Ijin titje Citxi of Mtm WiotU GENERAL CATALOGUE 1754-1894 IvIBRARV OF THE University of California. OIF^T OF" ^IutaWv^i Wt^i OersT^. ^Accession 85097 Class "n \Qi^ ^ ri y l^f ' iSficAufos; I I C A T A J Eorum exhibens Nomina qui in Colt alicujus Gradus donati fuerunt 1758. A. B. Cxs. & Nov. Caes. JOSHUA Bloomer, a. b. Daniel Ifaacus Browne, A. M. &Nov. Css. Ifaacus Browne, a. m. Yal. A. B. Samuel BrcSwaiC. A. M. & Yal. Thomas Bradbury Chandler, a.m. et Yal. ct Oxoa. Philippus Van Cortlandt, A. B. Lconardus Cntting, A. M. Cantab. Samuel Fayerweathcr, A. m. ct Harv et Oxon, Carey Ludlow, a. m. Joannes Mc. Keffon, a. m. &Nov. David Matthews, a. m. ' "^ '" Jofiah Ogden, A. B. Ifaacus Ogden, a. b. Samuel Provooft, a. b. Cyrus Punderfon, a. M. Ebcnezcr Punderfon, a. jofephus Reade, a. b. Rudolphus Ritzema, A. Daniel Treadtvell, a. m. Samuel Vcrplank, a. b. Tiraotheus Wetmore, a. b. 1759- Gullelmus Hanna, a. b. et Nov. C««» Epenetus Townfend, A. B. I76O4 Samuel Bayard, A. b. Antonius Hoffman, a. B. Philippus Livingfton, A. B. Joannes Marllon, a. b. Robcrtus Watts, a. b. Ifaacus Wilkins, a. b. B. Ct Harv. I761. Joannes Beardfley, A. k. Jofhua Bloomer, a. m. Philippus Van "Cortlandt, A. M.' Henricus Holland, a. b. Gulielmus Jackfon, a. m. Gulielmus Samuel Johnfon, a. M. ct Yal. ct Harv. Antonius Lifpenard, a. b. Samuel Peters, a. m. et Yal. Samuel Provooft, a. m. Jacobus 'Scovil, a. m. et Yal. Samuel Seabury, a. M.et Yal. Agur Trcadwcll, a. b. Henricus Van Eiuyftk, A. B. Edvardus Winllbw, a., m. 1762. Simucl Andrews, a. m. ct Yal. Edvardus Antin,;A. b. RichardL-s Clarkj A. B. Henricus Cuyler, a. b. Gulielmus Cornelius George, a. b. Joannes GrenneU, a. b. Robertus Hurpur, A. M. Mathes. Prof. Bcla Hubbtrd, a, m. Alexander Lellie, a. b.' Lconardus Lifpenard, a. b. Gulielmus Benjamin Nicoll Maverick, /). 1 Robertus Mc. Kean, a.m. ct. Philad. Ebenezcr Parmele, a. M. Daniel Robart, a. b. Epenetus Townfend, a. m. 176^. Samuel Bayard, A. M. Barendtus Cuyler, a. b. Abrahamus Depeyftcr, A. 8> Antonius Hoffman, a. m. Philippus Livingfton, a. M« Joannes Marfton, a. m. Samuel Vcrplank, a. m. Robertus Watts, a. m. Ifaacus Wilkins, a. m. 1764. Matthxus Cufhing; a. m. ct HafV4 Samuel Giles, a. b. Richardus Harifon, A. B. Henricus Holland, a. m- Joanncs Jay, a. b. Henricus Van Duyck, A. M. 1765- Edvardu^ Antlll, a. m. Egbcrtus. Benibn, a. b. Henricus Cuyler, a. nr, Richardus Grant, a. b. Gulielmus Hanna, a. m. Jeremiah Learning, a. M. et Yal, Alexander Lellie, a. M. Robertus Livingfton, A. ». Henricus Lloyd, A. b. Arentus Schuyler, a. b. 1766. Jacobus Barclay, a. b. Gerrardus Beekman, a. b. Ricbafdu« NichoUs Coldcn, A. M. Richardus Clark, A. m. Bcrendtus Cuyler, a. M. Abrahamus Depeyftcr, a. m« Richardus D'Olicr, a. b. Edvardus Nicoll, a. b. Joannes Ray, A. B. Henricus Rutgers, A. B. Joannes Troup, Senr. a. b. Joannes Troup, Jun, a. b. Joannes Vardill, a. b. Joannas Watt^, A. b. 1767. Samuel Aucnmuty, d. d. et Oxon. Ephraim Avery, a. m. Yal. a. b. Thomas Bradbury Chandler, D. D. Georgius Gientworth, a. m. ct m. Richardus Harifon, a. m. Joannes Jay, ^. m. Carolus Inglis, a. m. et Oxon. Gulielmus Laight, a. b. Hugo Ncill, A. M. et Ox D. Ec NEW- YORK: Printed by H. Gai an [ O G U jGio Regali, Novi-Eboraci, Laurea ab anno 1758 ad annum 1774. Joannes Ogilvje, A. m; ct Yal. Joannes Tyler, a. B. 1768. Samuel Bard. m. d. ct Edin. Theor. & Prax. Med. Prof, jeannes Beardfley, a. m. Egbcrtus Benfon, A. M. Samud Cloffy.M. D.ct Dub. Philos.ctAnat. Prof Myles Cooper, l l. d. ct Oxon. Coll. Regal. Praes. ct Coll. Regin. Oxon. Socius. Carol us Doughty, a. b. Joannes Jones, M. D. ct Remor. Chirur. Prof. Robcrtus Livingfton, a. m. Jacobus Ludlow, a. b. Pctrus Middleton, m. d. et S. Andn Pathol. & Phyfiol. Prof. Benjamin Moore, a. b. Gouvcrncur Morris, a. a. Joannes Stevens, a. b, Petrus Van Schaack, A. B. Gulienus Vcrplank, a. b. 1769. Jacobus Barclay, A- m. Gcrardus Bcckman, a. m. Caleb Cooper, a. b. Samuel Kiuam, M. B. Ebcnezer Knceland, a. M. Yal. a. >» Henricus Lloyd, .a. m. Edvardus Nicoll, a.m. Robcrtus Tucker, m. b. Joannes Troup, Sent. a. NJi Joannes Troup, Junr. a. m, Joannes Tyler, a. m. Yal. a. B. Joannes Vardill, A. M. See. « Leg. Nat. Prof. Joannes Watts, a. m. 1770. Thomas Barton, A. M. Robcrtus Black well, A. B. etKov. Caesi Jacobus Creighton, A. B. Joannes Doughty, a. b. Jonathan Graham, A. B. Richardus Harris, a. b. Gulielmus Hubbard, a. 8. Guljclmus Laight, A. *L Stcphanus LuQ», a. B. Joannes Ogilvie, d. d. ct Abcrd4 Philjppus Pell, A. B. Robcrtus Tucker, m. D. I77I. Uiabodfi«{LI3arnet; a. s. Jonathan Boucher, a.m. Clemens Cooke Clarke, a. B. Caleb Cooper, a. m. Joannes Copp, a. ». Henricus De Wint, a. B. Carolus Doughty, a. m. Samuel KifTam, m. d. Thomas Knox, a. b. Jacobus Ludlow, a. M. Benjamin Moore, a. m. Gouverneur Morris, a. M. Benjamin Onderdonk, m. b. Joarmes Searle, a. b. Michael Sebring, m. b. Joannes Stevens, a. m. 1772. Thomas Barclay, a. b. Joannes Bc'vdcn, a- b. Carolus Doughty, k%, b. Joannes AuguAus Graham, M. B» Uzal Johnfon, m. k. Joannes King, a. b. JacobCis Muirfon, m. b, Nicolaus.Ogdcn, a. B. Pctrus Roebuck, a. b, Andreas Skene, a. b. Richardus Udall, M. B. Gulielmus Winterton, m. b. 1773- Cornelius Bogart, a. b. Jacobus Creighton, a. m. Jabcz Doty, m. b. Richardus Harris, a^ AC Gulielmus Hubbard, a. m. Ifaacus Hunt, a. m(. et Philad* Jofcphus Lamfon, a. M. Stcphanus LuOi, a. m. Joannes Marfhall, a. m. Harry Mun^'o. a. M Philippas Pell, a.. Fredcricut Philiple, A. B, Nathaniel Philipfe, a. b* Joannes Ray, a. m. Beverly Robinfon, a. b, Thomas Shrcve, a. b. Joannes Stuart, a. m. Pctrus Van Schaacku. A. Dt. J 7 74- fl Gulielmus Thyon, ^l.d.^ S PROV. FRjBT. ^ Ifaacus Abrahams, A. B. Robcrtus Auchmuty, a. B. Ichabod Be& Bamet, a.m. Lucas Babcock, a. M. et Yal. Gulielmus Chandler, a. b. Clemens Cooke CUrke, a. m. Joannes Copp, a. m. Henricus Dc Wint> a. M. Edvardus Dunfcomb, A. B. Nicolaus Hcyligcr, A. ». Joannes Jauncey, a. B« Henricus NicoU, a. b. Samuel Nicoll, M. B. Georgius Ogilvie, A. B. Georgiiis Panton, A. M. et Aberd. Joannes Rapalje, A. B. Jacobus Sayrc, A. M. & Philad. Benjamin Seaman, A. B. Joannes Scarlc, a. m. Edvardus Stevens, A. B. Robcrtus Troup, A. B. r HIS Printing-Office in Hanover-Square. OFFICERS AND GRADUATES OF COLUMBIA COLLEGE i4 ORIGINALLY THE COLLEGE OF THE PROVINCE OF NEW YORK KNOWN AS king's COLLEGE GENERAL CATALOGUE 1 754- 1 894 NEW YORK PRINTED FOR THE COLLEGE 1894 \^ t> t( (( A.D. 1784: The Governor of the State for the time being, ex officio. The Lieutenant Governor The President of the Senate The Speaker of the House of Assembly for the time being, ex officio. The Mayor of the City of New York The Mayor of the City of Albany The Attorney-General The President and Professors of the College The Secretary of State (( Brockholst Livingston, Robert Harpur, Walter Livingston, Christopher Yates, Anthony Hoffman (1760), Cornelius Humphrey, Lewis Morris, Philip Pell, Jr. (1770), Christopher P, Yates, James Livingston, Abraham Bancker, John C. Dongan, And the following added to the above November 26, 1784 : Matthew Clarkson, Rutgers Van Brunt, James Townsend, Thomas Lawrence, Henry Wisner, John Haring, Christopher Tappan, James Clinton, Ezra L'Hommedieu, Caleb Smith, John Williams, John M'Crea. •named by an Act of Legislature passed TRUSTEES OF COLUMBIA COLLEGE, 15 John Jay, LL.D. (1764), Samuel Provogst, S.T.D. (1758), John H. Livingston, S.T.D., John Rodgers, S.T.D. , John Mason, S.T.D., John Gano, John Daniel Gross, S.T.D., JoHANN Christoff Kunze, S.T.D., Joseph Delaplaine, Gershom Seixas, Alexander Hamilton, LL.D., John Lawrence (Entered 1774), John Rutherfurd, Morgan Lewis, Leonard Lispenard (1762), John Cochran, M.D., Charles McKnight, M.D., Thomas Jones, M.D., Malachi Treat, M.D., Nicholas Romayne, M.D. (En- tered 1774), Peter W. Yates, Matthew Visscher, Hunloch Woodruff, M.D., George I. L. Dole, John Vanderbilt, Thomas Romaine, Samuel Buel, Gilbert Livingston, Nathan Kerr, Ebenezer Lockwood, John Lloyd, Herman Garrison, Ebenezer Russell. TRUSTEES OF COLUMBIA COLLEGE Appointed by an Act of the Legislature of the State of New York, reviving the original charter with amendments, passed April 13, A.D. 1784: Resigned James Duane 1795 Resif^ned Samuel Provoost, S.T.D (1758) i8oi Retired John H. Livingston, S.T.D 1810 Resigned Richard Varick 1816 Deceased Alexander Hamilton, LL.D. (Entered 1774) 1804 Resigned John Mason, S.T.D 1788 Retired James Wilson 1788 Retired John Gano * 1788 Deceased Brockholst Livingston, LL. D 1823 Resigned Robert Harpur 1795 Resigned John Daniel Gross, S.T.D 1787 Resigned JoHANN Christoff Kunze, S.T.D 1792 * This name does not appear in the list of Trustees after March 15, 1788. l6 TRUSTEES OF COLUMBIA COLLEGE, Deceased Walter Livingston 1797 Deceased Lewis A. Scott 1798 Declined Joseph Delaplaine 1787 Deceased Leonard Lispenard (1762). 1790 Retired Abraham Beach, S.T.D 1813 Deceased John Lawrence 1810 Retired John Rutherfurd * 1787 Resigned Morgan Lewis 1804 Resigned John Cochran, M.D 1794 Resigned Gershom Seixas 1815 Resigned Charles McKnight, M.D 1787 Deceased Thomas Jones, M.D 1798 Deceased Malachi Treat, M.D 1795 Resigned Samuel Bard, M.D 1804 Resigned Nicholas Romayne, M.D. (Entered 1774) 1793 Deceased Benjamin Kissam, M.D. (Entered 1775) 1803 Deceased Ebenezer Crosby, M.D 1788 And the following, subsequently chosen by virtue of the last mentioned Act, empowering the Trustees thereby appointed to elect their successors : Elected Resigned 1788 William Samuel Johnson, LL.D 1800 Deceased 1788 Richard Harison, LL.D. (1764) 1829 Resigned 1789 John Watts 1816 Deceased 1790 William Moore, M.D 1824 Retired 1793 Edward Livingston 1806 Resigned 1793 John McKnight, S.T.D 1795 * This name does not appear in the list of Trustees after May 20, 1787. TRUSTEES OF COLUMBIA COLLEGE. 1/ Deceased 1794 John Cosine.. ■ , 1798 Resigned 1795 Cornelius I. Bogert " 1823 Resigned 1795 John M. Mason, S.T.D. (1789) 1821 Deceased 1795 Samuel NicoLL, M.D. (1774) 1796 Deceased 1795 Edward Dunscomb (1774) 1814 Resigned 1796 George C. Anthon, M.D.. 1815 Resigned 1797 Philip Livingston (1769) 1806 Deceased 1799 John Charlton, M.D 1806 Deceased 1799 John N. Abeel, S.T.D 1812 Deceased 1799 James Tillary, M.D 1818 Resigned 1801 Charles H. Wharton, S.T.D , 1801 Deceased 1801 John H. Hobart, S.T.D 1830 Resigned 1802 Benjamin Moore, S.T.D. (1768) 1813 Resigned 1804 Egbert Benson, LL.D. (1765) 1815 Deceased 1804 JOHANN C. KUNZE, S.T.D 1807 Deceased 1805 GOUVERNEUR MORRIS (1768) 1816 Resigned 1805 Jacob Radcliffe 1817 Retired 1806 Samuel Miller, S.T.D 1813 Resigned t8o6 Rufus King, LL.D .M 1824 Deceased 1807 Nicholas Evertson 1807 Retired 1808 Oliver Wolcott 1816 Deceased 1809 John B. Romeyn, S.T.D. (1795) 1825 Deceased 1811 William Harris, S.T.D 1829 Resigned i8ii Robert Troup, LL.D. (1774) 1817 Resigned 1812 Peter A. Jay (1794) 1817 Resigned 1813 Clement C. Moore, LL.D. (1798) 1857 ¥% 8 TRUSTEES OF COLUMBIA COLLEGE, Resigned 813 Charles Wilkes 1824 Deceased 815 David B. Ogden, LL.D 1849 Resigned 815 William Johnson, LL.D 1842 Deceased 815 John Wells 1823 Retired 816 Thomas Y. How, S.T.D 1818 Resigned 816 William Henderson , 1823 Resigned 816 Edward W. Laight (1793) 1851 Resigned 816 John R. Murray 1835 Resigned 816 Wright Post, M.D 1828 Resigned 817 Beverley Robinson 1854 Deceased 817 Thomas L. Ogden (1791) 1844 Resigned 817 Nicholas Fish 1833 Retired 817 James Ren wick (1807) 1820 Retired 818 Samuel F. Jarvis, S.T.D 1820 Deceased 818 John T. Irving (1798) 1838 Deceased 820 David S. Jones, LL.D. (1796) 1848 Resigned 821 GuLiAN C. Verplanck (1801) 1826 Deceased 822 Pascal N. Strong (1810) 1825 Resigned 823 James Kent, LL.D 1823 Deceased 823 Peter A. Jay, LL.D. (1794) 1843 Resigned 823 John Duer 1830 Resigned 824 Benjamin T. Onderdonk, S.T.D, (1809) 1853 Deceased 824 Lynde Catlin 1833 Resigned 824 Jonathan M. Wainwright, S.T.D 1830 Deceased 824 Philip Hone 1851 Deceased 824 John Watts, M.D 1831 TRUSTEES OF COLUMBIA COLLEGE. 19 Resigned 1825 Charles King 1838 Resigned 1825 James M. Matthews, S.T.D 1830 Resigned 1826 Samuel Boyd (1787) 1835 Resigned 1828 William Creighton, S.T.D (1812) 1840 Deceased 1830 Gardiner Spring, S.T.D 1873 Deceased 1830 James Campbell 1848 Resigned 1830 William D. Snodgrass, S.T.D 1833 Deceased 1830 John L. Lawrence (1803) 1849 Resigned 1830 William A. Duer, LL.D 1842 Deceased 1830 John Ferguson (1795) 1832 Resigned 1831 Edward R. Jones (1803) 1838 Deceased 1832 William Berrian, S.T.D. (1808) •. 1862 Deceased 1833 Ogden Hoffman (1812) 1856 Resigned 1833 Thomas W. Ludlow (181 i) 1836 Deceased 1834 Samuel Ward 1838 Deceased 1836 Samuel B. Ruggles, LL.D 1881 Deceased 1836 John Knox, S.T.D 1858 Resigned 1837 Thomas L. Wells (1819) 1859 Resigned 1838 William R. Williams, S.T.D. (1822) 1848 Deceased 1838 William H. Harison (1811) i860 Deceased 1838 John B. Beck, M.D (1813) 1851 Resigned 1840 Hamilton Fish (1827) 1849 Deceased 1840 William Bard (1797) 1853 Deceased 1842 William Betts, LL.D. (1820) 1884 Resigned 1842 Nathaniel F. Moore, LL.D. (1802) 1851 Deceased 1843 Benjamin T. Haight, S.T.D., LL.D (1828) 1879 20 TRUSTEES OF COLUMBIA COLLEGE, Deceased 1845 Gerrit G. Van Wagenen (1821) 1858 Resigned 1848 John L. Mason (1815) 1853 Resigned 1848 William H. Hobart, M.D. (1824) 1855 Deceased 1849 Edward Jones (1830) 1869 Deceased 1849 Robert Ray (1813) 1879 Deceased 1849 Gouverneur M. Ogden (1833). 1884 Deceased 1849 Charles King, LL.D 1867 Deceased 1851 Hamilton Fish, LL.D. (1827) 1893 Deceased 1851 Henry James Anderson, M.D., LL.D (1818) 1875 Resigned 1851 Gerard W. Morris (1818) 1855 Resigned 1851 George H. Fisher, S.T.D., (1821) 1855 Deceased 1853 George*T. Strong (1838) 1875 Deceased 1853 Jonathan M. Wainwright, S.T.D., J.C.D 1854 Deceased 1853 Edward L. Beadle, M.D 1882 Deceased 1854 George F. Allen (1829) 1863 Deceased 1854 Horatio Potter, S.T.D., LL.D., D.C.L 1887 " Deceased r ->- 1855 Alexander W. Bradford, LL.D 1867 Deceased 1855 Mancius S. Hutton, S.T.D. (1823) 1880 Resigned 1856 Martin Zabriskie (1828) 1869 Deceased 1856 John Torrey, M.D., LL.D 1873 Retired 1858 Thomas De Witt, S.T.D 1874 Resigned 1858 Lewis M. Rutherfurd 1884 Resigned 1859 John Jacob Astor, Jr. (1839) 1869 Resigned 1859 John C. Jay, M.D. (1827) 1880 i860 William C. Schermerhorn (1840) 1862 Morgan Dix, S.T.D., D.C.L. (1848) . ■ TRUSTEES OF COLUMBIA COLLEGE, 21 Deceased 1864 Frederick A. P. Barnard, S.T.D., LL.D., L.H.D., D.C.L i88g Deceased 1867 Samuel Blatchford, LL.D. (1837) 1893 1868 Stephen P. Nash, LL.D Resigned 1870 Charles R. Swords (1829) 1877 Resigned 1871 Martin Zborowsky (1828) 1872 Deceased 1872 Anthony Halsey (1837) 1879 1873 Joseph W. Harper (1848) Deceased 1874 Cornelius R. Agnew, M.D (1849) 1888 Deceased 1874 Evert A. Duyckinck (1835) 1878 Deceased 1875 James W. Beekman (1834) 1877 Resigned 1876 A. Ernest Vanderpoel (1867) 1889 1876 Charles A. Silliman (1850) 1877 F. Augustus Schermerhorn (1868) 1878 Gerard Beekman (1864) Deceased 1879 John J. Townsend (1841). 1889 1879 Abram N. Littlejohn, D.D., LL.D 1880 W. Bayard Cutting (1869) , 1880 Edward Mitchell (1861) 1881 Talbot W. Chambers, S.T.D 1881 Seth Low, LL.D., (1870) 1882 George L. Rives (1868) 1883 Lenox Smith (1865) Resigned 1884 George L. Peabody, M.D. (1870) 1890 1885 John Crosby Brown (1859) Deceased 1886 Charles M. DaCosta (1855) 1890 1887 Henry C. Potter, D.D., LL.D 22 TRUSTEES OF COLUMBIA COLLEGE. 1889 William H. Draper, M.D. (1851) 1889 Marvin R. Vincent, S.T.D. (1854) 1890 John B. Pine (1877) 1891 Cornelius Vanderbilt 1891 George G. Wheelock, M.D 1893 Frederick R. Coudert, LL.D. (1850) 1894 Hermann H. Cammann 1894 William G. Lathrop, Jr. (1862) CHAIRMEN OF THE GOVERNORS UNDER THE ROYAL CHARTER The Governor of the Province, or person next in rank, or Senior Governor OF THE REGENTS, 1784-1787 The Chancellor of the University, or Vice-Chancellor, or Senior Regent OF THE TRUSTEES Elected Resigned 1787 JAMES DUANE 1795 Resigned 1795 SAMUEL PROVOOST, S.T.D 1801 Resigned 1801 JOHN H. LIVINGSTON, S.T.D 1810 Resigned 1810 RICHARD VARICK 1816 Deceased 1816 BROCKHOLST LIVINGSTON, LL.D 1823 Resigned 1823 RICHARD HARISON, LL.D 1823 Deceased 1823 WILLIAM MOORE, M.D 1824 Resigned 1824 NICHOLAS FISH 1832 Deceased 1832 PETER A. JAY, LL.D 1843 Deceased 1843 DAVID B. OGDEN, LL.D 1849 Resigned 1849 EDWARD W. LAIGHT 1850 Resigned 1850 BEVERLEY ROBINSON. 1854 Deceased 1854 JOHN KNOX, S. T.D 1858 Resigned 1858 GARDINER SPRING, S.T.D 1859 Deceased 1859 HAMILTON FISH, LL.D 1893 1893 WILLIAM C. SCHERMER HORN 23 24 CLERKS, CLERKS OF THE BOARD OF GOVERNORS Lambert Moore OF THE BOARD OF REGENTS, 1784-1787 Robert Harpur OF THE TRUSTEES ^^*=^**=^ Resigned 1787 Robert Harpur ; 1795 Resigned 1795 Abraham Beach, S.T.D 181 1 Resigned 1811 William Harris, S.T.D 1811 Resigned 1811 John B. Romeyn, S.T.D 1815 Resigned 1815 Clement C. Moore, LL.D 1850 Resigned 1850 William Betts, LL.D 1874 Deceased 1874 Anthony Halsey 1879 Resigned 1879 Gerard Beekman 1891 1891 John B. Pine , TREASURERS OF THE COLLEGE Resigned 1775 Leonard Lispenard 1 784 Deceased 1784 Brockholst Livingston, LL.D 1823 Resigned 1823 Nicholas Fish 1 823 Resigned 1824 William Johnson, LL. D 1833 Deceased 1S33 John L. Lawrence 1849 Deceased 1849 Gerrit G. Van Wagenen 1858 Deceased 1858 Gouverneur M. Ogden 1884 1885 John McLean Nash PRESIDENTS OF THE COLLEGE. 25 PRESIDENTS OF THE COLLEGE UNDER THE ROYAL CHARTER Elected Resigned 1754 SAMUEL JOHNSON, S.T.D 1763 Retired 1763 MYLES COOPER, LL.D t i775 Resigned 1775 BENJAMIN MOORE, A.M. {pro tempore^ in the absence of the President) 1776 PRESIDENTS OF THE COLLEGE UNDER THE NEW CHARTER Appointed Resigned 1787 WILLIAM SAMUEL JOHNSON, LL.D.. 1800 Resigned 1801 CHARLES H. WHARTON, S.T.D 1801 Resigned 1801 BENJAMIN MOORE, S.T.D 1811 Deceased 1811 WILLIAM HARRIS, S.T.D 1829 Resigned 1829 WILLIAM ALEXANDER DUER, LL.D 1842 Resigned 1842 NATHANIEL F. MOORE, LL.D 1849 Resigned 1849 CHARLES KING, LL. D 1864 I^cccciscd 1864 FREDERICK A. P. BARNARD, S.T.D.. LL.D., L.H.D., D.C.L., Ph. D 1889 1890 SETH LOW, LL.D PROVOST Resigned 1811 JOHN M. MASON, S.T.D 1816 PROFESSORS (PRESIDENT JOHNSON WAS AT FIRST SOLE INSTRUCTOR) MATHEMATICS AND NATURAL HISTORY Appointed Deceased 1757 Daniel Treadwell, A.M 1760 Transferred 1762 Robert Harpur, A.M 1765 (Transferred to Chair of Mathematics, see p. 26.) 26 ^^^^^^^K PROFESSORS. ^^^^^^^^^ Appointed -^^B^^ <^^^^^^^ Deceased 1799 John Kemp, LL.D 1812 (Transferred to this Chair from that of Mathematics and that of Geography, see pp. 26 and 30.) Transferred 1813 Robert Adrain, LL.D 1820 (Transferred to Chair of Mathematics and Astronomy, see p. 33.) MORAL PHILOSOPHY Promoted 1762 Myles Cooper, A.M 1763 (Fellow and Assistant to the President. Became President of the College, see p. 25.) Resigned 1787 John Daniel Gross, S.T.D i795 (Was also Professor of the German language and of Geography, see pp. 29 and 30.) In 1795, Logic was added to the Department. Retired 1795 John McKnight, S.T.D 1801 In 1799, Rhetoric and Belles-Lettres were added (see p. 33.) Deceased 1801 John Bowden, S.T.D 1817 Transferred 1817 John McVickar, S.T.D 1857 In 1818 Intellectual Philosophy and Political Economy were added. (Transferred to the Chair of Evidences of Natural and Revealed Religion, see p. 34.) MATHEMATICS Resigned 1765 Robert Harpur, A.M 1767 (Transferred to this Chair from that of Mathematics and Natural History, see p. 25,) Transferred 1786 John Kemp, LL.D i799 (Transferred to Chair of Mathematics and Natural History, see p. 26.) Transferred 1857 Charles Davies, LL.D 1859 (Transferred to Chair of Higher Mathematics, see p. 35.) Promoted 1857 William G. Peck, A.M. (Adjunct) 1859 (Became Professor of Pure Mathematics, see p. 35.) Promoted 1863 J. Howard Van Amringe, A.M. (Adjunct) 1865 (Promoted from tutorship, see p. 55 ; was lecturer in School of Mines, 1864-65.) 1865 J. Howard Van Amringe, A.M., Ph.D., L.H.D 1887 Jasper T. Goodwin, A.M. (Adjunct) (Promoted from instructorship, see p. 51.) 1894 Thomas S. Fiske, Ph.D. (Adjunct) (Promoted from instructorship, see p. 52.) NATURAL PHILOSOPHY Retired 1765 Samuel Clossy, M.D • 1776 (See also p. 27.) In 1785 Astronomy was added to the Department. FHOFESSORS. 27 ^PP°'"'^^ Resigned 1785 Samuel Bard, M.D 1786 (See also pp. 28 and 30.) ANATOMY Retired 1767 Samuel Glossy, M.D , . 1774 Deceased 1785 Charles McKnight, M.D 1792 Transferred 1792 Richard Bailey, M.D 1793 (Transferred to chair of Surgery, see below.) Retired 1793 Wright Post, M.D 1813 Deceased i860 Robert Watts, M.D 1867 Transferred 1867 Henry B. Sands, M.D .. 1879 (Transferred to the chair of the Practice of Surgery, see p. 39.) Promoted 1871 Thomas T. Sabine, M.D. (Adjunct) 1879 Deceased 1879 Thomas T. Sabine, M.D i888 Retired 1888 Richard John Hall, M.D. (Adjunct) 1889 1 890 George S. Huntington, M.D (Promoted from lectureship, see p. 49.) PATHOLOGY AND PHYSIOLOGY Retired 1767 Peter Middleton, M.D 1776 SURGERY Retired 1767 John Jones, M.D 1776 Deceased 1785 Charles McKnight, M.D 1792 Transferred 1792 Wright Post, M.D 1793 (Transferred to chair of Anatomy, see above.) Deceased 1793 Richard Bailey, M.D 1811 (Transferred to this chair from that of Anatomy, see above.) Retired 1811 Valentine Mott, M.D , 1813 Deceased i860 Alexander H. Stevens, M.D., LL.D. (Emeritus) 1869 Transferred i860 WiLLARD Parker, M.D * 1870 (Transferred to chair of Clinical Surgery, see p. 38.) Promoted i860 Thomas M. Markoe, M.D. (Adjunct) 1870 28 PROFESSORS. '^PPO'"*^^ Transferred 1870 Thomas M. Markoe, M.D 1879 (Transferred to chair of Principles of Surgery, see p. 39.) 1889 William Tillinghast Bull, M.D CPromoted from Adjunct-Professorship of Practice of Surgery, see p. 39,) Transferred 1889 Charles McBurney, M.D 1892 (Promoted from lectureship, see p. 47 ; transferred from chair of Clinical Surgery, see p. 38.) 1892 Robert F. Weir, M.D THEORY AND PRACTICE OF MEDICINE Retired 1767 Samuel Bard, M.D 1776 (See also Chemistry and Natural Philosophy, pp. 27 and 30.) Transferred 1795 William Hamersley, M.D 180& (Transferred to this chair from that of Institutes of Medicine, see p. 31 ; transferred in 1808 to chair of Practice of Medicine, see p. 31.) CHEMISTRY AND MATERIA MEDICA Retired 1767 James Smith, M.D 1770 Retired 1770 Peter Middleton, M.D 1776 MIDWIFERY Deceased 1767 John V. B. Tennent, M.D 1770 Retired 1770 Samuel Bard, M.D 1776 Deceased 1785 Ebenezer Crosby, M.D 1788 Resigned 1792 John R. B. Rogers, M.D 1808 Retired 1808 Walter C. Buchanan, M.D 1813 Deceased i860 Edward Delafield, M.D. (Emeritus) 1875 NATURAL LAW Retired 1773 John Vardill, A.M 1776 In 1775 History and Languages were added to the Department. THE FRENCH LANGUAGE Retired 1784 John P. Tetard 1787 Retired 1792 Villette de Marcellin 1799 In 1828 the Department was revived under the style of the Department of the French Language and Literature. PROFESSORS, 29 ApP°'"ted Resigned 1828 Antoine Verren, A.M 1839 Retired 1839 Felix G. Berteau, LL.B 1856 This Professorship was abolished in 1866. THE GREEK AND LATIN LANGUAGES Resigned 1784 William Cochran, A.M 1789 Resigned 1789 Peter Wilson, A.M 1792 Resigned 1792 Elijah D. Rattoone, S.T.D 1797 In 1794 Grecian and Roman Antiquities were added to the Department. Resigned 1797 Peter Wilson, LL.D 1820 Promoted 1817 Nathaniel F. Moore, A.M. (Adjunct) 1820 Resigned 1820 Nathaniel F. Moore, LL.D 1835 Promoted 1820 Charles Anthon, A.B. (Adjunct) 1830 Transferred 1830 Charles Anthon, LL.D. (Jay) 1857 (Transferred to chair of Greek Language and Literature, see p. 34.) Resigned 1837 Robert G. Vermilye, A.M. (Adjunct) 1843 (Promoted from tutorship, see p. 54.) Promoted 1845 Henry Drisler, Jr., A.M. (Adjunct) 1875 (Promoted from tutorship, see p. 55 ; became Professor of Latin Language and Literature, see p. 34.) RHETORIC AND LOGIC Resigned 1784 Benjamin Moore, A.M 1787 THE ORIENTAL LANGUAGES Resigned 1784 JoHANN C. Kunze, S.T.D 1787 Retired 1792 JOHANN C. KUNZE, S.T.D , I799 THE GERMAN LANGUAGE Resigned 1784 John Daniel Gross, S.T.D 1795 In 1830, the Department was revived under the style of the Department of the German Language and Literature. Deceased 1830 Frederick G. Shaeffer, S.T.D 1831 Resigned 1832 William Ernenputsch 1832 In 1843 this Chair was re-established as the " Gebhard Professorship of the German Language and Literature." 30 • PROFESSORS. APP°'"^«^ Resigned 1843 John Louis Tellkampf, J.U.D 1847 Deceased 1847 Henry I. Schmidt, S.T.D. Emeritus, 1880 i88g Transferred 1880 Charles Sprague Smith, A.B 1882 (Promoted from instructorship, see p. 51 ; transferred to the Chair of Modern Languages and Foreign Literatures, see p. 40.) Transferred 1882 HjALMAR H. Boyesen, Ph.D 1890 (Promoted from instructorship, see p. 51 ; transferred to the Chair of the Germanic Languages and Literatures, see p. 41.) Promoted 1889 William H. Carpenter, Ph.D. (Assistant) 1890 (Assistant in German and the Scandinavian Languages ; became Adjunct Professor of the Germanic Languages and Literatures, see p. 41.) GEOGRAPHY Resigned 1784 John Daniel Gross, S.T.D 1795 (See also pp. 26 and 29.) Transferred 1795 John Kemp, LL.D 1799 (Transferred to Chair of Mathematics and Natural History, see p. 25.) CHEMISTRY Resigned 1784 Samuel Bard, M.D 1785 (Became Professor of Natural Philosophy, see p. 27.) Resigned 1785 Henry Moyes, LL.D 1786 (See also Natural History, p. 31.) Resigned 1786 Samuel Bard, M.D 1787 (See also Theory and Practice of Medicine, p. 28.) Resigned 1792 Samuel Nicoll, M.D 1794 Resigned 1802 James S. Stringham, M.D 1813 Retired 1813 John Griscom 1820 From 1820 to 1857, this Department included also Natural and Experimental Philosophy, and was styled " Natural and Experimental Philosophy and Chemistry." Deceased 1820 James Renwick, LL.D. Emeritus, 1853 1863 Retired 1832 William H. Ellet, M.D. (Elementary Chemistry) 1833 Transferred 1854 Richard S. McCulloh 1877 (Transferred to Chair of Mechanics and Physics, see p. 34.) PROFESSORS. 31 Appointed Retired 1857 Charles A. Joy, Ph.D 1877 (Was also, 1865-77, Professor of General Chemistry in the School of Mines, see p. 37.) Deceased i860 John Torrey, M.D., LL.D. (Emeritus) 1873 Deceased i860 Samuel St. John, M.D 1876 Medical Jurisprudence, for students in Medicine, was added to the Department, in 1870. 1877 Charles Frederic Chandler, M.D., Ph.D., LL.D (Transferred to this Chair from that of Analytical and Applied Chemistry, see p. 37.) 1890 Charles E. Colby, E.M., C.E. (Adjunct) (Adjunct in Organic Chemistry.) NATURAL HISTORY Resigned 1785 Henry Moyes, LL.D 1786 (See also Chemistry, p. 30.) INSTITUTES OF MEDICINE Resigned 1785 Benjamin Kissam, M.D 1792 Transferred 1792 William Hamersley, M.D 1795 (Transferred to the Chair of Theory and Practice of Medicine, see p. 28.) Retired 1808 John C. Osborn, M.D 1813 PRACTICE OF MEDICINE Resigned 1785 Nicholas Romayne, M.D 1787 Resigned 1792 Samuel Nicoll, M.D 1794 Resigned 1794 Edward Stevens, M.D 1795 Retired 1808 William Hamersley, M.D 1813 (Transferred to this Chair from that of Theory and Practice of Medicine, see p. 28.) 1892 Francis Delafield, M.D (Transferred to this Chair from that of Pathology and Practical Medicine, see p. 36.) NATURAL HISTORY, CHEMISTRY, AGRICULTURE AND THE OTHER ARTS DE- PENDING THEREON Retired 1792 Samuel L. Mitchill, M.D., LL.D 1802 I 32 PROFESSORS. MATERIA MEDICA Appointed Deceased 1792 William P. Smith, M.D 1795 Resigned 1796 David Hosack, M.D., LL.D 1811 Retired 1811 John C. Osborn, M.D 1813 Deceased i860 Joseph M. Smith, M.D 1866 Transferred 1868 James W. McLane, M.D 1872 (Transferred to the Chair of Obstetrics, see p. 39.) In 1869 Therapeutics was added to the Department. Emeritus 1873 Edward Curtis, M.D 1886 1887 George L. Peabody, M.D BOTANY Resigned 1792 Richard S. Kissam, M.D 1793 Resigned 1793 Samuel L. Mitchill, M.D., LL.D 1795 Resigned 1795 David Hosack, M.D., LL.D 1811 Deceased i860 John Torrey, M.D., LL.D. (Emeritus) 1873 Promoted 1890 Nathaniel L. Britton, E.M., Ph.D. (Adjunct) 1891 1891 Nathaniel L. Britton, E.M., Ph.D LAW Resigned 1793 James Kent, A.M 1798 Deceased 1823 James Kent, LL.D 1847 Resigned 1848 William Betts, LL.D : 1854 In 1858 the Department was revived under the style of the Chair of Municipal Law. Transferred 1858 Theodore W. Dwight, LL.D 1878 CTransferred to the Chair of the Law of Contracts, Maritime and Admiralty Law, see p. 38,) Promoted 1874 George Chase, LL.B. (Assistant) 1878 (Became Professor of Criminal Law, Torts and Procedure, see p. 38.) In 1890 the title of the Chair was " Private Law " which was changed to " Law" in 1891. Resigned 1890 Robert D. Petty, LL.B 1891 CPromoted from tutorship.) PROFESSORS, 33 1890 William Keener, A.M., LL.B. (Kent) In 1892 the Chair held by Professor Keener was styled " Kent Professorship of Law," in honor of Chancellor Kent, the first Professor of Law. 1891 George M. Gumming, A.B 1891 Francis M. Burdick, A.M., LL.B. (Dwight) In 1892 the Chair held by Professor Burdick was styled " Dwight Professorship of Law," in honor of Prof. Dwight, the founder of the Law School. 1891 George W. Kirchwey, A.B 1894 Henry P. Starbuck, LL.B 1894 George F. Canfield, LL.B RHETORIC AND BELLES-LETTRES Retired 1795 John Bisset, A.M 1799 (In 1799 the Chair was merged in that of Moral Philosophy, see p. a6.) MATHEMATICS AND ASTRONOMY • Resigned 1820 Robert Adrain, LL.D 1825 Deceased 1825 Henry James Anderson, M.D., LL.D. (Resigned, 1843; Emeritus, 1866) 1875 Transferred 1843 Charles W. Hackley, S.T.D . 1857 Deceased 1861 William Guy Peck, Ph.D., LL.D 1892 1865-1892 Mechanics was assigned to this Department. ITALIAN LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE Deceased 1826 Lorenzo Da Ponte 1837 Resigned 1839 E. Felix Forresti, LL.B 1856 HEBREW LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE Deceased 1830 Samuel H. Turner, S.T.D 1861 SPANISH LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE Deceased 1830 Mariano Velasquez de la CadeSJa, LL.B i860 ELOCUTION Retired 1844 John W. S. Hows 1857 34 ^^^^^^^^^^ PROFESSORS, EVIDENCES OF NATURAL AND REVEALED RELIGION ^PP^'"*^'^ Deceased 1857 John McVickar, S.T.D., Emeritus, 1864 1868 (Transferred to this Chair from that of Moral Philosophy, see p. 26.) THE GREEK LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE Deceased 1857 Charles Anthon, LL.D. (Jay) 1867 (Transferred to this Chair from that of the Greek and Latin Languages, see p. 29.) Emeritus 1867 Henry Drisler, LL.D. (Jay). 1894 (Transferred to this Chair from that of the Latin Language and Literature, see p. 34.) Promoted 1880 Augustus C. Merriam, A.M., Ph.D. (Adjunct) 1890 (Became Professor of Greek Archaeology and Epigraphy, see p. 41.) THE LATIN LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE Transferred 1857 Henry Drisler, LL.D 1867 (Promoted to this Chair from Adjunct Professorship of Greek and Latin Languages, see p. 29 ; transferred to Chair of Greek Language and Literature, see p. 34.) Deceased 1868 Charles Short, LL.D 1886 1888 Harry Thurston Peck, A.M., Ph.D., L.H.D (Promoted from tutorship, see p. 55.) ASTRONOMY Deceased 1857 Charles W. Hackley, S.T.D 1861 (From 1861 to 1892 this Department was merged in that of Mathematics and Astronomy, see p. 33.) 1892 John Krom Rees, A.M., E.M (Transferred to this Chair from that of Geodesy' and Practical Astronomy, see p. 40,) Transferred 1892 Michael I. Pupin, Ph.D. (Adjunct) 1893 (Adjunct in Mechanics, this subject being assigned to this Department during 1892, see Department of Mechanics, p. 37.) 1894 Harold Jacoby, Ph.D. (Adjunct) (Promoted from Instructorship, see p. 52.) MECHANICS AND PHYSICS Retired 1857 Richard S. McCulloh, A. M 1863 (Expelled Oct. 15, 1863, for having abandoned his post and joined the rebels.) 1864 Ogden N. Rood, A.M In 1865 Mechanics was transferred to the Department of Mathematics and Astronomy, see p. 33 ; and in 1893 was created a Department, see p. 43 ; this Chair being subsequently known as the " Chair of Physics." 1892 William Hallock, Ph.D. (Adjunct) PROFESSORS. 35 HISTORY AND POLITICAL SCIENCE Appointed Deceased 1857 Francis Lieber, LL.D 1872 The title of this Chair was changed in 1865 to that of Constitutional History and Public Law, which in 1876 was succeeded by one entitled the Professorship of History, Political Science and Inter- national Law, the style of which was changed in 1891 to History, Political Science and Constitu- tional Law. 1876 John W. Burgess, A.M., Ph.D., LL.D Promoted 1878 Richmond Mayo-Smith, A.M., (Adjunct). 1883 (Became Professor of Political Economy and Social Science, see p. 39.) Promoted 1883 E. Munroe Smith, A.M., J.U.D. (Adjunct) 1891 (Adjunct in History : became Professor of Roman Law and Comparative Jurisprudence, see p. 42.) Promoted 1887 Frank J. Goodnow, A.M. (Adjunct) 1891 (Adjunct in History and Administrative Law : became Professor of Administrative Law, see p. 42.) 1890 Herbert L. Osgood, Ph.D. (Adjunct) . (Adjunct in History.) 1891 William A. Dunning, Ph.D. (Adjunct) (Adjunct in History.) MORAL AND INTELLECTUAL PHILOSOPHY AND LITERATURE Deceased 1857 Charles Murray Nairne, M.x\., L.H.D., Emeritus 1881 1882 (Prof. Nairne was also Professor of Ethics of Jurisprudence in Law School, see p. 36.) History and Political Economy were added in 1865, and were assigned to another Department in 1876. Promoted 1877 Archibald Alexander, A.M., Ph.D. (Adjunct) , ... i88i (Became Professor of Philosophy, Ethics, and Psychology, see p. 40.) HIGHER MATHEMATICS Deceased 1859 Charles Davies, LL.D., Emeritus 1865 1876 (Transferred to this Chair from that of Mathematics, see p. 26.) PURE MATHEMATICS Transferred 1859 William Guy Peck, LL.D 1861 (Promoted to this Chair from the Adjunct-Professorship of Mathematics, see p. 26 ; transferred to Chair of Mathematics and Astronomy, see p. 33.) OBSTETRICS, DISEASES OF WOMEN AND CHILDREN, AND MEDICAL JURIS- PRUDENCE Deceased i860 Chandler R. Gilman. M.D 1865 Promoted 1863 T. Gaillard Thomas, M.D. (Adjunct) 1865 Transferred 1865 T. Gaillard Thomas, M.D 1879 (In 1868 Medical Jurisprudence was assigned to the Department of Chemistry, see p. 31.) 36 V^^^^^^^^ PJ^OFESSORS, Appointed -m^^^ Promoted 1872 James W. McLane, M.D. (Adjunct) 1879 (Became Professor of Obstetrics and the Diseases of Children, see p. 39.) PATHOLOGY AND PRACTICAL MEDICINE Deceased i860 Alonzo Clark, M.D., LL.D. Emeritus 1882 1887 Promoted 1876 Francis Delafield, M.D. (Adjunct) 1882 Transferred 1882 Francis Delafield, M.D 1892 (Transferred to Chair of Practice of Medicine, see p. 31.) In 1892 a Chair of Pathology was created, see p. 43. ETHICS OF JURISPRUDENCE Retired i860 Charles Murray Nairne, A.M., L.H.D 1878 (Prof. Nairne was also Professor of Moral and Intellectual Philosophy and Literature, see p. 35.) PHYSIOLOGY AND MICROSCOPIC ANATOMY Deceased i860 JohnC. Dalton, Jr., M.D., Emeritus 1883 1889 In 1869 the title of this Chair was changed to that of " Physiology and Hygiene," and in 1888 to that of " Physiology." Promoted 1876 John G. Curtis, M.D. (Adjunct) 1883 1883 John G. Curtis, M.D MEDICAL JURISPRUDENCE i860 John Ordronaux, LL.B., M.D MILITARY SURGERY AND HYGIENE Emeritus 1862 William Detmold, M.D 1866 In 1865 the title of this Chair was changed to that of " Clinical and Military Surgery." MINERALOGY AND METALLURGY 1864 Thomas Egleston, A.M., E.M., LL.D 1891 Alfred J. Moses, E.M. (Adjunct) (Adjunct in Mineralogy.) MINING ENGINEERING Retired 1864 Francis L. Vinton, E.M 1877 In 1870 the title of this Chair was changed to that of " Civil and Mining Engineering." In 1877 the title of the chair was changed to " Engineering." Deceased 1877 William P. Trowbridge, Ph.D., LL.D 1892 PROFESSORS. 37 APP"'"'^*! Promoted 1877 Henry S. Munroe, E.M., Ph.D. (Adjunct) 1891 (Adjunct in Surveying and Practical Mining : became Professor of Mining, see p. 42.) Promoted 1882 Frederick R. Hutton, A.M., E.M., C.E., Ph.D. (Adjunct) 1892 (Adjunct in Mechanical Engineering : became Professor of Mechanical Engineering, see p. 42.) 1891 James L. Greenleaf, C.E. (Adjunct) (Adjunct in Civil Engineering: promoted from Instructorship, see p, 51.) Promoted 1892 Francis B. Crocker, E.M. (Adjunct) 1893 (Adjunct in Electrical Engineering : promoted from Instructorship, see p. 52. Became Professor of Electrical Engineering, see p. 43.) ANALYTICAL AND APPLIED CHEMISTRY Transferred 1864 Charles Frederic Chandler, Ph.D., LL.D., M.D 1877 (Transferred to Chair of Chemistry, see p. 31.) GENERAL CHEMISTRY Retired 1865 Charles A. Joy, Ph.D 1877 MECHANICS 1893 R. S. Woodward, C.E 1893 Michael I. Pupin, Ph.D. (Adjunct) GEOLOGY AND PALEONTOLOGY Deceased 1866 John S. Newberry, M.D., LL.D. Emeritus 1892 1892 In 1892 the title of this Chair was changed to " Geology." Promoted 1891 James F. Kemp, E.M. (Adjunct) 1892 1892 James F. Kemp, E.M CLINICAL MEDICINE Emeritus 1866 John T. Metcalfe, M.D ... 1875 1880 William H. Draper, M.D : (See also Diseases of the Skin, p. 38.) 1893 Francis P. Kinnicutt, M.D VENEREAL DISEASES (CLINICAL) Retired 1867 Freeman J. Bumstead, M.D 1871 38 W^^^^^^. PROFESSORS. Appointed ■■■■■■ ■ Emeritus 1871 Fessenden Nott Otis, M.D 1891 This Chair was styled " Genito-Urinary Diseases" 1887-91, and in 1891 Dr. Otis became Emeritus Professor of Genito-Urinary Diseases 1891 Robert W. Taylor, M.D DISEASES OF THE EYE AND EAR (CLINICAL) Deceased 1869 Cornelius R. Agnew, M.D 1888 (See Ophthalmology, p. 41 ; and Diseases of the Ear, see p, 41.) DISEASES OF THE SKIN (CLINICAL) Retired 1869 William H. Draper, M.D 1879 (See also Clinical Medicine, p. 37.) 1881 George H. Fox, M.D DISEASES OF CHILDREN (CLINICAL) 1869 Abraham Jacobi, M.D CLINICAL SURGERY Deceased 1870 WiLLARD Parker, M.D., LL.D. Emeritus, 1881 1884 Transferred 1883 Robert F. Weir, M.D 1892 (Transferred to Chair of Surgery, see p. 28.) 1892 Charles McBurney, M.D (Transferred to this Chair from that of Surgery, see p. 28.) DISEASES OF THE MIND AND NERVOUS SYSTEM (CLINICAL) Retired 1874 Edward C. Seguin, M.D 1887 1888 Moses Allen Starr, M.D (Promoted from Lectureship, see p. 48.) LARYNGOSCOPY AND DISEASES OF THE THROAT (CLINICAL) 1874 George M. Lefferts, M.D THE LAW OF CONTRACTS, MARITIME AND ADMIRALTY LAW Deceased 1878 Theodore W. Dwight, LL.D. Emeritus, 189 1 1892 (Transferred to this Chair from that of Municipal Law, see p. 32.) PROFESSORS, 39 CRIMINAL LAW, TORTS AND PROCEDURE Appointed Resigned 1878 George Chase, LL.B. 1892 (Promoted to this Chair from Adjunct-Professorship of Municipal Law, see p. 33.) REAL ESTATE AND EQUITY JURISPRUDENCE Resigned 1879 John F. Dillon, LL.D 1882 Resigned 1883 Benjamin F. Lee, LL.D 1892 GYNECOLOGY Transferred 1879 T. Gaillard Thomas, M.D 1882 (Transferred to Chair of Clinical Gynaecology, see p. 40.) 18B5 George M. Tuttle, M.D OBSTETRICS AND THE DISEASES OF CHILDREN 1879 James W. McLane, M.D (Became President of the College of Physicians and Surgeons in 1889, see Deans, p. 44.) Gynaecology was added to the Department from 1882 to 1885, " and the Diseases of Children " was dropped from the title in 1891. Resigned 1892 Edward L. Partridge, M.D. (Adjunct) 1893 PRINCIPLES OF SURGERY Emeritus 1879 Thomas M. Markoe, M.D 1891 Transferred 1887 Richard J. Hall, M.D. (Adjunct) 1888 (Transferred to Department of Anatomy, see p. 27,) PRACTICE OF SURGERY Deceased 1879 Henry B. Sands, M.D 1888 Promoted 1887 William T. Bull, M.D. (Adjunct) 1889 (Promoted from Lectureship, see p. 48 ; became Professor of Surgery, see p. 28.) POLITICAL ECONOMY AND SOCIAL SCIENCE Promoted 1880 Richmond Mayo-Smith, A.M. (Adjunct) 1883 (Transferred to this Chair from that of History and Political Science, see p. 35.) 1883 Richmond Mayo-Smith, A.M., Ph.D , Promoted 1888 Edwin R. A. Seligman, LL.B., Ph.D 1891 (Adjunct i;i Political Economy ; became Professor of Political Economy and Finance, see p. 43.) • 40 FJiOFESSORS. PHILOSOPHY, ETHICS, AND PSYCHOLOGY. Appointed Resigned 1881 Archibald Alexander, A.M., Ph.D 1889 (Promoted to this Chair from that of Moral and Intellectual Philosophy, see p. 35.) Promoted 1889 Nicholas Murray Butler Ph.D. (Adjunct) 1890 1890 Nicholas Murray Butler, Ph.D ARCHITECTURE. 1881 William R. Ware, B.S Promoted 1889 Alfred D. F. Hamlin (Assistant) 1890 (Promoted from Instructorship, see p. 52.) 1890 Alfred D. F. Hamlin (Adjunct) 1891 Frank Dempster Sherman (Adjunct) (Promoted from Instructorship, see p. 52.) ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE. 1882 Thomas R. Price, A.M., LL.D Promoted 1884 John D. Quackenbos, A.M., M.D. (Adjunct) 1891 (Became Professor of Rhetoric, see p. 42.) 1891 A. V. Williams Jackson, A.M., L.H.D., Ph.D. (Adjunct) (Promoted from Instructorship, see p. 51.) MODERN languages AND FOREIGN LITERATURE. Transferred 1882 Charles Sprague Smith, A.M 1890 (Transferred to Chair of Romance Languages and Literatures, see p. 41.) GEODESY AND PRACTICAL ASTRONOMY. Promoted 1882 John Krom Rees, A.M., E.M. (Adjunct) 1884 (See also p. 45.) Transferred 1884 John Krom Rees, A.M., E.M 1892 (Transferred to Chair of Astronomy, see p. 34.) CLINICAL GYNAECOLOGY. Emeritus 1882 T. Gaillard Thomas, M.D 1889 (Became Emeritus Professor of " Obstetrics and Gynaecology," see Gynaecology, p. 39.) PROFESSORS. 41 CLINICAL SURGERY. Appointed Transferred 1884 Robert F. Weir, M.D 1892 Transferred to Chair of Surgery, see p. 28.) LIBRARY ECONOMY. Resigned 1884 Melvil Dewey, A.M 1889 ASSAYING. Transferred 1885 Pierre de Peyster Ricketts, E.M., Ph.D 1893 (Promoted from Instructorship, see p, 30 • transferred to Chair of Analytical Chemistry and Assay- ing, see p. 43.) ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY. Resigned 1885 Elwyn Waller, E.M., Ph.D 1893 (Promoted from Instructor in Chemistry, see p. 50.) In 1893 the Chairs of Analytical Chemistry and Assaying were united, see p. 43. RABBINICAL LITERATURE. 1887 Richard J. H. Gottheil, Ph.D Semitic Languages " was added in 1892. li GREEK ARCHEOLOGY AND EPIGRAPHY. 1890 Augustus C. Merriam, A.M., Ph.D (Promoted from Adjunct-Professorship of Greek Language and Literature, see p. 34.) GERMANIC LANGUAGES AND LITERATURES. 1890 HjALMAR HjORTH BOYESEN, Ph. D (Transferred to this Chair from Gebhard Professorship, see p. 30.) 1889 William H. Carpenter, Ph.D. (Adjunct) ROMANCE LANGUAGES AND LITERATURES. Resigned 1890 Charles Sprague Smith 1891 (Transferred to this Chair from that of Modern Languages and Foreign Literature, see p. 40.) 1891 Adolphe Cohn, LL.B., A.M Resigned 1891 Bernard F. O'Connor, B. es L., Ph.D. (Adjunct) 1894 OPHTHALMOLOGY. 1888 Herman Knapp, M.D DISEASES OF THE EAR (CLINICAL). 1888 Albert Henry Buck, M.D , 42 ^^^^^^^^' PROFESSORS, EXPERIMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY. Appointed 1891 James McK. Cattell (Promoted from Lectureship, see p. 49.) INTERNATIONAL LAW AND DIPLOMACY. 1891 John Bassett Moore, A. B In 1893 this Chair was named " Hamilton Fish Professorship of International Law and Diplomacy " in honor of Hon. Hamilton Fish. BIOLOGY. 1891 Henry Fairfield Osborn, Sc.D. (Da Costa). Promoted 1891 Edmund -B. Wilson (Adjunct) 1894 (Became Professor of Invertebrate Zoology, see p. 43.) SANSKRIT. 1891 Edward Delavan Perry, Ph. D (Promoted from Instructorship, seep. 51.) ROMAN LAW AND COMPARATIVE JURISPRUDENCE. 1891 Munroe Smith, J.U.D (Promoted from Adjunct-Professorship of History, see p. 35.) RHETORIC. Emeritus 1891 John D. Quackenbos, A.M., Ph.D., Resigned 1894 1894 (Promoted from Adjunct-Professorship of English Language, see p. 40.) The title of this chair was changed in 1893 to Rhetoric and English Composition. 1893 George R. Carpenter, A.B MINING. 1891 Henry S. Munroe, E.M. , Ph.D (Promoted from Adjunct-Professorship of Surveying and Practical Mining, see p. 37.) 1892 Robert Peele, Jr., E.M. (Adjunct) MECHANICAL ENGINEERING. 1891 Frederick R. Hutton, C.E., Ph.D (Promoted from Adjunct-Professorship in Engineering, see p. 37.) ADMINISTRATIVE LAW. 1891 Frank J. Goodnow, A.M., LL.B. (Promoted from Adjunct-Professorship in History and Political Science, see p. 35.) PROFESSORS. 43 POLITICAL ECONOMY AND FINANCE. Appointed 1891 Edwin R. A. Seligman, LL.B., Ph.D (Promoted from Adjunct-Professorship in Political Economy, see p. 40.) LITERATURE. 1891 George E. Woodberry, A. B 1892 Brander Matthews, A.M MUSIC. Deceased 1891 William H. Walter, Mus.D., Emeritus Professor of Music 1892 1 89 1 George William Warrei PATHOLOGY. 1892 T. Mitchell Prudden, M. D CPromoted from Director of Laboratories of Histology, etc., see p. 65.) CIVIL ENGINEERING. 1893 William H. Burr, C.E MECHANICS. 1893 Robert S. Woodward, C.E 1893 Michael I. Pupin, Ph.D. (Adjunct) ROMANCE PHILOLOGY. 1893 Henry A. Todd, Ph.D ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY AND ASSAYING. 1893 Pierre de Peyster Ricketts, E.M., Ph.D (Transferred to this chair from that of Assaying, see p. 41.) ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING. 1893 Francis B. Crocker, E.M (Promoted from Adjunct-Professorship in Department of Engineering, see p. 37.) SOCIOLOGY. 1894 Franklin H. Giddings, Ph.D INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY. 1894 Edmund B. Wilson, Ph.D (Promoted from Adjunct-Professorship in Biology, see p. 42.) 44 DEANS. DEANS SCHOOL OF ARTS. Appointed Resigned 1890 Henry Drisler, LL.D 1894 1894 John Howard Van Amringe, Ph.D., L.H.D FACULTY OF MEDICINE. Resigned 1792 Samuel Bard, M.D 1804 Deceased i860 Edward Delafield, M.D. (President, College of Physicians andSurgeons) 1875 Retired 1875 Alonzo Clark, M.D. (President) 1884 Deceased 1884 John C. Dalton, M.D. (President) 1889 1889 James W. McLane, M.D. (President till 1891 and then Dean) FACULTY OF LAW. Resigned 1864 Theodore W. Dwight, LL.D. (Warden) 1891 1891 William A. Keener, A.M., LL.B FACULTY OF MINES. 1864 Charles F. Chandler, LL.D., Ph.D., M.D FACULTY OF POLITICAL SCIENCE. 1890 John W. Burgess, Ph.D., LL.D FACULTY OF PHILOSOPHY. 1890 Nicholas Murray Butler, Ph.D FACULTY OF PURE SCIENCE. 1892 Henry F. Osborn, Sc.D CHAPLAINS The President discharged the duties of this office until 1857. Emeritus 1857 Rev. Cornelius R. Duffie, S.T.D 1891 In 1891 and 1892 a succession of Chaplains officiated, each month at a time, the following appointments being made : 1891 Rev. George R. Van de Water, D.D 1891 Retired 1891 Rev. Henry Y. Satterlee, D.D 1891 LECTURERS, 45 1 89 1 Rev. Alexander Mackay-Smith, D.D 1891 1891 Rev. John W. Brown, D.D 1891 1891 Rev. David H. Greer, D.D 1891 1891 Rev. Reese F. Alsop, D.D 1892 1891 Rev. Henry Mottet, D.D 1892 1891 Rev. William M. Geer 1892 1891 Rev. David H. Greer, D.D 1892 1891 Rev. Charles R. Baker 1892 1891 Rev. Chauncey B. Brewster 1892 1891 Rev. W. H. Vibbert, D.D 1892 1892 Rev. George R. Van de Water, D.D librarians The duties of Librarian were discharged by one of the Professors until 1837. Resigned 1837 Nathaniel F. Moore, LL.D '. 1839 Resigned 1839 George C. Schaeffer, A.M., M.D 1847 Deceased 1847 Lefroy Ravenhill, A.m., M.D 1851 Retired 1849 Stephen R. Weeks (Assistant) 1886 Resigned 1851 William Alfred Jones, A.M 1883 Resigned 1865 Beverly R. Betts, A.M 1883 Resigned J883 Melvil Dewey, A.M. (Chief) 1889 1889 George H. Baker DIRECTOR OF OBSERVATORY 1881 John Krom Rees, A.M., E.M LECTURERS Retired 1791 Nicholas Romayne, M.D 1792 Retired 1792 William P. Smith, M.D 1795 Promoted 1830 William H. Ellet, M.D. (Elementary Chemistry) 1832 46 LECTURERS. Appointed Retired i860 Marshall S. Bidwell, LL.D. (Law) 1872 Retired i860 Alexander W. Bradford, LL.D. (Law) 1867 Retired i860 Charles P. Daly, LL.D. (Law) 1875 Retired i860 William M. Evarts, LL.D. (Law) 1868 Retired i860 William Curtis Noyes, LL.D. (Law) 1864 Retired 1863 Eugene Lawrence (Law) 1865 Retired 1863 Aaron J. Vanderpoel (Law) 1866 Promoted 1864 Charles A. Joy, Ph.D. (General Chemistry) 1865 Promoted 1864 William G. Peck, Ph.D., LL.D. (Mechanics) 1865 Promoted 1864 Ogden N. Rood, A.M. (Physics) 1865 Promoted 1864 J. Howard Van Amringe, A.M., Ph.D. (Mathematics) 1865 Retired 1866 Freeman J. Bumstead, M.D.,LL.D. (Mat. Med. and Venereal Diseases). 1867 Retired 1866 Henry B. Sands, M.D. (Anatomy) 1867 Retired 1867 Cornelius R. Agnew, M.D. (Diseases of the Eye and Ear) 1869 Retired 1867 D. TiLDEN Brown, M.D. (Psychology, Med., and Med. Juris.) 1868 Retired 1867 William H. Draper, M.D. (Diseases of the Kidneys) 1870 Retired 1867 James W. McLane, M.D. (Materia Medica) 1868 Retired 1867 Fessenden N. Otis, M.D. (Diseases of the Geni to- Urinary Organs). . . . 1873 Retired 1868 Edward B. Dalton, M.D. (Diseases of the Nervous System) 1870 Retired 1868 Francis Delafield, M.D. (Pathological Anatomy) 1875 Retired 1868 James L. Little, M.D. (Operative Surgery, etc.) 1879 Retired 1868 George G. Wheelock, M.D. (Physical Diagnosis) 1880 Retired 1869 William A. McVickar, S.T.D. (Evidences of Religion) 1871 Retired 1869 Edward C. Seguin, M.D. (Diseases of the Nervous System) 1873 Retired 1870 A. Brayton Ball, M.D. (Diseases of the Kidney) 1876 Retired 1870 WooLSEY Johnson, M.D. (Diseases of the Larynx and Laryngoscopy). . 1871 LECTURERS. 4/ Appointed Retired 1870 Thomas T. Sabine, M.D. (Anatomy) 1872 Retired 1871 Edward Curtis, M.D. (Mat. Med. and Therapeutics) 1873 Retired 1872 E. MuLFORD (Law) 1873 Retired 1872 George H. Yeaman (Law) 1876 Retired 1873 John G. Curtis, M.D. (Injuries and Dis. of the Blood-Vessels) 1875 Retired 1873 Charles F. McLean (Law) 1874 Retired 1873 Robert F. Weir, M.D. (Diseases of the Male Pelvic Organs) 1880 Retired 1875 Frank E. Beckwith, M.D. (Diseases of Children) 1876 Retired 1875 Matthew D. Mann, M.D. (Microscope) 1878 Retired 1875 John W. Burgess (Law) 1876 Retired 1876 Herman Knapp, M.D. (Diseases of the Eye. and Ear), 1880 Retired 1876 Thomas A. McBride, M.D. (Symptomatology) 1880 Deceased 1878 A. L. Holley, C.E., LL.D. (Metallurgy of Iron and Steel) 1882 Retired 1878 Charles McBurney, M.D. (Anatomy of the Nerves) 1880 Retired 1879 George H. Fox, M.D. (Diseases of the Skin) 1881 Retired 1879 T. Mitchell Prudden, M.D. (Normal Histology) 1880 ^ Promoted 1880 E. Munroe Smith, LL.B., J.U.D. (Roman Law). 1883 Deceased 1881 Clifford R. Bateman, LL.B. (Administrative Law) 1883 Retired 1881 Paul F. Mund6, M.D. (Diseases of Women) 1882 Promoted 1882 Charles McBurney, M.D. (Surgery) 1889 1883 Charles Washburn Clark, A.M. (Private Administrative Law of Europe) Promoted 1883 Frank J. Goodnow, A.M., LL.B. (Administrative Law) 1887 1883 Isaac L. Rice (Bibliography and Literature of the Historical and Politi- cal Sciences) Retired 1883 Robert F. Weir, M.D. (Surgery) 1884 Promoted 1884 George H. Baker, A.M. (Bibliography and Literature of the Historical and Political Sciences) 1889 48 LECTURERS. Appointed Retired 1884 Alonzo B. Ball, M.D. (Medicine) 1888 Retired 1884 John S. Billings, M.D. (Sanitary Engineering and Hygiene) 1893 Retired 1884 George L. Peabody, M.D. (Mat. Med. and Therapeutics) 1887 Retired 1884 George M. Tuttle, M.D. (Gynsecology) 1885 Retired 1884 Frederick W, Whitridge, A.M., LL.B. (Administrative Law of United States) 1887 Retired 1885 William S. Halsted, M.D. (Surgery) 1887 Retired 1885 Thomas A. McBride, M.D. (Medicine) 1886 Promoted 1885 Robert D. Petty (Law) 1886 Retired 1886 Walter Stanley Biscoe, A.M. (Cataloguing and Classification) 1890 Promoted 1886 William T. Bull, M.D. (Practice of Surgery) 1887 Promoted 1886 Richard J. H. Gottheil, Ph.D. (Syriac Lang, and Lit.) . 1889 Retired 1886 Richard J. Hall, M.D. (Principles of Surgery) 1887 1886 J. West Roosevelt, M.D. (Medicine) Promoted 1887 Albert H. Buck, M.D. (Diseases of the Ear) 1888 1887 Francis H. Markoe, M.D. (Surgery) Retired 1887 Charles B. Spahr, Ph.D. (Taxation) Seligman Prize 1893 Promoted 1887 Moses A. Starr, M.D. (Diseases of Mind and Nervous System) 1888 Promoted 1888 Abram C. Bernheim, LL.B., Ph.D. (N. Y. City Politics) Seligman Prize.. 1894 Deceased 1888 Charles M. Da Costa (Law) 1890 Retired 1888 Daniel De Leon, LL.B., Ph.D. (Latin- American Diplomacy) Seligman Prize 1891 Promoted 1888 William A. Dunning, Ph.D. (Relations of England and Ireland) Selig- man Prize , 1889 Retired 1888 Victor Moraw^etz, A.M. (Course in Private Corporations) 1888 Retired 1888 Edward L. Partridge, M.D. (Obstetrics) 1889 Retired 1888 Frederick W. Whitridge, A.M., LL.B. (Constitutional and Political History of New York) 1894 \ B K A ff ^ ^ ■\i:yLTY LECTURERS. ^''''i!!^^.,OAufO^^ 49 Appointed Promoted 1889 Frederic Bancroft, Ph.D. (International Public Law) Seligman Prize. 1892 Retired 1889 Amelia B. Edwards, Ph.D., L.H.D., LL.D. (Course in Egyptology). . 1889 Retired 1889 Russell Sturgis (Course in Architecture) 1890 Retired 1889 George S. Huntington, M.D. (Anatomy) 1S90 1889 Walter Belknap James, M.D. (Medicine) Promoted 1890 Robert William Taylor, M.D. (Venereal Diseases) 1891 Promoted 1890 Frank Hartley, M.D. (Surgery) 1893 Promoted 1890 Bern Budd Gallaudet, M.D. (Surgery) 1893 Promoted 1890 James McK. Cattell (Course in Psychology) 1891 Retired 1890 George C. Holt (Course on Federal Jurisprudence) 1891 Retired 1890 Benjamin F. Lee (Course on Patent Law) 1891 Retired 1890 Bernard F. O'Connor, B. es L., Ph. B. (Norman French) 1891 Retired 1890 Harrington Putnam (Course in Proceedings in Rem) 1891 1890 Alfred G. Reeves, LL.B. (Municipal Law) 1891 Retired 1890 Daniel G. Rollins (Course in Law of Wills) 1891 Retired 1891 Edmund Clarence Stedman, L.H.D., (Course in Poetry) 1891 Retired 1891 Robert Thorne, A.M., LL.B. (Law) 1894 Retired 1891 Rev. J. D. Steele (Hebrew) 1892 1892 Frederic Bancroft, Ph.D. (American History) Promoted 1892 George F. Canfield, LL.B. (Course in New York Law) 1893 Retired 1892 Frank M. Colby, A.M. (History) 1893 Promoted 1892 Franklin H. Giddings, Ph.D. (Sociology) 1894 Retired 1892 E. S. Nadal, a. M. (English Composition) 1893 Promoted 1892 George Richards, LL.B. (Course in Insurance) 1893 1892 Ralph Stowell Rounds, A.B, LL.B. (Law) Promoted 1893 George F. Canfield, LL.B. (Doctrines Peculiar to New York Law). . . 1894 50 ^^^^^^^Mf INSTRUCTORS, APP°'"t«'i -^1^1^ Retired 1893 Herbert Green (Code Pleading and Practice) 1894 Retired 1893 George Richards, LL.B. (Insurance) 1894 1893 William Z. Ripley, Ph.D. (Physical Geography and Anthropology). . . . Retired 1893 Hermann J. Schmitz (German) 1894 Promoted 1893 Henry P. Starbuck, LL.B (Common Law Pleading and Practice) 1894 1893 Charles T. Terry, A.B. (Proceedings in Equity and under the Code). . 1894 John Winters Brannan, M.D. (Contagious Diseases) 1894 Andrew J. McCosh, M.D. (Surgery) 1894 Charles P. Warren, A.M. (Architecture) 1894 Henry Rutgers Marshall, A.M. (Esthetics), honorary 1894 Rev. Abraham Johannan (Oriental Languages) honorary 1894 Abram C. Bernheim, LL.B., Ph.D. (Political History of the State and City of New York) 1894 Virgil P. Gibney, M.D. (Orthopaedic Surgery) Clinical INSTRUCTORS. Retired 1869 Henry Cohn, A.B. (German) 1870 Retired 1869 Georges Leroux (French) 1870 Retired 1870 Frederick Stengel, A.M. (German) 1885 Deceased 1870 Jules E. Loiseau, A.B., LL.B. (French) 1885 Resigned 1877 William Pistor, E.M. (Drawing) 1881 Promoted 1877 Frederick R. Hutton, A.M., E.M., C.E., Ph.D. (Mechanical Engineering) 1882 Promoted 1877 Elwyn Waller, A.M., E.M., Ph.D. (Chemistry) 1885 Deceased 1877 Frederick A. Cairns, A.M. (Chemistry) 1879 Promoted 1877 Pierre De Peyster Ricketts, E.M., Ph.D. (Assaying) 1885 Retired 1878 S. Austen Pearce, Mus. D. (Vocal Music) 1879 Deceased 1879 William H. Walter, Mus. D. (Vocal Music) 1892 INSTRUCTORS, 5 1 Appointed Resigned 1879 Charles P. G. Scott, A.M., Ph.D. (Anglo-Saxon) 1884 1879 James S. C. Wells, Ph.D. (Chemistry) Promoted 1880 Charles Sprague Smith, A.M. (Italian and Spanish) 1880 Retired 1880 Jules E. Loiseau, LL.B. (French) 1881 Promoted 1881 Jasper T. Goodwin, A.M., LL.B. (Mathematics) 1887 Promoted 1881 John Krom Rees, A.M., E.M. (Geodesy) 1882 Resigned 1881 Alfred D. Churchill, A.M., M.S., E.M., Ph.B. (Drawing). 1886 Promoted 1881 Hjalmar H. Boyesen, Ph.D. (German) 1882 Promoted 1881 E. Munroe Smith, LL.B., J.U.D (History) 1883 Deceased 1882 Clifford R. Bateman, LL.B. (History) 1883 Resigned 1882 Bertrand Clover, Jr., A.B. (Italian and Spanish) 1890 Resigned 1882 AdolpheCohn, LL.B., Ph.B., A.P. (French) 1884 Promoted 1883 Edward D. Perry, A.M., Ph.D. (Sanskrit) 1891 Promoted 1883 William H . Carpenter, Ph. D. (German and the Scandinavian Languages) 1889 Promoted 1883 Bernard F. O'Connor, B. es L., Ph.D. (French) 1891 Promoted 1883 Frank J. Goodnow, A.M., LL.B. (History) 1891 Retired 1884 GuiLLAUME A. Scribner, B. h%. L., L. h% D. (French) 1889 Retired 1884 Louis Von Eltz (German) 1885 Retired 1885 Carlo L. Speranza, A.M. (Italian) 1886 1885 Alexis A. Julien, A.M., Ph.D. (Micros, and Microbiology) Promoted 1885 Alfred J. Moses, E.M. (Mineralogy) 1891 Promoted 1886 Nathaniel L. Britton, E.M., Ph.D. (Botany) 1891 Promoted 1886 James L. Greenleaf, C.E. (Eng. and Drawing) 1891 Promoted 1886 Charles E. Colby, E.M., C.E. (Organ. Chem) 1890 1886 Ferdinand G. Wiechmann, Ph.D. (Chem. Phil, and Chem. Physics)... Promoted 1886 A. V. Williams Jackson, A.M., L.H.D., Ph.D. (Anglo-Saxon and the Iranian Languages) ., 1891 52 INSTRUCTORS. Appointed Promoted 1887 Alfred D. F. Hamlin, A.M. (Architecture) 1889 Promoted 1888 Robert D. Petty (Municipal Law) i8go Promoted 1888 Frank Dempster Sherman (Architecture) 1891 Promoted 1889 Richard J. H. Gottheil, Ph.D. (Syriac) 1892 Promoted 1889 Francis B. Crocker, E.M. (Elec. Eng.) 1893 Promoted 1S90 William A. Dunning, Ph.D. (Pol. Sci. and Hist.) 1891 1890 Ralph E. Mayer, C.E., E.M. (Drawing) Promoted 1890 Michael I. Pupin, Ph.D. (Math. Phys. and Elec. Eng.) 1892 1890 Ira H. Woolson, E.M. (Drawing) 1890 James S. C. Wells, Ph.D. (Qual. Anal.). 1 89 1 Eugene H. Babbitt, A.B. (German). . . . 1891 Holbrook Cushman, A.B. (Physics) 1891 Bashford Dean, Ph.D. (Biology). ..... 1891 James C. Egbert, Jr., Ph.D. (Latin) Promoted 1891 Thomas S. Fiske, Ph.D. (Mathematics) 1894 Retired 1891 Farley B. Goddard, Ph.D. (Greek) 1892 1 89 1 Charles A. Harriman (Architecture). 1891 James H. Hyslop, Ph.D. (Ethics) Promoted 1891 Harold Jacoby, A.B. (Geod. and Prac. Ast.) 1894 1891 Carlo L. Speranza, A.M. (Italian and Spanish ; Romance Languages and Literatures) 1892 Clarence H. Young, Ph.D. (Greek) 1893 T. Matlack Cheesman, M.D. (Bacteriology) 1893 Frank Hartley, M.D. (Operative Surgery) 1893 Livingston Farrand, A.B., M.D. (Physiological Psychology), 1893 George Francis Sever (Electrical Engineering) DEMONS TEA TORS, 5 3 Appointed 1893 Grenville T. Snelling, B.S. (Architecture) 1893 Ervin a. Tucker, M.D. (Prac, Obstetrics) 1894 Benjamin D. Woodward, Ph.D. (Romance Languages and Literatures) 1894 Charles Sears Baldwin, A. M. (Rhetoric) 1894 Andrew E. Foye, C.E. (Civil Engineering) Charles T. Parker, M.D. (Assistant, Operative Surgery) DEMONSTRATORS. Promoted i860 Henry B. Sands, M.D. (Anatomy) 1866 Promoted 1 861 Erskine Mason, M.D. (Assistant, Anatomy) 1866 Retired 1866 Erskine Mason, M.D. (Anatomy) 1870 Promoted i866 Thomas T. Sabine, M.D. (Assistant, Anatomy) 1870 Promoted 1867 George G. Wheelock, M.D. (Assistant, Anatomy) i868 Promoted 1870 Thomas T. Sabine, M.D. (Anatomy) 1871 Promoted 1870 John G. Curtis, M.D. (Assistant, Anatomy) 1871 Promoted 1871 John G. Curtis, M.D. (Anatomy) 1875 Retired 1871 Samuel B. St. John, M.D. (Assistant, Anatomy) 1872 Promoted 1872 Charles McBurney, M.D. (Assistant, Anatomy) 1874 Retired 1874 Charles B. Kelsey, M.D. (Assistant, Anatomy) 1879 Promoted 1875 Charles McBurney, M.D. (Anatomy) 1880 Promoted 1879 William T. Bull, M.D. (Assistant, Anatomy) 1880 Promoted 1880 William T. Bull, M.D. (Anatomy) 1883 Promoted 1880 William S. Halsted, M.D. (Assistant, Anatomy) 1883 Promoted 1880 Francis H. Markoe, M.D. (Assistant, Anatomy) 1885 Promoted 1883 William S. Halsted, M.D. (Anatomy) 1885 Promoted 1883 Richard J. Hall, M.D. (Assistant, Anatomy) 1886 Promoted 1885 Francis H. Markoe, M.D. (Anatomy) 1887 54 TUTORS. Appointed Promoted 1885 Frank Hartley, M.D. (Assistant, Anatomy) 1887 Promoted 1886 George S. Huntington, M.D. (Assistant, Anatomy) 1890 Promoted 1887 Frank Hartley, M.D. (Anatomy) 1893 Promoted 1887 Bern B. Gallaudet, M.D. (Assistant, Anatomy) 1893 1889 Ellsworth Eliot, Jr., M.D. (Assistant, Anatomy) Retired 1889 Charles T. Parker, M.D. (Assistant, Anatomy) 1890 1892 Joseph Albert Deghuee, Ph.B. (Assistant, Chemistry and Physics).. . . 1892 Lucius Wales Hotchkiss, M.D. (Assistant, Anatomy) Promoted 1892 Frederick J. Brockway, M.D. (Assistant, Anatomy) 1894 1892 Joseph A. Blake, M.D. (Assistant, Anatomy) 1892 Robert A. Sands, M.D. (Assistant, Anatomy) 1892 George E. Brewer, M.D. (Assistant, Anatomy) 1892 Charles E. Pellew, E.M. (Chemistry and Physics) 1893 Bern B. Gallaudet, M.D. (Anatomy) . . 1893 Frederick S. Lee, Ph. D. (Physiology) TUTORS. Resigned 1755 William Johnson, A.M 1755 Resigned 1756 Leonard Cutting 1763 Deceased 1757 Daniel Treadwell, A.M 1760 Retired 1761 Samuel Giles (Mathematics) 1763 Retired 1765 Samuel Clossy, M.D 1776 Retired 1773 John Vardill, A.M 1776 Promoted 1785 John Kemp 1786 Retired 1831 Abraham B. Conger, A.B 1833 Retired 1831 John L. O'Sullivan, A.B 1833 Promoted 1835 Robert G. Vermilye, A.M. (Greek and Latin) 1837 TUTORS, 55 Appointed Promoted 1843 Henry Drisler, Jr., A.M. (Greek and Latin) 1845 Resigned 1859 J. Emory McClintock, A.B. (Mathematics) i860 Promoted i860 J. Howard Van Amringe, A.M. (Mathematics) 1863 Resigned 1864 DuANE S. EvERSON, A.M. (Latin) 1868 Resigned 1865 Eugene Lawrence, A.M. (Rhetoric and History) 1868 Promoted 1868 Augustus C. Merriam, A.M. (Greek) 1880 Retired 1868 Wendell Lamoroux, A.M. (Rhetoric and History) 1869 Resigned 1869 Theodore F. C. Demarest, A.M. (Rhetoric and History) 1870 Promoted 1870 John D. Quackenbos, A.M., M.D. (Rhetoric and History) 1884 Resigned 1873 Leonard Waldo, B.S. (Asst. in Mechanics and Astronomy) 1873 Resigned 1876 Frank Drisler, A.M. (Mathematics) 1884 Resigned 1876 Sidney G. Ashmore, A.M. (Latin) 1881 Promoted 1877 Richmond M. Smith, A.M. (History) 1878 Promoted 1880 Edward D. Perry, Ph.D. (Greek) 1883 Promoted i88o Edward D. Perry, Ph.D (Sanskrit) 1883 Resigned 1880 James W. Pryor, A.B., LL.B. (Mathematics) 1882 Resigned 1880 James A. Browning, A.M. (Latin) 1882 Resigned 1880 E. Stacey Charlier, A.B. (French) 1882 Retired 1880 George M. Gumming, A.B. (German) 1881 Promoted t88i Bertrand Clover, Jr., A.B. (Italian and Spanish) 1882 Resigned 1881 Edward W. Hopkins, A.M., Ph.D. (Latin and Zend) 1885 Promoted 1882 Adolphe Cohn, LL.B., Ph.B., A.P. (French) 1882 Promoted 1882 Harry T. Peck, A.M., Ph.D., L.H.D. (Latin) 1888 Retired 1883 John Green (History) 1885 Promoted 1886 Harry T. Peck, A.M., Ph.D., L.H.D. (Semitic Languages) 1888 Promoted 1887 N. Murray Butler, A.M., Ph.D. (Philosophy, Ethics, and Psychology) . 1889 $6 ~^ll^^^^^^^^r~ TUTORS. Appointed ^HH^^HHT Retired 1887 Henry A. Short, Ph.D. (Latin) ', 1888 Promoted 1888 James C. Egbert, Jr., Ph.D. (Latin) 1891 Promoted 1888 Thomas S. Fiske, Ph.D. (Mathematics) 1891 1889 Daniel K. Dodge, A.B. (English Language and Literature, Scandina- Retired vian Languages) 1892 Promoted 1889 James H. Hyslop, Ph.D. (Philosophy, Ethics, and Psychology) 1891 1889 Nelson G. McCrea, Ph.D. (Latin) 1890 Joseph C. Pfister, A.M. (Higher Mathematics and Astronomy, Mechanics) Promoted 1890 Benjamin D. Woodward, Ph.D. (Romance Languages and Literatures). 1894 Promoted 1891 Charles Sears Baldwin, A.M. (English, Rhetoric) i 1894 1891 Henry C. Bo wen, A.B. (Quantitative Analysis) 1 891 Reginald Gordon, A.B. (Physics) 1891 Louis H. Laudy, Ph.D. (Chemistry) 1891 James Maclay, E. M. (Mathematics) 1891 Lea McI. Luquer, C.E. (Mineralogy) 1891 Joseph T. Monell, E.M., E.E. (Astronomy) Deceased 1891 John I. Northrop, E.M., Ph.D. (Biology) 1891 Promoted 1891 Grenville T. Snelling, B.S. (Architecture) 1893 1891 Joseph Struthers, Ph.B. (Metallurgy) Promoted 1892 Andrew E. Foy6, C.E. (Civil Engineering) 1894 1892 William H. Freedman, C.E. (Electrical Engineering) 1892 Louis M. A. Loiseaux, (French, Romance Languages and Literatures) Resigned 1892 Arthur Willey, B.S. (Biology) ... 1894 1893 Charles B. Hollick, Ph.D. (Geology) 1893 Herschel C. Parker, Ph.B. (Physics) 1893 Hermann T. Vulte, Ph. D. (Chemistry) ASSISTANTS. 57 Appointed 1894 James Ewing, M.D. (Normal Histology) 1894 Edmund Howd Miller, Ph.B. (Analytical Chemistry and Assaying).. . 1894 Gary N. Calkins, B.S. (Biology) 1894 W. T. Brewster, A.M. (Rhetoric) ASSISTANTS Retired 1864 Julius Maier, Ph.D. (Analytical Chemistry) 1865 Retired 1864 William A. Potter, A.B. (Analytical Chemistry) 1865 Retired 1864 Albert H. Chester (Mineralogy) 1869 Retired 1864 Henry B. Cornwall, A.B. (General Chemistry and Metallurgy) 1866 Retired 1865 MiLOS Krolikowski, C.E. (Drawing) , 1866 Promoted 1865 Alexis A. Julien, A.M. (Analytical Chemistry) 1885 Retired 1865 Edward W. Root, A.B. (Analytical Chemistry) 1868 Retired 1865 George M. Miller, A.M. (Assaying) 1866 Retired 1866 Fritz Rintelen, (General Chemistry) 1867 Retired 1866 Joseph J. Casey, A.B. (Drawing) 1867 Retired 1866 Paul Schweitzer, Ph.D. (Analytical Chemistry) 1872 Retired 1866 Edward E. C. H. Day (Assaying) 1869 Retired 1866 Jules MabrO (Metallurgy) 1869 Retired 1867 Albert Folk^, C.E. (Drawing) 1871 Retired 1867 George B. Hanna, A.B. (General Chemistry, Mineralogy) 1868 Retired 1868 Henry B. Cornwall, A.M., E.M. (General Chemistry) 1870 Retired 1868 William H. Chandler (Analytical Chemistry) 1871 Retired 1868 George S. Baxter, A.M., E.M. (Geology) 1869 Retired 1868 John H. Caswell, A.M. (Mineralogy, Metallurgy) 1871 Retired 1869 Frederick Prime, Jr., A.M. (Assaying) 1870 Retired 1869 Alonzo C. Campbell, E.M. (General Chemistry) 1870 58 ASSISTANTS, Appointed Retired 1869 William B. Potter, A.M., E.M. (Geology) 1871 Retired 1870 Thomas M. Blossom, A.M., E.M. (Assaying) 1872 Retired 1870 Henry Newton, A.B., E.M. (Mineralogy, Geology) 1875 Retired 1870 Douglas A. Joy (General Chemistry) 1871 Promoted 1871 Elwyn Waller, A.M., E.M., Ph.D. (Analytical Chemistry) 1877 Promoted 1871 Pierre De Peyster Ricketts, E.M. (Mineralogy) 1877 Retired 1871 William Pistor, E.M. (Drawing) 1877 Retired 1871 Edward J. Hallock, A.M. (General Chemistry) 1877 Retired 1872 Henry C. Bolton, A.M., Ph.D. (Analytical Chemistry) 1877 Retired 1873 Frederick A. Cairns, A.M. (Analytical Chemistry) 1877 Retired 1873 Charles A. Colton, E. M (Mineralogy) 1882 Retired 1873 Leonard Waldo, B.S. (Astronomical Observatory) 1875 Resigned 1873 John Krom Rees, A.M., E.M. (Mathematics) 1876 Retired 1873 William H. Ingersoll, A.M., LL.B., E.M. (Engineering, Mechanics, and Astronomy) 1881 Retired 1874 John H. Caswell, A.M. (Mineralogy) 1877 Retired 1874 Gracie S. Roberts, E.M. (Engineering, Drawing) 1877 Retired 1875 Magnus C. Ihlseng, E.M. (Physics) 1881 Promoted 1875 James S. C. Wells, Ph.D. (Analytical Chemistry) 1879 Retired 1875 Malvern W. Iles, Ph.B. (Analytical Chemistry) 1876 Retired 1875 I. C. Russell (Geology) 1877 Promoted 1876 Frederick R. Hutton, A.M., E.M., C.E. (Civil and Mechanical Engineering) 1877 Retired 1876 John H. Maghee, E.M. (Mineralogy) 1877 Promoted 1876 Jasper T. Goodwin, A.M. (Mathematics) 1881 Retired 1876 Edward G. Love, A M., Ph.B. (Analytical Chemistry) 1877 Retired 1876 Francis N. Holbrook, E.M., C.E. (Assaying) 1880 ASSISTANTS. 59 Appointed Promoted 1877 Henry C. Bowen (Analytical Chemistry) 1891 Promoted 1877 Louis H. Laudy, Ph.D. (General Chemistry) 1891 Retired 1877 Linus B. Cady, E.M., C.E. (Metallurgy) 1878 Retired 1877 Frederick W. Floyd, E.M. (Metallurgy) 1878 Retired 1877 William A. Hooker, A.M., E.M. (Geology) 1878 Retired 1878 Spencer B. Newberry, E.M. (Geology). . . .• 1879 Retired 1879 George S. Eastwick (Analytical Chemistry) 1880 Promoted 1879 Nathaniel L. Brixton, Ph.D. (Geology). . , 1886 Retired 1879 James B. Macintosh, E.M., C.E. (Metallurgy) 1880 Retired 1880 Charles L. Constant, E.M., C.E. (Assaying) 1881 Retired 1880 Louis M. Hooper, C.E. (Drawing) 1881 Retired r88o Charles W. Marsh (Chemistry) 1880 Retired 1880 Charles Herbert Torrey, Ph.B. (Chemistry) 1883 Promoted 1881 Alfred L. Beebe, Ph.B. (Assaying) 1885 Retired 1881 Alfred D. Churchill, A.M., M.S., E.M., Ph.B. (Drawing) 1881 Promoted 1881 James L. Greenleaf, C.E. (Engineering) 1886 Resigned 1881 William W. Share, Ph.B. (Physics) 1889 Promoted 1882 Ralph E. Mayer, C.E. (Drawing) 1890 Promoted 1882 Alfred J. Moses, E.M. (Mineralogy) . . 1885 Retired 1883 Robert Arrowsmith (Modern Languages) 1885 Promoted 1883 Henry C. Bowen, A.B. (Chemistry) 1885 Retired 1883 Charles M. Gifford (Law) 1885 Retired 1883 Peter V. Leroy (Herbarium) 1885 Retired 1883 E. L. Petersen (Natural History) 1886 Promoted 1883 Hermann T. Vult6, Ph.D. (Chemistry) 1891 Promoted 1883 Ferdinand V. Wiechmann, Ph.B. (Chemistry) 1886 60 "^^^^^^^ A SSIS TA NTS. Appointed "^^^^^^^^V^™* ^etif^d 1884 Daniel Kilham Dodge, A.B. (English) .^^^^F. . 1888 Promoted 1884 James C. Egbert, Jr., A.B. (Greek) 1888 Retired 1884 Charles E. Hughes, LL.B. (Law) 1887 Retired 1884 William Lispenard Robb, Ph.D. (Mathematics) 1885 Retired 1884 William Creighton Spencer, A.B. (English) 1886 Retired 1885 Alfred L. Beebe, Ph.B. (Chemistry) 1887 Retired 1885 Henry C. Bowen, A.B. (Chemistry) 1888 Promoted 1885 Charles E. Colby, E.M., C.E. (Chemistry) 1886 Promoted 1885 Thomas S. Fiske, Jr., A.B. (Mathematics) 1888 Retired 1885 Edward L. Stabler, A.B. (Mathematics) 1888 Retired 1885 Hugo J. Walther, A.B. (Mathematics) 1886 Retired 1886 Robert Lawrence Allen, A.B. (Astronomy).. 1887 Promoted 1886 Nicholas Murray Butler, A.B., Ph.D. (Philosophy, Ethics, and Psychology) 1887 Retired 1886 Paul D. Cravath, LL.B. (Law) 1889 Promoted i886 Levi Harold Jacoby, A.B. (Astronomy) 18S9 Retired 1886 James Furman Kemp, A.B., E.M. (Geology) 1888 Retired 1886 Charles Frederick Lacombe, E. M. (Chemistry) 1888 Resigned 1886 Frederick James Hamilton Merrill, Ph.B. (Geology) 1890 Retired 1886 Henry Hobart Porter, Jr., E.M. (Geology) 1887 Promoted 1886 Henry Alford Short, A.B. (Latin) 1887 Retired 1886 Joseph Struthers, Jr., Ph.B. (Mineralogy) 1887 Promoted 1886 Ira H. Woolson, E.M. (Drawing) 1890 Promoted 1887 Alfred G. Reeves, LL.B. (Law) 1890 Retired 1887 Edward Nicoll Crosby, A.B, (Greek) 1888 Retired 1887 C. B. Laraway (Natural History) 1888 Promoted 1887 Frank Dempster Sherman, Ph.B. (Architecture) 1888 ASSISTANTS, 6l Appointed Retired 1887 William Henry Stuart, C.E. (Engineering) 1889 Promoted 1888 James Maclay, C.E. (Mathematics) i8gi Promoted 1888 Charles Sears Baldwin, A.B. (English) 1891 Retired 1888 Frank Despard Dodge, Ph.B. (Organic Chemistry) 1890 Retired 18S8 Charles J. DEGHufiE, A.M., L.H.D. (Honorary Fellow) 1890 Retired 1888 Arthur H. Elliott, Ph.D. (Chemistry) 1889 Retired 1888 Pekcy Foster Hall, A.M. (Mathematics) 1891 Retired 1888 H. Hensoldt, Ph.D. (Natural History) 1891 Retired 1888 Warren P. Lombard, M.D. (Physiology) 1889 Promoted 1888 Lea McIlvaine Luquer, C.E. (Mineralogy) 1891 Promoted and Deceased 1888 John Isaiah Northrop, E.M., Ph.D. (Geology) 1891 Resigned 1888 Thomas L. Perkins, Ph.B. (Geology) 1889 Retired 1888 Henry A. Sill, A.M. (Honorary Fellow) 1890 Promoted 1888 Francis May Simonds, E.M., Ph.D. (Assaying) 1891 Transferred 1888 Joseph Struthers, Jr., Ph.B. (Mineralogy and Metallurgy) 1890 1888 Ira T. Van Gieson, M.D. (Normal Histology) Retired 1888 Edmund A. Wasson, A.M., Ph.D. (English) 1890 Promoted 1889 Henry C. Bowen (Chemistry) 1890 Resigned 1S89 Frederic W. Denton, C.E. (Engineering) 1890 Retired 1889 Frank Despard Dodge, Ph.B. (Organic Chemistry) 1891 Promoted 1889 Reginald Gordon, A.B. (Physics) 1891 Promoted 1889 L. Harold Jacoby, A.B. (Geodesy and Practical Astronomy) 1891 Retired 1889 Alexander F. Parker, A.B. (Physics) 1890 Promoted 1889 Michael I. Pupin (Electrical Engineering) 1890 Retired 1889 William Henry Stuart (Engineering) 1889 Transferred 1890 Edwin Mortimer Blake, E.M. (Mechanical Engineering) 1893 62 ^^^^^^^^H ASSISTANTS, Appointed T^^^H^iT Promoted 1890 Alexander R. Cushman, Ph.D. (Chemistry) 1891 rromoted 1890 HoLBROOK Cushman, A.B. (Physics) 1891 Retired 1890 GusTAVUS Trask Donnell, A.B. (Mathematics) 1892 Promoted 1890 Reginald Gordon (Physics) 1891 Retired 1890 Frank P. Graves, A.B. (Greek Language and Literature) 1891 Retired 1890 Charles E. Gudewill, C.E. (Civil Engineering) 1891 Promoted! 1890 Frank Randel Hathaway, A.M 1891 Promoted 1890 Charles A. Hollick, Ph.B. (Geology) 1891 Promoted 1890 Lea McIlvaine Luquer, C.E. (Mineralogy) 1891 Promoted 1890 Thatcher T. P. Luquer, C.E. (Mineralogy) 1891 Retired 1890 Thomas Mann Randolph Meikleham, C.E. (Mineralogy) 1891 Promoted 1890 Herschel C. Parker, Ph.B. (Physics) 189L Promoted 1890 Otty B. Parker, E.M. (Metallurgy) 1891 Promoted 1890 Grenville T. Snelling, B.S. (Architecture) 1891 Promoted 1890 Joseph Struthers, Ph. B. (Mineralogy) 1891 • Promoted 1890 Hermann T. Vulte, Ph.D. (Chemistry) 1891 Promoted 1890 De Lancey W. Ward, Ph.B. (Organic Chemistry) 1891 Retired 1891 Francis Blossom, C.E. (Mechanical Engineering) 1892 Retired 1891 Lewis B. Carll, A.M. (Mathematics) 1892 Transferred 1891 Hewlett R. Connell, C.E. (Engineering) 1893 Retired 1891 Frederick T.Cooper, A.M., LL.B. (Latin) 1894 1891 Alexander R. Cushman, Ph.D. (Chemistry) 1891 Edward Goodwin, E.M. (Mineralogy) 1892 Promoted 1891 Charles A. Harriman (Architecture) 1891 Retired 1891 Frank R. Hathaway, A.M. (Political Economy and Social Science).. . 1892 Promoted 189T Charles A. Hollick, Ph.B. (Geology) 1893 ASSISTANTS, 63 Appointed Retired 1891 Elisha D. Hurlbut, Jr., C.E. (Mechanical Engineering) 1893 1891 Asa S. Iglehart, A.B. (Physics) Promoted 1891 Edmund Howd Miller, Ph.B. (Chemistry) 1894 Promoted 1891 Herschel C. Parker, Ph.B. (Physics) 1893 Retired 1891 Charles H. Schuman, C.E. (Engineering) 1891 Resigned 1891 Francis M. Simonds, E.M., Ph.D. (Assaying) 1892 Resigned 1891 GusTAV J. VoLCKENiNG, Met.E., E.M. (Metallurgy, Civil Engineering). 1894 1891 Herbert P. Whitlock, C.E. (Mineralogy) Resigned 1892 Henry D. Conant, E.M. (Mining) 1892 1892 Henry S. Curtis, A.B. (Physics) 1892 Carlton C. Curtiss, A.M., Ph.D. (Botany) Retired 1892 Lindley M. Keasbey, Ph.D. (Political Economy and Social Science). . 1892 Retired 1892 Charles T. Parker, M.D. (Operative Surgery) 1893 Retired 1892 Elmer Skinner (Engineering) 1893 Retired 1892 J. H. Smart, M.D. (Normal Histology) 1893 Retired 1892 Oliver S. Strong, A.B. (Biology) 1S93 Retired 1892 George O. Totten, Jr., A.M. (Architecture) 1893 Retired 1892 James Tow art, C.E. (Engineering) '. 1893 1892 Charles C. Trowbridge, B.S. (Physics) 1892 Stephen F. Weston, A.M. (Political Economy and Social Science) Resigned 1892 Clifton N. Windecker, C.E., E.E. (Mathematics) 1893 Resigned 1893 Hewlett R. Connell, C.E. (Mining) 1893 1893 Pierce Bailey, M.D. (Pathology) 1893 Edwin M. Blake, E.M. (Mathematics) 1893 Henry E. Crampton, Jr. , A.B. (Biology) Retired 1893 Edward L. Dufourcq, E.M. (Mining) 1894 64 ASSISTANTS. Appointed 1893 E. B. Durham, E.M, (Mining) 1893 John S. Ely, M.D. (Patholog}') Promoted 1893 James Ewing, M.D. (Normal Histology) 1894 1893 Luther E. Gregory, C.E. (Mechanical Engineering) 1893 Eugene Hodenpyl, M.D. (Pathology) 1893 Winfield Johnson, Ph.G. (Chemistry and Physics) 1893 Edwin M. Kitchell, M.D. (Histology) 1893 Edward Leaming, M.D. (Photography) Resigned 1893 J. B. Lynch, M.D. (Normal Histology) 1893 1893 Parker C. McIlhiney, Ph.D., A.M. (Assaying) 1893 Henry Power, M.D. (Normal Histology) 1893 Francis A. Provot, C.E. (Drawing) 1893 Arnon L. Squiers, A.B. (Mathematics) 1893 Gust AVE R. Tuska, C.E. (Civil Engineering) Promoted 1893 Gilbert VanIngen (Geology) 1894 1893 Herbert T. Wade, A.B. (Physics) Promoted 1893 Charles P. Warren, A.M. (Architecture) 1894 1894 James B. Reynolds, B. D. (Sociology) 1894 Clarence W. Vail, A.B. (Rhetoric) 1894 Henry J. Burchell, Jr., A.M. (Latin) 1894 Marston T. Bogert, A.B. (Chemistry) 1894 Arthur M. Day, A.M. (Political Economy) 1894 Norman Wilde, Ph.D. (Philosophy) 1894 Royal Whitman, M.D. (Orthopaedic Surgery) CURATORS OF THE MUSEUM, 6$ CURATORS OF THE MUSEUM Appointed Retired i860 Henry B. Sands, M.D 1867 Retired 1867 Samuel B. Ward, M.D 1869 Retired 1869 Henry C. Eno, M.D 1870 Retired 1870 Christopher M. Bell, M.D 1871 Retired 1871 George B. Fowler, M.D 1876 Retired 1876 Robert Abbe, M.D 1880 Promoted 1880 T. Mitchell Prudden, M.D., Laboratories of Histology, etc. 1892 1889 Maximilian K. Kress (Architectural Collection) Deceased 1890 Rev. Thomas Morong, Ph. D. (Herbarium) 1894 1894 Gilbert VanIngen (Geological Collections) HEAD MASTERS OF THE GRAMMAR SCHOOL Retired 1763 Matthew Gushing, A.M Retired Alexander Leslie, A.M Retired 1784 William Cochran, A.M Resigned 1829 John D. Ogilby, A.B 1830 Retired 1830 Charles Anthon, LL.D. (Rector) 1864 EXAMINERS 1889 Frank Drisler, A.M. (Entrance ; Law School) SUPERINTENDENTS OF BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS Retired 1886 HoLBROOK F. J. Porter, Mech. Eng 1890 1890 Edward A. Darling REGISTRARS Retired 1866 Thomas Denham (Clerk, Medicine) 1868 Retired 1867 Benjamin H. Benton (Mines) 1869 1868 Edward T. Boag (Clerk, Medicine, title changed to Registrar 1892). . . i88o William B. Nye (Arts) 1894 William B. Nye (University Faculties). 1894 Charles L. Lawrence (Arts) PROCTOR Deceased 1886 Stephen R. Weeks 1890 CPromoted from Janitor, which office he filled from 1840.) secretary to the president 1890 William H. H. Beebe UNIVERSITY COUNCIL. 1890-91 From the School of Arts : The Dean, Prof. Drisler ; The Secretary of the Board of the College, Prof. Van Amringe. From the Faculty of Law : The Warden, Prof. Dwight ; Prof. Chase. From the Faculty of Mines : The Dean, Prof. Chandler ; Prof. Newberry. From the Faculty of Political Science : The Dean, Prof. Burgess ; Prof. R. Mayo-Smith, Secretary. From the Faculty of Philosophy : The Dean, Prof. Butler ; Prof. Harry T. Peck. Selected by the President : Prof. Trowbridge ; Prof. Price. 66 UNIVERSITY COUNCIL, Appointed Retired f 1869 Edward C. H. Day (Mines) 1872 Retired | 1872 John F. Meyer (Mines) 1877 1878 George F. Fisher (Mines) Retired 1878 Roswell H. Carpenter (Secretary, Law) 1879 Transferred 1879 Robert Senftner, LL.B, (Secretary, Law, title changed to Registrar 1891) 1894 UNIVERSITY COUNCIL, 6 J 1891-92 The President, Seth Low, LL.D. From the School of Arts : The Dean, Prof. Drisler ; The Secretary of the Board of the College, Prof^ Van Amringe. From the Faculty of Law : The Dean, Prof. Keener ; Prof. Burdick. From the Faculty of Medicine : The Dean, Prof. McLane ; Prof. Peabody. ' From the Faculty of Mines : The Dean, Prof. Chandler ; Prof. Egleston. From the Faculty of Political Science : The Dean, Prof. Burgess ; Prof. Munroe Smith. From the Faculty of Philosophy : The Dean, Prof. Butler ; Prof. H. T. Peck, Secretary. Selected by the President : Prof. Trowbridge ; Prof. Boyesen. From the Union Theological Seminary : The President, Dr. Hastings. 1892-93 The President, Seth Low, LL.D. From the School of Arts : The Dean, Prof. Drisler ; the Secretary, Prof. Van Amringe, From the Faculty of Law : The Dean, Prof. Keener ; Prof. Burdick. From the Faculty of Medicine : The Dean, Prof. McLane ; Prof. Peabody. From the Faculty of Mines : The Dean, Prof. Chandler ; Prof. Ware. From the Faculty of Political Science : The Dean, Prof. Burgess ; Prof. Mayo-Smith, From the Faculty of Philosophy : The Dean, Prof. Butler ; Prof. H. T. Peck. From the Faculty of Pure Science : The Dean, Prof. Osborn ; Prof. Rees, Secretary. 68 FELLOWS LN LETTERS AND SCIENCE. 1893-94 The President, Seth Low, LL.D. From the School of Arts : The Dean, Prof. Drisler ; The Secretary, Prof. Van Amringe. From the Faculty of Law : The Dean, Prof. Keener ; Prof. Burdick. From the Faculty of Medicine : The Dean, Prof. McLane ; Prof. Peabody. From the Faculty of Mines : The Dean, Prof. Chandler ; Prof. Egleston. From the Faculty of Political Science : The Dean, Prof. Burgess ; Prof. Mayo-Smith. From the Faculty of Philosophy : The Dean, Prof. Butler ; Prof. H. T. Peck. From the Faculty of Pure Science : The Dean, Prof. Osborn ; Prof. J. K. Rees, Secretary. From the Union Theological Seminary : The President, Dr. Hastings. FELLOWS IN LETTERS AND SCIENCE. Appointed Retired 1872 John Krom Rees, A.M., E.M. (Science) 1875 Retired 1875 Edward Delavan Perry, A.M., Ph.D. (Letters) 1878 Retired 1876 Richard Theodore Ely, A.M., Ph.D. (Letters) '. 1879 Retired 1877 Lawrence Bunting Fletcher, A.M., Ph.D. (Science) 1880 Retired 1878 Holbrook Cushman, A.B. (Science) 1881 Retired 1878 Edward Washburn PIopkins, Ph.D. (Letters) 188 1 Retired 1879 William Hallock, Ph.D. (Science) 1882 Retired 1880 William Lispenard Robb, Ph.D. (Science) 1883 Retired 1880 Henry Alford Short, Ph. D. (Letters) 1883 Retired 1881 Henry Thurston Peck, A.M., Ph.D., L.H.D. (Letters) 1884 Retired 1881 James Chidester Egbert, Jr., A.M., Ph.D. (Science) 1886 Retired 1882 Samuel Edgar Stilwell, A.M., Ph.D. (Science) 1886 UNIVERSITY FELLOWS. 69 Appointed Retired 1882 Nicholas Murray Butler, A.M., Ph.D. (Letters) 1885 Retired 1883 Augustus Dickinson Baker, A.M., Ph.D. (Science) 1885 Retired 1883 Edward Lincoln Stabler, A.M., Ph.D. (Science) 1886 Retired 1883 Abraham Valentine Williams Jackson, A.M., L.H.D,, Ph.D. (Letters) 1886 Resigned 1884 Walter Gillette Bates, A.M. (Science) 1885 Retired 1884 Charles Joseph Deghu^e, A.M., L.H.D. (Letters) 1887 Retired ^1885 Nelson Glenn McCrea, A.M., Ph.D. (Letters) 1888 Retired 1885 Thomas Ewing, Jr., A.M. (Science) i888 Resigned 1885 Halstead Holloway Frost, Jr., A.M. (Science) 1886 Retired 1886 Lincoln Cromwell, A. M. (Science) 1889 Retired 1886 Mortimer Lamson Earle, A.M. (Letters) 1889 Retired 1886 William Archibald Dunning, Ph.D. (Science) 1887 Retired 1887 Charles Knapp, A.M., Ph.D. (Letters) 1890 Resigned 1887 George Houghton Gilman, A.M. (Science) 1888 Resigned 1888 Hampton Denman Ewing, A. M. (Science) 1888 Retired 1888 Clarence Hoffman Young, A.M., Ph.D. (Letters) 1891 Retired 1888 Benjamin Duryea Woodward, A.M., Ph.D., B.es.S. (Science) 1891 Retired 1889 George Clinton Densmore Odell, A.M., Ph.D. (Letters) 1891 Retired 1889 Joseph Clement Pfister, A.M. (Science) 1890 Retired 1890 Charles Riborg Mann, A.M. (Science) 1892 Retired 1890 Harold Griffing, A.B. (Letters) 1891 UNIVERSITY FELLOWS. Retired 1891 George Clinton Densmore Odell, A.B. (English) 1892 Retired 1891 Frank Pierrepont Graves, A.B. (Greek) 1892 Retired 1891 Charles Harris Hayes, A.B. (German) , 1892 Retired i8oi Harold Griffing, A.B. (History of Philosophy) , 1893 70 UNIVERSITY FELLOWS, Appointed Retired 1891 Charles Riborg Mann, A.M. (Physics) 1893 Retired 1891 Edwin M. Blake, E.M. (Mathematics) 1893 Retired 1891 John Farr Putnam, A.B. (Greek) 1892 Retired 1891 Edward Hymes, A.B. (Mathematics) 1892 Retired 1891 William Z. Ripley, B.S. (Mass. Inst. Tech.) (Political Economy) 1893 Resigned 1891 Charles A. Stuart A.B., (Univ. Toronto) (History) 1892 Retired 1891 Max Leopold Margolis, A.M. (Leibnitz Gym. Berlin) (Semitics) 1892 Retired 1891 John C. McMynn, A.B. (Williams Coll.) (Physics) 1892 Retired 1891 Marcus Simpson, A.B. (German) 1892 Retired 1891 Oliver S. Strong, A.B. (Princeton) (Biology) 1892 Retired 1891 F. A. Wood 1892 Retired 1892 Robert Archibald Ashworth, A.B. (English) 1893 Retired 1892 Henry Jagoe Burchell, Jr., A.M. (Latin) 1894 Retired 1892 John Martin Littlejohn, A.M., B.D., LL.B. (Univ. Glasgow) (Po- litical Philosophy) 1893 Retired .1892 James A. McLean, A.B. (Univ. Coll. Toronto) (Comparative Juris- prudence) 1894 Retired 1892 James D. Rogers, A.B. (Hamilton) (Greek) 1894 Retired 1892 Victor Solomon Rosewater, A.M., Ph.D. (Political Science) 1893 Retired 1892 Stuart H. Roe, A.B. (Yale) (Pedagogy) 1894 Retired 1892 Jacob Segall, A.B. (Romance Languages and Literature) 1893 Retired 1892 John K. Small, A.B. (Franklin and Marshall) (Botany) 1894 Retired 1892 Clarence Walton Vail, A.M. (Germanic Languages) 1893 Retired 1892 Clark G. Voorhees, Ph.B., A.M. (Yale) (Chemistry) 1893 Retired J892 Francis Walker, A.B. (Mass. Inst. Tech.) (Finance) 1894 Retired 1892 Max West, A.M., B.S. (Univ. Minn.) (Finance) 1893 Retired ::a[892 Stephen Francis Weston, A.M. (Antioch Coll.) (Finance) 1893 UNIVERSITY FELLOWS. J I Appointed Retired 1892 Asa Wynkoop, A.B. (Rutgers) (Philosophy) 1894 Retired 1892 Charles Auguste Valadier, A.B. (Experimental Psychology) 1893 Retired 1 892 Richard Charles Boyd, Ph.B. (Mineralogy and Metallurgy) 1893 Retired 1893 George H. Batchelor, A.B. (Ind. Univ.) (Finance) 1894 1893 Lester G. Bugbee, A.B. (Univ. Tex.) (History) Retired 1893 Charles Ernest Chadsey, A.B. (Leland Stanford, Jr., Univ.) (Finance and History) 1894 .1893 Herman S. Davis, A.B. (Coll. N. J.) (Astronomy) Retired 1893 Emery Allison Drake, A.B. (St. Francis Xavier's Coll.) (Anglo-Saxon) 1894 Retired 1893 Henry C. Emery, A.B. (Bowdoin) (Social Science) 1894 Retired 1893 W. J. Hannah, A.B. (Univ. Ind.) (Social Science) 1894 Retired 1893 Harwood Huntington, A.B. (Trin. Coll.) (Chemistry) 1894 1893 Heinrich Ries, Ph.B. (Mineralogy) 1893 William R. Shepherd, A.B. (History) Retired 1893 Arthur B. Simonds, A.B. (Harvard) (Romance Languages) 1894 Retired 1893 Caspar Levias, A.B. (Oriental Languages) 1894 1893 George H. Ling, A.B. (Univ. Toronto) (Mathematics) Retired 1893 R. A. Millikan, A.B. (Oberlin Coll.) (Physics) 1894 1893 William D. Matthew, A.B., Ph.B. (Univ. of New Bms.) (Geology). . 1893 Albert P. Matthews, B.S. (Mass. Inst. Tech.) (Biology) Retired 1893 Seldon L. Whitcomb, A.B. (Iowa Coll.) (Literature) 1894 1893 Wilfrid Lay, A.B. (Philosophy) 1894 Francis Burke Brandt, A.B. (Harvard Univ.) (Philosophy) 1894 Arthur Cleveland Hall, A.B., A.M. (Trinity Coll.) (Sociology) 1894 George N. Olcott, A.B. (Latin) 1894 James Walter Crook, A.B. (Oberlin Coll.) (Economics) 1894 JUDAH Joffe, A.B. (Comparative Philology) 72 SELIGMAN FELLOWS, Appointed 1894 IsiDOR LOEB, B.S., M.S., LL.B. (Univ. Missouri) (Jurisprudence) 1894 Samuel Paul Mueller (Karl May Gym., St. Petersburg) (Romance Languages) 1894 Frederick Ludlow Luqueer, A.B. (Education) 1894 Harry Alonzo Gushing, A.B. (Amherst Coll.) (History) 1894 Herbert McLeod Johnson, A.B. (Literature) 1894 William Addison IJervey, A.B. (Germanic Languages) 1894 Gharles W. Tooke, A.B. (Syracuse Univ.) (Administrative Law) 1894 Albert Schneider, B.S. (Univ. Illinois) (Botany) 1894 John Franklin Growell, A.B. (Yale Univ.) (Sociology) 1894 Gharles F. Rittenhouse, M.E. (Stevens Inst.) (Electricity) 1894 Matthew Brown Hammond, Ph.B. (Univ. Mich.) (Finance) JOHN TYNDALL FELLOWS FOR THE ENCOURAGEMENT OF RESEARCH IN PHYSICS Retired 1886 Michael Idvorsky Pupin, Ph.D 1889 Retired 1890 Thomas Gornell Goykendall, G.E 1891 Retired 1891 William Horatio Freedman, G.E., E.E 1892 Retired 1892 Gharles Riborg Mann, A.M 1894 BARNARD FELLOW FOR ENCOURAGING SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH 1893 William Lispenard Robb, Ph. D SELIGMAN FELLOWS Retired 1886 John Greene, A.M., LL.B 1887 Retired 1886 Henry Harmon Neill, LL.B 1887 Retired 1886 Robert Weil, A.M ' 1887 Retired 1886 Walter Francis Willcox, A.B., A.M. (Amherst) 1887 Retired 1887 Paul Kimball Ames, A.M 1888 Retired 1887 Adolph Bierck, Jr., A.M 1888 Retired 1887 Percy Sheldon Dudley, A.M 1888 COLUMBIA FELLOWS IN ARCHITECTURE. 73 Appointed Retired 1887 Thomas Gold Frost, A.M 1888 Retired 1887 Elmer Grant Sammis, A. M 1888 Retired 1888 Charles Lincoln Johnson, A.M 1889 Retired 1888 Warren Ethelbert Sammis, A.M 1889 Retired 1888 Stephen Berrien Stanton, A.M 1889 Retired 1888 Washington Irving Taylor, A.M 1889 Retired 1888 Herbert Levi Osgood, A.M 1890 Retired 1889 Willard Cunningham Humphreys, A.M 1890 Retired 18S9 Frederick M. Herrick, A.M 1890 Retired 1889 Wilson Lloyd Bevan, A.M 1890 Retired 1889 Frank M. Colby, A.M 1890 Retired 1890 John F. Fenton, A.M., Ph.D 1891 Retired 1890 Frank G. Crowell, A.M 1891 Retired 1890 Charles H. J. Douglas, A.M., Ph.D 1891 Retired 1890 L. Katzenstein 1891 Retired 1891 William Bondy, A.M., LL.B., Ph.D 1892 Retired 1891 Samuel W. Dunscomb, Jr.. A.M., LL.B., Ph.D 1892 Retired 1891 Frank L. Eckerson, A.M 1892 Retired 1891 Stephen F. Weston 1892 Retired 1891 Isaac A. Hourwich, A.M., Ph.D 1892 Retired 1892 Frederick Augustus Wood, A.B. Dartmouth Coll., 1886 1893 Retired 1892 RoELiFF M. Breckenridge, Ph.B. Cornell Univ 1894 Retired 1893 Benj. F. Shambaugh 1894 columbia fellows in architecture Retired 1890 Arthur Alexander Stoughton, Ph.B 1891 Retired 1892 Horace Borchsenius Mann, Ph.B 1893 74 M'KIM FELLOWS IN ARCHITECTURE. M'KIM FELLOWS IN ARCHITECTURE Appointed Retired 1891 Adolfo Carlos Munzo del Monte, C, Ph.B 1892 Retired 1891 Alexander MacMillan Welch, Ph.B 1 892 Retired 1893 William Lincoln Thorne, Ph.B 1894 Retired 1893 George Oakley Totten, Jr. Ph.B., A.M 1894 ALUMNI ASSOCIATION FELLOWS OF THE COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS Retired 1892 Frederick John Brockway, M.D. (Anatomy) 1894 Retired 1892 William H. Park, M.D. (Pathology) 1894 Retired 1892 Alexander Lambert, M.D. (Pathology) 1894 OFFICERS OF GOVERNMENT AND INSTRUCTION JULY I, 1894 TRUSTEES William C. Schermerhorn, Chairman. John B. Pine, Clerk. William C. Schermerhorn 49 West 23d Street Morgan Dix, S.T.D., D.C.L 27 West 25th Street Stephen P. Nash, LL.D 11 West 19th Street Joseph W. Harper 562 Fifth Avenue Charles A. Silliman 25 Whitehall Street F. Augustus Schermerhorn 61 University Place Gerard Beekman '. 5 East 34th Street Abram N. Littlkjohn, D.D., LL.D. (Cantab.) Garden City, L. I. Edward Mitchell 31 East 50th Street W. Bayard Cutting 32 Nassau Street Talbot W. Chambers, S.T.D 70 West 36th Street Seth Low, LL, D Columbia College George L. Rives 14 West 38th Street Lenox Smith 24 Cortlandt Street John Crosby Brown 36 East 37th Street Henry C. Potter, D. D. , LL. D. (Cantab.) 29 Lafayette Place William H. Draper, M.D 19 East 47th Street Marvin R. Vincent, S.T.D 18 East 92d Street John B. Pine 67 Wall Street Cornelius Vanderbilt i West 57th Street George G. Wheelock, M.D 75 Park Avenue Frederic R. Coudert, LL. D 13 East 45th Street Hermann H. Cammann 43 West 38th Street William G. Lathrop, Jr 71 Wall Street TREASURER John McLean Nash 67 Wall Street 75 76 OFFICERS OF ADMINISTRATION. STANDING COMMITTEES OF THE TRUSTEES [Note. — The date after each name indicates the expiration of term of office.] ON FINANCE Mr. Rives (1896), Chairman. Mr. Brown (1895). Dr. Wheelock (1897), Sec'y. Mr. Cutting (1898). Mr. Cammann (1899). ON BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS President Low (ex-officio), Chairman. Mr. Harper (1895). Mr. Pine (1897), Sec'y. Mr. Smith (1898). Mr. Vanderbilt (1899). ON HONORS Rev. Dr. Dix (1898), Chairman. Mr. Vanderbilt (1895). Mr. Nash (1896), Sec'y. Bishop Littlejohn (1897). Dr. Wheelock (1899). ON education Mr. Nash (1896), Chairman. Rev. Dr. Dix (1895). Mr. Pine (1895), Sec'y. Mr. F. a. SchermerhorN (1896). Mr. W. C. Schermerhorn (ex-officio). Mr. Coudert (1899). Dr. Draper (1899). ON THE LIBRARY President Low (ex-officio), Chairman. Bishop Potter (1895). Dr. Draper (1896). Rev. Dr. Chambers (1897). Mr. Harper (1898). Secretary, the Librarian. OFFICERS OF ADMINISTRATION Seth Low, LL.D., President. William H. H. Beebe, Secretary to the President. OFFICERS OF ADMINISTRATION, 77 J. H. Van Amringe, Ph.D., L.H.D., Dean of the School of Arts. Charles F. Chandler, M.D., Ph.D., LL.D., Dean of the Faculty of Mines. John W. Burgess, Ph.D., LL.D., Dean of the Faculty of Political Science. James W. McLane, M.D., Dean of the College of Physicians and Surgeons. Nicholas Murray Butler, Ph.D., Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy. William A, Keener, A.M., LL.B., Dean of the Faculty of Law. Henry Fairfield Osborn, Sc.D., Dean of the Faculty of Pure Science. SUPERINTENDENT OF BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS Edward A. Darling. REGISTRARS Charles L. Lawrence, School of Arts. William B. Nye, University Faculties. Robert Senftner, LL.B., School of Law. Edward T. Boag, College of Physicians and Surgeons. George F. Fisher, School of Mines. UNIVERSITY COUNCIL President Low, Chairman. Professor Rees, Secretary. DELEGATES From the School of Arts — The Dean, Prof. Van Amringe ; the Secretary, Prof. Peck. From the Faculty of Law — The Dean, Prof. Keener ; Prof. BuRDiCK. From the Faculty of Medicine — The Dean, Prof. McLane ; Prof. Peabody. From the Faculty of Mines — The Dean, Prof. Chandler ; Prof. Ware. From the Faculty of Political Science — The Dean, Prof. Burgess ; Prof. Mayo-Smith. From the Faculty of Philosophy — The Dean, Prof. Butler ; Prof. Perry. From the Faculty of Pure Science — The Dean, Prof. Osborn ; Prof. Rees. 78 OFFICERS OF INSTRUCTION. OFFICERS OF INSTRUCTION. Seth Low, LL.D., President of the University. PROFESSORS. John Howard Van Amringe, A.M., Ph.D., L.H.D., Professor of Mathematics. Ogden N. Rood, A.M., Professor of Physics. Thomas Egleston, Ph.D., LL.D., Professor of Mineralogy and Metallurgy. Charles F. Chandler, Ph.D., M.D., LL.D., Professor of Chemistry. John W. Burgess, A.M., Ph.D., LL.D., Professor of History, Political Science, and Constitutional Law. Henry S. Munroe, E.M., Ph.D., Professor of Mining. Richmond Mayo-Smith, A.M., Ph.D., Professor of Political Economy and Social Science. James W. McLane, M.D., Professor of Obstetrics. Augustus C. Merriam, A.M., Ph.D., Professor of Greek Archaeology and Epi- graphy. William R. Ware, B.S., Professor of Architecture. Thomas R. Price, M.A., LL.D., Professor of the English Language and Literature. Frederick R. Hutton, A.M., E.M., Ph.D., Professor of Mechanical Engineering. HjALMAR Hjorth Boyesen, Ph.D., Professor of the Germanic Languages and Literatures. John Krom Rees, A.M., E.M., Professor of Astronomy. Francis Delafield, M.D., LL.D., Professor of the Practice of Medicine. Munroe Smith, A.M., J.U.D., Professor of Roman Law and Comparative Jurisprudence. John G. Curtis, M.D., Professor of Physiology. Pierre de Peyster Ricketts, E.M., Ph.D. Professor of Analytical Chemistry and Assaying. George M. Tuttle, M.D., Professor of Gynecology. Jasper T. Goodwin, A.M., Adjunct Professor of Mathematics. Frank J. Goodnow, LL.B., A.M., Professor of Administrative Law. Richard J. H. Gottheil, Ph.D., Professor of Rabbinical Literature and the Semitic Languages. George L. Peabody, M.D., Professor of Materia Medica and Thera- peutics. Edwin R. A. Seligman, A.M., Ph.D., Professor of Political Economy and Finance. Harry Thurston Peck, A.M., Ph.D., L.H.D., Professor of the Latin Language and Lit- erature. Nicholas Murray Butler, A.M., Ph.D., Professor of Philosophy, Ethics and Psychology. William Henry Carpenter, Ph.D., Adjunct Professor of German and the Scan- dinavian Languages. M. Allen Starr, M.D., Professor of Diseases of the Mind and Nervous System. OFFICERS OF INSTRUCTION. 79 Alfred D. F. Hamlin, A.M., Adjunct Professor of Architecture. Alfred J. Moses, E.M., Ph.D., Adjunct Professor of Mineralogy. Charles E. Colby, E.M., C.E., Adjunct Professor of Organic Chemistry. Nathaniel L. Britton, Ph.D., Professor of Botany. William A. Keener, A.M., LL.B., Kent Professor of Law. George S. Huntington, M.D., Professor of Anatomy. Herbert L. Osgood, A.M., Ph.D., Adjunct Professor of History. James McK. Cattell, A.M., Ph.D. Professor of Experimental Psychology. George M. Cumming, A.B., Professor of Law. Francis M. Burdick, A.M., LL.B., Dwight Professor of Law. George W, Kirchwey, A.B., Professor of Law. John Bassett Moore, A.B., Hamilton Fish Professor of International Law and Diplomacy. Henry F. Osborn, Sc.D., DaCosta Professor of Biology. Edward D. Perry, A.M., Ph.D., Professor of Sanskrit. James L. Greenleaf, C.E., Adjunct Professor of Civil Engineering. Frank Dempster Sherman, Ph.B., Adjunct Professor of Architecture. William A. Dunning, Ph.D., Adjunct Professor of History. A. V. Williams Jackson, A.M., L.H.D., Ph.D., Adjunct Professor of the English Language and Literature. Adolphe Cohn, A.M., Professor of the Romance Languages and Literatures. George E. Woodberry, A.B., Professor of Literature. E. B. Wilson, Ph.D., Professor of Invertebrate Zoology. James F. Kemp, A.B., E.M., Professor of Geology. Robert Peele, Jr., E.M., Adjunct Professor of Mining. William Hallock, Ph.D., Adjunct Professor of Physics. Brander Matthews, A.M., Professor of Literature. Francis B. Crocker, E.M., Professor of Electrical Engineering. Michael I. Pupin, Ph.D., Adjunct Professor of Mechanics. Robert F. Weir, M.D., Professor of Surgery. T. Mitchell Prudden, M.D., Professor of Pathology. William H. Burr, C.E., Professor of Civil Engineering. R. S. Woodward, C.E., Professor of Mechanics. Henry A. Todd, Ph.D., Professor of Romance Philology. George R. Carpenter, A.B., Professor of Rhetoric and English" Com* position. Franklin H. Giddings, Ph.D., Professor of Sociology. Thomas S. Fiske, Ph.D., Adjunct Professor of Mathematics. Harold Jacoby, A.B., Adjunct Professor of Astronomy. Henry P. Starbuck, LL.B., . Professor of Law. George F. Canfield, LL.B., Professor of Law. George William Warren, Mus. D., Professor of Music and Organist. 8o OFFICERS OF INSTRUCTION. CLINICAL PROFESSORS AND LECTURERS. William H. Draper, M.D., Professor of Clinical Medicine. Abraham Jacobi, M.D., Clinical Professor of the Diseases of Children. George M. Lefferts, M.D,, Clinical Professor of Laryngoscopy and Diseases of the Throat. Charles McBurney, M.D., Professor of Clinical Surgery. George H. Fox, M.D., Clinical Professor of Diseases of the Skin. Albert H. Buck, M.D., Clinical Professor of the Diseases of the Ear. Herman Knapp, M.D., Professor of Ophthalmology. .Robert W. Taylor, M.D., CUnical Professor of Venereal Diseases. Francis P. Kinnicutt, M.D., Professor of Clinical Medicine. Frank Hartley, M.D., Instructor in Operative Surgery and Clini- cal Lecturer upon Surgery. J. West Roosevelt, M.D., Clinical Lecturer upon Medicine. Francis H. Markoe, M.D., Clinical Lecturer upon Surgery. Walter B. James, M.D., Clinical Lecturer upon Medicine. DEMON STRATORS. Charles E. Pellew, E.M., Demonstrator of Chemistry and Physics. Bern B. Gallaudet, M.D., Demonstrator of Anatomy, and Clinical Lecturer upon Surgery. Ellsworth Eliot, Jr., M.D., Assistant Demonstrator of Anatomy. Lucius W. Hotchkiss, M.D., Assistant Demonstrator of Anatomy. Frederic S. Lee, Ph.D., Demonstrator of Physiology. George E. Brewer, M.D., Assistant Demonstrator of Anatomy. Frederick J. Brockway, M.D., Assistant Demonstrator of Anatomy. Joseph A. Blake, M.D., Assistant Demonstrator of Anatomy. Robert A. Sands, M.D., Assistant Demonstrator of Anatomy. Joseph A. Deghu^e, Ph.D., Assistant Demonstrator of Chemistry and Physics. INSTRUCTORS. James S. C. Wells, Ph.D., Instructor in Qualitative Analysis. Alexis A. Julien, A.M., Ph.D., Instructor in Microscopy and Micro-biology. Ferdinand G. Wiechmann, Ph.D., Instructor in Chemical Philosophy and Chemical Physics. Ralph E. Mayer, E.M., Instructor in Drawing. Ira H. Woolson, E.M., Instructor in Drawing. James C. Egbert, Jr., A.M., Ph.D., Instructor in Latin. James H. Hyslop, A.M., Ph.D., Instructor in Ethics. Holbrook Cushman, A.B., Instructor in Physics. Charles A. Harriman, Instructor in Architecture. Carlo L. Speranza, A.M., Instructor in Romance Languages and Lit- eratures. OFFICERS OF INSTRUCTION. 8i Eugene H. Babbitt, A.B., Instructor in the Germanic Languages. Bashford Dean, A.M., Ph.D., Instructor in Biology. George C. Freeborn, M.D., Instructor in Normal Histology. Ervin a. Tucker, M.D., Sloane Mater- nity Hospital, Instructor in Practical Obstetrics. Clarence H. Young, Ph.D., Instructor in Greek. Grenville T. Snelling, B.S., Instructor in Architecture. Timothy M, Cheesman, M.D., Instructor in Bacteriology. Livingston Farrand, A.B., M.D., Instructor in Physiological Psychology. George Francis Sever, Instructor in Electrical Engineering. Benjamin D. Woodward, Ph.D., Instructor in Romance Languages and Lit- eratures. Charles S. Baldwin, Ph.D., Instructor in Rhetoric. Nelson G. McCrea, A.M., Ph.D., Tutor in Latin. Joseph C. Pfister, A.M., Tutor in Mechanics. Louis H. Laudy, Ph.D., Tutor in General and Applied Chemistry. Henry C. Bowen, Tutor in Quantitative Analysis. Joseph Struthers, Ph.B., Tutor in Metallurgy. Lea McL Luquer, C.E., Tutor in Mineralogy. James Maclay, C.E., Tutor in Mathematics. Reginald Gordon, A.B., Tutor in Physics. Joseph T. Monell, E.M., E.E., Tutor in Astronomy. Louis Marie Auguste Loiseaux, Tutor in Romance Languages and Litera- Frank Hartley, M.D., Instructor in Operative Surgery. TUTORS. Andrew E. Foye, C.E., Tutor in Civil Engineering. tures. William H. Freedman, C.E., Tutor in Electrical Engineering. Hermann T. Vulte, Ph.D., Tutor in Chemistry. Charles A. Hollick, Ph.B., Tutor in Geology. Herschel C. Parker, Ph.B., Tutor in Physics. James Ewing, M.D., Tutor in Normal Histology. Edmund H. Miller, Ph.D., Tutor in Analytical Chemistry and Assay- ing. Gary N. Calkins, B.S., Tutor in Biology. W. T. Brewster, A.M., Tutor in Rhetoric. Ira T. Van Gieson, M.D., First Assistant in Normal Histology. Eugene Hodenpyl, M.D., First Assistant in Pathology. John S. Ely, M.D., Second Assistant in Pathology, and Cura- tor of the Museum of Pathology. ASSISTANTS. Alexander R. Cushman, Ph.D., Assistant in Chemistry. DeLanceyW. Ward, Ph.B., Assistant in Chemistry. Asa S. Iglehart, A.B., Assistant in Physics. 82 OFFICERS OF INSTRUCTION. Herbert Percy Whitlock, C.E., Assistant in Mineralogy. C. C. Trowbridge, Assistant in Physics. Henry S. Curtis, A.B., Assistant in Mathematics. Stephen F. Weston, A.M., Assistant in Political Economy and Social Science. Carlton C. Curtiss, A.B., Assistant in Botany. Edwin M. Blake, Ph.D., Assistant in Mathematics. Herbert T. Wade, A.B., Assistant in Physics. Luther E. Gregory, C.E., Assistant in Mechanical Engineering. Arnon L. Squiers, A.B., Assistant in Mathematics. E. B. Durham, E.M., Assistant in Mining. GUSTAVE R. TUSKA, C.E., Assistant in Civil Engineering. Henry Power, M.D., Third Assistant in Normal Histology. WiNFiELD Johnson, Ph.G. Assistant in Chemistry and Physics, H. E. Crampton, Jr., A.B., Assistant in Biology. Clarence W. Vail, A.B., Assistant in Rhetoric. Francis A. Provot, C.E., Assistant in Drawing. Pierce Bailey, M.D., Third Assistant in Pathology. Edwin M. Kitchel, M.D., Second Assistant in Normal Histology. Edward Leaming, M.D., Assistant in Photography. Henry J. Burchell, Jr., A.M., Assistant in Latin. Marston T. Bogert, A.B., Assistant in Chemistry. CURATORS. Maximilian K. Kress, Curator of the Architectural Collections. Gilbert Van Ingen, Curator of the Geological Collections. Curator of the Herbarium. LECTURERS. John Ordronaux, LL.D., M.D., Professor of Medical Jurisprudence. Abram C. Bernheim, LL.B., Ph.D., Lecturer on the Political History of the State of New York. Frederic A. Bancroft, Ph.D., Prize Lecturer on International Public Law. Ralph. S. Rounds, A.B., Prize Lecturer in the Law School. Frank Moore Colby, A.M., Lecturer in History. William Z. Ripley, Ph.D., Prize Lecturer in School of Political Science. Charles T. Terry, A.B., LL.B., Lecturer on Procedure in Equity and under the Code. OFFICERS OF INSTRUCTION. 8S CLINICAL INSTRUCTORS AND CLINICAL ASSISTANTS AT THE VANDERBILT CLINIC. MEDICINE. Frank W. Jackson, M.D., Chief of Clinic. George R. Lockwood, M.D., Samuel W. Lambert, M.D., William K. Draper, M.D. SURGERY. B. Farquhar Curtis, M.D., Chief of Clinic. Ellsworth Eliot, Jr., M.D., Charles North Dowd, M.D., Joseph Augustus Blake, M.D., Louis Irving Mason, M.D., Percy Ranney Bolton, M.D., Walter Bensel, M.D., Charles Langdon Gibson, M.D. NEUROLOGY. Frederick Peterson, M.D., Chief of Clinic. William H. Caswell, M.D., Alexander Lambert, M.D., Morton R. Peck, M.D., Pearce Bailey, M.D., Louis F. Bishop, M.D., Charles E, Atwood, M.D., Stewart Douglas, M.D., Lewis A. Connor, M.D., GYNECOLOGY. Hersey G. Locke, M.D., Chief of Clinic. George W. Jarman, M.D., Gustav W. Bratenahl, M.D. OPHTHALMOLOGY. Charles H. May, M.D., Chief of Clinic. John Herbert Claiborne, M.D., Ward A. Holden, M.D., Henry H. Tyson, M.D., Jackson M. Mills, M.D., Edward B. Coburn, M.D. LARYNGOLOGY. D. Bryson Delavan, M.D., Chief of Clinic. Christopher J. Colles, M.D., Frank E. Miller, M.D., George A. Richard, M.D., William K. Simpson, M.D., William L. Culbert, M.D., James P. McEvoy, M.D., William Hallock Park, M.D., Edward W. Perkins, M.D., J. D. ASPINWALL, M.D., John Haskell Billings, M.D., Richard Frothingham, M.D. OTOLOGY. William Cowen, M.D., Chief of Clinic. Robert Lewis, M.D., Jose L. de Victoria, M.D., W. Whitehead Gilfillan, M.D., Edward A. Keily, M.D. DERMATOLOGY. George T. Jackson, M.D., Chief of Clinic. John Cabot, M.D., Charles C. Ransom, M.D. DISEASES OF CHILDREN. Francis Huber, M.D., Chief of Clinic. Joseph Huber, M.D., Fred. S. MacHale, M.D., Louis M. Silver, M.D., Frederic E. Sondern, M.D., F. BlERHOFF, M.D. GENITO-URINARY AND VENEREAL* DISEASES, James R. Hayden, M.D., Chief of Clinic. Robert H. Greene, M.D., William C. Gilley, M.D., Edmond Y. Hill, M.D., John Van der Poel, M.D., John V. Stein, M.D. 84 OFFICERS OF INSTRUCTION, EMERITUS OFFICERS. HENRYtDRISLER, LL.D., Emeritus Professor of the Greek Language and^Literature. Rev. Cornelius R. Duffie, S.T.D., Chaplain Emeritus. Thomas M. Markoe, M.D., Emeritus Professor of Surgery. William Detmold, M.D., Emeritus Professor of Clinical and Military Surgery. T. Gaillard Thomas, M.D., Emeritus Professor of Obstetrics and Gyne- cology. John T. Metcalfe, M.D., Emeritus Professor of Clinical Medicine. Edward Curtis, M.D., Emeritus Professor of Materia Medica|and Therapeutics. John D. Quackenbos, M.D., Emeritus Professor of Rhetoric. OTHER OFFICERS. George H. Baker, A.M., Librarian. George R. Van De Water, D.D., Chaplain. Charles Alexander Nelson, A.M., Deputy Librarian. GRADUATES IN ARTS. li 1758 Joshua Bloomer,* (Rev.), A.M. S.T.D. 1790. aet. 55. *i79o Isaac Ogden,* (cl). Memb. Prov. Congr. N. J. 1755, Judge Supr. Ct. Canada. Samuel Provoost,* (Rev.), A.M. A.B. St. Peter's Coll. Camb. Univ. Eng. 1765, S.T.D. Univ. Penn. 1786, Regent Iniv. N. Y. S. 1784-7, Trustee, 1787-1801, and Chairman of the Board 1795-1801, Bishop P. E. Ch. N. Y. 1787-1815. aet. 73. *i8i5 Joseph Reade,* (cl). Master in Chanc. N. J. Rudolph Ritzema.* Lt.-Col. H. B. M. Army. Philip Van Cortlandt,* A.M. Samuel Verplanck,* A.M. 1763. Gov. King's Coll. 1770. aet. 81. *i82o 1759 Epenetus Townsend,* (Rev.) A.M. *i779 William Hanna,* (Rev.), A.M. 1765 and Yale 1768. 2 1760 Samuel Bayard,* A.M. Maj. H, B. M. Army. aet. 76. *i8i6 Anthony Hoffman,* A.M. Regent Univ. N. Y. S. 1784-87. Philip Livingston,* A.M. Memb. N. Y. Prov. Congr., Trustee 1797-1806. aet. 64. *i8o8 John Marston,* A.M. Robert Watts,* A.M. Isaac Wilkins,* (Rev.), A.M. 1763, S.T.D. 1811 Memb. of the Gen. Assemb, of N. Y. 1772-75. aet. 89. 1830 6 I761 Henry Holland,* (cl), A.M. Mast, in Chanc. N. Y. Anthony Lispenard.* Pres. Elector, 1800. Henry Van Dyck,* S.T.D. Rutgers Coll. 1792. 1762 aet. 64. *i8o6 (Rev.), A.M. aet. 60, *i8o4 3 Edward Antill,* A.M. Eng. Off. Siege of Quebec, Lt.-Col. Can- adian Regt. Cont'l Inf'y 1776-81. aet. 45. *i78i Henry Cuyler,* A.M. William Cornelius George.* and Yale 1762. John Grinnell.* Capt. 3d Regt. N. Y. Cont'l Inf'y 1775-76, Alexander Leslie,* (Educ), A.M. Master Gram. Sch. King's Coll. Leonard Lispenard.* Del. Prov. Congr. N. Y. 1775, Regent Univ. N. Y. S. 1784-87, Trustee 1787-90. aet. 47. *i79o William Benjamin Nicoll Mave- rick.* Daniel Robert,* (cl). H. B. M. Aity.-Gen. for St. Christo- pher's. 1763 Barent Cuyler,* A.M. Abraham De Peyster,* A.M. Capt. H. B. M. A., Treas. Colony of aet. 55. 8 H. B. M. New Bruns. '1798 1764 Richard Harison,* (cl), A.M. D. C. L. Univ. Oxford, Del. to Fed. Constit. Conv. 1787, Memb. N, Y. 85 S6 GRADUATES IN ARTS. [1764-70 Assemb. 1788-89, U. S. Dist. Att. N. Y. 1789, Recorder N, Y. City 1798-99, Trustee 1788-1829, and Chairman of the Board 1823. aet. 82. *i829 John Jay,* (cl), A.M., LL.D. Harv. 1790 Brown 1794, and Univ. of Edin. 1792, Del. to Congr. 1774, 1775. Memb. Prov. Conv. N. Y. 1776, Ch.-Just. N. Y. 1777, Prest. Na- tional Congr. 1778, Min. Plenipo. to Spain 1779, U. S. Peace Commr. 1781- 83, U. S. Sec. For. Aff. 1784, Del. to Congr. 1784, Regent Univ. N. Y. S. 1784-90, Del. to Fed. Constit. Conv. 1787, Del. to N. Y. S Constit. Conv. 1788, Ch.-Just. U. S. 1789-941 ^' S. Envoy Ex. to Gt. Britain 1794, Governor N. Y. 1795-1801. aet. 84. *i829 1765 Egbert Benson,* (cl), A.M , LL.D. Union 1779 and Harv. 1808 and Dart. 1811, Memb. Prov. Conv. N. Y. 1776, Atty.-Gen. N. Y. 1777-87. Del. to Cont'l Congr. 1781-4, Regent Univ. N. Y. S. 1782-1802, Bound. Commr. bet. N. Y. and Mass. 1784 and bet. N. Y. and Conn. 1790, Rep. in Congr. 1789-92, 1813, N. Y. Assemb. 1788, Judge Supr. Ct. N. Y. 1794-1801, Ch. Judge U. S. Cite. Ct. N. Y. 1801-2, Trustee 1804-14. aei. 87. *i833 Richard Grant.* Robert R Livingston,* (cl), A.M. and N. J., LL.D , Univ. State of N. Y. 1752, Recorder N. Y. City 1773, Del. to Cont'l Congr. T-ns-ji, 1779-81, Memb. N. Y. Constit. Conv. 1777, Chanc.N.Y. i777-i8oi,U. S. Secy. For. Aff. 1781-83, Regent Univ. N. Y. S. 1784-87, Del. to Fed. Constit. Conv. 1787, U. S. Min. Plenipo. to France 1801-4. aet. 66. *i8i3 Henry Lloyd,* A.M. 1769. aet. 82. *i825 Arent Schuyler.* 5 1766 James Barclay,* A.M. Gerard Beekman,* A.M. Richard Nicholls Golden.* Ensign 42d Royal Highlanders 1767-72, Surv. of Customs, N. Y. aet. 31. *i777 Richard D'Ollier.* Edward Nicoll,* A.M. John Ray,* A.M. 1773. Henry Rutgers.* Lt. N. Y. Militia 1775, Lt. Malcolm's Regt. N. Y. Vol. Infy 1776, Memb. Assemb. N. Y. 1784, 1800-05, 1807-08, Regent Univ. N. Y. S. 1802-26, Trustee Coll. N. J. 1804-17, Pres. Elector 1808, 1816, 1820, Pres. of Electors 1816 and .1820. aet. 85.*i830 John Troup,* A.M. *i77S John Troup,* Jr., A.M. aet. 70. *i8i7 John Vardill,* (Rev.), A.M. Tutor, Prof. Nat. Law Hist, and Lang. 1773-76. *i8ii John Watts,* A.M. Memb. Assemb. N. Y. 1788-89 and Speaker of the same 1791-2-3, Judge Westchester Co. N. Y., Recorder N. Y. City. 1767 "1794. II William Laight,* A.M. aet. 53. *i8o4 Peter Van Schaack,* 1768, (cl), A.M. 1773, LL.D. 1826, Commr. for Re- vising Colonial Statutes N. Y. 1773. aet. 85. *i832 1768 Charles Doughty,* A.M., M.B. 1772, Off. in British Regt. Loyal Vols, in N. Y. James Ludlow,* A.M. Benjamin Moore,* (Rev.), A.M. S.T.D. 1789, President /r(3 tetn. 1775-76, Prof. Rhet. and Logic 1784-87, Regent Univ. N. Y. S. 1787-1802, President 1801-11, Trustee 1802-13, Bishop P. E. Ch. N. Y. 1801-16. aet. 68. *i8i6 Gouverneur Morris,* (cl), A.M. Memb. Prov. Conv. N. Y. 1775, Del. to Cont'l Congr. 1777, Asst. Supt. Finance 1781-85, Del. to Fed. Constit. Conv. 1787, U. S. Special Commr. to Eng. i789r-92, U. S. Min. to France 1792-94, U. S. Sen. 1800-3, Trustee, 1805-16, Canal Commis- sioner of N. Y. 1810-T5. aet. 65. *i8i6 John Stevens,* (Eng.), A.M. aet. 89. *i838 Gulian Verplanck.* Memb. 1788-91, 1796-97 and Speaker House Assemb. N. Y. 1790, 1796-97, Re- gent Univ. N. Y. S. 1790-99, Pres. Bk. of N. Y. 1791-99. aet. 48. *i799 6 1769 Caleb Cooper,* A.M. Coll. N. J. 1771. 1770 James Creighton,* A.M. John Doughty.* Capt.-Lieut. N. J. East. Co. Cont'l Art'y 1776, Capt. 2d Regt. Cont'l Corps Art'y 1777 and Bvt.-Maj. 1783, Maj. U. S. Battl. Art'y 1786, Lt.-Col. 2d Regt. U. S. I770-75] GRADUATES IN ARTS. 87 Art'y and Eng. 1798-1800, Brig.-Gen. N. J. Militia, Memb. N. J. Leg., Judge Morris Co. N. J. aet. 72. *i826 Jonathan Graham,* and Yale 1770. Richard Harris,* A.M. *i78o William Hubbard,* A.M. Memb. Prov. Assemb., Ch.-Just. Ct. Com. Pleas and Judge Ct. Claims Nova Scotia. *i8i3 Stephen Lush,* A.M. Capt. N. Y. Vols. 1776, Actg. Judge Adv. Contl. Army 1777, N. Y. Assemb. 1792-93, 1803-06, N. Y. Sen. 1801-02. John Rutgers Marshall,* (Rev.), , A.M. Philip Pell,* A.M. Lieut. N. Y. Vols. 1776, Depy. Judge Adv. Contl. Army 1777, N. Y. Assemb. 1779-81, 1784-86, Judge Adv. Gen. U. S. A. 1781-83, Regent Univ. N. Y. S. 1784-87, Surrogate Westchester Co. 1787-1800. aet. 51. *i8o3 8 177I Ichabod Best Barnet,* A.M. Clement Cooke Clarke,* A.M. John Copp,* (Educ), A.M. ist Lieut, ist Regt. N. Y. Contl. Infy. 1775, Capt. Nicholson's Contl. Regt. at Quebec 1776, Capt. ist Regt. N. Y. Contl. Infy. 1776-79. Henry De Wint,* A.M. Thomas Knox,* John Searle,* A.M. 6 1772 Thomas Barclay.* Maj. H. B. M. Army 1777, Speaker As- sembly Nova Scotia, Adj. Gen. Nova Scotia, British Commr. under "Jay's Treaty " and under Treaty of Ghent. aet. 77. ♦1830. John Bowden,* (Rev.), A.M. S. T. D. 1796, Prof. Mor. Phil. Bell. Lett, and Logic 1801-17. aet. 66. *i8i7 John King.* Nicholas Ogden.* aet. 58. *i8i2 Peter Roebuck,* A.M. Andrew Skeene.* Subaltern H. B. M. 6th Dragoons and Capt. 9th Dragoons. aet. 73. *i826 6 1773 Cornelius Bogert.* Lt. N. Y. Ind. Forces 1776. Frederick Philipse.* Capt. Dragoons, British Army. Nathaniel Philipse.* Ensign H. B. M. Army. Beverley Robinson.* Lt.-Col. H. B. M. Army. aet. 78. *i832 H^^s aet. 21. * 1777 aet. 65. *i8i6 Thomas Shreve,* (Rev.). aet. 64. *i8i6 5 aet. 68. *i8i4 1774 Isaac Abrahams.* Robert Nicholls Auchmuty.* William Chandler.* Capt. H. B. M, Army. aet. 28. Edward Dunscomb * Lieut, ist Regt. N. Y. Militia Vol. Infy. 1775-6, Lt. 4th Regt. N. Y. Militia Vol. Infy. 1775-6, Lt. 4th Regt. N. Y. Contl. Infy. 1776 and Capt.-Lieut. 1778 and Capt. 1 780-1, Trustee 1795-1814, Sheriff N. Y. City 1810-11. Nicholas Heyliger.* John Jauncey.* Henry Nicoll.* George Ogilvie,* (Rev.), A.M. Col. N. J. 1788. John Rapelje.* Benjamin Seaman.* Edward Stevens,* M.D. elsewhere. Special Commr. to San Dom- ingo 1793, Prof. Pract. of Med. 1794-5. Robert Troup,* (cl), LL.D. elsewhere, 2d Lt. ist Regt. N. Y. Militia Vol. Infy. 1775 Capt.-Lieut. 2d Regt. Contl. Corps Art'y 1777, Maj. and Aide to Maj. -Gen. Gates 1777, Lt.-Col. and Depy. Muster Master-Gen. 1777, Secy, to Board of War 1778-79, Judge U. S. Dist. Ct. N. Y. 1796, Trustee 1811-17. aet. 75. 1775 William Amory.* Richard Auchmuty.* Surgeon H. B. M. Army. Samuel Auchmuty,* G. C. B. Adj.-Gen. sad Regt. H. B. M. Army, Gov. of Isle of Thanet 1802, Brig.-Gen. Comm. British Forces at Capture of Montevideo 1806, Maj.-Gen. Comm. at- ♦1813 ♦1784 '1797 ♦1832 12 "1782 88 GRADUATES IN ARTS, [1775-87 Madras, Lt.-Gen. in command at capture of Java, Gen. Comm. the Forces in Ire- land in 1822. aet. 64. *i822 William Cock,* A.M., 1790. Joseph Griswold.* John William Livingston.* Lt. "N. Y. Independ. Forces" 1776. aet. 83. *i829 Jacobus Remsen.* 1776 Samuel Bayard.* James Devereux.* Peter Kissam.* Matthias Nicholl,* (m.) *i827 Peter Ogden.* Marinus Willett.* On the 6th of April, 1776, the College buildings were taken for military purposes. The College did not fully resume its func- tions till the close of the war, and no de- grees were conferred till 1786. The follow- ing candidates had been admitted, but did not complete their course on account of the disturbed state of public affairs : In 1774 1 Thomas Atwood.* John Brickell.* David Clarkson.* Samuel Deall.* James De Peyster.* Lt. and Capt. H. B. M. Army. aet. 36. *i793 John Gaine.* aet. 26. *i787 Alexander Hamilton,* A.M. 1788 and Harv. 1792, LL.D. Dart. 1790 and N. Jers. 1791 and Harv. 1792 and Rutgers 1792, Capt.^ U. S. A. 1776, Lt.-Col. Stan of Washington 1777, Memb, Congr. 1782, Regent Univ. N. Y. S. 1^84-87, N. Y. Leg. 1786. Del. to U. S. Constit. Conven. 1787, Secy. Treasury U. S. 1789-95, Maj.-Gen. U. S. A. 1798, Trustee 1787, 1804. aet. 47. *i8o4 Tristrim Lowther.* Schuyler Lupton.* Edward Cornwallis Moncrieff.* Daniel Moore.* Paul Randall.* Nicholas Romeyn.* Jacob Shaw.* Horatio Smith.* James Stiles.* John Whitaker.* In 1775 t Edward Kerin.* Benjamin Kissam,* M.D. elsewhere. Prof. Instit. of Med. 1785-92, Trustee 1787-1803. aet. 44. *i8o3 Thomas Groesbeck Lynch.* Thomas Lambert Moore,* (Rev.), A.M. 1790. *i799 Jacob Morris.* A. D. C. to Gen. Greene, Memb. N. Y. Senate and Assembly. Augustus Nicoll.* Marinus Oudenaarde.* Peter Oudenaarde.* In 1777 t James Delancy Walton.* Admiral H. B. M. Navy. aet. 73. *i834 William Walton.* aet. 47.^*1806 1786 John Bassett,* and Yale 1786, (Rev.), A.M., S. T. D. Williams 1804, Prof. Hebrew Rutgers Coll. N. J. 1797-1815, Trustee, 1788-1824. aet. 60. *i824 De Witt Clinton,* (cl), A.M., LL.D. 1826, Rutgers Coll. 1812 and Ohio Univ. 1825, N. Y. Assemb. 1797, N. Y. Sen. 1798-1802, 1805-1811, Memb. Constit. Conv. N. Y. 1801, U. S. Sen. 1802-4, Mayor N. Y. City 1803-7, 1809-10, 1811-15, Regent Univ. N. Y. S. 1808-25, Lt.-Gov. 1811-13, N.Y. Canal Commr. 1816-24, Gov. N. Y. 1817-21, 1825-28. aet. 59. *i828 Abraham Hun,* A.M. George Livingston.* Philip H. Livingston,* A.M. aet. 62. *i83i Samuel Smith, Jr.,* A.M. Peter Steddiford,* (Rev.), A.M. " Trustee Rutgers Coll. N. J. 1788-1826. *i826 Francis Sylvester,* (cl), A.M. 8 1787 Samuel Boyd,* (cl). Trustee 1826-35. Nicholas Fonda.* 1787-91] GRADUATES IN ARTS. 89 John C. Ludlow,* (cl), A.M. 1793. Henry Cruger Van Schaack.* aet. 28. *i797 John W. Yates,* (b). 5 1788 James Cochran,* (cl), A.M. Repr. in Congr. 1797-99, Regent Univ. N. Y. S. 1796-1820, N. Y. Senate 1814-18. *i848 John Eccles,* (f). William Hurst,* 1789. Peter Schuyler Livingston,* and Yale, and IJ. Jers. 1788, and Harv, 1790, A.M. aet. 35. *i8o7 Brandt Schuyler Lupton,* (Rev.V *I790 Daniel Crommelin Verplanck.* (cl), a.m. 1788, J[udge Dutchess Co. N. Y. 1828-30, Repr. in Congr. 1803-og. aet. 79. *i844 6 ' 1789 John T. Bainbridge.* James Chatham Duane,* (cl). Trustee Union Coll. 1805 43. *i843 Henry Izard.* William Lupton, Jr.* *i853 John Mitchell Mason,* (Rev.). A.M. N. Jers, 1794, S.T.D. Univ. Penn. 1804, Trustee 1795-1821, Provost 1811-16, Prest. Dickin. Coll. Penn. 1821-24. aet. 60. ♦1829 Matthew Mesier.* Memb. N. Y. Assembly 1820. Peter Mesier,* (cl). John Remsen,* (cl). John Peter Van Ness,* A.M. 184s, Repr. in Congr. 1801-3, Mayor City of Washington 1830-34. aet. 76. *i846 9 1790 David Schuyler Bogart,* and N. Jers. 1791, (Rev.). aet. 69. *i839 Marmaduke Earle,* (Rev.). aet. 63. *i832 Jonathan Freeman,* (Rev.), A.M. 1800 and N. Jers. 1809. *i822 George Graham.* Capt. U. S. A. 1812, Chief Clerk U. S. War Dept. :i8i3-i5 and Actg. Secy. 1815- 17, Commr. U. S. Land Office 1823-30. aet. 56. *i83o John Graham * Member Kenty Leg., Secy. Territory of Orleans, Secy. Am. Legation to Spain, Chief Clerk U. S. State Dept. 1801-09, U. S. Min. to Portugal 1817-20. aet. 46. *i82o Frederick Halsey.* Samuel Jones, Jr.,* 1793 and Yale 1790, (cl), LL.D. 1826 and Union 1841, Memb. N. Y. Assemb, 1812- 14, Recorder N. Y. City 1823, Chancellor N. Y. S. 1826-28, Ch.-Just. Supr. Ct. N. Y. 1828-47, Justice Supreme Ct. N. Y. 1847-49. aet. 83. ♦iSsa 7 I79I Peter Anderson,* A.M. 1795, M.D. 1795. Anthony Bleecker,* (cl), A.M. 1797, Examiner in Chancery. aet. 57. *i827 William Bleecker,* (cl). William Temple Broome,* A.M. 1797. Walter L. Cochran.* Pierre Edward Fleming,* A.M. 1797. William Hendell, Jr.,* (Rev.). S.T.D. 1828. Cave Jones,* (Rev.), A.M. S.T.D. elsewhere, Princ. U. S. Naval Sem'y B'klyn, N. Y., Chaplain U. S. Navy. aet. 59. *i829 Isaac Knevils.* John Knevils.* Lancaster Lupton.* ♦1803 John W. Mulligan,* (cl), A.M. 1834, Surrogate N. Y. City 1810, Clerk N. Y. Co. 1813-15, U. S. Consul at Athens, Greece, 1848. aet. 90. ♦1864 Charles Ludlow Ogden,* (m). aet. 51. *i826 Thomas Ludlow Ogden,* (cl). Trustee 1817-44. act. 71. *i844 Daniel Paris,* (cl). N. Y. Sen. 1810-13. George Rapelje,* (cl). aet. 64. *i835 Frederic Van Horne,*(Rev.),A.M. 1795. William Beekman Verplanck.* Memb, N. Y. Assembly 1796-98, Co. Judge Orange Co. N. Y. 1807-23. Nathan Herrick White.*(cL\A.M. 1795- m 90 G/^A DUATES IN AR TS. [1791-94 Jesse Woodhull, Jr.* aet. 44. *i8is James Woods,* (cl), A.M. 1804. 21 1792 Gerard Beekman.* Cornelius Brower,* (Rev.). aet. 75. *i845 Alexander Hosack,* M.D. 1797. John Barent Johnson,* (Rev.). aet. 34. *i8o4 James Witter Nicholson.* ♦1851 John L. Norton.* Jotham Post, Jr.,* A.M., M.D. 1793, Memb. N. Y. Assemb. 1795, 1805-8, Repr. in Congr. 1813-15. aet. 46. *i8i7 Alexander Proudfit,* (Rev.), A.M. Union 1792, S.T.D. Middleb. Coll. 181 1 and Williams Coll. 1812, Trustee Union 1798-1844. aet. 75. *i844 Jacob Sickles,* (Rev.), A.M. Union CoU. 1797, S.T.D. Rutgers Coll. 1832. aet. 73. *i845 Samuel Smith,* (Rev.), A.M. Union Coll. 1797, Trustee Union Coll. 1795-1800. George Taylor,* (m). William Taylor,* (m). 12 1793 John Brower.* George Clinton, Jr.* (cl). Del. Const. Conv. 1801, Memb. N. Y. As- sembly 1804-05, Repr. in Congr. 1805-09. William Cutting,* (cl). Sheriff N. Y. City 1807-8. aet. 46. *i82o Cornelius Decker, Jr.,* (m). George I. Eacker,*(cL),A,M. 1797. Samuel Gilford, Jr.,* (m). Charles D. Goold,* (m), A.M. 1797. Robert Heaton, Jr.,* A.M. 1797, U. S. A. John I. Johnson.* Edward William Laight,* (cl). Memb. N. Y. Assemb. 1816, Trustee 1816-51 and Chairman 1849-50. Henry William Ludlow, (f). Henry Masterson,* (cl). Philip Milledoler,* (Rev.), A.M. 1797, S.T.D. Univ. Penn., Prof. Mor. Phil. 1825-41 and Prest. Rutgers Coll. 1825-40, Trustee Rutger's Coll. 1815-40. aet. 77. *i852 John NichoU,* A.M. 1797. Robert B. Norton,* (cl). Abraham Ogden,* (m). act. 7a. James Parker,* (m). Memb. N. J. Leg., Boundary Commr. N. '1846 of the Constit. Con. N. J., 1844. aet. 92. *i868 Jonathan Pearsee, Jr.,* (cl). Valentine H. Peters,* (m). John S. Schermerhorn,* (m). Gilbert Smith,* M.D. elsewhere. Thomas R. Smith,* (m). James S. Stringham,* A.M. 1797, M.D. Univ. Edinb. 1799, Prof. Chem. 1802-13, Prof. Med. Juris, Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1813-17. aet. 42. *i8i7 Thomas Thompson.* Cornelius Augustus Van Home,* (M). Elias Brevoort Woodward,* (cl). Judge N. W. Territory. 26 1794 William Cocks.* John E. Fisher,* (m). John Forbes.* Libr. N. Y. Soc. Lib. 1794-1824, Commr. for improving and laying out city of N. Y. 1808-24. ^^^- 53- *i824 Levi P. Graham,* (cl). Montgomery Hunt.* Pres. Elector 1816. aet. 60. *i837 Jacob Jones Janeway, (Rev.), A.M. S.T.D. elsewhere, V.-Prest. Rutgers Coll. 1833-39, Trustee Rutgers Coll., Trustee Coll. N. J., Director Princeton Theol. Sem. aet. 84. *i858 Peter Augustus Jay,* (cl), A.M., and Yale 1798, LL.D. 1835 and Harv. 1831, Trustee 1812-17 and 1823-43 and Chairman 1832, Memb. N. Y. Assemb. 1816, Recorder N. Y. City 1819-20, Memb. N. Y. Constit. Conv., Prest. N. Y. Hist. Soc. aet. 67. *i843 Cyrus King,* (cl). Repr. in Congr. 1813-17. aet. 43. *i8i7 Leffert Lefferts, Jr.,* (cl). County Clerk Kings Co. N. Y. 1800-5, Commr. in Chancery 1805-23, Judge Ct. Com. Pleas Kings Co. N. Y. 1823-31. aet. 73. *i847 Jacob Ogden Mackie,* (m). Samuel B. Malcolm,* (cl). Gilbert Milligan,* M.D. elsewhere. 1794-97] GRADUATES IN ARTS. 91 I John B. Stringham,* M.D. elsewhere. Peter Gerard Stuyvesant,* (cl). Prest. N. Y. Hist, Soc. aet. 69. *i847 Thomas Ustick,* (cl) 15 1795 George Barculoo,* (Rev.). w aet. 57, *i832 ^ Philip Duryee,* (Rev.), S.T.D. Rutgers Coll. 1834, Trustee Rutgers Coll. N. J. 1840-50. *i8so , Bernard Elliott.* John J. Faesch.* John Ferguson,* (cl). Mayor N. Y. City 1815, U. S. Naval Off. N. v., Trustee 1830-32. *i832 Thomas Herring,* (m), A.M. James Inglis,* (Rev.), S.T.D. Coll. N. J. 1811. aet. 43. ♦iSao Nicholas Jones,* (Rev.). Adolph C. Lent,* A.M., M.D. 1798. John Blair Linn,* (Rev.), A.M., and Union Coll. 1797, S.T.D. Univ. Penn. aet 27. *i8o4 Silvanus Miller,* (cl). N. Y. Assemb. 1808, Surrogate N. Y. City 1801-7, 1808-10, 1811-21, Examiner in Chanc. *i86i John H. Meier,* (Rev.), A.M. 1804. aet. 32. *i8o6 John Morrison.* Alexander Phoenix,* (Rev.). aet. 86. ♦1863 Sidney Phoenix.* aet. 24. *i8o4 Thomas Phoenix,* (cl). Dist. Atty. N. Y. City 1835-38. Robert Remsen.* John Brodhead Romeyn,* (Rev.), A.M. Union 1797, S.T.D. N. J. 1809, Trustee 1809-25 and Clerk 1811-15, Trus- tee Coll. N. J. 1809-25. aet. 48. *i825 William Ross,* (cl). speaker N. J. Assemb. Henry Sands, (cl),* A.M. Benjamin Seaman,* (cl>. James Bovvdoine Temple.*f Capt. H.B.M. Army. aet. 66. *i842 Daniel D. Tompkins,* (cl). N. Y. Assemb. i8oi, Memb. N. Y. Constit. Conv. 1801, Repr. in Congr. t Known subsequently as James Bowdoine. 1805-7, Just. Supr. Ct. N. Y. 1804, Gov. N. Y. 1807-17, V.-Pres. U. S. 1817-25, Pres. Constit. Con. N. Y. 1821. aet. 51. *i825 Pierre Cortlandt Van Wyck,* (cl). Dist. Atty. N. Y. City 1817-19, Rec. N. Y. City 1806, 1808-9, 181 1-12. Effingham Warner,* (Rev.). aet. 21. *i796 Rensselaer Westerlo,* (cl). Repr. in Cong. 1817-19. aet. 78. *i85i 26 1796 David Barclay.* Henry Cruger, Jr.* Philip Fisher.* Andrew S. Garr,* (cl). ♦1859 David S. Jones,* (cl), LL.D. Secy. Bd. of Regents Univ. of N. Y. 1797-98, AUeg. Coll. Penn., Corporation Counsel N. Y. City 1813-16, Trustee 1820-48, Trustee Gen. Theol. Sem. P. E. Ch. 1822-48, Judge Queens Co. N. Y. 1840-41. aet. 71. *i848 Edward P. Livingston,* (cl). N. Y. Sen. 1809-12, 1823-24, Lt.-Gov. N. Y. 1831-33, Regent Univ. N. Y. S. 1827-31, Pres. Elector 1820 and 1832, Pres. Board 1832. aet. 64. *i843 Samuel Nicholson.* Gouverneur Ogden.* aet. 71. *i85i William Rattoone.* Josiah Shippey, Jr.,* (m). Charles Taylor,* (m). William Turk,* M.D. elsewhere, U. S. N. Lawrence Van Buskirk.* Adrian C. Van Slyck.* John Watts.* 15 1797 William Bard,* (br). Trustee 1840-53. aet. 76. *i853 Robert Boyd, (cl). Archibald Bruce,* M.D. Edinburgh 1800, Prof. Mineralogy Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1807-8, Trustee Coll. Phys. and Surg. 1807-11, Prof. Mat. Med. and Mineral. Queen's Coll. N. J. 1812-18. aet. 41. *i8i8 George William Clinton.* Repr. in Congr. 1804-9. Henry C. Kunze.* 92 GRADUATES IN ARTS. [1797-180O Abraham R. Lawrence,* (m). U. S, Appraiser Pt. of N. Y. 1818-22. William Le Conte.* Isaac A. Van Hook,* (Rev.), A.M. 1803. William Peter Van Ness,* (cl). Del. Const. Conv. 1801, Judge U. S. Dist. Ct. S. Dist. N. Y. 1812-26. aet. 48. *i826 9 1798 Joseph Bainbridge.* Thomas Bay.* George Brinckerhoff,* (cl), A.M. Jacob V. Brower,* A.M., M.D. 1802. Rudolph Bunner,* (cl). Repr. in Congr. 1827-29. aet. 58. *i837 David Codwise,* (cl), LL.D. Lafay. Coll. Penn. 1855, Mast, in Chanc. ♦1864 George Davis,* A.M. Charles Graham,* (cl). *i838 John Treat Irving,* (cl). N. Y. Assemb. 1816-17, 1819-20, Trustee 1818-38, First Judge Ct. Common Pleas N. Y. 1817-38. aet. 60. *i838 Philip L Jones.* William B. Keese,* (cl). Washington McKnight,* (Rev.), A.M. 1804. Clement Clarke Moore,* A.M., LL.D. 1829, Trustee 1813-57 and Clerk 1815-50, Prof. Hebrew and Greek Lit, Gen. Theol. Sem. P. E. Ch. N. Y. 1821-50 and Prof. Emeritus 1860-63. aet, 84. *i863 Samuel Moore,* M.D. elsewhere. William Ogden,* (m). William Rhinelander,* (m), A.M. 1804. Lewis Sands.* James Walsh.* 18 1799 John Christie,* (Rev.). aet. 64. *i845 Peter Ditmarse Froeligh,* (Rev.). aet. 45. *i827 Lewis LeConte.* aet. 56. *i838 James Livingston.* James Lynch,* (cl). Just. Mar.'Ct. N. Y. City. Thomas Thornton Mackaness,* A.M. *i8os James R. Manley,* A.M , M.D. 1803, Pres. N. Y. S. Med. Soc. 1825-26. aet. 69. *i85i Alexander Murray.* Philip Frederick Mayer,* (Rev.). S.T.D. 1837 and Univ. Penn. 1823. aet. 76. *i857 Stephen Price.* Samuel Riker, Jr.,* (cl) aet. 32. *i8n Jacob Schoonmaker,* (Rev.), A.M. S.T.D. Dickin. Coll. Penn. 1831. aet. 75. *i8s2 Arthur J. Stansbury,* (cl). aet. 64. *i845 Peter I. Van Pelt,* (Rev.), A.M. 1803, S.T.D. Rutgers Coll. 1834. aet. 83. *i86i Abraham Varick, Jr.,* (cl). ♦1835 John Vredenburgh Varick,* (m). Arthur M. Walter,* A.M. David Wright.* 18 1800 John J. De Peyster.* aet. 47. *i828 Samuel Halstead,* (m). Philip Hamilton.* aet. 20. *i8oi Samuel Harris,* (cl). John Henry.* John Huyler,* A.M. Robert Swift Livingston,* (cl). *i867 John McKinnon,* A.M. Nicholas J. Quackenbos,* M.D. 1802, A.M. *i847 Thomas W. Rathbone.* Sampson Simson,* (cl). Charles Floyd Thomas.* aet. 24. *i8o2 Matthew Tillary,* M.D elsewhere. John Y. Ward.* George Wilson,* (cl), A.M. Peter Wilson,* (cl), A.M. 16 I 801-1804] GRADUATES IN ARTS. 93 1801 John Anthon,* (cl), LL.D. 1861. aet. 79. *i863 Robert Benson, Jr./ (m). aet. 87. *i872 Abraham L. Blauvelt,* Samuel Bogart* Thomas Bolton,* (cl). Mast, in Chanc. John Furman.* John Gosman,* (Rev.), S.T.D. Rutgers Coll. 1833. *iS65 John Nitchie,* (cl), A.M. Rutgers Coll. 1813, Col. U. S. A. 1814. *i838 Lewis Morris Ogden.* Henry Schenck.* Henry H. Schieffelin,* (m). aet. 83. *i86s Gabriel Tichenor.* Gillian Crommelin Verplanck,* A.M. 182T, LL.D. 1835 and Amh. 1834 and Hob. 1835, N. Y. Assemb. 1820-23, Frof. Ev. Christian. Gen. Theol. Sem. P. E. Ch. 1821-24, Repr. in Cong, 1825-33, N. Y. Sen. 1838-41, Trustee 1821-26, Regent Univ. N. Y. S. 1826-70, and Vice-Chan- cellor of same 1858-70, Pres. Commr. Emigr. N. Y. 1846-70. aet. 84. *i87o Samuel Armstrong Walsh,* M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1811. Gabriel Winter,* (cl). 1802 ♦1862 15 Alexander M. Beebe.* John Player Crosby,* and Yale 1802 and N. Jers. 1802. *i8o6 John Delafield,* (m). Pres. N. Y. State Agrl. Soc. aet. 67. *i853 William Gardner.* George W. Gosman.* Francis Ludlow Harison,* (cl). aet. 66. *i85o James Jones.* Henry Laight,* (cl). Leffert Lefferts,* (cl). Judge Kings Co. N. Y. Robert Macomb,* (cl), A.M. *i830 John W. Macomb.* Nathaniel F. Moore,* A.M., LL.D. 182s, Adj. Prof. Greek and Lat. Lang. 1817-20 and Prof. 1820-35, Librarian 1837-9, President 1842-9, Trustee 1842-51.. aet. 90. *i872 Archibald McVickar,* (cl). James McVickar,* (m). ♦1836 Isaac Ogden,* (m). aet. 83. *i867 William Ogilvie.* Henry Bate Priest* Billopp B. Seaman.* James Tillary,* M.D. elsewhere. Hubert Van Wagenen.* aet. 67. *i852 20 1803 George H. Atkinson.* John Bay.* John Bowne.* Thomas Crolius.* Augustus Fleming,* Edward R. Jones,* (m). Trustee 1831-38. Gouverneur Kemble,* (m). Repr. in Congr. 1837-41, Memb. N. Y. S. Constit. Conven. 1846. aet. 90, *i875 Peter Kemble.* U. S. Consul Cadiz, Spain. Edward Kemeys.* John L. Lawrence,* (cl). N. Y. Assemb, 1816-17, Memb, Constit. Conv. N. Y, 1821, N, Y. Sen. 1848-50, Trustee 1830-49, Treasurer 18^3-49, Pres. Elector 1840, Compt. N, Y, City 1849, *i849 John Le Conte,* M.D. elsewhere. George C. Quackenbos,* M.D. elsewnere. *i858 William Remsen,* (cl). Henry F. Rogers,* (m). Alpheus Sherman,* (cl). N. Y. Assemb. 1826-29, N. Y. Sen. 1830- 34- John Cox Stevens.* Samuel W. Thomson.* Robert Watts.* aet. 72. *i866 4857 1804 Samuel Akerly,* A.M. M.D, elsewhere, aet, 60. John W. Barnum.* William D. Blackwell,* (cl).. 18 t84S ■ 94 GRADUATES IN ARTS. [1804- 1 806 George Bryar.* Elisha Camp,* (cl). Capt. U. S. V. 1812, Co. Judge Jefferson Co. N. Y. 1813-15, Assist. U. S. Dist. Atty. N. Dist. N. Y. *i866 Cornelius T. Demarest,* (Rev.) A.M. 1813. *i862 Jeremiah I. Drake,* A.M. William Edgar.* aet. 37. *i823 William Gracie,* and N. Jars. 1804. John T. B. Graham.* Henry B. Hagerman.* Alexander Hamilton,* Col. N. Y. M. 1812, Capt. U. S, A. 1813, U. S. Consul at Havana, U. S. Boundary Commr., U. S. Dist. Atty. Florida. aet. 89. *i875 Richard Nichols Harison.* aet. 59. *i846 James D. Livingston.* William L. Lytton,* A.M., M.D. 1807. Thomas McGahagan,* 1805. John McVickar,* (Rev.), A.M. 1818, S.T.D. 1825, Prof. Moral and Int. Phil. Rhetoric Belle-Let, and Pol. Econ. 1817-57, Prof. Ev. Nat. and Rev. Relig. 1857-64 and Emeritus 1864-68. aet. 82. *i868 Edward Manley.* John Mitchell.* Joseph Nelson,* A.M. 1808, LL.D. Rutgers Coll. N. J. 1825, Prof. Languages Rutgers Coll. 1826-29. ^c'- 47' *i83o William M. Price.* U. S. Dist. Atty. So. Dist. N. Y. 1834-38. Philip Rhinelander.* Samuel Rogers.* David Ross Ross,* A.M. Robert Seaman.* John I. Sickles,* A.M. Thomas D. Smith.* Charles Stewart.* John R. Thompson,* (Rev.), A.M. James Talcott Watson,* and Yale 1804 and N. Jers. 1804. John Watts, Jr.,* M.D. Edinburgh 1809, Prof. Pract. of Physic Rutgers Coll. N. J. 1812-26, Pres. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1826-31, Trustee 1824-31. *i83i 31 1805 Peter Allaire,* (m). James Bibby.* Leonard A. Bleecker.* William Cock.* Benjamin U. Coles.* Joab G. Cooper,* (Rev.), A.M. James L. Fine.* James Fleming.* • Alexander Gunn,* (Rev.), A.M. and N. Jers. 1805, S.T.D. AUegh. Coll. Penn. *i829 Richard Hatfield, Jr.,* N. Y. Assemb. 1812-14. James Alexander Hamilton,* (cl). LL.D. Hamilton Coll., Maj. U. S. A. 1812, U. S. Dist. Atty. South Dist. N. Y. 1829-34. aet. 90. *i878 Robert Jaques,* A.M. Thomas Lefferts.* Henry Ustick Onderdonk,*(Rev.), A.M., M.D. 1810, S.T.D. 1827 and Hobart Coll. 1827, Bishop P. E. Ch. Penn. 1827- 45- aet. 69. *i858 Edmund H. Pendleton,* (cl), Judge Dutchess Co. N. Y. 1830-40, Repr. in Congr. 1831-33. Abraham Purdy,* (Rev.), A.M. 1810. aet. 44. *i825 Edward Seaman.* John T. Smith.* Robert I. Watts.* 1806 John Vanderbilt Bartow,* (Rev.), A.M. George Boyd,* (Rev.), S.T.D. elsewhere. *i85o John Chrystie,* 1st Lt. U. S. A. 1808-9, Capt. 1809-11, Col. 23d Regt. U. S. A. 1813, Inspector Gen. 1813. aet. 27. *i8i3 John Peter DeWint.* aet. 84. *i87o William Ellsworth Dunscomb,* (CL). aet. 85. *i874 Gilbert Ogden Fowler,* (cl), Co. Judge Orange Co. N. Y. 1833-36, N. Y. Assemb. 1834-35. *i840 Jonathan B. Gosman,* (Rev.). James McCullen.* i8o6-i8o8] GRADUATES IN ARTS. 95 Robert B. Anseas McLeod,*(Rev.), A.M. Coll. N. J. 1818. Cornelius Miller,* (cl). Co. Judge Columbia Co. N. Y. 1815-20. *i822 David Moore,* (Rev.), S.T.D. Union Coll. 1841. *i856 Samuel W. Moore,* M.D. iSio. aet. 68. *i854 Ferris Pell,* (cl). David Quackinbush,* M.D. elsewhere. Samuel B. Romaine,* (cl), N. Y. Assemb. 1816-19, 1819-22 and Speaker 1822. Frederic Roorbach,* (cl). Cornelius Schermerhorn,* (cl), Philip Schuyler,* U. S. Consul at Liverpool, N. Y. As- semb. 1825. *i865 John Augustine Smith,* (cl). ♦1825 John L. Tillinghast,* (cl), State Librarian N. Y., Co. Judge Tioga Co. N. Y. 1818-22. 20 •1886 1807 Egbert Benson, Jr.* John L. Bronk,* (cl). Judge Greene Co. N. Y., N. Y. Assemb. 1818-19. John H. Brouwer.* William E. Burrell,* M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. i8n. George R. Copland.* aet. 17, *i8o8 Henry S. Dodge,* A.M. Robert Gosman,* John H. Hill,* (Rev.), A.M. 1845, S.T.D. elsewhere, LL.D.1868, Missionary in Greece. aet. gi. ♦1882 Philip M. Holmes,* Daniel Mack.* Peter T. Marselis,* (cl). William H. Maxwell,* (cl), A.M. 1827. Simeon Remsen.* James Renwick,* A.M., LL.D. 1829, Instructor in Nat. and Exper. Phil, and Chem. 1813, Trustee 1817-20, Prof. Nat. and Exper. Phil, and Chem. 1820-53 and Prof. Emeritus 1853-63. aet. 71. *i863 George Paxton Rogers.* Dirck B. Stockholm.* Peter V. C. Tappan.* Cornelius Van Buren.* James Van Cortlandt* Theodore V. W. Varick,* A.M. Philip Gardiner Van Wyck* 1807 Charles A. Williamson.* 1808 aet. 84. *i87o 22 William Atkinson,* (m). William Berrian,* (Rev.), S.T.D. 1828, Trustee Hobart Coll. N. Y. 1848-62, Rector Trinity Parish N. Y. City 1830-62, Trustee Col. Coll. 1832-62. aet. 75. *i862 Lionel Brown.* Timothy Clowes,* A.M. Union Coll. 1814, LL.D. elsewhere, Prest. Wash. Coll. Md. 1823-29, Prest. Clinton Lib. Instit., now Madison Univ. N. Y. 1838-42. aet. 60. *i847 Henry M. Francis,* A.M. M.D. Brown Univ. 1822. James Inderwick,* M.D. elsewhere, U. S. N. Robert McCartee,* (Rev.), A.M., S.T.D. 1831. aet. 74. *i865 John McKnight,* (Rev.). Hugh Maxwell,* (cl), A.M. 1816, Asst. Judge Advocate-Gen'l U. S. A. 1814, Dist. Atty. i2th Dist. of N. Y. i8i6-i8, Dist. Atty. N. Y. City 1819-29, U. S. Collector of Port of N. Y. 1849-53. aet. 86. *i873 Frederick Muzzy,* (cl). John W. Phillips,* (educ). Edward Post,* M.D. Edinburgh. William C. Rhinelander.* Henry Howard Ross,* (cl), A.M. Univ. Vt. 1813, Adj.-Gen'l U. S. Vols. 1814, Repr. in Congr. 1825-27, Memb. and Prest. N. Y. Electoral Coll. 1848, Judge Essex Co. N. Y. 1847-48. aet. 72. *i862 Gilbert Hunt Sayres,* (Rev.), A.M. Union Coll. 1814, S.T.D. 1863. aet. 80. *i867 James Alexander Stevens.* aet. 84. *i873 William Stuart,* (m). Daniel Van Mater.* Henry Vethake,* A.M. and Coll. N. J., LL.D. 1836, Instr. in Math, and Geog. 1813, Prof. Math, and 96 GRADUATES IN ARTS. [I 808-10 Nat. Phil. Queen's Coll. N. J. 1813-17 and in Coll, N. J. 1817-21 and in Dickin- son Coll. 1821-29 and in Univ. N. Y. City 1832-35, Prest. Wash. Coll. Va. 1835-36, Prof. Maths. Univ. Penn. 1836-54 and Provost and Prof. Moral and Int. Phil. Univ. Penn. 1854-59, Prof. Higher Mathe- matics Phila. Polytechnic Coll. 1859-66. aet. 75. *i866 Peter Dumont Vroom, Jr.* (cl), A.M. 1812, LL.D. 1837 and N. J. 1850, Trustee Rutgers Coll. N. J. 1822-73, N. Jers. Legis. 1826-29, Gov. and Chancellor N. Jers. 1829-36, Repr. in Congr. 1838- 40, Memb. N. Jers. State Constit. Conven. 1844, U. S. Envoy Ex. and Min. Plen. to Prussia 1853-57. aet. 82. *i873 Henry Watts.* John Watts, Jr.* 22 1809 Thomas S. Aspinwall.* aet. 21. *i8i3 Samuel Berrian.* *i8i8 Edward Newenham Bibby,* M.D. Royal Coll. Phys. and Surg. Lond., Eng., 1814. aet. 92. *i882 John Brady,* (Rev.), A.M. John Cadle,* A.M., M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1822, Surg. U. S. Navy. Gerrit Conrey.* Edward Copland,* Judge Municipal Ct. Brooklyn N. Y. 1839-40, County Clerk Kings Co. N. Y. 1844, 1847-48, Mayor Brooklyn 1849-50. aet. 68. *i859 Cornelius Roosevelt Duffie,* (Rev.), A.M. 1813. aet. 34. +1827 Thomas Duggan.* John Fine,* (cl), A.M., LL.D. Hamilt. Coll. 1850, Treas'r St. Lawrence Co. N. Y. 1821-33 and County Judge 1824-39, 1844-47, Repr. in Congr. 1839-41, N. Y. Sen. 1848-50. aet. 74. *i867. Alexander Fleming.* act. 77. *i867 Alfred C. Floyd.* John Wakefield Francis,* A.M., M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1809, LL.D. i860 and Trin. Coll. 1850, Prof. Mat. Med. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1813-16 and Prof. Obstet. 1820-26, Trustee Coll. Phys. and Surg. 1814-26, Prof. Obstet. and Med. Jurisp. Rut, Med. Coll. N. Y. 1826-28, Prest. N. Y. Acad. Med. 1848. aet. 72. *i86i James N. Gifford,* (m). aet. 88. *i878 Henry Green.* John Church Hamilton,* (cl), Lt. U. S. A. 1812. aet. 89. *i882 David Murray Hoffman,* (cl), LL.D. i860 and Union 1840, Asst. Vice Chancellor 1st Circuit N. Y. City 1839- 43, Judge Sup. Ct. N. Y. 1853-62. aet. 87. *i878 Samuel Jackson,* M.D. Rutgers Med. Coll. 1812. Ravaud Kearny,* (Rev.), A.M. Jackson Kemper,* (Rev.), S.T D. 1829, LL.D. Cambridge Univ. Eng. 1868, Missy. Bishop P. E. Ch. of the North- west 1835-54, Bishop of Wisconsin 1854- 70. aet. 81. *r87o Henry McVickar,* (m). Benjamin Tredwell Onderdonk,* (Rev.), A.M. 1816, S.T.D. 1826, Trustee Hobart Coll. N. Y. 1838-53, Trustee Col. Coll. 1824-53, Prof. Eccles. Pol. Gen. Theol. Sem. P. E. Ch. N. Y. 1826, Bishop P. E. Ch. N. Y. 1830-61. aet. 70. *i86i Walter F. Osgood,* A.M. Robert J. Renwick.* James Stryker,* (cl), A.M. 1813, County Judge Erie Co. N. Y. 1837-41, Commr. to the Six Nations. aet. 72. *i864 William Turnbull.* William Edward Wyatt,* (Rev.), ■ A.M. 1816 S.T.D. elsewhere. aet, 76. *i864 27 I8IO John Agnew.* Andrew Anderson,* M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1813. aet. 94. *i87o Francis Child,* A.M. 1816. David A. Clarkson,* (m). George Codwise.* William DePeyster.* aet. 79. *i87i Israel D. Disosway,* (f). *i878 Jacob Dyckman,* A.M. M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1813, Health Commr. N. Y. 1821. aet. 34. *i822 Robert Emmet,* (cl). Just. Superior Ct. N. Y. City 1852-53, N. Y. Asserab. 1828. aet. 81. *i873 Theodosius Oliver Fowler.* ♦1873 James C. Garrison,* A.M. 1816, M.D. elsewhere, U. S. Navy. Joseph Greenleaf,* (cl). *i87i Peter F. Hunn,* (cl). I8l0-I2] GRADUATES IN ARTS. 97 Charles J. Kipp.* Horatio G. Lewis.* John McLain Macdonald,* (cl). *i863 John McGregor,* (educ). Benjamin Moore,* (m). George William Morton,* (cl). U. S. Commissioner N. Y. City. aet. 72. *i865 John Ludlow Morton,* (f). aet. 78. *i87i Ava Neal,* (Rev.), A.M. ♦1839 Waldron B. Post,* (m). ♦1874 ' John Slidell,* (cl), U. S. Dist. Atty. for La. 1829-33, U. S. Min. to Mexico 184^ and to Central America 1853, Repr. m Congr. 1843-45, U. S. Sen. 1853-61. aet. 78. 1871 Francis B. Stevens.* *i8n Richard Stevens,* M.D. elsewhere. *i8a8 James Stoughton,* (cl), A.M. ♦1819 Pascal Nelson Strong,* (Rev.), A.M. N. Jers. 1818, S.T.D, elsewhere. Trustee 1822-25. ***• 32. *i825 Jacob Townsend,* (cl). Charles Watts,* (cl). Judge Dist, Ct. New Orleans. *i85o 29 I8II Gregory Townsend Bedell,*(Rev)., A.M. 1816, S.T.D. elsewhere. aet. 41. *i834 John Brown,* (Rev.), A.M. 1815, S.T.D. elsewhere. aet. 93. *i884 John Campbell.* aet. 83. *i876 Ebenezer Close,* A.M. 18x5. John Covert, Jr.,* (Rev.). George Douglass.* Jacobus Dyckman,* (cl). Memb. N. Y. Constit. Conv. 1821. Charles G. Ferris,* A.M. 1816, Repr. in Congr. 1834-36, 1841-43, Secy. Utah Territory 1852-54. David Hosack Fraser,* A.M. 1815, M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1818, Asst. Surg. U. S. N. 1815. aet. 25. *i8i8 Richard Freeke,* (cl). James Watson Gerard,* (cl), A.M. 1816, LL.D. 1863. aet. 80. *i874 Benjamin Haight,* A.M. 1816. William Henry Harison,* (cl). LL.D. Hobart Coll. N. Y. 1856, Trustee 1838-1860. aet. 65. *i86o William Henry Hart,* (Rev), A.M. 1828. *i852 William Hogan,* Judge Franklin Co. N. Y. 1829-37, N. Y. Assemb. 1823, Repr. in Congr. 1831-33. aet. 83. *i875 Peter Van Brugh Livingston,* U. S. Minister to Ecuador, 1848-51. Thomas William Ludlow,* Trustee 1833-36. aet. 84. *i878 Jackson Odell,* (f). Maj. U. S. A. 1814. aet. 59. *i849 George B. Purdy,* M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1816. aet. 73. *i865 Charles Rapelje,* A.M. 1820. John R. Rhinelander,* M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1824, Prof. Anat. Coll. Phys. and Surg. 1834-39, and Trustee of same 1840-48. aet. 66. *i857 John B. Stevenson,* A.M. i8r6, M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1816. aet. 68. *i863 John N. Tallman,* A.M. 1815. George J. Watts.* 24 1812 Albert Amerman,* (Rev.). aet. 89. *i88i Matthias Bruen, Jr.,* (Rev.), A M. aet. 36. *i829 John A. Burtis.* William Creighton,* (Rev.). S.T.D. 1830^ elected Bishop P. E. Ch. N. Y. and declined, Prest. Gen. Con. P. E. Ch. U. S. 1853, 1856, 1859, Trustee 1828- 40. aet. 72. *i865 James Ferguson De Peyster,* Capt. U. S. A. 1814. aet, 80. *i874 Alexander Duer,* (cl). *i8i9 Richard Duryee, Jr.,* (m). Lindley Murray Hoffman,* (m). aet. 68. *i86i Ogden Hoffman,* (cl), LL.D. Harv. Coll., Midshipman U. S. Navy, 1814, Memb. N. Y. Assemb. 1826-28, Dist. Atty. N. Y. City 1829-35, Repr. in Congr. 1837-41, U. S. Dist. Atty. South Dist. N. Y. 1840-45, Atty.-Gen. N. Y. 1853-55, Trustee 1833-56. aet. 57. *i856 98 GRADUATES IN ARTS. [1812-15 Benjamin Roosevelt Kissam.* M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1819. aet. 68. *i86i Augustine N. Lawrence,* (b). Philip K. Lawrence,* A.M. 1818. Cornelius F. Low, (cl). aet, 54. *i84Q Peter Mackie, Jr.* Edward McVickar.* *i866 John W. B. Murray,* A.M. M.D. elsewhere. *i8i8 Matthew Charles Paterson,* (cl). A.M. 1819, Dist. Atty. N. Y. City 1844- 46. Jacob A. Robertson,* (m), A.M. 1818. John Smyth Rogers,* and Harv. 1827, M D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1821 and Bowd. 1825, Prof. Chem. and Nat. Sci. Trinity. Prof. Mat. Med. N. Y. Coll. of Pharmacy, Trustee Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1849-51. aet. 57. *i8si John A. Sidell,* (cl). John Swartwout.* Peter Solomon Townsend,* A.M. 1816, M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1816. aet. 54. *i849 Egerton Leigh Winthrop, M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1817. *i834 23 I813 Henry Anthon,* (Rev.), A.M., S.T.D. 1832, Trustee Hobart Coll. N. Y. 1825-36. aet. 67. *i86i William Bailey.* John Brodhead Beck, A.M. 1818 and Union 1816 and N. Jers. 1818, M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y, 1817, Prof. Mat. Med. Coll. Phys. and Surg. 1826-51, Trustee 1838-51. aet. 56. *i85i James John Bowden,* (Rev.). aet. 26. *i82o William Boyd.* George W. Bruen,* (m), A.M. Memb. N. Y. Assemb. 1839. Richard F. Cadle,* (Rev.), A.M. Thomas L. Davies.* Robert Hyslop,* (m). Vestryman Trin. Ch. N. Y. City 1834-46. William Kemble,* (m). aet. 86. *i88i Thomas C. Mitchell,* A.M. Nicholas Morris, Jr.,* A.M. Thomas C. Murray,* A.M. 1818. Nathaniel Greene Pendleton,* Aide to Gen. Gaines 1813-15, Ohio Sen. 1825-29, Repr. in Congr. 1841-3. aet. 68. *i86i Robert Ray,* (cl), A.M. 1817, Trustee 1849-79. aet. 85. *i879 Alexander H. Robertson,* A.M. Hugh Smith,* (Rev.), A.M. S.T.D. 1838, Trustee Trinity Coll. Conn. 1832-34. aet. 54. *i849 John Varick.* 18 1814 John H. Ball.* James Brooks,* (m). aet. 74. 1868 Cornelius Davis,* Prof. Maths, and Lang. Danville Ky. 1824. aet. 54, *i849 William H. Heyer.* Benjamin Hilton.* Allen Jackson,* A.M. 1821. Henry R. Judah.* James Murison Pendleton,* A.M. 1819, M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1818. aet. 33. *i832 Theophilus Russel.* George F. Talman, (cl). Corporation Counsel N. Y. City 1838-39. aet. 88. *i883 Ferdinand Vandewater.* II 1815 Charles Anthon,* LL.D. 1831, Adj.-Prof. Greek and Latin Lang. 1820-30, Jay Prof. Greek and Latin Lang. 1830-57 and Rect. Gram. School 1830-64, Jay Prof. Greek Lang, and Lit. 1857-67. aet. 70. *i867 James W. Berrian.* Archibald R. Bogardus.* Robert Gilbert Livingston De Peyster,* (m). aet. 78. *i873 Archibald Gracie, Jr.,* (m). aet. 69. *i865 William S. Heyer,* (Rev.), A.M. aet, 68. *i866 John Hone, Jr.,* (m.). aet. 33. *i829 William Ironside.* John Quentin Jones,* (cl). aet. 75. *i873 1815-17] GRADUATES IN ARTS. 99 Leonard William Kip,* (cl), A.M. 1820, and Rutgers Coll. 1827. aet, 67. *i863 Philip Mesier Lydig, (m).* aet. 77. *i872 John Lefferts Mason,* (cl). A.M., Judge Supr. Ct. N. Y, 1849-51, Trustee 1848-53. aet. 66. *i86o Francis Morton.* Frederick William Rhinelander,* (M). James John Roosevelt, Jr.,* (cl). N. Y. Assemb. 1835, 1840, Repr. in Congr, 1841-43, Judge Supr. Ct. N. Y. 1854-60, U. S. Dist. Atty. Southern Dist. N. Y. i860. aet. 79. ♦1875 Robert Charles Sands,* (au.), A.M. aet. 33. *i83a Robert Seney, (Rev.),* A.M. 1828. Henrv Hamlin Van Amringe,* (Rev.), A.M. aet. 66. *i86a James S. Watkins,* M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1817. aet. 20. ♦1817 I816 Abel T. Anderson,* (cl), A.M. ♦1862 John D. Campbell,* (cl), A.M. 1820. *i8sa Richard Codman,* (m). •1847 Frederic De Peyster, Jr.,* (cl). A.M., LL.D. 1867, Milit. Secy, to Gov. Clinton 1825-28, Master in Chancery 1820-37, Prest. N. Y. Historical Society, Hon. Fellow Royal Hist. Soc. Gt. Britain 1877-82. aet. 86. *i88a Maurice William Dwight,* (Rev.). A.M. 1820 and Union Coll. 1823, S.T.D. Rutgers Coll. 1845. aet. 64. *i86o James Wallis Eastburn,* (Rev.). A.M. aet. 22. *i8i9 Isaac Ferris,* (Rev.), A.M. S.T.D. Union 1833, LL.D. 1853, Trustee Rutgers Coll. N. J. 1822-40, Chancellor Univ. N. Y. City 1852-70 and Emeritus Chancellor 1870-73. aet. 74. *i873 John L. Ireland, Jr.,* (f). aet. 83. *i879 John Edgar Mowatt,* (m). Daniel Levi Medora Peixotto,* A.M. 1823, M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 18 19, Prof. Theory and Pract. Med. Willoughby Med. Coll. aet. 43. *i843 Samuel G. Raymond,* (cl). A.M. Memb. N. Y. Assemb. 1836. *i85o John J. Robertson,* (Rev.). S.T.D. elsewhere. *i88i James Romeyn,* (Rev.). S.T.D. 1838, elected Prof, of Rhet. Rut- gers Coll. and declined. Trustee Rutgers Coll. N. J. 1840-48. aet. 62. *i859 John M. Smith,* (Rev.), A.M. Prof, in Wesl. Univ. Conn. *i832 Samuel L. Steer,* (f). Speaker Lower House of Louisiana. Thomas Morris Strong,* (Rev.). A.M. 1820, S.T.D. elsewhere. aet. 64. *i86i Adrian Vanderveer,* A.M. M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1818. aet. 60. *i857 17 I817 John M. Cannon,* (cl). ^'835 James P. F. Clarke, (Rev.V Matthias O. Dayton,* (cl). Manton Eastburn,* (Rev.), A.M. S.T.D. 1835, Bishop P. E. Ch. Mass. 1842-72. aet. 71. ♦1872 Isaac Fisher,* (Rev.), A.M. ♦1839 Seymour P. Funk,* (Rev.), A.M. 1821. *i828 Samuel L. Gouverneur,* N. Y. Assemb. 1825, U. S. Postmr. N. Y. City 1828-36. *i86s John Grigg,* (Rev.), A.M. aet. 72, *i868 Daniel Phoenix Ingraham,* (cl), LL.D. i860 and Rutgers Coll. 1859, Just. Common Pleas N. Y. 1837-57, Judge Supreme Ct. N. Y. 1857-74. aet. 81. *i88i Benjamin Isherwood,* A.M. M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1820. ♦iSsa William Lowerre,* (cl), A.M. aet. 80. *i877 Edmund Ludlow. William Minturn.* John Neilson,* Jr., A.M. M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1821. aet. 52. *i8si Meredith Ogden,* (m). Richard Ray,* A.M. ♦1839 Edward N. Rogers,* A.M. Samuel D. Rogers,* (m). ♦1850 i3 lOO GRADUATES IN ARTS, [1818-20 1818 Henry James Anderson,* A.M. M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1824, LL.D. 1850, Prof, of Math, and Astr. 1825-43 ^"id Emeritus 1866-75, Trustee 1851-75. aet. 77. *i875 Daniel Bonnett.* aet. 74. *i87i Richard Varick Dey,* (Rev.), A.M. and Yale 1823. *i837 Frederic Fairlie,* (cl). Peter Forrester,* A.M. Rutgers, M.D, Coll. Phys. and Surg. N aet. 37. 837 Y. 1822 Robert Gracie,* and Harv. 1818, (M.), A.M. and Yale 1825, aet. 77. *i877 Henry Hone,* (m.). N. Y. Assemb. 1834. aet. 57. *i856 Richard F. Kemble,* (cl). aet. 88. *i888 William Beach Lawrence,* (cl). A.M. 1823 and Yale 1826, LL.D. Brown Univ. 1869, J.C.D. Univ. N. Y. S. 1873, U. S. Charge d'Aff. London 1827-28, Lt. Govr. and Govr. of R. I., Trustee Coll. Phys. and Surg. 1837-55. aet. 81. *i88i James Lenox,* A.M. and N. Jers. 1821, LL.D. 1875 and Coll. N. J. 1867, Trustee Coll. N. J. 1823-57. aet. 80. *i88o John H. Lloyd.* Alexander B. McLeod.* Gerard Walton Morris, (cl). Trustee 1851-55. *i865 John O'Blenis.* George D. Post,* (cl). *i869 Clarence D. Sackett,* (cl). N. Y. Assemb. 1827-29. William Staley,* A.M. Abraham D. Wilson,* A.M. M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1821. 18 I819 Henry Nicholas Cruger,* (cl). A.M. 1823. aet. 67. *i867 Gabriel Poillon Disosvvay,* (m). A.M. and Wesl. 1833, Memb. N. Y. Assemb. 1849. aet. 70. *i868 Peter Dykers,* M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1823. *i845 Andrew Hamersley,* M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1823, Fellow Coll. Phys. and Surg. 1827. Edward P. Heyer, (m).* Walter E. Hyer,* (m). ♦1845 William Lupton Johnson,* (Rev.). A.M., S.T.D. Allegheny Coll. Penn. aet. 70. *i87o Charles Jones.* *i854 George Jones.* aet. 87. *i886 Henry James Lowerre,* (cl). A.M. *i83o George J. Rogers,* (m). aet. 76. *i878 James Henry Roosevelt,* (cl). A.M. aet. 63. *i863 James S. Rumsey,* M.D. Coil. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1824. aet. 73. *i872 Richard Lawrence Schieffelin,* (cl), A.M., Prest. Common Council N. Y. City 1844-5. ^'^^- 88. *i889 John Lang Suckley,* A.M. 1823, M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1823. *i836 Samuel Verplanck,* (cl), A.M. Thomas L. Wells,* (cl). Trustee 1837-59. aet. 87. *i886 Marinus Willett, Jr.,* M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1823, Trustee Coll. Phys. and Surg. 1827-40 and Fellow 1827. *i840 Richard Wynkoop,* (Rev.), A.M. Grad. New Brunswick Sem. 1822. aet. 43. *i842 1820 William Betts,* (cl), A.M. LL.D. 1850, Trustee 1842-84 and Clerk 1850-74, Prof, of Law 1848-54. aet. 83. *i884 John B. Bleecker,* (m). *i83i Joseph Howland Coit,* (Rev.), S.T.D. 1855. aet. 64. *i866 Cornelius Ryerrs Disosway,* (cl). A.M. Wesl. 1838. aet. 88. *i889 Samuel Roosevelt Johnson,* (Rev.:), A.M.. S.T.D. 1848, Prof. System. Divinity and Dogmatic Theology Gen. Theolog. Sem. P. E. Ch., Emeritus 1869- 73. aet. 70. *i873 James Johnstone,* (cl). Henry Lawrence, (m). 1820-22] GRA DUATES IN AR TS, lOI Philip Edward Milledoler,* (Rev.), M.D. Coll. Phys, and Surg. N. Y. 1824, A.M. Rutgers 1827, N. Y. As- semb. 1832, Trustee Rutgers Coll. N. J. 1833-45- *i85o John F. Mitchell,* (cl), A.M. aet. 79. *i88i William Mitchell,* (cl). A.M., LL.D. 1863, Master in Chancery N. Y. 1840-43, Just. Supr. Ct. N. Y. State 1850-58. aet. 86. *i886 Archibald G. Rogers,* (cl). aet. 89. *i89i Rutsen Suckley,* (cl), aet. 75. *i875 John R. Townsend,* (cl). *i846 I82I William B. Barnes,* (b). Peter A. Cowdrey,* (cl), A.M. N. Y. Assemb. 1836, Corporation Council N. Y. City 1840-44. *i852 Isaac F. Craft,* (m). William Dusenbury Craft,* (cl). aet. 85. *i887 George H. Fisher,* (Rev.). A.M. Rutgers Coll. 1827 and S.T.D. 1845, Trustee 1851-55. aet. 69. *i872 William Forsyth.* William N. Gibert,* (cl). Frederic Philipse Gouverneur,* f (CL). aet. 71. *i874 William Post Hawes,* (cl), A.M. aet. 39. *i842 William Inglis,* (cl). Judge Ct. Common Pleas N. Y. 1839-44. aet. 59. *i863 Pierre Munroe Irving, (cl). aet. 73. *i876 Thomas Kermit.* Elisha S. King,* (cl), A.M. 1826. Isaac Low,* A.M. Stephen Headley Meeker,* (Rev.). A.M. aet. 77. *i876 William Henry Munn,* (cl), A.M. aet. 77. *i878 Samuel Ogden,* (m). aet. 76. *i879 Edwin Post,* (m). aet. 84. *i887 Henry A. V. Post,* (cl). + Known subsequently as Frederic Philipse. George Shrady.* John C. Slack,* (educ). Charles E. Stagg,* (m). Peter Stagg,* (cl). Junius Thompson,* A.M. 1825, M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1825. aet. 31. *i83i John Tiebout, Jr.,* A.M. M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg, N. Y. 1825. William Turner,* A.M. M.D. elsewhere. *i858 Gerrit G. Van Wagenen,* (cl). Trustee 1845-58, and Treasurer 1849-58. *i858 John H. Waddell,* A.M. Henry John Whitehouse,* (Rev.) A.M., S.T.D. Hobart Coll. N. Y. 1834 and Oxford Univ. Eng. 1867, LL.D. 1865 and Cambr. Univ. Eng. 1867, Trustee Hobart Coll. N. Y. 1831-40, Bishop P. E. Ch. 111. 1851-74. aet. 71. *i874 George Wilkes,* M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1824. aet. 75. *i876 30 1822 George Abeel,* (m). 1884 George W. Dawson,* (m). Peter F. Dustan,* (cl). John M. Glover,* A.M. Yale 1825, M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1826. *i833 Josiah Dwight Harris,* A.M. M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1826, Asst. Surg. U. S. A. 1833. *i833 Edwin Holt,* 1826. Henry Philip Jones,* (cl). aet. 79. *i882 Theodore F. King,* M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1827, Supt. Public Sch. Kings Co. N. Y., State Supt. Public Schools N. J. aet. 63. *i868 Nicholas Gouverneur Kortright,* (CL). aet. 69. *i874 Anson Livingston,* (cl). A.M. Union Coll. 1825. aet. 67. *i873 Carroll Livingston,* (m). ♦1867 Edward Nathaniel Mead,* (Rev.). A.M. 1833, S.T.D. i86i, Secy. Trustees Gen. Theo. Sem. aet. 75. *i877 Adrian H. Muller,* (m). Prest. Roosevelt Hosp. N. Y. aet. 83. *i886 Alexander H. Paterson,* (m). I02 GRADUATES IN ARTS. [1822-24^ Alfred Charles Post,* M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1827, LL.D. Univ. N. Y. City 1872, Prof. Ophthal. Anat, and Surg. Castleton Med. Coll. Vt. 1842, Prof. Surg. Univ. N. Y. City 1851- 75 and Emeritus Prof. 1875-86, Prest. N. Y, Acad. Med. 1867-8. aet. 80. *i886 John Lloyd Stephens,* (cl), A.M. 1827, U. S. Special Agent to Central America 1839, Del. to N. Y. S. Constit. Conven. 1846. aet. 47. *i852 Thomas William Tucker,* (cl). A.M. 1826, Memb. N. Y. Assemb. 1837. *i854 Alfred Wagstaff,* M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1826. aet. 74. *i878 Alfred Augustus Weeks,* (cl). A.M. 1826. *i847 Hamilton Wilkes,* (f). *i852 Edward M. Willett, (cl), A.M. N. V. City. William R. Williams,* (Rev.). A.M. 1835, S.T.D. 1837, LL.D. Union Coll. 1859, Trustee 1838-48. aet, 80. *i885 Samuel Farmer Wilson,* (cl). Memb. Leg. of La. 1853-58. aet, 65. *i87o 23 1823 Christopher Allen,* Horatio Allen,* (eng.), LL.D. elsewhere. aet. 87. *i89o Edward Anthon,* (cl). *i830 William H. Boyd,* A.M. M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N, Y. 1826. Edward M. Clarke,* (cl). Lewis Cruger,* (cl). Edmund B. Elmendorf,* (cl). *i846 John T. Ferguson,* A.M. M.D, Rutgers Med. Coll. 1827. John Brain Foulke,* A.M. and Yale 1827. Adolphus N. Gouverneur,* (cl). Edmund Dorr Griffin,* (Rev.). A.M. aet. 26. *i83o William Frederick Havemeyer,* (m), Mayor N. Y, City, 1845-46, 1848-49, 1873-74, Prest, Bk. of N, America 1851-61, Chairman Citizens' Com, of 1871, Presi- dential Elector 1844, Commr, Emig. 1847- 53- aet, 70. *i874 William D. Henderson,* (cl). A.M. Henry Augustus Heyer,* (m). John Augustus Hicks,* (Rev.). A.M. 1830 and Trin. Coll. Ct. 1852, S.T.D. Univ. Vt. 1847, aet. 68. *i869 James Hosack.* Mancius Smed-es Hutton,* (Rev.). S,T,D. 1841, Trustee 1855-80. aet. 77. *i88o William L. Keese,* (Rev.), A.M. Jonathan Lawrence,* (cl). William A. Lawrence,* (m). Adam David Logan,* (cl). aet. 66. *i869 George B. Ogden,* (b). John Doughty Ogden,* M.D. Rutgers Med. Coll. N. Y. 1827. aet, 84. *i887 Smith Pyne,* (Rev.), S.T.D. Hobart Coll, N. Y. 1848, Trustee Trin. Coll. Ct. 1833-38. aet, 73. *i875 Andrew K. Robertson.* Noel Robertson,* (Rev.), A.M. *i828 Grenville A. Sackett,* (cl). Charles J. Smith,* (cl). aet. 73, James H, Titus,* (m), A.M., Memb. N. Y. Assemb. 1846. 1876 29 1824 Benjamin Aycrigg, (eng.), A.M. 1839, Ph.D. Penn. Coll. 1869, a principal Engineer in charge of State works of Penn. 1836-40. 102 Chambers St., N. V. City. Robert Barker.* Alexander Mansfield Burrill,* Ccl). aet. b2. *i869 Edward C. Crary,* (m). WilHam A. Curtis,* (Rev.), A.M. 1838. *i864 Benjamin Drake,* A.M., M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1828, Prest. N. Y. Co. Med, Soc, 1848-49. aet. 66. *i87i William Duer,* (cl). Memb. N. Y. Assemb. 1840, Repr. in Con^r, 1849-51, U. S. Consul at Val- paraiso 1851-54, County Clerk San Fran- cisco Cal, aet, 74, *i879 William Henry Ellet,* M.D. elsewhere, Lect. on Element. Chem. 1830-32, Prof. Element. Chem. 1832-33, Prof. Chem. Mineral, and Geol. S. C. Coll. 1835-48. aet. 55. *i859 James T. Gibert,* A.M., M.D. elsewhere. aet. 63. *i868 1824-26] GRADUATES IN ARTS, 103 Jacob Townsend Gilford,* M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. Geneva, aet. 64. *i869 Timothy R. Green,* (cl), A.M. 1834. *i84o John K. Hardenbrook,* A.M. M.D. elsewhere, Assist. Surg. U. S. A. 1861-64. aet. 62. *i864 Dayton Hobart,* (cl), A.M. ♦1870 William Henry Hobart,* A.M. M.D, Coll. Phys, and Surg. N, Y. 1829, Trustee 1848-55. aet. 53, *i857 Pierre Paris Irving,* (Rev.), A.M. Hobart Coll. 1837, Trustee Hobart Coll. N. Y. 1837-43. aet, 72, *i878 'George W. Johnson,* (f). *i856 William Henry Lupp,* (cl), A.M. *i874 Elias Joseph Marsh,* A.M. M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y, 1828. Prest. N. J. Med. Soc. aet. 45. *i85o Hamilton Morton, (cl), A.M. 1834, M.D. Rutgers Med. Coll. N. Y. 1827. iV. Y. City. Waddington Ogden,* (m). aet. 45, *i847 Henry Perkins,* A.M. M,D. elsewhere. Alexander Robinson,* A.M. M.D. Rutgers Med. Coll. N. Y. 1832. Daniel C. Schermerhorn.* 1825 23 George Philip Cammann,* M.D. Rutgers Med. Coll. N. Y. 1828, Fellow Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1844. aet. 59. *i863 James A. M. Gardner,* A.M. M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1829. Nathaniel Marius Graves,* (m). Robert William Harris,* (Rev.). A.M., S.T.D. 1849. aet. 80, *i886 Jacob Harsen, Jr.,* A.M. 1829. M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y, 1829, Prest. North. Dispens. N. Y. aet. 55. *i862 William E. Laight * ♦1859 Alexander S. Leonard,* (Rev.). A.M. 1847, S.T.D. 1859. aet 72. *i878 John McKeon,* (cl), A.M. 1831, N. Y, Assemb, 1831, Repr, in Congr. 1835-37, 1841-43, Dist. Atty. N. Y. City 1845-51, 1882-83, U. S. Dist. Atty. N. Y. 1853. aet. 76. *i883 Isaac T. Minard,* (cl). Surrogate Otsego Co. N. Y. Edward E. Mitchell,* (m). aet. 80. *i889 Walter Nichols.* aet. 21. *i825 William Peshine.* William Phyfe.* Anthony Lispenard Robertson,* (cl), Asst. Vice-Chancellor N. Y. S. 1846-48, Surrogate N, Y. City 1848, Just. Supr. Ct. N. Y. 1860-65 and Ch.-Just, of same 1865-68, Memb. Constit. Conven. N. Y. 1867. aet. 69. *i868 Ferdinand Sands,* (m). John Jones Schermerhorn, (m). *i876 John Fletcher Smith. Wessell S. Smith,* (cl). N. Y. Assemb. *i86o Oliver Smith Strong,* (m). Memb. N. J. Leg. 1S48. aet. 68. ♦1874 Peter Wilson,* (cl). William Wilson,* M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1829. aet, 66, *i872 21 1826 Charles Edward Anderson,* (br.). Secy. U. S. Legation Paris 1836-39 and Charge d'Aflf. 1837. aet. 82. *i889 William A. Clarke.* M.D. elsewhere. John Marshall Guion,* (Rev.). S.T.D. 1865. John William Hamersley,* (cl). A.M. *i889 Nathaniel Pendleton Hosack,*(M). and Harv. 1826. aet. 71. *i877 Gabriel Furman Irving.* act. 38. *i845 Robert Kelly, Jr.* City Chamberlain N. Y. City 1856, Regent Univ. N. Y. S. 1856-57, Founder and Prest. Trustees Rochester Univ. N. Y. aet. 53. *i857 Francis Maerschalk Kip,* (Rev.). A.M. Rutgers Coll. 1829, S.T.D. 1857, Trustee Rutgers Coll. i86o. aet. 81. *i888 John Neil McLeod,* (Rev.), A.M. 1833, S,T,D. elsewhere. aet. 68. *i874 Joshua S. Marsh.* Thomas H. Merry, Jr * William Henry Milnor,* M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1832. aet. 60. *i86a 104 GRADUATES IN ARTS. [1826-27 Thomas R. Minturn,* (m). Henry Morris,* (cl). aet. 54. Richard Lewis Morris,* M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1830, Health Commr. N. Y. City 1848-52 and Health Off. 1852-54. aet. 75. John B. Norsworthy.* Hewlett R. Peters,* (Rev.), S.T.D. elsewhere. Daniel Phoenix Riker,* (cl). aet. 61. Beverley Robinson, Jr.,* (cl). aet. 6g. William Henry Roosevelt.* Daniel Seymour.* Abraham A. Slover, Jr.* Thomas Swords, Jr.,* 1831, U. S. MU. Acad. 1829, Lt. U. S. A. 1833- 37, Capt. 1837-48, Lt.-Col. 1861-63, Bvt.- Col. 1863, Bvt. Brig.-Gen. 1863, Bvt. Maj.- Gen. 1865. aet. 75. Gerrit Hubert Van Wagenen, aet. 29. Harris Wilson,* (cl). *i87i *i854 *i88o *i868 ♦1876 *i886 Jr.* ♦1838 *i874 25 1827 Jonathan Trumbull Backus,* (Rev.), A.M., Grad. Princeton Theol. Sem. 1830, S.T.D. Union 1847, LL.D. Union 1875, Prest. Bd. of Education Schenectady N. Y., Prest. Bd. Trustees Union Coll. aet. 83. *i892 Jacob Sperry Baker, (m). Brooklyn^ N. V. Thomas Hazard Baker,* (b). U. S. Consul at Antwerp 1836. William Sperry Baker,* M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1831, Surg. Bd. Enrolment 13th Congr. Dist. Penn. 1861-65. aet. 80. *i889 Henry Neilson Brush.* •1873 John Player Crosby,* (cl), Trust. Med. Dept. 1860-76. aet. 67. *i876 William Henry Crosby,* (cl), Prof. Greek and Latin Lang. Rutgers Coll. N. J. 1841-9, Actg. Prof. Lat. Lang, and Lit. 1859-60. aet. 84. *i892 Henry Augustus Du Bois, M.D.* Coll, Phys, and Surg. N. Y, 1830, LL.D. Yale 1864, Memb, Conn. Acad. Arts and Sciences, Memb. Geolog. Soc. France, aet, 73, *i884 Edward Dunscomb, (m). 5/6 So. Summer St., Nashville, Tenn. Edward Bristed Eastburn.* *i830 Hamilton Fish,* (cl), A.M., LL.D. 1850 and Union Coll. 1869 ^"^ Harv. Univ. 1871, Trustee Col. Coll. 1840-1893 and Chn, Board 1859-93, Repr. in Congr. 1843-45, Lt.-Gov. N, Y. 1847-9, Gov. N. Y. 1849-51, U. S. Sen. 1851-7, Prest. of the Genl. Society of the Cincin- nati 1854-93, Chn. Union Defence Com. 1861-5, U.S. Commr. to visit Union Sol- diers in Rebel Prisons 1862, Prest. N. Y. Hist. Soc. 1867-9, Secy. State U. S. 1869- 77, Memb, Joint High Commn, to arrange ' Treaty of Washington " with Great Britain 1871, U, S, Plenipo, to sign Treaty with Great Britain 1871. aet. 85. *i893 Michael Floy, Jr.,* A.M. ♦1837 John Murray Forbes,* (Rev.), A.M., S.T.D. 1847, Tutor Trin. Coll. 1830, Dean Gen. Theol. Sem. P. E. Ch. 1869. aet. 79. *i885 John Henry Hobart Haws,* (cl), Repr. in Congr. 1851-3. *i858 William C. Hey ward, 1830, (f). *i863 John Clarkson Jay,* M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1830, Trustee 1859-81. aet. 83. *i89i Joshua Jones,* (cl). aet. 81. *i888 Abraham Beakley Labagh,* (f). Alfred Ludlow.* ♦1831 Charles McFarlan,* N. J. Sen. 1846. *i873 Henry Jackson Morton,* (Rev.), A.M., Grad. Gen, Theol, Sem, P. E. Ch. N. Y. 1830,^ S.T.D. Univ. Penn. 1844, Trustee Univ. Penn. 1844-90, Emeritus Rector St. James P. E. Ch. Phila. 1887-90. aet. 83. *iS9o Robert Mott,* (cl). ♦1833 Jonathan Nathan,* (cl), Master in Chanc. N. Y. 1840-5. *i863 Henry Onderdonk, Jr.* (educ), A.M. 1833. aet. 82. *i886 Laughton Osborn,* (au). aet. 70 Samuel Penny, Jr.,* (Rev.). I ♦1878 ♦1853 Minturn Post,* M.D. Univ. Penn. 1832. aet. 61. *i869 James M. Quin,* 1830, M.D. Rutgers Med. Coll. N. Y., A.M. 1833. aet. 62. *i868 ? 1827-29] GRADUATES IN ARTS. los Charles Rhind, [Jr.], (m, ret) Hotel Grenoble^ N. V. City. Henry Rogers, Jr.,* (cl). Edwin Sands.* John Schermerhorn,* (bic). ♦1840 *i828 ♦1883 *i84i Theodore A. Swords,* (cl). aet. 33 Joseph Clay Wallace,* (f). aet. 74. *i88i William Winter, (cl). Grenville Temple Winthrop,*(cL), and Harv. 1827 and Bowd. 1827, A.M., Memb. Mass. Leg. 1840. 1828 William Bayley,* (art). Edmund D. Barry, Jr.* Jonas Butler,* (cl). *i852 37 »i857 ►1858 George Catlin,* (cl), Dist. Atty. Richmond Co. N. Y. Thomas Witter Chrystie,* (cl), A.M. 1880, Capt. loth Regt. Inf'y N. Y. S. 1835. aet. 80. *i888 Thomas T. Devan,* (Rev.), A.M., M.p. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1831, Missionary in China 1848, Chaplain U. S. A. 1861-3. act. 80. *i89o Cornelius Dubois, Jr.,* (m). aet. 72. *i88i Edmund Embury,* (Rev.), A.M. X833. aet. 84. *i8q3 George Gilford.* aet. 75. *i883 Robert Goelet.* ♦1879 Alexander N. Gunn,* A.M. Rutgers 1832, M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1833, Health Off. Port of N. Y. 1859-64. aet. 61. *i87i Benjamin I. Haight,* (Rev,), A.M., S.T.D. 18^6, LL.D. Hobart 1870, Trustee Col. Coll. 1843-79, Prof. Past. Theol. and Pulp. Eloq. Gen. Theol. Sem. P. E. Ch., Asst. Minister Trinity Parish N. Y. City 1847-77, elected Bishop P. E. Ch. Mass. 1872 and declined. aet. 69. *i879 Henry Sheaff Hoyt.* aet. 75. *i8gi Austin L. S. Main,* M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1832. aet. 58. John A. Morrill,* (cl). George B. NeilL* John M. Ogden.* Joel B. Post,* (m). ^867 '1836 *i88a Mortimer Livingston,* (m). ^1857 Barzillai Slosson,* (cl), Dist. Atty. Ontario Co. N. Y. aet. 64. *i874 Samuel Sidney St. John,* (educ), A.M. 1834. *i882 Lewis Thibou,* (Rev.), A.M. Hobart Coll. N. Y. 1851. *i876 John Ledyard Vandervoort,* A.M. 1831, M.D. Coll. Phys. and Sure. N. Y. 1832, Fellow 1844, Librn. N. Y. Hospital 1837-91. aet. 82. *i89i Robert Boyd Van Kleeck,* (Rev.), A.M. and Trin. 1847, S.T.D. Hobart Coll. 1851, Instr. 1830-1. *i88o William Wheeler Van Wagenen,* (CL), A.M. 1834. Alexander Robertson Walsh,* (m). *i884 William Walton,* (Rev.), A.M. 1836, S.T.D. 1852 and Hobart Coll. 1852, Instr. in Hebrew Gen. Theol. Sem. P. E. Ch. and Prof. Hebrew and Greek Lang. 1869. aet. 59. *i869 Richard Whiley, Jr.,* (cl). Martin Ryerson Zabriskie,* t(cL), Trustee Col. Coll, 1856-69, 1871-2. *i878 29 1829 George Featherstone Allen,* (ENG), Trustee Col. Coll. 1854-63. *i863 Theodore A. Bailey,* (m). Thomas E. Blanch,* (cl), Dist. Atty. Rockland Co. N. Y. *i879 James Augustus Carter,* M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1832. Alfred Win field Craven,* (eng), Ch. Eng. Croton Aq. Dept. N. Y. City 1850, Prest. Am. Soc. Civil Eng. 1869-71. aet. 68. *i879 Robert James Dillon,* (cl). Counsel to Corp. N. Y. City 1853-6. aet. 63. *i872 Benjamin S. Downing,* M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1832. aet. 24. *i834 + Known, after 1864, as Martin Zborowski. io6 GRADUATES IN ARTS. [1829-31 William Edgar.* ♦1887 James Hey ward,* M.D. elsewhere. John Treat Irving, Jr., (cl). j-p Liberty st., N. Y. City. Richard Harison Ogden,* (cl). aet. 47. *i859 Samuel Ogden,* (cl). aet. 6q. *i879 Thomas W. Ogden, Mangr. St. Luke's Hosp. N. Y. City, Trustee St. Stephen's Coll. N. Y., Trus- tee Gen. Theol. Sem. P. E. Ch. N. Y.. Trustee N. Y. Soc. Promot. Relig. and Learn. 7 Pine St., N. V. City. John David Ogilby,* A.M. 1833, Mast. Col. Coll. Gram. Sch. 1829-30, Prof. Lang. Rutgers Coll. 1832-40, Prof. Eccles. Hist. Gen. Theol. Sem. P. E. Ch. N.Y. 1841-51. aet. 43. *i85i Peter Augustus Schermerhorn,* A.M. 1833. *i845 Theodore Sedgwick, Jr.,* (cl), U. S. Dist, Atty. N. Y. 1858-59, Trustee Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y, 1842-59. aet. 48. *i859 Charles R. Swords,* (m), N. Y. Assemb., Trustee Col. Coll. 1870-77. *i88i Robert Tucker,* M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1832. ♦1846 John Dash Van Buren,* (cl), N. Y. Assemb. 1857-63. aet. 74. 1883 Fanning S. Worth,* (educ), A.M. 1835. 20 1830 John B. Boggs.* James Bowdoin, (cl). 6 Montpelier Terrace, Brighton, Eng. Robert Livingston Cutting,* (br). aet. 76. *i887 John Delafield, Jr., (cl), A.M. 1837. Hugh T. Dickey,* (cl). Judge Cook Co. 111., and of 7th Judicial Circ. Court 111. 1845-53. ^^"^^ 80. *i892 Benjamin T. Ferguson,* (cl). *i836 Lewis Carstairs Gunn,* ist Recorder and Aud. Tuolumne Co. Cal. 1850-51, Depy. Surv. San Fran. Cal. 1861-3, U. S. Collector Customs Puget Sound Dist. 1863-4, U. S. Assess. Int. Revenue, San Fran. Cal. 1865-8, Depy. Collect. Customs San Diego Cal. 1876- 82, and Customs Assess. 1883-86. aet. 79. *i892 Nicholas C. Heyward.* ♦1852 George Ireland, Jr.,* (cl). aet. 61. *i873 Edward Jones,* M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1834, Trus- tee Col. Coll. 1849-69. aet. 58. *i869 John Taylor Kneeland,* M.D. CoU. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1833. *i838 Henry Ledyard,* (cl), Secy. U. S. Legation at Paris 1839-42 and Charg6 d'A£f. 1842-44, Mayor Detroit Mich. 1855, Mich. Sen. 1857. *i88o Benjamin Franklin Miller,* (cl). *i837 Henry Cruse Murphj^* (cl), LL.D. Rutgers Coll. 1864, Mayor Brook- lyn N. Y. 1842, Repr. in Congr. 1843-45, 1847-49, Memb. N. Y. Constit. Conven. 1846, 1867, U. S. Min. at The Hague 1858- 62, N. Y. Sen. 1862-73. ^^^' 72- '''1882 Henry Nicoll,* (cl), LL.D. 1870, Repr.^ in Congr. 1847-49, Memb. N. Y. Constit. Conven. 1846. *i879 Charles Hammond Ogden,* (m). aet. 62. *i874 William Steele,* (m), M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1833. aet. 74. *i887 William D. Waddington,* (cl) *i886 George William Wright,* (cl). *i873 19 I83I James Bolton,* A.M. 1835, M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1836. Peter Schermerhorn Chauncey,* (Rev.), A.M. 1836 and Trin. Coll. Ct. 1848, S.T.D. Univ. N. Y. City 1858, Trustee Trin. Coll. 1848-51. aet. 56. *i866 James Chrystie, Jr.* aet. 25. *i836 Abraham Bogart Conger,* A.M., Tutor 1831-3, N. Y. Sen., Prest. N. Y. S. Agricult. Soc, Memb. N. Y. S. Constit. Conven. 1867. aet. 73. *i887 William Ernest Eigenbrodt,(Rev.), A.M. 183s, S.T.D. 1855, Prof. Past. Theol. Gen. Theol. Sem. P. E. Ch. 127 W. 13th St., N. V. City, Robert Emory,* (Rev.), A.M., S.T.D. 1846, Prof. Anc. Lang. Dickin. Coll. 1834-9, and Prest. Dickin. Coll. 1842-8. aet. 34. *i848 1831-32] GRADUATES IN ARTS. 107 Petrus Stuyvesant Fish,* A.M. ♦1834 John B. Gallagher,* (Rev.). *i849 John Philip Hone.* aet. 74. *i885 Bradish Johnson,* (SUGAR PLANTER). aet. 81. *i892 Charles Ray King, (phys), M.D. Univ. of Pa. 1834. Andalusia, Fa. James Joseph Macneven.* *i832 James McCready Morgan. Gideon S. Nichols, (f). John Louis O'Sullivan, A.M., Tutor 1821-3, Memb. N. Y. Assemb. 1841-42, Regent Univ. N. Y. S. 1846-55, U. S. Min. Portugal 1854. 2-2g W. 23d St., N. V. City. John Punnett, A.M., M.D. Univ. Penn. 1834. John B. Purroy,* (cl), A.M., Consul for Venezuela N. Y. *i859 Richard W. Redfield,* A.M. 1838. ♦1846 Edwin M. Taylor,* (eng). State Eng. Virginia. Francis Tomes, [Jr.], (m, ret). 136 E. 30th St., N. Y. City. Robert George Vermilye,* (Rev.), A.M. 1836, S.T.D. 1851, Tutor Col. Coll. 1835-7, Ad. Prof. Greek and Lat. Lang. 1837-43, Prof. Christ. Theol. in Theol. Inst. Conn., Trustee Hamilton Coll. N. Y. 1850-57. aet. 62. *i875 Lloyd Saxbury Waddell.* ♦183a Samuel Ward, Jr.,* (br), A.M. 1835, Ph.D. Tubingen, Secy. U. S. Special Mission to Paraguay 1858 and to Nicaragua 1863. aet. 70. *i884 Robert Watts, Jr.,* (educ), A.M., M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1835 and Berkshire Med. Coll. 1S37, Prof. Anat. Pittslield and Woodstock Med. Sch. 1835-41, Prof. Anat. and Physiol. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1843-48, Prof. Anat. 1848-67. aet, 55. *i867 24 1832 Henry T. Anthony,* (m). aet. 70. *i884 Walter Titus Avery, (eng), (m). 81 Madison A v., N. Y. City. Horatio Bogert,* (cl), A.M. 1836. aet. 68. ♦i88a William L. Boyd, (m), A.M. 4og W. 2ist St. , N. Y. City. George Carvill, Jr.,* (m). John Chrystie,* (m). aet. 43. 'iSse Henry S. Dodge,* (cl), A.M. *i855 Daniel G. F. Fanshaw.* ♦1833 James Heard, Jr.,* (m), A.M. 1836. *i88o Alexander C. Hillman,* (Rev.). ♦1875 Nicholas W. Hoffman,* (m). *i843 Aaron Jarvis,* A.M., M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y, 1835. aet. 45. *i8s9 William Templeton Johnson,*(cL), A.M. *i869 Philip Livingston Jones,* M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1835. aet. 70. *i883 John J. C. Kane,* (cl). Frederick W. Miller,* (Rev.). Stephen Reed, Jr.,* (cl), A.M. Thomas A. Richmond,* (cl), A.M. *i859 William Channing Russel, (educ), A.M. 1832, LL.D. 1875, Prof. History at Antioch Coll. Ohio 1865-66, at Cornell Univ. 1868-81 and at Brown Univ. 1881- 83, V.-Prest. and Acting Prest. Cornell Univ. Yonkers, JV. Y. Henry Joseph Ruggles, (cl). J08 JV. ij3d St., N. Y. City. Erasmus Peshine Smith,* (cl), LL.B. Harv. Univ. 1833, Prof. Maths. Rochester Univ. 1850-52, Supt. of Educa- tion State of N. Y., Reporter N. Y. Court of Appeals 1864, U. S. Commr. of Emi- gration, U. S. Examiner of Claims, Secy. of Foreign Affairs of the Empire of Japan 1870-76. aet. 68. *i882 John E. Stillwell,* M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1836. aet. 60. *i873 Frederick L. Talcott,* (br). aet. 72. *i88^ Philip William Thomas,* (cl). aet. 59. *i87i Jonathan Thompson, Jr.,* (m), A.M. 1836. aet. 59. *i872 ft 1 08 GRADUATES IN ARTS, [1832-34 Frederick Townsend,* (cl). aet. 6g. *i883 Russell Nevins Townsend,* (cl). ♦1837 William Samuel Verplanck.* aet. 73. *i886 28 1833 Stephen D. Allen,* M.D. elsewhere. James Barrow, Jr.,* (cl). ♦1840 *i868 John S. Bartlett, Jr.,* (ed). Jackson Bolton,* M.D. Univ. Paris 1838, aet. 51. *i866 James Constable,* (cl). Richard Cox,* (Rev.), A.M. John Ferris Delaplaine, Jr.,* (cl). Secy. U. S. Legation Vienna 1861-83. aet. 68. *i885 Pierre Cortlandt DePeyster,* (m). *i8s4 John M. Gelston.* Charles Hall, (m), A.M. 1838. John Jay Jenkins, (cl). 22y Canal St, N. V. City. Philip Kearny, Jr.,* Major U. S. A. 1S47, Brig.-Gen. U. S. V. 1861 and Maj.-Gen. 1862. aet. 47. *i862 Francis P. Lee,* (Rev.), A.M. ♦1847 Samuel Bard McVickar.* ♦1837 James W, Metcalf,* M.D. elsewhere. *i856 Gouverneur Morris Ogden,* (cl). Trustee Col. Coll. 1849-84 and Treasurer 1858-84. aet. 75. *i884 Henry B. Renwick, (eng), Examr. U. S. Pat. OflE. 2g Park A v., N. Y. City. William Rhinelander Renwick,* (M). aet. 67. *i883 Bruce Schermerhorn.* *i862 Edward Slosson,* (cl). ♦1871 John G. Smedberg,* (f). aet. 57. *i873 Robert Spencer,* (cl), Abraham Gardiner Thompson, Jr.* A.M., M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1837, N. Y. Assemb. 1845 and 1857. aet. 71. *i887 "1891 James A. Williams,* (Rev.), A.M., S.T.D. 1863. *i883 1834 William Mortimer Allen,* (cl), A.M. aet. 64. +1878 James William Beekman,* (cl), A.M. 1828, N. Y. Assemb. 1848, N. Y. Senate 1849-51, Trustee Med. Dept. 1860-77, Trustee Col. Coll. 1875-77. aet. 62. *i877 Edward K. Bryar,* (f), A.M. 1838. aet. 76. *i89o. William Bryan Casey,* M.D. elsewhere. James Michael Cockcroft,* (m). William Cockcroft,* M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1838. aet. 72. *i89o John Conger,* A.M. M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1838. *i86o Isaac Clason Delaplaine,* (cl), A.M., Repr. in Congr. 1861-63. aet. 48. *i866 William Demarest,* (Rev.), A.M. *i874 William Dennis, (Rev.). William Dodge,* (cl), A.M., N. Y. Assemb. 1849. *i858 William Mitchell Gillespie,* (ENG), A.M., LL.D. 1859 and Univ. Nashville 1857, Prof. Civ. Eng. Union Coll. 1845-68. aet. 52. *i868 John S. Heard,* A.M. M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1837. aet. 70. *i885 Henry Heyward,* A.M. 1838. Benjamin S. Huntington,* (Rev.), A.M. 1839. *i882 William Henry Hyde, (m). 6 Cor so Victor Emanuel, Florence, Italy. Samuel Evan Johnson,* (cl), a.m., Judge Kings Co., N. Y. *i87o William Gracie King.* aet. 67. *i882 Alexander Major,* (m). Richard Edwards Mount, Jr.,* (CL), A.M. *i88o Philip Rhinelander.* Robert Smith Swords,* (cl), Lt.-Col. N. J. Vols. 1861-3, aet. 65. *i88i Anthony Ten Broeck,* (Rev.), A.M., S.T.D. 1867, Rector Burlington Coll. N. J. aet. 65. *i88o 1834-36] GRADUATES IN ARTS, 109 Lloyd Windsor,* (Rev.), A.M., B. D. Gen. Theol. Sem. P. E. Ch. N. Y. 1836, S.T.D. Hobart Coll. 1880, Prest. Eccles. Court West N. Y. P. E. Ch. aet. 76. *i889 24 1835 Jedediah Blakeney Auld,* (cl), A.M. aet. 51. *i866 Romaine Dillon,* (cl), Secy. U. S. Legation Brazil. ♦1888 Evert Augustus Duyckinck,* (AU), A.M., Trustee Col. Coll. 1874-78. aet. 62. *i878 Benigo Gener, (cl). Thomas Buchanan Gilford, (cl). 4y^ Lexington A v., N. V. City. Andrew Stelle Hamersley, (cl), A.M. 1839. 124 E. 2Sth St., N. V. City. Orlando Harriman, Jr.,* (Rev.), A.M. *i88i William Heard. Newburgh, N. Y. Joshua E. Jones.* *i839 Charles C. Lee.* John W. C. Leveridge, (cl), A.M. 1839, Memb. Council Univ. C. N. Y., Trust. Greenwood Cem., Mangr. Am. S. S. Union, Mang^. N. Y. S. S. Assn. 22 Duane St. , N. V. City. Charles Harrison Lyon, (m), A.M. Joseph Mclntyre.* Charles D. Mead,* (cl), A.M. 1839. William Mulligan, A.M. 1838. Palisades, N, Y. Alexander Palache,* (m). George Quartus Pomeroy, (cl). London, Eng. John H. Riker,* (cl), Prest. N. E. Dispensary N. Y. City. aet. 76. *i894 William H. Taggard,* (cl). *i88s Ludlow Thomas, (br). 34 Pine St., N. Y. City. John Richard Thurman,* Repr. in Congr. 1849-51. *i8s4 Russell Trevett,* (Rev.), A.M., S.T.D. 1855 and Coll. St. James 1857, Prof. Anc. Lane. St. James Md. 1844-55 and St. John's Md. 1855-61. aet. 48. *i865 William Henry Wilson,* (cl), A.M., Asst. Librn. Astor Libra^J^ aet. 77. *i894 Christian Zabriskie, Jr.,* (m). *i885 24 1836 Newbold Edgar.* Christodoulos L. M. Evangeles,* (EDUC). " *i883 George William Fash,* (Rev.), A.M. 1840. John Graham,* (cl). aet. 72. *i894 Giles Mumford Hillyer,* (cl), A.M. *i87i John Henry Hobart,* (Rev.), S.T.D. 1856, Trustee Hobart Coll. N. Y. 1846-54. aet. 71. *i889 Edward Hoffman, (cl). John Jay,* (cl), A.M., LL.D., and Hobart CoU.v Prest. League Club 1866-77, U. S. Min. Plen. to Austria 1869-75, Prest. N. Y. State Civil Ser\'. Comm. 1883-87. aet. 77. *i894 William Alfred Jones, (au), A.M., Librarian Col. Coll. 1851-65. Norwich, Conn. Edward Huger Laight,* (m). ♦1853 James Phillips Lake. London, Eng. George Harrison Lynch,* (cl). *i885 Henry Mc Vicar,* (Rev.). Daniel McLaren Quackenbush, CRev.), A.M. 1839, S.T.D. U. N. Y. 1863. 7 E. g2d St., N. Y. City. James Ren wick, (arch), A.M. 28 University PI., N. Y. City. Charles Seymour, (Rev.), A.M. p. E. Ch. Nyack, Rockland Co. , N. Y. William Thompson. Tafnell, Spain. Henry Ward, Jr.,* A.M. aet. 23. *i84o George Gilfert Waters,* (cl), A.M. aet. 56. =^-1875 Harvey Augustus Weed,* (cl), A.M. *i872 no GRADUATES IN ARTS. [1836-38 i James Willis Wilson,* (cl), A.M. aet. 53. *i868 21 1837 Charles Aldis,* (Rev.), A.M. *i857 Samuel Blatchford,* (cl), LL.D. 1867, Judge U. S. Dist. Ct. S. DIst. N. Y. 1867-78 and Judge U. S. Circ. Ct. 2d Ju- dicial Dist. 1878-82, Assoc. Just. U. S. Supr. Ct. 1882-93, Trustee Col. Coll. 1867-93. aet. 73. *i893 Nathaniel W. Chittenden,* (cl), A.M. aet. 69. *i885 John William Clark,* (Rev.). *i88s Samuel Cockcroft,* (cl). aet. 69. *i88g }. Wallace Collet,* A.M., 1841. Stephen Douglass,* (Rev.), A.M. *i857 Henry P. Fessenden,* (cl). *i867 Anthony Halsey,* (b), A.M., Trustee Col. Coll. 1872-79 and Clerk of Board 1874-79. ^^'' ^' *^^79 Benjamin Holmes Jarvis,* (cl). William Henry Leggett,* (educ). aet. 66. *i882 John Mc Mullen, (lib), A.M. 1840. ^21 W. 161st St., N. Y. City. Charles D. March.* William J. Masterton,* (m). George L. Nevius,* (m). aet. 55. *i873 Charles Edward Shea,* (cl). A.M. Jesse Ames Spencer, (Rev.), A.M. and Trin. 1854, S.T.D. 1852 and Trin. Coll. Conn. 1872, Prof. Lat. and Oriental Lang. Burlington Coll. N. J. 1850-51, Sec. and Ed. S. S. Union and Church Bk. Soc. 1852, Prof. Greek Lang, and Lit. Coll. City N. Y. 1869-81, Custodian of the Standard Bible of the Church 1883-. Passaic, N. y. David Provost Thomas,* (cl). John Ireland Tucker, (Rev.), S.T.D. 1858, p. E. Ch. Troy,N. V. George Stayley Van Cleef,* (Rev.). John Vanderbilt, Jr., (cl), N. Y. Sen., Judge Kings Co., N. Y. Samuel H. Whitlock,* (cl). *i8s6 Alexander Somerville Wother spoon,* M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1841, Asst. Surg. U. S. A. 1843-54. ^^^- 37 *i868 ♦1854 23 1838 Frederic Anthon,* (cl). Edward Anthony,* (m). aet. 69. *i888 Mancer Mark Backus,* (m), A.M., Hobart Coll. N. Y. 1841. aet. 70. *i887 Thomas Golden Cooper,* Prest. N. Y. Inst, for Blind. aet. 49. *i864 Richard H. Douglass.* Isaac V. Fowler,* (cl), A.M. 1842, U. S. Postm. N. Y. City. aet. 52. *i869 John Hone,* (cl). act. 72. *i89i Philip Hone, Jr.* *i870 Benjamin Treadwell Kissam, (cl), a.m. 1851. 16 Exchange PI., N. Y. City. John Mason Knox,* (cl), A.M., Prest. Roosevelt Hosp. 1886-94. a^*- 73- *i894 Jeremiah Larocque,* (cl). act. 46. *i868 Alfred Mersan Loutrel, (Rev.), CEDUC). 2S8 W. 23d St., N. Y. City. WilUam Brinckerhoff Moffat,* a.m., M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1842. Benjamin Romaine, Jr.,* (cl) 1841 William Edward Snowden,* (Rev.). aet. 71. *i888 Charles Spear,* (br). ♦1871 George Templeton Strong,* (cl). Trustee Col. Coll. 1853-75, Treas. U. S. San. Comm. aet. 55. *i87S William Riggin Travers,* (br). aet. 68. *i887 Henry Hall Ward,* (b), A.M. aet. 52. *i872 Francis Marion Ward,* A.M. aet. 27. *i847 20 1839-40] GRADUATES IN ARTS. Ill 1839 Charles Edward Anthon,* (educ), A.M. 1853, LL.D. Univ. City N. Y. 1866, Prof. Hist, and Belles Lettr. N. Y. Free Acad. 1852, Prof. Coll. City of N. Y. aet. 61. George Christian Anthon,* CEDUC), A.M., Prof. Greek Univ. N. Y. City 1850-51. aet. 52. John Jacob Astor, Jr.,* Trustee Col. Coll. 1859-69, Col. U. S. Vols. i86i-2 and Bvt. Brig.-Gen. 1866. aet. 67. Allen Henry Brown, (Rev.), Presb. Ch. Box 2jy Camden, N. y. James C. Roosevelt Brown.* ^1883 "1877 '1890 '1864 John Ebenezer Burrill, Jr.,* (cl), A.M. 1843, Memb. N. Y. S. Constit. Conv. 1867. aet. 71. *i893 Frederic Augustus Cairns,* (CHEM), A.M. 1873, Instr. in Chem. Sch. of Mines 1877-79. ^^t* 59' *i879 Arthur Carev,* (Rev.), A.M. *i844 John Carey, Jr.,* (eng), A.M. aet. 60. *i88i George James Cornell,* (cl), A.M. Memb. N. Y. Assemb. 1848. *i857 Henry Drisler, [Jr.], (educ), A.M. 1842, LL.D. 1864, and Harv. Univ. 1886, Tutor Col. Coll. 1843-5, Adj. Prof. Greek and Lat, Lang, and Lit. 1845-57, Prof. Lat. Lang, and Lit. 1857-67, Acting Prest. 1867, _ 1888-9, Jay Prof. Greek Lang, and Lit. 1867-94, Dean School of Arts 1890-94, Professor Emeritus 1894-. 48 W, 46th St., N. Y. City. Richard Stockton Emmet, (cl). New Rockelle, N. V. James Walker Fowler, (cl), A.M. Newburgh, N. Y. Harvey Doddridge Ganse,* (Rev.)., A.M. 1844. Presb. Ch. aet. 69. *i8gi Nathaniel Blossom Hoxie, (cl), A.M. 1842. 3S Liberty St. , N. Y. City. Frederick Hughson, (b), Prest. N. Y. Sav. Bk. 222 W. 23d St., N. Y. City. Charles Ingersoll, (cl), LL.B. Harv. Univ. 1841. Daniel DeForest Lord, (cl, ret), Trustee Med. Dep. i860-. 4S W. igth St., N. Y. City. Joseph Rich Mann,* (Rev.), A.M. 1844, S.T.D. Coll. N. J. 1862. aet. 6g. *i88i Edwin Augustus Nichols,* (Rev.). aet. 66. *i888 John Pimie, Jr., (cl), A.M. Peter B. Pimie,* A.M. George Warner Quackenbos,* (EDUC), A.M. Edward Sabine Renwick, (eng), A.M. ig Park PI., N. Y. City. James William Walsh,* (m). *i872 25 1840 Charles Bancroft, (Rev.), A.M., S.T.D. 1861 and Univ. of Bishops Coll. Canada 1862, LL.D. Univ. of McGill, Montreal, 1870, Canon Christ Ch. Ca- thedral Montreal 1854-. Gerard Smith Boyse.* *i84i Samuel Bowden,* (Rev.), A.M. 1843, S.T.D. 1890. Presb. Ch. aet. 71. *i894 Charles Billow Bucknor,* (cl), A.M., Judge Volusia Co. Fla. 1872-77. Anthony Post Campbell.* James Farley Clark,* (cl), A.M. Edward Nicoll Crosby.* ♦1865 William Forrest, Jr.,* (Rev.), A.M. ♦1856 James George Graham, (cl), A.M. 1843, N. Y. Assemb. 1849, 1866, 1877, 1878, Trustee "Washington's Head- quarters " since 1874, Trustee State Horn. Hosp. Middletown N. Y. 1873-, Corpn. Counsel Newburgh N. Y. 1873-4. 1885-88. Newburgh, N. Y. Ogden Hoffman, Jr.,* (cl), LL.B. Harv. 1842, Judge U. S. Dist. Ct. N. Dist. Cal. 1851-. aet. 68. *i89i Lydig Monson Hoyt.* aet. 48. *i868 Alfred George Jones,* (cl), A.M., LL.B. Harv. Univ. 1842. aet. 47. 1868 Robert Lenox Kennedy,*(B),A.M. aet. 64. *i887 Edward Henry Lawrance, (f). Benjamin Chase Leveridge, (cl), A.M., 1844. 22g Broadway, N. Y. City. Levi Arnold Lockwood, (cl), A.M. aet. 61. *i883 112 GRADUATES I AT ARTS. [1840-41 Dwight Edwards Lyman,* (Rev.). aet. 75. *i893 John Mitchell Mason,* (cl), A.M. aet. 57. *i878 Thomas C. Meyer, (eng). Union Club, N. Y. City, Alonzo Castle Monson^ (cl), A.M., Judge Sup. Ct, California. Astoria, L. I. Obadiah Newcomb, [Jr.], (phys), A.M., M.D. elsewhere. 233 E, i2th St., N. V. at}'. William Nicoll, (f). /sli/>, Suffolk Co., N. v. George W. Pell, A.M. 1852, U. S. Consul for Westphalia and Prov. of the Rhine. 438 Fifth Av.,N. Y. City. Jotham Post,* M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1845. aet. 56. ♦1877 Ellis Potter, Jr.,* (cl). aet. 64. *i886 Worthington Romaine,* (cl), A.M. *i888 William Colford Schermerhorn, (CL), A.M., Trustee Col. Col. i860-, and Chairman of the Board 1893-. 4g W. 23d St., N. Y. City. Peter Shapter, Jr.,* A.M. Peter Remsen Strong,* (cl), A.M. aet. 56. *i878 Owen Sweeny, A.M. 1843, M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1845. Joseph Webb Winans,* (cl), A.M. aet. (>(>. *i887 Van Brunt Wyckoff,* A.M. 1844, M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1845. aet. 70. *i889 32 I84I Daniel Henry Beadel* Edward Lewis Chichester,* M.D. elsewhere. John Hicks Clark.* George Washington Collord, (EDUC), A.M., 1844, L>-I>: Univ. N. Y. City 1 88 1, Prof. Emer. Latin and Greek Bkln. Polytechnic. 13^6 Pacific St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Frederick Cunningham,* (cl). Richard Varick De Peyster,* (b). aet. 54. ♦1874 Thomas Bloodgood Dibblee, (cl)> A.M., 1844. Santa Barbara, Cal. Cornelius Roosevelt Duffie, (Rev.), A.M., S.T.D. Univ. N. Y. City 1865, Chaplain Col. Coll. 1857-, Trustee Gen Theol. Sem. P. E. Ch. N. Y. 263 Lexington Av., N. Y. City. William Ward Duffield, (eng), ist Lieut. Tenn. Vols. 1845-6, Lieut.-Col. 4th Mich. Vols. 1861, Col. pth Mich. Vols. 1862, Commander 23d Brigade Army of Cumberland 1862, Brig.-Gen. U. S. V. 1863-4, Senator 3d Senatorial Dist, Mich. 1878-80, holding various appointments as chief engineer etc. on railroads etc. Detroit, Mich. James Emott, Jr.,* (cl). Mayor Poughkeepsie N. Y. 1854-5, Just. Supr. Ct. ^f. Y. 1855-63, Judge Ct. Ap- peals N. Y. 1863. aet. 62. *i884 Herman Ten Eyck Foster,* (f). aet. 47. *i86^ Oliver Wolcott Gibbs, (CHEM, EDUC), A.M., M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1845, LL.D. 1873 and from Harvard, Prof. Chem. and Phys. Free Acad. N. Y. 1848-63, Rumford Prof. Harv. 1863-, and Emeritus, Memb. U. S. San. Com., Memb. Nat. Acad. Sci. Newport, R. I. Thomas Strong Griffing,* Lieut. U. S. V. 1846-8. Jacob Boerum Jewett,* (cl). *i876 William Kemble, Jr.,* A.M. *i84S James Hall Mason Knox, (Rev.), A.M., S.T.D. 1861, LL.D. 1S75, Prest. Lafayette Coll. Easton Pa. 1883-90. 84 Wall St., New Haven, Conn. Joseph Effingham Lawrence,* (ED). Robert Le Roy, Jr.,* (br), Capt. U. S. V. aet. 41. *i865 John Hodgson Mortimer,* (m). aet. 6r. *i883 Israel Moses,* A.M., M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1845, Asst. Surg. U. S. A. 1847. *i370 Edward Delavan Nelson,* (art), A.M. John Harris Parish, (cl), LL.B. Harv. 1844. / W. igth St., N. Y. City. William Lewis Peck, (Rev.), A.M. 1857. Groton, New London Co., Conn. John Rankin, Jr., (cl). Brooklyn, N. Y. 1841-43] GRADUATES IN ARTS. 113 Jones Rogers.* George Metcalfe Root, (eng), A.M. 2 Stone St.y N. V. City. Robert G. Simpson, (cl). Augustus Lyons Smith. 160 W. S9 St., N. V. City. William Lyons Smith. 160 W. sgth St., N. Y. City. John Joseph Townsend,* (cl), A.M., N. Y. Assemb. 1850-1, Memb. N. Y. Constit. Conv. 1867, Trustee Col. Coll. 1879-1889. aet. 64. *i889 Robert Dorlon Van Voorhis.* 31 1842 Hector Craig Ames,* Attache U. S. Legation Madrid Spain 1842-46, U. S. Consul Acapulco Mexico 1852-53- aet. 30. ♦1853 William Gould Banks,* (cl), A.M. Abraham Smith Brouwer,* (cl). Benjamin Franklin Clark,* (f). aet. 69. *i8g2 William Henry Ebbetts,* (cl). ♦1890 Frederick Frye,* (cl),A.M., Maj. 9th Conn. Regt. Vols. 1861-5. *i88i William Henry Harison, [Jr.], (Rev.), A.M., S.T.D. Ogdensburgh, N, V. Abram Stevens Hewitt, (mf), A.M., LL.D. 1887, Secy, and Direct. Cooper Union N. Y. City, U. S. Commr. to Univ. Exposition Pans 1867, Repr. in Cong. 1875-9, 1881-6, Mayor N. Y. City 1887-89. 9 Lexington Av,, N. V. City. Julius Sleight Hitchcock,* (m). aet. 66. ♦1888 Robert Jaffray, [Jr.]. 7 IV. 46th St., N. V. City. William Seymour Kernochan, (CL), LL.B. Harv. 1844. Paris, France. Richard Montgomery Lawrence,* Jr., (M). Livingston Kip Miller,* (cl), A.M. 1846. aet. 54. *i877 Clement Moore,* (cl), A.M. aet. 68. *i889 George Lucas Newton,* (cl), A.M. Robert Morrison Olyphant, (m). 21 Cortlandt St., N. Y. City. Wheelock Hendee Parmly, (Rev.), A.M., S.T.D. Madison Univ. N. Y. 1867, Prest. N. J. Educat. Soc. Bapt. Ch. Jersey City, N. J. William Irving Paulding.* aet. 64. *i89o James Hunter Phinney. Edward Elmer Potter,* Brig.-Gen. and Bvt. Maj.-Gen. U. S. Vols. 1863-65. aet. 66. *i889 Zebedee Ring, Jr.,* (cl). Oliver Everett Roberts, (m), A.M. Washington Rodman, (Rev.). Astoria, N. Y. Silas Weir Roosevelt,* (cl). aet. 47. *i87o David Reid Stanford,* (m). aet. 69. *i892 John Baker Stevens,* (ci>). aet. 68. *i89i William Pinckney Stewart,* (cl), A.M. 1848. ' ♦1870 John Sym.* ♦184s Elisha William Teakle.* David Thomson, [Jr.], (m), A.M. 1845. 2IJ Water St., N. Y. City. 30 1843 Benjamin Nibbs Aymar,* (m). Samuel Peters Bell,* (cl). aet. 69. *i892 Thomas C. T. Buckley,* (cl), A.M. *i873 William Edgar Bunker,* (m). aet. 52. *r874 John White Dana,* M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1846. *i849 William Cecil Duncan,* (Rev.), A.M., S.T.D. 1857, Prof. Univ. of La. aet. 40. *i864 Benjamin H. Franklin, (co), j5 Broadway, N. Y. City. Albert Gallatin, Jr.,* (cl), A.M. act. 35. *i859 114 GRADUATES IN ARTS. [1843-45 James Watson Gerard, [Jr.], (cl), A.M., LL.D. 1891, N. Y. Sen. 1876-77. _§4. William St., N. Y. City. William Beach Lawrence, Jr.,* (CL), A.M. 1845. *i87o Edward Zechariah Lewis,* (Rev.), LL.B. Yale 1845. *i875 William McCune, (f). Henry Post McGown, (cl), Justice Qth Dist. Ct. N. Y. C. 1876-88, Justice City Ct. N. Y. C. 1888-. jg82 Madison Av.^ N. V. City. Robert K. Moffet.* William R. Morgan, (b). John Christian Philip,* M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1847. *i878 George Payn Quackenbos,* (EDUC), A.M., LL.D. Wesl. Univ. Conn. 1868. aet. 55. *i88i Charles Reynolds, (Rev.), A.M., S.T.D. elsewhere. John Henry Ross, M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1847. Matson Meier-Smith,* (Rev.), A.M. and Williams Coll. 1857, S.T.D. 1863, Prof. Homiletics and Pastoral Theol. Divin. Sch. P. E. Ch. Phila. 1872-87. aet. 61. *i887 John B. Stephens,* (cl). John Thomson,* M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg, N.Y. 1847. aet. 31. ' Cornelius Van Vorst, Jr., (cl). Milford, Del. HZ6g 4856 23 1844 Clement W. Al Burtis, (f). SS Liberty St., N. V. City. John Babcock Arden,* M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1848. *i85i Robert Bayard Campbell,* (cl). *i883 Jacob Post Giraud Foster,* (cl). aet. 59. *i886 Samuel Hollingsworth,* (Rev.), A.M., S.T.D. 1868. *i884 Nicholas Bergasse Labau,* (cl), N. Y. Sen. 1867-69, N. Y. Assemb. 1869- 71. aet. 53. *i874 Charles William Lawrence. 141 W. 14th St., N. V. City. Edward McGee, (Rev.). Mackinac, Mich. William Bowne Minturn,* M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1848. aet. 48. *i875 William Taylor Moore. 7/ Franklin St., N. Y. City. Peter Martin Pirnie. 47 Warren St., N. Y. City. Edward Henry Swan, (cl), LL.B. Harv. 1847. Oyster Bay, L. I. Otto William Erasmus Van Tuyl, M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1847. Belize, Cent. Am. Charles Whipple Whiley,* M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1848. *i874 1845 John Knickerbocker Adams.* James Anderson.* Francis S. Cottenet.* John Drake,* (cl), A.M. 185 1. 4884 4848 ^885 George Barnard Draper,* (Rev.), A.M., S.T.D. 1868. aet. 50. *i876 George Thomson Elliot, Jr.,* A.M. 1849, M.D. Univ. N. Y. City 1861, Prof. Obstet. Diseases Worn, and Childr. Bellev. Med. Coll. N. Y. City. aet. 44. *i87i John Jay Elmendorf, (Rev.), A.M.,*S.T.D. 1866, Instr. in Math. 1848, Prof. Phil, and Belles-Lettres Racine Coll. 1868, now Lecturer in Western Theol. Sem. Kenosha Wis. Kenosha, Wis. William Alexander Falls,* (b). George Irving. Sg Liberty St., JV. Y. City. George A. Jones, (cl). Hartford, Conn. Samuel Thomas Jones, (cl), Just. Sup. Ct. N. Y. 2gi Broadway, JV. Y. City. John Wheeler Leavitt, Jr. 241 W. 4gth St., JV. Y. City. Alexander McCue,* (cl), Assoc. Judge City Court Bkln. N. Y. 1870-83, Chief Judge 1883-84, Solicitor Treasy. U. S., tJ. S. Asst. Treas. N. Y. City 1888-89. aet. 62. *i88g Charles Armand Minton,* (ed). aet. 61. *t886 Samuel B. Romaine Nichols.