THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES i t o r ' s c r a b 1 r . L. O A Y L 11 D L A R K NEW-YOHK AI'I'LETOX AND OOMPAXY. 2nu BROADWAY AND 1(1 l.nTLK liKITAIN. U>NI>i>\ SAMUEL D. DA KIN, ESQ., THE =jjretimiiuiriu T1TK present volume is given t<> its readers with the old excuse of first-book adventurers 'so- licitations of friends;' nut however without the hope that it may be found in some degree to justifv their judgment, or palliate their parfialitv. Lhirinu 1 >onic nineteen \vars, .-ittin^ alone or with company in the 'sanctum' of the Knlclttrljodtci j^Lifjazlnc, or circulating in the society of a great metropolis, or sojourning at intervals in the coun- try, the writer lias seen and heard much th;it has awakened mirth, and felt much that has elicited tears. Looking back now upon these record.-, manv of them almo-t forgotten, the old emotions 4 \V i> i: i' - I' i; i: i, i M i \ .-, i: v . with \\hirh they wriv "riinnal ly jnltfil ih'Wli c'niiir hark aLi'ain lVr-lil\' upnii him. It has al\\a\- ln-i'ii hi- lii-hrt'. a- it rt-rlainU i- hi- r \|H riciicc. iha! an\' "in- man uh" li-i-l- ami ing ami ,-u hoj.iii^-. tin- \\-riti-i 1 ha- hrni imhicr'l t' lay \\il-. hi- iir-t liuiiililr \vnniiv,' hi'l'ni'i- hi- tvailfi's: i\'lyiii^ imiv upi.n the r\- |ii'c--dl jml^'iiu'iit n|' iithci'.- in the matter, than up"']] hi- ii\vn. ' I am ^la'l \ lu-ai 1 ' wi'itc- an . a 1 win >sr favi ii'alilr i--t iiiijitr \v. iiih 1 rrlh-ct li'iiinr iiH 'ii a far \v< ir! hid 1 literal^ >\'< 'oct \v ]u-riap- I'l-nii-iiin.-! 1 tat <>iirc >pi>r tn vnu UJHIII tin.- -iihjfct, and al\i-nl vmi \n tiii- ('iiir-i'. I havi 1 nth-n thmiu'li! it a ^Trat j'iiv thai a! lit - "f li iimi ir, the i-niri'tainiii^' imMilnit-, arr >n W O U D S P R }: L I M I X A 11 Y . frecpucntly to he mot with in your 'Gossip,' should be comparatively lost among tin. 1 multi- tudinous leaves of a Magazine/ '" Kindred sug- ge>tkms have been received from similar Hatter- ing source?, and are at last acted upon. Of one thing at least the reader of this volume may be assured and that is, abundant variety. There are sad thoughts and Had tin nights record- o o O ed in these pages; influenced by all ,-easous, and jutted down at all reasons ; scenes and incidents in to\vu and cr communicated, that have made the \\'i'iref laugh ; and manv, moreover, that have moistened his eyes, as he wrote and read and re-read them ; the whole forming a dish of desul- tory 'Gossip,' in which it is hoped that every body may lind something that shall plea>e, and no one any thing to oii'end him. * WASHINGTON IUVJXG. COX TEX TS. PAGE. .. 1:3 A HEVF.UIF. of I'.oylKH.d ami Political F.conomy: A New Kr:i union? Chris- tians: Kxeciition of Ground- Mice : An Hour in ."-iim'-Sin^ Pri.-on - - MON- r.t.iK KMUAIIDS: Narcotic [ntluciice a ' lte:_ r it!ar I!II'M ' : GI:OITKKY CKAYON and Old KM. K " in Sleepy Hollow Hereditary Liditniiivr: A lew ;hoii_'his on Death: Anecdote of JAUYIS the 1'ainier: A GhoM- Story : (.'ciol l!c]'ly lo a DunniiiL'-Lctter : Ciiildi-en Home Feelin;; in Ol.l A-e: A -Cute' Yanki-o ( 'iock-I'cdler : Aiitiiinn in the Country, and it.-, Intliieiice-- : A r-tran_'e Horse-Ad\ entiirf : An Involved -Com- mercial Tntn.~act.iiin.' ................................................. 29 M'MUKU TWO. Ax Indoi'CndeiU StaL'c-Coach Driver: The Kdort (.'unclnsivo : The Sea and i;> Intlitonci's: The Deluded Demand UetVaciory Lc.bstor: Death of the I'"ir.-t-!>oni : An AtleclinLT Incident: A Dry I'mnp : Kx|ierinieiit iqion Hie Mn-icul Organs of a Jack A->: The Cloudless Skio 1 of TaradNe : A llali-l.Vad ' Kecii.-.-vant ;' A little Kvi-Min^-Si- L .|i<- in the Saiictnin : Humors of ah Klei-tiuii Tin; Challenu'cd Friend:' The. True Hero anAil- theiitie Aiiecd.He: Natural IlMory the Klamini;-,,: l'u//.iin- (^iie,- tiuii.- in ' J.M.'ic;' Jtcmini>ceiiee^ in the little Church at Lakc-CuT^e. . . . 04 A MATTEU-OF-FACT OfEST: Uain ujion the Hoof: A Mother".-. Grief: Tin; Mi-si-, n of Little Children: AreplialoiH a New Definition: hdliiemv o tlie Great Metro|,nli~ njmn th- .|ni,-t Coimtryman: A -Dreadful Acri- d-lit ' -a Vaiikc'e"> lleven-e: Su-.'eMioii of a I. ...... iiK'tive on a 'A i-itry XL'hl: A Sc-,.tch Consoialion ' for a Sl;irh( : The Yankee in I'O.M: ss [Studio: Ni-\v Heading in KAMI.F.T: An I'.L'ly ' ( 'ii-t-ni. -v - 1'eai 1. --m-s of lihalry: Death c.f H..N..I-.A KI...K\\ UIMII: Kxcu-e- for Drinki!.-: Did Mi UI-ILY" of ih,. Mohawk : Tli,- I-', male -,1111.^!. r i: ,' i M C.- \. Ir.,,- i ..n, j. inn : i ; , I.i \ ;:.-_- 1 V:i, '.: i 1 .: - ,,| Kn.iul. ,!-.- nn,l. r I 'ill'irnlti. -: \ 1 , m- j . : .: .. ,.-:.<.-. i A II..- !:. Arii:-.r: I'- tr> ,.! ; , \ ; . . ' . \ .- ti \ !. v!' tin- I Hlk,- i,|' \V u.i i M, i. ,> : T, ; \ II., i : , . - -II, up, ,-(,. i\ ': 'I ;., II, I],!, - - II, ; -Ma;, ': - riiii:. with a >pe<-iin,-i: ; Uniiiiii- ! Mail N A Fi'.FM UMAX I ' - ii !::. 1 : An Airrvi ! ' nl Wra'liei Ui'-. in ' . ' ' i . i -..-::': A C, : tury tin- \':,-l ::-:: \ i > .':-.- i ' : :.. r : '! rai -; i Cjiu-i' :nul l-i!i- -! ' : a r, .-- r r i ..: -M. .-tin-: I'nu \ ,.' ,, i.| Menu y - N ,;,-I.i!':i',-:' 'i . r ( - . A / , - ; -- i:, -,:V : S.-.-inir nur-.-U, - :,-, n ' -' ..-."I-: -..-: A'.' .- .'. I'-i .-.M, - ., L. 1) /- I'.-rn Ill TMI <;. i.i ; . . -\ : I ' - -'V it M .: v: ( '.inumlriui^ a l'r:.,-i i.-al n , : \ 'i / ' \:' i.: : n.l IsMW. Al Hi i_-in:t! ': A I:---. .1 , , i in. in i !:: A MnrniiiL' I. 'iii'.in,- in the>: An 1 ./- M. n :.. '; [nil i-n/ . I'... In : A I'n.I-iiie S,-:in-r : CUM [ilinu-nt : A Man nfllie \V,..MV A,K;,-,- : -- - - . i: .',-M, ' : A MUM, ! . i : Natnro ;i Nl'MI'.KK SKVKN*. \ - !' tin-, in Ult]. ' , f \Var: Kiifi-Inci- : -.,--. |... : \\ . ; - : ; - -. ..-- !,; _ t'.o :i N, --. I: . ' - . . : \ r . ; :- . n.':it. i: -llr.-it : ' - i> T .- M-. , - . I' - - 1' i- .. .. |i \ : .- i, -. ii, f a M, :!,,r: T- ,- \ ,;.- !' ' : \ I ' i' .: ! , !> .,-,,:' M I i - ;,.-.... I-. ,, ,-.,; : Mr-. - ' A;, ,- - : I 1 - . . - M . : .- . , . !":-..>.; ,-r : CONTEXTS. NUM15F.Il FIGHT. Orr. First Play Coin. try Theatrical-: -Short .if Bible': Mayor il.M'.i'Ei: Caught a Temperance 'I'leiL'e': \V lerful Cure OILY -(iA\i- M'.N': [)r. {'(ix -in a l'."\ ' : W"rd Picture.- ' LUM;KKI.I..>W : The Mackinaw Sea-Serpent : ' 1 >i-.-!iu y ' Doubted: Fir?t Impre>Mons of the Kaat-kil!.-: Accident '- al Acquaintance : An A incricun Cili/.eii ' : An Inv.'iilar ' Uc \ivali~t ' : Isci-lU'S in a City Il<>.-iiit;il : Dubi-us Ui-tVrcnce: A Du-chinan ' Duiio ' : A -Ua.l l!ar_-ain': 'ViMljlo rn-si-ncv ' of Death... ..ITT A JOKE in 'Full Blossom 1 : A 'Koucli Guess': Coniii.irative Longevity : Six-lie at Sinir-^inir Mate Prison: The Art of Mouiu:.' K;i\y ( Cily 'Ani-ts': A sliort-SiLrhtc'l ' Lamllord: Mock-Auc'iion^: MiriL'inu! Pirtiin.-'-Dt.-alt.Ts: An Ainatcur-Fi-hcnnaii : Cnil-.s and their Way>: A 'ContiMsent Ketnainder': The Last Hitter ll.iiir' : Iri>ti 'Cousins': A. Careful Tinker : ' F.xercised in 1'raver.' . . 117 FITFCT. Forc-Vulinss nr First ]!al>y: Jlnchester Jail a ' Yi>iMc- Sup- port': Our -Quaricr' to a Foe : A VankeeV Kyc to 'J'ra-ie ' : .Xeirro EloijiU'iici-: 'Swaying' Yoiini' Trees hearing: Snmethhiu' I>ro[>': 'JuiiN SMITH' in :i Ciuandary : 'Dunn's' in S|>ri]i;_ r -Tiiiie : A 'Flat- footed' Simile: Murder CniiMdi-ivd as -Murder': <-'!' Tnrt'es and their 'Abuses': A DyiiiL' Wife to her Husband: Irish Slirewdness : An Iri.-ii JJlunder: The -Moralitv' of Decent Dres.? Arti>tic Stnii_'''iin''. 21 M. iso 1. 1 Life: Insoluble I'mbleins : I'romf.iiition.s of a Con-in!, ptive : Sun-hine ..)' tin- (IraVf : Dra'h of Hon. SM AS HJOI.INS ; California 1'i!- frritns: A -Laid-ii].' K :l r: iruitL'f>ti\-L- Kjiitapli : The 'Inner Life ' of Man: A -'Xe\v '-Milch ' Cow: A voice from the Nursery: A Conden~- i!!_' (.'oiiver-atioiii^t : 1 ). .w am..]iy ihe Toiiib.- : A City Sn.nv-Scene: Laru'e I'nder.-tan'': "Winter in the Country : Some Thoughts on Kites. ... . . - 10 U-ry :' >j.ri: : : \ 1, : :i\. \i,:.i -' : A M -> ' I' 1 ;:, : i . ! N.. i, ],:;,-. ,:: A I'/- : . .;-! ;, ' - :: - : A I'r.o .;, : I: :\ , : (;:.:.. V M -.,.'(. : 1' ::: i : ii KM. >,V I 1 :, I!- :,: -A,.,n i:. N ,: ; :. - (.]' ;!,.] ,.; ,.f \ ' 1 ' , N ' : \ i: - . K, -;.. i .-.': I i:. N:r-.:v. r,.r. -l:-.:.i.i-: ' li \ ' I' :.-..:.'.. ! . !: M . ' ; . i \V..|-: ! '.. ' .:..': 1 ..:-.".l' , ' ^ : . t : - \- r, : !'.: \ I: i .:.-: A I'... li,-:i! ( ., '. , A l: : .1 .,: A I' "::,' l'ii:,i-r..! : ~; : ] M i, . . (,:...- , i i : ','. |. -.,...: >;,;. At- - , I . M ' - '. ' \\ . P.. - . ' . M -I ; ' ' . ,vj I 1 .. An. . ' - \ '. ' 1 'KNIS., ' I ! ::(,..:. ': A -. I fun : . Vl , ; . A \ . . . -i ...-:.: I - \ ii..,;, . - i - -. n limit Cljt A FAMILIAR KI'TSTLE GOSSIP ABOUT CHILDREN LET us begin at the beginning. ' The child is father of . the man ;' and by permitting us to commence with the following letter to a brother-editor, written in the iirst person singular a thing in itself verv 'singular' in the present book the reader -will have at once before linn the longest paper he will be called upon to encounter 'from title-page to colophon.' My DKAH FRIEND : I i.o VE children. I used to think when I was a baehel' >r, (it is a good many years n^o now.) that there wa* >ni'>- thing rulln'r presuming in the maninT in which iloaiiiig fathers and mothers would bring their ' wee things' aroiiiid them, and, for the e.-pecia! t-ditication of IL- >ingle fi-!!o\\>. 14 < ; , . > can-.' th.-in t<> * inis->]ic;ik li.'ilt'-utiHvil ui'i'il-." ;m>l in c' 1 ' thr ''i^'h \\i;!i .li\tT- liti!.- l.->-i>n> m maniici.- air! .-li'i-nti'm. I'.ut li"ili j.aiviii- aiul i/hil'livn \\.-iv mail' >> a|i]>,'uvutly iiai : iM think. a> cvi'lain . aiii"ii> \\t-ri. 1 \\ 'Mi t ( > think, ain! 1< >ay, i li;g. :i I-. .iv." N". I iu-\i-r tliiiii^liu 'i- saiil that : 1'iit, I ii'i/ tliink, I rriiiniilii-r, a- I lia\<' >;uil. thai tin-re \\a> a [ii . l'al ta-b-, ai:ocs 'ii d''.M'lii i!i illuniiiiitii;'. \\ ;l!i \\ iial : ' 11- c;ill ;in ' iiit'-rinr I.' . -\ .- ainl nt -liiil. t'r.--li tVi an 1 \ 'ur-. aii'l V!M \v -Ii -rii inii 1- !;-.!,' . . :ui. 'ii \\ hii-h i- ii"l ' i'f 1 y- IM llur ' ci .ri'i 1 - -j.. iii'l.-iii'i 1 -* "t' a lii ' . I \\ ;-ii ','._;. --:: a . i 'rniii^ i-!ii!i ir.-ii. ^\\, m\ t'li'-ln!. \ 1 \"U \\ '-re i .ill 1 -' a ' \ : aii'l I am ' . ' ' < Main ihai \ >:\ \\ ill !'.! !];::'-' 1 .'i a l'c\\ ;: <; ; ;.;- uhii'li I am L:'"!II_' l<> r<- lali'. in iihi-' r.'i' . M "(' nn ' ; .:-: '. ' !ii.-li 1 i,- ! . . ; _ i 1 _!.. i',... ) - . . :.i I i - , -, Don't you tliink that we parents, sometimes, in mo- ments of annoyance, through JUT lire of bu-iness or other eireum-tanees forbid tliat whieh \vas lait innocent and reasonable, and p erf.-, -tly natural to be asked for? And do not the h,-t (ii' parent- frequently multiply prohibitions UI]lii obediellC'' to thrill beeolllo impo>-ible ? Kxeu-e nit 1 ; but all your reader- have been children; manv of them are happy mothers; many more that are not fill be in (-on'- good time; and I cannot but. believe that manv \vlio may his ashes repose in peace in his early, his untimely grave ! and myself, when we were very liitle boys in the country, .-aw, one bright .lime day, far up in the bhie >kv, a paper-kite, swaying to and fro. ri-in^ and -inkiiii:'. divine; and curvet- ing, and flashing baek the sunlig'ht in a manner that was wonderful to behold. We left our little tin vessels in the meadow where we were picking strawberries, and ran into a neighbi.riii!/ fi,-l,l In ./,.( beneath if : and. keopin-j mr --'''' :: ' *' 'to; ::. ;../.: -udiLsuv '-W/ard h -liven.'' we 10 G n s > i r ,\ i> (i i T (' H M. i> i; f: \. 1'iv-i'jitlv {'"Hud <>ur>i'lvi's \>\ i\\>- >id>' of tin- aivhita|"-r nii'^ciiii'i-r.-. idl'lin-' U]>uard !l|"'!l 11. a- It' l<> hold i'miIUUlioll \\llll tlir LlT.-u-i'l'til ' liinl "f tin- air ' at tin- uppi-i- t-nd. 1 am il''-i'nl>ini;' tin-- \<> \nii a^ a \>(>\~. and I \\i>h vmj I- > think of it as a lm\ . Well, many days at'k'nvard, ;m\vi-vi-r, t^r M-\cral davs : ;;ud IH.-VIT did a ln'caltiu/d navi^atur \\ait inon- iinjiatii'inlv tin- a }>}<h"iild >t-iid mil- paj't-r niosscii^i-r, U'di/.'-iu'd \\iih stars nt'n-d and vt-ll"\s- ]ia]-r. dain-in^- iih tin- -kv. At laM it [il-'a-fd tin- '^vntlt- and vuluMt' spirit f tin- air" l" favor us. A mild, >niith \\ind >jpranu' up, ami sn i It-ll i v did \vc inanau'i- uiir ' iiiM-ntii in.' tliat il \va> ] >r< ^<-\\l \\ rrdiii-i-'] '" a lib ri- mitiiatiirc-kitf in tin- Itlm- filit-r almv.- us. SiK'li a irinnij'li ! I 1 1 LION, \\hrn In- cssavi-d hi- lir-t (XJii-riii] : '. ti-!i ii" Hi"]',- i-Miltaiit than did \\i- \\iii-u that t:')''"! 1 \\ . I ! \\ . \^.'Y\ <\ up niiii! 'iu i\t 'hi- _'. >.'!!il! ' i\ il.-ll \\c dtv\S il di ' d.'ji. -il'-d :' ; ill-' u ln-n- 1" j.i:, t . . : .1 n-ral liH-aliti..- that x-clDL-d .-ati; and i-Li^ilil", hiit Go s sir ABOUT CHILDREN. 17 finally deciding t<> stand it end- wise in ;i barrel, in an un- frequented cornor of the barn. 1 am coining now to a specimen of the 'sorrows and tears of youth,' of which < rKOFFKF.v (,'KAVOX speaks. A\ o dreamed <>f that kite in the night ; and, far up in the hea- ven of our sleeping vision, we s;tw it lla-hing in the sun and gleaming opaque! v in the tuilight air. In the morn- ing-, we repaired betimes to the barn; approached the barrel with eagerness, as if it were possible for the kite to have taken the win^s of the evening and ilown away ; and, on looking down into the receptacle, saw our cherished, our beloved kite broken into tweiitv pieces! It was our man THOMAS who did it, climbing upon the hay-mow. It was many yeai> afterward before v> e forgot the eniel neighbor uho laughed at us for our deep six months' sor- row at that irivat ; a loss in comparison v.ith which the loss of a fortune at the period of manhood sinks into iiiMgniticanee. Oil.' r kites, indeed. we constructed; but was the kite ' vou nml of at this present. Think, therefore. (') ye parents', itlinnjx think of the aciit.eiK.'--s of a child's sense of childi-h ^rief. iiei^-hb' !. a romping. ro\>t'ring blade, in the merest -,!,. \-il- liiellt.' cut off the foot of a little doll \\\\\\ which lli< ill- fanline -i-ler was amiisinu' In-rself. A mutilation of living l]i -h ai;int-\v. in a l-^inx, ,1 playmate, ouiM M-atvi-h have atl'ei-te.l tin- pnur ehiM ni"iv paint'inl v. ll \\a> ; i riinvnt "f a !i.-au;i;'ul bain- \\hirh uo/eil t'riii lli<- I'l-aii-lt'n 1 of tiiat M title, 1 rlliirv I't'.an iniaiii ; ;'inl the Jin ntal Millennia <>f the rliiM \\eiv ha-eil iijn'ii the iiiiHMviit t'aith \\hii-h it ln-M, that all thiii-^ \\ oiv ivallv \\ hai tlii-v >' i cMn i il. (ii'o\\ii ] - [ill -h''iiM !ia\c nii'i'e i'aiih in. aiul jiiuro a|'].; >ta1i-nifi:)s ainl It-i'liii^s nl' i-hiMn-n. \\ ; ii I rca.l. >' i Me Miniitii> >iiu-..-. in a telr^rajilii,- di>pau-li l" "in- i 'f < nil' in. >n.;ii'_' ("iirnal--. 'Vi 'in I ialtiuii>iv. n' 1 rcini'in- l ! riu'ht '. \~. i >t' a nii'thi'i' \\li". in jmiii^liiim 1 a liitlc \>\ i'^r l.-'liiiL;' a . ::. aft''! 1 all. ii sul'Si'.jin-iilIv inin-j'in'il that . . -', : ; i; a -li^lil >\\ i;-h c.v-r hi- ti-Mijiie aihl ki . a nii'fi' ai-t-iii'-i:t, i-f ci mi'-'-. 1 'ii :t!l\'. \\ hii-li ili'i '\<- PI 'i-' 'ii fn mi lli.- in: 1 , 'in- nf tin- iinhaji]i\ MII 'ihi-r \\ lii-n 1 iva'l this I l!i' !! j i.l ' i \\ hal hail ' in . in in \ *>\\ \i >alii-timi ii.\ a \\' '-k IT ' ' . I i-. i-.-i\ nl \\ as a u'' . . i'i-\ i-r. M \ !i::!i- : . a .;. ! !, \ .;. i-. ; i-i liank- !i..:iri r!i:i|- ' I -ay it \\ Ilil . '!!..!:' ' ''.I'-''' haii !'"'!! I '-i\ : ir_' 1 a' i- -lit 1 . ' :' \\ h; -li t' !' ;t in. '!!. iil. ! '.:;;. 1, . .n n:\ !' Mini, ihal in\ l"!,^ [ .r.-ii[.:! : . , jiiil han- !!. ! i.,.|. u;,- -.-MI,,-. I a-!,' .1 l!i.. hill, l'.-i!..\\ v.ini !,. h 1. 1 << <> :- s. i I' AJJtlUT C 11 I L .1) 11 K .V 19 done vvitli ji. He answered, at once that he had not seen it. After a renewed M-aivh for it, I cliaiged him. in the f:'.,;e of his declaration, with having taken and mislaid or lost it. He looked me earnestly in the face', and said: 'Xo, L ili.ilitt take it, father.' ! then took him upon my lap: enlarged upon the hein- oUsiiess of telling an untruth; told him that L did not euro so much about the pen : and. in short, bv the manner in which 1 rea-oned with him, almost ottered him a reward for the confession the reward, be it understood (a dear one to him.) of standing firm in his father's love and re- gard. The tears had welled up into his eyes, and he seemed about to 'tell me the whole truth,' when mv eye cauidit tlie end of the pen protruding from a port-folio, where I myself had placed it, in returning a sheet of manu- script to <>ne of the compartments. All this may seem a men.' tritle (<> you and perhaps it is: yet f shall remem- ber it for a ionir time. 1.5m I 'ie-ire now to narrate to \ ou a circumstance which happened in the familv of a friend and correspond- ent of mine in the city of Bo-ton, some ten years a^o. UK lii-torv of which will commend itself to the heart of e\cr\ father and mother who ha- auv sympathy with, or affec- tion for, their children. I hat it is entirdv true, voti may be Weil assured. 1 \\JIS Convinced of till- wllell 1 opened : i,e Seller from L. II. 1 \ - , which announced it and in A t'. \\ v.."'ks li.'l'i.iv l>r \M-'tf, In- ha'i luiriol hi- rMr-t MiH. n line, maiiK lilil'' : . -i>nn' .-i^lit \vais nt' u^v, v,]|.p h;,'l iit-\iT. !:! sai'l. known a i'.lnr.-- iinlil that \\liirh limtlly ivmovi'.l him li.'iuv to !" li'T<- no ninr.'. Hi.- 'li 'at 1 1 co.-iinvl uinltatin"; \\ hii-li \\t-rt pccu- liavlv j'aiiit'nl t" hi.- ji;iV''iil-. A youn^'fr \>v< <\}\>-r. a ui'li- cat''. sirkly i-hilii fruiii it- l-irtli. the inAt in ;i^' to him. h;i'l lifrii il-i\vn t''V in'ari\ a t'Ttui^lit \\i:li an i'1'iilfiuii. 1 t'.'\t-i'. In ((Piio'ipi-'iu-t 1 nt' tlii- nature . if th,- ili-i^a-". rycrv jirt'i-autii '!; h;i'! ' n :cl ' sii^^-i -!<'! to LTuar'I tli<' otln-r iiii'iiil'i'i - < i't' tin' t'tiuily a^ain-1 it. I'm of thi- on,-, tin' tatl i !'- i-liK-st. In- >ai-l In- li; : ;' i ' ! :'--ar. -. ruii'^i-il N 1 -;.- In 1 , anil MI - IP ra!l\ i.' ahiiv. >i:ii, hoi-\i-|- In' k'-|it a vigilant i-\r ujmn him. ainl i'-[n'ci.'il!\' torhapli- hi- --i: ; | ii ml- ;i!l.l ilock.- lii-al 1 hi- -llii.tI. uliirli I! u;i ' i- . i-t .in'tinif- to vi-il : for In- \va- Iml a !>\, ai;i! ' li.i\ I my-,' aii'l \vr oii^-hi murt 1 fVi-'jiii-ntlv t' i - : i: i- tli'-ir /"''' ! '' all liiinair.ral t 1 ,!;, . ' [' . i in-- an'. ' I !.< -ma'!.-', annoyance. While lie was sitting by tin- tire, in this unhappy moud of mind, his wife on to rod the apartinont, and said : 'IIioxKY has just come in, and ho is a perfect fright! lie is covered from head to foot with dock-mud, and is as wet as a drowned rat!' ' Where is he "'." asked the father, stornlv. ' Jle is shivering over iho kifeheu tire. Iff wa< afraid to come up hero, when the u'irl told him y>u had corno home.' ' Tell JANE to toll him to come here this instant !' was the brief reply to this information. Presently the poor boy entered, half peri-hed with affright and cold. His father glanced at his sad plight, reproached him bitterlv with his disobedience, spolce of the punishment which awaited him in the morning, as the penalty for his otfonce ; and, iu a harsh voice, concluded with : ' Xow. Sir, go to your lied!' 'lint, lather.' >aid the little fellow, 'I want to tell you ' With a peremptory stamp, an imperative wave of ]\\> hand toward the door, and a frown upon hi> brow, did tiiat father, without other c'l lih- remark : I think. in\ il-ar. you .'ii^iii at lra~t. t" ha\v ln-aril \\hat Hi. sin hail I" >a\\ M v In-art ai'liol t'"!' hi'.n \sln'K lit- tiiriii-i! auav. \\ith hi-- cv-s t'ull >>\ t^ars. HKNHV i- a LI' ..... 1 1" >v, at'ti-r ail. it' h<- "'/ , > >, iin-tiui<'> >\<> v. p i ._-. I ! i> a tciiilfr-ln-artfil. all'-'i-tii-natf \\ \'> s 'i \ \ . \ .. \\ a> lak'-u i:;i ; i :i: hu-! 1 .- ' i.a! t'.i' h. r i: JMi i rn al "l" that c\ .-nil: L:'. IL' -at ;'-r -^111.- tiiin- in an <.!= ']!.: ' r ... , :( ] l ,., I j, , jj^ lifil-i-liani!"']'. A- !.- ['-i--i'il thf i"'i]-i'i min \\hi-i' hi- liuli 1" iv -!',. M.ii him i'. fur-' 1aikr.r_f ill'- i;i- .;::. 1 1! ' -Hi i-' !. ' iiuni-liiu" 1 , a- In 1 h to make amends to the bov's aggrieved spirit in tlie morn- ing for the niaiiiu-r in which he had repelled all explana- tion of his otlence. lint, that morning never came to the poor child in health, lie awoke the next morning with a raging fe\ vr on his brain, and wild with delirium. In forty-eight hours he was in his >hroud. lie knew neither his father nor his mother, when they were first failed to his bed-side, n<>r at anv moment afterward. Waiting, watching; for one token of recognition, liotir alter hour, in speeehle.-s a^'iiv. did that unhappv father bend over the r<>nch oi' his o-|iiti<>u li^'ht up his dvinii' eye, and IK^ leaned eag'erlv forward, for he would have o-jven worlds to have whispered one kind w<>rd in his e;ir, and have been answered : but that t^leam of apparent intelligence passod quickly away, and w;is suc- ceeded bv the cold, mimeanin^ id are, and the wild (OSMIILC of the 1'i'vered limbs, which lasted until death came to his relief. Two days afterward, the undertaker came with the little cojlin, and his son, a play-mate of the decea>ed ho\-, briti'_nui; % flu.' I"W stools on which it. was to stand in the entry-hall. 'I \\ as with lli-:.\i:v.' said the hid, 'when he i^'ot into the water. AVe were plavin^ down at the l.on^ \\'harf. II K\I:V, and I''I;A M\ 'M r\iroi;i>. and f; and the tide' was out 'M \ery lo\s : and tln-iv \\a- ;i hr.-mi inn out tV"tn th- wharf; and < 'HARM:- t^'i "tit n ii t" uvt a ti-h-liue aiid hook that IIUIM- ovi-r \\ln-iv tin- \v;iti-r \\a> drrp : and tin- lir-t tiling \u- haw. In- had ,-!ipp>-d oil', and ua> i-tnii^lin^ in tin 1 uati-r! HI:NKV tlnvw oil liis cap and jumped clrar troin thr \\liarl' into tin- v>atrr. and. at'ti-r a i^ival deal of liard \\rk. u'.it I'H\'.:I.I> MU! ; and llicv \vad-d up throug'h tho urn! i" win-re tin- v, harf was not so \\ ,-) ,-md -lij>ji.-v\- ; and tln-ii 1 h'-lprd tin-in to diinli up the >idi\ (.'u.\i:i.i:-^ t"M HKNKV ii"t to say an\ tiling al'tit it. t'T. it' In.' did, }\\> t'atlii'i 1 would in.'\'t-r ! t him u'o m.-at 1 the Avat'-r a^'ani. HI-:M;V wa< very >orry ; and. all the way ejmiL; 1 In -me, IK; k'-pt sa\ ii'^- : \\"h:it will latli'T say wln-u he seos me lo-ni^ht ' I \\:-!i \vi- had !jui ^-.ii.- t'' th-- v. hart' .'' ' 1 '--ar. l-nivf Imy!' i-xclaitiicd th- licivavt-d fatln-r: 'a!:d //;'.> \\;is the ,'\] mat! li\\hich [ ^o <-nii'llv I'l-tllx-d to h.-ar '." And li..i and hitt. r ; nrs r..lli d down hi- cliecks. Vf- ! that -'.I'll fatln'1' MOW li-artu-d. and t'"r tin- tir-t linn-, tiiat \\ha! In- had tivat.d \\ilh unwoliti'il si'\crit\ a~ a t'au!;. w.-i- hut '!.- inij'ii!-- ot' a -vn.i'-u- u.atur.-. \\hi.-h. I',,]---,. tt'u! -t' --it', had haxard'-d : : ;' t'"r ain-tlu-r. It wa- l.tit th" <|'.ii'-k pri'inptin^ "f that inanh -pirit u hirh hi- him-i-ll' had. alwav- did' \\r< \ l" u'i'at'l upi-i! hi- -H-.-.-pt'i-'i- mind. and \\hi'-h. voiuiLT a- h-- \\"a-. had a!n ady ]naii]l''--Ii-d ii-i-!i' ni ini 'I-- t!ia!i i i!n> (ii-i-ri-i GOSSIP A n o i- r C ii i r. i) n ;: :,. 25 Let me close this story in the very words of that fa- ther, and It-t the lesson sink deep into the hearts of even parent who shall peru-e this .-ketch : ' Kverx tiling that I now set-, that e\er belonged to him. remind- me of mv lost boy. Yesterday, 1 found some, rude poneil-s.ketches which it was his delight to make for the amusement of his younger brother. To-dav. in rum- maging an old closet, I came across his boots, .still covered with dock-mud, as when lie last wore them. (You may think it strange, but that which is usually so unsightly an object, is now 'most precious to me.') And every nioni- inv, 1 and evening, I pass the ground where my son's voice rano 1 the merriest among his play-mates. " All these things speak to me vividly of his active life : but T cannot though I have often tried I catinnt re- call any other expression of the dear boy's face than that mute, mounifiil one with which he turned from me on the night T so harshly repulsed him. . . . Then my heart bleeds afresh ! Oh, how careful should we all be. that in our daily conduct towards those little beings sent us by a kind PiioVJDKNCK. we are not laving up for ourselves the sources of many a future bitter tear ! How cautious that, neither by inconsiderate nor cruel word or look, we unjustly grieve their generous fet-ling ! And how guardedly ought \\t- to weigh eV' rv action against its motive, le.-t. in a moment of '-'' ' lA'-iti-iiii-Ml, \\<- In' if! in iiiii' 1 niit In ill'- \i-nial i-iTnrs t\rn ihc lii'Ti-i' I'cliiik' . lli' ; -ii'Mfii MIIU. ]- an-Ufi'i'i] in ilirir chii- 'Ircii ! '\ ilpi '. -, [in! i if |>a->ii>!i, imt nf ]ili\-i.-al ..r in.'iiial : ,: !:.:.' r i >ut rai; 1 '-. 1 na! inv !' I \s ill riii.l iiu uui ' - -i ' ! 1'iH' - ii' i cin- :.! in an \iii-rii iin' -i ; >ucliin'r. FROM AX EDITOR'S TABLE. K X I CK- KNACKS. liKK 0\E. A i:r.vr.i:n: r,r i; AM) i-uurir \i, KIMNOMV: A >r.\v I:RA AMOXO ( .in;i-'i i \\> : ]:KI.\ OF <,i:orNi>-MK t: : AN iiorr. ix SINH--TM; ri:i-<.\ MUNI:"!: I:I>\VAI::>< : XAiiO'Tic ixrr.ri:xci: A ' r.i:<;ri..\i: i;iVv': <;F:"!TI:I:V ci:\YnN" AMI 'i>in KXH :; ' JN sr.Ki'.i'V iin!.i.ii\v nr.iii:i>i IAIIV i. inn i MM; ; A IT.W Tii'in;ins f>v in: \'in: AM:rn. ri i: AM:: A 'CUTK' VANKI:;: < ;. n K-i'i:nri:K : Ai'iTMV iv -nir. i-ijrNTi:v, AND MS i \ ] i, ci: s . IN : .v hii[Ax;E ii'jj:-;:- ADV I:N'I i ::;: : AX INV":.VI:D c. IM.MJ:KI IAI. Tii'N-!A'.'n'jN.' M!!-!\ tln-rf C'liiifs ;i warm autumnal rainv ilav, it, M-i\v:i i!- n-i'cat. L-njovineut t'") ^o over (ouinrx aol't.*) \n \l 1>];U, an*] r.-jiair to a gaMu-,'i!ii;'k- of tlio Sv, i-s clifili-l. l);i : .!t. i.y ill'.- ta-t'Tu! Sn:VK.\s. aip! th' !', uii'l'-r an fpfH v.''-a ! !!'-i'- ; .' ' ' cii;;ii:v;iiiin^ IK !);. u- like a map, aii'l our noM-' hai'lim- ;ui'l liay, <'ovc-i\:'l \vilii tall >Iiij'S, tlicir !,-;]>i-rii>'_f ma.-t-- ainl cor/la^'t'- pc-iieillc-d a^ain-i t!a.- >ky. or llis- iiifhi.TYrari. v.ilii tin-it 1 \vliiti- >ai!s Liii-liii'j' for an in-taul in !')' iiil'ul ~un- ol) A II i: \ i: i: i i: or !J o v u u u o li-ht t!i;it McaU t!irift in l'>riL; >i;i!iini i j,' lilies ai.Ti.s tlii- li;i\". ami n\i-r tin 1 t"\vn. ami ali'ii'4' th,. niaie>tie Hail-mi, ami think 'mi iliver-e things fiiivilniit'.' \\heti ue were as yd but a little lm\ ; (.-jn-i-ially \' <-arlv ilav> in tin- iiiutrv. \\hcn \\ith !'-jiarii'.l ' ' 'i.i. M'UD ' \\ ,j u-r.l tu pcn-h oiir.M-lvi-s ii].n tl;c t.'j' "f a fiv-h hay- k harraek,' (suit an;i tin- t'a.'lMi^ VL-lInsv \v 1-. ih,. nit-a'!' >\\ s nf ilini ,1\ MILT nT'-'-n. aiiil m->''t stuKlilf-lii-Ms. Thai iviiifiiilirano' links \\ith i>tlii.-r> "i' in-' i-ountrv. i::il:l it in. !<_;<- ill a s'irt of iiii-m.-i] i->av .n l'niitii-;il [A-ii"ni v. <>!!' think-; "f tin- r. -ijM-r- rutting tin- ^oMt-n ^rain : <>\ man ami 1><.\ ri-lliiiL; 1 tlnj muni] t';! ' inurpliio ' uiit "f tin- blai'k luaiuy soil : i !' L;'al \[< i in.f in tin- \ . llo\v-'_;Tri-n uat>,stj PiiiiHith, .-iinl sn ]>!i-asmt t" ' cut, rake aii'l 1'iml :' cf tlnj Lilij.iilian t' >r,-i - ' .|' tali -i!kv tlax --I.-IH- ; nf the Vfllnw-ci'Mi. so il.'liu'htt'ul i" hii-k at ni-'lii. \\ith a liavn-llonr full .4' !/ir'-. an.l 1>\'>, waiting j'i\l'ullv ami'Nt tin 1 >\vri-t 'hn-k\'' odor- tin- t!if >ul)-.i'l'-!iri- i 'i 1 tlio \>\-j; ' \\<-.(]<.' that th"V mav ]>artak'- <>f the repast "i' pies ami eaki-s airl -\\er( cn,!,-r thai i- -pri'a.l 'i:i tin- h"ii-''.' Ai ! lliese \arimis Itil )')- in ilnc --a- .n' ! v. --!- \\ hi.-li \ -a -.-. tf-nilin^ t" t in ' - ' . 'n ihe far 'ii-iane". suiii' 1 lui'l'i!' 1 ! eii '-' i 1 '.: hi-r. - Hi'' \\ file apart, l-iit ail niakin-- 1 t'-'i 1 ":.' i-'-rt ; \\ hiif there, in the ^r'al t>p\vn lu't'nre A X r, ^\ C ii 11 i y T i A >; E K A . 31 you, iiion and 'prentice-boys in dingy shirt-sleeves, at hours when the farmers, their 'patrons,' are in Led, 'plv their busy tools of trade ;' cabinet-makers are sending oil' furniture ; druggists are arming country practitioners -with 'engines of destruction' against tlie 'great enemy' or their patients ; hardware dealers are sending out pots, kettles, and pans, for 'stewing, baking and boiling' in far western \\ilds and so forth; which, in connection with general commerce, as dry-goods, tin-plates and spelter, groceries, hay, cutlery, 'grits' and 'shorts,' sarsaparilla, turpentine-gum, putty, ' ging-shang ' root, codfish, hops, brads, bees- wax, soft-shell almonds, gun-powder, osnaburgs, fustie, corks, madder, hackled hemp, dried beef, nail-rods, staves and heading, varnish, and BHANDRETH'S pills, consti- tute what is most usually suppo.-ed to compose the main elements of' Political Economy !' IT was a pleasant thing to read, in a late number of a metroplitan religious journal, an account of four cler^v- meii, of widelv different denominations, mei'tini; 1 weekly at each other's houses, in* a Xew-E.ngland \i!lage, f,>r religious communion and prayer. The liberal ('hri-tian spirit which prompted this act did not e\i>t f. .rni'-rly in that -eclion, nor indeed any section, of the I nion : :;nd \ve hail its a])[iearance with sincere pleasure. ' Otlnr ^hee[) T lia\ .' s:tM I'Hr >.\\ i"i ::. v. hirii arc ii^t "f Uiix \<>\<\ : iln-m a'-" I inii-l 1 > i !;_;'. .'Hi' 1 lhi-\ -hali hear in v \ "io- ; ain! tin iv shall aii'l uiic >lirj.]i<-r.l.' . Why slmiilii they, I'-- 1" l-\a'i aM'l pi'int th<> -\vay ID IifMViMi. :i iih-i-( i!i;i', iviin-s < , M liicli I' >!ir!i in-itlior ih-- . [.! ili'Mii ratlu-i 1 MIV. I"' 'kiiii;' up ID a < iiiiin- 'ii IJi:i)i I^'.KI; : 'O I'r.i i a ir.n ! we ?!i:iro tl'.v ft'"--. Tiiy ii;i.->i(in tun > : '.'. '. Tn , ili ith to li\v 'I'm l'.(", i.u'uin. 1 . -- i- ii>-i' /-:< ;/'( o/ j(i>/if>f)t \\a- a jiD>tv.-- tlv:il. \V.-I| .|D \\i- IVllU'llll'rl 1 {h,- > J'J.C< r,> /,':,,, /./' tl/i ('/< ',.-'- .I/-'.- .' :- ["-rrDniicil 1'V < M.i.Ai'di) ' aii'i thr \vriti-r licrri (', \\ h :: ; '- :! ' vt i- liiii:---.' 'I he iiri-(iiM-r> \v-ri <-au- a sin "-k ' i -I' cut-ci 'i'ii. af'li'i' ' -uial attfiiijil al c-.-a]-'. aini \\ n-c ci 'liliii.-'i in a s'jiian' -;':,; in. - .i I i . carih' DJ' tin- in>'::\\ . \Y. si I ;;:!:: ' ' ire. .i:tha nieiil : \\o i !> .1; Jil. ' : ';. -. a!.' i I 'i,l',' i i !' l!i in. a- I -iaiit 1 ' ' v-. ;;'..:'( ':ii, i - 1 i \ \ i ili .!'i;!T i . -hill up in l>. i-il >;i n_;'-< 'a-l!i'. In i '" HM -IT. ::.- v. c \ i-ilnl the pvi-i -\\ lii-liiin-s, ;nnl I'n! lip- p!a'i ; '.)"- ( X ; II 1 1 i 1 1 a i i '1 1 1 ' I ' , 11 1 ! l < \V . 1 1 a - I ' ' > . r. ll ..I . i : 1 : i - ' ' > A S f K x r: A T S i -N L; - S i N < . P n i .s o x . '!:> could have dun". \V<- continued to visit thrin for >,-\vral davs atVrward ; and tin-ir hearing evincing 1:0 pciiit>'iir.'. thi'V wi-iv condemned t<> ! liiini;', ;iuil a dav \\;t-- a'ppoint'-d for thi-ir execution. A\ e ha'l M'-'ii a mo, lei of a Callows on tli-- ei iv. -r of t!i-- ' Sroi-'v OF AMMIMI-K ' \VI\K IT.' ami '<>!.- LAi'oD ' f"!i-tr:i-i' 1 a Vtitution ' of tiiar kilnl: aii'l \\hfii llh' fatal nionihm 1 an'iv;''!. with ail >lu<- privrii-v the eulj'ri'- were liroii^ht I'oi'ih. tli-- ihi'^aJ of <.l<'at!i wliirli \va- {o e!i|i tin- llnva, ai;il assure 1 '! that all hoj>e of ivjirievo was ri'li'-iiloii? ; it ooiiM not I- 1 thought of l>v tin- aiitlioritie-.' tor a moment. Thev must jircj'are to mount the seai- foUi:' They walk.'!, 'supp-irtod' partly l.y the ' rope ' aroiui'l tlh'ir in-i-ks. with linn hiii'l-l^s U ], []| ( . l;i], !,.], ;n-.l the -fatal eoril ' was a'!Ju-iream. It wa^ a niomt-nt ! In" 1 reinomuei'i 1 '!. At a >i^nai n'ivt'-n IA the jotter-ilo\vn hereof, the- ti'ap-'loor fcil, ainl thev \\.T-- lannehi"! into liln-rtv '. For thr thrca'l liv.k,-. an.! th- ' wn-ti'lii"! eulprit> ' were soon safe in the lon^ ^ra-< ot'lln- meailow. It was a narrow e.-'-ape for \;in ! \Vr, passe,] an hour in the >in^-Sin^- >tat'"-TT:.-on iln oilier day ; and while rcQfardin^ with irresistiMi 1 svmpathv the wreti'liei] inniat'^, we eould not help thinking h<>\\ o-l A S r i: \ i; AT SiN<;-SiN(; PRISON little, after all, of iht' actual Mill'i-riu^ of iin]>risoniiien1 i- apparent t>> the visitor. The toil, the coarse fare, tin- -o!i-niii silence, tin.- averted look, tlic yellow-white ]>alor, <>f th>' convict : his narrow cell, \\ith it> M-antv furniture, his liai-.l fuiu'li : thfse inilcod ;nv 'visible to thouukctlpyi!. 1 ^"tt Mo Ian thiiik ot' tlif di'iiioii Tnnrcnr that inu>t 'cat iij> his heart ' iluriii'j.' thf Imi^ 1 aiul inconcvivablv ilisinal hours which lie j'a--s,..s tlnTc in ilarknt'ss, in sik'iici 1 , anJ al"iic ! Think of the toimrrs he inu--t umlure 1'r<{' that plrasaiitrst fricin.1 1-ut nio-t lerrihlf enemy. linairinati ill 1 < 'It. the height, tin 1 (K-j'th, tin- length aiul bivaJth. of a M'li-itive cajitive's sorrou ! As we came auav tV"i:i the i; J ,''oni\" .-ceiie, wo ]>assed on a lnii. witliin the il'iinain of the inianl. tin.- 1 'ri>oii 1 'otter'.-- l-'ieM. \\ln-rc lie. uiiili-tiiiu'ui.-heil \<\ head-^tonc or anv other mark, tin; In JIH'- of tho>.- \\ In, h;nl liltle <-\leej,s MoMIUK I']ti- v. vims, \\ho-i- tlo\viiwai'il t'.-ite \\c' had marked in s.ticce>-ivo year-. \\ e lir-i ^;i\\ linn \\ln-ii on hi> trial: a handsome, \Veli-dre--ed. blaek-\\ hi-kel 1 ' .1. M , ni'ni'J -''![-]" i.-.-e>-,'d pel'Sotl, \\ith iht thin \arhi-h "f a ^iMitleiiiati, and an ellVonti-n that nothiiiL;' cotild daunt. Au'ain \\e>a him, \\ iiile ht.Id !!:_; ei >ii i't u nh courte/.an.s ;it the d' M ir of hi- t-eli. a; I he Toiuli-,' the tlav before he let'i I',,]- Sin-'-Siii-^ ; clad in hi- iii' of sham-subjects. The next time we saw him he was dad in car-e.-4 frlon- stripe ;' his head was sheared to ihe >kull ; liis \vLi>k<-rs weft; no more ; a dark tVo\\ n \\a.s <>n his lim\v ; liis chfcks \\e!'e ]i;l!i'. and liis llJiS Wel'e eo!n]ilV-Sed \\llll all eX['l'e>v lit'lv laslies with a eat-o'- nine-tail>; tour luuidix-d and tit'lv .stripes, mi the naki-d ba..-k : < >nce a^ain we saw him, after the lap>e of many months. Time and suffering had dune their work upon him. liis once-erect frame was bowed ; hi> head was imito bald at the top, and iis scanty bordenng-hair liad become g'ray. And thus he i^'raduallv declined to his. melancholy ' we.-t of life,' until lie reached his lust hour: dviiiLC in an aLT'iiiy of tr; sfiiHwin^ 1 his emaciated linu'eis. to con- vince him>elf that he was still living 1 ; that the ;i[ip:illing dianu 1 ' 1 from life to death had not yet actually taken place! And now he sleeps in a fi -Ion's ^I'ave, with no record of his name or fate. Is not the \\ ay of the tran-^rc-sor 'hard '.' Y\ i: aiv iviiiiii'!' i 1 >'.:','-'' nl . . ';< >m 'I !i.- Chi Mma- ( ': lin;ir\ .' of a rip. ni-l niciiti- 'iidl (<> \\- 1'V an ' ilil bank-in I: ; as n. I ! -;v- i I. at li-- lia- I iin ]'!:.' '': I'l'i t'->!. I" a !ar_;-.- a!n< >ii!il, \\ lii-n-in In- dil nt iiii'l tlif (K'lii . ;i ci-vtr. '[ ; . i;:-'r:ia;i\ of f - I In-- I'lii'-!' .>' 'lai-i- \v: t l'ii' liaf '.'. n-'l. Si : . ;, i >';r !,, i;i|-\ j!] - c>-nt--'l him \\ ;! ! i i : ' i-],;-, i',.,n .-aii'i 'I 'liars, \\ ith ihf .-aKj'. thai ' ;n ! : ; \\ ,-, - :t inistaki-. nr an ovi-r>i^'lii,' ri-jpiir.]. %|i i.. i : n^ i!i:-iak- : it'.- a !'' ir'lar I'li'-l 1 i:,r!;'. ' : .;ii in- 'lit ^ -'' I' 1 ' Sli-f]i\-Hi'li"W. " ' . \\.- \v;ii''!i i;. :' '.'.- I" -lir.k-' i;- -'.:::-. a:;. I ill" ii tii- 1 f:n : ' :' ' ' ' > l.'M'kiiii;- at tlii-. \\--i ! ' ' ': i-xi-ur.-i"ii \'< 1 i ' . : ' ' !!.' \\ i/'/ai 1 '! !' .: : AND ' () i. i) K M i r K . ; 37 !I"l!"\v. :i neii_dilic >rho. i.l which hi- own ]"-n had made. wor;d-\\ Ide famous. Tin' m.>n>iiLe.- had he,-n thunden >us ;u;'l -howery ; m>r did it enthvlv hriiditen up until the iv- nn-val of thf tii 1 .-* (.liaui]_i:iL! > iH?-rork at tin 1 ho-phahle taMe ot Sunny-ide :' a!wa\'> a pri'--'!! 1 -' ir, a- th* 1 h<>>t ivinarkcil, i'f 'I'lra-ani \vi-atln-r al>.>n; tiii- tinif.' Al't''! 1 dinmT. |ir,>- c.-.l.-.i I'V tin- la-li..-; >f th' ImiiM-hul.! ami aiiMtluT u'tn-st in iln' lainilv-i-arriap 1 , Mr. CKAVOX, in alight OJUMI \vaLi'"ii, 'tunlcil' tlio * < 'M K.MCiv' ovri 1 tin- hi^'h casfi-ni liilN that, enclose th'- shelti-'fi'il valli'V Avhc-n' in their dav livtd ati'l linuri-hcil oll l!\!;irs \"AN TA>SKI., ami hi- MnoiniiiM- i.lauir'ii'T IvATiaxi-:. The sun catne mit het\ve.--a tin- jieari- colnreil opaque cloU'ls; the Kir.!.-; hi-^an to MIII;- ia ; ! !,: trees; a hoholink was 'I'i-ina' ami sinkiti': 1 on a I Me; tlauntinu 1 weed' in an adjoining !ieM : and e\'erv thin- 1 in iriMiiv was l>riv;ht and sinilin'.;'. N ow it raine ( i jvi>--. 11- >\v- lieit. thai when, lie^UllillU 1 the \\;iy WIlll IMIli'll I'eni' llll'ei- aMe eoavei-se, we eanie to tiie liro-.v of -hi' I;LS! i;ii! thai overl'i. k- the turn of the n>ad into tho valley, one of the afon .-aid opaoiie clouds, at lii-.-t no hi^^er than :i mat,': hand, hul \>hi'-h had heeii nTU'V-iaily '^atherin^ 1 latne..-;,' >i!iM,.-nlv darkened, and [nv-eiitlv ' opened u;i(r-,] :\-. ;' nl-. th'-re were thumleriiiLi's ;md li-'httiiiiL 11 - '. and liv*--. simjv aml in vrMiks, to-s.'d ih,.;i- plumes ,,f ^reeii. ;,;: 1 !.;;;!. . 1 uith ihe .-i-irin. Moreovt r. the ra'a n^w ( l,-:.,-i-r.d.i-ii ;.ii!,;:n : in-oinurh that Mr. (.'IIAVO.V uli. ,-!f ;i rail-f'fiiri 1 thai >hir;rd an uinlira^i-mi.-- u'l'nU'. d;-~- 1 in 'in i!--d. rial ill u'lvd nvi-r. :,::; ;-. >k >lirll liiuiu-'l wan nwn uhu'h, as t'r^in a >pou!. the rain j"Mir.d tVi'iii \i\> 1'ark. A\ hv don't yuii ' ; "ini' under IH-IT. and I"' .Mint'.i'taMv lnaiM'd, as 7 am.'' a^ked tlir S!.'..],y-I lolluw !ii>torian. \\'\i\\ ainii^in^ nim-k ^ravitv : \\iicf.-r.i thus tl ifii' ( 'id I\x lei-: :" ' 1 >a iv n't d" it, drar Sir ; 'tVaid \ tli-- li^'litiiiii^, 1'"" I'iaviiiL:' al'i.ut. 11-; had a iii-ar r--!atimi !; v. iili tin; ' t.'lrctrii' iluid' (thi- kinl always nn'ii- ti"Urd i'\" I't'iiiitrv iiow-j >;\ [id 1 - a- thi- ni"-t t'atal) \\iiili- standing 1 undi-i 1 a trco; camr iii-ar d\ in^ l>u! didn't.' ' < h '.' aii>\\rivd Mr. CRAYON, 'that ah. r- ;h. ;;-,: "it run* . 1' .'" \\ . . . idra i'f ii-'iitniiiu- runniiii:' in a f.iiu- i! v ;' t !.' of tin? -i"-ak.-i'. \vi;!i hi.-, in- tli' at'li'i 1 -A -u: 1 - i' !! thi'i'ti^'li t!,.' vallfv, \\iili all tliat u>> >av. ' . ihf ua\ ; tin' apju'.'ii'aiH'i' "t' a sat li- ra ti d i't' Sin ,'-id<'' tliat iii^lil. clad in PI : ail l!n - n;:,;.i'i '!d ,-,,., ,i!,.,-ii .-t' a imi.ii!.-. l'ur'"ti>' and \--r\ ]'. i-anl ar-- t !, inaii.-r- l^d^i-.j ;,. i u - a 1 1 d i ( 1 ! - i ' T ii o r r; n T r- u.\ DEATH. o'J ' Tho U'/lt /.v on JJc't/h' are well intended, but they do in >t contain any tiling VITV original. Tliis is tlie only sub- ject upon which everv speaks and writes without a poibilitv of having experienced what tliev undertake to di>cuss. Certainly it is an awful nioinent when tlie last tliuter expires on the lips; when the incomprohoiisible soul solves the solemn secrets of nature, and blends the past, the present and the future together. 'If death,' savs an old author, "puts an end to the enjoyment of some, it ter- minates the sufferings of all. I care not what becomes of ihis trail nark of my flesh, so I but save the passenger.' AYhen ' u'ray hairs besnow the brow, and graver thoughts the, heart,' how many there are, as they lay their heads night- ly upon their pillows, who could wish that the slumbers which fall around their heads were the forerunners of that sleep which shall restore their borrowed powers to their original non-existence! Thev have come to consider life as but a momentary convulsion between two tranquil eter- nities; an avenue to death, as death is die irate that opens to a new and enduring life. ' Kver close bv the ^ate of the tomi),' >a\-s the thoughtful r |'!-;rKi:i.-iii;ofKi[, ' I look ujion the lio>tile armaments and pains and penalties of tyrannous life, plaeidly enough, and listen to i;> loudest tlii'eateiiings witli a still smile.' The world is a prison, out of whieh manv are daily selected for .-.wution : 10 A .\ i:r IM. r \\ii" IJIM--, ni't. in liU thoughtful liuiu>, :i! -uniiii.-i t". tn tiilf. \\ln-n ilir _:!;! -i:;i h:i- _:'!! iln\\n lln 1 -V'.\in- \\rst, i 'I 1 ill tin' Sl ill l;iLl'Ill-\\;ilc-lic<, or nil ;l\\ ;i!v II !!!_; !!i tip' -<-rclH' : ' . i :, I !"i; !;. i .-' \\ > HIM- ! /'' lit- di >\ i tin 1 ilu>t, ainl tin 1 worm- --li.-ili c <\< r u .' ' I In M li.-U'T. ;illli'>ri ll it S /' ' ;m u :.]: '' \ . i"\ ! it .1 \ i,', i . ili' ] iiiin'i-r. v\ liicli \\ i 1 lii ill-; . ' . \\ lien !ii ':.-!! I: iin I 1 .-,; !'. r :!i lih>-' ill ;'i 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 ' 1 1 1 " ' ' i i ' I ; I ' '. . ' '!..% : ' ' . ' ' ].. .l-itii !;. ' . , . . ( ' . . !.li-l';il;il. In seemed disappointed. It uas tw literal a traiiM-npt of ihe original, 'l.'uuldn't V"ti have Ln\vn ii." -aid ]i>- 1" the painter, a lil/Ii- h--s - - that is. couldn't yu pve it I/OH' a iiii'u.' in<>re .' 'If V"ii expect me.' niU-rposed JAI;VIS -ceniL:' tin.- hu-LandV i\n\\ at CIHT-, v it' vmi i-xju-et nit.' t'i niak'' a Ii>/it>Jx/>/ cf \viin- at a sittinu'l I i-i'iildn't !;' uj"> iiii;in'in;iti<>ii onouii'li t'i inaki' h^r evc-n L;'> >< <]-]< i' >k- iiiif, und'/r '< fj/'.'.d'f at tlir Vi'ry K-a-i !' 'llu- nx-ntlt-nian 'left the vdvsoneo/ AA";: aiv not. a- a ^oi;r-rai fact. ;i I'vli^vei 1 in u'h"-!- : luit th'.- t'"}!owinL eiix-uinstaiicf.s will, we think, sta^'-i' ihc iii'-iv-duluu-^ re;id.-r, as vve confess it ^ta^u\ MM] us. Tin- n/iat<>r. \vln.-n a hoy, lived in the country, "\\hiie sunie- \\hrix in his ( ai'! 'tei-ns, he \\a- suit 1 hi< father, on a youn^ 1 '^irl. th<- dau^hti-: 1 \va< a Lravc !ad ; 1-ut hi- !. ar; !>i-at in;, k ;.i. i a-l \\h'-n hi--. ]>r..--i't v, ; - >ui;di-!,l\ arn -li d ! \- > | i- - . pii'/'-d ^r> 'an. rcc.-rdin^ ft' 1 in ih-- l.M'^ . .i' :" -,-. -.' I i : - lir>t thought was i" Min ; the next, that hi- father's ..!d iH'Lfro-inan '.IAKI:,' who was ii]- in all >ort> i.f |>raetie;d joke-, had -'"I int.. ',!., ^-rave-yard, on purpose t<> iVi^hl'-n liiin. a- li' rain.- :I!<>HL:' l>ai-k. Tlii> id^a put him ujxin \i\^ iiictilo. li' 1 j'i<-k-',uh. aini elain! .ered nji on the -\\all. I.i.nkin^ .lo\vii u]H.n tin' ti,-M ..(' irregular toiiih-stoiies, si. me i-i-in^ hi^'h in tin- taint iiHx.'iiliu'lit, anil otlu-r^ shrinkiiiLj a\\a\' in sha'l"\\. he ealleil unt : ' Vdii ean't eojne it ,!AKK! / kn<>\\ you! And if YOU .!. thai au'ain, I'l' li\ your l.i.i.-k flint for you ! l'\.' u'ol smuo stoin.-.- huv, and J'i! n.ak-- you jal 'cm, yuti h'a.-tcd ni^'uvi ! ' lint there \\a> n.> ivsjioii-e ; only a d-'^ii ^ II- ;' rt!,\\i:h di-patelied a '1'iifk' ill the llilXVlU'll wllelice [ li(J folltj.] Jil'oeeei ' ( . 1. ,\. >ih in-' m. <\ ed 11 "t a -I'M nd \va- heard. ?s 'S afraid !' rt-asoue'l the lad ; ' if it /*' a ghost, it can't hurt nu 1 ; it' it ain't a glioM. blast the critter ! J can hurt ////// and I will! 1 lie now jumped down from the wall, and advanced to the spot; and there he found, sprawling on her back, between two grave-hillocks, her head twisted round against the inner-side of one of the marble head-stones, 7//,v Ja/lter's old -irk/tv -/nan f She Lad met with a sad accident while wandering among the tombs, and cropping the fall-growth of timothy and clover 'which grew thereby.' She had fallen, rolled over upon her back between two graves, and was unable to rise-. The secret was now out. lie had often heard the dis- tressing taoans of a horse in pain, and saw how ea-i!v he had mistaken the slow-moving legs of -Old \Vhite' for the beckoning of ghostly hands. Vv i: have seen, and read of, some 'cool' tliin^> in our dav, but the following, -which we derive from an esteemed and alwavs entertaininii" correspondent, is jositi\vlv 'iced.' A young lawyer got his iirst note for collection. It was against ;i countrv eu>tomer ; S(.) he sat down and \\rie him :i I.-U.T. -:n^ linn in:,; hi- ; . l'-t! ! >!' . ..,..-!., ill, I :.:; ' nill :i Ii'lli; 1 ! i; i ...'; i-oM-/ In ;('.. iv. '\ . . ; ; ':,> an,-\\ < r '. ' ,/;, \,,. ,-| nl!;.-|. \ nl " \ , . ., ' ' I . :i:['!*ll;-\ I .'. i.' ' 'V. i-J. '. . ;:,, i :;-.. I,. i . ,1 it.- M!!- ! tin \\ .-i-k, j . : : :,'l : :: '; '. i of the 'better land' are children ! LIow continually we 'oldster^' u'o back to our earlie-t dav> ! 'J'ake up. over your iimnim ; meal, ;i daily journal, and numiiiu 1 \'< -ur e\c. fain 1 . ivadin^'Iv, uloiiL? A\liat ma\' intere.-t \<-\\ plea-antlv, pei-hap- exultantlv, you ca-nali\' glance (in pa in^ ni"-L likeiv to some other department of the paper which has ai.-n an e-pecial charm f<>r vmi) at tin; death-. Tlm't- i- rc. -nrded the demise, of a metropolitan merchant. \oi knew him, uhen a bov, in the emiiitry; vnii kin-w him al-'i. when. i'i-iiiL;- by regular ste[>-, from a toiling cleric in an emineni master of scores of such as he him>elf had boon. he walked a mniiai'eh in the mart of trade, and his v-'ice was potent amoiiL^ 'multitudes of men commercing.' \> ;i read, that on such a day, am'nl-t, the, crowded thor.ui^h fare- nf the town in which he had lived so Iniiif, he died. r'ei'liai'S \"nu had even missed him from the crowded street- : yi t he died : and ynu remark, in the untico nf hi- fuueral. that ' his remains ai'e t<> be taken, bv the <'\eniii'4', or ear-, 1" fur interment.' Ah ! vos : - a -iiia.ll hamlet; far removed fmin the re-tiess din. the ceaseless turmoil, of the e/Teat citv, where \:Hir friend'-. ijainful an-l acti\e life has been ]>as-ed ; but there. i!..-i-.? ?o ynd hoinired father ; there r,-t- i!ic m.iilier n im i-'ds-^ on )::- ehiliihnnd, \\ In i ^mo'itiii-d hi- piiln\\ . and r dmiir 10 -V Y A \ K. i. i; (' i. t K - I'' i: j> i. i: ii ' .- T K i < K. tend t" his helple. tie.-s ;' a >i-(..T, tenderly Kflovrd, idci-ps lli. !(; a t'aii 1 llower. nipped too carlv l>v the untiinelv tVo-t- of death : tlit'iv too is Uiried a hrother, whose place \va- iii'\'i-r. never supplied ; and there would /" I'ot : (Inn; \\liil. tli' 1 -'"\v-.'M',!iit'-.i I'.uiii-s of ilhiev< \vere iioicliiii^ \\\>- |>I' ( M;IVSS of his eai'thlv decline, lit- tunn-il ever hi> t!inU'j;hts of iiual ivjios,'. He knew li-' ua^ soon ^.1111^ t" ivnew the ehiMhooil of hi- .-on! in the umlisroveivd r,iunlr\- ; ainl hf \\oiiM rise, at the !a-t -Teat 'lav. to the con-eioiisiie-s of a lle\\ e.\i.-|fllce, oil ]he verv -]iot U In -1'e < 1 1 lil'M hreathed into lii- earthly l.o,|\ tlie hn-iitli of lit',., an 1 In- l-eeaine a l;\ni'_T Mjtil. \\"e fn'Kiit tins, to iiiirodii'-e an ainii-in^ anecdote ( .;' a child ; hut \\o could n't <\ it. A KIMKM) tells n- a i^-ood story of a ^"al!kee c' down soinh. \sliich. anioiiM- other things, in;i\ jierhajis ac- eotint for the |u-culiar favor with \\hich that class of cho- \'a!ier< are regarded in that region. II,. took \\ith linn, in a loip_f ( 'i .niieciieiit covered-wa^-oii. l' .]-t\- clocks, ami >oM and ' i'lit 'ein ii])' aloii'j the coiintrv. in one direction, \sar- raiitin-- ih'-::i to ke,.j, t'ii-l rate time.' He exhaii-led hi- sii]'| >: v, \\ nh ' ion ; and I \i<-i\. \\ : ;, i;n [i.arallelid a. uranee, l,e turned a!"U,l and i'-:r;'^ ; h.-. eo l| I'M-. 'I he i;,-, per-, Ml to X', lloll] he had >oid , I him a.- he v.a- -j.'Mi,.; \>\ '. ' I. '"!> o heie. -I ra n v,'''i. A t" T U M -\ A L C U I." N T 11 V I _\ F 1. V K X C 1C S . 47 that cluck you sold me ain't worth a continental cuss. "I wont u'o at all !' You don't say so '. Then yoa must ha' irot it. Square ! See, the fact is, I iinJ by my numbers that there wasM/ut that 1 am a leetle afraid t\ : it was con- demned to-hum 'fore I come ;t\vav ; but some ho\\ or 'inilhiT it ufut put int' the wa^un. WhatV the number o 1 \"our clock, Square ?' 'Fourteen thousand and one,' re- plied his victim. ' That's jest the bla-ted thinir'' exrlaimed the pe'llei 1 . 'I'll chaiiLc' with yeuii : veuu take mv la-t one. and I'll take this hum. The tcurky is good, 1 LTUOS ; on'y want llxin' a leetle.' The t.'xchanire was made : and all aloiiL:' the road the pcdler wa< similar! v arre-ted by his dujM--. who were similarly duped in return. He took everv successive bad clock to his next cu-tomer. and received atiuiher bad clock for the next. And this was mentioned anil laughed at a- ' Yankee 'ctiteiiess.' It strikes us fjr- cililv, liu\\e\er, that 'swindling 1 ,' ot' the meane>t kind, wuiild be a more appropriate designation Ibr such a tran>- action. \V\i.i\i.sii over the hills to-day, at the Kerrv of l>oi:n, that louk-5 do\\'ti upi'ii the bi'oad Ta[ipaan Zee. a?id il, >-<:; t.iiit -ho iv- i,f tin- lordlv I fiid>oii. lioujini:' ' Yoiinu' 1\ x " ^-'^ liltle bi'i\\ n h;uid in uiir^, a> \\ e t ra\ cisei 1 thf faintl\ -lading tiivl.-, \\<- be-all to mi-ditate Ui-'ii ,>'!,,/ j| [>, ina; e\i-n ih. A II. H: si: -A pivrur^'irs "f. \iilunin a iv su nu-laiu-linlv. 'I'll' 1 \\iinl \\:\< 'l;l!''-!vi!t s-iimiil in ill- 1 tivi-s; il */y/^ a> Mall" api'mm-dc aii'l tli.' li-avi-s iv-j> 'ml 1'iu >'iu'liilv IM h- ni"-; U-nt- k: : ni'iiv I\.T. tln-iv i- a liu-hnl silt-no 1 in tin- air \\lii'' In-lmr^- HM! to Siiniiii'-i 1 . AIM! ill'"' 1 i ill! \\:\i'<\ lliinu'-- !"'