WOMAN OF THE HOU PAST-PRESENT-FOTORE DR. ELSIE LOUISE MORRIS mnaw of % " Jfuture ^ hg Austin Company 1919 > Copyright, 1919, by ELSIE LOUISE MORRIS, N. D. . t 4. t C, 1 ( C :". : :*'".!: ;''' L*" * I ... all aeekers for iljat can he faetgljefr m tl|5 balance, anh NOT fmmh 1 r PREFACE Dear Reader in Eternal Progress: We ask that you keep the title of this book, "Woman of the Hour Past, Present, Future," ever in mind while reading, as we are to trace Woman back into antiquity as far as history has recorded, and turning the search-light of consciousness over her path as she travels the rough roads of pioneering to the present Dispensation, where re-creation awaits her, "traveling in birth, pained to be delivered/' to give this message which none other than woman could give, she now, peering into the future by the Light of her own Intuition, views the Illuminating Light of the Endless Eternity, is therefore, Eternity It- self, the Eternally Feminine. From the monad to the molecule, from the molecule to the Cell-Life Intelligence, this woman, Cohesive in all Nature, reaches out, gathers in, and claims to herself the germ of Being. At this time, this Cohesive Principle, impregnated of the Spirit, is in embryo for the re-generate child, (hu- manity) coming to save the race from the ignorance that has chained and bound the world since the time of the Atlantian races, when the Great Sun, Sun back of our Sun, moving only in the two thousand years cycle, was in the Fire Sign, Leo, Lion, 11,079 B. C. Compiled by a woman, to be given to the awakened Intuitional Concept of both men and women, as a mess- age-bearer, or instrument, obeying commands that have come from many sources, which is known intuitively as a scientifically demonstrated Knowing, I am leaving the results with the forces that have submitted these Truths, to be accepted or rejected. 6 PREFACE Many years with Master-Teachers, both seen and un- seen, it has been my privilege to have training under Initiates of high degree. Having what the Scotch call "Second-Sight", often seeing what to others is invisible, and what I call Intu- itional far-sight, sensitive and impressionable, I have been shown that it is my work to give out this special teaching in books and lesson form, also to renew the an- cient Order of Melchisedec, High-Priestess, of which this work is a synopsis. I was born in the Water-Sign, Cancer, of the Grand- Man, in the early morning hour, at the very foot of the cross, heavy with experiences of past lives, Moon in Aquarius, Sign of the Outpouring, with Leo personali- ty, born to be born and re-born to three births in one embodiment. As a "Child of God" Alchemically calculat- ed, "Shall open thy mouth for the dumb in the cause of all that are appointed to destruction." Zebulum, of the House of Jacob, "Shall dwell at the haven of the sea ; an haven of the ships, and the border shall be unto Zidon." Archangel Gabriel, "Shall sound a trumpet, and the dead shall arise." Geometrically calculated, Life-Path, 10, 9, 8, 7, equals 34, digit 7, meaning a building, completed, standing alone, apart in itself, a figure holding within itself the octave of force, both positive and negative, spirit represented in psychic and intuitional powers, and on the material plane in the form of disappointments and misfortunes. Many years ago the Great-Mother, Eternally-Femin- ine of all Nature came to me, and I loved her. Loved her because she is Eve, the Mother of All Living, from the least to the greatest. Loved her because she is woman, the womb of the Universe, wherein everything incubates, both Good and Evil, so called. Loved her because she is the Mother of the races, both divine and physical. Loved her because she alone will re-generate and replenish the earth from which a New Humanity will come forth and declare Truth in all its divinity, its sacredness and Wis- dom. PREFACE 7 After this the Great-Mother hid herself behind a mass of rubbish, and misunderstanding in that mystery, or whatever we may call it which lies behind the glory of Shekinah, the Liberating Angel, who delivers the world in all ages, and who is ever near, and never sep- arate from the just at the end and beginning of every cycle, as is manifested at the present time. When the Great-Mother was gone I was in sorrow, left alone in the world of Illusion, as I thot. But as years passed my soul cried out more and more for the Truth, and it would not be satisfied, then I was conscious of be- ing led on, and on thru the dense darkness of experi- ences, tho never without hope and gratitude for every ray of light upon life's path, and after a time came radi- ant as the Sun, she for whom I had sorrowed long, spake, and said to me: "Not until we can truly know that ex- periences are necessary teachers, and we can accept both sorrow and joy as necessary for unfoldment and growth, can we know the real meaning of life as it is unrolled upon the scroll of our nativity." And she continued: "Beneath all forms thou hast seen, in all disappoint- ments, as in delights, in the darkness of ignorance, as in the Light of Wisdom, I, Eternally-Feminine, am Ever- lasting, and the same. In the Illuminating Light of the coming time thou shalt see fanaticism, and the ridicu- lousness the world has called Truth' become trans- formed into living temples of beauty, thru the spoken- word of re-generate Woman. Be patient. All