* 1845-47] GRADUATES IN ARTS. IIS David B. Ogden, Jr.* ^i86s Henry Onderdonk, (educ), A.M. 1848, Prof. Math, and Nat. Sci. St. Timothy's Hall Md. 1847-53, Prest. Md. Agric. Coll. 1861-64, Principal Coll. St. James Md. since 1869, College of St. James, Washington Co.^ Md. Lefroy Ravenhill,* A.M. 1849, M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1849, Librarian 1847-51. aet. 26. *i8si Aaron B. Reid,* (m). aet. 54. *i88o Stephen K. Stanton. 330 E. 17th St., N. Y. City. John A. Taggard.* ♦186s Frederick Samuel Tallmadge, (cl), A.M. 1849. 16^ Broadway, N. Y. City. Pierre Marston Van Wyck.* Henry P. Wainwright.* 1846 *i88i *i845 24 Richard Smith Garden Abbott,* A.M. *i854 George Mortimer Belden,* (f), A.M. 1850. *i873 Beverley Robinson Betts, (Rev.), A.M., Librarian Col. Coll. 1865-83. P. E. Ck. Jamaica, L. I. Edward G. Bogert. 112 E. 3gth St., N. Y. City. Henry A. Bogert, (cl), A.M. 97 Nassau St. , N. Y. City. Arthur Bronson, Jr. Elias Galley Brown,* (cl), A.M. aet. 66. *i893 William J. Frost, (Rev.), A.M., S.T.D. Univ. Tenn., LL.D. Delaware Coll. Del., Dean of McLeaasboro Diocese Springfield. Carlyle, III. William Benjamin Harison, (cl). 66 Liberty St., N. Y. City. Gharles Burrall Hoffman,* (cl). act. 64. *i892 William H. Hudson.* John G. Hyer,* (cl). *i868 William M. Johnston,* (m). John Grenville Kane,* (cl), A.M., Commr. Docks N. Y. aet. 51. *i877 Edwin Merritt Kellogg, (PHYS, RET), M.D. N. Y. Med. Coll. 1852, Prest. Homeo. Mut. Life Ins. Co., Treas. Am. Instit. Homeo. IIS ^' 37t^ St., N. Y. City. John L. Lefferts, (cl). 4^8 Greene Av., Brooklyn, N. Y. Jeremiah Loder,* (cl), A.M., LL.B. Yale 1848. aet. 63. *i89o Gharles Scott McKnight. Poughkeepsie, N. Y. William Augustus McVickar,* (Rev.), A.M. 1850, S.T.D. 1870, Lect. on Ev. of Religion Col. Coll. aet. 50. *i877 Frederick Nash,* A.M., M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N.Y. 1850. aet. 34. *i86i William Whittingham Olssen, (Rev.), (EDUC), A.M. 1850, S.T.D. 1876, Prof. Math. St. Stephen's Coll. N. Y. 1871-73, Prof. Grk. and Heb. 1873-92, Prof. Hist, and Eng. Lit. 1892-. Annandalc, N. Y. Edward Mills Peck,t (Rev.), A.M. and Trinity Coll. 1852, Prof. Math. and Actg. Rector Burlington Coll. N. J. 1858-9. N. Y. City. James Thomson,* (cl), A.M. aet. 65. *i893 Alexander Griswold Tyng, (m). Peoria, III. 24 1847 Gornelius Duffie Blake,* (cl), A.M. John Habersham Bolton. Berkeley, Alameda Co., Cal. Henry Pearsall Gampbell,* (m), A.M. *i886 John Winthrop Ghanler,* (cl), A.M. 1873, N. Y. Assemb. 1858-g. Repr. in Congr. 1863-69. aet. 51. *i877 William Samuel Goffey, (Rev.), A.M. E. Chester, N. Y. Wilhelmus Bogart Gonger, (m). Garroll Dunham,* M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1850, Dean N. Y. Homeopath. Med. Coll. aet. 49. *i877 t Now known as Edward M. Pecke. ii6 GRADUATES IN ARTS, [1847-48 John Whetten Ehninger,* (art). aet, 62. *i88g Robert Holden, (Rev.), A.M., Prof. Burlington Coll. N. J. 1849-51, Rector Trinity Sch. 42 E. sgth St., N. Y. City. Arthur M. Jones.* *i85o John Steams Lane,* (m), A.M. Isaac Lawrence, (cl), A.M., LL.B. Harv. Univ. 1849, U. S. Consular Agt. Port Hope Canada, Memb. Pres. Convention Dem. Party at Chicago 1864 from R. I, Manhattan Club, N. V. City. William Simmons Ludlum,* A.M. 1850, M.D. 1862, aet. 60. *i89o John James McLaren,* (b). *i882 Clarence Green Mitchell,* (cl), A.M. aet. 66. *i893 Timothy Gupree Mitchell,* A.M. Prof. Burl. Coll. N. J. 1849-57. aet. 28. *i857 John Moneypenny, [Jr.], (phys), M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1850, Surg. 123 N. Y. Vols. 1862-3. Cambridge, N. Y. John Wells Moore,* (Rev.), A.M. i860. *i885 John Neilson,* (m). Benjamin Augustus Onderdonk.* Frederic W. Rhinelander, (m). 62 Cedar St., AT. Y. City. Joseph Kanick Riggs,* (b.). aet. 54. *i883 James Francis Ruggles, (cl). 146 Broadway, N. Y. City. Archibald M. Stone,f (Rev.). Israel Leander Townsend, (Rev.), A.M. and A.M. Trin. Coll. Conn. 1862, S.T.D. St. Stephen's Coll. N. Y. 1877, Chaplain House Repr. U. S. 44th Congr., Dean of Middle Deanery P. E. Ch. 111., Trustee Genl. Theol. Sem. III. 1871-4, do. for Md. 1878-. 1 41 8 Corcoran St., Washington, D. C. Robert Travis, Jr.,* (Rev.), A.M. *i866 Francis Van Rensselaer,* (f). Tompkins Westervelt,* (cl), LL.B. Yale 1850, County Judge and Sur- rogate Richmond Co. N. Y. 1876-82. aet. 53. *i882 28 t Now known as Archibald M. Morrison. 1848 Theodorus Bailey Bronson,* (cl), A.M. aet. 50. *i88i Horace W. Carpenter, (cl). Ralph L. Cook,* (re). aet. 63. *r892 Lyman Denison Demaray,* (m). Richard Mead De Mille, (cl), A.M. y2 Pate hen A v., Brooklyn, N. Y. Morgan Dix, (Rev.), A.M., S.T.D. 1862, D.C.L. Univ. of the South 1885, Trustee Hobart Coll. N. Y. 1862-, Rector Trinity Parish N. Y. C. 1862-, Trustee Col. Coll. 1862-, 2g Vesey St., N. Y. City. George Clinton Farrar, (m), A.M. 1851. 70 Wooster St., N. Y, City. Joseph Wesley Harper, [Jr.], (TUB), A.M. 1851, Trustee Col. Coll. 1873-. S62 Fifth Av., N. Y. City. Pierre Leslie Irving,* (cl). aet. 63. *i89i Henry Whitlock Johnson,* (cl). ♦1863 Levi Merriam Kellogg, (co). 616 Battery St. , San Francisco, Cal. Cornelius Low King,* Capt. and Bvt.-Maj. and Lt.-Col. U. S. A. aet. 63. *i893 George Morford Klots,* (m). Edward Leavenworth.* Theodore Frelinghuysen Lewis, (M), A.M. 200 President St. , Brooklyn, N, Y. John Lockwood, [Jr.], (educ). i^i DeKalb A v., Brooklyn, N. Y. Lewis Morris, Jr.* Peter Wilson Ostrander, (cl), A.M. 1851, U. S. v., Col. in G. A. R. 244 Grand Av., Brooklyn, N. Y. William Cruger Pell, (cl). Highland Falls, N. Y Columbus B. Rogers,* (cl). aet. 65. *i894 Thomas P. St. John.* Otis Dwight Swan, (b), LL.B. Harv. 1850. Emporia, Kans. Isaac Van Winkle, (cl), A,M. 1848-50] GRADUATES IN ARTS. 117 Benjamin Clark Wetmore, (cl). 7 Nassau St., N. V. City. Joseph Moss White,* (m). 1849 25 Cornelius Rea Agnew,* M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1852, A.M. 1880, Memb. U. S. San. Com. 1860-67, Prof. Diseases of the Eye and Ear, Med. Dept. 1869-88, Trustee Col. Coll. 1874-88. aet. 58. *i888 William Edmond Armitage,* (Rev.), A.M., S.T.D. 1866, Asst. Bishop P. E. Ch. Wis. 1867-70 and Bishop 1870- 73. aet. 43. ♦1873 William Astor.* aet. 61. *i892 Edward Courtlandt Babcock,* (Rev.). *i857 Norman Adams Beach, Tutor Coll. City N. Y. Charles Hinckley Brown.* Churchill John Cambreleng, (cl), u. s. V. Baldwin Dix,* (cl). ♦1852 George Lloyd Freeman, (phys), M.D. Cleveland Horn. Hosp. Coll. 1852. Glen Head, L. /., N. V. Henry DeCosta Hanners.* William Abel Hardenbrook,* (EDUC). John Vernon Henry,* (m), A.M. aet. 44. *i874 William Henry Herriman. London, £ng. Lewis Ashurst Kemper,* (Rev.), B.D. Nashota Theol. Sem. 1852, S.T.D. i868. Tutor 1852-50 and Prof. Bibl. Interp. Nashota Theol. Sem. P. E. Ch. Wis. 1859-86. aet. 57. *i886 William Morrow Knox,* A.M. 1855, M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1854, Asst. Surg. U. S. V. *i862 Joseph Larocque, (cl). 3S William St., N. Y. City. David Porter Lord. Poughkeepsie, N. V. Charles A. Magnes, Jr.* ♦1892 Ebenezer Bowman Miner,* M.D. elsewhere. *i869 Daniel Morrelle, (Rev.), (educ), A.M. 1855. Wilmington, A'''. C. Aaron Ogden, (cl), A.M. Room y8, III Broadway, N". Y. City. Henry Parish, [Jr.], (m). J2 Wall St,, N. Y. City. John Prince Pemberton, M.D. 1864. Long Branch, A^. y. George C. Pollen.* act. 39. *i867 Charles E. Rhinelander. 6 W.32d St., N. Y. City. Saumarez Dobree Routh, (m). London, Eng. John Frederick Schroeder, [Jr.], (Rev.), Grad. Gen. Theol. Sem. P. E. Ch. N. Y. 1852. New Milford, Litchfield Co. , Conn. Ezra Kellogg Sherwood.* John Shrady, [Jr.], A.M. 1858, M.D. i86i, Surg. U. S. V. 1862-64. J4g W. 126th St., A^. Y. City. John Drake Skidmore, (cl). 7/ W. soth St., N. Y. City. Prosper Montgomery Wetmore, Jr.,* (M). John Jay White, (cl), 4^ Broadway, N. Y. City. 32 1850 John Martin Gabriel Aims,* M.D. Yale 1858. *i887 Matthew Marsh Blunt, (usa), A.M. 1882, Col. i6th U. S. Infy. Ft. Douglas, Utah. George Gordon Byron, (br, ret). South Orange, N. J. Malcolm Campbell, (cl). 2312 Third A v., N. Y. City. Galen Augustus Carter, (br). Senator 12th Sen. Dist. Conn. 1874. Stamford, Conn. James Starr Clark, (Rev.), A.M., S.T.D. 1872. Tivoli, N. Y. John Ferris Delaplaine Cornell, (Rev.). Frederic Rene Coudert, (cl), LL.D. 1887, Seton Hall N. J. 1880 and St. John's Coll. Fordham 1887, Commr. Pub. Sch. N. Y. City, 1883-4, Govt. Direct. Union Pac. R. R. 1884-7, Qen- ii8 GRADUATES IN ARTS, [18SO-5I tennial Orator Col. Coll. 1887, Trustee Col. Coll. 1892-. 70 William St,, N. Y, City. Archibald Falconer Cushman, CCL), LL.B. Harv. 1852. ij^ Broadway, N. V. City. Edwin Wakeman Edwards,* (m). aet. 54, *i886 Thomas Ludlow Harison, (f). Morley, N. J. John Sebastian Bach Hodges, CRev.), A.M., S.T.D, Racine Coll. 1867. P. E. Ch. 24. W. Saratoga St., Baltimore, Md. Walter R. T. Jones, (m). SI Wall St., N. Y. City, Adolphe Le Moyne, Jr.,* (b). aet. 44. *i874 Frederick L. Purroy. Erskine M. Rodman, (Rev.), A.M., Dean of Convocation, P. E. Ch. Plainfield, N. J. Joseph Sands,* (arch). aet. 50. *i879 George Franklin Seymour, (Rev.), A.M. 1853, Grad. Gen. Theol. Sam. P. E. Ch. N. Y. 1854, S.T.D. Ra- cine Coll. 1867, LL.D. Col. Coll. 1878, Founder and First Warden St. Stephen's Coll. N. Y. 1854-61, Prof. Eccles. Hist. Gen. Theol. Sem. P. E. Ch. N. Y. 1865-79 and Dean 1875-79, Supt. Soc. for Promot- ing Relig. and Learning in St. of N. Y., Bishop of Springfield 111. 1878-. Bishop's House, Springfield, III. Charles Augustus Silliman, (cl, m), A.M. 1853, LL.B. i860, Trustee Col. Coll. 1876-, Commr. of Docks N. Y. 1888-89. 2S Whitehall St., N. Y. City. John Esten Cooke Smedes, (Rev.), A.M., B.D. Gen. Theol. Sem. P. E. Ch. N. Y. 1854, S.T.D. Univ. of N. C. 1883. P. E. Ch. Woodside, Montgomery Co., Md. William Hazard Terry. 176 Fifth Av.,N. Y. City. Edward Forbes Travis,* (cl). Evan Thomas Walker,* (m). "1867 *i882 23 I85I John Hone Anthon,* (cl), A.M., N. Y. Assemb. 1856, Asst. Dist. Atty. N. Y. City, Prof. Med. Jurisp. N. Y. Coll, Med. aet. 42. *i874 Henry Moore Bedford,* M.D. elsewhere. *i88o Stewart Henry Brown, (b). Quarry Bank, Allerton, Liverpool, Eng, Charles Arms Cook, (br), A.M. gd Broadway, JV. Y. City. William T. Cornell.* John De Ruyter, Jr., (m). 7S Madison Av., N. Y. City. James De Koven,* (Rev.), S.T.D. Hobart Coll. 1863, Prest. Racine Coll. Wis. 1860-79, elected Bishop P. E. Ch. 111. aet. 49. *i879 Legh Richmond Dickinson,(Rev.), A.M. 1854. P. E. Ch. West Park, N. Y. William Henry Draper, (phys), A.M. 185s, M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1855, Asst. to Prof. Surg., Prof. Diseases of Skin 1871-^9, Prof. Clin. Med. 1880-, Pres. Alumni Assn. Coll. of Phys. and Surg., Att'g Phys. N. Y. and Roosevelt Hosps., Cons. Phys. St. Luke's and Presb. Hosps., Trus. Col. Coll. 1889. ig E. 4'jth St., N. Y. City. Edward Seton Hoffman,* M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1855, Surgeon U. S. V. 1861-4. aet. 47. *i876 Henry B. Johnson.* *i863 Nicholas Frederick Ludlum, (Rev.), B.D. Gen. Theol. Sem. P. E. Ch. N. Y. 1854. John Gray McNary,* (educ), A.M. *i893 George A. Seaman.* William R. Smith. A. Henry Thurston,* A.M., M.D. elsewhere. Surgeon U. S. V. *i865 Charles Henry Ward, (b), A.M. 1874. ids Broadway, N. Y. City. William Greene Ward, (rr), Asst. Treas. N. Pac. R. R. Co., all grades in i2th Regt. Inf. N. G. S. N. Y., Brig.- Gen. ist Brig, ist Diy. N. G. S. N. Y. 1866, Memb. Soc. Cincinnati, Col. U. S. V. 17 Broad St., N. Y. City. Merritt Hubbell Wellman, (Rev.), A.M., B.D. Gen. Theol. Sem. P. E. Ch. N. Y. 1854, Trustee Gen. Theol. Sem. 1878. 72 Banks St. , New Rochelle, N. Y, J. Walter Wood, A.M. South Orange, N, y. David Augustus Wright,* (cl), LL.B. Yale 1846. *i887 21 1852-53] GRADUATES IN ARTS. 119 1852 John Bennem, Jr.,* (Rev.). *i853 Charles Ludlow Bogert,* (arch), A.M. *i874 James Livingston Brown,* M.D. Univ. N. Y. City 1856, A.M. 1868. aet. 43. *i874 Henry W. Clark,* (cl), A.M. *i889 John Ward Francis, Jr.,* M.D. elsewhere. aet. 23. *i855 John Wesley Harper, (pub), A.M. 1855. Franklin Square, N. V. City. [George] Howard Hinton, (j), A.M. 1855. 240 Broadway, IV. Y. City. John Augustine Hows,* (art), A.M. aet. 43. *i874 Ansel Nash Kellog,* (ed). aet. 55. ♦1886 Lea Luquer, (Rev.), A.M. 1855, admitted to Bar N. Y. 1855. P. E. Ch. Bedford, N. V. Archibald Bleecker McDonald, Jr.,* (arch), a.m. ♦1866 Samuel Latham Mitchill, Jr.,* (m), a.m. aet. 49. *i88i James Morris, (cl), LL.B. Harv. 1854. II Wall St., N. V. City. Charles De Gray Mount,* A.M. *i872 Washington R. Nichols,* (cl). aet. 51. *i882 Charles O'Dowd.* ♦1890 John H. Pell, (cl), A.M., U.S.V. 6 E. 36th St.,N. V. City. George C. Pennell,* (Rev.), A.M. S.T.D. St. Stephen's Coll. Annandale N. Y. 1874. Robert Ray, Jr.,* A.M. M.D. CoU. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1856. aet, 28. *i86o James Renwick Smedberg, (eng), A.M. 1855. RialtoBldg., Chicago, III. Richard Fowler Stevens, (ac), Brig.-Gen. N. J. State Militia during War, Chief Acct. U. S. Pac. R. R. Commn. 1887-. Prudential Bldg., Newark, N. J. Henry A. Tailer,* (cl), A.M. aet. 45. *i878 Eugene Thorn,* Capt. U. S. V. William E. Thorn, (cl). 10 Worth St., A^. V. City. Eustace Trenor, A.M. M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1856, Surg. N. Y. S. Vols. John Trenor, Jr.,* A.M. M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1856, Surg. U. S. V. 1863-65, Bvt. Lt.-Col. U. S. v. *i867 Richard H. Tucker, (cl). 27 1853 Cornelius Van Alen Anderson,* A.M., M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1856. *i862 William Irving Clark, (m). 212 Pearl St., N. V. City. George Washington Dean,* (Rev.), A.M. 1861, S.T.D. Racine Coll., Instr. 1854, Prof. Gr. and Lat. Lang. Racine Coll. Wis. 1864-72, Prof. Lat. Union CoU. 1880-1, Chancellor Cathedral of All Saints Albany N. Y. 1881-87, Alumni Prof. Gen. Theol. Sem. P. E. Ch. N. Y. aet. 59. *i887 Joseph Smith Dodge, Jr., A.M. M.D. Coll. Phys. and- Surg. N. Y. 1856, D.D.S. Bait. Coll. Dentistry 1858, Instr. 1854, Prof. Dental Coll. N. Y. City. ij W. 20th St., N. y. City. Daniel Embury, Jr.,* (m), A.M. aet. 34. *i869 William Emerson, Jr.,* (cl), A.M. LL.B. Harv. 1856. *i864 William George Farrington, (Rev.), A.M. 1856, S.T.D. William and Mary Coll. 1873, Sec. Trustees Gen. Theol. Sem. P. E. Ch. 1869-85, Ed. Staff TAe Ckurchjnan. Orange, N. J. Isaac J. Greenwood, [Jr.], (CHEM), A.M. 1857. 171 West End Av., N. V. City. Albert Ward Hale, (eng.), A.M. 1862, E.M. 1872. 280 Broadzvay, N. Y. City. Abraham S. Jackson, (cl), A.M. 76 Montgomery St. , Jersey City, N. y. William Allen Johnson, (Rev.), A.M. 1857, Trustee Gen. Theol. Sem., Memb. Standing Com. Dioc. N. J., Prof. Homilet. and Ev. Christ. Berkeley Div. Sch. 1882- Prof. Church History. Middletown, Conn. I20 GRADUATES IN ARTS. [1853-55 John A. Kernochan.* (m). aet. 53. *i886 Delancy W. Knevels,* (m), A.M. aet. 38. *i873 Edward William Laight, Jr.,* (m), aet. 33. *i867 Thomas McCarty,* (cl), A.M. ♦1882 ^1869 William J. Osborne, (cl), A.M. 1856, Judge City Ct. Bkln. N. Y. 1887- Court HousCy Brooklyn^ N, Y. St. Clair Smith,* (cl). Washington Irving Tibbitts.* *i8s3 Archibald Somerville VanDuzer,* (CL), A.M. aet. 36. *i87o 19 1854 George Washington Bacon,* (Rev.), (EDUC), A.M., LL.B. 1862, M.D. 1865. *i874 Cullen Lawson Carter, (m). 4S1 Waverly Av.^ Brooklytty N. Y. Henry Martyn Congdon, (arch). Sometime Sec. Am. Inst, of Architects. 18 Broadway y N. Y. City. Charles B. Cromwell,* (cl). Francis A. DeWint,* (cl), A.M. i860. *i866 Elias Guion Drake, Jr., (cl), A.M. Ill Broadway y N. Y. City. Leicester K. Ely,* (b). aet. 48. *i8qi Carleton Moses Herrick, (cl), A.M., LL.B. i860. Edward Kirkland,* (br), U. S. Vol. aet. 54. *i889 George C. Kissam,* M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1857. *^^1S John Vaughan Lewis, (Rev.), A.M., S.T.D. Union Coll. 1870, Post Chaplain U. S. A. 1883-1890, Literary Ed. Churchman. Point Pleasant y N. J. Cutler C. McAllister,* (cl), A.M. *i879 Elias Joseph Marsh, (phys), M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1858, Asst. Surg. U. S. A. 1861-70, Med. Direct. U. S. v., Prest. N. J. State Bd. of Health 1877-79, Prest. Med. Soc. of N. J. 1891-92. 600 Park A v.. Pater son^ N. y. Henry C. Marvin,* (cl), A.M. *i865 James S. Merriam, (cl). 61 Liberty St., N. Y. City. Charles Edwards Morgan,* M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1857. aet. 34. +1867 Orlando H. Morris,* (cl), Maj. 66th N. Y. Vols. i86i and Col. 1862-64, Post Brig.-Gen. U. S. Vols. 1864. aet. 29. *i864 Henry Cruse Murphy, Jr., (cl), A.M. i860. 777 Montague St. , Brooklyn, N. Y. Peter J. Neefus, (f). Flatbush, L. I. James Cortlandt Parker, Jr.,* (CL), A.M., Lieut. U. S. Vols. *i862 Charles Stedman Pomeroy, (Rev.), A.M. Cleveland, O. George V. Pomeroy, Jr.,* (m), A.M. *i867 William J. Sayres,* (cl), A.M. 1862. aet. 59. *i890 Reginald Heber Smith,* (cl), A.M., LL.B. 1866. *i88o Benjamin Strong, (sec). 44 Pine St. , JV. Y. City. Gardiner Thompson,* (b). act. 57. *i893 John Condit Trippe, (m). Marvin Richardson Vincent, (Rev.), A.M. 1857, D.D. Union Coll. 1865, Prof. Lat. Troy tJniv., Prof. New Test. Exeg. Union Theol. Sem. N. Y., Trustee Col. Coll. 1889-. 18 £. g2d St., N. Y. City. Stewart Lyndon Woodford, (cl), A.M. 1866 and Yale 1866 and Trin. 18^, LL.D. Trin. 1870 and Dickinson, D. C. L. Syracuse Univ., N. Y,, 1894, Trustee Cornell Univ. 1870-, Asst. Atty. U. S. So. Dist. N. Y. 1 861, Col. and Brev. Brig.- Gen. U.S. Vols., Lieut.-Gov. N. Y. 1867- q, Prest. N. Y. Electoral Coll. 1872, Repr. in Congr. 1874, U. S. Dist. Atty. So. Dist. N. Y. 1877-83. 18 Wall St., N. Y. City. Jeremiah Lott Zabriskie, (Rev.). Waverly Av., Flatbush, N. Y. 30 1855 Gunning S. Bedford, Jr.,* (cl), A.M., LL.B. Harv. 1859, Asst. Dist. Atty. N. Y. City 1865-69, 1885-88, 1888-, City Judge N. Y. City 1869-73. ^®'' S^* *»893 1855-56] GRADUATES IN ARTS, 121 Edward Cammann,* (cl), A.M. aet. 35. *i867 Benjamin L. Curtis, (m), A.M. 121 spring Sf., N. V. City. Charles M. Da Costa,* (cl), A.M. Trustee Col. Coll. 1886-1890. aet. 54. *i89o William Dean, (cl), A.M. Trustee Amer. Instit. of City N. Y. 1888- and V.-Prest. of same 1891-92, Sec. Amer. Microscopical Soc. 1867-72. 31 Nassau SL, N. Y. City. Lewis Livingston Delafield,* (cl). A.M. aet. 49. *i883 Philip A. Embury,* (m), A.M. , Edward O. Harmon, (m). j/7 Lexington Av., N. V. City. James R. Hosmer, (cl). Capt. U. S. v., Secy, of Legation and Consul-Gen'l of U. S. Guatemala C. A. Walter Knight, M.D. elsewhere. Charles E. Miller (cl), A.M. 32 Nassau St. , N. V. City. David Burgess Miller,* A.M. • M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1858. aet. 48. *i884 George Ingraham Murphy, (cl), A.M. i860. 777 Montague St.^ Brooklyn, N. Y. George Augustus Ostrander, (PHYS), A.M. 1858, M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1858. 61 Greene Av.y Brooklyn^ N. Y. William Alfred Perry, (eng, mf), A.M. 86 Liberty St., N. Y. City. George R. Schieffelin (cl), A.M. 4J William St., N. Y. City. Oscar Smedberg,* (cl), A.M. aet. 41. *i877 Herbert Beach Turner, (cl), A.M. 1858, LL.B. Albany Law Sch. 1863. 22 William St., N. Y. City. John G. Wendel. 79 Maiden Lane, N. Y. City. 1856 William Warren Ay res, (Rev.), A.M. 1859. P. E. Ch. Lawrence, Kans. Edwin S. Babcock, (cl), A.M. Lt.-Col. u. s. V. 7 Warren St., N. Y. City. Charles A. Bacon,* A.M. 1863, M.D. N. Y. Med. Coll. 1863, Asst. Surg. U. S. A. during war. aet. 55. ♦1892 Albert H. Baldwin, A.M. 40 E. yotk St., N. Y. City. Eastburn Benjamin,* (Rev.), A.M. aet. 38. ♦1874 Marshall Spring Bidwell, Jr.,* (m), A.M. 1868. aet. 42. *i877 William Pell Bogart, (f). Abbot Brown, (Rev.), A.M. 1863. 2 E. isth St. , N. Y. City. Henry J. Cammann, (m), A.M. 1863. II Pine St., N. Y. City. Charles N. Clark, (b), A.M. u. s. V. Care of H. Burdick, Syracuse, N. Y. Edward Clute Clement,* A.M. i860, Mayor Yonkers N. Y. aet. 49. *i887 Whittingham Cox,* (m), A.M. i860, Capt. U. S. Vols. 1862, Lt. 4th U. S. Inf. 1864-70. *i89i Robert Livingston Cutting,* [Jr.], CBR), a.m., LL.B. Harv. Univ. 1859. aet. 57. *i8q4 Maturin Livingston Delafield, (M, RET), A.M. 475 Piftf^ Av.,N. Y. City, Walter Gregory.* Francis Hendricks, (m.) 4g Cliff St., N. Y. City. William R. Hyslop,* (cl), A.M. Capt. U. S. v. aet. 31. *i868 Ambrose C. Kingsland, Jr.,* (m), A.M. i86i. *i89o George Lovett Kingsland,* (m), A.M. i86i. aet. 65. +1892 Leonard William Kip, [Jr.], (Rev.), A.M., S.T.D. Rutgers Coll. 1880. Amoy, China. Peter L Labagh, (f), A.M. Fairjield, la. Thomas Townsend Lawrence,* (CL), LL.B. Harv. Univ. 1862. aet. 55. *i89i David Bradley Lee. Union Club, N. Y. City. Hermon F. Lee.* ♦1864 Alexis Emerson Mcllvaine, (m). Care Clapp 6^ Co. , 60 Broadway, A\ Y, City. 122 GRADUATES IN ARTS. [1856-57 Joseph Meeks, (cl), A.M. 1859, LL.B. Harv. Univ. 1859, Memb. N. J. Assembly 1879-80, 10 Barclay St., N. Y. City. Robert Bowne Minturn, Jr.,* (m), aet. 54. *i889 Richard C. Moore, Jr. Mandeville Mower, A.M. 1859. 67 J Lexington Av.y JV. V. City. James G. Osborne, (cl), A.M. [G.] Wendell Prime, (Rev.), (ed), S.T.D. Union Coll. 1880, Ed. N. Y. Ob- server, 38 Park Row, N. V. City. William Jones Seabury, (Rev.), ArM. 1859, S.T.D. Hobart Coll. 1876, and ad eundetn Gen. Theol, Sem, 1885, Lud- low Prof, Eccl, Pol, and Law Gen. Theol. Sem, P, E, Ch. N. Y. 144 IV. 14th St., N. Y. City. William F. Shepard, (cl). Alexander McComb Stanton, A,M, Detroit, Mich. Russel Stebbins, Jr., (m). g^S Madison Av., N. Y. City. Thomas Suffern, Jr.* *i8S7 Charles Crooke Suydam, (cl), A.M. 1859, ist Lieut. 5th N. Y Cav. 1861-62, Capt. and Lieut.-Col, Ass. Adj.- Gen. U. S. V. 1862-63, Lieut.-Col. 3d N. J. Cav. 1864, Counsel for U. S. before Am, and Spanish Claims Commission 1882-83, Asst, Counsel for U, S, Ct, of Comrs, of Alabama Claims 1883-Ss. 206 Broadway, N. Y. City. David Gardiner Thompson, [Jr.], (BR), A.M. i860. 2S Lafayette PL, N. Y. City. John W. Timpson, (cl), A.M. 7 Wall St., N. Y. City. William Gracie Ulshoeffer, (cl), Capt. U, S. v. j6o Broadway, N. Y. City. William T. Van Riper,* (cl), A.M. John Francis Walton,* (cl), A.M. James Weeks, (br, b). 18 Wall St., N. Y. City. Elbert Marinus Willett,* (cl), A.M. *i875 Howell L. Williams, Jr.,* (m), A.M. 45 1857 William S. Boardman, (Rev.), A.M, i860, B, D. Gen. Theol. Sem. P. E. Ch. N. Y. 1862, Exam. Chaplain Diocese N. J. 1878-85. F. E. Ch. Care D. Birdsall &> Co. , j/g Broadway, JV. Y. City. Morgan L. S. Brower,* A.M. 4864 Richard S. Dana, A.M. Union Club, N. Y. City. Henry Eugene Davies, (cl), A.M., U. S. Vols. 1861-66, Maj.-Gen. U. S. V. 1865-66, Pub. Admin. N. Y, City 1866-69, Asst, Dist. Atty. U. S. So. Dist, N. Y, 1870-73. Fishkill-on-Hudson, N. Y. Samuel Ward Francis,* A.M., M.D. Univ. N. Y, City i860, aet. 50. *i886 Elbridge Thomas Gerry, (cl), A,M,, Memb, N, Y, S. Constit. Conv. 1867, Ch. N. Y. State Com. on Cap. Pun- ishment 1886-87, Prest. N. Y. Soc. Preven. Cruelty to Children, V_. -Prest. Am. Soc. Preven. Cruelty to Animals and of Am, Humane Soc. 261 Broadway, N. Y. City. George G. Haven, (br, ret), A.M. j2 Nassau St. , N. Y. City. James Burton Herrick, (Rev.), A.M., B.D. Theol. Sem. Va. i860, 3401 Indiana A v., Chicago, III. Philip W. Holmes, (cl), A.M. I J Broad St., N. Y. City. Oliver Phelps Jackson. 795 Angier Av., Atlanta, Ga. Pierre McCarty, A.M. William Hammet Martin, (phys), A.M, i860, M.D. 1861. Madison, Morris Co., N. J. Erskine Mason,* A.M., M.D, i860, Asst. Dem, Anat, 1861-66, Dem, Anat. 1866, aet, 45, *i882 W. Carey Massett,* A.M,, Lt,-Col, U, S, v. aet, 23, *i862 Mytton Maury, (Rev.), A.M., S,T.D. Univ. N. Y. City 1876, Prof. Chem. and Physics Univ. N. Y. City. P. E. Ch. Water town. So. Dak. Henry B. Nott.* ♦1859 Richard T. Packwood, (phys), A.M., M.D. Univ. of La. i860. Lake Maitland, Fla. 1857-59] GRADUATES IN ARTS, 123 Theodore Parkman,* (chem), A.M., Ph.D. Univ. Gottingen i860, U. S. V. aet. 27. *i862 Goold Hoyt Redmond, (br). 10^ Franklin St., N. V. City. Charles E. Sears,* (cl), A.M. James H. Slipper, A.M. William Renwick Smedberg, (INS.), Lt.-Col. Bvt. U. S. A., Col. N. G. S. Cal. 1876-85, Commander Dept. Cal. G. A. R. 1886-87. ^14 California St., San Francisco, Cal. Edgar Pinckney Smith, A M. James T. Tailer,* (m), A.M. *i876 William Richmond Talbot, (mf), A.M. i860. Providence, R. I. Daniel Sylvester Tuttle, (Rev.), A.M. i86o, S.T.D. 1867, Bishop P. E. Ch. Montana 1867-81, of Utah and Idaho 1881-86, of Missouri 1886-. 2^2^ Chestnut St., St. Louis, Mo. William B. Winslow, (br), A.M. 2g6 Greenwich St., N. Y. City. 27 1858 Wyllys Pomeroy Baxter,* (cl), A.M. aet. 33. *i872 Henry Woodward Cooper,* (cl), A.M., LL.B. i860. *i872 Stephen B. M. Cornell,* A.M. aet. 50. *i886 Lewis A. Curtis. Daniel Sickles Duvall, (cl), LL.B. i860. Jacob Augustus Geissenhainer, (CL), A.M., LL.B. Univ. N. Y. City i860 and Univ. Berlin 1861. 2gj Broadway, N. Y, City. Harmon Hendricks, (m, ret), A.M. j8 E. 80th St., JV. Y. City. Henry Lawrence Jones, (Rev.), A.M., S.T.D. i8q2, Delegate Gen. Conv. P. E. Ch. since 1880. Wilkesbarre, Pa. Henry C. Kinney, (Rev.), A.M. 1 86 1. P. E. Ch. 8og 4yth St., S., Chicago, III. Nicholas Luquer, Jr. 618 Henry St. , Brooklyn, N. Y. Philip Mesier Lydig, Jr.,* (cl), LL.B. 1861, Major and Bvt. Lt.-Col. and Col. U. S. V. aet. 31. *i868 D. Ledyard Mallison.* James R. Manley,* A.M. William J. Marrin, (cl), AM. 1864. S2 Wall St., N. Y. City. Charles H. Marshall, (m, ret), A.M., Commr. to World's Fair from N. Y. 1876, Alderman N. Y. C. 1880-81, Pilot Commr. 1877-79, Dock Commr. 1887-88, Hon. Memb. Soci6t6 d'Agric. de France. 7 Nassau St., N. Y. City. Benjamin Pell.* *i863 A. G. Richards. ^70 Broadway, N. Y. City. Robert K. Richards. ^2 Broadway, N. Y. City. Henry Chauncey Riley, (Rev), Bishop Protestant Mexican Ch. 4j Bible House, N'. Y. City. James Woodruff Romeyn,* (cl), A.M., ist Lt. Mich. Vol. Infy. 1862, A. D. C. to Gen. Comm. ist Div. 9th Army Corps 1862, Memb. Bd. Educat. Detroit Mien., Memb. Assemb. and Senate Mich., U. S. Consul Valparaiso 1886-90. aet. 52. *i89i Thomas F. Thatcher. Gilbert T. Totten,* A.M., M.D. 1861, Asst. Surg. N. Y. V. aet. 33. +1872 Hubert [Gerrit H.] Van Wagenen.* aet. 55. *i893 Francis C. Wainwright,* (Rev.), A.M. *i874 John Ward, Jr., (au), LL.B. i860, A.M. 1864, M.D. Univ. N. Y. City 1864, Capt. U. S. V. 1861-62, Col. i2th Regt. N. G. S. N. Y. 1867-77. j8 W.sjth St., N. Y. City. 25 1859 Edward Henry Anderson,* (cl), A.M., N. Y. Assemb. 1866. aet. 39. *i87g Richard Smith Bacon, (educ), A.M., LL.B. 1862, M.D. 1865, Prin. School, j4 E. SI St St., N. Y. City. Thomas J. Benjamin,* A.M. ♦1867 John Crosby Brown, (b), A.M., Trustee Col. Coll. 1884-. 59 Wall St., N. Y. City. 124 GRADUATES IN ARTS, [1859-60 Edward F. Browning, (rr), A.M., Prest. E, & W. R. R. of Ala. 408 Broome St. , N. Y. City. Elisha S. Caldwell, (cl), A.M. ^4 Broad St., N. Y. City. Francis Pharcelhis Church, (ed), A.M. 46 E. 30th St. , JV. Y. City. Gouverneur Cruger, (Rev.), A.M., B.D. Gen. Theol. Sem. P. E. Ch. N. Y. 1868, LL.M. Supr. Ct. N. Y., Prest. Ch. Cemetery 1887-, Vice-Prest. Field Home 1893-. Montrose, N. Y. William Floyd Cushman, A.M., M.D. 1862. S2J W. 2 2d St., N. Y. City, John Duer, (cl), LL.B. i86i. 50 Wall St., N. Y. City. Cortlandt de Peyster Field, (m), A.M. 21 E. 26th St., N. Y. City. John Frederic Gesner, (chem), A.M. 75 State St., N. Y. City. Irving Grinnell, A.M. 1862. New Hamburgh, N. Y. E. Treadwell Hustace.* ♦1859 Charles Augustus Jackson, [Jr.], (CL), A.M. 16 Exchange PI. , N. Y. City. William Jay, [Jr.], (cl), A.M. 1862, LL.B. 1867, Capt. and Bvt.-Lieut.- Col. U. S. Vols. 48 Wall St., N. Y. City. James Pierre Lacombe,* A.M. aet. 44. *i884 William Lummis, (b, ret), A.M. 1862, V.-Prest. N. Y. Stock Ex., Memb. Bd. Education N. Y. C. 1886-93, Commr. Schools N. Y. C, R. R. director, V.- Prest. Washington Trust Co. 5^7 Madison Av., N. Y. City. Emory McClintock, (act), A.M. 1862, Ph.D. Univ. Wisconsin 1884, LL.D. 1885, Tutor Maths. 1859-60, U. S. Con- sular Agt. Bradford Eng. 1862-66, Fellow Inst. Actuaries London, Memb. Lond. Math. Soc, now Prest. N. Y. Math. Soc, V.-Prest. Actuarial Soc. of Am., Actuary Mut. Life Ins. Co. N. Y. 1889-. 32 Nassau St. , N. Y. City. George William Maynard, (eng), A.M. 1868, Prof. Mining and Metall. Renss. Polytech. Inst. Troy N. Y. 1868- 73- 75 Cedar St., N Y. City. James Frederic Moore,* A.M., M.D. elsewhere. Civil Serv. Commr. Brooklyn N. Y. 1885-86. aet. 54. *i893 Stephen Whitney Phoenix,* A.M., LL.B. 1863. aet. 42. *i88i William Lewis Raymond, (cl), A.M., U. S. Consul Leeds Eng., 1864- 68. 77 Broadway, N. Y. City. Stephen Richard Reynolds,* A.M. Capt. U. S. V. aet. 26. *i864 William Tufnell Sabine, (Rev.), A.M. 1862, D.D. N. Y. Univ. 1890. Re/. Epis. Ch. gho Madison Av., N. Y. City. Oscar Egerton Schmidt, A.M. Prest. N. Y. Orthopedic Disp. and Hosp., Prest. Mfg. Co.'s, Treas. Title Guar, and Trust Co. and of Bond and Mort. Guar. Co. N, Y. C. SS Liberty St., N Y. City. Joseph Augustus Slipper,* (pr), A.M., Col. U. S. V. aet. 42. *i882 Thomas F. Trenor, A.M., M.D. elsewhere. Gabriel Mead Tooker, (cl), A.M., LL.B. 1861. CareH. S. Ely, 64 Cedar St. N. Y. City. Robert Boyd Van Kleeck, Jr.,* CRev.), A.M., LL.B. 1862. aet. 52. *i892 William David Walker, (Rev.), A.M. 1863, S.T.D. 1884 and Racine Coll. 1883, D.D. Oxford Univ. 1894, LL.D. Dublin Univ. 1894, Bishop P. E. Ch. N. Dak. 1883-, Memb. U. S. Bd. Indian Commrs. 1886. Eargo, N. Dak. Edward N. Whitehouse (u s n), A.M., Paymaster U. S. N. University Club, N. Y. City. Henry Bruen Whitehouse,* (m), A.M., LL.B. elsewhere. aet. 51. *i889 33 i860 Robert P. Barry, 1865, (v) Capt. and Brvt.-Maj., U. S. A. IVarrenton, Va. Richard G. Benjamin,* A.M Clarence Stewart Brown,* (b), A.M., Major U. S. V. aet. 36. *i87S J. Lorillard Cammann,* A.M. aet. 28. *i868 Howard Clarkson, (b). 44 Wall St., N. Y. City. I iS6o-6i] GRADUATES IN ARTS. 125 Walter Livingston Clarkson, (cl), A.M. 1863, LL.B. 1863. I4g Broadway y N. Y. City. Edgar M. Cullen, (cl), A.M., LL.D. 1892, Col. U. S. v., Lt. 1st U. S. Inf., Justice Supreme Court N. Y. Sec- ond Jud. Dist. 1881-. Court HousCy Brooklyn, N. Y. Charles De Ruyter,* (m), A.M., LL.B. 1862, U. S. V. aet. 50. *i89o Eugene Du Bois.* aet. 51. *i8gi John Haven Emerson, (phys), A.M. 1863, M.D. 1864, A. A. Surg. U. S. A. 1864, San. Insp'r Metrop. Bd. of , Health 1866-, 1868. '67-62>] GRADUATES IN ARTS. 133" Giraud Graham, A.M. 1 220 Michigan Av,, Chicago^ III. Clarence Melville Hyde, (cl), LL.B. i86g, A.M. 1870. 206 Madison A v., JV, V. City. William Halsey Ingersoll, (mf), LL.B. 1869, A.M., Asst. Mech. and Asty. Col. Coll. 1873-81. Justice Peace Port- land Conn. Northport^ L. I. George Barent Johnson, (Rev.), A.M., Master St. Paul's Sch. Concord N. H. 1868-72, P. E. Ch. Lebanon Springs, N. Y. John Alsop King, 5j William St., N, Y. City. Hobart Lewis.* aet. 23. ♦1870 Henry Demarest Lloyd, (ed), A.M. Chicago, III. James McNamee, (cl), A.M. j2 Nassau St., N'. Y. City. Cadwalader Evans Ogden,* (cl), LL.B. 1869. aet. 41. *i888 Henry Evelyn Pierrepont, [Jr.], A.M. 1870. 216 Coluvibia Ilts., Brooklyn, N. Y. Hector Craig Fitz Randolph. 174 W.^Sth St., N. Y. City. Julius Sachs, (educ), A.M. 1871, Ph.D., Prest. Am. Philological Assn. 1890-91. S8 W.sgth St., N. Y. City. Henry William Schneeberger, (Rev.3, A.M. 1870, D.D. Rabbinical Sem. Berlin Germ. 1871. J 802 E . Balto. St., Baltimore, Md. Aaron Ernest Vanderpoel, (cl), LL.B. 1869, A.M., Trustee Col. Coll. 1877-1889. P. O. Box 261, N. Y. City. Rudolph August Witthaus, (CHEM), A.M. 1870, M.D. Univ. N. Y. City 1875, Assoc. Prof. Chem. and Phys- iol. Univ. N. Y. City 1876, Prof. Chem. • and Tox. Univ. Vt. 1878-, Prof. Chem- istry and Tox. Univ. Buffalo 1880-, and Official Chemist Buffalo (N. Y.), Prof. Chemistry, Physics and Hygiene Univ. N. Y. City 1886-, Expert in Chem- istry and Toxicology. 118 W. S5th St., N. Y. City. James Henry Work, (cl), LL.B. 1869, A.M. 1870. 2 Wall St., N. Y. City. 31 1868 Isaac Adler, (phys), M.D. Heidelberg Univ. 1871, Prof. Clin. Path. N. Y. Polyclin., Vis. Phys. German Hosp. 12 E. 60th St., N. Y. City. John William Schmidt Arnold,* A.M., M.D. Bellev. Hosp. Med. Coll. 1871, Prof. Univ. Med. Coll. 1872-82, Prof. Chem. Univ. of the South, Tenn. 1885-88. aet. 42. *i88S Henry Denison Babcock, (B, BR), A.M. 21 W. 4gth St., N. Y. City. William Preston Beck, Ex-Clerk Cri-r. Court and Asst. Dist.^ Atty. Pueblo, Col. James Michael Brady, (cl), LL.B. 1870, A.M. 1871, Asst. Dist. Atty. N. Y. Co. 1882-83. JS52 Broadway, N. Y. City. Benjamin Howell Campbell, (EDUC), A.M. J4 E. Si St St. , N. Y. City. Walter Ewing Colton. 180 Congress St., Brooklyn, N". Y. Frederic de Peyster Foster, (cl)^ A.M. 1871, LL.B. 1872. 18 Wall St., N. Y. City. Tallmadge Woodward Foster, (CL), A.M. 80 Broadway, N. Y. City. Andrew [Jackson] Gilhooly, (cl), LL.B. 1870, A.M.1871. 5 Beekman St. , N . Y. City. Elmslie Morven Gillett, A.M., (m). 12^ Water St., N. Y. City. Joseph Bayley Halsey, (re), A.M. 88 Washington PI., N. Y. City. John Archibald Macdonald. Denver, Col. Edward Schermerhorn Mead,* A.M. 1872. aet. 29. *i877 William Mitchell, (cl), A.M. LL.B. 1871. 4S Wall St., N. Y. City. John McLean Nash (cl), LL.B. 1870, A.M., Treasr. Col. Coll. 1885-. 67 Wall St., N. Y. City. Duane Livingston Peabody,* (CL), LL.B. 1870, A.M. aet. 39. *i886 134 GRADUATES IN ARTS. [1868-69 John Duncan Quackenbos, (EDUC), A.M. 1871, M.D. 1871, Tutor Col. Coll. 1870-84, Adj. Prof. Eng. Lang, and Lit. 1884-91, Prof. Rhetoric 1891-94, and Emeritus 1894-. 331 W. 28th St., N. Y. City. George Lockhart Rives, (cl), B.A. Trin. Coll. Camb. Eng. 1872, A.M. 1872, LL.B. 1873, A.M. Camb. 1879, Trustee Col. Coll. 1882-, Asst. Secy. State U. S. 1887-89. 14 W. 38th St., AT. V. City George Nicholas Sanders, Jr.,* (Rev.), LL.B. 1870, A.M. aet. 41. *i89o Arthur Sloan, (Rev.), A.M. 1871, Chaplain Sailors' Snug Harbor S. \. N. Y. Sailors^ Snug Harbor, S. /., A^. Y. William [James] Milligan Sloane, (EDUC), A.M., Ph.D. Leipsic 1876, L.H.D. 1887, Prof. Latin Coll. N. J. 1877, now Prof. His. Coll. N. J. Princeton, N. J. John Steward, Jr. 13 W. 2 1 St St., AT. Y. City. James Prescott Swain, Jr., (m), A.M. Rockville Centre, L. I., N. Y. Horace Holden Thayer, (co), Ex-Civ. Serv. Commr. Yonkers N. Y., Secy, and Treas. of the Comstock Tun- nel Co. and of the General Elec. Co. of Yucatan. 11$ Broadway, N. Y. City. Stephen Whittingham Williams, A. M. 18 Linden PI. , Orange, N. J. Lucius Kellogg Wilmerding, (m), A.M. J 6 Leonard St., A. Y. City. 27 1869 Charles Gustavus Adams, (Rev.), A.M., B.D. Bexley Hall (Kenyon), Supt. Pub. School Fairfield Ct. 1886. 288 E. joth St., N. Y. City. Hal Allaire, (f), A.M. Direct. Monmouth Co. Agl. Soc. Allaire, N. J. Willard Bartlett, (cl), LL.B. Univ. City N. Y. 1868, Justice Supreme Ct. N. Y. 2d Dist. 1884-. Supreme Court Chambers, Brooklyn, N. Y. Evelyn Pierrepont Bartow, (Rev.), A.M. 1872. Providence, R. I. Robert Lenox Belknap, (rr), Coll. N. J. 1869, A.M. 1872, Treas. No. Pac. R. R. 1879-88, Pres. Superior & Duluth Loan & Debenture Co. 1888, Capt. 1873-4, Maj. 1874-77, A. A. In- spect.-Gen. 1875, Lieut.-Col. A. A. G. 1877-81, Brvt. Col. 1880 (N. G. S. N. Y.), Treas. Presbyt. Hosp, N. Y., Man. Am. Bible Soc, Trustee Princeton Theol. Sem. 62 William St. . N. Y. City. Jacob Bininger,* A.M. aet. 40. *i889 Thomas Newby Cuthbert, (cl), LL.B. 1871, A. M. 1872. IS Cortlandt St., N, Y. City. William Bayard Cutting, (co), LL.B. 1871, A.M. 1872, Trustee Col. Coll. 1880-. 32 Nassau St., N. Y. City. Henry Drisler, Jr , A.M. 331 Pearl St., N. Y. City. William Alexander Duer, (cl), LL.B. 1871, A.M. //J Broadway, N. Y. City. Hamilton Fish, [Jr.], (cl), A.M., LL.B. 1873, N. Y, Assemb, 1874, 1876. Aqueduct Commr. N. Y. City 1886-88. 104 Broadway, N. Y. City. William Dudley Foulke, (cl), LL.B. 1871, A.M. 1872, State Senator Ind., elected Prest. Swarthmore Coll. Penn. 1890 and declined, Prest. Ind. Civ. Serv. Ref. Assn. Richmond, Ind. William Montague Geer, (Rev.), LL.B. 1871, A.M., Asst. Min. Trinity P&risn 2g V'esey St., N. Y. City. Edward John Hallock,* (chem), A.M., Ph.D. Heidelberg 1878, Asst. in Chem. 1876-77, Prof. Chem. Southern Med. Coll. Ga. aet. 38. *i884 George Webster Heasly.* aet. 23. *i872 William Berrian Hooper, (Rev.), A.M. 38 Bleecker St., N. Y. City. Robert Henry Hunt.* aet. 21. *i87o William E. Iselin, (m). I Greene St., N. Y. City. Harry Madison Jones, (cl), LL.B. 1873. 8 W. gth St., iV. Y. City. Shipley Jones, (br), A.M. 34 Pine St. , N. Y. Citv. 1869-70] GRA D UA TES IN AR TS, 135 John Henry Livingston, (cl), LL.B. 1871. Clermont, N. Y. David B. Ogden, (cl), LL.B, 1871. /// Broadway, N. Y. City. John Oven,* (Rev.), A.M. ♦1875 Charles Augustus Peabody, Jr., (CL), LL.B. 1871, A.M. 1872, N. Y. Assemb. 1876. 2 Wall St., N. Y. City. George Plato Pierce, (ranchman). York town, N. Dak. Samuel Augustus Purdy, Jr., (cl), , LL.B. 1871, a.m. 1872. Wilton, Conn. William Macneven Purdy, (cl), LL.B. 1871, A.M. 1872. /40 Nassau St. , N. Y. City. Horace Nelson Seaver, Jr., (EDUC), A.M., LL.B. Harv. Univ. 1874, Prof, Law Racine Coll. 1887-. j(? Clinton St. , Newark, N. J. Frank Norsworthy Shepard,* (CL), LL.B. 1871, A.M. aet. 37. *i887 John Adams Smedberg. Am. Exchange Batik, N. Y. City. Edward Bayard Smith, (Rev.), LL.B. 1871, A.M. IJJ2 First Av., W. Troy, N. Y. David Stewart, Jr.* ♦1874 Henry Cady Sturges, A M. 40 E. 36th St., N. Y. City. Edward Tillou, (cl), LL.B. 1871, A.M. SJ Liberty St., N. Y. City. Edward Francis Weeks, (cl), LL.B, 1871, A.M. 1872. 4S William St., N. Y. City. Thenford Woodhull, (cl), LL.B. 1871, A.M. 1872. 2IJ Montague St. , Brooklyn, N'. Y. 36 1870 Felix Adler, Ph.D. Heidelberg 1873, formerly Prof. Cornell Univ., Lect. for Soc. for Ethical Culture. I2S E. 60th St., N. Y. City. Walden Pell Anderson, (arch). 676 Columbus Av., A'. Y. City. Isaac Baker Barrett, (cl), A.M. ^o State St., Albany, N. Y. Richard Berrian, A.M. Western Natl. Bank, N. Y. City. Towson Caldwell, (cl), A.M., LL.B. 1879, ' Lewis Buffett Carll, (educ), A.M. 1873. 67 Union St., Jersey City, N. J. John Cropper, (cl), A.M., LL.B. 1872. 1742 M. St., Washington, D. C. George Hicks Dibblee.* ♦1873 Thomas Charles Edward Eccle- sine, (cl), A.M., LL.B. 1871, N. Y. Assemb. 1877 and Sen- ate 1878, 1879. 44 Broadway, N. Y. City. William Fanning, [Jr.], (cl), LL.B. 1871, A.M. 1877. J/J Madison Av., N, Y. City. Charles Meredith Garth, (m). 1012 W. Main St., Louisville, Ky. William Erwin Gilhooly, (cl), LL.B. 1873. 5 Beekman St. , N. Y. City. Henry Waterman Holden, A.M. Arthur Ingraham, A.M. 1873. 1 14 Nassau St. , N, Y. City. Edmond Kelly, (cl), A.M. 1874, and Camb, Univ. Eng. 1881, LL.B. 1877, Licen. en Droit Faculty de Paris 1883, Counsel to U, S. Legation at Paris France, Fellow Geolog. Soc, (Eng.) 107 E. 60th St., N. Y. City. Franklin Butler Lord, (cl). 120 Broadzvay, N. Y. City. Seth Low, LL.D. Amherst Coll. 1889, Harv. Univ. 1890, Univ. State N, Y. 1890, Univ. of Pa. i8go, Coll. N. J. 1890, Mayor of Brooklyn 1882-83, 1884-85, Trustee Col. Coll, 1881-, President Col, Coll. 1890-. Columbia College, N. Y. City. John Bartow Montell, (m). 6j Pine St., N. Y. City. Robert Stratton Morison, (m), A.M. /f2 Garden PL, Brooklyn, N, Y. Isidor Pierce Oberndorfer, (phys), A.M. 18^3, M.D. 1874, Licentiate in Med. Univ. of Leipsic 1877, Att'g Phys. Dermatologist German Disp., Att'g Phys. Instit. for Improved Instr. of Deaf-Mutes N. Y. I OJ7 Lexington A v., N". Y. City. 136 GRADUATES IN ARTS. [1870- Walter Ogden, (br). y Pine St., N. Y. City. George Livingston Peabody, (PHYS), A.M. 1873, M.D. 1873, Exam, in Pract. of _ Med., Lecturer 1884-87 and Prof. Materia Med. and Therap. 1887-, Trustee Col. Coll. 1884-gi, Att'g Phys, to N. Y., Bellev. and St. Luke's Hosps. 57 W.sSth St., N. Y. City. Spencer Summerfield Roche, (Rev.), A.M. Ex-Chap. Dioc. L. I,, Trustee Cathedral of Incarnation P, E. Ch. 211 Carlton Av. , Brooklyn, N'. Y. David Alvah Rowe, (re), A.M. Tarry town, N. Y. George Starr Schofield, Jr., (cl), LL.B, 1872, A.M. 1874. jj Broadway, N. Y. City. Robert NorSworthy Shepard,t(cL), A.M. LL.B. 1876. 386 Fifth Av.,N. Y. City. Deming Beadle Smith, (mf). g2S Broadway, N. Y. City. Frank Dodge Sturges, (cl), LL.B. 1872, A.M. 1873. 77 Wall St., N. Y. City. William Nay lor Webbe, (Rev.), A.M. Rochester, N. Y. Dennistoun Wood, (cl), LL.B. 1872, A.M. 1873. 20 Nassau St. , N. Y. City. 30 I87I Robert Barbour, (Rev.), A.M. 1874, Grad. Princeton Theol. Sem., Preib. Ch. US W. 40th St., JV. Y. City. Valentine Alexander Blacque, (b). J9 £. sjd St., N. Y. City. William Haliburton Bridgham. 24 Waver ly PI. , N. Y. City. Frederic Bronson, (cl). LL.B. 1873. 1^4 Madison Av., N. Y. City. Clarence Rapelje Conger, (cl), A.M., LL.B. 1873. ig W. 20th St., N. Y. City. William Henry Conover, (cl), LL.B. Union Coll. 1876, formerly at- tached to Law Dept. City of Newark, N.J. 800 Broad St. , Newark, N. y. t Known subsequently to 1881 as Robert Fitch Shepard. Robert Fulton Cutting, A.M. 1875" 32 Nassau St. , N. Y. City. Denning Duer, Jr., (b). New Haven, Conn. Moses Henry Epstein. Stuyvesant Fish, (rr), A.M., Prest. 111. Cent. RR. Co. 214 Broadway, N. Y. City. Frank Goddard Haughwout,* CCL), LL.B. 1875. U. S. Consul at Naples. aet. 37. *i886 Jacob Herrick Henry, (cl), LL.B. 1873, A.M. 32 Liberty St., N. Y. City. Joseph Hooper, (Rev.), A.M. 187-^, Prest. School Board Lebanon Springs N. Y. 1883-85, Hon. Lect. Bishops Coll. Canada 1887, Chairman School Board Groton Conn. 1890-93. Durham Centre, Conn. Francis Hustace, (phys), A.M. 1874, M.D. 1874. 41 J Madison Av., N. Y. City. Richard Busteed Kelly,, (cl), LL.B. 1873, A.M. 23"/ Broadway, N. Y. City. Henry Day Loder,* (cl), LL.B. 1873, A.M. aet. 35. *i887 [James] Brander Matthews, (AU, EDUC), LL.B. 1873, A.M. 1874, Prof, of Literature Col. Coll. 1892-. 721 E. 1 8th St., N. Y. City. James Otis Morse, Jr., (cl), A.M. 1874, LL.B. 1878. Englewood, N. y. Chester Clark Munroe, (m). ig Liberty St. , N. Y. City. Benjamin Franklin Romaine, [Jr.], (CL), LL.B. 1872, J. U. D. Univ. Heidel- berg 1874. 20 Nassau St. , N. Y. City. John Watts Russell,* (cl), LL.B. J871, a.m.. Secy, to Secy, of State U. S. 1873-77. aet. 36. *i888 William Henry Sage, (cl), A.M., LL.B. 1874. 756 Broadway, N. Y. City. Henry Mason Smyth, (Rev.). Plattsburg, N. Y. Oscar Solomon Straus, (m), A.M., LL.B. 1873, U. S. Minister to Turkey 1887-89, Prest. Am. Jewish Historical Assn., Commr. to revise School Laws N. Y. C. 1893. 42 Warren St., N. Y. City. 1871-72] GRADUATES IN ARTS. 137 Robert Swan, [Jr.], (phys), A.M., M.D. 1874, Asst. Surg. U. S. N. 1874-77, Passed Asst. Surg. 1877-1889. 7^ State St., Brooklyn^ N. V. Obadiah Valentine, (Rev.), A.M. p. E. Ch. y2 W. j2d St. , Bayonne, N. y . Joseph Fenelon Vermilye,* (EDUC), A.M. LL.B. 1875. *i884 Robert Waller, Jr., (br), A.M. 56 Broadway, N. Y. City. ► George Whitefield Ward. J95 Broadway, N. V. City. Augustus Ward Whiton.* aet. 24. *i875 Frank Work, Jr. [George Francis Work], A.M. Oyster Bay, N. V. 1872 Robert Arnold, (cl), LL.B. ;• 1875, A.M. aet. 23. *i875 Sidney Gillespie Ashmore, (EDUC), A.M. 1875, L.H.D. Hobart Coll. 1887, Instr. in Grk. and Lat. Lehigh Univ. 1873-76, Tutor Latin Col. Coll. 1876-81, Prof. Latin Lang, and Lit. Union Coll. i88i-. Schenectady, N. V. Frederick Augustus Brown, (b). 20 Nassau St, , N. V. City. Robert Clarence Dorsett, (cl), A.M. LL.B. 1877. 7 Nassau St., N. V. City, Clarence Gushing Edgerton, (cl), A.M., LL.B. 1874. Cooper stown, N. Y. Haliburton Fales, (cl), LL.B. 1874, A.M. 1875. 383 Fifth Av., N. Y. City. William Henry Haldane, (cl), LL.B. 1874, A.M. 1875. J2 William St., N. Y. City. Edward Fermor Hall, (ins), A.M., Supt. Fidelity and Casualty Co. 140 Broadway, N. Y. City. Robert Ray Hamilton,* (cl), LL.B. 1874, A.M., N. Y. Assemb. 1881, 1886-9. aet. 39. *i89o Schuyler Hamilton, Jr., (mf), A.M. E.M. 1876. Croton-on-Hudson, Westchester Co. , N. Y. William Edgar Keyes, (m), LL.B. 1874, A.M. 160 Broadway, N. Y. City. Charles Henry Knox, (cl), A.M., LL.B. Univ. City N. Y. 1872, Commr. Com. Schools N. Y. C. and Trus. Coll. City N. Y. and of Normal Coll., Prest. Bd. of Education N. Y. C. 1894. S2 Williafn St., N. Y. City. Edmund Maccaffil, (m). 136 Water St., N. Y. City. John Holme Maghee, A.M. 187s, C.E. 1876. 2g E. j2d St., N. Y. City. Frederick Panet Marshall,* (cl), A.M. LL.B. 1876. aet. 36. *i886 Valentine Mott, (phys), A.M., B.A. Camb. Eng. 1876, M.D. Bellevue Hosp. Med. Coll. 1878. 62 Madison Av., N. Y. City. Ludlow Ogden, (cl), LL.B. 1874, A.M. 1875. 4 Warren St., N. Y. City. Richard Ogden, (mf). Milwaukee, Wis. James Lawrence Onderdonk, (cl), LL.B. 1874, A.M. 1875, Memb. Leg. Idaho 1880-81, Controller and Supt. Pub. Instruct. Idaho 1881-83, 1883-85, City Atty. Boise City Idaho 1882-85. J26 Michigan A v. , Chicago, III. Augustus Coe Pierson,* (cl), LL.B. 1875, A.M. aet. 24. *i875 John Krom Rees, (educ), A.M. and E.M. 1875, Asst. in Math. Sch. of Mines 1873-76, Prof. Math, and Ast. Washington tjniv. Mo. 1876-81, Director of Observatory Col. Coll. 1881-, Instr. in Geod. 1881-82, Adj.-Prof. Geod. and Pract. Ast. 1882-84 ^"4 ^''of' 1884-92, Professor of Ast. and Director of Obser- vatory 18^2-, Chairman Ast. Sec. N. Y. Acad. Sci. 1891, Prest. N. Y. Acad. Sciences 1894-. Columbia College, N. Y. City. Edward Lazarus Rosenfeld.* *i873 Charles Lancaster Short, (Rev.), A.M., S.T.B. Gen. Theol. Sem. P. E. Ch. N. Y. 1877. Newcastle, Me. John Ruggles Strong, (cl), LL.B. 1875, A.M. Cambridge , Mass. Edmund Grindle Rawson Trimble, (PHYS), M.D. 1878, A.M. 1875, formerly Memb. Health Dept. N. Y. C. and Health Dept. Chicago, 111., Smoke Inspector 111. Cent. RR. 61 W. iioih St., N. Y. City. 138 GRADUATES IN ARTS. [1873-74^ Arthur Delano Weekes, (cl), LL.B. 1874, A. M. 1875. S8 Wall St., N, Y. City. Robert Henry Wilkinson, (Rev.), A.M. Henry Duncan Wood, (br). iS Wall St., N. Y. City. Henry Edgar Woodward, (cl), LL.B. 1874, A.M. 1875. J2-J4 William St., N. Y. City. 29 1873 Jose Aymar (cl), A.M., LL.B. 1878. Paseo de Gracia, No. 114, Barcelona, Spain. Ira Leo Bamberger, (cl), LL.B, 1875. 280 Broadway, N. Y. City. Emilio Ysidoro Del Pino, (cl), LL.B. 187s, A.M. 43 William St., A^. Y. City. Otis Field, 1874, (educ), A.M. 1880. William Seton Gordon, (cl), A.M. Trin. Coll. Toronto Can. 1886. 41 Wall St., N. Y. City. Frederick Remsen Hutton, (educ), E.M., C.E. 1876, Ph.D. 1881, Inst, in Mech. Eng. Col. Coll. 1877-82 arid Adj. Prof. 1882-93 and Prof. 1893-, Sec. Amer. Soc. Mech. Eng. Expert U. S. loth Cen- sus 1880, Mech. Editor Engineering Mag. 1892 and of Johnson's Ency. 1893. 2g6 Lexington A v. , N. Y. City. Percy Hamilton McMahon, (cl), LL.B. 1875, A.M. Leadville, Col. Henry Rutgers Marshall, (arch), A.M. 874 Broadway, N. Y. City. Casimir de Rham Moore, (cl), LL.B. 1875, A.M. 7 Nassau St., N. Y. City. Louis St. Amant, A.M. Yonkers, N. Y. Alexander Bethmann Simonds, (CL), LL.B. 1875, A.M. 4g Wall St., N. Y. City. Wybrants Alonzo Smith, (cl), A.M. LL.B. 1876. 95 Grand St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Gilbert McMaster Speir, Jr., (cl), LL.B. 1875, A.M. 1876. 62 Wall St., N. Y. City. Silas Moore Stilwell, [Jr.], (cl), LL.B. 187s, A.M. /// Broadway, N. Y. City. Lefferts Strebeigh, (cl), LLB. 1875, A.M. 1876. 80 Broadway, N. Y. City. Sutherland Tenney, (cl), LL.B. 1875, A.M. 1876, Asst. U. S. Atty. So. Dist. N. Y. 1878-82. 87 Madison A v., N. Y. City. David Thomson, (cl), LL.B. 1875, A.M. 1877. S2 Wall St., N. Y. City. Daniel Babbit Vermilye, (cl), LL.B. 1875, A.M, Orange, N. y. • James Montaudevert Waterbury, [Jr.], (m). A.m. ijg Front St., N. Y. City. Bache McEvers Whitlock, (cl), LL.B. 1875, A.M. 1876. 4g Wall St., N. Y. City. George Norman Williamson, (MF CHEM), LL.B. 1876. 478 Mott Av., N. Y. City. 21 1874 Spencer Aldrich, (cl), LL.B. 1876, A.M. 1877. 2g Broadway, N. Y. City. Walter Scott Allerton, (cl), LL.B 1877, School Commr. ist Dist. Westches- ter Co. N. Y. 1892. Mt. Vernon, N. Y. Louis Henri Ayme, 1884, U. S. Consul Merida, Yucatan, Mexico 1884. Charles Ramsey Buckley, A.M., E.M. 1877. 27 Broadway, N. Y. City. George Forrest Butterworth, (cl), LL.B. 1876, A.M. 1877. 36 Wall St., N. Y. City. Timothy Matlack Cheesman, (PHYS), A.M. 1877, M.D. 1878, Instr. in Bacteriology Col. Coll. 46 E. 2gth St., N. Y. City. Robert Clifford Cornell, (cl), LL.B. 1876, A.M. ^4 Williat7i St., N. Y. City. Frank Drisler, (educ), A.M. Tutor Col. Coll. 1876-84, Prin. Sch. 9 E. 4gth St., N. Y. City. John Hone Foster, A.M. 18 Wall St., N. Y. City. Pierre Pascal Harrower, (Rev.). W. New Bnghton, S. I., N. Y. 1874-75] GRA DUATES IN AR TS. 139 Selden T. Scranton Henry, (RR AUD), LL.B. 1876, A.M. Auditor Del. & H. C. Co. 283 Eighth St., Jersey City, N. J. Frederic William Hinrichs, (cl), A.M., LL.B. 1875, Memb. Brooklyn (N. Y.) Bd. Educat. 1882-84, Commr. of Ar- rears Brooklyn 1894-. 775 Broadway , N. V. City. Jay Humphreys,* A.M. aet. 34. *i883 William Warner Johnson, (pub), A.M. 1877. 48J N. Broadway, Yonkers, N. Y. , George Kennedy, (educ), A.M. Prof. Greek Lang, and Lit. Geneva Coll. Beaver Falls, Pa. George Christian Kobbd, (cl), A.M. 1877, LL.B. 1876. Short Hills, N. J. Albert Jared Loder, (cl), LL.B. 1876, A.M. 1877, Dep. Coll. Int. Rev. 1877-82. 14 E. 14th St. , N. Y. City. Alfred Meyer, (phys), A.M. M.D. 1877, Att'g Phys. Mt. Sinai Hosp. N. Y. y4g Madison Av., N. Y. City. Edward Sumner Rapallo, (cl), A.M., LL.B. 1876. 32 Nassau St. , N. Y. City. Sylvanus Albert Reed, (eng), A.M. 187^, E.M. 1877, Ph.D. 1880, Sec. to Asst. Commr.-Gen 1 Paris Exposition 1878, Supt. Inspection Commonwealth Fire Ins. Co. N. Y. 1886-91, Mgr. Western Factory Ins. Assn. of Chicago 1893-. University Club, N. Y. City. Benjamin Aymar Sands, (cl), LL.B. 1876, A.M. ^4 William St., N. Y. City. Henry Townsend Scudder, (Rev.), A.M. and Trin. Coll. 1878. 187 Berkeley PI. , Brooklyn, N. Y. Frank Dunlap Shaw, (cl), A.M. 1877, LL.B. 1878. 120 Broadway, N. Y. City. Frank Storrs, (cl), LL.B. 1876, A.M. fVhite Plains, N. Y. Thomas De Witt Thompson,* (CL), A.M. aet. 39. *i893 25 1875 William James Adams, (RANCHMAN), A.M. 1878, E.M. 1878. IJ2 Market St. , San Francisco, Cal. William Babcock, (ins), LL.B. 1877, A.M. Thomas Cummings Bach, (cl), LL.B. 1877, A.M. 1878, Assoc. Justice Supr. Ct. of Montana 1886, Memb. Legislature of Mont, 1892. Helena, Mont. Homer Kirtland Flanagan Blake,* aet. 22. *i877 Harry Innes Bodley, [Jr.], (Rev.), Exam. Chap, to Bp. of Mass. 1887-, Corr. Sec. Soc. for Increase of Ministry. 240 Rich Av., Mt. Vernon, N. Y. John Aaron Browning, (educ), A.M., Tutor in Lat, Col. Coll. 1881-83. / W. y2d St., N. Y. City. William Edward Conroy, (phys), A.M. 1880, M.D. 1880, Oculist U. S. Pension Office Washington D.C. 1885-87. Saginaw, Mich. Henry Churchill De Mille,* (au), A.M. aet. 39. *i893 Howard Gallup, (b), A.M. 1880. JO Broad St. , N. Y. City. Evan Philip George, [Jr.], (cl), LL.B. 1877. j»j Broadway, N. Y. City. Alister Greene, (cl), LL.B. 1877. ig Liberty St., N. Y. City. Randolph Hurry, (cl), LL.B. 1877, A.M. 1878. ^8 William St., N. Y. City. William Duncan McKim, A.M., M.D. 1878. y^i Madison Av., N. Y. City. Thomas Samuel Ormiston, (cl), LL.B. 1877, A.M. 1878. 7 Nassau St., N. Y. City. Edward Delavan Perry, (educ), Ph.D. Tubingen 1879, Fellow Col. Coll. 1875-78, Tutor in Greek 1880-91, Tutor in Sanskrit 1880-83, Instr. in Sanskrit 1883-91, Professor of Sanskrit 1891-, Act'g Dean Univ. Faculty of Philosophy'- 1893, Secy. Univ. Faculty of Philosophy, 1893- Columbia College, N. Y. City. Edward Willard Price, LL.B. 1877, A.M. John Henry Purdy, (cl), LL.B. 1878. 140 Nassau St., N. Y. City. Samuel Cady Root, (m). / Broadway, N. Y. City. George Sherman, (b). S4 Wall St., N. Y. City. 140 GRADUATES IN ARTS, [1875-76 Edward Lyman Short, (cl), LL.B. 1878, A.M. 20 W. sph St., N. V. City. Chalmers Wood, (cl), A.M., LL.B. 1877. Ill Broadway, JV. Y. City. 21 1876 Harold Arrowsmith, (Rev.), A.M. 1880. p. E. Ch, Bergen Point, N. y. Richard Theodore Bang, (phys), A.M. 1879, M.D. 1879, U. S. Pension Surg. JSg W. nth St., N. Y. City. Henry Whitney Bates, (cl), LL.B. 1878, A.M. 1879. Peekskill, N. Y. David Caiman, (cl), Ph.D. Univ. Heidelberg 1878, LL.B. 1880. 2S Pine St., N. Y. City. Herman Drisler, (educ), LL.B. 1878, A.M. 9 E. 4gth St., N. Y. City. Philip Henry Dugro, (cl), LL.B. 1878, A.M., N. Y. Assemb. 1879, Repr. in Cong. 1881-2, Judge Superior Ct. N. Y. C. 1887-. Hotel Savoy, N. Y. City. Richard Theodore Ely, (educ), Ph.D. Heidelberg 1879, A.M. 1879, LL.D. Hobart Coll. 1892, Fellow Col. Coll. 1876-79, Memb. Baltimore Tax Commn. 1886, Memb. Maryland Tax Commn, 1887-88, formerly Prof. Pol. Econ. Johns Hopkins Univ., now Director Sch. of Economics Pol. Sci. and Hist. Univ. Wisconsin. Madison, Wis. Aymar Embury, (cl), LL.B. 1878, A.M. 1879. 67 Wall St., N. Y. City. Jasper Tillerous Goodwin, (EDUC), LL.B. 1878, A.M., Asst. Maths. Sch. of Mines 1876-81, and Instr. Maths. 1881-87, Adj. Prof. Maths. 1887-. Columbia College, N. Y. City. Caspar Griswold,* M.D. Bellev. Hosp. Med. Coll. N. Y. and Royal Coll. Phys. and Surg. Lond. Eng. 1883, A.M. 1880. aet. 29. *i886 John Edmund Hindon Hyde, (CL), LL.B. 1878, A.M. 1879. 120 Broadway , N. Y. City. Louis Oliver Ivey, (cl), LL.B. 1878, A.M. ^26 Broadway, N. Y. City. Wilmot Johnson, Jr. (cl), LL.B. 1878, A.M. g2 Liberty St., N. Y. City. Townsend Jones, [Jr.], (cl), A.M 1879, LL.B. 1882. SI Wall St., N. Y. City. Edwin Clark Kent, (cl). Sg Liberty St., JV. Y. City. Robert Armstrong Livingston (CL), LL.B. 1878, A.M., N. Y. Assemb. 1882-85. 4 Warren St., N. Y. City. Theodore Frelinghuysen Lozier, (CL), LL.B. 1878, A.M. 1880. 80 Broadway, N. Y. City. Benjamin Franklin Mayer,* Ph.D. Univ. Heidelberg. aet. 31. *i886 Cornelius Wortendyke Morrow, (Rev.), S.T.B. elsewhere, Cong. Ch. Sg Church St., Norwich, Conn. Frederick Oakes (phys). 248 W. 23d St., N. Y. City. Washington Edward Page, (cl), A.M. LL.B. 1879. 44 Broad St., N. Y. City. Edward Pratt, (Rev.). Soldier, Logan Co., Idaho. Louis Christian Raegener, (cl), LL.B. 1878, A.M. 1879. 280 Broadway, N. Y. City. Egbert Guernsey Rankin, A.M., M.D. Univ. N. Y. City 1879, House Surg. Ward's Is. 1878-79, Surg. W. Disp. 1881- 87, Med. Direct, House Good Samaritan 1887-89, Surg. N. Y. C. & H. R. R. 1889- 90, Phys. Metrop. Hosp. 1884. S 28 Fifth Av., N. Y. City. James Armstrong Renwick, (cl), A.M. LL.B. 1879. SS Broadway, N. Y. City. Nathaniel Pendleton Schenck, (CL), A.M. ig Liberty St., N. Y. City. Eugene Seligman, (cl), A.M. 1879, LL.B. 1882. Mills Bldg., N. Y. City. George Washington Seligman, (CL), LL.B. 1882, A.M. 1879. Mills Bldg., N. Y. City. Isaac Newton Seligman, (b). Mills Bldg., N. Y. City. Du Bois Smith, (cl), LL.B. 1878. SS Liberty St., N. Y. City. Irvin Auchincloss Sprague, (m). gy Wall St., N. Y. City. I 8;6-77] GRADUATES IN ARTS. 141 I William Cleveland Thayer, (EDUC), A.M. Williams Coll. 1884, Prof. Math. Hobart Coll. 1882-83, Act. Prof. Chem. Hobart Coll. 1882-83, Principal High Sch. Jacksonville Fla. 1884-87, Prof. Mod. Lang. State Coll. Centre Co., Pa. State College, Centre Co., Pa. Montgomery Hunt Throop, [Jr.], (Rev.). P. E. Ch. 2g Vesey St., N. Y. City. Robert Townsend, (cl), LL.B. 1878, A.M. 1879, A.D.C. with rank of Col. on Gov. Cleveland's staff, Asst. Dist. Atty. N. Y. Co. under DeLancey NicoU. Park Av. Hotel, N. Y. City. ,William Edward Ver Planck, (cl), LL.B. 1878. 18 Exchange PL, N. Y. City. William [Francis Augustus] von Sachs, (cL br), LL.B. 1878, A.M. Leighton Williams, (Rev.), LL.B. 1878, A.M. 1879, Bapt. Ch. SOS W. 88th St., N. Y. City. 37 1877 Frederick Stilwell Ackerman, (m). Lock Box S38, Chicago, III. Charles Bathgate Beck,* (cl), LL.B. 1879, A.M. aet. 40. *i893 Theodore Vernon Boynton, (m), A.M. 6 William St., N. Y. City. Herbert Padelford Brown, (b), A.M. 20 Nassau St. , N. Y. City. Marlborough Churchill, [Jr.], (EDUC), LL.B. 1879, A.M. 81 W. goth St., N. Y. City. Charles Augustus Clark, (cl), LL.B. 1879. A.M. i83o. J4 Nassau St., N. Y. City. Thomas Stafford Drowne, Jr., (CL), LL.B. 1879. I J Broad St., N. Y. City. Channing Ellery, (art), 228 W. 38th St., N. Y. City. Lawrence Bunting Fletcher, (EDUC), A.M., Ph.D. Johns Hopk. Univ. 1881, Fellow Col. Coll. 1877-80, Fellow Johns Hopk. Univ. 1881, Asst. in Phys. Univ. Pa. 1881-2, Inst, in Phys. Wesleyan Univ. 1882-3. Marlborough, N. Y. Clarence Wadsworth Francis, (CL), LL.B. 1879, A.M. 31 Pine St., N. Y. City. Wesley Harper, (pub). Franklin Sq., N. Y. City. John Ramon Martinez Hernz, (CL), A.M. 1878, LL.B. 1879. 234 Broadway, N. Y. City. Stephen Yates Howell, (phys), A.M., M.D. 1880, and Hahnemann Med. Coll. Phila. 1882, M. R. C. S. Eng. 1892, Prof. Pathol, and Direct, Path. Lab. Med. Dept. Univ. Buffalo. 164 Franklin St., Buffalo, N. Y. William Henry Hyde, [Jr.], (art). 1^12 Broadway, N. Y. City. Leroy King, (cl), LL.B. 1879, A.M. Newport, R. I. Gustave Kobbe, (au), LL.B. 1879, A.M. 1880. Summit, N. y. Isidore Saloshinsky Korn,f (cl), LL.B. 1879, A.M. 1880. /J7 Broadway, N, Y. City. John Murray Mitchell, (cl), LL.B. 1879, A.M. 1880. 4S Wall St., N. Y. City. Philip Glendower Peabody, (cl), A.M., LL.B. 1880. 18 Richfield St., Boston, Mass. John B. Pine, (cl), Trustee Col. Coll. 1890-, and Clerk of the Board 1891-. 67 Wall St., N. Y. City. William Van Vorst Powers, (cl), LL.B. 1879. S8 William St., N. Y. City. John Meyers Shedd, (cl). 67 Wall St., N. Y. City. Robert Tomes.* aet. 27. *i833 Wisner Robinson Townsend, (PHYS), A.M. and M.D. 1880, Asst. Surg. Hosp. for Rupt. and Cripp., Orth. Surg. French Hosp., Cons. Surg, Ba- yonne (N. J.) Hosp. 28 W.sgth St., N. Y. City. Charles Montague Ward, (ins), A.M, 1880, //J' Broadzuay, N. Y. City. Frederick Delano Weekes, (cl), A,M, S8 Wall St., N. Y. City. 26 t Formerly known as Isidore Saloshinsky. 142 GRA D UA TES IN AR TS. [1878 1878 Samuel Francis Adams, (cl), LL.B. 1880. ^4.g Madison A v., N, V. City. Charles Slover Allen,* (phys), M.D. Bellev. Hosp. Med. Coll. 1881, In- str. Laryngology N. Y. Univ. Med. Coll. aet. 38. *i8g3 William Porter Allen, (cl), LL.B. 1880, 10 Wall St., N. Y. City. Francis Sedgwick Bangs, (cl), LL.B. 1880, Prest. State Trust Co, N. Y. City 1894-. j6 Wall St., N. Y. City. William James Gilbert Beams, (CL), LL.B. 1880. 26 Court St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Edward Mead Bliven, (cl), LL.B. 1880. 140 Nassau St. , N. Y. City. William Warren Bliven, (cl), LL.B. 1880. J 4.0 Nassau St., N. Y. City. Henry Lawrence Bogert, (cl). Flushijig, L. I., N. Y. John Lawrence Bogert, (MECHENG). Flushing, N. Y. James Arthur Booth, (phys), M.D. 1882, Phys. Manhattan Eye and Ear Hosp. 4ig Madison Av., N. Y. City. Charles De Hart Brower, (cl), LL.B. 1880. 10 Wall St., N. Y. City. Charles Elder Caldwell,* (cl), LL.B. 1880. aet. 26. *i88o Louis Montgomery Cheesman,* Ph.D. Wurzburg 1881, Prof. Physics Trin. Coll. Conn. 1883-85. aet. 26. *i885 Charles Hopper Crowe. 26 Exchange PL, N. Y. City. Joseph Franklin Crowell, (cl), LL.B. 1880. 7/5" Broadway, N. Y. City. Benjamin Farquhar Curtis, (SURG), M.D. 1881, Clin. Prof. Surg. Woman's Med. Coll. N. Y., Chief Dept. Surg. Vanderbilt Clinic, Surg. St. Luke's Hosp. and to N. Y. Cancer Hosp. J07 Madison Av., N. Y. City. Holbrook Cushman, (educ). Fellow Col. Coll. 1878-81, Instr. Physics Col. Coll. 1891-. S37 W. 22d St., N. Y. City. Thomas Monroe Davis, (m). II E. 62d St., N. Y. City. William Henry De Forest, Jr. III Broadway, N. Y. City. Henry Ellsworth Gregory, (cl), LL.B. 1880, A.M. 1883, Sec. and Treas. N. Y. S. Commn. Niagara Reservation 1888-. 214 Broadway, N. Y. City. Francis Reynolds Hitchcock, (CL), LL.B. 1880. 67 Wall St., N. Y. City. Charles Frederick Hoffman, Jr. (RE). 159 ^' 7S(i St., N. Y. City. [George] Frederick William Holls, (CL), LL.B. 1880, Memb. Constit. Conv. State of N. Y. 1894. 120 Broadway, N. Y. City. Charles Frederick Holly, Jr. Edward Washburne Hopkins, Ph.D.Leipsic 1881, Fellow 1878-81, Tutor in Latin and Zend 1881-85, Prof. Greek and Sanskrit Bryn Mawr Coll. Pa. 1885-. Bryn Mawr, Pa. Charles Frederick Hurlburt, (PHAR), LL.B. 1880. 21 Macon St. , Brooklyn, N. Y. William Kent, (cl). jg Liberty St., N. Y. City. Ralph Wood Kenyon, (Rev.), A.M. 1881, S.T.B. Epis. Theol. Sch. Camb.Mass. 1881. Grand Chap. Order Daughters of the King. P. E. Ch. 2040 yth Av., N. Y. City. Joseph Mattison Knapp, (cl). Hackensack, N. y, Samuel Ferris Lewis,* (cl), LLB. i88i. aet. 28. *i882 Edward Allen Low, Jr.,* LL.B. 1880. aet. 22. *i88o Cornwall Kensington Peyton.* aet. 25. *i882 James Williamson Pryor, (cl). Tutor Maths. Col. Coll. 1880-82, LL.B. 1881, Secy. City Club of N. Y. 1893-. 27 Pine St., N. Y. City. Thomas Jackson Oakley Rhine- lander, (re), LL.B. 1880. 79 Cedar St., N. Y. City. William Hamilton Russell, (ARCH). 71 Broadway, N. Y. City. Edward Paul Schell, (cl), LL.B. 1880. ji Nassau St. , N. Y. City. 1878-79] GRADUATES IN ARTS. 143 Jefferson Seligman. 21 Broad St., N, Y. City. Egbert Carll Simonson. 146 Broadway, N. Y. City. Joseph Wilcox Spalding, (ins). * g8 Spring St. , N. Y. City. Gilbert Rumsey Underbill, (Rev.), p. E. Ch. Camden, N. y. William Waller, (c). Franklin, Pa. Henry Ross Campbell Watson. 99 Franklin St. , N. Y. City. 'Mornay Williams, (cl), LL.B. 1880, A.M. 1881, Treas. N. Y. State Reservation at Niagara 1884-87. joj W. 88th St., N. Y. City. Alexander Woods, Jr. 44 1879 Frederick Stone Barnum, (cl), LL.B. 1881, A.M. 1882, Dist. Atty. Put- nam Co., N. Y. 1884-5. White Plains, N. Y. Thomas John Brereton, [Jr.], (ENG), C. E. 1883, Rodman p. R.R. 1879, N. Y. Geodetic Surv. Adirondacks 1880-81, Leveller P. R.R. 1883-85, Eng'r Main, of Way P. R.R., Asst. Supervisor P. R.R. 1888-89, Supervisor Tyrone Div. P. R.R. 1890-92, Eng'r Cumberland Val- ley R.R. 1893-. Chambersburg, Pa. Frederick William Browning.* *i88o Charles George Bull. Alameda, Cal. Augustus Imbrie Burton,* (phys), M.D. Bellev. Hosp. Med. Coll. 1887. aet. 34. ♦1893 Charles Ezra Cornell, (co), LL.B. Alb. Law Sch. i88o. Ithaca, N. Y. William Ernest Daw, (Rev.), Towanda, Pa. Charles Eldredge, (mf). Sec. Portchester Bolt and Nut Co., Prest. Noble Mining and Milling Co. Rye, N. Y. Theodore Bogert Foster, (Rev.), S.T.B. Gen. Theol. Sem. P. E. Ch. N. Y. 1882. Pawtucket, R. I. William Elford Gould, (br). Box 27S4, N. Y. City. William Hallock, Ph.D. Wiirzburg, Bavaria 1881. Fellow Col. Coll. 1879-82, Physicist U. S. Geol. Sur- vey 1882-92, Adj. Prof. Physics Col. Coll. 1892-. 428 Central Park W., N. Y. City. George Brooks Halsey, (cl), A.M. 1884. 128 Broadway, N. Y. City. David Morgan Hildreth, Jr., (cl). j2 Nassau St., N. Y. City. Henry Graham Hilton, (m). 784 Broadway, N. Y. City, Abraham Illch.* *i885 Emil Joseph, (cl), LL.B. 1881. Cleveland, O. Melville Albert Kellogg,* (cl). aet. 41. *i89i Herbert Alan Kingsbury,* (cl). aet. 35. *i89x Harry Olmstead Lacey,* (Rev.). p. E. Ch. aet. 32. *i889 Charles Henry Lott, (cl), LL.B. 1881, Memb. Board of Assessors Town of New Utrecht, N. Y. 206 Broadway, N. Y. City. James Alexander Lynch, (cl), LL.B. 1881, School Trustee N. Y. City. 99 Nassau St. , N. Y. City. Charles Edward Moldenke, (Rev.), A.M. 1883, Ph.D. Strassburg 1884. Lutheran Ch. 124 E. 46th St., N. Y. City. John Henshaw Mulcahey, (cl), LL.B. 1881. Perth Amboy, N. y. Edward Arthur Northall, (educ), A.M. 1891. 108 W. 4Sth St., N. Y. City. Solomon Jay Chart, (cl). Tioga Centre, N. Y. Samuel Duffield Osborne, (AU CL SEC), LL.B. 1881, A.M. 1882, Asst. Sec. Dept. of City Works Brook- lyn N. Y. ijj Amity St., Brooklyn, N. Y. William Barclay Parsons, (CIV ENG), C.E. 1882, Chief Eng. Rapid Transit Commn. N. Y. C. 1894. jrz E. S3d St., N. Y. City. Herbert Dalton Pettit. Lockport, N. Y. 144 GRADUATES IN ARTS. [1879-80 Sylvanus Billings Pond, (Rev.), A.M. 1884, S.T.B. Gen. Theol. Sem. P. E. Ch. N. Y. 1885. Prof. Hebrew Kan- sas Theol. Sem. Norwalk, Conn. Edward Johnson Runk, (Rev.), A.M. 1882. Cold Spring, N. V. Ferdinand Sands, Ph.B. 1882. BuUe City, Mont. Alfred Welsh Purdy Seaman, (cl). 147 W. 87th St., N. Y. City. Edwin Robert Anderson Selig- man, (educ), A.M. 1884, LL.B. 1884, Ph.D. 1885, Adj.-Prof. Pol. Econ. Col. Coll. 1888-91, Prof. Polit. Econ. and Finance 1891-. Columbia College, N. V. City. Vanderbilt Spader, (cl). Taladega, Ala. Charles Young Van Doren, (cl). J 07 Washington St., Brooklyn, N. V. John Chetwood Wetmore, (m), LL.B. 1881. 4g Cortlandt St., N. Y. City. 36 1880 Leon Nathan Adler, (mf chem), Ph.D. Heidelberg 1883. Robert Morgan Gibbes Barnwell, (CL), LL.B. 1884. Tuxedo, N. Y. William Graves Bates, (cl), LL.B. 1882. 146 Broadway, N. Y. City. Charles Samuel Marvin Belden, (Rev.), S.T.B. Gen. Theol. Sem. P. E. Ch. N.Y. 1887. P.E.Ch. Astoria, N. Y. Pelham St. George Bissell, (re). 8j Nassau St. , N. Y. City. George Engs Blackwell, (cl), LL.B. 1882. 140 Pearl St. , N. Y. City. Edgar Stuart Blunt, (re). 61 Broadway, N. Y. City. Robert Maclay Bull. 5/ Liberty St., N. Y. City. James Freeman Bush, * (RANCHMAN), J. P., Game Warden, Fish Commr. Waldell, Larimer Co., Col. John W. Fenton Carlisle, (Rev.), Ref. Presb. Ch. Newburgh, N. Y. Howard Coghill, (cl), LL.B. 1883. Franklin PI., Morristown, N'. y. James Potter Conover, (Rev.), (EDUC), Teacher at St. Paul's School, Concord, N. H. Concord, N. H. Samuel Victor Constant (cl), LL.B. 1888. 120 Broadway, N. Y. City. Frederick William Dibblee,* (cl), LL.B. 1882. *i884 Frank B. Draper, [Frank Draper], (Rev.), S.T.B., Gen. Theol. Sem. P. E. Ch. N. Y. F. E. Ch. New Milford, Conn. Herman Peter Gerbert, M.D. 1883. Orange, N'. J. Robert Parkhill Getty, Jr. (cl). 206 Broadway, N. Y. City. Horatio Root Harper. Franklin Sq., N. Y, City. Henry Wilson Howell, Jr., (educ), A.M. 1883. 120 W. 82d St., N. Y. City. William Hustace Hubbard,* M.D. 1883. *i884 Landreth Hezekiah King, (rr). Grand Cent. Sta., N. Y. City. William Guitton Le Boutillier, (PHYS), M.D. 1883. 4g W.^oth St., N. Y. City. Milton Emanuel Lehman, Ph.D. Heidelberg 1883. 40 Exchange PI, , N. Y. City. James Duane Livingston, (rr), Car Acct. L. I. R. R. 1887-89, Gen. Mangr. Chi. & O. R. R. R. 1888-91, Gen. Mangr. Topeka City Ry. 1891-92, Gen. Mangr. Topeka Belt Ry. 1891-93. Lexington, Ky. Jesse Albert Locke, [Jr.], (lit), S.T.B. Gen. Theol. Sem. P. E. Ch. N. Y. 1886. // Waverly PL, N. Y. City. William Bard McVickar, (cl), LL.B. 1882. 67 Wall St., N. Y. City. Leo Herman Mandel. Fielding Lewis Marshall, (cl), LL.B. 1882. Asst. Coun. to Corporation N. Y. C. 1883-4. 48 Wall St., N. Y. City. I 880-8 I ] GRADUATES IN ARTS. H5 Henry Solomon May,* (cl), LL.B. 1882. aet. 29. *i888 Ross Miller.* ♦1883 Henry Mihalovitch Mills,f (cl). 22g N. Cherry St., Nashville, Tenn. Charles Forman Moody, (cl), LL.B. 1882. J I Nassau Si., N. Y. City. William Fellowes Morgan, (STORAGE), E.M. 1884. Arch 4^ Bkln. Bridge, N. Y. City. Charles Louis Morganstern.* aet. 25. *i884 Philip Alexander Morris, (cl), LL.B. 1882. yg Cedar St., N. Y. City. William Newbrough, (eng), E.M. 1884, A.M. 1885, San. Insp'r. Tene- ment House Comm. N. Y. City 1884, Instr. Civ. Eng. Lafayette Coll. Pa. 1884- 86, Prof. Eng'g. State Coll. of Ky. 1888- 90, U. P. R. R. 1890-91. Evanston, Wyo. Charles Augustine O'Neil, (cl), LL.B. 1882, Asst. to Corp. Counsel N. Y. City. 22g Broadway ^ N. Y. City. Henry Gallup Paine, (ed). Franklin Sq., N. Y. City. Louis Napoleon Phelps, (re). Ill E. sgth St., N. Y. City. Frederic Dimon Philips, (cl), LL.B. 1882. S6 Wall St., N. Y. City. Elbert Stoothoff Porter [Jr.], (Rev.), Grad. Union Theol. Sem. N. Y. 1883. CoMg-r. Ch. Bridgewater, Mass. Henry Laurens Riker. 4S Cedar St., N. Y. City. William Lispenard Robb, (ENG, EDUC), Ph.D. Univ. Berlin 1883, Fellow Col. Coll. 1880-3, Prof. Phys. Trin. Coll. Ct. 1885- , Consult. Eng. Elec. Light Co.'s, Barnard Fellow Col. Coll. 1893-. Trinity College, Hartford, Conn. Claudius Monell Roome, LL.B. 18S2, Rec'd Deacon's Orders in P. E. Ch. 1893, B.D. Gen. Theol. Sem. P. E. Ch. N. Y. 2g W.S2d St., N. Y. City. William Harris Roome, (cl), LL.B. 1882, Trustee Pub. Sch. N. Y. City 1888— 40 Wall St., N. Y. City. t Formerly Henry Mihalovitch. Thomas Alexander Rusk, (Rev.), A.M. 1883. 1214 St. Ange A v., St. Louis, Mo. William Warburton Scrugham, (CL), LL.B. 1882, Memb. Bd. Education Yonkers 1888-91, Acting City Judge Yonkers 1889-90, 1893-. Yonkers, N. Y. Samuel Gormley Shaw, (Rev.), Ref. Pres. Ch. Walton, Delaware Co., N. Y. Henry Alford Short, (educ), Ph.D. Johns Hopk. Univ. 1885, Fellow 1880-83, Tutor in Latin, Col. Coll. 1885-8. 78 Madison Ave., N. Y. City. Edward Havemeyer Snyder, (re), Memb. City Coun. 188^-87, Memb. N. J. Legislature 1889-92, Lieut.-Col. 3d Batt. N. G., S. N. J. Orange, N. y. Perez Mason Stewart. Sidney Barculo Stuart,* LL.B. 1882. *i89i William Hickok Taylor. i6E.s6th St., N. Y. City. Ransford Easman Van Gieson,* (CL), LL.B. 1882. Howard St. Clair Wait, (cl), LL.B. 1882. SS Broadway, N. Y. City. Gardiner Howland Waring.* aet. 29. *i888 Nelson Jarvis Waterbury, Tr.. (CL), LL.B. 1882. S2 Nassau St. , N. Y. City. Herbert Augustus Weeks. 74 Murray St., N. Y. City. 58 1881 Rufus Greene Angell, (storage). Amity St. Stores, Brooklyn, N. Y. Richard Amerman Anthony, Secy. E. & H. T. Anthony Co. 59/ Broadway, N, Y. City. Frank Wallace Arnold, (cl), LL.B. 1883, Asst. Public Admnr. N. Y. City. S Broad St., N. Y. City. John Bates, (phys), M.D. 1890. P. O. Box io_5. Great Barrington, Mass. Lucius Hart Beers, (cl), LL.B. 1883. 120 Broadway, N. Y. City. 146 GRADUATES IN ARTS. [1881 Arthur Winslow Cabot. 2 W.ssth St., N. Y City. Bertrand Clover, [Jr.], (educ), A.M. 1883, Instr. in Spanish and Italian Col. Coll. 1881-18Q0. Albert Andrade Cohen, A.M. 226 W. 14th St., N. Y. City. Charles Smith Collins, A.M. 1884, M.D. 1884, Health Officer Sing Sing N. Y. 1886-87. JOS W. 63d St., N. Y. City. Richard Coombes,* (ins). aet. 31. *i89i Louis Cunningham, White Plains, N. Y. William Curtis Demorest, (cl), LL.B. 1883. IS E. 14th St., N. Y. City. William Archibald Dunning, (EDUC), A.M. 1884, Ph.D. 1885, Fellow Col. Coll. i886-88j Prize Lect. in Pol. Sci. 1887-89, Inst, in Hist. 1889-91, Adj.- Prof. Hist, and Lect. on Political Theory 1891-. 70 Hanson PI. , Brooklyn, N. Y. James Chidester Egbert, Jr., (EDUC), A.M. 1882, Ph.D. 1885, Prize Fellow Col. Coll. 1883-86, Asst. in Greek 1884, Instr, in Latin 1891-^ Sec. Phi. Beta Kappa Alumni in N. Y. City. Columbia College, AF. Y. City. Edward Stabler Field, (m), LL.B. 1883. 80-82 Leonard St. , N. Y. City. Samuel Stewart Fowler, (eng), E.M. 1884. 34 Clark St., Chicago, III. George Frederic Garr, (cl), LL.B. 1885, Asst. to Corp. Counsel 1885- 87. 14 W. 4Sth St., N. Y. City. Daniel Lewis Gibbens,* (cl), Commr. Elect. Control N. Y. City. aet. 31. *i8go Richard James Horatio Gottheil, (EDUC), Ph.D. Univ. of Leipzic Ger- many 1886, Prof. Rabbin. Lit, 1887-, Prof. Raboin. Hebrew and Sem. Langs. 1887-. 57/ Park Av., N. Y. City. James Heard, (educ), A.M. 1884, Principal of Summit Academy. Sumi7iit, N. y. Alexander Florian Henriques. James Thurston Horn, (eng), C.E. 1884. 31 Nassau St., N. Y. City. Lucius Wales Hotchkiss, (phys), M.D. 1884, Prof, of Anat. Woman's Med. Coll. of N. Y. Infirm,, Asst. Demonstrator of Anat. Col. Coll., Vis. Surg. Colored Hosp., Asst. Surg. Bellev. and Roosevelt Hosps. 4g W.soth St., N. Y. City. Herbert Sewall Kimball,* (cl), LL.B. 1885. *i889 Henry Manchester Ladd, (Rev.), B. D. Epis, Theol. Sch. Cambridge, Mass, 1884, A. M, P. E. Ch. Norwood, N. y. Charles Mandred Lum, (cl). Chatham, Morris Co., N. y. Howard McDougall, (Rev.), p. E. Ch. Stamford, N . Y. Henry Lewis Mills, [Jr.], (ms). 3g Nassau St. , N. Y. City. James Henry Montgomery, (PHYS), M.D. 1884. IIS ^' ^^^ "^^-y Erie, Pa. Hugo Robert Muller, LL.B. 1883. 16 IVilliam St., N. Y. City. Herman Felix Nordeman, (phys), M.D. 1884., Lect. Genito-Urinary Surg, N. Y. Polyclinic. i3og Madison Av., N. Y. City. Robert Benjamin Parker, (Rev). p. E. Ch. Ipswich, Mass. Harry Thurston Peck, (educ), A.M, 1882, Ph,D, Cumb, Univ. 1883, L.H.D. 1884, University Fellow Col. Coll. 1881-8^, Tutor of_ Latin 1882-85, Instr, in Latin and Semitic Langs. 1886, Acting Prof, of Latin 1886-88, Prof, of Latin 1888-, Secy. Univ. Council 1852, Sec. Faculty of Arts 1894-, Colujnbia College, N. Y. City, Thomas Daniel Rambaut, (cl), Ph,B. 1882, LL.B. 1883, A.M. 1884, Ph.D. 1884. /// Broadway, N. Y, City, Frederick William Reid. 128 W. 86th St., N. Y. City. Edward Riggs, (Rev.), S.T.B. Gen, Theol. Sem. P. E. Ch. N. Y. 1886. Stamford, Conn. Erastus Titus Roberts, (b). Titusville , Pa. 1 88 1-82] GRADUATES IN ARTS. 147 Reginald Hall Sayre, (phys), M.D. Bellevue Hosp. Med. Coll. 1884. Asst. to chair of Orth. Surg., Bellevue Hosp. Med. Coll. ; Orthopoedic Surg. Bellevue Hosp. Out-door Dept. ; Con- sult, Surg. Hackensack Hosp. 28s Fifth Av., JV. V. City. Harry Ashton Smedberg. Riverdale, IV. V. Job Lewis Smith, Jr.,* (phys), M.D. Bellev. Hosp. Med. Coll. act. 28. *i889 Van Meter Stilwell, LL.B. 1883. IJ2 Nassau St. , JV. Y. City. Ellarson Stout. ' 7s Gold St., JV. V. City. Eugene Talman Stuart,* Ph.B. 1882, LL.B. 1883. *i89o George Henry Taylor, (cl). 3g Broadway, N. Y. City. Paul Ernest Tiemann, (phys), M.D. 1884. 161 W. 104th St., N. Y. City. Franklin Bryant Torrey. loj Second PL, Brooklyn, N. Y. William Israel Walter. iij W. S7th St., N. Y. City. Lemuel Whitaker, (educ), A.M. speciali gratia, Instr, Literature Phila. Man, Training Schools. jgj6 Poplar St., Philadelphia, Pa. William Faber Wilcoxson. Nyack, N. Y. 49 1882 t Robert Arrowsmith, (educ), A.M. 1883, Ph.D. 1884 • Prof. Lat. and Greek, Teachers' Coll. N. Y. 9 University PI. , JV. Y. City. Joseph Edwin Baker. New Rochelle, N. Y. James Lenox Banks, [Jr.], (cl). JO IV.jSth St., N. Y. City. Harry Ferdinand Barrell, (cl), Ph.B. 1883, A.M, 1884, LL.B. and Ph.D. 1885. 748 Broad St., Newark, N. J. + Beginning with the Class of 1882, graduates received the Degree of Bachelor of Arts (A.B.), Bachelor of Letters (L.H.B.), or Bachelor of Science (B.S.), according to the character of the studies chiefly pursued by them during the last two years of their college course. Unless other- wise noted, the degree of A.B, will be understood Frederick Martin Burr, (adv), A,M. 1884. 114 Nassau St., N. Y. City. Drayton Burrill. 80 Broadway, N. Y. City. Nicholas Murray Butler, (educ), A.M. 1883, Ph.D. 1884, Fellow Col. Coll. 1882-85, Asst. in Philosophy 1885-6, Act- ing Prof, of Philosophy 1886-87, Tutor in Philosophy 1887-89, Adj. Prof, of Philosophy 1889-90, Prof, of Phil., Ethics and Psychol. 1890-, Prest. Teachers' Coll. N. Y. 1887-91, Memb. N. J. State Bd, Education 1888-, Prest, N. J. Council Education 1890-91 ; Dean Univ. Faculty of Philosophy 1890-, Prest. Paterson ^f. J. Commrs. of Pub. Instr. 1892-93, Memb. National Council Education 1891-, Editor Educational Reviezv 1890-, Prest. Na- tional Teachers' Assn. 1894-. Paterson, N. J. Robert Samuel Carlin,* (Rev.), Grad. Gen. Theol. Sem. P. E. Ch. N. Y. act. 32. *i89i George Stuart Carter.* *i888 James Carter, (Rev.), S.T.B. Union Theol. Sem. 1885. Presb. Ch. 717 W. Fourth St., Williamsport, Pa. Bainbridge Percy Clark, B.S. Choteau, Mont. Nicholas Evertson Crosby, 1885, (EDUC), Inst, and Lect. in Archa;ology Coll. N. J., A.M., Ph.D. elsewhere. Princeton, N. J. Othniel De Forest, (mf). /// Broadway^ N. Y. City. Bernard Drachman, (Rev.), Ph.D. Univ. Heidelberg 1884, Rabbi Breslau Sem. 1885, Dean of Faculty and Preceptor Bib. and Talmudic branches Jewish Theol. Sem. N. Y. S6 E. 7Sth St., N. Y. City. Edwin James Gillies, (m). 24^ Washington St., N. Y. City. Edward Rowland Greene, (cl), LL.B. 1884. so Broad St., N. Y. City. Frank Spencer Halsey, M.D. elsewhere. Jiig Tenth Av., N. Y. City. Alexander Harvey, (cl), LL.B 1884. 267 Fifth Av., N. Y. City. Frank Lyon Henry, (br). S Wall St., N. Y. City. Eugene Higgins. 10 W. 2sd St., N. Y. City. I 148 GRADUATES IN ARTS. [1882-83 Rowland Parry Keasbey. //J Broadivay^ N. Y. City. William Thornton Lawson, (cl), LL.B. 1885. ^4 Nassau St., N. Y. City. Frederick Howard Lee. 86 Worth St., N. Y. City. Alfred Morris Leopold, (b), LL.B. 1884. 84 Broadway, N. Y. City. Edward de Peyster Livingston, (CL), LL.B. 1884. 271 Fifth Av., N. Y. City. William Kilbreth Lowrey, (cl), LL.B. 1884. 95 Dearborn St., Chicago, III. David Gale Maclay, (cl), LL.B. 1885. Germania Block, St. Paul, Minn. Clarkson Seaman Mead, (phys), M.D. iSSs, Health Officer Portchester, N. Y. Portchester, N. Y. William Arthur Moore, (phys), M.D. 1885, Grad. Presb. Hosp. N. Y. 1887, Surg. Binghamton City Hosp., Surg. D. L. & W. R. R., Prest. Broome Co. (N. Y.) Med. Soc. 220 Washington St., Binghamton^ N. Y. Deas Murphy, (m). j8 W. 2Sth St., N. Y. City. Thomas Nash, (arch). 64 Cedar St., N. Y. City. James Buchanan Nies, (Rev.), A.M. 1887, Ph.D. 1888, S. T. B. Gen. • Theol. Sem. P. E. Ch. N. Y. 1885. P. E. Ch. 142 McDonough St., Brooklyn, N. Y. William Kelly Otis, M.D. 1885. J W.soth St., N. Y. City. George Burrington Parsons, (br), ^4 Broadway, N. Y. City. Harry de Berkeley Parsons, (ENG) B.S., E.M. Stevens Inst. 1884, Prof. Steam Eng. Polytech. Inst. Troy, N.Y. 2g4 Madison Av., N. Y. City. James Willie Purdon, (m). W. New Brighton, S. I., N. Y. Louis D wight Ray, (educ), A.M. 1885. 20 W.sgth St., N. Y. City. Reginald William Rives, LL.B. 1885. New Hamburg, Dutchess Co., N. Y. Nathaniel Pendleton Rogers, Jr., (BR). 2S Whitehall St., N. Y. City. [Leonce] Girard Romaine, (m). 84 Beaver St. , N. Y. City. Edgar Lee Ryder. Sing Sing, N. Y. Charles Harrison Simonds, (m). 18 South William St. , N. Y. City. Frank Bishop Smidt, (c). S4 Wall St., N. Y. City. John Campbell Spencer, [Jr.], (PHYS), M.D. 1885, Prof, of Pathology Med. Dept. and Prof, of Bacteriology Post-Grad. Med. Dept. Univ. of Cal. Crocker Bldg., San Francisco, Cal. William Riggin Travers, [Jr.]. J W.jSth St., N. Y. City. Robert Bunch Van Cortlandt. 44 Broadway, N. Y. City. Marshall Lord Warrin, (phys), M.D. 1885, Clin. Asst. to Prof. Dis. Nerv. Sys. Post-Grad. Med. Sch. N. Y., Att'g Phys. O. D. D. Bellev. Hosp. N.Y. Care Macmillan &^ Co. , 2g Bedford St. , London, W. C. John Webber, Jr., (cl), LL.B. 1884, Trustee N. Y. Savings Bank. 7 Beekman St. , N. Y. City. William Ogden Wiley, (pub), A.M. 1887. j'j E. loth St., N. Y. City. Marshall Orme Wilson, Sj Wall St., N. Y. City. Newell Bertram Woodworth. Wieting Block, Syracuse, N. Y. 51 1883 Edward Hedden Apgar, (m), Ph.B. 1883, A.M. 1884, LL.B. 1885. 'J3 Dey St., N. Y. City. Astley Atkins, L.H.B. New London, Conn. Augustus Dickerson Baker,* A.M. 1884, Ph.D. 1885, FeUow Col. Coll. 1883- 85. aet. 26. *i885 George Henry Barnes, (cl), LL.B. 1885. 4^ William St., N. Y. City. John Thomas Joseph Bird, (PHYS), B.S., M.D. Univ. Med. Coll. N. Y. 1886. 308 W. 123d St., N. Y. City. 1883] GRADUATES IN ARTS. 149 Joseph Stanford Brown, (E. ENG), Ph.D. 1883, A.M. 1884, E.E. Am. Inst. E.E's., Secy. Neftel & Marsh Co. 126 Liberty St. , N. Y. City. Henry Joseph Bruner, (br). 68 Broadway, N. Y. City. George Hendrick Houghton But- ler, (Rev.). p. E. Ch. I E. 2gth St., N. Y. City. Henry Phelps Case, (cl), LL.B. 1886. JO Pine St., N. Y. City. ' James Valentine Chalmers, (Rev.). p. E. Ch. Lonsdale, R. I. John Armstrong Chanler, (cl), A.M. 1883. 120 Broadway^ N. Y. City. John Marshall Chew, (Rev.), S. T. B. Gen. Theol. Sem. P. E. Ch. N. Y. Newburgh, N. Y. Edward Wight Clark,* (phys), A.M. 1884. *i892 John Ernest de Ruyter, (ins). 401 California St., San Francisco, Cal. Walter Norham Eldridge, (CATTLE RAISER). Ridgway, Ouray Co., Col. Devereux Emmet, (f), LL.B. 1885. St. James, L. I., N. Y. Robert Ferguson. g E. 4gth St., N. Y. City. Rowland Godfrey Freeman, (PHYS), M.D. 1886, Asst. Phys. Roose- velt Hosp. O. P. D., Pathologist St. Mary's Free Hosp. for Children, Patholo- gist N. Y. Foundling Hosp. 147 W.syih St., N. Y. City. Halstead Holoway Frost, Jr., (CL), A.M. 1886, Fellow Col. Coll. 1885-86. 18 Wall St., N. Y. City. John Kinsey Gore, (act), A.M. 1886, Mathematician Prudential Ins. Co. J 10 Summer A v. , Newark, N. J. Alfred Gudeman (educ), Ph.D. Univ. Berlin 1888, Reader Clas. Phil. Johns Hopk. Univ. 1890-93, Prof. Clas. Philology Univ. Penn. 1893-. Philadelphia, Pa. Walter Ellison Hallett, (b). S2S Gray St., N. Y. City. Oliver King Hand. 20 W. 14th Av., Denver, Col. William Livingston Hazen, (EDUC), LL.B. 1885, ist Lieut. 71st Regt. N. G. S. N. Y., and Treasr. of Regt., Headmaster and Propr. Barnard Sch. N. Y. Hotel Balmoral, N. Y. City. Edward Le Moyne Heydecker, (CL), A.M. 1884, LL.B. 1885. S28 Chestnut St., Philadelphia^ Pa. ■ Edwin Babcock Holden, (m). 311 W. 82d St., N. Y. City. Austin Hulshizer,* (cl), Ph.B. 1884, A.M. 1885, LL.B. 1885. aet. 28. *i89i Albert Fillmore Hyde, (m). JJ4 Broadway, N. Y. City. Frederic Dana Ives, (c). igi Broadway, N. Y. City. Abraham Valentine Williams Jackson, (educ), A.M. 1884, L.H.D. 1885, Ph.D. 1886, Fellow Col. Coll. 1883-86, Asst. in Eng. and Instr. in Zend 1886-91, Adj. Prof. Eng. Lang, and Lit. 1891-. 16 Highland PI. , Yonkers, N. Y. Taber Knox, (Rev.), Grad. Union Theol. Sem. N. Y. City 1886. 14^ Grape St., Philadelphia, Pa. Francis Effingham Laimbeer, (CL), a.m. 1884, LL.B. 1885. 206 Broadway, N. Y. City. John Laimbeer, Jr., (build). 239 W.Soth St., N. Y. City. Arthur Lawrence Lesher, (m). ^02 Broadway, N. Y. City. Edgar John Levey, (cl), LL.B. 1886. I W. 34th St., N. Y. City. Edward Percy Lyon, (cl), LL.B. 1885. 34 Nassau St., N. Y. City. Alfred Lee Manierre, (cl). 44 Broadway, N. Y. City. Louis Ambrose Noble, (cl), LL.B. 1885. iij Broadway, N. Y. City. George Carnegie Palmer, (arch). Millburn, N. y. Arthur Webb Parsons, LL.B. 1885. 140 Broadway, N. Y. City. Francis Lister Hawks Pott, (Rev.), L.H.B., S.T.B. Gen. Theol. Sem. P. E. Ch. N. Y. 1886, B.D. P. E. Ch., Prest. St. John's Coll., China. St. John's Coll., Shanghai, China. 150 GRADUATES IN ARTS. [1883-84 William Hawks Pott, (Rev.), A.M. 1884, Ph.D. 1886. P. E. Ch. 22g E. ^gth St. , N. Y. City. Michael Idvorsky Pupin, (educ), Ph.D. Univ. of Berlin Germany i88q, " John Tyndall Fellow " in Science, Instr. Math. Phys. and E. E_. Col. Coll. 1890- 92, Adj. Prof, in Mechanics, 1892-, Memb. Bd. Mgrs. Amer. Inst. Electrical Eng'rs. 46 W. 7 2d St., N. V. City. Eberhard Lambert Pupke, (br). J I Wall St. , N. Y. City. Alfred Perego Quimby, (m). S2 Washington Av., Brooklyn, N. Y. Adam Rosenberg, (cl), LL.B, 1885. 28 Lafayette PL , JV. Y. City. Herbert Livingston Satterlee, (CL), B.S., Ph.B. 1883, A.M. 1884, Ph.D. 1885, LL.B. 1885. 59 Wall St., N. Y. City. James Henry Schmelzel, (m). 24^ Washington St., N. Y. City. Erit Bartholomew Schmitt, (Rev.). Norwich, Conn. Eben Hurd Pray Squire, (cl), LL.B. 1885. White Plains, N. Y. Samuel Edgar Stilwell, (act), A.M. 1884, Ph.D. 1886, Fellow Col. Coll. 1883-86, Prof. Math. Allegheny Coll., Pa. 1886-89, Actuarial Dept. Penn. Mutual Life Ins. Co. 1889-. g2^ Chestnut St. , Philadelphia, Pa. Giraud Foster Thomson, (cl). J2 Wall St., N. Y. City. George Green Van Blarcom. 21J Hamilton Av., Pater son, N. J. Henry Walter, (br). II Wall St., N. Y. City. Hugo Julius Walther, (educ), A.M. 1885, Ph.D. 1886, Fellow Col. Coll. 1884-87. I J Bank St. , Newark, N. J. Hamilton Fish Webster, (cl), LL.B. 1886. 24s E. 1 8th St., N. Y. City. John Castree West, (cl), A.M. 1884, LL.B. 1885. 206 Broadway, N. Y. City. Albert Romeyn Zabriskie, (rr), Sec. and Asst. Gen. Mangr. Wash. & Columbia Riv. R. R. Co. Walla Walla, Wash. 57 1884 Edgar Storm Appleby, (cl), LL.B. 1886. jj Liberty St. , N. Y. City. John Conger Baker, (f). Great Neck, Queens Co. , N. Y. Augustus Emil Bechstein, (m). J64 Washington St., N. Y. City. Walter Gillette Bates,* A.M. 1885, Fellow in Science Col. Coll. 1884-85. *i893 Edward Miller Cameron, Ph.B. 1884. ig E. 7 2d St., N. Y. City. Charles Madison Cannon, (cl), LL.B. 1886. iij Broadway, N. Y. City. Christopher Robert Carter, (sec). Elizabeth, N. J. Oliver Edward Coles, (re), Ph.B. 1884. J06 Pavonia Av., Jersey City, N. y. Joseph Wood Cushman, (m). 172 Ninth Av., N. Y. City. William Scofield Day. 31 West s6th St., N. Y. City. Charles Joseph Deghuee, (educ), A.M. 1885, L.H.D. 1886. Prize Fellow Col. Coll. 1884, Prof. Mod. and Class Lang, at Trinity Ch. Sch. 1888-90, Principal private school. 247 Harrison St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Daniel Kilham Dodge, (educ), A.M. 1885, Ph.D. 1886, Fellow Asst. in English^ Col. Coll. Tutor in English, Tutor in Scand. Lang., Prof. English Univ. Illinois. Champaign, III. John William Dowling, [Jr.], (PHYS), M.D. Univ. N. Y. State 1886 and N. Y. Homeo. Med. Coll. 1886, Prof. Histology N. Y. Homeo. Med. Coll. 1887-92 ; Adj.-Prof. Theory and Prac. Med. in same 1892 ; Lect. on Prin. of Phys. Diag. 1892. 41 W. 4Sth St., N. Y. City. Joseph Hart Durkee. 4_$ Broadway, N. Y. City. Arthur Dwight. Duncan Elliot. 80 Broadway, N. Y. City. Charles Harvey Genang, (au), Ph.B. 1884. j6o Adelphi St., Brooklyn, N. Y. HI 1884-85] GRADUATES IN ARTS. 151 Joseph Bloomfield Harriot, (b). 10 Wall St., N. Y. City. George Washington Harris, (cl), Ph.B. 1884, LL.B. 1889. University Club, N. V. City. Theodore Winfield Harris, (Rev.), Grad. Union Theol. Sem. N. Y. 1887. New Lebanon, N. Y. Henry Skinner Hathaway, (phys), Ph.B. 1884, M.D. 1890, also from N. Y. Homeo. Med. Coll. & Hosp. 1891. 146 W. g2d St., N. Y. City. Hasbrouck Haviland.* Ambrose Dyer Henry, (br). ' 5 Wall St., N. Y. City. William Mitchell Vail Hoffman, (RE). 4 Warren St., N'. Y. City. George Albert Holden, (m). 26 Exchange PI. , N. Y. City. George Benjamin Hussey, (educ), A.M., Ph.D. Johns Hopk. Univ._i887, Fellow in Greek Johns Hopk. Univ. 1887, Fellow in Archae. C.N.J. 1889-90, Adj.- Prof. Class. Phil., State Univ. Nebraska. Lincoln, Neb. Obie Wilbur Kitchell, Ph.B. 1884, A.M. 1886. Prof. Math. Central State Normal School Pa. 24 Newark St., Newark, N. y. Barclay Etchebery Ver Planck McCarty, (cl), Ph.B. 1884, A.M. 188s, LL.B. 1886. University Club, N. Y. City. Robert Nelson McLaren.* aet. 29. *i892 Norman Fairlie Nelson. Eben William Newton, (cl). Toledo, Ohio. George William Ogden, (educ). Wilton, Conn. Edward Mills Perry, (cl), A.M. 1885, LL.B. 1886. 16 Court St., Brooklyn, N. Y. George Willard Plum, Ph.B. 1884. 2g William St. , N. Y. City. Charles Antonio Rapallo, \]r.l, (RR). 26 Exchange PI. , N. Y. City. Frederick Gore Richards,* LL.B. 1886. *i892 Jacob Hayward Roberts. 24J Reid Av., Brooklyn, N. Y. Winthrop Rutherfurd. 57 Liberty St., N. Y. City. William Robert Skidmore,* (cl), LL.B. 1888. aet. 26. *i893 John Ruggles Slack, (eng), M. E. Stevens Inst. 1886. Room 21, Grand Central Station, N. Y. City. William Creighton Spencer, Fellow Asst. in Eng. Col. Coll. 1884-86. JO Brimmer St. , Boston, Mass. John Bright Stevens, (cl), LL.B. 1886. 164 W. ijjd St., N Y. City. Herbert Charles Taylor, (br). I E. jgth St., N. Y. City. Daniel Wade Tears, (cl), Asst. to Gen. Counsel N. Y. C. & H. R. R. R. Co. Legal Dept., N. Y. C ^ H. R. R. R., N. Y. City. Lincoln Van Cott, (rr), Travelling Auditor N.Y. C. & H. R. R. R. Grand Central Station, N. Y. City. Jonathan Mayhew Wainwright, (CL), Ph.B. 1884, LL.B. 1886. Rye, Westchester Co., N. Y. John Tempest Walker, Jr., (arch). 874 Broadxvav, N. Y. City. James Henry Ward, [Jr.], (cl), LL.B. 1886. S6 E. 64th St., N. Y. City. William Henry Wetmore, (m). 10 W. 23d St., N. Y. City. James Russell White,* LL.B. 1886. *i886 Alexander Edward Williams.* aet. 23. *i884 51 Thomas William Ludlow,* A.M. A.B. Harv. Univ. 1882. *i894 1885 Jared Grover Baldwin, Jr., (cl), A.M. 1886, LL.B. 1887. 20 Nassau St. , N. Y. City. Henry Anthon Bostwick, [Jr.], (M). g2 Grand St. , N. Y. City. Temple Bowdoin. 23 Wall St., N. Y. City. Odie [Patrick] Brennan. Merriam Park, St. Paul, Minn. - 152 GRADUATES IN ARTS, [i88s Matthew Van Benschoten Brinck- erhoff, Jr., (m). no Worth St., N. V. City. John Scott Browning, (m). 408 Broome St. , N. Y. City. Edward Livingston Burrill, (br). 64 Broadway, N. Y. City. Hamilton Cady, (Rev.), B.D. Gen. Theol. Sem. P. E. Ch. N. Y. 1889. P. E. Ch. Warrensburgh, N. Y. William Francis Chase, (educ). 137 W. 4gth St., N. Y. City. Charles Alfred Christian. JO Prospect St. , E. Orange, N. J. Alexander Coles, (art). 106 W.ssth St.. N. Y. City. Samuel Derickson, [Jr.], (phys), M.D. 1890. 67 E. jdth St., N. Y. City. Fletcher Dimick,* LL.B. 1887. aet. 25. *i889 Herbert Spencer Dormitzer, (m). F. O. Box g6, N. Y. City. George Drew Egbert, (Rev.). Cornwall, N. Y. Thomas Ewing, Jr., (cl), A.M. 1886, LL.B. Georgetown Univ. 1890, Fel- low Asst. in Physics Col. Coll. 1885-88, Asst. Examiner in U. S. Pat. Off. i888-go. 120 Broadway, N. Y. City. Thomas Scott Fiske, [Jr.], (EDUC), A.M. 1886, Ph.D. 1888, Fellow Col. Coll. 1885-88, Tutor Math. 1888-91, Instr. Math. 1891-, Memb. London Math. Soc, Sec. N. Y. Math. Soc, Ed. " Bul- letin " N. Y. Math. Soc, Fellow Am. Ass. Adv. Sci. S^S IV. S7th St. , N. Y. City, Samuel Odell Fowler,* (cl). aet. 30. *i893 John Wesley French, (cl). 218 Lenox A v., N. Y. City. Thomas Buchanan Gilford, (cl), A.M. 1886, LL.B. 1887. 473 Lexington Av., N. Y. City. George Mount Gray, (c). SS4 ^ifth Av.,N. Y. City. Arthur Philip Heinze, (cl), LL.B. 1888. 4S William St., N. Y. City. Charles Lewis Hildreth. Southampton, L. I., N. Y. George Hyatt. Union Ferry Co. , Brooklyn, N. Y. Robert Ingram Brown Illman, (Rev.), B.D. Union Theol. Sem. 1888, Ph.D. 1892. South Meriden, Conn. [Levi] Harold Jacoby, (ast). Fellow Asst. in Observ., Asst. Astron- omer U. S. Eclipse Exp. 1889-90, Instr. Astr., Col. Coll. 1891-94 and Adj. Prof. Astr. 1894-. Columbia College, N. Y. City. Austin Price Kelley, (br). 37 Wall St., N. Y. City. Henry Bernard Kellner (m). 120 E. 14th St. , N. Y. City, Robert Coleman Kemp, (phys), M.D. 1889, House Surg. Roosevelt Hosp., Att. Surg. Epis. Ch. Hosp. and Disp. N. Y. City. 168 W. J 4th St., N. Y. City. Henry Van Rensselaer Kennedy. gg Fifth Av., N. Y. City, Alexander Darwin Keyes, (cl), LL.B. 1887. j'07 Montgomery St. , San Francisco, Cal. Harry Kearsarge Knapp, (TRANSPORTATION). 10 W.37th St.,N. Y. Nelson Glenn McCrea, (educ), A.M. 1886, Ph.D. 1888, Fellow in Letters Col. Coll. 1885-88, Tutorial Fellow in Latin 1888-89, Tutor in Latin 1889-. J33 Franklin Av., Brooklyn, N. Y. Charles Halsted Mapes, (MF CHEM), Ph.B. 1889. 143 Liberty St. , N. Y. City. Everett Masten, (cl), LL.B. 1887. 4J William St., N. Y. City. Edward John Milhau, (mf), Ph.G. _N. Y. Coll. Pharmacy, Prest. Alumni Assn. N. Y. Coll. Pharmacy. Tillery, Halifax Co., N. C. Robert Dorsey Murray, (cl), LL.B. 1887. 36 Wall St., N. Y. City. Van Home Norrie, (phys), M.D. 1889. 21 W. 37th St., N. Y. City. Guy Dayton Peck. Pittsburgh, Pa. Robert Randolph Perkins (re). gb Broadway, N. Y. City. I 885-86] GRA DUATES IN A R TS, 153 Arden Morris Robbins. J" Nassau St. , N. V. City,. George Stillmaii Robbins, LL.B. 1889. g E. 36th St., N. V. City. John Albert Ryerson, (cl). 3^ Borden Block, Chicago, III. George Downing Sparks, (Rev.), 38 Bleecker St.,N. V. City. Grant Squires, (cl), LL.B. 1887. 41 Wall St., N. Y. City. Edward Lincoln Stabler, (act), A.M. 1886, Ph.D. 1888, Fellow in Maths. Col. Coll. 1885-88, Actuary Manh. Life ' Ins. Co. 1889-. '35 W'illow St.^ Brooklyn f N. Y. Emil Felix Stoiber,* A.M. 1887. aet. 23. *i887 William Wallace Sturges, JO Broad St., N. Y. City. George Mortimer Thomson, (cl), ^2 Wall St., N. Y. City. George Enos Throop, (pub), ijo Nassau St. , N. Y. City. Arthur Bronson Townsend, 2j Wall St., N. Y. City. Warren Van Kleeck, Frank Tyng Warburton, (cl), LL.B. 1888. 67 Wall St., N. Y. City. Edmund Atwill Wasson, (Rev.), A.M. 1887, Ph.D. 1888, Asst. in English Col. Coll. 1888-90. Sea Side P. 0., Richmond Co., N. Y. Robert Weil, (cl), AM. 1886, Ph.D. 1888, LL.B. 1891 ; Seligman Prize Fellow Col. Coll. 1886, Toppan Prize 1891. IS Wall St., N. Y. City. Walter Wheeler, 4S W. 2Sth St., N. Y City. Henry Hyde Whitman, (cl), 120 Broadway, N. Y. City. Waldron Williams, (lumber), LL.B. 1887. 240 nth Av.. N. Y. Citv. Maurice Sonz^ Wormser,f. (b), P. 0. Box 2s82, N. Y. City. 59 t Formeriy Maurice Simon Wormser. 1886 Zabriskie Ackerson. Hackensack, N. y, Robert Lawrence Allen, A.M. 1887; E.M. 1888, Fellow Asst. in Observ. Col. Coll. 1887-88. J 02 Cambridge PI., Brooklyn, N. Y, Guy Ayrault, (educ), Groton, Mass. Alfred Freeman Baldwin, (br), 8 E, 41st St., N. Y. City. James Nack Ballantine, (ins), Asst. Sec. Prov. Sav. Life Ass. Soc. 186 West End Av., N. Y. City. Ellsworth Maltby Barry, 21 W. 1 6th St., N. Y. City. Francis Seguine Bayles, (c), iig Broadway , N. Y. City, John Vernou Bouvier, Jr., (cl), A.M. 1887, LL.B. 1888. 120 Broadway^ N. Y. City, Appleton Lesure Clark, (cl), LL.B. 1888. j8 Wall St., N. Y. City. Richard Cobden, (Rev.). P E Ch 4g W. 47th St., N. Y. City. Oscar Joseph Cohen, (Rev.), Rabbi. A.M. 1887. Mobile, Ala. Edward Franklin Cole, (mf), A.M. 1887. P. O. Box i4og, N. Y. City. Lincoln Cromwell, (m), A.M. 1887, LL.B. 1889, Prize Fellow Math. Col. Coll. i886-g. I Greene St., N. Y. City. Edward De Witt, (cl), LL.B. 1888. Nyack, N. Y. Mortimer Lamson Earle, (educ), A.M. 1887, Ph.D. i88g, Fellow Col. Coll. 1886-89, Instr. in Greek Barnard Coll. 462 W. 22d St., N. Y. City. Livingston Emery, (cl), LL.B. 1888. Bennett Bldg., N. Y. City. Charles Dickens Faber, (eng), Montgomery, Ala. [James] Ruford Franklin, [Jr.], (CL), A.M. 1887, LL.B. 1888. S3 1 Fifth Av.,N. Y. City. 154 GRADUATES IN ARTS, [1886 Percival Henry Fridenberg. Granville William Garth, (c), Cashier Mech. Nat. Bk. N. Y. C. J J Wall St., N. Y. City. Samuel Townsend Gilford, LL.B. 1888. 47 J Lexington Av.y N. Y. City. Joseph Reynolds Guernsey, (cl), LL.B. 1889. Anienia, N, Y. Leon Harrison, (Rev.), Rabbi, Re/, Synagogue. 4333 Washington Av., St. Louis, Mo. Elias Burton Hart, Jr., (ins), z/j Broad^vay, N. Y. City. Harry Heilbrun, (m), 8j6 Broadway, N. Y. City. Edward William Scudder John- stone, (cl), A.m. 1887, LL.B. 1888. 8 Centre St., N. Y. City. Charles Pinckney Kirkland, (c), 74 Broadway, N. Y. City. De Witt Knox, (c). 26 Exchange PI. , iV. Y. City. Joseph Lawrence, (m). J16 Broadway, N. Y. City. Robert Ferine Lee, Jr., (cl), LL.B. 1888. 11^ Broadway, N. Y. City. Lincoln G. McCormack, LL.B. 1889. 7 Nassau St., N. Y. City. Nathaniel L. McCready, A.M. 1887. 44 Broadway, N. Y. City. William Manice, (cl), LL.B. 1888. Ill Broadway, N. Y. City. William Arabin Meikleham, (c). J2 IVall St., N Y. City. John Alvey Mills, (Rev.). Theodore Clarence Mitchill, (EDUC), S4 E. SI St St., N. Y. City. Caldwell Morrison, (Rev.), M.D. N. Y. Horn. Med. Coll. 1889, Union Sem. 1892. 7 Lawn Ridge, Orange, N. J. Grant Notman, (cl), LL.B. 1888. S4 Wall St., N. Y. City. Francis Ulshoeffer Paris, (m), 80 Broadway, N. Y. City. Edward Liddon Patterson, (cl), LL.B. 1888. 3 Broad St., N. Y. City. George Augustus Post,f (br), 44 Broadway, N. Y. City. Charles Randolph, (br), 7 Nassau St. , N. Y. City. Louis Joseph Reckendorfer, (mf), Prest. Am. Pencil Co., Treas. Great Eastern Casualty & Indemnity Co. ; Prest. Gotham Club. 20 E. 62d St., N. Y. City. Irving Schmelzel, (br), 16 W. s6th St., N. Y. City. Nelson Shipman, (cl), jj- William St., N. Y. City. Gustave Simonson, (educ), A.M. Teacher Economics and Govt. N. Y. Eve. High School. 728 Lexington A v., N. Y. City. John Elmer Simpson, (cl), LL.B. 1888. 21 Park Row, N. Y. City. Samuel Tredwell Skidmore, Ph.B. 1889. 7/ W.soth St., N. Y. City. Joseph Gould Snyder, (Rev.), B. D. Union Theol. Sem. N. Y. City. go Sterling PI., Brooklyn, N. Y. Erwin Shepard Spink, (educ), 781 Prospect PI. , Brooklyn, N. Y. Charles Townsend Titus, Jr., Care Hale Of Bulk ley, Albany, N. Y. Andrew Malcolmson Todd, 261 Broadway, N. Y. City. John Henry Townsend, Asst. Sec. Knickerbocker Trust Co. 18 Wall St., N. Y. City. Milton Haight Turk, (educ), A.M. Ph.D. Univ. Leipzig, Germany, 1889, Horace White Prof, of Rhetoric and Eng. Lang, and Lit. Hobart Coll. 189 1-. 16s Main St., Geneva, N. Y, William Volkel. 120 Broadway, N. Y. City. Elwood Ernest Worcester. 268 Hicks St., Brooklyn, N. Y. 56 Winifred Edgerton,J Ph.D., A.B. Wellesley Coll. 1883. 2 Sprague PL, Albany, N. Y. t Name changed by order of Court Feb. to George B. Post, Jr. X Now Mrs. F. J. H. Merrill. 1888, 1887] GRADUATES IN ARTS. 155 1887 Sidney Abenheim, (m), Care M. Abenheim ^ Co., 2 Stone St, N. V. City. Peter Chauncey Anderson, (cl), 10 Wall St., N. V. City. James Frederick Bacon, (m), g2 Franklin St. , N. V. City. William Slocum Barstow, (e eng), Gen. Supt. Edison Elec. 111. Co. Bkln., Sec. Assn. of Edison 111. Co. of U. S. j6o Pearl St. , Brooklyn, N. Y. , George Butterfield Bates, (br), LL.B. 1889. 82 Water St., JV. V. City. William Hull Browning, (m), 408 Broome St., N. Y. City. Edward Hale Brush, (ed), g6j Lovejoy St. , Buffalo, N. Y. William Ferdinand Byland, (pub), A.M. 1888. Edward Nicoll Crosby (c), 118 E. 24th St., N. Y. City. Atherton Curtis, 16 W.sjd St., N. Y. City. Charles Seabury Eytinge, S26 W.sist St., A\ Y. City. George Henry Finck, (cl), LL.B. 1889. 140 Nassau St., N. Y. City. Asa Bird Gardiner, Jr., (m), J73 Front St., N. Y. City. William Gasten, (cl), LL.B. 1891. 347 McDonough St., Brooklyn^ N. Y. Maurice Gottleib Gennert, (m), A.M. 1888. 24 E. 13th St., N. Y. City, George Houghton Gilman, (cl), A.M. 1888, LL.B. Univ. St. N. Y. 1892. Fellow Asst. in Physics Col. Coll. 1887- 88, Fellow Johns Hopkins Univ. 1800. 71 Wall St., N. Y. City. Charles Franc Goddard, (cl), A.M. 1888, LL.B. 1889. 180 W. 88th St., N. Y. City. Maurice Henry Harris, (Rev.), A.M. 1888, Ph.D. 1889, Grad. Hebrew Theol. Sem. 10 E. 130th St., N. Y. City. Sidney Harris, 1888, (cl), LL.B. 1889. 4S-4g Cedar St., N. Y. City. Samuel C. Herriman, 1888, (cl), 3S Wall St., N. Y. City. John Henry Holden, (rr), 26 Exchange PI. , N. Y. City. Frederick William Hunter, (cl), A.M. 1888, LL.B. 1889. 2g3 Broadway, N. Y. City. Herman Louis Jacot, (Rev.), Lambaren/, Ogowe', Congo Fran^ais, West Africa. John Barrett Kerfoot, (m), 79 Nassau St. , N. Y. City. Charles Knapp, (educ), A.M. 1888, Ph.D. 1890, Fellow Col. Coll. 1887- 90, Assistant 1890-91, Instructor in Latin, Barnard Coll. 1891-. 34g W.3oth St., N. Y. City. Stuyvesant Le Roy, Jr., ///. Central R. R., Chicago, III. Charles Sellman Mason, (mf), j/j- Fulton St. , Brooklyn, N'. Y. John Mitchel Page. Chelsea S^., N. Y. City. Alfred Duane Pell, L.H.B. 438 Fifth Av.,N. Y. City. James Rankin Plum, Jr.* act. 26. *i893 Louis Rennes, LL.B. 1889. 34 E. SI St St., N. Y. City. Henry Milton Requa, Jr., (cl), LL.B. 1889. 17 W.soth St., N. Y. City. Guy Richards, (cl), LL.B, 1889. 18 Exchange PI., N. Y. City. Charles Edward Sands. 38s Fifth Av.,N. Y. City. Robert Cornell Sands, A.M. 1888, LL.B. 1889. 38s Fifth Av.,N. Y. City. George Godfrey Saxe, Jr., (phys), M.D. N. Y. Univ. Med. Coll. 1892, Co. Phys. Kidder Co. No. Dak. Steele, No. Dak. Edwards Ogden Schuyler. 44 Broadway, N. Y. City. George Dundas Scriba, (cl), A.M. 1888, LL.B. 1889. Montrose, N. Y. 156 GRADUATES IN ARTS. [1887-88 Samuel Sloan, Jr., (b). 16 William St., N. V. City. Edwin Hall Snyder, (c). 210 Duane St., N. Y. City. Charles Albert Stevens. I Newark St. , Hoboken, N. y. Robert Livingston Stevens. J Newark St. , Hoboken, N. y. Harold Strebeigh, (m). 74 Cortlandt St., N. V. City. William Frederick Ward, (c). yS4 Fifth Av., N. V. City. Leonard Dalton White, Jr., (br). 102 Broadway, N. Y. City. Edward McKinstry Whiting. 59 Wall St. , N. Y. City. Richard Thornton Wilson, Jr. S3 Wall St., N. Y. City. 47 Mary Parsons Hankey,* L.H.B. *i888 1888 William Benford Aitken, (cl), A.M. 1889, Ph.D. 1890. J02 Madison Av., N. Y. City. Frederick Brevoort Allin, (ins). 214 W._5gth St., N. Y. City. Arthur De Lancey Ayrault, (EDUC). St. PauVs School, Coftcord, N. H. Charles Sears Baldwin, (educ). A.M. 1889, Ph.D. i894,_ Tutor Col. Coll. 1891-, Instr. in Eng. Lit. Barnard Coll. 1891-. Columbia College, N. Y. City. Walter Lawrence Bogert, (cl), A.M. 1889. gy Nassau St., N. Y. City. Richard Clarence Bunzl. 120 Broadway, N. Y. City. Henry Bidwell Ely, (cl). 23 W. 26th St., N. Y. City. Douglass Ewell, (phys), M.D. 1891, staff Roosevelt Hosp. N. Y. Roosevelt Hospital, N. Y. City. Hampton Denman Ewing, (cl), A.M. 1889, Fellow Col. Coll. 1888. J20 Broadway, N. Y. City. Jarvis Rose Fairchild, (pub). 806-808 Broadway, N. Y. City. John Parkin Gilford. 4^3 Lexington Av., N. Y. City. Robert Goeller, (cl), A.M. 1889. 6 Wall St., N. Y. City. Reginald Gordon, (educ). Tutor of Phj'sics Col. Coll. 1891-. Columbia College, N. Y. City. Percy Foster Hall, (Rev.), A.M. 1889, Fellow Col. Coll. 1888-91. Catonsville, Md. Leander M. Hammer, (c). 1 1 83 Madison Av., N. Y. City. Henry Sleeper Harper, (pub). Franklin Sq., N. Y. City. Frank Randel Hathaway, (educ), A.M. 1889, Fellow Col. Coll. 1890-91, Asst. in Economics 1891-92, Reader in Statistics Univ. of Chicago 1892-93. 146 W. g2d St., N. Y. City. Willard [Cunningham] Humph- reys, (educ), A.m. 1889, Ph.D. 1890, M.D. Univ. N. Y. City 1890, Instr. in Latin Coll. N. J. 1892-. F. 0. Box 36^5, Princeton, N. y. Arthur Matthew Kane, (phys). A.M. 1889, M.D. 1893, House Surg. City Hosp. Blackwell's Island. ibj Congress St., Brooklyn, N. Y. George French Little. " Morning yournal," N. Y. City. Goodhue Livingston, Ph.B. 1892. 271 Fifth Av., N. Y. City. James Jay Mapes, M.D. 1891. 60 W. 40th St., N. Y. City. Walter Hippeau Merriam, (m). 2og W.s6th St., N. Y. City. Samuel Lewis Moody, (cl). ^33 Lexington Av., N. Y. City. Edmund Elmendorf Murphy. A.M. 1889. 74 E. 64th St., N. Y. City. Francis Herbert Palmer, (cl). 38 Park Row, N. Y. City. Alexander Forbes Parker.* aet. 21. *i889 William Robinson Powell, (c). 1 160 Broadway, N. Y. City. John Dyneley Prince, (educ). Prof. Univ. City N. Y. University Building, N. Y. City. Graham French Putnam, (cl). Salt Lake City, Utah. 1888-89] GRADUATES IN ARTS. 157 Lawrence Reamer, (j), A.M. 1890. J41 Lexington Av., N. V. City. Henry Augustus Sill, A.M. 1889, Editor St. A ndreui's Cross 1889-93. 81 Iffley Road, Oxford, I'-ng. Benson Bennett Sloan, (c). 20 William St., N. Y. City. John Shureman Sutphen, Jr., (m). ig W. 8jd St., JV. V. City. George Marvine Tuttle, (phys), I\T.D. 1891, House Staff St. Luke's Hosp. N. Y. 1892-93. .?7^7 Chestmit St., St. Louis, Mo. Guy Van Amringe, (cl), LL.B. ^Sg" Wall St., N. V. City. Harmon Albert Vedder, (phys), M.D. 1891, House Phys. N. Y. Hosp, 1892, Asst. House Phys. Sloane Maternity Hosp. 1893, Inspr. Vaccination N. Y. Bd. of Health. 6go Madison A v., N. V. City. Enrique Cirilo Villaverde. J46 Broadtoay, N. Y. City. George Flint Warren, Jr., (cl), A.M. 1889. 6 Wall St., N. Y. City. Lloyd Warren, (ARCH),Ph.B. 1891. S 20 Fifth Av., N. Y. City. Gerald Montgomery West, A.M. 1889, Ph.D. 1890. Clark University, Worcester , Mass. William Wiener, (chem), Ph.B. 1891, A.M. elsewhere, Chem. in Bureau of Exec. Com. on Awards World's Colum- bian Exposition 1893. 62\ Nelson PI. , Newark, N. J. Frank Armitage Wilcox, (cl). jj Nassau St. , N. Y. City. Benjamin Duryea Woodward, (EDUC), A.M. 1890, Ph.D. 1891, B. es S., and B. 6s L. Sorbonne, Paris, Fellow Col. Coll. 1888-91, Tutor in the Romance Lang. 1890-94, and Instr. 1894-. Columbia College, N. Y. City. Clarence Hoffman Young, (EDUC), A.M. 1889, Ph.D. 1891, Prize Fellow in Greek Col. Coll. i888-gi, Instr. in Greek 1892-. S08 W.s8th St., N. Y. City. 45 Henry Marcus Leipziger, Ph.D., A.B., B.S. and A.M. Coll. City N. Y., LL.B. Col. Coll. 1875, Chn. Lib. Com. Aguilar Free Library N. Y. 1884-, Or- ganizer and Director Hebrew Technical Instit. 1884-91, Asst. Supt. Pub. Schools N. Y. City 324 E. jotk St., N. Y. City. Daniel Francis Linehan, (phys), A.B. St. Francis Xav. Coll., A.M. Col. Coll. 1887, Ph.D., M.D. elsewhere. 9 W. 4gth St., N. Y. City. Alice Louise Pond, A.B. 34S W. 20th St., N. Y. City. 1889 Harry Curtis Ager. 2g6 Carlton Av., Brooklyn, N. Y. Louis Ager. 138 Fifth Av.,N. Y. City. Hardy Murfree Banks, Jr., (S S AGT) Englewood, N. y. Walter Jarvis Barlow, (phys), M.D. 1892. Mt. Sinai Hospital, N. Y. City. Charles Keller Beekman, LL.B. 1892. 440 Madison Av., N. Y. City. Edward Bright, Jr., (j). 170 W.j8th St., N. Y. City. Benjamin Nathan Cardozo, (cl), A.M. 1890. gd Broadway , N. Y. City. Gustavus Trask Donnell, A.M. 1890. J 40 Nassau St., N. Y. City. Leonard Wheeler Ely, (phys), M.D. N. Y. Homeo. Med. Coll. 32 W. 88th St., N. Y. City. Elbert Floyd-Jones, Jr., (Rev.), A.M. 1890, B.b. Gen. Theol. Sem. P. E. Ch. N. Y. 2g2 Madison Av., N. Y. City. Henry Lincoln Glover, (Rev.). M. E. Ch. Naugatuck, Conn. Robert Van Kleeck Harris, (Rev.), B.D. Gen. Theol. Sem. P. E. Ch. N. Y. Anaconda, Montana. William Isaac Jacobs, (cl), LL.B. 1892. 30 W. 38th St., N. Y. City. Remsen Johnson, A.M. 1890, LL.B. 1892. 168 Hancock St. , Brooklyn, N. Y. 158 GRADUATES IN ARTS. [1889-90 Willard Vinton King, (c). 18 Wall St., N. V. City. Archibald Eglinton Montgomery. John Seymour Montgomery, (cl). 2 Wall :bt., N: Y. City. George Dana Mumford, (cl), A.M. Harv. Univ. 1891. 2 Wall St., N. V. City. George Clinton Densmore Odell, (EDUC), A.M. i8qo, Ph.D. 1893, Fellow Col. Coll. 1889-gi, Teacher of Lat. and Grk. in Columbia Gram. Sch. N. Y. Newburgh, N, Y. Hammond Odell, (cl), A.M. 1890. 135 ^^^- 75i^'- ^i'^ ^- y- City. Joseph Clement Pfister, (educ), A.M. 1890, Prize-Fellow in Sci. Col. Coll, 1889-90, Tutor Higher Maths, and Ast. 1890-92, Tutor Mech. 1892-. 240 Sixth Av. fRosevilleJ, Newark, N. y. ^ Frederick Phillips, (ed). 240 Broadway, N. Y. City. Walter James Pratt, (pub). 88-go Gold St., N. Y. City. Gracie King Richards, (c), jij E. joth St. , N. Y. City. James Robb. Harrison Teller Slosson, (cl). ML Kisco, N. Y. Mason Romeyn Strong, (eng). Passaic, N. J. Thomas Worcester Thacher, (m). 9j> Sunwier St., Boston, Mass. Henry Brown Turner, Jr., (m). Foot E. 23d St., N. Y. City. Frederick Leopold VVachenheim, (PHYS), M.D. 1892. 38 E. 126th St., N. Y. City. Robert Watts, Jr., (phys), M.D. 1893. Bellevue Hospital, N. Y. City. Horace Pratt Whitney. Box 24^, Yonkers N. Y. Judah Lewis Weinberg, 1890. 114 Nassau St. N. Y. City. Norman Wilde, A.M. 1890, I*h. D. 1894. Dobbs Ferry, N'. Y. 34 Bashford Dean, A.M. A.B. Coll. City N. Y._ iS86, Ph.D. Col. Coll. 1890, Instr. in Biology, Asst. U. S. Fisheries Comm. Columbia College, N, Y. City. Caroline Raynolds Hankey, L.H.B. SP. gr. Alfred Poole Grint, A.B. and A.M. Trin. Coll. Conn., S.T.B. Gen. Theol. Sem. P. E. Ch„ Ph.D. Sara Bulkley Rogers, A.B., A.M. Cornell Univ. 1891. 166 John St., Bridgeport, Conn. i8go Charles Moore Bleecker. SI Wall St., N. Y. City. Marston Taylor Bogert, Ph.D. 1894, Asst. in Chem. Col. Coll. 1894-. Flushing, L. I., N. Y. William Bondy, (cl), A.M. 1891, Ph.D. and LL.B. 1893. j2 E. 67th St. , N. Y. City. Washington Irving Alphonsus Brauns, (cl), LL.B. N. Y. Law School 1893. SS7 W.sSth St., N. Y. City. Marvin Dugro Buttles. 44J State St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Frederic Rene Coudert, Jr., (cl), A.M. 1891, Ph.D. 1894. yo William St., N. Y. City. Frank Warren Crane, (j). S7 W. yjd St., N. Y. City. John Sage Fiske, (c). 484 Bedford Av., Brooklyn, N. Y. James Watson Gerard, Jr., (cl), A.M. 1891. S4 Wall St., N. Y. City. Henry Alger Gildersleeve, Jr.,* A.M. 1891. aet. 21. *i89i Frank Pierrepont Graves, (educ), A.M. 1891, Ph.D. Boston Univ. 1892, Asst. in Greek Col. Coll. 1890-91, Fellow 1891, Instr. in Greek Tuft's Coll. 1891-92, Asst. Prof, of Greek Tuft's Coll. 1892-93 and Prof, of Classical Philology 1893-. Tuffs College, Mass. Harold Griffing, (educ). Prize Fellow Col. Coll. 1890-91, Univ. Fellow Col. Coll. 1892-93. Columbia College^ N. Y. City. Frederic Everest Gunnison, (cl), A.M. Univ. N. Y. City. 2/ Park Row, N. Y. City. Charles Harris Hayes, A.M. 1891, Tutorial Fellow in German Col. Coll. 1890-gi, Univ. Fellow 1891-92. Madison, N. J. ii 1890-91] GRA DUATES IN AR TS, 159 James Edwin Hulshizer, Jr., (b), Sec, and Treas. N. J. Title Guar. & Trust Co. 8j Montgomery St., Jersey City^ N. y, Oswald Nathaniel Jacoby, (cl). IS W._53d St., N. V. City. Alfred Lauterbach, (cl), LL.B. N. Y. Law School 1892. 22 Williavi St., N. V. City. Charles Lauriston Livingston, (CL), A.M. 1891, LL.B. N. Y. Law Sch. 1892. go2 Union St., Brooklyn, N. Y. William Augustus McLaren, (cl), , LL.B. Northwestern Univ. 1893. 100 WasJiington St., Chicago, 111, Charles Riborg Mann, A.M. 189T, John Tyndall Fellow in Science Col. Coll. 1392-94. Berlin, Germany, Charles Myer Myers, (cl). J 6 1 Broad St., Newark, N. J, John Holcomb Nelden, (j). ly^ Summit Av., Jersey City, N. J, Eugene Joseph O'Sullivan. 2^4 Madison Av., N. V. City. Alb&rt Brace Pattou, (mf), A.M. 1891. Chattanoogay Tenn, Thornton Bancroft Penfield, (Rev.), (SEC, J), A.M. Univ. N. Y. City 1892, B. D. Union Theol. Sem. 1893, Sec. Young People's Dept. Presbyterian Board of Home Missions. SS Fifth Av.,N. V. City. Smith Dewey Pierce, (m), 170 Fulton St., N. V. City. Allison Wright Post, (cl), A.M. 1891, LL.B. N. Y. Law School 1892. II W. ^ist St., N. V. City. Henry Montefiore Powell, (cl). Ji Maiden Lane, N. Y. City. Joseph Manuel Rector, (phys), M.D. 1893. 100 Grand St. , Jersey City, N. J, William Willis Reese, E.E. 1892. N^w Hamburgh, N. Y. Charles Thornton Bate Rowe. Syo Summer Av., Newark, N. J, Churchill Satterlee, (Rev.). Albany, N. Y. Charles Alexander Schluer. 6j Johnson St., Brooklyji, N. Y, John Perry Seward, (phys), M.D. N. Y. Homeo. Med. Coll. 1893, Res. Phys. Nat. Homeo. Hosp. Washington, iSs Lexington Av., N. Y. City. Herbert Shipman, (Rev.). Yonkers, N. Y, Richard Stevens. Castle Point, Hoboken, N. J, Arthur Irving Ta)^lor. / E. sgth St., N. Y. City, Dudley Hoyt Tenney. 44 lV,S2d St., N. Y. City. Theodore Langdon Van Norden, (Rev.). 16 IV. 48th St., N. Y. City. Arthur Seymour Vosburgh, (phys), M.D. 1893. 140 W. 88th St., N. Y. City. William John Warburton, (cl), A.M. 1891, LL.B. N. Y. Law Sch. 1892. 45 Cedar St., N. Y. City. George W. Whittemore. 116 Milton St., Brooklyn, N. Y. I89I Cornelius Stevenson Abbott, Jr. Belleville, N. J. Robert Franklin Adams, (mf). I4r-i6 Greene St., N. Y. City. James Loring Arnold, (educ), Teacher Yonkere High School. Yonkers, N. Y. Charles Bartow, M.D. 1894, Astoria, L. I., N. Y. George James Bayles, A.M. 1892* Columbia College, N. Y. City. Cortlandt Field Bishop, (cl), A.M. 1892, Ph.D. 1893., LL.B. 1894. 7j> Madison Av., N. Y, City. Charles Butler, 2d. Care W. P. Butler, ^9 Wall St., N. Y. City. William Chesebrough Cammann, (CL), LL.B. 1893. 10 E. i6th St., N. Y. City. Oliver Samuel Campbell, 18 Remsen St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Frederick Woodhull Chesebrough. 17 E. 43th St., N. Y. City. Richard Collins, (mf). 860 Broadway, N. Y. City, i6o GRADUATES IN ARTS. [1891-92 Julien Townsend Davies. 17 W. gth St., N. Y. City. Read Gordon Dilworth, (cl), LL.B. 1893. Ill Broadway, N. Y. City. Frank Nelaton Dodd. 20^ Carlton Av., Brooklyn, N. Y. Victor [Moreau] Elting, (cl), LL.B. Univ. of Mich. ly^ Dearborn St., Chicago, III. Albert Rolaz Gallatin. Easthampto7t, L. I. , A^. Y. Francis Dawson Gallatin. J3 New St., N. Y. City. William Kimball Greene. Amsterdam, N. Y. Arthur Cragin Gwynne. Rye, Westchester Co., N. Y. William Harison, (cl), LL.B. 1893. 1027 Boulevard, Astoria, N. Y. Montague Howard, (m). 264 Fifth Av.,N. Y. City. Edward Hymes, Fellow Col. Coll. 1891-92. 4j Clintofi St., Newark, N. y. Asa Stewart Iglehart, (educ). Assistant in Physics Col. Coll. 1891-. Columbia College, N. Y. City. Philip Edwards Johnson, M.D. 1894. N'ew Brighton, S. I. , N. Y. Joseph Chaim Josephson, M.D. 1894. ig4 E. Broadway y N'. Y. City, Charles Conover Kalbfleisch, (cl), A.M. 1892, LL.B. 1S93. promoted 1863 Surg. 3d N. J. Cav'y, mustered out, 1865. aet. 50. *i886 George Marsden Brennan.* aet. 47. *i88i John Weston Brennan, Surg. Berdan's Sharpshooters 1862-63. 14^ Lexington Av., N. V. City. Sidney Rogers Burnap, A.B. Union Coll. 1858. Windsor Locks ^ Conn. Garabed Caloosdian. John Ely Gary. Lower Bank, N'. J. Thomas Knowlton Chandler,* A. A. Surg. U. S. N., Act'g Passed Asst. Surg. U. S. N. i866. Abel Blood Conant,* A. A. Surg. U. S. A. 1862, Asst. Surg. 7th Kentucky Vols., Surg, of same, mustered out 1864, Lect. on Physiol, in Univ. of Vt. aet. 24. William Arthur Conover, A.B. 1867 '1864 Coll. N. J. 1859 and A.M., Surg. U. S. A. 1863, Med. Di (rank Lt.-Col.), mustered out 1866, U. S. )irector 25th Army Corps Exam. Surg, for Pensions. Hackettstown, N. y. Henry White Cook.* aet. 26. *i863 James Russell Gumming, Asst. Surg. 12th Conn. Vols. 1862-65, Surg, to Sept. 1865. aet. 60. *i89i William Floyd Cushman, A.B. 1859. 32s W. 2 2d St., N. V. City. Rem Lefferts Disbrow, Asst. Surg. 14th N. J. Vols, till close of war, Ex. Surg, for Pensions 1872, Treas. 1871, V,-Prest. 1873 and Prest. 1876 of Ocean Co. (N. J.) Med. Soc. Toms River, N. y. ■1879 Barnard Douglass Eastman, Supt. Worcester (Mass.) Lunatic Hosp. and of Institution for the Insane, Sec. and Treas. N. E. Psycholog. Soc, Supt. State Insane Asylum Topeka Kan., Prof. Mental Diseases Kansas Med. Coll. Topeka, Kan. William Eddy.* Henry Martyn Field, A.B. Harv. Univ. 1859, Contract Surg. U. S. A., Prof. Therapeutics Dartmouth Med. Coll. N. H. Pasadena, Cat. Frank Pierce Foster, Surg, to Pacific M. S. S. Co. 1864, A. A. Surg. U. S. A. 1865, Ed. " Med. Jour- nal.'' 16 E. jist St., N. Y. City. Gustavus Scott Franklin, A.B. Marietta Coll. 1859 and A.M. 1862, Fel- low Amer, Acad. Med., Surg. U. S. N. 1862-68. Chillicothe, 0. William James GilfiUan, LL.B. 1877, A. A. Surg. U. S. N. 1863-65, San. Inspr. Brooklyn (N. Y.) Health Board 1870-74. 79 Main St., Brooklyn, N. Y. William Henry Harlin. JJ2 Gates A v., Brooklyn, N. Y. Solomon E. Hasbrouck.* aet. 32. *i872 Jonathan Havens,* Contract Surg. U. S. A., U. S. Exam. Surg, for Pensions 1875-. aet. 42. *i88i Andrew H. Hershey.* George Hopkins, A. A. Surg. U. S. A. 1862. Ridgewood, Bergen Co., N. y. Lewis Slocomb Horton, Res. Phys. U. S. Marine Hosp. Detroit, Mich. 1857-60, A. A. Surg. U. S. A. 1862- 65. i4g W. 2 2d St., N. Y. City. Numon N. Horton, A.A. Surg. 47th U. S. Col. Infy. 1863-66. Utica, N. Y. William Malcolm James. Whitesboro, N. Y. John Andrew Jaume. Dan Lee Jewett, Asst. Surg. 20th Conn. Vols. 1862-65, U. S. Exam. Surg. Pensions Bureau 1871-93. Watseka, III. Eldridge Monroe Johnson.* aet. 36. *i874 1/2 GRADUATES IN MEDICINE, [1862-63 Joseph Dodson Lomax, Supt. Marshall Infirmary and Rensselaer Co. Insane Asylum, Troy, N. Y. Troy, N. V. William Simmons Ludlum,* A.B. 1847, A.M. 1850. *i890 Frederick Wentworth Mercer, Asst. Surg, and Surg. Mass. Vols., ist Lieut, and Maj. 1862-65, Asst. Surg, ist Battln. Cav. (Lancers) Mass., resigned 1867, Res. Surg. Soldiers' Home Hosp. 111., resigned 1873, Senior Asst. Phys. 111. Southern Hosp. for Insane, Anna 111. 2600 Calumet Av., Chicago, III, William Thomas Nealis,* A.B. St. Joseph's Coll. Ohio 1858 and A.M. i860, Surg. T82d N. Y. Vols. (69th Regt. N. G. S. N. Y.) 1864-65, Phys. to City Prison N. Y. 1863-73. aet. 38. *i879 Edward Monroe Norwood, Asst. Surg, ist Regt. E. Tenn. Vols. 1862, Surg. 4th E. Tenn. Vols. 1864, mustered out 1865. Lexington, Ky. George Herschel Olmsted,* A. A. Surg. U. S. A. *i863 William Brown Orchard. g2i Grove St., Elizabeth, N". J. Edmund Morris Pease, (Rev.), A.B. Amherst Coll. 1854, Asst. Surg. U. S. V. four years. George Porter. Detroit, Mich. William Chardavoyne Prver,* A. A. Surg. U. S. A. 1863-64. aet 54. *i888 Nathaniel B. Reber, U. S. Exam. Surg, for Pensions 1869-84, resigned. Lehighton, Pa. Jasper Godsvenor Reynolds. John K. Robinson,* Asst. Surg. 38th N. Y. Vols. 1862, Asst. Suig. 5th N. Y. Vet. Vols. 1864-65. aet. 48. *i885 William H. Rockwell, Jr. II W. 3Sth St., N. V. City. Frank H. Roof. Rhinebeck, N. Y. George Schuyler Rugg,* Asst. Surg. 8th N. Y. Vols. 1862, Surg. 104th N. Y. V. 1862, Surg.-in-Chief 2d and 3d Brig. Arty. Reserves Army of Potomac, resigned 1865. *t885 Henry Thatcher Sears, Surg. Gov. Transport S. S. " Fulton " 1863-64. St. yohns, N. B., Canada. Samuel Francis Shaw,* A. B. Williams Coll. 185s, Surg. U. S. N. aet. 51. *i884 Franklin Staples, M.D. St. Louis Coll. P. and S. (Hon.), former- ly Prof, of Practice of Med. Minn. State Univ., Prest. Minn. State Med. Soc. 1871, Vice-Prest. Am. Med. Assoc. 1876, Memb. Judicial Coun. Am. Med. Assn. 1878, Prest. Minn. State Board of Health, Prest. So. Minn. Med. Assn. IVinona, Minn. Thomas Hunt Stilwell. N. Y. City. John Laken Swift.* act. 36. *i874 Amazias Walter Tryon, Asst. Surg. looth N. Y. Vols., discharged 1863. Lockport, N. Y. Edwin Morrison Ward, A.B. Coll. N. J. 1859, A. A. Surg. U. S. A. 1864-65. Bloomfield, N. J. Richard Halsted Ward, A.B. Williams Coll. 1858 and A.M. 1861, A. A. Surg. U. S. A. 1862, Prof, of Botany Rensselaer Polytechnic Instit. 1867-92, Attg. and afterwards Cons. Phys. to Mar- shall Infirmary, Troy, N. Y., 1868-, also Sec. Bd. of Governors, Editor of Dept. of Microscopy " Amer. Naturalist " 1871-, Prest. Renss. Co, (N. Y.) Med. Soc. 1877- 78, Prest. Troy Scientific Assn. 1870-77, Chairman of Micro. Sec. of same. Chair- man Micro. Sub-Sec. Amer. Assn. for Advancement of Science 1876. S3 Fourth St., Troy, N. Y. James H. Wheeler,* Prest. N. H. Med. Soc, U. S. Pension Examiner. aet. 61. *i893 Merrit H. Wilson. 59 1863 William Bruce Almon.* Wendell Abraham Anderson, Surg. 3d Md. Vols. 1864-65. La Crosse, M^is. Alonzo Brayton Ball, A.B. Yale Coll. i86oj^ Prof. Mat. Med. Woman's Med. Coll. N. Y. Infirmary, Lecturer on Diseases of the Kidney Med. Dept. Col. Coll. 1870, Clin. Lect. on Medicine 1888-. 42 W. 36th St., N. Y. City. John Sterling Bird, Health Officer Hyde Park, N. Y. Hyde Park, N. Y. Joseph Bird, A.B. Coll. N. J. i860. Thomasville, N'. C. 1863] GRADUATES IN MEDICINE. ^n Lewis Henry Bodman, Med. Cadet Washington D. C. 1861-62, City Phys. Toledo O. 1869-71, Prest. To- ledo Med. Assn. 1873, Cons. Surg. St. Vincent's Hosp. and Vis. Phys. Toledo Hosp. Toledo, O. VVeslev Mannen Carpenter,* Asst. Surg. 42d Regt. N. G., S. N. Y. 1864-68, Asst. Curator Bellev. Hosp. N. Y., Curator Museum of Med. Dept. Univ. of City of N. Y., Asst. Sec. Med. Soc. Co. of ]Sf. Y. 1879. aet, 55. ^1883 George Augustus Christie, M.D. Royal Coll. of Surg. Edin. 1864. Edward Cowles, A.B. Dartmouth Coll. 1859 and A.M. 1865, M.D. 1863, LL.D. 1890, Asst. Surg. U. S. A. 1863-72, Supt. Resident Phys. Boston City Hosp. 1872-79, Med. Supt. McLean Hosp. 1879-, Prof. Mental Dis. Dartmouth Med. Coll. 1886-, Clin. Instp. Mental Dis. Harv. Med. School 1888-. Somerville ^ Mass. Albert E. Crouch er. Rezin Pollard Davis.* Walter De Forest Day, A.B. Williams College 1859, Med. Cadet U. S. A. 1861, Prof. Mat. Med. and Botany Coll. of Pharmacy N. Y., San. Supt. Health Dept. City of N. Y. aet. 55. *i889 Francis Delafield, A.B. Yale Coll. i860, and LL.D., Asst. to Med. Clinique Col. Coll., Adj. Prof, of Path, and Pract. Med., Director of Path. Labor, of Alumni Assn. 1876-81, Vis. Phys. and Curator Bellev. Hosp. N. Y., Adj. Prof. Path, and Pract. Med. 1876-82 and Prof. Medicine Col. C0II.1882-. 12 W.32d St., N. Y. CUy. Samuel Demarest, Jr.* act. 28. ♦1867 George Clinton Dewey, A.B. Williams Coll. and A.M. i860, aet. 23. *i864 John Elderkin, (Rev.), A.B. Yale Coll. 1852 and A.M., Asst. Surg. loth U. S. Col. Infy. 1863-64. George M. Engs,* A.B. Yale Coll. i860. aet. 45. *i887 David Osburn Farrand,* Asst. Surg. U. S. A., resigned i866, Surg. to Harper Hosp. Detroit, Mich, aet, 53. *i883 Jacob T. Field, A.B. and A.M. Rutgers Coll., Ex-Surg. U. S. N., Surg. Bayonne (N. J.) City Hosp. 81 J Av. C, Bayonne, N. y. Samuel A. Fitch,* A.B. Union Coll, i860. De Witt C. Fowler. Aberdeen, Dak. I'iSyo Walter Robarts Gillette, (ins), A.B. Madison Univ. 1861 and A.M. 1864, A. A. Surg. U. S. A., Adjunct Prof, of Obstet. Med. Dept. Univ. N, Y. City, Vis. Phys. Bellev. Hosp., Charity Hosp., St. Francis Hosp., Maternity Hosp., and N.Y. Lying- in Asy., Cons. Phys. to Bellev., Charit)% St. Francis, Maternity, and N. Y. Lying- in Hosps. Gen. Mgr, Mutual Life Ins. Co. N, Y. 24 W. 40th St., N. Y. City. Frank West Goodall, Ex-Supt. Common Schools, Ex-Prest. Union Med. Soc, ex-V.-Prest. Vt. State Med. Soc. Bennington, Vt. Wait Robbins Griswold,* A.B. Yale Coll, 1844. aet. 67. *i887 Charles Everett Hall, A.B. Coll. of N. J. i860. N. Y. City. Frank Granger Hasbrouck.* John Cornelius Hasbrouck. N. Y. City. David Webb Hodgkins, A. A. Surg, U, S. A. 1864-65, Memb. Mass. State Leg. 1882, Med. Exam, since 1877, Selectman East Brookfield, Mass. one year, Memb. School Board twenty years. East Brookfield, Mass. Edward Kelly Hogan,* Asst. Surg. i2oth N, Y. Vols. 1863-64, Asst, Surg. U. S. V. 1864, Bvt.-Major U. S. V. 1865, mustered out 1865. aet. 35. James Hutchinson. St. John, N. B., Canada. Woolsey Johnson,* A.B. Coll. N. J. i860 and A.M. 1863, Lect. on Dis. of the Larynx and Laryngoscopy i86q-7o, Health Comm'r N. Y. City 1881- 87, aet. 46. Charles Stewart Kittredge, Ph, Yale Coll. 1858 and Ph.D. i860, C. E. Yale Coll. i860. Sec. Board of Health Oakland, Cal. 1873-76, Sec. Alameda Co. (Cal.) Med. Soc. 1872-76. Santa Barbara, Cal. William Lee,* Lecturer in Microscop, Anat. Med, Dept. Columbian Univ. Washington D. C. 1866-67, Memb. Bd. of Health Wash. 1870, Ed. " Nat. Med. Jour." 1871, Prof. Physiol. Med. Dept. Columbian Univ. 1872-, Lib, Amer, Med. Assn. 1872, Elias Lester, Med, Cadet U, S, A, 1861, Asst. Surg. 14th N. Y. Vol. Cav. 1863, Surg. 3d En- gineers, Surg. 97th U. S. Col. Infy. 1863- 64, Prest. Bd. U. S. Exam. Surgs. for Pensions Seneca Falls N, Y. six years, Seneca Falls, N. Y. *i866 ^1867 *i887 .B. 4893 174 GRADUATES IN MEDICINE. [1863-64 Irving Whitall Lyon, M.D. Univ. of Vt. 1862, Demonstrator of Anat. Berkshire Med. Coll. 1862, A. A. Surg. U. S. A. June-July 1862, Interne Bellevue Hosp. 1862-1864, Med. Director Hartford Life and Ann. Ins. Co. 1866-. 2j Buckingham St. , Hartford, Conn. Henry Emmet McCartin.* aet. 31. *i86q Theodore Andrews McGravv, A.B. Univ. of Mich. 1859, A. A, Surg. U. S. A. 1863-64, Asst. Surg. U. S. V. 1864-65, Prof. Surg. Detroit Med. Coll., Prest. of Faculty in same. yj Cass St., Detroit, Mich. David Magie, [Jr.], A.B. Coll. N. J. 1859 and A.M. 32 W. 48th St., N. V. City. George Van Rensselaer Merrill, Asst. Surg. 6th U. S. Col. Infy. 1863, pro- moted 1865 to Surg. U. S. Col. Infy., mustered out 1865, Vis. Phys. A. O, M. Hosp. Elmira, N. Y. Martin x^lexander Miller, A. A, Surg. U. S. N. (Mississippi Squad- ron) i863-?6. Jersey City, N. J. Lucius Mills, A.B. elsewhere. Sherman Morse, (f), Asst. Surg. 14th Regt. N. Y. H. Art'y, discharged 1865. Ridgefield, III. John D. Nicoll.* ♦1863 Wilbur Fisk Nutten. Newark, Wayne Co., N. V. Patrick Pendergast,* Asst. Surg. 107th N. Y. Vols. 1863-65. aet. 39. *i875 Charles Leander Pierce. Peter Van Schack Pruyn,* A.B. Union Coll. i860, Asst. Surg. N. Y. Vols. aet. 50. *i89i Burr Schermerhorn. Hones dale. Pa. Abner Orimel Shaw, Asst. Surg. 20th Maine Vols. 1863, Surg. 1863-65, Acting Surg.-in-Chief 3d Brig, ist Div. 5th Army Corps Army of Poto- mac, Ex-Prest. U. S. Exam. Bd. for Pensions, Ex-member City Council. i^j High St. , Portland, Me. Amos Shaw, Jr., Asst. Surg. 41st N. Y. Vols. 1862. Jacobstown, N. y . Andrew Jackson Smith, A. A. Surg. U. S. A. 1863-65, Prest. Bridgeport (Conn.) Med. Assn. Bridgeport, Conn. Joseph George Smith, Kincaid, Kan. James Kirke Stockwell, M.D. Univ. of Buffalo 1870, Surg. U. S. V., Sec. Oswego Co. (N. Y.) Med. Soc. Oswego, N. V. Thomas Thompson, (Rev.), A.M. Madison Univ. 1866, A.M. Lafayette Coll., D.D. Washington Coll. Tenn. 1891. Presb. Ch. Lancaster , Pa. Jacob Francis Tourtellotte, A. A. Surg. U. S. N. Winona, Minn. Lewis Arnold Tracy.* aet. 34. *i873 Samuel D. Wadsworth,* A.B. Madison Univ. i86i. De Witt Webb, Memb. Bd. Supervisors (1868) and Com. Coun. 1872-76 Poughkeepsie N. Y., Memb. N. Y. Assembly 1876-77, A. A. Surg. U. S. A. 1887-88, late V.-Prest. Fla. State. Med. Assn. St. Augustine, Fla. Walter Henry Wentworth, Late A. A. Surg. U. S. N. Pitts fie Id, Mass. Lewis Westfall,* V.-Prest. Sussex Co. (N. J.) Med. Soc. aet. 30. *i869 Benjamin Wilson, A. A. Surg. U. S. A. 1863-65. 7j>9 Lake Av., Rochester, N. Y. Gustavus Storrs Winston, Att'g Phys. O. D. P. Bellev., Att'g Phys. St. Francis' Hosp., Res. Phys. Woman's Hosp. 1862-66, Att'g Phys. Demilt Disp. 42 W. jgth St., N. Y. City. Lockwood De Forest Woodruff,* A.B. Coll. City N. Y. 1859. aet. 38. *i876 63 1864 Samson American, Hosp. Steward U. S. N. 1861-62, A. A. Surg. U. S. A. 1864-65, also from 1866-79, Mayor Eudora City Kans. 1870- 72, Chairman Bd. Educat. Eudora City Kans. 1873-74. . 40J Kearny St. , San Francisco, Cal. Theophilus H. Andress. Sparta, N. J. George W. Baker, A.B. Union Coll. 1861 and A.M. 1864, A. A. Surg. U. S. A. 1864-65. ^40 Bedford Av., Brooklyn, N. Y. 1864] GR-ADUATES IN MEDICINE. 175 Philip Hale Barton, A. A. Surg. U, S. N. 1864 (2 yrs.) Med. Referee Pension Bureau four years, Prof. Eng. Literature two years St. Joseph Colt La. Danville^ III. William Hunter Birckhead, A.B. Trin. Coll. Conn. 1861 and A.M. 1864. Newport, R. I. John Bedell Boss.* Richard Baxter Brown, A.B. Yale Coll. i860, A. A. Surg. U. S. A., Asst. Surg. U. S. V, 1865, Brevet Major U. S. V. 1865-66. 146 yuneau Av., Milwaukee, Wis. George James Bucknall, A.B. Santa Clara (Cal.) Coll. i860, Surg.-Gen. Nat. Guard of Cal. 1872 and 1874, Prest. San Francisco Cal. Free Dispensary, Memb. Board of Health and Cons. Phys. St. Luke's Hosp. San Francisco. Box 17 /g, San Francisco, Cal. John Otis Burt, A.B. Harv. Univ. 1858 and M.D. i86r, Asst. Surg. U. S. N., resigned 1863, Asst. Prof. Chem. and Prof. Mat. Medica in Med. Dept. Syracuse Univ. 1872-79. Syracuse, N. V. Adolphe Carit. San Francisco, Cal. Francis P. Casey, (mf), Asst. Surg. 8th N. Y. Vol. Art'y. Auburn, N. V. Samuel Fletcher Chapin,* A. A. Surg. U. S. A. aet. 50. *i889 Albert Taylor Chapman. Old Mystic, Conn. George W. Currier. Nashua, N. H. A. Thomas Cuzner. Gilmore, Duval Co.^ Fla. Henry A. Danker,* Asst. Surg. U. S. N. *i864 Henry Albert Darby. Yarmouth, N. S., Canada. Albert Austin Davis, A.B. Dartmouth Coll. 1858, A. A. Surg. U. S. A. 1864-65, Att'g Phys. St. Luke^s Hosp. iig E. 62d St., N. V. City. Charles De Cockerille.* *i866 Henry J. Devlin.* act. 25. *i864 Dwight Dudley, Med. Cadet U. S. A. (2 years) A. A. Surg. U. S. A. Elmira N. Y. (i year) : Asst. toProf. Physiol. Col. Coll. 1863, Med. Director Transportation Dept. of East. 1865, Med, Exam, for U. S. Govt. Western Military Division State of N. Y., now U. S. Pension Surg, and Prest. of Binghamton Bd. Maine, Broome Co., N. V. George H. Dunbar. Francis D. Edgerton, A.B. Wesleyan Univ. 1861 and A.M. 1864, M.D. Univ. of Vt. 1863, Sec. and Treas. Middlesex Co. (Conn.) Med. Soc. 18^3-77 and Prest. of same 1890, Treas. Conn. State Med. Soc. 1876-82, V.-Prest. 1890- 92, Prest. 1893, Memb. Conn. Pharmacy Commn. 1886-89. ^nd President 1888-89 ; Vis. Phys. Conn. Indus. School for Girls since 1870, Post Surg. Conn, since 1878. Middletown, Conn. John Haven Emerson, A.B. i860, A.M. 186^, A. A. Surg. U. S. A. 1864, San. Insp^ Metrop. Bd. of Health 1866-68. 81 Madison Av., N. Y. City. Henry Clay Eno, A.B. Yale Coll. i860. Saugatuck, Conn. D. Darwin Everett. Edward Farrell, A B. St. Mary's Coll. Halifax i860, Prest. Nova Scotia Med. Soc. 1885, Senior Surg. Victoria Hosp. Halifax, Prof. Surgery Halifax Med. Coll., M. P. Nova Scotia 1874-78. 48 Morris St. , Halifax, A . S. Archelaus G. Field, M.D. Starling Med. Coll. 1854. LL.B. Simpson Centennary Coll. 1879, Phys. Polk Co. la. 1865-1884, Prof. Phys. and Path. Coll. Phys. and Surg. Keokuk la. 1882, Exam. Surg, for Pensions, Board of Re- view Pension Off., Washington 1885, Prest. la. State Med. Soc. 1871, Delegate International Med. Congr. Phila. 1876. Summit PL, Des Moines, Iowa. Luther P. Fitch,* A.B. Beloit Coll. i860 and A.M. 1863, Asst. Surg. 47th Regt. U. S. Col. Inf'y 1863-66, 2d V.-Prest. Iowa State Med. Soc, Sec. Upper Cedar Valley (Iowa) Assn., Prest. of same 1876-77. aet. 53. *i889 John Henry Furman, Asst. Surg. U. S. A. Hosp. 1864-66. larrytown, N. Y. Archibald McI. Gregory,* A. A. Surg, U. S. N. 1861-62. *i874 David L. Haight, A.B. Yale Coll. i860. IJ2 Nassau St. , N. Y. City. John Calvin Holmes, A.B. and A.M. (Hon.) Coll. N. J. Cranbury, N. y. John C. Hooper. 176 GRADUATES IN MEDICINE, [1864 William Warner Hoppin, [Jr.], (CL), A.B. Brown Univ. and A.M. 1861, LL.B. 1869, Asst. Surg U. S. V. 1863, Gov. N. Y. Hosp. and Woman's Hosp. in the State of N. Y., Trustee Coll. Phys. and Surg. 1877-91. Ill Broadway, N. Y. City. George W. Hosmer. N. V. City. Edward G. Jane way, A.B. Rutgers Coll. i860 and A.M., Curator Bellev. Hosp. 1868, Prof. Physiolog. and Path. Anat. Med. Dept. Univ. City N. Y. 1871-72, Prof. Physiolog. and Path. Anat. Bellev. Hosp. Med. Coll. N. Y. Commr. Health Dept. City of N. Y. 1875-81, Prof. Materia Medica and Prac- tice Med. BeUev. Hosp. Med. Coll. until 1892, Consulting Phys. to Bellevue, St. Vincent's, Presb., French, and St. Eliza- beth's, and Vis. Phys. Mt. Sinai, and formerly at Bellev., Cnarity, and Ward's Is. Hosps. 36 W. 40th St., N. V. City. Joseph Edward Janvrin, Asst. Surg. 15th N. H. Vols. 1862-63, Gynaecologist to Skin and Cancer Hosp., Cons. Surg. St. Elizabeth's Hosp. 79/ Madison A v. , N. V. City. William H. Kinney. jj> Baker St., Detroit, Mich. Henry M. Knowles. New Bedford, Mass. William Baldwin Linsley,* A. A. Surg. U. S. A. aet. 50. *i890 William Augustus Lockwood, A.M. Norwalk High School 1858. Nor walk. Conn. William M. McKay.* James Woods McLane, A.B. Yale Coll. 1861, Prof. Materia Med. and Therapeutics Col. Coll. 1868-72, Adj. Prof. Obstetrics and Diseases of Women and Children 1872-79, Prof, of same 1879-, Prest. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1889-91, Dean Med. Faculty Col. Coll. 1891-, Cons. Phys. N. Y. Hosp., Nur- sery and Children's Hosp., Obstetric Phys. to Sloane Maternity Hosp. 57 W. jSth St., N. V. City. Daniel Edward McSweeney, A.B. St. Francis Xavier's Coll. N. Y. 1861 and A.M. 1863, A. A. Surg. U. S. A. 1862, Asst. Surg. 69th Regt. N. Y. 1865. i3g E. 2gth St. , N. Y. City. George J. Northrop, Asst. Surg, ist Regt. Dist. of Columbia Cav. 1864, Asst. Surg. 1st Regt. Me. Cav. mustered out 1865, now Chief Surg. Duluth South Shore and Atlantic Ry. Marquette, Mich. George B. Oakes.* aet. 47. *i886 "1884 ^1865 Henry Eagle Ogden,* A.B. Union Coll. 1862. Benjamin Maltby Page. Pasadena, Cal. John Prince Pemberton, A.B. 1849, LL.B. Univ. N. Y. City 1863. Long Branch, N. y. James L. Phillips. Ulrichsvilie, 0. Henry Granger Piffard, A.B. Univ. City of N. Y. 1862 and A.M. 1865, Under San. Commn. in Va. 1862, Surg. 71st Regt. N. G. S. N. Y. i86;r-68, Lect. on Urin. Anal. Med. Dept. Univ. City of N. Y. 18^3-74, Prof. Dermatol. Med. Dept. Univ. City of N. Y. 1874-, Prest. N. Y. Dermatol. Soc. 1878, Prof, of Der- matol. Univ. City of N. Y. 10 W. sjth St., N. Y. City. Stephen C. Powell, A.B. Yale Coll. Newport, R. I. Alfred Pryor.* Charles S. Robert. Stephen W. Roof, Surg. 9th Regt. N. G., S. N. Y. 22s IV. 23d St., N. Y. City. Allen S. Russell, A. A. Surg. U. S. A., Surg. 3d Brigade Hardin's Div. 22d Army Corps during war, Memb. N. Y. Assembly 1875-76. 21 J S. Division St., Battle Creek, Mich. Thomas Taunton Sabine,* A.B. 1861, A.M. 1864, Asst. Demonstrator and Demonstrator of Anat. Col. Coll., Adj. Prof, of Anat. 1871-79, Prof, of Anat. 1879-88. aet. 47. *i888 John Peter Schenck, Jr., Asst. Surg. U. S. A., A. A. Surg. U. S. N., Health Officer Town of Fishkill N. Y., Coroner Dutchess Co. N. Y., Phys. and Surg. Highland Hosp. Matteawan N. Y. Matteawan, N. Y. William Frederick Scoresby,* State Senator N. Y. S. 1873-76, Prest. of Ellenville, N. Y. 1871, Memb. Board of Supervisors Ulster Co. N. Y. aet. 45. *i884 Edward Constant Seguin, Med. Cadet U. S. A. 1862-64, Asst. Surg. U. S. V. 1865, A. A. Surg. U. S. A. 1864 and 1868-69, Lee. Dis. Nerv. Sys. Col. Coll. 1868-73, Clin. Prof. Dis. Nerv. Sys. 1873-87, Prest. N. Y. Neurolog. Soc. 1877, Phys. Manh. Eye and Ear Hosp., Cons. Phys. French Hosp. 47 W.soth St., N. Y. City. 1864-65] GRADUATES IN MEDICINE. 177 Charles E. Simmons, A.B. Beloit Coll. 1861, Commr. of Pub. Chari- ties and Corrections N. Y. City. J 42 Lexington Av., N. V. City. Henry Lyle Smith, Surgeon's Asst. San. Commr. (six mos.) 1862, Prest. Columbia (N. Y.) Co. Med. Soc. 1869, Health Officer of Hudson, N. Y. 1880, County Phys., Health Officer, and Reg. Vital Stat. Hudson, N. Y. Hudson, Columbia Co., N. V. Montross Leslie Smith.* aet. 31. *i87i William R. Stilwell.* *i864 Freeman Stoddard. N. V. City. George W. Stout.* aet. 40. *i88o Edward Wallenstein Thompson, Asst. Surg. U. S. A. May-Oct. 1864. ^02 E. Broadway, N. Y. City, William Thurman, A.B. Coll. City N. Y. i860. 107 W. 86th St., N. V. City. Elbert P. Tibbals. Port Huron, Mich. John R. Todd.* aet. 35, *i876 Platon M. G. Vallejo, Asst. Surg. U. S. N. 1865, Surg. Pacific M. S. S. Co. 4 years. Vallejo, Cal. Augustus Van Courtlandt.* aet. 59. *i884 Frederick D. Vanderhoof, Asst. Surg. 51st N. Y. Vet. Vols., re- signed 1865, twice Prest. Ontario Co. (N. Y.) Med. Soc. and Sec. of same. Phelps, N. Y. William P. Warren. Elsah, III. Lathrop P. Weaver.* George G. Wheelock, A.B. Harv. Univ. i860 and A.M. 1863, Lec- turer on Physical Diagnosis Col. Coll. 1868-80, Ex-Attg. Phys. St. Luke's and Nursery andChild's Hosps. N. Y., Trus- tee and Registrar Coll. of P. and S. N. Y. 1885-91, Trustee Columbia Coll. 1891-. 75 Park Av., N. Y. City. John Elias Whitehead,* A.B. Rutgers Coll. 1844 and A.M. 1846, Prin. Pub. Sch. N. Y. City for forty-two years. aet. 67. *i892 Thomas Wight, Prest. Delaware Co. (N. Y.) Med. Soc. Andes, N. Y. William S. Willis,* Asst. Surg. 31st N.J. Vols. (9 mos.) 1863, Surg, ist N. J. Vol. Cavy. 1865, Asst. Surg. U. S. N. *i870 80 1865 Andrew Anderson. St. Augustine, Fla. , Calvin Anderson, Prest. Board of Health Madison, N. J. Madison, N. J. Harvey Napoleon Austin, M.D. Albany Med. Coll. 1859, Prest. Lincoln (Ark.) Co. Med. Soc. Pendleton, Ark. George Washington Bacon,* (Rev.), A.B. 1854, A.M. 1857, LL.B. 1865. aet. 41. *i874 Richard Smith Bacon, A.B. 1859, A.M. 1862, LL.B. 1862. Riverside Drive «Sr* 104th St., N. Y. City. James Edgar Barbour,* Hosp. Steward 21st Conn. Vols. 1862, A. A. Surg. 2ist Conn. Vols., A. A . Surg. U. S. N. 1863, Surg. U. S. N., resigned May 21, 1864. *i879 George Lewis Beers, A.B. Yale Coll. i860 and A.M. 1863, an Organ- izer and Prof. Gen. Principles and Prac. of Med. in Kansas Med. Coll. 1889, Phys. Kansas State Insane Asy. 1889-93, Prof. Materia Med. and Therapeutics in Kan- sas Med. Coll. 1893-. Topeka, Kansas. Christopher M. Bell, Curator Museum Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1870-. 320 Fifth Av., N. Y. City. Timothy Bigelow. N. Y. City. Henry Edward Bissett,* A. A. Surg. U. S. A. aet. 40. *i882 Edward Bleecker. Whitestone, N. Y. Sylvester S. Bogert, Attg. Phys. N. Y. Disp. 1865-76, House Phys. Eastern Disp. 1876-87. 2ig E. jyth St., N. Y. City. Theodore Dwight Bradford,* A.B. Bowdoin Coll. r86i. aet. 44, *i883 John Boyd Campbell. 121 E. i2ist St., N. Y. City. Dexter Selwyn Clark, A.B. Beloit Coll. i860, Asst. Surg. 25th III. Vols. 1863-64, Surg. 1864, Prest. Rockford 1/8 GRADUATES IN MEDICINE. [1865 (111.) Med. Assn., Prest. Med. Board, Rockford Hosp. 401 S. jd SI. , Rockford^ III, Lucian Dean Clark. Charles A. Conover,* A. A. Surg. U. S. A. 1865, V.-Prest. 1875 and Prest. 1876 Monmouth Co. (N. J.) Med. Sec. Thomas Vaughn Crandall. ig28 Spring Garden St., Philadelphia, Pa. Clarence Edward De Wolfe.* James Andrews De Wolfe, A.M. Brown Univ. 1861, L.R.C.P. Lond. 1874, Gov. Med. Officer Trinidad W. I. 1874, Med. Inspr. of Emigrants, Health Officer of Shipping Port of Spain Trinidad W. I. 1890, Acting Surg.-Genl. 1887, 1891, 1893. Port of Spain, Trinidad, B. W. I. Richard Dey, A. A. Surg. U. S. A. 1864. Romulus, Seneca Co., N. V. Andrew J. Disbrow."* Alvan Dodge.* ♦1890 Frank O. Earle.* *i869 Daniel H. Fairweather. Levi Farrow, Sec. Morris Co. Med. Soc. Middle Valley, Morris Co., N. J. Edwin Barber Flagg, A.B. Amherst Coll. 1861 and A.M. 1864. 2 A ustin St. , Worcester, Mass. Horace Smith Fuller, A.B. Amherst Coll. 1858 and A.M. 1861, A. A. Surg. U. S. A., Surg.-Gen. State of Conn. 1889-90, formerly Coroner and Chairman Health Com. Hartford, Conn, and U. S. Pension Exam., now Med. Exam. Hart- ford. Hartford, Conn. Charles F. George. Goffstown, N. H. John Francis Gignoux.* aet. 40. *i883 William Chalk Gouinlock, (mf), M.B. Toronto Univ. Canada 1869, Memb. House Staff Charity Hosp. N. Y. 1866-68. Warsaw, N. Y. John R, Greenleaf, Jr. Gardner, Worcester Co., Mass. Edward Dorr Griffin.* aet. 47. *i887 Thomas Haigh,* B.S. Michigan State Agrl. Coll. 1862, A. A. Surg. U. S. A. May-Sept. 1864, Asst. to Prof. Physiol. Col. Coll. aet. 30. *i87i William Henry Hoag, Surg. 134th N. Y. Vols. Manhasset, L. I., N. Y. Stephen E. De Witt Hoornbeck. Kerhonkson, N. Y. David Post Jackson, Health Officer, Coroner, Pension Med. Exam., Health Commr. I2J Front St., Binghamton, N. Y. John Clarkson Jay, [Jr.], A. A. Surg. U. S. A. 1864-65, one of the Founders of N. Y. Free Disp, for Sick Children, Treas. and Attending Phys. to same 1871-, Att'g Phys. N. Y. Hosp. O. P. D. S4 W. 47th St., N. Y. City. Parley H. Johnson, A. A. Surg. U. S. N. Adams, N. Y. Edgar K. Kelly. Yarmouth, TV. S., Can. Daniel Whitehead Kissam.* aet. 51. *i89o James F. Laughlin. John B. Learned, Supt. Schools and Memb. School Board. Florence, Mass. John Lawrence Lee.* aet, 45. *i892 Thomas W. Loweree. JO Hill St. , Newark, N. J. John Gilman McAllister, A. A. Surg. U. S. A., Phys. Lawrence General Hosp., Exam, for Pensions. J I Jackson St., Lawrence, Mass. John Crannell Minor, Med. Cadet U. S. A., Asst. Surg, U. S. v.. Prof. Chem. Univ. of Tenn., Surg. Hahnemann and Ward's Is. Hom. Hosps. N. Y. City. 10 E. 41st St. , N. Y. City. Alfred Mitchell, A.B. Bowdoin Coll. 1859 and A.M. 1862, Asst. Surg. 9th Maine Vol. Infy., Prelector and Prof. Adjunct of Pathologj^ Maine Med. School 1873, Prof. Obstetrics and Dis. Women and Children Maine Med. School since 1872-, Prest. Maine Med. Assn. 1893. Brunswick, Me. Lawrence O. Morgan. Glen Ullen, No. Dak. Martin Luther Overton, (f). Coroner Jefferson Co., N. Y. Lorraine, Jefferson Co., N. Y. Joseph Otis Pinneo.* aet. 49. *i89i 1865-66] GRADUATES IN MEDICINE. 179 John A. Purney.* aet. 37. *i88i Eli D. Sargent, (f), A. A. Surg. U. S. A., A. A. Surg. U. S. N. Yorkville, Ills. Peter Lawrence Schenck, A.B. Univ. City N. Y. 1862 and A.M., A. A. Surg. U. S. A. 1865, Asst. Phys. Kings Co. Hosp. Flatbush N. Y. 1867-72, Med. Supt. of same 1872-78, now Consult. Surg, of same. 60 St, Marks Av., Brooklyn, N. Y. Teunis Schenck, A.B. Union Coll. 1859 and A.M. Med. Supt. Kings Co. (N. Y.) Hosp. Van Felt Manor, L. I. , N. V. Octavius Banell Shreve, A.B. Harv. Univ. 1863 and A.M. 1866, Surg. Salem (Mass.) Hosp. eight years, Prest. Essex (Mass.) South. Dist. Med. Soc. Salem, Mass. Elijah Herman Smith.* aet. 29. *i87i James Welch Smith. Albert Leroy W. Stevenson. William George Stephenson,* V.-Prest. Poughkeepsie (N, Y.) Soc. of Natural Science. ♦1888 Alexander Stewart, A.B. elsewhere. Shippensburgh, Pa. Jay Stephen Stone. New Britain, Conn. David L. Stricklin. James Buckley Tweedle, R.R. Surg. L. V. R. R., Prest. Pension Bd. Med. Exam. Carbon Co. Pa. Weather ly. Carbon Co.y Pa. Nelson S. Westcott, Asst. to Prof, of Ophthal. Bellev. Hosp. Med. Coll. N. Y. 1866-71, San. Inspr. Metrop. Bd. Health N. Y. 1868-72. /j6 W. J 2th St., N. V. City. Alverd E. Winchell, A.B. Wesleyan Univ. 1857 and A.M., Vice- Prest. New Haven (Conn.) Med. Soc, Prest. of same 1878, Prest. New Haven Board of Health, Memb. Amer. Acad. Political and Social Science. New Haven, Conn. Russel Withers, Coroner Annapolis Co. N. S., Phys. and Surg. County Prison Annapolis Co. N. S. Annapolis, N. S., Can, George Powell Wright. * aet. 37. 68 1866 Lewis Applegate,* Med. Cadet U. S. A. 1861-62, 2d Asst. Surg. _io2d N. Y. Vols. 1862-64, Asst. Surg.-in-Charge of Hosp. at Atlanta Ga. 1864, Bvt. Capt. 1865. aet. 30. *i870 David Penfield Austin, Tutor Albany Acad. 1857-60. 2JI IV. 23th St., N. V. City. Edward Woodbridge Avery, A.B. Hamilton Coll. 1863 and A.M., M.D. Homeo. Med. Coll. 1868, LL.B. Hamilton Coll. 1870, A. A. Surg. U. S. N. 1864-65 and U. S. A. 1867, Surg, in German Army during Franco-German War 1870-71, Med. Direct. Bkln. Maternity Hosp. 16 Hancock St. , Brooklyn, N. V. James McMillan Ayer,* A.B. Dartmouth Coll. i860. aet. 52. ♦1892 Silas Cook Baldwin. Centerville Ark. George Miller Beard,* A B. Yale Coll. 1862 and A.M. 1867, A. A. Surg. U. S. N. 1863-64, Lect. on Nerv. Dis. Med. Dept. Univ. N. Y. City 1868. aet, 43. *i883 William Graham Bryson. Columbus Memorial, Chicago, III. Lafayette Bugbee.* ♦i88a George Owen Burgess.* act. 38. *i88o George Gary, A.B. Bowdoin Coll. i860 and A.M., Memb. Me. Senate 1867, Surg. Gen. of State of Me. 1879, Fellow Amer. Acad. Med. Houlton, Me. Charles Frederick Clark, A.B. 1863, A.M. 1866. Brooklyn, N. V. Thomas Edwards Clark. John Wordsworth Clemesha. Port Hope, Canada. William Sutphen Combs, A.B. Coll. N. J. 1861 and A.M. Freehold, N. J. William Augustine Conway.* Dep. Coroner N. Y. City. aet. 54. *r894 Adam Clarke Corson,* M.D. Med. Dept. Univ. of Victoria Toronto Canada 1864, A. A. Surg. U. S. A. 1865. aet. 33. *i873 David Magie Cory. Rye.N. V. John Cowan. Ashland, O. 8o GRADUATES IN MEDICINE. 1866 Patrick W. Cremin. 848 Lexington A v. , A^. V. City. Benjamin Frederick Dawson, Jr.,* A. A. Surg. U. S. A. 1865, Editor " Amer. Jour, of Obstet." etc. 1868-74, Prof. Gy- naecology N. Y. Post-Grad. Med. Sch. aet. 44. *i887 John J. De Motte. Laban Dennis, Memb. N. J. State Bd. of Health. JO Central A v., Newark ^ N. y. Marcus Dodd. Bragg, Ark. John William Dooley. Henry Dusenbury, ist Asst. Surg. i32d N. Y. Vols. 1863, A. A. Surg. U. S. A. 1864-65. 2J2 S. jd St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Edward Smith Eveleth. Gloucester, Mass. James Anderson Exton, A.M. elsewhere, Brigade Hosp. Steward (rank 2d Asst. Surg J (10 mos.), Prest. Med. Assn. Central N. J., Prest. Bd. Educat. Hudson Co. N. J. 75 Beech St., Arlington, N. y. Daniel McLean Forman. Freehold, N. y. Addison Howard Foster, A.B. Dartmouth Coll. 1863 and A.M. 1883, Prof. Surg. Women's Hosp. Med, Coll. Chicago 111. 1870-75, Director Chicago Med. Press Assn. 779 IV. Monroe St., Chicago, III. David R. Francis, Phys. Children's Home and Co. Infirmary Mansfield O. Mansfield, O. Edward Frothingham, Asst. Surg. U. S. N. *i870 John Pool Garrish, Jr., A.B. elsewhere. aet. 35. *i882 Ralph Schuyler Goodwin, Vice-Prest. Litchfield Co. (Conn.) Med. Soc, Memb. Conn. Board of Health. Thomaston, Conn. Jay Levins Greene. *i884 James Romeyn Gregory, Asst. Surg. U. S. Vols., A. A. Surg. U. S. A. Healdsburg, Sonoma Co., Cal. George Wheelock Grover, (Rev.), A.M. Dartmouth Coll. 1892. Congr. Ch. Nashua, N. H. Orrin Franklin Harris. 142 Main St., Norwich, Conn. Samuel Harris. Odon, Ind. George Elias Hawes, A.B. elsewhere. Tecumseh K. Holmes, M.D. L. I. Coll. Hosp. 1865 and Victoria Univ. Canada 1867, Prest. Canadian Med. Assn. 1866, Prest. Chatham Med. and Surg. Society. Chatham, Ont., Canada. Edward Reynolds Hun,* A.B. Harv. Univ. 1863, Prof, Nerv. Dis. Albany (N. Y.) Med. Coll. *i88o Joseph Slater Hunt, Prest. Bd. of Health Easton Pa. East on. Pa. James Bradbridge Hunter,* Asst. Surg. 60th Ind. Vols. 1862, Surg, to same 1864-65, Editor "N. Y. Med. Jour." 1871-80. aet. 52. *i889 Edward Carroll Huse, A.B. Harv. Univ. 1856. Rockford, III. Edwin Hutchinson,* Ph.B. Yale Univ. i860, Med. Cadet U. S. A. 1861-62, Asst, Surg. 3d Md. Vols, 1862- 63, Surg. 137th N. Y. Vols. 1863-65. aet. 47. *iS87 James Carmichael Hutchison, Attending Phys. Troy (N, Y.) Hosp., formerly Sec, Vice-Prest. and Prest. Rensselaer Co. (N, Y.) Med. Soc. j>j> Fourth St. , Troy, N. V. Stephen Hyde. Carthage, Mo. Richard Douglas James.* *i872 Joseph Johnson. Henry De Witt Joy, A.B. Williams Coll. 1863 and A.M., Res, Phys. Sailors' Snug Harbor Hosp. S. I. New Brighton, S. I., N. V. Robert P. Jump. Hillsboro, N. B., Can. Samuel Lisle Kennedy.* James Suydam Knox, A.B. Coll. N. J. and A.M. i860. Chicago, III. Mortimer Lampson, Surg, to St. Francis and Jersey City Hosps., Lt.-Col, and Med. Insp'r N, G. N.J. 20J Pacific A V. , yersey City, N. y. Archibald Lawson. Kansas City, Mo. Charles Edward Lee, A.M. Lafay, Coll. 1878. ^88 Laurel Av., St. Paul, Minn 1866] GRADUATES IN MEDICINE. I8l Thomas Le Guen. Algernon Sidney Leonard. iji McDonough St.^ Brooklyn, N. V. Walter Lindsay, Ex-Prest. Queens Co. (N. Y.) Med. Soc. Huntington, L, I., N. V. Samuel Kuypers Lyon, A.B. i860, A.M. J12 Second Av., N. Y. City. William Henry McKelvie. 64 6th Av., Pittsburgh, Pa, Edward Macomb,* A.B. Hobart Coll. N. Y. 1862 and A.M. 1865, Surg. U. S. N. 1866, A. A. Surg. U. S. A. 1871-73. aet. 30. *i873 Isaac Newton Mead. Amenia, N. Y. John Calvin Mead.* aet. 24. *i868 George Leroy Menzie, Med. Cadet U. S. A. 1862-63, ^sst. Surg. 140th N. Y. Vols. 1863-65. Oneida, N. Y. Hubbard Winslow Mitchell, Ex-Vis. Surg. Bellev. Hosp. Out-door Dept. y4y Madison Av., N. Y. City. John Moore. Decker town, N. J. William Morton, A.B. Univ. Toronto Canada, Post-Master Wellesley Ont. Canada, also Health Officer, Trustee Waterloo Co. (Ont.) Coll. Instit. Wellesley, Ont., Canada. George Washington Newcomb. igi Adelphi St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Henry Denton NicoU, A.B. Williams Coll. 1863 and A.M. 1866, Surg. Woman's Hosp. in State of N, Y. 5/ E. jyth St., N. Y. City. Joseph O'Dwyer, LL.D. St. John's Coll. Fordham 1891. 967 Sixth Av., N. Y. City. John Wright Ostrander. 95 Clark St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Charles Talbot Poore, A.M. Williams Coll. (Hon.) iSgi, Surg. St. Mary Free Hosp. for Children N. Y., Coiis. Surg. Hosp. for Ruptured and Crippled N. Y. 43 ^' 53d St., N. Y. City. Francisco Repetto. William Govans Ridout, A.B. St. John's Coll. Annapolis 1856 and A.M. 1859, LL.B. Univ. of Albany 1859, Health OflRcer Annapolis Md., Trustee St. John's Coll. Md. Annapolis , Md. Charles [Carl Maximilian] Roth, Ph.D. Univ. of Giessen Germany 1853 and A.M. 2i4E.S7th St., N. Y. City. Samuel Fowler Rouse.* aet. 46. *i888 Dayton Wyckoff Searle, A.B. Coll. City N. Y. 1855 and A.M. 1859. 6 W. 127th St., N. Y. City. Thomas Skelding. 203 E. ijth St., N. Y. City. David Augustine Smith.* aet. 29. *i872 Samuel St. John Smith.* act. 35. *i872 Whitmer Snively, A. A. Surg. Pa. Vols., Prof. Clinicnl Med. Western Univ. of Pa. 8_5 Wylie Av., Pittsburgh, Pa. Richmond Joseph Southworth, A. A. Surg. U. S. A. June-Oct. 1864 and Apr.-July 1865. J 220 36th St., N. fV., Washington, D. C. Richard Henry Stone, A.B. Dartmouth Coll. i860. /yS Jay St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Joseph Stubbs.* aet. 34, *i874 James Madison Study, M.D. Cincinnati Med. Coll. Ohio 1859, Asst. Surg. U. S. A. with rank of Capt., Surg. U. S. A. ranking as Major and Bvt. Lt.- Col., resigned 1865. aet. 31. *i366 Ralph Partridge Thatcher. Walter Ure, A.B. Miami Univ. 1859 and A.M. 1891, Asst. Surg. U. S. V. one year. Vis. Phys. Memorial Hosp. jyd Federal St., Allegheny City, Pa. James D. Van Derveer, (m). Coroner one term. North Branch, N. J. Henry Clay Van Gieson, A.B. Univ. City N. Y. 1861, M.D. Georgetown Coll. 1864, A. A. Surg. U. S. N. 1864-65, City Phys. Paterson N. J. 1869-, Prof. Physiol. Omaha (Neb.) Med. Coll. 1889-, Prest. Passaic Co. (N.J.) Med. Soc. 1888-. 4gth and Davenport Sts. , Omaha, Neb. Cornelius Van Riper, A.B. Univ. N. Y. City 1863 and A.M., Prest. Passaic Co. (N. J.) Med. Soc. 2 years, Memb. Bd. Educat. 2 years, Memb. City Council 2 years, V.-Prest. People's Bank of Passaic. Passaic, N. y. l82 GRADUATES IN MEDICINE. [ I ^e)(y-6j Frederick Judd Van Wagner. Henry Freeman Walker, A.B. Middlebury Coll. Vt. i860 and A.M. 1863, Att'g Phys. Demilt Disp., Bellev. Hosp., Emergency Hosp. and Nursery and Child's Hosp. N. Y. 8 E. soth St., N. V. City. Charles Washburn. Peter Wheeler, Treas. and Lib. Alameda Co. (Cal.) Med. Soc. Union Club, Tacoma, Wash. Samuel Whitall* aet. 42. *i882 Henry Simmons White, (cl), LL.B. 1870, Asst. Surg. U. S. A. during war, U. S. Atty. Dist. of N. J. Red Bank, N. J. James Wright Wilson. Douglas, N. V. Joseph Sands Winston.* aet. 24. *i868 Augustus Wohlfarth.* aet. 34. *i872 Alfred H. Woodill* Joel Williston Wright, formerly Prof, of Obstet. Med. Dept. Univ. N. Y. City, Prof, of Surg, in same 1879-89, Prof. Surg. Univ. of Vt. 1884-89, Prof. Emeritus Univ. N. Y. City 1889-. jj W. igth St., N. V. City. Gerardus' Hilles Wynkoop, Prof. Physiol. Woman's Med. Coll. N. Y. 1868-. 128 Madison Av., N. Y. City. George Ludlow Yost. Charles Young, A.B. Coll. N. J. 1862 and A.M. 1864, Interne Bellev. Hosp. N. Y. 1866-1868, Att'g Surg. St. Michael's Hosp. Newark N. J. until 1884, Vis. Phys. Essex Co. Insane Asy., Att'g Surg. Newark City Hosp., Att'g Surg. Hosp. of St. Barnabas New- ark N. J. 2j E. Kinney St. , Newark, N. y . William Henry Young. 106 1867 Thomas Ritchie Almon, Insp. Hosp. Canadian N. W. Campaign 1 88 J, Vis. Surg. Victoria General Hosp. Halifax N. S., Lt.-Col. and Surg. Maj. i Batt. Halifax Garrison Art'y. 12 Morris St. , Halifax, N. S. Theodore Faxton Alverson.* aet. 45. *i876 John W. Baldwin.* aet. 38. *i883 Ogilvie De Ville Ball, A.M. Union Coll. 1876, ist Lieut, and Q.-M.3d N. Y. Art'y Vols., A. A. Surg. Gen. Dept. N. Carolina 1861-1865, Demon- strator Anat. and Lect. Albany Med. Coll. 1874-79, U. S. Exam. Surg, for Pensions 1885-, Coroner Otsego Co. N. Y. 1869-73. 6gi Broadway, Albany, N. V. Frederick S. Barclay.* Willis J. Beach, Clerk of Litchfield Co. (Conn.) Med. Soc. Litchfield, Conn. Herbert C. Belden, (drug), j'jo Main St. , Springfield, Mass. Charles Morris Billings, A.B. Amherst Coll. 1863 and A.M. 1866. Nashua, la. James Augustus Blanchard, Med. Cadet U. S. A. 1865, Supt. Kings Co. Lunatic Asy. 1874-77, Med. Supt. Kings Co. Inebriates' Home 1881-. Fort Hamilton, L. I., N. Y. Francis V. Brush.* aet. 37. *i882 Albert Henry Buck, A.B. Yale Coll. 1864, Instr. in Otology, Clin. Lect. (later Prof.) Diseases of the Ear Col. Coll. 1877-. ig E. 38th St., N. Y. City. Charles C. Buckley. Charles A. Carle, M.D. Genessee Coll. N. Y., late House Phys. and Surg. Charity Hosp. N. Y. City. Entrican, Alich. Frank Carter. Toledo, Fa. Philo W. Clark. James D. Clyde, (stock-farming). Captain 76th N. Y. Vols. 1864-65, enlisted as private 1861. Cherry Valley, N. Y. James E. Cooper, ex-Prest. Monmouth Co. N. J. Med. Soc. Shrewsbury, N. y. Frederick S. Creelman. Samuel Decker. Grijffins Corners, N. Y. John O'Fallon Delany. 2goo Lafayette A v. , St. Louis, Mo. Charles M. Des Brisay. Stephen M. Disbrow. Farmingdale, N. y. I 186;] GRADUATES IN MEDICINE. 183 Francis DuBois, Jr., A.B. Coll. N. J. 1863 and A.M. 20^ So. gth SL, Brooklyn, A\ V. Morton William Easton, A.B. Yale Coll. 1863 and Ph.D. 1872, Ex-Prof. Oriental Langs, and Ancient Lit. Univ. of Tenn., now Prof. English and Com- parative Philology Univ. of Pa. Univ. of Pa.. Philadelphia, Pa. Jonathan Edwards, Jr.,* A.B. Yale Coll. 1863. aet. 44. *i886 Frederick W. Elbreg, A.M. Univ. of St. Louis Mo. 1859, ^^J- ^"^ Surg. U. S. A., retired 1891. Sandy Spring, Md. William Smith Ely, A.B. Univ. of Rochester 1861 and A.M. 1867, Asst. Surg. N. Y. Vols. 1862, Asst. Surg. U. S. V. 1863, Surg. U. S.V. 1865, Brevet Lieut.-Col. U. S. V. 1865, Prest. Rochester (N, Y.) City Med. Soc. 1874, Prest. Monroe Co. (>f. Y.) Med. Soc. 1874, Prest. Med. Assoc, of Central N. Y. 1876, ex-Prest. Med. Soc. of State N. Y., Att'g Phys. Rochester (N. Y.) City Hosp. Rochester, N. Y. Bache McEvers Emmet, Surg. Woman's Hosp. State of N. Y., Prof. Dis. Women N. Y. Post-Grad. Med. School and Hosp. 18 E. 30th St., N. Y. City. Charles W. Ferguson. David F. Fetter,* M.D. Phila. Med. Coll. 1853. *i884 William Redwood Fisher, A.B. 1863, A.M. 1866, Att'g Surg. St. Marj''s Hosp. Hoboken N. J., Cons. Phys. Christ's Hosp. Jersey City N. J. Hoboken, N. J. James N. Fitch, A.B. elsewhere. Doniphan, Neb. Edward T. Fuller.* Robert Burns Oilman, M.D. Bowdoin Coll. 1866, Surg, to St. Mary's Hosp. Hoboken N. J. 1873-84. 85 Congress St., Jersey City, N. J. Zeeb Oilman, Jr., A.B. Dartmouth Coll. 1863. San Diego, Cal. Frederick Gilnack. Rockville, Conn. Harry Oove. Henry Oray. Greenxvich, N. Y. Emil Omening, A.B. Coll. of Bromberg Prussia 1859, Asst. Surg, and Lect. on Pathology of the Ej'e etc. Ophth. and Aural Instit. N. Y., Prest. Medico-Chirurg. Soc. of German Phys. N. Y. 1878-79, Prof. Ophth. N. Y. Polyclinic, Ophth. Surg. N. Y. E. and E. Infirm., to Mt. Sinai Hosp. and to German Hosp. log E. 2jd St. , N. Y. City. Martin Hagan, M.D. Starling Med. Coll. Ohio 1859, Surg. 51st Ohio Vols. 1861-64, Treas. Tuscara- was Co. O. 1864-67, Prest. Minn. State Med. Soc. 1872, Supt. Hosp. for Insane Honolulu Hawaiian Is. 1881-84, County Phys. Los Angeles Co. Cal. Los Angeles, Cal. John Dean Hall, (usa), A.B. Harv. Univ. 1863, Surg. U. S. A. (rank of Maj.). Care Adjutant-GeneraV s Depi., Washington, D. C. Henry Ebenezer Handerson, A.B. Hobart Coll. 1858 and A.M. i866, Asst. Surg. Hosp. for Ruptured and Crippled N. Y. 1869-72. 444 Dunham Av., Cleveland, O. Daniel De W. Harrington, A.B. elsewhere. Audley Haslett, A.B. Harv. Univ. i860 and A.M. 1863, Memb. Kings Co. (N. Y.) Board of Pharmacy 1879-85. //J Clinton St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Henry Henderson, A.M. elsewhere. Edward J. Hogan. J08 Madison St. , N. Y. City. Oeorge F. HoUick. Charles H. Horton. Waterloo, Iowa. Erasmus Darwin Hudson, Jr.,* A.B. Coll. City N. Y. 1864, San. Insp'r Metrop. Board of Health N. Y. 1869-70, Prof. Pract. Med. Woman's Med. Coll. of N. Y. Inf'y 1874. aet. 43. *i3S7 Stephen Tames Hutchinson, U. S. V. i8b2-65. Northport, Mich. Thomas L. Janeway,* A.B. Rutgers Coll. 1863 and A.M. 1866, Surg. Prussian Army in Franco-Prussian War. aet. 43. *i8S7 Samuel Johnson. Ocean Grove, N. J. Henry Irving Jordan,* A.B. Bowdoin Coll. 1863. aet. 36. *i870 1 84 John J. Keator. Roxbury, N. Y. John J. Ketchum. A". V. City. William Aymar Kissam.* aet. 32. *i877 Francis Eustis Langdon,* A.B. Harv. Univ, 1863, *i89o William M. Lyttleton. William C. McFarland.* *i89i Theodore Dwight Martin, (educ). ^28 E. 161st St., N. Y. City. Stuyvesant Fish Morris, A.B. 1863, A.M. 1866, 7th Regt. N. Y. 1862-64, A. A. Surg, U. S. A. 1866, House Surg. N. Y. Hosp. 1868, San. Insp. N. Y. 1870-86, Clin. Asst. Coll. P. & S. N. Y., Att'g Surg. N. Y. Hosp. O. P. Dept. 1877-. 16 E. 30th St., N. Y. City. David H. Muir. Truro, N. S., Canada. George Wilson Murdock. Hosp. Steward ist Regt. Minn. Cav'y Feb.-Dec. 1863, Hosp. Steward 15th Regt. Mich. Vols. March-June 1865, Asst. Surg, to same June-Sept. 1865. Cold Spring, N. Y. John Howard Murfee. Anniston, Ala. Henry Elijah Owen, A.B. Yale Coll. 1864. 40 W. sbth St., N. Y. City. William H. Palmer,* A.B. Yale Coll. 1864. *i87i James F. Peyton. Stanford, Ky. Edward Rogers Post, (m), A.B. Coll. N. J. 1862 and A.M. Newburgh, N . Y. William Hall Bruce Pratt, A.B. Yale Coll. 1864. g4 Sixth Av., Brooklyn, N. Y. Albert R. Randol. Ira Remsen, (educ), A.B. Coll. City N. Y. 1865, Ph.D. Gottingen 1870, LL.D. Col. Coll. 1893, Asst. Univ. Tubingen, Prof. Chem. Williams Coll. 1872-76, Prof. Chem. Johns Hopk. Univ. 1876-, act'g-Prest. 1889-90, Ed. " Am. Chem. Jour." 1879-. Baltimore, Md. GRADUATES IN MEDICINE, [1867 Nathan Selleck Roberts, Asst. Surg. U. S. V. 1862-65, Police Surg. 1872, Clin. Asst. Vanderbilt Clin. 1890-92, Asst. Surg. N. Y. E. and E. Infirm. 1893, Surg. N. Y. Throat and Nose Infirm. 1893. 804 Lexington Av., N. Y. City. George Washington Robinson, A.B. Univ. N. Y. City 1863 and A.M. 1866, Phys. and Surg. N. Y. Dispensary 1868-79. Care W. H. Goadby dr* Co. , 24 Broad St., N. Y. City. John W. Robinson. Lyons, N. Y. Charles Frederick Rodenstein,* A.B. Somerville Coll. Ala. 1848 and A.M. aet. 49. *i876 Albert S. Rogers. Pavilion, N. Y. Eugene B. Sanborn, Dep. Health Off. Port of N. Y. joi Mott St. , N. Y. City. Charles R. Sanderson, M.D. Cleveland Med. Coll. La Rose, III. Thomas Edward Satterthwaite, A.B. Yale Coll. 1864, Asst. Surg, in Franco-Prussian war (ranking as Captain) 1870-71, Clin. Asst. to Prof, of Surg., Prest. N. Y. Path. Soc. 1880, Pathologist to St. Luke's and Presb. Hosps., Spec. Pathologist N. Y. Bd. of Health, Prof. Path, and Gen. Med. and Vice-Prest. N. Y. Post-Grad. Med. Sch. and Hosp., Cons. Phys. Orthopedic and Babies' Hosps. and N. E. Disp. / E. 44th St., N. Y. City. Thomas Sidney Scales, A.B. Univ. of N. C. 1862 and A.M. 1866, Prof. Hygiene also Prof. Surg. Med. Coll. Ala., Health Officer Mobile Ala., Prest. Mobile Co. Med. Soc, Memb.Quar- antine Board. 57 ^' Joseph St., Mobile, Ala. Warren Schoonover, A.B. Union Coll. 1864 and A.M. 1867, Asst. Curator Charity Hosp. N. Y. 1866-70. ii_5 E. _5gth St. , N. Y. City. Alonzo De Loos Smith, New Woodstock, N. Y. Josiah Pendez Sugg. Kittrell, N. C. Thomas Terrill, Jr., County Phys. Union (N. J.) Co. 1874- 76, U. S. Exam, Surg, for Pensions, Coroner Union Co. N. J. Elizabeth, N. J. Henry C. Turner. 4i2\ Clinton St., Brooklyn, N. Y. I 1 867-68] GRADUATES IN MEDICINE. 185 James Vanderpool,* A.B. Williams Coll. 1863, Asst. Phys, Gen. Hosp. Yokohama Japan. aet. 35. ^1876 Nicholas Berdan Van Houten. New City, N. V. James Van Derveer Van Nest,* A.B. Rutgers Coll. 1862. *i874 Richard C. Van Wyck. Univ. Edin. 1870, Univ. Prague 1870, Surg. N. Y. & N. E. R. R. Co. Hopewell y unction, N. Y. William Augustus Muhlenberg Wainwright, A.B. Trin. Coll. Conn. 1864 and A.M. 1867, Prof. Anat. Trin. Coll. Conn,, Att'g Surg. Hartford (Conn.) Hosp. Hartford, Conn. Eli Warner.* aet. 41. George Wells, Jr. Annapolis, Md. John Winslow, A.B. Harv. Univ. 1859 and A.M., M.D. Bellev. Hosp. Med. Coll. 1866, A. A. Surg. U. S. A. during war, Demonstrator Anat. Woman's xMed. Coll. N. Y. Infy. 1869- 72, Interne Randall's Is. Hosp. 1870-71, Att'g Phys. Out-door Dept. Bellev. Hosp., Asst. San. Insp'r N. Y. City Health Bd. Ithaca, N. Y. Silas O. Witherbee, Justice of the Peace 1872-. Middletown, Ky. Willard Parker Worster, A.B. 1863, A.M. 1866, Asst. Staff Surg. U. S. V. 1865, Clin. Asst. Surg. Metrop. Throat Hosp. N. Y., Att'g Phys. N. W. Disp. N. Y. J 20 W. 4gth St., N. Y. City. 1868 Frederick Mixer Aitken, Sec. Elkhart Co. (Ind.) Board of Health. Bristol, Elkhart Co., Ind. Philip Edward Arcularius, A.B. Williams Coll. 1864 and A.M. 1867, Prof. Derm. N. Y. Horn. Med. Coll. 1872-93. 104 W. 44th St., N. Y. City. William Augustus Avery. Ulysses, Ned. John Neilson Beekman, A.B. 1864 and A.M. 1867. JO E. 1 2th St., N. Y. City. ^1884 95 Joseph Ritner Benjamin,* A.B. Yale Coll. 1864 and A.M. 1867. aet. 46. *i88s John Ferguson Black, A.B. Kings Coll. Nova Scotia, Prof. Surgery Halifax (N. S.) Med. Coll., Surg, to Vic- toria Genl. Hosp. and Cons. Surg. Hali- fax Disp. Halifax, N. S., Canada. Thomas Sheldon Bond, A.B. Aniherst Coll. 1863 and A.M. 1866, M.D. Chicago Med. Coll. 1867, Demonstrator of Anat. 1869-74 and Prof, of Descrip. Anat. in same 1874-. joj Chicago A v., Evansion, III. Calvin F. Bonney.* aet. 68. *i886 George Henry Bosley, M.D. Albany Med. Coll. 1864, Med. Cadet U. S. A. 1864, Asst. Surg. 154th N. Y. Vols. 1864, detailed to 2d Div. Hosp. 20th Army Corps 1865, mustered out June 1865. 346 W.sSth St., N. Y. City. Benjamin Mills Briggs, B.S. Coll. City N. Y. 1861 and M. S. 106 Willoughby St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Charles Stedman Bull, A.B. 1864, A.M. 1867, Prof, of Ophth. in Univ. N. Y. City, Surg. toN. Y. Eye Inf., Consult. Surg. St. Luke's Hosp., Presb. Hosp. and St. Mary's Hosp. for Children. 47 iV. 36th St., N. Y. City. John Anthon Callender. Los Gatos^ Cal. William Jessup Chandler, A.B. Yale Coll. 1864, Att'g Surg. Memorial Hosp. Orange N. J., and to St. Barnabas' Hosp. Newark N. J. S. Orange. N. J. Henry Waldburg Coleman, A.M. elsewhere. Ill S. Warren St., Trenton, N. J. Jonathan Ackerman Coles, A.B. 1864, A.M. 1867, Prest. Union Co. (N.J.) Med. Soc. 1891-92. Deerhurst, Scotch Plains, N. y. William Albert Corwin.* aet. 46. *i886 Samuel Pierce Craig.* aet. 37. *i882 Charles Culver.* aet. 21. *i867 Byron Cummings. Apulia, N. Y. Henry Nehemiah Dodge, D.D.S. Philadelphia Dental Coll. 1868. N. Y. City. n 186 GRADUATES IN MEDICINE. [1868 Matthew Brinckerhoff Du Bois, A.B. 1864, A.M. 1868, Att'g. Phys. N. Y, Disp. 1869-80 and to Northern Disp. 1870- 74, 1882-, Med. Director Manh. Life Ins. Co. 1^6 Broadway, N. V. City. John Luther Duryee, A.B. Rutgers College 1864 and A.M. 1867. 4^6 High St. , N'ewark, N. J, Henry O. Ely, A.B. Williams Coll. 1864. Binghamton, N. Y. David Combs English, Sec. Med. Staff Wells Memorial Hosp., First V.-Prest. N. J. Sanitary Assn., Chairman Standing Com. Med. Soc. of N. J. 1890-Treas. Middlesex Co. (N. J.) Med. Soc. j8i George St., New Brunswick, N. J. George Emory Foster, A.M. elsewhere. Springfield, Mass. Edward Frankel. 217 E. 17th St., N. Y. City. Karl Heinrich Gustav Frauenstein, JJ9 W. isth St., N. Y. City. Samuel Horace Frazer. Charles Dana Thompson Gibson, A.B. Yale Coll. 1864. i4g Broadway, N. Y. City. Theodore Giddings. Housatonic, Mass. Tames Glynn Gregory, A.B. Yale CoU. 1865. Norwalk, Conn. William Edward Griffiths, Attg. Phys. Eastern Disp. N. Y. City 1868-73, Adj. Phys. L. I. Coll. Hosp. Brooklyn 1873-74, San. Inspr. Health Dept. Brooklyn 1874-88, Attg. Phys. St. Mary's Hosp. Brooklyn, 1882-93. _^20 Schermerhorn St. , Brooklyn, N. Y. Albert E. Ham, A.B. Brown Univ. 186^ and A.M. 1867, Suc- cessively Pathologist and Lib., Surg. Out- patient Dept., Vis. Phys. to R. L Hosp., Former Prest. Prov. (R. L) Med. Assn., now Exam. Surg, for Pens. igg Benefit St. , Providence, R. I. Frederick Fanning Harral,* A.B. Yale Coll. 1863 and A.M. 1866. *i88i George Fuller Hawley.* Frederick Porteous Henry. J 63s Locust St., Philadelphia, Pa. Neil Jamieson Hepburn, A.M. elsewhere, Lect. Ophth. N. Y. Polyclinic. 36g W. 23d St., N. Y. City. Joseph Bassette Holland, A.M. elsewhere. Charles Taylor Jewett. 162 W. 22d St., N. Y. City. Herschel Vespasian Johnson, Jr. Dublin, Ga. Adoniram Brown Judson, A.M. Brown Univ. 1859, M.D. Jefferson Coll. Phila. Pa. 1865, Asst. Surg, and Surg. U. S. N. 1861-68, San. Inspr. Metrop. Board of Health N. Y. 1869-76, Lect. Woman's Med. Coll. of the N. Y. Infirm- ary 1875. j8 E. 2Sth St., N. Y. City. John Marshall Kellogg, A.M. 1876 hon. 622 Fifth Av., N. Y. City. Warren Kemble, ist Lieut. U. S. V. 1862-65, U. S. Exam. Surg, for Pensions, Coroner. Saugerties , N. Y. Thomas H. Kenan. Atlanta, Ga. Frederick Kidder. Affton, Mo. Edwin A. Kilbourne,* Med. Supt. Northern 111. Hosp. for In- sane Elgin 111. aet. 52. *i890 Charles Laight, Att'g Phys. N. Y. Disp. 1870-76, N. Y. E. and E. Infirm., Clin. Asst. Aural Dept. 1871-74, and Asst. Surg. 1874, Sur- geon of same 1874-80. Keene Valley, Essex Co., N. Y. A. J. Lanterman. Buena Vista, Col. Charles Henry Leonard, A.B. Yale Coll. 1865 and A.M. 1871. ^08 Broad St. , Providence, R. I. Charles Edward Lockwood, A.B. Yale Coll. 1865 San. Inspr. Health Dept. City of N. Y., Attg. Phys. Nervous Dis- eases Bellev. O. P. D. 59 W' 35th St., N. Y. City. James Edward Moren Lordly, Asst. San. Inspr. Metrop. Board of Health N. Y. 1870. 243 iV. 34th St., N. Y. City. John Tarleton Luck, p. A. Surg. U. S. N., Chairman Bd. Education and Prest. Pub. Library Union N. J. Union, Hudson Co., N. y. Robert Louis Lusby. David Valentine Lynch.* ♦1885 1868] GRADUATES IN MEDICINE. 187 James Joseph McCarty.* aet. 26. *i87i Daniel McEwan, Jr ,* Dep. Coroner City and Co. of N. Y. 1870. aet. 33. *i879 E-obert James McGay. 403 W, 36th St., N. V. City. John Hector McKay, L.R.C.S. and L.R.C.P. Edinburgh 1871. Box 367, Halifax, N. V. Frederick Dey Marshall. 7j/ yackson Boulevard, Chicago, III. Frederick D. R, Marshall, Denison, Texas. John Abner Mead, A.B. Middlebury Coll. Vt. 1864 and A.M. 1867, 2d Asst. Phys. 1867-68, I St Asst. Phys. i868-6p and Asst. Phys. 1869 Kings Co. Lunatic Asy. Flatbush L. I., Prest. Howe Scale Co., N. E. Ins. Co., Mayor Rut- land, Vt., State Senator Vt., formerly Treas. Rutland R. R. Co. and Addison R. R. Co., was Surgeon-General Vt. Rutland, Vt. Morris Henry Miesse, B.S. Ohio Univ. 1864, U. S. Exam. Surg, for Pensions 1889-. Circleville, 0. Henry James Miller. Glenmary, Tenn. John Nolan. 2S6 Henry St., N. V. City. Aggeus Outerbridge. Julius L. Parke,* A.B. Yale Coll. 1864 and A.M. 1867. *i868 Charles B. Parkhurst. Howard Whited Phillips. Brooklyn, N. Y. James Oakley Pingry, A.B. Univ. N. Y. City 1862 and A.M. 1865, House Surg. Bellev. Hosp. 1870. Millbrook, N. Y. John Joseph Prendergast, A.B. Seton Hall N. J. and A.M., LL.B. 1879. Ex-Prest. St. Francis' Hosp. Jersey City N. J., Ex-Prest. Hudson Co. (N. J.) Dist. Med. Soc. 1874, and Co. Phys. Hud- son Co. N. J. 1872. 33S W. 14th St., N. Y. City. Monroe Traver Pultz. Stanfordville, N. Y. Robert Morgan Rea.* ♦1890 Philippe Ricord. 433 High St. , Newark, N. y. Frank Warren Rockwell,* A.B. Amherst Coll. 1865 and A.M. i868, Lect. on Surg. Path, in L. I. Coll. Hosp., re- signed 1876, Prest. Path. Section Med. Soc. of Kings Co. (N. Y.) 1877-78. aet. 45. *i889 Charles Shepard Rodman, Cons. Phys. Waterbury Hosp. Waterbury , Conn. William Chambers Rogers. William Henry Ross, Jr., Prof. Anat. Alabama Med. Coll. 1871-74, Phys. to Smallpox Hosp. Mobile Ala. 1874-7^, Quarantine Phys. Port of Mo- bile Ala. 1875-77, Sec. Mobile Med. Soc. 1872. Pensacola, Fla. William Edgar Sabin, A.A. Surg. U.S.A. Lenox, Mass. Norton Jerome Sands. Port Chester, N. Y. Edward William Schauffler, A.B. Williams Coll. 1862 and A.M. 1875, ^^<^- (1872-76) and V.-Prest. (1876) Missouri State Aled. Soc, Prof essor Principles and Prac. of Med. Kansas City (Mo.) Med. Coll., Prest. of same, Memb. Amer. Acad. Med. 722/ Washington St. , Kansas City, Mo. Walter Keeler Scofield, Med. Director U. S. N. Stamford, Conn. John Sharp,* A.B. Yale Coll. 1865. *i875 Charles Stuart Sheldon, A.B. Yale Coll. 1863 and A.M. 1866, M.D. Buffalo Med. Coll. 1867, Sec. Board U. S. Examiners for Pensions. Madison, Wis. George Henry Sherman. Daniel MacMartin Stimson, A.B. Union Coll. 1864 and A.M. 1867, Ex-Maj. and Surg. loth Regt. N. G., S. N. Y., ex- Attg. Surg. St. Peter's Hosp. Albany N. Y_., Ex-Attg. Surg. Presb. Hosp. N. Y. City, now Attg. Surg. Mt. Sinai Hosp. N. Y. City, Cons. Surg, State Emigrants' Hosp., N. Y. Infirmary for Women and Children, N. Y. Skin and Cancer Hosp. and Willard Parker Hosp., Prof, of Surg. Woman's Med. Coll. of N. Y., Mai. and Surg. 7th Regt. N. G., S. N. Y. // W. 17th St., A\ Y. City. Stephen Van Wickle Stout. gg3 Summit A v., yersey City, N. y. Henry Tunstall Strong,* A.B. Williams Coll. 1865. aet. 32. *i876 1 88 GRADUATES IN MEDICINE, [1868-69 Benjamin Ralph Swan, Coroner San Francisco 1874-77, Prof. Dis. Children Med. Dept. Univ. of Cal. P. 0. Box iS6g, San Francisco, Cal. Robert William Taylor, formerly Prof, of Dis. of the Skin Woman's Med. Coll. of the N. Y. Infirm., Prof, of Skin Dis. Med. Dept. Univ. of Vt., now Surg. Bellev. and City Hosps., Cons. Surg. French and Columbus Hosps. Clin, ProfT Yen. Dis. Col. Coll. 1891-. 40 W. 2 1 St St., N, V. City. James Clark Thomas, A.B. Yale Coll. 1864 and A.M. 1867, Obstetric Surg. N. Y. Inf. Asylum. J 07 W. 47th St., N. V. City. Charles Henry Thompson, A.B. Rutgers Coll. 1864, Mayor Belmar N. J. Belmar, N. J. Samuel William Torrey, A.B. Univ. of Vermont 1865. Beverly, Mass. Roger Sherman Tracy, A.B. Yale Coll. 1862 and A.M. 1865, San. Inspr. Health Dept. City of N. Y. and Chief San. Inspr., Deputy Register of Records and Register of Records N. Y. Health Dept., House Phys, Bellev. Hosp. 74 W. 46th St., N. V. City. Thomas Hall Tripler. John Bennett Tyler, A.B. Amherst Coll. 1865. Billerica, Mass. Jerome Walker, U. S. San. Commn. 1864, late Phys. Bkln. Seaside Home and Bkln. Soc. Pre- vention Cruelty to Children, and St. iohn's Hosp., Lecturer on Phys. and [yg. Bkln. High Schools. 8 Seventh Av., Brooklyn, N. Y. Leslie Dodd Ward,(co), County Phys. Essex (N. J.) Co. 1876, V.-Prest. Prudential Ins. Co. Newark, N. J. John William Warth, [Jr.], A.B. CoU. City N. Y. 1864 and A.M. 1867. ^6g Madison St. , Brooklyn, N. Y. Francis Henry Weismann, Ex-Sec. Bd. of Pharmacy, School Trus- tee loth Ward N. Y. City. 64 St. Mark's PL, N. Y. City. Frank Wilmarth,* A.M. Rutgers Coll. 1867. *i88i Theodore Frelinghuysen Wolfe, (AU). 2J4 Warren St., Jersey City, N. J. John Frank Young. Newburyport, Mass. 102 1869 Amos Wilson Abbott, Clin. Prof. Dis. of Women, Med. Dept. Univ. of Minnesota. 21 S. loth St., Minneapolis , Minn. George Henry Aiken. Fresno, Fresno Co., Cal. Clinton Atkinson.* aet. 48. *i890 Charles Howell Bailey, M.D. Geneva Med. Coll., 2d and ist Lieut. 14th N. Y. Art'y Regt., Q.-M. 193d N. Y. V. 1862-1866, Att'g Phys. and Surg. Moun- tain Side Hosp. Bloomfield, N. J. George Henry Balleray, Gynaecologist Paterson Gen. and St. Joseph's Hosps., Paterson, and Woman's Hosp., Newark, N. J. 775 Broadway, Paterson, N. y. George Wilson Bell, Coroner. Kingston Station, N. S., Canada. Henry M. Bishop, A.B. Amherst Coll. 1858 and A.M. 338 gth St., Brooklyn, N. Y. James Augustus Blake, A.B. Univ. of Wis. 1866 and A.M. 1869, M.D. Albany Med. Coll. 1868. jg4 Putnam Av., Brooklyn, N. Y. Hector Seager Bowen.* aet. 26. *i873 Edward Bennet Bronson, A.B. Yale Coll. 1865, Clin. Asst. to Prof. Dis. Genito-Urinary System Med. Dept. Univ. City of N. Y., Professor of Dermatology N. Y. Polyclinic, Vis. Phys. City Hosp. 123 W, 34th St., N. Y. City. Lawton Stickney Brooks, Phys. Springfield (Mass.) City Hosp. Springfield, Mass. Lucius Duncan Bulkley, A.B. Yale Coll. 1866 and A.M. 1869, Phys. N. Y. Skin and Cancer Hosp., Prof, of Dermatology N. Y. Post-Grad, Med. School and Hosp. 4 E. 37th St., N. Y. City. Richard Winthrop Bull. Edward Worthington Burnette. j6 W. 35th St., N. Y. City. Craft Coast Carroll. William Hanford Cartter, M.D. Cleveland Med. Coll. Charles Hoag Case, 88 West Side Av., Jersey City, N, J^ I 1869] GRADUATES IN MEDICINE, 189 Curtis Chapman.* aet. 24. *i872 James Francis Chapman, U. S. Pension Exam. Surg., Ex-Prest. Westchester (N. Y.) Co, Med. Soc, Ex- Sec, of same. Katonah, Westchester Co., N. Y. Sherman Harlwell Chapman, A.B. Yale Coll. 1866 and A.M. 1869, Pathologist New Haven (Conn.) Hosp. 1874-76, Clin. Instr. Yale Med. Coll., Lecturer on Throat and Ear Yale Coll., Phys. Conn. State Hosp., Pathologist to same, Phys. and Sec. New Haven (Conn.) Disp. igj Church St., New Haven, Conn. Nelson Henry Claflin, M.D. Univ. of Mich. 1869, Horticultural Commr. San Bernardino Co. Cal. 1890- 93- Oakland, Cal. John Ralph Coffman, Memb. Mo. State Leg. (four years). Commerce, Mo. GustavLis Pierrepont Davis, A.B. Yale Coll. 1866, Coroner Hartford Conn. 1872-73, Chairman Bd. of Health Hart- ford Conn. 1872-73, Vis. Surg. Hartford Hosp., Med. Exam. Travellers' Ins. Co. Hartford, Conn. Prancis E. Doughty, Prof. Genito-Urin. Dis. N. Y. Homeo. Med. Coll., Surg. Flower Hosp., Cons. Surg. Laura Franklin Hosp. for Children, Late Prof. Anat. N. Y. Homeo. Med. Coll., Surg, and Cons. Surg, to Hahne- mann Hosp. and Surg, to Ward's Island Hosp. 512 Madison Av., N. V. City. John Edwards. Gloversville, N. V. Nathaniel Bright Emerson, A.B. Williams Coll. 1865 and A.M. 1868, ist Mass. Vols. 1862-64, Prest. Bd. of Health Honolulu 1887-90. Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands. Julius Fehr. iS8 2d St. , Hoboken, N. J. Ira William Fletcher.* Seth Burnham Foster, A. A. Marine Surg, and Health Officer Eureka Cal., County Phys. Humboldt Co. Cal. Eureka, Humboldt Co., Cal. Alonzo Freeman.* *i888 Charles Lindol French, Prest. Orleans (Vt.) Co. Med. Soc, Sec. White Mountain (Vt.) Med. Soc, StaflF of Clinton (Mass.) Hosp. and Board of Health. Clinton, Mass. Omer Tousey Gillett, A.B. Indiana State Univ. 1866, Private i32d Ind. Vols. Sec. of Faculty and Asst. Instr. in Surg, in Med. Dept. Iowa State Univ. 1878-85. Colorado Springs, Col. William Joseph Haine. West Farmington, 0. George Adelbert Hathaway. Russel Thayer Hayes, M.D. Castleton Med. Coll. 1847. George Benedict Hickok, A.B. Coll. City N. Y. 1863 and A.M. 1866, Att'g Phys. Eastern Disp. N. Y., Aural Surg. N. Y. E. and E. Infirm. 167 W. 78th St., N. V. City. Augustus Villeroy Hill, A.B. Union Coll. 1866, Deputy County Phys. Hudson Co. N. J., Clerk Bd. of Council- men Town of (juttenberg N. J., Justice of the Peace and Recorder. Guttenberg, N. J. Urban Gillespie Hitchcock, A.B. Coll. City N. Y. 1865 and A.M. 1869, Clin. Asst. Laryngoscopy, Chief of Clinic Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y., Surg. N. Y. Eye and Ear Infirmary. SI W. 2gth St., N. V. City. William Mulligan Hodges. Hammonton, N. y. Charles Barnes Huffman. John Hurdsfield.* act. 41. ♦1884 Andrew Jackson Jessup. Goshen, N. V. John Henry Korff. 1^2 Madison Av., N. Y. City. Isadore Perrin Latour,* A.B. elsewhere. aet. 49. *i886 John Howard Lever. Flushing, N. Y. Newton Adams Lindley.* *i878 James Cook Lindsly,* A.B. Coll. N. J. 1867 and A.M. 1870. Joseph Williams McCall, M.D. Univ. of Nashville 1857 and Vanderbilt Univ. 1882, Prest. Bd. U. S. Examiners for Pensions. Huntingdon, Carroll Co., Tenn. John Cameron McDougall. Parrsboro, N. S., Canada. John McGuirk. Malcolm McLean, ^ Exam. Phys. Dept. Public Charities and jl Corrections N. Y. 1870, Att'g Surg. 190 GRADUATES IN MEDICINE. [1869 Harlem Disp. 1871-, Consulting Surg. Randall's Island Hosp., Surg.-m-Chief St. Andrew's Infirmary for Women. 2g E. 126th St., N. V. City. Thomas Joseph McLoughlin, Surg, to J. C. Hosp., St. Francis Hosp., U. S. Pension Exam. Surg. jjS yersey A v., Jersey City, N. y. Henry McManus, A.M. elsewhere. Justin Martin. Forster Jonas Maynard. Flushing, L. I., N. Y. Augustus Aloysius Molony. 262 W. 42 d St., N. Y. City, Jesse Lee Morrill. 67 E. fgth St., jV. Y. City. Eugene Bernard Murtha,* A.M. elsewhere, San. Insp'r Health Dept. N.Y. aet. 41. *i886 James Robert Nelson, Sec. Washington Co. (N. Y.) Med. See. 1872, Sec. 1875-76 and Censor 1877 White Mountain (Vt.) Med. Soc. St. yohnsbury , Vt. Asbel Griswold Nettleton. Los Angeles, Cal. Stephen Pierson, A.B. Yale Coll. 1868 and A.M. 1890, Adjt. and Bvt. Maj. 27th Regt. N. J. Vols, and 33d Regt. N. J. Vols., House Phys. Bellev. Hosp. 1869-70, Med. Director All Souls' Hosp. Mornstown N. J. Morristown, N. y. Thomas Jefferson Pitner, B.S. Illinois Coll. 1862, Coll. Trustee, Mgr. Public Library, Prest. Jacksonville (lU.) Art. Soc. yacksonville , III. William Mecklenberg Polk, Curator Bellev. Hosp. N. Y. 1870-71, Asst. Demonstrator of Anat. Bellev. Hosp. Med. Coll. 1871, Prof. Therapeu- tics and Clin. Med. in same until 1879, Prof. Obstet. Med. Dept. Univ. N. Y. City 1879-. 7 E. 36th St., N. Y. City. Joseph Howard Raymond, A.B. Williams Coll. 1866 and A.M. 1869, M.D. Long Island Coll. Hosp. 186S, House Phys. Bkln. City Hosp. 1871-72 and to Nursery, Child's Hosp, and Idiot Asy. Randall's Is. N, Y. 1872, San. Insp r Bkln. Bd. Health 1873-77. Prof- Physiol, and San. Sci. L. I. Coll. Hosp. 1873-, Phys. Out-Door Dept. L. I. Coll. Hosp. i873-77and 1887-93, Vis. Phys. St. Peter s Hosp. Bkln. 1875-77, San. Supt. Bkln. Bd. Health 1877-82, Commr. of Health Bkln. 1882-86, Lect. on Physiol, and Hyg. Bkln. Normal School for Phys, Training 1887- 92, Physician Seaside Home Coney Island 1887-, Director Hoagland Laboratory Bkln. 1888-, Ed. "Brooklyn Med. Jour.^' 1888-, Memb. Bd. Education Bkln. 1893, Advisory Phys. to Board of Charities, Trustee Polytechnic Instit., Lect. on Gynse. and Hyg. L. I. Coll. Hosp. 1893, Director E. and E. Hosp. and Y. M. C. A. 17s yoralemon St., Brooklyn, N. Y. John Joseph Reid. 6^3 Lexington A v. , N. Y. City. -, Benjamin Clapp Riggs,* A.B. Yale Coll. 1865. *i885 Orville Forrest Rogers, Trustee State Lun. Hosp. Danvers Mass., Late Asst. Phys. Retreat for Insane Hartford Conn., Late Asst. Phys. McLean Asylum Somerville Mass., Late Asst. Phys. City Hosp. Boston. 46^ Washington St. , Dorchester, Mass^ Leavitt Sanderson. William David Schuyler.* aet. 52. *i887 Jefferson Scoonover. Greeneville, Hunt Co., Tex. Xenophon Christmas Scott, A.B. Wash, and Jeff. Coll. 1865 and A.M. 1868, M.D. Western Reserve Univ. 1S67, House Surg, and Phys. Brooklyn (N. Y.) City Hosp. 1867-68, Asst. Surg. Franco-Prus- sian War and ist Asst. Surg. Univ. Ophthalmic Hosp. Heidelberg Germany 1870-71, House Surg. N. Y. Ophthalmic and Aural Institute N. Y. City 1871-72, Prof. Ophthalmology, Otology and Laryngology Western Reserve Univ.i872- 82, Prof. Ophthalmology, Otology and Laryngology' Med. Dept. Wooster Univ. 1882-87, Former Vis. and Cons. Surg. Cleveland ("O.) Ophth. and Aur. Inst., St. Vincent s, Lakeside and University Hosps. all of Cleveland O., Reference Ophth. Surg. N. Y. Chi. and St. L. R. R. Co., Memb. Judicial Council Amer. Med. Assn. 1882-, Chairman Ophth. Section Amer. Med. Assn. 1887-, ist V.-Prest. Ohio State Med. Soc. 1892, Prest. Miss. Valley Med. Assn. 1893-94. 1 2y Euclid A v., Cleveland, O. Alexander Grant Sinclair, Assoc. Editor " Peninsular Jour, of Med." Detroit Mich. 1873-76, Oph. and Aur. Surg. Harper Hosp. Detroit 1876- 80, Prof. Mat. Med. and Therap. Mem- phis (Tenn.) Hosp. Med. Coll. 1883-85, Dean of Faculty 1884-86, Prof. Ophthal- mol, and Otol. Memphis Hosp. Med. Coll. and Med. Dept. Southwestern Univ. Memphis Tenn. 1878, Surg, Marine Hosp. and Memphis City Hosp., U. S. Special Exam'g Surg. Memphis, Tenn. Charles Elihu Slocum, M.D. Jefferson Med. Coll. 1876, Ph.D. Univ. Penn. 1877. Defiance, Ohio. Horatio Nelson Spencer, Jr., A.M. Univ. Ala. 1862, Prof. Dis. of the Ear Missouri Med. Coll. and St, Louis Post- Grad, School of Med,, Aural Surg. Martha Parsons Free Hosp, for Children. 272^2 Washington Av., St. Louis, Mo^ 1869-70] GRADUATES IN MEDICINE, 191 Lewis D. Sproat.* aet. 39. *i883 Ralph Edward Starkweather, A.B. Williams Coll. 1865 and A.M. 1868, Med. Insp'r Health Dept. City of Chicago 1871, Supt. Chicago Relief and Aid Soc. 1871- 72, in charge of office of Board of Health Chicago, Sec. of Soc. of Phys. and Surg. Chicago^ III. Charles Sackett Starr, A.B. Rochester Univ. 1865. g^ North A v. , Rochester, N. V. Darwin Adelbert Stewart, A.M. elsewhere, Health Officer Winona Minn., County Coroner, Local Surg. Chi. Mil. and St. P. Ry, Chief Surg. Green Bay, Winona and St. P. Ry. Winona, Minn. Charles Stokes, Jr.* aet. 37. *i883 Louis Stoskopf, A.B. Yale Coll. 1865 and A.M. 1868, M.D. Rush Med. Coll. 1871, U. S, Pension Surg., Surg. 111. Central R. R. at Free- port 111., Alderman. Freeport, III. Erastus Perry Swasey. New Britain, Conn. David Thompson. Charles Alonzo Todd, A.B. Wash. Univ. 1866, Prof. Otol. Miss. Med. Coll. 264^ Washington A v., St. Louis, Mo. William Sheridan Todd,* A.B. Wesleyan Univ. 1864 ^"^ A.M. 1867, V.- Prest. Croton Med. and Surg. Union. *i893 Edward Torrey. Allegany, N. Y. Thomas Trenaman, City Med. Officer Halifax N. S. Halifax, N. S., Canada. William Henry Vail, (sec), A.B. Coll. N. J. 1865 and A.M. 1868. Blairstown, N. y. John Van Harlingen. 166 Duffle Id St., Brooklyn, N. V. George Wackerhagen, Op. and Cons. Sure. Southern Disp. and Hosp. Bkln., Atrg Surg. Norwegian Hosp. and Cons. Surg, Hosp. of St. Giles for Cripples. J26 Sc her mer horn St., Brooklyn, N. V. Charles Egbert Willard, Sec. Ulster (N. Y.") Co. Med. Soc. 1873- 74, Prest. Greene (N. Y.) Co. Med. Soc. 1877-78. Cats kill, Greene Co., N. Y. 92 William Bull Wright. Samuel Monell Zabriskie. 1870 Joseph Freeman Atwood, Phys.-in-Chief Bkln. Nursery and In- fants' Hosp., Sec. Med. Staff. Bkln. Horn. Hosp. Late U. S. Exam'g Surg, for Pen- sions, Late Major and Surg. 14th Regt. N. G. S. N. Y. J4g Greene Av., Brooklyn, N". Y. David Stewart Ayers, Jr. Rockaway, N. y. Lewis Balch, Ph.D. Union Univ. 1882, Prof. Anat. and Med. Jurisp. Albany (N. Y.) Med. Coll., Sec. Albany (N. Y.) Co. Med. Soc. 1872- 75, City Health Officer, Surg. St. Peter's Hosp. 14 Washington Av., Albany, N'. Y. Arthur Arnold Barrows, A.B. Yale Coll. 1865. Clinton, N. y. John Aylwin Bevan. John Milton Bigelow, A.B. Williams Coll. 1866 and A.M. 1869, Ph.D. Rutgers Coll. 1892, M.D. Albany Med. Coll. 1870, Prof. Mat. Med. and Therap. Albany Med. Coll. 1870-, Attending Phys. Albany Hosp. 1870, St. Peter's Hosp. 1874 and Old Men s Home 1880, County Phys. Albany (N. Y.) Co. 1876-77, Ex- Prest. Albany Co. Med. Soc. and Trustee Albany Coll. Pharmacy. J4 Eagle St. , A Ibany, N. Y. Eugene [Philip] Boise, A.B. Oberlin Coll. Ohio and A.M., M.D. Univ. Mich. 1869, Prest. Mich. State Med. Soc. 1893-4. 7^ Ottawa St., Grand Rapids, Mich. George Perley Bradley, (usn), Asst. Surg. U. S. N. 1870-83, Surg. U. S. N. 1 883-. Care Navy Department ^ Washington, D. C. William Brand. yeffersonville, N. Y. Eugene Wentworth Brooks. James Young Bryce.* Harvey Scott Calderwood. St. yohnsbury , Vt. Stewart Church. 2j6 Clinton St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Staats Van Deursen Clark, Ex-City Phys. New Brunswick N. J., Att'g Phys. Wells Memorial Hosp, New Brunswick, N. y. H%72 192 GRADUATES IN MEDICINE, [1870 Leartus Connor, A.B. Williams Coll. 1865 and A.M. 1868, Lect. on Chem. 1871 and Prof. Clin. Med. and Physiol. Detroit (Mich.) Med. Coll. 1872-, Sec. of same 1874-, Sec. Amer. Med. Coll. Assn., Sec. Detroit Acad. Med. 1872, Prest. of same 1878, Editor "Detroit Review of Med. and Phar." 1871-77, Editor "Detroit Med. Jour." 1877, Editor "Detroit Lancet" 1878-, now Editor "Amer. Lancet," Ophth. and Aural Surg. Harper Hosp. Detroit and to Children s Hosp. JOS Cass St., Detroit, Mich. Frederic Colton Curtis, A.B. Beloit Coll. 1866 and A.M. 1869, Sec. Albany (N. Y.) Co. Med. Soc. 1872-73, Sec. Med. Soc. State of N. Y., Memo. Albany (N. Y.) Board of Health, Prof. Dermatology Albany Med. Coll. I J Washington A v., Albany, N. Y, John Green Curtis, (educ), A.B. Harv. Univ. 1866 and A.M. 1869, Asst. Demonstrator Col. Coll. 1870-71 and Demonstrator of A nat. 1871-75, Adj. Lect. on Physiol, and Hygiene 1875-76, Adj. Prof, of same 1876-83 and Prof, of same 1883-, Sec. of Faculty 1876-90, Vis. Surg. Bellev. Hosp. 1876-81. 437 W.sgth St., N. Y. City. Nathaniel Pendleton Dandridge, A.B. Kenyon Coll., Prof. Surg. Miami Med. Coll. Cincinnati O., Surg, to Cin- cinnati Hosp. and Episcopal Hosp. for Children, Prest. Ohio State Med. Soc. 148 Broadway, Cincinnati, 0. Henry Clay Day, Town Supt. Schools. Bennington, Vt. William Jarvis Duffield. Herbert Morton Eddy, A.M. Hobart Coll. 1868. Geneva, N . Y. Charles Enfield, Surg. Ch. & N. W. R. R. and Des Moines & N. W. R. R., U. S. Exam. Surg, for Pensions. Jefferson, la. Edwin Evans, Phys. to Oneida Insane Asy. Rome, N. Y. James Duane Featherstonhaugh, [Jr.], A.B. Union Coll. 1867 and A.M. 1870. Cohoes, N. Y. Charles Olin Files, A.B. Harv. Univ. 1868, A.M. 1871, Memb. School Board. 120 Free St., Portland, Me. Charles Augustus Foster^ Prof. Ophthalmology Ohio Med. Univ., Ex-Prest. Fayette Co. (O.) Med. Soc. Washington C. H., O. Bernhard Grunhut, A.B. Coll. City N. Y. 1867 and A.M. i^j Broadway, N. Y. City. George Marvin Haines. Durand, Winnebago Co., III. William Edward Hall,* ist Lieut. U. S. A., House Surg. Charity Hosp. N. Y., Curator to same, San. Insp'r Health Dept. City of N. Y. *i878 Allan McLane Hamilton, Att'g Phys. N. _Y. Hosp. for Nerv. Dis., Cons. Phys. City Insane Asy., N. Y. Hosp. Rupt. and Crippled, Hudson Riv. State Hosp., Prest. Cumberland Gap Park Co. 20 E. 2gth St. , N. Y. City. David Brainerd Hunt,* A.B. Coll. N. J. 1866 and A.M. 1869. aet. 30. *i876 Walter Judson, A.B. Yale Coll. 1864 and A.M. 1867. II 45 Chapel St., New Haven, Conn. Eugene Kingman, A.B. Yale Coll. 1866, Ex-Interne R. I. Hosp., Ex-Pathologist to same, Ex-Phys. Provi- dence (R. I.) Nursery and Lying-in Hosp. Cons. Phys. to same. Censor R. I. Med. Soc. 68s Broad St., Providence, R. I. [Hugh] Sutherland Kinmonth. Asbury Park, N. y. George Morewood Lefferts, A.M. Dickinson Coll. 1869, Chief of Clinique to Prof. Karl Stoerk Imperial Univ. Vienna Austria 1872-73, Clin. Prof. Laryngoscopy and Dis. Throat Col. Coll. 1874-, Prest. N. Y. Laryngolog. Soc. 1876. 6 W. 33d St., N. Y. City. Albert Henry Little. iS8 W. 20th St.. N. Y. City. Samuel Orr Loughridge, M.D. Jefferson Med. Coll. Phila. Pa. 1866. Peoria, III. Charles McBurney, Jr., A.B. Harv. Univ. 1866 and A.M. 1869, Asst. Demonstrator Col. Coll. 1872-74 and Demonstrator of Anat. 1875-80, Lect. 1878-80, Clin. Lect. and Instr. 1882-, Prof. Surg. 1889-, Surg. Roosevelt Hosp., Cons. Surg. St. Luke's, Presbyt., Or- thoped. Hosps. and Hosp. for Rupt. and Crip. 28 W. 37th St., N. Y. City. William Markham, Health Officer and Med. Officer Port Augusta Hosp., Police Surg. Port Augusta, South Australia. George Martin.* aet. 28. *i870 Frederic Rowland Marvin. 1870-71] GRADUATES IN MEDICINE. 193 Robert Mason. Exeter^ N. H. John Vincent Morgan.* aet. 38. *i879 Samuel Houpt Morris.'* aet. 45. *i888 Albert Jasper Murdock. Masonic Temple, Minneapolis, Minn. Willard Parker, [Jr]., A.B. 1866, A.M. 1869. S5 Fifth Av.,N. V. City. Henry Thompson Peirce, A.B. Amherst Coll. 1866, A.M.WesIeyanUniv. 1871. 272 Lenox Av., N. Y. City. Milton Godfrey Planck, A.B. Union Coll. 1867, City Phys. Schenectady N. Y. 1874, ex-Prest. Schenectady Co. Med. Soc. 2 J Barrett St., Schenectady, N. V. Frederick Powers, Act. School Visitor, Reg. Vital Statistics, Post Surg., Coroner's Med. Exr. IVestport, Conn. Robert S. Prentiss. Long Island City, N. Y. Robert Arnot Quin. Vicksburg, Miss. William Henry Tobey Reynolds, A.B. Union Coll. 1866 and A.M. 1869. 66 S. Hawk St., Albany, N. Y. Joseph Smith Ripley.* Francis Emory Ross. John Dikeman Rushmore, A.B. Williams Coll. 1867, Lect. on Materia Med. L. I. Coll. Hosp. Brooklyn N. Y. and Prof. Surgery at same, Att'g Surg. Brooklyn Hosp., St. Peter's Hosp., Brooklyn E. and E. Hosp., Surg.-in- charge Brooklyn Orth. Disp., Cons. Surg. Kings Co. Hosp. I2g Montague St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Samuel Benedict St. John, A.B. Yale Coll. 1866 and A.M. i860, Asst. Demonstrator of Anat. Col. Coll. 1871- 72, Instr. in Chem. 1874-79, Asst. to Clin. Prof, of Dis. of Eye and Ear 1874-79, Lect. on Ophthalmology Yale 1. School, Sec. and Treas. Am. Oph. Soc, Ex-Sec. Conn. State Med. Soc, Fel- low N. Y. Acad. Med. Hartford, Conn. Francis Ford Sanders,* A.B. Coll. N. J. 1867 and A.M., Health Phys. Morristown N. J., resigned 1874, County Phys. Morris Co. N. J. *i890 Frank Albert Stanley. Masonic Temple, Chicago, III. George Matthias Swami, Ph.G. Phila. Col. Phar. 1867. Chatham, N'. J. Robert Edwin Thompson.* Clayton William Townsend, Principal Alum Creek Acad., Prest. Knox Co. (O.) Med. Soc. David Clark Van Duersen.* aet. 39. *i88i William Henry Vermilye, Asst. San. Insp'r Health Dept. City N. Y. 2^0 W. i2gth St., N. Y. City. Luis Puertas Walton, A.B. 1861, A.M. 1864. 73 ^. Soth St. , N. Y. City. George Henry Whaley. Francis Arden Wheeler. Athens, N. Y. Howard Whiting.* aet. 44. *i89i Charles Thomas Whybrew, A.B. Coll. City N. Y. 1870, Clin. Asst. to Prof, of Women's Dis. Bellev. Hosp. Med. Coll. N. Y. 1870-73, Clin. Asst. to Prof, of Dis. Mind and Nerv, Sys. Med. Dept. Univ. City N. Y. 1874-75. 218 W. 2 1 St St. , N. Y. City. John Powell Wilson, Asst. Surg. 2ist Regt. N. G., S. N. Y., Asst. Surg. 19th Sep. Co. N. G., S. N, Y., Health Officer Poughkeepsie N. Y. 40 Cannon St., Poughkeepsie, N. Y. 69 187I Caleb Huntington Atwater. Walling ford. Conn. William Vestus Balch. Gal way, N. Y. Frank Edwin Beckwith, Exam, in Obstet. and the Dis. of Women and Children. ijg Church St., New Haven, Conn. Albert Clark Benedict. Police Surg. Yonkers N. Y. Yonkers, N. Y. George Duckworth Bleything. 1008 Madison Av., N. Y, City. James Peter Boyd, [Jr.], A.B. Coll. N. J. 1867, Prof. Obst. Gynaecol, and Dis. Child. Albany Med. Coll., Att'g Phys. Albany Hosp., Consult. Phys. St. Peter's Hosp. 1^2 Washington Av., Albany, N. Y. Richard C. Brandeis,* A.B. elsewhere. 194 GRADUATES IN MEDICINE, [187I Walter Abram Brooks. Bingham ton, N. V. Frederick Samuel Buckingham, LL.B. Harv. Univ. 1874 and N. Y. Univ. 1875. Lakewood, N. y. Herbert Cutler Bullard, A.M. Brown Univ. 1866. North A ttleboro, Mass. Archibald Campbell, Asst. Phys. Kings Co. Hosp. 1870, Asst. Phys. Kings Co. Insane Asy. 1871-74, Asst. Phys. State Hosp. for Insane Crim. Auburn 1883, Asst. Phys. N. Y. City Insane Asy. 1888-. Ward's Island, N. Y. City. Charles Walter Chamberlain,* A.B. Brown Univ. 1867, Sec. Conn. State Med. Soc. aet. 40. *i888 Edward Baron Chandler, Chairman City Board of Health, Prest. City Med. Assn. Moncton, N. B., Canada. Clement Cleveland, A.B. Harv. Univ. 1867 and A.M. 1870, Att'e Surg. City Hosp. 1874-81, Att'gSurg. NT Y. Cancer Hosp. 1886-90, Gynaecologist N. Y. Cancer Hosp. 1890, Att'g Surg. Woman's Hosp. 1888-. 59 W.sSth St., N. Y. City. Henry Cochran. Wort ham, Texas. Fetterman Wine Conn. Napa City, Cal. Joseph Felix Corrigan, A.B. Mt. St. Mary's Coll. 1865 and A.M. 1867 and Ph.D. 1883, Mayor St. Leo Fla. St. Leo, Fla. Henry M. Cox, A.B. Union Coll. 1867. joo Mulberry St. , N. Y. City. Horatio Nelson Crane,* M.D. Univ. of Mich. aet. 26. *i875 Ernest Watson Cushing, A.B. Harv. Univ. 1867, Surg. Women's Charit- able Club Hosp. Boston Mass. 168 Newbury St., Boston, Mass. Bennett Franklin Davenport, A.B. Harv. Univ. 1867, A.M. and M.D. 1871, Chemist Mass. State Bd. of Health 1882-92, Dairy Insp'r Boston 1882-85, Prof. Chem. Mass. Coll. Pharmacy 1879- 86, Chairman Bd. of Health Watertown Mass. 1887-88. 161 Tremont St., Boston, Mass. James Henry Davenport,* A.B. Harv. Univ. 1868 and A.M. and M.D. 187X. aet. 32. *i878 William Burr Dunning,* A.B. Yale Coll. 1863. Henry Thurloe Elliot. IS8 W. 14th St., N. Y. City. Eustace Whipple Fisher,* A.B. and A.M. Coll. City N. Y., Tutor and Prof, of Eng. Lit. in same. aet. 51. *i894. Charles Forbes, B.S. Rochester Univ. 1864, U. S. San. Insp. Genesee N. Y. 28g West Av., Rochester, N. Y. George Bingham Fowler, Curator Col. Coll. 1871-76, Asst. San. _Ins;pr. Health Dept. N. Y. 187^-75, Exam. in Chemistry 1873-74, Exam, in Physiol. 1874-81. 36 W. soth St., N. Y. City. Thomas Rushmore French, Lect. on Physiol, and on Diseases of the Throat L. I. Coll. Hosp. Brooklyn N. Y. 1876-^ Curator Path. Sec. Med. Soc. Co. of Kings N. Y. 1877-78, Treas. of same 1878-. 46g Clinton Av., Brooklyn, A'. Y. Jean Jacques Friedrich, V.-Prest. Medico-Chirurg. Assoc, of Ger- man Phys. 1878-79. 131 E.j2d St., N. Y. City. Edwin Alonzo Goodridge, A.M. Coll. of N. J. 1869. Flushing, N. Y. John F. S. Gray.* *i89X John Price Harley, (drug). Lima, 0. Theodore Romeyn Hornblower, A.M. and Ph.D. elsewhere. 6ji Bergen A v. , Jersey City, N. y. Jacob Frank Howe. SS^a Ninth St., Brooklyn, N. Y. George Huntington. La Grangeville, N. Y. Francis Linsly Ives, Surg. N. Y. E. and E. Infirmary. 1^7 E. 67th St., N. Y. City. Charles Jewett, A.B. Bowdoin Coll. 1864 and A.M. 1867, Censor 1876 and Vice-Prest. 1877-78 Med. Soc. Co. of Kings N. Y., Prof. Obste. and Paed. L. I. Coll. Hosp. 1880-, Obste- trician L. I. Coll. Hosp., Prest. Kings Co. (N. Y.) Med. Soc. 1879-81, Vice-Prest. N. Y. P. M. Aid Assn., Trustee^ Eye and Ear Infirm. Bkln., Phys.-in-chief Dept. of Dis. of Children St. Mary's Hosp. Bkln. J JO Clinton Av., Brooklyn, N". Y. Champion Hiram Judson. Dobbs Ferry, N. Y. i87i] GRADUATES IN MEDICINE. 195 Francis Parker Kinnicutt, A.B. Harv. Univ. 1868 and A.M. 1872, Phys. to St. Luke's, Presb. and Cancer Hosps.j Cons. Phys. Babies' Hosp., Prest. Alumni Assn. Coll. of Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1890-92, Trustee College Phys. and Surg. 1891, Trustee Cancer Hospital, Prof. Clinical Med. Col. Coll. 1893-. 42 W. 3ph St., N. F. City. Hugo Kuenstler.* aet. 37. *i883 Daniel Lewis, A.B. Alfred Univ. N. Y. 1869 A.M. 1872 and M.D. 1886, U. S. N. 1864-65, Prest. Med. Soc. N. Y. Co. 1883-84, Prest. Med. Soc. State of N. Y. 1890, Trustee N, Y. Acad. Med., Trustee Alfred Univ., Prof. Special Surg. Post-Grad. Med. School N. Y. 24g Madison Av., N. V. City. Thomas Alexander McBride,* A.B. elsewhere, Lect. on Symptomatol. Col. Coll. 1876-80, Exam, in Pathol, and Prac. of Med., Clin. Asst. to Clin. Prof, of Dis. of the Mind and Nerv. System. aet. 40. *i886 Robert Emmet McCauley. Apollo, Fa. Arthur H. McFarland, A.B. elsewhere. Edward Lewis Chichester Mac- withey.* aet. 27. ♦1879 Philip James Maguire. 1^6 E. 48th St., N. V. City. Matthew Derbyshire Mann, A.B. Yale Coll. 1867 ancl A.M. 1871, E.xam. in Materia Med. Col. Coll. 1874-79, Lect. on Clin. Microscop. 1876-79, Prof. Obstetrics and Gynecol. Med. Dept.Univ. of Buffalo. Formerly Lect. in Yale Med. School. J7 Allen St., Buffalo, N. Y. Joseph Wilkins Marsee, Treas. Med. Coll. of Ind. g Vinton Block, Indianapolis, Ind. Edward Elias Mather, A.B. Williams Coll. 1868, and A.M. 1871. Williamstown, Mass. Archibald Mercer, A.B. Rutgers Coll. 1868, Vis. Surg. St. Barn- abas and City Hosps. Newark N. J., Surg. N. J. Soldiers Home, Sec. Essex Co. (N. J.) Med. Soc, Treas. N. J. Med. Soc, V.