^< an irrf^i>!;!>!'- in\\';ii'-i (-;nliii---s : aii.l a< v \valk--l. tli'-- tn tlii- \\'i -; h. i' -. A- ;! M lM|n\\ \M nl :,\\ ' :,al ii>' \\:i I" l'i'! I'.l'Il n < lit' 'I'l 1 . I I '' i-1 ' nri! 1 . \ ':!:/. !!!!.' !""k i i.ii: 1 !.' an'i \\liiiiii;"'! hi- aM>'->-' A 1 1 <-) j; s i; - A i) v i: x T r R K . 49 affecting! v. that hi- old owner ;ilnio>t relented, ami but f"r seeming ehildi-h. In- \\ould have followed and revoked the, bargain, a conr>e which hi- children. \\li were walrhinpr the old horse depart, stivnuou-ly nrj,vd him to adopt. He disappeared, ho\\c\ < r. \\ ilh hi-- new ma-ler. and so in alter, in eoinpauv \\ith a lar^ 1 '- ilrnve of other leir-e>, he \\ as [ilaeeil ,in hoard a \e<>el, 'Ahii-h. ono at'leniooii in Mai'eh. >el -ail iVolll NeW-lFaVe!I \'V tilt; \\"e-t Indies. Tile Vessel had hardly readied the OJH-H Sound, at niu'ht-f; 1 .!!. li-1'oiv a <|onn lie^an to ' hrew,' which \,y nine o'clock liecanie so \ioleiit that the safety of the ship, captain and crew, was placed in imminent jeopardy. The craft labored so lieavilv that it was found neeesary t throw over much of the live freight, which greatly eiiciimhered the deck. Tin 1 oldest, and lea-t valuable hor-es VMT,- sdoctcd, and amoni;' them was our fonr-leifo-ed ' hero.' The storm v waters of the Sound received the poor old fellou ; but his 'dotiny" was lint ye! to IK- fullilled. The sliore, wliidi the vessd had lii.iM'._i-cil ' in the tempest, was onl\' thi'ee miles distant, and tin-, \\ith more than i xnjici'/i/t)n(tii etlbrl," he \\a> enabled to reach. 'I ha.l very niidit hi> oM ma-ter wa- awakened b\' tlie familiar ' whinnying' of liis faithful bea.-t, o\'er the lon^-accii.-toiiK-d dixir-vanl ^aie; saying, like the old ' u'a- berlun/.ic-uiair in iheScoiti-h sono-, ."0 A ' (' u \i M i: i: 'l'Ii' t'ainiliar -oiind eame like tin- vnitv i if N \ T. I.KK'S k s|>irit-h<>rM',' jis k'.-iTiln'\\\ in ' Tin 1 'iiuvani.T-,' t> thai ivinor-eful niasUT. !!' if/'/ ' vl up.' and led the ulil stfi-il iuii. hi- \\oiited -tall, uhieh he thereafter c >ecu]>ie.i uiidi-lurl>t'iinc-t. ilial animal had travrllod t\\entv-tuo mile-, al'i^r rc-arliinii' tin- slunv, lifl'oiv In- arrisfd at tin- ,\<,r <>f hi- iiia-UT. 1 -hall iH-Vt'i' ><]] aii'ithiT nM h"|--.-.' -aid tin- original nar- ral'i! 1 df thi- -t"i'v t" dir frii-nd. ' tin- luin-vsl niti.' tune, it' nut 1' 'ii'_;vr, licfcir.- \\c -hall iuvaki-ii tin- cclinc-i of our <|in.-t >ancinni \\itli a iau^'h > invj.iv iM.- a.- a ^uli'av. \\hich lias jn.-t i-srajici] us, at a inovaiitili' aiii-cdo'e iniin:ta!'l\ r> !ai'd !>v a ' 'nii;,n t'ni nd. An "Id f'-lio\\ living at l-raiikt'ori-oii-tlic-Maiii, -riil io a liu-in< roi'!v-|io|], 1,-nt a! l-'raidst'ori -oii-il,e < ,l,. r . .., i;,]'-v .oli-i^iiliiciit of roiioii >torkiiii^'-, and at tin- >aiuc tiiue, \ aiioihi r roi'rc-jioiiileiit ill the -aiiic plact-, an r.jiiaiU iar^'c o'ti-i^inn-'iii n| , ui^-lit i-aj'S tin: piodm-i of hi- o\\n lliall'ill'ai'tnfV. II' 1 \\l'otf to rarll the ]il".ee at \\lllell the\- \\ ,-re to -. ] ',. I 'lit I lie -inn d' -i'^nati d \sa- fon.nil to ]... to,, !ar_;e. ,,f \sh!. i! i !.; tin \ took oeea-ioii (,, inform him. 1 1" \ jeiiii-.I a l'.\ ( '.< ill ill- delliahd. I'll! -till llnfe \\ e|V li" oll'el 1 - f"i- h:> tal'ri' 1 -. A^'ain he \\ri:.-. in ivj-l\ i" i.tli.-r leiiei-- of hi- eon 1 ,--),, .ndeiit--. naming a vet >iiiail<-i' aiiioiinl : hut A (' ' Yvee!.:- elapse, and still no sale. At length In.- writes, t<.> each correspondenl to make- .vow disposition of his manu- I'- 1 lures ; if they can't ^.vt moiicv tor them, at least tu ex- change tlit-iii, no matter at what reasonable sacrifice, for any otlit-r ^>ods. I nder these instructions, the stocking- factor calls upon tin- night-cap agent, hoth unkin.\vn t'> ach nilu-r in coniu-ctioii \\ith their principal, and ' nain-> Ins \ic\\s:' IK.- wishes, to exchange- a lot of superior cotton .-l'n-kiiio-s. for sonic other u-onds; he is not particular what, kind, as the transaction is for a friend, who is desirous of closing his stoek. 1 The man at tirst ean think of nothing \\hich In.- would like to exchange- for so lai'ge a supplv nf stockiiiLTs : hut at leiin-th a 1-riglil thought strike^ him. 1 have,' said he. ' a consignment of cotton night-caps I'rnin an <>1<1 correspondent, which F shall not <>l,ject to *-\- <-haii'j.'i- fur vmir >icickinv;s.' The liar^ain was sonn elused. The stocking-fact' ii 1 wi^te hack ai once thai he liad at lell-'tll heell eliai'led I" CDlllplv \\illl the i I |>t 1'Uci ji >ll- < if hi- principal. He had i-\ehaii^ed his stnekin c _;s f"r l a supe- rior article i if niy'ht-cap,' in an coital cjuanliiv, \\hich he was assured \v,-re likely to ] much in demand U-fore a <_n-eat while ! Tin- next day came a letter from ihe ni^ht-cap a^eiit. aniiouiic-M!^ hi- snccos, and appended t" thi- letter \\a> a IIIL;' liill for coiumissioiis ! A> ^ Ki.i.uwri.rsn \\ouid ^a\, 'Fan/.v that "V-nt r s. t'eelink> ! ' \Vi: .: -inrf. ili;it ,-i -;m|>!iii.-ati'>i! of l!' 'Mi'-Mivtl !ir<- "f ill'' la\\ \\nillii lint lie ;um---: ;iii>l \\ iU!''''l In nll'i-r ;i i', \\ ;ii -l j;illlli l Ul.> !M Mlpji'-rt ' '!' t!l;ll |">M- i. \\'- aiv ijiii'i' "i' tli- cjiiiiinii tliat a Mmilar -inij'!iti In ill,' MI:I>M-S. \\ ' Iiavi 1 till- Vfl'V lll'lli'l'i M!-!\ iHll- \v;i- uiir tVif'.hl hiM-ior I ctiuii'.-- Mjfii I!H' iuvi>."itv l',-\\ vi-ar> >iiu-<'. l>v a IT- av |']v\ n!i-. te 'i H -\i pa ti' -it is. lia'l [H'l-icrilii'.l that -;,!'. aii'l ! i'i' in 'I'a.' :' : . in tli. ii-nal ral'ali-ti'' rliararli-r- : >'//. AV-r////. (",////.' ( hi cii. jiin ;;:_; ii' tip- |iatii-l!l lia'l tak'-a tin 1 lin-lirilii', a tlnili-l.T-rluU'] ilark.-iifil ]HT !'ar,' : li-'litniiiL;- lla>!i.-.I iVcMi lu'T cv- ; ami sliv ru;in-il nut : 'NO! 1 can rca'l ymir '///"/' tif l!>iin-( ''it.-- I'nr an\ lmlv uihl'-r < inn's lnvivi-n!' 'llriii^- \\i- \ic\\ til-- Liii'al iii-o- -n\ tii. ! i> ' nt' a inatcfial rliaiiL;' 1 - in niir ID. -i lit -a I imiii'-iu'latiii'i'. X UMBER TWO. AN ixiir.i'Kxurvr M u,)M HAI ii niuvrji: 'iin: KKTIHIT roxn.rsivF. : TIM: sr.A \M> ii- ixiT.iT.xi'i:-: TIIK Di'.i.ri>i:i> nm; AMI I:I:H:A< TmiY i.cir.MT.i: : H::ATII <>r TIH: ;'I!:M'-I:<>;:N AN AITKITING tvini'.vr: A in:v IM-.MI-: K\I'|-:I:IMI:NT IT<>N TIIK MTMCAL OI:<;AXS or \ ,i.\< K-A : Tin: -RUN' or PAI: AIH-I-: : A P.AIL-IIOAU 'uEr AN KU:< THIN TIM: < IIA I.I.I:M,I:D -ruiKMi:' 'IMK TIM r lll.Uii AN ATTIIKM Ii' A NT.i I" 1 1 K '. NA'MKAI. ]li-T"i;V TIIK 1'I.AMIM.o I I'I//].IN(, i;n>TloNS IN 'Luiiic:' UKMI N 1S( 'K.NCKS IX TIIK I.IT- Tl.i: ( 111 K. 11 AT I.AKlXiKUKfiK. "IIAN'V n-ail'.-rs will ivin.' Mrs. KIKKI.AND'S ^lo\'y -L*J. in IKT 'JVtY/' Jfniitc,' 1 of tin- Michi^au staiiv-'lrhvr. \vlio 'di'cNV rrin' in a violent autumn-storm at the i^ate of one of tin- I'ar-soattfivil cabiiiMif a NVustcrn forest, into which lie ran, lca\ in^ Ins passeii^ers, a burlv Englisliinan and two i|iii-i'ulniis, ' stuck-up' duiightevs, to follow him, as best they iiiiu'ht. Tin.- doughty Joiix Jii i.i. came in alter ]iim, IcacliiiL;' his daughters, with nic-ful faces and sadly be- dra^u'l'-d skills, all thive, looking oToiity and u'lnm cnoii^li. ! say,' saiil thi- Kir^li.-hman in I In.' driver. \\ho li;id cii- sconct-d him-;';' in a warm and cozy seat by th-- ill''',- I say, tlint liiii'ii'an't' ouii'ht to be lnou^ht in, yc kuuV ' \\ al, / .-lnnild think so, te\v. If 't, was mine. / -Imu'd ln'in^ it in, :inv liow. 'T mav ovt -o'i'ot. 1 Well, fellow, whv ifnn'f YOU hnni;' il in .' ' " \\ !iv ili>n'| I hrtini it m ." .-aid tho other. slo\vl\ and \\ith an iiuiui>iakablt' siuvr ] ' \vh\, 1 aint \otir servant. / I .' (die-.- tint : thaf> a ln-rrv thai don't L;TO\V ''ii tin 1 bu-lies about lli--'' diii'^'iu'.-. I ili'li'C you. Square, and i don't do nothin' el-e ! ' Thi- iiu-'hlfiit canii' 1" iniihl a l'--\v iiii'Hiciit-; a^'o, nil lirai'in-' a fVi'-ii'l r- latf llic !'oll"\\in^ aiitH-dnti'. !!. -aid, lliat simn at'i.'i- tin- r-\ ulutioiinry \\ ar. a Kravc Vankr. 1 < <\\\<-<-i\ a !i 'rnuT capiain in tho sr'rvioo. lia|>}n'ni'd tub' 1 at Si. IVt'TsUu':;', in !Iu--ia. and while tli-iv was in\itrd tn dine at tlio taMr c,|' a di- ti;iii>lii'il iiit'i'chant. I ii'Tr \\ a- a lai'L;'' 1 inindn'r nt' ^uc-ls at tli" taMf. and ani"ii-' tin 1 r-t an !\i'--li-h ladv, \\lni ua- anximis li.ajij'eai 1 ;:- mn- uf tin- ' kim\\ in-j; n!ii-~.' < >n UlidiTstaiidin^ that an American \\'a< >ittin^' in-ar her. ,-hc oxpl't >>(>! ] i" i me i.f h.-r friends a detenniiiat!"ii \<> '|'i;/. him. She t'a-tene.l njinii him liken ti-T.'--. making niinieiMiis jiii|uiries tmicliiu^ nur lial>its cii-t"ins drcs-, iiiiiiiiu-rs, Uli>de-; i if life, education, alllll-elllelltS, ele. '{'<> all the-e ijllerie- tlh- nllieel 1 ^'a\ e ci ilirtfi ills ail-\\er-. \\llleh SCellU'd to -a'i-l\' ail tile eolll].an\ \\itll the e\eej,tioll of the I:td\' lier.-clf. >l.e \\ a- de;. rmin, d /"/ to he -ati-lied, and vvt-ni (iii : ' lfa\'e the ri,-h ] 'oj i!e iii V' iisr eonnl r\ an\ earri. :_;' - ' t'l IT I Ml]l|M-.,- ihel'e al'e i !|elH--|\ , - T'ell.' % .\fv re-ide!,e,.' |V|.|i,.d i he , , ',... ' ;- il; a -!||a!i 1 1 \\ 1 1 upon an i-'and. \\hefe tin-re are |>ut t'e\v c-arna^e-. ki].; ; but in tin; larger to\\ a-; and ritie- on the main 'and there 'V n i: S i; A AND n s I x r i, r i: \ c i: s . ."i."> are quite a number maintained, suited to our republican manners.' ' Indeed .' ! ' replied his lair questioner, in a lone that, was liuth interrogative and exclamatory : ' I can't i'aiicv \\ heiv you 1iud eoaolnuen : I >hoiild n't think the American- knew hut/; to drive a coach.' ' \\ V tind no dif- liciilty on (hut acci'iint. Madam.' calmly ri-jniiK.-i.l tin/ cap- lain ; \V(- can have plenty of drivers by -ending to Knii'land t'or them.' ' T" luiyland ! ' exclaimed the laily, speaking' verv quicklv ; ' I think tin; Americans oiiidit to lrivf the J']iiH - li>h, instead of the Kni;'li>li driving tin.- Anii-ric-ins.' ' We il'nl. Madam, in the late- war.' ivjoin.-d the ollicer ; ' but since the peace, we have permitted the Kn^'Ii-h to drive us!' There was no more ' quiz/dug' of our American during tlie dinnei 1 . He waited in vain, like SVM Wi:i. 1.1:1: in ' l5.\j:i)Ki.i. P'.v. PICK WICK,' iV>r the next question. a kind of mysterious ^ubiimitv; and we iie\"i/r stainl bv the- -olemn >]iore of the ^reat ocean, without heai'in-' in everv \va\''.' that, as it i - oll> [louring ut taking up the- bui'theii [' tiia! per- vadini; 1 Voiei', and exclaiming, Tin- '' ix H>*. uil ll> iiujdi: it!' And it is pleasurable to think that thi- impivs- MI>II. it' ii' 't Li'i-iiiTa!, 1- :i' li-a-l ii"t uih-'Mimi' >:i. \\ i- havo ivmarki-'l. \\ith nn\\ >at'-'l -Yiii[>atliv, in I MI'KKN.-'S la-t storv. h"\\ tin' \va\vs 'li'iai'M- \\illi tin- ri-]i<-titi"!i "t' tli-'ii n \>icrv.' aii'i-i-i ln~ lii-T' iiiii-. a< lln-\ I'ull ili>- h.' -taii'U 1'V tin- iv-"Hinliii^ >linri'. lu'cii ilni-. ti>", lia-t >uliliino si-ii^c ft' tin- ' Inliiiii'- aii'l llii- I'!;- i-iial' in th- iniinK "t ! i.i iKKxn. aii'l Ih-r ' littK 1 liiMtln-r. ^unr liniiii- t <'(ii).' What tliniii:'lil> i't' tin- ili-jiarti-.l, wliat -]'iir>- i-t' tin 1 l'a-t. \\hat 'lini t'"ri'>liailn\\ in^x of' thi- ! ntiii'i 1 . arc <-v<>ki-il l'\ tin 1 r-i^lil i't' tin' iliiinilalu' 1 ".!.. ami tin- \nicc nf al: lii> wavi-s ! * TI-:NN\-n' mi tin- -i':i InTi', \vi- kiii>\\ ii"t IM>\\ nftvii. tinu'ln-> llii< i-h'ir.l. wlin^r vil>rali"ii> an; ><> ni'-!' "i;"ii- t" the- M.U! : Tin: Do i. .-VXD THE LOBPTKH. 57 I'.ivak, l.ivak. bn-ak, At tin- !'<>. t <.!' thy I-IM^S, (> Sea ! lint the t.-nd.-r trrucc i.f a day that is dead Will iii-vcr conic back to nu'.' TIIKKK wa< much surrounding 1 machination when 1 thin eireiunsiaiioo was mentioned the other evening : A 111:111 wlio wa- ' Mimedele ' fund of ioltors, was wi-tfully regard- ing a basket <>[' them in tin: market, with his do<_>- hv his side, while another by-staiider was >tickin^ the end of his cane into one of the disenu'a^ed claws of a big fellow at the top. 'How ho does hold on ! ' said the man \\ith the cane. ' Yes,' responded the man with the d<>^, 'hut it '.s because lie \(<-nfx the cane, and his i-laws won't slip on the wood, liat he could n't hold on to a critter, or you or 1, in that way. Y\ hen ho feels any thing f/u>in\ a lobster always stops piiu/hin'.' ' (-ness //o/,' said the ownei 1 of the bask't : ' vou put your tantor, and the do^, -as smit, liy Hidden pain,' ran oil' howling, at the top of lli> Speed. "Ib'llo!' exclailiied il|e ou'll'M'. '\\hi-llc I'l'ek \'oiir do,; 1 : d n him! he V rnniiin' oil' \\ii.h ilie lobsier ! ' ' Wiii.-tle ! iack your /n/ixt< r .' ' r. -joined the i.iln-r : ' t/iuf do^ :;inl coming U;.ck ; lhat do-..- V in nnin. I can't Li'ii him t<> come near me \\ii.-n In 1 '.- in ].;iin.' 'Ilia! hu- mane eiti/.eii dined tliat day II|MI|I a- tine a loli-t.-r ;i> there \va- in //nit li;iskd. ' anv ho\v ! TIIKKI: is an :illW'tiu; |>a<>ai;v in on.- of lh' letter- of Mrs. SHAN'T ot' l.;iu'Li:aii, roceiitly jiiibli.-licil, tU-scrihiiHi' the .l.-aih <*{ Mr-. I'.KI \n'N, uutlior of ' St'lt'-(,'uutn>],' ' l>i>ci- plin.',' i-tc. r>''iii'j. - t'"i - a l.inu' tini. 1 witli'mt oil's] iriny;, slio signal!/.'''! Ih'l'sclf li\' In-r trii'l" 1 ! 1 raiv of th.- t'ofluni ;ui.l 1 1. !]'!." rliil.livn , if oilirrs. At K-n^tli. tit'tci 1 In-ill^ iiiiifli-iMi \rar~ niarri'-cl, her onlv '-anliU' \\i-li SI'I-IIR-I! ali.'iil I" \><- ^raiilc-l. ' Wliv.' says Mrs. < JIIAM, ' .-houM I Irll vu of <>iir lin]i"s an.l jovs .'ii t!ii> DCf.-ir-ioti .' Afl.-r llir.'.' .lav- . >f '_T. j :it >ut]'i-rin^. -lie i:'a\ .' Mrlh to a >till-l'orn rhil.l. She in si.-le.l on seeing it.heM it- little hainl, an.l said, ' The feel- ini;' ilii- haihl lia- cau-e.l t niv lie;in \vill never !ea\e u.' Slmrtlv after a relative eanie in. an.l >]Mik..- ten.ierU' of !i.-r loss. "There was nthiir_;- -o ili-ar to un. 1 as niv ehil>l,' -he I'fjilieil, 'and I make my SAVIHI i; \\<-l< nine \*> ii.' She ' sorr. .\\.-.l ni"-t nf all,' as -he lav on her di-ath-lieil. f. .r her Imrcuveil hu-!>and : ihiiikini:' >adlv \\ith the tender Kn^Ti-h I-.., : ' II :..:: 1 . . - . ' ~ ' I , ,r!h. I;' I I..: '; . ..-, ii,. 'ii; I it'-:.- |.]. . , }..- ii. -i I:. I'unih In,,. . i, ., . . i,:l.. ill!:. .,11.- T-. il.i |. i'iy n. , ',. a'"! ' :. ! . iti'.lj" if A D R v Pr M r . 59 TIIK ' Lai/ of Ike Piling' iii all its thutujhts is a rank plagiarism from HAWTHORNE'S admirable ' Rill from the Town-Pump.' The author may really be, for aught we know, \\lutt lie claim> to be, a ' Temperance Man ;' but In; is a thief, notwithstanding. By the by, speaking of pumps, there is a \vrv mysterious contrivance of this soil in the village of (Jherrv -Yiilley. When the good citizens are pumping it. it utters a >ort of subdued screech, that seems to be a cross between the guttural caterwaul of an enraged ^rimalkin and the opening brav of a donkey. \Ve heard it three or four times with increasing amazement ; and at length ve.ntnivd to a>k of a by-stander, who was watching the liichtield cohorts \\ indin^ their way down " White's Hill' into tin: village, ' In the name of Discord, friend, is that a pump or a jack-ass ;' * It 's a pump, 1 guess; though it .loos sound something Ukr a jack, that 's sartin.' Our informant was a singular-looking genius. lie had a jollv. twinkling eve, a broad-brimmed, low-crowned old hat. a nose that turned under instead of up, and a face that In ni/Jti <1. in e very line of its surface. Tie wore, more- over, what \\ e had often heard of, but hail never sot-n be- fore, a pair of leather-rimmed spectacles, with n>und l, as if cut t'roin a coarse window-pane. ' \\ e had a curl. >u-, ja"k,' he continued, do\\ n in mir h>\\ n. 1 b- bc'lon^-i'd I-- a I'-nil'le < il P--I inali- man, \\lm k>'pl him in a lot, '"iek o' i.l>.- mcx'tin'-lmnse. Kvorv Sunday, when the 1 losses hO E x P i: K i M i: NT o x A J A e K - A s s . \\a> druv under tlie shed :il 'ii-' the back-eeiid o" the meetm"- hoti-e, that tarnal jack would be^in t bray, and keep it up all sermon-time. In summer, \\heii the \vindo\vs was open. you could ii't hear in >{hin' el><\ -ea-ely. 'J he i nan that cwne,} li;i;i hal''\>l(<\ I'.ni the folks L-onld n't -'and it ; and one day one of tin.- deacon's sons c-ateliod the jaelc, and jiiittiii:; 1 a knii'e up Ins nose, cut oui a piece of the di\ idin'-///v'xx/Y. al'iit the si/..- of a dollar, so ".- to pi'eveiit hi> bniyiiiLT any more ; and he J'ul'ut make a ^-rr.-at deal o" rioi>e wliile '; \\a> ^-ettin' \\ell , but when it healed, and he tried to play a bray on it. it made the mrfuUi-xt noi>e you ever heei'd ! It \s as a a tcrrilile brav. lull it eorne out at the e^ii'l v\ith the .^In-ill' .v' U'liixth- you ever see: sharper than a Hl'e. and n> loud as the M.-ari.-jiipe of a locomotive inline, it was t.-u miieh ; folks could n't bear i: : and a _; i many of the coii^iv^a- tion j'iiied to'4'etlier, and went to buv the ]i!a'_ r nv nuismeo off. The o\viier laafed vhen they called on him and tol..l their bti>ine^s : but tlu-v Li'i'n him hi- price, and jait the ruiisv critter out o" the i.ale of ilie church !' 'CLOUDLESS SKIES.' G 1 vigorous and popular of our American pods. There was such a pomp of golden and many-colored clouds in the track of the setting-sun as \ve had never seen before. 'Oh !' exclaimed our companion, 'what a beautiful world this is ! They toll us of the balmy airs and the ' cloudless skies' of 1'aradise : then,' he added, pointing to the infi- nitelv beautiful and glowing west, 'then they have not t/iat there : and what can a scene be worth that has not clouds ; IL>w can we truly appreciate the light of the blessed sun without them } And how gloriously they illustrate the brightness of his beams!' It has alwavs seemed to us that heaven should seldom be compared, in its ' physical features,' if we may so speak, with the earth ; but rather depicted as a place where the redeemed soul, in a new sphere of righteousness and love, shall ' look for the restoration of the old ruined earth and heaven, from which beauty and lii'e shall have departed, and from which planets and stars have vanished away.' And this, when the tires of the resurrection morning shall redden the last day, this shall be witnessed. ' These eyes,' says a rapt master of sacred song : ' '1' oyfs shall sec them fall, Mountains ;md stars anil skies ; TliCM- cyos shall Sec ihvin all Out uf tli.-ir ashes ri-e : Thorn- lip.- sliall iheii Hi- i>r:ii.-.. ruliourse Whose nod restore.- the universe !' G'2 A U A I I. - U o A I 11 K ( r - > A \ T A n;ii:M> of our.-, sojourning during tin' ]>a.-t .-.nnnner in oin' of tin- far-off 'shore-towns' of Mass:u'husi>tt's l>av, \\a- ii"t a liltlf amused one day at tin: querulous coin jplainin^s of "in of tlif 'olde.-t inhabitants 1 against rail- ruad-: hi- experience in \\hich ron.-i-teld l'i) l(1 . on a jp]ra-ant >uniiiifr at'tt-riK >t >n, and looking o(] ii]mn thr m't-aii, ainl tin- >hi]is far "If and out at M-;I \\ ith the >un U]><>n thrir sails. !;. -aid : / don't think niin.'h <' rail-road-: thrv aint no kind o' ///< I ii-i inti) \-iii. Nt-u\\ \\hat kind <>' pi-tici' i- it, \\hi-n rail load- tako one man s upland and call- it o\<-r in \\lifrl-liarnM-- onto anotlicr man's I/IK'X/I .' \\hai kind <>' 'coiiniiodation In- thi-\" .' '^ on can't ^> \\lu-n \ "ii iriiiil to la.-b-d noi-\- \\hi-tlr hli>u-. 1 tell \ro\\ it V jia\in" tr\\ much for the \\lli>tlf. Kf \oll !i\r a lectlc \\aV.- oil' the dee-]iol. yotl e'ot to ]ia\ In i/l I \'i the I'ail-i' : and ef \u \\ant to ^o any \\!ii-re^ el-e 'ei'jpt |n-t to the i-riid on it, \ ( iu ^ot to jiav to _;() a'tp'i 1 \ "U --'u ///'/T. \\hai kind o' 'coiinnotlation i- ///'/// ettin" tir,- to 1'i'id '_;'-. and e\,'r\ |]ii\\ and tii'-n l>iiniin' iiji the \\ U. Mr>. li<>i;i!l \>. down \< * ( '< 1 ] p'int. -a\ -. and -he on^ht ). . kii"W. tor -he '.- a i'isi- \\ipiiian. and lit-lniiL'- 1" ih' 1 l"Ui-! - E v E \ i x c; S c i: \ i: i \ T in: S A .\ c' T r M . 03 church, si if- >;ud to me, no longer a^'o than dav-'fore vest\vr critters a-purjitw thev did a likely shout u" her'n, and ni'vor paid t'p>r 't. 'cause thev was a ' cor- poration ' they .-aid. What kind o' 'coinmodatinii is that ' He-ides; now I've lived here, cltlS f) the dee-pi .t, ever senee tho ]- ( .ad >tarte(l tip run. and --een Yin u - < > out and ei'iiie in ; but / never euuid see that tln-v went sn d d fnxt. nutht-r ! ' .Now here, it strikes us. is an individual example of tin 1 t'eelino- \vhieh constituted ihe comliined sentiment that, has consigned the Michigan rail-ruad con- snirators to a loiii- and i-'loomv imprisoninent. I - i A IIKAK little linu'lit-eyed e,'irl, of son ID live years, who has lieen ivinu' upon the fur-run' In-fore the sanctum fire, suddenly pauses in her disjointed, innocent chat ; says ' Little BI.INKKY has come to town,' and that her eyes are heavv : cn-eps up to the paternal knee, and half a-deep, n-peafs. very loiichin^'ly to us, we mu.-t say. and certainlv m the iiut mil-deal of all ; still small voice^' these liie-s, which a lo\'in^ elder sifter ha> taught her : ' JKSI <. tcn.lor sip.-.hcnl. licitr ma, ISlcss THY linK- lainli ;..-ni-',t : 'I'hi'"i;_'ii t!i" i]:irkin->-- i"- Tiini 1 m-ir in.;. \\\ ; irli tnv .-km til! iiioi-'.: ;!i.r li 'hr. A.I i:.i- il..\ Tin luui.] h.-ttli ]. ! mo. An 1 I :::..-,:, Til: K fur THV ran- ; Til' ' >: inc. \v;>rni'-'l :HI'! 1'r'l nil' I.i-1. !i I" my ,-\ i-iiLiiL- pray.-r. ' Tii>- ]>rav>T it-<-'t' -. in alni'>-t inv nniniiiir- : oiiiv, \\h>-n Kirn. \vlio \\-A- C'>ino t< ! h'-r. i- takiiiL:' IKT a\\a\ IM iln- nursv/rv, -hf sas, lialf 'I'liLKi: :uv r.-iiniii IFuiimrx '//' "/( A'/, ;' lli.- !"Urlc.-<|Hi', I dial- I'-IIL;''- tliat mail".- \^\>-'.' -:ti>] a t'i-ll>i\\ \\uli I'liil'lm^' ma- t'-nal- in lii- lint/ at all il]i-tn\\n ]"'.l la-l ni"iitli. 'I iio ]MT-CI]I dia!!'-iiL:'-"l li\'"i iii a jrriin-'-lv iii;uisii>n in tin- ii;i'Ml'- !' an ' ' ' - , iv, \\ltii-l i-init.'iiui'il tin- . >ri--;iial nii'l lli-- uri^iiial ti 1 '-'- ' ' Manhattan l-l;;ihl. ' Lmik n' 1i-r' ' ,-ai' i ' ' . ' ' ' il" \ nil livf in ' -- \vliat~- lli'- in ii ill ii ! , .;' v.'iir limi-c : mi \\ iii'-li -idi- "I tin- -1 |v- ! i- II .' ' [.'.'- li"li-c. ah' i il i- ' 'ii n.-iili.-r -i'l.- "!' i ii. -i i ..-;.' ! ii< -. ' ! I '" i.'i know \vhioli siilf o" the -ti't-i-i \'"ii iu>-. anil iiain't ^i-i n<- number onto your aw of him, he \va^ looking up under the hat of a friend, his hodv at a reeling anide forward, and trying to persuade him to >j;<> tu a drinking-shop near bv, and v^et a ' seottle of Hot eh ale!' Speaking of challenn'in^ votes, a friend lias pist mentioned to us a devu 1 anecdot* 1 of a trick served upon a challenger liv an Kn^'li>h (Quaker, sc-vtM'al years a^o, l>t;fore the city wa.> divided into numerous election districts, ' I challenge that man's vote : he is not a naturalized eiti/eii,' said a ron<^li-s])oken indi\idual to the ijuiet Friend in ([iiestion. ' Tliee mu-t ki/i'ii' that I am, I think/ ' If vou are a citi/i-n, Avliere 's your papers '. A\ e want ymir /Jdpcrs? interposed the elialletio-t'r. They are at my residence." \Vell, you'll have to hr'nn/ 'em 'fore you can vote here.' The old gentleman went home for liis papers, but when he n-tui'iu-'l, the polls were closed. The next year parlv spirit ran \erv hi^h. and the elections were bitterly contested ; and a^ain the Knu'li^h I'Viend was cliallenged a> before, by the same person, and for the same alleged cause. Xo\v thee tl'iiff n't want me (o ^-o ba^k ////.v year to mv hniise for mv papers does thee.' Thee kno\\> 1 came oi,!\ a little too late with in V papers las.l year. I)oos ihee require me to brino- them u;ialn /' ' To be sure [ do,' replied the and so I !>i-"] i -! i ; ih. -in "''/// Hi' 1 tlii- lime !' Thev weiv 'all rorreet,' his vote wa< depo-it.-d. an.l a- In- turin-d i-'itind to --M out. li-- -a'hl to tin- (li-c,,]iitit,'il rlialli'ii^'T. Karcwi-ll, tVi'-n 1 : tliot- ha.l butter lii''k laar '. ' Tm:i;i: i- an I'lnlfririn^ tfinlcnifs-;,* s;ivs ^ \~\\\ \i. n iv IUVIM;, in the lo\v of a niothi'f I'M' li,-) 1 -\\. iliat Iran- sofinls all oilier aftVctions ,,)' th, In-art.' ^"-' havi- jn-t licar,l a toii.-liiiiL:' illustration of the I'ai-t, thai i!n- love ..t' a son for hi- moth,-]- ma\ ;il- > traii--i-ii-l an ; -wallow 111, all (itln-r atl'.-'-ti"ii>. at a iiinini-iit. too. \vh.-n !., nii^ht u.-ll !' ]iar>!onc,l for n-iiifiiilicrin^ otilv hi- own ^r.-at trials. Sonic t\\o \,-ar- a'4'o, a v,,iiii^ man. lifloii^inu' to 1'hila- ilcljihia. \\'a- n'turniiii: 1 liv i\aii i'oa-1 to that citv from lli- town of Ki-ailin^'. I ',-iin-\ 1\ ania. I'>v an aci-iilrtil \\liii-h liajijii'tii-i] to i!i'' train a- i! \\a- a]ijii'oa< i hinii l town, and ivlii',.- he \sa- -taiiiliirj; n]p"ii th,- platfortil. lie \\a- llif''\vn otf. aii-1 !!! partlv uinli-r the \\he !- of ih.- w. Imii'-i, an i ail, \'>a- erii-hi-d to a jelly, ai.d ilroji].,-! u-.-l.--ly ai hi- -id, 1 . Tin-. ho\v- cvi-r, wa- fol'tunati'lv hi- niilv inpirv. !! \\a- a VOIIM^; man of diaVrmiiK'd iM-rvo, and of th-; :;-!!.-! -pii'i;. II.- AN ACTIIKXTIC A x K c D o T K . G7 uttered no complaint not even a groan. \\ hen tlio train arrived at the depot, a carriage was immediately (.ailed, when, attended liy his friend, he said to the couch- inan, ' I 'rive at once to .Dr. M 's, in Walnut-street.' 'Had n't you butter go immediately ln>me'' asked his fri-'iid. ' X",' said lie, ' 1 don't want them to know any thinn 1 about me until it is all over.' ' ' >nr hero,' for he fit* a hero, was deaf to all the counter-remonstrances of his friend, and thev drove rapidly to the houat. as he had requested, uttering no groan, nor speaking a single word, while 1 the operation was being performed. The dressings were applied ; and, at- i>> \ \ T i i: \ i. II i s r i) i: v . t.-inl.'il }>\ hi- t'ri.'iiil. lln' j'aii.-nt hail ivache.l ihe ilnnr on !ii- wav t" hi- IIWM h"!i-e. \\hii.-h \va- Vcrv Hear Lv. \\h"ti hi' iin-iii-il rtiiir. I slnml.] like ID |.,ik at my arm once muiv : |.rav l.'t me -. it.' The stii'^i'iiii ra!-i''l the inaiiLi'leil linih: the path-nt Ljlaticeil at the l.liii.ilir han.l. aii.1 >ai'h ' l>.n'ti.r, then' i- ii r','1/;/ the mi'Mle lin^.-r <>t' that han.l: uoii't vii take it nil' l'..r me .' My MOTJIKH ^ave me tliat riii^' vvhon i, \vhil,' 1 li\i'. 1 can't part \\itli that TIIIL;-]' Tin' rin^ \va- >li]i|''l tVi'in thi' f'1'1, whiti' lin^'T : I'm it mi //"// lin- -'r.' sai'l In-, liu] liii^ 1 mil the >:iiin' lln^.'r nt' Iii.- li-l'i hatpl. A- hi- \\ a- Ii'avin^ thi' tlnnr, \\ith h;-- att'-iiilant. to fiiti-r tin- i -a rri a '_;. In- -:iihall I lin-ak thi> thiiiL;' t<> ni\ j"iMi>r sister ." l< in>| ihi- a Inn 'ln-ni,' rcaili-r .' 1 I Mil ymt ever si'.- a \\ ilil-i;Mii<.' a-ailiiiL; 1 "ii tin 1 mran . ; ' That i- 'a -Hi!.' tin iln;i!it : hut it strikes 11- that tlh- ain- pliiliii'iis -talking KIaniiiii;> arniiinl tin- ti'iintain at lli-- IiuwTuin'-l iri-t-n arc iiLji'i't- even nmri' t" I" 1 a'linirnl. Nu- tliiiiLf can t-xi'"' a] >j"-ar;n,'-<-. A Tra:,- i-i-ii.a\ , Mi' jir-ivi-'il lh.- t'. - lli.' i lli. r ^ : . ; . \\ hi;.' I !<::>_; ihr.'ii^h tlu> ru-lv ir.'ii j>ii'k.-ts at thai \L;'!I-: 'It either /-iti/tx nr it n-ed ti> |>n/./.le u> hu^vlv ; a> diil al.-ii tin 1 inntlit'inatiea] ji'n- l>lt in. in -imple eijtiatii'iis, which t-iiMies : '.1 c I\NH tail> : ci'^i i, / (iiclii>ioii is irresistible, llciv i^ sniiu-tliiiiL;'. lio\vcvc'i'. %\lnch is i.t dccju-r mijiiiri: '.loiiN- >nN >tiidi-d law \\iih 1'nnsoN. nndi-i- the a^r-t.-iiiciit that In- >hnii!d ]>av hunsoN. \\hi-n lie (.1 oil NM >.\ ) i/citn-il In" jiM ruitxi: At'i.-r a time I>IU:MIN ^,\ tnv.l , >\ \\aitiiiLi' i'"r the ecndilioii- n|' tin- euiitract, and >u-d .luiixsuN tin- liis ]>av. lie re;l>,,ne,l thll^: ' 1 1' 1 -ll; hill! 1 >lial! ^et j.aid ai anv rale, Lecaii- if I ;/"<'/< the cau>e, I -hall lie j,;nd \>\ tli- dei ' f 1 ; it' 1 il. 1 -hail l.e paid !'\ the r.itiilitinii> i-l' |||.' e..nlraet, f >r tiien .JdiiN-uN \\ill ha\e _;;(; lied hi- tii-I i-all-t-; shi-i'i-titl'i' I am -at'.-.' .luiiv- -IIN. nil the , >ih- ! h;md. h.-in^ ]>v "ii- 'ii.u-1 v tii-'lit'-ii'-d. Miii'^'hl c"iin-e|. and \\a- tuld t.. rea-. i n thn- : 'I't.^-oN fia-'>::- u.-ll. l>:r ihi re mii-t }< a l!a\\ in lii- ar^nm- nt : 1 an-" / and i;..t In \\:'.l -'ain lln- vii-tury. 1: t'n 1 -nit L!'"e- in iu\ l:iv..r. I -ha'i ^ain il i\ tli-- deei-i.>]i ut'llu- cuiirl : it' it Li'"'- a-'ain>t 111.-. 1 -hail -'->;:, it l-\ tin ienn- "! the coiiiract. !:.! having' yrl \\"li m\ !:r-; raii-c. ' 't cour.-e I -hall nut ha\e in pas him !' \'i>i In /."V"/'" Cur i: c H A T L A K ]: (i ]; o u <. i; SITTIM; -in tin- little church near tin- ' Lake IIoii>e,' Lake < ;.-o|"_;-.'. to-dav, with congenial friends we \\ere taken 1'ick, di tin- wind's of niemorv. to tin- dav- and the MVMcs of mil' l>ov!ioo.l. \Vf \ViTc OlK'L' llloiv ;i! the <>!(! !ioii),^tc;i'l, oiR-f M^-.-iiii at tin.- <>\<\ cnuiitry-c'liurcli ; for her,. \\eiv the hi^h-l>aekM ]) us. of the native color of the \\ 1: the pulj'it uiihoiu U'loi'iuneiit : the jaek knife in- itial of IPO\>, eai'l'leil al'ollt i'\" 110 '\\llnl of iloetl'ilie' ln'-u'il at ei 'ii\ enticle, liiit Contrariwise, t'ull of the verv oU Scratch' (hiring st-niioii-tiinc- ; nav. liere wn'e tin- ver\' [psalin-a;iil-liyirn Imoks, in the 'iilentieal' .-heejkin- 1'iihlin^- of yore. I'.iit no MD'IIIKI; canie into that homelv ]ie\v \\itli us, iint'oMine.- from around her fan tiie sweet- sinelhn^ \vhite Iiandkri'chief. redolent of the aroina of di'ied orange-] it-cl, that scented ihe \<-r\- drawer whence il \\":,- taken, and taking thence >]iri'^^ of tra^i'ant ' carawav ' and ' leiiiiel ' to ^'ive '.o her liu le t \\ in-l)o\-s ; Hi > 1 M;< 1 1 n i a; -at. there, \\ith his voting heart e\cn then full of iinuttered and unwritten j>oeti-y, as he lookeil throu^li an oj... ; .[i rontcnted fields of stiiiiiiier, >hiin- iiieniiLr in the hot haxe that IIUIIL:' ovrr them, like tin 1 tremulous ia\'- \\hich oserhan^ a liiriiacc -nr >:ir- \e\ci) on the fail ill" tall' JiictUI'ed dalll-e 1 ill S i rillllii"li rolie> and lihie hat. a---i-tiiiLf a little ln>\'. m hri^iit \ellow rouinl-about and \\hite ->ailor-tro\v.-er-, to tl\- a M-arlct kite 'I'liuanl iiriv"ili I'mi''. aiiii in a liu'ii- \\lii!' 1 '>nr ii]>- ari- luiiili!' Ail tliiiiLTs !ia\<- tli'Mi 1 M-asnii, aihl n|n'n t"\var'i : i:,\rx rvv THK v.'ior: A MojmT.s C;I:II:F: THR MISS-UN <>r i.nn.r. <-!in.i>i:r.N : AI r.i'iiAi.Mfs A M:\V uKrisninx: iNH.r- rvi i: "i" Tin: C.UKAT MIVI iii'i'in is \ PON 1111: grir.T < m'S'i IIYMAN : A I'I:I:AHIVI. vfciiTNt' A Y\M;I:F.'- I:I:VI:N;I'. : sn;c,i:.--i inx t.r \ rm'O- Mo'iivi: : xr.\v i'.i: AIUV.-; i\ HAMI.I'.T: A\ fi.i.v' rrs-j,. MI::-, i-EAi:r.r<*xr>5 m- nn\vr.i'.Y: IIKAMI OF IIONOHA r.i::r- wviiTii: ):\i r>i:s F>:: IJIII.NKIM;: M.U.D _\:r]:puv' OF ini: .\;on \-.\i; : Tin: T EliE is nu amusing character in a sketch we have ust reae >tupion*, \vho can iiL-vfi 1 ;i|>]ir-.'."'iatt' a iia'uiv- ot' -piTr'n, <>r uii'iersuunl lh.- simp]t>t i---!. A I'dii^n ccnili'ai!,' C!itlin>iastie fur tho 'j'iu'hi- "[' iho - ! x," ! i fn;arl<< that woman's rights aii'l 'i'.uios are hecraniii^ evi-rv day more \vidi/Iy appreciatei.l. : 'Ilir: old-fa>!i:oiie,l srale mu.-t he r.-adjiist'-d ; and \vn:an, 110- M' 1 , ok'Vatinir, Kirpri-in^ wniiian, asc.-ml to tlie loftiest L'liiiiiifiHT-, ainl ^it sU|it-ri"r on the topmost brancli of tlic sorial tn-t.-.' The ear of the matter-of-fact man cat'-h'-s tiie !;iiinilf, ;!!:d ])f vi"itur>< to rr- v;ili"i), ami ii'Idc-l, \>v \vav of explanation: 'That was a tiling as h;i|i]ii]i^\l on a jmK- ; in r"..|-s it wonKl U- \\rn-y liik-rciit on ;i ircf, I'cratiM' of the brain-hi 1 .-.' At length, howt'\'t.'r, ill'' iln-inr if \\oman is r.'iicwnl l>v tin- former advocate : 'NNi'inan ha- not vet rt'i-oivt-il her full th-velop- nient. 'I he tune \\ill c. ini'. 1 \\hen her inlliteiiei 1 \\iil In- universal : \\llell. Mif[e|i,-il, -lllMlueik aii'l eU'Vate,], ilir ;ilii- nial now .-.-, !!,.,! Man \\ill In- ui:lcn..\v: . V..u will he a"l women : I'.-iii the wurii! li'nk for a h'^h-T d- stiny '.' 'In coors, 1 olxervej ih-- a'-uial ' man, 'if \\v ai'e a!i tai'iie,! inti, Woiniiii'. the \\.>rM will come to an cml. 1-or '>po>o a ca>e ; V>osf it had hecn mv si.~tt'i - as marn. .! mv \\iti', in- no ri-i'i a! )',:;.' -!\- : \\i-li in eo, .)-., if th--r.' \va- no pupn'. !- liun - "\Viiat th-- re-!; < 1 to years a_:o;ir. An. I iho nu-laiieholy ilarkn<-s To survey the imam S'IOI-IHTS lii'nlly wi .;.- i:i r:ii;a u-.u-s, V.r-j sho '.!:'; tiu-iu 'ii! the d:i\v]i. Ti^ :i i"V to |.i-r~s liu- I'ill'iw I cii:i M'e ln-r !ir!i'!inir !' cottai.'.-rhumbcr boil, As I listen to the .-train Aji.l in listen to the jatti-r WIii.-!i i- [ilayeil upnn Uie shin_'!es dt' tin- Mirt riiiu ii\ t 'r-he:nl. By the j.attrr .r tl;e rain. ' Kvrry tinkle nn the shingles Tle-n my lit;!', 1 srra;.!i si>!rr, Jl:i- an eeho in the lieart, < AViili her winu'- an. I \va\in_' iinir, Ami :t tiioii-aihl (!ri-ary i'aliries j Ami ln-r hriu'iit eyi-il elienib bm'.Iier, Inln Ltisy b.-iiv_' start ; A serone. anLvlk- pair. Ati'l sitliDU-aii.l iveoi led ions (.ii.le unnin.l my u'ak.-l':l j.iliuw. WK stood 1'V a \vt SKTU \vindo\v <>{' tlio ]>ri'tiy l'jiiiiiu'liuiP.ton, on a reivnt Sumlay iiicrniiio-, and s;pv a I'mn-ral prc^fs-inn ontcr tlio .^atf-, and d^ii!- 1 undor tin; ^priii^'-time troes, ju.-t putting t'ortli tln-ir lii 1 -! tt.-ii'lfr vi-rdnrc. Tlie day was sunny and lioautit'iil : a si !'; wind was playing aniid-t tlio loaiy l'>]ia^o and tin 1 ^ra-- : and as the sympatlii/.ing concoui-o ^atlu-n-d aroused tin- iVr-lily-opc-ncd u'lvivc. v,'t> could not help tliinkir.^ h"W dark'-r niu-t In.- tluj lioaris of' ih,- l-r-avcd ]i-uvi!t>, wlio si nod in sii^r>'ssf(l aniniUh ;i( its ln>ad. tVom lli> VTV licatuv and l-riirhli'i"..- ar",md them. Tic- hi lie c, ijlin \v;is ImM'ivd int.. ill,- -rave; ihe h"il\v sound <>i' 1':iil:n^ -and :ui,! gravel fell t' upon the <\ar : and thai only child (>t'li>vi'liiii>s and promise was ],'ft in it< cold and narn >\\ \:<\. until cartli and >ca shall hra\c at tin- trump l' (MID. As \vo turiicil a\\av iVdii ihc Avindnw, and awaited tin 1 innrn- iiiLi' service cf the >anctuar\', AVC thou^lil cf thai disolale nidllu-r and that luToavt-d talhcr, and lm\\ imjM.t.'iit \\i'iild he all att''iii]'S at cMUsolalinn i'r tin- In.-s \ an oiilv and darling cliil.l. And tlicrcNvitlial came In mind thf ivil.-r ti'ins uj'^n :: >imilar scene , i' sadiu'-> l*\ \}\<~ c!o.|Ucnt aii- Lhul'..! 1 -r/i. .I/'- ' , ,,J I.'-':'. ' > 7 , ; - \,, ,,;,,. f,,.], the d'-ath i>l' a child :,- a m itlu-i' ;' - it. 'I In- i'alhci' can- ii" t iva -. 'IVue. thc-i'c there are iii'-mori,-s of endearment, a keen -, n-,e of lo-<, ;l weeping o\ er cm-lied hopes, and a pain nf \\oimded at'- fecUoll. Hill the Mnllm' f.'els lliat one i;;:- !>eej| talvll av, ay \'> : 'art. I f r- lias In en the of; . K\ , n !_rradalii <\\ of i'eatKl'e I ley, | . ; ^ ! ,.. l], >1 , , 't f,] I'Vl 1'V I) ' \V r ' ' , -'t , ,f - A c i: P ii A L her child dies, ;i portion ot'her o\\n life as it were tii.-. with it. Iln\v can >he ii'ive luT darling up, with a.ll tin-so loving niemris, tlie.-e fond associations '. The tiiiiid hands that have so >fun taken her.- in tru.-t and ld\f, lm\v can >hi- 1'"!d them on it> :-inh'-- hrca.-t. and surrc-ndor th<-in i'.' tin.- roM r!a>p of !>K.vni ] T.'K.- tl-ct ulm>,; wandering ~hi.- lia^ \vatelied so linrrowlv, lm\v can >lii- sco iln-m sti'ai^htciu-d to <]own in!" tin- dark vali'-v .' 'I'll.- lu-ad that sin.; has pressed b> ln-r li['s and ho>iii, Uiai she has \\ati-hcd in peaceful slumber and in huriiiiiL; siekiu-ss, a hair ot' whk-h >he c^iild m-t see harmed,, ]\. //.,// can -ho ci'iiMM'ii it to tln> dark ehamoer <>t' tin- ^rave '. It was a fdeam ot' r-un.-liino and a v<">ico <>f porpetual id;idiie--s in her In/in.-; >li" had learned I'nini it Me ed lcs>mis of sim- plicity, sinocriiy. purity, faith ; it. h:id un-'-aled within her a ^'u.-liin^. iievi-r-ebhine- tido of aii'-rti. in ; wheii suddenly it v, as iak'.-n ;i\v:sy, and tiiat licme i- lefi ilark atnl .-iK-M ; and to the \-ain and heart-rending a>pira!ion, 'Siiali that de,-:r chiM never return a^ain .'' there breaks in rospoiiM- thri'iiu'li the cold ^rav .-ileiiee 'Xevermore <>h, //ct-i r- nxii-r ." Tlie lieai't is like a t'ir-aken man-inn, and thai, word y-neri ech"i]pj; thr^iiu'li iis desulate ehambei 1 .-. 1 \\ i ;:- iiat'i'i-h'- i .. . ini" ii- -'Kirai.- .-\ lla!>ir-. n iinn-rt, i !>\ :. livpiifii. ^ \\hirli 'joins wur.l-; or -\i!ai'ii-. a> M-U ; ! ii-i ; iMy l.-.l tlu- 1 iy t< ' u'ive a in-\\ \\ i 'i 1 . a:i'! ;; iii'\\ ilvllni'.ioii : //'/// >j'.-!l it ;n!,l il'tiin' ii '.' -ai> a i,i 1. at'l'-r [In- \> <\ ai"'\.' i:ini lia'l trii.-il aipl mi--.-! Tii;. (Mi nioii i ;' iiir ' ! -at M^;r >ji. iii< i- r. - ill i'ii a pain' 'i' ^'la iii a roi 'in of \ -' r I Ii 'ii-i 1 . \\ lii^li ci iiiiin.'iiiil.- 1 ' \KM M'> * 'urii i>;ty- Slii.ji' ' .-. an.] i- i : lit ' '\\-]i M'-'-MH'-'. >!!-< ' MI t! . ! ' .'_; ! '! Iii- !" 'i >:- "in' iii' 'rhii'i^ :i!" ' ainl I'll. v> -v, iiiu' In- !ia-l inailf hi- ti : . X. u -^ "i .! k.' ]'] mi hi- \vii.l p 'k ali'i ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ;' t'al'lll'-l 1 h:t\ ilij; IH-I-II !:;:)'! "T liilil. i ! i ' ' llia-1" \Va\ ' \\ il!i him- THE QUIET C o v x T n v M A N . 79 ' Small l.)];inie to him ;' for it is enough to sot even tin- sedate>t coim1 rvman craxv loonier the great thorough faros of 'a city that is full of ,-tirs, a tumultuous oitv.' How suber soever his mind, the prevailing excitement will seize him, and ho will mingle with the conflicting currents like a straw revolving in tho [lurrying eddies of a running stream. In the eveiiiiiLi', especially, when the t<>wn, to one unused to its busy scones, is absolutely overwhelming. ' Can you show mo Main-street .'' said an ingenuous, fresh-looking' foimo- man to us, the oilier iiK.irnin^, noar iriidson-Si[Uaro, as wo wore walking down to tho [>nb- Ik'ation-oilic.o. 'Main-street?' we a-kod ; 'Xew-Vork JHIH no Main-sti'oi-t : you are thinking of Broadsvav, perhaps C 'Oh, yi-s; r>roa.lway that '.> it. I did n't know : 1 n-ver l'ii in a city afore.' \\ e accompanied him to and down Broadway, and enjovcd 7//,v enjoyment at all the strange si^-lit- he >aw. AVe alnio-t envied him tho romanlie i/'',r- nt'M nf hi< s.-nsations. Tie was positively eloquent, m ins simple \s;i\\ as ho dopioiod hi< I'liioiions on iiear'ni'.; 1 the 80 A ' D 11 ]; A D r r j, A c c i u i; .\ T . ; overhung the u'iant city, indicating its vicimu lon^ bei'oi\e lit"- reached the northern ver^e : the manv sail.- \\hich weiv tending toward it. in the expanding river and opening har- bor ; and at last, the broad bay, with tall ships setting in frejin the sea ; the steamers and water-craft of every des- cription hurrying to arid fro from either shore; and the i -Teat .Metropolis itself stretching into the distance, with its domes and >pires, its towers, cupolas and '.-teepled ehimnio.' rising through a canopy of smo].;,.. -n th<- u'rav dawn i if a cloudless September morning: these, bur>iiiisi ujion Jiis sen>itive vi-ion at once. h;id tiiied hi- mind, and almost made him a painter thro',:;d) th<- medium of \vord>. lie 1'i-iiewed \\ilhin us our love of, and priile in. ihi- om jileasant dw.-llin^-j'la' 1 '-, liie grt.-at metropolis of our native state. What a citv -hall we be bv and hv '. A coxyniMF.n \va-_;' i; \vas \\lio startled every hodv on the ileck of the .1 on N MA-^OS" -;.>amer llie other da v, on hi-! 1 u av tVom Albata to 1 :'<'< . v, ,: i; ihe HhjUiry. in a ioi;i] nasal ton.- : il.-ar of tha! di-ead:'ul a"ciden{ !o-da\ aboard the flreeitliu-h h"-s-l .' No !' i-\,- ;ini. 1 half-a-d' '/en bv-sfindi'i's at oil' : ' no '.' \\\\ \\ . :' \Ya!, the\ v.'as t'-iiin' of ii do',\ n to }},, .1. ; a ,d iii^'h a- 1 eati cal'late, ihe lio.-s-l>oat had L;'"| uitii n abi-oul l\\o rod i,; the wharf, when the larboard-ho-- ba'-i a flue : i-arr\ in' A -DUE A D F r L A c c i n i: XT.' ^ I away her stern, unshippiif her rudder, and >caldin' more 'n a dozen passengers ! I do n't know as there is any truth into it ; prap< 't aint so ; but any way, that 's tlie .sVo/v/.' The narrator was less successful, according to his own account, with a rather practical juke which lie under- took to plav upon a Yankee town-man of his. a week or two before, in Xew York. ' lie never liked me much, 'xpect,' saii.l he, ' nor I did n't him, nuth'.T. And I was a-walkin' along Pearl-street in 'York, sellin' some o' tlu--e little notions 'at you see here, (a 'buck-wheat tanning-mill.' a 'votary-sieve' to sift ' apple-saiice,' etc..) when [ see him a-buyin' some counter goods in a store. So [ went in and hailVl him : ; Says I, right off, jest as if I. VI seen him a- doin' the same thin^ a dozen times 'afore that mornin', says I. ; \\ on't they tru-t you lure, nuther .'' Thunder! you never sr-e a man so I'iled. He looked right -ti'ai^'ht at me, and wa> 'een-amost wliiti.\ he was so mad. The clei'k- ]a;'U'..'d, they did but lie did n't, I U-IK-I. 'I want 10 xrc you a minute!' says he, pootv solemn, and cumin' toward the door. I went : and just as soon as \ got on to the gridiron-steps he kicked me! I did n't care not muck tht-n ; but if his ^eese do n't have the Shati.-k cholera when I get home, ' you can take nvi hat,' as they say in York. I was doin' the merehant he wa- trvin' t '> buy calicoes on a good turn, any how; for I 'x|v-ei he \v;;s goin' to get 'em on trust, and 1 know'd h^ was an all- 4* 'J A L o r o M o T i \' 1-: o \ A W i \ T i: Y X i r; n T. A\H.\T supernatural >hriek is that, sounding through the nmrkv air of this stormy Felmiarv niidit '. Twelve o'clock, too, 'l.y 'r Lady :' l>ut In- not alarmed. It is only the steam-whistle of tin- ir<>n hoise on tin- Ilud>ii liivcr rai!-r<>ad. rn<]iiii'j;- into the < lival Metropolis, at a ' t\vo-iort\ ' pa'-.-. liriiiLi'iii'j,' with him huii'lred^ uf passt-nu'crs, .-onn 1 oi wliDin, having in'Vi-r IMM-H to tu\vn lict'tnv, are l>f\vilit.-rfd \vith ii- incrca.-iiiLj vastncs.< ; the ihie]--inu'. lengthening, intenninalile streets; the 'leagues of li-'ht, the r. >ariiii;- of the wheels.' That same snorting stoain-horsp, seaive an hour a^' 1 '. a^ he >\vrp; with hi- train through the verv \\all.-of the statf's-]>ri.-on at Siitu'-Sih^', rntiihh'd in the ear- of the half-wak.'iit'd raj>- tr.'e-. illustrating' l'\' ln< <>\\'\\ \\ild tVeeilotii the hln-riv denii-d to t!i.-m, and >poke . .f pleasant villages pa>.-ed, and familiar M-i-iifs toward \\hich he was nishinir : he -tartled the o.-hoes ,,f Sl.-.-j.y-II-'liow, and the demons H.-d at- fri ^lited, for a ^n-ater ti .,1 e)-, -\\hil'' be.-trodi' li\' the ' Iteadle I loi ait ili 'jf the h"! whit.- lirea'h from hi- ir.Mi nostril- ; unwai''] heeame; pa--i ^nldi-ii Sunny-ide/ di-turhin^ not. l.-t u- h"p,>, ihe inmates , ,f that ne-t .it' ^eiiin- and I'cjiiieUieiit ; n to ' I'oi;;:. hi-. T ir E Y A N K E E IN P o w r. R s ' s STUDIO. 63 Ferry,' and over the very soil of the pleasant places where ' Old' and YOUVJ; KNICK,' and his little sisters so often walked and frolicked with the ; gooed vronw,' along the shores i if the beautiful Tappaan-/ee. ' But what is all this (tli'iitt .'' ask> tht; reader. Nothing in the world but the >hri!l uhU'J.e of a locomotive, hollow-sounding on the dull ear -if Night, ju>t as we are going to bed. IT is the custom, as we learn from a friend, in all parts of Scotland to send invitations, when a death occurs in a family, to all the neighbors to attend the funeral. On one occasion, a neighbor was omitted bv the bereaved family, in the usual invitations, a feud having arisen between them. On the clav of the funeral, while the people were assem- bling, the slighted ' auld wife,' stood in her door, and watched the gathering. At length, unable to bear up under her resentment any longer, she exclaimed, ' Awecl ! aweel ! we '11 ha'e a corpse o' our ain in our ain house some day ! see then who '11 be invited!' "What an exhibition of human nature ! Bv-the-by, it may not be amiss to remark in passing. that it wa^ the identical ; Greek Slave' concerning which the ensuing colloquy took place; between the -euiptov him- T ii i: V A \ K i: i: .-.!(' aini a SHOT I'ul ^ aiik'-r >jic<-ul:il'>r. w!m ha(.' So-lit 1 . I '"'.\ I-;HS\S >tmlio at I' i !! <.<> ' Kni'T stranuvr. spitting, aiul \\ii>i:M- hi- lii-- \\iili his hainl , I!.- Yi.'iVu Mi 1 . I'KUWKUS, tin' Skulptuiv '' I /// ;i M-nlplnr, ainl nu iianu' i- l'tiwi;i:>.' \-i-;i-.-; \\cll, i r-'ii'' 1 ''*-' 1 ^ s " ' (lii-y ti'H'd in- 1 y1< ii' ro 'Iriviif a ]irrii\' still' liu-iiirss, ch :' Sir !' L >ay, ]'h:iiv t<> da. i.-'n : What 'i'- one u' i!i. 'in I'.-trli :' 'Sir \" I a-k't v*. 1 \\hat '.- tli' 1 ///''" ot'oin 1 o" ilit/in, - vh a- yri'iii 'r<- jn-ckiu' ill ncov,.' ' 1 am i" have llnv,- ilmn-am] il'iliar.- t'r t!ii- whon it i- <' iiiili-li'il.' ' H /' -"-/.'/- -!i : ' f(-o~l-l-(t-i'-# .' llan' i-:,!'iai ; .i' In Imv S"iui.' ; .. I i - 'aiiiliii'- : "(iiii-ss 1 iiiu>t u'!t sDiiit- ]'iaintin's. 'T ' < /'-/ d-o-l-l-u-r-s .' \\'<-\}. ii /.v a trailc. >kuij.i:i i-: ilia! '> -ar- t.'nn. \\ !:ai ili) llu-v inak'- VfiMi ]<:(\ i'>r \"iiiir Imi'^ Mh! ft /'' ' S'].'i't Mi;, ' ilili'S! I'uy, ( 'r.i'ii \ -. , ilji ; 'fact, 1 /';/"/' III- C"llM. 1 I 1 ' > .'; . 'A u\ - \y]|| ill I nil'! i, ail'l I Vv i- yn'.i M '^i- ; iak-- him 'j.n-ui ! t! :" "' ' - 1. 1 >' \i)H bi"u wh.-iv I M 1... in- iiii-v, t'-\\ . a' ' ! : '- Lie ii')\\ . ' !;!:' : . :i ' < N ]: \v K i: A i> : .\ c; > i .N II A .M ;. ]: T 65 \Yi: bi'n 1 lea\e to piv-eiit two new 'renderings' from HAMI.I;;.' \\hieh an hiuovatiny Yankee aeior at the \Ves.t o>n.Mders authentic reading. lie defends tlie lir.-t, upon the i;T"und that the same -[>!rit \\hieh had ' abus.-d' HAM- LI-, i had previously treated lii> tViends discourteously, kept them up at ni^ht. au'l prevented their >leepi!ii; > on their Ileiiee 'thus HAMLKT :' -- "'['in. spii-it that I have M-C-II .May be u devil: ;u'..l the devil halii power To n~~u:i:-.' a ii'.e:i.-i;,g s'uaiio: y.-n, :uid ]ieriiMii-. Lhit ol'uiy wc;ik:ie- ; ': and my ine'.-ii.eholy. Th.i^ i- '[iiite iliib-rent iVoni the usual reading, and i> a- inueh an improvement' upi'm the original as anv t' Mr. TlL'i.'SoN"'- modern versions. The rendering in the ,-ub- p'isie-d pa ao;v a diminutive cf that endearing term : ' [I \M. D i-t tii'iii thiiik AI.IIX.\MII:I: iuoki'l u' this l';i~h;":i i" the i-arth ? lli.i:. IZVii .-.. ; HAM. Ap 1 -,;,,/; SM. /',/ .' 'lion. KV:i -... r.iv I,,rd.' 80 F i: A r. i. i: .- > \ i: s - o r l\ i v A i. R Y . The plav nf ' 11 VMi.KT* \va- beiiii;- enacted, and thTe abnt <>f it e-pt'cia!lv where (rcn.UKNSTKKN i- employed \>\ the 1 >VMC to plav upon tin; pipe, just to oblige him. 11. i- very importunate f>r tin- music, it will he remembered ; and nil ;i:i- ocoasioii ho \va- aceonnnrHlatc'il l" hi- ln.-an's cmitt'iit. I irii.!i[-:\>'n;i;N rcpli<-il t" his earurst M 'licitalimi-. that >incc In- \va> so vi-r\ pi'r !im - . In' /r,,n/,f ^\\-,- him a tiuif : and t'.'iiliuiih accKiiijilished, tu the best of his small ability, lliat MI Mini.' national air ' Van !;<< I 'ondhv \< i^.'tlifr with ivi'tain f-vti'inporo lloiirisli.-.-. whirh h.' iorm'd ' the vai'iaii' 'Us.' Tin-'. \Vr.T (.ori'espriiiclciu. 'Tall thitiL; 1 - happen there now and th'-u. [leiv i- a specimen: Having occasinn t^ llii'i'ii^h the I'pp 1 '!' Lake- la-t .lune, 1 \\;^ happv eiii'ii^'li tn llnd inv-i-lf a pa n^er on imard thai p;dai-e "f a boat, the 'E\iril;!:.' I'lmper"! 1 Howi; oiinmandin;^. Mv travi.'l- !in^ enrnpaiiiuii fr the time ; to be a tln>p>ii'_:'h- bred ' 1 b n '-:).' a prince of a K-!r>\v: one wlio feared kiiie- iiiilivi'lual seated at the end r.f tin- cabin. I D E A T II O F II O N O R A E f) G E \V O R T II . 87 never crossed the scope uf ;>ty vision. Howie declared him emphatically ' the ugliest man that ever lived f where- ii|)on inv trie-aid TOM ottered to wager a halt' dozen of champagne that he had seen a worse one in the steerage. The, bet \vas at once accepted, and TDM started lor his man; who was to be brought iij> tor comparison. lie found the fellow a bit of a wag, as an intolerably homely man is apt to be, a.i id. after the promise of a nip,' nothing loth to exhibit himself. As they entered the cabin door, my friend, with an air of conscious triumph, turned to direct our attention to his champion, when he discovered the fellow trying to insure success by making up faces. ' St - st - st stop /' said he ; < no no none of that ! Yon st st stay just .v Go'f Almighty imnlc >/o<> beat ." And lie wa.s n't ! Is X'T this a touching picture of the death of HONOUA KnoKwoRTii, as described by her husband ? It so strikes is : ' aflrr having sat up all the night, I was suddenly called it six o'clock in the morning. Her sister was with her. I'he moment that I opened the door, her eves, which had ,)een lixed in death, acquired sullicieiit power to turn them- .