things come to them who wait." In offering this argument in behalf of Woman, we can only say that each reader carries the test of his soul's development in the ability to see and understand with the inner-light, or consciousness, and to read be- tween the lines, herein given. This book is not for the learned, the hierarchy, nor for the philosopher, but for the sincere seeker of the Truth of Life's mystical problems which heretofore have not been satisfactorily answered. To some the facts explained and actually proved may seem absurd, to others untrue, but to the Mystic one 8 PREFACE who knows this Truth is as eternal as Eternity, for the development of the Higher-Self, God-Self, is the truest Truth, of all Truths. "KNOW THY SELF" WISDOM of the Gods. This Book, "Woman of the Hour, Past, Present, Fu- ture," might be called "A TEXT BOOK of Lessons with Forty-nine Keys" or a Library, a Bible Review, A New Interpretation, the "Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil", the "Second Coming of the Christ" and many other titles fitting to Woman from the Transcendental of ancient times, to the Crucible of Modern Thought. It matters not what his opinions, or prejudices, the reader or student has the same rights to his plane of ideas as the compiler of this work. Facts can never change; whatever the belief. Belief is not knowing. No individual can see, reason or measure but from the point of his own unfoldment. We are all "Children of the Father-Mother, God" traveling from one life to another, some older, some younger. If we cannot agree we will "agree to disagree" and still be friends. What say you? "SO MOTE IT BE." INTRODUCTION Living in an age of universal inquiry on one hand, and the fulfilling of the prophecies of old on the other, we see womankind standing not only as a balance be- tween two great extremes, but as a great Cause of a uni- versal chaos, from which she shall polarize, and commun- icate the Eternal Truths of her Higher-Self to a benight- ed world without the one and only Key to the Mysteries of God's Kingdom-Woman, "Shadow of a Rock in a weary land." Not unmindful of the many difficulties, criticisms and censures on every hand, from the broadest intellect to the most biased intelligence, with fearlessness, I am about to treat herein the greatest subject that ever en- gaged, or challenged human thot. In so doing it is quite likely, as well as important, that after years of study and research with some of the greatest, and grandest of teachers, memorizing books, lectures, notes, and with in- spirational seeing, the words and teachings of others may be used verbatim, for the express purpose of giving more emphatically the vital truths under consideration. With each use the author is given due credit, with thanks and praise. Some one has aptly said: "Think not that knowledge culled from other's mind Through reading, or on ether-waves e'er bind, For one to say, 'This thought is not my own; Tis his who spoke it first to me, a loan.' Truth is not for one, but for* the whole When it becomes a part of our own soul; When tinctured by our thoughts we give it out It is our own opinion, without doubt. As honey is transmuted sweets of flowers, Which bees have gathered during sunny hours." 10 INTRODUCTION It would be quite impossible for any writer to use words and expressions, or to write that which no other writer had never known or used. Like the repeated his- tory of our lives everything is made use of according to its plane, and value. It makes no difference if one has never before heard anything pertaining to the subject, or however humble and obscure the life, and of whatever the belief; the causation has been in the past, and the question in the present is, has the soul in its travels had sufficient preparation in the knowledge of signs, forms and symbols that at some period the Power of the Most- High placed within it that germ which enabled it to live, breathe, see, think and do, in a new, and higher under- standing of life, as is possible for us all ? Then the "Seed of Righteousness" has been sown, is prepared to know the relations of things as they are, and know the Truth, which is fixed, orderly and enduring, is of the Providen- tial Law, and can never be changed. In The "LOST WORD" (lost knowledge) is contained the foundation of all Truth, which is now being revealed to the students of awakened consciousness, the "Children of Light". The soul reborn out of the Darkness of Ig- norance is to be redeemed by the Light of Intuition, the Eternally Feminine, which is Truth in a world of false- hood, and Love in a world of hate. Human ignorance is written in the contradictions of the pretended prophets and sages, human sadness is expressed in the unfathom- able hunger of the soul. The genius and spirit of hu- manity is Liberty, and Justice. The Christ is the liber- ator and restorer of the race. Under the condemnation of the head of the "Christian Israelite Society" with whom I was associated, and from whom I received the Knowledge of Woman in the "Di- vine Plan" I give to the world those Keys which this so- ciety considered for themselves alone, and not for the Gentile world, tho all who would join them by taking their covenant to live apart from the world and wear their special garb, were admitted into full membership, which embraces both the Law and the Testimony, the INTRODUCTION 