-Prest. Med. and Surg. Soc, Med. Exam. Mut. Life Ins. Co. of N. Y. Newark, N. y. Cyrus Strong Merrill, A.B. Amherst Coll. 1867 and A.M. 1870, Prof. Ophth. and Otol. Albany Med. Coll., Ophth. and Aur. Surg. Albany Hosp., Childs' Hosp. of Troy and Cons. Ophth. and Aur. Surg. St. Peter's Hosp. .Mbany. 2 J Washington Av., Albany, N. V. i-iSSg Francis Johnston Metcalfe.* aet. 42. *i89a Albert Judson Minor. William Seth Mitchell, A.M. elsewhere. Henry Moeller. 240 W. 38th St., N. Y. City. Henry Smith Noble, A.B. Tuft's Coll. 1869, Asst. Phys. Hartford Retreat, Michigan Asy. for Insane, Conn. Hosp. for Insane. Middletown, Conn. Edwin De Witt Nooney.* John Francis Oaks, P. C. Univ. of Mich., Instr. in Rhinology, Laryngology and Otology, Chicago Poli- clinic, Cons. Surg. St. Joseph's Hosp. Joliet 111., Asst. Surg. 111. Charitable E. and E. Infirm. 34 Washington St., Chicago, III. Jackson Brainard Pellet. Hamburg, N. J. John Edwin Pope, A.B. Emory Coll. Oxford Ga. 1868 and A.M. 1871. Athens, Clarke Co., Ga. John Duncan Quackenbos, (EDUC) A.B. 1868, A.M. 1871, Tutor Col. Coll. 1870-84, Adj.. Prof. Eng. Lang, and Lit. 1884-91, Prof. Rhetoric 1891-94, Emeritus Prof. 1894-. 331 W. 28th St., N. Y. City. William Rankin, Jr., A.B. Rutgers Coll. 1868 and A.M., Treas. Essex (N. J.) Co. Med. Soc, Surg. Newark Charitable E. and E. Infirmary. 23 Cedar St., Newark, N. J. John Orlando Roe, M.D. Univ. of Mich. 1870. 28 N. Clinton St., Rochester, N. Y. Clarence Satterlee.* aet. 41. *i89i William John Scott. Capeville, Va. Marshall Shaw.* aet. 26. *i873 Charles Simpson, A.B. Hamline Univ. 1869 and A. M. Health Officer Minneapolis Minn. 1872-76, Prof. Path. Med. Dept. Univ. of Minn. 1883-87, Chief Med. Staff St. Barnabas Hosp. Minneapolis Minn. 1886-90. 81S 6th St. , S. E., Minneapolis, Minn. Henry Melville Smith, Vis. Surg.Christ Hosp. Jersey City, Prest. Med. Bd. of same. 76 Madison A v. , Jersey City, N. J. 196 GRADUATES IN MEDICINE. [1871-72 James Wesley Smith.* aet. 43. *i883 George Monroe Steele, B. S. Ripon Coll, Wis. 1869 and A.M. 1885, Ex-Prest. Wis. State Med. Soc, N. W. CWis.) Med. Soc. and Fox River Valley (Wis.) Med. Soc. Oshkosh, Wis. Alexander Strong, Surg. Hosp. Rupt. and Cripp. 1870-72, San. Inspr. Bd. of Health N. Y. City 1872-74. J 86 Second A v., N. V. City. Augustus Walter Suiter, A.M. Union Coll. 1893, Sec. Herkimer Co. (N. Y.) Med. Soc. 1872-93, Prest. Med. Soc. State of N. Y. 1891, Asst. Sec.-Genl. Pan-Amer. Med. Congr. 1893, Cons. Phys. Faxton Hosp. Utica N. Y. Herkimer ^ N. V. Henry Storer Swan. Middleborough, Mass. Mahlon Edwin Swartz. 866 Sixth Av., N. V. City. William Clark Telford.* aet. 35. *i884 James Luther Terry, A.B. Amherst Coll. 1868. Lyme^ Conn. Edward Livingston Trudeau. Saranac Lake, N. V. George Alexander Van Wagenen, A.B. Coll. N. J. 1868 and A.M. 1871, Att'g Surg. St. Michael's Hosp. Newark (N. J.) until 1885, Med. Direct. Ins. Co. 10/ N. 6th St., Newark, N. J. William Barry Wallace. 144 E. 60th St. , A^ Y. City. Edward TurnbuU Ward. N. V. City. William Hilton Warn,* A.B. Amherst Coll. i86g. aet. 36. *i882 E. Jansen Westfall, A.B., A.M. and Ph. G. elsewhere. Eahway, N. y. Charles Boaz Whitfield, A.B. Univ. of N. C. 1858 and A.M. 1861, B. L. Supr. Ct. of Ala. 1862. Demopolis , Ala. Richard Dewees Wilcox. Simon Peter Wise, Mem. State Board of Health Ohio and R. R. Surg. Millersburg, 0. 85 1872 Daniel Simmons Adams, Prest. Board of Censors of N. H,, Treas. N. H. Med. Soc, Surg. Elliot Hosp. Manchester, N. H. Lemuel Bolton Bangs, Surg, to the City and Post-Grad. Hosps., Cons. Surg. St. Luke's Hosp, and to Meth. Epis. Hosp. Brooklyn. Formerly Chief of Clinic Coll. P. and S. 31 E. 44th St., N. V. City. George Warner Bartow. Three Bridges, N. J. Guy Carleton Bayley, Sec. Dutchess Co. (N. Y.) Med. Soc. Poughkeepsie, N. Y. James William Belvin, M.D. Univ. of Va. Edward Sherburne Blanchard. Charlottestown, P. E. /. , Canada, Peter Anthony Edward Boetzkes, 861 Lexington Av., N. Y. City. Thomas Neylor Bradfield,* D.D.S. elsewhere. aet. 49. *i89i William Gunton Budington, A.B. Yale Coll. 1867. 222 W. 23d St., N. Y. City. William Tillinghast Bull, A.B. Harv. Univ. 1869 and A.M. 1872, Asst. Demonstrator of Anat. Col. Coll. 1879-80 and Demonstrator 1880-83, Lecturer 1886- 87 and Adj.-Prof . Surg. 1887, Professor of Surgery 1888-. 35 W.3Sth St.,N. Y. City. William Busse. Norman Call, A.B. Bowdoin Coll. i86g and A.M. 1875. Boston Highlands , Mass. Henry Caminero, A.B. elsewhere. Santiago de Cuba. Pantaleon Candidus, Phys. Bkln. Hosp. and Disp. 1874-80. 228 S. gth St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Thomas Augustus Carson, Henry Skelton Carter, A.B. Trin. Coll. Conn. 1869 and A.M. 1872. 130 E. 24th St., N. Y. City. Harvey Henderson Chase. Linden, Mich. Dennis Church, Jr. Franklin Chase Clark, A.B. elsewhere. West New Brighton, S. I., N. Y. 1872] GRADUATES IN MEDICINE. 197 Frederick Halsey Conger, Disp. Phys. A. T. & S. F. R. R. Prairie du Lac, Wis. Richard Bonnet Coutant, Chief-of-Staff Tarry town (N. Y.) Hosp., Cons. Phys. and Surg. Westchester Co. (N. Y.) Alms House Hosp., Vis. Phys. and Surg. Westchester Co. (N. Y.) Alms House Hosp. 1878-91. Sec. U. S. Board Exam. Surgs. for Pensions 1886-91. Tarry town, N. V. Charles Livingstone Dey, V.-Prest. Farmers Natl. Bank Allentown N. J., Ex-Director Broad St. Natl. Bank Trenton N. J. Crosswick, N. y. Gabriel Rafael Diaz. Charles Russell Doane.* act. 44. *i884 Coert Du Bois * A.B. Rutgers Coll. 1868 and A.M. 1871. act. 44. *i89i William Willis Durden. Lexington, Miss. Barnard Ellis. John Edwin Ensell. I2S High St., Brooklyn, N. V. Mathias Figueira, A.B. Univ. of Coimbra Portugal 1865, M.D. Bellev. Hosp. Med. Coll. 1874. 14 Stuyvesant Av.y Brooklyn, N. Y. Martin Joseph Fleming, A.B. St. John's Coll. Fordham 1868 and A.M. 1869. 1^2 Lexington Av., N. V. City. George Clarence Gage, 47 IV. 4gth St., N. Y. City. James A. Gladstone, Private 144th N. Y. Vols. 1864-65, Sec. and Treas. Delaware Co. (N. Y.) Med. Soc, Postmaster Andes N. Y. Andes, N. Y. William T. Guden,* Surg. German Poliklinik and St. Mark's Hosp. aet. 44. *i890 George Weeks Hale, A.B. Bowdoin Coll. 1869 and A.M., Oculist and Aurist Hosp. Good Shepherd. Nashville, Tenn. Henry Prentiss Harvey,* M.D. Mobile Med. Coll. *i892 James Joseph Healy, Phys. Jayner Hosp. Newburyport, Mass. Joseph Solomon Heine, Jr. Joseph Julio Henna, Phys. Mut. Aid Ass'n, Vis. Phys. French Hosp. . 8 W. 40th St., N. Y. City. Edward Karsch Henschel.* aet. 39. *i890 Charles Hitchcock, Ph.B. Brown Univ. 1869. S7 W.jdth St., N. Y. City. Wyatt Hollingsworth, M.D. Alabama Med. Coll. Allan Clark Hutton. Samuel Beach Jones, [Jr.], A.M. (Hon.) Coll. N. J. 1881, Clin. Ass't to Prof, of Gynaecology Col. Coll. 28 W. 32d St., N. Y. City. William Rollo Kinmonth. Farmingdale , N. y. John Deare Kline, A.M. elsewhere. 162^ Arapahoe St., Denver, Col. Louis Griffin Knox. D. V. S. elsewhere 1884. Danbury, Conn. Henry August Kornemann. 2^1 Springfield A v., Newark, N. y, John Stanislaus Martin, A.M. elsewhere. Stevensville , Mich. Martin Sims Matheny. Alfred Walter Maynard. 264 W. 42d St., N. Y. City. William Patrick Meagher.* John Arthur Montgomery, V.-Prest. Delaware (N. Y.) Co. Med. Soc. 1876. Walton, N. Y. William Oliver Moore, Prof. Dis. Eye and Ear Post-Grad. Med. Scb. and Hosp. N. Y., Prof. Dis. Eye and Ear Univ. of Vt. and Woman's Med. Coll. N. Y., Treas. and Director N. Y. Post-Grad. Med. Sch. and Hosp. N. Y. 8s Madison Av., N. Y. City. Joseph Varnum Mott, Surg. Metrop. Throat Hosp. N. Y. 1875-76, Med. Director Harlem (N. Y.) Disp. 1881-82. i6_$ Tremont St., Boston, Mass. David Hutchinson Mount,* A.B. Coll. N. J. 1868 and A.M. Denis Dowling Mulcahy. 77 Bank St. , Newark, N. y. Thomas Joseph Naughton,* A.B. and A.M. Worcester Coll. Mass., grad. Notre Dame Univ. Ind., also of Albany Law School. aet 52. *i89i ^ 198 GRADUATES IN MEDICINE, [1872-73 Alfred Emanuel Regensburger. jjo Sutter St., San Francisco, Cat, Joel Henry Rieger, A.B. Univ. Va. 1871. 1066 Union A v. , Kansas City, Mo. Achilles Rose, Phys.-in-Chge. St. Francis Hosp. 1872-73, Corr. Sec. German Med. Soc. 1892-. 21^ Second Av., N. Y. City. John Henry Seabury. Yonkers, N. Y. Wellington Brown Searls, U. S. Pension Examiner, Phys. to Bd. of Health. Lake wood, N. y. George Law Sinclair. Andrew Bartholomew Somers, Health Commr. Omaha Neb., Surg, to Omaha and Grant Smelting Wks. 42 J N. 40th St., Omaha, N'eb. Samuel Dillingcourt Stilwell. Samuel Swift, Ph.B. Yale Univ. 1868. Yonkers, N. Y. Thomas Jackson Thompson, A.B. Kenyon Coll. O. 1869, Dep. Health Officer Port of N. Y. 1872-79, Health Officer Southfield, S. I. 1886-. Rosebank, S. I., N. Y. John Ross Thomson. Dungeness, Wash. Cornelius Oilman Trow, A.B. elsewhere. Sunderland, Miss. Charles Prentice Uhle,* A.B. Coll. N. J. 1870. aet. 33. *i888 Charles Diedrich Van Romondt. Pompton Plains, N. J. John Stagg Webb.* aet. 22. *i872 Henry Bentley Webster, [Jr]. Kentville, N. S., Canada. Carl Heinrich Achilles Weider.f Nicholas Williamson, A.M. (Hon.) Rutgers Coll. 1869, M. D. Med. Dept. Univ. N. Y. City 1871, Licentiate Royal Coll. P. and S. Edinburgh 1879, City Phys. New Brunswick (N. J.) 1876-78, Co. Phys. Middlesex Co. (N. J.) 1881-84, Alderman New Brunswick 1882. 1886, Staff John Wells Memorial Hosp. New Brunswick, N. y . t See Achilles Rose. Robert Bruce Wilson. ^2g Lexington A v., N. Y. City. Enoch Day Woodbridge,* A.B. Yale Coll. 1868. 1873 Egbert Tilton Andrews. Gray, Maine. Frederic William Bennett.* aet. 36. Hermann Berendt. Martinez, Cal. Edward John Bermingham, Lect. Woman's Med. Coll. of the N. Y. Infirmary 1877-, Editor "Hosp. Gazette and Archives of Clin. Surg." 833 Third A v., N. Y. City. Gerrit Franklin Blauvelt, A.B. Coll. City N. Y. 1868. Nyack, N. Y. Charles Erskine Brayton, Ex-Chief Surg. N. Y. P. & B. R. R. Co., Prest. New London Co. (Conn.) Med. Soc. 1894. Stonington, Conn. James Albert Breakell. 24g W. S2d St., N. Y. City. Charles Henry Brockway. 24^ Main St., Worcester, Mass. Joseph Scribner Burns, (educ), A.B. Yale Coll. 1868 and A.M. 1872, Principal Public School No. 85 B'kl'n N. Y. 36s Bedford A v., Brooklyn, N. Y. Charles William Burton, A.B. Tuft's Coll. i86q and A.M. 1873, School Committee Adams Mass. 1874-89, Memb. Adams Board of Health six years, Coun- cillor Mass. Med. Soc. several years, V.- Prest. Berkshire Dist. Med. Soc. 1888 and Prest. 1889, Prest. U. S. ^ Board Exam. Surg, for Pensions at Pittsfield Mass. 1889-03. Adams, Mass. William Morris Butler, A.B. Hamilton Coll. 1870, Asst. Phys. Homeo- path. Insane Asy. Middletown N. Y. ^og Clinton A v., Brooklyn, N. Y. Thomas Maurice Calnek, Surg. Hosp. di Carida Cartajo, also to Hosp. di San Juan di Dios and to Leper Asylum, Ex-V.-Prest. Costa Rica Med. Soc. and of Protomedicato of Costa Rica. San yos^, Costa Rica. William Murdock Cameron, Vis. Phys. Provincial and City Hosps. and Halifax Disp. Halifax, N. S., Canada. 76 1885 1873] GRADUATES IN MEDICINE. 199 Archibald Murray Campbell, A.B. 1865, A.M. 1868, Cons. Phys. Home for Incurables, N. Y. Infant Asy. j6 First Av., Mt. Vernon^ N. V. Harrie P. Chace.* ♦1890 Frederic Wilcox Chapin, A.B. Harv. Univ. 1870, Coroner Hampton Co. Mass. 1875-77, Sec. Treas. Librarian and Dist. Reporter Hampton (Mass.) Dist. Med. Soc. 1 876-, U. S. Exam. Surg, for Pensions 1879-91, Med. Director Mass. Mut. Life Ins. Co. 1885-, Vis. Surg. Springfield Hosp. 1879-. Springfield, Mass, Frederick E. Clark. West New Brighton, S. /., N. V. Apollos Comstock, A.B. Yale Coll. 1859. Binghamton, N. Y. Joseph Peter Couse, M.D. Univ. Michigan. Hamburgh, N. y. Ernest Cleveland Coxe,* A.B. Hobart Coll. 1871. act. 32. *i88a James Edwin Crisfield. Sec. Livingston Co. (N. Y.) Med. Soc. Dansville, N, V. John Beverly Crowell, B.S. elsewhere. Charles Benjamin Cutter.* ^1876 Charles Romeyn Dake. Belleville, III. Nathaniel Babcock Darling. 5j South St., yersey City, N. y. Benjamin Jarvis Adams, A.B. elsewhere. Royal Wells Amidon, A.B. Amherst Coll, 1874 and A.M,, Clin, Asst. to Clin, Prof, of Diseases of Mind and Nerv, System Col, Coll,, Professor Thera- feutics Woman's Med, Coll, of the N. Y. nfirmary. ig W. 2 1 St St., N. Y. City, John Henry Arton. Frederick Eugene Bassett. Rye, N. Y. Edwin Bently, M.D. Med. Dept. Univ. N. Y. City 1850 and Bellev. Hosp. Med. Coll. ad eundem x%Tl, Prof. Surg. Med, Dept, Ark, Ind, Univ,, Prest. State Med. Society of Arkansas. diy Main St., Little Rock, Ark. Elston Hunt Bergen, City Phys. and Prest. Health Bd. Prince- ton N. J. Princeton, N. y. William Randall Birdsall,* M.D. Univ. of Mich, 1876, Prof, Nerv, Dis. Woman's Med, Coll,, Prest, N, Y. Neuro- logical Society 1885-6. aet, 41, *i892 Eugene Blondel,* A.B. Coll, City N. Y. 1867. aet. 37. *i885 210 GRADUATES IN MEDICINE, [1877 Rudolph Otto Born. 163 W. 34th St., N. V. City. William Cutler Bowers, A.B. Yale Coll. 1874, Graduate Charity Hosp. N. Y., Police Surg. Bridgeport Conn, five years, Bd. of Health four years, Al- derman- at-large 1891-92. 242 State St., Bridgeport, Conn. Henry Martyn Bracken, L.R.C.S. Edinburgh 1879, Prof. Mater. Med. and Therapeu. Univ. of Minn. Minneapolis , Minn. Edward Thomas Bradstreet, A.B. Yale Coll. 1874. Meriden, Conn. Frank Eugene Brigham. Salmon Falls, N. H. Charles Thomas Buffum, A.B. Harv. Univ. 1874. S E. 27th St., N. V. City. Henry William Burnard. S84 Jay St., Brooklyn, N. Y. William Burns, A.B. elsewhere. 424 W. 4sd St., N. V. City. Wellington Campbell, Jr., A.B. Yale Coll. 1874. SAort Hills, Essex Co. , N. y. George Alexander Church.* aet. 32. *i888 Arthur Hyatt Clark. Ellsworth, Nobles Co., Minn. William Clarke, M.D. Detroit Med. Coll. 1871. Lamont, Mich. James Gilleland Connell. Pittsburgh, Fa. John Edward Conway. Edgar David Coonley, A.B. Yale Coll. 1871 and A.M. 1874. Fort Richmond, N. V. Cyrus Ross Cramer. Fairport, N. V. Charles Erastus Creal, Ex-Coroner Saratoga Spr. N. Y. and City Phys. 2200 E. gth St. , Kansas City, Mo. Samuel Preston Cropper. 231 W. i^th St., N. V. City. Charles Henry Cumston, A.M. elsewhere. Brunswick, Me. John William Dalrymple. Hackettstown, N. J. Charles Loomis Dana, A.B. Dartmouth Coll. 1872 and A.M. 1875, M.D. National Med. Coll. Washington D. C, Prof. Nerv. and Ment. Dis. N. Y. Post-Grad. School, Prof. Nerv. Dis. Dartmouth Med. Coll., Vis. Phys. Bellev. Hosp. and Neurologist Monte- fiore Home. SO W. 46th St., N. V. City. Charles Jacob Deitz, (mf). 4ig Greenwich Fl., Kalamazoo, Mich. George Ansel Edwardes, Ex-U. S. Exam. Surg, for Pensions. Syracuse, N. Y. Henry Lewis Eisner, Prof. Prin. and Prac. Med. and Clin. Med. Syracuse Med. Coll., Prest. Central N. Y. Med. Soc, Ex-V.-Prest. State Med. Soc, Ex-Prest. Onondaga Co. (N. Y.) Med. Soc. and Syracuse Med. Soc. S16 Fr aspect A v. , Syracuse, N. Y, Benson Mitchell Feldman. /70 E. jgth St., N. Y. City. Henry Gurdon Fish, Surg. N. p. R. R., Coroner Cass Co. N, Dak. Wheatland, N. Dak. Harlo Adoniram Fisk. E. Longmeadow, Mass. Albert Henry Fridenberg. 60 E. 61 St St., N. Y. City Edward Tinkham Gibson. Minneapolis, Minn. William Benjamin Goldsmith,* A.B. elsewhere, Supt. Butler Hosp. Providence R. I. aet. 33. *i888 Joseph Valentine Haberer, Phys. Dept. Charities of Utica N. Y. 66 Miller St., Utica, N. Y. Rodolfo Halsted, Ex-Phys. and Surg. Canal Co. Panamd, Ex-Surg. Pac. MailS. S. Co., Ex-Health Officer in chge. Port of Panama, Ex-Surg. Charity Hosp. Panamd, Ex-Surg. Co- lumbian Army, Ex-Memb. Health Bd. Panamd, Ex-Memb. Exam. Bd. for M.D. Panamd, Phys. and Surg. Panamd R. R. Co. 1891-. Colon, U. S. Colombia, S. A. William Stewart Halsted, A.B. Yale Coll. 1874, Asst. Demonstrator of Anat. Col. Coll. 1880-83 and Demonstra- tor 1873-85, Lecturer 1885-87, Late Att'g Surg. Bellev., Presb., Emigrant and Charity Hosps., now Prof, of Surgery at Johns Hopk. Univ. and Surg.-in-chief Johns Hopk. Hosp. 1 20 1 Eutaw Fl. , Baltimore, Md. James Wilson Hannum. Ludlow, Mass. 1877] GRADUATES IN MEDICINE, William Beach Hewett, (b). 22^ Clermont A v,^ Brooklyn^ N, Y. John Ten Broeck Hillhouse. John Remington Hobbie, A.B. Amherst Coll. 1873. North Adams, Mass. Wilfred Hodgson. Keyport, N. J. Francis Huber, B.S. Coll. City N. Y. 1873, Chief Clinic Dept. Dis. of Children Vanderbilt Clinic. 2og E. lyth St. , N. Y. City. Frederick Childs Jones. Basking Ridge, N. y. Samuel Sigmund Kahn, B.S. elsewhere. San Francisco^ Cal. Samuel George Kerr. 2JS E. jist St., N. Y. City, James Kossuth King, Ph.D. Univ. of Chicago 1890. Watkins, Schuyler Co., N. Y. Robert John Kingston, Ph.G. N. Y. Coll. Phar. 1877, House Phys. Work-house and Alms-house N. Y., N. Y. City Insane Asy., Asst, Supt. Royal Mail S. S. Co. Surg. Newburgh, N. Y. [S.] Henry Kip. go Fair St., Pater son, N. y. Eugene B^rard Laird, Coroner 1882-85, Prest. County Med. Soc, Health Officer 1882-93. Haverstraw, N. Y. Frank Abner Langworthy,* A.B. Yale Coll. 1872, aet. 35. *i884 Charles Eaton Lawton. St. Fauly Minn. Alvah Conant Lewis. Brooklyn, N. Y. Beverley Livingston,* Ph.B. Yale Univ. 1874. aet. 31. *i883 Robert Logan, M.D. Univ. of Mich. 1876 and Ph.C. 1877. Ionia ^ Mich. Thomas John Loughlin. SS7 E. igth St., N. Y. City. William Henry Lyons. J 46 W. 44th St., N. Y. City. William Wallace McGregor, M.D. Albany Med. Coll. Glenwood Springs, Col. Daniel Charles McGuinness. Willimaniic, Conn. John Brady Mclntyre. * *i888 Archibald R. McKellar, M.D. Coll. of Med. and Surg. Cincinnati O. 1876, Phys. and Surg. Nickel Plate R. R. Green Spring, Seneca Co., Ohio. Charles Scott McKnight, Jr. Saratoga Springs, N. Y. John James McNulty, House' Phys. Presb. Hosp. N. Y., Att'g Phys. N. Y. Disp., Att'g Surg. Northern Disp., Asst. Surg. Dept. Post-Grad. School. Townsendville , N. Y. Daniel Maclntyre MacMartin. Amsterdam, N. Y. Elias Dunlevia Maine. Sykesville, N. y. Alfred Meyer, A.B. 1874. A.M., Att'g Phys. Mt. Sinai Hosp. N. Y. 'J4g Madison Av., N. Y. City. Joseph Meyer. Brooklyn, N. Y. Joseph Gillespie Millspaugh, A.M. Hope Coll. 1876, M.D. Univ. of Mich., Prest. N. D. Med. Soc, Supt. N. D. State Board of Health. Little Falls, Minn. John Bacon Moody, A.B. elsewhere. Harlem Springs, Ohio. Robert Sylvester Morris, A.B, Coll. N. J. 1874 and A.M. 146 E. 71st St., N. Y. City. Frank C. Moulding. Watertown, Wis. George Edmund Munroe, A.B. Yale Coll. 1874. 43 E' 33d ^t., N. Y. City. George Frederick Newcombe. Pate-yson, N. y. Richard Cole Newton, A.B. Harv. Univ. 1874, Interne City Hosp. N. Y. 1877-79, Asst. Surg. U. S. A. 1879- 89, Att'g Surg. Mountainside Hosp. Montclair N. J., Surg. N. Y. & Green- wood Lake R. R., Phys. Essex Co. (N. J.) Penitentiary. Montclair, N. y. 212 GRADUATES IN MEDICINE, [1877 *i882 William Kelly Newton, Asst. Res. Phys. Nursery and Child's Hosp. N. Y. 1877, Att'g Phys. Eastern Disp. 1878-79, and to N. Y. and N. E, Disps. until May 1879, Asst. San. Insp'r N. Y. Bd. of Health 1878, State Analyst N. J. 1880-84, State Food Commr. N. J. 1884-90, Health Officer Paterson N. J. 1882-89, Asst. Att'g Surg. St. Joseph's Hosp. Paterson N. J. 1878-82, Att'g Phys. Genl. Hosp. Paterson N. J. 1889-, Prest. N. J. San. Assn. Paterson, N. J. John Gould Noble, A.B. Union Coll. 1868 and A.M. 1873. 222 W. S4th St., N. V, City. Adolph Julius Nockin. Frank William Patten, A.B. Yale Coll. 1874. Hopkinton, Mass. John Schoolcraft Perry.* William Henry Porter, Prof. Clin. Med. and Path. N. Y. Post- Grad. Med. School and Hosp., Path. Phys. North Eastern Disp., Editor " Am. Medico-Surg. Bulletin,' late Curator Presb. and Bellev. Hosps. i6y4 Broadway, N, Y, City. Lewis Clover Potter. N. V. City. Edward C. Prindle, M.D. Univ. of Mich. 1876. North Temescal, Cal. Frank Lee Puffer. Bird Island, Minn. Charles Nevier Raymond. Ex-Lecturer on Bacteriology and Micro- scopy Mich. Coll. Med. and Surg. Detroit Mich. Cor. Morris St. and Gilbert Av., Cin- cinnati, O. Edwin Reynolds, Chief of Med. Staff Bkln. Home for Consumptives. I2g Lafayette A v. , Brooklyn, N. Y. Charles Clarence Rice, Dean, Prof. Laryngol. N, Y. Post-Grad. Med. School and Hosp. 406 W.S7th St., N. Y. City. Montrose Reuben Richard, Resident Phys. Tuoro Infirm. New Or- leans La. 1882, Class Neurology German Hosp. and Intern. Med. Mt. Sinai Hosp. N. Y. City. yj E. 116th St., N. Y. City. Huntington Richards, A.B. Harv. Univ. i8;74. Chief of Clinic Aural Dept. Vanderbilt Clinic, resigned 1891. . jg E. 38th St., N. Y. City. John Edward Richardson, Surg, to Brooklyn Orth. Hosp., Police Surg., Surg. L. I. R. R. Co., Surg, to Atlantic Av. R. R. Co. 127 S. Oxford St. , Brooklyn, N. Y. Henry Burnham Savage, M.D. elsewhere. Wilhelm Schelkly. Henry Berrien Shaw. 21 E. 127th St., N. Y. City. Horace Preston Sheldon,* A.B. Middlebury Coll. 1874. aet. 37. *i89i Alexander Odell Snowden, Ex-Health Officer Cortlandt N. Y. 1022 Main St., Peekskill, N. Y. Thomas Lathrop Stedman, A.B. Trin. Coll. Conn. 1874. J27 Amsterdam Av., N. Y. City. Henry Fowler Stowell, House Surg. Manhattan E. and E. Hosp. N. Y. 1879-80. Rochester, N. Y. Henry Spring Strickland. Kirksville, Adair Co., Mo. John Wilson Sutton. Camden, N. y. Robert Bancker Talbot. 64 W.soth St., N. Y. City. John Oscroft Tansley, Asst. Surg. Manh. E. and E. Hosp., Surg. N. E. Disp., Surg. Disp. Church of Holy Trin., Lect. N. Y. Polyclinic. 28 W. 43d St., N. Y. City. John Harvey Thompson, Jr., M.D. Georgetown Med. Coll. D. C. 1875, Clin. Prof. Ophthmol. Kansas City (Mo.) Med. CoU. Kansas City, Mo. James Bedle Wainwright, Ophth. Surg. Memorial Hosp. Long Branch N. J. Manasquan. N. y. Abraham Guillermo Wendell, M.D. elsewhere. William Asa Wheeler, A.B. Harv. Univ. 1874, M.D. Maine Med. School 1876, Surg. U. S. M. H. S. in charge U. S. Immigrant Hosp. Ellis Is. N. Y. 273 Ryerson St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Homer Harvey White, M.D. Univ. Mich. 1876. Earlville, N. Y. John Williams. i 1877-78] GRADUATES IN MEDICINE. 213 Jared Willson, A.B. elsewhere. Brooklyn^ N. Y. William Hugh Wilson. 2JJ Henry St. , N. V. City. Henry Albert Wolff, A.B. elsewhere. Barberton, South African Republic^ Africa. Luther Dana Woodbridge, (educ), A.B. Williams Coll. 1872 and A.M. 1875, Prest. Berkshire Dist. (Mass.) Med. Soc, Prof. Anat. and Phys. Williams Coll., Memb. Amer. Acad, of Med. Williams town, Mass. Samuel Stout Wyckoff.* aet. 35. *i888 David Zimmerman, (b). Wayne, Mich, 117 1878 John Scott Aitkin.* aet. 41. ♦iSqs Charles Warrenne Allen, Vis. Surg. City Hosp, Hoffman Arms^ N. Y. City. Barnard Arnold. Chopmisty R. I. William Frederick Avemann. Frederick Ogden Beach. George Willis Benedict, A.B. Yale Coll. 1874. So. Norwalky Conn. John Haskell Billings, Asst. Surg. Metro. Throat Hosp. and Vanderbilt Clinic. 24g Madison Av. N. Y. City. Burton Beach Bloom. Walter Reeve Bruyere, A.B. Coll. N. J. 1874 and A.M. 1877. 2gg Belleville A v. , Newark^ N. jf. John Jay Buckley, U. S. Exam. Surg, for Pensions, Chief Surg. No. Pacific R. R. Missoula, Missoula Co., Mont. John Norris Bull. Plainville, Conn. John Albert Burke. IS2 W. nth St., N. Y. City. Colonel Bell Burr, Med. Supt. Eastern Michigan Asylum. Pontiac, Mich. Talbot Roland Chambers, B.S. Univ. N. Y. City 1875, Health Officer^. Orange N. J. 1884-, Memb. Bd. Education 1884-, Treas. Orange Mtn. Med. Soc. 1884-. East Orange, N. y. Timothy Matlack Cheesman, [Jr.], A.B. 1874, A.M. 1877, Instr. in Bacteriol- ogy Col. Coll. 1893-. 46 E. 2gth St. , N. Y. City. Charles Lamb Clark. White Bear Lake, Minn. Jacob Bell Cornell, B.S. Rutgers Coll. 1872. Somerville, N. y. Jeremiah Coughlin, Ph.B. Univ. Mich. 1876 and M.D. 1877, A.M. St. Francis Xavier's Coll. N. Y. 1878. 757 W. 62d St., N. Y. City. Ellis Wolcott Crater, Senior Surg. Monmouth Memorial Hosp. Oceanport, Monmouth Co., N. y. Robert Percy Crockshank, Res. Phys. and Supt. Genl. Pub. Hosp. St. John N. B. 1878-82, Asst. Phys. Pro- vincial Lunatic Asy. St. John N. B. 1882- 85, Coroner Manitoba, Memb. Manitoba Coll. P. and S. Rapid City, Manitoba, Canada. Walter Demarest, A.B. Coll. City N. Y. 1874, M.D. Univ. Vt. 1877. Brookville, Ind. Charles Henry Dickinson, Jr. Northampton, Mass. Addison Soper Diossy, Jr.* aet. 36. *i889 George Arthur Dixon. IS W. 4gth St., N. Y. City. Frederick Bradley Downs. Bridgeport, Conn. Henry Arnold Fairbairn, A.B. St. Stephen's Coll. and A.M. 1878, M.D. Univ. of Va. 1877, Att'g Phys. St. John's Hosp. Brooklyn, N. Y. 24g McDonough St., Brooklyn, N. Y, LeRoy Dwight Farnham, Ex-Prest. Binghamton Acad, of Med., Prest. Tioga Co. (N. Y.) Med. Soc, Prest. Broome Co. (N. Y.) Med. Soc. 42 Main St., Binghamton, N. Y. Alexander Ming Fisher.* aet. 25. *i883 George Hadley Fisher.* aet. 2Q. *i883 214 GRADUATES IN MEDICINE, [1878 Edward Fridenberg, Ophth. Surg. German Hosp., Harlem Hosp,, Germ. Disp. and Harlem Disp. 20 1 g Fifth Av., N. Y. City. Henry Dwight Gardner,* A.B. Hamilton Coll. 1875. William Herbert Gerrish, B.S. Maine State Coll. 1874, Health Officer Royalton Vt. 2 years, Asst. and Ho. Surg. Presb. Hosp. N. Y. 1879-80. Deering Centre^ Me. Robert Winning Glassford, Vis, Phys. Northern Disp. 3SO W. 46th St., N. Y. City. William Frank Greene, A.B. elsewhere. 2_5 S. jd Av., Mt. Vernon, N. Y. Richard John Hall, A.B. Coll. N. J. 1875. Santa Barbara, Cal. Thomas William Harvey, A.B. Coll. N. J. 1875 and A.M., Att'g Surg. Orange Memorial Hosp., Phys. Orange Orphan Home. 463 Main St. , Orange, N. y. James Adams Hathaway. Middleburgh, Va. Edgar Martindale Hermance, Cons. Phys. St. Joseph's Hosp., Memb. Bd. Education of Yonkers, N. Y. 21^ Warburton Av., Yonkers. N. Y. Ellsworth Eliot Hunt,* A.B. Coll. N. J. 1875. aet. 31. *i886 Charles Henry Hunter, A.B. elsewhere. Minneapolis, Minn. George Thomas Jackson, [Jr.], Prof. Dermatology Worn. Med. Coll. N. Y. Infirm., Chief Clinic and Instr. in Derm. Med. Dept. Col. Coll., Cons. Der- matologist Presb. Hosp. N. Y. 14 E. 31st St. , N. Y. City. Walter Buckley Johnson, Surg. Paterson Eye and Ear Infirm., Vis. Surg. Paterson General Hosp. and St. Joseph's Hosp., Fellow N. Y. Acad. Med. /70 Broadway, Paterson, N. y. Henry Jesse Kenyon. Lawrence, Mass. Theodore Keune. 230 E. iigth St., N, Y. City. Gideon Lee Knapp. William Tell Kudlich, Att'g Surg. St. Mary's Hosp. 40S Hudson St. , Hoboken, N. y. William James Larmer. 103 Varick St., N. Y. City Charles Henry Lent.* Alexis Marcy Leon, A.B. Manhattan Coll. 18^5 and A.M. 1878, Ex- House Phys. Charity Hosp., Ex-Att'g Phys. N. E. Disp., Ex-Att'g Phys. ISf! W. Disp. 81 E. s6th St., N. Y. City. Frank Watlington Lester, Health Officer Port of Key West Fla. 1880-81, Res. Phys. Willard Parker Hosp. 1889-93. 163 IV. 4Sth St., N. Y. City. William Jerauld Lewis, A.M. Olivet Coll. 1882, Prest. Amer. Micros. Soc. 1888. 102 W. 7S^h St., N. Y. City. William Breakey Lewitt, M.D. Detroit Med. Coll. 1877, Prof. Anat. Univ. of Cal. 1881-01, Prof. Surg. Dental Dept. Univ. of Cal. 1893-, Prest. Bd. of Examiners Med. Soc. State of Cal. 1893. 800 McAllister St., San Francisco, Cal. John Francis Luby, Ph.B. Yale Coll. 1876, Res. Phys. St. Mary's Hosp. Brooklyn N. Y. 1879-80, Res. Phys. and Surg. St. Vincent's Hosp. N. Y. 1880-81. New Haven, Conn. William Duncan McKim, A.B. 187s, A.M. 1879. 757 Madison Av., N. Y. City. Francis Hector McNaught, Ex-Prest. Delaware Co. (N. Y.) Med. Soc. /j/j" Stout St., Denver, Col. Chancellor Martin. Sunbury, Pa. Edward Griffith Maupin, M.D Univ. of Va. 1877, House Surg. Charity Hosp. Blackwell's Is., Chief of Staff State Em. Ref. and Hosp. Ward's Is. iSi E. J2'jth St., N. Y. City. Charles Phelps Williams Merritt, S.M. elsewhere. Brooklyn, N. Y. Martin Van Buren Miller, M.D. Ala. Med. Coll. Samuel Roseburgh Morrow, A.B. Yale Coll. 1870 and A.M. 1874, Prof. Anat. and Orth. Surg. Albany Med. Coll. V.-Prest. Albany Co. (N. Y.) Med. Soc. 1887, Att'g Surg. Albany (N. Y.) Hosp., St. Peter's Hosp. and Child's Hosp. Al- bany N. Y. 2g S. Hawk St., Albany, N. Y, Samuel Irving Myers. Bayonne, N. y. George Wheaton Nickerson. 5^ Central St., Stomham, Mass. 1878] GRADUATES IN MEDICINE, 215 William Perry Northrup, A.B. Hamilton Coll. 1872 and A.M. 1875, Att'g Phys. Presb. Hosp. and N. Y. Foundling Hosp. 57 E. 7gth St., N. V. City. Henry Augustus Oaks,* A.B. Yale Coll. 1875. aet. 33. *i88s E. Spencer Pratt. Thomas Freeman Quinby, Ex-Health Commr. Minneapolis Minn., Ex-Prof. Materia Med. and Ther. Minn. Coll. Hosp., Surg. M. St. P. & S. Ste. Marie Ry., MemS. U. S. Exam. Bd. for Pensions 1889. loi Washington Av.^ S. Minneapolis, Minn. Joseph Francis Quinlan, A.M. St. Francis Xavier's Coll. N. Y. 1890, Asst. Surg. N. Y. E. and E. Inf., Lectr. on Laryngol. N. Y. Polyclinic. ^4 W. 17th St., N. V. City. James Thomas Reilly. William Guy Richards. N. Y. City. Waldo Henry Richardson. 79 Washington PI. , N. Y. City. John [Frederick] Ridlon, A.B. Univ. Chicago 1875 and A.M., Prof. Orth. Surg, in Northwestern Univ. Med. School and the Chicago Post-Grad. Med. School, Senior Orth. Surg. St. Luke's Free Hosp. Chicago 111., Sec. Am. Ortho- pedic Assn. loj State St., Chicago, III. Justus Miller Rouse. S. Cairo, N. Y. Frank Eugene Russell. Buffalo, N. Y. Charles Oliver Sahler. Kingston, Ulster Co., N. Y. Charles Walton Sanders, [Jr.], Pension Surg. 1893-. 53 E.sjd St.,N. Y. City. Charles Davies Scudder,* A.B. Trin. Coll. Conn. 1875, Cons. Surg, French Hosp., Trustee Trin. Coll. Conn. aet. 36. *i892 Charles John Sharretts. SSo E. 84th St., N. Y. City, William Watts Sherman. George Mulford Silvers. Youngstown, Ohio. Anson Parker Smith. 1016 Halsey St. , Brooklyn, N. Y. Homer Erastus Smith. Norwich, Chenango Co., N. Y. *i883 Robert William Steger, M.D. Vanderbilt Univ. Nashville Tenn. Chicago, III. Frank Halleck Stephenson, Ex-Prest. Syracuse (N. Y.) Med. Assn., Sec. 3d Dist. N. Y. Med. Assn., Ex- Phys. to Syracuse Board of Health. 70S yames St. , Syracuse, N. Y. Robert Jonathan Stoddard. Justin Morrill Swan.* Edward Swasey, M.D. Bowdoin Coll. 1877. 134 Manhattan Av., N. Y. City. Laurence Chew Swift. 34 Pomeroy A v. , Pittsjield, Mass. William Jonathan Swift, A.B. Amherst Coll. 1873 ^"^ A.M. 1876, Instr. Vanderbilt Clinic, Surg. Metr. Throat Hosp., Med. Exam. Conn. Mut. Life Ins. Co. 40 E. joth St. , N. Y. City. Joseph Tomlinson, A.B. Williams Coll. 1875, Ex-Prest. Cumber- land Co. (N. J.) Med. Soc, Ex-Interne Charity Hosp. N. Y. City, Fellow Am. Acad. Med. Bridgeton, N. J. Edmund Grindle Rawson Trimble, A.B. 1872, A.M. 1875, formerly Memb. Health Dept. N. Y. City and Health Dept. Chicago 111., Smoke Inspector 111. Cent. R. R. 61 E. iioth St., N. Y. City. Abram Harvey Van Riper. Nutley, N. J. Daniel Waldo.* Le Roy Pope Walker, [Jr.], vis. Phys. Charity Hosp. New Orleans La., House Surg. N. Y. Eye and Ear In- firmary, U. S. Exam. Surg., Instr. N. Y. Polyclinic. 25 E, 24th St., N. Y. City. Everett Seymour Warner. 117 E. 26th St., N. Y. City. William Perry Watson, A.B. Rutgers Coll. 1875 and A.M. 1878, Founder and Editor " Archives Pedi- atrics," Sec. Bd. Med. Exam, of N. J., Vis. Phys. to St. Francis' and City Hosps. Jersey City, N. J. Alfred James Weed. Granby, Conn. Tsaac Weil, (m), B.S. elsewhere. 121 Mercer St., N. Y. City. ♦1893 2l6 GRADUATES IN MEDICINE, [1878-79 George Kellogg Welch. Hartford, Conn. William Henry Weston. 400 W. 22d St., N. Y. City. Hamilton Dox Wey, Att'g Phys. Arnot-Ogden Hosp. Phys. N. Y. State Reformatory. J59 Main St., Ehnira, N. Y. Albion Stinson Whitmore, A.B. Bowdoin Coll. 1875 and A.M. 1878, Phys. Home for Aged Couples. I Union Park, Boston, Mass. Richard George Wiener, A.B. and A.M. Univ. N. Y. City, Att'g Surg. City Hosp. 1885-90. 48 E. 6sth St., N. Y. City. Charles Horton Wilkin.* ♦1890 William Braxton Winn, A.B. Washington and Lee Coll. Va,, Howard Phys. Yellow-Fever Epidemic Memphis 1878-79 ; Insp'r-in-Chief National Bd. of Health 1879-85. Wichita, Kan. Lansing Betts Winne, Vis. Phys. Albany Hosp. ^2 Livins^ston Av., Albany, N. Y. Christopher Sumner Witherstine, B.S. Coll. City N. Y. 1875 and M.S. 1878, Interne Charity Hosp. N. Y. 1878-79, Vis. Phys. Home for Aged, Little Sisters of the Poor 1880. 460J Germantown Av., Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa. Alfred Silas Wright. Marlborough Churchill Wyeth, Asst. Surg. U. S. A. Care Adjutant-General, Washington, D. C. 108 1879 Alpheus Eli Adams, Instr. Dis. Eye and EarPost-Grad. Med. Sch., Ass't Surg. Manhattan Eye and Ear Hosp., Opth. and Aural Surg, St. Luke's Hosp. and Consulting Ophthal- mologist Home of the Friendless. Newburgh, N. Y. Charles Wisner Adams, A.B. Rochester Univ. and A.M. 1881, Dean Univ. Med. Coll. Kansas City Mo. and Prof. Gynaecol,, ist Lieut, and Surg. Batt. B. N. G. Mo. 1 20 1 Grand A v., Kansas City, Mo. Harlan Preston Allen, Formerly Prof, of Ophth. and Otol. in Columbus Med. Coll., Eye and Ear Surg. to Protestant Hosp. Columbus, O. John Bancker Aycrigg, (stock f), A.B. Rutgers Coll, 1876 and A.M. 1879. Walden, N. Y. Robert Hall Babcock, M.D. Chicago Med. Coll. 1878, A.M. Adelbert Coll. Western Reserve Univ. 1888, Prof. Dis. Chest Clin. Med. and Phys. Diag. Coll. of P. and S. Chicago, 111., AttV Phys, Cook Co. (111.), Hosp, Ex-Prof. Clin. Med. and Phys. Diag. Post-Grad. Med. Sch. Venetian Bldg. , Chicago, III. Richard Theodore Bang, A.B. 1876, A.M. 1879. U. S. Pension Surg. ijg W. nth St., N. Y. City. Havens Brewster Bayles. 442 gth St. , Brooklyn, N. Y. William Joseph Brickelmaier. N. Y. City. Frank Wilmot Brown, M.D. elsewhere. Detroit, Mich. George Washington Brown, Jr.,* Memb. State Bd. Med. Examiners N. J., Prest.Long Branch (N. J.) Bd. of Health. aet. ^6. *i8g4 William Henry Bunnell, Jr. Bridgeport, Conn. Leo Burgheim. J76 E. 7gth St., N. Y. City. Domingo Cabrera, A.B. elsewhere. Porto Pico, W. /. Donald Muhlenberg Cammann, A.B. Univ. Oxford, Eng. 1876. ig E. ssd St., N. Y. City. William Cammett, Jr. Portland, Me. Franklin Pierce Capron, A.B. Brown Univ. 1877, Surg-in-charge Ear Nose and Throat dept. R. I, Hosp, 241 Washington St., Providence, R. I. Charles Milbank Cauldwell. 7S ^-JSth St-> ^- V' City. Edwin Ruthvin Chadbourne, Orthopedic Surg. N. Y. Foundling Hosp. and Sec. Med. Bd. of same. ji W. 2jth St. , N. Y. City. William SandersonCheesman,[Jr.], A.B. Coll. N, J. 187s and A.M. 1878, House Phys. Bellev. Hosp, 1880 Surg. Auburn N. Y. City Hosp., Fellow N. Y. Acad, Med, Auburn, N. Y. 1879] GRADUATES IN MEDICINE, 217 William Brewster Clark, B.S. Amherst Coll. 1876, N. Y. S. Med. Referee Mut. Ben. Life Ins. Co. of Newark N. J., Chief Med. Exam. Conn. Mut. Life Ins. Co. in N. Y. JO E. jist St., N. Y. City. Roswell Park Collin,* A.B. Williams Coll. 1876. *i892 Isaac Lewis Corapton. Blair, Neb. Baldwin Gardiner Cooke, B.S. Univ. N. Y. City 1876. 7j E. I nth St., N. V. City. , Appleton Kelly Corbin. Kane, Pa. Theodore Wellington Corwin, Vis. Phys St. Barnabas' Hosp., Throat Surg. St. Michael's Hosp. Newark N. J. Newark, N. J. Louis Fernandez Criado, A.B. St. Louis Coll. 1875. I4y Ft. Greene PL, Brooklyn, N. Y. Isaac Burnett Davenport, (dent), M. D. S. Dental Soc. State N. Y. 1878, V.-Prest. Amer. Dental Soc. of Europe 1 891. j>o Avenue de VOp^ra, Paris, France. Justo Del Risco, Jr. ^35 Washington Av., Brooklyn, N. Y. Frederick Lewis Dolbeare, Asst. Supt. Inebriates' Home Ft. Hamil- ton N. Y. Ft. Hamilton, N. Y. John G. Dorrance. Jersey City, N. J. Jeremiah Dewey Eggleston. Meriden, Conn. Robert Lionel Faithfull, L.R.C.P. Eng. 1880, L. S. A. London Eng. 1880, Chief Med. Referee Mutual Life Ins. Co. of N. Y. in Australia. Med. Examiner for Australian Joint-Stock Bank. 5 Lyons Terrace, Hyde Park, Sydney, N. S. W., Australia. Jose Maria Ferrer, A.B. Manhattan Coll. 1876 and A.M. 1879, Asst. Phys. Roosevelt Hosp., Vis. Phys. French Hosp., Ex-Interne Charity Hosp. 35 E. SI St St., N. Y. City. Albert Kenrick Fisher, Asst. Ornithologist, Dept. Agriculture. Washington, D. C. George Henry Franklin. Hightstown. N. y. Thomas Neptune Gray. E. Orange, N. J. Albert Field Groves, Cons. Surg. N. P. R. R. three and one- half years. Brainerd, Crow Wing Co., Minn. William Henry Harison, Jr., Formerly Prof. Skin and Venereal Diseases, Georgia Med. Coll. Augusta, Ga. John Talbot Harrison. Port Richmond, N. Y. Stephen Decatur Harrison, [Jr.], A.B. Yale Coll. 1876. Cornivall-on-Hudson, N. Y. Robert Newton Hawley. 318 Goldsmith Bldg. , Milwaukee, Wis, John Aycrigg Hegeman, B.S. Coll. N. J. 1876. Passaic, N. y. Nelson Herrick Henry. 14 E. loth St. , N. Y. City. Arthur Francis Hoag, Health Officer Millerton N. Y., Dist. Exam, for Travellers', Equitable, Union Central and Hartford Life Ins. Go's. Millerton, Dutchess Co., N. Y. John Ward Hopper,* A.B. Coll. City N. Y. 1876. aet. 33. *i89o Robert Thomas Howe. Mt. Vernon, N. Y. Dwight Williams Hunter, A.B. Yale Coll. 1876. 2JJ Madison Av., N. Y. City. Augustus Moen Hurlbutt, A.B. elsewhere. Stamford, Conn. Singleton Husted, A.B. elsewhere. Los Angeles, Cal. Edward Avery Isbell, B.S. elsewhere. Frank Watson Jackson. 12 W. 1 8th St., N. Y. City. John Harvey Jewett, A.B. elsewhere. Canandaigua, N. Y. John Thomas Aloysius Keegan. Louisville, Ky. Elisha Frederick Lanphear,* A.M. elsewhere. *i88o Arthur Henry Leary. 1885 Lexington A v., N. Y. City. Charles Abbott Limeburner, A.M. Rutgers Coll. 1879. 61 Danforth Av., yersey City, N. y. ^ 2l8 GRADUATES IN MEDICINE. [1879 Charles Lutellus Lindley. 8^ Madison Av., N. V. City. August Ernest Lowenthal.* aet. 29. *i886 Everett James McKnight, A.B. Yale Coll. 1876, Memb. Genl. Assembly 1893. Hartford, Conn. John Bernard McMahon, A.B. Manhattan Coll. 1873 and A.M. 1878 and Ph.D. 1891. 266 E. Broadway, N. Y. City. Francis Hartman Markoe, A.B. Coll. N. J. 1876, Asst. Demonstrator Anat. Col. Coll. 1880-85 and Demonstra- tor 1885-87, Clin. Lect. on Surg. 1887-, Att'g. Surg. St. Luke's and Bellev. Hosps. /J- E. 4gth St. , N. Y. City. Earl Mathevvson. Uncasville, Conn. Walter Mendelson, Formerly Examiner in Physiol, and Instr. in Unicology and Clin. Microscopy, Formerly Asst. Phys. Roosevelt Hosp. 159 ^' 74t^ -S"/., N. Y. City. Clinton Hart Merriam, (NATURALIST), Chief of Division of Ornithology and Mammalogy U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. Washington, D. C. Julius Edgar Moith. Fishkill-on -Hudson, N. Y. George Evertson Moore.* aet. 40. *i89i Charles Pemberton Murray,* A.B. Coll. N. J. 1875 and A.M. aet. 35. *i89o Arthur Thomas Muzzy, A.B. Amherst Coll. 1874, Charity Hosp. 1881, Health Dept. City of N. Y. 1881-83, Asst. Surg. N. Y. E. and E. Inf. 1881-91, Vis. Ophth. Christ Hosp. Jersey City, 1888-. 100 E. S7th St. , N. Y. City. John Joseph O'Mahony.* Ernest Palmer, Ex-Dem. Histol. and Pathol, and now Surg. L. I. Coll. Hosp., Gynse. Surg. Kings Co. Hosp., Insp. Health Dept. 1880-85, Att'g Surg. St. Mary's Hosp, 1882-85. 753" Clinton St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Theodore Dwight Palmer.* aet. 23. *i879 Emerson Bennett Potter. Purdy Station, N. Y. John Symmonds Radway (mf), IS I W. 7 2d St., N. Y. City. William Legrange Ralph. Utica, N. Y. Charles Reed. ^53 ^Ih A v., Brooklyn, N. Y. George Whiting Ross, A.B. Amherst Coll. 1877 and A.M. 1880. Carrollton, III. Charles Irving Simon, Police and Fire Surg, and City Phys., Health Warden. g26 Bloom field St., Hobo ken, N. y. Joseph William Stickler, Jr., B.S. Univ. N. Y. City 1876 and A.B. 1878. /jrj Centre St., Orange, N. y. George Montague Swift, A.B. Amherst Coll. 1876 and A.M. 1879, House Phys. Bellev. Hosp. N. Y., Resident Phys. N. Y. Found. Asy., now Vis. Phys. St. Mary's Free Hosp. for Children. 2g E. jist St. , N. Y. City. Thomas Delano Swift,* A.B. Rutgers Coll. 1875 and A.M. 1878. aet. 34. *i888. Ernest Taylor Tappey, A.B. Univ. of Mich. 1873 and A.M. 1876, Prof. Clinical Surg. Detroit Coll. of Med. 141 Fort St. W.y Detroit, Mich. Frederick Meyers Townsend, B. S. Coll. City N. Y. 1876. j6 W. 2 1 St St., N. Y. City. John Franklin Valentine, Chief. Surg. L. I. R. R. Co. i^o Noble St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Waldron Burritt Vanderpoel, A.B. Dartmouth Coll. 1876, Att'g Phys. Den- net Disp., Vis. Phys. Randall's Is. Hosp., Fellow N. Y. Acad. Med. J 06 E. 24th St., N. Y. City. Simon Joseph Walsh. 9 E. J2gth St., N. Y. City. Charles Rudolph Weed, House Surg. St. Elizabeth's Hosp. Utica N. Y. 1880, Surg. Eastern Disp. N. Y. 1882-85, U. S. Pension Surg. 1893-. Utica, N. Y. John Adams Wells, A.B. Yale Coll. 1876. Englewood, N. y. Howard Graham Wetmore, B.S. Amherst Coll. 1876, Ex-Interne Presb. Hosp., Dist. Phys. N. Y. Lying- in Asy., Ex-IDist. Vis. Phys. Northern Disp. 55 W. loth St., N. Y. City. John Wiggins, A.B. Harv. Univ. 1876. Chattanooga, Tenn. 1879-80] GRADUATES IN MEDICINE, 219 Charles Edward Williams, A.B. Colby Univ. 1874. Houlton, Me, Benjamin Wood, Jr., Surg. Police Dept. 846 E. idsth St., N. V. City. Samuel Augustus Wood. Woodside, L. I., N. Y. Carl Wormser. Orange City, Iowa. William Franklin Wright. 55 W. loth St., N. V. City. 1880 94 Edwin Boardman Adams. Springfield, Mass. James Glen Allan, A.B. McGill Coll. Montreal 1872. J9/ Macon St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Lauren Melville Allen. 75- Washington St., S. Norwalk, Conn. John Alsdorf. 46 W. 64th St., N. Y. City. Theodore Prudden Bailey, Instr. Dermatology Albany Med. Coll., Disp. Surg. Albany City Hosp. 95 Eagle ^t., Albany, N. Y. Charles Paul Barney. John Alfred Benson, A.M. elsewhere, Lab. Asst. to Prof, of Physiol. Col. Coll., Ex-Supt. Cook Co. (III.) Hosp. for Insane. Ex-Sec. Cook Co. Hosp. Med. Staff, Ex-Prof. Histology and Micro- scopy Chicago School of Dermatology, Ex-Rec. Sec. Coll. of Phys. and Surg. Chicago, Prof. Physiol, and Asso. Chief Dept. of Clin. Med. in same. 24J IVarren Av., Chicago, III. John Jacob Bissett, P. A. Eng'r U. S. N. Retired 1882. J02 E. J 2d St., Pater son, N. y. Simeon Cole Bradley. Rochester, N. Y. Washington Jones Brandt. jyg Union St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Frederic Tilden Brown, A.B. elsewhere. 40 E. jist St., N. Y. City. Judson Colby Brown, (m). g2 Maiden Lane, N. Y. City. Patrick Morris Burke, Surg. Ills. Central, C. B. & Q. and C. R. I. & P. R. R.'s. La Salle, III. George Hoyt Calley, Bristol, N. Y. William Cunningham Campbell, A.B. Coll. N. J. 1877 and A.M. 1880. Phys. N. Y. Orphan Asylum. 2^g W. 42d St., N. Y. City. George Alexander Cardwell. Brooklyn, N. Y. Levi Welts Case, A.B. elsewhere. Chester, N. J. William Edward Conroy, A.B. 1875, A.M. 1880, Oculist U. S. Pension Office Washington D. C. 1885-87. Saginaw, Mich. Patrick Louis Creedon, Sec. Health Bd. Southbridge Mass. Globe Village, Mass. Thomas Darlington, Jr., Att'g Phys. N. Y. Foundling Hosp. Kingsbridge, N. Y. City. William Adams Dayton, Att'g Surg. Smith Ear and Throat Clinic, Consulting Surg. Bkln. Throat Hosp., late Instr. in Otology N. Y. Post-Grad. School, Asst. Surg. Manhattan Eye & Ear Hosp. and Surg. Ear and Throat Dept. Harlem Disp. North Tarrytown, N. Y. George Sheldon De Groot. Mendham, N. y. William Edgar Derry, Clin. Asst. N. Y. Ophth. and Aural Inst. Dover, Morris Co., N. y. Frank Guy Devereux, Exam. Life Ins. Co.'s. Kezar Falls^ Me. Frederic Henry Dillingham, A.B. Bowdoin Coll. 1877 ^'^d A.M. 1880, Asst. San. Supt. Bd. of Health N. Y. City, Lect. on Dermatology N. Y. Polyclinic. 6j6 Lexington Av., N . Y. City. John Fletcher Duffield, A.B. Coll. N. J. 1876 and A.M. 1879. E. Orange, N. y. John Frederic Scoresby Eastgate. Ellenville, N. Y. John Tracey Edson, Grad. U. S. Naval Acad., Prof. Anat. and Clin. Surg. Univ. of Denver, Att'g Phys. St. Luke's Hosp. Denver Col. ^737 California St., Denver, Col. Peter Ralph Egan, (usa), Capt. and Asst. Surg. U. S. A., Post Surg. Ft. Custer, Mont. Ft. Custer, Mont. 220 GRADUATES IN MEDICINE. [1880 Gustavus Eliot, A.B. Yale Coll. 1877 and A.M. 1882, Prest. New Haven (Conn.) Med. Assn. 1893. 2og Church St. , New Haven, Conn. Paul Fitzsimons Eve, M.D. Nashville Med. Coll. 1878, Asst. Demon- strator Anat. Nashville Med. Coll., Prof. Surg, etc. Med. Dept. Univ. Tenn. Nashville^ Tenn. William John Fields. ij6 W. 8 I St St., N Y. City. John Frank, Phys. to Kings Co. Insane Asy. 1880-81, Phys. Kings Co. Hosp. 1881-82. /// Rivington St., N. V. City. Charles Warren Selah Frost. Waterbury, Conn. Henry Salvin Gill,* Grad. Univ. Edin. aet. 38. *i8gi Charles Green, M.D. elsewhere. Greenville, Del. Gordon Robert Hall, A.B. Amherst Coll. 1872. Brooklyn, N. Y. George Albert Harris. Chepachit, R. I. Frederic J. Harter. Herkimer, N. Y. Frank Hartley, A.B. Coll. N. J. 1877, Asst. Demonstrator Anat. 1885-87 and Demonstrator 1887-, Lect. Col. Coll. on Oper. Surg, upon Cad- aver, also ist Asst. Att'g Surg. Roosevelt Hosp., Att'g Surg. N. Y. Hosp. 46 E. 34th St. N. Y. City. John Sanger Hawley, A.B. elsewhere. N. Y. City. William Coe Holmes. Waterbury, Conn. Luther Emmett Holt, A.B. Univ. Rochester 1875 and A.M. 18^8, Prof. Diseases Children N. Y. Polyclinic, Vis. Phys. Nursery and Child's Hosp. and Babies' Hosp., Consult. Phys. Hosp. for Ruptured and Crippled. 75- E. S4th St., N. Y. City. Samuel Augustus Hopkins, D.D.S. elsewhere. 2jj Marlborough St., Boston, Mass. Alfred Swift Houghton. 483 West End Av., N. Y. City. Stephen Yates Howell, A.B. 1877, A.M. 1880, M.D. Hahnemann Med. Coll. Phila. 1882, Prof. Pathol, and Direct. Path. Lab. Univ. Buffalo N. Y., M. R. C. S., Eng. 1892. 164 Franklin St. , Buffalo, N. Y. Joseph Hiiger, Health Insp'r. Fort Lee, N. J. Frederic Thomas Hume, (arch), Ph.B. 1893. 82 E. jgth St., N. Y. City. William Alexander Hume. 82 E. 7gth St., N. Y. City. Harry Hungerford,* Mem. Bd. of AVarden and Burgesses, Post-Surgeon Stamford Conn., Surg.- Gen. State Conn. 1889. *i893 Phineas Henry Ingalls, A.B. Bowdoin Coll. 1877 and A.M. 1885, Vis. Gynaecol. Hartford (Conn.) Hosp. J 12 High St. , Hartford, Conn. Cyrus Kay, [Jr.], Police Commr. Herkimer six years. Herkimer, N. Y. Henry Judson Kelly, Lect. Surgery N. Y. Polyclinic. 233 E. 1 8th St., N. Y. City. Reuel Baker Kimball, A.B. Coll. N. J. 1877 and A.M. 1880, Exam. Materia Med. and Therap. 1884-87. 20 W. 47th St., N. Y. City. Robert Phelps Knight. Lakeville, Conn. David La Bau.* Louis Philip Lauer, A.B. and A.M. St. John's Coll. 62g E. I J 4th St., N. Y. City. Henry Fiske Leonard, M.D.V. Harv. Univ. 1891, Lect. Veterinary Anat. Harvard Univ. 2g7 Netvbury St., Boston, Mass. David Fletcher Lucas, L.C. elsewhere. 55^ Pacific St. , Brooklyn, N. Y. Andrew James McCosh, A.B. Coll. N. J. 1877 and A.M. 1880, Prof. Surgery N. Y. Polyclinic, Vis. Surg. Presb. Hosp. 600 Madison Av., N. Y. City. Lewis Hackaliah Miller, A.B. Madison (Colgate) Univ. and A.M. 1877, Health Officer South East (N. Y.) 1887-89. 3gi Lewis Av., Brooklyn, N. Y. Frank Walton Mitchell. Middletown, Cal. George Henry Moller, Jr.* aet. 39. Roscoe Norris Moulton.* aet. 25. *i892 ♦1883 i88o] GRADUATES IN MEDICINE. 221 Francis Wisner Murray, A.B. Yale Coll. 1877, Vis. Surg. N.'Y. Hosp., Vis. Surg. St. Luke's Hosp. 38 W. 36th St., N. Y. City. Jacob Nehrbas, B.S. Coll. City N. Y. 1877. gd Teneyck St., Brooklyn, N. V. William James Nelson, Jr., B.S. Rutgers Coll. 1877. Newmarket, N. y. Robert Pettit Newman, (m). 30J Fulton St., Brooklyn, N. V. Henry Wilfred Norton. 46J state St., Brooklyn, N. V. Thomas Heath Nott, M.D. L. I. Coll. Hosp. 1874. Goliad, Texas. Frank Joseph O'Hare, A.B. St, Francis Xavier's Coll. N. Y., Coroner's Phys. N. Y. Co. 3S4 E. ygth St. , N. Y. City. Frank W. Olds, A.B. Williams Coll. 1876. 26 W. yist St., N. Y. City. Leverett William Olin. Elmdale, Ind. John Elba Owen, M.D. elsewhere. Evansville, Ind. Benjamin Wood Palmer. Detroit, Mich. George DuBois Parmly,* A.B. Coll. N. J. 1876 and A.M. 1879. aet. 33. *i89o Francis Salmon Quackenbos, Amb. Surg. Bellev. Hcsp., Asst. Phys. N. Y. City Insane Asy., Att'g ^^J^- ^* Y. Disp., Asst. Res. Surg, Union Pacific Hosp. at Denver Colo, Hartford, Conn. James Almarin Quinn, St. Paul, Minn. Charles P, Remsen, A.B. Coll. N. J. 1877. 12 E. nth St., N. Y. City. James West Roosevelt, Lect. on Clin, Med, Col, Coll. 1886-. 32 E. 31st St., N. Y. City. Jacob Livingston Roseboom, A.B. Yale Coil, 1876, U, S, Exam, Surg, for Pensions, 628 E. Main St., Rochester, N. Y. Henry Emory Rothe, Deputy Co, Phys. Hudson Co. N. J., Memb. Bd. of Health and Postmaster Harrison N, J, Harrison, Hudson Co., N. y. William Henrv Gulliver Rowe, M.S. elsewhere. Theodore Delos Rupert. Geneva, N. Y. John Francis Russell. 172 W. loth St., N. Y. City. Ernst Schottky, Ph.D. elsewhere, Surg. German Disp,, Urino-Gen, Surg. German Hosp. JSi W. 43d St., N. Y. City. Louis William Schultze, Coroner City and Co, of N. Y, (two terms), 228 W. I 3 2d St., N. Y. City. Harris Gray Sherman, Cons, Oculist City Hosp. Cleveland O. Cleveland, O. Harry Mitchell Sherman, A.B. Trin. Coll. Conn. 1877 ^"^ A.M. 1880, Orth. Surg. Children's Hosp. San Fran- cisco Cal., Prof, of Orth. Surg. San Fran- cisco Polyclinic, the Post-Grad. Med. Dept. of the Univ. of Cal. 705 Sutter St., San Francisco, Cal. William Kelly Simpson, Clin. Asst. Dis. Throat and Nose Col, Coll., Att'g Surg. O. D, D. Presb. Hosp. gj2 Lexington A v., N. Y. City. Edgar Bronson Smith. 13 Greene St., Providence, R. I. Malek Adhel Southworth. Little Falls, N. Y. Charles Robert Starkweather. IV. Cummington, Mass. Alfred Russell Starr, (dent), D. D. S. N. Y. Coll. of Dentistry 1880, Asst. Chair Dental Surg, and Therapeu- tics N. Y. Coll. Dentistry 1884-. 164 E. gist St. , N. Y. City. Moses Allen Starr, A.B. Coll. N. J. 1S76 and A.M. 1879 and Ph.D. 1884, Prof, of Nerv. Diseases N. Y. Polyclin. 1886-89, Prof. Dis. Mind and Nerv, System Col. Coll. i88q-, Prest. N. Y. Neurological Soc. 1892-93. 22 W. 48th St., N. Y. City. Heydon Starrett. 347 W. 24th St., N. Y. City. Robert Shields Stedman. J 34 E.^3th St., N. Y. City. William Stephenson, (usa), Capt. and Asst. Surg. U. S. A. Barracks, Bois^ City, Idaho. William Peckham Stutson. Cummington, Mass. 222 GRADUATES IN MEDICINE. [1880-8 I Arthur Wilson Taylor, (usa), Asst. Surg. U. S. A. Fori Adams, R. I. Gabriel Wolfgang Teschner, B.S. Coll. City N. Y. 66 Rivingion St. , N. V. City. John Seymour Thacher, A.B. Yale Coll. 1877. 33 ^. 39th St., N. Y. City. William Morrison Thallon.* aet. 30. Allen Mason Thomas, [Jr.], Ph.B. Yale Coll. 1877, Phys.-in-Chief N. Y. State Emigrant Hosp. 1884-89. 64 IV. sot h St., N. v. City. Wisner Robinson Townsend, A.B. 1877, A.M. 1880, Asst. Surg. Hosp. for Rupt. and Cripp., Orth. Surg. French Hosp., Cons. Surg. Bayonne (N. J.) Hosp. ^c? IV.jgih St., N. V. City. George Montgomery Tuttle, A.B. Yale Coll. 1877, Lect. Col. Coll. 1884-85, and Prof. Gynaecol. 1885-. 4g IV. jSth St., N. V. City. Samuel Houston Van Cleve, Coroner Dodge Co. Minn. Mantorville, Minn. Andrew Britton Van Home.* A.B. Coll. N. J. 1877. *i888 Frederic Montresor Warner, Vis. Phys. City Hosp, and Cons. Phys. French Hosp. 66 W.s6ih St., N. V. City. Louis Raymond Warren. Terre Haute, Ind. Edmund Charles Wendt, M.D. Univ. of Strasbourg Germany 1877, late Att'g Phys. N. Y. Infant Asy., Fellow N. Y. Acad. Med., Sec. N. Y. Neuro- logical Soc, Prest. Manhattan Med. and Surg. Soc, Curator and Path. St. Francis' Hosp. 1879-91, Curator and Path. St. Luke's Hosp. 1882, Curator and Path. N. Y. Infant Asy. 1884-88, Att'g Phys. St. Joseph's Asy. till 1891. 712 Madison Av., N. Y. City. George Rensselaer Westfall. Germantowti, A\ Y. Henry Mason Wheeler, M.D. Univ. of Mich. 1877. Grand Forks, N. D. Henry Green Wildman. Danbury, Conn. Charles Wesley Wilkins. Edgar Campbell Wilkinson. Henry Howard Wynne. Denver, Col. I88I 117 Stanton Allen. Brooklyn, N. Y. William Allen Bartlett. 50 W. S3d St., N. Y. City. Joshua Lindley Barton, Instr. N. Y. Post-Grad. Med. School and Hosp., Att'g Surg. Bellev. Hosp. 57 E. ssth St., N. Y. City. Willard Parker Beach, Asst. to Surg. Chair St. John's Hosp. Brooklyn, Att'g Phys, Atlantic Av. Disp. Brooklyn. 12S Cambridge PI., Brooklyn, N. Y. Gustav Albert Becker, Coroner Morris Co. (N. J.) 1887-90. 16 Court St., Morris town, N. y. Charles Day Bennett, B.S. Coll. N. J. 1878, Treas. Essex Dist. (N. J.) Med. Soc, Att'g Phys. Newark (N. J.) City Hosp., St. Michael's Hosp. and Newark City Almshouse 1885-92. 767 Clinton A v., Newark, N. y. Henry Hudson Bennett. 2ig W. 43d St., N. Y. City. Henry Woolfe Berg, A.B. Coll, City N. Y. 1878, Att'g Surg. N. Y. Orth. Disp. 24s yth St., N. Y. City. Thomas Wotton Bickerton, Supt. Phys, Colored Home and Hosp. N. Y. SS6 West End Av.,N. Y. City. William Hassert Biggam, [Jr.], Ex-Prest, Montgomery Co. (N. Y.) Med. Soc, Ins. Examiner, Vis. Phys, Brooklyn Home for Aged Men. logs Dean '^^•» Brooklyn, N'. Y. Harry Martin Brace. Perth Amboy, N. y. Arthur Bacon Breese, Chief Staff Woman's and Children's Hosp, Syracuse N, Y, 400 Fayette Park, Syracuse, N. Y. William Robert Bross. 120 Broadway, N. Y. City. Josiah Carter Cable. j>99 Monroe St., Brooklyn, N. Y. i88i] GRADUATES IN MEDICINE, 223 Augustus [George] Caille, Ph.G. N. Y. Coll. Phar. 1872, M.D. Univ. of Wiirzburg Germany 1877, 2d V.-Prest. Amer. Pediatric Soc, Prof. Children's Diseases N, Y. Post-Grad. Med. School, Vis. Phys, German Hosp., Cons. Phys. Isabella Home and Hosp. 18^ Second Av., N. Y. City. John Andrew Callaway. Milledgeville, Ga. Amory Chapin. 27 W. _5ist St., N. V. City. Henry Dwight Chapin, B.Sc. Coll. N. J. 1877 and A.M. 1884, Prof. Dis. Children N. Y. Post-Grad. Med. Sch. and Hosp., Prest. Pediatric Sec. N. Y. Acad. Med. 27 IV. J IS t St., N, V. City. Charles William Chastain, M.D. Univ. of Mo. 1880, Director of Schools. Plaitsburg, Clinton Co., Mo. James Henry Clark, A.M. Williams Coll., Police Surg. Newark N. J. 1885-, 12 IValnut St., Newark, N. y. John Alexander Cochran, Surg. 13th Regt. N. G., S. N. Y., Food Insp'r Health Dept. Brooklyn N. Y. 127 Seventh Av., Brooklyn, N. Y. George Henry Codding. Amenia, Dutchess Co., N. Y. Thomas Benton Columbia, jj-/ W. 48th St., N. Y. City. Edward Thomas Cornwall. Cheshire, Conn. Reuben Melville Cramer, A.B. Dartmouth Coll. 1877. /// W. S4th St. , N: Y. City. Frank Dwight Crim, B.S. Cornell Univ. 1877. Lincoln, Neb. Everett Mallory Culver, A.B. elsewhere. 34 ^. SS^^ St., N. Y. City. Andrew Fay Currier, A.B. Yale Coll. 1878 and M.D. 1880, Gynaecol- ogist Bellev. Hosp. O. D. P. Dept., Asst. Surg. N. Y. Skin and Cancer Hosp, j^g E. J7ih St., N. Y. City. Benjamin Farquhar Curtis, A.B. 1878, Clin. Prof. Surg. Woman's Med. Coll. N. v., Chief Dept. Surg. Vanderbilt Clinic, Surg. St. Luke's Hosp. and to N. Y. Cancer Hosp. J07 Madison Av., N. Y. City. Charles Erastus Darrow, A.B. Univ. of Roch. 1877 and A.M. 1880. 116 East Av., Rochester, N. Y. Robert Hugh McKay Dawbarn, Instr. in Minor Surg. Coll. P. and S. 1885, Prof. Op. Surg, and Prac. Anat. N. Y. Polyclinic, Fellow Acad. Med. joj W. 74th St., N. Y. City. Robert John Devlin, B.S. Coll. City N. Y. 1878. JS6 W. jjth St., N. Y. City. Henry Wells Dewey, Prest. Board U. S. Exam. Surgeons for Pensions State of Washington. Tacoma, Wash. Alexander Duane, A.B. Union Coll. 1878, Asst, Surg. N. Y. Eye & Ear Infirmary 1883-86, Clin. Asst, N. Y, Oph, and Aural Instit. 1891-92, Asst. Surg, same 1893-. 23 W. jist St., N. Y. City. Frank Albert Durgin.* ♦1886 Cyrus Edson, Med. San. Insp'r, Chief Insp'r, San. Supt., Commr. of Health N. Y. Board of Health, Surg, and Lt,-Col, N, G,, S, N. Y. Prest. Board of Phar. City and Co. of N. Y., Prof. Chem. N. Y. Dental Sch. g W. 4gth St., N. Y. City. William Green Eggleston, A.B. elsewhere. Daniel Elliott, County Phys. Essex Co. N. J. Ne-wark, N. J. George Robert Elliott. 48 E. 26th St., N. Y. City. Charles Sebastian Fischer, Jr., A.M. Trin. Coll. Conn. 1882, Phys. Mutual Aid Assn. J JO W. i2Sth St., N. Y. City. Frederick William Flagge, Ex-Prest. Morris Co. (N. T.) Med. Soc, Member Rockaway (N. J.) Health Bd. Rockaway, Al orris Co., N. y. James Stephen Foote, A.B. elsewhere. Wichita, Kan. Clarence Edward Foster, Surg. D. & H. C. Co., Phys. to County Jail, Med. Exam, for eleven insurance companies. Honesdale, Pa. Charles Anson Fox, Post Surg. Conn, for Hartford Dist. 1884-86. Hartford, Conn. Thomas Townsend Gaunt. , S2 W. 33d St., N. Y. City. Charles Parsons Gildersleeve. Brooklyn, N. Y. 224 GRADUATES IN MEDICINE, [1881 Charles Harvey Glidden. Little Falls, N. V. Albert Caleb Griffin, M.D. elsewhere, late Instr. in N. Y. Post-Grad. Med. Sch. Whitestone, L. /., N. V. Judson Worthington Hastings, A.B. Brown Univ. 1876, Town Clerk and Treas, Agawam Mass. 1888-. Agawam, Mass. William Beardsley Hawkins.* aet. 36. *i893 John Powell Henry, City Phys. Jersey City, on Health Board. j68 Congress St., Jersey City, N. y. Jos6 Victor Hernandez.* *i88i Purdy Leander Hitchcock, Health Officer town of Somers N. Y., Surg. Croton Magnetic Iron Mines, also to Clover Hill Iron Mines. Croton Falls, N. V. Lucius Wallace How. gjo Amsterdam A v., N. V. City. Alonzo Clark Hunt, A.B. Coll. N. J. 1878 and A.M. 1881, on State Board of Health N. J. Metuchen, N. J. Charles Abram Jersey. 2J4 W. is2d St., N. v. City. Carlton Rogers Jewett, A.B. Yale Coll. 1878. Buffalo, N. V. Morris Lee King. J46 Broadway , N. V. City. Joseph Moses Ward Kitchen, Acting Surg. Metropolitan Throat Hosp., Instr. Post-Grad. Med. Coll., Surg, Orange (N. J.) Memorial Hosp. Clinic. g4 Prospect St. , E. Orange, N. y. Henry Koplik, A.B. Coll. City N. Y. 1878, House Staff Bellev. Hosp. 1881-83, Asst. Hist. Col. Coll. 1883- 85, now Att'g Phys. Good Samaritan Disp., Asst. Att'g Phys. Mt. Sinai Hosp. lyS £' 70th St., N. Y. City. James Little Kortright, B.S. Univ. N. Y. City 1878, House Phys. Foundling Asy., Att'g Phys. St. Catha- rine's Hosp. and Kings Co. Hosp. 2^2 Rodney St., Brooklyn, N. Y. B. Abbott Lindsey. 136 W. 44th St., N. Y. City. Robert Campbell Lumsden. Rockaway, N. y. James Walter Lyman. 424 W. 34th St., N. Y. City. George Barclay McCallum, M.D. elsewhere. Monroe, Mich. Harry Bruce McCarroll, A.B. Yale Coll. 1878. 18 W. 6 1 St St., N. Y. City. Joseph McChesney, A.B. Hamilton Coll., Vis. Surg. Plumas (Cal.) Genl. Hosp. Quincy, Plumas Co., Cal. William Carnahan McGiifert, A.B. elsewhere. Hudson, N. Y. Henry Addison Mandeville. South Orange, N. y . James William Martin. Barge Office, N. Y. City. Edgar Alexander Mearns, (usa), Asst. Surg. U. S. A. Care Adjutant-General, Washing ton ^ D. C. James Nelson Miller. Layton, N. y. Henry Moffat, A.B. Coll. N. J. 1875 and A.M. 1878, Memb. N. Y. Acad. Med., Att'g Surg. St. Joseph's Hosp. and St. Paul's Nursery and Home Yonkers, N. Y. Yonkers, N. Y. James Atwater Moors. West Winfield, N. Y. Edward Munson, A.M. Hobart Coll. 1881. Medina, N. Y. William Haughton Murray, B.S. Coll. N. J. 1878 and A.M. 1886, Att'g Phys. Muhlenberg Hosp. Plainfield N. J, Plainfield, N. y. Jonas Rein Nilsen. 9 E. S3d St., N. Y. City. Arthur Nolte, M.D. elsewhere. 46g Camp St., New Orleans, La. Michael Charles Noonan. Lowell, Mass. George O'Gorman. Newark, N. y. Edmund James Palmer, A.B. Wesleyan Univ. 1878 and A.M. 1881. 1342 Lexington Av., N. Y. City. Samuel Pierson, Vis. Phys. St. John's Hosp. Stamford, Conn. William Logan Piatt. Torrington, Conn. i88i] GRADUATES IN MEDICINE. 225 William Cranston Post, City Phys. New Bedford Mass. 1884-86. New Bedford^ Mass. Harden De Valson Pratt, Jr., A.B. and A.M. elsewhere. 1^0 Main St. , Ebnira^ N. Y. William Rice Pryor, Adj. Prof. Gynaecol. N. Y. Polyclinic, Vis. Gynaecol. St. Elizabeth's Hosp. i_S Park Av., N. V. City. Reber Floyd Quigley, A.B. Oberlin Coll. 1874, Surg. L. S. & M. S. R;y. Co., Exam. Surg. K. & T. M. Mut. Life Ins. Co., U. S. Marine Phys. and Surg. Vermillion^ O. Everett Menzies Raynor, Surg. N. v., N. H. & H. R. R. 182 Willis A v., N. Y. City. Stuart Hanckel Reed, A.B. elsewhere. Common Councilman Madison N.J. Madison, N. J. Joseph Mayer Rice. i486 Lexington Av., N, Y. City. De Witt Clinton Romaine, B.S. Coll. City N. Y. 1877, U. S. Pension Exam. Surg. N. Y, 47 J Hudson St. , N. Y. City. Harry H. Seabrook, Asst. Bellev. Hosp. 1881-82 and House Surg. 1882-83, Asst. Surg. N. Y. E. and E. Infirmary 1885-90 and Surg. 1890-. 118 E. 22d St., N. Y. City. Richard Franklin Beattie Seaman. Locust Valley, N. Y. William Shepard Seamans, A.B. Harv. Univ. 1877, Ins. Exam. 16 W. S2d St., N. Y. City. Frederic Smith Sellew, 61 E. ygth St., N. Y. City. David Beattie Smiley. Middletown, N. Y. Lee Herbert Smith, M.D. Univ. of Buffalo 1877, Med. Exam. Eclectic Med. Soc. State N. Y. 224 Ebnwood Av., Buffalo, N. Y. Asa Fry Speicher, Memb. Pa. Legislature 1884. Elk Lick, Pa. Edward Hamilton Squibb (mf), B.S. Harv. Univ. 1878, Treas. Kings Co. (N. Y.) Med. Assn. and Sec. So. Branch N, Y. State Med. Assn. J 48 Colu??ibia Hts., Brooklyn, N. Y. Frank Eugene Stevens. Bridgton, Me. Frank Oakley Stockton, late Prof. Laryngology and Rhinology Coll. of Phys. and Surg. Chicago lU., also of Chicago Polyclinic. // W. Park St., Neiuark, N J. John Edward Summers, Jr. Omaha, Neb. George Pearce Swords.* aet. 25. *i885 Henry Ling Taylor, Ph.B. Yale Univ. 1877, V.-Prest. Am. Orth. Assn. 1892, Sec. Northwestern Med. and Surg. Soc. 1892-93. 201 W. J 4th St., N. Y. City. Jacob Teschner. IS4 E. 61st St., N. Y. City. William Oilman Thompson, Ph.B. Yale 1877, Prof. Physiology Med. Dept. Univ. Coll. N. Y. City, Vis. Phys. N. Y. and Presb. Hosps. 4g E. joth St. , N. V. City. Bvron Vincent Tompkins, Ph.B. Wesleyan Univ. 1881, Att'g Phys. Chil- dren's Hosp. St. John's Guild, Med. Exam. Mutual Life Ins. Co. 26 W. 6 1 St St., N. Y. City. Oeorge Trowbridge. N. Y. City. Thomas Butler Van Alstyne, M.D. elsewhere. Grand Island, Neb. John Van der Poel, A.B. Rutgers Coll. 1878, Lect. on Obstetrics Univ. City of N. Y. 1884-88, Clin. Asst. Vanderbilt Clinic 1888-. 36 W.jgth St., N. Y. City. John Letson Van Deventer. Bynumville, Mo. William Townsend Van Vreden- burgh, Jr. 346 Broadway, N. Y. City. Sheldon Voorhees, M.D. Albany Med. Coll. 1879. Auburn, N. Y. John Warren. 47 E. 30th St., N. Y. City. Edgar Theodore Weed, A.B. Coll. City N. Y. 1877, House Surg. Roosevelt Hosp. N. Y. City 1881-82, Curator Randall's Is. Hosp. 1885. 246 Lenox Av., N. Y. City. Stephen Edward Whitman. Brooklyn, N. Y. Henry Hamilton Williams.* aet. 27. *i885 226 GRADUATES IN MEDICINE, [1881-82 John Walter Wood,A.B. CoU. City N. Y. 1878 and A.M. 1881, Ex-Health Officer Port Richmond N. Y., Ex-Coroner Richmond Co. N. Y., Vis. Surg. S. R. Smith Inf. Port Richmond, N. V. Jonathan Henry Woods. N. V. City. William Henry Wright. Philadelphia, Pa. 1882 120 Charles Smith Allaben. Margaretville, Delaware Co., N. V. Anson Willis Anderson. Frank Edwin Baker. 10 Elm St. , Orange, N. J. Abram Van Nest Baldwin, A.B. Rutgers Coll. 1879, and A.M. New Brunswick, N. y. Calvin Fremyre Barber, Att'g Phys. Kings Co. Hosp. and Eye & Ear Hosp. Bkln. j6 Lafayette A v., Brooklyn, N. V. Charles Coffing Beach. iig High St. , Hartford, Conn. Herman Scofield Beahan. Rochester, N. Y. William Francis Becker, Ex-ist-Asst. Insane Hosp. Manwatosa Wis., Cons. Neurologist Milwaukee (Wis.) Co. Hosp. Colby df A bbot Bldg. , Milwaukee, Wis. Charles Ogilvie Belden. Litchfield, Conn. Thomas Noyes Birnie, A.B. elsewhere. Springfield, Mass. Arthur Brown Bisbee, Med. Director Natl. Life Ins. Co. Montpelier, Vt. James Arthur Booth, A.B. 1878, Phys. Manhattan Eye & Ear Hosp. 41 g Madison Av., N. Y. City. Robert Bowne, Jr. N. Y. City. Charles Dodd Brewer. Springfield, Mass. Rush Montgomery Brown, A.B. elsewhere, Surg, to Ga. Southern and Florida R. R., Phys. to Ga. Convict System, Ins. Exam. Cor dele, Ga. Edson Card, [Jr.]. Health Officer Town of Carmel N. Y. Mahopac, Putnam Co., N. Y. Albert Bradley Carter. 22s W. 78th St., N. Y. City. De Lancy Carter, A.B. Univ. N. Y. City 1878. 114 E. 8sth St., N. Y. City. William Lang Chapman, M.D. Willamette Univ. 1881, Senior Surg. Occi- dental and Oriental S. S. Co. on Str. "Gaelic." ^ California Hotel, San Francisco, Cah James Samuel Clark, City Phys. Westfield, Mass. Harry Clark Coe, A.B. Yale Coll. 1878 and A.M. 1881, M. R. C. S., L. R. C. P. Eng. 1884. 2y E. 64th St., N. Y. City. Ellsworth Earl Colton. Yonkers, N. Y. Walter Jerome Corcoran, A.B. Holy Cross Coll. 1878. JO I Clinton St., Brooklyn, N. F. Charles Fisher Cripps. William Dorr Crosby, (usa), Ph.B. Beloit Coll. 1879, Asst. Surg. U. S. A. Care Adj. -General, Washington, D. C. Condict Walter Cutler, B.S. and M.S. elsewhere, Prof. Dermatology Univ. of Vt. 260 W.s7th St., N. Y. City, Edwin Lord Danielson. Lebanon, Conn. William Daniel Dietz, (usa), B.S. Coll. City N. v., Asst. Surg. U. S. A. Alcatraz Island, Cal. George Henry Donahue, A.B. elsewhere. 68 E. 20th St., N. Y. City. Arthur Coles Dougherty, Ex-Prest. Newark Med. Assn. 17 Warren St., Newark, N. y. Walter Israel Ducie, M.D. elsewhere. Galveston, Texas. Francis Edwin Dwight,* A.B. Hamilton Coll. 1878. aet. 27. John Duncan Emmett, M.D. Univ. Va. gi Madison Av., N. Y. City. ^1885 i882] GRADUATES IN MEDICINE. David Eugene English. Milburn^ Essex Co., N. J. Thomas Legare Fenn, Jr. N. V. City. Albert Warren Ferris, A.B. Univ. N, Y. City 1878 and A.M. 1885, Res. Phys. Sanford Hall, (Flushing) N.Y. i885-<)i, Trustee and Treasr, Rutgers Female Coll. N. Y. City 1891-92, Asst. Nerv. Dis. Vanderbilt Clinic N. Y. City 1893-. 12 E. 47th St., N. V. City. Edward Matthew Fleming. iyS_^ Lexijtgton Av., N. Y. City. Alpheus Freeman, [Jr.], Att'g Phys. Presb. Hosp. Disp. and to St. Luke's Home. I2J E. 'J4th St., N. V. City. Charles Mason Frissell. 80 14th St., Wheeling, IV. Va. Eraser Chisholm Fuller,* M.D. Homeo. Med. Coll., House Surg. Bellev. Hosp. aet .31. *i892 John Edward Gallagher. Lowell, Mass. William Delano Garlock. Little Falls, N. Y. John Blair Gibbs, A.B. and M.D. elsewhere. 28 W. 20th St., N. Y. City. William James Gibson, A.B. Coll. N. J. 1880. Asheville, N. C. Richard Giles. Cold Spring-on- Ffuds on, A^. Y. Charles Humphrey Goodwin. William Samuel Gottheil, M.D. Cornell Univ. 1878, Prof. Pathology Am. Vet. Coll., Lect. Dermatology N. Y. Poly- clinic, House Phys. Charity Hosp., Vis. Phys., Lebanon Hosp. ^J ^. JJ^ '^A, N. Y. City. William Edgar Graham.* Joseph Francis Gray, B.S. elsewhere. Vis. Phys, St. Elizabeth's Hosp. S26 IV. J 1st St., N. Y. City. Frank Edward Greenleaf.* aet. 37. *i888 William Charles Hands. 324 E. 1 20th St., N. Y. City. Algernon John Harris. Candor, Tioga Co., N. Y. James Burr Harris. Sag Harbor, L. I., N. Y. Theodore Wilbur Harris. Springfield, N . J. Frank Hanson Harrison, Ph.B. Yale Coll. 1879. i2o_5]4. Golden Gate A v. N., San Fran- cisco, Cal, Thomas John Hillis. 57 Charlton St., N. Y. City. William Griffin Hoyt, 3S4 ^' 30th St., N. Y. City. Charles Hunter, A.B. elsewhere. 12 IV. Bijou St. , Colorado Springs, Col. George Quincy Johnson. Pine Plains, N. Y. William Pratt Kendall, (usa), Capt. and Asst. Surg. U. S. A. IVillet's Point, L. I. f and care of Adj. - Gen. U. S. A.). Michael Hamilton Kerwin,* M.D. elsewhere. aet. 35. *i89i Frederick Adrian Kinch, [Jr.]. IVestfield, N. J. George Henry Kirwan, U. S. Exam. Surg. Att'g Phys. Luzerne Co. (Pa.) Prison. Wilkes Barre, Pa. Charles George Koehler. Brooklyn, N. Y. Albert Edward Little. Robert McFate McAdoo. Samuel Adelbert MacBride. Hugo Frederick Mayer. 240 E. lo^th St., N. Y. City. Julius Isaac Metzger. 133 E. 60th St., N. Y. City. Norman Rogers Miller. Boston, Mass. Douglass William Montgomery, House. Surg. Chambers St. Hosp. N. Y. 1883, Ex-Prest. San Francisco Co. (Cal.) Med Soc, Ex-Prof. Patholo^ Univ. of Cal., Prof, of Dis. of the Skin Univ. of Cal., V.-Prest. San Francisco Micro- scopical Soc. 1 1 24 Sutter St., San Francisco, Cal. Robert Tuttle Morris, A.M. Centre Coll. Ky. 1891, Instr. Surgery N. Y. Post-Grad Med. School N. Y. City. 3S ^V. 33d St., N. Y. City. George Edgar Mulford. Morristown, N. J . 228 GRADUATES IN MEDICINE. [1882 Albert William Neufield, Ph.G. Coll. Pharmacy N. Y. City 1875. Ill E, 116th St., N. V, City. Marvin Reed Palmer. N. V. City. William Everett Palmer. Hornellsville, N. Y. Henry Parke. Pater son, N. J. Charles Augustus Peters.* aet. 26, *i887 John Leighton Phillips (usa), Capt. and Asst. Surg. U. S. A. Ft. Myer, Va. Louis Fellows Root. N. Y. City. Richard Wilkins Saylor. Easton, Pa. Leopold Schiller, Vis, Surg. Emergency Hosp. Milwaukee. '/i^ Grand A v., Milwaukee, Wis. Hermann Julius Schirmer, Health Phys. Guttenberg, la., U. S. Exam. Surg for Pensions Clayton Co. la. and Sec. of Board. Guttenberg, Clayton Co., la. William Benton Scranton, A.B. elsewhere. Hiram Henry Seelye, A.B. Amherst Coll. 1879 and A.M. 1882, M.D. Univ. N. Y. City 1881, Instr. in Physical Education Amherst Coll. Ajnherst, Mass. Gideon Cross Segur, Sec. Hartford (Conn.) Med. Soc, Att'g Phys. Dis. of Women Hartford Disp. Hartford, Conn. Edward Marland Senter.* Henry De Lacy Sherwood. Jersey City, N. J. James Logan Shiland, A.M. Lafayette Coll. 1883, Ex-Staff Mt. Sinai Hosp. N. Y. Greenwich, Conn. James Young Simpson, Commr. Public Schools Orange N. J., Att'g Phys. Orange Memorial Hosp., Surg. 3d Batt. N. G. N. J. Kansas City, Kan. Lee Balfour Slauter, Ex-officio City Phys. and Health Officer three years Ft. Worth Tex. Fort Worth, 'I ex. Edwards Montrose Smith. Newtown, Conn. ^885 James Frederick Smith, Westford, Mass. Newton Phineas Smith Norwich, Conn. Warren Clark Sneden. iji Prospect PI. , Brooklyn, N. Y. Edward Southworth,* A.B. Yale Coll. 1879. *i882 Henry William Stevens,* A.B. Williams Coll. 1879 and A.M., Asst. Pathologist N. Y. Hosp. aet. 33. *i89i Douglas Hunt Stewart. Ill W. 64th St., N. Y. City. John Patrick Sweeney. Seattle, Wash. Isaac Montrose Taylor, Ph.B. Univ. of N. C. 1879, Asst. Phys. State Hosp. Morgan ton N. C. Morganton, N. C. James Branch Taylor, A.B. 111. Wesleyan Univ. 1869 and A.M. 1871, Ex-Lect. Physiol and Hyg. 111. Wesleyan Univ. Bloomington, III. John Clarendon Todd, A.B. Rutgers Coll. 1879 and A.M., Health Offi- cer and School Trustee Tarrytown N. Y. Tarry town, N. Y. William W. Tompkins. Charleston, W. Va. Ira Otis Tracy, [Jr.], Asst. Med. Supt. Kings Co. Insane Asy. Flatbush, L. I., N. Y. Henry Cone Van Dolsen,* A.B. Rutgers Coll. 1878. aet. 30. *i887 Charles Gray Wagner, B.S. Cornell Univ. 1880, Ex-Interne Presb. Hosp. N. Y., Ex-Asst. Phys. Utica State Hosp. (seven years), now Supt. Bingham- ton State Hosp. Binghamton, N. Y. Walter James Walsh. 2y Chambers St., N. Y. Charles Nott Willis.* City. aet. 24. *i883 Ezra Herbert Wilson, Director Bacteriology Hoagland Lab. Brooklyn, Path. St. Mary's and King's Co. Hosps., late Prest. Brooklyn (N. Y.) Pathological Soc. ig4 Keap St. , Brooklyn, N. Y. Wolrad Winterberg, Cons. Surg. Woman's Hosp. IIJ2 Sutter St. , San Francisco, Cal. 1882-83] GRADUATES IN MEDICINE, 229 Albert Wolven. W. Skokan, N. Y. Charles Thurston Wood.* aet. 27. *i884 Julius Hayden Woodward, B.S. Cornell Univ. 1879, M.D. Univ. of Vt. 1882, Alumnus Bellev. Hosp., Prof. Ophth. and Otol. and Laryngol. Univ. of Vt., late Prof. Materia Med. and Ther. in same 1886-93. Burlington, Vt. Guilliam Arthur Zabriskie. joj E. ygth St., N. V. City. Peter John Zeglio. Warrenville, N. y. 115 1883 Onofrio Abruzzo. gS Park St., N. V. City. Edward Paul Bailey. 6 Stone St., Oneida ^ N. Y. Robert Barclay, A.B. Trin. Coll. Conn. 1880 and A.M. 1883. St. Louis, Mo. Walter Milo Barnum. San yuan del Norte, Nicaragua, C. A. Joseph Bidleman Bissell, Ph.B. elsewhere. S7 IV.sotk St., N. Y. City. Robert Alexander Black, Memb. Bd. Educat. Brooklyn. 106 yohnson St., Brooklyn, N. Y. George Street Bond. Washingtonville, Orange Co., N. Y. Charles Frank Booth. 117 E. 83d St., N. Y. City. Carl Nelson Brandt. Savannah, Ga. Rudolph Braun. 80 Bozuery St., Newark, A^. y. George Artemas Brown, A.B. Yale Coll. 1880, Supt. Institution for Education of Feeble-Minded Youth, Barre, Mass. Barre, Mass. John Hammell Brower Browning, Asst. Res. Phys. N. Y. City Insane Asy. Ward's Is., House Phys. and Surg. St. Francis' Hosp., Asst. Chair in Surg. N. Y. Polyclinic, Fellow Amer. Geog. Soc. 10 E. 43d St., N. Y. City. Albert Ferdinand Brugman. j88 E. 141st St., N. Y. City. James Buckley, Ex-Park Commr. Rochester N. Y. Rochester, N. Y. Thomas Stapleton Bullock, A.B. elsewhere. Louisville, Ky. Frank Benton Carpenter. 2^22 Market St., San Francisco, Cal. Charles Elmer Chandler. Montpelier, Vt. Walter Henry Chapin, A.B. Yale Coll. 1880, City Phys. Springfield Mass. 67s State St., Springfield, Mass. Arthur Norman Clark. South Nor walk. Conn. Charles Fremont Clark,* A.M. Jefferson Coll. 1878, House Surg. Brooklyn (N. Y.) Hosp. 1884. aet. 36. *i892 Arthur Baylies Coffin, Ph.B. Yale Univ. 1880, Att'g Phys. Boston Home for Incurables. Dorchester, Mass. Henry Leber Coit, Ph.G. N. Y. Coll. Phar. 1876, Prest. Practition- ers' Club Newark N. J., Prest. Mt. Tabor (N. J.) Bd. of Health. 63 New St. , Newark, N. y. Philander Collard, Censor and V.-Prest. Westchester Co. (N. Y.) Med. Soc. 31 Spring St. , Sing Sing, N. Y. George Foster Comstock, U. S. Exam. Surg, for Pensions. Saratoga Springs, N. Y. Milton C. Conner, Health Officer Middletown N. Y. four years. Middletown, N. Y. John Richard Conway, [Jr.], Asst. Vis. Surg, to Bellev. Hosp,, late Instr. in Op. and Clin. Surg. N. Y. Post- Grad. School. 130 Lexington A v., N. Y. City. Hunter Pope Cooper, Att'g Surg. Grady Hosp., Chief Surg. A. & W. P. R. R., Surg. Ga. R. R., Surg. C. R. R. of Ga. 34 Feachtree St., Atlanta, Ga. William Cowen, A.B. elsewhere. 33 E. 60th St., N. Y. City. William Cramer, A.B. Rutgers Coll. 1879 and A.M. 1882, Vis. Phys. to City Almshouse and City Phys. Poughkeepsie N. Y. 1880-91, Sec. Med. Soc. of Dutchess Co. (N. Y.) six years. 136 Mansion St., Foughkeepsie, N. Y. 230 GRADUATES IN MEDICINE, [1883 Joseph Francis Cronin. New London^ Conn. Michael George Cunningham. Bingham ion, N. Y. Francis George Curtis, A.B. Harv. Univ. 1879, Chairman Newton (Mass.) Board of Health. IVest Newton^ Mass. Charles H. Davis. Canton, N. V. Thomas D. B. Dimock.* 4893 Leo Dmkelspiel, A.B. elsewhere 104 W'. 8jth St., N. V. City. Charles Edward Dority. 411 Union St., Brooklyn, N. V. Stuart Douglas, M.D. elsewhere, formerly ist Asst. N. Y. C. Asy. for Insane, now Phys. in Charge Pavilion for Insane Bellv. Hosp., Instr. Ment. Dis. Post-Grad. Med. Coll., Asst. Chair Mental Dis. Med. Dept. Univ. N. Y. City, Asst. Nervous Dept. Vanderbilt Clin., Memb. Acad, of Med. SJ ^' j6l/i St., N. V. City. Joseph Louis Droesch. 82^ Willoughby Av., Brooklyn, N, Y. Charles Joseph Duffy. Newark, N'. J. James Robert Embree.* aet. 33. *i892 Edward Sebastian Ettinger, Trenton, N. y. William Finder, Jr., M.D. L. I. Coll. Hosp. 1882. 2 Union PI., Broadway, Troy, N. Y. Francis Foerster. 228 JV. nth St., N. Y. City. Jacob Henry Frankenberg, B.S. elsewhere, Ex-House Phys. Bellevue Hosp,, Vis. Phys. Mt. Sinai Disp. 142 E. 74th St., N. Y. City. Willis Walton French,* S.M. elsewhere. *i888 Edward Samuel Garner, Chief Surg. St. Joseph and Grant Island R R St. Joseph, Mo. Herman Peter Gerbert, A.B. 1880. Orange, N. J. George Abner Gilbert, Act. Member Board of Ed. Danbury Conn. 286 Main St., Dandury, Conn. Eugene Lemuel Grattan,* M.D. elsewhere. aet. 27. *i886 Bernard Joseph Hammill, A.B. St, John's Coll. 1879. S68 W. 2gth St., N-. Y. City. Irwin Howell Hance, A.B. Racine Coll. 1880, House Surg. St. Luke's Hosp. N. Y., Res. Phys. Nursery and Child's Hosp, N. Y., Asst. Obstetric Surg. Maternity Hosp. Blackwell's Is. N. Y., Asst. Surg. N. Y, Cancer Hosp., Res. Phys. Adirondack Cottage Sanitarium. Saranac Lake, N. Y. Theodore Frelinghuysen Hance. Quinton. N. y. Theodore Francis Heller, Grad. Coll. Pharmacy 1878, Res. Phys. Charity Hosp, 1885, 117 Waverly PI. , N. Y. City. Henry x\lphonso Henriques. Bedford, N. Y. Walter Hitchcock, Ph.B. Yale Univ, 1880, Norwalk, Conn. David Hoatson. Copper Falls Mines, Mich. Philemon Hommell.* Frederick Walker Houghton. Council Bluffs, la. William Hustace Hubbard,* A.B. 1880. *i884 Arthur William Hurd, A.B, Knox Coll. (111.) and A,M, 1880, Asst. Phys, Buffalo (N, Y,) State Hosp,, Lect. on Insanity Buffalo Med, Coll, State Hosp. , Buffalo, N. Y. Edward Fowler Hurd, Vis, Phys. Fordham Hosp. Mt. Hope, N. Y. City. Walter Belknap James, A.B. Yale Coll, 1879, Vis, Phys, Bellev, Hosp., also to Presb, Hosp,, Lecturer on Clm. Med, Col, Coll, 1889-, 33 ^V' 39th St., N. Y. City. Thomas Theodore Janeway. 26 IV. 17th St., N. Y. City. Jotham Clark Johnson, A.B. Coll. N, J, 1879 and A,M, 1882. 1076 Broad St. , Newark, N. J. Charles Noah Dixon Jones, B.S. Wesleyan Univ, 1880, M.D. L. I. Coll. Hosp. 1882, Surg, Woman's Hosp, Brook- lyn 1884-90, Assist, Chair Gynaecology N, Y, Polyclinic 1885-89, Assist. Surg, O, D, D, Presb. Hosp. 1893-, and of the Gynsecolog. Dept. West Side German Disp., Fellow N, Y, Acad, Med, 1885-, and of British Gyn. Soc, 1887-. 1^2 E. 86th St., N. Y. City. 1883] GRADUATES IN MEDICINE. 231 Andrew Victor Jova, A.B, St. John's Coll. Fordham 1880, Surg. U. S. Exam. Bd. for Pensions. Newburghy N. V. Marcus Kenyon. Forked River, N. J. Samuel Thomas King, A.B. elsewhere. 34 Greene Av.^ Brooklyn , N. Y. James Henry Lancashire, (LUMBER), Sec. Alma Sanitarium Co. Alma, Mich. William Guitton Le Boutillier, A.B. 1880. 4Q IV. jol/i SI., N. V. City. Richmond Lennox, Vis. Surg. Kings Co. Hosp., Asst. Surg. Brooklyn Eye and Ear Hosp. 2j Schermerhorn St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Edward Pierce Lockart, [Jr.]. Norway, Mich. Herman Herschel Loveman.* aet. 34. ♦1886 Hugh Copeland McCord, A.B. elsewhere. N. Y. City. Archibald McLaren, B.S. Coll. N. J. 1880, Clin. Prof. Gynaecology Minn. State Univ., Gynaecologist City Hosp. St. Paul Minn., Surg. St. Luke s Hosp. and Marine Hosp. Surg. St. Paul, Minn. Charles Samuel Mack, A.B. Harv. Univ. 1879, Prof. Materia Med. and Therapeutics in Homeo. Med. Coll. in Univ. of Mich. Ann Arbor, Mich. Andrew Manning. Plainfield, N. J. Frederick Mathews, B.S. elsewhere, Att'g. Phys. German Poliklinik N. Y. J 14 Av. C, N. Y. City, Charles Henry May, Chief Clinic Eye Dept. Vanderbilt Clinic, Prof. Diseases of Eye and Ear Coll. P. and S. Boston Mass., Asst. Surg. N. Y. Ophth. and Aural Inst., Asst. Ocu- list Mt. Sinai Hosp. N. Y. 6g2 Madison Av., N. Y. City. Edward Joseph Mealia,* A.M. St. Francis Xavier's Coll. N. Y. aet. 30. *i89o David Magie Miller, A.B. Coll. N. J. I'SyS. I02S E. Jersey St., Elizabeth, N. J. William Forsyth Milroy, Res. Phys. Charity and Maternity Hosps. N. Y. City 1882-84, Prof. Clin. Med. and Hj'^giene Omaha Med. Coll. 1885-, Prest. Omaha (Neb.) Med. Soc. 1890. Omaha, Neb. Carl Eugene Munger, Ph.B. Yale Univ. 1880, Clin. Asst. Manh. E. and E. Hosp., Vis. Surg. Waterbury (Conn.) Hosp. Waterbury, Conn, John Austin Munson. Woodbourne, Sullivan Co., N. Y. Samuel Murtland. 346 W. joth St., N. Y. City. James Edward Newcomb, A.B. Yale Coll. 1880. 118 W. 6gth St., N. Y. City. Edwin Hathaway Norton, Sure, to Union Pac. Coal Co.'s Mines Rock Spring Wyo,, Asst. Surg. U. P. R. R., Ex-House Surg. N. Y. Hosp. N. Y. City and Att'g. Surg. Fitch Accident Hosp. Buffalo N. Y. Rock Springs, Wyoming. John M. Peacocke. 23 J a Madison St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Ellis Banning Perry. New Bedford, Mass. George Benjamin Phelps, Jr., Ph.B. elsewhere. Watertown, Mass. Alfred Noroton Phillips, (mf). Box jS, Glenbrook, Conn. Niles James Pierson. Charles Andrew Powers, Att'g. Surg. St. Luke's Hosp. and N. Y. Cancer Hosp. 1892-. 35 ^.SSi^St.,N. Y. City. Hamilton Stanislaus Quin, Phys. in Charge St. Elizabeth's Hosp. Utica N. Y., U. S. Exam. Surg, for Pen- sions, Health Commr. 2j8 Genesee St., Utica, N. Y. James Prescott Randall. Brooklyn, N. Y. Charles Frederick Roberts. Wolfboro Junction, N. H. Victor Arthur Robertson. yjya Union St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Oscar H. Rogers, C.E. Union Coll. 1877. J46 Broadway, N. Y. City. 232 GRADUATES IN MEDICINE. [1883-84 Joseph Edward Root, B.S. Boston Univ. 1876 and State Coll. of Mass. 1876, Clerk Hartford Co. (Conn.) Med. Assn., Sec. and Treas. Hartford (Conn.) Disp. ^9 Pearl St., Hartford, Conn. Paul Joseph Rosenheim. 206 E. 46th St., N. V. City. Philo D St. John, B.S. Lenox Coll. 1877. Wichita, Kan. Gustavus Schlegel, Ph.G. N. Y. Coll. Pharmacy, Surg. West Side German Disp. and German Disp. and Hosp, 3JS W. 31st St., N. V. City. Frank Louis Sevanoak, A.B. and A.M. Coll. N. J. Stevens Inst., Hobo ken, N. y. James Harvey Seymour. 301 W. yth St., Los Angeles, Cal. Henry Augustine Shelley, A.B. St. Francis Xavier's Coll. N. Y. 1880. 3ig E. J 20th St., N. V. City. Frederic Joseph Shoop, Sec. Brooklyn (N. Y.) Pathological Soc. g I Macon St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Arthur Elmore Smylie, Surg. Brooklyn Throat Hosp., Vis. Phys. Eastern Dist. (Bkln.) Hosp., V.-Prest. Brooklyn Dermatological and Genito- Urin. Soc. 124 Penn St., Brooklyn, N. V. Alfred Matthias Spalding, A.B. Dartmouth Coll. 1879 and A.M. 3 E. i2stk St., N. Y. City. Alfred Henry Stiebling, Phys. to German Poliklinik. gi Second A v., N. Y. City. Thomas Stone. 340 W. 27th St., N. Y. City. Stephen Vedder Ten Eyck, A.B. Rutgers Coll. 1880. 759 W. g2d St.,N. Y. City. Arthur Hutchinson Terry, A.B. Yale Coll. 1879. Patchogue, L. /., N. Y. Edward Harry Thomas. Decatur, III. Caspar Duarte da Costa Tibau. Sherman Van Ness, Jr., A.B. elsewhere. N. Y. City. Jose Eugene Vidal. N. Y. City. Ysidro Antonio Vidal. Yalencoa, Porto Rico. Charles Ware, A.B. elsewhere. N. Y. City. Conrad Wienges, G.P. N. Y. Coll. Phar. 1871, Vis. Phys. Christ Hosp. Jersey City, N. J. 4^g yersey Av., Jersey City, N. y. William Payne Wilcox. Omaha, Neb. Mortimer Valleau Wilkie. S06 W. i4Sth St., N. Y. City. Charles Emery Williams, A.B. Colby Univ. 1874 and A.M. 1877, U. S. Exam. Surg, for Pensions. Houlton, Me. John Woodman, Att'g Phys. to Demilt Disp. 123 E. 2Sth St., N. Y. City. Jonathan Wright, A.B. Miami Vail. Coll. O. 1878, Prof. Dis. Nose and Throat Woman's Med. Coll. of the N. Y. Infirmary. 73 Remsen St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Frank Hunter Zabriskie. Greenfield, Mass. I 1884 125 Charles Andrew Ackerman, Ex-Insp'r Health Dept. N. Y, City. 10 E. 43d St. , N. Y. City. Calvin Thayer Adams. ^S ^' 33d St., N. Y. City. Henry Whitcomb Allen. 2423 Central A v., Minneapolis, Minn. John McCaw Allen.* Charles Loftus Grant Anderson. House Phys. and Sur^. Jersey City (N. J.) Hosp. 1885, ist Lieut, and Asst. Surg. U. S. A. 1886-88. Hagerstown, Md. William Leckie Bain, Prof, of Prac. Chem. Minneapolis Coll. P. and S. resigned 1889. Pueblo, Col. George Banks, [Jr.]. Patterson, Putnam Co., N. Y. Wiley Blount Earner, M.D. Vanderbilt Univ. 1878. Conway, Ark. George Baxter, (drug). S. E. Cor. Eutaw and Lexington Sts. , Baltimore, Md. 1 884] GRADUATES IN MEDICINE, 233. Matthew Beattie. 251 W. S4th St., N. V. City. Joseph Francis Bloodgood, Att'g Phys. Flushing (L. I.) Hosp., and Sec. Med. Bd, of same. 9J Bowne Av., Flushittg, L. I., N. V. Charles William Bohmfalk, B.S. Coll. City N. Y. 1880. 331 E. S2d St., N. V. City. George Wells Brace, Town Clerk and J. P. Southwick, Mass. John Hammond Bradshaw, Att'g Phys. Orange (N. J.) Memorial Hosp. Orange, N. y. Francis Albert Brodsky, [Jr.]. Racine, Racine Co., Wis. Abram Brothers, B.S. elsewhere, Att'g Phys. Bellev. Disp. and Frauenklinik. 162 Madison St. , N. Y. City. Arthur Conklin Brush, Asst, Vis. Neurologist Kings Co. Hosp., Neurologist Central Disp. jjg Lafayette A v., Brooklyn^ N. Y. John Joseph Callahan. Saratoga Springs, N. Y. William Edward Carroll. Newark, N. J. George Gilfillan Cochran, Food Insp'r Brooklyn (N. Y.^ Dept. of Health, Maj. 13th Regt. N. G., S. N. Y. Lincoln Av. cor. Adams Av., Brook- lyn, N. Y. Homer Collins, B.S. Cornell Univ. 1882, formerly ist Asst. Phys. Second Minn. Hosp. for Insane, Secy. St. Louis Co. (Minn.) Med. Soc. Burrows Bldg. , Duluth, Minn. James Clinton Comstock, G.P. elsewhere. Binghamton, N. Y. William Clark Cooper, A.B. elsewhere. Troy, N. Y. Silas Rogers Corwilh, Assoc. Consultant N. Y, City Charities Assn., Consultant Brunswick Home (L. I.), Ex-Health Officer Islip (L. I.), Div. Surg. L, I. R. R. Co. B ridge hampton, N. Y. Olin Weston Daley. White River Junction, Vt. Frederick Howard Dart. Niantic, Conn. William Champion Deming, House Surg. N. Y. Hosp. 1886, Asst. Phys. State Emigrant Hosp. 1887-90, Att'g Phys. and Surg. Westchester Free Hosp. Westchester, N. Y. Theodore Frelinghuysen De Witt, Asst. Surg. U. S. A. New Brunswick, N. y, Leo Ettinger, A.B. Coll. City N. Y. 1881. 204 E. 7 2d St., N. Y. City. Charles Manning Freeman, B.S. Rutgers Coll. 1880 and M.S. 1884, for- merly Med. Reviewer U. S. Pension Office and Chairman Civ. Serv. Med. Exam. Board. Metuchen, N. y. Bern Budd Gallaudet, A.B. Trin. Coll. Conn. 1880 and A.M. 1883, Asst. Demonstrator of Anat. Col. Coll. 1887-93 and Demonstrator 1893-, Vis. Surg. Bellev. Hosp., Ex-House Sur^. N. Y. Hosp., Ex-Chief of Surg. Division Vanderbilt Clin. 62 W.jph St., N. Y. City. Charles Miller Garrison. I OS W. 38th St., N. Y. City. Charles Robert Gill, Jr., A.B. Coll. N. J. 1881. Esopus, N. Y. William Benjamin [Strother] Gil- mer, A.B. Mercer Univ. Ga. 1878. 261 2d St., Macon, Ga. Spencer Coleman Graves. St. Louis, Mo. John Jay Griffiths. SI E. 74th St., N. Y. City. Louis Eugene Hanmore, Ph.G. elsewhere. Vis. Surg. St. Luke's Hosp. Newburgh N. Y. 206 Grand St., Newburgh, N. Y. Henry William Harrison, M.D. elsewhere. Roanoke, Va. James Raynor Hayden, Chief Venereal Clin. Vanderbilt Clinic, Prof, of Venereal Diseases Univ. of Vt., Vis. Surg, to City Hosp. 107 W.ssth St., N. Y. City. George Dalton Hays. N. Y. City. George William Hazelton. Norway Lake, Me. 234 GRADUATES IN MEDICINE. [1884 William French Hazelton. Prest. Conn. River Valley Med. Assn., House Surg. Bellev. Hosp. N. Y. 1884-85. Springfield, Vt. William Isaac Hoag, B.S. Cornell Univ. 1881, Prest. Cayuga Co, (N. Y.) Med. Soc. Sherwood, N. Y. Lucius Wales Hotchkiss, A.B. 1881, Prof, of Anat. Woman's Med. Coll. of N. Y. Infirm., Asst. Demonstrator of Anat. Col. Coll. 1892-, Vis. Surg. Colored Hosp., Asst. Surg. Bellev. and Roosevelt Hosps. 4g W. soth St., N. V. City. Edward Hazard Hoxsie. I Hart St. , Brooklyn, N. Y. George Sumner Huntington, A.B. Yale Coll., Asst, Demonstrator of Anat. Col. Coll. 1886-1889, Lecturer 1889-90 and Prof. Anatomy 1890-. SO E. 73d St., N. Y. City. James Warren Ingalls, A.B. Yale Coll. 1881, Asst. Surg, Brooklyn (N. Y.) Eye and Ear Hosp., Asst. Surg. N. Y. Eye and Ear Infirmary. 848 Lafayette A v. , Brooklyn, N. Y. Atwood E. Jacobus. William Benjamin Jones, Prest. Rochester Path. Soc, Att'g Phys. to Free Out-Patient Dept. Rochester City Hosp., Ex-Sec. Monroe Co. (N.Y.) Med, Soc, 21^ Lake Av., Rochester, N. Y. Moses Seligman Kakels, B.S. Coll, City N. Y. 188 1, Instr. Surg. N. Y, Post-Grad. Sch. and Hosp. 243 E. 4gth St. , N. Y. City. Nathaniel Clark King. Campello, Mass. Charles Law Lang, M.D. elsewhere, Meriden, Conn. John Laing Leal, A.B. Coll. N. J, 1880 and A,M. 1883, Ex-City Phys. Paterson N. J., Health Officer Paterson N, J., Vis. Surg. Paterson Gen. Hosp. and Att'g Phys, and Surg. Chil- dren's Nursery. Paterson, N. y. Philip Theodore Leyendecker, A.B. elsewhere. J 14 1st St., N. Y. City. George Roe Lockwood, Jr., A.B. Coll. City N. Y. 1881, Clin. Asst. Vanderbilt Clinic, Prof. Practice Med. Women's Med. Coll. of the N. Y. In- firmary, Att'g Phys. Colored Hosp., Pathologist French Hosp. 44 W. 4gth St., N. Y. City. John Milton Mabbott, Res, Fhys. St. Luke's Hosp. 1885, Res. Phys. Nursery and Child's Hosp. N. Y. 1887-go. ig Fifth Av., N. Y. City. Walter Drew McCaw, (usa), M.D. Univ. Va. 1882, Asst. Surg. U. S. A. Ft. McPherson, Atlanta, Ga. William Valentine McKenzie, Jr. Metuchen, N. J. Thomas Curtis McSwain. Antonio Candelario Maden. Cardenas, Cuba. Frederick Arnold Manning, A.B. Yale Coll. 1881, Att'g Surg. Manhattan Hosp. 161 W. 104th St., N. Y. City. Levi Samuel Manson, 63 E. iioth St., N. Y. City. Simon Marx. N. Y. City. Charles Henry Mersereau. 860 E. ib^th St., N. Y. City. Ansel Irwin Miller, A.B. Williams Coll, 1881, Health Officer Brattleboro Vt. Brattleboro, Vt. Frank Ebenezer Miller, A.B. Trin, Coll. Conn, 1881 and A.M. 1884, Phys. Minerva Home 1885, Phys. Way- side Nursery 1886, Throat Surg. Bellev. Out-door Dept, 1886, Phys, to St. Joseph's Hosp, 1887-, Throat Surg, Vanderbilt Clinic 1889-. 121 W.34th St., N. Y. City. Frank Campbell Molier. James Henry Montgomery, A.B. 1881. IIS ^' ^i^'- ^*'^ ^^^'^. ^^^ William Moore. N. Y. City. Edward Kirtland Morton. Mattituck, Suffolk Co., N. Y. Peter Murray. 208 Amsterdam Av., N. Y. City. Arthur Clark Nason, Asst. Phys. to N, H. Asylum for Insane till 1894. Newburyport, Mass. Herman Felix Nordeman, A.B. 1881, Instr,, Lect., Genito-Urinary Surg. N. Y. Polyclinic. i3og Madison Av., N. Y. City. 1884-85] GRADUATES IN MEDICINE, 235 Frederick Wilkinson Olcott, (usn), A.B. and A.M. elsewhere, Asst. Surg. U. S. N. Mare Island^ Cal. Charles Allen Peterson, A.B, elsewhere. Santa Cruz, Cal. James Thomas Pettus, Jr. 106 W. 128th St., N. Y. City. Sigismund Pollitzer, A.B. Coll. City N. Y. 1879 and A.M. 1882. S2E. 60th St„ N. Y. City. Alexander Barnett Pope, Lect. in Med. N. Y. Polyclinic, Surg. Demilt Disp., Dis. of Children Vanderbut Clinic, Surg. Bellev. Out-door Dept. 126 W. 4Sth St. , N. Y. City. Charles Sumner Pratt, ist Lieut, and Asst. Surg, ist Light Bat- tery Vt. Natl. Guard. J.? Elliot St., Brattleboro, Vt. Timothy Jerome Regan. j^2 Degraw St. , Brooklyn, N. Y. Charles Henry Richardson, [Jr.]. Instr. in Derm. N. Y. Polyclinic, Surg. N. E. Disp. 42y Lexington Av., N. Y. City. Philip Scheu, Ph.G. N. Y. Coll. Pharmacy. 440 E. 16th St., N. Y. City. Herman James Schiff, Surg. Mt. Sinai Hosp. 23S E. 78th St., N. Y. City. Edgar D. Seaman. Wilmington, Cal. William Hazard Sherman, A.B. Yale Coll. 1880. Yonkers, N. Y. Robert Alexander Simpson, A.B. elsewhere. York, Pa. Frank Anson Smith. Lebanon, N. H. Russell Brown Smith. Westerly, R. I. Ephraim M. Stelle, Coroner Somerset Co. N. J. Bernardsville, N. y. J. Clark Stewart, A.B. and C.E. Univ. of Minn. 1875, Prof. Pathology Med. Dept. Univ. of Minn,, Med. Direct. Minneapolis Mut. Life Ins. Co., Surg. Asbury and St. Barnabas Hosps., Cons. Surg. Hosp. for Women. Minneapolis, Minn. Charles Woodbury Stimson. 134 W. yoth St., N. Y. City. Charles Francis Stokes, (usa), Asst. Surg. U. S. A. 79 E. j6tA St., N. Y. City. James Cowan Storie. Walton, Delaware Co., N. Y. Ezra I'Hommedieu Swift. Brandreth Symonds, A.B. Hobart Coll. 1881 and A.M. 1885, Med. Exam. Ins. Co. 128 W.jgt/i St., N. Y. City. Albert Edward Thayer. New Haven, Conn. Paul Ernest Tiemann, A.B. 1881. 161 W. 104th St., N. Y. City. Henry Swift Upson, A.B. elsewhere. Cleveland, Ohio. Howard Van Rensselaer, Ph.B. Yale Univ. 1881, Assoc. Prof. Materia Med., Lect. Chest Dis. Albany Med. Coll., Att'g Phys. St. Peter's Hosp.. Hosp. for Incurables, Child's Hosp. ana Home of the Friendless. Albany, N. Y. George Gray Van Schaick, Surg, and Path, to French Hosp., Instr. Op. Surg. N. Y. Post-Grad. Med. Sch., Phys. to St, Vincent de Paul Orphan Asylum. 228 W. 34th St., N. Y. City. Willis Edward Weed. Ridge fie Id, Conn. George Washington Weld, D.D.S. 13 W. 26th St., N. Y. City. Brooks Hugh Wells, Adj.-Prof. of Gynaecology N. Y. Poly- clinic, Editor " Amer. Jour. Obstetrics. 7/ W. 43th St., N. Y. City. Granville Moss White, LL.B. Yale Univ., Med. Director Ins. Co. 272 W. 77th St., N. Y. City. Albert Winn. Lunenburg h, Mass. 105 1885 John Lincoln Adams. Louisville, Ky. Frank Edward Agnew Pater son, N. y. 236 GRADUATES IN MEDICINE. [1885 Henry Arnold Alderton, Asst. Surg. N. Y. Eye and Ear Hosp. and N. Y. Eye and Ear Infirmary, Aural Surg. Bushwick and East Bkln. Disp. and Bushwick Hosp. 7/5 Remsen SL, Brooklyn, N Y. Asadour Aram Altounyan, A.B. and M.D. elsewhere. Jose Ramon iMvarez. joj E. 86th St. , N. V. City. Louis Asta-Buruaga. Edward Lucien Emile Ayme, G.P. elsewhere 1881, DIv. Surg, with rank Major Sons of Veterans N. Y. 44_^ Lexington A v., N. V. City. John Elmore Bailey, Clerk Middlesex Co. (Conn.) Med. Assn. ijj Washington St., Middletown^ Conn. William Llewellyn Baner, A.B. Swarthmore Coll. 1882. S8 W. 40th St., N. v. City. Frank Taylor Barwis. 2JI W. 4th St., N. Y. City. William Horatio Bates. iji W. sdth St., N. Y. City. James Alexander Bean. 21S W. I2gth St. , N. Y. City. George Elihu Bellows, A.B. Amherst Coll. 1882 and A.M. 1885, Instr. in Histology Kans. City (Mo.) Med.Coll., Oculist St. Margaret's Hosp. and Union Pac. Rv. Co. Rialto Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. Julius Carl Bierwirth. 7j>7 Montague St., Brooklyn, N. Y. John Alexander Bosch.* aet. 30. *i890 Nathan Gross Bozeman, Ph.B. Yale Univ. 1882, Asst. Surg. Woman's Hosp., Gynaecologist St. Francis' Hosp. iersey City N. J. and St. Mary's Hosp. [oboken N. J. g W. 31st St., N. Y. City. Cornellius Cole Bradley. Ford ham, N. Y. Frank Manson Brown, L.R.C. London 1887, L.R.C. S. Edinburgh 1887, L.R.C.P. Edinburgh 1887, L.F.P. and S. Glasgow 1887. Centreville, N. B., Canada. James Spencer Brown, Att'g Surg. Mountainside Hosp. Montclair, N. J. Walter Corbett Buchly, U. S. Exam. Surg, for Pensions Decatur Ala. Decatur, Ala. Charles Henry Bushong. 59 W. igth St., N. Y. City. Joseph Henry Byrne, House Staff St. Vincent's Hosp. 1885-87. S4J tV.jistSt., N. Y. City. Henry Casper, (ins), A.B. Coll. City N. Y. 120 Broadway , N. Y. City. Louis Henry Clark. Holyoke, Mass. Charles Smith C'^llins, A.B. 1881, A.M. 1884, Acting State Health Officer Croton Aqueduct 1887. Sing Sing, N. Y. George Waldo Crary. 152 W.sjth St., N. Y. City. Charles Lee Culpepper, Ex-house Surg. Charity and Maternity Hosps., N. Y.," Asst. Surg. 4th Regt. Va. Vols., Prest. Bd. of Health Portsmouth Va. ^21 Middle St., Portsmouth, Va. John Patrick Davin, House Phys. and Surg. St. Vincent's Hosp. 1884-86. 3JI W.jdth St., N. Y. City. Wilmot Waber Dees. 322 E. 28th St., N. Y. City. Edward Bradford Dench, Ph.B. Yale Univ. 1883, Prof. Otology Bellev. Hosp. Med. Coll., Surg. N. Y. E. and E. Infirmary. 17 W. 46th St., N. Y. City. Matthew Francis Dunn, A.B. Mt. St. Mary's Coll. 1881. Savannah, Ga. Edgar Hart Ellis. Matteawan, N. Y. Maurice Enright, Vis. Phys. St. Catharine's Hosp. Brook- lyn N. Y., Att'g Phys. to Brooklyn Home for the Aged, San. Inspr. Dept. Health Brooklyn. 88^ Greene A v., Brooklyn, N. Y. Bernard Ernest Fabrega. Calixto Alexander Fabrega. Matthias Lanckton Foster, A.B. Williams Coll. 1881, Asst. Surg. Manh. E. and E. Hosp., Ophth. to United Hebrew Charities and to Ladies' Deborah Nursery and Child's Protectory. 7 E. 41st St. , N. Y. City. 1885] GRADUATES IN MEDICINE. 237 Walter Jackson Freeman, M.D. Univ. of Pa. 1885, Instr. in Latyngology Phila. Polyclinic, Laryngol^ist Chil- dren's Hosp. Phila. 20J4 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. Eugene Alexander Freis, Att'g Phys. Gen. Med. and Dis. of Chil- dren Central Throat Hosp. and Polyclinic Disp. ijoi Bushwick Av., Brooklyn, N. V. Joseph Lucius Gaston, A.B., A.M. and M.D. Grant Univ. Tenn., Ex-Memb. Tenn. State Senate, Ex-Col- lector Customs Chattanooga Tenn. , Bowie, Montague Co., Tex. William Cantine Gilley, Att'^ Surg. N. Y. Disp., Clin. Asst. Van- derbilt Clinic in Genito-Urinary Dis. Sg Bank St., N. V. City. Ben Barret Griffith, M.D elsewhere, Att'g Phys. St. John's Hosp., Maj. and Surg. 5th Regt. 111. Nat. Guard, Med. Exam. N, Y. Life Ins. Co. Springfield, III. William Loomis Griswold, Ph.B. Yale Univ. 1881. Greenwich, Conn. Lawrence Vincent Guerin. Frank Kirkwood Hallock, A.B. Wesleyan Univ. 1882, and A.M. 1885, Grad. N. Y. Hosp. 1887, Res. Phys. " Cromwell Hall." Cromwell, Conn. George Robert Harris, Staff Charity Hosp. 1886-88, Chambers St. Hosp. 1888-89. Norwich, Conn. Hatton Thompson Harris, (usn), Asst. Surg. U. S. N. Care Surgeon-General^ IVashineton, D. C. Walter Louis Havens, Health Officer. Chester Depot, Vt. Louis [Joseph] Heitzmann, Vis. Phys. German Disp. 1 10 E. s8ih St., N. V. City. William Arthur Henna* aet. 25. *i886 Joseph Anthony Herb. 4(p St. Mark's PL, N. V. City. Christian Archibald Herter, Prof. Anat. and Path, of the Nerv. Sys. N. Y. Polyclinic. 8 ig Madison Av., N. Y. City. Fred. Cleaver Hickok. Brooklyn, N. Y. *i888 Eugene Hodenpyl. Asst. Pathology Col. Coll. 1893-. Brooklyn, N. Y. Herman Christopher Hoefling. 171 Rivington St. , N. Y. City. August Hoerle, Ph.G. N. Y. Coll. Phar. 1879, Late Ho. Surg. St. Catharine's and Eastern Dist. Hosps. and Ins. Examiner. 166 N. 6th St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Bruno Hood. Newton, Sussex Co., N. y. Alfred Edwards Hooker,* A.B. and Ph.B. elsewhere. *i887 Frank Tucker Hopkins. Fishkill, N. Y. John Taylor Howell, Prest. Orange Co. (N. Y.) Med. Soc. 1892-93, Vis. Surg. St. Luke's Hosp. Newburgh (N. Y.) 1887-, Cons. Surg, to same 1893-. Newburgh, N. Y. Henry We.«?t Hughes, A.M. Univ. of Va. 1879. 775 N. Spring St., Los Angeles, Cal. Robert Hungerford.* Fran9ois Charles Husson.* Charles Green Rockwood Jen- nings, A.B. Harv. Univ. 1882, M.D. Univ. of Vt. 1884, Formerly Surg. Vt. State Soldiers' Home Bennington, Asst. Surg. Erie R. R. at Elmira N. Y. 2y2 Baldwin St., Elmira, N. Y. Alexander Bryan Johnson, Ph.B. Yale Univ. 1882. 12 W. loth St., N. Y. City. Meyer Katzenberg. 134 E. 82dSt., N. Y. City. Thomas Alphonso Kenefick, Med. Examiner, Phys. to Newport (R. I.) Hosp. Newport, R. I. James Henry Kingman, A.B. Yale Coll. i«82, House Phys. Bellev. Hosp. 1886, Phys. to Board Overseers of the Poor New Bedford Mass. 1887-88. Pawtucket, R. I. George Knipe. JS4 W. 24th St., N. Y. City. Abraham Korn, San. Insp'r Health Dept. 1^7 E. 6^th St., N. Y. City. 238 GRADUATES IN MEDICINE, [l88 Samuel Waldron Lambert, A.B. Yale Coll. 1880 and Ph.B. 1882, Att'g Phj's. N. Y. Lying-in Hosp., also to N. Y. Nursery and Child's Hosp., Clin. Asst. Vanderbilt Clinic. 1 10 E. jjM St., N. V. City, James Burnside Wands Lansing. N. V. City. William Henry Closson Lee. 184 Orange St., Newark^ N'. y. Max Levy, San. Insp'r. 74 McKibben St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Robert Lewis, Jr., Asst. Surg. N. Y. Eye and Ear Infirmary, Clin. Asst. Vanderbilt Clinic, Vis. Aurist Randall's Is. Hosp. ig E. j8th St., N. V. City. Nathaniel White Lynde. 26 IV. 30th St., N. V. City. Edward Ransom Lyon.* Michael Francis McGrath. S2J E. ygth St., N. V. City. William Austin Macy, Med. Supt. N. Y. City Asy. for Insane, Ward's Is. Station F. , N. Y. City. Philip Arthur [Osmond] Malleson, A.B. elsewhere. Vis. Phys. to Buachah Orphanage. 2014 Fifth Av., N. Y. City. James Wright Markoe, Att'g Phys. N, Y. Lying-in Hosp. 20 IV. joth St., N. Y. City. Clarkson Seaman Mead, A.B. 1882, Health Officer Port Chester N. Y. Port Chester, N. Y. Charles Dion Minton.* Charles Edward Moore, A.B. elsewhere. William Arthur Moore, A.B. 1882, Grad. Presb. Hosp. N. Y. 1887, Surg. Bmghamton City Hosp., Surg. D. L. & W. R R., Prest. Broome Co. Med. Soc. 220 Washington St., Binghamton, N. Y. Thaddeus Halsted Myers, A.B. Yale Coll. 1881, Att'g Orth. Surg. St. Luke's Hosp., Orth. Surg. N. Y. Hosp. for Lying-in, Asst. Surg. N. Y. Orth. Hosp. 24 W.soth St., N. Y. City. Emanuel David Newman. Newark, N.J. \ James Ephraim H. Nichols, A.B, Rochester Uni^kiSyS, Asst. Surg. Manh. E. and E. Hosp^Sec. Physicians' Mutual Aid Assn. 4 E. 43d St., N. Y. City. Joseph Jerome Noll. 4Sg W. 4yth St. , N. Y. City. Charles Cowan Osborn. 75-9 W. 81 St St., N. Y. City. William Kelly Otis, A.B 1882. 5 PV.joth St., N. Y. City. Edwin Thomas Painter, B.S. Worcester Polytech. Inst. 1874. Redlands, Cal. Charles Riggs Parke, Surg. D. & H. R. R. Co., Med. Exam. N. Y. O. & W. Ry. Co., City Phys. Scranton Pa. and County Phys. Lackawanna (Pa.) Co., Med. Exam, for Ins. Cos. Scranton, Pa. Felix Pfeiffer, A.B. Coll. City N. Y. 1882. 130 E. 62d St., N. Y. City. William Henry Pinkney.* *i889 Edward Leicester Plunkett.* aet. 34. *i890 Frederick Safford Pratt, (mf), A.B. Williams Coll. Bennington, Vt. Alexander John Primrose, Asst. Phys. to N. Y. City Asylums. • N. Y. City Insane Asy., N. Y. City, Ogden Rafferty, (usa), A.B. Coll. N. J. 1882, Captain and Asst. Surg. U. S. A. Care Surgeon-General U. S. A., Washington, D. C. Alfonso Atwood Richardson. 1038 Park Av., N. Y. City. Walter Jay Richardson. Hutchinson, Minn. Charles Frank Rieger, Ph.B. elsewhere. Kansas City, Mo. Harry Price Safford, A.B. elsewhere. Saratoga Springs, N. Y. Albert Lewis Scott. Danbury, Conn. Byron Hudson Searing.* Edwin Stanton Sherrill, A.B. Univ. of Mich. 1880. 141 Fort St. W. , Detroit, Mich. 1885-86] GRADUATES IN MEDICINE. 239 Alexander Sbulman, A.B. Coll. City N. y. 1882, Att'g Phys. Ger- man Poliklinik N, Y. igy Second Av.^ N. Y. City. Edward Vernon Silver, A.B. Yale Univ. 1882, House Surg. Roosevelt Hosp. N. Y. 1887, Asst. Surg. Roosevelt Disp. 1889-90, Asst. Phys. Vanderbilt Clinic 1889-90, Board of Health Salt Lake City Utah. Salt Lake City, Utah. William Gardner Smith, A.B. California State Normal Sch.1878, County Phys. Meach Co. So. Dak. (4th term). Coroner Meach Co., County Supt. Pub. Health, U. S. Exam. Surg, for Pensions, Ex-Councilman Sturgis So. Dak. Sturgis, Meach Co., So. Dak. John Campbell Spencer [Jr.], A.B. 1882, Prof, of Pathology Med. Dept. and Prof, of Bacteriology Post-Grad. Med. Dept. Univ. of Cal. Crocker Bldg. , San Francisco, Cal. Charles Edward Stammler, Ph.G. N. Y. Coll. Phar. 7875. Brooklyn, N". Y. George Allen Staples, A.B. Harv. Univ. 1881, M.D. Northwestern Univ. 1884, U. S. Exam. Surg, for Pen- sions. Dubuque, la. Julius Stein, A.B. Coll. City N. Y. 1882, Vis. Surg. East Side Disp. N. Y. 313 E. 4th St., N. Y. City. Alfred Nathan Strouse, H. G. Mt. Sinai Hosp. 1886, Lect. Ophth. N. Y. Polyclinic, Ophth. and Aural Surg, to Orphan Asy., St. Vincent de Paul, Ophth. to Mt. Sinai Hosp. O. D. P. 72 W.ssth St., N Y. City. Horatio Bartholomew Sweetser, [Jr.l, Prof. Anat. Minneapolis Coll. Phys. and Surg., Phys. to St. Mary's Hosp. Minneapolis, Minn. George Knowles Swinburne, A.B. Harv.'Univ. 1881. 166 IV.ssi^'- St., N. Y. City. William Allan Taltavall. 2IJ7 Seventh A v., N". Y. City. Benjamin Lansing Ten Eyck. Kingsbridge , N. Y. George Panton Thomas.* aet. 33. *i892 Elmer Clark Tracy, A.B. Univ. of Rochester 1882, late Asst. Surg. U. S. N., Fellow N. Y. Acad. Med., Asst. Surg. St. Andrew's Infirmary for Women. 27 E. 126th St., N. Y. City. George Haines Treadwell, Med. Exam, Manhattan Life Ins. Co. 463 Gates A v., Brooklyn, N. Y. Sigmund Tynberg, A.B. elsewhere. J2I E. 42d St., N. Y. City. Ira Thompson Van Gieson, Asst, in Normal Histology. 4S7 ^'S9ih Si'^ ^' y- City. Frank Vinsonhaler. Westerville, Neb. Cadwallader Curry Vinton, A.B. Coll. N. J. 1880. Corea. Walter Joy Vought,* Ph.B. Yale Univ. 1882, House Phys. N. Y. Hosp., Staff Vanderbilt Clinic Nervous Diseases, in charge Cholera Quarantine Station Fire Island 1892. aet. 31. *i893 Edward James Ware, A.B. Harv. Univ. 1881, Lect. Chest Dis. and Genl. Med. N. Y. Polyclinic. 121 W. gjd St., N Y. City. Horace Seeley Warner, A.B. Williams Coll. 1881. iSg Broadway, N. Y, City. Marshall Lord Warrin, A.B. 1882, Clin. Asst. to Prof. Dis. Nerv. Sys. Post.-Grad. Med. Sch. N. Y., Att'g Phys. O. D. D. Bellev. Hosp. N. Y. Care Macmillan 6f Co. , 2g Bedford St. , London, W. C. Meyer Claudius Warsaw, Ph.G. N. Y. Coll. Phar. 1882, Asst. Phys. Roose- velt Hosp. Disp, 255 ^' 52d St. , N. Y. City. George Densmore Wheat. Frederick William Williams, Late Asst. Phys. Demilt Disp, N. Y. jSE. 26th St., N. Y. City. George Woolsey, A.B. Yale Coll, 1881, Prof. Anat. and Clin. Surg. Med. Dept. Univ. N. Y. City, Surg. Bellev. Hosp., Memb. N. Y. Acad. Med. IJ7 E. 36th St., N. Y. City. Clark Wright, Ph.B. elsewhere. William Henry Zabriskie. Glen Cove, N. Y. 1886 John Lanson Adams, A.B. elsewhere. 17 W. 4Sth St., N. Y. City. Robert James Armstrong. 204 E. lojth St. , N. Y. City. 134 240 GRADUATES IN MEDICINE, [1886 Clarence Albert Baker. Yaphank, N. V. William Stremmell Balken. N. V. City. Joseph Halleck Ballou. Haven, Kan. Solomon Barnett, B S. Coll. City N. Y. 1883, late Att'g Surg. Ortho. Hosp., Asst. San. Insp'r. N. Y. Health Dept. and Vis. Phys. Eastern Disp. 3(>5 ^' 30th St., N. V. City. John Huestis Barry, B.S. S6 St. Mark's PL, N. Y. City. Edwin Carlin Bennett. Theologus Azaria Bezzerides, A.B. elsewhere. Joseph Bongartz. Kingston, N. Y. William Clarence Braisted, Ph.B. Univ. Mich. 1883. Detroit, Mich. Edward Broquet. 62s E. J4Sth St., N. Y. City. Nicholas Buenaventura, Jr. Maurice John Burstein, B.S. Imperial Gym. Warsaw 1880, A.M. Pedagogical Institute of Science of War- saw 1882. i^g Henry St. , N. Y. City. John Cabot, Asst, Phys. Roosevelt Hosp., Asst. Phys. Vanderbilt Clinic Dermatological Dept. 16S JV. 48th St., N. Y. City. Jasper Duncan Cochrane, A.B. Wesleyan Univ. 1880 and A.M. 1883, Alderman Saco Me. 1893. Saco, York Co., Me. Harry Jefferson Cowan, A.B. Centre Coll. (Ky.) 1881 and A.M. 1888. Danville, Ky. Edwin Bradford Cragin, A.B. Yale Coll. 1882, Asst. Gynaecologist Roosevelt and N. Y. Cancer Hosps. 62 W. soth St., N. Y. City. Thomas Adams Curtis, Passed Exam. State Board of Pharmacy N. J. 1881, Asst. Surg. 3d Regt. N. G. Red Bank, N. J. William Schauffler Dodd, (Rev.), A.B. Coll. N. J. 1881. Caesaria , Turkey -in- A sia. Henry Beaman Douglass, Instr. Post-Grad. Med. Sch., Pathologist Manhattan E. and E. Hosp. J71 W. 81 St St., N. Y. City. Charles North Dowd, A.B. Williams Coll. 1879 and A.M. 1883, Asst. Surg. N. Y. Cancer Hosp. 13s W- 73d St., N. Y. City. Roscius Youngs Downs, A.B. Williams Coll. 1883. Ansonia, Conn. Louis Drucklieb. 147 E. 60th St., N. Y. City. Albert Walter Durand. 3S3 W. 20th St., N. Y. City. Edmund West Eede, B.S. Ann Arbor 1883, 27 Lafayette St. , Detroit, Mich. Hermann Arthur Ehrmann. 2g E. 62d St., N. Y. City. John Slade Ely, Ph.B. Yale Univ. 1881, Asst. in Pathology Col. Coll. N. Y. 1888-, Pathologist Bellev. Hosp. 1888-, Prof. Histology and Path. Anat. in Woman's Med. Coll. of N. Y. Infirm. 1890-. 107 W. 74th St., N. Y. City. Francis Patten Emerson. Chester, Vt. Abram Mills Fanning, Jr., Ophth. and Otol. Surg. Manh. E. and E. Hosp. N. v., Ophth. and Otol. Surg. Harlem Disp,, Instr. in Otology N. Y. Post-Grad. Med. Sch. and Hosp. 2S2 W. 127th St., N. Y. City. Edwin Forest Farrow. Peapack, N. J. Rowland Godfrey Freeman, A.B. 1883, Asst. Phys. Roosevelt Hosp. O. P. D., Pathologist St. Mary's Free Hosp. for Children, Pathologist N. Y. Foundling Hosp. 147 W. 37th St., N. Y. City. William Gordon, A.B. Coll. City N. Y. 1883. Sii W. 43th St., N. Y. City. Harry Woodforde Gregory. Stanley, N. B., Canada. Otto John Gutsch, Health Officer Sheboygan Wis. 1889-93. Sheboygan, Wis. Hickson Field Hart, Health Officer. Shrub Oak, Westchester Co., N. Y. Hans Haux. Newark, N. J. 1 886] GRADUATES IN MEDICINE, 241 Foster Strong Haven, A.B. Amherst Coll. 1883, 143 W. 6 1 St St., N. V. City. Samuel Craig Helm.* '1892 Louis Hess, Ph.G. Coll. Phar. N. Y. 202 Lee Av.y Brooklyn, N. Y. Carl Reisig Hexamer, N. V. City. William Morris Hubbard, A.B. Williams Coll. 1883 and A.M. 1886, Att'g Phys. Bellev. Hosp.. Lect. Dis. Heart and Lungs and Genl. Med. N. Y. Poly- clinic, Clin. Asst. Manh. E. & E. Hosp. 7 E. 41st St., N. V. City. Herman Jarecky, A.B. elsewhere. i8g^ Lexington Av., N. V. City. James Bernard Kennedy, Prest. Med. Bd. St. John's Hosp. L. I. City, N. Y. ijg Fifth St. , Long Island City, N. Y. Louis Francis Kiefer, Asst, Surg. O. P. D. Roosevelt Hosp., Vis. Phys. German W. S. Disp. N. Y., Instr. Dermatology N. Y. Polyclinic. 441 W.syth St., N. Y. City. Clarence Eugene Kimball, A.B. elsewhere. Mt. Vernon, N. Y. Ernest Howard Lines, A.B. Dartmouth Coll. 1882. J46 Broadway, N, Y. City. Samuel Lloyd, B.S. Coll. N. J. 1882 and M.D. elsewhere. 24 W. soth St., N. Y. City. Edgar Nelson McGiffert, A.B. Hamilton Coll. 1880, Interne Bellev. Hosp. 1886-87. Burrows Bldg. , Duluth, Minn. John Mclnerny. Roderick Colin McLennan. Syracuse, N. Y. William Tone McMannis, A.M. Manhattan Coll, 3SI W. 42d St., N. Y. City. William Smith McMurdy, A.B. Coll. N. J. 1881 and A.M. 1884. SS2 PV.jist St., N. Y. City. Thomas Joseph Macfarlane. N. Y. City. Francis Mansfield, A.M. Brown Univ, 1858, M.D. L. I. Coll. Hosp. 1893. ig6 Arlington Av., Brooklyn, N. Y. Francis Ferdinand Marshall. 56 W.s6th St., N. Y. City. Joseph Bernhard Mauch, Ph.G. N. Y. Coll. Phar. 1871, 242 W. 38th St., N. Y. City. John Rogers Merrill, A.B. elsewhere, 24 Church St., Patersoti, N. y. George [Henry] Meyers. 238 E. both St., N. Y. City. John George Moore,* A.B. Coll. City N, Y., House Surg. St. Vin- cent's Hosp, aet, 29, *i892 George Thomas Moseley, M,D. N. Y. Homeo. Med, Coll., Surg. Buffalo (N. Y.) Homeo. Hosp., Prest. Erie Co. (N. Y.) Med, Soc, Censor N, Y. State Med. Soc. 202 Delaware Av., Buffalo, N'. Y. Lewis Gustavus Nolte, Surg, Emerg. Hosp,, Phys, Milwaukee Hosp,, late County Phys, and Police Surg. Senns' Blk., Milwaukee, Wis. Nelson Luther North, Jr., Asst. Surg. Brooklyn Eye and Ear Hosp., Ophth. Surg, Brooklyn Throat Hosp,, Sec. Laryng, and Otolog. Soc, 118 Hooper St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Benjamin Franklin Ochs. 77j> Lexington Av., N. Y. City. Luis Felipe Ordonez-Guarin. Edward Osborn. East Hampton, N. Y. Walter Henry Osburn. Edward Albert Packard, A.B. elsewhere, N. Y. City. William Hallock Park, A.B. Coll. City N, Y. 1883, Alumni Fellow in Path, Col. Coll., Tun, Asst, Surg, Throat Dept, Vanderbilt Clinic, Att^g Phys, Roosevelt Hosp. O. P. D,, Inspr. N, Y. Board of Health. 128 W. nth St., N. Y. City. Edward Hubbard Quinn. 246 W. 36th St., N. Y. City. William Sherman Randall, Ph.B. Yale Univ. 1883 Memb, Conn. House of Repr,, Chairman School Bd. Derby Conn. Derby, Conn. Emil Rauth. 8g Tompkins Av., Brooklyn, N. Y. George Andrews Richards, Senior Surg, Throat Dept. Vanderbilt Clinic, Lect. Polyclinic N, Y, 30 W. 33d St., N. Y. City. 242 GRADUATES IN MEDICINE. [1886-87 Edward Gary Rushmore, B.S. Swarthmore Coll. 1881. Tuxedo Park, N. V. Hunter St. John, A.B, Coll. N. J. 1883. Roanoke, Va. John Edward Wallace Sanderson, A.B. elsewhere. j Milwaukee, Wis. Albert Burr Nash, A.B. Union Coll. 1883. 10 S. ijth St., Newark, N. y. Eugene Aloysius O'Brien. N: Y. City. William O'Gorman, Jr.,* A.M. elsewhere. '''1893 Clement Dietrich O'Leary, A.B. Brown Univ. 1884 and A.M. 1890. i6y Public St., Providence, R. I. George Wakeman Osborn, A.B. Yale Coll. 1884, House Phys. Bridgeport (Conn.) Hosp. 1887-88, Phys. to Emer- gency Hosp. Bridgeport, 1888-92. 3jg Broad St. , Bridgeport, Conn. Charles Thorndike Parker, Asst. Att'g Surg. Chambers St. Hosp., Asst. Demonstrator of-Anat. Col. Coll. 1889-92 and Asst. in Op. Surg. 1892-93. 46 E. S4th St. , N. Y. City. John Wells Parrish. N. Y. City. Daniel Russell Phillips, A.B. elsewhere. N. Y. City. Edward Payson Pond,* B.S. elsewhere. aet. 30. *i889. Elias Pratt. Torrington, Conn. Edward [Skiddy] Quintard, Fellow N. Y. Acad, of Med., Vis. Phys. The Church Hosp. & Disp. of the P. E. Church, and Phys. O. P. D. St. Mary's Free Hosp. for Children. S8 W. 36th St., N. Y. City. Thomas Hawlev Rockwell. Ins. Exam. Chamber of Commerce Bldg. , Chicago, III. Mefford Runyon. S. Orange, N. J. Philip Rupp, Jr., Ph.B. 1884, House Phys. and House Surg. St. Francis' Hosp. N. Y. 1887-88. 84 Second Av., N. Y. City. Adam Schauf, Phys. to Bushwick and East Brooklyn Disp., Insurance Examiner. igS Vernon Av., Brooklyn, N. Y. Frank Mansfield Sharpe, 134 S. Oxford St. , Brooklyn, N. Y. 1887-88] GRADUATES IN MEDICINE, 245 Clarence Wellington Sheldon, Ph.B. Yale Univ. 1884. 860 St. Mark's Av., Brooklyn, N. V. Paul Shillock, (usa), M.D. elsewhere, Capt, and Asst. Surg. U.S.A. Eorl Wingate, N. M. Charles Elihu Slocum, Jr., M.D. Univ. of Penn. 1888. 202 S. Jefferson Av., Peoria, III. Clarence Austin Smith, A.B. Yale Coll. 1882. Seattle, Wash. J. Gardner Smith. N Y. City. Nathan William Soble, Vis. Phys. Jewish Orphan Asy. Rochester, N. V. Thomas Shepard Southworth, A.B. Yale Coll. 1883, Pathologist Nursery and Child's Hosp., Instr. Dis. of Children N. Y. Polyclinic, Asst. in Med. Vander- bilt Clinic. ig W. 46th St., N. Y. City. Oscar William Stark. Cincinnati, Ohio. Purdy H. Sturges, Staff M.E. Hosp. Brooklyn, Att'g Lar- yngologist Brooklyn Central Disp. 440 Ninth St., Brooklyn, N. Y. George Lyon Tait. San Francisco, Cal. Franz John Albert Torek, A.B. Coll. City N. Y._ 1880 and A.M. 1887, Phys. German Disp., Instr. in Dis. of Chil. Post-Grad. Med. Sch., Asst. Surg. N. Y. Skin and Cancer Hosp. 164 E. ygth St., N. Y. City. Alexander Horton Travis, A.B. Coll. N. J. 1884 and A.M. 1887. Asst. Phys. Roosevelt Hosp. O. P. D. I2S W. 82d St., N. Y. City. Isaac Newton Trent, M.D. Ky. School of Med. 1881. M uncle, Ind. Jacob Cutwater Van Winkle, A.B. Coll. City N. Y. 1884. Hackensack, N. jf. Frank Anderson Votey. Detroit, Mich. Hill Sloane Warwick. 438 W. 47th St., N. Y. City. Henry De la Pierre White. Rutherford, N. J. Albert Victor Widmann, Ph.G. N. Y. Coll. Phar. 1884. Newark, N. J. John Smith Wilson, Health Officer Poughkeepsie N. Y. 1893. Poughkeepsie, N. Y. William Eaton Wilson, House Phys. N. Y. Hosp. 1887-88, House Surg. 1888-89, Surg. R. I. Hosp. 20 Park PI., Pawtucket, R. I. Sebastian Joseph Wimmer, A.M. St. Vincent's Coll. (Pa.) i88o. 253 ^' 43d St., N. Y. City. Charles Wuest, Jr. 740 Flushing A v., Brooklyn, N. Y. Adolph Zeh, A.B. Coll. City N. Y. Instr. N. Y. Post-Grad. Med. School and Hosp. 343 y^.joth St., N. Y. City. Eduardo Zuleta, M.D. elsewhere. Prof, and Prest. Faculty Natl. School of Mines Colombia, Memb. Acad. Med. Medellin, Colombia, S. A. io6 1888 Alexander Abrams, A.B. Coll. City N. Y. 1885. 230 E. 60th St., N. Y. City. Dan Putnam Albee. Albion, Idaho. George Holcomb Barber, (usn), Asst. Surg. U. S. N. 1889, Passed Asst. Surg. 1892-. Navy Dept. , Washington, D. C. Charles Bartels. 226 E. 114th St. , N. Y. City. Frank Hewitt Bartlett, A.M. Bates Coll. 1881. Frederick William Becker, Ph.B. elsewhere, Phys. to Essex Co. (N. J.) Prison. 118 Belmont A v. , Newark, N. y. Ernest Le Roy Bennett. Binghamton, N. Y. Joseph William Bettingen. j8i Endicott Av., St. Paul, Minn. Benjamin Williams Bizzell, M.D. Southern Med. Coll. 1887 and N. Y. Polyclinic 1889. Arthur Clay Blain, B.C.S. Univ. of Ga. 1884. 4og College St., Macon, Ga. 246 GRADUATES IN MEDICINE, [1888 Nathan Breiter, Chicago, III. Harris Fenton Brownlee. Danbury, Conn. Percy Bryant, Asst. Phys. Buffalo (N. Y.) State Hosp., Asst. Surg. 74th Regt. N. G. S. N. Y. State Hosp. , Buffalo, N. Y. Edward William Buckley, Sec. Ramsey Co. (Minn.) Med. Soc. Germajiic Bk. Bldg., St. Paul, Minn. John Laidlavv Buel, A.B. Yale Coll. 1885. Litchfield, Conn. Edward Leonard Bull. Jersey City, N. J . Richard F. Burke. 6_5j Lexington Av., N. V. City. Herbert William Cardwell. House Surg. M. E. Hosp. Brooklyn N. Y. i888-go, Surg. U. P. R. R., S. P. R. R. and P. & W. V. R. R. 1890-^2. Oregonian Bldg. , Portland, Ore. William Halsted Caswell, A.B. 1861, A.M. 241 W. 74th St., N. Y. City. George Henry Cobb, A.B. and A.M. Amherst Coll., Phys. O. P. D. N. Y. Hosp., Phys. St. Andrew's Hosp. 46 E. 3 1 St St., N. Y. City. Daniel William Collins. jg S. Washingtojt St., Wilkes Barre, Pa. George B. Cowell. 120 E. Washington Av., Bridgeport, Conn. Joseph John Craven, A.B. elsewhere. Jersey City. N. J . Reuben Cronson, A.B. elsewhere. 238 E. iigth St., N. Y. City. William Ledlie Culbert, Ph.B. Yale Univ. 1885, Ph.D. Univ. of Oniaha iBqg, Clin. Asst. to Vanderbilt Clinic, House Surg. N. Y. Hosp. loS W. S4th St. , N'. Y. City. Richard Hoop Cunningham, M.D. elsewhere. N. Y. City. John Joseph Curran. jji W. 20th St., N. Y. City. Arthur Nichols Curtis. Newark, N. J. Richard Randolph Daly. Utica, N. Y. Jose Joaquin de la Roche, S.B. elsewhere. U. S. of Colombia. Luis Fernandez del Rio, A.B. Univ. of Chile. Of a Argetitina, Iquique, Chile, S. A. Frank De Revere. Stapleton, S. I., N. Y. David Robert Dewey, Staff North Adams Hosp., City Phys. North Adams CMass.) 1893-94, Police Surg. 1893-94, Prest. Northern Berkshire Med. Assn. 1891-92. i^ Bank St., North Adams, Mass. William Kinnicutt Draper, A B. Harv. Univ. 1885, Asst. Gen. Med. Van- derbilt Clinic. 33 ^. 39th St., N. Y. City. Malvern Nicholas Due, A.B, Coll. N._ J. 1885 and A.M. 1888. Birminghatn, Ala. John Macauley Eager. Baltimore, Md. Wells Phillips Eagleton, Surg. Newark (N. J.) Charitable Eye and Ear Infirmary. 121 Orange St., Newark, N. J. Albert Heman Ely, A.B. Yale Coll. 1885. Asst. Surg. Roosevelt Hosp., Instr. Gynaecology N. Y. Poly- clinic. ig W. 46th St., N. Y. City. Israel Solomon Feinberg. Gustav Adolph Fensterer. Eloral Park, Queens Co. , N. Y. Albert Frey, Grad. Royal Gymnasium Cologne Ger- many. jiy S. Orange A v., Newark, N. J. William Alexander Graham. j2y N, Tryon St. , Charlotte, N. C. George Clark Gross. Lexington, Ky. Hugh Hagan. S6 W. 46th St., N: Y. City. Daniel W. Harrington, U. S. Exam. Surg, for Pensions. Oshkosh, Wis. Norman Darrell Harvey. Halifax, N. S., Canada. Jacob Edward Herman. IJ2J Greene Av., Brooklyn, N . Y 1 888] GRADUATES IN MEDICINE. 247 Henry Allen Higley, Jr. N. Y. City. George Rowland Hill. J24 Third St. , N. V. City. William Augustus Howe, B.S. Hobart Coll. and M. S. 1886, Health Officer Phelps N. Y., Coroner Ontario Co. (N, Y.) and Memb. Bd. Educat. Fhelps, N. V. Joseph Huber, [Jr.], Att'g Phys. Dept. Dis. Children Vander- bilt Clinic. iij E. Broadway, N. Y. City. Ward Houghton Hulen, M.D. Chicago Coll. Phys. and Surg. 1887. 2107 Postoffice St., Galveston, Tex. Max Jackson. N. Y. City. Robert Kearns, [Jr.]. Montgomery, Orange Co., N. Y. Richard Kuehne. Jersey City, N. J. Alexander Lambert, A.B. Yale Coll. 1884 and Ph.B. 1885, Alumni Fellow of Bacteriology Col. Coll., Clin. Acst. in Nervous Dis. Clinic Vanderbilt Clin. 1892-93. 2 E. 37th St., N. Y. City. Charles Lehlbach, Jr., Med. Health Officer Newark N. J. Newark, N. J. Clarence Linden Lewis, Jr., Ex-House Surg. Bellev. Hosp. N. Y., Ex-Prof. Physiol. Tenn. Med. Coll. Nashville, Tenn. George Lindenmeyr, San. Insp'r N. Y. Board of Health 1892, Pathologist St. Mark's Hosp. N. Y. City. 32g E. lyth St., N. Y. City. Hanau Wolf Loeb, A.B. and Pe.B. Missouri Univ. 1883 and A.M. 1887, M.D. St. Joseph's Med. Coll. 1887 and Ensworth Medical School 1889, Prof. Diseases of Nose and Throat Marion- Sims Coll. of Med., Surg. Rebekaa Hosp. and to Missouri Pac. and M. K. & T. Hosps., Gasconade Sanitarium and Grand Avenue (St. Louis) Free Disp. joj N. Grand A v., St. Louis, Mo. Edwin Knickerbocker Losee, A.B. elsewhere. N. Y. City. George Birmingham McAuliffe, A.B. Coll. City N. Y. 1885. N. Y. City. Will McCaw, A.B. Cornell Univ. 1884 and Lit. B. (Hon.) /// Main St., Geneva, N. Y. Forbes Robert McCreery, B.S. Coll. City N. Y. 1885. i2g E. 40th St. , N, Y. City. Dennis John McDonald. N. Y. City. James Higgins Mcintosh, A.B. elsewhere. North Grosvenordale, Conn. John Bernard McKenna, A.B. Manhattan Coll. 1884 and A.M. 1891, Surg. 2d Regt. Inf. R. L M. with rank of Major. Box j6j, E. Providence, R. I. Frank Edward Maginnis. Brooklyn, N. Y. ^ Hallock Rathbone Maine, Asst. Vis. Phys. Kings Co. (N.Y.) Hosp., Att'g Phys. for Gen. Med. Brooklyn (N. Y.) Central Disp. 24 Seventh Av., Brooklyn, N. Y. Henry Elijah Matthews, Health Officer Orange N. J., Att'g Phys. Orange (N. J.) Memorial Hosp. Disp. jg6 Scotland St. , Orange, N. jf . George Longking Meredith. 201 1 Fifth Av., Troy, N. Y. George Rayson Newby.* aet. 31. ♦1892 William Edward Newing. George Lawrence Nicholas, Res. Phys. Willard Parker and Recep- tion Hosps. Health Dept. N. Y., late In- terne Mt. Sinai Hosp. and Res. Phys. Riverside Hosp. Willard Parker Hosp., N. Y. City. Leon Edgar Norfleet. Tarboro\ N. C. Harry McMahon Painter, A.B. elsewhere. N. Y. City. Wesley Hamilton Peck, City Phys. Clinton la., Co. Phys. Clin- ton Co. Iowa. Wheaton, III. Francis RoUin Percival, Phys. Riverside Hosp N. Y. 1889-92. Hagerstown, Md. Charles Edwin Perkins, M.D. elsewhere. House Surg. Bellev. Hosp. 1889, Sec. Erie Co. (O.) Med. Soc, Surg. C. C. C. & St. L. Ry. Sandusky, O. 248 GRADUATES IN MEDICINE. [1888 Thomas De Witt Pinckney, Health Officer Williamsbridge N. Y., Att'g Phys. Westchester Free Hosp. Williamsbridge , N. Y. Royal Watson Pinney, Ph.B. elsewhere. Incorporator Derby (Conn.) Savings Bank, Derby, Conn. Warren Oscar Plimpton, A.B. Bowdoin Coll. 1882 and A.M. 1885, Instr. Orth. Surg. Post-Grad. Med. Coll., Asst. to Chair of Orth. Surg. Med. Dept. Univ. N. Y. City. ig W. 84th St, N. V. City. Manuel Guillermo Ponce de Leon, M.D. elsewhere. N. Y. City. William Evelyn Porter, Instr. in Gynaecology N. Y. Polyclinic, Asst. Vis. Surg. N. Y. Cancer Hosp., Att'g Surg. Demilt Disp., Att'g Gynae- cologist Northern Disp. 50 W. sjd St., N. Y. City. Raymond Beriah Pratt, A.B. elsewhere. 201 Baldwin St., Elmira, N. Y. Charles William Prettyman, Asst. Phys. Toledo (O.) Asy. for Insane 1888-91. /J97 W. 12th St. , Chicago, III. William Ernest Ramsay. Baltimore, Md. Joseph Raymond. 8 Barrett St. , Schenectady, N. Y. George Edwin Reed, House Phys. and House Surg. St. Mary's Genl. Hosp. Brooklyn N. Y. j8s Madison St. , Brooklyn, N. Y. James Joline Reed, Prest. Bd. Health Sea Bright N. J. Sea Bright, N. J. David Robert Rodger, A.B. Hamilton Coll., Health Officer town of Woodbury Conn. Woodbury, Conn. Francis Fayette Root, A.B. Coll. N. J. 1882. g4 W. 104th St., N. Y. City. William Hugh Ross. Brentwood, N. Y. Emory Wood Ruggles, A.B. elsewhere. 1^74 Madison Av., N. Y. City. Robert Alfred Sands, A.B. elsewhere. jg £. jjd St., N. Y. City. Henry Lawrence Shively, B.S. Cornell Univ. 1884, Res. Surg. Presbyt. Hosp. 1889-90, ist Lieut, and Asst. Surg. U. S. A. 1891, Asst. Vis. Surg. N. Y. Orth. Disp. Sjo W.syth St., N. Y. City. Chandler Holmes Smith, Jr. Madison, Fla. Cornelius Francis Starr, Surg, ist Regt. N. H. N. G., Prest. Board of Health Manchester N. H., Att'g Phys. Sacred Heart Hosp. Manchester N. H. Manchester, N. H. James Albert Edward Sleeves, A.B. Univ. of New Brunswick (Can.) 1881, M.D. Univ. of Burlington Vt. 1884, A.M. Univ. N. B. 1886, Asst. Supt. Provincial Lunatic Asy. St. John N. B. Canada. St. yohn, N. B., Canada. Edward Sutton. Somerville, N. y . Sinclair Tousey, A.M. elsewhere 1885. 2g W. 38th St., N. Y. City. Henry Aloysius Towle, A.B. Coll. N. J. 1883 and A.M. 1886. 14 Bridge St., Newark, N. J . Benjamin Randall Tupper, A.B. Williams Coll. 1884. 147 Stevens Av., Mt. Vernon, N. Y, Bernard Elias Vaughan, Asst. Att'g Surg. N. Y. Cancer Hosp., Instr. in Genito-Urin. Surg. Post-Grad. Med. Sch., Att'g Surg. N. Y. Disp. 2og W. ssth St., N. Y. City. Alphonse Michael Wallace. 131 E. 83d St., N. Y. City. David Syrus Warner, A.B. Union Coll. 1882, Ins. Exam. 232 Hewes St., Brooklyn, N. Y. John Brown Weaver, M.D. elsewhere. Asheville, N. C. Samuel Louis Weber. Lect. in Mat. Med. and Ther. Rush Med. Coll., Lect. on Surg. Post-Grad. Med. School Chicago, Att'g Surg. Cen- tral Free and Michael Reese Hosp. Dis- pensaries. 143 33th St., Chicago, III. John Nichols Weston. Silver City, Idaho. Levi Olmsted Wiggins,* A.B. Yale Coll. 1885. aet. 26. *i89i Frank Pope Wilson, A.B. elsewhere. N. Y. City. 1888-89] GRADUATES IN MEDICINE, 249 Herbert Wright Wootton, Instr, N. Y. Polyclinic, Att'g Phys. N. E. Disp. N. Y. 42^ Lexington Av., N. V. City. John Francis Wouters, Gradue en letires Univ. of Louvain (Bel- gium) 1870, and Candidat en Sciences Naturelles 1872, Candidat en M^decine 1875, Phys. to Belgian Benev. Soc. 41S W. joth St., N. V. City. John Van Doren Young. 108 W. 7sth St., iV. V. City. Frank Henry Zitz, Ph.G. N. Y. Coll. Phar. 1883. 4j6 Lexington Av., N. Y. City. 1889 Albyn Lincoln Adams. yacksonville. III. John Aldrich, A.B. Brown Univ. 1883. 76 W. 82d St., N. V. City. Jerry Augustus Allis. Lackawanna, Pike Co., Penn. Harry Gray Anderson, House Surg. N. Y. Cancer and Woman's Hosps. N. Y. 1890-92. 2 JO W. 123d St. , N. Y. City. John Lyman Andrews, House Surg. Charity Hosp., Asst. Vis. Surg. Randall's Is. Hosp., Att'g Sure. Bellev. Hosp. O. P. D. 307 E. 86th St., N. Y. City. Edward Avendano. N. Y. City. Pearce Bailey, A.B. Coll. N. J. 1886 and A.M. 1889, Asst. Nerv. Dis. Vanderbilt Clinic 1893-, Asst. Pathology Col. Coll. 1893-, Asst. Neuro- logist Alms House 1894-. 437 W. sgth St., N. Y. City. Benjamin May Baker, Phys. Norfolk (Va.) City Prison. 6 Bank St., Norfolk, Va. Frank Russell Baker. S40 Bedford Av., Brooklyn, N. Y. Frederick Theodore Barber. Health Officer Northfield S. I., Ins. Exam. Surg. Port Richmond, S. I. , N. Y. Charles Watson Bartlett. Blandford, Mass. "5 Emanuel M. Baruch, Ph.D. Univ. of Wurtemberg Germany 1887 and M.D. 1891, Prof. Biology and Bacteri- ology and Director Bact. Lab. N. Y. H. Med. Coll. and Hosp. S7 E> 77 i^ ^i'. -A^- ^. City. Ward Manktelow Beckwith, A.B. elsewhere. N. Y. City. Morris Norton Bemus, A.B. Rutgers Coll. 1885 and A.M. 1889, Cura- tor Univ. of Niagara Buffalo N. Y. joj E. Second 6t. , Jamestown, N. Y. Frederic Bierhoff. 170 W. 126th St., N. Y. City. Edmund Wallen Bill, B.S. Coll. N. J. 188s, Vis. Phys. N. W. Disp., Asst. Att'g Phys. Presb. Hosp. Disp. 147 PV. 44th St., N. Y. City. Louis Faugeres Bishop, A.B. elsewhere. Trenton, N. y. Charles Minor Blackford, Jr., M.D. Univ. of Va. 1888, City Coroner Lynchburg Va., Member Va. State Med. Exam. Board 1893. 80 J Church St., Lynchburg, Va. Edward Giles Blair, A.B. Kansas State Univ. 1887, Memb. Surg. Staff Roosevelt Hosp. N. Y. 1891-92. Atchison, Kan. Joseph Augustus Blake, A.B. Yale Coll. 1885 and Ph.B. 1886, Asst. Demonstrator Anat. Col. Coll. 1892-, Asst. Surg. Vanderbilt Clinic. I E. 33d St., N. Y. City. Rezie Owings Blaydes. Hot Springs, Ark. Edward Strong Bogert, Jr., (usn). Passed Asst. Surg. U. S. N. Care Navy Department, Washington^ D. C. Reed Brinsmade Bontecou, Att'g Surg. Infirmary Hosp. and Insane Asylum, Asst. Health Officer. 82 Fourth St. , Troy, N. Y. Elman Hilts Borst. Cobleskill, N. Y. Frank Archer Bottome, Asst. Surg. St. Andrew's Infirmary for Women, Phys. St. Luke's Assn., Lect. on Hygiene to N. Y. Training Sch. for Deaconesses. 41 W. 126th St., N. Y. City. Nevdon Mesrob Boyajian, A.B. Robert Coll. Constantinople Turkey 1881, B.S. Univ. of Geneva Switzerland. 76 Madison Av., N. Y. City. 250 GRADUATES IN MEDICINE. [1889 Oliver Otis Howard Bradley. Hudson, N. Y. William Partridge Brandegee. Elizabeth, N. J. Erdmann Neumeister Brandt, Health Officer Hastings N. Y. Has tings -on- Hud son, N. Y. Gustav Weber Bratenahl. N. Y. City. Frank Thomson Brough, Ph.G. London Eng., Memb. Staff City Hosp. Bayonne N. J., Surg. Standard Oil Co., Tide Water Oil Co. and Orford Copper Works of Constable Hook N. J. 22 E. 22d St. , Bayonne, N. y. George Herbert Brown. Highland Falls, N. Y. James Alexander Browne, Coroner Passaic Co. N. J. 1890-93. J// Van Houten St., Pater son, N'. y. Frederick Wing Burleigh, A.B. Coll. N. J. 1885. Fitchburg, Mass. Charles Moore Burrows, Prof. Med. Jurisprudence and Rec. Sec. Coll. Phys. and Surg. Chicago 111. 4JOI OkenwaldAv., Chicago, III. Lorenzo Burrows, Jr., Asst. to Prof. Ophth. in Univ. of Mich. 1889-90. Saginaw IVest Side, Mich. Henry De Haven Cameron, Asst. Surg. Meth. Epis. Hosp. and Nor- wegian Hosp. Brooklyn N. Y. 2^ Seventh A v. , Brooklyn, N. Y, William Merle d'Aubigne Carhart, B.S. Yale Coll. 1885, Asst. Att'g Surg. Manh. E. and E. Hosp., Instr. Dis. of Eye and Ear N. Y. Post-Grad. Med. Sch. i4y W. 44th St., N. Y. City. William Chapman, M.D. Cooper Med. Coll. Cal. 1886. N. Y. City. Walter John Clark. yersey City, N. y. James Henry Clarke. Providence, R. I. Walter James Clarke, A.B. Coll. N. J. 1886. 232 W. ijsth St., N. Y. City. Arthur Meeker Collier. Randall's Island, N'. Y. City. Robert George Cook, A.B. Harv. Univ. 1886. Ogdensburg, N. Y. [Addison] Luzerne Coville, B.S. Cornell Univ. 1886, Phys. Central Disp., Asst. Bkln. E. and E. Disp., Sec. L. I. Med. Soc. 1^4 Berkeley PL, Brooklyn, N. Y. Joseph Richard Crofton. New London, Conn. Colman Ward Cutler, A.B. Yale Coll. 1885. Care Brown, Shipley 6^ Co., Founder's Court, London, Eng. James Williams Dalbey, B.S. 111. Coll. 1885, Prof. Ophth. and Otol. Med. Dept. Univ. of Iowa. Cedar Rapids, la. Edward Barzillai Dana, Jr., Coroner Middlesex Co. (N. J.). Metuchen, N. y. Asa Barnes Davis, Asst. Registrar and Sub.-Att'g Phys. Soc. Lyin§-in Hosp. City N. Y., Att'g Surg. Demilt Disp. j6 1 Lexington A v., N. Y. City. Charles Butler Day. Glencoe, McLeod Co. , Minn. Edward Gardiner Day. Riverside, Conn. Eden Vinson Delphey, Interne Roosevelt Hosp. N. Y. 1890-91. 358 W. s8th St., N. Y. City. Fred. Robert Driesbach. Dansville, N. Y. Emilio Echeverria, Memb. of Costa Rica Medical Faculty, Asst. Surg. Roosevelt Hosp. O. D. D., Asst. Dermatologist Demilt Disp. 137 E. 28th St., N. Y. City. Gilbert Molleson Elliott, A.B. Coll. City N. Y. 1886 and A.M. 1890. Brunswick, Me. Elmer Clay Fahrney. Hagerstown, Md. Frederick Gershom Fielding, Health Officer Hartford N. Y. 1891-93. 70 Ridge St. , Glens Falls, N. Y. Charles Edward Joseph Finlay. Havana, Cuba. Philip Richard Flanagan. Chatham, N. Y. George Peter French. 234 Adams St., Rochester. N. Y. Andrew J. Fulton. yohnstown, N. Y. 1889] GRADUATES IN MEDICINE. 251 William Sinn Gardner. 41S West End Av., N. V. City. Lewis McPhee Gibson. j^7 Boulevard West, N. V. City. Patrick Frederick Gildea. N. V. City. Eugene Holden Goldberg. /(? Kearny A v. , Kearny, N. y . Maurice Louis Goodkind, A.B. Williams Coll. 1887. Chicago, III. ' Frederick Abbott Goodwin, M.D. elsewhere. Hartford, Conn. Irving Frederick Graves, City Phys. Nashua N. H. 1892 and Sec. Board of Health 1892-93, Chem. to Milk Insp. Dept., Ins. Exam'r. 2y Franklin St. , Nashua^ N. H. William Henry Gray. Mystic, Conn. James Sproat Green, Jr., A.B. Coll. N. J. 1886. 414 Westminster Av., Elizabeth, N. y. Henry Arthur Griffin, A.B. Harv. Univ. 1886. 44 W. 48th St., N. V. City. Henry M. Hallock. N. V. City. Frederick Porter Hammond, Att'g Gynaecologist O.P.D. Harlem Hosp. igjg Madison Av., N. Y. City. James Cole Hancock. 14J W. 2ist St., N. V. City. William Benjamin Hardman, A.B. Mercer Univ. 1886 and A.M. iSgo, Memb. Jackson Co. (Ga.) School Board and Mayor Harmony Grove Ga. Harmony Grove, Ga. Charles William Harrison. 87\ Halsey St., Newark, N. y. Charles Walker Hayt. S7 1 Lexington Av., N. Y. City. Henry WilHam Heaton. Box jg6 Olneyville, R. I. Angier Bailey Hobbs, A.B. Coll. N. J. 1884 and A.M. 1887. 66 W. 38th St., N. Y. City. John Hamilton Potter Hodgson, M.D. Univ. of Va. if " N. Y. City. Henry Martyn Hooper, A.B. elsewhere. Rutherford, N. y. Francis Julius LeMoyne Hupp, A.B. Wash, and Jeff. Coll. 1886 and A.M. 1889, Phys. Presb. Hosp. N. Y. for two years and six mos. Wheeling, W. Va. Morison Thomas Hutchinson, Ph.B. Yale Univ. 1886, Asst. Phys. Roosevelt Hosp. O. P. D. 8j6 Broadway, N. Y. City. Robert Bruce James, Grad. Va. Mil. Inst. 1883, M.D. Univ. of Va. 1886, Memb. Board of Health Rad- ford Va. Radford, Va. Smith Ely Jellifife, Instr. in Materia Med. and Botany Brooklyn Coll. of Phar., Att'g Phys. Brooklyn Central Disp. and to Brooklyn City Disp., Curator Herbarium of Brook- lyn Inst, of P. and S. ig6 6th Av., Brooklyn, N. Y. Luther Cromwell Jones. Utica, N. Y. Robert Coleman Kemp, A.B. 1885, House Surg. Roosevelt Hosp., Att'g Surg. Epis. Ch. Hosp. and Disp. N. Y. City. 168 W.S4th St., N. Y. City. John William Keough, A.B. Seton Hall N. J. i88r and A.M. 1883, Prest. Bd. of Health Shrewsbury Town- ship N. J. i8go, Town Phys. same place, Surg. 111. Cent. R. R. Co., Ins. Exam. Buckingham, Kankakee Co., III. Herman Gustave Klippert, Ph.G. Coll. Phar. N. Y. 1885. 102 E. 123d St., N. Y. City. George Frederick Koehler, Vis. Phys. St. Vincent's Hosp., Lect. Surg. Anat. Oregon State Med. Coll. Portland, Ore. Samuel Marcus Landsman, Asst. Surg. Randall's Is. Hosp. 64 E. 3d St., N. Y. City. Southgate Leigh, M.D. Univ. Va. 1888. Norfolk, Va. David Bigelow Lovell. I High St. , Worcester, Mass. Andrew Francis McBride. Paterson, N. y. Frederick Watson McClere. Manhattan Hospital, N. Y. City. 252 GRADUATES IN MEDICINE. [1889 John Francis McCusker, B.S. Manhattan Coll. 1886 and M.S. 1892, House Officer R. I. Hosp. 1889-90, House Phys. Providence (R. I.) Lying-in Hosp. 1892-93, Vis. Phys. St. Joseph's Hosp. ^66 Broad St. , Providence^ R. I. John Joseph McGrath. 2^^ Lexington A v.^ N. V. City. William Stevenson MacLaren, A.B. Coll. N. J. 1886 and A.M. 1888, House Phys. Bellev. Hosp. 1890-91. Litchfield, Conn. Edmund Hood Magee. N. V. City. William George Mangold, Ph.G. elsewhere. 70 7M St., N. V. City. Walter Wilton Matson. Brookville, Pa. Hugo Louis Marie Metz, Ph.G. N. Y. Coll. Phar. 1881. Sn ^. iSth St., N. Y. City. Ludwig Mitchel Michaelis. logo Lexington Av., N. V. City. Josiah Didier Montmarquet. Jersey City, N. J . William Moor, Grad. Gym. of Fiinfkirchen Austria 1884, Phys. West Side German Disp. j'j'j' Boulevard IV. , N. Y. City. Joseph William Morris.* Louis Morris, A.B Coll. City N. Y. 1886. 77 Orchard St., N. Y. City, Joseph Nagel, A.B. Budapest 1885. N. Y. City. Van Home Norrie, A.B. 1885. 21 W. 37th St., N. Y. City. Henry Rutherford Overton. Brooklyn, N. Y. Stewart Paton, A.B. elsewhere. 596 Lexington Av., N. Y. City. Morton Roberts Peck. 66 E. 126th St., N. Y. City. Edward White Perkins, A.B. Coll. City N. Y. 1886, Clin. Asst. Dept. Laryng. Vanderbilt Clinic. 22^ W. 131st St., N. Y. City. August Charles Pfenning, Ph.G. elsewhere. 5^9 Elm St. , W. Hoboken, N. J. Charles Robert Phillips, Exam. Surg, for Pensions Surg, to N. Y. L. E. & W. R. R. Co., Vis. Surg. St. James Mercy Hosp. Horfiellsville, N. Y. David Becker Pindar, 201 Garden St., Hoboken, N. y. Eduardo Jose Pinto [-Fernandez], Late Supt. Costa Rica Insane Asy., late Medico del Crimen and Medico del Pueblo (Public Phys.) of San Jose Costa Rica, Treasr. Costa Rica Board of Health. San Jose, Costa Rica. George Sawyer Pitcher. N. Y. City. Herbert Kent Porter, M.D. Miami Med. Coll. 1888. 32 Adams A v., W. Detroit, Mich. Buenaventura Higinio Portuondo. 4ig E. ii^th St., N. Y. City. Frank Edward Potter, A.B. elsewhere. N. Pownal, Vt. James Spofford Reeve, A.B. Lawrence Univ. (Wis.) 1885 and A.M. Appleton, Wis. Joseph Henry Reuss, Local Surg. So. Pac. R. R. and S. A. and A. P. R. R. Cuero, Texas. Charles Orrin Rice. 406 W.syth St., N. Y. City. Henry Adolphe Richy. 23g E. 3gth St. , N. Y. City. Charles David Ripley. Newark, N. J. Harris Crocker Rodgers. 4 W. i2Sth St. , N. Y. City. Frederick Davis Ruland. Westport, Fairfield Co. , Conn. John Sidney Sauvalle. Havana, Cuba. William Gray Schaufifler, (educ), A.B. Amherst Coll. 1886, Prof, of Physiol. and Women's Dis. Syrian Protestant Coll. 1893-. Beirut, Syria. Otto Henry Schultze, A.B. Coll. City N. Y. 1886. N. Y. City. William McCurdy Scott, Prof. Anat. in Western Penn. Med. Coll. 1889-91, Phys. to Board of Health Pitts- burgh Pa. 6oog Penn Av., Pittsburgh, Pa. 1889] GRADUATES IN MEDICINE. 253 Frank Millard Severson, A.B. elsewhere. Geneva, N. V. Edward Richard Sill, A.B. Hamilton Coll. 1884. jy6 E. 14th St., Oakland, Cal. Edwin Dudley Smith. , N. Y. City. Ernest Herman Smith, A.B. Amherst Coll. 1885. Redding, Conn. John Joseph Smith. . N. Y. City. John Vernon Smith, Asst. Med. Supt. Hosp. for Incurables i82d St. and 3d ave. N. Y. City. i82d St. and Third Av., N. Y. City. Samuel Smith, A.M. elsewhere. N. Y. City. Shirley Robinson Snow, A.B. Harv, Univ. 1886, Pathologist and Asst. Surg. Rochester Homeo. Hosp. J 42 Monroe A v., Rochester, N. Y. William Glassel Somerville, A.B. Univ. of Ala. 1885, Trustee Ala. Bryce Insane Hosp. 1893-. Tuscaloosa, Ala, Frederic Ewald Sondern, Clin. Asst. Vanderbilt Clinic. 128 IV. 34th St., N. Y. City. Clinton Stevenson. Chambers St. Hospital, N. Y. City. Aaron Longstreet Stillwell, A.B. Coll. N. J. 1887. Lewis Hiram Stone. Litchfield, Conn. James Ambrose Stoughton, Randall's Island, N. Y. City. Emery Peckham Sweet. 557 IVestminster St., Providence, R. I. William Warren Talley, A.B. Richmond Coll. 1884, M.D. Med. Coll. of Va. 1886. 71 W. J 34th St., N. Y. City. Percy Hamilton Terhune, Prest. Passaic (N. J.) Board of Health and City Phys. Passaic, N. J. Charles Oscar Thompson, Ph.G. Mass. Coll. Phar. 1887. 35 Cambridge St. , Boston, Mass. George Abraham Torrison, A.B. Luther Coll. la. 1885. 887 W. North Av., Chicago, III. Ervin Alden Tucker, B.S. Amherst Coll. 1885 and A.M. 1888, Res. Phys. Sloane Maternity Hosp., Instr. in Prac. Obstet. Col. Coll. 1893-. Sloane Maternity Hosp. , N. Y. City. John A. Voorhees. Bath Beach, N. Y. James Peter Warbasse, Asst. Att'g Surg. M. E. Hosp. Brooklyn N. Y. io<) Gates Av., Brooklyn, N. Y. James Byers Warden. 254 Carlton Av., Brooklyn, N. Y. Levi Francis Warner, A.B. Williams Coll. 1885, Att'g Phys. N. Y. Dispensary. 42 W. 2 1 St St. , N. Y. City. James Sears Waterman. San Francisco, Cal. Fred Webner. Henry Howard Whitehouse, Ph.B. Yale Univ. 1885. 4 E. 37th St., N. Y. City. Alfred Wiener, Instr. in Nerv. and Mental Dis. N. Y. Polyclinic. 113 W. 77 th St., N. Y. City. William Edgar Wirt, U.S.N. Acad, 1884, A.M. Univ. of Wooster i88g, Ph.D. Ohio Univ. 1891, M.D. Univ. of Wooster 1888. Prof. Orth. Surg. Univ. of Wooster Cleveland O., Vis. Surg. University Hosp., Orth. Surg. Cleveland Hosp. for Women and Chil- dren, Chairman Com. on Defective Classes Ohio State Assn. of Char, and Corr., Fellow Amer. Acad. Med. 50 Euclid Av., Cleveland, O. Frederick Hubbard Wolcott, A.B. elsewhere. 53 W. 33d St., N. Y. City. Frederick John Jennings Wood, Asst. Surg. St. John's Hosp. Bkln., Asst. Surg. 47th Regt. N. G. S. N. Y., Phys. Brooklyn Central Disp. 150 Washington Av., Brooklyn, N. Y. Walter Childs Wood, A.B. Amherst Coll. 1886, Assoc. Surg. St. Mary's Hosp. Brooklyn N. Y. 520 Nostrand Av., Brooklyn, N. Y. Louis Augustus Zerega, A.B. elsewhere. N. Y. City. 166 254 GRADUATES IN MEDICINE. [1890 1890 Charles Francis Adams, A.B. Yale Coll. 1886, Att'g Gynaecologist St. Bartholomew's Clinic. 17 W. 4Sth St., N. y. City. Henry Frederick Adams. Roosevelt Hospital^ N. V. City. Louis Akin. Amsterdam, Montgomery Co., N. Y. Andrew John Andersen. 6S4 Blackivell St., L. I. City, N. V. Milton Ellsworth Artman, House Staff Bellev. Hosp. 1890-92. Rochester, N. V. Adolph Baron, A.B. Coll. City N. Y. 1887, Collaborator at the German Disp., Clin. Asst. in Dis. of Children, N. Y. Polyclinic. J30 E. J 8th St. , N V. City. John Henry Richard Barry, B.S. Manhattan Coll. 1887 and M. S. 1890, Jail Phys. Queens Co. N. Y. 1^6 gth St., L. I. City, N. V. Robert Joseph Barry, House Phys. Blackwell's Is. 1890, House Phys, St. Vincent's Hosp. 1891, Prest. Bd. of Educat. Derby Conn. Derby, Conn. John Bates, A.B. 1881. P. O. Box io_$, Gt. Barrington, Mass. Willard Doolittle Becker, Jr. Cancer Hospital, N. Y. City. Clayton Powers Bennett. 160 Chambers St., N. Y. City. Walter Bensel, Asst. Surg. Vanderbilt Clinic, Med. San. Insp'r N. Y. City Health Dept. 226 W. 7^th St., N. Y. City. Elmer Fox Berkele, A.B. Yale Univ. 1887. 610 Willoughby Av., Brooklyn, N. Y. Constantine Bjerring. 22g E. j8th St., N. Y. City. Percival Ranney Bolton, Ph.B. Yale Univ. 1886, Asst. Surg. Vanderbilt Clinic, N. Y. Hosp. Out-door, Chambers St. Hosp. 18 W. ibth St., N. Y. City. Allan Blair Bonar, A.B. Yale Univ. 1887. Marquette, Mich. Nelson Borst. Poughkeepsie, N. Y, George Bradley Bradley. 103 W. gjd St., N. Y. City. William Coughlin Braislin, Clin. Asst. Brooklyn Eye and Ear Hosp. j/j" Clinton Av., Brooklyn, N. Y. Frederick Gretton Brathwaile, (USN), As*. Surg. U. S. N. Navy Dept. , IVashington, D. C. Samuel Brothers, Ph.G. N. Y. Coll. Phar. 1885, Att'g Phys. Co- lumbus Dispensary. 9J» Madison St. , N. Y. City. William Robert Broughton, A.B. Williams Coll. 1887. 1^6 Madison Av., N. Y. City. Hezekiah Beattie Brown. Henry Babcock Carpenter, A.B. Univ. N. Y. City 1886. 49 ^' 35th St., N. Y. City. Robert Leslie Carson, A.B. Williams Coll. 1886. Canandaigua, N. Y. Theophilus Ransom Carter, A.B. Yale Coll. 1886. 2g E. 2d St., Mt. Vernon, N. Y. Jacob Henry Carver. 41 E. jjd St. , N. Y. City. Charles Francis Chapman, Health Officer of Mt. Kisco. Mt. Kisco, N. Y. Edmund Denison Chesebro, A.B. Brown Univ. 1887. Stonington, Conn. Frederic Stephens Cole. Cairo, N. Y. Arthur Burr Coleburn, Ph.G. elsewhere. N. Y. City. Charles Colhoun. Rutherford, N. J. Arthur Patrick Coll, Att'g Phys. St. Joseph's Hosp. and Asst. Out-door Dept. Bellev. Hosp. N. Y. ex- Interne St. Francis' Hosp. 1^7 Lexington Av., N. Y. City. James Joseph Concanon. Phys. Dept. Dis. Children N. W. Disp. 372 W.32dSt.,N. Y. City. Lewis Atterbury Conner, Ph.B. Yale Univ. 1887, late House Phys. N. Y. Hosp. 18 W. 1 6th St., N. Y. City. Salvator Serre Cordova. Yuscaran, Honduras. 1890] GRADUATES IN MEDICINE. 255 James Lefferts Cornell, M.D. L. I. Coll. Hosp., Surg. O. P. D. St. Mary's Hosp. Brooklyn, N. Y. jj Monroe PL , Brooklyn^ N. V. Edward Everett Cornwall, Ph.B, Wesleyan Univ. 1887. 75 Halsey St. , Brooklyn, N. Y. George Wyckoff Cummins, Ph.B. Yale Univ. 1884 and Ph.D. 1887, Instr. Yale Univ. 1885-88. Behidere, N. J. Frank Caryl Dakin, 714 Greenwood BouL, Evans ton, III. Jared Waldo Daniels, M.D. Rush Med. Coll. 1889. St. Peter, Minn. Morris Jay Davies. Waterville, N. Y. Henry Pelouze de Forest, Ph.B. Cornell Univ. 1884 and M.S. 1887, In- terne M. E. Hosp. Brooklyn N. Y. 1890- 91 and Vienna Gen. Hospital 1891-92, Sloane Maternity Hosp. N. Y. 1892-93, Pathologist Norwegian Hosp. Brooklyn N. Y. 1893-, Asst. M. E. Hosp. 1893, Asst. Surg. 13th Regt. N. G. S. N. Y. 1893-. ^82 Throop Av., Brooklyn, N. Y. Samuel Derickson, Jr., A.B. 1885. 67 E. s6th St., N. Y. City. Francis Louis de Villa. N. Y. City. George Jacob Dirkes. 186 S. 2d St., Brooklyn, N. Y. William Francis Donovan, A.B. Manhattan Coll. 1887. Gouverneur Hospital, N. Y. City. John Joseph Dooley. S40 W.s^th St., N. Y. City. Walter Adams Dunckel. Youngs town, O. Samuel Robert Dunlop, B.S. Coll. City N. Y. 1887. Ft. Supply, Ind. Ty. Frank Gaylord Eastman, House Officer R. I. Hosp. 1890-92, Asst. Surg. C. Q. Min. Co., Ariz. & S. E. R. R. 1893-. Bisbee, Ariz. Martin John Echeverria. N. Y. City. Henry Frederick Eichacker, Ph.G. elsewhere. N. Y. City. James Robinson English, Jr. Elizabeth, N. J. James Seferen Ennis. 117 E. 17th St., N. Y. City. William Evans. Westtown, N. Y. William Dominic Finn, Att'g Surg. Halifax (N. S.) Visiting Disp., Coroner Halifax Co., Demon- strator Pathology Halifax Med. Coll., Curator and Pathologist Victoria General Hosp. 100 A r gyle St., Halifax, N. S., Can. Charles Borromeo Fitzpatrick, Jr , A.B. Seton Hall N. J. 1887. Innspruck, Austria. William Flitcroft. Pater son, N. y . Henry Hall Forbes, House Surg. Presb. Hosp., Res. Phys. N. Y. Foundling Hosp., Asst. Surg. N. Y. Hosp. O. P. D. 24 W. 2Sth St., N. Y. City. Marcus Fried. Portland, Ore. Albert Ernest Gallant. Paterson, N. y. Alfred Wild Gardner. S4 W.S4th St., N. Y. City. John Thomas Gibbons. Brooklyn, N. Y. Bartlett Gilbert, Jr. 348 E. 84th St. , N. Y. City. William Whitehead Gilfillan, Asst. to chair of Otology, Instr. in Ophth. Post-Grad. Med. Sch., Asst. Surg. Man- hattan E. and E. Hosp. 27^ Lexington Av., N. Y. City. Larkin White Glazebrook, M.D. L. I. Coll. Hosp., Res. Phys. St. Luke's Hosp. Bethlehem Pa. two years, Vis. Phys. Washington Orphanage, Memb. Disp. Staff Emergency Hosp. Washing- ton D.C. 71^ 14th St., Washington, D. C. Clarence Glisan,* A.B. Yale Coll. 1887, Grad. Bellev. Hosp. 1892. I.uther Bell Grandy, Ph.B. Univ. of N. C. 1886, Demonstrator of Anat. Southern Med. Coll., Editor '" At- lanta Med. and Surg. Journal." Atlatiia, Ga. Frederic Henry Grant. 2J7 W.S2d St., N. Y. City. 4893 256 GRADUATES IN MEDICINE. [1890 Dagobert Gumpert. Wilkesbarre, Pa. William Charles Guth, A.B. Coll. City N. Y. 1887. 2SS E. 71st St., N. V. City. Lomax Gwathmey, M.D. Univ. of Va. 1889, Interne and House Phys. Bellev. Hosp. N. Y. 1890-92. Norfolk, Va. Charles Freeman Halsted, M.D. Univ. N. Y. City 1890, ist Asst. Phys. and Surg. All Souls' Hosp. Morristown N. J., Phys. to County Jail and Work- house Morris Co. N. J. 75 Maple Av., Morristown, N. J. Henry Skinner Hathaway, A.B. 1884, Ph.B. 1884. M. D. N. Y. Homeo. Med. Coll. & Hosp. 1891. Yonkers, N. V. Edward Mathias Zet Hawkes, A.B. Union Coll. 1887 and A.M. 1891. ^Si Broad St. , Newark, N. J. John Marshall Hawkes. 1343 Lexington Av., N. V. City. Ernest Linwood Hayford, Med. Director Chicago Y. M. C. A. 148 Madison St. , Chicago, III. Joseph Stephen Healy, Vis. Phys. O. D. p. St. Joseph's Hosp. Yonkers N. Y., Asst. Laryngologist Demilt Disp. N. Y. City. Kings Bridge, N. Y. City. Thomas Bakewell Hegeman. Brooklyn, N. Y. Henry Heiman, M.D. Univ. of Ark. 1888, Att'§ Phys. O. D. Children's Dept. Mt. Sinai Hosp. 220 E. 116th St., N. Y. City. John Torbit Henry, A.B. Erskine Coll, 1884. Chester, S. C. Christopher Joseph Hillis, Ins. Exam. Griffin^ s Corners, Delaware Co., N. Y. Austin Wilkinson Hollis. St. Luke's Hospital, N. Y. City. Woolsey Hopkins, Clin. Asst. Ear. and Throat Depts. Man- hattan E. and E. Hosp. Stamford, Conn. Alston Davis Horah, M.D. Univ. Va. 1887. Salisbury, N. C. John Bessner Huber, A.B, Hamilton Coll. 1887, M.D. Bellev. Hosp. Med. Coll. 1889, N. Y. City. William West Hunt, Surg. Externe R. I. Hosp. East Providence, R. I. George Pierson Jessup, B.S. Coll. N. J. 1887, Vis. Phys. S. R. Smith Infirmary. New Dorp, S. I., N. Y. Charles Sherman Jewett, Ph.B. Yale Univ. 1887. BlackwelVs Island, N. Y. City. Henry Cortlandt Johnston, Att'g Phys. S. R. Smith Infirm., Sec. and Treas. Richmond Co. (N. Y.) Med. Soc. 47 Central A v., Netv Brighton, N. Y. Horace Virchow Jonah. Eastport, Me. Thomas Warburton Jones. Camden, Ala. Carl Ferdinand Klaus. goo W. 2ist St., Chicago, III. Charles Frederick Kraemer. 47g High St. , Newark, N. J. Henry Augustus Kurth, A.B. Univ. of N. Y. City 1887, A.M. Union Coll. 1890. Schenectady, N. Y. Frank Henry Lammers. Beardsiown, III. Hugo Lange. 643 Bedford Av., Brooklyn, N. Y. Franklin Dana Lawson. 67 W. 1 2th St., N. Y. City. Dudley Leavitt, A.B. Yale Coll. 1886. 120 South St., Pittsfield, Mass, Alexander Shirley Leverty. 136 E. 113th St.,N. Y. City. David Clarence Lewinthal. j^4 Henry St. , N. Y. City. John Clarence Lindsay, A.B. Eureka Coll. 111. 1883. 3628 Prairie Av., Chicago, III. Bertram Leslie Longenecker. 6_57 loth St. , Brooklyn, N. Y. Joseph Wooding Love. Springfield, Mo. Hartwell Nelles Lyon. 2g42 Washington Av., St. Louis, Mo. Harry Dreer McCormick. 174 S. Orange A v. , Newark, N. y. 1890] GRADUATES IN MEDICINE. 257 Charles McGregor, M.D. Med. Coll. Univ. Mich, 1889. j^/ W. Second St. , Dayton, O. William Henry Mclntyre. J26 W. nth St., N. V. City. James Francis McKernon, Asst. Surg. Manh. E. and E. Hosp., Asst. N. Y. E. and E. Infirmary, SS9 ^' 47th St., N. V. City. John Mahon Macdonald. 47 W.jgth St., N. V. City. Joseph Stevenson James Manning, Ex-House Surg. Chambers St. Hosp. y^ Madison St., N. V. City. William Margulies, Asst. Vis. Phys. Flatbush Hosp. Brooklyn N. Y. 6s McKibben St. , Brooklyn, E. D. , N. V. Philip Meirowitz, B.S. Coll. City N. Y. 1887. N. Y. City. William Menzies, 3d. i4g W. 8jth St., N. Y. Cily. Francis Daniel Merchant. Washington, D. C. Patrick Francis Moylan. joi S. Main Av., Scr anion. Pa. Alan Butler Murray, A.B. Hamilton Coll. 1887 and A.M. 1893, Surg, to Livingston Coke & Coal Co. Cokedale, Park Co., Mont. Charles Dwight Napier, A.B. Yale Coll. 1885. 6 Strong PI. , Brooklyn, N. Y. Jay Odell Nelson, Late Instr. in Anat. N. W. Dental Coll. Chicago 111., Att'g Surg. Northern Disp. N. Y. City. 314 IV. SIS t St., N. Y. City. Marcus Arthur Newell, U. S. Exam. Surg, for Pensions. Sheridan, Wyo. Joseph Patrick O'Dwyer, Charles Ithemar Page, [Jr.]. Naugatuck, Conn. Harry Lucian Palmer, Providence, R. I. Edward Arthur Parker. Portsmouth, Va. Charles Toomer Parrish. S2 Court St., Portsmouth, Va. Ralph Wait Parsons. Charles Fenner Peckham. jy6 Benefit St. , Providence, R. I. James Pedersen, B.S. Coll. City N. Y. 1884, Memb. House Staff N. Y. Hosp. 1891-92. jjo Madison Av., N. Y. City. Charles Sample Peeke. Schenectady , N. Y. Edward Wright Peet, A.B. Yale Coll. 1886. 118 E. 4Sth St., N. Y. City. Boiling Anthony Pope, Jr., B.S. Tulane Univ. 1885. N. Y. City. Charles Ignatius Proben, Ph.G. elsewhere. gyo Lexington Av., N. Y. City. Harry Lavington Purdy, Att'g Phys. Presb. Disp., Lecturer in N. Y. Post-Grad. Med. Sch, and Hosp. 180 E. 'J2d St., N. Y. City. Thomas Henry Rafftery, A.B. Holy Cross Coll. 1886. Stafford Springs, Conn. John Remer, A.B. Alleghany Coll. 1886 and A.M. 1889. Newark, N. Y. Herman Clarence Riggs, Med. Preparatory diploma from Cornell Univ., Asst. Vis. Phys. Kings Co. (N. Y.) Hosp., Att'g Phys. O. P. D., L. I. Coll. Hosp. jjy Montague St. , Brooklyn, N. Y. John William Rockafeller. Asbury Park, N. y. Thomas Weaver Rogers. New London, Conn, Julius Rosenberg, Instr. in Obstetrics N. Y. Polyclinic, Vis. Phys. Mothers' and Babies' Hosp. 37 E. 62d St., N. Y. City. Abraham Rosenthal, A.B. Coll. City N. Y. 1887. 32s E. 84th St. , N. Y. City. James Henry Sanderson. 6 Elm St. , Worcester, Mass. Robert Schlesiger, Ph.G. elsewhere. N. Y. City. Louis Herman August Schneider. 3S4 W. 22d St., N. Y. City. Ernest Charles Schultze. Hoboken, N. J. 258 GRADUATES IN MEDICINE, [1890-91 Alwin Hugo Schwab, Ph.G. elsewhere, jiy Bushwick Av., Brooklyn^ N. V. Charles Hosmer Scribner, B.S. Ripon Coll, 1886, jj fVard St. , Paterson^ N. J. George Henry Sexsmith. Jersey City, A\ y. James Priestley Shaw, A.B. Coll, N. J. 1886 and A,M. 1889, Pittsburgh, Pa. Elton John Sherow, Asst. Phys. Sloane Maternity Hosp, 1890-91, on Surg. Staff N. Y. Hosp, 1891-92, Res. Phys. Nursery and Child's Hosp, 1892-, J"// Lexington A v., N. V. City. Charles David Shirmer. J59 W. 42d St., N. V. City. Matthew Joseph Smith, A.B. elsewhere. Jersey City, N. J, Samuel Kempton Smith, A.B. Arcadia Coll. N. S. 1887. Port Huron, Mick. Naman Henry Soble, Sec. Chemung Co. (N, Y,) Med. Soc. SOS E. Water St., Elmira, N. V. Edward Staehlin, A.B. Yale Coll. 1887. Newark, N. J. Whitmore Steele. N. Y. City. Edwin Sternberger, B.L. Cornell Univ. 1887. Mt. Sinai Hospital, N. Y. City. Benjamin Wolf Stiefel. 112 W. 133d St., N. Y. City. William Edward Swan. 24 Woodlawn Av., Saratoga Spgs., N. Y. Albert Frederick Taylor. Pawtucket, R. I. George Byron Teames, B.S. Dartmouth Coll, 1880, Asst. Surg, New Amsterdam E. and E, Hosp, 3S8 IV. 48th St., N. Y. City. Anders Gustaf Thoren. New Britain, Conn. Henry Herbert Thorp, House Surg. St. Luke's Hosp, 1892-, 224 Central Park West, N. Y. City. William Hanford Todd. Dobbs Ferry, N. Y. Charles Wilmot Townsend. Los Angeles, Cal. Willis Adams Turnbull, Asst, Church Hosp. and Asst. N. Y. Polyclinic, 244 W. 4gth St., N. Y. City. Benjamin Franklin Turner, Vis, Phys, St, Joseph's Hosp., Prof, Chem, and Physics, Memphis (Tenn.) Hosp. Med, Coll, Memphis, Tenn. Sidney Arthur Twinch. N. Y. City. Charles Arthur Van Derveer, (j). 240s Maryland A v., Baltimore, Md. Fernando Ruperto Vasquez. N. Y. City. Feodor von Raitz, A.M. Breslau, 10 1 W. i32d St., N. Y. City. John Walters. Port Orafn, N. J. Otto Albert Weigand. W. Hoboken, N. J. William Henry West. Water ford, Erie Co., Pa. John Franklin Whitmyer. 136 W. 1 2th St., N. Y. City. Joseph White Williams, A.B. Coll. N, J, 1887, Pater son, N. J. Sidney Schanck Willis. Marlboro, N. J. Harry Percival Woley, A.B. Hamilton Coll. 1887. N. Y. City. James Wood, Jr. Dell Elmyrt Yarnell, Sec, Y, M. C. A, Young Men's Instit, 222 Bowery, N. Y. City. 180 189I Robert Abrahams, Dist. Phys. Mt. Sinai Hosp,, Clin, Asst, to Skin and Surg. Depts, Mt, Sinai Disp. iS6 Clinton St., N. Y. City. Robert Stanton Adams, A.B. Coll, N, J. 1888 and A,M, 1891, House Surg, Presb, Hosp, N, Y, 1892-93, Res. Phys, N, Y. Foundling Hosp. 1893-. 17s E. 68th St., N. Y. City. I89I] GRADUATES IN MEDICINE. 259 Arthur Nathaniel Ailing, A.B. Yale Univ. 1886, Asst. Surg. Ophth. and Aur. Instit. N. Y., Vis. Surg, New Haven (Conn.) Dispensary. 214 Crown St. , New Haven, Conn. Willis Sidney x\nderson, Asst. to Chair of Laryngology Detroit Coll. Med., Laryngologist Harper Hosp. Polyclinic. y^y Monroe Av., Detroit^ Mich. Charles Lincoln Banks, B.S. Lehigh Univ. 1888. Bridgeport, Conn. Carl M. Beebe, M.D. Rush Med. Coll. 1889. Sparta, Wis. George Hall Beers. South Hartford, Washington Co.^ N. Y. Augustus Edward Bieser, A.B. Coll. City N. Y. 1888. 236 W.J 4th St., N. Y. City. George Bieser. 2S6 W.S4th St., N. Y. City. Francis Lawrence Bosqui, Ph.B. Univ. Cal. 1888. Dayton, Wash. Robert Boyd, Jr. N. Y. City. Willis Northup Boynton. Lake Side, N. Y. Samuel Max Brickner, A.B. Univ. of Rochester 1888 and A.M. 1891, House Surg. Mt. Sinai Hosp. Mt. Sinai Hospital, N. Y. City. George Livingston Brodhead. Mt. Sinai Hospital, N. Y. City. John McCarty Brooks, M.D. Univ. Va. 1888. Portland, Ore. Walter Brooks Brouner, A.B. Coll. City N. Y. 1888. St. Lukes Hosp. , N. Y. City. Willet Stuart Brown. San ford Hall, Flushing, L. I. Philip Dibble Bunce, A.B. Yale Univ. 1888, Ex-Interne St. Luke's Hosp. N. Y. and Sloane Maternity Hosp. N. Y. 61 Edwards St. , Hartford, Conn. Edgar Doak Capps, Phys. Ft. Worth (Tex.) City Hosp., U. S. Exam. Surg, for Pensions, Ins. Exam. J 14 Main St. , Fort Worth, Tex. Charles Churchill Carmalt, A.B. Harv. Univ. 1887, Res. Surg. N. Y. Hosp. and Chambers St. Hosp. jgb Lexington Av., N. Y. City. Jean Fresne Chauveau, Jr., A.B. Coll. City N. Y. 1888 and Paris France. ji W. 60th St., N. Y. City. Walter Cheyne. 142 W. gjth St., N. Y. City. Edwin Clifford Chipman, A.B. Alfred Univ. 1887, Niantic, Conn. Alfred Peters Cole, B.S. elsewhere, Health Officer Chillicothe O. Chillicothe, 0. Joseph Brown Cooke. Saratoga, N. Y. Edwin Marion Cox, Jr., House Surg. Roosevelt Hosp. N. Y. Roosevelt Hospital, N. Y. City. Charles Townshend Dade. St. Lukes Hospital, N. Y. City. Philip Joseph Dansereau. Thibodaux, La. Charles Hermance DeLancy. 244 W.s6th St., N. Y. City. George Charles Diekman, Ph.G. N. Y. Coll. Phar. 643 Park A v., Brooklyn, N. Y. Jay Orleans Downs. Ticonderoga, N. Y. Carl Elias Dufft. N. Y. City. David Orr Edson. 118 Madison Av., N. Y. City. Thomas Burnham Enders, A.B. Yale Univ. 1888, Staff Bellev. Hosp. i89i-<)3. J63 W. 12 1st St., N. Y. City. Paul William Erdtmann. Brooklyn, N. Y. Douglass Ewell, A.B. 1888, Staff Roosevelt Hosp. N. Y. Roosevelt Hospital, N. Y. City. James Ewing, A.B. Amherst Coll. iS88. Alleghany City, Pa. Charles Oliver Fairbank, Grad. Royal Mil. Coll. Kingston Can., Asst. Elec. Thera. Clinic Post-Grad. Med. School and Asst. Vanderbilt Med. Clinic. Petrolia, Ont., Canada. 26o GRADUATES IN MEDICINE, [189I Livingston Farrand, (educ), A.B. Coll. N.^ T. 1888 and A.M. 1891, Instr. in Physiological Psychology Col. Coll. T893-. gg Spruce St., Newark, N. y. James Porter Fiske, House Surg. City Hosp. 1891-92, House Surg. N. Y. Maternity Hosp. 1891-92, Phys. N. Y. Hosp. for Nerv. Diseases 328W.S7th St., N. Y. City. Howard Truman French. River ton. Conn. John Minor Gillespie, (planter), A.B. Yale Univ. 1887. Hard Times, La. Abram Lawrence Gnichtel. 437 W. 44th St., N. Y. City. James Douglass Gold, Ph.B. Yale Univ. 1888. Stockbridge, Mass. Daniel Merritt Griffen. Portchester, N. Y. John Reevely Guerrant. N. Y. City. Thomas Hightower Hancock. Atlanta, Ga. Daniel Bailey Hardenbergh, A.B. Yale Univ. 1888, Port Jervis, N. Y. Oscar George Harrison,* (educ), Ph.G. N. Y. Coll. Phar. 1890, Instr. in Botany Physiology etc. N. Y. Coll. Phar., Commr. of Pharmacy N. Y. City, Exam, for the Board in Materia Med., Clin. Asst. Dept. of Genl. Med. N. Y. Post-Grad. Med. Sch. and Hosp. aet. 31. *i894 Edward Alexander Hatton, [Jr.]. Portsmouth, Va. [Robert] Forbes Hawkes, A.B. Yale Univ. 1887. Presbyterian Hosp., N. Y, City. Henry Comstock Hazen, Asst. Surg. Demilt Disp., Asst. Phys. French Hosp. O. D. and Asst. Phys. Post-Grad. Med. Coll. and Hosp. yjS Lexington Av., N. Y. City, Benjamin Van Doren Hedges, A.B. Coll. N. J. t888 and A.M. 1891, House Phys. Presb, Hosp. N. Y. and Res. Phys. N. Y. Foundling Hosp, Plainjield, N. J. William Robert Henderson. Randolph, N. Y. Abraham Alfred Herzfeld, Ph.G. elsewhere. A\ Y. City. William Hermann Hirsch. N. Y. City. Warren Bradford Holden. Providence, R. I. John Freman Humphrey. log Caroline St., Saratoga, N. Y. Roy Inglis. Pater son, N. y. Edward Benjamin Jones. Waterville, N. Y. William Dickey Kearns. Pittsburgh, Pa. Louis Philip Knapp, Ph.G. elsewhere. g8 Main St. , Hackensack, N. y. Albert Kohn, A.B. Coll. City N. Y. 1888. City Hospital, N. Y. City. Ulysses Mercur Lauman, B.L. Cornell Univ. 1888. Tacoma, Wash. Henry Sabin Leake, A.B. elsewhere. N. Y. Hospital, N. Y. City. John Leverett, A.B. Yale Univ. 1887. Bingham ton, N. Y. Seelye William Little, A.B. Union Coll. 1888. Rochester, N. Y. Charles Washington Lyman. University Bldg. , Wash. Sq. , N. Y. City. Floy McEwen, A.B. Coll. City N. Y. 1887, Asst. House Surg. St. Michael's Hosp. Newark N. J. 56 Oriental St., Newark, N. y . Thomas Francis Maguire. St. yosepKs Hospital, Pater son, N. y. William Mahoney. N. Y. City. James Jay Mapes, A.B. t888. N. Y. Hospital, N. Y. City. Sydney Robertson Marvin. Care Thos. Cook <2t* Son, Vienna, Austria. — Amherst, Mass. Louis Irving Mason. St. Lukes Hospital, N. Y. City. Harry Shillingford Miles, Ph.G. N. Y. Coll. of Phar, 1888, Clin. Asst. Manhattan E. and E. Hosp. N. Y., Secy. Bridgeport (Conn.) Med. Assn. jjy State St.^ Bridgeport, Conn, I89I] GRADUATES IN MEDICINE, 261 Edward Everett Moore. Minsi^ Monroe Co., Pa. James Patrick Moore, Jr., A.B. Univ. of Miss. 1887. Yazoo City, Miss. Monroe Morrell. Staple ton, N. Y. Seth Mabry Morris, (educ), B.S. Univ. of Texas 1888, Prof. Chem, and Toxicol. Med. Dept. tJniv. of Texas. Galveston, Texas. Alexis Victor Moschcowitz, Ph.G. N. Y. Coll. Phar. 1885. S64 W. S5th St., N. Y. City. Mortimer Albert Moses. 123 W. I 3 2d St., N. Y. City. William Neer. Pater son, N. y. William Bradbury Noyes, A.B. Amherst Coll. 1888, Staff M. E. Hosp. Brooklyn N. Y. 164 W. 73d St., N. Y. City. Michael Edward O'Donovan, B.S. N. Y. Univ. 1888. 473 Hudson St., N. Y. City. Andrew O'Malley. Brooklyn, N. Y. Nathan Oppenheim, Att'g Phys. Mt. Sinai Hosp. 43 W. 46th St., N. Y. City. Louis Cook Osmun. Mendham, N. J. George Augustus Peck. Meriden, Conn. Frank Diah Peterson. Patchogue, L. /., N. Y. Frederic Smith Pickett, A.B. Yale Univ. 1887. 281 Arcade, Cleveland, 0. Henry Power. Metuchen, N. J. Thomas Peck Prout, 3d Asst. Phys. and Path. N. J. State Hosp. at Morris Plains N. J. Morris Plains, N. J. Henry Allston Pulsford, A.B. Harv. Univ. 1888. South Orange, N. y , William Wheelock Quinlan. Evanston, III. Charles Hewitt Randall, Surg. Erie R. R. at Newark N. J. igo Washington Av., Newark, N. y. Thomas L. Richards.* John Rogers, Jr., A.B. Yale Univ. 1887 and Ph.B. 1888, Memb. Council Assn. Coll. P. and S., Asst. Phys. N. Y. Hospital Dispensary. 14 W. 12th St. , N. Y. City. Renwick Robert Ross. Dansville, N. Y. Frederick Charles Roth. 214 E. S7th St., N. Y. City. Everett Warner Russell, Att'g Phys. Children's Dept. North- western Disp., First Asst. Surg. O. P. D. Presb. Hosp. 9^ W. 8gth St., N. Y. City. Harry Davison Schwarzchild. 10 1 W. 8 1 St St., N. Y. City. Edward Abner Scott. N. Y. City. George Sherrill, [Jr.], A.B. Williams Coll. 1888. 1 28 Mercer St. , yersey City, N. y . James Hudson Smart, B.S. Howard Coll. Ala. 1887, House Phys. St. Francis' Hosp. 1891-92, Third Asst. in Normal Histology Col. Coll. 1892-93. ^og W. 4th Av., Pine Bluff, Ark. Bryant Smith, A.B. Amherst Coll. 1887. 136 Wisconsin St., Milwaukee, Wis. Frank Webster Smith. Bergen Point, N. y . Frederick Adams Smith, Newark, N. J. Isaac Beckett Smith, Brooklyn, N. Y. Sydney Abraham Stein, A.B. Coll. City N. Y. 1888. N. Y. City. Charles Weaver Stewart, Ph.B. Yale Univ. 1888. Neivport^ R. I. William Steven Stone, A.B. Yale Univ. 1888. Chambers St. Hospital, N. Y. City. Cyrus John Strong, A.B. Wesleyan Univ. 1886 and A.M. 1889, Vis. Phys. O. D. P. Bellevue Hosp. N. Y. 166 W. losth St., N. Y. City. Howard Canning Taylor, Ph.B. Yale Univ. 1888, Memb. House Staff Roosevelt Hosp. N. Y. City. Roosevelt Hosp., N. Y. City. 262 GRADUATES IN MEDICINE. [1891-92 David Owen Thomas, A.B. Bethany Coll. 1878, M.D. Med. Coll. Ind. 1884, L. R. C. P. London, M. R. C. S. England i8gi. Masonic Temple, Minneapolis, Minn, Fred. William Thum, Ph.G. N. Y. Coll. Phar. 1885, Chief Surg. Clinic St. Michael's Hosp., Vis. Phys. German Hosp. and District Health Phys. Newark N. J. J4g Polk St., Newark, N. J. William Austin Tomes, A.B. Yale Univ. 1887, Ex-House Surg. German Hosp. jrco Classon Av., Brooklyn, N. Y. Theodore Irving Townsend, House Surg, and Phys. Manh. Disp. and Hosp. 1892. ^26 Lenox Av., N. V. City. Frank Landale Tucker. 272 Willis Av., N. V. City. George Marvine Tuttle, A.B. 1888, House Staff St. Luke's Hosp. N. Y. 1892-93. 272'/ Chestnut St., St. Louis, Mo. Henry Van Hummell. 2g'j N. Pennsylvania St., Indian- apolis, Ind. James Casper Plimpton Van Loan. 344 W.33dSt.,N. V. City. Harmon Albert Vedder, A.B. 1888, House Phys. N. Y. Hosp. 1892, Asst. House Phys. Sloane Maternity Hosp. 1893, Insp'r Vaccination N. Y. Bd. of Health. 6go Madison Av., N. V. City, Edward Wagner. 331 Second A v., N. Y. City. LeGrand Allen Walker. 281 West Av., Rochester, N. Y. Yeatman Wardlow. City Hospital, N. Y. City. Archibald Campbell White, Grad. N. Y. City Hosp., Res. Phys. Willard Parker Hosp. Willard Parker Hospital, N. Y. City. George Reeves White, B.S. Cornell Univ. 1888. N. Y. City. Charles Samuel Williamson. 2S Third PI., Brooklyn, N. Y. Leslie Montague Winn. i3g Pennington A v. , Passaic, N. y. Thomas Denison Wood, (educ), A.B. Oberlin Coll. 1888 and A.M. 1891, Professor of Hygiene and Phys. Train- ing Stanford Univ. Stanford Univ., Cal. Edward Eli Worl, A.B. Coll. N. J. 1880. Newark, N. y. 131 1892 Aristides Agramonte. 424 W. S7tk St., N. Y. City. William Frederick Amos, M.D. Willamette Univ. 1890, Prof. Materia Med. and Therapeutics Willamette Univ. Ore. New Dekum, Portland, Ore. Walter Jarvis Barlow, A.B. 1889. Mt. Sinai Hospital, N. Y. City. Donald McLean Barstow, A.B. Yale Univ. 1889, House Staff New York Hosp. New York Hospital, N. Y. City. Eugene Walker Belknap, A.B. Coll. N. J. 1889 and A.M. 1892, House Surg. Manhattan Hosp. ^ Manhattan Hosp., N. Y. City. Frank Everett Benjamin, Ph.G. N. Y. Coll. Phar. 1889, Health Officer town of Shelter Island, N. Y. Shelter Island, Suffolk Co., N. Y. Samuel Beyea, A.B. Williams Coll. 1888, House Staff St. Luke's Hosp. N. Y. 1892-94, House Surg, of same 1894-. Rye, N. Y. Ernest Smith Bishop, A.B. Yale Univ. 1889. 818 Bedford A v., Brooklyn, N. Y. William Bascom Bissell, A.B. Yale Univ. 1888. Lakeville, Litchfield Co., Conn. Bruce Gould Blackmar. Woodbury, Conn. David Bovaird, Jr., A.B. Coll. N. J. 1889. Presbyterian Hospital, N. Y. City. Mark Spaulding Bradley. 624 Lexington Av., N. Y. City. William Barrett Brinsmade, A.B. elsewhere. j66 Columbia Hts., Brooklyn, N. Y. John Glover Broughton, Jr., (DENT), A.B. Williams Coll. 1889, D.D.S. N. Y. Coll. Dentistry 1891. Bloomfield, N. y. 1892] GRADUATES IN MEDICINE. 263 Robert Curtis Brown, A.B. Univ. of Wis. 1889, Att'g Phys. Infants' Home Milwaukee, Wis. 266 Pleasant St., Milwaukee, Wis, John Bernard Busteed. 118 E. 4Sth St., N, V. City. Ernest Goodell Carleton, A.B. elsewhere. Amherst, Mass. Matthew Laurence Carr, A.B. Wake Forest Coll. N. C. 1889. ij^ Remsen St., Brooklyn^ N. Y. George Herbert Carter, A.B. elsewhere. Huntington, L. I, N. V. Frank Warren Chamberlin. Worcester, Mass. Edward Graham Clifton. 2 W. 106th St., N. V. City. John Philip Cooney. Providence, R. I. Robert Francis Cunnion, A.B. Manhattan Coll. 1889 and A.M. 1892. J04 "Jay St. , Brooklyn, N. Y. Edward William Daniels, A.B. elsewhere, Staff Boston Emergency Hosp, 142 Kingston St., Boston, Mass. Joseph Davidson. Asst. Mt. Sinai Disp. j^o E. 82d St. , N. Y. City. Herbert Sidney Dixon. 328 W. i4Sth St., N. Y. City. George Lathrop Douglas. Corning, N. Y. John Seymour Emans, A.B. Coll. N, J. 1889 and A.M. 1892, ist Asst. House Surg. Post.-Grad. Med. School and Hosp. 226 E. 20th St., N. Y. City. Harry Wyle Emerson. 46 Central A v., Plainjield, N. y. Edward Sherman Farrington, A.B. Yale Univ. 1888, House Phys. 4th Med. Div. Bellev. Hosp. 1893-94. Bellevue Hospital, N. Y. City. Frank Sidney Fielder, Ph.B. elsewhere, House Surg. N. Y. Hosp. 7 W. i^th St., N. Y. City. Gustav Grant Fischlowitz, A.B. Coll. City N. Y. 1889, House Surg. Ger- man Hosp. N. Y. German Hospital, N. Y. City. James Lindsay France, jg20 Market St., Wilmington, Del. Pedro Florentino Francke. ig6 Madison Av., N. Y. City. Emil Frei. j6o Vernon Av., Brooklyn, N. Y. Ventura Fuentes, A.B. CoU. City N. Y. 1889, Res. Phys. Pater- son (N. J.) General Hosp. 32s W. 1 1 2th St., N. Y. City. James Thomas Gallagher, A.B. Manhattan Coll. 1889 and A.M. 1892, House Phys. St. Mary's Female Hosp. Brooklyn. 44g Lafayette A v. , Brooklyn, N. Y. Charles Alexander Gilchrist, A.B. Lafayette Coll. 1889 and A.M. 1892, late House Phys. and Surg. Christ Hosp. Jersey City, N. J. 7/0 Washington St., Hoboken, N. y. John Samuel Halsey. Vine land, N. y. Erskine Erasmus Hamilton. 44 Westminster St. , Springfield, Mass. James Parton Haney, B.S. Coll. City N, Y. 1888, late House Sur§. N. Y. City Hosp., late House Obstetri- cian N. Y. Maternity Hosp., Instr. in Harlem N. Y. Eve. High Sch., Asst. Surg. N, Y. Throat and Nose Hosp. igoy Madison Av., N. Y. City. Willard Avery Heacock. 301 W. 88th St., N. Y. City. John Franklin Heim. 2jg E. 7 /St St., N. Y. City. Joseph John Higgins. Terry ville. Conn. Frederick Lyman Hills, 3d Asst. Phys. Danvers (Mass.) Lunatic Hosp. Asylum Station, Mass. John Hoch, A.B. elsewhere. 162 E. 64th St., N. Y. City. Harry Bigelow Holmes, A.B. Williams Coll. 1885. Adams, Mass. Alfred Elisha Hubbard, Ph.G. N. Y. Coll. Phar. 1889. Madison, Conn. George Clinton Hubbard. Norwich, N. Y. 264 GRADUATES IN MEDICINE. [1892 Charles Demarest Kline, House Phys. St, Francis' Hosp. N. Y. City. Nyack, N. V. Arnold Herman Knapp, A.B. elsewhere. 2S W. 24th St., N. V. City. James Krom. New Faltz, Ulster Co., N. V. William Karl Kubin, Staff German Hosp. German Hospital, N. Y. City. Jesse William Lazear, A.B. Johns Hopk. Univ. 1889, House Phys. Bellev. Hosp. N. Y. Bellevue Hosp., N. Y. City. Edward Leaming, Asst. in Photography Col. Coll. 1893-. 437 W.sgth St., N. Y. City. Fred. Eugene Leonard, (educ), A.B. OberhnColl. 1889 and A.M. 1892, Prof, of Physiology and Director Gym. Coll. Registrar Oberlin Coll. Oberlin, O. Justo Lopez y San Roman, B.S. elsewhere. Spain. William Gordon Lyle, Interne Bellev. Hosp. Hamilton, Canada. John Duff McBarron, A.B. Coll. City N. Y. 1889, House Surg. St. Francis' Hosp. 772 West End Av., N. Y. City. James Francis McCaw, House Surg. M. E. Hosp. Brooklyn N. Y. 488 Nostrand Av., Brooklyn, N. Y. John Charles McCoy. 77 Fair St., Pater son, N. y. Champe Carter McCulloch, Jr., (USA), A.B. Baylor Univ. Texas 1885, and Ph.D. iSor, C.E., A. and M. Coll. Texas 1890, M.D. Univ. of Va. 1891, ist Lieut. Med. Dept. U. S. A,, Post Surg, and Supt. Post Schools Ft. Ringgold, Texas, ex-Anat. Geol. Geolog. Survey of Texas. Waco, Texas. John Timothy McGillicuddy. J 12 Park St. , Worcester, Mass. WiUiam Robert McGuirk, Interne R. I. Hosp. Providence R. I. Providence, R. I. William Howard McKenzie, A.B, Syracuse Univ. 1889 and A.M. 1892. g42 Broad St. , Newark, N. J. Porter Robert McMaster, A.B. Coll. N. J. 1888 and A.M. 1891, on staff Presb. Hosp. Presbyterian Hosp. , N. Y. City. Hugo Maetke. J j2 Jackson St., Dayton, O. Alfred Mann, A.B. Johns Hopk. Univ. 1889. 64J Franklin St., Milwaukee, Wis. James Harvey Manny, Jr., M.D. Coll, P. and S. Chicago 1890, House Surg. St. Elizabeth's Hosp. Chicago, 111. J/7 Belden A v. , Chicago, III. Kingsley Walton Martin, Ph.B. elsewhere. St. Luke's Hospital, N. Y. City. Julius Morgenstern, A.B. Coll. City N. Y., Staff St. Mark's Hosp. 7j> Second Av., N. Y. City. William Howe Morrison, House Staff City Hosp. J9 W. 20th St., N. Y. City. Carl [George Christian] Mund. 308 E. 62d St., N. Y. City. William Frederick Neumann, Asst. House Phys. St. Francis' Hosp. N. Y. g8s Third A v., N. Y. City. James Le Grand New. 18 Ely Av.,L. I. City, N. Y. Matthias Nicoll, Jr., A.B. elsewhere. iig W. 48th St., N. Y. City. Charles Norris, Jr., Ph.B. Yale Univ. 1888. Roosevelt Hosp. , N. Y. City. Charles Howard Peck, House Phys. N. Y. Hosp. New York Hospital, N. Y. City, Charles Harris Perkins. Norwich, Conn. Edward Tolmon Cornelius Perry. Nelson, Madison Co., N. Y. Edward Hamilton Pershing, B.S. elsewhere. Pottsville, Pa, George Frederick Pope, Senior House Surg. Rochester City Hosp. City Hospital, Rochester, N. Y. Marshall Ashby Purse, M.D. elsewhere. Savannah, Ga. 1892] GRADUATES IN MEDICINE, 265 William Warren Quinton, (usa), Asst. Surg. U. S. A. Army Med. Museum^ Washington, D. C. William Hayden Rockwell, Jr., A.B. Yale Univ. 1889. N. Y. Hosp., N, Y. City, Edward Holton Rogers, A.B. elsewhere. Milwaukee, Wis. George Augustus Rogers, Interne Newark City Hosp. 216 W.jSth St., N. Y. City. Max Rosenberg, B.S. Coll. City N. Y. 1888. 24g E. 71st St., N. Y. City. Jacob Coby Rosenblueth, A.B. Coll. City N. Y, 1889, M.p. Univ. of Ber- lin 1893, Instr. State Institution of Deaf- Mutes N. Y., Examiner Columbia Instit. Trained Nurses N. Y. g^g Lexington A v., N. Y. City. Josef Saxl. 3S5 ^- 7 2d St., N. Y. City. Constantine Richard Schaefer, M.D. Med. Coll. of Ind. 1890, Asst. Dem. of Anat. Med. Coll. of Ind. 4JO Madison Av., Indianapolis, Ind. John Eliot Shrady, B.S. Coll. N. J. 1889, Interne City Hosp. N. Y. i4g W. 126th St., N. Y. City. Henry Dorr Sill, B.S. Coll. N. J. 1889. Cooper stown, N. Y. Warren Seabury Simmons, Jr., Ph.B. Brown Univ. 1889. ^j8 Lafayette Av., Brooklyn^ N. Y. Fred. Palmer Solley, A.B. and Ph.B. elsewhere. 411 W.syth St., N. Y. City. William Laing Somerset, A.M. elsewhere. BlackwelVs Island, N. Y. City. John Franklin Southmayd, Prest. Westport Sanitarium Westport, Conn., Phys. to Presb. Hosp. N. Y., O. P. D. 203 E. 6gth St., N. Y. City. Henry Spence. 143 W. 6 1 St St., N. Y. City. John Bethune Stein, Asst. in Dept. Genito-Urin. Dis. Vander- bilt Clinic. 30 W. ijth St., N. Y. City. Charles Wadham Stevens, A.B. Coll. N. J. 1889 and A.M. 1892. S3 W.33dSt.,N. Y. City. Horace Sheldon Stokes, A.B. elsewhere. 411 W. 57th St., N. Y. City. John Charles Storz. 38 N. Hancock St., Wilkesbarre, Pa. Allen Greenleaf Terrell, Clin. Asst. Polyclinic in Children's Dis- eases, Clin. Asst. Vanderbilt Clinic in Diseases of the Ear. 410 W.sjth St., N. Y. City. Edmund Sanford Thomson. loyg Chapel St., New Haven, Conn. Thomas Dyer Tuttle, B.S. elsewhere. 3S W. 45th St., N. Y. City. Washington Irving Van Riper. 77 Fair St., Pater son, N. J. Carlos Volio-Jimenez, A.B. elsewhere. Carta go, Costa Rica, C. A. Frederick Leopold Wachenheim, A.B. 1889. 38 E. 126th St., N. Y. City. Brownlee Robertson Ward, A.B. and Ph.B. elsewhere. Mt. Sinai Hospital, N. Y. City. Martin Wiener Ware, Senior Surg. Mt. Sinai Hosp. Mt. Sinai Hospital, N. Y. City. Thomas Pinckney Waring, A.B. elsewhere. Savannah, Ga. Royal Phillips Watkins, A.B. Amherst Coll. 1889, Sen. Asst. Phys. 4th Med. Div. Bellev. Hosp. N. Y. Bellevue Hospital, N. Y. City, Robert Taylor Wheeler, Ph.B. Yale Univ. 1889, late House Surg. City Hosp. N. Y. 210 Lee Av., Brooklyn, N. Y. Edward Lincoln Williamson, A.B. Dartmouth Coll. 1889 and A.M. 1892, House Surg. 2d Surg. Div. Bellev. Hosp. Bellevue Hospital, N. Y. City. Alexander King Winter. i6s Taylor St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Adolphus George Wippern, M.D. elsewhere. giy Montgomery St., St. Louis, Mo. 116 266 GRADUATES IN MEDICINE, [1893 1893 Paul White Abell. J Bay St. , Springfield^ Mass. Vanderpoel Adriance, A.B. Williams Coll. i8qo, Interne N. Y. Hosp. ibgo Broadway^ N. Y. City. Oran Purdy Andrews. E. Liverpool^ 0. William Lucius Armstrong, A.B. and Ph.B. elsewhere. 127 W. 6 1 St St., N. V. City. William Seaman Bainbridge, Asst. Surg. Presb. Hosp. N, Y. Presbyterian Hospital, N. Y. City, Joseph De Vere Barber. AsAaway, R. I. Herbert Luther Barker, Ph.B. Cornell Univ. 1890. IS2 W. 44th St., N. Y. City. Joseph Baum, B.S. Univ. N, Y. City 1890, Asst. Mt. Sinai Disp. and German Poliklinik, San. Inspr. Bd. of Health. iSist St. and S, Boulevard, N. Y. City, William Josiah Blalock, A.B. Mercer Univ. Ga. 1887, Chief Surg. At- lanta & Fla. R. R, Co., Asst. Dem. of Anat. Southern Med. Coll. Atlanta Ga. 2g^ Marietta St., Atlanta, Ga. William John Bohlk. 220 E. iigth St,, N. Y. City. William Bushnell, Jr. 211 W. 23d St., N. Y. City. James Green Carson. High Bridge, N. Y. Amasa Day Chaffee, A.B. Yale Univ. 1890. Bellevue Hospital, N, Y. City. Howard Dennis Collins, A.B. Yale Univ. 1890, Surg. House Staff Roosevelt Hosp. Roosevelt Hospital, N. Y. City. Lee Cooke, Asst. Phys. O. P. D. Roosevelt Hosp. ds fV. 126th St,, N. Y, City, John Joseph Cronin, A.B. elsewhere. Roosevelt Hospital, N. Y. City. George Van Ness Dearborn, A.B. Dartmouth Coll. 1890. Nashua, N. H. Nelson Lloyd Deming, Ph.B. elsewhere, Staff City Hospital. City Hospital, N. Y. City. Walter Dodge, Ph.B. Yale Univ. 1890. Memorial Hosp,, Orange, N. y. Fernand d'Orbessan, A.B. La Sorbonne Paris 1878, A.M. St. Francis Xavier's Coll. N. Y. 1886. 3S4 W. 2Sth St., N, Y. City. Jonathan Dwight, Jr., A.B. Harv. Univ. i88o. 2 E. 34th St,, N. Y. City. Charles Albert Elsberg, A.B. Coll. City N. Y. 1890. IJ7 E. 57 th St., N. Y. City. Albert Franklin Fitch, B.S. Coll. City N. Y. 1890. St. Barnabas Hosp. , Newark, N. y. Simon Gabriel Frank, Memb. Staff City Hosp. N. Y, 74S3th St., N. Y. City. Joseph Edward Fuld. 226 E. 33d St., N, y. City. Joshua Brush Gesner, A.B. Coll. N. J. 1889. Saranac Lake, N. Y. Ralph Schuyler Goodwin, Jr., Ph.B. Yale Univ. 1890, Asst. House Surg. New Haven (Conn.) Hosp, 1894-. Thomas ton, Conn. William James Greanelle, B.S. Univ. N. Y. City 1890, House Staff N. Y. Hosp. 7 W. isth St., N. Y. City, John De Lafayette Grissim. San Josi, Cal, Frederick William Hagney, B.S. Coll. N. J. 1890. 31 Milford Av., Newark, N. J . John Taylor Halsey, Interne St. Luke's Hosp. St. Luke's Hospital, N. Y. City. Varney Bernard Hamlin. Middleville, N. Y. Edward William Hanlon. St. yoseph's Hospital, Paterson, N. y, Harry Theodore Harding. J 460 Kenesaw Av., Washington, Z?. C. Horace Sedgwick Hart, A.B. Yale Univ. 1887 and Ph.B. 1888. Box 326 N^ew Haven, Conn, 1893] GRADUATES IN MEDICINE. 267 Roy Harlan Hawkes. IJ4J Lexington A v. , N. Y. City. William Van Valzah Hayes, Ph.B. Bucknell Coll. 1888, Memb. Staff N. Y. Hosp. N. Y. Hospital, N. Y. City. William Avery Hillard. Westerly y R. I, Edward Sterling Hodgskin. 440 Clinton St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Frederick Whitcomb Hornick. 103 E. J nth St., N. Y. City. John Jacob Hubschmitt, Ph.G. N. Y. Coll. Phar. 234 E. 36th St., N. Y. City. Max Hiihner, Senior Asst. Infants' Hosp. Randall's Is. N. Y. 3S8 E. i2ist St. , N. Y. City. Harry Hutchinson, A.B. Dartmouth Coll., Staff Charity Hosp. N. Y. BlackwelVs Island, N. Y. City. Albert Martin Judd, Memb. House Staff N. Y. Hosp. N. Y. Hospital, N. Y. City. Arthur Matthew Kane, A.B, 1888, A.M. 1889, House Surg. City Hosp. Blackwell's Is. 161 Congress St.. Brooklyn, N. Y. Edwin Matthews Kitchel. 3yo Washington A v., Newark, N. y^ Ferdinand Austin Kittinger. 97 Main St., Lockport, N. Y. Louis Theodore Klinker. 423 W.jist St., N. Y. City. Adelbert Franz Gottfried Kuehn, Ph.G. N. Y. Coll. Phar. 1873. I73g Madison Av., A^. Y. City. James Ralston Lattimore. Mt. Sinai Hospital, N. Y. City. A. Lincoln Leatherman. J18 N. Meridia?t St., Indianapolis, Ind. Alfredo Lizano-y-Ulloa, A.B. elsewhere. 59 Liberty St., N. Y. City. Henry Christian Lovis, Ph.G. N. Y. Coll. Phar. 1890. 238 W. 131st St., N. Y. City. Herbert Boyd Masten, Staff Christ Hosp. Jersey City N. J. Christ Hospital, Jersey City, N. J. Francis Stuart Mathews, B.S. Wash, and Jeff. Coll., Staff Roosevelt Hosp. N. Y. Roosevelt Hospital, N. Y. City. Henry Smith Mathewson, A.B. Yale Univ. 1890. N. Y. Hospital, A". Y. City. Giovanni Merenna. 143 Grand St. , A^. Y. City. Frank Denton Merritt. 2027 Seventh Av., N. Y. City. Alfred Edward Meyer, Sen. Phys. City Hosp. Blackwell's Is. N. Y. 40 W. gist St., N. Y. City. David Falkner Monash. Cancer Hospital, N. Y. City. Francis Patterson Morgan, A.B. Harv. Univ. 1890. 1328 gth St. ,N.W., Washington, D. C. John Donaldson Murray. IS E. 31st St., N. Y. City. Selian Neuhof, B.S. elsewhere. Interne German Hosp. German Hospital, N. Y. City. Carl Osterheld. 744 S. Broadway, Yonkers, N. Y. Frank Overton, A.B. Lafayette Coll. 1890 and A.M. 1893, Senior Asst. Phys. City Hosp. N. Y. Bellport, L. I.,N. Y. Samuel Barfield Palmer, A.B. Mercer Univ. 1890. 141 High St., Macon, Ga. Ransom Joseph Parker, Externe Bellev. Hosp. N. Y. 224 W. nth St., N. Y. City. Samuel Grey Courtney Pinckney. 233 West End Av., N. Y. City. Albert Pittis, Ambulance Surg. Bellev. Hosp., Dept. Public Charities and Corrections. gi2 Central A v., Plainfield, N. y. Charles Clary Rathbone, House Staff Bellev. Hosp. Bellevue Hospital, N. Y. City. Addison Raynor, Staff St. Francis' Hosp. N.Y. Westhampton, L. /., N. Y. Joseph Manuel Rector, A.B, 1890. 100 Grand St., Jersey City, A^. y. John Selden Richardson, A.M. Randolph Macon Coll. Va. 1890. 174 W. g^th St., N. Y. City. 268 GRADUATES IN MEDICINE. [1893-94 Bernard Samuel Roseneau, A.B. Coll. City N. Y. 1890. J09 E. jd St. , N. Y. City. Frederick Fuller Russell, House Staff Bellev. Hosp. 1893-95. 262 Henry St. , Brooklyn^ N. V. Benjamin Jerome Sands, A.B. Harv. Univ. S48 N. Main St., Port Chester, N. Y. Henry William Schlesinger, A.B. Coll. City N. Y. 120 Lewis St. , N. Y. City. Isaac Poitevent Sessions, A.B. South Western Univ. Tex. Rockdale, Tex. Arthur Melville Shrady, A.B. Coll. N. J. 1890 and A.M. 1893, House Staff Roosevelt Hosp. 1894-. i4g W. i26lh St., N. Y. City. Louis Percy Smith, Junior Asst. Surg. Bellev. Hosp. Bellevue Hospital, N. Y. City. Langdon Trufant Snipe, A.B. Yale Univ. 1889. 112 Front St., Bath, Me. Bernard Sour, Asst. Surg. St. Francis' Hosp. 238 E. 60th St., N. Y. City. Thomas Bray Spence, A.B. Cornell Univ. 1890, Interne M. E. Hosp. Brooklyn N. Y. Methodist Epis. Hosp., Brooklyn, N. Y. William Barclay Stephens, A.M. Georgetown Coll. Ky. 1890. 16 Geary St. , San Eraneisco, Cal. Forney Caldwell Stevenson. Jacksonville, Ala. George David Stevenson. 16 I 'ay lor St., Newark, N. J. Frank Crombie Studley, B.S. Laurence Univ. 1890. 1623 Vliet St., Alilwaukee, Wis. Benjamin Torrens, House Staff City Hosp. N. Y. 435 Pleasant A v. N. Y. City. Paul Haddock Tracy, Senior Asst. Surg. Manhattan Hosp. Manhattan Hospital, N. Y. City. Harvey Clinton Upchurch, A.B. Wake Forest Coll. N. C, House Phys. and Surg. Columbus Hosp. N. Y. 41 E. 1 2th St., N. Y. City. Jefferson Brockner Van Tine. I2J W. nth St., N. Y. City. Cornelius Doremus Van Wagenen, A.B. Coll. N. J. 1889 and A.M. 1893, Junior House Surg. Chambers St. Hosp. N. Y. City. J9 W. igth St., N. Y. City. James Ditmars Voorhees, A.B. Coll. N. J. 1890 and A.M. 1893, Staff of Presb. Hosp. 1894-. Presbyterian Hospital, N. Y. City. Arthur Seymour Vosburgh, A.B. 1890. 140 W. 88th St., N. Y. City. George Washington Vreeland. Rutherford, N. J. Charles Howard Walker, A.B, Harv. Univ. 1890. 422 Summit Av., Pasadena, Cal. Bertram Howard Waters, A.B. elsewhere. 2IS W. 43d St., N. Y. City. Robert Watts, Jr., A.B. 1889. Bellevue Hospital^ N, Y. City. Calvin B. West, Res. Phys. and Surg. Paterson (N. J.) General Hosp. Paterson, N, y, Arthur Charles Wheeler. Le Bceuf, Erie Co., Pa. Rufus Baldwin Whitehead, Asst. Elizabeth (N. J.) General Hosp. West field, N. J. Joseph Wiener, A.B. Coll. City N._Y. 1890. 1003 Madison Av., N, Y. City. Julius Wolff, A.B. Harv. Univ. 1890, Interne at German Hosp. German Hospital, N. Y. City. Sidney Yankauer, A.B. Coll. City N. Y. 1890. Mt. Sinai Hospital, N. Y. City. 1894 104 Isador Abrahamson, B.S. Coll. City N. Y. 1890. 2000 Lexington Av., N. Y. City. John Frank Waite Allen. 360 W. 42d St., N. Y. City. Maxwell H. Allen. Asst. Res. Phys. Broome St. Hosp. 314 Broome St., N. Y. City. Samuel Wyllis Bandler, A.B 1892. 212 Edgecombe A v. , N'. Y. Citv. 1894] GRADUATES IN MEDICINE, 569 Charles Bartow, A.B. 1891, Surg. Presbyt. Hosp. N. Y. City 1894-. 38 Warden St., Astoria, N. V. Albert Ashton Berg, A.B. Coll. City N. Y., Surg. Mt. Sinai Hosp. I 894-. 24J Jth St., N. V. City. Frederick Bleil, A.B. Coll. City N. Y. 1890. 106 Eldridge St., N. V. City. Harry Merritt Bradley, B.S. Cornell Univ. 1891, Staff Willard Parker and North Brother's Is. Hosps. 1894-, Manchester, la. Arthur Richard Braunlich, Ph.G. N. Y. Coll. Phar. 1886, Staff Bellev. Hosp. 1 894-. J 04 Second F I., Brooklyn, N. V. Augustus Homer Brown, A.M. elsewhere. N. V. City. Edward Wells Brown, House staff N. Y. Hosp. 1894-. 146 yuneau Av., Milwaukee, Wis. Joseph Douglas Brown, Ph.B. Yale Univ. 1891, 4th Surg. Div. Bellev. Hosp. 1894-. Flushing, L. I. Clarence Whitfield Buckmaster, House Phys. and Surg. St. John's Hosp. Woodworth St., Yonkers, N. V. William Edward Buist, Interne Willard Parker Hosp. N. Y. City 1894-. Willard Farker Hosp., N. V. City. Charles Vincent Burke, Asst. House Phys. St. Michael's Hosp. Newark N. J. 1894-. 146 Gar side St., Newark, N'. y. Edward Michael Burns, B.S. Cornell Univ. i8gi. 2S2 Eighth Av., N. V. City. Edward Ward Burns. Honesdale, Fa. John Andrew Calnane. Ellsworth, Me. Marcus Lerane Clawson. Flainfield, N. y. Seth Cook Comstock. Roosevelt Hosp., N. V. City. Frank Elihu Crosier, A.B. Amherst Coll. 1891, Asst. Surg. Bellev. Hosp. 1894-. West Springfield, Mass. Nicholas Robert Dann, A.B. Coll. City N. Y., House Staff St. Mark's Hosp. N. Y. 1894-. 59 Rivington St., N. V. City. Henderson Brooke Deady, Staff City Hosp. Blackwell's Is. 18(^4-. BlackwelVs Island, N. Y. City. Edward Francis Denner, A B. St. Francis Xavier's Coll. N. Y. 1891 and A.M. 1894. g44 Second Av., N. Y. City. Joseph Aloysius Dillon, B.S. Manhattan Coll. N. Y. 1887, Interne St. Vincent's Hosp. N. Y. 1894-. 118 W. 47th St., N. Y. City. William Willcox Dunn. no Sycamore St., Fetersburg, Va. George Thomas Dutcher. Far Rockaway, N. Y. Edward Bronson Finch, A.B. Trin. Coll. Conn. 1891, House Staff Bellev. Hosp. 1894-. J 23 W. 34th St., N. Y. City. William Young Finch. New Brighton, S. I., N. Y. Parnell Ellis Fisher, A.B. elsewhere. Hope Valley, R. I. Paul Fitz-Gerald, A.B. Syracuse Univ. 1891. 1428 St. Charles Av., New Orleans, La. Clyde Sinclair Ford, B.S. Ohio Wesleyan Univ., House Staff Chambers St. Hosp. N. Y. 1894-. 4027 yacob St., Wheeling, W, Va. Henry Robert Gledhill, A.B. Harv. Univ. 1891. yerseyville. III. James Patrick Glynn, A.B. St. Francis Xavier's Coll. N. Y. 1891 and A.M. 1892. S8 St. Felix St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Charles Howard Goodrich, Interne M. E. Hosp. Brooklyn 1895-. igi Lake St., New Britain, Conn. Howard Jerome Goodrich. Delhi, N. Y. William Munson Goodwin. ^3 Chestnut Av., Water bury. Conn. Dupree Meriwether Hall, A.B. Christian Bros. Coll. Memphis Tenn., Interne City Hosp. Blackwell's Is, 1894-. IJ7 E. S5th St., N. Y. City. 2/0 GRADUATES IN MEDICINE, [1894 David Joseph Hamburg, B.S. Coll. City N. Y. 1891, Asst. Phys. Soc. Lying-in Hosp. 1894-. 1 10 W. 1 1 6th St., N. Y. City. Hugh Macdougal Hart. 14^ Gar side St., Newark, N. y. Eugene Howe Hartnett, B.S. Coll. City N. Y. 1891, Interne N. Y. Can- cer Hosp. 1 894-. 28g York St., Jersey City, N. y. Edwin Pelton Hayward, A.B. Univ. of Neb., Interne Bellev. Hosp. I 894-. S6 W.sS^^ Si-^ ^' y- City. George Philip Heard, A.B. Univ. of Ala. 1894. Georgiana, Ala. Joseph Henschel, A.B. Coll. City N. Y. 1891, House Staff City Hosp. N. Y. City. I2jg Washington Av., N. Y. City. Edward Franklin Horr, A.B. elsewhere. 206 Park Av., Bridgeport, Conn. Hampton Pierson Howell, A.B. Yale Univ. 1891. W. Hampton Beach, L. I., N. Y. Carl Adolph Huber. City Hosp., Rochester, N. Y. Clarence Edward Ide. gg Vinton St., Providence, R. I. Schuyler Clinton Jaques. Silver Lake, Ind. Seymour Tilford Jarecki. ijjS Larimer St., Denver, Col, David Stuart Dodge Jessup, A.B. Coll. N. J. 1891, House Staff St. Luke's Hosp. N. Y. 1894-. So. Orange, N. J. Philip Edwards Johnson, A.B. 1891. New Brighton, S. I. , N. Y. Joseph Chaim Josephson, A.B. 1891. g2 E. Broadway, N. Y. City. Frederick Conrad Keller, House Phys. Columbus Hosp. N. Y. City 1894-. 412 Ninth Av., N. Y. City. Edward Cumberland Kershner, A.B. Pennsylvania Coll. 1890, Asst. to Prof. Prac. Med. Post-Grad. Med. Sch. N. Y. ioj W. 48th St., N. Y. City. Edward Stephen Kiley, A.B. Brown Univ. 1891, Staff St. Joseph's Hosp. Providence R. I. 122 Waldo St., Providence, R. I. Ephraim Daniels Klotz. 41 W. 74th St., N. Y. City. Geza Kremer, Grad. Gym. Sup. Reg. Cathol. Budapes- tinum 1890. 2gj Stanton St., N. Y. City. Linnaeus Edford La Fetra, A.B. Wesleyan Univ. Conn. 1891, Junior Asst. Surg. N. Y. Hosp. 1894-. Hotel Fredonia, Washington, D. C. William Watson Laing, House Phys. St. John's Riverside Hosp. Yonkers N. Y. 26^ Ryerson St., Brooklyn, N. Y. George Ludwig Laporte, Jr., House Staff German Hosp. N. Y. City I 894-. 406 Charles St., W. Hodoken, N. y. John Henry Larkin, A.B. Manhattan Coll. N. Y. 1891. 1 417 Amsterdam Av., N. Y. City. Frederick William Lester. 61 Cayuga St., Setieca Falls, N. Y. Reginald Joseph Moss Lewis. 4J2 W.sSth St., N. Y. City. John Oscar Lewright, M.D. Mo. Med. Coll. 1887, House Staff Post- Grad. Med. Sch. N. Y. Post-Graduate Med. Sch., N. Y. City. Emanuel Libman, A.B. Coll._ City N. Y. 1891, House Staff Mt. Sinai Hosp. N. Y. 1894-. 180 E. 64th St., N. Y. City. William Popper Loth, Staff Mt. Sinai Hosp. N. Y. 1895-. 4167 Washington Av., St. Louis, Mp. George Davis Lowry, A.B. Ohio Wesleyan Univ. 1891. 40 W. 6 1 St St., N. Y. City. William Henry Luckett, B.S. A. Agr. and Mech. Coll. of Texas 1891, Staff Mt. Sinai Hosp. N. Y. 1895-. 38 W. 6 1 St St., N. Y. City. George Eldredge McClellan, Ph.B. Yale Univ. ? Woodstock, Conn. John Butler McCook, B.S. elsewhere. 114 Main St. , Hartford, Conn. Joseph Mac McMillan. 2SI W. S4th St., N. Y. City. 1894] GRADUATES IN MEDICINE. 271 Arthur Lee Macken. New Brighton, S. /., N. V. Albert David Mayer. 212 Taylor St., Ft. Worth, Tex. Elwood Stokes Morton. 242 Broad St. , Red Bank, N. y. Joseph Paul Murphy, B.S. Manhattan Coll. N. Y. i8gi, House Staff St. Mary's Hosp. Brooklyn 1894-. 4^1 W.SJth St., N. V. City. Francis James Murray. 184 Columbus Av.y N. Y. City. Thomas Francis Mylod, House Staff St. Mary's Hosp. Brooklyn I 894-. Poughkeepsie, N. V. Nathaniel Read Norton, Ph.B. Yale Univ. 1891, House Staff Presbyt. Hosp. N. Y. 1895-. 2Sg Macon St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Frank Richard Oastler, A.B. Yale Univ. 1891, Staff Roosevelt Hosp. 1894-. 200 W.s^t^ St., N. V. City. Charles Henry Francis O'Neill, A.B. St. Joseph's Coll. Canada 1888. S46 IV.jjth St., N. Y. City. Albert Oppenheim, Staff Lebanon Hosp. N. Y. 1894-. 116 E. 84th St., N. Y. City. John Joseph O'Sullivan, A.B. St. Francis Xavier's Coll. N. Y. go Elm St., N. Y. City. Gist Palmer, B.S. Wash, and Jeff. Coll. 1891. Wellsburg, W. Va. Henry Russell Pemberton, B.S., A.M. elsewhere. St. Frauds' Hosp.^ N. Y. City. James Jones Philips, A.B. Univ. of N. C, Staff N. Y. Hosp. 1894-. Tar borough, N. C. Joseph Egbert Pollard, Asst. House Phys. Jersey City Hosp. 1894-. 20 Ml I ford A v., Newark, N. y. Daniel Warren Poor, Jr., A.B. Coll. N. J. 1891, House Staff Roosevelt Hosp. N. Y. 1894-. JO Central A v., Newark, N. y. Otto Emil Prellwitz, A.B. Coll. City N. Y. 1890. J04 E. 2jd St. , N. Y. City. Paul Peter Prendergast, House Staff St. Mary's Hosp. Brooklyn I 894-. 402 Henry St. , Brooklyn, N. Y. John Henry Reb, Staff Paterson (N. J.) General Hosp. I 894-. 57 Myrtle Av., Brooklyn, N. Y. Michael Placzek Rich. so W. 38th St., N. Y. City. Robert Hastings Rogers, House Phys. Memorial Hosp. Orange N. J. 1894-. II gS Broad St. , Newark, N. y. Eugene Boutelle Sanger, Ph.B. Yale Univ. 1801, Staff St. Francis' Hosp. 1894- and Belfev. Hosp. 1894-. go French St., Bangor, Me. William Carl Schoenijahn, Interne Norwegian Hosp. Brooklyn 1894-. 822 Union St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Heyward Scudder, A.B. Tnn. Coll. Conn. 1891. 21 E. 2 2d St., N. Y. City. Ludwig Silverman Simon, Ph.B. State Univ. of Iowa 1891 ; Staff French Hosp. 1894-. 322 W. 34th St., N. Y. City. Alfred Keene Smith, Ph.G, N. Y. Coll. Phar. 1891. 363 W.s6th St., N. Y. City. John Bentley Squier, Jr., Interne St. Luke's Hosp. N. Y. 1894-. 21 E. ygth St., N. Y. City. William Steinach, A.B. Coll. City N. Y. 1891, Jun. House Phys. City Hosp. Blackwell's Is. 1894-. 188 Second A v., N. Y. City. Solomon Steiner, Grad. Univ. of Prague. 427 E. sgth St., N Y. City. Moses Ashby Stivers, House Staff Cancer Hosp. N. Y. 1894-. Middletown, N. Y. Casper Stock, B.S. Coll. City N. Y. 1890. 224g Seventh Av., N. Y. City. John Francis Sullivan, A.B. Yale Univ. 1890. 304 Exchange St., New Haven, Conn. Albert Earl Sumner, A.B. Amherst Coll. 1889, Staff Roosevelt Hosp. N. Y. 1894-. 38 W. 6ist St., N Y. City. 2/2 GRADUATES IN MEDICINE. ;i894 Martin John Synnott, House Staff St. Joseph's Hosp. Paterson N. J. 1894-. Melrose Av., Montclair^ N. y. Stephen Livingston Taylor, A.B. Amherst Coll. 1889, Interne M. E. Hosp, Brooklyn 1894-. j;og N. Washington St., Rome, N. V. William Henry Theban, A.B, Manhattan Coll. N. Y. 1891, Jun. House Surg. St. Vincent's Hosp, N, Y. 1894-. 122 E. 114th St. , N. V. City. Carl Theobald, B.S. Coll. City N. Y. 1891. S42 E. nth St., N. V. City. Samuel Wood Thurber, B.S. Coll. N, J. 1890, House Staff Presbyt. Hosp. N. Y, 1894-. I J, Avenue MacMahon, Paris, France. Charles Henry Trowbridge, Ph.G. Chicago Coll, Phar, 1884. Viroqua, Wis. Herman Gustave Wahlig, Staff Charity Hosp, N. Y. 1894-. 1^6 E. 8 I St St., N. Y. City. Freeman Ford Ward, Cancer Hosp. , N. V. City. William Edmund Weber, A,B. Coll, City N. Y. 1890. 6S0 Grove St., Elizabeth, N. J. Horace J. Whitacre, B.S, Ohio State Univ., House Staff N. Y, Hosp. 1894-, Morrow, Ohio. Wallace White, Asst, Phys, and Surg. Christ Hosp. Jersey City N. J, Chris fs Hosp., Palisade A v., yersey City, N. y. August Aloysius Wolff. 212 W. 123d St., N. V. City. Francis Carter Wood, B.S. Ohio State Univ. 1891. Englewood, N. y. George Hermann Wright, A.B. Trin. Coll, Conn. 1891, Staff Bellev, Hosp, 1895-, no W. 76th St., N. V. City. Charles Bellamy Young. &/ yohnson St., Brooklyn, N. Y. 120 GRADUATES IN LAW. LL.B. i860 Daniel Pratt Baldwin, A.B. Madison Univ. 1856 and LL.D. 1872, A.M. Hamilton Coll. 1S67, LL.D. Wabash Coll. and Colgate Univ. 1872, Judge 25th Dist. Indiana 1870-, Attorney-General of Indiana 1880. Logansport, Ind, George Van Nest Baldwin, A.B. and A.M. Rutgers Coll. ^2 Nassau St., N. Y. City. Robert Henry Boorman, (f). Catlett, Va. Bradbury Chandler Chetwood, A.B. Burlington Coll. N. J. 1857 and A.M. i860, Lt.-Col., Inspector-Gen. 4th Army Corps U. S. A. 1851-63. 120 Broadway, N. Y. City. Henry Woodward Cooper,* A.B. 1858, A.M. 1861. *i872 Edward Salstonstall Dakin, A.B. Hamilton Coll. Van Buren Button.* aet. 31. *i865 Daniel Sickles Duvall, A.B. 1858. William Sprague Ely.* *i862 Harry Allen Grant, A.B. Hamilton Coll. 1858 and A.M. i860, A.M. Yale Coll. i860. Tarrytown, N. Y. Carleton Moses Herrick, A.B. 1854, A.M. 1857. 7 Broadway, N. V. City. Charles Alfred Post. 16 Exchange PI. , N. V. City. Henry Foster Ranney.* Robert Emmet Robinson, A.B. 1863. J2 Wall St., N. V. City. Thomas Robinson, M.D. elsewhere. Louis Ruttkay,* A.B. Union Coll. Peter John Sause. Charles Carroll Smith. j> Chambers St., N. Y. City. Gerrit Smith Stanton, Ex-Mayor Woodbine la. 200 Broadivay, N. Y. City. Henry [Brewster] Stanton, [Jr.]. IS Broad St., N. Y. City. George Washington Stephens, A.B. Free Acad. N. Y. City. IJ2 Nassau St., N. Y. City. David Dean Terry,* A.B. Free Acad. N. Y. City. Stephen Howard Thayer, [Jr.], A.B. 1863, A.M. 1866, J. p. Yonkers and City Judge. Yonkers, N. Y. John Julius Thomasson. 206 Broadway, N. Y. City. Isaac Van Alst.* Singleton Van Buren.* aet. 39. *i87g John A. Vanderpoel,* A.B. 1862, A.M. 1865. aet. 24. *i866 Elias Williams Van Voorhis, Jr.,* A.B. Coll. City N. Y. 1863. aet. 48. *i892 Hamilton Wallis, A.B. Yale Coll. 1863 and A.M. 1866. East Orange, N. y. Townsend Wandell, A.B. Free Acad. N. Y. City 1863 and A.M. 1865. J I Chambers St., N. Y. City. Almar Preston Webster. Charles Howland Wesson,* A.B. Yale Coll. 1863. *i873 66 1866 David Wylie Alexander,* A.B. 1864, A.M. 1867. aet. 30. *i872 John Johnson Allen, A.B. Univ. of Vt. 1862 and A.M. 1865, Asst. U. S. Atty. 1866-73, Memb. N. Y. As- senibly 1874, U. S. Commr. 1874-, U. S. Chief Supervisor of Elections Eastern Dist. of N. Y. 1874-. 20J Montague St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Edward Sanford At water, A.B. Coll. N. T. 1862 and A.M. 1865, late Supt. of Schools in Elizabeth N. J. ' State Board of Health N. J. of Schools in Elizabeth N. J., late Memb State Board of Healt' Elizabeth, N. J. Edwin Bergh, Jr. 42g Fifth Av.,N. Y. City. Frederick Henry Betts, A.B. Yale Coll. 1864. 120 Broadway, N. Y. City. Daniel Frederick Boardman,* A.B. 1863. *i877 Thomas Bracken, A.B. St, John's Coll. Fordham and A.M. 1865. 79 Cedar St. , N. Y. City. Thomas Baird Browning, A.B. 1864, A.M. 1867. 