, aiiignees of William V\ ynch's lliare of two bonds, 2i(l June 1777, of the Ameer ul Onnah.— N° 6. ----- - Taylor, James, and James Call, aflignees of Lieutenant Maekay. — Bond, oth June 1778, of the Nabob Omdut ul Onn-ah _-_--. Tulloh, John ; — By pervannah, dated 16th Shaban, 1208 llegyra, which accumulates the amonnt of two bonds, 23d May 17S9 and 14th Auguft 1790, of the Nabob Wallajah, together with interelt on each from their reipccHive dales, and directs the fum, with its accruing interelt, to be liquidated bv inltalments in eight years, out of the collections of Nafher Nagur (1 riteiiinopoly) ; the principal of the claim dated from the period of the final inilal- ment, 10th July 1801 _ - - . - Todd, Captain Alexander; — A bond, 3d April 17S0, of the Nabob Wallajah, for articles fold, and pa- godas 500, in eonlideration ol' not having made a charge for freight ------ Thomfon, Captain William, the afTignees of, on behalf of his creditors ; — Bond of Omdut ul Omrah, dated ill January 1786, to Charles Darke, for pagodas 20,000, aliigned by the iiiid Charles j)arke to Captain Tliomfon, as a leeuril^' for payment of a debt of cf. 5,500. ^^ith intereli: at 12 per cent, from September 1783, due to him from Mr. Bryan Scotney, for whom Charles Darke was iurety ' - Wyneh, Colonel Alexander; — Bond, 2d JiLiy 1785, of the Nabob Wallajah, for arrears of pay - VA^oolf, Robert, adignee of Ctilonel Smart ; — Four bonds, lit November 1797, of the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah - - - - - . - V\ eft, ('aptain James, allignee of George Burrowes Clarke's timcaw, m tlie year 1774, from the Nabob Wallajah, for arrears of pav. — N° 1. W^clt, Captain James, allignee bl' Sapany Pilkh's bond, in the year 1776, from the Nabob \Va!lajah, for timber fold.— N° 2. , - - - - Wraxall, Nathaniel William ;— Debt, ift Ot%ber 1787, of the Nabob \\'a!lai;>li, ior Ihlarv as joiui ■ " ' ■ N" 1. ■- - - ■ -' - agent in Enijland. AMOV:XT ol 'flic rri'Lipal (•I Tile Cl.iinis In the Cciiii l|jc'ciii(d. Accveiiale A i.H) V N T ut ihf '>incip;ii 11:1(1 Intcrcft Ml Sleriina Monny. Pagoiiai. r. C. 1 ,00,000 Q O =,00 O O 2,000 O O 6,000 O O 13>350 o o 18,195 o o 50,000 O O 1,70,341 o o 0,020 o o 20,000 o o 0,000 20,813 34 3S -,-,S o o ! O ( 5O0 d'. s. J. 123,020 O 9 4C9 12 a i,Qjo 8 a 6,64(7 16 o 16,489 18 8 16,886 8 o 59,130 11 -8 So,575 ]- o <-',594 o 2 15,348 o 6 5.139 o o 11,045 10 8 •^,190 5 4 69^ 5 9 12,784 o o E -iR ]■' I Pv S T REPORT ov r ir f, . Nu 136., IJ /• CLAIMANT S. 138. t 139- 140. Wnixall, Nathaniel William ;— Debt, ift Jaiuiaiy 1799, ot ttie ^,al)ob Ou'dut ul Oiiirah, for iliiary as joint agent in Englaiic*. — N° 2. - - - Vv'iliLs, Ricliard Lcggc ; James Willis, aciminiftiator of;— Bond. 3^ May 1784, of the Aabob Wailajali., for pay unu albv.aiiccs and for moiiey Isut. — ^IS" 1. '\Viliis, JVivhard Legge ; James Wiiiis, admiiiiftraroi' of ;— DjLc of ri'c' Isabob 0;iidtil ul Omrah, for fcvcii inanths liilarv to Auguft 1707, as agent in Enijlaad^N" 2. ' - - - ' - Woolky, James aifignee of Captain t^raliam Camp- hell i'jorm iialtoiir, executor of; — Hond, ili: Ja- uuaiv- 1786, of the iSalJob \V ailajali. — JN° 1. Wookey, James; John I kvlfour, executor of;— -Debt, on ilie 4ai January 1792, of the ^;^bob Wallajah, ■tor i:ileriU on piecetinig tranfactioas, and the baian'ee of accounts on tiic purehale aad laic of jewels. — ^N 2. - - - - - -.- Wvneh, Wjlliam ; — Bond, lotli July 1774, of the • isaboti "W'aliajiih, due to him as a^ent lor payment of prize money at the capture of Tanjore. — N" 1. VA'yneh, William ;— Debt, in the year 1775 or 1776, of the 2\mcer ul Omrah, for money aavaiieed to ' repair a hoaic and garden at Tritchmopoiv . — 1\» 2, Wilii^oHj, .George ; Horaiius Cannaa, executor of, ~one of tiie trufteos a()pointecf in a trait deed by the late George Wilufon, Elq. ; — Bond of the Nabob W llajan, 31ft December 1786, for pagodas 2,700, 10 Mr. Wiliifon, the balance of an account of p'oiutin^s ; dcljt of the faid Nabob, pagodas 700, for a pjoture of his Ilighuefs, painted by Mr. Wiilifon, and lent to Governor liaftinL,s at Caleulia; alio debt of the laid Nabob, pagodas 500, uj his HighnelVs fubfcription to an altar-piece ol' the cluu-ch of Madras - - - - - \\'av, John ; Louis Way and Edward Milliard, exe- cutors of; — Arreais of ialary as legal adnler in England for the Nabob Wallajah _ - _ AMOUNT ol Tl.u l"rmGil>:il ot Tie Claims [n the Cum i|ncilifd. A M O U W T of the Piiircipal aiul Iiitcicft ill Stcrliiii: .Money. J.;hn F M-dyre, and the heirs of the late Sir John Call, Baronet ; — Bond, 23d February 1777, of Oaidiit ul Omrah, Itatcd to have been purchal'ed in the vear 1704, by Mr. F(mlycc and tJie late Sir John Call, Baronet, of the executors of the late Rey- nold Adams, to whom the bond belonged - Tlii.-. I'laim was not included in the hit, as John Fordyce only has execiucd the deed. The heirs of Davvfonne Drake and James Johnfon; — Bon. I, September 1777, of Omdut ul Omrah, to Dawroiine Diake and Ja;ucs Johnfon joinny Th'..s claim \..i3 hivCuife not cniered in the li,";, as iS. E. Kiiider'ley, adndniftrator to Dawlbnric Dra!;o, has ulune executed the dtx.d. The aggregate ftcrlinji amour>t of the Glaiin.s, fpccified in I'a^odas, F» C. 44,000 O O 30,000 O O 2,gio 28 O 1 0,000 D O 32,267 21 22,481 8 0- 3,000 3;967 8 1,500 1.949 14 a 3,909 o o 42,750 o o 1,250 o o 1,50,000 o o of. s. d. 23,276 o o 25.344 o o i,<530 5 4 8,410 o o 3>i93 »3 o 25^49 4 a 1,180 15 © 13^,865 15 o the for(:<;oing Statements, is - - I- 0,1-^1, ZH 18 TIIK C A il N A T I C C OiM I\[ I S S I O N E II S. 19 THK following Perfons have figticd and cxcculcd die Deed, but. iiavc not yet prcfc:itcd ibliedules of" their Claiius: Andrew T^eid. SauuH'l 'riioiiiplbn. I. S|)aldiiig. Oliver Colt. .S. Young. AV. Moore, executor of C. WilfotL Kiehard G'ouM)ude. James J)ott, as executor of Bryan Scotiiev. I'honias Smith. Wiiliam Smith. Joiia Toniyee, as agent for the feveial parlies for wliuni he has exeeutcd the deed. Saiiiiiel Johiiibu, Charles Biniiy, Robert Storey, G'eorge Moiibrav, Alexander Cuthbert, Truftees for John I'ordyee. * A large majority of creditors a)>peju- to have affigned over to Mr. Fordycc, or to (rnf- tecs for hiin, certain portions, amounting in tlie whole to one-tweutieth part, of what tliej ^expctif to recover upon their refpecitive claims. IT is known to this honourable Houfe, that according to the provifions .of tlie Deed of i\gr-cenient under wliich ^ve aCt, it was not in our power, within the time that lias elapfed, to have decided abfolutely upon any of the Claims ; and it has not appeared to us proper, as ytt, to mako .any provifional decifion. BENJ^. HOBHOUSE. THO; COCKBURN. FRA. HORNER. iCannon Row, 2 ft .January 180;^ > i *?•■•■- ^ 35 (Nabobs of Arcot's Debts.) THE FOURTH 11 E P O R T OF THE CO M M I S S lO ^^ERS Appointed under an Agreement, concluded on the lOtli of July 1805, between the East India Company and the Private Creditors of the late Nabobs of The Carnatic. (46 GEO. III. cap. I J 3.) Ordered, hy The Houfe of Commons, to be -printed, 6th February 1809. 2s. THE REPORT p. 37. LIST (or Continiialioii) of CLAIMS - - - - - - - p. 38, AWARDS of The Commidioners -___---_ p. 42. OBSERVATIONS of The Commiffioneis - - - - - - . - p. 44. EXTRACTS from Their Proceedings ------ p. 45, &a. [ 37 ] To the Honourable The COMMONS of the United Kiiigdom of Great Britain and Irclanfll, in Parhament affembled. The FOURTH REPORT of the Commiffioners appointed under an Agreement concluded, on the loth July 1805, between the East India Company, and the Priv^ate Creditors of the late Nabobs of The Carnatic. IN Obedience to the 46th of the King, cap. 133. f. 9, which diredls the Commiffioners in England, within twenty-one days after the commencement of the aext and every fubfequent Seffion of Parliament, to prefent to both Houfes of Parliament, " A Lift of all *' the Claims which have been or fliall be preferred to them or to " the Commiffioners in India from time to time, and alfo a Lift of *' fuch Claims as from time to time fhall have been decided upon, " either provifionally or abfolutely, by the faid Commiffioners, with " the grounds of their decifion thereon :" We prefent to this Honour- able Houfe a List of all the Cl a i ms which have been preferred iince the date of our laft Report, by Perfons who defcribe themfelves to be Creditors of the late Nabobs Wallajah and Omdut ul Omrah, or of the late Ameer ul Omrah, and have become Parties to the Deed of Asrreement with the Eaft India Comiianv. LIST FOURTH REPORT of the COMMISSIONERS LIST (in continuation) of CLAIMS preferred to the Commiffioners in England for inveftigating The DEBTS of the late Nabobs of tic Caunatic, by Parties who ho.vs executed the Deed of Agreement witii The East India Company. ;\o. CLAIM A N T S. amount of Tiie Principal t>f The Claim? In tlic Coin Ipeeified. Aggrciiate A M ij .N T of the Princijial unci lulereft in Sterlins Money. 365. Campbell J;imes, Archibald Heiiiy Ciimpbcll, and Charles Campbell, Efquire^, ions of Major Ge- ncial Dugald Campbell, Legatees of the late Mooiiipillah ; — Bond 12th July 1708, of the late Nabob Omdut ul Omrah to IMoonipillah, the Pagidas. F. C. £. s. d coufideration not mentioned . _ _ 7,000 3,618 2 — ^66. Coekburn, Sir James, Caronet, deceafed, Francis Thwaites, and John Drury, Efqiiiies, Affignees of - - N" ]. No vouchers are produced in fiipport of this chiim, which is made for the amount of feveral Bills faid to have been drawn by Lauchliu Mac- Icane, Efquire, as agent to the Nabob of Arcot, on John M'Pherfon, Efcjuire, of Madras, and returned with proteft for non-payment, with damages, charges, &c. againft Sir James Cock- burn, the indorfer, viz. Four fets of bills for Star Pagodas 7,357. — Exchange a' 16 per cent, and the Pagoda a' js. Sd. ftcrling, ad December 1775 Two fets of bills for Star Pagodas 6,104 j, and 6,000 exchange a' 16 per cent, and the Pagoda 9,106 8,910 i6 — a' 7 J. 8^/. fterhng, 24th September 1776 - 15,130 14,415 Three fets of bills for Star Pagodas 2,723 1 7 605 8 487 7 3.815 32 4,766 at 10/ per Star Pagoda, ift April 1777 4,491 12 — Pagodas 29,09a .^.27,817 8. ON CARNATIC DEBTS. 39 Lift of Claims [jieteired to the Commiflioners iu England, &c. — Conlinued. No. CLAIMANTS. AMOUNT of ■ Tlic I'qiicijjal of Tlie Claims In Uie Coin fpccified. Aggregate AMOUNT ot tlic I'rincJpai and Inlerc.*. iu Sterling Mony the Deed of Agreement, at 6 infread of 12-per-cent. the rate in the Bond upon which the Claim v/as founded, that nothing- ■woukl remain due thereon ; he requeued permiffion to withdraw the :fame, obierving, that lie hoj^ed no improper motive would be imputed to him tor having preferred it, as in facl it 'aas given in to the A^cnt many years before the Agreement in queftion was in exigence. Having a!fo foui)d by the Evidence and Documents which v/e recovered in this Country, that nothing was due to JNlr. James liay on his Claim, No. 2, of No. 56. in our Firfl Report to this Kcnourable Houfe, v/e caJIed 42 FOUIITH ;KE?OHT or the COMMISSIOiXERS Caliecl ch.rylii. Hay to fay whether, by flating that he had been mifled by the rcjiorts fl-oni Mr. Davidfcn, his Attorney in India,, to make the Claim, he meant to withdraw it ; and Mr. Hay having declared it to have been his meaning, we have hi confequence been aljie to decide abfolutely on this Hnd the Claim laft mentioned, without reference to the Com- niifiioners at Fort St. George : And as the AS. of Parliament requires. i.is to Hate the grounds of every fuch decifion, w^e conceive that the rnoft .proper manner of obeying that diretlion is, to lay before this rionoiir&ble Hcufe Copies of the AWARDS which we have made, CLAIM, N° 2 of N° 16, in our First Report. *' TO ajl to whom theli; Prefcnti fhall Cd-ne, WE Thomas Cockhum of Hamp- fl'ead ill the County of Middlefex Eiquire, and Francis Horner of Lmcoln's-Inn in the faid bounty of fvlrddlefex Efqnire, being two of the Commifiioners and Re- ferees ading in England for the time being, under a certain Deed ir;d:fnted and bearing da^e the tentli day of July 1805, " between the United Company of Mer- chants of Engknd trading to the Eaft Indies of the one part, and the feveral Perfons nliofc hands and fcals are thereto iet and affixed, and who rcl'pectively are or claim to be. Creditors of His High.nefs.the Nabob Wallah Jah, formerly Nabob of Arcot and of the Carnatic in the Eaft Indies, and nowdeceafed, and of his Mighncfs the Nabob Oaidai ul Omrah, late Nabob ot Arcot and of the Carnatic, eldeft fon and fucceflbr r him- Iclt, his. heirs, executors, and adminiftrators, fubmitted himlelf to the judgmerit, award, order and determination of the Commiffioners appointed under the aforcfaid Fndenture, or .'any two of them, in all things whatfoever relating to the feveral Claims made or to be made by him under the faid Deed of Indenture : Now knovv ye. That we the fild- Thomas Co.ckburn and Francis Horner, having taken into confideration a Claim made by the faid Charles Binny upon his Highnels tlie Nabob Wallah J;iJi, formerly a Nabob of the Carnatic, now deceafed, for the princi;>al ium of Pagodas P;iv573' 6. 40.) dated the 30th day of November 1785, and contiitioned to bear intereft at the rate of 12-per-cent. per annum, whith Bond is alleg'^d as the original foundation of the prcfent Claim, various payments were from time to time received by the faid Charles Binny, as appears and is acknow- ledged »o-jV.GARNATIC DEBTS. 43 -ledged by the 9X^1 Charles Binny in and by accounts current dated the 31(1 day of Dc-ccmbcf 1 793- and the .20th day of July 1795, between the faid Nabob Wailali Jah and" the fftid' Charles- Binny, the incercft part of which accounts is computed at the tate of iisper-^ccnt. per annum : And we further find, that by the iaid feveral I)ayrticj3ts fo received by the faid "Charics Binu}', after deducing from them the 27i 45 - - jC-M,io8 8 1 Amount of Principal and Intereft of the Bond to tlic 7 p,^^s 14th December 1789 - - - - " i '° Vv'herepf .]/2oth is affigued and is to be adjudicated to the Truftees of John Fordycc, as per Deed marked F. N° 1, dated the 3d May- 1796 i,7<)3 -3 1° " - 7"5 Balance to be placed in the names of the Executors - Pag^ 33^50? 19 35 - -£. 13,402 -19 9 Intereft on Pagodas 16,000 or j^. 6,400. the principal fum of the Bond, from. the 14th Deceni'.ier 1789 to the 15th May 1804— 14 years 152 days - PagM3,839 32 6-^ or £.5,535 18 1 . ■ -■NVhereof i/iotii is affigned and I'alls to be adjudicated to the Truftees of Mr. Fordyce 691 39 75 276 15 11 Pagodas 13,147 34 68 - - jT. 5,259 2 a AVherefrom there, is to be deducted, to fatisfy the before-mentioned fum of jf. 1,977. *5*' 2 rf. and to bo phiccd in tiie names of Benjamin and Thomas Syd^-nham --.--- 6,178 3S 5 --/. 2,471 11 3 Baldnretobealfaregifteredinthe) p ^ .^ 3 g --£. 2,1^1 10 n - - £. 2,7S7 to h oanies of the L.xecutors - - ^ ° ->a o o x, >/ / ^ 11 And the total fum to be regiftered in the names of.the | p^„, g ^g ^g _ _ . ^^ ,^ g L.xecutors -------i°^'^' .t. 7.. Ecfolved accordingly, That the fu.m of forty thoufind f )ur hundred and fcvenfy- P..;;,-. F. c. •fix Pagodas, fixtccn Fanams, and eighteen CaHi (4.0,476. 16. i3.) or fixtccn thoufand one hundred and ninety Pounds ten Shillings and eight Pence fterling (/. 16,100. 10. 8.) be and is iicreby allowed and eftabliflied provifionally in the joint names of Anne, wife of Samuel Eliot, and Jofeph VVhittingham Salmon, as Executrix and Executor of the Will of the late General Matthew Home, and that !:.;.:"■ (liall be payable thereon from the 15th day of May 1804, and until \ r direfVions of the Board, at the rate < f two and one half (2 {) per cent. J ' '':it a Certificate fliall be ifiucd to the Regifter in London or at. Madras, OS CARNATIC Dr^BTS. 47 Madras, dire(fling him fo enter the aforefliid ium to the credit of the faid Parties jointly, as fooii as they fliail have given fecurity to the fatisfadion of the Board for the fiim of two thoufand four hundred and thirty Pounds ilerling (/^. 2,430.) and fliall have delivered to the Board, in writing, by themfelves or their Agents, whether it is their option to receive the Intcrcft fo payable on tlic fum which (hall be fo entered to their credit, in London or at Madras. Refolved, Tlut tlie lum of two thouiiind four hundred and fifty-five P.:.i:s, F C. Pagodas, twenty-one Fananis and five Calh (2,455. ^J- 5-) or nine hundred and eighty-two Pounds four Shillings and three Pence fterling (j£. 982. 4. 3.) be and is hereby allowed and eftablilhed provifionally in the joint names of Robert Storey, Samuel Johnfon, and Charles Binny, and that intercfl. fliall be payable thereon from the 15th May 1SC4, and until the further direftions of the Board, at the rate of two and one half (2 {) per cent, per annum ; and that a Certificate fhall be iflued to the Regifter in London or at Madras, dircfting him to enter the aforcfaid fum to the credit of the faid Parties jointly as loon as they fliall have given fecurity to the latisfaftion of the Board for the fum of one hundred and fifty Pounds flerling (;^. 150.) and fliall have declared to the Board, in writing, by themfelves or their Agents, whether it is their option to receive the Intcreft fo payable on the fum which lliall be fo entered to their credit, in London or at Aladras. Refolved, That when Thomas Sydenham Iliall have executed the Deed of Covenants with the Eaft India Company, as Truftee under the Deed of the ill March 1802, and Ihall have likewife notified his aflent to the regiftration of the fum of two thoufand four hundred and fcventy-one Pounds eleven ShilHngs and tliree Pence fterling (;(^. 2,471. 11. 3.) of principal, as a latisfa6tion for the fum of nineteen hundred and feventy-feven Pounds fifteen Shillings and two Pence fterling (£. 1,977. '^5' ^O ^^'^'^ aforefaid fum of fix thoufand one hundred and V^- Pag' 41,830 10 o or i^. 16,732 3 6 Colonel Buck ------ y z — r ■. — ■ 25. O Refolved FOURTH REPORT of the COMMISSIONERS, ^c. Refolved accordingly, That the fum of forty-one thouiand eight hundred and r^igdii.is. ¥. thirty Pagodas nineteen Fanams (41,830. 19.) or fixteen thoufand feven hundred and thiity-two Founds three ShiUings and fix Pence fterling f£. 16,732. 35. 6^.) be and is hereby allowed and eftabiiihed provifionally in the name of Jeremiah Batley, as Executor and furviving Truftee under the Will of the late Colonel George Buck, and that Intereft fhall be payable thereon from the 15th day of May 1804, and until the further directions of the Board, at the rate of two and •one half (25) per-cent. per annum, and that a Certificate fhall be iffued to the Regifter in London or at Madras, direfting him to enter the aforefaid fum to thecredit of the faid Party, as foonas the faid Party, together with John Inglis Efquire, of MarkLane, London, Merchant, and Samuel Douglas Efquire, of Ame- rica Square, London, Merchant,tire two Sureties propofed in the before-mentioned letter of the 30th July lafl, fhall have executed in proper form a Bond for the fum cf two thoufand five hundred and fifty Pounds fterling (^.2,550.) and the faid Party (hall have declared to the Board, in writing, by himielt or his Agent, whe- ther it is his option to receive the intereft fo payable on the fum which fliail be lb entered to his credit, in London or at Madras. ' "ReTolved, That the fum of two thoufand two hundred and one Pagodas, I'ai;^. r. C. twenty-five Fanams, and twenty- five Cafli (2,201 . 25. 25.) or eight hundred and eighty Pounds twelve fhillings and ten Pence fterling (;/^.88o. 12. 10.) be and is hereby allowed and eftablifhed provifionally in the joint names of Robert Storey, Charles Binny, and Samuel Johnfon, and that Intereft fliall be payable thereon from the i 5th day of May 1S04, and until the further direftions ef the Board, at the rate of two and one half (2 f) per cent, per annum, and that a Certificate fliall be iffued to the Regifter in London, diredling him to enter the aforefaid fum to the credit of the faid Parties jointly, the Truftecs of Mr. Fordyce having already given fecurity to the fatisfadion of the Board, and having declared, in writing, that the fums which Ihould be adjudicated in their favour ftiould be entered in the Books of the Regifter in London. BENJ" HOBHOUSE. THO. COCKBURN. FRA. HORNER. Manchcfter Buildings, 6th Febiuary 1809. 53 (Nabobs of Arcot's Debts.) T H E I F T H REPORT OF THE CO MMISSIONERS x^ppointed under an Agreement, concluded on the 10th of July 1805, between the East India Company and the Private Creditors of the late Nabobs of The Carnatic. (46 GEO. III. cap. 133.) Ordered, by The Houfe of Commons, to he printed, gih February 1810. ^1. THE REPORT. LIST (or Continuation) of CLAIMS. Abfolule ADJUDICATIONS of The Commiffioners. OBSERVATIONS of The Commiffioners. EXTRACTS from Their Proceedings. C 55 ] To the Honourable The COMMONS of ilie United Kingdom ol' Great Britain and Ireland, io Purliumeiit afTembled. \ The FIFTH REPORT of the CommiffionerA appointed under an Agreement, concluded on the loth July 1805, between The East India Company and the Private Creditors of the late Nabobs of The Carnatic. IN Obedience to the 46th of the King, cap. 133. f. 9. which direds the Commiffioners in England, within twenty-one days after the commencement of the next and every fubfequent Seflion of Parliament, to prefent to both Houfes of Parliament, " A Lift of all " the Claims which have been or fhall be preferred to them or to *' the Commiffioners in India from time to time, and alfo a Lift of *' fuch Claims as from time to time fhall have been decided upon, " either provifionally or abfolutely, by the faid Commiffioners, with " the grounds of their decifion thereon :" We prefent- to this Honour- able Houfe a List of all the Claims which have been preferred fince the date of our laft Report, by Perfons who defcribe themfelves to be Creditors of the late Nabobs Wallajah and Omdut ul Omrah, or of the late Ameer ul Omrah, and have become Parties to the Deed of Agreement with the Eaft Lidia Company. LIS FIFTH REPORT OP THE LIST (in continuation) of CLAIMS preferred to the Commiffioncrs in England and in India, for inveftigating The DEBTS of the late Nabobs of the Carnatxc, by Parties who have executed the Deed of Agreement with the East India Company. No. l€S. 169. 170. 171. 17-2. i73. 174, CL A IM AXTS. AMOUNT of Tlie Principal of Tfie Claims In tlic Com I'pecificd Aegregate A M b U N T of The Principal and Iiitereft In Slerliiig Moncj[. 175. J7e. >77' 178. '79 Abbott, William, efqnire, afligiiee of Vaflia Dava Pillay ; — Two Bonds of the Nabob Onidut ul Omrah, one dated 15th May 1799 for pagodas 73,000 ; the other, 20th June 1799 for pagodas 57,000, money lent - - - Abbott, ^Vlllialll, efquire, renter of Allianore and Woodearpol- laiii ; — Balance of a debt of the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah, for money lent, which was to have been repaid by annual deductions of 10,000 pagodas from the rent of thofe dil- tn(^ls, for a period of fix years ; but the cetiion of the Car- natic to the Honourable Company prevented this arrange- rtient from being carried into etteiil for more than two years, and confequently left undifcharged the balance now claimed - - - - Porto Novo Pag' Abbott, \Villian), efqnire, adignee of Doorjim Sing; — Bund, 13th December 1776, of the Nabob Wallajah (granted in the name of Doocunjee Caufee Dofs, but for the ufe of Dooijini Sing), fur njoney lent . . . - - Abbott and Maitland, WefiVs. afTignees of the heirs of Go- verdum Dofs, Birje Dofs ; — Two bonds of the Nabob V. all.ijah, one -l^th November 1774 for pagodas 5,000, the other 6th October 1776 for pagodas 2,320; money lent Abbott and IMaitland, MeiTrs. affigneesof the heirs of Samul Dofs ; — Balance of a bond, 11th May 1787, of the Nabob \\'alh'jah, for money lent - . - . - - Abdul lviud."r Khan Ueliaiidcr ; — Meflrs. Harington and Co. attoi::ies for ;— Five bonds of the Nabob Omdut ul Oiurah, granted in the names of dift'erent perfons, but for the ufe and benefit of .'Xbdid Kauder Khan ; dated as follows ; viz. Bond, 10th A|iril 171^6, to Poonah Pillay for pagodas 3,4(56, mone^/ lent; ditto, lotli May 1796, to Veerah Pillay, for pagodas 5,800, money lent ; ditto, 30th May 1795, to Veerah Pillay, for Curruck pagodas 55,000, for jewels fold, goods fuppb.ed, and cafli lent; ditto, 'iCth Sep- tember 1799, to Strenc killna Davay, for pagodas :",5,ooo, for money lent; and ditto, loth April 1796, to Ambala- vanum .Moodelly. for pagodas 8,000, money lent Abdul VVallee Khan Behauder, deceafed ; \V. Abbott, efq. attorney for MuUikool NitTa Begum aiid Mujoodood ul Dowlah Behaudar, repiefcntatives of; — 'i'hrec bonds of the Nabob Wallajah, vu. ; -J-d llajub 1193 Iligeree, fur pa- godas 1,10,000, and 17th llabilavul ii;:5 Higeree, for pa- godas 92,000, for the value of jewels and precious (iunes delivered; and bond, 3 Shabar'n 1 194 Higeree, for pagodas CG,ooo, for money lent ..-.-. .Abdul Wallee Khun Behauder; W. Abbott, efq. attorney for .Mullickool Nilla Begum and i\!ujoodood ul Dowlah Be- haudrr, reprcfentativcs of; — 'I'wo bonds of the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah, one in the name of Arninogah Chitty, dated 17th llabbclavecl ng-J Migeiee, for pagodas 3,000; the other 27lh Bajub 1 194 lligeicc, for patodas 18,000, for money lent, and for tlie value of jewels delivered Abdul Cawdor Khan, fon and heirof Mahomed ^ raid'; — Tuuka of the Nabob \Vail ijab, dated 4th Jei.iadeeofance 1194 Higeree, for arrears of wa;_c3 . . - - - Abdid llulhccd Khan Hull ; T.efeis to the Dufters for arrears due by the Nabob \V .ll.j.ih of fubfillenre money. Abdul Wahid Khan;- Keli'vs to the Duflcis for arrears due by the Nabob Wailajub lor fublilience money. Abdul C'audcr Khan Me..nnn ;— Kcfers to tlic Dufters for arrears of fubliUenrc uiuuey due by the Nabob Omdut ul Oinrah. Pnyodas. F. C. 1,30,500 o o 40,000 o o 1,000 o £■ *• d. 65,136 »> 3 7.320 19,500 o o 1,08,166 o o 14,333 6 8 1,254 1 8 9,692 3 loi 14,527 14 ii 5^198 11 9 2,68,000 o o 2 1 ,000 o o 1,111 12 O ■244,381 18 • 21,437 14 o 831 I'S • CARNATIC COMMISSIONERS. 57 No, CLAIM A N T S. J 80. l8l. 1 82. 183. 184. 185. 186. 187. 1S8. iSg. ago. 191- .19-2. 193- 194. i9.)- •I 90. A M O D N T of The Principal ol" The Claimn In IhcCoiii f|)ccir\ccl 'OS 199- Abdul Ali, fon of Molovee Shaik Alulul Uailii-fm Ruffalee Moullun ;— Refers to tlie Dufleis for arrears of fnbfilieuce money due to his late father by the Nabobs Wallajah and Oiudiit ul Onirah. Abdoiil I.uteefKlu'U liehatidpr, foii-in-la\v of t!ic latn Nabob Wallajah ; — llelers to the Duftcrs for arrears of fubiiflfiicc money due by the Nabob Onidiil ul Oniiali. Abdoul .Mihud, fon af Abdoul Shookoor Khan -.—Refers to tlic Duiters for arrears of fubfiftcncc money due Iiy the Nabob Oindut ul Omrah. .Abdoul Khauder, fon of Kander .Mi Khan ; —Refers to the Dufters for arrears of lublilteoee nioiicy due by the Nabobs Wallajah and Omdut iil Oniiah to hi.s (bxealed faihei'. .Abdul Raihmaun Khan, Killedar; — Refers to the Dufters for arrears of fubfiltence money due by liie Nabob Onulut ul Onirah. Abdoul GhutTar, teacher of Taje ul Onirah.; — Refers to the Dufters for arrears of fnbfiftence money due by the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah Abas HuUain Kliaii ; — Refers to the Duftcrs for arrears of fubfiftence money due by the Nabob Omdut ul Omrali. Abidah Begum, wife of iMirza .Mi L?ukt; — Arrears of fub- (iltenee money due by the Nabob Omdut ul Oinrah - Achee Baye, Naifioghi, attorney for; — Two tunka«, one dated 24th Rabee O .Sanee ii<):3, for pagodas "25. 1-2 an'; the other, ift Zeliiy 1193, lor pa^joilas 33. 3J aii% for arrears of pay -------- AgavcUy Satur, mortgajiee of Charles Darke; Sarquis Satur, adminillrator to the elhite of the lato; — Bond, ill January 1786, of the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah, for money lent .Agavelly Satur, Sarquis Satur, adminiftrator to tlie ellate of the late;— Two bonds of the Nabob Omdut ul Onirah, viz.: 6th May 1782, for pagodas 2,8555.; and 18th June 1784, for pagodas 520. 25. 40. for articles fupplied - - . Ahniud Nawaz Khan, Anwar .Ally Khan Hall, Nnorooddeen Mohummud Khan, Takkarooddeeii Ilaflain, Ahmud .Ally Khan, Abdul Raikeem, Goolam Mohummud, .Abdul Gulfer, fons of Anwur Allv Khan Behauder; — .\riears of fubliA- ence money due by the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah Alimudaub Khan; — .Arrears of fubfillence money due by the Nabobs Wallajah and Omdut ul Omrali - - - Mmiud Ali, fon of Neauiultoolah ; — .Arrears due by the Nabob Omdut ul Omra.h ------ Ahniud AH Khan Behader, nephew of the Nabob Wallajah ; — Hei'ers to the Dufters fur arrears of luLfiltence money due by the Nabob Wallajah. Ahmud .All Khan, darogah of elephants, gr;indfon of Nabob Aiueen nd Dowla Behadur Sha Sowar Jung ; — Refers to the Dufters for arrears of fubfiftence money due by the Naboijs Wallajah and Omdut ul Omrah. .Ahmud Nawaz Khan, fon of llukeem Ahniudoolah Khan Mullikodi Hookooniah ; — .Arrears of fubliffenre money due by the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah to his dece.ifed f.ither \hnuul All Khan, fon and heir of iMahmoiid ,Ali Khan; — Refers to ilie Dufters for arrears of fublifience monev due by the Nabobs Wallajah and Omdut ul Omrali to ins fatl'.er. and as heir to his lifter Shakeeiiah IVeebce ; — Refers to the Dufleis for arrears of fublilienre money due to her by the Nabob Omdut ul (Jmrali. \hmud .All Shah, fon of Cholam (.iliour, killed, ir of Arnio- gum ; — Refers to the Dufters for arrears of fubliftence ' money due by the Nabob Wallajah. .Aia/hah lieebee, widow of Hafez Mahunimud Ifmaeel Ouftand; i — reefers to the Dufters for arrears ot fubliltenee money due by the Nabobs Wallajah and Omdut ul Omrah. | Aiadiah Bccbee, in behalf of Buftee Begum ; — Refers to thej Dufters for arrears of fublifience money due to her \>y the; Nabobs Wallajah and Omdut ul Onirah. 1 Malliih Daiah, for herfelf and herniother Amecnat ; — Refers j to the Dufters tor arrears of fublifience money due by the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah. r,igoi];i9. F. C. Aggregate A M U i; N T of The Principal and Inlerell III Sleihiig IMoncy.. /• 1,300 59 o 5,000 3,370 3 o Rupees. An\ •2,"33 5 O Rupees. 1,260 o o Rupees. An'. 1,491 8 o 5S 8 3,836 19 ? 3,043 3 R'. 3,3.">7 Ar'. 12 21. a FIFTH REPORT of the •:o;5. 204. 405. QoG. 207. •J08. ■20g. AMOUNT Tile Prmtipul ot The ClaimJ fn tlir Coin I'pccified A^jrrff^ate A.MOl'.Vr the Principal and IntiTili in Sterlni*' i\Ioiicv. 211. ■i\l. -214. «15- <2l6. •217. 218. 220. 32 1. 111. 224, 225. U26. 227. »2fi. Alee dill Khan, Biirklhee of the fpearl'men, fon of Ali (iUl KhdU, buckfiiee; — Arrears of fublifleiu-e nioiR-y due to his lather by the Nabob WaUajah, rupees '24,000; and to hnn- fell, by the Nabobs Wallajlh and Oaidut ul Ouiiuli rupees 8,050 ---------- Aiiayaeir Khan, grandfon of Mohuminud Abrar Khan; — Re- fsrs to the 1 Ait tors for arrears ol lubliltence money due by tlie Ni-bob (Jnidut ul Oinruli. Ali iiofiaui Khan; — Ai rears of fubfiftcnce money due by the N;ibob Oindut nl OuJiali ------ .■\li Ileza, fon of .Alohummud llooknuddeen ; — Arrears offub- lilterice money due by the Nabob Onidut ul Oairah - Ali Mirzi Khan, fun of VN'udgeoodeen .•\hmiid Khan; — Refers to llie Doflers for arrears of fubfiftence money due to her bv the Nabob Oindut ul Oniraii. .\lhiim Ooniffa;— Refers to the Uufters, for arrears of fubfift- ence money due by the Nabob Oaidut ul Omrah. Ali .M>hummud Ali Khan, tlie d.iugliler of ; — Relers to the Duflcrs for arrears of fubliftenre nvniey due by the Nabob Onidut i:l Omrah. JAmmy Chuud Uofs, afiignee of M.ihomed Afkery Khan, Sa- ms; — Tonka, lit .tuly 179'), of the Nabob Wallajuh, for j articles fupjibed -------- lAliiurut Rov, \V. D. Brodie, cfq. Attorney by fubftitution for ; — Debt of the Nabob Oiiniut ul Oiiuaii, for arrears of fa- I lary as ferilhtad.ir of Sudilaiet - - . - . ' \niany Boyc, widow of laucbinun Row MooflirulT; — Refers to the Dufters for the amount due by the Nabob Wallajah to her late hulband, and claims as due lo inm by the Nabob O.-i'.dut ul Omrah ------ j.^nu-ena Beebee, widow of linkeeni Wafil ; — Relers to the Dul- ters, fur the amount due to her late huiband. Ameer Onnili'a Begum ; — Refers to the Dufters for the ar- rears due by the Nabob Oiudut ul Omrah, of lubfil'terice money. Ameer ool N'ilTa Beebee; — Refers to the Dufters for arrears of fubfiftence money due by the Naboli Omdut nl Omrah. Ameer ud Dowla Bebadiir, for himlelf, for his mother Kur- reemonilTa lleguiu, for Ins wife Rahul Onilla Begum, and as reprefcntative of his late fon Reza llafain Khan; — Re- fers to the Dufters for arrears of fubfifleiKe money, due Lo them by tlic Nabob t^mdut ul Omrah. Ameena Saiiiba;— Refers to tlie Dufters for arrears of fub fiiience money, due by ll'.e Nabnb Omdut ul Omrah. Ammoo Daiah ;— Refers to the Dufters for arrears of fuli- fiftenre money, due by the Nabob Oindut ul Omrah. Ametnali Begum, widow of the Nabob Wallajah ; — Reters to the Dufters for arrears of fubfiftenLC money due by the Nabob Omdiit ul Omrah. .Vmeen.ih Ueebee ; — Refers to the Dufters forarreais of fublili- ence money, due by the Nabob Omdut u! Ounaii. .Anna I'illay, fon of Sanmy Syrang, rbinna Cunnoo attorney to;— Tunka, 17th Septemlicr 1779, of the Nabob Wallajah, for arrears of Salary ------- .Ann \tlia Uanido Chitty, grandfon and heir of Ramon Chitty deceafed, Melfrs. Haringtm and Co. attornies for ;— Bond, 12lh AuguU 178^, of the Nabob Wallajah, for money lent - Annamal-iy Chittx, heir of Nellooray Cheliy bis father, ami of NcUa Moottio Clielty, Ids unci-', decfaltd, mortgagees ol (iovcrdaiKi Dofs \'eiiee Dofs;- Bond, 2 ill March I77(i of the Naiiidj Wallajal , for monev lent - ISIad' pagi.dui^ Annajee Naick, fon rmd beir of Gopaul Naick ; —Bond, 2d Ru- jeb 1 198 Jlejiree, nf the Nabob WalLijih, tor money lent Anna Iyer, fon and lieir of Socaid.ir Iyer Sabbo : -Bond, ."lb rchrnary 1788 of the Nabob Wallajah, for money lent Anoom.inta Raniajir, Soucar ;— Bond, 26th May 1791, ol the Naliob Wallajah, ti'r money lent - . . - .•Siin.ijre Kou', Mohurrui, arrears ilue by tlie Nabob Onulut ul Omrah ... ...--. .'\nuiid How, iMohnirer;- Refers to the Dutlers, for the amount due In him by ihc >iey. Appajee Row, fon and heir of Ragoonud Naick ;— Bond, zid May 1787, oftliR Nal)ob Wall.ijali, lor money lent App-jjefi ilow, brolhcr and peil'in.il leprffentalive of Ray I'ay- an N'agalapatty Veucata Row, derealcd, Mdlis. Ilaiinyton Mild Co, attoniies lor : — Bond, J^d May 17S7, of llic N.iboli Wallajali, for money lent . - - - - Apii>i> Ctietty, fon snii heir of Ramafawmy Chetly, deccafed; MelVrs. H'arriniJton and Co. attorni'S for;— Bond, iStli Au^uft 178,5, of tlie Nabob \V,;llajab, for iiioney lent A;ipi.d) Soiirar, MclTis. llarington and Co. attoniies for; — ,j Bond, glh Septein'-ier 1797, of the Nabob Ohidiil id C)iurali, for money advanced ------- [Appoo (Ihittj', brother and lieir of Soobraiiruiya Clutty; — I Bind, -lolh April 1787, of the Nabob Wallajali, for money I lent Appa Rey, fon and hcirof Samah Row ; — Bond, 16th Ramzan I K)Q Uegiiee, of the Nabob Wallajah, for money lent .\ppo U'tw ; — Refers to the Dufters for the amount due to him trom the Nabob* Wallajah and Omdiit ul Oiuiah, and for arrears doe to his late brother Bj;iavan Row, by the Naboli Wallajah. Appoo How, Mootfudde; — Arrears due from the Nabob Omdnt ul Omiah --------- Appoo Row, Senftadar; — Arrears due by trie Nabob Wallajah, pat,odas l=i4. i'2. Co. and by the Nabob Omdut ul Dmrah pagodas 'ig^. o. 10.- Appoo Row, iMootfuddee ; — ReforB to the Dufters for the amount due by the Nabob Wallajah. Appoo Row, Mooftofee ; — Arrears due by the Nabob Omdut ul Onirah --------- Appoo Row, I^fooninift"; — Refers to the Dufters for the amount due to hmi by the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah. Appoo Row Seriftadar ;— Refers to the Dufters for the amount due to him by the Nabob Omdut ul Oiurah. Appoo iMoodelly Kurnuiii ; —Refers to the Diifiers, for the amount due to him by the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah. Aroonarbella Rillay, fon and heir of Mootta I'illay ; — Bond, iitb January 1784, of tlie Nabob Wallajah, for money lent .^roonachelhi Chittv, fon and heir of Paieeanna Chitty ; — Bond, 21ft June 1787, of the Nabob Wallajah, for money lent Arniooga Moodely, fon and heir of Nugapth Moodely ; — Bond (jth OiSober 178-2 of the Nabob Waiiajah, for money lent - Arnachellum, brother and heir of Vencatirunga Pilly: — Bond, 5th April 1784, of the Nabob Wallajah, for mune}- lent ---------- Aroonachella T'illay, fon and heir of Veorabutty PiUay ; — Bond, 2ad November 178'2, of tl.e N.diob Wallajah, for money lent --------- Arnachellem Pillay, fon and heir of N.dly Naick Pillay ; Jacob Arathoon, attorney for; — Bond, 11th Augufi 1785, of the Nabob \Vallajah, for money lent - - - - Arranwail .Sooiuaduiudnim iMoudfly, allignee of Con.iga Sm;;, heir of Davee Sin^ ; James Brown, uttoniey lur ; — Bond, nth lUimzan iioS llegiree, of the Nabob WuUajah, for money lent, and value of jewels deliveied - - - - Aroonachella, fon and heir , of the Nabob Wuilajab, tor money lent Avadanmn Rimafuv :j-iy Rraminy, fon and bcir of Avadanum CuKoriah, decealen ; — ^Two Bonds of the Nabob Wallajab, one daied 3111 Jul_, 1778, for pa^^odas 50.000, tlie olber otli Julv 1786, for pagoi is 60,000. for money lent - - - Avadii'in'ini Panpiali bi.iuiiny ; — Claims ou four Bonds mort- gaged to ?.IefiVs. Hamilton and Co. viz. balance of a bond, 13th July 17^8, for pagodas 106,71 l. ; and bond lilli July 1798, for pagodas 56,o-jo. of the Nabob Omdiit ul Onii'ab, for money lent on account of the Company's Kifis; and two bonds of the Nabob Wallajah, one dated ill .lemadce Of 'u.-e l-20a, for pagodas 88,000.; the other ill Jeniadee .Oof. noe 1-211 Ik'giree, for pagodas ^15,000. for money leni on the fame account ------- .\vadaunuin Paupi.ih Braminy ; — Eight bonds of the Naljob Omdut id Omrab, detained by MctVrs. Tulloh and Co. as fecuvity for a debt owing to them l)y Paupiah ; four dated l2lh Julv 1797; one. for pauodas ao'.ooo. one for pagodas 50,001.. oiie for pagodas 60,000. aiid one for jiagodas 70,000.; and four others, dated 13th July 179S ; one for pagodas 57,000. one for pagodas 5'2, 000. one for pagodas 55,000. and one for pag'-dus 41,77-2. '2-2. o. ; for money advanced on account of the Company's Kiils - - - - - Av.tdauiumi Paupiah Braminy; — Four bonds of the Nabob Wallajah ; viz. I4lh December 1785, for pagodas 1,50,000.; 2Sth December 1785, for pagodas 10,000.; 14th Novem'.ie; 1789, for pagodas 50,000.; and 7lh June 170-2, for pagodas 52,000 for money lent ------- .\vadauuum Paupiah Braminy ;- — Three obligations of the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah ; viz. — A bond iftjuly l8oi,for pagodas 80,394.11. o. for money lent ; a Cararnainab, for three bonds of liulTan ul .Mulk, namely 12th June 1798, for |>agodas 1,00,000.; 13th July 1798 for pagodas 1,00,000.; and fame date for pagodas 79,548. for money lent on account of the Kilts for .Arcot, and bond aoth January 179'^, foi- pagodas 10,000. being money paid to .Ale.xander Binny, for arrears of pay due to him by the Nabob - - - - \vadaunum Paupiah Braminy ; — Clanns on the following boiuls of and for the balances oii'f«>ur accounts with the l^ljah of V'encatagherry ; vi/. a bond for pagodas -21, 223 ; a ditto for pkundofs, fou anri heir of V'encaiy Dofs .'^oucar, deccafed, A!elii:i. Ilaringtou and Co. attoinies to; - Bond, 2gih Maich 1780, of the Nabob Wallajah, for monev lent - - . Barrett '"ottnil, deceali-d, Zaciiariali I'olack, attorney for Joliii MaitiH. iidmiullirator to the eliate of the l.itc : — liond, 4lh .May 17S0, of the Nabob Wallajah, for money lent - - - - - - .- -'- Ij.iguv.in I")ofs, fon uikI heir of Damodara Hofs, Cieorpc ll-ilyburlon, el(|. attorney for ;- (Jbligatiou, loth January '77j> ^f ^'"^ Nabob M'ullajah, for jewclk fupplied - -i of Tlie Principal ol" TI1P CLiinis [11 lltc Com r|K*i;ine r.ig-:.das. F. C: 84,000 O O 05,000 O O 110,000 O O 3: 1.775 21 o 405,772 -22 O 262,000 o o 369,942 11 o ,")9,G56 o 24,279 o 60,500 o o 3A^7 80,000 o o A.MOi:;\r of The Principnl and Intereft [11 Slcrlin;; .Aloncv. £. s. d. 63,233 6 19 92,625 o o 104,210 8 1 187,286 14 « 213,716 16 o 190,650 10 3 136,495 14 S 49,222 8 o 10,689 2 10 66,315 19 I 3,990 10 o 115,397 6 ii> CARNATIC COIMMISSIONERS. Gi N". i6i. 46g. C L A I RI A N T S. 272. 273- E.ilamiiokiin Dnfs, the fon, and (urder Dol's, tlx". nephew of Veiii-aly Uofs, Senear ; (icorge Ilulyburlon, (lii. uttDrncy lor; — Debt, 20th Septeiubci- 1780, ol the Nab(>!j;,\Y^Uaj,ili, lor money advcinced - - - - ".' * Bal.tkiltna I'luideyah, and Ramakiltna Pundcyah, lims and heirs of I'lindeah S;ukifevuh llajarani Soucar ; — 15ond, 20th January 1779, of the N'abob ^VaUajah, for money lent Bavan Suncani 15iitt, Mell'rs. Colt, Mart and W'elton, atlornies for Kaniarhuiidra Butt, nephew and adininilirator of; — liond, 15th Shaiiban 1-207 Ilfjiree, of i'..' Nabob Wallajah, for cad) advalicpd -------- Bavany Dol's Nanafaa Soucar, d;;ccafed, grandfons and heirs of -Mofl'rs. Ilanngtun and Co. attornies for; — {^laiui on the followin;^ obligations of the Nabob Wnllajali, for fundiy money tratdattions on a'ToiMit of theCircar; viz. Balance of a bori.i, -ioth June i77t3, for M. pagodas 14,904. — S. pugodas ---...--- l5ulance of two bonds, the ill dated gth July 1788, for pagodas 10,900. the other 2(Jth Noseinbcr 17S8, for paijodas 5.000. Balance of a Ixmd, aoth November 1794, for pagodas 5,516. in the name of Gokl Dol's . - . . - Bond, lit December 1794, in the name of ditto Balance of a bond, 2d .Maich 1794, for M. pagodas 27,509. 1. 16. in the name of ditto - . - - - Balance of an account with the Circar, l2th December 1773, M. pagodas 4,060 J - Intel eft on a bond, 5th May 1795, for pagodas 23,000 the principal of which was difcharged on the 29th Sep- tember foUowmg -------. B;dancL' of an open account with his highnefs Bavany Dol's, Nanalaa Soucar, deceafcd, grandfons and heirs of AJelVrs. ILirington and Co. attornies for ; — Claim on the following obligations of his highnefs Omdut ul Omiah, for fundiy money tranfac i .us on account of the Circar Bond, 12lh Jaauary 1770, in the name of Birjee Dol's Ditto, 26th Auguft 1773, in the name of Cawn Dof«, for P. N. P. 500 Ditto, 15th Odober 1779 - - - - - Ditto, 3d .May 17S0, in the name of Mohnmbol - Ditto, 31ft January 1797, for M.P. 11,815. ghd. and S. P. 6,167. 18. 22. in the name of Golab Dofs Tunka, 26th June 1771, on Kiflna Saltry, renter of Teeioovallum --...--- Note, 16th April 1780, to Ramanaja Row, renter of Teeroovallum, in favour of Pare«k Guzanittee Note -iSth Febiuary 1780, on Vencaliach«llum Naick, renter of the Sunkum at Vellore, in favour of Vencata Dofs Soucar .•.-.... Bavany Dofs, Xanafaa Soucar, grandfous and heirs of Mefl'rs. Harrington and Co. attornies for; — Claim on the following obligations of the Cutcherry of Trichinopoly, for fundry money tranfai5tions on account of the Circar, viz. Bond, 27th July 1789, in the name of Cawn Dofs, for P.N. pagodas 1500 ------- Letter of acknowledgment 23d February 1799, to ditto for P.N. p;igodas 2,021. 4. ....-- Note 29th January 1780, to ditto for S. pagodas 8,415, and P.N. pagodas 449. 2. o. - Letter of acknowledgment, 2d June 17S7, to ditto, for P.N. pagodas 2,146. 15. o. - Bond, 21ft July 178S, in favour of ditto, for P.N. pago- das 1500 ..------. Ditto, 3d Odober 1788, ditto ditto, for P.N. Pagodasi.ooo Ditto, 15th May 1780, ditto ditto for P.N. pagodas 1 1,000 Ditto, 6lh September 1786, ditto ditto for P.N. pagodas 1,158 i Letter of acknowledgement, 12th Oftober 1787, to ditto, for Note, 27th January 1776, to Fathyengar, for P.N. pagodas 449. 2. o. ------- I'loud, 22d February 1775, in favour of Govendofs, for I P.N. pagodas 5,000 --.--.- Ditto, jth Odober 1776, in favour of d'ttto - - - A.\lUl-i\T ol' TIlC J'iilici|i:il «r Tlic Chiinis fii IheCoiii Ipeiificil Pagodas. !■'. C. 3,131 22 40 81,600 o o 5<(,ooy o o 11,540 15 Go 3,000 o o 538 o o 5,000 o o 4,863 41 50 4,466 24 60 460 o o 1,890 o o 1,500 o o 416 30 o 1,150 O O 300 o o 19,164 -25 13 4,049 o o 463 o o 813 o o 1,250 o o 1,684 15 60 8,789 II 30 1,789 4 65 1.250 o o 9,i66 28 o 965 17 40 400 o o 374 »i 30 4,166 28 o 5,000 o o AMOi;.\T of riic rrincipal ar.d Imc-rcit In Slc-iliuij; Money. g^jOyo 16 9 33.356 13 4 »4.7'.>5 1 9 2,285 15 7 373 18 <» 3'294 4 1 2,938 2 4 6,'245 3 M 184 o • 1,194 8 » 2.379 3 »» 5RS 11 4 1,285 10 1 327 9 1 10,45s I II 6,140 o 3 495 9 * 894 5 » 670 o « i,D34 »3 <3 9,703 7 iA- lajah 167. 2. -io. ; and from the Nabob Omdut ul Omiah, pagodas 19. fi. 57. Balajee Row, I'ertian writer; — Arrears due by the Nabol) Omdut ul Omrah -------- Balcoomar, widow of Chumpah Loll, MooJhruft" of Lafcars ; — Refers to the Dufters for the amount clue to him by tlie Nabob Walkijah. Balh/haw Beeuee, duucbler of Syed Abdufumud Caudree ; — Re. fers to the Dufters for arreais of fubfilience money due to her by the Nabob Omdut ul Onirah. Bathlhaw Begum, widow of Meer Goohini U'lffnin, Killtdar of Jam Kailhur ; —Refers to the Dulters for arrears of lubfUtence money due to her by the Nabob Omdut ul (Jmrah. Baakur Nawaz Khan Behadur; — Refers to the Dufters for arrears of lubfiftence money due by the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah. Bathlhaw Sahibi, widow of Sadut Vaur Khan, Killedar of Alliaiioor.aiid mother of.-Mi Nu-khee ; — Reiers to the Dufters for arrears of fubliitcncc money due by the Nabob Omdut ul Onirali.: B;;gama Begum Sahiba ; — Refers to the Dufters for arrears of lubfiflnuee money due by the Nabob Oindutul Omiah. Raiiawau Duls; — .Arrears of lubliflence money due by tlu Nabob Omdul ul Omrah ------ Berry, Andrew, IMq. alli;^nte of tiie heirs of Ravniiy Dofs Nanefau; — 'I wo ho:;ds of the Nabob Waliajah, lor money lent; one for pagodas 2,:j09. to. 28. bearing date i6lh April 177<>; the other for pagodas 3,000. dated nth Aiigufl 1776 -------- lArrv, .\i:drew, l",fq. afllgnec of Verjccvan Dofs, Poordiootam Duf^; — Balance of two bonds of the Nubrb Wallajah, for mmi<-y lent, one lor pagodas 27,300. i4Vh Aiiguli 1750; the other for pagodas 3.5,000. ill !Septe;iibf < 17U0 - Berry, Andrew, l.lq. adignee of Caf.iva Dofs, Daniadara Dofs, Jervee Mahaiia Dofs; — B. dance of )2 Bunds granted by the Nabob Wallajuh, for money lent, dated as follows : Bond, pagodas 1,000, 14th OcioLer 1772 ; .ditto, for 1,150, 2d Noveoilier 1773; ditto, for pagodas 1,000, i6lh January 1773; ditto, for 2,ouo, lolli February 1773; ditto, for 737- 8. 38. 2id May 1773; for 1,000, 2Clh June 1773; for 1,000, 2v!d July 1773; for 2,000, 22d November 1773 ; for [liigod.ia 152. 38. 20. 27U1 Decemlicr 1773; ditto, for 2'^^- ."?'• 7''- --'^ January 1775; ditto, for 308. p. 67. 27lh January 1777; ditto, for 448. 30. 2o. 15th Au- gulll777 - - - * So in die uriginal A M U N T of The Prultipal ol ''"liP Claims 11 tlic Coin fpccificd Paffodas. F. C. 28,609 13.750 O O 64.457 15 O 162 o o 6,000 o o Ag>;regale A Bl O U N V of 'the Piijic'i;ial and Iiacreft [11 SU'iliriK iVor.ry, /.- d. iSG 8 51 15 60 iC;063 » 2 16,792 10 I 48,982 18 s 84 5 » 4,842 \G (3 iSo 59,040 o o 9.722 34 52 6,614 39,851 14 6 '3,8)4 16 » CARNATIC COMMISSIONERS. C3 No. '-293 • eg 4. 295- 296. 097- 298. 299. 300. 301. 30-2. 303- 304- 305 • 306. 307- 308. 309- 310. 311- 312. 313' C r, A I M A N T S. Uerry. Andiew, Efij. alllgneu of Cavalr.im Pmidiah Soucar ; — liond lytli February 1790, of the Nabob Wallajah, fur money l(;ut --------- eriy, Andrew, Kfii. afTignee of Appoo Row, fuu and heir of N:!,ick llanunioiit H,iiiin:ijee ; — lialan;;u of a bond, 6tli May 1790, of the Nabob Wallajah, for money lent - llenlield, I'aul, Elq. decct.fcd ; alligiiees of the eftatc of MetiVs. Ilaringlon and Co. attoriiic-s for ; — Claim for tlic amount awarded to them by a Decree, bearing date ^d March 1781, of tlie late Mayor's Court at Madrafpatnam, ill a fuit bidujjhthy the laid adignees againft the late Ameer 111 Omrah --------- C'.;nei-hund, MoolhrufF; — Arrears due by the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah --------- IJeebee Yohen Sahebu, widow of iMohummud Nizzamoaddeeii Ihikeem ; — Refers to the Dufters for the amount due to her late hulband by the Nabobs Wallajah and Omdut ul Omrah. Begum Scdriba, granddaughter of Saduc liey Khan, Killedar of Woondawali'ee; — Relers to the Dufters for arrears of fublilleiice money due by the Nabob Wallajah to her grand- father. Befbeenah Bee; — llefers to the Dufters for arrears of fubfiO- ence money due her late Ion Meer Abdul Kliader, Jagheic- darof Timrce, by the Nabob Wallajah. Beebee Sahiba, widow of Noorooddeen Mohummud Khan, liulhmut lung l>e!rd 113,639 «8 • 1,080 1707 CIiucl 3-798 28 10 5 3 C5 32 5 204 21 67 10 24 o 13s 0^5 9 8 1,149 10 64 FIFTH R I-: PORT cf the / 7 SH- 3«5- 316. 317- 5iS. S'9- 320. 321. 3-22. 323- 324- 325- 326. 327- 328. 329- 330. 531- 332. 333. C L A I .M A N T S. A M O U .N 1' cf T!ie Principal <.f The Claims 111 the Cuia rjiCcifiocl. " ■ Uowaiinec Dfifs, fon and lieir of I'aUhund Jlooflinift' ;— Ar- rears cine Iroiu the Nabob \Val:ajali lo his i'all.er, rupees- 36/7, or Bogawunt Roy, accountant; — Arrears due from the Nabob Onidui ul Omrah ..._-.- Bowannee Dofs, Peiflicar Suddaret ; — Arrears due from the Nabob Onidiit ul Oiiirah -._.-. Bowanny Pcrfaiid, Moolhrufl'; — Arrears due by the Nabob Oaidut ul Oniiah .----.- Bookun ud-dein, fon of Mullapha All Khan; — Refers ic the Dufters for arrears of fublilieate inonej- due by the Nauob Onidut ul Oinrah. Bohree Eeebee, widow of Nujjeeboollah Khan; — Refers to the Dufteis for arrears of lubfiUence money due oy the Nabob Omdul ul Omrah. Briggs, Mr. Titus; JSIeli'rs. Biuny and Dennifon, agents for \V. Faiilie, efq. adniiniftrato;' to the eftate of the late Mr. Eif!eguiii. Alter in-l,iw of Mali Begum; — I!el'ers to the Dufters (or arrears of fubfiUence money due by the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah Bydypaly, \enkiah l!r,;iiiiny ; -Bond, 28th Angnll 1785, of liic .Nabob Wallajah, for money lent - . - . I'ydypaty, \'enkiah Braminy, aliignee of .Mrs. S..^. Smart, udininiftrahix ot Colonel Sniirt, dcccafed ; — Bond, lit No- vember 1797, of the Nabob Onidut ul Omrah, for mone\ lent _---■- (^aniphtll, John, l.ite of the 33d regiment of foot ; — Malabar paper, r.iid lo be an obligiition of the late Nabob, for money ad%anceil to Moorliapali Row on account of the Nabob, on the ifl rebruary 1798, claimed as due from Omdut ul Omrah ; (pi- 2,043 9 ^ 31,806 o o 18,353 16 G 10,942 30 15 132 o Rupees. 2,217 12 O Rupees. 980 O O 1,157 6 00 15,739 4 lo 113 1 ■? 85,000 O O 2,000 o o 1,700 o ,178 12 7 1,113 13 893 12 O CARNATIC COMMISSIONERS. 65 No. CLAIMANTS. 33*- 335- 336. 337' 338. 339. 340' 341- 342- 343- 344- 345- 346. 347- 348- 349- 350. Cafamajor, J. H. eiq. ;— Claims as holding a bond in his own niinie, for money lent to the Na,lJob Wallajah by Anvcr Ally Koum, who mortgaged it to Giidara Dots tor pagodas 7,100, to he repaid in 12 months ; but not lendenug it at the appointed time, it became the property of Girilara Dols; he afterwards alTlgned it to diaries ^lrtrr for pagodas 5,500, who, in confideration of the like fain, alligntd it lo J. 11. Cafamajor --------- Carnatic Infurance Company ; Edward Watts, attorney for the (x)miTiittce of the late ;— Bond, itl January 1794, of the Nabob Wallajah, for money lent - - - - - Cavalram Poondiah, !Soiicar ; .loha TuUoh, efq. truftee for the creditors of; — Bond, 2 ill January 1790, of the Nabob Wallajah, for money lent ------ Cavalram Goiiiaftab, of liooderjee, Nattogee Soiicar ; MefTrs. Ilarington and Co. attornies for; — Balance of ateep, 14th September 1780, of the Nabob Wallajah, for pagodas 71,710; a cararnamah, 19th May 1790, for pagodas 1,00,000; another ditto, 11th February 1789, for pagodas 10,000; another ditto, 5th Auguft 17R9, for pagodas i2,ooo; and anenoetnamah, dated 28tli July 1790, for pa- godas 10,000, being for money advanced on difierent occa- lions to the Nabob Wallajah ; and two bonds, one dated 8th Odober 1774, for pagodas 4,000 ; the other, ift Ja- nuary 1775, for Porto Nova pagodas 3,000, of the Ameer ul Omrali, for money lent ------ Cavalram Gomaftah, of Booderjee Soucar ; Mefirs. Haring- ton and Co. attornies for; — Bond, 27th March 1780, of the Nabob Wallajah, for money lent - - - - Canacafubbay Pillay, fon and heir of Vadocanada Pillay ; — Bond, 9th April 1789, of the Nabob Wallajah, for money lent Caunthythud Pundiah, fon and heir of Ramnada Pundiah ; Mefl'rs. Colt, Hart and Wefton, attornies for ; — Balance due on eight bonds, granted by Ettabar Cawn, Fouzdar of the Tinnevelly dilhiit ; payment guaranteed by a funnud of the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah to Ranuiada Pundiah and Suncara Butt, and bearing date 7th Shaval liloHejeree, for money lent to the Circar ou account of the Company's kifts Catta Vullaba Dofs, Soucar, mortgagee of Melirs. Chafe and Co. adminiftrators to the eftate of the late Dr. Adam Blackader, affignee of the adminiftratri-K to the eftate of Colonel Charles Smart, deceafed ; — Bond, ift November 1797, of the Nabob Omdut ul Omrab, [nr money lent Cafleenauth, Khczana Servant ; — Arrears due from the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah -------- Calheeperfaud, Peilhcar Suddaret ;— Refers to the Dufters for the amount due to him from the Nabob Wallajah ; and claims as due from the Nabob Oiiidut ul Omrah Cailieeperfaud, reprefentative of liis brother Subfook Roy ; Peilhcar Suddaret ; — Arrears due by the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah ---_--.-. Cajab Shahabooddeen, fon of Caujah Lawkut Bukfh :— Refers to the Dufters for arrears of fubfiiieiice money due to his late father, his late brother, and himfeli', by the Nabob Wallajah ; and claims as due to himfelf by the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah -------- Caiider Ahmud ; — Refers to the Dufters for arrears of fub- fiftence money due by the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah. Cauder Ifinaeel Moullim ; — Refer* to the Dufters for arrears of fubfiUeuce money due by the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah. Cawzim Beg, darogah of elephants and camels ; — Arrears of fubfiftence money due by the Nabobs Wallajah and Omdut ul Omrah, rupees 7,390, and money lent for purchaliug food for the elephants and camels, pagodas 486 Calder, Mr.; Johannes Howan; \\. D. Brodie, efq. attorney for Mr. Ellas Minas, one of the executors to the will of the late ; — Bond, 2 ill Rajib 1 192 Higeree, of tlie Nabob Omdut ul Omrah, for articles fupplicd . - - - . Chambers, W. ; — Tunka, 26th July 1775, of the Nabob Wa- lajah, in the name of John De Fries, but for his benefit, for the value of articles fold ; MeflVs. Adrian, John, and Lewis De Fries, executors of the late John De Fries AMOUNT "I' The Principal cf Tlie Cluims fii tin* Coin fpecifipfi Pagodas. F. C. 43.403 4 o 19,000 o o 43.478 11 59 199,500 o o 90,000 o o 90,000 o o Chnckrums. 154.598 o o 9,439 o o 36 14 5 386 3 7 101 40 €2 Annas. 368 5 O •2,597 19 10 2,731 O 21 2,520 o o Azgrcgafe A U U U N T of Principal and Inlcrell III Slerliiic' Moncv. The £■ *• '!■ / 40,760 10 6j 12,330 12 o 29,840 11 io.| 141,208 15 11 98,675 10 I 63,180 o • 54,484 10 o 5,345 19 10 2,354 i8 7 3,317 »i 7 21, 66 FIFTH REPORT of the ^ No. 332. 353- 354- 355- .356. 357- 358. ^59- 360. 361. 362. 363- 364- 3C5. 3i;(i. .3C7. A M O U N T of The Principal of The Cl'iiins In llieCoin Ipecified Pagudas. F. C. 100,000 o o 85,000 o o 42,000 o o ^,68. 369- 37"- Chengleroy Pilluv, fon and heir of Awady Pillay; — Bond, 4th November 1784, of the Nabob Wallajah, for money lent ---------- Chullah Kiftniab, fon of Chullah Pooneacoty ; IMelTis. Ha- rington and Co. attornies to ; — Bond, 6th July 17S7, of the Nabob Walhijah, for money lent ----- Cbunda Munny, fon and heir of JNIohunna Ram; George Il^lybinton, efq. attorney for; — Bond, 12th January 1780, of tlie Nabob W allajah, for money lent - . - - Cbadarmgapatani Cunniah Chitty, fon and heir of Cbada- ringapatam Butchmanah Chitty Soucar, deceafcd ; Meflrs. Dalryniple and Greig, attornies for ; — Bond, 24th Auguft 1797, of the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah, for money ad- vanced --------- Childrcns Tontine Fund, truftees of the ; mortgagees of MefTrs. Tnlloh, Brodie, Ilalyburton, and Co. affignees of the late Charles Walters, efq.; — Bond, I2th July 1798, of the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah 10 Paupiah Braminy, for money lent ---------- Childrens Tontine Fund, truftees of the ; mortgagees of Meflrs. TuUoh, Brodie, Halyburton and Co. allignees of A. Paupiah Bramniy ; — Two bonds, 12th July 1797, one for pagodas 10,000 ; the other for pagodas 30,000, of the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah, for money lent - - - - - Childrens Tontine Fund, tvuftecs of the ; mortgagees of IMeffrs. TuUoh, Brodie, Ilalyburton and Co.; aflignees of Govinda Narrain ; — Bond, 2Sth July 1790, of the Nabob Wallajah, in the name of Sooboo Row, for money lent, the property of Govinda Narrain - - - . ^ . . Chitumbanim; — Bond, 2otli September 1786, of the Nabob Wallajah, for money lent .----. Chinnia Ciollyab Chitty ; -Debt, ift February 1790, of the Nabob Wallajah, for articles fupplied - - - . Chambers, iMr. W. ; Meflrs. Tulloh, Brodie, Ilalyburton and Co. attornies to the executors of the late Perwennah, dated I ith Jcmaudee ul Awal 1190 llegiree, for rupees 50,000, of the Nabob Wallajah, for fervices performed Cliooraniunn, Wootfuddce ; — Arrears due from the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah -------- Chooraniun, MoollirutV; — Arrears due from the Nabob Omdut ul Onfrah --_- .---. Chanduee Beebee, widow of Ilukeem Golam Moyuddeen ; — Refers to the Dufters for the amount due to liei late hu(l>aiid. Cliaboo Heebee, widow of Abdul Shokoor Khan ; — Arrears of fubliflence money due by the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah Cbumbalee I\laa ; — Refers to the Dufters for arrears of fub- liflence money due by the Nabob Omdut nl Omrah. Coiinell, Doctor A. aliignee of Alexander Brodie; Meflls. llarington and Co. attornies for; — Bond, 30th May 1777, of the Nabob \Valhijah, for monev lent - - - - Coovoor Mooliah Moodclliar, rtpiefentative of his father the late Coovoor V'idenatha Moodelliar; —Balance upon four bonds of the Nabob Wallajah; viz. 15th Jemadce ul Awal Hejcree ligi, for pagodas 3,800. 28. 10. 15th Jumadee 111 .'\wal Ilejeree llyl, for pagodas 1,380. 28. 10.; 13th Rajelj Mejeree 1191, for Madras pagodas 20,513. 3 1. annas ;— Balance of u bond, glh Zellajjah, Ilejeree 1193, for p.igoi^as 100,000; and Islter of acknowledgment, lith , Rajeb, Ilejeree 1191, for pagodas 25,000 - - . 102,188 22 2o Coiidraignla .laggeniaiit Row Kawnuirfoo ; — Two bonds of the Nabob Wallajali, for money lent ; one dated I4lh March 1783, for pagodas 1,15,000; the other, 14th June 1784, for |)ngodas 85,000 ..-.--- 200,000 o o Collab Singanah Chetty, uflignee of the adminiftrutor; to the eftate of Gov( r(hina Dols, Birjec Dofs;— Bond, Uitli Fe- bruary 1779, of the Nabob Wallajah, for money ad- vanced ---.---."- 47,000 o o Colt, Ihirt, and Weflon, Meflrs. attornies and aflignees of I'ool Pool .SeUih Ramiah and Narafenialoo, heirs of Pool Pool Bagavaloo, alfignee of Antonio De So'iza; —Obliga- tion, 21U Jamiaiy 1779, of the Nabob Wallajah, for goods fold and cafii advancod - - - - • - - - 32,448 o o AgL'regiiio A MO U N T of The Principal and Intereft In Sterling Moiicj. 40,000 O o 10,000 O O 35,000 o o 2,245 12 O 14,285 28 70 161 13 77 373 -25 25 Rupees. 1,192 o o 10,000 o o 62,657 «6 2 46,460 4 • 70,000 o o 37,412 12 9 53,000 o o 27,392 3 4 21,473 6 i ^,759 8 loj 29,668 6 6 1,400 18 1 18,231 7 u 12,319 15 7 117,620 4 6 '"5,725 11 s 54>034 7 » 37,4 '<> vj 3 CARNATIC COMMISSIONERS. 67 ■No. 371- 37'2- 373- 374- 875' 376- CLAIMANTS, A i\I O U i\ T of The Piincip'il of The Claims In llie ('oiii li)ectfie(i 378. 379- 3S0. 381- 382. 383. 384- 385- 386. 387- 388. 389. 390. 39». Colt, Hart, and Weflon, Mefllis. attoinies and udignees of Vencata llama Chitly; — Bund, lylh Scpteiubei- 1785, of the Nabob Wallajah, inone.y advanced . . - - Colt, Hart, and Wefton, Mcfl'rs. attornics and alTignees of Sooroovajah Cafaviah and .). X'encataroj loo, nephews and heirs of Sooroovajahal Ramafawmee ;--Obligation, 23d Auguft 1785, of the Nabob Wallajali, for money ad- vanced ...------ Colt, Hart, and Wefton, MeiTrs. attornies and afllgnees of Lingapah Bramin, fon and heir of Zaggupah Duballi ; — Obligation, 14th January 17S4, of the Nabob Wallajah, for money lent ...-..-- Colt, Hart, and Wefton, MelTrs. afliguees of Rajah Roie, widow of Rajah C^opulali Bnie, fon and lifir of .Sama Row Soucar ; — Obligation, •24th January 1779, of the Nabob Wallajah, for balance due on a tuuka, formerly granted to Sama Row --------- Colt, Baker and Co. MelTrs. aflignees of Mr. Charles Darke ; Medrs. Colt, Hart, and Welton, attornies to ;— Bond, 12th Aiigiill 1777, of the Nabob Wallajah, granted for lot's fuf- tained on the purchafe of an uiveliiuent, by his order (fee above No. 404.) ---«---- Colt, Hart, and Wefton, MelTrs. attornies and aflignees of Verjeevan Dofs, grandfon and heir of Gaverdhun Dols ; — Bund, 28th July 1793, of the Nabob Wallajah, for calh advanced --------- Colt, Hart, and Weflon, MeiTrs. attornies and alTignees of the heirs of Bocunjee Caufee Dofs, deceafed ; — Bond, 14th February 178S, of the Nabob Wallajah, for calh ad- vanced --------- Colt, Hart, and Wefton, MelTrs. attornies and aflignees of Verjee Bocun Dofs, fun and heir of Damadur Dofs ; — Bond, '2oth Ajjril 1795, of the Nabob Wallajah, for cafh advanced Colt, Hart, and Wefton, MefiVs. attornies and aflignees of Verjee Bocun Dols, fon and heir of Damadur Dofs; — Bond, 13th Auguft 1794, of the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah, foi calh advanced -------- Colt, llart, and Wefton, Meflrs. attornies and aflignees of Catta Vallaba Dofs ; — Bond, 15th July 1796, of the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah, for cafli advanced . - - - Colt, Hart, and Welion, Meft'rs. attornies and aflignees of Balainoocun Dofs, for himfelf, and as heir of Berjee Alookun Dofs; — Three bonds; viz. 13th Auguft 1794, for pagodas 40,000 ; 7th July 1794, for pagodas 40,000 ; and 3otli April 1704, for pagodas 1 2,000, of the Nabob Wal- lajah, for cafli advanced ------ Colt, Hart, and Wefton, MeflTrs. attornies and afTigne.es of Golaub Dofs; — Bond, 26th June 1792, of the Nabob Wal- lajah, for cafli advanced ------ Colt, Hart, and Welton, Meflrs. attornies and aflignees of Ap- poo Naig, fon and heir 0! Yogafliur Raniajee;— Bond, 15th February 1780, of the Nabob Wallajah, for catti advanced Condapah Naick, fon and heir of Soubaroy Naick ; — Bond, 5th November 1784, of the Nabob Wallajah, for money lent .-.---.--- onarv Row, fon and heir of Govindah Naick ; — Bond, 2d July 1786, of the Nabob Wallajah, for money lent - Condalagera Jyer, nephew and heir of Venc.ilah Sonbah Jyer; — Bond, 5th Auguft 1799, of the Nabob Wallajah, for money lent --------- Colunda Pillay, fon and heir of Jyafwamy Pillay; Tumbeacha Pillay, attorney for ;— Bond, 20th Zilcad, 1199 llegiree, of the Nabob Wallajah, for money lent - - - - Coopa Row ; \X. D. Brodie, efq. attorney by fnbftitution for ; — Debt, of the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah, for ai rears of falary ---------- Cootee Row, Mootfuddee ; Madhoo Roy, attorney for ; — Ar- rears due b)' the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah - - - Cowul Nync, Seriflitadar; — Refers to the Dufters for tiie amount due to him by the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah. Comarapah Hukeem ; — Refers to the Dufters for the amount due by the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah. Pagodiu. F. C. 41,000 o o 60,000 o o 75,000 o o 95,ooQ o o 18,000 • o 65,000 o o 65,000 o o 57,000 o o 62,000 » o 58,000 o o A(;Kri;Ki»lo A fll O U N T of The Principal m\i hiicrc'ft luSlt-rliug Money, 92,000 o o 3,5,000 o o 65,000 o o 59,000 o o 8S,ooo o o 55,000 o 50,000 o o 411 60 68 25 25 £. s. d. 34,762 10 S 50,968 o • 68,515 o • 109,547 12 !• 21,996 17 f 42,843 13 4 51,354 S t 35,207 O • 36,896 17 9 32,193 2 2 58,518 13 4 23,984 6 8 71,262 6 10 51,632 17 5 76,866 12 • 39,266 14 o 187 15 ♦ 6S FIFTH REPORT of the No. H 392. 393- 394- 395. 396- 397- 398. 399- 400. 401. 402. 403. 404. 4"5- 406. 407 408 40?' CLAIMANTS. A M O U N T of The Principal of The Claims In the Coin fpfcified At;:rrt'pato A xM O U K T of The Principal and InUnel In Slcrlni^ Aloiipy. Comaraputcliah ; — Refers to the Dufteis for the amount due by the Nabobs Wallajah and Omdut ul Omrah. Collins, Major General Edward; Lieutenant Charles Randall, adminiftrator to tlie eCtate of the late; — Balance of a bond, 11th Malfee, 1,204 Fiiflee, granted by Nizamooddeen Ahniud Khan, renter of Arcot, for money lent on account of the Company's kills ------- Cuftoiy Chetty, fon and heir of Rungiah Chitty; — Two bonds of the Nabob Wallajah, for aioney lent ; one dated lylh July 1785, for pagndas 95,000; the other, 311I of Auguft 1789, for pagodas 35,000 - . - - - Cundapah, fon and perfonal reprefentative of N. Mootiah ISIoodelly, deceafed ; — Debt of the late NabobsWallajah and Omdut ul Omrah, for arrears of falary , . - - Cuzzo, Lawrence ; George King, attorney for ; — Debt of the Nabobs Wallajab, Ameer ul Omrah, and Omdut ul Omrah, for arrears of pay ------- Cullour Vencata Narrain Braminy ; — Two bonds, one dated 111 June 1801, for pagndas 2,000; the other, ift May 1801, for pagodas 4,000, of the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah, for money lent -------- Cundapah Palee Chitty, heir of Singanah Chitty his father, and of Juldoo Chitt}' his uncle ; W. D. Brodie, efq. at- torney for ; — Three acknowledgements of the Nabob Wal- lajab, viz.: 30th July 1775, for pagodas i,1q6. 22. c; 26lh March 1776, fur pagodas 800. o. o. ; and 5th March 1777, for pagodas 171. ig. o. for articles fupplied - Cunda Row, Moofhruff; — Refers to ;the Dufters for the amount due to him from the Nabob Wallajah ; and claims as due from tjie Nabob Omdut ul Omrah - - - Cummenioddeen MuhummndCawzee, nephew of Hamodood- deen Khan; — Refers to the Dufteis for the amount of fub- fifience money due to his uncle by the Nabob Wallajah. Cummerooddeen ; — Refers to the Dufters for arreais of fub- fiftence money due by the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah. Dadarow, fon and heir of Nurrahurry ; — Bond, 3d Rajub 1 199, of the Nabob Wallajah, for money lent - - . Dalryniple, Kirbv, eiq. aflignee of W. D. Brodie, efq. affignee of Ryaful Nifla Begum; S. H.Cireig, attorney for; — Bond, 2'2d July 1785, of the Nabob Wallajah, for money lent ---------- Darke, .Mr. Charles; MclTrs. Colt, Hart, and Wellon, attor- nics to ; — Bond, 12th Auguft 1777, of the Nabob Wallajah, granted for lofs fuftained on the purchafe of an inveftmeist by his order. — (See No. 375) . - - . . Darke, Mr. Charle*;; MelTrs. Colt, Hart, and Wellon, attor- niesfor; — I'alance of a tunkah. 111 Otlober 1776, of tlje Nabob Wallajah, for articles fupplied - - - - N. B.--.\ bond appears in the London Gazette, (No. 152.) Snme fum and date mortgaged to Scottney. Darke, Mr. Charles ; Meflrs. Colt, Hart, and Wcflon, attor- nies for ; — Debt of the Nabob Walhyah, for cafli advanced, and goods delivered at different periods to Sinnfamud Dow- lah Kyrodeen Cawii Behaiuli-randhis hroiliers, for the pay- ment cf which his Ilighnefs delivered to Charles Darke, on fecurity, two bonds of Tuljajee, Rajah of Tanjore, one in favour of Mr. James May, for rupees 430,000, di'ed 8th Sept»mber 1782, and the other in favour of Mr. Cala- major, lor rupees 150,000, d.itcd 25tii March 1773 - Darke, Mr. Cliarles; Meflrs. Colt, H.;rt, and Wclion, attor- nies for;— Debt of the Nal)ob \Vallaj.;h, for arreais of pay as hoiifeiiold fteward to the Nabob - - - . - Darke, Mr. Charles; Meliis. Cult, Hart, and Weflon, attoi* nies of ; — NimUeii bonds, ill January 1786, of the Nabob Omdi;t 111 Omrah, for money lent, li\Uen of win li are iiiortgai;ed (o d.iii-rent pcrfons, as fecurity for fuins bor- rowed of them -----.-. Darojec, fon ;i d heir of Tlnnn Sing, .Mootfuddec ; — Refers to the Diiujrs for the amount due to him by the Nabob Wallajah. Pagodas. F. C. 3,287 O O 1 30,000 o o 719 16 3 147 00 6,000 o o 2,267 41 o 86 23 50 95,000 o o 1 0,000 o o 18,000 o o 4,502 26 60 47,407 33 5« 36,000 o o 194,843 o o £. s. d. J,755 10 6g 98,068 10 1 538 4 4 186 15 o 2,761 7 5i 2,955 I 10 6,257 >" tf 21,596 17 9 140,521 17 8 CARNATIC COMMISSIONERS. 6^ No. 410. 411, 412. 4»3- 414. 415. 416. 417. 418, .419. 420. 4>21. 422. 42 3- 424. 4'25. 426. CLAIMANTS. Dava BocunjeeCaufee Dofs, the adminiftratrixes to tlieeftateofi — Cl.iituon the t'lillovving obligations of the Nabol) Wallajali ; viz. Bond, 31II May 1780, i'orpagodas 315,000 inonoy advan- ced ; bahiui'e of a bond, Slh Jaiuiaiy 1761, for paj^odas 39,602. 20 f. 40c. money advanced ; Faiortnaniah, dated 4th June 176 1 , for rujjees 50,000, money lent ; a written promile, dated 2!)tli May 1763, to pay 8,000 pagoda^;, being the bahince (lueonaTeep, for pagodas 15,000; Tuiikah, 'jpthJanuary 1776, forjiagodas 11,400, money lent, and amount of an account cur- rent for varioi-s funis advanced and articles fnpplies at different periods, and for commifllon charged as agent to the Nabob - Dava Bocunjee Caufee Dofs, the adniiniltratrixes to the eftate of; — Claim on three obligations of the late Ameer ul Om- rah, dated as follows : 19th July 1780, for pagodas 28,750, another, the fame date, for pagodas 40,000 ; and 3d Fe- bruary 1770, for pagodas 9,023, being money advanced to the Ameer for the ufe of the Nabob Wallajah - - - Dava I'ooroolhottana Vencatafoo, grandfon and heir of Dava Caferam Soory Dutt, Soucar : — Bond, cd April 17S3 of the Nabob Wallajah, for money lent ----- Dava Pooroolhottiina Vencatafoo, grandfon and heir of Dava Caferam Soory Dutt Soucai, and Unrykilina N'encatafoo ; — Bond, 1 lib. OiHober 1788, of tlie Nabob Omdut ul Om- rah, for money lent --.-... Dava Boocunjcc Caufee Dofs, Rajah Row attorney for the adminilhatrixes of the eftate of: — Five bonds of the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah ; viz. gth Auguft 1779, for Porto Nova pagodas 200: lOth September 1770, for P.N. pagodas 50 ; l8tli November 1781, for P.N. pagodas 1,200; 5th No- vember 1773, for P.N. pagodas 500 ; 17th February, for P.N. pagodas 600, lor money lent - P.N. pagodas - Dava Bucaiijee Caulee Dots, Rajah Row attorney for the ad- miniliratri.xes to the eftate ol : — Throe bonds of the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah; viz. i6th Otfober 1783 for pagodas 5,182. 25. 25 ; 24th July 1779, pagodas 2,500; 1 ith Oc- tober 1783, for pagodas 200, for money lent . - - Dava Boocanjes Dols, Rajah Row attorney for the adminif- tratrixes to the eftate of ;— Bond, 24th January 1781, of the Naliob Oinilut ul Omrah, for money lent - - . Dava Row, Seriltadar; — Refers to the Duftersfor the amount due to him by the Nabob Omdut i;l Omrah. De Fries, John, elq. alhgnee of Kilhen Row; — Four bonds of the Nabob Wallajah ; viz. 13th March 1780, for pagodas 55,619 ; 9lh January 1784 for pagodas 72,000 ; lolh July 1792, for pagodas 96,000 ; acd 17th September 1793, for pagodas 75,000 for money lent ..... De Fries, John, and De Monte, John, allignees of Amboody Poody, Ramachindria Braminy, aliignee of Roya \''cncata Row i5raminy ;— Bond, 15th January 1786, of the Nabob Wallajah, for money lent ..-..- De Fries, John, affiguee of Vencaty Narafoo Pillay ; — Balance of a bond, 6th September 1777, of the Nabol) Wallajah, for monev lent ---..--. De Fries, Adrian and Co. MeiTrs. aflTignees of ^■'urda Dofs Harcl,63i 4 7 1,587 4 10 1,500 00 812 9 9 030 19 40 25,588 14 o 14,250 o o 15,250 o o 84,000 o o 78,274 25 25 385 '3 77 90,000 o o 6,548 44 62 An 4.732 o 5i 3-9'9 o o 506 5 54 10,235 6 3I 5,700 o o 9,691 10 6 69,692 1 1 3.- ^- C. loll, 13nidie, ll.ilyburton, and Co. aflignecs of Mis. Ignatia Halmj'er, adminillratrix to the eltates of CapLiia James Iladdle and Mr. J.Giti'ord; iMcnVs Binny and Dennifon attornies for ;— Bond, '2d September 1778, of the Nabob W'allajjh, for arrears of pay and allowances - - - I'aiz Mahomed Khan, Vizier ul NelTa Bep,uiii, his mother and her daughter in Uuv, Ralunniit ul Nella I'eguiii ; W. U. Bro- die, cfq. attorney to ; — Debt of the Nabob Omdutul Onuab for arrears of pay and penfion ------ Fakir Mohunimud, Darogab of the hnufchold ; — llefers to llie Duflers for arrears of lubfilience money, due by thi Nabob Ouidiit ul Odiiah. [''atiiiia Sababa, widow of Sliaik Mahoirier!;- Timka, ifl Ra- lieofanoe 1207 liegiree, of the Nabob Wallajah, for arrears of pay .-...-.-. Fatima Sahiba ; — Refers to the Dufters for arrears of fulifift- cncc riioiiey due by the Nabobs Wallajah and Omdul ul Omrah. Fatima Begum, widow of Moluiiiumid Zam.ih Hyder ; —Re- fers to ibe Dufters for arrears of fublilteiice money, due by the Naliob Omdiit ul Omrah Fatima Sahiba, widow of Ahniud Ali ; — Refers to the Dufters for arrears of fubiitlence money, due by the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah to her late hulband. Fatima Beebee ; — -Arrears of fubfidenre money, due by the Nabob Omdut ul Omiah ------ Fatima Begum, widow of Syed Mohummud Khan ; — Refers to the Dufters for arrears of fubljllcnce money, due by the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah. Fatima Beebee Sahiba, and Fatima Begum; — Refers to the Dufters for arrears of fublifteiife money, due by the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah. Fatima Begum, daughter of Ncyjeebboollah Khan, for herfelf and her mother Noorjehaun Begum; — Refers to the Dufters for arrears of fubfiftence money, due by the Nabob Omdut ul Wmrah. Fazeelat Beebee ;— Refers to the Dufters for arrears of fubfift- ence money, due by the Nabob Omdut ul Omraii. Fifcher, George, balance of an account current with Mahomed Jaffeir Cawn Behauder, Mouftagee and Fou^dar of the Tin- nevelly Diftrift, for cafli advanced with the knowledge and fani^lion of Omdut ul Omrah ------ Fitzgerald, iNIaunce, efq. MelVrs. Binny and Dennifon, attor- nies to ; — Claim for the amount of intcreft due on a bond granted to him by the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah, for arrears of pay as Phyfician to the Nabob, and a certain fum ^vbich was objeded to by the Committee that fat in 1805, as not coming under the denomination of falary, amounting to pa- godas 750 ; the piincip'dl, after a deduc'tioii of the faid 750 pagodas was difcharged, but no interelt was admitted - Fleming, DoiSor Charles, mortgagee of \V. D. Drodie, affignee of .'\bdul Gutter Khan, fon, heir, and executor of Khctoonah Begum; MeflVs. Hunter and Hay, attornies for; — Bond, I4tb Kunizau 1199 liegiree, of the Nabob Wallajah, for the value of gold and filver jewels purchafed by the Na- bob ---------- 12,900 o o Fletcher, Lieutenant Colonel Robert; afTignce of Carafacoolum Caulematy, grandfon and heir of Ranianada I'lllay ; J. D. White, elq. attorney for; — Bond 7th April 1778, of the Nabob Wallajah, for money lent ----- 1-2.^,000 O Fourbeck, .\drian, deceafcd; MelVrs. Adrian, John and Lewis De Fries, heirs and executors of John De Fries, Ffq. deceafed, who was one of the executors of the will of A F'ourbeck ; — Bond, ift May 1778, of the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah, for money lent ------ 15,998 22 40 Freeman, Captain C. ion and reprefentative of the late Cap- tain Freeman:, Meffrs. llarington and Co. attornies to Debt of the Nabob Wallajah, for arrears of pay - - 2,l6-2 40 40 Frith, Captain Arthur, aHignee of Goorapah Chitty; — Bond, lid Augull 17S5, of the Nabob Wallajah, for money lent - 72,500 o Agyrcjate A .M O U N T of the Principal and Inlcreft in Sterling Money. x/ 5.569 4 % 438 17 I Cliuckrnm3. 22,885 o 4.203 14 13 6,goi 6 y i,68i 6 » 10,013 19 <> 148,868 9 10 10,000 1.381 9 1 10 72 FIFTH REPORT of the No. 459- 460. 461. 462. 463- 464. 465- 466. 467. 468. 4C9. 470. 471. 47 'i' 473- 474' 475. CLAIMANT S. Fukheeroonifla Begum, widow of Hukeem Pyed Ahmiid ; — Refers to the Dufters for arrears of fufifteiice money due by the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah. Furhut OonilTa ;— Refers to the Dufiers for arrears of fubfift- ence money due by the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah Furreedooddecn Ahmud Khan ; — Refers to the Dufters for arrears of fubfiftence money due by the Nabobs Wallajah and Omdut ul Omrah. Futtai Shah Sydanee ; — Refers to the Dufiers for arrears of fubfiftence money due by the Nabobs ^Vallajah and Omdut ul Omrah Futlai Shah, widow of Agha Yufoof Koolhnavees ;— Refers to the Dufters for arrears of fublilleuce money due to her late hulband by the Nabobs Wallajah asid Omdut ul Omrah. Futtee NulTeeb Khan; — Refers to the Dufters for arrears of fubfiUence money due by Nabob Omdut ul Omrah. Fuzzela All Shah Mukkaudar ; — Refers to the Dufters for arrears of fubfiftence money due by the Nabobs Wallajah and Omdut ul Omrah. Geree Row, affigneo of Caval Ram ; — Debt of the Nabob Wallajah, for money lent ; and refers to the Durbar ac- counts in proof of his claim ------ Gholam Raiheem ;— Refers to the Dufters for arrears of fubliftence money due by the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah. GholauiTi Mohummud Khan, fon of Mohumtnud Jewad Khan, deceafed ; — Refers to the Dufiers for arrears of fubfiftence monev due to his late father by the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah. Gholaum Ruffool, fon of Goolam Ali Oaftaud ; — Refers to the Dufters for arrears of fubliftence money due by the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah. Girh Row, fon and heir of Roy ^'encatilli Dofs ; — Arrears due from the Nal)ob Wallajah, jiagodas •2,'259. 27. o. and from the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah, pagodas 154. g. 27. - Goard, Captain Benjamin, deceafed, Gilbert Ricketts, Efq. adniiiiiftrator to the eftatc of iSIr. David Young, deceafed, late adniiniflrator to Captain B. CSoard, deeeufed ; — Bond, 2d May IjHi, of ih*^ Nabob Wallajah ; and Tunka, gth )\lay 1794, of the Nabob Orndut ul Omrah, for arrears of pay Gocul Moodoo Kiflnamah Naick, deceafed; Maurty Rungiah, attorney to the adniinifi;alri.\ to the el'tate of; — Two bonds of the Nabob Waiiajah, i-^d May 1789, for pagodas 56,940. 19. 70; and i4tii .^ugufl 1790, for pagodas 1 '>:)65' 33- 72. for money lent on account of the Company's kifts ---.------ Gocul Dofs Vetul Dofs ; MeflTrs. Ilarington and Co. attornies to Moorley Dofs ; Bawany Doli Soucar, executor to the eftatc of Gocul L'ofs Ra!.anad Dofs, who was executor of Gocul Dofs Vetul Dofs; — Bond, 4th July 1786, of the Nabob Wallajah, for money lent - - - . - Cocool DcC, fna and heir of Mukeen Dofi Bowlafia, deceafed : — Bond, 6th Noveniuer 1795, of the Nabob Wallajah, for money lent -------- Ciorool Dofs Mukhan Dofs, fon and heir of Mukhan Dofs r.owlafia ; Vulluh Dofs, aitoiiiey for ; — Balance of a'l'unka, 11 111 .luiip 177(1, for pagodas 12,000, money lent; and two bonds, 19th April 1777, one for pa^.odas 468. 33. o. being on accou: C ot a fu' mer debt ; the other for pagodas 3,336. :o. o. in tiie name of Maadoo Nayer Duba(h, being for the balance of intcieft on a former account ; and bond, 22d November 1777, for pagodas 1,000, in the name of Gocool Ilofs, for rafli lent; granted liy the Nabob WaUa- jah lor the beiiclil ot the laid Mukhan Dols Bowlafla AMOUNT of The Priiicipul of The Claims [ntlie Coin Ipecified, Tagodas. V. C. 2,iOO o o Ageregatc AMOUNT of Tlic Principal and Iiilcreft In Sterling Money. /. s. d. 3.3^5 7 44 2,413 3G 27 4,404 32 70 68,306 II 62 5 1 ,000 o o 86,300 o o 12,835 JO o ■2,614 4 7j 47.505 8 11 38,620 5 6 66,486 9 3 16,363 14 II CARNATIC COMMISSIONERS. 73 No. 476. CLAIMANTS. 477- 478. 479- 480. 481. 482. 483- 484. 485. 486. 4S7. 488. 489. 490. 491- 492. 493- 494- 495- 496. 497' AMOUNT of The Principal of The Claims In the Cuin Ipccified Gocool Dofs Muklian Dofs, fon and heir of Mukhan Dofs IJowlalla; VuUub Dofs, attorney for; — Claims on the fol- lowing obligations of his Highnefs Omdul ul Omrah, viz. : Bond, 12th February 1770, for pagodas 1,487. 2-2. o. for the value of jewels and pearls fold ; one ditto, 17th Oftober 1770, in the name of Vullub Dofs Soondur Dofs Sahoo, for pagodas 7,162, money lent; two 'I'onkas, 2d March 1796, one for pagodas 3,100, the other for pagodas 10,600, in the name of Cajah Sharaier for money lent; a bond 3d Janu- ary 1797 for pagodas 1,962. 22. o. for ditto; a 'I'unka, 15th Ot%bcr 1799, for pagodas 3,150, for money lent and jewels fupplied ; and 'Funkah, 16th October 1799, for pagodas 3,677, for the balance of a former Tunkah - Golab Dofs ; iMelTrs. Colt, Hart, and Welton, attornies for ; — Bond, 28lh Auguft 1793, of the Nabob Wallajah, to Nizamooddcea Mahomed Cawn, for tlie benefit of Golab Dofs, who advanced this amount to pay the marriage ex- pences of a niece of the laid Nizamooddeen Mahomed Cawn, by the Nabob's order ------ Golam Hofain ; — Tunkah, 27th Showal 1191 Hegiree of the Nabob ^Vallajah, for arrears of pay - . - - Golah Roy, Moonftiee ; — Refers to the Dufters for the amount due to him by the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah. I Golab Komer, daughter and reprefentative of Nundolall Pen- fiouer ; — Refers to the Dufters for the amount due to her father by the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah. Golam Iloflain Hukeem ; — Refers to the Dufters for the amount due to him by the Nabobs Wallajah and Omdut ul Omrah. Goolam Moortaza Ilukeem ; — Refers to the Dufters for the amount due to him by the Nabobs Wallajah and Omdut ul Omrah. Golam Mohummud Khan, fuperintendant of the mint at Mo- hummud Bunder ; — Refers to the Dufters for arrears of fub- filience money due by the Nabob ^Vallajah, and claims as due by the Nabob Omdut ul Oinrah . - - . Golam bibuk-toolloh, Ion of Hyder dill Khan ; — Refers to the Dufters for arrears of fubfiftence money due by the Nabob Wallajah. Golam Reza All Khan Behadur Sirgaum Jung; — Arrears of fubliitcnce money due by the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah Golaum Mohummud Khan,darogah of buildings ;— Refers to the Dufters for arrears of fubliftence money due by the Nabob Onidui ul Omrah. Golam Mohummud, darogah of horfes, &c. — Refers to the Dufters for arrears of fubfiftence money due by the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah. Golam Nabbee Khan ;— Arrears of fubfiftence money due by the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah to his nrother Rahaia Beebee 342 pagodas 14 annas, and to his filler Beebee Enayut pagodas 102, annas i^ ------- Goolaum Imam Hofian Cawn Behauder, Meffrs. Ilarington and Co. attornies for ; — Letter of acknowledgement 30th June 1798, of the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah, for money advanced --------- Goolam Moheeooddeen ; — Debt of the Nabob Wallajah, for feeding elephants -------- Goolam .Moheeooddeen; Debt of the Nabob Wallajah, for arrears of pay as agent for the purcbafc of elephants - Goolaum Ruflbol Khan, Akbarnavees; — Refers to the Dufters fur the amount due to him by the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah. Goondo I'undut, Vakeel ; — Refers to the Dufters for the amount due by the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah. Goolaum Moyuddeen, Moonfliee; — Arrears due by the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah ..---.- Goolam Ahmud ;^Refers to the Dufters for arrears of fub- fiftence money due by the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah. Goolam Ghous Khan; — Arrears of fubfiftence money due by the Nabob Wallajah, about _..--- Goolam Hoofl'ain AH Ilafaree; — Refers to the Dufters for arrears of fubliftence money due by the Nabobs Wallajah and Omdut ul Omrah. Payodas. F. C. Aggregate AMOUNT of The Principal and Inlcreft In Sterling Money. 3i.>39 21, u 1,000 R'. 433 o An'. 21,445 13 « 637 R'. 420 2,285 19 10 44: An'. , 12 3,600 R'. 9,466 4,988 R'. 1,001 R'. 5,000 3 •; 1,862 iS 6 1,801 o o 2,776 o 9 7* FIFTH REPORT of tue No. 4,98. 499- 500. 5Q1. 502. 503- 504- 505 506. 507. 50S. 509- 510. 511. / 5'3- 515- 5,6. 517- 5)8. .519. CLAIMANT S. AMOUNT of The Principal of Tbc CLiims In Ilje Coin fpt'cfie'J Goolam Moyuddeen Kooflinavees; — Arrears of fubfiftence money due by the Nabobs Wallajah and Omdut ul Omrah, about ---------- Goolam Ahmud, fon of Deen Moliummud, darogali of ele- phants at Trichinopoly ; — Refers to the Dufters for arrears of fubliftence money due by the Nabob Wallajah, and claims as due by the Nabob Omdut ul Onirah . - - oolani Jelance Khan Behadur Lftiarr Jung, under Killedr.r of Nuthurnugger ; — Arrears of fubfiftence money due by the Nabob Onidut ul Omrah ------ Goolam IlolTain, fuperiiitendant of charities ; — Refers to the Dufters for arrears of lubfiftenre ndoney due by the Nabobs Wallajah and Omdut ul Omrah. Goolam Ali Khan, darogah of the Cutcherry at Arcot; — Arrears of fubfiftence money due by the Nabob Omdut u\ Omrah, about -------- Goolam Ahmud Khan ; — Arrears of fubfiltence money due by the Nabob Onidut ul Omrah ------ Goolam Moyuddeen ; — Arrears of fubfiftence money due bj' the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah, about - - - . Goolam Baaker Ali, fon of Goolam jMoula Ali Khan, akbarnavees, or newswriter at Nelloie; — Refers to the Dufters for arrears of fuljfiflence money due to his lute father by the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah. Goolam Ahbid, fon of Goolam llofl'ain, Moonrtiee; — Refers to the Dufters for arrears of fubfiftence money due by the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah to his late father. Goolam Hofiain ; — Refers to the Dutters for arrears of fub- fiftence money due by the Nabob \\allajah. Gopal Row, fon and hen- of Puttaberam .Iyer;— Bond, Stli December 1780, of the Nabob Wallajah, for money lent -.- Gopau'oo Shrolf ; MeflVs. liarington and Co. attornies for; — Bond, 3otb .-\pril 1789, of the Nabob Wallajah, for money advanced --------- Gopaul Dofs Soucar; Meffrf. liar ugton and Co. .ittornics for; — Bond, 6th Septcmfaer 1794, of the Nabob Wallajah, for money lent - - - - - Gopaiil Dots boucar ; Mefirs. liarington and Co. attornies lor; Bond, igth Maich »774, for Porto Nova pagodas 10,000; a promiffory note date 8th of June 1771, for Arcot Rupees 7,'i45 -j^; and an Knoctiiamah, ad Oflober 1775, for pagodas 882, of tlie Ameer ul Omrah, for money lent --- Gopaul Dofs; Praboo Dofs attorney for; — Balance of a bond, l-2th Mnlnirrum iai6, for pagodas 400; a bond 5th iMohurru'm l'2i6, for pagodas 1,000; and one dilto, 23d Zilhij, for pagodas 5,000, for money lent - - - - Gordon, Dothu, deceafed, Francis Lac.tour and Co. alloruies to Lieutenant Gordon, the conltituted attorney of IMrs. Ann (iordon, executrix of; — Bond, 301I1 November 1777, of the Na'.job Omdut u! Omrah, for arrears of pay - . . Gorec Beebee, widow of Subfook Roy; — PLcfers to the Dufters for the amount due to him by t!ie Nabob Wallajah. Govindapah Naick, fon and heir of Narrain Naick ; — Bond, 5th I'ebruary 1779, of the Nabob Wallajah, for money lent Goverdhun Dofs Birjce Dofs; George Hal\ burton, Efq. at- torney for ; — Balance of a tunka, '24th .January 1775, of the Nobob Wallajah, for jewels iupplied . - - - Goviiid Row, (on and heir of Calfiram Ambaram ;— Bond, I7lh March 1787, of the Ameer ul Omrah, being for the balance due on the fetllementof their accounts Goviud Dofs, Braboo Dofs, attorney for: — pjulauce of a bond, 7th May 180), of the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah, for money lent -- Goverdana Dofs Vcrja Dofs, dece.ifed ; Mootoo Caulilty Chilly, attorney by liibliitulion for Sains Verja Mohoor Dofs Damodara Di3e l5i R\ 1.600 o o 85,000 o o 12,000 O O 50,523 O O I 1,285 20 20 6.303 4- '.^ 6,000 o o 47,000 o o 6,250 28 40 8,271 8 o 3.3>5 15 o A. R'. 10,000 , o o Aggrpg.,te AMOUNT of Tiie Principal and Intcrcll In Sterling Money, £■ *• ''. 00,332 7 1 8,409 ,7 3 ^9.998 4 I 15=840 5 7 0,413 1-2 9 7,246 16 o ri4-i"3 5 5 8,316 o p 6,147 '7 '^ 1,800 4 8 3,882 2 o CARNATIC COMMISSIONERS. 75 Ko. C I- A I M A N T S. A M O U N T of The Principal of The* Cliiiin lu tTic Coin Ipccificd. Agf^regate A IVI O U N T of Tlie l'rin(;i|i:il and Iiilctell III Sterling Monej. Pagodas. A.R'. F. C. 520. Govinda Pillay ; — Claims on two accounts, one dated ift April 1796 ; and theother ift May 1802, for various articles fupplied C71 33 fiy 511. Grant, Walter, Efq. deceafed, executors of; aflignee of Saraoo Dofs Balakiftnania Dofs, heir and adopted fon ofBalakift- nama Dofs ;— Bond, 29th July 1779, of the Nabob Wul- lajah, for money lent -.---.-- 98,397 o 3 522. Grant, Walter, Efq. deceafed, executors of; aflignee of P. Sabroyloo, heir and adopted fon of Pulpully Bagavalno, and alfo aflignee of C. llamafaumy Chilty, the nioi Igage of the claim ;^Balance of a Bond, 29th Zilhij 1199 Ilejiree, of the Nabob Vv'allajah, fur money lent . - . - 55,880 14 70 513, Grant, Walter, Efq. deceafed, executors of; aflignee of D. Lingapah, only fon and heir of Javapali Dubafli ; — Bond, 20th January 1779, of the Nabob Wallajah, for money lent -----..-.. 90,000 o o 524. Grant, Waller, Efq. deceafed, e:;ecutors of ; aflignee of Moorly Dofs Ba^avan Dofs, heir and executor of Gocul Dofs, Ragoonaud Dofs; — Bond, 13th January 1780, of the Nabob Vt'allajah, for money lent ------ 20,000 o o 525. Grant, Walter, Efq. deceafed, e.xccutors of; afTignee of Ba- lamookun Dofs, brother and heir of Virjee Bocun Dofs; — Bond 16th April 1794, of the Nabob VVallajah, for money lent - -- - - - - - - - 50,000 o 526. Grant, Walter, Efq. deceafed, executors of; aflignee of Ma- homed Nijabit Ali Khan; — Bond, 11th January 1801, ot the Nabob Wallajah, for money lent - - . - 527. Gudgeput Roy, fon and heir of Gopenauth Seriftadar ;— Refers to the Dufters for the amount due to him by the Nabob Wallajah. 528. Gujaput Roy Mootfuddee ; — Arrears due by the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah --------- 529. Guniflam Dofs, heir of Samul Dofs; George Halyburton, Efq. attorney for; — Five bonds'* of the Nabob Wallajah, viz. Bond 25th July 1788, for pagodas 24,000 : ditto, 7lh March 1787, tor pagodas 95,000; ditto, nth December 1786, for pagodas 80,500 ; ditto 5th September 17S7, for pagodas 14,600, money advanced at difi'erent jieriods ; and an obli- gation i8lh November 17S6, for pagodas 14,098. 16. ]0. being ca(h paid to Sir Archibald Campbell by his order Guniflam Dot's, heir of Samuel Dofs ; George Halyburton, Efq. attorney for; — Bond, iglh February 1787, of the Ameer ul Omrah, for calli paid Syed Sha Abolyfe, his Prieft, by his Older --..-.- Guntoor Kiftna Saiimy Braminy, grandfon and heirof Guntoor Vencatacb.elliim Braminy, dubafli, deceafed ; Meffis. Dal- rymple and Greig, attornies for ; — Bond, igtli November 1 769, of the Nabob Wallajah, tin- money lent - - - Gungaperfaiid, fon and heir of .Sajevana Ko'.v ; Vaneerporfaud attorney for; — Bond, 21ft Odober 1778, of the Kabul) Wallajah, lor money lent ------ Gunnaiis Dofs Mootfuddee Suddaret ; — Arreais due from the Nabob Wallajah, pagodas 102. 38. 20 ; and from tiic Nabob Omdut ul Omrah 199. 32. 74. - - - . Guzztilfur Ali, and Golam Ali, fons and heirs of Gnlam Ihiflai;i Palcur ; — Relers to the Dufters feu- arrears of lubliftence money due to their late father. Guzzuiier Ali ; — Refers to the Dufters for arrears of fubiili- ence money due by the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah. 357 10,996 8 05,562 10 « 103,376 12 o 22,119 16 ^ 30.079 8 6 3,267 19 530 53 > 532- 533 534 i35- 258 18 52 536. 537- 228,498 16 10 Arcol Rupees. 11,000 o o 95,000 o o 169,605 IS 7 2,340 i I51.-35G 12 o 85,000 o o 302 20 14 105,060 5 I Hadee Ali Khan, darogah of the Dewan Khana ; — Refers to the Dultcrs for arrears of fubflflence money due b\' the Nabob Omdut ul Om.rah. Hafiz Mahomed Cawn ; W. D. Rrodie, Efq. attorney to ; — Claims for tlie balance due to him as renter of Nellore, on the final fettlement of his accounts with the Durbar, which took place on the 4111 July 1 801, by order of the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah -------- Hafiz Mahomed Nafir Khan Rehauder, afljgnee of Careem u! Nefla Begum ; W. D. Brodie, Efq. attorney for ; — Balance of a bond, 5th April 1781, of the Nabob Wallajah, fur money lent - _ - - ^ - - 38,074 8 \l 107,675 o 17.987 12 ,3 9mrah, about - - - - - - -- 15° Hafiz Shaik Mohummud Mogurrabee, head darogah of buiM inus ;— Arrears due by the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah - 1,353 '-5 25 Hafiz Mohummud Ibrahim Khan Naib, KiUedar of Nellore; ■ — Arrears of fiiblillence monev due by the Nabob Omdut 111 Omrah - - - -' 9°° 37 77 Hafiz Mukhfec, fon of Hafiz Mufleh Ooddeen, counter of beads; — Refers to the Dufters for arrears of fubfiftence money due by the Nabob Wallajah. Hafiz Mohummud Ghous, teacher of Ryfe ul Omrah ;— Refers to the Dufiers for arrears of fubfiftence money due by the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah. Hafiz Kaudir HolTain Khan; — Refers to the Dufters for arrears of fubliftence mor.ey due by the Nabob Omdut u Omrah. 550. Hafiz Syed Noor Ali, relig'ous inftruflor;— Arrears of fub I lifteuce money due by the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah - 55l.'Hajee llufum Reza ;— Claims for a grattfity under a written obligation given by the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah, for the pcriormance of certain religious ccrrmonics - - - Hajce Cumiiianl Ooddeen, darogah of the fhip Sun'eenutooUah ; Arrears due by the Nabob Oindut ul Omrah, about Hajee Golain Moyuddeen ; —Arrears of fubfiftence money due 1 by the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah iHajcc Molovce .Mimud-oollab, te.icher of Taje ul Omrah ; — Refers to the Dufters lor arrears of fubliftence money due by the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah. Hall, John, (Itccafed, mortiiagc: of three bonds of the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah; John l)e Tries, efti- atiling admiuiftrator to the eftale of, viz.— Bond mortgaged by C. Daike, ift January 1786, for pagodas 20,000, money lent ; another mortgaged by Henry Harris, ift June 1794, for pagodas 7,851. 16. 53. for arrears of pay, articles fupplied, and money lent; and anotiier mortgaged by W. Marlliall, 1 itli Auguft 1792, for pagodas 3,<)5l, for money lent 5-6. Hall Afnully Cawn, Ion and heir of Abis Afnully Cawn Be- hauder, deceafed; MclVrs. Harington and Co. allornies for; — Debt of the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah, for arrears of falary .--_.--. 557. Hall, Major Hamilton; Edwaid Jones, attorney for ; mort- gagee of Jdiin 'I'ulloh, efq.;— Bond, dated 15th Rajib, 1 192 Hcgircc, of the Nabob Wallajah, for money lent d. 45.569 2 1 39,246 13 loj 21,762 28,719 3 4 552. 553- 554- 555- 579 '.") All'. 100,000 o 417 o R. 1,840 o 00 11,42 s 31,802 16 53 6,019 - o 4,'^30 jC2 9 U 3,135 5 i> 5,426 1 oi CARNATIC COMMISSIONERS. 77 CLAIMANTS. Iliilniyer, Mrs. Ignacia, daughter and hcirefs of Captain 1 laddie, dccealcd ; Robert Scawen, attorney for ; — Debt of the Nabob Walhijali, for arrears of pay - - - - Hamilton, Major William; MelTrs. Ilarington and Co. at- tornies to ;— Balance of an account current with the Nabob (Jmdiit ul Onirah, for arrears of falary - - - - llanumunt Row, !\!oofluufr;— Refers to the Dufters for the amount due to him by the Nabobs Wallajah and Omdut ul Onnah. Ilarington and Co. Mefils. ; affignees and attornics of Pcer- uiaul Naick ;— Bond, pth .]uly 1790, of the Nabob Walla- jah, for money advanced ..---- Ilarington and Co. Meffrs. ; affignees of A. Paupiah Braminy ; —Bond, ift November 1797, of the Nabob Omdut ul Om- rah, for money lent ------- Ilarington and Co. Meflrs.; adignees of A. Paupiah Braminy ; — Four bonds, viz. ad December 1796, for pagodas 85,000 ; lid Marrh 1787, for pagodas S8,ooo, of the Nabob Walla- jah ; and two bonds, idlh July 1798, for pagodas 56,000; and balance of a bond, 13th July 1798, of the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah, for money lent - . - - - Ileddiutullah Shah, Caudree, religious inflrui.'^or ; — Arrears of fubGhence money due by the N'abnij Omdut ul Omrah Ileera Loll, fon and hen- of Iluufa Raje Confummah ; — Refers to the Dufters for aniount due from the Nabob Wallajah, and claims as due from the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah Heera Loll, reprefentative of Soobanees Roy, Peifchcar Khan- famanee ; — Refers to the Dufters for the amount due to him by the Nabob Wallajah. Iliddayet Oonifi'a, widow of Serferaz IIolTain Khan, killodar of Turoor ; — }\efers to the Dufters for arrears of fubiiftence money due liy the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah to her lale hulband. Iliddayet Oollah; — Refers to the Dufters for arrears of fab- fiftencc money due by the Nabob Onidul ul Omrah. llineeeoomar, widow of Dalchund Seriftadar ; — Piefers to the Dufters for the amount due to her hufljand by the Nabob Wallajah. Hodges, Captain Jofeph ; IMefirs. Ilarington and Co.aliornies to; — Balance of a bond, 2d {_)otober 1795, of the Xalinb Wallajah to J. D. Porcher, efq. for the benelit of Captain Hodges, being the balance of an account . . - Holland, Edward, efq. affignee of Captain William Smith; Melirs. Ilarington and Co. altoinies for ; — Bond, ill Auguft 1797, of the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah, for arrears of pay - Hoorniut ul Nifla Begum, aflignee of Careemnl Nifla Begum ; W. D. Iirodie, efq. attorney for; — Bond, 17th June 1706, of the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah, for money lent on account of the Company's kifts ------- Hoorinut ul NiH'a Begum, atlignee of Abdul Khader Khan, afTignce of Chinnah Mootoo Chitty ; W. D. Brodie, efq. attorney for ; — Bond. i6th July 1798, of the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah, for caih advanced ------ IIoolol Sing; W. D. Brodie, efq. attorney by fubftiti'.tion for; — Debt of the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah, for arrears of falary (loormut ul Nifi'a Begum, widow of Khan Johaun Khan, nephew of the Nabob Wallajah ; — Refers, to the Dufters for arre.us of fubiiftence money due by the Nabob Wallajah to herfelf. Hope, William; Thomas De Mello, M. Dick, and G. Haly- burton, efqrs. affignees of Cittatoor Yagumbruni, adignee of the adminiltrators to the eftate of Dava Bocunjce Caufee Dofs; — Bond, 8th June 1780, of the Nabob Wallajah, for money advanced --.-.--. Home, General Matthew; Thomas Parry, efq. anAGolonel Bell, attornies for the reprefentatives of the late ; — I'ond, 12th Auguft 17S5, of the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah, for money lerjt .----.--- HoU'ainee Begum, a relation of the Nabob M'allajah ; — Refers to the Dufters for arrears «f fubfiftence money due by the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah. 21. X AMO U NT of Tlic I'rincipal of The Claims 111 the Coin fpccified Pagodas. F. C. 14,000 O O 3,184 1 64 58,823 8 o 80,000 o o 1,21,775 21 O Rupees. l,oSo O O 256 9 30 4>925 3 o 4,499 o o 15,428 24 o 13,800 O O iCo o o 55,000 o o 2,000 o o Aj^^egatc A .MO U N T of The Priuripal and I:ileicft IiiSlerlinj; Money. >-2,59+ ".5 8 lr45,> 1% 2 43.081 2 9 4i.4f>4 »5 "' 189,300 le j» 3,092 11 ^; •2,53-2 7 » 3,612 II 5 7. '3° 15 4 73 1 .'■> 59,77'' 7 I i,.ir>o 6 7 y X78 FIFTH REPORT ov tub J No, 579- 580. 581. 582. 583. 584- 585. 586. 587. 589- 590. 591- 592. 593. 59 4 595- 596. 597- 598. 599- 600. 601. Cci. CLAIMANTS. Hon'ain Mah, fervant of the Nabob Wallajah's fifter ; — Refers to the Duftevs lor arrears of fubCifience money due by the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah. IlofTain Beebec, widow of Khajah Muckfoot Khan, killedar of Chuiidcrgheri; — Refers to the Dufters for arrears of fub- fiftence money due to her late hufbaiid by the Nabob Omdul ul Omrah. Hubert, J. G.; MefTrs. Harington and Co. attornies to; — Debt, '•'7th .July 1757, of the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah, for two pictures bought liy the Nabob . - . - ~ Hubeebah Khanum, widow of Hajee Cootubuddeen, nephew of the Nabob Wallajah ; — Refers to the Dufteis for ll-.e amount of fubfiftence money due to her deceafed hufband by the Nabobs WalLijah and Omdut ul Omrah. Iluijbeeboonipa, widow of Nujjeeboollah Kiiau ; — Refers to the Dufters for arrears of lubfiftence money due by the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah. Hughes, Mrs. ; MelTi s. Dalrymple and Greig, attornies for ; — Bond, ift January 1786, of the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah to Charles Darke, for articles fupplied, depofited with llic late Lieutenant Abiaham Hughes, by P. AI. Caflin, as a fecurity for a debt - - - - ' - Hukeeni Ahmud ; — Tuiika of the Omdut ul Omrah, dated •27lh liubbeeolVanee 1215 Hukeem Abdul Reza Khan ; — Arrears due from the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah -------- Hukeem IMohulfain Khan, fon and heir of Hukeem Ali Rez;i Kohall ; — Refers to the Dufters for the amount due to his father by the Nabobs Wallajah and Omdut ul Omrah, ano to liimfelf by tlie Nabob Wallajah, and claims as due by the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah ------ Hukeem MeerReza MohummudKhan ; — Refers to the Duftert for the amount due by the Nabobs ^^'allajah and Omdul ul Omrah. Ihikeem Ali Azzghur ; — Refers to the Dufters for the amount due by the Nabobs Wallajah and Omdut ul Omrah. Hukeem Sycd Mohummud Kohall; — Refers to the Dufters for the amount due to himfelf and his late father Syed Hofiain Kohall, by the Nabobs Wallajah and Omdut ul Omrah. Hukeem Jemaul-ooddeen Khan Hall ; Mohummud Hoffain Ooddeen, Hukeem -Allah Ooddeen, and .Mohummud Syed Ooddeen, fons and reprefentatives of Hukeem juinaul Ooddeen Khan, decealed; — Arreais due by the Nabobs Wallajah and Omdut ul Omrah . . - . - Hukeeni Syad Meerah Kohall ; — Refers to the Dufters for the amount due to him by the Nabobs Wallajah and Omdut ul Omrah. Hukeem Mohummud Shales Khan ; — Refers to the Dufters for the amount due to him by the Nabobs Wallajah and Omdut ul Omrah. Hukeem Golam Nuthai ; — Rcft-rs to the Dufters for the amount due to him by the Ntibobs Wallajah and Omdut ul Omrah. Hukeem Mahommud Ikuikur Ali; — Refers to the Dufters for the amount due In him by the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah. Ilnkccni Mirza Hufl'ain /Ml ; — Arrears due by the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah ..-..-- Hukeeni Holl-iin /,Ii ; — Refers to the Dufters for the amount due to him by the Nabob Omdul ul Omrah. Hukeeni Ahmud ; — Refers to the Dufters lor the amount due to him by the Nabub Omdut ul Omrah. Hukeem llauker HolVun Khan Chowdiee; — Refers to the Dufters for the amount due to him by the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah. Hukiem Ali Mohummud Khan Adill ; — Arrears due by the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah . - - - about Hukeem Golam Ali ; — Refeis to Ibe Dufters for the amount due to Iiim by the Nabobs Wallajah and Omdut ul Omrah. Hukeem Ciuolam Holkiiu Koiiall ;- Refers to llie Dufters Ibi the amount due to Lim by the Nabobs Wallajah andOmdui ul Omrah. AMOUNT of The Principal <.(■ The Claim? til the Coin l"^)ecified Pagodas, F. C. 200 o O 20,000 O O 300 o o 2,742 38 20 1,375 28 10 Rupees 5;58o o o i^Ol 00 Rupees. 4,000 O o Aggregate A 111 U N T of riic Principal and Xnterefi In Sterling Money. £■ (. d. 107 4 9 iSjS-^? 19 o 35 6 o CARNATIC COMMISSIONERS. 79 No. 603. 604. 605. G06. ■607. 608. €09. 610. 61 1. 612. 613. G14. 615. 616. 617. 618. 619. 620. 621. 622. ■623. CLAIMANTS. Ilukeem Chinnatumboo ; — Refers to tlie Dufters for the amount due to him by the Nabobs Walhijah and Omdiit ul Omiali. IJukcem Goolaiii Keza; — Refers to the Dufters for the amount due to him by the Nabobs Wallajah and Omdut ul Omrah. Ilukeem Areemootoo ; — Refers to the Dufters for the amount due to hiin by the Nabobs Wallajah and Omdut u Omrah. Ilukeem Yagapah ; — Refers to the Dufters for the amount due by the Nabobs Wallajah and Omdut ul Omrah. Hukcem Jlohummud Iluflun; — Refers to the Dufters for the amount due by the Nabobs Wallajah and Omdut ul Omrah. Ilukeem Ali Ueza ; — Arrears due by the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah ----..-.. Hukeem Pcr.maloo ; — Refers to the Dufters for the amount due to him. Iluktem Dava Raje ; — Refers to the Dufters for the amount duo to him. Ilullam Ali Kiian, fon of Abrar Khan ; — Arrears of fubfiflence money due by the Nabobs Wallajah and Omdut ul Omrah Hulloo Beebee, widow of Dada .labib, religious inllrudtor ; — Refers to the Dufters for arrears of fubfillence money due by the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah. Humayoon Buki, i\Ielii-s. Harington and Co. attnrnies for; — Debt of the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah for arrears of a pen- fiiin -_.---.--. Humniee Bcebce, widow of Agha Kfuf ; — Refers to the Dufters for arrears of fubfillence money due to her late luilband by the Nabob Wallajah. Hurry Dofs, aliignee of Gungaperfaud ; George Halyburton, Efq. attorney for; — Bond, 4th Augull 1769, of IJie Nabob Walhijah, for money lent -----. Hurry Dofs, brother and heir of Narafinga Dofs; Gooroo- fauniy Jyer.attorney for ; — Bond, 4th 0(^tober l/S-.', of the Nabob Wallajah, for money lent - . . . Hurrydaiall, Mootl'uddee Suddaret; — Arrears due from the Nabob Wallajah, 257. 6. 30. and from Omdut ul Omrah 192. 12. 50. ---...- Hurry Sahye, Khefanchee, by his vakeel Bholonath ; — Refers to the Dullers for the amount due by the Nabobs Walla- jah and Omdut ul Omrah. Ilyder Ali Hukeem ; — Rel'ers to the Dufters for the amount due to him by the Nabob Omdut ul Omrali. liyder Beebee, in attendanre on Kurreein Oonilla Begum ; — Refers to the Dufters for arrears of fubfillence money by the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah. Hyder Nawaz Khan, deputy of Ali NaNva': Khan Behadur ; — Refers to the Dufters for arrears of fabfifience money due by the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah. Jacob Arathoon, afflgnee of Abdul Khader Khan Behauder; - -Two bonds, viz. •22d .July 1790, lor pagodas 7,000, of the Nabob Wallajah ; and 10th February 1801, for pago das 13,125, of the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah, for money lent ..-.-----. Jacob Arathoon, affignee of Mahomed NaflTer Khan Behauder ; — Three bonds of t/ie Nabob Wallajah; viz. iCih July 1778, for pagodas 47,000, money lent; 3d November 1772, for S. pagodas 52,000, and Madras pagodas 35,009, money lent; nth March 1787, for Star pagodas 5,597, granted on fettlement of an account; and five bonds of the Nabob Onulul ul Omrah; viz. i9lh January' 1707, for paj^odas 10,500, lor articles bought at the Europe (hops on his account; 24th December 1798, for pagodas 15,346, for pnrchafe of a houie, and balance of an account for marriage e.xpences ; 30th January iSoi, for pagodas 2,600. fcir various purclialos, hs per original yadalht of llie aflignee; l2tli April 1801, for Madras pagodas 18,448. 48.0. for anxmnt of a Tunka paid; 15th January. 1709, pagodas 12,800, for money lent .,.--. A M O U N T of Tlie rriiicipal ol' The Cluims la tlie Coin rpcci(ie(i, Aggregate AMOUNT of Tlic Principal and Iijtrrelt In Sterluig Monej. Pagodas. i\ C. 887 i Kupoes. 980 £■ d. 23,628 24 o 4,600 1,20,000 O o 449 19 G 12,921 5 4 7>393 8 1,17,032 20,125 o 10,840 2,11,051 6 230,024 13 7 8o FIFTH REPORT of the No. 624. C L A I M A N T S. G-25 626 627 628 629. 630. 631. 632. 633. «34- 635- 636. 637. 638. C39. 640. 641. 642. «43- AMOUNT 663 Am'. An'. 3 31,680 15 6 278 Z $ S7.99J »5 7 3.593 17 9 6,189 3 II 15.359 •S 1* FIFTH REPORT of the Ko. 666. 667. 668. 669. 670. 671. 672. C'3- 674. 675. 676. 677. 6;8. 6/9- 680. CLAIMANTS. 6S1. 68-2. 683. C84 685. 686, 6«7, 6S8. 689. Khajah Abdoul Azeez Khan, in attendance on riyfeul Omrali ; — Arrears of fubfiltence money due by the Nabob Oiudut ul Omrah ...--_..- Khodaija Beebee, widow of Azeemooddeen Khan; — Refers to the Uuiters for arrears of fubfiftence money due by the Na- bobs Wallajab and Omdut ul Omrah. Khodaija Begum, widow of Mobummud Ghous Khan; — Re- fers to ihe Duflers fir arrears of fubliftence money due to her hulhand by the Nabob \Vallajah. Khodaija Begum, widow of Nabob Wallujah ; — Refers to the Duflers for arrears of fubfUience money due by the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah. Khodaija Beebee ; — Refers to the Duflers for arrears of fub filience money due by the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah. Khodaija liegum, widow of llyder Ah, Darogali of gardens at Arcot; — Refers to the Dulters for arrears of fubfifience money due by the Nabobs W'allajah, and Omdut ul Omrah. Khodaija Beebee; — Refers to ihe Duflers for arrears of lub- fnience money due by the Nabob Wallajr.h. Khodaija Beebee, and Rahul OonilTa, wives of Meer Coolbud- dc-en Khan Behauder; — Refers to the Duflers for an ears of fubiilience mnnev due by the Nabob Omdut ul Ornrah. KhyroonilVa ; — Refers to the Duflers for arrears ot fubdllence money due by the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah. Khvroonilla; -Refers to the Dutlers for arrears of fubfiftence money due by the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah. Kifinhfamy Braminy, MeflVs. llaiingtcn and Co, attornies to; ■ — Tunkah, 24lh February 1796, of the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah, for the purchafe of a Kurope chariot - - . Kiftnafaniy Braminy, ISielTrs Harington and Co. altornies to ; — Bond, 16th September 1795, of the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah for jewels fold -..-.... Kiftnafamy Braminy, Mefirs. Harington and Co. attornies to ; — Order of the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah, I4lh Felniiary 1795, to pay tor borfes and Gentoo Priell on his account Kiftnafamy Braminy, Mefirs Harington and Co. attornies to; — Tunka, 2d .April 1796, of the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah, for arrears of falary -..-.-. Kifona Dofs, Vencamala Dofs, Sham Dofs, Ranganah Dofs, Grunden Dofs, Bookna Dofs, Balamookun Dof?, V'encaty Dofs, Davaraca Dofs, and Lelchmy Dofs, grandfons and hens of Bawany Dofs Nanfaa -Soucar, rieceafcd, Melfrs. Ha- rington and Co. attornies to ; — Two Bonds, '23d Augull 1794 and 8lh April 1776, of the Nabob W'allajah, for money lent Kiftna Row, fon and heir of Aununda Row Soucar, MefTrs. Ha- rington and C(i. attornies to; — Bond, 30th March 1787, of tiie Nabob Wallajah, for money lent .... Kiftnarawmv I'rannny, Meflrs. Harington and Co. attornies to; — Claim for the amount of iMcuVs. Kinderfley, Walts, and Co. bill on him for fundry articles of weu,rmg apparel, fup- plied the Nabob Omdul ul Omrah . - . - - Kilinafawmy Braminy, Melirs. iiarington and Co. attornies to; — .'Vmount purchafe of a carriage, prefenlcd to Mr. W. .Abbott, by order of ihe Nabob Omdut ui Omrah Kilinafawmy IJraminy, Mell'rs. i iaringlon and Co. altornies to; — Balance of an account will) the Nabob Omdul ul Om- rab, for the purchafe of garden by his Older . . - Kiftnalawmy Braminy, MelTis. Harington and Co. attornies to ; for arrears of falary .-....- Kiftnafawmv Braminy, adopted fon end heir of V'encatafoo, George Halyburlou, efq. atloi ncy for; — Bond, 22d February J 778, of the Nabob W'allajah, lor money lent . - - Kiftnainah Cliitty ; — Bond, 23d November 1778, of the Na- bob W'all.ijah, for money lent -.-.-- Kiflna Row, fon and heir of Stncvafa Row ; — Bond, istli .le- madec ul Avel 1193 of the Nabol> W'allajah, for money lint Kilin ini ih Cbitty, fon and heir of Aniomonga Chilly ; — Bond, 4tb .lune iy^ CARNATIC COMMISSIONERS. 83 CLAIMANTS. AMOUNT of The Principal of The Claima In the Coin fpicificd KiOien Row M, W. D. Pinidie, efq. attorney for; — Debt of the Ncibob Omdut ul Onirah, fur arrears of (alary as Ptif- cbar of llie Arcut Diflrii't ---... Killien Row M, in behalf of his fon Govind Row, W. D. Bro- ilic, efq. allorney for; — Debt of the Nabob Omdut ul Oni- rah, for arrears of lalary -.-_.. Kilhen Row M, in bi'half of his fon Aiintajce Puiitli, W. D. Brodie, efq. attorney for ; — Debt of the Nabob Orndut ul Oniraii, tor arrears of falary ------ Killien Row M, in behalf of his fon-in-Iaw, Sam Row, W. D. Brodie, efq. attorney for; — Debt of the Nabob Omdut ul Onirah, for arrears i)f falary ------ Kifhen Row M, in behalf of his nephew Rung PiOW, W. D. Brodie, efq. attorney for;— Debt of the Nabob Omdut ul Onirah, for arrears of f.ilary ------ Kirtna Row, VV. D. Brodie, elq. attorney by fubflitution for; — Debt of the Nabob Omdut ul Oinrah, for arrears of falary Kirnnum Sitly ; — Tunka of the Nabob Wallajah, dated 14th Showal 119-2, for money lent by V'encaty Siiab on a pledge of jewels -..---.-. Kiditn Row, fon of Vencat Row, Serilhtadar ; — Arrears due from Omdut ul Omrah ------- Killien Row, Mootfuddee ; — Refers to the Dufters for the amount due from the Nabob Wallajah, and claims as due fiom the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah - - - - Kidien Rciw, fon and heir of Nyabut Ram Row ; — Ai rears due from the Nabobs Wallajah and Omdut id Onirah Kilhen Row, Serilhtadar; — Refers to the Dufters for the amount due to him by the Nabob Wallajah, and claims as due by the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah - - - - Kiflien Row, Madhoo Roy, attorney for; — Arrears due by the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah ------ Kilhen Row, Oomaltab ; — Refers to the Dufters for the amount due to him by the Nabob Wallajah. Kiltna Boye; — Arrears due by the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah to her late hiifband Banajee Row Serifiadar iSg. 4. 40, and balance due on a tunka 143. 33. 60. for falary Kirtien Row, Moodiruff; — Arrears due by the Nabob Oirtdut ul Omrah -------- Kifbenchund, jMohurrur ;— Arrears due by the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah - - - . . - . Kiflina liukeem ; — Arrears due by the Nabob Omdut ul Om- rah Knox, G. M. efq. ; — Mortgagee of two bond* afligned to iSIelTrs Tulloh, Brodie, lialyburton and Co. by Abdul Guffoor Khan Behauder; viz. one for pagodas 36,000, and the other for pagcdas 57,000, for money lent - . - - Koop How, W. D. Brodie, efq. attorney by fubditution for; — Debt of the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah, for arrears of falary --------- Koondul Row, Deputy Treafurer; — Arrears due by the Nabob Wallajah, pagodas 1,940. o. o. and by the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah 1,406. 33. 60. - - ' - - - Koondul Row, Mooihruft'; — Refers to the Dufters for the amount due to him by the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah. Koopa .lolbee, or allroiionier ; — Refers to the Dufters for the amount due to him by the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah. Koorfhaid Mohiimmud, fon of Koorlliaid Ahraud Khan ; — Re- fers to the Dufters for arrears of fubfiltence money due by the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah to his late mother. Koorfhaid Ahmud Khan, akbarnavees or news-writer; — Refers to the Dufters for arrears due of fubfiflence money by the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah. Kummeerooddeen Khan, Khanfummah of the Nabob Wallajah 's filler ;^Refers to the Dufters for arrears of fubfiflence money due by the Nabob Omdut ul Oinrah. Kummaulooddeen Hoflain Khan Behauder ; — Refers to the Dufters for arrears of fubfifteuce money due by the Na- bob Omdut ul Omrah. Kummeerooddeen Hoflain Khan ; — Refers to the Dufters for ai rears of fubfifteuce nion&y due by the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah. Pagodas. Y. C. 4,428 24 O 1,371 18 o 1,371 18 o 1,371 J8 o 1,371 iS o 410 o o 2,600 o o 392 6 25 1,488 21 o 3.507 ° o 01 30 15 188 25 25 332 38 20 48 2 65 49 11 20 245 23 60 93,000 o o 800 o o 3,346 33 60 At'gregate AMOUNT of The Principal aad Inlcrtft 1 1 Sterling Money. £■ «• d. 2,022 7 10 626 5 8 626 5 S 6i6 5 8 626 5 8 187 4 7 2,224 2 • 68,495 '5 4 365 6 a 84 FIFTH REPORT of the Ko. 718. 7i9- 720. 721. 722. 723- 726. 727. 728. 729- 731- 732- 733- 734 735- 730- 737- 73«. 739- CLAIMANTS. Kunda Row, Mootfuddee ; — Refers to the Dutteis for the cimonnt due to his father IfTawunt Row by the Nabub Omdut ul Omrah, and claims as due to hinifelf - ... Kunda Reebee; — Arrears due by the Nabob Omdut ul Om- rah to her late husband Roya Ram Roy Moolliiddee - Kurreem Beg Khan, Killedar of Outatoor; — Refers to the Dutlers for arrears of fubfiftence money due by the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah. Kurreem Beebee, daughter of Hamud Ooddeen Ahmud Khan, Cawzee of Nellore; — Refers to the Dufters for arrears of fubfiftence money due 10 her father by the Nabob Wal- lajali. Kurreem Beebee, widow of Aflioor ul lahi; — Refers to the Dufters for arrears of fubfiftence money due to her late liuf- band by the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah. Lacv, Mary, widow of the late Richard Lacv, harnefs-maker in the fervice of the lute Nabob Omdut ul Omrah ; — CLiinis for arrears of pay due to her deceaft-d hufi)and - - - Lane, John King, on behalf of his wiie Ann Lan*, formerly De Dieu, widow and adminiftratrix of Monf. De Dieu, de- ceafed ; — Bond, i+th September 1-799, of the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah for arrears of pay ------ Lautour, I'rancis and Co. Mortgagees of Jacob Tafcal, afiig- nee of Pierre LafoHe ; — Bond, lit Auguft 1797, of the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah, for arrears of pay - - - . lutour, Francis and Co. RIefiVs. Satur and De Monte and William M' I'aggart, efq. afllgnees of Ragoonath Row, heir and legal rcprcientative of Jobnfton Kiftna Row ; — Bond, 2olh July 1792, of the Nabob Wallajah, for money lent - Laur Mahomed; — Two tunkas of ths Nabob Wallajah, dated 9th Rnbbee ul Awal ilO;5, one for flar pagodas 133, and the other for rupees 21- Laul Mohul, widow of the N:'.bob V»^a!lajah; — Refers to the Dufters for arrears of fubfifiep.ee money due by the Nabobs Wallajah and Omdut ul Omrah. Laul Beebee and Murreum Beebee, daughter? of Zemut Bee- bee ;— Refers to the Dufte.s for arrears of fubfiftence money due by the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah. Lauruttea Beebee, widow of Nufirooddeen Mohummud Khan, Darogaii in charge of tlie I'alankeens ;— Refers to the Uuf ters for arrears of fubfiftence money due by the Nabobs Wallajah and Onidut ul Omrah. Laul Mohummud, l'>n of Syed Ifmaeel Khyrabaddee, religious inftrutlor; — Refers to the Duiters for an ears of fubfiftence money due by the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah to his late father. Letchmoo Boye, widow of Vcncata Row, Strenevas Row, at- torney for; --Bond, 6th September 17S8, of the Nabob VVal- laj.'.h, for money lent ------- Letchinan Row Alohurrur ; — Arrears due from the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah ------- Letchnian Rnw ; Dewannee Dulter Gomaftah ; — Arrears due frcm the N.ibob (Jr.idut ul Omrah - . - - - Lctchmanperfaud, Mooiiuddcc ; — Arrearj due by the Nabob Omdutul Omrah -..-.--- Lingiipah i'ran.in, fon and heir of Zaggapah Bramin, deceafed ; Meilrs. Colt, IL'.rt, and Wefton, aaoriiies for; — Two bonds of the Nabob Wallajah, for cafti advanced, one dated 5th Zilrad 1103, for pagodas 78,000, the other 28th March, 1780, for pagodas )■> 1,704 f. - . . - - - Long, Colonel John ; MeflVs Adri m De Fries and Co. attor- nies to; — Balance of a tunka and debt of ihe Nabob Wal- lajah, for prize money -....-- Lookeninn, ^J(l(lthrufl' ;-- Refers to the Dufters for the amount due to him by the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah Loyd, Charles ;— Bond, loth September 1780, of the Nabob Wallajah, fur firvices performed - - - - ■ Lutcliir.an Bibee, Nurlin'^ Row attorney for; — Bond, 26lh Rabec ul Aval 1191, Ilejiree, of the Nabob Wallajah, for money lent --------- AMOUNT 1.1' The Principal of The Claims In tlicCoin fpecified Pagodas. F. C. 103 4 73 838 19 55 144 o o 12,589 12 o 4,060 o o 85,000 o o '37 9 o 55,000 o o >55 !8 32 193 24 15 192 19 55 •99.704 5 50 17,930 o c 2.'^ ,000 o o 1,875 o " Aggregate A il U N T of Tlie Principal and Iltlereft In Sterling Money. C- *• i 84 ! 2 I 6,437 2 O 2,289 3 > 54."93 1 » 54 17 8J 39,200 17 I 223,637 2 5 15,988 19 o 26,861 13 4 2,316 2 9 CARNATIC COMMISSIONERS. 85 No. 74'- 743- 744> 745- 746. 747- •748. 749- 750. .751- 1752. 754- 755- 756. CLAIMANTS. Liitcliniaii Bibee ; Nulling Row, attorney for ; — Two bonds, ill llamaz.ui 1195, Ilejireo, ol' his lliglinefs Omflut ul Omiuh, the firft for pagodas 7,000 ; the other for pagodas 1,000, for money lent ------- Lutchtimnperfaud, fon and heir of Sewanund, Mootfuddee ; — llclers to the Uiiftera for the amount due to his father by the Nabobs Wallajah and Onidut ul Omrali. Lutchmanpcrfaud, in behalf of the grandfon of Suddanund, Mootfuddee ; — Refers to the Duftcrs for the amount due by the Nabob Wallajah. f.titchnianperfaud, grandfon of Nundalojl, Seriftadar to the troops ; — P.efers to the iJufters for the amount due by the Nabobs Wallajah and Omdut u! Omrah. Lutchnianperfaud, IMooflirulT; — Refers to the Dufters for the amount due by the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah. Lutchmanperfaud ; — Kefers to the Dufters for the amount due to his late father Gunput Ham, by the Nabob \Vallajah, and claims as due to him by the Nabob Omdut ul Or.irah, 201. 18. o ; and lo himfelfi3. 40- 4°- " Lutchuife, widow of Kiihua liukeem ; — Refers to the Dufters for the amount due to her late huiband. Lys, Satur, and De Monte, for Francis Latour, Jofeph Geflin, George Arbuthnot, George Lys, Sarquis Satur, John De Rionte, and John Goldingham, Efquires, afiignees ol Cavalram Poondiah Saihoo ;— Two bonds of the Nabob Wallajah, one dated 3d May 1790, for pagodas 44,500; the other iglh May 1790, for pagodas 61,-250, for money lent on account of the Company's kills - - - - - Lys Satur, and De Monte, for Jofeph Golhn, George Arbuth- not, and John De Monte, who claim on rive obligations of the Nabob Wallajah, viz. ;— Balance of an obligation bearing date 11th January 1788, for pagodas 5,000; an obligation dated 24th IMarch 1788, for pagodas 18,000; one ditto, 15th March 1789, for pagodas 2,000; one ditto, loth November 1787, for pagodas 3,000; and one ditto, llthiNlay 1790, for pagodas 1,500 - - . - . Macleane, Colonel, deceafed, on account of Sir John Mac- pherfon ; Meffrs. Harington and Co. for the eftate of; — Bond, 15th February 1776, of the Nabob Wallajah, payable on the conlideratiou of the countiy of Tanjore being put into the Nabobs pofieillon - - - - - - Macaulay, Colonel Collin; MelVrs. Harington and Co. attor- nies for ; — Bond (ith Odober 1792, of the Nabob \VaIlajah, being a voluntary gift ------- Macpherfon, James, Eiq. fon and heir of the late James Mac- pheri'on, Ei'q. deceafed ; MelVrs. Harington and Co. attor- nies for; — Obligation, 13th Oclober 179=;, of the Nabob Omdut ul Oinrah to Mr. Antonio De Souzk, on account of Mr. Macpherfon, for money lent - . - - . MadapauUum i\loodookillna Moodelliar, fon and heir of the late M. Vardarajah IMoodelliar;— One bond, dated 2d December 1798, of his Highnefs Nadir ul Mulk, for pago- das (10,900, ])ayment guaranteed liy the Nabob Omdul ul Omrah, by an agreement bearing date 24th Decembci- 1798; — Bond, 17th June 1801, for pagodas 5,700; and tunka, 13th of December 1797, for pagodas 12,640, for money lent, the properly of Verdarajah iMondelliar - .Maddoo Row, Serilhtadar ; — Arrears due by the Nabob Wallajah, pagodas 1,302. 41. 19 ;— Refers "to the Dufters for the amount of arrears of falary as at firft fixed on him by the Nabo!) Omdut ul Omrah ; and claims arrears of an iiicreafe of falary fubfequently bellowed on him, pagodas 1,474. '2- 5-2. ' Madiioo Row, Serilladar; — Debt of the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah, for mohcy lent through Hiflam ul JMulk,on account of the Comjjany's kills ------ Madiioo Ilow Canoongoe ; — Rei>rs to the Dufters for arrears of fubfiftence money due by tlie Nabob Wallajah. Madaidai.di ; — Refers to the Dufters for arrears of fubfiftence money due by the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah. 21. AMOUNT of The Principal of The Claims la tlic Coin Ipecificd Pagodas. F. C. 5,000 o o 215 l<5 5 10 40 105,750 o o 27>333 23 o 100,000 o o 5,000 o o At:cre»ate AMOUNT ot 'J'lic Principal and Intereft 111 Sterling Money. jr. s. d. 71,926 1 1 19,569 5 7 120,365 9 7 3,392 13 I 7 50,000 o o 28,586 6 • 9,240 o o 40,292 13 11 2,777 11 71 1,000 o o 86 FIFTH REPORT of the Ko. V 757. 758. 759' 760. 7G1. 762. 763- 764. 765. 766. 767. 76 S. 769. 7-0. 771. 772. 773- 774- 775- 776. 777- 7-8. CLAIM A N T S. iMahommed Afknrree; Saueb Roy, attorney for ;— Two tuiikas of the Nabob Wallajah, one dated 30tb bbaubaun 1191, for Rupees 2,060 ; the other 30 Zelbij 1191 Ilejiree, for ru- pees 328, for arrears of pay - . - - - Mahomed Vacoob, Mahomed Reza, Shaik Abdoul Kauder, Shaik Adum, and Shaik Seciinder ; — Tunka, 22 Rabee ul Sanee 1194 Hejiree, of the Nabob Wallajah, for arrears of pay -------- - Mahomed Omer ; Golam Hofahi, attorney lor; — Bond, lotli Suft'er 1207 Hegiree, of the Nabob Wallajah, for money- lent - - - ^ - - - - P. N. Pao> Mahbool Roy; Debt of the Nabeb Omdut ul Omrab, for one Year's falary as Seerifiitadar in the European Buckfliee department, and as Feilhcar of the menial fen'ants depart- ment of his Highnefs ------ Mahomed Azuddeem Khan ; — Delit of the Nabobs Wallajah, and Omdut ul Omrab, for arrears of pay - . _ . .Mahomed Azuddeen Khan ; — Tonka of the Nabob Wallajah, dated 11th Jemadeeolannee 1192 Hegiree, for arrears' of pay due to Nezamooddeen Ahmuud Khan, deceafed - Mahomed Azuddeen Khan; — Claims for arrears of pay due to Nezamuddeen Ahmud Khan, deceafed, which accrued fubfequent to the dale of the above tunka j and refers to the Dufters for the amount. Mahomed .•\zuddeen Khan ; — Debt of the Nabob Omdut ul Omrab for money lent ------- Mahomed Yacoob ; — Tunka of Omdut ul Omra, dated 8th .Sbaban 1214 Hegiree, for arrears of pay as Neckarchee in his fervice --------- Maha Sing, Moonfliee ; — Refers to the Dufters for the amount due by the Nabob Wallajah. Mah Khanum, widow of iNlirza .Abdul Rahman Beg ; — Refers to the Dufters for the amount of arrears of fubfiflence money due by the Nabob ^Va^ajab, and the Ameer ul Omrab, to her late hulband. Mahur .All Khan; — .Arrears of fubfiflence money due by the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah --..-. Mahroo Beebec, widow of Kujjeeboollah Khan; — Refers to the Dufters for arrears of fubliflcnce money due by the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah. .Mah Begum ; — Refers to the Dufters for arrears of fubfiftence money due by the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah. Mairbce, daughter of Badhaw Begum, deceafed, widow of Nujjeeboollab Khan; — Refers to the Dulters for arrears of fubfiftence money due by the Nabob Omdut ul Omrab to her late mother. Mannar Kiftnamah ("bitty, fon and heir of Chocapah Cliitty, deceafed; .Meli'rs. liaringlon and Co. atlornies for; — Bond, 24th .Augufl 1785, of (be Nabob Wallajah, for money lent iManewakum Comaroo Mnodely, allignee of \"enkiah, heir of Ramjah ; James Brown, attorney tor ; — Bond, 19th Slia- baun 1198 Hegiree, of the Nabob Wallajah, for money lent - . Martinz, Colonel Manuel, afilgnee of Henry Price: Meffrs. Harington and Co. altornics for;— Bond, ift Septembei 1781, of the Nabob Wallajah, for arrears of pay Maiiapab Modelliar ; MeliVs. llarington and Co. attornits for; — Two Bojuls, )fl dated 261b IS! ay 1801, for 15,000 pagodas; 2d dated 14th June iSol, for pagodas ]o,eoo, of llie Nabob Omdut ul Omrah, for money lent - - - Maid), Charles, Efq, uflignee of Nunda Kiftnavara Dofs, Vanamally Dofs, Samuel Dofs, Ragonud Dok, Geredern Dofs, Bocun Dofs, Balamookun Dofs, Venkatty Dofs, and Daravaka Dofs, l.etchmy Dofs, grandfons and heirs of Bavany Dofs, Naiiafaa Soucar, deceafed ;^Bond, 14th May 1794, of the Nabob Wallajah, for money lent - - - Mara Cliitty, attnrncy and afilgnee of Soobaray Pillay, fon aud lieir of Sadia I'iUay; — IJond 5th Ramazan 1202 Hejiree, of the Nabob Wallajab, for money lent Mara (bitty, allorney and adiguee of Mootoo Saniee, fon and licir (if \'e.a Sawniy Pill ay ; — Bond, 13th Jeuimadeel Ovcl 1201 HSi9 33 91,347 9 Rupees 3>90o 25,081 7 ',383 »9 5 2,214 6 103,035 19 1,042 S8 FIFTH REPORT of the No. 790, 79J. 79'J. 793- 794- 795- 796. 797- 798- 799- 800. 801. 80 a. 803. 804. 805. 80G. S07. 8o3. Rog. 810. 811. S12. £14. 615- CLAIMAN'TS. Meer jNIahomed Ally Khan ; — Tunkah of the Nabob Omdiit ul Omrah, dated 24th Shuban 1191 Hegiree, upon Mr. John Dc Fries -..-.._-. Mcer Mahomed Ally Khan ; — Tunkah of the Nabob Walla- jah, dated ift Jeaiadce ul Awal 1192 liegiiee, granted to Syed Mahomed for the price of clolh, for rupees 1,200.42. 15, and pigodas 0-2. 0.0.- Mcer Jlahomcd Ally Khan ; — Debt of the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah, for money lent on the l8lh Zeehigah 1213 Ilegiree, by Syed Mahomed Khan, his father - - . - Meer I\Jahomed All}- Khan ; — Debt of the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah, for arrears of pay due to his father Meer Syed Mahomed Khan -------- Meer Mahomed Ally Khan; — Tunka of the Nabob Onidiu ul Omrah, 19th Z;cad 1215, for marriage expences - ?j[oney. Rupees. 2,420 o o Kuprrs. 1,170 o o 2,GGG 11 o 1,099 o o 2=323 4 o 132 1 o 2,742 17 o 531 »S o 213 8 9 CARNATIC COMMISSIONERS. 8i6. CLAIMANT S. 819. Poo. 821. 8'23- 804. 8':5. 8a6. ■6-27. 828. 829. 830. 832. S33- 834- AMi-UiNT ol The i'riiici|jal ul The Chiims Fll tllC Cnill I'tiCiifir- Aagreg/.te AAIOUNT of The Principnl and liilircit In Sltrliiii^ Aioiiey. 836. 837- 838. 839' Mecr Gnolam Rex.i, liarngiih of military ftores ;— Arrears ol liiljljtteme lunney clue l;y the Nabob Oiiidut ill Oiurah Meer 'luckai, ion ot' .Meer Tahur Ah Klial', daingli ot' bul- locks; — Arrears 01 lublilteiicc money due by tlie Kabul) Oniiiut ul C/airal) -------- Meer CWiolain Al', Ivilledar of IMallccottali ;— Rei'ers to the Duftcrs tor arieais of lubl'iftence money due by tlie Nabob Oiiidut ul Omrah. Meer Nizam Ali;— Refers to the Dufters for arreais of fut)- nitonce money due by the Nabob Om'h:t ul Omrah. Meer Ah!i:uri Ali, Kiliedar of 'riiuiii Kaflier;— Refers to tbi l^ufteis lor arrears of lubfilience money duo by llie N'aUib Onulul ui Umrab. Meer lluiiiin Ah, commonly called MeerTaker Khan, daro^ah of the wurkuiei] ; — Arrears of iublil'tcnce money duo by Ibe Nabob Omdut ul Omrah, about . - - - - .\'cer Moortza Khan, Killedar of Aroumpauk Gliur ; — Refers to the l)uUe:s for arrears of fubliftente money due by the Nabob Omdut ill Omrah. Meer Cioolam .\li, fuperintendant of elephants and horfes ; — Refers to the Dufters for arrears of fubliftcuce money due by the Naliob (Jnidut ul Omrah. Meer Mohummud Hafliim, fon of Meer ,'\li A^ghur; — Relers to the Dutters for arreais of fubfiltence money due by the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah. Meer Mohummud Saduc, fon of Meer .Tarter Iloffain Khan, deceaffcd ; — Refers to the Dufters for arrears of fubfiftence money due by the. Nabob Omdut ul Omrah. Meer Shajat All Khan Behadur, Backfliee, for himfelf and for his fons Ameer Ali, Meer Shunfooddee Ali, Akber Ali, Meer Tuckai Ali ; — Refers to the Dufters for arrears of fubfifience money due by the Nabob Omdut ul Omrab. Meer Abool Mah Ali Khan, Killedar of Ongole ; — Reiers to tlie Dufters for arrears of fubfillence money due by the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah. .Meer Ghalib Ali, fon of IMeer Coufim ; — Refers to the Dufters for arrears of fubfiftence money due to him Meer Moozuffer IIoiTain Khan, teacher of Taje ul Omrah, for himfelf and for his four fons Meer Mohummud Ali, Meer Iluflan Ali, Meer Fuzzily Ali, and Meer Golam Ali ;— Refers to the Dufters for arrears of fubfiftence money due to them by the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah, and to his mother Shumfoonifi'a Begum, by the Nabob Wallajah. Meer Caudir Ali, fon of Jelulovdee Khan; — Refers to the Dufters for an ears of fubfiftence money due by the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah. Meer Nizam Ali, .'"on of Meer Saduc Ali Khan; — Refers to the Dufters for arrears of fubfifience money due to his late father by the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah. MeerSujjud .Mi Khan; — Reiers to the Dufters for arrears of fubfii'tence money due by the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah. Meer Mohiunmud Tuckai ; — Arrears of fubfifience money due by the Nabob Omdut ul Oinrah - - - - . Meer Syed -Mi Khan, for himfelf and his fon;— Refers to the Dui'lerc for arreais of fubiiilence money, (!ue by the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah. Meer Akber Ali, grandfon of Akber .Mi Shah Ilofiinee, reli- gious inflrut'lor ; — Refers to the Dufters for arre.trs of lubtifience money due to his late father by the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah. JMeer .\zum Shah ; Caudree ; — Reiers to the Dufters for arrears of fubfiltence money due by the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah. Meer Abafs A.li Khan, Killedar of Arcot ; — Refers to the Dufters for arrears of fubfilleiice money due by the Nabob W.dlajah, and cl.ii-'ns as due by the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah --------- Meer Shah .Ali Gowhur, fuperintendant of the Palanqueens ; for himfelf and his late father Meer Seeadut .Mi Khan ; — Reiers to the Duilers for ancars of lubfirience money due by the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah. Meer .laifer ; — Refers to the Dufters for arrears offubrifter.ee mo icy due by the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah. Piigodas. 1''. 1,144 28 700 o c s. d. Rupees. 2,400 O Rupees. 5,803 o 1,163 18 45 21. a 00 FIFTH REPORT of the K... i*40. 5>4i. 8j2. 843. 844. 845- 84G. S47. 84S. H'J- 850. S51. 852. S53. 854- S55. 856- S57- 859- 8C0. 86i. S62. 863. 864. C L A I M A N T S. .Meer IJhakiir HolT.iin, fcii of Abadali rje;;uni ; — lUfcrs to tlic Dufteis 11)1" aiiears of luUlifteuce uioiuy due by the Nabob Omdut III Omrali to iiis niolber. Meer.M'.ud Oolluh Kbaii Behadur, Dewaii of tlie Jagliires ; — Refers to Uie Duileis for arrears of fubfilieace money due bv tiie Nabob Oiiuiiit ill Oinrali. -Mello, 'I'hoir.as L*e ; aiTiLLiice ol C'Overdiin Dnfs, Brigg Dofs, iiua Kifuia ISoy;; ; — iioiid, I'iVa Jaiuiaiy 1790, of tlie Nabob Wail.j-il), for money lent .--..- Mello, 'Ihomas Ijc ; alliL;!iee of adtniniftratrix to tlie eftate of Davii lioccuiijee Caeite Dofs ; — Bund, 301!) Mareh J780, of the Nabob U'all.cjah, for nioney lent - . - - iMirza Moliunimud lloliaiii, Muonlhee ; — Kefers to the Dufters for the amount dee to him by the Nabob Ouidut iil Ouirah. Mirza Goolani llollkiii, fon of Mohumniud Alliidoollab Woiillim ; — Arrears of fubfiftence money due to his deceafed father by the Nabob Oiudut ul Onirah - - . . Mirza Moliummnd Ameenooddecn; — Arrears of fubfil'ience nione}' due by the Nabob Omdut ul Onirah - - - Mirza llulTaii Khan, fon of Wujhoodeen Ahmud Khan Beha- dur; — liefers to the Uuiters for arrears of lubfiftenct money due by the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah. Mohummiui Ufuff; — 'i'unka, 20th Jemadeeofanee 1212 Ilc- giree, of the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah, for arrears of pay - Mohuuiniud Maun, heirs of; — Tunka, 21ft Rajib 1212 Hegiree, of the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah, fir arrears of pay Mohummud Affudooddeen Khan, Moonlliee ;— Refers to the Dufters for the amount due to hira by the Nabob Omdut ul Onirah. Mohummud Iftiauk, Moonfliee; — Refers to the Dufters for the amount due to him by the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah. Moh'immud Ameen Hukeeni; — Refers to the Dufters lor the amount due by the Nabobs VVallajah and Oiudut ul Omrah. .Moliunimud Beg Ilukeein ; — Refers to the Dufters for the amount due to him by the Nabobs Wallajah and Omdut ul Omrah. Mohummud Akerinm All Khan ; — Refers to the Dufters for arrears due by the Nabob Wallajah, of fubfilienec money. .Mohunnniul Ibrahim, grandfon of Golam iSlohummtid Khan ; — Refers to the Dullers for arrears due to bis grandfather by the Nabob Wallajah, for fubfntence money. Mohummud Mohiillin ; — Arrears of fublilience money due by the Nabob Orndut ul Omrah ------ .Mohummud .lawaliid Khan; — Refers to the Dufters for arrears of fubfiftence money due by the Nabobs Wallajah and Omdut ul Omrah. Mohummud Azim All, fon of Peer Mohummud, Kilkdar of Pawunghur; — Refers to the Dufters for arrears of fub- iilteiice money due to liis father by the Nabob Wallajah. -Mohummud Sufder Khan, darogah of fpearh.ien ; — Arrears of fublilience money due by the Nabob VVallajah Mohummud Durriah, adojitcd fon of Shah Abdul IluHkn; — Refers to llie Dufters for arrears of fubliftence money due to bis late father by the Nabob Wallajah. iMohnrnmud Akbar, fon of Mohummud Zamali Ilyder; — .\rreais of fubfiftence money due to liis late father by the Naliobs Wallajah, and Oiiidul ul Omrah ... Mohumniudee Be;_tim, daughter of (ameer Arra Begum; — Refers to the Dutteis for arrears of fubfiftence money due to her late mother by the Nabobs Wallajah and Omdut ul Omrah. .Mohummud Jafler llazaree;— Refers to the Dufters fur ar- rears of lublifienee money due by the Nabobs Wall, yah and Omilut ul Omrah. .Mohummud Tiickai-Ooddeen Khan, Phouzdar of Palnaiid ; — Arrears of fubfiftence money due by the Nabobs Walb.jah and Omdut ul Omrah , . - Mad' Pag' t«t:ir Rig- Aicot Rupees - i A JI O U N r of The J'liutipal of Tlip Cl:iinis 111 tlie Com r)K'cilied Pagodas. F. C. 40,000 O O 23,230 O O > 3 ol 10 o o ) Ru])ces. 2, 600 O o 45 o o 630 o o Rupees. •i,,525 o o U II pecs. 5,000 o 1.652 30 75 A'.'grcgaie A M O U K T .if Tlic Piiiicipal .ind LucTfft [11 Sicilin!; Money. £. *. ,/, '■«7.+73 4 • 19,284 17 7 l8 o o 253 o o 600 1 ,900 4,400 CARNATIC COMMISSIONERS. 91 C L A I M A N T S. AMOUNT of The I'rincipal of Tlie Cliiiim m thcCoiii I'ljetificti Muluiinmud Railieein, fon and heir of MoIovpp Doft Mohiim- niud Kli.iii ; — Uolerstn llir; Diil'tcrs for arrears of fubfiflelice money duo by the Nabob Wallujah lo his father. Mohumauid Cootub, d.uogiih of Buddings at Arrot ; — Refers to the Dufters for arrears of fubliflence money due by the Nabob Omdut ul Oniiah. Mohumnnid Nizamooddeen, darogah of tlie Trcafury at Ar- rot; — Refers to the Dufters for arrears of fubliilence money due by the Nabobs Wallajali and Omdut u! Omrah. Mohummud Ennautoolah, fon of Khuliilear Khan, and Syed Ooniffa, mother of KnnautooLih; — Refers to tlie D\iflcrs lor arrears of fubfiflence money due lo his late luother and hintfelf by the Nabobs Waliajah and Oiiidut ul Omra!). Mohummud Abdullal), daroj;,ah Adawlut ; — Refers to the Dufters for arrears of fublilience money due by the Nabob Omdut ul Onirah. Mohummud llubbceboollah Katib; — .Arrears of fubfiflence money due by the Nabobs Wallajah and Omdut ul Omrah, about ---------- Mohummud Ufmaun, for himfelfand attorney, for go watchers at the tomb of the Nabob Wallajah ;— Refers to the Dufteis for arrears of fubfiflence money due to them by the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah. Mohummud Hyaat, fon of .■\xzeezoollah ; — Refers to the Duf- ters for arrears of fubfiftence money due by the Nabob Om- dut ul Omrah. Mohummud Bholai, fon of Abdoul Nabbee, Darogah of the gardens ; — Arrears of fubfiftence money due by the Nabobs Wallajah and Omdut ul Omrah, about - - - - Mohummud Walleeoollah Khan; — Refers to the Dufters for arrears of fubliflence money due by the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah. Mohummud Gayafs; — Arrears of fubfiftence money due by the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah, about - - - - - Mohummud Boakur, fon of Ali Dill Khan ; — Arrears of fub- fiftence money due by the Nabobs Wallajah and Omdut ul Omrah -...-..-- Mohummud Rooknuddeen, fon of Baakur HofTain Khan, de- ceafed ; — Arrears of fubfiftence money due by the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah -------- Mohummud Jafi'er, attendant on Eitabar Khan ; — Arrears of fubfiftence money due by the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah Mohummud Salah and Mohummud Syed, fons of Abdul Mo- hummud Kooftinavees ; — Refers to the Dufters for arrears of fubliftence money due to them by the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah. Mohummud Akknum, a relation of the Nabob Wallajah ; — Refeis to tlie Dufters for arrears of fubfiftence money due by the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah. Mohumimid I'unnah; — Refers to the Dufters for 'arrears of fubfiftence money due by the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah. Mohummud I'unnah Khan; — Refers to the Dufters for arrears of fubliftence money due by the Nabob Oiiidut ul Omrah. Mohummud Sadoc Gowhur, Killedar of Chittoor; — Refers to the Dufters for arrears of fubliftence money due by the Na- bob Omdut ul Omrah. Mohummud Budderooddeen, darogali in charge of the Palan- keens ; — Refers to the Dufters for arrears of fubfiftence money due by the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah. Mohummud Tajeeoodeen Khan Behauder, fon in law of the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah, arrears of fubfiftence money, about ---------- JMohnnimud Sufaer Khan, fon and heir of Tuttah Mohummud Khan; — Prefers to the Dufters for arrears of fubfiftence money due to his late father by the Nabob Omdut ul Om- rah. .Mohummud Gayafiboddeen, Kooftinavees in attendance on Ryfe ul Omrah; — Refers to the Dufters for arrears offubfiftente money due bv the Nabob AVallajah. Mohuin'mud .lev.-aad Klian, fon of the Nabob Wallajah, the widow of; — Refers to the Dufters for arrears of fubfiftence moiip.y due bv the N;tl)ohs ^VaUajJh and Ouidut ul Omrah. Pagciin. I'. C. Riipecj. tioo Aggregate AUUV NT of The T'riricipiil and liiiercft III Slcrlmg Rloiiry. /• rf. Rupees. 1,080 Rupees. 1.450 Rupees. 2,664. Rupees. 3,600 Rupees. 6,000 Rupees. 6,ioo ©2: FIFTH KEPORT of tii£ 889. 890. 891. 89+. ■ S05. 896. S9S. 899. goo. 901. 902. 903- 90^. 905. 906. 907. 908. 909. 910. 911. 91 i C L A I M A N T S. .Vlohumniiid ArAmolliili Khan, KiUeil^r of ixampcair ; — Refers tn the DuUers for arrears Of fabfifience money due by the Nabob Oiiului ul Onirah. Mohuiumud Noorouddcen ; — Ilofers to the fiufters for arrears of fHuruteiiCfi nioiiev due by the Naliob Onulutul Oinruh. Mohiiminiid (ihofe .Moullim;- Kcfeis to tbc Dufters tor ar- rears of fnbiiUeuce money due by the Nabob Omdut ul Oni- riib. Moiuiminud Ah, oroohiimcr of the liour of prayer; — Refers to the Dufters tor arrears of lubfiuence nijuey due by the Nabob Omdut u! Oiiirab. .\iohumiimd Anieen-ooddeen, proclahne-r of the hour of prayer ; — Refers -to the lUiflers for arrears of fub!;Uence money due by the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah. Mohummud Tuckee Ali Khan Behader, Curkfliee; — Arrears of fiibfilieuce mop.cy due by the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah - .Molusmmud Abdullah ; — Refers to the Dufters for arrears of fubfiitence money due by the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah. Mohummud Sluireef lloliain l%.han, fiiperiutendaiit of the iiables ; — Refers to the Dufters for arrears of fubfiitence money due, by the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah. Moiuiuunud Brtlikiir, graiuifon of Badllid Bei,um, deeeafed ; — Refers to the Dufters for arrears of fubliUence money due by the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah. .Mohummud NooJouUah, relij^ious inllrucfor ; — Arrears of fub- fiUence money due by the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah - Mohummud Ifinaeel, fon of Mohummud Moofai Saub, reli- gious iiidrudor; — Prefers to the Dufters for arrears oflub- (iltence money due by the Nabobs Waliajali and Omdut ul Omrah to his late father. Mohummud Vacoob, fon of Hajee Yukeen Ullah Shah, reli- gious inllructor ; — Refers to tlie Dulters for arrears of fub- lilieuce money due by the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah to his late father. .Molovee Sycd .Mi .Ahmud Mudaris; — Refers to the Dufters for arrears of fubliltence money due by the Nabobs Wallajah and Omdut id Omrah. Molovee Mohummud Ifmael, Mufti at Nellore ; — Refers to the Dufters for arrears of fubfiftence money due by the Nabobs Wallajah and Omdut ul Omrah. .Molovee M.jhummud Ali, fon of Ahmud KuUam Khan ; — .Ar- re.irs of fublilience moncv due to his late father by the Na- bob Wallajah - - .Molovee Abdou! Iluck ;— Refers to the Dufters for arrears of fubfiAcnce money due by the Naiiob Omdut ul Omrah. Molovee H.iriz ?v!fih'.immud Hull'iin ; — Refers to the DuUers for arre.irs of I'ubliftence im)ney due by the Nabob Omd it ul Omrah. Molovee .'\bdoul Raliimaun, fon of .Mi Akber, teacher of Mujid ul Dowlah ; — Refers to the Dufters for arrears of fubfdlence money die by the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah. .Molovee Em'ambukdi ; — Ariears of Uibfiftencc money due by the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah - - Monngur Dofs, fon and heir of Ragoonada Dofs Ven-atadree, McHrs. Colt, Hart and Wellon, attnrnics by fubflitiition for; — Bond, 5th Ral)ijeaftnee 1194 llejiree, of the Nabob Ww.1- lajah, for ornaments fold . . . - - .Moiiea Pilla Tremalioy, .lohn Ds Fries, efq. and V'encatafaw- my, executors to the eflate of the late; — Balance of an ac- count current with the Nabob Onulutul Omrah, fo.inonev lent ---- Moiice Loll, MoolhrUiT;— Arrears due by ihe N;d)oli Omiim III Oinr.ih ...------ ''lonce l.iill, tranflntor, fon and heir of Mayaiam, tranflator ; — Rclersto the Ihiflers fo. the amount due to his father and himleif by the Na'job Wall.ijah, and claims as due by ihi N'iuiob Oiiidiil ul Omrah to hiaifolf . . . . Mootiah Modelliar, brother and heir of Tanjnre Ramafwaim .Moodeliiar, Mellis. Ilarington and Co. utioimcs to ; -Bond, 81I1 D'-cember 1775 ol the Nabob Wadajali, for niijic} advanced ..------- AJlOUiXr of The Priiici[jal (if Tlie Cl.iims III the Coin rpccitJcd. Pajiodas. F. C. 817 An'. 8 Rupees. 2,400 -\ggrL-i:aLe A-uUC iS 1' ul I he PniKijial und iillCICit In Sleil.iig i\iuiiey. An'. 5,!5lc An'. 438 i;: 02>534 f>- 4.931 88 es 55 41 Co '33,-05 65,45+ 18 6 '80,773 3 I CARNATIC COMMISSIONERS. 93 No. CLAIMANT S. 014- 915- 917- 9iS. 919. 920. gi2. Moorat, S. M. mortgagee of A. I'aupiah Braminy ; — Bond, ift November 1797, ol lli<' N.iljob Ouidut til Omrah, being one of ie\('.ral granted in felllenicnt of aa account Moorat, S. M. airignec of Appoo Row, fon and heir of Ya- gudier Kamajce ; — linnd, id March J 780, of the Nabob \Vall;ij:ih, for ninncy lent ---... Mootta I'illiy, fon and lienof Samynada Pillay ; — Bond, 20tb April 1787, of the Nabob Wallajali, for moin-y lent - Mooto Rama Moodclly, brother and heir of Agpoo Moodclly ; — Bond, 7lh Augull 1780, of the Nabob Wallajab, for money lent --------- Mooioogajiah Moodelly, Ion and heir of Colunthy Moodellv ; — Bond, 30th Augull 1781, of the Nabob Walbjaii, for mo- ney lent -----,--. Mootoofawni)' PiUay, fon and heir of \'iLliMiad.i Pillay ; — Bond, •iritii September 1784, of the Nabob Wall.'ijah,' lor money lent Mooily Dots and C.itavallab.i Dnf?, MeflVs. Colt, Hurt and W elion, attornies for; — Bond, ill May 1801, of the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah, for money advanced - - - - Moonea I'illay, deceafed, Mootafawnay I'illay, and P. Soola- rayera, exerntoi s of the lute ; — Balance due on four Lends granted by Mahomed Jali'aCawn Behauder ; viz. Biind, Stl; December 1791) for cullv chuckrams 30,000; one ditto, lit February 1800, for cully chuckiums '^ 0,000 ; one ditto, '211 February 1800, for cully cluickrums -2,300 ; and one ditto, nth Februuiy 1800, for cully chuckrums 16,000. for mo- ney lent to the Circar on account of the Company's kifts Mootoo !\lo3delliar; — Debt 22d April 1797, of the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah, for arrears of falary us his Higlinels's Dubalh Mootah Anund Row, W. D. Brodie, efq. attorney by fubflitu- tion fur ; — Debt of the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah, for arrears of falary ...--..--. Moocund Hoy, reprcfentative of his father Benecluind, and of his grandfather KuviUkilhen, Moolhruif of ttie jewel depart- ment; — Refers to the 1) utters for the amount due by the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah to the former, and by the Nabob Wallajali to the latter. MiH)too I'lllah, Arveenavees ; — Arrears due by the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah .-....► Mooflirutl'Sha, Muckaudar; — Refers to the Dufters for arrears due by the Nabobs Wall.ijah and Omdut ul Omiah. Moofuirer Ali Khan, darogah of the Cutcherry at Nellore ; — Refers to the Duflers for arrears of fublillence money due by the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah. MooneeroonilVa Begum ;— Refers to the Dufters for arrears of fubfiltence money due by Uie Nabob Omdiil ul Omrah. Mofs, George, morlgagee of MeOVs. TuUoh, Brodie, ll.tly burton and Falconer, afllgnfcs of l>edy Pattv Venkiah Bra miny; — Bond, 8th .July, 1795, of the Nabob NVallajab, granted for the balance of an account current, fettled between the V'enkiah and his Ilighnefs on that date Motheeblioo, widow of Nujjeeboollah Khun, deceafed; — Re fers to the Dufters for arrears of fublillence money due b\ the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah. Moyeeuuddee Khan ; — Rel'ers to the Dufters for arrears of liibfilienfe money due to himfelfbv the Nabobs Wallajab and (Jmdut ul Omrah, and claims as due to his mother Batli- lliaw Begum by the Nabobs Wallajali and Omdut ul Om- rah _ - Moyeen-ooddeen, fnperintendant of workmen, for hinifelt, and as reprefentative of his father Hafiz Mohummud Muroot ; — Refers to the Dufters for arrears of fublllteuce money due by tile Nabob Onulut ul Omrah. .Movuddeen lluifam Khan, fon of Mnluinimud Tuckai .Ali Khan Behadur; — Arrears of fublillence money due by tiie Nabob Omdut ul Omrah ------ Muchdoom llufiau Klmn, Killedar and I'howzd ir of Chi nder- geny; — ke-l-rs to the Dufiers for arrears of fubfilUncc mo- ney due bv the Nabob 0:!H!ut ul Omrah. : 921. 922. 923- 924. 926. 927. 928. 929. 930. 931- f»3i- 933- A M 1! NX of llie Principal of The Claims Fn tlicCoiii fijccifieil I'agodas. F. C. 86,560 ) O 78,000 o 8.5,000 O O 120,000 o o 54,ooQ o o fio.coo o o 0,000 o o Clmckruni^. 48,581 5 3 18,000 o o 6,857 o o 322 o o 15>9<>+ 7 " Rupees. 2,300 O o An'. 63 5 0| Atf(»roL'aIi» A ftl O D i\ T of riic Principal and Inierili III SlcrUug Money. £■ t- d. 45,949 o 4 85,780 C 8 63,018 ) -i 9o,')53 <5 9 55,5"' 4 » 52,820 o o 2,765 u » •4,727 o t 10,224 o o 3,124 14 o g.-Jis 3 f 21, ru) 94 FIFTH REPORT of the Wo. ■934' 93? 9SG. 937- 938- 939- -94'^- 941- 942. 943- 944- CLAIMANTS. 945- .946. 497- 94>*- 41)0. -950. 951- ■952-; Mudhoo Siuy arid Gcpal Siaty ;— 'I'unka of the Nabob Om- Qiit ul Oiiirah, daled ijtii Jamadee ul Awul 1212, lor the value oi" carpets -------- .Mu.iiiarce liegiiin; — Refers to the Diifters for arrears of fub- I'ntence ffiohey due by the Nabobs Wallajah and Onidut ul Oiiirah. , Muudt.o Eeebee, da\!jhlcr of KhyrnonilTa ; — Refers to the Dufters for arrears of lobliUeiice money due by the Nabob Omdjt ul Omrah. Mujocdood vh Dowlah Behauder, W. Abbott, cfq. attorney for ; — Debt of the Naboli Onidut ul Omrah for arrears of al- lowance j- Mdjoodviod ul Dowlah Behauder, in behalf of his wife Amu- t.*zarah P.eguin, \S'. Abbott, efq. attorney for; — Debt of the Nabob Omduc u! Oinrah, for arrears of allowance .Mujoodocd ul Dowlah Behauder, in behalf of his lifter Mum- nnid ul Nifia I'dum, \V. Abbott, efq. attorney for ; — Debt of the Nabob OmuuI ul Omrah, for arrears of allowance - Mujoodood ul Dowldh I'oii.-.uiier, m behalf of his nephew Nuf- fibal Dowlah Behauder, W. Abbott, efq. attorney for ; —Debt of the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah, for arrears of allowance - Mujoodood ul Dowlah Rehaiider, in behalf of his fon Ilulain ul Deen Khan Behauder, W. Brodie, efq. attorney for; — Debt of the Nabob Onidut ul Omrah, for arrears of allow- ance ---------- Mukhdoon Beebee, widow of Shaikh Murrah Moollura : — Ar- rears of fubfil'tence money due by the Nabobs AVallajah and Onidut ul Omrali, about ------ MuUycarjoona Dava; — Two bonds of the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah for money lent, one dated 14th October iSoo, for pagodas 80,000; the other igth May 1801, for pagodas 70,000 --------- Mullickonl Nefa Begum, \V. Abbott, efq. attorney for ; — Ba- lance of four accounts, for the arrears of rent due on the following boufes by the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah ; viz. on a houfe called Jordan's garden houle, pagod is 3,405 ; on Brook's garden, pagodas 1,50'!. 5. o. ; on Colonel Call's lioufe, pagodas 396. 1. 40. and again, fubfequeutly on Co- lonel Call's houfe, pagodas 351. Mullicknol XilVa Begum, \V. Abbott, efq. attorney for; — Foui bonds of the Nabob Wallajah, dated as follows ; viz. 18th Zeliaga 1 187 Ilegiree.for pagodas 1 iS,ooo ; one ditto, aotli Jemaudeii'a'.inv 1190 Hegiree, for pagodas liS, 000 ; one ditto, ! tih Zecoyda 1 194 1 iegirce, for pagodas 06,113. I'i' An'; and one ditto, 15th Shabaun 1195 Higiree, for pago- das 135,000, being for the amount value of jewels and pre- cious (tones delivered over to him at bis requeft on diflereut prelling occafnius --.---.- Mullickool NilTa Begum, W. Ablxitt, efq. attorney for ;— Five bonds of the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah ; viz. -id Zehij i'i02 Hegiree, for [lagodas 14,000; one ditto, 2d ZuHer 1203 He- giree, for p.Hgi>das 46,000 ; one ditto, ift .Shaval 1206 He- giree, fur p igodas 13,000 for money lent; and two bonds, one dated 4th IJabufany 1210 Hegiree, for iiagodas 163,000 the other, 14111 Sliabaun 1214 Hegiree, for pagodas 50,000 for c i(h lent aud jewels delivered on account of the Com- pany's kills Mullickool Nifiii Begum, \V. Abbott, cfq. attorney for ; — Debt of the Nabo'o Onuhil ul Omrah, for arrear.'. of allowance - .Mulh^r Bow, Mootfuddie; — Arrears due by the Nabob Om- dut ul Omrah -_-_---. .\Iullick Mabmor.d .Mi Khan; — .Arrears of fubfiflence money aliowed to him and ins family by the Nabob Omdut ul Om- Mullick HoiTain Khon, .MuDager of 'iimree ; — Refers to the Duftcrs for arrc us of lublillence money due by the Nabob Omdut ul Omiah. Mullick^pol-ulma, .Abdoul Ali Mohummud ; — Arrears of fub- Oftcrjcc money pagodas 3'!4, and arre.usof falary as Molovee, pagodas 380. due by the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah -Sliiliickooiulma, \l)doul Ali, in behalf of his fon Molovee Abdoubrub ; — arrears of fubfiflence money due by the Na- bob Onidut ul Omrah ------- AMOUNT of Tlie Principal of The Claims In the Coin I'pecified Pagodas. F. C. 116 19,2 04 9 e 10 O 3,247 10 O 211 11 O 862 14 O Rupees. 2,000 o o 150,000 o o 5,748 6 40 An'. 447.113 11^ Aggrc^aie AMOUNT of The Principal and biicrca In Sterling Mimvy. £■ *■ d. 61 7 o 7.713 15 »<> 1,299 1 o 1.299 1 5 84 13 9 345 3 a 69,918 7 2,339 <5 10 18,572 1 o 295,000 o o 27,028 9 o 377 G 30 Unpecs. CjGoo o o 764 o o 672 o o 144.956 7 9 10,811 8 10 CARNATIC COMMISSIONERS. 95 Ko. 953- 954- 955- 956. 957- 958. 959- 960. ■961. 962. 963- 964 965- o65. •967- • 968. rgffg. .970. •:97i- 97^- 973- CLAIMANTS. AMOUNT of Tlic Principal ot The Cliiims In tlic Coin fjuxinc Aggregate A Ai O U N T of The Principal and Iiilertll In Sli rling Money. Muunoo Sob ; \V. D. Brodif, cf(|. attorney by ful)ftitiition for ; — Debt ot" the Nabob Oindut ul Onirah, i'or arrears of falary -.---...-. Mural) Ilofuiin, foil of Fulikeer Ooddeen llukcem ; — Refers to the LJut'tcrs for the anioiint due by the Nabob Onidul ul Omrab. Murreum Begum Syaianee ; — Refers to the Dufters for arrears of fiibilftence n:oiipy due by the Nabobs Wallajah and Omdul ul Omrah. Murreum Sahiba Ilajanee, \vido\y of Ameen Ooddeen Khun Izzutt; — Refers to the Dufters for arrears of fublilience money due to her late hulband by the Nal)obs W^lhijah and Oindut ul Omrah. Mufury Begum, widow of Mahomed Khan Iflum Khan Vic- liauder; Meliis. Ilanngton and Co. attornies for; — Ba- lance of a tunka, i2th of Shaval 1215 Hcgiree, of the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah, for monej' lent . . . Muftapha All Khan Mai, Buckfliee ; — Refers to the Dufters for arrears of fubfiftence money due by the Nabob Omdul ul Onirah to his late father Mullapha Ali Khan and to himfelf. Nabatimah ;— Refers to the Dufters for arrears of fubfiiTence money due by the Nabob Omdut ul Omridi. Nafeefah Beebee, daughter of IMohummud Reza Khan, kille- dar of Daoghur; — Refers 10 the Dufters for arrears cf fub- fiftence money due by Nabobs Wallajah and Omdut ul Omrah. Nagapah Braminy, brother and heir of Ramfaumy Sahoo ; — Bond, 2'2d November 1787, of the Nabob Wallajah, for money lent .---.-.-- Nagozee Row; MefTrs. Harington and Co. attornies for; — Bond, 17th November 1783, of the Nabob Wallajah, fur money lent --------- Nair Poonna Pillay; — Two bonds, one dated 5th April 1788, for pagodas 20,000; the other, 18th February 1793, for pagodas 16,000, of the Nabob Wallajah, fur money lent .------... N amber Sooba Row, grandfon of Namber Vencata Soobyer ; — Bond, 23d June 1779, of the Nabob Wallajah, for money lent ---" Nama Shewayum liukeem ; — Refers to the Dufters for the amount due to him by tlie Nabobs Wallajah and Omdut ul Omrah. Narrain Pillay, fon and heir of Veiicatachilla Pillay ; — ■ Bond, 23d Augull 1784, of the Nabob Wallajah, for money lent ...-- Narafoo Pillay, fon and heir cf Bouchier Narrain Pillay ; George Halyburton, ef(). attorney for; — Bond, 8th Auguft 1777, of the Nabob Wallajah, for money advanced - Narrain Ileddy, brother and legal reprefentative of Convindah Roddy, deceafed ; MelTrs. Marington and Co. attornies for ; — Bond, 6th November 17S5, of the Nabob Wallajah, for mon"v lent --------- Narahnrry Pund.ih, fon and heir of Sevafunker Pundah, de- ceafcd ; MeflVs. Marington and Co. attornies for; — Bond, 23d June 178,1, of the NabobWallajah, for money lent Narafingiah Braminy; !\IeiTrs. Marington and Co. attornies to; — Bond, 13th July 1797, of the Nabob Oindut ul Omrah, for money lent - - - - Xarafinga Royer, fon and heir of Sakajee Naick ; — Bond, 22d AuguTt 1788, of the Nabob Wallaj-ih, for money lent Narafmga Row, fon and heir of Saihagerry Naick ; — Bond, 18th .July i7S(i, of the Nabob Wallajah, for money lent - Nfarrain ChiUy, foii and heir of Condapali Chitty ; — B.'ilance of thrt'." borids of the Nabob Wallajah, for money Isnt, dated as follows : 2d September 1788, for pagodas 4,000 ; iQth S.-^ptember 1788, f. d. 5+ «6 » Goo I ft a 76,609 3 10 79,248 3 6 61,103 10 ^ 130,264 7 J 84.^34 8 o 26,900 a 8 74.7'29 ^7 i 54,450 8 3 29,52-2 3 10 60,741 19 4 86,097 10 o 13,265 1 0} 00 FIFTH REPORT or the No. 074- 975- C L A 1 M A N T S. 978. 979- oSa. gSi. 982. ■983- 9?4' 985. .986. 987. 988. 989- / •9.0". 991^ 992 ■ i»9:]. NaiTiin Cliilty, fun and heir of Coudiipah Cliitty ; — Balance of a tunk.iy, iid July 1791, for pagudas 5,000; and bond, ■il'l-lune iSoi, for p^^i das 3,900, of tije Nabolj Onidiit ul Oninih, for money lent ------ Narrain I'llLiy, fon and heir of Yella Pillay ; — Bond, 14th .May 1785, ol the Nabob Wallajah, for money lent - Xarafinga l^ovdoo, fon and heir of Uamana Pui:dit ; — Bond, 141b N'oveinl;er 1779, of the Nabob NVallujah, for money lent r - - - n Narfinga Pillay, fon and heir of Saflia Pillay ; — Bond, 25th Ruii:z m 1199 liegiree, of the Nabob \V.iIlajali, loj- money advan:ed ...------ Naraiinga Row, fon and heir of Baupana Naick ; — Bond, iglh Zilcad l.;o3 liegiiee, t)f tVie Nabob Wall.ijah, for money lent on account of the Company's kifis - - - Sailing Row; \V. D. Brodie, efq. attorney by fiibllitution of; — Debt of the Nabob Omdut ul Ouuah, for arrears of falary as J^eerilli'.adar of the diftrict of Arcot - - - Nariain Row; — Debt of the Nabob Omdut nl Omrah, for arrears of faiaiy -------- Nairain Row, %viiter; — Refers to the Dufters for the anu/unt due to him by the Nabob AVallajah ; and claims as due from tlie Nabob Oniiliit nl Omrah - - . Narrain Row, Gomaftah in the IJindee Serel'ta ; — Arrears due from the Nabob \Vallajah -..-.- N'arhurry Row, fon of VencatRow; — Refers to the Dnfters f;;r the amount due by the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah to his father. N'arraindea Ecebee, daughter and hcircfs of Rhnod Sing Mo- liurrur.; — Arrears due by the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah to her ate father -------- Narrain Roy, Mootfuddee, Madhoo Roy, attorney for ;— Ar- rears due by the Nabob Omdut v.l Omrah . - - Narrain Dofs Mukeem ; — Refers to thf Dufters for the amount due by the Nabobs Wallajah and Omdut ul Omrah. Native Inlirm.aiy ; John Underwood, attorney tor the Com- niltcije of the :— Claims for the amount of the fubfcr:ption of the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah to that inltitution Neclcantha Tawker; Sad,.fevah ^'■eyafoo and Vaneram Dava, altornies for the heirs of; — Claim on the following ob'lit,ati5 1 63.9C4 13 5 128,110 o <> 74,464 o o 64,403 6 4 548 o o 800 38,599 O 10 61,929 1 4 10,480 II 7 12,0.) 4 16 o 118,044 13 9 CARNATIC COMMISSIONERS. 97 ■Ko. 595- 99(5. 1!97- 999- 1001. 1002. iwog. 1004. ioo5. ioo6. 1007. loo8. loop. 1010. 1011. 1012. 101 ;j. 1014. 1015. 1016. CLAIMANT .'5. Neville, Lieulonaiit .)ure[)li, deceafed ; J. ralViil, attorney to jMrs. T. Neville, adminiitratrix to; — Honii, ^ill De- ceiiiber l"/8C), ol llie Na.l)ob Wallaj.'ili, for arrears of piiy Nintera llama Savviiiy Cliitty ; — Bond, loil) iMay 1801, oi theXabobOaidutulOuirali, for iiii)n<'y lint - Ni.xon, Capiaiii John, ullignee of Mellis. Chafe, Chinnery, Macduuall and Co. alligiiees of A. I'aupiah Braniiiiy; — Bond, ift November 1797, of the Nabob Onidut ul Omrah, fur money lent ------ Nizamuddeen Ahmud Khan ; — Debt of the Nabob Omdul nl Omrah, for money lent under a Wajibul Viz, dated 'j;, Ualiecofance 1210 Hegiree; and Rclcrs U the Duilers loi tb.e amount due. Nizamuddeen Ahmud Klian ;- Claims under an Enoetna- niah, granted by Omdul ul Omrah, in the name ol Pan|)iah Braminy, dated lith butter 12)6, Hegiree, for Madras pa^^odas ------- Nizamuddeen Ahmud Khan;— Tunka, dated i/lh Ram;^an 1-J04 Hegiree, of the Nabob Omdutul Omrah, granted to Ameer ud Dowla, fur the price ot three elephants - Nizamuddeen Ahmud Khan; — Debts of ths Nabobs Wal- lajah and O.mdui ul Omiah, for arrears of pay from the ift Shabaan 1203, to the iplh iUibbee ui Awai 1216 Nizzamuoddeen, fon in law of Mi)lumanud Nawas Khan ; — Arrears of fabfifteiice money due by the Nabob Wal lajah -_-... . - . Nizamooddeen, darogah of fervants ; — Refers to the Duflers for arrears of fubliftance money due by ihe Nabobs Vfal- lajah, and Omdut ul Omrah. Nogogee Row, for himfelfand his brother Jenardun Ro-.v ; — Itclers to the Dufters for the amount due to them by the Nabobs Wallajah and Omdut ul Omrah. Nonnys, John ; —Claims for arrears of pay as Serjeant Major of the Nabob Wallajah's body guard ; and refers to the Durbar accounts in proof of his claim, and for the amount due to him. Nonind Roy, Seriftadar ; — Arrears due from the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah ....--- Nooncarrun, Moolhruflf of the medicine warehoufe ; — Ar- rears due from the Nabob Onidut ul Omrah Nooncarrun, Mootfuddee of the Khanfamanee; — Refers to the Dufters for the amount due to him by the Nabobs Wallajah and Omdul ul Omrah. Nooncurrun, Mootfuddee, attached to Serferaz Khan Be- hander ; — Anears due by the Nabobs Wallajah and Om- dut nl Omrah -------- Noiirooddeen HolVain fon of Goolam Ahmud Sawattee ; — Refers to the Dufters for arrears of fubliltence money due by the Nabobs Wallajah and Omdut nl Omrah. Noor-oonilia Begum, widow of Golam Nuckee Khan; — Re- fers to the Dufters for arrears of fubfiitence money due by the Nabobs Wallajah and Omdut ul Omrah to her late hnfljand. Norris, Hugh, efq. MefTrs. Ilarington and Co. attornies for ; — 'I'hrec Bonds, 21ft June 1777, of his liighnefs Ameer ul Omrah, for money lent - . - Noyer Poonapillay; W. D. Brodie, attorney for; — Claims for arrears of a penfion beltowed on him by the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah, for fervices peitormed - - - Nnbbeeyaur Khan, fon in law of .Mohummud Abrar Khan ; — -.Arrears of fubnflence money due by the Nabob Omdut id Omrah - - - - - - - - N'udileem-ooniffa; — Refers to the Dufters for arrears of fubfHience money due by the Nabobs Wallajah and Omdut ul Omrah. Nufecza Beebee, Khodouja Beebee, Koolfoom Beebee, for themfelves, and as reprefentatives of Aialhah Beebee; — Refers to the Dui'ters for arrears of fublillence money ilnp. by the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah. Nujjimooddeen Ali, and others relations of Momin Ali Khan, darojiah of eoldfmiths, deceafed ; — Refers to ihe Duftei s for arrears of fubfiflence money due by the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah, to Jlomin Ali Khan. 21. Cc AMOUNT ol" Tile rj'lncipal (if The Clainn In the C.ebt of the Nabob Omdut ul OiUiah ; arrears ot falary --------- Nurhiig Row, fon of Vincat Row ; — Refers to the Dufters ■Ibr the amount due to his lather by the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah. Nur(ins^ Row, Mohurrur ; — Arrears due by the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah ------- Nmling Row, Mootfuddce; Madhoo Roy, attoineyfor; — Arrears due bv the iNabob Oindm ul Omrah Niirtin" Row, fm and heir of RaiU'jhiinder Row, Serillad;ir; — ivcfers to the Dufiers for the auiouiiL due by the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah. Nuz7ur .Movuddceii, Deputy Cauzee of Nelloie ; — Refers to the Dufters for the arrears of fubliftence money due by tile Nabob V>'allaiah. Nvamo .lyafwamy Fdlay ; Nyaroo Gopaul KKlna Pillay, 'and Nvaroo Naurain Sawmy Pillay, fons and heirs of Vcrda Pillay ;— Promiflory note of the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah, dated ad Auguft 1773, payable to bearer on demand, bearing the indorfement of " Jofeph Smith," by •whom the note is ftated to have been given to \'erda Pillav, as a reward for perfonal fervices Nyaz Ah, fon of JSIeer Shabaaz Hod'ainee ; — Refers to the Dufters for arrears of fubliftence money due to his kite father by the Nabub Oiudut ul Omrah. Nvnecounir, widow of BeuKchund Mootfuddee ; — Refers to "the Dufters for the amount diie by the Nabob Wal- lajah. Oniajee Mootfuddee ;— Refer* to the Dufters for the amount due to him by the Nabobs Wallajah and OiVidut ul Omnih. Ooniajee, Dewanny Dufter Gomaftah ; — Claims arrears due to his late brother Vemat Row, from the N.ibob Walla- jali, pagodas 4S4. 3-2. 25. and from the Nabob Omdut 111 Omrah pagodas 54. 20. 66. and arrears due to hiiii- felf from Nabob Omdut ul Omrah, pagados 148. 10. 27. Ootimchund, .Mibaniavees; — Reters to ilie Dufters for the amount due to him by the Nabob W'allajah ; and claims as due from the Nabob Oiudul ul Omrah - . - Onleali Reebee, widow of Golaum Ahaiud Sawaltee ;— Re- fers to the Dufters for arrears ol fubliftence money due by the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah to lier late hulband. Pachayapah Moodclliar, fon andheir ofTandava Moodillv ; —Bond, 10th June 1788, of the Nabob Wallaj ah, for money lent -------- Paduinloll, MonnOiee;— Arrears due to bis hite father Roy Dalchiind Mooiilhee, pagodas 138. 14. 6j. and to ium- felf 223. 9. 67. _..---- I'apau Moodellv, fon and heir of Narrain Moodelly, de- ceafcd; .MelTrs. I larington and Co. atlornies lor;— i'xnid loth September 1785, of the Nabob Wallajuh, for money lent Pareapauliam Armogum Moodelly, afpgiiec of the repre- lentJtives of Saravana Moodelly, ileceafed ; Bond. 7th Febitiaiy 1784, of the Nabob Wall..jali, for money lent. Parry, Thomas, efq. afl'.gnee of raupirih Braniiny ; - P;ond, l.;lh July I -7(18. of the Nabo' Omdut u) Oinr ;h, for luouey advanced on uccouiH of the Company's kilis r..g<. 70 95,000 o o 3G1 24 47 55,000 o o 85,000 o o 5 1 ,000 o o 5,426 10 « 68,168 I a 42,544 7 8 77,423 11 3 !'>,358 9 «i CARNATICCOMMISSIONERS. 99 1039- 1040. 1041. 1042. J043- 1044. 1045. 1046. 1047. i«48. 1049, 1050. 1051. 1052. 1053- 1054. 1055. 1056. 1x557. i058. 1059. J 060. C t> A I SI A N T S. Parry, Tliomas, eliq. ; — Claims for arrears of falary as a MiliUry oliicer lu tne lervico ol' the Nabob Oiiidul ul Ouirali -..--.--. I'.itcrlou, JallK•^■, •■1(1. aili^'.H'c of, ivim) Iriillee for, the heirs of i\iuiliioo .Mulki liedily ; — Boiitl 51I1 of Ajiril 1778, of tlie Nabol) Wallajah, for iiKiiiey lent - - - - Talei I'dii, Janici., elq. alligiue and inirtpe of Narfingah Ro"w ; liin and heir of Naniiijpo Row, rieceafed ; — Bond, 'i^d l\'b. 1777, of the Nabob Wallujali, for iiioufy k'ht- I'.iU'rfou, James, efJ82 9 li 80,901 7 61 •07.747 4 "J 92,316 12 1^ 49.443 7 ei 1,426 7 < 38,744 9 • 960 o • 763 19 'S 85,312 10 o 62,400 o e uc,340 14 e 21,466 14 • lOO FIFTH REPORT of the N>.. 106'. 106i. 1063. 1064. 1065. 10C6. 1067. iq6S. loOg. J 070. 1071. 107J. 1073. 1^74. 1075- J 076. 1077. 1078. 1079. 1080. jo8i. CLAIMANTS. ilaaps OmiiHa Begum; Siiib Roy, attorney for; — Ijond, 1 Uh Habiiolanee 1211 Ilegiree of the Nabob Onidut ul 0:747 i3 3 8-2,79+ 6 6 78,000 o o 74,000 o 95,000 o 8-2, 000 o o 138,000 o o 55,000 o o 93)'^77 o 93,000 70,416 2 3 950 503 19 10,807 4,322 16 • 128,724 18 o 64,624 3 Q 61.256 11 10 97,185 O I) 50,823 11 7 109,001 12 o 41,806 o C 53,872 10 9 j'J.'^S 1 o I C A R N A T I C COMMISSIONERS. lor No. lu8i, -S083. 1084.. 1085, 108C. 1087. 108S. 1089. 1090. ■I 09 1 . 109-2. .1003. 1094. l"95- 1096. 1097. 1098. 1099. SIOO. 1)01. J 102 21. C L A I M A N T S. AAIOUNT u( The Principal of TliC Claiijis In the Coiii fjiccificd. AKgrtyatc A M O IJ N T lln: I*rliuii)al and lllUTlft III Sierlm;^ Muiu'jr. Uam Row Uraniiny, W. D. Hrodie, efq. ; attorney for the widow a:i(l hf.rt, ot'; — Debt ot llie Nabob VVallajiih for arrears of pay as Uewaii in .his fcrvice - , - Ram Row Bruininy ; \'v. U. lirodis, efq. attorney fur the heirs of Luicliiiian Row rjr.iiiiiiiy, brother of I'ani Row Iiriunuiy ; — Debt of the Nabob Wallajah, for arrears of pav as Seriftadar, in the fervice of the Circar Raniafauniy I'lllay, fon and heir of C'aniarafawny PiUay ; — Ijoiid, ill September 1787, of the Nabob Wallajah, for iiK.iiey lent ...-.-_- Ramana Kaick, fon and heir of Bawanny Naick ; — Bond, ,olh September 1786, of the Nabob Wallajah, for nioaey lent ■ Ramafawmy Iyer, brother and heir of Gopau! Kifhia Iyer, Rond, aolli November 1786, of the Nabob Wallajah, lor money lent -.-.-.-- Rama Row, fon and heir of Vencata Row, ."inundaRamiah, and Vencata Chariah, attornies for; — Bond, 6th June 177;;, of the Nabob Wallajah, in the name of ('hingul- vaioy Moodely, for money lent, the property of Vencata Row - " - - _ Rama Row, fon and heir of Vencata Row, Annndu Ramiah, and Vencata Chariah, attornies for ;— Balance of an account current with his highiiefs Omdut ul Omrah, ftir arrears of pay as Moonihee, in part payment of which a tunka, dated aoth March 1776 for rupees 1,550, was granted, but no part thereof dilcharged - . - Ramachundra Row, fon and heir of Samayab Shroft'; — Bond, 7th Oclober 1782, of the Nabob Wallajah, for money lent ---..--. Ramakiltna Moodelly, fon and heir of Autiapah Moodelly ; — Bond, 30th December 1769, of the Nabob Wallajah, for money lent .----..- Ramoo Moodelly, fon and heir of Mootoo Moodelly ; - Bond, 19th April 1788, of the Nabob Wallajah, for money lent ----._-. Ramanjaloo, fon, and Pottama mother of Bondaloo Boloo Naick^ decealed, S. Bawboonoy attorney for ; —Balance of a bond, loih September 1797, of the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah, for money lent - . . . . Rama Samy Iyer, fon and heir of Vencatafoobah Iyer ; — 'i"wo bonds, one dated 4th March 1789, for pagodas 83,000 ; the other 23d July 1780, for pagodas 65,000, of the Nabob NValLijah, for money lent - - - . Ramachundra Uhutt ; — Bond, I7tb June 1801, of the Na- bob Omdut ul Omrah, for money lent ... Ram Row, fon of Appajee Pundit, W. D. Brodie, efq. at- torney by fubltitut'iou for ; — Debt of the Nalwb Omdut ul Ouirah, for arrears of falary - - - - - Ram Row, W. D. Brodie, efq. attorney by fubftitution for; — Debt of the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah, for arrears of felary - - - - - - - - - Ramchunder Row, W. D. Brodie, efq. attorney by fubfti- tution for; — Debt of the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah, for arrears of falary ....--. Ram Row ; — Debt of the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah, for ar- rears of falary for one year as a Seiilhtadar ;n the De- j wannee Department - - - - - - -| Ramechundra, F.nghfh writer; — Refers to the Diifters for the amount due to his late father Veocatachelhim and hinifelf, and claims as due by the Nabob Omdut ul Om- rah, pagodas 2,782. 40. 17. to his f ither, and pagodas 2S5. 9. 60. to himfelf .-.-.- Ram Ro-.v, Mooflafee Peillicar ; — Arrears due from the Na- bob Oiiidut ul Omrah ------ Ramchunder Row ; — Arrears due from the Nabobs Walla- jah and Omdut ul Oairah to his late fath.;r Ragoniiut Row, pagodas 5 20. 21. o. and from the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah to himfelf. p:igod.is 63 39. 30. - - -, Camchitty iNIoonlhee ; — Refers to the Dufters for the aioount due to him from the Nabob Wallajah, and claims| as due from the Nabob Omdut ul Ouirah - - - * ^0 in ihei'adrn! Garelie. Pagodiis. F. C. 7,141 36 o 2,500 o o 38,000 o o 60,000 o o 85,000 o o 200 O O 2,711 -2 Co 65,900 o o 66,811 22 40 76,000 O O 11,893 20 O 148,000 O O 5,000 o o 680 o o 342 36 o l6'2 36 o 9180 3,067 49 77 128 -ifi 61 184 18 30 133 3+ 7 £■ *• d. 4.606 5 3 1,612 6 7 •27,896 4 9 4j.'50 o o 63,698 I 1 -212 6 i 2,760 14 1 63>3+S 7 o 106,100 22* 2,1 67>395 5 o 6,424 5 6 128,675 1 2 2,290 2 S 310 10 6 156 II 2 7+75 42 13 6 Dd 102 riFTIi REPORT OF the V Ko. 1103. 3104. :iC5. IJ06. C L A I JI A \ T S. -.1107. 3 108. .lug. -IIIO. 11! !. 1112. 1114. 1115 1 1 1 6. 1117. !!lS. I I 10. 1 1 20. 1121. 1 1 -2 2 . 1 1 24. • 125- 1126. Iliiiii Riiw, .Moctfiiddee, Madlioo Rnv ultoniey for; — Ar- n-iiis (lii« l)v llie Nabob Oiiidut 111 Om.'-iih IJaiLkillieii, loll and licii- oi' I'aiiimioiik Scrillit;'.d,ir; — Ar- rears due hv llio Nalmb Onidut ul Oiurah - - - Hani Row, .SlnoHr.ddpe;— Uelers lo llie lUli'lers lor llic aiiioi'iit due to liini i;y the Nabob Omdat ill Onirab. rtauicili .\kaniah, widow of Gopai'l .Avah llukecm; — llc- ■ fers to toe Diiftfis for the aiiioLiiiL due to her late hiif- b.iiid bv tbi; Nabobs W.illajali and Oiiidiit iil Oiiirah. ;i;:ng iiiatli I'antalno, ado|iiod Ion aiullieirof llajali Bet-rbiir iu'lijiider ; — '1 wo bonds of the Na'oob Wallaj^ii ; viz. Bond, '2(Uh July 1778, for pagodas ioo, 120 ; and aiio- tln-r, -ijlli Maii-li 1777 for ji.i^od.'.s So,ooo, monev but ..---■-.-"- [langaiiutlniin, fon ami heir of Ambalavana MondelK' ; — lioud, 30l!i Augiift 1790, of the Nabob Walhijali, for money lent .--..--. ivaiiji'O i'nn'lit, W. I"), lirodie, efq. attorney by fi!bftituti(in for ;— Debt of the Nabob O.udal ill Omrah, for arrears oflalary ilaiioo r.ow, Mohurrer; — .Anears due by the Nabob Wal- Raiibon.iah Mogh;nee ; — JVfe's to llic Dufters for arrears of fiibfiilence money due by the Nabob Oindut ul Onirah. Ucz.t Abniiul Khan, and Sliarcef .Ml Khan, fons of Nawa- zilb Hulilin Khan ; — .Arrears of fublillence luoney due by the Nabobs \Vall..j ili and Omdut ul Omrah Reza Ilolaui Khan; — Heie}s to the Dufteis forarre:rsof fubilfleiice money due to hiiii by the Nabob Omdut ul Onirah. lloebiirk, 15. efq. afTignee of NfelTrs. TuUoh Brodie, Ilaly- burton, and Co.; — of one-third of the balance of a bond, dated 12th of January 1787, for 110,500 pagodas of the Nabob Witllajali, for money lent - - Koeburk, ]•. eiii. atlignee of .Sui'.coo Safaclielle Chitty ; — Hoiul, Sill .A|iiil 1780, of the Nabob \Vallajah,for money lent -..-...-- Rocburk, B. efq. alhgneeof Maliomrd .Aklas Khan ; — Bond l6lh October 1784, of the Nabob WalUjah, for money lent ------- . '. Roebuek, B. efq. aflignce of llali:^ah Ijecbee; — Pond, 15th Ortober 1775, of the Nabob NVallajah, for mone)' lent - Roebuck, 15. efq. airit.npe of ("ooKe Ingar; — "on, I, liUli of October 1777, 01 the Nai;oli Wallajali, for money lenl ---..---"- Roel uc'k, B. Kfq. afil-'nce of Klull Row; — Bond, ift Zelliij i';o6 liigeree, of tl;e Nabob Wallajah, for money lent - Roebuck, b. elq. aliitme of \'nlL!) Dots; — Bond, '241.11 Zeeade 1199 liigeree cf the Nabob N\'allajah, lor money lent - - Rooknooddeen Molnr.nnaid, Cawzee at Nuthr.rnngger ; — Refers to the Dulters tor ancars of fubfiftence nioney due by tlie Nabob Omdut ul Omrah. Roy Narrain Dol's;- OMigalion i4lh Sep'eniher 1799, of tlie Nalnib Omdut ul Omiah, gunanteeing the payment of this amount, lenl on acco',:nt of the Circa to llull'ain ul Mulk, on his Bond in the name of I^icutenant l■'r,lnci^ James .--....-- Roya Ueddy Row, a(li;:i;ee of Rama Row Putnuiji-e ; — Ba- lanre of an obligniioit, ■i^tii Rabee ul Awal 1214 Ilcgi- lee of the Naliob Omdut ul Onirah, for nioney lent Roya Reddy Row ;— Bond, i>2lli S^ulfer, 1216 llegiicp, ii ti.e iMine of Vefveijee Dava ; -Of the Naboli Onuli.t iil Oinrati for nior.ey lent by ihe claimant on account ol the Company's Kills Roya Reddy Row; — Bond, 7th Suffer, 12 16 Ilegiree, in the name of (inndavady Narrain Chilly, of the Nabob Om- dut ul Omr.ili, for money paid to Mr. Samuel, and Mr. Fit/gerald by his order ------ Roya Reddy Row, a(riL;nei' of Roya .Anunil Row; — Bal mce of a Bond, lolh Zilcad 1213 llegiree, of the Nabob Om- dut ul Onirali, for mcncy lent . - - - - A.MOt xr ..r The Privclpifl A i\i O U N T «f Tlie IVinri|Ml imd Tiif Ciaiins InU'rrll Ml Vir Cdin ipecilicd.} I» Stcrlmt^ .Money- 142 r. c. i jr. 37 -5 ; 410 214 2,039 6,«9o «. //. 65,000 -o o o o 1-2 68 i 97,000 o o 42,500 o o 50,632 o o 53,000 o o 9 -.5 00 (32,000 o o o o 87,000 o o 10,000 o o 32,345 o o '3,94."> o o 2i7,.573 43,820 187 <3o 87,^ 16 S 4 8 73,104 29,835 44,4.';9 69,420 1 12,266 43.''54 18 6 « 7 8 3l O -2 U 4 4,933 1 7 7 i'',7.H 7 I 0,t'6i o ( 4,5 •*> 4 5 3i'i 15 • CARNATIC COMMISSIONERS. 103 No. C L A I M A X T S. . 1 127. ! li(>(»ya Reilily Row ; — IjOiio!, l^th Sullcr 1^13 IIe«ird>, in llie iiiiiiie of N'iirallni;:! Row, ol ilji; Nabob Ooiiliit ill (_)r.ir.ili, lor i!io;ir_v li'iil on iiei'oiiiit of llii; C'oiiipaiiy's Kills 1128. ,K;>ya Ri'd;ly Row: — Bond, 5lli Siillor l-2i6 IlegiiRs of tlie Ndhob (3indiit 111 Oniriih to Buojuiig.i Row, foi- money leiil llig. Rov Ruwool Siii_s W.I). I'.iiHlii-.pl'ii. iilloniey by f;:!>llitiilii.n lor; — Debt ul llie .\abub Oui.lut id (/ihimIi, for arit-ura of l;i!ary Roy Narrain Dufs, \V. [). liidd;c, I'fq. attorney for;— Debt of the N'al'ob Oiiidiit td Onudi, lor uriRars of falary to liiiiifiilf as I'eidirar, and io b;s 1 m Xiirliurry c;ni)loyi'd usuler liiiu -------- Roya Reddy Row ; — Debt of lb« .\al>o!) Oindut ul Oirirali, for anf ars of f.ilary ------ n3'2. Rnya Ri-ddy Row ; — Utdjt of tbi- N'abob ().!idiit id Oiiirali, for arrears of falary to li;s lati; biotlier Roya .Anund Row -------.. 'IjS- '^^V l^li""""''^ I'"!! Moitillici; ; — Arrears due Iroiu tliK \a- bob Ouidiit ul Oinrali - J 134.. Roy Killiciicluuid .Moimdiee, the widow of; — Ki-ferf; to tbe Uutiers for aiiioimt due from tlie Nabob \Vallajah, and claims as due from llie Nabob Oindut ul Omiali - 1 135 Roy Muckhcu I.ol Moonliiee; — Arrears due from the Na- bob Onidiit ul Omra'i ----.. 1130. i'ioy Rud'uiit Roy, .MojIliruiT; — Arrears due from the Nabob C)mdiit ul Omrah -.--.. '137. Roy Killien Roy, I'cillicar of the Klianfamanee ; — Arrears due from the Nabob Omdiit ul Omrah - . . 1138. Roy Moocutid Row, Khizaiia .Mootfuddee ; — Arrenis due from the Nabob Wallajali, pagodas -4,519. 9. o. and from liie Nabob Omdut ul Omrah, pagodas 308. 18. 55. - 1 139. Roy Girdurh Loll Mounlliee : — .-Vrrears due fro:ii the Nabob C)indut ul Omrah -.---_. 1140. Roya Khyalli Roy, Dewan Kliana, MoolhrulT;— Refers to the Dufters for the amount due from the Nabob Walla- jab, and claims as due from the Nabob Omdut ul Oni- ra!i 1141. lloy Il.xnamuiit Ri>y Behaudcr ;- Anears due fiom the Nabob Oiadut ul Omrah ------ 1142. R'\v Idiur Dofs, Mootfuddee; — Refers to the Dufters for the amount duo to him from the Nabob Omdut ul Om- rah. .1 143. Roy iMaunee Loll, fon of Hoolafs Roy Mootfuddee ; —Refers to the Dufters for the a-ou)utit due by tlte Nabob Wal- lajah, and clair.13 as due from the Nabol) Oindut ul Omrah --------. ••1144. Roy Anund Ram Zamiiiy Navees ; — ,\rrea;s due by the Isabob Omdut ul Omrah ------ 1145. Roy I Reddy Row, for hiudelf, and hi; 1 ite brotlier Roya Anunda Row; — .Vrrears due by t!ie Nai*ob Wailajah to the former pagodas 1,059. 3G. 45. and to the latter, pa- godas .S.399- ••i'> 7- H4t). Roy Makragc, Mooalliee; — Arrears due by the NaiKib Omdut ul Omrah ------- J 147. I Roy Verdho Ruridit, far;ner of Vcllarc ;— Arrears due by the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah - - - - - 1 148. ' Rova 'rarnemiil Sliatur or Chefs Player; — Refeis to the j Uufters for tlie amount due to him by tlie Nabab Omdut ul Omrali. 1 149. t Roy Hecrbur Karpurdnz ; — Arrears due by llie Nabob Om- I dut rl Omrjh ------- 1 130. I Ruhma'in ?>Iah, in atteridmce 0:1 the Nabob Wallaj.ih's lifter; — Refers to the Dufters for ancars of fubfiSence money due bv the Nabob Oiadiit ul Omr.di. 1151. Runga Chary, brollier and lielr of Veera U igava Chary ; — j B-ind, 3d June 17S5, of the Nabob W.ill.ijali, for money I U'nt - Runga Row, foil and heir of Ramarhund Row ; — Bond, 5th Zilevid lioy lligeree, of ll^e Nal.'ob Wailajah, 'or money lent --..--.-- J AMOUNT of The Principal of The Cliiiiu* III till* (,'uiii f|)ecifiecl I'agoclai. F. C. r>,"93 'ii 40 ALLTeuule A M~0 V i\ T of The Priiu'lpal and Iiiieielt ht Slerliiij; ;Moiicy. £. s. d. 2.783 I » i,OL» 00 472 '5 3 408 24. o 2,200 o '.10+ 19 55 3.925 39 30 511 30 io '.51-2 4 7 821 38 47 608 a 65 •230 7 2 4.8-27 27 55 880 10 10 332 33 60 ■ 314 o o 121 21 25 117 16 o 6,459 >5 52 154 16 -27 a, 168 40 60 124,000 a o 125,000 o o 186 1 7 1,'o.f 13 4 OG.Dfi'i 13 4 i'2',':fo o * 104 PirTH REPORT OF the J153- J154- 1155- 1156. H57- 1158. '159- J 160. 1161. 1162. 1163. 1164. 1165. J 166. 1167. .Il0'8. 1169. 1 170. 1171. 117-2. >«73- a 174. 1176, C L A I M A N 1 S. Hung Row ; — Debt of the Nabob Omdut ul Omrali. un nrrears of f.ilary for one year, as an office]- of Llie Du'.i_-.;! - dan department ..-.--- Rungapa, butler ti) the Nabob Oiniiut ul Onirali; — Ckuais for ai tides fiipplied ------- RnniJ How, fon and heir of Tirmul Row; — Refers to the Diifters for the amount due to him by the Nabob Wail lajah, and claims us due from the Nabo!) UmcL.t u! Giiirah --------- Rung Row. Seril'tadar Duftgurdan department; — Arrears due from the Nabob Wall.ijah - - - - - Rung Sahye I'undit, fon of Durmajce Pundit ; — Refers to the Dufters for the amount due by tlie Nabob Omdut ul Omrah, to his father. Rune Row, Mootfuddee ; — Arrears due by the Nabob Om- dut ul Omrah -------- Ryze Oonifi'a Begum, widowof the Nabob Walliijah ; — Refers 'to the Dufters for arrears of fubldfence money for 133 llave girls. Sadia Pillay, brother and heir of Veerabuthora Pillay ; — Boiui, 9th Oftober 1788 of the Nabob Wallajah, for mo- ney lent --------- Sadafeva I'ov, fon \v.\A heir of Raraafaumy Naick ; — Bond, =ith AuuuVt 175^7, of the Nabob Wallajah, for money lent "-.------- Sadonroyal PilliV, fon and heir of Ncelacanta Pillav; — Bond, 15th March 1780, of the Nabob Wallajah, for money lent Sadafeva Row, .lawaubnavees ;— Arrears due by the Nabob Wallajah, pagodas 154. 12. 60. and by the Nabob Om- dut ul Onn-ah, pagodas 100. 17. 62 - Sadafeva Row, Akbarnavees ;— Refers to the Dufters for the ani'iuni due to h.im by the Nabob Wallajah. Sahiba Begum Sydanee ;— Refers to the Dulters for arrears of fubliftence money due by the Nabobs Wallajah, and Omdut ul Omrah. Sahcb Ijegum ; — Refers to the Dufters for arrears of fublift- ence money due by the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah. Sahiba Begum, daughler-in-law of Meefery Khauauin ; — Refers to the Dufters for arrears of fubfiUeiiee money du.' bv the Nabob Ouidut ul Omrah. Sanioo I^ofs Bala Kilinama Dofs, adopted fon and heir of Bala K f"iama Dofs; — 'l"wo bonds of the Nabob Walla- jah ; iz. ialatice of a bond, 30th Dccen)ber 1778, for p;!god is 100,000, and Bond, "d June 1780, for pagodas 55,000 money lent ------- Sam Row, Khezana iMootfuddee ; — Refers to the Dufters for the amount due from the Nabob Wallajali, and claims as due from the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah - - - Sainah Row ;— liond, l-,th October 1790, of the Nabob Wallajidi, for money lent ------ Sangura Iyer, fon and heir of Vencataravana Iyer ; — Bond, 5th I-'ebruary 1781, of the Nabob Wallajah, for money lent - . Sanaliaverum Verlho Pundit, MrnVs. Haringlon and Co attornics for; — Bond, loih .hiue 1785, of the Nabob Wallaj-ah, for money advanced - - - - Sarkies, .lohanues and Co. mortgagees of MeOrs, TuUoh, r.rod.c, 11 dvburKMi, and Co. alllgnces of Rtyus id is'iO'a Begum, Mclirs. r)inuy and Dcimifoii, agents for; — Ba- lance of an obligation, -lid July 1785, of the Nabob \Val- lajah, for jewels delivered, and money advanced - Safliachelhim Braniiny, fon and heir of Petoor Gop iliah Biaminy, Mellis. Ilarington and Co. altornies to;- Bund, 2d December 1781, of the Nabob Wallajah, for moiif-y lent S.dlia Ivcr. foil and heir of Soobiah ?afhoo ;— Bond, 141I July 1784, of tlu; Naliob Wall ijah, for money lent Saflia Iyer, fon and heir of Kiftna Iyer;— Bond, 13th An- gnft 1783, of the Nabob Wallajah, for money lent AM OU NT AKMreg.-itc 01" A fti u A T 'llic Pxir.cipul of I'!' Tlie Principiil and The C.liMMii Inieult [he Cuir. tjjcci5'-fi. In Sitiiim^ ."ij^^iicv- 'jgodis. y. C. 235 o 33 154 8 o 97 31 40 i,Su7 16 28 14-2 o o SO.OOO o o 92,000 o o 56,000 o o 254 30 42 140,000 o o _ 222 12 15 45,000 C O 115,000 o o 85,000 o o 1 5,000 o o 63,000 o o 1 25,000 o o 30,000 o o 133 9 o 72 7 o 35,600 o • 67,671 3 2 Si.'isS 5 » 158,640 4 c, 30,222 15 -J 121,340 7 o 66,17! 18 o 11,790 14 9 66,008 13 I 1 11,241 13 (» 23.'-53 6 H) CARNATIC COMMISSIONERS. 105 No. 1177. 1178. 1179. ■I 180. J181. 1H8-2. U83. 118^. 118.3. uSS. 11S7. 1188. 1189. iigo. 1191. 1192. 1194- 1!05. 1196. >ig7- 1198. iipg. 1200. J201. 21. AMOUNT of Tlie Piincipal of The CUimi 111 the Coin fpecificd. Safliacervy Row, fon and heir of necmana Naick ; — Bond, '2 li'i beptunbcr 1780, of the Nabob Waihijah, Jor money I lent Siiiiiagerry Row, Mootfiiddee, Madhoo Roy, attorney for ; I — Arrears due by ll;e Nabob Onidut ul C)iiir;th Sa. 10 hiin by the Nabob Onidut ul Onirah. ■,eei;cvafa Row, fon and heir of Riiiij;a How ; Annafamy Kraniiny, attorney for; — Bond, 2ift Augufi 1785, of li:e N..b(ib W'allajah, for UiOney lent'- - - . . ieterum Ptuidu-t, Akbarnavees ; — llcfcrs to the Dnflers for the amount due to hiiii by the Nabobs WalLijah and Onidut ul Omiah. -)hafacb.;lla Clietty ;— Bond, 5th March 1788, of the Nabob AVallajah, for calli lent his Highnefs the Ameer ul Omrah -------- Shaik -Mahuminud Subadar;— Two Tunicas, dated 5th .leiiiniadeeofanee 1213 Hegiiee, one for arrears of pay, tlie oilier for horfe allo\'.;inces - - - - - ^jhah jMoheeuddeen, bii;li I'rleft ; — Refers to the Dufters, for ane;;!!^ of fiiblilienoe money due by the Nabob Onulut ul Oinrah and ihe .Ameer ui Omrah. Sbaafut-ooddcen, high Pneft ; — Kelers to the Dufters lor ar- reais of fubliftence money due by the Nabobs Wallajah and Omdut ul Omrah. lah Kuireemoonr.h ;— Refers to the Duftere for arrears of fubliltcnce mone}' due by the Nabob Omdut ul Onirah. Sha Begum, niece of tft Nabob Omdut ul Onir Ji ; — Refers to the Dufters for nriears of lubfilfence money Oue by the Kabob Omdut ul Omiah. 5haik .Aduni, teacher of Tsje ul Omrah ; — Refers to the Dufters for arrears of iubliiWnce money due by the Nabc:b Omdut ul Omrah. Sha J itier Ilofiamee, reader of prayers; — Refers to the DuRers for arrears of lublillencc money due by the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah. Sha Zaiiah Sultaun Mirza Mohumraud Tajeeooddeen ; — Refers to the Dullers for arrears of lubfiflenee money due by the Nal)ob Omdut ul On;rah. Sha /adah Mirza All Bukht ; — Arrears of fubfirtcnce money due by the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah to bimlelf, rupees 9,000, and to his mother Afmut Onilik Begum rupees 1,300 -------- Shair .\li Khau, grandfon of Nujjeeboollah Khan, dcreafed ; — Re.'ers to liie Dulters for anears of fubfifleiice money due by the Nabol) Onidut ul Omrah. Shall Saleemooli .h, the widow of; — Refers to the Dufters for arrears of iublillence money due by the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah. | ■Sheariiian, J. mortgagee of MeflVs. TuUoh, Brodic, lialy- bui tun and Co. alfignees of A. Paupiali Biaminy ; — Bond, 12th July 1797, of the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah, lor money lent on account of the Company's kills Sheikh .'\bdul Cawdir; — Two Tunkas of the Nabob Walla- jah, one dated ill Sliowal 1190, and the other 5th .Icmadeeofauee 1192, P. N. pagodas - - - - Shevadids, Rlootfuddee ; — Arrears due by the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah .-..---. Shcrfnoddeen All Khan, Foujdar of Allianore, and Wuddcar I'olla ; — Refers to the Dufters for anears of lubfiflenee money due by the Nabobs AVall.'.jah and Omdut ul Omrah. iherafl'ut Beebee, grand daughter of Budder-Ool Iflani Khan; — Refers to the Dullers lor arrears of lii'lilience money due by the Nabobs \Vallajali and Omdut ul Omrah. Shookooh ul Mulk Xufurut .lung Hehauder; MeHrs. Ilaring- ton and Co. altoinies for; — Balance of a Tuu-kali, lith Sluival, 1215 Ufgiree, of the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah, for money Itiit ------- I 411 A .M f N 1' «( The Principal of Tlie Claims [m [lie Com l'[jecllifd A .M U .N T 01 The Priiicipil ii|id lillcri It III Strriiug JloiK-y. Pagodas. F. C. 1,371 18 626 5 8 1S7 15 fi 30,000 o I 23,241 43,000 o 3';127 1 10 5 9 Rupees. 10,300 20,000 o 1,100 2 IS8 7 '.•6 8 2,153 23 15 886 A I C A R N AT I C COMMISSIONER S. 107 No. 1'2'2.6. 12-27. I2:s8. ■illQ. 1230. • 231. 12.32. »233- »234- '235- 1236. »237- ^238. H39- J 240. 1241. 1242. *243- 1244. 1245- J 246. CLAIMANTS. AMOUNT of The Principal of The Chiims In llie Coin fpeeified Fjgodas. F. C. 67,860 9 45 55,ono o o ■J,'-'.'-,0 O (I 46,838 o o 71,151 26 20 2,000 o o Sliookooh ul i\liilk Nufunit Jung Behauder; MefTis, Hanng- lon and Co. alloiiiies for ; -'I'unkuh, 14111 llainaz.in, 1 ig'i llegirce, of llie NaLob Wallajah, for money advanced - Sham Coiiuir; — llelers to the Dafterh 101 arrt-ait. of fub- fiuenre money due by ihe Nalioljs \Vallajah and Oiodut ul Onirah. biiiipl'on, VVil'.iain, affij^nce of Gocul Dofs, fon and heir of ftlucUun Dofs;— Bond, 22d October 1770, of the Nabob AVallajah, I'lir jewels fold lo the Nabob - ... Sirdir ud Do'-vlar; — Bond, of the Nabob Oindut ul Omrah, dated 15tli ofilrjele 121.S, for jewels (iipplied - smart, Lieutenant Colonel, deceaied ; Mrs. S. A. .^inart, widow and adminlftratri.'t of; — Seven bonds, ift Novem- ber 1797, for money lent .--.-- Smith, Colonel Jofeph, deceafed; John Datley, acHng execu- tor of; — Debt 12th June 1798, of the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah, for arrears of pay - - - . . Smith, Colonel Jofeph, deceafed; John Batley, adlng exe- cutor of; — Tunkah, 7th .April 1780, of the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah, for money lent ...... Smith, General Cecil, accountant to the Honourable United Company of JMerchaiits of England tniding to the Eaft Indies; — Claims for payments made to I'undry pei- fons, the immediate fervants of the late Nabob Omdut ul Omrah ; and in preferring this claim it has been ftated, that a further claim for payments of ihi' fame deicription will be hereafter made ...... Smith, Captain Thomas ; John Clare, attorney for ; Rozinha de Silva, executrix to the eliate of the late; — Bond, lit Augufl 1797, of the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah for arrears of pay, liar pagodas ...-..- Soondra Row, fon and heir of Ramachundra Row ; — Bond, 7th May 1787, of the Nabob Wallajah, for goods fold - Soobroy iMoodelly, fon and heir of Cundapah Sawmy Moodelly ; — Bond, 18th lebruary 1786, of tlie Nabob Wallajah, for money lent --..-- Soobramanya Pillay, Ion and heir of Samenada PiUay; — Bond, 28th June 1 785, of the Nabob Wallajah, for money lent - - Soobri. ih Braminy, fon and heir of the late Sadiia Braminy ; iMeflrs. Dalryniple and ('>reig, attornies for;— Bond, 2d May 1787,01' the Nabob Wallajah, for money lent Siiorah PiUiar Chitty, fon and heir of Soorah SooOoo Chitty ; Meflrs. Dah-ymple and Greiy, attornies for ; — Bond, 29th JMay 1792, of tlie Nabob Wallajah, for money ad- vanced -....--.. Soobarova Braminv, fon and heir of Yapaly \'arthva Bra- miny, deceafed; Mellis. llarington and Co. attornies for; — Bonil, i5lh June 1782, of the Nal^ob Wallajah, for money lent .-..-... Sooi)aroyloo, fon and heir of Sama Row Soucar, deceafed ; — 'I'wo Bonds -Kate AMul ^T ol The Prmtipal dlld l.ilereft la Stcrliii^ Money. £. .. d. 17,98s 8 a 82,og;> 6 o 900 O O 24.856 4 4J 38,603 4 o 2,188 10 6 60,000 o o 2,982 4 5 92,555 "1 7 42,065 17 o 74,650 13 8 27,406 7 V 51,138 12 7 69,291 3 6 96,722 1 8 247,511 18 10 90,416 o o 44,185 n 7 8:;,oo5 o o \ \ V 5,000 o o 4,570 o 111,075 o « io8 FIPTII REPOIIT OF THE / 7 No. 1247. 1248. ■ ^249- 1251. 1252. 32,53- 1254- CLAIMAN'TS. AMOUNT Iff The Piincipnl of The C'ainm Inllie Coin (\)Ci:i!'iv(\. 1259. ;26o. 1261. 1262. 1263. J 264. 1265. 1266. -1267. 1268. 12G9. 1270. 1271 1272. Soobiah l>aminv, fon and heir of Vencat;irhilla Jyer ; — liond, iilt Jisna 1787, uf tlie Xajob Walkijuh, tor muiiey lent ... - Soobrov Pilla?, fnn and heir of Summnokh Roy Pi'ilav ; — Bond, 16U1 December 1782, of tlie Nabob Wallajah, for money lent _----.-- Soo: a Row, in behalf of his fon Aunajee F:ow; W. L). Biodie, Kfq. attorney by fubfriuvtiun tor ; — Debt of llie Nabob ul Onirah, for an ears of f5,347 '8 io| 1,581 4 o 60,428 1 2 66,955 o o 108,210 8 o 148,112 o o 21,720 o o 17.343 o o C A RNATIC COM M ISSIONERS. 1C9 No. 1274. J27.V 1277. 1278. 1-279- 1280. 1281. 128-2. 1283. 1284. 1285. 12 86. 12B8. I -80. 12C0. 1201. 1292. •■^1'3 C L A I M A N T S. Succarap.ih IMoodelly, Ion unci lieir of Chedunibar.i iNluodclly ; — Bond, 27111 September 1778, of llie Nabob Wallajub, for luoi'.ev li.'"t ------ Siukuo I'leubee, (iiier and leprtlVnl'itive of Uoy ISIaig Sing, decealed ; — llftters to tbc Dnfters for amount due from tlie Nabob \\'allajah, and claims as due from tbe Nabob Omdut ui Uuirah ----.. Suiidhojee, attaclied to the Huruiii ;— liofers to t!ic DuUcrs lor arrears ol fiibliflence iliom.-)' due by tbc Nabobs Wal hijab and Omdut ill Onirali. Su-giiee iSabiba, j^rand-daUj^liter ofSyed Ifmaeel Moullim ; — Refers to tbe Uufters for aiicars of fublifieiue moiit v due by the Nabob Wallajah to ber grandfather. Sukkhnn Loll, ]Moonlhee;^A:re.'.ri> due by the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah .--.-. Sukkena Heebee, widow of Khojah llamann ; — Urftrs to the Dufters for arreara of lublilU iice money due by the Nabobs Wallajah and Omdut id Omrah. Sukeenah Ikebce, adopttd daughter of Vafeon IMohummiid Klian, deceafcd ; — Uefers to the Dnfters for arreurs of lublilienf e ninnw due by the Nabob Omdut ul Oiurab. Sukkenah Deebee, in e.tteiidance on Kuneem Onillk Be gum ; — llefeis to the Dnfters for arrears of fubfiflence money due by the Nabob Omdut ul Oimah. Sulivan, Captain 11. 15. deccafed ; Sir Benjamin SulivaJi adminiftrator to the ellate of; — Bond, ill Auguft 1781, of tbe Nabob Wallajah, for aiTears of pay and amount of contraiSt for feeding the hoifes of his Ilighnefs's body guard -.-.-_.-- Sulivan, Sir Benjamin; — Bond, ift January 1793, granted to him by the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah, in lieu of two former bonds and a tunkali, for fervices performed Sultan Sing, MoodirufI'; — Refers to the Dufters for the amount due to him by the Nabobs Wallajah and Omdut ul Omrah. Summons, Henry, nephew and heir at law of Charles Sum- mons, deceafed ; — Claims under fecunlies which are fup- poled to be in the pofielhon of fonie perfons by virtue ol letters of adniimftration, with a power of attorney fent to Madias in or about the year 17S6. Sunmooga Pili-.iy, brother and heir of ?i!ootoo ^'eer PiUay ; — Bond, 23d May 178S, of the Nabob Wallajah, lor money lent -------- Sunker Linger Pillay, fon and heir of Nnllafcvaram Pillav; Mefli's. llarington and Co. attornies for; — Bond, 13111 September 1780, of the Nabob Wallajah, for money lent - 1 . - Suiiker Dofs, Seriftader^ — Refers to the Dufters for the amount due to him by the Nabobs Wallajah and Omdut ul Omrah. SunjeevaRow, Jlootfuddee; Madhoo Roy attorney for; — Arrears due by the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah Suiijeadah Bhoo, widow of Nnjjeeboullah Khan, deceafed ; — Refers to the Dulters for arrears of fubhlieuce money due by the Nabob Oindut ul Omrah. Surroop Loll ; — Arrears due by the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah --------- SutbeiLiiid, .lames, affignee of Canny Pcrfaud, heir and per- foiial repri fentative of Rajah llookr.mut Ram, decealed ; MelTrs. Binny and Dmnifon attornies to;— BaLmee of an account ciinxnlf-tiied l-etween liie Nabob Wallajah and the faid Rajah HooU.uiiut Ram, dated ijlh .hme l797i for arresirs of falary ------- Sutherland, James, alllgnee of Roya Reddy Row, and Dut- tajee Moorleapah ; Mefirs. Binny and De^nifon attor- nies to ; — Tv.i) bonds of the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah, for money lent; viz. 21 ft Oi;i( ber 1800, f(n- pagodas 2;!,oeo, and igth April 1800, for 26,443 - - - Sutherland, James, allignec of Kiftna I)(;fs ; mortgagee ot Nooruddeen .Mahomed 'Cav.i; ; ?\kffrs. Binny and Den- nifon attornies tor ; — Bond, 2111 September 1797, of ihe Nabob Omdut ul Omrah, for moiiey advanced on ac- ecHit of the Ce'iiipatis"; kiiis - - - - . A M O U N T ol Till' Pimcipal of Tiie CLiiins fii the Coin ri>pc(fic(l Pagodas. F. C 82,000 o o ^37 i> 50 o(> 31 40 A({jrrc'£f.ilc A 11 O IJ N T of The rri]icip.-il and Inlrrcfl In Slerliiis; Mon<'_y. 95,792 8 • 4.835 39 »o 72,074 32 4 So,ooo o o 75,000 o o 88 26 1 141 28 10 Rupees. 22,937 6 O 49.443 o o 23,000 o o 4>939 16 • 47.409 7 9 V 57,564 IS « 52,002 14 9 7:430 18 3 23;049 15 3 12.257 8 5? ^/ i-lQ TIF Til REPORT of the / Ko. 129'!- ■■^2f)5. •12S6. 297- •l-2o8. 1299. 1300. 1301. 1302. 1303- 1306. 1307- 1308. 1309- 1310. J311. •1312. CLAI3>IAXTS. A M U N T of The Principal «t TIio Ciaiilis [n lliu Com r,iei;ifii;d. Sydenham, Major 'ionerai ; Colonel Alexander On, attor- ney lor Capli.iii '1 hoiriiiS Sydenham, adr.-.iiultrator to the ell.ite of the -lato ; — JionO, 12th .Ui^iiU 1785, of the Nab'b Wallajal;, for iiioni^y ler.l - - - - - Sydoo .Mahotiieii, brother and heir of Goiaum Miihomed, dicudfed ; Kiiuuini.di CIntly, alUirney for; — 'I'lniKiih, l8lh Marr-h lySq/of tlie Nabob Walhijah, for monej liMit (ju account of building liie g;irho\val 1214 Hegiree of the Nabob Onidut ul Oiiirah, for articles lupplicd - -i'.ed .Mohitmmtd, lor hmifelfand Soubaliroyer ; — Balance of an account curicnt for articles fu|;plied on account of ibe Aiiuer ul Omrah . . - - - '^y<;(\ Khizer ; — 'I'wo 'I'unkas of the Nabob Oindiit ul (yiiirah, one d.itcd 271!! ^lin.val, for pagodas 60, and rupees 240-; the other 17th Jrinniiidoolanee 1215 lie- girec, for pagodas 57. 12 An', and iupees237, for an ears •<'t'['iy >yed .Mahomed Ally, formerly a.]H-ielt in the fervicc of the NabohOiT-idut ul Omrah.; \\ . D. l>iod;e, efq. attorney for; — 'I'unkah, 14th Udjeb 1213 liegiree, for lus leivices ill that capuiiy ._----. l A .11 I! NT Th'.' Vrmcijiai ol (;l riio riiutinal and Tlic Claims Intcrill In lilt C<)iii l|)ci-ifieul Mocktadur ; — Refers to the Duflers for arrears of fublilieiice money due by the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah. Syed UfrarooUah ;— Refers to the Duflers for arrears of fubllfienee money due by the Nabob Omdut ul Oairah. Syed Uolhun Ruekura Khan, teacher of R_\le ul Omrah ; — Refers to the Dut'ters tor arrears of lubiiflence money due liy t!ie Nabob Omdut «1 Omrah. Syed OonilTa ;— Refers to the Uuflers for arrears of fub- filtence money due by the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah. Syed Abdoui Kawdir, Koolbnavees, in allend.uice on Taje ul Omrah ; — Refers to the Duflers for arrears of fub- lil'tence monev due by the Nabob Omdut ul Oiinah. Syed .Xbdiad Ghaunce, proclaiaier of tlie hour of jiraycr, in attendance ou 'i'aje u! Omrah ; — Raters to the Dufters for arrears of iublillence laoney due by the Nabo!) ul Omrah. Syed lloli'.iin Khan; — Refers to the Duflers for arrears of fublii>eace money due Ijy the Nabob Oiiidut ul Oiaruh. Sied All C'auzy llatiz Syed llofaiii Kb.an ; — Refers to the Duflers for arrears d' iublillence money d^;c by the Nabob Omdut ul Ouiruh. Svcd Reza Naw.;s Kban, lUicklhee of the troops, i^c; — Refers to the Duiters tor arieais of fubiiilcnct money due by the Nabob ul Omrah. r^S'.'las. Kupecs. 7> r. c. 200 O Cj7 o RM[»eps. l,+oo R 11 pees. 0,030 tiuppes. 2>:'.oo Rupees. 12,804. Rupccj. 50,000 Rupees. l,.'i0O Rupees. '2, 160 IT 7, FIFTH REPORT of the 1338- i33y- 1340. 13+1- S34-2. "1343- '3+4- 5345- 1346. '347- •348- •1349- 1350. 135'- J35'i. 1353- J354- '355- 1356- 1357- 1358. •'339. 1360. CLAIMAXTi. Syed Mujuniinuddcea AW Khan; — Ilefers to the Dufters for arrears of lubriftence money due by tlie Nabob Omdut ul Omrah. Syedah Begura;^Refers to the Dufters for arrears of fub- iii(ence hioiiey due by the Nabob Otiidiit ul Oiniah. Sved Mobumuiud Uoiikin, fon of Sved Abdul .Suiiiiiuid ; — — Ilefers to the iJufiers for an ears of fubliUence iiiuuev due bv the Nabob Omdut ui Oinrali. Sved Caiiliiii, Cauzec and Khuteeb of Ilafingheri JNlofquc ; -^Refers to the Dufltrs for arrears of fublifteiice money due by the Nabob Oii'dut ul 0:r.rah. Syed Yufiif, ion of Slu'.h Ibiahini I'akir? — Arrears of fub- ■(iftence money due to his late father by the Nabob Om- dut ul Omrah -------- Syed Beluidur Ali Shah, and Syed Delavvur All Shah, fons of Dadalliaw, religious inftruclor ; — ilefers to the Duflcrs for arrears of lubfilfence money due by the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah, to their liite father. Syed Moheeuddeen JemauloolLh liolfainee, religious ia- liruclor; — Arrears of lublilh:nce money due by th.e Na- bob Omdut ul Omrah .--.-- Syed HolVain Ali Shall, religious jnftruftor ; — Refers to the Dufters for aneais of lublilteuce money due by the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah. Tagaroy Mocdelly ; — Hond, 15th June 1801, of the Nabob Omdut ul Omrali, for munev lent - - - . Taje Oonifiii;- Refers to the Dufters for arrears of fub- liitence nioney due by the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah. Tunjore \'eiicataramiah, foh and heir of 'I'anjoi'e Ramaiamy, deceafed ; iMeli'rs. llarington and Co. atloinies for; — Bond, 'id Auguit 1786,0! the Nabob Wallajah, for money lent -. 'I'annamah, widow of Nullatumbi Hukeem ; — Rel'ers to the Dufiers for the amount due to her iate buiband by the Nabobs Wallajah and Omdut ul Omrah, Tanapah liukcem ; — Refers to the Dufleis for the amount due to bim by the Nabobs Wallajalr and Omdut ul Omrah. Talwell, George, allignee of Trirliinopnly Soobaroy I'illay ; liond, 23d April 17B7, of the Nal)ob Wallajah, fbr money lent ..--.--. Tai'wfll, George, aillgnee of Tandava Moorty I'illay ; — I)0nd,-2oth September 1785, of the Nabob Wallajah, fur monev lent -------- I'awkur Dol's, W. D. Brodie, efq. attorney by fubftitution for; — Debt of tlie Nabob Omdut ul Omrah, for arrears 01' Hilary --------- l^ayapah Mpodtlly, mortgagee of Avadanum I'aupiah Bra- Uiaiy ; Collinga R03' Meodcily, executor to the edatc of; — Bond, I'itii July 1797, of the Nabob Omdut u! Omrah, for money lent - Teermul Row, fon and heir of Clovind i Row ; — Bond, 26th March 17S'2, of tlie Naljob Wallajah, for money lent Tcfiovady Vifnadut Gop.inljte ; Meli'rs, llarington :.iid Co. attornics for;— Bond, ill September 1^94, of the Nabob \Valliijah, for pagodas 63,000 ; and two bonds, one datid 14II1 September 1707, lor pagodas 50,000; the other C!9t!i April i8oi, foi pagodas 60,000, of the Nabob Omdut ul Omrali, for money lent _ - . - rccrovingada Cliitty, fon and litir of Appoo Chilty ; — Bond, ■lyA\ Auguft )788,cf the Nabob Wallajah, for the balance of an account for lupplies of grain at .'\rcot riiann Sing Mooliofee ; — y\rrcarsdue by the Naimb Walla- jah, 1,120. 21. 2. and by the Nabob Omdul ut Omrah, 145- 31. 2. I'ippoo Shall, and Syed Niitler, and Syed Abdullah, fotis of llyder Shah ;— Refers to tlie Dufters for arrears of fub- filience inniicy du: by the Nabob Omdut ul Ouiiah I'irmul Row; — Debt of tlie Nal-.ob Omdut ul Omiah, for arrcius of jiay as Stnllitudar of the Ucwanny ollice A M f- X r ul' I'iic I'iiiiciijal •a The t'laiilis tn llie Cuiii l'|jccifir(l Puftodas. F. C. 11 II pees. 505 Rupeos. 3,(ioo 126,000 o o 55,000 o o Ajigregatc A.MUU NT of The Principiil and lalLT.-ft Tn Slciliiij; Money. 50,000 O O 30,000 O 205 So, 000 o o 135,000 o o 173,000 O 94,000 o o 1,266 10 4 4.74" 35 '; £■ 59,-20 o 41.561 18 4 41, :5s o 8 23:555 o o 9" "-4 6 4-.946 13 4 135,045 o o 90,542 1 6 07,157 15 9 3,261 CAR N ATI C COMMISSIONERS. 113 No. ISfil. 1362. '363- 1364. 1365- 1366. 567- 1369. J 370. «37i- '372- '373- 1374- 1375- "3/6. '377- ■J 37 8. 1379- 13S0. CLAIMAXTS. A ai u N r of The Vi\t]a[jal Tlic Claims III llio Ciiiii I'pccificd I'irraul Row;— Six bonds of l!ie Nabob Onidut iil On.iah, in tlie nir.ncs of tlilieient 'H-rlons, and datrd as follnvis; 2d June 1801, fur ija^odus 15,300. in tlic name of .Mcui' MahiHiied Ally Khan; 4lh Ju>ie iPol, for p;igod3«7- 1388. J 380. 1390. 1391- i392. J393- 1394- 1395- 1306. i;i97- 1398. J399- 1400. 1401. 1402. 1403. 1404. C L A 1 hi A N 1 S. Vanwa'-n Dava ; — Balance of a l)oiid, id .Maich 1801, of the Nabob OimluL ul Oiiii ah, for money lent V'artiii Gal'par, aiiignee of Haliz Mahomed Xairiir Khan Bohaiulcr; — Bond, 6th October 1797, of the Nabob Omclut ul Omrah, for money lent - . . . Vaulhoo SadaJheva ^'ellcatttfa; — Obligation, 7th April 1795, of the Nabob W'allaiah, for mimey lent \'ii'aiuo Ddvay I'lllay, mortgagee and alliguee of Charles Darke, efij. ; — Two bonds, ift January 1786, of ll)e Nabob Onidut ul On:rah, lor nioiiey lent - _ . \'aa!oo Dava ll-osv; W. D. Brodie, efq. attorney bv fiibfti- tiilion for; — Debt of the Nabob Oaidut u! Ouiiah, for arrears of paj- -------- Vedraluamy J)'er, for. acd heir of Seeiiavafa .Tyer, 'I'um- beacha I'illay, attorney for; — Bond, lotli Zilcad 1199 Ilegiree, of the Nabob Wallajah, for mono}' lent - V'eK'apah Woodeliar, fon of Nagapah iSlooueliar; — Bond, 23d June 1788, of tlie Nabob Wallajah, for money lent - \'eerapaii .Moudelly, ion and heir of Veiicatafa Moodelly ; — Bond, 4th June 1790, of the Nabob Wallajah, for the value of jewels fold - - - - - - - i'cnraiariigavah Chary, fon and heir of Terroonialah Chary ; — I'ond, 3d October 17S5, of the Nabob \Vallajah, for money lent -------- \'encata Kow, fon and heir ofSenevafa Row; — Bond, 2oth Dec«mb<;r 17S0, ofthe Naliob Wallajah, for money lent \'encatachella Piliay, fon and heir of Narrain Pilluy ;- Bond, l-2th March 1780, of the Nabob Wallajah, for monev lent -----... Venkajee liunlhoolo, grandfon and heir of Narafin^a Ram Vencjee ; — Bond, 12th December 1778, of the Nabob Wallajali, for money lent ------ V'encalapudily Soucar ; Mellis. Ilarington and Co. attor- nies for.; — Bond, ill February 1780, of the Nabob V\'al- lajah, for calh lent, and jewels fold - - - . V'encatachella iMoodelly, fon and heir of Soobaroy Moodelly ; — Bond, 6th July 1781, of the Nabob Wallajah, for money lent -------- \"encatah Rama Jyer, fon and heir of Narrana Jyer; — I'.ond, 17th July 1783, of the Nabob Wallajah, for money lent -------- \''encood;ifs, brother and heir of Narafinga Dofs; — Bond, ift July 1782, ofthe Nabob Wallajah, for money lent - \'encataram Ciiitty, fon and lieir of Goornada Chitty ; — Bond, -ioth A|)ril 1787, ofthe Nabob \Vallajah, for fup- plies of grain, 6cc. ------- Vencala How, a deceafed fon and heir of Vencatachelliah Braminy ; Ambcody Poody Hama-cheiidriah Braminy, and Salhagcrry Ilov/, altornies for tlie widow and legal r<"prefentative of; — Bond, ytli Septeniber 1777, of tlie Nabob Wallajah, for money lent - . - . \'encata Row, A. deceafed; Amboody Poody Ramacheu- driah Braminy, and Sa(hagr;rry Row, attornies for the widow and legil reprsfentative of;— Bond, 17th March 1788, of the Nabob Wall.yah, for money lent Vcncata Row, fon and heir of Ramafawniy, Dohifli ; — Bond, 5th June 1795, ofthe Nabob Wallajah, for money lent .--. V'encatachella Piliay, fon and heir of Chacura Pillav; — Two b(Hids ofthe Nabob Wallajah, one dited 4lh Octo- ber 1778, for pagodas 95,000; the other, 4th February 178-2, for pagodas 85,000, for money lent \''cnaigum Modeiiar, H.; — Order, 17th June i8o), of the Nabob Omuut ul Omrah, for money lent ... \'enaigum Modeliar, S.;— Bond, 30th November 1796, of the Nabob Oindnt ul Omrah, for money lent \'enrataputty Naick. fon and heir of Pcrinaul Naick, dc- ciMfi-ii; I'.d.vard Watts, efq. attorney for; — Bond, 26lh Showall'ioO llej^iiee, ofthe Naljob Wallajah, for moni'v lent, and refers to the Durbar accounts in proof of loe claim ..-.---..- A rtl O tJ N T i.f Tlio l*ni>(;i|>al ■or Thf Cluints ]i t!ic Com Ipecificd. PilgOrJilS. F. C. 151833 15 o 3,000 o o G5;427 o « 10,000 o o Sr^lO O O 60,000 O O 75,000 O O 64,000 O O 20,000 o o 37,000 o o 75,000 o o 2 1 8,000 O O 320,000 O O 98,500 o o 80,000 o o 95,000 o o 35,000 o o 55,000 o o 40,000 o o 93,000 o o 180,000 o o 15,500 o o 15,000 o o 4^5,000 o o A-„";n-;i;le Ajili t.\ r (J I I'lic PtiiK-tjiat uiiti liueiclt in Stcrlmg ;Mo»ev- £■ «• 'J- 7.141 '1 " ',59<> 6 7 38,'592 1 10 7,675 o o 365 6 8 47,600 o o 53.841 13 5 43,452 8 10 •22,977 1<> 6 39,2Ci 19 I 82,365 o o 260,292 o o 353,118 13 3 101,920 2 8 75,002 13 8 93,828 4 10 25,948 12 4 67,037 13 4 28,928 17 9 6r),23i o o i3'.>.9!^5 5 7 7,104 6 4 8,237 '4 » 33,646 2 • C A R N A T I C C O M M I S S I O N E I^S. 115 \o. M05- 140G. !J40J, 1410. 1411. 1412. H>3- 14 1 4- 1415- 1416. H'7- 418. 1419. i'4-20. 14-21. ii-2'2. C L A I M A N T S. Vencata( hc'llaiab, b:otlier and hcjr of V'ciicataramiah ; ■ — r,ond, 2d lluinziiiin 1199 Ucgiiee, of the Nabob \\'-d\- lajuh, for money lent .-_... Vcnciito How ; Vv'. D. Rrodic, efq. attorney by fabftitutior for ; — Debt of tiie Nabob Onidul ul Orah, for arrears oi f'll I'-y ■ ■ " V-eiicala Row ; ^V.. D. I>rodie, efq. attorney by fiibfiiliition for ; — Debt of tlie Nabob t)uidiit, L'l Oniral), for airears 01 fJa.y - - . Veiicata Ram Cirilty, 15.; — Tiiree bonds granted bv Meer Izut Kiian, .\uniil, luider t'le lam'-tion of Nizam ud deen Ab- mud Klian, renter of Arcot, for money lent on account of tbc Circar, and dated as follows ; i2tli Anney i'204 i-'ufley, for |)ai;odas '2,000; 3d Avidey 1'20,t, ditto, for pagodas 500; and ^Sth Audey 120,5, ditto, for pagodas 2,400 Vencata Ham Chitty, U. ; — 'J'wo bonds, dated 2S1I1 Auva- ncy 1205 rulley, granted by NiKam nd-dccn .\hmud Kban, managei of Arcol, in favour of Mefl'rs. Colt, Ba- ker, and Co. one for pagodas 4,000 ; and tlifi crlber for pagodas 2,1 8S. 31. 40. for nwney lent on account of the circar .--..--. Vencata Ram Chitty, B.; — Balance of a bond granted bv Anwar Ally Khan, dated 2ift Anney 1207, I'ulley, fur money lent on account of the Circar . - - - Vencat Row, writer attached to the troops ; — Arrears due from the Nabob Omdut ul Ouirah - - - . Vencat Row, iMonnlhee, fon and heir oi' TirmHk Pundut, IMoonlliee ; — .Arrears due from the Nabob WuUajah to his father, pagodas i-,557. "5- 50- a"d from the Nabob Om- dut ul Omrah, to himfelf, 380. 7. 55. Vencat Row, Seriftadar, Ion and heir of Kiflnajee Daflb ; — Arrears due from the Nabobs Wallajah and Oradut ul Omrah, to his father, pagodas 3,798. 38. 20. and to himfelf, 87^. 34. 10 - Vencat Row Mohurrur ; — Refers to tlie Dufters for the amount of his claim on tlie Nabob Wallajah, and claims as due from the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah - - . Vencata Narafoo, Dewanny Dnfter Gomaftah ; — .Arrears due from the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah Vencat Rov/, Dewannee Dnfter Gouiufiah ; — Refere to the Dullers for the amount due to him from the Nabobs \Vidl;ijdi tiiid Onulut ul Omrah. \>iicat Row, Ginnartah of the Treafury; — Arrears due from the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah _ . - - Vencat Row and Gopaul Row, fons and heirs of Strecnevas llo'.v, IVlohurnn-; — Arrears due by ih-i Nabobs Wallajali and Omdut ul Omrah --..-. ^'■encat Row, Moofhrulf; — Refers to the Dnftcrs for the amount due to himfelf and his fon 1'irmul Row, Mohur- rur, by the Nabob Wallajah, and claims as due by the Nabob Omdut iilOnirali, pagodas, 58. 15. An' to himfelf. aiul pagodas .^8. 15. An', to liis fon - - - . Vericat Row, ,\iohun-ur ;— Arrear-s due from ths Nabob Omdut ul Omrah --.-... Vencat Row, fon of Streenevas Row; — Refers to ihe Duf- ters for t!ie amount due to hiui by the Nabobs Wallajah and Omdut ul Omrah. Vencat Ram Nayadoo, fon and heir of Vygiapab Nayadoi D«ba(liee ; — l^clci'rf to the Dufters for the amount due t. him by ihe Nabob 0;ndut ul Omrah. H'23- i V'enddlore Montoo IVIodclii.ir ; — Tunkah, ijih Shewall l-2lo Iligeree, of the Nabob Oindut ul Omrah, for fer\iccs perfoi'mod .-..--.. 1424. Vendaiore Mootoo Modelliar, claim-; for arrears of falarv due to him as Dubafn to the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah - 14:3. l^>reva, Paul ; — Claims arrears of pay as a .'^erjeant JMajor A.MOIJNT of The PrinciiKil -ol Tlic Claims Iiitlic ("oiii I'jiccifipd Pagodas. F. C 82,000 O O 331 18 O 4,900 O O 6,i83 31 40 505 o o 110 4-5 7» »i937 24 -5 4.677 27 30 394 30 o 167 23 50 4-;8 22 40 117 36 60 icu •! r> Afgrogate AMOUNT of Tlie Priiiripal and Iiitcreli lu Sterlin" Monrv. 75,409 18 7 151 6 II 74 7 e in tiie fervice of the Nabob Omdut ol Omrah, to the Dm bar accounts in pro-.d' of Lis clamj and ref ;rs i 10,000 O 3,000 o o iCo o ( 2,818 15 2j 3,550 5 7j 270 O O 5,D3^ o c 1,761 o -ii6 f I FT II R E P O RT o F T H F. Kq. • 14-26. 1427. 3428. 14-20. H31- M32- >433- T'!34- J 435- j '430. 1 1437- M38. H39- 1440- 1441. 1442. H43- C L A I M Al N T S. V'erjee MoguuDol's, fon and heir c! Govrrhdun Dois, George I'ulvbiii ton, efq. altoiney fi.T ; — Three bonds of the Na- bob Walliijali ; viz. boiiJ, 23d March 1780, for pagoda.s 50,000; ditto, ifttl) June 17^*0, tor pagodas 90,000; ditto, i4th Sejiteniber 1780, for pai^cidas 70,000, for mo- ney ler.t - - -:- -- - - Ver:ijpr I)ofs, fen and perlfcnal reprefentative of Vencatii Kilina Dofs ; Meffi's. Colt, ilavt and Wefton, lUtorni?* for; — Ijond, ift January I7b'li, of tbe Nabob Wallajah, for gold ai'.d lilver jewels let with preeioub Itones, and foi the value of pearls, lo'd and delivered - - - . \"erlhoo i'undah, Mclh-s. llaiingtoii and Co. ottornies for ; — Bond, 2t5th July 1787, of the Nabob VVailajah for pago- das 10,000, money lent, and bond, luih jidy 1796, of liie Nabob Oiiidut ul Oiurah, for pagodas 20,000, money lent - - - - Veitho Pundit, brother and lcc,dl rcpi-efentativc of \'encat I'ow, deceafed ; Meffrs. Manti^lon and Co. attornies for ; — Bond, 6th July 17<}-?, of the Nabob Wullajah, for mo- ney lent --------- V'erjee Dofs, fon and heii of llago.onatha Dofs, deceafed ; JJefirs. MunnLito!! and Co. attornies lor; — Bond, 3d Ja- nuary 1784, of th'j Nabob Wallajah, for money lent V^erafauiiiy Braininy, fon and heir of B. Paupiah Braniinv, deceafed; — Bond, 3d October 178=;, of the Nabob Wal- la)ab, lor inonev lent ------- X'erjeevan Dofs, gi-andlbn and heir of A'ullub Souder Dofs ; iS!elh-f. Colt, Hart, and Werton, attornies for; — Bond, 30th January 1772, of the Nabob Walhijah, for calh ad- vanced ------_-. Verjeevan Dofs, grandfon and heir of V'ullub Souder Dofs MelTrs. Colt, llart, and Wefton, attornies for; — I'.al.mce of a bond, 5th February 1770, lor patjodas 15,000; and br.lance of another ditto, 5tb Jidv for porlo novo pagodas 3,000, of the Ameer ul .Mulk Behauder, fur money lent ---. Vei'jeevan Dofs, grandfon and heir of Vullub Soudara Dofs ; IMelVrs Colt, llart, and V.eflon, attornies for; — Balance of a bond, 9lh January 1769, for pagodas 10,000; and bond 7th Argnft I 771, for pagodas 1,000 cf his highncfs Omdut id Omrali, for inonev lent - - . . \'pva(lia Uiilakiftna .Sadalbeva,H(Iignee of .M;!udhoo .Anenlha Braminy ; — Balance of a bond, 5th July iSoo, of the Na bob Uiuc.ut id Onnali, for money lent - - - - V'ifvanada Taker, and N'cncalafa Taker, fons and heirs of Callinada Taker, Rajafwur.ih Pundah, attorney for; — Bond, i2Lh July 179'', of the Nabob Omiiut ul Ounah, for inoney lent -------- Viihelinga .Mooilelly, fon and heir of Tegnroy Mondelly ; — Bond, 25th September 17S5, of the Nabob \Vallaj;ih for money lent ..--...- V'ittal Dofs, brother, heir, and adminiflrator of R:igoon:'.d;'. Dofs Sama Dofs Soiicar, deceafed; i\IelVi s. Colt, Hurt, and Wefton, altoi'iiies for; — l-jond, 23d September 17S5, of the Nabob Wallajah, for money advanced \'ittid Dofs Vancatadry ;— Bond, 18th December 1783, 0I the Nabob VVallajah, for money lent - - . - Vullub Dofs (tocuI Dofs, fi,randli)n and heir to Muckum Dofs Soucar, deccafeil ; Mell'rs. llarington and Co. attor- nies to; — liond, iSlh December 1782, of the Nabob Wallajah, f(,r ivioncy lent .--... V'ui'da Bow, llydeiabaddee, news writer ; — P.ei'crs to the Dufters for tiie amount due to iiim by the Nabob Omdut ul Omrali. \'urda Cliaree Shater, cliefs player ; — Arrears due by the N.ibob Omdut 111 Omrah ------ \ y tc llungapah Naick, deceafed; Natal.ipathy Jvaloo Naick, heir of N. 'i'etherajalluo Nuick, tidminiflrator of: — Balance of a Tecp, dated l()t)i July 1788, of th.e Nabob WalUijali, for money lent on account of the Company 't kifu AMOUNT of The I'riucipal or Tl't^ Ci;iiiiis hi the Ciiiii fp'jcificd. Pagod.i!. f. C. 210,009 O O 2'i,335 14 " 30,000 O 9 35,000 O O 80,000 o o 72,000 » o 2,000 o o A'^^rcgatc A M O U N T of The Principal and IlU'Tfft 111 Sierliiif; Moiicv. 3,954 6 20 2,029 o ^ 10,500 o o 20,770 o o 05,000 o o 42,000 o o 50,oco c o 50,500 • o 140 o o 14,800 o o £■ s. d. ^"-lATiO 7 4 15,783 12 o 18,492 1 1 11 •2i,30o 5 5 73,224: 15 4 55.S07 13 5 2,975 8 5 5,4'3 3 »« 3,486 4 o 5,070 12 2 io,(>SS 17 4 73'4>3 '8 2 35.594 8 o 38,408 4 4 48,758 7 '« 10,614 '4 *" CARNATIC COMMISSIONERS. J'7 No. 1444. M45- 1446. ■1H7- 14+8- H49. 1450. .1451. •■H53- 'H54- 1-155- 4456. '457- 1458. H59- 5460 1461- 1462. 21. C L A I M A N T &. AMOLXr of Tlic l'riiicii>;il ul Tlie Cluima 111 tho Com Ijjccinccl. )ii Slrrliiix M'lncy Vyfajee Mooftofce. Ton and heir oJ" Oudood Ilo\v;_nrfrrs ''"S"*"- ?• C to Uie Outters for the amount due to his t'athcr bv the Nabob \Valhij:ib, ami claims as due Id limilclt' by the Na- bob W'allajab, 1,200. 36. 10. and by the Nabob Oiiuliit ul Oniralj, 40. 25. 3. - - - . . AjErniralt- A JI O U N T of Tlic I'rinciiial and Iiiicrca Waddell, James ; — Balance of a bond, dated iJth rrbniary 1795, purchaled by iiini at the public fa!e of llie etlects of the late Robert Ilenderfon. to wlioni it vas granted by the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah, for tlie price of a boiife Waddell, James, a(1ii;iie(; of .Mtlfrs. Waddtll, Inveraiity e.nd ('o.; — Bond, "th December 1789, of the Nalnib \Valla- jah, granted in the name of Mr. Robert Milford, for mo- ney lent, the |)roperty of Ram Row - . . . Waji.elta Beebee, widow of Aiiwnr .MIy Khan, deceafed ; — Arrears of lubliftence money due to her by tlie Nabob Omdut ul Omrah ------ Watfon, Docior A. affignee of Mrs. Eliza Cockburn ; John TiiUoh, elV). attorney for; — Bond, I ft January 1793, ot the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah, for money lent Weft, Mr. James, the late; Thomas Parry, clq. attorney for Mrs. Parry, executrix to the eltate of; — Tunkab, 19th April 1779, of the Nabob W'.Tllajah, for arrears of pay ; and '1 unkah, 31ft December 1778, of the Nabob W alla- jah, /or articles fupplicd - - . . - Wmllow. Major J. L. afTignce of Aiinuiidra Manohur, and Balamookun Dofs \'anuniale Dofs ; Lieutenant Colonel Campbell, attornev for t'— Bond, ad May 1790, of the Nabob Wallajah, for money lent and goods fold Wmflov/, Major J. L. mortgagee of MelVrs. Chafe, Chin- nery, M'Dowall, and Co. ; Lieutenant Colonel Campbell, attorney for; — Bond, '12th July 1797, of the Nabob Om- dut ul Omrah, for money lent - - - - - Woolf, Robert, airrt;iiee of Narrain Chitty; MefTrs. Haring- ton and Co. attornies for ;— Tunkah, ■23d December I797, of the Nabob Wallajah, for money lent - . - AYiillee Shah AlTaree ; — Refeis to the Dufters for ar- rears of iubl'iftence money due by the Nabob Omdut u! Omrali. WiiUub Jolhee, or aftronomer ; — Keftra to the Dufter* for the amount due to hiiii by the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah. Vagr.mbaram Moodclly, mortgagee of Abdul Guffer Cawn ; George flalybiirton, efq. attorney for; — Bond, ■23d OiSo- ber 1797, of the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah, for money lent Yeldliam, R. efq. treafurerand Secret irv to the CJoyernnient Bank of IMadras, inortjia^ee oxt ai count of the laid Bank, of MelTrs. TuUoh, Brodie. llaKburtoii, and Lal'-oiiar, af- fignees of Gavifiria Narrain; — Bond, lath May 1790, of tiie Nabob Wallaiah, for money lent to the Circar Yella PiHay, fonand heir of Ramalinga I'illay ; — liond, 13th January J 784, of the Nabob Wallajah, for money ad- vanced -.--..--- Young, Samuel efq. ;— Bond of the Nabob Wallajah, in pa- godiis ..--..... Yufoof Beg, Ion of Shahanum Beebee ; — Refers to the Duf- ters tor arrears of fiibfifience money due to his uiotiier bv the Nabob Oradut ul Oimab. Yufoof Begum, widow of Nuzumt Ali Khan, Buckfliee to the army at 'riniievelly ; — Refers to the Dufters for su- rears of fubfillciice money due to her luifband by the Na- bob Omdut ut Omrah. YulVoof Beebee, relation of the Nabob Wall. ijih •.—Refers to the Dufters for arre:'rs oj' fublilienct; money due by the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah. Zeenut Beelie*, widow of Yafieen Mohumniud Khan, fuprr- intcndunt (if provitions and of buildings; — Refers to tlie Dufters for arrears of fiibliltence monev due to tier late bufband by the Nabob Omdut ul Oir.rali. Hh «.-4i »9 3 8,000 o o 1^6,000 o o Rupees. 1,930 o o 2,891 ■2,243 i» 40 53,000 o o 43)'.55 10,000 o o 17,000 o o 48,000 o o 1 25,000 o o 10,000 o o 5.587 P3,(^73 n <'l 1,813 '8 JO 2,395 li 3 3^077 '5 3l 8 o 5.53» o 6 7 si 9,031 8 1 32,048 o o 1J4.'^58 7 2 7,854 >8 * iiS FIFTH REPORT of the Ko. 1463. X454. 1+63. 1466. 1+^7- 1468. 1469. 1470. »47i. CLAIMANT S. Zohoor-ooddeen Alimud Kljan; — Refers to the Dufters for the anumr.t due to his !ale father Hitkeem Abmud Khan Behadur, by the Nabob Oaidut ul Onirah. Zohara Beebee ; — Refers lo the Dufters for arrears of fiibfift- ence money diie by Uie Nabobs VVallajah and Omilut ul Onirah. Zohura Beebee ;— Refers to the Dufters for arrears of fub- llftence money due by the Nabob Onidut ill Omrah. Zohara Beebee, tifter-in-hiw of Meer Golain HofTain Oolh.nd ; — Refers to the Dufters fur arrears of fubfiftenct money due to .Meer Goolam lluiVain by the Nabob Wallajah. Ziihoor All Khan ; — Refers to the Dufters for arrears of fub- fiftence money due by the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah. ZoolHcar AliKhan, nephew of Wud^eooddeen Ahniud Klian Behauder : — Refers 10 the Dutters for arrears of fublilt- ence money due by the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah. Zoran Beebee. daughter of llofjaiii Kower Singer ; — Refers to the Dufters for arrears of fuijfifteuce money due to her deceafed mother by the Nabobs V/aliajah and Omdut ul Omrah. Zunmieroon Nifla Begum, widow of Meer Jemaul Ooddeen Khan ; — Refers to the Dufters for arrears of fubliftence money due by the Nabobs Wallajah and Omdut ul Om- rah to her late hufband. Zynall .\bahdeen, daro^ah of Hircarrahs ; —Refers to the Dufters for arrears of fubfiftence money due by the Nabob Wallajah. AMOUNT of Tlie Principal of The Claims In tlieCuin fjictificd Pagodai, F. C. A^'qregHfr A iMOlI.NT of tlie rrineipal iixl Iiitcrili in Sterling Money The aggregate (lerling amount of the Claims, fpecified in the Lift formerly prefented to this Honourable Houfe, and in this continuation of it, as nearly as can be cal- culated from the imperfect manner in which many of the Claims are ftatcd, is _ - - _ .^.29,051,574. HAVING decided ai)ibl'jtc!y oa fotr.e Claims, we conceive that the moil j)roper manner of obeying the Act of Parliament, which requires us to ftate the grounds of everv luch decifion, is to lay before this Honour- able Houfe, Copies of the AWARDS which we have made. ABSOLUTE ADJUDICATIONS againft CLAIMANTS. Cr.AIM *."! ■•'4 miliC Gazelle of I lie Ijili SL-ptenibcr lUOS. T^oie in the Giizrtlc of ilie 27lli June 1807, >ni(l fi Lbl. in llic Gnwite (tf itte *^7iU June 1807, a Ifo, K 10.). in ihf Firft Rr|)iiii (o Pdflia- "v'li, xn'l y 151, in the Second K<'| twecii the United Company of Merchants of England trading to the Eall Indies of the one p.irt, and theleveral Perloiis whofe hands and ieals are thereto fet and afh\ed, and who relpe'Hivclv axe or claim to he Creditors of his Highnel's the ^^abob VVallnli Jah, fbrineriy Nal)oh of Arcot and of the ( ';n;iatic in the Eaft i:idies, and now deceafed, and of his i ligh- iiei's the Nahoh Omdut iil 0:r.r;di, late Nabob of Arcot and of the (-ainaiic, oMcil ion and CuccelVor of his laid Higlmeis tiic Nabob \\ allnh Jab, atid now alio decealcd, and of his lli"-lincis the Ameer ul Umrah, the i'econd fon of his I'aiil lliglinefs the Nabob Wallah Jah, and now alio deceafed, or ot foine or one of them the laid ieveral Nabobs, atid the liiid Ameer, of the other part," Sond Cireetiug: Whereas lietuy Redhead of Nottir;j;ham riacc ia the I'urilh of Suini Marj-ie-boiie in the County ofMiddlelex El'quire, hath executed the i^forcfaid CARNATIC COMMISSIONERS. 119 ^forcfaid DeeJ, inde.Ttpd in iiis own name as one of the Refiduary Legatees utider tlie will cf Abfolute Ills brother John I'cdhcad I'.lfiuivf, dccraird, and in tlio names oi'AIfxandor Mrodie one of Adjulicatiooi tlie executors of the faid \\ ill, ,la;ie hVdhead widow and admiiiiiiratrix oi' George Kedhead. a;!;iiiil't Efquire, drccali'd, another of the l{clidiiary Legniecs of the laid John Redhead, and Tho- Claunaiils. iTias l\edhcad l-iqtnrc, alio one of ihe laid I'eliduary Legatees, under a power of attorney ^ to him tile faid Henry Ue:ihead, from the faid Alexander L rod ie, Jane lJedhead,and 'J'iiomas IJedhead, and hath ih.erehy for himfelf and them, his and tlieir heirs, exeeutors, and admi- niiirators, fuhmittcd himlelf to the Judgment, award, order, and determination of the Coin- niiiiioners appointed ua(!er the aforelaid Ueed iiideatefl, or any two of them, in all things whatl'oever relating totiic feveral Claims made or to he made by him under tlie faid Deed : Now know ye, That A\ c the faid I'enjamin lloblur.ile, Tliomas Cockburn, arid Francis Horner, having taken into confideratiun a (,'laim made by the faid Henry Ivedhead, for himfelf and the other reprefentativesaforefaid of tlie faid John Kedhcad, upon his Highnefs Ameer ul Omrah, now deeeafed, for a balanee, amounting to fifty thoufand tJtar Pan-odas Stiirl'Bgs. (50,000.) alledged lo have been due on the 26tli day of November in the year of our Lord 17S6, upon an oblig;ition for one Ir.c of Pagodas from his faid liiglmefs Ameer ui Omrah to tlie faid John IJedhead, bearing dale the 27th of Jeinmade ul A;\cl in the vear 1192 of the Hyjra, correfponding to the 23d day of June in the year of our Lord 1778, with iatereft upon the faid balanee at the rate of five(5)-i)er-eent. [)er annum, from the 26th day of November 1786 aforelaid to the 15th day of May in the year of our Lord i8c:4, amounting, principal and iuterefl; together, to the aggregate fum of ninety-three thoufand lix.aundred and fevcnty-one Siar Tam. Star Pagodas (93,671.) or thirty-feveii thoufand four hundred and fixty-eigiit Pounds eight ilnllings fterling (.£.37,468. 8s.) which Claim the faid Henry lledhead, during the courfe of our invelligation of the fame, requelted leave to alter and amend, on tiie ground that the debt in queition had been contratted by his highnefs Ameer ul Omrah afor(;iaitI, as iliniHer Rnd reprefentative, and for the fcrvice of his father Wallah Jah, tiien Nabob of the Carnatie, and now deeeafed, and did alter accordingly, prelerring the fame anew by an amended Schedule, as a claim againtl the faid Nabob Wallah Jah, for the balance ot fifty tiioufand fjgs- Pagodas (50,000.) alledged to have been due on the 23d day of June in the year of our Lord 1778, with intereft upon the fame at the rate of twelve (12) per-ceiit. per annum, from the faid 23d day of June 1778 to the i2th day of Pebruary in the year of our Lord 1785, and at the rate of fix (6) per-cent. per annum, from the faid 12th day of February 1785 to the 15th day of May isi the year of our Lord 1804, amounting, principal and interelt toge- tl;er, to the aggregate fum of one hundred and forty-feven thoufand iix hundred and thiny- PaL'5. three Pagodas (147,633.) or, fifty-nine thoufand and fifty-three pounds four .Shillings fterling (of . 50,053. 44.) and which claim the faid Henry Redhead, bemg directed by us the Coni- mifhoners aforelaid in the further progrefs of our inveitigation of the fame, to make up the account thereof in conformity to the principles of the al'orefaid Deed indented, hath finally preferred in a fccond amended Schedido, as a claim againft his iiiid Highnefs the late Nabob VA allah Jah for the balance due upon the laid account, amounting with intereft, on the 15th day of .\hiy in the year of our Lord 1804, to tiie aggregate fum of two hundred and fix thoufand three hundred aiid ninety-four btar Pagodas tvventy-iive Fanains and forty Star Pa;;s. F. C. Cafli (206,304. 25. 40.) or eighty-two thoulan '^"^'^ liaving alio taken into conllderatii/ii ano- ther part of the l;dd claim feparately made by the faid Henry Redhead for himfelf and the other (leprel'eiitatives of the faid John Redhead upon his laid Highnefs the late Naboh Wallah Jah, upon the ground that the fum of four thoufand live hundred and twenty Star Pagodas (4,520.) being the amount of a Rill of Exchange remitted by one Boueonjee Dcfs on account of one Verderajali Moodelier, to Alexander Brodie, as executor aforefaid, had been by the laid Alexander Pirodie, upon the twentieth day of March in the year of our Lord 177a, erroneouilv placed to the credit of tiie aforelaid Obligation, tor a lac of Pagodaa from his Highnefs the late Ameer ul Omrah to the faid John Rediiead, and ought tliercture in the accoant upon the faid Obligation between the late Nabob Vv'allah J.th and the ef:ate of the faid John Redhead, to be now placed to the debit of his faid Flighncfs with intcrefl upon the faid fuia, at the rate of twelve (12) per-cent. per annum, from the (aid twc.-.tieth day of i\ I arch 1770 to the 12th day of February in the j'ear of our Lord 1785, and at the rate of fix (6) per-cent. per annum from tl;e laid 12th day of February 1785, to the 15th day of May in the year of our Lord 1S04, amounting, principal and intereft, to the aggre- gate fum of twelve thoufand nine Innidred and forty Pagodas (12,040.) or four thoufand five hundred Pounds fixteen Shillings fh^rling (x. 4,500. 16s.) tlie whoie claim in relpc(^t of the liaianee claimed to be due from his faid Highners the late jSabob Wallah Jah to the Repre- fintatives of the faid John Redhead, deeealed, amounting to the aggregate fum of two hu.'i- dred and nineteen thoufand three hundred and thirty-four Pagodas twenty-five Fanams and PaguddS. i". C. forty Cadi (210,334. 25. 40.) or eighty-feven thoui^md and fifty-eight Pou'.ids thirteen Shil- lings fterling (i. 87,058. 13s. and having proceeded in the inveitigation of the origin and nature of tlie fiiid claim, and having received from the faid Henry Redhead two letters bearing date refpectively the 7th day of JNLucli lafi and the S:!i day of this ir.'tant .\Lay, addrelle.f Claimant;. aio TlFTii R IMPORT of the Aliiolute aildiclTetl to «a *« Connniirioners aforPi^iitl, whcroin he liatli if^(|uefud It-ave In his own name Adjudicati( ns and iii the naiiu'j ot' the laid Alexander Hrodie, JaneRfdhiad and Tlioinas Krdht-ad, to againll withdraw the taiii claim for the laid balance: ^\'c do hereby Awurd and Determine, tliat no- thing remains due to either of tin- laid Henry Uediiead, Alexander Brodie, Jane Redhead, -^ or I'honias Redhead, in rcfpcd of the aforefaid Claim, or in refpccl; of the albrefaid Obli- t^ation for one lac of Pagodas, dated the 27tli day of Jemmedi ul Awel in the year i iq2 of tlic Hvjra or the 'risd day of June 1778, either from his faid Highnefs the Ameer ul Om- rah, now deeeafcd, or from liis faid Highnrfs \\'ailah Jah, formerly Nabob of tlie Carnatie, a!fo dcoeal'ed : And we do further Award and Declare the laid Obligation to be cancelled, and we have of this date accordingly declared the fame cancelled by a writing under our hands upon the face thereof : And wc do further i\ ward and Determine, that all tiie pro- perty and revenues of the faid Ameer and of the laid Nabob Wallah Jah xefpeCtively, are and fhall be for ever acquitted and difcharged from all claim whatever by either the faid Henrv Redliead, Alexander Brodie as executor of the late John Redhead, Jane Redlicad, or Thomas Redhead in relpeCt of the aforei'aid Obligation : And we do further Award atid Determine, that the faid Henry ludhead, Alexander Brodie, Jane Redhead, and Thomas Ticdhcad, ox anv or either of them, have or hath no right in refpect of the iiiid Obligation, or of their aforefaiii Claim, tliereon to participate in the fund provided by the atorelkid .J)ecd, indented for fatistactiou of tlie private debts of the late Nabobs of tne Carnatie and ■of his Highnefs the Ameer. In Witneis whereof we the faid Benjamin Hobboufe, Thomas Cockburn, and Fraiicis Horner have hereunto let our hands the fifteenth day of iviay, iit the year of our J^ord one thouiaad eight hundred and nine. (BENJ" HOB HOUSE. (Signed) ^THO. COCKBURN. (.ERA. HORNER. Signed (being firft: duly llaiupetl^ in the prefence of (.Signed) Jn' Parkhoujh. CLAIM N° 61, in our First Report. CLAIM " TO all to whom thefe Prefents Ihall come : We, Benjamin Hobhoufe of Whitton Park ^ /d T"" *^''"'"*' in tlie County of Middlcfex F.fquire, Thomas Cockburn of Hampftead in the faid County >:""?;! li'"iiie Fi.fi Re- ot iMiddlefexEfquirc, and Francis Horner of Liiicoln's-Inn in the faid County of Middlefex f ott to Parincuiiii. Ef(|uire, being the Coinmillioners and Referees afting in England for the time being, under a certain Deed indented and bearing date the 10th day of July 1805 " between the United Company of Merchants of England trading to the Eaft Indies, of the one part, and the levcral perfons v.hofe hands and feals arc thereto l(?t and affixed, and who refpec •lively are or claim to be Creditors of his Highnefs the Nabob Wallah Jah, formerlj Nabob of Arcot and of the Carnatie in the Eaft Indies, and now deceafed, and of his High- uel's tlie Nai)ob Omdut ul Omrah, Lite Nabob of Arcot and of the Carnatie, eldeft fou and fuccelVor of his laid Highnefs the Nabob Wallah Jah, and now alio deceafed, and of his Highnefs the Ameer ul (Jmrah, the fecond fon of his faid Highnefs the Nabob Walla- jab, and now alfo deceafed, ox of fome or one of them the faid feveral Nabobs and the faid \\' W Ameer of the other pajt,"' Send (Jreeting: AMipreas Sanmel Johnlbn, Efquire, of Giourelter * M Place Portinan-lVinarc in the County ot' MiddlelcxTTiath by "liTs" Attorney John Fordyce, Efquire, executed the aforefaid Deed indented, and hath thereby for himfelf, his heirs, <'xccutors and adminiftrators fubmitted himfelf to the judgment, award, order and deter- mination of the ConmriHioiiers appointed under thf aforefaid iked iiidented, or any two ■of thein, in all things whatlbevcr relating to the faid feveral Claims ma^le or to be made by him Tinder the faid Dve(\ : Now know ye. That we the faid Benjamin Hobhoufe, Thomas ■Cockburn, ami I'rancis Horner, having taken into confideration a Claim made by the faid Samuel Johni'on u)Kin his Highnefs Wallah Jah formerly Nabob of the Carnatie, now de- teai'ed, for the priiici])Hl funi of one lac- of Star Pagodas, with intcreft at the rate of twelve (I'J) per-ceut. per annum t'roin the 18th day of December in tite year of our i^ord 1779, to .the 12th day of February in theyearof our Lord 17S5, and at the rate of fix (,6) per-cent. per annum "from the faid 1 2th day of February 1 785 to the 15th day of May in the year of our Lord 1804, amounting, principal and intcreft together, to the aggregate fum of two hun- Stur Pag'. dred and feventy-fevcn thoufand three hundred and forty-one Star Pagodas (277,341) or one hundred and ten thoufand nine hundred and thirty-lix I'oimds eight Shillings (terling Ci'. 1 10,036. 8.';.) v.hich Claim the faid Samuel Johnfon hath hated to be foimdcd upon a Iiond alfedged lo have been granted by his laid Highnefs the Nabob Wallah Jah to Vide- nadoo Moi)delliar deceafed, for the aforefaiti i'tun of one lac of Star Pagodas, bearing date .the ]8th day of December in the year of our ],ord 1770, alledging that the faid Videnadoo Moodelliar alligiied the fame to' John Douglas, alio deceafed, his executors and admi- jiiltratori!, by Deed bearing dale the 2oth day of Augufl 17S6, forliscuring the repayment of a fum of nineteen thoufand eight hundred and ninety-fix Star Pagodas tliirty-ieven I'anauis Slarl'uL's. F. "C. and fifty Cadi (]p,8(j6. 37. 50.) with intered thereon at the rate of twelve (12) per-cent. per annum, from the 20th day of Auguft 1780, alledged to be due by the faid Videnadoo Moodelliar to the faid John iVinujlas, and that llieiaul Videnadoo Moodelliar having given au aeJvuowlcdgeiueni to Killuafwamey Eyji- of .Madras, that laid Killual'wauiey I^'.ycr had one- CARNATIC COMMISSIONERS. iir oiie-eiglitli flKirc in the aforcfaid Bond of liis Iliglinofs the Nabob, for one lac of Pagodas, Abfolute the laid Kifinalwauiey Kyer had hkewife by a Deed, bearing date the i ft day ofOdober Adjudicatioti* 1780, afhsned the faid aeknowledgeineut to tlie faid John Douglas for fccuring tlic repay- ,,'f^^ .si;.r P.iK'. Claimants. nient of a fuiii of fourteen thoiiliuid nine hundred and ten Star Tagodas (14,010) with intc- ^- —^ reli: thereon at the rale of twelve (12) |)cr-eent. ]ier anniini, from tiie ill day ol' Oeiober 1780 alledgcd to he due by the faid Killuafwaiuey l:lyer to the liud John Douglas; and farther alledsinsr tliat the laid funi of nineteen tlioufand eight lumdred and ninety-llx Siar I'ai/odas .Sinr Togs. 1. C thiity-feven Fanams and fifty Cafli (19,806. 37. 50. with intereft, was in trntli due by the laid Videnndoo Moodelliar to the faid John Douglas as agent for the faid Samuel Johufon, and for the faid Samuel Johnfon's fole ufe, benefit and advantage, and that the faid fum of Star V:\«s. fourteen thoufand nine hundred and ten Star Pagodas (14,910) with intereft, was in trutli due by the faid Kilhial'wamev Eyrr to the laid Jolin Douglas as agent for the faid Samuel Johnfon, and for the faid Samuel Johnfon's I'ole ufe, l)enefit and advantage ; and that the aforefaid alhgnmcnts of the 20th Auguil 1780, and iftOftober 1780, for ieeuring the re- payment of the faid two funis refpec^hvely, were made and executed to the laid Jolin Doug- las as agent of the faid Samuel Jobnfon, and for his the faid Samuel Jo!;nfon"s fole ufe, benefit and advantage: And having proceeded in the invefligation of the origin and nature of the laid Claim, and, after fueh inveftigation, liaving received from the aforcfaid John For- dyce, agent for the faid Samuel Johni'on, a letter bearing date the 24th day of April lafl paft, addrefl'ed to us as Commilhoners aforefaid, wherein, by dcfue and in the nanu' of the laid Samuel Joliidbn, he hath requefted leave to withdraw the faid Claim ; and having fum- moned the faid Samuel Johnfon perfonally before us on the 5lh day of this inlhint May, when the faid Samuel .,'ohnfon ftated to us as Cimimiffioners aforefaid, iiis eonl'ent that the aforcfaid claim Ihould be adjudicated againft him. Do hereby Award and Determine, that nothing is due to the faid Samuel Johnfon in rclpeft of the aforefaid Bond, or of the Claim made by him thereon from his faid ilighnefs tlie ISabob Wallah Jah, deccafed : And We further Award and Determine, That all the property and revenues of the faid Nabob Wal- lajah are and ihall be for ever acf|uitted and difeharged from all claim whatfocver, made or to be made by the faid Samuel Johnfon, his heirs, executors or adminiltrators, in relpeft of the aforefaid Bond: And we do further Award and Determine, that die Hiid Samuel John- fon hath no right in refpeft of his faid Claim, to participate in the fund provided bj' the aforci'aid Deed indented for fatisfadion of the private debts of the late Nabobs of the Car- natic, and of his Highnefs the Ameer. In Witnefs whereof We the faid Benjamin Ilobhoufe, Thomas Coekburn, and Francis Horner, have hereunto fet our hands the 15th day of May "in the year of our Lord one thoufand eight hundred and nine. (BENJ-^- HOBHOUSE. (Signed) ^TllO. COCKBIJRN. Signed (being firft duly ftamped) C FRA. HORNCPt. in the prefence of, (Signed) Jn' Parkhoiife. The aggregate fterling amount of Claims adjudicated 7 n ^ ,• abfoiutel}^ againft the Claimants to this date, is - -j 4 >34 ■ • ^' ABSOLUTE ADJUDICATION in favour of C LAI M ANTS. CLAIM N° 108 in our Firft Report. i " TO all to whom thefe Prefents fliall come : We, Benjamin Hobhoufe of "^Miitton Park CLAIM ,in the County of Middlefex Efquire, Thomas Coekburn of rlampllead, in the faid County ^'"7lu ibeGajeiie; W Middlefex' Eliquire, and Francis Horner of Lincoln's-lnn in the laid County of Middlelex j,-o^"o3 in tlie Firft Re. [jort to Parliaiueut. •veral Perlbns whofe hands and feals are thereto fet and affixed, and who refpectively are or claim to be Creditors of his Highnefs the Nabob \Vallah Jab, formerly Nabob of Areot and ^f the (arnatic in the Eaft Indies, and now deccafed, and of his Highnefs the Nabob Om- dut ul Omrah late Nabob of Areot and of the Carnatic, eldeft fon and fucceflbr of his faid Highnefs the Nabob AVallah Jah, and now alfo deceafed, and of his Highnefs the Ameer ul Omrah die fecond fon of his laid Highnefs the Nabob Wallah Jah, and now alio deceafed, or of fome or one of them the faid feveral Nabobs and the faid Ameer of the other part," Send Greeting : \\iieiea&.Zai-:h|u:iah,Polack of Foil St. Ceorge in the Eaft Indies, adminiftrator, widi the will annexed of the eftate of Captain Jolhua Smith, late of Fort St. George, de- ccafed, by Letters of Adminiliration from the i\Jayor's Court at Madras bearing date the 8th clay of May in the year of our Lord 1 794, hath by his attorney John I'ordyce of \\ hite- hall in Uie County of Aliddlefex Efquire, executed the aforefaid Indenture, and hath thereby for himfelf, his heirs, executors and adminiltrators, fubmitted himfelf to the judgment, awai-d, order, and determination of the Commiilioneis under the aforefaid Indenture, in all things whatever relating to the feveral Claims m.ade by him under the faid Indenture: And whereas the faid Zachariah Polack, as adminiihator aforefaid, hath executed certain Articles 21. 1 i of 121 FIFTH REPORT of the Abfolute Adjudications in favour ol Claimants. of A q lutely in favour of Claimants to this date, is - - - - j • » 9 • Abfolut« Adjuiiication in favour of Claimants. 2. IN further obedience to the Aft of Parliament, we have likewile to iftate, that feveral applications have been made to us by Claimants for a provifional allovi'ance upon fecurity, to refund and pay back the whole •or fuch part of the Intereft as, according to our final Determination, it (hall aj)pear they were not entitled to, according to the 24th Claufe of the Deed of Agreement; and that we have granted a provifionai allowance in fome of thefe cafes. As the Aft of Parliament requires us to flate the grounds of our decifion in fuch cales as we have decided upon provifionaliy, we preient to this Honourable Houfe Extracts from our Proceedings, of the Determination which we have made upon the feveral Applications. EXTRACT from our Proceedings, 18th IVIay i8og. " The Board refuine the confideration of the Claims of Nathaniel William Wraxall Efquire, Itated as N° 64 (N" 1 and 2.) in the Schedule of Claims publiflied in the Gazette of the 12th Augult 1806, and as N" 1 and 2 in N* 135, in our Firit Report to this Honour- able Houfe, and which were taken into confideration on tiie 12th December following; alio the additional evidence and documents obtained fubfequent to their proceedings of the 16th January lafl; and Mr. Wraxall's feveral letters, requefting a re-confideration of his application for a provilional adjudication of fuch part of his Claim N° 1, as the Board may deem proper to allow. " Although 124 FIFTH REPORT of xnr. Claims proviiionuUv adjudicated in favour of Claimants. " Although it appears that Mr. AVraxall was appointed by his Ilighnefs the Nabob ^Aallajah, one of his agents in England, and that he adled in the concerns of his Highnefs, yet in the circumftantes of iincertaintj' under which the Board ftill feel this cafe to be involved, both in regard to the extent and actual duration of the honu Jide fervices per- formed by Mr. WraxaIl,for which he claims as per Schedule N° i. I'- •-■ Pagodas - 36,000 o o And intereft thereon, from the ift October 17S7 to the t5th May 1804, at 6 per cent. ..--..-..-i 5,C)O0 o o Aggregate Amount Pagodas 31,960 o o Or, at eight Shilhngs per Pagoda, is - <£• 12,784. o. o. And there being befides no Bond for, or acknowledgment of, the fervices of ]\Ir. \\ raxall by the Nabob, the Board rcfolve to allow and eitabiifh provifionaliy upon Mr. Wraxall's F. C. Claim N° 1 only, the principal fum of Pagodas _ _ - - _ 8, 000 o o AVithiatereft thereon at 6 per cent, to the 15th May 1S04 - 7t9^^ o o Airjrregate Amount Pagodas 15,080 o o Or, at eight Shillings per Pagoda, is £. 6,30-2 o. Referving the final confidcration of the rate of remuneration, and the term for which it Ihould be granted, until they receive the refult of the inquiries of the Commiffioners in India, conlequent to the Board's inftru6tions of the nth January iSoq. " Refolved accordingly, That the aggregate fum of fifteen thoufand nine hundred and eighty Pagodas (15,980.) or fix thoufand three hundred and ninety-two Pounds fterhng (o£. 