1 1 Old and the New Testaments, renewed thru them for the gathering of the "Lost Tribes" in this "Latter Day". While they were saying: "The curse of God be upon you to give out the Knowledge of Woman to the world" a voice clearly interpreted "Other sheep have I, but not of this fold who will hear my call," and "My sheep shall hear my voice, I will know them, and they will follow me/ Rising up I followed the voice out into the wilderness of ignorance of the Law of propagation, and the "Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil." Since which time I have fed multitudes of starved and diseased minds and bodies, raised them from the dead, as it were, with the teachings of Natural Laws, and in place of the predicted curse, have received untold blessings from the Over- Shadowing Powers ever protecting the seeds of Truth. The Prophet Jeremiah tells us: "The Lord, (law) hath created a New Thing upon the earth, and woman shall compass a man." Therefore this teaching com- mences where all other lines of ideas regarding woman terminates. It complements, and is a vital part of all unknown truths. It is certain the Light of Truth is needed in this hour, or day, for what tremendous suffering, horror, crime, wretchedness of war, disease and despair upon the race, all because of the ignorance of the law of womankind. Now, who ever supposes that this ignorance alluded to is confined to the masses, or that the sum-total of non-knowledge must be looked for among the uneducat- ed, struggling for life's necessities, will find himself in error when receiving this knowledge, for a far less dense ignorance upon matters of import to every human exists among the people of every walk of life, from a cyclic basis, to an astrological summit of repeated history. For a gross and culpable non-knowledge, especially upon all the vital points that cluster around the word, Woman, we may look not among the untaught, and the under-current society, but actually among the so-called leaders, "professionals" highly cultured, upper classes of the world where is an unhealthy poison-fungi of false 12 INTRODUCTION civilization, regnant for a "Time" and "Times" (First, second and third Dispensations) but certain to disappear in the "Half -Time" (the present Dispensation) when the coming of the knowledge of Woman in the Law, and her place in the divine plan is made manifest in the New Humanity of the New Dispensation. Woman is Soul, not a mere matter of earthly form and structure. Tho men know it not, Woman holds the laws of the Created Universe in the hallow of her hand, and her deeper, diviner meanings are sealed books to all who know not of her co-partnership with God in all cre- ations. Books have been published, sermons have been preached, lectures have been given in all time, and to ages against woman, vile, cancerous, abounding with death in every line and sentence, fraught with ruin, scattered in all nations until the very flower of the world's youth has been blighted, and the morality of the earth sapped dry. Literature foul and disgusting beyond belief, terrible as the cobra's fang, monstrous as a drunk- ard's dream, devastating as the white-plague, has been circulated until the subject of "Woman" has been ground into the very dust. Neither Woman, nor her persecu- tors know the cause, or the Why, for the laws and prin- ciples establishing in the mind of the people that woman is inferior to man, were set up by the Hierarchy, ages ago when it became a fixed principle deeply rooted, and falsely branded all the teachings of the times. This has kept the masses in ignorance and oppression for the selfish gains of the "Few" in power. "Things which are seen were not made of things which do appear." "Old things are passing away, and all things becoming new." There is but one force at work in the universe, and that force is dual, positive and negative, electric and magnetic, acid and alkaline, male and female. When these forces are out of balance, and one over-powers the other, there is inharmony in all Nature, of the thing con- cerned, contention, divorce and battle both on earth and in heaven. All thru the Bibles of all nations, heaven re- INTRODUCTION 13 fer to the head-understanding, and earth to the body- physical life. Knowing the "Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil", having seen its fruits demonstrated, and realizing fully the importance of this special message, I must before passing on to join the mighty throng gone on before, help to put an end to the misery and wretchedness which has almost devastated this planet earth to one-third of its inhabitants. Tho forced to use similes, I trust to be fully understood, that the sole object of this work is to teach certain physiological, and psychological truths, in that the Creative-Force is the highest, is in, and of, the deity, which admits of no denials, and to recognize that which is of the highest, as having been degraded the lowest, and the most violated of all laws, thru ignorance of the Law of Woman. Axiomatic in its nature, a personified truth, it proves God a dual being. So with all humanity, and everything that exists, from the tiny grain of sand, to the mam- moth forest, thru the mineral, vegetable, animal to the human, duality is the prevailing law. Deity is Unity, the infinite ocean of the formless within its latent bosom, contains all that there