2jy Broadway, N. Y. City. William Henry Butterworth, A.B. 1864, A.M. 1867. IIS Broadway, N. Y. City. Ebenezer Buckingham Convers, A.B. Yale Coll. 1861 and A.M. 1864. S Beekman St., N. Y. City. 28o GRADUATES IN LAW, [1866-67 John Thomas Cornell, (cl), Clk. Surr. Ct. N. Y. Co. 1866-. IJ2 Nassau St. , N. V. City. Albert Crane, A.B. Tuft's Coll. 1863. jj Wall St., N. V. City. Charles Henry Douglas,* A.B. Beloit Coll. 4878 William Oliver Embury, (Rev.). F. E. Ch. Bolton Rd. and 214th St., N. V. City. Henry Floy,* A.B. 1864. aet. 23. *i866 Lewis S. Goebel, A.B. Coll. City N. Y. 1864, N. Y. State Sena- tor 1878-79. 41 Park Row, N. Y. City. Charles Auguste Lambert Goldey. 261 Broadway, N. Y. City. James John Gray. Daniel Judson Holden, A.B. Yale Coll. 1864. 68 William St., N. Y. City. William Allen Hoyt, Judge Dist. Ct. of Iowa. Fayette, la. Ephraim Arnold Jacob, B.S. Coll. City N. Y. J20 Broadway, N. Y. City. John Watts Kearny, Memb. Ky. State Leg. 1873-5 Gen. Natl. Guard State N. J. Brig.-Gen. ig E. S4th St., N. Y. City. Joseph Bayley Lawrence,* A.B. 1864, A.M. 1867. *i889 Samuel Lawrence, Jr. Alfred James McCullough. Alexander Taggart McGill, A.B. Coll. N. J. 1864, LL.D. elsewhere. 2^0 Barrow St. , Jersey City, N. y. Henry Major, [Jr.], A.B. Georgetown Univ. 1864 and A.M. 1866. 7j»7 Broadway, N. Y. City. Frederick Halsey Man, A.B. Coll. City N. Y. 1862, Capt., Bvt. Maj. U. S V S6 'Wall St., N. Y. City. Nicholas Murray, (librarian), A.B. Williams Coll. 1862, Librarian Johns Hopk. Univ. Baltimore, Md. Howard Osterhoudt, A.B. 1864, A.M. 1867. Kingston, N. Y. -77, Insp'r- with rank Henry Hills Parker,* A.B. 1864, A.M. 1867. aet. 42. *i886 William Chauncey Prall.* L. Bradford Prince. Ex-memb. N. Y. Assembly ; Ex-memb. N. Y. Senate ; Chief- Justice New Mexico 1879- ; and Governor 1889-. j>9 Nassau St., N. Y. City. Jarrett Thomas Richards, Mayor Santa Barbara 1875, City Atty. 1878-79. Santa Barbara, Cal. Edward Ross Robinson. William Henry Rooney. Washington Sackmann. 2go President St., Brooklyn, N, Y. Henry J. Schenck. Murray Colgate Shoemaker,* A.B. Yale Coll. *i885 Nathaniel Ferdinand Smith. Yokohama, Japan. Reginald Heber Smith,* A.B. 1854, A.M. 1857. *i88o William Washington Smith. Edward Fay Stilwell. 14 Smithes Arcade, Rochester, N. Y. Samuel John Storrs,* A.B. Amherst Coll. i860, Private 52d Mass. Vols. 1862, Lieut.-Col. of same. aet. 55. *i892 Charles Phelps Taft, A.B. Yale Coll. 1864 and A.M., J. U. D. Univ. Heidelberg 1867. Cincinnati, Ohio. Frederick Diodati Thompson, Hon. Commr. from Turkey to World's Columbian Exhib., Officer Order of the Medjidie (Turkish). Union Club, N'. Y. City. Alfred Wagstaff, [Jr.], Major 91st N.Y. Vet. Vols., A. A. Insp'r- Gen. 3d Div. 5th Corps, Col. N. G. S. N. Y., Memb. N. Y. Assemb. 1867-73, Memb. State Senate 1877-795 Prest. N. Y. & Brooklyn Bridge, Clerk Court of Com- mon Pleas N. Y. 120 Broadway, N. Y. City. Benjamin Robert Winthrop, Jr. Care Drexel, Harjes ^ Co. , Paris, France, 1867 Wilbur Russell Bacon, A.B. Yale Coll. 1865. S4 Broad St., N. Y. City. 48 186;] GRADUA TES IN LA W. 28r Charles Henry Baldwin.* aet. 40. ♦iSSs Truman Hamilton Baldwin, A.B. Coll. City N. Y. ^/ Nassau St. , N. Y. City. Gerard Beekman, A.B. 1864, A.M. 1867, Trustee Col. Coll. 1878-, Clerk of the Board of Trustees 1879-91. 47 Cedar St., N. V. City. Henry Rutgers Beekman, A.B. 1865, A.M., Park Commr. N. Y. C. 1885- 87, Prest. Bd. Aldermen N. Y. C. 1887- 1888, Corp. Counsel N. Y. C. 1888-89, Commr. N. Y. for promotion uniformity legislation in U. S. iig E. i8th St., N. Y. City. James Bell, [Jr.], late Co. Judge Jefferson Co. Fla. 2 terms, Postmaster Gainesville Fla. Gainesville, Fla. William Johnson Binney, A.B. Amherst Coll. 2020 De Lancey PI., Philadelphia, Pa. Eugene Samuel Blois.* ♦1893 Edward Payson Brewster,* A.B. Coll. N. J. 1862 and A.M. *i870 John Edward Brooks, (m), A.B. Yale Coll. 1865. 9j6 Broadway, N. Y. City. John Lovett Brower, A.M. Coll. City N. Y. 14^ Broadway, N. Y. City. Edward Sears Clinch, B.S. Coll. City N. Y. 11^ Broadway, N. Y. City. Edwin Walter Coggeshall. 140 Nassau St. , N. Y. City. Theodore Pease Cook, (j). Col. and Mil. Sec. to Gov. Hoffman 1869- ''''utica, N. Y, Francis Hull Cowdrey. 31 Pine St., N. Y. City. Samuel Oakley Crawford. William Bedlow Crosby, A.B. Coll. City N. Y. 120 Broadway, N. Y. City. N. Gano Dunn,* 8th Regt. N. Y. S. Vols, during war, Col. of same 1869, Brig.-Gen. and staff under Gov. Dix 1873. Chief-of- aet. 47. *i892 Clarence Uriah Embury.* Thomas Rawdon Fisher. New Rochelle, N. Y. '1885 William Hubbell Fisher, A.B. Hamilton Coll., Ex-Prest. Cincinnati (O.) Soc. Natural Hist., Director and Corr. Sec. Y. M. C. A. of Cincinnati. 13 Wiggins Block, Cincinnati, 0. Horace Webster Fowler,* A.B. Yale Coll. 1863. *i888 William Edgar Glover. II Pine St., N. Y. City. James Sanford Greves, A.B. Hamilton Coll. 1861. 32 Park PL, N. Y. City. William Fearing Hall. 22 William St., N. Y. City. James Hooker Hamersley, A.B. 1865, A.M. 1868. 3g Nassau St., N. Y. City. Henry Bailey Hathaway. 41 Wall St., N. Y. City. William Herring.* Archibald Hopkins, A.B. and A.M. Williams Coll., Clerk Court of Claims Washington D. C. Ct. of Claims, Washington, D. C. Isaac Samuel Isaacs, A.B. Univ. N. Y. City 1865 and A.M. 1867. //J" Broadway, N. Y. City. William Jay, [Jr.], A.B. 1859, A.M. 1862, Capt. and Bvt.-Lt.-Col. U. S. Vols. 48 Wall St., N. Y. City. Charles Swift Joslyn, LL.B. Yale Coll. 1866. 30-41 Mercer St. , N. Y. City. George Goelet Kip, A.B. 1865, A.M. 1867. 88 Nassau St., N. Y. City. William Lampson, (b). Le Roy, Genesee Co. , N. Y. John Thomas Lockman. 88 Nassau St., N. Y. City. William Gilman Low, A.B. 1865, A.M. 1868. 102 Broadway, N. Y. City. Edwin McCahill,* A.B. Georgetown Coll. D. C. *i878 John Hobart McMurdy. John Alfred Mack. Thomas Martin Moore. Passaic, N. y. Philip Murphy. Daniel Weir Northrup,* Memb. Bd. Education Bkln. 282 GRADUA TES IN LA W, [1867-68 David Robinson Nutter,* A.B. Dartmouth Coll. aet. 43. *i883 Sidney Oaksmith.* *i869 Daniel Parish, Jr. 2 E. i6th St., N. V. City, Charles Burroughs Rice,* A.B. 1864, A.M. 1867. Phoenix Remsen. W. Islip, L. /., N. Y. Joseph Swift Richards, B.S. Norwich Univ. Vt. 1865. 14^ Nassau St., N. Y. City. Zabdiel Sidney Sampson, A.B. Amherst Coll. 140 Nassau St. , N. Y. City. Lorenzo S. B. Sawyer, A.B. and A.M. Hamilton Coll. San Francisco, Cal. Henry Augustus Schermerhorn,* A.B. 1861, A.M. 1864. aet. 29. *i869 William Andrew Senger. 120 Broadway, N. Y. City. Morris Woodruff Seymour, A.B. Yale Coll., Judge City Ct., Judge Ct. of Pardons Conn., Col. in Militia, Prof. Yale Law Sch. sub. " Corporations." Bridgeport, Conn. Charles Christmas Shelton. 75 Broad St., N. Y. City. Eugene Carroll Skinner, (re), A.M. Tuft's Coll. 1883, M.D. Detroit Coll. Med. 1887, Lieut. N. Y. Vols. 1864 and Bvt. Capt. U. S. V. 1865, Prof. Med. Jur. and San. Sci. and Sec. Faculty De- troit Coll. Med. 1889-92, Prest. Detroit Sci. Assn. 1876. 1^0 Bagg St. , Detroit, Mich. Charles Edward Smith, Grad. Renss. Polytech. Inst. N. Y. Charles Henry Smith, [Jr.], B.S. and M.S. CoU. City N. Y. S8 E. 114th St., N. Y. City. Freling H. Smith, A.B. Union Coll. 1865. 11^ Broadway, N. Y. City. Isaac Spencer Smith, (re). 22s E. 1 2th St., N. Y. City. John William Sterling, A.B. Yale Coll. 1864 and A.M. 1869 and LL.D. 1893. 4^ William St., N. Y. City. William Edwin Stiger. /j'j' Broadway, N. Y. City. John Hervey Stitt, A.B. Coll. City N. Y. 11^ Fulton St., N. Y. City, Frederick Wilmot Sturges. John Edwin Swezey,* A.B. 1865, A.M. 1868. *i873 Frank Thompson, A.B. Union Coll. Charles Harmer Trafford.* Henry Edwin Tremain, A.B Coll. City N. Y. i860. Private 7th N. Y. Vols. 1861, ist Lieut. N. Y. Fire Zouaves, Asst. Insp'r-Gen. on Gen. Sickles's staff, Major Vols. 1863, Bvt. Brig.-Gen. Vols. 1865, Asst. U. S. Atty. N. Y, City 1873- 77, Col. Veterans 7th Regt. N. Y. 1887. 146 Broadway, N. Y. City. John Hamilton Turner,* A.M. Coll. City N. Y. *i875 Augustus Gifford Vanderpoel. gg Nassau St. , N. Y. City. Philip Livingston Van Rensselaer,* A.B. Coll. N. J. i860 and A.M. *i873 Abraham Van Santvoord, A.B. 1865, A.M. 1866. ^o Broadway , N. Y. City. George West Van Siclen, M.S. Coll. City N. Y. 120 Broadway, N. Y. City. Edmiind Augustus Ward Richfield Springs, N. Y. Francis H. Weeks, A.B. Williams Coll. 62 William St., N. Y. City. James Keappoch Hamilton Will- cox, (ins), B.S. Univ. N. Y. City 1865 and M.S. 1868. S4 William St., N. Y. City. William Henry Williams, A.B. Brown Univ. iSi Broadway, N. Y. City. William Clitus Witter, A.B. Yale Coll. 1865. jS Park Row, N. Y. City. 77 1868 Osmin W. Atkins,* A.B. Wesleyan Univ. Marshall Bell, A.B. 1866. 2j6 Fifth Av.,N. Y. City. Emile Beneville, A.B. Coll. City N. Y. and A.M. 140 Nassau St., N. Y. City. ^871 1 868] GRADUATES IN LAW, 283 William Warwick Bliss,* A.B. Brown Univ. aet. 48. *i887 Morris Mumford Budlong,* A.B. Yale Coll. 1865, aet. 52. *i89i George Noyes Burt, A.B. and A.M. Union Coll. Oswego, N. Y. Albertson Case, A.B. Harv. Univ. 1866. Southold, Suffolk Co., N. Y. Newton Henry Chittenden. II Wall St., N. Y. City. Simeon Baldwin Chittenden, Jr., A.B. Yale Coll. 1865. II Wall St., N. Y. City. Elihu Church.* ♦1882 George Clinton. Henry Kiersted Coddington, M.S. Coll. City N. Y. 206 Broadway, N. Y. City. Edmund Coffin, Jr., A.B. Yale Coll. 1866. IS W.syth St., N. Y. City, Arthur Douglas Collins. Edward Donaldson Cowman, A.B. Hobart Coll. S4 Wall St., N. Y. City. Julien Tappan Davies, A.B. 1866 and A.M. 1869. j2 Nassau St., N. Y. City. Henrv Sprong Davis, A.B. Hobart Coll. 164 W. 3d St., Oswego, N. Y. •Charles Willoughby Dayton, Memb. N. Y. Assembly 1881, Counsel Excise Bd. N. Y. City, Prest. Bd. Park Av. Imp., Postmaster N. Y. City 1893-. 13 Mt. Morris Park W., N. Y. City. John Ambrose Deady, A.B. Amherst Coll. 1864 and A.M. 1867. 59 Wall St., N. Y. City. Theodore F. C. Demarest, A.B. 1864, A.M. 1867. 32 Nassau St. , N. Y. City. Frederick Nevins Dodge, A.B. Yale Coll. 1866. Pater son, N. y. Franklin Woodward Earl. Wilberforce Freeman, A.B. Coll. N. J. 1864 and A.M. Orange, N. y. Michael Emanuel Goodhart. 114 Nassau St. , N. Y. City. Daniel Edward Hervey, (au, ed). 128 Montclair Av., Newark, N. y. William Monefeldt Howland, A.B. Harv. Univ. 1863. 2S E. nth St., N. Y. City. Walter Langdon Kane. Newport, P. I. John Vincent Kernan, A.B. Seton Hall N. J. Newark, N. y. James King Lawrence, A.B. Brown Univ. Theodore Akerly Lord, A.B. Yale Coll. 1866, formerly Prest. Indus- trial Home Adult Blind, and Director Deaf and Dumb Asylum of Cal., also Trustee Free Library San Francisco Cal. Greenport, L. I., N. Y. James A. McCreery, A.B. Mt. St. Mary's Coll. 280 Broadway, N. Y. City. George Souter McKay.* Payson Merrill, A.B. Yale Coll. 1865. /// Broadway, N. Y. City. Ormond Tucker Middleton, Memb. Colonial Parliament of Bermuda 1883-90, Hamilton, Bermuda. Fordham Morris, A.B. Trin. Coll. Conn. 1864, ist Lieut. 6th N. Y. H. Art'y during war, Insp'r Public Schools N. Y. City. 4S E. 30th St., N. Y. City. Henry Lewis Morris. 16 Exchange PI. , N. Y. City. Max Moses. 97-99 Nassau St. , N. Y. City. David Judson Newland, A.B. Middlebury Coll. Vt. 1865 and A.M. 1868. 2S5 W. 84th St., N. Y. City. Edward Holland Nicoll, A.B. 1866, A.M. 1869. 102 Broadway, N. Y. City. William Greenly Nicoll, A.B. Yale Coll. 1866 and A.M. Babylon, L. I., N. Y. William Franklin North. Austin, Tex. Robert Hunter Patton. George Jones Peet, A.B. Kenyon Coll. 1865. 320 Broadway, N. Y. City, 284 GRADUA TES IN LA W. [1868-69 James Lyman Price, A.B. 1865, A.M. 1868. 200 Hudson St. , N, Y. City. Thomas Bond Raynolds. Henry Hutchinson Reid. Thomas Rogers, A.B. Union Coll. Boston A V. and 167th St. , N. Y. City. Henry Andrew Root. 10 Wall St., N. Y. City. Edward Whelan Searing. 2j Chambers St., JV. Y. City. Thomas Parish Sherman. jS Park Row, N. Y. City. William Edwin Smalley,* A.B. 1866, A.M. 1869. Frank Sherman Smith. 48 Wall St., N. Y. City. George Putnam Smith, A.B. 1866, A.M. ji^ Broadway, N. Y. City. Asa Adams Spear, A.B. Amherst Coll. 1866. 78-80 Wall St., N. Y. City. Stephen Dover Stephens, [Jr.], A.B. 1866, A.M. 1869, Memb. N. Y. Assenably 1874-75, County Judge and Surrogate Richmond Co. N. Y. 1882-88, 1888— New Brighton, S. I., N. Y. Henry Croswell Tuttle,* A B. 1869. aet. 35. *i882 Samuel Hempstead Valentine, A.B. Amherst Coll. 206 Broadway , N. Y. City. Thomas Sedgwick Van Volken- burgh, A.B. Yale Coll. 1866, and A.M. 1874. P. O. Box 1318, N. Y. City. John Waring Weed. 62 William St., N. Y. City. John Brandagee Wood, A.B. Yale Coll. 1865. Pasadena, Cal. 61 1869 William Henry Andrews. 15-2S Whitehall St., N. Y. City. James Knox Averill. ^ Beekman St., N. Y. City. Walton Peckham Bell,* A.B. 1867, A.M. 1870. aet. 34. ♦1881 Charles Wyllys Betts,* A.B. Yale Coll. 1867 and A.M. 1871. *i887 James Lord Bishop, A.B. Amherst Coll. //J- Broadway, N. Y. City. Henry Herrick Bond.* Charles Henry Burtis,* A.B. 1867, A.M. 1870. *i884. Charles Goodrich Coe, A.B. Yale Coll. 1867. 60 W. 46th St., N. Y. City. Duane Conant,* A.B. Hamilton Coll. *i876 Thomas Duncan Cottman,* A B. Mt. St. Mary's Coll. Robert Emmett Cowart. Atlanta, Ga. George Hubert Cowell, A.B. Yale Coll. 1868, Judge City Ct. Water- bury Conn., Chief Clerk P. O. Dept. Washington D. C, Clerk House and Senate in Conn. Leg. Water bury. Conn. James Ambrose Deering, A.B. Manhattan Coll. George Gosman De Witt, [Jr.],. A.B. 1867, A.M. 1870, Major 27th Regt. N. G. S. N. Y., Lt.-Col. sth Div. Staff N. G. S. N. Y. 88 Nassau St. , N. Y. City. John Jay DuBois, A.B. Yale Coll. 1867 and A.M. P. O. Box 2g7, Neiv Haven, Conn.. Patrick Gavan Duffy, A.M. elsewhere, Ex-Police Justice N. Y. City. Union Sq. Hotel, N. Y. City. Frank J. Dupignac. 120 Broadway, N. Y. City. George Ozro Emerson,* A.B. Rochester Univ. *i890. Charles Emmett. IS William St., N. Y. City. John Barnard Fairbank, A.B. Amherst Coll. Deadwood, Dak. Louis Fellows,* A.B, Coll. City N. Y. *lA^^ Francis P'orbes, A.B. Rochester Univ., Commr. from U. S. to Indus. Property Commn. Madrid 1890. ijy Broadway, N. Y. City. Louis William Frost,* U. S. N. during war. aet. 46. *i89ii f869] GRADUATES IN LAW. 285 George Griswold Greene, B.S. Ills. Military Acad. 1865, Memb. State Bd. for A dm. to the Bar, Commr. for Wis. to Secure Uniformity of Laws in U.S. Green Bay, Wis. Edward Graham Haight.* George Henry Hansen. Thomas Hedge, [Jr.], A.B. Yale Coll. 1867. Burlington^ Iowa. John Homer Hildreth. 280 Broadway, N. V. City. Pierre Van Buren Hoes. George Chandler Holt, A.B. Yale Coll. 1866. /// Broadway^ N. Y. City. William Warner Hoppin, [Jr.], (PHYS), A.B. Brown Univ. and A.M. 1861, M.D. 1864, Asst. Surg. U. S. V. 1863, Gov. N. Y. Hosp. and Woman's Hosp. in the State of N. Y., Trustee Coll. Phys. and Surg. 1877-91. Ill Broadway, N. V. City. Clarence Melville Hyde, A.B. 1867, A.M. 1870. 206 Madison A v., N. Y. City. William Halsey Ingersoll, A.B. 1867, A.M. 1870, E.M. 1875. Portland, Conn. George Landon Ingraham, Jud^e Superior Ct. of City N. Y. 1883-91, Justice Supreme Ct. 1891-. Court House, N. Y. City. Henry Whitman Kennedy. 168 Broadway, N. Y. City. Henry Thomas Lee, A.B. Lafayette Coll. Hamilton Wright Mabie, (j, au), A.B. Williams Coll. and A.M., L.H.D. elsewhere, Trustee Barnard Coll. N. Y. Clinton Hall, Astor PI., N. Y. City. William Hector McAllister. John Thomas McDonough, Special Surr. of Chautauqua Co. 114 State St., Albany, N. Y. Dennis McMahon, Jr.,* A.B. Manhattan Coll. aet. 31. *i88i [Charles] Anson Maltby. 48 Wall St., N. Y. City. George Manierre, (re), A.B. Yale Coll. and A.M. 1893. 184 La Salle St., Chicago, III. Francis Elston Marsh, A.B. Coll. N. J. 1867, Special Master in Chan- cery N. J., Supr. Ct. Commr. 7S8 Broad St., Newark, N. J. Abram John Miller, Dist. Atty. Brewster, Putnam Co., N. Y. James Appleton Morgan, A.B. Racine Coll. 21 Park Row, N. Y. City. James Edward Morrison,* A.B. Coll. City N. Y. William Pitt Mudgett, A.B. Bowdoin Coll., County Atty. Washington Co. Kan. Greenleaf, Kan. George Francis Murray, A.B. Georgetown Coll. 1861. 20 Nassau St., N. Y. City. Henry Loomis Nelson, A.B. Williams Coll. 331 Pearl St., N. Y. City. Cadwalader Evans Ogden,* A.B. 1867. aet. 41. *i888 Courtlandt Palmer, Jr.* aet. 45. *i888 Richard Wayne Parker, A.B. Coll. N. J. 1867 and A.M. 1870, Memb. N. J. Assembly 1885-86. Newark, N. J. Charles Ewing Patterson. 361 Madison Av., N. Y. City. Walter Pell. j6g Broadway, N. Y. City. Caleb Purdy. Rudolph Frederick Rabe, Memb. N. J. Assemb. four yrs, Speaker 1877, Senator from Hudson Co., N. J. 1878-80. 243 Broadway, N. Y. City. Charles Ritter. 30 Broadway, N. Y. City. Theodore Ritter, Asst. Assessor U. S. Int. Rev. 30 Broadway, N. Y. City. Charles Roberts (educ), A.B. Coll. City N. Y. 1862 and A.M. 1865, 2d Lieut. Signal Corps U. S. A. 1863-65, now Prof. Elocution Union Theol. Sem. N. Y. 146 Fifth Av., N. Y. City. - Charles Hall Rockwell, (ast). Tarry town, N. Y. 286 GRADUA TES IN LA W, [1869-70 Francis Marcoe Scott, A.B. and A.M. Coll. City N. Y., Aqueduct Commr. N. Y. City 1888-. 42 Park Av., N. Y. City. William Henry Secor. 10 W. 23d St., JV. V. City. George Preston Sheldon, A.B. Yale Coll. 1867. ig^ Broadway, N. V. City. Frederick Isaac Small, A.B. Yale Coll. 1867. Litt/e Falls, N. V. Charles Edward Souther, A.B. Harv. Univ. 1865 and A.M. 1868. 7 Nassau St., N. Y. City. Calvert Spensley, Mayor Mineral Point Wis., Fish Commr. and State Senator Wis. Mineral Point, Wis. Ernest Gordon Stedman, A.B. Yale Coll. 1867. 7 Nassau St., N. Y. City. Francis Lynde Stetson, A.B. and A.M. Williams Coll. 576 Madison Av., N. Y. City. Horace Stetson, A.B. 1866, A.M., Treas. Sav. Bk., City Clerk and Sec. Bd. Education. Orange, N. % Solomon Thayer Streeter,* A.B. Amherst Coll. ♦iSgo Charles Avery Tracy, A.B. Coll. City N. Y. Havana, N. Y. Edgar Abel Turrell, A.B. Yale Coll. 1867 and A.M. 1870. lyo Broadway, N. Y. City. Waldemar Jonas Tuska, Asst. Dist. Atty. Storey Co. Nevada, Memb. Nevada Assembly 1881. 302 Montgomery St., San Francisco, Cal. Aaron Ernest Vanderpoel, A.B. 1867, A.M. 1870, Trustee Col. Coll. 1876- 89. P. O. Box 261, N. Y. City. Philip Van Rensselaer Van Wyck. ijj Broadway , N. Y. City. Frank Ward Wessels. Charles Warren West, A.B. Williams Coll. J 2 Nassau St., N. Y. City. George Peabody Wetmore, A.B. Yale Coll. 1867 and A.M. 1871, Pres. Elector-at-large 1880 and 1884, Govr. Rhode Island 1885-86 and 1886-87. Newport, R. I. Ezekial Webster Whipple, (educ), A.B. Dartmouth Coll. 1867 and A.M. 1870. Faribault, Minn. William Wilson. James Henry Work, A.B. 1867, A.M. 1870. 2 Wall St., N. Y. City. Edward Marshall Wright, (re), A.B. Yale Coll. 1865. Kansas City, Mo. 1870 81 George Augustus Adee, A.B. Yale Coll. 1867 and A.M. 1870. 43 Pine St. , N. Y. City. Edward Knapp Anderton. 2iyo Bathgate Av., N. Y. City. Lemuel Hastings Arnold, Jr. J Broad St., N. Y. City. Theodore Aub. S4 Wall St., N. Y. City. George Augustus Baker, Jr., A.B. Coll. City N. Y. Care Chas. M. Baker, 28 Spruce St. , N. Y. City. Henry Beadel, Jr., A.B. 1869. New Brighton, S. I. , N. Y. Edward Wells Bell, A.B. Yale Coll. 1864. j8 Cortlandt St., N. Y. City. James Michael Brady, A.B. 1868, A.M. 1871, Asst. Dist. Atty. N. Y. Co. 1882-83. i^S2 Broadway, N. Y. City. Alfred Douglas Brush. Peter Vincent Burtsell.* Charles Kmsey Cannon, A.B. Yale Coll. 1867, A.M. 1870, Corp. Atty. Hoboken N. J. 1877-8. ^2 Newark St. , Hoboken, N. y. Samuel Cardwell, Jr.* ^1883 *i886 Timothy Pitkin Chapman,* A.B. Yale Coll. 1868. *i875 Henry Abel Chittenden, Jr., (ed)^ A.B. Yale Coll. 1867. ''Herald'' Sq., N. Y. City. 1870] GRADUATES IN LAW, 287 John Chorlton. Edgar Bradford Clark * John Henry Clayton. Stacy B. Collins, Jr., M.D. elsewhere. 8$ Rue de Boetia, Paris, France. Le Baron Bradford Colt, A.B. Yale Coll. 1868, M.A. Brown Univ. 1883, Memb. R. I. Leg. 1879-81, U. S. District Judge R. I. 1881, U. S. Circuit Judge ist Jud. Circ. R. I. 1884-. Providence, R. I. John Christopher Connor, Jr.f William Edgar Conover. so W. 23d SI., N. V. City. Gilbert Holmes Crawford, A.B. Coll. City N. Y. 1868, Sch. Commr. 1881-87. 22g Broadway, N. V. City. Charles Edward Crowell. 206 Broadway, N. V. City. Albert Delafield, B.S. Coll. City N. Y. 1868. 4J Cedar St., N. V. City. Leo Charles Dessar, Memb. N. Y. Assembly, Justice nth Dist. Ct. N. Y. City. 261 Broadway, N. V. City. Francis Charles Devlin, A.B. St. Francis Xavier's Coll. N. Y. 2 Wall St., N. V. City. George Gillespie Dickson, A.B. Kenyon Coll. AT. V. City. William Palmer Dixon, A.B. Yale Coll. 1868 and A.M. So Broadway, N. V. City. John Holmes Prentiss Dodge. .27 School St., Boston, Mass, Charles Arthur Doten. 14^ Broadway, IV. V. City. George Williams Ellis, A.B. Middlebury Coll. 1868. 753" Broadway, A^. Y. City. George Washington Flaacke. William Riley Foster, Dr. Jur. Univ. Heidelberg. J. Henry Fowler, Jr.* Robert Ludlow Fowler. jj- William St., N. V. City. t Afterwards known as O'Conor, y. v. ^1887 Andrew Gilhooly, A.B. 1868, A.M. 1871. 5 Beekman St. , N. Y. City. Joseph Warren Greene, A.B. Yale Coll. 1868. 3 Broad St., N. Y. City. Augustus Fraugott Gurlitz. 80 Broadway , N. Y. City. Lovell Hall, A.B. Yale Coll. 1866. Middletown, Conn. Frederic Robert Halsey, A.B. Harv. Univ. 1868 and A.M. 1870, on Gov. Flower's staff as Paymaster-General State N. Y. with rank of Brig.-Gen. 22 W. S3d St., N. Y. City. George Henry Hart. 280 Broadway, N. Y. City. Walter Howe,* B.S. Coll. City N. Y., N. Y. Assemb. 1883-85, Memb. N. Y. Aqueduct Commn. aet. 42. *i890 William Reed Jerome,* A.B. Hamilton Coll. *i888 Charles Dunn Jones. Clarence Delafolie Jones, J/ Chambers St., N. Y. City. Samuel Kalisch, City Atty. Newark N. J. Newark, N. J. James Knox,* A.M. Coll. City N. Y. act. 50. ♦iSSg Samuel Spahr Laws. Thomas Alphonso McGlade, Jr. Robert Bach McMaster, B.S. Coll. City N. Y. 1868. ^4. Wall St., N. Y. City. William Fleming McRae. John McLean Nash, A.B. 1868, A.M. 1870, Treas. Col. Coll. 1885-. 67 Wall St., N. Y. City. John Christopher O'Conor, Alderman N. Y. City 1883-84. 62 Wall St., N. Y. City. John Calvin Paulison,* A.B. Coll. N. J. 1866 and A.M. *i882 Henry Willson Payne,* A.B. Yale Coll. 1867. *i878 Duane Livingston Peabody,* A.B. 1868, A.M. 1871. aet. sq. *i886 288 GRADUATES IN LAW, [1870-71 Paul Pelletier, A.M. St. Louis. Samuel Edmund Perr}^, Prosecutor of the Pleas Atlantic Co, N. J. Atlantic City, N. J. William Franklin Pitschke,* B.S. Coll. City N. Y., Judge City Ct. N. Y. City 1887-90. aet. 41. *i89o James Madison Poulsen,* A.B. Coll. N. J. 1868 and A.M. *i882 Arthur Rickards Robertson. J2 Park PL, N. V. City. Roderick Robertson. J2 Park PL, N. V. City. George Nicholas Sanders, Jr.,* A.B. 1868, A.M. 1871. aet. 41. *i89o Kaufman Simon. 70 W. 70th St., N. Y. City. Orrin Skinner. William Brown Slocum. Sparkill, N. V. Nathaniel Phillips Smith Thomas,* A.B. Yale Coll. 1868. *i89o William Knapp Thorn, Jr. 102 Broadway, N. V. City. Thomas Birdsall Van Boskerck.* Albert Warren Wells, State Senator in 111. Leg. Quincy, IlL Henry Simmons White, M.D. 1866, Asst. Surg. U. S. A. during war, U. S. Atty. Dist. of N. J. Red Bank, N. J. James Henry Wood, A.B. Yale Coll. 1868. N. V. City. 71 187I Henry Green Atwater, A.B. Harv. Univ. 1869. 775 Broadway, N. Y. City. George Augustus Baker, Jr., .X.B. Coll. City N. Y. J Beekman St. , N. Y. City. George Baker. 24_3 Broadway, N. Y. City. James Baker, Jr., A.B. 1867, A.M. 1870. Sg William St., N. Y. City. Joseph Disbrow Baker. igi Broadivay, N. Y. City. Thomas Glover Barry. 120 Broadway, N, Y. City. James William Beekman, [Jr.]. 47 Cedar SU, N. Y. City. Henry Bischoff, Jr. Judge Ct. Common Pleas City and Co, of N. Y. 1889-, Atty, for Collection Per. Taxes 1889-. ig W. g6th St., N. Y. City, Silliman Blagden, (Rev.), A.B. Yale Coll. 1869. ^2 Bowdoin St., Boston, Mass. Alden Chester, Formerly Prest. Board of Public Instruc- tion Albany and Asst. U. S. Atty. North- ern Dist. of N. Y. i8-ig Tweddle Bldg., Albany, N. Y. William Henry Clark,* A.B. Coll. City N. Y. aet. 40. *i889 Thomas Newby Cuthbert, A.B. 1869, A.M. 1872. jj Cortlandt St., JV. Y. City. William Bayard Cutting, A.B. 1869, A.M. 1872, Trustee Col. Coll. 1880-. 32 Nassau St., N. Y. City. Adolf Czaki, Dr. Jur. Univ. Heidelberg. 206-8 Broadway, N. Y. City. Edward Ritzema De Grove, A.B. Yale Coll. 1869 and A.M. 1873. 38 Park Row, N. Y. City. Samuel Gardner Derrickson. 61 W. ggth St., N. Y. City. Harrison Downes, A.B. Yale Coll. 1866. 10 1 W. 8 I St St., N. Y. City. William Alexander Duer, A.B. 1869, A.M. 1872. ii_5 Broadway, N. Y. City. Thomas Charles Edward Eccle- sine, A.B. 1870, A.M. 1873, N. Y. Assemb. 1877, N. Y. State Senator 1878-79. 44 Broadway, N. Y. City. Charles Howard Edwards. iijj Magnolia Av., N. Y. City. William Fanning, [Jr.], A.B. 1870, A.M. 1877. 31^ Madison Av., N. Y. City. Charles Henry Farnam, A.B. Yale Coll. 1868, and A.M. 1871. New Haven, Conn. i87i] GRADUA TES IN LA fV. 289 William Whitman Farnam, A.B. Yale Coll. 1866 and A.M. 1869, J.U.D. Heidelberg Univ. 1868, Treasr. Yale Univ. 1888-. iVifw Haven, Conn. Edwin Bancroft Foote, A.B. Yale Coll. 1859 and A.M. 1866. Care Lincoln Safe Deposit Co. , N. V. City. William Dudley Foulke, A.B. 1869, A.M. 1872, State Senator Ind., Prest. Ind. Civ. Serv. Ref. Assn. Richmond, Ind. George Washington Galinger. 5 Bee km an St. , N. Y. City. Anthony Ambrose Griffin.* aet. 47. •i88q William King Hall, A.B. Yale Coll. 1869. i4g Church St., N. V. City. Frank Denham Harmon. S2 Park PL, N. V. City. Monmouth Gedney Hart, Justice of the Peace. JVhite Plains, N. Y. Edward Banker Hilton. 18 Rue Bergere, Paris, Fratice. John Henry Hobart. Francis Huesmann. James Hurst. Frederick Guion Ireland, (educ), A.B. Harv. Univ. 1868. 2S W. 42d St., N. Y. City. Alphonse Anselm Jacobi, A.B. and B.S. Coll. City N. Y. S4 Pine St. , N. Y. City. William Henry Kelly, B.S. Coll. City N. Y. 1868, Justice 6th Dist. Ct. N. Y. C. 1876-82, 1882-88. 2 Wall St., N. Y. City. John Pierre Kirby. William Whitehead Ladd, Jr. ijg E. 34th St. , N. Y. City. George Cowles Lay, [Jr.], A.B. Coll. City N. Y. 1869 and A.M. 1872. 20 Nassau St. , N. Y. City. John Brooks Leavitt, A.B. Kenyon Coll. and A.M. /// Broadway, N. Y. City. William Henry Lawrence Lee, A.B. Yale Coll. 1869. 20 Nassau St., N. Y. City. John Henry Livingston, A.B. 1869. Clermont, Columbia Co., N. Y. Nathaniel Alexander McBride, A.B. Coll. N. J. 1867 and A.M. jii Broadway, N. Y. City. Bernard Edward McCafferty.* *i883 M. Milmo McGowan, A.B. elsewhere. Frank Malocsay. Martin Sander Meyer. Charles Philip Miller.* *i887 Theodore Frelinghuysen Miller, A.B. Coll. City N. Y. 22g Broadway, N. Y. City. William Mitchell, A.B. 1868, A.M. 1871. 4S Wall St., N. Y. City. Charles Jacob Nehrbas,* B.S. Coll. City N. Y., Judge City Ct. N. Y. City 1881-90, Prest. Central Turn Verein N. V. aet. 42. *i89o David B. Ogden, A.B. 1869. /// Broadway, N. Y. City. Philip Joseph O'Hanlon, A.M. Mt. St. Mary's Coll. Denver, Col. William Satterlee Packer, A.B. Yale Coll. 1866 and A.M. 2 Grace Ct., Brooklyn, N. Y. Charles Augustus Peabody, Jr., A.B. i86g, A.M. 1872, N. Y. Assemb. 1876. 2 Wall St., N. Y. City. Elmer Poulsen, (educ), A.B. Wash, and Jefferson Coll. Penn., Princi- pal Brooklyn Grammar Sch. 27. ^jo Clermont Av., Brooklyn, N. Y, James Prendergast.* Samuel Augustus Purdy, Jr., A.B. 1869, A.M. 1872. Wilton, Conn. William Macneven Purdy, A.B. 1869, A.M. 1872. 140 Nassau St. , N. Y. City. Henry Warren Raymond, (j), A.B. Yale Coll. 1869 and A.M., Priv. Sec. to Secretary of the Navy 1889-93. Germantown, Phila., Pa. Henry Remsen.* aet. 3Q. *i89X Frank Reynolds, A.B. Wesleyan Univ. 1868 and A.M. 1871. 16 Court St., Brooklyn, N. Y, 290 GRAB U A TES IN LA W, [1871-72 Pedro Philip Riotte. David Solis Ritterband, A.B. Coll. City N. Y. 1869. 206 Broadway, N, V. City. Piatt Rogers, Judge Crim. Court Arapahoe Co. Col., Judge Dist. Ct. 2d Jud. Dist. Col., Mayor Denver Col. Denver^ Col. James Alexander Ross. 62 Liberty St., N. Y. City. John Watts Russell,* A.B. 1871, A.M. 1874, Sec. to Sec. of State U. s. 1873-77. ^^^' 36. *i Talcott Huntington Russell, A.B. Yale Coll. 1869. 1^7 Church St., N. Y. City. Rudolph Sampter. 2138 Fifth Av.,N. Y. City. Charles Miller Schieffelin, Lt. Col. 6th Regt. N. G. S. N. Y., re- signed 1872, Memo. N. Y. Assemb. 1875- 76, officer of order " El Busto del Liberta- dor " of Venezuela. 120 Broadway, N. Y. City. James Gary Sheffield, A.B. Coll. City N. Y. 1869, A.M. Wesleyan Univ. 1881. 14^ Broadway, N. Y. City. Charles William Shelton.* aet. 42. *i89i Frank Norsworthy Shepard,* A.B. 1869, A.M. 1872. aet. 37. *i887 Hiram Watson Sibley, (b), Ph.D. Univ. Heidelberg. Rochester, N'. Y. William Thomas Simms. William Bond Skidmore. 120 Broadway, N. Y. City. Charles W. Sloane, A.B. and A.M. St. Francis Xav. Coll. N. Y. 60 Park Av., N. Y. City. Edward Bayard Smith, (Rev.), A.B. 1869, A.M. 1872. IJJ2 First Av., W. Troy, N. Y. Elliot Smith. 59 Wall St., N. Y. City. William Stebbins Smith. 743 E. 167th St., N. Y. City. John Henry Staats. William Strauss. 20 Nassau St., N. Y. City. William Lincoln Swan, A.B. Coll. N. J. 1869. P. 0. Box s4, Oyster Bay, L. I., N. F. Alfred Taylor, B.S. Univ. Lewisburg Penn. IS Wall St., N. Y. City. Albert Dana Tenney, (ins), A.B. and A.M. Univ. Vt. St. Albans, Vt. Edward Tillou, A.B. 1869, A.M. 1872. 55 Liberty St., N. Y. City. Theodosius Stevens Tyng, (Rev.), A.B. Kenyon Coll. Osaka, Japan. M. Bedell Vail, A.B. Rutgers Coll. 360 Grand Av., Brooklyn, N. Y. James McCall Varnum, A.B. Yale Coll. 1868. 31 Nassau St. , N. Y. City. Irving Ward. 121 W. 130th St., N. Y. City. Edward Francis Weeks, (mf), A.B. 1869, A.M. 1872. 4S William St., N. Y. City. Charles Tilden Westcott, A.B. Washington Coll. Md. 1866, Prest. Ches- tertown (Md.) Nat. Bank 1885-, Mayor Chestertown Md. 1887-. Chestertown, Md. Edward Payson Wilder,* A.B. Yale Coll. 1869. aet. 43. *i89o Howard Payson Wilds, A.B. Coll. City N. Y. 1869. 78 E. 54th St., N. Y. City. Walter Brune Wines. Henry Wood. 280 Broadway, N. Y. City. Thenford Woodhull, A.B. 1869, A.M. 1872. 213 Montague St. , Brooklyn, N. Y. Gustav Zimmermann. 99 1872 James Randall Adams. Charles Beatty Alexander, A.B. and A.M. Coll. N. J. 120 Broadway , N. Y. City . Frederic Allis, A.B. Yale Coll. 1870. I Broadway, N. Y. City. 1872] GRADUATES IN LAW, 291 Henry John Appel, Jr. ^g Beekman St. , N. Y. City, Christian Henry Betjeman.* ^1885 Stephen James Bidlack. Robert Forsyth Bixby, A.B. Trin. Coll. Conn. 1870. Arthur Crosman Bradley, A.B. Amherst Coll. 1870 and A.M. 1873. Newport., N. H. William Reynolds Brown, (re), A.B. Amherst Coll. 1869, LL.B. Harv. Univ. 1871. jg Liberty St., N. Y. City. George W. Bryan, A.B. Wesleyan Coll. Ky. i86q and A.M. 1873. Millersburg, Bourbon Co., Ky. George Allen Buffum, (m), A.B. Brown Univ. Providence, R. I. Charles Henry Bullis,* A.B. Yale Coll. 1869. *i886 Le Grand Sterling Burton, A.B. and A.M. Racine Coll. Hartford Bldg. , Chicago, III. Morris Byrne. 60 Liberty St., N. Y. City. Patrick Sarsfield Cassidy. Edward Henry Clark,* A.B. Harv. Univ. 1867. ♦1885 Lewis Brainerd Clark, (m), A.B. Hamilton Coll. 1870. 1^4 Orange St. , New Haven, Conn. George Ansel Clement, [Jr.]. S Broad St., N. Y. City. Hugo Ernest Constant. William Horace Corbin, Memb. N. J. Assemb. 1885-87, St. Commr. Gettysburg Battlefield Monu- ments 1886-92. 24J Washington St. , Jersey City, N. y. Arthur Power Crane, A B. Yale Coll. 1870. Toledo, Ohio. John Cropper, A.B. 1870, a.m. 1873. 1742 M St. , Washington, D. C. Robert Weeks De Forest, A.B. Yale Coll. 1870. 120 Broadway, N. Y. City. Edwin Albert Dobbins. 140 Boulevard, N. Y. City. Elbridge Gerry Duvall, [Jr.]. iJ-17 Beekman St. , N. Y. City. Robert Duncan Elder. 64 E. 131st St. , N. Y. City. Charles Henry Ellsworth. Charles Crook Emott, (sec), A.B. Harv. Univ. 1870. 1S6 Grand St., N. Y. City. Henry Fisher. Frederic de Peyster Foster, A.B. 1868, A.M. 1871. 18 Wall St., N. Y. City. James Horn Gilbert, A.B. Yale Coll. 1869. Gate City Bk. Bldg., Atlanta, Ga. Julius Levi Goldenberg, (m). 6 Passage Violet, Paris, France. Julius Goldman. II Pine St., N. Y. City. Charles William Gould, A.B. Yale Coll. 1870. 2 Wall St., N. Y. City. John James Graham. Frederick Grasmuck. 202 Broadxuay, N. Y. City. Thomas Greenwood,* A.B. Yale Coll. 1867, Asst. U. S. Dist. Atty. 1885-94. aet. 52. *i894 Samuel Bernard Hamburger. 2gi Broadway, N. Y. City. Solomon Hanford. 3S William St., N. Y. City. William James Harding, Col. and Asst. Inspector-Gen. N. G. S. N. Y. 120 Broadway, N. Y. City. Alfred Augustus Houghton. Edmund Huerstel. 2go Broadway, N. Y. City. Frederick Hutchings. John Henry Inness, B.S. Coll. City N. Y. Newtown, N. Y. Edward Jacobs, U. S. Loan Commr. N. Y. Co. 1892-. 33^ Broadway, N. Y. City. Thomas Allen Jobs, (j), A.B. Coll. N. J. 1869 and A.M. 1872, Mayor Georgetown Col. 1882. Phoenix, Ariz. Adrian Hoffman Joline, A.B. Coll. N. J. 1870 and A.M. 1873. S4 Wall St., N. Y. City. 292 GRADUATES IN LA W, [F872 Luther Laflin Kellogg, A.B. and A.M. Rutgers Coll. 120 Broadway^ N. Y. City. Andrew Wesley Kent. 77 E. S7th St., N. Y. City. Abram Kling. g6 Broadway, JV. Y. City. John Mason Knox, Jr., A.B. Coll. City N. Y. 1868. 14^ Broadway, N. Y. City. Sampson Simpson Leo. g6 Broadway, N. Y. City. Francis Ellington Leupp, (j), A.B. and A.M. Williams Coll., Ed. " Good Government." 1813 i6th St., N. W., Washington, D. C. David Thomas Lynch. 16 Court St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Thomas McCafferty. Richard McCloud. Samuel St. John McCutchen, A.B. Yale Coll. 1870. 770 Broadway, N. Y. City. James Niall McKane. Nathaniel Marsh, A.B. Coll. N. J. 1870. JJ Broadway, N. Y. City. Benjamin Thomas Marten, (br). 24 Broad St. , N. Y. City. Heyward Glover Meeker. 63 E.s(>th St., N. Y. City. Charles B. Meyer. 140 Nassau St. , N. Y. City. Frank Halsey Mills, (usa), A.B. Coll. N. J. 1869. Ft. Bayard, N. M. John Howard Montgomery, A.B. Coll. City N. y. 32 Nassau St., N. Y. City. Arthur Murphy. William Nelson Noble, A.B. Amherst Coll. Ithaca, Tompkins Co., N. Y. John Notman. S4 Wall St., N. Y. City. William O'Donoghue. 34 Nassau St. , N. Y. City. William Claybourne Owens. Howland Delano Perrine. N. Y. City. John Hoyt Perry, A.B. Yale Coll. 1870 and A.M. 1871, Speaker House of Repr. Conn. 1889, Judge Ct. Com. Pleas Conn. 1889-93. Southport, Conn. Wheeler Whitman Phillips. Ridgewood, N. y. Franklin Porter, A.B. Yale Coll. 1869 and A.M. St. Joseph, Mo. Edwin Augustus Pratt. 1 180 Broadway, N. Y. City. Anderson Price. 80 Broadway, N. Y. City. Robert Livingston Read, A.B. Yale Coll. 1869. 31 Nassau St. , N. Y. City. James Denoon Reymert, Jr. Florence, Arizona. Charles Dallas Ridgway, A.B, Coll. N. J. 1869 and A.M. 41 Park Row, N. Y. City. Benjamin Franklin Romaine, Jr., A.B. 1871, J.U.D. Univ. Heidelberg 1874. 20 Nassau St., N. Y. City. Moses Sahlein. 88 West Broadway, N. Y. City. George Starr Scofield, Jr., A.B. 1870, A.M. 1874. j'j Broadway, N. Y. City. Winfield Scott. Park Av. Hotel, N. Y. City. Sanford Sidney Smith, A.B. Harv. Univ. 1870. Sg Wall St., N. Y. City. Edward Leavitt Spencer, A.B. Yale Coll. 1868. 4J Broadway, N. Y. City. Samuel Veith Speyer. iij Broadway, N. Y. City. Charles Morton Stafford, U. S. Marshal E. Dist. N. Y. 422 Madison St. , Brooklyn, N. Y. Andrew Musgrave Stirling.* ♦1874 Frank Dodge Sturges, A.B, 1870, A.M. 1873. 7/ Wall St., N. Y. City. Charles Schermerhorn Suydam,* *i887 Charles Singleton Sweet, (sec), A.B. Chicago Univ. 1870 and A.M. 1873. Pullman Bldg. , Chicago, III. 1872-73] GRADUA TES IN LA W, 293 George Henry Thompson. Thomas Joseph Tilney,* A.B. Yale Coll. 1872, Civil Service Commr. Brooklyn N. Y. aet. 48. *i893 Henry Peter Titus, Memb. Bd, Education Long Is. Citjr 6 years and Prest. i year, Prest. Bd. Civ. Serv. Examiners. Steinway^ Long Island City^ N. Y. Eliphalet Williams Tyler, A.B. Amherst Coll. /// Broadway, N. Y. City. Robert Anderson Van Wyck, Judge City Court of N. Y. City Hall, N. Y. City. Leopold Wallach. SS Wall St., N. Y. City. Manchester Ward Weld. Ira Benjamin Wheeler. 7 Beekman St. , N. Y. City. Thomas Randolph White, Jr., B.S. Coll. City N. Y. 1870. 2 Wall St., N. Y. City. Francke Sherman Williams,* A.B. Yale Coll. 1869 and A.M. *i882 Dennistoun Wood, A.B. 1870, A.M. 1873. 20 Nassau St. , N. Y. City. lOl 1873 Alphonse Henry Alker, B.S. Coll. City N. Y. II Fine St., N. Y. City. Henry Chandler Andrews, A.B. Harv, Univ. 1870. 2 Wall St., N. Y. City. Henry Clinton Backus, A.B. Harv. Univ. 1871, F.A.G.S. 1874. IJ2 Nassau St. , N. Y. City. Gilbert Henry Badeau.* *i888 Franklin Bartlett, A.B., Harv. Univ. 1869 and A.M. and Ph.D. 1878, Major 22d Regt. N. G. S. N. Y., Repr. in Congr. 7th Dist. N. Y., Memb. Constitutional Commn. 1890. 41 Park Row, N. Y. City. Walter Rogers Beach, A.B. Yale Coll. 1870. 88 Park Row, N. Y. City. Winfield Scott Bird. Arthur Blackwell.* aet. 29. *i882 James Armstrong Blanchard, A.B. Ripon Coll. 1871 and A.M. 1874. jE. 77 tk St., N. Y. City. John Gordon Blanding, A.B. Yale Coll. 1871. J24 Pine St. , San Francisco, Cal. Edward Chadwick Boardman, A.B. Harv. Univ. 1871. IJS Broadway, N. Y. City. James Harvey Bradish, A.B. Ripon Coll. 1871, Alderman Minneapolis, Minn. Minneapolis, Minn. Albert Porter Bradstreet, A.B. Yale Coll. 1871. Thomaston, Conn. Frederic Bronson, A.B. 1871. 174 Madison A v., N. Y. City. William Mansfield Bruce. 11^ Nassau St. , N. Y. City. Byron Winfield Buell,* A.B. Harv. Univ. 1871. *i875 Joseph Arthur Burr, Jr., A.B. Yale Coll. 1871. 4J Broadway, Brooklyn, E. D. , N. K, John Adriance Bush. 10 Wall St., N. Y. City. Vanderbilt Lothian Buxton, Jr.* ♦1884 Ricardo et Casanova. Havana, Cuba. William Richards Castle, A.M. Oberlin Coll., Attorney-Genl. Hawaiian Is. 1876, Legislator 1878-86-88 and Prest. Legislature 1887-88, Annexation Commr. Hawaii-U. S. 1893. Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands. Edward Willmott Chamberlain. Ill W. 43d St., N. Y. City. Frederick Sidney Chase, A.B. Yale Coll. 1871. Lafayette, Ind. George Chase, A.B. Yale Coll, 1870. S7I West End Av., N. Y. City. William Edwards Clarke, Memb. N. C. State Leg. as Representa- tive and Senator, Post-Master Newbern N. C. Newbern, N. C. Jones Cochrane. 5 Beekman St. , N. Y. City. Clarence Rapelje Conger, A.B. 1871, A.M. 1873. ig W. 20th St., N. Y. City. 294 GRADUA TES IN LA W, [1873 John Francis Connelly. Court House^ Scranton, Pa. Cornelius Elting Cuddeback, A.B. Yale Coll. 1871. Port Jervis^ N. V, John Elliott Curran,* A.B. Yale Coll. 1870. aet. 41. *i89o Edward Provost De Mott,* A.B. Amherst Coll. *i88s Edward Hazard Dixon,* A.B. Univ. N. Y. City. aet. 41. *i89i Edward Mundy Dixon. Woodbridge, N. J. John Henry Dorrity, A.B. St. Francis Xavier's Coll. N. Y. 1870 and A.M. 1871. ijj W.^dth St., N. V. City. Rufus Charles Duff, (Rev.). Leonardstown, Md. James Earle. Eugene Newton Eliot.* *i886 Thomas Charlock Ennever. i_32 Nassau St., N. V. City. Julius Morton Ferguson. 11^ Broadway, N'. Y. City. Joseph Fischer, A.B. Rutgers Coll. Trenton, N. y. Hamilton Fish, Jr., A.B. i86g, A.M. 1872, N. Y. Assemb. 1874, 1876-78, 1879-, Aqueduct Commr. N. Y. City 1886-88. 104 Broadway, N. V. City. William Piatt Fitch, (ho). Grand Union Hotel, N. Y. City. James Peers Foster, Dr. Jur. Civ. Univ. of Berlin 1877. J18 Madison Av., N. Y. City. Samuel Fowler. Newton, Sussex Co., N. y. Julius Joseph Frank, A.B., B.S. Coll. City N. Y. 1871, A.M. Coll. City N. Y. 1874. 62 William St., N. Y. City. Meyer M. Friend. II Pine St., N. Y. City. Robert Monroe Funkhouser, Jr. A.B. Dartmouth Coll. Philip John Geib. William Erwin Gilhooly, A.B. 1870. 2g2 Broadway, N. Y. City. Alexander Graham. Gordon Grant.* Lewis James Grant. 99 Nassau St., N. Y. City. David Weild Harkness. 4S Exchange PI. , N. Y. City. Theodore E. Hancock, A.B. Wesleyan Univ. 1871, A.M. Syracuse Univ. 1875, Dist. Atty. Onondaga Co. White Memorial, Syracuse, N. Y. Charles Nathan Harris, A.B. elsewhere. 2 Tryon Row, N. Y. City. Ashton Harvey. jj Broadway, N. Y, City. Charles Lansing Haskell, (pub). 181 Tremont St. , Boston, Mass. William Hays.* aet. 29. *i876 Edmund James Healy, A.B. St. Francis Xavier's Coll. N. Y. 1868 and A.M. 1870. Far Rockaway, L. I., N. Y. Jacob Herrick Henry, A.B. 1871, A.M. 1874. ^2 Liberty St. , N. Y. City. Henry Morris Heymann. 7 Beekman St. , N. Y. City. [Richard] Cecil Campbell Higgins, A.B. Coll. N. J. 1871 and A.M. 1874. 48 Wall St., N. Y. City. Max Clinton Huebner. Louis Halleck Hurst. jj8 Broadway, N. Y. City. George Ingraham, A.B. Wesleyan Univ. Conn. 795 Broadway, N. Y. City. William M. Ivins. Ex-Chamberlain N. Y. City. SS Wall St., N. Y. City. Anson Blake Jackson, A.B. Hobart Coll. Harry Madison Jones, A.B. 1869. 8 W. gth St., N. Y. City. De Lancey Astor Kane, Grad. U. S. Mil. Acad. 1868, ist Cav. U. S. A. Nezv Rochelle, N. Y. Samuel Nicholson Kane. 23 W. 47th St., N. Y. City. John Haskell Keep. 1873] GRADUA TES IN LA IV. 295 Richard Busteed Kelly, A.B. 1871, A.M. 1874. 3jy Broadway, N. V. City. Robert Kelly, A.B. Yale Coll. 1870. RandalVs Island, N. V. City. Cornelius Eugene Kene, Police Justice two terms, J. P. one term, Genl. Term Examiner 2d Jud. Dept. New Rochelle, N. Y. Luther Martin Kennett, [Jr.], A.B. Trin. Coll. Conn. 1870. St. LoMiSy Mo. ' Walter F. Kilpatrick. Joseph Kling. 68 William St., N. Y. City. Joseph Lambrecht. J. Scott Laughton.* Francis Lawton, [Jr.], A.B. and A.M. Brown Univ. /70 Broadway, N. Y. City. Newberry Davenport Lawton. 40 Wall St., N. Y. City. William Kendel Leicht. Solomon Livingston, A.B. Coll. City N. Y. ^2 Wall St., New York City. Henry Day Loder,* A.B. 1871, A.M. 1874. *i887 Charles E. Lydecker, B.S. Coll. City N. Y. 1871, Pub. Admnr. N. Y. 1889-93. 120 Broadway, N. Y. City. Merritt Gilbert McKinney.* act. 40. *i892 Donald McLean, Alderman N. Y. City 1882, U. S. Gen. Appraiser 1889-90. 1S6 Lenox A v., N. Y. City. [James] Brander Matthews, (AU, EDUC), A.B. 1871, A.M. 1874, Prof, of Literature Col. Coll. 1892-. 121 E. 1 8th St., N. Y. City. Edward Willis Mead.* *i882 William Millard. 6 Wall St., N. Y. City. Benjamin Latham Miller, A.B. elsewhere. George Alfred Miller. S4 Wall St., N. Y. City. John Hunter Miller, A.B. Wesleyan Univ. Conn. 40 Wall St., N. Y. City. William Franklin Mott, Jr., A.B. 1864. i2y E. 40th St. , N. Y. City. John Read Nicholson, A.B. Yale Coll. 1870. Dover, Del. Henry Patrick O'Neil, (educ), A.B. Coll. City N. Y. i860 and A.M. 1863, _ Ph.D. Univ. N. Y. City 1893, Principal Grammar Sch. No. i N. Y. City. 331 E. 1 20th St., N. Y. City. Edward Alonzo Page. 131 W. 136th St., N. Y. City. Frederick Aycrigg Pell, A.B. Coll. N. J. 1871 and A.M. 5/ Wall St., N. Y. City. Lewis Henry Piatt, A.B. Coll. N. J. 1871 and A.M. Sing Sing, N. Y. John Proffatt,* A.B. Lond. Univ. * Louis E. G. Radd^. Hotel San Remo, N. Y. City. Sands Fish Randall, A.B. Yale Coll. 1870. 120 Broadway, N. Y. City. Henry Alonzo Rawcliffe. 206 Broadway, N. Y. City. Melville Henry Regensburger. 320 Broadway, N. Y. City. George Lockhart Rives, A.B. 1868, B. A. Trin. Coll. Camb. Eng. 1872, A.M. 1872, A.M. Camb. 1879, Trustee Col. Coll. 1882-, Asst. Secy. State U. S. 1887-89. 14 W.38th St., N. Y. City. Andrew W. Rose, Jr. John David Rossett. Arthur Ryerson, A.B. Yale Coll. 1871, LL.B. Univ. Chicago. 1 8^5 Dearborn St. , Chicago, III. Edward Heartt Schell, A.B. Yale Coll. 1870. 1^8 Broadway, N. Y. City. Joseph Schwartz. True Mortimer Seaver.* Eugene E. Sheldon, A.B. Middlebury Coll., Dist. Atty. Herkimer Co. (N. Y.) 1886-89, County Judge and Surr. same county 1890-. Little Falls, N. Y. Charles Stephen Simpkins. j6s Broadway, N. Y. City. 1879 296 GRADUA TES IN LA W, [1873-74 John Woodruff Simpson, A.B. Amherst Coll. 10 Wall St., N. V. City. Abraham Stern, B.S. Coll. City N. Y. 122 Bowery, N. Y. City. Campbell Steward. 48 Exchange PI. , N. Y. City. William Adams Walker Stewart,* A.B. Coll. N. J. 1871 and A.M. *i888 William Rhinelander Stewart. S2 William St., AT. Y, City. Henry Shelby Stokes,* LL.B. Cumberland Univ. Penn. aet. 26. *i875 Oscar Solomon Straus, (m), A.B. 1871, U. S. Minister to Turkey, 1887-, Prest. Am. Jewish Historical Asso., Commr. to revise School Laws N. Y. C. 1893. 42 Warren St., N. Y. City. William Syms. Edward Thorn. 146 Broadway, N. Y. City. George McCarthy Troutman,* *i890 William Boyd TuUis. 38 Bank St., N. Y. City. William Turk. Charles Unangst, A.B. Hamilton Coll. 36 Nassau St., N. Y. City. Merit Melbourne Van Wert. 206 Broadway, N. Y. City. Arthur Dudley Vinton. 233 W. nth St., N. Y. City. Joseph M. Wallach.* aet. 37. *i889 James Bradish Wells, A.B. Harv. Univ. 1871. Helena, Mont. Charles Kingsbury Westbrook, A.B. Coll. N. J. 1871 and A.M. 43 Court St., Newark, N. y. Charles Whipple Whiley, Jr. Judson Boardman Wilds, A.B. Harv. Univ. 1871. y8 E.S4th St., N. Y. City. Charles Albert Wiley. Edwin Bleecker Williamson, A.B. Rutgers Coll. 1871 and A.M. 1874. Newark, N. y. John Schenck Williamson, A.B. Harv. Univ. 1871. 7 Nassau St., N. Y. City. William Keene Williamson. Henry Scudder Wood,* A.B. Trin. Coll. Conn. 1871. aet, 25. *i875 George Zabriskie. 21 Broad St., N. Y. City. 139 1874 Jacob R. Abarbanell, (ed), B.S. Coll. City N. Y. 1872. 24-26 Vandewater St., N. Y. City. George Birch Abbott, A.B. Williams Coll. 1872 and A.M. 1875, Pub. Admnr. Kings Co. N. Y, 1881-89, Surro- gate Kings Co. N. Y. 1889-. 21 Fierrepont St. , Brooklyn, N. Y. William Clark Albro, Commr. Public Sch. Poughkeepsie, N. Y. John Wallingford Andrews,* A.B. Yale Coll. 1870. *i88o Alfred John Baker. 120 Broadway, N. Y. City. John Joseph Balleray. Pendleton, Ore. Sheppard Banks, A.B. Coll. City N. Y. ig4 Broadway, N. Y. City. Joseph Bartlett Barry, A.M. Madison Univ. N. Y. Clifford Allan Herrischoff Bartlett, LL.B. Univ. N. Y. City. 168 Nassau St., N. Y. City. Charles Frederick Bauerdorf, School Trustee. 113 Broadway, N. Y. City. John Rogers Beam, A.B. Brown Univ. 148 Ellison St., Pater son, N. y. Edward Bement, (b), A.M. Yale Univ. 1891. 24 Broad St. , N. Y. City. George Alden Benton, A.B. Cornell Univ. 1871, Dist. Atty. Monroe Co. N. Y. 1887-93. 62 Ins. Bldg. , Rochester, N. Y. Tunis G. Bergen, Jr., A.M. Rutgers Coll., Ph.D. Univ. Heidelberg. 33 Liberty St., N. Y. City. Franklin Bien. 320 Broadway, N. Y. City. (TjiUA'i'iv'si.-. 1874] GRADUA TES IN LA IV, 297 Emest William Bischoff.* "1883 Hermann Bolte, Commr, Street Openings N. Y., School Trustee 4th Ward N. Y. J New Chai7ibers St.^ N. Y. City. Frank Howard Bosworth.* aet, 35. *i888 John Bennett Bottum.* aet. 39. *\Zg2 John Brice, [Jr.] * *i892 Charles Theodore Arminius Briegleb. Max Brill, Memb. Bd. Educat. Brooklyn N. Y. 1885-88. yys Broadway, Brooklyn, N. V. James Brisbane. jg E. 64th St., N. Y. City. Edwin Henry Brown. 75 Wall St., N. Y. City. Edward Warner Cady, A.B. Yale Coll. 1872. gg Nassau St. , N. Y. City. John Craig Cameron. 120 Broadway, N. Y. City. Clarence Campbell,* A.B. Yale Coll. 1872. *i883 Nelson Garrison Carman, Jr., A.B. Yale Coll. 1869. 164 Montague St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Alexander Thompson Carpenter. 66 Court St., Brooklyn, N. Y. George Washington Carr, A.B. Brown Univ. 1871. 2g Wall St., N. Y. City. Isaac Carrillo, LL.D. Univ. Havana Cuba. John Lucien Coxe Caruana, A.B. Seton Hall N. J. N. Y. City. Edward Benedict Cobb, A.B. Yale Coll. 1872. Ill Broadway, N. Y. City. Louis Cohen, Memb. N. Y. Assemb. 1880-81. 176 Broadway, N Y. City. Fred. Harmon Comstock, A.B. Coll. City N. Y. j6 Wall St., N. Y. City. Harry Wilton Cragin, A.B. Yale Coll. 1872, Examiner U. S. Pat. Office 1875-78. gi4 F St., N. W., Washington, D. C. George Ticknor Curtis, Jr.,* A.B. Harv. Univ. 1868. *i88« Edwin Burr Curtiss. 5/ Chambers St., N. Y. City. Francis Barrett Daniels, A.B. : Harv. Univ. 1871, Presidential Elector j 1880. j Dubuque, la. James Edward Delaney. j i8g Montague St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Edward Collins Devyr. Henry Clinton De Witt. 206 Broadway, N. Y. City. Pomeroy P. Dickinson, Prest. Excise Dept. Rochester N. Y. Rochester, N. Y. James J. Doherty, A.B. St. John's Coll. J20 Broadway, N. Y. City. James Henry Donaldson. John Hampden Dougherty, A.B. Coll. City N. Y. 1871. 7 Nassau St. , N. Y. City. Benjamin Douglas, Jr., A.B. Lafayette Coll. J14 Broadway, N. Y. City. George Washington Drew,* A.B. Yale Coll. 1870. ♦1884 Charles Tappan Dunwell, (ins). 188 Tompkins A v. , Brooklyn , N. Y. Clarence Gushing Edgerton, A.B. 1872, A.M. 1875. Coopers town, N Y. Wheeler De Forest Edwards, A.B. Coll. City N. Y. Ill Broadway, N. Y. City. Nathaniel Ellis. j>7/ Broadway, N. Y. City. Ephraim Elias Ephraims. William Henry Eustis, A.B., and A.M. Wesleyan Univ., Mayor of Minneapolis, Minn. Minneapolis , Minn. William Everett, Jr. Haliburton Fales, A.B. 1872, A.M. 1875. 383 Fifth Av., N. Y. City. Thomas Powell Fowler. 67 Wall St., N. Y. City. Benjamin Franklin, A.B. Hobart Coll. 18 Wall St., N. Y. City. 298 GRADUA TES IN LA W. [1874 John Van Emburgh Fredericks. Henry French, A.B. Hamilton Coll. Kansas City^ Mo. Alexander Jones Gibson,* A.B. St. Stephen's Coll. N. Y. *i88o Samuel Augustine Gleavy,* A.M. St. John's Coll. John Sebastian Graber. Joseph William Greenwood. 54 Court St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Henry Clay Griffin. William Curtis Gulliver, A.B. Yale Coll. 1870 and A.M. 1874. J20 Broadway, N. Y. City. Charles Hafey. William Henry Haldane, A.B. 1872, A.M. 1875. S2 William St., N. Y. City. Frank Lorenzo Hall, A.B. Yale Coll. 1872. 62 William St. , N. Y. City. Robert Ray Hamilton,* A.B. 1872, A.M. 1875, N. Y. Assemb. 1881, 1886-87, 1888-89. aet. 39. *i89o John Smith Hansen. J 8 Broad St., N. Y. City. Edward Frederick Hassey. 41 Park Row, N. Y. City. John Handy Henshaw, A.B. Amherst Coll. 20 Nassau St. , N. Y. City. John Franklin Herrlich. Caleb Marriott Hillman. 55 Wall St., N. Y. City. Loranus Eaton Hitchcock, A.B. Amherst Coll. 1872, Justice Police Ct. Chicopee, Mass. 5 Elm St. , Springfield, Mass. Irving Hoagland,* B.S. and Ph.B. Cornell Univ. "^1890 Leicester [Pratt] Holme. Judge City Court N. Y. City. J4J Nassau St. , N. Y. City. George Edward P. Howard, Asst, U. S. Atty. six yrs., Bvt.-Brig.-Gen. N. G. S. N. J. J5 Wall St., N. Y. City. Samuel Allen Hull. Peter Hulme, A.B. Harv. Univ. 1872. Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Charles Oliver Iselin. 77 Madison Av., N. Y. City. Charles Donohue Jacot. Edward Johnson. Henry Smith Johnson, A.B. Hamilton Coll. 1872 and A.M. 1875. Plattsburgh, N. Y. James Dana Jones, A.B. Yale Coll. 1871. J Broadway, N. Y. City. Abner Kalisch. g2 Market St., N. Y. City. William Edgar Keyes, A.B. 1872, A.M. 1875. 160 Broadway, N. Y. City. Charles Francis Kingsley, A.B. Middlebury Coll. Salisbury, Vt. Herbert Evelyn Kinney, A.B. Yale Coll. 1871. 5 Vanderbilt Av., N. Y. City. George Henry Kracht, A.M. Manhattan Coll. 1875. Sg Wall St., N. Y. City. William James Lacey. J9 Nassau St. , N. Y. City. Timothy Edwin Leary. John Hodge Leupp, A.M. Rutgers Coll. New Brunswick, N. y. John Daniel Lewis.* aet. 26. *i882 Nathan Lewis. 60 Broadway, N. Y. City. Clarence Lexow, Ph.D. Univ. Jena, Memb. N. Y. Senate. 46 Exchange PI. , N". Y. City. John Lindley. / Broadway, N. Y. City. Leopold Lithauer, Jr. 6'/6 Broadway, N. Y. City. Frederick Morton Littlefield, A.B. Yale Coll. 1872. j^6 Broadway , N. Y. City. Benno Loewy. 206 Broadway, N. Y. City. Addison J. Lyon, A.B. Coll. City N. Y. 160 Stevens Av., Mt. Vernon, N. Y. John Joseph McArdle. 430 Cherry St., N. Y. City. 18/4] GRADUA TES IN LA W. 299 Henry Goelet McVickar. 7 W. 20th St., iV. Y. City. Abram Bell Malcomson, Jr. IJ2 Nassau St. , N. V. City. Henry Ferdinand Mander. Reuben M. Manley. Dr, Jur. Univ. Heidelberg. 7/5 Broadway^ N. Y. City. Howard Mansfield, A.B. Yale Coll. 1871 and A.M. 3S Wall St., N. Y. City. Reuben Maplesden, [Jr.]. 2jy Broadway, N. Y. City. Henry B. Mason, A.B. Yale Coll. 1870. g4 Washington St., Chicago, III. Douglas Merritt, (f), A.M. Hobart Coll. 1889. Rhinebeck^ N. Y. John A. Miller, [Jr.], B.S. Rutgers Coll. 1871 and M.S. 1874, Judge ist Dist. Ct. Newark N. J. for 3 yrs. Prudential Bldg., Newark, N. y. John Ernest Miller. 20 Nassau St. , N. Y. City. Francis Lewis Minton. j/4 Broadway, N. Y. City. James Moncrief More. 44 W. 2 1 St St., N. Y. City. Theodore Miles Morgan. William Patrick Mulry, A.B. and A.M. St. Francis Xavier's Coll., Memb. N. Y, Assembly 1887. j-7 Beekman St., N. Y. City. Arthur Murphy, [Jr.]. 26^ Broadway, N. Y. City, Ambrose Spencer Murray, Jr. A.B. and A.M. Trinity Coll. Conn. j2 Nassau St. , N. Y. City. Thomas Newbold, B.A. Camb. Univ. Eng. 1871, Memb. N. Y. State Senate 1884-85, Prest. State Commrs. of Health 1886-93. Byde Park, N. Y. Joseph Emanuel Nevvburger. Justice City Court N. Y. City. City Hall, N. Y. City. Edward Nicoll, B.S. Cornell Univ. 5 Wall St., N. Y. City. Rodolph Crocheron Oakley.* Francis Ludlow Ogden. SS Broadway, N. Y. City. Ludlow Ogden, A.B. 1872, A.M. 1875. 4 Warren St., N. Y. City. James Lawrence Onderdonk, x\.B. 1872, A.M. 1875, Memb. Leg. Idaho 1880- 81, Controller and Supt. Pub. Instruct. Idaho 1881-83, i883-85,City Atty. Boise City Idaho 1882-85. J26 Michigan Av., Chicago, III. Charles Wright Page. Herbert Claiborne Pell. Tuxedo, N. Y. Thomas Alexander Phelan. Waldorf Henry Phillips. 2g Broadway, N. Y. City. Hugh Reilly, Dist. Atty. Albany Co. and Commr. State Bd. of Claims. Albany, N. Y. Albert Reynaud, A.B. Seton Hall N. J. 68 William St., N. Y. City. John Tredwell Richards, A.B. Coll. N. J. 1871 and A.M. 48 William St., N. Y. City. Henry Augustus Riley, Jr.,* A.B. Yale Coll. 1870. ♦1892 Abraham Heaton Robertson, A.B. Yale Coll. 1872, Alderman New Haven Conn. 1875-80, aide to Gov. Conn, rank Col., Memb. Conn. Assembly 1880-82, Memb. Conn. Senate 1885-86, Judge Pro- bate Court Dist. New Haven 1886-. N'ew Haven, Conn. Henry Scott Rokenbaugh, A.B. Rutgers Coll. iij Broadtvay, N. Y. City. John Ellis Roosevelt. 120 Broadway, N. Y. City. William Raphael Rose. J20 Broadway, N. Y. City. Griffith Thomas Rowe. 8y4 Broadway, N. Y. City. Charles Howland Russell, A.B. Harv. Univ. 1872. ^2 William St., N. Y. City. Henry Sacchi.* Edward Stanley Sackett, A.B. Hamilton Coll. 1871, Justice of Peace. Seneca Falls, N. Y. William Henry Sage, A.B. 1871, A.M. 1874. 1^56 Broadway, N. Y. City. 300 GRADUA TES IN LA W. [1874-75 David Salomon, B.S. and M.S. Coll. City N. Y. jj8 Broadway^ N. V, City. Richard Morris Saltus. William C. Sanborn. Somerville, N. y. Adam Emil Schatz. 168 N. V. World Bldg., N. V. City. Francis Schell, A.B. Yale Coll. 1872. 280 Broadway^ N. Y. City. John Egmont Schermerhorn, B.S. Coll. City N. Y. 120 Broadway^ N. Y. City. John Henry Scholl. David Kohler Schuster. 2J4 Broadway, JV. Y. City. Leo Schwab. Garrett Putnam Serviss, B.S. Cornell Univ. lyo Nassau St., N. Y. City. John Henry Shepherd, A.B. Hamilton Coll. 1872, Supt. Schools 1877- 80, Dist. Atty. ist Jud. Dist. La. 1888-92. Shreveport, La. John Thomas Sherman. S6 Wall St., N. Y. City. Charles Sherwood, A.B. Yale Coll. 1872, Alderman Bridgeport Conn. 1883, City Atty. 1883, Sec. Pub. Library 1881-. Bridgeport, Conn. John Lewis Shirley. 776 Broadway, N. Y. City. Samuel Slesinger. William Lamartine Snyder. Commr. State of N. Y. for Promotion Uniform Leg. in the U. S. ^ Beekman St., N. Y. City. William Henry Spangler, Jr. James David Spear. Louis J. Stich. 66g Lexington A v., N. Y. City. Adolphus Henry Stoiber, A.B. and A.M. Coll. City N. Y. / Nassau St. , N. Y. City. John Hall Stoutenburgh. I ij Nassau St., N. Y. City. William Whitewright Stuart, A.B. Coll. N. J. 1868. Barcelona, Spain. Theodore Sutro, A.B. Harv. Univ. 1871. 20 Fifth Av., N. Y. City. Charles John Taylor. Whitfield Terriberry. Plainfield, N. J. Eugene Treadwell, A.B. Harv. Univ. 1872. j>j5 Broadway, N. Y. City, Isaac Untermeyer. 44 Wall St., N. Y. City. Peter Labagh Van der Veer,* A.M. Rutgers Coll. *i898 John Everitt Van Nostrand. 206 Broadway, N. Y. City. Edward Emerson Waters, A.B. Harv. Univ. 1872. 7c!? Cortlandt St., N. Y. City. Arthur Delano Weekes, A.B, 1872, A.M. 1875. j8 Wall St., N. Y. City. Samuel William Weiss, A.B, Yale Coll. 1872. 4J Wall St., N Y. City. David [Johnson Halsted] Willcox, A.B. Yale Coll. 1872. 20 Nassau St. , N. Y. City. Hubert Williams, Selectman, Memb. Bd. Educat. and J. P. town of Salisbury Ct. Lakeville, Conn. Joseph Caesar Wolff, Memb. N. Y. Assembly 1893. 80 Nassau St. , N. Y. City. George Meech Wood. William Piatt Wood,* A.B. Yale Coll. 1872. *i885 Amos Edward Woodruff. J20 Broadway , N. Y. City. Henry Edgar Woodward, A.B. 1872, A.M. 1875. S2-S4 William St., A^. Y. City. James Lawrence Woodward,* A.B. Coll. City N. Y. aet. 34. *i886 Bernard Zwinge. 2 Wall St., N. Y. City. 184 1875 Frederic William Adee, A.B. Yale Coll. 1873. 4_5 Fine St., N. Y. City. 1875] GRADUA TES IN LA W. 301 Louis Adler, B.S. Coll. City N. Y. 120 Broadway , N. Y. City. Joseph Augustus Adlington, A.B. Wesleyan Univ, 1873 and A.M. 1876, Surrogate Monroe Co. 1884-. 22 Trust Bldg.^ Rochester^ N. Y. Frederic K. Agate.* aet. 33. ♦1887 Henry Seely Akin, (f), A.B. Ripon Coll. Willow River ^ Fine Co.^ Minn. Robert Percy Alden. SS Liberty St., N. Y. City. William Dunois Allen.* act. 28. *i88i Robert Arnold,* A.B. 1872, A.M. 1875. aet. 23. *i875 Joseph Aspinall, Memb. N. Y. Assembly 1888-89, 1891, Memb. N. Y. Senate 1892-93. 7/7 Montague St., Brooklyn, N. Y. William Waldorf Astor. N. Y. Senate, U. S. Minister to Italy. 4 E. 33d St., N. Y. City. Addison Atwater, A.B. Coll. N. J. 1872 and A.M. 1875. 203 Broadway, N. Y. City. Meyer Auerbach. 20 William St., N. Y. City. Albert Bach, A.B. Coll. City N. Y. 140 Nassau St. , N. Y. City. Frederic Harrison Baldwin, A.B. Yale Coll. 1872. 4^ Broadway, N. Y. City. Ira Leo Bamberger, A.B. 1873. 280 Broadway, N. Y. City. Everett Darius Barlow. 206 Broadway, N. Y. City. William Wade Beebe,* A.B. Yale Coll. 1873. *i886 William Constantine Beecher, A.B. Yale Coll. 1872. 23y Broadway, N. Y. City. Joseph Francis Beglan. 33^ Broadway, N. Y. City. Hal Bell, A.B. and A.M. Hamilton Coll. 7 Beekman St., N. Y. City. James F. Chamberlain Blackhurst. // Wall St., N. Y. City. William Henry Blain. 234 Broadway, N. Y. City. Albert Barnes Boardman, A.B. Yale Coll, 1873. 3S Wall St., N. Y. City. Henry Conrad Botty. 21J Bowery, N. Y. City. Henry Hopper Bowman. 38 Park Row, N. Y. City. Charles Bradshaw. 4 Court Sq., Brooklyn, N. Y. Charles Bried. 802 Broad St. , Newark, N. y. Jacob G. Brinkerhoff. Francis M. Brown. Charles Henry Brownell, A.B. Amherst Coll. Peru, Ind. William Webb Browning, (phys), A.B. Yale Coll. 1873, M.D. Bellev. Hosp. Med. Coll. 1884, Dem. and Lect. on Anat. L. I. Coll. Hosp. 75-5 Reid Av., Brooklyn, N. Y. Augustus Buckingham. John Frederic BuUwinkel. 2go Broadxvay, N. Y. City. George Collinson Burgwin, A.B. Trin. Coll. Conn. 1872 and A.M. 1875. 750 Fourth Av., Pittsburgh, Pa. Francis George Caldwell.* *i879 William Thomas Carlisle. 5 Beekman St., N. Y. City. Frank Paul Casilear. John Franklin Chase,* A.B. Yale Coll. 1873. *i876 Horace Russell Chase, A.B. Trin. Coll. Conn. Care Rev, Geo. H. Higgins, El Paso, Texas. James Oliver Clark, A.B. Coll. City N. Y. 20 Nassati St., N. Y. City. John Storer Cobb, A.B. King's Coll. Eng. 184 Boy Is ton St. , Boston, Mass. John Barriclo Conover, A.B. Coll. N. J. 1873 and A.M. Freehold, N. J. Edward Boies Cowles.* ♦1887 302 GRADUA TES IN LA W, [1875 Francis Ramsdell Culbert. I E, sgth St., N. Y. City. Solomon Woodward Cunningham, A.B. Amherst Coll. 1873, Prest. New- castle and Beaver Val. R. R. Co., Trus- tee Pittsburgh Female Coll. g8 Diamond St. ^ PiitsbMrgh, Pa. Charles D'Autremont, Jr. Duluth, Minn, Charles Cassat Davis, A.B. and A.M. Ohio Wesleyan Univ., Memb. Ohio Leg. 1880-81. 4, 5 and 6 Allen Block, Los Angeles, Cal. Edward Augustus Day, A.B. Williams Coll. 1873. 765 Broad St. , N^ewark, N. J. James Day, Bonn Univ. Germany. jj8 Broadway, N. Y. City. Robert Alexander Baynard Day- ton, A.B. Harv. Univ. 1873. ^20 Broadway, N. Y. City. Emilio Del Pino, A.B. 1873, A.M. 1876. 4^ William St., N. Y. City. Charles Clerc Deming, (rr), A.B. Yale Coll. 1872. 10 Wall St., N. Y. City. Paul Desvernine. Robert Dickey,* A.B. Harv. Univ. 1873. *i879 Frederic George Dow, A.B. Bowdoin Coll. 1872. ig2 Broadway, N, Y, City. Henry Membry Western Eastman. J Beekman St. , N. Y. City. Henry J. Eickhoff. Solomon Alexis Emanuel. ^20 Broadway, N. Y. City. Charles Frederick Estwick. 20 Nassau St., N. Y. City. Charles P. Fagnani, (Rev.), A.B. and B.S. Coll. City N. Y. 22 PI. Vendome, Paris, France. William Edward Sandford Fales, (LIT), E.M. 1873, U. S. Vice-Consul, U. 5. Actg. Consul, Agt. Conxjilaire- de France, Gerant eiii Consulat Russe, Amoy China, Mandarin Red Button Chinese Empire. Amoy, China. Frederick Getman Fincke, A.B. Harv. Univ. 1873. JO Genesee St., Utica, N. Y. James Seely Fitch, (re), Memb. Bd. Educat. Yonkers. Y ankers, N. Y. William Francis Foley. William Henry Forman, Mayor Freehold N. J. two terms, Direc- tor Freehold Banking Co. Freehold, N. J. Clarence Marion Foster, A.B. Dartmouth Coll. 1873. IJ7 Broadway, N. Y. City. George Henry Fountain, (geol). 104J W. Front St., Plain field, N. y. John Frankenheimer, Ph.B. Cornell Univ. 1873. IS Wall St., N. Y. City. Walter Smith Fredenburgh, Clerk Ulster Co. (N. Y.) Surrogate's Ct. (5 years), Ed. " Kingston Leader." Kingston, N. Y. Theodore Henry Friend. ^2 Nassau St. , N. Y. City. John Bradbury Frothingham. / Broadway, N. Y. City. William Henry Gibson. 20 Nassau St., A^. Y. City. James Knox Glenn, Jr., A.B. Univ. N. Y. City. Charles Thomas Goadby.* aet, 28. *i88i Leo Goldmark. ij W. 42d St., N. Y. City. De Bruce Goodell, Jr. Joseph Wads worth Gott, A.B. Yale Coll. 1873. Goshen, Orange Co., N. Y. Henry Grasse. 167 Broadway, N. Y. City. Isidor Grayhead. 102 Broadway, N. Y. City. Samuel Greenbaum, A.H. and A.M. Coll. City N. Y. lyo Broadway, N. Y. City. John Callbreath [Cowan] Gulick, B.S. Coll. City N. Y. 1872. IJ2 Nassau St., N'. Y. City. John Francis Gulliver. Andover, Mass. 1 875] GRADUA TES IN LA W. 303 William Henry Haeselbarth. George Natt Hale,* A.B. Hobart Coll. *i885 Andrew Steel Hamersley, Jr. 2go Broadway^ N. Y. City. Henry Clay Harding, M.S. Coll. City N. Y, 44 Wall St., N. V. City. Frank Goddard Haughwout,* A.B. 1871, U. S. Consul Naples. aet. 37. *i886 Henry Whiting Hayden. 48 Wall St., N. V. City. George Robins Haydock. 6go Gates A v., Brooklyn, N. V. Daniel Peixotto Hays, Civ. Serv. Commr. N. Y. City. lyo Broadway, N. Y. City. George Conklin Hendrickson, J. p. town of Huntington, Suffolk Co.- N. Y. Huntington, L. I., N. Y. Charles Clarke Herrick, (ed), A.B. Rochester Univ. 1873. Rochester, N. Y. Mitchell Hershfield. /70 Broadway, N. Y. City. Jacques Henry Herts, (m). School Trustee N. Y. City. 242 Fifth Av., N. Y. City. Frederic William Hinrichs, A.B. 1874, A.M., Memb. Brooklyn (N. Y.) Bd. Educat. 1882-84, Commr. of Arrears Brooklyn 1894-. //J Broadway, N. Y. City. Moses Montague Hobart, A.B. Amherst Coll. 1872, Prest. City Council Cleveland O. 1S88-. Cleveland, 0. William Butler Hornblower, A.B. Coll. N. J. 1871 and A.M. 45 William St., N. Y. City. Frederick Howard. Thomas Burr Hoxsey, (rr), Gen. Mgr. Sandusky, Ashland & So. Ry. Co. Sandusky, 0. Joseph Croofoot Hubbard, A.B. Yale Coll. 1873. 33 E. 24th St , N. Y. City. James C. Hueston. Loton Sandford Hunt, U. S. Consul Guelph, Ont. Canada 1890-. Mann Bldg., Utica, N. Y. George Adrian Iselin, (au), B.S. Cornell Univ. 1872. Cambridge, Minn. Dudley Lamartine James. 280 Broadway, N. Y. City. Edwin Augustus Johnson. Henry Edward Jones, A.B. Camb. Univ. Eng. 28 W. 2Sth St., N. Y. City. Millard Richmond Jones. 187 Greenwich St., N. Y. City. John Innes Kane, A.B. Camb. Univ. Eng. 4g W. 23d St., iV. Y. City. John Kean, Jr., A.M. Yale Univ. 1890, Memb. U. S. Congress 48th and 50th Sessions. Ursino, Elizabeth, N. jf. Frank Keck, B.S. Coll. City N. Y. 1872. 120 Broadway, N. Y. City. Edward Kent, Jr. S4 Wall St., N. Y. City. John Hill Kitchen. 32 Nassau St., N. Y. City. Joseph Kohler. 280 Broadway, N. Y. City. Solomon Kohn, B.S. Coll. City N. Y. 1873. 203 Broadway, N. Y. City. Isaac Kugelman. 13 Nassau St. , N. Y. City. Thomas Richard Lane, A.B. Manhattan Coll. Charles Percy Latting, A.B. Yale Coll. 1873, U. S. Loan Commr. N. Y. 32 Fine St., N. Y. City. Frederick Richard Lee, Commr. Elec. Subways Bkln. 1892-. y2 S. Fort land Av., Brooklyn, N. Y. Henry M. Leipziger, A.B., B.S. and A.M. Coll. City N. Y., Ph.D. Col. Coll. 1888, Chn. Lib. Com. Aguilar Free Library N. Y. 1884-, Organizer and Director Hebrew Technical Instit. 1884- 91, Asst. Supt. of Pub. Schools and Supt. of Lectures N. Y. City. 324 E. 30th St., N'. Y. City. Eugene Howard Lewis, A.B. Yale Coll. 1873. 120 Broadway, N. Y. City. Richard James Lewis, Memb. N. Y. Assemb. 1884-90. j8 William St., N. Y. City. 304 GRADUA TES IN LA W. [1875 Charles King Lexow, A.B. Harv. Univ. 1873. 4y Liberty St, N. V. City. George Francis Lincoln, A.B. Yale Coll. 1870. I Columbia St., Hartford, Conn. Bloomfield Littell, A.B. Rutgers Coll. 1873 and A.M. 1875. 71 Wall St., N, Y. City. Mortimer Livingston.* Henry Loewenthal, (ed), A.B. Coll. City of N. Y. and A.M. ''Times'' office, N. Y. City. Robert Joshua Lounsbury. Patrick McCabe,* A.M. Seton Hall N. J. Henry D. Macdona, A.M. Manhattan Coll. N. Y., Asst. Dist. Atty. N. Y. Co. 20 Nassau St. , N. Y. City. George Matsell MacKellar. IJ2 Nassau St. , N. Y. City. Percy Hamilton McMahon, A.B. 1873, A.M. 1876. Leadville, Col. William Justin Mann. 5 Beektnan St. , ^V. Y. City. Adrian Vanderveer Martense, A.B. Rutgers Coll. 1873 and A.M. 1875. 31 J Montague St., Brooklyn, N, Y. Walter Henry Martin. 181 Broadway, N. Y. City. Henry Metzinger. Patrick Joseph Mogan. joj Larkin St. , San Francisco, Cal. Casimir De Rham Moore, A.B. 1873, A.M. 1876. 120 Broadway, N. Y. City. Jose Gregorio Morales, A.M. Univ. Havana Cuba. IJ7 Broadway, N. Y. City. John Andrew Moran. 126 Cook St., Water bury. Conn. Stanley Mortimer. SI W. 34th St., N. Y. City. Thomas Skillman Payntar Mount. Edward Alonzo Muir.* act. 28. *i88i Samuel Mullen. gj Second Av., N. Y. City. Luke J. Mulvany, A.B. and A.M. Seton Hall, N. J. lyo E. 70th St., N. Y. City. James B. Murray. 6g Wall St., N. Y. City. Wilhelmus Mynderse, A.B. Williams Coll. J4 Wall St., N. Y. City. George Baldwin Newell. 48 Wall St., N. Y. City. Morgan Joseph O'Brien, A.B. St. John's Coll., Justice Supreme Ct. N. Court House, N. Y. City. Stephen James O'Hare, A.B. St. Francis Xavier's Coll. William Creighton Ostrander. River head, L. I., N. Y. Charles Harrison Otis, x^.B. Harv. Univ. 1873. i8g Montague St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Appleton Downer Palmer, Grad. U. S. Military Acad. 1865. 11^ Broadway, N. Y. City. Adolphus Diedrich Pape. g6 Broadway, N. Y. City. William Henry Parr.* ♦1889 James William Perry. ^2 Nassau St. , N. Y. City. Augustus Coe Pirsson,* A.B. 1872, A.M. 1875. aet. 24. *i87S Willard Stanley Pladwell. 4 Court Sq. , Brooklyn, N. Y. William Prall, (Rev.), A.M., Ph.D. Heidelberg 1873, S. T. D. Hobart Coll. 1892, Memb. Gen. Conv. P. E. Ch., Memb. N. J. Assembly. 344 Woodward Av., Detroit, Mich. Tarrant Putnam. 38 Park Row, N. Y. City. Stuart Fitz Randolph. ^4 William St., N. Y. City. David Henry Regensburger.* aet. 36. ♦1890 John Reynolds, A.B. Harv. Univ. 1871. Via Farinata degli Uberti, Florence, Italy. Lucian Haywood Richardson, (RE), A.B. Dartmouth Coll. 1873, Asst. U. S. Atty. Indiana 1880-81. Peoples Bk. Bldg., Denver, Col. 1875] GRADUATES IN LAW. 305 Henry Pendleton Rogers. jS Wall St., N. Y. City. De Leonard Rugg. i2g Buchanan St. , Topeka, Kan. Charles Burnham Sanders,* A.B. Harv. Univ. 1871. *i88i Frederick Louis William Schaff ner, Deputy Auditor of Accts. in Comptroller's office N. Y. City. 280 Broadway, N. Y. City. Herman William Schmitz. 20 Nassau St. , N. Y. City. Cornelius Suydam Scott, A.B. Coll. N. J. 1872 and A.M. 20 N. Upper St., Lexington, Ky. Thomas L. Seabrook, Ph.B. Peddie Instit. N. J. Keyport, N. J. Horace Secor, Jr. JJ2 Nassau St. , //. Y. City. John Ekin Shaw, A.B. Yale Coll. 1873. 1^2 4th Av., Pittsburgh, Pa. Harry Higgins Shrope. 3 IS Fifth Av,, N. Y. City. Alexander Bethmann Simonds, A.B. 1873, A.M. 4g Wall St., N. Y. City. Angel Jacob Simpson. IS Wall St., N. Y. City. James Henderson Skidmore.* ♦1878 John Benjamin Skinner,* A.B. elsewhere. *i89i Alexis Cutler Smith, Lt.-Col. 23d Regt. N. G., S. N. Y. IJ2 Nassau St., N. Y. City. Arthur Cosslet Smith, A.M. Hobart Coll. 6 Sibley PL, Rochester, N. Y. James Wessell Smith, (Rev.), A.B. Yale Coll. 1873. Vincentown, N. y. Oliver Drake Smith, Memb. N. J. Assembly 1880. IIS Broaihvay, N^. Y. City. Jacob Fonseca Da Silva Solis. I'jo Broadway, N. Y. City. Henry Kittredge Spaulding, A.B. Harv. Univ. 1870. 102 W. gjd St., N: Y. City. Gilbert McMaster Speir, Jr., A.B. 1873, A.M. 1876. 62 Wall St., N. Y. City. Henry Lynde Sprague, B.S. Cornell Univ. 146 Broadway, N. Y. City. Oliver Lloyd Steele. Seth Thayer Stewart, (educ), Teacher Higher Math. Friends' Semi- nary i6th St. N. Y. City four years, Instr. in Higher Math. Eve. High Sch. No. i Brooklyn N. Y., Prof. Natural Sciences Jersey City (N. J.) High School, Princi- pal Pub. School No. 13 Brooklyn N. Y. 1882-89, Principal Pub. School No. 78 1889-, Prest. Teachers' Assn. of Brook- lyn, organizer University Extension and Gen. Secy, of same. gg2 Dean St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Silas Moore Stilwell, Jr.,* A.B. 1873, A.M. 1876. *i892 William Stoothoff. Lefferts Strebeigh, A.B. 1873, A.M. 1876. 80 Broadway, N. Y. City. John Ruggles Strong, A.B. 1872, A.M. Cambridge, Mass. James Francis Swanton, A.B. St. Francis Xavier's Coll. N. Y. 1870 and A.M. 1872. IJ2 Nassau St., N. Y. City. John Patrick Sweeney, A.B. St. John's Coll. Fordham 1873 ^"^ A.M. joi Essex St. , Lawrence, Mass. Everett May hew Swift, A.B. Yale Coll. 1873, M.D. Homeo. Med. Coll. N. Y. 1879. Charles Nicoll Talbot. /// Broadway, N. Y. City. Sutherland Tenney, A.B, 1873, A.M. 1876, Asst. U. S. Atty. So. Dist. N. Y. 1878-82. 87 Madison A v., N. Y. City. Thomas Thacher, A.B. Yale Coll. 1871 and A.M. 1874, Lecturer Yale Law School 1887-. 10 Wall St., N. Y. City. David Thomson, A.B. 1873, A.M. 1876. S2 Wall St., N. Y. City. Robert Fingland Tilney, A.B. Yale Coll. 1872. 138 Hicks St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Leopold Turk. 280 Broadway, N. Y. City. 3o6 GRADUA TES IN LA W. [1875-76 William Gilbert Valentine. Sing Sing, N. V. Daniel Babbitt Vermilye, A.B. 1873, A.M. 1876. Orange, N. y. Joseph Fenelon Vermilye,* A.B. 1871, A.M. 1874. *i884 Henry Walter Webb (rr), E.M. 1873, third V.-Prest. N. Y. C. & H. R. R. R. Co. Grand Central Depot, N. V. City. Samuel Nelson White,* A.B. Yale Coll. 1873. *i885 Bache McEvers Whitlock, A.B. 1873, A.M. 1876. 4g Wall St., N. V. City. Elliot Williams. 280 Broadway, N. V. City. Francis Henry Wilson, A.B. Yale Coll. 1867 and A.M. J Beekfuan St., N. V. City. William Robert Wilson, City Atty. Elizabeth N, J. 1880, Prose- cutor of Pleas Union Co. N. J. i88i-gi. 142 Broad St. , Elizabeth, N. J . Francis Jesse Worcester, A.B. Harv. Univ. 1870. 280 Broadway, N. Y. City. 210 1876 John Joseph Adams. J20 Broadway , N. V. City. Philip Henry Adee, A.B. Yale Coll. 1873. J I Nassau St. , N. Y. City. Shoge Takato Agee. Spencer Aldrich, A.B. 1874, A.M. 1877. 2g Broadway, N. Y. City. Jonathan Cowles Andrus (Rev.), A.M. Rutgers Coll. 1879. West Superior, Wis. Nathan LaFayette Bachman (ed), A.B. and A.M. Hamilton Coll. Fresno, Fresno Co., Cal. Walter John Bagshaw. Frederick Augustus Baker. 206 Broadway, N. Y. City. George McCague Baker, A.B. Coll. City N. Y. 1874. 75 Beekman St., N. Y. City. James Harris Balston (mf), B.S. Univ. N. Y. City. jj JV. Bar sons A v. , Flushing, N. Y. Pearce Barnes, A.B. Yale Coll. 1874. 4g Nassau St. , N. Y. City. Harry Crane Beach, A.B. Coll. N. J. 1874 and A.M. 40 Duane St., N'. Y. City. Perry Belmont, A.B. Harv. Univ. 1872, Repr. in Congr. log Fifth Av., N. Y. City. Eugene Michel Berard. 7 Nassau St. , N. Y. City. Edward J. Bermudez, A.B. Spring Hill Coll. Ala. 1873, A.M. St. John's Coll. Fordham 1874, Ex-Judge Third City Court of New Orleans La. 2^ Carondelet St., New Orleans, La. Franklin Ball Bernard. 7 Nassau St., N. Y. City. Arthur Berry, Asst. Corp. Counsel N. Y. City, Special Dep. Collector of Customs and Chief of Law Div. N. Y,, Chief Clerk and Sec. to Mayor N. Y. City, Clerk of Street Open- ings and Clerk to Commr. for acquiring title to New Parks. 200 Broadway, N. Y. City. William James Courtnald Berry, Librarian N. Y. City Bar Assn. 7 W. 2gth St., N. Y. City. John Wales Bissell (Rev.), Evan. Ck. Lincolnville, Marion Co., I^an. Charles Smith Bloomfield. Richard Johnson Bolles. Oliver E. Branch. John Elmendorf Brandegee, A.B, Trinity Coll. Conn. 1874. Utica, N. Y. John Ernst Brodsky, Memb. N. Y. Assembly 1880-82, 1891. 4g-^i Chambers St., N. Y. City. Isidore Brooks. i6j Broadway, N. Y. City. George Selah Brown (m), A.B. Yale Coll. 1874. 32 Warren St., N. Y. City. Edward Martin Burghard. 80 Broadway, N. Y. City. James Franklin Burrill. Richard Busteed, Jr. 2^1 Broadway, N. Y. City. 1876] GRADUA TES IN LA W, 307 George Forrest Butterworth, A.B. 1874, A.M. 1877. 36 Wall St,, N. Y. City. Joseph Byrnes, A.B. Seton Hall N. J. Murray Hill Hotel, N. V. City. Franklin G. Campbell. Cherry Valley, N. Y. Joseph Frank Carlin,* A.B. St. John's Coll. Horace Hatch Chittenden, A.B. Yale Coll. 1874. // Pine St., N. Y. City. Salter Storrs Clark, A.B. Yale Coll. 1873. Yonkers, JV. Y. Louis Baker Cleveland. Delphin McLeod Cobb. Adolph Cohen, B.S. Coll. City N. Y. Jig Broadway, N. Y. City. Samuel Pomeroy Colt. j'7 Westminster St., Providence, R. I. Frank Bliss Colton, A.B. Coll. N. J. 1873 and A.M. 1876. $0 Broadway, N. Y. City. Le Grand Colton. Canastota, N. Y. Joseph I. Connaughton. 2gj Broadway , N. Y. City. William Wright Conway. Valentine Cook, Jr. 212 E. J7th St., JV. Y. City. Ashley Wilson Cooper. 20S W. 133d St., N. Y. City. Robert Clifford Cornell, A.B. 1874, A.M. 1877. S4 William St. , JV. Y. City. William Nelson Cromwell. 4J Wall St., JV. Y. City. Frank Crowell, B.S. Univ. N. Y. City, V.-Prest. Minneapolis Humane See. 30^ Kasota Block, J^inneapolis, JMinn. William Truesdell Day, A.B. Williams Coll. 1874 and A.M. 1877. 414 Westminster Av., Elizabeth, N. J. Edward Gibbons Delany. 280 Broadway, N. Y. City. Wymberley J. De Renne. Savannah, Ga. Edward Devoe. George Lewis Dickerman, A.B. Yale Coll. 1874. P. 0. Box 824, New Haven, Conn. Edward Nicoll Dickerson [Jr.]. A.B. Trin. Coll. Conn. 1874. 64 E. 34th St. , N. Y. City. Maurice Dillon. Horace Keating Doherty, A.B. and A.M. St. John's Coll. Fordham. 20 Nassau St. , N. Y. City. Sylvester Spelman Downer, Co. Judge Boulder Co. Col. five years, Dist. Atty. three years, now Dist. Judge 8th Jud. Dist. Col. Boulder, Boulder Co., Col. James Coleman Drayton, A.B. Coll. N. j. 1873 and A.M. 1876. 67 Wall St., N. Y. City. Walton Clarke Dupignac. gg Nassau St. , N. Y. City. William Wells Durkee. Cattle Ranch, near Alosca, Col. Walter Doumaux Edmonds, A.B. Williams Coll. 2 Beekman St. , N, Y. City. Robert Emmet.* ♦1884 Thomas G. Evans, A.B. Yale Coll. 1874. 4g Nassau St. , N. Y. City. Harold Faye.* *i882 Isaac Fromme, A.B. Coll. City N. Y. 28J Broadway, N. Y. City. Edward Inglis Frost. St. Paul, J^inn. Perry James Fuller, A.B. and A.M. Rutgers Coll. 145 Nassau St., N. Y. City. Albert Gallup, A.B. Brown Univ. 5c? William St., N. Y. City. Edward Collingwood Garrett, Jr. Marcus Ames Garrison. Joseph George Gay. 1^4 Nassau St. , N. Y. City. Edward Winslow Geer, A.B. and A.M. Hamilton Coll. lyo Broadzaay, N. Y. City. Walter Clarke Gilson. 48 Wall St., N. Y. City. 3o8 GRAB U A TES IN LA W. [1876 Jacob Conrad Goebel. ^57 Broadway, N. Y. City. Henry Francis Goken. 2ig Littleton Av., Newark, N. y. Joseph Goldbacher, B.S. Coll. City N. Y. 22g Broadway, N'. Y. City. Nathaniel Edwards Gouldy. 24 W. 116th St., N. Y. City. Hugh John Grant, Mayor N. Y. City 1889-1893. 261 W. 73d St., N. Y. City. Ulysses Simpson Grant, Jr. (f), A.B. Harv. Univ. 1874. Salem Centre, Westchester Co., N. Y. Samuel Lane Gross, A.B. Bowdoin Coll. 1872 and A.M. 1875. 206 Broadway , N. Y. City. Thomas Williams Grover,*A.B. Yale Coll. 1874. *i893 Charles William Hassler,* A.M. Columbian Coll. D. C. aet. 50. *i888 Edward Sargent Hatch. S5 Liberty St., N. Y. City. Selden T. Scranton Henry (aud), A.B. 1874, A.M., Auditor Del. & H. C. Co. 283 8th St., Jersey City, N. J. John W. Herbert, Jr. (mf), B.S. Rutgers Coll. 1872, Prest. Borough of Helmetta N. J. Helmetta, N. J. Henry M. Hiester (f). A.B. Coll. N. J. 1873. Mercer sburg. Pa. William P. Hillhouse, B.S. Rutgers Coll. Denver, Col. Morris Joseph Hirsch. 320 Broadway, N. Y. City. Oscar Pomeroy Howe. 668 Eighth Av., N. Y. City. Lester Samuel Hubbard, Jr. g8 Chambers St., N. Y. City. Charles Edward Humphrey,* A.B. Yale Coll. 1874. *i88i Josiah Augustus Hyland, A.B. Hamilton Coll. 4_5 Broadway, N. Y. City. Augustus Jay, A.B. Harv. Univ. 1871. 24gFifthAv.,N. Y. City. Edward Rodolph Johnes, A.B. Yale Coll. 1873. 50 Broadway, N. Y. City. William Henry Johnson. II Great Jones St., N. Y. City. George Howard Jones, Dist. Atty. Greene Co. 1881-83, Catskill, N. Y. George Washington Keeler. J4 Pine St., N. Y. City. Michael Joseph Kelly, A.B. St. Francis Xavier's Coll., N. Y. 6 Wall St., N. Y. City. James Kent, Jr. 64 Wall St., N. Y. City. James Madison Kerr. 10 Wall St., N. Y. City. George Christian Kobbe, A.B. 1874, a.m. 1877. Short Hills, N. J. Samuel Kreizer. Sampson Lachman, A.B. Coll. City N. Y., Judge Dist. Ct. City N. Y. 1887-. 233 E. igth St., N. Y. City. George Edwin Lawrence. 330 Pine St. , San Francisco, Cal. William J. Le Compte. 11$ Broadway, N. Y. City. John Lefferts, Jr. 186 Remsen St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Henry Masterton Leverich. Flushing, L. /., N. Y. Albert Jared Loder, A.B. 1874, A.M. 1877, Dep. Coll. Int. Rev. 1877-82. 14 E. 14th St., N. Y. City. Joseph Edwin Lord, A.B. Yale Coll. 1870, Mil. Sec. to Gov. N. Y. 1877. 32 Nassau St., N. Y. City. Michael Francis McGoldrick, A.M. Manhattan Coll. 1878. igg Washington Av., Brooklyn, N. Y. William Henry McKee (ed), A.B. Univ. of Mich. 1872 and A.M. 1876. 43 Bond St., N. Y. City, William H. McKeon, B.S. St. Francis Xavier's Coll. N. Y., Memb. N. Y. Assembly 1893. lyg E. yist St., N. Y. City. James McNulty. 1876] GRADUATES IN LAW. 309 Henry Hubbell Man, A.B. Coll. City N. Y. 1874. S6 Wall St., N. V. City. John Richard Manley, A.B. Rutgers Coll. 71 Park PL, N. V, City. Valentine Marsh, A.B. Yale Coll. 1874, IS2 Nassau St., N. V. City. Frederic Panet Marshall,* A.B. 1872, A.M. 1875. aet. 36. *i886 Isaac Parker Martin, Jr. JO Wall St., N. V. City. Charles Leslie Mead, Co. Treas. Orange Co. Middletown, Orange Co., N. Y. Augustus H. Merritt. 38 Park Row, N. V. City. Schuyler Merritt (mf), A.B. Yale Coll. 1873, Sec. Yale & Towne Mfg. Co. Stamford, Conn. Joseph M. Mestre,* LL.D. Univ. Havana Cuba. *i886 Lamartine Miller.* *i88o Grayson Mills, A.B. Kenyon Coll. 1874, Pros. Attj\ Erie Co. O. 1880-82, Judge Court of Common Pleas ist Subdiv. 4th Jud. Dist. Ohio, Sandusky, O. Isaac Newton Mills, A.B. Amherst Coll. Mt. Vernon, N. V. Charles William Minor, A.B. Yale Coll. 1874, Memb. Conn. Legisla- ture 1883. II Pine St. , N. V. City. Augustin Monroe. Jj W. 26th St., N. Y. City. Edward Joseph Mulvany, A.M. St. Francis Xavier's Coll. N. Y. George Welwood Murray. SS Wall St., N. Y. City. John Hoffman Murray. J5 Broadway, N. Y. City. De Lancey Nicoll, A.B. Coll. N. J. 1874, Asst. Dist. Atty. N. Y. City, Dist. Atty. N. Y. City 1800-03. IS Wall St., N. Y. City. Lewis Morris Norwood, (re). ijj Broadway, N. Y. City. Henry Nosser.* Lucien Oudin. 4J Broadway, N. Y. City. Frederick Sheldon Parker, A.B. Yale Coll. 1873. 4S Wall St., N. Y. City. Joseph Parker, Jr., A.B. Coll. N. J. 1874 and A.M. i6j Broadway, N. Y. City. William Parkin. 22 William St., N. Y. City. William Henry Parsons. David Paton, A.B. CoU. N. J. 1874. 10 Wall St., N. Y. City. Edward Townsend Payne. iij Nassau St., N. Y. City. Henry Silas Payson, A.B. Yale Coll. 1872. Mossville, Ind. John Wesley Peckett, Jr., (ho). A.B. Coll. N. J. 1874 and A.M. 246 Broadway, N. Y. City. James Coffin Perkins, (Rev.), A.B. Univ. Cal. Care A merican Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions. Now in Arruppukottai , Madura District, Southern India. William Joseph Philbin. William Augustus Pierrepont, (PHYS), M.D. N. Y. Univ. Med. Coll. 1882, Interne Bkln. Hosp. 1882-83. I Pierrepont PL, Brooklyn, N. Y. Robert Leonard Pihlman. - Stockholm Coll. Sweden. Edward Peet Price. Harrington Putnam, A.B. Colby Univ., Civil Service Commr. Brooklyn N. Y. 4S William St., N. Y. City. Edward Sumner Rapallo, A.B. 1874, A.M. 32 Nassau St., N. Y. City. Bernard Reilly, Jr., A.B. St. John's Coll. 24J Broadway, N. Y. City. George Richards, A.B. Yale Coll. 1872 and A.M. 1893. 62 Wall St., N. Y. City. Rosell Lewellyn Richardson, (mf). 403 W. 126th St., N. Y. City. James Adam Robson, A.B. - Yale Coll. 1873. Canandaigua, N. Y. 310 GRADUATES IN LAW, [1879 Charles B. Rockwood, (mf). Indianapolis ^ Ind. George Francis Roesch. Memb. N. Y. Assembly 1883, 1885, 1888- 89, N. Y. State Senator 1890-93. 280 Broadway y N. Y. City. Leopold Gottlieb Rosenblatt. 2^ Pine St. , JV. V. City. William Rothschild. Charles Augustus Runk, A.B. Rutgers Coll. ijg Nassau St. , N. V. City. Edward Russ, Jr. 22g Broadway, N. Y. City. Louis Johnes Ryerson, A.B. Rutgers Coll. Bloomingdale , N. J. Peter Ryle. Pater son, N. y. Abraham Salomon, B.S. Coll. City N. Y. 463 E. S7th St., N. Y. City. Benjamin Aymar Sands, A.B. 1874, A.M. 1877. J4 William St., N. Y. City. Edward Shaffer Savage. Prest. Union Co. (N. J.) Bank. Rahway, N. y. Whipple Owen Sayles, A.B. Yale Coll. 1874. J40 N'assau St. , N. Y. City. Simon Cleophis Scheeline, A.B. Univ. of Cal. 1874. 214 Pine St., San Francisco, Cal. Edgar Samler Schieffelin. East Chester, N. Y. Delavan C. Scoville, A.M. Wesleyan Univ. Conn. 120 Broadway, N. Y. City. Robert Senftner. Registrar, School of Law, 1879- School of Philos., School of Pol. Sci., Col. Coll. 41 E. 4gth St. , N. Y. City. Ferdinand Shack, A.B. and B.S. Coll. City N. Y. 1874 and A.M. ^S^' Wall St., N. Y. City. Robert Norsworthy Shepard.f A.B. 1870, A.M. 1873. 386 Fifth Av., N. Y. City. t Known subsequently to 1881 as Robert Fitch Shepard. Thomas Townsend Sherman. A.B. Yale Coll. 1874. S2 Wall St., N. Y. City. Charles Hurd Sherwood. Castile, N. Y. Adolph Simis, Jr. 102 Broadway^ N. Y. City. Howard Augustus Smith. Rochester, N. Y. Perry Hiram Smith, Jr., A.B. Hamilton Coll. gg Monroe St. , N. Y. City. Wybrants Alonzo Smith, A.B. 1873, A.M. 1876. 83 Grand St., Brooklyn, E. D., N. Y. William Dunham Snow. Frank Sperry, Private Sec. to the Sec. of the Treas. under Secretaries Folger, Gresham, Mc- CuUoch and Manning, Private Sec. to Collector of the Port of N. Y. under Collectors Erhardt, Fassett and Hen- dricks, Memb. N. Y. Assembly 1889. 32 Liberty St. , N. Y. City. William Reed Spooner. U. S. Commr., Prof. Med. Jurisprudence in Eclectic Med. Coll. N. Y. 436 E. 117th St., N. Y. City. Frederick Joseph Stone, A.B. Harv. Univ. 1874. 60 Broadway, N. Y. City. Frank Storrs, A.B. 1874, A.M. 1877. White Plains, N. Y. Joseph Walworth Sutphen, A.B , A.M. Rutgers Coll. 186 Rents en St. , Brooklyn, N. Y. Merton Gay Swart,* A.B. Coll. City N. Y. Edward Martin Talbot. T Broadway, N. Y. City. Abram Alfred Tappen.* Matthew Hueston Thoms,* A.B. Yale Coll. 1862 and LL.B. 1865. *i89o Henry Neville Tifft, B.S. Coll. City N. Y. and M.S. 1874, Asst. U. S. Dist. Atty. So. Dist. N. Y. 1884-86. 33 Wall St., N. Y. City. John Newhouse Tonnele. 22g Broadway, N. Y. City. Charles DeKay Townsend, Surrogate Queens Co. 1881-86. J3 Liberty St., N. Y. City. 1876-77] GRADUA TES IN LA W. 311 James Mulford Townsend, [Jr.], A.B. Yale Coll. 1874. /// Broadway , N. V. City. George Waite Tubbs. j2 Nassau St. , N. V. City. John Langdon Tupper, A.B. Williams Coll. 136 W. 2gth St., N. V. City. John Reynolds Tyler. Russell Jarvis Uhl. William James Underwood, [Jr.]. B.S. and M.S. Coll. City N. Y. 770 Broadway, N'. V. City. Herbert Valentine. jS Park Row, N. Y. City. Henry Van Kleeck, (b), A.B. and B.S. Coll. City N. Y. 1872 and A.M. and M.S. 1874. Denver, Col. Philip Van Volkenburgh, [Jr.]. 261 Broadway, N. Y. City. Henry Vincent. Genl. Mangr. Penn. Anth. Coal Co., Patterson Anth. Mining Co. and Mt. Carmel and Natalie R. R. Co. Danville, Pa. Russell Walden, A.B. Yale Coll. 1874. 80 Broadivay, N. Y. City. De Lancey G. Walker, A.B. Coll. N. J. 1875. 2 Tryon Row, N. Y. City. James Montfort Ward. 61 Wall St., N. Y. City. James Waters, (Rev.), A.M. Union Univ. Tenn., D.D. Bapt. Ch. Highlands, Col. James Talman Waters, [Jr.]. A.B. Univ. of W. Va. 1873 and A.M. 1876, Dep. Clk. Circ. Court of U. S. Dist. of W. Va. 1889-. Charleston, W. Va. Henry De Forest Weeks, A.B. Yale Coll. 1874. 62 William St., N. Y. City. George Requa Westerfield. Charles Whitlock, Jr.* *i887 Thomas Parmelee Wickes, A.B. Yale Coll. 1874. 2 Wall St., N. Y. City. Frederick Stanton Wicks, A.B. Yale Coll. 1873. 13-14 Syracuse Sav. Bk. Bldg., Syracuse, N. Y. Frederick Beasley Williamson, A.B. Coll. N. J. 1874. Elizabeth, N. J. George Norman Williamson, (MF CHEM), A.B. 1873. 478 Mott Av., N. Y. City. Hugh Reginald Willson. Ill Broadway, N. Y. City. John Seymour Wood, A.B. Yale Coll. 1875. II Pine St., N. Y. City. Joseph Simeon Wood, A.B., and A.M., Coll. City N. Y., Sch. Commr. ist Dist. Westchester, Corp. Counsel Mt. Vernon. Mt. Vernon, N. Y. Philemon Woodruff, A.B. Coll. N. J. 1873 and A.M. 810 Broad St. , Newark, N. y. William Charles Wotton. 124 Greene St., N. Y. City. William Edward Wyatt. 160 Broadway, N. Y. City. Horace G. Yates. 219 1877 Thomas Alexander, Jr. 2J4 Broadway, N. Y. City. William Henry Allen. Walter Scott Allerton, A.B. 1874, School Commr. ist Dist. Westches- ter Co. N. Y. 1892. Mi. Vernon, N. Y. George Henry Allison. 302 E. 16 ist St., N. Y. City. Walter Washington Appelget. p. M. Bennett's Mills. Bennett's Mills, N. J. Francis Randall Appleton, A.B. Harv. Univ. 1875. 21 Maiden Lane, N. Y. City. Mark Ash. 2J4 Broadway, N. Y. City. William Henry Harrison Austin, William Babcock, A.B. 1875, A.M. 1878. 20 Nassau St., N Y. City. Thomas Cummings Bach, A.B. 1875, A.M. 1878, Assoc. Justice Supr. Ct. of Montana 1886-, Memb. Legislature of Mont. 1892. Helena, Mont. 312 GRADUATES IN LAW, [1877 Samuel Rossiter Betts, A.B. Yale Coll. 1875. 120 Broadway, N. V. City. Charles August Binder.* N. Y. Assemb. *i89i Clarence Frank Birdseye, A.M. Amherst Coll. 1877. 770 Broadway, N. V. City. Franklin Julius Bischoff. 280 Broadway, N, V. City. Emanuel Watson Bloomingdale, (M). jgtA St. cor. jd Av., N. V. City. Henry Foster Boardman, A.B. Williams Coll. Savings Bank Bldg., Troy, N. Y. John William Boothby, B.S. Cornell Univ. 280 Broadway, N. V. City. Frederick Antoine Botty. 1640 Avenue B, N. Y. City. John Francis Brennan, A.B. Manhattan Coll. 43 War bur ton A v., Yonkers, N. Y. Jacob Luther Bright. /J7 Broadway, N. Y. City. Alfred Small Brown, A.B. Coll. N. J. 1875. 58 William St., N. Y. City. Charles Hilton Brown. Lind Av. near Union, N. Y. City, William Alden Bryan. Tarpon Springs, Fla. George Frederick Budenbender. 166 E. 88th St., N. Y. City. Courtlandt P. L. Butler, [Jr.], A.B. Union Coll. 1874. Columbus, O. John Leary Cameron. James Rose Carmichael.* *i887 Thomas Davis Carneal, Ph.B. Univ. Cal. 7^0 14th St., Oakland, Cal. John Augustine Carney. gg Nassau St. , N. Y. City. Ernest Carpenter,* A.B. elsewhere. *i878 Thomas Cary, (re), A.B. Harv. Univ. 1874, LL.B. Hamilton Coll. 1876. 184 Delaware Av., Buffalo, N. Y. Frederick Ward Catlin. Gideon Tucker Chappell. 2j Chambers St., N. Y. City. Carl Thurston Chester, A.B. Yale Coll. 1875. 2g8 Main St., Buffalo, N. Y. James Beck Clark. Christopher Calvin Clarke, Memb. N. Y. Assemb, 1889-91. 708 E. isgth St., N. Y. City. George Ormond Clarke. Thomas Slidell Clarke,* A.B. Yale Coll. 1875. *i883 William Addison Clarke. 600 Henry St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Charles Frederick Coffin, (m). 4J Pearl St., N. Y. City. Byron Albert Cohen, (br), B.S. Coll. City N. Y. Hoffman House, N. Y. City. Jonathan Dickinson Condict. 40 Wall St., N. Y. City. Frank Martin Conklin. Robert Joseph Cook. S47 W. 2gth St., N. Y. City. Philip Cooper. I OS Arch St., Allegheny, Pa. William Ransom Cornell. 26 Court St., Brooklyn, N. Y. John Howard Corwin, A.B. Williams Coll. 1875. 21 Park Row, N. Y. City. Jacinto Ramon Costa, Jr. 274 W. nth St., N. Y. City. Nicholas Romanoff Cottman, (c). Chino, San Bernardino Co. , Cal. James Frederick Dyckman Crane. Caesar Augustus Cuppia. 42 E. 14th St., N. Y. City. Michael Henry Curran, A.B. St. Francis. Xavier's Coll. N. Y. 1874 and A.M. 1875- JS4 E. io8th St. , N. Y. City. William Edmond Curtis, [Jr.], (U S GOVT), A.B. Trin. Coll. Conn. 1875 and A.M. 1878, Asst. Secretary of the Treasury of the U. S. J740 M St., Washington, D. C. 1877] GRADUATES IN LAW. 313 Charles Stewart Davison, A.B. Camb. Univ. Eng. S6 Wall St., N. V. City. William Aug. Deering, A.B. Manhattan Coll. 2 J Park Row, N. V. City. John Lewis Devenny. 26 Court St., Brooklyn, N. V. Edwin Hull Dickerman. Frederick William Diehl.* aet. 37. *i89o . John Rhinelander Dillon. IJ2 W. 86th St., N. V. City. Warren Rogers Dix, A.B. Coll. City N. Y. 1874 and A.M. 1878. 160 Broadway, N. V. City. William Roderick Doherty, A.B. St. Francis Xavier's Coll. N. Y, jjo Clinton Av., Brooklyn, N. Y. Hugh Francis Dolan. Robert Clarence Dorsett, A.B. 1872, A.M. 7 Nassati St. , N. V. City, AValter Holbrook Downs, A.B. Wesleyan Univ. South Berwick, Me. Clarence Abram Drew. Jacob Walmsley Dugro. 1^8 W. /2jth St., N. V. City. James Allen Dumont, [Jr.]. George Bell Dunn, IJ2 Nassau St., N. V. City. Henry Trowbridge Dykman. 280 Broadivay, N. V. City. George Williams Eastman. 5 Beekman St. , N. V. City. Frank Worcester Elwood, A.B. Harv. Univ. 1874, Park Commr. Rochester N. Y. app't'd 1893 for five years. Elwood Mem" I Bldg. , 'Rochester, N. V. John Edward Eustis, B.S. Wesleyan Univ. 80 Broadway, N. Y. City. William Ferdon (stockgrower). Ponderville, Custer Co., Mont. James M. Fitzsimons, Justice City Ct. of N. Y. 212 E. S2d St., N. Y. City. • John George Flammer. 28g Greenwich St., N. Y. City. William B. Friedberg, B.S. Coll. City N. Y. 18 Wall St., N. Y. City. Kennedy Bailey Fullerton, (mf), A.B. Polytech. Inst. Brooklyn, N. Y. 1872. 41 Park Row, N. Y. City. Louis Mills Fulton, B.S. Cornell Univ. j7 N'assau St. , N. Y. City. Cornelius Furgueson, Jr. 26 Court St., Brooklyn, N'. Y. John Charles Fremont Gardner. 80 Broadway, N. Y. City. John Anson Garver, A.B. Yale Coll. 1875. 4^ William St., N. Y. City. Ward Madison Gazlay, Jr. Evan Philip George, Jr., A.B. 1875.. Chicago, III. Livingston Gilford, Ph.B. Yale Coll. 1875. j2 Park PI., N. Y. City. William James GilfiUan, (phys)» M.D. 1862, A. A. Surg. U. S. N. 1863-65, San. Insp'r Brooklyn (N. Y.) Health Board 1870-74. '/g Main St. , Brooklyn, N. Y. Daniel Hunt Gilman. Seattle, Wash. Frank Schoch Glass. 120 Broadway, N. Y. City. John Joseph Gleason. 140 Nassau St., N. Y. City. Edward Goldschmidt. 50 Broadway, N. Y. City. Abraham Goldsmith, A.B. Coll. City N. Y. IJ4 Nassau St. , N. Y. City. Vernon De Loss Grave. Alister Greene, A.B. 1875. jg Liberty St., N. Y. City. Gardiner Greene, Jr., A.B. Yale Coll. 1873, Memb, House of Repr. Conn. Leg. 1891-92, Justice of the Peace. Norwich , Conn. Charles Hagedorn. Parry Haines, (m). ^2 Commercial PI., Denver, Col. Henry Wagner Halleck. James Hamilton.* aet. 28. *i884. 314 GRADUATES IN LAW, [1877 John Henry Hamline, A.B. Northwest. Univ. joo-^04 Temple, Chicago, III. Clinton Stanford Harris. 21 Park Row, N. Y. City. Samuel Harris. Blaize Lorillard Harsell.* *i882 Coleridge Allen Hart, A.B. Wesleyan Univ. 1873 and A.M. 1876. gj Nassau St., N. Y. City. Charles Sidney Hartwell, (b), A.B. Yale Coll. 1874. Leeds, No. Dak. August Charles Hassey. J I Avenue A, N. Y. City. John Hayes. James Hibben, Prest. village of S. Evanston 111., Alder- man Evanston 111. go4 Chamber of Commerce, Chicago, III. Arthur Theo. Hoffman, A.B. Univ. N. Y. City. Bjy Broadway, N. Y. City. Franklin Robert Hogeboom, Co. Judge Logan Co. Neb. Gandy, Logan Co., Neb. Robert B. Holmes. Madison, N. J. Goold Hoyt. 42 Pine St. , N. Y, City. John Jackson Hubbell, A.B. Coll. N. J. 1873 and A.M. 1876. 810 Broad St. , Newark, N. J. George Lane Huggins (c), E.M., M.S. Lafayette Coll. i^4J Broadway , N. Y. City. William Eliot Hugo. Leadville, Col. Randolph Hurry, A.B. 1875, A.M. 1878. ^8 William St., N. Y. City. Frederick William lockel. Edwin Wright Ivins. 60 Broadway, N. Y. City. Robert Jackson. Joseph A. Jacobs,* A.B. Coll. City N. Y. *i894 Almet Francis Jenks, A.B. Yale Coll. 1875, A.M. Rutgers Female Coll. N. Y., Asst. Dist. Atty. Kings Co. (N. Y.) 1884-86, Corp. Counsel Brooklyn 1886-, Judge Advocate-General N. V. State 1890-. City Hall, Brooklyn, N. Y. Patrick Jennings. Arthur Mathias Johnson. j>/ Nassau St. , N. Y. City. Dwight Arven Jones, A.B. Yale Coll. 1875. jj Liberty St. , N. Y. City. George Frederick Jones. John Lambert Jones, Jr. S8 William St., N. Y. City. Aaron Kahn. 26^ Broadtuay, N. Y. City. Leonard Kalisch, Memb. N. J. Assembly 1889-90 and 1892, Clerk to same 1893, Judge Crim. Court Newark N. J. at present. Newark, N. J. Ladislas Karge. 2jg Broadway, N. Y. City. Thomas Henry Kearney, A.B. St. John's Coll. Edmond Kelley, A.B. 1870, A.M. 1874 and Camb. Univ. En^. 1881, Licen. en Droit Faculte de Pans 1883, Counsel to U. S. Legation at Paris France, Fellow Geolog. Soc. (Eng.). 107 E. 60th St., N. Y. City. Arthur Kilgore. Henry Amasa King, A.B. Amherst Coll. 17 First St., Troy, N. Y. John Murdock King.* Walter Frederick Kingsland. 55 Broad St. , A^. Y. City. Charles George Koss. 140 Nassau St. , N. Y. City. Wolfgang Kiiffner. Edward Hunter Landon, A.B. Yale Coll. 1875. 4^ William St., N. Y. City. Michael John Langan. 22g Broadway, N. Y. City. Wilbur Larremore, A.B. Coll. City N. Y. 1875, Editor " N. Y. Law Journal ' 1891-. j2 Nassau St., N. Y. City. Frank Semler Le Compte. I'/oo Washington A v., N. Y. City. Edward Henry Leggett. Bastable Block, Syracuse, N . Y. Benno Lewinson, B.S. Coll. City N. Y. 1873 and M.S. 1877. ^ Beekman St. , N. Y. City. Charles Ferris Lewis. 122 W. 123d St., N. Y. City. *i88i 1877] GRADUA TES IN LA W, 315 James Bryant Lmdley, A.B. Williams Coll. I Broadway^ N. Y. City. Edgar Logan, [Jr.] S8 Wall St., N. Y. City. John Abraham Lott, Jr., A.B. Univ. N. Y. City. Flatbush, L. I., N. Y. Wesley Anderson Lyon. 28j6 Amsterdam A v., JV. Y. City. George B. McCloskey, A.B. elsewhere. ' William Edwin McDonald, 22J W. i28ih St., JV. Y. City. Charles McNamee. Biltmore, N. C. Spencer Gill McNary, A.B. Coll. City N. Y. 1875. j^o Macon St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Daniel Patrick H. Mahony, B.S. Coll. City N. Y. 1875. 87 Nassau St. , N. Y. City. Thomas Pinckney Makibben, A.B. elsewhere. Newell Martin, A.B. Yale Coll. 1875. ^9 Broadway, N. Y. City. Charles Meyers. 62-64 William St., N. Y, City. John Bleecker Miller. S8 W. gth St., N. Y. City. David Milliken, Jr. ji Nassau St., N. Y. City. William Dolsen Mills, A.B. Yale Coll. 1871. Goshen, N. Y. Sol. Albert Mincho. Franklin Benjamin Mitchell, A.B. Yale Coll., 1875 Ex-Under Sheriff Los Angeles Co. Cal., Postmaster Norwich N. Y. Norwich, N. Y. Kazuo Miura. Charles Francis Cook Moor, A.B. Union Coll. Loup City, Neb. Bankson Taylor Morgan, A.B. and A.M. Trin. Coll. Conn., Asst. Post- master N. Y., Police Justice, Alderman, Memb. N. Y. Assembly. 140 N^assau St. , N. Y. City. Henry Morgenthau. Tribmie Building, N. Y. City. Frank Hardick Morrison, (m), A.B. Kenyon Coll. 1875. Cranford, N. y. William Hiram Morrison, A.B. Williams Coll. Richard John Morrisson, A.M. Manhattan Coll. 44 New St., N. Y. City. William Moser, Jr. '539 Madison A v., N. Y. City. Henry Willets Mudge (ins). Glen Cove, L. I., N. Y. Peter Louis Mullaly, A.B. St. John's Coll. Fordham 1874 and A.M. St. Francis Xavier's Coll. N. Y. 1878. 14^ Broadway, N. Y. City. Felix Tone Murphy, A.B. Manhattan Coll. 1875 and A.M. 1877. 18 Wall St., N. Y. City. Homer Gross Murphy,* A.B. St. John's Coll. aet. 31. *i886 Samuel Gallitzin Newton. Ex-City Atty, San Antonio Tex. San Antonio, Tex. Franz Oesterreich. Herbert Sherwood Ogden. SI Pine St., N. Y. City. Jacob Van Vechten Olcott. 4 Warren St., N. Y. City. Franklin Marcellus Olds, A.M. Williams Coll. Newark, N. J. James O'Neill. 280 Broadway, N. Y. City. Joseph Pacificus Ord, A.B. Yale Coll. 1873. University Club, N. Y. City. Thomas Samuel Ormiston, A.B. 1875, A.M. 1878. 7 A^assau St. , N. Y. City. Miles Charlock Palmer, (ins). 2gB:. 8 I St St., N. Y. City. Irving Paris, Jr. 55 Broadway, N. Y. City. Edward Forbes Parkman. 757 Fourth Av., Pittsburgh, Pa. William Decatur Parsons. 18 E. 63d St., N. Y. City. John Thomas Patey, (Rev.), - Rich. Coll. Eng. 141st St. and Convent A v., N. Y. City. 3i6 GRADUA TES IN LA W. [1877 John Patton, Jr., A.B. Yale Coll. 1875. g2^ Mich. Trust Bldg., Grand Rapids^ Mich, Charles James Pearson. J9 Cortlandt St., N. V. City. Wilbert Warren Perry, A.B. Yale Coll. 1871. 6 University Bldg. , N. Y. City. Thomas West Peyton. ^^ Liberty St. , JV. V. City. Stephen Philbin. J/ Chambers St., N. V. City. Francis Williams Pollock. 41 Park Row, N. Y. City. Willard Hall Porter, A.B. Coll. N. J. 1875 and A.M. 1878. Wilmington, Del. Frank Hunter Potter, A.M. Union Coll. Theophilus Dodge Powell. Edward Willard Price, A.B. 1875, A.M. 1879. James Punnet. ig Liberty St. , N. Y. City. Gibson Putzel, A.B. Coll. City N. Y. 1875. ^20 Broadway, N. Y. City. Manley A, Raymond, A.B. Harv. Univ. 1875. 1^6 Broadway, N. Y. City. William Moffat Reilly,* A.B. Coll. N. J. 1875 and A.M. Alonzo Benjamin Revel. Charles Andrew Richardson. 1S6 Remsen St. , Brooklyn, N. Y. John Ridley. Plainfield, N. J. James Latimer Robinson,* A.B. Wesleyan Univ. *i883 William Rockwell, Ph.B. Yale Coll. 1874. J20 Broadway, N. Y. City. William Washington Smith Roome. Herbert Taft Root, A.B. Coll. N. J._ 1874 and A.M. Sioux City, Dak. Charles Roth. J 2 Nassau St., N. Y. City. Hiram Mills Rulison, Jr. Edward Russell. 120 Broadway, N. Y. City. Arthur Chambers Salmon, Asst. Corp. Counsel Brooklyn, N. Y. 26 Court St. , Brooklyn, N. Y. Wilbur Fisk Sanford,* A.M. Wesleyan Univ. *i88o Frank SchaefiTer. JJ2 Nassau St. , N. Y. City. Walter Jacob Scott.* aet. 27. *i875 Thomas Ely Secor, A.B. Harv. Univ. 1875. 1^6 Broadway, N. Y. City. Daniel Edward Seybel. Times Bldg. , N. Y. City. Theodore Sheldon, A.B. Coll. N. J. 1875 and A.M. 1878. gg Randolph St. , Chicago, III. Archibald Campbell Shenstone. 120 Broadway, N. Y. City. George Scott Sheppard, B.S. Cornell Univ. Penn Yan, N. Y. Andrew Shiland, Jr. So Broadway, N. Y. City. Atzmori M. Shimidz. Michael Henry Sigerson. [Edmund] Munroe Smith, (educ), A.B. Amherst Coll. 1874 and A.M. 1880, J.U.D. Gottingen 1880, Instr. in History Col. Coll. 1881-8?, Adj. Prof, of History 1883-91, Lecturer on Roman Law, Prof, of Roman Law and Comparative Juris- prudence 1891-. ii^th St. and Riverside Drive, N. Y. City. Edward Curtis Smith, (rr), A.B. Yale Coll. 1875, Prest. Cent. Vt. R.R. Co. St. Albans, Vt. John Francis Smith. 77^ Broadway, N. Y. City. Edward Templeton Snelling.* Fred. Augustus Snow, A.B. Coll. N. J. 1875 and A.M. 120 Broadway, N. Y. City. Nagatane Soma. George William Somerindyke. Seattle, Wash. Edward Wells Southworth, A.B. Yale Coll. i87t;. 2 E. 2gth St. , N. Y. City. 1877-/8] GRADUA TES IN LA W. 317 Uriah Dudley Spicer,* A.B. Polytech. Instit. Brooklyn, N. Y. aet. 23. *i877 Henry Wilmur Stackpole. Clay Centre, Clay Co., Kan. Chauncey Clark Starkweather, A.B. Yale Coll. 1875 i26g Broadway, N . V. City. Alfred Steckler, Justice 4th Dist. Court N. Y. 1881-87 and 1887- Pulitzer Bldg., N. Y. City. Jacob Steinhardt. II Pine St. , JV. V. City. William Stoddard,* A.B. Rutgers Coll. *i882 Francis John Sullivan, A.B. St. Francis Xavier's Coll. IJ3 Phelan Bldg. , San Francisco, Cal. Edgar Swain. John Frederick Tapscott.* aet. 32. *i889 Henry Burnett Taylor, A.B. Coll. N. J. 1874 and A.M. yS7 Broad St. , Newark, N. J. Thomas Fenton Taylor, A.B. Harv. Univ. 1875. J/ Nassau St. , N. V. City. David Clark Tefft. 3g Liberty St., A'. V. City. Edward Voorhees Thornall. I30 Broadway, N. V. City. Frank Brodhead Tracy. iij Broadivay, N. V. City. Francis Edward Trafford.* Martin Van Buren Travis. JS Liberty St. , N. V. City. Joseph Ullman, A.B. Coll. City N. Y. 1875 and A.M. 1877. 20J Broadway, N. V. City. Charles Frederick Underhill, (ELOCUTIONIST). 5/0 WilloMghby A v., Brooklyn, N. Y. Henry Sayre Van Duzer, A.B. Harv. Univ. 1875, Major and Judge- Advocate Tst Brig. N. G. S. N, Y. SI Nassau St. , N. Y. City. Alfred Van Riper. ijy Tyler St., Pater son, N. J. Wynant Van Zandt, Jr.,* A.B. Seton Hall, N. J. aet. 40. *i892 Alfred Isaiah Walker.* ♦1892 George Barry Wall,* M.E. St. John's Coll. aet. 27. *i882 John Joseph Walsh. David Leon Walter,* act. 47. *i892 Clarence David Ward. Memb. City Council 1883-86 and County Atty. 1887-92. Rahway, N. y. Charles Douglas Warner. Charles Henry Watson,* A.B. Williams Coll. Ransford Wells, Jr.,* A.B. Rutgers Coll. *i883 Louis Werner, B.S. Coll. City N. Y. 15 Wall St., N. Y. City. Henry Wakeman Wheeler. 'J2 Broadway , N". Y. City. John Bowen Whiting, A.B. Yale Coll. 1874. 59 Wall St., N. Y. City. John Maxwell Williams. S6i Hudson St., N. Y. City. Charles Ent Wilson, A.B. Madison (Colgate) Univ. i86<;. Ill Broadway, N. Y, City. Lewis David Wilson, A.B. elsewhere. Charles Howard Winslow. 16 Court St. , Brooklyn, N. Y. Henry Goodrich Wolcott. Ph.B. Yale Coll. 1873. Fishkill-on-Hudson, N. Y. Simson Wolf, A.B. and A.M. Coll. City N. Y. 20^ Broadway, N. Y. City. Chalmers Wood, A.B. 187s, A.M. 1878. Ill Broadway y N. Y. City. 1878 David Depyster Acker, Jr. Santa Monica, Cal. Peter Alexander, B.S. Coll. City N. Y. 2J4 Broadway, N. Y. City. James D. Ames. 2 Tryon Row, N. Y. City. William Arnold, A.B. Yale Coll. 1876. I2S Lincoln PI. , Brooklyn, N. Y. 26"! 3i8 GRADUA TES IN LA IV. [1878 Addison Butler Atkins. Jose Aymar, A.B. 1873, A.M. 1876. Faseo de Gracia^ No. 114^ Barcelona, Spain. James Bacon, A.B. Lafayette Coll., City Atty. Elmira, N. Y., Maj. and Insp'r. Rifle Prac. of the late 7th Brig. N. G. S. N. Y. 120 Lake Si., Elmira, N. V. Morris Benedict Baer. ij Cortlandt St., N. V. City. David Graham Baird. 120 Broadway, N. Y. City. Otto Tremont Bannard, (b), A.B. Yale Coll. 1876, Prest. Continental Trust Co. j8 Wall St., N. Y. City. Charles Singleton Bartow, (CO), 2d V. -Prest. Commonwealth Ins. Co., N.Y. 6S William St., AT. Y. City. Clifford Rush Bateman,* A.B. Amherst Coll., Instr. in Hist, and Lectr. on Admin. Law, Col. Coll. 1882-83. *i883 Henry Whitney Bates, A.B. 1876, A.M. 187Q. Peekskill, N. Y. Truxtun Beale, C.E. Coll. of Charleston, S. C, U. S. Minister to Persia. Teheran, Persia. Howard Parry Bell, A.B. Yale Coll. 1875. Arlington, N, y. Charles Benner, A.B. Yale Coll. 1876. 62 Wall St., N. Y. City. Louis Edward Binsse, A.B. 1866. 48 Wall St., N. Y. City. Abel Edward Blackmar, A.M. Hamilton Coll. ^S Liberty St., JV. Y. City. Walker Blaine,* A.B. Yale Coll. 1876. aet. 35. *i89o Carroll Bryce. Knickerbocker Club, N. Y. City. Louis Frederick Burchard, A.B. Yale Coll. 1876. 2g6 St. James PL, Brooklyn, N. Y. Charles Drayton Barrill, Jr., A.B. elsewhere. 4J Broadway, JV. Y. City. Robert Spier Bussmg, Jr., A.B. Yale Coll. 1874. 120 Broadway, N. Y. City. John Lloyd Campbell, Judge Superior Ct. San Bernardino Co., Cal. San Bernardino, Cal. Roswell Hitchcock Carpenter. 44 Court St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Lot Curran Clark, Jr., A.B. Dartmouth Coll. Lester Williams Clark, A.B. Harv. Univ. 1875. 16 Exchange PI. , JV. Y. City. Samuel Cowdrey. 7 Exchange PL, Boston, Mass. Berton William Crocker.* aet. 33. *i882 Ernest Howard Crosby, A.B. Univ. N. Y. City, Judge International Court Cairo Egypt. Cairo, Egypt. Herbert Nystrom Curtis. iij Broadway, N. Y. City. Daniel Burr Cushman, A.B. Yale Coll. 1876, Trustee Binghamton State Hosp., Ex-Supervisor Plymouth, N. Y. Norwich, N. Y. Paul Dana, (j), A.B. Harv. Univ. 1874, Park Commr. N. Y. City, Maj. and Ordnance Officer Staff 1st Brig. N. G. S. N. Y. 140 Nassau St. , N. Y. City. Frank Asa Darrow, Police Justice Owego, N. Y. 1879-87, Dist. Atty. Tioga Co. (N. Y.) 1892-. Owego, Tioga Co., N. Y. Everett Allen Davis, Memb. Mass. Leg. 1884-85 and i8qo. 216 Washington St., Boston, Mass. Henry Wheeler de Forest, A.B. Yale Coll. 1876. 62 William St., N. Y. City. Daniel De Leon, A.M. elsewhere, Ph.B. Univ. Leyden. 184 William St., N. Y. City. Charles Augustus Deshon, A.M. Washington and Lee Univ. Va. 2JJ Broadway, N. Y. City. John P. Heyliger De Wint, B S. Cornell Univ. 41 Wall St., N. Y. City. 1878] GRADUATES IN LAW, 319 *i888 William Hedges De Witt, A.B. Hamilton Coll. 1875, U. S. Dist. Atty. for Montana 1883-85, County Atty, Silver Bow Co. Mont. 1886-89, Assoc. Justice Supreme Ct. Montana i88g-. Helena, Mont. George Henry Dickerson. 166 IV. 12'jth St., N. Y. City. George Edward Dougherty.* Herman Drisler, (educ), A.B. 1876, A.M. 1879. 9 E. 4gth St. , N. Y. City. Francis Anthony Dugro. 22g Broadway, N. Y. City. Philip Henry Dugro, A.B. 1876, A.M., N. Y. Assemb. 1879, Repr. in Cong. 1881-2, Judge Superior Ct. N. Y, City 1887-. Hotel Savoy, N. Y. City. Frank Dunning, A.B. Coll. N. J. 1876 and A.M. 67 Wall St., N. Y. City. Edward Henry Duryee, A.B. Rutgers Coll. 1876 and A.M. 1879. JO Washington PI., Newark^ JV. y. William David Edwards, A.B. Univ. N. Y. City. / Exchange Pi. , JV. Y. City. John Edward Ellison. 16-18 Exchange PL, N. Y. City. Aymar Embury, A.B. 1876, A.M. 1879. 67 Wall St., N. Y. City. Thomas Jefferson Falls, Jr. 1^0 Broadtvay , N. Y. City. Jacob Fischer. Frank Thomas Fitzgerald, Memb. Congr. N. Y. City, Register City and Co. of N. Y., Surrogate City and Co. of N. Y. 200 Broadway, N. Y. City. Thomas Philip Fitzsimons, (re). 26 W. 4Sth St., N. Y. City. Edwin M. Fox. 147 Nassau St. , N. Y. City. Herman Frank, A.B. Coll. City N. Y. 2gi Broadway, N. Y. City. George Washington French, (EDUC) Principal Public School No. 66, Brooklyn N. Y. 22g Skillman St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Jacob Elias Friend. Memb. Wis. State Leg. 1883 and 1885. 813 Pabst Bldg. , Mihvaukee, Wis. Michael Furst, A.B. Yale Coll. 1876. 16 Court St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Henry William Gaines. 284 Pearl St., N. Y. City. Judson Gaylord, A.B. Marietta Coll. 8g4 Union St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Waldo Elijah Gibbs. Passaic, N. y. Jasper Tillerous Goodwin, A.B. 1876, A.M. 1879, Instr. in Maths. 1881-87 and Adj. Prof. Maths. Col. Coll. 1887-. Columbia College, N. Y. City. Charles Henry Hall. 50 Bayard St., N. Y. City. Roe Hasbrouck,* A.B. Harv. Univ. 1876. *)879 Gilbert Ray Hawes, A.B. and A.M. Amherst Coll. 120 Broadway, N. Y. City. Samuel Eaton Heasley. ^2 Broadway , N. Y. City. Edward Cairns Henderson, B.S. Coll. City N. Y. 1876. 59 Wall St., N. Y. City. Henry Clay Henderson, B.C.E. Cornell Univ. James Hillhouse, A.B. Yale Coll. 1875. 60 Cedar St., N. Y. City. Henry Sheaff Hoyt, [Jr.,] Ph.B. Yale Coll. 1873. 44 Pine St. , N. Y. City. Edward Simeon Hiibbe. Thomas Hunt, A.B. Yale Coll. 1876, Deputy Collector of Cus- toms 1889-92, 2d V.-Prest. Lawyers' Sure- ty Co. IJ2 E. jist St. , N. Y. City. John Edmund Hindon Hyde, A.B. 1876, A.M. 1879. 120 Broadway, N. Y. City. Louis Oliver Ivey, A.B. 1876, A.M. 1879. J26 Broadway, N. Y. City. Abraham Lincoln Jacobs. J 40 A^assau St., N. Y. City. Eugene Murray Jerome. Audubon Park, N. Y. City. 320 GRAB U A TES IN LA W. [1878 1889 William James Johnson, B.S. elsewhere. 707 W. Second St. , Madison, Ind. Wilmot Johnson, Jr., A.B. 1876, A.M. 1879. Morris Plains, N. y. Charles Landon Jones. 67 Wall St., N. V. City. Charles Howe Jordan.* Lyman Colt Josephs, A.B. Harv. Univ. 1875. Box jii, Newport, R. I. Grenville Kane, A.B. Trin, Coll. Conn. Unioti Club, N. Y. City. Joshua Kantrowitz. jjj" Broadway, N. V. City. David M. Kellogg. ^ Warren St., N. Y. City. James Edward Kelly. 200 Broadway, A"". Y. City. Peter Joseph Kellv,* A.B. Coll. City N. Y. Crammond Kennedy. 1 41 6 F St., N. W., Washington, D. C. George Rockwell Kent, M.E. elsewhere. Charles Koch, Jr. Clemens John Kracht. 2g Wall St., N. Y. City. Richard Harper Laimbeer, Jr. 2gi Broadway , N. Y. City. Henry Lauterbach,* B.S. Coll. City N. Y. *i88o Francis Lavelle, 120 Broadway, N. Y. City. James Tewksbury Law, Ph.B. Yale Coll. 1876. 32 Park PI., N. Y. City. Robert B. Lawrence. 3S Wall St., N. Y. City. William James Leitch. 106 Broadway, N. Y. City. Thomas Chew Lewis,* A.B. Trin. Coll. Conn. aet. 34. *i88i Charles Francis Lighthipe, A.B. Harv. Univ. 1875. 2^52 Main St., Orange, N. J. Robert Armstrong Livingston, A.B. 1876, A.M. 1879, N. Y. Assemb. 1882-85. 4 Warren St., N. Y. City. Theodore Frelinghuysen Lozier, A.B. 1876, A.M. 1880. 80 Broadtvay, N. Y. City. Allan McCulloh. 120 Broadzvay, N. Y. City. Electus John Mclntyre.* Angus McLardie. Frank W. Mahin, (ed). Postmaster Clinton la., Col. la. Nat. Guard. Clinton, la. Harry Augustus Smythe-Martin. ^4 Walbrook, E. C, London, Eng. Joseph Howard Marvin,* A.B. Yale Coll. 1876. Charles May, A.B. Williams Coll. j>j» Nassau St., N. Y. City. Louis Mayer.* Henry Merckle, A.B. Coll. City N. Y. I4g Broadzvay, N". Y. City. George Nichols Messiter, B.S. Coll. City N. Y. 4 Warren St., N. Y. City. Henry Meyer, B.S. and M.S. Coll. City N. Y. 2gi Broadway , N. Y. City. Ferdinand Rich Minrath, A.B. Coll. City N. Y. 22 William St., N. Y. City. William Forbes Morgan, A.B. Univ. N. Y. City. 112 Worth St., N. Y. City. James Otis Morse, Jr., A.B. 1871, A.M. 1874. Englewood, N. y. John Francis Nelson, A.B. Yale Coll. 1876. 186 Remsen St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Ralph Oakley. 79 Cedar St., N. Y. City. John William O'Brien, A.B. Hamilton Coll. 1873 and A.M. 1876, City Atty. Auburn N. Y., School Commr. 1884-93 ^i^d Prest. Bd. Educat. 1891-92. 116 Genesee St., Auburn, N. Y, Charles J. O'Callaghan, A.B. St. John's Coll. ij6 Centre St., N. Y. City. 1887 1878] GRADUA TES IN LA W, 321 Thomas O'Callaghan, Jr., A.M. St. John's Coll. 777 Broachvay, N. V. City, Harry Oelrichs. 2 Bowling Green, N. V. City. Charles Duke Pearce, (MGR. NEWSPAPER), V.-Prest. Louis- ville Courier-Journal. Louisville^ Ky. Edward Clarence Pearson, M.S. Rutgers Coll. j2 Nassau St. , N. V. City. Sidney Wilford Petrie, A.B. Hamilton Coll. 1876, Police and Fire Commr. Little Falls N. Y., Police Justice Memb. Bd. Educat. of Little Falls N. Y. Buffalo, N. V. Albert Julian Philip. IJ2 Sixth A v., Brooklyn, N, Y. Harry Ruthven Pratt. IS Broad St., N. Y. City. John Duffield Prince, Jr., A.B. and A.M. Rutgers Coll. 21 J Montague St. , Brooklyn, N. Y. Stephen Duncan Pringle, LL.B. Camb. Univ. Eng. Ill Broadway, N. Y, City. Augustus Martin Purdy.* act. 35. *i892 John Henry Purdy, A.B. 187s, A.M. 1878. 140 Nassau St., N. Y. City. Charles Putzel, A.B. Coll. City N. Y. 140 Nassau St., N. Y. City. Lawrence Francis Quinn. 226 17th St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Louis Christian Raegener, A.B. 1876, A.M. 1879. 280 Broadway, N. Y. City. John Henry Reynolds, A.B. Univ. of Mich. 1876. Pater son, N. J. Clarence Walter Rhodes, (pr), A.B. Nebraska State Univ. 1876. 2g22 Lincoln A v. , Denver, Colo. John Clinton Rhodes, B.S. Coll. City N. Y. 1^6 Broadway, N. Y. City. Edward Gould Richmond, (br), A.B. and A.M. Racine Coll. Chattanooga, Tenn. Charles Trumbull Russ,* A.B. Yale Coll. 1875. *i88i Henry Mitchell Russell, A.B. Coll. N. J. 1876 and A.M. j>7c? Court St., Brooklyn, N. Y, Ellis Yates Samuel. Charles Palmer Sanford, A.B. Yale Coll. 1876, Alderman N. Y. City 1887-. 210 W.sgth St., N. Y. City. William Cary Sanger, A.B. Harv. Univ. 1874 and A.M. 1875, Memb. Bkln. Bd. Educat. 1882-84, Asst. Chief of Artillery State of N. Y. ranking as Col. Sangerjield, N. Y. Henry Seldner, A.B. Coll. City N. Y. IS7 E. 1 1 6th St., N. Y. City. Frank Dunlap Shaw, A.B. 1874, A.M. 1877. 120 Broadway, N. Y. City. Samuel Sherwood, A.B. Harv. Univ. 1876. 7^he Benedict, N. Y. City. Edward Lyman Short, A.B. 187s, A.M. 1879. 20 W. sjth St., N. Y. City. William Walter Shotwell. Charles Robinson Smith. 4g Broadway , N. Y. City. Du Bois Smith, A.B. 1876. 55 Liberty St. , N. Y. City. Frank Eugene Smith. 21 Cortlandt St., N. Y. City. Harold Smith, (co), A.B. and A.M. Amherst Coll., East. Mgr. Security Mort. and Trust Co. 75- Broad St., N. Y. City. James Clinch Smith. 77/ Broadway, N. Y. City. James Henry Smith. Julius Starrett, A.B. Amherst Coll. 1876. 17s Dearborn St. , Chicago, III. George Albert Stearns, A.B. Harv. Univ. 1865 and A.M. S Beekman St. , N. Y. City. Albert Steinberg. Henry Stewart, Jr. Frajtklin, Macon Co., N. C. Lispenard Stewart, A.B. Yale Coll. 1876, Presidential Elector i888, State Senator N. Y. Leg. 1890-91. J4 William St., N. Y. City. 322 GRADUATES IN LAW, [1878-79 William Stoddart, A.B. Coll. City N. Y. ISO Fifth Av., N. V. Cilv. George Henry Stokes. Ambrose Everett Stone, (educ), A.B. Yale CoU. 1874. 567 Fifth Av., iV. Y. City. Edward Strouse, A.B. Coll. City N. Y. JO Whitehall St. , N. Y. City. Charles Allen Studwell. George Cyrus Taber, A.B. Wabash Coll. Ind. Logansport, Ind. Charles Tappan, A.B. Kenyon Coll. O. 1874 and A.M. 1879. Livingston, Montana. John Fremont Thompson, (m), Prest. Bank of Pine Bluff Ark. Cooper siown^ N. Y. William Robert Thompson, A.B. Univ. N. Y. City. Sj Pineapple St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Robert Townsend, A.B. 1876, A.M. 1879, A. D. C. with rank of Col. on Gov.. Cleveland's Staff, Asst. Dist. Atty. N. Y. Co. under De Lancey Nicoll. Park A V. Hotel, N. Y. City. Charles Wall Truslow. SS Wall St., N. Y. City. Arthur Baldwin Turnure, A.B. Coll. N. J. 1876 and A.M. 1879. 61 Union PL, N. Y. City. Samuel Untermyer. 44 Wall St., N. Y. City. Howard Van Buren. Nyack, N. Y. Burt Van Horn, Jr., A.B. Yale Coll, 1874. Suspension Bridge, TV". Y. William Edward Ver Planck, A.B. 1876. 18 Exchange PI. , N. Y. City. William Von Sachs, [Jr.], (br), A.B. 1876, A.M. 1879. 126 Fulton St. , N. Y. City. Augustus Alston Walker.* aet. 25. *i879 William Copeland Wallace, A.B. Wesleyan Univ. Conn, and A.M. 1879, Repr, in Congr. 1889-91. j8 Wall St., N. Y. City. Joseph Wamsley, B.S. Rochester Univ. _5g Liberty St., N. Y. City, William Ives Washburn, A.B. Amherst Coll. 80 Broadway, N. Y. City. James Watson. 59 Wall St., N. Y. City. Leonard Arthur Watson. Albert Fillmore West, B.S. Coll. City N. Y. 140 Nassau St., N. Y. City. William Pomeroy Weston, C.E. Lafayette Coll. Frederick Wallingford Whitridge, A.B. Amherst Coll. 1874 and A.M. 1877. 59 Wall St., N. Y. City. Frank Crew Willcox, City Atty. Newark N. J. 1885-92 and Atty. Bd. Health 1885-87. 800 Broad St. , Netvark, N. J. Leighton Williams, (Rev.), A.B. 1876, A.M. 1879, Treasr. State Reserva- tion at Niagara 1884-87. Bapt. Ch. 30s W. 88th St., N. Y. City. James Preston Wilson. Youngstown, 0. Myron Henry Wilson, (co), Asst. Sec. and Treas. Savings & Trust Co. 44 Euclid Av., Cleveland, 0. John Yard, A.B. Yale Coll. 1875. 2 Wall St., N. Y. City. Christian Zabriskie. 64 W. 83d St., N. Y. City. 190 1879 Julius Adenaw, (educ), A.M. Hamilton Coll. 1878. 116 E. 26th St., N. Y. City. Edward Bernard Amend, A.B. St. Francis Xavier's Coll. N. Y. 1877 and A.M. 1878. 132 Nassau St., N. Y. City. Edward Moses Atkinson, A.B. Pacific Univ. Ore. 1876, Trustee and Sec. Pacific Univ. Ore. J9J' Salmon St., Portland, Ore. Rufus Harold Baker. Toledo, Ohio. William Milo Barnum, A.B. Yale Coll. 1877. 10 Wall St. , N. Y. City, 1 879] GRADUA TES IN LA W, 323 Charles Bathgate Beck,* A.B. 1877, A.M. 1880. aet. 40. *i8g3 Sophus Bindesbol Beder, A.B. Univ. Copenhagen. Frank Sherman Benson, A.B. Yale Coll. 1876. 114 E. jgth St. N. V. City. Alvaro Betancourt, A.B, St. Francis Xavier's Coll. N. Y. David Walton Birmingham. 40 Broadway^ N. V. City. Edward S. Black. Prudential Bldg. , Newark^ N. y. Louis Boisot, Jr., A.B. Hamilton Coll. 1877, j>7 Portland Blocks Chicago, III. James S. Bourke. Joshua Brown, Jr. 2S2 W. 36th St., N. V. City. John Eliot Budington. William Patrick Burr. 206 Broadway, N. Y. City. Towson Caldwell, A.B. 1870, A.M. 1873. Albert Cardozo, Jr., A.B. elsewhere. g6 Broadway, N. Y. City. Charles Simeon Carter, A.B. Univ. of Mich. 1870, Asst. U. S. Atty. Eastern Dist. Wis. 1890-. Milwaukee, Wis. Arthur Ynocencio Casanova. 68 William St., N. Y. City. Sidney [Caldecott] Chubb, A.B. McGill Univ. j8 Exchange PI., N. Y. City. Marlborough Churchill, Jr., (EDUC), A.B. 1877, A.M. 1880. 81 W. goth St., N. Y. City. Charles Augustus Clark, A.B. 1877, A.M. 1880. 34 Nassau St. , N. Y. City. Charles Sydney Clark, A.B. Coll. N. J. 1877 and A.M. 1880. 23^ Broadway, N. Y. City. William Livingston Clark, A.B. Univ. N. Y. City 1877 and A.M. 1879, g3 Nassau St., N. Y. City. Maurice Samuel Cohen. 44 Broadway, N. Y. City. Albert Leopold Cohn. 32 Nassau St., N. Y. City. Albert Lindley Cole.* '1887 Frank Theodore Cole, (educ), A.B. Williams Coll. 1877, Principal Co- lumbus Latin Sch. 441 E. Town St. , Columbus, Ohio. Alfred Ronald Conkling, Ph.B. Yale Coll. 1870, U. S. Geologist 1875-77, U. S. Asst. Atty. So. Dist. N. Y. 1881-82, Alderman N. Y. City 1887-88, Memb. N. Y. Assembly 1892. 770 Broadway, N. Y. City. Frank Cromwell. 13J Broadway, N. Y. City. Henry Carolus Crossman.* aet. 28. *i885 Allan Percy Cummin g. ^3 Broadway, N. Y. City. William Cyrus Davidson, A.B. Coll. City N. Y. 1877. 280 Broadway, N. Y. City. Llewellyn Howell Davis. Vernon Mansfield Davis, A.B. Coll. City N. Y. and A.M. 1880, Asst. Dist. Atty. N. Y, Co. ig4 Lenox Av., N. Y. City. William Gage Davis, A.B. Dartmouth Coll. 1877. 32 Nassau St. , N. Y. City. Samuel Douglas Dodge, A.B. Williams Coll. 1877. ig7 Dodge St., Cleveland, 0. Thomas Stafford Drowne, Jr., A.B. 1877. JS Broad St., N. Y. City. William Maison du Bois. White Plains, N. Y. William Fullerton Dunning, A.B. Coll. N. J. 1877 and A.M. 67 Wall St., N. Y. City. George Ferdinand Duysters, Ph.B. Germany. Sg Wall St., N. Y. City. Stanley Dwight, A.B. Yale Coll. 1876. 404 Greenwich St., N. Y. City. Charles Henry Edgar, Ph.B. and M.S. Lafayette Coll. 1877. 5 Beekman St. , N. Y. City. Eaton Albert Edwards. Lawrence Effingham Embree. Flushing, L. I., N'. Y. f 324 GRADUA TES IN LA W, [1879 George S. Espenscheid. 7j> Broadway, Brooklyn, N. V. George Anthony Euring, B.S. Coll. City N. Y. j44^ E. 1 6th St., N, Y. City. Joseph Kissam Field, Police Justice W. Orange N. J., Capt. and Judge-Adv. 3d Batt*y N. G. S. N. J. Orange, N. J. William Walton Fletcher. ^5 Broad^vay , N. Y. City. William Jehiel Forbes, (m), A.B. Yale Coll. 1877. 14 So. William St., N. Y. City. William Hall Ford, A.B. Yale Coll. 1877. J/ Liberty St., N. Y. City. Clarence Wadsworth Francis, A.B. 1877, A.M. 1880. 31 Pine St., N. Y. City. Nathan Hirsch Frank, Ph.B. Univ. Cal. 1877. J20 Sansom St., San Francisco, Cal. Eugene Frayer, A.B. Cornell Univ. 1876 and A.M. 1877. ^2 William St., N. Y. City. Carl Gantzhorn. Robert Washburn Gilbert,* A.B. Williams Coll. 1877. ^s'- 37* *i892 Henry Sheaffe Glover. 31 Nassau St. , N. Y. City. Anthony Gould, A.B. elsewhere. John Greene. Francis J. Griffin, A.B. Seton Hall, N. J. 59 State St., Flushing, N. Y. Henry Strong Gulliver, (educ), A.B. Yale Coll. 1875 and A.M. 1893, Supt. of Schools. Stockbridge, Mass. John Elisha Morpeth Hall, Ph.B. Yale Coll. 1877. Charles John Halsted, A.B. CoU. N. J. 1877 and A.M. 1880. gg Nassau St., N. Y. City. Harry Truett Hammond,* U. S. Mil. Acad. James Hankey. William Charles Hauff, A.B. Coll. City N. Y. 1877. 41 Park Row, N. Y. City. Edward Henry Hawke, Jr. 4^ William St., N. Y. City. John Ramon Martinez Herfiz, A.B. 1877, A.M. 1878. 2J4 Broadivay, N. Y, City. Edwin Hayden Herrick,* A.B. Harv. Univ. 1877. aet. 33. *i88q Charles Kemble Hillyard. Mansfield Lovell Hillhouse. SS Wall St., N. Y. City. James Gilkey Hobbie. Henry Freeman Homes, A.B. Yale Coll. 1868. IS Wall St., N. Y. City. William Noxon Hopcroft. 60 Broadway, N. Y. City. George Edgar Hyatt. 2 Nassau St. , N. Y. City. Myer Jacobs, Ph.B. Univ. Cal. New City Hall, San Francisco, Cal. Charles F. James, Ph.B. Madison Univ. 1876, Asst. U. S. Dist. Atty. So. Dist. N. Y., Counsel to Commrs. of Emigration N. Y. State, Asst. Corp. Counsel N. Y. City, Vice- Prest. Franklin Natl. Bank. g6 Broadway, N. Y. City. Henry Edward Jenkins, B.S. Coll. City N. Y. 6 Cedar St., N. Y. City. Harry Meyer Johnson, A.B. Yale CoH. 1877. Bay Shore, L. I., N. Y. James Chapman Kay. William Houston Kenyon, A.B. Coll. City N. Y. 1876 and A.M. 1883. 38 Park Row, N. Y. City. Le Roy King, A.B. 1877, A.M. 1880. Newport, R. I. William Fargo Kip, A.B. Harv. Univ. 1876. IS Broad St., N. Y. City. Edward Hallock Kissam. 7^5 President St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Antonio Knauth. 22g Broadway, N. Y. City. Gustave Kobbe, (au), A.B. 1877, A.M. 1880. Summit, N. y. John William Konvalinka. Ill Broadway, N. Y. City. 1879] GRADUA TES IN LA W. 325 Isidore Saloshmsky Korn, A.B. 1877, A.M. 1880. /J/ Broadway^ N. Y. City. Joseph Kunzmann. J 2 Nassau St., N. Y. City. John Victor Lamarche, A.B. Seton Hall N. J. 1877 and A.M. 1879. J-/ Chambers St., N. Y. City. Walter Large, President Village of New Rochelle. New Rochelle, N. Y. Ernest F. Lasche. Edward Savage Latimer. Wilmington, N. C. Robert Eugene Little, A.B. Davidson ColL N. C. ' 62 Wall St., N. Y. City. Bernard Loth, (mf), B.S. Coll. City N. Y. 1877. ijoth St. and Amsterdam Av., N. Y. City. Howard Malcom Lynn. Cor. Fifth and Craft A vs., Pitts- burgh, Pa. Henry John McClosky.* ♦1892 Michael Francis McLoughlin. James Aloysius MacElhinney, A.B. Georgetown Coll. D. C. SSS ^-SSth St., N. Y. City. Hugo Simon Mack, B.S. CoU. City N. v., Prest. Amsterdam Imp. Co. and N. Y. Rock Exc. Co. J" Beekman St. , N. Y. City. Alrick Hubbell Man, A.B. Coll. City N. Y. 1877, Prest. N. Y. & Sea Beach Ry. Co. Richmond Hill, L. I., N. Y. Edwin Manners, A.B. Coll. N. J. 1877 and A.M. 1880. 2^'^ Barroiv St. , Jersey City, N. J. Craig Adams Marsh, A.B. Union Coll. 1876 and A.M., Corp. Coun- sel Plainfield N. J. Plainfeld, N. y. Richard Merrick Martin, A.B. Univ. N. Y. City. 38 Park Row, N. Y. City. Lewis Samuel Marx, B.S. Coll. City N. Y. 167 Broadway, N. Y. City. Arthur Haynsworth Masten, A.B. and A.M. elsewhere, Asst. Corp. Counsel N. Y. City 1885-86. 146 Broadway, N. Y. City. Robert Mazet. 237 Broadway, N. Y. City. Samuel Mundy Meeker, Jr. I J Broadway, Brooklyn, N. Y. Charles Sumner Miller, A.B. Yale Coll. 1877. i8s E. g^th St., N. Y. City. John Murray Mitchell, A.B. 1877, a.m. 1880. 4S Wall St., N. Y. City. John Bernhard Mooney, (m), Memb. Bd. Educat. Cleveland O. 371-373 Bond St. , Cleveland, O. Edward Hayes Murphy. Thomas Francis Murtha, A.B. St. Francis Xavier's Coll. N. Y. 1877. 71 Wall St., N. Y. City. William Sylvester Musgrave, (ART, EDtJC). '39 "^'SSth St., N. Y. City. George Luther Nevius, A.B, and A.M. Rutgers Coll. Temple Court, Minneapolis , Minn. William Mayo Newhall, (re), Ph.B. Yale Coll. 1876. 3og Sansom St., San Francisco, Cat. Arthur Hill O'Connor, Dist. Atty. Custer Co. Mont. 1885-87. 323 4\th St., N. W., Washiftgton, D. C. Gouverneur Morris Ogden, Jr. Ill Broadway, N, Y. City. Richard O'Gorman, Jr. 49-^1 Chambers St., N. Y. City. Edmund Thomas Oldham. 1644 Broadway, N. Y. City. Francis Howard Olmsted,* A.B. Yale Coll. 1874. aet. 33. *i886 Eugene Esperance Oudin. 7g Cedar St. , N. Y. City. Joseph Eugene Owens. Sg Greene A v., Brooklyn, N. Y. Washington Edward Page, A.B. 1876, A.M. 44 Broad St. , N. Y. Ctty. Edward Spencer Peck, A.B. Hamilton Coll. 1873. 261 Broadway, N. Y. City. Samuel Stuart Peck. S3 Liberty St., N. Y. City. 326 GRADUA TES IN LA W, [1879 George Howard Phelps, B.S. Cornell Univ. 95 Tribune Bldg, , N. V. City. Frank Hinchman Piatt, A.B. Yale Coll. 1877. j>5 Wall St., N. V. City. Rutherford Hayes Piatt, A.B. Yale Coll. 1874. j^\ E. State St. , Columbus, O. John Augustus Post, A.B. Yale Coll. 1875. j2 Liberty St., A^. V. City. Stacy Gardner Potts. William Van Vorst Powers, A.B. 1877. 4^ William St., N. V. City. John Joseph Prendergast, (phys), A.B. and A.M. Seton Hall N. J., M.D. 1868, ex-Prest, St. Francis' Hosp. Jersey City N. J., ex-Prest. Hudson Co. (N. J.) Dist. Med. Soc. 1874, and Co. Phys. Hudson Co. N. J. 1872. 338 W. 14th St., N. V. City. Charles Coffin Protheroe, B.S. Coll. City N. Y. 1877. j6 Wall St., N. V. City. Andrew Purdy, A.B. and A.M. Univ. N. Y. City. 7/5 Broadway, N. V. City. Moses Taylor Pyne, A.B. Coll. N. J. 1877 and A.M. 1880, Trustee Coll. N. J. 1885-, Counsel D. L. & W. R. R. Co. J2 Wall St., N. V. City. Frank Eldridge Randall, A.B. Harv. Univ. 1874. 4J Broadway, N. Y. City. James Armstrong Renwick, A.B. 1876, A.M. 1879. ^^ Broadway, N. V. City. Chandler White Riker, A.B. Coll. N. J. 1876 and A.M. 1879. g4 Clinton Av., Newark, N. y. Thomas Hastings Robinson. Morristown, N. y. Peter Francisco Chas. Sander,* Ph.B. Univ. Cal. *i884 Robert Sidone Sauzade. 70 Broadway, N. Y. City. Louis B. Schram, (brewing), A.B. Yale Coll. 1876. . 18 E. 60th St., N. Y. City. Lanphear Herbert Scott, A.B. Univ. N. Y. City. g4 Clay St., Newark, N. y. Edward Mansfield Scudder, A.B. and B.S. Trin. Coll. Conn. 1877 and A.M. 1880. J4 Wall St., N. Y. City. Albert Williams Seaman. Wautagh, Queens Co., N. Y. James Sheehy, Jr. Edward Philip Simms. 7J7 Broadway, N. Y. City. William Maison Skinner.f James Bernard F. Smith, A.B. Manhattan Coll. 104 E. s6th St., N. Y. City. Richard Herbert Smith. 4 Warren St., N. Y. City. Thomas Edward Vermilye Smith, A.B. Yale Coll. 1877. 57 E. 78th St., N. Y. City. Richard Austin Springs, [Jr.], A.B. Coll. N. J. 1877. 280 Broadway, N. Y. City. William Malthrop Stark, A.B. Trin. Coll. Conn. 1875, and A.M. 1883, Memb. Conn. Assembly 1885, Collector Customs New London 1887-90. New London, Conn. William Maxson Stillman, B.S. and M.S. Rutgers Coll., City Judge Plain- field N. J. 1889-90. Plainfield, N. y. Benjamin Watson Stilwell. II Chambers St., A^. Y. City. Frederick Julian Stimson, A.B. Yale Coll. 1877. 55 Liberty St., N. Y. City. Leonard Mortimer Thorn, Jr. 4g Broadway, N. Y. City. Christopher G. Tiedeman, (AU, EDUC), A.B. and A.M. Charles- ton Coll. S. C, LL.M. Univ. N. Y. City, Professor of Law Univ. of Mo. 1881-91, Professor of Law Univ. of N. Y. City 1891-. i3g Herkimer St. , Brooklyn, N, Y. Irving Howard Tifft, B.S. Coll. City N. Y. 1877. 2^7 Broadway, N. Y. City. Hector Hilgard Tyndale, B.S. Cornell Univ. 4S Wall St., N. Y. City. William Herman Van Steenbergh, A.B. and A.M. Rutgers Coll., U. S. Cir- cuit Court Commr. 10 Wall St., N. Y. City. t Afterwards known as William Maison du Bois g. V. 1879-80] GRAB U A TES IN LA W, 327 Frederick Boyd Van Vorst, A.B. Coll. N. J. 1875. 18 Wall St., N. Y. City. Leopold Van Zandt. William Alexander Vincent, Chief Justice Supreme Ct. of New Mex- ico. 86j Rookery^ Chicago, III. Lindley Vinton, A.B. Amherst Coll. j-c? William St., N. V. City. James Joseph Walsh, A.B. and A.M. Manhattan Coll., Insp'r of Schools N. Y. City. 3j Chambers St., N. Y. City. Edwin Henry Weatherbee, A.B. Yale Coll. 1875. 881 Broadway, N. Y. City. Daniel Darling Whitney, [Jr.]. ijj Broadway, N'. Y. City. George Nelson Williams, Jr., (CONT'R), A.B. Coll. City N. Y. ig E. gist St., N. Y. City. William Pierpont Williams, A.B. Yale Coll. 1877. IJ2 Nassau St. , N. Y. City. Harry Westbrook Winfield, A.B. Rutgers Coll. and A.M. 1879, Counsel Hudson Co. (N. J.) Bd. of Health. 2jg Washington St. , yersey City, N. y. Edward Crane Woodruff. 81 Broad St., Elizabeth, N. y. William Forman Wyckoff, A.B. and A.M. Rutgers Coll. yamaica. Queens Co., N. Y. Edwin Young, Ph.B. Yale Coll. 1877, Atty. D. & H. C. Co. Albany, N. Y. 176 1880 William Lawrence Adam, (b), A.B. Williams Coll. 1877, Memb. School Com. Pittsfield Mass. Pittsfield, Mass. Charles Thornton Adams, A.B. Harv. Univ. 1878. j2 Nassau St., N. Y. City. Samuel Francis Adams, A.B. 1878. _S4g Madison Av.,N. Y. City. John Giraud Agar, A.B. Georgetown Coll. 1876, and A.M. 1888, and Ph.D. 1889, Asst. U. S. Atty. So. Dist. N. Y. 1881-82. ji Nassau St. , N. Y. City. William Porter Allen, A.B. 1878. 10 Wall St., N. Y. City. Eliphalet Nott Anable, A.B. Union Coll. 1878. 16 Exchange PL , N. Y. City. Frank Darling Arthur. 6". Pittsburg, Tenn. Leopold Ascher, A.B. Coll. City N. Y. Clarence Degrand Ashley, A.B. Yale Coll. 1873, Prof. Law and Secy. Met- ropolitan Law Sch. N. Y. C. 2oy Broadway , N. Y. City. Clark Bell Augustine. g6 Broadway, N. Y. City. Frank Lusk Babbott, A.B. Amherst Coll. J4g Lincoln PI., Brooklyn, N. Y. William Schermerhorn Baker. 240 jd St. , yersey City, N. y. Samuel Ballenberg. Edgar Addison Bancroft, A.B. Knox Coll. Ills. 1878, and A.M. 1881, So- lic. for Ills. A. T. and S. F. R. R. Co., - Pres. Elector 1888. Monadnock Blk. , Chicago, III. Francis Sedgwick Bangs, A.B. 1878, Prest. State Trust Co. N. Y. City. 36 Wall St., N. Y. City. Charles Wheeler Barnes, A.B. Yale Coll. 1877. 36 Wall St., N. Y. City. John Arthur Barratt, A.B. and A.M. Coll. City N. Y., a founder Chinese Hosp. 621 Fifth A v., N. Y. City. William Reed Barricklo, A.B. Coll. N. J. 1878, and A.M. 1881, Memb. State Board of Education N. J. 22g Broadzvay, N. Y. City. William James Gilbert Beams, A.B. 1878. 26 Court St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Russell Benedict. 18 Wall St., N: Y. City. Wyllys Benedict, A.B. Univ. of Vt. 1876 and A.M. 1878. 36 Broadway, N. Y. City. Alexander Bernstein, A.B. Coll. City N. Y. 4th and Washington Sts., Portland, Ore. Edward Mead Bliven, A.B. 1878. 140 Nassau St. , N. Y. City. 328 GRADUATES IN LAW. [1880 William Warren Bliven, A B. 1878. 140 Nassau St. , N. V. City. Louis Vacher Booraem. 160 Broadway, N. Y. City. Henry Weller Borland, A.B. Coll. City N. Y. William Ely Bramhall, B.C.E. Cornell Univ. Charles De Hart Brower, A.B. 1878. 10 Wall St., N. V. City. George Whitfield Brown, Jr., A.B. Coll. N. J. 1877 and A.M. 41 Park Row, N. Y. City, Charles Gifford Buckley, A.B. Univ. N. Y. City 1878, and A.M. 1881. 120 Broadway, N, Y. City. Gilbert Burnett,* A.B. Univ. Louisville Ky. *i886 Giles Francis Bushnell. S4 William St., N. Y. City. Charles Elder Caldwell,* A.B. 1878. aet. 26. *i88o David Caiman, A.B. 1876, Ph.D. Univ. Heidelberg 1878. 2^ Pine St., N. Y. City. William John Campbell, A.B. Coll. City N. Y. 1878. 120 Broadway, N. Y. City. George Lansing Case, A.B. elsewhere, Trustee of Buchtel Coll. Akron O. Wick Block, Cleveland, O. Charles Wyllys Cass, A.B. Coll. N. J. 1875, and A.M. 40 Wall St., N. Y. City. Charles Chaille-Long. ist Md. vols. 1862, Capt. 1865, Lieut.-Col. Egyptian army 1869-, Prof. French Mil. Acad. Abbassick 1869, Chief-of-Staff to Gen. Chas. G, Gordon 1874, Consul-Gen. and Sec. of Legation U. S. Corea 1887. Alexandria, Egypt. Henry Chamberlain, A.B. and A.M. Roanoke Coll. Va. Mobile, Ala. George Hyde Clarke. Cooperstown, N. Y. Menzies Case Cleveland. 612 Temple Court, N. Y. City. Henry Eugene Coe, A.B. Yale Coll. 1878. 62 William St., N. Y. City. Charles Gardner Coffin, A.B. St. Stephen's Coll. 262 Main St. , Cat skill, N. Y. George Eaton Coney, A.B. Yale Coll. 1876. 4S Wall St., N. Y. City. Peter Cook, B.S. Coll. City N. Y. 1878. 4g Chatnbers St., N. Y. City. Mark Edwin Couch, A.B. Amherst Coll., Memb. School Commit- tee North Adams Mass. North Adams, Mass. Samuel Wilkins Cragg. Joseph Franklin Crowell, A.B. 1878. 77jr Broadway, N. Y. City. William H. Deady, A.B. Amherst Coll. 1^6 Broadway, N. Y. City. Frederic Dean, (lect), A.B. Madison (Colgate) Univ. 1877, and A.M. 1880. N. Y. City. ~ Warren Ezekiel Dennis, (re). 42 W. sist St., N. Y. City. Orrando Perry Dexter, A.B. Oxford Univ. Eng. 1878, and A.M. 1881. Nor walk. Conn. Walter Erskine Dimmick,* A.B. Yale Coll. 1878. *i882 Walter Alexander Donaldson, A.B. Georgetown Coll. D. C. 42 New St., N. Y. City. Lockwood Richard Doty. Geneseo, N. Y. William Mark Dougherty, B.S. Stevens Inst. Tech. I Montgomery St. , Jersey City, N. J. John E. Dowley. 79 Nassau St., N. Y. City. Michael Joseph Egan.* aet. 38. *i88« John Eichler. iij St. Mark's PI., N. Y. City. Alfred Ely, A.B. Amherst Coll. 1874, and A.M. 1878. 2g Nassau St., N. Y. City. Frederick Henry William Ernst. 21^ Bowery, N. Y. City. Charles Adam Feick, A.B. Yale Coll. 1878. 7SS Broad St. , Newark, N. J. i88o] GRAB U A TES IN LA W. 329 Edward Pearsall Field. 14 W. 36th St., JV. Y. City. Eugene Fishel, B.S. Coll. City N. Y. 1878. Babylon, N. Y. William Ignatius Foley, A.M. St. Ignatius^Coll. Cal. Downey Block, Los Angeles, Cal. Roger Forster, A.B. Yale Coll. 1878, and A.M. 1881. 3S Wall St., N. Y. City. William T. Gilbert, A.B. Yale Coll. 1878. j>7 Nassau St. , N. Y. City. Frederic Stark Gillis. 128 E. 24th St., N. Y. City. William Brown Glover, A.B. Yale Coll. 1878, Repr.in Conn. Leg. 1883, 1884 and 1889, Judge of the Court of Pro- bate Dist. of Fairfield Conn. Eair field, Conn. William Walker Green, A.B. Yale Coll, 1878. 120 Broadway, N. Y. City. Henry Ellsworth Gregory, A.B. 1878, A.M. 1883, Sec. and Treas. N. Y. S. Commn. Niagara Reservation 1888-. 214 Broadway, N. Y. City. Robert Harding Griffin, Polytech. in Zurich. 4S Wall St., N. Y. City. John E. Halliday. 161 W. 86th St., N. Y. City. Richard Lenox Halsey, A.B. Coll.^ N. J. 1878. Shimonoseki, yapan. William Hamilton Harris, A.B. Northwestern Univ. 1878, and A.M. 1881. 22g Broadway, N. Y. City. William G. Havens. 7 Beekman St., N. Y. City. Joel Noble Hayes, [Jr.]. 120 Broadway, N. Y. City. George Stewart Hegeman, (mf), Ph.B. Yale Coll. 1878, V.-Prest. Hart & Hegeman Mfg. Co. Hartford, Conn. James Griffiths Henry * A.B. Coll. N. J. 1878. Truman Heminway, A.B. Harv. Univ. 1877, 70 Broadway, N. Y. City. William Christian Heppenheimer, State Comptroller N. J., Speaker N. J. Assembly 1890, Brig.-Gen. and Insp'r- Gen. N. G. S. N. J. 22Q Broadway, N. Y. City. Joseph Herzfeld. 132 Nassau St. , N. Y. City. Francis Reynolds Hitchcock, A.B. 1878. 67 Wall St., N. Y. City. [George] Frederick William Holls, A.B. 1878. 120 Broadway, N. Y. City. Louis Hood, A.B. Yale Coll. 1878. 800 Broad St. , Newark, N. y. George Preston Hotaling, A.B. Coll. City N. Y. J9 Wall St., N. Y. City. Fisher Howe, Jr., (b, br), A.B. Williams Coll. 1872, and A.M. 1875. J J State St., Boston, Mass. William Reed Howe, Ph.B. Yale Coll. 1875. 227 Main St. , Orange, N. J. Walter Cluett Hull. ^2 Market St. , Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Charles Frederick Hurlburt, (PHAR), A.B. 1878. 21 Union St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Augustus Schell Hutchins, A.B. Amherst Coll. 6g Wall St., N. Y. City. Waldo Hutchins, Jr. 6g Wall St. N. Y. City. Eugene Semmes Ives, A.B. Georgetown Coll. D. C, Memb. N. Y. Assemb. and State Senate. IJ7 Broadway, N. Y. City. Tudor Storrs Jenks, (j, au), A.B. Yale Coll. 1878. " Century " Co., Union Sq., N. Y. City. Richard Dickinson Jewett, A.M. elsewhere. Nyack, N. Y. John Quincy Adams Johnson, A.B. Yale Coll. 1878. 38 Park Row, N. Y. City. Julian Halstead Kean, A.B. Yale Coll. 1876. Elizabeth, N. J. David Keane, A.B. St. Francis Xavier's Coll., A.M. St. John's Coll. Fordham, N. Y. 68 William St., N. Y. City. 330 GRAB U A TES IN LA W, [1880 Charles Peter Kearney. Thomas Henry Kelly, Memb. N. J. Assemb. 1885, Dep. Col- lector Inter. Rev. Jersey City (N. J.) 1885-88 and Collector of Customs i888-gi. 264 Montgomery St, , Jersey City, N'. y. Leonard Treadwell Kendall. Jacob Travis King. Port Richmond, S. I. , N, Y, Robert Walter King. Fort Richmond, S. I. , JV. V. Paul Krotel, A.B. Coll. City N. Y. ^ JV. 2 1 St St., AL V. City. Herman Charles Kudlich. 140 Nassau St., N. V. City. Frank Cooper Lawrence, Jr., Ph.B. Yale CoU. 1877. 102 Broadway , N. V. City. Walter Romaine Leggat,* A.B. Coll. City N. Y. aet. 30. *i889 James Schwartz Lehmaier, Ph.B. Cornell Univ. 1878. IJ2 Nassau St. , N. V. City. Frederick Cyrus Leubuscher, A.B. Coll. City N. Y. 1878. 2S0 Broadway, N. V. City. Howard Coppuck Levis, Sec. and Atty. Westinghouse Elec. Co. 1890, ist V.-Prest., Treas. and Couns. Northwest Grunal Elec. Co. 40^ Sibley St., St. Paul, Minn. Charles Chaille Long.f Jacob Louis Long. Edward Allen Low, Jr.,* A.B. 1878. act. 23. *i88o Rollin Harper Lynde, A.B. Coll. N. J. 1877 and A.M. 1880. 31 Pine St., N. V. City. Edmund Lyon, A.B. Rochester Univ. 1877 and A.M. 1880. Rochester, N. Y, James Francis McGee. City Hall, Brooklyn, N. Y. Samuel Hepburn McGill, A.B. Coll. N. J. 1877. 4'/ Montgomery St. , Jersey City, N. y. Arthur Collins Maclay, A.M. Wesleyan Univ. Henry Manne, B.S. CoU. City N. Y. 1878. 20 J Montague St. , Brooklyn, N. Y. t Afterward known as Charles Chaille-Long q. V. Samuel Merrill, A.B. Dartmouth Coll. Haverhill, Mass. Charles Miehling, Sec. Dry Dock Sav. Instn. JS3 W. iigth St., N. Y. City. William Starr Miller, A.B. Harv. Univ. 1878. j>9 Fifth Av., N. Y. City. Edward Cook Moore, A.B. Harv. Univ. 1878. 20 E. S7th St. N. Y. City. Rollin Montgomery Morgan. 41 Park Row, N. Y. City. Thomas Edward Murray, j'z Chambers St., N. Y. City. Henry Carpenter Niles. York, Pa. Abraham Nordlinger, A.B. Coll. City N. Y. Lawrence Dwight Olmstead,* A.B. Hamilton Coll. aet. 32. *i888 Francis Eyre Parker, A.B. Coll. N. J. 1877 and A.M. 1880. J5 William St., N. Y. City. James Alexander Patrick. S2 Wall St., N. Y. City. Philip Glendower Peabody, A.B. 1877. j8 Richfield St. , Boston, Mass. William Dayton Peck. 287 Broadway, N. Y. City. Albert Loring Perry, M.D. elsewhere. J02 E. 7gth St. , N. Y. City. Frederick Noyes Phinney.* ♦1892 Frederick Potter,* A.B. Yale CoU. 1878. *i892 David Provost. j-c? W. SI St St. , N. Y. City. Henry Fitz Randolph,* A.B. Amherst Coll. 1877. ^®'' 3^- *i892 Maurice Rapp, A.B. Coll. City N. Y. 1876. j6j Broadway, N. Y. City. Thomas Jackson Oakley Rhine- lander, (re), A.B. 1878. 79 Cedar St. , N. Y. City. Isaac Leopold Rice. j4 Nassau St. , N. Y. City. I 880-8 I ] GRADUA TES IN LA W. 331 E. Willard Roby, A.B. Harv. Univ. 1877. j-j Liberty St. , N. V. City. Edgar Evertson Saltus. 36 W. igth St., N. V. City. William Hubbard Sampson, (mf). IJ7 W. Third St. , Cincinnati, O. Edward Sanford. Orlin M. Sanford. Oneida, N. V. Edward Paul Schell, A.B. 1878. J I Nassau St., N. Y. City. Matthew Van Benscoten Schryver, [Jr.]. Edward Howard Seely, Jr., A.B. Yale Coll. 1878. 187 Greenwich St., N. Y. City. Frank Edwin Smith, B.S. 111. Coll. 21 Cortlandt St., N. Y. City. Frederic E. Smith, (ranchman), U. S. Mil. Acad. Canon City, Col. William Wickham Smith, B.S. Coll. City N. Y. 54 William St., N. Y. City. Henry Sanger Snow, A.B. Polytech. Instit. Brooklyn, LL.M. Univ. N. v., City Treas. N. Y. & N. J. Tele- phone Co. 16 Smith St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Francis Speir, Jr., A.B. Coll. N. J. 1877. S2 Wall St., N. Y. City. Charles Steele, A.M. Univ. Va. 21 Cortlandt St., N. Y. City. Hugh Stevenson, A.B. Coll. N. J. 1878. 10 Wall St., N. Y. City. Stephen Perry Sturges, A.B. Cornell Univ. 1876, A.M. Harv. Univ. 1877. 55 Liberty St., N. Y. City. Charles Warner Swift. 4/ W. ssi^ St., N. Y. City. Thomas De Witt Talmage, Jr.* aet. 21. *i88i Ernest D. Thompson. j6^ E. Washington St. , Indianapolis, Ind. George Leland Upham,* Ph.B. Yale Coll. 1876. *i882 De Witt Van Buskirk. 80^ Avenue C, Bayonne, N. y. Herman Wendell Vanderpoel, A.B. Rutgers Coll. yi Broadway, N. Y. City. Charles Henry Van Ness, Treas. Greenwich & Johnsonville Ry. Co. Greenwich, N. Y. John Henry Walsh, A.B. Georgetown Coll. D.C. ly 2d St. , Brooklyn, N. Y. John Franklin Ward, A.B. St. Francis Xavier's Coll. N. Y. 11^ Nassau St., N. Y. City. G. Harry Warren, Jr. 26 E. 64th St., N. Y. City. John Van Alstyne Weaver. James Griswold Wentz, A.B. Urbana Univ. Ohio and A.M. 1880. 280 Broadway, N. Y. City. Theodore Wentz, (re). 280 Broadway, N. Y. City. William Wheeler. Louis Claude Whiton, A.B. Univ. N. Y. City 1878, and A.M. x88o. J 14 W. 76ih St., N. Y. City. Charles Samuel Williams, A.B. CoU. N. J. 1878. Ill Broadway, N. Y. City. Mornay Williams, A.B. 1878, A.M. i88i. JOS W. 88th St., N. Y. City. William Hopkins Young. S4 William St., N. Y. City. Lorenz Zeller. 7g Cedar St., N. Y. City. Louis Adolf Ziegler. 800 Broad St., Newark, N. J. 176 I88I Emanuel Arnstein. 10 Mitchell PI., N. Y. City. Elliott J. Arthur,* U. S. Nav. Acad. *i886 Walter Ayers. ist Natl. Bank Bldg. , Duluth, Minn. George Washington Bailey,* A.B. Tuft's Coll. aet. 36. *i886 Peter Townsend Barlow, A.B. Harv. Univ. 1879. j>j William St. , N. Y. City. 332 GRADUATES IN LAW. [1881 Frederick Stone Barnum, A.B. 1879, A.M. 1882, Dist. Atty. Putnam Co. N. Y. 1884-5. White Plains, N. V. Charles Fisk Beach, Jr., A.B. Centre Coll. Ky. 1877 and A.M. 1881. jj Wall St., N. V. City. Robert Winthrop Blackvvell, A.B. Coll. N. J. 1879. J I Nassau St., N. Y. City. Herbert Wolcott Bowen, U. S. Consul, Barcelona, Spain. go Willow St., Brooklyn, N. Y. George Brewster Bretz. 186 Rents en St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Charles Osmyn Brewster, [Jr.], A.B. Harv. Univ. 1879. 261 Broadway , N. Y. City. Fayette Williams Brown, (ins), Ph.B. Yale Coll. 1878. Montreal, Canada. William Livingston Bruen, A.B. Yale Coll. 1879. Barnegat Park, N. y. Lewis Sayre Burchard, A.B. Coll. City N. Y. 1877. 6 Wall St., N. Y. City. Charles Culp Burlingham, A.B. Harv. Univ. 1879. 4S William St., N. Y, City. Middleton Shoolbred Burrill, A.B. Harv. Univ. 1879. 21 Broad St. , N. Y. City. John Knox Burton. Pueblo, Col. Ben Israel Butler,* U. S. Mil. Acad. *i88i Eugene Mervin Carr, B.S. Norwich Univ. Vt. 1879, Dist. Atty. King, Kilsap and Mohomish Co's Wash. 1890, Adj. Gen. State of Washington rank of Col. 1889-. Seattle, Wash. Charles Lynn Carrick. yd Montgomery St. , Jersey City, N. y. John Frelinghuysen Chambers, A.B. Coll. City N. Y. 70 W. 36th St., N. Y. City. Robert Williams Chapin, LL.B. 1881, Ph.B. Yale Coll. 1878. 10 Park PL, N. Y. City. Edward Smith Clarke, A.B. Yale Coll. 1876. Atlanta, Ga. William Nathaniel Cohen, A.B. Dartmouth Coll. 120 Broadway, N. Y. City. George Carlton Comstock, A.B. Coll. N. J. 1879 and A.M. 1882. 23 E. 75th St., N. Y. City. Oliver Pliny Conger. Morris Cooper, B.S. Univ. N. Y. City 1879. Cotton Exch. Bldg., N. Y. City. Walter Cox. Spuyten Duyvil, N. Y. City. Wilmot Townsend Cox, A.B. Harv. Univ. 1879. 16 Exchange PI. , N. Y. City. Macgrane Coxe. 43 Wall St., N. Y. City. Maurice Cramer, Pros. Atty. 1883-87, Judge Ct. Common Pleas 1889-93. Cape Girardeau, Mo. Charles Dahl, B.S. Coll. City N. Y. Gherardi Davis, A.B. B.S. Univ. of France. S2 Wall St., N. Y. City. Daniel Edward Delavan. 44 Broadway, N. Y. City. Benjamin F. De Voe. Richard Dudensing, Jr., A.B. Coll. City N. Y. 1879. 14^ Broadway , N. Y. City. Francis Duffy, A.B. Georgetown Coll. D.C. and A.M. 1889. 5/9 Manhattan Av., N. Y. City. Edward Earle. 13 E. 63d St., N Y. City. William Seymour Edwards, B.S. Cornell Univ., Memb. W. Va. Leg. 1893-4. Charleston, W. Va. Felix George Edward Effray, A.B. Seton Hall N. J. 1879 and A.M. 1881. IS2 E. 83d St., N. Y. City. Clarence Houghton Esty, (mf), A.B. Cornell Univ. 1876. Ithaca, N. Y. Robert Treat Paine Fiske, (mgr), New Brighton, S. I. , N. Y. Henry Clay Folger, Jr., (m), A.B. Amherst Coll. and A.M. 1881. 26 Broadway, N. Y. City. i88i] GRAB U A TES IN LA W. 333 Samuel Peters Fosdick, A.B. Yale Coll. 1879. 7 Fessenden Blocks Stamford, Conn. Richard Washington Freedman. 2 Wall St., N. V. City. Henry Gildersleeve, Jr., (m), A.B. Wesley an Univ., Sec. Portland (Conn.) Water Co. Gildersleeve, Conn. Alfred William Gregory, A.B. St. Francis Xavier's Coll. N. Y. Ridgway, Pa. William Morton Grinnell, (b), Third Asst. Secretary of State of the tJ. S., Chevalier de la Legion d^Honneur. 28 Nassau St. , N. Y. City. Max Gross. 20 Nassau St. , N. V. City. William Frank Hapgood, A.B. Harv. Univ. 1877, and LL.B. 1880. Tribune Bldg., N. V. City. Thomas M. Henry, A.B. Coll. N. J. 1879. Beaver, Fa. Van Wyck Hewlett,* J. p. Hempstead L. I. N. Y., Justice of Sessions Queens Co. N. Y. aet. 34. *i892 James William Hillhouse, A.B. Yale Coll. 1879. Montville, Conn. Jabish Holmes, Jr., A.B. Harv. Univ. 1879. 280 Broadway, N. V. City. Samuel Howland Hoppin, A.B. Harv. Univ. 1879. 7 Nassau St., N. V. City. Lewis Morris Iddings, Ph.B. Univ. Mich. 206 Broadway, N. V. City. Martin Reiley Jacobs. James Caldwell Jenkins, A.B. Coll, N. J. 1876 and A.M. 1879, Asst. U. S. Atty. for N, Dist. of Ga. 1883-84. Atlanta, Ga. Emil Joseph, A.B. 1879. Cleveland, Ohio. Joseph Lawrence Keitt, (f), Memb. S. C. House of Repr. 1886-87, State Senator 1890-gi. Sondley's, S, C. Samuel Dana Kittredge, A.B. Harv. Univ. 1876. 22 Hamilton Av., Brooklyn, N. V. Lawrence Kneeland, Ph.B. Yale Coll. 1877. 7/ Wall St., N. V. City. Max Saloshinsky Korn, A.B. Coll. City N. Y. 1879. ij^ Broadway, N. Y. City. Frangois Joseph Gall Ladd, A.B. Dartmouth Coll. 206^ Fulton St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Willie Robert Lamberton. Felham Manor, N. Y. Fred. Augustus Leavenworth, A.B. Coll. N. J. 1877. Bismarck, N. Dak. Samuel Ferris Lewis,* A.B. 1878. aet. 28. *i882 Charles Henry Lott, A.B. 1879, Memb. Board of Assessors Town of New Utrecht N. Y. 206 Broadway, N. Y. City. James Alexander Lynch, A.B. 1879, School Trustee N. Y. City. 99 Nassau St. , N. Y. City. James W. McElhinney. IJ2 Nassau St., N. Y. City. William George McGuckin, (EDUC), A.B. Coll. City N. Y., Senior Tutor History Coll. City N. Y. 77 Lexington Av., N. Y. City. Thorndike Corning McKennee. John Hull McLean, A.B. Rutgers Coll. John Smith McWilliam, A.B. Coll. City N. Y. 44 Broadway, N. Y. City. Robert Atkinson Mayo, (Rev.), A.B. Coll. N. J. 1878 and A.M. 1881, Exam. Chaplain. 20JI Chestnut St., Fhiladelphia, Pa. John Frederic Middlebrook. S4 William St., N. Y. City. James Benedict Moore, A.M. Mt. St. Mary's Coll. 7J7 Broadway, N. Y. City. John Henshaw Mulchahey, A.B. 1879. Perth Amhoy, N. J. John Archibald Murray, A.B. Harv. Univ. 1878. 21 Broad St. , N. Y. City. Edgar Joshua Nathan. 120 Broadway, N. Y. City. John Patrick O'Brien, A.B. St. John's Coll. n 334 GRADUA TES IN LA W. [1881 Myron Henry Oppenheim. 280 Broadway, N. V. City. Samuel Duffield Osborne, (CL, SEC), A.B. 1879, A.M. 1882, Asst. Sec. Dept. of City Works. Brooklyn, N. V. Cortlandt Parker, Jr., A.B. Rutgers Coll. ijj Broadway, N, Y. City. George Washington Perkins, A.B. Coll. City N. Y. 1^4 Nassau St., N. V. City. George Lewis Prentiss, [Jr.], A.B. Coll. N. J. 1879 and A.M. 4^ Cedar St., N V. City. John Moffat Provoost. 2g8 Main St. , Buffalo, N. Y. James Williamson Pryor, A.B. 1878. J2g Pearl St. , N. Y. City. Adrian Riker, A.B. Coll. N. J. 1879 and A.M., Memb. N. J. Assembly 1888-89. 7<5/ Broad St. , Newark, N. y. Alexander S. Rosenthal. 70 Essex St. , N. Y. City. Samuel Rowland. 47 Water St., N. Y. City. Joseph Hinesford Rylance, Jr. Ferdinand Van D. Sanford, B.S. Cornell Univ. 1877, Special County Judge Orange Co. N. Y. 1887-go. Warwick, Orange Co., N. Y. Edward Wright Sheldon, A.B. Coll. N. J. 1879 and A.M. 1882. 4S Wall St., N. Y. City. John Richard Smith, A.B. Manhattan Coll. 1879. 2g Wall St., N. Y. City. Louis Sommers, B.S. Coll. City N. Y, I74g Madison A v., N. Y. City. Hervey Van Buren Sparks, A.B. St. Francis Xavier's Coll. N. Y. 1879 and A.M. 1880. Monroe, N. Y. Howard York Stillman, A.B. Brown Univ. jc? Park Row, N. Y. City. Marcus Stine, Ph.D. B.S. Coll. City N. Y. Univ. Heidelberg, joBroad St. , N. Y. City. Elliott Joseph Stoddard. j2 Lafayette Av., Detroit, Mich. Walton Storm, Alderman N. Y. City. 120 Broadway, N. Y. City. Otto Frederick Struse, B.S. Coll. City N. Y. gg Broadway, Brooklyn, E. D., N . Y. Wilberforce Sully, A.B. Dartmouth Coll. So Broadway, N. Y. City. Charles Ewing Taber, A.B. Wabash Coll. Ind. 1878 and A.M. 1889. Logansport, Ind. Henry Osborn Taylor, A.B. Harv. Univ. 1878. P. O. Box 203, N. Y. City. [John] Howard D. Terhune, (b), A.B. and A.M. Rutgers Coll. 1881, Cashier Hackensack Bank. Hackensack, N. y. John Taylor Terry, Jr., A.B. Yale Coll. 1879. 27^ Madison Av., N. Y. City. Walter Trimble, A.B. Harv. Univ. 1879. 160 Broadway, N. Y. City. William Leamon Turner, A.B. Coll. City N. Y., Secretary to Mayor N. Y. and Asst. Corp. Counsel. 84 Cotton Exchange Bldg. , N. Y. City. Alexander Hamilton Van Cott. 4S William St., N. Y. City. Arthur Stoddard Van Voorhis,* Ph.B. Yale Coll. 1879. *i884 James Warren Wallace, Ex-Dist. Atty. of a subd. 3d Dist. Dakota Centralia, Wash. John A. Ward,* A.M. St. Francis Xavier's Coll. N. Y. Harris Warner, Middletown, Conn. John Samuel Warren. Granville, N. Y. John Chetwood Wetmore, A.B. 1879. 4g Cortlandt St., N. Y. City. Alexander White, Jr., A.M. Williams Coll. P. O. Box ^2j, Chicago, III. Corra Nelson Williams. Prudential Bldg., Newark, N. y. Joseph Merrell Williams. 56 Wall St., N. Y. City. I88I-82] GRADUA TES IN LA W. 335 Ellwood George Wilson. Logansport, Ind, Ernest Joseph Wimmer, A.B. and A.M. St. Vincent's Coll. Pa., Dist. Atty. Elk Co. Pa. 1886-89 and 1889-91. St. Mary's, Pa. David Demarest Zabriskie, A.B. Rutgers Coll. 24J Washington St., Jersey City, N. y . Frederick William Zeile, Ph.B. Univ. of Cal. 1878. 202 J California St., San Francisco, Cal. 123 1882 James S. Allen, Memb. N. Y. Assembly 1886. Hempstead, L. I., N. Y. William Joseph Amend, A.B. St. Francis Xavier's Coll. N. Y. 1879 and A.M. 1880. 1^2 Nassau St. , N. V. City. William Shankland Andrews, A.B. Harv. Univ. 1880. J Broad St., N. V. City. [Frank] Sherrill Babcock. j2 Nassau St. , N. Y. City. William Raimond Baird, M.E. Stevens Inst. Tech. 1878, Prest. N. Y. Correspondence School of Law. 24J Broadway, N. Y. City. Charles Piatt Barker, A.B. Yale Coll. 1880. S2 Nassau St., N. Y. City. William Graves Bates, A.B. 1880. 146 Broadway, N. Y. City. Edmund Lincoln Baylies, A.B. Harv. Univ. 1879. 20 W.jdth St., N. Y. City. Rollin Edward Beers. Willis Benner, A.B. Yale Coll, 1880. 62 Wall St., N. Y. City. De Lagnel Berier. JO Wall St., N. Y. City. John Hunt Betts, A.B. Amherst Coll. 16 Court St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Fred. Bidlemann. Little Falls, N. Y. Nathan Bijur, Ph.B. 1881, Ph.D. 1883. S4 Nassau St. , N. Y. City. George EngsBlackwell, A.B. 1880. 140 Pearl St., N. Y. City. Lloyd Wheaton Bowers, A.B. Yale Coll. 1879. Chicago, III. Arthur Clarence Brown, A.B. Harv. Univ. 1879. Athol, Mass. Edgar Ketchum Brown. 132 Nassau St., N. Y. City. Walter Dominic Burke. 13 Chambers St., N. Y. City. Howard Russell Butler, (art), B.S. Coll. N. J. 1876, Prest. American Fine Arts Soc. 13s W. 4ph St., N. Y. City. Frederic William Louis Butterfield. Augustine Americus Buxton, A.B. Amherst Coll. S26 N. Y. Life Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. Charles Satterlee Carrington. Easton, Md. Joseph William Carroll, A.B. and A.M. St. Francis Xavier's Coll. N.Y., Clerk Kings Co. (N. Y.) Surrogate's Ct., formerly Asst. Clerk Supreme Ct. for Kings Co. 1885-91. Hall of Records, Brooklyn, N. Y. Henry Clinton Carter, (chem), B.S. Coll. City N. Y. 1880. 212 W. ijth St., N. Y. City. Marcus Marcellus Case, Jr., U. S. Mil. Acad. Watkins, N. Y. Richard Floyd Clarke, A.B. Coll. City N. Y. 180 Broadway, N. Y. Howard Harold Cleveland.* *i888 Richard Field Conover, A.B. Coll. N. J, 1880. 410 Broad St. , Newark, N. J. William Wick Cotton, B.S. State Normal Sch. Millersville Pa., Asst. to Gen'l Solicitor Union Pacific Ry. Co., Gen'l Att'y Pacific Div. Union Pacific Ry. Co. Portland, Ore. Charles Pitkin Cowles. 3 Broad St. , N. Y. City. Frank Lindsay Crawford, A.B. Harv. Univ. 1879. 22g Broadway, N. Y. City. 336 GRADUATES IN LA W, [1882 Frederic Fitch Culver, A.B. Coll. N. J. 1880 and A.M. 80 Broadway, N. V. City. William Brand Dall, A.B. Univ. N. Y. City 187Q. 2g Broadway, N. V. City. Edward Close Delavan, Jr., A.B. Rutgers Coll. 1880 and A.M. 1883. New Brighton, S. I. , N. Y. Frederick William Dibblee,* A.B. 1880. *i884. Denis Donohoe, Jr. Mitchell Louis Erlanger. 6g Wall St., N V. City. Thomas Wyche Evans, B.S. Vanderbilt Univ. Tenn. ^48 Fifth Av., N. V. City. Frederic Eugene Fishel, Lit.B. Cornell Univ. 1880. ijo Broadway , N. V. City. Luke M. Flynn. N. V. City. James Joseph Fox,* A.B. Mt. St. Mary's Coll. Clarence Hait Frost, Capt. on staff of Gen. J. W. Husted, later Major, A. D. C. rank of Col. on Gov. Cleveland's staff two years, same on Gov. Hill's staff one year, Trustee village of Peekskill, N. Y. gg4 Main St. , Peekskill, N. V. John Thomas Geary, A.B. Mt. St. Mary's Coll. Vonkers, N. Y. Frank Johnson Goodnow, (educ), A.B. Amherst Coll. 1879 and A.M. 1886, Adj. Prof. Hist, and I*ol. Sci. Col. Col. 1887-91 and Professor of Administrative Law 1891-. 2S W. 74th St., N. Y. City. Henry Wickes Goodrich, A.B. Amherst Coll. 1880 and A.M. 1883. Sg Wall St., N. Y. City. Herbert White Grindal, B.S. Bowdoin Coll. 1880. 160 Broadway, N. Y. City. Elisha Gunn, Jr. Howard Wortley Hayes, A.B. Yale Coll. 1879, Asst. _U. S. Dist. Atty. for N. J., Judge ist Criminal Ct. Newark, N.J. 765 Broad St. , Newark, N. J. Frazier Davenport Head, Ph.B. Yale Coll.. 1874. 201^ R St., Washington, D. C. Felix Benedict Herzog, (ee), Ph.B. 1881, Ph.D. 1883, A.M. JO Broad St. , N. Y. City. Theodore Henry Hiserodt. Charles Ferdinand Holm. 6i-6s Park Row, N. Y. City. Everett B. Hoover Nicholasville , Ky. Ernest Henry Jackson, A.B. Coll. N. J. 1880. 2g Grace Court, Brooklyn, N. Y. Walter Jennings, A.B. Yale Coll. 1880. 48 Park Av., N. Y. City. Charles Haldane Johnson, A.B. Cornell Univ. Monte lair, N. J. Townsend Jones, [Jr.], A.B. 1876, A.M. 1879. 5/ Wall St., N. Y. City. Alan Douglas Kenyon, A.B. Coll. City N. Y. S8 Park Row, N. Y. City. Edward Jarvis Knapp, Jr. 16 Exchange PI. , N. Y. City. Almet Reed Latson. 7 Beekman St., N. Y. City. Joseph Albert Lawson. Albany, N. Y. Albert Frederick Leonhard, (CO). Pater son, N. y. Maximus A. Lesser, A.B. and A.M. Coll. City N, Y. 1883, Instr. Pol. Sci. N. Y. Eve. High School 1887-. 114 Nassau St. , N". Y. City. William Wilson Lunger, (rr). Council Bluffs, la. Frank Clifford Lyman, (educ), A.B. Yale Coll. 1876, Principal Mt. Morris School N. Y. City. 20 E. 127th St., N. Y. City. Michael John McCann, A.B. Harv. Univ. 1874. 246 W. 22d St., N. Y. City. Robert Harris McCarter, A.B. Coll. N. J. 1879. Prudential Bldg. , Newark, N. y. Thomas McEwan, Jr., U. S, Circ. Ct. Commr., Chief Supervisor of Elections Dist. N. J. 4gj Central Av., yersey City, N. y. Edward Joseph McGanney, A.M. St. Mary Coll. San Francisco 1879. 62 Wall St., N. Y. City. I i882] GRADUATES IN LAW. 337 Edward Joseph McGiiire, A.B. St. Francis Xavier's Coll. N. Y. 1880, and A.M. 1881. 25 Pine St., JV. V. City. Edward De Cost McKay, (ret), A.B. Yale Coll. i860, and A.M. 1863, Ph.B, Col. Coll. 1883. 2^ J W. 42d St., N. V. City. James William McLaughlin. 280 Broadway, N. Y. City. Charles Augustine McMahon, A.B. Polytech. Inst. B'klyn N. Y. J"/ Chambers St., N. Y. City, William Bard McVickar, A.B. 1880. 67 Wall St., N. Y. City. Thomas Francis Magner, A.B. St. Francis Xavier's Coll. N. Y. 1880, Memb. 51st $26. and 53d Congr. 26 Court St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Jeremiah Andrew Mahony, A.B. St. Francis Xavier's Coll, Thomas Andrew Maitland. 60 W. 1 2th St., JV. Y. City. Charles Clinton Marshall. SS William St., N. Y. City. Fielding Lewis Marshall, A.B. 1880, Asst. Couns. to Corporation N, Y. C. 1883-4. 48 Wall St., N. Y. City. August Louis Martin, B.S. Coll. City N. Y. 1880. JO Broad St., JV. Y. City. Robert Delos Martyn, A.B. Yale Coll. 1880, and Ph.D. 1886. 44S^ Berkeley Av., Chicago, III. Henry Solomon May,* A.B. 1880. *i888 Alfred Mestre, (br), A.B. Coll. City N. Y. 1880. IS Broad St., N. Y. City. Henry F. Miller, A.B. and A. M. Coll. City N. Y. 4S Pine St., N. Y. City. Hoffman Miller, A.B. Trin. Coll. Conn. 80 Broadway, JV. Y. City. Frederick Mortimer Mills. William Stowell Mills, (educ). Principal Pub. School No. 75 Brooklyn SS2 Clifton PI., Brooklyn, N. Y. Charles Forman Moody, A.B. *88o. SI Nassau St. , N. Y. City. Philip Alexander Morris, A.B. 1880. 79 Cedar St., N. Y. City. James Cumming Murray. 44 Broadway, N. Y. City. William D. Murray, A.B. Yale Coll. 1880. Plainjield, N. J. Charles Hawley Nearing. Amer. Bank Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. Romaine Charles Nichols. 36 W.ssth St., N. Y. City. Charles Somerby Noyes, A.B. Amherst Coll. 7 Beekman St., N. Y. City. Edward Charles O'Brien, A.B. St. John's Coll. 36 Wall St., N. Y. City. Frank Skillman Onderdonk. Charles Augustine O'Neil, A.B. 1880, Asst. to Corp. Counsel N. Y. City. 22g Broadway, N', Y. City. Henry Choate Ordway, (m)., A.B. Yale Coll. 1880. Soob Atlantic A v., Boston, J^ass. Robert Wilson Patrick, Ph.B. Yale Coll. 1879, Asst. U. S. Dist. Atty. 1885-88. ''Bee'' Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Frederic Dimon Phillips, A.B. 1880, A.M. 1887. 45 Cedar St., N. Y. City. Louis Sylvester Phillips. 3S Broadtvay, N'. Y. City. Adolphe Lewis Pincoffs, J.U.D. Leyden Univ. 1874. 2 Wall St., N. Y. City. Thomas Marshall F. Randolph, A.B. Rutgers Coll. JHorristown, N. jf. Edward Vilette Raynolds, (educ), Ph.B. Yale Coll. 1880, M.L. 1S84, and D.C.L. 1885, Lecturer on Pol. Sci. Yale Coll. 1886-91. 62 Trumbull St. , New Haven, Conn. Gabriel Reevs, Acting City Judge Yonkers N. Y. and Counsel to Bd. of Excise. 34 W ar burton Av., Yonkers, N. Y, Philip Joseph Reilly, (educ), A.B. St. Francis Xavier's Coll. N. Y, i86g, A.M. St. Ignatius' Coll. Chicago 1872. 360 £. 8th St., N. Y. City. 338 GRADUATES IN LAW. [1882 Dickinson Woodruff Richards, A.B. Yale Coll. 1880. 62 Wall St., N. Y. City. Henry Alvord Robinson, Ph.B. 1880. 1^0 Broadway, N. Y. City. Paul William Roder, Ex-Judge First Crim. Ct. Newark N. J., Ex-Memb. Newark Tax Bd. Newark N.J. Newark, N. J. Claudius Monell Roome, A.B. 1880, Rec'd Deacon's Orders in P. E. Ch. 1893, B. D. Gen. Theol. Sem. P. E. Ch. N. Y. 2g W.S2d St., N. Y. City. William Harris Roome, A.B. 1880. 40 Wall St. , N. Y. City. Harold Roorbach, (m), Ph.B. Yale Coll. 1879. IJ2 Nassau St., N. Y. City. Thomas N. Ross. IJ7 W. 84th St., N. Y. City. Henry Lincoln Rowland, A.B. Yale Coll. 1879. Water bury. Conn. Robert Schell Rudd, A.B. and A.M. Hamilton Coll. N. Y. ji Fine St. , N. Y. City. Charles Rudolph, B.S. Boston Univ. Mass. Crawford Prosser Ruger. John Barton Sabine. 181 Broadway, N. Y. City. Charles Lockard Saunders. 4'' Bee " Bldg., Omaha, Neb. George Henry Schanck. William Warburton Scrugham, A.B. 1880, Memb. Bd. Education Yon- kers i888-gi, Acting City Judge Yonkers 1889-90, 1 893-. Yonkers, N. Y. Aaron Beauregard Seldner, Ex-City Atty. Norfolk Va. g8 Main St., Norfolk, Va. Eugene Seligman, A.B. 1876, A.M. 1879. 3S Wall St., N. Y. City. George Washington Seligman, A.B. 1876, A.M. 1879. Mills Bldg., N. Y. City. Julius Hubbell Seymour, A.B. Williams Coll. 1879. 3S Wall St., N. Y. City. John H. Shields. Gilmer Poindexter Smith. 7 Nassau St., N. Y. City. Western Starr, A.B. Cornell Univ. Chicago, III. Louis Steckler, B.S. Coll. City N. Y. ^7 Centre St., N. Y. City, Max Stern, A.B. Yale Coll. 1882. 44 Broadway, N. Y. City. Charles Stewart. U. S. Mil. Acad. Sidney Barculo Stuart,* A.B. 1880. *i89i Eugene Sweeney. 24^ W. 125th St., N. Y. City. Charles Clinton Swisher, A.B. Yale Coll. 1882. 56 Wall St., N. Y. City. John Butler Coles Tappan, A.B. Yale Coll. 1880. 44 Broadway, N. Y. City. James Alfred Thomas, LL.B. Hamilton Coll. ig Phillips Block, Los Angeles, Cal. Robertson Trowbridge. Charles Converse Tyler, B.S. Dartmouth Coll. 1876. 4 Hanover St. , N. Y. City. Maurice Untermeyer. 46 Wall St., N. Y. City. Ransford Easman Van Gieson,* A.B. 1880. Marshall Roberts Van Nostrand, A.B. Coll. N. J. 1871. 45 Pine St., N. Y. City. Washington Irving Van Wart. P. O. Box 870, N. Y. City. Otto Ulrich von Schrader, (CO), A.B. Washington Univ. St. Louis. 2201 N. Main St., St. Louis, Mo. Howard St. Clair Wait, A.B. 1880. 55 Broadway, N. Y. City. Frederick Bellenden Walrath. Paul Walton, A.B. Yale Coll. 1880. Ridgewood, N. y. Nelson Jarvis Waterbury, Jr., A.B. 1880. 32 Nassau St. , N. Y. City. 1882-83] GRADUA TES IN LA W. 339 James Herbert Watson, (m), A.B. Yale Coll. 1880. 26 Court St., Brooklyn, N. Y. William Miner Watson. jyi Fulton St. , Brooklyn, N'. Y. Morris Earl Webber. 5 Beekman St. , N. Y. City. B. Rush Wendell, Jr., A.B. Yale Coll. 1878. 35 Wall St., N, Y. City. Ten Eyck Wendell, A.B. Yale Coll. 1880. 75 Broad St., N. Y. City. Calvin Whiting, (ins), A.B. Coll. N. J. 1879, A.M. 1882. Albuquerque, N. M. Fred. Augustus Wilcox,* A.B. Beloit Coll. aet. 36. *i893 William Royal Wilder, A.B. Coll. N. J. 1879, and A.M. 1882. 4S Cedar St., N. Y. City. Lawrence Wilkinson, A.B. Yale Coll. 1880. B. O. Box 7, Greenwich, Conn. James Wilmarth Williams. 324 Butler Exch. , Providence, R. I. Stephen Guion Williams, Ph.B. 1881, Ph.D. 1883. 4S Exchange PI. , N. Y. City, Louis C. Zayas. 160 1883 Herman Aaron, B.S. Coll. City N. Y. IS Wall St., N. Y. City. Percy Demarest Adams. Sg Liberty St., N. Y. City. Walter Scott Andrews, A.B. Harv. Univ. 1877. University Club, N. Y. City. Wilmore Anway, A.B. Yale Coll. 1880. Ill Broadway, N. Y. City. Frank Wallace Arnold, A.B. 1881, Asst. Public Admnr. N. Y. City. S Broad St., N. Y. City. Benjamin Aycrigg, Jr. 147 Carroll St., Pater son, N. y, Otway Wilkenson Baldwin, A.B. Univ. of Minn. 1881. Duluth, Minn. John Oscar Ball, A.B. Univ. N. Y. City. S2 Wall St., N. Y. City. Frederick Buel Bard, A.B. Williams Coll. 41 Park Row, N. Y. City. Benjamin Barker, Jr., A.B. Brown Univ. 120 Broadzvay, JV. Y. City. Charles Henry Beckett, A.B. Dartmouth Coll. 1881. 160 Broadway, JV. Y. City. Lucius Hart Beers, A.B. 1881. 120 Broadway, JV. Y. City. George Abner Benedict, (STOCKMAN), A.B. Univ. Vt. 1881. Wheeling, Jifo. Abraham Charles Bernheim, Ph.B. 1883, Ph.D. 1885. 12 E. 6jth St., JV. Y. City. David Birch. Benjamin Brewster Blydenburgh, [Jr.], A.B. Coll. N. J. 1881, and A.M. 1884. /// Broadway, N. Y. City. Albert Simon Brandeis, A.B. Harv. Univ. 1879, LL.B. Louisville Univ. jth and Jefferson Sts., Louisville, Ky. Willard Parker Butler, E.M. 1878. sg Wall St., N. Y. City. Alexander V. Campbell, A.B. Union Coll. 1881. S4 William St., N. Y. City. Lemuel Russell Campbell, A.B. Cumberland Univ. Tenn. 1877, A.M. Vanderbilt Univ. Tenn. 1880, Grad. Fel- low and Asst. in Nat. Hist. Vanderbilt Univ. 1880-81. Nashville, Tenn. William Henry Carr,* A.B. Beloit Coll. *i887 Augustus Ludlow Case,* U. S. Nav. Acad. aet. 37. *i89o Rufus O. Catlin. 186 Remsen St. , Brooklyn, N. Y. George Finch Chamberlin. 44 Wall St., N. Y. City. Harry Drew Clapp. Howard Coghill, A.B. 1880. Franklin PL, JMorristown, N. J. John Caldwell Coleman, A.B. Yale Coll. i88t. 10 Wall St., N. Y. City. 340 GRADUATES IN LAW. [1883 Albert Field Cornelius,* B.S. Cornell Univ., C.E. Univ. N. Y. City 1881, Asst. Dist. Atty. Queens Co. aet. 35. *i894 Lewis L. Cory, A.B. Coll. N. J. i88r. Fresno^ Cal. James Edward Costain, A.B. Manhattan Coll. William Abram Coursen, Jr., A.B. Coll. N. J. 1881. Morristown^ N . y. Edward Fales Coward, (j). 57 W. loih St., N. Y. City. Walter Hayden Crittenden, A.B. Amherst Coll. 80 Washington Sq., N. Y. City. Charles Gordon Curtis, (mf), C.E. 1881. Whiton St., yersey City, N. y. Arnold Davidson. ^g Exchange PI., N. Y. City. Henry HoUister Dawson, A.B. Univ. N. Y. City 1881. 750 Broad St. , Newark, N. y. Edward Etienne de Lancey, (ce), Leveller on Eng. Corps. N. Y. Aqueduct Commn. Sing Sing, N. Y. William Curtis Demorest, A.B. 1881. 15 E. 14th St., N. Y. City. Alfonso [Gonzalo] de Navarro. 14J Liberty St., N. Y. City. Antonio Fernando de Navarro. Care Munroe 7 Broadway, N. V. City. Harwood Redington Pool, Ph.B. Ohio State Univ. 1881. Cleveland, O. John Purdon, 146 Broadway , N. V. City. Thomas Daniel Rambaut, A.B. 1881, Ph.B. 1882, A.M. 1884, Ph.D. 1884. Ill Broadway, N. V. City. Louis Bertrand Rolston. 22 William St., N. V. City. Ellis Gray Seymour, A.B. Amherst Coll. 188 1. 2S9 W. 66th St., N. V. City. James Sheldon, A.B. Yale Coll. 1881. 12 E. 40th St., N. V. City. George Dayton Shelling. Frederick William Sherman. Rye, N. V. George Bliss Silliman, A.B. Yale Coll. i88i. San Bernardino, Cal. Albert I. Sire. 99 Nassau St., N. Y. City. Robert John Smith, A.B. Indiana Asbury (De Pauw) Univ. 1881. 5/5^ Ohio St. , Terre Haute, Ind. Henry Cantine Sommers, A.B. Cornell Univ. 43 ^' 36th St., N. Y. City. Theophilus Breckinridge Steele. jj" Broadway, N. Y. City. Van Mater Stilwell, A.B. 1881. IJ2 Nassau St. , N. Y. City. William Leete Stone, Jr. Mt. Vernon, N. Y. Eugene Talman Stuart,* A.B. 1881, Ph.B. 1882. ^890 Robert Sturgis, A.B. Harv. Univ. i88i. 44 Wall St., N. Y. City. Herbert Henry Taylor, A.B. Union Coll. 1881, Under-Sheriff Kings Co. N. Y. 1887-90, Deputy Naval Officer Port of N. Y. 1891-. 280 Broadway, N. Y. City. Charles Appleton Terry, A.B. Amherst Coll. 1879. 120 Broadway, N. Y. City. George Miller Tustin, A.B. Brown Univ. 1880. Bloomsburg, Pa. Augustus Hall Vanderpoel, A.B. Williams Coll. 2 Wall St., N. Y. City. [Alvan] Howard Van Sinderen, Ph.B. 1881. i^ Broad St., N. Y. City. Edwin Gilpin Vaughn, Jr.,* B.S. Cornell Univ. ♦1884 Howard Talbot Walden, A.B. Yale Coll. 1881, Law Clerk to U. S. Ap- praiser N. Y. 1885-91, Law Clerk Board of U. S. Appraisers 1891-. jy Putnam Av., Brooklyn, N. Y. John Seely Ward, Jr., Ph.B. 1882. 42 Pearl St., N. Y. City. Charles Albert Webber. 66 Court St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Bartow Sumter Weeks, A.B. Coll. City N. Y. 1879, Asst. Dist. Atty. N. Y. Co. 260 W.jyth St., N. Y. City. Moses Weinman, A.B. Coll. City N. Y. 46 Wall St., N. Y. City. Frederick Arthur Westbrook. Dist. Atty. Ulster Co. N. Y. Kingston, N. Y. George Dana White, A.B. Yale Coll. 1880. J 40 Nassau St., N. Y. City. Pennington Whitehead, A.B. Coll. N. J. 1881. 50 Wall St., N. Y. City. William Wallace Willard. N. Winslow Williams. Equitable Bldg. , Baltimore, Md. Fayette Darwin Winslow, Ph.B. Beloit Coll. J/ S. River St., Aurora, III. 1883-84] GRADUATES IN LAW, 343 Benedict Sigmund Wise, Ph.B. 18S2. 206 Broadway^ N. Y. City. Charles Erskine Scott Wood, U. S. Mil. Acad. Portland, Ore. Llewellyn Arthur Wray. 2jy Broadway, N. Y. City. 1884 149 Charles Carroll Applegate, A.B. Dartmouth Coll. Bridgeport, III. Edward Browning Arkenburgh. 62 Wall St., N. Y. City. L. Edgar Aron,* B.S. Coll. City N. Y. *i888 Albert Hoffman Atterbury, A.B. Yale Coll. 1882. /// Broadway, N. Y. City. George Francis Barlow,* A.B. Harv. Univ. 1882. *i8gi Robert Morgan Gibbes Barnwell, A.B. 1880. Tuxedo, N. Y. Edward Grenville Benedict, A.B. Williams Coll. 1882. 68 Wall St., N. Y. City. Philip Crooke Bergen, (LEAD SMELTER). Box II, Flatbush, L. I. , N. Y. Lorin Simon Bernheimer. 218 W. 14th St., N. Y. City. Carroll Berry. 200 Broadway, tV. Y. City. Russell Anson Bigelow,* A.B. Yale Coll. 1 88 1. aet. 31. *i890 Edmund Bittiner, A.B. Coll. City N. Y. J/9 Broadway, N. Y. City. Joseph Bondy. Granger Blk., Syracuse, N. Y. John Porter Bowman, A.B, Hobart Coll. 1882 and A.M. 1885. Wilder Block, Rochester, N. Y. Henry Livingston Brant, A.B. Coll. N. J. 1881 and A.M. 1884. j8 Park Row, N. Y. City. Oscar Bunzl,* Ph.B. 1882. *i887 Charles Mynn Burbank. Tunis Bergen Burr. Memb. Bd. Assessors and Trustees Hunt- ington, N. Y. 1894-. Commack, Suffolk Co., JV. Y. John Chetwood, Jr., A.B. Coll. N, J. 1882 and A.M. 1885. Mills Bldg. , San Francisco, Cal. Thomas Williams Conklin. Henry Bascom Corey, A.B. Coll. City N. Y. 1882. J14 Broadway, N. Y. City. William Benton Crisp, Prest. City Convention Balto. M.D. 1886-88. 211 St. Paul St., Baltimore, Md. Frank Ressler Crumble, j-o Broadway, N. Y. City. Frank Durand Curtis, (sten). Times Bldg., N. Y. City. Charles Francis Darlington, A.B. Coll. N. J. 1882 and A.M. 1884. 206 Broadway, N. Y. City. Henry James Davison, Jr. 4$ Broadway, N. Y. City. Lewis Livingston Delafield. /// Broadway, N. Y. City. Charles Dickinson. SS Liberty St., N. Y. City. Edwin Augustus Dix, A.B. and A. M. Coll. N. J. ly Hawthorne Av., E. Orange, N. y. John Blair Doland, A.B. Coll. N. J. 1882 and A.M. 1885. ig Nassau St., N. Y. City. James Ackins Donegan. 7/5- Nassau St. , N. Y. City. Thomas Fred. Donnelly. gg Nassau St. , N. Y. City. Newbold Le Roy Edgar, A.B. Univ. of Paris, France. J Broad St., N. Y. City. Liddon Flick, A.B. Coll. N, J. 1882 and A.M. 1885. Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Charles Van Loon Gabriel, A.B. Coll. N. J. 1882 and A.M. 1885. 200 Broadway, N. Y. City. James Willis Gleed, A.M. Kans. Univ. Edmund Frank Green, A.B. Yale Coll. 1880. 40 Wall St., N. Y. City. n 344 GRADUATES IN LAW. [1884 Edward Rowland Greene, A.B. 1882. JO Broad St., N. Y. City, Milton Stern Guiterman. gd Broadway, iV. V. City. Alexander Harvey, A.B. 1882. 267 Fifth Av., iV. V. City. Emile Augustus Hassey. II Avenue A, N. Y. City. Nathaniel Carpenter Hendrick- son, (educ). A.m. Univ. N. Y. City, Ph.D. elsewhere, Prin- cipal Univ. Grammar School N. Y. City. yamaica. Queens Co., N. Y. Theodore Holland, A.B. Yale Coll. 1882. Boston Bldg. , Denver, Col. George William Hopkins, A.B. Brown Univ. 1878 and A.M. 1881. 5 Beekman St. , N. Y. City. Scott Hopkins, (cl, b), B.S. Kansas Univ. 1881 and A.M. 1890, Prest. ist Natl. Bk. Horton, Kan. Norton, Brown Co., Kan. Joseph Hover, A.B. Rutgers Coll. 1882 and A.M. 1885. j>j> Woodworth Av., Yonkers, N. Y. Gary Howard, LL.B. Hastings Law School. Oakland, Cal. Henry Reese Hoyt, A.B. Harv. Univ. 1882. 44 Wall St., N. Y. City. Charles Evans Hughes, A.B. Brown Univ. 1881 and A.M. 1884, Prize Fellow in Law 1884-87, Prof, of Law Cornell Univ. 1891-93. gd Broadway, N. Y. City. Alfred Jaretzki, A.B. Harv. Univ. 1881. 45 Wall St., N. Y. City. William Travers Jerome, A.M. elsewhere. 5 Beekman St. , N. Y. City. William Samuel Johnson. Mamaroneck. N. Y. Edwin Louis Kalish. i6j Broadway, JV. Y. City. Joseph Parker Kirlin, Ph.B. 1883. 5 Beekman St. , N'. Y. City. Howard Melville Lansing, A.B. Rutgers Coll. 1882. Brooklyn, N. Y. Heyward Gibbons Leavitt, A.B. Harv. Univ. 1882, Prest. Grand Island Light & Fuel Co., Platte Val. Land Co. Grand Island, Neb. Alfred Morris Leopold, (b), A.B. 1882. 84 Broadway, N. Y. City. Augustus Andrade Levey. JO Nassau St., N. Y. City. Edward de Peyster Livingston, A.B. 1882. 271 Fifth Av., N. Y. City. William Browning Lockhart, A.B. Univ. of Va. 1881, County Judge Gal- veston Co. Tex, 1890-92. ^j>oj Strand, Galveston, Texas. William Kilbreth Lowrey, A.B. 1882. g^ Dearborn St. , Chicago, III. Joseph Innocentia McKeon, A.B. and A.M. Manhattan Coll., Asst. Atty. Dept. of Buildings. 280 Broadway, N. Y. City. Lincoln Wylie McLeod, 2d Lieut. N. G. S. N. Y. 247 W. 23d St., N. Y. City. Laurence Edward Malone, A.B. St. Francis Xavier's Coll. N. Y. City 1882 and A.M. 1883, Memb. N. Y. Assembly 1892. Ill So. 2d St., Brooklyn, N. Y. John Stevens Melcher, A.B. Harv. Univ. 1881. j4 Nassau St. , N. Y. City. William Joseph Moroney, A.B. Univ. of Wis. 1881. Dallas, Tex. Joseph Francis Mulqueen, A.B. Coll. City N. Y. 1880 and A.M. 1882. i6_5 Broadway, N. Y. City. Harry Harmon Neill. Seligman Fellow Col. Coll. 1886-87. 2g Park Row, N. Y. City. Frederick Gove Paddock. Atty. Mohawk & Malone Ry., Dist. Atty. Franklin Co. (N. Y.) 1892. Malone, N. Y. Josiah Culbert Palmer, A.B. Yale Coll. 1882. i6s Broadway, N. Y. City. Frank Charles Partridge, A.B. Amherst Coll. SS Hancock PL, N. Y. City. Daniel Addison Pierce, Ph.B. Cornell Univ. 1882. ig Wilting Block, Syracuse, N. Y. 1 884] GRADUA TES IN LA W. 345 Augustus Van Ranst Pond. Arkansas City, Kans. George Loveland Prentiss. 4S Cedar St., JV. V. City. Austin Edmund Pressinger. /// Broadway, N. Y. City. Henry Semmons Rafel, A.B. Coll. City N. Y. I Bruckenstrasse, Heidelberg, Ger- many. Edgar Fitz Randolph, A.B. Rutgers Coll. 1882, Township Commit- teeman. Morristown, N. y. Porte Virgil Ransom. Court House, N. V. City. Frederick Renaud, Jr. Edwards Hall Rockwell, A.B. Univ. N. Y. City. J Beekman St., N. V. City. John Percival Roosa, Jr. County Judge and Surrogate Sullivan Co. N. Y. 1890-93. Monticello, N. V. James Upson Sanders. Helena, Mont. m Adrian Scharff,* A.B. Coll. N. J. *i89o Rudolph Ernest Schirmer, (pub), A.B. Coll. N. J. 1880. 3S Union Sq., N. V. City. Francis Joseph Schnugg, A.B. St. Francis Xavier's Coll. i7g E. g6th St., N. V. City. De Witt James Seligman, (ret), Ph.B. 1882, Ex. Commr. of Educat. N. Y. City, Treas. N. Y. Soc. for Parks and Playgrounds for Children, Director N. Y. Assn. for Improving Condition of Poor. S^S W.sSth St., AT. V. City. Edwin Robert Anderson Selig- man, (educ), A.B. 1879, A.M. 1884, Ph.D. 1885, Adj.-Prof. Pol. Econ. 1888-91, Prof. Polit. Econ, and Fi- nance 1891-. Columbia College, N. Y. City. David Ferguson Simpson, B.L. Univ. of Wis. 1882 and LL.B. 1884, City Atty. Minneapolis 1893-, ^35^ ^' Lyndale A v., Minneapolis, Minn. Thomas William Smith, A.B. Manhattan Coll. S4 William St., N. Y. City. Frederick George Spencer. Fulton, N. Y. Charles Bigelow Storrs, A.B. Yale Coll. 1882, Ex-Prof. Law Univ. Tokyo. I30 Broadway, N. Y. City. George Hammond Sullivan. 45 Wall St., N. Y. City. Henry Stafford Terhune, A B. Coll. N. J. 1882 and A.M. 1885. Long Branch, N. y. Charles Grant Titsworth, A.B. Coll. N. J. i88i and A.M. 1884. Ernest df Cranmer Bldg. , Denver, Col. Oscar M. Torrison, .A.B. Luther Coll. 1881, LL.B. Iowa State Univ. 162 La Salle St., Chicago, III. Donald Butler Toucey, E.M. 1882. 743 Madison Av., N. Y. City. John Allen Townsend, A.B. Williams Coll. 1882. 2jy Madison Av., N. Y. City. Fleming Tuckerman. 120 Broadway, N. Y. City. John Gray Wadsworth. Dep. Int. Rev. Coll'r 7th Dist. of Ky. 1890-. Maysville, Ky. Elbert [Ludlam] Wakeman. Oyster Bay, L. I, N. Y. John Webber, Jr., A.B. 1882, Trustee N. Y. Savings Bank. 7 Beekman St., N. Y. City. J. Edward Weld, A.B. Harv. Univ. 1882. 160 Broadway, N. Y. City. Edward Ditmars Wetmore, (mf). B.S. Lafayette Coll. 1882. Warren, Pa. Thomas Kensett Wheeler, A.B. Coll. N. J. 1882. 5 Beekman St., N. Y. City. Frederick Davies White, B.S. Cornell Univ. 1882. 10 White Bldg., Syracuse, N. Y. Peter Wikoff.* *i892 Paul Wilcox, A.M. Indiana Asbury Univ. and De Pauw Univ. 1882. J Beekman St., N. Y. City. 346 GRADUA TES IN LA W, [1884-85 Pearl Harvey Willey. Dansville, N. Y. Robert Williams, A. B. Coll. N. J. 1881 and A.M. 1884. Pater son, N. y. Rynier J. Wortendyke, A.B. and A.M. Rutgers Coll. 76 Montgomery St., Jersey City, N. y. Richard Whitehead Young. Grad. U. S. Mil. Acad. 1882, Lieut, sth Art'y U. S. A. 1882-84, Captain and Acting Judge-Adv. Dept. of the East 1885-86, at present V.-Prest. Board of Educat. Salt Lake City Utah. Salt Lake City, Utah. Ill 1885 Alfred Henry W. Ahrens. 4^ Broadway, N. Y. City. George Thompson Aldrich, A.B. Dartmouth Coll. 32 Nassau St., N. Y. City. Asa Ailing Ailing, Ph.B. Cornell Univ. 1883. 3S Wall St., N. Y. City. Gwynne Murdoch Andrews, A.B. Harv. Univ. 1883. 7/ Broadway, N. Y. City. Edward Hedden Apgar, (m), A.B. 1883, Ph.B. 1883, A.M. 1884. yj Dey St., N. Y. City. Samuel Ezra Ayers. Davenport, Wash. George Henry Barnes, A.B. 1883. 4^ William St., N. Y. City. Harry Ferdinand Barrell, A.B. 1882, Ph.B. 1883, A.M. 1884, Ph.D. 1885. 'J 48 Broad St., Newark, N. J. Philip George Becker, (phys), M.D. Med. Dept. Univ. N. Y. City. joj W. jgth St., N. Y. City. Henry Warren Beebe, A.B. Rutgers Coll. 1883 and A.M. 1885. 18 Wall St., N. Y. City. Nelson William Bell, A.B. Yale Coll. 1883. Pasadena, Cal. Arthur Wesley Birkins. 108 E. i2jth St., N. Y. City. Robert William Bonvnge, A.B. and A.M. Coll. City N^ Y., Memb. House Repr. Col. Leg. Equitable Bldg., Denver, Col. Edgar Endly Boyd, A.B. Wash, and Jeff. Coll. 1882. 'J I 1 2th St., Wheeling, W. Va. Eugene Augustus Brewster, Jr.* U. S. Commr. *i892 William Joseph Brosnan, (educ), A.B. St. Francis Xavier's Coll. N.Y. 1882 and A.M. 1883, Prof. Physics and Chem. St. John's Coll. Fordham. St. John's Coll., Fordham, N. Y. Ronald [Edgar] K. Brown, A.B. Coll. City N. Y. 1883. 76 Nassau St. , N. Y. City. Robert Gordon Butler, A.B. Harv. Univ. 1883. 168 Nassau St., N. Y. City. Woolsey Carmalt, A.B. Yale Coll. 1883, Asst. Corp. Counsel N. Y. 1885-90. 33" Liberty St., N. Y. City. George W. Clement, Jr.,* A.B. Wesleyan Univ. " William Henry [A.] Cochran. 12^ Seventh Av., Brooklyn, N. Y, Charles D'Urban Cole, A.B. Harv. Univ. 1883. J 8 Cortlandt St., N. Y. City. Charles Henry Collins, A.B. and A.M. Ottawa Coll. Canada. 280 Broadway, N. Y. City. Stephen Willets Collins, B.S. Haverford Coll. Pa., J. P. Town of Har- rison N. Y., Trustee and Sec. N. Y. Colored Mission, Trustee Friends' Acad. Union Springs N. Y. 6g Wall St., N. Y. City. Stewart William Cowan. Mt. Vernon, N. Y. Alden Seabury Crane. 1^32 Nassau St. , N. Y. City. William Ignatius A. Cranitch. 57 Chambers St., N. Y. City. George Beecher Crumble. 50 Broadway. N. Y. City. Frank Cunningham, A.B. Yale Coll. 1883. 75- Broad St., N. Y. City. Eugene Ransom Darling, A.M. Dartmouth Coll. 1881. j>.? Nassau St. , N. Y. City. Charles Mason Demond, A.B. Williams Coll. 58 William St., N. Y. City. Irving Meade Dittenhoefer, Ph.B 1883. g6 Broadway, N. Y. City. 1885] GRADUATES IN LAW. 347 Francis Dvvight Dowley, A.B. St. John's Coll. Fordham 1883 and A.M. 1892. i6s Broadway^ N. V. City. Gustave Stein Drachman. 261 Broadway, N. Y. City. John Patrick Dunn, A.B. St. John's Coll. Fordham 1880 and A.M. 1881, Asst. Corp. Counsel N. Y. City. Fordham, N. V. City. Elisha Dyer, III., A.B. Brown Univ. 44 Wall St., N. V. City. Devereux Emmet, (f), A.B. 1883. St. James, L. I., N. V. Isaac Newton Falk,* B.S. Coll. City N. Y. *i893 Alexander Robeson Fithian, Collector of Customs Dist. of Bridgeton, N. J. and Insp'r of Lighthouses in Del. Bay 1890-93. Bridgeton, N. J. Sylvaniis Lothrop Fowler, (RENTING MF. PREMISES) Ph.B. 1883. jj" Fur man St., Brooklyn^ N. V. Rudolph Victor Friedrichs, B.S. Coll. City N. Y. John Lewis Friiauf, A.B. Coll. City N. Y. 621 Lexington A v., N. V. City. George Gardiner Fry, ist Lieut, and Judge-Adv. Kentish Guards N. G. S. R. I. J 14 Nassau St., N. V. City. George Frederic Garr, A.B. 1881, Asst. to Corp. Counsel 1885-87. 14 W. 4Sth St., N. V. City. Stephen Leonard Geisthardt, A.B. Yale Coll. 1883, Director City Library Lincoln Neb. 1888-. ijo Burr Blk., Lincoln, Neb. Frederick Geller, A.B. Williams Coll. 1883. 22 William St., N. V. City. James Isham Gilbert, A.B. and LL.B. Iowa State Univ. Duluth, Minn. William F. Goldbeck, A.B. Friedrich's Gymnasium Berlin Germany 1881. 40 Wall St., N. v. City. Frederic Van Bibber Goodwin, A.B. Coll. City N. Y. 1882. Governor's Island, N. V. City. Charles R. Halsey, A.B. Yale Coll. 1883. 26 Court St., Brooklyn, N. V. Charles Albert Hamilton, (educ), A. B. Harv. Univ. 1878. Boys' High School, Brooklyn, N. V. Charles James Hardy. J Beekman St. , N. V. City. Benjamin S. Harmon, A.B. Dartmouth Coll. 4J William St., N. Y. City. Frederick Henry Harvey, A.M. Iowa Coll. 1882, B.L. State Univ. Iowa 1884. Cheyenne, Wyoni. Abram Britton Havens, A.B. and A.M. Rutgers Coll. 18 Wall St., N. Y. City. William Livingston Hazen, (educ), A.B. 1883, ist. Lieut. 71st Regt. N. G. S. N. Y., and Treas. of Regt., Headmaster and Propr. Barnard School N. Y. Hotel Balmoral, N. Y. City. Edward Le Moyne Heydecker, A.B. 1883 and A.M. 1884. ^ J2S Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. John Andrew Hiestand, A.B. Coll. N. J. Marietta, Pa. George Ellsworth Hooker, (Rev.), A.B. Amherst Coll. 1883, B.D. Yale Divinity School i8qo. Barre, Vt. Emerson Howe. Samuel McKay Hubbard. 42-44 Court St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Austin Hulshizer,* A.B. 1883, Ph.B. 1884, A.M. 1885. aet. 28. *i89i John Wharton Ingram. log Prospect Av., Buffalo, N. Y. Charles Hervey Jackson. Joseph Augustus Kellogg, Land Dept.Asst. to Atty.-Gen. State N.Y. Albany, N. Y. George Julius Kilgen. 120 Broadway, N. Y. City. Herbert Sewall Kimball,* A.B. i88i. aet. 33. *i889 Eugene George Kremer. 120 Broadway, N. Y. City. Francis Effingham Laimbeer, A.B. 1883, A.M. 1884. 206 Broadway, N. Y. City. 348 GRADUATES IN LAW. [1885 John Albert Lane, A.B. CoU. City N. Y. SS Wall St., N. Y. City. Harry Woodville Latham, A.B. Yale Coll, 1883. J07 IV. First St., Los Angeles, Cal. William Thornton Lawson, A.B. 1882. j4 Nassau St. , N. V, City. George Munn Lilburn, (mf), A.B. Rutgers Coll. 1883 and A.M., School Trustee, Trustee Village of West Haver- straw N. Y., Prest. Haverstraw Clay and Brick Co, Haverstraw, JV. V. Herbert Marshall Lloyd, A.B. Harv. Univ. 1883. Ill Broadway , N. Y. City. Edward Percy Lyon, A.B. 1883. J4 Nassau St., N. Y. City. Marvin Thomas Lyon, (re). 770 New York Av., Brooklyn, N. Y. Thomas McAdam. 220 W. I J 1st St., N. Y. City. David Gale Maclay, A.B. 1882. Mitchell, S. Dak. Sylvester Loyola Malone, A.M. St. Francis Xavier's Coll. N. Y. Ill So. 2d St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Charles Frederick Mathewson, A.B. Dartmouth Coll. 1882. 4S William St., N. Y. City. Joseph Franklin Merriam, (b), A.B. Dartmouth Coll., Prest. Bank South Superior, Prest. South Superior Imp. Co. Superior, Wis. William Orris Miles. j'^i Fulton St., Brooklyn, N. Y. R. Burnham Moffat, A.B. Harv. Univ. 1883. 62 Cotton Exch. Bldg. , N. Y. City. Alexander L. Morton, U. S. Mil. Acad. 79 Cedar St., N. Y. City. Franklin Woodruff Moulton, A.B. Harv, Univ, 1883. J2 Wall St., N. Y. City. Abraham Nelson, Ph.B. 1882. 2J4. Broadway, N. Y. City. Louis Ambrose Noble, A.B. 1883. 775" Broadway, N. Y. City. Michael Henry O'Brien, A.B. St. John's Coll, Fordham 1883 and A.M. 1885. Ft. Edward, N. Y. James Walker Osborne, .A.B. Davidson Coll. N, C. 1879, Deputy Asst, Dist, Atty, N, Y. Co. 357 W.^jth St., N. Y. City. Charles Wolcott Parker, A.B. Coll. N. J. 1882 and A.M. 1885. I Montgomery St. , Jersey City, N. y. Arthur Webb Parsons, A B. 1883. 140 Broadway, N. Y. City. Ernest Noel Perrin, (educ), A.B. Coll. City N. Y. 1878 and from Harv. Univ. 1882. ijS W. i2gth St., N. Y. City. Harry Mortimer Peters, (mf), A.B. Rutgers Coll. 1883 and A.M. 1886. Newark, N. J. Robert Davison Petty, A.B. Coll. N, J. 1882 and A,M. 1885, Prof, in N. Y. Law School. J Beekman St., N. Y. City. Dudley Phelps, A.B. Yale Coll. 1883. _34 Nassau St., N. Y. City. Myron Henry Phelps, A.B. Yale Coll. 1876, LL.B. Columbian Univ. (Wash.) 1884. 7 Beekman St., N. Y. City. Eugene A. Philbin. Ill Broadway , N". Y. City. Albert Lawrence Phillips, B.S. Univ. N, Y, City, 4_5 William St., N. Y. City. Austin Roe Preston, A.B. Yale Coll, 1883, 16 Court St., Buffalo, N. Y. Edwin Joseph Purcell.* Willard Placide Reid. 2g Wall St., N. Y. City. Reginald William Rives, A.B. 1882. N'ew Hamburgh, Dutchess Co., N. Y. John Henry Rogan. i4£ Nassau St. , N. Y. City. Adam Rosenberg, A.B. 1883. 28 Lafayette PI., N. Y. City. Philip Leon Runkle. Frank Kester Runyon. 22g Broadway, N. Y. City. William Henry Rusch, A.B. Geneva Univ. Switzerland. Herbert Livingston Satterlee, B.S. 1883, Ph.B. 1883, A.M. 1884, Ph.D. 1885. 59 Wall St., N. Y. City. 1885-86] GRADUA TES IN LA W. 349 George Schaettler, A.B. Coll. City N. Y. 24S ^' 28th St., AT. V. City. William Ernest Schricker,(B),LL.B. Iowa State Univ. La Conner, Wash. Otto Schullinger, A.B. Coll. City N. Y. 1883. j-j Liberty St., N. V. City. Richard Cutts Shannon, A.B. Colby Univ. Me. 1862 and A.M. 1866 and LL.D. 1892, Sec. Legation to Brazil 1871- 75. Env. Extraord. and Minister Plenipo. to Central Amer. States 1891-93. dj Wall St., N. Y. City. Charles Herbert Shaw, A.B. Yale Coll. 1878. jj- Wall St., N. V. City. James Drummond Sinclair,* A.B. Coll. City N. Y. *i888 Percival Cromwell Smith. j4 Nassau St. , N. Y. City. Sydney Smith. ^2 Nassau St., N. Y. City. Eben Hurd Pray Squire, A.B. 1883. White Plains, A\ Y. John Edwards Stryker, Ph.B. Yale Coll. 1883, Asst. U. S. Dist. Atty. Glode Bldg., St. Paul, Minn. Sydney Richmond Taber, A.B. Coll. ^f. J. 1883 and A.M. 1886. j2 Montauk Blk., Chicago, III. William Teahan. Alfred Peter Thorndike. Purdy Van Vliet, A.B. Coll. City N. Y. 87 Nassau St. , N. Y. City. Richard Dean A. Wade. 261 Broad-way , N. Y. City. John Montgomery Ward. Care N. Y. Baseball Club. Ethelbert Dudley Warfield. (EDUC), A.B. Coll. N. J. 1882 and A.M. 1885, LL.D. Coll. N.J. and Miami Univ. 1891, Prest. Miami Univ. 1888-91, Prest. Lafayette Coll. iBgi-. Lafayette Coll., Easton, Fa. John Elton Wayland, A.B. Yale Coll. 1883. 48 E. ssd St., N. Y. City. John Castree West. 206 Broadway, N. Y. City. William Efner Wheelock, (phys), A.B. Yale Coll. 1873, M.D. 1876, Honor- ary Fellow in Botany. 13 W. 48th St., N. Y. City. Henry Stewart Whittaker. Edmond Ely Wise, Ph.B. 1883. 21 Broad St., N. Y. City. 130 1886 Leon Abbett, Jr., Atty. Weehawken Township N. J., Colonel A. D. C. on staff Gov. Werts of N.J. go_5 Hudson St., Hobo ken, N. y. John Post Ackerman. Wallkill, Ulster Co., N. Y. Edgar Storm Appleby, A.B. 1884. 55 Liberty St., N. Y. City. Charles Walter Artz, A.B. Johns Hopk, Univ. 795 Broadway, N. Y. City. Richard Gordon Babbage. j/7 W. 103d St., N. Y. City. John Martin Baker, Jr. 187 Greenwich St., N. Y. City. Thomas Henry Baskerville. 80 Washington Sq., N. Y. City. Edward Murray Bassett, A.B. Amherst Coll. 48 Wall St., N. Y. City. William Joseph Becker. 34y W.joth St., N. Y. City. William Aiken Belcher. J9 Liberty St., N. Y. City. John Mortimer Bell. 34 S. 4th Av., Mt. Vernon, N. Y. Philo Carpenter Black,* A.B. Yale Coll. 1883. *i889 Charles Francis Bostwick, Ph.B. 1886. 23y Broadway, N. Y. City. Robert Munro Boyd, Jr., A.B. Yale Coll. 1884 A.M. CoL Coll. 1886. Ill Broadway , N. Y. City. William Benjamin Bristow, A.B. Yale Univ. 1884. 20 N'assau St., N. Y. City. William Reid Buchanan, (b). Elizabeth, N. J. George Angus Buckstaff. 350 GRADUATES IN LAW. [1886 George Lorenzo Burton, A.B. Yale Coll. 1883. Ness Cityy Kan. Henry Warner Calhoun, A.B. Yale Coll. 1883. ^4 Wall St., N. Y. City. Charles Madison Cannon, A.B. 1884. 775 Broadway, N. Y. City. Henry Phelps Case, A.B, 1883. S2 Pine St., N. Y. City. Hong Yen Chang. Stewart Chaplin, A.B. Brown Univ. 1882. 40 Wall St., N. Y. City. Harris Dunscomb Colt, A.B. Yale Coll. 1884. j2 Nassau St. , N. Y. City. Samuel Victor Constant, A.B. 1880. 120 Broadway, N. Y. City. Samuel Holcomb Coombs. 4_S Broadway, Brooklyn, N. Y. Paul Drennan Cravath, A.B. and A.M. Oberlin Coll. 120 Broadway, N. Y. City. Francis Joseph Curran, A.B. Mt. St. Mary's Coll. 118 E. goth St., N. Y. City. F. Kingsbury Curtis, A.B. Yale Coll. 1884. ^8 William St., N. Y. City. Walter Rappelyea Davies. 4 and J Court Sq., Brooklyn, N. Y. Westmoreland Delaware Davis. 120 Broadway, N. Y. City. Leonidas Dennis, A.B. Coll. N. J. 1884 and A.M. 1886. 3 Broad St., N. Y. City. Charles Edwin Eaton, (mf), A.B. Yale Coll. 1884. 7^ Greene St., N. Y. City. John Early Foster. A tlantic Highlands, N. J. James Graham Gardiner, A.B. Harv. Univ. 1884. 120 Broadway, N. Y. City. Raphael Raymond Govin. 68 William St., N. Y. City. Louis Herbert Hahlo, A.B. Coll. City N. Y., Memb. N. Y. Assemb. 1892-93. 280 Broadway, N. Y. City. Edward Wyckhoff Harris, A.B. Coll. N. J. 1884 and A.M. 4^ Cedar St., N. Y. City. Curtis Rose Hatheway, B.S. Amherst Coll. 1884. 120 Broadtuay, N. Y. City. Walter Foxcroft Hawkins, A.B. Williams Coll. Pittsfield, Mass. Job Elmer Hedges, A.B. Coll. N. J. 1884 and A.M. 1887. jii Broadway, N. Y. City. Thomas Samuel Holmes, Jr., A.B. Williams Coll. 41 Park Row, N. Y. City. Milton Hopkins, A.B. Coll. City N. Y. 1884. Glen Cove, L. I., N. Y. Sidney Wright Hopkins, Jr., A.B. Yale Coll. 1884. Tribune Bldg., N. Y. City. Howard Horton. S Broad St., N. Y. City. William Cornell Hubbell, Clerk of Committee, U. S. Senate, Sec. U. S. Chippewa Indian Comm. in 1889. 76 High Si. , Orange, N. y. Walter Perry Johnson, (m), A.B. Harv. Univ. 1884. 81 Beaver St., N. Y. City. John Morgan Jones. I4y Nassau St., N. Y. City. William Abbott Jones, Jr., Ph.B. 1885. Richmond Hill, L. I., N. Y. John Lawrence Keller, A.B. Coll. N. J. 1883 and A.M. 1886. 76 Montgoniery St., Jersey City, N. J. Samuel Hudson Kinsley, A.B. Amherst Coll. 1884, Police Magistrate Colo. Spgs. 1889-J93. Colorado Springs, Col. Carl Henry Lellman, [Jr.], A.B. Univ. N. Y. City. 22g Broadway. ^ N. Y. City. Edgar John Levey, A.B. 1883. I W.34th St., N. Y. City. John Deering Lord, Jr., A.B. Johns Hopkins Univ. 1884. 2ig E. Fayette St., Baltimore, Md. Henry Ditmas Lott. 313 Montague St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Francis Porter Lowrey. 3 Broad St., N. Y. City. 1 886] GRAB U A TES IN LA W, 351 Alexander Steele Lyman, A.B. Univ. N. Y. City 1884. 32 Nassau St. , N. Y. City. William Heath Lyon, Jr., Ph.B. Yale Coll. 1885. ^2 Times Bldg.^ N. Y. City. Barclay Etchebery Ver Planck McCarty, A.B. and Ph.B. 1884, A.M. 1885. University Club, N. Y. City. Edward Francis McCaskie. jy Broadway, N. Y. City. Henry Long McCune, B.L. Univ. of Ills. New England Bldg. , Kansas City, Mo. Daniel Crippen McElwain, A.B. Union Coll. 1883, Recorder of Cohoes 1888-92. Cohoes, N. Y. Lamont McLoughlin. 280 Broadway, N, Y. City. Edward Man, Ph.B. 1885. S6 Wall St., N. Y. City. Joel Stewart Mason. 37 W. 48th St., N. Y. City. Julius Marshall Mayer, A.B. Coll. City N. Y. 10 Wall St., N. Y. City. John Gushing Meredith. Amer. Bank Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. Fremont Miller, (b), Memb. Kans. Leg. 1889-90, Cashr. Bank of Admire. Admire, Kans. Brinton Hamdon Miner. 2 Wall St., N. Y. City. Robert Shaw Minturn, A.B. Harv. Univ. 1884. 68 Broad St., N. Y. City. Walter Ellsworth Ogilvie. 10 Dey St., N. Y. City. William Hussey Page, Jr., A.B. Harv. Univ. 1883. 22 William St., N. Y. City. Edward Mills Perry, A.B. 1884, A.M. 1885. 16 Court St., Brooklyn, N. Y. George Henry Perry. 77 Greenpoint Av., Brooklyn, N. Y. Alfred Haynes Porter, Jr. 106 Wall St., N. Y. City. Charles Augustus Brewster Pratt, Jr. Ill Broadway, N. Y. City. Robert Kelley Prentice, A.B. Coll. N. J. 1884 and A.M. 1887. i^j Broadway, N. Y. City. William Henry Reed, A.B. Coll. City N. Y. 280 Broadway, N. Y. City. Charles Beatty Reid, A.B. Wash, and Jeff. Coll. 1883 and A.M. 1886. 140 Nassau St., N. Y. City. Philip Eugene Reville. 9j Nassau St. , N. Y. City. Frederick Gore Richards,* A.B. 1884. *i8q2 Louis Lincoln Rolland. 422 E. S2d St., N. Y. City. Charles Edward Sentell. 16 Exchange PI. , N. Y. City. Ralph [Wells] Shaw, A.B. Coll. N. J. 1884 and A.M. 1887. Sg Wall St., N. Y. City. Theodore Eugene Smith, Jr., A.B. Coll. City N. Y. 10 1 W. S3d St., N. Y. City. William James Starr. Eau Claire, Wis. Carl Alexander Stein. 222 E. loth St. , N. Y. City. Myer Joseph Stein, A.B. elsewhere, Memb. N. Y. Assembly 1890-92. 31-32 Park Row, N. Y. City. John Stevens,* A.B. Coll. N. J. *i890 John Bright Stevens, A.B. 1884. 164 W. 133d St., N. Y. City. John H. Stevenson, Jr., A.B. Yale Coll. 1884, ^355 Bcicific St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Theodore Augustus Swan, A.B. Coll. N. J. 1884. g2 Liberty St. , N. Y. City. Edward Swann, Ph.B. 1885, A.M. 1886. J I Broadway, N. Y. City. William Cave Tait, Ph.D. Univ. of Tubingen, Germany. Frederic Ullman, B.S. Univ. N. Y. City. 22g Prospect Av., Brooklyn, N. Y. ^ 352 GRADUATES IN LAW, [1886-87 John Rodolph Urner,* A.B. \ Coll. N. J. *i89o Cornelius Bergen Van Brunt. Bay Ridge, L. /., N. V. Frederick Van Wyck. 13 JV. V. and Brooklyn Bridge, N. V. City. Robert Taylor Varnum. SS Liberty St., N. Y. City. Jonathan Mayhew Wainwright, A.B. and Ph.B. 1884. Rye, Westchester Co., N. Y. James Henry Ward, [Jr.], A.B. 1884. 36 E. 64th St., N. Y. City. Frederick Alonzo Ware. ijS fV. s6th St., N. Y. City. George Noyes Webster. 33 E. i2jih St., N. Y. City. , Hamilton Fish Webster, A.B. 1883. 243 E. 1 8th St., N. Y. City. James Russell White,* A.B. 1884. *i886 John Lincoln Wilkie. 2 Wall St., N. Y. City. Edwin Benoni Wilson. g " World'' Bldg., N. Y. City. Joseph Wood, A.B. Yale Coll. 1884 and A.M. 1886, A.M. Col. Coll. 1886. Sayville, Suffolk Co., N. Y. Henry Bernard Woods. Ill Wythe Av., Brooklyn, N. Y. Frederick Everly Worch. 132 Nassau St., N. Y. City. no 1887 Samuel Morse Abrams. 280 Broadway, N. Y. City. Samuel Archibald Anderson, A.B. Knox Coll. 1885. Gilfillan Blk. , St. Paul, Minn. Randolph Morgan Appleton, (f), A.B. Harv. Univ. 1887. Ipswich, Mass. Antonio Carmine Astarita. SI Chambers St., N. Y. City. Henry W. Aube. 1 120 Putnam Av., Brooklyn, N. Y. George Curtis Austin, Ph.B. Lafayette Coll. 22 William St., N. Y. City. Henry de Forest Baldwin, A.B. Yale Coll. 1885. 330 E. 17th St., N. Y. City. Jared Grover Baldwin, Jr., A.B. 1885, A.M. 1886. 20 Nassau St., N. Y. City. George Davis Beattys, A.B. Wesleyan Univ. 1885, A.M. 1888, J4 William St., N. Y. City. James Burt Best, A.B. Amherst Coll. Tacoma, Wash. John William Blakey, B.S. Univ. Wis. 2g Wall St., N. Y. City. Louis Edwin Bomeisler. Ill Broadway, N. Y. City. John Henry Booth, A.B. Yale Coll. 1885. Plattsburgh, N. Y. Wenceslao Borda. 120 Broadway, N. Y. City. James Cavanaugh Brady, A.B. Manhattan Coll. i_56 Broadway, N. Y. City. John Bull, Jr., B.S. Cornell Univ. 1885. 