-eives toward me with an expression of the iitmo-r tendor- i;-'ss. She was supported on pillows. Her left, arm iniirj.' . ; her sister's neck, bevond the b !. She Miiiled, and l>ivatiied her last '. At thi- 111 -m. -lit 1 ln-ard something f:ill ">!i i!i;"- il'ii>r. It was IKT we Idin^-riiiLCi which >he had he'd mi IPT wa-ted tinker to the la-t in-tant : ivmeinher- in^ wish fond superstition tin.' vow >hi- had inadi-. H.-VIT a^'aiii to L'-c ih.'it 1'iii^- hut \vitli iil'.'. Sho never niovi-d a_;'aiu, nor did she si'i'iu to sufF-T :uiv ^ti'U^_^!t'. % ' Plu'V loved in lilt 1 , and in di-aili tln-v wi'iv not divitK-d !' IN a cf'rtain Knvn in Nc\\'-IIain]ishii'o, ai-erfain iiihahi- tant tlicivof iTipiiri'd I'oi 1 hi- i-nint'ortabK' fiijoyiiiriit at li-ast ;i ]iint ot' \vhitt.'-t'acfd N\'\v-Kni;-land.' daily. He had \>c- coin.' i-fdiicrd in hi- jiockft-. so that it lu-i.-aiin- noc<-s-;ify for him. lik.- the l-raelitcs of old. to j.rocuiv soiiH-how.a duulilt 1 portion on the day ln-foiv th-- Sahhath. that In- ini-'hl ijiiit-tU' cnj"y his i-huivh, ' <\ which hf \\ a- a (''on-taut ai- tfiidant. ' >n ti!i. Saturday lie had liecn vt-rv iintoilunato ; for ill-' shades of evening he^an to fall, and yet he had \\\ gathered his '.-jiiniual' manna for the day ot' rest. A i:ei'_>-hi">r at t '' h-nt. rt'(|iii-leil him '<> throw ,-oine wood into h> >;,,.; ; ;n i.l al'ter the -tnall jol> was ct.n^'leted, e-a\-e him a t'-u cent-. il- >a\\ that the ,,ld t'-'ilo\v looked .-at] and iin-ati-ti' d. aiid -aid to him: ' I- n't that (i><,nnh for ihe \\ork.' Why. voii -pint \\itli that nioUfV : and can't von !<,). Snnda\ on .'/"//.'' \\ii\. I .-up|io-e 1 i'<,:ij>l, 'Squire, Lin then.' (looking iij> \\i:Ii a 1. JJ M U K I 1 il V ' O F T H E 31 O II A \V K . >9 disconsolate vk'i^v.) but then, 'Squire, ht'.' would it bo k<-pt .'' This anecdote bv :i clever correspondent reminds us nf another, which \ve shall venture to relate in this con nection, though it must needs suffer by the juxtaposition. Mr. ( . who liad bv decrees become ,-o attached t liis cups tliat lie could not comfortably o-o by eleven o'clock without his 'nip' of brandy, and who was yet anxious to avoid the .-uspicion of beini;' an habitual drinker, was in the habit dailv of inventing some excuse {.<> the bar-keeper and those within ln-anu^. He had usi.'d up aii th- 1 .stereo- typed reasons, such as ' a slight pain,' a 'a kind of sinking,' not 'feelin-' ri^ht; etc.. etc. One Saturday, at the u-ual liour, he called for his brandv-a;id-\vater, saving, 'T ;uu extremely dry ; Tc/ii '~olu f<>r dinner !' Xo excuse was better than none,' he probably thought. O.VK of the earliest settlers of old Scholmrie w;is a man named Mnu'iiv. more familiarlv known a-, ' OKI Mruruv.' lie wa> a tfi-for to the Indians and their sworn enemy, for he had -uilen.'d much from their robberies, and wanton de- struction of his crops and cattle. But his mo-t deadU liate arose from the murder of his i\\~< > brothers ; for which act: he soltMnly swore to devote his iii'e to their extenniin- tion. ' ( )'id Mi'iu'iiv' was a wilv enemy, as the lii'lian.- had well ascertained : and thev ^ou^ht his life bv all 'JO ' !. D M i i: r 11 v i) r r n i: .M u H A \v K. jio iM, 1 artili'. 1 '' and >tr;iti"^v. ' >n oin- IKVUS'LOU thdr \\ili-s raill' 1 ll-'ar I'-ilM' Ml'-,-<'"llll. Ml'Ki'HY had ;i i/oW, windi \vand'.T<- i from hi- i-alun iluring l!i<' 'lay t > lin >\v>r in ill-- \vii n Is. uiih a l>i-!l -.u-ji.Mi.lf.l t'iMin IKT nrck 1" iinlii.-.-iti' li.'T ulifi'i-;il)uiii ; returning ;ilwavs at ni^ht to } iui!k<'ii. aihl uiili ihMiTs all ilraxvii drv ' to >tainl ai:d inlv ru- ininato' l>v lln- lint until uioniin^- call<-il her to .-allv t'onh pa^sod, and with ii tin 1 hour "uln-n tin 1 k\v i-;un<' liann- ' ll>liall\ . lilll .>/ ':,:,,'!.-. i :,-! 1 1:;. : v.iili t'oiil i>!;;v, MIKIMIV started, \\iih lii- rillc mi ni^ slmiililiT. In ' look lirr ii]'.' I'dllowiiiLr tli' 1 iiir-'i-tit'ii >ln- \vas taking uli^n >ln' I'-!'; thi 1 hut. At'ici' M'Vi-ral hoiii's ut' tVuit- !'-- ]>ur-u;l. ill.' t'ainl sound of her familiar !"-ll in tin 1 dis- taiii'i- Li'laddciifd lii- car. 'It's aii ri'/lil !' >aid 1:.'. in hi> drii-'lit ;ii lin.iin^ ln-r; and In 1 r; ; j.idiv iicaff-tl ilif >JPO| wln-nci 1 t!i-' soiunl |.roc.vd-'d, a thickrt of do-,, ui.dcr- ^rouili. in in,. In-arl of the foiv-t. All a! mici 1 In 1 stoj,]i.-d slu.rt. Thai i- < 'Id SjH.f- !!!; >;l id h.-. l.nt it's n.,1 on hir ,n fk : sin- do n't <\\in^ In-r 1..-11 in //^// \vav \\ln-n >h" hrowscs. I lii'i'i 1 s!i IT.. ! ( 'aniii'iislv ajijiroa'-IiiiiL;' ill' 1 >]io' wlii-iii 1 '' tin- -low and r-'^Miiar tiiiu'-a-iiii'_;' ' j'l'o ' ''!- d, li" saw at Miiiii- >i.\tv \ar,U 'i;-tani l\\o Indiar.- r-'-ati-d iijion an "!d n: i \ 1"^. ]. >','.,; int'-niK iio\\ and ih'-li into lln- i 1 -i-s of liif \\ 1. and at ini^rval- of tiii'i-i- or (our niiiiui' 1 - >lo\vlv >\\i:i'/in^ i!ii- i- >w-:i--!!, \\iiifh T Ji ]: 1 ; i: M A i. i: S .\i c a o L i: u. 91 they thought would hrhiij '((Id Mriti'iiv' into their toils. a- a liii'd !i;i--U'ilL to lli' 1 -naiv." l>ut it wa,- k!s hour of jo\. n<'t theirs, lit; watched the movement- of the red ra-eal- a- a cat watches a niuu-e when >afe in her claws. Secure from ob-ervation behind a lar^i' tree, he selected tli'- ' U'll-wi-thiT, 1 and with deliberate aim >ent a bullet through hi-- Ix-art. The Indian iitt'.-rcd one -hrii-k, sprang three feet or more upward, and drop]) d di-ad be.-nle the lo^- upon which In- had been Mtliii;^. Ili-s (.'oinrad' 1 looked iniind in ania/'-nifiii to Bather the diivetioii of the shot, and ih.-n -honid.'ivd the dead body of his conn-ado, and \vas moving oil', when a second .-hot from the nitiske': \vhii-h MrniMiv had l>y tliis time loaded, laid him and his d/ad companion lifeless together. There were two withered scalps hanu'ini;' on each >nioky jamb of ( >!d Mrni'iiv's tire-plact' fi>r nioi't.; than tweniv vrar> : ain.l he ahvavs re- ^ardci] tliein \\ilh a ' ^rim >inile' when he \\';is rehear-in^- tin' hi.-torv of their ae>|ui-ition. ' I'oiff'f L'n// Mm!' 1 is inadmissible, on two account.^. Jn the \\\^\ plaee. it strikes 11- we have met jiurt* of it at, lea~t before ; and in the second, the style has 'onilned our liking. 1 \obodv but HOOD manage- \\ell tin- rau'^ed species ot \\-r.-e; :i \'t-r\' cle\'er specini(,Mi of which i> con- tained in his Cuxloitt-HoHxt' lira ,;',' the -frv of a ladv- 92 T ii i: K i: M A i. K S -\i r G u i. ic n . summit T \\lio \\oiild ii'H. ^-o M^luirc at Dover, thcro \v;i- 'a snifcJiiu't \\iini' M<>\\ iii^-, \vhii-li iniu'lit r\pu.-c thu hico-s \vatl lilies of lier JKTSOU : I'.ii!. M:i':iin.' !' i- -'. wnril iiil.Tl'i-rnl. Tin- AM >', must be clnnvil Vn:i inns' n't ' .'''. mi OIK' do n't 1 1: '- quilt' :i'/in ! : mo bill you.' \ .-u Mii.'lil :..! ' nut ; 1 s!ui' n't! ' ' NUMBER FOUR. THE QUACK-DOCTOR : XAPOI.EOX AND HIS BATTLES : MAL-ADROIT COMPLI- MEXT I TUP, I.!VI.S(,-DEAD : PURSUIT OF KNOWLEDGE UNDER DIFFICULTIES: A TKMI'F.IIAXCK STORY '. COMFORT OF COMMON THINGS : A HOG IX ARMOR : POETRY OF THK AI.I'IIAIiF.T : AUTHENTIC AXECDOTC OF THE DUKE OF 1VF.L- I.TXGTOX : PERILS OF A JACKASS : A MAX'S OWN HOME : IXSIOXIA OF 'IIENPECKEEY' THE HELPLESS 'HELP-MATE': SONXETEERIXU, WITH A SPECIMEN : REMINISCENCES : DEATH OF A GOOD MAN. * I STUMBLED on a character the other evening.' writes JL a friend, 'on board a steam-boat, which presented some traits that I thought rather original and unique. 1 daguerreotyped him on the spot. I had just finished supper, and was quietly enjoying my cigar on the deck, when I hoard an individual declaiming in a loud tone of voice to some two or three attentive listeners, (but evidently intended for the benelit <>f whomsoever it might concern,) on pathology. Being a> it wore thus invited, I also became a listener to something like the following: There it is now! "Well. sonn' people- talk about, xrafed fevers. I do n't know anv thing about seated fevers ; there aint no such tiling as seated fever. .V mnstpuiioe-bite is a fever ; cure til" bite, and tii" f'.'vor l-nves you. So with a lite just the same tiling; their aint no fmch f/itii'/, I tell vou, as seated t'c'ver. 94 TLt.- i;i''t i-. \ ;ir doctor ]>ra;. j 'ii/'-s ;u\'ordiu to l>o;>ks. i [ilVH'li/r ai.-eorduii>- to colllinoll SVUSO. N\V I hi-I'r \va> I r. Ur<;i;, of our vil!a_;v, t!i i Saiiijison of th<- Muic-- rivr-Mrdickfr. \\Yil, he uvats t'cvcrs according to tho honks; cou><-> |Ui'Uc- is [ ^vta'l the path-ills: and he savs to inr oDi 1 clav. savs he, whv." s:r,d h'-, ' ho\\ ix it, \-i>u L;' i-s ? ' An^l I told him exactly ho\v it \va< : and it /.v so. Wri!. iJoi-tor, intcrnij'tcd une uf the list- OIKTS, IIu\v you tivat fevers .' ' NN'rli. /7/m' // /.?. you ser-; you a-k m how 1 In-at t'.-v.-i-- ] If you had a-k<-d nic whi'ii 1 lir-l cojuiiU'iiciM] jira.-ti/iii^ I could ha" told you; rani t-ii von IMW. I ti'i'al rasi-s ju-t as 1 tii.d 'cm. avc-ordiii^ to c. iiiimoii >i-u^>. And /Inn <'/<'-: im\\ thrn- wa> Mr-. S. i ; i i ;. ; -ii- \v;i- k ; 1 iln- t'olk-, said siie had tli-' i -i iiismn I ; IHT : .!;! ii'i do Iii-r a sin^l.' nio ,! u' ^-. HJ,I. '}.:. \ -,-nl t>r //H J . \Y'-il. a- 1 \\i-nt ini" I In.- lions,-. 1 -,( a lot o" tanxy ai,d a llock nf clii''k''!is Kv tin- doi.j 1 : f.-lt her puls'- : savs I, 'Mrs. SeTTn.!:. \'< 'U ainl ii" ui' ! : !i-uiu]ili' >;) lhan I'\ < <;-ot it. TV . .an' i run : ;,; '. ' ' \\"i-il, dort>r. ]iou . ' /" : 77,0-- // /> a'/ii; '. i ' i 1 .-> ;i I"t i :' tan/v and a i!. !: of < hirk'-iis '/P <\\ : ir. I u'i'u i !' son it. 1 < .!' tin t-in/v a: ! a ;' i : ^'i ; up. It's ! en TI \\ i: h m-! I ;i an ' ''.'''. .M\' >add!cd>a"'s i-~ m\- -ci!ii;fr>. and in\ ih^i-a-i 1 n;\' iiiimv. I rush at liiin ; and 'itlier ho or mo has got to coiH|iior. 1 never i^ive 111 '. vMv ciu'ar was out; and while lighting another, tlie doctor vaiii-he.] : pos>il>ly hasteix-d hy tlie inllueiiee of one of hi- u\\!i proscriptions.' "Wi: always n^sociato, and at once, with XAPOLKOX'S nrtnio, tlie dreadful sconos presented l>y his deserted hattle- fields ; sueh for an oxamplo as inarlved the sanguinary ot- i".)f }[}< ];n---ian eampaign. ITere i- a ski-toli of one, fr"in lii'' ]""!] of an eyewitness: 'The l>attli--li--]d ]>r<- scnb-d a t"rril>!'' ]'ielur- <>f ruin and rarna^v. ^specially di the left and cenlre, wlioro the greati.-st ('ilorts had l'cn made t.o take, maintain, and ivtak.' the n/duulns. Corpses of the slain, !>n>kt-n arms. d<-ad Mild dying linrsc<. covered evei'v ele'vat.ion and ii'!"d every ln'illo\v. and plainly iudi- cated ihe jpro'j.'1'e-s i>f tin,- action. In the front of tho re- donhts lay the hodies of the l ; iviirh ; l H -hin.l the \v ( .rk~. showing thai thev had hecn cani-d. iav the Ku<>ians. < >n many point-; tlie heap-; of corpses told where squares of infantrv had -torid. and plainl\' pointed out tlu-sixe of ihe clr'sely formed masses. From the relative numher of the F!;, in, it \*'as easv to perceive- that tlie Uiissians !iad -utl'ivd m -ri.- thaii the Fr-nch!' And i!ii- ;> out one of lumdreds of similar scenes ! Yet. 'had these poor fellows any |tiar- M .\ i.-A ivl .' i'>a-\ its iii- l>.-vil k mi! tin' smaliot ! Th.-ir 'V' 1 - < /!>/ < h;id t'->!!'-n out!' If' nil,' o'liM iii'hiMV a 'Li'riiii .-im'ii-' at any tiling in relation to I'OXAPAHTK. it \vouU !" at tli'> potential military >tan'lar) you roineinbor lii> oril-r on i!ic~- a])]H>;ir- anci' of tin- ^rani''lul anil savant> t" ilic iviitre I ' ('harac- ti'ri-tii;- : l/.it i-"iiiiiliini-nfirv thai. r>> tin- 'It-arm"] savants!' ' Ass^s an.l savants t-i '/'" r< utn .' ' ' lii: \i>;-;;:. ili -;; ;\ :::_-. in tin.- presence \ ] -\<\}, -. to lu_>- in ;i com- pliment' ia- that U called \\hieh fom[ilimeiit is noii') to tli'- ' lair --X : ' 1- t: i ']' a LTroatt-r Iioiv in ih' in finite region ot' r>ov : : ; : ^ ' ; ly lia- latelv ; illuiniiiat" 1 ' a >peej- . : ' :; i - - io. A ! :v. v, ii >}<- I. , : :i_ - . a:i'l \\ ii a a -1'^lit >!iii''; . ' i '''-'.'' a u'o> >>o \\ '!> walking over my LTi'ave;' tlie oi-^in. \ve may snppo.-i\ of the term 'ColJ-^-i ' 1 IlIMM' t]|i '11M']|( i .f KOMI: ' . ' ' ' '. ' ' ' ' -\"e ni'on tliat t.-r.-tiii"' l'iri-:vni will call ere long, and walk with him through the Hark Valley. 'I am goiii'_>y said ho. in a voice scarcelv above a whisper ; '1 am fast i>-oino-; I shall !-ave ail thi-'. 1 and }\<- tnrncil his glassv eves upward to the calm clear hi.'aveiis, and waved his hand toward the bu-v crowds that rolled tliroii^li the street or pattered witli ha-tv steps iijxm the pave; 'I >hal! xn c i:. Si \MHN<; with a friend the other day hy the river-side, to take in the n<>l>!e c<>n/i teainer KMCK- i:i:i;oci\i:ii. v. e overheard a little anecdote connected with water-craft, which made our companion nu-rrv all the wav home; which we .-hall here transerihe ; 'and which it is hoped may please.' It seems there was' (nay. we kno\\ not SIOUX, there n'/ts) a verdant voiith from the interior of Connecticut, for the lirst time on hoard a >teaml>at. HU c-iiriosity wa< unhounded. .He examined here, and he scrutini/ed there; he wormed from the engineer a comptil- sory lecture- on the -team engine and mechanic- in general, and from the lireman an e>sa\ "n the po\\vr of white heat, and the average c. .n.--umpt!n of pine i/ord-"'>d.' At. length liis in.|uii-ine - mind \va> checked in its inve>tin'ations. and 'the pnr-ui' of kic'\\ 1,-d^-.- under dillieulties'' made at once apparent. He had mounted to the wheel-house, and was a-kimr the pilot : \Vhatyoti dohf tlmt for. Mi-ter.' what 'I'H'il does 't do :' \\heii he was oh-er\etl hv the cap- tain, \\lio said, in a n'rutt' \oi,.-e; -i.o auav from tin-re! I lon't you sec the -i^n. \o talkin' to tie- man at the hel- ium.'' (Io 'wav!' ' ' 'h ! certin^ ysies; I onlv wanted to know - -' ' NN'ell, you tin know now that \ on can't talk to liim ; so ^o 'wa\ !' \\iih nnuillniL;' williiiLfnoss, the verdant youth inn- do\\n ; [ind. a- il \\a- soon dark, lie present!'.' wi nt In-low; hut four or live times hefore he A T K M r K u A x c E S T o ]i Y . 99 'turned in.' lu' \vas on deck, and near the wheel-house, eyeing it with a thoughtful curiosity: hut with the cap- tain's public rebut}' still in his car.-, venturing to ask no questions. In tin.' iir-t u'ray of the iJa\vn, he was up, anil on deck; and alter sonic hesitation, perceiving nobody near hut the pilot, who was turning' the wheel, as when he had la-t seen him, lie preferred his 'suppressed question' in the oblique style peculiar to his region : " \Val, ^oin' it i//f ha i he. -n at it all nig'ht? a-screiiwin o/>, J/rr n/>? eh;' \\"hat va^'iie conjectures must have bothered the poor querist's brain, during the niidit, mav be jiartly in- ferred from the a!urd but 'settled conviction' to which he had at length arrived ! ' A Tcmpertuice Story" 1 relies niainlv for its ' j'uu, whir!: the Kditor seems to enjoy,' upon an ancient JosKi'iics Mn.i.Kiiirs. The collateral anecdote, however, toward its close, is not so much amiss. Two youn^ men, ' with a humming in iheir heads,' ri.-tire late at ni^ht to (heir room in a crowdi-d inn ; in which, as they enter, are revealed two beds; but the wind extinguishing!' the liidit, they both, instead of taking, as lh>-r sii])])oseil. a bed a]>iece. ^-\ back- to-iiack inti-i ci<> bed, which bi-^ins to sink under them, and come around at intervals, in a manner very circumam- bient, but quite impossible of explication. Presently one uK-cnvs t tli' otln-r : F sav, TOM. soi in ! tody's in niv l><'d. : I-- tin -tv ; " savs the otlii'i 1 ; 'so tlifp' i- in mini 1 , d - - 11 linn '. ' ! . fs kirk ''-in "in ! Tin- iK.fl ivniark \vas : 'ToM, !'\i kirkfd //"/ man i ivi-rboanl. 1 ' (JooJ ! ' says his !t'ilu\v-tjH>r ; Ii.'ttrr hirk than I: niv man ha- kirk'-d ///. out '1 d if !u' lias n't ri'_dit on tli- floor!' Tlit-ir ' ivlativo posi lions' \\viv not aj']iaiTiit until tin 1 in'Xt inoniiiiLf, THKKK is a li'ood >!i-al f i-mntort in ('nmnnni Tli'm'i*. \- n'i tln-ri . thi iiiLi'li .' ! n~! rnni;' the saiictiini-l'dl tor 1\ I'rrv to c'linii- uji aii'l 1'rii!'^ 1 u- ; a sliri 1 >'!' lil'<'a'l-aii'l-! 'iltlcr. It is at'ti'V t\\i-l\ 'lock lit' a raim ' '. "!..] ir^h; : t^r \\i- aiv . V ivi-ml it-r niiinl'.'r, aii-l our M-ll-iinpi'M-d -;!:;' i- ! ' -! ail nir-'i-'h ; "-l' MV \\' -'" i" !"'!. AVhni \vi- taki- a '-ti'iit.' uv it. \\'- u can d' > ;i \ >;. \\ ,-!i. K i : n d id n'i i-"!iir ; -ii' i i:-.' i I'l-tir'-d to tin 1 arm- ot' M i i; r;i ',".' So v, > ("!< tin 1 li'_di! and \v.-!:i do\vn to tin- liiti'lit-n to lii-lp our- Ivi-s. ] iit-at. A si iliiarv frit k'-i iv- tivati-d :',::: \s r i-ntf i'f ! \\ idi t 'iir 1 'ri'jiit III]'. I : ' ' .: ! ^'ami-lit d : ' A Hoc; IN A U MO II. 101 pink frock, and the wee ' one's .small stockings, although the wearers themselves were rapt in rosv slumbers upstairs, were nol uninhabited, to our eyes, at that moment, though the\- mrc hanii'MiLi' in the kitchen. We o/yoycJ those twin- slices of bread-and-butter, with two tender, cros^-cut. crumb- lin^ pici-cs of (.onu-il-lir.'f sandwiched ht/twei'ii, and a pickled \\ alnut. At'ter all, many ot' our pas.-iuo- enjoyments are mad'- ti}> of triilcs like this. 1> n't i: so '. \\ i-: do n't know \\licii \u; lia\'t; hiujylied more lienrtilv than at a siidit whieh we encountered the other day in Mroadway. A portly female of the 7 ; o/r///r ^enn-, in a hi '_:'h slate of maternal solicitude,' was perambulating slowly alon^ the street, with three hoops around her ex- panded person. Indeed, she seemed thoroughly secured a^ainM any accident in the way of explosion. She was indeUed doiikless to the hoops by escaping clandestiiielv from some 'tiu'lit lit' of a barrel into which she had forced herself in search of provant, and which had collap>ed up- on her person in the larcenous act. P>v-the-l.v, >peakiiiLj.' of p!U'-.' We |:ci'ce|\e tll.'l! all ell le rpl'l - 1 II -^ \ aidvee l> al'oiil iv\ i-i !!_; some of die mu-1 v apothegm- ot' ihe dav, and \eii- fvi'.iLf their ,'itisurdiiv. lie has ahvadv made -a \\hi-'!;e 10-2 T n i: D r K i: o r \V i: i. i, i \ <, TO \ Hi; was a ' mail of Irtters ' w ho wrote thf follow ini; 1 . [| i-; a licw stvle of poetry altoMVther. Il will be seen that everv letter "t' the filial wonl niii-t lie proiioiiiieeil a^ though I ii i.wi ii: i n him-i-lf piv-i,l.-.l at the [ru-al. 1 In- lett.'l' or letli'rs ill llali'-- will !n' toiniil to eoiistitllle the I'hynie. Thciv i- a - 1 <\'-:\\ nii.ire of it. hut this i< -iitli- i-ii-Mi t < >er\e a- a spei-iinen : Tn h : \\"i.i 1.1 M. i ! '\, wl]'<-'i \\ ; . ' . I ^ 'iii'i-'- of i !n- lii^hi--; i-c- sjifi-ta! 'i'iit v, nri\ l> ; a - i-ntii'i'lv autlifiiiic : I.' ')-. 1 \\": i i i \' i ' '. \> i - al a [niMii- .litni.-r at I '< if- . '_fi\ I'M i ' I '.i ' ' ' . w ]ii-ii hi' r'i''-iv<' 1 ''' ' i ' ' a'-li.-ati' MI :. II- tun i ' : I 'i,l -.M\N,I.::: ' \\ , . -:;: ! li' .'!.:. , . !i I !!,- \\ .- '\ rilll P i: IM i. * o r A J A c K A s s. 1 03 vlu- ft i.\ t>> his hole ;it la-t.' ' \Vhar, do you mean ? ' said FK..KMANTI.K. ' XAI'OI.KIJN has abdicated.' FKKKMANTIJ-: ur.erc:] an exclamation of surprise and delight. 'Hush! a word!' said \\"KI.UM; rox ; 'let 's have our dinner coiufid-talilv.' Hf laid the lettor beside him, and \vont on calinlv eating his dinner. AVlu'ii the dinner was over, * There!' said he to Monsieur Lvxrir, the Mayor of Bor- deaux, there 's sonn'lliiii'4' will please you.' The mayor east his eve over the letter, and in an instant \\ as on the table announcing the news. The saloon rang with acclamations tor several minutes. The mayor then begged leave to ^ive a toast : ' WKI.I.IXU rox, the Liberator of France ! ' It was received with thundering applause. The Spanish consul rose, and begged leave to give a toast. It was the same : ' \YKU.INOTON~, the Liberator of France!' There was another thunder of applause. The Portuguese consul did the same, with like effect. The mayor rose a^ain, and gave ' \VI:I.UNI;TON, the Liberator of Kruoi-i-: !' Here the ripplan-e was at' tli.- ..!! mil!.- is lib- ;; ]ii<-;uiv.l animal 1>\ I'M i. I'm 1 IKK: ami it' hi- ili-.-rijilinii (it lln- 1'1'av ni ;i jacka i- 1ml /' fl'i ft'xin, \\c rniMK't roll- (-.-ivi'dt' Mich a tiling: ' "/' "/l tn'ifli'nK fit !' iMi KKN- never hit ct.l' an\ thiii'.'; mniv t'.-ii- ri; ii-lv, 'Sjii-akin^ i >t' j:ii-k-a>-i'>.' v, h;ii a indaiu'licK s ' ' \\hllc th' 1 ' 111' lil:ill'_'.''-::l I'll- \va> ln-illLj r\hiliilrd h'-l 1 '-. ai: i v 1 H.'^I-. > n i:in ' ii-. i\ !; : - r;;;-;. rt hi'-h \v;i- ' . . -v a iiiuli', lii-ar tin- [ia\ ill' in. \\ ii h a vi--\\ "!' tiki \\-^ a |'>-ti al tin 1 m< MI - k'-\'-. lii'- mill' 1 aii'l call \\-r- \^ii : L- '\io aiiiii>'-'i hiiii-rlf a! l!ii- '>hn\v,* \\ ( ; - i, . [n-rt' rinaiifi- was uvi'i 1 . lliv ri iiuj'aii'i !' i i]' ti 'i' t lit- ii'-\t _fi\ aii'l \vh''!i th' rau\ a-- . n. 1 h' fli-jtliant >t'("l ink-- i )ii~l lii-1'fi'i' thi' null''. \\h; -:i ^a\ < "M-- >in ^!i- n.--.' \\ ii ' r in -u<-iaiiiiL:' ' lini'i'.ir. ^hu-h 11,11-1, liavi- }i r\a.l.''l lhai ] ..... r il'.nk.-vV l-ox.iu!' N'ntn 1 liiil a ja'-ka. - ' 'ial'- til-- <\--\<) h "! tin- .-ni'iii..!! ci ni\v\ c.l Tn: ' - '! ' i" r -!;.]- in 1 \\ lii.-h t !n-\ oll'-priiii;- : ' A in ' 1 1 1'.' 1 < L x s I G x i A or I L K .\ r i: < K i: i; 1 05 bitterness til' curly loves and early friend-hip-. There. mayhap. lie ha- -nii'<'r"d one of thoU! : when he thought each noUe in the hou-e, hearing noi.-es that he ne\"er heard before, must IK I soiiH'tliini^ 1 thev \\~crc. .I line.- in the rn\\\ the room where, lav all that was mortal of some one inexpre-sililv dear to him; \vhrii he awoke moi'muLf after inonmiLj to sti'ii^'u'le with a ^rief which seemed as i\ew, as aj>[ialliii'_r, and as lar^'e as on the lirst d;u' : which indeed, brin^ part of himself, and thus partaking of his renovated powers, ro.-e equipped \\'ith what re-t or n.lacritv >leep h;id n'iven him; and sank, nnron,jtilv a sjxioti.' A friend <>f ours says that he wa- remindei] of ihis sa^'e n-mark the oilier m^lil, m coming i lowii the 1 1 nd-oii. A lar^'e, i'at, pompons woman, who wa- i-vcr and anon ovrrlookiiiLi' h'-r hu-baiid. (a ihm, lank pi-r-niiMLfr, v, ith a ba!>\" in hi> arm-. v . v . !io c.\hi! r..-d cvv-rv mark of |ir(/loii".'ed amio\ anee,) iii i.-i.!\ to ;. .n- < 1. S o .\ \ i: T i: i: IM \ <. . 1 never -aw a man coinlnct so licfurt in j viT. on tin' tare o" tin- u'l"l>ed airlh I It' IM ha" km>\\ n that \mi was LToin' t> act in /A/* \vav, / nrfdiuf't n'n!"> i;> '\ says, in a li-it'T i" M. "!'.. 1 iifvcr wrote 1 ait uiif -i>niii : : I'ti'i'f-. ainl thai wa< m>t ;n fanii-st. a!i>l many \'-ar- :\_^". a< an I./'I/V/M ; anil 1 \\nl iu j \'ri' writr iiiuitli'T. Tli'-v ari 1 t'l' 1 n>''-l pill ; \ HILT. Miij'hilv ]>latnnii' cii]ii]''^itiini~.' I" \\hi-i-h i -nliM-riltc, I ilu nut IIKMH to s;i\ lliat if ! -''llHi'l- llMVi' l|o| lli'cll \\nt!''ll. 1 ha\'c Sl'l't) sii.-li : it i- ill- *'! ' ' thai i- i-a.l. They are like l-'l,-mi-!i iiictun-s or as iln- |iainl'-r -ai.l of' the sanlines, Little lixiii* ilo/n in nil' Ilii! as I have I'r.-n n-ijiit'sti'il to urn-- a .-' 'III:'-;. 1 \*. . ' ' ivfll-r ' ' ''i. \ . ! I ail! sill 1 ' 1 1 \\ on lil Hi it i]o -M aL;'a;n '">'!! for a trii-iiil : thai i-. a tVii-itil for \\linin I li.-i'l an i-] ii' 1 i : -'!. rin^ i- ion nirc \\ mai IIT : lit- L.-Ui-r -loin . . :nl I ihiiik. \\iih I >i-i: \i:i i. i !' -- i- ill- -M^l'lilr ill' I',, I-.' \, \ , !! in- ' >.'. It'' ''I : ' I'll !' ;i!i|. ' _ ';; I.) i: A T H F A (jT O O 1) M A X. 107 'A SONNKT '- ' well, if it "s \vithiii my ken, I'll write one with a moral. When a l>oy, i 'ne t.'liri.-tnuis niorn t \vent to liny n loy, Or ratii.T w.-; I ;i!!i! my brother Ijr.v: lint so it elmm-i-d thai .lay I h.-vl but trii Cento in my (1st, hut a* we walkc.L ' J!e goy- l|ric-.l, in n mo-t unlucky minute, A [iretty [loi-k.-t-wallel ; like a feather. My mo!n-y l.iiy- it. I\I-:N heu'an to L'rin it : You 're -mart,' .-:iys he; - yo'i 've _'"t a. heap of leather, i.rhfi'e'x tkeiii uenti i/nu. v:uiiiti'd to ji'it in itt' .1 1 >r IM-.MI 1-,-,-t'iiii^, and \viih no small iiit'.-iv.-t, ' An. U'tstnrii'iil Diwiurse] ^'ivin^' the liia]ti/; 1. Th<- nain.-s and ln'storics of all the pastors, from ill.- .-ai-li.-t st-ttl''m..-nt of tli,- |,hti.v to tho present period, an- u'ivrii ; and a^ \s i- ivad tln-m, how many pictures from tin- 'dark l>a<:k\vai'd and abysm of iiin.- ? arox- to v:r\\ 1 I'ai'-on \\ , tor example, how well we ix'inemlter him ! ' A man .-,-v,-r,- h,; \\ a-, and >UTU lo vic-w,' hut a ^ood man al In-art, in> \V<> rerolh-ci him so far hack as tin: time \vhcii our ohildi>h fancv \va>, that \vheii he -'ut up LO speak, lie ' took hi-, text ' out of a >mall Imx under tin pul] 'it-cii-hi' 'ii : v>e forget now what we lln-n tlioiie/hl. the 1 TI J't \\ a> ; '-lit \N e ollce >aw SOllielllill^ like what \\ e IV- meinlx'ivd fir a dim moment to ha\e ///""///// il. in a to\- store mi i 'hri.-t mas-eve, some years au'o ! \Ve were alwa\> ai'raid of 1 'arson \\ - , \\ e boys;' and many and man\ a time have \ve i;-o]ie and hid when lie approached the house, lieliii'ion was a 'dreadful thm^' m tho>e days. Cheerfulness was taliooed ; and a solemn visage and a cold demeanor were the outward and visiLIe sin'ns of ha\iic_; 'olitained a /"/.' A common ' prole--ur' \\;t- ii"t to n, OllCountel'ed without elllotioll, hilt 'the !i!il!h-!'T." ail il: Maek, wa- a terriMe lui^-hear! \\ e r,-ed to regard him. as ;iii otlicer of the di\ine la\\,' in much the sune h^ht in which jiolire-nllid-i^ are viewed i>\ the -n-piciou- ddin- oileiit. l!ii: 1'ar-ou \\ - -- > i^om-; aini \vi- caiiliul hut. felicitate oiir-eif, for one, that We 'did u hat was ri^'ht ' in our attendance upon h;- mini-traliotis. \\-<\\ man\ hun- dl'eds of lillle-;, Wl'apjicd ll]i ill SWeet-SeeHli.'d ha\". Ill the bottom o! a -le ' . di i w< ride tlirou_;li the ho\\lm^ \\in- )) sti irm. to -il in il it old ch nvli. w itli n. iiliiicj; l>i;t i he maternal I' > '. ' t lire i ,f d,e\otion ' |. keep ii> li . .in . .-n in i he di\ i-ioii -i\ - teeiilhK .' and the- ! I ' \\ , learn, in \ ie\v of our -uiiject, in llie ne\t and lii*! I'la.c,-.' etc. 1:, um- iner there \\as a ]>ail of w;iier \\iih a tm-i'orriu^'i r h\ t.ln> DEATH <> P A G o o n -M A :\ . 1 00 di.)Or ; so that we could ijuench anv thir>t that might arise 1 tVi.iii the licat f tlij weather or tin: drought of the- dis- course;" hut \\ i;.UT->cr\ ice, and ivliear.-aL- in that compre- hensive body of divinity, the ' Westminister Shorter L'ate- ehi-in. (' S/iurti.r catechi-m,' and 'nothin' shorter '. ') these \\erc t'l" much ! Tlu-iv was n/li^f onlv in catiiii:' our Sun- da}' turn-over* ' and nut-rakes-aml-cheese at the iM-i^hbors' at iioon-tiincs, with 1'aOfs ^lo\vi;:^ In -fore the high-piled \vo...l tiivs. AUo it was extremely pleasant to go home with the pivttii->t u'irl- from the evt-ning eonfcivnee-mect- inu's hdd at the SL-hool-liotise. Ah. \\vll-H-day ; \v.- see in the notes to this, di>eoiir>" the names given, and the tri- umphant deaths recorded, of thoe who were once near anil dear to us; and chief amon^ them, that near relative, \\hov.. -il\-er hair and mild benevolent l>Iue eve- are bet'ore u- of yore. He it \\a^ \\\i<> was wont to ^-o around hi- plea-ant on-hard-, full of all manner of fruit,--, and select the choicot varieties for the little boy-, never so happv Jiim-elf ,-i- \\hen eno-a-.vd in in a k i 1 1 ^ othei-s -o. Hi- ]a-; end was pea-e. A little while before hi- death, he called 111- >o]| to In- hed.-ide. to Ul'ite ilo\\n hi- la-t rei|lte>l. 'liring your table c'o to ihe bed." -aid he; - 1 want to Voii \\rii.-.~ Thi- \\a.- done; -\..\\ fatlhT.' .-aid hi- -on, uiial -i-ali 1 \\rlte :' ' \\iii",' -,,i.'. he. - ti,i- n, \ !a-i \\ili and te.-iaiin-ia : I \\ili m\-e|f and mv dear children, and in\ grandchildren and tln-ir iio.-ierii\-. |o i: .\ T ii OF A ' I o o 1 1 MAN. TIIKU, SoN alld II.'M Sl'IUIT, tlirollU'll ill llf. ] i|';i\ ill" tllilt the Liles.-iii^ 1 i )' (ion in;i\' iv.- 1 upon them. Xi>\\ lift me U|>. ;iii\- tlu- l;i-t tinn 1 lii- "\\ii iianif. A.- lif lay iltp\\n. In- -;ii'L '.M\ \\cik i- ipi\\ (lulu-, ati'l I am ivady to ^o lmi:it'. .Mv \v;iv i.- drar. I /r/"/'/' \vlifiv lain u'"inu'-' -V littli' Avliiif at'tfi 1 llii-. a> tin- -mi was ^-uin^ !\IA.N iMsri>\iiTn:i> : AN vciiu'.r.Ani.i: wsAi'i'cuxTMKXT : ur.Aim.R '< IIMJ'I..UNANTS ' : iiDMiiLU'iiK'Ai. iu.-< >i:i>r.r.s : Ti'UM'iT or Kv>\vi,r.[><;r. ;"M>I:I: PUTK ri.Tii:s : srm:iiNi; A M:\\' I.AM.I \i,r. : m:\rn IN THE KI'MI ">i.-i:no\i : i:rM ro;:< i:i> coNSTT.rc'nox ' : A irsiriiv 'iiii: i'A-i' ASH [M:I:M:XT: A i>rr,iiM p s I>INXI:I: : 'ri'.ANsri^-ini 'I-AIM: AND i:rn:< 'i ' : A H'"'i; Ki.i.r.i; AT cAMi'-vi'r/i INI; : TIH i: \AI.TK I : sr.r.- iN'i i'i:s!> AS .viiiKiis si:!-; rs: jAUS'is ANJ> TIM: FUKNI UMAX : ATTTMNAI. FAUKWI.I.L To l>D!;is'S I'l' V. R (irfst'iit. tht'int- is ccrtainlv a :n>t x'crv savurv sulijc^t ; liiit tht.- iiiitiuii.'Iv inislurtuiif iL-si-nlji.--! in Mich uiiiiiiiic- iiiu;' Anji'lo Saxon l>y a corrcspoudt-nt, ItMiipts us to ivt-onl a similar acciiL'iit \vhioh we roccntlv liranl drpu'toil 1>\ a fririi'l, a French gentleman, wliose unostentatious lait priurc- Iv lii'spitalitv aiLls (\vliat one oouM lianilv di^-ni pos>il>]-) vrii a new charm anl ii'rare to the lovelv l>anks of the St. Laun-ni'e. alon^- the most delightful reach of that rcsplfii- tlctit stream. 'It. ees twuniv year/ >aid he, ' sinc^ xal I \\ a> in .\e\\-^.i'k; and I i;'o up mie ui^lii iu /.' upper part de file, ('t wa- 'must 'ui de coutree.) to >ee a tVauude. Ah ! oil! ! \\ 'ell I Culll' l'\"de d 01 'I 1 - \~ard. I Sec S' 'Il/Mlli;' - 1. noi kii'nv uhal h>' cos, I. ut 1 >oii_;hi \\,- v\a> !.->.-til raleei ; 1 l',i A x A i, K K K A is L K i .- A r r i i i \ i ti i; \ i . hut lie \\,-<,s \\T' titi/u . I L;-D up S'>t"lv to lit'i-m : 'Ah. ha ! ' I >ay ti> mv-M-h'. 1 'a\" ^nta yuii !' S< i 1 Mrik<- him l>in' Mt'i'ki' \ i- ni\ "inl'ivl mi liis mvks. Ah. lin ! M;]>'|>">'' vv'at In- il<> .' A' -n-'i-fi .'.'.' lit- Mi'ikr nic !ia'-k in ni\ t'aet' \vi- lii> J)(tinii .' I cm/lint till: it was V"ii caniii it tu/tc/t him aii'i I do sail mi' ! I s'nnv in \ >.!(' in m- jminl, nji I" my lurks ; liiitii nuiko iin UM'. [ s-m-i'-l-l si-i.f ti'ic-cck! [nut like j^'n in /< iMuin \\i- inv i'rafui'li'. I uii:' hii:' h"h- t" JMII niv rln'o in il- '_;T' 'ini'li- : il n^t curt' /.''in! 1 'iii;' /''in up: Kali! it is ik' saaiiit' ! I put /,-ni hack ami il'V >nn'll OIK- yi-ar : till 7.<'\' rut in ili 1 L;T' 'iiii'l. // \ i-nir' .' And sn it //w.v a fact ; t'm 1 im man Imrn ><[' \\"inan i-niiM ever ri'iintcrti-it tlii- t'l-rvnr nf 'li-:; 1 !!-! \\hi.-h di>tiii'j.'ui>hrii thi' ^raiihii- linratii'ii \' ; hat sad nii-haji. \\ i: In ard a |'li'a~am illu-trali- ill, an r\ rliitin' uf tun ML;'", "t' a pi'i'ulianu "I" \\ i -ti-rn htr. A man in "in "t the in M <;-STV'd |.\ ;i li"rtll- fni'-i 1 (nl'i \i'T\ ni" ly, aiid 1" I'i'Li'ard lln- >tran_;''-r \\ith |iarlii'iilarl\ -ad. and a- "iir intiirmanl ih"iiL;ii!, Miiih 1 - \\h,.t >;I\:IL;'". l'-\ and ;\ hi 1 a]'jii'"ai-ln d him. and -aid: i an 1 -<' \ i i i 'ill-id' I i.i d""i t' ii 1 a f''\\ imnuii^ ,' ' ' I'criaiiih', Sir." >aid lln i."! I :. i n> r. i :;; h"i \\ ithniit -"tin- \!!--. Tin- lliMlMi !.! llli dn >r had <-!"-<-d !i.'liiul "W ]: A T it i: ii C u 3i i' i- A i .\ A x T s . 113 them, tin- moodv mail reached over Ins hand between his shoulders and dix-w from a pocket a tremendous h<>\\ie- knife. lii^u'-T tlian a French cavvi-r. ;tiHl a> it- l>r<>ad Made lla-hed in iln' moon-light, the >traiiuvr thought his time had come-. 'Tut uji vniir scvthe.' >aid li>'. ' ;>.nd t'-ll in*' \\iiat 1 '\'c dune ti> provoke your hostility.'' 'l>oi!i\ >tr;!iiii'-r .' v<>;i have n't done any tiling. \<>r T l;a n't ;iiiv ii"-ti!iiv t'> vuu; imt I want t<> pawn thi.> knife \vith }"U. It cnst iin- tu'i'iitv ilnllars in .\<-\v-< 'rifans. T }'>! in\' \\hnlt- 'pile' at 'i.ild si ed go ' LMiininii 1 dosvn the ri\ei'. and 1 ha n't u'"t a red cent. I.'-nd me ten dollars "n it. >1 ranker. I'll win it l>a<'k t'T \'nii in less than an hnui 1 .' The ini'in-y was loaned : and >ure enough, in h->s than the time Hientiuiied tho knil'e \\as redeemed, and the ine,.rn- Lj'ii'ie >pi irtm^'-inaii ' had a surplus of some thirty dollars, which lie rnhaN l"-t the \vrv in.(t ln.nir. \\n\i a perfectly h'trr'ihlc ila\" thi- i- ! ' savs vnnr i'liinplainiiii: 1 , qiierul'iiis eitixen, as h-- wipes the pei^pira- tii'ii irom !i;> e'lowiiiL!' face; : | ifi ,',-xf -u,-li \\i-atlier!' h'-ar Sir. you >h.,iild n't sav so; tin: rivi-rs nf water v.h'- 1 , run d.o\\ n voiir hudv are \<\ ulredienee to a la\\ ot' ii;::i;!'e thai pi'eser\ es your hea'.ih. M< >i - eo\ .!. the heat o| \\h:r!i you com], lain i- ripeiiiu^- the 'kindlv fruits of the carih, 'o thai in iluo tnuo we mav enjo\ them.' Nainfe i- >''.- 114 (! i: o <. u A ! ii i c A I. 1> i > o i; 1 1 i; n s. tin.;' ivailv in jinMiMi II>T ' ri-ivals,' ainl h.-r tiim-lv In-at is SUrllm^ into pll'pV hlM/inH.-111'SS tin- :_;T j at i'lll:-tt.'l'S < >t' 1-a- ln-lla-uTapi-s, \\hu-h >hut in tin-, darken tlic \viinln\vs "i' Diir sk'i'[iiug"-ri loin in tin- -i'(.-innl sturv. MTI-CH tlioM 1 nf the iiui'-fi-v in tin- lliii-'l tVniii tlii- r-uii. ainl ai'tu- ally liaiii;'. in all t'linns ut' jjfvaci 1 , tV"in lli-/ \TV cavo ! Al-'> the vari-c'.ikiivil pinks, \ i-rl>i'iia^. lu'liDtntju's, liahiia^. ainl a lari;v t'aniilv ut' iiaiiit.'l(-> llo\vi.Ts, ai'i- .-ln-'lilin^ ih-'ir 1 u -air, it'll 1 !iU<-> a i nl ]"-rl'i:iiii- lu-1 \\ n-n thr ' In >UM--\ iiic ' ainl tin- ' bai.'k-viiir,' \\hirli rr.-i'i'- nVi-i 1 i;- :>!':i'l tri-Ilii-f, am] >n-i''ii>U tlit-iv, i:; ImiLf |M'iiiliilnu^ lituu-ln'.-/ ii- ri.-li aluiinlaiKv nt' tVuif. Y' - : aip! I-VITV ila\ a- \\c i""k mu at tla-M.- thiiiL;'-. \Vf s-i- iln- --I'.-i-n i\ v vi>i!.h ^r"\sin^ nvi-r t!if ji'miKU'lt's nf the tii\v-r> nt' mr ( 1 !iui i < i h nt' St. I'KTKI; in tlh 1 I'l-ai' a hoautit'iil an<] L:'rari't'ul >i^hi. 1 '. S. It /.v a jo-ftlv Ii"! da\ . tiniii-'li. 'that's a (aot. 1 Mu-t u'u ainl taki- a ' >linui-r ' n tin ailjninin^ l'atli-nn>ni. J.'iiiMi^h ! 'J'/<'.< kinil i -I heal c:ui'l I'lpi-n an\ ;i:iii_;'. un- li-.-- a Ma-i : ' tiling. Ii i.t ' lh >\-- riliii' ' In ; - .' . : '. \Nfciiviiiark' 1 '! a \<-r\ laii^'haMe tvp^rapliica] rrrur in a i)c\\ -pap'T a 'lav "i 1 twn HII---'. Ii was in a paragraph .!.;.' ' : i'i'-' : ' nii-h' 1 '! si 'iithi-rn i] li.'t'l ' ! -! P V H S T I T F K X O W L 1C D G K . 115 mail who, having Mood iu the same place in a cotton fac- tui'v f >r inanv year-, was one day detained by illness, and \vroh- t<> his employer that lie should be unable to resume his labor, as he had a painful swelling' on the <_ut/ slilc of his i'aee! ,, i> more characteristic of your true French- man than his irrepressible curio-itv. \\hich he \vill ot'teii gratify at the expense of danger, and sometimes at the ri>k of his life. In matters of science, bv the way, this peculiarity of the ' ^rand nation' has been of ^reat servico to mankind. A friend relates a story pleasantly illu-tra- tivi- of this insatiable national impulse. A younii' I.'arisian la\vv<-r. accustomed only to French breakfasts, arrived iu the morning at 1 >over on his way to London, \vas surprised to find a robii>t, -loiiN liri.i. seated at a ,-mall side-table, loaded \\iih meats and their accoiiipaniinoiits. lie sur- vi'Vi.-d him attentively for a monifiit or t\\o, and then be- U'an to .-oliln.jiii/.e in an ' undie.~s rcht-ar.-al ' of the sparse Knii'lisli a! his ciiminand : ' Moii I >ii-:i ! ' .-aid be, ' can it l>e pnssccble /at eel M-rntil-lioinine is etc Iires l>n kfuxtc .' Xevare minds : 1 shall, 1 -ink I shall oak heem. 'Mon- sieur! 1 am straiiL; 1 ' 1 !', Yill you ay /e politesse to ti-11 me \\t-//.er /.;it i> your 1'i-ekfaste or your dinna \\at you eat JOHN ri>t-s \vith indignation, his cheeks distendet' v:ilur, ;iinl :: -h< <1"\\ n a^ain ID iv-mm- hi- meal. Tin 1 Fiviiehmaii pa"!-- tin- ti'>i'i' ilu!'iu-lv I'DJ' sDiiu- minute-, Until 111- elllialK'eil elll'lD-liV DVelVDlile- hi- 1 . n 1 1 " '1'a I' v' tiini'iity. \\Iu-n lie a^ain armsts ilir >har]i-~'l son i>!' jn-r- ti-li"U- Alliion:' Saiv. if VDU kn,-\\ .!.!../, ,n \\ n, )-,;', ,\-' I r.-k-ijuife t'"/ kii'Av \\ , //.! 7.:il i- y.iur lu-i-kt'iisti- DI- vmi' 'linnn \\ai VDU ,-\>-. vmi WDU'II] 'a\ /., jMilitrs-i 1 ID trll in iiuiiiriliaU-, aiiil -an- Dli'.-nn-.' .Inns \\ a- sili-ut. a- !',-ti>r.-, bill !i> tare ;irlll:ill\ L;'lu\\fil \\!tll i-xciti-lili-lit ali'i --Ilji- jirt-.--.-il ]>a-M'Mi. Ail th'->f i-\ ili-iii-rs nl' ili-jilfa-airc li"\\ t-V'T Wfl'f ID>[ Iljnin ;]|i' r[lli<'l!- (l'a\'t Hi 1 !'. \\lliiDlK-i 1 liPTc a>lhv ,-.1 hi.- un\\ ;'..:n-- \\ !':...' ainl ihi- linn- lair'iv 1'i'Dii^lit him (D ill. ii-.- nt hi- -[..-.-h : IDT !,,- i.,-,- in ^-|-..;;t ;uiL;'<'i'. iKvux-'i ih'' I' I'l-iifhinan D!' haNiiiu' iii>iiltt v il him ; a bli>\\ ID]]. i\\ i-,i. aii'l a ihi'-i \\ a- tin- ' !n-t [iiii'jiDi-i aihl uji- slmt'ot' ihf atlair. lla-l llif l-'n-iii-luiiiiii's i-uriusitv IHTII >;iii>ti'-i'.-tin\ h;i 1 \\ : ! :i . .; i;i-;-\\ i-i-.' l'>ri.i'> 1'iillt-; jiiffi-'-'l him. ami tin- wniunl \\a- (h'ri.U-il ID I.,- m, iMi'^h-i 1 nifii an ' ! ii] ii MI a fill! >t< iimii-h : Din- hi-f' i i'' !- . ' ; : ' \\ ilh i ']!!' 'i 1 .-!' at ha\ 111^ - ! i"t ilh- ] r ! ,D\\ Dii -D -!i._;-!ii a |n-"^ m-ritinii. ai.'l u;t> ',:i. .-I aii\;iiii- 1' i m : :.:- i ' i a. i. ' M \ n ii-n.i.' N i: \v L tlino- a matt'-i". and it' there is any way in which 1 can serve you, rest a<-iuvu vm have only to name it, and I will faithfully ["Ti'onii your la-t rei[ue>t.' ' IV// you, my fivn ' .' /i-n.' slid his victim, writhing 1 in tin- agonies of death, 'if YOU will In 1 x< > kiinl as /ill me wczzer zat ".'"* I/mil- IH-I /,-/'\ I xjnilf i>lin!_:'. at OIK- of our metropolitan eating-houses. A waiii-r jire.-enu-d hiniself. ' Vour naiiie i- n'l frttx-Mii. is jr. Suijii'l ', 1 callt-d ' (r'ux- i-n/i.' yonder ' aii'i lie In-<'koue,l to a lad, \\hom In/ had heard eal'h-d LTarcoii, the day before, to do his Lidding! A *\'e have uft.-n laughed at the .-torv of a ]n-r.-ou of ]i|eas- iir_;' adilre.-s and aj'j'earanec, who \\ as eiu-ounteivd on hoard a .-re;;m-]>aeli >\ ei 1 to Calais. It wa> observed, that whenever he ohtaiiK'd an auditor, he \\oiild address him I'oiirteoii-ly, and eniiuiu-neo a discussion of the <[iiali- ti'S of I\\M carriages \\hieh wi-re on the forward deeL 1 i ha' '!'! hi-.;' coach,' sai/i hr. '/.-, a nice 'iiii : hut 1'ieni 'el'e Si'l'atalli'S on the cab, lhelll'> the vnrst oll't. though '' A ^ut! t .i:iaii who heard thoe coarse remark- thric.- iv- ]>ea)ed to fliil'ereiit indivi(lual> bv a ] person of jil.-a-iu^ an-l U'euilenianlike r;xterior, liad the curio-it to inuir" of one 118 DEATH r N T n K 8 c n o o i. - R o o M . who seemed to I'* 1 a companion voyager, why it should happen that hi< language was so strangely out of keeping with his ^v-ueral bearing; when lo ! it transpired that he was ;i Tai'i>ian, sporting the little English IH> ]iad li'Mi'iH^l cf a cockney valet, in a brief stay in London, het'ore hi- countrymen. Many an 'ignorant raimis' on thU side th; 1 water makes himself r<|itaily riilicnlous, in misapplying and mispronouncing the languago of this amliitiotis (laul; speaking it likf the man whom MATTHEWS describes, wlrj hoa-tcd of his perfection in French, hut gave the credit, to its felicitous acquisition: lie Tarnt it of a (Barman, that. Tarnt it of a Scotchman at iMmkirk!' ' Mi Heavens. ! ho\v many bereaved hearts are bleeding at this vorv liour in this ciiy : hearts made desolate in a single moment ! Fiftv children, studying at one in-tnnt in the liushed scliool-room. and the next in eternity ! Sit- ting here to-ui<_dit. -ttith our dear ones about us. \ve slrivl- der with horror while we ",-low with gratitude to the !>:- nevoleiit r>Ki\(. who has -preserved tltc~ti> hitherto.' \Ahnt a sad scene will be the school-room where these departed sufferers were wont daily to meet! Their fellow-pupils and play-mates will sing, in words that 'Young KVICK.' has ju-t been ri-i-atinv,' to hi- iiitlc sister: ' F O R C ED (Jo \ ,S T RUCTION.' 119 They once wore sitting here with us, They sang and spoke and smiled, And they lured to meet us thus, lint they "ve lefl us now, my child. 'Oh wliere, tell me where hare the little children gone? Oh where, tell me wliere have the little children gone? I seem to see their sparkling eyes, I seem t<> hear iheir song; Hut we'll ncrer see them more In the school where we belong ! ' BKARD, the distinguished western artist, mentions the delivery of a conundrum which lie once heard in this state. A tall, red-haired, 'serio-dubious ' sort of over-grown boy, who was 'designed for the ministry, 1 and had jiii-t obtained hi-; 'parchment' from an eastern college, was called upon, at a paiting supper, to ' make a speech.' He excused him- self bv saying, 'I dont know any speech that I can sav neow.' lie was asked for a song. '.No, he never could >ing; feound that out when lie first went to singin'-school.' However, being hard pressed for 'something,' he said, look- ing at and twisting bashfully his long freckled lingers, ; I can tell a conundrum that I made myself last week. It come to me first one night when I was abed, and I made it out next wai>tcoat- pocket a slip of paper, and read: ' What village in 'York State is the same name as the l J rouiUed Lain] '. ' There 120 ua- sunn 1 ' Ji'iiu^ini; 1 . nut ;it l:i-t it \\;i.- 'i;'i\rii up. and ;i '.-ollltion IViill'-Mrd :' ' CtttHtinlil'tiltlil .'* at irll^lh i'V- poimd.'d liir propo-M-r. 1'u; tin 1 ruinpaiiv \\viv Mill ;N imi -h in ilu- dark :i^ CUT: ' Omandai^'iia ! ' I'NX'laiiiH'd a ill I/I'D in a liivatli '. ' \\liv how u'! re is tliriv aiiv ro- scniManri' t<> tJu- ' 1 'roini.-i >! Land?' '('aift s-o iln 1 slii:'!iii-st.' '\\liv. you scr,' >aiil tin- coiiuiulruni-niaki-r, '////,< i- tlif wav on 'i : \ .M)',I must tlivi.'ii' tii'' \\ > >\~' 1. aii'l in - sti-ailnt' fi'/.'-an voii inii-t >av (V-nan/ and tltnm tin- iini-fd I. an !.' ->' ! A i'i-i-tli>< and iiuiu-d u'iill'a\v t'"l!o\\.d tin- k loro'd sti'iii-tii'ii.' \\li!>-h tlh 1 c\]iound'-r nii-''"'k for adinnvuioii. Vint ii a fu'-t -rati- <-onn .\ iiii a \ i-iUlt- rlnii-k!.', thai n :- ! I !'! - rarhinnati' MI. \\'- -hdild n'l lik.- in look at MI 1'i-iu'lil an inti-llri-tual In- ininarv ;,- thi-. IAI'I-II! lliroip. >krd :;'!a--. li ina\ !". na\ 'I '; ; ' -- i 1 i-. a inorlmi ti- jii'oni]'!- the meditative man tu pan-'' and loo hiUTf.v-ivi- >tiiin - - >l\\lv >inkin^' into ti;i-ir iv-iin-'-plar.- in sniiii' ,]Mil li i >f u'l )' i'1-i i-ti. MI : thinking tin' \\'h:',i- ho\\ I''!,.; ''. - :' : '::' ' ' cl, \', ! 1 1 1'.'!] Mill :!r }'.'. llh- [.!-. -Hi : i- h lid-T i- nioul :. Mi.-h ha\'- i n't. -n I'l-.-i, 'iir i^'lits ill i' " 'kii, ;' ! injili-s \\ liirli liavi; ',-''> '' ' ,.i)\ \\ i'lii'i i T h- Ia-1 lii'irt'.' 1 '!] \'i :'1S, Tin: 1' A > T A \ i) P it E s E x T . 121 ].5ut we have been thinking to-day how (could we but know it) tlit. 1 fronts of our earlier edilices would be t'uuud written all over with kindred thoughts, if they who gazed at them rouM have h-i'l the impress of their reflections up- on tip- >t'>iie>. which arrested tlu.-ir attention. T/t>-y are ii'i'ii'.' : yet natuiv is a.- i^'av, th<; sun shines as bright, men are as busy in uvttini;' gain, as in the centuries that are past. All! well mav the thoughtful man exclaim : WHHUE. where are nil the binl.- that .-ang A liuiiilivil years a^j ? The il'jwi-rs that :i!l in heauiy ^p^^]',C A !,i;niliv.l yi-ars ': Tlie li;i~ tiial .-inilcd, Tlie i-yc-ri that wild \Vln, |..M,pi,,l all Uu' i-iiy >tnvi ; , A hill, 'In- 1 y.';ll> (..-"': W:iu li:;i-d tin. 1 chun-h uilh (::<\-* in.xK. A Iiundred years ;^'- : The -iieerin- tale of :>!: frail. Til. l-lut that V,.,::;M A i'Tuthi-r's hurt ; Wlu-iv, O -.vli.-iv ar- [.!..!s and -ne, :. Tin: p.M>r man's hup -, tin- rii'li inari'i f.- That lived ~o Ion- aw'- G 122 A Di-inors DINNKK. ' "\Vn VT meat /> this .'' said a country tanner tin- other had muted him into a I-'ivnch rr>taurant in tin- lo\\n- part if tin- (.'it v, to take a hast v dinner \\itli him; '\\hat meat is it.'' ' It ',- href. I think,' sahl the lawyer. 'I hr count r\ man replied, [ ^ii'-ss not; <]<> n't f'txfr like beef to inc:' and In- regarded tin- am- ]>hiliiou>-lo(ikin^ di>li before him with tln'inditl'ii! soiici- tud.\ At the next iiioiitht'ul. In- laid liis kniti.' and t'^rk hi\vn. and a>krd \\ilh ca^cr riirii >>itv, ' An'i this a /',-.//,// catin'-lionsr ; ' 'It i>,' aiiswcn-d tin- Ia\\\i-r. 'Tiii-n it /s d^'i;'! 1 lie exclaimed, ivnii >\'mL, p the la-t lii"ixel tVum his month, as a >aili >r relieM's hi- ja\\.- \' a tobai-cn-ijiii'l : 'it in 1 1. >LT. and 1 lli'i/i'ilit it wa- ! I r/ d->^ om-f al 'Swa^o. (( >>\vf- if.')in the la-t war. and I know \\hat it i-.' And although it \\ a- an exei'lleiit I'e-tanrant at \\hii-h ih'-v \\ej-e ilmniLT, SI.P '_;Teat \\.a- h:- pl'eju : - :i_':i:n-t i!i>' 1'i'i-neh riiisine, that he r.illld ll'M he pel'-liaded to ta-ie aimlhei' lmir.-e|, \\ hell lhe\ \\rre \Nalkilr_;' huliie hi' -aid (n hi- (Vl'-lid : ' M\ lli'iu'll- |,i ir JUM-;-, \\ a- d> >u n t> < ' \ > 'i'k once, and liein^; \ en !'"iid a' sassi-iiLi'ers, In- wi'iit int 1 ' an e;itin'-.-hop io ^et soiii* 1 . \\"hi!e he was ;i hi-ariii" of "i-ni tV\ , hi--!n' and sputterin' away, a man wa- !iii\'in' -omf of 'cm raw al the ('<>miter, a:nl u Idle hr \\ a- a t vin" if '. m up, a ehap route in \\ ith a I'n/.-eap and a dirt\ ilrat> * .-ii-toui." ainl laid ilown a little Imildle at the fur-eend o' tllf nnmter, lie lunkeil at the T j; A \ s r o s ]: i) C A r s ]: A N D K r r j; c T .' l^:> keeper, and see In; \v;is a little busy ; so lie said, lookin' shy at liiiu as he went out, says lie, k 'Ta'nt no matter ;ibuiit the monev it'j>'', but that maki-s clo'cn,' 1 p'intiif to- ward the bundle. JUNKS looked at the bundle, and he savs In' see the k/'H'l of a ait stickin' out at the eend, \vith IOIIM- Miiellrs onto it as long as his linger! lie left (hut >h<>]> 'inaxin ijuiek, and han't never eat a sassenger seiice ! ' Mo.>r persons have heard, perhaps, of the direction '_n\en by a gawk to a traveller: 'You go down this road, till you come to Squire JONES' house, which always stands bv a little yaller dog.' An amusing continental traveller, (who was so 'iiiditt'ereiit' to natural scenery that he rode around the lake of (/eneva in a char-a-banc, with his back to the lake.) adopts a similar transposition. lie tells us that the (Jeriimu universities are 'ahvavs placed at the scutx nf <-ark the t'.-.'ble coach-hurses on toward the next one, did not awaken mure ludicrous associations. On; friend l)ri;<;i:ss, of the well-known house of IH'R- GESS, STKINCI:I; AND ('OMI>ANV, tells a capita! anecdote of himself, \vhieh should not be altogether privat'-ly % hu>he'l 124 .A B o o K s r. i, i, I-; i; A T C A \r i- - M i; i: T i >r G , ii}.' He is a memher of the Methodist ('liuivh ; :unl hein^- nt a eamji-ineetin^ near Sin^-Sin^. la-4 -ummer. he hail. tlh 1 misfortune, after tun nr three davs/ uiul iiii>'hls' atti'iul aiicc, in fall a-Uv|' in tin: mii.l>i nt' a | ">\\ ,-rl'ul si-nmni. h. \va> just after the Nr\v-Vork Trailf-S.-ih' of Imnk-. ami Mr. r>i'i;<:i:-s Avas drcainii)^ 1 llu'ivnf; and to the searching quest ioniiigs nl tlir <|ieakrr. ' AV ill ymi ;mv luiiu'er delay . ; \vill \i i>'iii-. ea^vrlv, as lie aunke. ainl >lar<'d \vi!dl\ around him. \\lu-i: he sa\v everv bndv .-taring >till nmi'r -\\il.ilv at him, an. I. the minister himself petrified \\ith aina/.-'iiieni ' THE ' comju-tence' nf the tiller nt' the m nintc haji]iiiie lhali ' u'l'eal \\ealth, : e\(Mi \\hi-n uiii'iieiini- lieivd. \\ e are iinl in-fii-iM" 1.1 the value nf inonev. < Mn remark was jM.'mt'd a- ' ihe n'ltufs ihai \\c-.-ihh hriims'. hut ihe . ' I in n't ynu linn/r mi- : ' sail I a \ nnn ai': er i he eri- sis/ (n a Irii'ib 1 of ' had i' innei'l \ heei, intimately aeijuainted : dn n'l you r< m< mini' me' My Maine!-- .' '('-nod lu-a l-ail'l l.n l>. iSMl'le. ' L-X- T i: I i \ ' , i. ' i. ' i M u \ i- i i ': claimed i.iiii 1 Irirnd ; whv, ha.-- \\roiiglil .-ucli , change in your appi-aram-.- .' \Vheiv '> your lluiii'i>hing In-ad of hair.' where 's your l!-h gone.' what's put i!iar bnid in voiir Lack.'' 'The tim<- ! tin; tiini.-.s ! ' i'--pii d th'- j"r,r i-irh niaii : ' a< t'.'i 1 my bark. I l>r"k<- that la-t yi-av, iii'dii'j huti-Ji ; ,-oino < A' tin/in v,vtx- \x-ry ln-aN'v.Sr- A u'li-v- di> ainl uini-cesurMi no doubt tln-y were; ainl !IM\V much br'.U'i 1 was tin 1 ri<-h man's wt-altli," \vitn iis i.-arkinu' raves, than tin.' abuinlaiiri:' of the- c'-nU'iiti'ii nurlininV- ^ Tin-: following anru-ing adventure, irivr-n by a corro- spoiidrnt wfitiiiLT from Butialo, actually took place in the t"V\'ii of M , in < 'hi-', tu'o yi.-ai'.-- a ;_''. ; l''ai'iiii'r ha'.l t\\o 1 1 au ^hlvrs. \ci'\' iiiLC-rfSiiii^ 1 voim^- ia'lic-. vi.'t in ilfir ti.M.'iis. who ud.v quite romantic in tlu-ir notions. 'L'iie father was an ai'istocratii: membor nf tin- liajiiist rhuivh, and of course was vt;rv jiartii.