is, and ever will be. The nature of duality in humanity is in- spiration and respiration of the universal life current, the trine spirit of Life, Love and Wisdom. Love as the negative, or feminine way, ever seeks to enfold. Wisdom as the positive masculine way, is rest- less and always in pursuit, thus two sets of soul quali- ties that must merge into one, and when combined they represent the "Mystical-Seal," of King Soloman. Two acts in the great drama of life. In our search for the "Perfect Woman" physical, mental, moral, destined to lead the world in the New Age, Air Age, "Golden Age", we find three distinct planes of womankind, the generate and degenerate, also the re-generate. "In the world but not of the world". With these we find three planes of motherhood. The un- natural mother, the natural, and the true spiritual mother, which is of the re-generate mother in the 14 INTRODUCTION Knowledge and Wisdom of the Law of Being, direct from the "Fourth Dimension", the Principle, and "Sec- ond Coming" of a Saviour to redeem the race. "GIVE A POSITIVE SIGN" says the world; "prove clearly that which you say is true, and in spite of my sciences, and mind-theories, I will believe." The answer to such a request was spoken eighteen hundred years ago. "A faithless and perverse generation asketh for a sign, and no sign shall be given them." The "CHILDREN OF LIGHT" are not of the faith- less generation. A sign has been given, yes to me, as only one out of thousands, and tens of thousands, daring to stand on personal convictions in spite of the most strenuous oppositions. Every individual who reads the advanced literature of the times, and who is ready to investigate for Himself, will have personal view-points, and naturally considers them to be the best, if not the only real truth worth any- thing, for each degree of unfoldment into the Great Halls of Learning is overwhelming, to say the least, but we cannot afford to stop at any angle. Every new idea is commendable, indeed, and praise be for all who have awakened to some realization of consciousness, even tho it be as the first leaf or an unfolding bud, which in time, if not blasted by "rough winds of seas and doctrines" will become a beautiful flower, rich in coloring, perfume and form to help decorate one of the "Many Mansions" in God's Kingdom. Wishing to be understood, tho Shakespeare has said: "It is great to be misunderstood." This teaching advo- cates no new theory of either religion or philosophy. "There is nothing new under the sun." Facts speak for themselves, every statement can be proved by mathe- matics, a perfect science, for "God geometrizes" in all His creations. The trine, triad, trinity, Length, Breadth, Thickness shall be gathered to place in the Square-Reason, as the first Hermes Trismegistus, placed his seal upon all things, making it the Heart and Crown of all teachings. So in INTRODUCTION 15 this, 'There shall nothing new be told; but that which is ancient shall be interpreted." "Three Veils shall be taken away" of which a corner of the outer veil of the so-called Mysteries of Nature was not lifted until the "Sign of the coming of the Son of man in the heavens appeared", (1912). "The nail that nailed the Mosaic Law to the cross, for a Dispensation of two thousand years, shall be removed from the sure place." "Cain the priest-man, positive, instead of killing Abel, the prophet-woman, negative, as hitherto, will unite with him becoming prophet and priest in one, and instead of any longer corrupting the "woman", Intuition, and suppressing the real-man, Intellect, he will purify, and exalt her, and thus enable her to fill her proper function, as the "Mother of God" in all humanity, and will recognize the intellect when duly conjoined with the Intuitional-female, as the rightful heir of all things." The "Fourth Watch of the Eleventh Hour" when Jesus by faith walked upon the waters, is passed. The "Multitude of Mercy" is near, "call upon the Lord, Law, while he may be found". The sixth day's work is fin- ished; the long day of divine mother love's waiting is accomplished, and Lo! the morning of a New Humanity dawns, with hints of a coming glory too great to be imagined. It is here. The Truths contained in this book will not seem strange with the Keys in hand to unlock all seeming mysteries, for every awakened consciousness shall see the reflection of himself in the mirror of re-generation with all its possibilities, wherein will be plain to see the infinite ramification of human desires illy used, with all forces tending towards ultimate good God. Dealing with the "WORD OF GOD" out of the heav- ens, there is no other way to have the authenticated proof for all we offer except thru the Hebrew interpre- tations and geometrical calculations, tho we may go back to the Wisdom of the Egyptians from whence all knowl- edge is derived, and follow thru history from the Greeks, in all the root, and sub-races to the present beginning of 16 INTRODUCTION the 6th race, we find nothing to compare to the hidden meanings and truths contained in our Christian Bible, which has been a "Sealed Book", from which the seal of time immemorial is being lifted. Daniel, the great Alchemist, and Prophet, saw all this, and said : "Lord, how much longer, Lord ?" He was told: "Go thy way, Daniel, the Book is to be sealed for a dispensation of two thousand years." Paul, a teacher