6,392.) (hall be and is hereby provilionally eftablilhed and adjudicated to the parties hereinafter named, as a debt in the Firlt Clafs, at the feveral fums to the feveral parties as hereinafter ftated. " And whereas it appears that the faid Nathaniel William AVraxall, Efquire, has exe- cuted a Deed dated the 3d day of May 1800, by which he affigns to certain truftees, for the benefit of John Ford5'ce. Efquire, in reward of Agency, one-twentieth part of the fum at which the debts due to him from the late Nabobs of' Arcot fliould be liquidated: And whereas the faid Nathaniel William Wraxall, by his agent John Fordyce, has executed the ]-)eed of Covenants with the Eaft India Company, dated the 10th day of July 1805 ; and alfo George Mowbraj', Charles Binny, James Taylor, Robert Storey, Alexander Cuthbert, and Valentine Conoily, being the furvivorsof the truftees named in the faid Deed of the 3d May 1800, as lueh truftees have alfo all of them refpedively executed the faid Deed of covenants with the Eaft India Company; it thus appears that the ag^aegate amount of the debt ftated in the preceding Refolution, ought to be diftributed among the parties as follows : . Pi-incipal and inler.eft adjudicated on Mr. Wraxall's claim, N« 1. as already ftated ....... Whereof i/aoth is affigned, and is to be adjudicated to the Tiuftees of John Fordyce, as per Deed, marl^ed 1\ N» 4. dated the 3d May 1800 ...... - Balance to be placed in the name of Nathaniel William 7 „ , _ . Y'laxall, Efq. j^''S " Pag' F. 15,980 o or /. 6,392 o o 799 o o - or - - 319 i'2 15,181 o o or £.f>,r,-j2 8 " Refolved accordinglv, That the fum of fifteen thoufand one hundred and eighty-one Pagodas (15,181.) or fix thoufand and feventy-two pounds eight fliillings fterling (".£.6,072. 8.S. 0(1.) he, and is hereby allowed and eftabliflied provifionaliy in the name of Nathaniel V\'illiam Wraxall, Eiquirc, and that inlercft Ihall he payable thereon tiom the 15th day of May 1S04, and until the further dirc(ftions of the Board, at the rate of two and one hah (2i)per cent, per annum ; and that a Certificate Ihall be ilTued to the Regifter in London or at Madras, dir.-cting him to enter the aforefaid fum to the credit of the faid Party, as loon as the faid i'arty (liall have given feciirity to the fatisf;i<'tion of the Btjard for the fum of one thoufand and fixty-five Pounds lierling {£. 5.) and (hall have declared to the Board in writ.ng by himfelf or hi.s agent, whciher it his option lo receive the intereft ib payable on thefum v.hich Ihall he lb entered to his cndit, in London or at Madras. Png'. " Refolved, That thefum of fevcn hundred and ninety-nine Pagodas (709.) or three hun- dred and nineteen i'ounds twelve Sliiiliiigs flerling (i^. 310. 12s.) be, and is hereby allowed and citablilhed proTiiionally in thejoint tiames of George Moubray, Charles Binny, James Taylor, Itohert Storey, Alexander Cullibcrt, and Valentine Conoily, Efquires; and that intereft Ihall be payable thereon i'rom tlic 151!) day of May i.';o4, and until the further direc- tion'? of the P... aid, at the rate of two and one-half (2 i)" per cent, per annum ; and that a Certilicate lli.-iil lie liliud to the Uegiiier in London, diiedting him to enter the aforefaid fum to liic credit of the faid Faities jointly ; the Trultces of Mr. Fordyce having already given lecurity t: a 11 N A T I C CO M MISSION E II S. J 2.1 i'ccurity to tlie rnlisfnc^ion of tlic T^oanl ; and having declared in writinp; that the fums wliich lliould hi> acijutlicated in lliciv I'avour Ihoidd be entered in the books of tiie Ixegiiter in London." Claims provifionally adjudicated in favour of Claimant*. I ) We deem it proper here to infert, for the information of this Honourable Houil", aa Extract from our Pijoceedings of the 9th June 1809, relative to the j)rovifional rcdudion of Interefl on Claims ])rovifionally or abiolutely adjudicated. " The I^oard refuming confidcration of the Minulc of tlie loth March 1808, refpedling t!ic niteof iiiteictl to be allowed on tlic Claims piovili(;iially eltablilhcd ; and of the difpatch oi' tiie iStli Octolter 1808, received on the iaid to the I'erl'on or Verl'ons in whole name a Debt or (hare of Debt coni[)rized in the Second Clais is idready, e: Oiall hereafter be ellabliOied providon- ally or abiolutely, fubjecit in both calcs to fueh future variation in the rate of intereft froiw time to time, until the permanent rate (hall be afcertaincd, as to the Board (liali appear t« he proper." EXTRACT from our Proceedings of the 17th November 1809. " The Board refume the confideration of the applications of Lady Cockburn, fole executrix of the late DoAor Davis, for a provifional adjudication of the Claims made by lier on behalf of the eftate. " Read the whole evidence and proceedings in regard to tbefe Claims. " Read E.xtrads from the Company's Hecords, tranfmitted in Mr. Ramfay's letter of the •^d of Augult laft, relating to Do>!;tor Davis having had the fanftion of the Madras Govern- ment to fervc the late Nabob W'allajah. " Refolved, That there appears fufficient ground for belief that the late Do(5lor Davis had the periniffioQ of the Madras Government to ferve the Nabob Omdut ul Oinrah. " Read the following letter from Melfrs. Binny and King, Regifters, dated 4th Fe- bruary 1809 : — " Sir, " I received this morning your letter, addrefled to Mr. Binny and inyfelf, dcfiring us to <' compute the intereft due on a ' Bond granted by his late liighnefs Oindut ul Onirah " to the late Delator Davis, dated 16th September 1781, bearing intereft at 12 per cent.' " agreeably to the terms of the Deed of Agreement betwixt the Eall India (,'ompany and " the Creditors ; and I hereby certify that the following is the ftatc thereof, made up to the " 15th day of May 1804 ; viz. " Amount of Bond ..--.-.- " liiterell iheieon at i-2 per cent, from i6th September 1781 to ijth I'ebruiiry 1785 ...-..- " D° - from 12th February 1785 to 15th May 1804, at 6 ptr cent. ...------- Pag' F. C. 0,000 o o /"»' 28,629 I 14 80,858 26 37 Pag" 179,487 :/ 51- or ^.71,795 I a at 8/ per Pau^. " Land Revenue Office, " 4th February 1809." " John Parkhoufe, Efii" " 1 al Sums JntorcfE from the Amiunt Amount ) ill Ihc Hi jamiii.y 179j Principal aiidlnlerefi ni Ni) Coin lY^ccificti U) ill Slerlliii,' .Money in ilic Uiii May 1«01-, Indian CiiiTcncy cm the Obligalions. at (i por cciil. on 15Ui May IGOi l.jtli -'\!^iy ;oOt. I'agotlas. 1' C. Pagotlaj. F. C. Pagodas. F. C. £. s. (/. ]. 'I ,:: C o o o 1,705 '2 Cg 4,-205 2 69 1,682 6 O. 3,700" '2,5-27 -24 66 6,233 24 66 2,403 8 8 3- 644 439 9 39 i,-o8g 9 39 433 5 9 4- 38S 264 26 29 652 26 29 261 1 5- 6,57 1 4,481 -25 0.. 11,05-2 25 22 4,42 1 9 6. 10,7-28 7<5iG 33 8 18,044 33 8 7,217 18 4 !• ■2,17-2 1,481 14 74 3>653 14 74 1,461 6" 9 s. 1 ,()(i6 1,136 10 58 2,80-2 10 58 1,120 18 9- 5,813 3=964 25 77 9.777 25 77 3.911 9 lO. 5, coo 3,410 6 6 8,410 6 6 3-364 1 2 u. 5,oco (1 3,410 6 6 8,410 6 6 3:364 1 2 1-2. 1,88(3 1, 286 13 6 3,17-^ 13 6 ],-268 18 6 13- ■252 171 36 48 423 36 48 l6g 10 11 '4- •2,891 (1 1,97" 30 38 4,S62 3" 38 1,045 1 10 15- 7,111 4>849 37 .5 11.96" 37 5 4,784 7 . iti. 1-2,386 8>447 ••^4 57 20,833 24 57 «.333 « 8 CS.7;4 46,864 33 48 ii5,57S 33 4S ,46,231 9 9 " London, 4th rebiuaiy 1809. " for Cha^ Binnif and myfelf, Ilegifters. (iSiqned) " JAMES KING." It a))peni-s I'lom the firll iratement, that on tlie 15th day of ^lay 1804, the I'lineipal and Intereli of the late Nabol) Oindut ul Oinrah's Bond or of. 7 1,70.5 1 2 F. C. 170,487 27 51. to the late Dottor Davis, dated tiie iDth September 3781, amounted to - - _ _ I'agodas It ahb appears tliat on the ift day of January 1703, the Nahol) Onuhil ul Oinrah (vide Aceount C^urrent Is" 8, in the inltruetions on this Claim dated 11th January iSoo) grant(x! frelh I'onds in the name of tlie execu- trix, in litiuidation of a part of tiie Principal and Intereft of tiiis Bond, bearing iniereft at 12 percent, per aiiaum, viz. for the finn ond ; and to have been fo granted to enable the executrix to fatisfy the Oeditors of the Teftator, and which are or may be claimed feparately ; and which, by the iiseond ftatcinent above entered, amount with intereft to the I5tli May 1804, to - Pagodas 115,57s 33 4^. i'.4<>,2 u o • Pagodas 63,908 36 3. or .£.25,563 11 Leaving the Balanei- due on the original J5ond of 70,000 Pagodas, dated the 16th September 17S1, on the 15th day of May 1S04 -. - " lleiblved, That fo much of this Claim of Lady Cockburn, executrix to the cftate of the lale J)o(5tor Davis, (which isIS"!. ofiS''34, in our Firft Report to this Honourable Jloufe, and N" :. of IS" 14, in tiie Schedule of Claims publilhed in the Gazette of the 12th jXtiguft 1S06, and which was taken into conhderaiion on the otli day of January 1S07) ''•'' is jiated to be i'uiindcd upon a Hond for levciiiy thoufand Pagodas, granted bv the hne ^kal)ol) OiiulLa ul Onirah to the late Doctor i>avis, as for arrears of pay due to him as Phyfician and Secretary to his late Higlinel's, which Hond is dated tiie aotli Kamzaii, 1105 Hegiia, or tlic i6tli of September 1781 of the Chrifiian era, and which lias not been litpiidatcd'by ills Ilighnefs, granting renewed Bonds, dated the ift day of January 1 793 ; tlic fame a|)pearmg to be probablv jnlt and allowable, ihall be and is hcrt-bv proviiionallv adju- dicated in favour of the Parties therein iiiterelied, and hereinal'ler named, as a i'ebt in the I'irft (Tlafs, at tiu^ feveral I'mns to tiie feveral Pariies hereinafter itated. And where-as, it appears that Pagodas li.xtv-tiiree thoufand nine liuiidred and eight, tliirlv- Piig,.' F. C. ■ _ ■' ■ fix P'anains and tiiree (^a(li (63.908. 36. 3.) or tweaty-five thoufand five hundred and flxtv- tlirec Pounds eleven Shillings and livcpence iierling (^f. 25,5(13. H s. 5(/.) is the balance remaining tmlitpiidated bv renewed Bonds, on the 15th day of May 1804. " Kefolvcd, That tin- (aid i'mn of J'agodas fixty-thr< c tiioufand nine liimilred and ti'jlit, I'au'. Y. c. t]iir!y-(ix Faiiams and tiiree CaOi 163,908. 36. 3.) or twenty-live tiioufand 'ixw lunidrcd and liitv -three CARNATIC COMMISSIONERS. 127 fixty-tlirco Pounds eleven Shilline lias proved the fame; and that the laid ICIiza Coekhuin as I'lieh executrix, together with Sir William C'ockburn, Baronet, her liulband, has executed a Deed dated the 3d day of May 1800, by which Ihe aHijrns to certain trullecs for the benefit of John Fordyce, I'/quire, in rewaril of agency, one-twentieth part ofihcfnmat which the Debts due from llie .Nabobs of Arcot to the cftatc of the late Doctor Davis, with intereii thereon, (Tundd be lifpiidated : And whereas the faid Kliza, as fuel) oxeciUrix with Sir William Coekburn, iJaronct, her hulband ; and alfo CJeorge Mouhray, CharU's IVniny, James Taylor, Robert Storey, y\lexand,- 1 :i 17 ;',5. 01- X"- -H.'-iSs Claims provilionHlly adjudicutcrl m favour of Clainiiinls. " Uefolved accordingly, That tlie finn of lixty thoufand fovea hundred and thirteen Pag'. F. C. Pagodas fevcnteen Fanams and thirty-fi ve Cafli (60,7 13.17. 35.) or twenty-four thoufand two hundred and eighty-five Pounds fcven Shillings and tenpencc Iterling (0^.24,285. 7s. lod.) be and is hereby allowed and efl:abliihed provifionally, in the name of Eliza Cockbuni, wife of Sir ^V'illiam Coekburn, Paronet, folc executrix of the \vill of the late JJoctor Davis; and that intcrell '(hall be payalile thereon from the ijlh day of May 1804, and until the further directions of the Poard, at the rale of ten Shillings (lo*-.) per cent, per annum; and that a Certilicate fliall be illned to the Kegifler in London, vr at Mad.ras, directing him to enter the al'oreliiid funi to the credit of the faid Party, as foon as flie ihall have given lecurity to the fiitisfaftion of the P>oard for the finn of uine hundred Pounds flerling (o£'. 900.) and fliall have ^declared to ihe lioard in writing, by lierfelf or agent, whether it is her option to receive the inleieft fo payable on the fum •which fhall be fo entered to her cretlit in London oard proceed to the confidcration of the application on behalf of Mrs. I'ranccs Davis, Mrs. iiary Davis, and Mr. William Davis, aliiguees of I'^liza Lady Cocklmrn, widow and folc executrix of the late Doctor Davis, for tluinfelves, and as reprefenialives of the eftate of the late William J)avis. Thefe Claims on which provifionaladjir.ileation is recpieltcd, are accoitling to the corrected •calculation, as follow : One bond of the late Nabob Onidiit ul Oinrah to the cxecu- Pag' F. C. trix of the late Dodor iJavrs, dated the Ut .laiuiary l7y;i. and a(rn:iied to William Davis, for '^uioo o o On which iuleieft at 6 per cent, is claimed to the i^lii May 1804 1.705 - Co P.igod.iS - 4,205 2 60. or /. i.OS'j o C v* / One v_ f^S FIFTH REPORT of the Glrtims One Rond of the lato Nabob Oniiiut ul Oinrali to the execu- provilionallv '■''ix of the lute Doctor Davis, dated tlie ifl January 1793, a Pagodas One Bond of the late Nabob Omdut ul Omrah to the execu- trix of the late Doctor Davis, dated the ift January 1793, nnd alhgned to Mifs Mary Davis, for - - - - 5,000 o o On which intereft is clauiied at 6 per cent, to the 15th May 1804 3.4^0 6 6 Pags. F. C. 5,000 3,410 6 6 or £.3.364 1 - 8,410 6 6. i Pagodas - 8,410 6 6. or /. :!,3C4 l ' One Bond of the late Nabob Onidut ul Omrah to the executri.x of the late DoClor Davi?, dated the lli January 1793, and •ulTi'jncd bv her to William, Frances and Mary Davis, exe- cutors of the late William Davis, for - - - . 6,571 o o On which intereft is claimed at 6 per cent. 10 the 15th May 1804 4.+S1 25 '22 Pagodas - ii,')5'2 25 22. or /^.4,42i ""It appears that tliefe Bonds are a part of the renewed Bonds granted by the late Nabob Oindut ul Omrah, in part liquidation of his Highnefs's Bond or Obligation to the late Doctor Thomas Davis for 70,000 Pagodas, which is Js'^ 1. of IS* 34, in the Firft Report laid before Parliament, and IS" 1 of >.'' 14, in the Gazette of the i2tli Augiift 1806; and that they itand N"' J. 5. 10, and 11, in tiie Kegifier's fiatement of inch renewed Bonds, entered in the proceedings of the i7di November lall, and which as being claimed, or liable to be claimed ieparately," were deducted prior to the provilionai adjudication of the balance of the Bond for 70,000 Pagodas in favour of the executrix, entered in the proceedings of that day. " Kelblved, That thefc feveral Bonds, noticed in the Gazette of the 23d of June 1807, as being alligninents of a part of the Bond for 70,000 Pagodas, claimed by the heirs oi' the late Doctor JJavis ; N'' 1 of Claim N" 14, in the Gazette of the 12th Augud 1806, and taken into conlideiatioii on the 14th February 1S07, and the 2olh November 1807, as beins; founded on the faid Bond for 70,000 Pagodas, granted by the late Nabob Omdut ul Omrah to the late Doctor Davis, as for arrears of pay ; the unaliigned part of which was proviiion- ally adjudicated on the 17th November lait in favour of the executrix, the fame appearing to "be probably jult and allowable, ihall be and are hereby provifionaliy adjudicated in favour of the l-arliestiiercia interefied and hereinafter named, as a Debt in tiie Firll Ciafs, at the feveral lums to tb.e feveral i'arties liercinalUT ftated. " And whereas it appears that the faid \\ illiam Davis, Frances Davis, and Mary Davis, for themfelves, and as executors of the will of the late William Davis, deceafed, have, by- Charles Binny their attorney duly authorized, executed a Deed which bears date the Ul day of September 1804, by which they alhgn, in reward of agency, to John Fordyce, El- ciaire, (inee deceafed, one-fortieth part, and to certain Truii;ees for his the laid la;e John Fordyce's benefit, one other fortietli part of the funi at which the debts due to them fi-oin the Nabob of Arcot, with intereft thereon, Ihoidd be liquidated : And whereas the faid \\ il- liam Davis, Frances Davis, and Mary Davis for themfelves, and I'raneis Davis and Mary J')avis, as adling executrixes of William Davis, and likewife the faid John Fordyce, and alio Valentine Conolly, George Moubray, Charles Binny, and James Taylor, being the major part of the faid I'raltecs named in the above-mentioned Deed of the ill September 1804, as Inch Trultecs, have all of them become Parties to the Deed of Covenants widi the Fall India Company, dated the 10th day of July 1805: i\ud whereas it appears that the aggregate amount of the debt liated in the preceding part of thefe Helbluiions, as due to William Davis, is four thoufand two hundred and five Pagodas two Fanaius and fixty-nine Calh Pa^s. !•'. C. (4,205. 2. 6c).) or -fixteen hundred and eighty-two Pounds and lixponce Iterling (o£'. 1,682. OS. 6d.) and ought to be dillributed as follows ; viz. Principal and Intereft of the Bond affigncd to WilliiAiii Davis, Pag' F. C. as. ahcady ftated 4,205 •! Oy. - or -£. l.iJSi o 6 Whereof I /40th pari is afligned to John Fordvce, decealed, and is to be adjudicated to Pag' F. C. his reprefentaiives - - 105 5 25. or £. 4a 1 o And another i/40th part is af- Ji^ned, and is to be adjudi- . ' caled to ihcTnifteesof John Fordyce, as per Deed, mark- ed F. No. 11. dated the ill ' September 1804 - - 105 5 25. or £. ifl 1 o 210 10 50. - or £. 84 Balance to be placed in the name of \VilIiam Davis, Ffpilre - Pa^' .•?,994 34 19. or £.\,%\i- 18 6 " Relblved, CARNATIC COMMISSIONERS. 129 " Relolvecl accordingly, That tli'^ fuiii of iliree tliouijind nine liundieJ ai;<] niupty-four I'a- C! linm i'w^i. F, C. provili.iiirtlly codas thirty-four I'ananis and niiiclccii Caili (,'',,994. 34. 19.) or filtciMi hundred and iiitidy- aojud • awl la leveu Pouiids eigliict'ii Sliiilings and lix[ieiice lirilin'; {£. 1,597. i-'-*- *5'^-) ^^ '"•'' '== hereby lavour of fiiablUhed provilionally in the iinrnc ol William i^avis, lUijiiiic, r.iul that inieref; (hall he Ciiuinanls. payable I'.iereop. I'n.iii the 15th day of May 1804, aiii! until the linilier diie»ilJO!i» of (lie ^^ -/ ' ooaid, at the rate of one-half CI) (..'r cent, per annu'.i), and that a, eeriiiicate Ihai'i he ulucd to ttie Rc::jifter in London or at Aladias, direetiii^ liuii to enter the atbrelaid iiiin to tiie , credit of u'iliian: iJavis, i^lirjuiic, as loon us lie (hall iiave given feciirity to ihi- latii-faetioii » Vy of tlte lv>ard for fho funi of lixty-ionr [M)un. 6. 6.) or three thou fand three hundred and fixty-fi)ur Pounds one Shilling and twopence iicrling (oi'. 3,364. is. •zd.) and ought lobe diftributed as follows ; viz. Principal and inferetl of the Bond a(Tigned to Frances Davis, Pag* F. C. as aheady ftuited ---.-..- 8, +10 d ti. or ;^. 3,364 t r AVhereof i/40lh part is alTigned to John Fordyce, dcceal'ed, and is to be adjudicated to Pag* F. C. his rei'vefentiitives - - 210 10 51. or j^. 84 2 o And anoihti ;/40th part is uf- figricd, and is to be adjudi- cated to theTruftees of John Fordyce, as per Deed marked F. N* 11. dated ift Septem- ber 1804 - - . - 210 10 52. or ;^. S4 1 o 420 21 24. or £. ifii 4 Balance to be placed in the name of Mifs Frances Davis - - Pat:' 7,p''9 26 f^'2. or ^^.3. 105 17 2 " Refolved accordingly, That the fum of feven thouiand nine hundred and eightv-niiie Pa- i'ag5. r. c. godas twentj'-fix Fanams and fixty-two Cafli (7,980. 26. 62.) or three thoufand one hun- dred and nlnety-iive Pornds feventeen Shillings and twopence Iterling (,^'.3,195. 175. 2d.) be and a hereby allowed and cftublilhcd provilionally in the name of M ifs Frances l)avis, and that intereft fliallbe payable thereon from the i^th day of May 1804, and until the further directions of the Boi'.rd, at the rate of one-tialf (5) per cent, per annum, aud that a certificate fliail be iffued to the liegifier in London oi at Mailras, direc^ting him to enter the aforefnd fam to the credit of Mifs Frances Davis as foon as flie lliail have given feeurity to the fatis- fadfion of the lioard for the fum of one hundred and thirty Pounds Iicrling (.£.130.) and ihall have declared to the Poard in writing, by heri'elf or her agent, whether it Is her optioa to receive the intereft fo payable on the fum which ihall be fo entered to her credit in Lon- don or at Madras. " Refolved, That the fum of two hundred and ten Pagodas ten Fanams and fifty-two Cafli Fags. F. C. <2io. 10. 52.) or eighty-four Pounds two Shillings fterhng (£.^4. 2s.) be and is hereby allowed and ellabliftied provifionally in the name of James king, Ll'cjuue, one of the txecu- ai. " LI tors ,3o FIFTH REPORT of the Claims tors named in ll)o will of the late John Fordyce, ECquire, and tliat intcreft fliail be payal)lft provilionally tlicreon from tlie 15th day of IMay 1804, and until the further dircftions of the Hoard, at adjudicated in ilie rate of one-half (J) per cent, per annum, and that a Certificate fliall be ilTued to the tiivour of lxe"ifler in London or at Madras, direiSfing him to enter the aforcfaid I'um to the credit Claimants. ^f ,|,g \\i[f\ Party, as foon as he fliall hnve given lecurity to the fatisfadtion of the Board ^ ' for tlie funi of four Pounds fterling (£. 4.) and fliall have declared to the Board in writing, bv himfejf or his agent, whether it is his option to receive the intereft fo payable on the fum which fliall be fo entered to his credit in London or at Madras. " RefolVed, That the fum of two hundred and ten Pagodas ten Fanams and fifty-two Pags. F. c. ... Cafh (210. 10. 52.) or eighty-four Pounds two Shillings ilerling (of.84. 2s.) be and is hereby allowed and efiabliflied provifionally in the names of Valentine Conolly, George Moubiay, Charles Binn^', and James Taylor, Efquires; and that intereft fhall be payable thereon fi-oni the 15th day of May 1804, and until the further directions of the Board, at the rate of one-half (|) per cent, per annum, and that a Certificate fliall be iflued to the Regifler in London, direfting him to enter the aforefaid fum to the credit of the faid Parties jointU', the Truftees of Mr. Fordyce having already given fecurity to the fatisfac- tion of the Board, and having declared in writing, that the uims which fhould be adjudi- cated in their favour fliould be entered in the books of the Regifter in London. " And whereas it alfo appears that the aggregate amount of the Debt ftated in the preced- ing part of thefe Refolutions, as due to Mary Davis, is eight thoufand four hundred and Pag^ F. c. ten Pagodas fix Fanams and fix Cafli (8,410. 6. 6.) or three thoufand three hundred and fixty-four Pounds one Shilling and twopence ilerling (^.3,364. is. 2 inny, and James Taylor, Efquires, and that interefi fliall be [layable thereon from tiie 15th day of May 1804, and until tlie further diictMions (jf the Board, at the rale of one- half (J) percent, per annum, and that a certificate fhall be iffucd to the liegifter in London, diredtiiig hiin to enter the aforefaid fum to the credit of the laid Parties jointly, the Truflees of Claimants. CARNATIC COMMISSIONERS. 131 of Mr. Fordyco luivino; already given fecuiity to the fatisfadion of tlio Board, and having Claims declared in writing, tlint, tho funis wliicli (hoald be adjudicated in their favour fliould be provifioiully entered in the books of the Hcgiller in i^ondon. adjudnaled in " And whereas it a|)pears that the aggregate amount of the debt flatcd in the preceding t^.vour of part of tiicfe T'elolutions as due to William, Frances, and Mary Davis, executors of the late William Davis, is el(^v(;n tiioufand and fifty-two Pagodas twenty-five L'anams and ^ Pags. F. C. twenty-two Ca(h (11,052. 25. 22.) or four tiioufand four hundred and twenty-one Pounds and ninepcnce Iterliiig (<£. 4,421. os. gd.) and ought to be diftributed as follows ; viz. Prineipnl andintereft of the Bond atngned to^Villiam, rraiires, Pag' F. C. and Mary Davis, extculurs of the late William Davis, as already ftated --.---.. 11,051 15 51, or jf. 4,421 o § Whereof i/4oLb p^rt is afUgned to John rordyci", deceafed, and is to be adjudicated to Pag' F. C. Lis reprefentiitives - - 276 13 18. or j^. 110 10 S And another i/ -f 106 '''^a i <; judicateci in favour of Claimants, to this date, is - -j • o '/-'i- adjud WE 132 rit'Tii REPORT of Ihe Cakvatic CoMMissroxKRs. ^¥E had the honour to date in our F'ourth Report to this Honourable Piouic, bearing date the 6th I^cbruary 1809, that we Lad tianhnitted to the Commifliwners in India our detailed Inltruttions upon all the Clairus preferred to us. which fell within the defcriptirui of Claims for the arrears of military and civil pay and allowances ; and that with reipect 10 the re- niaiider of the Claims preferred to us» which were chiefiy founded either on alledged loans of money or alle;iged fa!e of articles of merchai.dize to or for the uk' of the Nabob Wallah Jah, or the Nabob Omdut ui Omrah, or the Anietr ul Omah, we expected to d l-iatch to the Coinmifnon^rs in India the neceffary Inlfrufition^ upon moft of them by the fnips of che feafon. We have now the latisfadion to ftate, that our InftruiSlious upon all the Claims which have been preferred to us, with the exception of a tew Avhich the parties claiming have not enabled us to in\e(ligal;e, have been dilpatched to the Commilfioners in India. We have alfo the honour to ftate to this Honourable floufe, that we are proceeding in the examinarion and confideration of the Reports which the Commiffioners in India Lave made to us on lucii Clauns as they had in- veftigated. We have further to add, for the information of this Honourable Houfe, that in confet)rieiice of an Agreement between the Eail India Comjjany and the Crediiors, to have a limited time absolutely fixed by us, beyond \vhich. Claims on the late Nabobs of the Cfirnatic and the Ameer ul Omrah fliould not be received, we gave public notice on the 16th of iaft Sep- teuiber in the .L,..ndon Gazette and many of the daily Lo -don paper", that no Cairns wi-atever could be preferred to us after the 1 6th day of No\ ember 1 809 ; and ai the lame time we tranfmitted our Inftructions t(- the Com- miffioners in India, diiefting them immediately on riie receipt thereof to publifh afimilar notice, that, after two months from the date of their ad- vertil'ement, no Claims could be preferred to them. BENJN HOBHOUSE. THO. COCKBURN. Manchefter Buildings, CHARLES GRANT. ylh February 18 jo. ^ (Nabobs of Arcot's Debts.) 133 THE SIXTH REPORT OF T!IE COMMISSIONERS Appointed under an Agreement, concluded on the 10th of July 1805, between The East India Company and The Private Creditors of the late Nabobs of The Carnatic. (46 GEO. III. cap. 133.) Ordered, by The Houfe of Commons, io be printed, 2 1 January 1 8 1 1 . Mm THE REPORT. LIST (or Continuation) of CLAIMS. Extracts of PROCEEDINGS of The Commiffionors, Abfolute ADJUDICATIONS in favour of Claimants. Abfolute ADJUDICATIONS agamji Claimants. CLAIMS founded on Forgeries. CoBclufion. [ '35 j To the Honourable TIic COMMONS of the Unitrd King5i3 Chinniah Mootoo, Cahawur -------- 800 J 5 14 Chouree Mootoo, Cahawur -------- 49 '5«5 Collah Singanah Chitty, aflignee of Abdoul Guffer Khan Behadur. adopted Yon and h(;ir of Khathoona Begum; — Balance of a boii.l, 14 Kumzan 1199 Migeree, of the Nabob Wallajah, for money lent 55,000 34.561 15 7 »5ifi Coriiarooddeen, Rilliildar -------- 87 8 2 1517 Condapa, fon of Mootiah Moodely, writer - . - - - 65 34 22 1518 Conda Syee, fonofAndec ------ r,upee> I'^y a 1519 Condup Moodely, Maiftrec -------- 3.397 22 40 1520 Coopa Nair, Jemadar ------ -.- I4i> u 1521 Coopiah, Vakeel ---------- 10 1522 Cotalum I'iilay, Vakotl -.-.---- 13 22 40 1523 Coulaty Pillay, Vakeel 15 CARNATIC COiMMlSSIONFJlS. »37 A M u N -r A;.'(;ri'Eale ol A.MOUNT Tlic rriiiciii-,1 of Ko. CLAIMS. ol Tlic Principal anil Tlif^ Chjinn IntcrrU 111 lliu Colli i'pc ifi'-d. In Slrrlin^' .Mojipj. D. I'ugod.is. V. C. r- '■ d. 1524 I'abeu Dofs writer -----.-.. 204 1 25 1525 i);ivce Sing, Jemadar --------- 32 28 10 152(J De Fries Adrian and Co.; — Bond, 14 May lyofi, for 25,000 pago- das, being money lent by the late firm ol' Peliing l)e ¥<'<-: and Co to the Nabob OmJut Ul Omrah, on tlie fecurity of fnndry lioufes and gardens belonging to liis Ilighnefis; tlic account of wiiich traii(;!clion exhibited on the. 15 May 1804, a balance in favour of the Clamianfs, including interell, of 27,02715 36 f. 4c.; — fubfe- quently to that date, fundry fums, being the produce of the fecu- rities aforefaid, areftated by liieni to have been leceived in account, \v Inch reduce that amount to the furn now claimed - - - 5.349 41 sc> 2,139 19 11 1527 Dhunnoo Baye, widow of Down Sing, Subadar - - - . 2,856 38 10 AMOUNT Aggregale of AMOUNT Tlie Principal of Ko. of The Principal and Tlif^ Claims Inlcvcft In tlieCfjm fpccified. In Siurlinj; Moiii-y. F. P.godas. F. C. £. s. d. 1528 Futteh Mohummcd, Sipauhee ------ Rupees 38a AMOUNT ApprCL'aie of A BI U N T The Principal of No. CLAIMS. of The Principal and The Claims Iiitereft In lliii Coin Specified. In Sterling Money. G. Pagodas. F. C. £■ s- d. 1529 Gholam Hofl'aii), Ilarieldar -------- 900 1530 tJh>)lain Hyder --.----. Rupees 1,140 1531 (iiiolam HolVain, Sipauhee, fon of Shaik Madar - - - - 210 153'^ Gholam Moheeuddean, Subadar ------- 70 1533 Gholam MoheeuJdeen --------- 35 15'H Ghohuii MoheerucMeen .Tudeed, Subadar . . _ - . 59 J> 20 1535 Gholam Hoflain, Jemadar --..-.-. 900 J 530 Gholam Hoflain, Terundaz, fon of Mohummeed Malik - . - 144 '537 Girh Row, nephew of Roye Mocuud Rovv - . - - . 1,000 J 538 Gob-rdun Dofs, Baliiillien, attorney for i'our bonds of the Cuteherry of Trichinopoly, for money lent on ;>ccount of ilie (ircar ; viz. Bond, 10 Jemadee Uflanee 1208 Iligeree, for Porto Novo pagodas - 13.035 7.351 1 Bond, 4 Jemadee Uffanee 1208 Higf ree, for Porto Novo p-igodas - 3,000 i.7'33 5 Bond, 14 Jemadee UlTanee leoS Higeree, for Porto Novo pagodas - 12,000 6,757 Bond, 7 Jemadee Uflanee 1208 Higeree, for Porto Novo pagodas - 10,240 All*. 071 12 5,749 e 1539 Goind Pillah, Modee 1 540 (ionedoo Pundit, Vakeel -------- 253 13 60 1541 Gopaul Kidiua, Cheroka, and liis brother Kat Permaul - 3,617 22 60 A M U N T Apart';;:ltc of A y\ U X T The Priiicipul of No. CLAIMS. of The Principal and The Claims Intcrdt la the Coin fpccificd. In Sterling Money. II. Pagodas. F. C. £. s. J. 1542 Ilaveujan Johannes, fon and heir of the late Johannes Martoroos; — Bond, 24 Augurt 1778, of the Nabol) Omdut UI Omrah, for the value of goods fold by his father to the Nabob . - - - 2,084 2,262 6 5 1543 Hoflain Becbee, widow of .Mohamauid Abduullali, Commandant 780 -An'. 61 13 >.'')44 Hurry Kilhna, Jilodee --------- 1545 Huzarut Beebee, v>idow of Mohnmmud Kultal Kufl'ab - Riipco 1,700 A 11 SIXTH n i: p o irr of i uk No. C L A I M S. I^^fi Ibvahiin Beg,- Jemadar lfi47 liiiaiu Aailileeii .154S lnciiaiaiii,Surdar - Ru pees A M O U N T of Tlie Prineipal of 1 ho Claims 111 tile Coinlpt'cificd. Tiigodas. F. C. 4 o 317 o All'. 87 4 Apgre^aip A M O L N' r 01 'i'hc I*riijrip;il end Xiiieicit In Sterling Alunry. £■ ^- Oindiit ul Omrah - - - - - Khirooiijee ChaUikne ; — Debt of the Nabob Oindtit ul Omrah, for anicljs f^dd ----- Khodaija Beebee, widow of Shaik Burrai Havildar . - . Killien Row, Traiiflalor - ------- Kifhen Row, fon of N'urfmg Row Mohurrur - - - - - Killina, Jemadar ..-------- Kondiah, Haviklar .--.----- Kulvecrum Pdlay, Jemadar -------- Kundojee How Naiek, fon of Neinbojee Row - - . . Kurreemoollali, for iiis lather Bafliamtoola, Jeniatjar, and liis two brothers IMohummud '! alib and Raihee Moollah; — Claims Knpces 2,000, and lor himl'cif Rupees 200 - - - - ■ Rupees A ai O U N T of The Principal of Th? Claims In liie Coin tpecified Tasndas. F. C. t)«8 30 t) 45 2 05 73-2 l,fi87 42 77 9-i 11 15 H 13 60 16 9 19 47 I'l 30 30 13 00 40 It) _— — 2,200 Aogregute A M O U IN T of Tbe ■Princii)al and Jlittrcft In Sterling I^Ioney. 191 o 7 AMOUNi Aggres ate of A -M Li N T The Piincipa 1 of No. C L A I M S. of The Princi pal and The Claims Intel- •ft fii the Cuiii fpt-H;! ficd. In Sicriing Rlnncy. L. Pagodas. F. C. £■ i. d. 1^64 LateefBeg Klian, Darogab ------ Rupees 5,480 1SO5 Lin^apah, Sipauhce, fon of Chunga ------ 12 22 40 15(56 LutciimnnDofs, Mootfuddce ; — Two Tunkahsof tlie Nabob M'allajah, for arrears of i)ay, one datedui Zeeoyda 1 19;^ Uigerce, in favour ot hiinfclf, and another for Rupees 5f>;jj, and tlw; other in his own name, dated 1 Rloluirrum 119!) lligeree, for Rupees 875^- Rupees 1,458^: 1S7 5 Q iTt57 Lutchmce Dutt, (Joiiialhih of the late Booderjee Soucar; J^alkilhen, attorney for; — Seven Bonds ol' the Culcherry of 'I'l ichiiiopoly, foi money lent on atoount ol the C'irear ; viz. Bond, 25 Reijib 1190 lligeree, for ftar pagodas 500 54:! ■0 Bond, 1 Shaban 1190 Higeree for I'orlo Novo pagodas 5,000 4/>48 4 Bond, 10 Shabaii 1190 Higeree, lor I'oi to Novo pagodas - 5,<'56 5.'i5'2 G Bond, 28 Rinii/'.an 1100 lligeree, lor liar pagodas 5,000 5,3S" Bond, 2 Showal 1207 Higeree, for Porto Novo pagodas 10,000 5.7''' Bond, 8 IVl'ihurroni 1208 lligeree, for I'orto Nova pagodas 5,000 2,()()2 2 Bond, 10 IVIohurrum 1208 lligeree, for I'orlo Novo pagodas 5,000 -0 2,(338 •w 1568 LntcefBeg Khan Darogah ; — llcfers lo the Dufters for the amount due to liini by the Nabob Walbjah, and claims from the Nabob Omdul ul Omrah -.-.----. 1,500 C A II N A T I C CO M Ml S S I ON Ji II S >ii'J ^'o. loQp >57' '57 '573 '574 1575 i57<' •577 157S 1570 1580 148 158 1583 1584 1585 3587 >5 1589 J 590 1591 1592 ^593 1594 1595 1595 1597 1598 1599 1600 1601 l60'2 1003 1604 1605 1606 1607 1608 1609 1610 I61I 1612 1613 1614 1615 1616 1617 1618 1610 l6'20 1621 1621 5d-23 M 624 C L A I M S. M. Mado Nair, Subadar iMaliomml Sadcc, Darogah .----..- .Muhnioiid Keg, Jemadar, fon of Nubbee Beg ; — Refers to tlic Dufters for the amnunt due to liim by tlie Nabob Walbjah, anil claims from the Nabob Omdut III Onirali ----.. Mahomed Shumfooddeen, Riliiddar ----.. Mahomed Moofa, Sikiilgur, fon of Gholara Moheeuddcen Maviumbee, mother of Abdoul Ali .-.-.. Meer Jafler All -- Rupees Meer Sufder Ali Meer Ameen Murfiah Khan --.--.... Meer Nad Ali, Jemadar --...... Meer Suddeerooddeen, RilTaldar -----«. Meer Baheeooddeeii, Subadar .--.-... Mocundoo, Naick -.---.-.. Moliummud Azum, camel-driver; — Two tuidiuhs of the Nabob Wal- lajah for arrears of pay, the lirft dated 10 Sufler iioo Iligeree, in favour of himfelf and others, for 700 rupees; and the other dated 1 Rubbee ul Aveel 1103 Higeree, in favour of himfelf and twenty- two otiiers, for 2,594 rupees ----- Rupees Mohummud Mukhdoom, Bowurchee ---... Rupees Rupees Mohummud Ibrahim, Bavvurchee - - . . Mohummud Yufuf ------ Moliummud Meeran, Cawdrce - . - . Mohummud Ghofe, Darogah . . . Moliummud Noorooddceu, Darogah ; — Refers to (he Dufters for the amount due to him by the Nabob \Vallajah, and claims from the Nabob Omdul ul Omrah ------.. Mohummud Jufl'er, Darogah --.-..- Mohummud Shareef --------- Mohummud Reza Beg, Darogah ----- Rupees Mohummud Ufmau, Subadar --.-..- Mohuinaiud Ibrahim, Suliadar -.-.--. Mohummud Hoflain, Sipauhee, for himfelf and his brother Abdul Ali, Sipauhee ------.-.. Mohummud Holl'ain, Sipauhee, fon of Mohummud Bondigcc - Mohummud Ali, fon of IMohummud Burhan Oodden Khan Behadar, KelVaidar -•--.-.. Rupees Jlohummud HulTan, Havildar, fon of Peer IMohummud - Mohummud Daoud, fon of Mohummud Delawur ; — Refers to the Dufters for the amount due to him by the Nabob Wallajah, and claims from the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah - - - . Rupees Mohummud Hulfan, Commandant ------- Mohummud Azum, Naick, fou of Mohummud Iluiieef . - . .Mohummud Hollkiu, Adjutant, Jemadar - _ , -Mohummud Jelal, Sipauhee, Ion of Mohummud Adum - Rupees Mohummuil Ibrahim, Sipauhee, iba of Gholam -Mohummud Rupees Monummud (ihalib, Naick, fon of Rajai Mohummud - - . Mohummud Ibrahim, Jemadar ------- Mohummud Daoud, Rell'aldar -....-- Mohummud JalKr, Sipauhee -.--... -Mohummud Oilier, Commandant ----- Rupees iMi)humiriud Budderooddeeu, Subadar ------ iSIohumiiiud Seeunder, Jemadar - - - - - - - Mohummud Ilmael, Ji madar -_--..- Mohummud Holl'ain, Jemadar --.--.. Mohummud Yufuf, Jemadar ---.-.. Mohummud Caud'r, Jemadar --_-_.- Mohummud Yufuf, Jemadar - . . - Mohummud llolliiin, Jemadar - . . _ Mohummud Yuful, Commandant - - . - Moheimddeen Beg, Subadar - - - - - Mohummud Nutter, Subadar - . - - . Mohummud Nafir, Subadar --.--. Mohummud Madar, Subadar . - . - . Mohummud Muckdoom, Jemadar - - - . Mohummud Daouil, Jemadar - . - _ . Mohuuitfiud TippoH, Jaroadar - - . . A M U N T (;f The Friiicipal of Tlio Clalmfi III the C')iii (jH-citi*'d ra"odas, F, C. 54 c An'. '59 11 An'. 64 7 243 (ii 22 40 72 4.950 400 106 13 Co 40 Cl 206 11 '20 6+ H 3,294 o o •2,000 O o 339 <> o An'. 1S7 iii o 4S0 o o 1,000 o o 252 o o 540 750 391 540 2,340 902 102 o o 24 o o 25,200 o o 150 o o 180 40 3.096 42 1,272 210 210 160 D 308 407 48 13,860 90 31 1! 20 31 40 'f*' 13 3 39 30 22 22 40 130 70 70 70 42 30 30 4 11 20 A a: o i; n t of The Pruicipnl and InteitCt In Sterling Mon'y. £. ,. d. 37^ 9 "i 140 SIXTH REPORT of the AMOUNT of TI.c Principal Aj/trrp^atc AMOUNT of Ho. CLAIMS. of Tlie principal and The Claims Inlercit In the Coin fpccificd In Stcrliuj; Money. Pagodas. F. C. £. s. d. 16-25 Moluimniud Bcecun, Subadar . - - - - - 800 1620 IMoliumnuicI Loll, Subadar ------ - 8 G 1627 .Mohumiuud lluiran, J^niadar . - - - - - 12 11 20 J628 Moluiniimid Ho'laiii, Jemadar - . - - - - 29 5 50 idiQ Moliuniiiuul Ally; Jemadar ------ - 8 39 30 1630 Mohummud Allr, Jemadar ------ - 11 00 16^1 Mohumimul Aziiuit, Jemadar - - . - - - 29 1 1 20 163-2 lALjhuiiiniud Keza, Jemadar ------ - 6 22 40 1633 Mohummud Sirdar, Jimadar . - - - - - 24 33 00 1334 Mohummud Himeef, Commaiulant, - . - - - 106 1635 -Mohuinmud Yuful', Subadar - ■ 23 3? 3" 1630 Aioliuiiimud Ahmud, Subadar . - - - - - 45 •■!2 40 1637 Mohomed Moofe, Jemadar ------ - 2100 1638 Mohummud Hoflain, Jemadar - - - « - - 1' 5 50 1639 Mohu'.iiiiuid jVafirooddeen, Commandant - - - - 50 39 30 1640 xMohunun-jd Solimaii, Commandant . - - - - 1*^3 H 5 An'. 1641 Mohummud Caudir, Jemadar, fon of Mohummud Jailer - _ 208 12 iG4-2 Mohummud Adum, Feel Bau, fon of Mohuinmud lllak - - 60 An'. 164s Mohummud Azum, Jemadar Rupees 2,005 4 1644 Mohummud Reza, Cutwal, fon of Dervaifli Mohummud - 1,22-2 1645 Mohummud Tippoo, fon of Mohummud Azum 'lerundauz - 540 1646 Monee Loll, fon of Cawurfaiu, SerilhtaJar - - - - 138 11 40 1647 1648 Moodoo Kifma, Commaudant . . - . - - 11 00 Moonea Pillay, Tumbooly, debt of the Ameer ul Omrah - 935 H o| 1649 Moofaheb Roy, Mootfuddee ; Bhowanny Dofs, attorney foi ;— Three Tunkahs of the Nabob Wallajab, for arrears of pay, the firft dated 25 Rumzan iigiHigeree, for -271^ rupees; the fecond, 19 Rajeb 1192 Hi<;eree, for 174:^ rupees; and the third, 10 Sutler 1194 lIi!;eree,''for 174! rupees - - - ' ' . " Rupees 621 164 16 « 1650 Mootoo, Naiek, Fifer - - - ' - - 96 1651 Mootoo, Sipauhee, fon of Veera - - - - - - 56 1650 Mootoo 'I'anjawur, Sipauhee - - - - - - 56 3 653 Mootoo C'omra, Commandant - - _ - - - 39 1654 Mootoo Nair, Jemadar ------ - 8 22 40 1655 Mootoo Comar Pillay, Vakeel . - - - - - 7 27 +0 1656 Moota Fillay, Jemadar ------ - 1000 16.-, 7 Mootoo, Sipauhee, fon of Vencoo - - - - - - 12 22 40 165S Mukhdoom, Tent Lafcar, fon of Shaik Mceun ; Shaik lb tornevfor; — Two Tunkahs of the Nabob Omdut r.l O arrears of pay, one dated 14 Rumzan 119-2 SFigeree, in •ahim, at- mrah, foi fa\ our ol Shaik iSIeeun and nine others, for ui^f rupees; the other dated 7 Shaxval 119-2 Higeree, in favour of Shaik Meeun and eleven others, for 2384 rupees - - - . - . Rupee. 435 49 H 1 1659 MungaleeKhanum, wifeof Meer Jafler Darogah - - i<^9 4 73 i6dc JIunnoo Lol, Vakeel .------ 84 15 60 A HI U M AiTgre^aie of AMOUNT The Principal of Tvo. CLAIMS. of The Claims In llie Coin fpecifit-fl. Tlje Princiva! and Intcic-lt In Sledini; Money. ■N. Pngochis. V. C. £■ '■ •'• ifiBi N'arnapali Naick, Jemadar ------ - 17 U 20 1662 Narni ill. Jemadar ------- - 10 1663 Narrain Pillay, Jemadar ------ - 10 1664 Narfiah, Vakeel - • - 15 1665 Nalirooddeeii, Jemadar ------ - 3 33 60 166b Nerikunt, Modec, debt of tlie Nabob Omdut ul Omrah, 1 or articles An'. fupplied --------- - i,io6 25 1667 Xella Piriiial, Jemadar .-.-.- - 3 16 70 1668 Noormah, niotiier of Gholam Hoflain, Sipauhee - 25 1669 Null Sevan Pillay, Vakeel ------ - 8 11 20 3G70 Nurling Row, Choukce Navccs, for himfelf and liis father Sham Row ...-----. 207 39 75 CARNATIC COMMISSONERS. 141 No. 11)71 I 67 '2 u''73 <«74 iG /b 1070 10 // i07« 1C80 CLAIMS. Riipei'i P. Padmanada Pillay, Yakei.l - . - . . Paupah Mull, Jemadar . . . . . Paupah Naick, NaicU ------ Peer Mohuuiiiiud, C how dree KuHab - - - ' ■ Peer Mohuiiiiiiiid Azurii, Daroguli ... Pennal TSaick, Jemadar ----..-. Pcrnial Nair, Suhadai - -..--.. Perferan:, Jemadar -..-.--.. Piloor Coiuiapali Clio\vdr» p ; — Claims arrears of Pav due to lilni h\ the >;abob Wallajah pagodas 6,50c. 5f. r,c. anil Balance bv a Tuiikah, dated April 19, 1779, (or provilioiis Ciipplicd the horfcs oi his Higlincls's iiejiimeiits pagodas 1,025. J*^'- 4'"'- - - - Poiiauibalum, Jemadar ........ A M O L' N 1' ol Tile l'Mrici|i:il of '11. '■ (JJuiirjs A .M O U N T of Tlic l'riiii:ii)Rl and Iiiivri'll IIIIICI.'UU il>ii 11100. In sicrlii g -Honey. Pagodas. F. C. £■ J. d. 10 2'2 40 .■^7 08 •269 iy'-7i 7 as 16 33 (io 34 28 10 7!J 8,151 24 10 19 II 20 No. V L A 1 M S. A il U N T of Tiie I'riucipnl of Tlie Claims [n the Coin fpecificd Ag'_'rei?JiIe AMOUNT of The Friiicipal fitj Intercft In Sterling Money. 1681 1682 1683 1684 1685 R. Rago Chitty, Modee ---.-.... Ragonada Row, Jemadar --...... Raiheem Yar Khan ......... Raihmaim Khan, Commandant ---.... Rajah Goofalapoory Pillay Behadur ; — Bond, 7 Shaban 1207 Higeree of the Nabob Wallajah, for pagodas 151,500, for the value of jewels- fold to the Nabob. The Nabob, on and after date, having difal lowed pagodas 1,500 of that amount, the claim is limited to the fum of ---------- 1686 'Ramyah, Writer 1687 Ram Row, Mohurrur ------.-• 16s 8 Ramanah, Vakeel ......_.. 16S9 Ramchundra Row, Jemadar -...-... l6go Ramlinga Pillay, Jemadar --...--. 1691 IRanikiflien, Vakeel ...--.... 1692 'Rova Rung Row, Seriflitadar, for himfclfand his father Roya Sada I feva Row, Serillitadar -.-.--.. 1693 Rozario, S. Serjeant Major - - - - . 1694I Rungraj, Jemadar ---..-... 16951 Runga Manar Nair, Jemaiiar ...... lfi96;llunga Save, Subadar ----.... i697|Ruttirn Sing, Subadar -.-..--. l'agod:is. ¥. C. 870 o o 13 22 40 9S0 o o 143 lU 60 150,000 o o 425 o So o o 13 2 2 40 1000 10 00 An'. 82 14 o 667 39 10 90 o o 220 O O 30 O O 54 o o 70 o o £. s. d. 93,790 10 6 No. 1O98 1699 1700 "1701 1792 '703 1704 170.S 1706 1707 1708 c I. Ai ai s. S. Saheb Khatooh, widow of Kheroollah Khan Darogah - Rupee^ Samenada Pillay, Vakeel .-.-.,-. Sadigeree Row, Pouzdar and Mooftajar of Nellore ; — Debt of Omdut ul Onnah, for money lent - ... - M. pagodas Sadiiab, Vakeel -.-......- Salhageery, Jemadar ----..... Safia Beebee ; — Debt of the Nabob Wallajah, for rent of a garden Seedee Caudir, Jemadar ........ Seedee IMifeal .-...._.-. Seedee INlifia Khoja; — Refers to the Dufters for the amount due to him by the Nabob Wallajah, and claims from llie Nabob Omdut ul Oiurah .-.__.-.-. Seetaram, Subadar --.._..., Scria Syee, fon of Veloydum --..-.. A M O U N T of The l'rincip;il of The Cl.iiins [n ihc Coin fpccifii'd. .Aggregate A M U N T of Tl;c Priiicipil and liiterell III Sterling Monev. Pagodas. F. C c s. rf. 1,400 8 22 40 17,646 I.'. 6 3.5 Co 22 40 450 20 500 An'. .*;4 115 7 " Ui SIXTH REPORT of the 1709 1710 171-: 1713 1714 1715 1716 1717 1718 1719 1720 1721 .1722 1723 1724 17^5 1720 1727 1728 1720 1730 1731 173.: '733 1734 ^735 1736 1737 i73« ^739 1740 1741 1742 1743 ShaiU Ahmud, fun ofSiiaik Alum, Jemadar of the fervaiits; Shum- fooddec-ii, attorney for; — Tunlcali of the Nabob Omdiit iil Omrah, dated 8 Zehij iigo Higerce, in favour of Siiaik Ahim and fixteeu others, for arrears of pay ------ Rupee- Shaik Babun, Bandaur or Fireworker; — Towjeoh 20 Rujib I2!2 Higeree of the Nabol) Omdut iil Omrah, in favour of himfelf and twenty-two others, for tlie fum of pagodas 1:24. 11. 20. to be paid monthly for the period of one year - - . - Rupees Shaik iMeeraii, foil of Peer I\loliinnmnd ISifiatiiC ; — Debt of the jSabob Wallajah, tor articles fupplied ----- Rupees Shaik Ahmud, Modce ; — Debt of the Tvabob Oniuut ul Omrah, I'or articles fupplied --------- Shaik Modar, Chowdree KufTaiib Rupees Shaik Modar, Chowdree, and Peer -Mohummud Chowdree Shaik I-Ioflair.,fui)adar of Cavalry; — Debt of the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah for feeding horfes -------- Shailligeerce Row, Sou of Conary Pundit, Mooftirifl" Shaik Adum, Katib; — Rel'ers to the Dufters for the amount due to liini by the Nabob Wallajah, and claims from the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah -.--..-.-- Shaik -Meeran, Son of Shaik iMalik , . - - Rupees Shaik Burrai, Sipauliee, fon of Ahdoul Caudir - - - - Shaidigeeree Row, Vakeel ; — Refers to the Dufters for the amount due to him bv the Nabob Wallajah, and claims from the Nabol) Omdut ul Omrah --------- Shaik AbdouUa, fou of Shaik IIolTain, Haveldar . - - - Shaik Mohummnd, fon of Jumaul IMohunimud _ _ , - Shaik Habbeeb, liavildar, Son of Siiaik Mukdoom . - - Shaik Imam, Sipauhee, fon of Gholam Ali Sha - - Rupees ^^haik Ahmud, Jemadar, fon of Mohummud Caufim; — Refers to thp Dufters for the amount due to him by the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah, and claims from the Nabob Wallajah - - - - - Shaik Nutter, Subadar ..--.--- Shaik Nutter, Sipauhee, fon of Fazib Mohummud Shaik Hyder, Jemadar -------- Shaik Ali, .iiubadar --..----. Shaik Burrai, Subadar --------- Sliaik i\[o!iuminud, Subadar A M O U N T ut Tlie Principal of The Claims fn the Coin fpccified Shaik ?.Ioheeudde?^n, Jemadar --.-.. Shaik HulTaii, Jemadar --------- S-;aik Daoud, Subidar .-.--.- Siiaik Nutter, Subadar -_.----. Siiaik Delail, Jemadar --------- Shaik Burrai, Jemadar --------- Siiaik rvloheeuddeen, Jemadar ------- Shaik Mohuiiunni, Jemadar -------- Shaik Alimud, Jrnijdar -----... Shail: Ahmud, Jemadar --.-..-- Shaik Fi'.'rrai, Jemadar --------- Shair Beg, Subadar --------- ly^^ Shaik Tippoo, Subadar -------- J745 Siiaik Mohumnvid, Jiniadar -------- I746h'i'aik Ahmud, Jemadar -------- 1747 .Shaik Solimaa, Jemadar ---.--.. i748JSliaik Iloliiiin, Jemadar ---.-.-. 1745 jSiiaik Imam, Ordi;rly, l"" of Shaik Moofa - - - - . Shaik Holfaii), Suljadar - - -'- •Shaik Daou'l, Sipauhee, fon of Mohummud IloH'ain - - - Shumf loddeen. Jemadar of fervauls, fon of Shaik Jlohummud ; — Enaictnamali of the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah, dated 15 Hujib 1212 Migeiee, for arrears of pay ------- Solapah, Writer ---------- Soobarovcm, fon and heir of Sambafeva Pillny, 755 )75C> 1757 1758 i7.')9 1760 J 76 1 Sooha Row, Vakeel Sooba Nair, Jemadar - Sooha Nair, Jemadar Sooija Nair, Subadar Soobrow, Vakeel Srcencwas Row, Vakttl Paymius. V. C. 94; ».499i *> o Air. ■M79 3l o in o 35 1 ,000 o o 33.5 7 o 130 o o yi3 18 60 Agi^rejate A M O U i\ T o( The Principal and Inieretl 111 Sterling Money. ,()lll H 43f 38 4 52 22 40 132 3-2 192 210 '^4 7 c 440 72 '} ■ "■ H-, 00 10 0! S 22 39 ?o .tO fi 70 '• 84 30 3'> 9 u no .■^o 37 19 J9 47i 3' 22 4° 23 2J! 10 28 37 4 28 3'i 90 39rt (M> 224 16 6^J 6 60 34« 29 75 6<) 6 Co All'. 85 11 8 i() 60 20 38 20 42 lO 70 I '5 43 15 £■ s. d. 7 3i 139 9 2 27 13 4 CARNATIC COMMISSIONERS. H3 No. 4764 17C6 1767 J70S 1770 1771 1772 1773 1774 1775 1770 J777 :778 1770 1780 1781 17S2 17?3 1784 1785 1786 1787 CLAIMS. Sunger Naraii) Pillay, Vakcfcl - Sunieevii Rmv, VakeiU --------- Surdar Kluvii, Siibadar --------- Syod Ilufikiij Orderly : — Arrears oT pay due to liim Ijy llif Nabob Onidut ul Omrah ..---.-._. Syod Ibrahim, Rillaldar and Darogah ------ Sved Mohenddceii, Cawdr<-e -_--... Sycd Moheuddoeu .lufler, Darogah .--... Syed OiiKT, Sipauliee, Ion of Sy(;(l Mohumniud - - - . SyL-d Ilanited, Con of Sycd Omor, Jemadar - - - - . Syed Mohunnnud, Subadar; — Refers to the Dufters for the amount due to bini by the JS'abob Wallajah, and claims from (lie Nabob Dmdut ul Onirah --->---_. Sytd LJiufim, Naick, fon of Sycd Ameen - . - . . ved D.i'iu:!, Sipauliee, foil of Abiioul Caudir - . . . Syed Daoixl, UaviJdar -.---.-. Syed Meer, Subadar ----.-.-. Sycd Jelal, Subadar ----.-.-- Syed Meer, Jemadar -----.-_. Syed Ali, Jemadar ..--_._.. Syed Ali- -----.--., Sycd Hullan, Jemadar - - - - - - -.- Syed Abdoal Caudir, Jemadar ----... Syed Hollain, Jemadar ---.--.-. Syed Imam, Jemadar ----_-,-. Syed Chaund, Jemadar .-•---.. Syed Khodavvund, Subadar ; — Refers to the Dufters for the amount du€ to him by tht; Natjob Wallajah ; and as aftOYney for other fepovs under him, claims ------ Rupees Syed rioffain, Sipauhee .-..--.- byed Omer, Jemadar --------- A M O U N T of Ilio Principal of Tlie ClMJiiis In llic Coin fpccificd Pagodas. F. C. 5 ' t 'i<> 10 o o H •27 40 36 12 60 1,500 o 200 o o •J04 o o 45 o o 1 2(i o o o o o o o 6 800 o 84 o 210 o .50 o iS o to .32 32 o 6 16 .5 22 40 18 n 20 4 14 5 f 3 '6 70 2 33 " 3,638 o o 79 o o 113 o AM CJ t NT III The Prinripal and liitcrtit III Sterling Money. £. *■• d. No. CLAIMS. 1788 17^9 1799 1791 1792 T. Takir Mohummtid, Subadar, fon of Shaik Imam _ . - - Takirooddewn, Jemadar -------- Tanapah Connicopolly, fon of Tandraya . - . . . Tandroya Burrai; — Debt of the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah for two ivory boxes -- ...--... Tandroya, Naick -----.---- A MOUNT of The Principal of The Claims In the Coin fpecified, Pagodas. F. C 432 O O 23 28 10 1600 350 Acgrfgate A H O U N T of The Principal and Inlereft In Sterhnr; ilont'v. £. ,. d. No. 1793 1794 1795 1 796 J707 1798 1799 1800 1801 J 802 1803 1804 1805 CLAIMS. V. Valoydam, Jemadar -.-..- Veerapah Nair, Jemadar ----- Veerapah Nair, Jemadar - - - - - Vencat Row, fon of Timna JofTee - - - - Vencat Row, iMooflirufF of lioufes, fon of Timna Joflee Yencat Row, Dubalhee . - . . - Vencata'amy, Writer ------ Vencat Naick, Havildar - _ . - - Veiuata Sooba Nair, Subadar - - . - Vencata Sooba Nair, Jemadar . - - - Vencata Soobyah, Jemadar - - - . - Vencatacliellum, Unchelkar - - - - - Vincat Nurfo, Sipauhee ..-«•- AMOUNT ol The Principal of The Claims In llic Cohi fpecified Pagodas. i. C. 220 H 9 227 22 40 89 33 40 405 69 tj Go 112 46 12 10 7J 19 55 7 22 40 Ageregate AMOUNT of The Principal anle or fuch part of the Intereft as, accordinjr to our fuial Dctennination, it fliail apjiear Ihe was not entitled to, accordin<>; to the 24tli Cluulc of the iJecd of A;^recineut. As 'die AQ. of Parliament re<]uires us to ftatc tl:c grounds of our decifion, in fuch cafes as v.e have decided upon provifionaily, we preilnt to this Honourable Iloiifc an Extkact from oiu- Proceedings, of tlie Determination which we have made upon this Application. EXTRACT from our Proceedings of the 12 Murch iSio. "T!)o Board rormiin the ronrulcratioiiof Mr. Kind's LetttM- of the 2 Fcbnutry i8io,C!itPred ]ii the I'rocccdiiiirs of that day, reqiieitia^-, 011 the part of the Houoiiri'.bie Mrs. J >li!iJli.in, a provilional afljiKiieatioii of licr Cluiiii for iulary as executrix of the iate ;Vlr. Sauiiiel John- iton; and alio Mrs. Johuftoifs Letter of th(! 31 October 1809, eatcte J ia liiat day's l^ro- ceochngs. " Read the whole Evidence and Procecdhigs in this cafe. " Read the following .Statement from the Regiftei's. " Arnounf of Sshiry due tf> the late Suiiuu'lJoliiifti-.n, i-Tquiie, tVom 1 July 1800 to 6 July itioi, at tlie rule of 12,000 Pa- godas per annum— 1 year and 5 diiys . - _ " Int'M-ell on 1)° at f) |«>r rent, from () July iSoi to 151I1 May 1S04 — -2 years and 313 d;iys - . . . - Pag' F. C. 12,164 iG 5 " Amount of principal and iiilerell on 15 l\Iay 1804 Pagodas 14,250 o o or j/^. 5,700 o " Of wliitli i/io part amounts to • - . _ . yi2 21 o or £. aS<; o " And tlie remaining ip/iolli parts to Pagodas i< o or £ ,S.+ "S o o at Sy |>er Pag^ "Amount of Salary from f) July i8oi to ;^,l Peconiber 1801, Pay'. at I i.ooo Pagod.is per annum — 17S days ... 5, 85-2 o o •"intertll on D" at C per cent, from 31 December 1801 to 15 May 1804 — 2 years and 135 days ----- 830 4 15 Pagodas 6,684 4- i'' '''" £ -' <'73 >-2 9 al llie rate of 8/ per 1';,^'. " London, 3 ?.Iarch iSio. " for Cftctrhs Binni/ and myfeif Regillers. (Signed) "JAMES KING." It nppcnrs that the late 'Sir. Samuel Johnfton was appointed by a re<;nlar Coauiiilhon, dated the 22 day of Deeember 1799, agent and miiuiier in England on the part of tlie l.-iie Tsabob Onuhit ul Omrah ; and that he acted as agent and miiiiiter in conformity to the va- rious and e.Ntenfivc iuftruclicais which he iVoiu time to tlaie reeeived. It appears thtit Mr. .Tohnfton left ItuHa in the beginning of the year 1 800, and that 1 2,ono Pagodas were paid to liim on aerouut of [udTage money, and Uiat he ronmiencerl his duties, as agent and minilter of his ilighners in England, lome lime ia the tnontli of Jidy 1800. It appeiurs that Mi\ Samuel Joluiftou died on or about the 6 day of July 1801. Tt appears that the Honourable Mrs, Johniion, who from the dale of tlie doceafe of h.er huihatiii, tiu> late Mr. Sa;nuel .lohnlion, acted witii her fon Sir Alexander Johniion, on i e- hair of t!io Nabob's affairs, reeeived the c.ccoutit of the dealli of the late Nabob Omdut ul Omrah on or about die 4th of Nt)vember iSoi, and ac'ied for fome time after tiiat period in fulfilling the direcititais of the late >>abob relative to his \\'ill. It .ipjiears that the ufiud falary granted by the Nabob of the Camatic to his agent and minilter in lui:riand, Avas twelve dioufand Pagotlas per aimmn, and tliat this faitny was p;ud to Mr. James Maephi'rfcn, the Nabob's fimner agent and Uiiuifter, forwumy years. j " Resolved, Tliat the Claim of the executrix of the late Mr. Samuel Johnfion, for fal.iry thtc to his I-liirtte as agent and minilter in England of Ids Ilighnels tlu- ia.te Nabob Omdut ul Ciinrah, which was taken into eonil deration on the 13 January 1X07, anlf, ticau tlio 1 thiy of July iSoo, Jroin whicli penod Mr. .lolnilloii llcnis lo bave boitdjidti iictecl as agt-ut and miiiiitcr in Lnyland until lue day of bu death, viz. the 6 day of July 1801, at the rate of twelve thoufaiid Pagodas (12,000.) per annuii, fliall be and jg hereby allowed and eltubiiihed proviiionally to tiie Parties therein interetted and hereinafter named, as a debt in the Firli Clal's, agreeably to the following Statement: Salarv due to the late Mr. Sainuel .Tohnftoii from the late Pag* F. C, ]Nal)ob (linoiit ul Omiali, on the 6 July 1801 - - . i'2,ll34 16 5 InteiL'ft thereon from ilie 6 July 1801 to the 1 j May 1804, at 6 per cerit. per aiuiura ....-- 2,085 25 75 flaking . - - Pagodas 14,250 o o or /. 5,700 o <» at 8/ per Pag*. "Refolved accordinoly, That the aggregate fum of fourteen thoufand two hundred and fifty Pagodas (14, J 50.) or five thoufand fcven hundred Pounds fterling {£. 5,700.) fliall be provi- sionally allowed and eftabliflied upon the Claim made by the exeeutrix of the late Mr. Sa- muel johnfton, for falarj' due to hiiu from the late Nabob Omdut ul Omrali : And whereas it appears that the Honourable Heltcr Maria Johnfton, the widow of the late Mr. Samuel Johnfton, is named exeeutrix in the Will of the faid Samuel Johnfton, has proved the fame, and has executed the Deed of Covenants with the Ealt India Cumpanv, dated the 10 July 1R05, and has executed alio a Deed which bears date the 3d day of May i8oo, bv whuli Ihe aliigns to certain truii;ies, for the benefit of John Pordyce, Ei'quire, finec deceafiz'd, in reward of Agency, one twentieth ]);>.rt of the fum at which the debts due from the late Na- bobs of Arcot to the eftate of the late Samuel Johnlton, with inteieft ihereon, Ihould be li- quidated : And whereas the faid John Fordyce, and alio George Moubiay, Charles Binny, James Taylor, Robert Storey, Alexander Cuthbert, and Valentine Conolly, Efquires, being the lurvivors of the trultees named in the faid J)eed of the 3 of May 1800, as fucli truitees, have all of them likeuife relpectiveiy executed the Deed of Covenants with the Eafi India Company, dated the 10 day of July 1805 : And whereas it thus appears that the aggregate amount of the Debt, liated in the preceding llefolution, ought to be diltributed among thele feveral Parties, as follows : viz. Pag" F. C. Piincipal and lutereft of the Claim, as alreaoy dated - - 14,250 o o or ^.5,700 o o Whereof 1/20 part is alllgiied, and is to be adjudicated to the Ttul'tces of John Fordyce as per Deed, marked F N" 4. dated the 3 of May 1800 ------ -jo -n o or £,-'i^^ o o Balance to be nlaeed in the name of the Iloiioura- 7 r> t ,- blell.ft.rAlana Johnfton, Executrix - -j lagodas ,3,537 ai cor/. 5,4,5 o o *' Refolved accoixlinglv, That the fum of thirteen thoufand five hundred thirtv-feven )',it;s. V. c. Pagodas, and twenty-one Faiiams, (13,337. 21.0) or five thoufand four hnmlred and fifteen I'ouiids Itcrling (..£'.5,41 5-) be and is hereby allowed and fi'tablifhed proviiionally in the name of the IPjuourahle Heltcr Maria Johnlton, as cxecutri.x of the V\ illof the laicSamiiel Johnlton, Cl'quiro, and that interclt (hall be payable thereon from the 15 day of May 1S04, and until the iurtlicr directions of the Board, at iberate of ten Shillings, (10s.) per-ccnt per-annmn; and that a cerlilicate (hall be ill'iied lo the liegilter in l.,ondon, or at Mtidras, directing him to enter the afoiefaid fum to the credit ui' tlie (aid Paity, as foon as (he fliall have given fecu- lity to the iiitisfaciioii of the Board for the fmn of two hiiiulred I'ounds (irrling (^i'.-OO.) and fliall have deelared to the Board in writing, by hcrfelf or her agml, whether it is her opti(jn to receive the inteieft fo payable on the fum which fliall be fo entered to her credit, in London or at Madras. " Refolvcd, That the fmn of fevcn hundred and twelve Pagodas 1wentj--one Fanams, Pif.-i. K. C. (712. 21. «.) or (wo lumdred and eighl\-liv<- Pounds fl.erling, {£.-2?>^.) be and is hereby allowed ant! e(t;ib!i(h( d provi(ioi):dlv in the joint names of (icorge Moubray, Charles Hiimy, James 'I'aylor, Koberi Storey, Alexander ('ulhbirt, and \ alentmc Conolly, and that interclt lliall be payal)le ihereon from the 15 day oi' May 1804, and until the further directions of the Jioartl, at the rate of ten (hillings (los.) per-cenl. per-amimn. and that a certificate fliall be ill'ucd to the ilegilier in London, directing him lo enter the aforcfaid ftnn to the credit of the faid Parlies jointly, the 'J'ridiees of the lale Mr. Fordvce having aln-idy given feeurity to the (atisfaelioa of ihe iJoard, and having de<'lare(l in writing, thai ihe fums whicli (hould be adjudicated in their I'avoin' Ihould be entered in the books of the Kegilier in London. " Rpfolvod, Thtit the Honourable Hefier ]\Liria JohiUton, who aj)pears to have been con- fidcred by the late Nabob Omdut id Omrnli as acting in his Jliglmefs's aflairs, and to have bona fide taken charge uf and acted with tlie aid of her foil Sir Alexander Johnfton, in h.s llighucfb's ailairs, from the O' day of July 1801 to the 10 of JNovcmber 1801, about which date CARXATIC COMMISSIOXERS, •dair it npiK'oi-s Mrs. Jol.iillon recoivcil tho Will, an.l il„. .ucoui.t „r d,.. .jeuih (,r il,,. C- 1,1 jSabob Ou.dut ul Oimal,, a->nc rate, viz. tv.clv,. thouCand Pagodas, (iC,o(,o,) per an.wn.. a,„l her Claim n.all l.r and IS hereby luovihonaljy adjiuhcated to the laid J'aity, tiie IJoiiourible llclier Maria Johidton, as a Debt m tiic i'lrlt Chiis, agreeably to the fol]ovvii)g SiatemeiU viz. ReiiuiiKMMlion / 4 i.j 4 Of the above Amount there has lince been abfolutely adjudicated 85,074 7 4 51,690 8 o Amount of a Provifional Adjudication, in favour of Mrs. Hefter? I\l aria Johnlton, as ftated in the Report - - - -j ''^ ^ The Aggregate Sterling Amount of Claims, provifionaily adjudi- 7 50064. cated in favour of Claimants, to this date, is - - - 3 ' vV/ o. HAVING 14S SIXTH REPORT OF the Abfolule A^^jll'lic•alions ill Javviir of Clauiiiiiits. HAVING decided ablulutely on many other Claims fincc the dale uf our laft Report, Me conceive that the moil jiroper manner of oh-eyinii' the Act ot" l*ar!iain"iit, Avhich requires us to Itatc the grounds of every fuch deciiion, is to lay before This Honourable Houfe, copies of the Awai'ds which we have made. N°9- ^kV ABSOLUTE A D J U D I C A T I O N S hi fuvciw of C L A I M A N T S. C L A I INI N" 53 in our Firft Report. TO all to \vl)oin tlipfc PrefcMits ll);i!! come : V^'c, Bcnjainiii Hohliniifc of \Vhittoii Park in the County of -Middlel'cx Elijuirc, Tliomas Cockburii of Hani|)lic;ul in the i'aid County of f;f,\i;\[ i\lid(llefex Kfciuirc, and Charles Grunt janior of Lincoln's-rnn 1:1 llio faid County of Jlid- N" 1 111 the Gnzftte of dleffX Fifquiro, b('inc; the ("onuiiiilionirs and Ucftivcs acting in il;);::lanoyd then of Saekvlile-ftrcet in the Comity of Middiefex llfquire, i'aul Menfield tlsen of VVoodhall Park iu the County of Hertford, and alfo of (jrofvenor-fquare in the faid Comity of MiddSefex Ffquire, h'obert Storey of Bcdte.rd-ftjuarc in the laid (.'onnly of .Middleii^x iillquire, Sumuel .Johnibn then of Dcvon'.liire-Iireet in tbe_ I'arilh of Saint .Mary-!e-i>oae in the laid Comity of .Middiei'ex, and now of (jhiuee.cr-place ill tli« laid County of Mi';uiaiab fonneriv Nahob of the Carnatie, now deeealecutiug the fame: And whereas the laid IJolK'rt Storey, Samuel .iolmfon and Cliarlcs Pinny, being the. major part of die I'mvivors of die liml aliigiue-;, liavv" executed the afoielaid Indenture of the 10 day of .'uly 1S05, and have tliereby lor ilicmlilv tln' faid Ana widow of the late (i'cMer:d Matthew Home niid now wife of Samuel F.liot, andJofeph Wbittingliam Salmon, executrix ami executor as aloreliild, have liy a deed of Indiiitme and declaralion of Iruli dated the 1 day of Maivli in the year iSo2, alligtied ji jiart of this debt to Penjamin Sy S\(lenham, tlii'ir executors, adminirtraiors and alligus, in tialf, luid wbii-li part, liv a writing mider their relpctive bands, and dated the jo day of Jaiinaiy 1807, wa> agreed to be taken, and u C A R N A T I C C O i\ m I S S r N I<: II s . »4f) 4l accoriUngly takca at fix thouCanil one luuidrcd and fcventy- PiiCiidns. 1''. C. jilt Pagod.is thirty-C'iglit Fanams and five CnCii (6,178. p,S. 5.) or two thoiiiand four hundred and fevenf.y-onc I'ounds eleven Shillings and tliree-pcnce lieiliiig (^'.2,471. 11,?. 3^/.) : Now know ye, That wc the laid Bcnjaniiii ilobhoulc, Tliouias Cockbiini, and Charleu (irant junior, haviti/r taken into i_ confideralion a Claim made by the i'aid Ann widow of the late Gi'ncral Matthew Home ;ind utrix and executor icipal I'uiu of fixtecu Abfoliite AJjudicatioDi i,t Jiiiiur of Ciainiaiils. now wife of Samuel Eliol, and .lofeph Whitlnnghani Salmon, as exec jforcfaid, upon his faid Highnefs the late Nabob Vrallajali for the priru thoufand Pagodas (16,000) with intPrcfl upon the fame at the rate of twelve per cent. |>er annum, from the 1 day of July in the reai- of our Lord 1777 to tiie i? d;iv of I'eliriiary in tlie year of our Lord 17S5, an J at fix per cent, per annum, lirom tlie 13 day of February in the year 1785 to the 15 day of May in the j'ear 1804, amounting, principal and intcrelt Pil(.'Od,t!*, together, to the aijgregatefnm of forty-nine thonfand one iiundred and fix Pagodas (40,1 oti) or nineteen thouland fix hundred and forty-two Pounds and eight Shillings Itcriing (£.19,642. 8s. orf.): And having taken into confideratlon a Claim made hy the f;iid Kobtrt .Storey, Samuel Johnfon and Charles Binny, in their own names and for others «s adignees aforefaid, for tlic fum of two thouiaiid four hundred and tifly-iive P.i- P3g5. F. C. godas twelve I'anams and forty-eight Cafli (2,455. 1-.. 48.) "^^ nine hundred and eighty - two Pounds two .Shillings and four-pencft (terliiig (.£.982. 2s. 4(1.) being the one- twentieth part as aforeiaid of the ium claimed a.s al'orefaid by the faid Ann widr)w of (ieiieral Matthew Home now wife of Samuel Eliot, and Joi'eph Whittuigliara Salmon, <'xeciitrix and executor : And h.aving alfo taken into conlid; ration t!;e (Jiaim made by ik^ujamin Sydeiihara and Thomas Sydenham, a,s allignees aforeiivid, for die fum of iix thoufand one hundred and feventy-eisht Pa<,. F. C. J o a. .0 (6,178. 38. 5.) or two thoufand four hundred and fevcnty-o«c Pouiuls eleven Shillings and tluee-pence fierling (.£3,471. 115. 3rf.)aiid huvlngduly inveftigated the laid ('iaims ^:ceording to the covenants, provifions and directions of the aforefiiid ludc'Uture, do find that th(; faid Mabob VV^allajah granted a Bond to the faid General Matthew Ilorne, bearing dale the 24 dny pf Jemmady ul Awel in the year 1191 of the Hcgyra, corrcfpoiiding to the 1 day ofjulyin the year of our Lord 1 777, for the fum of fixtceu thoufand .Star Pagodas (16,000) with intereftaithe Tate of twelve percent, per annum, from the twenty-fourth day of Jemmady ul Awel in the year iioi of the Heg^'ra, correlponding to the 1 day of July in the year ot our Lord ^777^ And we do further Find, that the Debt lo conllituted hy the faid Bond from the fiiid N.ahoh Wallajah to the faid General Matthew Home, having been made known and fiaicd to the Court of Directors of the Unitsd Eatt India Company of Merchants of Enirland trading to the Eafl Indies, did repeated!}' receive the fpecial approbation of the faid Court of Directors, and that tiie laid Court of Directors did repeiUedly requeft the faid Nabob Wallajah through their Government of Fort St. George, to difcharge the faid Debt to the reprefentativcs of the laid General Matthew Home: And we the laid Benjamin Hobhoufc, 'i homas Cockburn, a^ Charles Grant, junior, do hereby Award and Adjudge that upon the 15 day of May in the vear of our Lord 1804, the fum of forty-nine thoufand one hundred and ten Pagodas F: f. C. thirty-diree Fanams and twenty-eight Cafli (49,1 10. 33. 28) or nineteen thoufand fix hundred and forty-four Pounds fix Shillings and two-pence Iterling (£.19,644 6*-. id.) no part thereof liaving been difcharged, was and ftiU is jultly due and owing from the reprefentativcs of hii faid Highnels the late Nabob Wallajah to the reprefentativcs of the laid Geuer;d Maitiiew Home: And we do furdicr Award and Order that the faid Debt being a Debt con'.ractctl by his faid Highnels \Vallajah, vhich the faid Court of Directors have fpeciaily approved, .^md which the faid Court of Diretlors did fpecifically lequelt his faid Highnels Wallajaii to dilcharge, is and Iliall be comprifed ia the Firll Clafs of Debts under the faid Indenture: And we do furtiicr Award and Adjudge, That the fum of forty thoufand four hundred and r». F. a fevcnty-fix Pagodas fixtecn Fanams aud eighteen CaOi (40,476. 16. 18.) or fixieen thou- fand one hundred and ninety Pounds tea Shillings asd eight-pence ftcrIlng(£i6,iqo lOi'. Sd.) being a portion of the faid Debt, is due and owing to the faid Ann widow of Genera] Matthew Home, and now wife of Samuel Eliot, and Jofeph Whittingham Salmon, cxe- tutrix and executor aforefaid ; aad that the faid Ann widow of General Matthew Homa and now wife of Samuel Eliot, and Jofeph Whittingham Salmon, have and Ihall have right to narticipatc to die amount of the faid fum of forty thoufand four hundred and '' ' ' Vs. F. C. frventy-fix Pagodas fixtcen Fanams and eighteen Cafli (40,476. 16. 18.) or fixteen thoufiintl .one hundred and ninety Pounds ten Shillings and eight-pence ftciling (£.16,190 10s. Sd.) in the fund proviiled by the aioreiaid Indentun- for Ihtisfaction of the private Debts of the lata Nabobs of the Carnatic ; and that the fum of two thoufand four hundred and fifty-five Pa- Ps. F. C. godas twentv-onc Fanams and five Cafii (2,455. 21. 5.) or nine hundred and eighty-two Pounds four SliiUings and three-pence Iterling (£.982 4s. 3d.) being a further part of the laid Debt is due and owing to the faid Kobeit Storey, Samuel Johnfon, aad Charles Binny aj ollignees aforelaid, and that the faid Uobert Storey, Samuel Johnibn, and Charles Binny, have and Ihall have rieht to participate to the amount of the faiil fum of two thouland four hundred and fifty-five Pagodw twcntv-one Fanams and five Cafli (2,455. *'• 5) ^^ v the afurelhid Indeimire tor ratislVi/tion of the jaivalc Jjchts of the ji'i ratuiir oi late JS'iibobs of tiic ( -arnatic : And we do further Award and Adjudge, that the i'um of CiaiiimRt?. fix thouiluid one hundred and feventj-eight Pagodai thirty-eight rauains and five Calii \ ^ ^, Ph. i". C. ~^'' ' (6,1^8. 38. 5.) or two thoufand four hundred and feventy-onc Pounds eleven Shillings and three-pence ^terlinE: (=£.2471 iiv. 2,(i-) being the reiuaiiider of the faid Debt, is due and owing to the faid Bcnj-'-niia Sydenham, and Thomas Sydenham, as aihgnees aforciaid; and that the faid Benjamin Sydenham and Thomas Sydenham, hare and lluiU have right to partieijiate to tlie amount or the laid fura of fix liioufand one hundred and fcventy-eight Pagodas- Ps. F. C. tiiirty-eisrht Fanams and five Cafli (6,178. 38. 5.) or two thoufand four hundred andfeventy one Pounds eleven Shihmgs and three-pence fterliiig (,£'.2, 4.71 lis. ^,d.) in the fund provided by the aforefaid indenture for lulisfaotion of the private i)fbls of the late Nabobs of the Carnatic : And we do further Award and Adjudge, That all the property and revenues of the i'aid Nabob Wallaiah and his fuceelfors or repreientatives, are and ihall be for ever acquitted and dilcharged from allClaim whatever in refpeer of the faid Bond, or the Debt claimed tliereon at tHe inftance of the laid General Matthew Home, his reprefentatives or any of them : And we do further Award and Order, That the original Bond aforefaid ihall be delivered up to the Court of Directors of the laid United Eait India Company. In V\'itiiel's vrhercof ive the Add iienjamin Hoblioufe, Thomas Coekburn, and Charles Grant, junior, have hereunto fet our hands the feventh day of May in tlie year of our Lord one thouiand eight hundred and ten. (BENJAMIN HOBHOUSE. (Signed) { THO. COCKBUH N . (.CHAFtLES GRANT Junior. Signed (being firft duly ftamped) in the prefence of (Signed) John Parkhoufe. C L A I ]M 1 and 2 of N" 93 in oin- Firl't Report. ^, TO all to whom thefe Prefents fliall come: We, Benjamin Hobhoufc of '^Vhinou Paik ^^' in the County of Middlcfex, Thomas Coekburn of Hampitead, in the laid County of iVJid- diefex, and Charles Grant junior of Lincoln's-Inn in the faid County of Middlciiex, being r^sMd^^ifX" -) in il)c ^'^'^ Comminioners and Ucferees acting in Enijland for the time being, under a certain Deed " o'a.'.eue ot 12 Aut;ua indented and bearing date the lo day of July 1805, "between the United Company of liios; ahd. Merchants of England trading to the Ead Indies of the one part, and the ieveral I'erlbns * F.ra'Re.frAV Pa'r'" ^^'''"''^ hands and Icals are thereto let and afiixed, and who rei'pectively ai-e or claim to bo liameiuV'"' " '"^' Creditors of his Higbiiefs the Nabob Wallah Jab, formerly Nabob of Arcot and of th« Carnatic in the Eait Indies, and now deceal'ed, and of his Highnefs the Nabob Omdut ul Omrnh late Nabob of Arcot and of the Carnatic, eldeil ion and fueceiTor of his laid High- nels the Nabob Wallah Jab, and now alio deccai'ed, and of his Highnefs the Ameer ul Oinrali the leeond Ion of bis faid [lighnel's die Niihob W allah Jab, and now alio deceitfed, or of fome or one of tbrin the laid ieveral Nabobs, and the faid Ameer of the odier part," Send Greeting: AV'hereas Catherine Pafcal of Port St. George in the Eait Indies, adniini- flratrix, with the will annexed of the eitate of Lieutenaut John Mills, alio late of Port St. Gcora rge, dcceafed, by virtue of Letters of Adminilh-ation from the Mayor's Court at Madras in the Eaft Indies,di"d by her attorney John I'ordyce of U'hitehall in ttie County of Middle- lex (ince deceafed, execute the aforeirud Lidentme, and did thereby for herfelf, her heir.>;, "executors and adminiihators, fnbniit herfelf to flic judgment, award, order, and determina- tion of the Commidioners under the aforefaid liukniure, in all things whatfoever relating to the ieveral Claims made by her under the faid Indenture: And whereas the faid Catherine •Pafeal, as adminiih-atrix aforciaid, did execute certain Articles of Agreeuient, bearing date the 2 day of Pcbniary in the year of our Lord uSoj, between ieveral perfons dei'cribing themfelves as Creditors of the late Nabob of Arcot of the firft part, the faid Jo'.in J'ordyce of the lii'cond part, and the pcrlims hereinafter named as 'J'rnilecs of the third jjart, and did thereby transfer and alfign over to Bobert Storey of Ixdford-fquare in the County of Mid- dlcfex," Samuel Johiil'oii" then of Devonihire-lireet in the Pariih of Saint Mary-ie-bone in the iaid County of Middlciex, and now of (Jloucefier-place in the laid County of Middle- iex, V\'illiam Cooke then of New Onnoiid-ltrett in the i;ad County of Middlcfex, Charles Biiiny of Howiand-ltieet Fitzroy-fqnare in the laid County of Middlei'ex, James Brodie then of Madr.is in the Pali, Indies, and William Douglas P,iodie alio of Madns, their executors, admiiiifirators and aliigris, one-twtntielli part of every Di bt or fum of money owing to her iis liirb adminilir.itrix from iiis iligliiiel's Hie Nabob Wallajali, anii:!e!'i the late Nabob AVallah Jaii, tor the principal luni ol' two thouland ihrce hundred and nini'ty-one Pagodas (2,391) witii inlcreil u[>on the lame at the rate oi'lix poy eenl. per annum, from the 1 day of September in tl;e year of our Lord 1781, to the 15 day of Alay in tlie yar if-'oi, amount- ing, principal and" hitcreit together, to the aggregate I'uni of live il>o>ifand two hundred and 1- °K C. fixty-two Pagodas and thirty-two Fanams (5,262. 3:2. o.) or two thoufand one hundred and five Pounds and two Shillings Ifcrling (.^'.2,105. is. od.): And having alio takf-n into eon- fideration a Claim made by the laid Robert Storey, Samuel .lobnfon, and (/harles 15innv, in their own names, and for others as alTignees aforcfaid, for the one-twentieth part as afore- i'rtid of the !iim claimed as aforefaid by the laid Catherine I'aleal, anil having »rUo Parliament, whole hands and Icals arc thereto fet and affixed, and who rcfpectively are or claim to be Creditors of his Highnefs the Nabob Wallah Jah, formerly Nabob of Arcot and of the Car- natie in the Eaft indies, and now deceafcd, and of his Highnefs the Nabob Onidut ul Omrah, late Nabob of Arcot and of the Carnatic, eldefl, fon and fucceli'or of his laid Highneis tho Nabob Wallah Jah, and now alfo deccafed, and of his Highnefs the Ameer ul Omvah, the fecond fon of liis laid Highnefs the Nabob Wallah >Tah, and now alfo deccafed, or of foma or one of them the £:id i'everal Nabob', atid the faid Ameer of the other part," Send Greet- ing: ^Vhereas Liontenant-Colonel Matthew Macaliiler of Rofshill, now vcfiding at Barr Hoiife in the County of Argylc in that part of the United Kingdon? called Scoiland, aliigueo of Captriin Alexander iVIacdonald, foniierlj' an officer in tha fcrvice of his Highnefs tho Kabob Wallajah, now of Mogftat in the Ifle of Skye in tlte County of Invcrnefs in that !)nrt of the United Kingdom called Scotland, hath by his attorney John Fordyce of A^ hite- i;tll in the T'onnty of Middlefex', fmce deceafed, executed the aforeiaid Indenture, and liath thereby for himfelf, his heirs, executors and aduiiniftrators, fubmitted himf*if to the judgment, aw ard, order and determination of the Commiliioners iindef the aforefaid Inden- ture, in all things w hatfoever relating to the feveral Claims made by him under the faid Indenture: And whereas the faid Lieutenant-Colonel Matthew Macaliiler, as ailignee afore- faid, hath executed certain Articles of Agreement bearing date the 14 day of November ia the year of our Lord 1806, between feveral Perfons defcribing themfelves as Creditors of the late Nabobs of the Carnatic of the firft part, aild the faid John Fordyce of the fecond part, and hath transferred and alfigned over to the iiiid John Fordyce, his executors, adminiftra- tors and aliigns, one-twentieth part of every Debt or fum ot money owing to him as fuch ailignee from their HighnelTcs the late Nabobs of Arcot and the Carnatic, or the Ameer ul Omrah, or from any one of them, and of the intercll which Ihould have accrued thereon, the laid one-twentieth part to be taken upon the fum at which the principal and interell of tUe iiiid Debt thould lie liquidated or made up, to receive and hold the laid one-twentieth •part fo thereby ailigned to him the Aiid John Fordyce, his executors or adminiflrators : And whereas the faid John Eordycc did execute the albrcfaid Indenture of the 10 day of July 1805, and did thereby for himfelf, his heirs, executors and adminiftrators, fubmit himi'elf to the jiidgment, av/nrd, order and determination ol' the Commiliioners appointed under the faid Indeiiture, in all things whatibever relating to the feveral Claims made by him under Uie faid Iniienturc : Now know yc. That we, the laid Benjamin ilobhoufe, Thomas Cock burn iind Charles Grant, having taken into confideration a Claim made by tho faid Lieutenant- Colonel Matthew Macalilter as ailignee aforeiaid, upon his faid Highnefs the iate Nabob Wallajah, for the principal fum of five hundred and forty Pagodas or thereabouts (540) with intcrelt upon the lame at the rate of twelve per cent, jjer annum, from the 31 day of De- cember in the yar ol our Lord 177810 the 12 day of February in the year 17S5, and at •fix ])er cent, per annum from the i'^ day of Fcbiuiry in the year 1785 to the 13 day of May in the year 1804, amounting, principal and iiitiielt togetiier, to the aggregate fum of t'iil;.. .fifteen hundred and (ixty Pagodas (1,560) or fix hundred and twr.ily-four Pounds fterling (£.6i^): And having ;ilfo taken into confideration a Claim m:idc by the laid John Fordyce as ailignee afonliaid, for the one-twentieth part as aforefaid of the fum claimed as aforefaid by the laid Lieutenant-Colonel Matthew Macaliiler, and Jiaving duly invcltigated the faid Claims according to the covenatits, provifioiis and direiHions of the aforefaid indenture, do iiiid that on the ■:,\ day of IJcecmber in the year 1778, tin; fum of live hundred and ninetv- I'liv-J. V. c. four Pagodas tliirty.fix Fauaius and thirty-two Cafli (594. 36. 32.) was duo from the faibt eon- ^racUMJ by liis f;iid ilighnel's Wallajah for military pay and aiiowanees, is and ftiall be roin- pri:;ed in the I'irii: Clais of J.)ebts under the faid indenture: And we do further Award and Adjudge, That the iiini of fixteen liundred and thirty-two Pagodas twcniy-fivc Fanams and I'ncs. F. C. linentecn Calh (i ,632. 25. 17.) or fix hundred and fifty-three Pounds and nine-pence fterling {£-^^?,- 0.5. Qd.) being a portion of the faid Deht, is'due and owing to the faid Lieuteriant- Colouel Ivlaiihew Maealiller, as allignee aforefaid ; and tiiat the faid Lieutenant-Colone! jNlattiiew Macalilter hath and lliall have right to participate to tiie anioiuit of tiic faid liini of lixteeii hundred and tliirtv-two i^agodas twenty-five Fanams and feventeen Calh Pngs. I'. <:. < 1,632. 25. 17 ) or fix hundred and fifty-three Pounds and nine-peiiee f.erling (X.653. os. od.) in the fund [)rovided by the aforefaid Indenture, for fatisl'aetion of tlie private Debts ofthe late >.abobs of the Carnatie ; and that the funi of eighly-five Pagodas tliirty-eigiil Fanams P.igs. 1". C. and feventy-tvvo Calh (85. 38. 72.) or thirty-four Pounds feven Shillings and five-pence fter- ling (^■34- 7!>. 53' the raid Tlio.aas Fitzgerald as executor aforefaitl, upon his ftiid Ilighnefs thr lato' in favour of Nabob ^Vdlajuh, for tlie principal fi'.m of fifty-two thouftmd five hundred I'agodas (52, ^oo) Claiinaiits. with iiiied'eft upon tire lame, an ttie iiiitaliwents fell due at the rate of ten percent, per annum, 1 I to tiie 1-2 di-.y Kebriuny 1785, aud fix per cent, per annum, from that date to the 15 day of Mav iv304, asnuuntins, principal and intereit together, to the aggr^'gate fur.i of one hr.ndrcd and twenty-eight thoufr.nd three hundred and fourteen Pagodas (i28,,'^i4) or fiftv-oriO thotiiand ttuee hundred and twenty-five Pounds and twelve Shillini^s Itcrling (.jt'-^'iA^j- '2<. od.) wiiereof tl'.e iaid Thomas Fitzgerald aeknov. ledges to have received eiglii fa;..,. dioufand two hundred and fixty Pagodas (8,260) or three ttionl'and three hundred and four Founds (^■'„<304) daimiiig the balance one hundred and twenty thoufaud and iifty-four I'agodas (1,20,054) or forty-eight thoafand and twenty-one Founds and twelve Shillings ■ fi:eriing (of. 48,021. 12s. od.); do find, that the late Nabob Ys allajah did^ with tlie approba- tion oF the Court of Directors cf the United Eaft India Company of .\Jerehants of Lngiand trading to the Eait Ladies, grant an annuity or pcuiion to the laid Frigadier General Joftpii Smith, oftliree thor.fand feven hundred and fifty Star Pagodas (3,750) per annum: i\nd we do further find, That tliis penfion v.as in arrear untd the year 1787, and that on tlie 12 day of September 1787, his Highnefs {lie Nabob V\'allajah agreed to pay the laid peniion yearly • from the ro>niiien<'en)( iit of tliat year, and to dil'enarge on the fii1t favourable opportunity the arrear which had aeeumulatcd to the 31 day of J)eceml)er ijS6: i\nd we do further find. That the faid Frigadier General .lol'eph Smith died on or about the 1 day of bepteuiber 1790: .Anrl we do i'unher find, That the faid late Nabob W'aliajah, and tire late Nabol> Omdut ul Omrah did pay on account cf the laid penfion, to the faid Brigadier Genen.-l .iofepii Smith, aud to his executors, the fum of fomteen thoufand five hundred and Ps. F. (•. twelve Pagodas thirty-five Fananis and feventy-two Cafii (14,512. 35. 72.) and no more : -•And we do further find, That the balance of the principal of ilie laid penfion to the day of tiie death of the laid Brigadier General Joleph Smith as aforei'aid, widi interefi at the rate -of fix per cent, per annum, amounted on the 15 day of May 1S04, to the aggregate fuiii of one hundred and eight thoufand two hundred and eighty-two Pagodas feventeen Fauams • Vs. F. V. . and forty-eight Ca(h (1,08,282. 17. 48.) or forty-three thoufand three hundred and twelve Pounds nineteen Shillings and four-pence ftcrling (^.43,312. los. 4f'.): And we do further find, That tlie De'it fo Cvmrtituted and due from the faid Nabob Wallajah to the laid Bri- gadier General Jofeph Smith, having been made known and Itated to the Court of ])irectors of the United Fall India Comf)any of IMevchants of Fngland trading to the Faft Indies, did repeatedly receive the fpeeial approbation of the faid Court of l>ireiMor.s, and that the faid Court of F)iiec^or.s did repeatedly requeit the faid Nabob A^ allajah, through -their Government of Fort St. CJeorge, to dil'eharge the faid L^ebt from lii.s Highnels to the faid Brigadier CJeneral Jofeph Smith and hi^ rejirefentatives, and therefore that the faid Debt falls within the 2ill Clauie of the faid Indenture of the 10 day of July 1S05: And we the laid Benjamin llobhoui'e, Thomas Coekburn, and Charles (Vrant, do hereby /.ward and -Adjudge, '1 hat upon the 15 day of May in tl-,e year of our Lord 1804, tlie fmn of oijq hundred and eight thoufand two hundred and eiglity-two Pagodas feventeen Fanams and Ps. F. C. forty-eight Cafli(i,oS,282. 