124 Lake St., Elmira, N. Y. Harris Curtis Bullard, A.B. Dartmouth Coll. 38 Park Row, N. Y. City. Walter Prentiss Butler. Saratoga Springs, N. Y. Edwin Stanton Carpenter, C.E. Penn. Military Coll. 1881. Pittsburgh, Pa. James M. Clark, A.B. and A.M. Wash, and Jeff. Coll. lyo 4th Av., Pittsburgh, Pa. James Colby Colgate, A.B. Madison Univ. 32 Nassau St., N. Y. City. C. Craig Colt, A.B. Coll. _N. J. 1883. University Club, N. Y. City. Samuel Tredway Conkling, Mng. Clk. Legal Dept. N. Y. L. E. & W. R. R. Co. 21 Cortlandt St., N'. Y. City. Frederic Taber Cooper, A.B. Harv. Univ. 1886. Harvard Club, N. Y. City. I 1887] GRADUATES IN LAW. 353 John Crossan Cooper, A.B. Coll. N. J. 1885. Maryland Club, Baltimore^ Md. Sherrerd Depue, A.B. Coll. N. J. 1885 and A.M. 1888, Asst. U. S. Atty. for N. J. 1890-92. 802 Broad St., Newark, N. y. Norman Staunton Dike, Ph.B. Brown Univ. 1^6 Broadway, N. Y. City. Fletcher Dimick,* A.B. 1885. aet. 25. *i889 Robert Emmett Doherty. 43 Wall St., N. V. City. » Joseph Michael Donovan. Sg Wall St., N. V. City. Arthur Gray Du Bois. 4jS Waver ly St., Waver ly, N. Y. Duncan Edwards, A.B. Coll. N. J. 1885 and A.M. 5 Beekman St., N Y. City. William Erdman, A.B. Coll. N. J. 1884. I// Broadway , N. Y. City. Henry Edward Everding, A.B. and A.M. Central High School Phila. Pa. Newark, N. J. Eugene Leon Falk. 48-30 Niagara St., Buffalo, N. Y. John Wilson Farquhar, A.M. Lafayette Coll. S6 Wall St., N. Y. City. James Fairman Fielder. 76 Montgomery St. , Jersey City, N. y. Matthew Henry Folger, A.B. Queen's Univ. Canada. 2 Wall St., N. Y. City. Abraham Leopold Fromme, A.B. Coll. City N. Y. 287 Broadway, N. Y. City. Addison Leman Gardner. ijij Monadnock Blk. , Chicago, III. Frederick Lawrence Gilbert. Ill Broadway, N. Y. City. Thomas Buchanan Gilford, A.B. 1885, A.M. 1886. 47 J Lexington A v., N. Y. City. Joseph Isaiah Green. 280 Broadway, N. Y. City. Louis Joel Grossman, A.B. 1886. ig Blackstone Bldg., Cleveland., O. William Fowler Guthrie. Atchison, Kan. Emile MacDougall Hawkes, A.B. 1886. 267 Fifth Av., N. Y. City. William James Hawkins, A.B. Manhattan Coll. Red Bank, N. y. J. Aspinwall Hodge, Jr., A.B. Coll. N. J. 1883. 47 W. 7 2d St., N. Y. City. Clarence Howland, B.L. Dartmouth Coll. Catskill, N. Y. Percy Jackson, Ph.B. Yale Coll. 1885. Orlando, Fla. ( University Club, N. Y.J. David Kay, Jr. 7JO Broad St., Newark, N. y. Edward Kent, A.B. Harv. Univ. 1883. S4 Wall St., N. Y. City. George Edward Kent. 32 William St., N. Y. City. Alexander Darwin Keves, A.B. 1885. 307 Montgomery St. , San Francisco, Cal. Alfred Watts Kiddle. 38 Park Roiv, N. Y. City. Francis Volney King, A.M. 1886, C. E. Penn. Mil. Acad., N. Y. .nSSCin D 20 Fifth Av., N. Y. City. Louis Taylor Kurtz. New Castle, Pa. Vincent Hyacinthe Lamarche, (CO), A.B. and A.M. Seton Hall N. J., Sec. Corp. Trust Co. of N. J. 248 Carroll Park, Brooklyn, N. Y. Solomon Katten Lichtenstein,A.B. Coll. City N. Y. 1884. 30-32 Exchange PI. , N. Y. City. Philip Livingston Livingston, A.B. Harv. Univ. 1884, Vice-Prest. Delta Phi Club 1889-94. 708 Madison Av., N. Y. City. Eugene Le Roy Lockwood, A.B. Univ. of Mich. 1885. Bloomfeld, N. y. Herman Gottlieb Loew. 280 Broadway, N. Y. City. Jacob Lorsch. 170 Broadway, N. Y. City. 354 GRADUA TES IN LA JV. 1887 Walter Carroll Low, A.B. Amherst Coll. 1885. 99 Nassau St., tV. V. City. Arthur Sylvester Luria. ig^ Broadway, N. Y. City. John Loring McCammon. Robert Lathner McCook, A.B. Harv. Univ. 1885. Auditorium, Chicago, III. Joseph Midaugh Main. 666sthAv., N. V. City. Daniel F. Martin, A.B. Coll. City N. Y. 1884, Memb. N. Y. As- bly 1891-93. ji Chambers St., N. V. City. James Joseph Martin,* Asst. Corp. Counsel N. Y. 1889-gi. aet. 25. *i89i John Campbell Martin,* A.B. Williams Coll. 1885. Everett Masten, A.B. 1885. 4J William St., N. Y. City. Henry I. Meinhard. 10 E. 64th St. , N. Y. City. Edward Miehling. 280 Broadway, N. Y. City. Ezra Palmer Mills, A.B. Harv. Univ. 1885. j2 Nassau St. , N. Y. City. George Andrews Minasian, A.B. and A.M. Univ. N. Y. City. j8 Park Row, N. Y. City. Wilmot Lincoln Morehouse, j/o Clinton St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Jamin Seth Morse, A.B. Oberlin Coll. 1882 and A.M. 1887. 2J4 Broadway, N. Y. City. Robert Dorsey Murray. A.B. 1885. 36 Wall St., N. Y. City. Chauncey Goodrich Parker, A.B. Harv. Univ. 1885 and A.M. 1888, Atty. Bd. of Health Newark N. J. 802 Broad St. , Newark, N. J. John Morris Perry. Ill Broadway, N. Y. City. Harry Van Ness Philip, A.B. Union Coll. 120 Broadway, N. Y. City. William Thornton Read. 5-7 Beekman St., N. Y. City. Albert Augustus Reed. 10 1 W. 104th St., N. Y. City. Alfred Gandy Reeves, A.B. Coll. N. J. 1884 and A.M., Prof. Law N. Y. Law School. SS Liberty St., N. Y. City. John Reilly. 26^ Broadway, N. Y. City. George Joseph Reinl. 148 E. S3d St., N. Y. City. Hugo Henry Ritterbusch, A.B. Coll. City N. Y. 47-4g Liberty St. , N. Y. City. Edwin Buttrick Root, A.B. Hamilton Coll. 1883. ^4 William St., N. Y. City. William Christopher Ryan. 21^ Hewes St. , Brooklyn, N. Y. Elmer Grant Sammis, A.B. 1886, A.M. 1887. 6 Wall St., N. Y. City. Emile Schultze, Jr., A.B. Yale Coll. 1885. 120 Broadway, N. Y. City. Lawrence Eugene Sexton, A.B. Harv. Univ. 1884. 4^ William St., N. Y. City, Pelham Williams Shipman.* aet. 30. *i892 Edward Simons, A.B. Amherst Coll. 1885 and A.M. 1888. II Wall St., N. Y. City. Augustine Coleman Smith, A.B. Coll. N. J. and A.M. 1888. III Broadway, N. Y. City. Henry Harrison Snedeker. 34 Nassau St. , N. Y. City. Leopold Sondheim, B.S. Coll. City N. Y. 1885 and M.S. 1888. 60 Broadzvay, N. Y. City. Pliny Leland Soper, A.B. Kansas Univ. 1881 and A.M. 1891, Asst. U. S. Atty. Dist. of Kan. 1889-. Topeka, Kan. Frederick Spiegelberg, A.B. Gymnasium Frankfort, A. M. Germany. 21 Broad St., N. Y. City. Grant Squires, A.B. 1885. 41 Wall St., N. Y. City. R. Augustine Stacpoole. 80 Broadway , N. Y. City. Edwin Joseph Stason, B.S. Knox Coll. 1885. Sioux City, Iowa. George Thaddeus Stevens. 61 Broadway, N. Y. City. 1887-88] GRADUATES IN LAW. 355 Charles Franklin Strop, LL.B. Univ. of Mo. St Joseph, Mo. Albert Symington, A.B. Yale Coll. 1883. jj- Wall St., N. V. City. William Mowry Thacher. 750 Nassau St. , N. V. City. Clarence Eugene Thornall. 120 Broadway , N, Y. City, Ambrose Giddings Todd, A.B. Coll. N. J. 1884. 55 Liberty St. , N. Y. City. William Thomas Tomlinson, A.B. Yale Coll. 1885. J I Pine St., N. Y. City. Samuel Richard Van Campen, [Jr]. 218 £. Water St., JSlmira, N. Y. Eugene Van Schaick. 6 Wall St., N. Y. City. Myndert A. Vosburgh, A.B. Coll. City N. Y. 1884. J3' Broadway , N. Y. City. John Perry Wall, Jr. Tampa, Fla. William Bernard Waring. 280 Broadway, N. Y. City. George Brown Watson, A.B. Univ. of Kansas. Columbia Bldg., Kansas City^ Kan. Leonard Sumner Wheeler. • The Monterey, W. 114th St., N. Y. Walter Francis Willcox, (educ). A.B, Amherst Coll. 1884 and A.M. 1888, Ph.D. Col. Coll. 1891, Seligman Fellow 1886-87, Asst. Prof. Social Sci. and Sta- tistics Cornell Univ. Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y. Waldron Williams, (lumber), A.B. 1885. 240 nth A v., N. Y. City. Egerton Leigh Winthrop, Jr., A.B. Harv. Univ. 1885. 2s E. 33d St., N. Y. City. Rignall Duckett Woodward, A.B. Georgetown Coll. 10 Wall St., N. Y. City. Charles William Wright. 42 Park Row, N. Y. City. Forest LaGrange Wright, U. S. Loan Commr. Richmond Co. N. Y., Counsel to Village of Port Richmond N. Y. Mariner's Harbor, S. I, , N. Y. George Warner Young. 3oy Bull A v., Joliet, III. 124 1888 James Collins Adams, A.B. Coll. N.J. 1886. 3ig Pine St. , San Francisco, Cal. Zachariah Nelson Allen, (m), A.B. Yale Coll. 1886. 104 Warren St., N. Y. City. Paul Kimball Ames, A.B. Yale Coll. 1886 and A.M. IS Wall St., N. Y. City. William Arthur Andrews. 186 Remsen St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Albert Jacob Appell. ^77 W 23d St., N. Y. City. George Van Nest Baldwin, Jr., A.B. Rutgers Coll. 32 Nassau St., N. Y. City. Joseph Deyoe Baucus, A.B. Coll. N. J. 1886 and A.M. 1889. S2 Wall St., N. Y. City. Gerard Tompkins Beekman.* aet. 23. *i889 Edward Wade Benjamin. i2g N. 6th St., Newark, N. J. Adolph Bierck, Jr., A.B. 1886, A.M. 1887. 6 Wall St., N. Y. City. George Victor Bird. Plattsburgh, N. Y. George Ashton Black, A.B. Harv. Univ. 1879, Ph.D. Col. Coll. 1889. 74 W. gist St., N. Y. City. Carlton Munn Bliss, Ph.B. Beloit Coll. 1885. Box 67g, Denver, Col. Joseph Francis Bluxome, A.M. St. Ignatius' Coll. Cal. 1884. 36 Wall St., N. Y. City. Edward James Boshart. Lowville, N, Y. John Vernou Bouvier, Jr., A.B. 1886, A. M._ 1887. 22 William St., N. Y. City. George Gay Briggs. - 341 Fifth St. , Louisville, Ky. 356 GRADUATES IN LAW. [1888 Henry Stanford Brooks, A.B. Yale Coll. 1886. 4S William St., N. Y. City. William Wheelwright Buckley, A.B. 1887, A.M. 1888. lyi Broadway^ N. Y, City. Arthur William Byrt, A.B. Wesleyan Univ. 5 Beekman St., N. Y. City. Frederick Augustus Camp, A.B. Coll. City N. Y., A.M. Col. Coll. 1887. 280 Broadway, JV. Y. City. Loais Sidney Carrere, A.B. 1886. So Broadway, N. Y. City. Samuel Thomson Carter, Jr., A.B. Coll. N. J. 1886 and A.M. 1889. iS Wall St., JV. Y. City. Henry Charles Charpiot, B.S. Cornell Univ. 1886, Memb. Standing Com. Supr. Ct. Col. to examine appli- cants for adm. to bar, Prof, of Law at Col. State Univ. I4ig Tremont St., Denver, Col. Appleton Lesure Clark, A.B. 1886. 80 Broadway, N. Y. City. Philip Patrick Clarkin, A.B. Manhattan Coll. ijj Broadway, N. Y. City. Charles Nelson Codding, A.B. Yale Coll. 1886. 2g Broadway, N. Y. City. Emile Cohen, 32 Nassau St. , N. Y. City. Charles E. Davis, A.B. Coll. N. J. 1884 and A.M. Princeton, N. y. Frederick Prime Delafield. 4g Exchange PI. , N. Y. City. John Joseph Delany, A.B. St. Francis Xavier's Coll. 1885, Asst. Corp. Counsel N. Y. 2 Tryon Row, N. Y. City. Benjamin Garrison Demarest. Passaic, N. J. John Chilton Devereux, A.M. Spring Hill Coll. Ala. 120 Broadway, N. Y. City. Edward De Witt, A.B. 1886. Nyack, N. Y. Frederick Dieffenbach, Jr. 115 Broadway, N. Y. City. William Alexander Douglas. 40 Lewis Block, Buffalo, N. Y, Percy Sheldon Dudley, A.B. 1886, A.M. 1887. 102 Broadway, N. Y. City. Henry Ware Eaton, A.B. Coll. City N. Y. Tribune Bldg., N. Y. City. Abraham Isaac Elkus. 31 Nassau St., N. Y. City. Livingston Emery, A.B. 1886. Bennett Bldg., N. Y. City. Everett James Esselstyn, A.B. Yale Coll. 1883. 3S Wall St., N. Y. City. Frank Harvey Field. 261 Broadway, N. Y. City. John Alexander Flanagan. Malone, N. Y. Henry E Frankenberg, Jr. 79 Walker St., N. Y. City. [James] Ruford Franklin, [Jr.! A.B. 1886, A.M. 1887. S3 1 Fifth Av., N. Y. City. Thomas Gold Frost, A.B. and A.M. Knox Coll., Ph.D. Col. Coll. 1890, Seligman Fellow 1887-88. Guaranty Loan Bldg., Minneapolis Minn. William W. Fuller. 32 Nassau St., N. Y. City. Henry Bell Gayley, A.B. Coll. N. J. 1884, A.M. 1887. S2 Wall St., N. Y. City. Samuel Townsend Gilford, A.B. 1886. 4^/3 Lexington A v., N. Y. City. George Matthew Gillies. SS Liberty St., N. Y. City. Horace French Graham. Charles Lawrence Greenhall, B.S. Coll. City N. Y. 140 Nassau St., N. Y. City. Abraham Lincoln Gutman, B.S. Coll. City N. Y. i2g E. 6 1 St St., N. Y. City. Bolton Hall, A.B. Coll. N. J. 1875 and A.M. Ill Broadway, N. Y. City. Paul Halpin, (re), A.M. elsewhere, Prest. Seneca Land Co. 620 W. 140th St., N. Y. City. George William Hart, [Jr.], B.S. Rutgers Coll. 206 Broadway, N. Y. City. 1 888] GRADUATES IN LAW. 357 Sutherland Reid Haxtun. jS Wall St., N. Y. City. Henry Gustave Koch Heath, B.S. Boston Univ., Ph.B. Col, Coll. 1887 and A.M. 1888. S4 Wall St., N. V. City. Arthur Philip Heinze, A.B. 1885. 45 William St., N. Y. City. James Morris Helfenstein. 7/ Broadway, N. Y. City. James Edward Hoctor, (re), A.B. Manhattan Coll. 1885. j^bth St. and Grand Boulevard, N. Y. City. Charles Erling Hotchkiss, A.B. and A.M. Trin. Coll. Conn. 61 Park Row, N. Y. City. John Hunter, Jr. jj- William St., N. Y. City. Landon Ingraham. J2 Wall St., JV. Y. City. Edward Arthur Isaacs. // Fine St. , N. Y. City. Edward W. Scudder Johnston, A.B. 1886, A.M. 1887. 10 Centre St., N. Y. City. Percival Shaw Jones. 4 Warren St., N. Y. City. Edmund Steele Joy, A.B. Williams Coll. 1886, Ph.D. Col. Coll. 1892. Newark, N. J. % Hugo Kanzler. 46y Broome St., N. Y. City. Frederic Rogers Kellogg, B.S. Polytech. Inst, Brooklyn 1885. 96 Broadway, N. Y. City. Lincoln Scott Kemper. ^20 Broadway, N. Y. City. Wallace Percy Knapp, A.B. Yale Coll. 1886. I JO Broadway, N. Y. City. Joel Krone. 280 Broadway, N. Y. City, Zacharias Kurzman. 320 Broadway , N. Y. City. Edward Burrough La Fetra, A.B. Coll. City N. Y. 1886. 114 E. 26th St. , N. Y, City. Hermann Diedrich Lange. jj- Wall St., N. Y. City. *i888 Robert Perine Lee, Jr., A.B. 1886. 7/5 Broadway, N. Y. City. William J. Leonard, (f, cl, ed). Atlantic Highlands, N. y. Charles Roome Lyon. Greenport, N. Y. Eugene Frederick Lyons.* John Samuel McAdam, A.B. Coll. N. J. 1886. 4g-Si Chambers St., N. Y. City. Elliott McAllister, A.B. Univ. California 1885, A.M. Col. Coll. 188;^, State Senator 30th and 31st sessions California Leg. 222 Sansom St., San Francisco, Cal. Louis Butler McCagg, A.B. Harv. Univ. 1884. 2gi Madison Av., N. Y. City. John Francis McFarland, B.S. Coll. City N. Y. 1879. 44 Court St., Brooklyn, N. Y. David Rodgerson W. Mclver, A.B. Univ. of S. C. 2ist St., and First A v., Birmingham, Ala. Everett McKinstry, A.B. 1887. [Robert] Fulton McMahon, A.B. Coll. N. J. 1884 and A.M. 1886. /// Broadway, N. Y. City. Harry Mack, A.B. Coll. City N. Y. 11^ Broadway, N. Y. City. William Manice, A.B. 1886. Ill Broadway, N. Y. City. Augustus Strong Mapes, A.B. CoU. N. J. 1886 and A.M. 1889. 200 Broadway, N. Y. City. Mortimer Morange Menken, A.B. Coll. City N. Y., A.M. Col. Coll. 1887. 140 Nassau St., N. Y. City. Edwin L. Miller. City Atty. Seneca Kan. 1889-90 and J. P. 1891-92. Seneca, Kan. William Augustus Moore, A.B. Univ. of Denver 1885. 442 Equitable Bldg., Denver, Col. Henry Townsend Nason, A.B. Yale Coll. 1886. 10 Washington PI., Troy, N. Y. 358 GRADUATES IN LAW. [1888 Henry Chapman Needham. 9j Nassau St,^ N. Y. City, A. Livingston Norman. 4^ William St., N. Y. City. Grant Notman, A.B. 1886. J4 Wall St., N. Y. City. William Reynold Page, A.B. Hamilton Coll. 1884. 18 Wall St., N. Y. City. Clinton Palmer, A.B. Williams Coll. 77 Wall St., N. Y. City. Lincoln Barstow Palmer. 206 Broadway, N. Y. City. Edward Liddon Patterson, A.B. 1886, S Broad St., N. Y. City. Frederick William Peabody. 62 Wall St., N. Y. City. William Lithgow Perkins, A.B. 1887. z/j- Nassau St. , N. Y. City. N. Taylor Phillips. J20 Broadway, N. Y. City. John Alvin Pierce. Samuel Riker, Jr. J4J Nassau St., N". Y. City. William Alfred Robbins, A.B. Yale Coll. 1886. 178 Garfield PL, Brooklyn, N. Y. Charles Holmes Roberts, (build), A.B. Univ. N. Y. City. jjg McDonough St., Brooklyn, N. Y. William Garrett Romaine. 34 Nassau St. , N. Y. City. John Thompson Sackett, B.S. Cornell Univ. 21 Park Row, N. Y. City. Philo Perry SafFord, A.B. Oberlin Coll.'oi885. 35 Wall St., N. Y. City. Mark Mayer Schlesinger, A.B. 1887. 178 Pearl St., N. Y. City. Nicholas Schloeder. 280 Broadway, N, Y. City. Henry Gustav Schultz. 80 Broadway, N. Y. City. Townsend Scudder. Glen Head, N. Y. Charles Louis Sicardi. Sec. Kings Co. Bldg. and Loan Assn. gg Broadway, Brooklyn, N. Y. Benjamin [J.] Simcox, A.B. Dartmouth Coll., Clk. Surr. Ct. Frank- lin Co. N. Y. Malone, N. Y. John Elmer Simpson, A.B. 1886. 21 Park Row, N. Y. City. William Robert Skidmore, A.B. 1884. S2 Wall St., N. Y. City. Frederick Bigelow Smith. Tioga, Tioga Co., Pa. Hiram Smith. J2 William St., N. Y. City. Matthew Joseph Smith, Jr. SS Wall St., N. Y. City. Samuel Wyman Smith. J20 Broadway, N. Y. City. Walter Teis Smith, (mf), A.B. Univ.of Mich. 1887. Pekin, III. Thomas Martin Spofford. Pulaski, Tenn. Lyman T. Stanbrough. Owego, N. Y. David Sternlicht. 61 Park Row, N. Y. City. Thomas Alfred Stoddart. , 224 Central Park, W., N. Y. City. Moses Jesse Stroock, B.S. Coll. City N. Y. J20 Broadway, N. Y. City. Field Watson Swezey, A.B. Adelbert Coll. N. Y. Life Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Washington Irving Taylor, A.B. 1887, A.M. 1888, Ph.D. 1889. S5 Liberty St., N. Y. City. Henry Allen Tenney. 120 Broadway, N. Y. City. William Cordes Timm. 140 Pearl St., N. Y. City. George Tod. S4 Wall St., N. Y. City. Arthur Oakley Townsend. j2 Nassau St. , N. Y. City. John Jacob Trapp. Whitestone, L. /., N. Y. 1888-89] GRADUA TES IN LA W. 359 Edwin Benjamin Tucker, A.B. Amherst Coll. 1885. 11^ Broadway^ N. V. City. William Dame Utley. Tames Anderson Van Wagenen, A.B. Coll. N. J. 1886. 88 Nassau St., N. V. City. Preston Vaughn, B.L., LL.B. Vanderbilt Univ. Nashville, Tenn. John Joseph Walsh. Police Justice Brooklyn N. Y. J 18 Adams St., Brooklyn, N. V. Frank Tyng Warburton, A.B. 1885, 67 Wall St., N. Y. City. Otto Henry Wefing. Dep. Asst. Dist. Atty. N. Y. 114 Reade St. , N. V. City. Thomas Tileston Wells. 4.6 Exchange PL, N. Y. City. Louis Wendel, Jr. 339 W.soth St., N. Y. City. Frank Griswold Wild, A.B. Amherst Coll. IS- 17 Beekman St., N. Y. City. Frederick James Winston, A.B. Yale Coll. 1886. 32 Nassau St., N. Y. City. Byram L. Winters, Ph.B. elsewhere. 206 Broadway, N. Y. City. Charles Edwards Woodbridge, A.B. Polytech. Inst. Brooklyn. j6j Henry St. , Brooklyn, N. Y. Gordon Woodbury, A.M. 1888. J/ Pine St., N. Y. City. 150 1889 Richard Hamilton Abercrombie. ^559 Pa^cific St. , Brooklyn, N. Y. Stephen Forman Adee, (ed, pub). Delhi, N. Y. Frederic Charles Aigeltinger. SS Liberty St., N. Y. City. Addison Allen, Ph.B. 1888, A.M. 1892. 120 Broadtvay, N. Y. City. Walter James Anderson. IS Wall St., N Y. City. Rolland Bemont Archer. 178 Summit A v. , Mt. Vernon, N. Y, Frederick Gamaliel Ashley. 2s8j Atlantic Av., Brooklyn, N. Y. Frederick Robert Baker. 206 Broadway, N. Y. City. Edward Arthur Baldwin. 206 Broadzuay, N. Y. City. Ernest Harvey Ball. 6s Wall St., N. Y. City. William Lincoln Barnum. Syracuse, N. Y. Walter Knox Barton, A.B. Harv. Univ. 1886. ^334 Vermont A v. , Washington, D. C. Minneapolis, Minn. David Homer Bates, Jr. 2J7 Broadway, N. Y. City. George Butterfield Bates, (br), A.B. 1887. 82 Water St., N. Y. City. Theodore Baumeister, M.S. Coll. City N. Y. 1890. 306 E. 23d St., N. Y. City. Reno Randolph Billington, A.B. Univ. of Mich. 1885. 120 Broadway, N. Y. City. Ausburn Montgomery Birdsall. 120 Broadway , N. Y. City. Emanuel Blumenstiel, A.B. elsewhere. 320 Broadway, N. Y. City. Herbert Boughton. 308 Carlton Av., Brooklyn, N. Y. James Calvin Bourke, U. S. Mil. Acad. 1208 Main St., Kansas City, Mo. Carleton Brabrook, 1890 A.B. Harv. Univ. 1885. Taunton, Mass. Edward John Bradley, B.S. Coll. City N. Y. 237 Broadway, N". Y. City. Rollin Ashley Breckinridge. 26 Court St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Alexander Brough, [Jr.], A.B. Amherst Coll. 1887. 71 Broadway, N. Y. City. Alfred Lockwood Brown. 770 Broadway, N. Y. City, Walter Charlemagne Bunn. 280 Broadway, N. Y. City. Warren Shaffer Burt. gg Nassau St., N. Y. City, 360 GRADUA TES IN LA W, [1889 Alfred H. Byrd, A.M. Univ. of Va. 1887. 6g Park Av., N. V. City. Middleton Arnold Caldwell, A.B. Yale Univ. 1887. 5 Vanderbilt Av., N. Y. City. John H. Calvin, B.S. Kansas State Agricultural Coll. 1884. Topeka^ Kan. Elisha Keller Camp. 26$ Broadway^ N. Y. City. Robert Welch Candler. 48 Wall St., N. Y. City. Schuyler Casemate Carlton, 1890 A.B. Yale Univ. 1887. IS Wall St., N. Y. City. John Cheeseman Clark, A.M. Wesleyan Univ. 1889. ^2 Nassau St., N. Y. City. Clarence Arthur Coan, Lieut. Qth Regt. N. G. S. N. Y. 9j> Nassau St., N. Y. City. Charles Buckingham Cole, A.B. Hamilton Coll. 1887 and A.M. 1890. 4J-47 Wall St., N. Y. City. Charles W. Coleman, A.B. and A. M. St. Francis Xavier's Coll. N. Y. g6 Broadway, N. Y. City. Frederick Evan Crane. j6 Court St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Monroe Crawford. A B. Coll. N. J. 1885 and A.M. 1887. 34 Nassau St. , N. Y. City. Lincoln Cromwell, (m), A.B. 1886, Prize Fellow Math. 1886-Q. I Greene St., N. Y. City. Norton Murdock Cross, B.S. Univ. of Minn. 1887. 26^4 Portland Av., Minneapolis, Minn. William Lewis Dayton. Good Block, Denver, Col. Curtis Dean, A.B. Amherst Coll. 1886. Willimantic, Conn. Edwin Warren De Leon, (adj). 44 Pine St. , N. Y. City. John Milton Dillon. igj Broadway, N. Y. City. J. Abdon Donegan. 280 Broadway, N. Y. City. Michael Edward Duffy. 2^4 Broadway, N. Y. City. Bruce Ronald Duncan. iji Cambridge PI., Brooklyn, N. Y. Edward Foote Dwight, B.L. Univ. of Wis. 1887. g6 Broadway, N. Y. City. George Whipple Edminster, 1890. Robinson Bldg., Elmira, N. Y. William Erbe. gS Nassau St. , N. Y. City. Michael Ignatius Fagen, A.B. Seton Hall N. J. 1886 and A.M. 1888. 7 P ear sail Av., Jersey City, N. y. Joseph Halpin Fargis, A.B. St. Francis Xavier's Coll. 1887 and A.M. i8q2. 20 Nassau St. , N'. Y. City. Charles Cyrus Farnham, A.B. Univ. of Vt. 22 W. Seneca St., Buffalo, N. Y. Thomas Patrick Fay. Long Branch, N. y. Frederick William Fielding jyo Eighth St., Brooklyn, N. Y. George Henry Finck, A.B. 1887. 140 Nassau St., N. Y. City. William Penn Fisher, [Jr.], B.S. Penn. State Coll. 1887. 87 Nassau St. , N. Y. City. Eugene Maurice Fitzgerald, A.B. Coll. N. J., A.M. Col. Coll. 1888. N. Y. City. James J. Fitzpatrick, (m). J76 and ^78 Greenwich St., N. Y. City. Howard Sidney Folger, A.B. Univ. Quebec. Kingston, Canada. William Dyer Fullerton, A.B. Northwestern Univ. 1885 and A.M. 1888. 121 La Salle St., Chicago, III. Charles Franc Goddard, A.B. 1887, A.M. 1888. 180 W. 88th St., N. Y. City. William Washington Gordon, Jr. Ph.B. Yale Coll. 1886, LL.B. Univ. of Ga. 1890. S Drayton St., Savannah, Ga. Madison Grant, 1890 A.B. Yale Univ. 1887. 22 E. 4gth St. , N. Y. City. Gurney Chaplin Gue. Des Moines. la. 1889] GRADUA TES IN LA W. 361 Joseph Reynolds Guernsey, A.B. 1886. Amenia, JV. Y, George Washington Harris, A.B. and Ph.B. 1884. University Club, N. V. City. Sidney Harris, A.B. 1888. 4^-4g Cedar St., N. Y. City. Tracy Hyde Harris, A.B. Coll. N. J. 1886 and A.M. 4S Cedar St., N. Y. City. Clifford Wayne Hartridge, A.B. Yale Univ. 1887. 4J William St., N. Y. City. Norbert Heinsheimer, B.L. Cincinnati Coll. 1888. ^6 Beaver St., N. Y. City. Frank Herwig. 24^ Broadway, N. Y. City. John Benjamin Hess. Fernwell Blk. , Spokane, Wash. Frederick Trevor Hill, A.B. Yale Univ. 1887. J/ Wall St., N. Y. City. Charles Davenporte Horton (ed), Editor " Eastern State Journal." White Plains, N. Y. Lucius Warner Hoyt, B.S. Mich. Agric. Coll. 1882, Prof. Law of Contracts, Univ. of Denver. Ernest ^ Cranmer Bldg. , Denver, Col. Frederick William Hunter, A.B. 1887, A.M. i888. 2gj Broadway, N. Y. City. Herbert Brainard Huntley. Burke Bldg. , Seattle, Wash. Herbert Theodore Jennings. Bayonne, N. y. Oliver Gould Jennings, A.B. Yale Univ. 1887. ^4 William St., N. Y. City. Charles Lincoln Johnson, (b), A.M. 1888 and Knox Coll. 1889, Official Sec. to the Gov. of Col. 1889-gi. J ^6 Lake St., Chicago, III. Eversfield Fraser Keerl, A.B. Oxford Univ. Eng. 208 Courtlandt St., Baltimore, Md. Edson Keith, Jr., Ph.B. Yale Coll. 1884. ijoo Grant Av., Denver, Col. Henry Belden Ketcham, A.B. Yale Univ. 1887. jj- Wall St., N. Y. City. David Barton Kinne, Jr., A.B. Union Coll. 1886. 20 J Broadway, N. Y. City. William Herman Klinker. 468 W.jist St., N. Y. City. Samuel Knight, A.B. Yale Univ. 1887. 14 Sansom St., San Francisco, Cal. William Adolph Kottman, A.B. Coll. City N. Y. 1886. 426 E. 84th St., N. Y. City. Seymour Paul Kurzman, A.B. Coll. City N. Y. 1887, A.M. Col. Coll. 1888. 15 Wall St., N. Y. City. George Fortune Lapeyre, x\.B. Harv. Univ. 1886. New Orleans, La. George Aloysius Lavelle. 22g E. 38th St., N. Y. City. Charlton Miner Lewis, A.B. Yale Coll. 1886. 4S Wall St., N. Y. City. James Taylor Lewis, Asst. Couns. to Receiver of Taxes N. Y. City. 280 Broadway, N. Y. City, Stephen Wood Linington. gj Nassau St., N. Y. City. John Thomas Little, Jr. 206 Broadway, N. Y. City. Arthur S. Littlefield, A.B. and A.M. Bates Coll. Rockland, Me. Francis Hall Ludlow. 73 Quincy St., Brooklyn, N". Y. Archie Freeman McAllaster. Gouverneur, N. Y. Wilmer John McAllister. 140 Nassau St. , N. Y. City. James Stephen McCabe, (mf), A.B. Manhattan Coll. 1882. Green Ridge, S. I., N. Y. Lincoln McCormack, A.B. 1886. 22 William St., N. Y. City. Edward John McCrossin. 37S~377 Eulton St. , Brooklyn, N. Y. Charles James McDermott. iSS~^S7 Broadway, N. Y. City. Frederick Mabbett. 4g Chambers St., N. Y. City. q 362 GRADUA TES IN LA W, [1889 Frank J. Maloney. ^i Chambers St., N. V. City. Max Mandelbaum. J 68 Water St., N. V. City. Jonas Fish Mann, A..B. Hamilton Coll. 1887 and A.M. 1890. 4S-47 Wall St., N. V. City. Walter Eltinge Merritt, A.B. Amherst Coll. 1887. Kingston, N. V. Louis Meyer. .^42 Broadway, N. V. City. Selma, Ala. John David Miley (usa)^ 2d Lieut. U. S. A. Presidio of San Francisco, Cal. Penrose Neve Milsted, (m). Burlington, N. y. Kneeland Moore, A.B. 1888. JiS E. 6gth St., N. V. City. Robert Lee Morrell. ^j>7 Broadway, N. V. City. George Austin Morrison, Jr., A.B. Harv. Univ. 1887, A.M. Col. Coll. 1888. 6g/ Fifth Av., N. V. City. Richard Dana Morse, Jr., A.B. Yale Univ. 1887. j^7 Madison Av., N. V. City. William Murray, Transfer Tax Asst. Surr. Ct. Kings Co. N. Y. jS2 Carlton A v., Brooklyn, JV. V, Joseph Jacob Myers. 22g Broadway, N. Y. City. Harold Nathan, B.S. Coll. City N. Y. 1885 and M.S. 1888, Prize Tutor and Prize Lecturer Col. Coll. 1890-93. 60 Broadway, JV. Y. City. Francis Lincoln Noble, A.B. Univ. N. Y. City, /jj Broadway, N. Y. City. Thomas Joseph O'Leary, A.B. Manhattan Coll. N. Y. City. New Brighton, S. I. George F. O'Shaughnessy. JJ2 Nassau St., N. Y. City. Gordon Paddock, A.B. Coll. N. J. 1887. 4S William St., N. Y. City. Herbert Winthrop Peck. Plainfield, N. J. George Herbert Peet (j). ""^ Evening Telegram,'" N, Y. City. Thomas Norwood Penrose, A.B. Yale Univ. 1887. Care Wm. G. Moffit, Broadway and Barclay St., N. Y. City. Alfred Cookman Pette. 120 Broadway, N. Y. City. John Patrick Phelan. _54 William St., N. Y. City. Robert Edgar Porterfield, A.B. Coll. N. J. 1887. Spokane, Wash. Augustus Browning Prentice, 1890. /jj' Broadway, N. Y. City. John Thomas Quigley. White Memorial Bldg., Syracuse, N. Y. Paul Carlton Ransom, A.B. Williams Coll. 1886. iij White Bldg., Buffalo, N. Y. Charles Addison Rathbun. Madison, N. J. Louis Rennes, A.B. 1887. J4 E. jist St. , N. Y. City, Harry Milton Requa, Jr., A.B. 1887. 202 Broadway, N. Y. City. Guy Richards, A.B. 1887. 18 Exchange PI. , N. Y. City. Samuel Horace Richards. J 06 Market St. . Camden, N. f. Edward Charles Ritsher, A.B. Beloit Coll. 100 Washington St., Chicago, III. George Stillman Robbins, A.B. 1885. g E.jSth St., A\ Y. City. Alfred Brookes Robinson, A.B. Harv. Univ. 1887, A.M. Col. Coll. 1888. j-j W. 48th St., N. Y. City. Benjamin Romaine, A.B. Yale Univ. 1887. 40^ Montgomery St., San Francisco Cal. Alexander Rosenthal. 2J4 Broadxvay, N. Y. City. Thomas M. Rowlette, A.B. Knox Coll. 1887, A.M. Col. Coll. 1891. 41 Park Row, N. Y. City. Lawrence Russell. jii Broadway, N. Y. City. Jjia*'** 1889] GRADUATES IN LAW. 363 Warren Ethelbert Sammis, A.B. 1887, A.M. 1888. 67 Liberty St., AT. Y. City. Robert Cornell Sands, A.B. 1887, A.M. 1888. 5i884 Walter Bourchier Devereux, E.M., A.B. Coll. N. J. 1874 and A.M., Gen. Mgr. Grand River Coal and Coke Co. Col. Glenwood Springs^ Col. Orrien Pinkerton Downing, (m), Ph.B. 116 Battery St., San Francisco, Cal. Isaac Wyman Drummond, (co), E.M., Ph.D. 1880, Director F. W. Devoe & C. T. Raynolds Co. loi Fulton St., N. V. City. Walter Graeme Eliot, (ed), E.M., C.E. 1879, Ph.B. 1879, Ph.D. 1882, LL.D. elsewhere, Special Agent Xth U. S. Census 1880-81, Asst. San. Eng'r N. Y. Board of Health 1881-87, Editor " Uni- versity Magazine." University Club, N. Y. City. Anton Fernekes,* E.M. Harry Leopold Haas, Ph.B. 36 Park PL, N. V. City. Yothinosuke Hasegawa, E.M., Ph.D. 1880. Mitsu Bis hi Sha, No. ji, Awajicho, Nichome Kanda, Tokio, Japan. Henry Albert Hodges,* E.M. Edward Henry Holden, (C E AND SURV), C.E., Asst. Eng'r on New Parks 23d and 24th Wards N. Y. City, Asst. Eng'r Topographical Bureau Dept. Street Improvements 23d and 24th Wards N. Y. City. 10^4 Boston A v., N. Y. City. William Hollis, (b and agt), C.E., V.-Prest. First Natl. Bank Eagle Pass Texas. P^ O. Box IJ4, Eagle Pass, Texas. Elias Mattison Johnson, Ph.B. Spuyten Duyvil, N. Y. City. Gilbert Henry Johnson, (chem), Spuyten Duyvil, N. Y. City. Corydon Powell Karr, (arch), Ph.B. '' I Union Sq. W., N. Y. City. Benjamin Bowden Lawrence, (M E), E.M., Lessee Mayflower and Pelican-Dives Mines Col. 1884-91, Cons. Eng'r 1886-. 810 Boston Av., Denver, Col, Frank Lyman, (m), E.M., A.B. Harv. Univ. 1874. JO Remsen St. , Brooklyn, N. Y, ^1883 Nawokichi Matsui, (educ), Ph.B. Ph.D. 1880, Degree of Rigakuhakushi from Japanese Minister of Education 1888, Lecturer on Chem. Science Dept. TOkyQ Univ. 1880-81, Prof. Chem. in same 1881-86, Prof. Chem. in the Engi- neering Coll. Imperial Univ. TOkyO 1886-87, Chief Prof. Third High Middle School 1887-90, Prof. Chem. and Director Agric'l Coll. Komaba T0ky5 Japan 1890-. Agric'l Coll., Komaba, Tokyo, Japan. Edward Austin McCulloh, Ph.B. Glencoe, Md. George Barrow Morewood, (m), E.M., Ph.D. 1880. 756 W. 76th St., N. Y. City. Gouverneur William Morris, (B, BR), E.M. I2S W.34th St., N. Y. City. Charles Edward Munsell, (chem), Ph.B., Ph.D. 1884, Milk Insp'r N. Y. City 1880-85, Chem. F. W. DeVoe & Co. 1886-. Rye, Westchester Co., N. Y. Henry Morgan Murphy, (mf), E.M. 1879. Chestnut and Mc Whorter Sts., Newark ^ N. y. Kitigo Nambu, E.M. Nagasaki, Japan. Spencer Baird Newberry, E.M., Ph.D. 1879, Instr., Asst. Prof, and Acting Prof, of Chemistry Cornell Univ. 1881-92, Commr. of U. S. to Paris Exposition 1889, Judge Columbian Exposition 1893, Genl. Mgr. Sandusky Portland Cement Co. Sandusky, O. James Atkins Noyes, Ph.B., A.B. Harv. Univ. 1883. 74 Sparks St., Cambridge, Mass. Owen Frederick Olmstead,* C.E. *i88i Frederick Nash Owen, (eng), E.M. S8 W. gist St., N. Y. City. Cortlandt Edward Palmer, (MINE MGR), E.M., Gen. Mgr. Grand View Min'^ and Stamp'g Co., Argentum- Juniata Mm'g Co., MoUie Gibson Con- sol. Min'g and Mill'g Co, Col. Colorado Springs, Col. Richard Alexander Parker, CMIN ENG), C.E., Gen. Mgr. Samson Iron Co., Imperial Iron Co., and Barassa Iron Co. 1887-. Marquette, Mich. Vincent Felix Pazos, E.M. 378 GRADUATES OF THE SCHOOL OF MINES, [ 1 878-79 Nelson W. Perry, (ed), E.M. " Electrical World;' N, V. City. William Strieby, (educ), E.M., A.B. and A.M. elsewhere, Prof. Met. and Assaying Colorado Coll. Colorado Springs^ Col. Bailey Willis, (geol), E.M., C.E., Spec. Agt. Xth Census U. S. 1879-81, Geol. Pac. Div. Northern Trans- continental Surv. 1881-84, Asst. Geol. U. S. Geol. Surv. 1884-89, Geol. Appalachian Div. U. S. Geol. Surv. 1889-93, Editor Geol. Atlas of the U. S. 1891-. Care U. S. Geological Survey^ Wash- ington^ D. C. 40 1879 Robert Bolton, Ph.B. 408 W. igth St., N. Y. City. Nathaniel Lord Britton, (educ), E.M., Ph.D., Asst. Geology Col. Coll. 1879-87, Instr. in Botany 1887-90, Adj.- Prof. of Botany 1890-91, Asst-Geolog. Survey N. J. 1880-87, Botanist Geolog. Survey N. J. 1881-90, Field Asst. U. S. Geolog. Survey 1882, Prof, of Botany Col. Coll. 1891-. Columbia College, N. Y. City. Leo George Cloud, E.M., A.B. elsewhere. 216 Monmouth St. , Newport, Ky. Harry Clay Cornwall, E.M. Commonwealth Ins. Co., N. Y. City. Louis Phillipe de Luze, C.E. New Rochelle, N. Y. George Spencer Eastwick, C.E., Mgr. American Sugar Refining Co. New Orleans, La. 24 North Peters St., New Orleans, La. Louis Francis Haffen, (ce), C.E., A.B. and A.M. St. John's Coll. Fordham, Commr. of Street Imp. 23d and 24th Wards N. Y. City. 641 Courtlandt Av., N. Y. City. Charles Sumner Harker, E.M., Nathaniel Hathaway, (chem), Ph.B. 1880, Teacher of Chem. and Physics Swain Free Sch. New Bedford Mass. 1 883-. 43 Elm St. , New Bedford, Mass, Herman Hollerith, E.M., Ph.D. 1890. Washington, D. C. Charles Arthur Hollick, (educ), Ph.B., Supt. Mexican Mine Mariposa Cal. i88o ; Asst. San. Eng'r later Insp'r and Spec. Inspr. N. Y. City Health Dept. 1881-92, San. Expert N. Y. State Bd. of Health 1881-, Memb. Bd. of Health New Brighton S. I. N. Y. 1886-92, Assoc. Ed. Bulletin Torrey Botanical Club 1888-, Fellow in Geol. Col. Coll. 1890, Asst. 18^2, Tutor 1893-, Curator N. Y. Acad. Sci. 1 892-. New Brighton, S. I., N. Y. Isaac Bradley Johnson, (mf), E.M. Spuyten Duyvil, N. Y. City. Robert Andrew Johnson, (cl), C.E., LL.B. 1883, San. Eng'r N. Y. Bd, of Health 1879-86, Gen, Mgr. Pennock- Welch Oil Syndicate of Ky. 1888-89. 132 Nassau St., N. Y. City. Edward Cabet Koch, (MIN ENG), E.M., Asst. Gen. Mgr, Elmore Gold Co, Ltd, and V. G. Co. Ltd. Idaho 1889-. 160 E. s6th St., N. Y. City. Rocky Bar, Idaho. Thomas Haight Leggett, [Jr.], (M E), E.M., Asst. Eng'r N, Y. Riv. and Harb. Surv. 1880, Prest. and Mgr. Stand- ard Consolidated Min'g Co. Cal, 1891-. Bodie, Cal. Edwin Ludlow, (mine supt), E.M., Asst. to U. S. Eng'r on Topog. work 1879-81, Supt. of Mines Choctaw Coal and R. R. Co. Hartshorn I. T, 1889-. Hartshorn, Ind. Territory. Charles Wells Marsh, (chem]|, Ph.B., Ph.D., Ex-Instr. in Organic Chem. Lehigh Univ. 435 Fifth Av., N. Y. City. Theophilus Smith Mathis, E.M., Asst. Draughtsman U. S. Surveyor- General's office Salt Lake City Utah 1890-91 ; Chief Draughtsman Min. Div. said office 1891-. Salt Lake City, Utah. Ralph Edward Mayer, (educ), C.E., Asst. 1882-90 and Instr. in Mechani- cal Drawing Col. Coll. 1890-. Columbia College, N. Y. City. Hubert John Merwin, (ce), E.M., Chief Eng'r American Assn. Ltd. 1887-, Middlesborough, Ky. George Fanshawe Milliken, (MIN ENG), E.M., Cons. Eng'r N. P. R. R. 1890-93. Union Club, Tacoma, Wash. Otis Mortimer Munroe, (b), Ph.B. De Soto, Mo. [Joseph William] Knight Neftel, (C AND E E), C.E., Ph.D. 1883, Prest. Neftel O'Connor & Co. Incorp. 126 Liberty St., N Y. City. I 1879-80] GRADUATES OF THE SCHOOL OF MINES. 379 James Nesmith, E.M. 2^56 Henry St. , Brooklyn, N. Y. Charles Milton Noble, (mf), E.M. Mgr. Noble Bros. Co. 1892-. Anniston, Ala. William Bell Stephen Reed, E.M. Helena, Mont. Robert Dunn Rhodes, E.M., Supt. Arkansas Val. Smelting Wks. Lead- ville Col. 1 892-. Leadville, Col. Francis Morris Rutherfurd, (eng), E.M., Eng. Maintenance of Way Rich- mond & Danville R. R. Richmond, Va. Gardiner Hutchinson Sheldon,* E.M. act. 30. *i889 Henry Fowler Starr, (chem), Ph.B., Chem. Newark Steel Works. gi Mt. Pleasant A v. , Newark, N. y. Francis Barretto Stewart,* Ph.B. ♦1879 George Cameron Stone, Ph.B., Chem. and later Supt. Blast Furnaces N. J. Zinc and Iron Co. Newark N. J. 1882-. N. J. Zinc (St* Iron Co., Newark, N, y. John Richard Suydam, Jr., E.M. 14 E. 41st St., N. Y. City. Granville Whittlesey Williams, (MF), E.M., C.E. 1880, Prest. and Gen. Mgr. Empire Woolen Co. Utica N. Y. I Hopper St., Utica, N. Y. 34 1880 Alfred Lockwood Beebe, Ph.B., i88i, Asst. in Assaying Col. Coll. 1881- 87, Asst. Chemist N. Y. Health Dept. 1887-92, Bacteriologist N. Y. Health Dept. 1892-. 42 Bleecker St., N. Y. City. Frank Parkinson Benjamin,* (br), E.M. *i893 Frederick Dennison Browning,* E.M. *i885 William Frederic Brugman, Ph.B., U. S. Govt. Assayer and Chem. 3 years. 144th St. and Southern Boulevard, N. Y. City. Nathaniel Butler, E.M., Supt. Barlow's Insurance Surveys 1888-. Glen Ridge, Bloomfield, N. y. Alfred Daniell Churchill, E.M., A.M. and M.S. elsewhere, Ph.D. 1883. Helena, Mont, Edwin Perry Clark, E.M., Asst. Supt. afterwards Supt. Title Guar, and Trust Co. N. Y. City and Brooklyn N. Y. 1884-. 26 Court St. , Brooklyn, N. Y. William Elliott, (chem), Ph.B. S6 Wall St., N. Y. City. Louis George Engel, (eng), E.M., Supt. Construction Brooklyn Sugar Refinery, Eng'r of same. 2j8 Clermont Av., Brooklyn, N. Y, Robert Otto Francke, C.E. Care IV. Passburg, Esq., Moscow ^ Russia. Herman Garlichs, (met) E.M., Metallurgist to Omaha and Grant Smelt- ing Co. Omaha Neb. Omaha, Neb. Wilkins Updike Greene, Ph.B. 104 Columbia Hts., Brooklyn, N. Y. James Leal Greenleaf, (educ), C.E., Asst. in Eng'g Col. Coll. 1881-86, Instr. in Eng'g and Drawing 1886-91, Adj. Prof, of Civ. Eng'g 1891-. Columbia Coll., N. Y. City. Albert Peter Hallock, (chem), Ph.B., Ph.D. 1883, Chemist to Carl H. Schultz Mineral Water Factory 1889-. 440 First Av., N. Y. City. Henry Harmon Hendricks, Ph.B. 4g Cliff St., N. Y. City. Louis Mosher Hooper, (eng), C.E., E.M., late San. Dept. N. Y. Board of Health, with J. L. Mott Iron Wks. Rutherford, N. y. Theodore M. Hopke, (chem), E.M., Anal. Chem. Ledoux & Co. 1880-81, Chem. Linden Steel Co. Pittsburgh Pa. 1886-89, Pittsburgh Reduction Co. 1889-. Pittsburgh Reduction Co., Pittsburgh^ Pa. Edward Henry Hudson, C.E. Frank Klepetko, E.M., Supt. Constr n Great Falls Smelter Mont. Great Falls, Mont. Wheaton Bradish Kunhardt, (m e), E. M., U. S. Deputy Surveyor, V.-Prest. Payne Separator Co., Director Carpenter Steel Co. Reading Pa. j2 Beaver St. , N. Y. City. Joseph Godley Mattison, (re), 20 iv. 14th St., N. Y. City. Carl August Meissner, (chem), Ph.B., V.-Prest. and Gen. Mgr. Vander- bilt Steel & Iron Co. Birmingham Ala., Prest. Jefferson Co. Mining and Quarry- ing Co. Ala. 2^12 7th A v., Birmingham, Ala. 38o GRADUATES OF THE SCHOOL OF MINES, [1880-81 James Haviland Merritt, Ph.B., A.M. 1892, Chem. Bradley White Lead Co. 1881-88. 3 Monroe Place, Brooklyn^ N". Y. Juan Adalberto Navarro, C.E., Commr. on R. R. systems for Mexican Govt, in Europe 1882-84, Asst. Compiler Memoir Dept. Pub. Wks. Mexico 1886-87, Eng'r etc. Mexican Land and Coloniza- tion Co. 1887-. Hacienda de San Cristobel Acambara^ Estado de Gtcanajuato, Mexico. Andrew McClean Parker, (ce), E.M., Asst. Eng'r Dept. of Docks N. Y. City. Pier A, N. Y. City. John Randolph Parks, (min eng), E.M. Helena, Mont. Henry Alvord Robinson, (cl), Ph.B., LL.B. 1882. 1^0 Broadway, N. Y. City. Ferdinand Ruttman, Jr., E.M. JJ Broadway, JV. Y. City. George Singer, Jr., E.M. 111 Fourth A v., Pittsburgh, Pa. George Harton Singer, (mf), E.M., with Singer Nimick & Co. Ltd. ly Park St., Allegheny, Pa. Wallace Augustus Smalley.* act. 27. ♦isse Maxwell Smith, (eng), C.E. Care A don Smith, 8 Bridge St., N. Y. City. Theodore Tonnele, (chem), Ph.B., Head Chem. etc. Dewees Wood Co. McKeesport, Pa. Charles Herbert Torrey, (mf), Ph.B., Asst. in Qual. Anal. Col. Coll. 1880 -83, Instr'r N. Y. Instit. for Imp. Instr'n Deaf-Mutes 1883-85, with DuBois Mfg. Co. 1885-. Pasadena, Cal. Joseph Walker, Jr., C.E. 112 E. 37th St., N. Y. City. Herbert Allen Wheeler, (educ), E.M., Asst. Geologist in Utah U. S. Geol, Surv. 1880, Adj. Prof, and later Prof, of Mining Washington Univ. St. Louis Mo. 1883-, Geologist on Missouri Geological Survey i8qi-. Washington Univ., St. Louis, Mo. 36 I881 Charles Alfred Andresen, (br), E.M. 8g Gold St., N. Y. City. Frederic Theodor Aschman, (CHEM), Ph.B., Prof, of Chemistry Pittsburgh Coll. Phar. 86 Water St. , Pittsburgh, Pa. Charles Popham Bleecker, E.M., Supt. R. G. & J. S. Packard Dredging Co. 446 Av. E, Bayonne, N. y. Victor Manuel Braschi, Ph.B., E.M. 1883, C.E. 1884, Insp'r N. Y. Tene- ment House Commn. 1884, Interpreter and Sec. Chilian Commn. on Amer. Mines 1884-85, Asst. Cons. Eng'r Rand Hill Co. 1885-89. Apartado 8jo, City of Mexico, Mexico. Edward Renshaw Bush, (m e), E.M., Assoc. M.E. with Ricketts & Banks N. Y. 104 John St., N. Y. City. Philip Edward Chazal, (chem), E.M., A.B. Coll. Charleston S. C, State Chem. S. C. 1883-89, Prof. Chem. and Physics Coll. of Charleston S. C. 1892-93. j6 Broad St. , Charleston, S. C. Albert Ladd Colby, (met), Ph.B., Met. Eng. Bethlehem Iron Co. So. Bethlehem, Pa. Charles Gordon Curtis, (mf), C.E. Prest. Curtis Elect. Mfg. Co. Whiton St., Jersey City, N. J. Edward Morehouse Douglas, (TOPOGRAPHER), C.E., Topographer U. S. Geological Survey. U. S. Geolog. Survey, Washington, D. C Edward Kellogg Dunham, (phys), Ph.B., M.D. Harv. Univ. 1886, Prof. Path. Bact. and Hyg. Bellev. Hosp. Med. Coll. N. Y. 338 E. 26th St., N. Y. City. Arthur Henry Elliott, (chem), Ph.B., Ph.D. 1883, Prof. Chem. and Physics N. Y. Coll. Phar. 4 Irving PI. , N. Y. City. Howard Van Fleet Furman, (M E and MET), Chem. Globe Smelt- ing and Ref. Wks. Denver Col., Asst. Supt. Rio Grande Smelting Wks. Socorro N. M., and Supt. and Met. Bailey Re- duction Wks. Denver Col. U. S. Mint Bldg., Denver, Col. William Tudor Griswold, C.E., U. S. Geol. Survey. Washington, D. C. Frederick Adolph Hemmer, (mf), Ph.B., Sec. and Treas. Bulls Ferry Chem. Co. N. J. Box 6, Edgewater, N. J. Charles Breck Judd, (min eng), E.M. Westinghouse Bldg. , Pittsburgh, Pa. l88l-82] GRADUATES OF THE SCHOOL OF MINES. 381 Daniel James Leary, (cont'r), C.E„ E.M. 1882. 4S E. 2Sth St., N. V. City, Clement Le Boutillier, (chem), Ph.B. 1882, Asst. Chem. Cambria Iron Co. 1884-87, Chem. Eliza Furnaces 1887- 92, Chem, Taylor Iron & Steel Co. 1892-. High Bridge, Hunterdon Co., N. y. Augustus Damon Ledoux, (CHEM ENG), Ph.B., Mgr. Richmond Chem. Wks. P. O. Box 422, Richmond, Va, Willard Parker Little, (arch), E.M., Ph.B. 1884. 28 IV. 23d St., N. V. City. Walter Monfort Meserole, (ce), C.E., in charge Topog. Surv. Kings Co. (N. Y.) Charities Commn. 1885, Chief Eng'r Hancock & State Line R. R. Co., also of South Brooklyn R. R. and Ter- minal Co. and German-American Imp. Co. 27 8g Atlantic Av., Brooklyn, N". Y, Percy Neymann, (mf), Ph.B., Ph.D. 1884, Supt. and Sec. Phoenix Paint Co. S6 Michigan St. , Cleveland^ O. Michael Joseph O'Connor, (ARCH), E.M., Ph.B. 1884. 28 W. 2sd St., N. V. City, Thomas Devlin O'Connor, (re), Ph.B. 12 E. 44th St., N. V. City. Lucius Pitkin, (chem), Ph.B., A.B. Coll. City N. Y., Ph.D. Col. Coll. 1894, Chemist Laurel Hill Chemical Works 1881-85, Anal, and Consulting Chemist to same 1885-. IS8 Pearl St., JV. Y. City. George Sharp Raymer, (min eng), E.M., A.B. Harv. Univ. 1878. Idaho Springs, Col. William Thomas Richmond, (m), Ph.B. ^ '^ 68 Thomas St., N. Y. City. Arthur Carr Roberts, E.M. Charles Pike Sawyer, Ph.B. William Waldemar Share, (educ), Ph.B., Ph.D. 1884, Asst. in Physics Col. Coll. i88i-88. Electrician Dept. of Parks Bklyn. N. Y. 1888, Prof. Chem. Adelphi Acad. Bklyn. N. Y. 1888-. JJ7 McDonough St., Brooklyn, N, Y, Chandler Dannat Starr, C.E. Thomas Beale Stearns, (mf), E.M. Denver^ Col. [Ah Alfred Ernest Swain, (min eng), E.M., Supt. Trinidad Min'g Co. Mexico 1891-93. Copala, Sinaloa, Mexico. Edgar Granger Tuttle, (min eng), E.M., Supt. Alamo and Coahuila Coal Co's. San Felipe Mex. 1889-. ^20 Summer Av., Newark, N. y. Ivan] Howard Van Sinderen, (CL), Ph.B., LL.B. 1883. ij Broad St., N. Y. City. Hermann Theodore Vulte, (educ), Ph.B.j Ph.D. 1885, Fellow in Chem. and Asst. m Qual. Anal. Col. Coll. 1883-93, Tutor in Chem. 1893-, Supt. Columbia Chem. Wks. 1881-82. New Rochelle, N. Y. Ferdinand G. Wiechmann, (EDUC AND CHEM), Ph.B., Ph.D. 1882, Asst. in Chem. Col. Coll. 1883-86, Instr. in Chem. Physics and Chem. Phi- losophy 1886-, Cons. Chem. The Amer. Sugar Refin'g Co. N. Y. Columbia College, N. Y. City. William Fish Williams, (ce), C.E., E.M. 1883, Chief Eng'r (1890-91) and Asst. Mgr. (1892) Cumberland Lands Ltd. Tenn., City Eng'r City of New Bedford Mass. 1893-. New Bedford, Mass. Herbert M. Wilson, C.E., 1891-. U. S. Geological Survey, Washington, D. a 38 1882 Albert Caiman, (m), Ph.B., Ph.D. Univ. Erlanger, Germany 1885. SS2 PV.jdth St., N. Y. City. Thomas Peters Conant,* (ee), E.M. act. 30. *i89i William Hamilton Cooper, Ph.B. Francis Bacon Crocker, (educ), E.M., Instr. in Elec. Eng'g Col. Coll. 1889-92, Adj .-Professor 1892, Professor ^26 W. 22d St., N. Y. City, Oscar Vincent Dougherty,* Ph.B. aet. 28. *i889 Stancliff Bazan Downes, C.E., Asst. Engineer Dept. Public Parks. 107 J Madison Av., N. Y. City. William Fletcher Downs, E.M., in various offices Dixon Crucible Co. 1882-84, Supt. of same 1884-. 75 Fair view Av., yersey Cily^ N. y. 382 GRADUATES OF THE SCHOOL OF MINES. [l 882-83 Anton Frederick Emrich,* E.M., Supt. and Met. United Sm. and Ref. Co. Mont. i8go-. *i893 David Beauregard Falk, C.E. Savannah, Ga. Henry Feuchtwanger, Ph.B. gg Franklin St. , N. Y. City. Charles Lincoln Fitch, (eng), E.M., Supt. San Pedro Mine Sonora Mexico. 1^7 Van Buren St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Charles Buxton Going, (mf), Ph.B^ Prest. Cincinnati (O.) Desiccating Co., Treas. and Sec. and Trustee Glen- dale (O.) Water Works. Cincinnati^ 0. William Hill, (mf), C.E., Res._ A^. and Asst. Supt. Collins Co. CoUinsvUle Conn. Collinsville, Conn. William Charles Illig,* E.M. *i894 Cavalier Hargrave Joliet, (chem), Ph.B., with Ricketts & Banks 1888-. Roselle, N. y. Antonia Esteban Mesa, C.E. Alfred Joseph Moses, (educ), E.M., Ph.D. 1890, Asst. in Mineralogy Col. Coll. 1882-85, Instr. in Mineralogy and Metallurgy 1885-00, Adj. -Prof, of Mineralogy 1890-, Ed. School of Mines Quarterly.^' g Henderson PI. , N. Y. City. Edward Austin Oothout,* E.M. Director Chem. Dept. N. Y. College of Dentistry. aet. 33. *i894 William Stevens Page, E.M., Aqueduct Commn. Sing Sing, N. Y. William Barclay Parsons, (eng), C.E., A.B. 1879. 57 E. S3d St., N. Y. City. Clarence Quintard Payne, (MIN ENG), E.M., Prest. Payne Sepa- rator Co. N. Y. g IV. jot A St., N. Y. City, John Bonsall Porter, (eng), E.M., Ph.D. 1884, Ex-Lect. on Pract. Mech. and Min'g Eng'g Univ. of Cincinnati, Eng'r Maintenance of Way C. H. & D. Ry. System. Ivorydale, Hamilton Co., 0. Cornelius Van Vorst Powers, Ph.B. Ferdinand Sands, (m), Ph.B., A.B. 1879. Box 1 172, Butte, Mont. Willard Adams Shumway,* E.M., A.M. Coll. City N. Y. *i89Z William Field Staunton. E.M. Asst. Tombstone Mill & Min'g Co. Ariz. 1883, Min'g Eng'r for same 1884, Supt. of same 1890-94, Congress Grad. & Mining Co. 1894-. Congress, Arizona. Nathaniel Strange Stockwell,* E.M. *i88& Donald Butler Toucey, (cl), E.M., LL.B. 1884. 74J Madison Av., N. Y. City. Frank Weiss Traphagen, (EDUC AND CHEM), Ph.B., Ph.D. 1883, Instr. Chem. Staunton Mil. Acad. 1884-87, Prof. Chem. Coll. of Montana 1887-, Prof. Chem. and Assaying Mon- tana Sch. of Mines 1888-, Ass'r Cham- pion Min'g Co. 1889-, Prof. Chem. Mon- tana Coll. of Agriculture, Montana Agric. Experiment Station, F.C.S. (London). Bozeman, Mont. Rudolph Harrison Vondy, (mf), E.M., Prest. Plenty Skylight Wks. 1892-. jo_5 Montgomery St. , Jersey City, A^. y.. John Howard Wainwright, (chem),. Ph.B. 402 Washington St., JV. Y. City. Albert George Wanier, (mf), Ph.B., Mgr. Grooved Plaster Slab Mfg. Co. N. Y. City. Kreischerville, S. I., N. Y. Norbert Reillieux Ward, (WOODWORK), E.M. ij8o Broadway, N. Y. City. William Scherf White, (eng),' E.M., Asst. Eng'r Dept. of Docks N. Y. City. 4JO Gold St., Brooklyn, N. Y. William Alexander Wilson, (ASS'R, MIN ENG), E.M. University Club, Salt Lake City, Utah. Charles Augustus Wittmack, Ph.B., B.S., M.S. elsewhere, Ph.D. Munich. 7g W. 87th St., N. Y. City. Edward Leavitt Young, (mf), E.M. 2 Wall St., N. Y. City. 37 1883 George Howard Abeel, (min eng)^ E.M., Supervisor Bessemer Mich. 1889, Mgr. Montreal Riv. Min'g Co. Wis. 1888-, Mgr. and V.-Prest. Section 33 Min'g Co. Wis. 1893-, V.-Prest. Wis. Min'g Supply Co. 1891-, V.-Prest. 1st Nat. Bank Hurley Wis. 1 892-. Hurley, Wis, 1883] GRADUATES OF THE SCHOOL OF MINES. 383 Randolph Adams, (min eng), E.M. Broken Hill, N. S. Wales, Australia. Alberto Ayestas, Ph.B. 1884. Tegucigalpa, Honduras, C. A. Samuel Weed Balch, (mech eng), E.M. Box jjj, Yonkers, N. V, John Henry Banks, (CHEM, MET, MIN ENG), E.M., late Fellow in Assaying School of Mines. 104 John St., N. V. City. Alonzo Frink Bardwell, (ASS'R, CHEM), E.M. Box yyj. Aspen, Col. Thomas John Brereton, [Jr.], (RR ENG), C.E., A.B. 1879, N. Y. Geodetic Surv. Adirondacks 1880-81, Eng'r Cumberland Valley R. R. 1893-. Chambersburg, Pa. Charles Bullman, (ed), Ph.B. Tutor in Stoichiometry, Chem. Putnam Co. Chem. Wks. 1883, Ed. staff "En- gineering and Mining Journal," N. Y. City, iS " ~" " ' Vifve.'" 1892, 1894 Editor "The Safety •' The Safety Valve,'' N. Y. City. Joseph Maxwell Carrere, C.E. 36 Park PL, N. Y. City. John Parke Channing, (min eng), E.M., Dep. Commr. Mineral Statistics Mich., Insp'rof Mines Gogebic Co. Mich. 1890-, Supt. East N. Y. Iron Co. Ish- peming Mich., Supt. Northern Mining and Smelting Co., with Calumet and Hecla Mine 1893-. Calumet, Mich. George Endicott,* E.M. ♦1889 Carlos Ferrer Ferrer, (m), C.E. J9 Broad St. , N. Y. City. Junius Colton Ferris, (b), E.M. Asst. Cashier Han. Co. (111.) Natl. Bk. Carthage, III. Enrique Constantino Fiallos, C.E. Prof. Math, and Mineral. Univ. of Tegucigalpa. No. 2y, Calle loa, Tegucigalpa, Hon- duras, C. A. Dunbar Ferdinand Haasis, (eng), E.M., U. S. Eng'r Corps 1889, 1892-. 83 Rector St., Perth Amboy, N, y. William Scott Humbert, (ce), E.M., Croton Aqueduct Eng'r 1883-89, Asst. Eng'r Dept. Public Wks. N. Y. City. Niagara Falls, N. Y. Alfred Whipple Lilliendahl, (m e), E.M., Supt. Mazapil Copper Co. Mexico 1888-. Concepcion del Oro, Estado de Zacatecas^ Mexico. John Joseph MacTeague, E.M. Mexican Ore Co., El Paso, Texas, Charles Francis McKenna,(cHEM), Ph.B., A.B. and A.M. St. Francis Xavier's Coll. N. Y. Ph.D. Col. Coll. i894j^_Chem. J. J. McKenna & Bros. N. Y. City 1890-, Treas. American Chem. Soc. 1893. 144 W. ggth St., N. Y. City. James Guerrero Oxnard, (mf), Ph.B., V.-Prest. Oxnard Beet Sugar Co., Norfolk Beet Sugar Co. and Chino Valley Beet Sugar Co. Norfolk, Neb. George Edward Painter, Ph.B. Pittsburgh, Pa. Charles Frederic Parraga, (m), C.E., Representative of the Republic of Colombia on the Inter-Continental Rail- way Commn. 1891. S8 William St., N. Y. City. Robert Peele, Jr., (educ), E.M. Adj.-Prof. Mining Col. Coll. 1892-. 41 E. 4gth St., N. Y. City. Frederick Powell, E.M., A.B. else- where. Edmund Randolph, Ph.B. 7 Nassau St., N. Y. City. George Renault, C.E. 61 Irving PI., N. Y. City. Jacob Monroe Rich, E.M., C.E. 1884. SO W.jSth St., N. Y. City. John Clarence Richardson, E.M., C.E. 1884. Thomas Weddle Ridsdale, E.M. Montclair, N. y. George Augustus Suter, E.M. j^g South 5th Av., N. Y. City. George Atwater Tibbals, C.E. 148 Milton St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Albert Edward Tower, (mf), E.M. Prest. Poughkeepsie Iron Co., Treas. and Gen. Mgr. Port Henry Iron Ore Co., Forest of Dean Iron Ore Co. and Lake Champlain and Moriah R. R. Co., V.- Prest. Merchants' Natl. Bk. of Pough- keepsie N. Y. Poughkeepsie, N. Y. ^384 GRADUATES OF THE SCHOOL OF MINES. [1883-84 Arthur Lucien Walker, (MET,MIN ENG), E.M., Supt. Old Dominion Copper Co. 1888-93, Consult. Eng'r of same 1893-, Mgr. Baltimore Elec. Refining Co. Keyser Bldg.^ Baltimore^ Md. Walter Harvey Weed, (geol), E.M. Geologist on U. S. Geol. Survey 1883-. Washington^ D. C. 34 1884 William Crittendon Adams, C.E. 47 W. 28th St., N. V. City. Herbert Clarendon Alden, E.M. Eng. Aqueduct Commn. William Mood Baldwin, (mf), Ph.B. jj Beekman St., N. Y. City. Edward Chester Barnard, (suRv), E.M., Topographer U. S. Geol. Survey. Washington, D. C. Edgar Grant Barratt, (co), C.E. Prest. Exhaust Ventilator Co. 1888- Prest. and Gen. Mgr. Variety Mfg. Co. 1891-. The Rookery, Chicago, III. Oscar Boedelsen, E.M. 3og W. 127th St., N. V. City. William Bryce, Jr., Ph.B. 40 W.j4th St., JV. Y. City. John Rowlett Brinley, (eng), C.E. Morrisiown, N. y. Frederick Endicott Buckingham, E.M. 1885, Asst. Eng'r Dept. of City Works Brooklyn N. Y. Dept. of City Works, Brooklyn, N. Y. Wilmot Woodward Burritt, Ph.B. Supt. Telephone Co. Box 140, Englewood, N. y. John Thomas Corcoran, E.M., S.E. 1889. 7j/ Smith St., Brooklyn, N. Y, Francis Del Calvo, C.E. William Patterson Duncan,* E.M. *i889 Walter Lorton Dusenberry, E.M. Insp'r Masonry etc. New Croton Aque- duct 1887-89, Asst. Eng'r Constr'n Public Parks N. Y. 1889-. 361 Produce Exchange, N. Y. City. Langdon Cheves Easton, C.E. Eng^ Aqueduct Commn. 1885-88, City Surv. Corps Los Angeles Cal. 1889, U. S. Corps Eng'rs Harbor Improvements Port Harford Cal. 1889-91. 344 South Grand A v., Los Angeles, Cal. George Ernest Fahys, (mf), C.E. 41 Maiden Lane, N. Y. City. Josiah Huntingdon Fitch, E.M. George Edward Fitzgerald, E.M. El Paso, Texas. ^ Samuel Stewart Fowler, (eng), E.M., A.B. 1881. 34 Clark St., Chicago, III. Charles Gardiner Glover,* E.M. 1885. *i888 Edgar Bonaparte Gosling, (eng), E.M., C.E. 1886, Ph.D. 1894, Tutor in Maths., Asst. Eng'r N. Y. Dock Dept., in charge construction Suez Canal. Windsor Hotel, N. Y. City. Samuel Palmer Griffin, [Jr.], (eng), E.M., Eng'r and Insp'r Health and Building Depts. City of N. Y. 44g Park Av., N. Y. City Louis Nathan Gross, (m), E.M. B.S. elsewhere. 38 E.sSth St., N. Y. City. James Thurston Horn, (NAV ARCH), C.E., A.B. 1881. 13 E.sjdSt., N. Y. City. James Furman Kemp, (educ), E.M., A.B. Amherst Coll. 1881, Instr. in Geology and Mineralogy Cornell Univ. 1886-88, Asst. Prof, of same 1888-91, Adj. Prof. Geology Col. Coll. 1891-92, Prof, of same 1892-. Columbia College, JV. Y. City. Andrew Johnson Lamb, (eng), E.M., Draughtsman Croton Aqueduct 1884-87, Roadmaster L. & N. R. R. 1890-. Louisville, Ky. Eberhard Luttgen (chem), Ph.B. Chem. and Mgr. Wissahickon Chem. Wks. Ambler Pa. 1885-. Ambler, Pa. John Wilkeson McGenniss, Jr.,* E.M. *i89o Robert Albert McKim, (ce), C.E., C.E. Penn. Military Coll. Chester Pa. 1881. Asst. Eng'r New Croton Aqueduct Eng r Corps. 280 Broadway, N. Y. City, Charles [Swain] McLoughlin, (PUB;, Ph.B. 874 Broadway, N. Y. City. Charles Watts Miller, (min eng), E.M., U. S. Deputy Mineral Surveyor for Col. 1886-. Box 401, Aspen, Col. Walter Moeller,* Ph.B. ■■1887 1884-85] GRADUATES OF THE SCHOOL OF MINES. 385 Daniel Edward Moran, (c e), C.E. Eng'r Sooysmith & Co. IS Broad St., N. V. City. William Fellowes Morgan, (STORAGE), E.M., A.B. 1880. Arch 4, Bkln. Bridge, N. Y. City, Robert Mulford, E.M. Asst. Supt. Rio del Oro Gold Co. Argen- tine Republic S. A. i8go. Mt. Vernon, N. V. Arthur Howell Napier, (eng), E.M. San. Eng'r and Inspr. N. Y. State Tene- ment House Commn. and N. Y. Soc. for Imp. Condition of Poor 1884, Asst. San. Eng'r N. Y. Health Dept. 1885-89. / C/nion Sq., W., N. Y. City, Wolcott Ely Newberry, (min eng), E.M., Gen. Mgr. Enterprise Min'g Co. Col., Supt. Mutual Benefit M. and M. Co. Col. 1888-, Gen. Mgr. Isabella Gold. Min'g Co. Col. i8g2-. Co lor ado Springs, Col, William Newbrough, (eng), E.M. A.B. 1880 and A.M. 1885, San. Insp'r Tenement House Commn. N. Y. City 1884, Instr. in Civil Eng'g Lafayette Coll. 1884-86, Prof, of Eng'g State Coll. of Ky. 1888-90, on U. P. R. R. 1890-91. Evanston, Wyo. Thomas Nolan, (arch), Ph.B. B.S. Univ. of Rochester 1879 and M.S 1883. Wilder Bldg., Rochester, N. Y, John Isaiah Northrop,* E.M., Ph.D. 1888, Asst. in Geol. Col. Coll. 1888- Qi and Tutor in Biology 1891-. *i89i Alvin Crocker Nye, (designer), Ph.B. 107 E. 70th St., N. Y. City. Charles Albert Painter, (mf), E.M. Pittsburgh, Pa. Charles Fowler Pearis, E.M. Box 374, Helena, Mont, Charles Ernest Pellew (educ), E.M., Instr. in Physics and Chem. Col. Coll. 1887-92 and Demonstrator 1892-, Honorary Fellow in Applied Chem. School of Mines. 68 E. 54ih St., N. Y. City. Abram Skidmore Post, (c), C.E. 173 Madison Ave., N, Y, City. Lewis J. Powers, Jr., (m), E.M. Agt. Conn. River Paper Co. 1888-. 4 Mat toon St., Springfield, Mass. William Ross Proctor, (arch), E.M. 4S-4S Sixth Av., Pittsburgh, Pa, Daniel William Reckhart (ass'r), E.M., U. S. Govt. Assayer at Port of El Paso Tex. P. b. Box 88, El Paso, Texas. Frederick Roeser, E.M., B.S. elsewhere. 240 W. 130th St., N. Y. City. Roland Gouvemeur Rood, (art), Ph.B. 1885. Care Prof. O, N. Rood, Columbia Col- lege^ N. Y, City, Charles Bradley Rowland, (CE, MECH ENG), C.E., Continental Iron Works Brooklyn N. Y. j^9 Madison Av., N. Y. City, Philip Rupp, Jr., (phys), Ph.B., M.D. 1887, House Phys. and House Surg. St. Francis's Hosp. N. Y. 1887-88. 84 Second Av., N, Y. City. Emanuel Schoney,* E.M. ♦1888 Frank Dempster Sherman, (educ), Ph.B., Asst. in Architecture Col. Coll. 1887-88, Instr., 1888-91 and Adj.-Prof. 1891-. Columbia College, N, Y, City. Charles Goddard Slack, (re), E.M., Ph.B. Marietta Coll. 1881. Marietta, O. ; Everett, Wash, Henry Ashton Smedberg, C.E., A B 1881 347 Fifth Av.,N. Y, City. Thomas Edward Snook, (arch), E.M. 12 Chambers St., N. Y. City. Clarence Livingston Speyers, (EDUC) Ph.B., Assoc. Prof, of Chem. Rutgers Coll. New Brunswick, N. y. Samuel Gaylord Tibbals, C.E. With the Continental Iron Works Brook- lyn N. Y. 1884-. 148 Milton St., Brooklyn, N, Y. Beverly Reid Value, E.M. Frederick Kidder Wallbridge, (BUILD), E.M. 37 gth Av., Brooklyn, N. Y. George Edward Wood, (arch), E.M., Ph.B. 1886. 63 William St., N, Y, City. 62 1885 Ernest Julius Hyacinthe Amy, E.M., A.B. St. Francis Xavier's Coll. N. Y. 1883, Gen, Mgr. San Tuan Smelt'g and Min'g Co. Durango Col. 1890-. V.-Prest. Porter Fuel Co. Durango Col. Durango, Col, 386 GRADUATES OF THE SCHOOL OF MINES. [1885 Howell Finch Barkley, E.M. Frederick Pomeroy Bemis, (ins), E.M., A.B. Oberlin Coll. 1883. log W. jd St. , Davenport, la. Andrew Joseph Brennan, C.E. William Faulkner Bush, E.M. George Gary, (arch), Ph.B. 184 Delaware Av., Buffalo, N. Y. Franklin Sinclair Clark, (mf chem), E.M. Ph.D. 1887, Prop'r Southern Chem. Wks. and Cons. Chem. Carolina Oil and Creosote Co. Wilmington N. C. 1887-, Prest. Piedmont Chem. Co. Thermal City N.C. Wilmington, N. C. Harmon Cozzens, E.M. Charles Burton Crowell, Ph.B. Minneapolis, Minn. Charles Henry Detwiller, (arch), Ph.B. 97 Nassau St., New York City. Charles Horace Doolittle, E.M. Arthur Smith Dwight, (min eng), E.M., Gen. Supt. Colo. Smelting Co. Pueblo, Col, Edward Crittenden Eddie, E.M. Colo. Smelting Co. , Box 8, Pueblo, Col. Eugene Nicholas Engelhardt, CMET), E.M., Asst. Supt. Selby Smelt- ing and Lead Co. 1890-. Selby, Contra Costa Co., Cal. Charles Everett Graff, E.M. Jersey City, N. J. Burnham Hart, C.E. Ramsey, N. y. Emil MacDougall Hawkes, E.M. A.B. 1886. 267 Fifth Av.,N. Y. City. Russell Wadsworth Hildreth, (ce), E.M. 2 Wall St., N. Y. City. Henry Leonard Hollis,(ENG,CHEM), E.M., Chief Chem. North Chicago Roll- ing Mill Co. 1887-90. J 2^2 Rookery Bldg. , Chicago, HI. Frederick Wolcott Huntington, E.M. Edward Lovering Ingram, (suRv), C.E., Asst. Eng'r War Dept. U. S., Asst. Eng'r State Dept. U.S. Box ^47. San Diego, Cal. Arthur Gale Johnson, E.M. yensen, Utah. Charles Frederick Lacombe, (ee), Asst. in Assaying and Fellow in Chem. Col. Coll. 1886-88, Prest. Mountain Elec, Co. 1890-. 17^4 Larimer St. , Denver, Col. George Barstow Lee, (ass'r), E.M. Asst. Supt. Rio Grande Sm. Co. N. M. I 887-. Rio Grande Smelting Co., Socorro, N. M. (Brentwood, L. L, N. Y.J Paul August Louis Mannheim, E.M. United Smelting and Refining Co, , E. Helena, Mont. Leon Marie, (re), E.M. 12 E. 46th St., N, Y, City, Frederick James Hamilton Merrill, Ph.B., Ph.D. 1890, Asst. on Geological Survey of N. J. 1885-87, Fellow in Geol- ogy Col. Coll, 1886-90, Asst. State Geol. and Asst. Director N. Y. State Museum Albany N. Y. 1890-. 2 Sprague PL, Albany, N. Y. Herman Henry Bernard Meyer, (GAS ENG.), E.M., Eng. Oregon Iron Wks. 1885-. Ssg W, 20th St., N. Y. City. Charles Lewis Miller, E.M. Supt, Blast Furnaces Union Works 111. Steel Co. Chicago 111. ji7g Ashland Av., Chicago, III. Richard George Gotlob Mol- dehnke, (cons eng), E.M. Ph.D. 1885, U. S. Coast and Geod. Sur- vey 1885-87, Insp'r N. Y. Assn. for Im- proving Condition of Poor 1885-86, Prof. Mech. and Elec. Eng'g Michigan Min'g School Houghton Mich. 1889-90, Eng. McConway & Torley Co. 1890-. 48th St. and A. V. Ry., Pittsburgh, Pa. Louis Spencer Noble, (min eng), E.M., Min. Eng. Blue Bird Mg. Co. Ltd. Butte Montana 1890-91. Box 228, Leadville, Col. Robert Van Arsdale Norris, (eng), E.M., Asst. in Prac. Min'g and Surv'g 1885, U. S. Insp'r Dredging Millville N. J. 1885, Asst. Eng. Penn. R. R. Coal Co.'s 1886-. 24 S. Franklin St., Wilkes-Barr/, Pa. George Stevens Page, E.M. Supt. Black Diamond Steel Works. Pittsburgh, Pa. Harry Nelson Pierce, E.M. Ysidro Ygnacio Polledo, E.M. Apartado 167 Matanzas, Cuba. Wilbur Edgerton Sanders, (MIN ENG), E.M. Helena, Mont. 1885-86] GRADUATES OF THE SCHOOL OF MINES. 387 Henry Brengle Shope, (arch), Ph.B. ig W. 32d St., N. V. City. Emil Starek, (cl), E.M., LL.B. Georgetown Univ. D, C. 1889 and LL.M. i8go, Asst. U. S. Geol. Surv. 1885-87, Asst, Exam. U. S. Pat. Office Washington D. C. 1887-92. SOS ** Times" Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Joseph Struthers, [Jr.], (educ), Ph.B., Fellow in Mineralogy Col. Coll. 1885-88, Assistant in Mineralogy and Metallurgy 1888-90, Tutor in Metallurgy 1890-. 624 E. ij6th St., N. V. City. Frederick Mayhew Thomas, (ce), E.M., Leveller N. Y. State Canals 1887- 89, on Syracuse Water Wks. 1890-91. 20 City Hall, Syracuse, N. Y. Warren Harriott Titus, (eng), E.M., Asst. San. Eng'r N. Y. Bd. of Health. Whitestone, N. Y. Edward Newenham Van Cort- landt, E.M. Tuxedo Park, N. Y. Frederick Morgan Watson, (eng), E.M., Ass'r and Surv. La Maria Min'g Co. Mexico 1885, Eng., Mill Supt. Sombrerete Min'g Co. Mexico 1886-89, Eng. Peru Exploration Syndicate 1890, Exam. Eng. Frecheville Bros. 1891-. Mina Rayo, Casapalca, Peru (via Lima). (40 J Sibley St., Cleveland, O.J Edmund Pineo Whitman, (m), E.M. JO Beacon St. , Boston, Mass. Ernest Abram Wiltsee, (MINE MGR), E.M., Cal. State Min'g Bureau 1892, Genl. Mgr. Glencairn Main Reef Gold Min'g Co. South African Repub. 1 893-. Care Barnato Bros. , Johannesburg, So. African Republic. Ira Harvey Woolson, (educ), E.M., Asst. Geological Surv. of N. J. 1885-86, Asst. Assay Dept. School of Mines Col. Coll. 1886-87, Asst. in Draw- ing 1887-89, Instr. Mech. Eng'g and Drawing 1891-. 41 E. 4gth St., N. Y. City. 46 1886 Emilio Agramonte, Jr., C.E. 1887. no Lexington Av., N. Y. City. Jos^ Caesar Agramonte, C.E. Henderson Moffet Bell, Jr., (MIN'G INSP'R), E.M., Eng'r and Insp'r Mines Flat Top Coal Land Assn. Bramwell, Mercer Co., IV. Va. John Dougherty Berry, (cl), E.M. Atlanta, Ga. Wilton Guernsey Berry, (chem), Ph.B., Asst. Chem. N. Y. Health Dept. 42 Bleecker St., N. Y. City. Edward Pearce Casey, (arch), C.E., Ph.B. 1888. 55 W.jsd St.,N. Y. City. Henry Dunning Conant, (rr eng), E.M., Asst. in Mining Col. Coll. 1892, Asst. Eng'r N. Y. N. H. & H. R. R. Care of Messrs. Gaminara 6^ Leeder, Tumaco, Rep. Columbia, So. America. Richard Mason Edwards, CMIN ENG), E.M., Professor of Min'g Michigan Min'g School Houghton Mich. 1888-89, M. E. for Tamarack, Tamarack ir., Osceola and Kearsarge Min'g Cos. lich. Red Jacket and Houghton, Mich. Emil Frankfield, (m), C.E. 328 W.sdth St., N. Y. City. George McClelland Houtz Good, (MIN ENG), E.M., M. E. United Col- lieries Co. 1892, Asst. Gen. Mgr. of same 1892-. Osceola Mills, Clearfield Co. , Pa. William Dodge Home, (chem), Ph.B., Ph.D. 1894, Asst. Instr. in Chem. School of Mines 1887, Chem. Delaware Sugar House Phila. Pa. 1890-, Instr. in Anal. Chem. Rutgers Coll, 1891-, Chem. to National Sugar Ref . Co. Yonkers N. Y. Yonkers, N. Y. Epenetus Howe, (ass'r), E.M. Ass'r La Cia Constancia Esmeralda Sierra Mojada Coahuila Mexico 1889-. Box 6g, Monterey, Mexico. (North Salem, N. Y.J John Howell Janeway, Jr., (eng), E.M., Eng. Trenton Iron Co. and others 1887-91. 124 W. State St., Trenton, N. J. Arthur Wilton Jenks, (met), E.M. Asst. Supt. Aurora Works of Chicago and Aurora Smelting & Refining Co. 1888-, Supt. Balbach S. & R. Co. 1894-. Balbach S. dr* R. Co., Newark, N. Y. Henry Snyder Kissam, (arch), Ph.B. 33 W. 42d St., N. Y. City. 388 GRADUATES OF THE SCHOOL OF MINES. [ 1 886-8/ Ernst Joseph Lederle, (chem), Ph.B., Hon. Fellow Quant. Anal, and Asst. Instr. in Chem. Col. Coll. 1886-87, Asst. Chem. Health Dept. N. Y. 1888-89, Lect. on Chem. and Director of Chem. Laboratory N. Y. Dental School, Asst. Chem, N. Y. City Health Dept. 120 W. goth St., N. Y. City. Henry Charles Lee, C.E, 127 E. 2 1 St St., N. Y. City. Edgar Lieber Newhouse, (met), E.M. Pueblo, Col. Lucien Holly Norton, E.M. 1887. Mingo Smelting Co., Sandy, Utah. (12 J Fairfield Av., Bridgeport, Conn.) James Jackson Ormsbee, (MIN ENG), E.M., Supt. Sequachee Valley Coal & Coke Co. 1892-. Pikeville, Tenn. Theodore Osterheld, (eng), E.M,, Chief Eng. Contuita & Zacatecas R. R. Mexico. Yonkers, N. Y. Staunton Bloodgood Peck, (eng), E.M., C.E. 1887, Cons. Eng. Link-Belt Mach. Co. Chicago 111. 1890-. Care Link Belt Mach. Co. , Chicago, III. Henry Hobart Porter, Jr., E.M. Fellow in Geol. Col. Coll. 1886-87, West- inghouse Elec. & Mfg. Co. 1891-. 42 E. 41st St., N. Y. City. Augustus Meader Ryon, (educ), E.M., 2d Vice-Prest. Montana Soc. of Civ. Eng'rs, Prest. Montana Coll, of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts, Prof, of Eng'g and Min'g in same. Bozeman, Mont. Allen Newhall Spooner, (eng), C,E., Hydrographer Dept. Docks N. Y. City 1887-90, Ass't Eng. to same 1890-. 186 Carteret Av., Jersey City, N. y. Robert Henry Stodder,* E.M. Assay er Mexican Ore Co. *i887 William Henry Stuart, (ce), C.E. Fellow in Eng'g Col. Coll. 1887-89. 36 W. 70th St.. N. Y. City. Henry Clark Thompson, (ce), C.E. 42 Lorillard PL, N. Y. City. Samuel Breck Parkman Trow- bridge, (arch), Ph.B., A.B. and A.M. Trin. Coll. Conn. 7 E. 46th St., N. Y. City. Arthur Hoffman Van Brunt, (cl), Ph.B. ^4 Wall St., N. Y. City. Ernest Robert von Nardroff, CEDUC), E.M., Instr. of Physics Bar- nard Coll. N. Y. 34J Madison Av., N. Y. City. William Jefferson Wallace, (arch), Ph.B. Whitestone, N. Y. Joseph Yendes Wheatley, C.E. 30 S. gth St., Newark, N. J. Clarence Edgar Wilson, Ph.B. 34 1887 Walter Hull Aldridge, E.M. Mgr. United Smelting & Ref'g Co. E. Helena Mont. E. Helena, Mont. Hiram Paulding Bellinger, C.E. Syracuse, N. Y. Joseph Rudolph Bien, E.M. Topographer U. S. Geol, Survey 1887- 88, Secy. Julius Bien & Co. N. Y. 140-142 Sixth Av., N. Y. City. Abraham Lincoln Burns, (mf), E.M. 2g7 Halsey St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Elmer Z. Burns, (eng), E.M. City Eng. Niagara Falls and Cons. Eng. Lewiston & Youngstown R. R. Co. and North Tonawanda St. _R. R. Co. and Niagara Falls and Suspension Bridge R. R. Co. 1891-. Niagara Falls, N. Y. William Curtis Butler, Met.E. Asst. Mgr. Aurora Iron Min'g Co., Supe- rior, Comet, Palone, Gogebic Min'g Go's. 1890-, In charge Ironwood Elec. Co. and Gogebic Elec. Co., Supt. Monte Cristo Min'g Co. Wash. 1892-. Everett, Wash. Elihu Dwight Church, Jr., E.M., Fellow Qual. Anal. Col. Coll. 1887-88, Asst. Supt. Church & Co.'s Chem. Wks. Brooklyn N. Y. 127 Milton St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Harold Morris Cole, (chem), E.M., C.E. With United Smelting & Refining Co. East Helena Mont. E. Helena, Mont. Ernest Arnold Congdon, (educ), Ph.B.^ F.C.S., Instr. Qual. Anal, and Assaying Lehigh Univ. 1889-93, Prof- Chem. Drexel Instit. Philadelphia Pa. i8gi-. 1336 Spruce St., Philadelphia, Pa. Jennings Stockton Cox, Jr., Met. E., Govt. Surv, 1887, Asst. Supt. Monte Cristo Min'g Co., Pride of the Mountain Min'g Co., Rainy Min'g Co. and United Concentration Co. 1893-. 76 W. 68th St., N. Y. City. 1887] GRADUATES OF THE SCHOOL OF MINES. 389 Harry Gilbert Darwin, (eng), C.E,, San. Insp'r N. Y. City Board of Health, Prin. ^ Asst. Eng. Safety Car Heating and Lighting Co, j6o Broadway, JV. V. City. Charles Henry Davis, (eng), C.E. 120 Broadway, N. Y. City. Harry Ellingwood Donnell, (ARCH), Ph.B. William Cashman [Augustine] Ferguson, (chem), Ph.B. Chem. Nichols Chemical Co. 1888-. Laurel Hill, N. V. Samuel Edson Gage, (arch), Ph.B. 114 Fifth Av.,N. Y. City. Byron Benjamin Goldsmith, Ph.B. ig E. 74th St., N. Y. City. Edward Gudeman, (chem), Ph.B., Ph.D. 1891, General Chemist Peoria Grape Sugar Co. Peoria, III. Alfred Maurice Heinsheimer, C.E. 7/ E. goth St., N. Y. City. Henry Ogden Huntting, (arch), Ph.B. 4^4 Classon Av., Brooklyn, JV. Y, David Mark Jacobs, (b, br), Ph.B. so W. 38th St., N. Y. City. Solomon Joseph Jacobs, Ph.B. 30 W. 38th St., N. Y. City. Bernard John Theodore Jeup, (ENG), C.E., San. Eng. N. Y. Board of Healthj Asst. Eng. in charge of Sewers and Bridges Indianapolis Ind. iig Walcott St., Indianapolis, Ind. Joseph Lahey, (m), E.M. 162 E. 78th St., N. Y. City, Richard Lahey, E.M. Drexel Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa. Lea Mcllvaine Luquer, (educ), C.E., Ph.D. 1894, Fellow in Mineralogy Col. Coll. 1887-^0, Asst. in Mineralogy 1890, Tutor in Mineralogy 1891-. Bedford, N. Y. Graham Lusk, (educ), Ph.B., Ph.D. Munich 1891, Instr. of Physiology Yale Univ. 1891, Asst. Prof, of Physiology Yale Univ. 1892-. New Haven, Conn. Harold Steele MacKaye, (cl), C.E., LL.B. and LL.M. Georgetown Univ. Washington D. C, Fourth Asst. Exam. U. S. Pat. Office 1889-92. Care Westinghouse Elec. d^ Mfg. Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. Hermann Charles Mannheim, E.M. 2^4 Cumberland St., Brooklyn, N. Y, John Rollin Marsh, (ce), E.M. Chief Eng. Sec. and Treas. Indiana Bridge Co. Muncie Ind. 1887-, 616 E. Adams St., Muncie, Ind. John Middleton, (surv), C.E. 27 8g Atlantic Av., Brooklyn, N. Y. Rudolf Moeller, Ph.B. J7-ig William St., N. Y. City. George Muller, (chem), Ph.B., Assayer and Chem. Puget Sound Reduc- tion Co. Everett, Wash. Harry Parmelee Nichols, (ce), E.M., Topog. Bureau Dept. St. Imp. 23d and 24th Wards City of N. Y. 4g E. 1 2th St., N. Y. City. Jos6 Alejandro Primelles, C.E. Mercedes 23, Puerto Principe, Cuba. Camilo Claudio Restrepo, E.M., C.E. 1889. S4 William St., N. Y. City. George Samuel Rice, Jr., (eng), E.M., Min'g Eng. Whitebreast Fuel Co. 1890-. Ottumwa, Iowa. George Rowland, (eng), C.E. 32g Madison Av., N. Y. City. Lewis Hopkins Rutherford, E.M. Mgr. American Oxide Co. 1888-. Franklin, Pa. William Jay Schieffelin, (m), Ph.B., Ph.D. Munich 1889. 35 ^' 57th St., N. Y. City. Joseph Guy Seligman, E.M. 6g W. gjth St., N. Y. City. Francis May Simonds, E.M., Ph.D. 1889, Asst. in Assaying Col. Coll. 1888-92, Sec. and Treas. Sterling Supply Co. N. Y. 227 San ford A v.. Flushing, L. I. Richmond Edward Slade, Ph.B. Supt. Citizens' Gas and Electric Co. White Plains N. Y. 1889-. White Plains, N. Y. Frank McMillan Stanton, (me), E.M., Eng. Atlantic Mine Mich. 1888-89 and Supt. 1889-. Atlantic Mine, Houghton Co., Mich. John Armitage Staunton, Jr., (Rev.), E.M., A.B. Harv. Univ. 1890, Instr. in Maths. Rochester N. Y. 1887-88. P E Ch 232 W. 4Sth St., N. Y. City. 390 GRADUATES OF THE SCHOOL OF MINES, [ 1 887-88 Alexander Stevens, (ce), C.E. / Newark St., Hoboken, N. J. Frederic Wetherwax Tower, (PATENT EXAMINER), E.M.,LL.B. Georgetown Univ. Law School 1890 and LL.M. 1891, Exam. Corps U. S. Patent Room 22^^ Patent Offi'Ce, Washington, D. C. George Francis Donnell Trask, (MECH ENG), E.M., Draughtsman L. & N. R. R. 1890-gi. New Brighton, S. I., N. Y. Walter Lincoln Tyler, (mf), C.E. Levelman and Transitman Roanoke and Southern R. R. 1887. 1260 Pacific St. , Brooklyn, N. V. Joseph Lowrey Warner, E.M. Mgr. Culver Min'g Co. and Vice-Prest. Vermilion Iron Co. 1890-92. ^ig Bailey Bldg. , Seattle, Wash. Paul Oscar Wels, E.M., B.S. Coll. City N. Y. 127 E. gist St., N. Y. City, Lewis Wertheimer, Ph.B. Western and Bedwell Sts., Allegheny City, Pa. 51 1888 Robert Lawrence Allen, E.M., A.B. 1886, A.M. 1887, Fellow Asst. in Observ. Col. Coll. 1887-88. J02 Cambridge PL, Brooklyn, N. Y. John Storm Appleby, Ph.B. and 1890, A.M. 1891. 216 W.^gth St., N. Y. City. George Louis Baker, Ph.B. Frank Root Bartlett, (rr eng), C.E., Supervisor of Track Richmond & Danville R. R. 1892-. 344 Madison St. , Brooklyn, N. Y. Charles Alfred Bechstein, (arch), Ph.B. SS6 W. 46th St., N. Y. City. Charles Ellsworth Beckwith, Met. Eng., Sec. and Supt. Paterson Iron Co. George Berry, C.E. y 8 Morton St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Stockton Beekman Colt, (arch). Ph.B. iigy Broad St. , Newark, N. y. Claude Nichols Comstock, C.E. Frank Despard Dodge, (chem), Ph.B., Ph.D. 1890, Asst. in Organic Chem. Col. Coll. 1888-90, Chem. Dodge & Olcott 1891-. ijr Water St., N. Y. City. Walter Albert Dodsworth, Ph.B. 2JJ Henry St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Allen Wade Dow, (chem), Ph.B. Honorary Fellow Quant. Laboratory School of Mines Col. Coll. 1888-89, Asst. Chem. and Chem. The Barber Asphalt Paving Co. 1889-. Ofiice of Engrg. Co77imissioner , Wash- ington, D. C. Willard Fisher, (mf agt), E.M. Prest. Tyler S. E. Ry. of Texas, Agent Illinois Zinc Co. 361 W.s6th St., N. Y. City. Jerome William Frank, (chem), Ph.B., Chemist Standard Varnish Wks. 1888-, V. Prest. Langville Black & Carbon Co. 1892-. 2 W. 83d St., N. Y. City. Watts Deming Gardner, C.E. Board of Health, N. Y. City. Octave Britton Hubert, (m), C.E. 72 W. 6gth St., N. Y. City, Frank Edward Hopke,* E.M. aet. 23. *i89o William Denison Jones, (mf), Ph.B., Hecker-Jones-Jewell Mill'g Co. go yoralemon St. , Brooklyn, N. Y. Joseph John Koen, (san eng), C.E., Computer Croton Aqueduct 1889- 90, San. Eng. N. Y. Bd. of Health 1890-. Pearsalls, N. Y. Lionel Remond Lenox, (educ), Ph.B. 1889, Instr. Qual. Anal, and As- saying Lehigh Univ. 1888-89, Instr. Quan. Anal, and Indus. Chem. Lehigh Univ. 1889-91, Chem. Bureau of Ord- nance Washington D. C. 1892-93, Asst. Prof. Chemistry Stanford Univ. Cal. 1893-. Stanford University, Cal. Henry Lipps, Jr., (rr eng), C.E., Asst. Eng. R. & D. R. R. 1888-89, Supt. of Track 1889-90, Eng. Maint. of Way 1890-. Greensboro, N. C. Alexis Reed Mcllvaine, (arch), Ph.B. 48 Exchange PI. , N. Y. City. James Maclay, (educ), C.E. Asst. in Mathematics Col. Coll. 1888-91 and Tutor 1891-. 312 Summer Av., Newark, N. y. Rudolph Philip Miller, C.E., B.S. Coll. City N. Y. 1885, Supervisor of Track Rich, and Danv. R. R. Co. 1890-. P. O. Box 3^ J, Richmond, Va. Lancaster Morgan, (mf chem), Ph.B. 47 Fulton St., N. Y. City, 1888-89] GRADUATES OF THE SCHOOL OF MINES, 391 Adolfo Carlos Munoz [del Monte], (ARCH), Ph.B., A.B. San Ysidro Inst. Madrid Spain 1881, C. E. Renss, Poly. Instit. 1886, McKim Fellow Col. Coll. 1891-92. Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia, Fa. Orthy Bradley Parker * E.M. ♦1891 Henry Parsons, (ce, rr), C.E., V.-Prest. City and Sub. Ry. Co. Sa- vannah Ga. lojs Madison Av., N. V. City, George Sydney Percival,* C.E. aet. 25. *i892 Thomas Slade Perkins, (chem), Ph.B., Chem. with N. Y. Tartar Co. jg Garden PL, Brooklyn, N. V. Harry Tower Schriver, (mf), Ph.B. Supt. T. Schriver & Co. Iron Wks. Charles Henry Schumann, (eng), C.E., Asst. Eng. L. I. R. R. and Eng. Ferris & Richards 1893-. 26s Broadway, N, V. City. Francis Pitt Smith, (chem), Ph.B. Cons. Chem, Deming& Logan N. Y. 1890, Asst. Chem. Health Dept. N. Y. 1890-92, Assoc. Chem, Consol. Gas Co. N. Y,, Chem. U. S. Navy Yard N. Y. 1892-. Mamaroneck, N. Y. Charles Henry Smyth, Jr., (EDUC, GEOL), Ph.B., Ph.D. 1890, Professor of Geology and Mineralogy Hamilton Coll. N. Y. 1891-. Clinton, N. V. Arthur Alexander Stoughton, (ARCH), Ph.B., Fellow in Architecture, i66j Washington Av., N. V. City, Joseph Brown Taylor, E.M. ^44 Bedford Av., Brooklyn, N. Y, Allen Tucker, (art), Ph.B. 80 Washington Sq., E., N. Y. City. Edwin M. Van Dyck, (chem), Ph.B., with Geo. Mather's Sons Co. N.Y. Box 61, Arlington, N. J. Edward Van Volkenburgh, Jr., C E 41' Wall St., N. Y. City. p Gustav Julius Volckening, Jr., (EDUC), Met. Eng., E.M. 1889, Asst. in Metallurgy Col. Coll. 1891-94. 675 Lafayette A v., Brooklyn, N. K, Leo Wampold, (m), Ph.B. 204 Monroe St., Chicago, III. Delancey Walton Ward, (educ), Ph.B., Assistant in Chemistry Col. Coll. 1890-. 41 E. 4gth St., N. Y. City. 1889 42 Henry Gurney Atha, (mf), Ph.B. 756 High St., Newark, N. J. Gerald Berry, C.E. '78 Morton St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Robert Gilman Brown, (MINING SUPT), E.M., A.B. Dart- mouth Coll. 1886, Supt. Original Min'g Co. Colusa Parrot, &c. Box gj6, Butte City, Mont. James William Cromwell, Jr., (ARCH), Ph.B. 2g Brevoort PI. , Brooklyn, N. Y, Frederick Warner Denton, (educ), C.E., Prof. Min'g Eng'g Mich. Mining School. Houghton, Mich, Daniel LeRoy Dresser, (m), C.E. 27s Church St., N. Y. City. Edward Peers East wick, Jr., Ph.B., S.E., C.E. 1892, Supt. American Sugar Refining Co. P. O. Box issy. New Orleans, La. Karl Emrich Filers, E.M., Nat. Smelting and Ref 'g Co. South Chi- cago, 111. 75/ St. Mark^s Av., Brooklyn, N. Y. Augustus Van Horn Ellis, C.E. Bar tow-on- Sound, N. Y. Francisco Escobar, E.M., Ex-Prest. and Ex-Prof. Min'g and Met. National School of Mines Medellin Co- lombia S. A. 842 Willson Av., Cleveland, 0. Percy Le Roy Fearn, E.M., Ass'r and Surveyor Trinidad Mine Costa Rica 1889-90, Supt. of same 1890-92, Cons. Eng'r 111. Fluor Spar and Lead Co. 1892-93. 1^26 Monadnock Bldg., Chicago, III. William Horatio Freedman, (EDUC), C.E., E.E. 1891, John Tyndall Fellow 1891-92, Asst. in Summer Schools of Surveying and Geodesy, Tutor in Electrical Eng'g Col. Coll. 1892-. 120 W. i2Sth St., N. Y. City. Stanley [Devol] Gifford, (co), E.M., Asst. Gen. Mgr. and Treas. Mon- tana Ore Purchasing Co.. V.-Prest. of same. Tuckahoe, N. Y. 392 GRADUATES OF THE SCHOOL OF MINES. [1889 Vincent Colyer Griffith, (arch), Ph.B., Instr. in Hist, of Architecture Pratt Instit, Brooklyn N. Y. j6o Herkimer St. , Brooklyn, N. Y. Wilfred Elizur Griggs, (arch), Ph.B., Ph.B. Yale Univ. 1887. Waierbury, Conn. Edward Wolf Guiterman, (chem), Ph.B., Chemist Passaic Print Works Passaic N. J. Passaic^ N. y. Thomas Henry Harrington, C.E., Supt. U. S. Wks. Hell Gate 1889-93, in charge Riv. and Harb. Imp. Exhibit from N. Y. City &c. World's Fair 1893. Westchester, N. Y. Edwin Harris, (co), Ph.B., Chem. Camden Consol. Oil Co. 1889-, Secy, and Treas. Globe Steam Heating Co. St. Louis Mo. 412 N. nth St., St. Louts, Mo. Frederick Augustus Heinze, (MIN ENG), E.M., Min. Eng. Boston & Montana Cons. Co. and Ag. Mining Co., on staff " E. and M. Journal," Gen- eral Mgr. Liquidator Concentrating and Sampling Wks., Prest. and Gen. Mgr. Montana Ore Purchasing Co. Butte, Mont, Marmaduke Burrell Holt, E.M. Ass'r Col. Smelting Co. Pueblo Col. 1892- 93- Pueblo, Col. (287 Lexington A v., N. Y. City). Arthur Stanley Ives, C.E., E.E. 1891. J J Sidney PI., Brooklyn, N. Y. Reginald Furness Jopling, (mf), E.M., Asst. Mgr. American Wire Co. 1890-92 and V.-Prest. of same 1892-. 842 Willson Av., Cleveland, O. Thatcher Taylor Payne Luquer, (E E), C.E., E.E. 1892, Fellow in Eng'g Col. Coll. 1890, Fellow m Surv. and Prac. Min'g 1800-91, Asst. in Mining 1891, Eng. Union Elec. Co. N. Y. City 1893-. 2_s6 Broadway, N. Y. City. Arthur Stuart Mahony, (co), E.M. Treas. New Birmingham (Tex.) Iron and Land Co. 1890-. J/ W. g4th St., N. Y. City. Charles Halsted Mapes, (MF CHEM), Ph.B., A.B. 1885. 60 W. 40th St., N. Y. City. . Carl Schultze Mason,* Ph.B. ♦1889 Charles Griswold Massa, (ce), C.E. Fort Lee, N. J. Charles Thompson Matthews, (ARCH), Ph.B. Elm Park, Norwalk, Conn. Joseph Thompson Monell, (educ)^ C.E., E.E. 1891, Tutor in Astronomy Col. Coll. 1892-. 236 W. 22d St., N. Y. City. Richard Keeler Mosley, (arch), Ph.B. i^g Glenwood A v., E. Orange, N. y» Isaac Henry Oseranski, C.E. Charles Piez, E.M. 4JO Franklin St., Philadelphia, Pa. Albertson Van Zo Post, C.E., Div. Eng. Baltimore and Eastern Shore R. R. 1889-90. 4 E. 62d St., N. Y. City. William Evan Preston, (ce), C.E.,, Civ. Eng. under U. S. Eng'r office. 142'^ Washington Av., N. Y. City. Andrew Jackson Provost, Jr.,(c e),. C.E., Asst. Eng'r Sewer Construction Dept. City Works Brooklyn N. Y. ^j New York Av., Brooklyn, N. Y. George Provot, (arch), Ph.B., B.S. Univ. of France 1884 24 Highland Terrace, Orange, N. y. Robert Matthew Raymond, (MIN ENG), E.M., A.B. Univ. of New Brunswick 1877, Asst. Assayer State of Me. Assay Office Portland Me. 1880-82, Supt. Diamond R. Mining Co. Neihart Mont. 1891-. Neihart, Mont. Russell Raynor, (chem), Ph.B., Asst. Chem. Barber Asphalt Co. 1891-92. 114 E. 4Sth St., N. Y. City. Oscar Legare Rogers, (arch), Ph.B. / Madison Av., N. Y. City. James Langdon Schroeder, (ARCH), C.E. 2^ E. jist St. , N. Y. City. Samuel Tredwell Skidmore, Ph.B., A.B. 1886. 7/ JV.joth St., N. Y. City. Franklin Maurice Small, (arch)> Ph.B. igg 2d Av., N. Y. City. Augustus Smith, (eng), C.E., A.B. Coll. City N. Y. 1887. 460 W. 44th St., N. Y. City. Frank Marshall Smith, (met), E.M,, U. S. Geol. Survey^ 1889-90, Supt. United Smelting & Refining Co. Smelter Mont. 1 893-. Smelter, Mont. 1889-90] GRADUATES OF THE SCHOOL OF MINES, 393 Charles William Stoughton, (ARCH), C.E. 166^ Washington A v., JV. V. City. George Safford Waters, (arch), Ph.B., B.S. Trin. Coll. Conn. 1887. 42 W. 43d St., JV. V. City. Edwin Hutter Wedekind, Ph.B. Lebanon, Pa. Edward Ferris Weekes,* E.M. ♦1893 William Huey Weeks, Ph.B., Asst. Chem. N. Y. Chem. Mfg. Co. 1889- 90, Asst. Chem. N. Y. Health Dept. 1890-. ySg Madison Av., JV. V. City. Herbert Percy Whitlock, (educ), C.E. Asst. in Mineralogy Col. Coll. 1891-. 44g Park Av., N. Y. City. 50 1890 Samuel Wakeman Andrews, Jr., Ph.B. 3S W. 42d St., N. V. City. George Alexander Beckwith, C.E., Sec. and Treas. Paterson Iron Co. Pater son, N. y. Hermann Behlen, (arch), Ph.B. I2J E. iisth St., N. V. City. Romeo Thompson Betts, C.E. igi Halsey St., Brooklyn, N. V. Alexander Leslie Black, (MIN ENG), E.M., Asst. Supt. Made- leine Consolidated Mining and Milling Co. 1892-. 56 Carondelet St., New Orleans, La. Edwin Mortimer Blake, (educ), E.M., Ph.D. 1893, Univ. Fellow Col. Coll. 1891-92, Asst. in Mech. Eng. 1890- 93 and in Mathematics, Instr. in Mathe- matics Barnard Coll. 1893-. Columbia College, N. Y. City. Dwight Dana Book, C.E., E.E. 1892. ijg Washington Park, Brooklyn, N. Y. Stephen Rowe Bradley, Jr., (co), Ph.B. 1891, Secy, and Treasr. Union Elec. Co. jg2 Broadway, N. Y. City. Will A. Buckland, Ph.B. S6 E. 22d St., N. Y. City. Fred. Irvan Cairns, (eng). Met. Eng., A.B. Hamilton Coll. 1887 and A.M. 1891, Met. Eng. for Bridge- port Copper Co. 1893-. 20 Buckingham Av., Bridgeport, Conn. Joseph Carson, C.E. 31 W.ssth St., N. Y. City. Diego Lombillo Clark, C.E. Cardenas, Cuba. William Robert Clayton, (arch), Ph.B., B.S. Penn. Coll. 1885 and M.S. 1891. Rialto Bldg., Chicago, III. Frederick Gray Colton, (arch), Ph.B. 136 Montague St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Hewlett Ralston Connell, C.E. Asst. in Eng'g Col. Coll. 1891-93 and in Min'g 1893-. 140 Pierrepont St. , Brooklyn, N. Y. Thomas Cornell Coykendall, C.E., Tyndall Fellow Col. Coll. 1890-91. Rondout, N. Y. William Monroe Davis, E.M. Syracuse, N. Y. Joseph Albert Deghuee, (chem), Ph.B., A.M. 1892, Ph.D. 1893, Asst. Demonstrator of Physics and Chem. Col. Coll. 1892-. 24"/ Harrison St. , Brooklyn, N. Y. John Sheafe Douglas, C.E. 1891, Supt. Union Electric Co. 72^ Ii-ving PL, N. Y. City. George Albert Ferguson, (educ), Ph.B., Instr. in Chem. and Chem. Maths., Dem. in Chem. Anal, in N. Y. Coll. Phar., U. S. Insp'r Indian Supplies. 138 Wilson St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Lloyd Wiegand Fisher,(DRAUGHTS- MAN), Ph.B. log E. 28th St., N. Y. City. Albert Casimir Fowler, C.E. Cienfuegos , Cuba. Andrew Ernest Foye, (educ), C.E., Asst. Eng'r Penn. R. R. 1890-92, Tutor Civil Eng'g Col. Coll. 1892-. 163 W. 7gth St., N. Y. City. Alger Crocheron Gildersleeve, C.E. Charles Edward Gudewill, C.E. Box g2i, Montreal, Canada. Edward Ludlow Gould, C.E. 1891. _5g Hawthorne Av., Yonkers, N. Y. Charles Henry Hart, (co), C.E. Treasurer The Nestell Vineyard Co. igg Lenox Av., N. Y. City. James Monroe Hewlett, (arch), Ph.B. 68 Remsen St., Brooklyn, N. Y. George Jewett Hicks,* Met. Eng. *i89i 394 GRADUATES OF THE SCHOOL OF MINES. [1890-9 1 Bertrand Chase Hinman, (CHEM ENG), Ph.B., A.M. 1892, Chemist Iron Clad Mfg. Co. 1890-. j86 Cook St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Frank Cyrus Hooper, (met eng), Asst. Eng. and Assayer De Lamar Min'g Co. Idaho 1890-92. Ticonderoga, N. V. John Sherman Hoyt, C.E. gS4 Fifth Av.,N. Y. City, Elisha Denison Hurlbut, Jr., (EDUC), C.E., Asst. in Mech. Eng'g Col. Coll. 1891-. 106 Hicks St. , Brooklyn, N. Y. Meyer Jarmulowsky, Ph.B. ^7 yefferson St., N. Y. City. Thomas John Jones, (met eng), Supt. Smelting Wks. Bertha Zinc & Mineral Co. Pulaski City, Va. Robert David Kohn, (arch), Ph.B. 4 Rue Honor ^ Chevalier, Paris, France. Louis Korn, (arch), Ph.B. 1891. 261 Broadway, N. Y. City. Albert Lincoln Levy, (c), E.M. Hartford, Conn. Edward Gervaise Lichtenstein, Ph.B. 14 W. 74th St., N. Y. City. William Shepherd Lowndes, (ARCH), Ph.B. 42 Sherman PL, jfersey City, N. y. William Henry McKleroy, Met. Eng., A.B. Howard Coll. Ala. 1887, Capt. 2d Regt. Ala. State Troops, Cashier Anniston Natl. Bank. Annision, Ala. Horace Borchsenius Mann, (ARCH), Ph.B., Fellow in Architecture 1892-^3. Orange, N. J. Louis Ferdinand Massa, C.E. Fort Lee, N. J. Thomas Mann Randolph Meikle- ham, (ee), C.E., Supt. Motive Power Jamaica & Brooklyn R. R. Co. yamaica, L. I., N. Y. Manuel Rafael Montenegro, E.M., Asst. Supt. Oregon Iron Wks. N. Y. S3() IV. 20th St., N. Y. City. Herschel Clifford Parker, (educ), Ph.B., Fellow in Physics, Asst. Instr. 1890-31, Asst. 1891-93, Tutor in Dept. Physics 1893-. 21 Ft. Greene PL, Brooklyn, N. Y. Jos^ Portuondo, C.E. San Basilio, Alta 28, Santiago, Cuba. William Stone Post, (arch), Ph.B. Bernardsville, N. y. Thomas Matthew St. John, Met. Eng. N. Y. City. James Rich Steers, Ph.B. 10 E. 38th St., N. Y. City. William Lincoln Thorne, (arch), Ph.B., McKim Fellow 1893-94. Yonkers, N. Y. Richard Tighe Wainwright, C.E. Rye, N. Y. Charles Peck Warren, Ph.B., A.M. 1892. 286 Clifton PL, Brooklyn, N. Y. Alexander McMillan Welch, (ARCH), Ph.B., McKim Fellow in Architecture 1891-93. 447 Lexington Av., N. Y. City, Howard Farrington Welsh, (MIN ENG), E.M„ Eng. for Amer. Assn. Middlesboro Ky. 1890, Min'g Eng. Watts Steel & Iron Syndicate 1890-91, Min'g Eng. Mingo Mt. Coal & Coke Co. 1891-. Hartranft, Tenn. 189I 55 George Mendenhall Anderson, Ph.B. E. Walnut Hills, Cincinnati, Ohio. Collins Pechin Bliss, (ARCH ENG), Ph.B., A.B. CoU. N. J. 1888 and A.M. 1891, Secy. Gregory Furnace Co. 60 Cedar SL, N. Y. City. Francis Blossom, (ce), C.E., Asst. Eng'r Equity Gas Works Construc- tion Co. 1892-93, with Westinghouse Church Kerr & Co. 1893-. ^f40 Henry St. , Brooklyn, N. Y. Werner Boecklin, Jr., (ce), N. N. and M. V. Co., Louismlle, Ky. Richard Charles Boyd, Ph.B., A.M. 1892, Honorary Asst. in Assaying Col. Coll. 1891-92, University Fellow 1892-93. 50 Charles St., N. Y. City. Francis Xavier Brosnan, (ce), C.E. A.B. St. Francis Xavier's Coll. N. Y. 1886 and A.M. 1887. 146 W. 74th St., N. Y. City. Edward Buxton Cristy, Ph.B. Albuquerque, A^. M. 1891-92] GRADUATES OF THE SCHOOL OF MINES, 395 Gano Sillick Dunn, (ee), E.E., B.S. Coll. City N. Y. 1889, Elec. Eng. for Crocker-Wheeler Elec. Co. Ampere^ E, Orange ^ N. y. William George Eberhardt, M.E. (4SO W. 2 2d St., N. V. City J Edward Goodwin, E.M. Harte, Shasta Co., Cal. John Francis Hawley, C.E. Apartado 1^2, Guatemala, C. A. Norman Bernard Holter, (HARDWARE), E.M., V.-Prest. Holter Hardware Co. Helena, Mont. Henry Frederick Hornbostel, Ph.B. j>9 Second PI. , Brooklyn, N. V. Frederick Sterling Keeler, (ARCH), Ph.B. jjo Bouck A V. , Buffalo, N. Y. Frank Wilmarth Kinsey, (ce), C.E. 10 South St., Newark, N. J. George Leary, C.E. 43 E. 2jth St., N. V. City. Frank Armstrong Lilliendahl, (MET), E.M., Asst. Supt. and Met. Mazapil Copper Co. 1891-. Concepcion del Oro, Estado de Zacatecas, Mexico. (82 Dan forth Av., Jersey City, N. J.) Archibald Rogers Livingston, C.E. 20 N. Washington Sq. , N. Y. City. John Thomas Mahl, (eng), C.E., Res. Eng. for Pecos Viaduct Texas for Phoenix Bridge Co. 1891-Q2, attached to So. Pacific R. R. Co. 1892-. Houston, Texas. Edmund Howd Miller, (educ), Ph.B., A.M. 1892, Ph.D. 1894, Asst. in Chem. Col. Coll. 1891-94 and Tutor in Chem. and Assaying 1894-. W. Nyack, N. Y. Mariano Luis Mora, C.E., E.E. 1894. 6j W. 70th St., N. Y. City. Robert Bowie Owens, (educ), E.E., Prof, Elec. Eng'g in Univ. of Ne- braska, Judge of Awards Dept. Elec. Columbian Exposition 1893. University of Neb., Lincoln, Neb. Alfred Raymond, (arch), Ph.B., A.B. Yale Univ. 1888. I2J Henry St., Brooklyn, N. V. Elmer Skinner, C.E. 22/ Cumberland St., Brooklyn, N. Y. William Allen Strout, (arch), Ph.B. j66 Carlton Av., Brooklyn, N. Y. Franz Charles Thomas, (arch), Ph.B. S9/4 Washington Sq., N. Y. City. George Oakley Totten, Jr., (ARCH), Ph.B., A.M. 1892, McKim Travelling Fellow. 62 N. nth St., Newark, N. y. Gustave Robitscher Tuska, (ce), C.E., B.S. Coll. City N. Y. 1888 and M.S. 1891, Asst. to Prof, of Civ. Eng. Col. Coll. 1893, Eng. in charge Stony Brook Viaduct C. N. Y. & W. R. R. 1893, Cons. Eng'r Port au Prince Ry. Cuba 1893. II 2j Madison Ave., N. Y. City. Lloyd Warren, Ph.B., A.B. 1888. _520 Fifth Av., N. Y. City. Rolla Barnum Watson, Met. Eng., Supt. Erection Power-Plant Elec. St. R. R, Atlanta Ga. 1892. 40J Sibley St., Cleveland, O. William Wiener, (chem), Ph.B., A.B. 1888 and A.M., Chem. in Bureau of Exec. Com. on Awards, World's Colum- bian Exposition 1893. 62y2 Nelson PI., Newark, N. y. 1892 Louis Adolph Ansbacher, (mf), Ph.B. 17 W.j2d St., N. Y. City. Archibald Anthon, E.E. 4j8 Pleasant St. , Maiden, Mass. Charles Hill Bergen, (eng), C.E. Red Bank, N. J. Randolph Bolles, (arch), Ph.B. Englewood, N, J. Henry Burden, (chem), Ph.B., A.B. Williams Coll. 1887. Cazenovia, N. Y. George HolbertonCasamajor, (ce), C.E. 372 Greene Av., Brooklyn, N. Y. William Cowles Clarke, (min eng), E.M., Field Asst. U. S. Geolog. Survey. Cranford, Union Co., N. y. Charles Francis Dolan, (eng), C.E., U. S. Insp'r Dredging Operations Harlem Ship Canal and Newtown Creek 1892-93, now with Dept. Street Improve- ments 23d and 24th Wards N. Y. City. /// E. i2gih St., N. Y. City. 39^ GRADUATES OF THE SCHOOL OF MINES, [ 1 892-93 Edward Leonce Dufourcq, (MIN ENG), E.M., Asst. Supt. Costa Rica Pacific Gold Min'g Co. 1892-93. 846 Lexington Av.^ N. Y. City. Edward Benjamin Durham,(EDUc), E.M., Asst. in Mining Col. Coll. 1893-. Mt. Kisco, N. y. Basil Hicks Dutcher, Ph.B. 5^5 Manhattan Av., N. V. City, Clarence Norman Fenner, (MIN ENG), E.M. Pater son ^ N, y. Samuel Friedman, C.E. Tuscaloosa, Ala. Halbert Powers Gillette, E.M. Ketcham^ Idaho. Abbott Dean Granger, (ce), C.E. J g8 Hooper St., Brooklyn, N. V. Newton Harrison, (mf), E.E. I j6 Liberty St., N. V. City. Arthur Hay, (eng), E.M., with Springfield Elec. Light & Power Co. 821 S. 2d St. , Springfield, III. Walter Augustus Herckenrath, (CE), C.E., A.B. Univ. of Ottawa Can. 1888 and A.M. 1890, U. S. Insp'r of Dredging U. S. Govt. (3 mos.), in Math. Dept. Univ. of Ottawa Can. Mamaroneck, N. Y. Oswald Jackson, (eng), C.E., Prin. Asst. Eng. P. R. R. j-jo Park Av., N. Y. City. John Joseph Kletchka, (ce), C.E., A.B. Coll. City N. Y. 1889, Computer N. Y. City 1 892-. 247 IVillis Av., N. Y. City. Charles Edwin Knox,t.E. Care of y antes W. Queen 6^ Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Goodhue Livingston, Ph.B. Century Bldg. , N. Y. City. Lindsay Bartholomew Longacre, E.M. Spuyten Duyvil, N. Y. City. Frederick Reuben Lord, (ce), C.E. Box 228, Stapleton, S. I., N. Y. Parker Cairns Mcllhiney, (chem), Ph.B., A.M. 1893, Ph.D. 1894, Asst. in Honorary Assaying. dig Grand St. , yersey City, N. y. James Buell McKinlay, (cashier), E.M., late Eng. Union Iron Wks. N. Y. 108 W. ygth St., N. Y. City. Frederick Charles Albert Meisel, (CHEM) Ph.B. 44 Strong PI. , Brooklyn, N, Y. Eugene Merz, E.M. 143 Littleton A v. , Newark, N. y. Charles Howard Parmly, (educ), E.E., B.S. Coll. City N. Y. 1888 and M.S. 1893, Tutor in Mathematics Coll, City of N. Y. J44 W. 2gth St., N. Y. City. Frederick Emery Pierce, (ce), C.E. Newark Gas Light Co., Newark, N. y. George Frederick Reckhardt, (CE, ASS'R), C.E. Care Cia Miner a la Aventurera, Sa- binal, Estado de Chihuahua, Mexico y via El Paso, Texas. William Willis Reese, E.E., A.B. 1890. New Hafuburgh, N. Y. Henry Ries, Ph.B., A.M. 1894, University Fellow 1893-94. 28 W. 128th St., N. Y. City. Albert Rosenthal, (ce), C.E. Goldsboro, N. C. Seward Merrill Savage, (ce), C.E. 2260 Pacific St., Brooklyn, N. Y. George Carroll Southard, (eng), C.E. 114 Brooklyn Av., Brooklyn, N. Y. Seth Justin Temple, (educ), Ph.B. log W. 47 th St., N. Y. City. James Towart, (eng), C.E., Asst. in Eng'g Col. Coll. 1892-93. Peekskill, N. Y. Dudley Arthur Van Ingen, (chem), Ph.B., Chem. Fibre Conduit Co. Orange- burg N. Y. ij_5 Henry St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Henry Clay Werner, Ph.B. 120 E. 6sth St. , N. Y. City. Robert Davis White, (ce), C.E. Sg E. 74th St., N. Y. City. Clifton Nichols Windecker, (SURV ENG), C.E., Asst. in Maths. Col. Coll. 1892-93. j>j» Sidney PI. , Brooklyn, N. Y. Ernest Paul Windolph, Ph.B. 43 1893 Ignacio Ernesto Agramonte, (ce), C.E., Chief Eng. Puerto Principe Street Ry. Co. Cuba. Zulieta No. j>, Havana, Cuba. i893] GRADUATES OF THE SCHOOL OF MINES. 397 Chester Holmes Aldrich, Ph.B. 8 Gushing St. , Providence, R. I. William Clark Ayres, Ph.B. George William Behrman, C.E. 20I Ross St. , Brooklyn, N. V. Edward Raymond Bossange, Ph.B. 7J ^' 45th St-, ^' Y' City. William Frederick Brooks (arch), Ph.B. 33S ^' 55th St., N. V. City. Milton Church Canfield, (ee), E.E, iS Clinton St. , Cleveland^ O. George Hallett Clark, C.E. Sg E. 67ih St., N. Y. City. William Simpson Covell, (arch), Ph.B. 42 W. 66th St., N. Y. City. Reginald Guy Foster, C.E. 16 E. SI St St., N. Y . City. Luther Elwood Gregory, (educ), C.E., Asst. in Practical Astronomy and Geodesy, Asst. in Mechanical Eng'g, Col, Coll, 1893-, Field Asst, U. S. Geolog. Survey. 406 Passaic Av., Kearny, N. y, Albert Worthington Hankinson, C F 1 14 W. 4Sth St., N. Y. City. Charles Rufus Harte, (eng), C.E., Eng'r Corps. N. Y, N. H. & H. R, R, P. O. Box ij6, Milford, Conn. Harry Garner Haskell, E.M. giS Delaware Av., Wilmington, Del. Robert Hoyt, C.E. Katonah, N. Y. Frederic Thomas Hume, (arch), Ph,B., M.D. 1880. 82 E. ygth St., N. Y. City. Frederic Sackett Hyde, (chem), Ph.B. 21^ Schermerhorn St. , Brooklyn, N. Y. John Elmer Jones, (min eng), E.M. Hazleton, Pa. Edward Laurence Kurtz, E.M. 17 Pittsburgh St., New Castle, Pa. Arthur Comings Langmuir, Ph.B. 22 Leopold Strasse, Heidelberg, Ger- many. Alfred Liebmann, (ce), C.E. 28 E. 7 2d St., N. Y. City. Henry Stewart McKee, (eng), E.M. L. A. Terminal Ry., Los Angeles, Cal. Valentine Everit Macy, Ph.B. iS W. sjd St., N. Y. City. Alexy Joseph Malukoff, C.E. 147 Eusiis St., Boston Highlands, Boston, Mass. William Diller Matthew, Ph.B., A.B. Univ. New Brunswick Can,, A.M. Col, Coll. 1894, University Fellow in Geology. St. Johns, N. B., Canada. Thomas Maria Newton, Ph.B. 40 W. 7jth St., N. Y. City. John Calvin Cakes, Ph.B., B.S. elsewhere, 42s W. 2 1 St St. , N. Y. City. Frederick Mailing Pedersen, (ee), E,E., M.S, Coll. City N. Y, 1893, Asst, Elec. Eng, Crocker-Wheeler Elec, Co. E. Orange N, J, 327 W. 34th St., N. Y. City. William Arthur Pomeroy, (MIN ENG), E.M. Oswego, Oregon. Richard Bayley Post, Ph.B. Elizabeth, N. J. Arthur Dickson Prince, (ce), C.E. 30 W. 47th St.,N. Y. City. Francis Adolphe Provot, C E P. 'O. Box 166, Orange Valley, N. J. Marcus Tullius Reynolds, (arch), Ph.B., A,B. Williams Coll. 1890 and A.M. 1893, g8 Columbia St., Albany, N. Y. Francis George Robinson, E.E., Supt. Amsterdam (N, Y,) Street R, R. Co. Amsterdam^ N. Y. George Austin Schroter. (min'g), E.M,, Supt, Keystone Mine Col,, Mgr, Logan Group of Mines Boulder Col. 1^2^ Blake St., Denver, Col. Henry Atterburv Smith, (arch), Ph.B. 460 W. 44th St., N. Y. City. Samuel Clifton Thompson, (min'g), E,M,, A.B. Yale Univ, 1891, Grass Valley, Nevada Co., Cal. Henry Ashe Tilghman, E.M. Sansalito, Cal. William Tuttle, (arch), Ph.B. ^20 Summer Av., Newark, N. J. 39 398 GRADUATES OF THE SCHOOL OF MINES, [1894 1894 Joseph Bartlett Acken, Ph.B. Ha worth, N, y. Adolph Black, C.E. I4J4 Lexington Av., JV. Y. City. Marston Taylor Bogert, Ph.B., A.B. 1890, Asst. in Organic Laboratory Col. Col. 1 894-. Flushing, L. I., N. Y. Aron Wright Chapman, E.E., A.B. 1892. 160 Hicks St. , Brooklyn, N. Y. Leroy Clark, Jr., E.E. SSo W.joth St., N. Y. City. Francis Albertson Cokefair, C.E. iig Crescent A v. , Plainfield, N. y, Henry George Emery, Ph.B. ■ Nyack, N. Y. William Kinne Fellows, Ph.B. jSiS Eggleston Av., Chicago, III. Edward Pell Folger, C.E. 80 Quincy St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Harry Dubois Frisbee, E.E. IJ40 Fulton A v., N. Y. City. Paul Fuentes, E.M. J2I Hudson St. , Hoboken, N. y. David Joy Greene, C.E. joo Oakland St., Brooklyn, N. Y, Edward Francis Haas, C.E. B.S. Univ. of Cal. 1892. Stockton, Cal. Frank Chandler Hamilton, E.M., A.M. elsewhere. Upper Alton, III. Richard Cochran Hanson, C.E. 79 Manhattan Av., N, Y. City. Harry Allan Jacobs, Ph.B. J07 E. ySth St., N. Y. City. Meyer Joffe, C.E. Verona, N. y. Edward Marwedel Jones, C.E. 312 W. 28th St., N, Y. City. Julius Charles Kastner, Ph.B. 72 E. g2d St., JV. Y. City. Thomas Lonsdale Leeming, Jr., Ph.B. 216 Park PL, Brooklyn, N. Y. Edward William Libaire. C.E. /JO W. 4gth St., N. Y. City. Charles Ransom McNeil, Ph.B. Litchfield, Conn. Harris Kennedy Masters, E.M. jyj Congress St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Edwin Henry Messiter, C.E. 130 Madison A v. , Elizabeth, N. y. George Kemp Mears, E.E. Elizabeth, N. y. Benjamin Wistar Morris, Jr., Ph.B. 33 W. 42d St., N. Y. City. Kenneth Mackenzie Murchison, Jr., Ph.B. 46 W.sjth St., N. Y. City. Milbourne Munroe, E.E. Max Osterberg, E.E. 232 E. 62d St., N. Y. City. Harold Ashton Parsons, C.E. South Norwalk, Conn. John Russell Pope, Ph.B. Ill E. 2Sth St., N. Y. City. John Lloyd Prince, E.E. 868 Flatbush Av., Brooklyn, JV. Y. John Clifford Rennard, E.E., A.B. elsewhere, 302 W. 73d St., N. Y. City. Charles Tomlinson Rittenhouse^ E.E., Mech. Eng. Stevens Inst. Tech. 1893, University Fellow Col. Coll. 1894-. 247 W. 138th St., N. Y. City. Charles Depew Searle, C.E. 32 W. 126th St., N. Y. City. Rudolph Seldner, Ph.B., Asst. in Laboratories and Instr. in Science Adelphi Acad, Bkln. N. Y, 1894.-, Asst. Chem. Bkln, Health Dept. 1894-. 217 yefferson Av., Brooklyn, N. Y. Edward Danforth Self, E.M., Mech. Eng. Stevens Inst. Tech. 1886, South Orange, N. y. Gerald Fitz Gerald Sherman, C.E. 1 138 7th St. , BoisS City, Idaho. Wilson Fitch Smith, C.E., Asst. Instr. Summer Sch. Surveying. 36 W. 36th St., N. Y. City. Joseph Lauferty Steinam, Ph.B. 31 W. gjth St., N. Y. City. Alexander Stratton, E.E., B.S. elsewhere. 2013 Fifth Av., N. Y. City. William Noyes Taintor, Ph.B. 230 W.sgth St., N. Y. City. 1894] GRADUATES OF THE SCHOOL OF MINES. 399 George Francis Tennille, Ph.B. 40 S. Clinton St., E. Orange, N. J. John Almy Tompkins, 2d, Ph.B. 22J E. lyth St. , N. V. City. Lewis Herbert Vail, E.E. Locust Valley, L. I., N. Y. William Dunham Vanderbilt, C.E., Asst. Summer Sch. Surveying. Garden City, L. I., N. V. Jules Joseph Vatable, Ph.B. Sg Water St., N. Y. City. Henry Vincent Walker, Ph.B. Brooklyn, N. Y. Franklin Backus Ware, Ph.B. 128s Madison Av., N. Y. City. William Young Westervelt, E.M. 1 168 Broadway, N. Y. City. Theodore Greely White, Ph.B. J9 W. 26th St., N. Y. City. 52 GRADUATES OF THE SCHOOL OF POLITICAL SCIENCE. A.B. ; Ph.B. ; A.M. ; Ph.D. I881 Nathan Bijur, (cl), Ph.B., LL.B. 1882, Ph.D. 1883. 34 Nassau St. , N. V. City. Richard Vendome Boyd, Ph.B. 18 Wall St., N. Y. City. David Augustus Clarkson, (re), Ph.B. jj Liberty St., N. Y. City. William Forster, (cl), Ph.B., LL.B. 1883, Ex-Asst. Dist. Atty. N. Y. City. Sg Wall St., N. Y. City. Felix Benedict Herzog, (ee), Ph.B., LL.B. 1882, Ph.D. 1883, A.M. SO Broad St., N. Y. City. Edward Hinman, (cl), Ph.B., LL.B. 1883. SJ Wall St., N. Y. City. Charles Adams Moran, (cl), Ph.B. 121 East 3Sth St., N. Y. City, Ernest Thompson, Ph.B. George [Eugene] Vail, Ph.B. Care Hottinger 6^ Co., ^8 Rue De Provence, Paris, France. Stephen Guion Williams, (cl), Ph.B., LL.B. 1882, Ph.D. 1883. 4S Exchange PI., N. Y. City. 10 1882 Oscar Bunzl,* Ph.B., LL.B. 1884. *i887 Louis Franklin Messer, (cl), Ph.B. Pres. Erie Co. Guar. Search Co. 404 Main St., Buffalo, N. Y. Abraham Nelson, (cl), Ph.B.. LL.B. 1885. 2^4 Broadway, N. Y. City. Thomas Daniel Rambaut, (cl), Ph.B., A.B. 1881, LL.B. 1883, A.M. 1884, Ph.D. 1884. *' III Broadway, N. Y. City, De Witt James Seligman, (ret), Ph.B., LL.B. 1884, Ex-Commr.of Educat. N. Y. City, Treas. N. Y. Soc. for Parks and Playgrounds for Children, Director N. Y. Assn. for Improving Condition of Poor. S28 W.s8th St., N. Y. City. William Simpson Sloan,(RR),Ph.B., Gen. Frt. Agt. and later Third V.-Prest. Del. Lack. & West. R. R. Co. 26 Exchange PL, N. Y. City. Eugene Talman Stuart,* Ph.B., A.B. 1881, LL.B. 1883. *i89« John Seely Ward, Jr., Ph.B., LL.B. 1883. 42 Pearl St., N. Y. City. William Hamilton Harris Warner, (BR), Ph.B. S2 Wall St., N. Y. City. Benedict Sigmund Wise, (cl), Ph.B., LL.B. 1883. 206 Broadway, N. Y. City. Charles Erskine Scott Wood,Ph.B., LL.B. 1883. Portland, Ore. II 1883 Edward Hedden Apgar, (m), Ph.B., A.B. 1883, A.M. 1884, LL.B. 1885. 73 Dey St., N. Y. City. 400 1883-85] GRADUATES IN POLITICAL SCIENCE. 401 John Kendrick Bangs, (au, ed), Ph.B., Editorial Staff " Harper's Monthly Magazine," etc. Yonkers^ N. V. Harry Ferdinand Barrell, (cl), Ph.B., A.B. 1882, A.M. 1884, LL.B. 1885, Ph.D. 1885. y 48 Broad St., Newark, N. J. Abraham Charles Bernheim, Ph.B., Ph.D. 1885, Lecturer Col. Coll. 1888-. 12 E. dsth St., N. V. City. John EUot Bowen,* A.B., Ph.B. aet. 32. *i89o Joseph Stanford Brown, (ee), Ph.B., A.B. 1883, A.M. 1884, E.E. Am. Inst. E. E.'s, Secy. Neftel & Marsh Co. 126 Liberty St. , N. V. City. Justus A. B. Cowles, (cl), Ph.B. Rye, Westchester Co., N. V. Irving Meade Dittenhoefer, (cl), LL.B. 1885. g6 Broadway, N. V. City. Sylvanus Lothrop Fowler, (RENTING MF PREMISES), Ph.B. LL.B. 1885. 55 Furman St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Joseph Parker Kirlin, (cl), Ph.B., LL.B. 1884. S Beekman St., N. Y. City. Edward De Cost McKay, (ret), Ph.B., A.B, Yale Coll. i860 and A.M. 1883, LL.B. 1882. 253 W. 42d St., N. Y. City. David Boies Porter, (mf), Ph.B. Seattle, Wash. Herbert Livingston Satterlee, (cl), Ph.B., B.S. 1883, A.M. 1884, LL.B. 1885, Ph.D. 1885. S9 Wall St., N. Y. City. Alfred Lincoln Seligman, (b), Ph.B., A.B. elsewhere, Cashr. Anglo- American Bank Ltd., Director and Treas. San F. & No. Pac. Ry. Co. San Francisco, Cal. Edmond Ely Wise, (cl), Ph.B., LL.B. 1885. 21 Broad St., N. Y. City. 15 1884 Hervey Van Alen Anderson,* Ph.B. aet. 24. *i887 James Lawrence Cain, (cl), Ph.B., M.S. Lafayette Coll. 1891, School Commr. Oueens Co. (N. Y.) 1887-90, Justice of the Peace i8go. Bay side. Queens Co., N. Y. ' Edward Miller Cameron, Ph.B., A.B. 1884. ig E. 7 2d St., N. Y. City. William Henry Chambers, Ph.B. 20 St. Mark's Place, N. Y. City. Oliver Edward Coles, Ph.B., A.B. 1884. ^06 Pavonia Av., Jersey City, N. y. Henry Arey Davis, Ph.B. Astor House, N. Y. City. David Norman Donald,* Ph.B. *i885 Charles Harvey Genung, (lit), Ph.B., A.B. 1884. 360 Adelphi St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Frank Fountain Harding, (educ), Ph.B., Ph.D. Univ. of Wooster O. 1893, Teacher High School Chicago 111. Rogers Park, Chicago, III. George Washington Harris, (cl), Ph.B., A.B. 1884, LL.B. 1889. University Club, N. Y. City. Henry Skinner Hathaway, (phys), Ph.B., A.B. 1884, M.D. 1890, M.D. N. Y. Homeo. Med. Coll. & Hosp. 1891. 146 W. g2d St., N. Y. City. Austin Hulshizer, A.B., Ph.B., A.M. 1885, LL.B. 1885. Ill Broadway, N. Y. City. Obie Wilbur Kitchell Ph.B., A.B. 1884, A.M. 1886. 24 Newark St., Newark, N. y. Barclay Etchebery Ver Planck McCarty, (cl), Ph.B., A.B. 1884, A.M. 1885, LL.B. 1886. University Club, N. Y. City. W. T. F. Neely, Ph.B. 24J Lexington Av., N. Y. City. George Willard Plum, Ph.B., A.B. 1884. 2g William St., N. Y. City. Jonathan Mayhew Wainwright, (CL), Ph.B., A.B. 1884, LL.B. 1886. Rye, Westchester Co., N. Y. 17 1885 Frederic Bancroft, (educ), Ph.D., A.B. and A.M. Amherst Coll., Lectr. at Johns Hopk. Univ., Lectr. American History Col. Coll. 1892-. Columbia Coll., N. Y. City. Emlen Pleasants Frame, Ph.B. Tampa, Fla. 402 GRADUATES IN POLITICAL SCIENCE, [1885-87 William Abbott Jones, Jr., (cl), Ph.B., LL.B. 1886. Richmond Hill, L. /., N. Y. Edward Man, (cl), Ph.B., LL.B. 1886. S6 Wall St., N. v. City. Edward Swann, (cl), Ph.B., LL.B. 1886, A.M. 1886. 71 Broadway, N. V. City. 5 1886 Anthony Arnoux, Ph.B. Sg Wall St., N. V. City. Jared Grover Baldwin, Jr., A.M., A.B. 1886. 30 Nassau St. , N. V. City. Adolph Bierck, Jr., (cl), A.B., A.M. 1887, LL.B. 1888, Seligman Fellow 1887-88. 6 Wall St., N. Y. City. Charles Francis Bostwick, (cl), Ph.B., LL.B. 1886. 2J'/ Broadway, N. Y. City. Robert Munro Boyd, Jr., (cl), A.M., A.B. Yale Coll. 1884, LL.B. 1886. /// Broadway, N. Y. City. George Turner Cann, (cl), A.M., A.B. Penn Mil. Coll. 1885 and A.M. 1892, Capt. Co. C 3d Batt. Ga. Vols. 140 Gaston St., Savannah, Ga. Louis Sidney Carrere, (cl), A.B., LL.B. 1888. 80 Broadway, N. Y. City. Percy Sheldon Dudley, (cl), A.B., A.M. 1887, LL.B. 1888, Seligman Fellow 1887-88. 102 Broadway, N. Y. City. Halstead Holoway Frost, Jr., Ph.B., A.B. 1883, A.M. 18 Wall St., N. Y. City. Thomas Buchanan Gilford, (cl), A.M., A.B. 1885, LL.B. 1887. 47 J Lexington A v., N. Y. City. Louis Joel Grossman, A.B., LL.B. 1887. ig Blackstone Bldg. , Cleveland, Ohio. Charles Edward Harris, Jr., A.M., A.B. elsewhere, 40^ Manhattan Av., Brooklyn, N. Y. Emil MacDougall Hawkes, A.B., LL.B. 1887. 267 Fifth Av., N. Y. City. Harry Waffington Hillier, A.B., I J E. 46th St., N. Y. City. James Merrill Hutchinson, Ph.B. Madison, Wis. Francis Volney King, A.M., C.E. Penn Mil. Acad., Ex-memb. N. Y. Assemb. 20 Fifth Av,, N. Y. City. Elmer Grant Sammis, (cl), x^.B., A.M. and LL.B. 1887, Seligman Fellow 1887-88. 6 Wall St., N. Y. City. Charles Barzillai Spahr, (ed), Ph.D., A.B. Amherst Coll. i88i, Ed. " The Outlook," New York. 2g^ E. loth St. , N. Y. City. Arthur TurnbuU, A.B., Asst. Treasr. U. S. Mortgage Co. 59 Cedar St., N. Y. City. John Montgomery Ward, Ph.B. ijg E. 48th St., N. Y. City. Robert Weil, A.M., A.B. 1885, Seligman Fellow 1886-87. 4g Chambers St., N. Y. City. Arthur Brattle Wells, (cl), A.M., A.B. Yale Coll. 1884. 172 La Salle St. , Chicago, III. Edward Wells, Jr., (cl), A.M., A.B. Yale Coll. 1884. Ill Broadway, N. Y. City. Joseph Wood, (cl), A.M., A.B. Yale Coll. 1884 and A.M. 1886, LL.B. Col. Coll. 1886. Sayville, Suffolk Co., N. Y. 1887 24 Paul Kimball Ames, A.M. A.B. Yale Coll. 1886, Seligman Fellow 1887-88. 75 Wall St., N. Y. City. John Vernou Bouvier, Jr., A.M., A.B. 1886. 120 Broadway, N. Y. City. William Wheelwright Buckley, (CL), A.B., A.M. 1888, LL.B. 1888. 171 Broadway, N. Y. City. Lewis Cameron, Ph.B. ^10 Classon Av., Brooklyn, N. Y. Frederick Augustus Camp, (cl), A.M., A.B. Coll. City N. Y., LL.B. 1888. 280 Broadway, N. Y. City. James Murdock Clark, (cl), A.M., A.B. Wash, and Jeff. Coll. 1884, LL.B. Col. Coll. 1887. J70 Fourth Av., Pittsburgh, Pa. Edward Franklin Cole, A.M., A.B. 1886. 82 Fulton St., N. Y. City. 1887-88] GRADUATES IN POLITICAL SCIENCE, 403 John Bartlett Dennis, A.B. Gardiner, Me. [James] Ruford Franklin, [Jr.], A.M., A.B. 1886. 6 Wall St., N. Y. City. Henry Gustave Koch Heath, (cl), Ph.B., B.S. Boston Univ., A.M. and LL.B. Col. Coll. 1888. 54 Wall St., N. Y. City. Charles Edward Herring, Ph.B., A.B. Coll. City N. Y. Edward William Scudder Johnston, A.M., A.B. 1886. 8 Centre St., N. Y. City. Edmund Steele Joy, A.M., A.B. Williams Coll. 1886. 26 Ilalsey St., Newark, N. y. Elliott McAllister, (cl), A.M., A.B. Univ. California 1885, LL.B. 1888, State Senator 30th and 31st sessions Cali- fornia Leg. 222 Sansom St., San Francisco, Cal. Nathaniel L. McCready, Jr., A.M , A.B. 1886. 10 W. 22d St., N. Y. City. Everett McKinstry, A.B. 20J0 Madison Av., N. Y. City. Mortimer Morange Menken, (cl)., A.M., A.B. Coll. City N. Y., LL.B. 1888. 140 Nassau St., N. Y. City. William Lithgow Perkins, A.B. 24 Court Sq., Brooklyn, N. Y. Frederic Dimon Philips, (cl), A.M., A.B. 1880, LL.B. 1882. 4S Cedar St., N. Y. City. Warren Ethelbert Sammis, (cl), A.B., A.M. 1888, LL.B. 1889, Seligman Fellow i888-8g. 67 Liberty St., N. Y. City. Mark Mayer Schlesinger, A.B. 20 E. djth St., N. Y. City. Emil Felix Stoiber,* A.M., A.B. 1885. aet. 23. ♦1887 Chauncey Bannard Stone,* A.B. aet. 27. *i8g3. Washington Irving Taylor, (cl), A.B., A.M. 1888, LL.B. 1888, Ph.D. 1889, Seligman Fellow 1888-89. 55 Liberty St., N. Y. City. Julian LeRoy White, Ph.B. Baltimore, Md. 25 1888 Addison Allen, (cl), Ph.B., LL.B. 1889, A.M. 1892. 120 Broadway , N. Y. City. William Ferdinand Byland, A.M., A.B. 1887. Summit, N. y, Frank Moore Colby, A.B., Seligman Fellow 1889-90, Lecturer in History, Col. Coll. 1892-93. West New Brighton, S. I., N. Y. Eugene Maurice Fitzgerald, (cl), A.M., A.B. Coll. N. J. 1887, LL.B. 1889. II Pine St., N. Y. City. Charles Franc Goddard, A.M., A.B. 1887. 11^ Broadway, N. Y. City. Richard Selden Harvey, (cL),Ph.B. Nyack, N. Y. Frederick William Hunter, (cl), A.M., A.B. 1887, LL.B. 1889. 2gj Broadway , N. Y. City, Frederick Wolcott Jackson, Ph.B. Charles Lincoln Johnson, (b), A.M., LL.B. 1889, A.M. Knox Coll. 1889, Seligman Fellow, 1888-9, Official Sec. to the Gov. of Colo. 1889-91. 1^6 Lake St., Chicago, III. Seymour P. Kurzman, (cl) A.M., A.B. Coll. City N. Y. 1887, LL.B. 1889. IS Wall St., N. Y. City. Alfred Kramer Leuckel, (m), Ph.B. Trenton, N. J. Charles Coleman Miller, (cl), A.B. IS Wall St., N. Y. City. Kneeland Moore, (cl), A.B., A.M., 1889. 120 Broadway, N. Y. City. George Clinton Morrison, A.M., A.B. elsewhere. Robert Edgar Porterfield, A.M., A.B. elsewhere. Mendota, III. Alfred Brookes Robinson, (cl), A.M., A.B. Harv. Univ. 1887, LL.B. 1889. S3 W. 48th St., N. Y. City. Robert Cornell Sands, A.M., A.B. 1886. 38s Fifth Av., N. Y. City. Adolph Thurner SchoUe, A.M., A.B. elsewhere. 13 E. 4gth St., N. Y. City, 404 GRADUATES IN POLITICAL SCIENCE. [1888-89 George Dundas Scriba, A.M., A.B. 1887. Montrose, N. Y. George William Stake, Jr., (cl), A.M., A.B. Coll. City N. Y., LL.B. 1889. 79 Cedar St, N. Y. City. Stephen Berrien Stanton, (cl), A.M., A.B. Harv. Univ. 1887, LL.B. 1889, Ph.D. 1890, Univ. Fellow 1888-89. jg Wall St., N. Y. City. Benjamin [S. W.] Tuska, (cl), A.M., A.B. Johns Hopk. Univ. 1887, LL.B. 1889. 22 William St., N. Y. City. William Manning van Heusen,(cL), Ph.B., LL.B. 'Union Coll. 1890. Ill Broadway, N. Y. City. Gordon Woodbury, A.M., A.B. elsewhere. 16 W. S2d St., N. Y. City. Stephen Wray, (cl), A.M., A.B. Coll. City N. Y., LL.B. 1889. 146 Broadway, N. Y. City. 25 1889 William Benford Aitken, (cl), A.M., A.B. 1888, Ph.D. 1890. "^02 Madison Av., N. Y. City. Wilson Lloyd Bevan, A.M., Seligman Fellow 1889-90. George Ashton Black, Ph.D., A.B. Harv. Univ. 1879, LL.B. 1888. 74 W. gist St. , N. Y. City. Walter Lawrence Bogert, (cl), A.M., A.B. 1888. gj Nassau St. , N. Y. City. Ernest Trow Carter, (cl), A.M., A.B. Coll. N. J. 1888. 87 Nassau St., N. Y. City. Charles Washburn Clark, Ph.D. Paris, France. Jerome Canfield Cook, (TRAY. SALESMAN), A.B. 148 Willow St., Brooklyn, N. Y. John Porter Elder, (cl), A.M., A.B. Coll. City N. Y. 1888. 11^ Broadway, N. Y. City. George Waterbury Glaze, (cl), Ph.B., A.M. 1891, B.S. Coll. City N. Y. iiy E. 60th St., N. Y. City. Robert Goeller, (cl), A.M. 6 Wall St., N. Y. City. Frank Randel Hathaway, (educ), A.M., A.B. 1888, Fellow Col. Coll. 1890-91, Asst. in Economics 1891-92, Reader in Statistics Univ. Chicago 1892-93. 146 W. g2d St.. N. Y. City. Frederick Morris Herrick, (cl), A.M., Ph.D. 1890, Seligman Fellow 1889-90. Sjo W.jytA St., N. Y. City. Willard [Cunningham] Humph- reys, (educ), A.m., A.B. 1888, Ph.D. 1890, M.D. Univ. N. Y. City 1890, Seligman Fellow 1889-90, Instr. in Latin Coll. N. J. 1892-. Box j6j, Princeton, N. y. Arthur Matthew Kane, (phys), A.M., A.B. 1888, M.D. 1893, House Surg. City Hosp. Blackwell's Is. I by Congress St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Burnham Kalisch, (cl), A.B., iig Nassau St. , N. Y. City. Lindley Miller Keasbey, (educ), A.M., A.B. Harv. Univ. 1888, Ph.D. Col. Coll. 1890, R.P.D. Strasburg Kaiser- Wilhelm Univ. 1892, Prof. Economics Univ. of Col. 1892-94, Prof. Social Science, Bryn Mawr Coll. Bryn Mawr Pa. Boulder, Col. Frederick William Kelly, (cl), Ph.B.,B.L. Univ.of Wis. 1888 and LL.B. 1891, Pres. Wisconsin Chi Psi Ass'n. igg 1 8th St., Milwaukee, Wis. Edmund Elmendorf Murphy, A.M. 14 E. 64th St., N. Y. City. Herbert Levi Osgood, (educ), Ph.D., A.B. Amherst Coll. 1877 and A.M. 1880, Teacher in Worcester ^Mass.) Acad., in Boys' High School Brooklyn N. Y., Adj.-Prof. History Col. Coll. 1890-. ig4 yoralemon St., Brooklyn, N. Y, Philip [Clare] Payne, (j), A.M., A.B. Cornell Univ. 1888. Dayton, Ohio. Thomas McClure Peters, (cl), A.M., Ph.D. 1890. Ill Broadway , N. Y. City. William Shillaber, Jr., (cl), A.B., A.M. 1890. 67 Wall St., N. Y. City. George Flint Warren, A.M. 6 Wall St., N. Y. City. Gerald Montgomery West, A.M., A.B. 1888, Ph.D. 1890, Univ. of Chic. 1893-. Univ. of Chicago, Chicago, Ills. 1889-93] GRADUATES IN POLITICAL SCIENCE, 405 Frederick Willets, (cl), A.B. 2S Lejfferts PL, Brooklyn, N. V. 1890 25 John Storm Appleby, Ph.B., Ph.B. 1888, A.M. 1891. 3/6 W. jgth St., N. Y. City. Clarence Marion Browne, Ph.B., A.B. Cornell Univ. Moscow, Idaho. Samuel Mauldin Chambliss (cl), Ph.B., A.B. Maryland Agricultural Coll. 1888. Chattanooga, Tenn. TheodoreWashington Dreyfus, (j), Ph.B., A.B. Tulane Univ. of La. 1889, Mng. Ed. "Journal of Finance," N. Y. City, ex-Ed. " Sunday Union " and " Palladium " New Haven, Conn. 4S E. ()2d St., N. V. City. Tompkins Mcllvaine (cl), A.B. 2S Pine St., N. V. City. William A. Masker, Jr., (Rev.), A.B. p. E. Ch. Callicoon Depot, N. V. Lucius Noyes Palmer, Ph.B., A.B. Yale Univ. 1888, LL.B. 1892. Ill Broadway, N. Y. City. Louis Frank Rothschild, (m), Ph.B., B.S. elsewhere. SI E. 60th St., N. Y. City. Arthur William Stone, A.B. Swanton, Vt. Adam Wiener, (cl), A.B. iggj Madison Av. N. Y. City 10 1 891 William George McKechnie, (cl), A.B. and Georgetown Coll. 1890, LL.B. Harv. Univ. 1893. 2j Court Sq. , Springfield, Mass. Alexander Sutherland McLeod, A.B., B.D. Oberlin Seminary. West Zobia, Canada. Kevork Garabed Nazarian, Ph.B. iig E. SI St St., N. Y. City. Frederick Holden Patterson, A.B. 66 Lexington Av., N. Y. City. Seth Banister Robinson, (cl), Ph.B., A.M. 1892, LL.B. 1893. 7 ig Madison Av., N. Y. City. Victor Solomon Rosewater, (j), Ph.B., A.M. 1892, Ph.D. 1893, University Fellow Col. Coll. 1892-93, Editor " Omaha Bee." Omaha, Neb. Franklin Nelson Strader, (Rev.). p. E. Ch. Wissahickon, Philadelphia, Pa. 1892 Walter Montgomery Arnold, (USA), A.B. Ft. Leavenworth, Kansas. 1893 Judah A. Joffe, A.B., Grad. Gym. of Yekaterinoslaw Russia, 1891, Univ. Fellow. Col. Coll. 1894-. 42 Pike St., N. Y. City. MASTERS OF ARTS AND DOCTORS OF PHILOSOPHY Note. — Masters of Arts and Doctors of Philosophy who received their degrees prior to the establishment of the University Council in 1890 appear among graduates of the respective Schools. The complete records of graduates named below who took their first degrees at Columbia College are given under the Schools in which same were obtained. 1890 DEGREE OF MASTER OF ARTS John Campbell, A.B. Coll. City N. Y. los W. 104th St., N. V. City. Benjamin Nathan Cardozo, (cl), A.B. 1889. gd Broadway, N, V. City. James Harrison Cravens, (cl), A.B. Williams Coll. 1887. g W. 30th St., N. Y. City. Frank Grant Crowell, (cl), LL.B. 1891, Seligman Prize Fellow. Atchison, Kan. Gustavus Trask Donnell, A.B. 1889, LL.B. 1892. S4i W.s6th St., N. V. City. Frank Loomis Eckerson, (cl), A.B. Coll. City N. Y. 1888. gg Nassau St. , N. Y. City. John Fieldhouse Fenton, (Rev.), A.B. Coll. N. J. 1888, Ph.D. 1891, B.D. Gen. Theol. Sem. P. E. Ch. N. Y. 1893, Seligman Fellow 1890-91, Exam, Chap- lain Diocese of N. J. P. E. Ch. Palmyra, N. J. Elbert Floyd-Jones, Jr., (Rev.), A.B. 1889, B. D. Gen. Theol. Sem. P. E. '' "T. Y. Ch. N. 2g2 Madison A v., N. Y. City. John Dean Goss, A.B. Univ. of Wis. Hudson, Ohio. Charles William Ivie, (Rev.), A.B St. Stephen's Coll. N. Y. 1880, Missionary P. £. Ch. in Western Michigan. Remsen Johnson, A B. 1889. 168 Hancock St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Richard Paul Lydon, (cl), A.B. Coll. City N. Y. 1889. IJ2 Nassau St. , N. Y. City. John Henry McCrahon, (cl), LL.B. 1891. 414 The Bastable, Syracuse, N. Y. Max Leopold Margolis, (educ), Leibnitz Gym. Beriin 1889, Ph.D. Col. Coll. 1891, Univ. Fellow in Semitic Lan- guages 1891-92, Instr. in Biblical Exegesis and Syriac Hebrew Union Coll. 1892, Hebrew Union Coll., Cincinnati, O. Percival S Menken, (cl), A.B. Coll. City N. Y. 1884, Ph.D. 1891, LL.B. 1892. J 40 Nassau Si. , N. Y. City. George Clinton Densmore Odell, (EDUC), A.B. 1889, Ph.D. 1893. Newburgh, N. Y. Hammond Odell, (cl), A.B. 1889. 135 ^- 75ih St., N. Y. City. Joseph Clement Pfister (educ), A.B. 1889. 240 Sixth A V. , Newark, N. y. 406 1890-91] MASTERS OF ARTS AND DOCTORS OF PHILOSOPHY, 407 Lydia Van Housen Potter, A.B. Univ. of Mich. Plattsburgh, N. V. Lawrence Reamer, (j), A.B. 1888. J41 Lexington Av.^ N. V. City. Kate Bird Runkle, (educ), A.B. Harv. Univ. Brook line, Mass. William Shillaber, Jr., (cl), A.B. 1889. 67 Wall St., N. V. City. Norman Wilde, A.B. 1889, Ph.D. 1894. Dodds Ferry, N. V. 23 DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY William Benford Aitken, (cl), A.B. 1888, A.M. 1889. 70^ Madison Av., N. V. City. Bashford Dean, A.B, Coll. City N. Y. 1886, A.M. Col. Coll. 1889, Instr. in Biology Col. Coll. 1891, Asst. U. S. Fisheries Commn. Columbia College, N. Y. City. Frank Despard Dodge, Ph.B. 1888. /J7 Water St., N. Y. City. Thomas Gold Frost, (cl), A.B. and A.M. Knox Coll., LL.B. 1888. Guaranty Loan Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. Frederick Morris Herrick, (cl), A.M. 1889. 330 W. S7th St., N. Y. City. Herman Hollerith, E.M. 1879. ^01 F St. , Washington, D. C. Willard [Cunningham] Humphreys, (EDUC), A.B. 1888, A.M. 1889, M.D. Univ. N. Y. City 1890. Box j6_5, Princeton, N. y. Lindley Miller Keasbey, (educ), A.B. Harv, Univ. 1888, A.M. Col. Coll. 1889, R. P. D. Kaiser Wilhelm Univ. 1892 Strasburg, Prof. Social Science Bryn Mawr College, Bryn Mawr, Pa. Boulder, Col. Charles Knapp, A.B. 1887, A.M. 1888. J4J Madison Av., N. Y. City. Frederick James Hamilton Merrill, Ph.B. 1885. 2 Sprague PI., Albany, N. Y. Alfred Joseph Moses, (educ), E.M. 1882. 9 Henderson PL , N. Y. City. IS Thomas McClure Peters (cl), A.M. 1889. Ill Broadway, N, Y. City. Charles Henry Smyth, Jr., Ph.B. 1888. Hamilton College, Clinton, N. Y. Stephen Berrien Stanton, (cl), A.B. Harv. Univ. 1887, A.M. Col. Coll. 1888, LL.B. 1889, Seligman Fellow i888- 89. S9 Wall St., N. Y. City. Gerald Montgomery West, A.B. 1888, A.M. 1889.^ Univ. of Chicago, Chicago, III. I89I DEGREE OF MASTER OF ARTS Frank[lin] Stanleigh Angell, (cl), B.S. Coll. City N. Y., LL.B. N. Y. Law School. J 86 Remsin St., Brooklyn, N. Y. John Storm Appleby, Ph.B. 1888 and 1890. 216 W.sgth St., N. Y. City. Annie Leland Barber, (educ), A.B. Harv. Univ. 7 IS Fifth Av.,N. Y. City. George Alanson Blauvelt, (cl), B.L. Cornell Univ., School Commr. Rockland Co. (N. Y.). 22g Broadway, N. Y. City. William Bondy, (cl), A B. 1890, Ph.D. i893,LL.B. 1893. 32 E. 67th St., N. Y. City. Edwin Solis Brickner, B.S. Coll. City N Y. 1890. 8 T2 Lexington Av., N. Y. City. Charles Adrian Brodek, (cl), B.S. Coll. City N. Y. 1890. 112 E. 8 I St St., N. Y. City. Dan Dillon Casement, (RANGE CATTLE), A.B. Coll. N. J. 1890. Whitewater, Col. Frederic Taber Cooper, A.B. Harv. Univ. 1886. Harvard Club, N. Y. City. Frederic Rene Coudert, Jr., (cl), A.B. 1890, Ph.D. 1894. 70 Willia?n St., A\ Y. City. Charles Franklin Davies, (cl), B.S. Coll. City N. Y. 1888, LL.B. New York Law School 1892. 44J Lexington A v., N. Y, City. 4o8 MASTERS OF ARTS AND [189I Samuel Whitney Dunscomb, Jr., (CL), A.B. Coll, City N. Y. 1893, LL.B. 1893. 28 W. 128th St., N. V. City. Ernest Frederick Eidlitz, B.L. Cornell Univ. I2S E. 73d St., N. Y. City. James Watson Gerard, Jr., A.B. iSgo. J4 Wall St., N. V. City. Henry Alger Gildersleeve, Jr.,* A.B. 1890. aet. 21, *i89i George Waterbury Glaze, B.S. Coll. City N. Y., Ph.B. Col. Coll. 1889. 117 E. 60th St., N. Y. City. Frank Pierrepont Graves, (educ), A.B. 1890, Ph.D. Boston Univ. 1892. Tuffs Coll., Mass. [Reginald] Fairfax Harrison, A.B. Yale Univ. 1890. JS Broad St., N. Y. City. Charles Harris Hayes, A.B. 1890. Madison, N. J. Thomas Kelby (cl), B.S. Coll. City N. Y. 1890, LL.B. Col. CoU. 1893. 60 St. Mark's Place, N. Y. City. Max James Kohler, (cl), B.S. and M.S. Coll. City N. Y., LL.B. 1893. iij E. 71st St., N. Y. City. Hu^h La Master, B.L. Univ. of Neb. 1890. Tecumseh, Neb. Charles Lauriston Livingston, (cl), A.B. 1890, LL.B. N. Y. Law School 1892. go2 Union St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Archibald Alexander McGlashan, CCL), A.B. Amherst Coll. 1890, LL.B. 'sfW' 33d St., N. Y. City. Harry Hatton McMahon, (cl), A.B. Coll. N. J. 1887, LL.B. Col. Coll. 1892. iidyi So. High St., Columbus, Ohio. Charles Riborg Mann, A.B. 1890, John Tyndall Fellow. Berlin, Germany. Robert Leslie Moffett, B.L. Univ. of Minn. Edward Arthur Northall, (educ), A.B. 1879. 108 W. 4Sth St., N. Y. City. George Howard Opdyke, Ph.B. Wesleyan Univ. 55 Clinton Av., Jersey City, N. J. Albert Brace Pattou, (mf), A.B. 1890. Central Block, Chattanooga, Tenn. Allison Wright Post, (cl), A.B. 1890, LL.B. N. Y. Law School 1892. II IV. 2 1 St St., N. Y. City. Thomas M. Rowlette, (cl), A.B. Knox Coll, 1887, LL.B. Col. CoU. 1889. 41 Park Row, N. Y. City. Alexander Van Wagoner, (cl), A.B. Rutgers Coll. 1890, LL.B. 1893. 2g N. Fourth St., Pater son, N. J. William John Warburton, A.B. 1890, LL.B. N. Y. Law School 1892. 4S Cedar St., N. Y. City. Judah Lewis Weinberg, (cl), A.B. 1889. 114 Nassau St., N. Y. City. 35 DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY John Fieldhouse Fenton, (Rev.), A.B. Coll. N. J. 1888, A.M. Col. Coll. 1890, B.D. Gen. Theol. Sem. P. E. Ch. N. Y. 1893. Palmyra, N. y. John Dean Goss, A.B. Univ. of Wis., A.M. Col. Coll. 1890. Hudson, Ohio. Edward Gudeman, (chem), Ph.B 1887. Peoria, III. Daniel Edward Lorenz, (Rev.), A.B. Otterbein Univ. Ohio 1884 and A.M. 1887. Presb. Ch 230 W. 76th St., N. Y. City. Max Leopold Margolis, (educ), Leibnitz Gym. Berlin Germany 1889, A.M. Col. Coll._ 1890. Hebrew Union Coll., Cincinnati, Ohioy Percival S. Menken, (cl), A.B. Coll. City N. Y. 1884, A.M. 1890, LL.B. 1892. 140 Nassau St. , N. Y. Walter Francis Willcox, (educ), A.B. Amherst Coll. 1884 and A.M. 1888, LL.B. Col. Coll. 1887, Prof. Political Economy. Cornell Univ., Ithaca, N. Y. Benjamin Duryea Woodward, (EDUC), A.B. 1888, A.M. 1889, B.6s S. and B.6s L. Sorbonne, Paris. Columbia College, N. Y. City. Clarence Hoffman Young, (educ),. A.B. 1888, A.M. 1889. J08 IV. s 8th St., N. Y. City. 9 1892] DOCTORS OF PHILOSOPHY. 409 1892 DEGREE OF MASTER OF ARTS Addison Allen, (cl), Ph.B. 1888, LL.B. 1889. 120 Broadway, N, V. City. DeWitt Bailey, A.B. Polytechnic Instit. Brooklyn, N. Y., LL.B. Col. Coll. 1894. 102 Wilson St., Brooklyn^ iV. Y. George James Bayles, A.B. 1891. Columbia College, N. Y. City. Cortlandt Field Bishop, (cl), A.B. 1891, Ph.D. 1893, LL.B. 1894. ij Madison Av., N. Y. City. Richard Charles Boyd, Ph.B. 1891. 4^ IV. 88th St., N. Y. City. William Carl, A.B. Coll. City N. Y. 1891, LL.B. Col. Coll. 1894. 247 W. 133d St., N. Y. City. Frederick Merritt Corse, (educ), A.B. Univ. of Vt. 1888, Secy. Univ. of Vt., Asst. Prof, in Political Sci. in same. Burlington, Vt, Eddy Clark Covell, A.B. elsewhere. Cazenovia, N. Y. Carlton Clarence Curtiss, A.B. elsewhere. Henry Murray Dater, (cl), A.B. Yale Univ. 1891, LL.B. New York Law Sch. 1893. 30J Adelphi St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Joseph Albert Deghuee, Ph.B. 1890, Ph.D. 1893. 242 Harrison St., Brooklyn, N. Y. John M. Gitterman (cl), A.B. Harv. Univ. 1888, Ph.D. Univ. of Frei- burg (Germany) 1890, LL.B. New York Law School 1893. 43 W. 46th St., N. Y. City. Bertrand Chase Hinman, (CHEM ENG), Ph.B. 1890. 186 Cook St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Charles Conover Kalbfleisch, (cl), A.B. 189T, LL.B. 1893. 8 W. 4gth St., N. Y. City. George Gillis Leonard, (cl), A.B. 1891. 102 W. 73th St. , N. Y. City. James Haviland Merritt, Ph.B. 1881. 3 Monroe PI. , Brooklyn, N. Y. Edmund Howd Miller, (educ), Ph. B. 1891. H^. Nyack, N. Y. William Zebina Ripley, (educ), A.B, Mass. Inst. Tech. 1890, Ph.D. Col. Coll. 1853, Univ. Fellow 1891-93, Instr. in Political Science Mass. Inst. Tech., Lecturer in Physical Geog. and Anthrop- ology Col. Coll. 1893-94. Mass. Inst, of Technology, Boston, Mass. Seth Banister Robinson, (cl), Ph.B. 1891, LL.B. 1893. 7/9 Madison Av., N. Y. City. John Edward Roeser, (cl), B S. Coll. City N. Y. 1890, LL.B. Col. Coll. 1893. 240 W. 130th St., N. Y. City. Victor Solomon Rosewater, Ph.B. 1891, Ph.D. 1893. Omaha, Neb. Marcus Simpson, A.B. 1891. Lexington, Mo. Solomon Marcus Stroock, (cl), B.S. Coll. City N. Y. 1891, LL.B. 1894. ij6 E. 80th St., N. Y. City. George Oakley Totten, Jr., (arch), Ph.B. 1891. 63 Rue de Seine, Paris, France. Charles Peck Warren, Ph.B. 1890. 286 Clifton PI., Brooklyn, N. Y. Max West, B.S. Univ. of Minn. 1890, Ph.D. 1893, Univ. Fellow 1892-^3, Hon. Fellow in Pol. Econ. Univ. of Chicago. 333 S. Halstead St. , Chicago, III. Henry Crofut White (cl), A.B. Yale Univ. 1891, LL.B. N. Y. State Univ. 1893. 48 E. 83d St., N. Y. City. Grenville Bayard Winthrop, A.B. Harv. Univ. 1891, LL.B. 1894. 170 W. sgth St., N. Y. City. 28 DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Charles Henry James Douglas, (EDUC), A.B. Brown Univ. 1879 and A.M. 1882, Instr. Univ. of Wis. 1884-85, Seligman Fellow 1890-92, Prof. English Brooklyn Boys' High School 1888-, Prof. Polit. Science Brooklyn Institute 1892-. i6g Halsey St., Brooklyn, A\ Y. Robert Ingram Brown Illman, (Rev.), A.B. 1885, B.D. Union Theol. Sem. 1888. South Meriden, Conn. 410 MASTERS OF ARTS AND [1892-93' Edmund Steele Joy, (cl), A.B. Williams Coll. 1886, LL.B. Col. Coll. 1888. Nezuark, N. J. 3 1893 DEGREE OF MASTER OF ARTS George Louis Beer (m), A.B. 1892. _^ 8 Manhattan Sq., S., JV. Y. City. Edward Stelle Brownson, Jr. 4g Garden PL, Brooklyn, N. Y. Ferdinand Ezra M. Bullowa, A.B. Coll. City N. Y. 1892. 46 E. 66th St., N. Y. City. Henry Jagoe Burchell, Jr., A.B. 38' E. S3d St., AT. Y. City. [Allison] Emery Drake, A.B. St. Francis Xavier's Coll. Cincinnati O. 1886 and A.M. 1887, Univ. Fellow Col. Coll. 1893-94. 328 W. i4Sth St., N. Y. City. Rodney Lawrence Glisan (cl), A.B. Yale Univ. 1890, LL.B. Univ. of Oregon 1890. Chamber of Commerce Bldg., Port- land, Ore. Alexander Browne Halliday, A.B. Harv. Univ. 1891, LL.B. 1894. Yonkers, N. Y. Leon Hiihner, (cl), A.B. Coll. City N. Y. 1890, LL.B. 1893, Instr. in N. Y. Eve. High School. SSS ^- I2ist St., N. Y. City. Sherman Skinner Jewett, 2d, (cl), A.B. Yale Univ. 1891, LL.B. Col. Coll. 1894. 303 North St. , Buffalo, N. Y. Joseph Larocque, Jr., A.B. 1892, LL.B. 1894. 6 E. _56th St., N. Y. City. Parker Cairns Mcllhiney (chem), Ph.B. 1892, Ph.D. 1894. 61 g Grand St. , Jersey City, N. J. James Alexander McLean, A.B. Toronto Univ. Can. 1892, Ph.D. Col, Coll. 1894, University Fellow 1893-94. May fair, Ontario, Canada. Henry Necarsulmer, B.S. Coll. City N. Y. 1891, LL.B. 1894. log E. joth St. , N. Y. City. ^Benjamin Risley Putnam, B.S. Rose Poly. Instit. 1892, Chem. Illinois Steel Co. Barry Hotel, Chicago, III. James Dennison Rogers, A.B. Hamilton Coll. 1889, Ph.D. Col. Coll. 1894, Principal for 3 yrs. Boonville Union School N. Y. 623 Lexington Av., N. Y. City. Dwight Wilcox Taylor, A.B. 1891. ^00 Madison Av., N. Y. City. Clarence Walton Vail, A.B. 1892. Goshen, N. Y. Clark Greenwood Voorhees, (CHEM), Ph.B. Yale Univ. 1891. jg E. 7Sth Si-, ^' y- City. Francis Walker, B.S. Mass. Inst. Tech, 1892, Univ. Fellow 1892-93. Selden Lincoln Whitcomb, A.B. Iowa Coll. 1887. 13 Astor PL, N. Y. City. 20 DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Cortlandt Field Bishop, (cl), A.B. 1891, A.M. 1892, LL.B. 1894, 13 Madison Av., N. Y. City. Edwin Mortimer Blake, (educ), E.M, 1890. Columbia College, N. Y. City, William Bondy, A.B. 1890, A.M. 1891, LL.B. 1893. 32 E. 67th St., N. Y. City. Joseph Albert Deghuee, Ph.B. 1890, A.M. 1892. 247 Harrison St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Samuel Whitney Dunscomb, Jr., A.B. Coll. City N. Y., A.M. Col. Coll. 1891, LL.B. 1893, 28 W. 128th St., N. Y. City. Isaac A. Hourwich, A.M. elsewhere, Lecturer on Statistics Univ. of Chicago. Chicago, III. Thomas Arthur Humason, A.M. elsewhere. Alfred Bernard Moldenke, A.B. 1891. 124 E. 46th St., N. Y. City. George Clinton Densmore Odell, A,B, 1889, A.M. 1890. Newburgh, N. Y. William Zebina Ripley, B.S. Mass. Inst. Tech. 1890, A.M. 1892. Mass. Inst. Technology, Boston, Mass. Victor Solomon Rosewater, Ph.B. 1891, A.M, 1892, Omaha, Neb. 1893-94] DOCTORS OF PHILOSOPHY. 411 Max West, B.S. Univ. of Minn. 1890, A.M. Col. Coll. 1892. jjj' S. Halstead St. , Chicago^ III. 1894 DEGREE OF MASTER OF ARTS Robert Archibald Ashworth, A.B. 1892. Putnam, Conn. Oeorge Hume Batchelor, A.B. Indiana State Univ. 1892, Univ. Fellow 1893-94. Vernon, Ind. Ludwig Bernstein, test. mat. Gymn. Mitau, Russia 1891. 64 Rutgers Slip, N. V. City. Solomon Charles Bernstein, B.S. Coll. City N. Y. 1892. 138 Henry St., N. V. City. Joseph Edmond Bullen, A.B. Brown Univ. 1890. Newton Centre, Mass. Malcolm John Cameron, (cl), A.B. Johns Hopkins Univ. 1891, LL.B. 1894. J008 Cathedral St. , Baltimore, Md. Olof Zacharias Cervin, B.S. Augustana Coll. 1887. 3814 Seventh Av., Rock Island, III. Charles Ernest Chadsey, A.B. Leland Stanford Univ. 1892 and A.M. 1893. 8 West Park St., Newark, N. J. Alfred Arthur Cook, B.S. Coll. City N. Y. 1892. IS2 E. 71st St., N. V. City. James Walton Cooper, A.B. Doane Coll. 1891, Crete, Neb. Harry Alonzo Cushing, A.B. Amherst Coll. 1891, Univ. Fellow 1894-. 247 W. 71st St., N. V. City, Herman Stearns Davis, A.B. Coll. N. J. 1892, Univ. Fellow 1894-. Columbia College, N. V. City. Harrison Gray Dyar, B.S. Mass. Instit. Tech. 1889. 76 W. 6gth St., N. V. City. Christopher Robert Hamlin, A.B. Boston Univ. 1893. Lexington, Mass. Emanuel Hertz, A.B. Coll. City N. Y. 1892. 44gE. 80th St., N. Y. City. 12 William Addison Hervey, A.B. 1893. Rossville, S. I, N. Y, Arthur Knox, A.B. Coll. City N. Y. 1892. 472 Mott Av., N. Y, City. George Herbert Ling, A.B. Univ. of Toronto 1893, Univ. Fellow 1894. Wallacetown, Ontario, Canada. William Diller Matthew, A.B. Univ. of N. B. 1889, Ph.B. Col. CoU. 1893. Summer St., St. John's, N. B. S. Stanwood Menken, B.L. Cornell Univ. 1890, LL.B. Col. Coll. 1894. 771 West End Av., N. Y. City. Nathan Ottinger, B.S. Coll. City N. Y. 1892. no E. 6 1 St St., N. Y. City. Anna Stockton Pettit, B.S. St. Lawrence Univ. 1892. Lawrence, L. /., N. Y. Charles Louis Pollard, A.B. 1893. 104 E. 20th St., N. Y. City. Edward Stephen Rawson, A.B. Harv. Univ. 1890, LL.B. Col. Coll. 1894. Cincinnati, 0. Raymond Reubenstein, A.B. Coll. City N. Y. 1892. i2g E. 82d St., N. Y. City. Heinrich Ries, Ph.B. 1892. 28 W. 128th St. , N. Y. City. Emma Goodeve Sebring, A.B. Smith Coll. 1889, Asst. in Psychology and Hiit. of Educ. Teachers' Coll. 1894-. Tarrytown, N. Y. William Robert Shepherd, A.B. 1893. 32^ Macon St. , Brooklyn, N. Y, Robert William Thompson, Jr., A.B. Coll. City N. Y. 1893. 22g W. g7th St., N. Y. City. Sidney Hubbell Treat, A.B. 1893. 171 W. g7th St., N. Y. City. Lemuel Whitaker, A.B. speciali gratia elsewhere. Joseph Center Wight, A.B. 1892. 30 Schermerhorn St., Brooklyn, N. Y. 32 DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Charles Sears Baldwin, A.B. 1888, A.M. 1889. Columbia College, N. Y. City. 412 MA STERS OF ARTS AND DOCTORS OF PHILOSOPH V. [ 1 894 Frederic Ren6 Coudert, Jr. (cl), A.B. 1890, A.M. 1891. 70 William St., JV. V. City. William Julius Eckoff, Ph.D. elsewhere. Edgar Bonaparte Gosling, E.M. 1884, C.E. 1886. Windsor Hotel, N. V. City. Joseph Herman Hertz, (Rev.), A.B. Coll. City N. Y. 1891. ^ig Warren St., Syracuse, N. Y, William Dodge Home, Ph.B. 1886. Yonkers, N. Y. Harwood Huntington, A.B. Trin. Coll. Conn. 1884, Univ. Fellow 1893-94. I J Clinton St., Hartford, Conn. Lea Mcllvaine Luquer, (educ), C.E. 1887. Bedford, N. Y. Parker Cairns Mcllhiney, Ph.B. 1892, A.M. 1893. 6ig Grand St., Jersey City, N. J. Charles Francis McKenna, A.B. and A.M. St. Francis Xavier's Coll. N. Y., Ph.B. 1883. 144 W. ggth St., N. Y. City. James Alexander McLean, A.B. Univ. Coll. Toronto 1892, A.M. Col. Coll. 1893. Mayfair, Ontario, Canada. Edmund Howd Miller, (educ), Ph.B. 1891. West Nyack, N. Y. Lucius Pitkin, A.B. Coll. City N. Y., Ph.B. 1881. ijS Pearl St., N. Y. City. James Dennison Rogers, A.B. Hamilton Coll. 1889, A.M. Col. Coll. 1893. 62J Lexington Av., N. Y. City. Frank Vanderpoel, E.M. 1875. The Celluloid Co., Newark, N. J. Norman Wilde (educ), A.B. 1889, A.M. 1890. Dobbs Ferry, N. Y. Frederick Augustus Wood, A.B. Dartmouth Coll. 1886, Seligman Fellow 1892-93. Montpelier, Vt. 17 HONORARY DEGREES Note. — The records of graduates of Columbia College are given under date of graduation. The honorary degree conferred is indicated by italics. 1758 Daniel Isaac Brown,* (cl), A.B. Coll. of N. J. ^^s^,A.M. and Coll. N. J., Prothonotary Bergen Co. N. J. 1776, Major H. B. M. Army 1780. Samuel Brown,* A.B. Yale Coll, 1749, A .M. and Yale Coll. *i778 Isaac Browne,* (Rev.), A.B. Yale Coll. 1729, A.M. and Yale Coll. *i786 Thomas Bradbury Chandler,* (Rev.), A.B. Yale Coll. 1745, A.M. and Yale Coll. and Oxford Univ. 1753, S.T.D. 1767 and Oxford Univ. 1766. aet. 64. *i790 Leonard Cutting,* (Rev.), Cambridge Univ., A.M,^ Tutor King's Coll. 1756-63. aet. 69. *i794 Samuel Fayerweather,* (Rev.), A.B. Harv. Univ. 1743, A.M. and Yale Coll. 1753 and Oxford Univ. 1756 and Cambridge Univ. 1756. Carey Ludlow,* (cl), A.M.., Master in Chancery, N. Y. 1776, Surro- gate N. Y. City 1782. John McKesson,* (cl), A.B. Coll. N. J. 1753, A.M. and Coll. N. J. David Matthews,* (cl), A.B. Coll. N. J. 1754, yl..l/., Alderman N. Y. City 1776. Josiah Ogden,* A.B, and Coll. N. J. 1756. Cyrus Punderson,* A.B. Yale Coll. 1755, A .M. and Yale Coll. ■" Ebenezer Punderson,* A.B. Yale Coll. 1755, A.M. and Yale Coll. ^ Daniel Treadwell,* A.B. Harv. Univ. 1754,^.71/. and Harv. Univ., Fellow and Prof. Math, and Nat. Phil. 1757-60. * 1781 1789 1809 1760 Timothy Wetmore,* (educ), A,M. 1761 John Beardsley,* (Rev.), A.B.^ A.M. 1768. aet. 80. *i8io William Jackson,* A.M. and Yale Coll. 1763 and Coll. N. J. 1771 and Univ. of Utrecht. aet. 81. *i8i3 William Samuel Johnson,* (Rev.), (EDUC), A.B. Yale Coll. 1744, ^.^J/. and Yale Coll. and Harv. Univ. 1747, J. CD. Oxford Univ. 1766, LL.D. Yale Coll. 1788, Del. to Col. Congr. 1765, Judge Supr. Ct. Conn. 1772, Del. to Congr. 1774, Memb. Council Conn. 1780, Repr. in Congr. 1784-87, Memb. U. S. Constit. Conven. 1787, Prest. King's Coll. 1787- 1800, U. S. Sen. 1788. aet. 92 *i8i9 Samuel Andrew Peters,* (Rev.), A.B. Yale Coll. 1757, A.M. and Yale, LL.D. elsewhere. *i826 Samuel Seabury,* (Rev.), A.B. Yale Coll. 1748, A.M. and Yale, S.T.D. Oxford 1777, Bishop P. E. Ch. Conn, and R. I. 1784-96. aet. 67. *i796 James Scoville,* (Rev.), A.B. Yale Coll. 1757, A.M. and Yale. *i8o8 Agur Treadwell,* (Rev.), A.B. and Yale Coll. 1760, A.M. Yale. *i763 Edward Winslow,* (Rev.), Harv. Univ. 1736, A.M. and Harv. *i784 8 1762 Samuel Andrews,* (Rev.), A.B. *i8i8 Yale Coll. ijsq.A.M. Richard Clarke,* (Rev.), A.B. and Yale Coll. 1762, A.M. 1766 and Yale. *i824 413 414 HONORARY DEGREES. [1762-73. Robert Harpur,* A.B. Glasgow Univ. A.M.y Prof. Math, and Nat. Phil. 1761-67, Regent Univ. N. Y. S. and Clerk of Board 1784-87, Trustee and Clerk of Board Col. Coll. 1787-95, Sec'y of State of N. Y. Bela Hubbard,* (Rev.), A.B. Yale Coll. 1758, A.M. and Yale S.T.D. Yale 1804. aet. 73. ♦1812 Robert McKean,* (Rev.), A.B. Phila. Coll., A.M. Ebenezer Parmele,* A.B. Yale Coll. 1758, A .M. and Yale. *l802 6 1764 Matthew Gushing*, A.B. Harv. Univ. 1739, A.M. and Harv., Librarian Harv. Samuel Giles,* A.B., Tutor in Math. King's Coll. 1761-63. 1765 William Hanna,* (Rev.), A.B. T.7S9, A.M. Jeremiah Learning,* (Rev.), A.B. Yale Coll. 1745, A.M. and Yale, S.T.D. 1789. aet. 87. *i8o4 1767 Samuel Auchmuty,* (Rev.), A.B. Harv. Univ. 1745 and A.M. Harv. 1746, 6". 7"./?. and Oxford 1776. aet. 55. *i777 Ephraim Avery,* (Rev.), A.B. Yale Coll. 1761, A .M. *i776 Thomas B. Ghandler,* (Rev.), S.T.D. and Oxford Univ. George Glentworth,* M.D. Edinb. Univ. 1758, A.M., Surg. H. B. M. Army " French War," Surg, and Direct. Gen'l of Hospitals U. S. Rev. Army, 1777-83. aet. 57. *i792 Charles Inglis,* (Rev.), A.M., S.T.D. elsewhere, Gov. King's Coll. 1770-77, Bishop Nova Scotia 1787-1816. aet. 82. *i8i6 Hugh Neill,* A.M. John Ogilvie,* (Rev.), A.B. Yale Coll. 1748, ^.3f. and Yale, S.T.D. 1770 and Aberd., Gov. King's Coll. 1770- 74. John Tyler,* (Rev.), A.B., A.M. 1769. *i774 ♦1823 8 1768 Samuel Bard,* M.D. and Edinb. Univ. 1765, LL.D. Coll. N. J. 1815, Prof. Theor. and Pract. Med. King's Coll. 1767-76 and of Midw. 1770- 76, Prof. Chem. 1784-85, 1786-87, Dean Med. Fac. 1792-1804, Prest. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1813-21. aet. 79. *i82i Samuel Glossy,* M.JD. and Trin. Coll. Dub., Prof. Anat. King's Coll. 1767-76. aet. 61. *i776 Myles Gooper,* (Rev.), Oxford 1760, LL.D. and Oxford, Prof. Mor. Phil. 1762-63, Prest. King's Coll. 1763-75- aet. 50. *i785 John Jones,* M.r>. and Rheims Univ., Prof. Surg. King's Coll. 176^-76. aet. 62. *i79i Peter Middleton,* M.B. and St. Andrew's Univ. Prof. Path, and Physiol. King's Coll. 1767-76 and Mat. Med. and Chem. 1770-76, Gov. King's Coll. 5 1769 Ebenezer Kneeland,* (Rev.), A.B. Yale Coll. 1761,^.71/. John Tyler,* (Rev.), A.B. 1767, A.M. and Yale Coll. "1777 *i823, 2 1770 Thomas Barton,* (Rev), A.B, Univ. Dub. 1748, A.M.^ Tutor Univ. Penn. 1751-54. aet. 50. *i78o Robert Blackwell,* (Rev.), A.B. and Coll. of N. J. 1768, A.M. Coll. of N. J., S.T.D. Coll. of N. J. and Univ. Penn. 1788. *i83i John Ogilvie,* (Rev.), A.B. Yale Coll., 1748, A.M. 1767 and Jale Coll. 6". T.D. and Aberdeen, Gov. King's Coll. 1770-74. *i774 3 1771 Jonathan Boucher,* (Rev.), A.M. aet. 66. *i8o4 1772 Edmund Fanning,* A.B. Yale Coll. 1757, A.M. and Yale and Harv. Univ. 1764, J. CD. Oxford 1774, LL.D. Yale 1803 and Dartmouth Coll. 1803, Surveyor Gen. Prov. N. Y. 1776, Lt.-Gov. Nova Scotia, Gov. Prince Edw. Isl. aet. 81. *i8i8 1773 Isaac Hunt,* A.B. Univ. Penn 1763, .i4.yJ/. aet. 58. *i8og 1 ^ 1773-95] HONORARY DEGREES. 415 Joseph Lamson,* (Rev.), A.B. Yale Coll. 1741, A.M. and Yale. *i773 Harry Monroe,* (Rev.), AM, John Stuart,"* (Rev.), A.M. 4 1774 Luke Babcock,* A.B. Yale Coll. 1755, A.M. and Yale. *i777 George Panton,* (Rev.), A.B. Univ. Aberdeen, A.M. James Sayre,* (Rev.), A.B. Phila. Coll. /i.yl/. act. 53. *i798 William Tryon,* LL.D., Lt.-Gov. North Carolina 1764-65 and Gov. 1765-71, Gov. Prov. N. Y. 1771-78, Col. H. B. M. Army 1772, Maj.-Gen. 1778, Lt.-Gen. 1782. aet. 53. *i788 4 1787 James Hardie,* A.B. and Marischal Coll. Aberdeen 1772, A.M. 1790, Tutor 1787-90. aet. 82. *i832 I 1788 Robert Annan,* (Rev.), A.M. William Cochran,* (Rev.), Trin. Coll. Dub., A.M., Prof. Greek and Lat. Lang. Col. Coll. 1784-89. Alexander Hamilton,* (STATESMAN), Class 1774, A.M. and Harv. Univ. 1792, LL.D. Dartmouth Coll. 1790 and Coll. N. J. 1791 and Harv. Univ. 1792 and Rutgers Coll. 1792. aet. 47. *i8o4 Robert Charles Johnson,* A.B. Yale Coll. 1783, A.M. and Yale. *i8o6 Samuel Latham Mitchill,* (PHYS EDUC) M.D. Univ. Edinb. 1786, A.M., LL.D. Univ. Penn. 1819, U. S. Commr. to the Iroquois 1788, Memb. N. Y. Assemb. 1790-92 and 1797-99, Prof. Bot. Col. Coll. 1792-95 and Prof. Nat. Hist. Chem. and Agricult. 1792-1801, Repr. in Congr. 1801-03 and 1810-12, U. S. Sen. 1804-10, elected Prof. Chem. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1807 and declined, Prof. Nat. Hist. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1808-20, and Prof. Bot. and Mat. Med. 1820-26, V.-Prest. Rutgers Med. Coll. N. Y. 1826-30. aet. 67. *i83i John W. Watkins,* A.M. 6 1789 Roger Alden,* A.B. Yale Coll. 1773, A.M. and Yale, Aide to Gen. Greene 1778-82. aet. 82. *i836 Abraham Beach,* (Rev.), A.B. Yale Coll. 1757, S.T.D., Regent Univ. N. Y. S. 1786-1828, Trustee Col. Coll. 1787-1813 and Clerk 1795-1811. aet. 88. *i828 John Daniel Gross,* (educ), (Rev.), .S-.r.Z?., Regent Univ. N. Y. S. 1784-87, Trustee Col. Coll. 1787-92, Prof. German Lang, and Geogr. Col. Coll. 1784- 95 and Prof. Mor. Phil. 1787-95. aet. 8s. *i8i2 Jacob Rutsen Hardenbergh,* (Rev.), (EDUC), A.M. Coll. N. J. 1770, S.T.D., Prest. Rutgers Coll. 1785-go. aet. 52. *i790 Samuel William Johnson,* A.B. Yale Coll. 1779, A .M. and Yale. 1846 Jeremiah Leaming,* (Rev.), A.B. Yale Coll. 1745, A.M. 1765, and Yale Coll., S. T.D. aet. 87. *i8o4 William Linn,* (Rev.), A.B. Coll. N. J. 1772, S.T.D., Regent Univ. N. Y. S. 1787-1808. *i8o8 Benjamin Moore,* (Rev.), A.B. 1768, A.M. 1768, S.T.D. aet. 68. *i8i6 8 1790 James Hardie,* A.B. 1787 and Marischal Coll. Aberdeen 1772, A.M. aet. 82. *i832 Henry Maeller,* (Rev.), A.M. Thomas Lambert Moore,* (Rev.), Class 1775, .,4.71/. *i799 James Proudfit,* (Rev.), A.M. 4 1793 Ebenezer Dibble,* (Rev.), A.B. Yale Coll. 1734, .S". T.D. *i7qg Andrew Jaffray,* (Rev.), S.T.D. William Ogilvie,* ZL.£>., Prof. Human. Univ. Aberdeen. 1794 Richard Channing Moore,* (Rev.), A.M., S.T.D. Dartmouth Coll. 1805, Bishop P. E. Ch. Va. 1814-41. aet. 79. *i84i 1795 John Campbell,* A.M. John Coffin,* A.B. Dartmouth Coll. 1791, A.M. and Dart- mouth and Coll. N. J. 1795 and Yale Coll. 1798. aet. 88. *i852 2 4i6 HONORARY DEGREES, .1797-1819 1797 John Bowden,* (Rev.), A.B. 1772, A.M., S. T.D. aet. 66. ♦1817 James Kent,* (jurist), A.B. Yale Coll, 1781 and A.M. 1784, LL.D. and Harv. 1810 and Dartmouth Coll. 1819 and Univ. Penn. i8ig, N. Y. Leg. 1790-94 and 1796, Prof. Law Col. Coll. 1793-98 and 1823-47, Mast, in Chanc. N. Y. City 1793, Recorder N. Y. City 1797, Judge Supr. Ct. N. Y. 1798-1814 and Ch.Just. N. Y. 1804-14, Regent Univ. N. Y. S. 1800-17, Chanc. N. Y. 1814-23, Trustee Col. Coll. 1823. aet. 85. *i847 Samuel Andrew Law,*A.B. Yale Coll. 1792, A.M. and 1795, and Coll. N. J. 1797. aet. 74. *i845 3 1798 William Best,* (Rev.), A.M. William Scott,* (Rev.), AM. Andrew Smith,* A.M. Robert G. Wetmore,* (Rev.), A.M. 4 1800 Jonathan Freeman,* (Rev.), A.B. 1790, A.M. and Coll. N. J. 1809. *i822 1802 William Duke,* (Rev.), A.M. Prof. Lang. St. John's Coll. Md. aet. 83. *i847 James Kemp,* (Rev.), S.T.D., Prov. Univ. Md. 1815-27, Bishop P. E. Ch. Md. 1814-27. aet. 63. *i827 2 1804 Edmund D. Barry,* (Rev.), A.M. Edward Jenkins,* (Rev.), S.T.Z>. and Brown Univ. 1803. Jacob Larzelere,* (Rev.), A.M. Peter Stryker,* (Rev.), A.M. *i847 4 1805 Clement Meriam,* (Rev.), A.M. 1806 William James Macneven,* M.D. and Univ. Vienna, Prof. Mat. Med. Rutgers Med. Coll. N. Y. aet. 78. *i84i 1809 Abraham Bronson,* (Rev.), A.M. 1811 John Croes,* (Rev.), A.B. Coll. of N. J. 1774 and A.M. Coll. of N. J. 1797, S. T.D., Bishop P. E. Ch. N. J. 1815-32. *i832 James Hall,* (Rev.), S.T.D. aet. 82. *i826 William Harris,* (Rev.), A.B. Harv. 1786 and A.M. Harv., S. T.D. and Harv. 1811, Pres. Col. Coll. 1811-29, Trustee 1811-29 and Clerk 1811. aet. 68. *i829 Isaac Wilkins,* (Rev.), A B. 1760, A.M., S. T.D. aet. 89. *i830 4 1815 Frederic Beasley,* (Rev.), (educ), A.B. Coll. N. J. 1797 and A.M. Coll. of N. J., S.T.D. and Univ. Penn. 1815, Tutor Coll. of N. J. 1798-1800, Provost Univ. Penn. 1815. aet. 68. *i84S I816 John Schureman,* (Rev.), A.B. Rutgers Coll. 1795 and A.M. Rutgers Coll. and Coll. of N. J. 1801, S.T.D., Prof. Eccles. Hist, and Past. Theol. in Theol. Sem. N. Brunswick N. J. *i8i8 I818 Robert Adrain,* LL.D.., (educ), Prof. Math. Queen's Coll. N. J. 1809-13, Prof. Math, and Nat. Phil. Col. Coll. 1813-25, Prof. Math. Rutgers Coll. 1825- 27, Prof. Math. Univ. Penn. 1827-34 and Vice-Provost 1828-34. aet. 68. *i843 Joseph Hopkinson,* A.B. Univ. Penn. 1786, LL.D. and Coll. of N. J. 1818 and Harv. 1831, Repr. in Congr. 1814-16, Judge U. S. Dist. Ct. Penn. 1828-42. aet. 72. *i842 Samuel Nichols,* (Rev.), A.B. Yale Coll. i8ii, A.M., S.T.D. Williams Coll. 1880. aet. 93. *i88o Andrew Thomson,* (Rev.), S. T.D. 4 1819 Thomas Church Brownell,* (Rev.), A.B. Union Coll. 1804, S. T.D. and Union 1819, LL.D. elsewhere. Prof. Logic and Belles-Lettr. Union i8o6 and Prof. Rhet. and Chem. 1814, Bishop P. E. Ch. Conn. 1819-65, Prest. Trin. Coll. Conn. 1824-31. aet. 86. *i86s 1819-24] HONORARY DEGREES, 417 Philander Chase,* (Rev.), A.B. Dartmouth Coll. 1796, S.T.D., Prest. Kenyon Theol. Sem. and Coll. 1825-31 ; Bishop P. E. Ch. Ohio 1810-31 and Bishop Illinois 1833-52, Prest. Jubilee Coll. 111. aet. 76. *i852 John Phillip,* (Rev.), S.T.D. and Coll. N. J. 1820. *i836 3 1820 William Forest,* AM. 1821 Thaddeus Fiske,* (Rev.), A.B. Harv. Univ. 1785 and A.M. Harv. Univ., S.T.D. *i85S Washington Irving,* (au), A.M.^ LL.D. 1829 and Harv. Univ. 1832, J. CD. Oxford 1831, Memb. of several learned Societies, Regent Univ. N. Y. S. 1835-42, Sec'y U. S. Leg. London, U. S. Min. to Spain 1842-46. aet. 76. *i8s9 Daniel McDonald,* (Rev.), 5. r.Z>. 1822 William Lowndes,* LL.D.., Repr. in Congr., U. S. Sen. aet. 40. *i822 Thomas Lyell,* (Rev.), A.M. Brown Univ." 1803, S. T.D. ♦1848 Alexis Pierie Proal,*(Rev.),^.J/., S.T.D. 1839, Prof. French Union Coll. N. Y. 1826-36. ♦1857 John Reed,* (Rev.), A.B. Union Coll. 1805 and A.M. Union Coll., S. T.D. *i854 Stephen N. Rowan,* (Rev.), A.B. Union Coll. 1804 and A.M. Union Coll., S.T.D. *i83s John Walsh,* A.M. 6 1823 John Carroll,* A.M. Abraham N. Halsey,* A.M. Chauncey Lee,* (Rev.), A B. Yale Coll. 1784 and A.M. Yale Coll., S. T.D. *i842 Edward Livingston,* A.B. Coll. N. J. 1781 and A.M. Coll. N. J., LL.D. and Transyl. Coll., 1824 and Harv. Univ. 1834, Trustee Col. Coll. 1793-1806, Repr. in Congr. 1 794-1 801, and 1823-29, U. S. Dist. Att'y N. Y. 1801-03, Mayor N. Y. City 1801-03, Sec'y State U. S. 1831-33, U. S. Minister to France 1833-35. aet. 72. *i836 John Stark Ravenscroft,* (Rev.), 6". T.D., Bishop P. E. Ch. N. C. 1823-30. aet. 58. *i830 Nathan Sandford,* (jurist), LL.D., U. S. Dist. Att'y N. Y. 1803-16, Memb. N. Y. Asserab. 1811 and Speaker of same, N. Y. Sen., U. S. Sen. 1816-22 and 1825-31, Memb. N. Y. Constit. Con- ven. 1821, Chanc. N. Y. 1823-25. *i838 John Savage,* (jurist), A.B. Union Coll. 1799, LL.D. and Union Coll. 1829, Ch. Just. Supr. Ct. N. Y. *i863 Samuel Seabury,* (Rev.), (educ), A .M., S.T.D. 1837, Prof. Bibl. Learn, and Interp. Script. Gen. Theol. Sem. P. E. Ch. N. Y. aet. 72. *i872 Ambrose Spencer,* A.B. Harv. Univ. 1783, LL.D. and Univ. of Pa. 1819 and Harv. Univ. 1821, Memb, N. Y. Assemb. 1793-95, N. Y. Sen. 1795- 1802, Att'y-Gen. N. Y. 1802-04, Regent Univ. N. Y. S. 1805-17, Judge Supr. Ct. N. Y. i8oii-i9 and Ch. Just, of same 1819- 23, Repr. in Congr. aet. 83. *i848 9 1824 Langdon Cheves,* LL L>., Repr. in Congr, 1813-15 and Speaker 1814-15, Judge Supr. Ct. S. C. 1817, Prest. U. S. Bank 1819-22, Ch. Commr, U. S, under Treaty of Ghent 1832. aet. 81. "'1857 William A. Clark,* (Rev.), ^.J/. James Fenimore Cooper,* (au), A.M. aet, 62. *i8si Thomas Addis Emmet,* A.B. (cl) Trin. Coll. Dub., M.D. Univ. Edinb. 1874, LL.D.y Att'y-Gen. N. Y. 1812. aet. 63. *i827 Ernest Lewis Hazelius,* (educ), (Rev.), 5". T.D. and Union Coll, 1824, Prof. Theol. Hartwick Theol. Sem, 1815-30, Prof, Bibl. and Orient. Lit. Gettysburg Theol. Sem. 1830-33, Dean and Prof. S. C, Lutheran Theol. Sem. 1833-53. aet, 76, *i853 Levi Silliman Ives,* (Rev.), A.B. Hamilton Coll,, A.M., S,T,D, 1831, Bishop P, E, Ch. N. C. 1831-53, Prof. Rhet. St, Joseph's TheoL Sem, N, Y, 1854-67. aet, 70. *i867 James Kirke Paulding,* (au), A.M., Nav. Off. N. Y., Sec'y U,S, Navy 1837-41. *i86o Daniel Webster,* (statesman), A.B., Dartmouth Coll. 1801 and A.M. Dartmouth Coll. and Harv. Univ. 1804, LL.D. and Coll. N. J. 1818 and Dartmouth Coll. 1824 and Harv. Univ. 1824, Memb. of several learned Societies, Repr. in Congr, 1813-17 and 1823-25, Memb. Mass. Con- stit. Conven, 1820, Xj . S. Sen. 1826-41 and 1845-50, Sec'y State U, S. 1841-43 and 1850-52. aet. 70. *i8s2 8 ^ 418 HONORARY DEGREES. [1825-31 1825 John Caldwell Calhoun,* (STATESMAN), A.B. Yale Coll. 1804, LL.D. and Hamilton Coll. 1821 and Yale 1822, Memb. S. C. Leg., Repr. in Congr. 1811-17, Sec'y War U. S. 1817- 24, Vice-Prest. U. S. 1825-32, U. S. Sen. 1832-43 and 1845-50, Sec'y State U. S. 1844-45. aet. 68. *i85o Stephen Elliot,* A.B. Yale Coll. 1791, LL.D. and Yale 1819 and Harv. 1822, Memb. S. C. Leg. 1793-1812, Prof. Nat. Hist, and Bot. S. C. Med. Coll. 1825-30. aet. 59. *i83o John McVickar,* (Rev.), A.B. 1804, A.M. 1818, S.r.D. aet. 82. *i868 Nathaniel F. Moore,* (educ), A.B. 1802, A.M., LL.D. aet. 90. *i872 Henri L. P. F. Peneveyre,* (Rev.), S.T.D. Joel Roberts Poinsett,* LL.D.^ Repr. in Cong. 1821-27, U. S. Min. to Mexico 1828-30, Sec'y War U. S. 1837-41. William Shelton,* A.M., S.T.D.' ^' Hobart CoU. N. Y. 1838, Trustee Hobart Coll. 1843. 1826 De Witt Clinton,* A.B. 1786, A.M., LL.D. aet. 59. *i828 Samuel Jones, Jr.,* A.B. 1790, A.M., LL.D. aet. 83. *i853 Benjamin Tredwell Onderdonk,* (Rev.), A.B. 1809, A.M. 1816, S.T.D. aet. 70. *i86i William Wirt Phillips,* (Rev.), A.B. Union Coll. 1813, 6\ T.D., Trustee Coll. of N. J., 1829-65, Prest. Bd. Direct- ors Princeton Theol. Sem., Prest. Bd. for Miss. Presb. Ch. aet. 6g. *i865 Peter Van Schaack,* A.B. 1767, A.M. 1773, LL.D. aet. 85. *i832 5 1827 Jasper Adams,* (Rev.), (educ), A.B. Brown Univ. 1815 and A.M. Brown and Yale 1819, ^. T. /?., Tutor Brown 1818- 19, Prof. Math, and Nat. Phil. Brown 1819- 24, Prest. Charlston S. C. Coll. and Prof. Mor. Phil. 1824-26, 1828-36, Prest. Geneva Coll. 1827, Prof. Eth. Mil. Acad. U. S. 1838-40. aet. 48. *i84i Henry Ustick Onderdonk,*(Rev.), A.B. 1805, A.M., M.D. 1810, S.T.D. aet. 69. *i858 William Rollinson Whittingham,* (Rev.), yl.il/., S.T.D. 1837, Prof. Eccles. Hist, in Gen. Theol. Sem. P. E. Ch. N. Y. 1831-40, Bishop P. E. Ch. Md. 1840-79. aet. 73. *i879 3 1828 William Berrian,* (Rev.), A.B. 1808, A.M., S.T.D. aet. 75. ♦1862 Charles Taylor Catlin,* A.B. Yale Coll. 1822, A .M. and Yale. aet. 67. +1870 Asa Eaton,* (Rev.), A.B. Harv. Univ. 1803 and A.M., Harv. and Brown Univ. 1818, 6". T.D. aet. 80. *i858 William Hendell, Jr.,* (Rev.), A.B. 1791, S. T.D. William Buell Sprague,* (Rev.), A.B. Yale Coll. 1815 and A.M. Yale 1819, S. T.D. and Harv. Univ. 1848, LL.D. Coll. N. J. 1869. aet. 81. *i876 5 1829 Washington Irving,* (au), A.M. 1821, LL.D. aet. 76. *i859 Jackson Kemper,* (Rev.), A.B. 1809, 6\7'.i?. aet. 81. *i870 Clement Clarke Moore,* A.B. 1798, A.M., LL.D. aet. 84. *i863 James Renwick,* (educ), A.B. 1807, A.M., LL.D. aet. 71. *i863 Antoine Verren,* (Rev,), A.B. Univ. of Geneva, A.M., S.T.D. Hobart Coll. N. Y. i860, Prof. French Lang, and Lit. 1828-39. aet. 73. *i874 5 1830 William Creighton,* (Rev.), A.B. 1865 1812, .S". T.D. aet. 72. James Marsh,* (Rev.), (educ), A.B. Dartmouth Coll. 1817 and A.M. Dartmouth, S. T.D. and Amherst Coll. 1833, Tutor Dartmouth Coll. 1818-20, Prof. Lang. Hamp. Syd. Coll. 1824-26, Prest. and Prof. Mor. Phil, and Met. Univ. Vermont. aet. 47. *i842 Frederic Christian Schaeffer,* (Rev.), A.M. Coll. of N. J. 1818, .V. T.D., Prof. German Lang, and Lit. Col. Coll. 1830-31. *i83i William Davis Snodgrass,* (Rev.), Wash. Coll. Penn., A.M. Coll. N. J. 1822, S.T.D. aet. 88. *i885 William Murray Stone,* (Rev.), A.B. Wash. Coll. Va. 1799, S.T.D., Bishop P. E. Ch. Md. 1830-38. aet. 59. +1838 5 I83I Charles Anthon,* (educ), A.B. 1815, LL.D. aet. 70. *i867 Eli Baldwin,* (Rev.), S.T.JD. ♦1839 1831-36] HONORARY DEGREES, 419. Levi Silliman Ives,* (Rev.), A.M. honoris causa, 1824, S. T.D. aet. 70. *i867 Robert McCartee,* (Rev.), A.B. 1808, A.M., S. T.D. aet, 74. *i86s James Ryan,* A.M. James Shea, A.M. George Upfold,* (Rev.), A.B. Union Coll. 1814, M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. i8i6, S. T.D., LL.D. Western Univ. of Pa. 1856, Bishop P. E. Ch. Ind. 1849-72. aet. 76. *i872 7 1832 Henry Anthon,* (Rev.), A.B. 1813, A.M., ^.r.Z?. aet. 67. *i86i Francis Lister Hawks,* (Rev.), A.B. Univ. N. C. 1815, A.M. Yale Coll. 1818, ^. T.D., LL.D. Univ. N. C, Prest. Univ. of La. 1844-49. ^^t- ^8. *i866 1833 Charles Burroughs,* (Rev.), A.B. Harv. Univ. 1806 and A.M. Harv. and Dartmouth Coll. 181 1, ^.T"./?. aet. 80. *i868 George Washington Doane,* (Rev.), A.B. Union Coll. 1818, S. T.D. and Trin. Coll. Conn. 1833, LL.D. St. John's Coll. Md. 1841, Prof. Rhet. and Orat. Trin. Coll. 1824-28, Prest. Burlington CoU. N. J. 1846-59, Bishop P. E. Ch. N. J. 1832-59. aet. 60. *i859 James Emott,* A.M. Union Coll. 1800, LL.D., N. Y. Assemb. 1804, 1814-17 and Speaker 1814, Repr. in Cong. 1809-13, Judge Ct. Com. Pleas. Dutchess Co. N. Y. 1817-23, Judge Supr. Ct. N. Y. 2d Circ. 1827-31. aet. 79. *i85o James Hervey Otey,* (Rev.), S.T.D., Bishop P. E. Ch. Tenn. 1834-63. aet. 64. *i863 John Hotherson Finder,* (Rev.), S.T.D., Principal Codrington Coll. Isl. Barbadoes 1830-35, Canon Wells Ca- thedral Eng. 1835-68. aet. 74. *i868 David Prentice,* A.B. Yale Coll. 1812, A .M. and Yale, LL.D. Union Coll. 1839, Prof. Greek and Latin Lang. Geneva Coll. James M. Quin,* A.B. 1830, M.D. Rutgers Med. Coll. N. Y., A.M. aet. 62. *i868 1834 Orange Clark,* (Rev.), A.M., S.T.D. Hobart Coll. N. Y. 1838. *i869 Thomas Winthrop Coit,* (Rev.), A.B. Yale Coll. 1821 and A.M. Yale 1831, S.T.D. , LL.D. Trin. Coll. Conn. 1853, Prest. Trans. Univ. and Prof. Mor. Phil. 1834-37, Prof. Eccl. Hist. Trin. Coll. 1849-85 and in Berkley Theol. Sch. 1854- 85. aet. 82. *i885: Don Thomas Gener, LL.D .., Prest. Cortes of Spain. Robert J. Harvey, A.M. William Augustus Muhlenberg,* (Rev.), A.B. Univ. Penn. 1814, S.T.D., Rector St. Paul's Coll. N. Y., Founder St. Luke's Hospital N. Y. City and of St. Johnland L. I. aet. 81. *i877 William Sherwood, (Rev.), A.M. 6 1835 Benjamin Clark Cutler,* (Rev.), A.B. Brown Univ. 1822 and A.M. Brown, ^. T.D. aet. 65. *i863 Manton Eastburn,* (Rev.), A.B. 1817, A.M., ^.r.Z*. aet. 71. *i872 Manuel Fetter, A.B., A.M. 1842, Prof. Greek Lang, and Lit. Univ. N. C. William Gaston,* A.B. Coll. of N. J. 1796 and A.M., LL.D. and Univ. Penn. 1819 and Harv. Univ. 1826 and Univ. N. Y. City 1834 and Coll. N. J. 1835, N. C. Assemb. 1808, N. C. Sen., Judge Supr. Ct. N. C. 1834-44, N. C. Constit. Conv. 1835, Repr. in Congr. 1813-15. aet. 66. *i844 Peter Augustus Jay,* (cl), A.B. 1794 and A.M. and Yale Coll. 1798, /-Z.Z?. and Harv. Univ. 1831. aet. 67. *i843 James Neilson Reynolds, A.M. Gulian Crommelin Verplanck,* A.B. i8oi, A.M. 1821, LL.D. and Am- herst Coll. 1834 and Hobart Coll. 1835. aet. 84. *i870 William R. Williams,* (Rev.), A.B. 1882, A.M., S.T.D. 1837, LL.D. Union Coll. 1859. aet. 80, *i88s 8 1836 Benjamin Hale,* (Rev.), A.B. Bowdoin Coll. 1818 and A.M. Bowdoin and Dartmouth Coll. 1827, M.D. Dart- mouth 1827, S. T.D., Prof. Chem. and Min. and Med. Juris. Dartmouth 1827-35, Prest. Geneva Coll. 1836-58. aet. 66. *i863 Benjamin Luckock, (Rev.), A.M. Jacob Sutherland,* A.B, Yale Coll. 1807, LL.D., Judge Supr. Ct. N. Y. *i845 Henry Vethake,* (educ), A.B. 1808, A.M. and Coll. N. J., LL.D. aet. 75, *i866 420 HONORARY DEGREES, [1837-41 1837 John Bethune,* (Rev.), S.T.D. William Cullen Bryant,* (au, ed), A.B. Williams Coll. 1813, A.M. and Wil- liams i8ig, LL.D. Union Coll. 1853 and Univ. N. Y. City 1870 and Coll. N. J. 1873, L.H.D. Univ. N. Y._ State 1870, Corr. Memb. Imp. Acad. Sci. St. Peters- burg, Editor "N. Y. Evening Post" 1826-78. aet, 83. *i878 John Duer,* LL.D., Memb. N. Y. Constit. Conven. 1821, Trustee 1823-30, Just. Supr. Ct. N, Y. City 1849-57 and Ch. Just, same 1857-58. aet. 76. *i858 George Griffin,* A.B. Yale Coll. 1797, LL.D. aet. 82. *i86o Fitz-Greene Halleck,* (poet), A.M. aet. 77. *i867 Charles Fenno Hoffman,* (AU, ED), A.M., Ed. " Knickerbocker Mag." 1833, Ed. " Amer. Monthly Mag." 1833, Ed. "Literary World" 1846-7. aet. 78. *i884 Theodore Irving,* (Rev.), A.M., LL.D. Union Coll. 1851, Prof. Belles- Lettr. Geneva Coll. 1837-48 and in Free Acad. N. Y. City 1848-52. aet. 71. *i88o Samuel Allen McCoskry,* (Rev.), A.B. Dickinson Coll. 1823 ^"d A.M. Dickinson, 6". T.D. and Univ. of Pa. 1837, D.C.L. Oxford Univ. Eng. 1852, Bishop P. E. Ch. Mich. 1836-78. t aet. 82. *i886 Erskine Mason,* (Rev.), A.B. Dickinson Coll. Pa. 1823 and A.M. Dick- inson, S.T.D. , Prof. Eccles. Hist. Union Theol. Sem. 1836-42. aet, 46. *i85i Philip Meyer, (Rev.), S.T.D. David B. Ogden,* LL.D., Surrogate N. Y. Co., Trustee Col. Coll. 1815-49 and Chairman of the Board 1843- 49- Samuel Seabury,* (Rev.), A.M. 1823, S.T.D aet. 72. ^1849 1872 Thomas House Taylor,* (Rev.), A.B. Univ. of So. Ca. 1818, S.T.D. aet. 68. *i867 Samuel A. Van Vranken,* (Rev.), S.T.D., Prof. Mor. Phil. Rutgers Coll. 1841-46 and of Evid. Christ, and Logic 1846-60, *i86i Peter Dumont Vroom,* (cl), A.B. 1808, A.M. 1812, LL.D. and Coll. N. J. 1850. aet. 82. *i873 William Rollinson Whittingham,* (Rev.), A.M. 1827, ^•.r.i?. aet. 73. *i879 William R. Williams,* (Rev.), A.B. 1822, A.M. 1835, S.T.D., LL,D. Union Coll. 1859. aet. 80. *i885 17 1838 Isaac Boyle,* (Rev.), A.B. Harv. Univ. 1813 and A.M., S.T.D. and Trin. Coll. Conn. 1838. aet. 67. *i850 Walter Chisholm, A.M. Leonidas Polk,* (Rev.), U. S. Mil. Acad. 1829, S.T.D., Bishop P. E. Ch. Ark. 1839-41 and Bishop of La. 1841-64. aet. 58. *i864 James Romeyn,* (Rev.), A.B. 1816, S. T.D. aet. 62. *i859 Hugh Smith,* (Rev.), A.B. 1813, A.M., ir.r.Z>. aet. 54. *i849 1839 William Miller Carmichael,* (Rev.), A.B. Hamilton Coll. 1826, S. T.D. aet. 77. *i88i Abraham Halsey,* A.M. *i8s7 2 1840 John Watson Adams,* (Rev.), A.B. Hamilton Coll. 1822, S.T.D. aet. 54. *i850 Stephen ElHott,* (Rev.), A.B. Harv. Univ. 1824 and A.M. Harv., S.T.D. and Trin. Coll. Conn. 1840, Prof. Sacred Lit, and Revealed Relig. S. C. Coll, 1835-41, Bishop P, E, Ch, Georgia 1841-66, aet, 60. *i866 Abraham Bruyn Hasbrouck,* A,B. Yale Coll, 1810 and A,M. Yale 1819, LL.D. and Union Coll. 1841, Repr. in Congr. 1825-27, Prest, Rutgers Coll, 1840- 50. aet. 88. *i879 William Hawkesworth, A.M., Prof. Lang. S. C. Coll, 1840, Hugh Swinton Legare,* (cl), A.B. S, C, Coll. 1814, LL.D., Memb. S. C, Leg. 1824-30, Att'y-Gen, S. C. 1830-32, Charg6 d'Aff, U, S, at Brussels 1832-36, Repr. in Congr, 1836-38, Att'y-Gen, U, S, 1841-43, aet, 46, *i843 William Hickling Prescott,* A.B. Harv. Univ, 1814 and A,M. Harv., LL.D. and Univ, N, C, 1841 and Harv*. Univ. 1843, J-C.D, Oxford Univ, Eng. 1850, Memb, of many learned societies. aet, 63, *i859 6 184I Albert Gallatin,* (statesman), Univ, Geneva Switz. 1779, ZZ.Z>., Memb. Penn. Constit. Conv. 1789, Memb. Penn. Leg, 1790-92, Repr, in Congr. 1795-1801, Sec'j^-Treas. U, S. 1801-13, U, S, Commr. at Ghent 18 14, U. S. Min, to France 1815- 23, U. S, Env. Ex. to Great Britain 1826- 27, Prest. Council Univ. N. Y. City 1830, Prest. N. Y, Hist, Soc. 1843-49. aet. 1846 1841-47] HONORARY DEGREES, 421 C. H. Gottsberger, A.M. Mancius Smedes Hutton,* (Rev.), A. B. 1823, 5". '/".Z). aet, 77. *i88o I Samuel Nelson,* A.B. Middlebury Coll. Vt. 1813, LL.D., Pres. Elector N. Y. 1820, Memb. N. Y. Constit. Conv. 1821, Circ. Judge Supr. Ct. N. Y. 1822-31,^ Just. Supr. Ct. N. Y. 1831-36 and Chief Just. 1836-44, N. Y. Constit. Conv. 1844, Just. Supr. Ct. U. S. 1845-72, Memb. Joint High Commn. to settle "Alabama" claims 1871. aet. 81. 1873 [William M. Thompson, A.M. 5 1842 fGustavus Abeel,* (Rev.), A.B. Union Coll. 1823 and A.M. Union, S. T.D., A.M. Rutgers Coll. 1829. aet. 86. *i887 fjames J. Bowden,* A.B. [Manuel Fetter, (educ), A.B. hon. cans. 1835, A.M. [Charles William Hackley,* (educ), (Rev.), U. S. Mil. Acad. 1829, A.M. S.T.D. elsewhere, A.A. Prof. Math. U. S. Mil, Acad. 1829-31, 1832-33, Prof. Math. Univ. N. Y. City 1833-39, Prest. Jefferson Coll. Miss. 1839, Prof. Math, and Astr. Col. Coll. 1843-57 and Prof. Astr, 1857-61. aet. 52. *i86i Idward Y. Higbee,* (Rev.), A.M.^ S.T.D. 1843. aet. 70. *i87i reorge C. Schaeffer, A.M.^ M.D. elsewhere. Librarian 1839-47, Prof. Chem. Georgetown Coll. Ky. rohn H. Shepherd, A.M. 1843 John M. Duncan, (Rev.), S.T.D. George Emlen Hare,* (Rev.), A.B. Union Coll. 1826, 5'. T.D., LL.D. Univ. Penn. 1873, Asst. Prof. Latin and Greek Univ. Penn. 1844-45, Prof. Bibl. Learn. Div. Sch. P. E. Ch. Phila. 1860-81 and Prof. New Test. Lit. 1881-. aet. 84. *i892 Edward Y. Higbee,* (Rev.), A.M. 1842, 6". r.Z). aet. 70. *i87i Daniel Stone, A.M. Prof. Anc. Lang. West. Univ. Penn. 1843. 4 1844 Edward E. Ford, (Rev.), D.D., Rector St. Paul's Ch. Augusta Ga. Joseph W. Ingraham, A.M. Charles G. McLean, (Rev.), D.D., Pastor Ref. Dutch Ch. Fort Plain N. Y. Ambrose Seymour Todd,* (Rev.), A.M. Yale Coll. 1824, D.D. *i86i Charles E. West, A.B. Union Coll. 1832, ^.^1/., M.D. Univ. N. Y. City 1845, LL.D. Rutgers Coll. 1851, Prin. Rutgers Female Instit. N. Y. City 1839-51, Prest. Buffalo Female Coll. 1851- 60, Prin. Brooklyn Heights Sem. i860-, Fellow Royal Antiq. Soc. Denmark. 1845 Daniel Dewey Barnard,* (cl), A.B. Williams Coll. 1818, LL.D. and Geneva Univ. and Brown Univ. 1853, Repr. in Congr. 1827-29, 1839-45, U. S. Min. to Prussia 1850-53. aet. 64. *i86i Edward Cooper, A.M.^ Mayor N. Y. City 1879-81. Charles Hewitt,* A.M. act. 56. *i879 John W. McCullough, (Rev.), D.D. Rector Trin. Ch. Wilmington Del. Horatio Southgate, (Rev.), A.B. Bowdoin Coll. 1832 and A.M. Bowdoin. D.D., S.T.D. Trin. Coll. Conn. 1846! Bishop P. E. Ch. Constantinople 1844-50. Bird Wilson,* (Rev.), A.B. Univ. of Pa. 1792 and S.T.D. 1821, LL.D.., Chief Judge Ct. Common Pleas Penn. 1802-18, Prof. Systematic Divinity Gen. Theol. Sem. P. E. Ch. N. Y. 1821- 49, Sec. House of Bishops P. E. Ch. 1829-41. aet. 82. *i859 6 1846 William Bayard Blackwell,* A.M. aet. 65. *i886 Robert Emory,*(Rev.), (educ), A.B. 1831, A.M., S. T.D. aet. 34. *i848 Benjamin I. Haight,* (Rev.), A.B. 1828, A.M., D.D., LL.D. Hobart Coll. 1870. aet. 69. *i879 Ezra A. Huntington, (Rev.), A.B. Union Coll. 1833, ^•■^^m Pastor Third Presbyt. Ch. Albany N. Y. 4 1847 John Murray Forbes,* (Rev.), A.B. 1827, A.M., LL.D. aet. 79. *i885 William Ingraham Kip, (Rev.), A.B. Yale Coll. 1831, Grad. Gen. Theol. Sem. P. E. Ch. N. Y., A.M. Yale Coll. and Trin. Coll. Conn. 1846, D.D., LL.D. Yale Coll. 1872, Bishop P. E. Ch. Cal. 1853-. Joseph Henry Price,* (Rev.), A.B. Brown Univ. 1825 and A.M. Brown Univ. S.T.D. aet. 87. *i887 - 422 HONORARY DEGREES. [1847-52 John Canfield Spencer,* A.B. Union Coll. 1806, LL.D. and Hobart Coll. 1838 and Union Coll. 1849, Master in Chancery 181 1 ; Dist. Atty. West. Dist. N. Y. 1815-17, Repr. in Congr. 1817- 19, Memb. N. Y. Assemb. 1819-24 and Speaker 1820, N. Y. Sen. 1824-26, Sec'y State N. Y. 1839-41, Sec'y War U. S. 1841-43, Sec'y Treas. U. S. 1843-44 ; Re- gent Univ. N. Y. S. 1840-44. aet. 67. *i855 4 1848 Samuel Roosevelt Johnson,* (Rev.), A.B. 1820, A.M., i^.Z). aet. 70. *i873 Francis Vinton,* (Rev.), U. S. Mil. Acad. 1830, A.B. Brown Univ. 1839, D.D., D.C.L. William and Mary's Coll. 1869, elected Bishop P. E. Ch. Ind. 1847 ^iid declined. Prof. Eccl. Pol. and Law Gen. Theol. Sem. P. E. Ch. N. Y. 1869-72. aet. 63. *i872 2 1849 George Alexander Crook, A.M. Robert William Harris,* (Rev.), A.B. 1825, A.M., D.D. aet. 80. *i886 James Stephenson, (Rev.), A.M. Horace Webster,* (educ), U. S. Mil. Acad. 1818, A.M. Coll. of N. J. 1824, LL.D. and Kenyon Coll. 1842, M.D. Univ. Penn. 1850, Asst. Prof. Math. U. S. Mil. Acad. 1818-25, Prof. Math. Geneva Coll. 1825-48, Prest. Coll. City N. Y. 1848-69. aet. 77. *i87i 4 1850 Henry James Anderson,* (educ), A.B. 1818, A.M., M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1824, LL.D. aet. 77. *i875 William Betts,* (cl), A.B. 1820, A.M., LL.D. aet. 83. *i884 William Drisler,* A.M. Hamilton Fish,* (statesman), A.B. 1827, A.M., LL.D. and Union Coll. 1869 and Harv. Univ. 1871. aet. 85. *i893 David X. Junkin,* (Rev.), A.B. Jeff. Coll. Pa. 1831, S.T.D. Prof. Belles- Lettr. and Eng. Lit. Lafayette Coll. 1837-42. aet. 72. *i88o John Barrett Kerfoot,* (Rev.), A.M. Hobart Coll. 1883, S. T.D. and Trin. Coll. Conn. 1865, LL.D. Cambridge Univ. 1867, Rector St. James Coll. Md. 1842-64, Prest. Trin. Coll. Conn. 1864-65, Bishop P. E. Ch. Pittsburgh, Pa. 1865-81. aet. 75. *i88i . Kendrick Metcalf,* (educ), (Rev.), A.B. Dartmouth Coll. 1829, S. T.D., Prof. Greek and Lat. Lang, and Lit. Hobart Coll. 1850-52 and of Lat. 1852-67 and of Rhet. and Oratory 1867-72. aet. 67. *i872 Winfield Scott,* (soldier), A.M. Coll. of N. J. 1814, LL.D. and Harv. Univ. 1861, Maj.-Gen. and Bvt. Lt.-Gen. U. S. A. aet. 80. *i866 Timothy D. Williams, A.M. 9 1851 Francis H. Cuming,* (Rev.),Z>.Z>. Martin P. Parks,* (Rev.), D.D. Robert George Vermilye,* (Rev.), A.B. 1831, A.M. 1836, D.D. aet. 62. *i87S John Williams, (Rev.), A.B. Trin. Coll. Conn. 1835, D.D., S.T.D. Union Coll. 1847 and Trin. Coll. Conn. 1849 and Yale Coll. 1883, LL.D. Hobart Coll. 1870, Tutor Trin. Coll. Conn. 1837- 40 and Prest. 1848-53, and Vice-Chancel- lor 1853-, Asst. Bishop P. E. Ch. Conn. 1851-65 and Bishop 1865-, Dean Berkeley Divinity School 1854-, Paddock Lecturer Gen. Theol. Sem. P. E. Ch. N. Y. 1881, Chairman House of Bishops P. E. Ch. Gen. Conv. 1883 and 1886. Octavius Winslow, (Rev.), D.D. 1852 Stephen Alexander,* (educ), A.B. Union Coll. 1824 and A.M. Union, LL.D., Prof. Math, and Astr. Coll. N. J. 1840-78. aet. 77. *i883 Samuel Gilman Brown,* (Rev.), (EDUC), A.B. Dartmouth Coll. 1831 and A.M. Dartmouth Coll., Grad. An- dover Theol. Sem. 1837, D.D., Prof. Rhet. and Polit. Lit. Dartmouth Coll. 1840-63 and Prof. Int. Phil, and Pol. Econ, 1863-66 and Prest. 1866-68, Prest. Hamilton Coll. 1867-81. aet. 72. ^1885 William Buel Franklin, (soldier), U. S. Mil. Acad. 1843. A.M., Prof. Nat. Phil. Free Acad. N. Y. City, Col. U. S. A. 1861, Brig.-Gen. U. S. V. 1861-62 and Maj.-Gen. 1862, Brig.-Gen. U. S. A. 1862- 65 and Maj.-Gen. 1865-66, State Commr. for Conn. Centennial Exp. 1876, Adj.- Gen. Conn. 1877-78, Prest. Nat. Home for Disabled Soldiers 1880-87. Richard Pulling Jenks,* A.B. Harv. Univ. 1830, A.M. aet. 67. *i872 William McMurray,* (Rev.), A.M. Trin. Coll. Toronto 1846, D.D., J. CD. Trin. Coll. Toronto 1857, Archdeacon P. E. Ch. Niagara 1875-. John Rowland, (Rev.), A.M. Jesse Ames Spencer, (Rev.), A.B. 1837, A.M. and Trin. Coll. Conn. 1854, D.D., S.T.D. Trin. Coll. Conn. 1872. William Walton,* (Rev.), A.B. 1828, A.M. 1836, D.D. aet. 59. *i869 John Lee Watson,* (Rev.), A.B. Harv. Univ. 1815 and A.M. Harv., D.D. *i884 9 1853-58] HONORARY DEGREES. 423 1853 Talbot Wilson Chambers, (Rev.), A.B. Rutgers Coll. 1834, S. T.D., Vedder Lectr. New Brunswick Sem. 1875, Trus- tee Rutgers Coll. 1868-, Trustee Col. Coll. 1881-. Thomas Frederick Davis,* (Rev.), A.B. Univ. N. C. 1822, D.D. and S.T.D. Univ. N.C. 1853, Bishop P. E. Ch. S. C. 1853-71. aet. 68. *i87i Henry D. Erskine, (Rev.), A.M. elsewhere, D.D., Dean of Ripon England. Isaac Ferris,* (Rev.), A.B. 1816, A.M., LL.D. aet. 74. *i873 Charles Todd Quintard, (Rev.), M.D. Univ. N. Y. City 1847, A.M., S.T.D. 1866, LL.D. Cambridge Univ. 1867, Prof, in Med. Coll. Memphis Tenn. 1851-73, Vice-Chancellor Univ. of South 1866-73, Bishop P. E. Ch. Tenn. 1865. Charles Rogers, (Rev.), LL.D,^ Fellow Scottish Soc. of Antiquarians, Prof. Eng. Lang, and Lit. Univ. Penn. Samuel Pratt Strong, (Rev.), D.D. 7 1854 William Robert Gordon, (Rev.), A.B. Univ. N. Y. City 1834, New Bruns- wick Theol. Sem. 1837, S. T.D. Jean Romer, A.M.^ LL.D. elsewhere. Prof. French. Lang, and Lit. Coll. City N. Y. J. Jackson Scott, (Rev.), D.D. Henry Philip Tappan,* (Rev.), A.B. Union Coll. 1825, S.T.D. Union Coll. 1845, LL.D., Prof. Mor. and Int. Phil. Univ. ,N. Y. City 1832-38, Chancel- lor Univ. Michigan 1850-63, Cor. Memb. Inst, of France 1856. aet. 76. *i88i 4 1855 Joseph Howland Coit,* (Rev.), A.B. 1820, D.D. aet. 64. *i866 William E, Eigenbrodt, (Rev.), A.B. 1831, A.M. 1835, D.D. John M. Macauley, (Rev.), S. T.D. Joseph Few Smith,t * (Rev.), A.B. Yale Coll. 1840 and A.M., S.7.D., Prof. Sac. Lit. Auburn Theol. Sem. *i888 Russell Trevett,* (Rev.), A.B., 1835, A.M., D.D., S.T.D. Coll. St. James Md. 1857. *i865 5 ■f Known subsequently as Joseph Fewsmith. 1856 John Blakeley, (Rev.), S.T.D. John Henry Hobart,* (Rev.), A.B. 1836, .S". T.D. aet. 71. *i889 George Sharswood,*(jURiST), A.B. Univ. Pa. 1828, LL.D. and Univ. N. Y. City, Memb. Penn. Leg. 1837-38, 1842-43, Vice-Provost Law Acad, of Phila. 1835 and Provost 1B53-, J"dge Dist. Ct. of Phila. 1845, Prest. of same 1848-67, Justice Supreme Ct. of Penn. 1867, Chief-Justice 1878-82, Prof, of Law Univ. of Pa. 1850- 67, Trustee of same 1872-83. aet. 72. *i883 Richard Somers Smith,* (educ), U. S. Mil. Acad. 1834, A.M., Prof, of Drawing U. S. Mil. Acad. 1846-52, Prof. Math. Eng. and Drawing Brooklyn (N. Y.) Polytech. Inst. 1855-59 i Director Cooper Union N. Y. City 1859-61, Major U. S. A. 1861-63, Prest. Girard Coll. Pa. 1863-68, Prof, of Eng. Polytech. Coll. of Pa. 1868-70. aet. 64. *i877 Alfred Stubbs,* (Rev.), A.B. Yale Coll. 1835 and A.M. Yale Coll., 6-. T.D. *i882 5 1857 Joseph Alden,* (Rev.), (educ), A.B. Union Coll. 1829 and A.M. and Coll. N. J. 1832 and Williams Coll. 1837, S.T.D. Union Coll. 1839, LL.D., Tutor Coll. N. J. 1830-32, Prof. Rhet. Pol. Econ. and Hist. Williams Coll. 1835-52, Prof. Metaph. and Mor. Phil. Lafayette Coll. 1852-57, Prest. Jefferson Coll. Pa. 1857, Prin. N. Y. S. Normal Sch. aet. 78. *i88s Alfred Baury Beach, (Rev.), A.B. Trin. Coll. Conn. 1841 and A.M., D.D. Samuel Cooke, (Rev.), A.M. Yale Coll. 1847, S.T.D. Univ. N. Y. City 1857, D.D. William Cecil Duncan,* (Rev.), A.B. 1843, A.M., D.D. aet. 40. ^1864 Francis Maerschalk Kip,* (Rev.), A.B. 1826, A.M. Rutgers Coll. 1829, D.D. aet. 81. *i888 William Ferdinand Morgan,* (Rev.), A.B. Union Coll. 1837 and A.M. Union Coll. and Trin. Coll. Conn. D.D. and Trin. 1849. aet. 70. *i888 6 1858 Charles D'Urban Morris,* A.Af. and Oxford Univ., Prof. Univ. N. Y. City, Prof. Latin Johns Hopkins Univ. 1876-86. aet. 59. *i886 Samuel Spring,* (Rev.), A.B. and A.M. Yale Coll. 1821, D.D. *i877 John Ireland Tucker, (Rev.), A.B. 1837, D.D. 424 HONORARY DEGREES. [1858-61 Isaac Dyckman Vermilye,* (Rev.), A.M. *i863 Henry Waterman, (Rev.), A.B. Brown Univ. 1831, S.T.D. 5 1859 Thomas De Boice Coryell, A.B. Univ. Wisconsin, A .M. William Armstrong Dod,* (Rev.), A.B. CoU. N. J. 1838 and A.M., D.D., Tutor Coll. N. J. 1840-41, Lect. on Archi- tecture and the Fine Arts Coll. N. J. *i872 William Mitchell Gillespie,* (eng), A.B. 1834, A.M., LL.D. and Univ. Nash- ville 1857. aet. 52. *i868 George H. Houghton, (Rev.), D.D.y Instr. in Hebrew Gen. Theol. Sem. P. E. Ch. N. Y. Lot Jones,* (Rev.), A.B. Bowdoin Coll. 1821 and A.M., D.D, aet. 69. *i865 Alexander S. Leonard,* (Rev.), A.B. 1825, A.M. 1847, D.D. aet. 72. *i878 Alexander Gardiner Mercer,* (Rev.), A.B. Coll. N. J. 1837 and A.M. Coll. N. J., S. T.D., Prof. Ment. and Mor. Phil. Univ. Penn. *i882 Samuel Tyler,* (educ), A.B. Middlebury Coll. Vt. 1827, LL.D. and Coll. of S. C. 1858, Prof, of Law Colum- bian Univ. D.C. 1867-78. aet. 69. *i879 8 i860 Charles Patrick Daly, LL.D., N. York Assemb. 1842, Just. Ct. Com. Pleas N. Y. City 1844-86, Memb. N. Y. S. Constit. Conv. 1867, Prest. N. Y. Geo- graph. Soc. Theodore William Dwight, CEDUC), A.B. Hamilton Coll. 1840, LL.B. Yale Coll. 1842 and A.M. Hamil- ton, LL.D.., and Rutgers Coll. 1859, Tutor Hamilton Coll. 1842-46, Prof, Law Hist. Civ. Pol. and Pol. Econ. Hamilton 1846-58, Prof. Munic, Law Col. Coll. 1858- and Warden Law Sch. Col. Coll. 1864-90, non-resident Prof. Constitutional Law Cornell Univ. 1868, Lecturer Amherst Coll. 1869, Memb. N. Y. Constit. Conv. 1867, V.-Prest. N. Y. Bd. State Commrs. Charities 1873, Memb. " Committee of Seventy," Judge of Commn. of Appeals 1874, Memb. N. Y. Constit. Conv. 1867, Commr. Appeals N. Y. State. aet. 70. *i892 John William French,* (Rev.), A.B. Trin. Coll. Conn. 1832 and A.M. Trin., D.D., S.T.D. Trin. i860. Prof. EthicsU.S. Mil. Acad, 1860-71. aet. 61. *i87i Thomas Tompkins Guion,* (Rev.), A.B. Trin. Coll. Conn. 1840, Z>.Z?. aet. 45. *i892 Fordyce Mitchell Hubbard,* (Rev.), A.B. Williams Coll. 1828 and A.M. Williams, /?,Z>., S.T.D. Trin. Coll, Conn, i860. Tutor Williams Coll. 1831-32, Prof. Lat. Lang. Univ. N, Carolina. aet. 80. *i88S Matthew Hall McAllister,* LL.D.., U, S. Dist, Atty, Ga. 1827, Mayor Savannah, Memb, Assemb, Ga. and of State Senate Ga., Judge U. S, Dist, Ct, Cal, aet, 65. *i865. William H. N. Stewart, (Rev.), A.B. Trinity Coll. Dub,, A.M., LL.D. Lafayette Coll. 1868, Charles S. Tripler,* M.D. Coll, Phys. and Surg, N, Y. 1827, A.M., Asst. Surg. U. S. A, 1830-38 and Surg. 1838-, Maj, and Bvt.-Col. U. S. A. aet. 60. *i866 Lewis Bartholomew Woodruff,* A.B. Yale Coll. 1830 and A.M. Yale, LL.D., Judge Ct, Com, Pleas N, Y, Co. 1850-55 and of Supr, Ct. N, Y, City 1856- 61 and of Ct. Appeals N. Y. S, 1868-69 and of U. S. Circ. Ct, 2d Circ, 1870-75. *i875 1861 John Anthon,* (cl), A.B. 1801, LL.D. Charles Bancroft, (Rev.), A.B. 1840, A,M,, S.T.D. and Univ. of Bishops Coll, Canada 1862, LL,D. Univ. of McGill Montreal 1870. Alexander Warfield Bradford,* A.B. Union Coll. 1832 and A,M, Union, LL.D. and Union 1852, Corporation Att'y N, Y, City 1843, Surrogate N, Y, City 1848-58, Trustee Col. Coll. 1855-67, aet. 52. *i867 Charles Henry Hall, (Rev.), A.B. Yale Coll. 1842, A.M. Trin, Coll, Conn. 1847, D.D., S.T.D, Hobart CoU, 1862, D.C.L, Trin. Coll, Conn. 1891. Abraham Lincoln,* (statesman), LL.D. and Coll. of N. J. 1864, 111. Leg. 1834-40, Repr. in Cong. 1845-48, President of the United States 1861-65. aet, 56, *i865 James Hall Mason Knox, (Rev.), A.B. 1841, A.M,, S.T.D., LL,D, 1875. Edward Nathaniel Mead,* (Rev.), A.B. 1822, A.M. 1833, D.D. aet. 75. *i877 Joseph Clarkson Passmore,* (Rev,), S. T.D., Prof, Rhet, Int. Phil, and Pol, Econ. St. James Coll. Md. 1844-62 and Racine Coll. 1862-66. aet, 40, *i866 Stephen Chipman Thrall, (Rev.), A.M. Hobart Coll. 1855, ^. T.D. Sullivan Hardy Weston,* (Rev.), S. T.D., Trustee Med, Dept. 1860-87. *i887 I 862-66] HONORARY DEGREES. 425 1862 Henry P. Balcom, A.M. Supt. Pub. Sch. Middletown Conn. Samuel Buel, (Rev.), A.B. Williams Coll. 1833 and A.M. Williams, S. r.D., Tutor Kenyon Coll., Prof.Eccles. Hist. Seabury Divin. Sch., Prof. System. Divin. Gen. Theol. Sem. P. E. Ch. N. Y. 1871-. George Jarvis Geer,* (Rev.), A.B. Trin. Coll. Conn. 1842 and A.M. Trin., S. T.D. and Union Coll. 1862. aet, 64. *i88s Benjamin Nicholas Martin,* (Rev.), A.B. Yale Coll. 1837 and A.M. Yale, S. T.D., L.H.D. Univ. N. Y. S. 1869, Prof, Phil, and Hist. Univ. N. Y. City 1882-83, , aet. 67. ♦iSSs Henry Joel Scudder,* A.B. Trin, Coll. Conn. 1846, A.M. and Trin,, LL,D. Roanoke Coll. 1881, Repr. in Congr. 1873-5. ^^'- 6^- *i886 John Cotton Smith * (Rev.), A.B. Bowdoin Coll. 1847 and A.M. Bowdoin S.T.D. aet, 56, *i882 6 1863 Samuel Hanson Cox,* (Rev.), A.B. Univ. N. Y. City, A.M. Trin. Coll. Conn. 1852, S.T.D. and Williams Coll. 1823, LL.D. Western Univ. of Pa. 1855. aet. 93. *i88i Morgan Dix, (Rev.), A.B. 1848, D.D., D.CL. Univ. of the South 1885. Samuel Eliot, (educ, au), A.B. Harv. Univ. 1839 and A.M, Harv. and Trin. Coll. Conn. 185:7, LL.D. and Harv. Univ. 1880, Prof. Hist, and Polit. Sci. Trin. Coll. Conn., elected Prof. Anc. and Mod. Lit. 1857 and declined, Prest. Trin. Coll. Conn. 1860-64, Lectr. on Constit. Law, etc. 1864-74, Lectr. Harv. Univ. 1870-73, Headmaster Girls' High School Boston 1872-76, Supt. Pub. Schools Boston 1878-80, Overseer Harv. Univ. 1866-72. Jared Bradley Flagg, (Rev.), A.M. Trin. Coll. Conn. 1857, Jj'. T.D. James Watson Gerard,* (cl), A.B. 1811, A.M. 1816, LL.D. aet. 80. *i874 Robert Shaw Howland,* (Rev.), St. Paul's Coll. 1840, D.D. aet. 66. *i887 Thomas Ricker Lambert, (Rev.), A.M. Brown Univ. 1845 and Trin, Coll. Conn. 1852, D.D. William Mitchell,* (cl), A.B. 1820, A.M., LL.D. aet, 86. *i886 Gilbert Hunt Sayres,* (Rev.), A.B. 1808, A.M. Union Coll. 1814, D.D. aet. 80. *i867 Matson Meier-Smith,* (Rev.), A.B. 1843, A.M. and Williams Coll. 1857, D.D. aet. 61. *i887 Henry B. Walbridge, (Rev.), D.D. James A. Williams,* (Rev.), A.B. 1833, A.M., S. T.D. 1864 12 Henry Stephens Cutler, Mus.D , Organist Trinity Ch. N. Y. 1860-68. Henry Drisler, Jr., A.B. 1839, A.M., LL.D. and Harv. Univ. 1886. Joseph G. Fox, C.E. elsewhere, A.M., Prof. Math. Cooper Instit. N. Y. City. Thomas Hunter, A.M. 1865 ■* Samuel Rose Ely,* (Rev.), A.B. Williams Coll. 1830, D.D. aet. 70. *i873 John Marshall Guion,* (Rev.), A.B. 1826, D.D. Richard Graham Hutton, (Rev.), A.M. Andrew Johnson,* LL.D. Tenn. Leg. 1835-37, 1839-41, Tenn. Sen. 1841-43, Repr. in Congr. 1843-53, Gov. Tenn. 1853-57, U. S. Sen. 1857-62, 1875, Mil. Gov. Tenn. 1862-64, V.-Prest. U. S. 1865 and Prest. 1865-69. aet. 67, *i875 McWalter Bernard Noyes,* (Rev.), A.M. *j885 Samuel S. Shedden, (Rev.), Z>.Z>. Presb. Ch. Rahway N. J. James Tuttle Smith, (Rev.), A.M., Hosp, Chaplain U, S. A, 1862-65. William Henry Walter,* Mus.D.^ Organist Trinity Parish N. Y. 1847-69, Organist Col, Coll. 1856-9. aet. 68. *i893 George D. Waters,* (Rev.), A.B. Amherst Coll. 1831, D.D. aet. 76, *i886 John Freeman Young,* (Rev.), 6'. T.D., Bishop P. E. Ch. Fla. 1867-85. aet. 65. *i88s 10 1866 Abner Jackson,* (Rev.), (educ), A.B. Trin. Coll. Conn. 1837 and A.M Trin,, S.T.D. Trin. Coll. Conn. 1858 and ' Hobart Coll. 1859, LL.D., Tutor Trin. Coll, Conn, 1837-38 and Libr, 1837-49, Adj.-Prof. Greek and Lat. Lang, Trin, 1838-40, Lect. in Chem. and Nat. Sci. Trin. 1840-51 and Prof. Ethics and Meta- physics 1840-58, Prest, and Prof, Ev, Christ, Hobart 1858-67, Prest. Trin,. Coll. Conn. 1867-74. . aet. 63^. 426 HONORARY DEGREES. [lS66-y2 Charles Pinckney Kirkland,* (cl), A.B. Hamilton Coll. 1816, LL.D. and Hamilton Coll. 1857, N. Y. Constit. Conv. 1821, Judge Supr. Ct. N. Y. aet. 85. *i883 James Mulchahey,* (Rev.), A.B. Trin. Coll. Conn. 1842 and A.M. Trin. Coll. Conn., .S'.r.Z?. aet. 85. *i883 Charles Todd Quintard, (Rev.), M.D. Univ. N. Y. City 1856, A.M. 1853, S.T.D., LL.D. Cambridge Univ. 1867, Prof, in Med. Coll. Memphis Tenn, 1851-73, V.-Chanc. Univ. of South 1866- 73, Bishop P. E. Ch. Tenn. 1865-. 4 1867 Samuel Blatchford, (jurist), A.B. 1837, LL.D. aet. 63. *i893 Samuel Breck Bostwick,* (Rev.), A.B. Univ. Vermont 1835, D.D., Memb. Stand. Comm. Diocese of Albany (N. Y.) 1868-81. aet. 66. *i88i Frederic de Peyster, Jr.,* (cl), A.B. 1816, A.M., LL.D. aet. 86. *i882 William Croswell Doane (Rev.), A.B. Burlington Coll. i860 and A.M. Bur- lington and Trin. Coll. Conn. 1863, D.D.^ LL.D. Union Coll. 1880, Lect. Trin. Coll. Conn. 1863-67, Adj. -Prof. Eng. Lang. Burlington Coll. 1854-60, Bishop P. E. Ch. Albany 1868-. Ferdinand Cartvvright Ewer,* (Rev.), A.B. Harv. Univ. 1848 and A.M. 1868, D.D. aet. 57. *i883 Anthony Ten Broeck,* (Rev.), A.B. 1834, A.M., D.D. aet. 65. *i88o Daniel Sylvester Tuttle, (Rev.), A.B. 1857, A.M., D.D. Channing Moore Williams (Rev.), A.B. William and Mary Coll. 1853, D.D., Bishop P. E. Ch. China and Japan 1866- 74, Bishop of Yeddo 1874-. 8 1868 Philander Kinney Cady, (Rev.), S. T.D. Benjamin Wistar Morris, (Rev.), S.T.D., Bishop P. E. Ch. Oregon and Washington 1868-. Charles Franklin Robertson,* (Rev.), A.B. Yale Coll. 1859, S.T.D. and Univ. of the South 1883, LL.D. Univ. of Mo. 1883, Bishop P. E. Ch. Missouri 1868-86. *i886 3 1869 Charles Breck, (Rev.), D.D. Henry Ammi Dows, (Rev.), A.B. 1862, A.M. Theodore Augustus Eaton, (Rev.), D.D. Asa Bird Gardner, (educ), A.B. Dartmouth Coll., A.M. and Dartmouth Coll., LL.B. elsewhere, Prof. Law U. S. Mil. Acad. 1874. Thomas Williams Humes, (Rev.), D.D., Prest. Univ. East Tenn. William Quintard Ketchum, (Rev.), D.D. Benson John Lossing,* (au), A.M.., LL.D. Univ. of Mich. 1873. *i89i John Carpenter Smith,* (Rev.), D.D. *i88i 8 1870 Samuel Brazer Babcock,* (Rev.), S. T.D. i,*i873 George Marlow Everhart, (Rev.), S. T.D. and Henry Coll. Va. 1852, Prest. Huntsville Coll. Ala. 1852-57, Rector Kemper Hall Wis. 1871. Peter Hasbrouck, A.B. Rutgers Coll., A.M. William Augustus McVickar,* (Rev.), A.B, 1846, A.M. 1850, S.T.D. aet. 50. *i877 Henry Nicoll,* (cl), A.B. 1830, LL.D. *i879 5 I87I George B. Andrews,(Rev.), 5. T.D. Edmund Alexander De Schwei- nitz,* (Rev.), S.T.D., Bishop Moravian Ch. 1870-87, Prest. Theol. Sem. Bethlehem Pa. aet. 62. *i887 John Habersham Elliott,* (Rev.), A.B. S. Carolina Coll. 1839, S.T.D. aet. 63. *i879 James Isbell Helm,* (Rev.), A.B. Greenville Coll. Tenn. 1833, A.M. Coll. N. J. 1842, D.D. *i88o Pelham Williams, (Rev.), A.B. Harv, Univ. 1853, A.M. Trin. Coll. Conn. 1861, S.T.D.^ Chaplain Hobart Coll. 1865-66. 1872 Joh] in Graeff Barton,* LL.D.., Prof. Eng. Lang, and Lit. Coll. City N. Y. Howard Crosby,* (Rev.), A.B. Univ. N. Y. City 1844 and A.M. Univ. N. Y. City, S.T.D. Harv. 1859, LL.D.^ Prof, Greek Univ, N. Y. City 1851-59, Prof. Greek Rutgers Coll. 1859-63, Chanc. Univ. N. Y. City 1870-83, Moderator Presbyt. Gen. Assemb, 1873. aet. 65. *i89i 1872-77] HONORARY DEGREES, 427 John Watts de Peyster, (au), A.M.y Litt.D. Franklin and Marshall Coll. i8q2, LL.D. elsewhere, Judge Adv. N. G. S. N. Y. 1849, Col. 1846, Brig.-Gen. 1851, Adj.-Gen. 1855 and Bvt.-Maj.-Gen. 1866, Member of many learned scientific etc. societies. William Hobart Hare, (Rev.), D.D.^ Missionary Bishop Indian Juris- diction of Niobrara. Edward David Hearn, A.M. William Bell White Howe, (Rev.), A.B. Univ. Vermont 1844, 6". T.D. and Univ. of the South 1871, Bishop P. E. Ch. S. Carolina 1871-. Charles O'Conor,* (cl), LL.D., Prest. Law Instit. N . Y. City 1869. aet. 80. *i884 Isaac Lewis Peet, LL.D., Prin. Instit. Deaf and Dumb N. Y. City. Eliphalet Nott Potter, (Rev.), A.B. Union Coll. 1841, .9. T.D. and Union Coll. i86g, Prof. Ethics Lehigh Univ. Pa. 1866-71, Prest. Union Coll. 1871-84, Prest. Hobart Coll. 1884-. 1873 John Gottlieb Auer,* (Rev.), S. T.D., Missionary Bishop Cape Palmas Afr. 1873-4. aet, 42. *i874 George Beckett, (Rev.), S.TD. Aaron Bernstein, (Rev.), A.M. Missionary to the Jews Bucharest. William Henry Chandler, A.M. Prof. Chem. Lehigh Univ. Penn. Oliver Wolcott Gibbs, (chem), A.B. 1841, A.M. 1844, M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1845, LL.D. and Harv. Univ. 1888. Henry Augustus Homes,* A.B. Amherst Coll. 1830, LL.D.^ Sec. U. S. Leg. to Turkey 1851-53, Asst. Libr. State of N. Y. 1854-68, Libr. S. N. Y. 1868-87. aet. 75. *i887 William Reed Huntington, (Rev.), S. T.D. Benjamin Douglas Silliman, (cl), A.B. Yale Coll. 1824, LL.D. and Yale Coll. 1874, Memb. N. Y. Assemb. 1838, U. S. Atty. Eastern Dist. N. Y. 1865-66, Memb. Constit. Revision Commn. N. Y. 1872, Prest. Brooklyn Club, L. I. Yale Alumni Assn. and New England Society of Brooklyn N. Y. Frederic Stengel, A.M., Instr. in German School of Mines Col. Coll. 1870-85. James Stephenson, (Rev.), S.T.D. 10 1874 Eben Edwards Beardsley,* (Rev.), A.B. Trin. Coll. Conn. 1832 and A.M., S.T.D. Trin. Coll. Conn. 1854, LL.D. aet. 83. *i89i Joseph H. Clinch, (Rev,), S.T.D., Chaplain Pub. Instit. Boston Mass. Jacob Cooper, (Rev.), A.B. Yale Coll. 1852, Ph.D. Gottingen 1854, D.C.L. Jena 1873, S. T.D., Prof. Greek Centre Coll. Ky., Prof. Greek Rutgers Coll. N. J. Robert N. Merritt, (Rev.), D.D. Clarkson Nott Potter,* LL.D. Repr. in Congr. 1868-75, 1877-81. aet. 58. *i882 1875 William Spencer Child, (Rev.), A.B. Brown Univ. 1837 and A.M. Brown and Trin. Coll. Conn. 1854, D.D. William Kirtland Douglas, (Rev.), (EDUC), A.B. Yale Coll. 1851, A.M. Trin. Coll. Conn. 1854, S. T.D.., Principal "Bishop Green Training School" Jack- son Miss., Prof, of Lang, and Prest. Jef- ferson Coll. Miss. 1860-64. William Porcher Du Bose, (Rev.), A.M. Univ. of Va., S. T.D^ Adj. C. S. A., Prof. Univ. of the South Tenn. John Nicholas Galleher, (Rev.), D.D. James Lenox,* A.B. 1818, A.M. and Coll. N. J. 1821, LL.D. and Coll. N. J. 1867. aet. 80. *i88o William Channing Russel, (educ), A.B. 1832, A.M., LL.D. William Andrew Snively, (Rev.), D.D. Thomas Edward Vermilye, (Rev.), A.B. Yale Coll. 1822 and A.M. Yale Coll. 1867 and Union Coll. 1828, S.T.D. Rutgers Coll. 1837 and Union Coll. 1838, LL.D. and Jefferson Coll. Pa. 1857. 8 1876 John Marshall Kellogg, A.M. William Whittingham Olssen, (Rev.), A.B. 1846, A.M., D.D. Julius Hawley Seelye, (educ), A,B. Amherst Coll. 1849, D-D- Union Coll. 1862, LL.D. and 1876, Prof. Ment. and Mor, Phil. Amherst Coll. 1858-75, Repr. in Congr. 1875-77, Prest. Amherst Coll. 1877-. 3 1877 Charles Coffin Adams,* (Rev.), D.D. aet. 72. 428 HONORARY DEGREES, [1877-87 Joseph Lemuel Chester,* LL.D. and Oxford Univ., Memb. Council Hist. Soc. of Gt. Britain. aet. 61. *i882 Thomas Ruggles Pynchon, (Rev.), A.B. Trin. Coll. Conn. 1841, LL.D., S.T.D. St. Stephen's Coll. N. Y. 1865, Prest. Trin. Coll. Conn. 1874-83 and Prof, of Moral Phil. Trin. Coll. Conn. 1883-. Alonzo Groesbeck Shears,*(Rev.), A.M. and Trin. Coll. Conn. 1856 and Yale Coll. 1856, M.D. N. Y. Coll. Med. i860. *i888 James Craig Watson,* A.B. Univ. Michigan 1857 and A.M., Ph.D. Leipsic, Univ. 1870 and Yale Coll. 1871, LL.D., Prof. Astr. and Direct. Observ. Univ. of Mich., Director Ast. Observ. Univ. of Wis. *i88o 1878 Fordyce Barker,* A.B. Bowdoin Coll. 1837, M.D. Paris Univ. 1844, LL.D., Prof. Midw. Bowdoin 1845 and in N. Y. Univ. 1850-57 and in Bell. Hosp. Med. Coll. i860-, Prest. N. Y. S. Med. Soc. 1856 and of N. Y. Acad. Med. I»»2. aet. 73. 1891 James Radcliff Davenport, (Rev.), Yale Coll. 1830, S.T.B., Tutor Yale Coll. 1833-35- David Greene Haskins, (Rev.), S.T.D., Dean Faculty of Theol. Univ. of the South. George Franklin Seymour, (Rev.), A.B. 1850, A.M., S.T.D. Racine Coll. 1867, LL.D. Edmund H. Smith, (educ), LL.B. speciali gratia. Prof. Latin Ho- bart Coll. 1880 5 Leopold Damrosch,* (COMPOSER, CONDUCTOR, MUSI- Q,\K^^,Mus.D. aet. 53. *i885 Louis Palma Di Cesnola, LL.D. and Coll. of N. J. 1880, Col. 4th N. Y. Cav. in Civil War, U. S. Consul to Cyprus, Director Metropol. Mus. of Art N. Y. City. 2 1884 Charles Waldstein, Ph.D., Heidelberg 1875, A. A/, and Cambridge Univ. 1882, L.H.D. 1887, Litt.D. Cam- bridge Univ. 1887, Director FitzWilliam Mus. of Archseol. and Art at Cambridge Univ. Eng. William David Walker, (Rev.), A.B. 1859, A.M. 1863, S.T.D. 1885 James Hall Mason Knox, (Rev.), A.B. 1841, A.M., S.T.D. 1861, LL.D. Emory McClintock, (act), A.B. 1859, A.M., Ph.D. Univ. Wis. 1884, LL.D. 2 1886 John Hall, (Rev.), S.T.D. elsewhere, LL.D., Chancellor Univ. N. Y. City 1882-. 1887 April 13th. Martin Brewer Anderson, *(educ), A.B. Waterville Coll. 1840,^//./?., Tutor Waterville Coll. 2 years. Prof. Rhetoric 7 years, Editor " N. Y. Recorder" 1850-53, Prest. Rochester Univ. 1853-88. aet. 65. *i890 Charles Andrews, (cl), LL.D. Dist. Atty. Onondaga Co. N. Y. 1853-56, Mayor Syracuse N. Y. 1861, 1862 and 1868. Delegate-at-large Constitutional Conv. 1867-68, Assoc. Judge N. Y. Court of Appeals 1870-81 and Chief Judge 1881-. James Burrill Angell, (EDUC, DIPLOMAT), A.B. Brown Univ. 1849, LL.D. and Brown Univ. 1868, Prest. Univ. of Vt. 1866-71, Prest. Univ. of Mich. 1871-, U. S. Minister to China 1880-82, Commr. Fisheries Ques- tion 1888. George Bancroft,* (AU, STATESMAN), A.B. Harv. Univ. 1817, Ph.D. Gottingen 1820 and Ph.D. (Hon.) 1870, D.C.L. Oxford 1849, J.U.D. Bonn 1868, L.H.D. , LL.D. Harv. Univ. 1843 and Union Coll. 1841, Sec. Navy under Prest. Polk, Minister to Gt. Britain 1846-49, Minister to Russia 1867, Minis- ter to North German Confederation 1868 and to the German Empire 1871-74, Memb. of many learned societies etc. aet. 91. *i89i Henry Barnard, (educ), A.B. Yale Coll. 1830, LL.D. Yale Coll. 1851 and Union Coll. 1851 and Harv. Univ. 1853, L.H.D., Memb. Conn. Leg. 1837- 40, School Commr. R. L 1842-49, Supt. Schools Conn. 1850-54, Prest. Univ. of Wisconsin 1857-59, Prest. St. John's Coll. Md. 1865-67, U. S. Commr. of Educ. 1867-70. Phillips Brooks,* (Rev.), (PULPIT ORATOR), A.B. Harv. Univ. 1855, .S". T.D., Rector Trinity Ch. Boston Mass. 1869-93, P- E. Bishop of Mass. 1891-93. aet. 58. *i893 Francis James Child, (educ), A.B. Harv. Univ. 1846 and LL.D. 1884, Ph.D. Gottingen 1854, L.H.D., Prof. Rhet. and Oratory Harv. Univ. 1851-76 and of Eng. Lit. 1876-. 188;] HONORARY DEGREES. 429 Henry Augustus Coit, (educ), D.D. Trin. Coll. Conn. 1863, S.T.D., Rector St. Paul's School Concord N. H. 1856, Trustee Trin. Coll. Conn. 1881-, Frederic Rene Coudert, (cl), A.B. 1850, LL.n. and Seton Hall N. J. 1880 and Fordham Coll. 1887, Centennial Orator Col. Coll. 1887. George William Curtis,* (au, ed), L.f-T.D.^ de gate to Repub. Nat. Conven. 1860-64-76, delegate-at-large N. Y. Con- stit. Conven, 1867, Pres. elector 1868, Civ. Service Commr. 1871-73, Regent Univ. N. Y. S. 1864-92 and Chancellor 1S90-92, First Prest. National Civ. Serv. Ref. League. aet. 68. *i892 John Call Dalton,*(pHYSiOLOGiST), A.B. Harv. Univ. 1844 and M.D. 1847, LL.D., and Coll.N. J. 1886, Prof. Physiol. Univ. Buffalo and at Vermont Med. Coll. 1854-56, and at L. I. Coll. Hosp. 1859-61, Surg. 7th N. Y. Regt. i86r. Prof. Physiol. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1855-83, Pres. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1884-89. aet. 61. *i889 John Chandler Bancroft Davis, (DIPLOMATIST), A.B. Harv. Univ. 1840, LL.D., Memb. N. Y. Assemb. 1868, Asst. Sec'y of State U. S. 1869-71, Agt. U. S. Govt. Geneva Arbitration 1871, Asst. Sec'y of State U. S. 1873, Memb. High Commn. on treaty of Wash- ington 1871, Minister to German Empire 1875-77, Judge U. S. Court of Claims 1878-81 and 1882-83, Reporter U. S. Su- preme Ct. 1883-. John William Dawson, CKNIGHT), (GEOL, EDUC, AU), LL.D.y Grad. Pictou Coll. Canada and Edinburgh Univ., F. R. Geol. S., Fel- low R. S., Supt. Educ. Nova Scotia 1850-53, Principal McGill Coll. Montreal 1855-, Principal McGill Normal School 1857-, Prest. American Assn. and Royal Soc. of Canada 1882 and British Assn. 1886, knighted 1885. Nathaniel Henry Rhodes Dawson, (EDUC), L.H.D., U. S. Commr. of Education. John De Witt, (Rev.), (educ), A.B. Rutgers Coll. 1838, New Brunswick Sem. 1842, L.H.D., Prof. Sacred Litera- ture New Brunswick (N. J.) Sem. 1863-, Memb. Bible Revision Committee. Robert Earl, (jurist), LL.D. Judge N. Y. Court of Appeals. Amelia Blandford Edwards,* (AU, ARCH^OLOGIST), L.H.D., Sec'y Egyptian Exploration Fund. aet. 61. *i892 Robert Brinckerhoff Fairbairn, (EDUC), S.T.D., Prest. St. Stephen's Coll. Annandale N. Y. Sandford Fleming, (eng), LL.D. and St. Andrew's Univ. Scotland 1884, Chancellor Queen's Univ. Kingston Canada 1880-. Alice Elvira Freeman, (educ), A.B. Univ. of Michigan 1876 and Ph.D. 1882, L.H.D., Prof. History Wellesley Coll. Mass. 1879-81, Acting Prest. 188 1 and Prest. 1882-. Horace Howard Furness, (AU, ED, SHAKESPEARIAN SCHO- LAR), A.B. Harv. Univ. 1854 and A.M. 1858 and (Hon.) 1877, Ph.D. Halle 1878, LL.D. Univ. of Pa. 1879, L.H.I). Merrill Edwards Gates, (educ), A.B. Univ. of Rochester 1870, Ph.D. Univ. N. Y. City 1880, LL.D. Coll. N. J. 1882, Z.A^.Z)., Principal Albany (N.Y.) Acad. 1870, Prest. Rutgers Coll. 1882-, U. S. Indian Commr. 1884. Daniel Coit Gilman, (educ), A.B. Yale Coll. 1852 and A.M., L.L.D. and Harv. Univ. 1876 and St. John's Coll. Md. 1887 and Yale Coll. 1889 and Univ. N. C. 1889, Libr., Prof. Geography Yale Coll. and Sec'y Sheffield Sci. School, Supt. Public Schools New Haven Conn., Sec'y Conn. Board Education, Prest. Univ. of California 1872-75, Prest. Johns Hopkins Univ. 1875-. William Watson Goodwin, (PHILOLOGIST), A.B. Harv. Univ. 1851, Ph.D. Univ. Gottingen 1855, LL.D. and Amherst Coll. 1883 and Cambridge Univ. 1883, Eliot Prof. Greek Harv. Univ. i860-, Director Amer. School at Athens (Greece) 1882-83, Prest. Amer. Philol. Assn. 1872-85, Director Amer. Archaeol. Instit. Benjamin Apthorp Gould, (ast), A.B. Harv. Univ. 1844, Ph.D. Univ. Gottingen 1848, LL.D. and Harv. Univ. 1885, Director Dudley Observatory Al- bany N. Y. 1856-59, Director Argentine Observatory at Cordoba 1870-85. Albert Zabriskie Gray,* (Rev.), (EDUC), A.B, Univ. N. Y. City, grad. Gen. TheoL Sem. P. E. Ch. N. Y., S'.T.D., Chaplain_4th Mass. Cav. during war. Warden Racine Coll. Wis. 1882-89. aet. 59. *i88g Isaac HoUister Hall, (arch^ol), A.B. Hamilton Coll. 1859 and A.M. 1862 and Ph.D. 1875, Litt.D. Trin. Coll. Dub- lin 1892, LL.B. Col. Coll. 1865, L.H.D. James Albert Harrison, (EDUC, PHILOL, AU), A.B. Univ. of Va. 1866, L.H.D., Prof. Lang. Randolph Macon Coll. Va. 1871-76, Prof. Engl, and Mod. Langs. Washington and Lee Univ. I 876-. Abram Stevens Hewitt, (mf), A.B. 1842, A.M., LL.D. Eugene Waldemar Hilgard, (GEOL, CHEM, NATURALIST), Ph.D. Univ. Heidelberg 1853, LL.D., Asst. State Geol. Miss, till 1857, Chem. Smithsonian Instit. 1857- ^"^ Prof .Chem. National Med. Coll. Washington D. C, State Geol. Miss. 1858-66, Prof. Chem. Univ. Miss. 1866-71, Prof. Geol. and Nat. Hist. Univ. of Mich. 1873-75, Prof. Agricultural Chem. and Botany Univ. of Cal. 1875-. 430 HONORARY DEGREES, [1887 Eugene Augustus Hoffman, (Rev.), (EDUC), S.T.D., Dean Gen. theol. Sem. P. E. Ch. N. Y. Edward Singleton Holden, (ast), grad. Scientific School of Wash. Univ. 1866, grad. U. S. Mil. Acad. 1870, LL.D. and Univ. of Wis. 1886, 2d Lieut. 4th U. S. Art'y, Asst, Prof. Philosophy U. S. Mil. Acad. 1871-72 and Instr. in Eng. 1872-73, Prof. Math. U. S.^ Naval Ob- servatorj' 1873, Prof. Ast'y in Univ. of Wisconsin 1881-86, Prest. Univ. of Cal. and Director Lick Observatory 1886-. Frederic Dan Huntington, (Rev.), A.B. Amherst Coll, 1839, Grad. Harv. Univ. Divinity School 1842, S. T.D.