sent to the Gentiles, groaned, and said: "I am a man born before due season. He longed to live in the present age, with the "Sign of the Son of man in the heavens", which is our privilege, and bless- ings untold, even in the time "such as never was". Nowhere do we read of new souls being created. Therefore egos must have been created in the beginning, if a beginning there ever was. By this we may know we, as souls traveling from one embodiment to another, must have figured in a degree in all history, and helped to set up the causes from which the world is suffering the effects, and the "bitter cup runneth over" in this cycle of necessity, experiencing experiences for the ex- pansion of Consciousness, which must be by impact, our senses as our assurance. Thot is our medium, we must do our own Thinking. We stand in awe before this Eternal Truth taught by St. Peter who said: "Upon this Rock, Intuition, (Eter- nally-Feminine) I build my Church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it." It requires the courage of a Huss, the heroism of a Savonarola, the glory of a Lincoln, the seership of a Swedenborg, and the righteous purpose of an Emerson, in these days, of "great running to and fro" to ask my readers to scan the horizon for the Love-Light of the Christ Consciousness, and to view the multitude of in- tellectual human stars upon the heavens o'er a world with bleeding hearts, and tear-dimmed eyes, to see the Perfect workings of the laws in all creations toward the perfection of all humanity. Fraternally, 33 DR. E. L. M. A CONFERENCE By Ella Wheeler Wilcox. "FROM the QUEEN BEE mother, the mother BEAST, and the mother Fowl, in the fen, a call went up to the human world, to WOMAN, the mother of men. The call said, "Come: for we, the dumb, are given speech for a day, And the things we have thot for a thousand years we are going at last to say". Much they marveled, these women of earth, at the strange and curious call. And some of them laughed and some of them sneered, but they answered it one and all. For they wanted to hear what never before was heard since the world began The spoken word of Beast and Bird, and the message it held for Man. "A plea for shelter," the women said, or food in the wintery weathers, Or a foolish request that we be dressed without their furs or feathers. We will do what we can for the poor dumb things, but they must be sensible. Then the meeting was called, and a She-Bear stood and voiced the thot of the fen. "Now this is the message we give to you" (it was thus that the She Bear spake) "You, the creatures of homes and shrines, and we of the world and brake, We have no churches; we have no schools, and our minds you question and doubt, But we follow the Laws which some Great Cause, alike for us all, laid out. "We eat and drink and live ; we shun the things that poison and kill. And we settle the problems of sex and birth by the Law of the Female Will, For never was one of us known by a male, or made to mother its kind, un- less there went from our minds consent (or from what we call the mind). 17 18 A CONFERENCE "But you, the highest of all She things, you gorge yourselves at your feasts, and you smoke and drink in a way we think would lower the standard of beasts. For a ring and a rag you are bought by your males, to have and to hold, And you mate and you breed without na- ture's need, while your hearts and your bodies are cold. "All unwanted your offspring come, or you slay them before they are born, And now the wild She things of the earth have spoken and told their scorn. We have no mind, we have no souls, maybe as you think and still, never one of us ate or drank the things that poison and kill. And never was one of us known by males, except by our wish and our Will." BIBLE KEYS Like the Italian sculptor who imaged and made the first figure of Liberty Lightening (enlightening) the World, that of a Woman, and presented it to the United States, Manasseh, by the force of some unseen power he no doubt did not understand, so the Bible Writers either consciously or unconsciously symbolized woman in every chapter. Of the Mind no one knows, but all may know the operation of the Thots in the mind, for thots are in spirals always coming back to the point from which they are sent, and according to the intensity back of them, they come back ladened with the world thots of their kind, thus fulfilling the law of Cause and Effect, as well as "Like attracts Like." Without Charity Thot reaction soon destroys and kills. The Sword is feminine, creative, destruction and construction. Esau feminine, despised his birthright when it was degraded. Law, Lord, is feminine. Knowl- edge, water, stone, vision feminine. All Nature is feminine, formative, creative, speech, language, "Gold tried in the Fire." is knowledge of feminine, creation, Law. "The soul that sinneth it shall die", Ignorance of Law the only sin. Messengers are the Eternally Femin- ine in the Law of Jerusalem, City of Zion, Moses of Mount Sinai, Finger of God, Bread that cometh down from heaven, and the "Woman clothed with the Sun," righteousness, Moon under her feet, Law of generation, and re-generation. 