17. 4'x) or forty-three thoufand three hundred and twelve F^onnds nineteen Shillings and i'onr-penee iterling (^^43,312. 104-. /)«/.) and no more remained mulif- charged, and was and fiiU is juilly due and owing from Ibercprt/eniatives of his laid Higlmefs the late Nabob V\'allajah, to the reprei'cntatives of the faid I'rigadier G'eneral Jideph Smith: And we do farther Award an\ allajah, whieii the laid Court of Direi'-b-rs have Ip'.cially npjaovcd, and which the faid Court of Diriclors did fpeeilically re(|ne(} his faid lliglmei's Vlajl.ijah to ( (Signed) ^ 'i^llOMAS ("(iCKiiUKN. Clawianr*. .Signed Cbeing firO duly flamped) (.CHAKLLS GRANT Junior. •• ^ —^ in the jirelenec oi', (Signed) John Parkhoufe. X\ i: C L A I iM N* 76 in our Tirft Re[iort. TO all to whom thefe PrcfotUs fliall come: We, Benjamin llohhouro n( W'hilton Park- in the C'ounty of Middlefox, Thonuis ('ockbnrn of Ilaniiiihad in the faid County of Mid- dlrfcx, and Charles Grant junior of Lincoln's-! mi in tln^ I'lid ('ounly of Middlelex, being CL.\IM tUe Comniilhoners and lu'iVrtes aiiUnof in MnciJand ior the time blill•^ under a certain Deed •''° '-" '•' "'f G«'ti» inden.ed and bearing date tne 10 day ol .!u)y 1.S05, " between Uie I iiiled ( oin[>any of jg,,^. ,„„|_ ' JMerehants of I'ngland trading to the Jiall ln4 N'76 >u tim Kirfl lU- whofe hands and i'eals are thereto let and afhxcd, and who reineiHively are or elaini to be h"" '« l*"li»inem. ("reditors of his Highnefs the Nabob \N'aMah Jah, fornierly nabob of Areot and of the ('arnatic in the Calt Indies, and now deccafed, and of his Highnefs the Nabob Omdut ul Onuan, late ISalxib of Arcot and of the Carnatic, eldeft fon and i'ucceH'or of his faid llign- nei's the Nabob V\'allali Jah, and now alio deeeafed, and of his Iligbnel's tlie Aineer ul Oirraij, the fceond fon of bis faid Higlinefs the Nabob Wallah .lab, ami now alio deeeafed, «)r of foi'.ie or one of them the faid feveral Nabobs, and the faid Aineer of the other part," .Send (irecling: Whereas David Lowden of [>unifermline in the t't)unty of Fife in North Britain, adiiiiniftrator to the ellate of Captain .lohn Lowden late of I'ort Saint George in the Kail Indies, deeeafed, by virtue of letters of adminiftration from the Prerogative Court of Ganterburv, hath bvhis altorney John Fordyee of Whitehall in the County of Middlel'ex, fuice dcce:'.fed, executed the ai'oreliiid Indenture, and hatii thereby fubniitteil tin; Claim of the i'a'd deeeafed John Lowden to the judgnunt, award, order and determination of the Comtnifiioners under the aforefaid Indenture, in all things whatfoever relating to the feveral Claims made by him under the faid Indenture : And wl-ierens the faid David Lowden, as adminiihator aforefaid, hath by his attorney John Mair junior of Friday -(trect in the City of London, executed certain Artieles of i\greenient, bearing date the 1 day of Septend)er in the year of our Lord 1S04, between feveral Perfons deferibing thendelves as Creditors of the late Nabobs of the Carnatic of the firft part, the faid .lolm Fordyee of the feeoiid p.nrt, and tlie Perfons hereinafter named as Truftees of the third part, and hath thereby transferred and afligncd over to the faid Jolui Fordyee one-fortieth jiart of every Debtor lum of money owing to him as fueh adminilhator from their Highneiies the Late Nr.bobs of i\reot and of the Carnatic, or the Ameer ul Oinrah, or from any one of them, and of the intereft wiiich fliould have accrued thereon, the ibid one-fortieth part to be taken upon the fum at which the principal and intereft of the faid Debt ihould be liquidated or made up; -and hath further transferred and alligned over to Pobert Storey of l!cdfoni-fquare in tne County of Middlel'ex, Samuel J ohnfon then of J>evonlhire-lireet in the Panlh of Saini: J.lary-le-bone in the faid County of Middlelex, and now of G'loueelicr-plaee in the faid_ County of Middlel'ex, Charles, !3inny of Mowlaiid-iireet Fitzroy-li:]uarc in the faid Couiity of 'of money owing to him as fuch adminiiirator from liieir lligbnelfes die late Nab;)bs ot Areot .and of tire Carnatic, or tl.o Aineer ul Oinrah, or from any one of them, and ot the intereil which (lioukl have accrued tlureon, the laid oiie-fbrtieth part to be taken upon the fum at ■which the principal and intereft of the faid Debt fliould be li.g.. hun'h'efl and ninctv-nine Pagodas (i,8()o.) with intcreft upon the fame at the rate of fix per ceit per aii'.iuai, Irom the 31 day of December in the year of or.r Lord 178610 the 15 clay of May in the year 1804, amounting, prineipal and interelt together, to the aggregate fiim of three thoufand eigiit hundred and I'eventy-eight Pagodas twea:v-ninc Tanams and thirtv- P.10S. F. C. fivo Calh (.-^jSjS. 29. 32.) or fifteen hundred and iifty-one Pounds nine Shillings and eiglil- pence Itcding (of. 1,551. Qs. Sd.): And having taken into eonfideration a Claim made by the laid .John Fordyce as aihgn^e aforefaid, foi" the one-foiticth part as aibrelaid, of the fum chiiuied as afwefaid by the faid David Lowden : And having alio taken into eonfideration a Claim made iiy the laid George Moubray, Samuel Johnfun, a'.id Robert Storey, in tlieir own names and for others as aihgnees aforefaid, for tlie other fbrtietli part as aforefaid, of the fum claimed as aforefaid by the faid David Lewden, and having duly ir.veftigated the faid Claims according to the covenants, provifions and dirc(!:t:ons of t!ie aiorcfaid lndenturr> Do find that the laid Nabob Waliajah granted a Bond to the heirs of tf.e late Captain John Lowden, their lawful attorney, executors, adminilirators or afligns, bearing date the 31 day of Deccmbei" in the year of our Lord 1786, correfponding with the q of the firfl kabbia I'aes. 1201 of the Hegyra, for the fum of eighteen hundred and ninety-nine Pagodas (1,899.) witii intcreil at the rate of lix per cent, per annum, from tiic 31 day of December in the year of our Lord 1786: And we do furtiier find, that the Debt lb eonuituted by the faid Bond from the faid Nabob Waliajah to the faiti heirs of Captain John Lowden was for mili- tary pay and allowances juftly due to the late Captain John Lowden for i'ervices bona fide rendered by him to the faid Nabob, and that the faid Captain John Lowden was not in the employ of the United Eali India Company when he entered into or while he was employed in the fervice of the faid Nabob: And we the faid Benjamin Hohhoufc, Thomas Cockbiirn, and Charles Grant, J^o liere't>y Av\ard and Adjudge, Tliat upon the 15 daj' of Jlay in the year of our Lord 1804, the liim of three tlioufand eight hundred and feveuty-eight Pagodas ■^ I'Hgs. F. C. five Fanams and tiirce Cafli (3,878. 5. 3.) or fittoen hundred and fifty-one Pounds four Shil- lings and ten-pence ftcriing (,^.1,551. 4s. lod.) no part thereof having been difcharged, was and ftill is julily dac and owing from the reprefentatives of his faid Highnefs the late Nabob Waliajah to the reprefentatives of tlie faid Captain John Lowden : And we do further Award and Order, That the faid Debt, being a Debt contracted by his faid Highnefs Waliajah to the faid Captain John Lowden for military pay and allowances, is and Ihall be comprized iit the Firlt Clafs of Debts under the laid indciiti:re: And we do farther Award antL'.djudge, That the fum of three thouland lix hundred and eighty-four Pagodas eight Fanams and P.igs. F. C. feventy-nine Cafa (3,(584. 8. 79.) or fourteen hundred and feventy-three Pounds thirteen Shillings and eight-peace fterling (^.1,473. 13.S. 8f/.) being a portion of the faid Debt, is due and owing to the iaid David Lowden as adminiftratoraforelaid, and that the faid David Lowden hath and fliail have riglit to participate to th.e amount of the laid I'uin of tiiree thoufand fix hundred and eighty-four Pagodas eight Fanams and Icventy-nine Calli Pass. F: C. (3,684. 8. 70.) or fourteen lumdred and feventy-three Pounds thirteen Shillings and eight- pence fterling (,£.1,473. ij-;. Sd.) in the fund provided by the aforci'aid Indenture, for latil- faftion of the private debts of the late Nabobs of the Carnatic ; and that the fum of ninctv- PiiL's. F. C. fix Pagodas forty Fanams and two Cafli (06. 40. 2.) or diirty-cight Pounds fifteen Shillings .and feven-penee llerling (=£.38. 15s. 71-7.) being a further portion of the faid Debt, is due and •owino' to James King of Tavillock-place in tlie County of Middlel'ex, oneof llie executors named in the will of the faid John Fordyce; and that the laid James King hath and fltall have right to participate to the amount of the laid fum of niiicty-!ix Pagodas forty Fanams Pass. F. C. and two Cadi {q6. 40. 2.) or thirty-eight Pounds fifteen Shillings and feven-pcnce fterling (cf.38. 15s'. jd.) in the fund providi^l by the aforefaid Indenture, for fatisfac^tion of the pri- vate debts of the late Nabobs of the Carnatic; and that the fum of ninety-lix Pagodas forty P.ic^i. V. C. Fanams and two Cafli (96. 40. 2.) or thirt^'-eight Pounds fifteen Shillings and feven-penee Iterling (o£'.3S. 15V. "jd.) bt'iiig the remainder of the faid Debt, is due and owmg to the faid Charles Biniiy, Jaun's Taylor, (Jeorge Moubray, and Valentine Cunolly; and that the faid Charles Ihimy, James Taylor, (ieorge Moubray, and Valentine Coiiolly, have and ihall have right to participate to the amount of the faid fum of ninety-lix Pagodas forty P;,L"<. F. C. Fanams and two Cafli (96. 40. 2.) or thirty-eight Pounds fifteen Shillings and feven-penee fterling (,£-38. 15s. 7 J.) in the fund provided by the aforefaid Indenture, for fatisfaCtion of (he private debts of the late Nabobs of the Carnatic: And we do farther Awr.rd and Ad- iudgond or the Debt claimed thereon at the inliaiice of the faid ]>avid Lowden, or of ;iny other JVrfon or I'crfons w liatl<)ever : And we do i'lntlier Award and Order, That the original Bond aforefaid Ihall be eancelied and delivered up to the Court of Directors of the faid United Fall Jndia Company. In VVitnefs whereof we the iiiid Jienjaaiin Hobhoufe, Thomas Coekbuni, and Charles Grant, have hereunto let our hands tlie Cliniiiaiits. CARNATIC COMMISSIONERS. 1,57 the twenty-fourth day of Septembei- in the year of our Lord one thoufand eight hundred Al^foluta aiul ten. Atljvi'iicaiioni S BENJAMIN ITOIUTOUSE. in favour of 'I'HOMAS COCKIIl UN. CilAKLLS GKANT Junior, in the prefence of, (.Signed) IViUiani Lt/oit. CLAIM N" 79 in our Tiift Report TO all to whom thefe I'refents Ihalleome: We, Benjamin llohhonfeof Whitlon Park ]\° Id. in the County of Middlcfex, Thomas Cockijiirn of IlampUead in the lai'l County of Mid- diei'ex, and Charles Grant junior of Lineoln's-Inn in the faid County of Middlefev, heing ci.AlM tile Commillioners and Keferecs afting in r.ngiand for the tiiric being, under a eert;iin J)ee(l t',"'^i m i\u: G-rmr »{ indented and bearing date the lo day of July 1805, "between the United Coinpnny of iii« 1^ Auguft laoii; Merchants of England trading to the tiail Indies of the one part, and the ieveral Perfons ^'■''"Q'iB ii,i- ImtA Re- whoi'e hands aud i'eals are thereto fet and ailix'ed, and who rel'pcclively are or claim to he puu m riicluuiini. Creditors of his Highisei's tiie Nabob A^'allah Jah, foinurly Nabob of Areot and of ti>e Car- natic in the Eall Indies, and now deccafed, and of his Highncfs the Nabob Dmdut ui Omrah, late Nabob of Areot and of the Carnatic, eldeft ion and fueeeflbr of his faid High- hefs the Nabob Wallah Jah, and now alfo deoeal'ed, and of his ilighneis the Ameer ill Onuah, the fecond ion of his laid iJigimeis the Nabob ^\'a!iah Jah, and now alfo dccrafed, or of I'ome or one of them the faid feveral Nabobs, and the i'aid Amccr of ihc othrr parr," Send Greeting: Whereas Ann Murray of Kenlington-liiuare in the County of Mii!dief''.v, fole executrix to the will ol Lieutenant Colonel John MuiTHy, late of Fort ."^t. (ieor<;e in the Eaft Indies deceaicd, proved in the Prerogative Court ol' Canterbury, hath by her'nttorney John Fordyce of Whitehall in the County of Middlefex, fince deeeal'ed, executed the aforc- I'aid Indenture, and hath thereby for herfelf, her heirs, executors and adminiiirators, fubniiUed herfelf to the judgment, award, order and determination of the Connniiiii)iiers under the aforefaid Indenture, in all things whatfoever relating to the feveral Claims made by her under the faid rndenture : And whereas the laid Ann Murray, as executrix aforefaid, hiitli execu- ted certain Articles of Agreement, bearing dale the i day of Se[)teml)(r in the year of our Lord 1804, between feveral Perfons dcferibiiig tlieinfelves as Creditors of the late Naljobs of the Carnatic of the firft part, the liaid John F'ordyce of the fecond part, and the Peribns hereinafter named as Truftees of the third part, and hath thereby transferred and r.iligned over to the laid John F"ordyce, one-fortieth part of every Debt or fuai of mijn(~y owing to her as fuch executrix from their HighuelVes the late Nabobs of Areot and the Carnatic, or the Ameer ul Omrah or from any one of them, and of the interell wliich (IkjuUI have accrued thereon, the faid one-fortieth part to be taken upon the fum at which the principal and inte- reft of the faid Debt Ihould be liquidated or made up, and hath further transferred and aihgnal over to Kobert Storey of Kedford-fquare in the County of Middlcfex, Samuel Jolmfon then of Devonlhire-flreet in the Parifh of St. Mary-le-bone in the iiiid County ot Middlel'ex, and now of Gloueeiler-place in the laid County x^f Middlcfex, Charles Biimy of llov\land-ftrcct Fitzroy-fquare in the faid County of Middlcfex, James Taylor of tlie Town of Soutli:impton iix the County of Southampton, George Moubray of Devonihire-itrcct in the laid Ptirifli of Saint Mary-le-bone in the faid County of Midfllefex, and Valentine Conolly of Portland- place in the faid County of Middlefe.x, their executors, adminiftrators and aihgns, one other fortieth part of every Debt or fum of money owing to her the faid Ann Murra}' as fuch fxecntrix, from their Highnefles the late Nabobs of Areot and the Carnatic, or the Ameer ul Omrah or from anyone of them, aud of the interell which Ihould have accrued thereon, tlu> ■faid one other fortieth part to be taken upon the ium at which the princijial a:id interefc of the laid Debt Ihould be liquidated or made up, to receive and hold tin- laid one other fortieth part ib thereby to themailigned upon the trails in the faid Articles of Agreement mentioned and let forth, which faid Articles of Agreement authorize and empov.er tlie liiid Kobert Storey, Samuel Johnibn, Charles Binny, James Taylor, George Aloubray, and Valentine Conolly, and the furvivors of them or the major part of them, or of the furvivors of them for the time being, and the furvivor of them, his executors or adininilhators, to do and per- form all fuch a<5ls as Ihould be requifite for carrying the faid Agreement effectually into execution: And whereas the laid John I'ordyce did execute t!ie faid Articles of -\greement ' ,'of the 1 day of September 1804, and did alfo execute the aforefaid Indenture of the 10 day ,of July 1805: And whereas tiie laid Kobert Storey and Samuel Johnfou have not executed the faid Articles of Agreement of the 1 day of September 1804, but the faid Ch:irles Binny, James Taylor, George Moubray, and Valentine Conolly, the remaining four ailignees, have executed the faid Articles, and alfo tb.e aforefaid indenture of the 10 day of J my 1S05, by . which aels the faid John Fordyce, Charles Binny, James Taylor, (leorge Moubray, and , Valentine Conolly, have for themfclves, their heirs, executors and adminiltrators, fubmitted .themlelvesto the judgment, award, order and determination of the Commifiioncrs appointed ; under the laid Inilenture, in all things whatfoever relating to the feveral Claims made by 'them under the faid Indenture: Now know, ye. That we the faid Benjamin Hobhovle, Thomas Cockburn, and Charles Grant, having taken into confidcration a Claim made by the faid Ann Miiuay as executrix aforefaid, upon his Highneis the late Nabob Wallah Jah, for the principal fuio of eleven hundred and eleven Pagodas (1,1 J 1) with intereil upon the fame Q. Ss , at 158 SIXTH REPORT of the Abi'olute at the rat? of fix per cent, per annum, from the i day of May in the yepr of our Lord 1 784 Abjudications to the 15 day of May in the year 1804, amounting, principal and interell together, to the til favour of ''"g'- claimants. aggregate fum of two thoufand four hundred and forty-feven Pagodas (2,447) °^ ninehundred and feventy-eight Pounds and fixteen ShilHngs fterhng (;^.978. i6s. od.): And having takep into confideration a Claim made by the faid John Ford^ce, as affignee aforefaid, for the one- fortieth part as aforefaid of the fum claimed as aforefaid by the faid Ann Murray : And having alio taken into confideration a Claim made by the faid George Moubray, Samuel Johnfon, and Charles Binny, in their own names, and for others as aflignees aforefaid, for the other fortieth part as aforefaid of the fum claimed as aforefaid by the faid Ann Murray, and having duly inveftigaled the faid Claims according to the covenants, proviiions and direc- tions of the aforefaid Indenture, do find, that the laid Nabob Wallah Jah granted a Bond to the faid Lieutenant Colonel John Murray, bearing date the 1 day of May in the year of our Lord 1784, correfponding with the lo day of the fecond Jemadi 1198 of the Hegyra, Pags. for the fum of eleven hundred and eleven Pagodas (i,in) with intereft at the rate of fix per cent, per annum, from the 1 day of May in the year of our Ixird 1784: And vse do further find, that the Debt fo confiituted by the faid Bond from the faid Nabob Wallah Jah to the faid Lieutenant Colonel John Murray, was for military pay and allowances juftly due for fervices bona fide rendered by him to the faid Nabob: And we do further find, that the faid Lieutenant Colonel John Murray was not in the employ of the United Eaft India Com- pany when he entered into the fervice of the faid Nabob, but that during his continuance in that fervice he was lent by the faid Nabob to the Company: And we the laid BenjaminHob- houfe, Thomas Cockburn, and Charles Grant, do hereby Award and Adjudge, That upon the 15 day of May in the year of our Lord 1804, the fum of two thoufand four hundred and forly- P.9gs. F. C. fix Pagodas thirty-one Fanams and fixtj'-two Ca(h (2,446. 31. 62.) or nine hundred and feventy-eight Pounds and fourteen Shilling* fterling (^£•978. 14s- oJ.) no part thereof having been dilcharged, was and ftill is juftly due and owing from the rcprel'entativcs of his faid Highnefs the late Nabob Wallah Jah to the reprefentativcs of the laid Lieutenant Colond John Murray: And we do further Award and Order, That the faid Debt being a Debt con- trat'ied'for military pay and allowances by his faid Highnefs Wallah Jah, is and (hall be comprized in the Firft Clafs of Debts under the faid Indenture: And we do further Award and Adjudge, That the fum of two thoufand three hundred and twenty-four Pagodas feven- Pagt. v. c. teen Fanami and forty-fix Cafli (2,324. 17. 46.) or .nine hundred and twenty-nine Poundg ■fifteen Shillings and four-pence ftcrling (,£.929. 15s. 4d.) being a portion of the faid Debt ia due and owing to the faid Ann Murray as executrix aforefaid, and that the faid Ann Murray hath and fliall have right to participate to the amount of the faid fum of two thoufand three Pags, F. C. hundred and twenty-four Pagodas feventeen Fanams and forty-fix Calh (2,324. 17. 46.) or nine hundred and twenty-nine Pounds fifteen Shillings and four-pence fterling (^.929. 1 5s. ^d.) in die fund provided by the aforefaid Indenture, for iatisfa(5lion of the private debts of the late :Nabobs of the Carnatic, and that the fum of fixtv-one Pagodas feventeen Fanams and-eight Pagl. F. C. Ca(h(6i. 7. 8.) or twenty-four Pounds nine Shillings and four-pence flerling (,£.24. pj. ,4,rfi) being a further portion of the faid Debt, is due and owing to James King of Tavifiock-plaoe in the County of Middlcfex, one of the executors ninned in the will of the faid John Fordyoe, and that the laid James King halli and fliall have right to participate to the amount of tlie Pttgs. F. C. 'faid fum of fixty-one Pagodas feven Fanams and eight Cafli (61. 7. 8.) or twenty-fgur Pounds nine Shillings and four-pence tlerling (£-'2A- 9^- W-) in. the fund provixled by t^ie aforefaid Indenture, for fatisfacHion of the private Debts of the late N,abobs of the Carnafic, Pags. F. c. and tliat the fum of fixty-one Pagodas feven Fanams and eight Cafli (,61. 7. 8.) or twenty- 'tour Pounds nine Shillings and four-pence fterling (.£.24. qs. 4l>li.>ufc of A'*'lutton Park in ^,Tfm^ur''^ llie County of Mitldleiex, Thomas (xickburn of Huinpiteatl in tlu; faid (Jounty of Middlel'ex, Claiianni*. and Chai'les Graut junior of Ivincoln's Jnn in tht; faid County of Middli'li'x, l>eitipj iho ^^ Conimillioners and li^furees ai!:ttng in England for the time Ijtnng under a ecrt;iin l)t-eiabob ^Vallajah to the repreietitatives of the laid ISeil tJampbell deceafed: And we do further Award and Order, That the laid Debt being a Debt, contraded for military pay by his faid Highnefs Wallajah, is and Ihall be comprized in the i'irfc Clai's of Debts under tlic laid In- denture: And we do further Award and Adjudge, Tliat tlie I'um of nine thoufand r.iiie hun- I's. 1'. C. dred and thirty Pagodas nine Fanams and feventy-one Cafn (9,030. 9. 71.) or three thoufand nine hundred and feventy-two Poiuids one Shilling and eleven-pence Ikrling (Jl! 3,072. 14'. 1 \d.) being a portion of the faid Debt, is due and owing to the faid Major Neil Campbell as adminiftiator aforefaid, and that the faid Major iScil Cojnpbell hath and (hall have riiiht to participate to the amount of the laid fum of nine thoufand nine hundred and thirty Pagodas nine Fanams and fcventy-one Cafli (0,930. o. 71.) or three thoufand nine hundred and feventy-tViO Pounds one Shilling and clevcn-pencc Iterling {£'.T,,Q-i2. is. ii. F. C. dred and twenty-two Pagodas twenty-fcvcn Fanams and three Cafh(5'22. 27. 3.) or two hundred and nine Pounds one Shilling and one-penny fterling (c£,209. is. id.) in the fund provided by the aforeiaid Indenture, for latisfaCtion of the private Debts of the late Nabobs of the Carnatic: And wc do further Award and Adjudge, .That all the property aixl revenues of the faid Nabob Wallajah,' and his fueccflors or. rcprefentatives, are and ihall he for ever acquitted and difchargod from all Claim whatfoevj-r in refpett of the faidTiinkah and arrears, at the inftance of the faid ^Majur Nc'' Campbell as adminilhator aforefaid, or of any Perfou or Pcrfotis whatfoeyer,:-. Ami ve.- do further Award and (Jrder, That the original Tuiikah aforefaid, lliall be and is heceby- declared to be null and void. In Witnef* whereof wc the faid Benjamin llobholaie, Thyuias Cockburn, and C'harles Grant junior, have hereunto fet *ur hands the teiUU day Qf July in. the year of our Lord one thoufaud eight hundred and ten. - • r '■•j'ill"-*' -. ■ " fBFNJAMIN ITOBMOUSE. (Signed) |rHOMASCOCKi5URN. Signed (being firft duly ftampcd) (cHARLES GKAiST Junior, in the prefenc£ of, ' . (Signed) John Parklioiife . . . ■ CLAIM N* 107 in our Pirft Report. ^g r TO all to whom thefe Prcfents fliall come: We, Benjamin Hobhoufe of Whitton Park in the County of Nliddlefex, Thomas Cockburn of Ijamplh-ad in the faid County of Mid- dlefex,, and Charles Grant junior of Lincolh's-lnn in the laid County of Middkfex, being the C,^ . r- . c CominillioiK-rs and Referees act in (j in P.nifland for the lime bcini;, under a certain Deed in- Pi 6 in In* OazcUc of , , . , , , i ,■ i i <. /. i i i ■ ■ \ ^ i r \ • the \-z Au-uii iijO(i; dented and be;iring date tlie 10 day ot July 1805, " between the liuied ( oinpany ol Mcr- aiirf. chants of Knglund trading to the Ealtlndies of the one part, atid the feveral Perlbns whole >." 107 m ilir Firrt He- i,;„nis and feals are thereto fet and affixed, and who refpecHively are or claim to be Creditors anwmcu . ^^\; \^\^ 11 igbncfs thc Nabob WaUah Jail, formerly Nabob of Arcot and of the Ctiriiatic in the Eafl Indies, and now deceafed, and ol'his lliglinefs the Nabob Oindut id Oinrahlate Nabob of Arcot and of the (Carnatic, eldell Iba and fucc-eOor of his faid lliglinefs the NaboJj \\ allah .lab, and now alio deceafed, and of his llighiiej's thc Ameer iil Omrali the fec(jnd foil of his faid Highnefs the Nabob VV'.illah Jab, and ikmv alio d(>ceali.'d, or of fome or one of them the laid feveral Nabobs, and the faid Ameer of the other part," Send Greeting : Whereas Lieutenant Charles Spycr of Fort St. George in the Etill Indits, lialh.by his attorney John CARNATIC COMMISSIONERS, lui .Trtliii Foiilyoc of Whitehall in tlic County of Middlefex, fmcc dcccafcd, p.vrrnffd the nforc- Abfohitc fjiid Indenture, and hath therehy for liiinfolf, his heirs, executors and adiniiiiluaiois, ful)- A<>juA\rauorn mitted iiimrelf to the judgment, award, order, and detennination of the (.'oinnii(!ioiici-6 iinckr in fanwr <.f the aforefaid Indenture, in ail tilings whatfocver relating to the fcvral Claims made hy him Claimmiis. under the faid Indenture: And whereas the faid Lieutenant C!:ar!e.s .Spyer liadi executed V ^. -> certain Articles of Agreement, bearing date the 2 day of Tcbruary in tlie year of our I.ord •iSoi, i)et\veen fevcral Perfons deferibing themfelves as Creditors of the tlien late Nabob of Areot of the firft part, the faid John Fordycc of the fccond part, and the IVrfons liereinafter i:amcd as Truftces of the third part, and hat'i thereby transferred and aiiigncd over to liobert Storey of Bedibrd-fquare in the County of Middlefex, Samuel Johnlbn tneu of Devonihire- lucet in the Parilh of Saint Mary-lc-bonc in the faid County of Middlelex, and now ol' d'lon- oeficr-placc in the faid County of Middlefex, A\"illiam Cooke tin n of >ievv- Onnond-lirrel in t!ie faid County of Middlefex, Charles Bimiy of Howland-ilreet l"it/roy-f(|u illiam Cooke, Ch:;rles liiimy, James Brodie, and Wiiiiasn Dong'.M Brodie, and t!ie iur- vivors of them or the major -part of them, or of tlie furvivors of them for tiie time being, and the fnrvivor of them, his executors or ahoufe of Whitton Parle , in the County of Middlefex, Thomas Cockburn of Hampdead in the faid County of Mid- . T,AIM dlelex, and (.'harles Grant junior of Lincoln's- Inn in the faid County of Middleiex, being h" 141 in Oio Gazeitc the Commilliouei-s and Referees acting in England (or the time being, under a certain Deed laor"* a!id '^'^"""- indented and bearing date the 10 day of July 1805, " between the United Company of Iv".i!'iu theFirftRe- Merchants of England trading to the Eait Indies of the one part, and the feveial Peribns port 10 Parliament, whofe hands and feals are thereto fet and affixed, and who re(pe(itively are or claim to be Creditors of his Highnefs the Nabob AVallajah, formerly Nabob of Arcot and of the Car- natic in the Ealf Indies, and now deeealed, and of his Highnefs the Nabob Omdut ul Onirah, late Nabob of Arcot and of the Carnatie, eldeit ion and fuccelVor of liis faid High- nefs the Nabob Wallah Jah, and now alfo deeeafed, and of his Highnel's the Ameer ul Omrah, the fecond fon of his f;iid Highnefs the Nabob Wallajah, and now alfo deeeafed, or of fome or one of them the faid feveral Nabobs, and the fiiid Ameer of the other part," Send Greeting : Whereas Lieutenant John Henry Crueilix of Fort Saint George in the Eall Indies, did, by his attorney John Fordyce of Whitehall in the County of Middlefex, (inee deeeafed, execute the aforefaid Indenture, and did thereby furhimfelf, his heirs, executors and adminiftrators, fubniit hinifelf to the judgment, award, order and determination of the Comniiinoncrs under the aforefaid indenture, in all things wliallbever relating to the feveral Claims made by him under the faid Indenture: And whereas the faid Lieutenant John Henry Crucifix did, by his attorney Robert Crueilix, urlington- itrcet in the faid County of Middlefex Baronet, C^harlcs iiinny of llowland-ltreet Filzroy- f(|uare in the faid Comity of Middlefex, James Taylor tlien of Portland-])lace in the faid County of Middlefex, but now of the Town of .Southain|iion in the Coimly of Sotuhanipion, Robert Storey of liedford-fquare in the laid County of Middli.l'ex, Alexander Cuthbert then of Bedibrd-iiiuare aforefaid, and \'alentine Couoll}' tlien of New li<)n: Now know ye. That we the Faid l!cnjainin HnbhouFe, Thon.as Cockburn and Charles Grant, having taken into ronfideraiion a Claim made by the Dxid (;ilb( it Uickettt* as adminiftrator aForeFaid, upon his (aid Highnefs the late Nabob Omdut ul Oinrah, for the principal fum of eight thouFand fix hundrid and liFty-eight Pagodas thirly-three ranami Pac;-. K. C. and one Cafli (8,658. 33. 1.) with inteiefl upon the fame at the rate of fix jiereent. per annum .to the 15 day of May 1S04, amounting, principal and interell together, to the aggregate I'.'g!.. fum of ten thoufand one hundred and thirty Pagodas (10,130.) or four thoufand and fifty- two Pounds flerling (.£'.4,052.): And having alio taken into confirieration a ('lainjmade by ■the faid George Moubray, CharUs jiinny, .lame.-^ Taylor, Robert Storej', Alexander Cuth- bert, and Valentine Conolly, as the furviving aHignees aforefaid, for the one-Hve;itieth i)art as aforelaid, of the fum claimed as aforefaid by t.ie faid Gilbert Kieketts, and haviii"- duly inveiiigated the faid Claims according to tlte covenants, proviiions and direflions of the aforefaid Indenture, do finrl, That the faid NalK)h Omdut ul Omrah granted a Hond to the. ■faid Lieutenant John Henry Crueifi.x, bearing date the 1 day oF Aiiguic in the year of out Lord 1797, coirefponding with the 7 Suffer 121a of the Hegyra, for the ium of* two thou- fand three hundred and five Pagodas (2,305.) with intereft at the rate of fix jier cent, per annum from the 1 day of Auguit in the year of onr Lord 1797 ■ '^"^ ''"■''- do finthrr find, Tiiat the Debt fo conilituted by the laid Bond from the faid Nabob Omdut ul Omrah to the faid Lieutenant John Henry Crucifix, was for pay and allowances jullly due for fervices bona •fide rendered by him to the faid Nabob; and that the fum of one hundred and fixtv-fijf Pags. F. C. Pagodas thirty-four Fanams and fi.xty-eight Cafli (166.34.68.) was further due fiom xhf late Nabob Omdut ul Omrah to the Faid Lieutenant John Hemy Crucifix, for pay and allow- •ances from the 1 day of Auguft to the 24 day ol' .September in the year 1797, the day oF hi;; difcharge from the fervice of his laid Highnefs : And we do further find, Tliat the laid John Henry Crucifix was not in the employ of the United Eall India Cxjmpany when he entered into or while he was employed in the fervice of the faid Nabob: And v.e do further find. That the faid Nabob Omdat ul Oim-ah paid to the faid Lieutcnaut John Henry Crucifix, by Bill payaWeon the 2 4 day of March 1708, the fum of two hundred and fifty Pagodas (250.): And we the faid Benjamin Hobhoufe, Thomas Cockburn, and Charles (irant, do hereby Award and Adjudge, That ni)on the 15 day of May in the 3'ear of our Lord 1804, the fum of three thouland one hundred and fixt}' Pagodas fifteen Fanams and fortv-two Pags. F. C. 'Cafli (3,r6o. 15. 42.) or twelve hundred and fixty-fonr Potinds two Shillings and eleven- pence llerling {£.1,164. is. iid.) and no more, remained undil'charged, and was and ftill is juftly due and owing From the reprel'entatives oF his laid HighncFs the late Nabob Omdut ul •Omrah to the reprefentatives of the laid Lieutenant John Henry Crucifix : And we do further Award and Order, That the faid Debt, being a Debt contrac'ted by his faid Highnels 'Omdut ul Omrah for military pay and allowances, is and Fhall be a Debt coninrizod in tlie •Firft Clafs of Debts under the faid Indenture: And we do further Award and Adjudge, That the fum of three thouFatid and two Pagodas fourteen Fanams and fixty Calh Ph-s. f. C. .{3,002.. 14. <)0.) or twelve htuuhed I'ounds eighteen Shillings and t<'n-pence fterling :(j^.i,aoo. 18s. loJ.) being a portion of the iind l>auccof tliefaid Gilheit llickctts as adininiltiator afoitl'aid, or of iiifavmirof any other Pcifoii or Perfons whatfoevcr : Anri v.c do further Award juid Order, That the CluuiiHius. original l3ond aforcfaid (liall be ear.celleS and delivcrtd up to the Court of IJireftors of the ''^ ^/ ^ faid Uiiited Eaft India Companj'. In Witnefs whereof wc the iaid IJcnjaiiiiu llol>!ioufe, Thomas Cockbum,and Charles Grant, have lierourito fei our hands the twelith day ol' July iu the year of our -Lord one thoafand eight linndred aiul ten. fBENJA^^IIN IIOBITOrSE. (Signed) ] THOMAS COCKBUKN. :Signpd (helns fira duly fiamped.) (.CHARLES GilA^T Junior, iu the prefcncc of, .(Signed) John Farlclwufr.. US. CLAC>i N' 83 in Our Firft Pvepoit. TO all to -v.liom thefc Prefcnts fliall come: Wc, Benjamin TTobhoufe of Whitton Park ^y .\j;^£ in the County of Widdlefcx, Thomas Coekburn of Hampiiead in the faid County of Middie- K°62 ill tiieCazpiif nf fcx, and Charles Grant jiniior of Lincoln's-[nn in the {'aid County of Middlefex, being the the 12 Augnft i«06 ; CommiHionf trt aud Pvoferecs afting in England lor the time being, under a certain Deed in- ^v^^!!-; in ii.e Fill! Re- ''^"'11^^^ '"1^1 bcariiig dale the lo day of July 1805, " between the United Company of Mer- .jx?rt to rarliamcnt. ehauts of Englaml trading to the Eali Indies of the one part, and the feveral Perfons whofe i)ands and feals arc thereto fet and aRixed, and wiio refpeftivcly are or claim to be Creditor* .of his Highnefs the Nabob Wallali Jah, formerly Nabob of Areot and of the Carnatic in the Eaft Indies, and now dcceafed, and of l)is Highnefs the Nabob Ouidut ul Omrah late Nabob of Arcot and of the Carnatic, eldelt fon and fueeeffor of his faid Highncls the Nabob Wallah Jah, and now alio deceafed, and of his Highnci's the Ameer ul Omrah die fecond fon of lii« faid Ilighnois the Nabob Wallah Jah, and now alfo dcceafed, or of fome or one of them tlie faid feveral Nabobs, and the iiiid Ameer of the other part," Send Greeting : \\'hereas Gilbert liicketts of Port Saint George in the Eaft Indies, adminiltrator of the eltate of Captain Joim jMofs late of Port Saint George dcceafed, by virtue of letters of adminillrationfrom the Supreme Court at Madras, hath executed the aforefaid Indenture, and hath thereby I'ubmittetl the Claim of the faid deceafed to tlic judgment, award, order and deterniina.tion of the Commif- iioners under the aforei'aid Indenture, in all things whatfoever relating to the feveral Claims made by him as fuchadminiiirator under the laid Indenture : And whereas the faid Captain ,John Mols aforei'aid, did execute certain Articles of Agreement, bearing date the e day of February in the year of our Lord i8oi, between feveral Perfons defcribing themfelves as Creditors of the then late Nabob of Arcot of the firfl part, the faid John I'ordyce of the fecond ,parl, and the Perfons hereinafter named as Truftces of the third part, and did tiiercby transfer and afiign over to Robert Storey of Bedford-fquare in the County of Middlefex, Samuel Jolmfon then of Devonfliirc-ftrcet in the Parifh of Saint j\iary-Ic-bonc in the laid County of Middlefex, and now of Glouccfter-place in thefaiti County of Middlefex, William Cooke then of New Ormond-lticvt in the faid County of Middlefex, Charles Binny of llow- land-lireet intzroy-fquare in the faid County of MidiQefex, James Brodic then of Madras in •the Eaff Indies, and ^\'illiam Douglas Brodie of Madras in the Eaft Indies, their executors, adminiftrators ajid alfigns, one-twentieth part of every Debt or fum of money owing to him as fuch adminiftratorfrom his Highnefs the i'aid Nabt)b W'ailajah, and of tlie intcreft which ihould have aeeriied thereon, the faid one-twentieth part lobe taken upon the fu;n at which /the i)rine!jinl and intered of the i'aid Debt Ihould be liquidated or made np, to receive ai;d lioki the (aid one-twenlieth part lb thereUy to them adigned upon the trails in the faid Arti- cles of Agreement mentioned and fet forth, which faid Articles of Agreement authorize and empower the faid Rol>ert Storey, Sanniel Jolmfon, A\illiam Cooke, Charles Biimy, Janu's Brodie, and W illiam Douglas Brodie, and the furvivors of them, or the major part of them, -or of tiie furvivors of tliein for the tiuu- ixing, and the i'lu-vivor of them, his executors or feveral Claims made by tliein uiuler the faifl Inden- .tiirc: Now kuou' ye, That wc the faid Benjamin Hobhoufe, Thomas Coekburn, and Charlcji Grant, having taken into confideration a Claim made by tiie faid Gill)crt Rickotts as .'adminifirator albrcHtid upon ids faid Iliglinefs the late Nabob A\'allajah for the principal ium of five thoufand two hundred and feventy-feven Pngodas (5,277.) with intereftnpon tiic iame at the rate of fix per cent, per annum, I'ront the 31 cn Rickitts; and Abfolufe tiaviiii^ duly iiivcftigatcd the laid Claims according to the covenants, provillons and Adjudir.iiiions directions of the afon laid iiidcritiire, do find, 'J'liat tlio laid ^aboh Wallajali granii'd iii/muur nf a Bond to tiie faid Captain .lulin Mofs, bearing date the 31 day of December in the C'laiui;in'». year of our Lord 178(5, correfpoiiding with the i) of the 1 i{al)hia in tho yoar 1201 oi' the Ilc'j;vra i'or the fum of ii\e th.oufand ivo imndred and livent v-fevcn I'agodas Ps, (5, '277) witli intereft at the rate of i\\ per cent, [ler annum, fioiii the ;', 1 day of December in the yoar of our Lord 1786: .And \\( do further iind, 'I'hat the Debt fo eonltiUilod by I'.ic faid l5ond from the faid Nal)ob \\ allajali to tho faid (,'a|)tain ,Iolm Mof^, was for urrears of pay and a'lovvanees julUy «hie ftn lirvii-es bona tide rendired tiv him to the fai (.'ookburn, and Cliarie.s (irant, do tieieh}- Award and Adjudge, That upon the 15 day of May in the yc'ar of our Lord 180,^, ;ho liun of ten tlioufand Seven luindred and fcvcnty-fix I'atrodai t\venlv-l;x Fanams and l>s. F. c. fi'venty C'.rfii (io,77t?. 26. 70.) or foiir-tiionfand three hundn d and ten I'uunds tiiirtee.i Si:'lliiigs and two-peuee fterfiiig (.^ .4,;',io. 13s. •:d.) no part thk'ieol' having b( I'li difchargcd, was and (till is jultiy duo and owing from tho reprofentatives of his laid lligliaefs tho lalo ^sabob \\'allijah to tho reprefentati'. os of liie faid Captain .lohn Mofs: And we d(> fiirthor Award and Order, I'liat tho i'aid Dobt, being a J)ebt eonlraCted iiy his laid lligiinefs W'al- lajrdi for military paj' and allowances, is anil (hall be toniprizcd in the I'irlt Clafs of Debts under the laid Isidenturc : And we do further Award and Adjudge, That the fum of ten tlioufand two iiundred and thirty-fcven Pagodas thirty-four ranams and two Calii 1'.. ■ ]•. C. ■ ' - (10, '237. 34. 2.) or four thoufand an;! ni;iety-iivc Pounds two Shilling* and fixpc-nce fterliiig (^'.4.005. c.t. 6d.) being a portion of the (aid Debt, i; due and owing to tho faid (Gilbert Hieketts as adminilirator aforelaid, and tiiat tho faid (Jilbert Kiokofts hath and Ihall have right to participate to the amount of the faid fum of ton thoufand two huiuired and tiiirty- fevon Pagodas thirty-four Fanams and two Calh (10,237. 34. 2) or foiir tlioufand and niiioty-fivo Pounds tuo Shillings and fi.vpcnce fterling (.£.4,095. ■:'.<. 6d.) in t!u; fund prc- vitlcd by the aforefaid Indenture, for fatisfaction of tho private Debts of tho late Nabol)o of the Carnatic ; and that the fum of five hundred and thirty-eight Pagodas thirty-four Ps. F. C. Fanams and fixtv-elght Callt (53S. 34. 68.) or tuo hundred and fifteen Pounds ten Shilliiigi- and eight-pence llerling (of. 215. io». Si/.) being the remainder of the faid Dobt, is duo rind owing to the ftiid Samuol .lohnfon and Charles I'inny as aliignoes r-dbrefaid, and that lh;« faid Samuel .lohnliin and Charles Binny have and Ihail liavo riglit to participate to tho amount of the faid fum of five hundroil and thirty-eight Pagodas thirty-foi'.r iiuiaiiis and 1"^ F. 0. fixty-eight C'afli (538. 34. 68.) or two hundred and fifteen Pounds ton Shillings and cighl- peiioe iterling (,£'.215. 10s. M.) in the fund provided by the afcrei'aid indenture, for I'atisfac- lion of the private Debts of the late Nabobs of the Carnatic: And we do further Award and Adjudge, That all the property and revenues of the faid iSabob Wallajah, and his fiic- cellbrs or reprefenttitives, are and ihall be for over ac([uitted and dilbharged from all Claim wdiatfoevor in refpect of die laid Bond or the Debt claimed ihercon at the inltance of tho f:iid (Jilbert Kicketts, and the heirs or reprefeiitativi s of the faid Captain John .Mofs or any of them, or of any Perfon or I'erfons w hatfoever : And wo do furtlur Award and Ordtr, That the original Bond aforefaid (hall be oanoelK.'d and delivered up fo the ('ourt of Directors of the faid t^nited Eaft India Coirip.aiiy. In VVitnefs whereof wo the faid Benjamin Hob- iioufe, Thomas Coekburn, and Charles f Jrant, hr.ve hereunto fet our hands the twelfth day of July ill the vear of our Lord one thouland eialit luindred and ten. (-!u:nja:min HoimoDsi:. (Signed) } THOMAS COCKBLHN. Signed (being fiiit duly fiampcd) ~ ' (. CHAKLES ';jii.\.NT Junior, in the prefeiice of, Signed John Paikhoufe. C L A I U X" I of X' 4j ill our Firll il.'-poit. " TO all to whom thcfe Prefents Ihall come: We, Benjamin Ilobhoiif.: of Wliifton j»^-. ^^ Park in the County of Middlefex, Thomas Coekburn of Hanipiiead in the laid Counly of ___»J_' Middlefex, and Charles Crant junior of Lincoln'"Inn in the laid County of Middlefex, ctAlM being tlio Con.miliioners and ilefeiees acting in Kngland for the time being, under a cortaiu N" 1 oi X' 96 in the ling dale tlie tenth day of July one thoufand eigiit hunched and five, V:;'''''-",i-r,;;.*''!H '" ..ompany of Merchants ol r.nglani! trading to the l-.:ilt Indies ot tlie j^o -il,- ^i' .jj ,„ the Olio i)ari, i.i.u u.cicicral Perlons whole hands and foals arc thereto fet and allixod, and F.rft RcpcrttoPai- who refpebtivoly are or claim to be Creditors of his Higlmefs the Nabob \\allahjah,_ '•=""'^"'- foinu riv Nabob" of Arcot and of the Carnatic in tlie Ea(l Indies, and now deceafed, and of his lligiinefs the N'abob Omdut ul Omiah, late Nabob of Arcot and of the Carnatic, eldoil foil and I'liccellor of his faid Highnefs tlie Nabob Wallahjah, and now aifo dee-'afed, and of h.is Highnefs the Ameer ul Omrah, the fecond foil of his faid HiLrhnefs the N.ibob Wa'- l.ihiali, :!!kI now alio dcccafed, or of fomo or one of them the faid fovera! Nal>i>bs, and the .,. Uu faiJ Deed indonled and hearing d;ile t *' between the United C one [lart, and the fever claimants. 166 SIXTH REPORT o i- r n e Abfolute fuid Ameci- of the other part," Send' Greeting : Whcrras James Dott, of IJittciiie G'jovft Adjudications in the County of Southampton, hath hy his Attorney John Fordyce of Whitehall in the tn favour ut Couulv of ]\iiddlci'e.\, lince deceafed, executed the aforefaid Indenture, and hath liiereby for himfelf, his heirs, exeeutors and adminiftiators, fnbmitted himfelf lo the judj^ment, award, order, and determination of the CommiHioncrs under the aforefaid Indenture, in ail things whatfoever relating to the feveral Claims made by him under the faid Indenture : And whereas the faid James Dolt hath exeeuted certain Articles of Agreement, bearing date the 3d day of ]\lay in the \'car of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred and ninet'v'-fjx, between feveral perfons, deferibing theml'elves as Creditors of the late Nabob of Arcot of the firtt part, the laid John Fordyce of the fecond part, and the perfons hereinafter named as Truitees of the third part, and did thereby transfer and allign over to Walter Boyd, then of Sackville-ibcet in the County of Middleiex, Paid Ikntield, then of Woodhall I'ark in the County of Hertford, and alfo of Grofvenor Square in the faid County of Middlefex, Robert Storey of Bedford Square in the faid County of Middlefex, Samuel Johnfon, then of Devonfliire-ftreet in the Pariih of Saint Mary-le-bone in the faid County of Middlefex, and now of Gloiicefter Place in the faid County of Middlefex, William Cooke Then of New Ormond-ftreet in the lliid County of Middlefex, Charles Bindy of }{owland- ftreet Fitzroy Square in the faid County of Middlefex, and Richard Legge Willis, then of Harley-ftreet in the faid Parifh of Saint Mary-le-bone in the liiid County of Middlefex, their executors, adminiftrators, and ailigns, one twentieth part of every debtorfura of money owing to him from his Highnefs the Nabob Wallajah, formerly Nabob of the Carnatic, now deceafed, and of the intereft which flionld have accrued thereon, the faid one-tweutieth f)art to be taken upon the fum at which the principal and intereft of the faid debt fliould be iquidated or made up, to receive and hold the faid one-twentieth part fo thereby to them afligncd upon the trufts in the faid Articles of Agreement mentioned and fet forth ; which faid Articles of Agreement authorize and empower the faid A^ alter Boyd, Paul Benfield, Robert Storey, Samuel Johnllon, AVilliam Cooke, Charles Binny, and Richard Legge Willis, and the lurvivors of them, or the major part of them, or of the furvivors of them for the time being, and the furvivor of them Ids executorr- or admiiiiilrators to do and perform all fuch atls as (lioidd be requifite for carrying the faid Agreement effectually into execution; but the laid AV alter Boyd hath not exeeuted the faid Articles of the third day of May one thoufand ieven hundred and ninety-fix, and the faid Paul Benfield, William Cooke, and Richard Legge Willis, have departed this life : And whereas the faid Robert Store}', Samuel Johnfon, and Charles Binny, who have exeeuted the faid Agreement, being the major part of the furvivors of the faid Aihgnees, have executed the aforefaid Indenture of the tenth day of July one thouliuid eight hundred and five, and have thereby for themfelves their heire, executoi's, and adminilh'ators, fubmitted themfelves to (he judgment, award, order, and determination of the Commifiioners appointed under the faid Indenture, in all things what- foever relating to the feveral Claims made by them under the faid Indenture: Now know ye, That A\'e the faid Benjamin Hobhoufe, Thomas Cockburn, and Charles Grant, having taken into;iJ'e. I i68 SIXTH REPORT of the CLAIM N° 48 in our Firft Rq^ort. r«i 20. » jQ jj]] ^^ ,vhom thcfe Prefents (liall come : We, Thomas Cockbuin of Hampftcad in tlie /! rounly of Middlcfex, and Charles Grant junior of Lincoln's-Inn in the faid County of Is'' 10 in the Gazette of Middlelbx, being two of the Commiliioncrs and lleferces aCtinu; in England for tlie time tiic 12 AuguCt I8OC ; being, under a certain Deed indented and bearing date the tenth day of July one thoufand ^,!"."J'- L f ,> eivhi hundred and tive, " between the United Company of Merciiuiits of England iradiny; (jort to Failiauici.t. *« tlic Ealt Indics ot ti>e one prirt, and the Icvcral Ferions wliole liauds and leals are thereto fet and alRxeff, and who refpct-tiwlv are or clalui to be Creditors of his Ilighiu'fs tli<' Kabob W'tdiaijiii fonnorly Nabob of Arcot and of theCuraalic in the Eall Indies, and .now deceafed, and of his "li iglniefs the Naiiob Omdut ul Omrah, late Nabob of Arcot :::id of the Ca.rnatic, el.ieCt i'oii iiiui !i;ceelVor of his laid Higlmei's the Nabob W'allajali, and now alii) deeealVd, and of his High. lefs die An.ecr ul Omrah, the fecoiid Ibii of his faid lligimefs the Nabob W'ailajah, anci novv- alfo deceafcd, or of ibine or one of them the faid Icvrral Nabobs and the ii.id Ameer of the other part," iireiul Greeting : \\ hcreas Mary Cooke, filter and legatee of the late Major John Cialway, and V\'il!iam Cooke her hulband, of Half-Moon Street riceadiily in tlie County of Middieiex, did by tlieir Attorney Joiin Eordvee of Whitehall in the Count v of ?»liddlcfex, iinee deeealed, execute the aforelaid Indenture, and (iid thereby for tiu'inielves, their lieirs, executors, and adininifira- tors, fubmit tliemlelves to the judgnunt, award, orcier, and determination of the ComuiiliiiMi- ers under the aforelaid Indenture, in all things wh.itibevcr relating to the Icvcral Claims made by them under the faid Indenture: And whereas the faid Mary Cooke and \\ illiam Cooke 4ier hull)and did execute certain Articles of Agreement, bearing date the third day of May in the year of our Lord one thoidiuid feven hundred and nineiy-iix, betwre;i feveral Perfons deleribing- tliemlelves as Creditors of the late Nabob of Areot of the firft part, the faid John l'(jr(.lyce of the fecoud part, and the perfons hereiiialKr n i::!ed ;is 'J'ruitees of the tiiird part, and did th< reby transfer and ailign over to \\'alter Boyd t!:e:i of Sackvi'le-ltrcet 111 the County of Midillelex, Paul Eentieki then of NS'oodhall Park in the County of Hert- ibrd, and alio of Crofvenor .Square in die faid County of Middle'ex, Robert Storey of Ik-dford St Hiouid be liquidated or made up, to receive and hold the faiil one-tweutietli [.art lb thereby to them alligned upon the Irulis in the laid Articles of Agreement mentioned and fc t forth ; which faid Articles of Agrccinciir authorize and empower the faid \V'alter Hoyd, Paul Bcnlield, Robert Storey, Samuel -.lohntbn, William Cooke, Charles Binny, and Richard Lcgge AVillis, and the furvivcrs of them or the major part of them, or of the furvivors of them for the time being, and the iurvivor of them, his executors or adininiftrators, to do and perform all fuch acts as ihould be retpHlite for carrying the faid Agreement clfectuafy into execution ; but tiic fiid Walter lioyd hath not executed the laid Articles of the third day of May one thoufand Icveij liiHidred and ninety-iix. and the laid William Cooke, Paul I'.enfield, and Ri( hard Eegge ■\Viili<, iiJtve departed this life: And whereas the faid Robert Storey, Samuel Johnl<)n, and vciiliaiid, and liavirit? duly iiivf fiii^ated tiii' faid Claims ac- infmtwrof- cordini; to the Covenants, Provilions, and Directions of "the afoiviaid Indenture ; Do find, . CliiiiriiinU. That the laid Nabob \\ allajali jjrantcd a t)ond to the faid Major Jolni Oalway, hearing '•^- ' dale the lull day of Odober in tiie year of our Lord one ihoufand feven hundred and eighty-three, correfponding with tiie third of Zeeead in the year eleven hundred and nincty- feven of the Hcg[ira, fur the funi of fourteen tlioufand nine hundred and fevenly-two Pa- rHgs. F. (;. godas ten Fanams and forty Cafli (14,972. 10. 40.) with intereft at the rate of fix prr cent, per annum from the firfi day of October in the year one thoufand feveti hinidrcd and eighty- tiiree : And we do furtiierlind, That tliedebt foeonilituied was for military [lay andaiiowauees and military charges, julliy due to the faid Major John Galway, for Cervices hoiii'i fiile rendered and advances adually made for the ufe of the faid Nabob VVallajah ; and thai thr faid Major Joir.i Calvvay was not in the employ of the United F.all India Company when he entered into or while he was employed in the fervice of tlie laid Nabob : And we tlie iiiid Thomas C(K-I-;«;;VA,guri'i^°' Middfefex being two of the Commiflioners and Referees ading in England for the tnne ^^^ ^ beine under a certain Deed indented and bearlno; date the 10th day ot July one thoufand n 94in ii,c r.rft Rt- eight 'hundred and five, " between the United Company of Merchants of England Uadmg P«rtto P.,lu.racnT. to the Fall ladies of the one part, and the feveral Perfons whole haiuls and leals tU'' thereto fet and affixed, and who refpeciively are or claim to be Creditorsox his H.ghnels the Nabob Wailaiah. formerly Nabob of Arcot and of the Carnatic m the halt Indies, and now •* ' - X X Uecealed, 9- 170 SIXTH REPORT of rue. Abfolute eccafed, and of his Highnefs the Nabob Omdiit ul Omiah, late Nabob of Arcot and of AJjudications tfte Carnatic, eldctl fon and fucceffor of Iris faid Iliglinefs the Nabob \V^-llJajah, and unw in.f(ivour ot ajfo deccafed, and oF his Higiinefs the Ameer ul Omrah the fccond fon of his.laid Higliiicfs Claimanla. ^j^g Nabob Wallajah, and now aUo deceafcd, or of fomc or one of thi in the faid feveral ^ ' ' -^^-^ ' Nabobs and the faid Ametr of the other part," Send (Jreeting : \Vheroas General John Pater of Fort St. George in the Eaft Indies, hath by his attorney John l'"ordy<'e oi' White- hall in the County of Middlefcx, lince deceafed, executed the aforelhid Indenliire, and hath thereby for himfelf, his heirs, exeeutors and adminiftrators, fubuiitted himfelf to tlie judg- ment, award, order, and determination of the Cominillioners under the aforefaid iidenture in all things whatfoever relating to the feveral Ciiiims made by him under the laid Inden- ture : And whereas the faid General John Pater hath exeeuted certain Articles of Agreement, bearing date thfe fecond day of February in the year of our L )rd oiie thoid'and eight hun- dred and one, between feveral perfons defjribing thenilelves as Creditors of the then late Nabob of the Carnatic of the firft part, the faid John Fordyce ol' tlie fecond part, and the perfons hereinafter named as Truftees of the third part, and did tlieroby tratisfcr and nihga over to Robert Storey of Bedrord-'quare in the County of Middlelcx, Samuel Jolinfbn then of Devonfliire-ftreet in the Parilh of Saint Mary-le-l)one in the laid County of Mid- dlefcx, and now of Gloucelter-place in the faid County of Mithllefex, W'i'liam Cooke then of New Ormond-llreet in the faid County of Mid llefex, CImrles Kinny of Howland-flreet Fitzroy-fquare in the faid County of Middlel'ex, James Biodie then of Madras in tiie Eaft Indies, and VVilham Douglas Brodie of Madras in the Eail Indies, their executors, adminif- trators, or atfigns, one-twentieth part of every debt or fum of money owing to hiin from his Highnels the faid Nabob Wallajatr, and of the intereil whicii Ihould have accrued thereon, the faid one-twentieth part to be taken upon the fum at which the principal and intereli; of the faid debt (hould be liquidated or mnde up, to receive and hold the faid one- twentieth part lb thereby to them alligned upon the trults in the faid Articles of Agreement . tnentioncd and let forth ; tvhich laid Articles of Agreement authorize and empower the faid Robert Storey, Samuel Joluifon, William Cooke, Charles Binny, James Brodie, and Wil- liam Douglas Brodie, and tlie furvivors of them or the major part of them, or of tue fur- vivors of them for the time being, and the furvivor of them his executors or adminidrators, to do and perform all fuch aCts as fliould be requilite for carrying t!ie faid Agreement effe(5tually into execution, but the faid William Cooke and the faid James Brodie !iave hoth departed this life: And whereas the laid Samuel Johnfon and Charles Biimy who have exeeuted the f'.id Agreement, have alio executed the aforefaid Indenture of the tenth day of July one thoufand eight hundred and five, and have thereby for themfelves, theit heirs, executors and adminidrators, fubmitted themfelves to the judgment, award, order, and determination of the Commiflioners appointed rmder the faid Indenture, in all things whatfoever relating to the feveral Claims made by them under the faid Indenture: Now Jcnow ye. That \V e the faid Thomas Cock burn and Charles Grant, having taken into coa- iideration a Claim made by the faid General John Pater upon his faid Highnefs the late Nabob Wallajah, for the principal fum of nine hundred and fifty-two Pagodas (052) with intereft upon the fame at the rate of fix per cent, per annum, from the firlt day of June in the year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred and eighty-four to the tifteentb day of May in the year one thoufand eight hundred and four, amounting, principal and intereft Pags. together, to the aggregate fum of two thoufand and ninety-two Pagodas (2,092) or eight hundred and thirty-fix Pounds and fixteen Shillings fterling (;f .836. 16.?. od.) : And having aifo taken into confideration a Claim made by the faid Robert Storey, Samuel Johnfon, and Charles Binny, in their own names and for others as alh^necs nfoicfaifl, f )r ilie ono-twcn- tietli part as ahircfaid of the fum claimed as iifnefaid by the faid General .iohn I'ater, and having duly invefiigatcd the faid Claims according to th" covenants, provilions, and r-cent. per annum from the hrft day of June in the year of our Lord one thuufand fevon liniulred and eighty-four: Aid we do further find, ^"■liat the Debt lb conftlluted by the fiid Bond from the laid Ndjob Wallajah to the faid General then ("aplain Jolni Pater, was for arrears of i\Llit;ny I'ay and Allowances jiiftly due for fervices boiu'ijide rendered by him to the faid Nabob Wallajah, and that tUc faid General John I'ater was not in the employ of the United Eaft India Company w'hcn he entered into the fervicc of the faid Nabob or while thefe arre.irs accrued : Ami .vc the laid Thomas Coekburn and Charles Grant do hereby award aid adjudge, Tiiat upon the tifteentii day of -May in the year of our Lord one thoufand eif^ht hundicd and four, ihc fum of two thoufand aftd ninety-one Pagodas ih'.rty-one Panams and four Cnfii '('-»®fW' S'l- 4-) of eight hundred and ihirty-iix founds a, id fnulccn Shillings ft( rlinj: (i'. 83*1. U4s.') remained undifcbarged, and was and lllll is jiifliy due a'ld owing from the R'prcfi n.ativcs of his laid Highnefs the late Nabob Wallajah to tlie faid f'Jenerd 3ohfi 'Pmnr : - of the faid debt, is due and owing to the (hid Samuel Johnfon and Charles Bi.my, as aflignees a^orefaid, r>nd that the faid Samuel Johnfon and Cliarlcs Binny have and (hall have riglit to participate to the amount of the faid I'um of one hundred r«E». V. C. and four I'agodas twenty-four Fanams and fifty-two Cafli (104. 24. 52.) or forty-onr Poimdj lixteen Shillings and ninepcnce ftrrling (^f. 41. 16s. 9^.) in the fund provided by the aforela'd Indenture for fatisl'aCtio)! of (lie private debts of the late Nabobs of the Carnatie : And we do further Award and Adjudge, That all the property and revenues of the faid Nabob Wallajah and his Sueeeflors or Reprefentatives, are and (li;ill be forever acquitted and difcharged from all Claim whatfocvcr in refpedt of the faid IJond, or the Debt claimed theieon at the inltance of the faid General John Pater, or of any other perfon or perfons vvhatfoever: And we do further Award and Order, That the original Bond aforefaid (hall be cancelled and delivered up to the Court of Oirectors of the faid Onited Eaft India Company. In Witnefs whereof W'c the faid Thomas Coekburn and Charles Grant have hereunto fet our hands the fourth day of 0 for the time oeiiig, and the fiirvivor of them iiis Cla.m ants. ^ £x, ■outers or Admiailtrators, to do and perform all lueh aets as flionid be reqniiitc for ' ^ carrying the faid Agreement eHetHually into execution; but tlie faid VV'alur Boyd liatu not executed the faid Articles of the third "day of May one thoufand feven hundred and ninety- fix, and the faid Paul Benfield, William Cooke,'and Kiehard Leggc V\ illis, lia-e departed this life: And whereas the faid Robert Storey, Samuel Johidon, and Charles Bimiey, who have executed the faid Agreement have alio executed the aforefaid Indenture of tiie tenth day of July one thoufand eight hundred and five, and have thereby for theuilelvcs, their heirs, executors and admiuHhators, fubmitted themfelves to the judgment, award, order and determination of the Commiliioners appointed under the faid lu.ier.ture in all things v.hatfoever relating to the feveral Claims made by them under the Md ladentme: Now know ye, That V^'e the faid Thomas Cockburn and Charles Grant, having taken into con- fideration a Claim made by the faid Lieutenant Peter Cardiner upon iiis Highnefs tiie Jate Nabob Wailajah, fur the [irincipal fum of two thoufand five hundred and twenty Pa- Pmu.. f. godas and eleven Fanams (-2,520. 11.) with intcreft upo'.i tlie fame at the rate of twelve per cent, per annum, from the liril day of January in tiie year one thoufand fevcn hundred and feventy-nine to the twelfth day of February in tlie year one thoufand ieven hu idred and eighty-five, and fix per cent, per annum from the twelfth day of February one thoufand feven hundred and eighty-fivetothe fifteen til day of May ill theyear one ihoulaufl eight hundred and four, amounting, prmcipal and interefi together, to the aggregate fum of liaven thoufaad '" r-'ags. F. c. two hundred and eighty-one Pagodas thirty-five Fanams and nine Calh (7,281. 39. 9.) or 3WO thoufand nine hundred and twelve I'ounds fourteen Shillings and ninc'pence flcrling (£.'2,Q\2. 14s. Qcl.) : And having alfo taken into confideration a Claim made by the faid Robert Stoie3-, Samuel Jtihnl'on and Charles Binn^s in their own names and for o iiers, as Aflignees aforefaid, for the one-twentieth part as aforefaid of che fum claiaied as af'orefaid by the faid Lieuteu;uit Peter Gardiner, and liaving duly inveltiga ed the fiid Claims ac- cording to the covenants, provifions and direttions of the aloiefaid Indenture: Do fi.'id, That the faid Nabob 'Waliaiah granted a Tunlcah to the faid Lieutenant Peter Gardiner, bearing date the twenty-fifth Sufi'er in the y«.'ar eleven hundred and ninety-three of the Hegyra, conefponding with the fourteenth day of March in the year of our Lord one ^, . «- ? thoufand feven hundred and feventy-ruine, for the fum of two thoufand live hundred and '- ' • - - Pa.^>. ¥. C. ' " _ twenty Pagodas eleven Fanams and twelve Cafli (2,520. 11. 12.): And we do further fi,nd, That the Debt fo conftitiited by the faid runkah, of which no part aas paid iron the faid INabob Wailajah to the faid Lieutenant Peter Gardiner, was for Military Pay and Allow- ances jiiftly due for fervices bond Jide rendered by him to the faid Nabob, and that the faid Lieutenant Petpr Gardiner was not in the employ of the United Eaft India Company ■when he entered into or while he was employed in the fervioe of the faid Nabob : And we do further find. That the faid Peter Gar liner did afli^ii, fell, and make over all his right, title and intcreft in the faid Debt to John Tulloh, James Connel and William Douglas Erodie of Madras, Attornies to VViliiam Fuirlie of Caieuita: And we do further find, Tiiat the faid Debt was by the faid John Tulloh, James Connel and William Doujilas Brodic, afhsined and made over to Wiliiain Fairlie, Allan Gilmore, John MLiuhinfon Fergulibn, Thomas Brown and David Clark, of Calcutta: Aiul we do further liiid, 'J'hat the f lid Wil- liam Fairlie, Allan Gilmore, John Hiitchinlbii FcrgnfTon, Thomas Brown an i David Clark, have by their Attorney John Bmny of Madras executed the aforefaid Lidenture of the tenth day of July one thoufand eight hundred and five, and did ihenhy for themfelves their heirs, executors and adininillra'ors, fubmit themfelves to the judgment, award, order and deiermination of the Commiliioners under the aforeiaid Indeutiu'e in all things \vhat- . foever relating to the feveral Claims made by iheni under the aforifaid Lideutiire; And We the faid Thomas Cockburn and Ciiarles Grant do h€irel)y Award and Adjudge, Tliat upon the fifteenth day of May in the year of our T^ord one thouraml eight hundred anil four the (tun of feven thouland two hundred and eighty Pagodas thiriy-li\ I'aiiams and fifty-(Uie Cafii I'^Ks- V. C. " ...'.'. (7,280. 36. 51.) or two thoufand nine hundred and twelve Pounds and feing a debtcontrifteil by his faid Highnefs Wall.ijaii for Vlil.tary Pay ;ind AilowancCs, is and Ihall hecompriz(. 34. 65.) or two thoufand feven hundred aftd fixiy-fix Po'.nids fourteen Sinlhngs aiuI eightpence Iterliiig (Jt' \-/6G. 14*-. 8f/.) bciiig. hatfocvtn- in refpi^ifi of the liiid Tuiika, or the Debt claimed thereon at the inJtanee of the laid A\'illiain Fairlic, Allan fiilinorc', John Hutehinfon Fergiilfon, Thomas ihown, and O^ivid Clark, as aHignecs albreraid, or of any of them, or of any oilier perfon or perfons whatlbevcr : And we do further Award and Order, That tlie original Tiinka aforelaid lliall be cancelled and delivered up to the Court of Direc- tors of the faid United Ealt India Company. In Witr.efs whereof We the faid Thomas Cockburn and Charles Grant have hciennto let our hands the -ifth day of October in th»> year of our Lord one thoufand eight hundred and ten. ,«. ,, (THOMAS COCKBURN. (Signed) icil A. GP.ANT junior." Signed (being (ird duly flamped) in the prel'enee of (Signed) George Puikhoufc. CLAIM N" 424 in our rifth Report. K* 2^. " TO all to wViom thefe Prefents fnall come: We, Thomas Cockburn of Hanipftead in ctaim the County of Midtllefex, and Charles Cirant junior of Liiieoln's-Inn in tlie laid County of x-je/ ;„ tiic Ga«-ii« Middlefex, being two of the Commillioners and Referees a<5ling in Fngiand for the tnne 01 ihest J-inciaiW; bein<>;, under a certain Deed indented and bearing date the loth day of Julv one thoufand -.^Tl":. , „,, „ . , ^\ , , , ,. ,, , 1 TT ■ I ,< f M 1 / r T- "1 1.1- .. N 424 IP. the Fiftli Kc. eight hundred and live, " between the United Company or iMerehants or bngUinct trading to portiu I'ui ummi. the Ealh Indies of the one part, and the ievcral Perfons whole hands and feals arc thereto let and affixed, and who refpeotively are or claim to be Creditors of his Highnefs the Nabob Wallajah, formerly Nabob of Arcot and of the Carnatic in the Eall Indices, and now deceai'ed, and of his Highnefs the Nabob Oindut iil Oiniah, late Nabob of Arcot and of the Carnatic, eldell fon ancri'iiccelfor of his faid Highnefs the Nabob Wallajah, and now alfo deeeaiied, and of his Higlinefs the Ameer ul Omrah the fecond fon of hig faid Highnefs the Nabob Wallajah, and now alio deceafcd, or of Ibnie or one of rhein the faid feveral Nabob? and the faid Ameer of tbe other part," Send Greeting: Whereas Adrian de Fries, John de Fries, Lewis de Fries, and Henry de Fries, Partners of the Firm of Adrian de Fries and Company, of Fort St. George in the Ealt Indies, mortgagees of \^'illiam Douglas Brodie, alhgnee of MeUieurs Tulloh, Connel and Brodie, albgnees of the honourable Balil Cochrane, alhgnee of Henry Price, have duly executed the aforelaid Indenture, and have thereby for themfelves, their heirs, executors and adminiftrators, I'ubmitted themlelvts to the judgment, award, order, and determination of the Commillioners under the aforelaid Indenture, it: all things whatfoever relating to the feveral Claims made by them under the faid Indenture: And whereas the faid Adrian de Fries and Company, and the laid original aHigtice the honourable Bafil Cochrane, did execute certain Articles of Agreement, bearing ikvj tbe ihir'i day of May in the year of our Lord one thoufand i'eveii hundred and nineiy-bx, betv.-een feveral perfons defcribin" the.mfclves as Creditors of the then iaie Nabob of Arcot of tlic iirft; part, John Fordyce of Whitehall in the County of Middlefex fince deeeafed of the fecond part, and the perlbns hereinafter named as Tniitees of the third part, and did tiiereby transfer and afiign over to Walter Bovd, then of Sackvi!!e-ftrec: m the County of Middlclex, Pau) Benficld then of Woodhall J'ark in the County of Hcrtibrd, and alio of (irol'venor-fquarein the faid County of Middlefex, Robert Storev of Bedlin-d-iiciuare in the faid County of Middlefex, Samuel Jobnfon then of Devonnirre-llrect in the Parilli of Saint Mary-le-bone in the laid Countv of Middlefex, and now t>f Gioucelrer-plaee in the faid County of Middle- fex, William Cooke then of New Ormond-ftreet in the faid County of Middlefex, Charles Binny of Howland-fireet Fitzrov-fquare in the faid Countv of Middlefex, and Richard Legge Willis then of Harlev-lireet in 'the faid Parilh of Saint Mary-le-bone in the faid County of Middlefex, their executors, adminiftrators and aihgns, one-twentieth part of every debt or fum of money owing to them as lucli ailignees from his Highnefs the Nabob Wallajah, and of the interclt wliieh Ibould have accrued thereon, the faid one-tv.cntielh part to be taken upon the linn at which the principal and intercfc of the faid debt fliould be liquidated or made up, to receive and hold the faid one-twentieth part lb thereby to them alhgncd upou the tri.fts in the faid Articles of Agreement mentioned and let forth; which laid Articles ot Agreement authorize and empower the faid Walter Boyd, Paul Bentield, Robert Storey, Samuel Johnlbn, William Cooke, Charies Binny, and Richard Legge Willu, and tbe furvivors of them or the major part of them, or of the furvivors ol them for the tua^ being, and the liirvivor of them his executors or ailminiltrators, to do and perform all fiich acls as fliould be requifite for carrying the irud Agreement elVeCiually into execuoon, but the faid Waller Boyd hath not executed the J\dd Articles of .the third i\?.y ot >lay one " Y y ihouranu J74 SIXTH REPORT OF the A'bfolule Adjudications in favour of Claimants. thoufand feven liiinrlivd and ninety-rix, and the faid P;ml BcnfielJ, V/iHiaiTi Cooke, ancf llichurd Legge W'illis, have dcpuited this life: And whereas the faid Robert Storey, Samuel Johnfon, and Charles Biiiny, who have executed the faid Agreement, have alfo , executed the aforefaid Indenture of the tenth day of July one thoufand eight hundred and five, and have thereby for themfelvcs, their heirs, executors, and admlniitrators, i'ub- mitted themfehes to the judgment, award, order, and determination of the CommiJiontTS appointed wider the faid Indenture in all things whatl'oever relating to the feveial Claims made by them under the faid Indenture : Now know ye, That we tiie faid Thomas Coekbura and Charles Grant, having taken into confideration a Claim made by the laid Adrian do ■Fries and Company, mortgagees as aforefaid upon a Bond from the late Nabob Wallaiah to Mr. Henry Price deceaied, for the principal fum of twelve hundred and t-weaty-fix Pagodas (1,226.) with intcreft upon the fame, at the rate of twelve per cent, per annum, from the firit day of September in the year of our Lord one tlionfand feven hundred and eighty-one to the tweli"tli day of February in the year one thoufand k\cn hundred and eighty-five, and intereft, at the rate of ii.x per cent, per annum, from the tuelfih daj' of February one thoufand feven hundred and eighty-five, to the fifteenth day of May in the year one thoufand eight hundred and four, amouating principal and intereit toiietoer to the aggregate fum of three thoufand one hundred and forty-nine Pagodas ihirty-three Fanams P..i:s. F. C. and forty-two Cadi (3,149. 33. 42.) or twelve hundred and fifty-nine Poundseight Shillings and Fourpence fl;erling (/,'. 1,259. ^■'- 4'^-^ '■> '"^^^ having alio taken into confideration a Ciuim made by the faid Robert ."^torey, Samuel Johnfon, and Charles Binny, in their own names and for others as artignces aforefaid, for t'.ie one-twentieth part as afurelaid of the fum claimrd as aforefaid by the faid Adrian de Fries and Company, and having duly invi ftigated the faid Claims, according to the covenants, provifioiis, and directions t)f tiie aibreiiiid Indenture: Do find. That the faid Nabob \\'allajah granted a Bond to Mr. Henry Price, dated the firfl day of Septembtr in the year of our Lord one thoui'and feven hundred and eighty^one, correiponding with the eleventh Ramzaii eleven hundred and ninety-five of the P.is;v. Hegyra, for the fum of twelve hundred and twenty fix Pagodas (1,226.) with intereft, at the- rate of fix per cent, per annum, from tlie firlt day of September in tlic ye^.r of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred and eighty-one : And we do further find, Tha' the debt fo conftituted by the faid Hond from the laid Nabob \^^alliijah to tho faid Henry Price was for arreais of pay and allovTances juftiy due for fervices bona fide rendered by him to the faid Nabob, and that the laid Henry Price was not in the employ of the United Eafi; India Company when he entered into or while he was employed m the I'ervieeoi the faid Nabob : And we do further find, That the faid Bond was duly aiiigned to thclisveral I'arties as heiem- before recited, and laitly to the faid Adrian de Fries and Company : And we tiie laid Ihomas Cockburnantl Charles Grant do here by A ward and Adjudge,Tliat upon the fil'teeiitlulayof May in the year of our Lord one thoufand eight hundred and four, the liun of two tltouiaud eight l',.-s. F. c. undred and ninety-five Pagodas thirty-eight Faoams and twenty-fix Calh (2,895. 38. 26.) -or eleven hundred and fifty-eight Pounds I'evcn .Shillings and fourpence. lierling (j^. 1,1 58. 76'. ^d.) no pait thereof having been difcharged, was and itill is jufiiy due and -owing from the reprefentatives of his i'aid Highnefs the late JSabob VVall.ijah to tlie reprc- fentatives of the fiiid Lieutenant Henry J'rice: And we do further Award and Order, Ihat the faid debt, being a debt contracted by his laid Plighnels Wallajah to ttie laid Licuicnant Henry Price for military p^y and allowanecs, is an, I Ihall be comprized in the Firft Clals dt Debts under the faid Indenture : And we do further Award and Adjudge, That the fum of two thoufand feven hundred anil fifty-one Pagodas four Fanains and feventy-three Calk y^'ii. F. c. (2,751. 4. 73.) or eleven hundred Pounds aiul nine Shillings fterling (/^. 1, too. v.s. or/.) being a portion of the faid debt, is due and owing to the faid Adrian de Fnes and Company as mortgagees atbrefaid, and that tiie laid Adrian dc Fries and Company have and Ihall liave light to participate to the amount of die faid fum of two thoufand feven hundred and fifty one Pagodas four Fanams and feventy-three Calli (2,751. 4. 73.) or eleven hundred Pounds and nine .ShiUings lierling (^. 1,100. os. o(/.)in the fund [irovided by the aforefud Indenture, for fatisfttctiou of the private debts of the late Nabobs of the Carnatic ; and that the fum of one P.is:». K. C hundred and forty-four Pagodas thirty-three Fanams and tiiirty-three Cafli (144. 33 33.) ■or fifty-leven Pounds eighteen Shillings and fourpence Itrrlitig (j^. 57. i8.v. 4eit Stoi\y, Samuel Johnfon, and Charles Binny, as aih-necs aforefaid ; md that the laid Robert Storey, Samuel Johnfon, .and Charles Binny, have and ihall have right to participate to the amount of the faid fum of one hundred and forty-fuur Pagodas thuty-thiee Fanams and thirty-three Ca(h Pafis. V. C. •(144. 33. 33-) or (ifty-leven I'oimds eighteen Shillings and fourpence (/\ 57. 18s. 4^/.) itt the fuad |)it>vidcd by the aforefaid Indenture, f..r fatisfaoiion ol the inivate debts ol the late Nabobs of the ("arnaVK : And we do fi.rther Award i.:d Adjudge, 'i'liat ail the property and revenues of the fiid Nabob Wallajah, and his fnccellou or repaf iilativis, are am! Ihall be 'for ever aecpiitted anrl difcliarg.'d from all (Claims wliutlbever in n ,'peCt of the ]aiob Wailajah, formerly Nabob of Areot and of die Caniatic in the Eali liidicB, and now deeeafed, and of his Higbnefs the Nabob Omdut ul Onirab, late Nal)ob of Areot and of ilie Carnatic, cldeft fon and fueceffor of his faid Higbnefs the Nabob Wailajali and now alfo deeeafed, and of his Higbnefs the Ameer ul Omrab the feeond fon of his laid Mighnels tlie Nabob Wailajah and now alfo deeeafed, or of fome or one of tlK'in the faid f' veral Nabobs and tlic faid Ameer of the other part,'' Send Greeting: AVbertas .lolin De Monte of Fort Saint George in the Eaft Indies, executor of Ca|)tain Chririopher Uilderl'Cek, hath executed the aforelaid Indenture, and hath thereby for hiinfelf his heirs, executors and adminillrators, fubmitted himlelf lo the judgment, award, order, and detirinination of tliC Commilhoners under the aforelaid Indenture in ail things whatfoever relating to llie feveral Claims made by him under the faid Indenture : Now know ye, That we the faid THdmas Coekburn and Charles Grant, having taken into eonlideration a Claim made by the faid Jobii De Monte as executor aforefaid upon his laid Higbnefs the late Nabob Oiiidiit ul Omrah, for tlie principal fum of feventeen hundred and feven Pagodas twenty-eight ranains and tea P:iKS. F. C. Calh (1,707. 2S. 10.) with intereft upon the fame at the rate of fix per-eent. pcr-annum, from the twelfth day of July in the year of our Lord one tboufand i't^wn hundrtd and ninety-ieven, to the fifteenth day of May in the year one tiiouland eight hundred and four, amounting principal and interelt together to the aggregate fum of two thoufand four Pags. F. C. hundred and eight Pagodas twenty-feven Fanams and feventy Cafli (2,408. 27. 70.) or nine hundred and fixty-three Pounds nine Shillings and threepence Iterling (of .963. ps. ^d.) and having duly mveltigated the liiid Claim according to the covenants, provilions, and direcitions of the aforefaid Indenture, Do find. That the faid Nabob Omdut ul Oinrah granted a Tunka to the late Captain Bilderbeck on the Tinnevelly Revenues, dated the nineteenth Ramzan twelve hundred and twelve of the Hegyra, correfponding with the eighth March in the year of our Lord one thoui'and feven hundred and ninety-eight, for the fum of feventeen hundred and feven Pagodas twenty-eight Fanams and ten Cafli (1,707. 28. io.> And we do further find. That the debt fo eonftituted bj' the faid Tunka from the faid Nabob •Omdut ul Omrah to the faid Captain Bilderbeck was for arrears of Military Pay and Allow- ances jufily due for lervices bund jide rendered by the faid Captain Bilderbeck to tlie Nabobs Wailajah and Omdut ul Omrah, and that tlie faid Captain Bilderbeck was not in the employ of the United Ealt India ('ompany when he enteied into or while he was cm- ployed m the fervice of the faid Nabobs Wailajah and Omdut id Omrah : And we the faid riiomas Coekburn and Charles Grant do h» leby Award and Adjudge, That upon the fifteentli day of May in the year of our Lord one tboufand eight hundred and four the i'um of two thoulimd four hundred and eight Pagodas twenty-live Fanams and forty-eight Calh I'»i;«. F. C. (2,408. 25. 4^.) or nine hundred and iixty-thrce Pounds eight Shillings and tenpence fterhng (=£'.963. 8s. lorf.) no part thereof having been difcharged, was and ftill is jultiy due and owing from the Reprefentatives of his faid Higbnefs the late Nabob Omdut ul Omiaii to the lu'prelentatives of the faid Captain Bilderbeck : And we do further Award and Order, That the faid debt being a debt contraclcd for Military Pay and Allowances by his faid Higbnefs Omdut ul Omrah, is and fliall be comprized in the Firlt Clais of Debts under the faid Indenture : And we do further Award and Adjudge, That the faid fum of two tboufand Pass. F. C. four hundred and eight Pagodas twenty-five Fanams and forty-eight Cafli (2,408. 25. 48.) or nine hundred and lixty-three Pounds eight Shillings and ten pence fterling (.£'.963. 8.^ \od.) is due and owing to the faid John de Monte as executor of the faid Captain Chrifto- pher Bildirbeck,^and that the laid .lohn de Monte as fueh executor liaili and fliall have right to participate to the amount of the faid fum of two thoulimd four hundred and eight Pags. F. C. Pagodas twenty-five Faimms and forty-eight Cafli (2,408. 25. 48.) or nine hundred and fixty-ihree Pounds eight Shillings and ten pence Iterling (£.963. 8,s-. lod.) in tlie-^ fund provitccii Shillings (lerling (^.4,989. i6,s-. or/.): And having alfo taken into conhdcration a Chiini made by the liiid liobert Storey, Sauuicl Jolinfon, and Charles Uinny, in their own names and for others as alligiiecs aibrel'aid, fur the one-twentieth part as at'orefaid of the I'uni claimed as al'orefaid by the faid Sir Benjamin Sulivan, and having duly invefligated the faid Claims according to the covenants, provilions, and directions of the aforefaid Indenture, Do (iiid, 'liiat the laid Nabob Wallajah granted a Hond to the faid Captain Henry l^oyle Sulivan, bearinj; date the firft day of Augud in the year of our Lord one tl.oufand fcven hundu'd and eighty- one, eorrefponding with the tenth Shaban eleven hundred and ninety-live of the ilegyra, for the fum of four thoufand eight huudied and thirty-five Pagodas thirty-nine Fanuiua and Pugs. V. C. ten Cafli (4,835. 39. 10.) with intereft at the rate of twelve per eenl. per annum from the. firli day of Auguit in the year of our lrcl'cntatives of his faid Highnels the Na!/ob "Wal- lajah to the reprcfentatives of the faid Captain Henry Boyle Sulivan : And we do further Award and Order, That the laid debt being a debt eontracited by his faid Highncfs the Nabob Wallajah for military pay and allowances, is and lliali be comprized in the Firft Clafs of Debts under the faitl Indenture : And we do further Award and Adjudge, That the I'um of twelve thoufand and nincty-feven Pagodas four Fanams and fixty-one Calh Pags. F. C. (■12,ll be cancelled and delivered i.\t to the Court of Diredors of the lliid United Eaft hidia Company. In Witnels wlieieof We the fiiid 'I'homas Coekburn and Charles Grant have hereunto fet our hands the eigluli day of (Jctober in the year of our Lord one thoufand eight hundred and ten. rTHOMAS COCKBURN, (.Signed) {cHARLliS GRANT junior." Signed (being firfiduly fiampcd) in the prcfence of (Signed) George Parkhoitfe. 7. z J78 S I X T H R E P O R T I- T H E ^'^5- CLAIM N»054 in our Fifth Rejwit. CLA:jt " TO all to whom tliefe Prefents fhall come : We, Thomas Coc-I.buin of Ilamprtc.id i;i the ^' iyj in the Garette County of Middlefex, and Charles Grant junior of Lincoln'i-Inn in ilie laid Clounty of ui yie 17.UUC 1KU9, ]\ji£Jj|(>|j,j;^ being two of the Commillioners and Helerces .icting iii E-igl:nid for the time A'9o4inthe FifihRe- being, under a certain Deed indented and bearing date the teata day of July one thoiifaiid p ri 10 PaiiMuiunt. eight liiuidred and five, " between the United Company of Merchants of England trading to the Ealt Indies of the one (lart, and the feveral Penbns v.hofc hands and feals are thereto iet and affixed, and who refpeciively are or claini to be Creditors of his Highncfj the Na- bob Waliajah, formerly Nabob of Arcotand of the Carnatic in tiie Eaft Indies, aitd now^ deceafed, and of his llighnefb the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah late Nabob of Arcot and of tlie ('arnatie, cldelt fi>n and fuccelfur of his faid Highiiefs the Nabob Waliajah, and now alfo deceafed, and of his Ilighncfs the Ameer ul Oiurah tiie fccond fon of his faid Highnels the Nabob Wallahjah, and now alfo deceafed, or of i'ome or one of them the laid levcr.il Nabobs and the faid Ameer of the other part," Send Greetir.g: Whereas Theodocia Nevill, adminiftratrix to the eftate of Lieutenant Jofeph Nevill of Eort St. George in the Eaft In- dies, deceafed, by virtue of Letters of Adminiicr;ii'on from the Suprenie C'oiirt of Madras in the Eaft Indies, did by her attorney- Jacob Palcal of Port St. George in the Eall Indies, execute the afureiaid indenture, and did therebv fubir.it tlie t!laim of the faid inteftate to the judgment, award, order, and determination of the Comniiliioiicrs under the aforefaid Indenture, in all things whatfoever relating to the feveral Claims made by her under the laid indenture: Now know ye. That \\'e the faid Thomas Cockburn and Charles Grant liaving taken into confideration a Claim made by the faid Theodocia Nevill as adminiftra- trix uforeiaid, upon his Highiicfs the late Nabob AVallajah, for the principal funi of flnce thnufand two hundred and twenly-fi.K Pagodas (3,226.) with interell upon the fame at the rate of fix per cent, per annum, from the thirty-firll day of December in the year one thoufand fevcn hundred and cighty-iix to the fifteenth day of May one thoufand eight luiii- dred and four, amounting, j)riiicipal and interefl together, to the aggregate fum of fix thoufand five hu>idred and eightv-eight Pagodas twenty-iix Pauams and feventy-three Cafh ■ i\,._.s. F. C. (0,588. 