^ LL.D. Amherst Coll. 1887, Bishop P. E. Ch. Central N. Y. 1869-. Emile Levasseur, (scientist), LL.D.^ authority in Econ. and Physic. Geography,Memb. of the Instit. of France. John Richard Magrath, (Rev.), (EDUC), S.T.D., Provost Queen's Coll. Oxford Eng. Daniel Manning,* (J, STATESMAN, FINANCIER), LL.D., Sec'y U. S. Treasury 1885-87, Prest. Bank of New York 1887. act. 56. *i887 Francis Andrew March, (educ), L.H.D., Anglo-Saxon scholar, Prof, in Lafayette Coll. John Barbee Minor, (jurist), LL.D.., Prof, of Common Law. Univ. of Va. Maria Mitchell,* (ast), LL.D.^ and Hanover Coll. 1852, Director of Ob- servatory and Prof, of Astronomy Vassar Coll. N. Y. 1865-89. aet. 71. *i889 Simon Newcomb, (ast), LL.D.^ Supt. U. S. Nautical Almanac. Charles Anthony Rapallo,* GURIST), LL.D. Judge N. Y. Court of Appeals 1870-84, 1884-87. aet. 64. +1887 William Crawford Ruger, (jurist), LL.D. Chief-Judge N. Y. Court of Ap- peals 1882-. Lewis Morris Rutherfurd,* (ast), A.B. Williams Coll. 1834, LL.D. and Williams Coll., Trustee Col. Coll. 1858-S4, orig. member Acad. Science 1863, Assoc. Memb. Royal Astronomical Society. aet. 75. *i892 Julius Hawley Seelye, (educ), A.B. Amherst Coll. 1849, D.D. Union Coll. 1862, LL.D. and 1876, Prof. Mental and Mor. Philosophy Amherst Coll, 1858-75, Repr. in Congr. 1875-77, Prest. Amherst Coll. 1877-. William Milligan Sloane, (educ), A.B. 1868, A.M., Ph.D. Leipsic 1876, L.H.D. George Williamson Smith, (Rev.), (EDUC), A.B. Hobart Coll. 1857, and D.D. 1880, LL.D. Trin. Coll. Conn. 1887, S.T.D., Prest. Trin. Coll. Conn. 1883-. Moritz Steinschneider, (Rev.), (EDUC, AU), Rector Hebrew School of Berlin Prussia. Richard Salter Storrs, (Rev.), A.B. Amherst Coll. 1839, grad. Andover Theol. Sem, 1845, D.D. Union Coll. 1853 and Harv, Univ. 1859, LL.D. Coll. N. J. 1874, L.H.D.., Trustee Amherst Coll. 1863, Prest. L. I. Historical Soc. 1873, Prest. Amer. Board of Commrs. for Foreign Missions 1887. George Lansing Taylor, (Rev), A.B. 1861, A.M., S.T.D. Univ. Syracuse 1876, L.H.D.., Centennial Poet Col. Coll. 1887. William Thomson, (KNIGHT,) (PHYSICIST, ELEC- TRICIAN), LL.D., Prof, in Univ. of Glasgow Scotland. James Hammond Trumbull, (PHILOLOGIST), A.M. Yale Coll. 1850, and LL.D. 1871 and Harv. Univ. 1887, L.H.D., Asst. Sec'y of State Conn. 1847-52 and Sec'y of State 1861-64, State Libr. Conn. 1854, Prest. Conn. Historical Soc. 1863, Prest. Amer. Philol. Soc. 1874- 75, authority on Languages of Amer. Indians. Moses Coit Tyler, (educ ), A.B. Yale Coll. 1857, LL.D. Wooster Univ. 1875, L.H.D., Prof. Eng. Lang, and Lit, Univ, Mich,_ 1867-81, Prof. Amer, Hist. Cornell Univ. 188 1-. John Tyndall,* (physicist), ZZ.Z>., Fellow Royal Society 1852, Prof. Nat. Philosophy Royal Instit. London Eng. 1853-87, Prest. British Assn. 1874. aet. 73. *i893 Hermann Ludvig Ferdinand Von Helmholtz,* (physicist), LL.D,, Prof. Univ. of Berlin Germany. aet. 73. *i894 Morrison RemickWaite,* (jurist), A.B. Yale Coll. 1837 and LL.D. 1872 and Kenyon Coll. 1874 and Univ. of Ohio 1879, LL.D., Memb. Ohio Le^. 1849, Consul for U. S. on Geneva Arbitration 1871-72, Chief-Justice U. S. 1874-88. aet. 72. *i388 Charles Waldstein, (ARCHAEOLOGIST), Ph.D. Univ. Heidelberg 1875, A.M. Col. Coll. 1884, and Cambridge Univ. 1882, Litt. D. Cambridge Univ. 1887, L.H.D., Univ. Lecturer on Classical Archaeology Cam- bridge Univ. England 1880, Reader in Greek Art 1882, Director Fitzwilliam Museum Cambridge 1883-, Director Amer. School of Archaeology at Athens 1888. 1887-92] HONORARY DEGREES. 431 Francis Amasa Walker, (statist), A.B. Amherst Coll, i860, and A.M. 1863 and Yale Coll. 1873, Ph.D. Amherst Coll. 1875, and LL.D. 1881 and Yale Coll. 1881 and Harv. Univ. 1883 and St. Andrew's Univ. Scotland 1888, LL.D., Col. U. S. Vols. 1862, Bvt.-Brig.-Gen. U. S. Vols. 1865, Chief Bureau Statistics U. S. Treasury Dept. 1869, Supt. IXth Census 1870-72, Commr. Indian Affairs 1871-72, Prof. Polit. Econ. and Hist. Sheff. Sci. School Conn. 1873-81, Prest. Mass. Instit. Technology 1881-, Chief Bureau of Awards Centennial Exposition 1876, Supt. Xth Census 1879-81, U. S. Commr. Inter. Monetary Conference Paris 1878, Memb. National Acad. Sciences, Prest. Amer. Statistical Soc, Prest. Amer. Econ. Assn. Andrew Dickson White, (EDUC, DIPLOMATIST), A.B. Yale Coll. 1853, and LL.D. and Cornell Univ. and Univ. of Mich., Ph.D. Univ. of Jena, Z.//.Z?., Prof. Hist, and Eng. Lit. Univ. Mich. 1857-62, Memb. State Sen- ate N. Y. 1863-64, Prest. Cornell Univ. 1867-85, U. S. Commr. to Santo Domingo 1871, U. S. Minister to Germany 1879-81, First Prest. Amer. Historical Assn., U. S. Minister to Russia 1892. William D wight Whitney,* (PHILOLOGIST), A.B.Williams Coll. 1845 and A.M. and L.L.D. 1868 and Wil- liam and Mary 1869 and Harv. Univ. 1876 and Univ. Edinb. 1889, A.M. Yale Coll. 1867, Ph.D. Breslaui86i, J.U.D. St. An- drew's 1874, L.H.D.., Prof. Sanskrit Lang, and Lit. and Comp. Phil. Yale Coll. 1854-94, Prest. Amer. Oriental Soc. and Amer. Philol. Soc. 1869, Hon. Memb. of many learned societies, etc.. Foreign Knight of Prussian Order ^^ Pour le Merite.^'' aet. 67. *i894 William Copley Winslow, (ARCHiEOLOGIST), A.B. Hamihon Coll. 1862 and grad. Gen. Theol. Sem. P. E. Ch. N. Y. 1865, Ph.D. Hamilton Coll. 1866, LL.D. St. Andrew's Univ. Scotland 1886, D.D. Amherst Coll. 1887, /,.//./?., Egyptologist, V.-Prest, Egypt Exploration Fund. Charles Augustus Young, (ast), A.B. Darmouth Coll. 1853, Ph.D. Univ. Pa. 1870, LL.D. Wesleyan Univ. 1876, LL.D. Prof. Math. Nat. Philos. and Ast. Western Reserve Coll. 1856-, Capt. 85th Ohio Vols. 1862, Prof. Nat. Philos. and Ast. Darmouth Coll. 1865-77, Prof. Ast. Coll. N. J. 1877-. June 8th. Carlos L. Speranza, (educ), A.M., Instr. Italian and Spanish Col. Coll. 1885-86, 1891-. 1888 Victor Morawetz, A.M. 62 Charles Eliot Norton, (au, educ), A.B. Harv. Univ., 1846, LL.D. Oxford Univ. 1884, L.H.D., Prof. Hist, of Art in Harv. Univ. 2 1889 Charles Washburn Clark, Ph.D. Stephen P. Nash, (cl), A.B., LL.D. Trinity Coll. 1890, Trustee Col. Coll. 1868-. 2 1890 W. H. Clifford Bartlett, (cl), U. S. Mil. Acad. 1826, LL.D. Samuel Bowden,* (Rev.), A.B. 1840, A.M., 6".7'.Z>. aet. 71. *i894 James Watson Gerard, Jr., (cl), A.B. 1843, A.M., LL.D. John Howard Van Amringe, (EDUC), A.B. i860, A.M., Ph.D., L.H.D. 4 189I Thomas Francis Gailor, (Rev.), A.M. and S.T.B. elsewhere, S.T.D., Assistant Bishop of Prot. Epis. Ch. Ten- nessee 1893, Vice-Chancellor Univ. of the South. Merrill Edwards Gates, (educ), A.B. Univ. of Rochester 1870, Ph.D. Univ. N. Y. City 1880, LL.D. Coll. N. J. 18S2, L.H.D. Col. Coll. 1887, LL.D., Principal Albany (N. Y.) Acad. 1870, Prest. Rutgers Coll. 1882-, U. S. Indian Commr. 1884. Ezra Palmer Gould, (Rev.), S. T.D., Prof. Bibl. Criticism Philadelphia Div. School. John Jay,* (cl), A.B. 1836, A.M., LL.D. aet. 76. *i894 4 1892 Edgar M. Cullen, (cl), A.B. i860, A.M. LL.D. Henry Lawrence Jones, (Rev.), A.B. 1858, A.M., S.T.D. Fessenden Nott Otis, M.D. Med. Coll. N. Y. 1852, LL.D. Jacob Gould Schurman, (educ), D. Sc. elsewhere, LL.D.., Prest. Cornell Univ. 1S85-. EdmundClarence Stedman,(poET), A.B. Yale Coll. 1853, L.H.D. 432 HONORARY DEGREES. [1893-94 1893 Ira Remsen, (educ, chem), A.B. Coll. City N. Y. 1865, M.D. Col. Coll. 186^, Ph.D. Gottingen 1870, Fh.D.^ Asst. Univ. Tubingen, Prof. Chem. and Physics Williams _ Coll., Prof. Chem. Johns Hopkins Univ. 1876-, Acting Prest. 1889-90, Editor " Amer. Chem. Jour." 1879-. 1894 George William Hill, (MATHEMATICIAN), Rutgers CoU. 1859, Sc.D. (Cantab), LL.D. Cambridge Univ. 1892, LL.D.^ Assoc. Memb. Royal Astronomical Soc. 1878-, Gold Medal R.Ast. Soc. 1887, Memb. National Acad. Sciences. Emile Henry Lacombe, (jurist), A.B. 1863, LL.B. 1865, LL.D. Nikola Tesla, (electrician), Polytechnic School Gratz Austro-Hun- gary LL.D. Landon Carter Gray, (phys). Class 1869, M.D. elsewhere, A.M.^ Prof. Nerv. and Ment. Dis. N. Y. Polyclinic, Vis. Phys. St. Mary's Hosp., Neurologist Hosp. for Rupt. and Cripp., Ex-Prest. Neurological Sec. N. Y. Acad. Med., Chairman Exec. Com. Congress Amer. Phys. and Surg. John Hone, Class 1865, A.B. ENUMERATION, Graduates in Arts 3? 148 Graduates of Barnard College 15 Graduates in Medicine 3,604 Graduates in Law 3,844 Graduates of the School of Mines 881 Graduates of the School of Political Science . 178 University Graduates (A.M. and Ph.D.) 195 Honorary Graduates, etc 562 Total 1 2,42 7 Deduct for repetitions 758 11,669 KNOWN TO BE DECEASED. Graduates in Arts i>539 Graduates in Medicine 419 Graduates in Law 334 Graduates of the School of Mines 53 Graduates of the School of Political Science ... * 7 University Graduates (A.M. and Ph.D.) i Honorary Graduates, etc $66 Total 2,719 Deduct for repetitions 132 2,587 Presumed to be living 9,082 433 LOCALITY INDEX. Class Symbols. — The several schools are designated by Italic letters prefixed to the year of graduation, as follows : School of Arts. m. School of Medicine. a. b. h. I. Barnard College. Honorary degree. School of Law. /. School of Political Science. s. School of Mines. u. University degrees. (A.M. and Ph.D.) The following index contains the names of all living graduates whose addresses have been ascertained, arranged in geographical order. The following is a list of the states and countries represented : STATES AND COUNTRIES. PAGE Africa 531 Alabama 435 Arizona 435 Arkansas 435 Australia 531 Austria 531 Bermuda 532 Brazil 534 British Honduras 532 California 435 Canada 532 Manitoba 532 New Brunswick 532 Nova Scotia 532 Ontario 532 Prince Edward's Island 532 Quebec 532 Central America 532 Chile 534 China , 533 Colorado 437 Connecticut 438 Corea 533 Costa Rica * 532 Cuba 534 Delaware 440 District of Columbia 441 Egypt. 533 l^ngland 533 Florida 441 France 533 Georgia 441 Germany 533 Guatemala 532 Hawaiian Islands 533 Honduras 533 Idaho 442 Illinois 442 India 533 Indiana 444 Indian Territory 444 Iowa 444 Italy 533 Japan 534 Kansas 445 Kentucky 445 PAGE Louisiana 446 Maine 446 Maryland 447 Massachusetts 447 Mexico 534 Michigan 449 Minnesota 450 Mississippi 451 Missouri 451 Montana 452 Nebraska 453 Nevada 453 New Hampshire 453 New Jersey 453 New Mexico 461 New York 461 Nicaragua, 533 North Carolina. 523 North Dakota 523 Ohio 523 Oregon 524 Pennsylvania 525 Persia 534 Peru. 534 Porto Rico 535 Rhode Island 527 Russia 534 South America 534 South Carolina 528 South Dakota 528 Spain 534 Syria 534 Tennessee 528 Texas 528 Trinidad 535 Turkey in Asia. _. 534 U. S. of Colombia 534 Utah 529 Vermont 529 Virginia 529 Washington 53° West Indies 534 West Virginia 530 Wisconsin 53° Wyoming 531 434 A/a.-Cal.'\ LOCALITY INDEX. 435 UNITED STATES. ALABAMA. Anniston. William Henry McKleroy, s. 1890. John Howard Murfee, M,D., ni. 1867. Charles Milton Noble, j. 1879. Bessemer. Herbert E. Tuttle, a. 1891, care Harriso?t 6r» Howard Iron Co. Birmingham. Malvern Nicholas Due, M.D., m. 1888. David Rodgerson W. Mclver, /. 1888, 21st St. and First A v. Carl August Meissner, j. 1880, 2512 Seventh Av. Camden. Thomas Warburton Jones, M.D., jh. 1890. Decatur. Walter Corbett Buchly, M.D., jn. 1885. Rev. Morris Ashhurst Tyng, /. 1863. Demopolis. Charles Boaz Whitfield, M.D., m. 1871. Georgiana. George Philip Heard, M.D., tn. 1894. Jacksonville. Forney Caldwell Stevenson, M.D., in. 1893. Mobile. Henry Chamberlain, /. 1880. Rev. Oscar Joseph Cohen, a. 1886. Vivian Pencfleton Gaines, M.D., m. 1873. George Charles O'Connell, /. 1883, Spring Hill College. Thomas Sidney Scales, M.D., tn. 1867. Montgomery. Charles Dickens Faber, a. 1886. Selma. Louis Meyer, /. 1889. Taladega. Vanderbllt Spader, a. 1879. Tuscaloosa. Samuel Friedman, s. 1892. William Glassel Somerville, M.D., ;«. 1889. ARIZONA. Bisbee. Frank Gaylord Eastman, M.D., m. 1890. Congress. William Field Staunton, s. 1882. Florence. James Denoon Reymert, Jr., /. 1872. Phoenix. Thomas Allen Jobs, /. 1872. ARKANSAS. Bragg. Marcus Dodd, M.D., m. 1866. Centerville. Silas Cook Baldwin, M.D., tn. 1866. Conway. Wiley Blount Barner, M.D., m. 1884. Hot Springs. Rezie Owings Blaydes, M.D., m. 1889. Little Rock. Edwin Bently, M.D., m. 1877. Pendleton. Harvey Napoleon Austin, M.D., m. 1865. Pine Bluff. James Hudson Smart, M.D,, m. 1891, 509 W. Fourth Av. CALIFORNIA. Alameda. Charles George Bull, a. 1879. Alcatraz Island. William Daniel Dietz, M.D., m. 1882, U.S.A. Auburn. David Van Lennep, s. 1867. Biggs. Charles A. Carle, M.D., tn. 1867. Bodie. Thomas Haight Leggett, s. 1879. Berkeley. John Habersham Bolton, a. 1847. Chino. Nicholas Romanoff Cottman, /. 1877. Eureka. Seth Burnham Foster, M.D., m. 1869. Fresno. George Henry Aiken, M.D., tn. 1869. Nathan LaFayette Bachman, /. 1876. Lewis L. Cory, /. 1883. Grass Valley. Samuel Clifton Thompson, s. 1893. Harte, Shasta Co. Edward Goodwin, s. 1891. Healdsburg. James Romeyn Gregor5% M.D., tn. i366. Los Angeles. William Brill, M.D., m. 1887, 927 .9. Hill St. Charles Cassat Davis, /. 1875, 4-6 A lien Block. Langdon Cheves Easton, j. 1884, 344 S. Grand Av. William Ignatius Foley, /. 1880, Downey Block. 436 LOCALITY INDEX. [Cal. CALIFORNIA— Continued. Los Angeles — Continued. Martin Hagan, M.D., in. 1867. Henry West Hughes, M.D., tti. 1885, i7S -^. Sprzftg- St. Singleton Husted, M.D., w. 1879. Harry Woodville Latham, /. 1885, 307 IV. isi Henry Stewart McKee, s. 1893, ^- ^- 2^<'''- ininal Ry. Asbel Griswold Nettleton, M.D., m. 1869. James Harvey Seymour, M.D., m. 1883, 301 W. -jth St. James Alfred Thomas, /. 1882, ig Phillips Block. Charles Wilmot Townsend, M.D., m. 1890. Henry Worthington, M.D., w, 1874, 222^ N. Main St. Los Gatos. John Anthon Callender, M.D., m. 1868. Mare Island. Frederick Wilkinson Olcott, M.D., ;«. 1884, U.S.N. Martinez. Hermann Berendt, M.D., m. 1873. Middletown. Frank Walton Mitchell, M.D., m. 1880. Napa City. Fetterman Wine Conn, M.D., m. 1871. National City. Gonzalo Edward Buxton, M.D., m. 1875. North Temescal. Edward C. Prindle, M.D., vt. 1877. Oakland. Thomas Davis Carneal, /. 1877, 720 14/A St. Nelson Henry Claflin, M.D., m. 1869. Colman Ward Cutler, M.D., m. 1889, 1387 Madison St. Edmund Elwood Fall, M.D., m. 1887. Cary Howard, /, 1884. Edward Richard Sill, M.D., m. 1889, 576 E. T-j^th St. Pasadena. Nelson William Bell, /. 1885. Henry Martyn Field, M.D., m. 1862. Benjamin Maltby Page, M.D., m. 1864. Charles Herbert Torrey, s. 1880. Charles Howard Walker, M.D., tn. 1893, 4^2 Summit A v. John Brandagee Wood, /. 1868. Quincy. Joseph McChesney, M.D., m. 1881. Redlands. Edwin Thomas Painter, M.D., m. 1885. San Bernardino. John Lloyd Campbell, /. 1878. George Bliss Silliman, /. 1883. San Diego. Edward Lovering Ingram, s. 1885, P. O. Box 347- San Francisco. James Collins Adams, /. 1888, 319 Pine St. William James Adams, a. 1875, s. 1878, 13a Market St. Samson American, M.D., m. 1864, 405 Kearny St John Gordon Blanding, / 1873, 324 Pine St. Adolphe Carit, M.D., w. 1864. George James Bucknall, M.D., m. 1864, P. O. Box 1719. Frank Benton Carpenter, M.D., m. 1883, 2522 Market St. William Lang Chapman, M.D., m. 1882, California Hotel. John Chetwood, Jr., /. 1884, Mills Building. John Ernest de Rui fornia St. John Ernest de Ruyter, a. 1883, 401 Cali- Orrien Pinkerton Downing, s. 1878, 116 Bat- tery St. Nathan Hirsch Frank, /. 1879, 320 Sansome Frank Hanson Harrison, M.D., m. 1882, 1205^ Golden Gate A v. Myer Jacobs, t. 1879, /V^w City Hall. Samuel Sigmund Kahn, M.D., ;«. 1877. Charles Henry Kaufman, a. 1864, 307 Mont- gOVtery St. Levi Merriam Kellogg, a. 1848, 616 Battery Alexander Darwin Keyes, a. 1885, i- 1887, 507 Montgofnery St. Samuel Knight, /. 1889, ^4 Sansome St. George Edwin Lawrence, /. 1876,330 Pine St. William Breakey Lewitt, M.D., in. 1878, 800 McA Ulster St. Elliott McAllister, /. 1888, 222 Sansome St. John David Miley, /. 1889, U. S. A. Presidio. Carleton White Miller, /. 1863, 605 Market Patrick Joseph Mogan, /. 1875, 305 Larkin Douglass William Montgomery, M.D., m. 1882, 1 1 24 Sutter St. William Mayo Newhall, /. 1879, 309 Sansome St. Alfred Emanuel Regensburger, M.D., m. 1872, 330 Sutter St. Benjamin Romaine, /. i88g, 405 Montgomery St. Lorenzo S. B. Sawyer, /. 1867. Simon Cleophis Scheeline, /. 1876, 214 Pine St. Alfred Lincoln Seligman, /. 1883. James Chester Shafter, M.D., tn. 1873, 95' Chest met St. Harry Mitchell Sherman, M.D., m. 1880, 705 Sutter St. William Renwick Smedberg, a. 1857, 314 California St. John Campbell Spencer, M.D., a. 1882, m. 1885, Crocker Bldg. William Barclay Stephens, M.D., m. 1893, 16 Geary St. George Miller Sternberg, M.D., m. i860. Francis John Sullivan, /. 1877, 132 Phelan Bldg. Benjamin Ralph Swan, M.D., m. 1868, P. O. Box 1869. George Lyon Tait, M.D., m. 1887. Waldemar Jonas Tuska, /. 1869, 302 Mont- gomery St. James Sears Waterman, M.D., m. 1889. Wolrad Winterberg, M.D., m. 1882, 1132 Sut- ter St. Frederick William Zeile, /. 1881, 2023 Cali- fornia St. Cal.-Co/.] LOCALITY INDEX. AZ7 CMAYOK^l A.— Continued. San Jos6. John De Lafayette Grissim, M.D., m. 1893. San Leandro. Dudley Kinsell, /. 1894. Sansalito. Henry Ashe Tilghman, s. 1893, Santa Barbara. Robert Bage Canfield, a. 1862. Thomas Bloodgood Dibblee, a. 1841. Richard John Hall, M.D., m. 1878. Charles Stewart Kittredge, M.D., rn. 1863. Jarrett Thomas Richards, /. 1866. Santa Cruz. Edward Gray, M.D., m. 1875. Charles Allen Peterson, M.D., m. 1884. Santa Monica. David Depyster Acker, /. 1879. Selby. Eugene Nicholas Engelhardt, s. 1885. Stanford University. Lionel Remond Lenox, j. 1888. Thomas Denison Wood, M.D., m. 1891. Stockton. Edward Francis Haas, *. 1894. Vallejo. PlatonM. G. Vallejo, M.D., t». 1864. Wilmington. Edgar D. Seaman. M.D., m. 1884. COLORADO. Aspen. Alonzo Frink Bardwell, s. 1883, P. O. Box 773- Charles Watts Miller, s. 1884, P' O- Box 401. Boulder. Sylvester Spelman Downer, /. 1876. Lmdley Miller Keasbey,/. 1889, u. i8go. Buena Vista. A. J. Lanterman, M,D., th. 1868. Cafion City. Frederic E. Smith, /. 1880. Colorado Springs. Omer Tousey Gillett, M.D., tn. 1869. Henry Clay Hall, /. 1883. James Augustus Hart, M.D., in. 1873. Charles Hunter, M.D., rn. 1882, 12 i-K. Bijou St. Samuel Hudson Kinsley, /. 1886. Wolcott Ely Newberry, j, 1884. Cortlandt Edward Palmer, s. 1878. George Howland Parsons, s. 1869. John Condit Pennington, M.D., m. 1875. William Strieby, s. 1878. Denver, Carlton Munn Bliss, /. 1888, P. O. Box 679, Robert William Bonynge, /. 1885, Equitable Bldg. Frederick Bruckman, s. i86g, 130 W. ^d Av. Henry Charles Charpiot, /. 1888, 1419 Tre- mont St. William L. Dayton, /. 1889, Good Block. John Tracey Edson, M.D., nt. 1880, 1737 California St. Howard Van Fleet Funnan,j.i88i,Z7.6'. Mint. Parry Haines, /. 1877, 5^ Commercial Place. Oliver King Hand, a. 1883, 20 W. \i,th A v. William P. Hillhouse, /. 1876. Theodore Holland, /. 1884, Boston Bldg. Lucius Warner Hoyt, /. i88g, Ernest &* Cranmer Bldg. Malvern Wells lies, j. 1875, Seymour Tilford Jarecki, M.D,, vi. 1894, 1738 Larimer St. Walter Addison Jayne, M.D., vt. 1875, Mc- Phee Bldg. _ Edson Keith, Jr., /. 1889, 1300 Grant Ati. John Deare Kline, M.D., m, 1872, 1625 Ara- pahoe St. Charles Frederick Lacombe, s. 1885, 1754 Larimer St. Benjamin Bowden Lawrence, s. 1878, 810 Boston A V. Francis Hector McNaught, M.D., m. 1878, 1515 Stout St. John Archibald Macdonald, a. 1868. William Augustus Moore, /. 1888, 442 Equi- table Bldg. Philip Joseph O'Hanlon, /. 1871. Clarence Walter Rhodes, /. 1878, 2922 Lincoln Av. Lucien Haywood Richardson, /. 1875, People's Bank Bldg. Piatt Rodgers, /. 1871. George Austin Schroter, s. 1893, 1525 Blake St. Thomas Beale Stearns, s. 1881, Charles Grant Titsworth, /. 1884, Ernest &* Cranmer Bldg. John Henry Tucker, s. 1875. Henry Van Kleeck, /. 1876. Theodore Francis Van Wagenen, s. 1870, P. O, Box 1046. Henry Howard Wynne, M.D., tn. 1880. Durango. Ernest Julius Hyacinthe Amy, s. 1885. Glenv70od Springs. Walter Bourchier Devereux, s. 1878. William Wallace McGregor, M,D., m. 1877. Golden. George Cyrus Tilden, s. 1876. Highlands. Rev. James Waters, /. 1876. Idaho Springs. George Sharp Raymer, s. 1881. Leadville. William Eliot Hugo, /. 1877. Percy Hamilton McMahon, a. 1873, ^' 1875. Louis Spencer Noble, s. 1885, P- ^» ^"^ 228. Robert Dunn Rhodes, s. 1879. Mosca. William Wells Durkee, /. 1876. 438 LOCALITY INDEX. ' Col.-Conn. COLORADO— Continued. Pueblo. William Leckie Bain, M.D., m. 1884. William Preston Beck, a. 1868. John Knox Burton, /. 1881. Arthur Smith Dwight, s. 1885. Edward Crittenden Eddie, j. 1885, P. O. Box 8. Marmaduke Burrell Holt, s. 1889. Edgar Lieber Newhouse, s. 1886. Ridgway. Walter Norham Eldridge, a, 1883. Trinidad. Joseph S. Jaffa, /. 1893. Waldell. James Freeman Bush, a. i88o. Whitewater. Dan Dillon Casement, u. 1891. CONNECTICUT. Ansonia. Roscius Youngs Downs, M.D., tn. 1886. Bridgeport. Charles Lincoln Banks, M.D., m. 1891. William Cutler Bowers, M.D., m. 1877, 242 State St. William Henry Bunnell, Jr., M.D., m. 1879. Fred. Irvan Cairns, s. i8qo, 20 Buckingham Av. George B. Cowell, M.D., m. 1887, 120 E. Washington A v. Frederick Bradley Downs, M,D., m. 1878. Edward Franklin Horr, M.D., tn. 1894, 206 Park A V. Curtiss Clark Hoyt, M.D., m. 1887, 623 State St. Harry Shillingford Miles, M.D., m. 1891, 317 State St. George Wakeman Osborn, M.D., m. 1887, 339 Broad St. Sara Bulkley Rogers, a. 1889, 166 yohn St. Morris Woodruff Seymour, /. 1867. Charles Sherwood, /._ 1874. Andrew Jackson Smith, M.D., m. 1863. Cannon. Frederick Dennis Sturges, M.D., tn. 1861. Cheshire. Edward Thomas Cornwall, M.D., m. 1881. Collinsville. William Hill, s. 1882. Cromwell. Frank Kirkwood Hallock, M.D., m. 1885. Danbury. Harris Fenton Brownlee, M.D., tn. 1S88. Frank Pierce Clark, M.D., w. 1876. George Abner Gilbert, M.D., m. 1883, 286 Main St. Louis Griffin Knox, M.D., tn. 1872. Albert Lewis Scott, M.D., tn. 1885. Henry Green Wildman, M.D., tit. 1880. Derby. Robert Joseph Barry, M.D., »/. 1890. Royal Watson Pinney, M.D., tn. 1888. William Sherman Randall, M.D., tn. 1885. Durham Centre. Rev. Joseph Hooper, a. 1871. Fairfield. William Brown Glover, /. 1880. Farmington. Charles Carrington, M.D., tn. i860. Georgetown. Rev. George Lansing Taylor, a. 1861, h. 1867. Gildersleeve. Henry Gildersleeve, Jr., /. 1881. Glenbrook. Alfred Noroton Phillips, M.D., nt. 1882, P. O. Box 78. Granby. Alfred James Weed, M.D., nt. 1878. Greenfield Hill. Jonas Butler Kissam, a. 1864. Greenwich. William Loomis Griswold, M.D., tn. 1885. Henry Martin Hitchcock, M.D., tti. 1861. James Logan Shiland, M.D., tn. 1882. Lawrence Wilkinson, /. 1882, P. O. Box 7. Groton. Rev. William Lewis Peck, a. 1841. Hartford. Charles Coffing Beach, M.D., tn. 1882, 119 High St. Philip Dibble Bunce, M.D., tn. 1891, 61 Edwards St. Ansel Granville Cook, M.D., tn. 1887, 164 High St. Gustavus Pierrepont Davis, M.D., tn. 1869. Edwin Augustus Down, M.D., in. 1887. Charles Anson Fox, M.D., tn. 1881. Horace Smith Fuller, M.D., tn. 1865. Frederick Abbott Goodwin, M.D., ttt. 1889. George Stewart Hegeman, /. 1880. Harmon George Howe, M.D., tn. 1875. Harwood Huntington, u. 1894, 17 Clinton St. Phineas Henry Ingalls, M.D., tn. 1880, 112 High St. George A. Jones, a. 1845. Albert Lincoln Levy, j, 1890. George Francis Lincoln, /. 1875, ^ Columbia St. Irving Whitall Lyon, M.D., tn. 1863. John Butler McCook, M.D., tn. 1894, 114 Main St. Everett James McKnight, M.D., tn. 1879. William Lewis Matson, /. 1865, 62 Pearl St. William Denison Morgan, M.D., tn. 1876. Russell Henry Nevins, M.D., tn. 1876. Francis Salmon Quackenbos, M.D., m. 1880. William Lispenard Robb, a. 1880, Trinity College. Joseph Edward Root, M.D., tn. 1883, 49 Pearl St. Samuel Benedict St. John, M.D., tn. 1870. Gideon Cross Segur, M.D., tn. 1882. _ William Augustus Muhlenberg Wainwright, M.D., tn. 1867. George Kellogg Welch, M.D., w. 1878. Conn.] LOCALITY INDEX. 439 CONNECTICUT— C(?«//w«^^. Lakeville. William Bascom Bissell, M.D., in. 1892. Robert Phelps Knight, M.D., m. 1880. Hubert Williams, /. 1874, Lebanon. Edwin Lord Danielson, M.D., m. 1882. Litchfield. Elizabeth Cynthia Barney, a. 1891, Uplands. Willis J. Beach, M.D., in. 1867. Charles Ogilvie Belden, M.D., m. 1882. John Laidlaw Buel, M.D., m. i883. William Stevenson MacLaren, M.D., tn. 1889. Charles Ransom McNeil, s. 1894. Lewis Hiram Stone, M.D., tn. 1889. Lyme, James Luther Terry, M.D., m. 1871. Madison. Alfred Elisha Hubbard, M.D., tn. 1892. Meriden. Edward Thomas Bradstreet, M.D., tn. 1877. Jeremiah Dewey Eggleston, M.D., in. 1879. Frederick Pratt Griswold, M.D., tn. 1876. Charles Law Lang, M.D., m. 1884. George Augustus Peck, M.D., tn. 1891. Middletown. John Elmore Bailey, M.D., tti. 1884, 153 Washington St. Francis D. Edgerton, M.D., tn. 1864. Lovell Hall, /. 1870. Rev. William Allen Johnson, a. 1853. Henry Smith Noble, M.D., tn. 1871. Harris Warner, /. 1881. Milford. Charles Rufus Harte, s. 1893, P. O. Box 136. Montville. James William Hillhouse, /. i88x. Mystic. Frank Avery Coates, M.D., w. 1875. William Henry Gray, M.D., tn. 1889. Naugatuck. Thomas Marcus Bull, M.D., tn. 1887. Rev. Henry Lincoln Glover, a. 1889. Charles Ithemar Page, M.D., tn. 1890. New Britain. Charles Howard Goodrich, M.D., in. 1894, 191 Lake St. Jay Stephen Stone, M.D., m. 1865. Erastus Perry Swasey, M.D., in. 1869. Anders Gustaf Thoren, M.D., tn. 1890. New Haven. Arthur Nathaniel Ailing, M.D., tn. 1891, 214 Crown St. Frank Edwin Beckwith, M.D., m. 1871. William Henry Carmalt, M.D,, in. 1861, 87 i:/in St. Sherman Hartwell Chapman, M.D., tn. 1869, 193 Church St. Lewis Brainerd Clark, /. 1872, 154 Orang-e St. Michael Aloysius Cremin, M.D., m. 1875, 129 Aline St. George Lewis Dickerman, /. 1876, P. O. Box 824. John Jay DuBois, /. 1869, P. O. Box 297. Denning Duer, Jr., a. 1871. James McLaren Breed Dwight, /. 1861. Gustavus Eliot. M.D., tn. 1880, 209 Church St. ' Charles Henry Farnam, /. 1871. William Whitman Farnam, /. 1871. Horace Sedgwick Hart, M.D., in. 1893, P. O. Box 526. Walter Tudson, M.D., tn. 1870. Rev. James Hall Mason Knox, a. 1841, h. 1861, h. 187s, 84 Wall St. John Francis Luby, M.D., in. 1878. Graham Lusk, s. 1887. Matthew Charles O'Connor, M.D., in. 1873. Edward Vilette Raynolds, /. 1882, 62 Trum- bull St. Abraham Heaton Robertson, /. 1874. John Francis Sullivan, M.D., tn. 1894, 304 Exchange St. Albert Edward Thayer, M.D., f«. 1884. Edmund Sanford Thomson, M.D., in. 1892, 1079 Chapel St. Alverd E. Winchell, M.D., tn. 1865. New^ London. Astley Atkins, a. 1883. Joseph Francis Cronin, M.D., tn. 1883. Joseph Richard Crofton, M.D., tn. 1889. Thomas Weaver Rogers, M.D. tn. 1890. William Malthrop Stark, /. 1879. New Milford. Rev. Frank B. Draper, a. 1880. Rev. John Frederick Schroeder, a. 1849. Frederick Amaziah Wright, a. 1894. New^town. Edwards Montrose Smith, M.D., tn. 1882. Niantic. Edwin Clifford Chipman, M.D., tn. 1891. Frederick Howard Dart, M.D., tn. 1884. Norfolk. John Calvin Kendall, M.D., in. 1S75. Noroton. Augustus Floyd Delafield, a. 1866. North Grosvenordale. James Higgins Mcintosh, M.D., in. 1888. Norwalk. Orrando Perry Dexter, /. 1880. James Glynn Gregory, M.D., in. 1868. Walter Hitchcock, M.D., in. 1883. William Augustus Lockwood, M.D., tn. 1864. Charles Thompson Matthews, s. 1889, Elm Park. Rev. Sylvanus Billings Pond, a. 1879. Norwich. Gardiner Greene, Jr., /. 1877. George Robert Harris, M.D., m. 1885. Orrin Franklin Harris, M.D., in. 1866, 142 Main St. William Alfred Jones, a. 1836. Rev. Cornelius Wortendyke Morrow, a. 1879, 59 Church St. Charles Harris Perkins, M.D., in. 1892. William Sheldon Clark Perkins, M.D., m. i860. Rev. Erit Bartholomew Schmitt, a. 1883. Newton Phineas Smith, M.D., ui. 1882. 440 LOCALITY INDEX. \Conn,-Del. CO'^lt. Joseph Wilkins Marsee, M.D., m. 1871. Charles B. Rockwood, /. 1^76. Constantine Richard Schaefer, M. D., m. 1892, 430 Madison A v. Ernest D. Thompson, /. 1880, 36^^ E. Washington St. Henry Van Hummell, M.D., in. 1891, 297 N. Pennsylvania St. Lafayette. Frederick Sidney Chase, /. 1873. Logansport. Daniel Pratt Baldwin, /. i860. Charles Ewing Taber, /. iSSi. George Cyrus Taber, /. 1878. EUwood George Wilson, /. 1881. Madison. William James Johnson, /. 1878, 707 W. id St, Mossville. Henry Silas Payson, /. 1876. Muncie. John RolHn Marsh, s. 1887, 616^. Adams St.^ Isaac Newton Trent, M.D., nt. 1887. Odon. Samuel Harris, M.D., nt. 1866. Peru. Charles Henry Brownell, /. 1873. Richmond. William Dudley Foulke, a. 1869, /. 1871. Silver Lake. Schuyler Clinton Jaques, M.D., in. 1894.. Terre Haute. Robert John Smith, /. 1883, 515^ Ohio St,. Louis Raymond Warren, Kl.D., in. 1880. Vernon. George Hume Batchelor, u. 1894. INDIAN TERRITORY. Fort Supply. Samuel Robert Dunlop, M.D., m. 1890^ Hartshorne. Edwin Ludlow, s. 1879. Muskogee. William Edwin Hailey, /. 1893. i IOWA. Burlington. Thomas Hedge, /. 1869. Cedar Rapids. James Williams Dalbey, M. D., nt. 1889^ Clinton. Randolph Adams, s. 1883. Philo Judson Farnsworth, M.D., nt. i860. Frank W. Mahin, /. 1878. Council Bluffs. Frederick Walker Houghton, M.D., in. 1883 William Wilson Lunger, /. 1882. Davenport. Frederick Pomeroy Bemis, s. 1885, 109 W, ■xd St. Andrew C. Shaw, /. 1889. Des Moines. Archelaus G. Field, M.D., in. 1S64, Summit PI. Gumey Chaplin Gue, /. 1889. Dubuque. Robert Bonson, /. 1892. William Watts Bonson, /. 1893. Francis Barrett Daniels, /. 1874. Charles Nelson Dohs, /. 1894. George Allen Staples, M.D., m. 1885. Ja.-ATy.] LOCALITY INDEX. 445 IOWA — Continued. Fairfield. Peter I. Labagh, a. 1856. Fayette. William Allen Hoyt, /. 1866. Jefferson. Charles Enfield, M.D., m. 1870. ruce St. Charles Alonzo Todd, M.D., m. 1869, 2645 Washington Av. Rt, Rev. Daniel Sylvester Tuttle, a. 1857, h. 1867, 2727 Chestnut St. George Marvine Tuttle, M.D., a. 1888, m. 1891. Otto Ulrich von Schrader, /. 1882, 2201 N. Main St. Jiilius Sylvester Walsh, /. 1864, 303 N. t^h St. Herbert Allen Wheeler, s. 1880, Washington University . Adolphus George Wippern, M.D., m. 1892, 917 Montgomery St. Springfield. Joseph Wooding Love, M.D., m. 1890. William Wey Tuttle, s. 1867. Sweet Springs. Roland Palmer Gray, a. 1893. Wheeling. George Abner Benedict, /. 1883. MONTANA. Anaconda. Rev. Robert Van Kleeck Harris, a. i88g. Bozeman. Augustus Meader Ryon, s. 1886. Frank Weiss Traphagen, s. i88a. Butte City. Robert Gilman Brown, j. 1889, P. O. Box 946. Frederick Augustus Heinze, s. 1889. Ferdinand Sands, a. 1879, s. 1882. Choteau. Bainbridge Percy Clark, a. 1882. Cokedale. Alan Butler Murray, M.D., m. 1890. East Helena. Walter Hull Aldridge, s. 1887. Harold Morris Cole, s. 1887.^ Paul August Louis Mannheim, j. 1885. Fort Custer. Peter Ralph Egan, M.D., m. 1880, U. S. A. Great Falls. Frank Klepetko, s. 1880. Helena. Thomas Cummings Bach, a. 1875, /. 1877. Alfred Daniell Churchill, s. 1880. William Hedges De Witt, /. 1878. Norman Bernard Holter, j. 1891. John Randolph Parks, s. 1880. Charies Fowler Pearis, s. 1884, P. O. Box 374. Charles Benton Power, a. 1891. William Bell Stephen Reed, s. 1879. James Upson Sanders, /. 1884. Wilbur Edgerton Sanders, s. 1885. James Bradish Wells, /. 1873. Livingston. i Charles Tappan, /. 1878. Mont.-N. y.l LOCALITY INDEX. 453 MONTANA— 0«/m«^^. Missoula. John Jay Buckley, M.D., m. 1878. Neihart. Robert Matthew Raymond, s. 1889. Ponderville. William Ferdon, /. 1877. Smelter. Anton Frederick Emrich, s. 1882. Frank Marshall Smith, s. 1889. NEBRASKA. Blair. Isaac Lewis Compton, M,D,, m. 1879. Crete. James Walton Cooper, u. 1894. Doniphan. James N. Fitch, M.D., m. 1867. Gandy. Franklin Robert Hogeboom, /. 1877. Grand Island. Heyward Gibbons Leavitt, /. 1884. Thomas Butler Van Alstyne, M.D., m. 1881. Lincoln. Frank Dwight Crim, M.D., m. 1881. Stephen Leonard Geisthardt, /. 1885, 130 Burr Block. George Benjamin Hussey, a. 1884. Robert Bowie Owens, s. 1891, University of Nebraska. Loup City. Charles Francis Cook Moor, /. 1877. Norfolk. James Guerrero Oxnard, s. 1883. Omaha. Herman Garlichs, s. 1880. William Forsyth Milroy, M.D.. m. 1883. Robert Wilson Patrick, /. 1882, *' Bee'' Bldg. Victor Solomon Rosewater, p. 1891, u. 1892, u. 1893, Care " Bee:' Charles Lockard Saunders, /. 1882, 4 " Bee " Bldg. Andrew Bartholomew Somers, M.D., m. 1872. John Edward Somers, Jr., M.D., m. 1881. Field Watson Swezey, 1. 1888, N. Y.Life Bldg. Henry Clay Van Gieson, M.D., m. 1866, 49/A and Davenport Sis. William Payne Wilcox, M.D., m, 1883. Tecumseh. Hugh La Master, u. 1891. Ulysses. William Augustus Avery, M.D., m. 1868. Westerville. Frank Vinsonhaler, M.D., in. 1885. NEVADA. Reno. Samuel Thomas Porter, /. 1891. Sutro. Ralph Nichols, s. 1877. NEW HAMPSHIRE. Claremont. Cyrus Ebenezer Baker, M.D., m. 1862. Concord. Arthur De Lancey Ayrault, a. 1888, St. Paul s School. Rev. James Potter Conover, a. i88o, St, Paul's School. Charles Sigourney Knox, a. 1862, St. PauPs School. Dover. Charles Peirce Norton, /. 1894. James H. Wheeler, M.D., m. 1862. Exeter. Robert Mason, M.D., m. 1870. Goffstown. Charles F. George, M.D., m. 1865. Lebanon. Frank Anson Smith, M.D., m. 1884. Manchester. Daniel Simmons Adams, M.D., m. 1872. Cornelius Francis Starr, M.D., m. 1888. Nashua. George W. Currier, M.D,, tn. 1864. George Van Ness Dearborn, M.D., m. 1893. Irving Frederick Graves, M.D., w. 1889, 27 Franklin St. Rev. George Wheelock Grover, M.D., tn, 1866. Newport. Arthur Crosman Bradley, /. 1872. Salmon Falls. Frank Eugene Brigham, M.D., m. 1877. Wolfboro Junction. Charles Frederick Roberts, M.D., w. 1883. NEW JERSEY. Allaire. Hal Allaire, a. 1869. Arlington. Howard Parry Bell, /. 1878. James Anderson Exton, M.D., tn. 1866, 75 Beach St. Edwin M. Van Dyck, s. 1888, P. O. Box 61. Asbury Park. Edward Irving Ford, M.D., in. i860, Sutherland Kinmonth, M.D., tn. 1870. John Wilson Robie, M,D., tn. 1861. John William Rockafeller, M.D., m. 1890. Atlantic City. Samuel Edmund Perry, /. 1870. Edward Payson Williams, M.D., tn. 1875. 454 LOCALITY INDEX. \N, y. NEW ]^^'$>YN— Continued. Atlantic Highlands. John Early Foster, /. 1886, William J. Leonard, /. 1888. Barnegat Park. William Livingston Bruen, /. 1881. Basking Ridge. Frederick Childs Jones, M.D., tn. 1877. Bayonne. Charles Popham Bleecker, s. 1881, 446/4?/. E. Middleton Smith Borland, a. 1893, 35 ■^'^- ■^' Frank Thomson Brough, M.D., fn. 1889, 22 £. 22d St. Elmer Wilson Demarest, /. 1892, 103 W. Zth St. Jacob T. Field, M.D., m. 1863, 813 Av. C. Alexander Fryer Herrick Gale, M.D., in. 1887, XX Schuyler PI. Herbert T. Jennings, /. 1889. Samuel Irving Myers, M.D., in. 1878. Rev. Obadiah Valentine, a. 1871, 72 W. 32*/ St. De Witt Van Buskirk, /. 1880, 805 A v. C. Belleville. Cornelius Stevenson Abbott, Jr., a. 1891. Belmar. Charles Henry Thompson, M.D., in. 1868. Belvidere. George Wyckoff Cummins, M.D., m. 1890. Bennett's Mills. Walter Washington Appelget, /. 1877. Bergen Point. Rev. Harold Arrowsmith, a. 1876. Frank Webster Smith, M.D., m. 1891. Bernardsville. William Stone Post, s. 1890. Ephraim M. Stelle, M.D., m. 1884. Blairstown. William Henry Vail, M.D., in. 1869. Bloomfield. Charles Howell Bailey, M.D., tn. i86g, John Glover Broughton, Jr., M.D., in. 1892. Nathaniel Butler, s. 1880, Glen Ridge. Arthur Malachi Lee, /. 1864, 98 Thomas St. Eugene Le Roy Lockwood, /. 1887. Harry Edward Richards, M.D., m. 1875, 159 Franklin St. Edwin Mornson Ward, M.D., m. 1862. Bloomingdale. Louis Johnes Ryerson, /. 1876. Boonton. John George Ryerson, M.D., in. i860. Bridgeton. Alexander Robeson Fithian, /. 1885. Joseph Tomlinson, M.D., m. 1878. Burlington. Penrose Neve Milsted, /. 1889. Camden. Rev. Allen Henry Brown, a. 1839, P. O. Box 25. Samuel H. Richards, /. 1889, 106 Market St. John Wilson Sutton, M.D., in. 1877. Kev. Gilbert Rumsey Underbill, a. 1878. Chatham. Charles Mandred Lum, a. 1881. George Matthias Swaim, M.D., tn. 1870. Chester. Levi Welts Case, M.D., vn. 1880. Clayton. Henry Gaylord Buckingham, M.D., w. 1874. Clinton. Arthur Arnold Barrows, M.D., in. 1870. Cranbury. John Calvin Holmes, M.D., tn. 1864. Cranford, William Cowles Clarke, s. 1892. Frank Hardick Morrison, /. 1877. Crosswick. Charles Livingstone Dey, M.D., in. 1872. Deckertown. John Moore, M.D., tn. 1866. Dover. Frederick A. Canfield, s. 1873. William Edgar Derr>-, M.D., in. 1880. East Orange. Talbot Roland Chambers, M.D., in. 1878. Charles Alfred Christian, a. 1885, 30 ProS" Pect St. Edwin Augustus Dix, /. 1884, 17 Hawthorne Av. John Fletcher Duffield, M.D., m. 1880. Gano Sillick Dunn, s. 1891, Ampere. Appleton Grannis, a. 1893. Richardson Gray, M.D., tn. 1873, 557 Main St. Thomas Neptune Gray, M.D., tn. 1879. Joseph Moses Ward Kitchen, M.D., m. 1881, 94 Prospect St. Richard Keeler Mosley, j. 1889, 139 Glen- ivood A V. George Francis Tennille, s. 1894, 40 ^. Clin- ton St. Hamilton Wallis, /. 1865. Edge'water. Frederick Adolph Hemmer, j. 1881, P. O. Box 6. Elizabeth. Edward Sanford Atwater, /. 1866. William Partridge Brandegee, M.D., m. 1889. William Reid Buchanan, I. 1886. Christopher Robert Carter, a. 1884. William Truesdell Day, /. 1876, 414 IVest^ minster Av. James Robinson English, Jr., M.D., m. 1890. James Sproat Green, Jr., M.D., tn. 1889, 414 Westminster A v. John Kean, Jr., /. 1875, Ursino. Julian Halstead Kean, /, 1880. j\r.y,] LOCALITY INDEX. 455 NEW JY.KSY.Y— Continued. Elizabeth — Continued. George Kemp Mears, s. 1894. Edwin Henry Messiter, j. 1894, x-yy Madison Av. David Magie Miller, M.D., m. 1883, 1025 E. Jersey St. William Brown Orchard, M.D., m. 1862, 921 Grove St. Richard Bayley Post, j. 1893. Thomas Terrill, Jr., M.D., m. 1867. Seymour Van Nostrand, a. 1865. William Edmund Weber, M.D., m. 1894, 680 Grove St. Frederick Beasley Williamson, /, 1876. William Robert Wilson, /. 1875, 142 Broad St. Edward Crane Woodruff, /. 1879, 81 Broad St. Englewood. Hardy M. Banks, Jr., a. 1889. Randolph Bolles, j. 1892. Wilmot Woodward Burritt, s. 1884, P. O. Box 140. B. Ellis Martin, M.D., m. 1861. James Otis Morse, Jr., a. 1871, /. 1878. John Adams Wells, M.D., nt. 1879. Francis Carter Wood, M.D., tn. 1894. Farmingdale. Stephen M. Disbrow, M.D., in. 1867. William Rollo Kinmonth, M.D., m. 1872. Forked River. Marcus Kenyon, M.D., m. 1883. Fort Lee. Joseph Hiiger, M.D., m. 1880. Charles Griswold Massa, s. 1889. Louis Ferdinand Massa, s. 1890. Frank Ames MuUany, a. 1866. Freehold. William Sutphen Combs, M.D., m. 1866. John Barriclo Conover, /. 1875. Daniel McLean Forman, M.D., tn. 1866. William Henry Forman, /. 1875. Guttenberg. Augustus Villeroy Hill, M.D., m. 1869. Hackensack. Zabriskie Ackerson, a. 1886. George Edwin Brown, M.D., tn, 1875. {oseph Mattison Knapp, a. 1878. .ouis Philip Knapp, M.D., tn. 1891, 98 Maiti St. Howard D, Terhune, /. 1881. Jacob Outwater Van Winkle, M.D., tn. 1887. James Simpson Chester Wells, s. 1875. Hackettstown. William Arthur Conover, M.D., tn. 1862. John William Dalrymple, M.D., tn. 1877. Hamburgh. Joseph Peter Couse, M.D., tti. 1873. Jackson Brainard Pellet, M.D., ttt. 1871. Hammonton. William Mulligan Hodges, M.D., tn. 1869. Harrison. Henry Emory Rothe, M.D., tn. 1880. Haworth. Joseph Bartlett Acken, s. 1894. Helmetta. John W. Herbert, Jr., /. 1876. High Bridge. Clement Le Boutillier, s. 188 1. Hightstown. George Henry Franklin, M.D., t/:. 1679. Hilton. Gustavus Ewald Menzel, /. 1893, " Oakwood.** Walter William Menzel, /. 1891. Hoboken. Leon Abbett, Jr., /. 1886, 905 Hudson St. Charles Kinsey Cannon, /. 1870, 52 Newark St. Ira Joseph Ettinger, /. 1893, 607 Hudson St. Julius Fehr, M.D., nt. 1869. 158 2d St. William Redwood Fisher, M.D., a. 1863, tn. 1867. Paul Fuentes, s. 1894, 321 Hudson St. Charles Alexander Gilchrist, M.D., tti. 1892, 710 IVashingion St. William Tell Kudlich, M.D., in. 1878, 408 Hudson St. David Becker Pindar, M.D., nt. 1889, 201 Garden St. Ernest Charles Schultze, M.D., m. 1890. Charles Irving Simon, M.D., m. 1879, 926 Bloomfield St. Alexander Stevens, s. 1887, i Newark St. Charles Albert Stevens, a. 1887, i Newark St. Richard Stevens, a, 1890, Castle Point. Robert Livingston Stevens, a. 1887, 3 New- ark St. JacobstoTvn. Amos Shaw, Jr., M.D., tn. 1863. Jersey City. Clovis Adam, M.D., tn. 1877, William Schermerhorn Balcer, /. 1880, 240 2d St. John Jacob Bauman, M.D., tn. 1887. Evangeline RoUinson Bridgart, b. 1894, n Magnolia A v. Edward Leonard Bull, M.D., m. 1888. Lewis Buffett Carll, a. 1870, 67 Union St. Charles Lynn Carrick, /. 1881, j6 Montgomery St. Charles Hoag Case, M.D., tn. 1869, 88 West Side Az>. Walter John Clark, M.D., tn. 1889. OUver Edward Coles, a. 1884, /. 1884, 306 Pavonia Av. Charles Lewis Constant, s. 1877, 32 Park St. William Horace Corbin, /. 1872, 243 Wash- ington St. Joseph John Craven, M.D., iti, 1888. Charles Gordon Curtis, s. 1881, Whiton St. John G. Dorrance, M.D., nt. 1879. William Mark Dougherty, /. 1880, i Mont' gotnery St. William Peshine Douglas, a. 1863, i MotU- gontery St. William Fletcher Downs, s. 1882, 75 Fairview Av. Michael Ignatius Fagen, /. 1889, 7 Pearsall Av. 456 LOCALITY INDEX. NEW '^Y.KSEY— Continued. Jersey City — Continued. Lulu Grace Farrant, b. 1893, 8 Fieet St. James Fairman Fielder, /. 1887, 76 Mont- gomery St. Shepherd Ivory Franz, a. 18Q4, 62 Coitag^e St. Robert Burns Oilman, M.D., m. 1867, 85 Congress St. Charles Everett Graff, s. 1885. Eugene Howe Hartnett, M.D., m. 1894, 289 York St. John Powell Henry, M.D., m. 1881, 168 Con- gress St. Selden T. Scranton Henry, a. 1874, 283 Eighth St. Theodore Romeyn Hornblower, M.D., m. 1871, 631 Bergen A v. James Edwin Hulshizer, Jr., a. 1890, 83 Montgomery St. Abraham S. Jackson, a. 1853, 76 Montgomery St. John Lawrence Keller, /. 1886, 76 Montgomery St. Thomas Henry Kelly, /. 1880, 264 Mont- gomery St. Richard Kuehne, M.D., m. 1888. Mortimer Lampson, M.D., m. 1866, 203 Pacific Av. Charles Abbott Limeburner, M.D., m. 1879, 61 Dan forth A v. William Shepherd Lowndes, s. 1890, 42 Sher- man PL Thomas McEwan, Jr., /. 1882, 493 Central Av. Alexander Taggart McGill, I. 1866, 270 Bar- roiv St. Samuel Hepburn McGill, /. 1880, 47 Mont- gomery St. Parker Cairns Mcllhiney, s. 1892, u. 1893, u. 1894, 619 Grand St. Thomas Joseph McLoughlin, M.D., m. 1869, 558 Jersey A v. Edwin Manners, /. 1879, 287 Barrow St. Herbert Boyd Masten, M.D., m. 1893, Christ'' s Hospital. Martin Alexander Miller, M.D., m. 1863. Josiah Didier Montmarquet, M.D., m. 1889. Frederick W. Mount, /. 1894, 202 Harrison St. John Holcombe Nelden, a. 1890, 175 Summit A-v. George Howard Opdyke, u. 1891, 55 Clinton Av. Charles Wolcott Parker, /. 1885, i Montgomery St. Rev. Wheelock Hendee Parmly, a. 1842, 10 Paultnier PI. Joseph Manuel Rector, M.D., a. 1890, m. 1893, 100 Grand St. George Henry Sexsmith, M.D., m. 1890. Roderick Burt Seymour, a. 1865, 76 Mont- gomery St. George Sherrill, M.D., m. 1891, 128 Mercer St. Henry De Lacy Sherwood, M.D., m. 1882. Henry Melville Smith, M.D., m. 1871, 76 Madison A v. Matthew Joseph Smith, M.D., m. 1890. Allen Newhall Spooner, s. 1886, 186 Carteret Av. George Edwin Steel, M.D., m. 1886, 217 Palisade Av. Stephen Van Wickle Stout, M.D., m. 1868, 995 Sumtnit A v. Rudolph Harrison Vondy, s. 1882, 305 Mont- gomery St. William Perry Watson, M.D., m. 1878. Wallace White, M.D., m. 1894, Chrisfs Hos- pital. Conrad Wienges, M.D., m. 1883, 489 Jersey Av. Harry WestbrookWinfield, /. 1879, 239 Wash- ington St. Theodore Frelinghuysen Wolfe, M.D., tn. 1868, 234 Warren St. Rynier J. Wortendyke, /. 1884, 76 Montgom- ery St. David Demarest Zabriskie, /. 1881, 243 Wash- ington St. Kearny. Eugene Holden Goldberg, M.D., m. i88g, i& Kearny A v. Luther Elwood Gregory, s. 1893, 406 Passaic Av. Keyport. Wilfred Hodgson, M.D., jn. 1877. Thomas L. Seabrook, /. 1875. Lakewood. Frederick Samuel Buckingham, M.D., m, 1871. Wellington Brown Searls, M.D., m. 1872. Layton. James Nelson Miller, M.D., m. 1881, Long Branch. Thomas Patrick Fay, /, 1889. Henry Hughes, M.t)., tn. 1873. Thomas Patrick McKenna, /. 1893. John Prince Pemberton, M.D., a. 1849, ''*» 1864. Henry Stafford Terhune, /. 1884. Lower Bank. John Ely Gary, M.D., m. 1862. Madison. Calvin Anderson, M.D., m. 1865. Charles Harris Hayes, a. 1890, u. 1891. Robert B. Holmes, /. 1877. William Hammet Martin, M.D., a. 1857, »<► 1861. Charles A. Rathbun, /. 1889. Stuart Hanckel Reed, M.D., m. 1881. Manasquan. James Bedle Wainwright, M.D., w. 1877. Marlboro. Sidney Schanck Willis, M.D., m. 1890. Mendham. George Sheldon De Groot, M.D., m. 1880. Louis Cook Osmun, M.D., m. 1891. Menlo Park. George W. Litterst, /. 1891. Metuchen. Edward Barzillai Dana, Jr., M.D., m. 1889. Charles Manning Freeman, M.D., m. 1884. Alonzo Clark Hunt, M.D., m. 1881. William Valentine McKenzie, Jr., M.D., w«» 1884. Henry Power, M.D., w. 1891. Middle Valley. Levi Farrow, M.D., m. 1865. ^. y.] LOCALITY INDEX. 457 NEW JERSEY— a?«/m«^^. Milburn. David Eugene English, M,D., nt. 1882. George Carnegie Palmer, a. 1883. Montclair. Edwin Galloway Adams, /. 1894, 27 Hillside Av. Morgan Willcox Ayres, M.D., m. 1875. William Bogardus Berry, M.D., rn, 1876. James Spencer Brown, M.D., /«. 1885. Charles Haldane Johnson, /. 18B2. Richard Cole Newton, M,D., m. 1877. Martin John Synnott, M.D., m. 1894, Melrose Av. Francis A. Winslow, /. 1889. Morley. Thomas Ludlow Harison, a. 1850. Morris Plains. Wilmot Johnson, Jr., a. 1876, /. 1878. Thomas Peck Prout, M.D., ni. 1891. Morristown. Phanett Coe Barker, M.D., nt. i860. Gustav Albert Becker, M.D., m. 1881, 16 Court St. iohn Rowlett Brinley, i'. 1884. [oward Coghill, a. 1880, /. 1883, Franklin Place. William Abram Coursen, Jr., /. 1883. George Edgar Mulford, M.D., nt. 1882. Charles Freeman Halsted, M.D., m. 1890, 75 Maple A v. Stephen Pierson, M.D., tn 1869. Edgar Fitz Randolph, /. 1884. Thomas Marshall F. Randolph, /. 1883. Thomas Hastings Robinson, /. 1879. Newark. Henry Gurney Atha, s. 1889, 756 High St. Harry Ferdinand Barrell, a. 1882, p. 1883, /. 1885, 748 Broad St. Frederick William Becker, M.D., nt. 1888, 118 Belmont Av, Edward Wade Benjamin, /. 1888, 129 N. 6th St. Charles Day Bennett, M.D., m. 1881, 167 Clinton A v. Edward S. Black, /. 1879, Prudential Ins. Bldg. Rudolph Braun, M.D., m. 1883, 80 Boivery St. Charles Bried, /. 1875, 802 Broad St. Walter Reeve Bruydre, M.D., ni. 1878, 299 Belleville A v. Charles Vincent Burke, M.D., nt. 1894, 146 Gar side St. William Edward Carroll, M.D., m. 1884. Charles Ernest Chadsey, u. 1B94, 8 IV. Park St. James Henry Clark, M.D., 7n. 1881, 12 Wal- nut St. Henry Leber Coit, M.D., m. 1883, 63 Nerv St. Stockton Beekman Colt, s. 1888, 1197 Broad St. Charles Adams Colton, s. 1873, 21 W, Park St. Richard Field Conover, /. 1882, 410 Broad St. William Henry Conover, a. 1871, 800 Broad St. Theodore Wallington Corvvin, M.D., m. 1879. Arthur Nichols Curtis, M.D., m. i883. Henry HoUister Dawson, /. 1883, 750 Broad St. Edward Augustus Day, /. 1875, 765 Broad St. Laban Dennis, M.D., in. 1866, 30 Central Av, Sherrerd Depue, /. 1887, 802 Broad St. Richard George Philip Dieffenbach, M.D., nt. 1874, 222 ^. Orange Av. Arthur Coles Dougherty, M.D., m. 1882, 17 Warren St. Charles Joseph Duffy, M.D., nt. 1883. Edward Henry Duryee, /. 1878, 30 Washing- ton PI. John Luther Duryee, M.D., m. 1868, 436 High St. Wells Phillips Eagleton, M.D., m. 1888, 121 Orange St. Arthur Mead Edwards, M.D., tn. 1873, ^i Washington St. Daniel Elliott, M.D., m. 1881, Henry Edward Everding, /. 1887. Livingston Farrand, M.D., in. 1891, 99 Spruce St. Charles Adam Feick, /. 1880, 758 Broad St. Joseph Fewsmith, M.D., 111. 1874, 47 Central Av. Albert Franklin Fitch, M.D., nt. 1893, ^i' Barnabas' Hospital. Albert Frey, M.D., nt. 1888, 317 So. Orange Av. Jessie B. Garretson, b. 1893, 889/?^ Graw St.^ Forest Hill. Henry Francis Goken, /. 1876, 219 Littleton Av. John Kinsey Gore, a. 1883, 310 Summer Av. Chauncey Boyd Griffiths, a. 1893, 352 Halsey St. John Ford Hagar, M.D., m. 1873, 88 Ferry St. Frederick William Hagney, M.D., nt. 1893, 31 Milford A v. Charles William Harrison, M.D., nt. i88g, 87^^ Halsey St. Hugh Macdougal Hart, M.D., nt. 1894, 145 Gar side St. Hans Haux, M.D., nt. 18^6. Edward Mathias Zet Hawkes, M.D., nt. 1890, 481 Broad St. Howard Wortley Hayes, /. 1882, 765 Broad St. Reuben Arthur Heller, /. 1894, 236 Eliuood Av. Daniel Edward Hervey, /. 1868, 128 Mont- clair Av. Edgar Holden, M.D., nt. 1861, 13 Central Av. Louis Hood, /. 1880, 800 Broad St. Edwin Jenkins Howe, M.D., m. 1873, 54* Broad St. John Jackson Hubbell, /. 1877, 810 Broad St. Ralph Wesley Hyatt, /. 1893, 793 High St. Edward Hymes, a, 1891, 43 Clinton St. Edward Joseph 111, M.D., nt. 1875, 1002 Broad St. Charles Huntington Jackson, /. 1893, 656 High St. Jotham Clark Johnson, M.D., nt. 1883, 1076 Broad St. Edmund Steele Joy,/. 1887, /. 1888, u. 1892, 26 Halsey St. Leonard Kalisch, /. 1877. Samuel Kalisch, /. 1870. David Kay, Jr., /. 1887, 750 Broad St. Frederick W, Keasbey, a. 1892, Stratford Place. John Vincent Kernan, /. 1868. Frank Wilmarth Kinsey, s. 1891, 10 South St. Charles John Kipp, M.D., m. 1861, 534 Broad St. Edwin Matthews Kitchel, M.D., w. 1893,370 Washington Av. 458 LOCALITY INDEX. IN. J. « NEW JERSEY— C^w/mw^^. Newark — Continued. Obie Wilbur Kitchell, a. 1884, /. 1884, 24 Ne^vark St. Henry August Kornemann, M.D., m. 1872, 251 Springfield A v. Charles Frederick Kraemer, M.D., m. 1890, 479 High St. William Henry Closson Lee, M.D., m. 1885, 184 Orange St. Charles Lehlbach, J[r., M.D., m. 1888. Emanuel Lowenstein, /. 1891, 205 Belmont Av. Thomas W. Loweree, M,D., m. 1865, 30 Hill St. Robert Harris McCarter, /. 1882, Prudential Ins. Bldg. Harry Dreer McCormick, M.D., m. 1890, 174 S. Orange Av. Floy McEwen, M.D., m. 1891, 56 Oriental St. William Howard McKenzie, M.D., m. 1892, 942 Broad St. Leonard Beecher McWhood, a. 1893, 136 Pennsylvania A v. James Maclay, s. 1888, 312 Summer A v. Francis Elston Marsh, /. 1869, 758 Broad St. Archibald Mercer, M,D., m. 1871. Eugene Merz, s. T892, 143 Littleton Av. John A. Miller, /, 1874, f'rjuiential Ins. Bldg. Denis Dowling Mulcahy, M.D., m. 1872, 77 Bank St. Henry Morgan Murphy, s. 1878, Chestnut and MclVhorter St a. Charles Myer Myers, a. 1890, 761 Broad St. Albert Burr Nash, M.D., m. 1887, 10 So. x-^th St. Emanuel David Newman, M.D., m. 1885. William Crue Nicoll, /. 1893, 289 High St. George O'Gorman, M.D., 7/1. 1881. Franklin Marcellus Olds, /. 1877. Chauncey Goodrich Parker, /. 1887, 802 Broad St. Richard Wayne Parker, /. 1869. Harry Mortimer Peters, /. 1885. Frederick Emery Pierce, j. i8g2, Hewark Gas Light Co. Joseph Clement Pfister, a. 1889, 240 Sixth Av, QKoseville^. Joseph Egbert Pollard, M.D., m. 1894, 20 Milford A V. Daniel Warren Poor, Jr., M.D., tn. 1894, 30 Central Av. Charles Hewitt Randall, M.D., m. 1891, 190 Washington Av William Rankin, Jr., M.D., jn. 1871, 23 Ceda7- St. Philippe Ricord, M.D., w. 1868, 433 High St. Adrian Riker, /. i88r, 761 Broad St. Chandler White Riker, /. 1879, 94 Clinton A v. Charles David Ripley, M.D,, m. 1889. Paul William Roder, /. 1882. Robert Hastings Rogers, M.D., m. 1894, 1195 Broad St. Charles Thornton Bate Rowe, a. 1890, 370 Summer Av. Lanphear Herbert Scott, /. 1879, 94 Clay St. E. Fayette Smith, M.D,, m. 1876. Frederick Adams Smith, M.D., w. 1891. William Baldwin Southard, /. 1891, 763 Broad St. Edward Staehlin, M.D., m. 1890. Henry Fowler Starr, s. 1879, 91 Mt. Pleasant Av. Frederic William Stevens, a. 1864, 810 Broad St. Richard Fowler Stevens, a. 1852, Prudential Ins. Bldg. Frank Oakley Stockton, M.D., m. 1881, 17 W. Park St. George Cameron Stone, s. 1879, N. y. Zinc &* Iron Co. Henry Burnett Taylor, /. 1877, 757 Broad St. Fred. " ~- -- Polk St. Fred. William Thum, M S': m. 1891, 149 George Oakley Totten, Jr., s. 1891, 62 N, nth St. Henry Aloysius Towle, M.D., m. 1888, 14 Bridge St. Edgar Granger Tuttle, s. 1881, 520 Summer Av. ^ William Tuttle, s. 1893, 52° Summer A v. Frank Vanderpoel, s. 1875, care o/the Cellu- loid Co. George Alexander Van Wagenen, M.D., tn. 1871, loi N.(ith St. Hugo Julius Walther, a. 1883, Prudential Ins. Bldg. Aaron Condit Ward, M.D., m. 1886, 50 Wal- nut St. Leslie Dodd Ward, M.D., m. 1868. Charles Kingsbury Westbrook, /. 1873, 43 Court St. Joseph Yendes Wheatley, J. 1886, 30 .S". gthSt. Albert Victor Widmann, M.D., ;«. 1887. William Wiener, a. 1888, s. 1891, 62^^ Nelson PI. Frank Crew Willcox, /. 1878, 800 Broad St. Corra Nelson Williams, /. 1881, Prudential Ins. Bldg. Edwin Bleecker Williamson, /. 1873. Philemon Woodruff, /. 1876, 810 Broad St. Edward Eli Worl, M.D., w. 1891. Charles Young, M.D., m. 1866, 23 E. Kinney St. Joseph Coddington Young, M.D., m. 1873, 964 Broad St. Louis Adolf Ziegler, /. 1880, 800 Broad St, New Brunswick. Abram Van Nest Baldwin, M.D., m. 1882. Albert Huntington Chester, s. 1868, 39 College A 7'. Staats Van Deursen Clark, M.D., m. 1870. Theodore Frelinghuysen DeWitt, M.D., m. 1884. David Combs English, M.D., m. 1868. John Hodge Leupp, /. 1874. John Warren Rice, M.D., m. 1875. Clarence Livingston Speyers, s. 1884. Nicholas Williamson, M.D., ;«. 1872. Newmarket. William James Nelson, Jr., M.D., m. 1880. Newton. Theophilus H. Andress, M.D., m. 1864. Samuel Fowler, /. 1873. Bruno Hood, M.D., m. 1885. North Branch. James D. Van Derveer, M.D., m. 1866. Norwood. Rev. Henry Manchester Ladd, a. 1881. Nutley. Abram Harvey Van Riper, M.D., m. 1878. Ocean Grove. Samuel Johnson, M.D., m. 1867. -^.y.] LOCALITY INDEX, 459 NEW ^'^'K^YX— Continued. Oceanport. Ellis Wolcott Crater, M.D., m, 1878. Orange. Frank Edwin Baker, M.D., m. 1882, 10 Elm St. John Hammond Bradshaw, M.D., m. 1884. Walter Dodge, M.D., m. 1893, Memorial Hospital. Rev. William George Farrington, a. 1853. Wilberforce Freeman, /. 1868. Joseph Kissam Field, /. 1879. Herman Peter Gerbert, M.D., a. 1880, m. 1883. Thomas William Harvey, M.D., ni. 1878, 463 Main St. William Reed Howe, /. i83o, 227 Main St. William Cornell Hubbell, /. 1886, 76 High St. George Pliny Kin^sley, /. 1865, 2.';o Main St. Charles Francis Lighthipe, /. 1878, 252 Main St. Stuart Lindsley, j. 1870. Horace Borchsenius jNIann, i'. 1890. Henry Elijah Matthews, M.D., m. 1888, 396 Scotland St. Rev. Caldwell Morrison, a. 1886, 7 Lawn Ridf^e. George Provot, s. 1889, 24 Highland Terrace, George Washington Sandford, /. 1863. Edward Havemeyer Snyder, a. 1880. Horace Stetson, a. 1866, /. 1869. Joseph William Stickler, Jr., M.D., nt. 1879. Daniel Babbit Vermilye, a. 1873, ^- 1875. Stephen Whittingham Williams, a. 1868, 18 Linden PI. Orange Valley. Francis Adolphe Provot, s. 1893, P- O. Box 166. Palmyra. Rev. John Fieldhouse Fenton, u. 1890, u. 1891. Passaic. Benjamin Garrison Demarest, /. 1888. Waldo Elijah Gibbs, /. 1878. Edward Wolf Guiterman, s. 1889. John Aycrigg Hegeman, M.D., tn. 1879. Albert Ossar Miller, Jr., /. 1893. Thomas Martin Moore, /. 1867. Rev. Jesse Ames Spencer, a. 1837, h. 1852. Mason Romeyn Strong, a. 1889. Percy Hamilton Terhune, M.D., nt. 1889. Cornelius Van Riper, M.D., w. 1866. Leslie Montague Winn, M.D., nt. 1891, 139 Pennington A v. Paterson. David D. Ackerman, a. 1894, 274 Hantilton Av. Frank Edward Agnew, M.D., nt. 1885. Benjamin Aycrigg, Jr., /. 1883, 147 Carroll St. George Henry Balleray, M.D., in. 1869. John Rogers Beam, /. 1874, 148 Ellison St. Charles Ellsworth Beckwith, s. 1888. George Alexander Beckwith, s. 1890. John Jacob Bissett, M.D., m. 1880, 302 £. 32^ St. William Blundell, M.D., m. 1861. James Alexander Browne, M.D., nt, 1889, 311 Van Houten St. Nicholas Murray Butler, a. 1882. Frederick Nevins Dodge, /. 1868. Clarence Norman Fenner, s. 1892. William Flitcroft, M.D., m. 1890. Albert Ernest Gallant, M.D., nt. 1890. Edward William Hanlon, M.D., nt. 1893, S^' yosepk's Hospital. Philander A. Harris, M.D., nt. 1873. Carleton Moses Herrick, a. 1854, /. 1S60, 86 Broadivay. Roy Inglis, M.D., m. 1891. W^ter Buckley Johnson, M.D., m. 1878, 170 Broadivay. Henry Kip, M.D., m. 1877, 90 Fair St. Charles Francis Kireker, Jr., /. 1894, 204 Tyler St. _ John Laing Leal, M.D., m. 1884. Albert Frederick Leonhard, /. 1882. Andrew Francis McBride, M.D., nt. 1889. John Charles McCoy, M.D., m. 1892, 77 Fair St. Thomas Francis Maguire, M.D., in. 1891, St. Joseph's Hospital. Elias Joseph Marsh, M.D., a. 1854, 600 Park Av. John Rogers Merrill, M.D., nt. 1886, 24 Church St. Charles Frederic William Myers, M.D., nt. 1874, 108 Broadivay. William Neer, M.D., nt. 1891. George Frederick Newcombe, M.D., nt. 1877. William Kelly Newton, M.D., in. 1877. Henry Parke, M.D., m. 1882. John Henry Reynolds, /. 1878. Peter Ryle, /. 1876. Charles Hosmer Scribner, M.D., nt. 1890, 53 Ward St. George Green Van Blarcom, a. 1883, 213 Hantilton A v. Spencer Van Dalsen, M.D., nt. 1876, 52 Main St. Alfred Van Riper, /. 1877, 137 Tyler St. Washington Irving Van Riper, M.D., nt. 1892, 77 Fair St. Alexander Van Wagoner, «. 1891, /. 1893, 29 N. Fourth St. Calvin B. West, M.D., in. 1893. Joseph White Williams, M.D., nt. 1890. Robert Williams, /. 1884. Peapack. Edwin Forest Farrow, M.D,, nt. 1886. Perth Amboy. Harry Martin Brace, M.D., nt. 1881. Dunbar Ferdinand Haasis, s. 1883, 83 Rector St. John Henshaw Mulcahey, a. 1879, /. 1881, Plainfield. Marcis Lerane Clawson, M.D.. nt. 1894. Francis Albertson Cokeiair, s. 1894, 119 Cres- cent A V. Harry Wyle Emerson, M.D., in. 1892, 46 Central A V. Chauncey Mitchell Field, M.D., nt. 1875. Benjamin Van Doren Hedges, M.D. nt. 1891. Monroe Budd Long, M.D., m. 1875, 415 Park Av. George Henry Fountain, /. 1875, 1043 ^• Front St. Herbert McLeod Johnston, a, 1894. Andrew Manning, M.D., nt. 1883. Craig Adams Marsh, /. 1879. William D. Murray, /. 1882. William Haughton Murray, M.D., nt. 1881. Herbert Winthrop Peck, /. 1889. Albert Puttis, M.D., m. 1893,912 Central Av. John Ridley, /. 1887. Rev. Erskine M. Rodman, a. 1850. Percy H. Stewart, /. 1893. William Maxson Stillman, /. 1879. Whitfield Terriberry, /. 1874. 460 LOCALITY INDEX. W'J^ NEW JERSEY— C^wft'«M. 1888. Frank Ayer Dillingham, /. 1894. James Heard, a. 1881. Gustave Kobbe, a. 1887, /. 1879. George Washington Riggs, s. 1871. Sykesville. Elias Dunlevia Maine, M.D., tn. 1877, Three Bridges. George Warner Bartow, M.D., ni. 1872. Toms River. Rem Lefferts Disbrow, M.D., in. 1862. Trenton. Louis Faugeres Bishop, M.D., m. 1889. Henry Waldburg Coleman, M.D., tn. 1868^ III 6". Warren St. Edward Sebastian Ettinger, M.D., tn. 1883. Joseph Fischer, /. 1873. John Howell Janeway, Jr., s. 1886, 124 W.. State St. Alfred Kramer Leuckel, /. 1888. Edward Beardslee Skellenger, M.D., tn. 1875, Union. John Tarleton Luck, M.D., tn. 1868. Verona. Meyer Joffe, s. 1894, Vincentown. Rev. James Wessell Smith, /. 1875. Vineland. John Samuel Halsey, M.D,, tn. 1892. N, y.-,JV. v.] LOCALITY INDEX. 461 NEW ]Y.^'$>'^Y— Continued. Warrenville. Peter John Zeglio, M.D., vi. 1882. Westfield. Joseph Brock Harrison, M.D., tn. 1876. Frederick Adrian Kinch, M.D., in. 1882. Rufus Baldwin Whitehead, M.t)., in. 1893. West Hoboken. George Ludwig Laporte, Jr., M.D., tn. 1894, 406 Charles St. August Charles Pfenning, M.D., in. 1889, 529 Elm St. Otto Albert Weigand, M.D., in. 1890. West Orange. James Minor Maghee, M.D., m. 1887. Woodbridge. Rev, Lewis Henry Lighthipe, a. 1863. NEW MEXICO. Albuquerque. Thomas Septimus Austin, s. 1876. Edward Buxton Cristy, s. 1891. Calvin Whiting, /. 1882. Fort Bayard. Frank Halsey Mills, /. 1872, U.S.A. Fort Wingate. Paul Shillock, M.D., m. 1887, U.S.A. Socorro. George Barstow Lee, s, 1885, Rio Grande Smelting Co. f NEW YORK. Adams. Parley H. Johnson, M.D., m. 1865. Albany. Theodore Prudden Bailey, M.D., m. 1880, 95 Eagle St. Lewis Balch, M.D., m. 1870. Ogilvie De Ville Ball, M.D., m. 1867, 691 Broadway . Isaac Baker Barrett, a. 1870, 50 State St. John Milton Bigelow, M.D., in. 1870, 54 Eagle St. James Peter Boyd, M.D., in. 1871, 152 Wash- ington Av. Alden Chester, /. 1871, 18-19 Tiveddle Bldg. Frederick Colton Curtis, M.D., in. 1870, 1 7 Wa s h ingto n Av. Joseph Augustus Kellogg, /. 1885. Joseph Albert Lawson, /. 1882, John Thomas McDonough, /. 1869, 114 State St. Cyrus Strong Merrill, M.D., m. 1871, 23 IVashingioH Av, Frederick James Hamilton Merrill, s. 1885, u. 1890, 2 Sprague PL + Mrs. Frederick J. H. Merrill, a. 1886, 2 Sprague PI. +Formerly Winifred Edgerton. Samuel Roseburgh Morrow, M.D., m. 1878, 29 S. Hawk St. George Washington Papen, M.D., m. 1874, 268 Madison Av. Hugh Reilly, /. 1874. Marcus TuUius Reynolds, s. 1893, 98 Co- lumbia St. William Henry Tobey Reynolds, M.D., in. 1870, 66 5". Haivk St. Rev. Churchill Satterlee, a. 1890, St. Peter'' s Church. Charles Townsend Titus, Jr., a, 1886, care Hale b" Bulkley. Franklin Townsend, Jr., M.D., in. 1876. Thomas M. Trego, M.D., in. 1874, 33 Clin- ton Av. Howard Van Rensselaer, M.D., m. 1884. Samuel Baldwin Ward, M.D., a. 1861, 135 N. Pearl St. Lansing Betts Winne, M.D,, w, 1878, 72 Liv- ingston A?'. Edwin Young, /. 1879. Alleghany. Edward Torrey, M.D., m. 1869. Amenia. George Henry Codding, M.D., m. 1881. Joseph Reynolds Guernsey, a. 1886, /. 1889. Isaac Newton Mead, M.D., fn. 1866. Amsterdam. Louis Akin, M.D., in. 1890. William Kimball Greene, a. 1891. Daniel Maclntyre MacMartin, M.D., m. 1877. Francis George Robinson, s. 1893. Andes. J_ames A. Gladstone, M.D., nt. 1872. Thomas Wight, M.D., in. 1864. Annandale. Rev. William Whittingham Olssen, a. 1846, h. 1876. Apulia. Byron Cummings, M.D., m. 1868. Astoria, L. I. Charles Bartow, M.D., a. 1891, tn. 1894, 38 Warden St. Rev. Charles Samuel Marvin Belden, a. 1880. William Harison, a. 1891, /. 1893, 1027 Boule- vard. Alonzo Castle Monson, a. 1840. Rev. Washington Rodman, a. 1842. Richard King Southgate, /. 1889. Marshall Whiting, M.D., in. 1873, P. O. Box 36. Athens. Francis Arden Wheeler, M.D., in. 1870. Auburn. Francis P. Casey, M.D., in. 1864. William Sanderson Cheesman, M.D., in. 1879. John William O'Brien, /. 1878, 116 Genesee St. Sheldon Voorhees, M.D., nt. 1881. Babylon, L. I. Eugene Fishel, /. 1880. William Greenly NicoU, /. 1868. 462 LOCALITY INDEX. \_N. Y, NEW XOKY^— Continued. Bainbridge. Heman Dunbar Copley, M,D., m. 1875. Bartow-on-Sound. Augustus Van Horn Ellis, s. 1889. Bath Beach, L. I. John A. Voorhees, M.D., m. 1889. Bayport, L. I. Waldron Kintzing Post, /. 1894. Bay Ridge, L. I. Cornelius Bergen Van Brunt, /.J1886. Bay Shore, L. I. Harry Meyer Johnson, /. 1879. Rev. Isaac Van Winkle, a. 1865. Bayside, L. I. James Lawrence Cain, /. 1884. Bedford. Henry Alphonso Henriques, M.D., m. 1883. Rev. Lea Luquer, a. 1852. Lea Mcllvaine Luquer, j. 1887, u. 1894. Bellport, L. I. Frank AUeyne Otis, a. 1861, /. 1864. Frank Overton, M.D., m. 1893. Binghamton. Ernest LeRoy Bennett, M.D., m. 1888. Walter Abram Brooks, M.D., m. 1871. ApoUos Comstock, M.D., w. 1873. James Clinton Comstockj M.D., tn. 1884. Michael George Cunningham, M.D., m, 1883. Henry O. Ely, M.D., nt. 1868. LeRoy Dwight Farnham, M.D., m. 1878, 42 Main St. David Post Jackson, M.D., m. 1865, 123 Front St. John Leverett, M.D., m. 1891. William Arthur Moore, M.D., a. 1882, tn. 1885, 220 Washington St. David Boies Porter,/. 1883, 37 Court St. Charles Gray Wagner, M.D., tn. 1882. Brentwood. William Hugh Ross, M.D., m. 1888. Brewster. Abram John Miller, /. 1869. Bridgehampton. Silas Rogers Corwith, M.D., tn. 1884. Bristol. George White Calley, M.D., m. 1880. Brooklyn. George Birch Abbott, /. 1874, 21 Pierrepont St. Richard Hamilton Abercrombie, /. 1889, 1559 Pacific St. Harry C. Ager, a. 1889, 296 Carlton A v. Henry Arnold Alderton, M.D., m. 1885, 175 Retnsen St. James Glen Allan, M.D., m. 1880, 391 Macon St. John Johnson Allen, /. 1866, 203 Montague Si. Robert Lawrence Allen, a. 1886, s. 1888, 102 Cambridge PI. Stanton Allen, M.D., in. 1881. William Arthur Andrews, /. 1888, 186 Rem- sen St. Frank Stanleigh Angell, u. 1891, 186 Retnsen St. Rufus Greene Angell, a. 1881, Amity St. Stores. William Arnold, /. 1878, 125 Lincoln PI. Frederick G, Ashley, /. 1889, 2583 Atlantic Av. Joseph Aspinall, /. 1875, 177 Montague St. Joseph Freeman Atwood, M.D., tn. 1870, 149 Greene A v. Henry W. Aube, /. 1887, 1120 Putnam Av. Peter Townsend Austen, j. 1872, Polytechnic Institute. Edward Woodbridge Avery, M.D., m. 1866, 16 Hancock St. William Clark Ayres, s. 1893, 18 Herkimer St. Frank Lusk Babbott, /. 1880, \/[q Lincoln PI. De Witt Bailey, u. 1892, /. 1894, 102 Wilson St. Frank Russell Baker, M.D., tn. 1889, 540 Bedford A v. George W. Baker, M.D., m. 1864, 540 Bed- ford A V. Herman Henry Baker, /. 1892, 540 Bedford Av. Calvin Fremyre Barber, M.D., tn. 1S82, 36 Lafayette A v. Edmund Bragdon Barnum, /. 1865, 1027 Put- nam Av. William Slocum Barstow, a. 1887, 360 Pearl St. Franklin Root Bartlett, j-, 1888, 344 Madison St. Willard Bartlett, a. 1869, Supreme Court Chatnbers. Havens Brewster Bayles, M.D., tn. 1879, 442 qth St. Willard Parker Beach, M.D., m. 1881, 128 Cambridge PI. William James Gilbert Beams, a. 1878, /. 1880, 26 Court St. Edward Behr, s. 1877, 426 Henry St. George William Behrman, s. 1893, 201 Ross St. Henry Sandford Bellows, /. 1864, 313 Halsey St. Elmer Fox Berkele, M.D., m. 1890, 610 Wil- loughby A 71. George Berry, j. 1888, 78 Morton St. Gerald Berry, s. 1889, 78 Morton St. John Hunt Betts, /. 18S2, 16 Court St. Romeo Thompson Betts, s, 1890, 191 Halsey St. Julius Carl Bierwirth, M.D., tn. 1885, 137 Montague St. William Hassert Biggam, M.D., m. 1881, 1095 Deatt St. Ernest Smith Bishop, M.D., ttt. 1892, 818 Bedford A v. Henry M. Bishop, M.D., tn. 1869, 338 gth St. Robert Alexander Black, M.D., tn. 1883, 106 Johnson St. James Augustus Blake, M.D., tn. 1869, 194 Putnam Av Francis Blossom, s. 1891, 440 Henry St. Peter Anthony Edward Boetzkes, M.D., tn. 1872, 8602 Bay Parkway., Bensonhurst. Dwight Dana Book, s. 1890, s. 1892, 159 Wash- ington Pk. N. K.] LOCALITY INDEX. 463 NEW YOKK.— Continued. Brooklyn — Continued. Herbert Boughton, /. 1889, 308 Carlton A v. Herbert WoTcott Bowen, /. 1881, 90 IViiloiu St. Charles Bradshaw, /. 1875, 4 Court Sg, Charles Chisholm Brainerd, a. 1893, 4^7 Greene Av. William Coughlin Braislin, M.D., tn. 1890, 515 Clinton A v. Washington Jones Brandt, M.D., nt. 1880, 379 Union St. Arthur Richard Braunlich, M.D., m. 1894, 104 Second PI. RoUin Ashley Breckinridge, /. i88q, 26 Court St. George Brewster Bretz, /. 1881, 186 Retnsen St. Benjamin Mills Briggs, M.D., m. 1868, 106 Willou,s:hby St. Max Brill, /. 1874, 772 Broadway. William Barrett Brinsmade, M.D., nt. 1892, 166 Columbia Hts. Algernon Thomas Bristow, M.D., tn. 1876, 234 Clinton St. William Webb Browning, M.D., /. 1875, 155 Reid A v. Edward Stelle Brownson, a. 1865, s. 1867, 49 Garden PI. Edward Stelle Brownson, Jr., a. 1892, u. 1893, 49 Garden PI. Arthur Conklin Brush, M.D., in. 1884, 339 Lafayette A v. Thomas Tileston Bryce, a. 1863, 62 St. John's PI. Frederick Endicott Buckingham, s. 1884, Dept. of City Works. Louis Frederick Burchard, /. 1878, 296 St. James PI. Henry William Burnard, M.D., tn. 1877, 384 Jay St. Theodore Cr6t6 Burnett, M.D., m. 1887. Abraham Lincoln Burns, M.D., s. 1887, 297 Halsey St. Joseph Scribner Burns, M.D., tn. 1873, 365 Bedford A v. Joseph Arthur Burr, Jr., /. 1873, 45 Broad- way. William Morris Butler, M.D., m. 1873, 509 Clinton A v, Marvin Dugro Buttles, a. 1890, 445 State St. Josiah Carter Cable, M.D., m. 1881, 399 Mon- roe St. Henry De Haven Cameron, tn. 1889, 23 Seventh A v, Lewis Cameron, />. 1887, 510 Classon A v. Oliver Samuel Campbell, a. 1891, 18 Retnsen St. Pantaleon Candidas, M.D., m. 1872, 228 ^. gth St. George Alexander Cardwell, M.D., tn. 1880. Nelson Garrison Carman, Jr., /. 1894, 164 Mon- tague St. Alexander Thompson Carpenter, /. 1874, 66 Court St. Roswell Hitchcock Carpenter, /. 1878, 44 Court St. Matthew Laurence Carr, M.D., tn. 1892, 135 Retnsen St. Joseph William Carroll, /. 1882, Hall of Records. CuUen Lawson Carter, a. 1854, 481 Waverly Av. George Holberton Casamajor, s. 1892, 372 Greene Av. Rufus O. Catlin, /. 1883, 186 Retnsen St. Aron Wright Chapman, a. 1892, s. 1894, 160 Hicks St. Elihu Dwight Church, Jr., s. 1887, 127 Milton St. Stewart Church, M.D., m. 1870, 236 Clinton St. Charles Frederick Clark, M.D., a. 1863, in. 1866. Edwin Perry Clark, s. 1880, 26 Court St. William Addison Clarke, /. 1877, 600 Henry St. Freeman Clarkson, a. 1863, /. 1865, 186 Retn- sen St. George GilfiUan Cochran, M.D., m. 1884, Lincoln A v.., cor. Adams A -v. John Alexander Cochran, M.D., ni. 1881, 127 Seventh A v. William Henry Cochran, /. 1885, 127 Seventh Av. Rev. George Washington CoUord, a. 1841, 1326 Pacific St. Frederick Gray Colton, s. 1890, 136 Montague St. Walter Ewing Colton, a. 1868, 180 Congress St. Hewlett Ralston Connell, s. 1890, 140 Pierre- j>ont St. Jerome Canfield Cook,/. 1889, 148 Willow St. Samuel Holcomb Coombs, /. 1886, 45 Broad- way. John Thomas Corcoran, s. 1884, 131 Smith St. Walter Jerome Corcoran, M.D., tn. 1882, 301 Clinton St. John Leader Corish, M.D., tn. 1887, 52 Her- bert St. James Lefferts Cornell, M.D., in. 1890, 33 Monroe PI. William Ransom Cornell, /. 1877, 26 Court St. Edward Everett Cornwall, M.D., nt. 1890, 15 Halsey St. George Rockwell Cornwall, s. 1876, 189 Lef- ferts PI. Luzerne Coville, M.D., tn. 1889, 154 Berkeley PI. Frederick Evan Crane, /. i88q, 16 Court St. Louis Fernandez Criado, M.D., m. 1879, 147 Fort Greene PI. James William Cromwell, Jr., s. 1889, 29 Brevoort PI. James Church Cropsey, /. 1893, 351 Clinton St. Edgar M. Cullen, a. i860, h. 1892, Court House. Robert Francis Cunnion, M.D., in. 1892, 304 Jay St. Nathaniel Babcock Darling, M.D., tn. 1873, 538 State St. Henry Murray Dater, u. 1892, ^Pt Adelphi St. Walter Rappelyea Davies, /. 1886, 4 and 5 Court Sq. Henry Pelouze de Forest, M.D., m. 1890, 582 Throop Av. Charles Joseph Deghuee, a. 1884, 247 Harri- son St. Joseph Albert Deghuee, s. 1890, u. 1892, 1893, 247 Harrison St. Henry Beeckman Delatour, M.D., tn. 1887, 53 Eighth A V. James Edward Delaney, /. 1874, 189 Montague St. Justo Del Risco, Jr., M.D., m. 1879, 235 Wash ington A v. Richard Mead De Mille, a. 1848, 72 Patchen Av. John Lewis Devenny, /. 1877, 26 Court St. n 464 LOCALITY INDEX. \_N. V, NEW YORK— Continued. Brooklyn — Continued. George Charles Diekman, M,D., in. i8gi, 645 Park Av. George Jacob Dirkes, M.D., in. 1890, 186 S. tid St. Frank N. Dodd, a. 1891, 205 Carlton Av. Walter Albert Dodsworth, s. 1888, 253 Henry St. William Roderick Doherty, /. 1877, 53° Clin- ton A V. Charles Edward Dority, M.D., in. 1883, 411 Union St. Charles Henry James Douglas, u. 1892, i6g Halsey St. Horace Dowie, a. 1894, 363 Jefferson A v. Joseph Louis Droesch, M,D., in. 1883, 825 Willoughby A v. Francis DuBois, Jr., M.D., in. 1867, 205 S. gth St. Bruce R. Duncan, /. 1889, 131 Cambridge PI. William Archibald Dunning, a. 1881,/. 1884, 70 Hanson PI. Charles Tappan Dunwell, /. 1874, 188 Tomp- kins A V. Henry Dusenbury, M.D., in. 1866, 252 S. ■^d Karl Emrich Filers, s. 1889, 751 St. Mark's Av. Harold Sharpe Emerson, a. 1894, 125 Gates Av. Louis George Engel, s. 1880, 238 Clermont Av. Maurice Enright, M.D,, in. 1885, 887 Greene Av. John Edwin Ensell, M.D., in, 1872, 125 High St. Paul William Erdtmann, M.D., in. 1891. George S. Espenscheid, /. 1879, 13 Broadivay. Henry Arnold Fairbairn, M.D., m. 1878, 249 McDonough St. George Albert Ferguson, s. 1890, 138 Wilson St. Frederick W. Fielding, /. 1889, 370 Eighth St. Alexander L. Figge, /. 1894, 859 President St. Mathias Figueira, M.D., in. 1872, 14 Stuy- vesant A v. Edwin Rodney Fiske, a. 1892, 484 Bedford Av. John S. Fiske, a. 1890, 484 Bedford Av. Charles Lincoln Fitch, s. 1882, 157 Van Buren St. Edward Pell Folger, j. 1894, 80 Quincy St. Sylvanus Lothrop Fowler,/, 1883, /. 1885, 55 Funnan St. Emil Frei, M.D., in. 1892, 360 Vernon Av. Eugene Alexander Freis, M.D., in. 1885, 1301 Bushivick A V. George Washington French, /. 1878, 229 Skill- man St. Thomas Rushmore French, M.D., in. 1871, 469 Clinton A v. Cornelius Furgueson, Jr., /. 1877, 26 Court Si. Michael Furst, /. 1878, 16 Court St. James Thomas Gallagher, M.D., m. 1892, 449 Lafayette A v. William Gasten, a. 1887, /. 1891, 347 Mc- Donough St. Judson Gaylord, /. 1878, 894 Union St. Charles Harvey Genung, a. 1884, p. 1884, 360 Adelphi St. John Thomas Gibbons, M.D,, m. 1890. George Welling Giddings, a. 1892, 344 State St. Charles Parsons Gildersleeve, M,D., in. 1881. William James GilfiUan, M.D., m.. 1862, /. 1877, 79 Main St. James Patrick Glynn, M.D,, m. 1894, 58 St. Felix St. John Frederick Golding, M,D,, m. 1875, 365 Franklin Av. Samuel Anthony Goldschmidt, s. 1871, 43 Sedgivick St. Abbott Dean Granger, s. 1892, 198 Hooper St, David Joy Greene, i-. 1894, 300 Oakland St. Wilkins Updike Greene, s. 1880, 104 Columbia Hts. Joseph William Greenwood, /, 1874, 54 Court St. Richard Booth Greenwood, Jr., /. 1865, City Hall. Vincent Colyer Griffith, s. 1889, 168 Herki- mer St. William Edward Griffiths, M,D., in. 1868. Gordon Robert Hall, M.D., in. 1880. Charles R. Halsey, /. 1885, 26 Court St. Charles Albert Hamilton, /. 1885, Boys'' High School. William Herbert Hanford, /. 1893, Z^Lee Av. William Henry Harlin, M.D,, m. 1862, 532 Gates A V. Charles Edward Harris, Jr,, p. 1886, 403 Manhattan Av. Audley Haslett, M.D,, in. 1867, 115 Clinton St. George Robins Haydock, /. 1875, 690 Gates Av. Joseph Healy, M.D., in. 1876, 203 Gates Av. Thomas Bakewell Hegeman, M.D,, in. 1890. Edmund Dominic Hennessy, /, 1883, 227 Baltic St. Jacob Edward Herman, M,D., m. 1888, 1323 Greene A v. Louis Hess, M.D., m. 1886, 202 Lee Av. William Beach Hewett, M,D., in. 1877, 227 Clermont A v. Arthur T. Hewlett, a. 1892, 68 Reinsen St. James Monroe Hewlett, s. 1890, 68 Remsen St. Fred, Cleaver Hickok, M,D., in. 1885. Bertrand Chase Hinman, s. 1890, u, 1892, 186 Cook St. Eugene Hodenpyl, M.D,, m. 1885, August Hoerle, M.D,, in, 1885, 166 N. 6th St. Edward Sterling Hodgskin, M.D,, in, 1893, 440 Clinton St. Henry Frederick Hornbostel, s, 1891, 39 Second PI. Edward Thomas Horwill, /, 1892, 237 Carl- ton A V. Jacob Frank Howe, M,D,, in. 1871, 352^; 9M 6"/. Edward Hazard Hoxsie, M.D,, in. 1884, i Hart St. Samuel McKay Hubbard, /. 1885, 42-44 Court St. Joseph Hill Hunt, M.D., in. 1873, Bedford Av. and Quincy St. Henry Ogden Huntting s, 1887, 454 Clas- son Av. Charles Frederick Hurlburt, a. 1878, /, 1880, 21 Macon St. Elisha Denison Hurlbut, Jr,, s. 1890, 106 Hicks St. George Hyatt, a. 1885, Union Ferry Co. Frederic Sackett Hyde, jt, 1893, 215 Scher- merhorn St. James Warren Ingalls, M,D,, m. 1884, 848 Lafayette A v. Arthur Stanley Ives, s. 1889, 1891, 33 Sidney PI. j\r. v.] LOCALITY INDEX, 465 NEW YOV<¥^— Continued. Brooklyn — Continued. Ernest Henry Jackson, /. 1882, 29 Grace Court. Almet Francis Jenks, /. 1877, ^^^y Hall. Smith Ely Jelliffe, M.D., tn. 1889, 196 Sixth Av. Charles Jewett, M.D., m. 1871, 330 Clinton Av. Remsen Johnson, a. 1889, u. 1890, /. 1892, x68 llancork St. Eliza Jane Jones, b. 1894, 182 Madison St. William Denison Jones, s. 1888, 90 Joralemon St. Arthur Matthew Kane, M.D., a. 1888,/. 1889, fn. 1893, 167 Conoress St. Samuel Thomas King, M.D., ?«. 1883, 34 Gree7te A v. Edward Hallock Kissam, /. 1879, 725 Presi- dent St. Samuel Dana Kittredge, /. 1881, 22 Hamil- ton Av. Charles George Koehler, M.D., m, 1882. James Little Kortright, M.D., m. 1881, 252 Rodney St. Richard Krause, /. 1894, 52 Shepherd Av. Francois Joseph Gall Ladd, /. 1881, 2065 Fulton St. William Watson Laing, M.D., w. 1894, 265 Ryerson St. Vincent Hyacinthe Lamarche, /. 1887, 248 Carroll Park. Laura Landau, b. 1894, 358 'jth St. Hugo Lange, M.D., m, 1890, 645 Bedford Av. Frederick Richard Lee, /. 1875, 72 6". Port- land Av. Thomas Lonsdale Leeming, Jr., s. 1894, 216 Park PI. John Lefferts, Jr., /. 1876, 186 Remsen St. John L. Lefferts, a, 1846, 458 Greene Av. Richmond Lennox, M.D., nt. 1882, 23 Scher- nterhorji St. Algeron Sidney Leonard, M.D., ;«. 1866, 131 McDonoiigk St. Max Levy, M.D., m. 1885, 74 McKihben St. Alvah Conant Lewis, M.D., m. 1877. Charles Lauriston Livingston, a. 1890, u. l8gi, 902 Union St, John Lockwood, a. 1848, 151 DeKalb Av. Bertram Leslie Longenecker, M.D., m. 1890, 657 \oth St. William Ransford Loomis, /. 1893, 409 Washington Av. Henry Ditmas Lott, /. 1886, 313 Montague St. David Fletcher Lucas, M.D., w. 1880, 552 Pacific St. Francis Hall Ludlow, /. 1889, 73 Quincy St. Frederic Ludlow Luqueer, a. 1894, 907a Lafayette A v. Nicholas Luquer, Jr, a. 1858, 618 Henry St. Frank Lyman, s. 1878, 50 Remsen St. David Thomas Lynch, /. 1872, 16 Court St. Marvin Thomas Lyon, /. 1885, 170 New York A V. James Francis McCaw, M.D., tn. 1892, 488 Nostrand A7>. Alfred Perry McClellan, a. 1864, 119 Pacific St. Francis A. McCloskey, /. 1883, 44 Court St. Nelson Glenn McCrea, a. 1885, /. 1886, 533 Franklin Av. Edward John McCrossin, /. 1889, 375-377 Fulton St. John Francis McFarland, /. 18S8, 44 Court St. James Francis McGee, /. 1880, City Hall. Michael Francis McGoldrick, /. 1876, 199 Washington Av. Spencer IGill McNary, /. 1877, 150 Macon St. Frank Edward Maginnis, M.D., m. 1888. Thomas Francis Magner, /. 1882, 26 Court St. John Maguire, /, 1883, 186 Remsen St. Hallock Rathbone Maine, M.D., vt. 1888, 24 Seventh A v. Laurence Edward Malone, /. 1884, iii S. 2d St. Sylvester Loyola Malone, /. 1885, iii 6". •zd St. Henry Manne, /. 1880, 203 Montague St. Hermann Charles Mannheim, s. 1887, 254 Cumberland St. Francis Mansfield, M.D., m. 1886, 196 Ar- lington A V. William Margulies, M.D., m. 1890, 63 Mc- Kihben St., E. D. John Augustine Marrett, /. 1891, 192 Java St. Adrian Vanderveer Martense, /. 1875, 213 Montague St. Charles Sellman Mason, «,i887, 5^5 Fulton St. Harris Kennedy Masters, s. 1894, 173 Con- gress St. Mitchell May, /. 1892, 255 S. 2d St. Samuel Mundy Meeker, Jr., /. 1879, 13 Broad- way. Frederic C. A. Meisel, s. 1892, 44 Strong PI. Charles Phelps Williams Merritt, M.D., m. 1878. James Haviland Merritt, s. 1881, u. 1892, 3 Monroe PI. Walter Monfort Meserole, j. 1881, zjSg Atlan- tic A V. Joseph Meyer, M.D., m. 1877. John Middleton, s. 1887, 2789 Atlantic Av. William Orris Miles, /. 1885, 371 Fulton St. Lewis Hackaliah Miller, M.D., tn. 1880, 391 Leivis A V. William Stowell Mills, /. 1882, 352 Clifton PI. Wilmot Lincoln Morehouse, /. 1887, 370 Clin- ton St. Robert Stratton Morison, a. 1870, 4s Garden PI. Henry Smith Munroe, s. 1869, 45 Sidney PI. Seth Miller Murdock, /. 1861, 33 Garden PI. George Ingraham Murphy, a. 1855, 177 Mon- tague St. Henry C. Murphy, Jr., a. 1854, 177 Monta- gue St. William Murray, /. 1889, 382 Carlton A v. Charles Dwight Napier, M.D., m. 1890, 6 Strong PI. Jacob Nehrbas, M.D., m. 1880, 96 Ten Eyck St. John Francis Nelson, /. 1878, 186 Remsen St. James Nesmith, s. 1879, 256 Henry St. George Washington Newcomb, M.D., in. 1866, 191 Adelphi St. Emanuel Newman, /. 1893, 1076 Fulton St. Robert Pettit Newman, M.D., m. 1880, 305 Ftilton St. Henry James Nichols, /. 1894, ^jj Adelphi St. Rev. James Buchanan Nies, a. 1882, 142 McDonough St. Nelson Luther North, Jr., M.D., m. 1886, 118 Hooper St. Henry Wilfred Norton, M.D., m. 1880, 465 State St. Nathaniel Read Norton, M.D., m. 1894, 289 Macon St. Michael Francis O'Brien, /. 1892, 262 Presi- dent St. George N. Olcott, a. 1893, 38 Grace Court, Andrew O'Malley, M.D., m. 1891. Samuel Duffield Osborne, a. 1879, /. 1881, 135 A mity St. ^ 466 LOCALITY INDEX. IN. F. NEW YOYLY^— Continued. Brooklyn — Continued. William J. Osborne, a. 1853, Court House. Herbert Levi Osgood, p. 1889, 194 Joralenton St. George Augustus Ostrander, M.D., a, 1855, 61 Greene A 7>. John Wright Ostrander, M.D., in. 1866, 95 Clark St. Peter Wilson Ostrander, a. 1848, 244 Grand Av. Charles Harrison Otis, /. 1875, 189 Monta- gue St. Henry Rutherford Overton, M.D., in. 1889. Joseph Eugene Owens, /. 1879, 89 Greene Av. William Satterlee Packer, /. 1871, 2 Grace Ct. Arthur Richards Paine, M.D., nt. 1875, 99 Lafayette A v. Ernest Palmer, M.D., in. 1879, 155 Clinton St. Herschel Clifford Parker, s. 1890, 21 Fort Greene Fl. Edward Thompson Paul, /. 1894, 172 Remsen St. John M. Peacocke, M.D., in. 1883, 257^ Madison St. Alexander Pentlarge, /. 1893, 425 Pulaski St. Thomas Slade Perkins, s. 1888, 39 Garden PI. William Lithgow Perkins,/. 1887, 24 Court Sq. Edward Mills Perry, a. 1884, /. 1886, 16 Court St. George Henry Perry, /. 1886, 77 Greenpoint Av. Thomas Pollock Peters, a. 1893, 83 Lee Av. Jeremiah Phelan, M.D., m. 1875. Warren Waverley Phelan, a. 1894, 108 S. c^th St. Albert Julian Philip, /, 1878, 132 6tA^ Av. Howard Whited Phillips, M.D., in. 1868. Henry Evelyn Pierrepont, a. 1867, 216 Colum- bia Hts. William Augustus Pierrepont, M.D,, /. 1876, I Pierrepont PL William Stanley Pladwell, /. 1875, 4 Court Sq. Elmer Poulsen, /. 1871, 330 Clermont Av. William Hall Bruce Pratt, M.D., in. 1867, 94 Sixth A V. Paul Peter Prendergast, M.D., m. 1894, 4°^ Henry St. John Duffield Prince, Jr., /. 1878, 213 Monta- gue St. John Lloyd Prince, s. 1894, 868 Platbush Av. Andrew Jackson Provost, Jr., i^. 1889, 53 New York A V. Alfred Perego Quimby, a. 1883, 82 Washing- ton A V. Lawrence Francis Quinn, /. 1878, 226 x'jth St. William Radloff, M.D., in. 1876, 213 Boerum St. James Prescott Randall, M.D., m. 1883. Emil Rauth, M.D., m. 1886, 89 Tompkins Av. Alfred Raymond, j. 1891, 123 Henry St. Joseph Howard Raymond, M.D., m. 1869, 173 Joralenton St. John Henry Reb, M.D., m. 1894, 57 Myrtle Av. Charles Reed, M.D., m, 1879, 153 tth Av. George Edwin Reed, M.D., m. 1888, 585 Madison St. Timothy Jerome Regan, M.D., in. 1884, 352 Degraiv St. Edwin Reynolds, M.D., in. 1877, 129 Lafay- ette A V. Frank Reynolds, /. 1871, 16 Court St. Charles Andrew Richardson, /. 1877, ^86 Remsen St. John Edward Richardson, M.D., ;;/. 1877, 127 JS". Oxford St. Herman Clarence Riggs, M.D., ;;/. 1890, 117 Montague St. John Lovett Rile, Jr., a. 1893, 821 Marcy A v. William Alfred Robbins, /. 1888, 178 Garfteld PL Edward Roberts, a. 1892, 164 Heives St. Charles Holmes Roberts, /. 1888, 339 Mc- Donough St. Gracie Say re Roberts, s. 1871, Municipal Bldg. Jacob Hay ward Roberts, a. 1884, 243 ReidA v. Victor Arthur Robertson, M.D., m. 1883, TTja Union St. Edward P. Robins, a. i860, 103 Joralenton St. Rev. Spencer Summerfield Roche, a. 1870, 211 Carlton Av. Fenton Rockwell, /. i860, 580 Monroe St. John Dikeman Rushmore, M.D., m. 1S70, 119 Montague St. Merwin Rushmore, /. 1864, 44 Court St. Frederick Fuller Russell, M.D., in. 1893, 262 Henry St. Henry Mitchell Russell, /. 1878, 378 Court St. James Edward Ryan, /. 1862, 687 Quincy St. William Christopher Ryan, /. 1887, 215 Hezves St. Washington Sackmann, /. 1866, 290 Presi- dent St. Arthur Chambers Salmon, /. 1877, 26 Court St. George Putnam Sanborn, /. 1893, 13 Spencer PL John Edward Wallace Sanderson, M.D., m. 1886, 38 Schennerhorn St. Seward Merrill Savage, s. 1892, 2260 Pacific St. Adam Schauf, M.D., m. 1887, 198 Vernon A v. Jacob Schauf, /. 1893, 129 Vernon Av. John Cornell Schenck, /. i860, 152 Bar bey St. Peter Lawrence Schenck, M.D. , m. 1865, 60 vS"^. Mark's A V. Charles A. Schluer, a. 1890, 65 Johnson St. Charles Frederick Schmidt, M.D., in. 1873, 354 Marcy Av. William Carl Schoenijahn, M.D., nt. 1894, 822 Union St. Alwing Hugo Schwab, M.D., in. 1890, 717 Bushivick A V. Rev. Henry Townsend Scudder, a. 1874, 187 Berkeley PL Horace Nelson Seaver, Jr., a. 1869, Poly- technic Institute. Benjamin Avery Segur, M.D. in. i860. Rudolph Seldner, s. 1894, 217 Jefferson Av. John Butler Shanahan, /. 1889, x^ Prospect PL William Waldemar Share, s. 1881, 331 Mc- Donough St. Frank Mansfield Sharpe, M.D., m. 1887, 134 S. Oxford St. John Cargill Shaw,M.D., in. 1874, 2 Sidney PL Clarence Wellington Sheldon, M.D., in. 18S7, 860 St. Mark's A v. William Robert Shepherd, a. 1893, u. 1894, 325 Macon St. Frederic Joseph Shoop, M.D., m. 1883, gr Macon St. Charles Louis Sicardi, /. 1888, 99 Broadiuay. Warren Seabury Simmons, Jr., M.D., m, 1892, 338 Lafayette Av. Nelson Bismark Simon, /. 1889, 26 Court St. Elmer Skinner, s. 1891, 227 Cumberland St. Henry George Small, M.D., in. 1875, 126 Reid A v. Anson Parker Smith, M.D., m. 1878, 1016 Halsey St. N, r.] LOCALITY INDEX, 467 NEW YOVJK— Continued. Brooklyn — Continued. Edward Phythian Smith, M.D., m. 1875, 1345 Pacific St. Isaac Beckett Smith, M.D,, tn. i8gi. Wybrants Alonzo Smith, a. 1873, /. 1876, 95 Grand St. Arthur Elmore Smylie, M.D., nt. 1883, 124 Penn St. Warren Clark Sneden, M.D., tn. 1882, 131 Prospect PL Henry Sanger Snow, /. 1880, 16 Smith St. Rev. Joseph Gould Snyder, a. 1886, 90 Ster- ling PL Edward Lowry Somerville, /. 1889, 44 Court St. George Carroll Southard, s. 1892, 114 Brook- lyn Av. Thomas Bray Spence, M.D., nt. 1893, Method- ist Episcopal Hospital. Erwin Shepard Spink, a. 1886, 781 Prospect PL Edward Hamilton Squibb, M.D., m. 1881, 148 Colutnbia Hts. Arnon Lyon Squiers, a. 1893, 963 St. Mark's Av. Edward Lincoln Stabler, a. 1885, 135 Willow St. Charles Morton Stafford, /. 1872, 477 Madi- son St. Charles Edward Stammler, M.D., m. 1885. John H. Stevenson, Jr., /. 1886, 1355 Pacific St. Seth Thayer Stewart, /. 1875, 992 Dean St. Richard Henry Stone, M.D., m. i866, 178 Jay St. William Allen Strout, s. 1891, 366 Carlton Av. Otto Frederick Struse, /, 1881, 99 Broadway. Purdy H. Sturges, M.D., m. 1887, 440 Ninth St. Joseph Walworth Sutphen, /. 1876, 186 Remsen St. James Russell Taber, M.D., m. 1874, 263 Ryerson St. Joseph Brown Taylor, s. 1888, 544 Bedford Av. Albert Payson Terhune, a. 1893, 479 G'l^eene Av. William Robert Thompson, /. 1878, 53 Pine- apple St. George Atwater Tibbals, s. 1883, 148 Milton St. Samuel Gaylord Tibbals, s. 1884, 148 Milton St. Christopher G. Tiedeman, /. 1879, 139 Herki- mer St. Robert Fingland Tilney, /. 1875, 138 Hicks St. William Austin Tomes, M.D., in. 1891, 500 Classon Av. Franklin Bryan Torrey, a. 1881, 103 Second PI. George Haines Treadwell, M.D., tn. 1885, 463 Gates A V. Henry C. Turner, M.D., in. 1867, 412^^ Clinton St. Walter Lincoln Tyler, s. 1887, 1260 Pacific St. Charles Frederick Underbill, /. 1877, 510 Willoue^hby Av, Walter Underbill, /. 1893, 54 Eighth Av. M. Bedell Vail, /. 1871, 360 Grand Av. John Franklin Valentine, M.D., tn. 1879, 150 Noble St. Charles Young Van Doren, a. 1879, 307 Washington St. John Van Harlingen, M.D., tn. 1869, 166 Dujffield St. Robert Van Iderstine, /. 1894, 164 Lafayette Av. Dudley Arthur Van Ingen s. 1892, 135 Henry St. Andrew F. Van Thun, Jr., /. 1891, 189-19X Montague St. William A. Van Wyck, /. 1889, 375 Fulton St. Gustav Julius Volckening, Jr., j. 1888, 675 Lafayette A v. George Wackerhagen, M.D., m. 1869, 326 Schermerhorn St. Howard Talbot Walden, /. 1883, 37 Putnam Av. Henry Vincent Walker, s. 1894. Jerome Walker, M.D., tn. 1868, 8 Seventh A v. Frederick Kidder Wallbridge, s. 1884, 37 Ninth A?/. John Henry Walsh, /. 1880, 17 Second St. John Joseph Walsh, /. 1888, 318 Adams St. James Peter Warbasse, M.D., m. 1889, 109 Gates A v. James Byers Warden, M.D., tn. 1889, 254 Carlton Av. George John Wardenburg, a. 1894, 322 Adeiphi St. David Syrus Warner, M.D., m. 1888, 232 Heives St. Charles Peck Warren, s. 1890, u. 1892, 286 Clifton PL John William Warth, M.D,, m. 1868, 569 Madison St. 'SaLxnG^ Herbert Watson, /. 1882, 26 Court St. William Miner Watson, /. 1882, 371 Fulton St. Charles Albert Webber, /. 1883, 66 Court St. Dana Clemmer Wells, a. 1893, ^°Q Willo-w St. Edward Walter West, a. 1861, 1092 Pacific St. Frederick Weygandt, M.D., tn. 1875, 645 Bedford A v. Robert Taylor Wheeler, M.D., m. 1892, 210 Lee A v. William Asa Wheeler, M.D., m. 1877, 273 Ryerson St. William Scherf White, s. 1882, 430 Gold St. William Leggett Whiting, /. 1864, 16 Court Si. Stephen Edward Whitman, M.D., m. 1881. Joseph Center Wight, a. 1892, u. 1894, 30 Schermerhorn St. George W, Whittemore, a. 1890, 116 Miltott St. Frederick Willets, a. 1889, 25 Lefferts PL Charles Samuel Williamson, M.D., tn. 1891, 25 Third PL Jared Willson, M.D., m. 1877. Ezra Herbert Wilson, M.D., tn. 1882, 194 Keap St. James Augustus Wilson, /. 1893, 346 Clinton St. Philip Lee Wilson, /. i860, 36 Herkimer St. Clifton Nichols Windecker, s. 1892, ■3,'iSidney PL Charles Howard Winslow, /. 1877, 16 Court St. Alexander King Winter, M.D., tn. 1892, 165 Taylor St. John Herman Wolters, /. 1892, 473 Putnam Av. ^ Frederick John Jennings Wood, M.D., tn. 1880, 150 Washing' ton A v. Walter Childs Wood, M.D., m. 1889, 520 Nostrand Av. Charles Edwards Woodbridge, /. 1888, 363 Henry St. Thenford WoodhuU, a. 1869, /. 1871, 213 Montague St. Henry Bernard Woods, /. 1886, iii Wythe Av. 468 LOCALITY INDEX. \N. Y. NEW YOKK.— Continued. Brooklyn — Continued. Elwood Ernest Worcester, a. 1886, 268 Hicks St. Jonathan Wright, M,D., m. 1883, 73 Remsen St. William George Wright, M.D., m. 1876. Charles Wuest, Jr., M.D., tn. 1887, 740 Flushing A v. Charles Bellamy Young, M.D., tn. 1894, 67 yohnson St. Buffalo. Edward Hale Brush, a. 1887, 96^ Lovejoy St. Percy Bryant, M.D., in. 1888, State Hospital. Frederick A. Busch, /. 1893, 4^4 Main St. George Cary, j. 1885, 184 Delaivare Av. Thomas Cary, /. 1877, 184 Delaivare Av. Carl Thurston Chester, /. 1877, 298 Main St. William Alexander Douglas, I. 1888, 40 Leiuis Block. Eugene Leon Falk, /. 1886, 48-50 Niagara St. Charles Cyrus Farnham, /. 1889, 22 W. Seneca St. John Nelson Goltra, M.D., in. 1887, 451 Ehn^vood A v. Thomas Francis Healy, M.D., m. 1873, Ernergency Hospital. Stephen Yates Howell, M.D., a. 1877, '^' 1880, 164 Franklin St. Arthur William Hurd, M.D., m. 1883, State Hospital. John Wharton Ingraham, /. 1885, 109 Pros- pect A V. Carlton Rogers Jewett, M.D., m. 1881. Sherman Skinner Jewett, 2d, u. 1893, ^' 1894, 303 North St. Frederick Sterling Keeler, s, 1891, 530 Bouck Av. Matthew Derbyshire Mann, M.D., m. 1871, 37 Allen St. James Irving Marcley, M.D., m. 1873. Louis Franklin Messer, ^. 1882, 404 Main St. George Thomas Moseley, M.D., 7n. 1886, 202 Delaivare A v. Sidney Wilford Petrie, /. 1878. Austin Roe Preston, /. 1885, 16 Court St. John Moffat Provoost, /. 188 1, 298 Main St. Paul Carlton Ransom, /. 1889, 113 White Bldg. Frank Eugene Russell, M.D., in. 1878. Lee Herbert Smith, M,D., in. 1881, 224 Elmwood A V. Frederic UUman, /. 1886, 229 Prospect Av. Cairo. Frederic Stephens Cole, M.D., m. 1890. Nelson Henry Griffin, M.D., m. 1875. Callicoon Depot. Rev. William A. Masker, Jr.,/. 1890. Cambridge. John Moneypenny, M.D., a. 1847. Camden. Albert Henry Smith, M.D., m. 1876. Canajoharie. Hiram Lyman Huston, a. 1864. Canandaigua. Robert Leslie Carson, M.D., m. 1890. John Harvey Jewett, M.D., m. 1879. James Adam Robson, /. 1876. Canastota. Le Grand Colton, /. 1876. Candor. John Thomas Gridley, /. 1892. Algernon John Harris, M.D., in. 1882. Canton. Charles H. Davis, M.D., m. 1883. Carmel. James Raymond Weeks, /. 1861. Castile. Charles Hurd Sherwood, /. 1876. Catskill. Charles Gardner Coffin, /. 1880, 262 Main St. Clarence Howland, /. 1887. George Howard Jones, /. 1876. Charles Egbert Willard, M.D., 1869. Cazenovia. Henry Burden, s. 1892. Cedarhurst, L. I. Walter Graeme Eliot, s. 1878. Chatham. Philip Richard Flanagan, M.D., m. 1889. Cherry Valley. Franklin G. Campbell, /. 1876, James D. Clyde, M.D., in. 1867. Clermont. John Henry Livingston, a. 1869, /. 1871. Clinton. Charles Henry Smyth, Jr., s. 1888, u. 1890. Cobleskill. Elman Hilts Borst, M.D., m. 1889. Cohoes. James Duane Featherstonhaugh, M.D., m. 1870. JDaniel Crippen McElwain, /. 1886. Cold Spring-on-Hudson. Richard Giles, M.D., m. 1882. George Wilson Murdock, M.D., m. 1867. Rev. Edward Johnson Runk, a. 1879. James Manning Winslow, M.D., m. 1873. Commack. Tunis Bergen Burr, /. 1884. Cooperstown. George Hyde Clarke, /. 1880. Clarence Gushing Edgerton, a. 1872, /. 1874. Henry D. Sill, M.D., in. 1892. John Fremont Thompson, /. 1878. Corning. George Lathrop Douglas, M.D., m. 1892, Cortland. Edwin Duffey, /. 1893. j\r..v.] LOCALITY INDEX, 469 NEW ^O'KK.— Continued. Cornwall. Rev. George Drew Egbert, a. 1885. Stephen Decatur Harrison, M.D,, m. 1879. Cross River. Charles Oscar Olmstead, M.D., m. 1874. Croton-on-Hudson. Schuyler Hamilton, Jr., a. 1872, s, 1876. Croton Falls. Purdy Leander Hitchcock, M.D., m. 1881. Dansville. James Edwin Crisfield, M.D., tn, 1873. Fred. Robert Driesbach, M.D., m. 1889. Renwick Robert Ross, M.D., tn. 1891. Pearl Harvey Willey, /, 1884. Delhi. Stephen F. Adee, /. 1889. Howard Jerome Goodrich, M.D., tn. 1894. Deposit. Barna Edmond Radeker, M.D., tn. 1874. Dobbs Ferry. Champion Hiram Judson, M.D., tn. 1871. Charles Montgomery Kellogg, M.D., tn. 1874. William Hanford Todd, M.D., m. 1890. Harold Garrison Villard, /. 1894. Norman Wilde, a. 1889, u. 1890, u. 1894. Douglas. James Wright Wilson, M.D., tn. 1866. Dovrnsville. George Page Bassett, M.D., tn. 1862. Earlville. Homer Harvey White, M.D., m. 1877. East Chester. Rev. William Samuel Coffee, a. 1847. Edgar Samler Schieffelin, /, 1876. Easthampton, L. I. Albert R. Gallatin, a. 1891. Edward Osborn, M.D., tn. 1886. Ellenville. John Frederic Scoresby Eastgate, M.D., tn, 1880. Elmira. James Bacon, /. 1878, 120 Lake St. John Bull, Jr., /. 1887, 124 Lake St. George Whipple Edminster, /. 1889, Robinson Charles Green Rock wood Jennings, M.D., tn. 1885, 272 Baldiviii St. George Van Rensselaer Merrill, M.D., tn. 1863. Barnett Wisner Morse, M.D., m. i860. Harden De Valson Pratt, Jr., M.D., m. 1881, 150 Main St. Raymond Beriah Pratt, M.D., ni. 1887, 201 Baldivin St. Naman Henry Soble, M.D., tn. 1890, 505 £. Water St. Charles Livingston Squire, M.D., tn. 1874, 409 E. Church St. Samuel Richard Van Campen, /. 1887, 218 E. Water St. Hamilton Dox Wey, M.D., w. 1878, 359 Main St. Esopus. Charles Robert Gill, Jr., M.D., m. 1884. Evergreen, L. I. William Edwin Slocum, /. 1864. Fairport. Cyrus Ross Cramer, M.D., tn. 1877. Winfield Scott Fuller, M.D., tn. 1861. Far Rockaway, L. I. George Thomas Dutcher, M.D., tn. 1894. Edmund James Healy, /. 1873. Fishkill-on-Hudson. Henry Eugene Davies, a. 1857. Frank Tucker Hopkins, M.D., tn. 1885. Julius Edgar Moith, M.D., in. 1879. Henry Goodrich Wolcott, /. 1877. Flatbush, L. I. Philip Crooke Bergen, /. 1884, P. O. Box 11. Leffert Lefferts, a. 1893, 563 FlatbusJi\Av. John Abraham Lott, Jr., /. 1877. Peter J. Neefus, a. 1854. Ira Otis Tracy, M.D., m. 1882. Rev. Jeremiah Lott Zabriskie, a. 1854, Wav~ erley A v. John Barrea Zabriskie, a. 1891. Floral Park, L. I. Gustav Adolph Fensterer, M.D., tn, 1888. Flushing, L. I. William Badger, M.D., tn. 1861. James Harris Balston, /. 1876, 35 N. Parsons Av. Joseph Francis Bloodgood, M.D., tn. 1884, 95 Bozvne A v. Henry Lawrence Bogert, a. 1878. iohn Lawrence Bogert, a. 1878. larston Taylor Bogert, a. 1890, j. 1894. Joseph Douglas Brown, M.D., ttt. 1894. Willet Stuart Brown, M.D., tn. 1891, San- ford Hall. Harold Coburn Cook, a. 1894, no Madison Av. Walter Wheeler Cook, a. 1894, no Madison Av. Lawrence Effingham Embree, /. 1879. Edwin Alonzo Goodridge, M.D., tn. 1871. Francis J, Griffin, /. 1879, 59 State St. Joseph Lawrence Hicks, M.D., tn. i860, 49 Main St. Walter Bowne Lawrence, a. 1861. John Howard Lever, M.D., tn. 1869. Henry Masterton Leverich, /. 1876. Forster Jonas Maynard, M.D., ttt. 1869, George Webster Peck, a. 1865. Francis May SImonds, j. 1887, 227 San/ord Av. ^ Edwin Dunning Weed, a. 1894, 30 Jatnaica Av. Fort Edward. Michael Henry O'Brien, /. 1885. Fort Hamilton, L. I. James Augustus Blanchard, M.D., tn. 1867. Frederick Lewis Dolbeare, M.D., tn. 1879. Franklin. Frederick Newton Winans, M.D.j tn. 1874. Fulton. Frederick George Spencer, /. 1884. 470 LOCALITY INDEX. IN. Y, NEW YORK— Continued. Galway. William Vestus Balch, M.D., m. 1871. Garden City, L. I. William Dunham Vanderbilt, s. 1894. Garnerville. William Edward West, a. 1893. Geneseo. Lockwood Richard Doty, /. 1880. Walter Elliott Lauderdale, Jr., M.D., m. 1874. Geneva. Herbert Morton Eddy, M.D., m. 1870. Will McCaw, M.D., m. 1888, iii Main St. Theodore Delos Rupert, M.D., m. 1880, Frank Millard Severson, M.D., m. 1889. Milton Haight Turk, a. 1886, 165 Main St. Germantown. George Rensselaer Westfall, M.D., m. 1880. Glen Cove, L. I. Milton Hopkins, /. 1886. Rev. Lockwood MacQuesten, a. 1863. Henry Willetts Mudge, /. 1877. William Henry Zabnskie, M.D., m. 1885. Glen Head, L. I. George Lloyd Freeman, M.D., a. 1849. Townsend Scudder, /. 1888. Glens Falls. Frederick Gershom Fielding, M.D., nt. 1889, 70 Ridge St. Gloversville. John Edwards, M.D., m. i86g. Goshen. Joseph Wadsworth Gott, /. 1875. Andrew Jackson Jessup, M.D., m. 1889. William Dolsen Mills, /. 1877. Clarence Walton Vail, a. 1892, u. 1893. Gouverneur. Archie Freeman McAUaster, /. 1889. George Edmund Wentworth, /. 1889. Great Neck, L. I. John Conger Baker, a. 1884. Abram Skidmore Post, s. 1884. Greenport, L. I. Theodore Akerly Lord, /. 1868. Charles Roome Lyon, /. 1888. Clarence Clifton Miles, M.D., nt. 1876. Green Ridge, S. I. James S. McCabe, /. 1889. Greenwich. Henry Gray, M.D., tn. 1867. Charles Henry Van Ness, /. 1880. Griffins Corners. Samuel Decker, M.D.j m. 1867. Christopher Joseph HiUis, M.D., tn. 1890. Hastings-on-Hudson. Erdmann Neumeister Brandt, M.D., m. 1889. Havana. Charles Avery Tracy, /. 1869. Haverstraw. Eugene Berard Laird, M.D., nt. 1877. George Munn Lilburn, /. 1885. Hempstead, L. I. James S, Allen, /. 1882. Albert Field Cornelius, /. 1883. Herkimer. David McComb Devendorf, M.D., m. 1861. Frederic J. Harter, M.D., m. 1880. Cyrus Kay, M.D., m. 1880. Augustus Walter Suiter, M.D., nt. 1871. Hermon. Elbridge Gilbert Seymour, M.D., m. i860. High Bridge. James Green Carson, M.D., m. 1893, Highland Falls. George Herbert Brown, M.D., nt. 1889. Highland Mills. James Cox Howell, a. 1894. Hopewell Junction. Richard C. Van Wyck, M.D., in. 1867. Hornellsville, William Everett Palmer, M.D., nt. 1882. Charles Robert Phillips, M.D., m. 1889. Hudson. Oliver Otis Howard Bradley, M.D., nt. 1889. Crawford Ellsworth Fritts, M,D., m. 1875. William Carnahan McGiffert, M.D., m. 1881. Henry Lyle Smith, M.D., nt. 1864. Huntington, L. I. George Burr Banks, M.D., m. i860. George Herbert Carter, M.D., m. 1892. Edmund Dewees Davidson, a. 1864. George Conklin Hendrickson, /. 1875. Walter Lindsay, M.D., nt. 1866. Hyde Park. John Sterling Bird, M.D., m. 1863. Thomas Newbold, /. 1874. Islip, L. I. William NicoU, a. 1840. Herbert Watson Smith, /. 1889. Ithaca. Charles Ezra Cornell, a. 1879. Clarence Houghton Esty, /. 1881. William Nelson Noble, /. 1872. Walter Francis Willcox, /. 1887, u. 1892. John Winslow, M.D., nt. 1867. Jamestown. Morris Norton Bemus, M.D., nt. 1889, 503 E. 2d St. N. y.] LOCALITY INDEX. 471 NEW YOKK— Continued, Jamaica, L. I. Rev, Beverley Robinson Betts, a. 1846. Nathaniel Carpenter Hendrickson, /. 1884. Samuel Hendrickson, M.D., m. 1875. Thomas Mann Randolph Meikleham, J. 1890. James Cornell Van Siclen, /. 1892. S. Tredwell Woolley, /. 1889. William Forman Wyckoff, /. 1879. Jeffersonville. William Brand, M.D,, m. 1870. Johnstown. Andrew J. Fulton, M.D., tn. 1889. Katonah. James Francis Chapman, M.D., m. 1869. Robert Hoyt, j'. 1893. Keene Valley. Charles Laight, M.D., m. 1868. Kerhonkson. Stephen E, De Witt Hoornbeck, M.D. tn. 1865. Kings Park, L. I. Oliver Morse Dewing, M.D., m. 1887. Kingston. Joseph Bongartz, M.D., tn. 1886. Walter Smith Fredenburgh, /. 1875. Walter Eltinge Merritt, /. 1889. Howard Osterhoudt, a. 1864, /, 1866. Charles Oliver Sahler, M.D., in. 1878. Frederick Arthur Westbrook, /. 1883. Kreischerville, S. I. Albert George Wanier, s. 1882. La Grangeville. George Huntington, M.D., tn. 1871. Lake Side. Willis Northup Boynton, M.D., tn. 1891. Laurel Hill. William Cashman Ferguson, j. 1887. Lawrence, L. I. Anna Stockton Pettit, u. 1894. Lebanon Springs. Rev. George Barent Johnson, a. 1867. Le Roy. William Lampson, /. 1867. Little Falls. Fred. Bidleman, /. 1882, William Delano Garlock, M.D., tn. 1882. Charles Harvey Glidden, M.D., tn. 1881. Eugene E. Sheldon, /. 1873. Frederick Isaac Small, /. 1869. Malek Adhel Southworth, M.D,, m. 1880. Lockport. Ferdinand Austin Kittinger, M.D,, tn. 1893, 97 Main St. Herbert Dalton Pettit, a. 1879, Amazias Walter Tryon, M,D., tn. 1862. Locust Valley, L. I. Richard Franklin Beattie Seaman, M.D., nt. 1881. Lewis Herbert Vail, s. 1894. Long Island City, L. I. Andrew J, Andersen, M,D., tn. 1890, 654 Blackivell St. John Henry Richard Barry, M.D., tn. 1890, 126 qth St. James Bernard Kennedy, M,D., tn. 1886, 139 Sth St. James Le Grand New, M.D., in. 1892, 18 Ely Av. Robert S. Prentiss, M.D., tn. 1870. Henry Peter Titus, /. 1872, Steinivay. Lorraine. Martin Luther Overton, M,D., tn. 1865. Low^ville. Edward James Boshart, /. 1888, Lyons. John W. Robinson, M.D., tn. 1867. Mahopac. Edson Card, M.D., tn. 1882. Maine. Dwight Dudley, M.D., tn. 1864. Malone. John Alexander Flanagan, /, 1888. Frederick Gove Paddock, /. 1884. Benjamin Simcox, /. 1888. Mamaroneck. Jacob Halstead, /, 1883. Walter Augustus Herckenrath, s. 1892. William Samuel Johnson, /, 1884. Francis Pitt Smith, s. 1888. Rawson Lockwood Smith, /. 1891. Manhasset, L. I. William Henry Hoag, M.D., tn. 1865. Margaretville. Charles Smith AUaben, M.D., in. 1882. Mariner's Harbor, S. I. Forest LaGrange Wright, /. 1887. Marlborough. Lawrence Bunting Fletcher, a. 1877. Matteawan. Edgar Hart Ellis, M,D., in. 1885. John Peter Schenck, Jr., M.D., tn. 1864. Mattituck, L. I. Edward Kirtland Morton, M.D,, tn. 1884. Medina. Edward Munson, M.D,, in. 1881. Middletown. Milton C. Conner, M,D,, tn. 1883, Charles Leslie Mead, /. 1876, Theodore Denton Mills, M.D,, tn. 1876. David Beattie Smiley, M.D,, tn. 1881. Moses Ashby Stivers, M.D,, tn. 1894. 472 LOCALITY INDEX, IN. F. NEW YOVJL— Continued. Middleville. Varney Bernard Hamlin, M.D., nt. 1893. Millbrook. James Oakley Pingry, M.D., m. 1868. Millerton. Arthur Francis Hoag, M.D., vt. 1879. Milton-on-Hudson. William Benham Snow, M.D., m. 1886. Monroe. Henry Van Buren Sparks, /. 188 r. Montgomery. Robert Kerns, M.D., vt. 1888. Monticello. John Percival Roosa, Jr., /. 1884. Mont Moor. George Mason Miller, a. i860, /. 1862. Montrose. Rev. Gouverneur Cruger, a. 1859. George Dundas Scriba, a. 1887, /. 1888, /. 1889. Mt. Kisco. Charles Francis Chapman, M.D., m. 1890. Edward Benjamin Durham, j. 1892. Harrison T. Slosson, a. 1889. Mt. Vernon. Walter Scott Allerton, a. 1874, ^' ^^77- Rolland B. Archer, /. 1889, 178 Summit Av. John Mortimer Bell, /. 1886, 34 J. ^tk Av. _ Rev. Harry Innes Bodley, a. 1875, 240 Rich Archibald Murray Campbell, M.D., a. 1865, w. 1873, 36 P'irst A V. Theophilus Ransom Carter, M.D., m. 1890, 29 -E. 2d St. Stuart William Cowan, /. 1885. William Frank Greene, M.D., m. 1878, 25 S. 2d Av. Rev. Stephen Ferris Holmes, a. 1863. Robert Thomas Howe, M.D., m. 1879. Clarence Eugene Kimball, M.D., m. 1886. Addison J. Lyon, /. 1874, 160 Stevens Av. Isaac Newton Mills, /. 1876. Robert Mulford, s. 1884. Winfred Chesney Rhoades, a. 1894, 141 S. id Av. William Leete Stone, Jr., /. 1883. Benjamin Randall Tupper, M.D., w.1888, 147 Stevens A v. Joseph Simeon Wood, /, 1876. Nanuet. Estella Demarest, b. 1894. Naples. Theodore Benjamin Wettling, M.D., m. 1873. Nelson. Edward Tolmon Cornelius Perry, M.D., -m. 1892. Newark. Newell Egbert Landon, M.D., m. 1876. Wilbur Fisk Nutten, M.D., rn. 1863. John Remer, M.D., vt. 1890. New Brighton, S. I. Henry Beadel, a. 1865, /. 1870, " The Cedars.^'' Edward Close Delavan, Jr., /. 1882. William Young Finch, M.D., m. 1894. Robert Treat Paine Fiske, /. 1881. Willett Nicoll Hawkins, Jr., a. 1893, S^ Lafayette Av. ^ Charles Arthur Hollick, i-. 1879. Philip Edwards Johnson, M.D., a. 1891, m. 1894. Henry Cortlandt Johnston, M.D., m. iSgo, 47 Central A v. Henry DeWitt Joy, M.D., m. 1866. Arthur Lee Macken, M.D., in. 1894. Thomas Joseph O'Leary, /. 1889. Stephen Dover Stephens, a. 1866, /. 1868. George Francis Donnell Trask, s. 1887. Newburgh. Alpheus Eli Adams, M.D., m. 1879. Rev. John W. Fenton Carlisle, a. 1880. Rev. John Marshal Chew, a. 1883. James George Graham, a. 1840. Louis Eugene Hanmore, M.D., m. 188/;, 2o5 Grand St. William Heard, a. 1835. • John Taylor Howell, M.D., m. 1885. Andrew Victor Jova, M.D., w. 1883. Robert John Kingston, M.D., m. 1877. George Clinton Densmore Odell, a, 1889, «, 1890, u. 1893. Edward Rogers Post, M.D., m. 1867. New City. Nicholas Berdan Van Houten, M.D., m. 1S67, New Dorp, S. I. George Pierson Jessup, M.D., m. 1890. New Hamburgh. Irving Grinnell, a. 1859. William Willis Reese, a. 1890, J. 1892. Reginald William Rives, a. 1882, /. 1885. New Lebanon. Rev. Theodore Winfield Harris, a. 1884. New Paltz. James Krom, M.D., m. 1892. New Rochelle. {oseph Edwin Baker, a. 1882. ,ouis Phillipe de Luze, 5-. 1879. Richard Stockton Emmet, a. 1839. Thomas Rawdon Fisher, /. 1867. De Lancey Astor Kane, /. 1873. Cornelius Eugene Kene, /. 1873. Walter Large, /. 1879. Wilfrid Lay, a. 1893, 71 Willow Drive. Henry Delafield Phelps, /. 1864. Hermann Theodore Vulte, i'. 1881. Rev. Merritt Hubbell Wellman, a. 1851, 72 Banks St. Newtow^n. John Henry Inness, /. 1872. New Woodstock. Alonzo De Loos Smith, M.D., m. 1867. I^. F.] LOCALITY INDEX, 473 NEW YORK.— Continued. New York City. A. Herman Aaron, /. 1883, 15 Wall St. Jacob R. Abarbanell, /. 1874, 24-26 Vande- luater St. Robert Abbe, M.D,, m. 1874, 11 W, sotk St. Sidney Abenheim, a. 1887, Care M. Aben- heim Of Cc, 2 Stone St. Robert Abrahams, M.D., tn. 1891, 156 Clin- ton St. Isador Abrahamson, M.D., m. 1894, 2000 Lexington A v. Alexander Abrams, M.D. jn. 1888, 250 E. 60th St. Samuel Morse Abrams, /. 1887, 280 Broadway. Onofrio Abruzzo, M.D., jn. 1883, 95 Park St. Frank Adams Acer, /. 1893, 64 IV. 53^ St. Charles Andrew Ackerman, M.D., m. 1884, 10 £. 43^ ^S"^. Calvin Thayer Adams, M.D., ?n. 1884, 13 JV. 33^ -S-^. Charles Francis Adams, M.D., m. 1890, 17 W. 45t/t St. Rev. Charles Gustavus Adams, a. i86g, 288 £. lotA St. Charles Thornton Adams, /. 1880, 32 Nassau St. Henry Frederick Adams, M.D., m. 1890, Roosevelt Hospital. John Joseph Adams, /. 1876, 320 Broadivay. J " 45/A St fohn Lanson Adams, M.D., m. 1888, 17 W. K; Percy Demarest Adams, /. 1883, '^q Liberty St. Robert Franklin Adams, a. 1891, 14-16 Greene St. Robert Stanton Adams, M.D., m. 1891, 175 JE. tUh St. Samuel Francis Adams, a. 1878, /. 1880, 549 Madison A v. William Crittendon Adams, s. 1884, 47 ^• iUh St. Frederic William Adee, /. 1875, 45 Pine St. George Augustus Adee, /. 1870, 45 Pine St. Phillip Henry Adee, /. 1876, 31 Nassau St. Julius Adenaw, /. 1879, ^^^ ^- 26M St. Felix Adler, a. 1870, 123 E. 60th St. Isaac Adler, M.D., a. 1868, 12 E. 60th St. Louis Adler, /. 1875, 120 Broadway. Vanderpoel Adriance, M.D., tn. 1893, 1690 Broadway. John Giraud Agar, /. 1880, 31 Nassau St. Louis C. Ager, a. 1889, 138 Fifth A v. Aristides Agramonte, M.D., tn. 1892, 424 JV. 57M St. Emilio Agramonte, Jr., s. 1886, no Lexing- ton Av. Alfred Henry W. Ahrens, /. 1885, 44 Broad- way. Frederic C. Aigeltinger, /. 1889, 55 Liberty St. William Benford Aitken, a. 1888, p. 1889, u. 1890, 702 Madison Av. Clement W. Al Burtis, a. 1844, 35 Liberty St. Herbert Clarendon Alden, s. 1884, 269 W. I2S^/i St. Robert Percy Alden, /. 1875, 55 Liberty St. George Thompson Aldrich, /. 1885, 32 Nassau St. James Herman Aldrich, a. 1863, P. O. Box 954- John Aldrich, M.D., m. 1889, 76 IV. Szd St. Spencer Aldrich, a. 1874, /. 1876, 29 Broad- way. Arthur Aaron Alexander, /. 1893, 67 W. g^th St. I Charles Beaty Alexander, /. 1872, 120 Broad- way. Peter Alexander, /. 1878, 234 Broadway. Thomas Alexander, Jr., /. 1877, 234 Broad- way. Alphonse Henry Alker, /. 1873, ir Pine St. Addison Allen, p. 1888, /. 1889, u. 1892, 120 Broadway. Charles Warrenne Allen, M.D., m. 1878, Hodman Artns. John Frank Waite Allen, M.D., m. 1894, ^60 W. 42^ St. Maxwell H. Allen, M.D., m. 1894, 314 Broome Thomas Herbert Allen, M.D., m. 1875, 52 W. ^st/i St. William Porter Allen, a. 1878, /. 1880, 10 fVall St. Zachariah Nelson Allen, /. 1888, 104 Warren St. Frederick Brevoort AUin, a. 1888, 214 W. $gth St. Asa Ailing Ailing, /. 1885, 35 Wall St. Frederic Allis, /. 1872, i Broadway. George Henry Allison, /. 1877, 502 E. i6ist St. John Alsdorf, M.D., m. 1880, 46 W. 64/A St. Henry Altshul, M.D., m. 1887, 153 W. ntth St. Jose Ramon Alvarez, M.D., m. 1885, 305 E. zeth St. Edward Bernard Amend, /. 1879, 132 Nassau St. William Joseph Amend, /. 1882, 132 Nassau St. James D. Ames, /. 1878, 2 Tryon Row. Paul Kimball Ames, /. 1888, 15 Wall St. Royal Wells Amidon, M.D., m. 1877, 19 W. 2\st St. Alfred V. Amy, /. 1891, 18 W. 2-jth St. Eliphalet Nott Anable, /. 1880, 16 Exchange PI. Harry Gray Anderson, M.D., m. 1889, 230 W. iz^dSt. Peter Chauncey Anderson, a. 1887, 10 Wall St. Walden Pell Anderson, a. 1870, 676 Columbus Av. Walter James Anderson, /. i88q, 15 Wall St. Edward Knapp Anderton, /. 1870, 2170 Bath- gate A V. Charles Alfred Andresen, j. 1881, 89 Gold St. Henry Chandler Andrews, /. 1873, 2 Wall St. Gwynne Murdoch Andrews, /. 1885, 71 Broadivay. John Lyman Andrews, M.D., tn. 1889, 307 E. Ztth St. Joseph Alfred Andrews, M.D., m. 1876, 9 W, 22d St. Samuel Wakeman Andrews, Jr., s. 1890, 35 W. 42d St. Walter Scott Andrews, /. 1883, University Club. William Henry Andrews, /. 1869, 15-25 White- hall St. William Shankland Andrews, /. 1882, 3 Broad St. Louis Adolph Ansbacher, s. 1892, 17 W. 52^ St. Richard Amerman Anthony, a. 1881, 591 Broadway. Wilmore Anway, /. 1883, in Broadivay. Edward Hedden Apgar, a. 1883, /. 1883, /. 1885, 73 Dey St. Henry John Appel, Jr., /. 1872, 49 Beekman St. Albert Jacob Appell, /. i883, 277 W. 23^/ St. 474 LOCALITY INDEX. IN. Y, NEW YO'^Yi— Continued. Ne"w York City — Continued. Edgar Storm Appleby, a. 1884, /. 1886, 55 Liberty St. John Storm Appleby, i'. 1888,/, 1890, u. 1891, 216 W. sqth St. Floyd Appleton, a. 1893, Fordhajn His. Francis Randall Appleton, /. 1877, 21 Maiden Lane. William Gardiner Appleton, a. 1864, 5 Bond St. Philip Edward Arcularius, M.D., vi. 1867, 104 W. if\th St. Edward Browning Arkenburgh, /. 1884, 62 Wall St. Paul Armitage, a. 1894, 295 Church St. Robert James Armstrong, M.D., fn. 1886, 204 E. 10$} h St. William Lucius Armstrong, M.D., m. 1893, 127 IV. 6ist St. Frank Wallace Arnold, a. 1881, /. 1883, 3 Broad St. Lemuel Hastings Arnold, Jr., /. 1870, 3 Broad St. Ripley H. Arnold, /. 1891, 145 E. i,<^th St. Anthony Arnoux, p. 1886, 59 Wall St. Emanuel Arnstein, /. 1881, \o Mitchell PL Robert Arrowsmith, a. 1882, 9 University PL Charles Walter Artz, /, 1886, 195 Broadway. Mark Ash, l. 1877, 234 Broadway. Clarence Degrand Ashley, /. 1880, 207 Broad- way. Robert Archibald Ashworth, a. 1892, Union Theological Seminary. Antonio Carmine Astarita, /. 1887, 51 Cham- bers St. William Waldorf Astor, /. 1875, 4 E. 23d St. (and London, Eng^ Albert Hoffman Atterbury, /. 1884, m Broadway. Lawrence Atterbury, a. 1894, 141 W. %6th St. Addison Atwater, /. 1875, 203 Broadway. Henry Green Atwater, /. 1871, 115 Broadway. Theodore Aub, /. 1870, 54 Wall St. Meyer Auerbach, /. 1875, 20 William St. Clark Bell Augustine, /. 1880, 96 Broadway . David Penfield Austin, M.D., m.. 1866, 251 W. 2sth St. George Curtis Austin, /. 1887, 22 William St. Thomas Septimus Austin, s, 1876, 2 Ruther- ford PL Edward Avendano, M.D., m. 1889. James Knox Averill, /. 1869, 5 Beekman St. Walter Titus Avery, a. 1832, 81 Madison Av. Benjamin Aycrigg, a. 1824, 102 Chambers St. Edward Lucien Emile Ayme, M.D., m.. 1885, 443 Lexington A v. B. Richard Gordon Babbage, /, 1886, 317 W. ro^d St. Edwin S. Babcock, a. 1856, 7 Warren St. Sherrill Babcock, /. 1882, 32 Nassau St. Henry Denison Babcock, a. 1868, 21 W. 49M St. William Babcock, a. 1875, /. 1877, 20 Nassau St. Albert Bach, /. 1875, 140 Nassau St. Henry Clinton Backus, /. 1873, 1^2 Nassau St. James Frederick Bacon, a. 1887, g2 Franklin St. Richard Smith Bacon, M.D., a. 1859, ^' 1862, m. 1865, Riverside Drive and lo^th St. Wilbur Russell Bacon, /. 1867, 54 Broad St. Morris Benedict Baer, /. 1878, 15 Cortlandt St. Pearce Bailey, M.D., m.. 1889, 437 W. sgth St. William Seaman Bainbridge, M.D., m. 1893, Presbyterian Hospital. Henry Watterson Bainton, a. 1893, 41 E. 6gth St. David Graham Baird, /. 1878, 120 Broadway. William Raimond Baird, /. 1882, 243 Broad- way. Alfred John Baker, /. 1874, 120 Broadway. Frederick Augustus Baker, /. 1876, zot Broad- way. Frederick R. Baker, /. i88g, 206 Broadivay. George Baker, /. 1871, 243 JSroadway. George Augustus Baker, Jr., /. 1870, care Chas. M. Baker., 28 Spruce St. George Augustus Baker, Jr., /. 1871, 5 Beek- fnan St. George McCague Baker, /. 1876, 15 Beekman St. James Baker, Jr., a. 1867, t. 1871, 59 William St. John Martin Baker, Jr., /. 1886, 187 Green- ivich St. Joseph Disbrow Baker, /. 1871, 191 Broad- way. Albert H. Baldwin, a. 1856, 40 E. joth St. Alfred Freeman Baldwin, a. 1886, 8 E. 41st St. Charles Sears Baldwin, a. 1888, p. 1889, u. 1894, Columbia College. Edward Arthur Baldwin, /. 1889, 206 Broad- ivay. Frederic Harrison Baldwin, /. 1875, 45 Broad- ivay. George Van Nest Baldwin, /. i860, 32 Nas- sau St. George Van Nest Baldwin, Jr., /. 1888, 32 Nassau St. Henry de Forest Baldwin, /. 1887, 330^5". x'jth St. Jared Grover Baldwin, Jr., a. 1885, /. 1886, 20 Nassau St. Truman Hamilton Baldwin, /. 1867, 31 Nas- sau St. William Mood Baldwin, s. 1884, 55 Beekm^an St. William Stremmell Balken, M.D., m. 1886. Alonzo Brayton Ball, M.D., m. 1863, 42 W. 26th St. Ernest H. Ball, /. 1889, 65 Wall St. John Oscar Ball, /. 1883, 52 Wall St. James Nack Ballantine, a. 1886, 186 West End Av. Ira Leo Bamberger, a. 1873, /. 1875, 280 Broadivay. Frederic Bancroft, p. 1885, Columbia College. David Bandler, a. 1892, /. 1894, 212 Edge- combe A V. Samuel Wyllis Bandler, M.D., a. 1892, m. 1894, 212 Edgecombe Av. William Llewellyn Baner, M.D., m. 1885, 38 W. ipth St. Richard Theodore Bang, M.D., a. 1876, m. 1879, 139 W. xnth St. Charles Wesley Bangs, /. 1862, 15 Broad St. Francis Sedgwick Bangs, a. 1878, /. 1880, 36 Wall St. Lemuel Bolton Bangs, M.D., m. 1872, 31 E. 44th St. James Lenox Banks, a. 1882, 30 W. s^ih St. John Henry Banks, s. 1883, 104 John St. N. y.] LOCALITY INDEX. A7S NEW YOKK.—Co7itinued. New York City — Continued. Sheppard Banks, /. 1874, 194 Broadway. Otto Tremont Bannard, /. 1878, 18 IVall St. Annie Leland Barber, u. i2,<)i^j\s Fifth Av. Rev. Robert Barbour, a. 1871, 113 iV. ipth St. Frederick Buel Bard, /. 1883, 41 Park Row. Benjamin Barker, Jr., /. 1883, 120 Broadway. Charles Piatt Barker, /. 1882, 32 Nassau St. Frank Barker, /. 1893, 48 Wall St. Herbert Luther Barker, M.D., tn. 1893, 132 W. A,i,th St. Howell Finch Barkley, j. 1885, 233 W. <,\th St. Everett Darius Barlow, /. 1875, 206 Broad- ivay. Peter Townsend Barlow, /. 1881, 35 William St. Walter Jarvis Barlow, M.D., a. 1889, nt. 1892, Mt. Sinai Hospital. Augustus Porter Barnard, s. 1868, 125 E. titth St. Horace Barnard, Jr., /. 1891, 26 E. 3$^^ "S"/. John A. Barnard, a. 1892, 26 E. 35M St. Charles Wheeler Barnes, /. 1880, 36 Wall St. George Henry Barnes, a. 1883, ^- ^885, 45 JVilliam St. Herbert Seymour Barnes, /. 1893, 41 W. su/ St. Pearce Barnes, /. 1876, 49 Nassau St. Solomon Barnett, M.D., m. 1886, 365 W. y>th St. William Milo Barnum, /. 1879, 10 Wall St. Adolph Baron, M.D., tn. 1890, 320^. ^Zth St. John Arthur Barratt, /. 1880, 621 Fifth Av. Andrew Linn Barrett, M.D., m. 1886, 166 W. izid St. William Reed Barricklo, /. 1880, 229 Broad- 'way. John Conner Barron, M.D., m. 1861, 35 Broadway. Daniel Edmond Barry, M.D., m. 1875, 447 Lexington A v. Ellsworth Maltby Barry, a. 1886, 21 W. 16th St. John Huestis Barry, M.D., m. 1886, 36 St. Mark's PI. Thomas Glover Barry, /. 1871, 120 Broadway. Donald McLean Barstow, M.D., m. 1892, Neiv York Hospital. Charles Bartels, M.D., m. 1888, 226 E. 114th St. Clifford Allan Herrischoff Bartlett, /. 1874, 168 Nassau St. Franklin Bartlett, /. 1873, 41 Park Row. William Allen Bartlett, M.D., tn. 1881, 50 W. S3d St. Joshua Lindley Barton, M.D., tn. 1881, 57 E. ssth St. Charles Singleton Bartow, /. 1878, 68 Wil- liatn St. Emanuel M. Baruch, M.D., m. 1889, 57 E. jjth St. Frank Taylor Barwis, M.D., m. 1885, 231 W. 4th St. Thomas Henry Baskerville, /. 1886, 80 Wash- ington So. Acton Civill Bassett, a. 1892, \\ W. ^^st St. Edward Murray Bassett, /. 1886, 48 Wall St. Charles Francis Bates, /. 1892, 120 Broad- ivay. David Homer Bates, Jr., /. 1889, 237 Broad- way. George Butterfield Bates, a. 1887, ^- 1889, 82 Water St. William Graves Bates, a. 1880, /. 1882, 146 Broadway, William Horatio Bates, M.D., m. 1885, 131 W. seth St. Joseph Deyoe Baucus, /. 1888, 52 Wall St. Charles Frederick Bauerdorf, /. 1874, 115 Broadway. Joseph Baum, M.D., m. 1893, xZxst St. and S. Boulevard. Theodore Baumeister, /. 1889, 306 E. -z^d St. William Henry Bawden, a. 1893, 115 W. nith St. George Strong Baxter, s. 1868, 17 Broad St. Edwin Stanton Bayer, /. 1893, 27 E. 62^ St. Francis Seguine Bayles, a. 1886, 119 Broad- luay. George James Bayles, a. 1891, /. 1893, <^<^ lutnbia College. Edmund Lincoln Baylies, /. 1882, 20 W. -xdth St. Bennett Sheldon Beach, M.D., m. 1887, 210 W. 24th St. Charles Fisk Beach, Jr., /. 1881, 35 Wall St. Henry Crane Beach, /. 1876, 40 Duane St. Harry Prescott Beach, /. 1891, 58 W. n^th St. Walter Rogers Beach, /. 1873, 88 Park Row. James Alexander Bean, M.D., m. 1885, 215 W. 129M St. Matthew Beattie, M.D., m. 1884,251 W.^4th St. Robert Chetwood Beatty, /. 1894, 3 E. gth St. George Davis Beattys, /. 1887, 54 Wzlliant St. Augustus Emil Bechstein, a. 1884, 3^4 Wash- ington St. Charles Alfred Bechstein, s. 1888, 336 W. 46th St. Fanning Cobham Tucker Beck, a. 1863, 29 Wall St. Philip George Becker, M.D., /. 1885, 303 ^^ igth St. Willard Doolittle Becker, Jr., M.D., m. 1890, Cancer Hospital. William Joseph Becker, /. i886, 347 W. ^oth St. Charles Henry Beckett, /. X883, 160 Broad- way. Ward Manktelow Beckwith, M.D., nt. 1889. Alfred Lockwood Beebe, s. 1880, 42 Bleecker St. Henry Warren Beebe, /. 1885, 18 Wall St. William Constantine Beecher, /. 1875, 237 Broadway. Charles Keller Beekman, a. 1889, /. 1892, 440 Madison A v. Gerard Beekman, a. 1864, /. 1867, 47 Cedar St. Henry Rutgers Beekman, a. 1865, /. 1867, 119 E. i^th St. James William Beekman, /. 1871, 47 Cedar St. John Neilson Beekman, M.D., a. 1864, tn. 1868, ID E. \ith St. George Louis Beer, a. 1892, u. 1893, 38 Man- hattan Sq.y S. Lucius Hart Beers, a. 1881, /. 1883, 120 Broadway . Joseph Francis Beglan, /. 1875, 335 Broad- ivay. Herman Behlen, s. 1890, 125 E. ii^th St. William Aiken Belcher, /. 1886, 59 Liberty St. Eugene W, Belknap, M.D., tn, 1892, Man- hattan Hospital. Robert Lenox Belknap, a. 1869, 62 William St. 476 LOCALITY INDEX, \_N. V, NEW YORK— Continued. New York City — Continued. Christopher M. Bell, M.D., m. 1865, 320 Fifth Av. Edward Wells Bell, /. 1870, 18 Cortlandt St. Hal Bell, /. 1875, 7 Beekman St. Marshall Bell, a. 1866, /. 1868, 276 Fifth Av. Perry Belmont, /. 1876, 109 Fifth Av. Edward Bement, /. 1874, 24 Broad St. Edward Grenville Benedict, /. 1884, 68 Wall St. Russell Benedict, /. 1880, 18 Wall St. William de Liesseline Benedict, s. 1874, 18 Broad-way. Wyllys Benedict, /. 1880, 36 Broadway. Emile Beneville, /. 1868, 140 Nassau St. Marcus Benjamin, s. 1878, 539 West End Av. James Benkard, a. 1861, Union Club. John Philip Benkard, a. 1894, 127 E. 24M St. Charles Benner, /. 1878, 62 Wall St. Willis Benner, /. 1882, 62 Wall St. Clayton Powers Bennett, M.D., fn. 1890, 160 Chambers St. Henry Hudson Bennett, M.D., tn. 1881, 219 W. ^3d St. William Mason Bennett, /. 1893, 47 W. ^gth St. Walter Bensel, M.D., m. 1890, 226 W. jsth St. Frank Sherman Benson, /. 1879, 114 E. 39/A St. Eugene Michel Berard, /. 1876, 7 Nassau St. Albert Ashton Berg, m. 1894, 245 7th St. Henry Woolfe Berg, M.D., m. 1881, 245 7th St. Tunis G. Bergen, Jr., /. 1874, 55 Liberty St. Edwin Bergh, Jr., /. 1866, 429 Fifth Av. De Lagnel Berier, /. 1882, 50 Wall St. Edward John Bermingham, M.D., m. 1873, Z->,-x Third Av. Franklin Ball Bernard, /. 1876, 7 Nassau St. Abraham Charles Bernheim, /. 1883,/. 1883, 12 E. 6sth St. Max Jacob Bernheim, a. 1893, iii E. j?>th St. Jacques Arnold Bernheimer, a. 1867, 146 Franklin St. Ludwig Bernstein, u. 1894, 64 Rutgers Slip. Lorin Simon Bernheimer,/. 1884, 218 W. i/^th St. Solomon Charles Bernstein, u. 1894, 138 Henry St. Richard Berrian, a. 1870, Western National Bank. Arthur Berry, /. 1876, 200 Broadway. Carroll Berry, /. 1884, 200 Broadway. James Fuller Berry, a. 1894, 215 W. ^/^th St. William James Courtnald Berry, /. 1876, 7 W. 2Qth St. Wilton Guernsey Berry, s. 1886, 42 Bleecker St. Frederick Henry Betts, /. 1866, 120 Broad- •way. Samuel Rossiter Betts, /. 1877, 120 Broad- way. Wilson Lloyd Bevan,/. 1889, General Theo- logical Setninary. Thomas Wotton Bickerton, M.D., m, 1881, 556 West End A v. Franklin Bien, /. 1874, 320 Broadivay. Joseph Rudolph Bien, j. 1887, 140-142 Sixth Av. Adolph Bierck, Jr., a. 1886,/. 1887, /. 1888, 6 Wall St. Frederic Bierhoff, M.D,, m. 1889, 170 W. 126th St. Augustus Edward Bieser, M.D., m. 1891, 256 W. 54M St. George Bieser, M.D., m. 1891, 256 W. 54th St. Timothy Bigelow, M.D., m. 1865. Abraham Bijur, a. 1893, 46 E. 730? St. Joseph Bijur, a. 1893, 41 IV. 53^ St. Nathan Bijur,/. t88i, /. 1882, 34 Nassau St. Edmund Wallen Bill, M.D., m. 1889, 147 W. 44th St. John Haskell Billings, M.D., m. 1878, 249 Madison A v. Reno Randolph Billington, /. 1889, 120 Broadivay. Louis Edward Binsse, a. 1866, /. 1878, 40 W. \<)th St. Arthur Bird, M.D., m. 1876, 35 W. ^xst St. John Thomas Joseph Bird, M.D., a. 1883, 308 W. 123d St. Ausburn M. Birdsall, /. 1889, 120 Broadivay . Clarence Frank Birdseye, /. 1877, 170 Broad- ivay. Arthur Wesley Birkins, /. 1885, 108 E. X2^th St. David Walton Birmingham, /. 1879, 40 Broadway. Franklin Julius Bischoff, /. 1877, 280 Broad- ivay. Henry Bischoff, Jr., /. 1871, 19 W. c)6th St. Cortlandt Field Bishop, a. 1891, u. 1892, u. 1893, /. 1894, 13 Madison A v. James Lord Bishop, /. 1869, 115 Broadway. Joseph Bidleman Bissell, M.D., m. 1883, 37 W. soth St. Pelham St. George Bissell, a. 1880, 83 Nas- sau St. Edmund Bittiner, /. 1884, 319 Broadivay. Constantine Bjerring, M.D., m. 1890, 229^. 58M St. Adolph Black, s. 1894, 1434 Lexington Av. Edward Griffiths Black, /. 1865, 44 Pine St. George Alexander Black, /. 1862, 44 Pine St. George Ashton Black, /. 1888,/. 1889, 74 W. gist St. James F. Chamberlain Blackhurst, /. 1875, II Wall St. Abel Edward Blackmar, /. 1878, 55 Liberty St. George Engs Blackwell, a. 1880, /. 1882, 140 Pearl St. Robert Winthrop Blackwell, /. 1881, 31 Nas- sau St. Valentine Alexander Blacque, a. 1871, 39 E. 33^ St; William Henry Blain, /. 1875, 234 Broadway. Edwin Mortimer Blake, s. 1890, u. 1893, Columbia College. Joseph Augustus Blake, M.D., m. 1889, ^ ^• y{d St. John William Blakey, /. 1887, 29 Wall St. James Armstrong Blanchard, /. 1873, 3 ^' 7jth St. Samuel Appleton Blatchford, a. 1867, 16 Exchange PI. Alonzo Blauvelt, M.D., m. 1876, 338 W. \2th St. George Alanson Blauvelt, u. 1891, 22<) Broad- ivay. Charles Moore Bleecker, a. 1890, 51 Wall St. Frederick Bleil, M.D., m. 1894, 106 Eldridge St. Charles James Blewitt, a. 1892, 378 W. 32^ St. George Duckworth Bleything, M.D., vt. 1871, 1008 Madison Av. N. Y,^ LOCALITY INDEX. A77 NEW YO'KYi— Continued. Ne^AT York City — Continued. Collins Pechin Bliss, s. 189 1, 60 Cedar St. Edward Mead Bliven, a. 1878, /. 1880, 140 Nassau St. William Warren Bliven, a. 1878, /. 1880, 140 Nassau St. Adolph Bloch, /. 1893, 522 £. Hzd St. Emanuel W. Bloomingdale, /. 1877, 59M St. cor. Third Av. Emanuel Blumenstiel, /. 1889, 320 Broadway. Edgar Stuart Blunt, a. 1880, 61 Broadiuay. Joseph Francis Bluxome, /. 1888, 36 Wall St. Benjamin Brewster Blydenburgh, /. 1883, iii Broadivay. Albert Barnes Boardman, /. 1875, 35 Wall St. Edward Chadwick Boardman, /. 1873, 155 3roadivay. Rev. William S. Boardman, a. 1857, Care D. Birdsall Of Co., 319 Broadiuay. Oscar Boedelsen, s, 1884, 309 W. izjth St. Edward C. Bogert, a. 1846, 112 E. 39M St. Henry A. Bogert. a. 1846, 97 Nassau St. Sylvester S. Bogert, M.D., m. 1865, 219 E. ■Ljtk St. Walter Lawrence Bogert, a. 1888, p. 1889, 97 Nassau St. William John Bohlk, M.D., m. 1893, 220 E. xigtA St. Charles William Bohmfalk, M.D., m. 1884, 221 £. S2d St. Hermann Bolte, I. 1874, 3 New Chambers St. Percival Ranney Bolton, M.D., m. 1890, 18 W. 16th St. Robert Bolton, s. 1879, 408 W. i()tk St. Louis Edwin Bomeisler, /. 1887, iii Broad- ivay. William Bondy, a. 1890, u. 1891, 1893, ^' 1893, 32 E. 6jth St. Louis Vacher Booraem, /. 1880, 160 Broad- ivay. Robert Elmer Booraem, j. 1878, 34 W. nth St. Charles Frank Booth, M.D., w. 1883, 117^. 83^ St. James Arthur Booth, M.D., a. 1878, tn. 1882, 419 Madison A v. John William Boothby, /. 1877, 280 Broad- way. Wenceslao Borda, /. i886, 120 Broadway. Rudolph Otto Born, M.D., m. 1887, 163 W. 2^th St. George Henry Bosley, M.D., m. 1868, 346 W. 58/"^ St. Edward Raymond Bossange, s. 1893, 75 W. 45th St. Charles Francis Bostwick, /. 1886, /. 1886, 237 Broadivay. Henry Anthon Bostwick, a. 1885, 92 Grand St. Frank Archer Bottome, M.D., w. 1889, 41 W. 126th St. George Henry Bottum, M.D., tn. 1887, 17 E. 4.6th St. Frederick Antoine Botty, /. 1877, 1640 Avenue B. Henry Conrad Botty, /. 1875, 215 Bowery. John Vernou Bouvier, Jr., a. 1886,/. 1887, /. . 1888, 22 Willia^n St. David Bovaird, M.D., tn. 1892, Presbyterian Hospital. Temple Bowdoin a. 1885, 23 Wall St. Francis Hill Bowman, a. 1894, ^4^ ^- 27^/^ St. Henry Hopper Bowman, /. 1875, 38 Park Row. Robert Bowne, Jr., M.D., tn. 1882. Nevdon Mesrob Boyajian, M.D., m. 1889, 76 Madison A v. Elizabeth Morton Boyce, a. 1892, 973 Park Av. Richard Charles Boyd, s. 1891, u. 1892, 44 W. ZUh St. Richard Vendome Boyd,/. 1881, 18 Wall St. Robert Boyd, Jr., M.D., tn. 1891. Robert Munroe Boyd, Jr., /. 1886, 11 1 Broad- ivay. William Augustus Boyd, a. 1861, 146 Broad- way. William L. Boyd, a. 1832, 409 W. 21st St. Arthur Albert Boyer, M.D., m. 1887, 33 W. 23d St. Theodore Vernon Boynton, a. 1877, 6 Wil- liam St. Nathan Gross Bozeman, M.D.,/«. 1885, 9 W. 21st St. Thomas Bracken, /. 1866, 79 Cedar St. Cornelius Cole Bradley, M.D., m. 1885. Ford ham. Edward John Bradley, /. 1889, 237 Broadway. George Bradley Bradley, M.D., m. 1890, 103 W.^->,d St. Mark Spaulding Bradley, M.D., w. 1892, 624 Lexington Av. Steplien Rowe Bradley, Jr., s. 1890, 45 Broadivay. James Cavanaugh Brady, /. 1887, 156 Broad- way. James Michael Brady, a. 1868, /. 1870, 1552 Broadivay. Alfred Victor Brailly, M.D., m. 1875, 468 Central Park, W. Clarence Brainerd, a. 1866, Care Passavant 6^ Co., 320 Church St. Benjamin Leonard Brandner, /. 1892, 171 Third A V. Charles Brandt, Jr., /. 1891, 189 Second A v. Henry Livingstone Brant, /. 1884, 38 Park Bow. Gustav Weber Bratenahl, M.D., m. 1889. Washington Brauns, a. 1800, 337 W. s&th St. James Albert Breakell, M.D., m. 1873, 249 W. 52d St. Charles Joseph Breck, Jr., a. 1894, 343 W. 56th St. John Weston Brennan, M.D., m. 1862, 143 Lexington A v. Charles Osmyn Brewster, /. 1881, 261 Broad- ivay. William Joseph Brickelmaier, M.D., m. 1879. Edwin Solis Brickner, u. 1891, 812 Lexing- ton A V. Samuel Max Brickner, M.D., m. 1891, Mt. Sinai Hospital. Samuel Willard Bridgham, s. 1867, 49 W. 23^/ St. William Haliburton Bridgham, a. 1871, 24 Waverly PI. Alanson Tuthill Briggs, Jr., a. 1892, 120 W, 93<^ St. Edward Bright, Jr., a. 1889, 170 W. s^th St. Jacob Luther Bright, /. 1877, 137 Broadway. Horace Irving Brightman, a. 1892, 3 E. 6^dSt. Matthew Van Benschoten Brinckerhoff, Jr., a. 1885, no Worth St. William Ross Brinckerhoff, a. 1893, 63 E. •j()th St. James Brisbane, /. 1874, 59 E. 64th St. William Benjamin Bristow, /. 1886, 20 Nassau St. Nath niel Lord Britton, s. 1879, Columbia College. Asahe Norton Brockway, M.D., m. 1861, 50 E. X26th St. 478 LOCALITY INDEX. {N- y- NEW YO^'K.— Continued. New York City — Continued. Fred John Brockway, M.D., m. 1887, I05 W. ni,th St. Charles Adrian Brodek, u. 1891, 112 E. 8ist St. George Livingston Broadhead, M.D., tm. 1891, Mt. Sinai Hospital. Henry Broadhead, /. 1864, 32 Nassau St. John Ernst Brodsky, /. 1876, 49-51 Cham- bers St. Edward Bennet Bronson, M.D., m. 1869, 123 W. ^tk St. Frederic Bronson, a. 1871, /. 1873, 174 Madi- son A V. Willett Bronson, /. 1863, 16 Exchange PI. Henry Stanford Brooks, /. 1888, 45 William. St. John Edward Brooks, /. 1867, 936 Broadway. William Frederick Brooks, j. 1893, 335 W. 55th St. Edward Broquet, M.D., m. 1886, 625 £. 145th St. Francis Xavier Brosnan, s. 1891, 146 W. •j^th St. William Joseph Brosnan, /. 1885, St. Johr^s College., Fordham. William Robert Bross, M.D., w. 1881, 120 Broadway. Abram Brothers, M.D,, tn. 1884, 162 Madi- son St. Samuel Brothers, M.D., tn. 1890, 93 Madison St. Alexander Brough, /, 1889, 71 Broadway. William Robert Broughton, M.D., m. 1890, 156 Madison A v. William Brooks Brouner, M.D., m. 1891, St. Luke's Hospital. Charles De Hart Brower, a. 1878, /. 1880, 10 Wall St. John Lovett Brower, /. 1867, 145 Broadway. Kev. Abbot Brown, a. 1856, 2 E. isth St. Alfred Lockwood Brown, /. 1889, 170 Broad- way. Alfred Small Brown, /. 1877, 58 William St. Augustus Homer Brown, M.D., fn. 1894. Charles Hilton Brown, /. 1877, -Lind Av. near Union. Edgar Ketchum Brown, /, 1882, 132 Nassau St. Edwin Henry Brown, /. 1874, 15 Wall St. Elias Galley Brown, a. 1893, 35 W. \-3pth St. Francis Gordon Brown, s. 1867, 15 Whitehall St. Frederick Augustus Brown, a. 1872, 20 Nassau St. Frederic Tilden Brown, M.D., tn. 1880, 40 £. ^ist St. George Selah Brown, /. 1876, 32 Warren St. George Whitfield Brown, Jr., /. 1880, 41 Park RoTv. Herbert Padelford Brown, a. 1877, 20 Nassau St. John Crosby Brown, a. 1859, 59 Wall St. Joseph Stanford Brown, a. 1883, 126 Liberty St. Joshua Brown, Jr., /. 1879, £32 W. ^6th St. Judson Coll Maiden Lane. Judson Colby Brown 1879, 232 , M.D., m. 1880, 92 Melville Brown, a. 1863, 22 Pine St. Ronald K. Brown, /. 1885, 76 Nassau St. Walston Hill Brown, a. 1864, 20 Nassau St. William Reynolds Brown, /, 1872, 59 Liberty St. Edward F. Browning, a, 1859, 408 Broome St. John Aaron Browning, a. 1875J ^ ^- 72d St, John Hammell Brower Browning, M.D., fn. 1883, 10 E. 43^ St. John Scott Browning, a. 1885, 408 Broome St. Thomas Baird Browning, a. 1864, /. 1866, 237 Broadivay , William Hull Browning, a. 1887, 408 Broome St. Rev. James Manning Bruce, a. 1866, 38 Park Row. William Mansfield Bruce, /. 1873, ^^5 Nassau St. Albert Ferdinand Brugman, M.D., m.. 1883, 588 E. i^Tst St. William Frederic Brugman, j. 1880, 144^^ St. and Southern Boulevard. Henry Joseph Bruner, a. 1883, 68 Broadway, Carroll Bryce, /. i?,^';, Knickerbocker Club, William Bryce, Jr., s. 1884, 40 W. s^th St. Mrs. Ella Fitz-Gerald Bryson, b. 1894, 132 E. 78th St. Augustus Frederick Biichler, M.D., m. 1876, 251 W. 4sth St. Albert Henry Buck, M.D., m. 1867, 19 E. •i%th St. Francis Dudley Buck, M.D., w. 1876, 158 W, i^Uh St. Francis Tillou Buck, a. 1894, 158 W. ^Sth St. Will A. Buckland, j. 1890, 36 E. szd St. Charles Gifford Buckley, /. 1880, 120 Broad- way. Charles Ramsay Buckley, a. 1874, J. 1877, 29 Broadivay. William Wheelwright Buckley, p. 1887, /. 1888, J71 Broadway. George Frederick Budenbender, /. 1877, 166 E. ZZth St. William Gunton Budington, M.D., tn. 1872, 222 W. 22,d St. '^^■' •■ A Charles Thomas Buffum, M.D., w. 1877, sE. 27th St. William Edward Buist, M.D., m. 1894, Wil' lard Parker Hospital. Lucius Duncan Bulkley, M.D., m. 1869, 4 E. zjih St. Charles Stedman Bull, M.D., a. 1864, tn, 1868, 47 w. -^eth St. Robert Maclay Bull, a. 1880, 51 Liberty St. William Tillinghast Bull, M.D., tn. 1872, 35 W. 35^A St. Harold Curtis Bullard, /. 1887, 38 Park Row. William Ebenezer Bullard, M.D., in. 1874, 112 E. ipth St. Charles Bullman, s. 1883, Care " The Safety Valve:' Ferdinand Ezra M. BuUowa, u. 1893, 46 E. eeth St. John Frederic BuUwinkel, /. 1875, 290 Broadway. Walter Charlemagne Bunn, /. 1889, 280 Broadway. Richard Clarence Bunzl, a. 1888, 120 Broad- ivay Lewis Sayre Burchard, /. 1881, 6 Wall St. Henry Jagoe Burchell, Jr., a. 1892, 38 E. 53^ St. Edward Martin Burghard, /. 1876, 80 Broad- way. Leo Burgheim, M.D., tn. 1879, 176 E. -jqih St. John Albert Burke, M.D., m. 1878, 152 W. ixth St. Richard F, Burke, M.D., tn. 1888, 653 Lex- ington A V. Russell Ely Burke, a. 1894, 17 E. 55th St. Walter Dominic Burke, /. 1882, 13 Chambers St. Charles C, Burlingham, /. 1881, 45 Williatn St. N. F.] LOCALITY INDEX. 479 NEW YOVJL— Continued. NcTV York City — Continued. Edward Worthington Burnette, M.D., m. i86q, 56 IV. zsth St. Edward Michael Burns, M.D., nt, 1894, 282 Eighth Av. Henry Miller Burns, M.D., m. 1876, 328 W. ^$th St. William Burns, M.D., tn. 1877,424 IV.^^^dSt. Frederic Martin Burr, a. 1882, 11^ Nassau St. William Patrick Burr, /. 1879, 206 Broadway. Charles Drayton Burrill, Jr., /. 1878, 45 Broad-way. Drayton Burrill, a. 1882, 80 Broadijay . Edward Livingston Burrill, a. 1885, 64 Broad- way. John Ebenezer Burrill, a. 1839, 21 Broad St. Middleton Shoolbred Burrill, /. 1881. 21 Broad St. Maurice John Burstein, M.D., nt. 1886, 179 Henry St. Stephen Smith Burt, M.D., m. 1875, 37 ^' 22d St. Warren S. Burt, /. 1889, 99 Nassau St. Edward Renshaw Busn, s. 1881, 104 yohn St. Irving E. Bush, /. 1891, 114 Nassau St, John Adriance Bush, /, 1873, 10 IVail St. Giles Francis Bushnell, /. 1880, 54 William St. William Bushnell, Jr., M,D., m. 1893, 211 W. 23^ vS"^. Charles Henry Bushong, M.D., m. 1885, 59 W. iqth St. Robert Spier Bussing, Jr., /. 1878, 120 Broad- ivay. John Bernard Busteed, M.D., tn. 1892, 118 E. ^$th St. Richard Busteed, Jr., /. 1876, 271 Broadway. Charles Butler, 2d, a. 1891, Care IV. P. But- ler^ 59 Wall St. Rev. George Hendrick Houghton Butler, a. 1883, I E. 2qth St. Howard Russell Bulter. /. 1882, 135 W. 47/A St. Robert Gordon Butler, /. 1885, 168 Nassau St. Willard Parker Butler, s. 1878, /. 1883, 59 Wall St. George Forrest Butterworth, a. 1874, /. 1876, 36 Wall St. William Henry Butterworth, a. 1864, /. 1866, 115 Broadivay. Alfred H. Byrd, /. 1889, 69 Park Av. Joseph Henry Byrne, M.D., m. 1885, 345 W. Sist St. Morris Byrne, /. 1872, 60 Liberty St. Joseph Byrnes, /. 1876, Murray Hill Hotel. Arthur William Byrt, /. 1888, 5 Beekman St. C. Arthur Winslow Cabot, a. 1881, 2 W.-i,^th St. John Cabot, M.D., tn. 1886, 168 W. i,Uh St. Edward Warner Cady, /. 1874, 99 Nassau St. Linus Bertram Cady, s. 1877, 327 Fifth Av. Santiago P. Cahill, /. 1891, 35 William St. Augustus Caille, M.D., in. 1881, 185 Second Av. Elisha S. Caldwell, a. 1859, 54 Broad St. Middleton Arnold Caldwell, /. 1889, 5 Van- derbilt A v. Henry Warner Calhoun, /. 1886, 54 Wall St. Albert Caiman, s. 1882, 332 W. efith St. David Caiman, a. 1876, /. 1880, 25 Pine St. Edward Miller Cameron, a. 1884,/. 1884, 19 . E. "jzd St. iohn Craig Cameron, /. 1874, 120 Broadway. )onald Muhlenberg Cammann, M.D., m. 1879, 19 E- 33<3f St. Henry J. Cammann, a. 1856, 11 Pine St. William Chesebrough Cammann, a. 1891, /. 1893, ID E. \6th St. Elisha K. Camp. /. 1889, 265 Broadway. Frederick Augustus Camp, p. 1887, I. 1888, 280 Broadway. Alexander V. Campbell, /. 1883, 54 William. Archibald Campbell, M.D., m. 1871, Ward^s Island. Benjamin Howell Campbell, a. 1868, 34 E. STSt St. John Campbell, u. 1890, 105 W. 104th St. John Boyd Campbell, M.D., m. 1865, 121 E. 12lSt St. Malcolm Campbell, 4 St. James Colby Colgate, /. 1887, 32 Nassau St. Arthur Patrick Coll, M.D., 7n. 1890, 157 Lex- ington A 11. Arthur Meeker Collier, M.D., m. 1889, Ran- dalV s Island. Charles Henry Collins, /. 1885, tZo Broadway. Charles Smith Collins, M.D., a. 1881, w. 1884, 103 W. e^d St. Cornelius Francis Collins, /. 1891, 327^. 37M St. Howard Dennis Collins, M.D., m. 1893, Roosevelt Hospital. Richard Collins a. 1891, 860 Broadway. Stephen Willets Collins, /. 1885, 69 Wall St. C. Craig Colt, /. 1887, University Club. Harris Dunscomb Colt, /. 1886, 32 Nassau St. Frank Bliss Colton, /. 1876, e,o Broadway. Thomas Benton Columbia, M.D., m. 1881, 351 W. ^2,th St. Randall Comfort, a. 1892, 1315 Franklin Av. Fred. Harmon Comstock, /. 1874, 36 Wall St. George Carlton Comstock, /. 1881, 23 E. jstA St. Seth Cook Comstock, M.D., m. 1894, Roose- velt Hospital. James Joseph Concanon, M.D., m. 1890, 372 IV. 32d St. Jonathan Dickinson Condict, /. 1877, 40 IVall St. George Eaton Coney, /. 1880, 48 Wall St. Alfred Ronald Conkling, /. 1879, 170 Broad- •way. Samuel Tredway Conkling, /. 1887, at Cort- landt St. Henry Martyn Congdon, a. 1854, 18 Broad- Tvay. Clarence Rapelje Conger, a. 1871, /. 1873, 19 W. 20th St. Joseph I. Connaughton, /. 1876, 291 Broad- •way. George Stanislaus Connell, a. 1894, 154 W. 2,jth St. Lewis Atterbury Conner, M.D., m. 1890, 18 W. xbth St. Thomas Bernard Connery, /. 1864, 2110 Madi- son A V. John Christopher Connor, Jr.,t I. 1870, 63 Wall St. William Edgar Conover, /. 1870, 30 W. 23^ St. Samuel Victor Constant, a. 1880, /. 1888, 120 Broadway. Ebenezer Buckingham Convers, /. 1866, 5 Beekman St. John Richard Conway, M.D., in. 1883, 130 Lexington A v. William Augustine Conway, M.D., m. 1866, 27 Chambers St. Alfred Arthur Cook, u. 1894, 152 E. jist St. Charles Arms Cook, a. 1851, 96 Broadway. Peter Cook, /. 1880, 49 Chambers St. Robert Joseph Cook, /. 1877, 347 ^- ^gth St. Valentine Cook, Jr., /. 1876, 212 E. 2>lth St. Baldwin Gardiner Cooke, M.D., tn. 1879, 73 E. With St. Lee Cooke, M.D., m. 1893, 65 W. \26th St. Nathaniel Barto Cooke, /. 1861, 59 Liberty St. Ashley Wilson Cooper, I. 1876, 208 W. i-^-^dSt. Frederic Taber Cooper, /, 1887, Harvard Club. + Now known as O' Conor. George Campbell Cooper, /. 1864, 113 E. 2\st St. Morris Cooper, /. 1881, Cotton Exchange Bldg. Henry Bascom Corey, M.D,, m. 1884, 314 Broadivay. George Birdsall Cornell, J.1877, 29 Broadway. John Thomas Cornell, /. 1866, 132 Nassau St. Peter Grant Cornell, a. 1893, 26 W. ^gth St. Robert Clifford Cornell, a. 1874, /. 1876, 54 Willi a jn St. Henry Clay Cornwall, s. 1879, Common- ivealth Ins. Co. John Howard Corwin, /. 1877, 21 Park Row. Jacinto Ramon Costa, Jr., /. 1877, 274 W. zxth St. ^ Frederic Rene Coudert, a. 1850, h. 1887, 70 William St. Frederic Rene Coudert, Jr., a. 1890, u. 1891, u. 1894, 70 William St. Jeremiah Coughlin, M.D., m. 1878, 157 W. 62d St. William Simpson Covell, j. 1893, 27 W. j^th St. Edward Fales Coward, /. 1883, 57 W. \oth St. Francis Hull Cowdrey, /. 1867, 31 Pine St. William Cowen, M.D., m. 1883, 35 E. 60th St. Rufus Billings Cowing, Jr., a. 1892, 138 E. 78th St. Charles Pitkin Cowles, /. 1882, 3 Broad St. Edward Donaldson Cowman, /. 1868, 54 Wall St. Edwin Marion Cox, Jr., M.D., m. 1891, Roosevelt Hospital. Henry M. Cox, M.D., ?n. 1871, 300 Mulberry St. Jennings Stockton Cox, Jr., s. 1887, 76 W, 6&th St. Walter Cox, /. 1881, Spuyten Duyvil. Wilmot Townsend Cox, /. 188 1, 16 Exchange PI. Mac^ane Coxe, /. 1881, 43 Wall St. Edwin Bradford Cragin, M.D., m. 1886, 62 W. soth St. Reuben Melville Cramer, M.D., m. 1881, in W. 34th St. Henry Edward Crampton, Jr., a, 1893, 256 W. Z2lSt St. Albert Crane, /. 1866, 35 Wall St. Alden Seabury Crane, /. 1885, 132 Nassait St. Frank Warren Crane, a. 1890, 57 W. j^d St. John Joseph Crane, M.D., m. 1876, 43 W. jist St. Wilham Ignatius A. Cranitch, /. 1885, 51 Chambers St. George Waldo Crary, M.D., m. 1885, 152 W. 57th St. Paul Drennan Cravath, /. 1886, 120 Broad' •way. James Harrison Cravens, u. 1890, 9 W. 30th St. Frank Lindsay Crawford, /. 1882, 229 Broad' •way. Gilbert Holmes Crawford, /. 1870, 229 Broad- way Harry Jansen Crawford, /. 1894, 252 W. 73d St. Monroe Crawford, /. 1889, 34 Nassau St. Patrick W, Cremin, M.D., m. 1866, 848 Lex- ington A V. Walter Hayden Crittenden, /. 1883, 80 Wash- ington Sq. Francis Bacon Crocker, s. 1882, 26 W. -zid St. Helen Brigham Crocked, b. 1894, 77 W. gist St. Frank Cromwell, /. 1879", 137 Broadway. Lincoln Cromwell, a. 1886, /. 1887, /, 1889, i Greene St. William Nelson Cromwell, /. 1876, 45 Wall St. 482 LOCALITY INDEX, IN. y. NEW YORK- Continued. New York City — Continued. John Joseph Cronin, M.D., fn. 1893, Roose- velt Hospital. Reuben Cronson, M.D., m. 1888, 238 E. zxgtk St. Abel Crook, /. 1864, 93 Nassau St. Samuel Preston Cropper, M.D., tn. 1877, 231 U^. 15M St. Edward Nicoll Crosby, a. 1887, 118 £. z^tA St. William Bedlow Crosby, /. 1867, 120 Broad- way. Charles Hopper Crowe, a. 1878, 26 Exchange PI. Charles Edward Crowell, /. 1870, 206 Broad- way. Joseph Franklin Crowell, a. 1878, /. 1880, 115 Broadway. Frank Ressler Crumbie, /. 1884, BlackivelVs Island. John Ambrose Deady, /. 1868, 59 Wall St. William H. Deady, /. 1880, 156 Broadway. Bashford Dean, a. 1888, Columbia College. Frederic Dean, /. 1880. William Dean, a. 1855, 31 Nassau St. William Aug. Deering, /. 1877, 23 Park Row. Wilmot Waber Dees, M.D., tn. 1885, 322 E. zZth St. N. Y.I LOCALITY INDEX. 483 NEW YO'RK—ConHnued. New York City — Continued. Henry Wheeler de Forest, /. 1878, 62 Wil- liant St. Othniel De Forest, a. 1882, iii Broadway. Robert Weeks De Forest, /. 1872, 120 Broad- way. William Henry De Forest, Jr., a. 1878, iii Broadway. Edward Ritzema De Grove, /. 1871, 38 Park Row. Albert Delafield, /, 1870, 45 Cedar St. Francis Delafield, M.D., m. 1863. Frederick Prime Delafield, /. 1888, 49 Ex- change PI. Lewis Livingston Delafield, /. 1884, iii Broadway. Maturin Livingston Delafield, a. 1856, 475 Fifth A V. Charles Herman ce De Lancy, M.D., »f . 1891, 244 JV. 562'A .S"^. Edward Gibbons Delaney, /. 1876, 280 Broad- way. iohn Joseph Delany, /. 1888, 2 Tryon Rotv. >aniel Edward Delavan, /. 1881, 44 Broad- way. David Bryson Delavan, M.D., m. 1875, i E. 23d St.^ Daniel De Leon, /. 1878, 184 William St. Edwin Warren De Leon, /. 1889, 44 Pine St. Eden Vinson Delphey, M.D., nt. 1889, 358 W. sSth St. Emilio Del Pino, a. 1873, /. 1875,45 William St. Theodore Frelinghuysen Cornell Demarest, a. 1864, /. 1868, 32 Nassau St. Charles Clerc Deming, /. 1825, 10 Wall St. Nelson Hospital. Nelson Lloyd Deming, M.D., nt. 1893, City S; Cnarles Mason Demond, /. 1885, 58 William St. William Curtis Demorest, a. 1881, /. 1883, ^5 E. 14th St. Alfonso de Navarro, /. 1883, 143 Liberty St. Edward Bradford Dench, M.D., m. 1885, 17 W. ^pth St. William Miller Denman, /. 1862, 5 Beektnan St. Edward Francis Denner, M.D., m. 1894, 944 Second A v. Leonidas Dennis, /. 1886, 3 Broad St. Warren Ezekiel Dennis, /. 1880, 42 W. 51J/ St. Rev, John Alexander Denniston, a. 1867, 12 Clinton PI. Frederic James de Peyster, /. 1862, 7 E, ^zd St. Samuel Derickson, M.D., a. 1885, m. 1890,67 E. 56M St. Samuel Gardner Derickson, /. 1871, 61 W. ggth St. John De Ruyter, a. 1851, 75 Madison A v. Charles Augustus Deshon, /. 1878, 237 Broad- way. Leo Charles Dessar, /. 1870, 261 Broadway. Charles Henry Detwiller, s. 1885, 97 Nassau St. John Chilton Devereux, /. 1S88, 120 Broad- way. Jos6 Lopez de Victoria, M.D., m. 1887, i6q E. 6qth St. Francis Louis de Villa, M.D., m. 1890. Charles Francis Devlin, /. 1870, 2 Wall St. Robert John Devlin, M.D., m. 1881, 156 W. x^th St. John P. HeyligerDe Wint, /. 1878, 41 Wall St. George Gosman De Witt, a. 1867, /. 1869, 88 Nassau St. Henry Clinton De Witt, /. 1874, 206 Broad- way. .^. "^ Benjamin Franklin Dexter, M.D., th. 1876, 39 W. ^qth St. Edward Nicoll Dickerson, /. 1876, 64 E. 2^tA St. George Henry Dickerson, /. 1878, 166 W. 127th St. Charles Dickinson, /. 1884, 55 Liberty St. ' \ Frederick Dieffenbach, Jr., /. 1888, w^Broad- IV ay. Conrad Augustus Dieterich, /. 1892, 229 Broadiuay. Norman Staunton Dike, /. 1887, 156 Broad- ivay. Robert George Dillenback, /. 1893, 109 W, 6gth St. _ Frederick Henry Dillingham, M.D., m. 1880, 636 Lexington A v. John Milton Dillon, /. 1889, igs Broadway. John Rhinelander Dillon, /. 1877, ^32 ^. zeth St. Joseph Aloysius Dillon, M.D., m. 1894, 118 W. ^yth St. George Morris Dillow, M.D., tn. 1875, 102 W. 43d St. Read Gordon Dilworth, a. 1891, /. 1893, ^'^ Broadway. Leo Dinkelspiel, M.D., m. 1883, 104 W. SjtA St. Addison Soper Diossy, Jr., M.D., m. 1878, 145 Broadivay . Edward Wilson Ditmars, /. 1883, 140 Nassau St. Irving Meade Dittenhoefer, /. 1883, /. 1885, 96 Broadivay . Rev. Morgan Dix, a. 1848, h. 1862, 29 Vesey St. Warren Rogers Dix, /. 1877, ^^ Broadiuay. George Arthur Dixon, M.I)., w. 1878, 15 W. /^qth St. Herbert Sidney Dixon, M.D., m. 1892, 328 W. 145M St. Hiram Robert Dixon, /. 1864, 61 Broadway. William Palmer Dixon, /. 1870, So Broadway, Edwin Albert Dobbins, /. 1872, 140 Boule- vard. Frank Despard Dodge, s. 1888, «. 1890, 137 Water St. Henry Nehemiah Dodge, M. D., fn. i868. Joseph Smith Dodge, Jr., M. D., a. 1853, ^5 W. 20th St. Horace Keating Doherty, /. 1876, 20 Nassau St. James J. Doherty, /. 1874, 320 Broadivay. Robert Emmett Doherty, /. 1887, 45 Wall St. Charles Francis Dolan, s. 1892, 111 ^. 129/A St. John Blair Doland, /. 1884, 19 Nassau St. Herbert Spencer Dormitzer, a. 1885, P. O. Box 06. Rooert Clarence Dorsett, a. 1872, /. 1877, 7 Nassau St. George Henry Donahue, M. D., m. 1882, 68 E. 20th St. Walter Alexander Donaldson, /. 1880, 42 New St. James Ackins Donegan, /. 1884, 115 Nassau St. J. Abdon Donnegan, /. 1889, 280 Broadivay. Gustavus Trask Donnell, a. i88q, u. i8qo, ^41 W. s6th St. William Ballou Donnell, a. 1893, 330 W. S6th St. Thomas Fred. Donnel/y, /.1884, (^(^ Nassau St 484 LOCALITY INDEX. \N. V. NEW YORK— Continued. New York City — Continued. Daniel Joseph Donovan, Jr., M. D., m. 1887, 1684 Lexington A v. Joseph Michael Donovan,/. 1887, 59 Wall St. William Francis Donovan, M.D., in. 1890, Gouverneur Hospital. John Joseph Dooley, M.D., m. 1890, 340 W. SSi^ Si- Fernand d' Orbessan, M.D., m. 1893, 334 W. 22,th St. William Coffin Dornin, Jr., a. 1894 52 W. SSth St. John Henry Dorrity, /. 1873, i33i ^- 5^^^ ^i- Charles Arthur Doten, /. 1870, 145 Broadway. John Hampden Dougherty, /. 1874, 7 Nas- sau St. Francis E. Doughty, M.D., m. 1869, 512 Madison A v. Benjamin Douglas, Jr., /. 1874, 314 Broad- •way. John Sheaf e Douglas, s. 1890, 72 J^ Irving PI. Henry Beaman Douglass, M.D., m. 1886, 171 W. 8ist St. Allen Wade Dow, s. 1888, 202 tV. j^tA St. Frederic George Dow, /. 1875, 192 Broad- ivay. Charles North Dowd, M.D., m. 1886, 135 W. •j-^d St. Francis Dwight Dowley, /. 1885, 165 Broad- ivay. John E. Dowley, /. 1880, 79 Nassau St. John William Dowling, M.D., a. 1884,41 W. 4$t/i. St. Harrison Downes, /. 1871, loi IV. 8ist St. Stancliff Bazen Downes, j. 1882, 1071 Madi- son Av. Rev. Henry Ammi Dows, a. 1862, 551 W. x$6th St. Rev. Bernard Drachman, a. 1882, 36 E. "j^tk St. Gustave Stein Drachman, /. 1885, 261 Broad- ivay. Allison Drake, u. 1893, 328 W. \i,^th St. Elias Guion Drake, Jr., a. 1854, iii Broad- ivay. William Henry Draper, M.D,, a. 1851, 19 £. /^ith St. William Kinnicutt Draper, M.D., m. 1888, 33 W. 2qth St. iames Coleman Drayton, /. 1876, 67 IVall St. >aniel LeRoy Dresser, s. 1889, 273 Church St. Theodore Washington Dreyfus, /. 1890, 45 E. ()2d St. Frank Drisler, a. 1874, 9 E. ^qth St. Henry Drisler, a. 1839, h. 1864, 48 W. 46th St. Henry Drisler, Jr., a. 1869, 331 Pearl St. Herman Drisler, a. 1876, /. 1878, 9 E. tfyth St. Thomas Stafford Drowne, Jr., a. 1877, /. 1879, 15 Broad St. Louis Drucklieb, M.D., m. 1886, 147 E. 60th St. Isaac Wyman Drummond, j. 1878, u. 1880, 101 Fulton St. Alexander Duane, M.D., tn. 1881, 25 W. y.st St. Matthew Brinkerhoff Du Bois, M.D., a, 1864, m. 1868, 156 Broadivay. Richard Dudensing, Jr., /. 1881, 145 Broad- way. Henry Dudley, at 186 1, 56 W. e^jth St. Percy Sheldon Dudley, /. 1886, /. 1888, 102 Broadway. James Gore King Duer, a. 1862, 53 William. St. John Duer, a. 1859, /. 1861, 50 Wall St. William Alexander Duer, a. 1869, /. 1871, 115 Broadway. Edward Leonce Dufourcq, s. 1892, 846 Lex- ington A V. Rev. Cornelius R. Duffie, a. 1841, 263 Lex- ington A V. Carl Elias Dufft, M.D., m. 1891. Francis Duffy, /. 1881, 519 Manhattan Av. Patrick Gavan Duffy, /. 1869, Union Sq, Hotel. Michael Edward Duffy, /. 1889, 234 Broad- way. Francis Anthony Dugro, /. 1878, 229 Broad- 'way. Jacob Walmsley Dugro, /. 1877, ^S^ ^. 125^^ St. Philip Henry Dugro, a. 1876, /. 1878, Hotel Savoy. Frederick Smyth Duncan, /. 1893, 120 Broad- Tvay. Edward Kellogg Dunham, M.D., s. 1881, 338 E. 26th St. George Bell Dunn, /. 1877, 132 Nassau St, John Patrick Dunn, /. 1885, Fordhani. Frank Dunning, /. 1878, 67 Wall St. William FuUerton Dunning, /. 1879, 67 Wall St. Samuel Whitney Dunscomb, Jr., u. 1891, u. 1893, /. 1893, 28 W. \2Zth St. Frank J. Dupignac, /. 1869, 120 Broadway . Walton Clarke Dupignac, /. 1876, 99 Nassau St. Albert Walter Durand, M.D., m. 1886, 353 W. 20th St. John Stewart Durand, /. 1883, 146 Broadway. Joseph Hart Durkee, a. 1884, 45 Broadway. Walter Lorton Dusenberry, j. 1884, 361 Pro- duce Exchange. Basil H. Dutcher, s. 1892, 525 Manhattan Av. Elbridge Gerry Duvall, /. 1872, 15-17 Beek- jnan St. George Ferdinand Duysters, /. 1879, 59 Wall St. Edward Foote Dwight, /. 1889, 96 Broadway. Jonathan Dwight, Jr., M.D., m. 1893, 2 E. •>,ifth St. Stanley Dwight, /. 1879, 404 Greenwich St. Harrison Gray Dyar, u. 1894, 76 W. 6qth St. Elisha Dyer, III., /. 1885, 44 Wall St. Henry Trowbridge Dykman, /. 1877, 280 Broadway. E. Clifford Faitoute Eagle, a. 1863, 129 E. ■^oth St. Edward Earle, /. 1881, 13 E. (i-3,d Sx.. Mortimer Lamson Earle, a. 1886, u. 1887, u. 1889, 462 W._z2d St. George Williams Eastman, /. 1877, 5 Beek- man St. Henry Membry Western Eastman, /. 1875, 5 Beekinan St. Charles Edwin Eaton, /. 1886, 72 Greene St. Henry Ware Eaton, /. 1888, Tribune Build- ing. Thomas Charles Edward Ecclesine, a. 1870, /. 1871, 44 Broadivay. Emilio Echeverria, M.D., m. 1889, 137 E. zZth St. Martin John Echeverria, M.D., fn. 1890. Frank Loomis Eckerson, u. 1890, 99 Nassau St. N. F.] LOCALITY INDEX. 485 NEW YO^K.— Continued, New York City — Continued. John Esler Eckerson, /. 1864, 72 W. \sth St. George Michael Edebohls, M.D,, m. 1875, iq8 Second A v. Myer Edelman, /. 1893, ^78 E. j6th St. Charles Henry Edgar, /. 1879, 5 Beekman St. Newbold Le Roy Edgar, /. 1884, 3 Broad St. Walter Doumaux Edmonds, /. 1876, 2 Beek- man St. Cyrus Edson, M.D., m. 1881, 9 W. ^qth St. David Orr Edson, M.D., m. 1891, 118 Madi- son Av. Arthur Mead Edwards, M.D., m. 1873. Charles Howard Edwards, /. 1871, 1155 Mag- nolia Av. Duncan Edwards, /. 1887, 5 Beekman St. Gerard Morris Edwards, /. 1883, 16 Exchange PI. Wheeler De Forest Edwards, /. 1874, iii Broadway. William David Edwards, /, 1878, i Exchange PL Felix George Edward Effray, /. 1881, 152 E. 83d SL James Chidester Egbert, Jr., a. 1881, u. 1885, Columbia College. Hermann Arthur Ehrmann, M.D., m. 1886, 519 E. tid St. Henry Frederick Eichacker, M.D., m. 1890. John Eichler, /. 1880, 113 St. Mark's PI. Ernest Frederick Eidlitz, «. 1891, 123 E. -j^d St. Ferdinand Eidman, Jr., /. zSgi, 145 Nassau St. Rev. William E. Eigenbrodt, a. 1831, 127 tV. 13th St. Daniel Einhorn, /. 1883, 538 Broadway. John Porter Elder,/. 1889, 115 Broadway. Robert Duncan Elder, /. 1872, 64 E. 131st St. Abraham Isaac Elkus, /. 1888, 31 Nassau St. Ellsworth Eliot, Jr., M.D., m. 1887, 48 IV. 36th St. Walter Graeme Eliot, s. 1878, University Club. Channing Ellery, a. 1877, 228 W. 38/A St. Duncan Elliot, a. 1884, 80 Broadway. Henry Thurloe Elliot, M.D., m. 1871, 158 W. Xi^h St. Arthur Henry Elliott, s. 188 1, 4 Irving PI. George Robert Elliott, M.D., m. 1881, 48 E. tkth St. Richmond Bullock Elliott, M.D., m. 1873, 25 E. i^gth St. William Elliott, j. 1880, 56 Wall St. George Williams Ellis, /. 1870, 155 Broadway. Nathaniel Ellis, /. 1874, 371 Broadway. Ralph Nicholson Ellis, /. 1883, 20 IV. sjth St. John Edward Ellison, /. 1878, 16-18 Ex- change PI. Augustine Elmendorf, a. 1892, n6 E. 70th St. Charles Albert Elsberg, M.D., tn. 1893, 137 E. S7th St. Albert Heman Ely, M.D., m. 1888, 19 W, 4,tth St. Alfred Ely, /. 1880, 29 Nassau St. Henry Bidwell Ely, a. 1888, 23 VV. 26th St. John Slade Ely, M.D., m. 1886, 107 IV. 74th St. Leonard W. Ely, M.D., a. 1889, 32 W. 88th St. H. Seymour Emans, M.D., m. 1892, 226 E. 9,0th St. Solomon Alexis Emanuel, /. 1875, 320 Broad- way. Aymar Embury, a. 1876, /. 1878, 67 Wall St. Rev. William Oliver Embury, /, 1866, Bolton Rd. and 2x^1 h St. John Haven Emerson, M.D., a. i860, m, 1864, 81 Madison A V. Livingston Emery, a. 1886, /. 1888, Bennett Building. Bache McEvers Emmet, M.D., m. 1867. 18 E. 30th St. Charles Emmett, /. 1869, 13 William St. John Duncan Emmett, M.D., m. 1882, 91 Madison A v. Charles Crook Emott, /. 1872, t86 Grand St. Thomas Burnham Enders, M.D., m. 1891, 163 W. 121st St. George Herbert Engelhard, /. 1893 ^- O. Box Thomas Charlock Ennever, /. 1873, 132 Nassau St. James Seferen Ennis, M.D., m. 1890, 117 E. zjth St. Alfred Epstein, /. 1893, 122 E. 85th St. William Erbe, /. 1889, 95 Nassau St. Albert Erdman, /. 1891, 132 Nassau St. William Erdman, /. 1887, m Broadway. Mitchell Louis Erlanger, /. 1882, 69 Wall St. Frederick Henry William Ernst, /. 1880, 215 Boivery. Everett James Esselstyn, /. 1888, 35 Wall St. Charles Frederick, Estwick, /. 1875, 20 Nassau St. Leo Ettinger, M.D., m. 1884, 204 E. 72^ St. George Anthony Euring, /. 1879, 344K \.E. 16th St. John Edward Eustis, /. 1877, 80 Broadivay. George Abraham Evans, M.D., w. 1874, 337 W. 15/A St. Lemuel Edward Evans, /. 1864, 13 Park Row. Thomas G. Evans, /. 1876, 49 Nassau St. Thomas Wyche Evans, /. 1882, 548 Fifth Av. Duane Shuler Everson, a. 1864, 20 Fifth Av. Douglass Ewell, M.D., a. 1888, m. 1891, Roosevelt Hospital. Hampton Denman Ewing, a. 1888,/. 1889, 120 Broadway. Thomas Ewing, Jr., a. 1885, 120 Broadway. Charles Seabury Eytinge, a. 1887, 326 W. 51st F. George Ernest Fahys, s. 1884, 41 Maiden Lane. Jarvis Rose Fairchild, a. 1888, 806-808 Broad- way. Haliburton Fales, a. 1872, /. 1874, 3^3 Fifth Av. Joseph Paul Fallon, Jr., /. 1893, 165 E. ii8th St. Thomas Jefferson Falls, /. 1878, 150 Broad- way. Abram Mills Fanning, Jr., M.D., m.. 1886, 252 W. i2jth St. William Fanning, a. 1870, /. 1871, 315 Madi- son Av. Joseph H. Fargis, /. 1889, 20 Nassau St. John Wilson Farquhar, /. 1887, 36 Wall St. George Clinton Farrar, a. 1848, 70 Wooster St. Edward Sherman Farrington, M.D., m. 1892, Bellevue Hospital. Edgar Fawcett, a. 1867, Union Club. Benson Mitchell Feldman, M.D., m. 1877, 170 E. "jgth St. John Thomas Fenlon, /. 1883, 261 Broadway, Thomas Legare Fenn, Jr., M. D., 7n. 1882. Julius Morton FergusoUj /. 1873, i^S Broad- way. Robert Ferguson, nt. 1883, 9 E. ^gth St. 486 LOCALITY INDEX. {_N. V. NEW YORK— Continued. New York City — Continued. Carlos Ferrer Ferrer, j. 1883, 39 Broad St. Jose Maria Ferrer, M.D., m. 1879, 35 E. y.st St. Albert Warren Ferris, M.D., m. 1882, 12 E. 47M St. Clarence Clark Ferris, /. 1892, 35 Wall St. Joseph Fettretch, /. 1864, " Times'''' Building. Henry Feuchtwanger, s.1882, 99 Franklin St. Cortlandt de Peyster Field, a. 1859, 21 E. z6tk St. Edward Pearsall Field, /. i83o, 14 W. 2,6th St. Edward Stabler Field, a. 1881, /, 1883, 80-82, Leonard St. Frank Harvey Field, /. 1888, 261 Broadivay. William Hildreth Field, /. 1865, 923 Madison Av. Frank Sidney Fielder, M.D., in. 1892, 7 W. i^th St. William John Fields, M.D., w. 1880, 176 W. 2,TSt St. Edward Bronson Finch, M,D., /«. 1894, 123 W. 342"^ St. George Henry Finck, a. 1887, /. 1889, 140 Nassau St. Charles Sebastian Fischer, Jr., M.D., tn. 1881, no W. \7.Uh St. Gustav Grant Fischlowitz, M.D., in. 1892, German Hospital. Hamilton Fish, Jr., a. i86g, /. 1873, 104 Broadivay. Nicholas Fish, a. 1867, 120 Broadivay. Stuyvesant Fish, a. 1871, 214 Broadivay. Frederic Eugene Fishel, /. 1882, 150 Broad- ivay. Lloyd Wiegand Fisher, s. 1890, 109 E. T&th St. Willard Fisher, s. 1888, 361 W. 56M St. William P. Fisher, /. 1889, 87 Nassau St. James Porter Fiske, M. D,, m. 1891, 328 W. $-jth St. Thomas Scott Fiske, a. 1885, u. 1888, 328 W. Slth St. William Piatt Fitch, /. 1873, Grand Union Hotel. Eugene Maurice Fitzgerald, /. 1888, /. 1889, II Pine St. Frank Thomas Fitzgerald, /. 1878, 200 Broad- ivay. James J, Fitzpatrick, /. 1889, 376-378 Green- ivich St. James M. Fitzsimons, /. 1877, 212 E. 32a? St. Thomas Philip Fitzsimons, /. 1878, 26 W. ^sth St. John George Flammer, /. 1877, 289 Green- wich St. Edward Matthew Fleming, M.D., m. 1882, 1785 Lexington Av. Martin Joseph Fleming, M.D., m. 1872 132 Lexington A v. William Walton Fletcher, /. 1879, 45 Broad- way. Frederick William Floyd, s. 1877, 539 W. 20th St. Rev. Elbert Floyd-Jones, Jr., a. 1889, u. 1890, 292 Madison A v. Luke M. Flynn, /. 1882. Francis Foerster, M.D., in. 1883, 228 W. nth St. James Francis Fogerty, /. 1891, 401 W. 26th St. Edward Foggin, /. 1893, 58 E. g^d St. Henry Clay Folger, Jr., /. 1881, 26 Broadway. Matthew Henry Folger, /. 1887, 2 Wall St. Edward Bond Foote, M.D., m. 1876, P. O. Box 788. Edwin Bancroft Foote, /. 1871, care Lincoln Safe Deposit Co. Francis Forbes, /. 1869, 137 Broadway. Henry Hall Forbes, M.D., m. 1890, 24 W, zsth St. William J. Forbes, /. 1879, 14 J?. William St. William Hall Ford, /. 1879, 51 Liberty St. Peter Forrester, a. 1862, 18 Broadivay. William Forster,/, 1881, /. 1883, 59 Wall St. Charles Leonard Foster, /. 1883, 18 Wall St. Clarence Marion Foster, /. 1875, 137 Broad- ivay. Frank Pierce Foster, M.D., m. 1862, 16 E, 21st St. Frederic de Peyster Foster, a. 1868, /. 1872, 18 Wall St. James Peers Foster, /. 1873, 518 Madison Av, John Hone Foster, a. 1874, 18 Wall St. Matthias Lanckton Foster, M.D., m. 1885, 7 E. 41st St. Reginald Guy Foster, s. 1893, 16 E. -^ist St. Roger Foster, /. 1880, 35 Wall St. Tallmadge Woodward Foster, a. 1868, 80 Broadivay. Warren William Foster, /. 1883, 261 Broad- way. George Bingham Fowler, M.D., in. 1871, 56 W. sotk St. Jonathan Odell Fowler, Jr., a. 1865, 165 Broadivay. Robert Ludlow Fowler, /. 1870, 35 William St. Thomas Powell Fowler, /. 1874, e^ Wall St. Edwin M. Fox, /. 1878, 147 Nassau St. Walter Fox, /. 1891, 521 W. 2,A,th St. Andrew Ernest Foye, s. 1890, 163 W. jgth St. Clarence Wadsworth Francis, a. 1877, /. 1879, 31 Pine St. Pedro Florentino Francke, M.D., m. 1892, 196 Madison A v. Herman Frank, /. 1878, 291 Broadway. Jerome William Frank, j. 1888, 2 W. 83d St. John Frank, M.D., m. 1880, iii Rivington St. Julius Josej)h Frank, /. 1873, 62 William St. Simon Gabriel Frank, M.D., in. 1893, 745 Sth St. Edward Frankel, M.D., m. 1868, 217 E. ijih St. Henry E. Frankenberg, Jr., /. 1888, 79 Walk- er St. Jacob Henry Frankenberg, M.D., in. 1883, 142 E. 74M St. John Frankenheimer, /. 1875, 15 Wall St. Emil Frankfield, s. 1886, 328 W. s6tk St. Benjamin Franklin, /. 1874, 18 Wall St. Benjamin H. Franklin, a. 1843, 35 Broadway. Ruford Franklin, a. 1886, /. 1888, 531 Fifth Av. Karl Heinrich Gustav Frauenstein, M.D., tn. 1868, 359 W. 15M St. Eugene Frayer, /. 1879, 52 William St. George Cornell Freeoorn, M.D., in. 1873, 200 W. s6th St. Edwin Jackson Freedman, /. 1883, 2 Tryon Row. Richard Washington Freedman, /. 1881, 2 Wall St. William Horatio Freedman, s. 1889, s. 1891, 120 W. T.2$th St. Henry Rankin Freeland, /. 1865, 102 Broad- ivay Alpheus Freeman, M.D., in. 1882, i23-£'. jj^th St. N. F.] LOCALITY INDEX. 487 NEW YOKK—Contittued. New York City — Continued. Rowland Godfrey Freeman, M.D., a. 1883, tn. 1886. 147 IV. zjih St. John Wesley French, a. 1885, 218 Lenox Av. Albert Henry Fridenberg, M.D., m. 1877, 60 E. 61st St. Edward Fridenberg, M.D., m. 1878, 2019 Fifth A V. William B. Friedberg, /. 1877, 18 Wall St. Alfred Friedman, M.D., m. 1876, 862 Lex- ington A V. Jean Jacques Friedrich, M.D., vt. 1871, 131 E. ^2d St Meyer M, Friend, /. 1873, 11 Pine St. Theodore Henry Friend, /. 1875, 32 Nassau St. Harry Dubois Frisbee, s. 1894, 1340 Fulton Av. Abraham Leopold Fromme, /. 1887, 287 Broadway. Isaac Fromme, /. 1876, 287 Broadway. Edward Lawrence Frost, /. 1883, 132 Nassau St. Halstead Holoway Frost, Jr., a. 1883,/. 1886, 18 Wall St. John Bradbury Frothingham, /. 1875, i Broadway. John Lewis Friiauf, /. 1885, 621 Lexington Av. George Gardiner Fry, L 1885, wi, Nassau St. Ventur; xi2th St. Ventura Fuentes Fry, /. 18 , M.D., tn. 1892, 325 IV. Joseph Edward Fuld, M.D., m. 1893, 226 E. Charles Dudley Fuller, a. 1862, 139 Green- •wich St. Perry James Fuller, /. 1876, 145 Nassau St. William Henry Fuller, /. 1863, 129 E. ^id St. William W. Fuller, /. 1888, 32 Nassau St. Kennedy Bailey FuUerton, /. 1877, 41 Park EOTV. Louis Mills Fulton, /. 1877, 31 Nassau St. Charles Van Loon Gabriel, /. 1884, 200 Broad- luay. George Clarence Gage, M.D., nt. 1872, 47 W. ^K)th St. Samuel Edson Gage, s. 1887, 114 Fifth Av. Henry William Gaines, /. 1878, 284 Pearl St. George Washington Galinger, /. 1871, 5 Beek- man St. Francis D. Gallatin, a. 1891, 52 New St. Frederick Gallatin, /. 1863, 261 Broadway. Bern Budd Gallaudet, M.D., m. 1884, 62 W. 35th St. Albert Gallup, /. 1876, 58 William St. Howard Gallup, a. 1875, 3° Broad St. Daniel Vincent Galvan, M.D., m. 1887, 27 W. g6thSt. Asa Bird Gardiner, Jr., a. 1887, 173 Front St. James Graham Gardiner, /. 1886, 120 Broad- ivay. John Lyon Gardiner, /. 1863, 674 Madison Av. Albert Wild Gardner, M.D., m. 1890, 54 W. S^th St. Eugene Terry Gardiner, /. 1863, 150 Nassau St. Herschel L. Gardner, a. 1892, /. 1894, 118 E. 4$th St. . John Charles Fremont Gardner, /. 1877, 80 Broadway. Watts Deming Gardner, s. 1888, Board of Health. William Sinn Gardner, M.D., tn. 1889, 415 West End A v. George Frederic Garr, a. 1881, /. 1885, ^4 ^« 45/A St. Charles Miller Garrison, M.D., m. 1884, 105 W. 2,^th St. Granville William Garth, a. 1886, 33 Wall St. John Anson Garver, /. 1877, 45 William St. Thomas Townsend Gaunt, M.D., m. 1881, 32 W. 33a' .S^. Joseph George Gay, /. 1876, 154 Nassau St. Henry Bell Gayley, /. 1888, 52 Wall St. Edward Winslow Geer, /. 1876, 170 Broadway. George Jarvis Geer, Jr., s. 1868, 453 Broome St. Rev. William Montague Geer, a. 1869, /. 1871, 29 Vesey St. Jacob Augustus Geissenhainer, a. 1858, 293 Broadivay. Frederick Geller, /. 1885, 22 William St. Maurice Gottleib Gennert, a. 1887, 24 E. z^th St. Evan Philip George, a. 1875, /. 1877, 33 Broadway. James Watson Gerard, a. 1843, h. 1891, 54 William St. James Watson Gerard, Jr., a. 1890, u. 1891, 17 Gratnercy Park. Elbridge Thomas Gerry, a. 1857, 261 Broad- way. John Frederic Gesner, a, 1859, 15 State St. Robert Parkhill Getty, Jr., a. 1880, 206 Broadivay. John Blair Gibbs, M.D., m. 1882, 28 W. 20/A St. Charles Dana Thompson Gibson, M.D., tn, 1868, 149 Broadway. Lewis McPhee Gibson, M.D., m. 1889, 357 Boulevard West. Robert Gibson, Jr., /. 1892, 45 Wall St. William Henry Gibson, /. 1875, 20 Nassau St. James Meacham Giflord, /. 1883, 319 W. xo^d St. Livingston Gifford, I. 1877, 32 Park PI. John Gihon, a. 1861, 26 Pine St. Bartlett Gilbert, Jr., M.D., m. 1890, 348 E, 2,^th St. _ Frederick Lawrence Gilbert, /. 1887, iii Broadway. William T. Gilbert, /. 1880, 31 Nassau St. Alexander Gilchrist, Jr., /. 1883, Federal Building. Patrick Frederick Gildea, M.D., m. 1889. William Whitehead GilfiUan, M.D., m. 1890, 275 Lexington A v. John Parkin Gilford, a. 1888, 473 Lexing- ton A V. Samuel Townsend Gilford, a. 1886, /. 1888, 473 Lexington A v. Thomas Buchanan Gilford, a. 1835, 473 Lex- ington A V. Thomas Buchanan Gilford, a. 1885,/. 1886, /. 1887, 473 Lexington Av. Andrew Gilhooly, a. 1868, /. 1870, 5 Beek- man St. William Erwin Gilhooly, a. 1870, /. 1873, 5 Beekman St. Elmslie Morven Gillett, a. 1868, 127 Water St. Walter Robarts Gillette, M.D., m. 1863, 25 W. /^oth St. William Cantine Gilley, M.D., w. 1885, 59 Bank St. Edwin James Gillies, a. 1882, 245 Washing ton St. 488 LOCALITY INDEX. \N, V. NEW YORK— Continued. New York City — Continued. St. George Matthew Gillies, /. 1888, 55 Liberty Frederic Stark Gillis, /. 1880, 128 E. 2^tk St. George Houghton Gilman, a. 1887, 71 IVall St. Thomas F. Gilroy, Jr., /. 1891, 7 li^. 121st St. Walter Clarke Gilson, /. 1876, 48 U^'all St. John M. Gitterman, u. 1892, 43 IV. ^6th St. Frank Schoch Glass, /. 1S77, 120 Broadway. Robert Winning Glassford, M.D., m. 1878, 350 W. 46M St. George Waterbury Glaze, /. 1889, ^- 1891, ix'] E. both St. John Joseph Gleason, /. 1877, 140 Nassau St. James Knox Glenn, Jr., /. 1875. Henry Sheaffe Glover, /. 1879, 31 Nassau St. William Edgar Glover, /. 1867, 11 Pine St. Abram Lawrence Gnichtel, M.D., m. 1891, 407 iV. i^i,th St. ' Charles Franc Goddard, a. 1887, /. 1888. /. 1889, 180 W. %Uh St. Edward L. Godfrey, /. 1894, 216 E. ^6th St. Laurence Godkin, /. 1883, 45 William St. iacob Conrad Goebel, /. 1876, 257 Broadway. ,ewis S. Goebel, /. 1866, 41 Park Roiv. Robert Goelet, a. i860, /. 1862, 9 W. ijth St. Robert Goeller, a. 1888, /, 1889, 6 Wall St. Joseph Goldbacher, /. 1876, 229 Broadway. William F. Goldbeck, /. 1885, 40 Wall St. Charles Auguste Lambert Goldey, /. 1866, 261 Broadway. Julius Goldman, /. 1872, ii Pine St. Leo Goldmark, /. 1875, 13 W. ^2d St. Edward Goldschmidt, /. 1877, 50 Broadway. Abraham Goldsmith, /. 1877, 154 Nassau St. Byron Benjamin Goldsmith, s. 1887, 19 E. •j^th St. George Tarleton Goldthwaite, /. 1894, Fifth A V. Hotel. iohn Goode, /. 1893, 149 E. ^th St. ■awrence George Goodhart, /. 1894, 1148 Park Av. Michael Emanuel Goodhart, /. 1868, 114 Nassau St. Frank Johnson Goodnow, /. 1882, 25 W. j^th St. Henry Wickes Goodrich, /. 1882, 59 Wall St. Frederic Goodwin, /. 1885, 5 Beekman St. Jasper Tillerous Goodwin, a. 1876, /. 1878, Columbia College. Reginald Gordon, a. 1888, Columbia College. William Gordon, M.D., m. 1886, 311 W. ^s,th St. William Seton Gordon, a. 1873, 41 Wall St. Edgar Bonaparte Gosling, s. 1884, s. 1886, Windsor Hotel. Richard James Horatio Gottheil, a. 1881, 571 Park A V. William Samuel Gottheil, M.D., m. 1882, 25 W. 53^ St. Charles William Gould, /. 1872, 2 Wall St. William Elford Gould, a. 1879, P. O. Box 2754. Nathaniel Edwards Gouldy, /. 1876, 24 W. wdth St. Raphael Raymond Govin, /. 1886, 68 William. St. Joseph Peter Grace, a. 1894, 31 E. jqtA St. Frederic Henry Grant, M.D., tn. i8go, 257 JV. lid St. Hugh John Grant, /. 1876, 261 W. T^d St. Lewis James Grant, /. 1873, 99 Nassau St. Madison Grant, /. 1889, 22 E. ^gth St. Frank Sargent Grant, M.D., m. 1875, 29 Broadway. Frederick Grasmuck, /, 1872, 202 Broadway. Henry Grasse, /. 1875, 167 Broadway. Frank Pierrepont Graves, a. 1890, u. 1891, Columbia College, George Mount Gray, a. 1885, 554 Fifth Av. Joseph Francis Gray, M.D., m. 1882, 326 W. 21st St. Roland Palmer Gray, a. 1893, 51 W. 133^ St, Isidor Grayhead, /. 1875, 102 Broadway. William James Greanelle, M.D., tn. \Zq-3., t W. isth St. ^'*' ' Edmund Frank Green, /. 1884, 40 Wall St. Joseph Isaiah Green, /. 1887, 280 Broadway. William Walker Green, /. 1880, 120 Broad- way. Samuel Greenbaum, /. 1875, 170 Broadway. Alister Greene, a. 1875, /. 1877, 19 Liberty St. Edward Rowland Greene, a. 1882, /. 1884, 30 Broad St. Joseph Warren Greene, /. 1870, 3 Broad St. Richard Henry Greene, /, 1865, 235 Central Park, W. Charles Lawrence Greenhall, /. 1888, 140 Nassau St. James Leal Greenleaf, s. 1880, Columbia College. Edward L. Greenwood, a. i860, 5 Beekman St. Isaac J. Greenwood, a. 1853, 171 West End Av. Langdon Greenwood, a. 1861, 21 W. i^oth St. Thomas Greenwood, /. 1872, go Post Office Bldg Henry Ellsworth Gregory, a. 1878, /. 1880, 214 Broadway. James Sandford Greves, /. 1867, 32 Park PL Henry Arthur Griffin, M.D., m. 1889, 44 W. i,Uh St. Robert Harding Griffin, /. 1880, 45 Wall St. Samuel Palmer Griffin, s. 1884, 449 Park A v. Harold Griffing, a. 1890, Columbia College. John Jay Griffiths, M.D., tn. 1884, 31 E q^th Herbert White Grindel, /. 1882, i6o Broadway. William Morton Grinnell, /. 1881, 28 Nassau St. Almon Whiting Griswold, Jr., /, 1883, 11 Pine St. Louis Nathan Gross, s. 1884, 38 E. 58th St. Max Gross, /, 1881, 20 Nassau St. Samuel Lane Gross, /. 1876, 206 Broadway. Emil Gruening, M.D., m. 1867, logE. z^dSt, Bernhard Grunhut, M.D., m. 1870, 153 Broadway. John Reevely Guerrant, M.D., m. 1891. Milton Stern Guiterman,/. 1884, 96 Broadway, John Callbreath Gulick, /. 1875, 132 Nassau St, William C. Gulliver, /. 1874, 120 Broadtvay. Frederic Everest Gunnison, a. 1890, 21 Park Roiv. Augustus Fraugott Gurlitz, /. 1870, 80 Broad- way. William Charles Guth, M.D., m. 1890, 253 E, •jist St. Abraham Lincoln Gutman, /. 1888, 129 E, 61st St. H. George Haas, /. 1883, 114 Nassau St. Harry Leopold Haas, s. 1878, 36 Park PI, Walter James Hadden, M.D., m. i860. Louis Francis Haffen, j. 1879, 647 Courtlandt yd 171 Hugh Hagan, M.D., m. 1888,56 W. ^6th St, Albert Francis Hagar, /. 1892, 10 Wall St. N. K] LOCALITY INDEX. 489 NEW YO'^K— Continued. New York City — Continued. Louis Herbert Hahlo, /. 1886, 280 Broadway. Charles Coolidge Haight, a. 1861, iii Broad- tvay. David L. Haight, M,D., m. 1864, 132 Nassau St. Edward Haight, Jr,, a. 1861, 26 Broad St. William Henry Haldane, a. xZj2y I. 1874, 52 William St. Albert Ward Hale, a. 1853, ^- ^^872, 280 Broad- •way. Bolton Hall, /. 1888, iii Broadway. Charles Everett Hall, M.D., m. 1863. Charles Henry Hall, /. 1878, 50 Bayard St. Dupree Meriwether Hall, M.D., w. 1894, 137 JE. s^th St. Edward Fermor Hall, a. 1872, \\o Broadway. Frank Lorenzo Hall, /. 1874, 62 IVilliatn St. Isaac Hollister Hall, /. 1865, h. 1887, Metro- politan Museum., Central Park. Rev. Randall Cook Hall, a. 1863, 245 W.t^^th St. Robert William Hall, s. 1876, University Bldg.., Washington Sq. William Fearing Hall, /. 1867, 22 William. St. William King Hall, /. 1871, 149 Church St. Walter Ellison Hallett, a. 1883, 523 Gray St. John E, Halliday, /. 1880, 161 W. Z6th St. Albert Peter Hallock, s. 1880, u. 1883, 440 First A V. Henry M. Hallock, M.D., m. 1889. William Hallock, «. 1879,428 Central Park., W. Paul Halpin, /. 1888, 620 W. 14,0th St. Frank Spencer Halsey, a. 1882,1 119 Tenth A v. Frederic Robert Halsey, /. 1870, 22 W. 53^/ St. George Brooks Halsey, a. 1879, 128 Broadway. John Taylor Halsey, M.D., m. 1893, St. Luke^s Hospital. Joseph Bay ley Halsey, a. 1868, 88 Washing- ton PI. Charles John Halsted, /. 1879, 99 Nassau St. David Joseph Hamburg, M.D., nt. 1894, no W. ii6th St. Samuel Bernard Hamburger, /. 1872, 291 Broadrvay. Andrew Stelle Hamersley, a. 1835, 124 E. 25th St. Andrew Stelle Hamersley, Jr., /. 1875, 290 Broad-7uay. James Hooker Hamersley, a. 1865, /. 1867, 39 Nassau St. Allan McLane Hamilton, M.D., tn. 1870, 15 £. i6th St. William Herbert Hamilton, /. 1883, t6o Broad- way. George Scovill Hamlin, /. 1865, 18 Wall St. Leander M. Hammer, a. 1888, 1182 Madison Av. Bernard Joseph Hammill, M.D., w. 1883, 368 W. 2qth St. Frederick Porter Hammond, M.D,, m, 1889, 1939 Madison A v. James Cole Hancock, M.D., w. 1889, 143 W. 21st St. William Charles Hands, M.D., tn. 1882, 324 £. 1 20th St. James Parton Haney, M.D., m. 1892, 1907 Madison A zi. Solomon Hanford, /. 1872, 35 William St. Albert Worthington Hankinson, s. 1893, 114 W. i,sth St. Theodore Hansen, /. 1894, 346 W. sjth St. Richard Cochran Hanson, j. 1894, 79 Man- hattan A V. William Frank Hapgood, /. 1881, Tribune Building. Henry Clay Harding, /. 1875, 44 Wall St. William James Harding, /. 1872, 120 Broad- way. William Benjamin Harison, a. 1846, d^i Liberty St. Thomas Hayes Harmer, a. 1864, s, 1867, 113 E. sjth St. Benjamin S. Harmon, /. 1885, 45 William St. Edward O. Harmon, a. 1855, 317 Lexittgton Av. Frank Denham Harmon, /. 1871, 32 Park PI. Henry Sleeper Harper, a. 1888, Franklin Sq. Horatio Root Harper, a. 1880, Frankli?i Sq. John Wesley Harper, a. 1852, Franklin Sq. Joseph Wesley Harper, a. 1848, 562 Fifth A v. Wesley Harper, a. 1877, Franklin Sq. Charles James Hardy, /. 1885, 5 Beekman St. David Weild Harkness, /. 1873, 48 Exchange PI. Joseph Bloomfield Harriot, a. 1884, ^o Wall St. Charles Nathan Harris, /. 1873, 2 Tryon Row. Clinton Stanford Harris, /. 1877, 21 Park Row. Edward Wyckoff Harris, /. 1886, 45 Cedar St. George Washington Harris, a. 1884,/. 1884, /. 1889, University Club. Rev. Maurice Henry Harris, a. 1887,/. 1888, u. 1889, 10^. 130//^ .S"^. Sidney Harris, a. 1887, /. 1889, 45-49 Cedar St. Tracy Hyde Harris /. 1889, 45 Cedar St. William Hamilton Harris, /. 1880, 229 Broad- Tvay. Calvin Linsley Harrison, M.D., m. 1887, 346 Broadivay. Fairfax Harrison, «. 1891, 15 Broad St. Newton Harrison, s. 1892, 136 Liberty St. Charles Henry Hart, s. 1890, 199 Lenox Av. Coleridge Allen Hart, /. ib77, 93 Nassau St. Elias Burton Hart, Jr., a. 1886, 115 Broadway. George Henry Hart, /. 1870, 280 Broadivay. George William Hart, /. 1888, 206 Broadway. William Fredericks. Hart, /. 1892, 5 Beekman St. Frank Hartley, M.D., w. 1880, 46 E. -^^th St. Clifford Wayne Hartridge, /. 1889, 45 William St. Alexander Harvey, a. 1882, /. 1884, 267 Fifth Av. Ashton Harvey, /. 1873, 35 Broadway. John Cornelius Hasbrouck, M.D., m. 1863. August Charles Hassey, /. 1877, ^^ Avenue A. Edward Frederick Hassey, /. 1874, 41 Park Row. Emile Augustus Hassey, /. 1884, 11 Avenue A . Edward Sargent Hatch, /. 1876, 55 Liberty St. Frank Randel Hathaway, a. 1888, p. 1889. 146 W. g2d St. Henry Bailey Hathaway, /. 1867, 4^ Wall St. Henry Skinner Hathaway, M.D. , a. 1884,/. 1884, ?«. 1890, 146 W. g2d St. Curtis Rose Hatheway, /. 1886, 120 Broadway. Willam Charles Hauff, /. 1879, 4^ Park Row. Foster Strong Haven, M.D., m. 1886, 143 W. 6ist St. George G. Haven, a. 1857, 32 Nassau St, Abram Britton Havens, /. 1885, 18 Wall St. Charles Edwin Havens, /. 1883, 15 Wall St. William G. Havens, /. 1880, 7 Beekman St. Gilbert Ray Hawes, /. 1878, 120 Broadivay. Edward Henry Hawke, Jr., /. 1879, 45 Wil- liam St. Emil MacDougall Hawkes, s. 1885, /. 1886, /. 1887, 267 Fifth A v. Forbes Hawkes, M.D., m. 1891, Presbyterim Hospital. 490 LOCALITY INDEX. IN, Y, NEW YOKYi— Continued. New York City — Continued. John Marshall Hawkes, M,D., m. 1890, 1343 Lexington A v. Roy Harlan Hawkes, M.D., tn. 1893, ^343 Lexington A v. Eugene Dexter Hawkins, /. 1883, iii Broad- way. John Sanger Hawley, M.D., m. 1880. Sutherland Reid Haxtun, /. 1888,35 Wall St. Henry Whiting Hayden, /. 1875, 48 IVallSt. James Raynor Hayden, M.D., m. 1884, 107 W. ssth St. George Charles Hayes, a. 1893, 12 E. ^jth St. Joel Noble Hayes, /. 1880, 120 Broadivay. William Van Valsah Hayes, M.D., w. 1893, N. V. Hospital. Daniel Peixotto Hays, /. 1875, ^^o Broadway. George Dalton Hays, M.D,, m. 1884. Charles Walker Hayt, M.D., m. 1889, 571 Lexington A v. Edward Pelton Hayward, M.D., tn. 1894, 36 W. -isth St. Henry Comstock Hazen, M.D., nt. 1891, 738 Lexington A v. William Livingston Hazen, iZZ^, Hotel Bal- moral. William Avery Heacock, M.D,, m. 1892, 301 IV. 88 //i St. Joseph Stephen Healy, M.D., 7n. 1890, King's Bridge. Samuel Eaton Heasley, /. 1878, 52 Broadway. Henry Gustave Koch Heath, /. 1887, /. 1888, 54 Walt St. Octave Britton Hebert, s. 1888, 72 W. dqth St. Job Elmer Hedges, /. 1886, in Broadway. Harry Heilbrun, a. 1886, 836 Broadway. John Franklin Heim, M,D., tn. 1892, 259^. jxst St. Henry Heiman, M.D., tn. 1890, 220 E. wtth St. Henry Newton Heineman, M.D., m. 1874, 60 W. 56tA St. ^ Alfred Maurice Heinsheimer, s. 1887, 71 E. got/i St. Norbert Heinsheimer, /. 1889, 56 Beaver St. Arthur Philip Heinze, a. 1885, /. 1888, 45 William St. Louis Heitzmann, M.D., tn. 1885, xioE. 58M St. James Morris Helfenstein, /. 1888, 71 Broad- ivay. Theodore Francis Heller, M.D., m. 1883, 117 Waver ly PI. Truman Heminway, /. 1880, 70 Broadivay. Edward Cairns Henderson, /. 1878, 59 Wall St. Harold Gould Henderson, /. 1883, 5 Beekntan St. Francis Hendricks, a. 1856, 49 Cliff St. Harmon Hendricks, a. 1858, 18 E. Zoth St. Henry Harmon Hendricks, j. 1880, 49 Cliff St. Joseph Julio Henna, M.D., m. 1872, 8 W. jfith St. Forbes J. Hennessy, /. 1891, 35 Wall St. Andrew Josephus Hennion,/. 1864,83 Nassau Alexander Florian Henriques, a. 1881, i W. Sist St. Ambrose Dyer Henry, a. 1884, 5 Wall St. Frank Lyon Henry, a. 1882, 5 Wall St. Jacob Herrick Henry, a. 1871, /. 1873, 32 Liberty St. Nelson Herrick Henry, M.D., m. 1879, 14 E. roth St. Richard Mentor Henry, a. 1863, 62 William St. Joseph Henschel, M.D., jn. 1894, 1239 Wash- ington A V. John Handy Henshaw, /. 1874, 20 Nassau St. Neil Jamieson Hepburn, M.D., m. 1868, 360 W. 23d St. William Christian Heppenheimer, /. 1880, 229 Broadivay. Joseph Anthony Herb, M.D., m. 1885, 49 St. Mark's PI. John Ramon Martinez Hernz, a. 1877, /. 1879, 234 Broadway. Frederick Morris Herrick, p. 1889, u. 1890, 330 W. sjth St. Samuel C. Herriman, a. 1887, 35 Wall St. Mitchell Hershfield, /, 1875, 170 Broadway. Christian Archibald Herter, M.D., tn. 1885, 819 Madison A v. Jacques Henry Herts, /. 1875, 242 Fifth A v. Emanuel Hertz, u. 1894, 449 E. 80th St. Frank Herwig, /. 1889, 247 Broadway . Abraham Alfred Herzfeld, M.D., tn. 1891. Joseph Herzfeld, /. 1880, 132 Nassau St. Felix Benedict Herzog, /, 1881, /. 1882, u. 1883, 30 Broad St. Otto Theodore Hess, a. 1894, 307 W. 86th St. Abram Stevens Hewitt, a. 1842, h. 1887, 9 Lexing ton A v. Carl Reisig Hexamer, M.D., m. 1886. Herman August Heydt, /. 1894, 221 W. /L-xd St. Henry Morris Heymann, /. 1873, 7 Beekman St. George Benedict Hickok, M.D., tn. 1869, 167 W. 78th St. Cecil Campbell Higgins, /. 1873, 48 Wall St. Eugene Higgins, a. 1882, 10 W. z^d St. Henry Allen Higlej^, Jr., M.D., m. 1888. David Morgan Hildreth, Jr., a. 1879, 32 Nassau St. John Homer Hildreth, /. 1869J 280 Broadway. Philip Redington Mudge Hildreth, a. 1894, 48 Irving Place. Russell Wadsworth Hildreth, s. 1885, 2 Wall St. _ Walter Edwards Hildreth, s. 1877, Metropol- itan Hotel. Frederick T. Hill, /. 1889, 51 Wall St. George Rowland Hill, M.D., in. 1888, 324 Third St. John Sprunt Hill, /. 1894, 320 W. $8th St. James Hillhouse, /. 1878, 60 Cedar St. Mansfield Lovell Hillhouse, /. 1879, 35 Wall St. Harry Waffington Hillier, /. 1886, 13 E. 46th St. Thomas L Hillis, M.D., m. 1882, 51 Charlton St. Caleb Marriott Hillman, /. 1874, 33 Wall St. Henry Graham Hilton, a, 1879, 784 Broad- ivay. Edward Hinman, /. 188 1, /. 1883, 35 Wall St. Frederic William Hinrichs, a. 1874, /. 1875, 115 Broadway . Howard Hinton, a. 1852, 240 Broadway. Morris Joseph Hirsch, /. 1876, 320 Broadway. William Herman Hirsch, M,D., tn. 1891. Bradford Washburne Hitchcock, /. 1883, 55 Liberty St. Charles Hitchcock, M.D., tti. 1872, 57 W. 26th St. Francis Reynolds Hitchcock, a. 1878, /. 1880, 67 Wall St. N. K] LOCALITY INDEX, 491 NEW YOKK— Continued. NcTV York City — Continued. Urban Gillespie Hitchcock, M.D., m. i86g, 51 W. 2qth Si. Angier Bailey Hobbs, M.D., m. 1889, 66 W. 38M St. John Hoch, M.D., m. 1892, 162 E. 6i,th St. James Edward Hoctor, /. 1888, 136^^ St. and Grand Botilevard, J. Aspinwall Hodge, Jr., /. 1887, 47 W. jzdSt. John Hamilton Potter Hodgson, M.I)., tn. 1880, Herman Christopher Hoefling, M.D., tn. 1885, 171 Rivington St. Richard Leopold Hoelger, M,D., m. 1876, 313 Second Av. Henry Hoelljes, /. i8qi, 55 E. ^^th St. William Myers Hoes, /. 1864, 69 Wall St. Arthur Theo. Hoffman, /. 1877, 237 Broad- way. Burrall Hoffman, a. 1862, /. 1864, 44 Broad- way. Charles Frederick Hoffman, Jr., a. 1878, 159 W. 73d St. William Mitchell Vail Hoffman, a. 1884, 4 Warren St. Edward J. Hogan, M.D., m. 1867, 308 Madi- son St. Daniel Judson Holden, /. 1866, 68 William St. Edward Henry Holden, s. 1878, 1074 Boston Road. Edwin Babcock Holden, a. 1883, 311 W. %id St. George Albert Holden, a. 1884, 26 Exchange PL Henry Waterman Holden, a. 1870, 51 Leondar St. John Henry Holden, a. 1887, 26 Exchange PI. Rev. Robert Holden, a. 1847, 4* ^- 59^"^ ^t. Austin Wilkinson Hollis, M.D., tn. 1890, St. Luke' s Hospital. Frederick William Holls, a. 1878, /. 1880, 120 Broadway . Charles Ferdinand Holm, /. 1882, 61-65 Pctfk Row.^ Leicester Holme, /. 1874, 147 Nassau St. Jabish Holmes, Jr., /. 1881, 280 Broadway. Philip W. Holmes, a. 1857, ^5 Broad St. Thomas Samuel Holmes, Jr., /. 1886, 41 Park Row. George Chandler Holt, /. i86g, in Broadway. Henry Holt, /. 1864, 29 W. 23^/ St. Luther Emmet Holt, M.D., nt. 1880, 15 E. $^th St. Marmaduke Burrell Holt, s. 1889, 287 Lexing- ton Av. Henry Freeman Homes, /. 1879, 15 Wall St. William Augustus Hooker, a. 1866, s, i86g, 2 Wall St. Rev, William Berrian Hooper, a. 1869, 38 Bleecker St. William Noxon Hopcroft, /. 1879, 60 Broad- way. George William Hopkins, /. 1884, 5 Beektnan St. Lawrence Yvonnet Hopkins, a. 1862, 72 Beaver St. Sidney Wright Hopkins, Jr., /. 1886, " Tribune " Bldg. Samuel Howland Hoppin, /. 1881, 7 Nassau St. William Warner Hoppin, M.D., m. 1864, in Broadway. James Thurston Horn, a. 1881, s. 1884, 13 E. 52d St. William Butler Hornblower, /. 1875, 45 Wil- liam St. Frederick Whitcomb Hornick, M.D., jn. 1893, 103 £. Tzith St. Howard Horton, /, 1886, 3 Broad St. Lewis Slocomb Horton, M.D., tn. 1862, 149 W. 22d St. George W. Hosmer, M.D., m. 1864. George Preston Hotaling, /. 1880, 59 Wall St. Charles Erling Hotchkiss, /. 1888, 61 Park Row. Lucius Wales Hotchkiss, M.D., a. 1881, ;;/. 1884, 49 W. 50th St. Alfred Swift Houghton, M.D., m. 1880, 4S3 West End Av. Rev. Edward Clark Houghton, a, 1866, 120 W. 6gth St. Lucius Wallace How, M.D., m. 1881, 930 Amsterdam A v. George Edward P. Howard, /. 1874, 35 Wall St. Montague Howard, a. 1891, 264 Fifth Av. Oscar Pomeroy Howe, /. 1876, 668 Eighth Av. Henry Wilson Howell, Jr., a. 1880, xio W, Zid St. Rev. Reuben Wing Howes, Jr., a. 1861, 40 W. qth St. William Monefeldt Howland, /. 1868, 25 E. zith St. Nathaniel Blossom Hoxie, a. 1839, 35 Liberty St. Goold Hoyt, /. 1877, 42 Pine St. Harlow Mather Hoyt, /. 1864, 16-18 Ex- change PI. Henry Reese Hoyt, /. 1884, 44 Wall St. Henry Sheaff Hoyt, /. 1878, 44 Pine St. John Sherman Hoyt, s. 1890, 934 Fifth Av. William Griffin Hoyt, M.D., m. 1882, 354 W. y>th St. Ernest Valentine Hubbard, a. 1894, 138 W. T^th St. Joseph Croofoot Hubbard, /. 1875, 35 E. 24/A St. Lester Samuel Hubbard, Jr., /. 1876, 98 Chambers St. William Morris Hubbard, M.D., m. 1886, 7 E. i,\st St. Francis Huber, M.D., tn. 1877, 209 E. 17th St, John Bessner Huber, M.D., m. 1890. Joseph Huber, M.D., m. 1887, 113 E.Broad- way. John Jacob Hubschmitt, M.D., m. 1893, 234 E. ■i6th St. Edmund Huerstel, /. 1872, 290 Broadway. George Lane Huggins, /. 1877, 1547 Broad- ivay. Charles Evans Hughes, /. 1884, 96 Broadtvay, Frederick Hughson, a. 1839, 222 W.z^d St, Leon Hiihner, u. 1893, 35^ E. 121st St. Max Huhner, M.D., m. 1893, 358 E. 121st St. Austin Hulshizer, a. 1883,/. 1884, /. 1885, in Broadivay . Frederic Thomas Hume, M.D., s. 1893, *'^' 1880, 82 E. 7Qth St. William Alexander Hume, M.D., m. 1880, 82 E.nqth St. Frederick Furneaux Hunt, s. 1876, 77 Pine St. Thomas Hunt, /. 1878, 112 E. y.st St. Dwight Williams Hunter, M.D., m. 1879, 233 Madison A v. Frederick William Hunter, a. 1887, />. 1888, 293 Broadivay. John Hunter, Jr., /. 1888, 35 William St. 492 LOCALITY INDEX. IN, Y, NEW XO^Y^— Continued, New York City — Continued. ^ George Sumner Huntington, M.D., m.. 1884, 50 E. 'j-^d St. Samuel Huntington, /. 1865, 55 Liberty St. Christian Glaser Hiipfel, /. 1894, 148 E. 2,lth St. Edward Fowler Hurd, M.D., m. 1883, Mt. Hope. Henry Augustus Hurlbut, Jr., a. 1863, Union League Club. Edmund Abdy Hurry, a. i860, /. 1862, 30 W. Z7tk St. Randolph Hurry, a. 1875, /. 1877, 5^ William St. Louis Halleck Hurst, /. 1873, 338 Broadway. Francis Hustace, M.D., a. 1871, in. 1874, 413 Madison Av. Augustus Schell Hutchins, /. 1880, 69 Wall St. Waldo Hutchins, Jr., /. 1880, 69 Wall St. Harry Hutchinson, M.D., m. 1893, Black- ivelV s Island. Morison Thomas Hutchinson, M.D., m. 1889, 836 Broadway . Frederick Remsen Hutton, a. 1873, J. 1876, 296 Lexington A v. George Edgar Hyatt, /. 1879, 2 Nassau St. Stephen Burdett Hyatt, /. 1862, 146 Broad- "way. Albert Fillmore Hyde, a. 1883, 354 Broad- way. Clarence Melville Hyde, a. 1867, /. 1869, 206 Madison A v. Edwin Francis Hyde, /. 1863, 54 Wall St. James William Hyde, /. 1883, 59 Liberty St. John Edmund Hindon Hyde, a. 1876, /. 1878, 120 Broadway . William Henry Hyde, a. 1877, 1512 Broad- way. Josiah Augustus Hyland, /. 1876, 45 Broad- way. I. Lewis Morris Iddings, /. 1881, 206 Broadway. William Charles Illig, s. 1882, 327 E. ^xst St. Asa Stewart Iglehart, a. 1891, Columbia College. David Stewart Iglehart, a. 1894, 106 E. Ztth St. William Henry IngersoU, /. i860, 170 Broad- way. Arthur Ingraham, a. 1870, 114 Nassau St. George Ingraham, /. 1873, 195 Broadivay. George Landon Ingraham, /. 1869, Court House. Landon Ingraham, /. 1888, 52 Wall St. Frederick Guion Ireland, /. 1871, 25 W. 42*^ St. Cortlandt Irving, /. 1865, 50 Liberty St. George Irving, a. 1845, 59 Liberty St. John Treat Irving, a. 1829, 59 Liberty St. Edward Arthur Isaacs, /. 1888, 11 Pine St. Isaac Samuel Isaacs, /. 1867, 115 Broadway. Bernard J. Isecke, /. 1891, iii Broadway. Charles Oliver Iselin, /, 1874, 17 Madison Av. William E. Iselin, a. 1869, i Greene St. Eugene Semmes Ives, /. 1880, 137 Broadway . Francis Linsly Ives, M.D., m.. 1871, 157 E. 6jth St. Frederic Dana Ives, a. 1883, igi Broadway. Louis Oliver Ivey, a. 1876, /. 1878, 326 Broadway. Edwin Wright Ivins, /, 1877, 60 Broadway. William M. Ivins, /. 1873, 35 Wall St. J. Charles Augustus Jackson, a. 1859, 16 Ex' change PI. Charles Edward Jackson, j. 1875, 15 Cort" landt St. Frank Watson Jackson, M.D., w. 1870, 12 W. xUh St. Frederick Wendell Jackson, a. 1864, 20 Broad George Thomas Jackson, M.D., m. 1878, 14 E. 3iJ^ St. Max Jackson, M.D,, m. 1888. Oswald Jackson, j. 1892, 550 Park Av. Percy Jackson, /, 1887, University Club. William Henry Jackson, a. 1862, 6 E. 351^ St. Ephraim Arnold Jacob, /. 1866, 320 Broad- TV ay. Alphonse Anselm Jacobi, /. 1871, 54 Pine St, Abraham Lincoln Jacobs, /. 1878, 140 Nassau- St. David Mark Jacobs, s. 1887, 30 W. 38M St. Edward Jacobs, /. 1872, 335 Broadway. Harry Allan Jacobs, s. 1894, 107 E. j8tk St. Joseph A. Jacobs, /. 1877, 335 Broadivay . Solomon Joseph Jacobs, s. 1887, 30 W. 38/^ St. William Isaac Jacobs, a. 1889, /. 1892, 30 W, •iZtk St. Harold Jacoby, a. 1885, Colzimbia College. Osvyald N. Jacoby, a. 1890, 15 W. e^'^d St. Meir Jaffa, a. 1894, 240 E. 82a' St. Robert Jaffray, a. 1842, 7 W. 46/A St. Charles F. James, /. 1879, 96 Broadivay. Dudley Lamartine James, /. 1875, 280 Broad- way. Walter Belknap James, M.D.,»z. 1883, 33 W. y^th St. Edward G. Janeway, M.D., m. 1864, 36 W, ifOth St. Thomas Theodore Janeway, M.D., m. 1883^ 26 W. 11 th St. Joseph Edward Janvrin, M.D., jn. 1864, 191 Madison A v. Herman Jarecky, M.D., in. 1886, 1895 Lex- ington A V. Alfred Jaretzki, /. 1884, 45 Wall St. Meyer Jarmulowsky, s. 1890, 27 Jefferson St, Augustus Jay, /. 1876, 249 Fifth Av. John Clarence Jay, M.D., m. 1865, 54 W^ ^jth St. William Jay, a. 1859, /. 1867, 48 Wall St. Henry Edward Jenkins, /. 1879, 6 Cedar St. John Jay Jenkins, a. 1833, 227 Canal St, Tudor Storrs Jenks, /. 1880, " Century'''' Co.y Union Sq. Oliver Gould Jennings, /. 1889, 54 William St, Walter Jennings, /. 1882, 48 Park Av. Eugene Murray Jerome, I. 1878, Audubon* Park. William Travers Jerome, /. 1884, 5 Beekman St. Charles Abram Jersey, M.D., m.. 1881, 234. W. 1320^ St. Charles Sherman Jewett, M.D., m. 1890, BlackivelV s Island. Charles Taylor Jewett, M.D., m. 1868, 162 W. 22d St. Judah A. Joffe,/. 1893, 42 Pike St. Edward Rodolph Johnes, /. 1876, 50 Broad- ivay. Henry Pierson Johnes, /. 1883, 55 Liberty St. Alexander Bryan Johnson, M.D., m. 1885, 12 W. 10th St. Arthur Mathias Johnson, /. 1877, 3^ Nassau- St. N. F.] LOCALITY INDEX. 493 NEW YOKK— Continued. New York City — Continued. Elias Mattlson Johnson, j. 1878, Spuyten Duyvil. Gilbert Henry Johnson, s. 1878, Spuyten Duyvil. Isaac Bradley Johnson, j. 1879, Spuyten Duyvil. James A. Courvoisier Johnson, /. 1892, 2145 Broad-cvay . John Newton Johnson, /. 1893, '2->,^ Fifth Av. John Quincy Adams Johnson, /. 1880, 38 Park R(nv. Walter Perry Johnson, /. 1886, 81 Beaver St. William Henry Johnson, /. 1876, 11 Great Jones St. Wilmot Johnson, Jr., a. 1876, /. 1878, 92 Liberty St. Robert Andrew Johnston, s. 1879, /. 1883, 132 Nassau St. Edward William Scudder Johnstone, a. 1886, /. 1887, 8 Centre St. Adrian Hoffman Joline, /. 1872, 54 IVall St. Clarence Delafohe Jones, /. 1870, 51 Cham- bers St. Charles Landon Jones, /. 1878, 67 Wall St. Charles Noah Dixon Jones, M.D., m. 1883, 152 £. 86th St. Dwight Arven Jones, /. 1877, 55 Liberty St. Edward Marwedel Jones, s. 1894,312 W.i%th St. Frederic Rhinelander Jones, a. 1865, 21 E. nth St. Harry Madison Jones, a. 1869, /. 1873, 8 IV. gth St. Henry Edward Jones, /. 1875, 28 W. 25M St. James Dana Jones, /. 1874, ^ Broad^vay. John Lambert Jones, Jr., /. 1877, 58 William St. John Morgan Jones, /. 1886, 147 Nassau St. Millard Richmond Jones, /. 1875, 187 Green- ivich St. Percival Shaw Jones, /. 1888, 4 Warren St. Samuel Beach Jones, M.D., m. 1872, 28 W. 2,'2.d St. Samuel Thomas Jones, . 1886, 20 Fifth A V. iohn Alsop King, a. 1867, 53 William Si. .andreth Hezekiah King, a. 1880, Grand Central Station. Morris Lee King, M.D., m. 1881, 346 Broad- way. Willard Vinton King, a. 1889, 18 Wall St. Walter Frederick Kingsland, /. 1877, 55 Broad St. David Barton Kinne, Jr., /. 1889, 203 Broad- way. Herbert Evelyn Kinney, /. 1874, 5 Vanderbilt Av. Francis Parker Kinnicutt, M.D., m. 1871, 42 W. 3jth Si. George Goelet Kip, a. 1865, /. 1867, 88 Nas- sau Si. William Fargo Kip, /. 1879, 15 Broad St. Charles Pinckney Kirkland, a. 1886, 74 Broadway . Joseph Parker Kirlin, p. 1883, /. 1884, 5 Beek- tnan Si. Benjamin Tredwell Kissam, a. 1838, 16 Ex- change PI. Henry Snyder Kissam, j. 1886, 33 W. ^id St. John Hill Kitchen, /. 1875, 32 Nassau St. John Joseph Kletchka, s. 1892, 247 Willis Av. Arthur Charles Kletzsch, a. 1893, 34 ^ • (>othSt. Abram Kling, /. 1872, 96 Broadway. Joseph Kling, /. 1873, 68 William St. William Klingenstein, /. 1893, 1304 Madison Av. Louis Theodore Klinker, M.D., m. 1893, 423 W. sisi St. William H, Klinker, /. 1889, 468 W. 51st Si. Herman Gustave Klippert, M.D., m. 1889, 102 A\ Z2^d Si. Ephraim Daniels Klotz, M,D., m. 1894, 4^ W. 74th St. Arnold Herman Knapp, M.D., m. 1892, 25 W. 24M Si. Charles Knapp, a. 1887, /. 1888, u. 1890, 349 W. 30th St. Edward Jarvis Knapp, Jr., /. 1882, 16 Ex- change PI. Harry Kearsage Knapp, a. 1885, 10 W. ^yih St. John Beach Knapp, M.D., m. 1875, 62 W, 51st Si. Shepherd Knapp, Jr., 266 Lexington Av. Wallace Percy Knapp, /. 1888, 170 Broadway, Antonio Knauth, /. 1879, 229 Broadivay . Lawrence Kneeland, /. 1881, 71 Wall Si. George S. Knickerbocker, M.D., m. 1876, 145 W. T'zUh St. Charles Huntoon Knight, M.D., m. 1874, 20 W. 31st Si. Clarita M. Knight, d. 1893, 212 £. soth Si, George Knipe, M.D., m. 1885, 354 W. z^ihSt. Arthur Knox, u. 1894, 472 Aloii A v. Charles Henry Knox, a. 1872, 52 William St, De Witt Knox, a. 1886, 26 Exchange PI. John Mason Knox, a. 1838, 145 Broadivay. John Mason Knox, Jr., /. 1872, i^sBroadway. Joseph Koch, /. 1865, 332 Broadway. Herman Koenig, M.D., nt. 1887, 705 Lexing- ton A V. ioseph Kohler, /. 1875, 280 Broadway . lax James Kohler, u. 1891, /. 1893, 115 E. "jisi St. Albert Kohn, M.D., m. 1891, City Hospital. Solomon Kohn, /. 1875, 203 Broadway. John William Konvalinka, /. 1879, iii Broad- way, Henry Koplik, M.D., m. 1881, 175 B. noihSt. John Henry Korflf, M.D., m. 1869, 152 Mad- ison A V. Abraham Korn, M.D., m. 1885, 157 E. 6sih St. Isidore Saloshinsky Korn, a. 1877, /. 1879, 137 Broadivay. Louis Korn, s. 1890, 261 Broadway. Max Saloshinsky Korn, /. 1881, 137 Broad- way. George William Kosmak, a. 1894, 23 E. 93*/ St. Charles George Koss, /. 1877, 1.40 Nassau St. William A. Kottman, /. 1889, 426 E. ^^th St, Clemens John Kracht, /. 1878, 29 Wall St. George Henry Kracht, /. 1874, 59 Wall St. Benjamin F. Kraft, /. 1894, 16 E. j6th Si. Horatio Sheafe Krans, a. 1894, 71 Irving PI. Eugene George Kremer, /. 1885, 120 Broad- way. Geza Kremer, M.D., m. 1894, 21^3 Stanton St. Henry Krollpfeiffer, M.D., ra. 1S75, 48 St. Mark's PI. Joel Krone, /. 1888, 280 Broadway. Leon Kronfeld, /. 1891, 165 £■. 66^/jt St. Paul Krotel, /. 1880, 49 W. 2xst Si. William Karl Kubin, M.D., m. 1892, Ger- tnan Hospital. Herman Charles Kudlich, /. 1880, 140 Nas- sau Si. Adelbert Franz Gottfried Kuehn, M.D., m. 1893, 1739 Madison A v. Isaac Kugelman, /. 1875, 13 Nassau Si. Wheaton Bradish Kunhardt, s. 1880, 32 Beaver St. Joseph Kunzmann, /. 1879, 3^ Nassau Si. Seymour Paul Kurzman, /. 1888, /, 1889, 15 Wall St. Zacharias Kurzman, /. 1888, 320 Broadway. L. William James Lacey, /. 1874, 39 Nassau St, Samson Lachman, /. 1876, 233 E. igth si. Emile Henry Lacombe, a. 1863, /. 1865, h, 1894, Federal Building. William Whitehead Ladd, Jr., /. 1.-71, 139 E, 3\th Si. N. y.] LOCALITY INDEX. 49S NEW YOKY:.— Continued. New York City — Continued. Louis Julius Ladinski, M,D., m. 1887, 243 E. Broadway. Edward Burrough La Fetra, /. 1888, 114 E. 2,6th St. Joseph Lahey, s. 1887, 162 E. "j^ith St. Francis Effingham Laimbeer, a. 1883, /. 1885, 206 Broad-way. John Laimbeer, Jr., a. 1883, 23q W. soth St. Richard Harper Laimbeer, Jr., /. 1878, 291 Broadway. John Victor Lamarche, /. 1879, 5^ Chambers St. Alexander Lambert, M.D., m. 1888, 2 E. y]th St. Samuel Waldron Lambert, M.D., m. 1885, no E. 25th St. Edward Hunter Landon, /. 1877, 45 Wi7- lia>n St. George Landon, /. 1891, 19 E. ifith St. Samuel Marcus Landsman, M.D., nt. 1889, 64 E. ■3,d St. John Albert Lane, /. 1885, 35 IVa/t St. Wolcott Griswold Lane, /. 1891, 41-43 IVa/t St. Michael John Langan, /. 1877, 22g Broadway. Hermann Diedrich Lange, /. 1888, 35 JVa/i St. James Burnside Wands Lansing, M.D., m. 1885. John Henry Larkin, M.D., m. 1894, 1417 A msterdatn A v. William James Larmer, M.D., m. 1878, 103 Varick St. Joseph Larocque, a. 1849, 35 William St. Joseph Larocque, Jr., a. 1893, "• ^893, /. 1894, 126 E. "iitth St. Wilbur Larremore, /. 1877, 32 Nassau St. William Gerard Lathrop, Jr., a. 1862, 71 Wall St. Almet Reed Latson, /. 1882, 7 Beekman St. Charles Percy Latting, /. 1875, 32 Pine St. Edgar J'. Lauer, /. 1891, 22 A'. 80th St. Louis Philip Lauer, M.D., m. 1880, 629 E. i$^th St. Alfred Lauterbach, a. 1890, 22 William St. Francis Lavelle, /. 1878, 120 Broadway. George A. Lavelle, /. 1889, 229 E, -^th St. James Tewkesbury Law, /. 1878, -1,2 Park PI. Charles William Lawrence, a. 1844, 141 W. xi^th St. Frank Cooper Lawrence, Jr., /. 