19 WOMAN OF THE HOUR PAST-PRESENT-FUTURE FIRST CHAPTER WOMAN "Though I speak with the tongues of men and angels, and have not Charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal. "And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge; and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not Charity, I am nothing. "And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, and have not Charity, it profiteth me nothing. , , "Charity suffereth long and is kind; charity envieth not; charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up. "Rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth. "Charity never faileth: but whether there be prophecies, they shall fail; whether there be tongues, they shall cease; whether there be knowledge, it shall vanish away. "For we know in part, and we prophesy in part." 1st Corinthians, 13. HERE are always times when we may associate the sublime with the ridiculous. At this time, in the beginning of the confabulated subject of "Woman" in this special work, it is perhaps wise, in order to get our bearings to give out the truths here- tofore unheard of by the masses, to give something of mans' general views, opinions, prejudices and even hatred for Woman, in all ages, together with man's formula of what woman is made. An old saying is, "That which is born and bred in the bones will crop out." "IN the beginning when Twashtri came to the cre- ation of woman he found that he had exhausted his ma- 21 22 WOMAN OF THE HOUR terials in the making of man, and that no solid elements were left. In his dilemma, after profound meditation, he did as follows: He took the rotundity of the moon, and the curves of creepers, and the clinging of tendrils, and the trembling of grass and the slenderness of the reed, and the bloom of flowers, and the lightness of the leaves, and the tapering of the elephant's trunk, and the glances of deer, and the clustering of rows of bees> and the joyous gaiety of sun-beams, and the weeping of clouds, and the fickleness of the winds, and the timidity of the hare, and the vanity of the peacock, and the soft- ness of the parrot's bosom, and the hardness of stone, and the sweetness of honey, and the cruelty of the tiger, and the warm glow of fire, and the coldness of snow, and the chattering of jays, and the cooing of the doves, and the hypocrisy of the crane, and compounded all these together, made woman and gave her to man." "The Arabs of Algeria say outright that woman is an evil creature and a spoil-joy because God made her out of the tail of a monkey." The South Slavs are taught, and believe that woman was made out of a dog's tail. Such stories are conveniences in dealing with over- bearing, self-assertiveness. No doubt they have served to justify man's sense of superiority over woman, but in these days only the Jew and a boy can hold to the tradi- tions of old. The Jew in his daily prayer says: "I thank Thee, Lord, for not having created me a woman" ; and the boy is always glad he was not born a girl. Referring to the Rabbis for his authority, Thomas Moore versifies: "The Old Adam was fashioned, the first of his kind, With a tail like a monkey, full yard and a span, And when Nature cut off his appendage behind, Why, then woman was made of the tail of the man. Every husband remembers the original plan, And knowing his wife is no more than his tail, Why, he leaves her behind him as much as he can." Otto Weininger, a German writer, gives the true Ger- man sentiments of the masculine regarding woman in his PAST -PRESENT FUTURE 23 "Sex and Character", a work of 350 pages devoted to every possible means that belittles woman. Translated from the 6th edition, G. P. Putnam & Son's, Publishers, New York, recommended by seven noted publishers, is the following: "We find aphorisms in which the form fits the thought like a veil of silver. These thoughts are no ordi- nary ones. The writer goes his own way, he knows se- cret paths which no man has yet trodden, and he shrinks from no obstacles. He lets himself down cautiously into the great abyss, for he has determined to sound the deepest depths. From time to time, however, he has looked up from the pit and rejoiced in the light of eter- nal stars, even tho they lie hid from mortal vision. He carries his argument to its ultimate conclusion. We rebel against these conclusions, but we admire the un- compromising logic of the thinker." Mr. Weininger's words, verbatim: "It is only the male element in emancipated humanity, that craves for emancipation. I make the general statement that there is not a single woman in the history of thought, not even the most man-like, who can truly be compared with men of fifth, and sixth rate genius." "The idea of making an emancipation party, of aim- ing at a social revelation, must be abandoned. AWAY WITH THE WHOLE WOMAN MOVEMENT, with its unnaturalness, and its fundamental errors. It is absurd to make comparisons between intellectual women and one's average experience of men." "The Woman Question, and the Woman's Rights movement are no new thing in history. Woman was first allowed on the stage in the 16th century, and at that time they went so far as to hold that woman is superior to man, but this was all lost to the fair sex, and the whole question sank into oblivion, from which the 19th century recalls it." "It has been exhaustively proven that the female is soul-less, possessing neither ego, nor individuality, nor personality, nor freedom, character nor will. This con- clusion is the highest significance in psychology. It im- 24 WOMAN OF THE HOUR plies that psychology is of the