26. 73.) or two thoufand fix iumdred and tliirty-five Pounds eiglit Shillings and elevenpence llerling (j^. 2,63;,. S.s. 1 u/.) Do find, Tliat the laid Nabob Wallaj:di granted a ]?oiid to the faid Lieutenant Jol'eph Nevili, bearing date the thirty-firll day of December in tlie year of our I^ord one t'loufand leven hundred and eighty-fi.x, correfponding with the niiitli of the firft ivabbia twelve hundred and oik of the Hegyra, for the fum of three lliou- fnnd two hundred and twenty-fix I\igodas (3,226.) with intcrcft, at the rate of fix per cent. jier annum, from the thirty-firit day of December one thoulbnd fevcn hundred and eighty- fix: And we do further find, that the debt fo conltiUited by thr.. faid Bond from the faid IS'abob Waliajah to the faid Lieutenant Jofeph Nevill, was for military pay and allow- ances juftly due for fervices buna fide rendci'd by him to the faid Nabob, and that the laid Lieutenant Jofeph Nevill was not in the 'jm])iov of the L^nited Ealt India Corapanv ^^ hen he entered into or while he was employ 1 in tl e forvice of the faid Nabob: And we the faid Thomas Cockbmn and Charles Grant do hereby Award an 1 Adjudge, That upon the fifteenth day of May in the year unds four Shillings and elevenpence fterling (^.2,635. 4.>-. 1 u/.) no part thereof having been difMiarged, was and ftill is jultly due and owing from the reprefentatives of his faid Higlinefs the late Nabob AV'allajah to the reprefi'iitatives of the faid Lieutenant Jf)feph Nevill : And we do further Award and Order, That the laiti debt being 11 del.t eantrai-ted by his faid Ilighnels Waliajah for mililarv pay and allowances, is and IhrJl 1)!' compri:',e(I in the i'irft Clafs of Debts under the faid indenture: And we (\o further Av.ard and Adjudge, That tlie fiim of llx thoufand five hundred and eightv-ciijlit Pagodas four r\ma;ri3 and fiftj'-one Cafli Paes. F. C. ■ ' (6,588. 4. 51.) or two thoufand fix hundred and thirtv-five Pounds four Shillings and elevenpence Iterling (;^.-,635. 4.'!. j ic/.) is due and owing to ti»e faid 'I'lieodocia Nevill as admiiiiltratri.x aforefaid, and that the laid Ttieodo<-ia Nevill hath and fhall have right to i)artieij)iite to the amount of the faid fum otTix liioufand live hundred and eighty-eight l*a- }'aK«. F. c. godas four Panams and lifivone Cafli (f'1,588. 4. 51.) or two thf)iifand fix luindred and jhirty-live I'ouiuls four Shillings and elevenpence lierling (yT. 2,635. 4?. ii(/.)in the fuud provided bv the aforcliiifl liuleuture for iiitisl'aclioil of the private debts of the late Na- bobs of the Cainatic : A lid wc do fuitlier Award and Adjudge, 'lliai all the property and revenues of the faid Nabob ^^'allilJah, and his fuccell'ois or rep'ieleiitativcs, :\rc and fhall be for ever ae(|nitted and difcharged from all Claim wi^atfoevcr in refpe(il of the ("aid IJond or fhe Debt claimed tlicrei.n at the i:ilhinee of tiic faid 'Itieodoeia Nevill, or of any other [)er- fbn or perfons whatfoever: And we do further Award and Order, 'i'itat the original Bond .iforefiitl fhall be cancelled and delivered np to liie ("ourt of Dirertors of the faid United lliilt India C'lnipany : in VVitU' Is whereot We the faid 'I'honias (!oekbiirn and Charles (iiaiit have hereunto let our iiands the eigiilh div of Oetob;-r in the vear of our Lord o.ie ihoulhnd ei-hl huiuiicdaud ten. ,^- ,' rrilO\i.\S COCKlU'KiN. ^..i.ia>(i) icilAKLES GHANf junior. >Signe(I (being firlt duly fi.-'.nipc'l) in the prei'encs of (Signed) Ch'ot'S,!' VatkhtnfiK CARNATIC COMiMISSIOXEUS. 179 CLAIM N" 109 ill our rirft Report. N* 'jy. « TO till to whom thcfc rrofonts nmlicoinc: \Vc, Thonina Cockburij of Ilainnflead in iiy :iii u) wiiom uicic rrnoms iiinii come : v^ c, J nomas IJockburij of llainnltead )ii cj^ajm the rouiuy of Middlelcx, and Chnrles Grant junior of Tiincoln's-Inn in tlic (hirl County A" 12'm il.o G«cii»or of jMiildlel'tx, heing two of the Comtnifiioiiers and IJcfcrPcs a6iiig in ]'!n<^lan(l for tin; iIh; la Auguii lEOi; time !)( ing under a certain Deed indented and hcarinu d.-.te the tenth day of Julv fnc »,;"''!;,. ., .- „ „ tliouland ei^ht hunched and hve, " hetween the United Coin]);;ny of Merehanis ot J-.ngiand ,„„i m iviieiuchi. trading to the Lvift Indies of the one part, and the fi'veral P< ifous v.hoCe hand* and f'ali are thereto fe? and affixed, and who refpeetively are or claim to he (Creditors of iiii Highjiefs the Nabob Wallajah, formerly Nabob of Arcot and of the Carnaiic in tlio Mail tndief:, ar.d now deceafed, and of his Ilighnefs the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah, late Naboi) of Arcot and of the Carnatic, elded fon and fuccefi'or of his faid Ilighnefs the Naljob Waltaiah, and now alfo deceafed, and of his Highnefs the Amcrr ul ()mrah, the it^cond Ion o{ his faid Ilighnefs the Nabob 'W'allaja!), and now alio decealed, or of fom<; or one of diem the faid feveral Nabobs and the f.iid Ameer of the otlu i- i)art," Sen] , / Greeting: W'iiereas Uobert Storey of IJedford-fquare in the County of Middlel'i-s-, one of N ^ r the Executors named in the AA'ill of Major Cmovc Gillis late of Madras, deceafed, provctl in the Prerogative' Court of Canterbury, bearing date the nineteenth day of Augufl in the year of our Lord 0:10 thoui'and eight hundred and nine, did by his Altorney John I'ordyce of Whitehall in the County of Middleiex, fi nee deceafed, execute the afor( faid Indentine, and did thereby for himfelf, his luirs, executors, and adminillrator,;, I'ubinil himfelf to the judgment, award, order, and determination of the Commillionors under the af)refai; lierling (£. 1(3,704. 17s. oJ.) no part tliereof having been difcharged, was and (till is juitly due and owing from tlie reprcfentatives of liis i'aid Highncfs tlie late Nabob \\allajah to the rcpreientatives of the faid I^lajor Grove Gillis : And we do further Award and Order, That the faid Debt being a debt coiitratled by his faid Highnefs W'allajah for military pay and allowances, is and ihall be comprized in the Firli. Clafs of Debts under the faid Indcntinc : And vvc do further Award and Adjudge, That the fum of tliirtv-iiine tlniufiind fix hundred and fevciily-foer Puuodas and fixty- three Caih fags. F. C. _ - o (39,674. o. 63.) or fifteen thoufand eight hundred and fixty-nine Poimds twelve Shillings uiul twopence Iterling (;/[. 15,869. i2s. 2(1.) being a portion of the faid Debt, is due and owing to the fiiid ilobert Storey as executor aforefaid, and that the faid Robert Storey hath and fliall have right to participate to the amount of the faid fum of thirty-nine thouland fix l'a?s. F. C. hundred and fcvcnty-four Pagodas and fixty- three Cafli (39,674. o. 63.) or fi.teen thoufand eight hundred and lixty-nine Pounds twelve Shillings and twopence fterling (;^. 15, 869. 12s. 2d.) in the fund provided by the aforel'aid Indenture, for i'atisfaetion of the private debts of the late Nabobs of the Carnatie, and that the fum of two thouliuid and eighty-eight Pagodas Pans. F. C. foin- Fanams and thirty-feven Cafii (2,088. 4. 37.) or eight hundred and thirty-five Pounds fom- Shillings and tenpcnce iterling (^. 835. 4.S. lod.) being the remainder of the faid Debt, is due and owing to the faid Robert Storey, Samuel Jolmibn, and Charles liiniiy, as alfignees aforefaid, and that the faid Robert Storey, SamuelJohnlbn, and Charles Binny, have and fliall have right to participate to the amount of the i'aid i'um of two thoufand and eighty- Pags. F. C. eight Pagodas four Fanams and thirty-feven Cafli (2,088. 4. 37.) or eight hundred and thirty-five Pounds four Shillings and tenpence fterling (;£. 835. 4s. io<^.) in the fund pro- Tided by the aforefaid Indcntinc, for iatislat^ion of the private Debts of the late Nabobs of the Carnatie : And we do further Award and Adjudge, That all the property and levenues of the laid Nabob W^allajah and his hicceirors or reprefentatives, are and Ihall be for ever acquiited and difcharged t'rom all Claim whatlbever in reipet^t of the faid Bond, or the Debt ol.iimcd thereon at tlic initance of the faid Robert Storey as executor aforefaid, or of any «)ther perlbn or perlbns whatfocvcr : And we do further Award and Order, I'hat the original Bond aforefaid fhall be cancelled and delivered up to the Court of Diredors of the faid Liiited Eall India Company. In Witncfs whereof We the faid Thomas Cockburn and Charles Grant have hereunto fet our hands the tenth day of October in the year of our Lord one thoufand eight hundred and ten. (Signed) Signed (being firfl duly ftampcd) in the prefence of (Signed) George Paikhoufc. ( THOMAS COCKBURN. I CHARLES GRANT junior." N' 28. CLAIM N' 1,233 ill our Fifth Report. Cf AIM "TO all to whom tlieiePrefents fliall come: We, Thomas Cockburn of Hampftend in tiie N"i.i tiioCazoue County of Middlcii'x, and Charles Grant j','. ior of Lincoln's-lnn in the iiiifl County of ui iiiv -i,) Scpiciiibtr Middlefex, being two of the Coinniifhoners and Referees acting in luigland for the time K i,'ij:i''ii"'ii.c Fifili ^'^'",'3 "i"h'r a certain Deed indented and bearing date tiie tenth day of July one thoufand Jtci)UfUui'orliain<.'iit. eight luiiulrcd aiid five, " between the United Company of Merchants of l'*ngland trading lo the Eall Indies of the one part, and the fevcral Perlbns whofe hands and feals are thereto i'et and afli.\ed, and who rel'pcefively are or claim to be Creditors of his Highnefs the Na- bob \\ allajah, foiincrly Nabol) oi' Arcot and of the (^iirnatic in the Eall Indies and now dcccafed, iuid of |ii<; Highnefs the Nabob Oindut ul Oinrah, late Nabob of Arcot and of the Carnatie, elded Ion and fuccclibr of his iiiid liiglinefs the Nabob ^\ iillajah and now iilfo decealed, and of his Ilighiuls the Ameer ul Oinrah, the fecond (ijii of his faid Highnefs the Nabob A\'allajah and now alio deceafed, or of (ome or one of them the faid l(.'vcral Nabobs and the laid Ameer of the other part," Send Greeting: Whereas Captain Thomas Smith lale of I'ort St. (icorge in the Eall Indies, fince deeeaf'd, did by liis attorney .lohii /•"ordyce oi" VV'hilehull in the County of Middlefex, fince deceafed, execute the aloicfaid Indenture ^s\J Claiinar.ti. CARNATIC COMMISSIONERS. j8i Indenture, and did tlicrcby for hinilelf, liis heirs, executors and :idiriini{lrators, fiibmit Ai.' liindV.ir to the judgment, award, order, and determination of tlie Coinniillioners under the Adjudi aii)reiaid Indenture in nil things whatfoever relating to the feverai Claims made hy him inf/i-vou luuler the fuid Indenture: And wlioreas the faid Captain Thomas "^mitli did by his attorney '"--■— ]\obert Crueilix exeeute certain Artieles of Agreement, bearing ditte the third day of May^ in the year of our Lord one thoufaud eight hundred, between feverai perfon* deferibiu"- thcnsfelves as Creditors of the late Nabob of the Carnatic of the firfi pjirl, the faid John i'ordyec of the feeoncl part, and the perions hereinafter named as trudees of the tliini part, and did therel)y transfer and aliign over to George Mouhray of IJevonlliiie-lirct t in tlie Parifli of St. Mary-lc-bouf in the County of Middlefex, Sir John ("ail IJaronet, ihcii of J>urlington-lheet in tin; faid CoinUy of Middlefex, Charles liinny of llowland-dreet riizroy-lquare in the laid County of Middlefex, James Taylor then "of J'onland Place in the fud County of Middlefex but now of the town of Southampton in the County of Southampton, Kobert Storey of Bcdford-fquare in the faid County of Aiiddleliix, Alex- anrlir Culbl;ert of Bed ford- iquare aforeliiid, and Valentine Citnolly then of ISew liond- Creet but now of Portland-])lace in the ftiid County of JMiddlcfex, ilieir executors, aduii- ndirators and alligus, one-twentieth pait of every debt cr I'luu of money ov/isig to the J'airl Caplnin Thomas Smith from his Iligiuiefs the Nabob Oindut ul (Jmrah, foinierlv Nabob of the Carnatic, now deceal'ed, and of the interefc which fiiould have accrued thereon, the iiiid one-twentieth part to be taken upon the fum at which the principal and imcrcft of the faid debt (liould be liquidated or made up, to receive and hold the faid one-twentictli pari fo there- by to them aiiigned upon thetrulisin the laid Articles of Agreement mentioned and let forth; " ■which laid Articles of Agreement ;iuthori/,e an;l empower the iiiid George Mo\\brav, Sir John Call Baronet, Charles Bimiy, James Taylor, Kobert Storey, A^ULxander Culhbert, and Valentine Conolly, and the furvivors of them or the major part of tlitni, or of the ftnvivors of them for the time being, and the furvivor of them his c."',ei;tors or adminif- trators, to do do and perform all fucii afts as fliould be reer-annnm, from the firfl day of November in the year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundretl and eighty-two : And we do further find. That one thoufand Pagodas of the principal fum included in the faid Bond, >vas for a gift or prelii-iit, and the remainder for pay and allowances jiiftly due for l'nv\'ice^ bouu Jidi: rendered by the faid Colonel George Buck to the liiid Nabob^Vallajah: And we do further find, That the faid Nabob Waliajah granted another Bond to the fiiid Colonel George Buck bearing date die tenth day of February in the year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred and eighty-nine, correfpondinsr with the fourteenth of Jemadce ul Awal twelve Inmdred and three of trie Hegyra, for the fum of two thoufiind eight liundred Pagodas (2,800.) payable widiout intereft in twelve months from the firft July one thoufimd ieven lunuir.d and eighty-nine, and that the debt fb conflituted by the faid" Bond from the faid Nabob Ualhijah to the find Colonel George Buck was a eom|)enfation for his expences and iofs of employment in re-^ turning to Lidia from England for the lervice of the Nabob, and to defray the charges of his paffage back to England : And we do further find. That the fiiid Colonel George Huck did, on tiie eleventh day of February in the year one thoufand feven hundred and eigiity-nine, on receiving this Bond, grant a releafe to his Highnefs, iiating that except the faid Bond and the Bond of the firft November one thoufand feven hundred and eighty-two for twenty Pags. V. C. thoufand two hundred and ten Pagodas thirty-one Fanams and forty Cafli (20,210. 31. 40.) he had no other claim or demand whatloever either upon his Highnefs the Nabob ^^'allaiah or upon any of his fons or family : And we do furilier fold, That the faid Colonel George Buck was not in the employ of the United Eafl liidiu Company when he entered . into or while he was eiii|)loyed in the fervice of the faid Nabob \\'allaiali : And W'e^ the faid Benjamin llobhoufe, Thomas Cockburn, and Charles Grant, do hereby Award and Adjudge", Tliat upon the fifteenth day of ALiy in the year of our Lord one thoufand tight hundred and four the fum of fifty-one thoufand one hundred and fifty-eight Pa- ^ Pngs. F. C. godas feventeen Fanams and feventeen Cafli (51,158- 3 7- 17-) or twenty thoufand four liundred and fixty-three Pounds feven Shillings and threepence fterling (^.20,463. 7.?. 2^.) an/>/• CLAIM N' G3 ill our Fit ft Report. " TO all to whom thcle Prefents fliall come : We, Benjamin Hobhoufe of Whitton Park, in the County of Middlefex, Thomas Cockburn of Hampftead in the laid County of Mid- dlefex, and CMiarlcs Grtuit junior of Lincoln's-Inn in the faid County of Middlefex, being the Cominitiioncrs and Referees acting in England for the time being, under a certain Deed in- dented and bearing date the tenth day of J uly one thoufand eight hundred and five, " between the United Company of Merchants of England trading to the Eaft Indies of the one part, and the feveral Perfons whofe hands and feals are thereto fct and afiixed, and who refpeotively arc or claim to he Creditors of his Highncfs the Nabob Wallajah, formerly Nabob of Arcot and of the Ctimatic in the Eali: Indies, and now deceaied, and of his Ilighnefs the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah, hite Ntibob of Areot and of the Carnatic, cldelt ion and liicceifor of his liiid Higii- nefsthe Nabob WaHajah, and now alio deceaied, and of his Highnels the Ameer ul Omrtib, the feeond fon ol his fiiid H ighnefs the N.ibob Wallajah, and now alfo deceaied, or of fome or one of them the faid feveral Nabobs and the faid Ameer of die other part," Send Greeting : riilij£I«L'J.A''''^S§-&Xy'v£L.HilLpX.ily!l^^^^^ i" *iic County of MicldlefeA«..,one of the 'execi'lorriiarned m tlie W^dj, of_Lieutrnanf Jf^ih^ dcecafed, late of Fort St. George in the Eafi Li'dies^ tiath by his attorney' Jolm Pijrdyt* 'of Whitehall in the Cotinty of Mifkilefex, iinee deceaied, executed the aforcfud Indenture, and hath thereby fir himfelf, his heirs, executi'rs, Mid adminiftrators, fubmitted hiinfelf to the judgment, award, order, Hiid delcrmination of the Comiiilliouers uiuler the aforefaid Indenttire, in all things ivhatfoever relating to the feverai Claims made by him uniler the faid Indenture : And whereas the faid James Sti!art„,yalJ[,^as executor aforefaid, htith executed certain Articles of Agreement beartn^^aie the tli:rd day of May in the year of our Lord one thoufand fcven luindr-Hl and n.at ty-fi\, betv\een feveral perlbns delcribing themfelvcs as Creditors of the late Nabob of Arc/t of the firlt pait, the faid John Eordyce of the feeond part, and the perfons thcmn n.iined as 'j'ruUees of the third part, and, hatli thereby tiansferred and afligned ovi r to the fiiid 'IVullees one-twentieth part ol every dibt or fum of money owing to liiin as fui-h executor from his Highnefs tlie laid Nobob Walhijah, and of the iutereii which fiiould have accrued tlureon, the faid one-twentieth part to be taken upon the fum at which the principal and intereft of the faid debt lliould l>e liquidated or made up, to receive and hol'l the lina one-twcnti(;lii part fo thereby to them a'figned upon the trulls in the laid Aitit-leE of ^tgu'eiiui.t mentioned and let forth : And whereas Bobcrt Storey, Samii.'l Johnlon, and Charles Bnniy, being ihe fiirvivors of the find Trultees who li.ve executed the (aid Articles of Agreement, have alio executed the aforeliiid Indenture of the tenth day of July one tlioulinul ei^ht ii.i:i>;red atul five, and nuve thereby for themfelvcs, their heirs, «Xccutors aud aduiinillntiors, lubiuitted theuueivcs to the judgment, award, order, and deterniintition CARNATIC COMMISSIONERS. 185 dc'corinia^tion of the Commiilioncrs appointed under tlu; faid liulnnlurc, in all tilings what- Abfolute Ibcvcr relating to the fovcr<-il Claims made by them under the (hid Indenture: And^wheiwis AdjuJicaiioiM Colonel Maruicl M;irtinz, ;mother of the extTutors named in tiic AV'ili oi' the l.ilc .l,ieutebt io conltituted by the faid Bond, from the faid Nabob Wallajah to the faid Henry ]*riee, was for arrears of pay and allowances juitly due for ferviees l)i)}ij fide rendered liy him to the faid Nabob; and that the I'aid Heniy Price was not in the employ of the United Lalt India Company when he enteied into or wiiile he was employed in the ferviee of the faid Nabob : And we do i'urther fiiid. That the faid Bond and the intereft thereon was alligned by the faid'Heniy Price to the faid Lieutenant Joha Jordan his heirs, executors and adminiftrators: And we, the laid Benjamin Hobhoure, Thomas (lock b\nn, and Charles (Jrant, do hereby Award and Adjudge,That upon the fifteenth rtv-fix Cafli (2,2-7. 3d. 46.) or eight hundred and mnetv-onc ]'oi;n(ls "two Shillings and elevenpence iterling U'.Soi- 2.«. iirovi(!c(l bv the aforefaid Lidenuire for fati.fdCtion of the private debts of tlic late NalK-.b3 of the Carhatie; and that the fiun of one hundred and feventeen Pagodas ten lanams and lixtvCafli (ii't.' io."6o5or fortv-fix Pounds and eighteen Shillings fterling (.£.40. iSc) b.iiio- the re.nai:ider of the faiein, or of any other perlbn or perfons wliatroever : And we do further Award and Order, Tl)ar the original lionds aforcraid fiiall be can<'ellcd and delivered up to the Court of ])in'<^tors of the faid United Eall India C'ompany. In W'itnefs whereof We the faid Benjamin Hobhoiife, Thomas Coekburn, and Charles (irant, have hercnnto let oin- hand.s the twcnty-ibcond dav of October in the j'car of our Lord one tlioufand oi^lu. hunched and ten. IM'.NJAMIN IIOIUIOUSE. (Signed) JlllO.MAS COrKhUKN. Signed (being firft duly fiampcd) in the prefence of (Signed) (ieorge Paik/ioufi:. 1 CHARLES L. .-..ANT jur.i.jr." U) r.irl anient. H^ T^T. 34^ C L A I AI N° 2 in our Firft Report. — — " TO a;l to whom tl;cle Prefents ilmll eomo : Wu, Benjamin Hobhov.fe of ^Vhitton Park C-!r!P^ .u n .1 „f i'l the County of Middlefe.K, Thomas Ctxkhurn of IJampltead in the laid Coiuitv of iiip 12 Augiiit I3;}(ji jNliddlefex, and Charles Grant pmior ot Lineoln's-lnn in thi; faid County of iiiddlefex, Riiri. being the Comminioners and Referees aoting in Eng'an;' for the fiine b:>ii)g, under a certain K"'j „ii\>e Firft Pu-port j^^.^.^j i,j(ij,jjrgj ^jd bearing date the tenth day of July one thoufand eight hundred and five. " between the United Compan}- of jNIcrchants of England trading to the Eali- Indies of the one I'art, and the feveral perfons whofe hanrls anrl I'eals are tlioret) fet and alHxed, and who refpectiveiv are. or claim to be Creditors of hi-i llighnefs the Naboi) Wallajah, Ibnnerly ?s;djc).b of Areot and of tiic Carnatic in the EaU Indies, and now deoeafed, a^id of his liighnefs the Nabob Omdut id Oiiirah, late ISabob of Areot and of the Carnatic, eldcft ion ;;nd i'lieeelibr of bis faid niglmefs the .Nabob Wallajah, and now aii'o deeeafed, and of his llighnefs the Ameer ul Omrah, the feeoiid fon of his faid llighnei's the Nabob Wallajah, and i;ow ali'o deeeal'ed, or of fome or one of them the laid feveral Nabobs and the faid Ameer of the other i-'art," Send Greeting: Whereas Doctor James Anderibn of Port St. Cleorge in the Eait Indies, did by his attorne}- John TOrdyce of Whitehall in the County of Middlefex, fmeo dreeafed, execute the atijrcfaid Indenture, and did thereby for hiinl'eH'his heirs, executors and aduuniftrators, liibuiit himi'eh to the judgu>ent, award, oriler, and determination of the Com- Hiiilioners under the aforefaid Indenture, in all things whati'oever lelaling to the feveral Claims made bv him under the faid Indenture: And whereas the faid James Atiderfon did execute certain Articles of Agreement bearing date the fecond day of February in the year of our Lord one thoufand eight hundred and one, between leveral perfons (lefcrihing themfclves as Creditors of tlie then late Nabob of the Carnatic of the firft part, the iai 1 John Pordyce of the iceond part, and the pcrfon-; therein named as Trii'tecs fif the third pari, and did thereby transfer and allign over lo the faid Truftees one-twentieth part of every debt or I'um of money owing to hiui from his llighnefs the laid Nabob Wallajah, and of the inteivil which Ihould have accrued thereou, the laid onc-twentietli part to be taken upon the fuui at which the principal and intereft of the faid debt (hould be licpjitlated or made up, to receive and hold the (i'dd (me-twentieth part fo thereby to thciU alligtied upon the truits in the faid Articles of Agreement meniioned and let forih : And whereas Samuel Jolinfon and Charles Binny, being the only two of the liiid Truftees wlio have executed the laid Agreement, have ailb executed the albrei'aid Indenture of the tenth day of July one thoufand eight hutulrcd and five, and have thereby lor thcmfelves, their heirs, cxecuiors, and adminidiators, fubmittcd 1/ themiblves to the judgtne.it, award, order and determination of the Cominillioners V appointed under the fai;l Indenture, in all things vvhatfoever relating to the feveral Claims made by thcji under the fiiid Indenture: Aiid wlicreas the faid James Anderfon has fincc depiirt^d-tlns hie, and Charles Berry, one of the cxccl)Tr)t?"n:nW'd'irriV Cb7riPtt''"rttVncxed to inti V^'ill()f the laid James Anderfon, proved the faid W ill togedier with the faid Codicil in the ]'rer.>galive Court of Canterbury, and obtained Lettcvs oi' Admiuiftiatioa from the faid Court: Now know ye, I'hat wc, the faid Henjamin 1 iobhoutl', Tiiomas Coekburn, and Charles (irant, having taken into coulideration a Claim made by the laid James Andeifoii upon ills faid llighnefs the late Nabob Wallajah, for the piineip-al linn of iixtici) hundred I'li).'^. All-. ;ind ninety Pagodas and live Annas (],oqo. 5.) with interefl; upon the fame, at the rate 'A' fix percent, per annum, fni:ji the fevcuti'ciith day of March in tiic year of our Lord one thoufand feven iiimdred and and ninety-five, to the Hfceeiith due and owing to the i'aid Samuel J obnlon and (Uunles ]5inny as alhgnees afortiaid, and that the laid Samuel Jobnibn and C'liarles Pinny have and fliall have right to participate to the amount of tiie i'aid I'uin of one hundred and ten Pacodas and eight Fanams P.gs. F. . . , . (110. 8.) or forty-four Poiinds one Shilling and llxpcncc fverling (of. 44. ] *•. C>J.) in the fund provided by the aforel'aid Indenture for i'atisfaction of the private Debts of the late Nabobs of the Carnatie: And we do I'urtber Award and Adjudge, 'J'hat all the properly and revenues of the i'aid Nabob ^Valrajah and his I'ueecliors or reprefentative.s are and ihall be for ever accpiitted and difeharged from ail Claim whatl'oever in rei'pect of tJie i'aid 15ond, or the Debt elaimed thereon at the ini'tanee of the l;nd (!harles P.erry, or of any other perfon or pui'ons whatlbever : And we do further Award and Order, That the original Pond sifovelaid ihall be cancelled and delivered up to the Court of Directors of the i'aid United I'jait India Coni[)any. Li A\ itnel's whereof V\'e the i'aid Penjamin llobbonl'e, Thomas Cock- burn and Charles Grant, have hereunto i'et our hands the Mrl't day of November in the year of our Loril one thoul'aud light bundled and ten. f PF.NJAMIN HOBHOUSE. (Signed') ^ THOMAS COCKIU'llN. tCIlAilLL.S GUANT iunioi Slgne.l (being firil duly ftamp;d) tCHAilLL.S GUANT junior." in the prefenee of (Signed) John Varhlwiije. C L A I ?\I N° 724 ill our Filth Report. X* .3.--;. " TO all to whom tlul'e Prcl'ints ihall eoiiK': \\ e, lienjamin Ilobhot'fr of '\Miitton Park CIAtM Jn tlie County of iMiddlet'ex, Th.mias Coekburn of Hampitead in the faid Countv of -^° ^St^ '"■''« Gawii* Mid^llefex, and Ciiarles Grant junior of Lincolh's-Inn in the faid County of .Middleib.v, ||[^'|''«=-.'^J''"<= '*'^; being the Coir.iniiboners and Referees atting in Fngland for the time being undera certain n'7;;i in tiip Fiitii Re- Deed, indented and bearing date the tenth day of July one thoui'and eight huutlred and purt tu I'jiliojMut. five, " between the United Company of Merchants of England trading to the Eait Indies of the one part, and the i'cveral perious vvboi'e hands and {'n\h are thereto i'et and aiiixed, and who rei'pectively are or claim to be Creditors of his liigbneis the Nabob ^A allajah foniwrlv Naluib of Areot and of the Carnatie ia the iilai'r Indies, and now deceal'ed, ajid of iiis Higlineii the Nabob 0nn-ah paid to the faid Majin- du Pre on the tweiity-fourtU day of March one thoul'and feven lumdred and nincty-eigiit the lum of three hundred and PilL-s. fevcnty-five Pagodas (375.) and ihat the faid jMajor du Pre wai not in the employ of ilie United Ea(t India Comjjany when he entered into or while he was employed in the fervice of their faid Highnelfes : And wc, the faid Penjainin Hobhoufe, Thomas Coekburn, and Charles Grant, do hereby Award and Adjudge, That upon the fifteenth day of May in the year of our Lord one thoufand eight liundred and f lur, the fum of five thoufand 1'hhs. F. C. fix hundred and ten Pagodas and thirty-four Calh (5,610. o. 34.) or two thoufand two hundred and forty-four Pounds and one penny tterling (^. .!,'244. os. iJ.) rcniained undifcharged and was and fiill is julily due and owning lioui the repryfentatives of tlie late Nabolis ^\'allajali and Onulul ul Onuah to the repreienlatives of the faid Major du Pre: And wc do further Award and Order, That the faid debt being a debt con- tracted by their faid Highnefl'cs for military ])ny and allowances, is and ihall be com- prized in the Firft Clafs of J)ebts under the laid Indenture: And we do further Award and , Adjudge, That the fum of five thoufand lix hundred and ten Pagodas and thirty-four Cafli / f'^.LS. !••. C. / (5,610. o. 34.) or two thoufand two hundred and f"ft TO all towliom tlioio IVcf.nts fliall como: Wc, P.enjamiii HoMioufe of Whiiton Park ' -/-— ' m the County oh MuMlelex, Thomas Cocklmm of tJamplba.I in the laid County of Mid- \'» y,n diefcx, and Chaile.s Grant junior of Lincolii's-lnn in the; faid County of Middlcfrx, Urini' _' tlie Coinmillioneis and Hcferees acting in Ivigland for tlii; lime beini^, under a certain Drcd ri aim nidontedand i)oanng date the 10 day of .Inly 1.S05, " bctuoon the United Coinnany of N-'i?/ in .1,0 0,,o„e Merchants ot Liiglitnd irachng to the l^ad ln(hes of the one part, and the fcvcral IVrion.s ofiiie i7 June ibw; M-hofe hands and teals are thereto fet and aihx.id, and ^^ho refpeiHivclv arc or claim to he j^'"^',,' ■ ,u rou Creditors of his I iigluiefs the ^abob Wallah .)ah, formerly Nabob of Arcot and of the Car- ' I^^o;^!^l•i,lL;.cuu iiatic m the baft Indies, and now dceoafed, and of his Higiinels the Nabob Onidut ul Omrah, late Nabob of Arcot and of the Carnatic, eldcft fon and fuccelfor of his faid Hi nels the Nabob Wallah Jah, and now alfo dcceafed, and of his Hi-rhnefs the /\n)eer"'ul Cnirah, the fceond ion of his faid Highnefs the Nabob Wallah .lah, and now alfo deee.ifed, or of fonie or one of iheni the faid feveral Nabobs, and the laid Ameer of the other part," / Seiid Greeting: Whereas Paul Viriya of Madras hath executed the aforefaid Indenture, y and hath thereby for hiinfelf, his heirs, executors and adminiihators, fubmilted hindelf to the judgment, award, order and determination of the Commillioners under the aforefaid Indenture, in all things whatibever relating to the feveral Claims made by him under the faid Indenture: Now know ye. That we the faid Benjamin Hoblioufe, Thomas Coekbuni, and Charles Grant, having taken into conhderation a Claim made by the faid Paul Viriv;i upon ills Highnefs Oindut ul Ouuah, formerly Nabob of the Carnatic, and now dcceafed for the principal fum of one hundred and fixty Pagodas (160.) with intcrcft upon the fame at the rate of fix per cent, per annum, from the 1 day of .Inly in the year of our J^ord 1700 to the 15 day of iMay in the year 1804, amounting, principal and interell together, to the aggregate fum of two iiundred and fix Pagodas thiny-li\e Paiuims and lorty-four Calh fag's. F. C. (•00. 35. 44.) or eighty-two Pounds fourteen Shillings and three-pence fterling (£.fiz. 14s. 3^.) which Claim the faid i'aul Viriya hath Itated to be foundc'd upon a Bdl for pay lor ft rvices performed while Serjeant-Major in the fervice of the faid late Nabob Omdut ui' Omrah, and having duly inveftigated the laid Claim according to the covenants, prov:fions and direcLions of tlie aforeiaid Indenture, do llnd, That noihing is due to the faid Paul Viiiya in )elj>ect of his faid Claim upon his Highnefs the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah dcceafed : And we the faid Benjamin Hobhoufe, Thomas Cockburn, and Charles G'rant, do hereby Award and Adjudnc, That the faid Paul Viriya hath no right in refped of his faid C'laiui to participate in the fund provided by the aforefaid Indenture, for fatisfae^lion of the private Debts of the late Nabobs of the Carnatic, and his llighnels the Ameer ul Omrah: Aiul wc do further Av.-ard and Adjudge, That all the property and revenues of the faid Nabob Omdut ul Omrah, and his fucceflors or reprei'entatives, are and Ihall be fur ever acrpiltted and difcharged from all demands whatfocver in refpcdl of the faid Claim made at the infhmce of the faid Paul Viriya, or of any other i*erfun or I'erl'ons whatfocver. In AV'ituefs whereof v.e the fal'•l^ having tfiken into confideration a Claim made by tiie laid Faiz iMohomcd Cawii, (I'rai'ml Vuzici- ul Nclih Hesrum, and l\aiiamet ul ISefl'a Begum, upon liis Higir.icfa tiie kite ISaliob Clafmants. Omdut ul Omir.h, tor the principal lum of one thoui'and and niuety-lcvcn Pagodas and lix ; Pii-5. F. C. Fanams (1,007. ^- o-) <^^' ^o"'" hundred and thirtj'-eight Pounds feventcen Shillings and f-nc penny iicrlin<^ (^'.438. ij-.s. id.) as tor arrears of pay due to them by the late Nabob Omdut ul Omrali at die period of his dealh, and having chdy inveltigated tlic faid Claim according to the covenants, provifions and directions of the aforefaid Indenture, do find, That nothing is due to the faid Faiz ]\iohomed Cawn, Vuzier ul Nelfa Begum, or Kahamet ul Nclia BcQ-um on the Claim aforefaid : And we the laid Benjamin Hobhoufe, Thomas Cockburn, and Charles Grant, do hereby Award and Adjudge, That die faid Faiz ISIohomcd Cawn, Vuzier ul Ncfla Begum, and lialiamet ul Nelfa Begum, have no right in refpec't of tiieir faid Claim to ])articipate in the fund provided by the aforefaid Indenture, for fatisfacition of the private Dclits of the late Nabobs of the Carnatic: And we do i'urther Award and Ad- judge, That all the property and revenues of the faid Nabob Omdut id Omrah, and his fue- ceifors or reprcfcntatives, are and (hall be for ever acquitted and difchaiged from all demand whatfoever in refpect of the faid Debt claimed at tlie indance of the faid Faiz Moliomed Caun, Vuzier ul NelTa Begum, and Bahamet ul NelRi Begum, or either of them, or of any other Perfon or Perfons wiiatlbever. In A\' itnei's whereof we the faid Benjamin Hob- lioul'e, Thomas Cockburn, and Charles Grant, have hereunto fet our hands the fixteentii day of Ot^tober in the year of our Lord one thoufand eigiit hundred and ten. (BENJAMIN HOBHOUSE. (Signed) ^THOMAS COCKBURN. Signed (being firft duly flamped) (■ ClIABLES GRANT Junior, in the [uefence of, (Signed) George PaiJchoiife. ■^» r^o CLAIM N° 1351 and 1352 in our Fifth Report. / CT.AIM TO all to whom thefe Prefents fliall come, We, Benjamin Hobhoufe of Whitton Park in I\° 183 and 134 in the the County of Middlefex, Thomas Cockburn of Hampftead in the faid County of MidtUe- Gnzc^tie of the 17 j-p^,^ jjuj Charles Grant junior of Lincoln's-Inn in the faid County of Middlefex, being X"' 13)1 and ]?(.■>;.' in ^he CoinmiHioners and lleferees aCting in England for the time being, under a certain ih.- Filth Report to Deed indented and bearing date the 10 day of July 1805, " between the United Company of Parliament. Merchants of England trading to the Eaft Indies of the one part, and the feveral Perfons wliofe hands and feals are thereto fet and affixed, and who refpeCtively are or claim to be Creditors of his Highnels the Nabob Wallah Jah, formerly Nabob of Arcot and of the Carnatic in the Eaft Indies, and now deceafed, and of his llighnefs the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah, late Nabob of Arcot and of the Carnatic, eldeft fon and fucceffor of his faid lligh- nefs the Nabob AValiah Jah, and now alfo deceafed, and of his Highnefs die Ameer ul Ormah, the fecond Ion of his faid Highnefs the Nabob ^^ allah Jah, and now alfo deceafed, or of fome or one of them the faid feveral Nabobs, and the faid Ameer of the other part," Send Greeting, Whereas George Tafwell of Madras in the Eaft Indies, hath executed the aforefaid Indenture, and hath thereby for himfelf, his heirs, executors and adminiftrators, fubinitted himfelf to the judgment, award, order and determination of the Coinmiffioners under the aforefaid Indenture, in all things whatfoever relating to the feveral Claims made l)y him under the faid Indenture: Now know ye, That we the faid Benjamin Ilobhoiile, Thomas Cockburn, and Charles Grant, having taken into confideration two Claims made by tlie faid (jcorge Tafwell as alligiu'e of Trichiiio[)ly, Soobcuoy Pillay and of Scevagunga Tiiudava Moortee Pillay, the one upon a Bond laid to be from the Nabob Wallajah to Veerabadra Pillay, bearing date as alledged the 15 Zeecad 1 109 of the llegyra, correfpond- ing with the 20 day of September 1785, for thirty thoufand Pagodas (30,000) with arrears of interelt, alleged to be due thereon to the 15 day of May 1804, amounting, principal and intereli; together, to the aggregate lum of fifiy-eight thoufand eight hundred and eighty- I's. F. C. i'i'xcn Pagodas twenty-two I'anams and forty Calli (58,887. 22. 40.) or twenty-three thou- laud live liimdred and fifty-five I'ouiiils llerliiig (.i'.'-3,555) the other upon a Bond faiil to be from his faid llighnefs the Nabob Wallajah to Veral'amy Diiballi, bearing date the 4 Ucjcb 1201 of the ilcgyra, corrifpondiiig with llie 23 day of A[iril 1787, for fitly thuu- Ps. faiid Pagodas (50,000) with arrears of intered alleged to be diu' thereon to the 15 day of May 1804, anujuntiiig, principal and inlerell togellier, to tlie aggregate i'umofoiie hundfeil and three tlioufaiid one hundrtd and forty-Hve Pagodas thirtv-feven Fanams and forty Calh Ps. F. C. (103,145. 37. 40.) or forty-one thoufand two hundred and fifty-eight Pounds fix Shillings and eigiit-peiiee llerliiig (jf. 41,258. 6s. Sd.) which two aggregate funis being added together, make the total aggregate amount claimed by the laid George Tafwell to be one hundred and Ps. F. C. fi.\ty-two thoufand and thirty-three Pagodas and eighteen Fanams (162,033. 'S- o.) or fixly- j'oiir thoufand eight liiiiidred and thirteen Pounds fix .Shillings and eight-pence (ierliiig (^. 64^813. 6s. 8(/.) and having duly invelHgateil the faitl Claims according to the covenants, juoviljyiis Goo i'a'u CAHNATIC commissioners. irji ^ovifioiis and dircclions of the aforcfaid Indcntiiic, do find, Tliat llicTiond for tliirly tliou- A1/o1h1(> faiid Paq;od;is (.",o.oao) purports on tlie face of it to be a liond from tlie \aI)ob ^^'allajall to '^a'"aipfi^"^ Veerabadni I'illay l>ul):iih, \yiiich Hor.d Sccvagiinga'ruiiflava Mortfc I'illay, who dciiril.es Cirinnii.is. ■Iiiinlt-lf as llif ion ami l'ii< ii'll'or of Vcoral-adra J'illay, and i'nU' lu-ir to liis ci'tiac and propf-rty, v ^ ' -aliigned to tlie faid Geojge 'i'ai'wcll : And vvc do furilicr find, Tliat llic Bond for fifty thou- I's. -^ Taud Pagodas (50,000) pinpcrts on tlio face of it to be a Bond from tlie Nabob Wallajali to Veerafaniy J)ubafii, wliicli Hond Triciiinoply Soobaroy I'illay, wlio deft-ribcs liimiWif as the and furi'clVor of Vcrafainy, and Iblc heir to his clifilc and proppily, alfigm^d to the faid / rge Talwcll : And we do i'lnthcr find, Tliat both tho I'aiil lionds arc not tlic IJonds of tiic \/\/ late Nabob Wallajidi, but forgeries and Ipnrions fal)rications, of which rircuniltanoe it|i» » •fippears the; laid George 'I'afwell the aflignec had no Knowledge whatever when he purehalod I i the faid Bonds, and that ihe faid George Tafwell fineethe dilcovcr}' of their being fpurioup, I ) lias aided and alhlted in (iideavoiuing to bring the perpetrator or perpetrators to puniihincnt: And we the faid Benjainin Hobhouli:;, Thornns (I'ochbnrn, and Charles Grant, do liere!;y Award and Adjudge, Tiiat tiie faid George Tafwell has no Claim on the fund provided ijy the aforel'aid Indentnrc, for falisfadion of the private Debts of the late Isabobsofthc Carnatic, in rel'pec'l; of the faid Iionds agaiaft tlie faid late Nabob Wallajah : And v.e do farther Award and Adjudge, That all the [)roperty and revenues of the laid Nabob A\'a!!ajah and his faccellbrs or reprcfentat:ves, are and Ihall be for ever aef[uitted and difehargcd iroin all Claim whatfoever in refpect of the faid two Bonds, or the J)ebts elainied thereon at the inftanceof the faid George Tafwell, or of anv other I'erfon or Perfons whatfoever: And we do further Award and Order, That the two Bonds afbrelaid (hall be eancelled and delivered up to the Court of Directors of the faid United Eall India Company. In Witnefs whereof we the laid Benjamin Ilobhoule, Thomas Coekbnrn, and Charles (Jrant, have hircnnlo i'et our hands the twenty-ninth day of October in the year of our Lord one ihoufaQd ciglit hundred and ten. f BENJAMIN IIOBHOUSE. (Signed) ^THOMAS COCKBUUN. Signed (being firft duly flamped) C CHARLES GRANT Junior, in the prelenee of (Signed) John PaikJwufe. CLAIM N" 1394 in our Fifth Report. N* 36. TO all to whom thefe Prefents (liall eoine : We, Benjamin llobhoufc of \\"l)iiton Park in CLAIM the Countv of iMiddlefex, Thomas Coekburn of IlampUead in the faid Conntv of Muldlefex, ^° f'r'VYi^^lT' , „, ,- ^, . ,. T • I.I 1 I- ■ 1 ,■'> ,■ 1 1 • 1 u" ,■ I • 1 ol the 15Joly 180'J ; and Charles (jrant junior or Lineolns-lnn m the laid County 61 iMuldlelcx, being the and, Gommiirioncrs and Referees acting in England for the lime being, under a certain Deed in- N" '-'S* '" 'l" F'ft'> dented and bearing date the loda^ of July 1805; « between the United Company of Mer- Rei«'"wl'«''«u«'>t. chants of England trading to the Eaft Indies of the one part, and the feveral Perlbiis w hole hands and Icals are thereto fet and aliixed, and who relpecl:ively are or elaiin to be Creditors of his Highncfs the Nabob Wallah J ah, formerly Nalwb of Arcot and of the Carnatic in the Eaft Lidies, and now deceafed, and of his Highnel's tlie Nabob Onulut ul Ouindi late Kabob of Arcot and of the Carnatic, eldelt fon and i'ueeeHbiof his laid Ijigiinefs the Nabob Wallah Jah, and now alio deceafed, and of his Highnel's the Ameer ul Oinrah, the fecond fon of his faid Highnel's the Nabob ^^'allah Jah, and now alfo deceafed, or of fome or one of them the faid Icveral Nabobs, and the faid Ameer of the other part," Send Greeting: Whereas Veneatachella Moodely of Madras in the Enil Lidies hath executed the aforefiid Lulenture, and hath thereby for himfelf, his heirs, executors and admiiiiftrators, fubiiiittod liimfelf to the judgment, award, order and determination of the Coinmillioners under the aforefaid Indenture, in all things whatfoever relating to the leveral Claims made by him •under the faid Indenture: Now know ye. That we the faid Benjamin Ilubhoufe, Thomai Cockburn, and Charles Grant, having taken into eonfideralion a Claim made by tiie laid Veneatachella Moodely, as fon and heir of Soobaroy Moodely late of_ Madras in the Ealt Indies deceafed, upon a Bond faid to be from the Nabob AV'allajah to Soobroy Moodelly Sahoo, bearing date as alleged the 15 of Rujub in the year 1105 of the Hcgyra, correfpoiidiug with theSday of July in the year of our Lord 1781, for ninety-eight thouliind S. Pays. five hundred Star Pagodas (98,500.) with arrears of intcreft alleged to be due thereon to the 12 day of February in theyear of our Lord 17S5, at the rate of twelve per cent, per annum, and from tlie 12 day of February in the year of our Lord 1785 to the 15 day of May in the year of our Lord 1804, at fix per cent, per annum, amounting, principal and intereft toge- ther, to the asgresate fum of two hundred and fiftv-four ihoufand eight hundred Star S. Pags. F. 'c. Pagodas thirteen Fanams and fixty Cafii (254,800. 13. 60.) or one hundred and one thoufand nine hundred and twenty Pounds two Shillings and eight-pence fterling (.^.101,920. 2s. Sd.) and having duly inveitigated the faid Claim according to the covenants, provifions and tlireitions of the aforefaid Indenture, do find, That the laid Bond for ninety-eight thoufand S. Pags. Star Pagodas (98,000.) purports on the face of it to be a Bond from the Nabob "Wallajah to Soobroy V 192 SIXTH REPORT of the Abfohitc Soohroy jMoodelly Sahoo : And wc do further find, That the faid Bond is not the Bond of Adjuilications the iiud late Nabob Wallajah, but a forgery and fpurious fabrication : And we the laid agriiiijl Benjamin Kobhoufc, Thomas Cockburn, ttnd Clinrles Grant, do hereby Award and Adjudge, Claimants. That the faid V'cncatachella Moodely, ion and heir of Soobaroy Rloodcley as aforefaid, iias ■^ no claim on the fund provided by the aforefaid Indenture, for iatisfattion of the private Debts of the late INabobs of the Carnatic, in refpett of the faid Bond againit the faid late Nabob "Wallajah: And we do further Award and Adjudge, That all the property and revenues of the faid JNabob Wallajah, and his fucceffors or reprefentatives, arc and fliall be for ever acquitted and difcharged from all Claim whatfoever in rcfpcft of the faid Bond, or the Debt claimed thereonat the inftance of the faid Vencatachclla M oodely, or of any other Perfon or Perfons whatfoever: And we do further Award and Order, That tlie Bond aforefaid fhall be cancelled and delivered up to the Court of Directors of the faid United IZaft India Company. In Witnefs vihercof we thefaid Bciij:iniin Hobhoufe, Thomas Cockburn, and Cliarles Grant, have hereunto fet our hands the lifih day of jSovembcr in the year of our Lord one thoufand eight hundred and ten. Signed (being firft duly ftamped) in the prefence of, (Signed) John Parkkotife. f BENJAMIN HOBHOUSE. (Signed) ^THOMAS COCKBURN. CCHAPtLES GRANT Junior. THE following Claims, which are of the fame defcription as the one immediately preceding, being founded upon Forgeries, fimilar Awards upon them have been entered up. For the purpofe of avoiding unneceffary trouble and expence, we do not give the Awards at lengtli, but merely an Claim K" 9C6 in the Fifth Report to Parliament - Claim N° 107" in the Fifth llcport to Parlianie.at - Claim N° ICSG in the Fifth Report to Parliament - Claim N° 1285 in the Fifth Report to Parliament - Claim N" 11 pb" in the Fifth Report to Parhanient - Claim N= 1263 in the Fifth Report to Parliament - ABSTRACT. - Award N" 37 dated November 5, ISIO, againft Narrani Pillay, Amount - S. Pao= 212,336 0. or £.Si,934, 8 O - Award N" 33 dated November 5, 1810, againft Rama Naick, Amount - S. Pa-jM 49,558 40 0. or /. 59,823 11 7 - Award N° 39 dated November 5, ISIO, againft Soobramany Pillay, Amount - S. Pag^ 186V)25" 30 0. or £.7-l;650 13 "s - Award N° 40 dated November 6, ISIO, againft Summooga Pillay, Amount - S. PagM43,911 5 0. or £.57,564: 12 - Award N" 4-1 dated November 6, ISIO, againft Samenada !\Ioodellv, Amount - S. Pag' 135,663 40 0. or £. 5i,'26j 11 "s - Award N" 42 dated November 6, 1810, againft Seeiievafa Row, Amount - Pag* 270,526 0. or £. 10S,210 8 Claim N" 1457 in the Fiftli Report to Parliament - - Award N» 43 dated November 6, 1810, agaiuft Vella Pillay, Amount - S. Pag' 285,64.5 37 40. or /■. 1U,258 7 2 Claim N° 1273 in the Fifth Report to Pailiameiit - - Award N° 44 dated November 7, 1810, againft Sucarapah Moodellv, Amount - S. Pag' 293,481 0. or £-93,Tij'2 8 "o Claim N° 1391 in the Fifth Rep(;rt to Parliament - - Award N° 45 dated November 7, 1810, agaiuft Vencatacliilla Pillay, Amount - S. Fag' 205,912 22 40. or £.8'-l,36o Claim N° 1195 in the Fifth Pioport to Parliament - - Award N' 46 dated November 7, ISIO, againft Samenada Moodiliar, Amount - S. Pag' 241,935 0. 01: £.96,774 O Claim N°9''l in tlie Fifth Report 10 i'arliamcnt - - Award N° 47 dated November 7, 1810, againft Kagapab Rraminv, Amount - S. P;ig' 191,522 3 10. or £.7(i,(i09 3 10 Claim N" 1387 in tbe Fifth Pioporl to Parliament - - Award N* 48 dated November 8, 1810, againft V'ecrapah Moodiliar, Amount - S. Pag' 134,604 7 40. or £.53,841 13 5 Claim N° 971 in the Fifth Report to Parliament - - Award N* 49 dated Novembers. 1810, againft Naraflnga Rayer, Amount : S. Pag' 151,851 38 60. or £.60,74119 4 Claim CARNATIC COMMISSIONERS. 193 .Claim N» 1262 in the VMt Report to I'arliaJiiuiiL - Award N« no datPd Novcinbor S, 1810, againft SnPnnvnfa Row, Atljiulicaiioii* AiiKiuiil - I'ag' I6'7,387 22 40. or ^ 6'0,yi,i V'""/? Claim N" 10.53 in the Ffth f ' - • *, -^ ■ tf. Report to Parliament - • Award N" 51 dated November 8. 1810, againft Permal Kaick, •»'""»""• Amount - Hat* 15b',UU0 0. or /;.6'2,+0O O Claim N" 3(;8 in the I'lfth ** Report to Parliament - - Award N' 52 dated November 9, 1810, ngainft Condraigula Jaggcr- iiaut How Uiuimiirlct), Aiiioujit 1'''K' 18y,y()0 6 0. or £.7r,,<)')C) i ^Claim N» 421 in the Fifih ^ ' ileport to Parliament - - Award N" 53 dated November 9, 1810, againft Adrian De Fries and Company, as AlHi;nec s of \ard(; iJofs llaruikjcq, I'ag' 185,yil 10 0, or ;C. 74,304 9 10 abfol THE Aggrci^ate Sterling Ainount of Claims, adjudicated^ n ^ ^ ilblutely agaiiilt the Claiiuaiits, to tliis date, is - - - j ' " ' ' ■^' WE have the honour to ftate, to This Honourable Iloufe, that we are ftill em- ployed in the examination and confideration of tlic Reports, \\lucli the Commiflioners in India iiave made on fuch Claims as they have mvcftigatcd. BENJN nOBIIOUSE. THO. COCKBURN. Manchefter Buildings, CHA. GRANT Jun'. 19 November 1810. T>d<\ f^:'.l \ (Nabobs of Arcor's Debts.) j.»- T 11 E SEVENTH 11 E P O R T OF THE C O M M I S S I O N E 11 S Appointed under an Agreement, concluded on the lOtli of July 1805, between The East India Company and The Private Creditors of the late Nabobs of The Carnatic, (46 GEO. III. c. 133.) Ordered, by The House of Commons, to be printed, 23 January 1812. 2/i. E c THE REPORT. LIST (or Continuation) of CLAIMS. Abfolute ADJUDICATIONS in favour of Claimants. Abfolute AD.JUDICATION'S agaiuft Claimants. Extraa of PROCEEDINGS of The Commiffioners. Conclufion of This Report. [ >!)7 ] To the Honourable The COMMONS of llir (Jniied Kingdom of Great Brilain and Ireland, in I'ailiamcnl aflembled. Tlie SEVENTH REPORT of the Comminioners appointed under an Agreement, concluded on the lOlli July 1805, between The East India Conii)any and The Private Creditors of the late Nadobs of The Caunatic. N Obedience to the 46th of the King, cap. 133. f. g. which direas the Com- inifiloners in England, within twenty-one days after the commencement of the next and every fubfcquent Seffion of Parliament, to prefcnt to both Houfcs of Par- liament, " A Lift of ail the Claims which liave been or fliall be preferred to them or " to the Commiffioners in India from time to time, and alfo a Lift of fuch Claims " as from time to time Ihall have been decided upon, either provlfionally or abfo- '' lutcly, by the faid Commiflioners, with the grounds of their decifion thereon:" V/c preicnt to this Honourable Houfe, A List of all the Claims which have been pre- ferred fmce the date of our laft Report, by Peribns who defcribe themfelvcs to be Creditors of the late Nabobs Wallajaii and Omdut vt Omrah, or of the late Ameer vl Omrah, and have become Parties to the Deed of Agreement with the Eaft India Company. LIST (in continuation) of C L A I M S preferred to the Commiflioners, in England and in India, for inveftigating The DEBTS of the late Nabobs of The Carnatic, by Parties who have executed the Deed of Agreement with The East India Company. No. CLAIMS. AMOUNT of The Piincipal of The Claims in the Coin fpccifieri ARgregate AMOUNT of The Principal »ui Intcreft In Sterling Slonev. S.Pag' F. C. £. ». d. 1813 Lieutenant Thomas Davidfon, by liis ,\ttorney W. D. Biodie, Esquire;— Bond of the Nabob Walldjah, dated .■)!'' December 1786, for arrears of pay as a Military Officer — Principal ...---- 2,502 2,0-14 2 S 18U A. C. Mayer, Attorney for Mrs. Paris, Wido'v of the late Captain John Paris ;— Cond dated V September 1783, of the Nabob Wallajah, f( ill,- \wth tlieo of Ihetiilt Kabbi;i r^oi'of tlie llegyra, iiw llie Cimi of (il'iccii tlioufaiid tlnee . (-I^imaiitit. I'.g,. _ Jiiiiidred and fifty Pagodas (15,350.) witli inteied r.l tlu- r.ilo of t\v(;!vu per cent, ncr .iniiii.n, iVoiii ilie ,^1 day ot December in the year of our Lord 17.^6: And we do fiirlliei find, 'J'li:it the Debl lo condiluted by the laid Bond from the laid N.bob Wallajaii to the (aid Colonel James Eidingtpuu, wus in part for u balance of money bona, fide lent by hiiii to the laid iS'abob, amoutiliiig, with intcrcll, to eleven llioufand eight bundled and Iwenlv-oiK- P;.S5. V. C. Pa.i^odas twenty-fix Fanani.s and twenty Cafli (',1,821. 2t). 20.): and in p:irt for an / arrear of military pay und allowances juftly dne from the faid Nabob Wallaiab 10 the faid Colonel James LCidiiigfoun on the .".lit day of March, in tlie year of our f/ird one thouliiud feven hiinchTd and eighty, liniounling to the principal fiiin of ihrer I'l. F. c. thoufand five hundred and twenty-nine Pagodas two FananTi and fifty Cafli ('^,590. 2. 50.): V And we do further find, That the faid (.'oloisel James Kidingtouu, being an ollieer in tlie eui- ploy of the Uiiilou i;^a(l India Company, did ftrve ih" i'aid Niibob, with liic knowledge and fanotion of liie Government of Fort St. George: And we, the laid Beirjaiiiin Ilobiiouii*, 'Jhomas Cockburn, and Charles Grant, do hereby Award and /\djare- fentativcs of the laid Colonel James l'"idiiigtoim : And we do furtlier Award ai.d (Jrder, 'i'liat the faid ]}ebt, being a Debt con tracled in |)art for money bona fide lent prior to the iwelflli ( v V and thirty-nine Pounds fixtcen Shillings and eight-pence flerling (^. 11,839. 16. v. Sr/.) being' a portion of the fiiid Debt, is due and owing to the faid Anne Eidmgtoun as adminiflratri.'c afoiefaid ; and that tlie faid Anne Fidingtoun hath and fliall have right to participate to the ainount of the faid fum of twentv-nine thoufand five hundred and ninety-nine Pagodas Pf. F. C. twenty-four Fanams and fom-teen Cafli (■29,599, '^4- M-) or eleven thoufand eight hundred tmd thirty-nine Pounds fixteeu Shillings and eight-pence Iterling (/. 11,830. ids. 8 rf.) in the fund provided by the aforet'aid IndenUire, for fatisfaetion of the private Debts of the late JNabobsofthe Carnatic; and that the fum of feven liundrcd a«d feventy-eight Pagodnt Vs. F. C. thirtv-nine Fanams and twentv-fivc Cadi (778. 39. 25.) or three hundred and elereii (Pounds eleven Shillings and five-yence lierling (,£.311. 11s. ^d.) being a further portion of the faid Debt, is due and owing to James King of Taviiloek Place in the County of Middlefex, one of the executors uanied in the will of the faid John Fordyce, and that the laid James King hath and (ball have right to participate to the amount of the faid fum of feven hundred and feventv-eight Pagodas thirty-nine Fanams and twenty-five Cafli Ps. F. C. ' /I ■ • {778. 39. 25.) or three hundred and eleven Pound* eleven Sbillings and five-pence flerling (^.311. 11. 5.) in the fund provided hv the aforefaid huleiUuie for fatisfaclion of the pri- vate Debts of the late Nabobs of the Canialie; and that the fum of feven hundad and Ps. F. C. feventy-eight Pagoda'; thir'y-ninc Fa:vn"s ami twenty-five Cafh (778. 39. 25.) or three hundred and eleven Pounds eU-v^n Shillings and five-pence fierling i£.:J,ii. lis. -^d.) being the remaining portion l7 liie laid Debt, is' dut and owing to the laid Charles Binny, Janies Taylor, George Moubr.iy, and Valentine Coiiolly, as alfigiiees afoiefaid ; and that the faid Charles Binny, James Taylor, George Moubray.tind Valentine CoDolly, have and (hall have right to participate lo the aihount oVthe faid fi",in of feven bundr<^ and feventy-eight Pa- godas thirty-uine Fupams anri twcntv-fivu Cafii (77S. 39 -5-) °^ t'""*-"' '"""''ed ^'^^ sdas o.ie Fanam and Pass. i-. C Jixty-four Call), (3,184. 1. 64.) with inlerelt u|)on the fame at the rate of fix per cent, per jiniuini, from ihe 26 dav of IJteeinber in the year of our Lord 1801, to the 15 day of May in the year of our Lord 1S04, aniounting, principal and intereii togetlur, to the Jiiigregate J'um of three ihouland lix huiuhed and tlurt^-iiine i'agodas lixteeii ianams and fifty-eiylit C'afli (3,630. 16. 5^.) or fourteen hundred and tifty- i" 49-~) or two thoufand two iuindred and ninety-three Pounds fi:; Slidiings and llirei -pence iierling {d'.-2.-20-!^.6s.2,ii-) reniaintd due lo tlie faid Major U'illianx Jlamilton on tiie i-dciy of M.iy, in the year of om Lord 1804: x\nd we do further find. That the iiiid balance of ;irieais of pay and allowance isjultlydiie for I'erviees bona tide rendered l)y the faid Major William [iauiilton to the laid Naboiis W^allajah and Omdut ul Oinrah, and that the iind >h^jor William Hamilton was not in tiie employ of the United Fait Lidia Company when he eiileretl into or while he was employed in the I'ervice of the laid Nabobs : And we the faid Beiij.nnin Hobhoufe, 'I'homas Cockburn an. Ciiarles (irani, do hereby Award and Adjudge, 'I'hat upon the 15 dav (jf May, in the year < ' our l^ord 1804, the linn of iive thoul'and leven hundred .md ihirty-tLree Pagodas eleven F'-iiams and forty-nine Calh Ps. F. C. (^)733- 11- -Ip.) or two thoufand two hundicd and ninety-tliii e Pounds fix Slfillings and -three-pence ittiling (.i,'.2,2u3. ♦I'i. -^il.) and 1,0 more, was and liil' :s iuftly >«te quit led and dilciiaiged from all ci.iiiu wtiiilioevc-r in relpett of ll:e fiiid Debt claimed uL llie Aiij'Hljf.aiirm* iiilhiiK-c of the laid Mrjor William llainilturi, or of any olherJ^erfoii or I'erfoiis wliatfoever. injcnmtruf 111 Witnffs whereof we the laid Hrnjamiii llo'ulioufe, 'I'lioniii;; Cockhiirii, and Charjin Grant, CiaimaiiU. Lave heromito let our hands the 17111 day of Janiir.ryj in the year of our Lord one tlioufaixi * ^ •' eiglit hundred and eleven. f BF.XJAMJN' (lOMMOUSE. (Si;jiicd) -]'IIK). COCK lU UN. Signed (being firfl duly ftampcd) CCIIA. GKANTJimu iK>r. 411 tae prelciiee of, (Signed) Jolin Parhhotrfc. " TO all to whom thefe Prefcnts fliall come : We, Benjamin Hwhiuxifo cF \A"liitton Park ■in the County of Miiidlefes-, Thomas Cuekhmn of ilampfiead in the faid Count v of Mi( CLAIM N° 306 in our Fifth Report. N' .56. ; in rtipGarrtw indented and hearing date the 10 lo.) or two I-.undiTd and twenty- t laiauujis,' '"" l'"untls aixi one Shilliua; iioiliiig (£.'222. la. oci ) in llie fund provided by tl:c afoiefaul »^ 1_X_I — J IiideiilUK^ for fatisfadion of llie pi'ivate Debt> of the iate Nabobs of tlie Carnatic : Atjd we ; firfi duly fbimped) C. CilA. GKANT Junior, in the piefenee °).')i ill llie Gazeitc ni the County of Middleib:;, '1 Ijonias Coekburn of Hampfiead in the faid County of Mid- ^.r^r .iiiiK-isor ; iiiii. dicfe.v, and Cliarles Grant junior of Lineoin's-Inti in the f.iKi County uf jMiddlefe.x, b. ing '' v.M^r'i": i^.ri;'.''"" '''^ Coniniillioners and ileferees actinq; in i-Lnudand for the time bein", under a certain Deed imi.i. indented and hcarinn- c::ite the lo rlay of .lidy 1805, " beluef-n the United Coiupany cf C'y/o uel • ileiehants td' England trading; tf) the ILail Indies of tlie one part, and the feveral l\'rfons Jukn Macintiirc "hole liands and feais are thereto fet and afhxed, and who reCpeeiiveiy are or claim to be Creditors of his Highuefs the Nabob VVallali Jab, forui'-rly Nabob of Areol and of the. Carnatie in the Eali; ludies, and now deeeafed, and of his Iliclmcis the Nabob Onsdut ul Guirah, late Nabob of Arcot and of the Carnatic, eldeit ion and fuecelVor of his faid Higii- iiel's the Nabob Wallah Jah, and now alio dccvJed, and of his Ilighnefs the Auieer ul Onirah, the fccond fon of his faid Hia:l;nel's the Nabob Wallah Jrdi, and now alio deeeafed, or of ibme or one of them tiie laid feveral Nabob?, and the faid Ameer of the otlier part," Send V\/S Greeting: Whereas Colonel John Maeintyre of Maddox-itreel Ilanover-fquare in the County t)fl\liddlefex, hath executed the al'orei'ait! Indenture, and hath thereby for liimfelf, his heirs, executors and adniinifiralors, iubinitted himielf to the judgment, award, order and determinalion of the Commiilioners under the albrefaid Indcntuie, in all things whallbever relating to (he leveral Claims made by him under the laid Indeiittne: Antl whereas the iiiid Colonel John Maeintyre hr.th executed certain Articles ol' Agreement bearing date ihe 14 day ol' November in the year of our Lord 1S06, belween feveral Berfoiis deieribing them- iclves as Creditors of the late Nabobs of Arcot and of the Carnatic of the lirft |)art, ai.d John Bordyee of Whiteliall in the County of Middlefex, lince deeeafed, of (he feeond pait, and did thereljy transfer and afiign over to the faid John Fordyce, his executors, adminiftralors and aliigns, one-twentieth pait of every Debt or finii of money owing lo liim ficm liieir llighnefl'es the Nabobs Wallah Jah and" Omdut ul Omrah, andoflhe uilereft which (houid have accrued thereon, the faid une-twentieth part to be taken upon the fum at whieii the principal and mlerclt of ihc laid Debt llioidd be lir|uidated or made up ; Now knuw ye, 'I'hat we, the i"aid Benjamin Hobhoufe, Thomas Coekburn, and Charles Grant, having taken into confideration a Claim made by the laid Colonel John Maeintyre upon his JrJighnefs the late ISabob Wallah Jah, for arreais of pay amounting to the principal fum of lix tlioufand rags. Pagodas (6,000) with intrrrft upon the fame at the rate of fix per cent, per annum, from the p,o day of Jmu; in liie ye.ir oi' our f-ord 1 7Q0. to the 15 day of May in the year of our Lord 1S04, amounting, p:meipal and intercft together, to the aggiegate fum often thoufand nine hundred and ninety-live Pagodas ( 10.(105) *"' *"'"" thonfand three hundred and ninetv- '"l. 8*.): And having taken into co';lideraiion a Claim made by the i,M John Fordyce as- aliigr.ee afirel id, for the one-lrtenticih part as aibicfaid of the fum claimed as afoufaid by ti.e liiid < 'on,r.el John Macinijri', and iiaving duly invefiigated the laid Claims aecoiding to tiie <;oveii:'.els provilions aufi diiei'tions of the alorefaid Indenture, .LVi find, Tiial duriu:/, the ix rik)d lor whieii the aforefaid arrears of {'is. llioufaiitl i'.igodas P.1RS. <(i,Ooo.) aciued, the faid Ci^loiiel John Maeintyre was both in ihe cm[doy of the United Halt B.idia Company ar.d of tiie faid Nabob \A allah Jah; hut that he ihc faid Colonel John jVLicintyre had not die famiion of ihe Governnent of Bengal 01 of the Government of Madras for being lb emj loyed in the Icrvice ol Ins fuid llighncfs: And we do further lind, 'i'iiat CARNATIC COMMrsSIONERS. 203 .tl1.1t on tlie 7 '■>?.'■ m rears of pay amonn'.ing to fix thoufand F'a^odaa (t^i.ooo) with intercfl upon the fame as aforefaid, be wholly dil'allowed, for want of ilie fanction as aforefaid of either of the faid Governments : And we do further Award and Ac^udge, That upon the 1 5 day of May in the year of our Lord 1804, the fum of two thouland and thirty-two Pagodas eleven I'ananis and Pags. F. C. ° forty Cafli (2,032. 11. 40.) or eight hundred and twelve Pounds eighteen Shillings and two- pence (lerling (,£.812. l8s. 2//.) was and Hill is juftlydue ;ind owing from the leprel'e-nlalivei 62.) or forty- Pounds twelve Shillings and eleven-pence fierling (c^.40. 12s. iid.) in the I'und provided by tlie I'.forefaid Indenture, for fatisfacilion of the private Debts of the late Nabobs of the Carnatic : And we do further Award and Adjuelge, That all the property and revenues of the faid Nabobs Wallah Jah and Omdut ul Omrah, and their luceelfors or reprefentatives, are and fliall be for ever acquitted and difcharged from all Claims whatfoever in refpedtof the faid demands, or the Debts claimed thereon, at the inftance of the faid Colonel John Maein- iyie, or ol any other Perfon or Perfons whatfoever. In Witnefs whereof we the faid Benjamin Hobiionfe, Tliomas Cackbuin, and Charles Grant, have hereunto let our hands the leventli ■day of i'ebiuarv, in the year of our Lord one thoufand eight hundred and eleven. (-BENJAMIN HOBHOUSE. (Signed) JTHO. COCKBURN. Signed (being firft duly {lamped) (^CHA. GRANT Junior, ill the prefence of (-Signed) John Parkkoiife. C L A I M; N» 45 in our Firft Report TO all to whom tbefe Prefents (hall come: We, Benjamin Hobhoufc of Whitlon Park 1^63. in tlie County of .Middipfex, 'fhomas Cockhurn of Hampftead in the faid Caunty of Middlefex, and Cliarlcs Giant junior of Lincoln's-Inn in the faid County of Middlefex, *^l'f ™ , .^^ g,„„, he'w.iX the Commillionersaiid Referees afting in England for the tune being, under a certain ' <,f ,|,c 13 ScpL 18O6 ; Deed indented and bearing date the 10 dav of July 1S05, " between the Cniled Company „„,], of Merchants of England trading to the EaU Indies o! the one part, and the feveral Perfons ^"° ^^/I'j'p^^^li^f;;;- whole hands and feals arc thereto afrixed, and who refpedivrly are or claim to be Creditors f"' of his Highnefs the Nabob Wallah Jah, formerly Nabob of Arcot and ot the Carnatic in ... . .yP,-!' the Eaft Indies, and now deceafed, and of his llighnefs the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah, late n lihmn Ucsar, Nabob of Arcot and of the Carnatic, eldeft Ion and hiceelTor of his laid Highnels the Nabob \Vai;ali Jah, and now alio deceafed, and of his Highnels the Ameer ul Omrah, the iccond Ibn of his faid Highnefs the Nabob Wnllah Jah, and now alfo deceaied, or ot iome or one of them the faid feveral Nnbobs and the faid Ameer, of the other part," Send Greeting: Whereas Captain AVilliam Dewar of Kellb in Roxburgfliue, in diat pari of the United Kingdom called Scotland, hath by his allorney, John Fordyce ot Whitehall in the Coiintv of Middlefex, fince deceafed, executed the aforefaid Indenture, and hath thereby for himfclf, his heirs, executors and adminiftrators, fubmiited himlelt to the judgment award, order and determination of the Commillioners under the aforelaid Indenture, in all things whatfoever relating to llic Icveial Claims made by him under ttie laid Lidenlure: . 24. Ogg And ro4 S i: V K N T 11 R E P O U T o k t n e Afijiidicaiii ns ■ii! Iiii.nir nt CiiiUiiauls. Aiui wnereas tlic fii'ul Captain Wiiliain Dewar hath by liis atiorncy ChaiU's ninnv of IIom- liiiul-ltieet, Filzioy-lqiiaie in the (.'«imty of Middlefex, executed teruiin Articles of Agreeinciil beariiiji; date ihe i day <'t Se|>leinl)ei- in ihe year oF oiir Lord 1S04, beii\ien Jt-veial I'ei Ions dfc I'd ibiiig theiiifcives as Cie(bl<)rs ol' the late Nal)obs of Aicot and of tlic Amfcr u\ Oiniah cf the tidl part, the iaid John rordyce of tiio fccoiid jiarl, ar.d the ncifdiis ilierein niinu>d as 'i'ruttees of the thiid part, and haih thereby Iraustcned iiiul ajiigiud over to ll.;e faid John Foxlyee, his executors, adiiiiiiiftrators and aiii^iis, tn.c- foilielh part of every Debt or fnni of nioney owing to liini from tiicir I!iu:i:ae!i'ea the late JVabobs of Aix-ol aittl of the Anicer ill Omrah, or from any one of liicnj, ;sik1 of the inttrcft Avhicli rtiould have actriitd tiiercon, tiie iiiid one-furticlii part lo be taken upon the I'liin at whKii tlic [iriucipal and iulercft of the iaid Debt fiioidd be h(iiiidatcd or made up; and halii liiril.er tiiinsferied and ailigned over lo the trnltees atorcfaid, tlicir e\ccnt(jrs, aduiinifnaiois and aliigns, one oliicr foilicth part of e\ery Oi'bt or I'uni of money owing to Inni the (aid Captain \\'i.lhani Dewar, from ilicii- HighnelVes the late Nalxibs of Arcot and of llie 7\mecr til Oniral), or from ;.nv one of (hem, and of the intereit uhicli llioiild have accrued thereon, the f:".id one-jorlielli part lo l)e taken upon the fum at which the princifjal and intereit of the iaid Debt flioidd be liqii. dated or n)ade np, to receive and hold the faid one other fortietii part fo thereby to ihem ailigned up'm the tniils in the (aid Articles of Agreement mentioned and (a forlh : And whereas the fa.d John Fordyce did exeriile the hxul Articles of Agree- ment of llie 1 diiy of Septeml.er in the year of our Lord 1S04, and did alfo execute the aforefaid liidentaic of the 10 day of July in the year of our Lord 1 S05 : And whereas Charles Binny, George Mortbray, and Valentine Conolly, being the furvivors of the truttees v. ho have'cxecuted the laid Arlielos of Agreement, have alfo executed the aforefaid Indenture of the 10 day of Jidy in the year of our Lord 1805, by which acts llie faid John Fordyce, C'hai les IJinny, George Moubray, and Valenlir.e Conolly, have for tliemlelves, their heir.-!, cxecntors and adniiniltratois, fubmittcd ihemfelves to the judgment, award, order and determination of the Comniillioners appointed under the faid Indenture, in all Unngs whalfi.cver relating to the feveral Claims made by tliem under tlie faid Indeiitme : ISow know ye, That we the faid Benjamin Hobhoufe, Thomas Cockburn, and Charles Grant, having taken into confidcr;ition Claims made by the laid Captain William Dewar upon his Uighnefs Ure late Nabob ^^'alhl)ah for the principal ium of eleven Ihoufand and Ps. J-. C. forty-feven Pagodas nineteen Fan^ms and feventeen Cadi (11,047. '?■ ' 7 ) with intereft Ji])on the I'anie at the rate of (ix per cent, per annum to the 15 day of May in the year of our Lord 1S04, amounting, principal and intereit together, to tlie aggregate luin of tuentv- two thoufand nine hundred and forlv-live Pagodas thirty-eight Faiiams and five Ca"(h Ps. F. C. (22,045. 3^- 5-) or nine thoufand one hundred and feven'y-eight Pounds fevcn Shil- lings and foui-pence (lerling (,i,'. 0,1 78. 7. 4.): And having taken into consideration a Claim made by the faid John l'"ordyce as aliignee aforefaid, for the one-fortieth part as aforefaid, of the fum claimed as aforefaid, by the faid Captain William Dewar : And liaving alio taken into cotilideration a Claim made by certain of the Tru'.'rees named in the faid Articles of Agreement of the 1 day of Septend)er in the year of our Lord 1804, for themfelves and others, as aUignees aforefaid, for tlie other fortieth part as afore- iaid of the fum chiijued as aforefaid, by the faid Captain William Dewar ; and having duly iiiveltigated tlie faid Claims accoiding to the covenants, provifions, and directions of the aforefaid Indenture, do find, 'I'hat the faid Nabob U allajah granted a Bond to the laid Captain \\ iUiam Dewar, bearing date the 31 day of December in the year of our Lord 17S6, coricfpor.ding with tiie Q Rabbilav/el, 1201 of the Hea;yra, for the principal fum of eight Ps. ihoufand four hundred 01. d fifty Pagodas (ord 178L), and ihai nothing whatever r-emaintd demandable by him: And we do lurlhcr find, that on the 29 day of F'ebruary in the year of oar Lord 1788^ the faid Captain W ilhain Dewar received Ps. from his faid llighnefs Wallajah, the fum of four hundred and twenty !*agodas (4'io) : And Ps. wc do further find, That the (aid fum of four hundred and twenty Pagodas (420) was in dif- ciiaige of liis falary or allow ancc from the 31 day of J)ecember in the year of our Lord J 78f), to the 29 day of February in the year of our I-ord 1788, the day uf Ills difcharge from the fervice of his Highnefs, and no: in payment of any part of the principal or iniereft of the aforefaid Bond : And we do further liiid, That on the 29 day of February in the year of our Lord 17S8, the faid C.iptain Williani Dewar granted a leleafe to his faid iliglmefs AV'allajali, acknowledging to have (inallv adjulied ali Claims whalfoeveron the laid Circar of bis faid Highnefs: And we do further find, That the (aid Captain William Dewar was not in the employ of the Lniti'd liift India Company wlicn he enti'ied into, or while he was em- ployed in the fervice of the faid Nabob Wallajah: And we the faid Benjamin Hobhoufe, "J'homas Cockburn, and Charles (jlraiit, do hereby Award and Adjudge, 'i'hat ujion the 15 day of May iu the jeaf of -our Lord 1804, the fum uf ieveuleen tiiuufaiid two liuiulred anil iilty- CAR N A T 1 C CO M M I SS I N' E R S. 20.1 Ts F. C. fifty-nine P,ij;o;l.-.s and fue F:inMms(i7.2-p. 5. o.) or fix llioiininrl nir.c liundrr <1 nnd tin.'c Al r.li.te Pounds i\\h\ liiiilocn Siiillin;.',. ltLrlii]L;(/. 6,^0.5. i -;. od.) and no inon.-, was iuu\ (iill is, jaflly A of IKbls undt r the laid Jndcnture: And we" do (uiilicr Av.aid and AdJiKlgc, That the luni olliMfen ihouCand lliiee luindicdand nniety-lix I'ai-odas fix lananig Ts. 1'. C. flud fixtv-eiglit Cafl) (16,106. 6. 68.) nr fix tlioidand livo hinidrcd and fifty-eight Ponndg nine Shillings ;uid foui-penec (U"rlingii\ 6,,'i5S. qs. 4,/.) bcin;^ ;, |,oiiion of the laid l)<'bl, is due and owing to the laid Caplani William Dewar, and thai the laid Capl.-iin V\'il!iani ])ewar lialh and ihail have right lo [lailicipale lo the anionnl of the laid i'um of fixtceii thonfand three iiund:cd an I y ' r i^ 11- 1 I.' ,•' . « In'' < 4 in I'lC I-irll Rr- ants of Lngland tradnig to the i-.,;(t indies of the one part, and the leverai Perkins wliofo ii.,ri 10 Purlim^icuc. Lands and leals are tlieieto let and afri.xed, and who refpeCtively are or claim to be (^reiiiters Jfl-^c Leech. of his Highnel's the Nabob \\'allah Jab, formerly Nabob of Arcot and of the Carnatic iu the Eaft Indies, and now deceafed, and of his Highnel's the Nabob Omdut ul Onirah late Nabob •of Arcot and of the Carnalic, eldeft fon and fuccefibr of his faid Highiie's the Nabob Wallah Jah, and now alio deceafed, and of his Highnefs tfie Ameer ul Omiah the fecoud foil of his l;iiney ill thich tlie piincipal and iulerell ot the i'aid Debt (lioukl he ]i(jni(hiUd or made up, to receive and hold the laid one-twentieth part i'o therehy lo them alhgned ii()ou tlic truits in the laid Artu;ies of Agreement mentiocied and let lorlh : And whereas Samuel Johnl'on and diaries Hiniiy being the remaining furvivors of the i'aid Trufiees who have executed the i'aid Articles of Agreement, have all'o executed the ai'orcfaid Inden'.ure of the 10 day of Ju'y iSot, and iiave thereby for thcmlijives, their heirs, execjiors and adminif- trntors, fubmit'.ed liienifelves to tlie judgment, award, order and determin;'.tion of the Com- millioners appointed under tlie laid Indenture in ail things whail'oevcr relating lo the feveral Claims made by them under the laid Indenture: And whereas ii'aac Leech of the City of Briltol, hath liibferjuenlly obtained letters of adminiftratio!) from the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, as next of kin and heir to the faid William i-eech, and has alio executed the i'iiid Indenture of the 10 day of July in the year of our Lord 1805, and the laid Deed of the 3 day of M:\y in the year of our Lord 171)6: Now know ye, That we the laid Henjamiii iloblioufc, '1 homas Coekburn, and Chailes (irant, having taken into eonfideratioii a Claim made by the laid Colonel Francis Juhnl'on as adminiltrator aforefaid in behalf of the heirs of the late William Leech, upon his laid Highnefs the Nabob Wallah J;;h for the principal i'um of fix thonfand iive hundred and iifly-fix Pagadas fifteen Fanams and i'evenleen Ps. F. C. Cafli (6,55!). 15. 17.) with inlerefl upon the fame at the rate of 12 per cent, per annum to the 12 day of February in the year of our Lord J 785, and I'rcm tiiat date at the rate of 6 per cent, per annum to the 15 day of May in the year of our Lord 1804, amounting principal and inierelt, lo the aggregate lum of i'eventeen thoul'and and iorty-lhiee Pagodas ' Ps. F. c. fifteen Fanams and fevenleen Calli (17,043. 15. 17.) or fix thonfand eight hundred and I'eventeen Pounds and I'even Shillings iierling (.£. 6,817. 7*- od.): And havinj; ali'o taken into conlideiation a Claim made by certain ot the Truftees named in the faid Articles ot Agreement of tlie 3 day of May in the year of our Lord 1706, for ihemfelves and oihers as al!-i"nees aforefaid, for the one-twentieth part as aforefaid, of the fum claimed as aforefaid, by the laid Colonel Francis Johnfon : And having duly inveftigatcd the i'aid Claims accord- iiv to the covenants, provilions and direiftions of the aforefaid Indenture, do find. That the iafd William Leech was an officer in the fervice of the i'aid Nabob Wallah Jah: And we do further lind. That from the 31 day of December in the year of our Lord 1776, lo the 31 day of March in the year of our Lord 1781, arrears were due by his faid Higiinel's to the faid William Leech for fervices bouii lide performed, which, after deducting the I'um of fix liuii- P!. F. c. died and thirty Pagodas twenty-one Fanams (630. -zi. o.) received in'part thereof, amounted, with interelK on the 15 day of May in the year of our Lord 1804, to Pagodas thirteen ihou- Ps. F. c. faiid fix hundred and fixty-eight twenty-three Fanams and fifty-one Cafli (13,668. 23. 51.) or five thonfand four hundred and fixty-feven Pounds eight Shillings and feven-pence ltei> ling (/■. 5,467. Ss. 7^.) : And we the laid Benjamin lloblioufe, Thomas Coekburn, and Cliaries (irant, do hereby Award and Adjudge, Thatu[)on the 15 day of May in the year of cur Lord 1S04, the fum of thirteen thouland fix hundred and iixty-eight Pagodas twenty- I's. F. C. three Fanams ,-iiid fifty-one Cadi (13,668. 23. 51.) or five thoufand four hundred and fixty- feven Pounds eight Shillings, 'Hid feven-pcneeflerling (X 5,467. 8s. 7^.) was and fiillisjufily the judgment, award, order and determination of the Commifiioners under the aforefaid Indenture, in all things whatlbever relating to the feveral Claims made by him under the faid Indenture: And whereas the fiid James Dolt hath executed certain Articles of Agree- ment bearing date the 3 day of iMay in the year of our Lord 1800, between feveral Perfons deferibiiig themfeives as Creditors of the late Nabob oi' the Carnatic of the firit part, the faid John Furdyee of the fecond part, and the Perl'ons therein named as Trullecs of the third i)arr, and hath lliereby transferred and alligned over to the faid Truftees one-twentieth part of every Debt or ium of money owing to him from his Highnefs the faid Nabob Wallaii Jah, and of the inttreft which (hould have accrued thereon, the faid one-twentieth part to be taken upon the fiim atvvhich the principal and intcreft of the faid Debt flionld be liquidated or made up, to receive and hold the i'aid oiie-tiventieth part lo tlierebv to them aliicrned upon the tri:fts in the laid Articles of Agreement mentioned and let forth : And whereas George Moubray, Charles Bmny, and Valentine Conolly, being the only three of the faid Truitees who liave Lxecutcd the laid Agreement, have alio executed the ai'oreliiid Indenture of the 10 day of July in tiie year of our Lord 1805, and have thereby i'ubmilted themfelves, their heirs, executors and adminiftrators, lo the jndgment, award, order and determination of the Commiflioners under the aforefaid Indenture, in all things whatfoever relating to the feveral Claims made by them under the laid Indenture: Now know ve. That we the laid Benjamin Hobhoufe, 1 homas Cockburn, and Charles Grant, having taken into confideration a Claim made by the laid James Dott for arrears of pay upon his laid Highnefs the lal» Nabob Wallah Jah, for the principal fum of twenty-four thoufand three hundred Pagodas (24,300.) with inlereft upon the fame at the rate of fix per cent, per annum to the 15 day of May in the year of our Lord 1804, amounting, principal and interell together, to the Pass- aggregate fnm of fift3-one thoufand four hundred and forty-nine Pagodas (51 ,440.) or twenty thoufand hve hundred and feventy-nine Pounds and twelve Shillings fierling (.£.-0,579. ' 2S.): And having alio taken into confideration a Claim made by certain of the Truftees named in the laid Articles of Agreement of t!ie 3 day of May in tlie year of our Lord 1800, for themfelves and others as aflignees aforefaid, for the one-twentieth part as aforefaid of llie fum claimed as aforefaid by the faid James Dolt ; and having duly inveftigated the laid Claims according to the covenants, provifions and diree^ions of the al'orel'aid Indenture, Do find, That Mr. James Dott was employed by his Highnefs the Nabob Wallah Jah in thecap.icity of furgeou, collec^lor aud paycnafter, 2ic. and that he was not in the employ of the United Ea(t India Company during the period for which the arrears are charged : And we do further find. That there was julUy tlue and owing from his laid Highnefs the late Nabob Wallah Jah to the laid James Uott, for fevvicfs bona tiide rendered, the Ium of twenty-one thoufaud Pg F. c. four hundred and fit'ry-feven Pagodas eleven Fanams anil feventy-lwo CaHi (21,457. ' '• "-•) which, with intereft up to the 15 day of May in the year of our Lord 1S04, aciiountcd lo forly-eiglit thoufand and feventy-eigbt Pagodas twenty-four Fanams and lii'ly-thrce Calh Pags. F. C. (48,078. 24. 53.) or nineteen thoufand two hundred and thirty-one Pounds eight Shillings and nine-pence fterling (of. 10^231. 8s. ca'.): And we the laid Uenjaojin Hobhoufe. 'Ihonias 24. ' " H h h Ccckburn, 2o8 SEVENTH REPORT of the Abfoliite Cockbum, and Chp.rlcs Gr;int, do hereby Award aiid Adjridgp, That upon t'le 15 day of Miiv Afljudications in liie year of our Lord 1S04,, the fuiu of f'>rty -eight ihoiiland and feventy-eight Pagoda* ill faiunr of " " Pacs. !■'. C. Claimants. twenty-four Fanair.s and fifiy-tlirce Cafli (48,078. 24. 5.5.) or iiimioeii tlioiiHind two hun- \ ^ > dred and thirtv-one Pounds eight Sliillings and nine-pence (terling (^'.io,':3i. 8s. 9?/.) was and itiii isjuftiv dne and ov.ir.g from the reprefentalives of his (aid Iligiinefs the lale Nabob AValhijah to the iiiid James Dctt: And we do fnither Awartl and Oicltr, I'lat llic faid Debt being a Debt contracted by his faid Hirhneli5\V'alliijaii for I'ervices ijeifornied, is and Ihaii be comprized in the Firft Clals of Debts under the faid Indenture : And we du further Award and Adjudge, That the fuin of forly-fivc tlioufand fix hundred and ftvenlv-four I'agodas twenty- F.iS':. F. C. feven Fanams and fifty-one Cafli (45,674. 27. Si.) or eighteen thoufand two hundied and jixty-nine Pounds Ibvcntcen Sliillin^'s and four-pence llerhng. (^'.18,269. 17s. 4^/.) being a portion of the laid Debt, is due and owing to the faid James Dolt; and that the laid James Dott hath and (hall liave ri:;ht to participate to the amount of the faid liun of fortv- five thonf.ind lix hundred and fevcnty-four Pagodas twentv-feven Fanams and fiftv-o:.c P.n;s. F. C. Cafii (45,674. 27. 51.) or eighteen thoufand two hundred and fixtv-nine Pounds fes-enleon Siiillings and four-pence Iterling (.