-ular as t" the 'conipanv ' his gills >lnmld ' koi.-p.' XDW it happriK-d that ti.--" t\v.-> pretty Li'irl- bocaiiKj ac^uaint'-d with a coupl'i "f voung burl-:-, rl^rk- in an adjoininii 1 village, and, to use a common phrase, 'took quite a -hyin' to vm.' To this tin; old gen- tleman 'A a- \ '!'} nnirh '.j[''-'-d. as h.- intrndrd t matrh his dau_L'iil<.-i'S hiiiiM-h'. ii'ii ' "i u as no u.-e ' la'kiui;' 1" thi.'iii : wiiilr \vcrk ai'l'-r wi.-ek woj-c; awav, aud foiunl thu vouiiii 1 m..-n constant visitors. At Iciin'th. in "rdt.T to <.'ii- 1 26 T HE C A T (' II ]: II C A IT G H T . force obedience, the old man ti>uni poor tradesmen. Tin- >v,ert girls were accordingly con- fined mi Snndav afternoons in the hack bed-room in tin.' second story, \vhirh fronted the barn-yard; a verv I'cinan- tic 'look-out.' I'nder the window was a pile of >u>ne.-, \vhieh had been left after repairing the cellar-wall in that corner. For two or three successive Sabbath evenings, the usual period of visiting their inamoratas, the lovers had climbed, by means of the sheet- of the l>,-d. whieli w.-n Jet down from the window by the heroic u'irls, up to the apartment of their imprisoned lovers, and from nightfall nntil rosy morning did revel in the "ambrosial deliyht of love's young dreams.' Hut this clandestine eourt>hip could not 1>e continue(l without l-ing at la>t diseovei-c.l. < >ne loveh Sabbath, jn>t at twilight, the father, coming in from the barn, thought he >aw something rather ominous hanging out of the back-window; so he walked noi^h^.-lv around to ascertain the ' nature ' of it. There IUHIL;' the fatal ' tiai; 1 of surrender;' and the old man, giving it a plight jerk, commenced the ascent, lie was lifted gently from oil' his feet, and felt him>elf Li'radnallv "rising in the world.' 'T was a very h>a\y \seMit, the dau^hler- tlp'U^'ht: and to t.'ll the (ruth, ii "' a ei irpuleiit 'bod\- (''rj'orate' at whieh the\ \\ pet'nll\ tn^^in^ 1 awa\'. SEEING u K s K L v i; s . 127 But ID ! his head had reached the window-sill ; and now, just as his old white hat appeared above the window, his alfectjoiiate daughters 'dropped him like a hot potato;' and. with something like the 'emphasis of a squashed apple-dumpling,' tin.' old man came in instant contact with mother Karth : while the two knights of tape-and-scissors, who were not far off, enjoving the scene, 'made hasty track- from the settlement,' leaving nothing behind them but bodily miserv, horror-stricken damsels, and their own coat-tails streaming on the cool night-air ! ' A FOG lay over the broad expanse of the Tappaan- Zc-e. at I >oi;i! his Ferrv, the other morning. There is a small but I'ffij long-eared donkev at that place, the lluce- plialu- of a juvenile play-mate of ' Young KNICK.,' whom al>o hore from ^iirht. Sir JOSHUA ]ii-:v\oi.i)S. in one of hi< lecturer, says that the horizon-lino of the 'great and wide sea,' in mid-deep, is one of tin- \\\<\ striking emblems of the intinit'- and the eternal to be found in all the wurks of the Al.MMilllV. \Ve thought of this while \, >, , king off ujion th" dim (and at the time boundle--) wa-te of waters l/efoiv us; ;unl then eaiiir ill-' thought of \ \roi. i-:o\ at Saint Helena. IIIUMIIL( 1'V the >olemii >ln>ix- i,f the v;t ocean \vhich formed the \\aterv \\iilK of his island-prison : and so strong \\asthe la>t impre.->i' >n, that, mounted ;ii \\<- \\c\-c. \ve lieo'ail to frrl. ill that lllulllcllt of I'eVerii'. that \\r "v-/r N Ai'oi.KtiN. takiiii 1 ; our e|Ue,slrian exercise <;' a ninrniiii;-. ami Ii/^kin^ di'iij)"!! tin. 1 M-a ; \v]|.-u ail at once, an unniistrikaMo jtneuili- voice, that is u>uallv ' music to our oars,' 'let down the jn'^'that liel.l up om- inu-iiiu>, \vith the nntinn-ly. and \ve mav add uin-allcd-for remark. acco]ii])auii;d l>\ a !"i;d laMuli. that wa- >ur-lv uu- iierfs>arv if inn uulieei iiniiii; 1 : 'It'thei'i i-- n't I'\'IIII-:K "ii ItrNKKv! /tu/r !n liink*!' < Mil- imaginary XAIMH.KON vaiiislioi.1 a> iiuicklv at tiii-- interi'iiption M^ did HAMJ.KT'S father's ^'ho-t \\hen he '>nielt the innrniii'/ air:' ant! we ' sa\v ourselves as other.- saw u- : ' a 1'iped. c-lad in a thin linen eoaU I'l'oad-l'i'iiinned lioekv-iiioimtain fur hat, (a present iV"iu " lir.i.i.AcnscA," uo\\ ,.f ih:;! ilk.) .-.att-il on an ass, and a little ,,iie at thai 1 As we turned him to '^n Itaek, liaviuu' --ati-ii-d ihe M-ntiuieiit,' his saddli- turned too, and \\e fell to the ground, a di>tam-e. p.-i'h:t|>s. tVom tile |(,|, nf hi- liaek. of M'JUe 1 1] I'ee feet. No ItollOS Uel'e ln-okeii : hut we did n't like tin' report of the unimportant eireUlll.-tatiee \vhlel] -\>:\ili^ l\ \ I K. iiol'e to hi- mother: ' K.U'iiKU n'ot threw troiii I >i \K;\ !' Tln-tii'!' lhaiVa o-oml st\lc ot' grammar to }>*_ n--d \<\ tin son of an Kiinou! JAR VIS AND THE F R E X C H M A X . 129 All this may seem ridiculous : but why might we ?zo have fancied ourself XAPOLEOX, amidst the kindred outward accessories of his last position ? Supposing' our dress and steed were not warlike Is it the uniform that makes the captain \ If it is, we should like to know it ! WE heard the other afternoon, from a proved racon- teur, who has no rival, either orally or with pen in hand, a storv of JAUVIS'S, the distinguished painter, which made us quite ' elastic ' for half a day. A mercurial yet misan- thropic Frenchman, who, to ' save himself from himself, used often to call upon JARVIS, had an ' Old Master,' a wretched daub, whose greatest merit was its obscurity. Being ignorant of the hoax which had been played upon him in its purchase, he set a great value upon it, and in- vited J ARVIS to oorne to his room and examine it. JARVIS did so ; and to prevent giving its possessor pain, he avoid- ed the expression of an opinion ' upon the merits,' but ad- vised the owner to have it cleaned ; it being 'so dirty that one might easily mistake it for a very ordinarv painting.' Some four or five days afterward the Frenchman called upon the painter ; and the moment he entered his apart- ment, he exclaimed: 'Ah! Monsieur JAUVEES, I 'ave pomeVing to tell you ! My graand picture is dcs-troy' ! no worn' a d n any more ! I get ze man to clean 1 30 F A u i: \v i: i. L T o I) o r, i: ' s F i: R i; v, him : \vr' LTooJ : !; \\:u-!i him all <>ut \vi> de turpeutime ! Ah! i:' [ c him! -I v.\.;uion when it came huine in that condition.' ' X<\ no. M-r-'^iir.' ropliod tlie Fvi'nrh- >-. pitt'ul \- '!K' : I am :.- >t >tn -ii-j man U' be all-TV i \v:ti s-i-c-k ! ' Ii i- ui ic "f !:." \\:UTII. !"\\ iuf-v:i;ii\ .i:.\- late C'etuLcr. ^CIII;L;' IVNK'K. an hmu 1 a^' 11 . n. a ura--\ ravin,; ( .}' a hill idt- u' 1 ' u ' A :,.'!.-: ':'.>" :' \\- >um- inc-r liunors. h,-lp, I u< t-. 1 rn>! : _ ' k 1-1 ,.f fa'.h.-d leaves : ;,\'. li:iVf U-t-U lyini;-. h." ikiiiLf oti' tin ri/xlo up' 'ii tho ch-hiir \vo"ds ov.-r th- T;n']';i;t!i /_(.-. and the patches of ta!l-\\ht:at. i.'f matchl - _' '.. tl ai i-v th<-m. t"\vanl th-- rivor. I. lui :.: :\ ; ''' i 1 i t-chal v/i;h the litt'.'j -Tun . ;-!> a-.:d i-. iiiin'.inii'u- ti"ii- from ' - lay i upon our Utl'k- ::.''''' i"-n i~ \v]i:'.t II.\ I.I.KCK tonns F A 11 E W ELL T O D O K ]j ' S F E R R Y . 131 Ti- wf-ll at tinifcs to mope and ML'!], If oiie rail i'i\e - tri'-kle 'I'j;i one's no.-e : Its fi.ibg.- i.if'i. aii'! nicaiiuw.-i .-ere; G"r:_vri:i-. w;t;i all it- bnivory on, (Y>I/ir.i' v-i'.ii !>".-!} ln ^uinriKT eve? Ma' 1 ." inij-if :n tlio troiubiin^ !eavc-.s : Tli.-r l.-avt-. I.riK-ath whu-,- sha.!- the c"b- Ar.-l now I staici n;,.-.n 'I..- wbarf. \Vi.i:.. -i,.,"!- o'ir favorite Ai:;;ow' oil': A:,.; -!i:i in th.'ii.-ht 1 '.. .! :-.f;ir Tl.c ;n"t u-h,r,. rn\ i ' s F i; u i; I'.nt stivuiu-r. -ta_v. nor pram-in;: cob, Nor wlu-rry, May bear my yearning heart to Duiiii, His Ferry!' 'Tii'd to tin- roaring city V wheel, AVlu-r.- oninilai tlirir thunders ]io(J; I'riit up mill iMMiiiils \\ln-ri- \i<'r is mir^od, AVIiuiv man \vith many a i-aiv i.- cin^ud, One livi-s amid a srrlhin^ mob, Half torri- l-'ii'd v, itii M-I-IH > uhkiiou n a! ' I olili, Hi.- \\ :;,. 'J?halii'. sliaki' your i;./> -.-in.!.-, t ' Time : \iiil ;' ; riiin ; llriii- its L'lii'l u'aU'< to wall mr l.ark, I'p tin- l.ri.a.1 Hmlsou's -i.:u-k!iii_- track ! The vi.-ion maker- m\ pa]-.- throb; I '": All work-day llioui:!its and mu.-e on D.uui, Hi- Ferry : ' ' \Ylioeversliul] visit 'Doius's' tin- n^uin^ winter, and the picasant (l"ini<-il \vliirh \\,. inhaliil'-il tlinv, \\ill on ox- ;iini iiatii Hi tiii'l picccr-; of r)lt] K MCK.' sticking t<> tin 1 door- ]io.-t> ; ivtniiifd tlnTi- in tlie di.-]i;irtiiig struggle of the final adieu. x r M r, K K six. Tin-: <;KNTI.I-;MAN IN KI.ACK: Tin: STAHAT MAIKI:. cuM'NJii'.rM* A i'UAiil- ( \i. CINI:: A 'ii:iiji'Ti: TO AI:I KLI.IOTT AMI INMAN: AN 01:11, INAL ' : \ ):K\ ri:r.Mi ,II:I:I:MY i>n>i>i.Ku: A MTI\ i: IN Tin: MI:TII<>- i 1 . '!.!.-: AN M'NF'iin i'N ATI: MJ;MN I'l.i i:n : A T\\"'.'-I:IM,I.II < > iMi'i IMKN i : A MAN <>i' Tin-: Wnr.I.l)'> ADVU'i:: SE.N'ATUHIAI. l;nS-\luT: A MTSICAL I-INTII 1>L\T I i.'ll) IX -NATl'l'.r. A i, A c K . in spile nf \\\^ taciturnity. At length, in tin 1 middle of the niedit. era-h ! went ill-- e"aeh. and the unlucky 'outsidcs' were scut headlong into the ditch. There was a world of work in repairing "lainaii'i's, and ^atla-rin^ to^-ctluT tin: linijiin^ pa-M-n^crs. ,) ust as they were al"Hit st-ttinn' "11. the coachman \vas attractod l>v a voice from a diloli, whore lie found M'inc one, white as a miller (Voiu rolling do\\n a cJialkv baids". The I "nkimwn jirayed in piteous voice tor assistance. l ^ h\- \\hotliedeiice are you ;' cried coaehec. 'Ala-!' replied, ill-' "the]', iii a ("tie half-whimsical, liall- plainii\e. I'm ill,. <;< ,,//,,, i, * in tt!ni!i I- n Ii ,: li'in : i (i mi 1 ' c! :iil'i'-ta I ! ., ,-],,,li,.t^ \! .-,- : ',' i .' " 111, ;it : I'lllli \ N ii. A PRACTICAL Co N u x n u r; M . 1 35 the original, yet the reader will be struck with the true spirit of the rend'; ring : XHAU the cross the MOTHER weeping Stood. her watch in sorrow keeping While was hanu'in:,' there her SON : Throtu.'li her %voi\l was run. Was .-hr then, the M..Tin:u l,U->si-..l, Wh.. the, suk-beu'uUuii ],,,re; As .-he saw His pain Mi.l an-uibh, bhe .lid tremble, she, did laii_'ui>h, Weep, her h.'ly udi a thini; a- a practical conundrum, which is Hot amis-. '] k a-lu-a". SAM,' -aid a wc-tcrn IH-^IM ono day t" a lirld-hand o\vr the ft-ncc in an adjoining lot; 'look a-ht-a'. .r you sec. dat tall tree down dai 1 :' ' Yaas, liM, I due?..' ' \Yal, I iro up dat tret.- day 'l'\->- \Wdv to de b.-rv top.' 'Wat was you a'ter, SAM ? ' '1 \va> a'u-r a VOOD ; an' -\\Yii T<.1 rlia>-d 'iin 'Tar out tot' oddT fvnd o' dat lonoys' linih, I li'-ani sunilhi dro]. \\ "at Vou ^u<-s \ \\as SAM .' ] >' you invr 'in ti]i ''. "J">r,ix ( //.v ,/ f f f,*,U*h /"'.-ii linii'in' 'b> nit ever iuetj ! ' \Vl. do Hot kl)o\v \\brll \\r ha\i- (/ll'-oU!ltT<-d a lllol't! t'orcibli' tril'Uti- to an Aliifrican jiortrait-jiainter tlian i> i-mi- taiiK-d in tli- following '-Mi-act tVom a Icttfi- \\liit-h a di>- tin^ui-h'-d {'"r'-i^ii'-r. at jin-.--nl si ' iiiniin^ in this count rv, r.-c'-ntlv rccfi\-c(i i'r<>m hi- wit'c, now roideiit in i.^ndon. Tlio ]i'i a^-'' n-t'i-r- to tin- ]>r:iait of the nvni It-man in (jHt-ti'-n. a iii'-t >]"-akiiiL;' iikt-iif-s of tin- original : 'At la-t 1 can aniiouiicr to von tin- >alf- arrival of tin- l"!ii;-cx- pcctr'il tn-a-surc. your dt ai' jiortrait. ^"itli what di-li^lit I '_;!' '! i -d it. i- l-\"und iny ji.i\\-r in cxjirys:?. Mv impatience to b<-li old \ oil r pi'-tuivd count i nanc.' indui-i-.l nit"' to attt-mpt t'"> opt-n tho lmi:<- parkinsr-ra-''- unai'L-d. and I ^-mn siif- <-f. d'-d in ivk-a.-.ii!^' it iron; i;> bonda _;<>; and to niv licart 1 .- delight I once more Mir\e\ed voiir perfect image! 'I'd m\ idea, it is in nil rc.-pecls a complete resemblance of \our- st-if; and cverv dav -I am more and more impressed with this opinion. I send vou a thousand thanks lor this to nut invaluable present. It is a treasure J would not pan \\ilh for an v earthlv consideration. Still 1 in/txt. tell vou that it maues me feel more unhappy and more disconso- late at our teinporarv separation ; and so re>tle>s am 1 to stirvev voiir likeness, so truly depicted, that scarce a ni^ht, pa>ses without, my procuring a light and dwelling upon it, while all is stillness around me. Present my compliments to the artist, and say that 1 am more grateful to him than 1 can find words to e\piv>s, and that lie has conferred the gtvatc.-t happiness on me that thi> \\orld can atl'ord, ii"\i to that of sending me th-' original.' 1'he artist here allu- dfd to is Mi 1 . * '. L. Ki.i.ioTi, \\hosi' studio i> in an upper room of the Ait I nion Uuildings, liroaduay. Trnlh to say, the encomium pa>se\ the pa! roiia L;V which he has sectireil iVom the I'-'si sources in the mi'iropoli>. A lew weeks lii'fore. the death of the lanient- ed Ill'.MJV Ix.MAN, that line artist \\ as 111 the >tlldio of Nil 1 .'ii'. After surveying tin- portraits of \\\< lad >! .-ilh-rs \\ith a painter's eve and a painter's scrutiny, he >ai/ portrait, and I \\ill paint \"UrV in ivturti.' ' 1 shall only Iw too -lad ti iln so/ replied Mr. Ki.i.ion : I cannot h> !p think in- tliat I should l>e aole t,> iil'tain a characteristic lik'-ne^s of you.' ' YcW answered I N M AN. (in a m aiim j r which \\ v could *< < .) pa-Mii- his Iiaii'l over hi- fact', \\itli a significant ".v-ticulation : 'ye.-. I think you couM: t\-atur<-s plain and Mckv 1/orAv/ /' \Vi-ulil that any N'cw-Yorkt'i 1 po>sosscd at this niouieiit a jxirtrait of our departed friend, such as lie know KI.I.IOTT could li.-ive painted '. ' \\ 1111.1: I am on the sul>jeet ot' 'originals,*' \sTite.- an C^teellled Solltliel'li tVielld, l|o\V a S.-Hat"!' of the 1'llited State.-. allow me to l'rin_f to your notice a spcriuieii : I \\a-~ in the ollicc ot' a l-'ifal friend sonic t;nie since, when a dilajiidateil >peciiii--n of huinanitv. lu-ariiiLj full traces of the w,-ai - and tear ot lite, cnnie in. He addr^^-ed him-elf at onc'e to the proprietor of the ollice : ' ^"oiir servant. Sir. T set- liefoiv in,'. | pre-iiiii'-, that distinguished lawver. ,' naming m\" trieiid. 'I uivst-lf. Sir. am in aflinitv to the l.'-al prof,-.-ioii. I ;iin the son. Sir. of a di-tin pii-hed advocate in the < Md 1 loininion : my iianie. L \NCI> I.OT I.VM.lK'i I.INi; ill, I;,--. . I',-;,,] l.AMTIor l.\M,|I\ I.I NO. i live in the State "f - 1 l,-;|c]| ;| lillle. 1 A HE V E 11 K N D J E 11 E M Y 1) 1 D 1J L E II . 1 39 Sir. As the poet says, ' These tatter'd robes my poverty bespeak.' The people of my region, Sir, arc poor, and ran afford me luit litlle help. I said, ' I will seek tho wealthy of another State: tlioy sliall minister to my wants.' I came hither to iind them : but do you know, Sir, that external appearance has its effect upon men '. Yes. sir, it Itus ; and therefore, before I sought the wealthy I came to the wise, who regard not exteriors, but look to the mind. 'Worth makes the man, and want of it tho fellow ; the rest is all but leather;' and indeed, Sir, then- is very little 'leather 5 about mo, as you may easily per- ceive by looking at tho tattered condition of mv boots. Now, Sir, I will be grateful for i/aur contribution. ^Mv wants are simple mv desires fe\v. 1 have a small plan- tation, on the top of a high hill; the plantation very small, but the hill \vrv hi^'h. A log-house graces its brow ; a beautiful \\ell of splendid water is there, Sir; an orchard of benevolent. fruit-trees is there also, (1 call them benevo- lent. Sir. because thev give both sustenance and shade to me, and '"l'is s\\vi-t to sit K'nciith the sluulo Tli;U voiir ci\vii iinlii>try \\M\i imnlr: Something of tlie poet, too. Sir, as you see:) and T am there also when 1 nut tin-re; but at present the school- master (myself, Sir) is abroad, and mv mi \\\ is three- fold: FII;>T: I want clothes: mv jonnieyings and THV lal'Ol'S ha\e |irnil'_;lll K-i.l hai'll- lljioll me. (K\CU-e till' jiiiu. S;r: ii i- ;; ci ille^v tailini;'. ' \ < >u may l>ivak, YOU n:a\ ruin tin' vase it' \ ~ -' v. ; . . , n ;. r there -nil. ) Scroxn : 1 u ant inniiry ! ' l'ii\' a >iii.'iii iif^i'ti li>>\: uiit.' that I can call. >n ni\' ri-tui'n tVnin inv various tnivt-ls, and >av t" him: \\o\\. SAM. TOM. r wliati-Vfi 1 In- name luig'lit In-, 'Take niv li' >)>. anil carrv liitn to the stal>lc : ' I.a-t an.] n<>l least, Sir, 1 \\ant \viuv--a-h<'< f.r our church. v\hieh \\ e call ' M.'iml /ion.' I \\aiii |'Hlty aii'l ija--. o|- nioiiev lo |itiv t li.'iii : ' An.] //'// >"!' i- ca 1. Mi. I. IN...' sai.l my iri.'ii.l, ' alii) inv uni i> of an ymi, vuii aiv \vi-l- roine to it.' Will !i\c .l.-llar- !.. ' -: an\ MTvici' to nic ; \Yi!l a -mart -];. . iv lam 1 ' \\\\\ \ !:.r-v >iic.' of . . .;' an\ ~.-r\ ice 1, . a liun- -T\ lra\ .'''i r .' ^ .-.--!..'. '//].,.!' U-- l-i me ! ! i- 1 \ . iii km i\v \\ ',; ' i . i- -urn. v. hich I am i '.'. pri Mill In . .' N a\ . ^ir. \ .MI imi-i kiii.\s ' tu kin >\\ . I \\ i! I Mirch.-i-..- a pair A Pt i: v K n K N i) J ]: n K MY D i o D L E R . 141 of hoots for myself, with part : the balance shall be invest- ed in [iiutv and y'lass lor the aforesaid church. And nu\v fare \\eil ! A mors.vND LiU-A-ing*. ,..itl, thy ban!, A thousand joy* to tlk-o; A litv-tinir 1'V im Mirrott- inarr'il, A .1,,'Utli lY'iiu ^imuNh t'iv<:.' it ever you come t , Sir, conic- to me. ^<>u will be welcome t" the Imme. { ih,- ]n-ari, to the hospitalitv, ol' i..\..N('i-:i.oT L.\NOI.I:V LINO. Onco more. Vnh ! ^ 'And away lie went. 1 saw him the next dav in the streets. He had on a line pair of boots, and 1 tn-mbk-d for the putty iuve.-tmeiit. <>nce more we met, and he no longer looked like 'the man all tattered and torn, that kiss'-d the maidi'ii all forlorn,' for he was dressed in a full suit, of broad-cloth; siipi-rtine,' and as FAOIN said, with the heavy-swell cut.' Whether he ever succeeded in iv- aii/.inu' funds for all the simple and few wants and desires of his heart, I know not.' TIIKKI. ^'"''^ U'j'am thai -<1eam->hriek of tin- lucuiMoti\f, on \\\t- Il.ihUon Iii\-(-r rail-i'oail ! \'>\\\ it. N moriiinn 1 no\\ ; ;inil in.-ti-ad of convevin^' wondering iu'W-coiner> to th..' nii-iropolis, it i> c-arrvniL;' countrv-born meti'opohlaii- '.ntc.> thi- vorv mid-t of thrir old associations. 'I hi-v ai'f pa-.-!ii_;', bv the ' ^oili'i'-forth of the wavs,' /'rum the -'real citv : 14'2 A M o i; -\ i N <; L u c o M o r i v !; . they louve the ' roaring of the wheels,' ami the thousand sights and sounds \\hich have long been i'ainiiiar to tin-in; tht-y pa-s tlie 'out-squirts,' as Mr-. .I'AirnNin'oN terms the suburb-, and anon the horixon begins to widen ; tin- river broaden* to the Tappaan-Zec ; tlie surburban villas, gleam- ing upon thi.' shores, arc left behind ; the hills, the aneietil hills, arise, ' whose summits freexe in the lieree light and old ;' and beyond all, 'lies the vast inland, stretched be- yond the sight;' an inland, at this spring-season, uhere the countrv-bivd traveller sees in his mind'.- eve the blue smoke curling up from the maple-sugar ' ,-ap-\\ ork- ; ' smells the bass-wood 'spouts,' ('gouge'-split and thin- ' whittled ' before the ]-nsive i'\eniiiLT tire of spring,) ami inhales the odor of the red-cedar buckets : lie recalls the, deep, -sploshv' >ii"W, throiiL,'h which he tramped. ' neck- yoke' on ^houlder. to brill '_r I he lll-cii His jlliec to the ' stolV- troK'^h.' [ire\ious to being poured into the dark-boiling, low-murmuriiiLC ' ]io|-a->h-kettles ; ' and he remembers \\ell the look-' "!' ihe vari-colorcd f'/i/ii//, \\ith an iiinler-surlaci! \\liiter than the line-| of our friend KOSIUCK, which Li'i'e\\ upon lln- [ifostrate ami decavin^ monarch- of the t'orc--t, o\e|- which lie >t rode, on Ins ' >weet ' mission. 1'tM'liaps he mav remember ;i -no\v-sionn too. hk'i- this in which we \\rite, when hi- liumb'le co) \sas -hut uji b\ the elements; when the turkevs and geese, the cocks and hen-, came up the high snow-banks and pecked at the windows; Ax : U x r o n T r x A T i: M K M o n y .' 1 -1 3 when the long icicles, button-ribbed, like the end of a rat- tle-snake's tail, hung scarcely-dripping from tlie eaves ; and the little folk \vnuld open the outer door, move a step or two from it, tlie vvhili' of a snow-shower-bath taking away their breath in tlie mean time, and, half .-hrinking, half in sport, pierce two or three deep yellow holes in the bank, and then m--h shivering into the house figain. But there's the last, the dving sound of the steam-whistle, awav in the stormv distance ! HEARD a little incident to-day, which striiek us as a verv graphic illustration of the hurrv with which surgical operations are sometimes resorted to. A brave officer, who had been wounded with a musket-ball in or near his knee, was stretched upon the dissecting-table of a surgeon, who, with an assistant, began to cut and probe in that region of his anatomy. After a \\hile the .-ubjeet ' said : * Don't c-ut me up in that style, doctor! What are YOU torturing me in that cruel wav for ! ' 'We are looking after tin- ball,' replied iht- senior operator. \\'hy didn't you snt/ so, then, before '.' a>ked the iji- diu'iiant patient. 'I 've <^ot the ball in mv po<-ket !' said he. puttinir bis hand in his wa'iMeoat. and taking it out. 'I took it out myself,' he added; 'did n't I unntion it to you ? T mciuit to ! ' 144 I \ r i. i- i: ,\ / A i. P o i; T u y . ' Ar-C'UKK ! at-dill!' \\\-ha\i> rail^'liT lln- ' Idllu- ril/a !' That la-t \sa- tin- Mxl.-.-dth tiU- \\i_- "vt/ sdiv/i-d id ii\i- hiduu-.. \\V Ye In-fit trxidi; t<> .-i'l; 1 tin- Inlloui^- .<..' o-, but 1-ad..- had w.ti'k (.douyli nt' it : I'.y HAKY-AHDK i-: like tlif snd WluM at tl;o iluwtl it Ilid-s Jt.~ LTol.U-.l >},\\^ of liicht U[M),1 Kiirtli's L'r.-eil :iM lovely thiVs. M vai.l I :-ur: I i.Mly wi.l Fn.tu )i< i' a M-niMfnl Irowil ; T.!i: - 1 ..- I !-\ JM:;V, T- Sllr rl'io.-. ' Hi ll,,! l.C.MMo:' ' i!y n.\i:Y-Al>i'F i- likr tlir 1 1. AVlu-.l li Awn , .. >,,(( nulo, lliit I! M'\ \ !'!: . : irk. -I di-Iit, i',i 1, . I!, i (! . ligl/t, ll.-r J'n ;. c.w.l : I ', IH!I,...| iii l.> Mi'ife, . i : l\ Sclioliafi' 1 i-"i int y,' \vrit<'S , 'in dl'li^iiiLT friend. iln-iv liv- a man win* i! ; to hn'l'aliity i-- -udi that liis iialiir ha-- l)cci)]iif a h\-A\"l'd all : a ri'jH'Diicli : hill h\- >oiili: inl.-nial tln'i'iimiiii'ti'i 1 In- si ^r;idil;itc.s In- i.ath- a- l inak.- thi.-)ii aj'jilv li; tin- }it-<:iiiiar ca-c in hand : tlic ^n-ati-r the 1 T \V O - E It G E D C O M T L I M E X T . 145 mishap or cause for anger, the stronger and more frequent his adjurations. His business is that of a gatherer of ashes, which he collects in small quantities and trans] torts in an ox-cart. Upon a recent occasion, having by dint of great labor succeeded in lilling his vehicle, lie started tor the ashen;, which stands upon the brow of a steep hill ; and it was net until In- reached the d<>or that he noticed, wind- ing it- tortuous course down the long declivity, a line of white a-hes, while something short of a peck remained in the carl. 'The dwellers l>v the way-side and thev that tarried there ' had assembled in great force, expecting an unusual anathemal di>play. Turning however to the crowd, the unfortunate man heaved a slid), and simplv re- marked : ' Xeighbors, it 's no use; I can't do justice to II,, subject!' Vituv ,-lv and ' smart ' i> the following anecdote, which we find unattribtited to any particular source, in a religious journal of this eitv : 'JosiAs WIN SLOW was one of the (ar!\' governors of the Massachusetts colony. It is said that at hi-; funend the Ilev. Mr. WITIIERELL. of Scitnate, prayed th;it 'the governor's son might be half equal to his father.' The Ifey. Dr. G.\u J [ITCIICOCK observed after- \vard, that tlie 'prayer was s<> very reasonable, it miglit have been hoped that GOD would ^rant it: but he did n't r ' 1 46 W o n i. n i. Y W r WONPKII it' there aiv not some people in the world that
  • actually reason after the cool manner of the phi- losopher who L^ives this S;IOY> advice to hi- friend .' .lii-t as likely as not. AYe know M>?IIO citi/eiis \vlio art iuvordini;' to such advice, 'any wav' : 'The duties ot' lit'c aiv i \vo-tolil : our duty to otliors and our duly to niir-i'lvcs. < Mir dn:\ to ourst-l\fs js to make ourselves as comfortable as pos- sible : our duty toothers is to make them assi>t u>. to tin/ best of tlu.-ir ability, in so doin;j. This is the plan on which all respectable persons act. Adhere strictly to truth whenever there i- no occasion f-r lyiiiL; 1 . I""- pr.rn'cularly ear-'ful to conceal no one circnn>tnmv Ilk, 1\- t" r,' 1 "!!!:.! to yi"'Ur er-dit. If i: bo for votir interest lo lie. do >o. ;in.l do it boldly. \o (mo votilJ \voar t'al-e hair who !i-i'i hair of his own. but he \sho has none, mu-t "f cour-e wi ; ar a ^vicr. A v.'i^'. you see. irn youno; iViend, i> ^'nn.lx :i lie with hair on it. I i any diflVreneo between f: hair and a fa 1 -" a--ert;on. In tact. I think a lie ,-; \, r\ useful iiivi-iitioii. ' ' coat or a pair of bre-e.-i --s ; it serve- : \ I'-'t' do n't throw \ i, ur l;d-i- ficatio!:- av. ay. r> onomy. S..HK- -illy per sous would lr" ak tlio truth. N> >\\ if voii \vci'' to aft i'; d.cpar! nieiit < 'f i-, iin JK. ]. could VOM -\(,-.',,;} ; 11., -A would Voii ^-.'t on m ihe ii'-iajn'e ? \\l''i' va^nboud \\oind ev.-i 1 employ C O X S I D E R A T E ' A I) V 1 C K . 1 47 you to defend his cause '. What practice do you think you M he likelv to procure as a physician, if you were to tell every <>M woman who fancied herself ill that there was nothing the inauer with her .' Xever break a promi-e un- le-s bound, to do so by a previous one : and promise your- self, from tiii- time forth, never to do any tiling that will put you to inconvenience. Be tlrni. but not obstinate. Xever chanov your mind when the result of the alteration would be detrimental to your comfort and interests ; but do not maintain an inconvenient inflexibility of purpose. Do not, for example, in affairs of the heart, .-imply you have declared, perhaps with an oath or two, that you will be constant till death, think it necessarv to make any effort to remain so. UK- case stands thus: You enter into ;ui en- i;a_;viii>-]it with a bein^ v,ho~e aim-iv^-ato "f perfection- is (\pre--ible, we will say, by 20. Now if they would al- ways ke.'p at that point, there mi^ht be some reason for your remaining unaltered, namelv. your not bein<_>- able to help it. Hut suppose that they dwindle d>wn to 10 1-2 : the ]>er.-on, that is. the v.ho!e sum of the (Dualities :its, and you, of course, are abs Jved !V"iii your enji'np-mcnt. But mind, I do ^ay that yuii are ju-tified in ehan^inu' 'nd'j in c;i-e i-f a chai:^" on the op. po-ite side: you may verv possibly l.iei.'i.nne, -in;p!v iired. In thi.s ca-e, a [irior promise to vuiir.-eli' \\.'ll ab-t.dve \oti from the performance nf the uii.,' in quotion.' 148 A \Vi: h'-ar.i a rl.'Y.T liiin^ 1 al llir ta!>K' t a tYii'iiil ;( t ' Slinan^ l''ii;t' tli..- utlu.T day, \\hi.-h i- loo p""! to !<- lost. It api'i-ar- that 0110 morning at tin 1 fa]>iti>I. jn^t ai'i^i' the Sciiati 1 had (irLTaiiixi.'il, S-ii;i!i r l'>.\!'i; 1,1; ^ M-, ^,-]/_, ,] \\Jtl) ,.<) vinl.jiit a ill (.f siH-c/iiiLT, thai it causnl much iiii-rriinciiT in ^all'-rics. Si-iiati'i 1 1 .'JCIUN.^OX, a man .|' o-fiiuinc hu- ii] i 1 . tiici'i-nioii iimiLi-cli;itc!\ >riil him tlic I'ullowiusf : < M'u i iii'lil-haii'l ' M \ r n ' ' i i;'4' in-iaiici; < 'i' j.n .,--:. -i;-! ! '.i :i ;;-:; - ::i. I ! < . |, ,\\ u ;'ri >in Alhanv th'- "tlirr .-\ c] - - -h- I Iiiil-. .n J;i\ ! -::!:. 'V-.;. ' . '..- h : - plai-" i.^ar 1 lie- ' ;;' I'ai.'-i \\ a> -i-i/i'i L alii)' '-t <- ! ' ' . . ,. uai'-h;:v4' i!n; V 1" - i; . '. . .'Ml 1 /"/' .' ,-'i!' :.' ; -,!.-. \,,u lr r N '.' I '.I'..' a iiilh' -c-'i. .1. ihh.kii, y i- a iiini iiiiiii : : .:iv.' . ;' '..''i' a-i .I.*- 1 . .;.. ' : ' ' : :. i :t!i v i GOD i .\ X A T u R i: . 1 1 1 J third! ' b-tieh a nui-ical critic as that would as-i^n the von!' c.f a l'iiii-rat, tin.- ' \e-6-a-w I' of a pussy, or the l>rav of a jackass, home mi the ni^lit-u hid, ils specific po- sition on the musical scale, \\hat a u-uiiliitil tiling it is to have 'an car' fr mn-ic i-spui:i;'.!iy f<".c/>. music ! \\'i: \\i-i\- .-taiiiliiiL; uiic cN'riiiiiL;'. >"inr- yoars a^r.. in ihc ilciiir L't' tlic liousu ol' a iViuiiu, rr-i'liiiLi' iu one i''f tlir uppi-r ..!,.,.[> ,,r' tin.- <-ily. hciiiu' alx'Ut l^ taJ:o C'lir leave ct' iiiiu tor the niii'lit. The aiiudsphere. vias. IjoaTttit'uliy elear and tlie air (Icli : ;-iill\iii\ o<'l. Tlie i'ar-oU stars slir.uo in liii-;! 1 serene ai;d silent spaces, v.itli a ]>:.'-k-!'.:T<>'iiii'l of >i:eh deep I'iu-.j ;is olio sees \viicii looking- iiit'> the sky at niidni^iu tV"in tlie l"p of Ka;"a-kili-inouiitain. V\ hile \vc \vi-ro 'u'a/i)::;' stradiastlv into h^avi-n,' (lie fri'-nd l>v era 1 side re- marked : ' .liy-thi-Nv, there i- a comet pr< dieted to appear. stMineAvlifre abditt this ijin,'. in tin- heavens. 1. was ivadii,- an artie'le ahout il th:> very afternoon : ii will i;i;il;e ii> lir-t appeitraiic'-. I helirve, in ///// (jtiailer of i!.-- iieavnis,' p:i!iii'nu' hi;4'h up, and in a s< iiith-v.vsti'rlv direction. \Vc stood i-c'^ardiiiii 1 v,i.-tl'ii!iv iln-.t partlruiai 1 part of the c\, n in j; sky, \via-n mir friend exclaimed, As I li\v, !!:; > il - iMiin.'l mill'! \ es yes : tlieiv i; /:.-, to a (: i iaini\ !' And l'oilo\vin,' his ilirectinii' lin^'ei 1 \\ c sa\\\ far up, and -twav in the south-west, a semi-luininou lx'd\. soniothin:' 150 A CM AM; i. not unlike an enlar^e-l .-tar. \\ith a o tar a- kiio\\n, lm, \\hicli. alter >\\ e.'jiin-- i;- a \\ful cvck- aini>l-t the ivvolviiiL;' Worlds uliovc u~. sui.lvldilv * !-t reams its LorrM hair' on i!ic nii'liii-'lit >lcv ! [['\\ \viili-. ]i''\v ?ulilinn\ lia^ been its ecK-stial |ourney! Aii'l i- it imt a lieavetilv, an ainn'-t over]ioNvenii-' thon^lit, i , ." lu-i'eat'li-r. iii a \\ orM of niicli :.'! kno\\- If'l^-i'. it niav !" voiich-afe.l to us : ir natural eve-, uii'l \\ithulii tlie lui-take< to \ a ;-, -,\\\,- },".'.. til'/ '' 'illSe . if cc illicit, tin older of | all-i plain- If tarv -\ -I'-in-. ;,' : ' il itn-li . .f i:;\ -' ' . ! ' Iliis in- i ii leiit. \\ in. -ii o ;. ; I 111; :. \< '.' : : -. \\ a- t' 'rcii >!v caileil to iniii.] ;t I . )- '.' \\ - ' - ' i\\ n :':. .'ii I } < pi'.ii'-. ' ' ''>"'. t partial eeliji-e of tin 1 s:in. 1 1 :' . ."'-! in iiil\ the >_y aiiii.-ur of lli-- !!> im i-n Nt- of iln i <\ >:.' v I n >.li.'-. !;;' th'- - uMiiii: ! i tin 1 efi-al nre- of t!,,- \ ;.'!['. M i v. A! ' . : . il. \\ > -a\-. . . '.,! I'l^li a ! i;t ', -\: o( >h;iiii iv. c i; t'i' .'!_ . -;/ iiiin- it- en ip.-ii ; >. : :: " - . _ _ " , until the evi.-; .-\ W n A T s i' a i; L A \v . 151 tent that had bet/n foretold was attained. And then it was that we thought of those who. at that precise moment, hiuh upon the Alps, were looking from those towering t'onns of Nature that ' pinnacle in clouds their snowy .-call'-.' to see the mighty shadow of the eclipse roll along' the va-t region below, blotting out whole provinces of lovelv Itaiv in it.- giant-march ! It were worth the toil of a rwt-lvi-iDonth to witness that sublime spectacle. SOMF.RODY. ' we nan; no parties,' illustrated in our hearing the other ,.-v.-iiing the vague idea wliicli some peo- ple, who enter into litigation, have of the powers of LAW over any and al! cas^s, under all sorb of circumstances. A man in a state of great excitement entered a metropoli- tan lawyer's oflice, and taking off his hat, and a chair l>y the tab'e at. the same time, and wiping the perspiration fioju his forehead with a damp red-and-yeilow pocket hand- k'-rehirf. a-ked t!;. counsellor ' in chambers ' tbr hi-, ' views' :i> to ilu: but:.' 'Well,' .-aid the coun.-eiior, ' a.- to tr/ad law ' under what circumstances? Stale your c './... 1 '11 tell yu what the lain is, when you state your case. YYu want to know what the law is as to what ! ' ' \Val,' re- sponded the client, scratching ]ijs head, and seeming to b,- greatly taken aback by this unexpected obstacle, ' wal. 's])osin' a man leaves the state, and do n't come back ag'in .' 152 A .\ A .\ i; r n o r t . IIIKN \vliatV lh'' la\\ !' 'I lu'VtT .-hall t'n'^v;.' s;ii.l <>ur in- i'>niKinl, v ill-' blank di>ap|>ointmt'iit r\hihut.'d in that rlii-nt'.s tan', Nvln'ii 1 tt'i'.l him that ///<'/ was a caso ]>a>t anv h-^al ^ui'^'i-rv n}' iiiiiif. ' ( 'an't /i l<'li him, t-h .' aii'l he c\\fs Hi'- nmiv 'n tit'ty dollars'.' Sci/my that his ' CUM- ' \v;us ' U'uni.',' the (.'Hoiit K'l't alv>. NUMBER SEVEN. rur. -. ::;rT:-]i; 4 - ' A NKW 1:1: u>rv. : A i-in:. :-;n:i: m"nvivn-:i> : -I,-:::AT SHA -:..-' in- A !>i."i' UMAX'S HIM,: TIII: MY>n:iii'.>i s I'KIMT: : i'iif "S i>~ AVKII.': AV IV:HAX "X 'i in-: ';AI.I.O\VS : nr\ni v \ M'ITIU.I:: Tin: v.\x- KUE-I'A-.^ ": A i -i.iii'.r vi:v Miiin : A 'i'i.~i \* t.<>:'- i'!:;:>. IMI:VA : 'i:ii. rr- ' MI>. ]:AM~I;'.'I - I' i\i ' AI;KKAH: A i u; i.c:! i;:\ : I:;~.M > \VAT:;r.: T::II K> ri"'N L'^'KLN*' ari'iind. as \\>- cani'.- in to-niiflit. upon th<- a'.i- nuai ( 'liri>tinas-u"i'<.'t.'iis, in ail ta>ti-ful firm-, wiih \\iir-ii iin-t 'Tin: (.'ROSS.' ciTacoful in shape, and entwined \vi;h 1'i'i-ari".- 'if ri-.l berries. ]''ar ba i- k in ]M'jiri"i i v \vi- \\>-!;t in- fitantain"'iu>]v. and hoard, for tho lir.-t linu' as i: \vi-rc. in t,h" litilt- i-lutivh of our boyhi-.-od'-j homo.' this tir.-t v.-r. of a ]iYin:i fail iV"ia th-" <-l"OUfnt dips of th' 1 ll'\\ I';:i;!;;i K 154 A ' I* i ( i r i; i: i .\ I, T T i. K n r A r, TIIKIII: i- tfw sides to the IM;IU\v. uritiiiLT t'mm Mtjxi<'<>; and In- pi'orwls t<> iilus trat<- tin- l'ai-1 : ' TILL* kili'l o' is"-r ' nr 'V'jil.or tr:unin", [i con il !!,- .r rijit ' ut. : ; . rninin' ; V> :-, . .1 .: !;i:mi-i>. \- : , ' 1 li.rir l',,:i!i"i'~. 1 1'oar ' -r : ": ,' . ;>T ]-j' in- II; !:- . t'ji i:,<-n V. ' ' T! :-' . i : .. ii-r : '' . ii-:\ i'\Vi.' . 1 ', .''.:.:. . .. ' ' !>',:-( I. I'll \- Mil I.I.N-. A:. : .: ' I :'..!,, . - i:.'- : i T!.:- _".; ,' ..:. O. , i ''.!.. ::;:) Ti.fy ': !<' ..-' . irriri'V ' Hi .- : \ :-!.;'>: . :.. . \\ h'i lias lately a>r.-rt:iiiii 1 'un.\\v M.I.- ' -Lani ll'_n:t - an- i[iiit' i i < ir-iim- laii'-i RAFT-INCIDENT ox THE OHIO 1 55 going up that beautiful stream in a large steamer, when the boat encountered a vast raft, something more than a mile long, ainl quite half a mile wide, with a small house iri til-,' verv centre of it. It was coining down rapidlv with the current, when the steam-boat, notwithstanding her efforts to avi'id the collision, found herself in the ' toils' of tin" 1 raft, having caught in such a way between its unevenly- l'1'ojc.'tlnM- timbers as to be quite incapable of extrica- tion. And now it was that the doughtv captain, standing upon the extremes! point of the bow of his boat, with doubled fist, and 'indignation in 's aspect,' apostrophized i he navigator of the raft, and poured out upon his head the fiercest vial> of his anger ; while the proprietor of the 'well-wooded* floating acres, whose downward course it was impossible to stem, was seen slowly approaching in the distance, holding his hand back of his ear, as if anxious to hear what ' the captain said.' As soon as he came within hail, and was made fully sensible of the anathemas that were beinj} 1 hurled again-t him, he took a short black pipe out of his mouth, spat twice, and replied : ' You go to the devil with your little steam-boat ! I do n't want any o' you.r ! Get eout u* the way 1 ' And resuming his pipe, he slowly wended his way back to his cabin. Alter having been borne down some eight or ten miles, the steamer was at length extricated, and the captain went or, his wav re'oicin^. 150 T 11 u r (, ii T s o r i H i: Pi: KI:AI>!:K, vdirn in tli-- providi'iice of (inn. it >hail !>e yur fa!'' to stand by tlie c"ld i'>rm of one \vli"ni V"U II;IVP InvtM.l: t" ir.'i/.'- ii]" 'ii lij>s, oh ! }]i\\- pale and nintii ']:! ; ii].'. :i hands thin and \vastt-d, crossed nji"H tin- -ilnir bn'a>t : uji. -n oyo-liils di-.'jiji.-d uj'^n rh-.-'-k< f i-lay. never to be l:t'i'-d apiin ; tlivii liaplv you may think uf thofi beautiful liiii.-.- "t' thf '_:'""i \Vi>i.i:v. .\inid>t ivinembcri-i"! hopes that vanish"- 1 and i'.-ar- ilia! distraoli-d, vvoi-piu^ 1 in unknown tiunuit<. ' . .: I'l -' i---l.-tial n, !,-;.' will 0'ino t" yi.tur aching ''" '" " I'-van^''! ' :. I If - HM-.V, . y.l Of cvi! ::...,; : ,:;. \V:i .- r. N..:. . S E A R r i! i N i; T ii i: S c R i r T \: R i; s.' The i[i:iri, iitrno'-ahle. breast I- heaved liy n:iiic.tion no more. The heari is no longer tlie M-;it Of trouble or torturing pain; It ce:i*e< to ll'iUermid bea:, It never will l!ult'.-r a^ai:i! The Hils ho so .srMoin could c'.o-so, Ly orro\v I'MrhM.lea to .-k'^p, Sru'.i-'l up ill eternal repo-,', Jflive r-lrall-'.-Iy fi'l^'ollell to \Vi-f-p, Tile Inunt.lilis e<'UI \ield no .-Up|.lieS, The hollow r, from water are IV. -o. The tears are all vipt-il froin t!u-se eyes. And evil they never .-hall see. '['ni: hit'- hunriitfil HKXRV INMAX, usi.-d to ivlat'-, \viiii ininiii.-ilili' "ili'i-t. ;i storv of ;m illiterate English Methodist iiiini-i'-i- at tin 1 W but a little while-ah, HUCO I was a-trfivelink along' one <(' your ^r';at, river ah, surrounded l>v the deep f>re>t; I >!>]. ]M-d at a nidi' shanty by the lo\v river side-all, and tli-ie 1 iViiind a poor family in ^rea-a-t afllietion-ah. Tln-y \\vn- all >\<-k; their children \vereshiveriulc and starving: their h'-ad> frnwxv and. dirtv ; and I was inf(ini!"d bv lln- moth. ! that th.'V had l,*t t hi i )' fine-too /h cnml-itli .' T!:-v was ignorant on'd wirh 'm-ah, the \\ - 1 ."i^ A I 1 n i r. o .- o r ii r. r, O i- T w 1 1 T c P inuii \\ a- all the tiiiH.- laiiK-iitiiiu 1 the K>.~> <>f her iine-to<.th t 'i n nl '-all ! ' 1 \;i\ e V' >u tin 1 I >il lit- in your cabin .' ' said I ID her. savs I-ali : says she. ' Vos, theer it i-, up theer on ihf catch-alkali.' p'intinij; 1o a narrow .-lielf over tlif Miiokv tin- pla.-c, 'hut \\c' do n't often iva a^'fr fur as inurli a- t>-\v ]iiDiith>-ali !' 1 irot onto a dic-tul). inv t'rifiiils, that stood in the corner, and reache.l up and took down the Mossed l-'.ook, all coverw] uitli dn.M-ah : and \\hat do you think it ^"a< that 1 opened 1o-ah '. A\ hat <\ali>t'y tin- lon^- ini;^ of that j'o, rj- \voniaii-ah ' It \\a~ tne lon^ ]o~i. the lon_i--\vaiit''d, line-tooth e-oo-in-h-ali ! < 'h, inv In-aivrs, sa-r,p]i,-r-, are suinolimos l^att-n on their own ground. i'\ t!if simpk->t mind* ain.l lit' 1 lea^t- instriH'ted intellects. \\ ' KM! a hundred tinivs ut an i!bi-!ration of th'~. uhicli nocurs to u> at this moment. We have h, her..' bnt where wo Irtve not t ti'in that unr'ii 0:^0 occasio'.i V ! .\v!r,\, {'i.f; imn :-.!; d philo-opher, \va* ridii:^ over .-i-.;y.:- 1 "i plain <~'f 'down.' : ion in. and a knowledge of. elemental calcu- lation, of which the wisest philosopher iniu'ht well be proud. 'My lad.' said XKWTOX, when he arrived where 'fed his flock, the rural swain.' ' I'll tdve you a shilling if you '11 tell me how you fort-told the weather so truly.' 'AViil ye. Sir:' said the boy. scratching lii> head, and holding out his hand for the shilling, Having received it. he pointed to his sheep, and thus expounded his 'theory:' ' When y<>ii sco that black ram turn his tail toward the wind, it 's a sun- si^n of rain within an hour!' Now. but either philosopher would a> soon have consulted a hv- drauiie ' ram ' as the be.-r. menno, I'or the kci-n proi'ticnl knov, lolge got by ' Obtcri.'dtioii,* oiu of ' E.f^< ri< net, \\ hirh \\'as exhibited by the Shepherd of Salisbury Plain : tor. if we remember rightly, it -icax on Salisbury Plain s\ heiv UK- incident which \ve have narrated occurred. 'I s A i . S.jufuv. \\!i:it '11 v on take t'tr that 'aiv D!<>^ <>' >"< ir'n?' sti'l a ^ ank<-i'<-r ID an uM I'uK-h 1'aninT. in (If ): ; L;ii!" '1'ln'i nl of LanoaMt-r, lYnn-vl\ ania : ' what 'II . laki- :' r him .' 11-- ain't a \t-rv i:' 1 ""I-!" 1 'kin' ili: : but \\hat ^a> yiiii i-al'latin', may-lie, li>- M t't-u-li .' " ' Ah !' U'-j-.Diiilr.l iln- 1 >uti-]nnan. ' \ : In- i~h n'l \\i>rt' von t<> luv 'inn.' Minims ti-\v '.i.'-<>rt' dat.' Wai. I '!! (akf him,' >aiI l;i<- iH-.ll.-r. Sli'.-tDp 1 ' -a:.l ih.- I Mil- h- inaii: <:.!' V uin t'inu' al'iuit ilal -l^' I ^an 'i -.>11. < < . tak-- nil' ] : I il" n'i \ i the |H-1 I.T. "T ain'l -Int.' ivli.-.l M\:,i..-r : In- V a |.o,,r .1--, A (,' inn - \ '!'] 11- i:i,- ntiiiT iia\ l'\ Mr. \V.\-nixi, 1'iiN IiiViNi.. n] : : i" La!'- Mr. Kux. l'r;ti-!i mini-- !) a! \Va-hinu"!"i at I'ari-. almiit -ixtf-n y.'.-ir- >iip-'-. 1 ! m;: ' iL ut' a ua^ in hi- v. 'i!:^ 1 .-!' 'lav-. Th- : - an Ii i-!i !a !v. M : -. ' i . ! - ::. .1 !.-:. i . v, lii i hai ] 'i '_ r . : !: !. .n i'. ; (' ipM"ii--r- - i rank. "-:; li-i-l in\ ii-'-l a 1 T ii i: M v ^ T i: it L o i' ft P u i .\ c E fiiiee, informing h<-r i!i;ii. h-.- had j'i.-l arrived, and iv,[U.->t- il!U' 1" have ill'- ple.i-Mire (if inlrodllchlL;' tO her lli> I luil^'.'l- ri;;u tVit-in], the 1'rince of S.jiiliitx-l'uwJerx, who inlciidcd tu >iay 1'Ut t.\V(.; or thr--(> uays hi Puri-. \Vith t.hi> note \v;i.s sc-rit a card. onuTfiVud : Mi--. C- iinmediati-ly rf-pliud t" Iiis not.\ In' hivit- iii'/ him and his iY;>-;id to (linui.T. In \]i>' <.>!' the iii'-rniiiir. sliL- cai!(j'.l <>n two or tiave > lur fa>hi^iiaMe iVit-ndft, \\'h' \V'-iv in lia\'t,' soiree.-, i'cijii'->ti!v_;' permission IM introiliifo tli" I'riiu'-'j to them. The hour of dinner ar- rived. Inn tli'- I'l-iiic-.- -lid not makx- liis appearancf. Th'} viand's \V'"-ro k''-}'i lia'-k until tlicy were iii'-arlv spoiled ; fttiil no I'riiiiy' \v;is forlheomin^. T!i.- d;;:ii-r was at la-t ser'V'-d. Various >pt_- <-;' tl . rt-pa-t, al'oul tht/ 1'rin.''.-: \vhat kind "f a nrtn !M' mi '/hi !.' : whrili. ! viiiij; or old. tall ''-r short. (!::rk or fair. *.-!'-. A I fun/arian pivsi/nt. di'l noi k:io\v of >ii'-h a I !;.!..: cimoi!^ t'K-ir nohilitv, and hinted, eautiouslv, that it wa> AN INDIAN < > .\ i 11 i; ( > not listen for a moment to such a sn^v-tion. At length, about nine oYl'K-k. a letter, with a black margin, was re- cvisvd AMI ii tli>.' J'rince, ivgTuUin^ that lit' could not avail him-eif of Mrs. 0- 's kind iuvitalii'ii, as he had ju-t heard of the death of his cou-in. the l>isnoi' OF KI'>OM- SALI/.. \\ho had died at Choltenliain ! In a rorner f the note was written ' /'uixxoii tat>-. lie wan a siuijuhir L;'eniii-, with all the indoiniial'l" inditl'eivnee pceuiiar to hi- race. \\ hile inid'-i 1 >'-:il> !!' of (li-atli, lie ;iin;ir- -d hill ;-.'! f \\ nil ilra win^ rude sketcli".-, on llif wal ' I. \s ith a piece uf -.-liar- coal, iV'pivsi.'litUJLr linn-elf mi ;)_;. iiii;' execution. 'Here.' -aid h" to the -!i,-r:ii'. on,' .'.".. \ : T,-;' pointing to a >ke;<-h \\itii i !:)'!. ^"i )-- : >,.; laaii witli sword ^'Uev- i/nii : man with rop.' on - too nntch choki 1 ; ^ii''-^ inav-lie nil : sec. >;,/v man. \\iih honk: ,ai>----, inay-iie niini-t'-r ;' and th^r.-with h -mili-d ^rinjlv. Jlek.-pt Tip thi< -pit-it to ill.- VI'IT In-!. IL- -aid ono day, ' Xo use 1,, lie }'.':!. -r without you /,,'/ , ,f a feller;' and when -landing on the ^-;iiio\v-, ||,. I'.-plicd |o tin- I'lei'^vinan. who i-i-hnki-d iii- indill'ereiice and -t"'.idi:y with the remark, that he f'ai-fd he -would r.'" to hell.' To. 7"<"- r/r,t ;' (an Indian's ex- T HI; ' Y A \ iv i; ]; P A s s . ' 'An! i*. i< tii<- >i">:i-;e. the cU-aroii'-! A!i : it i> !)iat failhl'u! niot:,cr' Sin/ i;. i.- that thu< i> bor;,,-. SV.!y borne rui'l nuloly to: :i r,y tlio sable I'rimv of SpouLres. From !u-v i^n.U^l m' ProtiM-ror- ; Fi-oi!i the rhijhvn ic.i'r-.^l tto])]i..-il a Yank'-" pi-dlei- journcyino 1 slowly thn'n^li tin: valley on tlif Sal'hiitli. ami iiif'Tineil him that he inti-t ' jint uji' I'T the I!MV : or it' it vash iH'shcssiirij .lat In- >hoiiM travel, h-- m;i-t ]>av '!< line t'ur <]< pa-<.' It wtx nei;-e>-;ai'y. it -in-; for lie t"M tin- Yankee to wi'ite the pa.--, and he wmiM -i^n it; 'thnt he c-.nM do. tliouo-h he did n't much write, nor 16-1 II T iv;M \\n;i:iY Th' ]':!-> \\;i.> \\vini n ;m;>' . ' ]"<:! -r \Yrii1 t'r:!i ' ii;!<> >\\i - t' tin : -.: :. \vitlimit iiujx-iiiuii-m.' Si.nii- >:\ iii"i;' ii- ;.'.' :A\ , ;, i. ;i Lr, ; !;. r I >utrlnn;ui. \\ Ix* k-'i! ;i ' .-t "!' . ;i!i ni'ili- '_' - ,-. 1 1' >'. i-h (l:it ' / . . / . . - .-. i nit r : k-t ni I:'::;.' ! ', en: r \v;i> jinniU'v] : In 1 1'Ut '.\ lii- -|M-.-! rni'l ' 'i ii:i:;i'-. -;,]":, v..,i^: ' I A- . 'i:;' . ' ' ; : . , i ' 1 1 ' '.V ; ' - \ ! -:: ; : . '-. '. ^ ill,' Ili-ii:, \ THSTAC pathway Oinjii^h th'j wiideniiv.s ! lio\\ ;ii this moment. di<' llooiU of LoM^-i^iand S >uii d clap liii-ir hand> ! ' IL>\v tin.- breakers roar at Sandy-Hook '. J[ow thi-y tum- ble and foam ;md dash, at the Liin-'-Ilraiu-h ot' the lii^'h ! D help the brave mariners on our shores to-ni_;-!it ! and I Leaven defend l!n- poor and destitute, in this va-i \vilderness (A' human dwel!in;T>, ovt-r whom the Sr.onu Spirit now ^ail< wi'Ji du.-kv win^ ! l.'hildivn of Aflluoniv ! ye ]j;iv<- ta'on too liitJe care of this :' O \\:\ who, sunk in In.-''.? i'f \\ ir1c!;r'! f:;iC V,'!;... i iVj. .;,,;- a;,,] f,,r:ii::c iH-.itt: ili-owii I To li'i'iri'.-!- in thi< (.-vov/ded nietrop.olis to-nio-Iit there i- nothing /'(/,/// hi tlii- ; ; ;i d pieiure. ILaripy tliev, if. ile- fj'ito the wr"ti-!i'.-iliHjss of their d.'-ohfe h;ij>itati()ns, ;i ' clear u'wy h;: von of ' rest tiiaf, -weetens loll' rnvi-lopo^ them, and fitlVJ ^limnierin n ;~ of eloud-skirtod dreams. ! ? \V,: do n'i usually module with [>olomieal m".t!er>, and liave hik"ii no jmrl in l!;e 'ili^li' or 'Low (.'Inm-h' <|iiestiatiii'j: < 'iiaprl- ' mi tin- Ka-t ami N"nh nv.T~ a iv ii"i ' lli^'h' "i 1 'l-nn ' churoln's, aeennlini;' to i ho - >f ' : .' :' ! : Aii'l -pi-.-ikiiiLj '( t :!'-. \v> havi- . i-f a si-ii.-iititio i-harartiT, t" ]'!'n]>uinl. I ' .-i 1 ! 1 is a man on th' >mu \ si.lo . ;' I.nn^-Nlaiii 1. a man t!:>- ji.'rip'i.'i-v nf \vho-.e alilrrnianir ' rorjmratinir i- a niar- v>'l to >!raiii:''-r-. \\iio hv-< alninst whullv up."'ii thij ////- ilr'tnTu- i-'jmix' . .f that tv--i<>n. \\ hicli aiv so prnvovl.ially 'happy 'at hi_;-h water. So o-reat i> th."' alliniry of his p'a-tric ilt.-nian'l> with T!K' ->-a, lliat it is a v/.'ll-ait.^ttM fact in th'- n .!_;] : Iv ris..-s aii.i f Ji- wiili tin- titli 1 . "1 I nii'fts tho i'vo, it I 'hi!n- snii!i\- ouiilil Liu tin i ' mit. 1 \\"n \i a iui>vralil._- cyuir nt' an nl.] lia.'li. !..] it inu-t liavi 1 lii'di \\li.' \\i'nic the .n-iiiii^ 'li-rriptinii nf inarriai;'.' ! II.- ' ' 'li-'ht !"!.; ' : ' Lunk at tho LOva! ma-- '\ ' laic'' pla. . . 'Vi-r lln- \\ 1m!,- \\'> '!' i : .' - i h'-\' iiri ! A I'I-NV snft i, .. ,k-. if th' 1 ha!;.!, a p. >p- }'\\'.'ji i'f tlii .in innii! n-r < .f yn'ii- ' '!' \\ hi'' - ' . . -taifi 1 nr t \\ .> in i-'l ' ,11'l'i:. ...'_'"' all.l tin- \\ Ih i!>- ;] is n\ i-r. 1- i :' . : ..- ; \\ . . -!;, , jii~h-]n. .kiji_f li.'i'~..Jii^ ai'' - nthrr's arms. liM.kin,; 1 at ' D r; n i o u s ' S c r i. P T r RE. I G T water-fall*, or making morning calls, and gux./.hng wine and cakes; then every thing falls into the most monoto- nous routine ; the \\ife sits on one side of the hearth, the husband on the oilier, and little quarrels, little pleasures, little cares, and little children gradually gather round them. This is what ninety-nine out of one hundred find to he the delights of matrimony.' AVe read this a moment ago in the sanctum to a you 112.' lady of eighteen with huge, bright eyes, red and dewy lips, a matchless figure as GEOFFREY CRAYON writes, 'just bursting from her boddice ' and she says she thinks it 'atrocious,' and the man who wrote it a ' very sfreat tool!' If the writer could have seen our fair friend when she said this, we be- lieve that thai would have been hi* opinion also. ' AYi: were lately amused,' say- a waggish contempo- rary, 'at an ; art criticism 1 delivered by a raw and tmsus- peethio' JONATHAN, who had been qiiietlv ^a/.ing at a gar- den in one "f our Milmrbaii village:-, which amon^ other ornami-n!.-, b"as{ed several handsome m;irb!e statiii-s. '.le-.t see \\hat a wa-(e!' observd our rural Iriend ; tlu-n-V no !.-s than six seare-ero\vs in (h;it little ten-foot garden patch, and arv one (; f 'em alone wotiM k< <]< oil all the cro\\s t'rom a live acre lot!' That would have been a pleasant criticism for the sculptor himself to hear, would \Yi: h:i\e iloiit! rvil this ,hiv a( the I-Vrrv <>f l>onn, and ivmor-v sit- at our heart and v;naws at its entel lei-- iiiv.' }l'/i'/ should \\ c have d<>!ie the deed' It was nt reveii "_:; i; wa> m>i ambition; it was not rxaetlv wantun- n's>; eriit-liv was nut in all our thoughts. 'Ihe sci-no it- -:!': tlio [)li.'asant Muimx-r day; tin- '""! woods; th*- ni'iriMiirp:^ hrook; : little folk; thi- twittering '.:,'' '. ]" ''ill--' rllii'ke'1-i, niniiiau* in and Hit of ;he ^ras- in the -iv:i i_dade l>y the li:''"v'.. i'o;!o\\ ;!:- ] '.' '!<.