male. Kant and Schopen- haur understood this fully. So it is most amusing to hear writers talk of the Soul of Woman, of her heart, of the mystery of the psychic and the Modern Woman." "The whole thing is a swindle that woman is the Sphinx. Never was a more ridiculous fraud perpetrated. Man is infinitely more mysterious and incomparable, more complicated." "The soul is a masculine character pleasing to woman in the same way as a masculine body, or a well trimmed mustache." "How could a woman who is soul-less discern the soul of man? How could she judge morality when she herself is non-moral?" "Woman has no essence, they are not, they are noth- ing. Woman has no share in enteological reality, and no relation to the thing itself. It is the Absolute, God. So woman has no existence. An animal has as much meta- physical reality as the actual woman." "I have shown that woman can reach no more than a vague half -consciousness, that she is a conditioned be- ing, for she is unable to overcome her own sexuality that binds her. Hysteria is the only attempt on her part to overcome it." "Woman is untruthful, and man desires truth at all times, so that woman always lies, even objectively if she speaks the truth. Is she the human, the animal or the plant? Woman is nothing while man can remain what he is." "Woman was first created by man's Will. He domi- nated her and changed her whole being, then turned to the lower that he might give woman existence." "The acceptance of the phallus (sex worship) is im- moral, always thought of as hateful. It has been the image of Satan, and Dante made it a central pillar of hell. Then it is only when man is sexual that woman has an existence. The early Fathers expressed it when they called woman the "Hand-Maid of the Devil" for matter in itself is nothing, it can only obtain an exist- ence in form. When man became sexual he formed PAST PRESENT FUTURE 25 woman. Woman is more the results of his affirmations, she is sexuality itself, she desires man only as phallus." "A being like the female without the power of mak- ing concepts is unable to make judgment. There is no possibility for judgment and no possibility of reaching or desiring truth." "There has never been any great discoveries made in the world of sciences by woman. Woman can never be able to see the value of truth. It is true that woman has the gift of speech, but she has not the gift of talk- ing. She converses, flirts, or chatters, but she does not talk. She is most dangerous, however, when she is dumb. The profound falseness of woman is the result of the want of permanent relations to the idea of truth." "It is almost characteristic of woman that she cannot believe that she ever lies, or does anything wrong, so is able to deceive. She forgets, and will not blame herself for an act of meanness, having no relation to the moral idea. There is nothing so far removed from a pregnant woman, as shame to her condition." "I am glad to frame a definition of genius as to nec- essarily exclude the woman from it. Woman never be- comes conscious of destiny. Inasmuch as woman is with- out continuity she can never have true reverence, be- cause true reverence is purely of the male virtue. The relation between continuity of memory and the desire for immortality is borne out by the fact that woman is devoid of the desire for immortality." "I have set out from the old proverb that "liars have bad memories." About male liars, they are not common. If you remember what has been said as to the absence of memory among women, we shall not be surprised at the existence in the saying of the untruthfulness of women. It is evident that a being whose memory is very slight, must easily lie if it has the gift of speech. The impulse to lie is stronger in women than that of men, because her memory is not conscious." "The question is, how ought a man to treat a woman ? As she herself would be treated? He must beat her for she likes to be hurt. He must hypnotize her for she 26 WOMAN OF THE HOUR likes it. He must endeavor to respect her, even tho woman is only a function of man. A function he can de- grade or raise at will. Woman does not wish to be any- thing other than what man makes her." "Most men theoretically respect women, but practi- cally they thoroughly despise them. Man looks upon woman as merely a thing, not as a living human being with an inner psychic existences." "The type standing at the pole opposite motherhood is prostitution. The contrast is not any more inevitable, than the contrast between man and woman, because that is an inborn craving, and most women have both possi- bilities. There are absolutely women devoid of this in- stinct, and I confess that I find more approaching the absolute prostitute than the absolute mother." To comment long and loud upon such daring and bold claims would be placing ourselves on the degenerate plane with this German Weininger and all others of his kind against woman. We leave the subject with the reader, even tho we had been tempted to let ourselves down far below the dignity and Intuitional plane of di- vine womanhood, for a time, into the masculine nature, to retaliate, and demonstrate American Woman senti- ments upon this writer in many ways, had he not put himself out of existence by suicide when yet a young man, proving his insanity. We will hope he will return to earth life in his next incarnation