1880, 162 Broadivay. George Anderson Lawrence, a. 1862, 755 Water St. Isaac Lawrence, a. 1847, Manhattan Club. Joseph Lawrence, a. 1886, 316 Broadway. Robert B. Lawrence, /. 1878, 35 Wall St. Franklin Dana Lawson, M. !).,»?. 1890, 67 W. x-2th St. William Thornton Lawson, a. 1882, /. 1885, 34 Nassau St. Francis Lawton, /. 1873, 170 Broad-way. Newberry Davenport Lawton, /. 1873, 40 Wall St. George Cowles Lay, /. 1871, 20 Nassau St. Jesse William Lazear, M.D., m. 1892, Belle- vue Hospital. Henry Sabin Leake, M.D., m. 1891, N, Y. Hospital. Medwin Leale, a. 1894, 604 Madison Av. Edward Learning, M.D., in. 1892, 437 W. y)th St. Harry Learned, /. 1894, 72 W. 48th St. Arthur Henry Leary, M.D., m. 1879, 1885 Lexington Av. Daniel James Leary, j. 1881, 43 E. 2$th St. George Leary, j. 1891, 43 E. le^th St. Heyward Gibbons Leavitt, /.1884, i E. spth St. John Brooks Leavitt, /. 1871, iii Broadway. John Wheeler Leavitt, a. 1845, 241 W. i,qth St. William Guitton Le Boutillier, M.D., a. 1880, m. 1883, 49 W. 50th St. Prescott Le Breton, a. 1894, 331 W. ^-^th St. Frank Semler Le Compte, /. 1877, 1700 Wash- ington A V. William J. Le Compte, /. 1876, 115 Broadway. Ernst Joseph Lederle, i'. 1886, 120 W. goth St. Benjamin Franklin Lee, /. 1861, 20 Nassau St. David Bradley Lee, a. 1856, Union Club. Frederick Howard Lee, a. 1882, 83 Worth St. Frederick Richard Lee, /. 1875, 150 Nassau St. Henry Charles Lee, s. 1886, 127 E. 21st St. James Parrish Lee, /. 1894, 79 Madison Av. Robert Ferine Lee, Jr., a. 1886, /. 1888, 115 Broadway. William Henry Lawrence Lee, /. 1871, 20 Nassau St. George Morewood Lefferts, M.D., m. 1870, 6 W. 33d St. James Schwartz Lehmaier, /. 1880, 132 Nas- sau St. Milton Emanuel Lehman, a. 1880, 40 Ex- change PI. Henry Marcus Leipziger, a. 1888, /. 1875, 146 Grand St. William James Leitch, /. 1878, 106 Broadway. Carl Henry Lellman, /. 1886, 229 Broadway. Sampson Simpson Leo, /. 1872, 96 Broad-way. Alexis Marcy Leon, M.D., m. 1878, 81 E. Stth St. George Gillis Leonard, a. 1891, 102 W. -jsth St. Alfred Morris Leopold, a. 1882, /. 1884, 84 Broadway . Arthur Lawrence Lesher, a. 1883, 502 Broad- •way. Louis Lesinsky, a. 1893, 25 E. qzd St. Maximus A. Lesser, /. 1882, 114 Nassau St. Frank Watlington Lester, M.D., m. 1878, 163 W. i,sth St. Frederick Cyrus Leubuscher, /. 1880, 280 Broad-way. Benjamin Chase Leveridge, a. 1840, 229 Broad-way. John W . C. Leveridge, a. 1835, 22 Duane St. Alexander Shirley Leverty, M.D., m. 1890, 156 E. 113M St. Augustus Andrade Levey, /. 1884, 30 Nassau St. Edgar John Levey, a. 1883, /. 1886, i W. 3^th St. Caspar Levias, a. 1893, 325 E. ^qth St. Laura Grace Levy, b. 1893, 59 ^' S^th St. Benno Lewinson, /. 1877, 5 Beekman St. David Clarence Lewinthal, M.D., fn. 1890, 154 Henry St.^ Charles Ferris Lewis, /. 1877, 122 W. ■123d St. Charlton Miner Lewis, /. 1889, 45 Wall St. Daniel Lewis, M.D., m. 1871, 249 Madison Av. Eugene Howard Lewis, l.-iZ']$,\2o Broad^vay. James T. Lewis, /. 1889, 280 Broadway . Nathan Lewis, /. 1874, 60 Broadway . Reginald Joseph Moss Lewis, M.D., m. 1894, 452 W. s^th St. Richard James. Lewis, /. 1875, 58 William St. Robert Lewis, Jr., M.D., m. 1885, 19 E. 38th St. 496 LOCALITY INDEX. \_N. V. NEW YORK— Continued. New York City — Continued. William Jerauld Lewis, M.D., m. 1878, 102 W. 7stk St. John Oscar Lewright, M.D., in. 1894, Post- Graduate Med. Sch. Charles King Lexow, /. 1875, 47 Liberty St. Clarence Lexow, /. 1874, 46 JExchange PI. Philip Theodore Leyendecker, M.D., w. 1884, 114 i^^ St. Albert Henry Leyton, M.D., in. 1887, 256 W. Zjth St. Edward William Libaire, j. 1894, 150 W. i,qth St. Emmanuel Libman, M.D., m. 1894, 180 E. 6/^tk St. Edward Gervaise Lichtenstein, j. 1890, 14 W. j^tA St. Solomon Katten Lichtenstein, /. 1887, 50-52 Exchange PI. Alfred Liebmann, s. 1893, 28 E. 'jT.d St. Walter Henry Liebmann, a. 1894, 42 E. 'jid St. George Lindenmeyr, M.D., m. 1888, 329 E, xjth St. Charles Lutellus Lindley, M.D., m. 1879, 85 Madison A v. James Bryant Lindley, /. 1877, i Broadway. John Lindley, /. 1874, i Broadway. B. Abbott Lindsey, M.D., in. 1881, 136 W. /^th St. Daniel Francis Linehan, M.D., a. 1888, 9 W. j^gth St. Ernest Howard Lines, M.D., in. 1886, 346 Broadway. Stephen Wood Linington, /. 1889, 93 Nas- sau St. Leopold Lithauer, Jr., /. 1874, 676 Broadway. Bloomfield Littell, /. 1875, 71 Wall St. Albert Henry Little, M.D., m. 1870, 158 W. 2.0th St. George French Little, a. 1888, ''''Morning yournalJ'^ John Thomas Little, Jr., /. 1889, 206 Broad- ivay. Robert Eugene Little, /. 1879, 62 Wall St. Willard Parker Little, ,$•. 1881, 28 W. 23.^ St. Frederick Morton Littlefield, /. 1874, 156 Broadivay . Archibald Rogers Livingston, s. 1891, 20 N. Washington Sq. Edward de Peyster Livingston, a. 1882, /. 1884, 271 Fifth A V. Goodhue Livingston, a. 1888, s. 1892, " Cen- tury ^^ Bldg., Union Sg. Philip Livingston Livingston, /. 1887, 708 Madison A v. Robert Armstrong Livingston, a. 1876, /. 1878, 4 Warren St. Solomon Livingston, /. *i873, 52 Wall St. Alfredo Lizano-y-Ulloa, M.D., in. 1893, 59 Liberty St. Herbert Marshall Lloyd, /. 1885, in Broad- ivay. Samuel Lloyd, M.D., m. 1886, 24 W. 50M St. Campbell Erie Locke, a. 1894, 23 W. 53^^ St. Hersey Goodwin Locke, M.D., in. 1887, 2 W. 43(^ St. Jesse Albert Locke, a. 1880, 11 Waverly PI. John Thomas Lockman, /. 1867, 88 Nassau St. Charles Edward Lockwood, M.D., m. 1868. George Roe Lockwood, Jr., M.D., m. 1884, 44 W. ^gth St. Albert Jared Loder, a. 1874, /. 1876, 14 E. xifth St. Herman Gottlieb Loew, /. 1887, 280 Broadway. Henry Loewenthal, /. 1875, " Tiines^^ office. Benno Loewy, /. 1874, 20 Broadway. Edgar Logan, /. 1877, 58 Wall St. Lindsay B. Longacre, ^.1892, Spuyten Dvyvil. Daniel Lord, a. 1866, /. 1868, 120 Broadway. Daniel De Forest Lord, a. 1839. Franklin Butler Lord, . 1889, 120 Broad- way. William Moore, M.D., m. 1884. William Oliver Moore, M.D., m. 1872, 85 Madison A v. William Taylor Moore, a, 1844, 71 Franklin St. Mariano Luis Mora, s. 1891, j. 1894, 63 JV. noth St. Jose Gregorio Morales, /. 1875, 137 Broadivay. Charles Adams Moran,/. 1881, 121 E. 2S^h St. Daniel Edward Moran, j. 1884, Mills Build- ing. James Moncrief More, /. 1874, 44 W. 21st St. George Barrow Morewood, j-. 1878, u. 1880, 156 IV. q6th St. Henry Francis Morewood, j. 1876, 132 Front St. Bankson Taylor Morgan, /. 1877, 140 Nassau St. George E. Morgan, a. 1892, 10 E. x^otk St. James Appleton Morgan, /. 1869, 21 Park JRoiv. Lancaster Morgan, j. 1888, 47 Fulton St. RoUin Montgomery Morgan, /. 1880, 41 Park Ro-w. William Fellowes Morgan, a. 1880, s. 1884, Arch 4, Bklyn Bridge. William Forbes Morgan, /. 1878, 112 Worth St. Julius Morgenstern, M,D., w. 1892, 73 Second Av. Henry Morgenthau, /. 1877, " Tribune'''' Bldg. Robert Lee Morrell, /. 1889, 237 Broadway . Jesse Lee Morrill, M.D., tn. 1869, 67 E. -jgth St. Augustus Newbold Morris, a. i860, /. 1864, 19 £. 64th St. Benjamin Wistar Morris, Jr., s. 1894, 33 IV. 42d St. Fordham Morris, /. 1868, 45 E. 2,0th St. Gouverneur William Morris, j. 1878, 123 W. •>,\th St. Henry Lewis Morris,/. 1868, \6 Exchange PI. Louis Morris, M.D., m, 1889, 77 Orchard St. Newbold Morris, /. 1891, 19 E, 6^th St. Philip Alexander Morris, a. 1880, /. 1882, 79 Cedar St. Robert Sylvester Morris, M.D., m. 1877, 146 E. jist St. Robert Tuttle Morris, M,D., m. 1882, 35 IV. 33d St. Stuyvesant Fish Morris, M.D., a. 1863, fn. 1867, 16 E. 2,0th St. Charles King Morrison, /, 1894, 691 Fifth A v. George Austin Morrison, Jr., /, 1889, 691 Fifth A V. William Howe Morrison, M.D., tn. 1892, 39 W. 20th St. Richard John Morrisson, /. 1877, 44 New St. Jamin Seth Morse, /. 1887, 234 Broadway. Richard D. Morse, Jr., /. 1889, 157 Madison Av. Stanley Mortimer, /. 1875, 31 W. 2,A,th St. Alexander L. Morton, /. 1885, 79 Cedar St. Hamilton Morton, a. 1824, 61 Liberty St. Alexis Victor Moschcowitz, M.D,, m. 1891, 364 W. ssth St. William Moser, Jr., /. 1877, xs3<) Madison Av. Alfred Joseph Moses, s. 1882, u. 1890, 9 Hen- derson PI. Max Moses, /. 1868, 97-99 Nassau St. Mortimer Albert Moses, M.D., m. 1891, 123 W. 132^ St. Henry Augustus Mott, Jr., s. 1873, ^- 1875, 155 Broadway. Valentine Mott, M.D., a. 1872, 62 Madison Av. William Franklin Mott, a. 1864, /. 1873, 52 E. 22d St. Franklin W^oodruff Moulton, /. 1885, 52 Wall St. Mandeville Mower, a. 1856, 673 Lexington Av. Peter Louis Mullaly, /. 1877, 145 Broadway. Samuel Mullen, /. 1875, 93 Second Av. Hugo Robert MuUer, a. 1881, /. 1883, 16 William St. Joseph Francis Mulqueen, /. 1884, \6$ Broad- way. William Patrick Mulry, /. 1874, 5-7 Beekman St. Luke J. Mulvany, /. 1875, 170 E. joth St. George Dana Mumford, a. 1889, 2 Wall St. Carl Mund, M.D., ?«. 1892, 308 E. 62^ St. Thomas E. Munday, /. 1894, 205 E. \6th St. Charles Hoskins Mundy, /. 1864, 44 Broad- way. Chester Clark Munroe, a. 1871, 19 Liberty St. George Edmund Munroe, M.D., m. 1877, 43 E. 33d St. Kenneth Mackenzie Murchison, Jr., s. 1894, 46 W. 57th St. Arthur Murphy, /. 1874, 265 Broadway . Deas Murphy, a. 1882, 18 W. 2^th St. Edmund Elmendorf Murphy, a. 1888, p. 1889, 14 E. 64th St. Felix Tone Murphy, /. 1877, 18 Wall St. John Glenville Murphy, 5-. 1877, 41 Park Roiv. Joseph Paul Murphy, M.D., m. 1894, 471 W. e^jth St. Starr Jocelyn Murphy, /. 1883, in Broadway. Ambrose Spencer Murray, Jr., /. 1874, 32 Nassau St. Francis James Murray, M.D., in. 1894, 184 Columbus Av. Francis Wisner Murray, M.D., m. 1880, 38 W. 26th St. George Murray, s. 1874, 235 W. 23^? St. George Francis Murray, /. 1869, 20 Nassau St. George Welwood Murray, /. 1876, 35 Wall St. James B. Murray, /. 1875, 69 Wall St. James Gumming Murray, /. 1882, 44 Broad- way. John Archibald Murray, /. 1881, 21 Broad St. John Donaldson Murray, M.D., m. 1893, 15 E. 31st St. John Hoffman Murray, /. 1876, 35 Broadway. Peter Murray, M.D., m. 1884, 208 Amster- dam Av. Robert Dorsey Murray, a. 1885, /. 1887, 36 Wall St. Thomas Edward Murray, /. 1880, 51 Chambers St. Thomas Francis Murtha, /. 1879, 71 Wall St. Samuel Murtland, M.D., m. 1883, 346 W. 2,0th St. William Sylvester Musgrave, /. 1879, 139 W. 5Sth St. Norman Strong Mussey, /. 1891, 12 W. 125th St. I N. F.] LOCALITY INDEX, 501 NEW XO^Yi— Continued. New York City — Continued. Arthur Thomas Muzzy, M.D., m. 1879, 100 E. sith St. George Lawrence Myers, a. 1893, 21 W. ^6th St. Joseph J. Myers, /. 1889, 229 Broadway. Thaddeus Halsted Myers, M.D., m. 1885, 24 W. soth St. Wilhelmus Mynderse, /. 1875, 54 Wall St. N. Joseph Nagel, M.D., m. 1889. Arthur Howell Napier, s. 1884, i Union Sq.., W. John McLean Nash, a. 1868, /. 1870, 67 Wall St. Thomas Nash, a. 1882, 64 Cedar St. Edgar Joshua Nathan, /. 1881, ^20 Broadway. Gratz Nathan, a. i86i, 120 Broadway. Harold Nathan, /. 1889, 60 Broadway. Kevork G. Nazarian,/. 1891, 119 E. 51st St. Hiram Hunt Nazro, a. 1863, gtk National Banfi. Henry Necarsulmer, u. 1893, /. 1894, 109 E. "joth St. Henry Chapman Needham, /. 1888, 93 Nas- sau St. W. T. F. Neely,/. 1884, 243 Lexington Av. John Gaspard Neeser, a. 1891, 2 W. 23d St. Knight Neftel, s. 1879, u. 1883, 126 Liberty St. Harry Harmon Neill, /. 1884, 29 Park Row. Abraham Nelson,/. 1882, /. 1885, 234 Broad- way. Henry Loomis Nelson, /. 1869, 331 Pearl St. Jay Odell Nelson, M.D., ;«. 1890, 314 W, $ist St. John De Witt Nelson, M.D., m. 1875, 256 W. 38M St. Norman Fairlie Nelson, a. 1884, 120 Broad- way. John Henry Nesbitt, M.D., m. 1875, 208 W. 42^ St. Albert William Neufield, M.D., m. 1882, iii E. Ti6th St. Selian Neuhof, M.D., m. 1893, German Hos- pital. Frederick Felix Neuman, a. 1894, 604 Lex- ington A V. William Frederick Neumann, M.D., m. 1892, 985 Third Av. John James Neville, M.D., tn. 1876, 34 W. 3%th St. Joseph Emanuel Newburger, /. 1874, City Hall. James Edward Newcomb, M.D., nt. 1883, 118 W. 6c)th St. Obadiah Newcomb, M.D., a. 1840, 233 E. T2th St. George Baldwin Newell, /. 1875, 48 Wall St. William Stevens Newell, /. i860, 115 Broad- ivay. Walter Scott Newhouse, a. 1893, 4^ W. f^dSt. David Judson Newland, /. 1868, 255 W. 84/^ St. William Henry Newschafer, /. 1864, 171 Broadivay. Thomas Maria Newton, j. 1893, 40 W. j^th St. George Lawrence Nicholas, M.D., tn. 1888, Willard Parker Hospital. George Livingston Nichols, /. 1883, 146 Broadivay. George S. Nichols, Jr., a. 1892, 44 Park Av. Harry Parmelee Nichols, j. 1887, 49 E. Z2tk James Ephraim H. Nichols, M.D., m. 1885, 4 E. 43^ St. Romaine Charles Nichols, /. 1882, 36 W. e^^tk Augustus White Nicoll, /. 1862, 7 Warren St. De Lancey Nicoll, /. 1876, 15 Wall St. Edward Nicoll, /. 1874, 5 Wall St. Edward Broadivay Edward Holland Nicol K Wall iit. .1, a. 1866, /. 1868, 102 Henry Denton Nicoll, M.D., m. 1866, 151 E. Sjth St. Matthias Nicoll, Jr., M.D., m. 1892, no W. i^Uh St. Jonas Rein Nilsen, M.D., m. 1881, 9 E. s^dSt. Francis L. Noble, /. 1889, 155 Broadway. Herbert Noble, /. 1893, 117 W. ^StA St. John Gould Noble, M.D., ;«. 1877, 222 W. 2,\th St. Louis Ambrose Noble, a. 1883, /. 1885, 115 Broadway. John Nolan, M.D., m. 1868, 256 Henry St. Joseph Jerome Noll, M.D., tn. 1885, 459 W. ^•jtk St. Herman Felix Nordeman, M.D., a. 1881, m. 1884, 130Q A/adison A 7K. A. Livingston Norman, /. 1888, 45 Williatn St. Adam Gordon Norrie, a. 1891, 377 Fifth Av. Van Home Norrie, M.D., a. 1885, tn. 1889, 21 W. 3jth St. Charles Norris, M.D., tn. 1892, Roosevelt Hospital. Edward Arthur Northall, a. 1879, 108 W. 45th St. William Perry Northrup, M.D., tn. 1878, 57 E. jgth St. Lewis Morris Norwood, /,i876, 135 Broadway. Grant Notman, a. 1886, /. 1888, 54 Wall St. John Notman, /. 1872, 54 Wall St. Charles Somerby Noyes, /. 1882, 7 Beektnan St. William Bradbury Noyes, M.D., tn. 1891, 164 W. Tid St. Alvan Crocker Nye, s. 1884, 107 E. joth St. O. Frederick Cakes, M.D., a. 1876, 248 W. i^dSt. John Calvin Cakes, s. 1893, 423 W. 21st St. Ralph Cakley, /. 1878, 79 Cedar St. Frank Richard Castler, M.D., tn. 1894, 200 W. ^6th St. Isidor Pierce Cberndorfer, M.D., a. 1870, ttt. 1874, 1037 Lexington A v. Edward Charles C'Brien, /. 1882, 36 Wall St. Eugene Aloysius C'Brien, M.D., tn. 1887. iohn Louis O'Brien, /. 1883, 2 Tryon Row. lorgan Joseph O'Brien, /. 1875, Court House. Charles J. O'Callaghan, /. 1878, 116 Centre St. Thomas C'Callaghan, Jr., /. 1878, 177 Broad- ivay. Benjamin Franklin Ochs, M.D., in. i886, 773 Lexington Av. Michael Joseph O'Connor, j. 1881, 28 W. 2-xd St. Thomas Devlin O'Connor, s. 1881, 12 E. 44th St. John Christopher O'Conor, /. 1870, 62 Wall St. Hammond Odell, a. 1889, u. 1890, 135 W. 75/fA St. William C'Donoghue, /. 1872, 34 Nassau St. Michael Edward C'Donovan, M.D., tn. 1891, 475 Hudson St. 502 LOCALITY INDEX. \_N, V. NEW YORK— Continued. New York City — Continued. Joseph O'Dwyer, M.D., m. 1866, 967 Sixth Av. Harrj'^ Oelrichs, /. 1878, 2 Bowling Green. Aaron Ogden, a. 1849, Room 78, iii Broad- way. Charles Walton Ogden, a. 1862, /. 1864, 85 Elm St. David B. Ogden, a. 1869, /. 1871, iii Broad- way. Francis Ludlow Ogden, /. 1874, ^^ Broadway. Gouverneur Morris Ogden, Jr., /. 1879, m Broadway. Herbert Sherwood Ogden, /. 1877, 31 Pine St. Ludlow Ogden, a. 1872, /. 1874, 4 Warren St. Thomas W. Ogden, n. 1829, 7 Pine St. Walter Ellsworth Ogilvie, /. 1886, 10 Dey St. Edward James O'Gorman, /. 1883, 51 Ckajn- bers St. Richard O'Gorman, Jr., /. 1879, 49-51 Cham- bers St. Walter Ogden, a. 1870, 7 Pine St. Frank Joseph O'Hare, M.D., m. 1880, 354 E. ygth St. Eben Erskine Olcott, j. 1874, 18 Broadway. Jacob Van Vechten Olcott, /. 1877, 4 Warren St. William Morrow Knox Olcott, /. 1883, 4 Warren St. Edmund Thomas Oldham, /. 1879, 1644 Broadway . Frank W. Olds, M.D., m. 1880, 26 W. jxst St. Robert Morrison Olyphant, a. 1842, 21 Cort- landt St. Charles Augustine O'Neil, a. 1880, /. 1882, 229 Broadway. Henry Patrick O'Neil, /. 1873, 351 E. izoth St. Charles Henry Francis O'Neill, M.D., m. 1894, 346 W. ssth St. James O'Neill, /. 1877, 280 Broadway. Albert Oppenheim, M.D., tn. 1894, 116 E. 84th St. Benjamin Oppenheim, /. 1894, 116 E. S^th St, Louis Oppenheim, /. 1894, 116 E. B^^th St. Myron Henry Oppenheim, /. 1881, 2S0 Broad- way. Nathan Oppenheim, M.D., m. 1891, 43 W. 46M St. Henry Semon Oppenheimer, M.D., m. 1876, 49 E, 23<^ St. Isaac Oppenheimer, M.D., 7n. 1876, 60 E. 67th St. Joseph Pacificus Ord, /.1877, University Club. Thomas Samuel Ormiston, a. 1875, /. 1877, 7 Nassau St. John Aloysius O'Rourke, /. 1891, 338 W. Sgth St. Charles Cowan Osborn, M.D., m. 1885, 159 W. &ist St. Charles J. Osborn, /. 1883, 71 Broadway. James Walker Osborne, /. 1885, 357 W. 57th St. George F. O'Shaughnessy, /. 1889, 1^2 Nassau St. Max Osterberg, s. 1894, 232 E. tzd St. Eugene J. O'SuUivan, a. 1890, 274 Madison Av. John Joseph O'SuUivan, M.D., m.. 1894, 90 Elm St. John Louis O'SuUivan, a. 1831, 229 W. 23th St. Walter Pell, /. 1869, 169 Broadway. Charles Ernest Pellew, s. 1884, 68 E. 54th St. Henry Russell Pemberton, M.D., fn. 1894, St. Francis' Hospital. Rev. Thornton Bancroft Penfield, a. 1890, 53 Fifth A V. Thomas Norwood Penrose, /. 1889, Care Wm. G. Moffitt., Broadway and Barclay St. Edward White Perkins, M.D., m. 1889, 224 W. -L-^xst St. George Washington Perkins, /. 1881, 154 Nassau St. Robert Randolph Perkins, a. 1885, 96 Broad- way. William Lithgow Perkins, a. 1887, /. 1888, 115 Nassau St. Ernest Noel Perrin, /. 1885, 138 W. 129M St. Howland Delano Perrine, /. 1872. Albert Loring Perry, M.D., /. 1880, 302^. 79/-^ St. Edward Delavan Perry, a. 1875, Columbia College. James William Perry, /. 1875, 32 Nassau St. John Morris Perry, /. 1887, iii Broadway. Nelson W. Perry, s. 1878, " Electrical World:' Wilbert Warren Perry, /. 1877, 6 University Building. William Alfred Perry, a. 1855, 86 Liberty St. Thomas McClure Peters,/. 1889, u. 1890, iii Broadivay. Alfred C. Pette, /. 1889, 120 Broadway. James Thomas Pettus, Jr., M.D., m. 1884, 106 W. X2%th St. Robert Davison Petty, /. 1885, 5 Beekman St. Thomas West Peyton, /. 1877, 55 Liberty St. Felix Pfeiffer, M.D., m. 1885, 130 E. did St. iohn P. Phelan, /. 1889, 54 William St. )udley Phelps, /. 1885, 34 Nassau St. George Howard Phelps, /. 1879, 95 " Tri- bune '^ Bu ilding. Hamilton Bancker Phelps, a. 1893, General Theological Seminary. Louis Napoleon Phelps, a. 1880, zix E. yjth ^t. Myron Henry Phelps, /. 1885, 7 Beekman St. Eugene A. Philbin, /. 1885, iii Broadway. Stephen Philbin, /. 1877, 5^ Chambers St. Harry Van Ness Philip, /. 1887, 120 Broad- way. Eugene Philippe, M.D., tn. 1876, 423 Second Av. Frederic Dimon Philips, a. 1880, /. 1882, 36 Wall St. Albert Capron Phillips, a. 1894, 205 Boule- vard. Albert Lawrence Phillips, /. 1885, 45 William St. Daniel Russell Phillips, M.D., m. 1887. Frederick Phillips, a. 1889, 2\o Broadway. Louis Sylvester Phillips, /. 1882, 35 Broad- ivay. N. Taylor Phillips, /. 1888, 120 Broadway. Waldorf Henry Phillips, /. 1874, 29 Broad- ivay. Frederick Emery Pierce, s, 1892, 22 W. j^^th Smith Davey Pierce, a. 1890, 170 Fulton St. Henry Granger Piffard, M.D., m. 1864, 10 W. 35M St. Ernest Henry Pilsbury, /. 1883, 237 Broad- way. Samuel Grey Courtney Pinckney, M.D., m.. 1893, 253 West End Av. Adolphe Lewis Pincoffs, /. 1882, 2 Wall St. John B. Pine, a. 1877, 67 Wall St. Peter Martin Pirnie, a. 1844, 47 Warren St. William Pistor, s. 1868, i Madison Av. George Sawyer Pitcher, M.D., tn. 1889. Lucius Pitkin, j. 1881, u. 1894, 138 Pearl St. Charles Stason Piatt, s. 1868, 29-31 Gold St. 504 LOCALITY LNDEX. [iV. Y, NEW YOKYi— Continued. New York City — Continued. Frank Hinchman Piatt, /. 1879, 35 Wall St. Warren Oscar Plimpton, M.D., m. 1888, ig IV. ?>^th St. George Willard Plum, a. 1884, /. 1^84, 29 IVilliam St. William Mecklenberg Polk, M.D., m. 1869, 7 E. 2,6th St. Leopold Bertram Pollak, /. 1893, 147 £. 6otk St. Charles Louis Pollard, a. 1893, u. 1894, 104 £. 2.0th St. Mrs, Alice Kohn Pollitzer, b. 1893, 1° ^- (>^th St. Sigismund Pollitzer, M.D., 7n. 1884, 32 E. 60th St. Francis Williams Pollock, /. 1877, 4^ Park Roiv. Eugene Hall Pomeroy, a. i860, /. 1862, 156 Broadway. Oren Day Pomeroy, M.D., m. i860, 316 Lex- ington A V. Alice L. Pond, a. 1888, 345 W. 20th St. George Decatur Pond, a. 1863, 24 Park PI. Manuel Guillermo Ponce de L6on, M.D,, m. 1888. Charles Talbot Poore, M.D., m. 1866, 43 W. 53<^ St. Alexander Barnett Pope, M.D., m. 1884, 126 W. ASth St. Boiling Anthony Pope, Jr., M.D., m. 1890. John Russell Pope, s. 1894, in E. T.^th St. Alfred Haynes Porter, Jr., /. 1886, 106 Wall St. Henry Hobart Porter, Jr., s. 1886, 42 E. e^xst St. William Evelyn Porter, M.D., m. 1888, 50 W. 33^ St. William Henry Porter, M.D,, m, 1877, 1674 Broadivay. Buenaventura Higinio Portuondo, M.D., tn. 1889, 419 E. xisth St. Albertson Van Zo Post, s. 1889, 4 E. (sid St. Allison Wright Post, a. 1890, 11 W. 21st St. Charles Alfred Post, /. 1865, i6 Exchange PI. George B. Post, Jr., a. 1886, 44 Broadway. John Augustus Post, /. 1879, 32 Liberty St. Rev. William Hawks Pott, a. 1883, u. 1886, 229 E. ^<:)th St. Lewis Clover Potter, M.D., m. 1877. Henry M. Powell, a. 1890, 51 Maiden Lane. William Robinson Powell, a, 1888, 1160 Broadway . Edward Ormonde Power, /. 1894, 114 W. 126M St. Charles Andrew Powers, M.D., m. 1883, 35 W. 3sth St. Cornelius Van Vorst Powers, s. 1882, 22 W. /^%th St. William Van Vorst Powers, a. 1877, /. 1879, 58 William St. Charles Augustus Brewster Pratt, Jr., /. 1886. III Broadivay . Edwin Augustus Pratt, /. 1872, 1180 Broad- IV ay. Harry Ruthven Pratt, /. 1878, 15 Broad St. Walter James Pratt, a. 1889, 88-90 Gold St. Otto Emil Prellwitz, M.D., w. 1894, 304 ^. 23^ St, John Joseph Prendergast, M.D., m. 1868, 338 W. 14th St. Augustus Browning Prentice, /. 1889, 155 Broadway. Robert Kelly Prentice, /. 1886, 155 Broad- way. George Lewis Prentiss, /. 1881, 45 Cedar St. George Loveland Prentiss, /. 1884, 45 Cedar St. Austin Edmund Pressinger, /. 1884, iii Broadway. William Evan Preston, s. 1889, 1427 Wash- ington A V. Anderson Price, /, 1872, 80 Broadway. Edward Willard Price, a. 1875, /. 1877, Care American Express Co. James Lyman Price, a. 1865, /. 1868, 200 Hud- son St. Temple Prime, /. 1861, Pier 32, E. R. Rev. Wendell Prime, a. 1856, 38 Park Row. Alexander John Primrose, M.D., m. 1885, N. Y. City Insane Asylmn. ~. ; Arthur Dickson Prince, j. 1893, 3° ^- 47^^ St. John Dyneley Prince, a. 1888, University Building. L, Bradford Prince, /. 1866, 39 Nassau St. Stephen Duncan Pringle, /. 1878, in Broad- ivay. Charles Ignatius Proben, M.D., tn. 1890, 970 Lexington A v. Charles Coffin Protheroe, /. 1879, 56 Wall St. Alexander M. Proudfit, a. 1892, 1425 Broad- way. David Provost, /. 1880, 58 W. srst St. James Williamson Pryor, a. 1878, /. 1881, 27 Pine St. William Rice Pryor, M.D., m. 1881, 15 Park Av. Mary Stuart Pullman, b. 1893, 1032 Park Av. Josiah Collins Pumpelly, /. 1863, Union League Club. iames Punnet, /, 1877, ^9 Liberty St. lichael \. Pupin, a. 1883,46 W. -jzd St. Eberhard Lambert Pupke, a. 1883, ^^ Wall St. James Purdon, /. 1883, 146 Broadivay. Alfred E. Martindale Purdy, M.D., m. 1861, 304 Madison A v. Andrew Purdy, /. 1879, 115 Broadway. Harry Lavinton Purdy, M.D., w. 1890, 180 E. j2d St. John Henry Purdy, a. 1875, /. 1878, 140 Nas- sau St. William Macneven Purdy, a. 1869, /. i87i» 140 Nassau St. Harrington Putnam, /. 1876, 45 William St. Tarrant Putnam, /. 1875, 38 Park Ro-w. Charles Putzel, /. 1878, 140 Nassau St. Gibson Putzel, /. 1877, 320 Broadway. Moses Taylor Pyne, /. 1879, 52 Wall St. Q. John Duncan Quackenbos, M.D.,<3;. 1868, m, 1871,331 W.2Zth St. Rev. Daniel McLaren Quackenbush, a. 1836, 7 E. g2d St. Joseph Francis Quinlan, M.D., m. 1878, 54 W. T.7th St. Edward Hubbard Quinn, M.D., m. 1886, 246 W. 26th St. Edward Quintard, M.D., m. 1887, 58 W, 26th St. Rudolph Frederick Rabe, /. 1869, 243 Broad- way. George William Rachel, M.D., m. 1874, 325 E. xgth St. Louis E. G. Radd6, /. 1873, Hotel San Remo, N. K] LOCALITY INDEX. 505 NEW YO^K.—ConHnued. New^ York City — Continued. John Symonds Radway, M.D., m. 1879, 151 W. i2d St. Louis Christian Raegener, a. 1876, /. 1878, 280 Broadway, Thomas Daniel Rambaut, a. 1881,/. 1882, /. 1883, III Broadway. Frank Eldridge Randall, /. 1879, 45 Broad- way. Sands Fish Randall, /. 1873, 120 Broadway. Charles Randolph, a. 1886, 7 Nassau St. Edmund Randolph, s. 1883, 7 Nassau St. Hector Craig Fitz Randolph, a. 1867, 174 W. lUh St. James Fitz Randolph, s. 1876, iii Broadway. John Cooper F. Randolph, j. 1869, 35 Wall St. Stuart Fitz Randolph, /. 1875, 54 William St. Egbert Guernsey Rankin, ALD., a. 1876, tn. 1878, 528 -^^z>?/4yiz/. Porte Virgil Ransom, /, 1884, Court House. Charles Antonio Rapallo, a. 1884, 26 Ex- change PI. Edward Sumner Rapallo, a. 1874, /. 1876, 32 Nassau St. Maurice Rapp, /. 1880, 167 Broadway, Charles Clary Rathbone, M.D., m. 1893, Bellevue Hospital. Henry Alonzo Rawclifle, /. 1873, 206 Broads way. Louis Dwight Ray, a. 1882, 20 W. $<)th St. Manley A. Raymond, /. 1877, 156 Broadway. William Lewis Raymond, a. 1859, 17 Broad- way. Everett Menzies Raynor, M.D., nt. 1881, 182 Willis A V. Russell Raynor, J. 1889, 114 E. 451 A St. Robert Livingston Read, /. 1872, 31 Nassau St. William Thornton Read, /. 1887, 5-7 Beeh- man St. Lawrence Reamer, a. 1888, 341 Lexington A v. Benjamin Reass, /. 1894, 21 Avenue B. Louis Joseph Reckendorfer, a. 1886, 20 E. 62d St, Goold Hoyt Redmond, a. 1857, 105 Franklin St. Albert Augustus Reed, /. 1887, loi W. 104/A St. Sylvanus Albert Reed, a, 1874, University Club. William Henry Reed, /. 1886, 280 Broadtvay. John Krom Rees, a. 1872, s. 1875, Columbia College. Theodore Irving Reese, a. 1894, 60 E. 7%th St. Alfred Gandy Reeves, /. 1887, 55 Liberty St, Melville Henry Regensburger, /. 1873, 320 Broadway. Charles Beatty Reid, /. 1886, 140 Nassau St, Frederick William Reid, a. 1881, 128 W. Z6th St. John Joseph Reid, M.D,, m. 1869, 653 Lex- ing ton A v. Willard Placide Reid, /. 1885, 29 Wall St. Bernard Reilly, Jr., /. 1876, 245 Broadway. John Reilly, /. 1887, 265 Broadway. Philip Joseph Reilly, /. 1882, 360 E. Zth St. George Joseph Reinl, /. 1887, 148 E, e^-^d St, Charles P. Remsen, M.D., m. i88o, 12 E. ixth St. Robert George Remsen, M.D., m. 1876, 115 Broadzuay. George Renault, j. 1883, 61 Irving PI, John Clifford Rennard, s. 1894, 302 W. 73*/ St. Louis Rennes a. 1887, /. i88g, 34 jE". ^si St. Edward Sabine Renwick, a. 1839, 19 Park PI, Henry B. Renwick, a. 1833, 2<) Park Av. James Renwick, «, 1836, 28 University PI, James Armstrong Renwick, a. 1876, /. 1879, 55 Broad'way, Henry Milton Requa, Jr., a. 1887, /. 1879, 17 W. sotk St. Camilo Claudio Restrepo, s. 1887, 54 Williatn St, Raymond Reubenstein, «. 1894, 129 E. 82^/ St. Philip Eugene Reville, /. 1886, 93 Nassau St. Albert Reynaud, /. 1874, 68 William St. Charles Rhind, a. 1827, Hotel Grenoble. Charles E. Rhinelander, a. 1849, 6 W. yid St. Frederic W. Rhinelander, a. 1847, 62 Cedar St, Thomas Jackson Oakley Rhinelander, a. 1878, /. 1880, 79 Cedar St. John Clinton Rhodes, /. 1878, \$6 Broadway. Charles Clarence Rice, M.D., m. 1877, 4°^ W. sith St. Charles Orrin Rice, M.D., m, 1889, 406 W. Sith St. Isaac Leopold Rice, /. 1880, 34 Nassau St. Joseph Mayer Rice, M.D., m. 1881, i486 Lexington Av, Jacob Monroe Rice, s, 1883, 50 W. -^th Si. Michael Placzek Rich, M.D., m.. 1894, 5° ^« 38/A St, Montrose Reuben Richard, M.D. w. 1877, 77 E. ii6th St. A. G. Richards, a. 1858, 470 Broadway. Dickinson Woodruff Richards, /. 1882, 6a Wall St. George Richards, /. 1876, 62 Wall St. George Andrews Richards, M.D., m. 1886, 30 W. ^3^6"^. Gracie King Richards, a. i88g, 113 E. 30M St. Guy Richards, a. 1887, /. 1889, 18 Exchange PI. Henry Raymond Richards, /. 1894, e^2Ai Fifth Av, ^ Huntington Richards, M.D., m, 1877, 19 E. Z^th St, Tames Richards, /. 1864, 68-70 William St, John Tredwell Richards, /. 1874, 48 William St. Joseph Swift Richards, /. 1867, 145 Nassau St. Robert K. Richards a. 1858, 52 Broad-way. William Guy Richards, M.D., m. 1878. Alfonso Atwood Richardson, M.D., tn, 1885, 1038 Park A V. Charles Henry Richardson, M.D., tn, 1884, 427 Lexing ton A v. John Selden Richardson, M.D., -m. 1893, 174 W. 9S//5: St. Rosell Llewellyn Richardson, /. 1876, 403 W. X26th St, Waldo Henry Richardson, M.D., m. 1878, 79 Washing ton PI. William Thomas Richmond, s, 1881, 68 Thomas St. Henry Adolphe Richy, M.D., m. 1889, 239 E. ^gth St. Pierre de Peyster Ricketts, s, 1871, Columbia College. Charles Dallas Ridgway, /. 1872, 41 Park Row, Thomas Weddle Ridsdale, s. 1883, 39-41 Cortlandt St. Jacob Rieger, /. 1891, 42 Essex St. Henry Ries, s, 1892, u, 1894, 28 W. JzSth St, Henry Laurens Riker, a, 1880, 45 Cedar St, John H. Riker, a, 1835, 145 Nassau St, 5o6 LOCALITY INDEX. IN. y? NEW YORK— ConHnued. New York City — Continued. Samuel Riker, Jr., /. 1888, 145 Nassau St. Rev. Henry Chauncey Riley, a. 1858, 43 Bible House. Charles Tomlinson Rittenhouse, s. 1894, 247 W. T-^Zth St. Charles Ritter, /. i86g, 30 Broadway. Theodore Ritter, /. 1869, 30 Broadivay. David Solis Ritterband, /. 1871, 206 Broad- way. Hugo Henry Ritterbusch, /. 1887, 47-49 Liberty St. George Lockhart Rives, a. 1868, /. 1873, 14 W. zUh St. Arden Morris Robbins, a. 1885, 5 Nassau St. George Stillman Robbins, a. 1885, /. 1889, 9 E. 2^th St. Harry Pelham Robbins, a. 1894, 419 Fifth Av. Charles Roberts, /. 1869, 146 Fifth Av. Nathan Selleck Roberts, M.D., m. 1867, 804 Lexington Av. Arthur Rickards Robertson, /. 1870, 32 Park PI. Roderick Robertson, /. 1870, 32 Park PI. Fielding Tecumseh Robeson, a. 1893, 523 Manhattan A v. Alfred Brookes Robinson, /. 1888, /. 1889, 53 W. 48th St. George Washington Robinson, M.D., tn. 1867, Care JV. H. Goadby &r> Co., 24 Broad St. Henry Alvord Robinson, /. 1882, 150 Broad- •way. James Henry Robinson, /. 1891, 409 E. <,'^st St. Robert Emmet Robinson, a. 1863, /. 1865, 52 Wall St. Seth Banister Robinson, /. 1891, u. 1892, /. 1893, 719 Madison A v. E. Willard Roby, /. 1880, 55 Liberty St. Edwards Hall Rockwell, /. 1884, 5 Beekman St. William Rockwell, /. 1877, 120 Broadway. William Hayden Rockwell, Jr., M.D., nt. 1892, New York Hospital. William H. Rockwell, Jr., M.D., tn. 1862, 11 W. 35th St. Harris Crocker Rodgers, M.D., m. 1889, 4 W. Z2^h St. George Francis Roesch, /. 1876, 280 Broad- way. Frederick Roeser, j. 1884, 240 JV i^oth St. John Edward Roeser, u. 1892, /. 1893, 240 IV. \2,oth St. John Henry Rogan, /. 1885, 145 Nassau St. Clarence De Witt Rogers, /. 1893, 67 Wall St. George Augustus Rogers, M.D., m. 1892, 216 W. 2,8th St. Henry Pendleton Rogers, /. 1875,35 Wall St. Hiram Mather Rogers, /. 1891, 275 Madison Av. James Dennison Rogers, u. 1893, 623 Lexing- ton A v. John Rogers, Jr., M.D., m. 1891, 14 W xzth St. Nathaniel Pendleton Rogers, Jr., a. 1882, 25 Whitehall St. Oscar H. Rogers, M.D., tn. 1883, 346 Broad- way. Oscar Legar^ Rogers, s. 1889, 1 Madison A v. Thomas Rogers, /. 1868, Boston A v. and ^.6^th Si. Henry Scott Rokenbaugh, /. 1874, 115 Broad- way. Charles M. Rolker, s. 1875, 20 Nassau St. Louis Lincoln Rolland, /. 1886, 47,2 E . ^id St . Louis Bertrand Rolston, /. 1883, 22 William St. Benjamin Franklin Romaine, a. 1871, /. 1872, 20 Nassau St. DeWitt Clinton Romaine, M.D., m. 1881, 473 Hudson St. Girard Romaine, a. 1882, 84 Beaver St. William Garrett Romaine, /. 1888, 34 Nassau St. Stephen W. Roof, M.D., m. 1864, 223 W. 23d? St. Rev. Claudius Monell Roome, a. 1880, /. 1882, 29 W. ^id St. William Harris Roome, a. 1880, /. 1882, 40 Wall St. Harold Roorbach, /. 1882, 132 Nassau St. James West Roosevelt, M.D., m. 1880, 32 £. 21st St. John Ellis Roosevelt, /. 1874, 120 Broadway. Edwin Buttrick Root, /. 1887, 54 William St. Francis Fayette Root, M.D., m. 1888, 94 W. xo^th St. George Metcalfe Root, a. 1841, 2 Stone St. Henry Andrew Root, /. 1868, 10 Wall St. Louis Fellows Root, M.D., m. 1882. Russell Harper Root, a. 1862, /. 1864, 5^ -^*" fayette PI. Samuel Cady Root, a. 1875, i Broadway, Achilles Rose, M.D., w. 1872, 215 Second Av. William Raphael Rose, /. 1874, 320 Broad- way. Adam Rosenberg, a. 1883, /. 1885, 28 Lafay- ette PI. Julius Rosenberg, M.D., m. 1890, 37 E. (ad St. Max Rosenberg, M.D., m. 1892, 249^. "jistSt. Leopold Gottlieb Rosenblatt, /. 1876, 25 Pine St. J. Coby Rosenblueth, M.D., jn. 1892, 949 Lexington A v. Bernard Samuel Roseneau, M.D., m. 1893, 309 E. 2d St. Paul Joseph Rosenheim, M.D., m.. 1883, 206 E. A,6th St. Abraham Rosenthal, M.D., m. 1890, 325 E. 9,4th St. Alexander Rosenthal, /. 1889, 234 Broadway. Alexander S. Rosenthal. /. 1881, 70 Essex St. James Alexander Ross, /. 1871, 62 Liberty St. Thomas N. Ross, /. 1882, 137 W. 84th St. Charles Roth, M.D., m. 1866, 214 E. sjth St. Charles Roth, /. 1877, 32 Nassau St. Frederick Charles Roth, M.D., m. 1891, 214 E. 3-jth St. Milton Stanley Roth, a. 1894, 50 Walker St. Louis Frank Rothschild,/. 1890, 51 E. 60th St. Edward Grundy Rotter, ^.1893, 347 W. ^^th St. Sanford Louis Rotter, a. 1893, 251 W. 8Sth St. Ralph Stowell Rounds, /. 1892, i2oBroadway. Joseph Charles Rowan, /. 1891, 334 Sixth A v. Griffith Thomas Rowe, /. 1874, 874 Broadway. Charles Bradley Rowland, s, 1884, 329 Madi- son A V. George Rowland, j. 1887, 329 Madison Av. Samuel Rowland, /. 1881, 47 Water St. Thomas M. Rowlette, /. 1889, /. 1889, 4^ Park Row. Robert Schell Rudd, /. 1882, 31 Pine St. Emory Wood Ruggles, M.D,, m. 1888, 1574 Madison A v. Henry Joseph Ruggles, . 1889, u. 1890, 67 Wall St. Nelson Shipman, a. 1886, 35 William. St. John Lewis Shirley, /. 1874, 176 Broadivay. Charles David Shirmer, M.D., jn. 1890, 359^ W. ^2d St Henry Lawrence Shively, M.D., m. 1888, 330' W. sith St. Henry Brengle Shope, j. 1885, 19 W. 32^? St. Edward Lyman Short, a. 1875, /. 1878, 20 W. 2,1th St. Henry Alford Short, a. 1880, 78 Madison A v. Arthur Melville Shrady, M.D., m.. 1893, 149. W. 126th St. Henry Merwin Shrady, a. 1894, 8 E. 6^th St. Jacob Shrady, /. 1863, 90 Nassau St. John Shrady, Jr., M.D.,a. 1849, m. 1861, 149^ W. 1.26th St. John Eliot Shrady, M.D., m. 1892, 149 W. 126th St. William Shrady, /. 1864, 90 Nassau St. Harry Higgins Shrope, /. iSj^, 2^5 Fifth Av. Alexander Shulman, M.D., w. 1885, 197 Second A v. Albert Shunk, M.D., m. 1886, 341 W.22,dSt. James B. Sill, a. 1892, 204 W. 39M St. Rev. Thomas Henry Sill, a. 1861, 204 W. ■yjth St. Charles Augustus Silliman, a. 1850, /. i860, 25 Whitehall St. Adolph Simis, Jr., /. 1876, 102 Broadway. Charles E. Simmons, M.D., m,. 1864, 74^ Lexington A v. Edward Philip Simms,/. iZi^^^i-yj Broadway . Kaufman Simon, /. 1870, 70 W. yoth St. Ludwig Silverman Simon, M.D., m. 1894, 322 W. 3^th St. N. F.] LOCALITY INDEX. 509 NEW YO^Yi— Continued. Nevr York City— Continued. Alexander Bethmann Simonds, a. 1873, /. 1875, 49 IVall St. Charles Harrison Simonds, a. 1882, 18 South William St. Edward Simons, /. 1887, 11 Wall St. Egbert Carll Simonson, a. 1878, 146 Broad- ivay. Gustave Simonson, a. 1886, 728 Lexington Av. ^ ^ • Charles Stephen Simpkins, /. 1873, 165 Broad- Tvay. Angel Jacob Simpson, /. 1875, 15 Wall St. George W. Simpson, /. 1893, 155 Broadway John Elmer Simpson, a. 1886, /. 1888, 21 Park RoTJO. John Woodruff Simpson, /. 1873, 10 Wall St. William Kelly Simpson, M.D., m. 1880, 952 Lexington A v. William Vanderbilt Simpson, /. 1864, 254 Broadway Harry Marion Sims, M.D., nt. 1873, 30 W. S^th St. Albert I. Sire, /. 1883, 99 Nassau St. Charles H. Sisson, a. 1892, 2 £. 15M St. Edward Allan Sisson, a. 1891, a JE. ist/t St. Thomas Skelding, M.D., »/. 1866, 203 £. 13M St. John Drake Skidmore, a. 1849, 7^ ^' 5°^^ '^'^• Samuel Tredwell Skidmore, a. 1886, s. 1889, 71 W. ^oth St. William Bond Skidmore, /. 1871, 120 Broad- •way. William Robert Skidmore, a. 1884, /. 1888, 52 Wall St. John Ruggles Slack, a. 1884, J?oofn 21 y Grand Central Station. Benson Bennett Sloan, a. 1888, 20 William St. Samuel Sloan, Jr„ a. 1887, 16 William St. William Simpson Sloan, /. 1882, 2.(> Exchange Fl. Charles W. Sloane, /. 1871, 60 Park Av. Franklin Maurice Small, s. 1889, 199 Second Av. William Henry Smeaton, s, 1879, ^5 Horatio St. Henry Ashton Smedberg, a. 1881, s. 1884, 347 Pi/th A V. John Adams Smedberg, a. 1869, Atn. Ex- £hange Bank. Frank Bishop Smidt, a. 1882, 54 Wall St. Alexis Cutler Smith, /. 1875, 132 Nassau St. Alfred Keene Smith, M.D., tn. 1894, 363 W. ^etk St. Augustus Smith, s. 1889, 460 W. ^th St. Augustine Coleman Smith, /. 1887, iii Broad- way. Augustus Lyons Smith, a. 1841, 160 W. $gtA St. Charles Carroll Smith, /. 1865, 3 Chambers St. Charles Henry Smith, /. 1867, 58 E. 114M St. Charles J*eck Smith, M,D., m. 1874, 246 W. 44M St. Charles Robinson Smith, /. 1878, 49 Broad- ivay. Clarence Bishop Smith, a. 1894, loi E. 6gtk St. Daniel H. Smith, M.D., m. 1873, 223 W. -^^th St. Deming Beadle Smith, a. 1870, 928 Broad- 'vaay. Du Bois Smith, a. 1876, /. 1878, 55 Liberty St. Edwin Dudley Smith, M.D., m. 1889. Elliot Smith, /. 1871, 59 Wall St. I Everett Pepperrell Smith, a. 1892,101 E. 6()th St. Frank Edwin Smith, /. 1880, 21 Cortlandt St. Frank Eugene Smith, /. 1878, 21 Cortlandt St. Frank Sherman Smith, /. 1868, 48 Wall St. Freling H. Smith, /. 1867, 115 Broadway . George De Forest Smith, M.D., m. 1876, 20 E. 2qth St. George Putnam Smith, a. 1866, /. 1868, 115 Broadway. Gilmer Poindexter Smith, /. 1882, 7 Nassau St. Harold Smith, /. 1878, 15 Broad St. Henry Atterbury Smith, s. 1893, 4^° ^- 44^^ St. Hiram Smith, /. 1888, 52 William St. Isaac Spencer Smith, /. 1867, 225 E. 12/A St. J. Gardner Smith, M.D., m. 1887. James Bernard F. Smith, /. 1879, 104 E. 56M St. James Clinch Smith, /. 1878, 171 Broadway. John Francis Smith, /. 1877, 712 Broadway. Tohn Joseph Smith, M.D., m. 1889. fohn Joseph Smith, /. 1892, 1704 First Av. John Richard Smith /. 1881, 29 Wall St. John Vernon Smith, M.D., tn. 1889, i82d Si. and Third Av. Lenox Smith, a. 1865, s. 1868, 26 Cortlandt St. Louis Percy Smith, M.D., nt. 1893, Bellevue Hosp. Matthew Joseph Smith, Jr., /. 1888, 35 Wall St. Maxwell Smith, s. 1880, Care o/Adon Smith., 8 Bridge St. Munroe Smith, /. 1877, 115/A St. and River- side Drive. Normand Smith, Jr., M.D., m. 1861. Oliver Drake Smith, /. 1875, 115 Broadway. Percival Cromwell Smith, /. 1885, 34 Nassau St. Perry Hiram Smith, Jr., /. 1876, 99 Monroe St. Richard Herbert Smith, /. 1879, 4 Warren St, Samuel Smith, M.D., m. 1889. Samuel Wyman Smith, /. 1888, 120 Broadtvay. Sanford Sidney Smith, /. 1872, 59 Wall St. Sydney Smith, /, 1885J 32 Nassau St. Theodore Eugene Smith, Jr., /. 1886, loi W. 52d St. Thomas Edward Vermilye Smith, /. 1879, 57 E. 78th St. Thomas William Smith, /. 1884, 54 William St. Willard Payson Smith, /. 1891, 27 E. 46th St, William Allen Smith, s. 1868, 52 Wall St. William Lyons Smith, a. 1841, i6o W. sgth St. William Stebbins Smith, /. 1871, 743 E, x&jth St. ^ William Wickham Smith, /. 1880, 54 Williatn St. Wilson Fitch Smith, s. 1894, 36 W. 36M St. Roland Mulville Smyth, s, 1877, 45* Produce Exchange. Henry Harrison Snedeker, /. 1887, 34 Nassau St. John William Snell, Jr., /. 1891, 249 W. ^8th St. Thomas Edward Snook, j. 1884, 12 Chambers St. Fred. Augustus Snow, /. 1877, i-'2.o Broadway, Edwin Hall Snyder, a. 1887, 210 Duane St. William Lamartine Snyder, /. 1874, 5 Beek- man St. Jacob Fonseca Da Silva Solis, /. 1875, 'T* Broadivay. 5IO LOCALITY INDEX. IN. V. NEW YORK— Continued. NcTV York City — Continued. Fred. Palmer SoUey, M.D., in. 1892, 411 W. $^th St. Jacob Philip Solomon, /, 1864, 87 Nassau St. William Laing Somerset, M.D., tn. 1892, BlackwelV s Island. Henry Cantine Sommers, /• 1883, 43 W. ■^6th St. Louis Sommers, /. 1881, 1749 Madison Av. Frederic Ewald Sondern, M.D., m. 1889, 128 W. 34//^ St Leopold Sondheim, /. 1887, 60 Broadiuay. Bernard Sour, M,D., 7n. 1893, 238 E. 60th St. Louis Victor Southack, a. 1893, 444 Madison Av. Charles Edward Souther, /. 1869, 7 Nassau St. John Franklin Southmayd, M.D., m. 1892, 203 E. 6gth St. Edward Wells Southworth, /. 1877, 2 E. zgtA St. Thomas Shepard Southworth, M.D., tn. 1887, 19 JF. AStA St. Charles B. Spahr,/. 1886, 295 E. loth St. Alfred Mathias Spalding, M.D., m. 1883, 3 £. X2$th St. George Atherton Spaulding, M.D., nt. 1875, 248 Lenox A v. Joseph Wilcox Spalding, a. 1878, 98 Spring St. Rev. George Downing Sparks, a. 1885, 38 Bleecker St. Henry Kittredge Spaulding, /. 1875, 102 IV. g^d St. Asa Adams Spear, /. 1868, 78-80 JVail St. Archibald Walker Speir, /. 1863, 9 E. 34^^ St. Francis Speir, Jr., /. 1880, 52 IVall St. Gilbert McMaster Speir, Jr., a. 1873, /. 1875, 62 Wall St. Henry Spence, M.D., vt. 1892, 143 W. 6istSt. Charles Ames Spencer, a. 1862, 319 W. ^Zth St. Edward Leavitt Spencer, /. 1872, 45 Broad- way. Frank Sperry, /. 1876, 32 Liberty St. Samuel Veith Speyer, /. 1872, 115 Broadway. Frederick Spiegelberg, /. 1887, 21 Broad St. William Reed Spooner, /. 1876, 436 E. wjth St. Henry Lynda Sprague, /. 1875, x^6 Broadway. Irvin Auchincloss Sprague, a. 1876, 97 Wall St. Richard Austin Springs, /. 1879, 280 Broad- way. John Bentley Squier, Jr., M.D., tn. 1894, 21 E. 'jqth St. Grant Squires, a. 1885, /. 1887, 41 Wall St. Edward Lincoln Stabler, a. 1885, /. 1886, Manhattan Life Insurance Co. R. Augustine Stacpoole, /. 1887, ^o Broadway. George William Stake, Jr., p. 1888, /. 1889, 79 Cedar St. Frederick Stallknecht, s. 1868, 11 Bond St. Gerrit Smith Stanton, /. 1867, 200 Broadivay, Henry Stanton, /. 1864, 15 Broad St. Lawrence Montgomery Stanton, M.D., m. 1886, 155 W. i,Ztk St. Stephen Berrien Stanton, p. 1888, /. 1889, u. 1890, 59 Wall St. Stephen K. Stanton, ouglas Hunt Stewart, M.D., m. 1882, iii W.6/ithSt. Lispenard Stewart, /. 1878, 54 William St. William Rhinelander Stewart, /. 1873, 52 William St. Louis J. Stich, /. 187-}, 669 Lexington Av. Alfred Henry Stieblmg, M.D., m. 1883, 91 Second A v. Benjamin Wolf Stiefel, M.D., tn, 1890, 112 W. i32d St. Mortimer Stiefel, /. 1891, 36 E. 60th St. William Edwin Stieger, /, 1867, z$$ Broadway. Howard York Stillman, /. 1881, 38 Park Row. John Edwin Stillwell, M.D., m. 1875, 151 E, 2ist St. Benjamin Watson Stilwell, /. 1879, 11 Cham- bers St. N. F.] LOCALITY INDEX. 511 NEW YOKK— Continued. New York City — Continued. Silas Moore Stilwell, a. 1873, ^- ^875, m Broadway. Thomas Hunt Stilwell, M.D., m. 1862. Van Meter Stilwell, a. 1881, /. 1883, 132 Nas- sau St. Daniel MacMartin Stimson, M.D., m. 1868, II W. Tjth St. Charles Woodbury Stimson, M.D., nt. 1884, 134 W. joth St. Frederick Julian Stimson, /. 1879, 55 Liberty St. Marcus Stine, /. 1881, 30 Broad St. John Hervey Stitt, /. 1867, 113 Fulton St. Casper Stock, M.D., m. 1894, 2249 Seventh Av. Freeman Stoddard, M.D., m. 1864. William Stoddart, /. 1878, 150 Fifth Av. Gustave Mozart Stoeckel, M.D., m. 1S74, 361 W. 42d St. Adolphus Henry Stoiber, /. 1874, i Nassau St. Charles Francis Stokes, M.D., m. 1884, 19 F. 56th St. Horace Sheldon Stokes, M.D., m. 1892, 411 fT. 57th St. Ambrose Everett Stone, /. 1878, 561 Fifth Av. Chauncey Bannard Stone, /, 1887, 3 Grand Boulevard. Edward C. Stone, /. 1889, 280 Broadway. Frederick Joseph Stone, /. iZ-jG, 60 Broadway. Thomas Stone, M,D., m. 1883, 340 W. 27M St. William Steven Stone, M.D., m. 1891, Cham- bers St. Hospital Walton Storm, /. 1881, t2o Broadway. Charles Bigelow Storrs, /. 1884, 120 Broadway. Arthur Alexander Stoughton, s. 1888, 1665 Washington A v. Charles William Stoughton, s. 1889, 1665 Washington Av. James Ambrose Stoughton, M.D., tn. 1889, RandalV s Island. Andrew Varick Stont, a. 1893, 35 E. 6jth St. EUarson Stout, a. 1881, 73 Gold St. John Hall Stoutenburgh, /. 1874, 115 Nassau St. James Strafford, M.D., m. 1886. Alexander Stratton, s. 1894, 2013 Fifth A v. Oscar Solomon Straus, a, 1871, /. 1873, 42 Warren St. William Strauss. /. 1871, 20 Nassau St. Harold Strebeign, a. 1887, 74 Cortlandt St. Letferts Strebeigh, a. 1873, ^' ^^JS* '^o Broad- way. Alexander Strong, M.D., m. 1871, 188 Second Av. Benjamin Strong, a. 1854, 44 Pine St. Cyrus John Strong, M.D., tn. 1891, 166 W. xo$th St. Moses Jesse Stroock, /. 1888, 320 Broadway. Solomon Marcus Stroock, a. 1893, /. 1894, 156 F. 2,0th St. Alfred Nathan Strouse, M.D., m. 1885, 72 W. ssth St. Edward Strouse, /. 1878, 10 Whitehall St. Joseph Struthers, s. 1885, 624 E. \-3,6th St. Sidney Harrison Stuart, Jr., /. 1864, 93 Nas- sau St. William Henry Stuart, s. 1886, 36 W. -joth St. Houghton Doane Stubbs, /, 1891, 69 Madi- son A V. Charles Allen Studwell, /, 1878. Frank Dodge Sturges, a. 1870, /. 1872, 71 Wall St. Henry Cady Sturges, a. 1869, 40 E. -^tth St. S. Perry Sturges, /. 1880, 55 Liberty St. William Wallace Sturges, a. 1885, -ip Broad Si. Robert Sturgis, /. 1883, 44 Wall St. Arnold Sturmdorf, M.D., m. 1886, 245 E. x^th St. Rutherfurd Stuyvesant, a. 1863, 16 Ej:- change PI. George Hammond Sullivan, /. 1884, 45 Wall St. Wilberforce Sully, /. 1 881, 80 Broadway. Albert Earl Sumner, M.D., nt. 1894, 38 W. 6ist St. George Augustus Suter, s. 1883, 139 South Fifth A V. John Shureman Sutphen, Jr., a. 1888, 19 W. Z^d St. Theodore Sutro, /. 1874, 20 Fifth Av. Charles Crooke Suydam, a. 1856, 206 Broad- way. John Richard Suydam, Jr., s. 1879, 14 E. 41st St. Harold Swain, /. 1891, 55 Liberty St. Theodore Augustus Swan, /. 1886, 92 Liberty St. Edward Swann,/. 1885, /. 1886, 71 Broadway. James Francis Swanton, /. 1875, 132 Nassau St. Mahlon Edwin Swartz, M.D., tn. 1871, 366 Sixth A V. Edward Swasey, M.D., m. 1878, 134 Matt- hattan Av. John Higgins Swasey, M.D., tn. 1875, 34 E. 2%th St. Eugene Sweeney, /. 1882, 247 W. J2$th St. Charles Warner Swift, /. 1880, 41 W. 2Sth St. Frederic Joseph Swift, /. 1892, 428 W. 22d St. George Montague Swift, M.D., tn. 1879, ^9 E. 21st St. William Jonathan Swift, M.D., ttt. 1878, 40 F. -ypth St. George Knowles Swinburne, M.D., tn. 1885, 166 W. ssth St. Charles Clinton Swisher, /. 1882, 56 Wall St. Charles Robert Swords, a. 1894, 29 E. 28M St. William Robert Syme, /. 1864, ijo Broadway. Albert Symington, /. 1887, 35 Wall St. Brandreth Symonds, M.D., m. 1884, 128 W. S<)th St. T. Theodore Munger Taft, /. 1889, 74 Wall St. Starr Taintor, a. 18^3, 230 W. 59M St. William Noyes Taintor, s. 1894, 230 W. 59M St. Augustus Talbot, a. 1866, 2 Stone St. Charles NicoU Talbot, /. 1875, iii Broadway. Edward Martin Talbot, /. 1876, i Broadway. Robert Bancker Talbot, M.D., tn. 1877, 64 W. soth St. William Warren Talley, M.D., tn. 1889, 71 W. T^Ath St. Frederick Samuel Tallmadge, a. 1845, 165 Broadivay. William Allen Taltavall, M.D., tn. 1883, 2137 Seventh A v. John Oscroft Tansley, M.D., nt. 1877, 28 W. At^d St. John Butler Coles Tappan, /. 1882, 44 Broad- ivay. Alfred Taylor, /. 1871, 15 Wall St. Arthur Irving Taylor, a. 1890, i E. "y^th St. Dwight Wilcox Taylor, a. 1891, 500 Madison Av. George Henry Taylor, a. 1881, 29 Broadway. Henry A. Coit Taylor, a. 1861, 52 Wall St. Henry Ling Taylor, M.D., nt. 1881, 201 W. S^th St. 512 LOCALITY INDEX. IN. Y. NEW XO^Yi— Continued. Ne"w York City — Continued. Henry Osborn Taylor, /. 1881, P. O. Box 203. Henry Richmond Taylor, a. 1891, /. 1894, 121 E. 21st St. Herbert Charles Taylor, a. 1884, i E. y^th St. Herbert Henry Taylor, /. 1883, 280 Broadway, Howard Canning Taylor, M.D., m. 1891, Roosevelt Hospital. Robert William Taylor, M.D., m. 1868, 40 W. 2XSt St. Thomas Fenton Taylor, 1. 1877, 31 Nassau St. Washington Irving Taylor, a. 1887, /. 1888, /. 1888, 55 Liberty St. William Hickock Taylor, a. 1880, 16 E. ^dth St. George Byron Teames, M.D., m. 1890, 358 W. i,Uh St. Daniel Wade Tears, a. 1884, Legal Dept. N. Y. C. bf H. R. R. David Clark Tefft, /. 1877, 59 Liberty St. Seth Justin Temple, s. 1892, 109 W. if'jth St. Benjamin Lansing Ten Eyck, M.D., m. 1885, Kingsbridge. Cantine Hasbrouck Ten Eyck, M.D., m, 1874, 119 E. wZth St. Stephen Vedder Ten Eyck, M.D., m. 1883, 159 IV. gzd St. George G. Tennant, /. 1891, 36 Park Row. Dudley Hoyt Tenney, a. 1890, 44 W. ^id St. Henry Allen Tenney, /. 1888, 120 Broadway. Sutherland Tenney, a. 1873, /. 1875, 87 Mad- ison A V. Allen Greenleaf Terrell, M.D., in. 1892, 410 W. sith St. Charles Appleton Terry, /. 1883, 120 Broad- way. Charles Thaddeus Terry, /. 1893, 620 Lex- ington A 7J. John Taylor Terry, Jr., /. 1881, 275 Madi- son A V. Stanley Davis Terrj', M.D., vi. 1875, 14 W. 2,^th St. William Hazard Terry, «;. 1850, ^76 Fifth A v. Gabriel Wolfgang Teschner, M.D., tn. 1880, 66 Rivington St. Jacob Teschner, M.D., m. 1881, 134 E. 6zstSt. John Seymour Thacher, M.D., m. 1880, 33 JV. sgt/i St. Thomas Thacher, /. 1875, 10 IVall St. William Mowry Thacher, /. 1887, 150 Nassau St. Horace Holden Thayer, a. 1868, 115 Broad- way. William Henr^' Theban, M.D., 172 E. 114//? St. Carl Theobald, M.D., m. 1894, 542 E. wth St. . Allen Mason Thomas, M.D., m. 1880, 64 W. y>th St. Franz Charles Thomas, s. 1890, 39^^ Wash- ington Sg. James Clarke Thomas, M.D., m. 1868, 107 W. ^jth St. Ludlow Thomas, a. 1835, 34 Pine St. Richard Simms Thomas, /. 1889, 71 JVall St. John Julius Thomasson, /. 1865, 206 Broad- way. David Gardiner Thompson, a. 1856, 25 La- fayette PI. Edward Wallenstein Thompson, M.D., m. 1864, 302 E. Broadivay. Frederick Diodati Thompson, /. 1868, Union Club. Henry Clark Thompson, s. 1886, 42 Lorillard PL Robert William Thompson, Jr., a. 1894, 229 W. Qjth St. William Gilman Thompson, M.D., m. i88i, 49 E. 2pth St. William Faulds Thoms, M.D., th. i860, 92 Madison St. David Thomson, a. 1842, 52 Wall St. David Thomson, a. 1873, /. 1875, 52 Wall St. George Mortimer Thomson, a. 1885, 52 Wall St. Giraud Foster Thomson, a. 1883, 52 Wall St. Edward Thorn, /. 1873, 148 Broadway Leonard Mortimer Thorn, Jr., /. 1880, 49 Broadway. William E. Thorn, a. 1852, 10 Worth St, William Knapp Thorn, Jr., /. 1870, 102 Broadway. Clarence Eugene Thornall, /. 1887, X20 Broad- way. Edward Voorhees Thornall, /. 1877, 120 Broadivay. Robert Thorne, /. 1891. Rougier Thorne, /. 1889, 181 Broadway. Henry Herbert Thorp, M.D., tn. 1890, 224 Central Park West. George Enos Throop, a. 1885, 150 Nassau St. Rev. Montgomery Hunt Troop, a. 1876, 29 Vesey St. William Thurman, M.D., fn. 1864, 107 W. ieth St. Paul Ernest Tiemann, M.D., a. 1881, tn. 1884, 161 W, xo/^th St. Henry Neville TifEt, /. 1876, 33 Wall St. Irving Howard Tifft, /. 1879, 277 Broadway. Edward Tillou, a. 1869, /. 1871, s$Liberty St. William Cordes Timm, /. 1888, 140 Pearl St. John W. Timpson, a. 1856, 7 Wall St. George Tod, /. 1888, 54 Wall St. Ambrose Giddings Todd, /. 1887, 55 Liberty St. Andrew Malcolmson Todd, a. 1886, 281 Broadway Francis Tomes, a. 1831^ 136 E. ^oth St. William Thomas Tomlinson, /. 1887, 11 Pine St. Byron Vincent Tompkins, M.D., m. 1881, 26 W. 61st St. John Almy Tompkins, j. 1894, 223 E. ijth St. John Newhouse Tonnele, /. 1876, 229 Broad- ivay. Gabriel Mead Tooker, a. 1859, ^- 1861, care H. S. Ely, 64 Cedar St. Franz John Albert Torek, M.D., m. 1887, 164 E. jgth St. Benjamin Torrens, M.D., m. 1893, 435 Pleas- ant A v. Donald Butler Toucey, s. 1882, /. 1884, 743 Madison Av. Sinclair Tousey, M.D., m. 1888, 29 W. 35th St. Arthur Bronson Townsend, a. 1885, 23 Wall St. Arthur Oakley Townsend, /. 1888, 32 Nassau St. Charles DeKay Townsend, /. 1876, 55 Liberty St. Frederick Meyers Townsend, M.D,, m. 1879, 36 W. 2T.st St. James Mulford Townsend, /. 1876, iii Broad- ivay. John Allen Townsend, /. 1884, 237 Madison John Henry Townsend, a. 1886, 18 Wall St. Robert Townsend, a. 1876, /. 1878, Park Av. Hotel. Samuel George Fitzhugh Townsend, a. 1893, 131 Fifth A V. ^. y.] LOCALITY INDEX. 513 NEW YOKK.— Continued. Ne-w York City — Continued. Theodore Irving Townsend, M.D., m. 1891, 326 Lenox A v. Wisner Robinson Townsend, M.D., a. 1877, m. 1880, 28 W. sgth St Elmer Clark Tracy, M.D,, m. 1885, 27 E. 126M St. Frank Brodhead Tracy, /. 1877, 115 Broad- Howard Crosby Tracy, /. 1889, 41-43 Wall St. Paul H. Tracy, M.D., m. 1893, Manhattan Hospital. Roger Sherman Tracy, M.D., m. 1868, 74 W. j^dth St. John Emil Traub, M.D., nt. 1886, 263 W. Afld St. WilUam Riggin Travers, a. 1882, 3 W. ^Zth St. Alexander Horton Travis, M.D., m. 1887, 123 JV. 82dSt. Martin van Buren Travis, /, 1877, 55 Liberty St. Eugene Treadwell, /. 1874, 335 Broadway. Sidney Hubbell Treat, a. 1893, ^- ^894, 171 W. qjth St. Henry Edwin Tremain, /. 1867, 146 Broad- ■way. Edmund Grindle Rawson Trimble, M.D., a. 3872, m. 1878, 6r E. zroth St. Walter Trimble, /. 1881, 160 Broadway.. George Trowbridge, M.D., nt. 1881. Samuel Break Parkman Trowbridge, /. 1886, 7 E. /^6th St. Charles Wall Truslow, /. 1878, 35 Wall St. George Waite Tubbs, /. 1876, 32 Nassau St. Allen Tucker, s. 1888, 80 Washing-ton Sq. Edwin Benjamin Tucker, /. 1888, 115 Broad- ivay. Ervin Alden Tucker, M.D., m. 1889, Sloane Maternity Hospital. Frank Landale Tucker, M.D., nt. 1891, 272 Willis A V. John Askew Tucker, a. 1861, 98 Pine St. Robert Schuyler Tucker, a. 1863, ^45 ^' ^5^^ St. Fleming Tuckerman, /. 1884, 120 Broadway. William Boyd Tullis, /, 1873, 38 Bank St. Matthew H. Tully, /, 1891, 200 Broadtvay. John Langdon Tupper, /. 1876, 136 W. 2gth St, Leopold Turk, /. 1875, 280 Broadway. Arthur TurnbuU, /. 1886, 59 Cedar St. Willis Ad ----- - W. j^()th St. Willis Adams TurnbuU D, 59 Le , M.D. nt. 1890, 244 Henry B. Turner, Jr., a. 1889, Foot E. z^d St. Herbert Beach Turner, a. 1855. William Leamon Turner, /. 1881, 84 Cotton Exchange Bldg. Arthur Baldwin Turnure, /. 1878, 61 Union PI. Edgar Abel Turrell, /. 1869, 170 Broadway. Guy Hanford Turrell, a. 1894, 1731 Washing- ion A V. Benjamin Tuska, ;*. 1888, /. 1889, 22 William. St. Gustave Robitscher Tuska, j. 1891, Madison Av. &'3^thSt. George Albert Tuttle, M.D., m. 1886, 238 W. ^\th St. George Montgomery Tuttle, M.D., nt. 1880, 49 W. 38M St. Thomas Dyer Tuttle, M.D., m. 1893, 35 W. 45th. St. Sidney Arthur Twinch, M.D., nt. 1890. Charles Converse Tyler, /. 1882, 4 Hanozfer St. Eliphalet Williams Tyler, /. 1872, iii Broad- ivay. Lachlan Tyler, M.D., nt. 1876, 152 W. 64M St. Sigmund Tynberg, M.D., m. 1885, 321 E.^id St. Hector Hilgard Tyndale, /. 1879, 45 Wall St. William DeWitt Tyndall, /. 1891, 26 E. ^jth St. Charles Rockland Tyng, a. 1862, 96 Broad- way. u. Oswald Werner Uhl, a. 1891, 171 Pearl St. Joseph Ullman, /. 1877, 203 Broadway. William Gracie Ulshoeffer, a. 1856, 160 Broadivay. Charles Unangst, /. 1873, 36 Nassau St. Frederic Edgar Underbill, a. 1893, ^/o ^' ^(ithSt. William James Underwood, /. 1876, 170 Broadivay. Isaac Untermeyer, /. 1874, 44 Wall St. Maurice Untermyer, /. 1882, 46 Wall St. Samuel Untermyer, /. 1878, 44 Wall St. Harvey Clinton Upchurch, M.D., nt. 1893, 41 E. \2th St. Henry Ayres Uterhart, a. 1894, 552 E. Ssth St. V. Charles A. Valadier, a. 1892, 130 E. 64th St. Herbert Valentine, /. 1876, 38 Park Row. Samuel Hempstead Valentine, /. 1868, 206 Broadway. William Augustus Valentine, M.D., nt. 1875, 45 W. 2Sth St. Guy Van Amringe, a. 1888, /. 1891, 59 Wall St. John Howard Van Amringe, a. i860, Colunt- bia College. Richard Terheun Van Boskerck, /. 1864, 119 Nassau St. Robert Ward Van Boskerck, s. 1877, 58 W. S7th St. Arthur Hoffman Van Brunt, s. 1886, 54 Wall St. Robert Bunch Van Cortlandt, a. 1882, 44 Broad-way. Alexander Hamilton Van Cott, /. 1881, 45 William St. Lincoln Van Cott, a. 1884, Grand Central Station. Henry Sayre Van Duzer, /. 1877, 31 Nassau St. Aaron Ernest Vanderpoel, a. 1867, ^- 1869, P. O. Box 261. Augustus Giflford Vanderpoel, /. 1867, 99 Nassau St. Augustus Hall Vanderpoel, /. 1883, 2 Wall St. Herman Wendell Vanderpoel, /. 1880, 71 Broadivay. John Van der Poel, M.D., m. 1881, 36 W. y^th St. Samuel Oakley Vander Poel, M.D., nt. 1876, 47 E. 25th St. Waldron Burritt Vanderpoel, M.D., nt. 1879, 106 E. 24th St. Ira Thompson Van Gieson, M.D., nt. 1885, 437 W. sgth St. William Manning van Heusen, /. 1888, in Broadway, Cornelius Van Keuren, M.D., nt. 1874, 54 Jane St. Warren Van Kleeck, a. 1885, 235 W. 45th St. James Casper Plimpton Van Loan, M.D., nt, 1891, 344 W. 33d St. Sherman Van Ness, Jr., M.D., nt. 1883. Theodore L. Van Norden, a. 1890, 16 W. 48th St. John Everitt Van Nostrand, /. 1874, 206 Broadivay. SH LOCALITY INDEX, \_N. r. NEW NO^Y^— Continued, New York City — Continued, Marshall Roberts Van Nostrand, /. 1882, 45 Pine St. Jefferson Brockner Van Tine, M.D., m. 1893, 127 W. iitk St. Abraham Van Santvoord, a. 1865, /. 1867, 50 Broadway. Eugene Van Schaick, /. 1887, 6 Wall St. George Gray Van Schaick, M.D., m. 1884, 228 W. z\th St. _ Arthur Van Siclen, /. i8gi, 460 W. ^^d St. George West Van Siclen, /. 1867, 120 Broad- Tvay. Howard Van Sinderen, s. 1881, /. 1883, 15 Broad St. William Herman Van Steenbergh, /. 1S79, 10 Wall St. Purdy Van Vliet, /. 1885, 87 Nassau St. Edward Van Volkenburgh, Jr., s. 1888, 41 Wall St. Philip Van Volkenburgh, /. 1876, 261 Broad- way. Thomas Sedgwick Van Volkenburgh, /. 1868, P. O. Box 1318. Frederick Boyd Van Vorst, /. 1879, 18 Wall St. William Townsend Van Vredenburgh, Jr., M.D., in. 1881, 346 Broadway. Cornelius Doremus Van Wagenen, M.D., m. 1893, 39 W. xatk St. James Anderson Van Wagenen, /. 18S8, 88 Nassau St. Washington Irving Van Wart, /. 1882, P. O. Box 8^0. Merit Melbourne Van Wert, /. 1873, 206 Broadivay, Rev. Edward Henry Van Winkle, a. 1865, 25 W. C)th St. Philip Van Rensselaer Van Wyck, /. 1869, 155 Broadivay. Robert Anderson Van Wyck, /. 1872, City Hall. James McCall Varnum, /. 1871,31 Nassau St. Robert Taylor Varnum, /. 1886, 55 Liberty St. Fernando Ruperto Vasquez, M.D., m. 1890. Augustus S. Vatable, a. 1892, 89 Water St. Jules Joseph Vatable, s. 1894, 89 Water St. Bernard Elias Vaughan, M.D., m. 1888, 209 W. 55M Si. Harmon Albert Vedder, M.D., a. 1888, m. 1891, 6go Madison A v. Maus Rosa Vedder, M.D., m. 1861, 690 Madison A v. William Henry Vermilye, M.D., in. 1870, 250 W. T2qth St. William Edward Ver Planck, a. 1876, /. 1878, 18 Exchange PI. Jose Eugene Vidal, M.D., m. 1883. Enrique Cirilo Villaverde, a. 1888, 346 Broad- way. Rev. Marvin Richardson Vincent, a. 1854, ^^ E. qid St. Arthur Dudley Vinton, /, 1873, 233 W. xith St. ^ Lindley Vinton, /. 1879, 58 William. St. William Volkel, a. 1886, 120 Broadway. Ernest Robert von Nardroff, s. 1886, 343 Madison Av. Feodor von Raitz, M.D., m. 1889, loi W. \y2d St. William von Sachs, a. 1876, /. 1878, 126 Fulton St. Clark Greenwood Voorhees, u. 1893, 59 E. •jSth St. James Ditmars Voorhees, M.D., m. iSgs^ Presbyterian Hospital. Arthur Seymour Vosburgh, M.D., a. 1890, m. 1893, 140 W. %2,th St. Myndert A. Vosburgh, /. 1887, 55 Broadway. Wallace Newland Vreeland, /. 1889, 55 Liberty St. W. Frederick Leopold Wachenheim, M.D., a, 1889, m. 1892, 38 E. i26tk St. George Waddington, a. i860, /. 1862, is& Broadivay. Herbert Treadwell Wade, a. 189^, 140 E. ^ethst. Richard Dean A. Wade, /. 1885, 261 Broad- way. Edward Wagner, M.D., in. 1891, 331 Second Av. Alfred Wagstaff, /. 1866, 120 Broadway. Herman Gustave Wahlig, M.D., m. 1894, 156 E. 8ist St. John Howard Wainwright, s. 1882, 402 Wash- ington St. Howard St. Clair Wait, a. 1880, /. 1882, 55 Broadivay. William Bell Wait, Jr., /. 1894, 412 Ninth. Av. Russell Walden, /. 1876, 80 Broadway. De Lancey G. Walker, /. 1876, 2 Tryon Row.. Henry Freeman Walker, M.D., m. i366, 8 E, ■3,0th St. _ John Simpson Walker, /. 1862, 401 Broadway, John Tempest Walker, Jr., a. 1884, 874 Broadivay . Joseph Walker, Jr., j. 1880, 112 E. 37M St. Le Roy Pope Walker, M.D., in. 1878, 25 E,^ 2^th St. Alphonse Michael Wallace, M.D., m. 1888, 131 E. S^d St. George William Wallace, /. 1889, 7 Nassau St. William Barry Wallace, M.D., m. 1871, 144 E. 60th St. William Copeland Wallace, /. 1878, 18 Wall St. Leopold Wallach, /. 1872, 33 Wall St. Elwyn Waller, j. 1870, 33 W. x^th St. Robert Waller, Jr., a. 1871, 56 Broadivay. James Joseph Walsh, /. 1879, 23 Chambers St. Simon Joseph Walsh, M.D., m. 1879, 9 ■^'■ i2qth St. Walter James Walsh, M.D., in. 1882, 27 Chambers St. Henry Walter,- «. 1883, 11 Wall St. John Augustus Walther, M.D., m. 1876, 262 E. I22d St. Luis Puertas Walton, M.D., a, 1861, m. 1870^ 73 W. 50th St. Joseph Wamsley, /. 1878, 59 Liberty St. Townsend Wandell, /. 1865, 51 Chambers St. Frank Tyng Warburton, a. 1885, /. 1888, 67 Wall St. William John Warburton, a. 1890, u. 1891, 45 Cedar St. Brownlee Robertson Ward, M.D., m. 1892,, Mt. Sinai Hospital. Charles Henry Ward, a. 1851, 165 Broadway. Charles Montague Ward, a. 1877, 115 Broad-- ivay. Delancey Walton Ward, s. 1888, 41 E. 4gth St. Edward TurnbuU Ward, M.D., m. 1871. Edwin Fletcher Ward, M.D., m. 1861, 29 W. S6th St. Egbert Ward, a. 1863, 55 Beaver St. Frederick Augustus Ward, /. 1864, 156 Broadivay. N. y.] LOCALITY INDEX. 515 NEW YORK— Coniinued. New York City — Continued. Freeman Ford Ward, M.D., m. 1894, N. V. Cancer Hospital. George Whitefield Ward, a. 1871, 395 Broad- way. Irving Ward, /. 1871, 121 W. x-3pth St. James Henry Ward, a. 1884, /. 1886, 36 E. e^tk St. James Montfort Ward, /, 1876, 61 Wall St. John Ward, Jr., a. 1858, /. i860, 38 JV. yjth St. John Franklin Ward, /. 1880, 115 Nassau St. John Metcalfe Ward, /. 1894, 45 William St. John Montgomery Ward, /. 1885, Care N. Y. Bdsebnll Club John Seely Ward, /. 1882, /. 1883, 42 Pearl St. Josiah Otis Ward, /. 1863, 14 Stone St. Norbert Reillieux Ward, s. 1882, 1180 Broad- way. Sylvester L. H. Ward, a. 1863, 65 Wall St. Willard Parker Ward, a. 1865, 15 Broad St. William Frederick Ward, a. 1887, 784 Fi/th Av. William Greene Ward, a. 1851, 17 Broad St. Yeatman Wardlow, M.D., m, 1891, City Hospital. Charles Ware, M.D., nt. 1883. Edvk^ard James Ware, M.D., tn. 1885, 121 W. g^d St. Franklin Backus Ware, s. 1894, 1285 Madi- son Av. Frederick Alonzo Ware, /. 1886, 138 W. 36/A St. Martin Wiener Ware, M.D., m. 1893, ^'^^^- Sinn i Hospital. William Bernard Whiting, /. 1887, 280 Broad- •way. Everett Seymour Warner, M.D., m. 1878, 117 E. 26th St. Franklin Mott Warner, a. 1891, 250 Lexing- ton A V. Frederic Montresor Warner, M.D., m. 1880, 66 W. s6M St. Henry Wolcott Warner, a. 1891, 250 Lexing- ton A V. Horace Seeley Warner, M,D., nt. 1885, 189 Broadivay, Levi Francis Warner, M.D., m. 1889, 42 W. 2.\st St. William Hamilton Harris Warner,/. 1882, 52 Wall St. G. Harry Warren, Jr., a. 1888, /. 1889, 6 Wall St. iohn Warren, M.D., m. 1881, 47 E. j/oth St. loyd Warren, a. 1888, s. 1891, s^o Fi/th Av. Meyer Claudius Warsaw, M.D., nt. 1885, 255 W. ^2d St. Hill Sloane Warwick, M.D., m. 1887, 438 W. 47th St. William Ives Washburn, /.1878, 80 Broadway. Cornelius Reed Waterbury, j. 1877, 45 Broad- way. James Montaudevert Waterbury, Jr., a. 1873, 130 Front St. Nelson Jarvis Waterbury, Jr., a. 1880, /. 1882, 32 Nassau St. Bertram Howard Waters, M.D., m. 1893, 213 W. 43^/ St. Edward Emerson Waters, /. 1874, 78 Cort- land t St. George Safford Waters, s. 1889, 42 W. 43^/ St. Royal Phillips Watkins, M.D., m. 1892, Bel- levue Hospital. Henry Ross Campbell Watson, a. 1878, 99 Franklin St, James Watson, /. 1878, 59 Wall St. Robert Watts, Jr., M.D., m. 1861, 45 W. 36/A St. Robert Watts, Jr., M.D., a. 1889, m. 1893, Bellevue Hospital. John Elton Wayland, /. 1885, 48 E. s-^d St. Edwin Henry Weatherbee, /. 1879, 881 Broad- ivay. Henry Walter Webb, s. 1873, /. 1875, Grand Central Station. William Seward Webb, M.D., m. 1875, 680 Fi/th A V. John Webber, Jr., a. 1882, /. 1884, 7 Beek- man St. Morris Earl Webber, /. 1882, 5 Beekman St. George Noyes Webster, /. 1886, 33 E. 127th St. Hamilton Fish Webster, a. 1883, /. 1886, 243 E. i8th St. Edgar Theodore Weed, M.D., m. 1881, 246 Lenox Av. John Waring Weed, /. 1868, 62 William St. Arthur Delano Weekes, a. 1872, /. 1874, ■;8 Wall St. ' Frederick Delano Weekes, a. 1877, 58 Wall St. Bartow Sumter Weeks, /. 1883, 260 W. s-jth St. Edward Francis Weeks, a. i86g, /. 1871, 45 William St. Francis H. Weeks, /. 1867, 62 William St. Henry De Forest Weeks, /. 1876, 62 Williant St. Herbert Augustus Weeks, a. 1880, 74 Mur- ray St. James Weeks, a. 1856, 18 Wall St. William Huey Weeks, j. 1889, 7^9 Madison Av. Otto Henry Wefing. /. 1888, 114 Reade St. Arnold Charles Weil, /. 1893, 7^1 Madison Av. Isaac Weil, M.D., nt. 187^, 121 Mercer St. Robert Weil, a. 1885,/. 1886, /. 1891, 15 Wall St. Judah Lewis Weinberg, a. i88g, u. 1891, 114 Nassau St. Moses Weinman, /. 1883, 46 Wall St. Francis Henry Weismann, M.D., nt. 1868, 64 St. Mark's PI. Samuel William Weiss, /. 1874, 45 Wall St. Alexander McMillan Welch, s. 1890, 447 Lexington Av. George Washington Weld, M.D., m. 1884, 13 W. 26th St. J. Edward Weld, /. 1884, 160 Broadway. George E. Weller, /. 1889, 19 William St. Brooks Hugh Wells, M.D., m. 1884, 71 W. 45th St. Edward Wells, ]T.,p. 1886, iii Broadway. James Lee Wells, a. 1865, 267 Alexander Av. Thomas Tileston Wells, /. 1888, 46 Ex- cha nge PI. Paul Oscar Wels, j'. 1887, 127 E. g\st St. John G. Wendel, a. 1855, 79 Maiden Lane. Louis Wendel, Jr., /. 1888, 339 W. ,dSt. Henry Wakeman Wheeler, /. 1877, 72 Broad- ivay. Ira Benjamin Wheeler, /. 1872, y BeektnanSt. iohn Visscher Wheeler, a. 1865, 32 E. 26th St. eonard Sumner Wheeler, /. 1887, The Mon- terey, W. ix^th St. Thomas Kensett Wheeler, /. 1884, 5 Beek- man St. Walter Wheeler, a. 1885, 43 JV. 2stA St. George G. Wheelock, M.D., w. 1864, jsParJi yd nj William Efner Wheelock, M.D., m. 1876, /. 1885, i3_ W. i^Zth St. Archibald Campbell White, M.D., m. 1891, Willard Parker Hosj>ital. George Dana White, /. 1883, 140 Nassau St. George Reeves White, M.D., m. 1891. Granville Moss White, M.D., m. 1884, 272 W. ^^th St. Henry Crofut White, u. 1892, 41 E. %-^d St. John Blake White, M.D,, m. 1874, 1013 Mad- ison A V. iohn Jay White, a. 1849, 45 Broadway. eonard Dalton White, Jr., a. 1887, 102 Broadivay. Robert Davis White, s. 1892, 39 E. j^th St. Theodore Greely White, s. 1894, 39 IV. 26th St. Thomas Randolph White, Jr., /. 1872, 2 Wall St. Pennington Whitehead, /. 1883, 50 Wall St. Frederic Newton Whitehorne, a. 1893, 64 W. Z26th St. Edward N. Whitehouse, a. 1859, University Club. Frederick Cope Whitehouse, a. 1861, 13 Fifth Av. Henry Howard Whitehouse, M.D., m. 1889, 4 E. 2,7th St.^ William Fitzhugh Whitehouse, a. i860, 187 Madison A v. Edward McKinstry Whiting, a. 1887, 59 Wall St. John Bowen Whiting, /. 1877, 59 Wall St. Louis Claude Whiton, /. 1880, 114 W. 76th St. Bache McEvers Whitlock, a. 1873, /. 1875, 49 Wall St. Herbert Percy Whitlock, j. 1889, 449 ParkAv. Henry Hyde Whitman, a. 1885, 120 Broad- v/ay. John Franklin Whitmyer, M.D., tn. 1890, 136 JV. 12th St. Albert Beach Whitney, M.D., a. 1861, 148 W. •jjth St. Daniel Darling Whitney, /. 1879, 155 Broad- ivay. Frederick Wallingford Whitridee, /. 1878, 59 Wall St. Charles Thomas Whybrew, M.D., tn. 1870, 218 W. 2\St St. William Peck Whyland, a. 1893, 54 W. 50th St. James Alexander Whyte, /. 1892, 236 W. 44th Thomas Parmelee Wickes, /. 1876, 2 Wall St. Ferdinand G. Wiechmann, s. 1881, Columbia College. Adam Wiener,/. 1890, 1003 Madison Av. Alfred Wiener, M.D., m. 1889, 113 W. 7jth Joseph Wiener, M.D., m. 1874, 1046 Fifth A v. Joseph Wiener, M.D., m. 1893, 1003 Madi- son A V. Richard George Wiener, M.D., m. 1878, 48 E. 6sth St. Otto C. Wierum, Jr., /. 1889, 31 Nassau St. Frank Armitage Wilcox, a. 1888, 35 Nassau St. Paul Wilcox, /. 1884, 5 Beekman St. Frank Griswold Wild, /. 1888, 15-17 Beek- man St. William Ro^ral Wilder, /. 1882, 45 Cedar St. Pierre Washington Wildey, a. i860, /. 1863, 206 Broadivay. Howard Payson Wilds, /. 1871, 78 E. $^th St. Judson Boardman Wilds, /. 1873, 78 E. 54M St. William Ogden Wiley, a. 1882, 53 E. xoth St. John Lincoln Wilkie, /. 1886, 2 Wall St. Mortimer Valleau Wilkie, M.D., m. 1883, 506 W. i^sjth St. David Willcox, /. 1874, 20 Nassau St. James Keappoch Hamilton Willcox, /. 1867, 54 William St. William R. Willcox, /. 1889, 44 ^^'«^ ^* Edwa 28M St Edward Bowne Willets »»9, 44 J- , Jr., a. 1892, 29 E. Frederick Willets, a. 1889, 132 Nassau St. Edward M. Willett, a. 1822, 17 Cedar St. Marinus Willett, Jr., a. 1864, 13 Gramercy Park. Arthur Donald Williams, a. 1894, 15 W. i22jth St. ^ Frederick Hubbard Wolcott, M.D., tn. 1889, 53 ^' 33^ St. Harry Percival Woley, M.D., m. 1890. Simson Wolf, /. 1877, 203 Broadway. William Charies Wolf, /. 1892, 265 W. ugth St. August Aloysius Wolff, M.D., m. 1894, 212 W. •L23d St. Joseph Caesar Wolff, /. 1874, 80 Nassau St. Julius Wolff, M.D., m. 1893, German Hos- pital. Benjamin Wood, Jr., M.D., m. 1879, 846 E. 165th St. Chalmers Wood, a. 1875, ^- 1877, iii Broad- way. Charles Sacramento Wood, M.D., m. 1886, 128 W. 47th St. Dennistoun Wood, a. 1870, /. 1872, 20 Nassau St. George Edward Wood, j. 1884, 63 William St. Halsey Lathrop Wood, M.D., m. 1875, 349 Lenox A v. Henry Wood, /. 1871, 280 Broadway. Henry Duncan Wood, a. 1872, 18 Wall St. Howard O. Wood, /. 1889, 51 Wall St. James Henry Wood, /. 1870. John Seymour Wood, /. 1876, 11 Pine St. Gordon Woodbury, /. 1888,/. 1888, 31 Pine St. Stewart Lyndon Woodford, a. 1854, 18 Wall St. John Woodman, M.D., m. 1883, 123 E. 25th St. Amos Edward Woodruff, /. 1874, 120 Broad- ivay. Charles Hornblower Woodruff, /. 1861, 120 Broadway. John Elihu Woodruff, M.D., m. 1875, 34 W. 21st St. Jonathan Henry Woods, M.D., m. 1881. Benjamin Duryea Woodward, a. 1888, Colutnbia College. Henry Edgar Woodward, a. 1872, /. 1874, 52- 54 William St. Rignall Duckett Woodward, /. 1887, 10 Wall St. George Woolsey, M.D., m. 1885, 117 E. 36/A St. Ira Harvey Woolson, j. 1885, 41 E. ^qth St. Herbert Wright Wootton, M.D., m. 1886, 4s Lexington A v. Francis Jesse Worcester, /. 1875, 280 Broad- 427 rederick Everly Worch, /. 1886, 132 Nassau ivay Fr St. James Henry Work, a. 1867, /. 1869, 2 Wall St. Louis William Wormser, a. 1893, 836 Fifth Av. Maurice Sonz6 Wormser, a. 1885, P. O. Box 2582. Willard Parker Worster, M.D., a. 1863, m. 1867, 120 W^ j\gth St St. illiam Charles Wotton, /. 1876, 124 Greene John Francis Wouters, M.D., m. 1888, 413 W. 30th St. Llewellyn Arthur Wray, /. 1883, 237 Broad- way. Stephen Wray, /. 1888, /. 1889, 146 Broad- ivay. Charles William Wright, /. 1887, 42 Park Row. George Hermann Wright, M.D., m, 1894, no W. 76th St. Toel Williston Wright, M.D., m. 1866. William Franklin Wright, M.D., m. 1879, 55 W. loth St. William Edward Wyatt, /. 1876, 160 Broad- ivay. Albert Wyckoff, /. 1862, 1773 Washington Av. Gerardus Hilles Wynkoop, M.D., tn. i866, 128 Madison A v. Y. John Yard, /. 1878, 2 Wall St. Leroy Milton Yale, M.D., a. 1862, 432 Madi- son A V. Sidney Yankauer, M.D., tn. 1893, ^i' Sinai Hospital. Dell Elmyrt Yarnell, M.D., m. 1890, 222 Boivery. Clarence Hoffman Young, a. 1888,/. 1889, «• 1891, 308 W. 58/A St. Edward Leavitt Young, s. 1882, 2 Wall St. John Van Doren Young, M.D., m. 1888, 108 W. 75th St. William Hopkins Young, /. 1880, 54 Williatn St. Z. Christian Zabriskie, /. i8:j8, 64 W. 83d St. Fred Templeton Zabriskie, a. 1893, 222 W. 23d St. George Zabriskie, /. 1873, 21 Broad St. 5i8 LOCALITY INDEX. \_N.Y. NEW YORK— Continued. New York City — Continued, Guilliam Arthur Zabriskie, M.D., m. 1882, 305 E. -jc^th St. Adolph Zeh, M.D., m. 1887, 343 W. 50M St. Lorenz Zeller, /. 1880, 79 Cedar St. Abraham Philip Zemansky, M.D., th. 1874, 640 Madison A v. Louis Au^stus Zerega, M.D., in. 1889. August Zinsser, Jr., a 1892, 501 W. 58^ A St. Frank Henry Zitz, M.D., m. 1888, 436 Lejc- ington A v. Bernard Zwinge, /. 1874, 2 Wall St. Niagara Falls. Elmer Z. Burns, .s. 1887. William Scott Humbert, j. 1883. Nineveh. George Washington Duryee, M.D., -m. 1876. Northport, L. I. William Halsey IngersoU, a. 1867, /. i86g, .y. 1870. North Tarrytown. William Adams Dayton, M.D., m. 1880. Nor-wich. Daniel Burr Cushman, /. 1878, George Clinton Hubbard, M.D., nt. 1892. Franklin Benjamin Mitchell, /. 1877. Homer Erastus Smith, M.D., m. 1878. Nyack. Gerrit Franklin Blauvelt, M.D., ift. 1873. Edward De Witt, a. 1886, /. 1888. Henry George Emery, s. 1894. Richard Selden Harvey,/. 1888. Richard Dickinson Jewett, /. 1880. Charles Demarest Kline, M.D., in. 1892. Edward Harvey Maynard, M.D., m. 1873. George Andrew Mursick, M.D., m. i860. Rev. Charles Seymour, a. 1836. Howard Van Buren, /. 1878. William Faber Wilcoxson, a. i88i. Ogdensburg. Robert George Cook, M.D., m. 1889. Rev. William Henry Harison, a. 1842. Oneida. Edward Paul Bailey,M.D., w. 1883, 6 i'/tfw*? 5/. George Leroy Menzie, M.D., m. 1866. Orlin M. Sanford, /. 1880. Ontario. Edward Moore Parrott, s. 1870. OsTvego. George Noyes Burt, /. 1868. Henry Sprong Davis, /. 1868, 164 W. 2,d St. Carrington Macfarlane, M.D., in. 1861. James Kirke Stockwell, M.D., in. 1863. Owego. Frank Asa Darrow, /. 1878. Andrew T. Pearsall, M.D., m. 1861. Oyster Bay, L. I. Edward Henry Swan, a. 1844. William Lincoln Swan, /. 1871, P. O. Box 34. Elbert Wakeman, /. 1884. Frank Work, Jr., a. 1871, Palenville. Sherwood Abel Holcomb, M.D., m. 1887. Palisades. William Mulligan, a. 1835. Patchogue, L. I. George Homan Furman, /. 1893. Frank Diah Peterson, M.D., m. 1891. Arthur Hutchinson Terry, M.D., m. 1883. Patterson. George Banks, M.D., in. 1883. Pavilion. Albert S. Rogers, M.D., m. 1867. Pearl River. Albert Osborn Bogert, M.D,, in. 1875. Pearsalls. Joseph John Koen, s. 1888. Peekskill. Henry Whitney Bates, a. 1876, /. 1878. Clarence Halt Frost, /, 1882, 994 Main St. Alexander Odell Snowden, M.D., m. 1877, 1022 Main St. James Towart, s. 1892. Pelham Manor. Willis Robert Lamberton, /. 1881. Penn Van. Benjamin Leggett Holt, M.D., in. 1875, Lock Box 1 183. George Scott Sheppard, /. 1877. Phelps. William Augustus Howe, M.D., m. 1888. Frederick D. Vanderhoof, M.D,, m. 1864. Philmont. George W, Vedder, M,D., m. 1886. Pine Plains. George Quincy Johnson, M.D., nt. 1882. Plattsburgh. George Victor Bird, /. 1888. John Henry Booth, /. 1887. Henry Smith Johnson, /, 1874. Rev. Henry Mason Smyth, a. 1871. Portchester. Daniel Merritt Griffen, M.D., in. 1891. Clarkson Seaman Mead, M.D., a. 1882, m. 1885, Benjamin Jerome Sands, M.D., m. 1893, 348 N. Main St. Norton Jerome Sands, M.D,, m. 1868, Port Jervis. Cornelius Elting Cuddeback, /. 1873. Daniel Bailey Hardenbergh, M,D., m. 1891, Port Richmond, S. I. Frederick Theodore Barber, M.D., m. 1889. Edgar David Coonley, M.D,, m. 1877. John Talbot Harrison, M.D., m. 1879. Jacob Travis King, /. 1880. Robert Walter King, /. 1880. John Walter Wood, M.D., nt. 1881. JV. F.] LOCALITY INDEX. 519 NEW YOKK—Co?itinued. Potsdam. Frederic Milton Heath, s. 1867. Poughkeepsie. William Clark Albro, /. 1874. Guy Carleton Bayley, M.D., m. 1872. Nelson Borst, M.D., tn. 1890. William Cramer, M.D., m. 1883, i^f) Mansion St. Henry Skillman Curtis, a. 1892, P. O. Bojtr 445. Walter Cluett Hull, /. i88o, 52 Market St. Peter Hulme, /. 1874. Charles Henry Langdon, M.D., m. 1874. David Porter Lord, a. 1849. Charles Scott McKnight, a. 1846. Thomas Francis Mylod, M.D., m. 1894. Albert Edward Tower, j. 1883. David Boyd Ward, M.D., m. 1876. John Powell Wilson, M.D., m. 1870, 40 Can- non St. John Smith Wilson, M.D., w. 1887. Prattsburgh. Lydia Van Housen Potter, u. 1890. Purdy Station. Emerson Bennett Potter, M.D., m. 1879. Randolph. William Robert Henderson, M.D., m. 1891. Rhinebeck. Douglas Merritt, /. 1874. Frank H. Roof, M.D., m. 1862. Richfield Springs. Edmund Augustus Ward, /. 1867. Richmond Hill, L. I. William Abbott Jones, Jr.,/>. 1885, /. 1886. Robert B. Kimber, a. 1891. Alrick Hubbell Man, /, 1879. Riverdale. Harry Ashton Smedberg, a. i88i. Riverhead, L. I. William Creighton Ostrander, /. 1875. Foster Thayer, M.D., a. 1862. Rochester. Joseph Augustus Adlington, /. 1875, 22 Trust Bldg. Fred. Delmar Andrew, M.D., m. 1887, 71 East A V. Milton Ellsworth Artman, M.D., w. 1890. Herman Scofield Beahan, M.D., m. 1882. George Alden Benton, /. 1874, 62 Insurance Bldg. John Porter Bowman, /. 1884, Wilder Block. Simeon Cole Bradley, M.D., m. 1880. James Buckley, M.D., tn. 18^. Charles Erastus Darrow, M.D., m. 1881, 116 East A V. Pomeroy P. Dickinson, /. 1874. Simon Leopold Eisner, M,D., m. 1887, 83 N. St. Paul St. Frank W. Elwood, /. 1877, Elwood Memorial Bldg. William Smith Ely, M.D., m. 1867. Porter Farley, M.D., m. 1874, 312 Mt. Hope A7). Charles Forbes, M.D., tn. 1871, 289 IVest Av. George Peter French, M.D., m. 1889, 234 Adams St. William Beardsley Hawkins, M.D., m. 1881. Charles Clarke Herrick, /. 1875. Carl Adolph Huber, M.D., m. 1894, Ct/y Hospital. William Benjamin Jones, M.D., m. 1884, 215 Lake Av. Seelye William Little, M.D., m. 1891. Edmund Lyon, /. 1880. Maitland Lorenzo Mallory, M.D., m. 1873, 69 N. Fitzhugh St. Thomas Nolan, j. 1884, Wilder Bldg. George Frederick Pope, M.D., m. 1892, City Hospital. John Orlando Roe, M.D,, m. 1871, 28 A''. Clinton St. Jacob Livingston Roseboom, M.D., m. 1880, 628 E. Main St. Hiram Watson Sibley, /. 1871, Arthur Cosslet Smith, /, 1875, 6 Sibley PI. Howard Augustus Smith, /. 1876. Shirley Robinson Snow, M.D., m. 1889, 342 Monroe A v. Nathan William Soble, M.D., m. 1887. Charles Sackett Starr, M.D., m. 1869, 95 North Av. Edward Fay Stilwell, /. 1866, 14 Smith's A rcade. Henry Fowler Stowell, M.D., m. 1877. Le Grand Allen Walker, M.D., m. 1891, 281 West A V. John Erastus Weaver, M.D. m. 1875, 385 Monroe A v. Rev. William^ Naylor Webbe, a. 1870. Benjamin Wilson, M.D., m. 1863, 139 Lake Av. Rockville Centre, L. I. James Prescott Swain, Jr., a. 1868. Rome. Edwin Evans, M.D., m. 1870. Stephen Livingston Taylor, M.D., m. 1894, 509 N. Washington St. Romulus. Richard Dey, M.D., m. 1865. Rondout. Thomas Cornell Coykendall, s. 1890. David Kennedy, M.D., m. i860. Roscoe. John Adams Miller, M.D., m. 1887. Rosebank, S. I. Thomas Jackson Thompson, M.D., m, 1872. Rosendale. John Caruthers Bogardus, M.D,, fn. i860. Rossville, S. I. William Addison Harvey, a. 1893, u. 1894. Roxbury. John J. Keator, M.D., m. 1867. Rye. Frederick Eugene Bassett, M.D., tn. 1877. Samuel Bej^ea, M.D., m. 1892. David Magie Cory, M.D., m. 1866. Justus A. B. Cowles, /. 1883. 520 LOCALITY INDEX. IN.Y, NEW YOKY^— Continued. Rye — Continued. Charles Eldredge, a. 1879. Arthur Cragin Gwynne, a. i8gi. Charles Edward Munsell, s. 1878, Frederick William Sherman, /. 1883. Jonathan Mayhew Wainwright, p. 1884, a. 1884, /. 1886. _ Richard Tighe Wainwright, s. 1890. Sag Harbor, L. I. James Burr Harris, M.D., m. 1882. Cleveland Stuart Stillwell, M.D., m. 1875. Robert Swan, M.D., «. 1871, m. 1874, (or Care Surgeon-General U. S. iV., Washington^ D. C) Sailor's Snug Harbor, S. I. Rev. Arthur Sloan, a. 1868. St. James, L. I. Devereux Emmet, a. 1883, /. 1885. Salem Centre. Ulysses Simpson Grant, Jr., /. 1876. Sangerfield. William Cary Sanger, /. 1878. Saranac Lake. Joshua Brush Gesner, M.D., m. 1893. Irwin Howell Hance, M.D., tn. 1883. Edward Livingston Trudeau, M.D., 7n. 1871. Saratoga Springs. Walter Prentiss Butler, /. 1887. John Joseph Callahan, M.D., nt. 1884. George Foster Comstock, M,D., in. 1883. Joseph Brown Cooke, M.D., nt. 1891. William Henry Hodgman, M.D., tn. 1873. John Freman Humphrey, M.D., m. 1891, log Caroline St. Charles Scott McKnight, Jr., M.D., nt. 1877. Harry Price Safford, M.D., nt. 1885. William Edward Swan, M.D., nt. 1890, 24 Woodla-wn A v. Saugerties, Warren Kemble, M.D., nt. 1868. Sayville, L. I. Joseph Wood,/. 1886, /. 1886. Schaghticoke. William Hayden Baker, a. 1894. Schenectady. Sidney Gillespie Ashmore, a. 1872. Henry Augustus Kurth, M.D., nt. i8go. John Francis McEncroe, M.D,, nt. 1887, 709 Union St. Charles Sample Pecke, M.D., nt. 1890. Milton Godfrey Planck, M.D., nt. 1870, 23 Barrett St. Joseph Raymond, M.D., nt. 1888, 8 Barrett St. Gustavus Adolphus Frederich Steinfuhrer, M.D., nt. 1874. Schoharie. Claude Banks Mayham, /. 1891. Schuylerville. Frank F. Gow, M.D., nt. 1873. Sea Side P. O., S. I. Rev. Edmund Atwill Wasson, a. 1885. Seneca Falls. Elias Lester, M.D. , m. 1863. Frederick William Lester, M.D., nt. 1894, 61 Cayuga St. Edward Stanley Sackett, /. 1874. Setauket. Rev. Dan Marvin, a. 1863. Shelter Island, L. I. Frank Everett Benjamin, M.D., nt. 1892. Sherwood. William Isaac Hoag, M.D., nt. 1884. Shrub Oak. Hickson Field Hart, M.D,, nt. 1886. Sidney Centre. George A. Davie, M.D., nt. 1874. Sing Sing. Philander CoUard, M,D,, m. 1883, 31 Spring- St. Charles Farnham Collins, M.D,, nt. 1887. Charles Smith Collins, M.D., a. 1881, nt. 1885. Edward Etienne de Lancey, /. 1883. Rev. George Wilson Ferguson, a. 1863. William Stevens Page, s. 1882. Clarence Colgrove Perry, M.D., nt. 1876. Lewis Henry Piatt, /. 1873. Edgar Lee Ryder, a. 1882. William Gilbert Valentine, /. 1875. Sodus. John Franklin Myers, M.D., m. 1887. South Cairo. Justus Miller Rouse, M.D., nt. 1878. South Hartford. George Hall Beers, M,D., nt. 1891. Southold. Albertson Case, /. 1868. Sparkill. William Brown Slocum, /. 1870. Stamford. Stephen Elijah Churchill,''M.D., nt. 1876. Rev. Howard McDougall,"(i:, 1881. Stanfordville. Monroe Traver Pultz, M.D., nt. 1868. Stapleton, S. I. Frank De Revere, M.D., nt. i{ Frederick Reuben Lord, s. 1892, P. O^Boxr 228. Monroe Morrell, M.D., m. 1891. Suspension Bridge. Burt Van Horn, Jr., /. 1878, Syracuse. William Lincoln Barnum, /. 1889. Hiram Paulding Bellinger, s. 1887. ^. F.] LOCALITY INDEX. 521 NEW NO^Yi— Continued, Syracuse — Continued. Joseph Bondy, /. 1884. Arthur Bacon Breese, M.D., m. 1881, 400 Fayette Park, John Otis Burt, M,D., tn. 1864. Charles N. Clark, a. 1856, Care H. Burdick. William Monroe Davis, s. 1890. George Ansel Edwardes, M.D., m. 1877. Henry Lewis Eisner, M.D., m. 1877, 516 Prospect Av. Theodore E. Hancock, /. 1873, White Memorial. Rev. Joseph Herman Hertz, u, 1894, 519 Warren St. Edward Henry Leggett, /. 1877, Bastable Block. John Henry McCrahon, /. 1891, i,\if Bastable Block. Roderick Colin McLennan, M.D., m. 1886. William Newcity, /. 1891. Daniel Addison Pierce, /. 1884, 19 Wieting Block. John Thomas Quigley, /. 1889, White Mevtorial. Frank Halleck Stephenson, M.D., tn. 1878, 708 J antes St. Benjamin Stolz, /. 1889, ^5 Third National Bank Bldz- Frederick Mayhew Thomas, j. 1885, 20 City Hall. Newell Perry Warner, M.D., in. 1875, 455 So. Salina St. Frederick Davies White, /. 1884, 10 White Building. Frederick Stanton Wicks, /. 1876, 13-14 Syracuse Sav. Bak. Bldg. Newell B. Woodworth, a. 1882, Wietinz Block. Tarrytown. Richard Bonnet Coutant, M.D., m. 1872. John Henry Furman, M.D., in. 1864. Harry Allen Grant, /. 1860. Francis Newberry Holbrook, s. 1876, P. O. Box 395. Charles Hall Rockwell, /. 1869. David Alvah Rowe, a. 1870. Emma Goodeve Sebring, u. 1894. Harold Eldridge Spencer, /. 1894. John Clarendon Todd, M.D., nt. 1882. Ticonderoga. Jay Orleans Downs, M.D., m. 1891. Frank Cyrus Hooper, s. 1890. Tioga Centre. Solomon Jay Ohart,. a 1879. Tivoli. Rev. James Starr Clark, a. 1850. Tottenville, S. I. William Charles Walser, M.D,, nt. 1873. Townsendville. ] ohn James McNulty, M.D., m. 1877. ohn Meeker Townsend, M.D., m. 1873. Troy. Russell Franklin Benson, Jr., M.D., m. 1876. 2 St. Paul's PI. > 1 / 1 Henry Foster Boardman, /. 1877, Savings Bank Bldg. Rev. William Brevoort Bolmer, a. 1863, /. 1865, St. Luke's Rectory. Reed Brinsmade Bontecou, M.D., m. 1880. 82 Fourth St. William Clark Cooper, M.D., m. 1884. James Moore Donnelly, M.D., m. 1876. William Finer, Jr., M.D., in. 1883, 2 Union James Carmichael Hutchinson, M.D., m. 1866, 33 Fourth St. Henry Amasa King, /, 1878, 17 First St. Joseph Dodson Lomax, M.D., m. 1862. George Longking Meredith, M.D., m. 1888, 201 1 Fifth Av. Henry Townsend Nason, /. 1888, 10 Wash- ington PI. Rev. John Ireland Tucker, a. 1837. Richard Halsted Ward, M.D., m. 1862, s^ Fourth St. Tuckahoe. Stanley Gifford, j. 1889. Tuxedo. Robert Morgan Gibbes Barnwell, a. 1880, /. 1884. Herbert Claiborne Pell, /. 1874. Edward Gary Rushmore, M.D., in. 1886. Edward Newenhara Van Cortlandt, s. 1885. Utica. John Elmendorf Brandegee, /. 1876. Theodore Pease Cook, /. 1867. Richard Randolph Daly, M.D., w. 1888. Frederick Getman Fincke, /. 1875, 30 Genesee Joseph Valentine Haberer, M.D., m. 1877, 66 Miller St. "' Numon N. Horton, M.D., m. 1862. Loton Sandford Hunt, /. 1875, Mann Bldg. Luther Cromwell Jones, M.D., m. 1889. Hamilton Stanislaus Quin, M.D., nt. 1883, 238 Genesee St. Arthur Raymond Simmons, M.D., nt. 1875, 343 Genesee St. Charles Rudolph Weed. M.D., nt. 1879. William Pierrepont White, /. 1891, 69 Ge Granville Whittlesey Williams, s. 1879, i Hopper St. Van Pelt Manor, L. I. Teunis Schenck, M.D., m. 1865. Verona. George Leroy Menzie, M.D., m. 1866. Walden. John Bancker Aycrigg, M.D., nt. 1879. Wallkill. John Post Ackerman, /. 1886. Theodore Millspaugh, M.D., nt. 1861. Walton. John Arthur Montgomery, M.D., nt. 1872. Rev. Samuel Gormley Shaw, a. 1880. James Cowan Storie, M.D., in. 1884. Wantaugh. William Rhame, M.D., m. 1876. Albert Williams Seaman, /. 1879, Warrensburgh. Rev. Hamilton Cady, a. 18S5. renesee ^ S22 LOCALITY INDEX. \_N. Y. NEW YO^Yi— Continued. Warsaw. William Chalk Gouinlock, M.D., m. 1865. Warwick. Ferdinand Van D. Sanford, /. 1881. William Wirt Wendover, M.D., m. 1874. Washingtonville. George Street Bond, M.D., m. 1883. Rev. Joseph Greenleaf, a. i860. Waterloo. Clarence Ten Eyck, /. 1889. Watertown. John Mortimer Crawe, Jr., M.D., m. 1887. Waterville. Morris Jay Davies, M.D., m. 1890. Edward Benjamin Jones, M.D., m. 1891. Claude Wilson, M.D., m. 1876. Watkins. James Kossuth King, M.D., m. 1877. Marcus Marcellus Case, Jr., /. 1882. Waverly. Arthur Gray Du Bois, /. 1887, 438 Waverly St. Westchester. William Champion Deming, M.D., m. 1884. Thomas Henry Harrington, s. 1889. Westhampton, L. I. Addison Raynor, M.D., m. 1893. Westhampton Beach, L. I. Hampton Pierson Howell, M.D., m. 1894. West Islip, L. I. Phoenix Remsen, /. 1867. West New Brighton, S. I. Franklin Chase Clark, M.D., m. 1872. Frederick E. Clark, M.D., m. 1873. Louis Pope Gratacap, s. 1876. Rev. Pierre Pascal Harrower, a. 1874. James Willie Purdon, a. 1882. West Nyack. Edmund Howd Miller, s. 1891, u. 1892, u. 1894. West Park. Rev. Legh Richmond Dickinson, a. 1851. West Shokan. Albert Wolven, M.D., m. 1882. Westtown. William Evans, M.D., in. 1890. West Troy. Rev. Edward Bayard Smith a. 1869, /. 1871, 1332 First A V. West Winfield. James Atwater Moors, M.D., 7n. 1881. James Dennison Rogers, u. 1893, ^' 1894. White Plains. Frederick Stone Barnum, a. 1879, /. 1881. Louis Cunningham, a. 1881. Newton Freeman Curtis, M.D., m. 1874. Henry Ganett Voorhees de Hart, M.D., in. William Maison du Bois, /. 1879. Monmouth Gedney Hart, /. 1871. Charles Davenporte Horton, /. i88g. Richmond Edward Slade, s. 1887. Eben Hurd Pray Squire, a. 1883, ^- 1885. Frank StorrSj a. 1874, /. 1876. Rev. Frederick Brinsmade Van Kleeck, a. 1863. Whitesboro. William Malcolm James, M.D., m. 1862. Whitestone, L. I. Edward Bleecker, M.D., m. 1865. Albert Caleb Griffin, M.D., m. 1881. Warren Harriott Titus, s. 1885. John Jacob Trapp, /. 1888. William Jefferson Wallace, s. 1886. Willet's Point, L. I. William Pratt Kendall, M.D., w.i882,f/. S.A. Williamsbridge. Thomas De Witt Pinckney, M.D., m. 1888. Woodbourne. John Austin Munson, M.D., m. 1883. Woodside, L. I. Samuel Augustus Wood, M.D., tn. 1879. Yaphank. Clarence Albert Baker, M.D., m. 1886. Yonkers. James Loring Arnold, a. 1891. Galusha Burchard Balch, M.D., m. i860, P. O. Box 333. Samuel Weed Balch, j. 1883, P. O. Box 333. John Kendrick Bangs,/. 1883. William Adie Bell, M.D., m. 1887, io4 War- burton A V. Albert Clark Benedict, M.D., m. 1871. John Francis Brennan, /. 1877, 45 Warburton Av. Clarence Whitfield Buckmaster, M.D., m. 1894, Woodivorth St. Salter Storrs Clark, /. 1876, Ellsworth Earl Colton, M.D., m. 1882. Nelson Henry Drake, M.D., m. 1873, ^' ^' iV., 225 Buena Vista Av. James Seeley Fitch, /. 1875. Edmund Hyatt Garrison, s. 1876, 84 High- land St. John Thomas Geary, /. 1882. Moses Downs Getty, a. 1866. Edward Ludlow Gould, s. 1890, 59 Hawthorne Av. Alexander Browne Halliday, u. 1893, I- 1894, 316 Palisade A v. Henry Skinner Hathaway, M.D.,/. 1884, m. 1890. Edgar Martindale Hermance M.D., m. 1878, 217 Warburton Av. N. K.-a] LOCALITY INDEX. 523 NEW YORK— Continued. Yonkers — Continued. William Dodge Home, s. 1886. Joseph Hover, /. 1884, 33 Woodworth A v. Abraham Valentine Williams Jackson, a. 1883, \(i Higkla7id PL William Warner Johnson, a. 1874, 485 N. Broadway. Wheldon N. Jones, M.D,, m. 1874. Henry Moffat, M.D., m. 1881. Carl Osterheld, M.D., m. 1893, ^^44 ^' Broad- 'vuay. Theodore Osterheld, s. 1886. Gabriel Reevs, /. 1882, 34 Warburton Av. William Channing Russel, a. 1832, h. 1875. Louis St. Amant, a. 1873. Edward Sandford, a. 1894, 278 Palisade Av. William Warburton Scrugham, a. 1880, /. 1882. John Henry Seabury, M.D., m. 1872, William Hazard Sherman, M.D., m. 1884. Herbert Shipman, a. 1890. Frederick Hopkins Strong, M.D., tn. 1886, 69 Warburton A v. Samuel Swift, M.D., nt. 1872. Stephen Howard Thayer, a. 1863, /. 1865. William Lincoln Thome, j. 1890. Horace Pratt Whitney, a. 1889, P. O. Box 245. NORTH CAROLINA. Asheville. William James Gibson, M.D., nt. 1882. John Brown Weaver, M.D., m. 1888. Biltmore. Charles McNamee, /. 1877. Blowing Rock. Charles Carter, M.D., m. 1861. Charlotte. William Alexander Graham, M.D., m. 1888, 327 iV. Tryon St. George Byron Hanna, s. 1868. Franklin. Henry Stewart, Jr., /. 1878. Goldsboro'. Albert Rosenthal, j. 1892. Greensboro*. Henry Lipps, Jr., s. 1888. Kittrell. Josiah Pendez Sugg, M.D., m. 1867. Morganton. Isaac Montrose Taylor, M.D., tn. 1882. Newbern. William Edwards Clarke, /. 1873. Francis Duffy, M.D., m. 1875. Salisbury. Alston Davis Horah, M.D,, in. 1890. Tarboro'. Leon Edgar Norfleet, M.D., tn. if James Jones Philips, M.D., tn. 1894. Thomasville. Joseph Bird, M.D., tn. 1863, Tillery. Edward John Milhau, a. 1885. Wilmington. Franklin Sinclair Clark, s. 1885. Edward Savage Latimer, /. 1879. Rev. Daniel Morelle, a. 1849. Henry Augustus Whiting, a. 1866. NORTH DAKOTA. Bismarck. Fred. Augustus Leavenworth, /. 1881. Fargo. Rev. William David Walker, a. 1859. Glen Ullin. Lawrence O. Morgan, M.D., tn. 1865. Fort Pembina. William Dorr Crosby, M.D., tn. 1882, U. S. A. (or ^ care Adjutant-General^ Washington^ D. C). Grand Forks. Henry Mason Wheeler, M.D., tn. 1880. Leeds. Charles Sidney Hartwell, /. 1877. Sioux City. Herbert Taft Root, /. 1877. Steele. George Godfrey Saxe, Jr., M.D., a. 1887. Wheatland. Henry Gurdon Fish, M.D., tn. 1877, Yorktown. George Plato Pierce, a. 1869. OHIO. Ashland. John Cowan, M.D., tn. 1866. Chillicothe. Alfred Peters Cole, M.D., tn. 1891. Gustavus Scott Franklin, M.D., m. 1862. Cincinnati. George Mendenhall Anderson, s. 1891, E. Walnut Hills. Joseph Longworth Anderson, M.D., tn. 1875, 81 Pike St. Nathaniel Pendleton Dandridge, M.D., tn. 1870, 148 Broadivay, William Hubbell Fisher, /. 1867, 13 Wiggitis Block. Frederick Forcheimer, M.D., tn. 1873, The Ortiz. Charles Buxton Going, i'. 1882 Thornton Mills Hinkle, /. 1865 g, i-. i»i :Te, /. lE 524 LOCALITY INDEX. \p-Ore, OHIO — Continued. Cincinnati — Continued. Max Leopold Margolis, u. 1890, u. 1891, Hebreiv Union College. Edward Stephen Rawson, /. 1894, ^- 1894. Charles Nevier Raymond, M.I)., m. 1877, cor. Morris St. and Gilbert A v. William Hubbard Sampson, /. 1880, 137 JV. Third St. Oscar William Stark, M.D., m. 1887. Charles Phelps Taft, /. 1866. Circleville. Morris Henry MIesse, M.D., rn. 1868. Cleveland. Basil B. Brashear, M.D,, m. 1861, 375 Prospect . St. Milton C. Canfield, s. 1893, 18 Clinton St. George Lansing Case, /. 1880, Wick Block. Samuel Douglas Dodge, /. 1879, 197 Dodge St. Francisco Escobar, s. 1889, 842 Willson A v. Louis Joel Grossman, p. 1886, /. 1887, 19 Blackstone Bldg. Henry Ebenezer Handerson, M.D., -m. 1867. 444 Dunham Av. Moses Montague Hobart, /. 1875. Reginald Furness Jopling, s. 1889, 842 Will- son A V. Emil Joseph, a. 1879, t. 1881. John Bernhard Mooney, /. 1879, Z7'^~373 Bond St. Percy Neymann, s. 1881, 36 Michigan St. PVederic Smith Pickett, M,D., m. 1891, 281 A rcade. Rev, Charles Stedman Pomeroy, a. 1854, 961 Prospect St. Harwood Redington Pool, /. 1883. Xenophon Christmas Scott, M.D., tn. 1869, 127 Euclid Av. Harris Gray Sherman,' M.D., tn. 1880. Henry Swift Upson, M.D., m. 1884. Rolla Barnum Watson, ^. 1891, 403 Sibley St. Myron Henry Wilson, /. 1878, 44 Euclid Av. William Edgar Wirt, M.D., m. 1889, 5° Euclid Av. Columbus. Harlan Preston Allen, M.D., nt. 1879. Courtlandt P. L. Butler, /. 1877. Frank Theodore Cole, /. 1879, 441 E. Town St. John Jacob Lentz, /. 1883, 484 Jefferson Av. Nathaniel Wright Lord, s. 1876. Rutherford Hayes Piatt, /. 1879, 13^^ E. State St. Harry Hatton McMahon, u. 1891, /. 1892, 116% S. High St. Dayton. Charles McGregor, M.D,, m. 1890, 341 W. Second St. Hugo Maetke, M.D., m. 1892, 132 Jackson St. Philip Payne, p. 1889. Defiance. Charles Elihu Slocum, M.D,, ni. 1869. East Liverpool. Oran Purdy Andrews, M,D,, vt. 1893. Glendale. John Bonsall Porter, s. 1882. Green Spring. Archibald R, McKellar, M,D., m. 1877. Harlem Springs. John Bacon Moody, M.D., m. 1877. Hudson. John Dean Goss, u. 1890. Lima. John Price Harley, M,D., tn. 1871. Mansfield. David R. Francis, M,D,, i7t. 1866. Marietta. Charles Goddard Slack, s. 1884, Millersburg. Simon Peter Wise, M,D,, in. 1871, Morrow. Horace J. Whitacre, M,D., m. 1894. New Philadelphia. Thomas Henry Smith, M.D., tn. 1873. Oberlin. Fred. Eugene Leonard, M.D., in. 1892. Albert Allen Wright, s. 1875. Sandusky. Thomas Burr Hoxsey, /. 1875. Grayson Mills, /. 1876. Spencer Baird Newberry, s. 1878. Charles Edwin Perkins, M.D,, m. 1888. Springfield. Bruce Moffat, /, 1862. Toledo. Rufus Harold Baker, /. 1879, Lewis Henry Bodman, M.D., nt. 1863. Arthur Power Crane, /. 1872, Eben William Newton, a. 1884. James Henry Pooley, M,D,, in. i860. Ulrichsville. James L. Phillips, M,D,, in. 1864. Vermillion. Reber Floyd Quigley, M.D., in. 1881. Washington C. H. Charles Augustus Foster, M.D., in. 1870. West Farmington. William Joseph Haine, M.D,, in, 1869. Youngstown. Walter Adams Dunckel, M,D., m. 1890. George Mulford Silvers, M.D., in. 1878. William John Whelan, M.D., in. 1875. James Preston Wilson, /. 1878, OREGON. Baker City. James Pervine Atwood, M,D., m. 1874. Ore.-Pa.] LOCALITY INDEX. 525 O^Y^QfO^— Continued. Blalock. Levi Joseph Goodrich, /. 1883. Oswego. William Arthur Pomeroy, s. 1893. Pendleton. John Joseph Balleray, /. 1874. Portland. William Frederick Amos, M.D., m. 1892, New Dekuni. Edward Moses Atkinson, /. 1879, 395 Salmon St. Alexander Bernstein, /. 1880, \th and Wash- in.^ton Sts. William Lewis Brewster, /. 1891, Worcester Block. John McCarty Brooks, M.D., m. 1891, Herbert William Cardwell, M.D., ni. 1888. Oregon ian Bld^. William Wick Cotton, /. 1882. Marcus Fried, M.D., m. 1890. Rodney Lawrence Glisan, u 1893, Chamber oj" Commerce Bldg. George Frederick Koehler, M,D., m. 1889. James Pollock Kohler, /. 1883. William Kanan Smith, /. 1889, 351 3^/ St. Charles Erskine Scott Wood, p. 1882, /. 1883. PENNSYLVANIA. Academia. Silas Augustus Davenport, M.D., m. 1873. Allegheny. Philip Cooper, /. 1877, 105 Arch St. James Ewing, M.D., m. 1891. Richard Biddle Faulkner, M.D., m. 1875, 23 Ohio St. George Harton Singer, s. 1880, 17 Park St. Walter Ure, M.D., m. 1866. Lewis Wertheimer, s. 1887, Western and Bed well Sts. Ambler. Eberhard Luttgen, s. 1884. Andalusia. Charles Ray King, M.D., a. 1831. Apollo. Robert Emmet McCauley, M.D., m. 1871. Beaver. Thomas M. Henry, /. 1881. Beaver Falls. George Kennedy, a. 1874. Bethlehem. Albert Ladd Colby, s. 1881, Bethlehem Iron Co. Bloomsburg. George Miller Tustin, /. 1883. Brookville. Walter Wilton Matson, M.D., m. 1889. Bryn Mavvr. Edward Washburne Hopkins, a. 1878. Chambersburg. Thomas John Brereton, a. 1879. Danville. Henry Vincent, /. 1876. Easton. Joseph Slater Hunt, M.D., tn. 1866. Richard Wilkins Saylor, M.D., m. 1882. Ethelbert Dudley Warfield, /. 1885, La- fayette College. Elk Lick. Asa Fry Speicher, M.D., m.. 1881. Erie. James Henry Montgomery, M.D., a. i88i, m. 1884, 115 W. Uh St. Franklin. Lewis Hopkins Rutherford, s. 1887. William Waller, a. 1878. Germantown. Henry Warren Raymond, /. 1871. Hazleton. John Elmer Jones, s. 1893. Honesdale. Edward Ward Burns, M.D., m. 1894. Clarence Edward Foster, M.D., m. 1881. Burr Schermerhorn, M.D., m. 1863. Jersey Shore. Hamilton Bailey Humes, I. 1864. Kane. Appleton Kelly Corbin, M.D., m 1879. Lackawanna. Jerry Augustus Allis, M.D., m. 1889. Lancaster. Rev. Thomas Thompson, M.D., m. 1863. Lebanon. Edwin Hutter Wedekind, s. 1889. Le Boeuf. Arthur Charles Wheeler, M.D., m.. 1893. Lehighton. Nathaniel B. Reber, M.D., m. 1862. McKeesport. Theodore Tonnele, s. 1880. Marietta. John Andrew Hiestand, /. 1885. Matamoras. Henry Christian Mueller, M.D., m. 1873. Mercersburg. Henry M. Hiester, /. 1876. 526 LOCALITY INDEX, [Pa. PENNSYLVANIA— Cc7«/'/««^^. Minsi. Edward Everett Moore, M.D., m. i8qi. New Castle. Edward Laurence Kurtz, s. 1893, 17 Pitts- burgh St. Louis Taylor Kurtz, /. 1887. Ogontz. Herbert Miller Hopkins, a. 1893, Chelten- ham Academy. Osceola Mills. George McClelland Houtz Good, j. 1886. Philadelphia. William Johnson Binney, /. 1867, 2020 De Lancey PL Ernest Arnold Congdon, s. 1887, 1336 Spruce St. Thomas Vaughn Crandall, M.D., m. 1865, 1928 Spring: Garden St. Morton William Easton, M.D., m. 1867, University of Penn. Walter Jackson Freeman, M.D,, m. 1885, 2034 Chestnut St. Alfred Gudeman, a. 1883, University of Penn. Chester Webb Harvey, M.D., m. 1875, 2512 Continental A v. Frederick Porteous Henry, M.D., m.. 1868, 1635 Locust St. Edward Le Moyne Heydecker, a. 1883, /. 1885, 328 Chestnut St. Charles Edwin Knox, s. 1892, care James W, Queen df Co. Rev. Taber Knox, a. 1883, 145 Grape St. Richard Lahey, s. 1887, Drexel Bldg. Samuel Morris Lillie, j. 1874, 328 Chestnut St. Rev. William Neilson McVickar, a. 1865. Rev. Robert Atkinson Mayo, /. 1881, 2031 Chest ftut St. Adolfo Carlos Munoz, s. 1888, Chestnut Hill. Charles Piez, s. 1889, 430 Franklin St. Frederick Prime, a. 1865, 1008 Spruce St. Samuel Edgar Stilwell, a. 1883, 925 Chestnut St. Rev. Franklin Nelson Strader, p. 1891, Wissahickon . Edmund Carlyle Ver Meulen, M.D., m. i860. Edward Freeman Walsh, M.D., m. 1886. Lemuel Whitaker, a. 1881, 3936 Poplar St. Christopher Sumner Witherstine, M.D., m. 1878, 4603 Germantoivn A 7'., Germantoivn. William Henry Wright, M.D., m. 1881. Pittsburgh. Alexander Hopkins Andersen, /. 1893, ^^' Nicholas Bldg. Frederic Theodor Aschman, s. 1881, 86 Water St. _ William Monroe Benham, /. 1892, no Dia- tnond St. George CoUinson Burgwin, /. 1875, 150 Fourth Av. Edwin Stanton Carpenter, /. 1887. James Murdock Clark, p. 1887, 170 Fourth Av. James Gilleland Connell, M.D., m. 1877. Solomon Woodward Cunningham, /. 1875, 98 Diatnond St. George Breed Gordon, /. 1883, 170 Fourth A v. Theodore M. Hopke, s, 1880, Pittsburgh Reduction Co. Benjamin J. Jarrett, /. 1894. Charles Breck Judd, s. 1881, Westinghouse Bldg. William Dickey Kearns, M.D., m. 1891. John Willard Lee, M.D., m. 1874, 173 Centre Av. Howard Malcom Lynn, /. 1879, Cor. Fifth and Craft A vs. Victor King McElheny, Jr., /. 1893, 643 Sumfnerlea St. William Henry McKelvie, M.D., m. 1866. Harold Steele MacKaye, s. 1887, Care West- inghouse Elec. and Mfg. Co. Richard George Gotlob Moldehnke, s. 1885, 48M St. and A. V. Ry. George Stevens Page, s. 1885. Charles Albert Painter, s. 1884. George Edward Painter, ^. 1883. Edward Forbes Parkman, /. 1877, 157 Fourth Av. Guy Dayton Peck, a. 1885. William Ross Proctor, s. 1884, 43-45 Sixth Av. William McCurdy Scott, M.D., m. 1889, 6009 Penn Av. James Priestley Shaw, M.D., m. 1890. John Ekin Shaw, /. 1875, 152 Fourth Av, George Singer, Jr., s. 1880, iii Fourth Av. Whitmer Snively, M.D., m. 1866, 85 Wylie Av. Pittston. Edgar Rudolphus Troxell, M.D., m. 1875. Pottsville. Edward Hamilton Pershing, M.D., m. 1892. Ridgway. Alfred William Gregory, /. 1881. St. Mary's. Ernest Joseph Wimmer, /. 1881. Scranton. John Burnett, M.D., m. 1876. John Francis Connelly, /. 1873, Court House. Patrick Francis Moylan, M.D., m. 1890, loi S. Main A v. Charles Riggs Parke, M.D., m. 1885. Allan Gold Robinson, /. 1894, Vine and Monroe Sts. Shippensburgh. Alexander Stewart, M.D., m. 1865. State College. Magnus C. Ihlseng, s. 1875. William Cleveland Thayer, a. 1876. Sunbury. Chancellor Martin, M.D., m. 1878. Sweet Valley. Charles Avery Long, M.D., m, 1887. Tioga. Frederick Bigelow Smith, /. 1888. Titusville. Erastus Titus Roberts, a. 1881. Toledo. Frank Carter, M.D., m. 1867. Pa.-R. /.] LOCALITY INDEX. 527 PENNSYLVANIA— G?«^/««^^. Towanda. Rev. William Ernest Daw, a. 1879. Warren. Edward Ditmars Wetmore, /. 1884. Waterford. William Henry West, M.D., m. 1890. Weatherly. James Buckley Tweedle, M.D., tn. 1865. Wilkes Barre. Daniel William Collins, M.D., m. 1888, 59 5". Washington St. Liddon Flick, /. 1884. Dagobert Gumpert, M.D., ni. 1890. Rev. Henry Lawrence Jones, a. 1858. George Henry Kirwan, M.D., nt. 1882. Robert Van Arsdale Norris, s. 1885, 24 S. Franklin St. Jacob Irving Roe, M.D., m. 1875, 24 N. Washington St. John Charles Storz, M.D., tn. 1892, 38 N, Hancock St. Williamsport. Rev. James Carter, a. 1882, 717 W. Fourth St. York. Henry Carpenter Niles, /. 1880. Robert Alexander Simpson, M.D., ni. 1884. RHODE ISLAND. Ashaway. Joseph De Vera Barber, M.D., tn. 1893. James N. Lewis, M.D., in. 1874. Burrillville. Edward Vaughan Granger, M.D., tn. 1873. Chepachit. George Albert Harris, M.D., tn. 1880. Chopmist. Barnard Arnold, M.D., tn. 1878. East Providence. George Edward Carpenter, M.D., tn. 1875. William West Hunt, M.D., m. 1890. John Bernard McKenna, M.D., tn. 1888, P, O. Box 363. Fort Adams. Arthur Wilson Taylor, M.D., tn. 1880, U. S. A . Greenville. Elmer Bertly Eddy, M.D., m. 1873. Hope Valley. Parnell Ellis Fisher, M.D., m. 1894. Little Compton. Isaac B. Cowen, M.D., tn, 1874. Lonsdale. Rev. James Valentine Chalmers, a. 1883. Newport. William Hunter Birckhead, M.D., tn. 1864. George Richmond Fearing, a. i860. Oliver Wolcott Gibbs, a. 1841, h. 1873. Lyman Colt Josephs, /. 1878, F. O. Box 311. Walter Langdon Kane, /. 1868. J Thomas Alphonso Kenfflfck, M.D., tn. 1885. Le Roy King, a. 1877, /. 1879. Stephen C. Powell, M.D., tn. 1864. Charles Weaver Stewart, M.D., m. 1891. Gabriel Mead Tooker, a. 1859, ^- i86i. George Peabody Wetmore, /. 1869. OIneyville. Henry William Heaton, M.D., tn. 1889, P. O. Box 396. Pawtucket. Rev. Theodore Bogert Foster, a. 1879. James Henry Kingman, M.D., tn. 1885. Albert Frederick Taylor, M.D., tn. 1890. William Eaton Wilson, M.D., tn. 1887, ao Park PI. Providence. Chester Holmes Aldrich, s. 1893, 8 Gushing St. Rev. Evelyn Pierrepont Bartow, a. 1869. George Allen Buffum, /. 1872. Franklin Pierce Capron, M.D., tn. 1879, 241 Washington St. James Henry Clarke, M.D., tn. 1889. iohn Philip Cooney, M.D., tn. 1892. ,e Baron Bradford Colt, /. 1870. Samuel Pomeroy Colt, /. 1876, 57 West- tninster St. Albert E. Ham, M.D., tn. 1868, 199 Benefit St. Warren Bradford Holden, M.D., tn. 1891. Clarence Edward Ide, M.D., tn. 1894, 99 Vinton St. Edward Stephen Kiley, M.D., tn. 1894, 123 Waldo St. Eugene Kingman, M.D., tn. 1870, 685 Broad St. Charles Henry Leonard, M.D., tn. 1868, 508 Broad St. John Francis McCusker, M.D., tn. 1889, 466 Broad St. William R. McGuirk, M.D., w. 1892. Robert Fanning Noyes, M.D., tn. 1873, ^4 yackson St. Clement Dietrich O'Leary, M.D., tn. 1887, 167 Public St. Harry Lucian Palmer, M.D., tn. 1890. Charles Fenner Peckham, M.D., tn. 1890, 176 Benefit St. Edgar Bronson Smith, M.D., tn. 1880, 13 Greene St. Emery Peckham Sweet, M.D., tn. 1889, 557 Westminster St. William Richmond Talbot, a. 1857. Edward Field Walker, M.D., tn. 1876. James Wilmarth Williams, /. 1882, 324 Butler Exchange. Wakefield. John Edward Perry, M.D., tn. 1873. Westerly. William Avery Hillard, M.D., tn. 1893. Russell Brown Smith, M.D., tn. 1884. 528 LOCALITY INDEX. [6". C.-Tex* SOUTH CAROLINA. Charleston. Philip Edward Chazal, s. 1881, 56 Broad St. Chester. John Torbit Henry, M.D., ftt. 1890. Congaree. Charles Henry Suydam, M.D., m. i86i. Sondley's. Joseph Lawrence Keitt, /. 1881. SOUTH DAKOTA. Aberdeen. De Witt C. Fowler, M.D., m. 1863. Deadwood. John Barnard Fairbank, /. 1869. Ipswich. James Walker Fowler, a. 1839, -^« ^' ^^-^ ^• Mitchell. David Gale Maclay, a. 1882, /. 1885. Rapid City. Walter Proctor Jenney, s. 1874. Sturgis. William Gardner Smith, M.D., w. 1884. Watertown. Rev. Mytton Maury, a. 1857. TENNESSEE. Chattanooga. Samuel M. Chambliss,/. 1890. James Grange, M.D., m. 1861. Albert Brace Pattou| a. 1890. Franklin Rees, j. 1874, Richardson Bldg. Edward Gould Richmond, /. 1878. Charles Lewis Rogers, s. 1877, 823 Broad St. John Wiggins, M.D., tn. 1879. Glenmary. Henry James Miller, M.D., m. 1868. Hartranft. Howard Farrington Welsh, s. 1890. Huntingdon. Joseph Williams McCall, M.D., m. 1869. Memphis. Alexander Grant Sinclair, M.D., m. 1869. Benjamin Franklin Turner, M.D., m. 1890. Nashville. John Harrison Blanks, M.D., tn. 1876, Ven- dome Bldg. Alonzo Clarence Campbell, s. 1869, 306 Russell Lemuel Russell Campbell, /. 1883. Edward Dunscomb, a. 1827, 516 S. Summer St. Paul Fitzsimons Eve, M.D., m. 1880. George Weeks Hale, M.D., m. 1872. Clarence Linden Lewis, Jr., M.D., m, iJ Henry Mihalovitch Mills, a. 1880, 229 N, Cherry St. Preston Vaughn, /. 1888. Pikeville. James Jackson Ormsbee, s. 1886. Pulaski. Thomas Martin Spofford, /. 1888. South Pittsburg. Frank Darling Arthur, /. 1880. TEXAS. Austin. William Franklin North, /. 1868. Belton. James Francis O'Reilly, M.D., tn. 1873. Bowie. Joseph Lucius Gaston, M.D., m.. 1885. Cuero. Joseph Henry Reuss, M.D., m.. 1889. Dallas. William Joseph Moroney, /. 1884. William Bess Thompson, Jr., /. 1889, 257 Main St. Denison. Frederick D. R. Marshall, M.D., m. 1868. Eagle Pass. William HoUis, s. 1878, P. O. Box 134. El Paso. Horace Russell Chase, /. 1875, Care Rev. Geo. H. Higgins. George Edward Fitzgerald, s. 1884. John Joseph MacTeague, s. 1883, Mexican Ore Co. Daniel William Reckhardt, s. 1884, P. O. Box 88. Fort Worth. Edgar Doak Capps, M.D., m.. 1891, 514 Main St. Albert David Mayer, M.D., m.. 1894, 212 Taylor St. Lee Balfour Slauter, M.D., m.. 1882. Galveston. Walter Israel Ducie, M.D., m. 1882. Ward Houghton Hulen, M.D., m. 1888, 2107 Post office St. William Browning Lockhart, /. 1884, 2303 Strand. Seth Mabry Morris, M.D., m. 1891. Goliad. Thomas Heath Nott, M.D., m. 1880. Greeneville. Jefferson Scoonover, M.D., m. 1869. Tex -Fa.] LOCALITY INDEX. 529 HY.y.K'^— Continued. Houston. John Thomas Mahl, s. 1891. Laredo, Fort Mcintosh. Marlborough Churchill Wyeth, M.D., m. 1878, U. S. A., (\^rran .1)., m. I 887, 752 Lewis Gustavus Nolte, M.D., nt. 1886, Senns* Block. Richard Ogden, a. 1872. Edward Holton Rogers, M.D., m. 1892. Leopold Schiller, M.D., m. 1882, 715 Grand Av. Bryant Smith, M.D., m. 1891, 136 Wisconsin St. Frank Crombie Studley, M.D., m. 1893, ^623 Vliet St. Oshkosh. Daniel W, Harrington, M.D., m. 1888. George Monroe Steele, M.D., m. 1871. Prairie Du Lac. Frederick Halsey Conger, M.D., fn. 1872. Racine. Francis Albert Brodsky, M.D., m. 1884. Sheboygan. Otto John Gutsch, M.D., m. i886. Sparta. Carl M. Beebe, M.D., m. 1891. Superior. Joseph Franklin Merriam, /. 1885. Viroqua. Charles Henry Trowbridge, M.D., m. 1894. Watertown. Frank C. Moulding,|;M.D., m. 1877. West Superior. Rev. Jonathan Cowles Andrus, /. 1876. Kenneth Robertson, s. 1868. WYOMING. Cheyenne. Frederick Henry Harvey, /. 1885. Evanston. William Newbrough, a. 1880, s. 1884. Rawlins. Charles Edward Blydenburgh, s. 1878. Rock Springs. Edwin Hathaway Norton, M.D., m. 1883. Sheridan. Marcus Arthur Newell, M.D., m. 1890. FOREIGN COUNTRIES. AFRICA. South African Republic. Henry Albert Wolff, M.D., m. 1877, Barber- ton. Ernest Abram Wiltsee, j. 1885, Care Barnato Bros.^ Johannesburg. West Africa. Herman Jacot, a. 1887, Lambaren^^ Congo Frangais. AUSTRALIA. SOUTH ADELAIDE. Port Augusta. William Markham, M.D., tn. 1870. NEW SOUTH WALES. Broken Hill. Randolph Adams, s. 1883. Sydney. Robert Lionel FaithfuU, M.D., tn. 1879, 5 Lyons Terrace.^ Hyde Park. AUSTRIA. Innspruck. Charles Borromeo Fitzpatrick, Jr., M.D., m. 1890. Vienna. Sidney Robertson Marvin, M.D., w. 1891, Care Thos. Cook &" Son (Home address, A tnherst, Mass.^ 532 LOCALITY INDEX. [^Bermuda-Cent. Am, BERMUDA. Hamilton. Ormond Tucker Middleton, /. 1868. CANADA. MANITOBA. Rapid City. Robert Percy Crookshank, M.D., nt. 1878. NEW BRUNSWICK. Centreville. Frank Manson Brown, M.D., m. 1885. Hillsboro'. Robert P. Jump, tn. 1866. Moncton. Edward Baron Chandler, M.D., m. 1871. St. John. James Hutchinson, M.D., -m. 1863. Henry Thatcher Sears, M.D., w, 1862. James A. E. Steeves, M.D., m. 1888. William Diller Matthew, s. 1893, ^' ^894, Summer St. St. Martins. Samuel White Briggs, M.D., m. i860. Stanley. Harry Woodforde Gregory, M.D., tn. 1886. NOVA SCOTIA. Annapolis. Russel Withers, M.D., m. 1865. Bridgeton. Louis George De Blois, M.D., tn. 1861. Halifax. Thomas Ritchie Almon, M.D., m. 1867, 12 Morris St. John Ferguson Black, M.D., m. 1868. William Murdock Cameron, M.D., m. 1873. Edward Farrell, M.D., m. xS6^, ^8 Morris St. William Dominic Finn, M.D., w. 1890, 100 Arzyle St. Norman Darrell Harvey, M.D., m. 1888. John Hector McKay, M.D., m. 1868, P. O. Box 367. Thomas Trenaman, M.D., tn. i86g. Kentville. Henry Bentley Webster, M.D., nt. 1872. Kingston Station. George Wilson Bell, M.D., m. i86g. Parrsboro. John Cameron McDougall, M.D., m. i86q. Sydney. Michael Allan McDonald, M.D., m. 1876. Truro. David H. Muir, M.D., m.. 1867. Wolfville. Edward Perry Bowles, M.D., m. 1874. Yarmouth. Henry Albert Darby, M.D., m. 1864. Edgar K. Kelly, M.D., m. 1865. Charles Ashton Webster, M.D., m. 1886. ONTARIO. Chatham. Tecumseh K. Holmes, M.D., m.. 1866. Hamilton. William Gordon Lyle, M.D., w. 1892. Kingston. Howard Sidney Folger, /. 1889. May fair. James Alexander McLean, u. 1893, u. 1894. Petrolia. Charles Oliver Fairbank, M.D., m. 1891, Port Hope. John Wordsworth Clemesha, M.D., w. 1866. Wallacetown. George Herbert Ling, u. 1894. Wellesley. William Morton, M.D., m,. 1866. West Zobia. Alexander Sutherland McLeod, /. 1891. PRINCE EDW^ARD'S ISLAND. Charlottestown. Edward Sherburne Blanchard, M.D., w. 1872. QUEBEC. Montreal. Fayette Williams Browne, /. 1881. Charles Edward Gudewill, s. 1890, P. O. Box 921. CENTRAL AMERICA. BRITISH HONDURAS. Belize. Otto William Erasmus Van Tuyl, M.D., a, 1844. COSTA RICA. Cartago. Carlos Volio-Jimenez, M.D., tn. 1892. San Jos6. Thomas Maurice Calnek, M.D., w. 1873. Eduardo Jose Pinto, M.D., m. 1889. GUATEMALA. Guatemala. John Francis Hawley, s. 1891, Apartado 172. James R. Hosmer, a. 1855. Cent. A m- Italy. '\ LOCALITY INDEX. 533 HONDURAS. Tegucigalpa. Alberto Ayestas, s. 1883. Enrique Constantino Fiallos, s. 1883, No. 27 Calle T.oa. Yuscaran. Salvator Serre Cordova, M.D., nt. 1890. NICARAGUA. San Juan del Norte. Walter Milo Barnum, M.D., nt. 1883. CHINA. Amoy. William E. Sandford Fales, s. 1873, /. 1875, U. S. Vice-Consul. Rev. Leonard William Kip., Jr., a. 1856. Shanghai. Rev. Francis Lister Hawks Pott, a. 1883, St. yohrCs College. COREA. Cadwallader Curry Vinton, M.D., tn. 1885. EGYPT. Cairo. Ernest Howard Crosby, /. 1878. ENGLAND. Brighton. James Bowdoin, a. 1830, 6 Montpelier Terrace. Liverpool. Stewart H. Brown, a. 1851, Quarry Bank, A Her ton. London. William Waldorf Astor, /. 1875. Colman Ward Cutler, M.D., tn. 1889, Care Brown., Shipley dr' Co. William Henry Herriman, a. 1849, Care J. S. Morgan &" Co. Agnes Irwin, b. 1894, Care Broivn^ Shipley b^ Co. Luther Manard Jones, /. 1865, Care Brown., Shipley b' Co. Lionel Robert Nettre, s. 1869. Saumarez Dobree Routh, a. 1849, 3° Lime St., E. C. Harry Augustus Smythe-Martin, /. 1878, 34 Walbrook., E. C. Marshall Lord Warrin, M.D., a. 1882, m. 1885, Care Macjnillan &" Co., 29 BedfordSt., W. C. Manchester. William Helsham Radford, j. 1877, Lyden- hurgh Gold Mining Co., Litnited. Oxford. Henry Augustus Sill, a. 1888, p. 1889, 81 IJley Road. FRANCE. Menton. James Bruen Andrews, /. 1863, Le Pigautier^ Menton, Alpes, Marititnes. Paris. Alexander Sanford Clarke, M.D., m. 1876. Stacy B. Collins, Jr., M.D., /. 1870, 85 Rue de Boetia. Isaac Burnett Davenport, M.D., nt. 1879, 3*^ A venue de I ' Opera . Antonio Fernando de Navarro, /. 1883, Care Munroe &" Co., 7 Rue Scribe. Rev. Charles P. Fagnani, /. 1875, 22 Place Vendome. Julius Levi Goldenberg, /. 1872, 6 Passage Violet. Edward Banker Hilton, /. 1871, 18 Rue Bergere. William Seymour Kernochan, a. 1842, 25 Rue de Marignan. Robert David Kohn, j. 1890, 4 Rue Honord Chevalier. Rev. John Brainard Morgan, a. 1864, 19 Avenue de r Ahna. Roland Gouverneur Rood, s. 1884. Samuel Wood Thurber, M.D., m. 1894, 13 Avenue MacMahon. George Oakley Totten, Jr., j. 1891, u. 1892, 63 Rue de Seine. George Vail,/. i88i. Care Hottinger &* Co.^ 38 Rue de Provence. Benjamin Robert Winthrop, Jr., /. 1866, Care Drexel, Harjes df Co. St. Servan. Leslie Chase, a, 1862, St. Servan, Ille et Vilaine. GERMANY. Berlin. Charles Riborg Mann, a. 1890, «. 1891. Heidelberg. Arthur Comings Langmuir, s. 1893, 22 Leo- pold-strasse. Henry Semmons Rafel, /. 1884, i Brucken- strasse. HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. Honolulu. George Pierce Andrews, M.D., m. 1862. Nathaniel Bright Emerson, M.D., nt. 1869. William Richards Castle, /. 1873. INDIA. Arruppukottai. Rev. James Coffin Perkins, /. 1876, Arrup- pukottai, Madura District, Southern India. (Also, Care American Board of Commis- sioners for Foreign Missions?) ITALY. Florence. William Henry Hyde, a. 1834, 6 Cor so Victor Emamiel. John Reynolds, /. 1875, ^^^ Farinata degli Uberti. 534 LOCALITY INDEX. \_Japan- West Indies. JAPAN. Kazuo Miura, /. 1877. Nagasaki. Kiugo Nambu, s. 1878. Osaka. Rev. Theodosius Stevens Tyng, /. 1871. Shimonoseki. Richard Lenox Halsey, /. 1880. Tokio. Yothinosuke Hasegawa, s. 1878, Mitsu Bishi Ska, No. II, Awaj'icho, Nichotne Kanda^ Tokio. Nawokichi Matsui, s. 1878, Agricultural College., Komaba^ Tokio. Yokohama. Nathaniel Ferdinand Smith, /. 1866. MEXICO. Concepcion del Oro, Estado de Zacatecas. Alfred Whipple Lilliendahl, s. 1883. (Home address : 82 Dan/orth Av.., yersey City, N. J.') Frank Armstrong Lilliendahl, i'. i8gi. (Home address : 82 Dan/orth Av.., yersey City, N. y. Copala, Sinaloa. Alfred Ernest Swain, j. 1881. Hacienda de San Cristobel Acam- bara, Estado de Guanajuato. Juan Adalberto Navarro, 5. 1880. Hidalgo. Elbert Champlin Van Blarcom, s. 1876, Care • H. de San Francisco Pachuca. Mexico. Victor Manuel Braschi, s. 1881, Apartado 830. Monterey. Epenetus Howe, s. 1886. (Home address : North Salem., N. Y. Albert Francis Schneider, s. 1876, Care Great National Smelting Works. Sabinal, Estado de Chihuahua. George Frederick Reckhardt, s. 1892, Care Cia Miner a la A venturera. PERSIA. Teheran. Truxtun Beale, /, 1878, U. S. Minister. RUSSIA. Moscow. Robert Otto Francke, s. i88o, Care W. Pass- burg, Esq. SOUTH AMERICA. BRAZIL. San Paulo. Louis de Souza Barros, j. 1877. Jose Nabor Pacheco Jordao, j. 1877, Paulista Ry. Rio de Janeiro. John Gordon, s. 1871, 62 Sai Pedro. CHILE. Iquique. Luis Fernandez del Rio, M.D., m.. 1888 O/^a A rgentina. PERU. Mina Rayo, Casapalca (Via Lima). Frederick Morgan Watson, s. 1885. (Home address : 403 Sibley St., Cleveland, (9.) UNITED STATES OF COLOMBIA. Colon. Rodolfo Halsted, M,D., tn. 1877. Medellin. Eduardo Zuleta, M.D., m. 1887. Jose Joaquin de la Roche, M.D., m.. 1888. Tumaco. Henry Dunning Conant, s. 1886, Care Messrs. Gaminara &r' Leeder, SPAIN. Justo Lopez y San Roman, M.D., m. 1892. Barcelona. Jose Aymar, a. 1873, /.1878, Paseo de Gracia^ No. 114. William Whitewright Stuart, /. 1874. SYRIA. Beirut. William Gray Schauffler, M.D., tn. 1889, Protestant College. TURKEY IN ASIA. Csesaria. Rev. William Schauffler Dodd, M.D., »?. 1886. WEST INDIES. CUBA. Cardenas. Diego Lombillo Clark, s. 1890. Antonio Candelario Maden, M.D., vt. 1884. Cienfuegos. Albert Casimir Fowler, s. 1889. West Indies.'] LOCALITY INDEX. 535 WEST 1^T>IE^— Continued. Havana. Ignacio Ernesto Agramonte, s. 1893, Zulieta No. 2,. Ricardo et Casanova, /. 1873. Charles Edward Joseph Finlay, M.D., tn. 1889. John Sidney Sauvalle, M.D., vt. 1889. Matanzas. George Charles Brinckerhoff, s. 1878. Ysidro Ygnacio Polledo, s. 1885, Apartado 167. Puerto Principe. Jose Alejandro Primelles, s. 1887, Mercedes 32. Santiago. Henry Caminero, M.D., 7n. 1872. Jose Portuondo, j. 1890, San Basilio^ Alta 28. PORTO RICO. Domingo Cabrera, M.D., vt. 1879. Yalencoa. Ysidro Antonio Vidal, M.D., m. 1883. TRINIDAD. Port of Spain. James Andrews De Wolfe, M.D., m. 1865. INDEX OF TRUSTEES, OFFICERS AND FELLOWS. PAGE Abbe, Robert 65 Abeel, John N 17 Adrain, Robert 26, 33 Agnew, Cornelius R 21, 38, 46 Alexander, Archibald 35> 40 Alexander, William, Earl of Stirling. .13 Allen, George F 20 Allen, Robert L 60 Alsop, Rees F 45 Ames, Paul K 72 Anderson, Henry J 20, 33 Anthon, Charles 29, 34, 65 Anthon, George C 17 Antill, Edward 13 Apthorpe, Charles W 13 Arrowsmith, Robert 59 Ashmore, Sidney G 55 Ashworth, Robert A 70 Aspinwall, J. D 83 Astor, John J., Jr 20 Atwood, Charles E 83 Auchmuty, Samuel 12, 13 Babbitt, Eugene H 52, 81 Bailey, Pearce 63, 82, 83 Bailey, Richard 27 Baker, Augustus D 69 Baker, Charles R 45 Baker, George H 45, 47, 76,84 Baldwin, Charles S 53, 56, 61, 81 Ball, A. Brayton 46, 48 Bancker, Abraham 14 Bancroft, Frederic 49, 82 Banyar, Goldsborough 14 Barclay, Henry 12 PAGE Bard, Samuel 16, 27, 28, 30, 44 Bard, William 19 Barnard, Frederick A. P 21, 25 Batchelor, George H 71 Bateman, Clifford R 47, 51 Bates, Walter G 69 Baxter, George S 57 Beach, Abraham 16, 24 Beadle, Edward L 20 Beck, John B 19 Beckwith, Frank E 47 Beebe, Alfred L 59, 60 Beebe, William H. H 66, 76 Beekman, Gerard 21, 24, 75 Beekman, Henry 12 Beekman, James W 21 Bell, Christopher M .65 Bensel, Walter 83 Benson, Egbert 17 Benton, Benjamin H 65 Bernheim, Abram C 48, 50, 82 Berrian, William 19 Berteau, Felix G 29 Betts, Beverly R 45 Betts, William 19, 24, 32 Bevan, Wilson L 73 Bidwell, Marshall S 46 Bierck, Adolph, Jr ^2 Bierhoff, F 83 Billings, John H 83 Billings, John S 48 Biscoe, Walter S 48 Bishop, Louis F 83 Bisset, John 33 5:.6 ^s *5 n A ^yS INDEX OF OFFICERS, "***C£4y|£S£^^7 PAGE Blake, Edwin M 6[, 63, 70, 82 Blake, Joseph A 54, 80, 83 Blatchford, Samuel 21 Blossom, Francis 62 Blossom, Thomas M 58 Boag, Edward T 65, 77 Bogert, Cornelius 1 17 Bogert, Marston T 64, 82 Bolton, Henry C 58 Bolton, Percy R 83 Bondy , William 73 Bowden, John 26 Bowen, Henry C 56, 59, 60, 61, 81 Boyd, Richard C 71 Boyd, Samuel 19 Boyesen, Hjalmar H. . 30, 41, 51, 67, 78 Bradford, Alexander W 20, 46 Brandt, Francis B 71 Brannan, John W 50 Bratenahl, Gustav W 83 Breckenridge, Roeliff M 73 Brewer, George E 54, 80 Brewster, Chauncey B 45 Brewster, W. T 57, 81 Britton, Nathaniel L 32, 51, 59, 79 Brockway, P'rederick J 54, 74, 80 Brown, D. Tilden 46 Brown, John Crosby 21, 75, 76 Brown, John W 45 Browning, James A 55 Buchanan, Walter C 28 Buck, Albert H 41, 48, 80 Buel, Samuel 15 Bugbee, Lester G 71 Bull, William T 28, 39, 48, 53 Bumstead, Freeman J 37, 46 Burchell, Henry J., Jr. ..... .64, 70, 82 Burdick, Francis M 33, 67, 68, 77, 79 Burgess, John W., 35, 39, 44. 47, 66, 67, 68, 77, 78 Burr, William H 43, 79 Butler, N. Murray, 40, 44, 55, 60, 66, 67, 68, 69, 77, 78 Cabot, John 83 Cady , Linus B 59 Cairns, Frederick A 50, 58 Calkins, Gary N 57, 81 Cammann, Hermann H 22, 75, 76 Campbell, Alonzo C 57 Campbell, James 19 Canfield, George F 33, 49, 79 Canterbury, Archbishop of 11, 12 Carle, Joannes 12 Carll, Lewis B 62 Carpenter, George R 42, 79 Carpenter, Roswell H 66 Carpenter, William H 30, 41, 51, 78 Casey, Joseph J 57 PAGE Caswell, John H 57, 58 Caswell, William H 83 Catlin, Lynde 18 Cattell, James McK 42, 49, 79 Chadsey, C. E 71 Chambers, John 12, 13 Chambers, Talbot W 21, 75, 76 Chandler, Charles F., 31, 37, 44, 66, 67, 68, 77, 78 Chandler, William H 57 Charlier, E. Stacey 55 Charlton, John 17 Chase, George 32, 39, 66 Cheesman, T. Matlack 52, 81 Chester, Albert H 57 Churchill, Alfred D 51, 59 Claiborne, John H 83 Clark, Alonzo 36, 44 Clark, Charles W 47 Clarkson, David 13 Clarkson, Matthew 14 Clinton, James 14 Clossy, vSamuel 26, 27, 54 Clover, Bertrand, Jr 51, 55 Coburn, Edward B 83 Cochran, John 15, 16 Cochran, William 29, 65 Cohn, Adolphe 41, 51, 55, 79 Cohn, Henry 50 Colby, Charles E 31, 51, 58, 60, 79 Colby, P'rank M 49, 73, 82 Colles, Christopher J 83 Conant, Henry D 63 Conger, Abraham B 54 Connell, Hewlett R 62, 63 Connor, Lewis A 83 Constant, Charles L 59 Cooper, Frederick T 62, 81 Cooper, Myles 12, 25, 26 Cornwall, Henry B 57 Cosine, John 17 Coudert, Frederic R 22, 75, 76 Cowen, W^illiam 83 Coykendall, Thomas C 72 Crampton, Henry E., Jr 63, 82 Cravath, Paul D 60 Creighton, William 19 Crocker, Francis B 37, 43, 52, 79 Cromwell, Lincoln 69 Crook, James W 71 Crosby, Ebenezer 16, 28 Crosby, Edward N 60 Crowell, Frank G , 73 Crowell, John F 72 Cruger, Henry 12 Cruger, John 12 Cruger, John, Jr .'.12 Cruger, John II 14 538 INDEX OF OFFICERS. PAGE Culbert, William L 83 Gumming, George M 33, 55, 79 Gurtis, B. Farquhar 83 Gurtis, Edward 32, 47, 84 Gurtis, Henry S 63, 82 Curtis, John G 36, 47. 53. 78 Gurtiss, Carlton G 82 Gushing, Harry A 72 Gushing, Matthew 65 Gushman, Alexander R 62, 81 Cushman, Holbrook 52, 62, 68, 80 Gutting, Leonard 54 Gutting, W. Bayard 21, 75, 76 Guyler, Henry 13 Da Costa, Charles M 21 , 48 Dalton, Edward B 46 Dalton, John C 44 Dalton, JohnC., Jr 36 Daly, Charles P 46 Da Ponte, Lorenzo 33 Darling, Edward A 65, 77 Davies, Charles 26, 35 Davis, Herman S 71 Day, Arthur M 64 Day, Edward C. H 57, 66 Dean, Bashford 52, 81 Deghuee, Charles J 61 , 69 Deghuee, Joseph A 54, 80 De La Cadefia, Mariano V 33 Delafield, Edward 28, 44 Delafield, Francis 31, 36, 46, 78 De Lancey, James, Jr 13 De Lancey, Oliver 12 Delaplaine, Joseph 15, 16 Delavan, D. Bryson 83 De Leon, Daniel 48 De Marcellin, Villette 28 Demarest, Theodore F. G 55 Denham, Thomas 65 Denton, Frederick W 61 De Peyster, Abraham 12 Detmold, William 36, 84 De Victoria, Jose L 83 Dewey, Melvil 41, 45 De Witt, Thomas 20 Dillon, John F 39 Dix, Morgan 20, 75, 76 Dodge, Daniel K 56, 60 Dodge, Frank D 61 Dole, George I. L 15 Dongan, John G 14 Donnell, Gustavus T 62 Douglas, Charles H. J 73 Douglas, Stewart 83 Dowd, Charles N 83 Drake, Emery A 71 Draper, William H., 22, 37, 38, 46, 75, 76, 80, 83 PAGE Drisler, Frank 55, 65 Drisler, Henry, 29. 34, 44. 55, 66, 67, 68, 84 Duane, James 13, 15, 23 Dudley, Percy S 72 Duer, John 18 Duer, William A 19, 25 Duffie, Cornelius R 44, 84 Dufourcq, Edward L 64 Dunning, William A. .35, 48, 52, 69, 79 Dunscomb, Edward 17 Dunscomb, Samuel W., Jr 73 Durham, E. B 64, 82 Duyckinck, Evert A 21 Dwight, Theodore W 32, 38, 44, 66 Earle, Mortimer L 69 Eastwick, George S 59 Eckerson, Frank L 73 Edwards, Amelia B 49 Egbert, James C, Jr. .52, 56, 60, 68, 80 Egleston, Thomas 36, 67, 68, 78 Eliot, Ellsworth, Jr 54, 80, 83 Ellet, WiUiam H 30, 45 Elliott, Arthur H 61 Ely, John S 64, 81 Ely, Richard T 68 Emery, Henry G 71 Eno, Henry C 65 Ernenputsch, William 29 Evarts, William M 46 Everson, Duane S 55 Evertson, Nicholas 17 Ewing, Hampton D 69 Ewing, James 57, 64, 81 Ewing, Thomas, Jr • • 69 Farrand, Livingston 52, 81 Fenton, John F 73 Ferguson, John 19 Fish, Hamilton 19, 20, 23 Fish, Nicholas 18, 23, 24 Fisher, George F 66, 77 Fisher, George H 20 Fiske, Thomas S 26, 52, 56, 60, 79 Fletcher, Lawrence B 68 Floyd, Frederick W 59 Folke, Albert 57 Forresti, E. Felix .33 Fowler, George B 65 Fox, George H 38, 47, 80 Foye, Andrew E 53, 56, 8r Freeborn, George G 81 Freedman, William H 56, 72, 81 Frost, Halstead H,, Jr 69 Frost, Thomas G 73 Frothingham, Richard 83 Gallaudet, Bern B 49, 54, 80 Gano, John 15 Garrison, Herman 15 INDEX OF OFFICERS. 539 PAGE Geer, William M 45 Gibney, Virgil P 50 Gibson, Charles L , 83 Giddings, Franklin H 43, 49, 79 Gifford, Charles M 59 Giles, Samuel 54 Gilfillan, W. Whitehead 83 Gilley, William C 83 Gilman, Chandler R 35 Gilman, George H 69 Goddard, Farley B 52 Goodnow, Frank J. . . .35, 42, 47, 51, 78 Goodwin, Edward 62 Goodwin, Jasper T 26, 51, 58, 78 Gordon, Reginald. ...... .56, 61, 62, 81 Gottheil, Richard J. H 41, 48, 52, 78 Graves, Frank P 62, 69 Green, Herbert 50, 82 Greene, John 55, 72 Greene, Robert H 83 Greenleaf, James L 37, 51, 59, 79 Greer, David H 45 Gregory, Luther E 64, 82 Griffing, Harold 69 Griscom, John 30 Gross, John D 15, 26, 29, 30 Gudewill, Charles E 62 Hackley, Charles W 33, 34 Haight, Benjamin 1 19 Halifax, Earl of 1 1 Hall, Arthur C 71 Hall, Percy F 61 Hall, Richard J 27, 39, 48, 53 Hallock, Edward J 58 Hallock, William 34, 68, 79 Halsey, Anthony 21, 24 Halsted, William S 48, 53 Hamersley, William 28, 31 Hamilton, Alexander 15 Hamlin, Alfred D. F. 40, 52, 79 Hammond, Matthew B 72 Hanna, George B » 57 Hannah, W. J 71 Haring, John 14 Harison, Richard 16, 23 Harison, William H 19 Harper, Joseph W 21, 75, 76 Harpur, Robert 14, 15, 24, 25, 26 Harriman, Charles A 52, 62, 80 Harris, William 17, 24, 25 Hartley, Frank 49, 52, 54, 80, 81 Hastings, Dr 67, 68 Hathaway, Frank R 62 Hayden, James R 83 Hayes, Charles H 69 Haynes, Joseph 13 Henderson, William 18 Hensoldt, H 61 PAGE Herrick, Frederick M 73 Hervey, William A 72 Hill, Edmond Y 83 Hiller, Edmund H 57 Hobart, John H 17 Hobart, William H 20 Hodenpyl, Eugene 64, 81 Hoffman, Anthony 14 Hoffman, Ogden ig Holbrook, Francis N 58 Holden, Ward A 83 Holland, Edward 12 Holley, A. L 47 Hollick, Charles A 56, 62, 63, 81 Holt, George C 49 Hone, Philip 18 Hooker, William A 59 Hooper, Louis M 59 Hopkins, Edward W 55, 68 Horsmanden, Daniel 12 Hosack, David 32 Hotchkiss, Lucius W 54, 80 Hourwich, Isaac A 73 How, Thomas Y 18 Hows, John W. S 33 Huber, Francis 83 Huber, Joseph 83 Hughes, Charles E 60 Humphrey, Cornelius 14 Humphreys, Willard C 73 Huntington, George S 27, 49, 54, 79 Huntington, Harwood 71 Hurlbut, Elisha D., Jr 63 Hutton, Frederick R. .37, 42, 50, 58, 78 Hutton, Mancius S 20 Hymes, Edward 70 Hyslop, James H 52, 56, 80 Iglehart, Asa S. . . 63, 81 Ihlseng, Magnus C 58 lies, Malvern W 58 Ingersoll, William H 58 Inglis, Charles 14 Irving, John T 18 Jackson, A. V. Williams. .40, 51, 69, 79 Jackson, Frank W 83 Jackson, George T 83 Jacobi, Abraham 38, 80 Jacoby, L. Harold 34, 52, 60, 61, 79 James, Walter B 49, 80 Jarman, George W 83 Jarvis, Samuel F i8 Jay, John 15 Jay, John C 20 Jay, Peter A 17, 18, 23 Joffe, Judah 71 Johannan, Abraham 50 Johnson, Charles L 73 Johnson, Herbert McL 72 540 INDEX OF OFFICERS. PAGE Johnson, Samuel 12, 25 Johnson, William 18, 24, 54 Johnson, William S 16, 25 Johnson, Winfield 64, 82 Johnson, Woolsey 46 Jones, David S 18 Jones, Edward 20 Jones, Edward R 19 Jones, John 27 Jones, Thomas 13, 15, 16 Jones, William A 45 Joy, Charles A 31, 37, 46 Joy, Douglas A 58 Julien, Alexis A 51, 57, 80 Katzenstein, L 73 Keasbey, Lindley M 63 Keener, William A. 33, 44, 67, 68, 77, 79 Keily, Edward A 83 Kelsey, Charles B 53 Kemp, James F 37, 60, 79 Kemp, John 26, 30, 54 Kempe, John T 12 Kempe, William 12 Kennedy, Archibald 12, 13 Kent, James 18, 32 Kerr, Nathan 15 King, Charles 19, 20, 25 King, Ruf us 17 Kinnicutt, Francis P 37, 80 Kirchwey, George W 33, 79 Kissam, Benjamin 16, 31 Kissam, Richard S 32 Kitchell, Edwin M 64, 82 Knapp, Charles 69 Knapp, Herman 41, 47, 80 Knox, John 19, 23 Kress, Maximilian K 65, 82 Krohkowski, Milos 57 Kunze, Johann C 15, 17, 29 Lacombe, Charles F 60 Laight, Edward W 18, 23 Lambert, Alexander 74, 83 Lambert, Samuel W 83 Lamoroux, Wendell 55 Laraway, C. B 60 Lathrop, William G., Jr 22, 75 Laudy, Louis H 56, 59, 81 Lawrence, Charles L 66, 77 Lawrence, Eugene 46, 55 Lawrence, John 15, 16 Lawrence, John L 19, 24 Lawrence, Thomas 14 Lay, Wilfrid 71 Learning, Edward 64, 82 Lee, Benjamin F 39, 49 Lee, Frederick S 54, 80 Lefferts, George M 38, 80 Leroux, Georges 50 PAGE Leroy, Peter V 59 Leslie, Alexander 65 Levias, Caspar 71 Lewis, Morgan 15, 16 Lewis, Robert 83 L'Hommedieu, Ezra 14 Lieber, Francis 35 Ling, George H 71 Lispenard, Leonard 13, 15, 16, 24 Little, James L 46 Littlejohn, Abram N 21, 75, 76 Littlejohn, John M 70 Livingston, Brockholst. . . .14, 15, 23, 24 Livingston, Edward 16 Livingston, Gilbert 15 Livingston, James I2, 14 Livingston, John 13 Livingston, John H 15, 23 Livingston, Philip • • i? Livingston, Walter 14, 16 Livingston, William 12 Lloyd, John 15 Locke, Hersey G 83 Lockwood, Ebenezer 15 Lockwood, George R 83 Lodge, Abraham 13 Loeb, Isidor 71 Loiseau, Jules E 50, 5 1 Loiseaux, Louis M, A 56, 81 Lombard, Warren P 61 Love, Edward G 58 Low, Seth 21, 25, 75, 76, 77, 78 Ludlow, Gabriel 13 Ludlow, Thomas W 19 Luqueer, Frederick L 72 Luquer, Lea McI, 56, 61, 62, 81 Luquer, Thatcher T. P 62 Lynch, J. B 64 Mabrii, Jules 57 McBride, Thomas A 47, 48 McBurney, Charles. . . ,28, 38, 47, 53, 80 McClintock, Emory 55 McCosh, Andrew J 50 McCrea, John 14 McCrea, Nelson G 56, 69, 81 McCulloh, Richard S 30, 34 McEvoy, James P 83 Mcllhiney, Parker C 64 McKnight, Charles 15, 16, 27 McKnight, John 16, 26 McLane, James W., 32, 36, 39, 44, 46, 67, 68, 77, 78 McLean, Charles F 47 McLean, James A 70 McMynn, John C 70 McVickar, John 26, 34 McVickar, William A 46 MacHale, Fred. S 83 INDEX OF OFFICERS. 541 PAGE Macintosh, James B 59 Mackay-Smith, Alexander 45 Maclay, James 56, 61, 81 Maghee, John H 58 Maier, Julius 57 Mann, Charles R 69, 70, 72 Mann, Horace B 73 Mann, Matthew D 47 Margolis, Max L 70 Markoe, Francis H 48, 53, 80 Markoe, Thomas M 27, 28, 39, 84 Marsh, Charles W 59 Marshall, Henry R 50 Marston, Nathaniel 13 Martin, Josiah 12 Mason, Erskine 53 Mason, John 15 Mason, John L 20 Mason, John M I7, 25 Mason, Louis 1 83 Matthew, William D 71 Matthews, Albert P 71 Matthews, Brander 43, 79 Matthews, James M 19 Maunsell, John 14 May, Charles H 83 Mayer, Ralph E 52, 59, 80 Mayo-Smith, Richmond, (See Smith, Richmond M.). Meikleham, Thomas M. R 62 Merriam, Augustus C 34, 41, 55, 78 Merrill, Frederick J. H 60 Metcalfe, John T 37, 84 Meyer, John F 66 Middleton, Peter 14, 27, 28 Miller. Edmund H 63, 81 Miller, Frank E 83 Miller, George M 57 Miller, Samuel 17 Millikan, R. A 71 Mills, J ackson M 83 Mitchell, Edward 21, 75 Mitchill, Samuel L. 31, 32 Monell, Joseph T 56, 81 Moore, Benjamin 17, 25, 29 Moore, Clement C 17, 24 Moore, John B 42, 79 Moore, Nathaniel F 19, 25, 29, 45 Moore, "William 16, 23 Morawetz, Victor 48 Morong, Thomas 65 Morris, Gerard W 20 Morris, Gouverneur 17 Morris, Lewis 14 Morris, Roger 13 Moses, Alfred J 36, 51, 59, 79 Mott, Valentine 27 Mottet, Henry 45 PAGE Moyes, Henry 30, 31 Mueller, Samuel P 72 Mulford E 47 Munde, Paul F 47 Munoz del Monte, Adolfo C 74 Munroe, Henry S 37, 42, 78 Murray, John R 18 Murray, Joseph 12 Nadal, E. S 49 Nairne, Charles M 35, 36 Nash, John McL 24, 75 Nash, Stephen P . .21, 75, 76 Neill, Henry H 72 Nelson, Charles A 84 Newberry, John S 37, 66 Newberry, Spencer B 59 Newton, Henry 58 Nicoll, Benjamin 12 NicoU, Samuel 17, 30, 31 Northrop, John 1 56, 61 Noyes, William C 46 Nye, William B 66, 77 O'Connor, Bernard F 41, 49, 51 Odell, George C. D 69 Ogden, David B 18, 23 Ogden, Gouverneur M 20, 24 Ogden, Thomas L 18 Ogilby, John D 65 Ogilvie, John 13 Olcott, George N 71 Onderdonk, Benjamin T iS Ordronaux, John 36, 82 Osborn, Henry F..42, 44, 67, 68, 77, 79 Osborn, John C 31, 32 Osgood, Herbert L 35, 73, 79 O'Sullivan, John L 54 Otis, Fessenden N 38, 46 Park, William H 74, 83 Parker, Alexander F 61 Parker, Charles T 54, 63 Parker, Herschel C 56, 62, 63, 81 Parker, Otty B 62 Parker, Willard 27, 38 Partridge, Edward L 39, 48 Peabody, George L., 21, 32, 48, 67, 68, 77, 78 Pearce, S. Austen 50 Peck, Harry T. .34, 55, 66, 67, 68, 77, 78 Peck, Morton R 83 Peck, William G 26, 33, 35, 46 Peele, Robert, Jr 42, 79 Pell, Philip, Jr 14 Pellew, Charles E 54, 80 Perkins, Edward W 83 Perkins, Thomas L 61 Perry, Edward D. . .42, 51, 55, 68, 77, 79 Petersen, E, L 59 Peterson, Frederick .83 542 INDEX OF OFFICERS, PAGE Petty, Robert D 32,48,52 Pfister, Joseph C 56, 69, 81 Philipse, Frederick 12 Pine, John B 22, 24, 75, 76 Pistor, William 50, 58 Porter, Henry H., Jr 60 Porter, Holbrook F. J 65 Post, Wright 18, 27 Potter, Henry C 21, 75, 76 Potter, Horatio 20 Potter, William A 57 Potter, William B 58 Power, Henry 64, 82 Pratt, Benjamin 12 Price, Thomas R 40, 66, 78 Prime, Frederick, Jr 57 Provoost, John 13 Provoost, Samuel 15, 23 Provot, Francis A 64, 82 Prudden, T. Mitchell 43, 47, 65, 79 Pryor, James W 55 Pupin, Michael 1.34, 37, 43, 52, 61, 72, 79 Putnam, Harrington 49 Putnam, John F 70 Quackenbos, John D 40, 42, 55, 84 Radcliff e, Jacob 17 Ransom, Charles C 83 Rattoone, Elijah D 29 Ravenhill, Lefroy 45 Ray, Robert 20 Reade, Joseph 13 Rees, John K., 34, 40, 45, 51, 58, 67, 68, 77, 78 Reeves, Alfred G 49, 60 Ren wick, James 18, 30 Reynolds, James B 64 Rice, Isaac L 47 Richard, Paul 12 Richard, George A 83 Richards, George 49, 50, 82 Ricketts, Pierre de P. ..41, 43, 50, 58, 78 Ries, Heinrich 71 Rintelen, Fritz 57 Ripley, William Z. . 50, 70, 82 Rittenhouse, Charles F 72 Ritzema, Johannes 12 Rives, George L 21, 75, 76 Robb, William L 60, 68, 72 Roberts, Gracie S 58 Robinson, Beverley 13, 18, 23 Robinson, Joseph 12 Rodgers, John 15 Rogers, James D . . . . 70 Rogers, John R. B 28 Rollins, Daniel G 49 Romaine, Thomas 15 Romayne, Nicholas 15, 16, 31, 45 Romeyn, John B 17, 24 PAGE Rood, Ogden N 34, 46, 78 Roosevelt, J, West 48, 80 Root, Edward W 57 Rosewater, Victor S 70 Rounds, Ralph S 49, 82 Rowe, Stuart H 70 Ruggles, Samuel B ... 1 9 Russell, Ebenezer 15 Russell, I. C 58 Rutherfurd, John 15, 16 Rutherf urd, Lewis M 20 Sabine, Thomas T 27, 47, 53 St. John, Samuel 31 St. John, Samuel B 53 Sammis, Elmer G 73 Sammis, Warren E 73 Sands, Henry B 27, 39, 46, 53, 65 Sands, Robert A 54, 80 Satterlee, Henry Y 44 Schaeffer, George C 45 Schermerhorn, F. Augustus. . .21, 75, 76 Schermerhorn, William C 20 Schermerhorn, William C..20, 23, 75, 76 Schmidt, Henry 1 30 Schmitz, Hermann J 50 Schneider, Albert 72 Schuman, Charles H 63 Schweitzer, Paul 57 Scott, Charles P. G 51 Scott, Lewis A 16 Scribner, Guillaume A 51 Segall, Jacob 70 Seguin, Edward C 38, 46 Seixas, Gershom 15, 16 Seligman, Edwin R. A 39, 40, 43, 78 Senftner, Robert 66, 77 Sever, George F 52, 81 Shaeffer, Frederick G 29 Shambaugh, Benjamin F 73 Share, William W 59 Shepherd, William R 71 Sherman, Frank D 40, 52, 60, 79 Short, Charles 34 Short, Henry A 56, 60, 68 Sill, Henry A 6r Silliman, Charles A 21, 75 Silver, Louis M 83 Simonds, Arthur B 71 Simonds, Francis M 6t, 63 Simpson, Marcus 70 Simpson, William K 83 Skinner, Elmer 63 Small, John K 70 Smart, J. F 63 Smith, Alexander Mackay 45 Smith, Caleb 14 Smith, Charles S 30, 40, 41,51 Smith, E. Munroe. .35, 42, 47, 51, 67, 78 INDEX OF OFFICERS, 543 PAGE Smith, James 28 Smith, Joseph M 32 Smith, Lenox 21, 75, 76 Smith, Richmond M., 35, 39, 40, 55, 66, 67, 68, 77, 78 Smith, William P 32, 45 Snelling, Grenville T 53, 56, 62, 81 Snodgrass, William D 19 Sondern, Frederic E 83 Spahr, Charles B 48 Spencer, William C 60 Speranza, Carlo L 51, 52, 80 Spring, Gardiner 19, 23 Squiers, Arnon L 64, 82 Stabler, Edward L 60, 69 Stanton, Stephen B 73 Starbuck, Henry P 33, 5°, 79 Starr, Moses A 38, 48, 78 Stedman, Edmund C 49 Steele, J. D 49 Stein, John V 83 Stengel, Frederick 50 Stevens, Alexander H 27 Stevens, Edward 31 Stilwell, Samuel E 68 Stirling, Earl of 13 Stoughton, Arthur A 73 Stringham, James S 30 Strong, George T 20 Strong, Oliver S 63, 70 Strong, Pascal N 18 Struthers, Joseph, Jr. .56, 60, 61, 62, 81 Stuart, Charles A 70 Stuart, William H 61 Sturgis, Russell 49 Swords, Charles R 21 Tappan, Christopher 14 Taylor, Robert W 38, 49, 80 Taylor, Washington I 73 Tellkampf , John L 30 Tennent, John V. B 28 Terry, Charles T 50, 82 Tetard, John P 28 Thomas, T. Gaillard 35, 39, 40, 84 Thome, Robert 49, 82 Thome, William L 74 Tillary, James 17 Todd, Henry A 43, 79 Tooke, Charles W 72 Torrey, Charles H 59 Torrey, John 20, 31, 32 Totten, George O., Jr, 63, 74 Towart, James 63 Townsend, James 14 Townsend, John L 21 Treadwell, Daniel 25, 54 Treat, Malachi 15, 16 Troup, Robert 17 PAGE Trowbridge, C. C 63, 82 Trowbridge, William P. . . . . .36, 66, 67 Tucker, Ervin A 53, 81 Turner, Samuel H 33 Tuska, Gustave R 64, 82 Tuttle, George M 39, 48, 78 Tyson, Henry H 83 Vail, Clarence W 64, 70, 82 Valadier, Charles A 71 Van Amringe, J. Howard, 26, 44, 46, 55, 66, 67, 68, 77, 78 Van Brunt, Rutgers 14 Vanderbilt, Cornelius 22, 75, 76 Vanderbilt, John 15 Vanderpoel, A. Ernest 21 Vanderpoel, Aaron J 46 Van der Poel, John 83 Van de Water, George R 44, 84 Van Gieson, Ira T 61, 81 Van Ingen, Gilbert 64, 65, 82 Van Wagenen, Gerrit G 20, 24 Vardill, John 28, 54 Varick, Richard 15, 23 Vermilye, Robert G 29, 54 Verplanck, Gulian C 18 Verplanck, Philip 12 Verplanck, Samuel 13 Verren, Antoine 29 Vibbert, W. H 45 Vincent, Marvin R 22, 75 Vinton, Francis L 36 Visscher, Matthew 15 Volckening, Gustav J 63, 82 Von Eltz, Louis 51 Voorhees, Clark G 70 Vulte, Hermann T 56, 59, 62, 81 Wade, Herbert T 64, 82 Wainwright, Jonathan M 18, 20 Waldo, Leonard 55, 58 Walker, Francis '^o Waller, Elwyn 41, 50, 58 Walter, William H 43, 50 Walther, Hugo J 60 Walton, Jacob, 14 Walton, William 12, 14 Ward, De Lancey W 62, 81 Ward, Samuel 19 Ward, Samuel B 65 Ware, William R 40, 67, 77, 78 Warren, Charles P 50, 64 Warren, George W 43, 79 Wasson, Edmund A 61 Watts, John 12, 16, 18 Watts, Robert 27 Weeks, Stephen R 45, 66 Weil, Robert 72 Weir, Robert F 28, 38, 41, 47, 79 Welch, Alexander M 74 544 INDEX OF OFFICERS. PAGE Wells, James S. C 51, 52, 58, 80 Wells, John 18 Wells, Thomas L 19 West, Max 70 Weston, Stephen F 63, 70, 73, 82 Weygand, John Albert 12 Wharton, Charles H 17, 25 Wheelock, George G. .22, 46, 53, 75, 76 Whitcomb, Seldon L 71 White, Henry 14 Whitlock, Herbert P 63, 82 Whitman, Royal W 53 Whitridge, Frederick W 48, 82 Wiechmann, Ferdinand G. . . .51, 59, 80 Wilson, E. B 42, 43, 79 Wilde, Norman 64 Wilkes, Charles 18 Willcox, Walter F 72 Willey, Arthur 56 Williams, John 14 PAGE Williams, William R 19 Wilson, James 15 Wilson, Peter 29 Windecker, Clifton N 63 Wisner, Henry 14 Wolcott, Oliver 17 Wood, Frederick A 70, 73 Woodtjerry, George E 43, 79 Woodruff, Hunloch 15 Woodward, Benjamin D. ..53, 56, 69, 81 Woodward, R. S 37, 43, 79 Woolson, Ira H 52, 60, 80 Wynkoop, Asa 71 Yates, Christopher P 14 Yates, Peter W 15 Yeaman, George H 47 Young, Clarence H 52, 69, 81 Zabriskie, Martin 20 Zborowsky, Martin 21 INDEX OF GRADUATES. Class Symbols. — The several schools are designated by italic letters prefixed to the year of graduation, as follows : a. School of Arts. /«. School of Medicine. b. Barnard College. p. School of Political Science. h. Honorary degree. s. School of Mines. /. School of Law. u. University degrees (A.M. and Ph.D.). Aaron, Herman, /. 1883. Abarbanell, Jacob R., /. 1874. Abbe, Robert, tn. 1874. Abbett, Leon, Jr., /. 1886. Abbott, Amos W., m. i86q. Cornelius S., Jr., «.i89i, George B., /. 1874. R. S. Garden, a. 1846. Abeel, David G., m. 1794. George, a. 1822. George H., j. 1883. Gustavus, h. 1842. Abell, Paul W., m. 1893. Abenheim, Sidney, a. 1887. Abercrombie, Richard H., /. 1889. Abrahams, Isaac, a. 1774. Robert, m. 1891. Abrahamson, Isador, tn. 1894. Abrams, Alexander, tn. 1888. Samuel M., /. 1887. Abruzzo, Onofrio, tn. 1883. Acer, Frank A., /. 1893. Acken, Joseph B., s. 1894. Acker, David D. [Jr.],/. 1878. Ackerman, Charles A., tn. 1884. David D., a. 1894. Frederick S., a. 1877. John P., /. 1886. Ackerson, Zabriskie, a. 1886. Adam, Clovis, tn. 1877. William L., /. 1880. Adams, Albvn L., tn. 1889. Alpheus E., tn. 1879. Benjamin J., m. 1877. Calvin T,, tn. 1884. Charles C, h. 1877. Charles F., tn. 1890. Charles G., a. 1869. Charles T., /. 1880. Charles W., tn. 1879. Daniel 8., tn. 1872. Edwin B,, tn. 1880. Edwin G., /. 1894. Henry F., tn. 1890. James C, /, 1888. James R., /. 1872. Jasper, k. 1827. John J., /. 1876. John K., a. 1845, John L., tn. 1885. John L., tn. 1886. John M., a. 1864, J. 1867, John W., k. 1840. Percy D., /. 1883. Randolph, s. 1883. Robert F., a. 1891. Robert S., tn. 1891. Samuel F., a. 1878, /, 1880. William C, s. 1884. William J., a. 1875, s. 1878. Adee, Frederic W., /. 1875. George A., /. 1870. Philip H., /. 1876. Stephen F., /. 1889. Adenaw, Julius, /. 1879. Adler, Felix, a. 1870. Isaac, a. 1868. Leon N., a. 1880. Louis, /. 1875. Adlington, Joseph A., /. 1875. Adrain, Robert, h. 1818. Adriance, Vanderpoel, tn. 1893. Agar, John G., /. 1880. Agate, Frederic K., /. 1875. Agee, Shoge T., /. 1876. Ager, Harry C, a. 1889. Louis, a. 1889. Agnew, Cornelius R., a, 1849. Frank E., in. 1885. John, a. 1810. Agramonte, Aristides, in. 1892. Emilio, Jr., j. 1886. Ignacio E., s. 1893. Jos6 C, 5. 1886. Ahrens, Alfred H. W., /. 1885. Aigeltinger, Frederic C, /. 1889. Aiken, George H., tn. 1869. Aims, John M. G., a. 1850. Aitken, Frederick M., in. 1868. John S., tn. 1878. William B., a. 1888, /. 1889, u. 1890. Akerly, Samuel, a. 1804. Akin, Henry S., /. 1875. Louis, tn. 1890. 545 n 546 INDEX OF GRADUATES, Albee, Dan P., m. 1888. Albro, Merlin Z., m, 1887. William C, /. 1874. Al Burtis, Clement W., a. 1844. Alden, Herbert C, s. 1884. Joseph, ^.1857. Robert P., /. 1875. Roger, h. 1789. Alderton, Henry A., jn. 1885. Aldis, Charles, a. 1837. Aldrich, Chester H., s. 1893. George T., /. 1885. James H., a. 1863. John, m. 1889. Spencer, a. 1874, /. 1876. Aldridge, Walter H., s. 1887. Alexander, Arthur A., /. 1893, Charles B., /. 1872. David W., a;. 1864, /. 1866. Nestor A., /. 1894. Peter, /. 1878. Stephen, h. 1852. Thomas, Jr., /. 1877. Alker, Alphonse H., /, 1873. Allaben, Charles S., m. 1882. Allaire, Hal, a. 1869. Peter, a. 1805. Allan, James G., m. 1880. Allen, Addison,/, 1888, /. 1889, u. 1892. Charles S., j. 1874. Charles S., a. 1878. Charles W., m. 1878. Christopher, a. 1823. George F., «. 1829. Harlan P., nt. 1879, Henry W,, tn. 1884. Horatio, a. 1823. James S., /. 1882. John F. W,, ni. 1894. John J., /. 1866. Fohn McC, m. 1884. jauren M., m. 1880. Maxwell H., m. 1894. Robert L., a. 1886, Stanton, m. 1881. Stephen D., a. 1833. Thomas H., ni. i860, Thomas H., m. 1875. William D,, /. 1875. William H., /, 1877. William M,, a. 1834. William P,, a. 1878, /, 1880. Zachariah N., /. 1888, Allerton, Walter S., a. 1874, /. 1877. Allin, Frederick B., a. 1888. Ailing, Arthur N., vt, 1891. Asa A., /. 1885, Allis, Frederic, /. 1872. Jerry A., m. 1889, Allison, George H., /. 1877. Almon, Thomas R., m. 1867. William B,, m. 1863. Alsdorf, John, nt. 1880. Altounyan, Asadour A., m. 1885. Altshul, Henry, m. 1887, Alvarez, Jose R., m. 1885. Alverson, Theodore F., m. 1867 Amend, Edward B., /. 1879, William J., /. 1882, American, Samson, nt. 1864. Amerman, Albert, a. 1812, Ames, Hector C, a. 1842, James D., /. 1878, Paul K.,/, 1887, /, I Amidon, Royal W., in. 1877. Amory, William, a. 1775. Amos, William F,, nt, 1892, Amy, Alfred V., /, 1891, Ernest J. H.,s. 1885 Anable, Eliphalet N., /. 1880. Andersen, Alexander H., /, 1893. Andrew J., m. 1890. Anderson, Abel T„ a. 1816. Alexander, m. 1796. Andrew, a. 1810, Andrew, m. 1865. Anson W,, m. 1882. Archibald, /. 1887. Calvin, m. 1865. Charles E., a. 1826. Charles L. G., m. 1884. Cornelius V. A., a. 1853, Edward H., a. 1859. Frank, m. 1874. George M,, s. 1891. Harry G., m. 1889. Harvey V. A.,/. 1884. Henry J., a. 1818, A. 1850. James, a. 1845. Joseph H., a. 1867. Joseph L., in. 1875. Martin B., A. 1887. Peter, a. 1791, Peter C, a. 1887, Samuel A., /. 1887, Walden P., <^. 1870. Walter T., /. 1889, Wendell A., m. 1863, Willis S., m. 1891. Anderton, Edward K., /. 1870. Andresen, Charles A,, s. i88i, Andress, Theophilus H., nt. 1864, Andrew, Fred. D., nt. 1887, Andrews, Charles, /i. 1887. Egbert T., m. 1873. George B., k. 1871. George P., w. 1862. Gwynne M., /. 1885. Henry C, /. 1873. James B., /. 1863. John L,, nt. 1889, John W,, /. 1874. Joseph A., nz. 1876. Oran P., m, 1893. Samuel, A. 1762. Samuel W., Jr., s. 1890, Walter S., /. 1883, William A., /. 1888. William H., /. 1869, William S., /, 1882. Andrus, Jonathan C, /, 1876. Angell, Frank S., u. 1891. James B,, A. 1887. Rufus G., a. 1881. Annan, Robert, A. 1788. Ansbacher, Louis A., J. 1892. Anthon, Archibald, s. 1892. Charles, a. 1815, ^. 1831. Charles E., a, 1839. Edward, a. 1823. Frederic, a. 1838, George C, a, 1839, Henry, a. 1813, A. 1832. John, a. 1801, A. 1861. John H., a. 1851. Anthony, Edward, a. 1838. Henry T,, a. 1832. Richard A,, a, 1881. Antill, Edward, a. 1762. An way, Joseph D., m. 1875. Wilmore, /, 1883. Apgar, Edward H., a. 1883, _/>, 1883, ^- 1885. Appel, Henry J., Jr., /. 1872. Appelget, Walter W., /, 1877. Appell, Albert J., /. 1888, Appleby, Edgar S., a. 1884, /. 1886. John S., s. 1888,/. 1890, u. 1891. Applegate, Charles C, /, 1884. Lewis, 7n. 1866. Appleton, Floydj a. 1893. Francis R., /. 1877, Randolph M., /. 1887, William G., a. 1864. Archer, RoUand B., /. 1889. Arcularius, Philip E., m. 1868. Arden, John B,, a. 1844. Arkenburgh, Edward B,, /, 1884. Armitage, Paul, a. 1894, William E., a. 1849. INDEX OF GRADUATES, 547 Armstrong, Richard, /. 1864. Robert J., m. 1886. William L., th. 1893. Arnold, Barnard, ?«. 1878. Frank W., «. 1881, /. 1883. James L., a. 1891. tohnW. S., «. 1868. Lemuel H., Jr., /. 1870. Ripley H., /. 1891. Robert, a. 1872, /. 1875. Walter M., p. 1892. William, /. 1878. William P., /. 1864. Arnoux, Anthony,}). 1886. Arnstein, Emanuel, /. 1881. Aron, L. Edgar, /, 1884. Arrowsmith, Harold, a. 1876. Robert, a. 1882. Arthur, Elliott J., /. 1881. Frank D., /. 1880. Artman, Milton E., m. 1890. Arton, John H., m. 1877. Artz, Charles W., /. 1886. Ascher, Leopold, /. 1880. Aschman, Frederic T., s. 1881. Ash, Mark, /. 1877. Ashley, Clarence D., /. 1880. Frederick G., /. 1889. Ashmead, Lehman P., Jr., m. 1874. Ashmore, Sidney G., a. 1872. Ashvvorth, Robert A., a. 1892, u. 1894. Aspinall, Joseph, /. 1875. Aspinwall, Thomas S., a. 1809. Asta-Buruaga, Louis, m. 1885. Astarita, Antonio C, /. 1887. Astor, John J., Jr., a. 1839. William, a. 1849. William W., /. 1875. Atha, Henry G., s. 1889. Atkins, Addison B., /. 1878. Astley, a. 1883. Osmin W., /. i868. Atkinson, Clinton, nt. 1869. Edward M., /. 1879. George H., «. 1803. William, a. 1808. Atterbury, Albert H., /. 1884. Lawrence, a. 1894. Atwater, Addison, /. 1875. Caleb H., nt. 1871. Edward S., /. 1866. Henry G., /. 1871. A twill, Edward R., a. 1862. Atwood, James P., m. 1874. Joseph F., m. 1870. Thomas, a. 1774. Aub, Theodore, /. 1870. Aube, Henry W., /. 1887. Auchmuty, Richard, a. 1775. Robert N., a. 1774. Samuel, h. 1767. Samuel, a. 1775. Auer, John G., h. 1873. Auerbach, Meyer, /. 1875. Augustine, Clark B., /. 1880. Auld, Jedediah B., a. 1835. Austen, Peter T., s. 1872. Austin, David P., nt. 1866. George C, /. 1887. Harvey N., m. 1865. Thomas S., s. 1876. William H. H., /. 1877. Avemann, William F., m. 1878. Avendano, Edward, nt. 1889. Averill, James K., /. 1869. Avery, Edward W., m. 1866. Ephraim, h. 1767. Walter T., a. 1832. William A., nt. 1868. Aycrigg, Benjamin, a. 1824. Benjamin, Jr., /. 1883. John B., nt. 1879. Ayer, James McM., nt. 1866. Ayers, Daniel S., Jr., nt. 1870. Samuel E., /. 1885. Walter, /. i88i. Ayestas, Alberto, a'. 1883. Aymar, Benjamin N., a. 1843. Jos6, a. 1873, /. 1878. Aym^, Edward L. E., nt. 1885. Louis H., a. 1874. Ayrault, Arthur DeL,, a. 1888. Guy, a. 1886. Ayres, Morgan W., nt. 1875. William C, s. 1893. William W., a. 1856. Babbage, Richard G., /. 1886. Babbott, Frank L., /. 1880. Babcock, Edward C, a. 1849. Edwin S., a. 1856. Francis, a. 1862. Henry D., a. 1868. Luke, h. 1774. Robert H., nt. 1879. Samuel B., h. 1870. [F.] Sherrill, /. 1882. William, a. 1875, /. 1877. Bach, Albert, /. 1875. Thomas C, a. 1875, /. 1877. Bachman, Nathan L., /. 1876. Backus, Henry C, /. 1873. ionathan T., a. 1827. lancer M., a. 1838. Bacon, Charles A., a. 1856. George W., a. 1854, /. 1862, m. 1865. James, /. 1878. James F., a. 1887. Richard S., a. 1859, /. 1862, ?«. 1865. Wilbur R., /. 1867. Badeau, Gilbert H., /. 1873. Badger, George, nt. 1861. William, nt. i86i. Baer, Morris B., /. 1878. Bagshaw, Walter J., /. 1876. Bailey, Charles H., fn. 1869. DeWitt, u. 1892, /. 1894. Edward P., nt. 1883. George W., /. 1881. John E., nt. 1885. Joseph, m. 1802. Pearce, nt. 1889. Theodore A., a. 1829. Theodore P., nt. 1880. William, a. 1813. Bain, William L., nt. 1884. Bainbridge, John T., a. 1789. Joseph, a. 1798. William S., nt. 1893. Bainton, Henry W., a. 1893. Baird, David G., /. 1878. William R., /. 1882. Baker, Alfred J., /. 1874. Augustus D., a. 1883. Benjamin M., nt. 1889. Clarence A., m. 1886. Cyrus E., nt. 1862. Frank E., nt. 1882. Frank R., nt. 1889. Frederick A., /. 1876. Frederick R., /. 1889. George, /. 1871. George A., Jr., /. 1870. George A., Jr., I. 1871. George L., i-. 1888. George McC, /. 1876. 548 INDEX OF GRADUATES. George W., m. 1864. Herman H., /. 1892. Jacob S., a. 1827. James, Jr., a. 1867, /. 1871. John C, a, 1884. John M., Jr., /. 1886. Joseph D., /. 1871. Joseph E., a, 1882. Rufus H., /. 1879. Thomas H., a. 1827. William H., a. 1894. William S., a. 1827. William S., /. 1880. Balch, Galusha B., in. i860. Lewis, m. 1870. Samuel W., i-. 1883. William V., m. 1871. Balcom, Henry P., h. 1862. Baldwin, Abram V. N., m. 1882. Albert H., a. 1856. Alfred F., a. 1886. Charles H., /. 1867. Charles S., a. 1888, p. i88q, u. 1894. Daniel P., /. i860. Edward A., /. 1889. Eli, h. 1831. Frederic H., /. 1875. George V. N., /. i860. George V. N., Jr., /. 1888. Henry de F., /. 1887. Jared G., Jr., a. 1885, p. 1886, /. 1887. John W., m. 1867. Otway W., /. 1883. Silas C, in. 1866. Truman H., /. 1867. William M., s. 1884. Balken, William S., »z. 1886. Ball, Alonzo B., 7n. 1863, Ernest H., /, 1889. John H., a. 1814, John O., /. 1883. Ogilvie De V., m. 1867, Ballantine, James N., a. 1886. Ballenberg, Samuel, /. 1880. Balleray, George H., m. 1869. John J., /, 1874. Ballou, Joseph H., m. 1886. Balston, James H., /. 1876. Bamberger, Ira L., a. 1873, i- 1875. Bancroft, Charles, a. 1840, h. 1861 Edgar A., /. 1880. Frederic,/. 1885. George, h. 1887. Bandler, David, a. 1892, /. 1894. Samuel, a. 1892, m 1894. Baner, William L., m. 1885. Bang, Richard T., a. 1876, m 1879. Bangs, Charles W., /. 1862. Francis S., a. 1878, /. 1880. John K.,/. 1883. Lemuel B., -m. 1872. Banks, Charles L., m. 1891. George, [Jr.], m. 1884. George B., m, i860. Hardy M., Jr., a. 1889. James L., [Jr.], ^d W., /. 1882. William C, nt, 1877. Bowlby, William W., in. 1862. Bowles, Edward P., m. 1874. Bowman, Francis H., a. 1894. Henry H., /. 1875. John P., /. 1884. Bowne, John, a. 1803. Robert, Jr., m. 18S2, Boyajian, Nevdon M., m. 1889, Boyce, Elizabeth M., a. 1892. Boyd, Edgar E., /. 1885. George, a. 1806. James P., in. 1871. Richard C., s. 1891, u. 1892. Richard v.,/. 1881. Robert, a. 1797. Robert, Jr., in. 1891. Robert M. Jr.,/. 1886, /. 1886. Samuel, a. 1787. William, a. 1813. William A., a. 1861. William H., a. 1823. William L., a. 1832. Boyer, Arthur A.,m. 1887. JohnE., /. 1891. Boyle, Isaac, h. 1838. Boynton, Theodore V., a. 1877. Willis N., in. 1891. Boyse, Gerard S., a. 1840. Bozeman, Nathan G., m. 1885. Brabrook, Carleton, /. 1889. Brace, George W., in. 1884. Harry M., m. 1881. Bracken, Henry M., in. 1877. Thomas, /. 1866. Bradfield, Thomas N., m. 1872. Bradford, Alexander W., k. 1861. Theodore D., in. 1865. Bradish, James H., /. 1873. Bradley, Arthur C., /. 1872. Cornelius C, in. 1885. Edward J., /. 1889. George B.,in. 1890. George P., m. 1870. Harry M., m. 1894. Mark S., nt. 1892. Oliver O. H., in. 1889. Simeon C, m. 1880. Stephen R., Jr.,j. 1890. Bradshaw, Charles, /. 1875. John H., m. 1884. Bradstreet, Albert p., /. 1873. Edward T., tn. 1877. Brady, James C., /. 1887. James M., a. 1868, /. 1870. John, a. i8og. Brailly, Alfred V,, tn. 1875. Brainerd, Charles C, a. 1893. Clarence, a. 1866. Braislin, William C, tn. 1890. Braisted, William C, tn. 1886. Bramhall, William E., /. 1880. Branch, Oliver E., /, 1876. Brand, William, in. 1870. Brandegee, John E., /. 1876. William P., in. 1889. Brandeis, Albert S., /. 1883. Richard C., m. 1871. Brandner, Benjamin L., /. 1892. Brandt, Carl N., in. 1883. Charles, Jr., /. 1891. Erdmann N., in. 1889. Washington J., w. 1880. Brant, Henry L., /. 1884. Braschi, Victor M., s. 1881. Brash ear, Basil B., in. 1861. Brathwaite, Frederick G., tn. 1890. Bratenahl, Gustav W., tn. 1889. Braun, Rudolph, in. 1883. INDEX OF GRADUATES. 553 Braunlich, Arthur R., in. 1894. Bray, Charles W., m. 1874. Brayton, Charles E., m. 1873. Samuel M., m. 1861. Breakell, James A., m. 1873. Breck, Charles, k. 1869, Charles J., Jr., a. 1894, Breckinridge, Rollin A., /. 1889. Breese, Arthur B., m. 1881. Breiter, Nathan, m. 1888. Brennan, Andrew J., s. 1885. George M., m. 1862. John F,, /, 1877. John W., m. 1862. Odie [P.], a. 1885. Brereton, Thomas J., [Jr.], a. 1879. Bretz, George B., /. 1881. Brewer, Charles D., tn. 1882. Brewster, Charles O., [Jr.],/, 1881. Edward P., /. 1867. Eugene A., Jr., /. 1885. William L., /. 1891. Brice, John, Qr.],/. 1874. Brickell, John, a. 1774. Brickelmaier, William J., m. 1879. Brickner, Edwin S., u. 1891. Samuel M,, m. 1891. Bridgart, Evangeline R., b. 1894. Bridgham, Samuel W., s. 1867. William H., a. 1871. Bried, Charles, /. 1875. Briegleb, Charles T. A., /. 1874. Briggs, Alanson T., a. 1892. Benjamin M., in. i868. George G., /. 1888. Samuel W., m. i860. Brigham, Frank E., in. 1877. Bright, Edward, Jr., a. 1889. Jacob L., /. 1877. Brightman, Horace I., a. 1892. Brill, Max, /. 1874. William, tn. 1887. Brinckerhoff, George, a. 1798. George C, j. 1878. Matthew V. B., Jr., a, 1885. William R., a. 1893. Brinkerlioff, Jacob G., /. 1875. Brinley, John R., s. 1884. Brinsmade, William B., m. 1892. Brisbane, James, /. 1874. Bristow, Algernon T., m. 1876. William B,, /. 1886. Britton, Nathaniel L., s. 1879. Brockway, Asahel N., tn. 1861. Charles H., in. 1873. Fred. J., nt. 1887. Brodek, Charles A., u. 1891. Broderick, John C, /. 1863. Brodhead, George L., in. 1891. Henr>% /. 1864. Brodsky, Francis A., [Jr.], m. 1884. John E., /. 1876. Bromley, Miles S., /. 1861. Bronk, John L., a. 1807. Bronson, Abraham, h. 1809. Arthur, Jr., a. 1846. Edward B., m. 1869. Frederic, a. 1871, /. 1873. Theodorus B., a. 1848. WiUett, /. 1863. Brooks, Eugene W., m. 1870. Henry S., /. 1888. Isidore, /. 1876. James, a. 1814. John E., /. 1867. Tohn McC, in. 1891. Lawton S., nt. 1869. Phillips, h. 1887. Walter A., m. 1871. William F., s. 1893. Broome, William T., a. 1791. Broquet, Edward, tn. 1886. Brosnan, Francis X., s. 1891. William J., /. 1885. Bross, William R., tn. 1881. Brothers, Abram, m. 1884. Samuel, tn. 1890. Brough, Alexander, [Jr.], /.1889. Frank T., tn. 1889. Broughton, John G., Jr., tn. 1892. William R., m. 1890. Broimer, Walter B., in. 1891. Broiiwer, Abraham S., a. 1842. John H., a, 1807. B rower, Charles DeH., a. 1878, /. 1880, Cornelius, a. 1792. Jacob v., a. 1798. John, a. 1793. John L., /. 1867. Morgan L. S., a. 1857. Brown, Abbot, a. 1856. Alfred L., /. 1889. Alfred S., /. 1877. Allen H., a. 1839. Arthur C, /. 1882. Augustus H., m. 1894. Charles H., a. 1849. Charles H., /, 1877. Clarence S., ^. i860. Daniel I., h. 1758. Edgar K., /. 1882. Edward W., in. 1894. Edwin H., /. 1874. Elias G., a. 1846. Elias G., [Jr.], a. 1893. Fayette W., /. 1881. Francis G., s. 1867. Francis M., /. 1875. Frank M., in. 1885. Frank W., in. 1879. Frederick A., a. -lZ-jt., Frederic T., in. 1880. George A., tn. 1883. George E., m. 1875. George H., tn. 1889. George S., /. 1876. George W., Jr., in. 1879. George W., Jr., /. 1880. Herbert P., a. xijj. Hezekiah B., m. 1890. James C. R., a. 1839. James L., a. 1852. James S., m. 1885. John, a. 1811. John C., rt. 1859. Joseph D., in. 1894. Joseph S., a. 1883. Joshua, Jr., /. 1879. Judson C., in. 1880. Lionel, a. 1808. Melville, a. 1863. Richard B., tn. 1864. Robert C, in. 1892. Robert G., s. 1889. Ronald [E.] K., /. 1885. Rush M., tn. 1882. Samuel, h. 1758. Samuel 0.,h. 1852. Stewart H., a. 1851. Walston H., a. 1864. Willet S., in. 1891. William R., /. 1872. Browne, Clarence M.,/. 1890. Isaac, h. 1758. . James A., m. 1889. Brownell, Charles H., /. 1875. Thomas C, h. 1819. Browning, Edward F., a. 1859. Frederick D., s. 1880. Frederick W., a. 1879. John A., a. 1875. John H. B., in. 1883. John S., a. 1885. Thomas B,, a. 1864, /, 1866. William H., a. 1887. William W., /. 1875. Brownlee, Harris F., in. 1888. Brownson, Edward S., a. 1865, s. 1867. Edward S., Jr., a, 1892, u. 1893. 554 INDEX OF GRADUATES. Bruce, Archibald, a. 1797. James M., a, 1866. William M., /. 1873. Bruckman, Frederick, s. 1869. Bruen, Frederick E., s. 1876. George W., a. 1813. Herman W,, /. 1861. Matthias, Jr., a. 1812. William L., /, 1881. Brugman, William F., s. 1880. Albert F., m. 1883. Bruner, Henry J,, a. 1883. Brush, Alfred D., /. 1870. Arthur C, m. 1884. Edward H,, rt;. 1887, Francis V., m. 1867. Henry N,, a. 1827. Bruyere, Walter R., m. 1878. Bryan, George W., /. 1872. William A., /. 1877. Bryant, Percy, m. 1888. William C, h. 1837. Bryar, Edward K., a. 1834. George, a. 1804. Bryce, Carroll, /. 1878. James Y., m.. 1870. Thomas T., a. 1863. William, Jr., s. 1884. William McQ., m. 1861, Bryson, Ella F., b. 1894. William G., m. 1866. Buchanan, William R., /. 1886. Btichler, Augustus F., m. 1876. Buchly, Walter C, m. 1885. Buck, Albert H., m. 1867. Francis D., m. 1876. Francis T., a, 1894. Buckingham, Augustus, /. 1875. Frederick E., s. 1884. Frederick S., in. 1871. Henry G., m. 1874. Buckland, Will A., ^, 1890. Buckley, Charles C., m. 1867. Charles G., /. 1880. Charles R., a. 1874, s. 1877. Edward W., m. 1888. James, m. 1883. John J., m. 1878. Thomas C. T., a. 1843. William W., J>, 1887, /. I Buckmaster, Clarence W,, m.. 1894. Bucknall, George J., m. 1864. Bucknor, Charles B., a. 1840. Buckstaff, George A., /, 1886. Budenbender, George F., /. 1877. Budington, John E., /. 1879. William G., m. 1872. Budlong, Morris M., /. 1868. Buel, John L., m. 1888. Samuel, h, 1862. Buell, Byron W., /. 1873. Buenaventura, Nicholas, Jr., m. 1886. Buffum, Charles T., m. 1877. George A., /. 1872. Bugbee, Lafayette, m.. 1866. Buist, William E., »«. 1894. Bulkley, Lucius D., nt. 1869. Bull, Charles G., a. 1879. Charles S., a. 1864, m. 1868. Edward L,, m. 1888. John, Jr., /. 1887. John N., »z. 1878. Richard W., m. 1869. Robert M., a. 1880. Thomas M,, m. 1887. William T., m. 1872. Bullard, Harold C, /. 1887. Herbert C, m. 1871. William E,, m. 1874. Bullen, Joseph E., u. 1894. Bullis, Charles H., /. 1872. Bullman, Charles, s. 1883. Bullock, Thomas S., ftt. 1883. Bullowa, Ferdinand E. M., u. 1893. Bullwinkel, John F., /. 1875. Bump, Orlo M., m. i860. Bunce, Philip D., m. 1891. Bunker, William E., a. 1843. Bunn, Walter C, /. 1889. Bunnell, William H., Jr., w. 1879, Bunner, Rudolph, a. 1798. Bunzl, Oscar, p. 1882, /. 1884. Richard C, a. \l" Burbank, Charles M., /. 1884. Burchard, Lewis S., /. 1881. Louis F., /. 1878, Burchell, Henry J., Jr., a. 1892, u. 1893. Burden, Henry, s. 1892. Burgess, George O., fn. 1866. Burghard, Edward M., /. 1876. Burgheim, Leo, m. 1879. Burgwin, George C, I. 1875. Burke, Charles V., m. 1894. John A., m. 1878. Patrick M., m. 1880. Richard F., m. 1888. Russell E., a. 1894. Walter D., /, 1882. Burleigh, Frederick W., m. 1889. Burlingham, Charles C, /. 1881. Burnap, Sidney R., m. 1862. Burnard, Henry W., m. 1877. Burnett, Gilbert, /. i88o. John, in. 1876. Theodore C, m. 1887. Burnette, Edward W., m. 1869. Burnham, Douglas W., a. 1865. Burns, Abraham L., s. 1887. Edward M., in. 1894. Edward W., m. 1894. Elmer Z., j. 1887. Henry M., in. 1876. Joseph S., m. 1873. William, in. 1877. Burr, Colonel B., in. 1878. Frederic M., a. 1882. John T., a. 1862. Joseph A., Jr., /. 1873. Tunis B., /. 1884. William P., /. 1879. Burrell, William E., a. 1807. Burrill, Alexander M., a. 1824. Charles D,, Jr., /. 1878. Drayton, a. 1882, Edward L., a. 1885. James F., /. 1876. John E., Jr., a. 1839. Middleton S., /. 1881. Burritt, Wilmot W., .y. 1884. Burroughs, Charles, h. 1833. Burrows, Charles M., m. 1889. Lorenzo, Jr., m. 1889. INDEX OF GRADUATES. 555 Burstein, Maurice J., w. 1886. Burt, George N., /. 1868. John O., m. 1864. Stephen S., ni. 1875. Warren S., /. 1889. Burtis, Charles H., a. 1867, /. 1869. John A., a. 1812. Burton, Augustus I., a. 1879. Charles W., m. 1873. - George L., /. 1886. John K., /. 1881. Le Grand S., /. 1872. Burtsell, Peter V., /. 1870. Busch, Frederick A., /. 1893. Bush, Edward R., s. 1881. Irving E., /. 1891. James F., a. 1880. John A., /. 1873. William F., s. 1885. Bushnell, Giles F., /. 1880. William, Jr., m. 1893. Bushong, Charles H., m. 1885. Busse, William, m. 1872. Bussing, Robert S., Jr., /. 1878. Busteed, John B., in. 1892. Richard, Jr., /. 1876. Butler, Allan M., m. 1887. Ben I., /. 1881. Charles, 2d, a. 1891. Courtlandt P. L., /.1877. George H. H., a. 1883. Howard R., /. 1882. Jonas, a. 1828. Nathaniel, s. 1880. Nicholas M., a. 1882. Robert G., /. 1885. Walter P., /. 1887. Willard P., j. 1878, /. 1883. William C, s. 1887. William M., m. 1873. Butterfield, Frederic W. L., /. 1882. Butterworth, George F., a. 1874, /. 1876. John F., a. 1864. William H., a. 1864, /. 1866. Buttles, Marvin D., a. 1890. Buxton, Augustine A., /. 1882. Gonzalo E., m. 1875. Vanderbilt L., Jr., /. 1873. Byland, William F., a. 1887, /. 1888. Byrd, Alfred H., /. 1889. Byrne, Josei)h H., m. 1885. Morris, /. 1872. Byrnes, Joseph, /. 1876. Byron, George G., a. 1850. Byrt, Arthur W., /. 1888. Cable, Josiah C, m. 1881. Cabot, Arthur W., a. 1881. John, m. 1886. Cabrera, Domingo, m. 1879. Cadle, John, a. i8og. Richard F., a, 1813. Cady, Edward W., /. 1874. Hamilton, a. 1885. Linus B., s. 1877. Philander K., h. 1868. Cahill, Santiago P., /. 1891. Caille, Augustus [G.],»*. 1881. Cain, James L.,/. 1884. Cairns, Frederic A., a. 1839. Fred. I., s. 1890. Calderwood, Harvey S., m. 1870. Caldwell, Charles E., a, 1878, /. 1880. Elisha S., a. 1859. Francis G., /. 1875. Middleton A., /. 1889. Towson, a. 1870, /. 1879. Calhoun, Henry W., /. 1886. John C, h. 1825, Call, Norman, tn. 1872. Callahan, John J., m. 1884. Callaway, John A., m. 1881. Callender, John A., tn. 1868. Calley, George H., w. i88o. Caiman, Albert, s. 1882. David, a. 1876, /. 1880. Calnane, John A., tn. 1894. Calnek, Thomas M., tn. 1873. Caloosdian, Garabed, in. 1862. Calvin, John H., /. 1889. Cambreleng, Churchill J., a. 1849. Cameron, Edward M., a. 1884, /. 1884. Henry de H., tn. 1889. John G., /. 1874. John G. M., s. 1874. John L,, /. 1877. Lewis,/. 1887. Malcolm J., /. 1894, «. 1894. William M., tn. 1873. Caminero, Henry, m. 1872. Cammann, Donald M., tn. 1879. Edward, a. 1855. George JP., a. 1825. Henry J., a. 1856. J. Loriflard, a. i860. William C, a. 1891, /. 1893. Cammett, William, Jr., tn. 1879. Camp, Elisha, a. 1804. Elisha K., /. 1889. Frederick A., /. 1887, /. 1888. Campbell, Alexander, /. 1883. Alonzo C, i". 1869. Anthony P., a. 1840. Archibald, in. 1871. Archibald M., a. 1865, in. 1873. Benjamin H., a. 1868. Clarence, /. 1874. Franklin G., /. 1876. Henry P., a. 1847. John, h. 1795. John, a. 1811. John, u. 1890. John B., in. 1865. John D., a. 1816. John L., /. 1878. Lemuel R., /. 1883. Malcolm, a. 1850. Oliver S., a. 1891. Robert B., Cowman, Edward D., /. 1868. Cox, Edwin M., Jr., w. 1891. Henry M., in. 1871. Jennings S., Jr., s. 1887. Richard, a. 1833. Samuel H., h. 1863. Walter, /. 1881. Whittingham, a. 1856. Wilmot T., /. 1881. Coxe, Ernest C, m. 1873. Macgrane, /. 1881. Coykendall, Thomas C, s. 1890. Cozzens, Harmon, s. 1885. Craft, Isaac F., a. 1821. William D., a. 1821. 56o INDEX OF GRADUATES. Cragg, Samuel W., /. 1880. Cragin, Edwin B., m. 1886. Harry W., /. 1874. Craig, Samuel P., m. 1868. Cramer, Cyrus R., jn, 1877. Maurice, /. 1881. Reuben M., m. 1881. William, m. 1883. Crampton, Henry E., Jr., a. 1893, Crandall, Thomas V., nt. 1865. Crane, Albert, /. 1866. Alden S., /. 1885. Arthur P., /. 1872. Frank W., a. 1890. Frederick E., /. 1889. Horatio N., nt. 1871. James F. D., /. 1877. John J., m. 1876. Cranitch, William I. A., /. 1885. Crary, Edward C, a. 1824. George W., in. 1885. Crater, Ellis W., m. 1878. Cravath, Paul D., /. 1886. Craven, Alfred W., a. 1829. Francis S., j, 1876. Joseph J., in. 1888. Cravens, James H., u. 1890. Crawe, John M., Jr., m. 1887. Crawford, Frank L,, /. 1882. Gilbert H., /. 1870. Harry J., /. 1894. Monroe, /. 1889. Samuel O., /. 1867. Ten Broeck, /. 1865. Creal, Charles E., 7n. 1877. Creedon, Patrick L., m. 1880. Creelman, Frederick S., in. 1867. Creighton, James, a. 1770. William, a. 1812, A.1830, Cremin, Michael A., m. 1875. Patrick W., m. 1866. Criado, Louis F., m. 1879. Crim, Frank D,, m. 1881. Cripps, Charles F., m. 1882. Crisfield, James E., m. 1873. Crisp, William B., /. 1884. Cristy, Edward B., j. 1891. Crittenden, Walter H., /. 1883. Crocker, Berton W., /. 1878, Francis B., j. 1882. Helen B., ^. 1894. Croes, John, h. 1811. Crofton, Joseph R., m. 1889. Crolius, Thomas, a. 1803. Cromwell, Charles B,, a. 1854. Frank, /, 1879. James W,, Jr., s. 1889, Lincoln, a. 1886, p. 1887, /. 1889. William N., /. 1876. Cronin, John J., m. 1893. Joseph F., m. 1883. Cronson, Reuben, in. 1888. Crook, Abel, /. 1864. George A., h. 1849. Crookshank, Robert P., m. 1878. Cropper, John, a. 1870, /, 1872. Samuel P., m. 1877. Cropsey, James C, /. 1893. Crosby, Edward N., a. 1840. Edward N., a. 1887. Ernest H., /. 1878. Howard, h. 1872. John P., a. 1802. John P., a. 1827. Nicholas E., a. 1882. William B., /. 1867. William D., m. 1882. William H., a. 1827. Crosier, Frank E., m. 1894. Cross, Norton M., /. 1889. Crossman, Henry C, /. 1879. Croucher, Albert E., m. 1863. Crowe, Charles H., a. 1878. Crowell, Charles B., j. 1885. Charles E., /. 1870. Frank, /. 1876. Frank G., u. 1890, /, 1891. John B., in. 1873. Joseph F., a. 1878, /. 1880. Cruger, Gouverneur, a. 1859. Henry, Jr., a. 1796. Henry N., a. 1819. Lewis, a. 1823. Crumble, Frank R., /. 1884, George B., /, 1885. Cuddeback, Cornelius E., /. 1873. Culbert, Francis R,, /. 1875. William L., m. 1888. Cullen, Edgar M., a, i860, k. 1892. Culpepper, Charles L., m. 1885. Culver, Charles, m. 1868. Everett M., m. 1881. Frederic F., /. 1882. Henry B., /. 1893. Cuming, Francis H., h. 1851. Cummin g, Allan P., /. 1879. James R., m, 1862. Cummings, Byron, m. 1868. George H., -m. 1875. Cummins, George W.^m. 1890. Cumston, Charles H., m. 1877. Cunningham, Frank, /. 1885. Frederick, a. 1841. Louis, a. 1881. Michael G., m. 1883. Richard H., m. 1888. Solomon W., /. 1875. Cunnion, Robert F., m. 1892. Cuppia, Caesar A., /. 1877. Curran, Francis J., /. 1886. John E., /. 1873. John J., m. 1888. Michael H., /. 1877. Currier, Andrew F., m. 1881. George W., m. 1864. Curtis, Arthur N., m. 1888. Atherton, a. 1887. Benjamin F., a. 1878, m. 1881. Benjamin L,, a. 1855. Charles G., s. 1881, /. 1883. F. Kingsbury, /. 1886. Francis G., m. 1883. Frank D., /. 1884. Frederic C., m. 1870. George T., Jr., /. 1874. George W., h. 1887. Henry S., a. 1892. Herbert N., /. 1878. John G., m. 1870. John H., a. 1862. Lewis A., a. 1858. Newton F., in. 1874. Thomas A,, vt. 1886. William A., a. 1824. William E., Qr.], /. 1877. Curtiss, Carlton C, u. 1892. Edwin B., /. 1874. Cushing, Ernest W,, m. 1871. Harry A., u. 1894. Matthew, k. 1764. Cushman, Alexander R., s. 1878. Archibald F., a. 1850. Daniel B., /. 1878. Holbrook, a. 1878. INDEX OF GRADUATE^ 561 Joseph W., a, 1884. William F., a, 1859, m. 1862. Cuthbert, Thomas N., a. 1869, /. 1871. Cutler. Benjamin C, h. 1835. Colman W., m.. 1889. Condict W., m. 1882. Henry S., /z. 1864. Cutter, Charles B., m. 1873. George R., m. 1861. Cutting, Leonard, h. 1758. Robert F., a. 1871. Robert L., (7. 1830. Robert L., [Jr.], a. 1856. Walter, a. 1862. William, a. 1793. William B., a. 1869, /. 1871. Cuyler, Barent, a. 1763. Henry, a. 1762. Cuzner, A. Thomas, ;«. 1864. Czaki, Adolf, /. 1871. Da Costa, Charles M., a. 1855. Dade, Charles T., m. 1891. Dahl, Charles, /, 1881. Dake, Charles R., tn. 1873. Dakin, Edward S., /. i860; Frank C, w. 1890. Dalbey, James W., vt. 1889. Daley, Olin W., m. 1884. Dall, William B., /. 1882. Dalrymple, John W., in. 1877. Dalton, John C, h. 1887. Daly, Charles P., h. i860. Eugene H., a. 1894. Richard R., in. 1888. Damrosch, Leopold, h. 1880. Dana, Alfred S., m. 1874. Charles L., m, 1877. Edward B., Jr., vt 1889. John W., a. 1843. Paul, /. 1878. Richard S., a, 1857. Dandridge, Nathaniel P., m. 1870. Danforth, Loomis LeG., m. 1874. Daniels, Edward W., in. 1892. Francis B., /. 1874. Jared W., in. 1890. Danielson, Edwin L., in. 1882. Danker, Henry A., tn. 1864. Dann, Nicholas R., m. 1894. Dansereau, Philip J., in. 1891. Darby, Henry A., m. 1864. Darling, Eugene R., /. 1885. Nathaniel B., m. 1873. Darlington, Charles F,, /. 1884. Thomas, Jr., m. 1880. Darrovv, Charles E., tn. 1881. Frank A., /. 1878. Dart, Frederick H., nt. 1884. Darwin, Harry G., s. 1887. Dastler, Francis, tn. 1876. Dater, Henry M., u. 1892. D'Autremont, Charles, Jr., /. 1875. Davenport, Bennett F., in. 1871. Isaac B., tn. 1879. James H., in. 1871. James R., h. 1878. Silas A., tn. 1873. Davidson, Arnold, /. 1883. Edmund D., a. 1864. Joseph, tn. 1892. William C, /. 1879. Davie, George A., in. 1874. Davies, Charles F., «. 1891. Henry E., a. 1857. Julien T., a. 1866, /. 1868. Julien T., a. 1891. Morris J., tn. 1890. Thomas L., a. 1813. Walter R., /. i886. Davin, John P., m. 1885. Davis, Albert A.y tn. 1864. Asa B., m. 1889. Charles C, /. 1875. Charles E., /. 1888. Charles H., in. 1883. Charles H., s. 1887. Cornelius, a. 1814. Everett A., /. 1878. George, a. 1798. Gherardi, /. 1S81. Gustavus P., tn. 1869. Henry A.,/. 1884. Henry S., /. 1868. Herman S., u. 1894. John C. B., A. 1887. John W., s. 1878. Llewellyn H., /. 1879. Rezin P., tn. 1863. Thomas F., A. 1853. Thomas M., a. 1878. Vernon M., /. 1879. Westmoreland D., /. 1886. William G., /. 1879. William M., j. 1890. Davison, David H., in. 1876. Charles S., /. 1877. Henry J., Jr., /. 1884. Daw, William E., a. 1879. Dawbarn, Robert A. McK., tn. 1881. Dawson, Benjamin F., Jr., tn. 1866. George W., a. 1822. Henry H., A 1883. John W., k. 1887. Nathaniel H. R., A. 1887. Day, Charles B., in. 1889. Edward A., /. 1875. Edward G., tn. 1889. James, /. 1875. James G.,/. 1865. Henry C tn. 1870. Walter De F,, in. 1863. William S., a. 1884. William T., /. 1876. Dayton, Charles W., /. 1868. Matthias O., a. 1817. Robert A, B., /. 1875. William A., tn. 1880. William L., /. 1889. Deady, Henderson B., tn. 1894. John A., /. 1868. William H., /. 1880. Deall, Samuel, a. 1774. Dean, Bashford, a. i88g, u. 1890. Curtis, /. 1889. Frederic, /. 1880. George W,, a. 1853. Henry M., in. 1861. William, a. 1855. Dearborn, George V. N., tn. 1893. De Blois, Louis G., tn. 1861. Decker, Cornelius, Jr., a. 1793. Samuel, tn. 1867. De Cockerille, Charles, tn. 1864. Deering, James A., /. 1869, William A., /. 1877. Dees, Wilmot W., tn. 1885. De Forest, Henry P., tn. 1890. Henry W., /. 1878. Othniel, a. 1882. Robert W., /. 1872. William H., Jr., a. 1878. Deghuee, Charles J., a. 1884. Joseph A., s. 1890, u. 1892, u. 1893. De Groot, George S., tn. 1880. De Grove, Edward R., /. 1871. De Hart, Henry G. [V.] , tn. 1873. Deitz, Charles J., in. 1877. 562 IjyDEX OF GRADUATES, De Koven, James, a. 1851. Delafield, Albert, /. 1870. Augustus F., a. 1866. Francis, tn. 1863. Frederick P., /. 1888. John, a. 1802. John, Jr., a. 1830. Lewis L., a. 1855. Lewis L., /. 1884. Maturin L., a. 1856. De Lancey, Edward E., /. 1883. De Lancy, Charles H., m. 1891. Delaney, Edward G., /, 1876. James E., /. 1874. James J., m. 1874. Delany, John J., /. 1888, John O'F., m. 1867. Delaplaine, Isaac C, a. 1834, John F., Jr., a. 1833. De la Roche, Jos6, m. i888. Delatour, Henry B., m. 1887. Delavan, Daniel E., /. 1881. David B., m. 1875. Edward C, Jr., /. 1882, Del Calvo, Francis, j. 1884. De Leon, Daniel, /. 1878. ' Edwin W., /. 1889. Delisle, Alire R., m. 1807. Delphey, Eden V,, m. 1889. Del Pino, Emilio, a. 1873. /. 1875, Del Rio, Luis F., m. 1888. Del Risco, Justo, Jr., m. 1879. De Luze, Louis P., s. 1879. Demaray, Lyman D., a. 1848. Demarest, Benjamin G., /. 1888. Cornelius T., a. 1804. Elmer W., /. 1892. Estella, b. 1894. Theodore F. C., a. 1864, /. 1868. Samuel, Jr., m. 1863. Walter, m. 1878. William, a. 1834. De Mille, Henry C, a. 1875. Richard M., a. 1848. Deming, Charles C, /. 1875. Nelson L., m. 1893. William C, w. 1884. Demond, Charles M., /. 1885. Demorest, William C, a. 1881, /. 1883. De Mott, Edward P., /. 1873. De Motte, John J., m. 1866. De Navarro, Alfonso [G.], /. 1883. Antonio F., /. 1883. Dench, Edward B., m. 1885. Denman, William M., /. 1862. Denner, Edward F., tn. 1894. Dennis, John B.,/. 1887. Laban, fn. 1866. Leonidas, /. 1886. Warren E., /. 1880. William, a, 1834. Denniston, John A. [Jr.], a. 1867. Denslow, LeGrand N., tn. 1876. Denton, Frederick W., s. 1889. De Peyster, Abraham, a. 1763. Frederic, Jr., a. 1816, h. 1867. Frederic J., /. 1862. James, a. 1774. James F., a. 1812. John J., a. 1800. John W., k. 1872. Pierre C, a, 1833. Richard V., a. 1841. Robert G. L., a. 1815. William, a. 1810. Depue, Sherrerd, /. 1887. De Renne, Wymberley J., /. 1876. De Revere, Frank, m. 1888. Derickson, Samuel, Jr., a, 1885, m. 1890. Derrickson, Samuel G., /. 1871. Derry, William E., m. 1880. De Ruyter, Charles, a. i860, /. 1862. John, Jr., a. 1851. John E., a. 1883. Des Brisay, Charles M., tn. 1867. De Schweinitz, Edmund, A. 1871. Deshon, Charles A., /. 1878. Dessar, Leo C, /. 1870. Desvernine, Paul, /. 1875. Detwiller, Charles H., j. 1885. Devan, Thomas T., a. 1828. Devendorf, David McC, m. 1861. Devenny, John L., /. 1877. Devereux, Frank G., m, 1880. James, a. 1776. John C, /. 1888. Walter B., j. 1878. De Victoria, Joseph L., m. 1887. De Villa, Francis L., ni. 1890. Devlin, Francis C., /. 1870. Henry J., f^z. 1864. Robert J., m. 1881. De Voe, Benjamin F., /. 1881. Devoe, Edward, /. 1876. D'Vore, Joseph, m. 1875. Devyr, Edward C, /. '1874. Dewey, David R., m. 1888. George C, m. 1863. Henry W., m. 1881. Dewing, Oliver M., m. 1887. De Wint, Francis A., a. 1854. Henry, a. 1771. John P., a. 1806. John P. H., /. 1878. De Witt, Edward, a. 1886, /. 1888. George G., [Jr.], rt. 1867. /. 1869. Henry C, /. 1874. John, /t. 1887. Theodore F., m. 1884. William H., /. 1878. De Wolfe, Clarence E., m. 1865. James A., fn. 1865. Dexter, Benjamin F., m. 1876. Franklin, m. 1887. Orrando P., /. 1880. Dey, Charles L., ^n, 1872. Richard, w. 1865. Richard V., a. 1818. Diaz, Gabriel R., m. 1872. Dibble, Ebenezer, /i. 1793. Dibblee, Frederic W., a. 1880, /. 1882. George H., a. 1870. Thomas B., a. 1841. Di Cesnola, Louis P., A. 1880. Dickerman, Edwin H., /. 1877. George L., /. 1876. Dickerson, Edward N., [Jr]., [/. 1876. George H., /. 1878. Dickey, Robert, /. 1875. INDEX OF GRADUATES. 563 Dickie, Hugh T., a. 1830. Dickinson, Charles, /. 1884. Charles H., Jr., m. 1878. Legh R., a. 1851. Pomeroy P., /. 1874. Dickson, George G., /. 1870. Dieffenbach, Frederick, Jr., /. 1888. Richard G. P., m. 1874. Diehl, Frederick W., /. 1877. Diekman, George C, nt. 1891. Dieterich, Conrad A,, /. 1892. Dietz, William D., m. 1882. Dike, Norman S., /. 1887. Dillenback, Robert G., /. 1893. Dillingham, Frank A., /. 1894. Frederic H., nt. 1880. Dillon, John M., /. 1889. John R., /. 1877. Joseph A., tn. 1894. Maurice, /. 1876. Robert J., a. 1829. Romaine, a. 1835. Dillow, George M., m. 1875. Dilworth, Read G., a. 1891, /. 1893. Dimick, Fletcher, a. 1885, /. 1887. Dimmick, Walter E., /. 1880. Dimock, Thomas D. B., m. 1883. Dinkelspiel, Leo, nt. 1883. Diossy, Addison S., Jr., w. 1878. Dirkes, George J., w. 1890. Disbrow, Andrew J., nt. 1865. Rem L., tn, 1862. Stephen M., nt. 1867. Disosway, Cornelius R., a. 1820. Gabriel P., a. 1819. Israel D., a. 1810. Ditmars, Edward W., /. 1883. Dittenhoeffer, Irving M., /. 1883, /. 1885. Dix, Baldwin, a. 1849. Edwin A., /. 1884. Morgan, a. 1848, h. 1862. Warren R., /. 1877. Dixon, Edward H., /. 1873. Edward M., /. 1873. George A., nt. 1878. Herbert S., m. 1892. Hiram R., /. 1864. William P., /. 1870. Doane, Charles R., nt. 1872. George W., h. 1833. William C, h. 1867. Dobbins, Edwin A., /. 1872. Dod, William A., h. 1859. Dodd, Frank N., a. 1891. Marcus, nt. 1866. William S., m. i886. Dodge, Alvan, nt. 1865. Daniel K., a. 1884. Frank D., j. 1888, u. 1890. Frederick N., /. 1868. Henry N., tn. 1868. Henry S., a. 1807. Henry S., a. 1832. John H. P., /. 1870. Joseph S., Jr., a. 1853. Samuel D., /. 1879. Walter, nt. 1893. William, a. 1834. Dodsvvorth, Walter A., s. 1888. Doherty, Horace K., /. 1876. James J., /. 1874. Robert E., /. 1887. William R., /. 1877. Dohs, Charles N., /. 1894. Dolan, Charles F., s. 1892. Hugh F., /. 1877. Doland, John B., /. 1884. Dolbeare, Frederick L., nt. 1879. D'Olier, Richard, a. 1766. Donahue, George H., nt. 1882. Donald, David N.,/, 1884. Donaldson, James H., /. 1874. Walter A., /. 1880. Donegan, James A., /. 1884. Donnegan, J. Abdon, /. 1889. Donnell, Gustavus T.,a. 1889, ^ 1890, /. 1892. Harry E., s. 1887. William B., a. 1893. Donnelly, James M., nt. 1876. Thomas F., /. 1884. Donohoe, Denis, Jr., /. 1882. Donovan, Daniel T., Jr., m. 1887, Jeremiah,/. 1864. Joseph M., /, 1887. William F., nt. 1890. Dooley, John J., nt. 1890. John W., nt. 1866. Doolittle, Charles'H., s. 1885. Francis W., nt. i860. d'Orbessan, Fernand, nt, 1893. Dority, Charles E., nt. 1883. Dormitzer, Herbert S., a. 1885. Dornin, William C., Jr., a. 1894, Dorrance, John G., m. 1879. Dorrington, James, /. 1883. Dorrity, John H., /. 1873. Dorsett, Robert C, a. 1872, /. 1877. Doten, Charles A., /. 1870. Doty, Jabez, m. 1773. Lockwood R., /. 1880. Dougherty, Arthur C, m. 1882. George E., /. 1878. John H., /. 1874. Oscar v., j. 1882. William M., /. i83o. Doughty, Charles, a. 1768. Francis E., nt. 1869. John, a. 1770. Douglas, Benjamin, Jr., /. 1874. Charles H. J., ti. 1892. Charles H., /. 1866. Edward M., s. 1881. George L., tn. 1892. Henry B., nt. 1886. John S., ^. 1890. Stuart, nt. 1883. William A., /. 1888. William K., h. 1875. William P., a. 1863. Douglass, George, a. 1811. John A., rjr.] , nt. 1861, Richard H., a. 1838. Stephen, a. 1837. Dow, Allen W., s. 1S88. Frederic G., /. 1875. Dowd, Charles N., m. 1886. Dowie, Horace, a. 1894. Dowley, Francis D., /. 1885. John E., /. 1880. Dowling, John W., [Jr.], a. 1884. Down, Edwin A., m. 1887. Downer, Sylvester S., /. 1876. Downes, Harrison, /. 1871. Stancliff B., j. 1882. Downing, Benjamin b., A. 1829. Orrien P., s. 1878. 564 INDEX OF GRADUATES. Downs, Frederick B., nt. 1878. Jay O., in. 1891. Roscius Y., in. 1886. Walter H., /. 1877. William F., s. 1882. Dows, Henry A., a. 1862, h. 1869, Drachman, Bernard, a. 1882. Gustave S., /, 1885. Drake, [A.] Emery, u. 1893. Benjamin, a. 1824. Elias G., Jr., a. 1854. Jeremiah I., a. 1804. John, a. 1845. Nelson H., m. 1873. Draper, Frank B., a. 1880. George B., a. 1845. William H., a. 1851. William K., m. 1888. Drayton, James C, /. 1876. Dresser, Daniel LeR., s. 1889. Drew, Clarence A., /. 1877. George W., /. 1874. Dreyfus, Theodore W.,^. 1890. Driesbach, Fred. R., m. 1889. Drisler, Frank, a. 1874. Henry, [Jr.], a. 1839, h. 1864. Henry, Jr., a. 1869. Herman, a. 1876, /. 1878, William, k. 1850. Droesch, Joseph L., m. 1883. Drowne, . Thomas S., Jr., a. 1877, /. 1879. Drucklieb, Louis, m. 1886. Drummond, Isaac W., s. 1878. Duane, Alexander, in. 1881. James C, a. 1789. Du Bois, Arthur G., /. 1887. Coert, tn. 1872. Cornelius, Jr., a. 1828. Cornelius J., /. 1861. Eugene, a. i860. Francis, Jr., m. 1867. Henry A., a. 1827, John J., /. 1869. Matthew B.,a. 1864, »«. 1868. WilUam M., /. 1879. Du Bose, William P., A. 1875. Ducie, Walter I., m. 1882. Dudensing, Richard, Jr., /. 1881. Dudley, Dwight, in. 1864. Henry, a. 1861. Percy S., /. 1886, /. Due, Malvern N., m. 1888. Duer, Alexander, a. 1812. Denning, Jr., a. 1871. James G. K., a. 1862. John, A. 1837. John W., a. 1859, /.1861, William, a. 1824. William A., a. 1869, /. 1871. Duff, Rufus C, /. 1873. Duffey, Edwin, /. 1893. Duffie, Cornelius R., a. 1809. Cornelius R., a. 1841. Daffield, John F., in. 1880. William J., m. 1870. William W., a. 1841. Dufft, Carl E., in. 1891. Duffy, Charles J., m. 1883. Francis, in. 1875. Francis, /. 1881. Hugh, /. 1865. Michael E., /. 1889. Patrick G., /. 1869. Dufourcq, Edward L., s. 1892. Duggan, Thomas, a. 1809. Dugro, Francis A., /. 1878. Jacob W., /. 1877. PhiUp H., a. 1876, /. 1878. Duke, William, /z. 1802. Dumont, James A., Jr., /. 1877. Dunbar, George H., m. 1864. Duncan, Bruce R., /. 1889. Frederick S., i. 1893. John M., A. 1843. William C, a. 1843, ^• 1857. Wilham P., J. 1884. Dunckel, Walter A.^ f». iSgo. Dunham, Carroll, a. 1847. Edward K., s, 1881. Dunlop, Samuel R., m. 1890. Dunn, Gano S., s. 1891. George 13., /. 1877. John P., /. 1885. Matthew F,, in. 1885. N. Gano, /. 1867. William W., in. 1894. Dunning, Charles, m. 1887. Frank, /. 1878. William A., a. 1881,/. 1885. William B., in. 1871. WiUiam F., /. 1879. Dunscomb, Edward, a. 1774. Edward, a. 1827. Samuel W., Jr., u. 1891, /. 1893, u. 1893. William E., a. 1806. Dunwell, Charles T., /. 1874. Dupignac, Frank J., /. 1869. Walton C, /. 1876. Durand, Albert W,, m. 1886, John S., /. 1883. Durden, William W., in. 1872. Durgin, Frank A., m. i88r. Durham, Edward B., j. 1892. Durkee, Joseph H., «. 1884. WiUiam W., /. 1876. Duryee, Edward H., /. 1878. George W., m. 1876, John L., in. 1868. Philip, a. 1795. Richard, Jr.,^. 1812. Dusenberry, Walter L., s. 18S4. Dusenbury, Henry, in. 1866. Dustan, Peter F., a. 1822. Dutcher, Basil H., s. 1892. George T.,in. 1894. Dutton, Van Buren, /. i860. Duvall, Daniel S., a. 1858, /. i860. Elbridge G., /. 1872. Duyckinck, Evert A., a. 1835. George, a. 1867. Duysters, George F., /. 1879. Dwight, Arthur, a. 1884. Arthur S., j. 1885. Edward F., /. 1889. Francis E., m. 1882. James McL. B., /. 1861. Jonathan, Jr., in. 1893. Maurice W., a. 1816. Stanley, /. 1879. Theodore W., A. i860. Dyar, Harrison G., u. 1894. Dyckman, Jacob, a, 1810. Jacobus, a. 1811. Dyer, Elisha, III., /. 1885. Dykers, Peter, a. 1819. Dykman, Henry T., /. 1877. Eacker, George I., a. 1793. Eager, John M., m. i INDEX OF GRADUATES. 565 Eagle, Clifford F., a. 1863. Eagleton, Wells P., m. 1888. Earl, Franklin W., /. 1868. Robert, h. 1887. Earle, Edward, /. 1881, Frank 0., m. 1865. James, /. 1873. Marmaduke, a. 1790. Mortimer L., a. i886. Eastburn, Edward B., a. 1827. James W., a. 1816. Manton, a, 1817, h. 1835- Eastgate, John F. S., vt. 1880. Eastman, Barnard D., tn. 1862. Frank G., -m. 1890. George W,, /. 1877. Henry M. W., /. 1875. Easton, Langdon C., J. 1884. Morton W,, nt. 1867. Robert T. B., /. 1862. Eastwick, Edward P., Jr., s. 1889. George S., s. 1879. Eaton, Asa, k. 1828, Charles E., /. 1886. Henry W., /. 1888. Theodore A,, h. 1869. Ebbets, William H,, a. 1842. Eberhardt, William G., s. 1891. Eccles, John, a, 1788. Ecclesine, Thomas C. E., a. 1870, /. 1871. Echeverria, Emilio, 7n. 1889. Martin J., m. 1890. Eckerson, Frank L., u. 1890. John E., /. 1864. Eckoff, William J., u. 1894. Eddie, Edward C, s. 1885. Eddy, Elmer B., m. 1873. Herbert M., nt. 1870. William, tn. 1862. Edebohls, George M,, vi. 1875. Edelman, Myer, /. 1893. Edgar, Charles H., /. 1879. Newbold, a. 1836. . Newbold LeR., /. 1884. William, a. 1804. William, a. 1829. Edgerton, Clarence C, a. 1872, /. 187.4. Francis D., m. 1864. Winifred, a. 1886. Edminster, George W., /. 1889. Edmonds, Walter D., /. 1876. Edson, Charles D., /. 1894. Cyrus, nt. 1881. Edward D., /. 1894. David O., tn. 1891. John T., tn. 1880. Edwardes, George A., tn. 1877. Edwards, Amelia B., k. 1887. Arthur M., tn. 1873. Charles H., /. 1871. Duncan, /. 1887, Eaton A., /. 1879. Edwin W., a. 1850. Gerard M., /. 1883. John, in. 1869. Jonathan, Jr., in. 1867. Richard M., j. 1886. Wheeler DeF., /. 1874. William D., /. 1878. William S., /. 1881. Eede, Edmund W., tn. 1886. Effray, Felix G. E., /. 1881. Egan, Michael J., /. 1880. Peter R., tn. 1880. Egbert, George D., a. 1885. James C, Jr., a. 1881. Eggleston, Jeremiah D., tn. 1879. William G., tn. 1881. Ehninger, John W., a. 1847. Ehrmann, Hermann A., tn. 1886. Eichacker, Henry F., vt. 1890. Eichler, John, /. 1880. Eickhoff, Henry J., /. 1875. Eidlitz, Ernest F., u. 1891. Eidman, Ferdinand, Jr., /. 1891. Eigenbrodt, William E., a. 1831, h, 1855. Eilers, Karl E., s. 1889. Einhorn, Daniel, /. 1883. Elbreg, Frederick W., tn. 1867. Elder, John P.,/. 1889. Robert D., /. 1872. Elderkin, John, ;;/. 1863. Eldredge, Charles, a. 1879. Eldridge, Walter N\, a. 1883. Eliot, Ellsworth, Jr., tn. 1887. Eugene N., /. 1873. Gustavus, nt. 1880. Samuel, h. 1863. Walter G., s. 1878. Elkus, Abraham I., /. 1888. Ellery, Channing, a. 1877. Ellet, William H., a. 1824. Elliot, Duncan, a. 1884. George T., Jr., a. 1845. Henry T., nt. 1871. Stephen, h. 1825. Elliott, Arthur H., s. 1881. Bernard, a. 1795. Daniel, nt. 1881. George R., tn. 1881. Gilbert M., nt. 1889. John H., h. 1871. Richmond B., tn. 1873. Stephen, h. 1840. William, s. 1880. Ellis, Augustus V. H., J. 1889. Barnard, in. 1872. Edgar H., nt. 1885. Ellsworth S., nt. 1876. George W., /. 1870. Nathaniel, /. 1874. Ralph N., /. 1883. Ellison, John E., /. 1878. Ellsworth, Charles H., /. 1872. Washington W., /. 1864. Elmendorf, Augustine, a. 1892. Edmund B., a. 1823. John J.,rt. 184s, h. 1866. Elsberg, Charles A., tn. 1893. Eisner, Henry L., tn. 1877. Simon L., tn. 1887. Elting, Victor [M.], a. 1891. Elwood, Frank W., /. 1877. Ely, Albert H., tn. 1888. Alfred, /. i88o. Edward T., tn. 1874. Henry B., a. 1888. Henry O., nt. 1868. iohn S., tn. 1886. eicester K., a. 1854. Leonard W., a. 1889. Richard T., a. 1876. Richard W., /. 1863. Samuel, k. 1865. William S., /. i860. William S., tn. 1867. Emans, J. Seymour, tn. 1892. Emanuel, Solomon A., /. 1875. Embree, iames R., tn. 1883. awrence E., /. 1879. Embury, Aymar, a. 1876, /. 1878. Clarence U., /. 1867. Daniel, Jr., a. 1853. Edmund, a. 1828. Philip A., a. 1855. William O., /. 1866. 566 INDEX OF GRADUATES. Emerson, Francis P., m. 1886. George O., /. i86g. Harold S., a. 1894. Harry W., m. 1892. John H., a. i860, m. 1864. Nathaniel B., m. 1869. William, Jr., a, 1853. Emery, Henry G., s. 1894. Livingston, a. 1886, /. I Emmet, Bache McE., m. 1867. Devereux, a. 1883, /. . 1885. Richard S., «. 1839. Robert, a. 1810. Thomas A., h. 1824. Emmett, Charles, /. i86g. John D., ni. 1882. Robert, /. 1876. Emory, Robert, a. 1831, h. 1846. Emott, Charles C, /. 1872. James, h. 1833. James, Jr., a. 1841. Emrich, Anton F., s. 1882. Enders, Thomas B., m. 1891. Endicott, George, j. 1883. Enfield, Charles, m. 1870. En^el, Louis G., s. 1880. Engelhard, George H., /. 1893. Engelhardt, Eugene N., s. 1885. English, David C, in. 1868. David E., nt. 1882. James R., Jr., m. 1890. Engs, George M., m, 1863. Ennever, Thomas C, /. 1873. Ennis, James S., m. iSgo. Eno, Henry C, m. 1864. Enright, Maurice, m, 1885. Ensell, John E., m. 1872. Ephraims, Ephraim E., /. 1874. Epstein, Alfred, /. 1893. Moses H., a. 1871. Erbe, William, /. 1889. Erdman, Albert, /. 1891. William, /. 1887. Erdtmann, Paul W., tn. 1891. Erlanger, Mitchell L.,/. 1882. Ernst, Frederick H. W., /. 1880. Erskine, Henry D., h. 1853. Escobar, Francisco, s. 1889. Espenscheid, George S., /. 1879. Esselstyn, Everett J., /. 1888. Estwick, Charles F., /. 1875. Esty, Clarence H., /. 1881. Ettinger, Edward S., m. 1883. Ira J., /. 1893. Leo, m. 1884. Euring, George A., /. 1879. Eustis, John E., /. 1877. William H., /. 1874. Evangeles, Christodoulos L. M., a, 1836. Evans, Edwin, m. 1870. George A., m. 1874. Lemuel E., /. 1864. Thomas G., /. 1876. Thomas W., /. 1882. William, -m. 1890. Eve, Paul F., m. 1880. Eveleth, Edward S., m. i866. Everding, Henry E., /. 1887. Everett, D. Darwin, m. 1864. William, Jr., /. 1874. Everhart, George M., h. 1870. Everson, Duane S., a. 1864. Evetzky, Etienne, nt. 1876. Ewell, Douglass, a. 1888, tn. 1891. Ewer, Ferdinand C, h. 1867. Ewing, Hampton D.,fl:. 1888,/. 1889. James, rn. 1891. Thomas, Jr., a. 1885. Exton, James A., tn, 1866. Eytinge, Charles S., a. 1887. Faber, Charles D., a. 1886. Fabrega, Bernard E., nt. 1885. Calixto A., m. 1885. Faesch, John J., a. 1795. Fagen, Michael L, /. 1889. Fagnani, Charles P., /. 1875. Fahrney, Elmer C, m. 1889. Fahys, George E., s. 1884. Fairbairn, Henry A., nt. 1878. Robert B., >^. 1887. Fairbank, Charles O,, nt. 1891. John B., /. 1869. Fairchild, Jarvis R., a. 18 Fairfax, Albert, rn. 1861. William M., I. 1883. Fairlie, Frederic, a. 1818. Fairweather, Daniel H,, nt. 1865. Faithfull, Robert L., m. 1879. Fales, Haliburton, a. 1872, /. .1874. William E. S., j. 1871, /. 1875. Falk, David B., s. 1882. Eugene L., /. 1887. Isaac N., /. 1885. Fall, Edmund E., in. 1887. Fallon, Joseph P., Jr., /. 1893. Falls, Thomas J., [Jr.], /. 1878. William A., a. 1845. Fanning, Abram M., Jr., in. 1886. Edmund, h. 1772. William, Jr., a. 1870, /. 1871. Fanshaw, Daniel G. F., a. 1832. Fargis, Joseph H., /. 1889. Farley, Porter, nt. 1874, Farnam, Charles H., /. 1871. William W., /. 1871. Farnham, Charles C, /. 1889. LeRoy D., m. 1878. Farnsworth, Philo J., nt, i860. Farquhar, John W., /. 1887. Farrand, David O., nt. 1863. Livingston, nt. 1891. Farrant, Lulu G., b. 1893. INDEX OF GRADUATES. 567 Farrar, George C., a. 1848. Farrell, Edward, m. 1864. Farrington, Edward S., m. 1892. William G., a. 1853. Farrow, Edwin F., m. 1886. Levi, ni. 1865. Fash, George W., a. 1836. Faulkner, Richard B., ni. 1875. Fawcett, Edgar, a. 1867. Fay, Thomas P., /. 1889. Faye, Harold, /. 1876. Fayerweather, Samuel, h. 1758. Fearing, George R., «. i860, Fearn, Percy Le R., /. 1889. Featherston- haugh, James D., nt. 1870. Fehr, Julius, nt. 1869. Feick, Charles A., /. 1880. Feinberg, Israel S., m. 1888. Feldman, Benson M., m. 1877. Fellows, Louis, /. 1869. William K., s. 1894. Fenlon, John T,, /. 1883. Fenn, Thomas L., Jr., m, 1882, Fenner, Clarence N., s. 1892. Fensterer, Gustav A., m. 1888. Fenton, John F., «. 1890, «, 1891. Ferdon, William, /. 1877. Ferguson, Benjamin T., a. 1830. Charles W., m. 1867. George A., s. 1890. George W., a. 1863. John, a. 1795. John T., a. 1823. Julius M., /. 1873. Robert, a. 1883. WiUiamC. [A.], J. 1887. Fernekes, Anton, s. 1878. Ferrer, Carlos F., s. 1883. Jos6 M., m. 1879. Ferris, Albert W., m. 1882. Charles G., a. 1811. Clarence C, /. 1892. Isaac, a. 1816, h. 1853. Junius C, J. 1883. Fessenden, Henry P., a. 1837. Fetter, David F,, m. 1867. Manuel, h. 1835, h. 1842. Fettretch, Joseph, /. 1864. Feuchtwanger, Henry, s. 1882. Fewsmith, Joseph, h. 1855. Joseph [Jr.], nt. 1874. Fiallos, Enrique C, s. 1883. Field, Archelaus G., m. 1864. Chauncey M., nt. 1875. Cortlandt de P., a. 1859. Edward P., /. 1880. Edward S., a. 1881, /. 1883. Edwin, nt. 1873. Frank H. /. 1888. Henry M., nt. 1862. Jacob T., nt. 1863. Joseph K., /. 1879. Otis, a. 1873. William H., /. 1865. Fielder, Frank S., m. 1892. James F., /. 1887. Fielding, Frederick G., w. 1889. Frederick W., /. 1889. Fields, William J., nt. 1880. Figge, Alex. L., /. 1894. Figueira, Mathias, nt. 1872. Files, Charles O., m, 1870. Finch, Edward B., nt. 1894. William Y., m. 1894. Finck, George H., a. 1887, /. 1889. Fincke, Frederick G., /. 1875. Finder, William, Jr., nt. 1883. Fine, James L., a. 1805. John, a. 1809. Finlay, Charles E. J., m. 1889. Finn, William D., nt. 1890. Fischer, Charles S., Jr., nt. 1881. Jacob, /. 1878. Joseph, /. 1873. Fischlowitz, Gustav C, nt. 1892. Fish, Hamilton, a. 1827, h. 1850. Hamilton, Jr., a. 1869, _ L 1873. Henry G., nt. 1877. Nicholas, a. 1867. Petrus S., a. 1831. Stuyvesant, a. 1871, Fishel, Eugene, /. 1880. Frederic E., /. 1882. Fisher, Albert K., nt. 1879. Alexander M., nt. 1878. Eustace W., nt. 1871. George H., a. 1821. George H., nt. 1878. Henry, /. 1872. Isaac, a. 1817. John E., a. 1794. Lloyd W., s. 1890. Parnell E., nt. 1894. Philip, a. 1796. Thomas R., /. 1867. Willard, j. 1888. William H., /. 1867. William P., [Jr.], /. 1889. William R., a. 1863, nt. 1867. Fisk, Harlo A., nt. 1877. Fiske, Edwin R., a. 1892. James P., nt. 1891, John S., a. 1890. Robert T. P., /. 1881. Thaddeus, h. 1821. Thomas S. [Jr.], a. 1885. Fitch, Albert F., nt. 1893. Charles L., s. 1882. James N., nt. 1867. James S., /. 1875. Josiah H., j. 1884. Luther P., nt. 1864. Samuel A., m. 1863. William P., /. 1873. Fithian, Alexander R,, /. 1885. Fitzgerald, Eugene M., /. 1888, /. 1889. Frank T., /. 1878. George E., j. 1884. Paul, nt. 1894. Fitzpatrick, Charles B., Jr., nt. 1890. James J., /. 1889. Fitzsimons, Henry E., /. 1865. James M., /. 1877. Thomas P., /. 1878. Flaacke, George W., /. 1870. Flagg, Edwin B., nt. 1865. Jared B., h. 1863. Flagge, Frederick W., nt. 1881. Flammer, John G., /. 1877. Flanagan, John A., /. 1888. Philip R., nt. 1889. Fleming, Alexander, a. 1809. Augustus, a. 1803. Edward M., nt. 1882. James, a. 1805. Martin J., nt. 1872. Pierre E., a. 1791, Sandford, h. 1887. 568 INDEX OF GRADUATES, Fletcher, Ira W., in. 1869. Lawrence B., a. 1877. William B., m. i860. William W., /. 1879. Flick, Liddon, /. 1884. Flitcroft, William, m. 1890. Floy, Henry, a. 1864, /. 1866. Michael, Jr., a, 1827. Floyd, Alfred C, a. 1809. Frederick W., j. 1877. Floyd-Jones, Elbert, Jr., a. 1889, u. 1890. Flynn, Luke M., /. 1882. Foerster, Francis, m. 1883. Fogerty, James F., /. 1891. Fogg, Benjamin F., m. 1861. Foggin, Edward, /. 1893. Foley, William F., /. 1875. William I., /. 1880. Folger, Edward P., j. 1894. Henry C, Jr., /. 1881. Howard S., /. 1889. Matthew H., /. 1887. Fonda, Nicholas, a. 1787. Foote, Edward B. Qr.], m, 1876. Edwin B., /. 1871. Herbert C, J. 1876. James S., nt. 1881. Forbes, Charles, -nt. 1871. Francis, /. 1869. Henry H., nt. 1890. John, a. 1794. John M., a. 1827, h. 1847. William J., /. 1879. Forcheimer, Frederic, m. 1873. Ford, Clyde S., m. 1894. Edward E., ^, 1844. Edward I., m. i860. Thomas J. I., m. 1874. William H., /. 1879. Forest, William, h. 1820. Forman, Daniel McL., m. 1866. William H., /. 1875. Forrest, William, Jr., a. 1840. Forrester, Peter, a. i8i3. Peter, a. 1862. Forster, William,/. i88r, /. 1883 Forsyth, William, a. 1821, Fosdick, Samuel P., /. 1881. Foster, Addison H., tn. 1866. Antoine L., a, 1867. Charles A., nt. 1870. Charles L., /. 1883. Clarence E., nt. 1881. Clarence M., /. 1875. Frank P., nt. 1862. Frederic de P., a. 1868, /. 1872. George E., nt. 1868. Herman T. E., a. 1841, Isaac, nt. 1803. Jacob P. G., a. 1844. James P., /. 1873. John E., /. 