-. \\lin -'-.'iih'd t-i klloW a*, ollee V, ,ep- ' :' ail til"-" lllill^- Wele in.; MiifiT-'stive (,f . \\>\\ -\,i'\:: : K'MCK.' In i a (!' --l.o\\ n-iin. one i.; ; ; iri^^ev ai'i'i ail t-i !:.]! ;. Tii" aiT . ii;e ; ii^lit. and ! '!!'!.,,e^ ,-;i ti." nd. \\"h: ; i 1 -. as v, e ' <> ' ihc i-fnss-li. iv, i 1 . '. i\\ at that Votmv* ni"i her r.f a lh-n. v.i . \\'" did n't want to > . if we co" f 'l hit la ' : . ' if we k-imw i .ur <>\\ i\ In-art.' \va- \-> see ';' \' \\ e /,' / //'/. \\-.\\ th" < i,M"r.;'iiiiT lV' >!;i a i u,:: . .'.. \\'\ i.-rln^ 1 a IP laii- D n A T ii o i' A N I x x o c ]; x T . 1G9 It was immediutely taken up and conveyed to the nearest hou-e. We ; .-at ciii the Imdv' and discovered the follow- ing tarts : the ' os humeiv was broken in two places ; there wa< a compound fracture of the ' pia-mater ; ' the 'left cla- vicle,' in it- lower limb.' wa- completely severed from the main trunk ; and the transverse-section of the smaller in- testine was collapsed at its junction with the liver and lights. The case was hopeless. Every tiling that the best, unprofessional medical >kill could do to save the life of the little innocent was performed. But all in vain. Its throb- bing, fluttering heart ceased to beat at about one o'clock of the sain- day. It expired in the arms, and was washed by the piiying tears, of sympathetic little Ju.S!.. Thm wa> ih'' time ibr the lesson which we inculcated upon the sen-hive hearts of the, little by-staiidei's. We enlarged upon the heinousness, the guilt, of such carelessness, -such thoiightl'-ss cruelly, as they had that day withered ; until at length the tide be^an to turn in our favor. They be^an to lose >i_dit of uur practic'. 1 in favor of our preach in L;\ ai:d to lor,k iiijon u-, on t!ie v.'lvle, as an ' instrument ' de- si ; ..;iied to enforce a ; g;vat moral truth !' \\'ell. \vo did iilii-ti'ate one : namely, that any wro'.ig-doin^ \\ill tinvavs rarry with it its own punMiinv-ni in the s.hap! '-fan ur-\;ij- ii!>le ivmor--. A\"e felt el i ick. :i i -hearted all day. after that ' dreadful casualtv.' 170 ' M i: s. I! \ M - i: i) T r MM' A i; r. DA i> Tin: ' /,///(-/ from Mrs. .}f>it, !,,/<>/>' ha- little In iv,-,,n llli'll'l it. Hill' it be it- -Ulliciellllv \\Tetrheil ' Ttln .^Tapll \ . which ceriainlv does not o >n-titute \vit. though ii ha- th-- lii'-rit "f nine ill tell of tin' oi-'iii'iinil .1 \CK [\>w\IS<;'s imi- tators. Mr.-. LAVINA KAMSHOTTOM, now, \\.-i- a iiii"lcl in tlii< kiii'l '. ll'i' ini-tak''.- \\.-n- natural, ainl IUT \\"n!< wore novt-r ti'iv^l. If-r tra\ .-liini;' " dairv/ r^mainin^ tin' 'cvcani "f ln-r information.' o\vrfio\viMl \\ ith liiirlr-, ju>: ainl humor. I laving a little 1 time on her liantl- provimis t" ' c-ml irocat ion in the packet for ('aiam- in Frano-.' ^'n-' ' t""k ii hv llif tir.'-loi-k ' an. I went to >ec th-' the In-li^nanl I >ii!nl ' in-;ir Lmnloii, aii'l al-o to I 'an;.-ri'iii-\ . to view its L---lel-rate.l Tl :>1 Virgin \\lm showril 11- the i-liureli. -ai.l ii was at; areh\"]'i.-eo]ial -a ; but A-'-e no sea. :\}~<\ I ]> n't thi: k h . 'iiM. i'. >r it \\a< sovi-iiU'eii in;','- oil'.' After j>a . . ,f a ' eoM (,>!',.- ti"ii.'f"r \vhieli 'tli ' wa- ' ab-orbent ' t'p.ii^h it \\t_-r < !' 'i' tin- ' A il :'!'; h'i of all th>- lin ia<,' >lie repair- to I )o\'er. aii'l el (' ! ] niliee. While el', .--i 1 1 _;' |h Chann-'l she i! -a fat 'jvntleman tMl int a lii < \' apjierj'lexit} ; 'ii the ll. ! . ihe ship. \\ l)i> lilt! diat'av iip.-iieil ii> ' i-rv .".n'l h:- jocular \<-}:i '. ;t !ai:'-i-i"l ': lia'i in h:- p"'k'-;. I !h;nk \\e -h",iM }ii{\'<- -''!! hi- i.-ii'l. \i i..- unv.etv in the mi.;-! of ! A C II U ti. C 11 ]) K I) 1C A T ION. 171 distress war* to be al>lo to add a crockodile to his will !' After arriving ill 1'aris, she visited all tin.- curiosities; union L: i. ther things, the ' statute of LKWIS Qn.\/i.v, who died of a sore-throat. Ili:.\i;v CAKTI:I; ('no relation to the C.'ii;rKi;> of Portsmouth, unless his posteriors have greatly degenerated in si/e and figure,') etc. At liome she was much impressed with the ' Vacuum \\here the I'OI-E his bulls,' but very much wearied with the Titl'atitt that she hoard SUIILT ft St.. Peter's. Ilrjin is a good thing, quoted by a friend in connec- tion with a somewhat kindred anecdote wliieh has ;ni- peavcd in the K\IC.'KI;RKOCKI-:R : ' The members of a so- ciety in Maine, by dint of long exertion, had eivetod a small church. One of the nmubi.T was di>paleh ( .-d to a largi- town to reijiie^t a noted divine to take part in i:,s dedieaiion. "Xot getting his erraml exactly, he. simplv an- plie.l tn the minister to come and dedicate our ne\v cliuveh.' ' \\'hat part do you wish me to take.' 1 said the clergyman. ' Why. wti want you to dedieaie lie- cluirdi? was (he rejih'. 'l'>ut do vou wisli me to deliver the ser- mon, or to make the opening prayer, or onlv to make senile remark^ :' ' \\ !iy,' exelainieenoss O f ihe parson, ' we .simply \v.-int vn to dedicate the church, t!ie irlmli on't ; it 's onlv -evenly-live fee! by iit'lv: want vou to ili'ilimlr it, !' Mrrn amu-ed lo-ni-'lit \vitli an anecdote told in the sanctum of an in ornamental ida-s, v.ho was prepar- ing pictures of three or I'.nir uf tin' AI-OSTI.KS for an oriel window df a church in a flourishing we-tern cily. lie had ju-t taken them from his furnace, and v,as ^]i"win^- tljcin in t-oiin- of the vestry. ' l>i'ii"t >av any thiii'4 almiit it,' said In-, -for it v/oiiM n't ho noticed lv cnc peisoii out of a hundred. Nut 1 i\ n't mind lellino- yon in ct>niidence: Saint I^K'IKK is u little cracked in tin- head; lie \v;i> too soft in the upper end ; l>u: I "av ^fnt a iir-i-rate lake on I'AVI.. Saint JOHN, iliou^h. i- n't more than half-Laked ; I 'II have to l>ake another -loiiv. !;iitd'e\tr you **/' a In-tti'i'-liaked I'M i. .' ' \\.~ i -ni.-M'k- were t-ntir<'!v j>n.fes- sio'.ial : nor had he the uin-i iciiiote \,]i-,\ <,\' ihere l.eine- a (h lulile-nie-ini 1 !"' in a! 'ie \\ a- -,i\ HILT. UK was an areurate .;- i\er and a sound i-easonr-r. \\hii .-aid : ' Mankind are al\\av- hapl'lcr /'<>/' Intr'nui f>n// Jin/i/'ii : so that, if '.'-i make them liaj'py now. \oii make them hap!'\" t\\i ' ' '. li\" ilie mi-mi'i'v ot' i'. A childh 1 |iri e.l v.ii re i .f rational indulu'eiice. under fund and \\i-' pai'i-ni-. ditfu-i 1 - over tl:e \\l;n!. of K i .M \' F. K s r s W A T r; n . 1 73 mind nt' ni;in. \o enj< >vment. however inconsiderable, i> coniinod to tin- pre.-eiit moment. A man is the happier for life t'nr having made once an agreeable tour, or lived for anv length of time with pleasant people, or enjoyed any eon-iderab!e int'-rvai of inn.n-ent plfa.-uiv, whicli c<.nin- l>ut' j s t render old iiu-n M> inattentive to the scenes before them, and carries them back to a world ihat i> past, and to scein^ iie\'er to be renewed a^am.' \\ i-: are obii^v-d i'.>r the kind words of our S~> n'liafjli Fr'iOK.1* and for tins aneed<.>ti.' f an odd character in that meridian: '-Hiding in a staii'e-eoach a short time since, we ]i:ip;-ui.'d to ha\e ; :i:o'ii;- others tbr a (Vllow-passcnuv-r an ardent teetotaiifT. \\l-o w.-is d'-eantin^ <.-!oi[iientlv ti]>i"n the ^reat valiit and manv excellent ijuaiities of \vater, and especially of h> prime necessity as a be\ erap- ; declaring that nothing eo;i!il bu suhstitiited in its place, etc. : when an old n'entleman, who had been Hsienin^ \vitlievidenl impatience, remarked, with ralh< r a eoi!t,-inptuon- look: '1 hain't nothjni; 1 to say ai/in water; I think it 's v r. .;-o;id in it-, place; but fbra > '< >tiJ>/ / Ir'm, v. ^ivo me /'////." I >hoiild ju>t lik-' you to liave seen Tectoial's lac.' v.l:>-;i he heard thi> r.-ply. .\ii the passene.-ers looked -;ra\e l',.i a second or r-". (for ihe assumption \\as aho-viher as- t.oun'.lin^ 1 .) and th>-n bur.-t into a I'oar that made the sta^e- ":oaeh I'lii"- ;i"'am.' SnM;: nil" IU"llti'ilJ"il t" IN i in'. ( >\ InT i la V I Ut ri )V1 1 1 ! 1- *ta!!.'"- "i' ;i lat .jii'TuUuis "M M\n\\ who \\as ilrhvi, i'n.m ;i -::i^i-i-i;n'Ii I'V pa>.-i. l liL:vr> tth"iu he had auii"\v.l \\iih !'- -T' >\\ iiiij;, and (-"ill ] >!aii i i l! L; -. A ri^'ar \v;is IMil"'!. %\ln !i at :i ]>ivi-<>iietTtsi-ui;cTs ex- c'.;. ; ]ii.-l. 'I''.'! 1 ;),> ! - -- x'j> .' sror!' cxr!;iiin<-'l tliu Mciini of i h:- u'uii] "V. tin 1 ji'ii.i :' l.i-t nu- ii't-1 "Ut ! li-t me M V - L uiit ! "I liri" '.- ;i !ii;i!i h"iv \\illi j>"\\tlt-r in In-- ])ckci>, aii'l li" 'il 1'lov, u- all ;' tin. 1 i!i\i!!' '!!.< (."iu]>!ain;iin ' n<>t .iiii ' [ici'i'i'iliii^iv. in !!> >nia!l liun'\. aii'l th" ':i--"'.i- uiiili.-turl'i-ti Lv his i'artlii-r ai;i ; T!ii.- ai.<-i-'!"lf iv- i:iii:il- us "!' an "i-i-uri'.'iic" v. ; : 'i i: . t""k plar-. 1 al ill" h'li'j; ami j'ii-'iiiri-iiiU 1 liv:." i-vi-r lia- ('axilla lakf. lliat ini'l'ili-wi'.-li-ni ; '/V',-'. iij' \\;. : <-!i succ"-.- "i 1 di-li-at. in tiiip - i ;' p"!:i i"al i .\ . ar iiu\\ ]'lv va Fall-. 'i"t' rn ill--.!. tl:i- toll-^ali- in a >l.-iirli. "ii" -;. nn\ v. :i ' v '. ' run tin- 1-ri' ;-".' ' I.i" i!"\\n. !< .\ ~." -: ill li". ' in li; . \\ i.. n \\ " ^.-i uiuli r tin -: .!. ui' 1 'an a lit! 1 ", ai..] . 1-ut 'In n't < >\ r-i\<> i'.' II- .-. -el uinlrr th.-" ],. i I < ;,; T1..A ,]i,l -.,; an-1 v. li.-n i i." s ii !/! i r-ani" u !::"] i !.. .i"kft-.lra\< "t' I i:- L: ll^< . N i i .; a r C u .\ i- 1 L A <.; u A T i u N . 1 75 thev began to moan and shake, so tb;U "it was piteous to see and -ki' to lusir.' '1 have nothing loss than tin's ten- dollar hill,' said our wav;. handing the gate-keeper a bank- tioti.' ; "hut for heaven's sake change it jiisi as quirk as over V"ii can ! I have three friends in tin- sli-i^h who are ahn.'-i 'j.'-ail with the small-pox, and I 'in in such an a wl'u! - ' 1 >rive on! drive on!' said the terriliud gate-keeper, liandiiiii 1 back the hill ; ' drive on ]>av next time! ' A hove the whistling' of the snow-laden wind which .-wept over that fro/en lake, and the trampling of the horse.-' ian.i t'eet : ail these po-> ess. to our conception, the element of 176 'I'm < ;.':: : .<:";:: !. ijiiu-k. i';;:_' t!u- reel-.ii -- >-s thai -wwl - . A . : , V ..::'! t'mil'i! - : ' : :r:i: i- tin- 1 . -; - ..:.- i.f 'I'm-:- '. . - : l, : Tho viiei : . >, -..-.-. N-. i. ii - . ;, vr. ni:.- 1 IT.AY - 1. "TN n:Y Tin: \'i ;:J*' M.- : 'MioitT or r.tin.K : MAV'R HAI:- I'Fi: ' u'l.m \ -.'FMFFI;I:NI i: j'i.i:in;r. ': \vi>xi>r:i:r'.'r. < i'i:i> "ii.v ., wFM'>v ' : i'i:. \ 'IN A r.'>\': '\V"i:n JM. 111:1:-.' F< .M;I -i i.i. -\v : Tin. M v KLN w >I:A-SI:I:I'I:ST: IUXMNY" iMt'inr.D: F:K-T r.p.'iir-M' >%> OF TIM: KAAI-;KIU.>: A(.I-IIII:NT'-AL A< IJI-AINTANI r. : AN -AMKIU-AX IITI/KX': AX inr.rx.ri.Ai; F.KVIVAI.IM': M.-KXKS ix A i ITY HH-IMTAI.: nriiiiTs DKFKI:KNCF. : A IIFIMIMAN MIMXI:': A ' \i\\< I;AK<.,AIX ' : ' vi.-ir.i.;: I'KF.SK-N'T. ' "F IiKATil. ]\ '. pi'Mvc-ivi; IPV bue Ena'li.-h jnurnaK. that li('-Ki:xs at the London Theatrical Fund dinner, amirncf other thiiiLr- reinarkt.-d : It' any man were to trll me tliat he de- iiii-d his acknowledgments 10 the >ta^-\ I \v>uld >lm]ilv pu; ('> lilm one que>tion wli'-lher ]ie r.Mn.'mb.'rcd his lir.-t. play. I \\ould ;u-k him to eairy hark his r>-collcetion to thai u'lvat ni^'Iit. and call to mind die bright and liarmlos W'.rld \vliic-h then opened to his vic'.v. 1 AVe thoni'lit <>!' o>i.r lir-t p'ay, the other m'oiit at Binghamton. A com- pany of pi-i'ambulatir.o- actors, and >ome of tin m very '.,''od riet'->rs t-'-o. in. -ludiii'j; tJie man.",^. r. a tal'iih/i and ^ntleman-lik.- prison, were to p.-rtorm at the o .urt liD in the evening we went tip \vith a fl'\v esteemed friri, !.. 8* ' . '1 hi.' Ma^'i- wa> creeled at one fiiil. and IJif aih lieiiee ori-u- ju'fd tin- jurv-l>".\. \shiif>M'>' Maud, ami the H ti>r siieetalnr.-. The oivheMra \vsis si siiwle liddle, pliivuil at i v 1 intfi'val.- with 'jTcat eiK-n^v. Little boys "Wire walking cuiilinually aliout in the ojieii space before tlio ^lai^c. ])( a ' Ira- turf.' It had tin- j)k'turo i-f a l>ird Uiat ini^ht liavt- ln-fii iiitfiidi'd fur tin' 1 liril of Juvi-:, luit ' 1'V .) DVK ! ' it \vn> >iich an fa^'l' 1 ;iv \\c iif\cr >a\\ ln-lipri' imr >nu-i.- ! Tin- \\hnlf M-fih' : tin- ai-t'-r.s and tin: artin^: tin- iVoh-henrtcd liltlf livs lookiniron iu \vnndfniifiit ; the tiu-fll.-d di'ff> and dfi'i i rat i' 'i i- ; ill I lirnti^'hl \ i\ ; ii \ hack t '.i> lln- inc nil I \ c\ our iir-t I'i.'iy. It was at thf i'.ii'j, 1 -;-! nin of ihf village inn. and ' M f.->r-. .\KCIII:O].II, Ti;^\\ i'i:[ni. i: and ( i i.!;::i, ' . ,' anii'iiLi' "thfi 1 lii>triniis. \\fir' 'niifi'-. l|n\\ \\i-t- fii'lv did \\f n-ii'.'ird, i!i.';! ni^ht, tiir tin- lir>t time, llie Jiatfhfd and faded tnuitled ^Tet-n elir: litl : the lla-hili'.;' '!' >!i.ii-Kiif k!--. ihf -!'-aniiiiLi 1 i.f I 1 ' ,-!i-el"!vd ' tiu'hi-.' and thf >j>arlcliii^ of sjian^'led ^anneiils, eau^ht in f'!iin]i>e^ lif Ufath it. And th ' jla\ <>h, ' it. was -r.ind ! ' li ua> ' / \ \c \. i 'i 1 i !, llf Vf i : .' -..] , i Mr. AI:CIII:OI.|), a iimiithiii:;' i.ld Slfliti.r. ' : ' -r.i. \Ve e\)yected luilell of him. ;' '] \\ e had i.< i ; in' nil irniii^ 1 : 'The ] >,i\\ i nf X .i,-c A w. Saw. i> in |':i\\ t. I |ilayeil \\\ ! \ i ;f 1 1 1 1 e^wa \\ : and Mr. 1 i : i . N r i-: s < u : : ' - < 1 1 \ \\ , "i i ' - 1 ' in "t iiileilii^fiil u 1 ' u- ' ;/.;;-. iiritiio'inced ii siipav^i' C O I" N T R V I' II i: A T [I I C A L S 1 79 acting.' How the old mountebank did roar and rave'. Then came 'The Village-Lawyer,' another favorite 'pawl' of bis ; and at this moment wo can hear him say. in hi> affected, piping voice, -That's my signatur' TIMO'SV SV-A-A-KI, !' There, too. we heard our lirst public singing, except at church. The curtain had descended upon the pen-unlives, wlio.~c x.tiTow> were our own, and : musing in iiiclaiicholy mood.' \v- A\t/r' u'a/mc.' vacantly at the long" ro\v Hi' tallow-eandles placed in auger-holes in the hcard.- if ihe >taL:''-. and at th" tiddler \\ho composed the orehestra, and who wa< reconnoitring' the hoii-e. 1'roseiilly TI small bell was riinu 1 with a jerk. There was a flourish or two from the 'orchestra. 1 Another tinkle of the bell, and up ro-e the faded drapery. An interval of a moment suc- ceeded. durit.LT which half of a large mountain was re- moved from the -cenery, ;t ]i>l ; i pi<-ce of forest shoved up to the ambitious wood which had been aspirino- f> overtop the Alps. At length a young lady. wh<>in we had ju>l -ecu butchered in the mos< L horrid manner by a black vis- aged villain, came from the side of the sta^e with a smile which, while it displayed her white teeth, wrought the rou^'e upon her face into verv perceptible corrugations, and made a lowly obeisance to the audience. She walked with measured step three or tour times across the stage, before the flaring candies, smiling again, and 'hemming,' to clear her voice. A r'li nirlodv as <.'id and as la-tini;- as the hills. \\ . tiinu^iit tin' audience wmi i] he piveijiitaleil in- to th.' bar-ronin bel. i\\ . 1 .y th.- ii]>rnarii)ii> a]>piau>o of \ * ';.'.. feel and hands which t.>ii"Wed this \ i-r.-.- : Tii-n ->:..', ' '! i.I ' ' Ah, v, ,-.;-.,-d . \ ! - ;i -.! while a^'o. HO v, ;" but the interval In- pa.->ed a dr.-ain of tin- n; '-ht ! M A Y O R H A R PER C A T f; II 'I 181 the BIBLE, and 01; asking lor the 'article,' tin- master of the huiise van to brinu' it, and cam-: back with two leaves of the buok in his hand. 'I declare,' says he, 'this is all we 've "'ot in the hoitMj : I'd no idee we were so near out !' THAT wasn't exactly the ' right tiling 'that (JEOKGK \Vn.Kiss KKNDAI.I.. s.rninr i; dit<>r of the -New-' 'rkans I'ii-mjiiitt' ' dnilv journal. dii d'.\vn at tlie- l!i'"thfrs 11 \K- I'Ki;.-," pri\"aic (illiee, oii'j ])ii.-a>aiit niniii:^' in Mav, u;i-!i JAMKS' was -Jlis J[oi]i..r tin/ .Mayor.' You ->., the way of it wa- this: AViicn (iKORCK \v..-nt into tin.- eountin^'- roum, h.- a^k./d fo,' said 'the Colo-:.-! : ' 1 M-iiess they 're aLotn throu-'h ; thfy 'vo ki-]'t \\\\-\ t'dkin:;' tin-re for somi- tini' 1 in>\v.' GiooKci: onterod. hi- !'i'-e a little f!n-h.'d. from a rajiii.l walk down to ( ";: -'"i-.-i : and a- he did -", h<' wa.s nnidi- aware of the i r- - '! < : .- ','.! ' tU'i i di '/''! llli":i!-!'s of 1 II ' - M '.!;"'; V V \ - '. - tN'.i.j-'. Ici-j >!-L': Asso.:!at!uii,' i.u sokmn i-oi,-i-;\-. , i--:i TV':-'d. !i i!i-.- . : \v i ' in tli.-ir n,i 1-:, v. ill: ,; mriil, t'\fii nii'iv llu>lird, it' aiivihiiiiT, than KK.MI.M. !.'... (Ji-;oiu;i: \\;i- ixvfivrd, !>rvi>nd u flight givi-lini;' tVoui ' iln MAVH;;." \\ith tiiiiiin'iis silein'u ; l>ut he * kiK-u li\> course.' ' (.'oino, ]I.\iU'KK,' ^aid lie, ' let 's go and _<[ dm, tin r drink : i! V 'l-'Yrii (p'l'ltn-k/ In- adilctl. taking "Ut hi< ualch : 'aim i/'/ii lrv au''iii ' / am ! ' ' The M \voi: ' say si lif had !-ni lakt-ii abat.-k ' bftiirc; luit tin- rooliir.-s and outra^vnii.- iiiijilldt-ni-tj ct' that ' tark \-oilld n't IM- In -at ! Tin- v, . iiii.-!i I'iiikt-tl dan'ii'-T^ \vhiK- K.iixn.ii.i. \va> pi't'tciidiiii^ 1<> !.' hnr- riiiii, 1 nit- l" LI'O \\iili him aiul takf a drink calinl ' Mr;.! A MO-I cxtr'i'd'narv ' ])ri>diii'tii>n i> 'Hilton'* dil' It /ti'ixt {,!, J!hi'_;ii;_ \.r\ n-m.-iikal uhifh it ha< fll'i-M.-d. a> st-1 I'urth in th>- juMjirii'tnr' lar. I' 1 ' n.- ihf |'a\'>r l" ivmark tlic Itillu^ ino- ; DR. Cox i x A Box. \\\- have no hesitation in pronouncing these ' verv re- markable cures:' and to th"Su \vho believe tln-ni to be veritable, \\e have no hesitation in commending tlie ' < >il ' in uoii. Tin: venerable I )octor Cox, of lirooklyn, \vas driving on! in thoughtful mood the other day in a <>nc hor-e \\ ag- on, in a narrow >trect in th, suburbs <>t' the ti\vn, \\hfii two \\aii - niis, ono (jn each side, attempted to p,-i him. All thivc u'Ot stuck last together,.' so tliat tliey could not l,c'd.' At'ter trviuy I'm 1 si.nm- time, a crowd bc^aii \<> collect around, and l>ocu>r (.'ox began to ^row red in the t'ace. and to ivmonstrale in .-trmiLi' term.-, and with much retention, a^ain-t the careie.-sn.\--. of one of the niveii de- lini|H''nl-. At. last, the other re]>lied, (and we sn-ju'd thr- \vag mn-L have known the I'oei'.T.) 1 I I could n'l lielp it : yon knii< I could n't: and \\liat the d 1 i> the u>c of an old white-headed man like \ ou -landing t'n're, an'/ in-lit' at me in tint \vav .' -su'Pariii at me for \\hat T eoiil/i ;f help ? \Vhal '- the use of mi'Ltrriit'. any ho\v . J 1 eonld n't. lielp it, I tell yon; I did n't f/o to ,lo i;. ,,' course; ./'< >/, *'/<' away at a fellow for \\hat he did n't //o do!' 'I'he 1 >octor bin-he. 1, and looked a little utiiltv: 1S4 tlic i-harv \\;t- >n ontrnijcnui*. In- o>ul mail'' ln't'>iv :i L:'""'! many l)V-st:uulor.s, \\lu> had i>t't'ii >'>! him in th }>ul]>it. L *"// at v< Hi '.' exrlaiim-d th,- hut-tor, in utl'.-r aniaxonioiit. ' Vf-;t-:'i-;'i > ! ' >a'hl tin- other, with prnloiiLTed an-1 [)Otftit i.-nipha>is ; ' */r< -/////' at a t'.'liow likf a iroopor, \viu-n In- .lil n't ^> to i^'t-l you >uu-k! < Tli'- I >txlur -hniiik a\vav abashed, l'in^ l'aii'!\ ilri\(.-u t'p 'in ihf u'l' 1 'ini'l. l>i;YAvr i- I'-iii'ii'kai ' t'lf thi- ' wuril-pifturfs.' a (M-ritrin~ ;'!'!] ;:. \\lik-li li>- ~T.-\\- - > ['i'"!iNvl\' ihi'iiii [mi : ii-al s\ ; .. .:._- : "It'.-ti. 1>\ ; ':> \\~-- . \ fi-n C'.\]'i'i'>^iuii, lirinu'inn 1 liffiiri. 1 tin 1 ivaiK-r the in<>M ili^tiin jlitt'ul iina^''<. Lust; Kin.i.ow }io->'>sc> a ki iM.wt-f. \s>, .-"ini-li]in'<. h..\\ his 'ft in arlM -]>'nra->', are ]u-M.!tu-ril ; ii'ii a nii-e sttt'lv uf !ii ^ua-v \\ j;| _:,'','..', \'<-\'< ' >I11V(~-. < l!iv,'i'\ i- ; !; tuiv.-'jU'-n-->. thf \ai; . - . . - ';/ . -::,-, coinl in lit--' ti-\\ r-ta!ixa- : T a i; M A c K i \ A \v S i: A - S i; i; i> i; N T . 1 ^5 I'rom the tinnl-HiiL' s'.srt'. that bi The OrUiH'\ an SLevric?. Ansn-orinL' tlie lioavsc Ilrliridus Ami I'niiii wiTi'ks nf .-liips mid 1 )o von remark, reader, Hie wide gi'risp. iiio iue, a-:i,>[i. vi>ible niolion, that pervade these liins '. They compos a sni:iH>sion *>f ' marine vii'ws' as pa![iable to sight as the colorings of the I'eneil. Tn,: sr-a-siTjiciit l;as IKM-U diilv deceived in ihe-e \vfiLer-roptiles. Toward IN) T n i; .M A i K i \ A \\ S i; A-S i: i; r i: \ i . the t\viiiidi! (if a Mill dav. near tin- einl of, 1M-47. UOKACI: ( iKKi-.i.iiv ami ' < >)d K MCK.' hereof, were sente,! on tjn- broad pi a/./, -i of tin 1 dark-vdlo\\ 'Mission-House' at Michiliniackinae, looking out upon the ilcep, M tie waters of the Huron, when an object, apparently near the >hore, .Middenlv attracted our attention. \\ , l.oth ex- amined it thioii<_di a e/ood e'la-s, ami came \,> On- mutual I'oiiL'lusioii thai 11 wa> an ejioniioti> >e.a->'Tpent, elovntiliif it^ lifiiil, undulatijin' it-- humps, and ' lloatinij man\' a rood ' niioii the tran-lucent Strait. Sudi a!~o \\-a-- tin 1 opinion <)' '.!ie j')-opriei..r of the Mi i-'ii ll^u-c." \\lm in a fen yc;ir.-)' re.-idein-e at Mackinau had never S'-t-n tite hkr,-. A\va\ went HoiiAri-:. and auav ' uent ( i;d 1\ N n K,' afu r kangaroo Iioituds 'on l.iehalf . r;\ of ihe lir-i pai't,' and a -ii_'h; >tiddne' m the H,M,| \ an mter\ fnini;' mar-ii, on the pan of tjie party of the MM mid jiart,' * this depn- m-nt allirm- and ver e- ' that thi- d'pin-nj w.>nld have ri'adn-d i afor,-aid a- >oon as he. the >aid MniiAci: did. \Vli.-n we had arrived, 1,, ! the ( ,l,j (V t \vhid, h;;d >o evite. i i in r en no-it v \\';u-, noihimj; more than the ilark -,de i.f a Ion i!i^. Mnhroken \\a\.\ l'i'o:m-]i! nil. i elear relief liV ill Ae-.l. I'll li-'llt \\ ll'u'Il iln 1 -III! had left in his track a- he drojijied aua\ over Lake Michigan. \\'e t'eh rather ' dieai' ' ;,- \\,. came alon-r back iM.reili, ) ; D i: * T i ,\ v ' D u u i; T 1-: D . ! KM:\\ an old man.' writes :i coiTe.spondelit, ; who !jeiie\vd ilia! 'what t/.'ui-i. and wa.s one '.la}' ^"in^ out >e\ eral mile,- through a iv^-i'.H inti->ioil. iu tho *-arIy tinn.-.s, l>v \ eiy >avai;v Indians. 1L- ahsavs his oaiu \\irli hun. hut tlii^ time IK.- l'ouii'1 lliat some of tin- tamiJv liad it '.nit. As he would not ^<> without it. soiin.' of liis 1'rieiids tantali/'-d him 1>y -avn:^ that thero was 'no danger of the Indians;' that In- 'wotiM not dii- until li.i> time had come,' etc. ' ^ -.' suy- the oM l'.-i]o\v. hul >up[M..-e I \vas to nu-t an Iii'iian. and lii* time had eome, it \vould n't do not to liave lu'i/ I'lUit .' ' lli:.\ in. K. l>v your leave, we will idve you some ' lea\'e>, ' a- we -it in tli-- li^'ht of a transcendent moniini: 1 . not \vi f:i!.iv dawned in it- u'lory. surveying \vhelievoi', for a m-- nifti!. tli'' niM-ic of il:c pi;n ceases from an uppi-r win dow of the 1'in.' Orchard House.' the mairniticent sci-nc siii'.-ad out lielow. A \vliite fo^'ci-pcnt. a hundred mile.- i". li-iin", !i. i- iim! uia! in:;' his humps alon^- th- 1 i i :!!- ^n. and with In-ad civet.., is iiio\-ni'j; 'j;raduali\' "H touai'd Ai'nanx. The cloud->, I'orn of vesterdav's shower down tie- moiin- - , ri^'l M : i ;iili us this in* 'riling, having;' v>a-ii- '! l!ii :r la<-'- in-ir mvn rail, .luring tiu- ni^hi : and ii''\\ ill' \ hai _;' t:ir lit.'loNv. >;tt iiral*' \\itli >iiuli^lit, lik' j iilu- il'ius ('1 llnaLiiiL;' L'l'ttnM. l"\\ar'l iii'un, ]>.!- i-liatici 1 . tin-} will Li'atliL-i 1 ti'UVtlier au'aiii. and ll'Tkii!-- \\iih >h;n.luws tin 1 \\idu (.-.vjianso briioaUi t!n-iii. as tln-v .-ail aluiiiT. >U'l h tijij'fil Ill"ll!l1 ' '. ['*:i !:!Iil , .. ' M \ . ! -, !,. ;;,.!:.'!:. . . j. pai'ts ', ' i-- Prrad -.;:'; liu,-y iii'lii,~!r\'. <:--. in " 'ii \\ Iiii-|i i:i j" . , ;i',\'!i ;,ii- ! . ]; a : " ; ' .1 : . j 'i :i'. .!._; ':! '. ' . . i;\ i- ij ; ' iv lu-i ilk' 1 . \\ -'uk- a! the few small auf the city's fathers, suspended from a stunted tree, -where frowns denouncing!}', ' Ifwp off the Gri.t3.-i!' 1 There, the 'p.i.itfral airs, hot and sultry, would penetrate the obtu>e.-t ulfactorv, though guarded by a dense moustache, bristling 'like the horns uf a centi- pi'd'-; ? airs embracing 1 evt-rv variety of mauvaisc odcur, fruin tiie green mantle of the standing pool, to the most piquant cat-effluvia. Here, on the other hand, the whole city, place'l uii the va,st plain lie'ow, wmld dwindle to a speck, and all the nations of ih.- woi'l 1 mi^ht tliere stand assembled, without i"-!iin^-. I ["re, ther.- is no elaborate dirt. 1 1 ere, the in- iu:itrin \\ ind. I>iD you know Doctor \V,:iii.'' aMt"hma:i. ' L'octor VK:-:K .' ' he rep'ie.; ; ' W"ll den, ya:i.s, ] kr...>.v'd him a little. I seen him onee-t. Ue was on dat sliteam-poat vat vasli pl^u'd up mil te p'iler bn'stin' i>y I J ittsbtii'uii dere : and w'eii i vash Li'oiu A ,\ A M i; 11 1 c A .\ ( ' i i i / r. \ . ' Trus \vooili-u nitiiifn ' i-- ivallv bcu'inniliij to hoii^hi -"Hifiiiiii^- of 'mi the otln-r Mill.-!' A- tin- Ki i'lisli rot/kin-y xii'l of Niagara I';ni>, it i< vory clcvor: Vt-rv ! ' A M i:i;ic \ ! l'-t us iliink li"\\' uruiv at 1 li> i;i' <- llli'lii Jll'i 1 '''11 tllC -< j : : - ' a] >]>!'< >.-|rii] !_; ..i',ir >llor'S ! 1 - .V('1'\' lihi utiii^ s 1 unan i-iiinl'> MI^! !':iri< tin- -ail ' 1:1 our Iiarl>r. ]. laii'liti"' it- hiiinati lVi-i"'lit \\\>"i\ I rnii- oftli,' ha- iif\ i-r [>ccii >''iM!i-:i,-.t. i IP iv :- r, IMMI ell' >U jh : ; 'v -'ulc of tin.- ' I'i'j' ' '!'' ' '' I ' cojiii- nl^'li to ] T;-!I \s ill] hiiiiiL' 1 i'.' ^Vi : : a ' it v/ili 1 in--il. 1>\ -ami- A N 1 11 K J: u r L A j; 11 i: v i \' A i. i s T . : I'.i 1 standing jf>t of a little town in Connecticut, who came h<>me one rainy Saturday midif, *o ' 'larkly. deeply, beau- tifully I'l'u.' that lio \\-.'iit tu l>cd \\itli his liat ami l.>ot> <;ii. and hi.- uld o>tt(.n uiuliivlla iiipU-r liis ami. ][<.' ^"t up about two o'clock the lu.-xt aftomoon, drunk with last niii'lit. and t<)k his wav t tho inecling-lioiise. U.-v. l>r. B was at his ' iTthlv.' in tin- si-vund <'f >ix ilivi.-ioiis. of a v.-ry (.uniinvlifMsivf- 1'ody of Hopkin.-i;m divinity, wlit-n ' ''Uxzlini;' J'K'II:' L-ntt-'ivd tho chun-h, \\ith an t'U'u' in cadi hand. ]!' saw, as through a u'lass darklv, and \\ith evident commiseration, a man in black, \\-ry red in tho face, for the day was oppressively warm, who secrm-d to inter something with a ^ivat deal of vehemence, \\hile a considerable number of those underneath him were f::-t a.-di.-ep : aiiionn- them Deacon <.' , -\\ith his shiny-bald head leaninir airainst the \\'a!l. PKTH, unobserved bv the 1 mini.-t'') 1 , balanced hi- CQ^-. and v. iih t!'-ral>le aim. ]i!;t-i. -r.-d ; t- contents diivcilv above the I >eacon's pair! J [earing th^ concu-sioii, the worthy di\in-; panned in his di.-cnuis.'. and lucked da^ii't-rs at the inau-ilin vi.-iter. ' N'l-vi-r mind, uncle,' exclaijued the intrud,er : 'je>1 you ^-n on a-talkiif; I'll kn/> \-m airnkc f>rr you.'" 1 '\\\- this tinif ill- 1 c'i incremation were thoniii^hly arou-ed. -Mi-. 1- . -aid thi' reverend p:i.-4r, \\itli a >f.vmi'!iLf c',ar;'\. S r r. \ r. s i \ v C i T \ i I \v<>n': \"i>n hav' tlh 1 kindness \<> ivnio\v that p<>i>r 'Tralni'*' Ih-'ai-:.-.' 1 i'-ar that In- is -:-k.' 'titck.*' siani- in< i !v i "in 1 ijualiui-h !; ]'>, a-- hi 1 l><-_;'a!i to foulirm ih-' I'-ar-- I't'tln 1 rl'-r-'Yiiian l>v VI.TV iU'tive >vi!i|'t' >in- : ' .v l-r-k f y-k. to 'sit 1 IMP lor >m-!i preach in' a> yutir'n : i; '> nii'r' 'n 1 can >-/'//c/ un. takf IIP- i 'ill : th.' i|ii:.-kT tlif lu'tti-r ! ' Wr often pan -W.1 blinds r.f snm.- pnbli-- hospital, and picturf ; > :\\ - ' uiv :ind iii"Urn- ful .-r.-ii' 1 - that arc ]:.--.' I'lic -udden m<>v,;-in>-i!l nl' a tap* 1 ", as it- i' ! : i 1! '^l.-klv- -<( \\ :I>P>\\ ~, until it- ii_'i. : Li'i'a n il wciv- rarricd fariU'-r bai.-k in 1 > th' r" i ,f s> itii" - i:" r- :; _' ; I : '. i- \i- I'l^'li t" d :' ri-;li" ti"iir- : tM>- ni'-i'" L; ;' i: . :> ih' 1 l"\\"-''uriiiitL;' lamps. \vl . . hp.'d in dark): 'ss an 1 >hinil"'r. ',-:. ' : < aiul r wlii.'n- >n nian\' li'rins aiv vM'iihinir v, i a-tinu' \vitl; di-ra-i'. is >utH-i''iit tO I'll.'- k ' '. \YliM !!! t'-li tl ' i' 111 '111'-, \, ll'-Il til'' I 'I:!V \\ a :;di r,i :n- 't . ; ' I'i\\ ni' 'an i '' | -a'li. i ir perhaps tlic mutt !' !. ':'''.'''; u prayer *'t' a d', in 1 ,' 1 'v\ ;i' ' :') .. ' - it. i - u:i iuiaLfi'ii' ' lu.- D r 15 i o u s 1) i; r r. n i: N c r: . 193 sense f't' loiii-lim---. ;uil desolation which mu-t I"- the por- tion of t!i'>-e who in the hour of dangerous illness are left to In.- ti-nd'-d bv slr;uiu''TS : i'or what hands, be tlicv ever so penile, can \\ipc the ehunniy brow, or the rest- less bed, like tin iso of mother, wife, ur child? TIIKIU: a 1-0 vory fe\v [lersons in the Empire State who have not heard of KI.Ii-a;/s admired it. I admired that sp" :h wh-a I was -\. \y<\ ! ' It is needless perhaps to add, tha: i': : - comp'itm.-nf v,-;is not lost upon the jurv, 191 A DUTCHMAN 'Doxs.' t ' M-lio"!. 1 who was walking slowlv al"ii^ the road. \\ . a-k'-d an explanation : \\ liy, when the ^ ankees tir-t be^an to settle in here, lie was joined one n torn inn 1 hv a >lab- ^ O sided specimon of 'oin, as he was ]>k'kin^ uj> tin 1 quilN that liis o-fcsc liad dropped, in tlieir chattering morning waddles, bv the e/i^es .f an oblong pnd at the roa'l->iutchman. ' not to be avraid : dat de sjoosp w<>u!d n't hurt uiu anv : bin de ^ees< did riiii after him do!i'_di, clear over ! hill n-ways ; and none of 'em would n't u'ive nm i.o rest aiiy more, when ever he come aloii^ th.- -dreei. I p'heve dey had a >hl ite a^'in de Yankees. Mein (Jo'H 1 i: '.- curi"ti>. c'.^n^h, but de wes ' always went au-iv. and did n't come b-u-k anv mere!' The secret of ihat was, that tin.- Yankee, who was >u afraid of the Dutchman's uv-'.-e, had thrown out kernels of c"ni, among whieli was one with a fi>h-hook attached. Once swallowed, the an^ry goo-e was .-onn in tow after the tlv'n^- fugitive. ' Tn:. ?i;bjeet of ;',. :' i--. ' . ane^ lot' 1 ,' wi he- a friend, 'is an old, and iv-pectahlf phv>iri:m, who i- n^w a very strenuous temperaiice man. although in his yoanir days 5 V i s i r, L E P ii E s T: x c i: ' o r I) E A T n . 195 he sometimes ' patronised the groceries ' over much. On one occasion, having indulnvd very freely in a vari-ty t spirituous decoctions, with some boon-companions, he mounted his mare and stalled for home. lie had not gone far before the inconsiderate 'commingling of spirits' in his stomach mount and come to an anchor against a lari;v !oi(.le. where he commenced a process of upheaval that was trulv alarming;. While envri!_:vd in these spasmodic efforts ut relief, he was accosted by a trav- eller, who, with true Yankee solicitude, enquired what wa- the matter. The inebriate, in an interval of his paroxv-ms. replied, that he 'had traded horses, and was ecru f Ilia Ij'i.i'fjfi.ln!' 1 ' Tnr:ui: is perhaps no feeling of our nature so vairue, so complicated, so mysterious, as that with which we look upon the cold remains of our fellow-mortals. The dignity with which DEATH invests the meanest of his victims in- spires us with an awe that no living thing can create. The. monarch on his throne sinks beneath the be^-ar i;i hi- -Lro!;. 1. The marble features, the powerless hand, the stiff ned limb - oh. who can contemplate //><' \\ i'h fi'din^'s that CUM ],- ilelin.-il! These are the muck/T\ of all our hope^ anil fears our fondest lo\e. our i'e!l-.-t hate. Can it he that we now shrink almost with horror from the touch of the hand that l-iii yr.-t'-rday \va> f'oiidlv ela>pej in mir own; I- that tongue, \\ln:>e aovnt> even now Jwell in our ear>, t'r :v<-r I'liained in llii- silt'iieo <'\ I'm 1 over i" >r,-il up in darkness the ev<.-s \\huM' "'lance n t-arlhlv |>\vcr <.-oul cur ^rief' dm-s it -nare our sorrow .' ( 'r i- the mysterious tie thai linked it \vhh mortality lirnk'-n I'orevfi 1 .' And vomeinliraucos ofcai'thlv sfi-iios are tin '/ to lli'' enfranehisi-d ^pint a- tin- inoniiiiij dream or the fading eloitd ?' Alas' 'all thai v,v kit" // i-. in 'thin u' '('// bi- kii'iwn." 1 1 iii :1 \\ < nin'si Ivi-s .-hall ha\'i- pa--cd the dread ordeal ! XUMBE 11 XIXE. .ii'Kr. IN ' rri.i. i;i.<~>?~"M ' : A 'i:nr<;n GVESS': fuMi'Ar. vim: i..iv.;KvrrY : SIT.NI: AT MV; 'iNd -IAII: rin>. .x: Tin: AILT ny M.-'.VIV; I:NVY ' .nv ' A':TI-T- ' : \ ' siin.'.Tii'in i:i> ' I.A vni.oiin : M.MK-AT. : (.I::I..IN \i. !'! 'i r i:i: '-iir.Ai.E'.i:- : AN AMATIUT.-! I>II::I:M \.\ : .i:\i;-. AN:I 'ini'.iu \VAV<: A . . . iNTiNi.r.NT i:r.M \INIM:K ' : Tin: M.Ave a joke i'or the juke's >ake ! \VcTnustineiitionono. Lul'.-ters wei'e i'. iniiedy quite scarce at Canandaigua, on account of their iMt l>eing found in the waters of Canandaigua Lake, nor in the streams circumjacent. "BLOSSOM had been to the city, pr.")iMir..-d a line' one, packed it carefull v, and to.>k it home wiih him. The fact was duiv iirocl:iimed, tli.- loii>l'r 'l.h'Tt: \vas a quaint, dogmatical "M l'-l!i.i\v. a slioo-makei n:inii''d JoiiN'.sox. an autln'Titv in the vi!laij.v, who liad lost all hi- teeth hut t\v(>, and ihase were in oppuvite sec- tions i 4' his mouth. lie had never seen a l.jh-ter, IKT h;id ill.- -li'^hte-i. idea of what kind of an animal it \va-. I.'.I.O.-SOM, tipping the wink to his eniifrei 1 '.^, helped him \<> one of the ela\vs, 'as lar:;-.. as a -t'>ne.' and ah. ml a> hard. TIow 'In Vnii eat the 'tai'nal thin^'. anv how;'' -aid Vft'-r ver\ diligent but >oine\vhat ]>r. 'traet.-d i-tl'.n-t.-. ulcl man -ueeeeded i ii d vl \ 1 i ii '_; a 1 H ]. -. and e>ta!>!i^hiii".' ;i >u "k. ii"t a ta-te of the interior. Se.-in^- thi- ]"-iii'>n ,.f ;-. I'M ''. \\itli tilt 1 in '-', iiujiertnrlialiie ^raviiv, in- . ;: ' \\ ell. how do yon Li'.-t aloiiLT .' ho\v do v.u like i; ; ' \\aal.' >aid tin- old man. ' I kind ' like the fift/t on 't ! ' 'I ii.- ooinpanv milv smiled: tln-\ didn't any tiling ah"! - da\ th.-\ \\ . re -,, j. .!;;.- and Well 1,1'ed! I>I.IIDM"- -j.irit iniiM linger ali.'iil ( 'aiiaiidaii:'iia y.-t. A iVi' !.-! a -h.Tt I im' -ine.-. a , i _ . : .. - .' - . .. i -. l'i . - !:: ,v a !ain-itnl!\ - . ; : - . ' ' : :. ::.:-' : : ; :;_; \\ ;i hin l ie.- : ;ii. - !!- i ... na. \\ In i \vri< eXjiee 1 ,, i)-al in,; 1 in -un-ii". ciii'ee; \ .._..< itlji-r -;.;.-. in el'a! i' .'i. ;,fe ]' aecll- ...' -i raiii'hl line. The 1 : . m -\ .-d . !.,- : -. '',''' . ^ : . ' . ir-'-l:'.' -aid iin [ - (J O 11 P A 11 A T 1 V E L O X G E V 1 T V. 199 A I.KGAL friend i >f ours the other day was about en- tering a haberda.-dier's. shop in ]>roadway, when a young buck, with a lar^v moustache and small income, born like JAFFIKK \\iih 'elegant de>ires,' drove up a pair of spank- ing bays, ^iittcrin^ \vi;.h their splendid caparison. ' Ah, G ,' said he, ' how tly. ^'hat do you think I gave for the pair;' 'I guess you gave your nolf.f said G . 'Good mawn'rag '. ' re- sponded the blood; ' (i exhiliitcd infant precocity oven in ]ii- hundredth year ! 'At the river Ilypani-, (we quote iVm tin- Tii-ciilai! (Question.-,') \\hich on the one side i!\\- 'HUM the I 'i MI! us, Aui-'TorLE May> there are littK- ani- mals '_;T"\V. which li\\- ri!il\' diic (lay. 'lhn>e then ilini die at th'- --iLi'litl) hdiir. dii- at an advanced a^c : ths<- that live uiiiil sunscl, ai a v'i'y old a^i-. (.'onijiare .air longest life \\ith cternilv, and we >hal! be found almost in the same, brevi'v of life as these little animals are!' SlM.-S I -N Li ST A T I-: I'll IS i) N If ll;e nnhap]'\ voim^ man \\lio ha> reieini\ liiiei the journals i if the metropoli> \\i;h the detaii> of !n> t'..; \ and crime conld, before yielding to temptation. h;i\. looked in upon the state-prisoners at Hn^-Sin-;. us v,e *]'* the other day, .-mvly he \\ou!d ha\e .-hrunk back iron the vortex before him. 1'onr wretches, in thtir be.-i >> tale! lb>\v narrow their cells : how cea^.-h-.s their toil what a negation oi comfort their \\hole condiiion ! I was a sweltering Au^'usl ih;v. breat.lil.-s and nppiv. i\v bllt there was lin I'e-t I'o] I! ha' : 'l'\' '-"l: Viet- \\i:" [ilied their lleVer-ell' iillU' ta-ks V,:i!i!M ' ; .. ... \'.;;,,- S 'lii,;' !',-;ii'-> - V, i ; il i'liUi'l- l"-s ha: > or impoiejit ma ..-.:, labor ' in th' a- v. e : ' . 1 !;i! v. ha i a picture v, a- pr. -ei,;,'(i. a- me --->\ aiinin- into the opei th,- be 1 ,!, lo ; ;, i- c*"-(-i I to their ee,! .'.;.:.. i ' I 1 ruin li.e thick almo liul:le-. l 1 . . ' ; i.' ai.d 1 i.i i-.-'! i i -;-'; ;. oi ci 'i-d . a;. ; j.nliiev. ; ,;,d pa; pi >t>}vd i' .ri i : ;V' 'in in'irky >mi : \ i M v \. _;]' m .1 - the d,ark reee.~-e- :r ,\n v, \ i m> -P.: I : !':< -m d. ' which open HOM!) interminabie row> [ i-lnM.--sv.-t lieiichf.- 'ur-t f'>;'th tiii.- kniidii.- of in.- a\vl and hammer; th>- ru.- a--dub of the, cooper's inall'.-t, the creak of his >haviir_>-- knii'c, \\eiv still; the >t'in_:-liaiiiia-r wa> .-ik-nt ; anJ tlie court-yard was full (A' that >ti'ij>i-il crew! (iiiu ni' coiu- jia i',-u ! \\lial a .^i^lit it \v;u~, \ s. j i.> that niMtli-y inultituer>e<.l aiiiMiiL; 1 tin- liiK-s;' liaii'l> criin.-'iii with inurit-r rc.-t'-'l ii[''ii the >h<''uMi.Ts V'lUii^ aliku in years and eiiine ; the vii.-tiiu of li'-.-tiality prcssod a^iaii-t the heart-hri-keii tool of the >v.-athle.-s viilaiu; and nil w<_-r.- hl.-nde.l iu cue ro- vnSiiii^- in;iss of traim.-d soMiers of u'uiit ; their thoi;-aih! lei; 1 -- ]i!ovni_r as the le^' of' 01:0 man: all in siK-uev. save the peculiar s"Uinl of tin.- ^li'liiiLf trcail. ^ratini;' ii"t le uji"ii the ear than the <_>To ; !nd. < 'n<: l>v ono, thcv took i!i ;) \voddt.-ii ]>ail- of 'lini;'v and ain]ihiiiiou<-lonkin^ tood. iiid |>a ed on. \\indinir iii> the >tairs of t'i'- diii'eivnl >;,- iu.-.satid streaming alon^ the narrow corridors to their .-oiharv cells. it was aho^v.-'Jier too iniicli lor tho tc-inler h--ari of ".r K!-I. A. this lona 1 pror-es-ioii of tho cran.;-. A- -hi-y >:[ -e,[ on :u .-1,W MK.-r'-SMOll. her lilie^Mll to -liiver; a!;,] "2Q~2 T ii i: A i; T or Mo w ING. lli-:vivi-:n a u'ood manv pleasant memories to-dav. in a walk alon^ tlie Croton aqueduct, to the charming v Sunnv- side ' of ('KOFFKKY I'KAYOX. AloU^' where WO OIK'I! SO ol'ien talked on the same agreeable errand, tin-re have lately ,-prmiL;' up two or three small villages. "\Ve found farm- ers mowing tiie aijiH'duel in several places \\ln-re it run- throuidi nieado\v- ; clipping it- -teep slopes to the \vrv t"p. <>!<.! KNK.K.' went down tho grassy deelivity, and a-k'-d permission of a farnu'r, a 'noMeman of nature,' t" nio\\ a little. Tlie favor \\a- ivadilx ^ranti'd. \\'ii!i the nieinorv "t' a reeeiit afliieveiiiein of the same kind fiv-hlv in mind, ilie jot'o-r-doAs n In Ires-ed him-. -If to hi.- jilea-uraMe ta.-k: iir.-t whettiiiL; 1 I'll' the -e\-tlie, Mri'iu heel i" p'int,' after the ap]'i'"\ed manner of that preparatory e\i-i'i-i-e, and then straddling t'ni-ih t the mowiiiij. At'ter a few vi^ol't'll.- ellt- with the -cVthe, \\e l.ei'allle auai'e of soin, doubts in the mind d' the pviitlemnn \\hoM- instru- lllellt AS e We IV, ;i- We lalleled, \i-]'\ de\ tel'oUs! V Svieldlllii'. Jlis iir-t .words niortitied us. ^e were doin^- ( ,iu- b,-t. A\'e looked \'r i-neoura^enieut : wo mav say, indeed, that we fullv e\pe, ;e 1 applause, .hid-'e. then, what niu-t have been our Mirpn.-e lo hear these ssoixls. uttered in a tone \vhieh was -eareelv le-.s ungrateful than the lan-'iia^e \\hieh emivev<'d the ' e\piv>-ii>n <>f the idea by artienl;:',e sound-t' 'YijH d.i i n't kinds' ip'thui' ab..ut niosvin' ! \\ E x v v o F CITY A n T i s T s . ' 203 thought \\e mu>i have misconceived the observation, and said: ' I> n't that cut close!'' ' You do n't know ncnhin' about mowm' :' was nuw repeated, in language too plain to bo misunderstood : ; s.urt'in, you cut cl'.at enough ; too elu>t, if any thin^ ; in our .-iylo <-_>' inowin', in these ['arts, \\e d" n't u'''ii'.-railv fan- to slice the .-tones off like a cow- 'iniilxT. You can't mo\v ! Fu>t place, you stand too fur if. \t>n '[ l>ivak yi.'iir back in an Imiir, tlmt Avav o' inuwiii'. \ ou do n't C'line uji to ymir \Vdi-k: \\liv do n't you come up to your work ;' Come up to our work ! marry, come up !' We went out of that meadow, alter these uncalled-for remarks, widi a vt-rv indifferent opinion of the ,-tyle of mowing in that neighborhood. We did n't comment unkindly upon their stvle of mowing, although it \v;ts e.-sentially different from ours ; then ^by should they so flippantly critici.-e ours ? We did our best, in our manner. AVe left the rows of sweet-scented hay-cocks, the loaded hay-wagons, the horses switching their tails and munching the new-cut grass, with a feeling of sincere re- gret, that mere envy of so simple a thing as that of a su- perior style of cutting grass with a scythe should be per- mitted to embitter the thoughts of the two husbandmen, who, for some reason or oilier, we fancied to be sneeringly jocose between themselves as we came away. We inferred so, ' from a remark they made.' 'Guess he thought he could mow he seemed to ! ' \Y,- ; ; 111: liiiii'jfs t<> iviii"in! n-r. ;;- vv.- rani- 1 a\\a\ :Y "M Suiiiiv.-uli 1 . !>\ tin.- ilustv ;i:;i ' ii"i-v Iln.l~.iji liivt-r U:iil-rr.. pr itni i Mtiiii'4 \\illi mir lnt, atnl nlh!<- [i-'i'suiis. \\iih iiiiu-ii iiifiinH . ; Ic ,', - in'-,- ; a jil.-a-aii! slc--]i in tho spar- 1 room* tor a >]>aiv man, int'.Tnijiii'd diilv 1'V a vi.-ii. in i:i" [rail wa>l'. j ;tnl iuii'lli' ft' tin- iiijiii.' (Voiii llu- 4'!i la lv u ii > il'u-il nl 1 |.i\ i- aii'l L,T(.-<-II :<., ']'!-' : \ VN T\<>:.i inan-i'iii, !.; lull uiir |tl'-a--aiU iviuiMi.-i-i'Urt:.- \\ < IM; -i \ 'c \ 1. :.. ! i >!ir i !''- ; .: _- .: ' . , . ! -iri'x ' >\s i; t'.inn !'-. A_ : :,' c r.aii :,< -!' i' \ <','<-. . \\ : -.'-. i. . . .; : :> ' . ,!':. i > - i ,-...:. 1 idi;i! iii- l-'.-in au-i ' Sin;' . . T.,,- iar:n -r> an- ! . .. . > .)ivt nl>- 5V1 VHIH-'.'S. I II \ 1 \va- a -, .ii ' a i :'i i : .. : h Hi ! ]' ill ai:i' >H' : : :....-' -.:.'". lYlV II..1 11 ! ' i oft . 1 1 1 1 . ' 1 1 ' V. 1 . ! V a !,!-!! li^uiv : aii.l I - MOCK- A r <: T i o x s HAS tli-- city ivader ever pa.-rd iilon^ Chatham ^arj;a:n- up. and the uproarious vociferations of the opera- tors'- noi.-es that, lnvakiu^ 1 upon the e;u- df a pu-M'r-l.y \\]IM i;iuv IM' indul'4'iii'j.' the luxurv of hi> own (juic.i !ii.M.;ht-. suddenly re--ull vi\'id idea- of Hcdlam; an iin ]!!'i'->sio!i ilia' i- uinsilv coniinncd. by a a'hmco at tho .-hop";, inierioi', \vheiv -land- a loiic-lv in in. fo;nni;i'j; -ir t!:e iiiuiit li. -auiii^ tiiO air \viih h!i hand, and making 1 lh-j diru' coiiti- ier lief. nv hiiii M iv.-iiuid aii'ain \vith th nuiso of hi> mui- !e;. Tii" > of anoiher c!a>>. Yni shall see i !; even of ;i coid whiter morning, : uttoticd io the ihro r. . , a \vai-t'. - oat or a pail' of Hiiwliispcralilcs whi-k- !::_; a ; - -a! uii a loii ^ -tick, \\ iiicli ! if LoliK in li is hainl, \vliil !:. .-:. ei-,; > !> \\\ ' j."d''-: I'ian ;iuditrv. \v1u> sometime.' at him in ])av-in'.:', Tw ~\\\ 'live ! TliirT thin" .III! ' , ii'ui ;.a auiunriton. to ;jjl ;:;!;,;- a:id purpoS'--. l>n! li:- 1 mo-1 di-l i !!_;! | ; die 1 of ailctiolie"!'-;, is 1 lie Vein ier of oil-paillr- ill^S ; and tlii 1 L-l.-iss lias u'lvatlv uiulliplied, since ii has lx'i>n u-ccrt -lined tliat at l"a-l an hundred 'original pi. -inn-,' o!i J'Jt) n i r; i \ A L I* i c T r u i: -1) i: A i. i: i; s "in- and tin- -aim 1 -ul'j'ct. and l>v the samo ivnuwn.'d ma-ter. iii:iv !"' -I'M h'Te tVi'iii "lie auction mar:. ,-\}. llfili-als in !>"'/*. \\i-ll pnxcrvi.'il : liuiii-liii^-. fit.-r uii- iK-r.-tatM tlit- mati'-r. We ln\.- ivtvnth ivad, in sninc of Miir ]I.T;I ulii'al-, a l>ri<'t' a< unt "t' th-' kimwli'il^i- nf art and tin- '^rcat ani-t- \\hii'h llu-v ili>['lay, i-iil it did imt i-i'iiu' nji tn thr n-alitv. 'lip' '^rcat stu'i'^.-x)! 1 ct' Madamo M vi.Ai'ijni 1 . \.hi> ll"uri-in-'! in KiiLfl.'ni'l sniiii- ten r t \vdvo \''-ar- Mi;' 1 1. i'"ifM al !:. \\i-n- >hc ami niLT us, do ju-ticc \<> tin 1 antii'in'iT of mod'Tii ]'iaiiitii)LT- i>v tin.- old mastois. ' Iloi'f,' lit-- r-x'-laim-. lu'lilinir up a rather ciinfused and inotvlfd I'l'diipi.'-iU'iii. ' i- a -pV-iid'd pii-t.',ir\ liy a \f~ry ancient mas- tc-r of art-. Von -'>- tho framo i> oM and worm-eaten, and tJicrc 1 i- tho yc-ar ' 1.32S' on '-. } -:\<'-}<. of it. Tt i> tho in- r.-rior of a cathi-' 1 , ra! in ?pain, or el?t; in Italv. Thr-y are a-wni-.-liippm 1 in-idi-: tin j-'i-i-'-t, up f-.y the candles, i-. v-ry li in<-'p'!i-<>d with tii'- -ninki' that th- l-oys i- a-whiriin' ri-Jiiid hi- hi'.'id : and tli" uiiv V a--inu'iti' a t<'diuin : Imr II I (i I \ A L P I C T U R E ' - D E A L K li S . "207 look at vuiir catalogues; it 's all in thorn.' 'This pirtur' ua- exhibited iitiv year.-> in the Varuum at Homo, where tin.- pope keeps his celebrated bulls. What 's bid for 't '. !> live huii'ired dollars named, to yfart it '( Five hun- dred do I hear '.' This is smirk do\\n to a spectator at the farther end of the room, and another ri-es to view, with two naked figures in the tore-ground: barked by trees that ar.' very, very given, and skie> extremely blue. This gem of painting, gen'lemen, is a cltef-dowi'tr c.if DE I.JIFF: his celebrated ' Adam and Kve oxpulsed from 1'a- radise.' Is three hundred dollars bid for thi> '. It was sold for six hundred guineas in London! Is pfhj dollars bid? Fifty iifty g'sing! Yours. Mr. SCCKKDLN.' This was t'll<>wed by a painting whirh seemed to ivpre- < ( -nt a street-view. 'Hero, now, is a treasure! It is a srene in the su-burbs of the city of Venire, that a gen'le- nian. who was here to see it this morning, railed the "Flare Louis Uuin/.y.' named after a French oflioer in XAPO- LEON'S army, who caught cold a-travellin' in the same stage-coach at night, with a wet nurse, and died of the Hiiin/.y sore-throat. I did n't hear of this in time to put it in the catalogue; but they say the first tiling a traveller does, when he gets to Venire, is to hire a horse, and ride out to look at it. How much for it?' The piece went for tifiy dollars. ' You will find it.' said the auctioneer, 'a vi-rv eh'.-ap pirtur ' and he did. \Y. ' .. ' I" 1 i\ i - ah .am-i-'ii'tf t>{' ;i!i :.-,.. ii i 1 ;_ 1'iaiil !'>'.vr u! "H |'ail;t:i!i; s >. ":' wlim- i: taki'ii l>\ i-\ crv hurk-h-r i ;' pii-. !: _;,r - ,an>uii'l him : .'iinl hi.- l"\"r nf In-ill^- ilrr.-iv !' ^lllhi'Tfil t'l'nUl I;; 1 ' ti'iii'\\il _r cuiiiMpn' \\iiil ;ill Illliali-Hr 1 ; (',,;;.,.!;, ;,].,] |Uc I . . lllV 1 '\ . ; 1 ! I ' ! / '// >liin\ vim M ] i^ ui iv thai /.s ;i I'irtun ;tn niit-l di'i^iii.'il. I\\;ini yniir iiiiliia^-i 1 '! jii'l^niiMii }' n. r jiii\\ S\in u \v:i> ovi-i 1 1 . |no]< ;ii it. yi->ti-ri.l;iv. ;iiil ici'i tin- ini- c t'i - (.- th-ii i; \\ a- a o 'pv - ( ant I'anri- ! ! '.\ .I . '\ ,. ! I ' ; iik" :u:\ lJ t / inan l'i ; ;; Hi" - > '. ( ';;!-. i::'..i i ! i: ! i > , ; j ' - ' !i>ii'i "ji;;,i. .u i ij' , ! i ki,. .v. sv ha! ;/"" ' .. ::.' Tiidv i- . :i ; ; , . v. ' ] . ;:,:'!,_: \\a - in..; A N A .\i A T [: r it - F i s it t: i; M A x . ^09 our pleasant pariv. li-hini; 1 in the Calicoon and Shinidekill. 1 ne there \vas of us, a 'personable' youtli, with siikv uiou.-tache, and 'dark-locks flowing free,' who would havu inveigled more trout to taste his hook, but ibr his liabiii- iiieiits. The 'fashionable plaid' ' cluck '-stockings, of a pink stripn\ and patent-leather shoes ailornod his lower iii"i!i!i.'is : hence, accoutred as he was, -Old KMrK., 1 'in ru.-iie ^,irb, thick-booted to the thighs, 1 libelling to h;> uri^-iit solicitations, to be borne across ihe deep and bil- in^ 1 bi'iiok, did essay to do thai same. 'As ^ENKAS did ANCIIISKS bear,' he took the youth upon his back and set forth t'.r the oilier side. ]So\v it so chaiK-t.'d ( the elder \\ KLI.KH'S upset uf the coach-load of VOUTS) that when arrived at the deepcsi, and ino-t tunuilui- oii> part of the slivani, an uniiickv misstep, and some little 1 laliii'U''. compt.-llei.l the 'writer hiMVof.' although a^ain>t V''heni.'iit reiiionsli'ancc, to set his burthen down ! Have n'i bee;? >o 'sorry' for several years as we were at that 'accident,' and so we remarked at the time, but \\iili very littl*- fll'ect, we thought, to the 'complainant,' after he hail scrambled up the bank, ihroiiu'li tin' tanided bu>hc>. and sat. croakhiL;' on an old loo-, a ' dem'd moist, nnplea.smt both-!' V V S. ti-h ! Th'-v '11 bite any thinn', from an old ra^ up to a ra-_;'_;vd pie> of moat. They are not 'what \ oil may call a han'-tim critter:' thev cannot bo deemed an "orna- ment to society.' They are better 'as a meat,' than as a p.-r-oiial friend and companion. This r-d ri^ht hand' bears \\itne-- of t}nit. \ on cannot touch a crab's bet- ter nature: 'leastways' ?/'. could n't. Tin- one we tried we thought, a model-specimen; but he pinched, scratched, 'du^' in.' and 'held on :' upon //.>-, too. \vho de- fended hi- \\iioie race down at ] ire-Island one dav one Fourth of .Inly. Ther>- \\ as a broad -hallow tub of water that v,a- fiiil of iliein, in th,- shade of the house; ai.d there thev tloated and sprawled, in true 'independence' fashion. \\lien their claws were extend'-.]. \\a-_;-- of bovs. wuild set lire-crackers on end in their joints, \vhieh they would lirmlv n'rasp, ' ri^'ht eirl up with care.' In'o the claw- of a !