£.18,269. 17.?. ^d.) in tl.e fund provided by the aforefaid Indenture for fali^fa<5tion of the private Debts of liie late Nabobs of the Carnatic ; and that the funi of tivo thoufand four hundred and three Pajodas thirtj'-nine Fanams and two Calh Pags F. C. (2,403 39. 2.) or nine hundred and fixty-onc Pounds eleven Shillings and five-pence (ler- lingf£.96i. 11.S. 57.) being the remainder of the faid Debt, iidue and owing to tlic faid George .Moubray, Charles (jinnv, and Valentine Conollv, as aflignces aforcllud ; and that the laid George ^Mowbray, Charles limny, and Valentine Conollv, have and (liall liave right to participate to the amount of the faid ium of two thoufand four huntlrcd and three Pagodas P..g=. F. C. thirt\--nine Fanams and two Cafii (2,403. 39. 2.) or nine hundred and fixty-one Pounds eleven Shillings and five-pence Iteriing (^\96j. 115. ~)d.) in liie fund provided by the afore- faid Indenture for fatisfacUon of tiie- private Debts of th.e late Nabobs of the Carnatic : And we do further Award and Adjudge, That all the property and revenues of the faid Nabob Wallajah, and his fticceilbrs or reprefentatives, are and (hall be for ever acquitted and diC- charged from all Claim whatfoever in refpect of tlie faid demand for arrears of pay, or the Debt claimed thereon at the indance of the (aid James Dott, or of any other Pcr(()n or Per- fons whatlbever. In W'itnefs whereof we the faid benjamin Hobhoufe, Thomas Cockburn, and Charles Grant, have hereunto let our hands the eleventh day of July, in the year of our Lord one thoufand eight hundred and eleven. (BENJAMIN HOBIIOUSE. (Signed) -(THO. COCKI5L UN. Signed (being firft duly ftamped) L CHA. GRANT Junior, in the pretence of, (Signed) John Parkhouft. j^-o,(-Q CLAIM N" 848 in our Fifth Report. TO all to whom thefe i'refents fliall come: We, Benjamin Hobhoufe of Whitton Park jTrHIj p. in the Comity of Middlefeir, 'J'iiomas Cockburn of Hamf)i"tead in the faid County of Middle- of the i Sept. 1809 • '"'^^'i ^'•'^ Charles Grant junior of Lincoln's-lun in the faid (bounty ot Middlelex, being the a■"^, Commillioners and Referees acting in England for the time being, under a ceitain Deed in- N'BiSm tji, I'ifii, Ke- Jgntcd and bearing date the 10 day of July 1805, " between the United Company of Mer- M 1 A v^r F ^'^''n'-s of England trading to the Eait Indies of the cue part, and the feveral I'erlbns whofe ^"J"J- hands and feals aic thereto let and afliNcd, and who refpeftively are or claim to be Creditors of his Ilighuefs t!ie Nabob AVallah Jah, formerly Nabob of Arootand of the Carnatic in the Eait Indies, and nowdcccafed, ::»(] of his ilighnefs the Nabob Omdut ul Oinrah. late Nabob of Arcot and of the Carnatic, eldeft Ion and fuecelibr of his faid flighnefs the Nabob V\'allali Jah, and now alio dcrcafed, ami of his ilighncl's the Ameer ul Oinrah, the fecond fon of his faid lliglinefs the Nabob \Vallah Jah, and now alio deceafed, or of fome or one of Ihem the faid feveral Nabobs, and the faid Ameer of the otlier part," Send Greeting: Whereas Ma- homed Yufuf of Madras in the Eait Indies, hath executed the aforefaid Indenture, and hatli thereby fubniittcd himfelf, his heirs, executors and adminilhators, to the judgment, award, order and determination ol' the Commillioners under the aforefaid Indcnttiic, in all things whatfoever iclating to the feveral Claims made by him under the faid Indentuie : Now know ye. That we the laid Benjamin liobi'.oufe, Tliomas Cockburn, and ("liarics Grant, having taken into conllderation a Claim made b\' the faid Mahomed Yufuf upon his Highnefs the Pass. late Nabob Omdut ul Omrah for the [iriacipal fuin of fort^'-five Pagodas (45.) or eighteen Pounds Ikrling (o£'.i8.) being, as alledged, the balance due on a Tunkah granted by the laid Pag'!. Nabi.b Omdut ul Omrah to the faid Mahomed Yufuf for eighty Pagodas (80.) bearing dale the 20 Jeiiiadec Ulfanee, 1212 of the tlcgyra; do find, That the faid Nabob Omdut nl Oinrah ijriuitcd a 'Tunkah to the faid Mahomed Yufuf bearing dale the 2oJcmadee Ihfanee, 1212 of llie Hegyra, for the fuin of eighty Star Pagodas (80.) : And we do further find. That tht; Debt fo contiiluicd by the faid Tunkah from the faitl Nabob Omdut ul Giiirah to llie iUid Mahoiucd \ uful, was for ihc price of urtttlcs purthal'ed : And wc do fuilhci find, That tlie CARNATIC COMMISSIONERS. 209 the fuia Nabob Omdut ul O.niuh paid Lo llic faid Mali(.iiicd Yuful'lhe fuiii of fifty Pagodas Al.folufc (50.) on ncr-ntint of iho CiiicJ TmikMli: And we the faifi B-niiimin Ilolihoiifc, TImmnR Cock- it^'/arouro} burn, iind Cliarles (ira,)!, d<, hrvchy Award jiu.l A. 17s. ifZ.) in the fund provided by the aforefaid Indenture for fatisfadtion of the pn- VKte Debts of the late Niibobs of the Carnatie: Arid we do i'urliier Award and Adji:di;e. Thai all the jiroperty and revenues of the faid Nabob Omdut ui Omrah, and his faccclfors or reprefei!'alives, are and fliall bo for ever acciuiftcd and dii'eli;;rgcd i'rom all Claitn u halfoever in re i peel of the faitlTunk;i!!, or tiie Debt claimed I he; eon at the inftance of the laid .Mahomed Yufuf, or of any other Perlbn or Perfons whalfoevei : And we do further Award and Older, That the Tunkah aforefaid fiiall be cancelled and delivered up lo the Court of Dircftors of the faid United Eaft India Company. In Witnefs whereof, we the faid Henjainii) Hob- houl'e, Thomas Cockburn, and C'lia.iles Grant, have hereunto fel our haiids the twelfth day of Julv in the year of our Lord one thoufand eight hundred and eleven. ■BENJAMIN HOPfiOUS!:. (BENJAMIN HOPfiOl (Signed) < TMO. COCKBU U N . tCHA. GitA.NT Junior. Signed (being firil duly (lamped) in the prefence of, (Signed) John Puihhoiifc. C L A I M N" 140 in our Firft Pieport. N' 1 70. To all lo whom thefe Prefents fliall come : We, Benjamin Hobhoufe of W'jiilton Park fi^jM in the County of Middlefex, Thomas Cockl)urn of Hampftead, in the faid ('ounty of Mid- N°ii8iri iht-Guieite dlofex, and Charles Grant junior of LincolnVlnn in llie iaid County of Midilielex, being oiihc 13 S;(n.ibO«; the Coaimiliioners and Referees aiSling in England for the time being, under a certain Uec(.\ x^ioin i!ip Tirfc Re- indented nnd bearing date ihe 10 day of July 1805, " between the United (,"ompany of pon in P«rimu«nn. Jlerchants of England trading to the' Ealt Indies of ihe one part, and the feveral Peribns Edward lliiuard v.hofc hands and leals are thereto fet and affixed, and who refpeclively are or claim to be and Creditors of his Highnefs the Nabob Waliaii Jab, formerly Nabob of Arcot and of the Lezcis l^tty. Carnatie in the Eaft Indies, and now decealed, and of his Higlinrfs the Nab()b Onuiul ul OiDiah, late Nabob of Arcol and of the Caniatic, eldeft fon and iucctiror of his faid {iigh- ncfs the Nabob Wallah Jah, and now ail'o dtceafed, nnd of his Highr.efs the Ameer ul Omrah, the fecor.d fon of his faid Highnefs the Nabob Wallah Jah, and now alfo deceafed, or of fome or one of them the faid feveral Nabobs, and tlie faid Ameer of the other part," Send Greeting : Whereas Edward Hilliard of Cowley Houfe near Uxbridge in the County of Middlefex, and Lewis Way of Hanftead Park in the County of Sullex, furvivin^ executors named in the will of'John Way of Lincoln's-lnn in the laid County of ^^lddle- fex, have by their attorney John Fordyce of Whitehall in the County of .NLddlefex, lince decealed, executed the aforefaid Indenture, and have thereby iabmiUed thtmfelvcs, lhcir_ lieirs, executors and adminifuators, to the judgment, award, order and determination of the Commifiioners under the aforefaid Ir.denluic in all things whaifoever relating to the feveral Claims of the faid ellate of John Way, made by ihem under the faid Indenture: Aiid whereas the faid John Way did in his life-lime, execute certain Articles ot Agree- ment bearing date the 4 day of September in the year of our Lord iSoo, afligning over to the faid John Fordyce, his executors, .•.tlmiuiftiators and affigns, one-twentieth pari ot every Debtor fum of money owing to him from hisFIighiiei's Wallajah late Nabob ot the Carnatie, and of Hie intereft to accrue'thereon, the faid oiie-lwentielh part to be taken upon the lum.iL which the principal and intereft of thefaid fum fllould be liquidated or made up : .^nd whereas the faid Edward Hilliard and Lewis Way executors of John Way as aforefaid, have alio ctecuted cerl-^ii: Articles of Agreemegt, bearing dale the -3 day of September m the year of our Lord 1S05, confirming the laid alhgmnent of onc-tweniieth pari by the laid John \\ ay to the faid .lohn Fordyce: Now know ve. That we the faid Bcujamiu Ilohlioule, Iliomas Co-kburn, and t^harles Grant, having taken into confuleralion a Claim niaoe in the name of th»=> heirs of the late John Wav upon the late Nabob W'allajah, tor arrears ot lahuy as law agent and Handing counfel in England U> his faid Highnefs, aniounlmg to the pnacipal fum of forty-two ihoufand feven hundred and fifty Pagodas U^/JSp.) with intereft iipon the face at il.e rate of fix per cent, per annum, from the 1 day of October m ihe year ot our Lord 1705, lo the 15 day of May 111 the year of our Lord 1804, arooaniiug, priucipal and 210 SKVENTII REPORT OF the Alifolute inteieft together, to the a^gregale fiim of fi:vtj-four tlioLif.ind cij^lit hundred and feventy- ill' tuiuiir u{ three Pa!;odas ((14,873.) or tsventy-nve llioiilatul nme hiuidred and forty-nine rounds a;:a Cluimanls. four Shillings (tcMling (,£. ■25,949. 4s.): and iiaving- alio taken into confideration a Ciai:!i -' made by tiie laid Joiin Fordyce as allignee aforcl'aid, for tlie one-twentieth part as afore- faid, of the iiini claimed as aforefaid by the faid Edward Hiliiavd and Lewis Way as executors aforei'aid : And having duly invefiigated the faid Claims accorchng to the covenants, provifions and directions of the aforei'aid Indenture, (io find, That t!ie late Colonel Macleane, Vakeel in Ijondon of the faid Nabob \V:il!aJah, appointed the faid Joim Way law agent to his faid ilighnefs, and tlial his faid Uigiinels coniirnicd the faid appoint- ment, and ordered tliat the falary of the faid John Way ihoidd coiumeiice Iroui the 1 dity of January in the year of our Lord 1778: And we do further find, That the faidJoiin Way did, on the 6 day of July in the year of our Lord 1796, for a certain conhderation received by him, execute an obligation bindinir hiinfelf to aiiign to James Taylor of the Town of Southauipton, all right and title to tlie funi faid to be due !o him the faid ,!ohn Way, a-; fiich law aijent of his faid Highnefs, from llie i day of January in the year of our Lord 177S, to the 1 day of January ni the year of our Lord 1780 : And we do lurther find, Ti;ai tlie faid Jolm Way received iVoni the laid Nabob \\'allajah, on tlie 23 day of June in the year of our Lord 1780, a bill of exchange dated the 30 day of January in tlie year of oui Pags. Lord 1789, for the fum of four thoufand Pagodas (4,000.) or one thoufand and fix hundred Pounds fterling (c£. 1,600.) which faid fum was received by the faid Ji;hn Way on or about the 31 day of December in the year of our Lord 1789 : And we do further find, That the i'aid John \\ ay rendered bona tide fervices as law agent to the faid Nabob VVallajah fiibfe- (juent to the 1 day of January in the year of our Lord 17S0, and tliat the balance of fixleen S. I's. thoufand Star Pagodas (16,000.) and no more, was juftly due and owing from the faid Nabob' to him the faid John Way, as law agent to his laid Highncfs I'uhfequent to ihe ai'orefaid period: And we do further find, That tlie aggregate fum due to the rcprefcntatives of the faid John Way on the 15 day of May in the year of our Lord 1804, amounts to twenty- nine thoufand feven hunched and ninety-tive Pagodas two Fanains and feventy Calli Vs. F. c. (29,705. c. 70.) : And we the faid Benjamin Ilobhoufe, Thomas Cockburn, and Charles Grant, do hereby Award and Adjudge, That upon the faid 15 day of May in the year of our Lord 1804, the fum of twenty-nine thoufand leveu hundred and ninety-five Pagodas Fs. F. C. two Fanan.is and feventy Cafli (29,795. 2. 70.) or eleven thoufand nine hundred and eighteen Pounds and fixpeiice Itcrliug (i'.i 1,918. o?. 6d.) and no more, was and hill isjultly due and owing from the re|>refenlalives of his faid Ilighnefs tiie late Nabob \^ alhijaii to the reprefen- tatives of the faid John Way: And we do further Award and Order, Tliat the faid Debt, being a Debt contracted for civil pay and allowances by his faid Highncfs \\'allajah, is and fhali be comprized in the Firft Clafs of Debts under the faid Lidenlure: And we do fuither Award and Adjudge, Tliat the fum of twenty -eight thoufand three hundred and five Pagodas thirteen Ps. F. V. Panams and eighteen Cadi (28.305. 13. 18.) or eleven ihoufand three hundred and twenty- two Pounds tvvo Shillings and iixpeiiee fterling (£. 11,322. 2s. Oil.) being a portion of the faid JJebt, is due and owing to the faid Edward Hilliard and Lewis Way as executors aforefaid ; and iliat the faid Edward Hiiliard and Lewis Way have and fhall have right to participate to the amount of the faid fum of twenty-eight thoufand three hundred and p>. F. V. five Pagodas thirteen Fananis and eighteen Cafli (28,305. 13. 18.) or eleven thoufand three hundred and twenty-two Pounds two Shillings and fixpencc llerling {£. 11,322. 2.s. 6d.) in the fund provided by the aforefaid [ndenture, for fatisfadtion of the private Debts of the late Nabobs of the Carnatic and that the fum of fourteen hundred and eighty-nine Ps. F. c. Pagodas thirty -one Fanams and fifty-two Cafli (1,489. 31. 52.) or five hundred and ninety- five Pounds and eighiecn Shillings fterling (.£.595. 18s.) being the remaindpr of the faicl Debt, is due and owing to James King of Tavillock-place in the County of Middlcfex, one of ihe executors named m the will of the laid John Fordyce, and that the laid James King hath and fhall have right to pariiciiKite to the amount of the laid fuui of fourteen bundled andeighty- Ps. F. c. nine Pagodas thirty-one Fanams and fifty-two Calli (1,489. 31. 52.) or five hundred and ninely-Kve Pounds and eighiecn Shillings fterling („£• 595. 18s.) in the fund provided by the aforefaid Indenture for fatisfaclion of the private Debts of the late Nabobs of the Carnatic: And we do further Award and Adjudge, 'I'hat all the property and revenues of the faid Nabob Wallajah, aiidhis fiicceirois or reprefenlativcs, are ;iiid fliall he for ever ai-(iiiitted and di(i::harged from all Claim whatfoever in rcfpett of the faid Debt claimed at the initance of the faid Edward Hilliard and Lewis Way, them or cither of llu'iii, or ol'any otlier i'erfon or Pcrfons whatfoever. hi Witnefs whereof, we the faid I'enjamin IJobhoufe, 'J'homas Cock- burn, and Charles Cranl, have iiereunto fet our hands the levcnieenth day of July, in the year of our Lord one thoufand eight hundred and eleven. (PI'NJAMIN IIOBHOUSE. (Signed) yrilO. (OCKHLRN. Signed (being firft duly fiainpcd) t CllA. CHANT Junior. in the [>relence of, (Signed; Joint rarkhoufc. CLAIM CARNATIC COMMISSrOXERS. 211 Abfolote C L A I M N- 4. of N° 1 27. in our Iirft Report. "^SSltof' TOnH toHhoni tlieic Prclbnts (liall^comc: We, iknjniiiiii Mohhoiifc of Wl.illoi. I'iirk , <-'"' '» "'"^- ^ in the Couiily of M niiilefcx, 'I'honias Cocklnirn of l];iiiii)(le:i(J in liii; Caiil Cmmly i.l Mul- ^ ttlcrt-x.aiid Charles Grant junior of Lincolii's-Inn in the laid County of iM iddlcfex, hi-in;:^ N''l77. ilie Comiiiillioners and Ileieiees adliug in England for liie lime heing, u»e tl'^ County of Middleiex, Thomas Cockburn of Hampltead in the faid County of Middlefex, Ciazttte oi uiei'i and Charles Grant junior of Lincoln's-Inn in the faid County of Middlefex, being the K-^"f isoo, and, Commillioners and Referees acling in England for the time being, under a certain Deed !• int uipurt to i-ar- indented and bearing date the 10 day of July 1805, " betv\een the United Company of iKiMicm. Merchants of England trading to the Eaft Indies of the one part, and the lieveral Perfons • Cliarks Binny. whole hands and liials are thereto fet and afiixed, and who refpei'tively are or claim to be Creditors of his Highnefs the Nabob Wallah Jah, formerly Nabob of Arcot and of the Carnatic in the Eaft Indies, and now deceafed, and of his Ilighnefs the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah, late Nabob of Arcot and of the Carnatic, eldell fon and fiiccelfor of his faid Highnefs the Nabob Wallahjali, and now alio deceafed, and of his Ilighnefs the Ameer ul Omrali, the fecond Ion of his fiid Highnefs the Nabob Wallahjali, and now alio deceafed, or of I'ome or one of them the faid feveral Nabobs, and the faid Ameer of the other part," Send Greeting: Whereas Charles liiniiy of Howland-lhcet Filzroy-fquare in the County of Middlefex, hath by his attorney John Fordyce of Whitehall in the faid County of Middlefex, fince deceafed, executed the aforefaid Indenture, and hath thereby iuhiiiitied liiinleif, his heirs, cvceulors and admiiiifirators, to the judgment, award, order and delennination of the Coinmiliioiieis under the aforefaid Indenture, in all ihings whatfoever relating to the leveral Claims made by him under the faid indenture: And whereas the faid Charles Diiiny hath executed certain Artiiles of Agreement bearing date the 3 day of May in the year of our Lord 1800, between feveral Perfons defciibing themfelves as Cre receive and hold the faid one-lwenti*th part fo thereby to them alliniied upon Uie liultsin the faid Articles of Agreement men lioued and fet forth: And whena» Geoige CARNATIC COMMISSIONERS. 213 Georq;e Mouliray, Charles Biiiiiy, nnd valentine ConoIIy, bcins tlie remtiiniiTj furvivio'' >bfolnf« Tiuliocs who have exccLiled Uie 'l'n\<\ Articles of Agiceinenl, liave iilfo cx.'icuUd lUc. afore- AfJjudicaiiorig find IndeiiUiie of ihe lo (lay of July in ihe year ol our Lord 1805, and Imve Ihcrcliy fub- in fnvuvr "i niitled theinlelves, tlicir hoirs, executors and adininiftralors, to lliejudgivient, awards order Clmnjai.u. aiid dt-lcniiiiiatioii of the Commillioncrs under the aforefaid Indenture, in all ihina-i what- ' ■•' foevcr relating to tlie fcveral Claims nuule by them under the faid hidefiturc: Now Lnnw ve, lliat we the laid Benjaiiun llobiioufe, Thomas CoeKburr), and Charles CranI, liavin;^ taken into conlideration a Claim made by tlie i'aid Charles Jliuny uj)oii liis Hiuliiicis tiic late r». Nabob Omdiit ul Omrali, for the principal fuin of forly-four tboufand Pagoda* (44 000.) ivhieb, with intcreic upon the iamc, amotnited, on the 15 day of A'lay in the year of our Lord I'i. 1804, to the airgrcgate fiini ol filty-two tboufand two liundred and tliirtv Pagodas (5'.', -230.) or twenty liioiifund eight lunuhed and ninety-two Pounds ftcrling (,£.2o",S9'.'.j: And iiavin'^ alfo taken into confideration a Claim made by certain of the Truftees named in the faij Articles of Agreement of the 3 day of May in the year of our Lord 1800, for themfelves and others as allignees aforefaid, for the one-twentieth part as aforefaid of the fmn claimed as aforel'aid, by the laid Charles Binny ; and havingdidy invediga'icd the I'aid Claims according to the covenants, provilions and dirt-ctionsof liie aforifaid Iniienliire; Do lind, That iJie faid Nabob Oindut ul Omrah granted a Bond to Charles Binny bearing date the 10 dav of March in the yesr of our Lord iSoi, corrcfponding with the 24 Showal 1215 of the llegyra, for Ps. the fum of thirty-fix tboufand Star Pagodas (36,000) : i\\\<\ we do further find. That the Debt fo conftituted by the faid Bond from the faid Nabob Omdiit ul Omrah to the faid Charles Binny was for civil pay and allowances juftly due for fcrvices bona fide rendered by him to the faid Nabob as one of his valtcels or agents in Englaiul : And we do turlher find, That ti.e aggregate fum due lo the faid Charles Binny on ilie 15 day of Muv in ibc year of our Lord 1804, amounted lo forty-two tboufand eight hundred and feventv I'agodas Ps. F. c. twenty-four Fanams and fourteen Cafli (42,870. 24. 14.) : And we the faid Benjamin Hob- houl'e, Ihomas Cockburn, and Charles Crant, do hereby Awajd and Adjudge, 'I'hatupon the 15 day of May in the year of our Lord 1804, the fum of forty-lwo tboufand eight hundred Ps. F. c. and fevenly Pagodas twenty-four Fanams and fourteen Cafli (42,870.) 24. 14.) or fevcnteea tboufand one hundred and forty-eight Pounds four Shillings and eight-pence fterling (<£■! 7,148. is. 8d.) and no more, was and dill is jullly due and owing from the rcprcfcntatives of his faid Highnefsthe Nabob Omdut ul Omiah to the faid Charles Binny: And we do further Award and Order, That the faid Debt, being h Debt contradtcd for civil pav and allowances, is and (ball be comprized in the Firit Clafs of Debts under the faid Indenture: And we do i'urtiier Award and Adjudge, That the fum of forty tboufand feven hundred and Ps. F. c. tw'enty-ieven Pagodas one Fanam and feventy-eight Calli (40,727. 1. 78.) or fixteen tboufand two hundred and ninety Pounds ii.xteen Shillings and five-pence iterling (0^.16,200. iGs. -f, and Cliarles fiiarit junior of Lineoi.i's-iiii) in Uie liiid Coiuity of Middleiex, bein;. N° I 80. ^^^ C'Uirniifioneis and He.'crees adiiig in England for tlic linie beirii;;, under a fertaiii Deed indented and bearing date tlie 10 day of July 1805, " beliveen the United Company of CLAIM Mereliants of Lnoland trading to tiie Eall Indies of the one part, and Llie feveral Perfoiis N' 159 in ilic G^i7.ette %vhoic hands and frals are thrrelo fet and jiiitxed, and who refpcclively are or claim to be of ihe 22 Aug. 1807 V c,.gj,ito,.3 ^f his Higimef^ the Nabob Wallah Jah, formerly Nabob of Areot and of the K" 1 17 in the Second Camatie in the Eatr Indies, and now deeeafed, and of his fiiiilinefs the Nabob Onidiit ul Report to Farlia- Omiali, lale Nabob of Aicot and of the C;;rnatic, eldeft fon and fueeelfor of his faid lligli- ""^"'' ^ r.e.'s the Nabnb Wallaii Jail, and now ado deeeafed, and of his Highnefs t!;e Ameer ul Sir George Thn- Omrah, the ieeond fon of his faid Highnefs the Nabob Wallah Jah, and now alfo deeeafed, man Staunton, or of fome or one of them the !aid i'everal Nabobs, and the faid Ameer of the other part," Bart. Executor Send Greeting: ^\!iereas Sir George Thomas Staunton I'ormerly of Devonfhire-ftreet in o{ Sir George the County of Middlefex, Baronet, executor of Sir George Leonard Staunton, Daronet, Leonard Staitn- late of Devondiire-itreet aforefaid, hath by his attornev Jo!m Fordyce of Whitehall in t!ie ion, Hart. faid County of iVliddlefex, finee deeeafed, executed theafoiefaid I tidenture, and hath thereby fubmitted liimlelf, his heirs, cxeeutors, jiiid adniiniftralors, to the judgn-.ent, award, oider, and determination of the; Conimiffioners under the aforefaid Indenture, in all things whal- foever relating; to the ieveral Claims made by him under the faid Indenture: And v\hereas the faid late Sir George Staunton did execute certain Articles of Agreement, bearing date the 3 day of May in the yrarol our Lord 1800, between ieveral Per Ions deferibing ihenifelvea as Creditor* of the lateNabcjbsof theCarnatie cjf the tirfi; part, the faid John Fnrdyee of the Ieeond part, and the Perfons therein named as 'I'ruftees of the third |>art, and did therebv tratislisr and aliign over to the faid TrulUes one-twentietli part of every Debt or fum of money owin^ to liim from their Highnefibs the late Nabobs of Areot, or the Ameer ul Omraii, or irom any one of them, and of the intereft to accrue thereon, the laid one-twentieth part to be takeii upon the fuin at which the principal and intereft of the faid Debt (hail be liquidated or made up, to receive and hold the faid one-twentieth part fo thereby to them aliigned upon the tiufts in the faid Ai tides of Agreement mentioned and fet forth : And whereas George Moubray, Charles Einny, and Valentine Conoliy, b^ing the remai:iing furviving Trutlees who have executed the faid Articles of Agreement, have alfo executed the aforefaid Inden- ture of the ioday of July in the year of our Lord 1805, and have thereby fubmitled them- lelves, their heirs, executors, and adrainiftrators to the judgment, award, order, and deter- mination of the Commiliioners under the faid Indenture, in all things whatfoever relating to the li^'veral Claims made by them under the faid Indenture: Now know ye, That we the fairl Benjamin Hobhoufe, Thomas CocUburn, and Cluirles Grant, having taken into con- fideratioii a Claim made bv the faid Sir George ThoLuas Staunton as executor aforefaid, upon his Highnefithe late Nabob Omdut ul Omrah, for the priuciiial fum of twenty thou- Ps. F. C. faud four hundred and iixteen Pagodas twenty-nine Fanams and forty Cadi (20,416. 29. 40.) wh.ch, >viih interelt upon th.e fame, amounted on the 15 day of May in the year of our X.ord 1804, to the aggregate fum of Iwenty-four thoufand three hundred and twelve Pa- Ps. F. Cs godas thirty-five Fanams and forty Cafli (24,312. 35. 40.) or nine thoufand feven hundred and twenty-five I'ounds two shillings and eight-pence (ierling (ond, or the Debt claimed thereon at the inftance of the faid Sir George 'I homas Staunion ai executor aforefaid, or of any other Perfon or Perfons whatfoever: And we do iurlbcr Award and Order, That the original Kond aforefaid Ihall be cancelled and deliveied uj) to thet^ouri of Directors of the faid United Eaft India Company. In Witnefs whereof we the faid Ben- jamin f lobhoufe, Thomas Cockburn, and Charles Grant, have hereunto fet our hands tJie twenty-tifth day of July, in the year of our Lord one thouland eight huudred aai eleven. fBENJN HOBHOUSE. (Signed) < THO. COCKBURN. Signed (being firft duly flamped) iCIIA. GRANT Junior, in pretence of, (Signed) John Parkhoufe. CLAIM N" 2. of N' 13G. in our Tirft Report. KM 81. s- TO all to whom thefe Prefeuts fhjvU come: We, Benjamin Hobhoufe of Whittoa Parkin the County of Middlefex, Thomas Cockburn of Hampfteud in the faid County of CLAIM Middlefex, and Charles Grant junior of Lincoln's-Inn in the faid County of MiddicVex, "^ /f j/iJi° ^f'' i" A^ being the Commiflioners and Referees afting in England for the time being vndcr a certain /go^ . ,„d. Deed, indented and hearing date the 10th day of July 1805, " betwc'cn the United Company N'snf .\»i.«intiu! of Merchants of England trading to the Eaft Indies of the one part, and the leveral Perfons f-^f ^„i'^*"'" '° ^'"' whole hands and feals are thereto fet and affixed, and wh» refpe<5tively are or i-laim to be j(,m,.f ifHUs ■ Creditors of his Highnefs the Nabob W'allajah, formerly Nabob of Arcot and of the Carnalic \(i,i,||,iliialor af . in the Eaft Indies, and now deceafed, and of his Highnefs tlie Nabob Onului ul Omrah, r> 1 // ,///j. late Nabob of Arcot and of the Carnatic, eldeft fon and fuccelfor of his laid Hii^hnefb tl»e Nabob Wallajah, and now alio deceafed, and ofiiis Highnefs the Ameer iil t^ni rail, the fecond fon of his faid Highnefs the Nabob Wallajah, and now alfo deceafed, or of fomc or one of them the faid feveral Nabobs, and the faid Ameer of the other part,'' Send Greeting : Whereas James Willis of Hampton Court in the County of Middlefex, adniinilirator to the eTtatc of the late Richard Legge Willis, hath by his attorney John Fordyce ol While- hall in the faid County of Middlefex, fin ce deceafed, executed the aforefaid Iiidenlure, and •hath tliereby fubmittctl himfelf, his heirs, executors and adminiltrators, to the jiulL'ni, nt, award, order, and determination of the Commifiioners under the aforelaid Indintiiro, in al! . things whatfoever relating to the feveral Claims made by him under the faid Indenture; And whereas the faid James Willis as adminihrator aforefaid, hath executed c-ertain Article.s of Agreement, bearing date the fii ft day of September in the yuar of our Lord 1804, between leveral Perfons dcl'eribing themlclves as Creditors of the hte Nabobs of the Carnatic of tlic Hrft part, the faid John Fordyce of thefecoud part, and the Perfons therein named as TiiK- tees of the third part, and hath thereby transferred and alligncd over to the faid .lolin For- dyce one-fortieth part of every Debt or fum of Money owing to liiin u3 iiieh adniinilirator from their Highnelics the late"Nabobs of Arcot, or the Ameer ul Omrah, or from any one of them, and of the intereft to accrue thereon, the ilnid one-fortieth part to be taken upon the fum at which the principal and intereft of the faid l,)ebt fliall be liquidated or made up; and hath further transferred and alhgned over to the laid Trullees one oilier fortieth part of every Debt or fum of money owing to him as fuch adminiftrator from dieir HiglmcHes the bile Nabobs of Aicot or the Ameer ul Omrah, or from any one of them, and ot the intereft to accrue thereon, the laid other fortieth part to be'taken upon tlie I'um ut which tlie principal and intereft of the faid Debt flaaJl be luiiiidated or made up, lo receive and hold the laid one ciher fortieth |>art lb thereby to them alligncd upon the trutis in the faid Articles of Agreement jnentioned and let forth; And whereas the faid John Furdvce did c.xcvnte the faid Articles ■2A. -K k k oi6 SEVENTH REPORT or the Abfolu'.e of Agtcomeiil of the fiift dav of Septoiiiber ill the year of our Lord 1S04, and did idfo exe- Adju>iu«uoiis cute the aforcfaid liuleiuine of the 10th day of, Inly in the ye;ir of our Lord 1S05; And injutour ui wliereas Charles Biiiiiv, George Moubray, iind X'alt'iitiiie Conolly, baiiia; the reniaiiiiii^ Clairiiaiiu. furviviti"- 'I'ruiiees who have executed the laid Articles of Agreement, liave alfo executed the ""-' ' ' aforcfaid Indenture of the 10th day of July in the year of our Lord 1805, and have thereby lubmitted tiieinlelves, their heirs, executors and adminiftrators, to the iud<;mctit, award, order, and determination of the Conimiiiioners under the laid Indenture, in ail things what- foevcr rc'latnig to the fevtral Claims made by tliL-m under the laid Indenture: Now know ye, 'J'hat we the laid lUnjainin Ilobhoul'e, Thoma^ Coekbiirn, atui Cliarles Giant, having taken into coiilideralioii a C'laiin made by the laid ,)a{nes Willi* as adminillrator aforcfaid, ujioii his Ht2;hncl5 tliM late >i'abob Oiiidul ul Oinrah, for the nrinciinil luni of two ihoufand nine t's. F. C. hundred and lixtceii Pajjodas and twenty-eight Fanams (-2,016. 28. o.) which, with intercft upon the lame, amounted on the i5lh day of May in ths year of our Lord 1S04, to the I's. F. C. aggregate fum of four thoufand and ninety Pagodas and twenty-eight Fanams (4,090. 28. o.) or one ihoufand fix huntlrtd and thirty-lix Pounds live Shillings and four-pence fterling (of. 1,(530. 5. 4.): Ami having taken into coiilideration a Claim made by the fiid John For- dvcc as alii^iiee aforel'aid, for the onc-foi ticlli part as aforcfaid, of the fum claimed as afore- I'nid bv the laid James W^iUis as adminiftrator aforcfaid: And having alio taken into con- ruleration a Claim made by certain of the Trultccs named in the laid Articles of Agreement of the rirlt day of September m the year of our Lord 1S04, for themfclves and others as aliignees aforefaid, for the other fo:tietli [)art as aforcfaid, of the fum claimed as aforcfaid by the laid James Willis as aforel'aid; and having duly inveftigated the laid Claims accord- iii"- to the covenants, provifions, and directions of the aforcfaid Indenture, Do Hud, That Ihe laid Richard Legge Willis did ferve the Nabob Oindut ul Omrah as one of his Vakeels ■ or Agents in England: And we do further find, Tliaf therewas due to him from the laid Nabob Oiiulut ul O.mi-ah for fervices bona, (ide rendered bjr him, the fum of feven thoufand five htindred and twenty Pagodas twenty-three Fanams and one Caih (7,520. 23. 1.): And we do further iind. That the aggregate fum due to the reprefentatives- of the laid Richard Legge Willis, on the 15th day "of May in the year of our Lord 1804, amounted to eight thoiri'and nine hundred and fifty-five Pagodas thirty-five Fanams and twenty Cadi Ps. F. G. (8,955.35.20.): And we the faid Tjenjamin Hobhoufe, Thomas Gockburn, and Charles Grant, do hereby Award and Adjudge, That upon the faid I5lh day of May in the year of our Lord 3804, the fum of eight thoufand nine hundred and fifty.^tive Pagodas .thirty-five Ps.' F. c. Fanams and twenty Cafli (8,955. 35. 20.) or three thoufand five hundred and eighty-two Pounds lix Shillings and nine-pence fterling(i^. 3,582 6«; Qf/.) was -and full is juftly due and owing from the reprefentatives of his laid llighnefs the Nabob -Omdut iil Omrah, to the reprefentatives of the faid Richard Legge Willis : And we do further Award and Order, That the faid Debt, being k Debt contratled for civil pay and allowances by. his faid High- iid's Omdut ut Omrah, is and lliall be comprized inlhe Firil Clafs of Debts under the laid Indenture: And we do further Awiiiil and Adjudge, That the fum of eight thoufand five i's. F. c. I'.iindrcd and eight Pagodas. and two Fanams (8,508. 2. o.) or three ihoiil'iind four liundred and ihrce Pounds four Shillings and live-pence lierling (£• 3,403. 4s- 5'^-) being a portion of the faid Debt, is flue and owing to the laid James A\'illis as adminiltrator aforefaid, and that - the faid James Willis as fiich adminillrator hiilh and (hall have right to participate to the amount of the laid fum of eight thonfaiid five hundred and eight Pagodas- and two Fanams Ps. V. C. (8,508. 2. 0.) or three thoufand four iiur.dred and t4iree Pounds four Shillings and five-pence lierling (^.3,403. 4.-,-. 5(7.) in the tiind provided by the aforefaid Indenture for fatisfat-tion of thepnvalc Debls of tlie late Nabobs of the Carnatic ; and that the I'um of two hundred and Ps. . F. c. twenty-lliiee Pagodas thirty-fcvcn Fanams and fifty Calh (223. 37. 50.) or eighty-nine Pounds ■ ele\cii SliiUings and two-pence fteilmg (o£.8o. 1 i.s. -ill.) being a further portion of the faid JX'bt, is due and owiiig to James King of Taviiiix k Place in the County of Ariddlelix. one of the e.\eciitois named in the will of the faid John Fordyce, and that the faid James King •as fuc'h executor, hath and fliall have right to participate to the amount of the faid fum -of Ps. F . €. two hundred and twenty-tlirec Pagodas thirty-feven Fanams and fifty Cafli (223. 37. 50.) or eigiity-nine Pounds eleven Shillings and two-pence lierling (i^.Sy. lis. 2c/.) in- the fund pro- vided by the aforefaid Indenture for fatisfadion of the private Debts of the late Nabobs of the Carnatic; and that the fiiin of two hundred and twtnty-threc Pagodas thirly-fcvcii P;. F. c. >"anams and fifty ('afli (223. 37. 50.) or eighty-nine Pounds eleven Shillings and two-pence fterling (£.89. ns. 2(i.) being the reinaining portion of the laid Debt, is due and owing to CJharles Biniiv, (jcorgc Moubray, and Valentine Conolly, as aflignees aforcfaid, and that the faid Charles Binny, George Moubray, and Valentine Conolly, have and (hall h,-.ve right to participate to the amount of the faid' fum of two hundred and twenfcy-lhnee Pagodas ihirty- Ps. F. C. feven Fanams and fifty Calli (223. 37. 50.) or cigiily-nine Pounds eleven Shilliirgs and two- pence lierling (/^.8o. i is. 2^/.) in the fuiul provided by the aforefaid Indenlure for liitisfac- tion of the [>nvatc Debts of the late Nabobs of the C.irnatic : And we do fnrthci" Award and Adjudge, 'I'ljal all the jnopcrty and icvenueti of the faid Nabob Omdut ul Omrah and his fuc'c-nv-vs CARNATIC COMMISSIONERS. 217 twccclTois or rcptefentatives, arc and fliall be for ever acquilt(Hl and difcliargcd from all de- Abfolute niand vvliatfoever, in refpec^t of ihe laid Debt claimed al the indance of the faid James Adjudication, AViiiis as adminidiator nforefaid, or of any other Perfon or Perfons wlialfoever. In Witncfs in favour of whereof we tlie faid Henjamin lloblioiii'e, Tliomas Cockburii, and Cliarles Grant, have ^^_C1diinaut^ hereunto fet our hands the" twenty-lilili day of July, in the year of our Lord one ihouiimd eislit hundred and eleven. (HRNJ^' IIOP.IIOUSE. (Signed) the judgment, award, order and determination of the .Commiflioners under the faid Indenture, in all things whatfoever relating to the feveral Claims made by them under the faid Indenture: And wliereas the faid hir John Day hath departed this life, and Benedicla Day, widow, one of the executors named in the will of the faid Sir John Day, and Frederick Auguda, in the fecond codicil written Frederick Barnard, the executor named in the fecond codicil to the faid'will took out (nobate of the faid will and the fecond coilicil thereto annexed: And whereas the faid Beiiedicta Day hath fincc departed this life : Now know ye, That^we the laid Benjamin Hobhoufe, Thomas Cocklxirii, and Charles-Grant, having taken into confideration si Claim made by the faid Sir John Day upon liis Highnefs the late Nabob Wallajah for the principal fum of ten thoufand Pagodas Eags. (io,ooo) which, withiatered upon the fame, amctinted, on the 15 dav ot Mav in the vear P.igs. ■ of our Lord 1804, to iwciUy-eight thoufand and ninety-five Pagoda« (■28,005.) or eleven thoufand two-hundred and ihirly-cight Pounds derling (ot'.iijSgS.) : And having alfo taken into confideration a Claim made by certain of the Trullces named in the faid Articles of Agreement of the 3 day of May in the year of our Lord 1796, for themfelves and others a» aiiigneesaforcfaid, for"th(2 one-twentieth part as aforefaid of the fum claimed as aloiefaid by the laid Sir John Day ; and having duly invedigated the faid Claims according to the covenants, provilions and .-iireCtions of the aforefaid Indenture,' Do find, That the faid Nabob Wallajah granted a Bond to the faid Sir John' Day, bearin"; date the 1 dnyof July in the yciirofour Lord 1779, correfponding with the 16 Jemadee Uflance 1193 of the Hegyra, for J'aji. -the fum often thoufand Star Pagodas (10,000.) : And we do further find, That the faid Bond was granted to Sir John Day for profelhonal afiidance rendered by him as a lawyer to the faid Nabob Wallajah: Andwe do further find. That the fum of twelve hundred and fifty ■ s. Vs. Star Pagodas (1,250.) or five hundred Pounds fterling (of.500.) was an adequate and fair reinuneration for fuch profedional afiidnnce rendered to his faid Highnei's tiie Nabob Wallajah -by the Iii.id Sir John Day: And we do further find, That the aggregate fum due to 2i8 SEVENTH REPORT of the ^. . . to t'lie repiefentalivcs of tlie faid Sir John Day as aforefa'ul, on tlie 15 (lay oT May in ttic Uri,,,^,!?, -dioni veai- of our Lord 1S04, amounted to tlii-ee llioufaiid five hiiiKlred and tliirty-fix Pagoda^ ■""J". ' •" P.igs. F. C. aam,an''ts' thirtv-two Fananis and fixty-two Cafli {^,536. 32. 62.) : And we tlic faid Benjamin Hob- . , - l—>lioufc, Thomas Cockburn, and Charles Grant, do hereby Award and Adjudge, That upon tiie i5 day of May in tlie year of our Lord 1804, the fuiu of three thoufand five hundred P:igs. F. C. and Uiirty-fix Pagodas thirty-two Fanams and fi.\ty-two Cadi (3,530. 32. 62.) or one thou- fand four liuLidred and fourteen Pounds fourteen Shillings and three-pence fierJing (^.1 ,41 4 1 4S. vl ) and no more, was and ftill is juftly due and owing from the reprefentative* t;f liis laid lii^iniels the late Nabob \\ all-ijah to the reprcfentati'.'es of the lliid Sir John Day : And we do further x\ward and Order, 'liiat tiie faid Debt, being a Debt contracted for civil pay and allowances, is and ihall be comprized in the Firlt Clafs of Debts under the faid Indenture : And we do further Award and Adjudge, Tliat the i'uui of three thoufand three Pags. F. C. hundred and hfty-nine Pagodas thirty-nine Fanams and forty-three Cafli (3,359. 39. 43.) •or one thoufand three hundred and furty-lhrce Pounds nineteen Shillings and fixpeiice fter- lin" |,„t^l,34,^ ip. 6.) being a portion of the laid Debt, is due and owing to the faid Frederick Au"-ulta, alias Frederick Barnanl, fmviving executor as aforcfaid, and that the faid FVederict Au"^ufta, alias Frederick Barnard, furviving executor as aforel'aid, has artd fiiall have right t» participate to the amount of the faid ium of three thoufand three hundred and fifty-nine ' ' r.iS;s. F. C. Pagodas ihiily-nine Fanams and forty-lhree Cafh (3,359. 39. 43.) or one thoufand three hundred and forty-three Pounds nineteen Shillings and fixpence IterHng {£.1,^4:^. iqs. 6d.) in the fund provided by the aforel'aid Indenture for fatisfatlion of the .private Debts of the late JSabobj of the Caruatic; and that the fum of or>e hundred and feventy-lix Pagodas Pags. F. c. thirtv-five Fananrs and nineteen Calh (176. 35. 19.) or feventy Pounds fourteen Shillings and nine-pence fterling (^.70. 14s. 9^.) being the remainder of the faid Debt, is due and owing to the faid Samuel Johiifon and Charles Binny, as aflignees aforefaid ; and that the liiid Samuel Johnfon and Charles ]5inny have and fljall have right to participate to the amount of the faid fum of one hundred and feventy-fix Pagodas thirty-five Fanams and Pags. F. c. nineteen Cafli (176. 35. 19.) or feventy Pounds fourteen Shillings and nine-pence fterling (£.jo. 14s. od) in the fund provided by the aforefaid Indenture for iatisfa(5lion of the pri- vate Debts olf the late Nabobs of the Carnatic : And we do further Award and Adjudge, That all the property and revenues of the laid Nabob Wallajnh, and his fucccflbrs or repre- fentatives, are and fliall be for ever acquitted and difcharged from all Claim whatfoever in rei'peft of the faid Bond, or the Debt claimed thereon, at the inftance of the faid Frederick Augufta alias Frederick Barnard, or of any other Perfon or Perfons whatfoever : And we do further Award and Order, That the original Bond aforefaid fliall be cancelled and delivered up to the Court of Dircdors of the faid United Eaft India Company. In VVitnefs whereof, ive the faid Benjamin Hobhoufe, Thomas Coekburn, and Charles Grant, have hereunto fet our hands the twenty-fifth day of July, in the year of our Lord one thoufand eight hundred and eleven. (BENJN' HOBHOUSE. (Signed) ^ THO. COCKBURN. Signed (being firft duly uamped) <. CtlA. GllAIS 1' Junior, in the prefence of, (Sgned) John Parkhouje. K' 184. 'CLAIIM N' 161 in oar Third Report. TO all to whom thefe P»cfents fliall come : We, Benjamin Hobhoufe of Whitton Park '•' ^^^' Cizeite in the County of Middlefex, Thomas Coekburn of Hampftead in the faid County of Mid- ^ oVthe '3iKii'i'"a'y dlclcx, and Charles Grant junior of Lincoln's-Inn in the faid County of Middlelex, being i8," 161 iiv the Thud j)^^^ indented and bearing d*it=e the jo day of July i'8o5, " between the United Coni- mint ' " * pany of Merchanls of England trading to the Eaft Indies of the one part, and the feveral ^' TT All- l*erfon« whole hands and iisals are thereto fet and affixed, and who refpcttively are or claim ' J j..^ /«<7«£ '" ^^ Creditors of his Highneis the Nabob VVallajah, formerly Nabob of Arcol and of the "cn^ " ° Carnatic in the Ealt Indies, and now deceafed, and of his llighnefs the Nabob Onulut ul • ^* Omrah, late Nabob of Arcot and of the Carnatic, eldeft h)n and fuccell'or of his faid High- nefs the Nabob Wallajali, and now alio iin Fordyee did execute, and tiie laid Charles Binny, George Moubray, and Valentine Conolly, have executed the faid Articles of Agreement of the i (hiy ol Se()leuibi'r in the year of our Lord 1S04, and alfo the aforelaid indenture of the 10 day of July in the year of our Lord 1S05, and have thereby fubniilted tliemfelves, their heirs, exe- cutors and adminillrators, to the judgment, award, order and determination of the Com- millioners under the laid Indentuie, m ail things whalibever relating to tiie (ii-vcral Claims made by tliem under the faid Indenture: Now know ye, That we the faid Benjamin Ilob- lioufie, 'fiionias Coekburn, and Cliailes Grant, having taken into eorilideration a Claim made by tlie faid bir Henry Aiiguftus Montague Colby upon his Higlinefs the lale Nabob Wallajah, for arrears of faiaiy due to him as agent to his llighnefs, for the principal lum of thirteen thouiV.nd iix hundred and fixty-fix' Pag in the year of our Lord 1804, for tliemli'lves and others as allignees aforelaid, fiir the otlier for- tieth part as aforelaid of the lum claimed as afore faid by the laid Sir Henry Augultui Montague Colby, and having duly invelligaled the faid Claims accordiiig to the covenants, provifions, and diree^tions of the aforelaid Indenture, Do find. That the faid Sir Henry Aiiguftus Montague ('ofliy did allill in the munageiuent of the affairs of his Highnefs the late Nabob AVallajah in England : And we do further find, That the faid Nabob Wallajah engaged to pay to the faid Sir Henry Auguftiis Moiilagiie Cofby the fum of two tlioufand J'agodus Pags. (■2,000.) |ier annum : And we do further find. That the faid Nabob Wallcijah remitlcd t» the faid Sir Henry Augufius Montague Cofby ihe two feparate funis of two thonfand ra;;s. "" Pjjs. Pagodas (2,000.) each, making together four thonfand Pagodas (4,000.): And we do fur- ther find, That the balance of twelve tlioufand four hundred and ten Pagodas forty I'anains Ps. r. C. and twenty-two Calli (12,410. 40. 22.) and no more, was juftly due and owing from the fa d Nabob to the faid Sir Henry Augultus Montague Cofby, for fervices bona fide rendered by liiin to the faid Nabob : And we do further find. That tlie aggregate fum due to the faid Sir Henry Auguiius Montague Cofby on the 15 day of May in the year of our Lord 1804, amounted to eighteen tiioul'aiid and eight hundred Pagodas thirty Panams and fixty-one Ps. f: C-. Cafli (18,800. 30. 61.) : And we the faid Benjamin Hoblsoufe, Thomas Coekburn, and Charles Grant, do hereby Awa.rd and Adjudge, I'hat upon the 15 day of May in the year of our Lord 1804, tlie fum of eighteen tlioufand eight hundred Pagodas thirty Fanains and Ps. F. c. fixty-one Cadi (iS,Soo. 30. 61.) or feven thoufand five hundred and twenty Pounds five Shillings and eleven-pence fterling (<£. 7,520. 5s. ud.) and no more, was and itill is juftly due and owing from thereprefentatives of his laid Highnefs tlie late Nabob U^illajah to the faid Sir ileniy Auguiius Montague Colby : And we do further Award and Order, That the laid Debt, being a Debt eontrac'tcd for civil pay and allowances by his laid Highnefs U'ai- liijali, is and fhall be comprized in the I'iifi, Clafs of Debts under the faid Indeiituiv : And we do fuither Award and Adjudge, That the fum of fevenleeu tlioufand eight hundred and Ps. F, c. fixty Pagodas twenty-nine Fanams and eighteen Cafli (17,860. 29. 18.) or feven thoufand one hundred and forty-four Pounds five Shillings and eight-pence fterling (i:\7,i44. 5*. SiL) being a poition of the faid Debt, is due and owing to the faid Sir Henry Augultus Montague Colby as aforefaid, and that the faid Sir Henry Augultus Montague Cofby hath and Ihall have right to participate to the amount of the faid futn of feveuteen thoufand eight hUii- P.. F. C. dved and fixty Pagodas twenty-nine Fanams and eighteen Ca(h (17,860. 2t). 18.) or feven thoufand one hundred and forty-four I'ounds five Shillings and eight-pence lierling (ct. 7,144. 5''-. Sd.) in the fund provided by the aforelaid Indenture, for latisfaction of the private Debts of the late Nabobs of the Caruatie; and that the fum of four hundred and Ps. F. C. feventy Pagodas and fixfy-one Cafli (470. o. 61.) or one hundred and eighty-eight Pounds and one pennv fterhng (£. 188. os. id.) being a further portion of the fiiid Debt, is due and 24; " 1> 1 1 owing 220 SEVENTH REPORT of the Abfolute owing to James Kin;i of Tavi flock-place in the County of Middlefex, one of tlie executors Adjudicaiioiis named in the will of the laid John T'oniyce ; and that the (aid James King as iiich executor, in Jaxovr of hath and ihall liave right to 'larticipate to the amount of the laid Cum of iour liundred Claimants. Ps. F. C. ^^ ^ and feventy Pagodas and fixty-one Cafli (470. o. 61.) or one hundred and eighty-eight Pounds and one penny Iteriing („£.i88. ns. id.) in the fund provided hy tiie aforefnid In- denture for fatisfuCtion of the pilvale Debts of llie lale Nabobs of the Caniatic ; and that I's. V. c. tlie funi of tour hundred and feventy Pagodas and fixty-two Calli (470. o. 62.) or one liun- dred and eighty eii;lit Pounds and two-pence ficrling {£. 18S. os. 21L) being the remaining portion of the faid Debt, is due and owing to Cliarles Binny, George Moubray, and Va- lentine Conojly, as allignees aforei'aid ; and that the faid Cliarles Binny, George Moubray, and Valentine ConoHv, have and (hall jiave right to i)articipate to the amount of the (aid IN. F. c. fum of four liundred and feventy Pc-igodas and fixty-two Cafli (470. o. 62.) or one hun(lred and eighty-eight I'ound.s and two-pence (terling (,£. 18S. os. 2(/.) in the fund provided by the aforefaid Indenture tor fatisfaftion of the piivate Debts of the late Nabobs of the (^arnatic : And \\c ilo further Award and Adjudge, 'I'hat all the propcity and revenues of the faid Nabdb W'allaja!) and his (liceetrirs or reprefentatives, are and (hall be for ever acquitted and dil'ciiariied from all demands whatfoevcr in reipect of tlie faid j)ebt claimed at the inl'tancc of the (aid Su" Henry Augufi:us Montague C'olhy, or of any other I'erfon or Perfons what- soever. In W'ltnefs vviiereof. we the laid Benjamin Hobhouf'e, Thomas Cockburn, and Charles Grant, have hereunto ("et our liaiids the twenty-ninth day of July, in theyear of our Lord one ihoiifaiid eight hundred and eleven. (BE^J^' HOB HOUSE. (Signed) ^THO. COCKBUllN. Signed (being firft duly fr.!mpecl) C CHA. GRANT Junior, in the |)iefeiKe of, (Sigiied) Ju/iii Fuikhniife. J^' CLAIINI N° 33 in our Fiilt Picport. <^IA\M TO all to whom theli? Prefents (hall come : We, Benjamin Hobhoufe of U'hitton Park ^ !1? '"„*,''■, ""'"- in the Counlv of iSI iddleliex, and Charles Grant junior of Lineoln's-Inn in the laid County o^ an.i, Midcllelcx, being two or the Commiliioners and lielerees acting in Liiglaiid for the time being N°.s.> ill tlic [•!,-([ Re- under a certain Deed, indented and bcaiingilate the 10 day of July 1S03, " between the United port to ParliaiiRi.t. ('ompauv of Merchants of England tradiiit; to the Eaft Indies of the one part, and the feveral Chiiiim Aluolaei I^ciions whole hands and (eals are thereto fet and affixed, and wlio refpeetively arc or claim dull)/, iiiul " il- to be Creditors of his llighnefs the Nabob Wallah Jah, formerly Nabob of Arcot and of the liiini JTimkiiis, Carnatic in the Eaft Indies, and now dcceafed, and of his Highnefs the NabobOmdut ul Omraii, as his Alfignee* late Nabob of Arcot and of the Carnatic, eldelt Con and fucced'orof hisiaid Highnefs the Nabob Wallah Jah, and now alio dcceafed. and of his Highnefs the Ameer ul Om rah, the fecund (ijn of iiisfaid Hiuiinefs theNabobAV'allah Jah,and no w al lb dcceafed, or ot' (bin e or one of them the faid feveral Nabobs, and the faid Ameer of the otiier part," Send (J reeling: W hereasChinna Mootot* Ci'.itty of Madias in the Eall Indies, hath by his attorney John Fordyce of Whjteliail in the County of Midtllefex, fiiice deceaiied, executed the atijiefaid Indeiiiure, and hath thereby fiibmitted himfelf, tiis heirs, executors and adminiltrators, to ihejudgment, award, order and determination of the Commiihouers under the aforefaid Indenture, in all things whatfoever relating 10 the ievcral (Claims uiatle by him under the faid liulenlure: And whereas the faid Cbinna Mootoo Cliitty hath through Ins attorney Kobert Cieik of the City of London, exe- cuted certain .Articles of Agreeiweiit bearing dale the ^ day of May in the year of our Lord iSno, beluecn feveral Perlbns dffeiibing thcmfelves as Creditors of ihe lale Nabobs of the Carnatic of the hift part, the faid John Fordyce of the fecond part, and the Perfons therein named as Trufiees of the third part, and hath thereby transferred and alligned over to the laid Truftees one-twentieth part of every Debt oriiim'of money owing to him from their Highiiefies the late Nabobs of Arcot, or the Ameer ul Omrah, or from auy one of them, and .of the intercit to accrue thereon, the faid one-twentieth part to be taken upon the fum at which the principal and interelL of the faid Debt Ihall be rupiidaled or made up, to receive and hold the f.iid one-twentieth part H) thereby to llu-in afligiied upon the trufts in the faid Articles of Agreement mentioned and fet forlh : Am\ whereas (Jeorge Moubray, Charles Binny, and Valentine Conolly, being the remaining fnrviving Trudees who have executed the faid Articles of Agreement, have alfo -executed the aforefaid Indenture of the 10 day of July in tin year of our Loid 1H05, and have thereby fuhmitted ihemfelves, their heirs, exe- cutors and adminiftralorti, to ihejudgment, award, order and deteriiunation of the Coui- miHioiurs under the laid Indenture, in all things whatfoever relating to the ("cveral Claims made by them under the (aid Indenture: And whereas the faid (!hiniia jMooloo Chilly has transferred and alfigned over to William Hawkins of Madras in the Eaft Indies, a portion of the Claims which he has preferred ag;iin(t his faid Highnefs the Nabob W'allajah, and S.Hs. which portion amounts to the fum of eight thoufand Star Pagodas (8,000.): And whereas the faid William liawkius, as alligiiee aforefaid, hath executed the aforefaid Lidenture of the 10 day of .lulv in the year of our Lord 1S05, and halh thereby fubiiiitlcd himlelf, his ir«>irs, executors and adminiltr.itors, to ihejudgment, award, order and determination of the Coa»- midioners under the aforc(aid Indenture, in all things whatfoever relating to the feveral C;iaim» made by Chiiina Mootoo Chitlj : Now know ye, '1 bat we the laid Benjamin Ilob- iioul'e and Charles Grant, having taken into ironiidcrutiua aL'iaiui m.^c by itie l^td Chinoii Mootoo CARNATIC COMMISSIONERS. 221 Blootoo Chilty upan the balance of an account againft his Ilifjliiiefs the late Nabui) Wallajali Abfolute tor the principal Cum uf furly-oiic lliouraiRl ei;;lit liuiidrcd and ninety Star J'auodas twenty- Ailjudioatioi.E S. 1',. F. f. Jo -^ tn Jatuur of two Fanams and fcventy-nine Ca(h (41,890. 22. 79.) wliirh, witti intcreft npoii tiic fame, Ciaiinants. amounted, on liic 15 day of May in the year of our Lord 1804, to the aggregate fiim of * -' forty-fix thoufand two hundred and four .Star Paradas fourteen Fanams and Iwcntv-four s. Ps. y. c. Carti (46,204. 14. 24.) or eighteen thoufand four hundred a;id eiglitv one Pound-; thirteen Shillings and eight-pence ilerling („£'.iS,48i. 13s. Sd): And having taken into canfi'.ieration a C;iaini made hy certain of the 'i'ruitees named in tiic faid Articles of Agreement of tlif 3 day of May in the year of our I^ord iSoo, for ihcmlllves and oiiiern, as aHignees aforefaid, for Itie onc-tvventielh part as aforefaid of tiie lum claimed as atbielaid by tlie laid Oiiinira Mooloo Chilty: And iiaving alio taken into conlidcration the Claim maile by William IJau- S. I's. kins, as allignee aforefaid, for eight thoufand Star Pagodas (S.ooo.) part of tiie I'uin claimed lis aforefaid by the laid Chinna Mootoo Chitly ; and having duly iuveliigatcd the laid Claims according to the covenants, provifions and directions of the aforefaid Intleiilure, Do liiid, That the Nabob Wallajali granted to the faid Chinna Mooloo Chilty ihree feveral obligations, s. v.<. one for tln' principal I'lini of twenty tlio.ifand Star I'agodas (20,000.) dated the 19 .Suifer 120.S of the liegvra ; another for the princi[)al i'uni of twelve ihouland .Madras i'agodu,> M. Ps. "' (12,000.) cr aiinunr : And "e do ;urther lii.d, That the Debt lo conliitutcd by tlie faid l5ond from the laid Nabob Omdut ul Omrah, lo the faid Mr. Brooke alias Henry Brooke, was foi- l's, the laid fiiiM of one thoufand Pagodas (1 ,000) bona fide advanced by him the faid Mr Brooke alias Hcnr) Hrooke to him the laid Nabob O^ndut ul Omr.ih : And we do furlhcr find. That the aggregaiesum due to the repicfcntalivcs ol the faid iMr. Bro<>ke alias Henry Brooke, on the 15 day of .May in the year of our Lord 1804, amounted lo two ihouland tlutc hundred Ps. F. C and feventy-four Pagodas ten I'anams snd twenty-eight Cafh (2,374. 10. 28.) or ninehun- drctl and forty-nine I'ounds a.nd fourteen Shillings fierling .£'.949. 14s. Of/.): Anil we the faid Briij.iinin ilobhoufo and riioinis CockhiMri, do hereby A'Aard and Adjudge, 'I'hat n[)on the fa.id 15 day of May in the vear of our Lord 1S04, the faid fum of two ihoulimd Ps. F. C. three hinidred and feveiity-h ur i'aijodas ten I'anams and twenty-eight Cafli (-2,374. 10. 28.) or nine hundred and loily-nine I'ouiids and fourteen Shillings fterlii-g (^.9)9. 14s. 0(/.) was and liill ii jullly due and owing from the rf prefentatives ot his faid Highnrl's the Nabob 0(ndut ul Omrah, lo the reprelisntatlves of the faid Mr. Brooke alias Henry Brooke : And we CAIINATIC COMMISSIONERS. 223 t^-e do furllier Awr.rd and Order, That tlie faid Debt, being a Debt contraroo-ke or of any other Perfon or Perfons vvhatfoever: And we da further Award and Order, That the original Bond lluill be and it is hereby declared to be ntjll and void. In Witnel's whereof, we the faid Benjamin Hobhoufe and Thomas Coekbiirn have -hereunto let our hands the twenty-ninth day of Ociluber, in the }ear of our Lord one thou- iand eight hundred and eleven. (Signed) Signed (being firft duly ftamped) in the prefeiiee of, (Signed) John Parkhoufe^ BENJN HOBHOUSE. COCIiBUJ.lN. f BENJN ITtJO. ( AUfolute AHjiidicalio.iS in favmir of claimants. C L A I M N" 1 2J0 iu our Fifth llepoil. TO all to whom thefe Prefenls (IihU come: We, Benjamin Hobhoufe of \\'ljiiton Park ■ill the County of Middlefex, and Thomas Coekburnof Hampilcad in the faid County of Mid- dlefex, "being two of the Comminioiieis and Iteferees acting in England for the lime l>eing ■under a caiain Deed, indented and bearing date the loth day of July 1805, " between the United Conifiany of Merchants of Fnglund tiading to the Fall Indies of the one part, and the i'eveial i\rlbns wholi; hands and leals are thereto (et and affixed, and who ielj)e€ Ameer ul Onirah, the fecond fon of Ins laid Highnels the Nabob W'allajah, and now alfo deceafed, or of fome or one of them the laid feveral Nabobs, and the faid Ameer of the other part," Send Greeting: V\ hereas John Batley of Madias in the Fall Iiiihes, acting executor, to the Will of the late Colonel Jofepli Smith of Madras aforefaid, hiith executed the afoiefaid In- denture, and hath thereby fubmitted himfelf, his heirs, executors and adininiftratois, to the judgment, award, order, and determination of the Commiliioners under the aforefaid Inden- ture, in all things whntfoever relating to the feveral Cr.iims made by him under the faid In- denture: Now know ye, That we the faid Benjamin Hobhoufe and Thomas Cockburn, ■having taken into confideration a Claim made by the faid John Batley executor a« afore- i'aid, u[)on hisllighnefs the late Nabob Omdut ul Omrali, for the printijia! fum of i'eventv- one thoufand one hunditd and fifty-one Pagodas twenty-fix Fanams iuid twenty-fix Cu'ih Ps. F. C. ' " (71,151. 26. 26.) which, with interefl on the fame, is Hated lo amount on the 15th tlav of May in the year of our Lord 1894, to the aggregate fum of fiinely-fix thjul'and five Ps. F. (;. hundred and twenty Pagodas twenty-two Fanams and thirty-fix Calh (96,520. 22. 36.) or ■thirty-eight thoufand fix hundred and eight Pounds and fourShillings i'lerling(j^.3S,do8. /\s.od.) and having duly inveltigated the faid Claim according to the covenants, provifiuns and di- rections of the aforefaid Indenture, Do find, That the faid Colonel Jofeph Smith was an ottieer in the fer\ ice of the faid Nabob Omdut ul Omrah, from the 27th day of April in the year of our Lord 1789, to the 12th day of June in the year of our Lord 179S, and that the faid Colonel Jol'ejih Smith was not in tlic employ of the United E:ift India Company \vhen he entered into or while he was employed in the ferviec of the faid Nabob : And we do furlliei iiud, That there was juftly due and owing on the 15th day of May hi the year 24. M mm ' of NM91. rr.AiM N' 181 in ihe Gaiette ' ofilic ir.lune 1809 ; and, N" l^JOinthi- Fiftli Report to Parlia- ment. John Bat/c!/, Fxecutor of t!ie late Colonel Joftph Smith. 224 SEVENTH REPORT of the Abfolute of our Lord 1804, from the faid late Nabob Omdat ul Oinrab, to tlie faid Colonel Jofppli Smith Adjudications forfervic-cs bona, fido rendered by him the faid Colonel Joieph Smitii, to the faid l.ite Nabob ill faxour of Onidut ul Oiinaii, the fiun of twenty-one thoufand eij^ht hundred and fevenly-lcven Pagodas C'lainiiinte. Ps. F^ C. -^ ' ihirty-fix Fananis and fevcnty-nine Cafli (21,877. 36. 79.) or eight thoufand fevcii hundred and "fifty-one Pounds and three Shillings ftcrling (i,'.8,75l. 3s. od.) : And we the faid llenjamin nol)h()ur<* and 'I'iiomas Cnckhurn do hereby Award a!id Adjudge, 'i'liat upon the faid 15th day of May in the year of our Lord 1S04, the fiini of twenty-one thoufand eight Ps. F. "c. hundred and feventy-feven Pagodas thirty-fix Fananis and fcventy-nine Cafh (21 ,877. 36. 79.) or eight thouland and feven hundred and lifty-one Pourrds and three Shiiiiiigs Iterling (.-£■8,751. 3s. 0(A) and no more, was and Itill isjuflly due and owing from the rcprefentalives of his laid Highnefs the late Nabob Omdut nl Omrali to the refirefentatives of the faid Colonel Jofeph Smith : And we do further Award and Order, That the faid Dcl)i, being a Dtbt conlri.eteil for arrears of military pay and allowances, is and fliall be comprized in the Pii ft Clafs of Debts under the iaid Indenture : And we do further Award and Adjudge, That the fum of twenty-one thoufand eight hundred and fcventy-feven Pagodas thirty-fix Fananis Ps. F, C. and fevenl3'-nine Cafli (21,877. 36. 79.) or eight tbonfand feven hundred and fifty-one Pounds and three Shillings (ierling (,£.8,751. 3^. orf.) is due and owing to the faid John Ualley ;is executor aforefaid ; and that the faid John Batley as e.xecutor aforel'aid, lialh and Ihall have right to participate to the amount of the faid fum of twenty-one thoufand eight Ps. F. C. hundred and fcventy-l'even Pagodas ihirty-fi.x Fanains and feventy-nine CaHi (21,877. 36. jg.) oi-eight thoufand i'evcn hundred and lifty-one I 'ounds and threoSliilhngs fteriing (o£'.8,75i . 3.?.) in the fund provided by the aforefaid Lidenture for fatisfadion of tlie private Debts of the late Nabobs of the Caniatic : And we do farther Award and Adjudge, That all the projierty and revenues of the faid late Nabob Omdut ul Oinrah, and his fucceirors or reprel'entatives, are and (hall be for ever acquitted and difcharged from all claim whatibever, in ref|)ecl of the faid Debt claimed at the inftance of the laid Jolin Batley as executor aforefaid, or of any other Perfon or Perfons whatibever. in W'itnefs whereof, we the faid Benjamin Hob- houfe and Thomas Cockburn have hereunto fet our hands the thirty-firfc day of October, iii the-year of our Lord one thoufand eight hundred and eleven. Signed (being firft duly ftamped) in the piefence of, .(Signed) George Paikhoufc. ,^- ,, 5BENJN HOBHOUSE, (signeaj |tHO. COCKBURN. KM92. CLAIM N° 264 in our Tifth Report. CLAIM TO all to v/lioni thcfe Prefents fliall come : We, Benjamin Hobhoufe of Whitton ParTc X-co:;!.! t!iE Gazelle j ^j^^ County of Middlefex, and Thomas Cockburn of Hampftead in the faid County of and, Micdlelex, being two of the Cominiiiioners and Keterees acting in Lngland for the time ?."'j(;4intiicFifiti Rn- being, under a certain Deed indented and bearing data the loday of July 1805, "between port to P.,rii.mc,ii. ^j^^ United Company of Merchants of England trading to the Eaft [ndies of the one part, ylnu Simpl'oii, and the fevcral Peifbns whole hands and ieals are thereto let and affixed, and who refpec- Admini(trat;ix to lively are or claim to be Creditors of his Highnelis the Nabob VV^allajah, formerlv Nabob Coioiicl. Barrttt, of Arcot and of the Carnatic in the Bail Ind.e?, and now deceafcd, and of his Highnefs the Alhgneeof Nabob Onidut ul Omrah, late Nabob of Arcot and of the Carnatic, eldeft foil and fuceeffor Co/oiiel JoJ(j.k of his faid Highnefs the Nabob VVallajah, and now alfo deceafed, and of his Highnefs the Sniilk. Ameer ul Omrah, the fecoiid f<;n of his faid Highnefs the Nabob Wallajah, and now alfo deceafed, or of fome or one of them the laid feveral Nabobs, and the I'aid Ameer of the other part," Send Greeting: Whereas Ann Siiiipfon of Madras, adminiluatrix in Lidia to the eftate of Colonel Thomas Barrett of Fort St. George in the Ealt Lidies deceafed, aflignee of Colonel Jofeph Smith of Madias aforefaid deceafed, hath by her attornie.s MellVs. Binny and Dennifon of Madras aforefaid, executed the aforefaid Lidcnluie, and hath tlureby for herfelf, her heirs, executors and adminillrators, fubmitted to the judgment, award, order and deterininaiion of the Coinmiiliouers under the aforefaid indenture, in all things whatfoever relating to the .feveral Claims made by her under the faid Indenture: Now know ye. That we the faid Benjamin Hobhoufe and Thomas Cockburn, liaving taken into conlidcralion a Claim made by Ann Siniplbn as adminiftratrix aforefaid, upon a balance arifing out of two Bonds faid to be from the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah to Colonel Jofeph Smithj both bearing date, as alledged, the 29 Kemzaan 1395 of the Hegyra, P.lgS. one for the principal fum of eleven thoufand four hundred and thirty Pagodas (11,430,) the l',lj;s. other for twelve thoufand eight luuuhed and forly-nine Pagodas (12,849.) which faiJ balance is Haled to amount, principal and intcieli, to the fum of Iwenty-iix thouland fevwi s. I's. F. c. hundred and twenty-two Star Pagodas tbirty-fi.x Fanams and fifty Ca(h (26,722. 36. 50.) or ten thoufand fix hundred and eightT-niiie I'ounds two Shillings and ten-pence fteriing (jC.iofiHo. '2s. iod.) : And having duiy iiiveltigated the faid Claim, according to the covenants, provifions and directions of the aforefaid liKU'nlur<\, Do find, 'i'liat the faid Nabob Omdut ul CARNATIC COMMISSIONERS. 1)4 Omnili giantod two Bonds to the lale Colonel Jofeph Smith, dalpci tiie 29 lleinzaan 1195 of the Hegyr.i, concrpouciiiig with the iS day of Septembci- in the vcar of our Lord 17S1, viz. one boiul for eleven. ihoufand four hundred and thirty Pagodas (11,430.) being a balance of principal and iniercft due that day for money bona tide lent by the (aid Colonel Jofc[)h *^ Smith to l)i.s Ilighntfs, and another Bond for twelve thoufand eight hundred and forlv-nine I'ass. Pagodas (12,849.) being for military pay and allowances jiidly due to the friid Colonel Joleph Smith to the end of Angiilf in the year of our Lord 17S1, for lervices bona fide ren- dered by liim to the Mabobs Wallajal! and Omdut ul Oiiirah : And we do further find, Thai the faid Colonel Jofcpli Smith wa.'* not in the employ of the United T.aft India Company when heenlend into or while he was employed in the ierviee of the faid Nabobs; And we do further lind,-.That the faid two Bonds were duly altigned by the faid Jol'e|)h Sniillt to Thomas Barrett aforefaid : And we do further find, That upon the 15 day of May in the year of our Lord 1804, the aggregate fum of two thoufand i\x. hundred and fixlceii I's. F. C. Pagodastwenty-fourFannms and(i.\ty-feven Calli {2,(^16. 24. 6j.) or one ihoufand andfortv- fix Pounds twelve Shillings and fi.vpencc iicrling (^'. 1,046. r2.s. 6d.} was jufily due and owing on the Bond lor money lent from the ie()rcfentativc;.s of his faid Higlinefs the lale iVabob Omdut ul Omrah to the repref^^ntalives of the faid Jofeph Smith : And wc do further find. That ihe aggregate fum due to the reprcfentalivcs of the faid Jofeph Smith on the frcond Bond for military pay and allowances, ou the 15 day of May in the year of our Lord 1804, amounted to ieventeen thoufand nine hundred and thirly-levcn Pagodas thirty-two Ps. F. c;. F.nnanis and feventy-eight Cafti (17,937. ,'52. 78.) or feven tiioufaiid one hundred and fevcnty- five Pounds two Shillings and llirec-pence fterling (^.7,1 75. 2s. 3^.): And we the faid Benjamin Ilobhoufe and Thomas Cockhurn do hereby Award and Adjudge, That upon the 15th day of May in the year of our Loid 1804, the futn of two thouiand fi.K hundred and Ps, 1-. C. fixteen Pagodas twenty-four Fanams and fixty-feven Cafh (2,616. 24. 67.) or one thoufand and forly-iix Pounds twelve Shillings and fixpence llerling (i;\i,046. la.s. 6d.) and no more, was and ilill is jufHy due and owing on the Bond for Money lent from the leprefenlativcs -of his faid Highncfs the late Nabob Omdut id Omrah to the reprefentatives of the faid Jofeph Smith: And we do further Award and Order, That the faid Debt, being a Debt conlraded for money lent, is and (hall be comprized in the Second Clafsof Deijts under the faid Inden- ture: And we do further Award and Adjudge, That the faid fum of two thoufand fix hun- Ps. F. c. '^red and fixleen Pagodas twenty-four Fauams and fixty-feven Cafli (2,616. 24. 6y.) or one thoufand and forty-fix Poutids twelve Shillings and fixpence fterliug (of.1,046. 12s. 6d.) is due and owing to the faid Ann Simpfon, aduiiniltratrix of the faid Colonel Thomas Barrett deceafed, as allignce of Colonel Jofeph Smith deceafed ; and that the faid Ann Simpfon as fuel) adminiftratrix, halh and (liall have right to participate to the amount of the faid fum of two thoufand fix hundred and fixleen Pagodas twenty-four Fanams and fixty-feven Cafh Ps. F. c. (2,616. 24. 67.) or one thoufand and forty-fix Ponndii twelve Shillings and fixpence ftenling (c£'.l,046. I2S. 6d.) in the fund provided by the aforefaid Indenture for fatisfadion of the private Debts of Ihe late Nabobs of the Carnatic : And we the faid Benjamin Hoblioufe and Thomas Cockbiu'n do hereby Award and Adjudge, That upon the 15th day of May in the year of our Lord i8o4, the fum of feven'een thoufand nine hundred and thirty-leveii Pago- Ps. F, C. das thirty-two Fanams and feventy-eight Cafl) (17,937. 32. 78.) or fcvcn ihoufand one bundled and fevcnty-five Pounds two Shillings and three-pence flerling (of. 7, 17,5. -s. ^d.) and no more, was and flill i> juftly due and owing on the fecond Bond from the reprefentatives of his faid Higlinefs the late Nabob Omdut ul Omrah, to the reprefentatives of the iaid Jofeph Smith : And we do further Award and Order, That the faid Debt, being a Debt con- tracted for military ])ay and allowances, is and (hall be comprized in the Firfi Cl.il's of Debts under the faid Indenture: And we do further Award and Adjudge, That the faid fum of fevenleen thoufand nine hundred and lliirty-fevcn Pagodas thirty-two Fanams and feventy- Ps. F. I'. eight Cafli (17,937- 32. 7S.) or feven thoufand one hundred and fcventy-five Pounds two Shillings and three-pence fterling(ot'.7,i75. 2s. 3(f.) isdue and owing to the laid .Ann Slm[)fon, adminiltratrix of the faid Colonel Thomas Barrett deceafed, as aliignee of Colonel Jofeph Smith deceafed; and that the faid Ann Simpfon, as fuch Adminiltratrix, hath and ihall iiave riafht to participate to the amount of the faid fum of fevenleen thoufand nine liundred and ° *^ ^ Ps. F. C. ihirty-feven Pagodas thirty-two Fanams and feventy-eight Cafli (17.937. 32. 78.) or feven thouiand one hundred and feventy-five Pounds two Shillings and three-pence fterling (=£"• 7,175. 2s. 3r/.) in the fund provided by the aforefaid Indenture for fatisfaction of the private Debts of the late Nabobs of the Carnatic: And we do further Award and Adjudge, That all the property and revenues of the faid Nabob Omdut ul Omrah, and his fuceelfors or •reprefentatives, are and fliall be for ever acquitted and difcharged from all Claim whaKbever in refpedt of the faid two Bonds, or the balance claimed thereon at the inftanee of the faid Ann Simpfon, or of any other Perfon or Perfons whalfoever: And we do further Award and Older, That the original Bonds aforefaid fliall be cancelled, and delivered up to the Court of Directors of the faid United Eaft India Couipanv. lu Witnel's w hereof, we the laid Benjamin Hobhoufe Ablblute Adjudications in favour of Cluimaiils. .-» £26 SEVENTH REPORT crv the Abfolure Iloblioiiff an<1 Thomas Cockburn liave hereunto fet our liaiids the thirly-firft diiy of Odlobet, Adjjdicitions 'i' tf'*^ vear ol' uiir Lord one tlioul'aiid eight hundred and eleven. infaruwui ' ,^. „ . J «ENJN HOBHOUSE. Claununts. ^^'S"'^'^) | TllO. COCKBUHN. ' — «.^ — ^Signed (being liifl ihily ftaiiiped) in ihe |)releuce of, (Signed; Gcori'e Par/Jmule. N° I 04. CLAIM ^'° 366 in tlie Gazctle of the U.luly loO'J ; and, N" 439 in the Fii'lli Re- port to PHriiariieiir. Me(frs. Futrlie, Gilmore and Co. Aflignees of Tulloh and Co. Allignees of .Jlalmcyir. 'C LA I M N" 439 i'^ °^^ ^'^'^'^ "Report. TO all 'to whom thefe Prefenls fliall come: We, Benjamin Ilobhoure of Whitton Par!- in the Counly of Middlefex, and 'llioums t'ockburn of Haiiipftead in the iaid Count) of Middlei'ex, being two of the Couimiflioners and Referees ading in England for the time being, under a certain Deed indented and bearing date the 10 day of July 1805, "between the United Company of Meichanls of England trading to the Eail Jnihes of the oi.e part, and the Icveral Perfons wliofe hands and feais are thereto let and jiffi.xcd, and who rcfpeSiveiy are or chiini to be Creditors of l,is Higlinefs the Nabob Wallah J'ah, fonrcrlv Nabob of Areot and of the Carnatic in the Ea(t Indies, and now deceafed, and of liis liiLrlmei's the Nabob Onidut ul Omraii, late Nabob of Aicotand of the Carnatic, eldcrtfon and liicceflbr of Ids iaid Highnefs the Nabob W'allah Jah, and now alfo deceafed, and of lii-i Highnefs the Ameer ul Omrah, the feeond fo!i of his laid Highnefs the Nabob ^\ alluli Jah, and now alfo deceafed, oi' of foine oTone of them the laid feveral Nabobs, and thefaid Ameer of the other part," Send Greeliiig; Whereas Melteurs Fairlie, Gilmore and Company, of Calcutta in the Eafl Indii^s, ailignees by virtue of a Deed bearing date the 11 day of December in the year of our Lord 1806, of Meflieurs Tulloh and Company, ailignees by virt^ie of « Deed bearing date the -21 day of Nnveuiber in the ^ear of our Lord 1800, of Mrs. Iguacia Halmeyef of Sladras in the Eall Indies aforefaid, widow and admini- firatii.\- of Captain Peter Hahneyer, deceafed, formerly of Madras afoiefaid, have by their attornies Meflieurs Binny and Dennifon of ^L'ldras aforefaid, executed the aforefaid Inden- ture, and have thereby i'ubmitted themfclvcs, their heirs, executors and admiuillraiors, to the judgment, award, order and determination of tlie Commillioners under the aforefaid Inden- ture, in all things whatfoever relating to the feveral Claims made by them under tiie (aid Lidenture: And whereas the laid Ignacia Hahneyer, adu.iuiitratrix: as aforcliaid, hath exe- cuted certain Articles of Agreement bearing dale the 3 day of May in the year of our Lord 1796, between feveral Perions defcribing themfelves as Creditors of the late Nabob of Arcot of the tirit part, John Fordyee of the feeond part, and the Pcrlbns therein named as Trulleos ol'tlie third pari, and hatli thereby transferred and atligued over to the faid Truliees one- twentieth part of every Debt or i'lnn ol money owin^ to her as fueh adminiltratrix, from his HiLclinefs the laid Nabob ^Vallnjah, and of the intereft to accrue thereon, the laid one- twentieth part to be taken upon tlie funi at which the principal and intereft of the laid Debt Ihall be liquidated or made up, to receive and hold tiie laid one-twcutieth part fo thereby to them alligned upon the trulls in the laid Articles of Agreement mentioned and fet foi th : And whereas Sinnntl .lohnfon and Charles Binny, being the remaining furvivors of the laid Tinliees who have executed the (aid Artielts of Agreement, have alfo executed the aforefaid Indenture of the 10 day of July in the venr of our Lord 1S05, atid have thereby, for tlie.ii- felves, their heirs, executors and adminiftralors, fubfnitled themfelves to the judgment, award, order anri determination of the Commiflioners ap[)ointed under the faid Indenlme, in uU things whatfuever relating to the feveral Claims made by them under the laid Inden- ture: Now know ye. That we the faid Benjamin Hobhoufe and Thomas Cockburu, having taken into confider.ition a Claim made by Mellieurs Eaiilic, Gilmore and Company, a* ailignees aforefaiil, upon his Highnefs the late Nabob Waliiijah, for the principal fum of s. Ps. F. c. four thoufand and Gxty-five Star Pagodas nine Fananis and fifteen Cafli (4,o(')5. 0. ij.-) which, with inlerell on the fame, is itated to amount on the 15 day of May in the year of our Lord 1804, to the aggregate fum of .nine thoufand four hundred and thirty-nine Star S. Ps. f . c. Pagodas forty-one Fanams and forty-three Cafli (9,430. 41. 43.) or three thoufwud feven hun- dred and feventy-tive Pounds nineteen Shillings and eleven-pence lterling(,i!'.3,775. 19.?. 1 ic/.): And having alfo taken into confideration a Claim made by certain of the Trultees named in the faid Articles of Agreement of the 3 day of May in the year of our l.oid 1795, for themfelves i4nd others as alhgnees aforefaid, for the one-twentieth part as aforefaid of the fum claimed as aforefaid by the faid Mellieurs I'airlie, (iilmore and Company, ailignees as aforefaid : And having duly inveltigaled the faid Claims according to the covenants, provi- fions.and di regions of the aforefaid Indenture, Do find, '['hat the faid Nabob W'allajah granted a Bonfl to the late Captain Peter Ilalmeyer, bearing date the 18 of Jemadee ul Awal 1196 of the Hegyra, correfponding with the 2 day of Miiy in the year of our Lord 178a, for the .s. I's. As. fum of four thoufand and fi.xty-Iive Star Pagodas twelve Anas and a t^uarter (4,ot>5. 12$.) payable in twenty-four months, with interefl at the rate of six per cent, per annum: And we rio (urther find, Th:lt the Debt fo conftituled iiy the faid Bond from the faul Nabob Wal'ajah. was for military pay and allowances juftly due for fcrvices buna, (ido rendered by the faid Captain Peter Hahneyer to the faid Nabob; and that the faid Peter Ilalmeyer was not in the employ of the Uuilcd Eaft India Company wlien he entered iulo or while he was employed ClaiinHi)l8. C A R N A T I C COMMISSIOK EliS. 227 en-i])l()_vc(] ill the Orvicc of ihc (hid Nabub: And we -do fiirllier fine!, That t!ie agfrresate Abf Ivt*" I'tiiii due to tlu' rcprcCeiitatives of tla' iaid ialf ('H[)lHiii Peter llaliiu.yer on the i ,5 d;iy of May Afliuriicat ous in the year of eui- Lord 1804, amoiinled to iiitic thoufand f.ro hundred and ei-^hty-eight Star in I'lnour ui S. !'s. F. C -•- ■ Pagodas lh:rlv-ri\ TaiKMUs aiid fcvcnly-fix radi (o,'28S. 36. 76.) or three tiuiur.ind feveii luindre(< and titiecii Pounds and eleven Shillings (ierlmcr (/'.'^^ji c;. ns.): And we ihe fiid Ijenjainiri I lohlioiife and 'I'honias (Joekhurn do hcrel)v Awaiti anci Adjiidtre, 'J hat u|)on the faid 15 1 is.) and no nior<', -.vas and ftiU isjtdily due and owing from the reprefenlatives of his laid Hi::h- iiefs the hue ■\a!)oh VVailajah to tiie reprefetitatives of liie faid Ca[>!ain Peler Hahneye:-: And we do further Award and Order, That the I'.iid Deht, being A Debt c:>ntrai?ted fur nii!i- ;tary [jay and allowances, is and fliah be e!iini>ri:'.rd in tiie Fnih Clafn of Debts under ll'e faid Indenture: Am! ue do further Award and Acijud^e, '1 hat tlie fum of eiglit tnoufind eiu'iii S Ps. F. C. nuinhid an24. j8. 24.)- or three liiouland five hundred and iwenly-nine I'oinids fifteen -Shillings and i\s.\-i:ni:c (Jer- liiig (.£'.3,5^1}. ).■,». 6(1.) being a portion of tiie faid Debt, is due and owing to the faid Meliieurs |-"(inhe, flihnoro and Company, aliigtiees as afo.'efaid ; and that die faiil Meirieius fairlic, Gihnore iiiid Company, aiiignees as aforeiind, iiave and liiaH liave liglit to p:ntieip»ie to the amount of the faid fum of ciglit tboufund tiglii hundied and twenty-lour btur I'agodiijj S, l'5. I-', c. eiglitPen Fanains and Iweniy-foiir Cadi (8,8:4. )8. 24.) t.r tlnee thouriuid five bundled ••uid twenty-nine Pouiid.-. litb-en Sliiilings and hxpenee lierhng (^'.3,y-U. i.V- O'/-) in the '.\\\\i{ provided liy ibe afoivfiid Inilentuie I'or fatist^iction of the private l5eb;s of tlie late Naboi)-; •of the Carnalie; and that the fum of four hundred and tixtv-fonr Star i'a'.iodab ei"iiteen «. Ps. F. C. .00 •Fanams and fi fly-two < 'afli (464. 1 S. 52.) or one Inindrcd «nd eighty- five Pounds fifteeii ^Shilling-; and (ixiienee (leriing (jL'.iS^. 15.S. 67.) being the remainder oflhc faid Debt, is due and owing to fl»e iaid .Shmuel Jolmfon and Charles Binny, alhgnees us a.forefaid ; and tli.it the laid Saniufl Johnfon and Charles Uinny have and lliall have rioht to nartieip^le lo the amount of the laid fnin of four hundred and li.\ly-four btur Pagodas eisri'.tecn I-'a;;ami and s. 1%. r. c. o - -flfty-lwo Cafli (464. 18. 52.) or one iunuhcd and eighty-five Pounds fifteen Sl;iiiings and fixpenee fteriing (^£.185. \^. 6(1.) in the fund provided by the aforclaid Indenture f;/r fatis- {'aition of the j)rivate Debt* of the late Nabobs of theCarnatic: And we do furthe'r Awaid and Adjudge, That all the property and revenues of the laid Nabob \Va!laj;di and his fue- celfors or repiefentatives, are and lliall be tor ever acquitted and difeliarged from all Claim whalfoever in relpedl of the faid Bond, or t!ie Dtbt claimed thereon at tiie iniianee of the iaid Meliieurs Fairlie, Gilmore and Company, or of any other Perfon or Perfoiis w halfoever: And we do further Awaid and Order, That the original Bond aforefaid (hall be eaiieelled .and delivered up to ibe Court of Diitftors of the faid United Ealt India Comuanv. 1 11 A\i;nofs whereof, we the faid Benjamin lloi)hoiife and 'I'honias Cockburn iiave hereunto let our hands the lixth day of November, in the year of our Lord one thoufand eight hundred .and eleven. .Signed (being firft cLuly ftamped) m the prefenee of, (Signed) John Farkh:::iji. .-,. ,, CBFNJ-^ HOBIJOU^ (Signed) JTiJO. COCKBLllN CLAIM N'~ 4. in OLtr I'iift KeporL N" 195. TO all to whom thcfe Prefents Oiall come: We, F'enjamin llobhonfe of Wliitton Park in (;-x.aim the County of Middkli'.K, and "i'liomas Cockburn ot lianipfiead in the faid County of M id- >" 87 in Die Guzett* filefcx, being two of the Commiflioners and Referers aAing in England for tiie time being oi the liAug.isoCi Aincicr a certain Deed indented and bearing date the 10 day of July 1805, "between the United j^o'^. •,'„ |i,e Firft Re- Compan' of Merchants of England tr.idtiig to the Fall Indies of the one p;nt, and the pmi to Parliament, fevcrrd PtNi'ons whole hands and feals are theie.'o let and ath.