1886. John H., a. 1874. Matthias L., nt. 1885. Reginald G., j. 1893. Roger, /. 1880. Seth B., nt. 1869. Tallmadge W., a. 1868. Theodore B., a. 1879. Warren W., /. 1883. William R., /. 1870. Foulke, John B,, a, 1823. William D., a. 1869, /. 1871. Fountain, George H., /. 1875. Fowler, Albert C, s. 1890. De Witt C, m. 1863. George B., nt. 1871. Gilbert O., a. 1806. Horace W., /. 1867. Isaac v., a. 1838. J. Henry, Jr., /. 1870. James W., a. 1839. Jonathan O., Jr., a. 1865. Robert L., /. 1870. Samuel, /, 1873. Samuel O., a. 1885. Samuel S., a. 1881, s. 1884. Sylvanus L., p. 1883, /. 1885. Theodosius O., a. 1810. Thomas P., /. 1874. Fox, Charles A., vt. i88i. Edwin M., /. 1878. James J., /. 1882. Joseph G., h. 1864. Walter, /. 1891. Foye, Andrew E., s. 1890. Frame, Emlen P.,/. 1885. France, James L., m. 1892. Francis, Clarence W., a. 1877, /. 1879. David R., nt. 1866. Henry M., a. 1808. John W., a. 1809. John W., Jr., a. 1852. Samuel W., a. 1857. Francke, Pedro F., nt. 1892. Robert O., s. 1880. Frank, Herman, /. 1878. Jerome W., s. 1888. John, nt. 1880. Julius J., /. 1873. Nathan H., /. 1879. Simon G., tn. 1893. Frankel, Edward, nt. 1868. Frankenberg, Henry E., Jr., /. 1888. Jacob H., nt. 1883. Frankenheimer, John, /. 1875. Frankfield, Emil, s. 1886. Franklin, Benjamin, /. 1874. Benjamin H., a. 1843. George H., nt. 1879. Gustavus S., nt. 1862. [James] Ruford, Qr^], a. 1886,/. 1887,/. i"" William B., h. 1852. Fransioli, Augustus J., /. 1883. Franz, Adolph, [Jr.] , m. 1887. Shepherd I., a. 1894. Fraser, David H., a. 1811. Edward C, /, 1862. Frauenstein, Karl H. G., nt. 1868. Frayer, Eugene, /. 1879. Frazer, Samuel H., nt. 1868. Fredenburgh, Walter S., /. 1875. Fredericks, John V. E., /. 1874. Freeborn, George C, nt. 1873. Freedman, Edwin J., /. 1883. Richard W., /. 1881. William H., j. 1889. Freeke, Richard, a. 1811. Freeland, Henry R., /. 1865. Freeman, Alice E., h. 1887. Alonzo, m. 1869. Alpheus, [Jr.], m. 1882. Charles M., nt. 1884. George L., a. 1849. Jonathan, a. 1790, h, 1800. Rowland G., «. 1883, m, 1886. Walter J., ni. 1885. Wilberforce, /. 1868. Frei, Emil, m. 1892. Freis, Eugene A., nt. i88s» French, Charles L., in. 1869. George P., nt. 1889. George W., /. 1878. Henry, /. 1874. Howard T., in. 1891. John W,, h. i860. John W., a. 1885. Thomas R., in. 1871. Willis W., m. 1883. Frey, Albert, nt. iS Fridenberg, Albert H., in. 1877. Edward, m. 1878. Percival H., ^;. 1886. INDEX OF GRADUATES. 569 Fried, Marcus, tn. 1890. Friedberg, William B., /. 1877. Friedman, Alfred, m. 1876. Samuel, j. 1892. Friedrich, Jean J,, tn. 1871. Friedrich s, Rudolph v., /. 1885. Friend, Jacob E., /. 1878. Meyer M., /. 1873. Theodore H., /. 1875. Frisbee, Harry D., s. 1894. Frissell, Charles M., tn. 1882. Fritts, Crawford E., tn. 1875. Froeligh, Peter D., a. 1799. Fromme, Abraham L., /. 1887. Isaac, /. 1876. Frost, Charles W. S,, tn. 1880. Clarence H,, /. 1882. Edward I., /. 1876. Edward L., /. 1883. Halstead H., a. 1883,/. 1886. Louis W., /. 1869. Thomas G., /. 1888, u. 1890. William J., a. 1846. Frothingham, Edward, tn. 1866. John B., /. 1875. Friiauf, John L,, /. 1885. Fry, George G., /. 1885, Richard W., tn. 1873. Frye, Frederick, a. 1842. Fuchs, Jacob, tn. 1875. Fuentes, Paul, J. 1894. Ventura, tn. 1892. Fuld, Joseph E., tn. 1893. Fuller, Charles D., a. 1862. Edward T., tn. 1867. Eraser C, m. 1882. Horace S., in, 1865. Perry J., /. 1876. William H., /. 1863. William W., /. 1888. Winfield S., tn. 1861. Fullerton, Kennedy B., /. 1877. William D., /. 1889. Fulton, Andrew J., tn. 1889. Louis M., /, 1877. Funk, ■ Seymour P., a. 1817. Funkhouser, Robert M., Jr., /, 1873. Furgueson, Cornelius, Jr., /. 1877. Furman, George H., /. 1893. Howard V. F., s. 1881. John, a. 1801. John H., tn. 1864. Furness, Horace H., k. 1887. Furst, Michael, /. 1878. Gabriel, Charles V. L,, /. 1884. Gage, Eugene F., tn. 1875. George C, tn. 1872. Samuel E., s. 1887. Gailor, Thomas F., h. 1891. Gaine, John, a. 1774. Gaines, Henry W., /. 1878. Vivian P., tn. 1873. Galbraith, Franklin B., tn. i86i. Gale, Alexander F. H., tn. 1887. Edward D,, /. 1863. Galinger, George W., /. 1871. Gallagher, James T., m. 1892. John B., a. 1831. John E., m. 1882. Gallant, Albert E., tn. 1890. Gallatin, Albert, /t. 1841. Albert, Jr., a. 1843. Albert R., a. 1891. Francis D., a. 1891. Frederick, /. 1863. Gallaudet, Bern B., tn. 1884. Galleher, John N., A. 1875. Gallup, Albert, /. 1876. Howard, a. 1875. Galvan, Daniel V., m. 1887. Ganse, Harvey D., a. 1839. Gantzhorn, Carl, /. 1879. Garcelon, Alonzo M., tn. 1876. Gardiner, Asa B,, Jr., a. 1887. James G., /. 1886. John L., /. 1863. Gardner, Addison L., /. 1887. Alfred W., tn. 1890. Asa B., /[. 1869. Eugene T., /. 1863. Henry D., jn. 1878. Herschel L., a. 1892, /. 1894. James A. M., a. 1825. John C. F., /. 1877. Watts D., s. 1888. William, a. 1802. William S., tn. 1889. Garlichs, Herman, s. 1880. Garlock, William D., tn. 1882. Garner, Edward S., tn. 1883. Henry B., tn. 1876. Garr, Andrew S., a. 1796. George F., a. 1881, /. 1885. Garretson, Jessie B., d. 1893. Garrett, Edward C, Jr., /. 1876.) Garrish, John P., Jr., m. 1866. Garrison, Charles M., tn. 1884. Edmund H., s. 1876. James C, a. 1810. Marcus A., /. 1876. Garth, Charles M., a. 1870. Granville W., a. 1886. Garver, John A., /. 1877. Gasten, William, a. 1887, /. 1891. Gaston, Joseph L., tn. 1885. William, A. 1835. Gates, Merrill E., A. 1887, A. 1891. Gaunt, Thomas T., tn. 1881, Gay, Joseph G., /. 1876. Gayley, Henry B., /. 1888. Gaylord, Judson, /. 1878. Gazlay, Ward M., Jr., /. 1877. Geary, John T., /. 1882. Geer, Edward W., /. 1876. George J., A. 1862. George J.. Jr., s. 1868. William M., a. 1869, /. 1871. Geib, Philip J., /. 1873. Geissenhainer, Jacob A., a. 1858. Geisthardt, Stephen L., /. 1885. Geller, Frederick, /.^i885. Gelston, John M., a. 1833. Gener, Benigo, a. 1835. Thomas, A. 1834. 570 INDEX OF GRADUATES. Gennert, Maurice G., a. 1887. Genung, Charles H., a. 1884, /. 1884, George, Charles F,, m. 1865. Evan P., a. 1875, /. 1877, William C, a. 1762. Gerard, James W., a. 1811, h. 1863. James W,, [Jr.], a. 1843, k. 1890. James W., Jr., a. 1890, u. 1891. Gerbert, Herman P., a. 1880, vt, 1883. Gerrish, William H., ni. 1878. Gerry, Elbridge T., a. 1857. Gesner, John F., a. 1859. Joshua B., in. 1893. Getty, Moses D., a. i866. Robert P., Jr., a. 1880. Gibbens, Daniel L., a. 1881. Gibbons, John T., in. 1890. Gibbs, John B., in. 1882. Oliver W., a. 1841, A. 1843, /i. 1873. Waldo E., /. 1878. Gibert, James T., a. 1824. William N., a. 1821. Gibson, Alexander J., /. 1874. Charles D. T., m. i868. Edward T., in. 1877. Lewis McP., m. 1889. Otis W., m. i860. Robert, Jr., /. 1892. William H., /. 1875. William J., m. 1882. Giddings, Edward E., s. 1867. George W., a. 1892. Theodore, m. 1868. Gifford, James M., /. 1883. Tames N., a. 1809. Livingston, /. 1877. Stanley [D.], j. 1889. Gignoux, John F., m. 1865. Gihon, John, [Jr.], a. 1861. Gilbert, Bartlett, Jr., nt. 1890. Frederick L., /. 1887. George A., m. 1883. James H., /. 1872. James L, /. 1885. Robert W., /. 1879. William T., /. 1880. Gilchrist, Alexander, Jr., /. 1883. Charles A., m. 1892. Gildea, Patrick F., in. 1889. Gildersleeve, Alger C, J. 1890. Charles P., m. 1881. Henry, Jr., /. 1881. Henry A., Jr., a. 1890, u. 1891. Giles, Richard, m. 1882. Samuel, h. 1764. Gilfillan, William J., /. 1877, m. 1862. William W., m. 1890. Gilford, George, a. 1828. Jacob T., a. 1824. John P., a. i888. Samuel, Jr., a. 1793. Samuel T., a. 1886, /. 1888. Thomas B., a. 1835. Thomas B., a. 1885,/. 1886, /. 1887. Gilhooly, Andrew, a. 1868, /. 1870. William E., a. 1870, /. 1873. Gill, Charles R., Jr., m. 1884. Henry S., tn. 1880. Gillespie, George W,, a. 1862. John M., m. 1891. William M., a. 1834, h. 1859. Gillett, Elmslie M., a. 1868. Omer T., tn. 1869. Gillette, Halbert P., s. 1892. Walter R., m. 1863. Gilley, William C, m. 1885. Gillies, Edwin J., a. 1882. George M., /. i Gillis, Frederic S., /. 1880. Gilman, Charles M., /. 1865. Daniel C, h, 1887. Daniel H., /. 1877. George H., a. 1887, p. 1888. Luthene C, /. 1883. Robert B., m. 1867. Zeeb, Jr., m. 1867. Gilmer, William B. [S.], m. 1884. Gilnack, Frederick, m. 1867. Gilroy, Thomas F., Jr., /. 1891. Gilson, Walter C, /. 1876. Gitterman, John M., u. 1892. Gladstone, James A., m. 1872. Glass, Frank S., /. 1877. Glassford, Robert W., m. 1878. Glaze, George W., /. 1889, u. 1891. Glazebrook, Larkin W., m. 1890. Gleason, John J., /. 1877. Gleavy, Samuel A., /. 1874. Gledhill, Henry R., m. 1894. Gleed, James W., /. 1884. Glenn, James K., Jr., /. 1875. Glentworth, George, h. 1767. Glidden, Charles H., m. 1881. Glisan, Clarence, m. 1890. Rodney L., u. 1893. Glover, Charles G., s. 1884. Henry L., a. 1889. Henry S.,/. 1879. John M., a. 1822. William B., /. 1880. William E., /. 1867. Glynn, James P., m, 1894. Gnichtel, Abram L., m. 1891. Goadby, Charles T., /. 1875. Goddard, Charles F., a. 1887,/. 1888, /. 1889. Josiah H., m. 1861. William N., a. 1864. Godfrey, Edward L., /. 1894. Godkin, Laurence, /. 1883. Goebel, Jacob C, /. 1876. Lewis S., /. 1866. Goelet, Robert, a. 1828. Robert, [Jr.], a. i860, /. 1862. Goeller, Robert, a. 1888,/. 1889. Going, Charles B., j. 1882. Goken, Henry F., /. 1876. Gold, James D., m. 1891. Goldbacher, Joseph, /. 1876. Goldbeck, William F., /. 1885. Goldberg, Eugene H., nt. 1889, Goldenberg, Julius L., /. 1872. I.VDEX OF GRADUATES. 571 Goldey, Charles A. L., /. 1866. Golding, John F., m. 1875. Goldman, Julius, /. 1872. Goldmark, Leo, /. 1875. Goldschmidt, Edward, /. 1877. Samuel A., j^. 1871. Goldsmith, Abraham, /. 1877. B^ron B., s. 1887. William B., m. 1877. Goldthwaite, George T., /. 1894. Goltra, John N., m. 1887. Good, George McC. H., s. 1886. Goodall, Frank W., m. 1863. Goode, John, /. 1893. Goodell, De Bruce, Jr., /. 1875. Goodhart, Laurence G., /. 1894. Michael E., /. 1868. Goodkind, Maurice L., nt. 1889. Goodnow, Frank J., /. 1882. Goodrich, Charles H., vt. 1894. Henry W., /. 1882. Howard J., m. 1894. Levi J., /. 1883. Goodridge, Edwin A., m. 1871. Goodwin, Charles H., i;t. 1882. Edward, s. 1891. Frederick A., m. 1889. Frederic V. B., /. 1885. Jasper T., a. 1876, /, 1878. Ralph S., m. 1866. Ralph S., Jr., m. 1893. William M., m. 1894. William W., h. 1887. Goold, Charles D., a, 1793. Gordon, George B,, /. 1883. John, [Jr.], J. 1871. Reginald, a. 1888. William, m. 1886. William R., h. 1854. William S., a. 1873. William W., Jr.,/. 1889. Gore, John K., a. 1883. Gosling, Edgar B., s. 1884, ^• 1894. Gosman, George W., a. 1802. John, a. 1801. Jonathan B., a. 1806. Robert, a, 1807. Goss, John D., u. 1890, u. 1891. Gott, Joseph W., /. 1875. Gottheil, Richard J. H., a. 1881, William S., m. 1882. Gottsberger, C. H., h. 1841. Gouinlock, William C, m. 1865. Gould, Anthony, /. 1879. Benjamin A., h. 1887. Charles W., /. 1872. Edward L., s. 1890. Ezra P., h. 1891. William E., a. 1879. Gouldy, Nathaniel E., /. 1876. Gouverneur, Adolphus N., a. 1823. Frederic P., a. 1821. Samuel L., a. 1817. Gove, Harry, m. 1867. Govin, Raphael R., /. 1886. Gow, Frank F., nt. 1873, Graber, John S., /. 1874. Grace, Joseph P., a. 1894. Gracie, Archibald, Jr., a. 1815, Charles K,, a. 1865, s. 1867. Robert, a. 1818. William, a. 1804. Graff, Charles E., s. 1885. Graham, Alexander, /. 1873. Charles, a. 1798. Edmund B., /. 1865. George, a. 1790. Giraud, a. 1867. Horace F., /. 1888. James G., a. 1840. John, a. 1790. John, a, 1836. John A., m. 1772. John J., /. 1872. John T. B.,rt. 1804. ionathan, a. 1770. pcvi P., a. 1794. William A., m. 1888. William E., w. 1882. Grandy, Luther B., fn, 1890. Grange, James, m. 1861. Granger, Abbott D., s. 1892. Edward V., tn. 1873. Grannis, Appleton, a. 1893. Grant, Frank S., tn. 1875. Frederic H., nt. 1890. Gordon, /. 1873. Harry A., /. i860. Hugh J., /. 1876. Lewis J., /. 1873. Madison, /. 1889. Richard, a. 1765. Ulysses S., Jr., /. 1876. Grasmuck, Frederick, /. 1872. Grasse, Henry, /. 1875. Gratacap, Louis P., s. 1876. Grattan, Eugene L., tn. 1883. Grave, Vernon De L.j /. 1877. Graves, Frank P., a. 1890, u. 1891. Irving F., tn. 1889. Nathaniel M., a. 1825. Spencer C, m. 1884. Gray, Albert Z., h. 1887. Edward, m. 1875. G. Harrison, »2. 1875. George M., a. 1885. Henry, m. 1867. James J., /. 1866. John F. S., 7n. 1871. Joseph F., jn. 1882. Landon C, h. 1894. Richardson, tn. 1873. Roland P., a. 1893. Thomas N., in. 1S79. William H., tn. 1889. Grayhead, Isidor, /. 1875. Greanelle, William J., tn. 1893. Green, Charles, tn. 1880. Edmund F., /. 1884. Frank B., tn. 1875. Henry, a. 1809. James S., Jr., tn. 1889. Joseph L,/. 1887. Timothy R., a. 1824. William W.,/. 1880. Greenbaum, Samuel, /. 1875. Greene, Alister, a. 1875, /. 1877. David J., J. 1894. Edward R., a. 1882, /. 1884. Gardiner, Jr., /. 1877. George G., /. i86g. Tay C, tn. 1866. [ohn, /. 1879. [oseph W., /. 1870. Richard H.,/. 1865. Wilkins U., s. 1880. William F., tn. 1878. William K., a. 1891. Greenhall, Charles L., /. 1888. Greenleaf, Frank E., tn. 1882. James L., s. 1880. John R., Jr.,tn. 1865. Joseph, a. 1810. Joseph, [Jr.], a. i860. Greenwood, Edward L., a. i860. Isaac J., [Jr.], a. 1853. Joseph W., /, 1874. Langdon, a. 1861. Richard B., Jr., /. 1865. Thomas, /. 1872. Gregory, Alfred W., /. 1881. Archibald McI., tn. 1864. Harry W., tn. 1886. Henry E., a. 1878, /. 1880. James G., tn. 1868. James R,, tn. 1866. Luther E., s. 1893. Walter, a. 1856. 572 INDEX OF GRADUATES, Greves, James S., /. 1867. Gridley, John T., /. 1892. Griffen, Daniel M., m. 1891. Griffin, Albert C, m. 1881. Anthony A., /. 1871. Edmund D., a. 1823. Edward D., m. 1865. Francis J., /. 1879. George, h. 1837. Henry A., in. 1889. Henry C, /. 1874. Nelson H., m. 1875. Robert H., /. 1880. Samuel P., [Jr.], s. 1884. Griffing, Harold, a. 1890. Thomas S., a. 1841. Griffith, Ben B., m. 1885. Vincent C, j. 1889. Griffiths, Chauncey B,, a. 1893. John J., m, 1884. William E., m. 1868. Grigg, John, a. 1817. Griggs, Wilfred E., s. 1889. Grindal, Herbert W., /. 1882. Grinnell, Irving, a. 1859. John, a. 1762. William M., /. 1881. Grint, Alfred P., a. 1889. Grissim, John DeL., tn. 1893. Griswold, Almon W., Jr., /. 1883. Frederick P., 7n. 1876. Caspar, a. 1876. Joseph, a. 1775. Wait R., m. 1863. William L., m. 1885. William T., j. 1881. Gross, George C, m. 1888. Jacob A., /. 1864. John D., h. 1789. Louis N,, s. 1884. Max, /. 1881. Samuel L., /. 1876. rrossman, Louis J.,/. 1886,/. 1887. Grover, George W., m. 1866. Thomas W., /. 1876. Groves, Albert F., m. 1879. Gruening, Emil, m. 1867. Grunhut, Bernhard, m. 1870. Gudeman, Alfred, a, 1883. Edward, J. 1887, u. 1891. Guden, William T., m. 1872. Gudewill, Charles E., s. 1890. Gue, Gurney C, /. 1889. Guerin, Lawrence V., m. 1885. Guernsey, Joseph R,, a. 1886, /. 1889. Guerrant, John R., m. 1891. Guion, John M., a. 1826, h. 1865. Thomas T., h. i860. Guiterman, Edward W., j. 1889. Milton S,, /. 1884. Gulick, John C, [C], /. 1875. GulHver, Henry S., /. 1879. John F., /. 1875. William C, /. 1874. Gumpert, Dagobert, m, 1890. Gunn, Alexander, a. 1805. Alexander N., a. 1828. Elisha, Jr., /. 1882. Lewis C, a. 1830. Gunnison, Frederic E., a. 1890. Gurlitz, Augustus F., /. 1870. Guth, William C, m. 1890. Guthrie, William F., /. 1887. Gutman, Abraham L., /. 1888. Gutsch, Otto J., m. 1886. Gwathmey, Lomax, m. 1890. Gwynne, Arthur C, a. 1891. Haas, Edward F., j'. 1894. George, /. 1883. Harry L., s. 1878. Haasis, Dunbar F., s. 1883. Haberer, Joseph v., m. 1877. Hackley, Charles W., h. 1842. Hadden, Walter ]., fn. i860. Haeselbarth, William H., /. 1875. Hafey, Charles, /. 1874. Haffen, Louis F., s. 1879. Hagan, Hugh, m. 1888. Martin, m. 1867. Ha gar, Albert F., /. 1892. John F., fn. 1873. Hagedorn, Charles, /. 1877. Hagerman, Henry B., a. 1804. Hagney, Frederick W., tn. 1893. Hahlo, Louis H., /. 1886. Haigh, Thomas, in. 1865. Haight, Arthur M., m. 1874. Benjamin, a. 1811. Benjamin I., a. 1828, A. 1846. Charles C, a. 1861. David L,.,in. 1864. Edward, [Jr.], a. 1861. Edward G., /. 1869. Louis, a. 1862. Ogden, s. 1870. Hailey, William E., /. 1893. Haine, William J., m. 1869. Haines, George M., m. 1870. Parry, /. 1877. Haldane, William H., a. 1872 /. 1874. Hale, Albert W., a. 1853, ^• 1867.^ Benjamin, /t. 1836. George N., /. 1875. George W., tn. 1872. Hall, Bolton, /. 1888. Charles, a. 1833. Charles E., in. 1863. Charles H.,/i. 1861. Charles H., /, 1878. Dupree M., m. 1894. Edward F., a. 1872. Frank L., /. 1874. Gordon R., m. 1880. Henry C, /. 1883. Isaac H., /. 1865, ;^.i887. James, k. 1811. John, A. 1886. John D., in. 1867. John E. M., /. 1879. {unius M., in. 1874. ovell, /. 1870. Percy F., a. 1888, /. 1889. Randall C, a. 1863. Richard J., in. 1878. Robert W., j. 1876. William F,., m. 1870. William F., /. 1867. William K., /. 1871. Halleck, Fitz-Greene, A. 1837. Henry W., /. 1877. Hallett, Walter E., a. 1883. Halliday, Alexander B., u. 1893, /. 1894. John E., /. 1880. Hallock, Albert P., j. 1880. Edward J., a. 1869. Frank K., m. 1885. Henry M., in. 1889. William, a. 1879. INDEX OF GRADUATES. 573 Halpin, Paul, /. I Halsey, Abraham, A. 1839. Abraham N., h. 1823. Anthony, a. 1837. Charles R., /. 1885. Frank S., a. 1882. Frederick, a. 1790. Frederic R., /. 1870. George B., a. i87q,/>. 1884. John S., ;«. 1892. John T., fH. 1893. Joseph B. a. 1868. Richard L., /. 1880. Halstead, Jacob, /. 1883. Samuel, a. 1800. Halsted, Charles F., m. 1890. Charles J., /. 1879. Rodolfo, m. 1877. William S., m. 1877. Ham, Albert E., m. 1868. Hamburg, David J., m. 1894. Hamburger, Samuel B., /. 1872. Hamersley, Andrew, a. 1819. Andrew S., a. 1835. Andrew S., Jr., /. 1875. James H., a. 1865, /. 1867. John W., a. 1826. Hamilton, Alexander, a. 1774, ^. 1788. Alexander, a. 1804. Allan McL., m. 1870. Charles A., /. 1885. Erskine E., m. 1892. Frank C, j. 1894. James, /. 1877. James A., a. 1805. John C, a. 1809. Philip, a. 1800. Robert R., n. 1872, /. 1874. Schuyler, Jr., a. 1872, J. 1876. Theodore E., tn. 1861. William A., ^i. 1876. William H., /. 1883, Hamlin, Christopher R., u. 1894. George S., /. 1865. Varney B., m. 1893. Hamline, John H.y L 1877. Hammer, Leander M., a. li Hammill, Bernard J., m.. 1883. Hammond, Frederick P., m. 1889. Harry T., /. 1879. Hance, Irwin H., m. 1883. Theodore F., m. 1883. Hancock, James C, in. 1889. Theodore E., /. 1873. Thomas H., in. 1891. Hand, Oliver K., a. 1883. Handerson, Henry E., m. 1867. Hands, William C, nt. 1882. Haney, James P., nt. 1892. Hanford, Solomon, /. 1872. William H., /. 1893. Hankey, Caroline R., «. 1889. James, /. 1879. Mary P., a. 1887. Hankinson, Albert W., .y. 1893. Hanlon, Edward W., m. 1893. Hanmore, Louis E., in. 1884. Hanna, George B., j. 1868. William, a. 1759, h, 1765. Hanners, Henry De C., a. 1849. Hannum, James W., in. 1877. Hansen, George H., /. x86g. John S., /. 1874. Theodore, /. 1894. Hanson, Richard C, .y. 1894. Hapgood, William F., /. 1881. Hardenbergh, Daniel B., m. 1891. Jacob R., h. 1789. Hardenbrook, John K., a. 1824. William A., a. 1849. Hardie, James, h. 1787, h, 1790, Harding, Edward M,, m. 1874. Frank F.,/. 1884. Harry T., in. 1893. Henry C, /. 1875. William J., /. 1872, Hardman, William B., tn. 1889. Hardy, Charles J., /. 1885. Hare, George E., h. 1843. William H., h. x'i>TZ. Haring, Cornelius I., /. 1883. Harison, Francis L., a. 1802. Richard, a. 1764. Richard N., <^. 1804. Thomas L., a. 1850. William, a. 1891, /. 1893. William B., a. 1846, William H., a. i8ii. William H., a. 1842. William H., Jr., w.1879. Harker, Charles S., s. 1879. Harkness, David W., /. 1873. * Harley, John P., m. 1871. Harlin, William H., m. 1862. Harmer, Thomas H., a. 1864, s, 1867. Harmon, Benjamin S., /. 1885. Edward O., a. 1855. Frank D., /. 1871. Harper, Henry S., a. 1888. Horatio R., a. 1880. John W., a. 1852. Joseph W., [Jr.], a. 1848. Wesley, a. 1877. Harpur, Robert, h. 1762. Harral, Frederick F., in. 1868. Harriman, Orlando, Jr., a. 1835. Harrington, Daniel DeW., in. 1867. Daniel W., in. i388. Thomas H., j. 1889. Harriot, Joseph B., a. 1884. Harris, Algernon J., m. 1882. Benjamin F., Jr., /. 1892. Charles E., Jr.,/. 1886. Charles N., /. 1873. Clinton S., /. 1877. Edward W., I. 1886. Edwin, s. 1889. Frank, /. 1864. George A., in. 1880. George R., ;//. 1885. George W., a. 1884, p 1884, i- 1889. Hatton T., tn. 1885. James B., nt. 1882. Josiah D., a. 1822, Maurice H., a. 1887. Orrin F., in. 1866. Philander A., in. 1873. Richard, a. 1770. Robert V. K., a. i88q. Robert W., a. 1825, h, 1849. Samuel, a. 1800. Samuel, in. 1866. Samuel, I. 1877. Sidney, a. 1887, /. i88g. Theodore W., in. 1882. Theodore W., a. 1884. Tracy H., /. 1889. William, h. 1811. William H., /. 1880. Harrison, Calvin L., in. 1887. Charles W., w. 1889. [R.] Fairfax, u. 1891. Frank H., m. 1882. Henry W., m. 1884. James A., h. 1887. John T., in. 1879. ioseph B., in. 1876. ,eon, a. 1886. Newton, s. 1892. Oscar G., in. 1891. Stephen D., [Jr.], nt, 1879. narrower, Pierre P., a. 1874. Harsell, Blaize L., /. 1877. Harsen, Jacob, Jr., a. 1825. 574 INDEX OF GRADUATES, Hart, Burnham, s. 1885. Charles H., j. 1890. Coleridge A., /. 1877. EliasB., Jr., a. 1886. George, ni. 1873. George H., /. 1870. George W., [Jr.], /. _ 1888. Hickson F., m. 1886. Horace S., m. 1893. Hugh M., in. 1894. James A., m. 1873. Monmouth G., /. 1871. William F. S., /. 1892. William H., a. 1811. Harte, Charles R., s. 1893. Harter, Frederic J., w. 1880. Hartley, Frank, ;//. 1880. Hartnett, Eugene H., m. 1894. Hartridge, Clifford W., /. 1889. Hartwell, Charles S., /. 1877. Harvey, Alexander, a. 1882, /. 1884. Ashton, /. 1873. Chester W., 7;/. 1875. Frederick H., /. 1885. Henry P., m. 1872. Norman D., vi. 1888. Richard S., /. 1888. Robert J., h. 1834. Thomas W., m. 1878. Hasbrouck, Abraham B., h. 1840. Frank G., in. 1863. John C, in. 1863. Peter, h. 1870. Ri,e, /. 1878. Solomon E., m. 1862. Hasegawa, Yothinosuke, s. 1878. Haskell, Charles L., /. 1873. Harry G., s. 1893. Haskins, David G., h. 1878. Haslett, Audley, m. 1867. Hassey, August C, /. 1877. Edward F., /. 1874. Emile A., /, 1884. Hassler, Cliarles W., /. 1876. Hastings, Judson W., in, 1881. Hatch, Charles H., /. 1862. Edward S., /. 1876. Hatfield, Richard, Jr., a, 1805. Hathaway, Frank R., a. 1888, /. 1889. George A., nt. 1869. Henry B., /. 1867. Henry S., a. 1884, /. 1884, in. 1890. iames A., nt. 1878. Tathaniel, s. 1879. Hatheway, Curtis R., /. 1886. Hatton, Edward A., [Jr.], in. 1891. Hauff, William C, /. 1879. Haughton, Thomas J., in. 1872. Haughwout, Frank G., a. 1871, /. 1875. Haux, Hans, in. 1886. Havemeyer, William F., a. 1823. Haven, Foster S., nt. 1886. George G., a. 1857. Havens, Abram B., /. 1885. Charles E., /. 1883. Jonathan, in. 1862. Walter L., m. 1885. William G., /. 1880. Haviland, Hasbrouck, a. 1884. Hawes, George E., in. 1866. Gilbert R., /. 1878. William P., a. 1821. Hawke, EdwardJH., Jr., /. 1879. Hawkes, Edward M. Z., in. 1890. EmilMacD., s. 1885,/. 1886, /. 1887. [R.] Forbes, in. 1891. John M., m. 1890. Roy H., m. 1893. Hawkesworth, William, h. 1840. Hawkins, Eugene D., /. 1883. William J., /. 1887. Walter F., /. 1886. Willett N., Jr., a. 1893, William B., in. 1881. Hawks, Francis L., h. 1832. Hawley, George F,, m. 1868. John F., J. 1891. John S., m. 1880. Robert N., m. 1879. Haws, John H. H., a. 1827. Haxtun, Sutherland R,, /. 1888. Hay, Arthur, s. 1892. Hayden, Henry W., /. 1875. James R., in. 1884. Haydock, George R., /. 1875. Hayes, Charles H., a. 1890, «, 1891. George C, a. 1893. Howard W., /. 1882. Joel N., [Jr.], /. 1880. John, /. 1877. Russel T., in. 1869. William V. V., in. 1893, Hayford, Ernest L., in. 1890. Hays, Daniel P., /. 1875, George D., in. 1884. William, /. 1873. Hayt, Charles W,, in. 1889. Hayward, Edwin P., in. 1894. Hazelius, Ernest L., h. 1824. Hazelton, George W., in. 1884. William F., m. 1884. Hazen, Henry C, in. 1891. William L., a. 1883, / 1885. Heacock, Willard A., in. 1892. Head, FrazierD.,/. 1882. Healey, Eugene H., /. 1894. Healy, Edmund J., /. 1873. James J., in. 1872. Joseph, in, 1876. Joseph S., in. 1890. Thomas F., in. 1873. Heard, George P., m. 1894. James, a. 1881. James, Jr., a, 1832. John S., a, 1834. William, a, 1835. Hearn, Edward D., h. 1872. Hearns, Edgar A., in. 1881. Heasley, Samuel E., /. 1878. George W., a. 1869. Heath, Frederic M,, s. 1867. Henry G. K., /. 1887, Heaton, Henry W., in. 1889. Robert, Jr., a. 1793. Hebersmith, Ernest, in. 1861. Hebert, Octave B., s. 1888. Hedge, Thomas, [Jr.], /. 1869. Hedges, Benjamin V. D., in. 1891. Job E., /. 1886. Heffernan, John M., a. 1865. Hegeman, George S., /. 1880. John A., in. 1879. William A. O., a. 1862, /. 1864. Thomas B., ni. 1890. Hegewisch, Ernesto M., in. 1875. Heilbrun, Harry, a. 1886. Heim, John F., m, 1892. INDEX OF GRADUATES, 575 Heiman, Henry, tn. 1890. Heine, Joseph S., Jr., ni. 1872. Heineman, Henry N., in. 1874. Heinsheimer, Alfred M., s. 1887. Norbert, /. 1889. Heinze, Arthur P., a. 1885, /. 1888. Frederick A., s. 1889. Heitzmann, Louis, [J.] , m. 1885. Helfenstein, James M., /. i Helleberg, Frank S., j. 1877. Heller, Reuben A., /. 1894. Theodore F., ni. 1883. Helm, James I., h. 1871. Samuel C., in. 1886. Heminway, Truman, /. 1880. Hemmer, Frederick A., s. 1881. Hendell, William, Jr., a. 1791, h. 1828. Henderson, Edward C, 1878. Harold G., /. 1883. Henry, in. 1867. Henry C, /. 1878. William D., «. 1823. William R., in. 1891. Hendricks, Francis, a. 1856. Harmon, a. 1858. Henry H., s. 1880. Hendrickson, George C., /. 1875. Nathaniel C., /. 1884. Samuel, in. 1875. Henna, Joseph J., in. 1872. William A., m. 1885. Hennessy, Edmund D., /. 1883. Forbes J., /. 1891. Hennion, Andrew J., /. 1864. Henop, Sidney S., /. 1861. Henriques, Alexander F., (t. 1881. Henry A., in. 1883. Henry, Ambrose D., a. 1884. Frank L., a. 1882. Frederick P., ni. 1868. Jacob H., a. 1871, /. 1873- James G., /. 1880. John, a. 1800. John P., m. 1881. John T., in. 1890. John v., a. 1849. Nelson H., ni. 1879. Richard M., a. 1863. Selden T. S., a. 1874, /. 1876. Thomas M., /. 1881. Henschel, Edward K., tn, 1872. Joseph, in. 1894. Henshaw, John H., /. 1874. Hepburn, Neil J., tn. 1868. Heppenheimer, William C, /. 1880. Herb, Joseph A., tn. 1885. Herbert, John W., Jr., /. 1876. Herckenrath, Walter A., s. 1892. Herman, Jacob E., m. 1888. Hermance, Edgar M., m. 1878. Hernandez, Jose v., in. 1881. Hernz, John R. M., a. 1877, /. 1879. Herrick, Carleton M., a. 1854, /. i860. Charles L., /. 1875. Edwin H., /. 1879. Frederick M., /. 1889, u. 1890. James B., a. 1857. Herriman, Samuel C., a. 1887. William H., a. 1849. Herring, Charles E., /. 1887. Thomas, a. 1795. William, /. 1867. Herrlich, John F., /. 1874. Hershey, Andrew H., m, 1862. Hershfield, Mitchell, /. 1875. Herter, Christian A., m. 1885. Herts, Jacques H., /. 1875. Hertz, Emanuel, u. 1894. Joseph H., u, 1894. Hervey, Daniel E.,/. 1868. William A., a. 1893, "• 1894. Herwig, Frank, /. 1889. Herzfeld, Abraham A., m. 1891. Joseph, /. 1880. Herzog, Felix B.,/. 1881, /. 1882. Hess, John B., /. 1889. Louis, ni. 1886, Otto T., a. 1894. Hewett, William B., tn. 1877. Hewitt, Abram S., a. 1842, h. 1887. Charles, h. 1845. Hewlett, Arthur T., a. 1892. James M., j. 1890. Van Wyck, /. 1881. Hexamer, Carl R., m. 1886. Heydecker, Edward LeM., a. 1883, /. 1885. Heydt, Herman A., /. 1894. Heyer, Edward P., a. 1819. Henry A., a. 1823. William H., a. 1814. William S., a. 1815. Heyliger, Nicholas, a. 1774. Heymann, Henry M., /. 1873. Heyward, Henry, a. 1834. James, a. 1829. Nicholas C, a, 1830. William C, a. 1827. Hibbard, Jerome, tn. 1861. Hibben, James, /. 1877. Hickok, Fred. C, tn. 1885. George B., tn. i86g. Hicks, George J., J. 1890. John A., a. 1823. John B., in. 1793. Joseph L., tn. i860. Hiestand, John A., /. 1885. Hiester, Henry M., /. 1876. Higbee, Edward Y .., h. 1842, h, 1843. Higgins, [RJ Cecil C, /. 1873. Eugene, a. 1882. Joseph J., tn. 1892. Higley, Henry A., Jr., tn. 1888. Hildretb, Charles L., a. 1885. David M., Jr., a. 1879. John H., /. 1869. Philip R. M., a. 1894. Russell W., s. 1885. Walter E., s, 1877. Hilgard, Eugene W., h. 1887. Hill, Augustus v., tn. 1869. Frederick T., /. 1889. George R., in. 1888. George W., h. 1894. John H., a. 1807. John S., /. 1894. William, a. 1882. 576 INDEX OF GRADUATES. Hillard, William A., m. 1893. Hillhouse, James, /. 1878. James W., /. 1881. John T. B., m. 1877. Mansfield L., /. 1879. William P., /. 1876. Hillier, Harry W.,/. 1886. Hillis, Christopher J., m. 1890. Thomas J,, m. 1882. Hillman, Alexander C, a. 1832. Caleb M,, /. 1874. Hills, Frederick L., tn. 1892. Hillyard, Charles K., /. 1879. Hillyer, Giles M., a. 1836. William R., a. 1861. Hilton, Benjamin, a. 1814. Edward B,, /. 1871. Henry G., a. 1879. Hine, Robert C, /. 1883.. Hinkle, Thornton M,, /. 1865. Hinman, Bertrand C, s. 1890, u. 1892. Edward,/. 1881, /. 1883. Hinrichs, Frederic W., a. 1874, /. 1875- Hinton, Edward W., /, 1891. [G,] Howard, a. 1852. Hirsch, Morris J., /. 1876. William H., tn. 1891. Hiserodt, Theodore H., /. 1882. Hitchcock, Bradford W., /. 1883. Charles, in. 1872. Francis R., a. 1878, /. 1880. Henry M., m. 1861. Julius S., a. 1842. Loranus E., /. 1874. Purdy L., m. 1881. Urban G., m. 1869. Walter, m. 1883. Hoag, Arthur F., m. 1879. William H., m. 1865. William I., m. 1884. Hoagland, Irving, /. 1874. Hoatson, David, m. 1883. Hobart, Dayton, a. 1824. John H., a. 1836, h. 1856. John H., /. 1871. Moses M., /. 1875. William H., a. 1824. Hobbie, James G., /. 1879. John R., m. 1877. Hobbs, Angier B., tn. 1889. Hoch, John, m. 1892. Hoctor, James E., /. 1888. Hodenpyl, Eugene, tn. 1885. Hodge, J. Aspinwall, Jr., /. 1887. Hodges, Henry A., s. 1878. John S. B., a. 1850. William M,, m. 1869. Hodgkins, David W., tn. 1863. Hodgman, William H., tn. 1873. Hodgskin, Edward S., tn. 1893. Hodgson, John H. P., m. 1889. Wilfred, tn. 1877. Hoefling, Herman C, tn, 1885. Hoelger, Richard L., w. 1876. Hoelljes, Henry, /. 1891, Hoerle, August, tn. 1885. Hoes, Pierre V. B,, /. 1869. William M., /. 1864. Hoff, John S. V. R., tn. 1874, Hoffman, Adams C, tn. 1876. Anthony, a. 1760. Arthur T., /. 1877. Burrall, a. 1862, /. 1864. Charles B., a. 1846. Charles F., h. 1837. Charles F., Jr., a. 1878. David M., a. 1809. Edward, a. 1836. Edward S., a. 1851. Eugene A., h. 1887. George, /. 1865. Lindley M., a. 1812. Nicholas W., a. 1832. Ogden, a. 1812. Ogden, Jr., a. 1840. William M. V., a. 1884. Hogan, Edward J., tn. 1867. Edward K., tn. 1863. William, a. 1811. Hogeboom, Franklin R., /. 1877. Holahan, Francis J., /. 1863. Holbrook, Charles A., tn. 1874. Francis N., s. 1876. Holcomb, Sherwood A., tn. 1887. Holden, Daniel J., /. 1866. Edgar, ttt. 1861. Edward H., j. 1878. Edward S., h. 1887. Edwin B., a. 1883. George A., a. 1884. Henry W., a. 1870. John H., a. 1887. Robert, a. 1847. Warren B., tn. 1891. Holdridge, Henry E., /. 1892. Holland, Henry, a. 1761. Joseph B., tn. 1868. Theodore, /. 1884. Hollerith, Herman, s. 1879, ^• 1890. Hollick, Charles A., j. 1879. George F., tn. 1867. Hollingsworth, Samuel, a. 1844. Wyatt, tn. 1872. Hollis, Austin W., tn. 1890. Henry L., s. 1885. William, s. 1878. Holls, [G.] Frederick W., a. 1878, /. 1880. Holly, Charles F., Jr., a. 1878. Holm, Charles F., /. 1882. Holm an, George P„ Ji ., tn. 1873. Holme, Leicester [P.] , /. 1874. Holmes, Harry B., tn. 1892. Jabish, Jr., /, 1881. John C, tti. 1864, Philip M., a. 1807. Philip W., a. 1857 Robert B., /. 1877. Stephen F., a. 1863. Tecumseh K., tn. 1866. Thomas S., Jr., /. 1886. William C, tn. 1880. Holt, Benjamin L., tn. 1875. Edwin, a. x'&t.t.. Erastus E., tn. 1875. George C, /. 1869. Henry, /. 1864. Luther E., tn. 1880. Marmaduke B., s. 1889. Holter, Norman B., s. 1891. Homes, Henry A., h. 1873. Henry F., /. 1879. Hommell, Philemon, tn. 1883. Hone, Henry, a. 1818. John, a. 1838. John, h. 1894. John, Jr., a. 1815. John P., a. 1831. Philip, Jr., a. 1838. Hood, Bruno, tn. 1885. Louis, /. 1880. Hooker, Alfred E., tn. 1885. George E., /. 1885. William A., a. 1866, s. 1869. INDEX OF GRADUATES, S77 Hooper, Frank C, J. 1890. Henry M., m. i88q. John C, Jii. 1864. ioseph, a. 1871. rouis M., s. 1880. William B., a. 1869. Hoornbeck, Stephen E. DeW,, m. 1865. Hoover, Everett B., /. 1882. Hopcroft, William N., /. 1879. Hopke, B'rank E., j. 1888. Theodore M., j. 1880. Hopkins, Archibald, /. 1867. Edward W., a. 1878. Frank T., m. 1885. George, nt. 1862. George W., /. 1884. Herbert M., a. 1893. Laban G., a. i860, /. 1862. Lawrence Y., a. 1862. Milton, /. 1886. Samuel A., tn. 1880. Scott, /. 1884. Sheldon, /. 1893. Sidney W., Jr., /. 1886. Woolsey, //;. 1890. Hopkinson, Joseph, k. 1818. Hopper, John W., m. 1879. Hoppin, Courtland, ?n. i860. Samuel H., /. 1881. William W., Jr., m. 1864, /. 1869. Horah, Alston D., w. 1890. Horn, James T., a. 1881, s. 1884. Hornblower, Theodore R., ttt. 1871. William B., /. 1875. Hornbostel, Henry F., j. 1891. Home, William D., s. 1886, «. 1894. Hornick, Frederick W., m. 1893. Horr, Edward F., w. 1894. Horton, Charles D., /. 1889. Charles H., m. 1867. Elisha, Jr., a. 1861. Howard, /. 1886. Lewis S., ni. 1862. Numon N., ni. 1862. Horwill, Edward T., /. 1892. Hosack, Alexander, a. 1792. James, a. 1823. Nathaniel P., a. 1826. Hosmer, George W,, m. 1864. James R., a. 1855. Hotaling, George P., /. 1880. Hotchkiss, Charles E., /. 1888. Lucius W., a. 1881, nt. 1884. Houghton, Alfred A., /. 1872. Alfred S., w. 1880. Edward C., a. 1866. Frederick W,, m. 1883. George H., ^. 1859. Hourwich, Isaac A., u. 1893. Hover, Joseph, /. 1884. How, Lucius W., fn. 1881. Howard, Gary, /. 1884. Frederick, /. 1875. George E. P., /. 1874. Montague, a. 1891. Howe, Edwin J., tn. 1873. Emerson, /. 1885. Epenetus, i'. 1886. Fisher, Jr., /. 1880. Harmon G., in. 1875. Jacob F., ;«. 1871. Oscar P., /. 1876. Robert T., tn. 1879. Walter, /. 1870. William A., tn. 1888. William B. W., h. 1872. William R., /. 1880. Howell, Hampton P., tn. 1894. Henry W., Jr., a. 1880. James C, a. 1894. John T., tit. 1885. Stephen Y., a. 1877 tn. 1880. Howes, Reuben W., Jr., a. 1861. Howland, Clarence, /. 1887. Robert S., h. 1863. William M., /. 1868. Hows, John A., a. 1852. Hoxie, Nathaniel B., a. 1839. Hoxsey, Thomas B., /. 1875. Hoxsie, Edward H., tn. 1884. Hoyt, Curtiss C, nt. 1887. Goold, /. 1877. Harlow M., /. 1864. Henry R., /. 1884. Henry S., a. 1828. Henry S., [Jr.],/. 1878. iohn S., s. 1890. ,ucius W., /. 1889. Lydig M., a. 1840. Robert, s. 1893. Walter L., s. 1876. William A., /. 1866. William G., tn. 1882. Hubbard, Alfred E., w. 1892. Bela, h. 1762. Ernest V,, a, 1894. Fordyce M., h. i860. George C, tn. 1892. Joseph C, /. 1875. Lester S., Jr., /. 1876. Samuel McK., /. 1885. William, n. 1770. William H., a. 1880, tn. 1883. William N., tn. 1886. Hubbe, Edward S., I. 1878. Hubbell, John J., /. 1877. William C, /. 1886. Huber, Carl A., tn. 1894. Francis, tn. 1877. John B., tn. 1890. . Joseph, [Jr.] , m. 1888. Hubschmitt, John J., m. 1893. Hudson, Edward H., j. 1880. Erasmus D., Jr., tn. 1867. William H., a. 1846. Huebner, Max C, /. 1873. Huerstel, Edmund, /. 1872. Huesmann, Francis, /. 1871. Hueston, James C, /. 1875. Huffman, Charles B., ttt. 1869. Hiiger, Joseph, tn. 1880. Huggins, George L., /. 1877. Hughes, Charles E., /. 1884. Henry, tn. 1873. Henry W,, tn. 1885. Hughson, Frederick, a. 1839. Hugo, William E., /. 1877. Hlihner, Leon, u. 1893, /. 1893. Max, tti. 1893. Hulen, Ward H., tn. 1888. Hulett, Joseph B., tn. 1887. Hull, Samuel A., /. 1874. Walter C, /. 1880. William B., tn. 1874. Hulme, Peter, /. 1874. Hulshizer, Austin, a. 1883,/. 1884, I. 1885. James E., Jr., a. 1890. Humason, Thomas A., u. 1893. Humbert, William S., s. 1883. Hume, Frederic T., tn. 1880, s. 1893. William A., tn. 1880. Humes, Hamilton B., /. 1864. Thomas W., h. 1869. Humphrey, Charles E., /. 1876. John F., tn. 1891. 578 INDEX OF GRADUATES, Humphreys, Jay, a. 1874. WiUard [C], «. 1888,/. 1889, «• 1890. Hun, Abraham, a. 1786. Edward R., m, 1866. Hungerford, Harry, m. 1880. Robert, m. 1885. Hunn, Peter F., a. i8io. Hunt, Alonzo C, m. 1881. David B., m. 1870. Ellsworth E., m. 1878. Frederick F., s. 1876. Frederick G., /. 1883. Isaac, k. 1773. Joseph H., m. 1873, Joseph S., nt. 1866. Loton S., /. 1875. Montgomery, a. 1794. Robert H,, a. 1869. Thomas, /. 1878. Walter L., m. 1875. William W., w. 1890. Hunter, Charles, m. 1882. Charles H., nt. 1878. Dwight W., m. 1879. Frederick W., a. 1887, /. 1888, /. 1889. James B,, m. 1866. John, Jr., /, 1888. Thomas, k. 1864. Huntington, Benjamin S., a. 1834. Ezra A., h. 1846. Frederick D., h. 1887. Frederick W,, j. 1885. George, m. 1871. George S., tn. 1884. Harwood, u. 1894. Samuel, /. 1865. William R., h. 1873. Huntley, Herbert B,, /. 1889. Huntress, Leonard, [Jr.], 7n. 1874. Huntting, Henry O., s. 1887. Hupfel, Christian G., /. 1894. Hupp, Francis J. LeM., m. 1889. Hurd, Arthur W., m. 1883. Edward F,, m. 1883. Hurdsfield, John, m. 1869. Hurlburt, Charles F., a. 1878, /. 1880. Hurlbut, Elisha D., Jr., s. 1890. Henry A., Jr., a. 1863. Hurlbutt, Augustus M., in. 1879. Hurry, Edmund A., a. i860, /. 1862. Randolph, a. 1875, < 1877. Hurst, James, /. 1871. Louis H., /. 1873. William, a. 1788. Huse, Edward C, m. 1866. Hussey, George B., a. 1884. Husson, Fran9ois C., m. 1885. Hustace, E. Treadwell, a. 1859. Francis, a. 1871, m 1874. Husted, Singleton, tn. 1879. Huston, Hiram L., a. 1864. Hutchings, Frederick, /. 1872. Robert C, /. i860. Hutchins, Augustus S., /. 1880. Waldo, Jr., /. 1880. Hutchinson, Edwin, m. 1866. Harry, m. 1893. James, m. 1863. James M.,/. 1886. Morison T., m. 1889. Stephen J., m. 1867, Hutchison, James C, m. 1866. Nathaniel G., nt. 1875. Hutton, Allan C, w. 1872. Frederick R., a. 1873, j. 1876. Mancius S., a. 1823, h. 1841. Richard G., h. 1865. Huyler, John, a. 1800. Hyatt, George, a. 1885. George E., /. 1879. Ralph W., /. 1893. Stephen B., /. 1862. Hyde, Albert F., a. 1883. Clarence M., a. 1867, /. 1869. Edwin F., /. 1863. Frederic S., s. 1893. James W., /. 1883. John E. H., a. 1876, /. 1878. Stephen, m. i866. William H., a. 1834. William H. [Jr.], a. 1877. Hyer, John G., a. 1846. Walter E., a. 1819. Hyland, Josiah A., /." 1876. Hymes, Edward, a. 1891. Hyslop, Robert, a. 1813. William R., a. 1856. Iddings, Lewis M., /. 1881. Ide, Clarence E., m. 1894. Iglehart, Asa S., a. 1891. David S., a. 1894. Ihlseng, Axel O., J. 1877. Magnus C, s. 1875. lies, Malvern W., s. 1875. Ill, Edward J., nt. 1875. Illch, Abraham, a. 1879. Illig, William C, s. 1882. Illman, Robert I. B., a. 1885, «■ 1892. Inderwick, James, a. 1808. Ingalls, James W., nt. 1884. Phineas H., m. 1880. Ingersoll, Charles, a. 1839. William H., a. 1867, /. 1869, -y. 1870. William H., /. i860. Inglis, Charles, h. 1767. James, a. 1795. Royj tn. 1891. William, a. 1821. Ingraham, Arthur, a. 1870. Daniel P., a. 1817. George, /. 1873. George L., /. 1869. Joseph W., h. 1844. Landon, /. 1888. Ingram, Edward L., .y. 1885. John W., /. 1885, Inness, John H., /. 1872. lockel, Frederick W., /. 1877. Ireland, Frederick G., /. 1871. George, Jr., a. 1830. John L., Jr., 1816. Irish, Henry L., m. 1875. Ironside, William, a. 18 15. Irving, Cortlandt, /. 1865. Gabriel F., a. 1826. George, a. 1845. John T., a. 1798. John T., Jr., a. 1829. P. Leslie, a. 1848. Peter, m. 1794. Pierre M., a. 1821. Pierre P., a. 1824. Roland D., s. 1869. Theodore, h. 1837. Washington, h. 1821, h, 1829. Irwin, Agnes, b. 1894. Isaacs, Edward A., /. i£ Isaac S., /. 1867. Isbell, Edward A., nt. 1879. Isecke, Bernard J., /. 1891. Iselin, Charles O., /. 1874. George A., /. 1875. William E., <^. 1869. INDEX OF GRADUATES, 579 Isham, Frederick A., /. 1883. Isherwood, Benjamin, a. 1817. Ives, Arthur S., s. i88q. Eugene S., /. 1880. Francis L., rn. 1871. Frederic D., a. 1883. Levi S., h. 1824,^. 1831. Ivey, Louis O., a. 1876, /. 1878. Ivie, Charles W., u. 1890. Ivins, Edwin W., /. 1877. William M., /. 1873. Izard, Henry, a. 1789. Jackson, Abner, h. 1866. Abraham S., a. 1853. Abraham V. W., a. 1883. Allen, a. 1814. Anson B,, /. 1873. Charles A. [Jr.] , ^.1859. Charles E., s. 1875. Charles H., /. 1885. Charles H., /. 1893. David P., m. 1865. Ernest H., /. 1882. Frank W., m. 1879. Frederick W., a. 1864, Frederick W.,/. 1888. George T. [Jr.], ;«. 1878. James P., jn. 1873. John A., m. 1887. John W., vt. 1873. Max, tn. 1888. Oliver P., a. 1857. Oswald, J. 1892. Percy, /. 1887. Robert, /, 1877. Samuel, a. 1809. William, h. 1761. William H., a, 1862. Jacob, Ephraim A., /. 1866. Jacobi, Alphonse A., /. 1871. Jacobs, Abraham L., /. 1878. David M., j. 1887. Edward, /. 1872. Harry A., j'. 1894. ioseph A., /. 1877. lartin R., /. 1881. Myer, /. 1879. Solomon J., s. 1887. William L, a. 1889, ^• 1892. Jacobus, Atwood E., m. 1884. Jacoby, [L.] Harold, a. 1885. Oswald N., a. i8yo. Jacot, Charles D., /. 1874. Herman L., a, 1887. Jaffa, Joseph S., /. 1893. Meir, a. 1894. J affray, Andrew, h. 1793. Robert [Jr.], a. 1842. James, Charles F., /. 1879. Dudley L., /. 1875. Julian, a. 1865. Richard D., in. 1866. Robert B., m. 1889. Walter B., m. 1883. William M., vi. 1862. Janeway, Jacob J., a. 1794. Edward G., m. 1864. John H., Jr., j. 1886. Thomas L., tn. 1867. Thomas T., m. 1883. Janvrin, Joseph E., m. 1864. Jaques, Robert, a. 1805. Schuyler C, tn. 1894. Jarecki, Seymour T., m. 1894. Jarecky, Herman, nt. 1886. Jaretzki, Alfred, /. 1884. Jarmulowsky, Meyer, s. 1890. Jarrett, Benjamin J., /. 1894. Jarvis, Aaron, a, 1832. Benjamin H., a. 1837. Jaume, John A., tn. 1862. Jauncey, John, a. 1774. Jay, Augustus, /. 1876. John, a. 1764. John, a. 1836, h. 1891. John C, a. 1827. John C. [Jr.], in. 1865. Peter A., a. 1794, h. 1835. Peter A., a. 1863. William [Jr.], a. 1859, /. 1867. Jayne, Walter A., m. 1875. Jelliffe, Smith E., m. 1889. Jenkins, Edward, h. 1804. Henry E., /. 1879. James C, /. 1881. John J., a. 1833. Jenks, Almet F., /. 1877. Arthur W., s. 1886. John W., a. i860. Richard P., h. 1852. Tudor S., /. 1880. Jenney, Frank B., s. 1872. Walter P., s. 1869. Jennings, Charles G. R., m. 1885. Herbert T., /. 1889. Oliver G., /. 1889. Patrick, /. 1877. Walter, /. 1882. Jerome, Eugene M., /. 1878. William R., /. 1870. William T., /. 1884. Jersey, Charles A., m. 1881. Jessup. Andrew J., m. 1869. David S. D., m. 1894. George P., tn. 1890. Jeup, Bernard J. T., s. 1887. Jewett, Carlton R., vt. 1881. Charles, in. 1871. Charles S., m. 1890. Charles T., tn. 1868. Dan L., in. 1862. Jacob R., a. 1841. John H., tn. 1879. Richard D., /. 1880. Shermans., 2d, u. 1893, /. 1894. Jobs, Nicholas C, tn. 1874. Thomas A., /. 1872. Joffe, Judah,/. 1893. Meyer, i'. 1894. Johnes, Edward R., /. 1876. Henry P., /. 1883. Johnson, Alexander B., ;;/. 1885. Andrew, h. 1865. Arthur G., s. 1885. Arthur M., /. 1877. Bradish, a. 1831. Charles H., /. 1882. Charles L., /. 1888, /. 1889. Edward, /. 1874. Edwin A., /. 1875. Eldredge M., in. 1862. Elias M., s. 1878. George B., a. 1867. George Q., in. 1882. George W., a. 1824. Gilbert H., s. 1878. Harry M., /. 1879. Henry B., a. 1851. Henry S., /. 1874. Henry W., a. 1848. Herschel V., Jr., ttt. 1868. Isaac B., s. 1879. James A. C, /. 1892. John B., a. 1792. John L, a. 1793. John N., /. 1893. John Q. A., /. 1880. Joseph, in. 1866. Jotham C, in. 1883. Parley H., m. 1865. Philip E., a. 1891, tn. 1894. Remsen, a. 1889, u, 1890, /. 1892. Robert C, h. 1788. Samuel, m. 1867. Samuel E., a. 1834. Samuel R., a. i820,jA. 1848. Samuel W., A. 1789. Uzal, tn. 1772. Walter B., w. 1878. Walter P., /. 1886. William A., a. 1853. William H., /. 1876. William J., /. 1878. William L., a. 1819. William S., /i. 1761. William S., /. 1884. William T., a. 1832. William W., a. 1874. Wilmot, Jr., a. 1876, /. 1878. Woolsey, in. 1863. Johnston, Charles G., tn. 1875. Edward W. S., a. 1886, /. 1887, /. 1888. Henry C, tn. 1890. Herbert McL., a. 1894. Robert A., s. 1879, /. 1883. William M., ri. 1846. Johnstone, James, a. 1820. Joline, Adrian H., /. 1872. Jonah, Horace V., in. 1890. 58o Jones, Alfred G., a. 1840, Arthur M,, a. 1847. Cave, a. 1791. Charles, a. 1819. Charles D., /. 1870. Charles L., /. 1878. Charles N. D., m. 1883 Clarence D., /. 1870. David S., a. 1796. Dwight A., /. 1877. Edward, a. 1830. Edward B., m. 1891. Edward M., s. 1894. Edward R., a. 1803. Edward R., a. i860. Eliza J., 6. 1894. Frederick C, j;t. 1877. Frederic R., a. 1865. George, a. 1819. George A., a. 1845. George F., /. 1877. George H., /. 1876. Harry M., a. 1869, /. 1873. Henry E., /. 1875. Henry L., a. 1858, ^. 1892. Henry P., a. 1822. James, a. 1802. James D., /. 1874. John, A.. 1768. John E., J. 1893. John L., Jr., /. 1877. John M., /. 1886. John Q., a. 1815. Joshua, a. 1827. Joshua E., a. 1835. Lot, A. 1859. Luther C, m. 1889. Luther M., /. 1865. Millard R., /. 1875. Nicholas, a. 1795. Percival S., /. 1888. Philip L., a. 1798. Philip L., a. 1832. Samuel, Jr., a. 1790, A 1826. Samuel B., [Jr.], m 1872. Samuel T., a. 1845. Shipley, a. 1869. Thomas J., s. 1890. Thomas W., m. 1890. Tounsend, [Jr.], a. 1876, /. 1882. Walter R. T., a. 1850. Wheldon W., m. 1874. William A., a, 1836. William A., Jr.,/. 1885, /. 1886. William B., ?«. 1884. William D., s. 1888. Jopling, Reginald F., s. 1889. Jordan, Charles H., /. 1878. Henry L, m. 1867. Jordao, Jose N. p., s. 1877. Joseph, Emil, a. 1879, /. 1881. Lionel B., m. 1875. INDEX OF GRADUATES, Josephs, Lyman C, /. 1878. Josephson, Joseph C, a. 1891, m. 1894. Joslyn, Charles S., /. 1867. Jouet, Cavalier H., s. 1882. Jova, Andrew V., in. 1883. Joy, Douglas A., s. 1875. Edmund S., /. 1887, /. 1888, u. 1892. Henry De W., m. 1866 Judah, Henry R., a. 1814. Judd, Albert M., m, 1893. Charles B., j. 1881. George M., /. 1883. Judson, Adoniram B., m. 1868. Champion H., m. 1871. Charles N., /. 1864. Lucius E., Jr., /. 1891. Walter, in. 1870. Jump, Robert P., m. 1866. Junkin, David X., h. 1850. Kahn, Aaron, /. 1877. Samuel S., in. 1877. Kakels, Moses S., m. 1884. Kalbfleisch, Charles C, a. 1891, u. 1892, /. 1893. Kalisch, Abner, /. 1874. Burnham,/. 1889. Leonard, /. 1877. Samuel, /. 1870. Kalish, Edwin L., /. 1884. Kane, Arthur M., a. 1888, p. 1889, m. 1893. De Lancey A., /. 1873. Grenville, /. 1878. John G., a. 1846. John I., /. 1875. John J. C, a. 1832. Samuel N., /. 1873. Walter L., /. 1868. Kantrowitz, Joshua, /. 1878. Kanzler, Hugo, /. 1888. Karge, Ladislas, /. 1877. Karr, Corydon P., s. 1878. Kastner, Julius C, s. 1894. Katzenberg, Meyer, m. 1885. Kaufman, Charles H., a. 1864. Frederick, a. 1893. Kay, Cyrus, [Jr.], m. 1880. David, Jr., /. 1887. James C., /. 1879. Kean, John, Jr., /. 1875. Julian H., /. 1880. Keane, David, /. 1880. Kearney, Charles P., /. 1880. ■ Thomas H., /. 1877. Kearns, Robert, [Jr.], m. 1888. William D., m. 1891. Kearny, John W., /. 1866. Philip, Jr., a. 1833. Ravaud, a. 1809. Keasbey, Frederick W.,^. 1892. Lindley M.,/. 1889, u 1890. Rowland P., a. 1882. Keating, Stephen H., a. 1893. Keator, John J., m. 1867. Keck, Frank, /. 1875. Keegan, John T. A., nt. 1879. Keeler, Frederick S., s. 1891. George W., /. 1876. William T., nt. 1875. Keep, John H., /. 1873. Keerl, Eversfield F., /. 1889. Keese, Sidmon T., /. 1862. William B., a. 1798. William L., a. 1823. Keily, Edward A., m. 1887. Keith, Edson, Jr., /, 1889. Keitt, Joseph L., /, 1881, Kelby, Thomas, u. 1891, /. 1893. Keller, Frederic C, m. 1894. John L., /. 1886. Kelley, Austin P., a. 1885. Kellner, Henry B., a. 1885. Kellog, Ansel N., a. 1852. Kellogg, Charles M., m. 1874. Charles S., /. 1892. David M., /. 1878. Edv/in M., a. 1846. Frederic R., /. 1888. John M., m. 1868, h. 1876. Joseph A., /. 1885. Levi M., a. 1848. Luther L., /. 1872. Melville A., a. 1879. Kelly, Edgar K., m. 1865. Edmond, a. 1870, /. 1877. Eugene, Jr., /. 1883. Frederick W.,/. 1889. Henry J., in. 1880. James E., /. 1878. Michael J., /. 1876. Peter J., /. 1878. Richard B., a. 1871, /. Robert, Jr., a. 1826. Robert, /. 1873. Thomas H., /. 1880. William, s. 1877. William H., /. 1871. Kelsey, Charles B., m. 1873. Kemble, Gouverneur, a. 1803. Peter, a. 1803. Richard F., a. 1818. Warren, in. 1868. William, a. 1813. William, Jr., a. 1841. INDEX OF GRADUATES. 581 Kemeys, Edward, a. 1803. Kemp, James, h. 1802. James F., j. 1884. Robert C, a. 1885, tn. 1889. Kemper, iackson, a. 1809, h. 1829. .ewis A., a. 1849. Lincoln S., /. 1888. Kempner, Irving I., /. 1893. Kenan, Thomas H., nt. 1868. Kendall, John C, tn. 1875. Leonard T., /. 1880. William P., m. 1882. Kene, Cornelius E., /. 1873. Kenefick, Thomas A., tn. 1885. Kennedy, Crammond, /. 1878. David, nt. i860. George, a. 1874. Henry V. R., a. 1885. Henry W., /. 1869. Tames B., m. 1886. John M., m. 1887. John T., nt. 1861. Robert L., a. 1840. Samuel L., m. 1866. Kennett, Luther M., [Jr.], /. 1873. Kenny, Peter D., /. 1863. Kent, Andrew W., /. 1872. Edward, Jr., /. 1873. Edward, /. 1887. Edwin C., a. 1876. George E,, /. 1887. George L., nt. 1875. George R., /. 1878. James, k. 1797. James, Jr., /, 1876. William, a. 1878. Kenyon, Alan D., /. 1882. Henry J., nt. 1878. Marcus, m. 1883. Ralph W., a. 1878. William H., /. 1879. Keough, John W., m. 1889. Kerfoot, John B., h. 1850. John B., a. 1887. Kerin, Edward, a. 1775. Kermit, Thomas, a. 1821. Kernan, John v., /. 1868. Kernochan, Francis E., /. 1863. John A., a. 1853. Joseph F., /. 1865. William S., a. 1842. Kerr, James M., /. 1876. Samuel G., nt. 1877. Theodore F., nt. 1874. Kershner, Edward C, nt. 1894. Kerwin, Michael H., tn. 1882. Ketcham, Henry B., /. 1889. William P., /. 1864. Ketchum, Edgar, Jr., L 1862. John J., m. 1867. William Q., h. 1869. Kettell, Herbert, a. i860. Keune, Theodore, m. 1878. Keyes, Alexander D., a. 1885, /. 1887. William E., a. 1872, /. 1874. Keys, Alice M., b. 1893. Keyser, George, /. 1865. Robert B., /. 1865. Kidder, Frederick, m. 1868. Kiddle, Alfred W., /. 1887. Kiefer, Louis F., nt. x886. Kilbourne, Edwin A., nt. 1868. Kiley, Edward S., nt. 1894. Kilgen, George J,, /. 1885. Kilgore, Arthur, /. 1877. Kilpatrick, Walter F., /. 1873. Kimball, Clarence E., nt. 1886. Herbert S., a. 1881, /. 1885. Paul T., m. 1887. Reuel B., nt. 1880. Kimber, Robert B., a. 1891. Kinch, Charles A., nt. 1873. Frederick A., Qr.j, nt. 1882. King, Augustus F., a. i860. Charles, s. 1876. Charles R., «. 1831. Cornelius L., a. 1848. Cyrus, a. 1794. David F., nt. 1874. Elisha S., a. 1821. Francis V., /. 1886, /. 1887. Henry A., /. 1877. Jacob T., /. 1880. fames K., nt. 1877. fohn, a. 1772. John A., a. 1867. {ohn M., /. 1877. .andreth H., a. 1880. Leroy, a. 1877, /. 1879. Morris L., m. 1881. Nathaniel C, Tn. 1884. Robert W., /. 1880. Samuel T., nt. 1883. Theodore F., a. 1822. Willard V., a. 1889. William G., a. 1834. Kingman, Eugene, nt. 1870. James H., nt. 1885. Kingsbury, Herbert A., a. 1879. Kingsland, Ambrose C, Jr., a, 1856. George L., a. 1856, Walter F., /. 1877. Kingsley, Charles F., /. 1874. George P., /. 1865. Harvey R., a. 1893. Kingston, Robert J., nt. 1877. Kinmonth, [H.] Sutherland, nt. 1870. William R., m. 1872. Kinne, David B., Jr., /. 1889. Kinney, Henry C, a. 1858. Herbert E., /. 1874. William H., m. 1864. Kinnicutt, Francis P., tn. 1871. Kin sell, Dudley, /. 1894. Kinsey, Frank W., j. 1891. Kinsley, Samuel H., /. 1886. Kip, Francis M., a. 1826, h. George G., a. 1865, /. 1867. S.] Henry, tn. 1877. ..eonard W., a. 1815. Leonard W., Jr., a. 1856. William F., /. 1879, William L, h. 1847. Kipp, Charles J., a. 1810. Charles J., m. 1861. Kirby, Isaac H., /,, i860. John P., /. 1871. Kireker, C. Frank, Jr., /. 1894. Kirkland, Charles P., h. 1866. Charles P., a. 1886. Edward, a. 1854. Kirlin, Joseph P., /. 1883, i' 1884. Kirwan, George H., nt. 1882. Kissam, Benjamin, a. 1775. Benjamin, tn. 1805. Benjamin R., a. 1812. Benjamin T., a. 1838. Daniel W., m. 1865. Edward H., /. 1879. George C, a. 1854. Henry S., s. 1886. Jonas B., a. 1864. Peter, a. 1776. Samuel, tn. 1769. William A., nt. 1867. Kitchel, Edwin M., tn. 1893. 582 mDEX OF GRADUATES, Kitchell, Obie W., a. 1884, /. 1884. Kitchen, John H., /. 1875. Joseph M. W., m. 1881, Kittinger, Ferdinand A., m. 1893. Kittredge, Charles S., m. 1863. Samuel D., /. 1881. Klaus, Carl F., tn. i8qo. Klepetko, Frank, s. 1880. Kletchka, John J., J. 1892. Kletzch, Arthur, C, a, 1893. Kliue, Charles D., ni. 1892. John D., m. 1872. Kling, Abram, /. 1872. Joseph, /, 1873. Klingenstein, William, /. 1893. Klinker, Louis T., m. 1893. William H., /. 1889. Klippert, Herman G., m. 1889. Klots, George M., a. 1848. Klotz, Ephraim D., m. 1894. Knapp, Arnold H., w. 1892. Charles, a. 1887, /. 1888, It. 1890. Edward J., Jr., /. 1882. Gideon L., m. 1878. Harry K., a. 1885. John A., J. 1870. John B., m. 1875. Joseph M., a. 1878. Louis P., -Ml. 1891. Shepherd, Jr., a. 1894. Wallace P., /. 1888. Knauth, Antonio, /. 1879. Kneeland, Ebenezer, h, 1769. John T., a. 1830. Lawrence, /. 1881. Knevals, Edward W., /. 1883. Knevels, Delancy W., a. 1853. Knevils, Isaac, a. 1791. John, a. 1791. Knickerbocker, George S., rn. 1876. Knight, Amos, fn. 1875. Charles H., in. 1874. Clarita M., <5. 1893. Robert P., w. 1880. Samuel, /. 1889. Walter, a. 1855. Knipe, George, m. 1885. Knowles, Henry M., m. 1864. Knox, Arthur, u. 1894. Charles E., j. 1892. Charles H., a. 1872. Charles McL., /. i860, Charles S., a. 1862. De Witt, a. 1886. James, /. 1870. James, H. M., a. 1841, h. 1861, h. 1885. James S., m.. 1866. John M., a. 1838. John AL, Jr., /. 1872. Louis G., tn. 1872. Taber, a. 1883, Thomas, a. 1771. William M., a. 1849. Kobb^, George C, a. 1874, /. 1876. Gustave, a. 1877, ^' 1879. Koch, Charles Jr., /. 1878. Edward C, s. 1879. Joseph, /. 1865. Julius, m. 1873. Koehler, Charles G., m. 1882. George F., nt. 1889. Koen, Joseph J., s. 1888. Koenig, Herman, m. 1887. Kohler, James P., /. 1883. Joseph, /. 1875. Max J., u. 1891, /. 1893. Kohn, Albert, tn. 1891. Alice ivide Alice K. PoUitzer.) Robert D., j. 1890. Solomon, /. 1875. Konvalinka, John W., /. 1879. Koplik, Henry, tn. 1881. Korff, John H., nt. 1869. Korn, Abraham, tn. 1885. Isidore S., a. 1877, /. 1879. Louis, s. 1890. Max S., /. 1881. Kornemann, Henry A., tn. 1872. Kortright, James L., in. 1881. Nicholas G., a. 1822. Kosmak, George W., a. 1894. Koss, Charles G., /. 1877. Kottman, William A., /. 1889. Kracht, Clemens J., /. 1878. George H., /. 1874. Kraemer, Charles F., m. 1890. Kraft, Benjamin F., /. 1894. Krans, Horatio S., a. 1894. Krause, Richard, /. 1894. Kreizer, Samuel, /. 1876. Kremer, Eugene G., /. 1885. Geza, vt. 1894. KroUpfeiffer, Henry, tn. 1875. Krom, James, tn. 1892. Krone, Joel, /. 1888. Kronfeld, Leon, /. 1891, Krotel, Paul, /. 1880. Kubin, William K., m. 1892. Kudlich, Herman C, /. 1880. William T., tn. 1878. Kuehn, Adelbert F. G., m. 1893. Kuehne, Richard, tn. 1888. Kiienstler, Hugo, m. 1871. Kliffner, Wolfgang, /. 1877. Kugelman, Isaac, /. 1875. Kunhardt, Wheaton B., j. 1880. Kunze, Henry C, a. 1797. Kunzmann, Joseph, /. 1879. Kurth, Henry A., tn. 1890. Kurtz, Edward L., s. 1893. Louis T., /. 1887. Kurzman, Seymour P., /. 1888, /. 1889. Zacharias, /. 1888. Labagh, Abraham B., a. 1827. Peter I., a. 1856. La Bau, David, ni. 1880. Labau, Nicholas B., a. 1844. Lacey, Harry O., a. 1879. William J., /. 1874. Lachman, Samson, /. 1876. Lacombe, Charles F., s. 1885. Emile H., a. 1863, /, 1865. u. 1894. James P., a, 1859. INDEX OF GRADUATES. 583 Ladd, Francois J. G., /. 1881. Henry M., a. 1881. William W., Jr., 1. 1871, Ladinski, Louis J., ni. 1887. La Fetra, Edward B., /. 1888. Linnaeus E., in. 1894. Lahey, Joseph, s. 1887. Richard, s. 1887. Laight, Charles, m. 1868. . Edward H., a. 1836. Edward W., a. 1793. Edward W., Jr., a. 1853, Henry, a. 1802. William, a. 1767. William E., a. 1825. William E., a. 1862. Laimbeer, Francis E., a. 1883, ^• 1885. John, Jr., a. 1883. Richard H., Jr., /. 1878. Laing, William W., m. 1894. Laird, Eugene B., m. 1877. Lake, James P., a. 1836. Lamarche, John v., /. 1879. Vincent H., /. 1887. La Master, Hugh, u. 1891. Lamb, Andrew J., j. 1884. Lambert, Alexander, in. 1888. Samuel W., in. 1885. Thomas R., h. 1863. Lamberton, Willie R., /. 1881. Lambrecht, Joseph, /. 1873, Lammers, Frank H., m. 1890. Lampson, Mortimer, m. 1866. William, /. 1867, Lamson, Joseph, h. i-jTi. Robert S., s. 1875. Lancashire, James H., m. 1883. Landau, Laura, b. 1894. Landon, Edward H., /. 1877. George, /. 1891. Newell E., m. 1876. Landsman, Samuel M.» tn. 1889. Lane, John A., /. 1885. John S., a. 1847. Thomas R.,/. 1875. Wolcott G., /. 1891. Lang, Charles L., m. 1884. Langan, Michael J., /. 1877. Langdon, Charles H., m. 1874. Francis E., w, 1867. Lange, Hermann D., /. 1888. Hugo, m. 1890. Langmuir, Arthur C, s. 1893. Langworthy, Daniel A., m. i860. Frank A., m. 1877. William P., tn. 1876. Lanphear, Elisha F., tn. 1879. Lansing, Howard M., /. 1884. James B. W., tn. 1885. Lanterman, A. J., m. i868. Lapeyre, George F., /. 1889. Laporte, George L., Jr., tn. 1894. Large, Walter, /. 1879. Larkin, John H., tn. 1894. Larmer, William J., tn. 1878. Larocque, Jeremiah, a. 1838. Joseph, a. 1849. Joseph, Jr., a. 1892, «. 1893, /. 1894. Larremore, Wilbur, /. 1877. Larzelere, Jacob, h. 1804, Lasche, Ernest F., /. 1879. Latham, Harry W.,/. 1885. Lathrop, William G., Jr., a. 1862, Latimer, Edward S., /. 1879. Latour, Isadore P., tn. 1869. Latson, Almet R., /, 1882. Lattimore, James R., tn. 1893. Latting, Charles P., /. 1875. Lauderdale, Walter E., Jr., tn. 1874. Lauer, Edgar J., /. 1891. Louis P., tn. 1880. Laughlin, James F., tn. 1865. Laughton, J. Scott, /. 1873. Lauman, Ulysses M., tti. 1891. Lauterbach, Alfred, a. 1890. Henry, /. 1878. Lavelle, Francis, /. 1878. George A., /. 1889. Law, James T., /. 1878. Samuel A., h. 1797. Lawrance, Edward H., a. 1840. Lawrence, Abraham R., a. 1797. Augustine N., a. 1812. Benjamin B., s. 1878. Charles W., a, 1844. Frank C, Jr., /. 1880. George A., a. 1862. George E., /. 1876. Henry, a. 1820. Isaac, a. 1847. James K., /. 1868. John L., a. 1803. Jonathan, a. 1823. Joseph, a. 1886. Joseph B., a. 1864, /. 1866. ^' Joseph E., a. 1841. Philip K., a. 1812. Richard M., Jr., a. 1842. Robert B., /. 1878. Samuel, Jr., /. 1866. Thomas T., a. 1856 Walter B., a. 1861. William A., a. 1823. William B., a. 1818 William B., Jr., a. 1843. Laws, Samuel S., /. 1870. Lawson, Archibald, tn. 1866. Franklin D., m. 1890. Joseph A., /. 1882. Wilham T., a. 1882, /. 1885. Lawton, Charles E., tn. 1877 Francis, [Jr.] , /. 1873. Newberry D., /. 1873. Lay, geof^eC, [Jr.],/.i87i. Wilfnd, a. 1893. Lazear, Jesse W., m. 1892. Leake, Henry S., tn. 1891. Leal, John L., tn. 1884. Leale, Medwin, a. 1894. Leaming, Edward, tn. 1892. Jeremiah, h. 1765, h. 1789. Learned, Harry, /. 1894. John B., tn. 1865. Learoyd, Charles B., tn. 1887. Leary, Arthur H., tn. 1879. Daniel J., s. 1881. George, j. 1891. Timothy E., /. 1874. Leatherman, A, Lincoln, tn. 1893. Leavens, Harry W., s. 1875. 584 INDEX OF GRADUATES, Leavenworth, Edward, a. 1848. Fred. A., /. 1881. Leavitt, Dudley, m. 1890. Heyward G., /. 1884. John B., /. 1871. John W., Jr., a. 1845. William W., w, i860. Le Boutillier, Clement, J. 1881. William G,, a. 1880, m. 1883. Le Breton, Prescott, a. 1894. Le Compte, Frank S., /. 1877. WilUam J., /. 1876. Le Conte, John, a. 1803. Lewis, a. 1799. William, a. 1797. Lederle, Ernst J., s. 1886. Ledoux, Augustus D., s. 1881. Ledyard, Henry, a. 1830. Lee, Arthur M., /. 1864. Benjamin F., [Jr.], /, 1861. Charles C, a. 1835. Charles E., m. 1866. Chauncey, h. 1823. David B., a. 1856. Francis P.,«. 1833. Frederick H., a. 1882. Frederick R., /. 1875. George B., j. 1885. Henry C, s. 1886. Henry T., /. 1869. Hermon F., a. 1856. James P., /. 1894. John L., m. 1865. JohnW., m. 1874. Robert P., Jr., «. 1886, /. 1888. William, nt. 1863. William H. C, m. 1885. William H. L., /. 1871. Leeming, Thomas L., Jr., j. 1894. Lefferts, George M., m. 1870. John, Jr., /. 1876. iohn L., a. 1846. .effert, a, 1802. Leffert, a. 1893. Leffert, Jr., a. 1794. Thomas, a. 1805. Leffingwell, Charles W., a. 1892. Legare, Hugh S., h. 1840. Leggat, Walter R., /. 1880. William S., a. 1863. Leggett, Edward H., /. 1877. Thomas H., [Jr.], s. 1879. William H., a. 1837. Le Guen, Thomas, ni. 1866. Lehlbach, Charles, Jr., m. 1888. Lehmaier, James S., /. 1880. Lehman, Milton E., a. 1880. Leicht, William K., /. 1873. Leigh, Southgate, tn. 1889. Leipziger, Henry M., /. 1875, a. Leitch, William J., /. 1878. Lellman, Carl H., [Jr.], /. 1886. Le Moyne, Adolphe, Jr., a. 1850. Lennox, Richmond, m. 1882. Lenox, James, a. 1818, h. 1875. Lionel R., s. 1888. Lent, Adolph C, a. 1795. Charles H., m. 1878. Lentz, John J., /. 1883. Leo, Sampson S., /. 1872. Leon, Alexis M., m. 1878. Leonard, Alexander S., a, 1825, h. 1859. Algernon S., m. 1866. Charles H., m. 1868. Fred. E., tn. 1892. George G., a. 1891, u. 1892. Henry F., m. 1880. William J., /. 1888. Leonhard, Albert F., /. 1882. Leopold, Alfred M., a. 1882, /. 1884. Le Roy, Robert, Jr., a. 1841. Stuyvesant, Jr., a. 1887. Lesher, Arthur L., a, 1883. Lesinsky, Louis, a. 1893. Leslie, Alexander, a. J762. Lesser, Maximus A., /. 1882. Lester, Elias, w. 1863. Frank W., m. 1878. Frederick W., tn. 1894. Leubuscher, Frederick C, /. 1880. Leuckel, Alfred K.,/. 1888. Leupp, Francis E., /. 1872. John H., /. 1874. Levasseur, Emile, k. 1887. Lever, John H., m. 1869. Leverett, John, m. i8gi. Leverich, Henry M., /. 1876. Leveridge, Benjamin C, a. 1840. John W. C, a. 1835. Leverty, Alexander S., m. 1890. Levey, Augustus A., /. 1884. Edgar J., a. 1883, /. 1886. Levias, Casper, a. 1893. Levis, Howard C, /. 1880. Levy, Albert L., ^. 1890. Laura G., d. 1893. Max, m. 1885. Le win son, Benno, /. 1877. Lewinthal, David C, tn. 1890. Lewis, Alvah C., m. 1877. Charles F,, /. 1877. Charles W., m. 1876. Charlton M., /. 1889. Clarence L., jr., m. 1888. Daniel, tn. 1871. Edward Z., a, 1843. Eugene H., /. 1875. Hobart, a. 1867. Horatio G., a. 1810. James N,, m. 1874. James T., /. 1889. John D., /. 1874. John v., a. 1854. Mordecai, /. 1865. Nathan, /. 1874. Reginald J. M., m. 1894. Richard J., /. 1875. Robert, Jr., w. 1885. Samuel F., a. 1878, /. 1881. Theodore F., a. 1848. Thomas C, /. 1S78. Thompson B., tn. 1861. William J., tn. 1878. Lewitt, William B., tn. 1878. Lewright, John O., tn. 1894. Lexow, Clarence, /. 1874. Charles K., /. 1875. Leyendecker, Philip T., tn. 1884. Leyton, Albert H., tn. 1887. Libaire, Edward W., j. 1894. Libman, Emmanuel, tn. 1894. Lichtenstein, Edward G., s. 1890. Solomon K., /. 1887. Liebmann, Alfred, j. 1893. Walter H., a. 1894. Lighthipe, Charles F., /. 1878. Lewis H., a. 1863. INDEX OF GRADUATES. 585 Lilburn, George M., /. 1885. Lilienthal, John L., s. 1870. Lillie, Samuel M., s. 1874. Lilliendahl, Alfred W., s. 1883. Frank A., j. 1891. Limeburner, Charles A., in. 1879. Lincoln, Abraham, h. 1861. George F., /, 1875. Lindenmeyr, George, vt. 1888. Lindley, Charles L., m. 1879. James B., /. 1877. John, /. 1874. Newton A., m. 1869. Lindsay, John C, m. 1890. Walter, m. 1866. Lindsey, B. Abbott, m. 1881. Lindsley, Stuart, s. 1870. Lindsly, James C, nt. i86g. Linehan, Daniel F., a. 1888. Lines, Ernest H., m. 1886. Ling, George H., u. 1894. Linington, Stephen W., /. 1889. Linn, John B., a. 1795. William, h. 1789. Lin sly, William B., w. 1864. Lipps, Henry, Jr., s. 1888, Lispenard, Anthony, a. 1761. Leonard, a. 1762. Lithauer, Leopold, Jr., /. 1874. Littell, Bloomfield, /. 1875. Litterst, George W., /. 1891. Little, Albert E., wz., 1882. Albert H., tn. 1870. George F., a. 1888. James L., m. i860. John T., Jr., /. 1889. Robert E., /. 1879. Seelye W., ni. 1891. Willard P., s. 1881. Littlefield, Arthur S., /. 1889. Frederick M., /. 1874. Livingston, Anson, a. 1822. Archibald R., s. 1891. Beverley, tn. 1877. Carroll, a. 1822. Charles L., a. 1890, u. 1891. Edward, h. 1823. Edward de P., a. 1882, /. 1884. Edward P., a. 1796. George, a. 1786. Goodnue, a. 1888, s. 1892. James, a. 1799. James D., a. 1804. Jarres D., a. 1880. John H., a. 1869, /. 1871. John W., a. 1775. Mortimer, a. 1828. Mortimer, /. 1875. Peter S,, a. 1788. Peter V. B., a. i8ii. Philip, a. 1760. Philip H., a. 1786. Philip L,, /, 1887. Robert A., a. 1876, /. 1878. Robert R., a, 1765. Robert S., a, 1800. Solomon, /. 1873. Lizano-y-Ulloa, Alfredo, m. 1893. Lloyd, Henry, a. 1765. Henry D., a. 1867. Herbert M., /. 1885. John H., a. 1818. Rowland B., a. 1892. Samuel, tn. 1886. Lockart, Edward P., [Jr.], m. 1883. Locke, Campbell E., a. 1894. Hersey G., tn. 1887. Jesse A., [Jr.], a. 1880. Lockhart, William B., /. 1884. Lockman, John T., /. 1867. Lockwood, Charles E., m. 1868. Eugene LeR., /. 1887. George R., Jr., in. 1884, Le Grand, Jr., a. 1863. Levi A,, a. 1840. John, [Jr]., a. 1848. Radcliffe B., /. 1883. William A., in. 1864. Loder, Albert J., a. 1874, /, 1876. Henry D., a. 1871, /. 1873. Jeremiah, a. 1846. Loeb, Hanau W., tn. 1888. Loevv, Herman G., /. 1887. Loewenthal, Henry, /. 1875. Loewy, Benno, /. 1874. Logan, Abram D., a. 1823. Edgar, /. 1877. Robert, tn. 1877. Lomax, Joseph D., tn. 1862. Long, Charles A., tn. 1887. Charles C. (r/zt/^Chailld- Long, Charles). Jacob L., /. 1880. Monroe B., tn. 1875. Longacre, Lindsay B., s. 1892. Longenecker, Bertram L., nt. 1890. Longworth, Landon R., m. 1873. Longyear, Howard W., tn. 1875. Look, Halleck H., m. 1887. Loomis, William R., /. 1893. Lopez y San Ro- man, Justo, nt. 1892. Lord, Daniel, [Jr.], a. 1866, /, 1868. Daniel DeF., a. 1839. David P., a. 1849, Franklin B., a. 1870. Frederick R., s. 1892. John D., Jr., /. 1886. Joseph E., /. 1876. Nathan H., /, 1892. Nathaniel W., s. 1876. Theodore A., /. 1868. Lordly, Charles R. K., in. 1875. James E. M., m. 1868. Lorenz, Daniel E., u. 1891. Lorsch, Jacob, /. 1887. Losee, Edwin, m. 1888. Lossing, Benson J., h. 1869. Loth, Bernard, /. 1879. William P., in. 1894. Lott, Charles H., a. 1879, /. 1881. Henry D., /. 1886. John A., Jr., /, 1877. Loughlin, Thomas J., nt. 1877. Lough ridge, Samuel O., m. 1870. Lounsberry, Seth S., m, 1861. Loimsbury, Robert J., /. 1873. Loutrel, Alfred M., a. 1838. Love, Edward G., J. 1876. Joseph W., m. 1890. Lovell, David B., m. 1889. Loveman, Herman H,, nt. 1883. Lovis, Henry C, m. 1893. Low, Cornelius F., a. 1812. Edward A., Jr., a. 1887, /. 1880. Isaac, a. 1821. Seth, a. 1870. Walter C, /. 1887. William G., «. 1865, /. 1867. 586 INDEX OF GRADUATES, Lowenstein, Emanuel, /. 1891. Lowenthal, August E., ni. 1879. Loweree, Thomas W,, m. 1865. Lowerre, Henry J,, a. 1819. William, a. 1817. Lowndes, Francis L., /. i860. William, h. 1822. William S., j. 1890. Lowrey, Francis P., /. 1886. William K., a. 1882, /. 1884. Lowry, George D., nt. 1894. Lowther, Tristrim, a. 1774. Lozier, Theodore F., a. 1876, /. 1878. Luby, John F., m. 1878. Lucas, David F., m. 1880. Luck, John T., m. 1868. Luckett, William H., ««. 1894. Luckock, Benjamin, h. 1836. Ludlow, Alfred, a. 1827. Carey, h, 1758. Edmund, a. 1817. Edwin, s. 1879. Francis H., /. 1889. Henry W., a. 1793. James, a. 1768. John C., a. 1787. Thomas W., a. 1811. Thomas W., a. 1884. Ludlum, Nicholas F., a. 1851. William S., a. 1847, m. 1862. Lum, Charles M., a. i88i. Lummis, William, a. 1859. Lumsden, Robert C, tn. 1881. Lunger, William W., /. 1882. Lupp, William H., a. 1824. Lupton, Brandt S., a. 1788. Lancaster, a. 1791. Schuyler, a. 1774. William, Jr., a. 1789. Luqueer, Frederic L., a. 1894. Luquer, Lea, a, 1852. Lea McL, s. 1887, a, 1894. Nicholas, Jr., a. 1858. Thatcher T. P., s. 1889, Luria, Arthurs., /. 1887. Lusby, Robert L., tn. 1868. Lush, Stephen, a. 1770. Lusk, Graham, s. 1887. Luttgen, Eberhard, s. 1884. Lydecker, Charles E., /. 1873. Lydig, David, a. i860. Philip M., a. 1815. Philip M., Jr., a. 1858, /. 1861. Lydon, Richard P., u. 1890. Lyell, Thomas, h. 1822. Lyle, William G., tn. 1892. Lyman, Alexanders., /. 1886. Charles W., m. 1891. Dwight E., a. 1840. Frank, j-. 1878. Frank C, /. 1882. Henry M., m. 1861. James W., tn. 1881. Lynch, David T., /. 1872. David v., tn. 1868. George H., a. 1836. James, a. 1799. James A., a. 1879, ^• 1881. Thomas G., a. 1775. Lynde, George S., m. 1887. Nathaniel W., m. 1885. Rollin H., /. 1880. Lynn, Howard M., /. 1879. Lyon, Addison J., /. 1874. Charles H., a. 1835. Charles R., /. 1888. Edmund, /. 1880. Edward P., a. 1883, ^• 1885. Edward R., tn. 1885. George E., tn. 1887. Hartwell N., in. 1890. Irving W., tn. 1863. Joseph H., /. 1883. Marvin T., /. 1885. Samuel K., a. i860. Wesley A., /. 1877. William H., Jr., /. i886. Lyons, Daniel S., tn. 1876. Eugene F., /. 1888. Frederick A., tn. 1876. William H., tn. 1877. Lyttleton, William M., tn. 1867. Lytton, William L., a. 1804. Mabbett, Frederic, /. 1889. Mabbott, John M., m. 1884. Mabie, Hamilton W., /. 1869. McAdam, John S.,/. 1888. Thomas, /. 1885. McAdoo, Robert McF., tn. 1882, McAllaster, Archie F., /. 1889. McAllister, Cutler C, a. 1854. Elliottj_/. 1887, /. 1888. John G., tn. 1865. Matthew H., h. i860. William H., /. 1869. Wilmer J., /. 1889. McArdle, John J., /. 1874. McAuliffe, George B., tn. 1888. McBarron, John D., tn. 1892. McBride, Andrew F., tn. 1889. Nathaniel A., /. 1871. Thomas A., tn. 1871. McBurney, Charles, Jr., tn. 1870. McCabe, James S., /. 1889. Patrick, /. 1875. McCafferty, Bernard E., /. 1871. Thomas, /. 1872. McCagg, Louis B., /. 1888. McCahill, Edwin, /. 1867. McCall, Joseph W,, m. 1869. McCallum, George B., tn. i88x. McCammon, John L., /. 1887. McCann, Michael J., /, 1882. McCarroll, Harry B., tn. i88i. McCartee, Robert, a. 1808, h. 1831. McCarter, Robert H., /. 1882. McCartin, Henry E., tn. 1863, McCarty, Barclay E. V. P., a. 1884,/. 1884, /. 1886. James J., tn. 1868. Pierre, a. 1857. Thomas, a. 1853. McCaskie, Edward F., /. 1886. McCauley, Robert E., tn. 1871. McCaw, James F., tn. 1892. Walter D., m. 1884. Will, tn. 1888. McChesney, Joseph, tn. 1881. McClellan, Alfred P., a. 1864. George E., tn. 1894. INDEX OF GRADUATES. 587 McClere, Frederick W., tn. 1889. McClintock, Emory', a. 1859, h. 1885, McCloskey, Francis A., /. 1883. ^ George B,, /. 1877. McClosky, Henry J., /. 1879. McCloud, Richard, /. 1872. McCook, John B., m. 1894. Robert L., /. 1887. McCord, Hugh C, m. 1883. McCormack, Lincoln G., a. 1886, /. 1889. McCormick, Harry D., m. 1890. John, /. 1883. McCosh, Andrew J., m. 1880. McCosker, Thomas, vt. 1873. McCoskry, Samuel A., h. 1837. McCoy, John C, tn. 1892. McCrahon, John H., u. 1890, /. 1891. McCrea, Nelson G., a. 1885, /. 1886. McCready, Nathaniel L., Jr., a. 1886,/. 1887. McCreery, Forbes R., m. 1888. James A., /. 1868. McCrossin, Edward J., /. 1889. McCue, Alexander, a. 1845. McCuUen, James, a. 1806. McCulloch, Champe C., Jr., w.1892. McCulloh, Allan, /. 1878. Edward A., s. 1878. McCullough, Alfred J., /. 1866. John W., h. 1845. McCune, Henry L., /. i886, William, a. 1843. McCusker, John F., m. 1889. McCutchen, Samuel St. J., /. 1872. McDermott, Charles J., /. 1889. McDonald, Archibald B;, Jr., a, 1852, Daniel, h. 1821. Dennis J., m. 1888. Michael A., nt. 1876. Orrin P., tn, i860. William E., /. 1877. McDonough, John T., /. 1869. McDougall, Howard, a. 1881. John C, m. 1869. McDowell, Frederick H., s. 1872. McElheny, Victor K., Jr., /. 1893. McElhinney, James W., /. 1881. McElligott, Henry R., a. 1865. McElwain, Daniel C, /. 1886. McEncroe, John F., tn. 1887. McEwan, Daniel, Jr., tn. 1868. Thomas, Jr., /. 1882. McEwen, Floy, tn. 1891. McFarlan, Charles, a. 1827, McFarland, Arthur H., ttt. 1871. John F., /. 1888. William C, m. 1867. McGahagan, Thomas, a. 1804. McGanney, Edward J., /. 1882. McGay, Robert J., in. 1868. McGee, Edward, a. 1844. James F., /. 1880. McGenniss, John W., Jr., s. 1884. McGiffert, Edgar N., tn. i886. William C, tn. 1881. McGill, Alexander T., /. 1866. Samuel H., /. 1880. McGillicuddy, John T., tn. 1892. McGinnis, Charles J., /. 1883, McGlade, Thomas A., Jr., /. 1870. McGlashan, Archibald A., u. 1891, /. 1893. McGoldrick, Michael F., /. 1876. McGowan, H. Milmo, /. 1871. McGown, Henry P., a. 1843. McGrath, John J., tn. 1889. Michael F., tn. 1885. McGraw, Theodore A., tn. 1863. McGregor, Charles, tn. 1890. John, a. 1810. William W., tn. 1877. McGrew, John B., /. 1894. McGuckin, William G., /. 1881. McGuinness, Daniel C, tn. 1877. McGuire, Edward J., /. 1882. Elisha W., /. 1883. McGuirk, John, tn. 1869. William R., tn. 1892. Mcllhiney, Parker C, s. 1892, u. 1893, u. 1894. Mcllvaine, Alexis E., a. 1856. Alexis R., s. 1888. Tompkins,/. 1890. Mclnerny, John, tn. 1886, Mclntire, Ansil S., tn. 1873. Mcintosh, James H., tn. 1888. Mclntyre, Electus J., /. 1878. John B., tn. 1877. Joseph, a. 1835. WiUiam H., tn. 1890. Mclver, David R. W., /. 1888. McKane, James N., /. 1873. McKay, Edward DeC, /. 1882. /. 1883. George S., /. 1868. John H., tn. 1868. William M., tn. 1864. McKean, Robert, A. 1762. McKechnie, William G.,/. 1891. McKee, Henry S., s. 1893. James G., tn. i860, /, i860. William H., /. 1876. McKellar, Archibald R., tn. 1877. McKelvie, William H., tn. i866. McKenna, Charles F., s. 1883, u, 1894. John B., tn. 1888. Thomas P., I. 1893. McKennee, Thorndike C, /. 1881. McKenzie, William H., tn. 1892. William V., Jr., tn. 1884. McKeon, John, a. 1825. Joseph I., /. 1884. William H., /. 1876. 588 INDEX OF GRADUATES. McKernon, James F., tn. 1890. McKesson, John, h. 1758. McKim, Robert A., s. 1884. William D., a. 1875, m. 1878. McKinlay, James B., .y. 1892. McKinney, Merritt G., /. 1873. McKinnon, John, a. 1800. McKinstry, Everett,/. 1887,/, 1888. McKleroy, William H., j. 1890. McKnight, Charles S., a. 1846. Charles S., Jr.,»z. 1877. Everett J., m. 1879. John, a. 1808. Washington, a. 1798. McLane, James W., nt. 1864. McLardie, Angus, /. 1878. McLaren, Archibald, m. 1883. John J., a. 1847. Robert N., a. 1884. William A., a. 1890. McLaughlin, James W., /. 1882. McLaury, William P., m. 1875. McLean, Charles G., h. 1844. Donald, /. 1873. James A,, u. 1893, ^• 1894. John H,, /. 1881. Malcolm, nt. 1869. Thomas M., Jr., a. 1863. McLennan, Roderick C, m. 1886. McLeod, Alexander B., a. 1818. Alexander S.,/. 1891. iohn N., a, 1826. incoln W., /. 1884. Robert B. A., a. 1806. McLoughlin, Charles [S.] , s. 1884. Lamont, /. 1886. Michael F., /. 1879. Thomas J., m. 1869. McMahon, Charles A., /. 1882. Dennis, Jr., /. 1869, [R.] Fulton, /. 1888. Harry H., u. 1891, /. 1892. John B., 7n. 1879. Percy H., a. 1873, f- 1875. McMannis, William T., w. 1886. McManus, Henry, in. 1869. McMaster, Porter R., m. 1892. Robert B., /. 1870. McMillan, Joseph M., m. 1894. McMullen, John, a. 1837. McMurdy, John H., /. 1867. William S., m. 1886. McMurray, William, h. 1852. McNamee, Charles, /. 1877. James, a. 1867. Theodore H., a. 1866. McNary, John G., a. 1851. Spencer G., /. 1877. McNaught, Francis H., m. 1878. McNeil, Charles R., s. 1894. McNulty, Albert, [Jr.], a. 1861, /. 1864. James, /. 1876. John J., m. 1877. McRae, William F., /. 1870. McSwain, Thomas C, m, 1884. McSweeney, Daniel E., m. 1864. McVeagh, Franklin, /. 1864. McVickar, Archibald M., a. 1802. Edward, a. 1812. Henry, a. 1809. Henry, a. 1836. Henry G.,/. 1874. James, a. 1802. John, a. 1804, h. 1825. Samuel B., a. 1833. William A., a. 1846, h. 1870. William B., a. 1880, /, 1882. William N,, a. 1865. McWhood, Leonard B., a. 1893, McWilliam, John S., /. 1881. Macauley, John M., h. 1855. MacBride, Samuel A., m. 1882. Maccaffil, Edmund, a. 1872. Macdona, Henry D., /. 1875. Macdonald, James A., a. 1863. John A., a. 1868. John McL., a. 1810. John M., tn. 1890. MacElhinney, James A., /. 1879. Macfarlane, Carrington, m. 1861, Thomas J., m. 1886. Maclntire, Sydney H., /. 1883. Maclntyre, Burnett C, m.. 1874. Mack, Charles S., m. 1883. Daniel, a. 1807. Harrj^ /. 1888. Hugo S., /. 1879. John A., /. 1867. Mackaness, Thomas T., a. 1799. MacKaye, Harold S., s. 1887. MacKellar, George M., /. 1875. Macken, Arthur L., m. 1894. Mackey, William J. P., -m. 1875. Mackie, Jacob O., «. 1794. Peter, Jr., a. 1812. Mackintosh, James B., s. 1877. MacLaren, William S., m. 1889. Maclay, Arthur C., /. 1880. David G., a. 1882, /. 1885. James, j. 1888. MacMartin, Archibald, j. 1868. Daniel Mad., tn. 1877. MacMuIlen, Edward P., a. 18(53. John, a. 1837. Macneven, William J., h. 1806. Macomb, Edward, in. 1866. John W., a. 1802. Robert, a. 1802. MacQuesten, Rockwood, a. 1863, MacTeague, John J., J. 1883. MacVeagh, Charles, /. 1883. Macwithey, Edward L. C, m. 1871. Macy, Arthur, s. 1875. Valentine E., j. 1893. William A., m. 1885. Maden, Antonio C, nt. 1884. Maeller, Henry, h. 1790. Maetke, Hugo, m. 1892. Magee, Edmund H,, m. 1889. Maghee, James M., vt. 1887. John H., a. 1872, s. 1876. Magie, David, [Jr.] , m. 1863. Maginnis, Frank E., in. 1888. INDEX OF GRADUATES. 589 Magner, Thomas F., /, 1882. Magnes, Charles A., Jr., a. 1849. Magrath, John R., h. 1887. Maguire, John, /. 1883. Philip J., m. 1871. Thomas F., m. 1891. Mahin, Frank W., /. 1878. Mahl, John T., J-. i8gi. Mahon, Robert J., /. 1883. Mahoney, William, tji. 1891. Mahony, Arthur S., j. 1889. Daniel P. H., /. 1877. Jeremiah A., /. 1882. Main, Austin L. S., a. 1828. Joseph M., /. 1887. Maine, Elias D., ni. 1877. Hallock R., m. 1888. Maitland, Thomas A., /. 1882. Major, Alexander, a. 1834. Henry, [Jr.], /. 1866. Makibben, Thomas P., /. 1877. Malcolm, Samuel B., a. 1794. Malcomson, Abram B., Jr., /. 1874. Mallalieu, Albert W,, m. 1875. Malleson, Philip A. [O.], w. 1885, Mallison, D. Ledyard, a. 1858. Mallory, Maitland L., m. 1873. M alloy, Edward W., a. 1866. Malocsay, Frank, /. 1871. Malone, Laurence E., /. 1884. Sylvester L., /. 1885. Maloney, Frank J., /. 1889. Maltby, [C] Anson, /. 1869. Malukoff, Alexy J., s. 1893. Man, Alrick H., /. 1879. Edward,/. 1885, /. 1886. Frederick H., /. 1866. Henry H., /. 1876. Man del, . Leo H., a. 1880. Mandelbaum, Max, /. 1889. Mander, Henry F., /. 1874. Mandeville, Henry A., nt. 1881. Manges, Morris, tn. 1887. Mangold, William G., ni. 1889. Manheimer, Seligman, /. 1892. Manice, William, a. 1886, /. 1888. Manierre, Alfred L.,rt. 1883. Charles E,, /. 1883. George, /. 1869. Manley, Edward, a. 1804. James R., a,. 1799. James R., a. 1858. John R., /. 1876. Reuben M., /. 1874. Mann, Alfred, m. 1892. Charles R., a. 1890, u. 1891. Horace B., s. 1890. Jonas F., /. 1889. Joseph R., a. 1839. Matthew D., m. 1871. William J., /. 1875. Manne, Henry, /. 1880. Manners, Edwin, /. 1879. Mannheim, Hermann C, s. 1887. Paul A. L., s. 1885. Manning, Andrew, tn. 1883. Danielj h. 1887. Frederick A., m. 1884. Joseph S. J., m. 1890. Manny, James H., Jr., m. 1892. Mansfield, Francis, ni. 1886. Howard, /. 1874. Manson, Levi S., m. 1884. Mapes, Augustus S., /. 1888. Charles H., a. 1885, s. 1889. James J., a. 1888, tn. 1891. Victor, a. 1891. Maplesden, Reuben, [Jr.], /. 1874. Marbury, Francis F., [Jr.], /. 1865. March, Charles D., a. 1837. Francis A., h. 1887. Marcley, James L, m. 1873. Marcy, Thomas K., in. i860. Margolis, Max L., u. 1890, u. i8gi. Margulies. William, nt. 1890. Marie, Leon, J. 1885. Markham, William, tn. 1870. Markoe, Francis H., tn. 1879. James W., m. 1885. Marrett, John A., /. 1891. Marrin, William J., a. 1858. Marsee, Joseph W., tti. 1871. Marselis, Peter T., a. 1807. Marsh, Charles C, /. 1894. Charles W., s. 1879. Craig A., /. 1879. Elias J., a. 1824. Elias J., a. 1854. Francis E., i. 1869. James, h. 1830. John R., s. 1887. Joseph A., /. 1864. Joshua S., a. 1826. Nathaniel, /. 1872. Valentine, /. 1876. Marshall, Charles C, /. 1882. Charles H., a. 1858. Edward G., tn, 1861. Fielding L., a .1880, /. 1882. Francis F., tn. 1886. Frederick D., tn. 1868. Frederick D. R., tti, 1868. Frederick P., a. 1872, /. 1876. Henry R., a. 1873. John R., a. 1770. Marston, John, a. 1760. Marten, Benjamin T., /. 1872. Martense, Adrian V., /. 1875. Martin, August L., /. 1882. B. Ellis, nt. 1861. Benjamin N., h. 1862. Chancellor, tn. 1878. Daniel F., /. 1887. Francis, tn. 1873. George, tn. 1870. Harr>' A. S. (juide Smythe-Martin). Isaac P., Jr., /. 1876. James J., /. 1887. James W,, tn. 1881. John C, /. 1887. John S., ni. 1872. Justin, nt. 1869. Kingsley W., tn. 1892. Luther O., in. 1873. Newell, /. 1877. Richard M., /. 1879. Theodore D., tn. 1867, Walter H., /. 1875. Wilbur F., tn. 1887. William H., a. 1857. William H., a. 1862. William M., a. 1863, /. 1865. William P., /. 1892. Martine, Randolph B., a. 1865. Randolph B., Jr., /, 1891. Martyn, Robert D., /. 1882. 590 INDEX OF GRADUATES. Marvin, Dan, [Jr.], a. 1863. David^., m. 1887. Frederic R., m. 1870. Henry C, a. 1854. Henry H., a. 1862. Joseph H., /. 1878. Sydney R., in. 1891. Walter T., a. 1893. Marx, Lewis S., /. 1879. Simon, m. 1884. Masker, William A., Jr.,/. 1890, Mason, Alexander T., /, 1883. Carl S., J. 1889. Charles S., a. 1887. Erskine, h. 1837. Erskine, a. 1857, m. i860, Henry B., /. 1874. Joel S., /. 1886. John L., a. 1815. John M., a. 1789. John M., a. 1840. Louis I., m. 1891. Robert, m. 1870. Massett, W. Carey, a. 1857. Massa, Charles G., s. 1889. Louis F., J. 1890. Masten, Arthur H., /. 1879. Everett, a. 1885, ^- 1887, Herbert B., m. 1893. Masters, Alfred, m. 1876. Harris K., s. 1894. Masterson, Henry, a. 1793. Masterton, William J., a, 1837. Matheny, Martin S., m. \Ztz, Mather, Edward E,, m. 1871. Mathews, Francis S., w. 1893. Frederick, m. 1883. Mathewson, Charles F,, /. 1885. Earl, 7n. 1879. Henry S., m. 1893. Math is, Theophilus S., s. 1879. Matson, Walter W., m. 1889. William L., /. 1865. Matsui, Nawokichi, s. 1878. Matthew, William D., s. 1893, u. 1894. Matthews, [J.] Brander, a. 1871, I- 1873. Charles T., j, 1889. David, k. 1758. David, m. i860. Henry E., m. 1888. Mattison, Joseph G., s. 1880. Mattocks, Frederick W., /. 1894. Mauch, Joseph B., m. 1886. Maupin, Edward G., m. 1878. Maury, James F., a. 1865. Mytton, a. 1857. Maverick, William B. N., a. 1762, Mawbey, Charles F., /. 1865. Maxwell, Hugh, a. 1808. William H., a. 1807. May, Charles, /. 1878. Charles H., m. 1883. Henry S., a. 1880, /. 1882. Mitchell, /. 1892. William, tn. 1874. Mayer, Abraham, m. 1876. Albert D., m.. 1894. Benjamin F., a. 1876. Hugo F., m. 1882. Isidor, a. 1864. Julius M., /. 1886. Louis, /. 1878. Milton, /. 1892. Philip F., a. 1799. Ralph E., s. 1879. Mayham, Claude B., /. 1891. Maynard, Alfred W., m. x%t2. Edward H., jn. 1873. P'orster J., m. 1869. George W., a. 1859. Mayo, Robert A., /. 1881. Mazet, Robert, /. 1879. Mead, Charles D., a. 1835. Charles L., /. 1876. Clarkson S., a. 1882, m 1885. Edward N,, a. 1822, h 1861. Edward S., a. 1868. Edward W., /. 1873. Henry, ni. 1794. Isaac N., nt. 1866. John A., W.1868. John C, nt, 1866. Meade, William C, /. i860. Meagher, William P., m. 1872. Mealia, Edward J,, in. 1883. Mearns, Edgar A., m. 1881. Mears, George K., s. 1894. Meding, Charles B., m. 1887. Meeker, HeywardG., /. 1872. Samuel M., Jr., /, 1879. Stephen H., a. 1821. Meeks, Joseph, a. 1856. Meier, John H., a. 1795. Meier-Smith, Matson, a. 1843, h. 1863. Meikleham, Thomas M, R., s. 1890. William, a. 1864. William A., a. 1886. Meinhard, Henry L, /. 1887. Meirowitz, Philip, m. 1890. Meisel, Frederick C. A., s. 1892, Meissner, Carl A., J. 1880. Melcher, John S., /. 1884. Mendelson, Walter, m. 1879. Menken, Mortimer M,, p. 1887, /. 1888. Percival S., u. 1890, u. 1891, /. 1892. S. Stanwood, /. 1894, «. 1894. Menzel, Gustavus E,, /. 1893. Walter W., /. 1891. Menzie, George L., m. 1866. Menzies, William, 3d, m. 1890. Mercer, Alexander G., h. 1859. Archibald, m. 1871. Frederick W., m. 1862. Merchant, Francis D., m. 1890. Merckle, Henry, /. 1878. Meredith, George L., m. 1888. John C, /. 1886. Merenna, Giovanni, in. 1893. Meriam, Clement, h. 1805. Merian, Paul F., /. 1892. Merrall, Walter H., a, 1893. Merriam, Augustus C, a. 1866. Clinton H., m. 1879. James S., a. 1854. Joseph F., /. 1885. Walter H., a. 1888. Merrill, Cyrus S., m. 1871. Frederick J. H., j. 1885, u, iSgo. Mrs. F. J. H., ivide Edgerton, Winifred). George V. R., m. 1863. John R., in. 1886. Payson, /. 1868. Samuel, /. 1880. William H., in. 1887. Merritt, Albert, in. 1873. Augustus H., /. 1876. Charles P. W,, m. 1878. Douglas, /. 1874. Frank D., in. 1893. James H., s. 1881, «. 1892. Robert N,, h. 1874. Schuyler, /, 1876. Walter E., /. 1889. INDEX OF GRADUATES, 591 Merry, Thomas H., Jr., a. 1826. Mersereau, Charles H,, m. 1884. Merwin, Hubert J., j. 1879. Merz, Eugene, j. 1892. Mesa, Antonia E., s. 1882. Meserole, Abraham, /. 1883. Walter M., s. 1881. Mesier, Matthew, a. 1789. Peter, a. 1789. Messenger, Thomas H., a. i860. Messer, Louis F.,/. 1882. Messiter, Edwin H., s. 1894. George N., /. 1878. Mestre, Alfred, /. 1882. Joseph M., /. 1876. Metcalf, George R., vt. 1874. James W., a. 1833. Kendrick, h. 1850. Metcalfe, Francis J., m. 1871. Metz, Hugo L. M., m. 1889. Metzger, Julius I., m, 1882. Metzinger, Henry, /. 1875. Meyer, Alfred, . 1888. James E., /. 1869. John, a. 1795. . John S., /. 1883. William H., /. 1877. William H., m. 1892. Morrisson, Richard J., /. 1877. Morrow, Cornelius W., a. 1876. Samuel R., m. 1878. Morse, Barnett W., in. i860. James O., Jr., a. 1871, /.^ 1878. Jamin S., /. 1887. Richard D., Jr., /. 1889. Sherman, m. 1863. Mortimer, John H., a. 1841. Stanley, /. 1875, Morton, Alexander L., /. 1885. Edward K., m. 1884. Elwood S., m. 1894. Francis, a. 1815. George W., a. 1810. Hamilton, a. 1824. Henry J., a. 1827. John L., a. 1810. William, m. 1866. Moschcowitz, Alexis v., in. 1891. Moseley, George T., w. 1886. Moser, William, Jr., /. 1877. Moses, Alfred J., s. 1882, u. laoo. d, a. 1841. Israel Max,/. 1868. Mortimer A., m. 1891, Mosley, Richard K., s. 1889. Mott, Henry A., Jr., s. 1873. Joseph v., in. 1872. Robert, a. 1827. Valentine, tn. 1806. Valentine, a. 1872. William F., a. 1864, /. 1873. INDEX OF GRADUATES, %^^Wa^ -fjKJB 3f. SITY SltiFOfitk! Moulding, Frank C, tti. 1877. Moulton, Franklin W., /. 1885. Roscoe N., m. 1880. Mount, Charles De G., a. 1852, David H., m. 1872. Frederick W., /. 1894. Richard E,, Jr., a. 1834, Thomas S. P., /. 1875. Mowatt, John E., a. 1816. Mower, Mandeville, a. 1856. Moylan, Patrick F., nt. 1890. Mudge, Henry W., /. 1877. Mudgett, William P., /, 1869. Mudie, Archibald F.. tn. i860. Mueller, Henry C, m. 1873. Muhlenberg, William A., h. 1834. Muir, David H., m. 1867. Edward A., /. 1875, Muirson, James, ?«. 1772. Mulcahey, John H., a. 1879, /. 1881. Mulcahy, Denis D., m, 1872. Mulchahey, James, h, 1866. Mulford, George E., -m. 1882. Robert, j, 1884. William A. F. P., /. 1883. Mullaly, • Peter L., /. 1877. MuUany, Frank A., «. 1866. Mullen, Samuel, /. 1875. Miiller, Adrian H., a. 1822. George, s. 1887. Hugo R., a. 1881, /. 1883. Mulligan, John W., a. 1791. William, a. 1835. Mulqueen, Joseph F., /. 1884. Mulry, William P., /. 1874. Mulvany, Edward J., /. 1876. Luke J,, /, 1875. Mumford, George D., a. 1889. Mund, Carl [G. C], m. 1892. Munday, Thomas E., /. 1894. Mundy, Charles H., /. 1864. Munger, Carl E., nt. 1883. Munn, William H., a. 1821. Munoz (Del Monte), Adolfo C, s. 1888. Munroe, Chester C, a. 1871. George E., m. 1877. Henry S., s. 1869. Milbourne, s. 1894. Otis M., s. 1879. Munsell, Charles E., j. 1878. Munson, Edward, >n. 1881. Franklin A., m. 1873. John A., m, 1883. Murchison, Kenneth M,, Jr., s. 1894. Murdock, Albert J., nt. 1870. George W., th. 1867. Seth M., /. 1861. Murfee, John H., nt. 1867. Murphy, Arthur, /. 1872. Arthur, [Jr.] , /. 1874. Deas, a. 1882. Edmund E,, a. 1888,/, 1889. Edward H., /. 1879. Felix T., /. 1877. George I., a. 1855. Henry C, a. 1830. Henry C, Jr., a. 1854. Henry M., j. 1878. Homer G., /. 1877. John G., s. 1877. Joseph P., m. 1894. Philip, /. 1867. Starr J., /. 1883. Murray, Alan B., nt. i8go. Alexander, a. 1799. Ambrose S., Jr., /. 1874. Charles P., w. 1879. Francis J., m. 1894. Francis W., nt. 1880. George, j. 1874. George F., /. 1869. George W., /. 1876. iames, a. 1863. ames B., /. 1875. ames C, /. 1882. n A., /. 1881. [ohn D., tn. 1893. [ohn H., /. 1876. [ohn W. B., a. 1812. richolas, /. 1866. Peter, nt. 1884. Robert D., a. 1885, /. 1887. Thomas C, a. 1813. Thomas E., /. 1880. William, /. 1889. William D., /. 1882. William H., m. 1881. Mursick, George A., m. i860. Murtha, Eugene B., nt. 1869. Thomas F., /. 1879. Murtland, Samuel, nt. 1883. Musgrave, William S., /. 1879. Mussey, Norman S., /. 1891. Muzzy, Arthur T., nt. 1879. Frederick, a. 1808. Myers, Charles F. W., nt. 1874. Charles M., a. 1890. George L., a. 1893. John F., nt. 1887. Joseph J., /. 1889. Samuel I., in. 1878. Thaddeus H., nt. 1885. Mylod, Thomas F. in. 1894. Mynderse, Wilhelmus, /. 1875. Nagel, Joseph, nt. 1889. Nagle, Waiter B., nt. 1887. Nambu, Kiugo, s. 1878. Napier, Arthur H., j. 1884. Charles D., nt. 1890. Nash, Albert B., w. 1887. Frederick, a. 1846. John McL., a. 1868, /. 1870. Thomas, a. 1882. Stephen P., h. 1889. Nason, Arthur C., nt. 1884. Henry T., /. 1888. Nathan, Edgar J., /. 1881. Gratz, a. 1861. Harold, /. 1889. Jonathan, a. 1827. Naughton, Thomas J., nt. 1872. Navarro, Angel J., s. 1873. Juan A., s. 1880. Nazarian, Kevork G.,/. 189 1. Nazro, Hiram H., a. 1863. Neal, Ava, a. 1810. Nealis, William T., nt. 1862. Nearing, Charles H., /. 1882. Necarsulmer, Henry, u. 1893, i- 1894. Needham, Henry C, /. 1888. Neefus, Peter J., a. 1854. Neely, W. T. F.,/. 1884. Neer, William, m. 1891. 594 INDEX OF GRADUATES, Neeser, John G., a. 1891. Neftel, [J. W.] Knight, s. 1879. Nehrbas, Charles J., /. 1871. Jacob, m. 1880. Neill, George B., a. 1828. Harry H., /. 1884, Hugo, h. 1767. Neilson, John, a. 1847. John, Jr., a. 1817. Nelden, John H., a. 1890. Nelson, Abraham, /. 1882, /. 1885. Edward D., a. 1841. Henry L., /. 1869. James R,, m. 1869. Jay O., m. 1890. John De W., m. 1875. John F., /. 1878. Joseph, a. 1804. John F., /. 1878. Joseph, a. 1804, Norman F., a. 1884. Samuel, h. 1841. William J., Jr., m. 1880. Nesbitt, John H., m. 1875. Nesmith, James, j. 1879. Robert D,, a. i860. Nettleton, Asbel G., m. 1869. Nettre, Lionel R., s. 1869. Neufield, Albert W., m. 1882. Neuhof, Selian, m. 1893. Neuman, Frederick F., a. 1894. Neumann, William F., m. 1892. Neville, John J. [M.],?«. 1876. Nevins, Russell H., m. 1876. Nevius, George L., a. 1837. George L., /. 1879. New, James LeG., nt. 1892. Newberry, Spencer B., s. 1878. Wolcott E., s. 1884. Newbold, Thomas, /. 1874. Newbrough, William, a. 1880, s. 1884, Newburger, Joseph E., /. 1874. Newby, George R,, m. 1888. Thomas B., a. 1863. Newcity, William, /. 1891. Newcomb, George W., in. 1866. James E., m. 1883. Obadiah, a. 1840. Simon, h. 1887. Newcombe, George F., tn. iSjj. Newell, George B., /. 1875. Marcus A., in. 1890, William S., /. i860. Newhall, William M., /. 1879. Newhouse, Edgar L., s. 1886. Walter S., a. 1893. Newing, William E., m. 1888. Newland, David J., /. 1868. Newman, Alexander F., tn. 1874. Emanuel, /. 1893. Emanuel D., m. 1885. Robert P., nz. 1880. Newschafer, William H., /. 1864. Newton, Eben W., a. 1884. George L., a. 1842. Henry, s. 1869. Richard C., tn. 1877. Samuel G., /. 1877. Thomas M., j. 1893. William K., tn. 1877. Neymann, Percy, s. 1881. Nicholas, George L., tn. 1888. George S., Jr., a. 1892. Nicholl, John, a. 1793. Matthias, a. 1776. Nichols, Edwin A., a. 1839. Geo. L., [Jr.], /. 1883. George S., Jr., a. 1892. Gideon S., a. 1831. Harry P., s. 1887. Henry J., /. 1894. Ralph, J. 1877. Romaine C., /. 1882. James E. H., tn. 1885. Samuel, A. 1818. Samuel B. R., a. 1845. Walter, a. 1825. Washington R., a. 1852. Nicholson, James W., a. 1792. John R., /. 1873. Samuel, a. 1796. Nickerson, George W., tn. 1878. Nicoll, Augustus, a, 1775. Augustus W., /. 1862. De Lancey, /. 1876. Edward, a. 1766. Edward, /. 1874. Edward H., a. 1866, /. 1868. Henry, a. 1774. Henry, a. 1830, 7t. 1870. Henry D., tn. 1866. John D., tn. 1863. Matthias, Jr., tn. 1892. Samuel, tn. 1774. William, a. 1840. William C., /. 1893. William G., /. 1868. Nies, James B., a. 1882. Niles, Henry C., /. 1880. Nilsen, Jonas R., tn. 1881. Nitchie, John, a. 1801. Noble, Charles M., s. 1879. Francis L., /. 1889. Henry S., tn. 1871. Herbert, /. 1893. John G., tn. 1877. Louis A., a. 1883, ^• 1885. Louis S., s. 1885. William N., /. 1872. Nockin, Adolph J., tn. 1877. Nolan, John, tn. 1868. Thomas, j. 1884. Noll, Joseph J., m. 1885. Nolte, Arthur, tn. 1881. Lewis G., tti. 1886. Noon an, Michael C, tn. 1881. Nooney, Edwin DeW., tn. 1871. Nordeman, Herman F., a. 1881, ttt» 1884. Nordlinger, Abraham, L 1880. Norfieet, Leon E., tti. 1888. Norman, A. Livingston, /. 1888. Norrie, Adam G., a. 1891. Van Home, a. 1885, tn, 1889. Norris, Charles, Jr., tn. 1892. Dudley H., ^. 1877. Robert V. A., s. 1885. Norsworthy, John B., a. 1826. North, Alfred, tn. 1861. Nelson L., Jr., tn. 1886. William F., /. 1868. Northall, Edward A., a. 1879, **• 1891. Northrop, George J., tn. 1864. John L, J. 1884, Northrup, Daniel W., /. 1867. William P., tti. 1878. Norton, Charles E., A. 1888. Edwin H., tn. 1883. George P., /. 1894. Henry W., tn. 1880. John L., a. 1792. Lucien H., jr. 1886. Nathaniel R., tn. 1894. Robert B., a. 1793. Norwood, Edward M., m. 1862. Lewis M., /. 1876. INDEX OF GRADUATES, 595 Nosser, Henry, /. 1876. Notman, Grant, a. 1886, /, 1888. John, /. 1872. Nott, Henry B., a, 1857. Thomas H., in. 1880. Noyes, Charles S., /. 1882. James A., s. 1878. James H., m. i860. McWalter B., h. 1865. Robert F,, m. 1873. William B., vt. 1891. William S., s, 1875. Nutten, Wilbur F., w. 1863. Nutter, David R., /. 1867. Nye, Alvan C, s. 1884. Oakes, Frederick, a. 1876. George B., w. 1864. John C, J. 1893. Wallace K., m. 1873. Oakley, Ralph, /. 1878. Rodolph C., /. 1874. Oaks, Henry A., m. 1878. John F., m. 1871. Oaksmith, Sidney, /, 1867. Oastler, Frank R., in. 1894. Oberndorfer, Isidor P., a. 1870, tn. 1874. O'Blenis, John, a. 1818. O'Brien, Edward C, /. 1882. Eugene A., tn. 1887. John L., /. 1883. ohn P., /. 1881, ohn W., /. 1878. lichael F., /. 1892. Michael H., /. 1885. Morgan J., /, 1875. O'Callaghan, Charles J., /. 1878. Thomas, Jr., /, 1878. Ochs, Benjamin F., tn. 1886. O'Connell, George C, /. 1883. O'Connor, Arthur H., /. 1879. Matthew C, vi. 1873. Michael J., s. 1881. Thomas D., j. 188 1. O'Conor, Charles, h. 1872. John C, /. 1870. Odell, George C. D., a. 1889, u. 1890, u. 1893. Hammond, a. 1889, « 1890. Jackson, a. 1811. O'Donoghue, William, /. 1872. O'Donovan, Michael E., in. 1891. O'Dowd, Charles, a. 1852. O'Dwyer, Joseph, in. 1866. Joseph P., m. 1890. Oelrichs, Harry, /. 1878. Oesterreich, Franz, /. 1877. Ogden, Aaron, a. 1849. Abraham, a. 1793. Cadwalader E., a, 1867, /. 1869. Charles H., a. 1830. Charles L., a. 1791. Charles W., a. 1862, /. 1864. David B., //. 1837. David B., a. 1869, /. 1871. David B., Jr., a. 1845. Francis L., /. 1874. George B., a. 1823. George W., a. 1884. Gouverneur, a. 1796. Gouverneur M., a. 1833. Gouverneur M., Jr., /. 1879. Henry E., tn, 1864. Herbert S., /. 1877. Isaac, a. 1758. Isaac, a. 1802. John D., a. 1823. John M., a. 1828. {osiah, h. 1758. .ewis M., a. 1801. Ludlow, a. 1872, /. 1874. Meredith, a, 1817. Nicholas, a. 1772. Peter, a. 1776. Richard, a. 1872. Richard H., a. 1829. Samuel, a. 1821. Samuel, a. 1829. Thomas L., a. 1791. Thomas L., a. i86o, /. 1862. Thomas W., a. 1829 . Walter, a. 1870. Waddington, a. 1824. William, a. 1798. Ogilby, John D., a. 1829. William S. R., /. 1865. Ogilvie, George, a. ^tj\. John, h. 1767, h. 1770. Walter E., /, 1886. William, h. 1793. William, a. 1802. O'Gorman, Edward James, /. 1883. George, in. 1881. Richard, Jr., /. 1879. William, Jr., m. 1887. O'Grady, James W., s. 1876. O'Hanlon, Philip J., /. 1871. O'Hare, Frank J., tn. 1880. Stephen J., /. 1875. Ohart, Solomon J., a. 1879. Olcott, Eben E., s. 1874. Frederick W., in. 1884. George N., a. 1893. Jacob V. v., /. 1877. William M. K., /. 1883. Oldham, Edmund T., /. 1879. Olds, Frank W., tn. 1880. Franklin M., /. 1877. O'Leary, Clement D., nt. 1887. Thomas J., /. 1889. Olin, Leverett W., tn. 1880. Olmstead, Charles O., tn. 1874. Lawrence D., /. 1880. Owen F., j. 1878. Olmsted, George H., tn. 1862. Francis H., /. 1879. Olssen, William W., a. 1846, h. 1876. 01 well, James A., /. 1865. Olyphant, David B., a. 1862. Robert M., a. 1842. O'Mahony, John J., tn. 1879. O'Malley, Andrew, tn. 1891. O'Mullen, William, /. 1862. Onderdonk, Benjamin, in. 1771. Benjamin A., a. 1847. Benjamin T., a, 1809, h. 1826. Frank S., /. 1S82. Henry, a. 1845. Henry, Jr., a. 1827. Henry U., a. 1805, h. 1827. James L., a. 1872, /. 1874. John C., /. 1883. O'Neil, Charles A., a. 18S0, /, 1882. Henry P., /. 1873. John, Jr., /. 1862. O'Neill, Charles H. F., ttt. 1894. James, /. 1877. Oothout, Edward A., j. 1882. Opdyke, George H., u. 1891. Oppenheim, Albert, in. 1894. Benjamin, /, 1894. Louis, /. 1894. Myron H., /. 1881. Nathan, in. 1891. Oppenheimer, Henry S., m. 1876. Isaac, tn. 1876. Orchard, William B., tn. 1862. Ord, Joseph P., /. 1877, Ordonez -Guarin, Luis F.,(w. iS36. Ordway, Henry C, /. 1882. O'Reilly, James F., tn. 1873. 596 INDEX OF GRADUATES, Ormiston Thomas S., a. 1875, /. 1877. Ormsbee, James J., j. 1886. O'Rourke, John A., /. 1891. Osborn, Charles C, w. 1885. Charles J,, /. 1883. Edward, in. 1886. Frederic S., ni. 1874. George W., m. 1887. Laugnton, a. 1827. Osborne, Harris B., nt, 1875, James G., a. 1856. James VV., /. 1885. Samuel D., a. 1879, /. 1881. William J., a. 1853. Osburn, Walter H., w. 1886. Oseranski, Isaac H., j. 1889. Osgood, Walter F,, a. 1809. Herbert L.,/. 1889. O'Shaughnessy, George F., /. 1889. Osmun, Louis C, m. 1891. Osterberg, Max, s. 1894. Osterheld, Carl, vt. 1893. Theodore, j. 1886. Osterhoudt, Howard, a. 1864, /. 1866. Ostrander, Ezekiel, rn. 1804. George A., a. 1855. John W,, m. 1866. Peter W., a. 1848. William C, /. 1875. O'Sullivan, Eugene J., a. 1890. John J., m. 1894. John L., a. 1831. Otey, James H., h. 1833. Otis, Charles H,, /. 1875. DeLoyd, in. 1876. Fessenden N., h. 1872. Frank A.,rt.i86i,/.i864. William K., a, 1882, m. 1885. Ottinger, Nathan, u. 1894. Oudenaarde, Marinus, a, 1775. Peter, a. 1775. Oudin, Eugene E., /. 1879. Lucien, /. 1876. Outerbridge, Aggeus, vt. 1868. Oven, John, a. 1869. Overton, Frank, in. 1893. Henry R., m. 1889. Martin L., m. 1865. Oviatt, George A., m. 1875. Owen, Frederick N., s. 1878. George H., a. 1863. Henry E., m, 1867. John E., in. 1880. William H., /. 1861. Owens, Joseph E., /. 1879. Robert B., s. 1891. William C, /. 1872. Oxnard, James G., s. 1883. Packard, Edward A., m. 1886. Packer, William S., /. 1871. Packwood, Richard T., a. 1857. Paddock, Frederick G., /. 1884. Gordon, /, 1889. William L., m. 1876. Page, Benjamin M., in. 1864. Charles I., [Jr.], in. 1890. Charles W., /. 1874. Edward A., /. 1873. George S., s. 1885. John M., a. 1887. Washington E., a. 1876, /. 1879, William H., Jr., /. 1886. William R., /, 1888. William S., s. 1882. Paine, Arthur R., m. 1875. Henry G., a. 1880. Painter, Charles A., s. 1884. Edwin T., m. 1885. George E., s. 1883. Harry McM,, in. 1888. Palache, Alexander, a. 1835. Palmer, Appleton D., /. 1875. Benjamin W., in. 1880. Clinton, /. 1888. Cortlandt E., j. 1878. Courtlandt, Jr., /. 1869. Edmund J,, in. 1881. Ernest, in. 1879. Francis H., a. 1888. George C, a. 1883. Gist, in. 1894. Harry L., m. 1890. Josiah C, /. 1884. Lincoln B., /. 1888. Lucius N., p. 1890, /. 18^2. Marvin R., in. 1882. Miles C, /. 1877. Richard S., a. 1891. Samuel B., in. 1893. Theodore D., in. 1879. William E., in. 1882. William H., nt. 1867. Panton, George, h. 1774. Pape, Adolphus D., /. 1875. Papen, George W., in. 1874. Paris, Daniel, a. 1791. Francis U., «. 1886. Irving, Jr., /. 1877. Parish, Daniel, Jr., /. 1867. Henry, Jr., a. 1849. John H., a. 1841. Park, William H., wz. 1886. Parke, Charles R., in. 1885. Henry, ;//. 1882. Julius L., in. 1868. Parker, Alexander F., a. 1888. Andrew McC, a. 1880. Charles T., in. 1887. Charles W., /. 1885. Chauncey G., /. 1887. Cortlandt, Jr., /. 1881. Edward A,, m. 1890. Francis E., /. 1880. Frederick S., /. 1876. George M., a. 1894. Henry H., a. 1864, /. 1866. Herschel C, s. 1890. James, n. 1793. James A., /. 1894, James C, Jr., a. 1854. Joseph, Jr., /. 1876. Orthy B., s. 1888. Ransom J., in. 1893. Richard A., s. 1878. Richard W., /. 1869. Robert B., a. 1881. Terry, /. 1894. Willard, Qr.J, a. 1866, tn. 1870. Parkhurst, Charles B., in. 1868. Parkin, William, /. 1876. Parkman, Edward F., /. 1877. Theodore, a. 1857. Parks, John R., J. 1880. Martin P., h. 1851. Parmele, Ebenezer, h. 1762. Parmly, Charles H., j-. 1892. George DuB., in. 1880. Wheelock H., a. 1842. Parr, William H., /. 1875. Parraga, Charles F., j. 1883. Parrish, Charles T., in. 1890. John W., in. 1887. Parrott, Edward M., s. 1870. Parsons, Arthur W., a. 1883, i- 1885. Frank, in. 1876. Frank H., /. 1883. George B., a. 1882. George H., j. 1869. Harold A., s. 1894. Harry de B., a. 1882. Henry, j. 1888. Ralph W., in. 1890. William B., a. 1879, i'. 1882. William D., /. 1877. William H., /. 1876. Partridge, Edward L., in. 1875. Frank C, /. 1884. Passmore, Joseph C, h. 1861. Paterson, Alexander H., a. 1822, Matthew C, a. 1812. INDEX OF GRADUATES. 597 Patey, John T., /. 1877. Paton, David, /. 1876. Stewart, 7n. 1889. Patrick, James A., /, 1880. Robert W., /. 1882. Patten, Frank W., m. 1877. Patterson, Charles E., /, 1869. Charles G., /. 1865. Edward L., a. i886, /. 1888. Frederick H.,/. 1891. John, /. 1893. Patton, John, Jr., /. 1877. Robert H., /. 1868. Pattou, Albert B., a. 1890, «. 1891. Paul, Edward T., /. 1894. Paulding, James K., h. 1824. William J., a. 1842. Paulison, John C, /. 1870. Payne, Clarence Q., s. 1882. Edward T., /. 1876. Henry W., /. 1870. Philip [C.],i>. 1889. Payson, Henry S., /. 1876. Pazos, Vincent F., s. 1878. Peabody, Charles A., Jr., a. 1869, /. 1871. Duane L., a. 1868, /. 1870. Frederick W., /. 1888, George L., a. 1870, m. 1873. Philip L,, a. 1877, /. 1880. Peacocke, John M., m. 1883. Pearce, Charles D., /. 1878. Pearis, Charles F., s. 1884. Pearsall, Andrew T., in. 1861. Robert W., /. 1861. Pearsee, Jonathan, Jr., a. 1793. Pearson, Charles J., /. 1877. Edward C, /. 1878. Pease, Edmund M., nt. 1862. Peaslee, Edward H., m. 1875. Peck, Charles H., m. 1892. Edward M., a. 1846. Edward S., /. 1879. George A., m. 1891. George W., a. 1865. Guy D., a. 1885. Harry T., a. 1881. Herbert W,, /. 1889. Morton R., m. 1889. Myron R. C, m. 1876. Samuel S., /. 1879. Staunton B., j. 1886. Wesley H., m. 1888. William D., /. 1880. William L., a. 1841. Peckett, John W., Jr., /. 1876. Peckham, Charles F., ni. 1890. Pedersen, Frederick M., j. 1893. James, nt. 1890. Peeke, Charles S., m. 1890. Peele, Robert, Jr., j. 1883. Peet, Edward W., nt. 1890. George H., /. 1889. George J., /. 1868. Isaac L., h. 1872. Peirce, Henry T., nt. 1870. Peixotto, Daniel L. M., a. 1816. Pell, Alfred D., a. 1887. Benjamin, a. 1858. Edward M., ^j. 1862. Ferris, a. 1806. Frederick A., /. 1873. George W., a. 1840. Herbert C, /. 1874. James B., a. 1863. John, /. 1863. John H., a. 1852. Philip, a. 1770. Richard V., «;. 1862. Robert T., a. i860, /. 1863. Walter, /. 1869. William C, a. 1848. Pellet, Jackson B., m. 1871. Pelletier, Paul, /. 1870. Pellew, Charles E., s. 1884. Pemberton, Henry R., tn. 1894. John P., a. 1849, nt. 1864. Pendergast, Patrick, w. 1863. Pendleton, Edmund H., a. 1805, James M., a. 1814. Nathaniel G., a. 1813. Peneveyre, Henri L. P. F., h. 1825. Penfield, Thornton B., a. 1890. Pennell, George C, a. 1852. Pennington, John C, VI. 1875. Penny, Samuel, Jr., a. 1827. Penrose, Thomas N., /. 1889. Pentlarge, Alexander, /, 1893. Percival, Francis R., ?«. 1888. George S., s. 1888. Percy, George, /. 1862. Perkins, Charles E., nt. 1888. Charles H., in. 1892. Edward W., m. 1889. George W., /. 1881. Henry, a. 1824. James C, /. 1876. Robert R., a. 1885. Thomas S., j. 1888. William L., j>. 1887, /. 1888. William S. C, nt. i860. Perrin, Ernest N., /. 1885. Perrin e, Howland D., /. 1872. Perry, Albert L., /. 1880. Clarence C, ni. 1876. Edward D., a. 1875. Edward M., a. 1884, /. 1886. Edward T. C, nt. 1892. Ellis B., m. 1883. George H., /. 1886. James W., /. 1875. John E., in. 1873. John H., /. 1872. John M., /. 1887. John S., in. 1877. Nelson W., s. 1878. Samuel E., /. 1870. Wilbert W., /. 1877. William A., a. 1855. Pershing, Edward H., m. 1892. Peshine, William, a. 1825. Peters, Charles A., nt. 1882. Harry M., /. 1885. Hewlett R., a. 1826. Samuel A., h. 1761. Thomas McC.,^. 1889, u. 1890. Thomas P., a. 1893. Valentine H., a. 1793. Peterson, Charles A., nt. 1884. Frank D., nt. 1891. Petit, Henry M. (^ide Heath, Henry M.). Petrie, Sidney W., /. 1878. Pette, Alfred C, /. 1889. Pettingill, Edmund L., tn. 1876. Pettit, Anna S., u. 1894. Herbert D., a. 1879. Pettus, James T., Jr., m. 1884. Petty, Robert D., /. 1885. Peyton, Cornwall K., a. 1878. James F., m. 1867. Thomas W., /. 1877. Pfeiffer, Felix, m. 1885. 598 INDEX OF GRADUATES, Pfenning, August C, m. 1889. Pfister, Joseph C, a. 1889, u, 1890. Philip C, J. 1875. Phelan, Jeremiah, tn. 1875. John P., /. 1889. Thomas A., /. 1874. Warren W., a. 1894. Phelps, Charles O., /. 1863. Dudley, /. 1885. George B., Jr., m. 1883. George D., Jr., /. 1863. George H., /. 1879. Hamilton B., a. 1893. Henry D., /. 1864. Louis N., ^. 1880. Myron H., /. i88s. William W., /. 1863. Philbin, Eugene A., /. 1885. Stephen, /. 1877. William J., /. 1876. Philip, Albert J., /. 1878. Harry V. N., /. 1887. John, h. 1819. John C, a. 1843. Philippe, Eugene, m. 1876. Philips, James J,, m. 1894. Frederic D., a. 1880,/, 1882, /. 1887. Philipse, Frederic (vide Gouver- neur, Frederic P.). Frederick, a. 1773. Nathaniel, a. 1773. Phillips, Albert C, a. 1894. Albert L., /. 1885. Alfred M., m. 1882. Charles R., ni. 1889. Daniel R., m. 1887. David, w, 1873. Frederick, a. 1889. Howard W., m. 1868. James L., 7n. 1864. John L., m. 1882. iohn W., a. 1808. ,ouis S., /. 1882. N. Taylor, /. 1888. Waldorf H., /. 1874. Wheeler W., /. 1872. William W., ^. 1826. Phinney, Frederick N., /, 1880. James H., a. 1842. Phoenix, Alexander, a. 1795. Sidney, a. 1795. Stephen W., a. 1859, ^• 1863. Thomas, a. 1795. Phyfe, William, a. 1825. Pickett, Frederick S., in. 1891. Pierce, Andrew M., w. 1873. Charles L. nt. 1863. Daniel A., /. 1884. Frederick E., s. 1892. George P., a. i86g. Harry N., j. 1885. John A., /. 1888. Smith D., a. 1890. William B., 7h, 1861. Pierrepont, Henry E., Jr., a. 1867. William A., /. 1876. Pierson, Augustus C, a. 1872, /. . 1875. Niles J., tn. 1883. Samuel, nt. 1881. Stephen, jn. i86g. Piez, Charles, J. 1889. Piffard, Henry G., tn. 1864. Pihlman, Robert L., /. 1876. Pilsbury, Ernest H., /. 1883. Pinckney, Samuel G. C, tn. 1893. Thomas DeW., tn. 1888. Pincoffs, Adolphe L., /. 1882. Pindar, David B., tn. 1889. Pinder, John H,, h. 1833. Pine, John B., a. 1877. Pingry, James O., m. 1868. Pinkney, Howard, tn. i860. William H., tn, 1885. Pinneo, James O,, tn. 1865. Pinney, Royal W., in. 1888. Pinto, Eduardo J., tn. 1889. Pirnie, John, Jr., a. 1839. Peter B., a. 1839. Peter M., ^. 1844. Pirsson, Augustus C, a. 1872, I. 1875. Pistor, William, j. 1868. Pitcher, George S., tn. 1889. Pitkin, Lucius, s. 1881. Pitner, Thomas J., m. i86g. Pitschke, William F., /. 1870. Pittis, Albert, tn. 1893. Pladwell, Willard S., /. 1875. Planck, Milton G., tn. 1870. Piatt, Charles S., s. 1868. Frank H., /. 1879. Lewis H., /. 1873. Rutherford H., /. 1879. William L., in. 1881. Plimpton, Warren O., tn. 1888. Plum, George W., a. 1884, p. 1884. James R., Jr., a. 1887. Pliinkett, Edward L., tn. 1885. Plympton, Henry S., tn, 1861. Poinsett, JoelR., h. 1825. Polk, Leonidas, h. 1838. William M., tn. 1869. Pollak, Leopold B., /. 1893. Pollard, Charles L., a. 1893, u. 1894. Joseph E., tn. 1894. Polledo, Ysidro Y., j, 1885. Pollen, George C., a. 1849. PoUitzer, Alice K., b. 1893. Sigismund, tn. 1884. Pollock, Francis W., /. 1877. Pomeroy, Charles S., a. 1854. Eugene H., a. i860. /. 1862. George Q., a. 1835. George V., Jr., a. 1854. Oren D., tn. i860. William A., j. 1893. Ponce de Leon, Juan B., nt. i860. Manuel G., tn. 1888. Pond, Alice L., a. 1888. Augustus V. R., /. 1884. Edward P., tn. 1887. George D., a. 1863. Sylvanus B., a. 1879. Pool, Franklin (vide Vander- poel, Frank). Harwood R., /. 1883. Pooley, James H., Jr., tn. i860. Poor, Daniel W., Jr., tn. 1894, Poore, Charles T., m, 1866. Pope, Alexander B., tn. 1884. Boiling A., Jr., m. 1890. George F., tn. 1892. John E., in. 1871. John R., s. 1894. Porter, Alfred H., Jr., /. 1886. David B./. 1883. Elbert S., [Jr.l, a. 1880. Franklin, /. 1872. George, in. 1862. Henry H., Jr., s. 1886. Herbert K,, tn. 1889. John B., s. 1882. Samuel T., /. 1891. Willard H., /. 1877. William E., in. 1888. William H., tn. 1877. Porterfield, Robert E., /. 1888, /. 1889. INDEX OF GRADUATES. 599 Portuondo, Buenaventura H., nt, 1889. Jose, s. 1890. Post, Abram S., j. 1884. Albertson V. Z., s. 1889. Alfred C, a. 1822. Allison W., a. 1890, «. 1891, Charles A.,/. 1865. Edward, a. 1808. Edward R,, m. 1867. Edwin, a. 1821. George A.,t a. t886. George D., a. 1818. Gerardus, ^. 1862, /. 1864. Henry A. V,, a. 1821. ' Joel B., a. 1828. John A., /, 1879. Jotham, a. 1840. Jotham, Jr., a. 1792. Minturn, a. 1827. Richard B., j. 1893. Waldron B., a. 1810. "Waldron K., /. 1894. William C, m. 1881. William S., s. 1890. Pott, Francis L. H., a. 1883. William H., a. i§83. Potter, Clarkson N., h. 1874. Edward E., a. 1842. Emerson B., m. 1879. Eliphalet N., h. 1872. Ellis, Jr., rt. 1840. Frank H., /. 1877. Frank E., m. 1889. Frederick, /. 1880. Lewis C, in. 1877. Ljrdia V. H., a. 1890. William B., a. 1866, s. 1869. William R., /. 1863. Potts, Stacy G., /. 1879. Poulsen, Elmer, /. 1871. James M., /. 187c. Powell, Frederick, s. 1883. Henry M., a. 1890. Stephen C., m. 1864. Theophilus D., /. 1877. William H., m. 1875. William R., a. 1888, Power, Charles B., a. 1891, /. 1893. Edward O., /. 1894. Henry, nt. 1891. Powers, Charles A., m. 1883. tNow George B., Jr. Cornelius V. V., s. 1882. Frederick, in. 1870. Lewis J. Jr., j. 1884. William V. V., a. 1877, /. 1879. Prall, William, /. 1875. William C, /. 1866. Pratt, Charles A. B., Jr., /. 1886. Charles S., in. 1884. E. Spencer, m. 1878. Edward, a. 1876. Edwin A., /. 1872. Elias, in. 1887. Frederick S., nt. 1885. George B,, in. 1876. Harden DeV., Jr., nt. 1881. Harry R,, /. 1878. Raymond B., in. 1888. Walter J., a. 1889. William H. B., in. 1867. Prellwitz, Otto E., in. 1894. Prendergast, James, /. 1871, John J., w. 1868,/. 1879. i*aul P., m. 1894. Prentice, Augustus B., /. 1889. David, h. 1833. Robert K., /. 1886. Prentiss, George L., /. 1884. Geo. L., Jr., /. 1881. Robert S., m. 1870. Prescott, William H., h. 1840. Pressinger, Austin E., /. 1884. Preston, Austin R., /. 1885. William E., s. 1889. Prettyman, Charles W., nt. 1888. Price, Anderson, /. 1872. Edward P., /. 1876. Edward W., a. 1875, /. 1877. James L., a. 1865, /. 1868. Joseph H., h. 1847. Stephen, a. 1799. William M., a. 1804. Priest, Henry B., a. 1802. James R., s. i^-jj. Prime, Frederick, a, 1865. Temple, /. i86r. [G.] Wendell, a. 1856. Primelles, Jose A., s. 1887. Primrose, Alexander J., nt. 1885. Prince, Arthur D., s. 1893. John D., a. 1888. John D., Jr., /. 1878. John L., s. 1894. L. Bradford, /. 1866. Prindle, Edward C, m, 1877. Pringle, Stephen D., /. 1878. Prius, Peter, m. i860. Proal, Alexis P., h. 1822. Proben, Charles I., nt. 1890. Proctor, William R., s. 1884. Proffatt, John, /. 1873. Protheroe, Charles C, /. 1879. Proudfit, Alexander, a. 1792. Alexander M., a. 1892. James, h. 1790. Prout, Thomas P., m. 1891. Provoost, John M., /. 1881. Samuel, a. T758. Provost, Andrew J., Jr., s. 1889, David, /. 1880. Provot, Francis A., s. 1893. George, j. 1889. Pruyn, Peter V. S., nt. 1863. Pryer, William C, m. 1862. Pryor, Alfred, m. 1864. James W., a. 1878, /. i88i. William R., in. i88i. Puffer, Frank L., nt. 1877. Pullman, Mary S., b. 1893. Pulsford, Henry A., in. 1891. Pultz, Monroe T., in. 1868. Pumpelly, Josiah C, /. 1863. Punderson, Cyrus, h. 1758. Ebenezer, h. 1758. Punnett, James, /. 1877, John, a. 1831. Pupin, Michael I., a. 1883. Pupke, Eberhard L., a. 1883. Purcell, Edwin J., /. 1885. Purdon, James W., a. 1882. John, /. 1883. Purdy, Abraham, a. 1805. Alfred E. M., m. 1861. Andrew, /. 1879. Augustus M., /. 1878. Caleb, /. 1869, George B., a. 1811. Harry L., nt. 1890. John H., a. 1875, /, 1878. Samuel A., Jr., a. 1869, /. 1871. William M., a. 1869, /• 1871. Purney, John A., nt. 1865. Purroy, Frederick L., a. 1850. John B., a. 1831. Purse, Marshall A., nt, 1892, Putnam, Bayard T., s. 1875. Benjamin R., u. 1893. Graham F., a. 1888. Harrington, /. 1876. John F., a. 1891. Tarrant, /. 1875. Putzel, Charles, /. 1878. Gibson, /. 1877. 6oo INDEX OF GRADUATES. Pynchon, Thomas R., h. 1877. Pyne, M. Taylor, /. 1879. Smith, a. 1823. Quackenbos, Francis S., m. 1880. George C, a. 1803. George P., a. 1843. George W., a, 1839, John D., a. 1868, in. 1871. Nicholas J., a. 1800. Quackenbush, Daniel McL., a. 1836. Quackinbush, David, a. 1806. Quigley, John T., /. 1889. Reber F., m. 1881. Quimby, Alfred P., a. 1883. Quin, Hamilton S.. m. 1883. James M., a. 1827, h. 1833. Robert A., m. 1870. Quinby, Thomas F., m. 1878. Quinlan, Joseph F., m. 1878. William W., m. 1891. Quinn, Edward H., m. i886. iames A., m. 1880. .awrence F., /. 1878. Quintard, Charles T., h. 1853, h. 1866. Edward [S.], m. 1887. Quinton, William W., m. 1892. Rabe, Rudolph F., /. 1869. Rachel, George W., m. 1874. Radcliffe, Frank L., in. 1874. Radde, Louis E. G., /. 1873. Radeker, Barna E., m. 1874. Radford, William H., .?. 1877. Radloff, William, m. 1876. Radway, John S., m. 1879. Raegener, Louis C., a, 1876, /. 1878. Rafael, Enrique C., in. 1873. Rafel, Plenry S., /. 1884. Rafferty, Ogden, m. 1885. Rafftery, Thomas H., nt. 1890. Ralph, William L., m. 1879. Rambaut, Thomas D., a. 1881, /. 1882, /. 1883. Ramsay, William E., m. 1888. Randall, Charles H., ni. 1891. Frank E., /. 1879. James P., in. 1883. Paul, a. 1774. Sands F., /. 1873. William S., in. 1886. Randol, Albert R., nt. 1867. Randolph, Charles, a. 1886. Edgar F., /. 1884. Edmund, i'. 1883. Hector C. F., a. 1867. Henry F., /. 1880. James F., i'. 1876. John C. F., s. 1869. Stuart F., /. 1875. Thomas M. F., /. 1882, Rankin, Egbert G., a. 1876, nt. 1878. John, Jr., a. 1841. William, Jr., in. 1871. Ranney, Henry F., /. 1865. Julius H., /. i860. Ransom, Paul C, /. 1889. Porte v., /, 1884. Rapallo, Charles A., h. 1887. Charles A., [Jr.J, a. 1884. Edward S., a. 1874, /. 1876. Rapelje, Charles, a. 1811. George, a. 1791. John, a. 1774. Rapp, Maurice, /. 1880. Rathbone, Charles C, m. 1893. Thomas W., a. 1800. Rathbun, Charles A., /. 1889. Rattoone, William, a. 1796. Rauth, Emil, in. 1886. Ravenhill, Lefroy, a. 1845. Raven scroft, John S., h. 1823. Rawcliffe, Henry A., /. 1873. Rawson, Edward S., /. 1894, u. 1894. Ray, John A., m. 1874. John, a. 1766. Louis D., a. 1882. Richard, a. 1817. Richard C, a. 1861. Robert, a. 1813. Robert, Jr., a. 1852. Raymenton, William H., in. 1873. Raymer, George S., s. iJ 51. Raymond, Alfred, J. 1891. Charles N., m. 1877. Henry W., /. 1871. Joseph, m. 1888. Joseph H., m. 1869. Manley A., /. 1877. Robert M., i-. 1889. Samuel G., a. 1816. William L., a. 1859. Raynolds, Edward V., /. 1882. Thomas B., /. 1868. Raynor, Addison, in. 1893. Everett M., in. 1881. Russell, J. 1889. Rea, Robert M., in. 1868. Read, Robert L., /. 1872. William T., /. 1887. Reade, Joseph, a. 1758. Reamer, Lawrence, a. 1888, «. 1890. Reass, Benjamin, /. 1894. Reb, John H., m. 1894. Reber, Nathaniel B., m. 1862. Reckendorfer, Louis J., a. 1886. Reckhardt, Daniel W., s. 1884. George F., s. 1892. Rector, Joseph M., a. 1890, m. 1893. Redfearn, Joseph, Jr., in. 1873. Redfield, Richard W., a. 1831. Redmond, Goold H., a, 1857. Reed, Albert A., /. 1887. Charles, in. 1879. George E., nt. 1888. James J., in. 1888. John, h. 1822. Stephen, Jr., a. 1832. Stuart H., in. 1881. Sylvanus A., a. 1874. William B. S., s. 1879. William H., /. 1886. Rees, [B.] Franklin, s. 1874, John K., a. 1872, s. 1875. Reese, Theodore I., a. 1894. William W., a. 1890, s. 1892. Reeve, James S., in. 1889. Reeves, Alfred G., I. 1887. INDEX OF GRADUATES. 60 1 Reevs, Gabriel, /. 1882. Regan, Timothy J., ni, 1884. Regensburger, Alfred E., m. 1872, David H., /. 1875. Melville H., /. 1873. Reid, Aaron B., a. 1845. Charles B., /. 1886. Frederick W,, a. 1881. Henry H., /. 1868. John J., ;«. 1869. Willard P., /. 1885. Reilly, Bernard, Jr., /. 1876. Hugh, /. 1874. James T., w. 1878. John, /. 1887. Philip J., /. 1882. William M,, /. 1877. Reinl, George J., /. 1887. Remer, John, m. 1890. Remsen, Charles P., w. 1880. Henry, /. 1871. Ira, ;«. 1867, h. 1893. Jacobus, a. itj^. John, a. 1789. Phoenix, /. 1867. Robert, a. 1795. Robert G., in. 1876. Simeon, a. 1807. William, a. 1803. Renaud, Frederick, Jr., /. 1884. Renault, George, j. 1883. Rennard, John C, J. 1894. Rennes, Louis, a. 1887, /. 1889. Renwick, Edward S., a. 1839, Henry B., a. 1833. James, a. 1807, h. 1829. James, a. 1836. James A., a. 1876, /. 1879. Robert J., a. 1809. William R., a. 1833. Repetto, Francisco, ni. 1866. Requa, Henry M., Jr., a. 1887, /. 1889. Restrepo, Camilo C, s. 1887. Reubenstein, Raymond, u, 1894. Reuss, Joseph H., m, 1889. Reuwee, Albert A., /. 1864. Revel, Alonzo B., /. 1877. Reville, Philip E., /. 1886. Reymert, James D., Jr., /, 1872. Reynaud, Albert, /. 1874. Reynolds, Charles, a. 1843. Charles H., ;«. 1861. Edwin, m. 1877. Frank, /. 1871. James N., h. 1835. Jasper G., m. 1862. John, /. 1875. John H., /. 1878. Marcus T., j. 1893. Stephen R., a. 1859. William H. T., m. 1870, Rhame, William, m. 1876. Rhind, Charles, [Jr.], a. 1827. Rhinelander, Charles E., a. 1849. Frederic W., a. 1815. Frederic W., a. 1847. John R., a. 1811. Philip, a. 1804. Philip, a. 1834. Thomas J. O., a. 1878, /. 1880. William, a. 1798. William C, a. 1808. Rhoades, Winfred C, a, 1894. Rhodes, Clarence W., /. 1878. Francis B. F., j. 1874. John C, /. 1878. Robert D., j. 1879. Samuel D., w. 1874. Rice, Arthur H., m. 1874. Charles B., j'. 1864, /. 1867. Charles C, m. 1877. Charles O., m. 1889. George S., Jr., j. 1887. Isaac L., /. 1880. John W., in. 1875. Joseph M., m. 1881. William A., «. 1861. Rich, iacob M., J. 1883. lichael P., m. 1894. Richard, Montrose R., m. 1877, Richards, A. G., a. 1858. Dickinson W., /. 1882. Frederick G., a. 1884, /, 1886. George, /. 1876. George A., m. 1886. Gracie K., a. 1889. Guy, a. 1887, /. 1889. Harry E., m. 1875. Henry R., /. 1894. Huntington, m. 1877. James, /. 1864. Jarrett T., /. 1866. John T., /. 1874. Joseph S., /. 1867. Robert K., a. 1858. Samuel H., /. 1889. Thomas L., m. 1891. William G., m. 1878. Richardson, Alfonso A., m. 1885. Charles A., /. 1877. Charles H., m. 1884. John C, s. 1883. John E., nt. 1877. iohn S., m. 1893. lUcian H., /. 1875. Rosell L., /. 1876. Waldo H., m. 1878. Walter J., m. 1885. Richmond, Edward G., /. 1878. Thomas A., a. 1832. William T., s. 1881. Richy, Henry A., m. 1889. Ricker, Clinton J., tn, 1874. Ricketts, Pierre de P., s. 1871. Ricord, Philippe, m. 1868. Ridgvvay, Charles D., /. 1872. Ridley, John, /. 1877. Ridlon, John [F.], m. 1878. Ridout, William G., m. t866. Ridsdale, Thomas W., s. 1883. Rieger, Charles F., m. 1885. Jacob, /. 1891. Joel H., m. 1872. Ries, Henry, s. 1892, u. 1894. Rigby, Charles D., nt. 1861^ Benjamin C, m. 1869. Edward, a. 1881. George W., s. 1871. Herman C, in. i8qo. Joseph K., a. 1847. Riker, Adrian, /. 1881. Chandler W., /, 1879. Daniel P., a. 1826. Henry L., a. 1880. John H., a. 1835. Samuel, Jr., a. 1799. Samuel, Jr., /. 1888^ Rile, John L., Jr., a. 1893. Riley, Henry A,, Jr., /. 1874. Henry C, a. 1858. Ring, Charles A., nt. 1873^ Zebedee, Jr., a. 1842. Riotte, Pedro P., /. 1871. Ripley, Charles D., nt. 1889. Joseph S., nt. 1870, William Z., u. 1892, u^. 1893. Ritsher, Edward C, /. 1889. Rittenhouse, Charles T., j. 1894.. Ritter, Charles, /. 1869. Theodore, /. i86g. Ritterband, David S., /. 1871. Ritterbusch, Hugo H., A 1887.. Ritzema, Rudolph, a. 1758. Rives, George L., a. 1868, /.L 1873. Reginald W., a. 1882, /. 1885. 602 INDEX OF GRADUATES. Robb, James, a. 1889. William L., a. 1880. Robbins, Arden M., a. 1885. George S., a. 1885, /. 1889. Harry P., a. 1894. William A., /. 1888. Robert, Charles S., m. 1864. Daniel, a. \i(i'2,. Roberts, Arthur C, s. 1881. Charles, /. 1869. Charles F., m. 1883, Charles H., /. 1888. Edward, a. 1892. Erastus T., a. 1881. Gracie S., J. 1871. Jacob H., a. 1884. Nathan S., m. 1867. Oliver E., a. 1842. Robertson, Abraham H., /. 1874, Alexander H., a. 1813. Andrew K., a. 1823. Anthony L., a. 1825. Arthur R., /. 1870. •Charles F., h. 1868. Jacob A., a. 1812. John J., a. 1816. Kenneth, s. 1868. INoel, a. 1823. Hichard S., Jr., s. 1871. I{.oderick, /. 1870. Victor A., m. 1883. Robeson, Fielding T., a. 1893. Robie, John W., m. 1861. Robins, Edward P., a. i860. Robinson, Allan G., /. 1894. Alexander, a. 1824. Alfred B., A 1888, /. 1889, Beverley, a. 1773. Beverley, Jr., a. 1826. Edward R., /. 1866. Francis G., s. 1893. George W., nt. 1867. Henry A., s. 1880, /. 1882. James H., /. 1891. James L., /. 1877. John A., Tti. 1862. John W., m. 1867. Robert E., a. 1863, I 1865. Seth B., /. 1891, «. 1892, /. 1893. Thomas, /. 1865. Thomas H., /. 1879. Robson, James A., /. 1876. Roby, E. Willard, /. 1880. Roche, Spencer S., a. 1870. Rockafeller, John W., m. 1890. Rockwell, Charles H., /. 1869. Edwards H., /. 1884, Fen ton, /. i860. Frank W., m. 1868. Thomas H., m. 1887. William, /. 1877. William H., Jr., in. 1862. William H., Jr., tn. 1892. Rockvvood, Charles B., /. 1876. Rodenstein, Charles F., in. 1867. Roder, Paul W., /. 1882. Rodger, David R., m. 1888. Rodgers, Harris C, m. 1889. Rodman, Charles S., m. 1868. Erskine M., a. 1850. Washington, a. 1842. Roe, Jacob I., m. 1875. John O., m. 1871. Roebuck, Peter, a. 1772. Roesch, George F., /. 1876. Roeser, Frederick, s. 1884. John E., u. 1892, /. 1893. Rogan, John H., /. 1885. Rogers, Albert S., nt. 1867. Archibald G., a. 1820. Charles, h. 1853. Charles L., s. 1877. Clarence De W., /. 1893, Columbus B., a. 1848. Edward H., m. 1892. Edward N., a. 1817. George A., m. 1892. George J., a. 1819. George P., «. 1807. Henry, Jr., a. 1827. Henry F., a. 1803. Henry P., /. 1875. Hiram M., /. 1891. James D,, u. 1893, "• 1894. John, Jr., m. 1891. John A., m. 1875. John S., a. 1812. Jones, a. 1841. Nathaniel P., Jr., a. 1882. Orville F., m. 1869. Oscar H., m. 1883. Oscar L., j. 1889. Piatt, /. 1871. Robert H., in. 1894. Samuel, a. 1804. Samuel D., a. 1817. Sara B., a. 1889. Thomas, /. 1868. Thomas W,, in. 1890. William C, nt. 1868. Rokenbaugh, Henry S., /. 1874. Rolker, Charles M., s. 1875. Rolland, Louis L., /. 1886. Rolston, Louis B., /. 1883. Romaine, Benjamin, /. 1889. Benjamin, Jr., a. 1838. Benjamin F., [Jr.], a. 1871, /. 1872. De Witt C, nt. 1881. [L.] Girard, a. 1882. Samuel B., a. x8o6. William G., /. 1888. Worthington, a. 1840. Romer, Jean, h. 1854. Romeyn, James, a. 1816, h. 1838 James W., a. 1858. John B., a. 1795. Nicholas, a. 1774. Rood, Roland G., s. 1884. Roof, Charles B., nt. 1875. Frank H., in. 1862, Stephen W., m. 1864. Roome, Claudius M., a. 1880, /, 1882. William H., a. 1880, /. 1882. William W. S., /. 1877- Rooney, William H., /. 1866. Roorbach, Frederic, a. 1806. Harold, /. 1882. Roosa, John P., Jr., /. 1884. Roosevelt, James H., a. 1819. James J., Jr., a. 1815. James W,, nt. 1880. John E., /. 1874. Silas W,, a. 1842. Van Ness, /. 1864. William H., a. 1826. Root, Edwin B., /. 1887. Francis F,, nt. 1888. George M., a. 1841. Henry A., /. 1868. Herbert T., /. 1877. Joseph E., nt. 1883. Louis F., m. 1882. Russell H., a. 1862, /. 1864. Samuel C, a. 1875. Rose, Achilles, m. 1872. Andrew W., Jr., /. 1873. William R., /. 1874. Roseboom, Jacob L., nt. 1880. Rosenberg, Adam, a. 1883, /. 1885. Julius, nt. 1890. Max, in. 1892. Rosenblatt, Leopold G., /. 1876. Rosenblueth, J. Coby, nt. 1892. Roseneau, Bernard S., nt. 1893. Rosenfeld, Edward L., a. 1872. Rosenheim, Paul J., in. 1883. Rosenthal, Abraham, nt. 1890. Albert, .y. 1892. Alexander, /. 1889. Alexander S., /. 1881. Rosewater, Victor S., /. 1891, u. 1892, u. 1893. INDEX OF GRADUATES. 603 Ross, Alfred L., /. 1894. Arthur B., a. 1865. David M., a. 1804. Francis E., m. 1870. George W., in, 1879. Henry H., a. 1808. James A,, /. 1871. John H., rt. 1843. Kenwick R., nt. 1891. Thomas N., /. 1882. William, a. 1795. William C, s. 1876. William H., m. 1888. William H., Jr., m, 1868. William M., m. 1795. Rossett, " John D., /. 1873. Roth, Charles, /. 1877, Charles [M.], ni. 1866. Frederick C, m. 1891. Milton S., a. 1894. Rothe, Henry E., nt. 1880. Rothschild, Louis F.,/. 1890. William, /. 1876. Rotter, Edward G., «. 1893. Sanford L., a. 1893. Rounds, Ralph S., /. i8q2. Rouse, Justus M., m. 1878. Samuel F., nt. 1866. Routh, Saumarez D,, a, 1849. Rowan, Joseph C, /. 1891. Stephen N., h. 1822. Rowe, Charles T. B., a. 1890. David A., a. 1870. Griffith T., /. 1874. William H, G., nt. 1880. Rowland, Charles B., s. 1884. George, s. 1887. Henry L., /. 1882. John, h. 1852. Samuel, /. 1881. Rowlette, Thomas M., p. 1889, /. 1889, u. 1891. Rublee, Charles C, m. 1873. Rudd, Erastus B., a, 1861, /. 1863. Robert S., /. 1882. Rudolph, Charles, /. 1882. Ruger, Crawford P., /. 1882. William C, ft. 1887. Rugg, De Leonard, /. 1875. George S., nt. 1862. Ruggles, Emory W., nt. 1888. Henry J,, a. 1832. James F., a. 1847. Ruland, Frederick D., nt. 1889. Rulison, Hiram M., Jr., /. 1877. Rumsey, James S.,«. 1819. Runk, Charles A., /. 1876. Edward J., a. 1879. Runkle, Kate B., u. 1890. Philip L., /. 1885. Runyon, Frank K., /. 1885. MefEord, m. 1887. Rupert, Theodore D., nt. 1880. Rupp, Philip, Jr., J. 1884, '«• 1887. Rusch, William H., /. 1885. Rushmore, Edward C, ni. 1886. John D., 171. 1870. Merwin, /. 1864. Rusk, Thomas A., a. 1880. Russ, Charles T., /. 1878. Edward, Jr., /. 1876. Russel, Theophilus, a. 1814. William C, a. 1832, h. 1875. Russell, Allen S., in. 1864. Charles H., /. 1874. Edward, /. 1877. Everett W., in. 1891. Frank E., in. 1878. Frederick F., nt. 1893. Henry E., /. 1861. Henry M., /. 1878. John F., in. 1880. John W., a. 1871, /. 1871. Lawrence, /. 1889. Samuel H., j. 1875. Talcott H., /. 1871. William H., a. 1878. William H., Jr., a. 1861. Rutgers, Henry, a. 1766. Rutherford, Lewis H., s. 1887. Rutherfurd, Francis M., j. 1879. Lewis M., -4. 1887. Winthrop, a. 1884. Ruttkay, Louis, /. 1865. Ruttman, Ferdinand, Jr., s. 1880. Ryan, James, k. 1831. James E., /. 1862. Philip M., in. 1875. Thomas P., nt. 1876. William C, /. 1887. Ryder, Edgar L., a. 1882. Ryerson, Arthur, /. 1873. John A., a. 1885. John G., nt. i860. Louis J., /. 1876. Rylance, Joseph H., Jr., /. 1881. Ryle, Peter, /. 1876. Rynne, William, m. 1876. Ryon, Augustus M,, s. 1886. Sabin, William E., m. 1868. Sabine, John B., /. 1882. Thomas T., a. 1861. William T., a. 1859. Sacchi, Henry, /. 1874. Sachs, Julius, d. 1867. Sackett, Clarence D., a. 1818. Edward S., /. 1874. Grenville A., a. 1823. John T., /. 1888. Sackmann, Washington, /. 1866. Safford, Harry P., m. 1885. Philo P., /. 1888. Sage, Edward E., s. 1877. William H., a. 1871, /. 1874. Sahlein, Moses, /. 1872. Sahler, Charles O,, in. 1878. St. Amant, Louis, a. 1873. St. John, Hunter, in. 1886. Philo D., ;«. 1883, Samuel B., in. 1870. Samuel S., a. 1828. Thomas P., a. 1848. Thomas M., s. 1890. Salisbury, Randall, /. 1892. Salmon, Arthur C, /. 1877. Salomon, Abraham, /. 1876. David, /. 1874. Saloshinsky, (vide Korn, L S.) Saltonstall, Winthrop, nt. 1796. Saltus, Edgar E., /. 1880. Richard M., /. 1874. Sammis, Elmer G., /. 1886, /. 1887. Warren E., /, 1887, /. 1888, /. 1889. Sampson, William H., /. 1880. Zabdiel S., /. 1867. Sampter, Rudolph, /. 1871. 6o4 INDEX OF GRADUATES, Samson, Charles M., tn. i860. Samuel, EUis Y., /. 1878. Sanborn, Eugene B., 7n. 1867. George P., /. 1893. William C, /. 1874. Sander, Peter F, C, l. 1879. Sanders, Charles B., /. 1875. Charles W., Qr.], m. 1878. Francis F., m. 1870. George N., Jr., a. 1868, /. 1870. James U., /. 1884. WUbur E., s. 1885. Sanderson, Charles R., m. 1867. James H., 7n. 1890. John E. W., m. 1886. Leavitt, w. 1869. Sandford, Edward, a. 1894. Elliot, /. 1864. George W., /, 1863. Nathan, h. 1823. Sands, Benjamin A., a. 1874, I. 1876. Benjamin J., in. 1893. Charles E., a. 1887. Edwin, a. 1827. Ferdinand, a. 1825. Ferdinand, a. 1879, ^• 1882. Henry, a. 1795. Joseph, a. 1850. Lewis, a. 1798. Norton J., ;;/. 1868. Philip J., a. 1863. Robert A., m. 1888. Robert C, a. 1815, Robert C, a. 1887, /. 1888, /. 1889. Walter S., /, i860. Sanford, Charles P., /. 1878. Edward, /. 1880. Ferdinand V. D., /. 1881. Orlin M., /, 1880. Wilbur F., /. 1877. Sanger, Adolph L., /. 1864. Eugene B., tti. 1894. William C, /. 1878. Sargent, Eli D., in. 1865. Satterlee, Churchill, a. 1890. Clarence, in. 1871. George R,, a. 1894. Henry Y., a. 1863. Herbert L., a, 1883, p. 1883, /. 1885. Walter, a. 1863. Satterthwaite, James S., a. i860. Thomas E., in. 1867. Saunders, Charles L., /. 1882. Robert H., ni. 1874. Sause, Peter J., /. 1865. Sauvalle, John S., in. 1889. Sauzade, Robert S.,/. 1879. Savage, Edward S., /. 1876. Henry B., in. 1877. John, h. 1823. Seward M., j, 1892. Thomas R., in. 1874. Sawyer, Charles P., s. 1881. Lorenzo S. B., /. 1867. Saxe, George G., Jr., a. 1887. Saxl, Josef, in. 1892. Sayles, Whipple O., /. 1876. Saylor, Richard W., in. 1882. Sayre, James, h. 1774. Reginald H., a. 1881. Sayres, Gilbert H., a. 1808, h. _i863.- William J., a. 1854. Scales, Thomas S., in. 1867. Schaefer, Constantine R., m, 1892. Schaeffer, Frederic C, h. 1830. George C, A. 1842. Schaeffler, Frank, /. 1877. Schaettler, George, /. 1885. Schaffer, Jacob H., a. 1891. John LeG., /. 1864. Schaffner, Frederick L. W., /. 1875- Schanck, George H., /. 1882. Scharff, Adrian, /. 1884. Schatz, Adam E., /. 1874. Schauf, Adam, in. 1887. Jacob, /. 1893. Schauffler, Edward W., tn, 1868. William G., in. 1889. Scheeline, Simon C, /. 1876. Schelkly, Wilhelm, in. 1877. Schell, Edward H., /. 1873. Edward P., a. 1878, /. 1880. Francis, /. 1874. Schenck, Henry, a. 1801. Henry J., /. 1866. John C, /. i860. John P., Jr., in. 1864. Nathaniel P., a. 1876. Peter L., in. 1865. Teunis, m. 1865. Schermerhorn, Bruce, a. 1833. Burr, in. 1863. Cornelius, a. 1806. Daniel C, a. 1824. Frederick A., s. 1868. Henry A., a. 1861, /, 1867. John, a. \^'2'j. John E., /. 1874. John J., a. 1825. John S., a. 1793. Peter A., a, 1829. William B., a. 1863. William C, a, 1840. Scheu, Philip, m. 1884. Schieffelin, Charles M., /. 1871. Edgar S., /. 1876. George R., a. 1855. Henry H., a. 1801. Richard L., a. 1819. William J., j. 1887. Schiff, Herman J., in. 1884. Schiller, Leopold, in. 1882. Schirmer, Hermann J., m. 1882. Rudolph E., /. 1884. Schlegel, Gustavus, in. 1883. Schlereth, George, in. 1875. Schlesiger, Robert, ;;/. 1890. Schlesinger, Henry W., in. 1893. Mark M., p. 1887, /. Schloeder, Nicholas, /. 1888. Schluer, Charles A., a. 1890. Schmelzel, Irving, a. 1886. James H., a. 1883. Schmidt, Charles F., in. 1873. Oscar E., a. 1859. Schmitt, Erit B., a. 1883. Schmitz, Herman W., /. 1875. Schneeberger, Henry W., a. 1867. Schneider, Albert F., s. 1876. Louis H. A., in, 1890. Schnugg, Francis J., /. 1884. Schoenijahn, William C, in. 1894. Schofield, George S., Jr., a. 1870, /. 1872. Scholl, John H., /. 1874. Scholle, Adolph T., /. 1888. Schoney, Emanuel, s. 1884. INDEX OF GRADUATES. 605 Schoonmaker, Jacob, a. 1799. Schoonover, Warren, in. 1867. Schottky, Ernst, in. 1880. Schram, Louis B., /. 1879. Schreier, Eli S., /. 1891. Schricker, ^ William E., /. 1885. Schriver, Harry T., s. 1888. Schroeder, Henry, m. 1886, James L., j. 1889. John F., a. 1849. Schroter, George A., s. 1893. Schryver, Matthew V. B., /. 1880. Schiillinger, Otto, /. 1885. Schultz, Henry G., /. 1888. Schultze, Emile, Jr., /. 1887. Ernest C., m. 1890. Louis W., w. 1880. Otto H., m. 1889. Schumann, Charles H., j. 1888. Schureman, John, h. 1816. Schurman, Jacob G., h, 1892. Schuster, David K., /. 1874. Schuyler, Arent, a. 1765. Edwards O., a. 1887. Eugene, /. 1863. Philip, a. 1806. William D., m. 1869. Schwab, Alwin H., fit. 1890. Leo, /. 1874. Schwarzchild, Harry D., nt. 1891, Schwartz, Joseph, /. 1873. Schwerd, Max J., m. 1886. Scofield, George S., a. 1870, /. 1872, Samuel, in. 1803. Walter K., in. 1868. Scoonover, Jefferson, tn. 1869. Scoresby, William F., m. 1864. Scott, Albert _L., m. 1885. Cornelius S., /. 1875. Edward A., ;//. 1891. Francis M., /. 1869. t. Jackson, k. 1854. anphear H., /. 1879. Walter J., /. 1877. William, h. 1798. William J., m. 1871. Wilham McC, m. 1889. Winfield, h. 1850. Winfield, /. 1872. Xenophon C, in. i86g. Scoville, Delavan C, /. 1876. Frederick, /. 1861. James, h. 1761. Scranton, William B., m. 1882. Scriba, George D., a. 1887, /. 1888, /. 1889. Scribner, Charles H,, in. 1890. Scrugham, William W., a. 1880, /. 1882. Scudder, Charles D., in. 1878. Edward M., /. 1879. Henry J., h. 1862. Henry T., a. 1874. Hey ward, in. 1894. Townsend, /. 1888. Willard, /. 1892. Seabrook, Harry H., m. 1881. Thomas L., /. 1875. Seabury, John H., m. 1872. Samuel, h. 1761. Samuel, h. 1823, h. 1837. William J., a. 1856. Seaman, Albert W., /. 1879. Alfred W. P., a. 1879. Benjamin, a. 1774. Benjamin, a. 1795. Billop B., a. i8o2. Edgar D., in. 1884. Edward, a. 1805. George A., a. 1851. Richard F. B., in. 1881. Robert, a. 1804. William A., /. 1864. Seamans, William S., in. 1881. Searing, Byron H., in. 1885. Edward W., /. 1868. Searle, Dayton W., m. 1866. Charles D., s. 1894. John, a. ijji. Searls, Wellington B., m. 1872. Sears, Charles E., a. 1857. Henry T., in. 1862. Seaver, Horace N., Jr., a. 1869. True M., /. 1873. Sebring, Emma G., u. 1894. Michael, in. 1771.. Secor, Horace, Jr., /. 1875. Thomas E., /. 1877. William H., /. 1869. Sedgwick, Theodore, a. 1829. Seeds, Orin H., m. 1860. Seely, Edward H., Jr., /. 1880. Seelye, Hiram H., m. 1882. Julius H., h. 1876, h. 1887. Seguin, Edward C, m. 1864. Segur, Benjamin A., in. i860. Gideon C, ;//. 1882. Seibert, Albert E., /. 1889. Seitz, Oscar R., a. 1894. Seldner, Aaron B., /. 1882. Henry, /. 1878. Rudolph, s. 1894. Self, Edward D., s. 1894. Seligman, Alfred L.,/. 1883. DeWitt J., /. 1882, /. 1884. Edwin R. A., a. i /. 1884, /. 1884. Eugene, a. 1876, /, 1882. George W., a. 1876, /. 1882. Isaac N., a. 1876. Jefferson, a. 1878. Joseph G., J. 1887 Seligsberg, Alfred F., /. 1893. Sellew, Frederick S , in. 1881. Semple, Lorenzo, /. 1889. Seney, Robert, a. 1815. Senftner, Robert, /. 1876. Senger, Wilham A., /. 1867. Sentell, Charles E., /. 1886. Senter, Edward M., ;//. 1882. Serviss, Garrett P., /. 1874. Sessions, Isaac P., in. 1893. Sevanoak, Frank L., in. 1883. Severson, Frank M., in. 1889. Seward, John P., a. 1890. Sexsmith, George H., m. 1890. Sexton, Lawrence E., /. 1887. Seybel, Daniel E., /. 1877. 6o6 INDEX OF GRADUATES. Seymour, Charles, a. 1836. Daniel, a. 1826. Elbridge G., m. i860. Ellis G., /. 1883. George F., a. 1850, h. 1878. James H., m. 1883. Julius H., /. 1882, Morris W., /. 1867. Roderick B., a. 1865. Shack, Albert P., s. 1868. Ferdinand, /. 1876. Shaffer, Jacob H., a. 1891. Shafter, James C., in. 1873. Shanahan, John B., /. 1889. Shannon, Richard C., /. 1885. Shapter, Peter, Jr., a. 1840. Share, William W., s. 1881. Sharp, John, in. 1868. Sharpe, Frank M., m. 1887. Sharretts, Charles J., in. 1878. Sharswood, George, h. 1856. Shaw, Abner O., m. 1863. Amos, Jr., in. 1863. Andrew C, /. 1889. Charles H., /. 1885. Frank D., a. 1874, /. 1878. Harry J., a. 1894. Henry B., in. 1877. Jacob, a. 1774. James P., in. 1890. John C, in. 1874. John E., /. 1875. Marshall, in. 1871. Ralph [W.], /. 1886. Samuel F., in. 1862. Samuel G., a. 1880. William W., a. 1894. Shea, Charles E., a. 1837. James, h. 1831. James, [Jr.] , /. 1892. Shears, Alonzo G., h. 1877. Shedd, John M., «. 1877. Shedden, Samuel S., h. 1865. Sheehy, James, Jr., /, 1879. Sheffield, James C, /. 1871. Sheldon, Charles S., in. 1868. Clarence W., in. 1887. Edward W., /. 1881. Eugene E., /. 1873. Gardner H., s. 1879. George P., /. 1869. Horace P., in. 1877. James, /. 1883. Theodore, /. 1877. Shelley, Henry A., tn. 1883. Shelling, George D., /. 1883. Shelton, Charles C, /. 1867. Charles W., /. 1871. William, h. 1825. Shenstone, Archibald C, /. 1877. Shepard, Frank N,, a. 1869, /. 1871. Robert F., a. 1870, /. 1876. William F., a. 1856. Shepherd, John H., h. 1842. John H., /. 1874. William R., a. 1893, '"■• 1894. Sheppard, George S., /. 1877. Sherman, Alpheus, a. 1803. Frank D., s. 1884. Frederick W., /. 1883. George, a. 1875. George H., m. 1868. Gerald F., j. 1894. Harris G., ;;/. 1880. Harry M., in. 1880. John D., Jr., a. 1894. John T., 7. 1874. Thomas P., /. 1868. Thomas T., /. 1876. William H., in. 1884. William W., in. 1878. Sherovv, Elton J., in. 1890. Sherrill, Edwin S., in. 1885. George, [Jr.], in. 1891. Sherwood, Charles, /. 1874. Charles H., /. 1876. Ezra K., a. 1849. Henry DeL., in. 1882. Samuel, /. 1878. William, h. 1834. Shields, John H., /. 1882. Shiland, Andrew, Jr., /. 1877. James L., in. 1882. Shillaber, William, Jr.,/. 1889, u. 1890. Shillock, Paul, in. 1887. Shimidz, Atzmori M., /. 1877. Shipman, Herbert, a. 1890. Nelson, a. 1886. Pelham W., /. 1887. Shippey, Josiah, Jr., a. 1796. Shirley, John L., /. 1874. Shirmer, Charles D., in. 1890. Shively, Henry L., in. 1888. Shoemaker, Murray C, /. 1866. Thomas B., /. 1864. Shoop, Frederic J., vi. 1883. Shope, Henry D., s. 1885. Short, Charles L., a. 1872. Edward L., a. 1875, /. 1878. Henry A., a. 1880. Shotwell, William W., /. 1878. Shrady, Arthur M., in. 1893. George, a. 1821. Henry M., a. 1894. Jacob, /. 1863. John, Jr., a. 1849, m. 1861. John E., in. 1892. William, /. 1864. Shreve, Octavius B., in. 1865. Thomas, a. ^jt^. Shrope, Harry H., /. 1875. Shulman, Alexander, in. 1885- Shumway, Willard A., s. 1882. Shunk, Albert, m. 1886. Sibley, Hiram W., /. 1871. Sicardi, Charles L., /. 1888. Sickles, Jacob, a. 1792. John I., a. 1804. Sidell, John A., a. 1812. Si^erson, Michael H., /. 1877. Sill, Edward R., in. 1889. Henry A., a. 1888, p. 1889. Henry D., in. 1892. James B., a. 1892.* Thomas H., a. 1861. Silliman, Charles A., a. 1850. Benjamin D., k. 1873. George B., /. 1883. Silver, Edward V., m. 1885. Silvers, George M., in. 1878. Simcox, Benjamin [J.], /. 1888. Simis, Adolph, Jr., /, 1876. Simmons, Arthur R., in. 1875. Charles E., in. 1864. Warren S., Jr., in. 1892. Simms, Edward P., /. 1879. William T., /. 1871. Simon, Charles I., nt. 1879. Kaufman, /. 1870. Ludwig S., in. 1894. Nelson B., /. 1889. INDEX OF GRADUATES. 607 Simonds, Alexander B., a. 1873, ^ /. 1875. Charles H,, a. 1882. Francis M., j. 1887. Simons, Edward,'/. 1887. Simonson, Egbert C, a. 1878. Gustave, a. 1886. Simpkins, Charles S., /. 1873. Simpson, Angel J., /. 1875, Charles, ;//. 1871. David F., /. 1884. Edwin D., ju. 1874. George W,, /. 1893. Horace L., ni. 1886. James Y., w. 1882. John E., a. 1886, /. 1888. John W., /. 1873. Marcus, a. 1891, u. 1892, Robert A., in. 1884, Robert G., a. 1841. Samuel F., /. i860. William K., m. 1880. William V„ /. 1864. Sims, Harry M., in. 1873. Simson, Sampson, a. 1800. Sinclair, » Alexander G., ni. 1869. George L., in. 1872. James D., /. 1885. Singer, George, Jr., s. 1880. George H., j. 1880. Sire, Albert I., /. 1883. Sisson, Charles H., a. 1892. Edward A., a. 1891. Skeene, Andrew, a. 1772. Skelding, Thomas, in. i866. Skellenger, Edward B., in, 1875. Skidmore, John D., a. 1849. James H., /. 1875. Samuel T., a. 1886, i'. 1889. William B., /. 1871. William R., a. 1884, /. 1S88. Skinner, Elmer, j. 1891. Eugene C, /. 1867. John B., /. 1875. Orrin, /. 1870. William M., /. 1879. Slack, Charles G., s. 1884. John C, a. 1821. John R., a. 1884. Slade, Richmond E., j. 1887. Slauter, Lee B., m. 1882. Slesinger, Samuel, /. 1874. Slidell, John, a. 1810. Slipper, James H., a. 1857. Joseph A., a. 1859. Sloan, Arthur, a. 1868. Benson B., a. 1888. Samuel, Jr., a. 1887. William S.,/. 1882. Sloane, Charles W., /. 1871. Thomas O'C, J. 1872. Wm. [J.] M., a. 1868, h. 1887. Slocum, Charles E., in. 1869. Charles E., Jr., in. 1887. William B., /. 1870. William E., /. 1864. Slosson, Barzillai, a. 182S. Edward, a. 1833. Harrison T., a. 1889. Slover, Abraham A., Jr., a. 1826. Small, Franklin M., j. 1889. Frederick I., /. 1869. Henry G., in. 1875. Sidney I., m. 1873. Smalley, Wallace A., s. 1880. William E., a. 1866, /. 1868. Smart, James H., in. 1891. Smeaton, William H., j. 1877. Smedberg, Henry A., a. 1881, s. 1884. James R., a. 1852. John A., a. 1869. John G., a. 1833. Oscar, a. 1855. William R., a. 1857. Smedes, John E, C, a. 1850. Smidt, Frank B., a. 1882. Smiley, David B., in. 1881. Smith, Albert H., m. 1876. Alexis C, /. 1875. Alfred K., m. 1894. Alonzo DeL., in. 1867. Andrew, h. 1798. Andrew J., in. 1863. Anson P., tn. 1878. Arthur C, /. 1875. Augustine C, /. 1887. Augustus, s. 1889. Augustus L., a. 1841. Bryant, in. 1891. Chandler H., Jr., m. 1888. Charles C, /. 1865. Charles E., /. 1867. Charles H., [Jr.], /, 1867. Charles J., a. 1823. Charles P., tn. 1874. Charles R., /. 1878. Clarence A., in. 1887. Clarence B., a. 1894. Daniel H., ni. 1873. David A., in. 1866. Deming B., a. 1870. Du Bois, a. 1876, /. 1878. E. Fayette, in. 1876. Edgar B., in. 1880. Edgar P., a. 1857. Edmund H., h. 1878. Edmund M., /. 1877. Edward B., a, 1869, /. 1871. Edward C, /. 1877. Edward P., in. 1875. Edwards M,, m. 1882. Edwin D., m. 1889. Elijah H., in. 1865. Elliot, /. 1871. Erasmus P., a. 1832. Ernest H., in. 1889. Everett P., a. 1892. Francis P., j. 1888. Frank A., in. 1884. Frank E., /. 1878. Frank E., /. 1880. Frank M., j. 1889. Frank S., /. 1868. Frank W., in. 1891. Frederick A., m. 1891. Frederick B., /. 1888. Frederic E., /. 1880. Freling H., /. 1867. George De F., in. 1876. George P., a. 1866, /. 1868. George W., ^. 1887. Gilbert, a. 1793. Gilmer P., /. 1882. Harold, /. 1878. Harrison T. C, /. 1891. Heber (jvide Heber- smith, Ernest). Henry A., j. 1893. Henry L., in. 1864. Henry M., in. 1871. Herbert W., /. 1889. Hiram, /. 1888. Homer E., nt. 1878. Horatio, a, 1774. Howard A., /. 1876. Hugh, a. 1813, h. 1838. Isaac B., in. 1891. Isaac S., /. 1867. J. Gardner, in. 1887. James B. F., /. 1879. James C, /. 1878. James F., in. 1882. James H., /. 1878. James T., h. 1865. James W., in. 1865. James W., in. 1871. James W., /. 1875. Jared K., m. 1876. Job L., Jr., a. 1881. ohn A., a. 1806. ohn C, h. 1862. John C, h. 1869. Tohn F., a. 1825. Tohn F., /. 1877. Tohn J., tn. 1889. John J., /. 1892. John M., a. 1816. John R., /. 1881. John T., a. 1805. John v., tn. 1889. Joseph G., in. 1863. Lee H., in. 1881. Lenox, a. 1865, s. 1868. Louis P., tn. 1893. Matson M. {vide Meier- smith). Matthew J.^ tn. 1890. Matthew J., Jr.,/. 1888. Maxwell, s. 1880. [E.] Munroe, /. 1877. Montrose L., in. 1864. Nathaniel F., /. 1866. Newton P., in. 1882. Normand, Jr., in. 1861. Oliver D., /. 1875. Percival C., /. 1885. Perry H., Jr., /. 1876. Rawson L., /. 1891. Reginald H., a. 1854, /. 1866. Richard H., /. 1879. Richard S., A. 1856. Robert J., /. 1883. Russell B., in. 1884. St. Clair, a, 1853. Samuel, a. 1792. Samuel, ttt. 1889. Samuel, Jr., a. 1786. Samuel K., in. 1890. Samuel St. J., in, 1866. Samuel W., /. 1888. Sanford S., /. 1872. Sydney, /. 1885. Theodore E., Jr., /. 1886. Thomas D., a. 1804. Thomas E. V., /. 1879. 6o8 INDEX OF GRADUATES. Thomas H., ;«. 1873. Thomas R., a. 1793. Thomas W., /. 1884. Walter T., /. 1888. Wessell S., a. 1825. Willard P., /. i8gi. William A., J. 1868. William G., m. 1883. William K., [Jr.], /. 1889. William L., a. 1841. William R,, a. 1851. William S., /. 1871. William W., /. 1866. William W., /. 1880. Wilson F., J. 1894. Wybrants A., a. 1873, /. 1876. Smylie, Arthur E., m. 1883. Smyth, Charles H., Jr., s. 1888. Henry M., a. 1871. Roland M., s. 1877. Smy the- Martin, Harry A., /. 1878. Snedeker, Henry H., /. 1887. Sneden, Warren C, m. 1882. Snell, John W., Jr., /. 1891. Snelling, Edward T., /. 1877. Snipe, Langdon T., tn. 1893. Snively, Whitmer, ;«. 1866. William A,, h. 1875. Snodgrass, William D., h. 1830. Snook, Thomas E., s. 1884. Snow, Fred. A., /. 1877. Henry S., /. 1880. IJ^orman L., iit. 1861. Shirley R., m. 1889. William B., tn. 1886. WiUiam D., /. 1876. Snowden, Alexander O., m. 1877. \Villiam E., a. 1838. Snyder, Edward H., a. 1880. Edwin H., a. 1887. Joseph G., a. 1886. Wilham L., /. 1874. Soble, Naman H., tn. 1890. Nathan VV , m. 1887. Solis, Jacob F. DaS., /. 1875. Solley, Fred. P., m. 1892. Solomon, Jacob P., /. 1864. Soma, Nagatane, /. 1877. Somerindyke, George W., /. 1877. Somers, Andrew B., in. 1872. Somerset, William L., w. 1892. Somerville, Edward L., /. 1889. William G., tn. 1889. Sommers, Henry C., /. 1883. Louis, /. 1881. Sondern, Frederic E., Tn. 1889. Sondheim, Leopold, /. 1887. Soper, Pliny L., /. 1887. Sour, Bernard, nt. 1893. Southack, John W., Jr., a. i860. Louis v., a. 1893. Southard, George C., s. 1892. William B., /, 1891. Souther, Charles E., /. 1869. Southgate, Horatio, h. 1845. Richard K., /. 1889. Southmayd, John F., in. 1892. Southworth, Edward, nt. 1882. Edward W., /. 1877. Malek A., in. 1880. Richmond J., m. 1866. Thomas S., in. 1887. Spader, Vanderbilt, a. 1879. Spahr, Charles B.,/. 1886. Spalding, Alfred M., in. 1883. George A , in. 1875. Joseph W., a. 1878. Spangler, William H., Jr., /. 1874. Sparks, George D., a. 1885. Hervey V. B., /. 1881. Spaulding, Henry K., /. 1875. Spear, Asa A., /. 1868. Charles, a. 1838. James £)., /. 1874. Speicher, Asa F., nt. 1881. Speir, Archibald W., /. 1863. Francis, Jr., /. 1880. Gilbert M., Jr., a. 1873, /. 1875. Spence, Henry, m. 1892. Thomas B., in. 1893. Spencer, Ambrose, h. 1823. Charles A., a. 1862. Edward L., /. 1872. Frederick G., /. 1884. Harold E., /. 1894. Horatio N., Jr., in. i86g. Jesse A., a. 1837, h. 1852. John C, h. 1847. John C, [Jr.], a. 1882, m. 1885. Robert, a. 1833. William C, a. 1884. William D., m. 1873. Spensley, Calvert, /. 1869. Speranza, Carlos L., h. 1887. Sperry, Frank, /. 1876. Speyer, Samuel V., /. 1872. Speyers, Clarence L., j. 1884. Spicer, Uriah D., /. 1877. Spiegelberg, Frederick, /. 1887. Spink, Erwin S., a. i886. Spofford, Thomas M., /. i Spooner, . Allen N., s. 1886. William R., /. 1876. Sprague, Henry L., /. 1875. Irvin A., a. 1876. William B., h. 1828. Spring, Samuel, h. 1858. Springs, Richard A., [Jr.], /. 1879. Sproat, Lewis D., tn. 1869. Squibb, Edward H., in. 1881. Squier, John B., Jr., in. 1894. Squiers, Arnon L., a. 1893. Squire, Charles L., m. 1874. Eben H. P., a. 1883, /. 1885. ■ Squires, Grant, a. 1885, /. 1887. Theodore M., /. i860. Staats, John H., /. 1871. Stabler, Edward L., a. 1885. Louise M., b. 1893. Stachlin, Robert, tn. 1873. Stackpole, Henry W., /. 1877. Stacpoole, R. Augustine, /. 1887. Staehlin, Edward, nt. 1890. Stafford, Charles M,, /. 1872. Stagg, Charles E., a. 1821. Peter, a. 182 1. Stake, George W., Jr.,/. 1888 /. 1889. INDEX OF GRADUATES. 609 Staley, William, a. i8i8. Stallknecht, Frederick, s. 1868. Stammler, Charles E., m. 1885. Stanbrough, Lyman T., /. 1888. Stanford, David R., a. 1842. Stanley, Frank A., th. 1870. Stansbury, Arthur J., a. 1799. Stanton, Alexander McC, a. 1856. Frank McM., s. 1887. Gerrit S., /. 1865. Henry [B.], [Jr.], L 1865. Lawrence M., in. 1886. Stephen B., /. 1888, /. 1889. u. 1890. Stephen K., a. 1845. Staples, Franklin, in. 1862. George A., m. 1885. Starek, Emil, s. 1885. Stark, Henry S., in. 1886. Oscar W., in. 1887, William M., /. 1879. Starkweather, Charles R., m. 1880. Chauncey C, /. 1877. Ralph E., w. 1869. Starr, Alfred R., in. 1880. Chandler D., J. 1881. Charles S,, in. 1869. Cornelius F,, in. 1888. Henry F., j. 1879. Moses A., m. 1880. Western, /, 1882. William J., /. 1886. Starrett, Heydon, m. 1880. Julius, /. 1878. Stason, Edwin J., /. 1887. Staunton, John, Jr., s. 1887. William F., s. 1882. Stearns, George A., /. 1878. Thomas B., s. 1881. Stebbins, Dwight D., m. i860. Russel, Jr., a. 1856. Steckler, Alfred, /. 1877. Louis, /. 1882. Steddiford, Peter, a. 1786. Stedman, Edmund C, h. 1892. Ernest G., /. 1S69. Robert S., m. 1880. Thomas L., ni. 1877. Steel, George E., m. 1886. Steele, Charles, /. 1880. George M., in. 1871. Oliver L., /. 1875. Theophilus B., /. 1883. Whitmore, in. 1890. William, a. 1830. Steelman, Millard F., /. 1889, Steer, Samuel L., a. 1816. Steers, James R., s. 1890. James R., Jr., /. 1863. Steeves, James A. E., m. 1888. Steger, Robert W., m. 1878. Stein, Alexis W., Jr., a. 1891. Carl A., /. 1886. Gottlieb, m. 1875. John B., in. 1892. Julius, in. 1885. Myer J., /. 1886. Sydney A., in. 1891. Steinach, William, in. 1894. Steinam, Joseph L., s. 1894. Steinberg, Albert, /. 1878. Steiner, Solomon, in. 1894. Steinfuhrer, Gustavus A. F., in, 1874. Steinhardt, Jacob, /. 1877. Steinschneider, Moritz, h. 1887. Stelle, Ephraim M., m. 1884. Stengel, Frederic, h. 1873. Stephens, George W., /. 1865. John B., a. 1843. John L., a. 1822. Stephen D., [Jr.], a. 1866, /. 1868. William B., in, 1893. Stephenson, Albert L. W., m. 1865. Frank H., in. 1878. James, h. 1849. James, h. 1873. William, m. 1880. Sterling, John W., /. 1867. Stern, Abraham, /. 1873. Max, /, 1882. Sternberg, George M., /«. i860. Sternberger, Edwin, in. 1890. Sternlicht, David, /. 1888. Stetson, Francis L., /. 1869. Horace, a. 1866, /. 1869. Steuer, Max D., /. 1893. Stevens, Alexander, s. 1887. Charles A., a. 1887. Charles W., in. 1892. Edward, a. itj^. Francis B., a. i8io. Frank E,, in. 1881, Frederic W., a. 1864. Frederic W., /. 1864. George T., /. 1887. Henry W., m. 1882. James A., a. 1808. John, a, 176S. John, /. 1886. John B., a, 1842. John B., a. 1884, /. 1886. John C, a. 1803. Richard, a. 1810. Richard, a. 1890. Richard F., a. 1852. Robert L., a. 1887. Stevenson, Clinton, in. 1889. Forney C, m. 1893. George D., in. 1893. Hugh, /. 1880. John B., a. 1811. John H., Jr., /. 1886. William G., m. 1865. Steward, Campbell, /. 1873. John, Jr., a. 1868. Stewart, Alexander, tn. 1865. Charles, a, 1804. Charles, /. 1882. Charles W., in. 1891. Darwin A., in. 1869. David, Jr., a. 1869. Douglas H., in. 1882. Francis B., s. 1879. Henry, Jr., /. 1878. Hunter, j. 1875. J. Clark, in. 1884. Lispenard, /. 1878. Percy H., /. 1893. Perez M., a. 1880. Seth T., /. 1875. William A. W., /. 1873. William H. N., >4. i860. William P., a. 1842. William R., /. 1873. Stich, Louis J., /. 1874. Stickler, Joseph W., Jr., nt. 1879. Stiebling, Alfred H., w. 1883. Stiefel, Benjamin W., in. 1890. Mortimer, /. 1891. Stiger, William E., /. 1867. Stiles, James, a. 1774. Stillman, Charles F., m. 1876. Howard Y., /. 1881. William M., /. 1879. Stillwell, Aaron L., in. 1889. John E., a. 1832. John E., m. 1875. Stilwell, Benjamin W,, /. 1879. Cleveland S., in. 1875. Edward F., /. 1866. Samuel D., m. 1872. Samuel E., a. 1883. Silas M., [Jr.], a. 1873, /. 1875. Thomas H., in. 1862. Van Meter, a. 1881, /. .1883. William R., in. 1864. 6io INDEX OF GRADUATES, Stimson, Charles W., m. 1884. Daniel M., w. 1868. Frederick ][,•. i' 1879. Stine, Marcus, /. 1881. Stirling, Andrew M., /. 1872. Stitt, John H., /. 1867. Stivers, Moses A., nt, 1894. Stock, Casper, nt. 1894. Stockholm, Dirck B., a. 1807. Stockton, Frank O., m. 1881. Stockwell, James K., m. 1863. Nathaniel S., s, 1882. Stoddard, Elliott J., /. 1881. Freeman, ni. 1864. Robert J., »z. 1878. William, /, 1877. Stoddart, Thomas A., /. 1888. William, /. 1878. Stodder, Robert H., s. 1886. Stoeckel, Gustave M., m. 1874. Stoiber, Adolphus H., /. 1874. Emil F., a. 1885. Stokes, Charles, Jr., m. 1869. Charles F., m. 1884. George H., /. 1878. Henry S., /. 1873. Horace S., in. 1892. Stolz, Benjamin, /. 1889. Stone, Ambrose E., /. 1878. Archibald M., a. 1847, Arthur W.,/. 1890. Chauncey B.,/. 1887. Daniel, h. 1843, Edward C, /. 1889. Frederick J., /. 1876. George C, s. 1879. Jay S., in. 1865. Lewis H., rn. 1889. Richard H., rn. 1866. Thomas, tn. 1883. William L., Jr., /. 1883, William M., ;4. 1830. William S., w. 1891. Stoothoff, William, /. 1875. Storie, James C., m. 1884. Storm, John B., /. 1862. Walton, /. 1881. Storrs, Charles B., /. 1884. Frank, a. 1874, /. 1876. Richard S., h. 1887. Samuel J., /. 1866. Storz, John C, tn. 1892, Stoskopf, Louis, tn. 1869. Stoughton, Arthur A., s. 1888. Charles W., s. 1889. James, a. 1810. James A., in. 1889. Stout, Andrew V., a. 1893. Ellarson, a. 1881. George W., m. 1864. John, /. 1864. Stephen V. W., m, 1868. Stoutenburgh, John H., /. 1874. Stowell, Henry F., vt. 1877. Strader, Franklin N.,/. 1891. Strafford, James, in. 1886. Stratton, Alexander, s. 1894. Straus, Oscar S., a. 1871,/. 1873. Strauss, William, /. 1871. Strebeigh, Harold, a. 1887. Lefferts, a. 1873, /. 1875. Streeter, Solomon T., /. 1869. Strickland, Henry S., m, 1877. Stricklin, David L., m. 1865. Strieby, William, s. 1878. Stringham, James S., a. 1793. John B,, a. 1794. Strong, Alexander, m. 1871. Benjamin, a. 1854. Cyrus J., in. i8gi. Frederick H., in. 1886. George T., a. 1838. Henry T., m. 1868. John R., a. 1872, /. 1875, Mason R., a. 1889. Oliver S., a. 1825. Pascal N., a. 1810. Peter R., a. 1840. Samuel P., h. 1853. Thomas M., a. 1816. Stroock, Moses J., /. 1888. Solomon M., tc. 1892, /. 1894. Strop, Charles F., /. 1887. Strouse, Alfred N., w. 1885. Edward, /. 1878. Strout, William A., s. 1891. Struse, Otto F., /. 1881. Struthers, Joseph, [Jr.], j. 1885. Stryker, Peter, h. 1804. James, a. 1809. John E., /. 1885. Stuart, Eugene T., a. 1881, /. 1882, /. 1883. John, h. 1773. Sidney B., a. 1880, /. 1882. Sidney H., Jr., /. 1864. William, a. 1808. William H., j. 1886. William W., /. 1874. Stubbs, Alfred, h. 1856. Houghton D., /. 1891. Joseph, m. 1866. Studley, Frank C, in. 1893. William H., in. i860. Studwell, Charles A., /. 1878. Study, James M., in. 1866. Sturges, Arthur P., a. 1864. Frank D., a. 1870, /. 1872. Frederick D., in. i£6r. Frederick W., /. 1867. Henry C, a. 1869. Purdy H., m. 1887. S. Perry, /. 1880. William W., a. 1885. Sturgis, Robert, /. 1883. Sturm dorf, Arnold, m. 1886. Stutson, William P., in. 1880. Stuyvesant, Peter G., a. 1794. Rutherfurd, a. 1863. Suckley, John L., a. i8ig. Rutsen, a. 1820. Suffern, Thomas, Jr., a. 1856. Sugg, Josiah P., m. 1867. Suiter, Augustus W., m. 1871. Sullivan, Francis J., /. 1877. George H., /. 1884. John F., in. 1894. Sully, Wilberforce, /. 1881. Summers, George E., in. i860. John E., Jr., tn. 1881. Sumner, Albert E., tn. 1894. Suter, George A., s. 1883. Sutherland, Douglas R., in. 1874. Jacob, h. 1836. Sutphen, John S., Jr., a. i Joseph W., /, 1876, Sutro, Theodore, /. 1874. Sutton, Edward, in. i883. John W., in, 1877. Suvoong, Vung P., in. 1873. 4 INDEX OF GRADUATES, 6ll Suydam, Abraham, a. i860. Charles C, a. 1856. Charles H., m. 1861. Charles S., /. 1872. John R., Jr., j. 1879. Swaim, George M., m. 1870. Swain, Alfred E., s. 1881. Edgar, /. 1877. Harold, /. 1891. James P., Jr., a. 1868. Swan, Benjamin R,, jn. 1868. Edward H,, a. 1844. Henry S., 7n. 1871. Justin M., 711. 1878. Otis D., a. 1848. Robert, [Jr.], a, 1871, in. 1874. Theodore A., /. 1886. William E., m. 1890. William L., /. 1871. Swann, Edward,/. 1885, /. 1886, Swanton, James F., /. 1875. Swart, Merton G., /. 1876. Swarts, Frederick, /. 1864. Swartwout, John, a. 1812. Swartz, Mahlon E., m. 1871. Swasey, Charles E., in. 1875. Edward, in. 1878. Erastus P., in. 1869. George B,, in. 1875. John H., in. 1875. Sweeney, Eugene, /. 1882. John P., /. 1875. John P., m. 1882. Sweeny, Owen, a. 1840. Sweet, Charles S., /. 1872. Emery P., ni. 1889. Sweetser, Horatio B., [Jr.], m. 1885. Swezey, Field W., /. 1888. John E., a. 1865, /. 1867. Swift, Charles W., /. 1880. Everett M., /. 1875. Ezra I'H., in. 1884. Frederic J., /. 1892. George M., in. 1879. John L., m, 1862. Laurence C, in. 1878. Samuel, in. 1872. Thomas D., in. 1879. William J., m. 1878. Swinburne, George K., tn. 1885. Swisher, Charles C, /. 1882. Swords, Charles R., a, 1829. Charles R., a. 1894, George P,, m. 1881. Robert S., a. 1834. Theodore A,, a. 1827. Thomas, Jr., a. 1826. Sylvester, Francis, a. 1786. Sym, John, a, 1842. Syme, William R., /, 1864. Symington, Albert, /. 1887. James, Jr., m. 1875. Symonds, Brandreth, tn. 1884. Syms, William, /. 1873. Synnott, Martin J., m. 1894. Taber, Charles E., /. 1881. George C, /. 1878. James A., /. 1863. James R., in. 1874. Sydney R., /. 1885, Taft, Charles P., /. 1866. Theodore M., /. 1889. Taggard, John A., a. 1845. William H., a. 1835. Taggart, Charles J., in. i860. Tailer, Henry A., a. 1852. James T., a. 1857. Taintor, Starr, a. 1893. William N., s. 1894. Tait, George L., m. 1887. William C, /. 1886. Talbot, Augustus, a. 1866. Charles N., /. 1875. Edward M., /. 1876. Richmond, a. 1866. Robert B., in. 1877. William R., a. 1857. Talcott, Frederick C, tn. 1875. Frederick L,, a. 1832. Talley, William W., in. 1889. Tallmadge, Frederick S., a. 1845. Tallman, John N., a. 1811. Talmage, Thomas DeW,, Jr., /. 1880. Talman, George F., a. 1814. Taltavall, William A., vi. 1885. Tansley, John O., m. 1877. Tappan, Charles, /. 1878. Henry P., h. 1854. John B. C, /. 1882. Peter V. C, a. 1807. Tappen, Abram A., /. 1876. Tappey, Ernest T., in. 1879. Tapscott, John F., /. 1877. Taylor, Albert F., tn. 1890. Alfred, /. 1871. Arthur I., a. 1890. Arthur W,, ;//. 1880. Charles, a. 1796. Charles J., /. 1874. Dwight W., a. 1891, u. 1893. Edwin M., a. 1831. George, a. 1792. George H., a. 1881. George L,, a. 1861, h. 1887. Henry A, C, a. 1861. Henry B., /. 1877. Henrj' L., in. i88i. Henry O., /. 1881. Henry R., a. 1891, /. 1894. Herbert C, a. 1884. Herbert H., /. 1883. Howard C, m. 1891. Isaac M., in. 1882. James B., m. 1882. Joseph B., s. 1888. Philip, in. 1876. Robert W., in. 1868. Stephen L,, ni. 1894. Thomas F., /. 1877. Thomas H., h. 1837. Washington I.,/. 1887, /. 1888. Willett, Jr., ;;/. 1793. William, a. 1792. William H., a. 1880. Teahan, WiJiam, /. 1885. Teakle, Elisha W,, a. 1842. Teames, George B., m. 1890. Tears, Daniel W., a. 1884. Tefft, David C, /. 1877. Telford, William C, tn. 1871. Temple, James B., a. 1795. Seth J., s. 1892. Ten Broeck, Anthony, a. 1834, h. 1867. Ten Eyck, Benjamin L., ;;/. 1885. Clarence, /. 1889. Contine H., in. 1874. Stephen V., w. 1883. Tennant, George G., /. 1891. Tenney, Albert D., /. 1871. Dudley H., a. 1890. Henry A., /. 1888. Sutherland, a. 1873, /. 1875. Tennille, George F., s. 1894. Terhune, Albert P., a. 1893. Henry S., /. 1884. [J.] Howard D.,/.i88i. Percy H., m. i88g. Richard H., s. 1870. Terrell, ' Allen G., in. 1892. 6l2 INDEX OF GRADUATES, Terrett, Charles W,, a. 1863. Terriberry, Whitfield, /. 1874. Terrill, Thomas, Jr., tn. 1867. Terry, Arthur H., in. 1883. Charles A., /. 1883. Charles T., /. 1893. David D., /. 1865. James L., in. 1871. John T., Jr., /. 1881. Stanley D., in. 1875. William H,, a. 1850. Teschner, Gabriel W., m. 1880. Jacob, in. 1881. Tesla, Nicola, h. 1894. Thacher, Arthur, s. 1877. John S., in. 1880. Thomas, /. 1875. Thomas W., a. 1889. William M., /. 1887. Thallon, William M., m. 1880. Thatcher, Ralph P., m. 1866. Thomas F., a. 1858. Thayer, Albert E., m. 1884. Foster, a, 1862. Horace H., a. 1868. John A., /. 1889. Stephen H., [Jr.], (t- 1863, /. 1865. William C, a. 1876. Theban, William H., tn. 1894. Theobald, Carl, m. 1894. Thibou, Lewis, a. 1828. Thomas, Allen M., [Jr.], m. 1880. Charles F., a. 1800. David O., m. 1891. David P., a. 1837. Edward H., m. 1883. Franz C, J. 1890. Frederick M., s. 1885. George P., tn. 1885. James A., /. 1882. iames C, tn. 1868. rudlow, a. 1835. Nathaniel P. S., /. 1870, Philip W., a. 1832. Richard S., /. 1889. Thomasson, John J., /, 1865. Thompson, Abraham G., Jr., a Charles H., in. 1868. Charles O., tn. 1889. David, in. 1869. David G., [Jr.], «. 1856. Edward W., tn. 1864. Ernest,/. 1881. Ernest D., /. 1880. Frank, /. 1867. Frederick D., /. 1866. Gardiner, a. 1854. George H., /. 1872. Henry C, i'. 1886, John F., /. 1878. John H., Jr., in. 1877. John R. L., a. 1804. Jonathan, Jr., a. 1832. Junius, a. 1821. Milton S., .r. 1875. Robert E., tn. 1870. Robert W,, Jr., u. 1894. Samuel C, s. 1893. Thomas, a. 1793. Thomas, in. 1863, Thomas J., in. 1872. Thomas DeW.,a. 1874. William, a. 1836. William B., Jr., /. 1889. William G., tn. 1881. William M., h. 1841. William R., /. 1878. Thoms, Matthew H., /. 1876. William F., in. i860. Thomson, Andrew, h. 1818. David, a. 1873, /. 1875. David, [Jr.], a. 1842. Edmund S., tn. 1892. George M., a. 1885. Giraud F., a. 1883. James, a. 1846. John, a. 1843. John R., in. 1872. Samuel W., a. 1803. William, h. 1887. William J., a. 1866. Thoren, Anders G., in. 1890. Thorn, Edward, /. 1873. Eugene, a. 1852. Leonard M., Jr., /. 1879. William E., a. 1852. William K., Jr., I. 1870. Thornall, Clarence E., /. 1887. Edward V., /. 1877. Thorndike, Alfred P., /. 1885. Thorne, Henry M., tn. 1874. ' Robert, /. 1891. Rougler, /. 1889. William L., s. 1890. Thorp, Henry H., in. 1890. Thrall, Stephen C, h. 1861. Throop, George E., «. 1885. Montgomery H., [Jr.], a. 1876. Thum, Fred W., in. 1891. Thurber, Samuel W., m. 1894. Thurman, John R., a. 1835. William, tn. 1864. Thurston, A. Henry, a. 1851. Tibau, Gasper D. daC, tn. 1883. Tibbals, Elbert P., tn. 1864. George A., s. 1883. Samuel G., j. 1884. Tibbitts, Washington I., a. 1853. Tichenor, Gabriel, a. 1801. Tiebout, John, Jr., a. 1821. Tiedeman, Christopher G., /, 1879. Tiemann, Paul E., a. 1881, tn. 1884. Tifft, Henry N., /. 1876. Irving H., /. 1879. Tilden, George C., s. 1876. Tilghman, Henry A., s. 1893. Tillary, James, a. 1802. Matthew, a. 1800. Tillinghast, John L., a. 1806. Tillou, Edward, a. i86g, /. 1871, Tilney, Robert F.,/. 1875. Thomas J., /. 1872. Timm, William C, /. 1888. Timpson, John W., a. 1856. Titsworth, Charles G., /. 1884. Titus, Charles T,, Jr., a. 1886. Henry P., /. 1872. James H., a. 1823. Warren H., s. 1885. Tod, George, /. 1888. Todd, Ambrose G., /. 1887. Ambrose S., h. 1844. Andrew M., a. 1886. Charles A., in. 1869. John C, in. 1882. John R., in. 1864. William H., in. 1890. William S., in. 1869. Tolford, Daniel M., tn. 1874. Tomes, Francis, [Jr.], a. 1831. Robert, a. 1877. William A., in. 1891. Tomlinson, Joseph, in, 1878. William T., /. 1887. Tompkins, Byron V., in, i88r. Daniel D., a. 1795. John A., 2d, .y. 1894. William W., in, 1882. Tonnele, John N., /. 1876. Theodore, s, 1880. Tooker, Gabriel M., a, 1859, /. 1861. Toppan, Robert N., /. 1861. Torek, Franz J. A., m. 1887. Torrens, Benjamin, tn. 1893. Torrey, Charles H., s. 1880. Charles T., tn. 1873. Edward, in. 1869. Franklin B., a. i88r. Samuel W., tn. 1868. Torrison, George A., in. 1889. Oscar M. /. 1884. INDEX OF GRADUATES. 613 Totten, George O,, Jr., s. 1891, u. 1892. Gilbert T., a. 1858, m. i86i. Toucey, Donald B,, j, 1882, /. 1884. Tourtellotte, Jacob F., in. 1863. Tousey, Sinclair, tn. 1888. Towart, James, s. 1892. Tower, Albert E., j. 1883. Frederic W., s. 1887. Tovvle, Henry A., m. 1888. Townsend, Arthur B., a. 1885. Arthur O., /. 1888. Charles DeK., /. 1876. Charles W., in. 1890. Clayton W., in. 1870. Epenetus, a. 1759. Franklin, Jr., ;//. 1876, Frederick, a. 1832. Frederick M,, in, 1879. Israel L., a. 1847. Jacob, a. 1810. James M., [Jr.], /. 1876. John A., /. 1884. John H., a. 1886. John J., a. 1841, John M,, ni. 1873. John R., a. 1820. Peter S., a. 1812. Robert, a. 1876, /. 1878. Russell N., a. 1832. Samuel G. F., a. 1893. Theodore I., in. 1891. Wisner R., a. 1877, tn. 1880. Tracy, Charles A., /. i86g. Elmer C, in. 1885. Frank B.,/. 1877. Frederick A., a. i860. Howard C, I. 1889. Ira O., [Jr.], in. 1882. Lewis A., 111. 1863. Paul H., m. 1893. Roger S., m. 1868. Trafford, Charles H., /. 1867. Francis E., /. 1877. Traphagen, Frank W., s. 1882. Trapp, John J., /. I Trask, George F. D., s. 1887. Traub, John E., m. 1886. Travers, William R., a. 1838. Wm. R., [Jr.], a. 1882 Travis, Alexander H,, in. 1887 Edward F., a. 1850. Martin V. B., /. 1877. Robert, Jr., a. 1847. Treadwell, Agur, h. 1761. Daniel, h. 1758. Eugene, /. 1874. George H., nt. 1885. Treat, Sidney H., a. 1893, ^■ 1894. Trego, Thomas M., m, 1874. Tremain, Henry E., /. 1867. Trenaman, Thomas, m. 1869. Trenor, Eustace, a. 1852. John, Jr., a. 1852. Thomas F., a. 1859. Trent, Isaac N., in. 1887. Treveit, Russell, a. 1835, h. 1855. Trimble, Edmund G. R., a. 1872, m. 1878. Walter, /. 1881. Tripler, Charles S., h. i860. Thomas H., m. 1868. Trippe, John C, a. 1854. Troup, John, a. 1766. John, Jr., a. 1766. Robert, a. 1774. Troutman, George McC, /. 1873. Trow, Cornelius G., m. 1872. Trowbridge, Charles H., in. 1894. George, m. 1881. Lawrence De F., in, Robertson, /. 1882. Samuel B. P., s. 1886. Troxell, Edgar R., in. 1875. Trudeau, Edward L., m. 1871. Trumbull, James H., h. 1887. Truslow, Charles W., /. 1878. Tryon, Amazias W., nt. 1862. William, h. 1774. Tubbs, George W., /. 1876. Tucker, Allen, J. 1888. Edwin B., /. 1888. Ervin A., m. 1889. Frank L., ;//. 1891. John A., a. 1861. John H., J. 1875. John I., a. 1837, h. 1858. Richard H., a. 1852. Robert, in. 1769. Robert, a. 1829. Robert S., a. 1863. Thomas W., a. 1822. Tuckerman, Ernest, /. 1863. Fleming, /. 1884. Tullis, William B., /. 1873. Tully, Matthew H., /. 1891. Tupper, Benjamin R., m. 1888. John L., /. 1876. Turk, Leopold, /. 1875. Milton H., a. 1886. William, a. 1796. William, /. 1873. Turnbull, Arthur,/. 1886. Stephen H., a. 1861. William, a. 1809. Willis A., m. 1890. Turner, Benjamin F., m. 1890. Henry B., Jr., a. 1889. | Henry C, ni. 1867. Herbert B., a. 1855. John H., /. 1867. Joseph M., a. 1861. William, a. 1821. William L., /. 1881. Turnure, Arthur B., /. 1878. Turrell, Edgar A., /. 1869. Guy H., a. 1894. Tuska, Benjamin [S. W.], p. 1888, /. 1889. Gustave R., s. 1891. Waldemar J., /. 1869. Tustin, George M., /. 1883. Tuttle, Daniel S., a. 1857, h. 1867. Edgar G., s. 1881. George A., in. 1886. George M., in. 1880. George M., a. 1888, m, 1891. Henry C, a. 1866, /. 1868. Herbert E., a. 1891. Thomas D., in. 1892. William, j. 1893. William W., s. 1867. Tweedle, James B., m. 1865. Twinch, Sidney A., nt. 1890. Twiss, George E., nt. 1876. Tyler, Charles C, /. 1882. Eliphalet W., /. 1872. John, h. 1767, h. 1769. John B., in. 1868. John R., /. 1876. Lachlan, in. 1876. Moses C, h. 1887. Samuel, h. 1859. Walter L., s. 1887. Tynberg, Sigmund, in. 1885. Tyndale, Hector H., /. 1879. Tyndall, John, h. 1887. William De W., /. 1891. Tyng, Alexander G., a. 1846. Charles R., a. 1862. Morris A., /. 1863. Theodcsius S., /. 1871. Udall, Richard, m. 1772. 6i4 INDEX OF GRADUATES. Uhl, Oswald W., a. 1891. Russell J., /. 1876. Uhle, Charles P., nt. 1872. Ullman, Frederic, /. 1886. Joseph, /. 1877. Ulshoeffer, William G., a. 1856. Unangst, Charles, /. 1873. Underbill, Charles F., /. 1877. Frederic E., a. 1893. Gilbert R., a. 1878. Walter, /. 1893. Underwood, William J., /. 1876. Untermeyer, Isaac, /. 1874. Untermyer, Maurice, /. 1882. Samuel, /. 1878. Upchurch, Harvey C, m. 1893. Upfold, George, h. 1831. Upham, George L., /. 1880. Upson, Henry S., m. 1884. Ure, Walter, m. 1866. Urner, John R., /. 1886. Ustick, Thomas, a. 1794. Uterhart, Henry A., a. 1894. Utley, William D., /. 1888. Vail, Clarence W., a. 1892, u. 1893. George [E.],/. 1881. Lewis H., J. 1894. M. Bedell,/. 1871. William H., w. 1869. Valadier, Charles A., a. 1892. Valentine, Albert E., a. 1864. Herbert, /. 1876. John F., ;«. 1879. Obadiah, a. 1871. Samuel H., /. 1868. William A., in. 1875. William G., /. 1875. Vallejo, Platon M. G., m. 1864. Value, Beverly R., s. 1884. Van Alst, Isaac, /. 1865. Van Alstyne, Thomas B., m. 1881. Van Amringe, Guy, a. 1888, /. 1891. Henry H., a. 1815. John H., a. i860, h. 1890. Van x\rsdale, William H., j. 1868. Van Blarcom, Elbert C, s. 1876. George G., a. 1883. Van Boskerck, Richard T., /. 1864. Robert W., j. 1877. Thomas B., /. 1870. Van Brunt, Arthur H., j. 1886. Cornelius B., /. 1886. Van Buren, Cornelius, a. 1807. Frank R., a. 1863. Howard, /. 1878. John D., a. 1829. Martin, a. 1866. Singleton, /. 1865. Van Buskirk, DeWitt, /. 1880. Lawrence, a. 1796. Van Campen, Samuel R., [Jr.] , /. 1887. Van Cleef, George S., a. 1837. Van Cleve, Samuel H., ttt. 1880. Van Cortlandt, Edward N,, s. 1885. James, a, 1807. Philip, a. 1758. Robert B., a. 1882. Van Cott, Alexander H., /. 1881. Lincoln, a. 1884. Van Courtlandt, Augustus, 7)1. 1864. Van Dalsen, Spencer, in. 1876. Vanderbilt, John, Jr., a. 1837. William D., s. 1894. Vanderhoof, Frederick D., m. 1864. Vanderpoel, Aaron E., a. 1867, /. 1869. Augustus G., /. 1867. Augustus H,, /. 1883. Frank, .S'.i875, u. 1894. Herman W., /. 1880. John A., a. 1862, /. 1865, Waldron B., in. 1879. Van der Poel, John, in. 1881. Vander Poel, Samuel O., Jr., in. 1876. Vanderpool, James, m. 1867. Vanderveer, Adrian, a. 1816. Van Derveer, Charles A., m. 1890. James D., m. 1866. Van der Veer, Peter L., /. 1874. Vandervoort, John L., a. 1828. Van Deventer, John L., nt. 1881. Vandewater, Ferdinand, a. 1814. Van Dolsen, Henry C, in. 1882. Van Doren, Charles Y., a. 1879. Van Duersen, David C, m. 1870. Van Duzer, Archibald S., a. 1853. Henry S., /. 1877. Van Dyck, Edwin M., s. 1888. Henry, a. 1761. Van Gieson, Henry C, tn. 1866. Ira T., m. 1885. Ransford E., a. 1880, /. 1882. Van Harlingen, John, in. 1869. Van Heusen, William M.,/. 1888. Van Hook, Isaac A., a. 1797. Van Horn, Burt, Jr., /. 1878. Van Home, Andrew B., tn. 1880. Cornelius A., a. 1793. Frederic, a. 1791. Van Houten, Jacob A., in. 1876. Nicholas B., in. 1867. Van Hummell, Henry, m. 1891. Van Iderstine, Robert, /. 1894. Van In gen, Dudley A,, s. 1892. Van Keuren, Cornelius, in. 1874. Van Kleeck, Frederick B., a. 1863, Henry, /. 1876. Robert B., a. 1828. Robert B., Jr., a. 1859, /. 1862. Warren, a. 1885. Van Lennep, David, s. 1867. Van Loan, James C. P., m. 1891. Van Mater, Daniel, a. 1808. Van Ness, Charles H., /. 1880. John P., a. 1789. Sherman, Jr., in. 1883. William P., a. 1797. Van Nest, James V. D., in. 1867. Van Norden, Theodore L., a. 1890. Van Nostrand, John E., /. 1874. Marshall R., /. 1882. Seymour, a. 1865. INDEX OF GRADUATES. 615 Van Pelt, Peter I., a. 1799. Van Rensselaer, Francis, a. 1847. Howard, m. 1884. Philip L., /. 1867. Van Riper, Abram H., nt. 1878. Alfred, /. 1877. Cornelius, nt. 1866. Washington I., ni. 1892. William T., a. 1856. Van Romondt, Charles D., m. 1872. Van Santvoord, Abraham, a. 1865, /. 1867. Van Schaack, Henry C, a, 1787. Peter, a. 1767 h. 1826. Van Schaick, Eugene, /. 1887. George G., in, 1884. Van Siclen, Arthur, /. 1891. George W,, /. 1867. James C, /. 1892. Van Sinderen, [A.] Howard, J. i88i, /. 1883. Van Slyck, Adrian C, «. 1796. Van Steenbergh, William H., /. 1879. Van Thun, Andrew F., Jr., /. 1891. Van Tine, Jefferson B., vi. 1893. Van Tuyl, Otto W. E., a. 1844. Van Vliet, Purdy, /. 1885. Van Voast, Garrett W, V., m. 1861. Van Volken- burgh, Edward, Jr., j. 1888. Philip, [Jr.], /. 1876. Thomas S., /. 1868. Van Voorhis, Arthur S., /. 1881. Elias W., Jr., /. 1865. Robert D., a. 1841. Van Vorst, Cornelius, Jr., a. 1843. Frederick B., /. 1879. Van Vranken, Samuel A., h. 1837. Van Vreden- burgh, William T., Jr., W.1881. Van Wagenen, Cornelius D., in. 1893. George A,, ni. 1871. Gerrit G., a, 1821. Gerrit H., a. 1826. Hubert, a. 1802. [G.] Hubert, a. 1858. James A., /. 1888. Theodore F., s. 1870. William M., a. 1861. William W., a. 1828. Van Wagner, Frederick J., in. 1866. Van Wagoner, Alexander, u. 1891, I. 1893. Van Wart, Washington I., I. 1882. Van Wert, Merit M., /. 1873. Van Winkle, Edward H., a. 1865. Isaac, a. 1848. Isaac, a. 1865. Jacob O., in. 1887. Van Wyck, Edmund, m. 1873. Frederick, /. 1886. Philip G., a. 1807. Philip V. R., /. 1869. Pierre C, a. 1795. Pierre M., a. 1845. Richard C, m. 1867. Robert A., /. 1872. William A., /. 1889. Van Zandt, Leopold, /. 1879. Wynant, Jr., /. 1877. Vardill, John, a. 1766. Varick, Abraham, Jr., a. 1799. John, a. 1813. John v., a. 1799. Theodore V.W., a. 1807. Varnum, James McC., /. 1871. Robert T., /. 1886. Vasquez, Fernando R., nt. 1890. Vatable, Augustus S., a. 1892. Jules J., s. 1894. Vaughan, Bernard E., in. 1888. Edmund G., /. 1889. Edwin G., Jr., /. 1883. Julius, ni. i860. Vaughn, Preston, /. 1888. Vedder, George W., in. 1886. Harmon A., a. 1888, in. 1891. Maus R., m. 1861. Ver Meulen, Edmund C, ni. i860. Vermilye, Daniel B., a. 1873, ^• 1875. Isaac D., h. 1858. Joseph F., a. 1871, /. 1875. Robert G., a. 1831, h. 1851. Thomas E., h. 1875. William H., m. 1870. Verplanck, Daniel C, «. 1788. Gulian, a. 1768. Gulian C, a. 1801, h. Samuel, a. 1758. Samuel, a. 1819. William B., a. 1791. William S., a. 1832. Ver Planck, William E., a. 1876, /. 1878. Verren, Antoine, h. 1829. Vethake, Henry, a. 1808, h. 1836. Vidal, Jose E., m. 1883. Ysidro A., tn. 1883. Villard, Harold G., /. 1894. Villaverde, Enrique C, a. 1888. Vincent, Henry, /. 1876. Marvin R., a. 1854. William A., /. 1879. Vinsonhaler, Frank, in. 1885. Vinton, Arthur D., /. 1873. Cadwallader C, w.1885. Francis, h. 1848. Lindley, /. 1879. Volckening, Gustav J., Jr., s. t888. Volio- Jimenez, Carlos, m. 1892. Volkel, William, a. 1886. Vondy, Rudolph H., s. 1882. Von Helmholtz, Hermann L., h. 1887. von Nardroff, Ernest R., s. 1888. von Raitz, Feodor, m. 1890. von Sachs, William [F. A.],rt.i876, /. 1878. von Schrader, Otto U., /. 1882. von Wedekind, Luther L., m. 1886. Voorhees, Clark G., u. 1893, James D., in. 1893. John A., ;//. 1889. Sheldon, in. 1881. Vosburgh, Arthur S., a. 1890, in. 1893. Myndert A., /. 1887. Votey, Frank A., m. 1887. Vought, Walter J., m. 1885. Vreeland, George W., m. 1893. Wallace N., /. 1889. Vroom, Peter D., Jr., a. 1808, h. 1837. Vulte, Hermann T., j. 1881. Wachenheim, Frederick L., a. 1889, m. 1892. Wackerhagen, George, m. 1869. Waddell, John H., a. 1821. - Lloyd S., «. 183 1. 6i6 INDEX OF GRADUATES, Waddington, George, a. i860, /. 1862. William D., a. 1830. Wade, Herbert T., a. i8g3. Richard D. A., /. 1885. Wads worth, John G., /. 1884. Samuel D., tn. 1863. Wagner, Charles G., m. 1882. Edward, tn. 1891. Wagstaff, Alfred, a. 1822. Alfred, [Jr.] , /. 1866. Wahlig, Herman G., m. 1894. Wainwright, Francis C., a. 1858. Henry P., a. 1845. James B., nt. 1877. John H., s. 1882. Jonathan M., a. 1884,/. _ 1884, /. 1886. Richard T., s. 1890. William A. M., m. 1867. Wait, Howard St. C, a. 1880, /._ 1882. William B., Jr., /. 1894. Waite, Morrison R., h. 1887. Wakeman, Elbert [L.], /. 1884. Walbridge, Augustus C., J. 1876. Henry B., h. 1863. Walden, Howard T., /. 1883. Russell, /. 1876, Waldo, Daniel, tn. 1878.' Wald Stein, Charles, h. 1884, h. 1887. Walker, Alfred I., /. 1877. Arthur L., s. 1883. Augustus A., /. 1878. Charles H., in. 1893. De Lancey G., /. 1876. Edward F., in. 1876. Evan T., a. 1850. Fernando F., in. 1875. Francis, u. 1893. Francis A., h. 1887. George E., /. 1863. George H., /. 1892. Hamilton B., in. 1873. Henry F., nt. 1866. Henry V., s. 1894. Jerome, in. 1868. John S., /. 1862. John T., Jr., a. 1884. Joseph, Jr., s. 1880. LeGrand A., in. 1891. LeRoy P., Jr., in. 1878. Richard L., m, 1802. William B., a. 1865. William D., a. 1859, ^■ 1884. Wall, George B., /. 1877. John P., Jr., /. 1887. Wallace, Alphonse M., in. 1888. George W., /. 1889. James W., /. 1881. Joseph C, a, 1827. William B., m. 1871. William C, /. 1878. William J., s. 1886. Wallach, ioseph M., /. 1873. ,eopold, /. 1872. Wallbridge, Frederick K., j. 1884. Waller, Elwyn, J. 1870. Robert, Jr., a. 1871. William, a, 1878. Wallis, Hamilton, /. 1865. Walrath, Frederick B., /. 1882. Walser, William C, in. 1873. Walsh, Alexander R., a. 1828. Edward F., in. 1886. James, a. 1798. James J., /. 1879. James W., a. 1839. John, h. 1822. John H., /. 1880. John J., /. 1877. John J., /. 1888. Julius S., /. 1864. Samuel A., a. 1801. Simon J., in. 1879. Walter J., m. 1882. Walter, Arthur M., a. 1799. David L., /. 1877. Henry, a. 1883. William H., h. 1865. William I., a. i88t. Walters, Daniel D., m. 1804. John, in. 1890. Walther, Hugo J., a. 1883. John A., m. 1876. Walton, James D., a. 1777. John F., a. 1856. Luis P., a. 1861, m. 1870. Paul, /. 1882. William, a. 1777. William, a. 1828. William, h. 1852. Walz, Isidor, a. 1864. Wampold, Leo, J. 1888. Warns] ey, Joseph, /. 1878. Wandell, Townsend, /. 1865. Wanier, Albert G., J. 1882. Warbasse, James P., in. 1889. Warburton, Frank T., a. 1885, /. 1888. William J., a. 1890, u. 1891. Ward, Aaron C, vt. 1886. Brownlee R., m. 1892. Clarence D., /. 1877. Charles H., a. 1851. Charles M., a. 1877. David B., m. 1876. Delancey W., s. 1888. Edmund A., /. 1867. Edward T., nt. 1871. Edwin F., m. i86t. Edwin M., nt. 1862. Egbert, a. 1863. Francis H., a. 1838. Frederick A., /. 1864. Freeman F., in. 1894. George W., a. 1871. Henry, Jr., a. 1836. Henry H., a. 1838. Irving, /. 1871. Isaac J., a. 1861. James H., a. 1884, /. 1886. James M., /. 1876. John, Jr., a. 1858, /. i860. John A., /. 1881. John F., /. 1880. John M., /. 1885, p. 1886. John M., /. 1894. John S., Jr.,/. 1882, /. 1883. John Y., a. 1800. Josiah O., /. 1863. Leslie D., m. 1868. Norbert R., j. 1882. Prescott H., /. 1861. Richard H., nt. 1862. Samuel, Jr., a. 1831. Samuel B., a. 1861. Sylvester L. H., a. 1863. Willard P., a. 1865. William F., a. 1887. William G., a. 1851. Warden, James B., nt. 1889. Wardenburg, George J., a. 1894. Wardlaw, James R., s. 1876. Wardlow, Yeatman, nt. 1891. Ware, Charles, nt. 1883. Edward J., m. 1885. Franklin B., s. 1894. Frederick A., /. 1886. Martin W., nt. 1892. Warfield, Ethelbert D., /. 1885. Waring, Gardiner H., a. 1880. Thomas P., nt. 1892. William B., /. 1887. Warn, William H., nt. 1871. Warner, Charles D., /. 1877. David S., m. 1888. Effingham, a. 1795. Eli, nt. 1867. Everett S., nt. 1878. Franklin M., a. 1891. Frederic M., in. 1880. George C, /. 1891. Harris, /. 1881. Henry W., a. 1891. Horace S., m. 1885. Joseph L., s. 1887. Levi F,, nt. 1889. Newell P., in. 1875. William H. H.,/. 1882. Warren, Charles P., s. 1890, ?/-. 1892. G. Harry, Jr., /. 1880. George F., Jr., a. i838, /. 1889. Joel A., m. i860. John, in. 1881. John S., /. 1881 Lloyd, a. 1888, j. 1891. Louis R., nt. 1880. William P., m. 1864. Warrin, Marshall L., a. 1882, nt. 1885. Warsaw, Meyer C, m. 1885. INDEX OF GRADUATES. 617 Warth, John W., [Jr.], m. 1868. Warwick, Hill S., m. 1887. Washburn, Charles, m, 1866. William I., /. 1878. Wasson, Edmund A., a. 1885. Waterbury, Cornelius R., s. 1877. James M., Jr., a. 1873. Nelson J., Jr., a. 1880, /, 1882. Waterman, Henry, h. 1858. James S., m. 1889. Waters, Bertram H., tn. 1893. Edward E., /. 1874. George D., h. 1865. George G., a. 1836. George S., s. 1889. James, /. 1876. James T., [Jr.] , /. 1876, Watkins, James S., a. 1815. John W., h. 1788. Royal P., tn. 1892. Watson, Charles H., /. 1877. Frederick M,, j. 1885. George B., /. 1887. Henry R. C, a. 1878. James, /, 1878. James C, h. iZ-j-j. James H., /. 1882. James T., a. 1804. James T., Jr., /. 1889. John L., h. 1852. Leonard A., /. 1878. Rolla B., J. 1 891. William M., /. 1882. William P., m. 1878. Watts, Charles, a. 1810. George J., a. 1811. Henry, a. 1808. John, a. I'jtd, John, a. 1796. John, Jr., a. 1804. John, Jr., a. 1808. Robert, a. 1760. Robert, a. 1803. Robert, Jr., a. 1831. Robert, jr., rn. 1861. Robert, Jr., a. 1889, m, 1893. Robert I., a. 1805. Wayland, John E., /. 1885. Wayne, James M., a. 1866. Weatherbee, Edwin H., /. 1879. Weaver, John B., rn. 1888. John E., jn. 1875. John V. A., /. 1880. Lathrop P., m. 1864. Webb, De Witt, m. 1863. Henry W., s. 1873, ^• John S., tn. 1872. William S., tn. 1875. Webbe, William N., a. 1870. Webber, Charles A., /. 1883. John, Jr., a. 1882, /. 1884. Morris E., /. 1882. Weber, Samuel L., tn. 1888. William E., tn. 1894. Webner, Fred., tn. 1889. Webster, Almar P., /. 1865. Charles A., tn. 1886. Daniel, h. 1824, George N., /. 1886. Hamilton F., «. 1883, /. 1886. Henry B., [Jr.], m. 1872. Horace, h. t849. Wedekind, Edwin H., j. 1889. Weed, Alfred J., m. 1878. Charles R., m. 1879. Edgar T., in. 1881. Edwin D,, a. 1894. Harvey A., a. 1836. John W. /. 1868. Walter H., s. 1883. Willis E., m. 1884. Weekes, Arthur D., a. 1872, /. 1874. Edward F., J. 1889. Frederick D., a. 1877. Weeks, Alfred A., a. 1822. Bartow S., /. 1883. Edward F., a, 1869, /. 1871. Francis H., /. 1867. Henry DeF., /, 1876. Herbert A., a. 1880. James, a. 1856. James R., /. 1861. Robert K., /. 1864. William H., s. 1889. Wefing, Otto H., /. 1888. Weider, Carl H. A. (j;ide Rose, Achilles.) Weigand, Otto A., tn. 1890. Weigert, Louis, tn. 1876. Weil, Arnold C, /. 1893. Isaac, tn. 1878. Robert, a. 1885,/. 1886, /. 1891. Weinberg, Judah L., a. 1889, «• 1891. Weinman, Moses, /. 1883. Weismann, Francis H., in. 1868. Weiss, Samuel W., /. 1874. Weissinger, Muir, /. 1894. Welch, Alexander McM., j 1890. George K,, in. 1878. William H., in. 1875. Weld, George W., tn. 1884. J. Edward, /. 1884. Manchester W., /. 1872, Weller, George E., /. 1889. Wellman, Merritt H., a. 1851. Wells, Albert W., /. 1870. Arthur B.,/. 1886. Brooks H., in. 1884. Dana C, a. 1893. Edward, Jr., p. 1886. George, Jr., in. 1867. James B., /. 1873. James L,, a. 1865. James S. C, .y. 1875. John A., in. 1879. Ransford, Jr., /. 1877. Thomas L., a. 1819 Thomas T., /. i Wels, Paul O., s. 1887. Welsh, Howard F., s. 1890. Wendel, John G., a. 1855 Louis, Jr., /. I Wendell, Abraham G., in. 1877. B. Rush, Jr., /. 1882. Ten Eyck, /. 1882. Wendover, William W., in. 1874. Wendt, Arthur P., j. 1872. Edmund C., m. 1880. Henry, /. 1894. Wenner, George [L.] , in. 1886. Wentworth, George E., /. 1889. Walter H., in. 1863. Wentz, James G., /. 1880. Theodore, I. 1880. Werner, Henry C, J. 1892. Louis, /. 1877. Wertheimer, Lewis, J. 1887. Wessels, Frank W., /. 1869. Wesson, Charles H., /. 1865. West, Albert F., /. 1878. Calvin B., in. 1893. Charles A., nt. 1876. Charles E., h. 1844. Charles W., /. 1869. Edward W., a. i86r. Gerald M., a. 1888, /. 1889, ti. 1890. John C, a. 1883, ^• 1885. Max, u. 1892, u. 1893. William E., a. 1893. William H., m. 1890. Westbrook, Charles K., /. 1873. Frederick A., /. 1883. Westcott, Charles T., /. 1871. Nelson S., tn. 1865. Westerfield, George R., /. 1876. Westerlo, Rensselaer, a. 1795. 6i8 INDEX OF GRADUATES. Westervelt, Ellsworth, a. 1863. Tompkins, a. 1847. William Y., s. 1894. Westfall, E. Jansen, m. 1871. George R., ttt. 1880. Lewis, in. 1863. Weston, John N., m. 1888. Sullivan H., k. 1861. William H., in. 1878. William P., /. 1878. Wetmore, Benjamin C, a. 1848. Edmund, /. 1863. Edward D., /. 1884. Edwin A., s. 1875. George P., /. 1869. Howard G., in. 1879. John C, a. 1879, /, 1881. Prosper M., Jr.,«, 1849, Robert G., h. 1798. Timothy, h. 1758. Timothy F., in. 1795. William H., «. 1884. Wettling, Theodore B., m. 1873. Wey, Hamilton D., m. 1878. Weygandt, Frederick, in. 1875. Whaley, George H., in. 1870. Wheat, George D., m. 1885. Wheatley, Joseph Y,, s. 1886. Wheeler, Arthur C., m. 1893. Francis A., m. 1870. Henry M., m. 1880. Henry W., /. 1877. Herbert A., s. 1880. Ira B., /. 1872, Tames H., nt. 1862. John v., a. 1865. Leonard S., /. 1887. Moses D., s. 1868. Peter, ni. 1866. Robert T., m. 1892. Thomas K., /. 1884. Walter, a. 1885. William, /. 1880. William A., m. 1877. William L., m. 1861. Wheelock, George G., in. 1864. William E., m. 1876, /. 1885. Whelan, William J., nt. 1875. Whiley, Charles W,, a, 1844. Charles W., Jr., /. 1873. Richard, Jr., a. 1828. Whipple, Ezekial W., /. 1869. Whitacre, Horace J., m. 1894, Whitaker, John, a. 1774. Lemuel, a. 1881, u. 1894. Whitall, Samuel, ni. 1866. Whitcomb, Selden L., «. 1893. White, Alexander, Jr., /. 1881. Andrew D., h. 1887, Archibald C., vt. 1891. Frederick D., /. 1884. George D., /. 1883. George R., in. 1891. Granville M., m. 1884. Henry C, u. 1892. Henry D., nt. 1887. Henry K., /. 1862. Henry S., in. 1866, /. 1870. Homer H., m. 1877. James R., a. 1884, /. 1886. John B., m. 1874. John J., a. 1849. John P. P., m. 1861. Joseph M., a. 1848. iulian LeR., p. 1887. eonard D,, Jr., a. 1887. Nathan H., a. 1791. Robert D., s. 1892. Samuel N., /. 1875. Theodore 6., s. 1894. Thos. R., Jr., /. 1872. Wallace, in. 1894. William P., /, 1891. William S., J. 1882. Whitehead, John E., in. 1864. Pennington, /. 1883. Rufus B., in. 1893. Whitehorne, Frederick N., a. 1893. Whitehouse, Edward N., a. 1859. Frederick C, a. 1861. Henry B., a. 1859. Henry H., in. 1889. Henry J., a. 1821. William F., a. i860. Whitfield, Charles B., in. 1871. Whiting, Calvin, /. 1882. Edward McK., a. 1887, Henry A., a. 1866. Howard, in. 1870. John B., /. 1877. Marshall, in. 1873. William L., /. 1864. Whitlock, Bache McE., a. 1873, ^• ^ 1875. Charles, Jr., /. 1876. Herbert P., s. 1889. Samuel H., a. 1837. Whitman, Edmund P., s. 1885. Henr^' H., a. 1885. Stephen E., nt. 1881. Whitmore, Albion S., in, 1878. Whitmyer, John F., in. 1890. Whitney, Albert B., a. 1861. Daniel D., [Jr.] , /. 1879. Horace P., a. 1889. WiUiam D., h. 1887. Whiton, Augustus W., a. 1871. Louis C, /. 1880. Whitridge, Frederick W., /. 1878. Whittaker, Henry S., /. 1885. Whittemore, George W., a. 1890. Whittingham, William R., h. 1827, h. 1837. Whybrew, Charles T., in. 1870. Why! and, William P., a. 1893. Whyte, James A., /. 1892. Wickes, Thomas P., /. 1876. Wicks, Frederick S., /. 1876. Widmann, Albert V., nt. 1887. Wiechmann, Ferdinand G., s. 1881. Wiener, Adam,/. 1890. Alfred, in. 1889. Joseph, in. 1874. Joseph, nt. 1893. Richard G., nt. 1878. William, a. 1888, s. 1891. Wiertges, Conrad, nt. 1883. Wierum, Otto C, Jr., /. 1889. Wiggins, John, m. 1879 Levi O., in. i Wight, Charles M., m. 1861. Joseph C, a. 1892, n. 1894. Thomas, in. 1864. Thomas H., in. 1875. WikofF, Peter, /. 1884. Wilcox, Frank A., a. 1888. Fred. A., /. 1882. Paul, /. 1884. Richard D,, nt. 1871. William P., m. 1883. Wilcoxson, William F., a. 1881. Wild, Frank G., /. 1888. Wilde, Norman, a, 1889, *'• 1890, u. 1894. Wilder, Edward p., /. 1871. William R., /. 1882. W;ildey, Pierre W., a, i860, /. 1863. Wildman, Henry G., 7n. 1880. Wilds, Howard P., /. 1871. Judson B., /. 1873. Wiley, Charles A., /. 1873. William O., a. 1882. Wilkes, George, a. 1821. Hamilton, a. 1822. Wilkie, John L., /. 1886. Mortimer V., m. 1883, Wilkin, Charles H., nt. 1878. Wilkins, Charles W., in. 1880. Isaac, a. 1760, h. 1811. INDEX OF GRADUATES. 619 Wilkinson, Edgar C, m. 1880. Lawrence, /. 1882. Robert H., a. 1872. Willard, Charles E., m. 1869. William W., /. 1883. Willcox, David [J. H.],/. 1874. Frank C, /. 1878. James K. H., /. 1867. Walter F., /. 1887, u. i8g2. William R., /. 1889. Willets, Edward B., Jr., a. 1892. Frederick, a. 1889. Willett, Edward M., a. 1822. Elbert M., a. 1856. Marinus, a, 1776. Marinus, Jr., a. 1819. Marinus, Jr., a. 1864. Willey, Pearl H., /. 1884. Williams, Alexander E., a. 1884. Arthur D., a. 1894. Augustus?., m, i86o. Channing M., h. 1867. Charles E,, m. 1879. Charles E., m. 1883. Charles S,, /. 1880. Cornelius, m. 1874. Corra N., /. 1881. Edward P., m. 1875. Elliot, /. 1875. Franke S., /. 1872. Frederick H., j. 1874. Frederick W., nt. 1885. George N., Jr., /. 1879. Granville W., j. 1879. Henry D., /. 1889. Henry H., m. 1881. Howell L., Jr., a. 1856. Hubert, /, 1874. James A., a. 1833, h 1863. James W., /. 1882. John, h. 1851. John, m. 1877. John M., /. 1877. John T., s. 1873. Joseph M., /. 1881. ioseph W., m. 1890. .eighton, a. 1876, /, 1878. Mornay, rt, 1878, /, 1880, N. Winslow, /. 1883. Pelham, k. 1871. Robert, /. 1884. Stephen G., /. 1881, /. 1882. Stephen W., a. 1868. Timothy D., h. 1850. Waldron, a. 1885, /.1887. William F., s. i88r. William H., /. 1867. William P., /. 1879, WiHiam R., a. 1822, 1835 h. 1837. Williamson, Charles A,, a. 1807. Charles S., m. 1891. Edwin B., /. 1873. Edward L., ni. 1892. Frederick B., /. 1876, George N., a. 1873, 1876. John S., /. 1873. Nicholas, m. 1872. William K., /. 1873. Willis, Bailey, s. 1878. Charles N., vi. 1882. Francis, a. 1862. Sidney S,, m. 1890. William H., a. 1862. William S., m. 1864. Willson, Hugh R., /. 1876. Jared. ut. 1877. Wilmarth, Frank, /«. 1868. Wilmerding, Lucius K., a. 1868. Wilson, Abraham D., a. 1818. Benjamin, m. 1863. Benjamin F., m. 1861. Bird, h. 1845. Oiarles E., /. 1877. Clarence E., s. 1886. Claude, m. 1876. Edwin B., /. 1886. Ellwood G., /. 1881. Ezra H., m. 1882. Francis F., a. 1865. Francis H,, /. 1875. Frank P., m. 1888. George, a. 1800. Harris, a. 1826. Herbert M., s. 1881. Howard E., m. 1876. James A., /. 1893, James L., m. 1875. James P., /. 1878. James W., a. 1836. James W., m. 1866. John P., m. 1870. John S., m. 1887, Lewis D., /. 1877. Marshall O., a. 1882. Merrit H., in. 1862. Myron H,, /. 1878. Peter, a. 1800. Peter, a. 1825. Philip L,, /. i860. Richard T., Jr., a. 1887, Robert B., in. 1872. Samuel F., a. 1822. William, a. 1825. William, /. 1869. William A., j. 1882. William E,, m. 1887. William H., a. 1835. William H., m. 1877. William R., /. 1875. Wiltsee, Ernest A., s. 1885. Wimmer, Ernest J., /. 1881. Sebastian J., m. 1887. Winans, Frederic N., m. 1874. John H., /. 1889. Joseph W., a. 1840. Winchell, Alverd E., m. 1865, Windecker, Clifton N., s. 1892. Windolph, Ernest P., s. 1892. Windsor, Lloyd, a. 1834. Wines, Walter B., /. 1871. Winfield, Harry W., /. 1879. Winn, Albert, in. 1884. Leslie M., m. 1891. William B., m. 1878. Winne, Lansing B., m. 1878. Winslow, Charles H., /. 1877. Edward, h. 1761. Fayette D., /. 1883. Francis A., /. 1889. James M., m. 1873. John, in. 1867. Miron^ [Jr.], /. 1864. Octavius, h. 1851. William B., a. 1857. William C, h. 1887. Winston, Frederick J., /. 1888. Gustavus S., m. 1863. Joseph S., m. 1866. Winter, Alexander K., nt, 1892. Gabriel, a. 1801. William, a. 1827. Winterberg, Wolrad, m, 1882. Winters, Byram L., /. 1888. Winterton, William, vt. 1772. Winthrop, Benjamin R., Jr., /. 1866. Buchanan, /, 1864. Egerton L., a. 1812. Egerton L., a. i860. Egerton L., Jr., /. 1887. Fredenc B., /. 1891. Grenville B., u. 1892, /. 1894. Grenville T., a. 1827. Wippern, Adolphus G., m. 1892. Wirt, William E., m. 1889. Wise, Benedict S., /. 1882, /. 1883. Edmond E., /. 1883, /. 1885. Simon P., in. 1871. Stephen S., a. 1892, Wissmann, John F., a. 1866. Witherbee, Silas O., in. 1867. Withers, Russel, in. 1865. Witherstine, Christopher S., m, 1878. Witter, William C, /. 1867. Witthaus, Rudolph A., a, 1867. Wittmack, Charles A., j. 1882. Wohlfarth, Augustus, m. 1866. Wolcott, Frederick H., m. 1889. Henry G., /. 1877. Woley, Harry P., in. 1890. Wolf, Simson, /. 1877. William C, /. 1892. Wolfe, Theodore F., m. 1868. Wolfertz, Charles W., m. 1886. Wolff, Augustus A., m. 1894. Henry A., m, 1877. Joseph C, /. 1874. Julius, in. 1893. Wolters, John H., /. 1892. 620 INDEX OF GRADUATES, Wolven, Albert, m. 1882. Wood, Benjamin, Jr., nt. 1879. Chalmers, a. 1875, /. 1877. Charles E. S., /. 1882, /. 1883. Charles S., w. 1886. Charles T., m. 1882. Dennistoun, a. 1870, /. 1872. Francis C, nt. 1894. Frederick A., «. 1894. Frederick J. J., m. 1889. George E., s. 1884. George M., /. 1874. Halsey L., m. 1875. Henry, /. 1871. Henry D., a. 1872. Henry S., /. 1873. Howard O., /. 1889. J. Walter, a. 1851. James, Jr., m. 1890. James H., /. i£>io. John B., /. 1868. John S., /. 1876. John W., in. 1881. Joseph,/. 1886, /. 1886, Joseph S., /. 1876. Samuel A., m. 1879. Thomas D., m. 1891. Walter C, w. 1889. William P., /. 1874. Woodbridge, Charles E., /. 1888. Enoch D., m. 1872. Luther D., m. 1877. Woodbury, Gordon, /. 1888, A 1888. Woodford, Stewart L,, a. 1854. Woodhull, Jesse, Jr., a. 1791- Thenford, a. 1869, /. 1871. Woodill, Alfred H., w. 1866. Woodman, John, tn. 1883. Woodruff, Amos E., /. 1874. Charles H., /. 1861. Edward C, /. 1879. iohn E., m. 1875. ,ewis B., ^. i860. Lockwood DeF., m. 1863. Philemon, /. 1876. Woods, Alexander, Jr., a. 1878. Henry B., /. 1886. James, a. 1791. Jonathan H., m. 1881. Woodward, Benjamin D., a. 1888, u. 1890, u. 1891. Elias B., a. 1793- Henry E., a. 1872, /. 1874. James L., /. 1874. Julius H., m. 1882. Rignall D., /. 1887. Woodworth, Dwight S., m. 1876. Newell B., a. 1882. Woolley, S. Tredwell, /. 1889. Woolsey, George, m. 1885. Woolson, Ira H., J. 1885. Wootton, Herbert W., nt. 1888. Worcester, Elwood E., a. 1886. Francis J., /. 1875. Worch, Frederick E., /. 1886. Work, Frank, Jr., a. 1871. James H., a. 1867, 1869. Worl, Edward E., m. 1891. Wormser, Carl, VI. 1879. Louis W., a. 1893. Maurice S., a. 1885. Worster, Willard P., a. 1863, m. 1867. Wortendyke, Rynier J., /. 1884. Worth, Fanning S., a. 1829, Worthington, Henry, nt. 1874. Wotherspoon, Alexander S., a. 1837. Wotton, William C, /. 1876. Wouters, John F., nt. 1888. Wray, Llewellyn A., /. 1883. Stephen,/. 1888,/. 1889, Wright, Albert A., s. 1875. Alfred S., vt. 1878. Charles W., /. 1887. Clark, m. 1885. David, a. 1799. David A., a. 1851. Edward M., /. 1869. Forest LaG., /. 1887. Frederick A., a. 1894. George H., m. 1894. George P., m. 1865. George W., a. 1830. Joel W., m. 1866. Jonathan, w. 1883. Samuel P., /. 1864. William B., in. 1869. William F., vt. 1879. William G., m. 1876. William H., in. 1881. Wuest, Charles, Jr., vt. 1887. Wyatt, William E., a. 1809. William E., /. 1876. Wyckoff, Albert, /. 1862. Samuel S., in. 1877. Van Brunt, a. 1840. William F., /. 1879. Wyeth, Marlborough C, nt 1878. Wynkoop, Gerardus H., w. 1866. Richard, a. 1819. Wynne, Henry H., in. 1880. Yale, Leroy M., a. 1862. Yankauer, Sidney, in. 1893. Yard, John, /. 1878. Yarnell, Dell E., in. 1890. Yates, Horace G., /. 1876. John W., a. 1787. Yost, George L., nt. 1866. Youle, Joseph, in. i793- Young, Charles, in. 1866. Charles A., h. 1887. Charles B., m. 1894. Clarence H., a. 1888,/. 1889, u. 1891. Edward L., s. 1882. Edwin, /. 1879. George W., /. 1887. John F., h. 1865. John F., m. 1868. John V. D., nt. 1888. Joseph C, Jr., in. 1873. Richard W., /. 1884. William H., in. 1866. William H., /. 1880. Youngs, Graham, a. 1866. Zabriskie, Albert R., a. 1883. Christian, /. 1878. Christian, Jr., a. 1835. David D., /. 1881. Frank H., in. 1883. Fred T., a. 1893. George, /. 1873. Guilliam A., in. 1882. Jeremiah L., a. 1854. John B., a. 1891. Martin R., a. 1828. Samuel M., in. 1869. William H., w. 1885. Zayas, Louis C, /. 1882. Zborowski, Martin R. (vide Za- briskie). Zeglio, Peter J., m. 1882. Zeh, Adolph, nt. 1887. Zeile, Frederick W., /. 1881. Zeller, Lorenz, /• 1880. Zemansky, Abraham P., nt. 1874. Zerega, Louis A., m. 1889. Ziegler, Louis A., /. 1880. Zimmerman, David, in. 1877. Gustav, /. 1871. Zinsser, Augustus, Jr., a. 1893. Zitz, Frank H., in. 1888. Zuleta, Eduardo, m. 1887. Zwinge, Bernard, /. 1874. 7 DAY USE RETURN TO TDATE ^Mxrissr ,_^Bl7-30m-io '7*? (R338lsl0)4188--A-32 TT .GeaeraJ Library University of CaJifornia •tferkeley L u YD 01638 f /^