>;_; lob-ier, :' their mid-i. a 'TuiTON amoii^' minnows,' the boys placed an eivci wooden ]'i-to], with a slow niatcli, mad'- < 1 a ' crai'keiv Iiavin^ :mm<-di- ate connection with the totich-hijle. Thi- wa- the " ^r'-at j'iiii ' of ! [larlv. Ihis masked p;-cat"nai li'al- inLT-battery was operated' at one and the same time, and a \ i'-sim ,]:. .pp. . - f the tub) at e\ er\ nc- !" i\v d.i- -liar-' . \\ ! ', - il erne] >pori at //"it i an-- : bui by tlii- hand \\. ' .::; ,, n ,w that it ' sen ed A 'Co x T i .N G J-: -N T li ): M A i x D E n \Yi: have n't heard in a u'ood \vliilo of a more amus- ing take-in than \vas performed by an auctioneer in a >mall village of ' Down East.' A fiddle had just been bidden oil' at a 'liiyli figure' by a 'cute Vank.-e : but the auctioneer was cuti-r .itill. ' How inucli.' said lie, aftei pa.-dii'.: 1 the buver his purchase, how much ' 'motlered for tl/.'. b'jic ' how iii.uf'li ? -how miicli 'inotli.'red for TUI: now;' Hello', you! that's /ti'ttc!' said the a>ton- isln.-d purchaser. ' \VaJ. that /,v rich ! ' replied the ane- lioneer du'lduJlij rich! (riies.s you must be from the k.'d'ntry. \\~\\*) bid> for the Loic ' How much 'moil'eivd for llic I'm.' .' how jiiurh ' liow much tor // Ion.' ? A- naf, naf. naf. naf : i'a>s up your change, you la/.v de\'il : V"U \\OM),[ n't a-Coine in. '.\pect, except to u'il e<"nit o' the sun. <-ue>s voii mu-t \m from tlie kei'nir\'. How much "nioii'.-ivd t'or t//< L'JI'' '' Tlie bi.nv was tinailv bid off bv ;i -hiv\\d bv-stander, who saw a chance for n little k >[<.' and sold to tlie victim who had bought the fiddle, at a lar^o ad van':'. 1 on tin"' original cost. T j be on eanli //o "nlorr ;' to be buried in the eold ground and tbr^ottrii; to polve tlif ^M-;I! m\-ir-\ of tin 1 u'i'av<- ; how w." shrink from it ! li<>\\ ihr bc-t -tart ap- |iall.-d at I he tlion^ht '. Tli^ A/x/ /////f.' too. ho\\ die>e -: 1 - j T HI: 1,1 A .- T 1J i T T i: u II o r i: . ' ".,u \\ords tall upon tin- -u.-ivj.tihle heart '. TH us ihi- (iiou-'hl i.- MI impressive, that it', on leaving ;ui ai>anm>-nl due .,!!_; that \ve may never vi.-it a^ain. the idea r- to u- that \M' aiv leaving it l'T the la.-t lime. \s e ;'- "in al OIKT to id\v ihe H' to our fears ; and so in i iddinij ihi'i-'^ril t > a frit-Mil, it' \\ o ;ifi' ri-iiini'li'il l>v tins sjn.'ctiv ot' .' \\i- inaki' it a jioini to -. him oiu-f moi<-, a.ii'l hi.l him a^ain, as it' hy a.-.-i.iriit. a liaMv aii'l K -- .1 ailicii. li i- a^i'inisiiiiiLj ho\\ (his id^a i.t'ih-aili \\iii /"/,/""'' il. liram. Looking, for c\amj l j . at a rl <-k. \\>v - 'inii-r \\ hen tliat la'ur-liaiiil (u- thai iiiinutt-haiu.! >li::',. l:iaik tlleeliil of \ i MM' J 'li_:'l 1 1! ia^'e 1 \\1;--!! eat'h -liaii ^t"ii; u In 11 \\ i: 1 1 iin n 'time -haii he \\>, I- : - i .' ; ,.] ihe -ha'i"V, >ha:l _" h: 'k iij^u the ilia!.' Ainl a- \ >il think of thi-. \ ' '!! 1'erall the tlloUsainl ! . ;'e> (if the M-a- >ons. \\liere thoim'ho of ' hitit r hour' havt- i-oine lljn '!i Vi '11 : ill li:>'"' : ' - - ; 1'V till 1 .- 'l.'lull sin ife i .f or, -an. \\ hi re -i.-nl aii'l t!ioU-.;iiHiii \ ' !! ha\'e \valkeil alone ; ( .]' ;_ at tile 'JTeal -Mil in ; . ' of ] ii-u ;-. . .] c'l iiiil-eui'taiiieil. -inking -!i i\\ Iv in i . i \\ > -' : ' 'i 1 at ihe nn n in careei in^- in ill-- lirmanieiii of iii^'lit. \\ iih all her attendant -tai'> : ail t : i'--'-. eVi'T-llvillL;' '.: 'i 111 \ .:._. ;n ! full of ij;i. liioU-li ;!,, \- CeMlillili i U- a ; |ol!-;,|;il 1 ilii. - of deal h. Wl ' .o;. i.'inii.-r- 1 i . : ' and 1 1 .- !. .i- : iv MP -ad ' 'f the 1 . -' i<. , i ;,., \> ,. .ri-adii:i!l\ a: .MI :. 213 his dark domain. \\ e do !it drop at once into sleep, tliat calm relative of death.' but as slumber creeps ^radu- alh upon u<, ;tnd one hv one the senses yield to its s\vay, so 1'eaih. the antagonist of \vak.-i'al life, who \\alks his unceasing' rounds, and sooner or later stops at e\vrv man's door, hi!!- us by slow decrees into that sleep \\hich can kno\v no waking, till earth and sea 'heave at tin.: trump uf ('on I' jMn you (/ver kno\v an Iri-li servant tliat had n't a do/.eii 'cousins '. ' A friend of ours says that he oin c for- bade them his kitchen : hul it was of no use. The\- cani!-, aiul when /if came, they were concealed. His kitchen-chimney smoked one day. lie knew not wherefore. He knows now. lie says a kitchen-chimney w'ri,->:d prai'-tie..,' throuo'h the aid of broom-sticks and 214 corn-stalks, intiTspcrsfil IH-IV ami thriv \vitli a rnstv olu <> i;'- 'i'-!ii.' \\ i !!. sc\vr:il tiTorioiis aii'l ili-ti-nniii'-'l \\vre fxtruti'il, in anticipation ,.f tin 1 cm-nix's '. Balls \\civ '"i-;. iruns -cinuvtl, il;nt> jii.-kfil. aii'l troops' wcro sol IM work in iliir^iii'_r u tivurh \\liirh -h.'iiM ci'iiiinainl tin- oiitranco of tlu 1 rivi-r, iunl-r ilie -u- i'"!-\ ;-:',i fit' Colonel S- - . who was a \ft--ran \ ih-- revolution. It wa> IM' lon^- licfnn- -:.ii)c i^un-lioats wcro M-fii ajijiroacliiu^. (.-los.'ly followt-tl l>y two Kinjli-li tVi'^at's: ai:'l :i~ tln'\ canir within raiiLji 1 , a :-ho| nr two \\.-i-' lii'^.l. Tlic ': . , ; ;i\ : <\ thru*' i\\i> i-nlvcriiH. " "i ' LfriniiiiiL:' r rhai'i:''', ',:,'"!' i| . was in>! In i"- I. 'i ;,. \ . 1 ' : ;,!.' . !; ll]i alul (KiW 11 lllO vain iii ^caivli oi hini : l<\\\ at lon^tli !:' c-jiifil m a>i !" 'liLiiiLT 'ip ami \\u <>'- '.:;>:> >iui!.- ' wi'i'i- . '. , : ' liniliiTj; thf 1" 'tti'iu ' '!' a <\< t-j iri'.f. In . tin.' <' Ji '!!'! l'i "i'' ll[i ' : \Vi ; tlii- ilcvi! :.! v> M ilo- . \\ ' \ ; .v ;., ,1 1 : ;:1. I',....; : % -. |>!!.-.] : '';;,' .-!] "f l!i> iii- tlii- i- >/' v ho:.-. : I lu^ ii : atul \\\'^ i-'n*-ci] 'EXERCISED i \ P R A Y E n . ' 215 P>riti>hers can Lit mo if they kin let'em shute ! Lei the troops git under i/icir sand-bank if they do n't want to uit hit: th< >/ got one ! ' Was n't this an exhibition of the ' better part of valor ' in u commanding officer ' SOME months ngo a person was committed to jail in Northampton, Massachusetts, and placed in a room with a maniac, \vho had been con lined there tcmporially, previous. to his bring taken to the Insane Hospital at l>rattlcboro'. After the new-comer had 'turned in ' lor the night, his cra/y ehnm ordered liim up, and told him to dress him- self, and then make a prayer, or he would choke him to death ! There was no way but t<> obey, and after making \\hat he supposed to be a sufficiently long praver, he stopped. I1U i'Hjtiii-itor told him to keep on, and he ac- tuailv kept him praviuiT all ni^ht. The poor man \\as not relieved until the jailor carried in his breakfast. From the fact of his having been ' committed to jail,' probability favors the conclusion that he had not prayed for some time previously. Perhaps, however, he was a Massachusetts pri-oner for debt. T>e ibis as it may, it seems to us if he \\ere nut bles-ed \\iih a great natural Li'ilt, iiein^ liiu- ap- pealed to "lead in prayer' inn-! have 'come tou^h.' It \\oiild seein, at lirst sie-ht, a dreadful -iuiatioii to be kepi praying all night, and ex tcmpore, too: bm we well re- llli-llll'iT a LJiHiil "!il \\ >r'l\' I'lrl'LfVinUtl, "f Hill 1 l>oyili>:>il'> i!:i\>,' wip i wituM have beaten the victim in an ntt'iilnit!.tiry oti'rrin^ 1 of t.he k;n-: anil when he came to pi'ay i'ni'lhe l>i-iri^- I'IIL;' in "t' (.'Oi/s 'ancient eoveiiant pi'i">ple, the -li-\v.-,' \\hii.-li wa> hi.- l;i-t yi;u t;\v-r in vour lif'.- f- a e sucli a chan^v; 1:1 tin.: fi.-i-liii^s df any man. as is iv-coni^l ln.'lovv. in a r<>uj>I<; ol' t'xtracls I'r.'in a I-tt<-r of our correspondont '.JuuAX?' [Ie is not wf-l!, is approaching 'Xow-Y^ars,' and is alto- ^1't.lic! 1 vt-rv -M'l iii'i(".'i.l : It \VdiiM \>" ;:niii-in^, if i.>no could lan^li at any tiling so to ol>:s.TVi; ill-- humor.s of the fnv \vlio think upon tliij !.'ai'iiiL:> ^t' this >o!i-mn tiim. 1 . In tho yoar to bf, thcro a:v ti'any to coinr-. many to ufo. and but fow to tarry : \vt ';// liavt; ihf-ir ambitions of a life-time; tho-c f-von. to \vhom tin' >tars ha\'e L;TO\VII dim, and life borrimi' almost ;i morl'oi'v nii'li']' Iloaven, d.'i-hin^ int') tin- coming day \\itli H'lin'-lhiii'j.- i.f the old zest: \vhi!' th>- many. ih- ui fjollui. who h;ue i;it y.-t ninde their t;'ran'.l :nvo. are now 218 iv.'ulv. an' earth is to takr a new route in creation : forgetting that the old round nm-t !>.- the round fur ever. Night> sleepless with joy. nights sleep- le>s with pain, nights long \\ watching, fovoiiVh thought : eriine that >tin^ like an lulih-r. and night- -h<>rt \\itli \<>-r- 1't-et rest; days Ioii2f and w'arv. days 1'i'i-lit and lia-iiin^, hot ainl O'.'ld, \vi.-t anl drv. and da\"- and ni^hi> \\"it!i all of tin'.-.-' a- hath bccll in tin.- tinn.' tliat V ]-a-t. and \\iil be in the time to come. ' 'Hi*, iv i> sonii-thinL:' VITV pitiahlf in thosi- liiunuis : in- de> d vi-r\ l:iui:'liahle, if your month i- shaj^'d in that > ',- fi.vt : but a> it happons with me to-ni^ht, mv iniaith iv- fiiscs to tuitrh c\cfpt in one dirertioti. Its cnnifrs ha\'o the 'downward t-'iidt/iK-;'.-.' Perliaps it i> bueanse this is with me tin- anniversary "f a day upon the events c.f whii'li are liaii^'in^ the movements of ;tll ;ift.-r-Iil'' : it may 1 this ai d there may be th>-tvto added the (.olorin-- , !' ;i wii terV day. Tli- wiml howls about tin- h<.ni>f-top< % ::!id tin- air pieivi- like in-. -:- : even the stars, \\ln-n they down in tl u-ai !-. a- the rai 1; L; V| '-> bv. >..-em to vhi\i-r ':'., tlieiv ' rerliM] - there !- 7:' >thili^ M ' ]"]-' :.:;! in all that. \ } - . < \\ ind ],, ,\\ ], .) } ;l ~.\ Ji'^'ht, an-i ma\ '' ; ;. \'.\< : I'M to ,-. .pi,. ; l.-.u oh ! a- 1 ,;m a iH-rvmi- man. a; the i-irel'iii^ imiiith-, and f.M-1 tie- .-liirj; h'-re a * ther-\ in that Li'alvanie bat- terv : find :is I look forward r f've. and fir uj,,--ti u ii F i n s r J3 A n Y . 219 to the faintot AvliNper (.if tin.' dim t< >-morrow. ii is not as tin.- .-tars shiver fp-in excess of li^lu, but with a shudder at the In-art from the cooler blood of (i.x.xl ui^ht, my kind Mmroii : that .-entonco is >', jirt-inatiu'c, \\i-o ln-t'oro my ti mil', a l>!'ut\ a blockhead! I>id I talk of dust and a-lut- ] <.)h ! Sir, I lk-d multitudinutislv, Kvcrv n-jrvc, ovory imi-cl' that di .-t rankle in-j in that utti-r- anco, lu'd. Xo, Sir; h't me tt-11 you it 's a irivat \\-iid; o-lorioiis ma^nirtcriii. ; a world that can't bo bc.-at ! Talk of tin.' 'tai 1 ^ and a K-tt.-r world, but do n't iuvit>' me tlu-iv yi.'t. Make my regrets, my apoloyv {,) ])i;.\iii. but say tint I (.'a n't cm no : ']i(.itivt' eii^a^cmfnt : happy soino otbvr time, but not now.' r>h, no; this murnin^ i- (piile t"o l.-aiitil'ul to It/avo ; and bc.-side, F wrioti< li^ht. tlii- p;ii'e an- that can o<'ho back my loudest hurrali. And then, mv by - l!ut have n't T t"ld V"U .' W!iv. v ;r, I've M'ot a b..y '. a ioy / lia, lia ! I vhoul i: "lit to you-- A Hoy; a tcn-p< amder, and tin' mother ;i -Teat deal fir (fa- than could be. e\] t-.-d ! And. 1 -av, my old friend, it 's ?///'//'"'.' Ifurrah and hallelujah t'niv\vr! < li. "Nl 1 .-:._ 'II anil-, ail'l -Url! ;i lli-rhi . and I can ki-- tin-in t'oivv.-r ! And . >ir. l"'-k at hi- i'tvt. hi- hands, hi- chin, hi- i-yi-. hi- iiiir. in fui-t > i -. :'''! 1 (.Jive nit; j'.y. Sir: n \ u !. ' n'| i-i: !] r. i in ^s : I run Vav th.-\ ; It t:i- 111-- up. Id" : : \\ ! i- l'<\ '. \ . '! . >ir. a' : i nil.lii! -!' ' \ :,i- \..i,--. i-! : i- i. ^ '; ,.1'tl:. (,.! i'.'"; r and ri : ,-. i i ' ; r;ir;i -;-- C"!:lriv ' '' '', ;.'.d !-V, U- il- !' ' ; d ., /!:i:if ; i : ! \ i -. hi- \\ }',' !- Uru FIRST UAUY. ;i^l pausi making altogether, Sir, exactly ten pound-- avoir- * hid r ever talk brown to vou. Sir, or blue, or anv oiher of the devil's colors? You say I have. ]',." ymir pardon. Sir. but vou arc mistaken in the individual. I am this dav. v ir. multiplied by two. 1 am duplicate. [ am number one of an indefinite >erii_-s, and there's mv continuation. And you ob.-crve, it is not a block, nor a i. lock-head, nor a painting, nor a bust, nor a fragment of anything, liowever beautiful; but a combination of "// theart^ and sciences in one: painting, sculpture, mu.-ic, (hear him crv.) mineralogy, chemistry, mechanic-;, (-,-,.- him kick.) ^eo".-raphy, and the use of the globes, ( s .oo him nurse:) and \vithal. he is ;i porpctth'd motion a time- i;' words, >ir. are nut a mouthing and a inocivery. When a man is nearlv crushed uinler < ibli^atioiis. ii is piv.-unied that lie i^ unabh- to spt ak : but he mav lietid oVi-r very i/ard'ully. ir li.-ar oi' I'aliinj'. nod in a Hnal! wa\", raid say nothing 1 ; and tlien, if he h,i\e -uiiicient nre^euce of mind to lay a hand upon hi> heari.and look do\\ n ai an anu'le of forty-live decree-, \vith a motion of the lii- 11:.- i liter, d poetry Mowing the v/i} in h ; .s lii-t inteu'uments, 1 auniethat position, make the small nod afore-said. and leave \oii ihe poetr\' untittercd.' I r \vill l.'iki- vull I>u1 :i miliiitr ID iva.l tJii- liltlr >ki-t--!i 'it' \\]i;il wo he.iri] and saw at th>' jail in KI K/liiv-t.-r. thai \\ ' >!i'i'Tt'ul iif\\ -i iM citv, ivi'oiitlv : A< \\- walk--'] Iri>uivly l>y ;i i^ral ! ilimr. a ihi-!i.- l (.iiuiti-Ti:iiKv anU'Ll''iilv \\'->i\ \\- i'li ilic.- ii'i'ii la i~s. It \\ as a i'ai-' 1 ID In.- ri'l!H'li! ! H-!'''i] t fur il luii.l : a f-maok d' Tartarus an<1 tin: -culs in 1 .' .' I; \vas ni' a Man in 0'">nfnit'im'iit I'M- shooting hi- \vit'', ;.; (.-nM ',! 1. Slu> was still lii,- UJM.II tl i-f ih.< . n !' li-! ; nil 'iiv, !i.'i i 'nil ( i hu^liaiiil. . . . \ - \\ \- : ': , . :^' ;i >i: i t!,i- ][!- m, a ]] ' >:' in:- , rnnif i- i : n-ti-il, ' : oi- i! ii' 1 - uhii-li fi-rni'-nt an-] iv.'k !i!o cuinp' -:. in all !;]''_:'" ' . ~. \> - -.rn !!'_; ' :\: i ' Mr. M'An VM. . -.'j. v . ,\ mi''!, ''' ; II . ,vi ill 'V>. :,:,'! . ! -r i!i- t'n;ui : ; :: ;-,Iih"-lU;i 1 " i . .-' ' i : . '. ; i >",",,< A K TE15.' TU A Fu E his tatU'ivd coat a loaf of bread, ami half of a dried rodtish, and holding them up to tin- magistrate, with triumphant look and gesture, exclaimed : ' You do n't ketch me //<vav ! I'm no \\ arrant. An't tlmm '\\isible means o' support,' I should like to know :' The argumenl was a -non settiiiur. Tin-: opinion lias always extensively pre\ :iiled in the United >tat':,-;, and doubtless even now generally obtains, fostered as it i> by many of our own writers, that the only feeling whieh an elderlv KnglLshman, \vho happened to be ; out'in Ameriea, during our national contests entertains toward this country and her people, is one of decided hatred and repugnance. A\ e can call to mind, at this .uom>_-!:r, some half dozen native fictions, and one or two indigenous works of a different character, in which this >>-'MOH i- set forth as a prominent fact. !So\v, :is a gvn- > ral truth, w<- b^lif\'e the revor^e to be tin. 1 case: and ue aro >n.>tai:ifd in this opinion ]-,\ tliose \vho bau- had ili~- I'nu'ni-iii'd opp^rinniiii's of judging ot'ils coi'reclness. An in.~laii<-i- was nrrmly ri.'iaN-d to us. by an iiiu>trions Ami rican, known as we'll, and as highly honored, abroad ,-L.S at h"!ne, whit-'i. without any infraction of social con'i- di-nc<', we sliall he-ro take- the li'hertv to n-]n.-ar, ibr tii-- beiirijr of our ivadei'S. <')!d Admiral Sir - HAI;VI-:V toki me, at dinner. )' 224 A JL AXK 1:1: .- K - : 10 T II.M.I:.' his stTviii'.; I'll thv Ani'-ncan -!:U:n. \\h'-:i he v :,-> .1 inM- ^lii'inah in ITTiJ. !!' \v;is ca>! away it: lln- Liverpool. in ih'o niMiilli ( l' I'Vliriiarv, en Iuick:i\v;iy ln'iu'li. Tin' l'o;! l; V(.MV s\vauip''d ::i ^''1 i'i''\\ t '>';"!'. '!'!,- r of (lie iifiu'hl'i>rlioo ;!.^ lnTu-h i;i \v;i^> !-. t""k tli'-'.u iij) to ih. ir hoim-s rlian^i-il aii'l in'i^hl>rh 1 i. par! of ihf liun- in k'iit>. part of the time in the lanii-hoii,M-s. N'oihin^ ronM ox ).. '1 l ho ki;i'ln--- of the poojilc. parti' ularl'. of tin 1 (Jua- kT family of tl,i- i ! icr-V- ; aiul ;uiothi-i' fainiiv. v, ho i ivai f.l tlii'iii al\va\ - ] -. Th- '. in:.i!'- ^n-al ha\ m- :niioii^ lh<- 1 i ] a 1 ; ii.-i tinif pl'-asruitlv anion^- i'. ( j ,-, ., ; . : j. ; \\ho a!v\a\- howrviT, d-'iiicaiii'il tln.'in-i-lvcs \vi;.h strict pri>pvic:\ : i':- old ^^uakiT- '.' >ii -. \Yli-n tin". IV sci >v< s. I \ . a ihuii'ii r- inj; Mil.' Tii^ '_fon,l p .,1' i|. .tiling hui lli" kiii'/- ali iwanc-'. ' \ ii! : :,' p 'pi" in .' : ->.--.' >ai'l lli'-, : ' \\ ji'iv thiirj; oi;t i.) 1 voiir j '. N.' Tin oM A i \ r;r\t\i fri--i - , , : A i:rn>-viv'!!i r. in to stop at. tin- principal hot.-] in on.- of the ph-a-ant^t of (itir western state villages. A frit- nd. whom !K- had kiio\vn in f>nnv liU li"-t at t'ii- do"] 1 . \v:i- liiiind \vith threo ina[i- in hi-- hand : ' ll"\v-d'- du .' : said h^ : u 1 ' >l anv nail-.' Th-m^lit as l'i':i|'- tli'T-j wa> t > \' a ^ood inanv t'k-< hi-iv t<> flight. I 'i't liaiiu 1 li^t .-nine o" uiv tu.riji.-i ]HT>', and l./t V-in lo"k at '.ill. (i.iod ciiaiR-i.' fn>t rat'. 1 . May l.n.: >oin: on Vm \Vdiiid !ik.> t buy 'I'-iu : aii'l I could r.xi'laiii 'fin as \\vll a- iidt ; iiutliiu : to d, pooty much, '-'it a small ham- IIKT '. .l\ni)\v wiifi',' I 'd !>_' liali'-.' to dispose of a li.-\\ beans ;' Sharp practice, that, di .' Tiihiii'] i> a \ a>t d-..-al of a rertain kind nf uriifinality alioul IH"J.T() (.onipo-hii.di. Take this i-xample of an illu>- traiion lat'-iy used liv a colon il i-xhoiicr at an evening i.-ijiifi-rfiic'-iiifftiiin' in Mon;- 1 . nifi-y. Aiaoama: Mv '.rf-;ron. O.,n W,-.<- y.-ur -cuN, ;!_:. -;i i~ like de A!::!.:i:i':i i-i! .:. ];, be, :i lyiii' fiii (K- liaiik. ninl fiirryini: ili'in li!t-> vi MI r ->:f.- ' i.iiinOiy '\ i\ :.! 's -<:,: <}<-it iii- i,;,. - : ;, : iir is stuck mi hi- >'.< -in : den ok' kick-.-liiUT is cotclicil \\ IUMV In >\ :i> at'nrr, shore. 'n< id UT "vival. l'>.\"\r'l l>iv l/ir-- ymir . _. ; J: i ji ii, tli- c'.invm ! ' 11"\\ niaiiv a \\hile pulpit-bore has A\aiuiis " ct' a disomrx. 1 , (a \\ rll-iiiii'ink'il uin 1 , no (I'-nl't. 1-ut iVi'in iis uiicntiscionaliK' I'-n^ih sjioilin^- sniiu- lirai'i-r'.- Suii'lav lurki'V that \\as ui>rih two of it.) \\inrli hail ii"! 111 il^ whole r!ii[>;i" so t'"ivibit' an iiitiMra- ti' 'ii as tlii- .' 'think ;!i'- ;irti''!'' wurtliv.' Sjicakin^ 1 nf 1>\ limul, \\ .- iua\' a- u i lat \\ i 1 lia\ r ]-i I ijiiiic a prac- tical illustration "t' the |>lra>iuv to ! ilcnvc.l lV"in cc-rlain of its iTiuiniscciK-o. I Miring a nn'in \i-it t<> an c-ti'diu'cl tVii-iii] in tlii- c"iinir\. \\li"italilc inan>i"ii risi-. ainiil-i it- ]'aiiil'il atitninnal tree-, v.iihin sottml "t' the catara ! tn, tail ail 1 (lit! L!'reat Iv ililai ' t aii'l rviniti'l tin- >j ! ' ,' ' !,]) }\ \ u K..' \\ h" 1< : ii.i 'laiuc I'H'iii!' II E A RING S 1) M i; T 11 1 X G D II O P . ' .'^7 o-uests and ill-/ clianning ladies of his household behind him, while ZAC 'ina 'i-like. lie ran on in advance, and ciimbt-d some forty or fifty feet to the top of a small 'staddle.' having it in mind to perform a common feat of his bovhood ; namely, to ' s\vav ' the same by uTaspin^ its top and dropping slovvlv to the ground \vitlt the yielding trunk. \o\v look \'oii what betel: I 'o me the fav>r to observe!' eviaimed 'OLD JVMCK.,' as hethivw himself tree' from the bodv of the sapling. l>oun lie went, with a sensation as of sinking slowly in a balloon, when pre- sentlv, while yet about fifteen feet from the ground, he suddenly 'heard something dr<^i!' The individual who emerged from under the bruised branehes of that pn^trate a>h, (-0 unlike the lithe saplings familiar to his \vas rubbing several of his own limbs, for smile cause or other; ami we can aiisvser for him. that when he saw the honorable, member' smothering a titter, and his fair ]n>usehid suppressing a lar^v- amount of ^i^-^ie ; when he heard them say that they were yorri/ that the tree had broken so ,-oon ; r> DJ sorry ; did. n't know the time, in tact, for several vears. when thev had been if" iff so -urrv ;' when ' OLD KNICK.' saw and heard Uiis. he \\as discomforted within himself, and his countenance fell : for then he knew that they were laughing at him. There was a lame male 'human' about the house that r.ight. doing something with laudanum nnd opodeldoc: yet he 'li'l n'L !'"l'^ct. amid-; hi- 1 i.o'ii.';!;!- nl' 'tin 1 lull !> lha ! mountain ii-d,' the JiKilrliK-.-s \ ;,-\\ (if citv. \i!!a;_;v. ni"ii!i tain, 'tii-lil ;n:il lloinl.' v,lii,-!i \vas O'liiiiiiui'li'il i'rin i; : lf;v Mimmit, mi that :J<>riMii> < Mlvr aHi'i'iHK.i*, .In UN >Miiit \vt- 11101 tlii in |!ii~ M' .; !,:,.;!!! - < <_: \ 1 1 '! 1 1' ; with smno ivlilctinn'L', li>r i!i-- r-;i->nii iiinl (lu-iv :nv (ifj ]iiT-'>n> of ill! 1 ^;uiii- naiii'' HI (iollmiii JuifN S'.nin w;t- I'l'tiiniiiiL;' t" town i in nin- i i.-i-n-ii >n almiil ittiiliii^Iit, in ;t il.-irk sin >NY->t"rin. ] I. -'., l i-.* .-iinl \\;;s inal ilr-, aft<-r r iu'l h'- "V, n 1 - i hi '.!_;'.'; niu-i l>i- a . ",iii- --: \\ i-t-nrin-.l I-] nil oft' with his hun-in] an.l ivi., a;.-,] n!i--i;i u x At IciiLTtli a i!'-ii;']il " if'< h-i-a ! p'Trnl lY<-;n an ini]" 1 ) 1 \\in- u \\aiit. ,:;! . \ , |- -. . :' [ ' I ] , ; : , i\\ !'-, A ' F J. .V T - F U (> T ED \\*K slipped up to ' Doiiu his Ferry ? tin' other day. It Linked bleak tip.]', ;iil l.Ut lilt.' llol.Ie river and the ^raiid old hills. Theiv were \\>> friends on tli; pia//:a r'rniitini;' thf sanctum, and no little peop'.e running' down the hill to iiifi-t ' ' M.D IvvtcK.' halt' war, an larth'T \v:iv up. 1 >o\vu i.iii the >linri.\ ]IO\\I-V.T, uas one <>f YOUIIL;' K MfK'.'i ' Httlo .-h(,H-<, and i'llv walking iln-rc. \sc pi.:ktnl up the tui)':' of an uM rocket. Thm: was plca-uiv in thinkiii'j; \vlicn that littlo oM .-hoe \vas l-t. and thai -iinial r. K-k'-t liri-d. Winter has u'one ; the time <>f tin- vin^'ML! 1 of l.'ir.i- liaih come; ihe ti\;f< ;ivo ivdileiiinu 1 \vitli th.'ir ne\vly-a>vak..-ne.l life-hlooj ; and >ooii ' Doins's' wiii put i'orl.!i all its >unii)i.-r ^lorio-. I srioruj like y\i to have seen.' -aid a friend to u> the oiher dav. 'a -j'eriuien of a ::Tcen Yankee \\lio eaine flown tin- Snimd in a ILarit'>rd steamer with me. Lie h;id never been ' to '\ ork ' he-fore, and he \vas a-kin^ 1 inu-iiou.- of (-\eiy hody on lioanl the lioat. However, i;' he inn- -i-,-,-n ;i- ^-ra-> ' he \v;:- pickin-j; \\\\ a -j-ond deal of in hereafter. ' >ne of h:- compari-ons -truck me a- tlee;dd!l\ original: ['p to Xonhainnton,' -aid lie. -1 to..l< break- ^30 . M t'a>l. and tlu-v taxed inc U'\v shillinV ! "l\\a> a ]MM>IV i^'ood jirii-i-. l.i.i! I 'u'lii i' '" '''in. 'Twa^ : it'iniili. an\ wa\. \\Y1I, wli..-ii 1 coim: down to Ilan'ord, I took l>n-akt'u>t .IL;' in. ii''Xt inoniin', and \\lirii I askrd Vm HOW iniu-h ' tli.'y look,,] at mo and said. Half a dollar!:' I Ux.kcM Kaek at 'tin ]MM >t y >liarn Liit I im'nl it; ainl dftir I'd paid it. I >ot do\\n. and cijilu-rrd ujp in-idi- lio\v iniirli il woul'l co>t a t'f!lo\v \< i lioard lon^- at that rati 1 ; and I t.'l! yon \\hat, 1 jiooty soon found rout that 'foiv tlir end of a month it \\ould makf a tMlo\\\ pockrt-liook l<-k n- if tut florin/lit In,! Ktdini'H'il (info H." ->\M SI.ICK ' iiiniM-lt' novor enijiloycd a nioiv striking --iiiiili'. TIIK t' >llo\\ ini;- >]ii'fini''i] of judii-iai ' wi-ilmn ' was iv ci-'iith' (IclivoriMl to a ' \\nlvfriin 1 ' inry : ' -MuvdiT. ^cii- tli'ini-n.' said our wT-Mcrii Soi.nx, ' i- \vhi-rf a man i- inii!'diTouui'h a ca-ii 1 , !> a inui 1 - iii-i'i'i'. \o\\ iiiiirdci ; '\ ]"- .n !- :i< iniirh murd'-r a^ iniird'T with a ^'iin. It i- ihi- ///''/'/////;/ that i'on>titnt''> murd'T. i:i ill- 1 \ - . 'l on will ln'ai - in mind thai innrd'T i- oiii- thiii'j,*. and nian^lan^'hi'-r anotlicr : tln-r-!* ']-. if it is ' . nui< inunliT : : ' he not inurdiT. it mu-t In-' inanslaiia'litcr. >.!(- has iioth I one ninn cannot i.'iniiit .'< < on ;mo:lu-r : tha: i- clcar!v \v.\ view. T r R T i. K s A x i) T ii i: i n A i; r s i: s . ' ^3 I (eiitlenu-n. L lliink you can have no ditlkuli v. Murder. 1 sav. is murder. The murder of a brother i- called fra- tricide ; but it is not fratricide it' a man murders hi-, mother. Vuii will make up your minds. You know what murder i-. and [ nt'L-l nol. ti.-ll ymi what it is not. I ivpeat, inun.k-1 1 is iuni\lor. Yth'-r day bv a <'re'-n Turtle at the door of a popular restaurant in Broadway. How he had effected so much, pa-ses our comprehension; but he- had actually baeked up a^ain.-l \\all toau an^le of about forty-five decrees ; and hi- li'-ad wa> out, and bent round, apparently to see how the land lav. lie regarded us with evident emotion; and the look of hi- eye. the !; - ur.i'!iii^ in his threat, and a heavy -ii;'h, which mu-t. havt.- come from the very boum of his MM-ll, -aid as plainlv as ever a " a- e.- l)ll( l ,, /,//,/, it' 1 i ver tind you on your back, with a label on your brea-t, .-et tiiii;' forth that you aix- ^oinn 1 t" ' U'et into a >tew ' the next day!' For one moment \\c tliou^ht f-f ' libertv.' and heartily ' wi-hed he mi^ht L;ei it ;' and he n-O'il'l liave ^ e.i'U.iiieJ it, too, if he had the same chance, that a fellow- l'--i:ii!o th iii-- Kie^'iiMi raptors, as (],-erii'..i N\ ' : . I ! .- ( :M- tlley Wel'e conveying a llirli-- in a i. ; ! ''ii the river 'lav. \\hen >n^. -teil the IMU\I-- riifiuv of a sj-a-bath, aii'l lii' 1 ivi're-hnient tiie creature in'u'h; iK-rive t'roii) a taMo > I' it- native dement. A< v>r.l- iii^'lv Te>tuln wa- lit'teil '',-! til- -Me. a!ilavl'ul ilajijiin^- with its lin- l! sunn derail to >'rili;'_;'i'' ni"--t VlL;'ori iit^lv. i:ke a ^lalit ivi'iv-h.-'l w:;h hriiie. lii fact, i; j'alik''l with a jmwer wliieh. a'l'l'-'l to ii- weight, lei'l i." a ! ; ' :! :a' i v. \ i:- H'liai'i ii ' ' ' . I he e\ .-I:! vi. >n 11 :' 1 " ,!. ;,:., i tl if tin ii.'-ri- \\ a- a ; a lii' 'inetilary u 1 ' :n.' - < :' tin 1 ! r< a' i l>aek shell : the w al r- e I. aii'i all \\ :r- "\ 1-1 or rat liej- uii. icr 1 I- 1 i . . ie 1 "i\ ill mil ii'-:M 111-' 1 !;' IV! W i ! I !__ ill :V' '1M ' !' : lal 1 '- ' ,; ii> i a ',. 1 all e.\] -, -. -,i 'II ''it Ihleli-.' ilit.-Vi'-l ; .ar;;: _''' ' N '> ' - ' rkie. ill < i.'t lie : ' : "'" . ; ii.-n>i : : .: i ,, ni-],: /;/:, ," K relurni'i] I roii i ^\ >-\\ . , us ran In 1 trii' ' ' 1 -a\ - lliat lie ha- in;.i,\ A D V I .\ II E K 11 C S I; A N I). Vjoo a time aii'l oft seen a lai ;iul tender white man Iviti-j,' he- fore a cannibal eating-house, \vith " /Vv///' in lar^v native characters, and tin- hour at which lie was to be served ;,p. inscribed on liis breast. A man, says our friend, >/i<>nld -i'L" a si^'ht like lliis, \vlio ^'oiild }in>|ierly ajipreciale tlie fiv.jiioiit deep-drawn si^li which a poor turtle h<;a\es \\hile Ivini'' OH his back, ex[>osed to the rude i^;i/i.' of hun^rv [ia>-ers-l>y, Christian-men too ; in o-, ] corporeal condi- tion, has. our traveller soon in. Cannibal-land, driven around the lanes of the rude villages., their limbs ilecorated \vith |/arti-colored riband-, and the hour when they were to be killed marked on their Lacks! '.Mine Go IT! vat a peoples!' Tin: tollowin^ nvst touching fi'agment of a L In r l[>ixl>-, .m '. And y. . i;i\ Ia-t tbo'i^'ht ; the la-t faint pr. lire < f th.- hand. ;i-.d tl ' ' ki-- shall be your- ; aial c'\'eii wdien flesh and In-art shall l;a\ > fail'-d my i-ye -j:! 1 ! n si on yours - , 1,\ di al i : and our s] i : :..- !:,-! !'-:: 1 communi m, <_ nt;v I'a'liiiLr IV" m m\ \i . - ' :.i-t o! , r!h -y.-u -k:,'! m:iv.:'e wiili ' _-!il _;.i::i!>->'- " ' ie- of that he' o-r wori'l. w h-'i'e -ra~~\ nioiinil with -ti'ip.'- of Icarni-hed ::''!. "('( J"Th'ip< has thoitirht that sonic ,; ;. ,,:,, of u.- would come ,i ',,!,. . n-,d w hic'ac\ cr it i:d-hl ::o o:;,.|, :i 'o:,,- thcr. . \\ :..:; i am , . 1 -pi;-;; wi'i be w ; en, and whi-per amo:i_' th- wa\;:._' bratiehe.-. / ".'/( >< x E < s . Criaovs and "-.LI things not untYeijUently occur ' be- fore the Mayor/ The other dav, in att^ndin^ 1 to ap- plication- for .Munitions in the poliee-toive. th' Mavor, it was supposed, was about to inve-t I'ATKICK MriMMiv with a i-tar,' when sonic- of hi- Irish competitors out-ide tlhi railing cried out : ' Arc ve ^oin' to 'pi^t I'AT, yor Honor ' Hi' can't \\rit-.- his name, yi.-r Honor.' I aiu onlv rocoiv- ino- applications to-day ; in a fortni^'it \\o inaku ap[ioint- monts,' said the Mayor: and PAT \\,i< told to rail on that dav two \vt;.'ks. '['he iVimd through \vho-:' inilurncf I'AT had been induoed i<) ap'ply for o!lice VfC><\ ^t out p'-ii. and k<-ep writiiiL:' your name. 1 'ii ' sei t!io copy' for you.' T\T di-i as ilireeted ; and ever\' ni^lit lor a l' if. niu'ht was srvn running out his toim'iie and swayiiiu 1 hl^ Ih-ad over 'I'ATKlcIv Mlltl'IIV,' 'T-VTIMCK Ml'lil'lIV." in \\;> i siyle of c'lii'o^raphy generally kno\vn as ' coarse iiand.' \\ln-n the dav for the appointment came. I'AT ibnnd himself before the Mavor,' iir^in^- }\\< claim. 'Can you write.'' said that excellent functionarv. -Troth, an' it'- m^s. '!f that j'-t kin.'' answei'ed I'A r. 'Tak.- liiat JII-M.' -a; 1 the Ma\'or. 'and l^t us *' you write. \Nrie 1 V' m his >ur]in>rd competitors vh" \\riv in attendance: "ll\v-lv I'AII. ! d' ve mind !! him : i;r can't write \\ id it, 111:111.'' Hut l'\i (>'/>/ write; ht* had recorded liis iiiiiin- in a 1>M i^iuid hand. 'Thai "il do,' >aid the Mayor. Hi- tailed nvals lu.iki-d in tvirh ii'ln-i'V t'acf- \\ith ii!idi.-u-ni>c-d ji-tniiisluucjii. \ ini-kv tlldU^'hl Struck thrill : ' A-K l;iln to \\riif HOHlllxuli/ t/.-r'x mi mi-, vi-r Hi 'ii "!,' said two of thi'in, iii a lm-illi. ' 'I'li,-i! '.- \\i-Il thought of.' I'fjilii.-d the Ma\'-r: l'\i. \\rih- ,n ;/. y.-r IL-li-.r: 1 And in- r"u!d ii'i ! in I hi- \\ ii savi-d liiui. ;ind h-- i- iio-.\ a -taf ' ol' tin' iir-i inau'iiitndf.' 1 \\ ih.-d >\", ' >[ v al\::. I in n.' ( 'i: \ \~ i < \. 1 !; ] [>- n'ar h"-l of thr ' Ii'ii-k!u\a\ i'a\iii"ii.' ili;i-trali-> li\ a idiaract- ri-li'' ain'fl' ' inln-n-ni |>r'>]. ( -ii>!tv ti> Mnn- i|i-r. An Iri-h -i-r\ant ni'liis hail IH-CII dij'ri-lni i" a\vak'ii t \\ 1 1 ^li; ill lln 1 111' '!'!, !!!'_;. \\ h" \', rl'i' Ii i lake |h'' jilllilir i' ' ' lowil. Al //i /'a i.'clm'k 1!| t.lie iii'iniili'j li-- aw;d ' , l\\o <>l]n f '^i-iilli'lil'-li t'i''i:i a -..i;ind sli-.']i, \\h" at'ti-r anal hi-iiiati/iiiif h;- >tii|'idi:' . ' ; i\v. .'! slret and a\vaki-.' f.ip suinc huiu'anda haif, a: !-'.:;!. M O i; A L [ T Y ' o K D !: r K N T J.) R N S S '":>:! i fell into the refiv-hin^ >lumber which had been >o rud< iy dispelli-d: wh'-n there came anotlier rap at their doors \vliichawokethein instanter. The blundering Irishman, having discovered his mistake, had 'come to apoloytse to the gintlenien tor wakin' Via up at the wron^- hour'.' h'aix.' .-aid he, in the most self-accusing -pirit. ' it wa> n't vez that 'irua to be waked, anny \vay '. ' With curses not lond. but of considerable depth, the re>tle>s e,'iie>-t.s re.>i'j. - ne'.l thems.-lves to their fate victims of an Insh servant. AN eminent le^al judge, and a preeminent jud^v of human natun\ ob-<'r\'<^ : Ji is an observation I have al- ways made, that div-s has a moral effect on mankind. L-t any gentleman find him-df with dirty boots, old surtmt. soil,.,l n.'ck-t-loth, and a general iii^-lin-i'iic'.' of dre-^, he will in all probability find a corresponding disposition to negligence of u'l->\\^<. lie may. en i^^'Juibillf, cur.-e an^i s\ve!ir. sp.'ak rou^'hlv a.nd think coarsely; but put tie- same man into full dr<-s<. and he will teel himself qni:-- another person. IV) u-e the lan^uao-e of the blaek^u-;r i wouM th'-n be out of character : lie will talk smoothlv. all'-'-t^. if he II:H i; nut: pi^ie 1 hiin-elf in. on c''o>'.i manner-, and iv>]i'rt th'- women: nor \viil the' -p.-!l sub- side, until ivtnniini' liomo, the oM snrtout. the heeill-- '7?'//z/V/ A"//'/ nhckailc' ivmindsiisofatriek }.1aved l>y a \\.MU' who. lieion. 1 tip 1 working "t" the saliiK! spring it' oar n\\n Ldori"iis Stall 1 , made ;! a I>IIMII<'S> \<> ^}\\\\^'^'',^ sail tV"in Canada in'" 'tlio Stat<-s.' <>n' day. liaviiiL: u'"t 1 lal lif \va- sns]-irT-ti.-il, lie l'a'l'd lii- ha^s full <>f saw- dust, aii'! drove ]>a-t tli- tavern wlk-ri- tiif cxi-is.'iin'n WI-P- wait in LT f"r hi in. If" was nrdi )<] i" >t"p. ' it ]* "iilv in- ci'c'a-i-d hi- sj'f'd. A; i _' ':. \\ a- uVi-rinkcii, an i lii-~ -jit-.'ti'd \\itli many iiiijinM-atii'ii-, att'r wliidi In' \\;i- jii'i'iiiitti 1 )! t<> jia--- mi. A day or l\vn at'ti-r, lie drove nji a j'ain \\ nil a 1'uil load >\ -alt. and a-ked liaiit'-rin^lv. it' tli^v did n't want t>.> seaivh liim an'ain. -do on! u'" "ii ! ' s.iid the oxei-eiiu/n : ' \vi- 've had iion'di :' \ ou !' X U M B K R K L E V E X CJ.rxr.ixr, TO I.HT. : INSOUT.I.K PKOKT.KMS : i-i:r.V"\rn\s; i'.r A rox^r.MP- iivr: M'N-niM-: i-v -nir. nr.A^r: IH:ATII or n>i\. MI.A-> ]ii.;<;ix^: r.\r.i- FI:XI..V I-II.I.KIM.- : A ' i.. \tn-rr' I-.AII: sr,,<;i:^nvi: ri-iTAi'ii : Tin: 'IVNJ.T. I.IFI: ' "F MAX: A ' xr.\v '- MH.I n ' co\v : A VIIT. KIMM TIIF. A CIIMH.N-IM, i >I.N\T.I:-- .vnoxi-T : now A\II>X(; nrr. TUMI;-;: A cii'v SNOW- SCKSI: : i. UH;K i Mir.iisTAXi>tx<> ' : WIXIKI: ix mi; CUUXTT.V : toMr. TIlul'I.HTS ON IiITi:S. M iS. \( !;'!'( >X, iii TI/c dull of Ei.rrtlt? lias boauti- FAfNTKii JUT sliiw step f:ill-i fni:n 'lay to licavy en IKT ihirkc-niiiff l.rrnv ! V. t '1( :;i >!n- I'i'iii'.ly dii^ to i.;:r!h. :niil s;iy : I cunt. -nt ;n die lut nli, i.nt i!, \\ ! Xnt whilf tii'.- IKMSSOIU.I i if tile Sjii'illir Miikr \'..:- w^inu ;;ir -i;r!i lu\i;ry I" 1 r. ::ii:f ; \<>t ';ii'..- !:.! l-ir-'N ^^Ili: !i:ys <>'' .'I:iii:n ~> ~in^'. N'-i U l:i!f lil'i^'l.t !!" rr~ JlJ-dlllnl ll!V font -!(]': T( at lip. Sj'-ii'i 1 nil 1 . L r iv;tt (HID! lift up my 'Irn. .pini: !,nnv : I Mil ci in tent tn ili.' l>m n!i. IMI ivw 1 ' T!:e -pr::"_' I::,'!i ripr-m '} iittn -tniiinev-t inie Tin' :_'!i>iiiin* sun li:ith rrnelieil hi- l.nriiir;;.' prime > Oli : must, tliis L'llmrisr .if In :inly 1m the lust? I,-; HU- I-; ;.,.;;-:. H I,: ,- ,.', r :..:... ;.-,.! .. ; i ... : !n..\. ..;,; . :,., n,,,U!it:.i:i-l.iv (.]..--! rar. in i:- !"!. !'. . - , . .in-!- my ! row ' ' ' !.">, '. ' : ' Inirs ! I'.''-. : i -],;;!, I.,.;.; ..,/ . I ,.,;,: . > livjlx .i.-: h'L-1 I , :>.,-! s,,w !' ! ' : ' ' : ;- \\ iiii'li i-iNiii' it"i\ I' .:;:..'' . i ;in \\ ' .I'M- tli.'Ui ! I ' " , ('.A. n. ', r.-iM- i!.,' -;:i.i, :,: '".:'':'' ; . . ;i pldixii,' r!(ii- t-i A '- -r. lr llin-i- I:KII w..rk l.-:i ,i;i\~ <".i :L iVni!. !'inn, v.'ual is tla- li'jnriJnn '.' ' It' thivr men. t-itu- of liiPMii :i c I UJ.TO IIVM y K.M-iiri'i uL-.p, JVciii tlir-i' iJivinis-.-.-. t!i.' tiisiv iif .-tartiiiL'. ?!:inii!^-[)i.iiu. iU->l:- ii:itipi:i. ;:n.! I: > \:i,:.:\a N ;:i:u;cr ' '...-'..'i^'Ir.u' 1" t!ie dthi-r. /;/-"//,,/: v // .'',' ' : X = O- I!. i!,i' [.i\p I .il.',,' :,,:o ct' (!.. ; nrii,:> iniilli- ' i, 1 v ,...; >; I- ;. i-i-ii-.i :;~s ith-'iil :. i.ivill.-, :i'nl wliicll v ;iy docs il point ? y,,?,,- X + X -i- X = otli.-r wrty.' In iln- x'ilu;i<:ii <-f lhr> ]>ri>lilcn], '--l.s c (f< rural T/iitt;/, irlt' <].' v'tll (>''/ UK' niovl G<:cal / ' an ' alk'fjatiomil formula' :- s;'i\' <.-!), uliicli d'.'iL .s ov.r tvp<->. The suluii'-.n. IKIWONCV, il i- l.i:l jii-; bi --;\-, i-, :N el'/: 1 ! 1 ;i< tin' ijUi-lioii itM va^'i'.' : ' ' i'ai.r.i'1 !,t-!p tli inking 1 iKai liianv in;; l:;i\ ! i i, -li.-i'i] lii.i il* l'\ n,, \lln inatical j-r. < ] ii n;- \v li;. >',' d : - 11 lirh j-raclirai \ ahii' a.-- iLi-. i ] ;ui\ i: a ;'.'. kiii'li'tj i jii' -i ;'!!-. liivchii,^ inanliuu' !a\N, ;' (not 1 ' !' lu-at. soriptiTiv lii-i' >i v. .{'. : w i -' :' v '} < !:!>!'!' ::. : '. ;-.i ! ! P R i: M o X C o \ P i; M P T i v E . of lh;;t most \\ilv and fatal i'. c. who in one hand presents the insidious olive-branch, and in the other conceals his in- eviiable swurd, cutting do\\n Vuuh in its blossom and \Ianhood in it- fruit ! ' For V.TV inanv years, frios, aii'.l l\-a>trd largely in nindern literature. A parallel result has been, that u\\ii!'; - to r-orpnival S!ULI'- gi>li!:ess and nervousne><, the curse of the sedentary, I h.;iv.' no d<>ubt ivap-.-d less ol-'a-ure and pro! it than I ini'^hi have done from half that assiduity coupled \viiii a due r. <^;>]:} to lh<' \ of the The lina! result \~-. that an ir-;i con-titutiou is no\v lai'u'elv di-or^ani/" 1 : ami from i' 1 eon-jant pre-eiiee of a dull, deep, stationary pain in niv li-fi side ln-iu-atli the ribs, ami fixed [ fear upon the Inn---. 1 heii-iii to iii'!u'--e in sad and deep foreboding. <'.)l'ten. \vhi-!i wakened hv its painful lii'u'eney, I lie in ine >i!e:;ve of the i; ; j.'i,;. Ibii-niiiM- [,, niv heart's derp beatings ' ree.'ill m\- rarlv ;'.nd yei t:n!ille,l dr";:nis dreams , , ; '. morions I and ai'rav before inv !in--ai"d eves ;i, : \\orld. \\itii ah iti lo\'e!v learnini;', an.l <',veet p :',!".. an I biirniiiu' p.'i ion ; and iv|lM-t ho\v n.n'it, I rni to die. and 'l'\ the Ciilnlili'iliS of ;| | u -\v e\i-lenee, bel.nv 1 iia\e t'i.1- lilied tin.- duties and peru-ed the mv.-.ieries of thi-. and then think ot the \\MMH\- bi.-MII;J; my i-\vs I : < -.1 iiiii'l ; tif impatient ! m^in^ I ' ' , iypa iinK-liuaMi 1 t\\.--n ihi.- tiMidei'iii'S- i'f naUiral iv^rd : " . pa-!' '11 111 ! ' 'ih -ink ' in ': mmilitv in 'i 'J'ii;: l;;i" I V i'f - >r ( 'AI.HV, r.i.i., nf [ )j. k : n-, >n ( ' 'iV_v, a >ll Hi !.:. : i . '. - V, ill- : ' V'll V . i'j i]nl. I am sui'r. .;' ilnwn up >:i yo'.ir K 1 mi'l vvc'-p, \viii-u ! am '_;!!'. ^ : \\ ili n i; m ''.:r:i I'T ni". \\ !;.-:i <">,!. . ';!. '!!;. .' :il',- n vi-il i '.. i ^r;\\<- > '.' < :. \\ lii.i !i"pr- ai; 1 ii'U-i - in I i !:.: i lie 1:1- ;:.;:.!;. ;' -:ii"'in " N oTi - t. i li.'i: it > ; TI " ' i !>- i.lca- \\ Ifi ' . 1) i; A T a or j I o x . SILAS 1 1 i -! his w,,i<-e. IK- was ii:':\-->ix yi-ar ui.l. ami was taki-:i sirk I.-;',-!Y I,.- 'la-il at hi- li^or.'iii^-lMiisr. whcn-LiKii-a .-an 1'<- lia'l :.t a '!o".ar a:.-! -.-\v:i\i -!:\ v cv::;< a v,v-U. \va.-i!i:!L' ami liirhi- irn-hnli-'l. IK- a< an it L.V- !;:;- ("'/', ;t!;.l In t!i>- ca!'!y [-art nf !.is !i;V !ia'l a la'.hvr and iimtin-r. li.- an ! !.;- um-'.i-. TI.M.I'I iiv II H;(,IN->. !,. l.ip.:,' ; lu t' < [U-voltufonary war. ;:inl wa< rf>;imi>M"iic';; -.' H..: '.. ).' '.' ;i- a iVi'-n-l dl' i iica:!--:! : ai:d ;'r-i!ii \v'ia! hi- sml in la- I'afi- -,-:: aMri-s 1 i.av.- mi .Imiht !,e \v,,nl I lia\,- v.-U-i f..r !!u- tariiV ol 1-ir,. if !.,- i-. and lia'l n't La' .!uM -m-.L-tinu- ln-furcham!. Hi- .li-nth u.-.s IM.'I- > .. V-. <;: -.:.; i:. -;: M ! ,!: : ' :i-- rh-iva -ST.-' 1 Crll- ra! \V.\-H1M, IMS. I <:'.', r:. ::;_'. a* an '-III:M-:II ut' mir r.--;.-',-;-. I'.i- t; K > nn-::.-..r-, .: 210 'Tin. crv i> -till thfv ' ;/'* the rnnvded -hip- for < 'ali- t'lrma ! Kverv -learner that arrive-,. l>riii^'i;r_:' tin- ' MI vri, - ; , i;ii-;-il.' re!nrn- \vi;li hundred- \i\< >;i hundred- <>f i-a^vr ad- vi'iiiuri'is after the 'du-t.' l>e-ide iiii'iiiii^' ;t!i si>r!> d' VV.-UIT- U'ai't aii'l all >'>it-, t.f pcojiR- to t'iii"\v in tih'ir \va!v'' : whil-' iiiiiuiU'TaMo laii.l-rnnipani''^ an 1 caravans an- moving on- \varil In t!ii' sanii- land of JIIMIIIJSO. Ah! \i"\\ li'\v ni' tln'-r ti'Dld-sccki-rs think nf tin' iliinforts. ih.- jirivat.imis. ihi 1 p.'i'i!-. tin-v may have i<> cnci mntT ! ur hn\\ many \\"':in Irivt 1 L;' 'in', \viih li^ht and ca^fi 1 In-ars. ln'i'iri' tin ni, w i 'rn ilo\\ n 1>\' i li- . M-I' and snil'i-rin^'. ha\'i- ' laid 1 in 'in <\:\ ',. in their !;IM >i ,-ji !' And tln-iv, hv th" Mi'ak s'uTra'- -id'-, <>r tlii- ni-hiii^' river's Ivudc. i;i'-y rc-t in their distant L;'ra\ es : .-' 1' > e, .ni" |,, rj.e; n;ii'\ : , v, hi-i \vi .id- ha ; :; ! > MM i if hi- ear. the dema ; her t'< 'reed il> \\ av iii. till the. ai'-drum. ! "in . .\ . '247' ehar-v-d. absoluti'ly hurst : which. In.- said. turned out eon- v.-iufiitiv eii'oKidi, a- h-- \vas ih>-n obliged to stuff the < ru;m tijh:. and ted every gvntleinan that h:> ph\>iei;m lia'l liiroetod him not to ti littlt/ a> }'. Suine of our oilice-g'ivers had bcttt-r adopt a similar ruse. lx >omo ^ravc-yaV'ls 0110 shall scarooly ?r-o a stone that has not a piuiis VITSC, or a passage from Scripturi'. al'bT tin- -jviicral in-':ri]M ion : and that th--o aiv not al- ways, appropriate, or in the U . >t ta>te. \vc have MHinihufs slio\vu i;i th(.- KXICKI-;RUOCKI-:I{. Ih',- t' >\\\\ r.i'^ iiisc-riptiou may i" : .-:-.-n on a v.Tave->toiie in tli'- county of (.'ivdie, in thi- Slat-. 1 : ' Hun- lies the Lodv of JOIIAXM:S SMITH, au'ed 'ixty-four years and two months. Go (/LOU and do n'itf ." ' Compreliensivc, that! Tli Liner L(fe of Min.' delivered by Vr. CIIARI.KS louvi.i;. at N-\\ark, Xe\v Jcr-ev, is an admiral'!'- p'-r- i'i'iiiaiiei-. From ii v, e derive tip- i''llo\vin^ bt-atiiiful a-~:ii;v, \vliieli \\'i' r-ommetid to the heart a maxim of pa:ri";;-m uevi r to d. -jiair f tin- r-pnblie. !-! ii be th- mott'. o;' our philanthropy ifvcr to de--pair or our >nimii^, sorrf)\\i:^ brother, till hi^ '^1> 1' ii i: I \ \ 1:1: I. i i i: MI \1 .\ , la-t ]ilii;''Til!_f !""k lllx'll ill'.- has Ij.'i n l,i!;.'i>. :>.!i a\VHUr> \>\ \\}\ :. ,, . . I] IM; i llif >i!']''ktll i, ;i! i'li - : ;;:; i -il<'M1 f 'iv\ r. An 1 in >U'-h ;i IT;-:-. ! t;ik< n i'f i iTi'\v, .. :i;i;iK i;',. \\ L ;i >ra t"!'in M'inr human IM-III^ i- -IHMI in [!;. i;i-; , that i- - iiiiftinii-- ili'i\ i-i; i.i-ari \\ : -. 'in. riii!-- lii Hi i: ' >ur^f. . ri inn' :._; in. . - '. !!' - i i;_' iiki- tilt; a . v, !!' sai'.lv to thr shun- as lii- risf.s iV'iin rvi-r\ \\ a\,-. ; ai.i! ' ;;' ANitii llic l>i!!>'\v, iniii^l(-< hi- cr\ ' a;;!i ih- iii' iiiriit'ul scream <-f ih' si.-a-liii'i! : V n . i-v i \" i nil tin' sh'Ti'. i- in-iiurt \\iih ai;\i"ii- pi:\ fur lii- fai--. dan- ln-r svmji.'ithii'S ( h;m uvi-r ;'. !.: -r:;:- u Tin- chiM ilr]- hi- ]i'ia\-thili'_'-. aiiil dl ;i^v ^T:I-J> 'i ,. ' ', \Vha1 iiii '. an - , ,. > -, : 1 1 i -1\ - ' //' it'i'ti' /'.'! [!' llil't 1n ! r - an \ ti ; ' \vh" ha'l \ >!!! a i 1 ' A V o i r i; F i! o M T u i; NuusiiRY. "M'.t New-York, was tilled \\ith surprise at the si^-ht of a 'j,'irl milking a row. i did n't know dial voii did it t/n/t \vav!' >he exclaimed, with ' round-eyed wonder:' 'i ihoii-lii tlifv inuk hold .4' llic eo\v's tail and j-unipoil the milk uut ot' her! A\'liat 's she .;-. t so l.-no- a tail (Vn 1 .'' 77^'/r was a \visc child tor this ' li,-r best, wo open I'd th. 1 sanctum-door into the hall, and lis- tened to h'-ar the take shanc in these words: KuCK (,f AL'CS! cirf! r.'V 1110. !.!.; mi' hi'lo ni\ M-!I' in Tni'.i: ! L,-i tho \v;itor and tliu I-1 ..... 1 FI-.JHI Tnv riven >i,!o u-hi-'h llt.wo'l lie ..i 1 Sin the doiilM.- ;iiiv: Nor liie luhois r,f my ii:mds (.'.in rii!!:'. 1'iiv law';!! 1 .!!.^ : CdiiM my x.e:il IM re-pile kimu-, A'l for >'m rouM imt almie ; Ti: 'L' iiiu^t .-;ivi>. :;:ul Tilui' uluh 2f>0 A Co \ n T; N > i x c, ( ' n \ v r. K ? A T i o \ i s T . N,.;!.ir,_- in r:iy li:iii-l I ITII _'. Si'iij/y 1.. THY i-r-.-s I i-'.i: _- : > '.. 1. c :: i t.i Tin i: for .In-.-. .: :: t> -nice: : :i :ly. \\ '...;. .-.-.;' ! A\ n .;: \Vi :.:,.;..-:. ! nt'.i, 1 ' ' ' !' .V.-i ! '\ !!_; i I' int':t!..-\' jviti'-l L;'ii:ir'i:;;!i -\ mil 1 i-\\ i I! . ''''','. ' >.>- ! tljf < >< >i' S;l,.i-:: ,\ in -c t'.'I'l \\ Ilt'n- til' V sliall i'!|.- .;;;v i..' T):;/ vriVi novrr rric-c; with a condoriMrii; crin\'fi>;.i:'"'i:i.-i, lik.- I :r-Ki:.vs'r- \lr-~. I* \Mi' '.' V\ ,- li;ivc- lu-ai'il inanv :tii n, '1 [Vina!'.' ^ --.' ' innji !- '(' C'liivi'-i'^aiii'ii in J>|-i'i'i>f!v th'- Mr i 1 'lii]n-r;i.-- ir,l!S\ Ili'i'i- is a fail' -] -f n 'ii: j'!'i - -i"i 'i!, aii'l -l'(iiij> '-jots, i:j.(.>:i k-i't ;inn, on account of hi.- [iiv^inas mother ha'. i;T been worrivd by one ii;;o u shoemah'T's, ?\:u\,. when i:. ;i siti- wntiun vhicli bk-s.-e ! is the man as has his ijuiwr i'u!l of ,-ceb. ;iS iii.iiiy timoj I "vt -:ii<\ l GAM!' \\ hen \\ m-i'.s nci.- 1 t-t\\ i.\t us on accuin t <{ 'lie .-\]'i-!]-e : nn.l cl'ten hiive I sai'l t" Mrs. ll.\r.r.js, 'Oil, Mr;. !!AI:I:IS. Ma'am! y i;r e^un- ti-iiaM'i' is <;iiitc a iii;L'e!'s ! ' \v'hi.'h. but 1'cr ]'ini|>:rs. ;; u i.uld be. >.'... s.vii:i:v GAMI',' .-a;.- .-be, 'ycu be,-t c.f bari':-w( rkiii' ai.i! ii.iiu-iriuu.- ciTcturs uscM-r wa- utii'.iTpai'i a! :i;;y [iri(\-. Avi.U'li uni'i-qiaiil y i.i-.-.rt ti'.l ti.o rolvr ri:n. \\h-C-i: the n;"i.ey uas ilec'i:.e ', tu be _:i.e ; aek. i.'i ana!:_eiiv:,t ccuhi !e t-oini: '.c. liut he never .-ai'l it '.'.as a ;i; L' 1's. --Ai::r.v. Avi.tever he nii-ht have thon-lit. It'Mi>. H.M:I:I^S ha-ha;, ! \va- here : uv.-, 1 said 'he'd speak out J.aiha he woliM, aixi hi- d.-ar wile U'ollM be the ia-t In blame him : fur i: ever a woman livecl as kn^w'd not \vnt i' \va- to I'.inn a u isii to [i!/. ( .n them a> had t'ouil look-, and bad no ivii-jioii _-i\e her by the 1'O-t d liu-bamls, A SIIAKKH t'riouil ;it liniie'X-k tnul u.- ivr.'iitly that he -ct\v LOKKNZO I>ow 'walking arnono- the KimK-.,' alone, and ruuiterinu' to himself, early one morning, in the principal o-rave.- yard of a village in Connecticut. lie soon collected a. great number of looker. on, when he mounted the knov/ that ^hen I *mj six, 1 u" fin -ix : 1 di> n't ir'.(-an seven. in''i - ci^ht.' ' 'f course tli': new.- dt this appc-intment sopv<-;id tKroii^h all ihc region uf the c-jimtrv round ab'jut.' Jus; t\v.-lvc iuoi:th> tV'im that il;iv, ;si>flv -i\ in tin 1 nn'riiii;^, an. I piv.-riitv i>f ni"iv tiian twciitv tli >u>aii'l [>f<. j.!'-. L(JI;K\ I'M-,- tV"in ill'/ lt>ti'_ p rank tffa-- i' I In.- ^ra\<-\ ar>l. \\h-iv I lia'i ln't-n >lcc]iin--, nii'Uii'n. 1 '! lln' \\;ill, itii'l jivca<.'h'i] a la ;:,-;.. 'jiiaiiit. Vfl flni|Ufiil liiM'c.iiusi. ' \\Lii-li \\iil ii'-S'T I i'. ii^X'tK'U/ >ai'l ntir iii!' rinant, '1-v auv \\liu ii'-ar'i h.' li ha- 1 n >ii"\\iiu since, ia-t ni-i^'- .:!' ^nninu : a .-"t't. warm, 'lri\'in i _' 1 . t'ratlu']'\' -iu>w : \\>' fell a jtri'iii'iiiitiKii i 4' it ' in ' >',ir I" >iii - ' la>l i-v.-iiii '_;. \\ liil an- al! ]'ili () i!]i \\iili ' rain :' ^s ii)ilM\v--hutti-r- anil iii>- Ian;] > -j" -' - : ;,: 'i lii-'iv ;- a mal'- tli-il Miiiii'l i 1'al"' ill!---. -;.[-. I -walks : ' '.;! i' i-!,iMr.-it. ainii] tin :''. : ::; liaii^iirj ' ; - i.i 1h'- '_';i~: \ l.:i, :i ":.] "!''. ! wnnl, ;- : < i : \ '..: ^ i\ N : K. ani' Hi j- ' ' ' r:ial ' ; -. | a :: r'.<\ t)> i '.'- :.;/'.-','': ." ) \\ !i! !, !i l. : - . \ . . . . : \\'i . ;: ! . 1:1 . // -/// / ' :- ' i ' ; ! \',;,- ' / . -.' hi'i'i ' aii'rdoii: in our ia-t ^<air ot i'lvt ;i]'[>'. 'aivi I in tli<' bar-rooi.i <>f an ambitious village-hill, hit'' OIK- i.-\ film-', ill" owiK'ri>f \\liicli iiii|iiiiv.\\ VXD MMHIN'S br.-t ' po|i[M',J iii|-> {];,' room. ' I'-i-in^' nu 1 a j:i'-k! ' t'X- e'aiih.'.l tin' man d' ^ie;;t ' uiuu-r-^iaiKliui;'.' 'J'li'' \vail-r in\ olunt'H'ilv stai'lcd i'orwai'il. l>ui cIiaiK-ii!^' {> catcli a ii'liinpM.' of lh" Ix'ioK lie >L'^'|Hjil slioi'i, aii'l al'bT another aii'l flosov (-xaniinalion said, \\nli uijiial tv, an^'Hiul 0111- jiha>is: 1 say Vcou. nnn aim a-u'oin* !o !>-a\^.' th;-- \vor!.; in .1 hurrv: yu "ve 'j.'"t i"o * ! ! do ii"; Kiii-ve tha: a jai/k-f.y.v (.'unM ^<-t "eiu oti'.' Mv stars! man '. ' rri'''l our tVi'inl of tin. 1 bi^ !'.".!, what 'il I do '. I can't '.;-! n.y boots '///" \\hhout a jark .' ? ' I ( !! yon v.hai / -ii'iuJd do, 1 r.-ii';i ,! 'liooi-,' 'if tlu j v \vas niinC : ! -li'i'iM walk ba,-]; 10 [I. <>/<'/> <>f tin rrntil, and [iiill Vin olV tli.-r.-: 77;-/' v.osild !',t,'h 'rm, 1 -u-s!' ' ;.'. lia.d a la-i'- '!' \Vinii-i': and \\-- :;. >K-;--'ii:i^ i- one -if i:- ^n-al \' at.v M'l-iii- i >i' //'/; , ili-i! i-an d ''\ -li' 1 ;!! "in of ;i _nvat c!'t\'. m si.'i M< Try lirll- ; ^liiiiii^' i-iitt- r>,' -Iri-'h-, ' jut )/;/{!' v\ orv tiling i> runners, and can l>e drawn l>y eatlle Lri^la lad-, -rnivs "F partiis. luiddled in s\\fct liav. un.K-r \\ann liin- \\iue: \v!iat a '> at/in! la^v "F (In I'Ut I'll a //"/' / ' iiii>riiiini' in \\iiit'-!', t'-n mil'- ;r"in tin' city, over a NVrll-tnuUfii rn.-iil. alter a il'-ei) sniw, vhieh a -liu'lit north-L-a>t mist, dyini;' a\\ay at iaM in a smitlu-ni lull, niak'.'s i lam] i and _!: '> 1 Mark tii'- I'l 1 >\\ n \\ " ,]~ : tlu 1 Mile hilis. ]ia!e, clem-, and >taiel\ in tlie i.-' :;!i- : tiie iiii- j ' i \~ 'ii'-d ri\ ,_-r<, \ - ' .. - nil !i'> -liiiiiii'j 1 heel ; i In.- uliit'-ni'd I'lain--: tli" i-lnii'!-. !'!. !\ l-'ili^ht \\i;!i cviTV 1 i ;- a -: :.! ! \ : SOME THOUGHTS ON KITES. 255 Peep in till' woiuti of earth where tho i'Cins jrrc.nv. And diamond* put forili radiant nN. and Imd Wi;h an:ethy-t and topaz ami the piaee Lit up niu-t royally, \\itli the puiv beam That duv'ls \viihin them. Or haply tin' v;i>t hall Of fairy palace, that otit!a ni-ht. And fadr- iu tin' stiory "f thi- .-tin : Wind from tin' sWit ia Iiriu'litne-s, and. are lu.-l Ani'in? thr (.TuNvdi-d pi'iar-. Ilais.' thine eye: Thou sc.-s1 no ea\'ern roof, no jialace vauii: Tin.- iv the I,!ue. >ky anil I.iie \vhito ilriftiiig eioud Look in. Ai'ain the \viMnvd faney dreams Of spiiiilinic foiiii'ain-. fro^i.'M ii-; they ro>e, Ai'd fixed, wiih all their branching' jets, in air, And a',! their Juices fealod. All, all is li-bt T.;-ht witlioiit >hade ! AiMML has oomo no'uin: and the kiti'->r;is.>n lias oji'-ix.-'l Nvif.h ;!