\ed, and who refpeetivciy aie (Jfitherine Roe- ox ciaim lo be Creditors of bis Highnei'sthe .\a*.. ob Wallah Jah, formerly Nabob of Arcot and (jm-j:^ Adiiinee of of the Carnalieii) the Eult hidies, and now deeeafed, and of his Highncis the Nabob Ouidul lymiam Abbott. Ill Omrah, late Nabob of Arcot and of theCarmaic,e!delt (on and fuccedbr of his (aid IJigh- nefs the Nabob "Wallah Jah, and now alio deceafed, and of his Ilighiiefs the Ameer ul Omrah, the kcond ("on of his faid Highncfs the Nabob Wallah Jaii, and now al(<> deceafed, or of Come or o find. That the faid Nabob Omdut ul Omrah granted a Bond lo the faid William Abbott, bearing date the n Jemadee-ul-Sanee 1215 of the Hegyra, correfponding with the 30 da}' of October in the vear of our Lord 1800, for the i'uui of ii.\teen thoufand one hundred and ninety-ibur p. I's. F. t. Phuli Pagodas thirty-fi.\- Fanams and thirty Cafli (16,1 04. 36. 30.) on account of the pay of the faid William Abbott, until the 1 day of September in the year of our Lord iSoo; And we do further iind, That a further i'um of two thoui'and li.\ liundred aiul twenly-tive P.1SS. ■Pagodas (2,625.) was due to the faid William Abbott on account of pay, from the i day •of Sej>teinber in the year of our Lorfl iSoo, to the 15 day of July in the year of our Lord 1801 : And we do further iind. That the Debt fo conitituted was for civil pay and allowanceii juftly due for iervices bona tide rendered by him the laid William Abbott to the faid Nabob Omdut 111 Omrah: And we do further find. That on the ii» day of May in the year of our Lord 1804, there was due to the laid \\ illlam Abbott, for arrears of falary and iiiii n i't at fix per cent, per annum, the lum of twenty-two thoufand ievcn hundred and dve I'agodas Pags. F. C. .twenty-three Fanams and fi.\ly-four Cafli (22,705. 23. 64.) or nine thoufand and eighty- two Pounds i'our Shillings and li.vpeiice ilerling (0,082. ^s. Gd.): And we do iurllier findj That a fum eijual on the 15 day of May in the year of our Jjord 1804, to eight thoui'and P'ass. K. C. fix hundred and fixty-fcveu Pagodas twenty-two Fanams and i'eventy-iix Caih(8,667. 22. 76.) or three thoufand four hundred ami iixty-feven Pountis and four-j)ence Iterling (..£.3 467. Of. 4t/.') was paid by the Government of Madras on behalf of the Honourable Bail India Company lo the i'aid William Abbott in part payment theieof, for which lani i'um of three ihoui'anri lour liundred and li.\tv-l'eveii Pounds and fotir-penee fierling (^.3,467. os. 4(7.) a Claim has been preferred to us by the laid (^.oinpaiiy: And we do iurilier iind, That the l'ag«. F. C. film of fourteen thoufand and thirty -eight Pagodas and fixty-eight Caili (14,038. o, 68.) or five thoul'aiid fix liundred and iilteeii I'oliikIs four Shillings and two-pcuic fterling (,£'.5.615. 4s. 2f7.) remained due to the laid William Abbott on the 15 day of May in the year of our Lord 1S04: And we do furtiier find. That the laid William Ablxott was not iu the emi>loy of the L^nitcd Fait India C<5mpai)y when he entered into, or while he was em- ployed in the fervice of the faid Nabob: And we do further find, 'i'hat the laid William Abbott did by (feed, dated the 30 day of October in the y<^u' of our Lord 1800, allign and make over to Mrr.. Catherine Roebuck, then of Madras, the faii . is. lu/.) is due and ovviii^ to tiie faid Mrs. Calh(,'rine Roehiiek, as !dli;j;nee aforeiUid ; and that the faid Mrs. Catherine liochnek asailignte aforefaid, iialh and (liall JKtYe rigiit to parlieipale to liie amount of the (aid fiini o( twelve thonfand nine iiuiidred and two Pagodas li)irty-otie Fanariis and thirteen Caili r^s?. F. c. (f;!,9T2. 31. i;',.) or five thoufand one hundred and f)\tv-onc Pound-, one .Shiliin<; and eleven-pence (terlini^ (Xs.iOi. is. 1 u/.) in the fund provided b}- the aforefaid hid.-nture for fatisfaetion of tlie private l)»;bts of the late Nabolji of the- Carimtic; and tiial llx- \\\m of one tlioufaiid one hundred and thirty-flTC Pagodas eleven Pananis and (ifty-(ive Ca(h Fa^s. F. C. (1,135. 'i- 55) or foiH- hundred and lifty-four Pounds two Shillings an;! ihrec-pcneo ftor- ling (.^'.454. 2s. 3r/.) being the remainder of the laid Debt, is 6{w and owin;; to I.I1C (aid George Moubiay, Charles r>inny, and \aleiititie Conolly, aOignees as afor((R,d; and lliat the faid George Moubray, Charles Binny, and Valentine Conolly, have and (hall have right to participate to the amount of the faiU linn of one thoufand one hundred and thir!v-live Pa„s. F. c. Pagodas eleven Fanams and fifty-five Carti (1,135. U- 55.) »r four hundred and fiftv-four Pounds two Shillings and three-pence iterling fi,'.454. 2s. 3^/.) in the fund proviried bv the afoiefaid Indtiitnre for fatisfaction of the private Dt-bls of tlie late Naliobsof the Carii'alic: And we do further Avvarfl and Adjudge, That all the projMerty and revenues of the laid N.;bol» Wallajah and his fuecelfors or reprefentatives, are and (ball be for ever acquitted and dif- charged from all Claim v.halfoever in relpect of the faid Bond, or the Debt elaimetl thereon at tlie inliance of the faid Wilham Abbolt, or the faid Catherine PioebuL'4<, or the laid Truitces of the faid John Pordyce. In W'ilnels whereof, we ihe faid IJenjaniin Hobhoufe and 'I'honias CocLburn have hereunto fel our hands the nineteenth day of JNoveiuber, in the yeai of otir Lord one thouland eight hundred and eleven. (Signed) Signed (being firft duly flamped) in the prefenee of, (Signed) John Purkhoufe. ^^BEX-JN iioniiorsE. ITIIO. COCKBUiiN. CLAIM N" 103 ill our Firft Report. TO all to wliom ihefe Prefents fliali come: We, Benjamin Ijobhoufe of Wiiitton Park '- in the County of Middlele.v, and Thomas CockbiiiQ of Hampftead in the fnid Countv of Cf-ABI Micidlelex, being two of the Commiflioncrs and Referees ac'ting in England for the time T^ij'\ '!"'ioT-""^ h'^ being, under a cei tain Deed indented and bearing date the lodayof.luly 1S05, '"between N° io.-? iinlic Firft Rc- the I'liiled Company of Merchants of Englsnd trading to the Ea(i Indies o( the one part, P"" '" I'^rliiimeiit. and the feveral Perlons vvhofe hands and feals are thereto fet and aflixed, and who rel^pec- Jofeph Falder, tively are or claim to be Creditors of his Higbncfs the Nabob Wallajah, formerly Nabob of Executor of Arcot and of the Carnatic in the Eaft Indies, anil now deeeafed, and of his Ilighnefs the Captaiu Ca/ling- Nahab ()m<]ut ul Orarah, late Nabob of Arcot and of tlie Carnatic, eldelt fon and fuccedbr of a^ood lioddam. liisfaid Highnefsthe Nabffb WallahJah, and now alfo deeeafed, and of his Highnefs theAtneer .ul Omrah, the fecond fon of hifcfaid fjighnel's the Nabob ^^alJah .(ah, and now alio deeeafed, >orof fome or one of thein the faid i'evcrai Nabobs, and the faid Aineerol the other part," Seiul Greeting; WhereasCapr. Collingwo id Roddam of Roddani in the County of Northumberland, did by his attorney .lohn Foidyee of Whitehail in the County of Middlefe.v, fince deeeafed, execute the aforefaid Indenture, »nd did thereby fubinit himfelf, his heirs, execuilorsand admi- niftrators to the judgment, award, order and detenniualion of the Coiiiiiiidioners under the aforefaid, Indenture in all things whatlbever relating to the feveral (^laims made by him -under the laid Indenture : And whereas the faid (-a|)tain Collingwoud iioddain did execute certain Articles of Agreement, bearing dale the 3 day of May in the year of our Lord ijotj, between (everal Perlons defcribing tlicinlelves a^ Creditors of the lute Nabob of Arcot of the firft part, the faid John Fordyce of the li coiul part, and the perfons therein named as Truftces of the third part, and did thereby transfer and a(fif4ii over to the faid Truhces, one- twentieth part of every Debtor fuin of money inving to hiin the (aid Captain ColiingwootJ Roddani from his Higknefs the Nabob Wallajah, and of the intertd to accrue thereon, the faid one-twentieth part to be taken upon the fum at which the principal and interelt of the faiti Debt fliall be litiuidated or made up, to receive and hold the laid one-twen- tieth part fo thereby to them alligned iiixui tlie trults in the laid Articles of Agreenicni iiientuiiied and fet forth : And whereas Samuel .lohnfon and Charles Binny, being the remaining (in vivors of the faid Truftecs, who have executed the faid Articles of Agreement, have alfo executed the aforefaid Indenture of the 10 day of Jidy in the year of our Lord 1805, and have thereby for themfelves, their heirs, executors and adminifhalors, fubmitted "themfelves lo the judgmeiit, award, order and deurmination of the Commiliioners appointed under the (aid Indenture in all things whatfcver relating to the feveral Claims made bv them under the faid Indenture: And whereas the (aid Captain Coliin^wood Uoddam halK -departed this lif'e^.and Jofeph Falder, the fole executor named in the will of the faid Captain Collinevvood ^jo S L A^ E x\ 1' li n K P O R T ok t ji e •AbrUite Co':iii;g\vooil TxodtlHni, Ikw taken p-iiL prohaic of ili(Hame: Now know ye, Tliat we the I'liii At'iH.'l:i ii'iKiiis Buiiiauilii Hoblioufc awl Tliotfra'^ ('o('kl)iiiii liavilig lakoii into coiili(lr tin' i)iie-liventielh part as atorefaid of the luni ■{■laiined as af'orefaid by the laid Captain Colhagwood lioddani : iVnd having duly iiiveltigated the laid Claims aeeurding to tiie covenants, provifioiis, annliituted by the faid Bond \vas on account of 'I'epuwan or-preiniLiiu fjr fix luonllw interelt at eight per I'cnt. per aiaiuui on tiie al'orei'aid Bond for fix thoufand Pagodas (6,000.) as a |)rel'ent : And we the faid Benjamin Hobiiotde an and lliuU be comprized in the Firfi Clals of '.%'bts under the faid Lndrnture: Ati;ite to the aiKJU.it of the laid fuia of eighteen tlioufand leveu hundred and thirty- Ps. F. C. fight Pagodas lix Fanams and feycnty-three Cafli (1-8,738. 6. 73.) or foven ihouland four hundred and ninety-five Pounds five Shillings and four-iienee Iterling (i,'.7,495. jv. 4'/.) iit tlie fund provided' liy the aforefaid Indenture for f.ilisl'aiition of the |)ri\a!(; Debts of the late ^^abolj3 of the Carnatic; and llutt liie fum of nine luuidred and eightv-fi.< Pagodas Biri« P.-:. F. ^C Fanams and fixtceti Cafli (0S6. 9. 16.) or three hundred and ninety-four Pounds nine Shil- lings and nine-pence r:crhng (i.'.394. gs. Q.I.) being the remainder of the faid Debt, is tine -and owing to tiie faid Si.mu-ci Jolini'on andCJiiarlo.s Biniiy, aiiigneesas aforcfaid, and that the laid -Saniuel.lohiifon and Cliaii';s Binny have and ihallliave rigbt to parlicipatr to tiie amount lit' the laid i'am of nine !mnd:ed and eighty-lix Pagodas nine Fanams and lixteen Calh Ps. F. c. (986. Q. 16.) or three hundred and ninety-fiittr Pounds nine Sliillings and nine-pence ficr- jmg (^'.304. Ol. ye/.) in the fui-,d |)rov!ded by the aloiefaid Indenture for fati^fa£lion of the private DebLs of tlic late Nabobs of tiie Carnatie : And we do further Award and Ad- judge, That all the properly ap.d revciuies of tiie faid Nabob Wallajah, and his fuccelfors or jeprefentativcs, ari' and 111. ill be forever ac(|uitted and difcharged 1 10111 all (Plaint whatfoever ill relpeOt of llie laid tv.o Bonds, or llie Debts (laimed thereon at the infUuice of Ilic laid la'e Captain (Jollingwood Roddam, orof any oilier IVrl'on or Peilbiis whatfoever : And wc do till llicr A»\. 0(1 and Order, Tiiat the or.ginal Roiids atbrelaid iliall be cancelled, and deli- .vefed up Lu the Coujtof iJircL.Lors of tlic faid L' ailed Fail, ludia Company, in W'ilnels wlicreolj CAr.NATIC CO ]\m I SSI ONERS. 231 wlicfcof, we llie faid i)'.-iij;imi:i llublioufe and Tliomas Cockl/iiin 'nave licrounlo (el our Abfolufe hands llie lealli day of Deceiiiljoi-, in the year ot out Lord one llioulaiid eight liuiidicd Adjiuiicatioii; und eleven. J '< fax- our of Signed (being firfL duly ftamj)ed) in the piel'enee of, (Signed) John Parkhonfe. c- u CRENJN IIOBHOUS!'. Claimants. (.Signed) |,j,j,(^_ COCKBUItN. ^ -} CLAIM N° 13 in our Tirst Report N" iQ". TO all to whom tlicfc Vrofents fluill come: We, Benjamin Ilobhoufe of Wi;iilon Park Qf^,,, in tne Connty of iVliddlefe.v, and 'liioinas Cockl>nrn of Ham|)ftead in llie fnid County of k'''.,v^i,,ip(..j^^j^^pj Middlefcx, bemp; two of tlie Commidioncrs and L'tferocs acting in l',ng!and for the time iim 12 Aug. I8O6; being, nniis wiiol'e hands and i'e.ds are tiiereio fei andallixcd, and who reline- n'l, n ir ,.• I 1 ■ 1 /' I-. 1- 1 ■ 1 1 1 ,• .1 • 1 1 Ti 11 • 1 ,' 1 Ki 1 1 ,■ 'I filter Hal our, 1.ively are or elaiin to be Lredilors ot Ins iiighncls the Aaboli vV iillnjah, formerly Nabob of a ij; ^^..p , }• Areot and of the Carnatie in the Eafi Indies, and now deeeafed, and of his llighnels the p ,■. Af ,ir Nabob Oiudutul Omrah, lale Nabob of Areot and of the Carnatie, eldefl fon and fiicecflor r' !,• a,I :, ir of his faid Highnefs the Nabol> W'aliajali, and now alfo deeeafed, and of his llighiicfs the , -j ,.',(,.1, i?(J Ameer id Oinrah, the I'eeond fon of his faid lliirhnefs the Nabob Walliijali, and now alfo . ', l- ivir' ■cteceaied, or ol ioine or one 01 lliem the laid ieveral Nabobs, and llie laid Ameer of llie otiier n ■ 1 ■„ . \r part," Send Greeting: \Vhcrcas V\ alter Balfour, alliniiee of I'eler Mali'v ('ailin, admiiiiltra- ,• ■? V; ■ ~ lor to the eltate or VVilliani Bainbngge, allignee ot Major I etcr Davidlon, lialli by Ins i> . ])--ir attorney John Fordyce of W'hitehall in the County of Middlefex, fi nee deeeafed, exeeuted ' ■ the aforefaid Indenture, and iiatii thereby for himfelf, his iieirs, executors and admiiiiftra- tors, lubmitted himil'lf to the judgment, award, order and determination of the Coinmif- iioners under the aforefaid Indenture, in all things whatlbever rclalin'.: to the feveral Claims made by him under the faid Indenture : And whereas I'eter JNlalfy Caliin, as adniiniitrator aforefaid, did exeeute certain Articles of Agreement bearing dale the 3 day of .May in the year of our Lord 1796, between feveral l*erfons defeiibing thenifelves as Creditors of the late Nabob of Areot of the fiilt part, the faid John Forilyee of the fecond part, and the Perfons tiicrein named asTrul'teesof the third part, and hatli thereby' transferred and aliigned over to the iaid Truflees one-twentieth part of every Debt or fuin of money owing to him as fueh adminiftrator from his Highnefs the faid Nabob W'aliajali, and of the inteiell to .iiecrue thereon, the faid one-twentieth part to be taken upon the fuin at which tiie principal and intereft of the faid Debtfliall be liquidated or made up, to receive and hold the laifl one- twentieth part fo thereby to them aliigned upon the trulis in the laid Articles of Agreement mentioned and fet forth : And whereas Samuel Johnlbn and Charles Bin ny, being the remaining furvivors of the faid Truftees who have become parties to the faid Articles of Agreement, have cxecntixl the aforefaid Indenture of the 10 day of July in the year of our l-.ord 1805, and have thereby for thenifelves, their heirs, executors and adminiflrators, fubmittcd tliem- I'elves to the judgment, award, order and determination of the Comniiilioners appointed iHider the faid Indenture, in all tilings wliatfoever relating to the i'everal Claims made by them under the faid Iiulenture: And wiiereas John CaOin, brother to the late Beter Malfy Cadi n, has taken out letters of adminiitralion from the Prerogative Court of Canterbury to the eiiate of his faid brother, and has become a party to the deed of covenants aforefaid : Now know ye. That we the faid Benjamin Hobhoufe and Thomas Cockbiirii, having laken into confuleration a Claim made by the laid Walter Balfour, afiignee of I'eter Mally Calliii, iidminilh'ator to the ellale of W^illiain Baiubrigge, allignee of Major Peler Davidlon, upon his Highnefs the late Nabob Wallajah, for the principal fuin of five tlioufand Pagodas (5,000. j with iiitereil ujion the fame at the rate of lix per cent, per aniiuin from the 1 day of June ill the year of our Lord 1782,10 the 15 day of May in the year of our Lord 1804, amounting principal and intereitlogelher, to the aggregate fum of eleven tlioufand ftve hundred and eighiy- PS; F. C. feven Pagodas and twenty-one Fanams (11,587. 21. o.) or four thoufand fix iiuudred and thirty-five Pounds lleriiug (X. 4,635.): And having alfo taken info conlideralion a Claim made by certain of tiie Trufices named in the faid Articles of Agreement of the 3 day of May in the year of our Lord 1796, for ihemfelves and others as aliignees aforefaid, tor the one-lvveiitieth part as aforefaid of the fum claimed as aforefaid by the faid \\ alter Balfour, allignee as aforefaid : And having duly inveffigaled the faid Claims according to the cove- nants, previlions and diieetioiis of the aforefaid Indenture, Do find, That the liiid Nabub Wallajali granted a Bond to the laid Major Peter Davidlon, bearing date the i day ot June in the year of our Lord 17S2, correfponding wiih the iq of the 2 Jctiiadee in the year 1106 " Ps. of the Ilegyra, for the fum of five thoufand Pagodas (5,000) with intereft at the rate of fix percent, per annum from the 1 day of June in the year of tHir Lord 1782: And we do further find. That the Debt fo conltituted by the laid Bond from the laid Nabob V\ allajah to the faid Major Peter DavKJIdn, formed part of a Delit for military pay and allowances ibr ferviees bona fide rcndererl, w liieh was made known and I'tated to the Court of Du-ec'tors of tiie United Eaft India Company of Merehaiits of England trading to ihc Eali; Indiesj 24. O o o and 232 S E V E N T n R E P O U 'I o k x i,» *. Abf-'lijle ""^ fpccially approved b} llie laid Comt: And we do fiulbcr find, 'Hint llic Hud Pn)ii.d, arvi A(ljii(lii:.Iti,i.i,i5 iill i'.itcrclt due and to g:-o.v due tlicreon, was, by a Dc(;d da^letl tiie 27 day of November in hifn-vour oi ' the year ol'oar Lord 1 782, afliizncd, transferred, and let over by the laid Mi'jor J'eter David- Claimaiits. ion luilo, the Reverend v\'iniaui Baiiibiiiige, hi.-, heirs, exfeuiors, adminiltialors;, or a(ii;^ns : *^ v- ' -And we do further tind, Tiiat the f;iid llevertiid William Hainbii'-'i^e deparUd thii life, and tllat Leiteis of A(hiiiiiiftralioi) to bi> I'liale \v<'re i^rauted bv the jNJayor's Court of Madras- patnani in th.e Eatl Indies on Uie 16 day »*f Fe!)ruai:y in the year of f)nr Lord 1784, unto Teier i\Ja(iy CalVin, as a Creditor to tlie cliatc of the fiiid Reverend William B-.'.inbrijjj;e : And we do further find, That the i'aid I'eler Ma(Jy CafTin did, on the 1 day of January in llie year of our Lord iSo;^, grant a i5ond to Waiter Balfour afoicfaid, for the [)enal Cum of twelve ihoiifar.d two hundred and ninetv-two Star Paii'odas four i'anams and fifty-luur Ca(h S. Ps. r. C. - v« , (i 2,20-2. 4. %4.1 conditioned for t!;c pavaicnL of f;\- ihoafaud one hundred and forty-fix s. Ps. r. c. Star Pagodas two Fanams and twenty-I'even Cafl) (6,146. 2. 27.) and as a fccuriiv for the repaymcnl thereof, and inierelt at the rate of one per ecnl. per annum, tiie laid Fetfu' ^Llfly Caliin did niortijauc and aliign over to the faid Walter Iiaifour, liis heir<, l'.\e;•Lllor:^, adnii- Fs. iiiirrators or aftigns, the aforefaid Bond of five thoufand l^acrodas (5,000.) witli all intcrelt Av^ or to grow due tliereon, and autliorizing the liiid Walter Balfour, giving three days notice, to fell and difpofe of the lame, and to apply the proceeds in difeharge of the principal and intereft of the faid Bond tor fix thoufand one hundred and foriv-lix Pagodas two Fanauis Ps. F. C. and 27 Cafli (6,] 46. 2. 27.): And we do farther find, Tliat the aggregate fuin due to the j-eprefcntatives of the faid Major Peter Davidlbn, bv the reprefentativcs of the faid. Nabob W allajiili, on the 15 day of iNLiy in the year of our Lord 1S04, amounted to eleven tiioufand Ps. F. C. iive hundred and eighty-fix Pagodas one Fanam and ten Cafli (11,586. 1. 10.) or four thoufand fi;-c hundred and thirty-four I'ounds eight Shillings and tliree-pcnce fterling (of. 4.634. Sj-. ■;>,(!.)■. And wc do fuither find, That the laid Waller Baliour, aiiignee afore- laid, and the faid John Caflin, adminilhator aforefaid, have mutually agreed upon the funi to be adjudicated in the name oi the laid Walter Balfour, aliignee aforefaid, in full fatis- taftion of his laid afiignment, and that the Aim fo agreed upon, and accepted by the faid Waiter Balfour, is three thoufand one bundled and thirteen Pounds iierling (^'. 3,1 1-^.) : And ue the faid Benjamin Hohhoufe and Thomas Coc.kburn do hereby Award and jldjudge, That upon the 15 day of May in the vear of our Lord 1804, the funi of eleven thoufand five Ps. F. C. hundred and eighty-fix Pagodas one Fanam and ten Cnfli (11,586. 1. 10.) or four thoufand fix hundred and thirty-four Pounds eight Shillings and three-pence fterling (^.4,634. 8s. 3^/.) no part thereof having been difehnrged, was and fiill isjulily due and owing from the rcpre- I'etitativcs of his fait! Highnefs the late Nabob Wallajah, to the legal rejirefentativcs of the i'aid Majov Peter Davidlbn : And ue do further Award and Order, That the laid Debt, being a Debt contracicd by his laid Highnei's Wallajah for military jiay and allowances, which the fait! (_'ourt of Dirc'Jtors have i'pccially approved, is and (hall he comprized in th.e FullClafsof Debts under the laid hidenluie: And we do iVnthcr Award and Adjudge, That the iiim of five b.undred anil feventv-nine Pagodas twelve F\'.nams and i'oi t\ -einht Ps. F. C. Cafli (579. 12. 48.) or tv.o hundred and thirty-one Pounds fourteen Shillings and live-pence iterling (j/^. 231. 14 s. 5 (7.) being a portion of the faid Debt, is due and owing to the laid Samuel Johnfon and Cliarles Binny as allignees aforefaid ; and that the faid Samuel Jolinibn and Charles Binny have and fltall haveri:;!it to participate to the amount of the laid funi Vs. F. c. ©f five luindied and feventy nine P.igodas twelve Fanari^s and forty-eight Cafli (579. 12. 4S.) or tv/o hundred and Lhirty-one Pounds fourteen Shillings and five -pence fterling (^.231. 14s. 5 r/.) in the fund provided by the aforefaid liulenture, for fitisfaCtion of the private Debts of the late Nabobs of the (Jarnatic : And v.e do further Award and Acljudge, That the fum yf leven thoufand fevcn huiulred and e:ghtv-t.vo i'agodas and twenty-one Ps. F. C. Fii.nanis (7,782. 21. o.) or three thoufand one liundrcd and thirteen Pound.s iterling (..f. 3,1 13.) being a further portion of the faid Debt, is due and owing to Walter Balfour, and that the faid Walter Balfour hath and Iball have right to [)articipate to the amount of the faid fum of fevcn ihoufaml feven bundled and eighty-two Pagodas and twenty-one Fanams Ps. F- C. ■(7,782. 21. o.) or three thoufand one hundred and ihirleeii I'l'unds iU'rling (/'. i',! 1 3.) in the fund provided by the aforefaid indeniure, for fatistaetieii ol the |)iivate Debts of the lale Nabobs of the Carnatle: And we do furtlier Award and .'\djudge. That the fuui of three thoufand two hundred and twenty-four i'agoAIMANTS. CLAIAi N° 738 ill our Fifth Rcpoit. TO all to whom thefe Prefeni.-; (indl eome: We, iienjaniin Ilubhonlt- of Whirton Park in the Coiinly of Middlefe.v, and 'i honias Coekbnrn of llamplirad in ihe laid (.'onniy ol' jMiddlefe.v, being tivo of the Comniillioners and Hc:!erccA aeting in J'lngland for the time being under a eerlain Deed indented and bearing date the 10 day of July 1803, " between the t'nited Company of Merchants of England tradin:,^ to the I'afi indies of the one part, and the i'everal Perl'ons whofe hands and I'eals are therelo fet and ahi.xed, and who rei'pee- tively are or claim to be Creditors of his Uighnefs the Nabob Wallah .lah, formerly Nabob of Areot and of the Carnatie in the Eati, Jndies, and now dcceafed, and of his Higiinefs tiie Nabob O.ndnt ul Omrali, late Nabob of Areot and of the Carnatie, eldeft Ion and fiieceflbr of his faid IlighneCs the Nabob Wailab ,Iah, and now alfo deceafed, and of his llighncCs the Ameer nl Onirah, the fecond Ion of his faid Mighnels iIk- Nabob Walhili ,lah, and now alfo dcceafed, or of fome or one of iheni the faid feveral Nabobs, and the faid Ameer of the other part,"' Send (Jrccting: \LljLexeas-Uadtw^CAi4iJcs,l4Qjd.oOlfii'i.S^^ Eaft Inrlies, hath e.vecnled the aforefaid Indenture, and hath thereby for hinifclF, hts, heirs, executors and adminillr.itors, fubmittcd hinifelf to the judgment, award, order and determination of the Conimiliioners under the aforefaid Indenture, in all things whatlbever relating to the ieveral ('hums made by him under the faid indenture: Now know ye. That we the f;,id Benjamin ilobhoufe atid Thomas Coekbnrn, having taken into conlideiation a Claim made by the laid Doc:"te/r Charies Loyci upon a i'erlian writing from the Nabob W'allajah to the faid Charles J.oyd, bearing date the 12 of liubbee oolawul 1195 of the Hegyra, correfponding with the S dav of March in the 3 ear of our Lord 1781, for the piinei[ial lum of twenty-live thoufand S. Ps. Star Pagodas (-25,000.) wi'.h iul'-rcil niion the fame a l the rate of twelve percent, per annum, from li'.e 16 ilay'oi^Septemi>er in Lhe year of our Lord 1780, to the 12 day of I'lbruary in the y>-ar of our Lord 1785, and at dx [ler cent, per annum from that dale to the i,t day (.f May in tiie year of om' Lord 1804, amonnliuLr, prmcipai and intcrcil together, to the ire^ate i'mn of fi.vly-fevea thoufand one hnnthcd and lil'ty-fuur Pagodas fevt-n ianauij Abfoluts A(ijudu:p.li()ns ogahtji Claimairts. I ^^ f N°57- CLAIM N" 514 in tlio Gillette oflhelS July 1809; and, N'-.-Jiiinihe Flflh Re- port t'j Parliamt'iit. Dr.C/iarks Lojjd. '■66' (i.\'ly-fevea tlioul Ps. F. c. and fortv Cai'ii (67, i,-;.}. 7. 40.) or Iwcnly-iix tboafand eight hundred and li.\ty-one Pojnds thirteen ^^hiliings and four-penee li-erling (^'.2(xS6i. i^-,x. 4'1.): -And bavingduly invciiigaied the faid C'laiai according to the covenants, proviiions and directions of the aforelind inden- ture, Uo (ind. That a conditional Agreement wasciuercd into by the Nabob \Va)!ajah, jvo- inifing, that in the event of Midiomed Ally, one of Hyder's d'encrals. coming over to the Englrili army with l< n ihoafand men, according to an engagement entiicd into for that put- pofe, thf" fnm of twenty-live Ihoufand Pagodas (j;^,o lo) was to l)e paid as a preterit to .Doctor Charli's Loyd : And we do furilni'tind, That the engagement fo entered into was not fuliilicd on the part of Mahomed Allv. and eonlefinently that nothing b(-came due under the Agreement aforefaid from the iiiid" lale Nabnb Widfajah to the laid Doe^or Charles Loyd: And we Ikmjamin ilobhuufe and Tliomaa L"ockbnrn do iiereby Award and Adjudge, That the i'aitl DodoV Charks Lloyd hath no right, in refpcrt of iiis faid Claim, to participate in the fund jirovided by the aforei'aid IntlealareVor f:;t!>faelion of the private Debts of the late Nabobs of tl;r ("arninie, a'ld Ins ili-hiiefs llie Ameer n! Ua)ra!i: Anil we do furl her Award and Adjndi;e, 234 SEVENTH REPOllT OF 1 HE -Ahfoliile A'!jiifla;c>, That all the propfity f>iul levciuies of th.e faid Nabob WaUajah, anrl his fixrcfTors AdjiKliciitions J,,, it.j.rci'entalives, are aird (hall be for over arquiUed and dilchaiged fiom all demands what- ti^-ttiHji iocver ill lelpcct of the laid Claim made at ihc infiaiice of the faid Do6i:or Charles Loyd, , Clai i naats. ^ ^^^. ^j- .^^^ other Perlon or Perlbiis whatlbever. In W'itneCs wlicreof, we the laid Hcnjamin ^ ;Hobhmil'e and Thomas Cockburt; have herennlo let our hands the tvvcnty-tliird day oJ' Januai V, in the year of our Loid one thoiil'and eight hundred and eleven. ,^. ,, f BENJi^' lion HOUSE. 4,Mgnea; | tIIO. COCItB'JUN. Signed (being fiiTt duly ftamped) ill the piel'eiioe of, (Signed) John Parkkonfe. N'.^'S. CLAIM N° 1300 in our Fifth Report, CLAIM T0 all to whom thel'e Prereiil? lludl <'on;e : We, Benjamin Hobhoufc of \Mii'ton Park 1% 61j m the G.izeite in the Comity of Middlffex, and 'J'homas Cuckbuin of Hanipltcad in the laid County of 01 i^ie. u^ 1 ; •jyjjjjjjigj-j.^.^ beinii; two of the CommillioHcrs and Referees atiting in England for the "time K'lioo ill the Fifth being, uiulcr a Certain Deed indented and bearing date the 10 day of July 180^;, " be- J{.:..,ri lu l^ariia- tweeii the United Company of Merchants of England trading to the Ealt Indies of the one '"'■'■ ' part, and the feveral Perfuns whofe hands and leais are tlierelo fet and affi.\ed, and who rc- .\i/cd Imfiitm ipet^lively are or claim to be Ciediiors of his Highners the Nabob Walla Jah, foimcrly yJl/j/ Kkan. Nabob of Arcot and of tl:e Carnatie in the Eaii; Indies, and now deceafed, and of his High- iiefs iheNabobOmdiit nlOmrah.late Nabob of Arcot and of the Carnatie, eldeil fon and fuc- cedbrofhis laid llighnefs iheNabobWallali.lah.aiid now allbdeceafed, and of his ilighneis the Ameer ul Omrah, the fecond fon of his faid Highncl's the Nabob Wallah Jah, and now alio deeeafed, or of fome or one of them tlie faid feveral Nabobs, and the faid Ameer of the other pari," Send Greeting; Whereas Syed Imaum Ally Khan of Fort St. George in the Ead Indies, hath executed the afor(daid Indenture, and hath th.ereby I'ubmitted himfcif, ids heirs, executors and adminiftrators. to the judgment, award, order and determination of the Commiliioners under the afon-faid Indenture, in all things whatfoever relating to the feveral Claims made by him under the faid Indenture : Now know ye, That we the faid Benjamin Ilobhoufe and Thomas Cockburn, having taken into confideration a Claim made by the faid Syed Imaum Ally Khan upon his Iliginiefs Wallajah, formerly Nabob of the Carnatie, and Rs. now deeeafed, for the principal Aim of thirty-four thoufand Rupees (34,000.) with intereft upon the fame to the 1 5 day of May in the year of our Lord 1804, amounting, principal and intereft together, to the aggregate fum of feveiity-one thoufand five hundred and live Hupees (71,503.) or eight thoufand one hundred and feventy-two Pounds llerling (/. 8,172.) which Claim the faid" Syed Imaum Ally Khan hath Hated to be founded upon arrears of pay due to him as Deputy and Fouzdar of Nuthurnugger: And having duly invetiigated the faid Claim according to the covenants, provifions, and directions of the aforefaid Indenture, Do find. That nothing is due to the faid Syed imaum Ally Khan, in refpect of the faid Claim upon his faid llighnefs the Nabob Wallajah, deeeafed : And we, Benjamin Ilobhoufe and Thomas Cockburn, do hereby Award and Adjudge, That the laid Syed Imaum Ally Khan bath no right, in rcl'peOt of the faid Claim, to paiticipaic in the fund provided by the ai'ore- faid Indenture for fatisfaction of the private Debts of the late Nabobs of the Carnatie, and hisHighncfs the Ameer ul Omiah : And we do further Award and Adjudge, That all the property and revenues of the faid Nabob ^^'allajah, and his fuceeHorsor re])icfcntatives, are and lliall be for ever acquitted and difeliarged from all demands whatfoever in lefpecl of the faid Claim made at the inftance of the laid Syed Jmaum Ally Khan, or of any oilier Perfon or Perfons whatfoever. In \\ iiiiefs wheieot, ue the laid Benjamin Ilobhoufe and 'i'homas Cockburn have hereunto fet our hands the twenty-third day of January, in llm year of our Lord one thoufand eight hundred and eleven. Signed (being fii-fl duly ftamped) in the picfence of, (Signicl) Julni Parkhoiifc ,5.. ,. CBENJN HOBHOUSE. (Mgncd) jxiIO. COCKBURN. X' .3f). C L A I INI N° 5.',G in oia- Fifth Report. TO all to whom thefc Prefents (liall come : AVc, Benjamin Ilobhoufe of Whiiton Park v'l-i.i'iniiicGnz.-ue in the Counly of Middlefc.x, ^nulThomas Cockburn of Ilami)(icad in the laid County of ofthci:)Jiii3 i80'.i; Middlefe.x, being two of the Comminioners and Referees ading in England for the time bi - .»'"' . ing, under a certain Deed indented and bearing date the 10 day of Jul)' iSos, " Iwtweeri *'°ptrt'^t'"pu'rl,Jmnu.'' ll'c United Company of .Merchants of England trading to the Eall Indies of the one part, H 11' All ' ''"'^ *'"-' ff^^'i''=d Perfons whole hand.- and feals are thereto fet and aflixed, and who icfpertivelv lIuljanAlli/ are or claim to be Creditors of his ilighnets the Nabob Wallah Jah, formerly Nabob of ""'■ Arcot and of the (.'arnatic in the Ealt Indies, and now deeeafed, and of his ilighnefs the Nabob Omdiit ul Omrah, late Nabob of Arcot and of the Carnatie, eldeft fon and fucceiVor •of his faid llighnefs the Nabob Wallah Jah, and now alfo deeeafed. and of his Highnefs the Ameer ul Omrah, the fecond fon of his faid IJighnefs the Nabjb Wallah Jah, and now alio deeeafed, C A R N A T i C C O .M M 1 S S I O N £. 11 ^S. 235 dcccafcd. or of fame or one oftlieni th? Taid fovcril Nyliol^-i, and tlic fiid Ameer of tlie Aljf.ilutt other part," Send Grct-tiiig: VVIrmxms Kiifi'dn Ally IChaii, of Foil Si. licuiu'e in the Eull Adjudicauoni Indies, lialh executed the aforcfaid IndeiUmc, anil hritii tlieieby iiibiniltcd himfcdf, hi.-; Jieiri, ugainjt cxecuLoii, and iidiuiiii(i!a!or>i, to the jKdL;i;"Mit, awaid, oir!ci- and detennindtion oftlie Com- CJaiinanf.s. niillioneis under iJic aforelaid Indenture, in all things uhatlbever relalin;:; to the fevcral ('laims ^^ -~' ^ made by liini under llic laid Indeniurc : Now know 3c, That we the (aid Renjamin Hubhoule and Thv)nK'.s Cockhurn, having taken into eonfideratior, a ('laim made by the faid HufTuii Ally Khan, as fon and lieir of llahz lluiru'i Ally ilhan iiehadur IJoodum .!unp, upon his frigluiels Onidut ulUniiah, formerly i\al)t)h of the Carnalie, and now deccafed, for the prin- s. Fs. F. c. cipa! finn of (ix ihoiifind and nineteen Star Pagoda-;and t\vr, |'ananifl(!i,oio. 2. o.)vvitli inlercfl: upon the I'anie at the rate of live per eent. per annum fioni (he 20 ti.if ol' Mav in tin' iicai"" of our Lord 179S to the 15 day of May in il'.e year of our fjord i8o|, amomiiinij, prineipitl and iiuerelt together, to ihs aggregate fiun of feven Ihoniund eight hundred and tiiiiticn hiur s I's. 1-. c. Pagodas nine Fanams and fourrecn Cafh C7,'Si;5. 9. 14.) or three thoufand one 'luiiidn-d • and twenty-five I'oundslive Shillings and nine-pence fterling (£.^,-i2^. 5. q.) udiieh Giain« the faid Ihilfun Ally Khan hatli (hited to be founded upon a Bill for pay due to hi^ laid late father IJatiz llnll'iin Ally Khan P.ehadur Kooiiuin juiig, frinn the fairl lale Sfahol; Ouniirt ul Ouirah : And having duly invefii^aled the faid (,'laini ae<-ori.NJ^ Honnous (Signed) J,^.ji(^, COCK BL UN >^'o ^ , C LAIM N" i.-iB in our Second Report. TO all to whom thefe Prefcnls fliaJl come; We, Benjamin Hobhoufe of Whitton Park i-l'iyn'- .1 r' .. in the County of Middlefex, Tiiomas Coekburn of HampRead in the faid County of Mid- Ao KiO in the Cinxrttr . . . ,. , . i » t i i- ■ i / ' i* * t ■ i ii T- i • ot tilt -Ji Aug. 1H07 ; (Hefex, and ( liarles drant jtituor ot Lineoln s-lnn in the laid County ot Middlelcx, being and t|„. (;omimnioiief.sand tlefeiees attlnp in I'ngland for the time beint;, under a certain J>e*d '^R.- mrt"to'k^im-"'^ iiideiited and bearing datc^kw loday of July J 805, " ktwvcn the UTuled CoiUi)any of Mer- t.cnu ' * cliaillft C A RN A T I C COMMISSIONER S. 237 A')ji;ii; ::'l.ion'. ('laiiiiuiiU. clianU of England trjuling to the F.aft Tiulies of thr one p;irt, and tlip frveral Peifons whofe hands and I'eals are thereto let and alfixed, and wiio vorjjectively are or ft m 'till* tlie faid le>cral Nabobs, and tlie laid Ameer of the oilier |)art, Send G'reef.ii'j; : U'liereas others l'".>KeiiU»r Colo nel Ji'hii Alexander nannernian of Stamford [liil in the Coiuitv of lilil-x, Koiierl ,,f / 1) ,'>i,,;)i. Taylor aiKrirrdiiVTiiylor of Hirtinpfgate-ltreet in the City of Loniioii, 'being ilnee of the /' , * executors named in the will of tin,' late Jkiiijor (iener;d .himes Dtd'art Sievenfuii, fornierly of Fort Si. (leortre in the Fait liuhes, have cxccnieil the aforefaid Iiideii'.iire, and h:\v therel)y fnbnjitied Liitinlelves, their heir>, exi'rntors and adinitiiftralois, to the j'ldgnien!, award, order and deterndnation of the ('oinniillioneis under tiie nforcfaid Indentuie, 111 all tluiigs whatfoever relatino; lo the feveral Claims made by tliem under the faid liiddt- ture: And whereas the l.iid Major (s of Areot, or of the Anjeer ul Oiniaii, of the fiili part, Jolm I'onlyce of Whitehall in the C'onnlv ol Mitldlel'ex, liiice deeeafed, ot li»e leeoiid part, and the I'eiioiis tiierein named asTniiiees., of iheliiiid part, and did thereby transfer and allij^n (>\ir Id the faid John l''oidvce, his exe- t-utors, adminiliialurs and allinns. one-foitietlj |>arl of every Debt or fiim ofiiioriPv owiii" Jo him from thei'" Hiuhnellei tiie iale Nabobs of Areol or ihe Ainecr ul Omraii, or from ans of them, and of the interell wliieli llioiiid have acenied liieieon, liie faid one-foriielh pail to be taken upon the I'um at which the piinci[)al and inleielt of ihe faid Debt Ihould br li; to him the faid Major (jciiernl James Defart Slevenlbii from tlieir Hi^hnell'cs the lale Nabobs of Areol or l!ie Ameer ul Omiah. or from any of them, and of the iiiterell v\liich fliould have aceruid tlicrcon, the faid one-fortieth pail 10 be taken upon the fnm at whieli the principal and iiUcrelt uf the faid Debt ihould be liqiiidate. <)ond, or the Debts claimed thereon, from the reprefentatives of the late Nalrjb Wallajah ; and liiat they have no right, on the aforeiaid Claim, to participate in the fund [irovided;by liie aforcfaid Inden- tiire for I'aiisfaC.tion of the private Debts of the late Nabobs of Atcut a-.id his Highnels the Ameer ul O.nrah : A:ul we do fmtlier Award and AdjaJgc, 'I'hat all the propf rty and .revenues of the faid Nabob VVallnjah, and his fLiceerfois or reprel'ciitutivcs, ;.re and (liall be for ever aeqiiitled and difehargeti tiom all demands whatfoever in icfpcet of the •:':tid Bond, or the Debts claimed by the faid Colonel John Alexander Bai'.ncrman, Robert Taylor, and John Tavlor, as executors aforcfaid, or ofyny other perfon or perlbns whr.ifoever. [ii Wii- jiet's whereof, we the faid Benjamin llohhotil'c, Thomas Cockburn, and Ciiailcs Grant, iiaye heixn:iuo fet our hands the twentieth day of Februarv, in the year of our Lord one ihoulaiid eight hundred and eleven. isigned (being ijrfl duly flumped) in t!ie prelijnce of, (Signed) Jolui Parhhuufc. (VAIS.)^ riODHCil.SE. (Sigi'cd) ^h'llO. CDCKJU.JlN. CCHA. Gl'A.NT Juni. r. N° 65. CL.MM N" 453 in ilie Gazeitc ofilie Ij Jul^- 1809; and. N" 13M in the Fifth Keport lu Pjrlia* oieiit. P'ericatapudilj/ Soucar. C LAI IVI N" 1393 in our Fifth Report. TO all to wliom llicfe Prefenls (liall come: We, Benjamin Hoblionfe of VVhitton Par!; irj the Ce Atfjii'lications cancelled, and delivered up to tiio (yoint of DireOtors ol' the faid United Ead India Company. qgoiii/l I„ \\ itneis whercor, we tiie liiid l>enjainin lloblionle, Thomas Cockbuin, and Cliaiies Giant, ^ Cla ima nts. have iiereunto let our hands the eighteenlh day ofJuae in the year ol our \a>[(\ one thuuland ^ ' eight hundred and eleven, n'.ENJ-^' llfMUlOUSE. (Signed; '] THO. COCK,iiUUN. Signed (beinj; firft duly ftam;?ed) (.CH A. GRANT Junior, in the [ir(\lri;cc at', (..Signed) Ju/iii Puihlioiifc. X° 6-. CL.vI]\I No. 10 -jG in our Fiflh Report. gf ^j;^j TO all to wh.o-in ihcfe Pielents flial! come: We, Benjamin iloblioufe of '^^"liitt^in Park. J.° Si's in the Gazette in the Couulv of Middlcfe.x, Tliomns Cockburn of Hainj)ltea, formerly Nabob of Arcot and of the Car- natic in the Iviit Indies, and now rieceafed, and of his Highnefs the Nabeb Oindut ul Omrah, late Nohob of Arcot and of the Carnatic, eldelt ion and luc ell'or of his laid Iiij,hncfs the JSabob Wallah Jah, and now alfo rleceafed, and of hi* Highnefs the Ameer ul Unirah, the ircond fon of his faid Highnel's ihe Nabob Wallah Jah, and now alfo deceafed, or of fome or one of them tlie faid I'everal Nabobs, and the faid Aineer of the other part," Send Greet- ing: Whereas Pool Pool Sctah (xamiah of Madras in the Eaft indies, fon and perfoiial reprefentative of Pool Pool Kiltniah late of Madras aforelaid, halh by his altornies Mcdieur* > Coir, Halt, and W'efton, of Matlras tilorel'aid, executed the aforefaid Indenture, and hath thereby fubinilted himfelf, his heirs, executors and admiuilirators, to the judginent, award, order aiid determHiation of the Commiffioners under the aforefaid Indenture, in all things whatfoever relating to the fever.d Claims made by him under the faid Indenture: Now knoxr je, 'Ihat we the faid Benjamin IJobhoule, Thomas Cockburn, and Charles Grant, having taken into conlideration a Claim made by the fatd Meffieurs Colt, Hart, and U'ellon, as attoriiies to the faid Pool Pool Seetah Ilaniiah, fon and perfonal reprefentative of Pool Pool Kiltiiiah as aforefaid, upon a Bond faid to be from the Nabob Wallajah to Pool Pool Kift- iiiah, bearing date, as allcdged, the 14 Zehij 1192 of the Hegyra, for ninety-five thoutand Ps. five hundred Pagodas (95,500) with arrears of intereft alledged to he due thereon from the 3 day of Jaiiuaiy in the year of our Lord 1770, to the 12 day of February in the year of our Lord 1785, at the rate of twelve |)er cent, per annum, and from that date to the 15 day of JVlay in the year of our Lord :,8o4. at fix percent, per annum, amounting, principal and interefl together, to the aggregate fum of two hundred and feventy-live ihoufaiid eight hun- Pf. F. c. r, x-o ro j ,r „ '''" ''^ *'' ^' '' ''" Repnn t„ I'.rli.unau. i AWARD N- C«, date.l June 18, iXn. .ngainft Sjlh.i Row, - iy8.,c4. 7. 40, or ,,,,.4,. ,3. 6. CLAIM N" 1390 in tlie Fiftli ) >u/ in r. x-. <: 1. ir Repmt 10 Parliament. | AWARD N 69. d.iteJ June ,9, ,2, ,, .gr.mft Vencai Row, - ./^.ic^.. 37. 40. ,r 39,161. 19. ,, CLAIM N" 1160 in the Fifth) .uTiDnvio , ■ , Report u. i'.irliamcnt. * AWARD N 70, d.-ited Jane 19, iSi ,, a^.-iinft Sy.le.i Pilb.v, - Sj.oco. 0. o. ,r js.Gco. 0.0. CLAIM N» 371 in tlie Fifth/ AWARD N" 71, dateil June 19, iSi,, ag.-.i„ft &,lt, H.,.t, a'ul ) „, Repnrt lo I'.irliament. \ Utfton, slliguecs uf Vcnc.it R.m Cutty, - - i 86,908. 14. o. or 34,762. 10. i. CLAIM N" 9:5 in t!;e Fifth J ,«,,., nxi. j ,, Kep..rttol'adir.ment. 5 '^WA.^D N 72, i.,tcd June 19. i2i,, agauift .Mcotta I'ilUy, -157,545. 6. lo. ,r 63,018. i. i. CLAIM N" i»9 in the Fifth J iii-id->m" ,111 Report to r.irliame„t. i A\,.\RON 73, J..t«l June 20, .0 , ,, ng.unft D.chap.th N.ncl., - i 57,167. ,6. jo. <,r 62,866. ,9. ,. CLAIM Ji" 1261 in llie Fifih ( avuarii vo,, r . 1 i o Report to P.-.,i:ament. j AWARD N" 74, dated June 20, ,8.., agamft Srienav.-ifya - 150,320. 6. 10. or 60,, :g. .. ». CLAIM N" 1388 in the Fifth ) AWARD N" 75, dated June 20, iSii, againft Vcerapih ) Report to Parli.imei.t. j Moudclly ---..... 4 io$,6-r. 5. o. or 43,452. g. 19. CLAIM N" 1085 in the Fifth 7 Avv\Rnv. ,; 1 , > i . ■ ., „ Report to Parliament. J AW.\RD N 76. ^ated June 20, ,8,,, agau.ft R.niana N.iick, ,12,875. o. cor 45,750. o. «. CLAI.M N" 1437 in the Fifth ) AWARD N* 77, d.tted June 21, i8n, ngainft Wydelin^a / Report to Parliament. J Moodelly, - . - . . , ."". i '*3'534- 3^- 4^- "" 73.413- 18. 2. CLAIM N" 250 in the Fifth J ,„, „ , Report to Parliament. 5 -'^"'■^'^L) -^ ' 78. J.ited June 21, iSii, ag.iinft ArnactieUi.ih -199,680. o. o. »r 79,872. 0.0. CLAIM N° 1244 in the Fifth J . ,i, , d t^ Report to i'.irn.iment. j AWARD N 79. Jated June 21, iS: i,againft;So<>l).iroy Pill.iy, . 205,012. 22. 40. or 82,005. 0.0. CLAIM N" 224 in the Fifth > .vv.„r.x- <, Report to Parliament. j A" ARD ^• So, dated June 21, 1811, againft Anna Jyer - -172,319.20. o. cr 68,927.15.^ CLAIM N" 977 in the Fifth? ,,„.„„,.„„ , ,. Report to Pai'li-iment. J AWARD.N «i,Jated June 24, ,S 11, .ig.iiuft Narafinga PiU.ay, ,86,160. 9. o. or 74,464. 0.0. CLAIM N» 230 in the Fifth > .,„.dt,»t, o , ,t Report to P.arliament. j AWARD N 82, dated June 24, iS 11, ag.iinft Ap.-.jee Row, - .75,645. 37. 32. or 70,25?. 7.,. CLAIM N" ,037 in the Fifth/ Report to Parliament. J AWARD ^"83, dated June 25, 18, i,3gainft .\rmogum Mooillye, 193,559. 7. 40. or 77423.112 CLAIM N° 1089 in the Fifth ) Report to Parli.iment. J AWARD N''g4, dated Jime25, ,8,,, againftRam;hunder Row, ,58,4,5. 37. 40. or 63,346. 7.9. CLAIM N" ,152 in the Fifth ) Repoit 10 Parliament. 5 AWARD N 85, dated June 25, 18 ii, againft Rung Row, .307,500. o. o. or ,23,000. 0.0. CLAIM N° 97S in the Fifth } ,^ „ Report to Parliiimcnr. J AWARD N° 86, d.ited June 25, ,3,,, .ng.iinft Nurfing Row, - ,6,,oi3. iz. 70. »r 64,405. 6. 4. CLAIM N» 402 in th« Fifth? Report to P.,iliameiit. i -^^WARD N" 87, dated Jtme 25, igi ,, ag.iintt D.ada Row, -,85,276. i. ,2. o.- 74,1,0. 0.2. CLAIM N° 1052 in the Fifth ) Report to Parli,iment. ) AWARD N" 88, dated June 25, 181 ,, againft Rama Row, - 213,281. u. 20. or 85,312. ,0.0. CLAIM N° 245 in the Fifth } , ^ Report to Parliament. ) AWARD N''89, dated June 26, ,811, agiinft Aramooga Moodelly, 13 1,562. 22. 40. or 92,625. 0.0. CLAIM N" 972 in the Fifth 7 , . ,. Repot to Parli.imcnt. J AWARD N 90, dated June 26, ,811, .againft Naiafing.i Roycr, 2,7,493. 33. 60. «■ 86,997.10.0. CLAIM N- 1405 in the Fifth) ,.,.,„,^^., Report to I'arliament. \ AiVARD ^ 9,, dated June 26, iSi,, ag.iinft t'ondul Row, - 188,524, 37. 40. or 75,409. 18. 7. CLAIM N-' ,151 in the Fifth > , „ .„ Report to Parliament. J .\WARD N 92, dated June 26, ,8 1 1, ag.ninll Runga rh.iry, -145,490. o. o. or 96,566.13.4. CLAIM N" 777 in the Fifth ) Report to Parliament. ( AWARD N° 93, dated June 26, ,8,,, ag^iinft Eoobaroy rill.i, 82.1:5. o. o. or 32,850. 0.0. CLAIM N*- 7^.8 in th, Fifh? AWARD N<>94, dated June 26, ,8,,, againft Mootoo Sau-n-ee J Repoit to Parliament. J Pilia, . . . . . , . . .1 ' CLAIM N" 50S in the Fifth? Report to Parliament. J AWARD N" 95, dated June 26, ,Si i, againft Gopaul Jyer -225,830.37.40. 1 '59'375- °- °- "'■ 631750. o. o. 90,332. 7. I. CLAIM N" 394 in the Fifth) .-,,.otax.o Report to Parliament. ] AWAKD N 96, dated June 26, 1811, .agamll Cuftoory trinity, 245,1/ 1. 23. 60. or 98,068. ,0. ,. CLAIM No ,076 in the Fifth) .„, ,dt^x-o , ,t Report to Parli.imeiir. J AWAKD ^ 97, dated .Tune 27, ,81,, againft Ram Row - - 242,96a. 22. 40. or 97,185. 0.0. CLAIM N" ,,7, in the Fifth ) Report 13 P.irliamtni. ; AWARD N" 98, dated June 27, iSi i, againft Shimksr Jyer, - 503,350. 37. 40. or 12,, 340. 7. ,. CLAIM N" ,357 in the Fifth) Report to railiament. J AW ARD X" 99, dated June 27, t8i i,.againflTiroovencata Chitty, 167.894. 20. o. (,r 67,, 57. ,5. o. CLAIM N" 6S9 in the Fifih ) Report tp Parliament. \ AWARD N" ,co, dated June 27, ,8,,, agamft Kiftnappah Chitiy, 6,,, 57. 37. 40, or 24,463. 3.1. CLAI.M N" ,242 in the Fifth/ AWARD N" ,0,, dated June 27, ,8, ,, ag.iiuft Sooboor.v ) , Report to P.irh.iment. J munny .Moodelly - ... - . . I, "(•>°'i°- °- °- "■ gf^'". 0.0. CLAIM N" 35S in the Fifth? AWARD M ,02, dated June 27, ,S,i, againft Poonaiee ) ,^, , Report to Parliament. J Chellumhrom. aliai Poonare. Selumbrum - . . ) 74.170- 37- 40- »^ 19.»6»- 6- 6- CLAIM N° 6r6 in the Fifth) .„,,„^,„„ Report to Parliament. \ AW.IRD Iv ,04, dated June 28, 181 j, againft Hurry Dofs, - 292,580. o. o. o.- ,,7,032. 0.0. CLAIM N" ,,6, in the Fifth ) AWARD N" ,05, dated Jnne 28, ,8,,, a-aiiift Sai'alecva ) , ,, , Report to Parliament- ) Ray.idoo, -■-.-.'...) '69,177.35. o. or 67,67,. 2.2. ,,,,,DnV'0 l.li 03 ■ r^ r- n- 1 r t Report to rAiliameiit. JAS\ARDN 109, lUted June zS, i3 1 1, agnmft Gung.iperdiaml, 162,650. 27. o. or 105.060. 5.1. CLAIM N» 354 ill the Fifth) AWARD N" 1 10, Jire.l Jnly i, 1811, .ijainft Cuiiniali Chitty, j| H eport ti> Parli.imcnt. > .ilia? Chadanngap.ii.im Cunnich Chitty, - - - j' 93>53'- - '■ - J- '"' 37412.11.0. CLAIM N° 916 in the Fifth? AWARD N" iii, d^rteJ July i, 1811, .ii;ainft Mootoo Ram.i ) ,, Kepci'.to P.irh.-iment. J MooJIye ) iit'.bSS'S- <>• " 9=/53- 6. y. CLAIM N" 246 in ihe Fifth } , .a- . d t. \-o 1.111 o • ,i . .1. ,.„ a. Report to I'aili.me.it. j AU ARD N 112, .lateil July i, ig/i, asanft Arnaclielliim I'lllay, 133,386. 5. a. c, 53,554.0.11. CLAIM N" 1234 ill till.- Fiflli? .iv.Dnv-o . 1 . j 7 1 o • /» c 1 ., o<. Report to Pa.iijincnt. J AU ARD N" 1 13, d , ted July i, 1811, ag.i,„n SoonJ.ira Row, - 231,33s. 40. o. ^ 92,555.11.7. CLAIM -\° 1065 in the Iif.li / AAAR'1 N° 114, d.ited July i, 1811, ajainft Rai.i Gopiul > , , Report lot^ailuoKut. S Jy". .... . '' . . .' . ^76-040. .1. 40. «• 7C,4>6. »• 3- r AWARD N" J 1 5, dated July 2, 1811, a;ainft Colt, Hait") CLAIM N" 372 in the Fifth) aud VVellon, AJligncLS and .\:t(!rnies ot Sooioovajah f ,„ Repoitfo l'a.liamem. ) C.'.(T..vi.di, ali.is Kalh.iviih, ali.is Kem.iviah Braniny and ^ '^^'■*-^- ^- °'"' S'^-!/"'- O- <>• \, Vcnca'arnyalori, alias Vcf.cataroya'oo Bramny . - j CLAIM N' ii+i ir. the Fift'n J AWARD N ■ 1 16, d.ited July 2, iSii, a;ainft Soohroy.d Nair, ) ,„ Rep.nttaVn lament. \ alus Soohmyal NaTi, - - . . - . j 6'8.779- 35. 71- »'■ 247.5' ■ • •«. .0, CLAIM^Ko^976Jn^^he^ Fifth) AWARD N" undated July 2, 1811, njain!! Narafuija Royadoo, 320,275. o. cor ,28,110. 0.0. CLAIM N' 1235 in the Fifth) AWARD X" ii3, dated July 2, iS 1 1, againft Soubbarov * , , Report to".,,li.irt,ei,t. ) Mou.lelar . -^ - . - . . •- I >c5.i64. 16. 20. or 42,065.17.0. CLAIM X" 11S3 ill the Fifih > .\WARD X" 120, d.ite.J .luU- 3, 181 1, againft S.ilhlyer ali.is j , Rep .rt to Parliament. S SaOia Jyer - - - - - - . -S "33.5'5- o- »• "• 53.4o6. 0.0. CLAIM X" 1C47 in the Fifih / .UVARD X' i2j, d.ited Jtily 3, iSi i, .ngainft Paupon Cliitty ) qC S6i c. o or -8 -ai Report to Kuliameut ) and P-jonapa Moodclly., alias Poniiapa Moodely - - ) ' ^ ^ >'4+. 9- °- CLAIM N" 1176 in tlic Fi th ) AWARD X° 122, dated .hilv 3, iSii, againft Safhavah . - 58.133.15. o. or 13,253.6.10. Report to Parh.inient. ) . j. > . j jj j j. jj CLAI.M N» 1396 in th. Fifth 7 AWARD X' 123, dated July 3, 1811, ag.iinft Vencoo Dofs, -234,570.25. o. or 93,828.4.19. Report to Parliament. J j. j ; j> ' a > jt.^/ j 7j> t CLAIM N" i«86 ill the Fifth 7 AWARD X° 124, dated July 3, 181 j, againft R.ima Sawmy Jver, 159,245. 6. 20. or 6;,69g. i. 2. Report to Pailnmcnt. 1 ^ j ; a- > o 1 j. • jjt -13 .. / CLAIM N" 339 in tiie Fifth? AWARD X" 125, dated July 3, :8i i, .-Jgain.l Caiiacofoby PiUay, 157,950. o. o. or 63,180. c. o. Report to Parliament. <, ji j ; j> i o j i' a/./a a> CLAIM X" 1248 in the Fifth i AWARD X" 126, dated July 3, 18 1 1, agamft Soobaroy PiUay, ) ,,,,.„ _ . ... .,,,, ,, , Report tD Parhament. j ali.is Soohroy Pilla, alias Snohry PilLiy, - - -J ""''/9- 7- 4-' 44.47'. '3- 5- CLAIM X° .91S in the Fifth) AWARD N° 127, dated July 3, 1811, againft Mootoo Sawmy J ,,,„,„ „ „ _- „ «,o r. „ enort to Parlianae.it. ( Pill.iy, --) ^ CLAIM N" 2:5 in tiie Fiftii ) AWARD X* 128, i » :>:ni t jj' Ta CLAIM No. 917 in the Fifth 7 AWARD X" 130, dated July 4, iSii, againft Moorogpun, ) ,„,_ „ „ rrrn, .. o Report to Parliaaiei.t. J alias Moorogapah Moodeily, ) 'I'.TSS- <=■ o- " 55.50'- 4-0. CLAIM X° 3:1 in the Fifth 7 Report to P.uliameiit. J -VWARD N» 131, d.ited July 4, iSii, ag.unft Chinglt-ioy P.liay, 218,816. 30. o. or 87,526.13.5. Report to Parliament. i AWARD X' 132, dated July 4, iSii, againft AroonachcUaPillav, 217,154. 7. 40. or 86,861.17.5. CLAIM N" 515 in the Fifth ) .,,-.„t> —o , . , . . • « ^ - , . .. . Repart to I'arlijmcnt. j AWARDS 133, dated July 4, iSii.againft Govindapah X»it, 135,258. 7. 40. or 54,103. 5.5. CLA..IM N" J401 in tlie Fifth 7 ,,,..„^,,„ . , , , „ „ -.r , „ Report to Parli.iment. J AU ARD X 134, dated July 4, iSii, agai.-id Vencatachellnm, 349,963. 17. o or 139,9X5. 5.7. "^^■"^'^Rei^It 'o^'arham'e'lu. ^'^"' ( AWARD X° 135, d.ited July 4. '«", ag.inft Ranioo Mo.Hlily, 160,989. 39. 30. or 67,396. 5. o. CLAI.M X" IC34 in the Fifth ) AWARD N° 136, dated July 4, 1811, againft P.ichayapah ) <: t i: ; 170,670. 6. 20. 01 68,i6S. I. 2. Kep'.rt to J'aihanicrt, \ ^loodili.ir, .___-. -.^'»' CLAI.M N° 124.5 '" 'he Fifth ) ,,rr,nT> vo , , 1 , t> ■ n c 1.1 n .; o. Report to Parliament. | AWARD X" 137, d.atcd July 4, 18 11, agiinft Sooblia Row, .110,463.40. o. or 44,185.11.7. CLAIM N" 1162 in the Fifth ) AWARD N" 13S, d.ated July 4, 181 1, agaiift Sadooroya PiUav, - 128,140. 28. 10. or 51,256. 5.0. Repoit to Paihament. 5 ' ' ; ti 1 a 1 .ji^r j.jj C!LAIM X° 387 in the Fifth ) .,,-.nT> vn , , , ■ « ■ n r^ ^ \ t^-h ft . r a . Report to Parliament. \ ^'^ -^^^ ^ 1 39, dated Jaly 4, 181 1, .igamft Colanday Pillay, - 99,166.30. cor 39,166. 14. c CL.MM N" 13S6 in the Fifth ? .,,. lur^ vo jit,o -/ii- 1 . c R»?rii t ti P rl a nt I A" -^R" -^ '4<=> 'i-^'cd July 4, 181 1 , againft Veerasaniy Jyar, - 119,000. o. o. or 47,600. 0.0. CLAIM N' ""+ i'l •''= Fif'li ) A'.VARD X" 141, d.ited July 4, iSii, againft .Salhayah - - 187,155. 2c 26. or 74,862. 3.7. Report to P.iih.imeiit. 5 -r 1 j j .ti • a / " jj .-r. j . CLMM NO 068 in she Fifthi '^^'•'■^'^O ^"' '+^' 4- «• 75.S3'-o. 5 CLAIM N" 962 in tlie Fifth) AWARD N" 147, d.ted July 5, 1811, againft N.a;o7.ee Row, 7 o g „, 50218 6 Report to Parliament. ) .alias N.igagcc Row, - . - - . - . J '9 . - ■ - 3 • 79' 4 - 3- CLAIM N" 1348 in the Fifth) AWARD X° 148, d.iHd July 5, 1811, .againft Taijore ) , ,, .„ ,, ,, ,„ ^ Report to P.aihameiit. ) Veiicaia Ramiah. -■' -^ - - - . .\ '03.904- 33- 30- «^ 4'.5*>'8-4 CLAIM N" 1286 in the Fifth) AWARD X" 140, dated July 5, 18 11, againft Sunkur Linga ) . <:.,., „ .,^, ., » Repoit to Parli.im.nt. \ '''^I'y. - - - - - - - - *•. J 'Jo-^^^. 35- 53- •' 5-.002. 14- 9 (LAIM X» 1239 in tht Fifih / AW\R!) N<> 150, d.iled Julv 5, 181 1, aganft SooKu.iya 7 , ,, i; .n, - 6 Report to P.iili.imei.t. ) Branning, alias Vcbb.ilce'.Soob.arow, - - .5 •' 3>-=9 39- 5- "' »9.-9'- a-' CARNATIC COMMISSIONERS. 243 N" iji, ilnted July !!, i3ir, Jsailvft RajnonaJa ) , o V, alias Ragduail Row, .....< ■iO«'.y»5- I'illay, elliim 7 F. 35' Ammint, Vi. F. C, ■CLAIM N" icCj "in the Fifth > AWARD N" Report to I'ailiament. ) Row, CLAIM N" 975 ii< ti\e Fifth 1 ,„■A^.^^,o , ,. , „ n • „. Report to I'ailiamertt. S ^"'^^'^ '^ '5^^' '''"''■J J"'y •^' ""' 'S^mft Narain I'.llay, - 159,911. 17. 40. or .CLAIM N" 243 in the Fiftli > AWARD N" 153, dafd July 9, 1811, agaiiift Amachclli-m Report to I'arlianient. \ I'lllay, alias Ariuchelam I'lUay, f AWARD N'154, djtcJ July 10, iSii, njainfl Edwards Jones, Aliisnee of Madali Samhali Seeva Chuty, alias f Keport to farliamL-nt. « JVIadah Samh Seeva Sitty, and the faid Madah bambah ? ( Sceva Clutty, alias Madali Samb Seeva Sitty - - J 178,190. 43. o. or 79,aoi. 3S. 17. or a- 1, rf. ^i.-g-i- 6 8. 63,964. '3 3- 71,316. 7- S. 3r,63o. 14. 6. CLAIM N" 995 in the Fifih ) AWARD N» 155, d.ited July 10, i8fi, ajainft Nintcra ? Report to Parlianirnt. j R.imaCawmcc Chitcy, alias Kiiitera RamVwiiniy Chitty, \ ■CLAIM N" 1093 in the Fifth) AWARD N» 156, dated July 10, iSii, agaiuft Rax.afamy J Report to Parliament. ) Brainany, ---.-..-j CLAIM N" IC93 in the Fifth) AWARD N" 157, dated July 10, iSi i, againft Rair.af.iwmic ; Rejiort to Tarlianicnt. j Jycr, ---.--...| CLAIM W .040 in the Fifth^ AWARD No ,58, d.ated J.rly ,0, .Su, againft Jar.>« Pater- -J Report to l'.a.liamc:,t. > 1°"', -^"^^"V,", ,='"'' T™"" "' Marram Reddy n.ul ' CLAIM NO' 104Z in the Fifth J AWARD N" i6i, dated July 12, 181 1, ajaiiif^ .Tames Pater-? Report to I'ailiament. J fon, Allignec and 1 rullce of Rangah Sawmy l-illay, - J CLAIM N" 1041 in the Fifth) AWARD N" 163, dated July 12, iSi i, againft j'ameU'atei- ) Report to Parliament. J fo», Afiignee and Truftce of Narfing.di Row, - - \ CLAIM NO S47 in the Fifth) AWARD Xo 164, dated July 15, iSi i, againft A.ooiiaclicUa / Report to Paihaiiient. \ Pillay, ..-.-.-- j r AWARD N" 165, dated .Tuly 15, iSii, againft Mcffieur!"] CLAIM N'^ 61C0 in tlie Fifth I Marington arul Conipauv, a^ .Vttornies for l)oo/uddeen J Report to Pathamen;. '< S"^" Ea|..ader Mo„ft.,k=en .lung, and his Wife Shaw \ ' Beaguni, alias Noor Chufmce Inah Hegum, the daughter 5 l_ oftlieeldefl Sifter J oo!! in the Fifth^ AWARDS" 166, d.ited July 16, iSii, agaiiil^ Meflleurs 1 ■t t» Parliament i ^"''' Hart and Wefton, Attornics for Man;;'' ••^"ormes for Paupaw ' (. Moodclly, ------- _) CLAIM N" 1427 in the Fifth) AW.-VRD N- 175, d.ited July 16, iSii, a^ai ft Meffieuis Colt, ) Report to Parliament. ) Hart and Wefton, Attoriiies for Veraiee Dofs - \ CLAI.M N" 773 in the Fifth) AWARD No j^s, dated 26cli Dceemher, iSii, againft Muni- ) Report to Parli.ament. J wakumCoomuroo Moodelly, - - - . ^ CLAIM NO 1090 in the Fifth) AWARD N" 199, dated 26tli December, iSii, againft) Report to Parliament. \ Ramalciftiaa Moodelly, boii of .indeapa MoodiUj, - \ ;M NO ,..27 in the FiftbC -^W.VRD N"2o;. d.ited 27th December, iSii, a^Hlnft ^ ..,^1^ IN 1.27 m rne i-irtn? WiUi.im Simpfoii, Afiignee of Oocul Djls, Son and \ tveport to Parliament. i u ■ .■ im n r c i ' f^ Heir of Muckun Dofs Soucar - - - . _J AWARO no 207, dated 271 h December, iSii, ag.iinft ^ Amboody Poody Ragiir.nah, Wid.'>w of Ambooily ''ondy f Vencata Row Braminy decc.iled. Son of .-Vmboody I'-oodj' / Vencataciielliali Biaiainy . . - . . j AWARD N" 2o8, dated 27th December, 1811, againft \ Mellienis Colt, Hart .and Welton, Altornics and ' .\nignces of Lingapah Brahmur - - - -J .\WARD N'o 2IO, dated 31ft December, 1811, .igaiiift James" CL^ CL.VIMS IVO135S and 1399 in the* Fiftn P.epoit to Pailiament \ CLAIM NO 373 in the Fifth^ Report to Parliament. i 265,152 205,233. 42,544. 7. 3. 18,783. 12.0. 64,801. 4. o. io6,ieo. -2. -\- O. or 82,093. *. '^• 339,916. 16. 26. V 95,966. II. I. 171,137. 21. 68,515. O. O. CLAIMS and port 721,037. 20. 12. or 287,915. S. CL ■^„ C AWARD N° 2IO, dated 31ft December, 1811, .igaiiift James") 1043, 1044, jc45,t Pateifon, Aflignteof VctilUih Vencatadrce Dofs, Son, f 1439 in ine f itth Ke-< j^^. . ^ j Perfonal Reprefentative of Vencatadre Doli, ? : to Parliament. / c I t^ Soucar -..----J AIM N" 331 in the Fifth) AWARD N' 213, dated ift JanuaiT, 1812, againft Bydypaty j Report to Parliament. \ Venkiah Biaminy _..--- j UM \-o 21:7 in the pift,X -\W-^KDN" 214, dated 2d January, i3i2, againft Anv.id,-,--^ _ ' ^'„ I -v n""i Ramafawmec Braniiny, Son and Heir of Auva- ; 260.526. i, 10. or 104,: Report to Parliamsnt. i jr-,i. k ' (^ danum Cuftooria _.-.-. y 180,446. 24. 13. 72,178. 12. 7. CLAIM N° 143° '" ''if^ Fifth) AWARD N" 215, dated 2d January, iSi2, ag Report to Pariiament. ^ Dofs, Son aui^ Heir of Ragoonailu Dofs inft Vuighee ) 183,061. 38. 43. or 73,2:4. 15. 4, 11 r r 244 SEVENTH REPORT of the X° 1 03. C L A I M N° 458 in our Fifth Report. rr vtAi '^^ ''^" '" whom thefe [\efeiits (liall come: We, Bcnjnmin Jlobhoufe ofU'liitlon Park A'^joS in ti.e Gszctte in H'C County of Middlefex, Tlioiiias Cockbuin of HaiiipfirafI in the faid Coiiiity of oi'tiici4 June; i809; Middlefex, and Charles Grant junior of Liiicoln's-Inii in (he (aid County of Middlelex, •No"rR ■ rn being the Commillioirers and Referees aCting in England for the tiuio being, under a certain Report to larlia- l^eed indented and bearing date the lenlh day of July one thonl'and eight hundred and five, meiic. " between the United Coin[)any of Merchants of England tiading to the Eail Indies of the Captain jirthur one part, and the feveral Perfons wliofe hands and feals are thereto fct and affixed, and who Frith, Afiigaee rel'pe^tively aie or claim to be Creditors of his Highnefs the Nabob VVallajah, formerly of Gorapak Nabob of Arcot and of the Carnatic in the Eaft Indies, and now deceafed, and of his Cldtty. Hrghnels the Nabob Omdut ul Oiurah, late Nabob of Arcot and of the Carnatic, eJdefl Con and fuccedor of his laid Highnefs the Nabob Wallajah, and now alio deceafed, and of his Highnel's the Ameer ul Omrah, the I'econd Ion of his faid Highnefs the Nabob Wallajah, and now alio deceafed, or of fome or one of them the faiti i'everal Nabobs, and the faid Ameer of the other part," 8end Cieeting: Whereas Captain Aithur Frith of Madras in the Eait Indies, affignee of Gorapah Chitty of Madrafpatnam alio in the Eaft Indies, hath executed the aforefaid Indenture, and hath thereby fubtiiitted himfelf, his heirs, executors and adminillrators, to the judgment, award, order and determinatioH of the Coiiimiflioners under the at\ allajah to Gorapah Chitty, bearing date, as ailedged, the fifteenth of ijhavvaul eieveii hundred and ninely-uine of the Hegyra, for the fum of I'eventy-two thoufaiid S. Ps. five hundred Star Pagodas (72,500.) with arrears of interefl ailedged to be due t])ereon from the 22 day of Augult in the year of our Lord 1785, to the 15 day of May in the year of our Lord 1804, at the rale of five per cent, per annum, amounting, principal and intereft together, to the aggregate fuinofone hundred and forty-one thoufand one hundred and s. Ps. F. C. ninety-three Star Pagodas thirty-one Fanams and forty Cafli (141,19:;. 31. 40.) or fifty-fix ihoufand four hundred and feventy-fcven Pounds and ten Shillings llerliiig(^. 56,477. 10s.): And having duly inveitigated the faid Claim according to the covenants, provifions and diretilions, of the aforefaid indenture, Do find, That the laid ]5ond for feventy-two thoufand S. Ps. five hundred Star Pagodas (72,500.) purports on the face of it to be a Bond from the faid Nabob Wallajah to the faid Gorapah Chitty : And we do further find. That the faid Bond is not the Bond of the faid late Nabob Wallajah, but a forgery and f|)uriou$ fabrication: And we the Jaid Benjamin Hobhoufe, Thomas Cockbnrn, and Charles Grant, do hereby Award and Adjudge, That the faid Captain Aithur Frith, allignee of Gorapah Chitty as ai'orefaid, has no Claim againit the faid late Nabob Wallajah on the fund provided by the aibrefaid Indenture for fatisfaCtion of the private debts of the late Nabobs of the Carnatic, in refpetil of the faid ailedged Bond : And we do further Award and Adjudge, That all the property and revenues of the faid Nabob Wallajah, and his fucceffors or reprefeiitatives, are and fliall be for ever acquitted and diicharged from all Claim whatfoever in refpedl of the laid ailedged Bond, or the Debt claimed thereon at the infiancc of the laid Captain Arthur Frith, aihgnee of Gorapah Chitty as aforefaid, or of any other Perfon or Perfons whal- joever : And we do further Award and Order, That the Bond aforefaKJ lliall be cancelled, and delivered up to the Court of Directors of the faid United Ea(t India Company. In V/itiiefs whereof, we the faid Benjamin Hoblionfe, Thotnas Cockburn, and Charles Grant, have hereunto let our hands the twenty-eighth day of June, in the year of our Lord one thoufand eight hundred and eleven. ■o' rBENJ>f HOBHOUSE, een perfoiined, or liif)' ValuaTjTcconMtratTon having lj<'errgT\eiT"T)y or loi^ ll'i'e" Hnd John Daniel O'Leary as aforefaid, or received by his faiil llighnefs the Nal)ol) Wallajah, or by any other IVrlbn or J 'ei foils on his account: And we ll;e faid Benjamin liobhoiiie, Thomas Cockburn, and (Jhailes Grant, do hereby Award and Adjudge, Th.-.t the faid Elizabeth Flanagan as admini- Itratix aforefaid, has no Claim on the fund provided by the aforefaid Indenture for fatisfac- lion of the private Debts of the late Nabobs of the Carnatie, in lefpec't of the faid Bond for S. I's. one tlioufund Star Pagodas (1,000.): And wc do further Award and Adjudge, '^I'liat all llie piopcily and rt venues of the faid Nabob Wallajah, and bis fuccen'urs or rep)cfenlatives, are and Ihall be for ever ac(]uitted ami difcharged from ail Claim whatfoever in refpccft of the laid Biiiifl, nr ihe D.bt claimed thereon at (he inlhince of the f:iiil Eiizabeih I'hinagan as lithiiiinliialri.v alorcf.iid, or of any other Perfon or I'erlbiis w haiiu. ver : And wc do further Award and Older, That the original Bond aforefaid Ihall be. cancelled, and delivered up to the Coiirt of Diiecturs of the faid United Eaft liului Company. In Witnefs whereof, wc tiie C A R M AT I C C O ]\I M I S S I O N E R S. 247 Clairnaiits. I'.ie fiiifl Br'ni;iiiiin Iloblioiifc, Tliomas Cockl;urn, ;inH Charles Grant, liavc liert^mito fet our Abfolu*o luiiuls llie I'liii-lieth day uf Jiily in tli',' vcir of oui- Lord one tlioul'aiid ci'dil liuixlied and Adjudicationc eleven. .. ^ j (■ I'.ENJN IIOP.DOUSE. (Signed) rillO.'COCieiUJllN. SigtKxl (heiiig fivfl duly flanipcJ) " ^CIJ.A. fi WANT junior. ill the preCcnce ot"', (Signed) Jo'))i Purkhoiife. CLAIM X" I of N^ TO all to uhoni iiici'c Piefcnls lliaii conic 13!) in our iirfr l^cpoit. We, !5ci;j:imiu N'lSb. Il.ihlioiile of WliiUuii Park Ct.AFM iN°) »f N" 8.? in Cifl G.;M;:tc of 12 Aug. ir.Ofi ; mi, N" i ■.IN" laeimliK I'lrft Rr;)ort lo I'ac- •Iniicn ll'illix, v^diniiiiftraUir ol It. L. IIUIU. in the Couttty of M irldkff.x, 'J'lioirias Cocivburn of 1 laiiipttiMui in the laid C.'oanty of Mid- dlefex, and Churlcs Grant junior of Lint-oln's-lnn in die faid (Jonnty of iMiddlolcx, being llie Commiflioiiers aiid Ucferees aiSins; in iinglaiid for the lime being under :i certain Deed indentcd'and bearing tbile llie 10 day of .Inly 1S05, " bcUveen the (Jnitcd Comnany of Merchanis of EiigUiud trading (o the liait [iidius of llie oar |)ari,and the I'evcral lY-rfons v.hofc hands and feaUare tlit'ielo let and aflixed, and xviio rcfjK lUively are or elaini lo !m; Creditors of his Higinief^ llie Nabob \'\ ullajah, foinicily JSabol) of Areol and of the ('arnati*; in the Eail Indies, and now decealed, and of his llighnefs the iNaljob Onidnl iil Onirai), laic Nabo!) of ArcoLaiid of the v'arnatie, eldeli, fon and fiieecflor of liis faid lligiinels tlit iVabob Wiilliijah, and lunv.aifo deeeafed, and of his Higlin(l\i ilit Ameer id Omrah, (lie feeond fon of his (aid lligiinefs the Nabob U'all.-ijah, and now alio decealt'd, or of foine or oneoftliein the faid feveial Nabobs, and llie faiart," Send (ireeliiig : Whereas James Willis of }lamj)ton Coiirt in the County I'f Middiefev, adnimiftrator to llie eftale of the ItL te Jiicliard Ee^^-'^ Willis, hath hy his atioriiey John I'ordyee of White- hall in the laid County of .Xliddieiexj'ftnrc'cleeeafed, executed the itforefaid indenture, «nd hath thereby fiibmittcd hiinfclf, his heiris, executors and adiniiiicdtivcly arc or cl;;iiu to he Credilors of his llii fj t;;i 111 the Gawtle of the t 5ept. IBOy; Ullli, N° i;J9 III tlie riflh Keport to Farlia- iiiejit Jriftixaiel Soo- miijliujidrum, Aliignce of Hojhen Bate and CLAIM N° 249 in our tilth Report. TO all lo whom thcfc Prefents fliall come : We, Benjamin Hobhoufe of Whit Ion Pari in the County of Middlefex, and Thomas Cockburn of Hampftead in the faid County of Middlefex, being two of the Commiliioticrs and Referees acting in England for the time being, under a certain Deed indented and bearing dale the 10 day of July 1805, " between the United Company of Merchants of England trading to the Eait Indies of the one part, and the feveral Perfons whofe hands and Icals arc thereto fet and aftixed, and who rcfpec- tivel}' are or claim lo be Creditors of his Highncfs the Nabob ^\'allah Jab, formeily Nabolr of Arcot and of the Carnaiic in the Eaft Indies, and now dcccaicd, and of his Highnefs lltfe Nabob Oindut ul Omrah, late Nabob of Arcot and of the Carnatic, eklell Ion and iiiceelibr of his laid Highnefs the Nabob Wallah Jah, and now aifo deccafed, anil of his Highnels' the Ameer ul Omraii, the fecond Ion of his faid Highnefs the Nabob Wallah Jah, and now alio deceafed, or of fonie or one of them the faid feveral Nabobs, and the faid Ameer of the Other part," Send Greeting: Whereas Arrenwail Soomalliundrum Moodlye ol Ma faid Heiijamin Hoblioule and Tliomas (/ockljinn, have liiaeunto iel our hands the fifteenlli day of October, in the year of our Lord one llioufaiid eight hundied and eleven. Signed (being firft ed; ; niU. COCivDliilN. CLAIM Nq. 1231 \n our Fifth Ropoit. N* 19% TO all to whom thefe Prefents fliall come: We, IJcnjamin Uobhoufe of Whitton Parte cjAIM in the County of Middiefe.v, and Tlioiiias Cockbiirii of Hampllead in the faid County of N" I8'j inthe Gajctte Middlefe.\, being two of the ComniiHioncrs and Referees acting in liiigland for the time of the 1? June 1809; being, under a certain Deed indented and bearing date the 10 day of July JS05, " between ^"''J'^jj j„ ,| tlie United Company of Merchants of England trading to tiie E.dl Indies of the one part, Report to Parlu- atid the feveral PerfoNs whofe hands and finals are thereto fet and alli.Kcd, and who refpec- ■"■^■''• lively are or claim to be Creditors of his IJighnefs the Nabob Wallah Jah, formerly Nabob John Batlcy, of Arcol and of the Carnatic in the Eall Indies, and now deceafed, and of his Highnefs the Executor to Nabob Omdut ul (.)mrah, late Nabob of Arcol and of the Carnatic, eldelt Ion and fuccellor Colonel J oj'cpk of his faid Highnel's the Nabob Wallah Jah, and now alio deceafed, and of his Highnefs the •Smit/i. Ameer nl Omrah, the fecond (on of his laid Highnefs the Nabob Wallah Jah, and now alfo ■«leceafed, or of foine or one of them the faid feveral Nabobs, and the faid Ameer of the other part," Send Greeting: Whereas ,lohn IJutley of Madras in the Eafi Indies, aoling e.vecutor to the will oi' the late Colonel Joleph Sinith of iVJadras aforefaid, halli executed the aforefaid Indentme, and hath thereby lubmilted himfelf, his heirs, e.\ecutors and adminiltralois, to the judgment, award, order and delerniiiiation of the Commillioiiers under the aforefaid Inden- tme, in all things wliatlbever relating to the feveral ('laimsmade by hiin under the faid Indenture: Now know ye, 'i'hat wc the laid I'enjamin Ilobhoalb and Thomas Cockburn, having tnken into conlideraiion a Claim made bv the faid John Ijallcy as acting p.\ecutor aforefaid, upon aTunklia find lobe from the Nabob Omdut ul Omrah to the late Colonel Jofeph Smith, bearing date, as alledged, the 1 Uabijtllaiiy 1 104 of the ilegyra, or the 7 day of April in the year of our Lord 1780, for the principal fum of two thoufand Star Pagodas S. I's- (2,000) wiiicli, with arrears of intereft alledged to be due {hereon, is dated to amount to five l>s. F. tho'.iland four hundred and feventy-one Pagodas fifteen Panams (5,171 . 13.) or two thou- fand one hundred and eighty-eight I'ounds ten Shillings and (ixpence Itcrliiig (cf.2,i8S. 1:0s. 6d.): Ami having duly invelligaled the faid Cluiin according to ihe cove- Jiants, j)rovi(ions and directions of the aforefaid Indenture, Do find. That the laid Nabob ■(Jmdul ul Onirali granted a TiinkliH, bearing d.ite the 1 Uabbcliany 1104 of the Hegyra, -or the 7 day of April in the year of our Lord 17S0, to the faid Colonel (then Ca[iiaii)) Ps. Jofeph Smilh, for two tlioufand Pagocrty and reveiuies of the laid Nabob Omdut nl Omrah, and his fucceilbrsor reprtien tat Ives, are and Ihall be tor c\er uc(iuitlcd and ihfcharged from ail Claim whalfover CI .unaiits. 250 .. S K '.' E N T 1 1 U r: P O 11 T or t ii « Al.a.lule whalfocvci- in reCpeC-t of tlic laid Tinil;!):), or l!:e Di'ot clinmcl lliereou at llie l,.riHnce of ihe Aoj,„lic,uons hiui .lolin Batley as executor aforefaid, or o^^inv oilier I'erl'on or I'crlous whalll.ever- And agaiMjt vvc do lurlher Award and Order, Tiiat llic Tiiukha aforefaid (liall be eancelled, a-id delivered U]> to the Court of Directors of i.iie faid liiiiled Euft India Coiiif^aiiy. In Wiiiicis wiscrc-of we, llie i'aid iJeiijamiu Hobiioiile iiiid Tlioiiias Cockuiini, liuve lieieunto iet our hands the ihtrtv-iirit day of October, in iho vear of our Loid one llioufaiui ei^dit hundred and eleven tsigned (being lirft duly nanj|)ed) , , in tlie [nefence of, (Signed) Ccurgc PuiUwiife. N'soo. CLAOI X° IJ47 in our I-iuh llcport. „,. '^''^ "" '" "■'"'"» ''''^-'-e Prclentsdiall come : We, Benjamin Hohhoufe of AVIiiiton Park in j.-'654'in ,1,>-G«ei.e ^^\''. ,S^''"'>' "^ Middleiex, and Charles (iranl j.inior of LiiKo!„'s-rnn in ihe faid Ceuntv of orilie 2;) July 1809; M iddleiex, being tivo of the ( 'onunillioners and Keferees atlriKv in England for llie ti.ne bcui-^ -^'''7; (he F.fib "'"^*^'''* ''^^^c"\ '•'^f'' indeiUed and bearing date Hie 10 day of inly 180.5, " bet u een the Un'itui Report to PJilia- nieiU. Sooblnnh Ura- / < ■ ■ 1 i-. • r - ' ' -..^-,^ i.;,>., „, ,,,» muni, Son and Carnatie m the Latt Indies, and now deceafed, and of his Highnefs the Naljob Onidiit ul Hen of r^ica- 'J'"''''''- 'ate Nabob of Arcot and of the Carnatie, eldeft fon and fticceiror of his faid Hi-li- tachdlauah. "5'' the iNabob Wallah Jab, and now alfo decenled, and of his liioimefs the Ameer'' ul Uairah, the lecond fon ot his faid Ilighnef, the Nabob Wallah Jah, and now aifo deceafed oroMome or one of them the faid feveral Nabobs, and the faid Ameer of the other part" Send Greeting: W hereas Soobbiah Uran.iny of Madras in tlie Eaft Jndjes, fon and heir of Veneatacheilayah, late of the Province of 'I'anjoie in the Ealt Indies aforefaid, hath execiitpd the aforelaid Indenture, and hath thereby fi;binitt?d hinifelf, his heirs, executors, and admi- iiilirators, to the judgment, award, order, and determination of the CoLiimillioners under' the aforelaid Indenture, in all things whatfoevcr relatin- to the feverai Claims made bv him under the faid Indenture; Now know ye, 'I'lwt we the laid Denjamin Hobhoufe and Charles Grant, having taken into coniideration a Claim made bv the faid Soobiah Bruminv Ibn and heir of Veneatacheilayah as aforefaid, upon .1 Uund laid to be from liie Nabob Uailajali to Veneatacheilayah, bearing date, as alledged, the lifth Kamzan 1201 of the He-vra correfpondmg with the 21 day of June in the year of our Lord 1787, for the fum of fortv- five thoufand Pagodas (45,000.) which, with the arrears of intereft dledged to be due there- on, amounted, on the 35 day of May in the year of our Lord 1804, to the a"-are.^ale fum iinciera eertain lieecl inflented and bearing date the 10 davof.luly 180.5, " bet u een the I'nitul CompanyofMeiehantsof England trading to the Eall Indies of'the one part, and tlie feveral Perluns wiiofe hands and feals ;r;e thereto fet and affixed, and who irfpectivelv are or cl.in to be Creditors of his Hiirhneis the Nabob Wallah Jah, Ibnnerly Nabob of Ai'eot -mdof t' e P. wo of eigh y-lhree thouland and twenty-five Pagoda.s (S;Vo-5.) or thirty three ihourand two hundred and ten Pounds flerhng (;C. ,33,210.) : And having duly inveltjg.Ued the faid Claim according to the covenants, proviiion.s, and directions of the"aforefaid Indenture Do find That the laid Soobiab P.raminy, though duly fuminoued to appear and make 'J^' HOBHOUSE. «■ An- r^Ai r u' i CHA. GKANT Junior. Signed (being fifft dtily ftampcd) in the pielciice of, (Signed) Jufi7i PajkhGiife. THE CARNATIC CO.MMISSIONZHS. 254 Til II fo!lo\iing Claims are of the lanr>c (Ic-fciiptipn as the one ininicdiately preceding, the Parties luivint^ fiifl'cjrcd Judgment to go by default, am! therefore fimiiar Awards againft them have been alfo palled. For the purpofc of avoiding unnoctflary trouble and cxpenco, avc do not giv e the Awards at length, but uicnely an A B S T 11 A C T. p^i ]■. r. /: .-. 4. CI.AtM N' 134.0 in llie nflli J AWAKD N» 201, d.itcd zf/tli Di-ccmlicr, )?ii, a-:iin(U ,,, fj,, ,, .„ „ ,,,,,, « « Rq.ort U) K.irliam.,-tit. S 'ioclwi. R..w, Soii-i,i-l.iW <.f U.ujincliundci-.. Uoycr -( 2,7."7- 21- 4"- *" "'.WS- «■ «• CLAIM N' 99-!, in the Fifth 7 AWARD N" IC2, d.Ucil zttli Uxemhcr, iSii, againft ) ,,,.,,, „ _ „. ,,0-,, ,, „ Rc|.nrtt;i',nl,..m«nt. J Ni .cjMp.il. Cl,itt>, S.m of I>oia Oonat.-. Cliilty --i »';:,M ■■ 3°- °- " > iS.o.K- M- 9- CLAIM N" 117' in ti.e Fifth J AWAKO N" 203, iL-:el 2Cth IX-cci.-.h'.T, 181 1, ai-iinll -J _ RqKMCtnf.uhanKrnt. > S.,m..h-Row --------» / 5:5S6. 3 „ . lUiui-t lu I'.iili.inie.u. 1S7- *S- °- »'' 4».9»2- ">• »• ,. , , , pf, J A^\ARD N" 206, dated 27'h Decri'i licr, 1811, a^j.iin't > LLAl.M W <.55 in t.,c fittii ( j^^^^jj j-^, R:,boit Fletcher, A (!igiice of Cantemiar > -jTz.ni. 9. 65. or idS.SGS, n. 10. litimu tu i'MilianiciU. 4 lill-v - -.. - . .S ' ~t ' ' j CLAIM N"' 1246 in the Fif.h ) ■ AW.AR'J \i" 211, i!atjd .31!! December, rSii, :i[;;iinrt » , „ R....„:»rp.H>..ment. j Sie.n.vas Iyengar .-.--- . J 37o.:.So. o. o, ,. hS.mz. o. o. ■ CLAIM N" 1105 in tl;e Fiftli \ A'.VAKD N" 212, dated ift Jaiv.iary, iSii, ugainfl Sccna- } . Report to i^.irlianieiit. ) val.i R „ .. „ r . i AWARD N» 2:7, dated id Janiurv, 1S12, as.oiia Appiih Ji/iiCii-, 5;-,l>5 5 • 77- "V *i,14J ii-2 Report to P.fiiiaineut 5 " j ,> > u 11 ' jj.j.- j // <>t» €LAIM N' 277 in onr Fifth ilcport. N* 209. TU ;i!l to whoi!) tlicfc Prel'enis (liall coniL-. We, Ijciijainui llulilioiiie of A'V'liitlon Park „T«r\f in ihe Couiitv of AJiddlci'cx, and C'hai'.cs Griiiit jiiiiiiir of LiicolnV-liui in ihc laid t'uiuily j,-t;.'iG in the Gazette of "Middld'cs:, being two of the Coiiiiiulli iieis and Helon'cs aciiiiL; in r.nglaiid lor the time of tin- 49 July i809t buinn' iMititT a certain J)L.cd indculcd ai:(l lieamin' date the 10 day of.July iSn^, '• bet\vcfii „f "^'j . the United Company of Aieirhaiits of Ivnuiand Iradiiig to the Kaii Indies of the om^ pail, ' ];^.p„f" to Pai'liu- aiid the fevend i'erlbns wbofe hands and leals aie tbeieto fet and aOixt'd, and wliu relpec- niunt. tively are or ciaisn to be Creditor.s ot liis MiLdinefs the Nabob Wallah Jah, formeily Naljob J^a/nlcillnanut of Arcot and of tlie Carnatic in liieEalt Indies, and now doccaiisd, and of bis llis^lwiefs the ?i,'ajt7:. Nabob Oiudiit ul (Jmrali, late Nabob of Aicotaiid of the Carnalic, eldeit fon and fucccflbr of ills laid IJiobnei's the Nabob \V'allaii .'all, and now alio dccettfcd, and of ilia Ili^hnefs the Aineer nl Oinrab, llie feeoiid Ion of bis iaid Hiylmefs the Nabob WallabJali, and no-.r ulfo deoeafed, or of i'oBie or one of tbcin the faid feverai Nabobs, and the laid xAnieer of tl-.ff other part," Send Greeting.: Whereas I5alakili;nan)a Naick of IMadras iu the Eaft Indies, halli exeeuted the aforel'aid liKlentiwe, and iiath thereby fubniittcd bimfelf, his heirs, -•executors and iidnvinillratiMs, to ibe jiidgiDcnt, award, order and delcraiination of the- ■Couimilboners under ibe alorel'nid liideniiire, in all lliings vvliatfoever rchtting to ilie feveral Claims uuide by liiin under ibe !'..iil Iiidenliire: Now know ye, Tf.at we, the faid Benjamin Hobhoufe and Charles Grant, jmving taken into confi.leration a Claim made by the laid Ps. .BAlakiftnama Naick for the.fuin of one hundred and fixty-two Pagodas (162) laid to be due to him for arrears of pay from the Nabob Oindut ul tjmrah, which, with (he arrears of uiterelt alledged to be due thereon, is Haled to amount on the 15 day of JMay in the year of our Lord 1804 to two hundred and ten Pagodas twenty-five Tananis and fifteen Calli Ps. F. C. , (210. 2=,. 15.1 or eighty-four Pountis and five Siiillings ftcrliiig (;^.84. 5s.) : And having duly invefiigated the faid Claim according to tlie covenanli, provilious and dimMions of the aforefaid Indenture, Do bnd. That the pay dtie fiom the faid Nabob Omdut ul Omrab to ,{he faid Balakii'tnaina Naick, was paid in full al the time of his difchargf" IVom the ferviee ol his laid tlighiiefs: And we, the faid r)enj\niiii lioVhoule and Charles G'ratil, do hereby Award and Adjudge, That the liiid fjaiakilttiaina Niiick has no Claim on the fund provided by the aforefaid Indenture lor l'ali>fac.tion of il:e private Debts of the late Nabobs of the Carnatic in refped ot the faid (^laiin : And we do further Award and Adjudge, Tliat all the properly ami revenues of the faid Nabob Onidut ul Omrali, and bis liiceellbrs or icprc- lentalives, are aixl (ball be ibv e^r acquitted and ibfeharged from ah Claiiii whalfoever in refpeii't of the laid alleged anear of pay at the iiiltancc of the laid B;iiaKiruii'.ma Naick, or of any other Perfon or I'erfxns whatlbever. in \\ itncfs whereof, we the faid Beiijianin ■Hobhonle and Charles Grant, have hereunto let our liands the twenty-i'evcnth day oi December, in ihe year of our Lord one ihoufand eight iiiindred and eleven. ,„• u 5BENJN- IIOBHOUSE .(bigned) ^ THA GRANT Junioi iCHA. GR/INT Junior. Signed (being firft duly (lamped) in the prefonce of, (^Signed) John Parkhoufc. f4. Tit CXAIM 1 252 SEVENTH REPORT o f t n k N" ^ ' 8- CLAIM N" 1 and 2 of N' 1 38 in our Fiifi Report. K' 1 iimi 2.if Noftsin TO ;ill to -wliom ibefe Prefents fliall coniv^ : Wc, Benjamin Hobhonfe of U'liitfon Park [he G.17.1-1IC lit' (ht ill the County of Middlefex, Tliomas Cockburn of Hampftead in tbo faid County of iNJiddlc- »rd one ihoufand eiiiht hundred and twelve. ^ (bf-:njn hdrhouse. (Signed) -JTIIO. COCKIUIKN. Signcii (hcing firR duly ftamped) CCUA. GKANT Junior, in the prel'eiiee of, (h-i^ned) JkJiji Varkhoiife. THE A'vrrcgate Sterling Amount of Claim.% adjudicated abfo->^ ,.iQ - -r a - lutdy"aguiiift the Clairiiant>, is, lo this date, - - "i 1___LJ_ \Ve ihall here ftihjoin. for the informiition of this Ilonoumblc Ilouie, an Ahfii-Ha of the Amount of the Adjudications to the prefeut date: AcTorcateofAbfohiteAdiudications in favour of Parlies - 3f'4..;.)*> • 7 Aoore^aleofProviiioaal Adjudications in lavour ot Parlies - 5.'J.i'-'0 7 9 41 7. .110 <) 4 A' 3<'--2.55 '8 g WE deem it proper to infcrt, for the information of this flonourable Ilouie, an Extracl from our Proceedings of the 30'*' December iSu, felative to the Provilional Augmentation of Intereft on Claims provifionally or abfolutcly adjudicated. " The Board having reviled the ftate of the Claims provifionally and abfolutcly ttdnidicated, and thole remaining to be inveftigated, now take into coufidcratiou the ^linutc of the y"' June i8oy*, reducing the Provifional Intereft from a J per* Fifih Rnport to cent, per annum on Debts of the Firft Clafs to ten iliillings or one-half (i) pef ]'*^|"^'""^"^ P*S« cent, per annum; and on Debts of the Second Clafs from i-^ per cent, per annum, to feven Iliillings anfl fixpence ; Ilefolve, Tiiat tlie Provifional Intereft lliall be agaia raifed to the Standard eftablillicd by their Minute of the lo"" March 1808, viz. Two one-ludf (2! ) per cent, per annum on Debts of the Firft Clafs ; and ona kvcn- di^hths(ii-"" or, /". 1. i 7-n. ChI.) per cent, per annum on Debts gf the Second Clais. WE have the honour to ftate to This Honourable Houfe, that we are fiill em- ployed in the examination and confideralion of the Reports, which the CommiffionerS in India have made on sucli Chums as they have inveftigated. BENJAMIN HOBHOUSE; THO. COCKBURN. :\Ianchefter Buildiiigs, CHA. GRANT Jun'. 123 January 18 1-2. (Nabobs of Arcot's Dubts.) SEVENTH REPORT OI' THE COMMISSIONERS Appointed under an Agreement, coneliided on the lotli July 1S05, between 'I'lie Easj- India Company iuid the 1'uivate Citi> niToiis of llie l.itf N Alio Its of Tb« Caknatic. (46 Geo. III. t-ap. J33.) (irdcrcti, by The House ul Coainioas. (j be pviutedf 23 Januari) 181-2. 24. f 7 4 ? 5 « UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, LOS ANGELES THE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY This book is DUE on the last date stamped below Form L-l- 2-/'i-l'J."-H<2J01) UWiVERSITY OF CATJFOHNU AT LOS A': .iMiba LIBRARY 'mmmmmm