( ;tt neiivitv. Di'l you ever n-niark, \\heii Xatuiv ln'-gins to Avakt-n ffom her \vint' j r-sleop ; \\lien the \voods 'bc-voii'l tlie swelling floods' of the rivers begin to redden ; when the snow has left iis, and the city-trees are nl>ijiit leave-in^; when the fin-t airs (,? spring a-sumo their natural biandness 5 when ladies are mt ^'ilh iheir 'spring li;it-' and cnnnen with their spring-carts ; lio\v iimumer- (;ii> kites begin to th'ekeu in the air? \i->nder a bi'v nu- wii-ldy f'ell'iw rises \\ith calm dignity, trailinu' lii< lon^ tail uiih u'lvat pnjprietv In.'hind him; here a little biij-llinu; ival'ir-' lii: >.- ; '.: ivi <, i-.i., 1 !'';! HIT !;M mi tiii- -i>i". ili>-n T l liiv- 1 - >IIIk ! tin 1 kii.-llviiii:' t'i' tii-"- 1 M '\>. \'\ u ' ;il' L lli Ul^'li \' f ai'i- ' i Hi! c't' ''111' '!"!;> I ' 1 llel 1 ' 1 i ctlu'ival in ii : -' '.! i. : --_' " ;';..- y ral : ' in. - \ '-i ' k!!" ( ,\ '.-in. Thin, I : - I'.-vi 'i: i lliat i'f a ' 'iii'u-.-.I M'X.-t^' 'I . ii' ' i>};\ i.'l ! l'' r a la: iiu- '.. ';/.'-'.' ' ; , : ^ .' - Y. : : ,' . ; - -i: -av-. i;- tin S o .M K T HOUGH T s o _\ K i T K s . ^.37 a lad can le-tifv, who lias liccii living kites in our 'lie; t, 1 as \\(' dailv wend in ;iiiil from t!;e sar.clnni. \\ e confi- dently a-k our juvenile friends, did \veevcTsce ;i kitf. licnv- socVer .-mail <-r iirnohlc, lodged in a live, i.'i 1 uii a li'li'^i'aj'li \\ i'i>, nr t\vi-U'il iMini'l a tolt-^rapli jmli 1 , or a rliiniiify, \\ tlioul ix'iiilt-riiii^ iinmoilialo am! 'valual'lc a>si--iaiire ;' N'rvt-r ! anil it' i.lic dyspc'titio AVall stn-ol ln-okor, \vliu (.-alii-il lln 1 ailfiilion < ; t' his siit'i-rii:^' rLum the i/ilu-r ninn!- !!!- \>i < ']il ivMCK. 1 ili--cciiiiin^ a Her, a ilk-iUc'l kiiu in lii- liaiiil. aiu'i a 'solution of conliiiuily ' in his (rowscr- l(iiis, \\ill rail ii}) in i;^'hl. Lr>-.lI;OKI;I;, kim\vs ho\v to In- grateful ; and it' wo >hoiiM In-reaficr i-yrr ll'Miri-h in \\ al!->UTct, in \oiir lino. In' \voiiM M-nd u> the I I of sliavii:^-' paper' io bo had in ' llio sin u! ;' and \vi- can ti-11 yi ni too, Mi 1 . J 'oi.n ici \x, that it' in \}H- pi'.i- ^]v,-> ill' c\ci!!s. \vc di'.nld chanci' to IK.' -up 1 for >oiin' of- lir.- in t'l" uif; oi' ihis Miir u'oiid old K\!cK!-:i:r.fx KI-:I! ciiv. that 'ad \voiild lie ' ^'ooil I' >r ' fifty voles. \\\- can oiilv ~a\', that once !/> a innnicipal ollici-. of {},: pro'-iM 1 dc M-ripiioii, cur liot cxcrliiins -liall not U> \vantinL;' to pn, do\\ n ' the telegraph -polf.-; and \\ires. i'.lectrii-;! v i> ; ^-ood ;n-;ii nlioii/ in i doys m^-i--.-.] in kii-il\ in^: lu-vtT ! liif dr.-4nirt.ion in tin-- l>ratirh of !iii--ih ;.- LTivallv iiirivaMiiij. Look at tin- rai^.-d >k.-i,-t< in-. ;ln- ai- nii.-t t'"-^il ri'inaihs, ihai llaji anil \vi-iiln- UJMHI tli- 1 \\ir-> an-1 ]iM.-t<. \vlien' lln-y have hi-t-n ^"liln'iinl 'Iran, ivnt ninl l-i:''j. - arr'l 1>\ tin' >;i'unint-i \\iinl 1 ' \\'hat ' undi-rlirs' ail t!ii- evil? Tli" sy>t-m. Boys, 'To tin'- pcilcs ! ili'\vn \viih ill-- jiol .-,!' .-iiMiiM li" tin' rallvmn' cry. Tlii-y aro ari-tH'Tatir : ilit-v ;iri- luioonstitutimial : tli"V arc worst' than tlh 1 ' \\"i:.Mi'T proviso!' Sni-h an-1 so many ha\v -. -aiiiii'j on th-- iii^li >.-;;s of aii 1 .' t!i: u i)i\ i-rtfl to 1-1 li.-r clianiii-1- ; aih 1 a \ ii'iii- :.: ot \\ !i :,'-;- -i --. ^i - rail : :.^ iiiiiit-i tli-- la>h.' has !>n/ki'!i out. ainl i- spr-'ailin^ ail ovor lh-' nii'tropoh- ; di'iNiiiL;' ilu 1 a^'o-l from tli" \\aik-. i!i\'a'iin^ lln- I'.-'lii-ali' l""t an-1 ankli's of our lovi-lv fi-iiial-- pdloiri- ans. and laing th" vorv di'ii-.-e with the iut"ri'.'i' of tln-ir XT:M \\ K R T w i- 1. vr. KI:KIM:MI:\T <'{' IMIM*I>E-:X <,*.-': v lu'Mi; uUAToi;': 'nil. OIISAMKNTAI, - IIMI--I m. ; : uri:'- ' ri N- \ I ins ' : MnMTiiiiY ' MC.i: \ri,];s" ; I.IM i;v ' l.nun MI/C.CJ': < r.isi'iN NUN !!.; ~~i n : \ r \ i ' in n-ri 1 ' SI.::MU\: v rim'i r-Ti.n r.r KXII:: VANKKI: '. rTi:M-:-s is \\' \ i r.--'i i:i:;:i : A Mni'KUN SMI:I:I> I'mn U A nciJi'ii's i:i' '"I. ii Kxifk's. ' i'iii:i'i> ''. ii>s : *\VI:AUIMJ MN .NA V!:NI:I: vi.-Tin:i.s ui~ 1111. INDIANS, X olden t;ni'> there was ;i di>tinet. class of itinerants in New-Kn'_daiid, who were called ; cider-lie^^ars/ On,- of them, un a Sunday morning, called at a farm-house, and (indium nlv 'he woman of the house' at home, \\as ijiiile importunate in his demands tor 'Old-Orchard.' He was linniy and perseverinody denied. As a last iv-ort, lie reminded the p'ons lady that >he .-hould rein.-miH-r the Serij, rural iniuiii-lioii \a entertain >tr;ui^crs, ' for tiieiehv iiian\' had entertained angels unawares.' ' I will ri-k that,' said she; ]',,! who ever h'-ard of an an^el i:'"inu' aliout Suiiilav morning he^-^inn' inr eider ! ' I advi.-i 1 \oii to '40 to work,' sai>! an Aniericrm in Lon- di'ii to a l>eo-_i-ar, who \\a> jx-rtinaciou-ly heseechiiiL;' him tor a shilliii 11 ; : ' \'ou ari" 1 a heart v, hale teilow: 1 ad\i>e you I" u'o to \\orL' 'I a-kril ymi f, ,r your rtinnnj : I 'ii'l n'i a-k voii for yuiir <-( .' ' was tin- <""! rc]>K. Al- i:'."-i a- iiiii'iKU'iit as tin- Sjianish innniitfi] lu^-^ar in i- n'liiai-k of a ]ic-iK->lriaii I'^L;' <>!' iiif. \\ln am i-oinpflleil t<> u'>> en font. \\ hili.' you i-i.!c ..n hor-t-liai-k '. ' Vt-rv ti'iif. Sir; ainl 1 liavr tli.- UK in- // Up]'Oll 1H\ ll'T-,. ;||),1 MlVSi-ll' tun ; -l) In' S( i ^V)i ii] a> In liaii'l ovi-1' ! ' So t'i'i'i/ Vt'asniKililt- \\~a-- iln> pi'upn^i- tiuii, that it \va^ at niici- ooinilioil \\nli! VV n l);n v.iii c-vi'-r have i ho ihi>uidit of WHAT i- NOW at tin- ]!! >;i:"i!t while you ha','|-ii to t//'/n{- i!i;it YOU an.' thhih- ini: in Kvent and in IN a'.ui 1 ". in vari<>u- and i'tr-dividt-d [>arl- uf ilio \\orld' Sav < >i MjeiK.Ty, t'-r oxninjil 1 : your iiii:i^inaii..n sliail lak-; you to th-.- vast crackling kv-licMs of Xui'\vay, or tlio riHliing 1 inael>tr'>m. i.-ii-cliii^ :uid rddy- iiiH' day and uiu'lif. a- it ' s\vi-f[i.s il- a\vfnl cycle:' or th" v;i>t Niagara cataract. r>Il.ii)L, r its sul^ini) ]< 'ai'in^ tl.iod< \<> 'iiirn'i 1 ' and UM- Atlantic; r tiif >ul>liinp mckv hfiLi'his tliat lii- I'tjtwpi'ii u- aiid lh<- 1'av/iiii-. and tlif l.:nnd!'-s ]'r;:irit-ti.-l i> thai -tivfrh auay fr^ni tln-ir u'ia'it fo--: :' or "i;i" tr'ii-if-ihl'.'iil \il!a in ltal\', slci-jiin^ 1 in the bin 1 ]'''' air und'T Al['iii'f -liadows, witli ^I'o'i}'- "i' fi^in-c-. surh as av: scon in antinuo niarliir- : r in S"iiK- kiudi'i-d sceiic in Fndia, \\l:>'i'i.' thi.' uvi-iiiii^'s liin-aih is (']ij>n-<-ivo with JM.-I-- funi'-. ;.nd tin: rud-t S' 1 . that hr--alvs th-.- -tiilin-- i- th" -'.'I c !' th" \vnod-|iiMV,iii. or th" -udd.-ii llij'ht "!' a i' .-': ' u" v '';!';";- : <>v \\}-i-r-- th" M 1 Xil" di-tir.ii;,^ date-, nr \\iih ill.- ivniote inhabitants nntri'-> tliai l\\c sun dclavs In !i'k ii]". n .' I >id you c\vr ////'/// of Natur. 1 in tlii-- \\av. at "'He ;tiiil the -anii 1 nicinriit .' a!iuntrv, li< j ive battles ra^'iiiL;': in an"lhs and tfan- |ui!!ii\' : lli^rc di-cord and n'tid': aland rnit \\ilh civil fe;ids. and dronrlicd in fraternal hlood ? ' Ii is o-i-nerallv knu\vn. w- 1 ln-lii-vi 1 . iliat a d' 1 ;-)' p ! i -"ii l>v \val aki-r'> I:; '-- can in'dii'- s'and v -.-.,, :!,_;. \\ i- ha\''' In ai'd ' t' ;i ' Jiiak'-r . \\hii \\ a> d at', \\ 1 'i ll-i'd l'-_ii.:ir!\ 1" '_;' < ID lili'i-! ini;:. and \\il iit:^ a single uoi'd. cuiild iii-\i'rt]n'l'--> n-p'irt rvi-rv tliiii 1 ,;' thai u as .-.;, : ,i. ( >in' Kirst-ilav * sin- ''', any aivoiinl > >\ ih.- di-f 'iirsi . I !) \ >> '' ! \\ In-ii ;i>Ic<'l \\\ ]'!'''. . ; ''.} d : i ;,,'; ti-1! an*, I,'i: \i> tliis. ii ! , .f \\", ;i';li ! and ]" iiidi-l it \vcii. J.'-i it -ink intn vniir h, aft !' Ii. art-, and ! ti;r n,. an- i >f Jiwaki'iihiLf llifi'i 1 MIIIIC -\ in] vit !i\ I'. >r a tuiln/j. -Mll'i-rin si>ti>r. \vln> \>v no t'mh nj' IHT- i> th^ - r(' -In' i- : LIFE'S 'Co :\i p i: \ s A T i o \ . ' M[.\I:K, that rustle ft' a dress, Stilt' v> kh l:i\ i>ll costliness; II. TO comes olio whoso cheeks \vould llu-Oi I'.nt to have her L';tni:eiit> brush 'Gainst tho irirl \vho'""< tier li!ter tlioudit Heart's-, ^1^0 and Forget me-not: P:it!i'i/i!]<.' her despair 'NVilh tiie i-iiibloius \voven there I'' \\"F. ni \vo con- fess t<> having entfrtainoi] soinotliiiiij dftli:^ fi-rhno- towanl the ]i<-)?>c--of of a ]>o;nitifnl lioti-o ninl clianuiii^' i>Ti>, \\1ii. !) \vo ]ia<-^ <1ai!v. in a fa>hinn;ilili' (|Uai'!''r nf ih" town, tliifiii^ ill" pk'a^'nit OO(O:I;T 'lays. 15 ut one innniin^ ^'o sav." tho (!',\'ii''f anioiio; Ins Q'faprs an-.l flowers aii'i tii'.'.it- Ifiins: ;i tail, i-aiv-worn, (liin-visau'C'd nan, \\]\<> s;)n,l Ircitililiniz'ly on ' liis pins' ;unl Mirvi-voil hi> li'-aniil'iil p"-- ses-ions. All! llt^'iu'hi w>-, thnv is ;i ' roinprnsitiiMi ' in cvt'i'v tiling. " \N iial pleasure '/an n lie to tlu- 1 . 1 says an eloquent divine, 'to wrap the living skeleton in purple, and T.u.'T ; 111 r'i>;l l-i '!-;_;, i. c I. \\ i),-,! |;i,- ri*>!!l.'.- MT\ "1 1 : V iii : - ' ' -HI-.--- i i' ;hv li-.iil'S :ni)< .'.,- ;] .'..:, l;Ulta!i/i". til*'' \\ < -;i kl .<-- < I li; V '!!' ' .' : 11- i 1 ' D'.Il 1 llllilt'ill,' \\''lll lli;i! ^i I >.] ili- -! ; '; v;:;!- nn ; ;n iic tli'it i- mi's! lik.' a n ;;!i: " A ' - . ui'-nli^ :!' :i \\ Ii!--:i lie ':>.< ,} } i'i X' >rl ' - ' ',.;, i.'.ir ;i-- .,'i;i! kiiii: 1 . ! 'ar- \ ^ . chtrii' linrai-t' c:i\ i' 1 U[" >n t" ' ] ' nriT'l c;>-i', i KAN \, \\ : : h ' ' : :). -i v!- : li.\ \ \ . ' I'". :i: i .' :i l..-1'.-r 111:111 I 1 \\ ''. : ' ' ' '.' acli i:> iV.n.-i-a'.' . ri'! hri'ii. lie \\ aiii - a liimru' 1 , ' .'..;. .;' \ i >;ir II.- 1,.-; ' ; ,.1-.^ -. :iii.l In- riinM VIM: li- k-]U i-lii I:HI : . -':- hi- A 1." '-Hi, j .r.. ' ' ,;;', i-i'.v ::i !;. V > : ":< ,!.- : ! i.-'i . i , ' , ;,"-;. Ti... . :.i.u !..- .:;! ^ '' l,i- 'A ;i\ i -i >i|. ' \\ ; !:i;i' v ; - \\ ' , on Prn: hiinir him^-lt' in j:iil : an-1 th' ia>t and inr-ate-t warnin' fif a!i was when ih.' di< -I him.-e'f '. ' 1 hi; preacher enlar_:''-d on ihr- t > tnpi' j s uniii In- had >unk K ANN >o low that his hearers bei>-:m to d"iibl \vh(-tli'-r In- would cvc-r a^ain. aii'l. as i- u-ual in ' fil- m-nil-,' landing him salMv in AIM: \n \:u'-- liosnin. This was t!;.- nbj.Tt fit' tin: seciind part of the scnii'.Mi, \\hii-li staru.-d oil' thus: O!y In-ftliren. then? '11 1> g-ivat im- rai-H-s. /// und witlt \\\'^ fac-os, inakin I'jnu' pravc'"-, v,-n't } <' t!nM'^ ; and the second nieracle will be, that nianv you <]<> n't expiK't t., find then-, as ji./rhaps some won't expect to iind our dear departed hn.itln-r ][ A NX. yon '11 .-!( tin-r.' : ainl tin- la-t, and ^r<-ai>l iiie-ra'-lf will be. tn find time, -:, i ;';!:: fust . in K-.v.d.-ind : I f u i. you novcr telt. ju-t at tin. 1 -;i-'>u . >{' ndd-Mai-i til'' I'nlVe ;illc] tnitll nt' tin 1 eli-nili". 1 nl.-erVM 1 . 1 "'.'.- .' I onlv wonder is, thai another iv.- i-\j.r. <-d >i- ]> feejlv our o\vn thouidiH anil enii!"!i-. a hnndi'-d th> i'i-'^" ; ' i-ii-' ;:;;; <(' tlii' 1 year : ' I ;;'! i- a ('!: an; ini-l:iiiclil\ in : ii. >-\ . nin^-; ofoarlv -iinii 1 ^, wliidi is rnnnn^ iiif>>' iniliii'iiccs \ iiaiurc tin' nn'-t uiii\ i-isallv ri-cii^-iiix.f'l, tin 1 inns] .iilii.-nl: t>' i-x- Jjlaill. 'I lie -ilellt .-lll'iit' I'fVivilllJ i't'e. \\liii-h (lur> Hi'l \-e{ l"-;ra\' si'4 - ii-; in the l,:id and !! --uin; oiilv in a suftcr iriie>> in i!i in tin >', ,\\ ] \ K-ii'j;ilieiiiii._i- d , , - ;;i;d 1 -a!ni i:i the i . i ! -! :1! niii j 1 ;!'-! iV' in i !, ' i '. , i> i heir ! a r;- : t!;e Hid' I' ,i ' h. \'. lii. ii -';;! -:H \\ ai i i \ vvear- tin- Kleak st< - <.;' i lie l-\i-\ < Lan-^tj A L O <-' O M O T I \ i; A \ T A <, (i .N I - I . hourly, momently at work renewing the youth of the \Yorld. re-clothinu- \\ith vigorous Moom tin- .-keletons of things; all these messages from tin.- heart of Xatnre to tin- heart i>t' Man may well atfeet anil inovo us. l'>iu whv \villi melancholy ' }so tliouglit '<\\ our part connects ainl construes tin- losv, ^riitlc voices. It i- not Tltai'/il.t that. )'"]'!it> aii'l reasons: it i< F. lt:j that hears a.ii'l ihvams. Kxaniiiu- nut, O child of man! examine not that mvstt.- rio\i> rnt'landiulv \vith tin; hard ryes ,,f \\\\- reason : thoti eaiK not impale- it on the spikes ,_,(' {hv thoi'nv lo^i.-, nor ilv-i'i'ilie it-- eneliantet.l eirel,- !,y prolilt/ins conneil fivim thy schools. I!or-a.l and the Living- -^i\e thine t -ar to the tones, \-.o\\ thv soul to ih- -hadows. that steal, in lh>- sca-on of e';;ni--,'. from she dim 1 '> Til.M 1 Land ! ' Vi|- ], ,||M- -inee.' wriies ;l n ( ,],1 fri'-nd and i/vri-[ioMil- ent. 'as [ \va- reiurnin^ from llnt'falo. 1 \va> amnsed. while the cars made ;i nionieiitarv stop. ;il a demonstra- tion made l>v a cra/y man, on hi> \\a\' to the Sia'e Luna- tie . \-ylum, at 1 tica. lie \\-as >ta!idinu - on the tra.ek. in front of the ' irondiorr-e ; ' Voit think you are something! 1 he >a;d. looking \viMivat the loromotive. and as-nininp; a !)o\in^ auitude ; ' Inn look o' l;cre : I ran whi on! h'>rn< I'll'! S;i\- ! do n't, y>u -land there, \vhi>ilin^ and >Mioki!>'_:'. like a 1'laek^uard ii: a l>ar-room : }<-\ jump \< ,.' . and I'll take lli.' conceit out "f you, you ,1 ,] old .v.kntr^lnr, r, //-/, A ." I'j.uorr, tin' eminent portrait-painter,, 'laid him-elf diit ' on a ])iin tin- other morn inn', a-- lii 1 \va- walking' do\\ n town \\ith a t'ri'-nd. in a taintly-drixxliiiL;' iu!-t. --<> line a< si-aivclv lo lir jirrc'rptiMc to tin' nak-'d i-vi- : ' If it slionM >tup altoM'i-; !,,!.' said ' ( 'IIAKI.IK,' it would n't !.. ,,,',s>;,,l ' Tiii- ha-~ ln.'i-ti carefully kept I'mni the dailv j<>:irnals, and ' no\\ iir>t appeals in print.' I '. S. Air. Ki.i.ion lia- re- eovei-ed. and may >t ill In- Imind at hi- rooms 'lir-i floor fi'oin the i'ooi" of the Art -I nion I 'nildin^, \vheri"- ma\' al~o >ee!| llUHlerolIS ];e\v ]'!rlure^ fl'i'lll 111- illilustl'idll-J and pencil; eaeh one inf 'rni'-d with lliat pert'eetlv iil'e- like indi\ idnality of e\|'i-e-~i"ii. \\hether in color, linea- i!,. '. ; . i o^ it ion. Hi 1 i Ira] ii -rv. \\ hieh \\ ill render hi- port rail- a- la-! i !]_; a- the ranva> upon \\ hi.-h they are paint' d. \\ ].. nd ; .1 ' f, ll:!l-l ! livii.:;' '- 1'.\ . for a man v, i:h .d a hold up^n ti.e : no! lik v\ . !! -ti-pp-.-d C R I S P I X X X I' I, U S S E I) . '2f J 1 .) one dav into the small shop of a boot-maker's in tin: llouri-hini;- eapital of old Krk-, and a-lo-d (,'KISIMN- if ho could inakt- him a pair of boot.-. Looking at his l<>nor -plav pedal extremities, and then u'lanciiiif at a 1m uv un- cul co\v-hide that hnn^ upon tin- wall. In- -aid, \Vt.-ll. vos, I eue.-s -o.' ' \\"hat time will you have tln-m done- i! T'l-dav i- .\r'iii.lay.' ' \Vi-ll. it '11 dfpfiid on rii'ciim- staiio-s ; 1 ^ui--s I can ha\'c 't.-m doiie fur you l>v Salur- ilav." ' >:i Saturdav, tht-n.-foro, thf man calh-il for his boots : Have you ^i,\. '<-in dune .' ' said lir. as he ciilt-ix-d th-.- liitlo sh-.'p. 'X<', I have n't T could n't; it has rained every day .-ince I t'>ok yo'./ 'f <, // t?vi,,:~; f"i- I liave n't I'n'ini in mv >hnp ? aih! 1 can't \\or!v u;i! i!i > in rainv \veatln.-r!' It was the saiiio man c.f ' lar^e uiider-iatidinii'' whom tlh- porters used to Lother so. \\} tt -n he landed ti'oin a ^earner. 'J'he 1 ,' \\niild ru-h tip lo him, sei/e hold of his feet, say in u'. 'AVlit-rt- shall 1 take your lj'i'/ "I mill. n' \\i-li ili>:i]i]iiiiti' rt lliix*' \vlin allcr ! I .. : A P u o r K s T ED R i: r i: n ]; x c E , 27 1 T,:K >ul>joined anecdote of ;i demagogue-candidate for ;!..- Legislature of a western State, a man of low moral r-latuiv. has lieen seni u> ly a new correspondent : ' There was a 'stump-speaking,' and AISXKU <_i.l> liad tlu- platform, (.-iiliirliteniug ' tli-.- unterriiied' long and Imidly. " Fellow-L'iti/.ens,' >:u<\ ho. ' 1 in>\v come to a slanderous rumor \vhii-li has. l>i-eii most dastardly circulated against Hn- ;';'!!! "in- i.Mid of the i/' ui my to the other. Mv eiieiuio, :iot opulent \ v ith endeavoring to ruin my political prc">-p'-ct>, have a^sassin-lik'' attempted to l)Ia-t mv - Vi "d name liy ih.-ir in-idious repnri>.' 'AuxKu' then >tat'"'d \\hat tin; Sriiooi.Ku. to \\hniii ! allude, i- acquainted with all the facts, aii'! I rail on him here to state whether thi- rnm.jr i- true or t'al-c. I pause for a ivpl\.' Whereupon >.juire S< nooi.i:i< .-!<>'.\!y arose, and in hi> strong. -li>w. anil sono- i 1 ' His void,- -aid: '! rather think ymi i/iJ it. AliNKi;! 1 * Voii uid scuundrel ! ' exelaimed AUXKI:, ' whv d" ym interni]'! me. \\htle 1 am discus>iiiL; ^'I'eat constitutional qiioiinn-. with yunr low personalities.' 1 And he aecMin- tutnir'd this rilij urijatoi'v exclamation with such a -ure'e' of 'i! '2 Y A \ K i: i: C i i i: .'s !: s s i \ \\ .\ i. i.-S T. evstu-nlation. lhat he -!epped haek l>evond the platf' >rm., fell haekuard on a hi^ d< >_;. amid ill'- ho\\l- , ,[' \\hich, ; md the iK-at'tiiiiii;' rcai> ct' tin'- ' >o\ VIVIANS, ilie ini'd 'ti'c(.'(uallv 1'rokvii up. ' IK you \vi>li to hear a little sjMvinn'ii of \'ank.'<' Yulu- iH'.-s, ju>t listfii to thi- rolloi[uy, \shicli \\c heard the other ila\' in the eoiuitiii^'-liorise oi a mercantile ineud : 'A man kiii'l o' ]'i'-k< ii]' a piod 7iiany id(es al>. <"nn. 1 l.irni a few in A\'a!i-ir.-et. ; 'In \Vall-.-tivn:' ^ .- ; '-. i stiiilieil ii i o;it \\liile 1 was >ia M .'e-iiri\ in'. I ^^i a iiu'e cliaiiue lo^eihi-i- ; !ii"i n'; kno\\ sv!i.-i'e (o [..'are i; : r.iu'ii n't hire i; euiil hnni. \-an-e I \\a-~ jili-adin' ]H.\rii\ ail the time; that, 'see, would n't deu : so i '_.u> iieu\\n and '!a|>> it in lii' 1 1 'rv I>ock [iank ; L:'O! ii\e per cent., tew. Had a lirother ihaii 1 uho u a> ie!iT. ' 'i..- ijav i '^in a eh.-ek t'oi' liit\- dollar.- : all ri^lit. At ia-; the bank L;OI in iroiiMe : 1 had >ome tour or liv thousand dollar- : I -''>,- ti'i i:i\ til-other and dra\\> eoul m\' money : h,- pa\> me m I'.ankof- -n,,;,... \Veli, 1 t^ok " hum, 1. ut the\ Y A x K K i: ' C r T i; x E s s i x \V A i. \. - S T . ~T 3 tew hundred ]>ry I >o.-k notes, \Vh..-n [ -'"t t tin.- city I could n't pa-s 'cm off. I tried a ^>od many banks no :,ro. At la-t thcv ercf> wded mo oil' the pavement in \Vall- sttvet. tin- civowd was so !>!_;, and I Mood in tin- mid., He of tin- street, and cnl'lni,,!. I'\,. ^,,t th,' i.l--a,' sc/ [; 'I '11 eoine cMiinti'v ov<>r 'cm.' So I walked into the Hank of , took oil' my hat. and look.-d aivomid as if did n't know what I wa> alit-out. I knowd thliici i : >o he roiiii-s tip: ' SAM !' x.'Z In'. ' what noow Low V tin- 1'amilv ?' 'All well.' ^7. ! ; 'but what 's the matter with your banks ' I do n't know who to dc]>.-nd on. Hero's your neighbor, the I >rv l)o(.-k's ^'oin-, and mav-bc nan. 'II i:'o next; and I've ^ot abeout live thousand dollars, of your money; and 1 u'Ue-s I '11 <;oine deown ;uid draw the si'erie.' I expect [ mu.-t a-lookcd a- it' I was, friu'htened to deaih : for lie said to-oiicc, Heont do thai. SAM !' >e/ lie; ' you 'II frighten tlio liull country, and they'll come and rim u~.' ( 'au't lielp it.' > abcoiii lew hundr.Ml dollar> of the I >ry I >ock. and if I do n't ^vr ihe money xarni-v'l(-rc liefoiv- I o-o lium. I'll draw on vou ,-t'onn.' lleow much '.' trecr //nit time, -if 1 iitu ])r\i'-}].' as tlie savin' is!" There is rioi ,-, .v;vcat deal of l.r.-rt :! financicrin?; done in Wall tiv.(* rlia: '27-1 A M on r. i: \ S A r n i: i> P <> i; T i; A i T '1 \v.\s \v;ilkii!i; - tlir< >U'_:li Trafalgar-Stuart' in I. "in 1 ."]), "in- illuming.' sii-ii'l t<> u- UK- "tli.-r day. ' Vihen I was ai''-itfl l>v a man \\lio-was >'l!in^ nn t-u- LLTav.'l pictuiv i >f Christ h\rti//i!it!/i'i t/>< T,-;!if, -Mom,/, II. ur^-i-il me s.i jiiti-uu>ly t" [lUrcliaM- oin\ tiiat I wa- t.-nijii! 1 li i]u M>. i \\i-li I !i;i'! it imsv -li.'W ymi. ( >ur S\VIIMI: \\ a< iifi->-ci] in ; t ~ n;U'\' a \\ano\\-l-iil.-i] \ i-r >aw in i' I!P- !a-lii. >n- : hi- ; w.-iv >ir;i|ijn-'l liuNvii uv.-ra pair nt' r\. jui-iii- !i i-. ami !n- wi !'- ' 'ii lii> ht-a-l a small 1<>\\ ln-'il ci'iiwi iiuicli iii fa^liinii al'.'iil iliat Iniii-. IIi- aji'i.~l!i-> wciN' di't'^-i'il in lli.' >aiiic la-lii^n; ciilv' that n. wa< I'vi-li-iiiiv in! :,' i- -I ; : ;-;' I IIP jiriiicij'al ti^tir.' >linu!tl in thi- iv-j, i-i i^uilc i'Xi'i'i',1 tin-in. I tli'Hi^'lil "f tin 1 vahii' "F 1 \.-. i-:i!U" ' in art. a^ 1 Li-ik.'-l a! lliat scriptural jiictmv. am] tin 1 ti-M ua- Mip]i"-i'il to i'lu-i rate ; ami, i-ai'iv,! a- \\ - '. I cutilil ip't lii-l]i L;'Uti'a\\ Mr.;- ' 'i'-U'.-] M-|- mi-!v in lli' 1 IT. 'W'li i -iiuari'.' \\' i: liavi' i "I nci 'Hiit'-i 1 '' i ai;v tiling ln-i'i-r than tin '- ' - - -i w.-t'-i-n i-'lil-T. -:i: t:.- .-ul' . ,.;'..!:- >;i:i. . ! umii Mr. T:IUM \s HIUCIN- ai..l A I) r r> i o r s EULOGY. 275 i'Ciieral \\ AHIFNI.; ION l>v ;i member of the legislature of Florida. 'l'lu> friend in question had been arrested for stealing sheep : \Ve have known Mr. THOMAS for twelve years. ( >ur acquaintance commenced with the great storm which l)]e\v down our grandfather'^ barn. At that, time he was a young man in the prime of life, and we think vai>ed the best marrow-fat peas we ever eat. lie uas a U'ood mathematician, kind to the poor, and troubled with iits. In ail the relations of a hu>band, father, uncle, and trustee of eoinnion land-, he has followed the direct stand- ard of dutv. Mr. THOMAS is at this time fortv-tlirec years of age 1 , slightly marked with the small-po.\, an estimable eiti/eii, a chureli-meiubei 1 , and a man of known integrity, for ten years, _\> to yheep-steaiing, that he would have done it if he eeiiiKl ^vt an opportunity, is without tbnn-ia- i.ioii in point of fact. Mr. THOMAS could have stolen our lead-pencil several times, but he did n't do it.' 1 :i TKKN years ago we plaeed upon record the follow- ing vaticination, in a review of PAKKKU'S Travels to the Rocky Mountains ; Xo iii'-urm' untable barriers C'Xist to the construct ion of a rail-road from (he Atlantic, to the Pacific. Xo greater elevations would need to be overcome than have been surmounted on the Portage and Ohio vail-road. And \i(~<) ()!.!. K\l( K.'> : I'll EDI CTION th> '''"// trill l>r ti<;-nnij>lixln-il. I. <-l tills prciliflioll in inaik'-'l. '! hi- -_;Ti-ai c-li;iin of communication will In? in.'nl< s i >| ii'o!). I in 1 treasures of tlif '"iri ii. in that \\ i'li ii--kii. ,-iiv in.; i!i--iiin-il t In.- k-i. Tin 1 mountain- o i-nal. ill.- va.-t meailow-.seas, the In ;<1- of -all. tin 1 ini^lil \ 1'ui'oK \villi tlicir tri'i'-i two InnniiVil ;ni'l lil'iy i'.-f| i: liriil'lil. tlif stoivs n!' iiia^hr-ia. tin- iTvsialli/.nl l;ik>- nf val uable >all-. tln-i- uri-f imi t'l.niinl to l>f lini'iiijiluvfil ;un \va-t'-'l. The n-ailiT i- now iiviiiL; 1 , \\ln> \ui! i/iaki- a r.-iii roiul tri]> :irro>s this vn>l i-uiitiiii'iit. Th>' -'ranii'- iinniti- tain \\ ill ii!i-lr 1'cti .re tin ' . ' : v;.!i<-v- \\ il \\liiti' 1'icalh. v, in-iv -il.-iii i- ha> :, i^iifl sii!''i' tin- innniiiiLf hvinn i'i' yoiiiiLT cr'.'atii'ii NN;I S pcalc^l c.\.-i inouiitain tlm'i aii'l titi'l. '1 hi- niiiiiiTiiuth's i.'ii,'. aii'l tin' liir->ifs li^n,, 1'111'i' il l'' i,' i i '1:1 ill I''-, all' 1 i "!,'_; silH'i; tlU'lU'il In -I ' '1 \< '. \\ i II 1'f han-i] to ill" (lay l.y i!.' lal n i- :' the Atlantic .-.inl I'arifii liail-f'ia'l ( 'ciii|i;niv : nu-ks \\hii-h >!aml no\\ as nil lii' niil'ht \\li-Mi Nuah's di-iu^'i' !ir-t ilrifl. \\iil h"avi' ln'iii-a'.h thf aclinn r tin I'ai'ilii' s-'.-i lniai 1 '!. 'lin- \i-r\ ri-.-ilms nj' i-'nans ainl cl'i hii^'il will In-. invaJi-'l" whi'i.- in placi: >?' tji.o ^wann < : S W E A K I N G ' [ N .N A M K . ' 277' wild beasts, or liowl of wilder Indian--, v-jl! be ht-urd the lowing of herd-, tile bleating of flocks ; the plough will dea\v tht'- soils of many a rich vallev and fruitful hill. \\ hi!.- fivm many a dark bo-om -hall ^o up the ]>urc braver to the (.MIKAT Sriurr.' wa- iiM-if carried awav bv a ^iidtldi fn-h'-t. The mil! was "Id : tin- machinery in its decadence ; the \\holers- tabii-hment Mottrrii;^ to it> fall.' The owner \va- r.-^'ai'd-- iu^' the ll'.>oi.l-wooi.l ' of his tbrt tines with a srui and \vi>t- i'n! evo, \vh"ii a frit-ndlv bvtander cons.oliuy;lv said to him : l'>uild i/no//t( / : \ \voiit take yai thi'.-e \vei-ks to do it.' ' Ah,' said the ci-(laid it remimled him of a d m v, hi'-h >rop}:.'d the \vai.-i 1 - of a river b-'twc-r-ii the ni'iiiiitaiiis in one of our northern Stairs, and \vhi'-li. by a sudden fri.-h.' \\as swept. a\vav during the nii;ht. Iht: osvie-r of the \vor!t' tin' mviirr, .''.inl sjH'i-ulatiii^ 1 as I" tin- ni.-iniii-i- and lan- t_niai;v li' \\ould adopt, under the MI-OIILT provocation to hi- ' jilii'i-liuks.' II.' S.K m at'!"]- .'trrivi !. ai:>! j.i-. ibaMv siis- iiiu'. t'p'in nio\ i'!ii 'lit- aii'l >ii:'ii< al'oiit him. that the ';!' ! '!\" \\a- \\ailinuT i'\' an mii Krcal<. Vfi'V coolly -ur\.'V<"l til- 1 i-;i-. hin-' ri\.-r, ainl th.- >lu;e(.-\vav it IKU! "j riinl, aii.l mniiiiu' to th.- jn-.ip'.i 1 uii'u a Mai;.! >nii!f, he- >ai.]; -1 thiiik, n.-i^lil'ors. you \\ill all air ivc \\ith tin 1 that. llii> ri\ IT iiiLrlil to b' 1 ilani 1 ! ' Li:. \"\aL;i'r u\> thi 1 Sail it MMM'-. nv.T. ai';. -v r.-a.-h- ini 1 a ili'tan.'f o|' -. 'in.- il in ih" I lui'oii. will 1 _'.', i }" ' .'-.!, ,-. , I'. ,'.\ l.i!.-' I l.i- _;!.;, I !-!_.- thai I'i.-i' alll- I'l a! iiiii-rvals . .;' liv.- . >r seven in ':!'>. -:; __'. ; !' . - "f L:')'- at h.-iu'!:'.. -tainliiiL; like VT- , 'tics jtl'ovc tin 1 ^i-ii'-ra! l'Vi'l . .{' ill.- iiiil'i'"k.-n t'orol aroaiji] thciii. I ii. 1 al'i'i filial tradition i-. that th'^i 1 ar>' tin- t'uii'-ral li'ci-.- of Iiiiiiaii rhi>-!> \\!IM ha\i- l",-n |iurii'<1 li.'iifatli tin-in. \\ Ih-ii a -r^a! i-ra\ < ' di'-'i i; \\ a> tin. 1 ci i^i oin of . . -i - to In iid or -\\ a'. ' IM thi> ^TI .in id a yoii ii u r '!', I liv tin- !' tlic dead \\ :ir- til.' i ) . ' -riiii;' liark l" il- !> 'I'lin-r ,.,;,. \\"., , , , .<.:., li, ., '.. ..-.;. r-.'V, .-, .1 >,,.;- r-iln-i: iii liii! F IT X F Tl A I, - T R F E > O F T II K I X D I A X S . 279 KMOKKKBOCKKU, described a similar observance in the in- stance of a Sokokis chief, on the banks of the Subago lake, in the Siau of Maine : Tlii' v.vMrni Irailitii in, \\lii-n iviat' 1 '! in us nn hoanl tiir iitilr 'St. t'lair' straiiiiT. \vliilc >lu- was stni^u'liiiu;' H]> ili- rajiiil I'u-hiiiu' ciinvm [' iln- St. MAI;\'-, lii'i-u^lit in>lanilv in iiiinil ilir lon-^iiiiin 1 lioiiutit'ul lino; ainl a >iiiL;'l< > ]i-in-il- wi>r.l. j;i~i SITU on niir hull 1 iiiiMiionui'l.'i f Minif <>i' tli-' iiifiilcnts (>I diir la^i ^-uiiiniL'r's iih'iiii M'al'K' Inp. ha> a^'aiii ln'"U^!it tli" sul)ji-i:l mil iVnin a K-ii-k-li'-U' l' MMi)"i'v'r. X I' MB El! T1IIUTEEX, 111 I'. INriJl'IA'I i: A \VAr.MNl,: AN UKXAMI'NT 'ID -orlKTY: A .M.i I ' ''I T. OF IN. 'iiiuM-is i-nr.wix: A . ii in/-* i.A-i I,OO]I-MI;HT ' : A r.\> 11 KI-TU'- v I- 1 :!-: AIIITI. XT.II'NI: ' IN \i:r.-i-:: Tin: i-uin: i'i<'it MAN': i;ri:<-HAi:i> UN' Ti>r.Ai:i.i> T< > CUNIF. ' : ' Kuril TO Tin: I'urxi)' -iiac'i' < OX-'IKCVTIUN : M:U" I;.ITAMCAI. PI.\NT>: A i:i:i'ii:r < IP! P I:TI~"I - : A iMKTn'Ai. VLANDAI-.Y: AN IMI'UI.ML'-I r 'CIIOW-HAU', I BALKING ahMig the r.attery, on our return this * * eveninrr from a delightful trip down the Lower I5av. in the ; Of'.'*'' .-teanit-r. we beheld a young man whom we had known manv years -mee. but whom \\ e had not seen for manv month-. /i^-/a^-ing along the middle walk, with a fri'-iidlv .-iip^iort'-r hold of each arm. lie \\as 'bon/x,' he \va- ' >wip>ed,' he was 'cut,' ho was ' ti^'i!.' he \\a- ei/./li-d.' he was 'building 1 ,' he had 'a --tohe i;i hi- h:;!.' he wa- 'intoxicated' lie wax driutk .' lie glane ( -d ;,; u- with an tmrecognizing, lack-lustre eye. and shambled on hi- two frit-nds seemingly a-hamed of their btir'h.-n : an objei-t of compassion to friends, of deri-ion to foe-: Ti'iini/ed bv strangers, and stared at bv fools. (.') ! thai \\eak, ili'' nervous, who ; feel a daily longing for .-ome aitiiieial aid to rai-e their spirits in society to the ordi- nary pilch of all around them without it.' could have seer: iiS'2 I 1 it i: 1 \ r. i; i; i A r i: A \\ A n N i x<>. tliai sptviacli' ; rould liavi 1 seen licit voun^ man >ini^- L;']:H_;' \\ith the l>iiiows tint IiU'l Li'oiie o\vr liim '. ' \\ li,-re \\.-iv hi- ]>ride. In- self-ivspert, hi- love \ tli- 1 v,'>rld'.- esteein .' It ha< always seemed iiKAplifaliu- l<> u-. that a man \\itii tin- -'ar!' and l' -flings \ a ^.ntl'Miian, coiisrioiis of what li.-ldii^i'il to tin 1 I'haractiT, -huiin day t" da\ i'i\ rtim^ llu- chains <>f IiaKil, until at li'iiLjth h'- iind- liiin-.'!!' M-iiinii 1 ili\vn ; i 1'ivripii 1 ' 1 witli DJUMI i-yi-s and a ji;it"]i it. yd t'l-i'liiii; i! a!i thi' \va\ i-inanatini,' fiMin inin- st-lf; lif.'iriiiii 1 almiit tin' |iit''im> siipctadc of hi- n\\n >'-il- ruiii. tli.' ' liodv of di-.'tl 11, mil h lie ri ;. - \\ it 'i r util 'H (ill : ' nitil a! la\- lo\\ - "; : \ \\ iiii'ii :.- ' .. . . [i :._; ! ' death, u h ip] 'inu, -- ' i ri 1,0 I;,, .;.. \\ iiii-. i !' i- |"-r'j\ and niodi-ra ,. i- 'a _'....! !ain,,iar rival mv,' I'lll ' i-\ i-! In in- in^Ti-c |;,.||| i- a d'", i! ; ' a lid In- \\ ho ranii"! a\ oi.l. ./r find- him-'-il in ati\ di-^Ti-f a]-]n parliin^. tli' 1 ' iiioi liuaii 1 rti|>.' >!ioiild i->i-h.-\v ;: u:i-rl\ : for at the la-; it -\\iii liiie \]\,,- a >ej- t'i-iii ai:d -::!!_; i'.lie an ad h-r ! ' A _N i: x A :M K \ T T <> 6 o o i r; T v . 233 there, and which we think wrth repenting here. At a dinner table evening, a r-ca- faring 1 inie-t was de-cribini;- a terriiie naval eii-r^vment, f which In- \va> a .-pertain]-, on board allriti-h man-of-war. '\\hiie I wa- watdiin^ tlie ftl'i'cts df tlie L:\aliiiiii' tin- u[puii tin- ina-t> an1.}\ It-Li 1 - tV<-in a ]n>or sailer \vlio \\a> in tli-- .-lii'unils. ]! \<-\l tnwarJ the (leek, but at that iiMinnit aiintlier cannon-ball \s lii/./.i'.l ovt-r u<. \vhirli. strange to say. tok oil' l>th hi.> anus, which tMl \\i><>}\ 'k, while tin- j r ti-llow's limb- less trunk was carrif.l ovi-rboaril.' 'Heavens'.' vxciaiiti.-!.! LAM;:: <\ll n't y< f course, an.l he sank ixd'ore as-i-tance c'Hil.l he rciidi-reil him.' 'It was a sad. .-id 1"--!' -aid L\MI:. iiiu-inu'lv; 'it' hf rntilil have bi/rii I'i'-k'-d nil. whal a/' in'iiuiiti-iil tu >oeielv hi 1 im^hl ha\"i.- f mis' in [I'llitii al ini'i-tin^s, and th' 1 abseiin- \ ' tntm>xif- /1 "-"/.' as ihnoN \\Miiid term it. in some pai'li/an andi- '>;;!-.. Mi', ('iiiiwiv. in the rail\ j'.ari of his jiolitieal ai 1 ''"!'. had bi'i'ii adr t\\.-!\ t ' ilimi-and f Ins maiti'i-of-l'aet fflhiw citi/.i'li-. at a [ilac.' e:il!.'il ' \.:\v- ui-Jand Settlement,' in the We-tern Ilc-scrv.-. He never made a liettfr -perch, nor ntt.-red one more impiv ivd\, in In-- ill'- : liiil n uas not interrupted during its delivery la a -!iiid>' encouraging word or Li'e-titiv : and \\ln-n it wa> iim.-hrd. an awful pau--e en-iird : until a 'all thin Vankee, on the outskirts of the croud, rose and -.'lid. in a thin drawling vokv : ' Mr. * 'hairmaii, 1 mo\e that, in con- sidrratioii < .f the ,-pirited and patriotic speech of Mr. ('UK- WINK, tin- meetiiiLT u'oe him three cheer-!' Anoth'-r awful pau-r fo!iwed : vhi'ii a littl' 1 man jnmp'-d up on the other side of tin- cmud, and, j.-rk'd tun : ' 1 -r.-ond i hat motion!' The chairman rose \\iih ^reat deliberation and il:i;'iiil\ : < ifiil leii ieii.' said he, "you ha\ e h>-ard ihe ri o- luti"ti : it i- moved and seconded, that in cnnMtleratio!! of the spirited and patriotic speecli whicli \\ e ha\e heard from Mr. ( 'm:-\\ INI-:, t:: : - niei-iin^ proceei] [o <_-i\,- him > . - / / * i i i hrei' cliei-r-. , An irregular //""/'<'/<. was rctiinieil, UHM then ail s\a- >i!eiiee, I he I'hairman ro>e a^am : ' 'I he I'e- i lition. il -1 loll id iio| In' f. if'^i it Idi,' -aid h.'. ' coiili-in !',] //. ,', , rhi'i'I'- : \ oil v\ '.' 1 ihi'l'i I 'i 'I'e Ii' iW ] Coi'iM-d ti ' j i\ ' a *< '-I-/ chfi r : " ai ' ' '!'.' filch a- i! \\ a-. u a- _:''.''.: and a ' I. ill tie 1 same toi in- ; and I he ' iai i ' di-p>-r-i-d. mentioned in the tbilowiriLr aceount of the death of ;i inis- sionarv'- lit'!'' idrl, YOU will feel in your heart of heart.- 1 tin 1 touching pathos which it embodies. Ir is an extract from a letter uf R-.-v. Mi 1 . l.A.\vi;i:xrE, at 1'indi^nl, in India, aimuiinrinc; 1 tli'- d.-alh of a ] --ar Lnris.v \v.-nt as oahulv 1" luT la-t ri'|in-..' as t!ic slinuin^ u[> of a tl')\vt-r at t\viii<_dn. A- lid 1 -iu'ht bc^an to lail, th"iiL;'h aliout tour o'clock i:i tJic aft'-rnonn, she said to inc, Gnod n'ujlit, full* i\ IUT usual w>nls on yv)in^ to slc-.-p, and then \vcnt on to repeat : 1 And so -die let! us to weep and rejoice, and no\v to loiii;- ahnost fur a vi-fiuiou : ii'.t here; oh, no, m>t here! Swi-et, Llossed child! a moro fitting p raver thott cmiM-t not have otler,.,!. had thy lips been then, a- now, the lip-, of an an^'el! Thou \veil indeed IVMII;' down to -lecp. and -\ve._-i .-hall be thv rest, for the LOKD \\iil k.vp the.-: thoii >halt ,-le,-p 1.11 Ifis bivn-r and wake in III- arm-. Shu did IP ; live to sav. 280 A It i ( ii II i; .- - i A i i; A s i ( ' \ i; i .10. ' when >!ie mistook til' 1 ilarkll>'SS of ilealh ;_;'atlien]|._i- ove IUT for ill-' >l:a\\c,'t >pirii to ln- lu'iivoiilv I* A i 'ii;-;i;'s caiv.' I \Vi: \Vfi'<> not a little ainiHfil tin- otlin- u- -aii'l miles i'r. 'in r>roa'l\va\'. at Iin-liiiL;' mi our |'lat'' tin- au- nc-Xi'i] Mil of t'nv. Soni.> \va^- ha'l oliiaint'.] [nK>f->io]| of oin' of !'- ''lank Mil iii-a,l<. run] l>v \vav of a pai-'nly upon til' 1 tlVi illi'lit cITors eolllllllttei] ;i! }'<-{ a'M'ailt 1:1 l!':l!l-- liTriiii; 1 I' i ' ! . : i. a- v, . ,i ;;-. l.\ \\ a\ - *[' illleliine-- to lie liiet i\ illl tllel'e. li;|.] >u!i-lil!lteil I ! l . t' >\ \ >\\ ] 1 ! ^ fol' 1 1 h ' )'i "J' i 1 1 : 1 T ' < " . 1'. ' ' E ]. I f T ( A TIG \ S I \ N A T U 1\ I.'. Fht of ]!iM-r. ........................................... Calves lle:id ........................................... Lost Muuiii!.'. 1'iposaiiee ............................... SjiniiL: < .'hieUin ............. ........................ ..... Summer do.. ........................... .............. Autumn do .............. ............................. Winter do., lUird to keep.) ............................ II:iy and Straw IJerrie-, ....................... .......... Extra J5iv;id, .......................................... I'xtni IK-nlcl, .......................................... llodt-b.vr, (Hi ilnift. ]i'\*., ................................ Put (/ Stout, d'ot. dc lUibuste.) .......................... L(.l-tc?-.s iu i ho ch(-!l, .................................... Oy-.oes ror or scalded, ................................. : without opcninff, ............................... :i!iWck df Mill tin-, ..................................... MuniiiL' C!i:iii. ......................................... f ''iii-iilci'iii^' Hi.' juxtaposition of soinc of tin 1 ;il>ovc. i'-l''^. ;m-l tli' 1 sylc of spoiling, we linvt 1 come to the iiriu-ioii ihat Mr. Yi:u.o\vi'i.rsii niu>t l>e traveling /// /. in this ' woodm \\"K tool; a short '.-ally-out' tin- morning ' Vross lots' to\\aril tho llii'Uon, from thf IMooinin^dalc Iloail. \\ith a protecting uniLri'lla against tho buniin^ i'a\- of tlu; c -un. Nlif.- we nave r"lii'"' t'.-K'K. ;i i-lmul wlnrli \\ a- no hi^- gvr ili.-in ;i man*> hand \\ii.-n we n-aehed home, lias pruved to l>e j.iv^-nar.t \\ilh \\ind and rniii. of \\hich thfn 1 has boon :i VLT\ ' ^''ifi'-'il ik'livcrv : ' :nnl now, li"\v ilitl<'i\'nt i- i!:.' air! \\'>' li;i\v l.n-n ininkin^ of wliat I'AKI.VJ.K >a\> soiik'wln'iv : 'The- i'X}>ivs>ioii ot' tlic lliu-t nations ami iiioililK'ations ot'l'i/din^ in the In 'art of tin.' la-avt-ns i- nui'lc ililc a'.nl vi>il>lo ai.'l tan^'ilili- on lin-ir fare an.i lioriniu. <> ll.-av.-n-! \\hai liavu I n-t t'.-lt in a -unini.T -li"\\cr' 'I'h.- . Irv \vo|-].l all ai .-;ir.- ma. I- ili-wv ! 'I'o you iH'lu-vo in toi-.--niiiii.-i--.' a-kr.l a nervous la.iy .-f nl.l Deacon .1 . . Y<-s Ma'am.' i-,-].lic.l the D.-a.-oii ; I '\'- xtf-n tin-in !' ' ]lli-- nil' ! ' t-xdaiin.-.! the laiiv ; ' do ti-11 '. ' ' Yes,' continued the 1 K'ai'on, fixing hi- t-\ e- \\iih a SM-.-inn -tare mi a .lark C'.nKTof tlir IMOUI : ' nin I'"" 1 !' 'M.-n-y! nn-ri-y on iiii-I' >hri.-ki-d th.' iliU 1 to \\ j.. < :.-.- . That ;:!. Ma'am. nn\ !" ealli-d a f'!< -i 1 .-he runs i.'ii all-tours ! A L> j; i: S c i; t>' .s i; ' i x V i: n a i:. ~2S of llie character- in 'Tin. 1 (irim.-bv (diost;" -idio-i-; be handed! Ii 's too laK: in the day for 'em, by ;i whole century: they 're <[uite exploded ; wnt out with tin- "Id witches; No. Sir: workmen i:i;iv ri-e for higher wa^v- ; [hr -un may ri>-?, ;i;id bivid may ri-r. and tin- .--a in;iy i'i-i'. and t;i> j 1'isin^ _' ncraiioa may n-<'. and all to some U'ood or bad [lUi'poM- : but. that the d-:id and burii-d iioiild rise, onlv to niak' 1 one's liair rise, i- itiore than L can credit. A\ hat should thev rise for ; Say tliey conie v.ith nic .,-!'_;> or errands to tin- living: but tln-y can't di-iivi-r Vni for want of breath, and can't execute 1 'etn for the want of physical force. If you com.; up out uf your [i'rave to serve a friend. ho\v are ynii to help him .' And it' it V an enemy, what ? s the use of appearing to him if voii can't pitch into him;' To v.hidi an interlocutor I'ephe--, -To show \'oiir xjiirtl. ot' coin'-'';" ;md h,/ u-i,es on to declare 7//X belief in y]|(ist.S; tbr he \\a^ ' kli.iwillj,- to' a case of the kind, \vh.-re a iignre-liead of a vessel called the ISrhtHiiiu had sipjieai'ed to a reiired se;i-c;iptain in 1. on- dun. on tin. 1 verv niu'lit that -he |',n;nd a \vaterv ^nivt: oil' Cap.: Horn 1 ' l ni; MI: :iii 111;. IKI'I rin [u-i' \Vl;i !';,. i ;, ,|-|,-.!|v;i ( i ! V \Vii- Li.iTd i.i'n ll:.r,l'.!- i l K! ii I[ ;l n:nr.! l, ~'JO A - 1> i; i: A n r i i. S c i: n' ,\ i; ' i .N V i: 11 s K. ^ < >\\ \\ lirti \\ r iii-:irl this allVrlhiiX >t an xa siii 1'K'iilv sun iluriii^ a >!i^'lil pan-" in thy (.'omvixilinn, artv ai 11 , uv jiri.'kfil uj) utu 1 cars 1 ' ' t'uil aiiil [laiiiciilar aci-iiunt ' uf tlic ' divaiitnl sccil'n MI pallit'tu-ailv a:!i!'!'-il I". > - , \\iih \> tiilin^' ua~ i '.\ a 1 :--, ainl ' linki-.] > \\d-tnos limn' r-l i . !; -: : ' : . : ; broih. r . I A ];'!].-. i i.| ;.. .!:i\ ;.: n I'll u, nt. :,- I' >. nil-, ....'..' T u ;; 1* u u i; il i c a M A .\. ' 'His fricil'nu:- ml'iid iia'lxTs u'a'.lu'rM niumi. The >..-nmm [.iv:i.'h.-il by Kd'Iik-r ]!i:., \vi.\\ Hi* ow[.so with r;uv Wriv bonl'li;' :i\v;iy, To bi^L'lo with it< dativo day, '(JIo with its ilativc rluv ! ' ' TIIKIU-: are some people,' ^;iv> ;i modern auilmr \vlio lias a keen eve for the weaknesses and absurdities of 'the world,' 'thfiv are ,-oine people,- -\vlio have no revi-renec e\- ft-pt for pmsperitv. and no c\^ for aiiv lliin^ lievond snc- eess.' Tlic.-e are tlie mm \viio i'ar-b'ii on to rii h ii'lks so naturally, and \\in>m the rieiier folks than themselves, for that vi-ry reason, al\N'av.s despise. Tin-se ai'e the men \vho, \\heu t.. .Id thai tlie younn' man next, th-m ai dinner, or wlioni they eiieounter at their chib. lia-- reeentlv beeome t!:e heir 1 4 half a miilion, regard him \\ilh an 'interest' that /"' sees tin 1 ' ''.fidi \\ith half an -\ e, and >[ieaks of elx-- where \\ith an appropriate ^-neei-. 'I'li'-x- men, \\lio know their own f'inuiious ^ain> to be, vast lv overrated; uln^e ali'i-ctii.-ns rii>h out to nie-t and \\elcome monev ; \\inr -etiiinieiits awaken spoiitaneou>lv touard the intei^^iin^ 1 i.o.-M-xM>r> of it ; tliex- nieii d" n't. consider themselves at iibertv to indalo-s- in friendship tor any individual who is in;! I:IC!I.T I haii t h-'i l-' -\\ <*- : 1 11 c< >!!-. '.jilt' I if- <>( V\ Ilich, il i-. (iiliicllii !> MIV \\ln-llltT lh'-\ :ir.' lll>t I'lc-Jii-i'.] l.\ lh..- \\ ' .. i , v ; ' , \\}[< ;;', ! i. '. iV, ill, '111 1M a jnrll- : n. \V ; V. 1 [>!V--:l>!c - ll'-o I;- i'!i '!:- - :. - : ' i o-> tlifin fVcii iiii '!' il U> tin II;M-!\ - thaii In i illi.-rs. Tlii-sc ;tr<- lit-- '''in/ 1 /' n'Ji n" ii" \^\\\\\ Mi-^ S!:IK:\\ H'K Iris -o \\vil ilc- A ( \M \ i. f"lTi.-.-J">!l'li.-!lt ill \\ JltiTt'iWH, I^ u> tin- !'"lln\\iiiLr oxtr.'ti-t lViiii a t>'in|H'!'aiir<"!f-tur<' I'\ l!t KCII AKii, tlio I'fi-i.'iilrii 1 ' i'i-\ i\ : -t. lali-iv ' \ \\ < r< ] in that \ iila^v. \\ c iin mi. .in ,1 in a ] m aiii'<-.l..ti.' ;!(. maiiii'T in \\liirh ill-- .-[!. ai!i'il a . jiii.l "i' \, ,. baufii in i-huivii : :'.ul :i s->M'iii> liii! f;iir thai u' >lnmlil -i-i :' irlli hi- -ui-i.-ijiii-iil tiial- tli.' wi-i-.l : I wa< mice." >aiil he, aii iuvdrratc l"Vfr ot' tul>acc. i. aii.l I kin'u IiM\\ .!;!;' ill ii i- ; hit .4' U-M!^ ii : >'il! i' I'm, h, rfn/ti . i in. hi! ;v.l ill the I!-- i '!' ihc \\ ml [.. ;i .. , . , ,l' ;!,,. ._, ,,|, .' \ ' . \\iili 1 ' .. . ,'. \\ a - i '. ' '.'.:. a- a - v\ > ; Hi 1 >: -' i ; . ic. ;n.'i lV> 'i, t- i til'.' ulll.-r. i : ' ' l:i- tasti-d >o "J '1 !"! :' : and I ahiM-t -h.-d f Mrs \\ h'-u [ rcC"!!eelrd that it War to lie 111V hl-t IllduluV-llCV. \Ylh'!l il< .-tivn.'.'th was nil yoiie. L thivw it awav : ' I'lu-re, I>rKriIAKI>,' -aid 1. ' llu-lV U'du.S VolU' hi-t \\.\\f cllh'^:l "t' ijiiids!' \Vi-Il. t'nr ;i \\lii!'- it \\;i- vorv Iiai'ii doiuo- \vitln>ut it. and I \va- Miien ;-i.ivly tomptt-d to trv it ;!^ain. < >\uap. and sav, ' 15i .'itcii AI;D, have a clu-w .' ' and for a l\\'j: tinif, \\li'-ih-vcr 1 lii-ard tin- click f'f a to!ja<'co-lio\-, J involuntarily put niv hand in my tn.nvst/s t<> Lix-t li-iM of my pi^-tail. In fact f am alVaid I oini-tin ti"--, bhui'li.-n'd drt.-ad^'uHv in mv f-i-rmcin-;, mv tln'iiu'iil- bciiiL;' inoi.v perhaps up"ii toliacco than upon the J.oi;.". ]}\\\ I >tu.'k to my resolution; and neither ' caveit- '!i-li " ii"!' ' pi::'-tail ' has ovt.-r been lti.-t\veen my tei-th from that da\ to this ! ' I'm: article eiitith-d ' Li.Jidi.lit)/ in ^\\>>'-l r n/-/c' ma^ni- i!e-, we rnu-t hope and iM-lieve. wliat would otherwise in- (} K,- a daM-^.TiHis moral oiioniy. 1 Fntid' litv. .-I'.cli a< ',*;;! a !.<] ',,} \\hat i- dM'elicvcd. mu-t pn-V'-i-i ;i:iy u'l' 1 -."!. ext' nsion (,>f sticli vai^uc and v, ick>-d a->umji tions. i.. f a:iv of tlio-o who renounce Christianity write I.- ,:; our !I.,|K- a-iil :i'I our f. :ir- \\Yiv ]i!-KMi-'l iii ii:'r'> n:irrn\v 1'fnuvl; \\Y -:iw i,., l,rt:,-r -,, 1-1,1 l,,-y,.:i,l: Oil \\li:il ,-"':'! (-In rk tin- ri-in- -i'.'h, \Vh;i! ,-.u-!!,'y tiling roul.l I^MMUV L'hv: Oil who wmiM v, iniir :' n l.i di,.- -- I iii u li.i \vuiiM \v:<;u:v i!i,-:i ; , li\i> ':' Tf men, s;ivs I.ACON, ]i.-i\v !n-i-n tt-nnoJ pilii'rims, aiul lii'f a JDuriit-v. tln-n \v- muv a,M. t!i,-it tin' < 'iiri-ii:in pii- pjriiii.'iLT' 1 far >i:i'[i;i--i'-> all o'hcr^ in l!n j fullowiu^ nnj" >rt;iiit particulars: in tin- ^DOilm-ss of tli'- rua'l, in tin 1 bi-autv ? the ]>r> '-]',.-i.'ts, in tin.' t-xcfllfin'i. 1 (if tin- (-i'liipany, an-1 in tho varity of tho an jirnviili''! \<>r th' Christian travi.'lli.'r who ha- lini-heavc sndi as inaki'- it- own laws clin-ctlv tlinm^li the jn-ople, O'Hil.l an nrciii-]'"!!,-!' likf th,- P'llouin^ take place.' A l'"_fal tVi.-:,il i,f o'ii--, pa in-- !,< ntly tlm-n-^h tin- chann- IIILT villas'' of < 'anan.laiu'in, \va- -;nu-k \\itli tin- app.-ar- anr- of an oll.,n^ Irani,- iiiiiMi:!-- 1,\ th,.- r, ;i ,j -i,],,. ;i \l\(}^ way OUT i.,f th>j town, op,. MI b\ ^ra;in u ^ ,, u : .}\ J,.[,js. aii,] presenting the appearance of an ornamental corn-house. He was attracted toward the -pot by repeated calls from the interior: and on reaching it, what wa-- IIIM surprise to find the place occupied by four respectable citi/ens of the village! Thev were confined in the town-pound, hitherto a sort of ' sponging-house' for animal- ha\ing no visible means of >npport. and indebted f,,\- pa-t ' keep' to the cor- poration grounds. Tlu-v wen' sadlv in want of food, and their beards had a>sumed an appearance not unlike that of the gentleman's who staid so long at Jericho, bevond the termination of the 'long stage' from 1 Kan to l>eer- sheba. Oi; inquiring the cause of their incarceration, our friend was informed that they were- the Ti-u.-l'-es of the village ; that thev had been confined there for more than n week, under a section of the '.Laws of Xew-\ ork.' of ISii 1 ' 1 ; and that, at the end of four davs they were 10 be sold into bondage! ( Mie of the, unhappy wretches hen; tliru.-i through the grating a dirtv, crumpled piece of pa- per, on which was written will) a blunt pencil the 'sec- tion' bv virtue of \\hidi thev were held in duress. It ran a< follows, and may be found at page two hundred and fort v-four of the State I.uw- :' law. a:i.l fi.i- cvi-:;i!n :i:jii-!uliiiiMit; in iho -aM act, '/"< >',-_ <<; ' r.F n: KXACTKII. Tiiat tin. 1 <::iil Tni-v<-. i>rtlic .".i:iior tort 'jf t.!n.'Ui. :i; oftf.'i Some private citizens awaiv of tin- section of the act, :is it -tands even now on the -taint'-- l'"k. and actuated !>v private jiiijti'- n-'.'iin-t tin' tni>lr ( -. lia-1 t.-ilvt-n tin' law into tln-ir u\vn lutiiils, ainl ]>u( it in fnivo a-'aiii-t tin-in. It^ ' jilain iiifaiiiiiu' and intent ' \vc-n 1 in4 matters to l,e eon- >i 1 lnvil. I'll on- slou.l the -tutule; tliey foll.nve.l it 'to the etter ; ' ainl here stodi] it- viftiins ! It \v;is a har'l case, to lie ; -ui'e : lint then, riu the oilier haii-i, -tie]: mi-take-, sometimes ]\-u!t iii f'i i-nr dj' tin- aecii-ei]; a- in all in- staiu-e rej'orti'il in '.\ II \i;i;. I >< laware II.'|).irt-; uherea man \\ a< iihlideil li.r stealing ' (.me pair of lioots.' 'I'he thei'i \va- jn ovei] : but the thiet' was ac.mitteil. the ov'uli'iK-o sir i\\ in 1 .;' that the 1 is \\ ei'e not a pair. 'Ihev were the licit. -r-ha;\ e- ' i<\ two ]>airs of ' ri^ht ami-lefts ;' ami ln-- ini;- li-th ' riv/ht-,' tlio.Iiul^i- ileei.le.l that it was -n/l ri-'ht,' and the pri-oiier left. \\'hat vi!i the ' uionan-liical press' SUV to the-!' ], -;(! alill-''- of the mo.'iei IVlilllilie .' Mi;. (' - . tl ' ' -1 a-TieuituriM of 1'atlt-r- -,.ii. \e\\-,Ier-ev. \\a- r. marking ree.-ntK to a ladv-frien-.l i >!' hi-, that lie eou'iil \\Mi. f. .r one. that lh.> Latin t'.-niH ii-i ' ;M a"-rie':ltnral diemi-in and botanv C'.'iilJ l>j re- A R E -[ OUT COURTEOUS. 297 duced to Knidi>li. so that their meaning might be more gvnerallv understood by the great mass of fanners, and perr-ons f<>nd of botany. ; Well,' observed the spin-ter, I liin'i- changed all the Latin name- in uuj hrrbari 11:11 to English ; all except two, and I could n't fad names for iln-111.' 'What were thev, Madam.'' 'I hey was the Oi->i-]><>nt Ants' 1 and the '7A///v//i Trh/ttus ! ' ' 1 >o 1 und'T-land the counsel for defendant,' asked a very far-\ve.-tern judge, ' to say, that In.: is about to read his autliorities, a- aya'tnxf the deei>ion just pn.mounee'1 fi'oin the liench ;' ' l>v no mcfoi.f .' ' re>j)onded tlie coun- sel ; al'oi'e-ai'l." ' i was merely ^oin^ to show to your honor, bv a brief passage which I \s;i- about lo reat and last poetical '-tl'jrt ''. Keidvon not. Weil, thu-- i: was : A considerable long time ago, when I 13* \\a- I'iirMiu ; : . - >*/ / /.x-.v//.//x tii/i'is.) .-mil \\hicli I lu \ -\\ at the MjH'in tj .'.I MI|' a \ ,] ii.ili!" ri; III ;ii'jii-:uv. 1. ill- ihimil :il ilc [!"];< . : ni.c-' Li . M-citjinii, iii i ,11 ! i!" lii'in\ ilci-p. " I >.> \ i Hi i-\ : -- i. }< '. ' \\ as ',:- Iii -I ij ' S.iiiu-tini' -,' :'. ; L .,''', ii^'li I :ini in : i-\:u-l ' : .' V' ,' >.-,!,] ],.. 1, ,,ik- iii'.; 1 i'"un,l (.'Mivl'iillv to .-i-i- that h:< i if 'Mini nin, '.'iiii ,11 was , iiiti' [cm ; 'il. ' I want a rii in 1 .' '!'' ^ 1: 'in. ati'l < . ~^l.~' IM-I-H ;.:.,!_.. ai!"' :ii-r 'i:ai' sciii'O 1 i' 1 ;'.. ^ ( ivi lak<- a i ui\ e ihM 1 in\' n/;!:' i :';!' I ' .'i! in niir _< 1 \ tTiiar'.ila! 1 >'>!no iii ' . ' cxjii'.---!! 'iis i,r' iit'liu'iiation, ami : ' rioju-r d' tin.- -in^'in^- IV " -. '.- I-.., lIHlrh : ' "''. '. < ;'':,-. j.'ilil- .ill ;ui- I 1 I i','i l;'l A P o E T i r A L Q r A x r> A u Y . 'L wrote at Ins dictation until L runic to {lie word 'pale.' ' Tliut \\iil never do,' said I, 'f<>r this ink is mn>t particularly black' ainl it zws -Mark as Kivbus,' or 'the ace of spades.' This was a poser. Jle scratched his lietu.l in ;in.'.-4 aniu>in^ perplexitv. ' I ninst have the poetry,' said h<\ -at any rate; ami what if il aint exactly true ? Will thai hurt it .' ' '?Sut as ^oe// - y,' said I, ivliniiiL;', 'but as _/wV. It will be a faUe stati.-inent <>f a inath-r of tart, and the faWlioou will be apparent on the fare of the re- rord. and fa/tux in aim, 1'nlsus ui o/>'/iti/i*. von kno\v JACK! llovv ran .l>i;'isi;v lM/lieve a word you say, with surli a black falsehood staring her in the faee .' ' (I. was VOUHL;-, and fiv.-h tVoin BJ.ACKSTOXK, and talked learnedly.) ' A\"hat .-hall we do?' cried JACK: 'you must fix it some- how.' ' How will this answer, JACK I ' I asked : I- 'iiM-raie ! ' exclaimed JACK; and so it wont, and so ended niv lir-i and last attempt at poetry. I wish 1 had .;e),v .. c.'t.-v of llint idler '. ' Tin. ' 1 ! \m KI.OI; ' \\ a< in a iv\ crie ; ' K \ I.PII Sr. v- wri.F ' \va- .-;!.-] it : ' IviciiAKD ! 1 \ \ \\ \ lihi: \\ a> inu>in^', aiiii ' < 'M ]\NHK.' \\;;< di'inkiii^ 111 tlii- cxinlai'al inn' air < { the >\\ (! >[ii i irj. 1 nn riniii;' ( ' \\ i j l"iir. a i i.l IM > \\\ <>],' \\ <],; 1'fill^' \\ilffl.-il to IIlllltijlLfiUll, 1,'Mio- U;;p|.l. DVt'l 1 a hi'Mllti- i'ul iMa'l, tlirmiLjIi ]'M'a--anl villn^'f's, in a line \"rhirl>'. dra\\'n by a pair l' ' 1'a-t l>a\'s') when 1 i \\ \\ \i;ni:, iintiii^; a I'lii-' lici'k of laii'l pu-liiiii;- out int'i tin 1 Snini'l. \>;\r<> at in\v ti'lr, and tliickly lirspi'itil' i'-'n.'' ' Xi-itiii-r, 1 fatn-v,' aii-\\f]'i-il % i.nt' of u-:' ' il i> onl\ a iiam<-!i'-s !>ar pntlin^' otii in'.i the Snuinl: hut 1 >lionM think Crnt/'-fn/,-' would 1, ( - a ^ood dc-i^nati"!! for it.' X HI 11 Hi! FO C RTEEX. A \vAsn-Tn;: A I:AII.-!:<>AI> i.vnir : A IM:I:-"N \i. H-VI:I:AL: Tin: T'MT.iiV MT.I T\< i.i:> : 1:1 \". .i>nis MASX IJTAINT P I\I;I.I: <;r.A< us" : A TINNY ;!.>,' A ii"i'i:i'[ I. MI\ : AM.I i-ii'i i: : Tin: <,\L- !.'.'.>: nn: V"Ui;-*i"i>i-: i:nY A I'M'nuY: OI.I.AIMD'S i:i't-!Oi.\r,Y l'"!.'!i:v: ANKc'lI'MI', I)-' AI.VAN -' 1 T.WA IIT I A 'IMl'.I'.' IS 'IT! I'. l'I I.I.' ' I: Y. r piIK liDiT-iiN [' \\~t.i *li UK / J) r-. ami have t-liritiM tho :-. >\\ nuniliL'i's uf the poi.-ls. ]'ut aooinliii^ in an aiiiu-iii^ li'avi-lii-r. V\']II>M- Lcttt.-rs' \vu liavc rrO'-ntiv i't ail, llu-v ro- inovi- t'a!' <>ll' llif niiiiovanuc in sonit; parts cit'thf oll world. At Ourhy. in-ar Lausanne, lie u rites : 'I >a\v tn-day for tin- fir>t tinii- in my life a conver-i- of the wa-hin^-tul> thi'orcin. In tin- common ca-e. tlie. washinsf-tub contains '.vnt'-r and tin- litn-n. hut not tli-' 1 \vasher-\vcnnan, who is at, soiiu' point without tin- tnh : in thi.- cas-.- the tub contained tin- washt-i'-wonian, but neithi-v vvau-r nor linen. The \voni"n \\' (.!'" >Tandin' in tubs in tin- lak<\ and \vriv \vash- ii.i"- cliitbos \\hich \vrri' on tlic nut-id.' of tlif tub in th-- 50-2 A R ,\ t L - li i) -\ r> L v r, clinMian jii'"--t'i'iii]iL;'. l';ir from liMin^ tlie (Jt'ft'cts uf ;ih I'M i-hirt. il ]>iil> titfiii Tinm' tlio ni' >t i'l' all it-- htilt' \\ akii'-->i^.' I in; ensuing line.- ;uv ([intr in llie sulo ui TIIACK- EKAY'S ' l'i;i; \ Liniavady ; ' yrt they aiv j^rtVrtlv origi- nal, and iln ii"i fVt.'ii vrnro iii"ii -aix.ii. TIM- iva.lci ui'l i; ..:: : - Wl i/.. i' _ : : Hi;/ ..'' ' 111.-- iiu-: li i- i- [.! - ' I:: A P E II .S O N A I. F V X R A L . 303 Market-woman careful Of the lilvcu>;iM:a-ko!, Knowing ' e^ aiv .-i:^,' Ti-hl.y hoMs her basket: Fix-ling tii:it -;l smash,' It' it caiiie. wuiilil surely Send lier eg-s t> pot Ralhcr prematurely ! Ancient maMcn la<;y Aii.\;uu.-'y remarks That tlier,' must be peril Mdii;: su many sparks; Turn in:: 1 to the stranger, bay.- it S hi- opinion .Vie is .Mil of thinker. lilll'V keeps ;t-S.;ll;lliilli JAKVIS and the nu-lan- cholv Frenchniau' with the sogar-Lox havl its parallel hero a S!K >it time since. A gentleman ul' l>ituiuin<>u> oi">in- plexii'ii, dressed all in sables with blaek Cuat, blaek \'est, blaek gloves, blaek pantalui HIS, and blaek hat, with a verv lonv; blaek streamer depending therefrom, was walking al'ine thfuu^h ]')i'^ad\vay "\vith Mileinn >tep and sln\v,' bt-ariii'i 1 a very small baby's ootlin nndi.'r his ri^ht arm. A brntIn-1 1 'darky' (.Mining t'lum tin.- < >j [nisite ilireetieMi, with a ri-en^nitive grin, exposing a row nt' ti'cth liki- the key- of a piano, hailfd him : ' \\ ell, .loi: ! where i- \MU ln> : md (!;- nii-nmi" \\ ;d \\\ ln>\'' - SAAM !' >aid thi- IIP >urn<-r, 30-1 T H r. T o r i: i; ' ? 8 r r. c T A r L F. s '\\iic liaiii ivdiie.-- of eyes!' Thi> inteiToLralive, ']ii>rti<'U of ilunir scripture.' is forcibly illustrated l>v an anecdote, related \\\\\[ niosi diet-live, dryness \>\- a friend "I "Hi 1 -. An flderlv u'ciitlt.'inaii, accustomed t>> ' indulge,' cutiTi'd tli" Kar-n >ni > 't' an inn in tl:<- ]'l':i^an) cilv of II . on tli<' Hudson, \vlii-ri- si'i a Li'ra\t- Friend tua^liiiLT }\\< toi-s li\- lip' tii'i'. Lifting' a ]>air ot' ^ivi'ii sjMM'tarlo i!]>iin lii> t'lirdii-ad, nil'l'iiiL;' his inllain-'d eves, and caliii:^ for a lint l.randv-tuddv, lie seai.'d Iiim>ell' hv lh.' ^rah- ; ;nnl as In; ilid MI, In- n-niarki-d ti I'ln-ie. l'i:i \niiiti.M thai lii-.'N' 1 - \\cie -vuin^ weaker and \\e.\ker, ;ind ilia! ru-n sjiectaeli-s did n'i >eein IM du 'em anv LJuud.' '1 'II tell tliee, 1'rieiid.' rrjtiined the (Quaker, '\vhat I think. I think if thee \vas to iri'iir tlii/ njxcltrrlfs nrcr tji/i in'i'ill/ \'r a few nic'iith.-, thy evc.s w^nid u'el >"Uiid a^'ain!' The 'cuia- [ilainaiit ' >i;d imt e\cn retuni tliank- fur this inedical C'Uinsel, Ian -i]i]ie(] his toddv in >ileiioe, and -non after left tin, 1 moin. utt erini;' never a \v.ji\l.' T'i > V.-1..1.-1 ' ' ! ' na. JOHN Mr- !:: l.i-- '._' l> Wei 1 ' ' fallil.i;' to' ill I In.' C'U.-tOlJjjirV manner, he stiddeulv rapped veheiiieiitiv upon the l>aroat i ni! cf the jurisdiction of < -on AI.MK.III v .' It' nut. let u- at lea-t thank HIM for hi- ci'iitinnnl ^onclncss ; ' an,.l he [irococdcd to prijiioiiiu't. 1 ' L;'raci'' amid-: iln- iiin>t rcvun-nt stil!nrs<. It is {<> }' ho|M'd. however, tliat liis ' oTace ' was TK.H lik'. 1 tin- tVn' set words liandrd dn\vn \'v<>\\\ fatln-i 1 to son, inuinl'ii-d without ciiiotion. and di'spatrliL-d uilh in- derrnt ha>t". \\ liirh one soinctinics hears ivp<>ated ovor country repasts. ]'>!< thi> portion of food no\v in readi- ri'.'-s for us; o'ive it to us in thy love ; let us eat. and drink in thv fear for CHRIST'S sake LOKKX/O, tut evideiiilv not in that of the .-poilt hoy. ^ro\v- inir and alwav.i linn^rx.' who eould not wait to lie served. AVe sllollld prefer tri Slleh ilise|l> tlippaileV the plVictieO of an old divine- in Xew-Knii'lainl. \\lio in a-kini;- a !)le- iiiLi' upon liis meal-, was wont to name' eacli separate di hi- u-ual cusfoiu of I'lirni-hin^ ri 'liiil of ]>artici;lai's.' MMe-- tei our use, 1 said he. the.-e treasures liid in the sand; M<-~- t!ii Hut i!ie liear's-nieal pux.xled him. and he concluded with: 'Oh! Loun, {/// kumn-st. 306 A M i i. I i \ K \ 1) < >l i; Iva.l.T- -Hill IVMjfll unli-r -i\rli |iV ill" > Km i ii Tor t< a i-nrf'S u|' Mainijirius. \v!iu \\ >>< in i'.\t'niiiiiatf tii' 1 ' !'ar!>ari;m KinJi-litT.-' in tin- liurln.r nf ( 'antn, l'\ u'"iii-:' '1"\\ 11 t" tl'" l>ank "f iln- ii\vr in ih> niiflit, iiii'l ili'-n :iin.l th'.'iv 'divi 1 -I".!, 1 ,; on tmai'i! tlin>i- '-. aii'l j'Ut rv< ry - ul i if tln>ii) \> . .l.-atii ! ' Sul'M'.iii.-iii'iv, li. r-,v,'Vi-r. tin- rf.l-liri>liiiin' fiiri-iu'in-rs inan- U[' iu,. uf Iii- ' ''' ' . i-.' iih'l LT:iV" iiiip hi- C'T'l ']>: ' ^ i i Hi 1 !-! , i -- \ i !!!' - . li't ll- . ' ill a \ "!'V . ' 111"-! ll. '!;. 1 ' _ ;>'.':_' in- riM'I iii' in-'.t'i'- i MI \~"!ir liati- liiT- ; \'i ill ii .-';;: 'M ; ,- li- \viiii ;' -ir v \\ill fall il..\\n I >i;r. < al a\"- air i ui-t tu jil'-a-i 1 vi>;ir jiariin-i' ! >r i ':!', a- V"H " !' !;i : ; :.',' ' ; ' i! k'.< ; \\ a- i i" 1.' iv i- a . >iiini.-;it a!' r in on A i :'-'. , \ in am "! l:t'h i- .-ii'ii li MI! \' >ur ]'!;- >1 : -\ a \ ;-. t'lviii a iK'wlv-iiKirri'.'il uiaii, \vlit-ii -!H J >tra:'_;lit\vav l.-_r, S T A x z A s : Sxow. 30 /' to apologize: 'She is horriblv chagrined, and out of coun- tenance, t > bo caught in such a dishabille-; she did not mind how lu.-r clothes were huddled on, not expecting any companv, there bein^ 1 nobody al home but her hu>band !' The liusbaiid meanwhile shakes the visitor's hand, and savs : 'I am heartily glad to see you, JACK: 1 do n't know how it was, I was almost asleep: tor as there was nobody at homo but inv wife, L did not know what to do with mvseit' ! ' TIIK linos entitled ' Snow' are imbued with true feel- ing'. It is easy to see that, they eame 1'roin the writer's hdi.rl. 'I looked out of the window,' said our correspond- ent, in the note which encloses the lines to us, 'through a thick. s!ug^i-!i snow, the y/ of the season, that was fall- ing softly across the river; and there J. saw a hou>e, and over the door was one of those rose-lives that ^TOW M> lai'u'e and Itixuriantlv in this meridian. 'I he snow v, as falling upon it; and certain memories eame into inv heart of a hand that piueked ro>es, lltishcd with lieantv and damp with dew, in ' the days that are no more!' The buds and the leaves of the bn-h had vanished ; tin- air of those evenings had iloati-d awav ; and *//< had tied ]' M.-l! in tli !',, il i ivrr. Slii 1 .-,.< in. nn'iv ji- -u.l.lrii -,v:i\i\ :, ' ' .. ,v., - . v. ,: I, ; -:, I It.- ;' ,.n , .1 l.liil ,-,,111. lii Sli<.u , . m, -.: I r i- our privati' tlmt a uu-ri 1 >/ t'uiiiiv 111:111 ' i> on.- nt 1 tin l.i'jf _;',-; l,"ivs in ;il! ilic I a in I i' Pxiivloin. \\'ii .-iii'l lninii.r, unit.-.] 1" ^':i,-r:il .li-i-i-i'imicii!, ]'l;iiu i-mnmon .\ ;.n;i si-!j>iliilil\~. i In'-.' lull' llif tru,- ' 111:111 o!' \vit.' ' i i' si id i \\ ;i- S^il\ \.\ : I In, .n, ,f -ii, -li, ii',-Miiii!,-iii l, in 1 lii-M- A il n I 1 i: r i i, 8 u x 309 uivliiiis >!' 1'i'tli sexes,' i- not \\iilnnit hunt"! 1 , and ridiculi.-s wliat indeed in M>iiie iv<].eets deserves animadversion. \\e atl'eet a^ liuli- a> mir coiTe.-poiideiit \\hat lias heeii ri_dit!v termed 'a dtmi-'-v l'unil>!in- t'<>r tin.- hait'-ii >rnied in- tellect, a ni'-ivilr.-s liuiitiiii:' ili>\vu cf lln- It-inJ^r a.iu.l 1111- t'cci^c'il th-'U^ht,' tliri'iiu'li the iih-ans <>{ instructive ' littlo lioiik.-, \vhi-ix-iu an in-ijiii'.- ll-rbiy Nvi'i^TniL; 1 iliiDiiu'h an unmoivilul li>ail ot' nmral. fcliu'i"ii>. ami M.-ifii- litic }!varliiii'_:' ; or an ajipareutly >mi[ile uiali^'iic invi.ilvrs >ulijccts of llie lii^lk'.-i ilillieiilty, \\hirli are t-liattcivil over ln-t\vi'i'ii t\\'D juvenile pr'ti.liyies, or delivered to theiii in niuiitlit'iils. curiously adapti-d t' tln.-ir powers of swallow- ing. ' I lie imn<>r inaniii'i's and duties,' says <>nr coi-i-i 1 - j-pondciit, "arc ijuiif itv^i'luokfil \>\ ini^^uided ]>aiviits in '\v-a-days ;' and llii- lie illu>tratr> Ny an anecdote: THOMAS, my MH.' >aid a t'atlnT t" a lad in in\" hearing, (.lit.- oilii-r day, 'wi'ii't von -li"\\ lln 1 ^''Htli'inan ymrlast c"!njpi'>itiuii ?' ' I d<> n'l \\aiil t".' >aid In-. ' 1 ii'/a/i vmi \>'iiild/ |-i-j.ii|ldi'd l!n- tallh-r. ' I Wolil !' \\a> iin- lvj,U ; ! '.! I- -My-l.laiii.'d if ! dn '.' A >ickly. li;dt-appn.\ in- -,:.:.' ]'.-. >'d nvi-r tin- tan' nt' tin- taili--r, as li<- >aid. in i-x- iii|;'ii"ii n|' IIN sun's lii-iisijiii rir : TDM .in n'l lark inaii- !,.'-> -i-m-rallv : lull ill.- tad K />< '.s //'// t-'ff/t " fulil. / in flir-t- humane and ln-novoU-iil davs an '-ica-iiii:' >\ m|>ai h\' in ill' 1 1'iiMic mind f >r a man ron- cmiicd to ' march ><'\T\\ I'ullv \]\> t tin- irallou-. then- \<> > nooM-d uj', \il>rali' ln> h"iir. aii'l auait the tiissrrtiiiLi'- iiifr of '.he Mir^vuii.' \\lin lit> hi- IK.U.-S into a flv-k-1i'ii M 1 ni'^lical jiiiqiii^i's. ' Tlicri 1 iit-viT uas a jiii'hlic han--- IL;',* says a ia!c ailvoi-atc uf the al>u!itiut i-\il.' Tii'-f" 1 an ain.vil<>to rt'cui'ilfl <>!' \\ niri'i 1:1.11, liuwi-vcr, \\!ii'-li -.'Mi- to P-t'ntc f!ii> ]i"-ili"ii. in a! |ca>l uiic instance, '['hi- lmjUfiit ihvinc. \\lnlc at l-'.'lm! iiir'j \. alti-iiiji'i] a i'iili!ic Xfciiti'iii, Hi- ajipcaraiici' nj>'>n I!M' ^TI 'iiinl >\r<-\\ \\\<- c> of all ar"innl him. and rai.-rd :\ vari--(v nf npini(nis a> tin- iiii>tivf ; him t'> j"in i;i llic en i\vd. Tii.' r\t da\'. 1 iciiin 1 Sunday, lif j i ;,av. tliai. niv moments \\oiiM lia\c IUM-II ln-tti'r i-m- |o\-rd in ]ira\in^' \\ilh tin- nnhaji]'\' man. ilian m attcjul- , ^ liiin to tin- fat, i ' 1 1 ' |M-i'lia] rlll'i' '-1! \ \\ a- n- oiilv c,an-c thai con\e|'ied nil- into a -ji'-dator on ih-,i ccu.-ion : lint t.hoM- \vlio ax-riln- ihat uiicharital>lf iuuti\c T a j; (j A L i. o w s. 311 hiijilv pleaded \vltli it. It has idven m<- a \l" mi voiir (.-ounteiiaiires, and reflected tin- ^r.-ati->| honor on your In-art^: particularly \vln.-u ilif inDim-nt ar- i'i\'iMl iii \\hirli vnur unlinppv (V-llow-croature \\ a- to cli>s lii> eyes oil '\}}]< \vorl.l f .r cvt-r, you all, a> if niovvl l.y niii- impuW. tunu-'l your heads a>id- and \vrj-r. 'I'lioM.' tcai - > wciT jMvrioiis, and will In- held in ivnu'iiiuram-e. IIo\v ditl'TOiit was it \\'li.'ii tlu- ^.vvioi'i; of mankind \\as cxti'iid.vd ("ui the cross! The Jews, instead of syniputhizing in his sorrows, triinnplicd in thoiu. Thev ruvilcd him \\iih 1'itti-r cxpre.-sioiis, \vitli \\ords t-vcii more bittor tlian tlif 'u'all and vui^ar wliidi lli'-v li'avi- him to drink. Nt.t one oi:' them all that \vitncs-cd his pains, tunn-d ilu- head a-ide even in the last pan^. Yes. thejv was one; that glorious luminary. ( pointing to tin- sun.) veiled Iii> hri^ht face and saili-d on in tenfold ni-1it !' Tl<<* \- elo(;ueiu-e I \\'ould that we could have si-ell tin- beaming features. tln> ' iiii-ltin^ eve, turned to \\-ard hea\"eii/ \\lneh indeliMx im- pl'e>Sed the^e VSoI'll.S Upoll tile lll'ail oi t.-Vt.'1'V heal'el 1 ! 312 Sell in ail ii M (\\lilrll 'rliix'il \\iili :i --|in!i^ ) nil llie iii-Mt iv, until \var> lia.l filli'il l>v. \vln'ii her >l-:<-li'iou, in ii< l>rMal . i'. u as a !i\in_; 1 t'>ui!i \\liu-li 1 i! nicrriiiii nl. I '.!' is a cajiiia! par. \\ I! lliis \ i-r\ i I.-niiaiiif laic. , 77 - I '"//-' "''' A'"//.' \liii-l: i- M't ID ill.' same niu>ii - , aii.l >iui'_;' \\iiii a jiarlii'ii- iiM-iil.riuiis anII| iiinli:! 1 tin- ribs ul' I h-atli ' 1" ln-ar il '-\<- ciilfil ' in the \niiv an.l \\iih ihc iii-iriiiii<-nlal i 1 'ii nl a fi'i'taiii trii'inl "f < | -i K.NICK.'.-..' \\'iiu in n-inli'i'in- 1 it \>\-' - s.-rvf- :1 ri'^inal |ialli"< ar.'l ii'iv-i-ii!.!,' <. ,. !,n,-\ i-m. i" la-t VT-I- 1 i-. : i ; \ , M ..../. V u 1 1 1. I, A I' O I)' S I'] !' I S T (I ], A U V 1'oKTUY. o 1 i> Ami vivks luli.-.l (.11. and vo :ill vere (did That the vm-k-'duso h<,y had K-eii Ilnrked ami sold! Oil '. (In.' Uirk-'oilr-i' b"_V I Oil ! tin- vork-'ouso bny ! But von the S'Hip-enppi'i's repair did stood, The copper-sn;ith I'diiio. and til. TO he seed A dollop of bones !io -rix/.linc iliero, In a le- ut' the tivvr-eV (lio hoy did Year ! To L'ain hi< lil! the lad did -loop, And dreadful In tell, he va-; 1/ilod into simp! And ve all ov us >aid. and vo said il vitli sneors, Tlial lie w:is pn-liod in l.y tlie (.vcrsci-rs! Oh : the Vdrk-'ousc hoy! Oh! the vork-'ouse bovl Tin: dc.-itli of the late SAMTKL WOODWOIM n should not ]>;i>s iinuot"d. H^ has written inanv licautit'ul poems, \vlueh \\ill live as loiii;' as the laiig'uaye 5 \\itne^s his ' ( >ld ^>akcii I'licket," that will L>e sung' lv inillinus vet unborn. Mr. \YoomvoKTi: was a warm-hearted man, a n-oud hus- band and 1'atlier, and blameless in all the relations of lite. ( >ne chanicteristic ol' his style was a soit of treble rliyiiiinrj, \vhieh we at one time fancied to be a verv dillicult specie,-, of eoinpo.sition ; but 'Oi.i.Ai'OD 5 (mav he rot in ]>eaee!) t-.ndeeeived us. bv throwing o(f almost impronijitu >ianxa- 1 in thi> kind. ll'-i-tini;- all entreatie^, on one oeeasioii, to prolong a winu-r-vi-it in N't-w-Vovk, on the pica thai the Delaware \v<.uld be fro/en, and h:< riturn to I'hiladelphia lil-l A\ ivinlfiv.l iliili.-n ;. ],, ilm> ivi'i-i'tv-l 1" iln- tniili <>i' \\}> pi-o- ['lirrv, in ihf i ij'.-niiii;' "1 ;i ["H'tii-al f[>i-~lle l>v t.lic iii'M mail al'U'i 1 in- arm ;il ;it liuiur : I -.-. \\~- iii:-;i-U!'!'. |iui>r ' < M.l.Al'di) \\ :i- \\ clil ti) -a\ . c< 'ii c- 'run ntl' lln- h-i-1 ' I'a-ti-r limn :inv "tln-i 1 \s illi \v hirli In- \\;t> iiti-'l. Tin:i;i; i- :i |>K-;i-:mt ;uifi-il"tr n-lati 1 "l M i\ AI\\N . v i i.\', \ ;; i . i -I ( ill ral Ni-\v-\ i irk. \\ Iii'-li -: i'i !<>- u- a> II v\ : i - ( 1 1 1 i 1 1 . i ' t ''u < in I'V'Mii-li :i ! ; < ' !' I'l'a-i I it !'. In- i|i-]ial>'iii-'l > >h'- >!' i ;:> -| L. ' : ", aiils ID ]ir< irin'i' i;. i i' \\ aii' '1 ti ; ! 'Ill 1 l;i- -i'l'\ :i!il ' .Mill l|i>1 1 '.; k.' A I |i-lii;'i !i, f :i : ;i '\'] >-;!' fil ! . hi- 1" rk< >nr<] I ni- c\'i-, I'Nflanni ''!. in a ~i 'li' i ' . )'.. . / ' ///." \\. ;.\. Sir.' Hi i a MM -i iinl linn- '"i ill'' . '. Ait. -r : ' : - l-.' ^;.> A ]5 o u i: ; i x T ii i: PILLORY. 315 laei-d b tore tli',' hungry ^entleman, who turned a .solemn a.-..- ; i tiii- -rrvant, and a.-ked, Art.- you tin- bin' wlio took i! v plaie t'ni 1 thi- 1 ''! !' ' Ye-, Sir. I be.' said the waiter. \o'. ' exclaimed Mr. STKWAKT : wh. how i/o>( ha>'(- A\'iiu ran \\iililiuiii liis assent to the ju.~tit.-e nt' this es- timati- "I' tin- di-i'ii:~ (.if that elas> of prison > (happily >in:ili) \vh", havini;' aeijiiirt-il some iii.itoritjtv as coiiverst- ti"iiists,' are rontinuaily striving to be striking r \n\>- f"Uiiil : \vlio sav things in t.-n wonls \viiirh iviHiirr only two; ainl \vliofaiii-y all tin} wliiic that tln-v are making a yrcat iiiipn-ssini] .' It i- easy to talk of carnivorous animals aii'l beasts of ]!r<-v ; biit do'-.s sueli a ma:i, \vho la\'< \v;i>ii.; a wh-ilr partv of civiii/ol brings bv prosing. ] !b-et upon tin- jov In 1 >[ioil> aii'l thr mi.-rry lii 1 t.-n> to liim through jiolii'-nr , would [in-frr ear-arlnM-r tooth-aelie t" hi- t/oii- v'i-r-aii'.'!i .' I >i !> IM- roii.-idi-r tin- rxtrriue unrasiiii.-.-.-. whii-h i-nsiirs, \\li.-n the company liavi; di-rovereil that In- i- a fi'n'c, at the same time that it is impossible to convey. by words ,,; iiKiiin'T. th'- u]o :n !;;-. liiin .' \\ i..-n tin- i;iilu;'r> have r --onr fhi.-ir v.-niai and nunimi;al rounds, the slnH-n-sti-aler o 1 1) A ' 1> o i: i: ' i ,\ T ii i: P di>app-ur>: tii'- s\\inill.-r uvls ivady li.r tlio Hay; thr -oli.l parts ot" tin- inur'K'ix'V are j-ri-^'.-rvfl in ;!ii;i!"n:ir:il ciill.M:- tiut al't'-r iw-'iny yi-ar^ i' rrinif, the IM.IV i- ]..-r- li;i]is tlisi-ovi'ivil in tin- >;nnr hottM 1 ; i-atiiiLi, 1 tin 1 saniu suiiji; iiuj'Uiii.-li'-'l. untri'-'L umlis-LrU-'l.' Ila\v \n\\ \ t ,<\ t>ncouii- tfivd. ivaik-r. in tin- cnursi.' .)f \\Iiat Mrs. ( AMI' woiiM t-rm yniir ' j'ilifian's |ir'-40>s tliniu^li t!ii> ni'-rtial wale,' an - rasioiial l.i'iro of this >tani]i; a man \vliu>o disqui.-itiuns (ti'iu-liiiiLj inainlv pt-rliaps In-- own liti'i'arv opinions and syrup, inandi'a^i'ra. lM'p-pilln\v>. and the \\ln'K- tiii ..... !' nniT"iir-. ;ii! to in 'tliin^.' It' \"ii havr nut. vou ar>- hii.-ky. \\ c- kiii >\v \\ hi > ha>. N I'M?. HI! ] I FTEEX. :-I.NIN<; or AN AVIKNT v\i'i;r i:Kri.r.<"TioN^ : AN KI;<;-IM-:I:SI'AIIKII : AN* AITI.I: t i n[:.xi-:iiKl>" : IM;I i--rn\ i: i-i:oi'i.r. : A \ 1.1:11 AI:I.I: YANKKI: >TOI:Y : '. iri--n i MS IN 'cirri'iN.; TO }OI:K': -IN Tin: N \MI: OK TIM:' < LAN ]!<;-!' : A M:i.r-[>r.ri:Mir.vr rim.o--oi'iiKii : A 'STI:A\VI;I:I:I:Y nriru': nmN,, AMI I.IINI; roii A in ~T : TIII: MI: i i:i;i'"i.n AN STnNK-iiAMi: : TIM: i III:I-TI \\ v. AY-I-AI:I:I:. L'ST at'tn \u pa-s (Voiii 1 iroadvi ay iu'o \\";ill-stir-ct, . . citi/.i-ii roadcr, v.>n will perceive mi your left, a \\ide :.])(]) spact. 1 , ouvcivil \\ith i'ul)l'i-!i and dotted \\illi lalxircrs. Turn si-iili. 1 fora iiioinciit nnd survey tin- scene. It is a space of _i-i'oui!'l o ( -'-u[ii,'d !>v two sacivd c.iilirf<, in sue- cc--ion. tin 1 latf>t of \\liidi lias just ln-.-n taken lo\\n, '["hi- iiiuiii-roiis ardics wliich ynii ><,- around. >oiii;- alnio-t rli-nioli-lii'd, and others slowly yielding to the crow-liar and pick-axe, w-iv tin 1 vaults of the dead. . \d\aiice a j!-\v v;;rd~ and examine them more attentivelv. The work- men are ivmovinn' all that r.-mains of' tin- forms that mice, tenanted iln-m : sometimes so little as scarcely to 1".- per- CeptiMe; a spnde-fiill or s<> of du>t, a shapeless lump of porous lioiic, and perhaps a dank piece of worni-eateii malio'^anv, beinj; all that is left. In the two or three -llKlM j'ill.' |M>\,-> \\hiell VdU M-e ill ! !! i-.-IH IV < '!' I lie MjllalV arc deposited, in a pn>mi-cuous heap, the \\-\\ bones, lar^r ainl >niall. \vhu-h \\eiv i'>und foininin^lod ('"jyihrr in the \-r,i,!-; anil \\heiv ill' 1 lin.-s f i^rave- ran nn <-:c-\\ >\,]t- i.f tli'- chiii.'cli. arc al-'i \\\\ aii'l lii'-n l'uiuii.1 -iinilar ' lr<>]>lii'-^ ot' llio dcai] ainl '^onc.' I'atis.- at tliis sjmt, ri';nli-r- as 1'V an cildv tliat slowlv ro\\il\vs in the cui'vc ot' sumo rnsliiny stream pan-^c f"i- a in>ni'-nt. and i-n- von Iia-lfii on t' inniu'le \\'ith ' nuiltitudes (.'onuni/rciii"'' in tlii/ i-fi'W,]- dl mart of trailic. -uloninh meditate, and (Mmmn.n.- \\iih VMiirsclt': \\"]iat am 1 .' and \\liiin.-ram ! tending.' M.-i, \\\\}} >[iirit^ a- l>ii'>vani and imjic^ a- 1'i'i^hl a- mv own; \vliu once met dailv in tlh' liu-^y ih'H'nii^!it;ir<-.- ' f the nic- tp'p. ili^; who mingled \vitliearli otln-r in tVatcrnal iiitcr- coiirso; \\liii sat >iily l>v >idf in tliu sain;. Imn-c ufpravcr; \vticrcai 1 '- th-'V now? "Shrunk l'> llii- littli- measure!' their verv remains conuniini'ln.l to^vtlior in tin 1 dn-t. and d\\'indlcd into iinlistincliit.'ss and inoxtrft'ablf co?ifiisii)ii : AND i- ii thn<: <'- hniii So vi-i j ' : ' _' ' ; :.'.-'';. 1 1 1 o v o l-'ur i . : mi Ti ' ' \| . . . '_'.'. i, coftin, il sends uj) a hollow sound, which after a few I'aint echoes, dies and i- buried in oblivious silence. Thai, tleet- iiii;' noise is utir posthumous renown. 'The earth itself!/ savs tlir Li'i'eat .Mil. TON, 'is a point, not on!v in respect of the heavens alinvc ns, but of that heavenly and celestial ]>ait within us. The mass of llesh that circumscribes me, limits not my mind. That surface that tells the heavens thev have an end. cannot persuade me 7 have any. There- is a divinitv within us: something tliat was bet'ore the ele- nii'iiis. atid owes no ]ioni;:i'0 unto the sun.' 1'x-ar i}\\< well in mind, then 'fore, that ' affections well-placed and duti- i'ullv ehfri>h..-d ; friendships liapjiilv formed and faithfullv maintai'.!''d : knowledge acquired with worth v intent, and intellectual po\vei'< that have been diligentlv impro\'ed as the talents which the ^ivat Author of Mind has commit- t''d to <>ur keeping; \\ill aeeoinpanv us into another Mate of existence 1 , as Min-lv as the soul in that stale retain- its idi-ntitv and its consciousness.' \o one, says Soi.ox, can trnlv br- called happv, until his life has terminated in a happy death ; and surely his death \\ill be the happiest, who in his d ;i y and viieration has done the mo-t ^'ood to his fellow men. Seek out, then, those unhappv wretches who are shunned becaii-e penniless and forlorn ; oppressed and wronged, because weak and powerless; ^dio endure p-ivi-rtv without pity, a^v without iweivuet. 1 , want without succor, and ]>ain without .sympathy ; -e<-k them out. and relieve thi-m. 'I li'-n \\ill tlio ' bK'ssiny *of linn that \\';is ivaerin'_i- u-> lai-l<-~ ]"iriil-' in his conn try. or in (ho iti'j.'i'iiinii-; liaii'luTaft <>\' in- t'cllow-riti/A'iis, \\c L-IJIIII- srl him t" >l"ii into tin- l''>i'h.all not name them, leM otir motives sliotiLl In- mi-intorjtroteil. The tmth i.-, in have hail an invention 'thrown out' l>v tho manau'ers ; ainl any aihvr-e remarks of ours iijtou the im]ii'uvemeiils ' of oilier e.xhil>:tr>, \\oiilii hi 1 plaee.J to the aeeounl icl' |>ri- vale pi n-'. ' liir ii]i]i -al i;,-< to the pul-lir. Tin- KkLu l/iolj'n,,!.' or * 'hieken-IIat.-'nii:-- Maehiin', sn^'jy.-fi ,1 to u- ;u: mi]ircc\ , cl j,!;in lor su|>]ilviiiL;' the iin-reascil ili-uiainl for A .\ E U G - P i; 11 ^ L' A 1) K II . 32 i eggs, created by tint unitjiio steam-hen. It was called "The Silf-dct'i/i'j Back-Action Eijij-Pt-i'si-imhr* and was upon the following principle : A nest, in the usual form, was made of boat pieces of whale-bone, supported at their upper ends by a circular hoop, and termina- thiLT in vcrv thin points at the bottom of the nest. Be- low the nest was suspended a circular thread-netting. The )ii'>'.lii* npi/-i(/tJ! of the invention was as follows: The veritable ne~t being concealed by the u>ual materiel, the hen mounts in good faith, >cttle- down, and deposits her t-o'ii', 'in the full u'low of conscious seeuritv.' The pliant centre of the nest feels the weight of the new bur- then, yields t, renew-, her mater- nal eii'li.-avors ; nor does she cease, until the lower basket of net-work is tilled with ei^'s, and there remains OIK- \\\ the veritable nest. Such, fellow-citizens, i-- the useful in- vention which was : thrown out' by the Accepting (,'om- mitteo of the American In>titute ! 1>1D you never meet, reader, on board a steain-boai, in a rail-road car. or in society, \\ith one ol' tho^e p.-rkin^, i'.i.,!i:-it!ve persons. \ v ho try to j.ick tin.- i'rain- of every man who wii! submit t, the pivn.-e. ' \Vlic-n /".<' vo;, em-ounttT Mieh :m on*', adopt tin 1 ' inUTrupliiijj t^amc,' ai plaved i>v n traveller upon nn ini|in--iiive iiin-kivpiT : 'njij.lird ; luit lli- travi-lh-r aii-'.\ >.']vli! ah! do you ' \Vcll.vour fare i- fn- iniliar to ino ; 1 lin\ f ni'-t you soiiii'wln'i'i 1 . I am i|iiili' - ' \ iT\ liki'lv. S;r ; 1 '\ c hi M Ml llii-l'i: oft iMl. ( Mxii.i ni' 'I'll I n,;\ Sir.' (.<). id niormii--.' ' Noi miii-ii iiit'iifinalii'ii rliritrd i'r-'iii //'.// \vitu<>! ! n> MKDIII.K >a\ -; in ilif p!a\. \\ \i. i o;i. i |;;ii vi-r\ di'Vcr and most \ rr>atili' j ' 't' arti 'i'-, ti-il- u~ llial hi- \\'a- din-!' -inii iiji in an a['ar!nn-ni of a Ni-u'-I'ln^-- land coiuitrx' inn, \uiii a ' ^iiioowinc ' It-niali- iiii|iii-iinr, who had jnsl aliu'litrd tr^ni a Ma^v-.-oarli. \\"lii!r h.-r malt- altt-ndanl had LTOIH' t" u'"' hi-r MHIK- '/'/< .-//'( ///.-,.' he \\'a< I'-l'l in thi' room \\ith her. l!i-in^ otiLjMLTi'il \\ith a I >i nk he ,11.1 n,,i notice lie|- iiartirularlv. I'ri-scntly *-he iM'i'Vi'd. loi>kiii'_i; at a dauK of jiorirait liaii^ini; MLTain~l 1 he \\all. ' lo \ ..en kneo\v \vlntsc jiider that i- ; ll ! ,ks hk' 1 n line moral crt'etur.' I am afraid von mi>laki' tin 1 c'larai'ter ot the original." rc]ili<-d Mr. \\AI.COIT; ] am int'iirnied thai he \vas a lodi;'i-r, \vlio \va> lea\iir_;' rhnidi'- !y, \\iilioiil j'avin^' hi- l">:ir.l, aiul thai !ii- lortrail \\a- A V r. n i T A r; 1. 1-: Y A x K E K S T o R Y . 323 detained as security in part for his dues.' Yoeu do n't say s" ! ' and the lad v passed on to another rude painting, and the Mil Iv ether one in the apartment. Surveying it a moment, she a^ain inquired: \\huse is tlmt paintin' "' It '.- a pleasin' [>i('ter, but h<: \\ears hi- liair cur'u-.' -That,' s-aid the plaver, 'is a copv of our SAVIOI u.' '"Now du tell-! want, to know! \\ ell,' >he continueil, ' it (/o<,v Iwk .,i'tlt':n iik< him. do n't it ^ ]i.-tleetioH as to the iiiij'lied t'amiiiavi: v with the original face, whieli enabled the ' in^ni.-itv)!-' lo detect at. a glance a i/oarol resemblance, was interrupted by the appearance of the ' 'tVe>hYnts,' in shape of nut-cakes and eider;' and presently, says our informant, 'the pair went on their way, and 1 saw them no more.' ' A i- i:w day--, >mc(! a raw-looking genius, carr\"in^' a cheap haii'-trimk, made his appearance on board a >loop whieli [ilies between New-\ ork and a >mall ]>ort on the ( 'i mnecticiit coast, and inquired for the captain. Lie hailed from ( 'oos counu". New-IIampsliire, and presented in his appearance a peiiect >pecimeii of a lYe>h-cau;_dit A ankce. lie v.ore a mixed coat . .f home-made fal)rie, with -lion. M[iiare -kin-, >uch as are u>ually called ' b<'b-tail,' lead butioiis, and >lee\ r es about six inches too .-liort. at the wri-t<. Hi- pantaloons were -trijied. and his le^s were thrusi a loii^ way through them, leaving the interval be- 324 t \\c-eii die ieo\- ct' the IroWi-er.s and hi- heavv laced boot-; arrayed in a Mib-lantial pair of pepper-and-salt yarn -lock- in:;'-. < Mi a hc-ad. adorned with a luxuriant growth of coarse >andv hair, tallowed to a niceLv, was perched a hat much \\oi-n luit in an excellent state of piv-ervation, with a narrow brim and iniuy hell-crown, serving the purpo-e of a travelling valise in addition \<> th-- oilier usi - of that. article of wearing apparel. An numeii.-e collar, nuid ssith starch and erect to the ear-, supported hv a cotton cravat of variegated yello\\ and black, compli-led the adornment of his outer man. !! seemed al out twciilv-tive \ear-- of a-v ; wa- a lean, cadaverous-looking in arms thrust into hi- ]n-kets up \ the elbows, one Ir'u; thrown forward, hi- eveo ca-t upward -canning ih riu'^inu' \\ i; ii tiio air of a connoisseur, he seemed a- much a! home a- though he wa- a \ <',;' . ' ' : - ' oeean-chiid.' In reply to a cpuestion a- to hi- bu>ineoard. he was informed, \va^ seven! v-livi; cents. ' '\\v.-\\ \ >hall liavi; tu font it tu York; you see, 1 'm scant on '( to r I'unds. ami ! muxt ha\i; a leetle somethin' left to teed me a'ter 1 get there ; cau 't get aluii^' \\ithout victuals.' ' Can 't help it,' rejilied the captain ; ' that's our low- e^t ; we ha' n't hut one price." 'Ni-6\v ]u-t take- a feller fur half-a-dollar, captini;' ; come, ueow ; it' vec?Ti Avill, 1 'U help du Tip the chores while I 'm ahoard.' Xo. Sir. I can 't take you for Ijm.t prico.' The o-reen-horii squirted a lo'e^ stream of tobacco-juice upon tin-, deck, resumed hi- tune of Vankee-!iouidfred hi- hair-trunk, and waik'-d otf. !.n al>ou1 an hour lie n-tunu'd, and \\ith a ^rin addressed the cajitaiu : N'eow. look o' he-re, captiii";. 1 "m in di-ire-- : I po.-i- l /!/ haint <:'oi Inn ic\v i!oliar< in tin- world : I nm-t. '_;'e-t -:i York, or 1 shall ;.iar\>- : ! can 't ;;vt noiiun' to du h-'iv. NfO\v. du. raj'tiiiLt' ; I '\e ahva\> hear'n II that you sailors \\ as Li'eiHT' 'ii- eha]is. Thi- appeal tn the captain's pi'oies-ional pride had its etl'ecl ; ;md In- agreed to take the perse verm i; 1 nn ndirant l''l' lil'tV i-ellt>. pl - o\ ided hi- \\'o!lld SUpplv hiniM'lt' with pl'o- v i>ions. and render surh a-.-i-lair-e a- he could in rnana^inir 1.1. e \e->el. The pas-a'jf.- 1 was unusually l"ii^. lie'niL!' didaved 1>\ eontrarv \\inds nearlv a week !>eynnd the crdinaiv time ' >lartinu - . ' >n (lie stain, as an a--l i {' eharit v. t'tirni>hed him iVi 'in the \ e>s<'l > -; i|'e.-. A : ,: ; ,. . - 1 - - liavilli; ollt \\iltcd ihe eajilaill, he d:>eli->eil ID a l'ell<)\\- |iaei|M',.|' that !,. had 'li|> o' ea>h.' and he jnade ijiiite a lax ' : !> " '- i-han^'e. This >onn eame (o tin car- ^ >\ tip' caj'tain, s\h<> \va- so indignant at tin- iiii]'>ition \\hieh had lii-eii ]>raeti>ed npi'ii him. thai h'- s\a- alnit -ttiiiL;' th'- trieky eiistoiniT ashore, to ' foot it to"\ork ; the !n--t ll'' enllld ; 1'ill "11 relieetioli. he eninallded iliat it \\nuld I" 1 a woi'-f |iuni-hnient \n keeji him on Imai'd. stoji his i'al Otis, ai d 'i' him to hard \\ork. 1'rojn this time nniil ilh'ir arrival, tin- ^ ankle's ,-ituatinn was no -ineeitre. a hiirket i,t' .-and, he \\ as M-I : -,- : li, .''/ .' I ieini: inure, 1 to ialior, thai did !'' . , 11 iiuadi : G i: T T i x G 10 Y G re K . ; 327 for thirtvix hours, and endure the cur.-e.- of the enraged captain, and tin- taunts and jeers of the pa>--iiL:vrs and eix-w. and all for the small matter of tweiitv-iive cents, he thought was -paying rather dear for the \vhi-tle '.' < Mxat was hi- jov. therefore, when thi-y hauled into the -lip at Xew-Yurk ; and before tin- sloop's side had touched the dock, he jumped a-hojv, braving tin 1 little hair-trunk to 1": removed afi>T lie- had >ati-ti<-d hi- hun^'-r. he hasti-ned to the ni.Tire.-t piae<- \\lu-iv food could be procured. This happeneii to he a huck-t, .>'- stand at th<- heaii of the slip; where. anioim 1 other eatables, were di-played MUM*.' line- lookiuu 1 boiled lob.-t.-r-. <.ur verclani genius had often heard lobsters .-poki-n of as excellent food, although h e had never tast<-d any ; this .-n-med a ^ood opportunity to -a'i.-i'v hi- hunger, and at tin.- same tune to cnjov a rare luxurv : so at't'-r bar^aininv; auhih-. and b'-atin^' the o!t order, hasini; bei-n u[i into thi- city, returned on hoard and noticed the ^'ank'.-f, at the In-i-l of the bo\\--prit. srate-d on hi.- hair-trunk, and ' i^oin" into' hi> bargain tooih and nail. It was a greedy s]'ctacle ! HI- urt-nched tin- jaws and claws of tin- lobster- apart \\ith uiint'cr.vs;ir\ .- tren^'l !., d:au in^' out \v:th voracit\ slrir[i splinters of the meat. ai.'l I'iliiii;- them ufi' rlose down to ii lt . soekets \\hirl held them. SiH'li a smacking and eraekini; \\ as neve. heard bet-re. ( 'arelelv sauntering \\ithin he.irini;', th> J . wairv.'i-h passenyer yavo tin.- rajaain a \\ink, an.l ro- 'Tlii- is a liMiTiM.- l>ii>inos, i.'aj.iaiii ! " ; II Inil \< a IiDrriblo liu>nn->s .' ' a-k-.'il tin. 1 ski]iper. llain' t vim lu'aril tin,; news .' All tin- papers arc lull of it. Some Ji-rst.'v lishin^-siiKu-ks have lu-fii taking lul.i- si.'i's en tln> i'(iii]ieni.s-l>:inks dV J'>ann-"-ai. aiul have M'M i i ' thi'in a!! over i!n- eilv. .Ms't-rv pci'.-nn \\ h" ha> >-;\\(. n an\ (it'thi-m i- p'isoiifd. Fit'tv-three have died sine- 1 Mi^niin^: thiTf is a tivnirin.lous exeitfinent al'out il. A> I eaine a\v an ollicrr aiT^-t the old woman wlio kerps a stand ai the lirad \ tih- >lij>. for selling some of the same lobsters.' The Yankee, who had already devoured one and part of another, paused at the narration, a> if >udd \\ith eraeker-and-lo1i>ter. hi* enormous palms extended over hi- abdomen, hi- face pallid with terror, he exelaimed : ( >\i -oily ! \\hat -hall 1 du '. \Vha1 shall I dill I 'in -anin^'h a dead man! I 'ai'ii ^ oik ! Cuss the li/l.-teis ! I ui.-h ! 'd -taid tu hum! < 'h. m beowe!,- ! ;;i 'If that d d u'reen-honi has n't been eating some of 'em! run lor a doctor !' exclaimed the captain. Some one ^tailed ashore for a physician. In the mean time the \ankee continued to ^roan and lament, attracting a lar^v crowd of spectators bv his cries; ; Oh. !^I;KK ! if I had onlv taken yonr advice, and kept clear of this tarnal York city! I'm dving I know I am! Mv month ta>tes je-t like a ru-ty cent! The doctor 'II charge an all-fired price to euro me, I s'speet. Th'-re, T 'm spitting LH'een ! that's the coppera- ! I -hall die before the doctor gets here! Murder! murder! murder!' Some one personating a physician now made his ap- pearance, frit of tin- patient's pulse, examined his tongue, and pronounced it a clear case of poisoning from eating copperas lobsters. He proscribed a powerful emetic, which \\a> immediately administered in tin- form of a 'jiiart of hike-warm >alt water. The r-ll'ect was powerful bey,. -nd explanation. It produce,.! a prodigious paio.xy-m, and ki pt him in a continual shudder for more than an h"ur. during which his case seemed M be Very doubtful. II'- kept e/irding his, stomach with his two hands, sipiee/ing hi> viscera, and bowing down as the contending forces racked hi- \\hole inner man. In the pauses of hi.- j-angr. he uttered sundrv exclamations, such a-, '''h. Si KI: ! damn lob.-ters ! cu-- York city! Oh. mv beoweis ! If I ever ^et hum again von '11 never catch 'I here it is aufaiu ! I */HI// \\\<' '. I'ar.-'Mi hii.nii.i:! ['arson Ihi.n- TI.I-: ! it' I had n't iii'jflfi-li'i] your pivarhhr ! ' etc.. to th*- _:':,: I'llilK'ritioi] ami atiiu.-nnrin i-f' the l>v->laiiilers. At ill ill.- iloi'tor proiiMinu-eil him I'm- fn>m ilan^er aii.l ,'ale--eeiit. The lie.xl thini;' \\a- lli' 1 pa\ !;i>'ni 'I tin' !'-. \\hirh hi 1 N\';I- iiil'iiriih'i] was \\\\' ilullars. lir LiToam-'i in spirit, aii'l in-- lnju \\rls ' y.'ariifil \vcrsL 1 than \<'' ai tile tllDll^i'hl ' '!' ]';i]'l 11IU' \\llll -llrll a ,-Ulil uf lllOllt'V. rilC-V; was no help ti'i 1 it, liowi-ver ; so lir 'i'"i'kt.-il ovi-r' tlie V, ati'l sliouM'Tii)" 1 hi- liair-tnink. wi-nt "'i'o\\ liii"' -n IIK w:iv. \\ K ha\'i' I't'ti'D lirai'il ni' pi'V^oii-; taikiiii;' with an^rv vrliriiii'iu i- 1" iiianiiiiat'' di]i'i-ts \\Iiifh ih-pli-a-ril ihciii ; anil w. 1 liavi 1 cvrii iii'ar'l . !' thi'-i 1 -anii : :- lii-iii^ 1 ' pui up' in ! hi'ir LT 1 '"'1 ln-havior, a- in tin 1 case i ih.- -a;'. >r \\ I > I'l'inili'lfl hN staiilh'h rrat'l. wlii'ii >ln' \va-- -ailnii; 1 ln'aM'i- fu'lv l.i'tur.' til.' \\iihl. thai ;! -h. 1 \V' ni 1 ln-havi . |iial'\ veil ilurin-- tin' voyau'i-. -h-' ^lioiil-l !i;i\c a Iiainl-Min.' coal (-I I'ain! lln- vi'i'\ .lav ai'ii-r -lie arrivcil al ln.-r ili->liin'i] jinH. ( hii- Hi' I'M- lu->l il inifs in this kiiul. h.)W.-v.-r. wLi.-Ji we r.-nii'in aril. wa> . i- nth>T 'lav Kv a I'rii ml. \\ hmii iif liu's \\ as wr.'i'k'-.l ii i- -I- I'm ; the ' . . .' ^a\ L'i.1 L'\ . '. I !;'- li'Al A S r: \. r- I) i: i 1 i; \ (lav, bv one i>t us >uddeii diany'ps, the blue ocean wa^ as smooth as ;davs ; i-carcdy a cat'. paw of \\ind muld bo traced, as tar as the rye could reach. Tin; captain of the \\rcckt.-i.l vessd, however, walking alon^ the c<>a-t near Lisbon, siirvc'vctl the sccin.- with a jaiindk'ei.l eye. ' ( >h ! vcs!' >aiil he, 'inMitv still now; -in<>th i-nnu^h t<>-o|' eiit ( -iiainiin.-nt, 'without regard to expense :' 'F do n't know \\heiln-r tliinys are not t'uiinier \vheii You've Ci'ot no money at all. than when your jiockcts are brimful. Take all you can, and no ivspoii.-ihilitv ; no forking down or seiiliiiL;' up: a five blow. everv-\\ hidi-wav. lcis, a dance, an npset. and a ti^lit. wilii chair- and decanters, why what, ran thev do \\ilii you tlu'ii, it' you are independent in your circumstances, and have n't u'ot a reticent .' Thev can't unride a fellow ; no, iinr undance him neither. \Ylien you've had snnii 1 - tliini:' In drink, ymi 're a fixed t;u-t, and can 't In- nn- pllllelled ! ' \Vi: were not a little amused the other evening at NMM.O'S, bv a dialogue which we o\'erheard between a verdant-looking biped and a colored '^emman 1 oHiciatm^ as waiter. Takm^ up a little bill from one <.f the small tab!e<, tlio vshite von; h ran over the items, a- '\amlla cream.' 'Strawberrv. tlo.. ; 'Raspberry, do.,' etc. At length, 15rin^ me,' said lie to the waiter, 'sumo o" voiir Slrcuc- Ici-iy .!>>,." ' The 'colored person' looked at tin.' dish indicated by the finder of his interlocutor: 'Oh!' ho ex- piaineij, 'that mean- ; it meal',-, ihat 11 's the same tiling, vou see.' ' \ ,-r\ well, then, brinu;' me a Straw- berrv Diltn ; vou 've 1/1,1 it. ha'm ve J There's a man there's jest sent and had one fetch'd. .!e-t brin^ me ono on 'em!' At that moment we heard the tones i.f Mr-. MOWAH'S nio-f musical voice; the curtain \\a- up; ;.ini \ve 1,-ft iln- intelligent iihjiii-itor thru-timj,' into hi- ver\ throat larov heaps of ' Strawberrv L>itlu.' S I T T 1 -N G A X 1) L V 1 -\ G F O 11 A B V ST. 333 Mil. FUWU-:K, 'practical phrenologist,' has issued an elaborate work on his ' science.' It contains the 1 engraved busts of a o-ood many men remarkable for their bump.-. JFt once 'lav' for our plaster-portrait to Mr. FOWLKK, and ki-pt a verv sober face in our coffin-like box until he had piled the liquid maten.4 around our smoothly-greased ln-ad and face, to \\itliin a half an inch of the mouth; but when he began to feed the adjacent features with a spoon, and we saw only a no-e sticking out of the warm white hasty-pudding, ' luiman-natur' ' could n't stand it; and ju-t as far as those features could laugh thcv did ; the muscles below liowever were 'stuck:' and the result in the cast wa- a face solemn as an owl's up to the outer line if a .-mall circle embracing the moiiih and muscks imme- dhlelv adjaci-nt, which wei'e themselves 'full of mirth.' 1'ieiure it. think of it.' reader ! And yet Mr. Fowu:u Lad the audacitv to exhibit that bust in his window ( 1 'j> TKK UomxsoN" the murderer on one side and our friend Colonel WKBU on the other!) until we extracted a promise from him to remove it and break the mould which had been wor-,. than an 'iron mask' to u-. ijo 1 T ii i: M i: T i; o r o i. i T A N ,S T,\v loaned a eoiiiHrvisli- lookinu' mail a i;o!d \\atch I' >r ten dl!ar-, \sith iln- ]>ri\i- k'L^e ot' ivdee-iirin^ il in two days, l'"r a dniiai 1 ]>!viiiiiiin. ll \\a> wi.nli sixty:' ' ln-liinuvil tn hi- Father,' He.; lint ihrii In- //c'>v havi.! tin 1 ten dollars. Hi- tonk i; I'mm hi- pocki-t. wrajipi'i] a ]>:i["'r rmmd 11. L^IVC n to tin- i-uiiiitrv- maii. and u'"t hi- b-n dollar.-. 'JIalloo! ,-t ran !;! '. ' -aid an a(Voni[)li(_-o over tin- \vav, at'trr the tr!lo\v had ^oiic otl' \\ilh tin- nioiirv. ' what 'il ymi he; that ain't a stone vou havo ju-t bou^lit? 1 'I'll IH-I you te\v dollar.- 't ain't. I >id n't I s:-o him \wajt it n|>.'' '1 'i! -land you!' -aid the accomplice : ' nionev ilu\vn.' 'I'ln- ninnev \va- di-j"'-i- t'-d in the hand- of ;t li\'--tan ler, the i 'irkaj,'- 1 \va> 1111- I'ulled. and a Hat rounded -tone wa- all it- c> mtenis ! The countrvma:i >ta:d ahoiu ihe mark'-t t'>r sovoral davs hut )].' has "Mne ll> r!||e I)' >\V ! ;; - v< a! tli and i in: i , : ' ' i in I'P > I an 1 11 n L;' 1 lie ' ^'1 ad tldiiiL:'- it' ( 'HUI-T in the . ... ,...:;.-:. r. ; . rm and w-i- - ' dai k thai lie TIII: C H n i s T i A x \V A v - F A n i; n . 335 ministering unto his lu-c.-o-iiio. !!' \va> a poor wayfar- ing man. In' >;M'i, \villi 110 collate in the wilderness, but \\aiiilcrinu' like tii.: I-ra.'iii.', and lod^'in^ awhile in ii-nts till' !n- -liduM ivarh tin.- IP-U <-nI\- (,'anaan. The K-rvor \\ifh \\Iiidi the t'ollo\vinn- IHU-S \\"i-r.- i;'i\.-n fruin the lip?, of lh>' >jieak-r lii-uULi'hl teai> to maii\ an eye: 'Nu'liUM. "ii i-itvlh I i-:i!l iiiV mvi;: A >tr:ui2i-r in tin- wurM iiiikiiDwn, 1 all liu-ir tlDoils .!i-|ii-i.- ; 1 triiiiii].' mi ili-ir u iiu! t ; iK-ii^'ur, I M-L-k a c.'itv out lit' ML'ht, A city in tin.. skK-s 'Thore i-rny hoiiu- ami [i.irtimi fair, My tn-asuro a'ul my lifari is tlirro, And my al.Min.' lj.>inf ; F'.i 1 nil- n:y clili-r lii\-!hi\-n stay, An4 ai.^'l- b^ckuM me uway, Ami Jisrs Ijiils me c.niin. 1 3. IV 1 mil nt parting. Wic muM now '>peed the parting 1'iie-t/ lie lias sat at our 'Talile,' ami partaken of the nil runs ili>ln- which we ha \\cli n> ct -i -v i TM] \\ liii-h Iitnl ln-i-n .-ciii in liv l'ricinli\ llci^lll".!'-, lliat it llli-'ht In' cirri,],',! \vllflll.-l 1 (il 1 II" tll.'N NViHlM plca^' 1 tin- ]ialat'' nf tliat inaii \ -lh-;i, ;,-. i iiioii-tcr, ''I'm. I'ri'' It' mil 1 LTUI-IS .-Imiild nut ilr.'in iln' ]-ri--,-iil I'ai'r \! thai u c i-liall iiirain iir ' t(i -it at our Imaril, aii'l partake { :\ rc-]ia~t, in \\hieh hv-v;"ni- ernirs in i-lioiiT (if dishes, iir m.'.lrs ,,!' rookery, mav lie iivnidi-il. (Jooil-live, 1'KIIM"-! alul mav peace aii'i uappilie-- lie \\-'ith von ! T II K LOUIS CrAYLOItn CLARK. THE FORTY-FIRST VoirE of this oldest Ma^ruine i:i Amcrirn commenced on ttn; First of January, 18,"):'. Tlie work lir.s been so lor, before the public, that it is not deemed necessary to ctilarce upon ilswidelvsickiiowlcilswl claims to sen era I favor. Th;j uinexed list i>f contributors io the Mi'orrix.i;u\ MR! ,1 tV-v norices ol' ihe press, (out <,i naiiv thousand.-, .- v,vl suJlicicntiy attest its c!ia;-.;.:;..r and ;;< ;i,.pi;!:in:.y : 1VIU ! \\! C. DF.YAX ,. KIT/. GRt.EXK UAI.I : TK. ;v. L'jNG' J.i.O 1 .T. K. PAfLPIXG, MISS C. M. l-:!'i;u'ICK, HuX. LEWIS CAS.S, 5-:ii Ii. L. BtLWEr., KI.V. ORVILLE DU',V; Y, K. II. -TODDAKP, .1. ii. rr.K.sCDiT, K*;).. If. X. I:. M. CHAItl i''X-, r. TV. r,:>\oxr:S. r-?.. i-.r.'f. Jin. G.vxx'iri. Ola-O .i!;:-;. GI.'.M.'. >'. '.S. C.; I'. T. T. MAKTX. ii. \v. Ei.L^\voi;rn, n. J. p. vv.M;"ix-r>, :>.-?., n. u. :-ai !OLa:.\f r, Ki-'.V. J. Pir.I'.POXT. HO.x. G. c. v;:';?i.AXf'K, Ai.RFKT MATIiK'.V.-, f;.s.;., GM,. T. S. V'KF.XXY, ,7 :;X T. IIiVr;..J, M.P.K?.T P;I;K, i: ; ;., 'IK M VKVK!.,' c:iAi:;.rs -PF, \r.;-:-. r.i 7 v. DP., spr.ix'a. rKOFES.-i'Ji'. FrL TON, is. (Go^on.) . r. vntr lAMCa Kl'.ssKl.l. I.OWELL, E?Q , II. \v. P.'JCK;YI;I.I,, vn.LtAM nrr PAI.MTR, c;iA:ii.i-:# y.. LFfi'i 1 , h-^., ruorF.ssoj; nuci;. H -i.x. CiiAi:u:< M'VKR, I;t:v. FI!KDKii;CK w. MIELTOS, j'l-F.'.'ii <;. c.\Nx:x'i, ISr.XJA AV. H 'M >^ v:. PAR.SOX.S, i-p.'it. HirciicuCK. MI::'. L. C. EMISCKY. WIi.LIAM 11. GH7.IKK, II IX. tl. D. BAUXAKH, .: P. P.IIDWX. (C instantinoplc.) o L Y -HUM \M KF.-i, MI;-;. KANXY K. HL'T.'.E::, in.x M.D .MAL'L.:::ii>, MISS en \iu.orn-: CCSIIM.V 11-iX. JAME-: KI.XT, I'i'.KSiUK.x r DI "i ;,, JOSEPH HAIiliKIi, :.i:'^ n. F. G i;-i r>. I . w. i;. GlXXiN... PKOK. CIIAP.I.FS AXTHOK, j. '.;. SAX,.. K-.J., JOUX II^XiiY 1I.JPKJX3, (Vt.) JAMES THE fure-croiniT list included al-o KOBKRT SorTHEY. Kev. TIMOTHY Tl INT, Mi-s LAV- ie,>. Ji'sTici: MELI.I:V, TYKUXE POWKR, ROBERT C.'. SVNB*. C,,p!. 1'. MARRY IT, WILLIS li.\. LORD CI.XHK, JnllN SsnKK>ON. the 'American in I'arjs,' Nirnoi,\> HIDIU.K, -Miss MARY ANNE BFOWM:, 'Mr-. I.KAYJ lOiiLrliind, l;.v. r>r MF.AXIIIY. Pi.iiih-C.irrtlin.n, \\ULIAM L. STONE, .1. II. Un.i,iiui:sE, J. l'kxi\tniu: i nnn ii. Rev. W.M, \\"AI:E, J. H. STEPHKVS, Hon. II. II. WIJ.PK. JOSEPH C. Ni:n.. PHII ir ll.>\i;. l'.-i,., Rev. HENRY iUtieciM. I!t-v. \VAI/IER COI.TOX, MEXRY FJnK.voui.j-. J'.-.;.. \\"i i 1,1 \ M \VDRDS\VDKTII, A. URIUHAM, Dr. JDIIN NEILSOS, JK., .T. K. KENNMIP, .!;;., Ma--.. Iln. .ILIH-.E HM.I., 1 Illinois) Rev. W. I!. O. I'KADODV, with otln'-r (ii-Ptiu'ii'-iit '! wniers \\\\K h a; e -paid the di bt -I nature.' The following noliei-s of ilu- Ksn I,I,K[;D, i,-,:r, are !r,.in ihe An u:id Knu'lish press, and Irmn American and I!rili-ii v. nier- ^l (li-iindi.iti : ' I'u" KNICKERPOCKEP. liolds it? own ro iuai-k:ibly well. Nulndy can complain tha he it'i'js not have his money's w..rt!i in s< ifreata variety of pleasant ruadinK at tlire dollars a year.' BO-JTO:; DAILY AI>VKI:TI.S;EI:. '\VE never read the KXICKERDOCKEI: but ;vi fcei a- if wo -.Tere rcadiiiif u later from . repertory of original Araf-ncan liteiatu all periodicals of its class. Among it-< , tributors, from tin.- commencement i.f career, hav.- l.> ,-n tin 1 ablest and i popular authors that the c"nntry ha f ' r..">. 'sni with hijrli gratification. They seem to IIP- of an order of merit quite above the - average of the periodicals of its class. KIIK- 1 li-', "r American.' - Hi IN. KIIW.M:I> \.\ KI:I'I r. -"* nun vs ^'"^i-i'^^^n-uakenpVas,;-::,';:;.;;;:: ^iis'lhe^JlV^^^Thilufccl; ' '>- P.Vint,' the last p i^-s i,T ine \vori,."w."alv. '. open to it tir-t.; and w!icr,-\ IT in i'- u', id - . cheerful, single-minded "(,,>s-ip," tl falN. tlionce it is ],.,) (..rward b\ irr--.i-t : .-' attraction fi\,m |,.)d,' 1., t"!,:,.-, till t:i, cud.' N. V. Jut KNAL CT O'MMH.i r. 'No periodical puhli-lp-d in Ameri.-a \vi'l compare, tor untlafrsinpr, sustain, -d int."-- -i and variety, In'sh literary character -, . ; Keiieral popularity, with this universal f,r> it". It i- ,;! once tie- ai'lf-s;. and bi.-si ma,: i zi;p> of its cias- this s id., -of the Atlantic; ;" ' i>n s,,mo accounts w,_- know <'!" none acro-- tlp- 'bi p. nil' i hat we prefer 1>, -fore ;'.' . . . 'There is n il. on eitlp r ?i- o 1 ." tl-e Atlani >. =o elegantly, so rleli-.itely printed a peri idi.-al a-, is our 'O!d KM,-,;.' I- i- n fre-hii. - 'Tuts Kloriousarg-oeyfrntn prose ar.'l vt>r?;c !n:nl. fu'.i fri-i>rlit.-.!. Inscinns an.] ^^,icy, is ju-t aivhnv, ,1 :i * ,. ur ,;,-!;. An;i.l tir- st\il.M i - of jnii'i.-s ati ..! ii' In us ; - 4 V.'ini'i 1 , With !!; lill'l'. r "t "i (. ..... i th',!; --. ; tiling- of hoaii'y. Snr. ly. flu- KI.-TO. .-\h:,u-t:M-\ Mis 'Tabl.- 1 - ii|'pli"'l tip- Coi nuoopia i i self.'- N. 'i . I> v;tv Tivi- 'N'onitN.; is iii'-rt' ri'iiiari;aol,. tic. i unfiilinu- pn.'tni'tituiii 1 nf 11, ;- ui't >i :' \.'-pt in'iliaps i,s constant ainl ron-t- ; , iiH-r-a-uiKexc..-!!. Hi:, .' N. V. 1'ULV <' KNII KKiiiiofKi'.". is tii" hr-t Atneriean -,l 1 have.' yet so^il.' ... 'I take ' ill i-nc-li'sigj; y-m SOUP' liiv-s. \vhii-h -niii -,1 i-\]>re--ly for y,.ur W"rk.'-->tu !) Jit i.\vi :: l,-i i iu\. KMTKT i'.r.n"k"i:u i j :in honor, and ;i ie, t" thi- li;,T.!ture of our cnuutry. - f-"-l that I am coiiforrins a : -..n- to v.'lio'u 1 r. e,.:umeinl i'. raih'-r ;-n tlm proprieivi-s. 1 - H<-N. );. M. i'V, rienr^' i. ''i n ad a jv'od in u:v of ti.e articles in :: i-it. Si-m- oi it* ji ipv-rs, it is n-v,,., i ii;;ht li,r my s, rifii-s turn i.f iiumi ; - wlp.; appi-ai'.s v, !1 ( - lii-uial".: to (!: I. isles i.f tl-.o Ki'li' 1 !-:;! l.i.,^ of .' K! . !>':. I'll'-. SfuitaMJ. i-prycp'Ver Ma;: izi:p' is t'-p pt.-as-in! Heal in tie- I nit. d S: ..' -. it- :.,-;i- . Lr is rieh, nn.-y, and vari. d: . , , fii-try, tasi,., and tali nt at the ),.-i!:i. to a'l it und-rtakes.' -\i.a\\\ Aia;;s. M.IV; from tl,- 1 nuribers L, ' r.- us, w ,- . p i)i-,| t., eon-id, -r tlii- (lie l>'-~t nt all p-hiyinter, -'inn. ii.-true'.i\ .-.and atnii- 1. -MMN Mi.r.MMi Cina.Mi'i . . :r:ta";'e and t'tlenl tthie'h I: Kxii - K)-::t- Co- in dollars a year, INVARIABLY in fi'!- i .'... Two c of,i,- f-r I'IM- Hollars: Kivo ro],;,l upward, Two Hollars Mftli. t\nim:i-lcr uill act as A-.-nt-. S;..-i-imi-n nuni- hers stnl L-ra.i-. i.n :ip|.Iii-::li..n. |;< -t-paid. To I'f.rns, ",' KMrKERnort:r.r.. ll.utri;R%, (in MI \M'S. or Com \'s Marvin.- wdl br sj.r. -. Tiic KMTH BRBOI Kr.ft:i:i.l -UoMn.Iot its M,' or , my oth-r N.-w-^'r.rk, I'hilt.dHpl, :, -r i'. -ton tw <1i.llnr^-w.-.-k;>. t'.T rot-r. Dot, i, MIS a year. PosTi-tii: on tii'- KNK.I.' uf. '- I.KP- i- t\vn conti p.-r nutn'.--r: jiaid. ot.iionally. l.y HP- -ul.-'-ri! or ;h- puh!i-lp-. Cinunfltiun*,orinquirU-' in r.-.-ird to th.-m..;-- 1.- addn---d:., HP- I.,, run: all HKH nrss (''immuvii-'Ui'iv.- to tip. J'i III.IHIIKK, SAM! KI, HUKSIXiN, i:> >AS,AU OTIIKKT. M:W-YOKK. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. Form L9-50m-7, '54(5990)444 Jlark_r 9 ?:nick-knacks PS 1299 A 001 454513 1