less obsessed with the Schopenhauer ideas of woman, and not to misconstrue the lives and writings of such as Bacon, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Newton, and Carlyle, and such great women as Mme. De-Stael, Bla- vatsky, Eliot and many others. The man Weininger must have forgotten, if he ever knew, that the pen of Harriet Beecher Stowe was might- ier than swords. The life of Susan B. Anthony stood out like a Grecian Doric Pillar, so simple, so unadorned, so pure standing for Equal Rights of woman with man. Lucretia Mott, the Quaker expounder, was one of the greatest of philosophers. Phoebe Hanford was the first and greatest of ordained ministers. Florence Nightin- PAST PRESENT FUTURE 27 gale was a successful and noted nurse. Elizabeth Black- ford, the first woman physician, excelled men of her time. Elizabeth Stanton, the first woman lecturer, ex- celled the men of her day. Harriet Martineau, the first woman journalist, and magazine writer, proved herself more than equal with men. Elizabeth Browning, the greatest woman of her time, proved the truth of a perfect wedded life, that her husband, the great Browning, de- clared: "Man conceives of woman the ideas, images and creations he discovers and develops for the benefit of the world." Hannah Moore was one of the first to stand for the emancipation and education of woman, and to declare she could retain her youth and beauty when old in years and experience. Joan of Arc, divinely inspired, must save France and die a martyr, to prove woman the greatest heroine the world has ever known. Grace Darling went in a boat to save human lives, when men would not venture. Frances Willard stood for personal purity as equally binding upon both men and women. Her powerful voice has penetrated the New Humanity like the roar of the lion in the darkness of the wilderness. Caroline Herschel with her father discovered the great metaphysical planet, Uranus, which came into power as a destroyer in 1912, and after seven years of devastations and war, will establish the great Brother- hood of Man, when morality and equality shall reign. The greatest mathematician the world ever knew was a woman, Mary Summerville. The "woman mystic", Mme. Guyon, did more good with her prayers than all the ministers in the land. Josephine, the wife of Napoleon, was called the "Woman Inspirer." Mme. Curie, working in her husband's laboratory in Paris, has compelled the world-scientists to recognize her important discovery of radium, which readily sells for a million dollars an ounce. 28 WOMAN OF THE HOUR It was given to Barbara Fritchie to stand head and shoulders above men in the South during the war of '61. In her hand was the greatest emblem of the "Brother- hood of man", in her heart the Divine Mother-Love was surging forth, in her voice, (the index of the soul) was a strength and courage of womanhood to defy the world and stand by the Principles which makes our America the grandest, and the freest country on the globe for the advancement and development of womankind. With the spirit of Barbara Fritchie we, of the New Humanity, may cry out: Shoot if you must the woman of earth, but spare the Re-generate Mothers, and Fa- thers, the Saviours of the race, of which the American Flag, floating from a stall is one of the illustrations of this double glory in the world, because the staff sym- bolizes the positive Creative principle, its cord represents the chain of Love binding man and woman together in the purity of the Law. The folds of bunting are em- blems of Woman's floating drapery, the Blue means Mutual-Truth and Fidelity; the White, woman's Purity; and the Red, symbolizes her periodicity and ability to defy death by re-generating, and re-peopling the world thru the Knowledge of the Law of her Being. So we could enumerate indefinitely for the Woman in every walk of life, physical, mental, moral, spiritual as superior in her organization to every plane to which man has yet attained. Miss Florence King, of Chicago, 111., one of the fore- most lawyers of the woman world, practicing in the United States Supreme Courts, claims the record of hav- ing put a $5,000,000 corporation entirely out of business by proving in open court that the corporation was in the wrong, and that her client was in the right, proving, too, woman's ability in the commercial world. There is every evidence and proof that the great un- developed principles of morality and Christianity must be uplifted and re-instated by regenerate woman. No matter what may be said and written against woman, she absolutely is the motor-power, motive-power, the formative-power, the dynamic-power of the world, for PAST PRESENT FUTURE 29 out of chaos comes cosmos. The first creation of God out of Cosmos was the Eternally-Feminine, thus the re- generate woman is co-partner with God. WOMAN'S WORK. As this is an age of rivalry, we as women of the New Humanity must concentrate, and consecrate all our ener- gies and powers of mind, might and strength to be hurled against the barriers between us and the objects of all our desires. That we may reap the rewards of Justice to woman, we must utilize, and improve every opportunity as it comes for forging ahead. We must look with the fem- inine Intuitional eye, deeper into the complications, prob- lems and mysteries which surround us than men with all their positive reasoning powers have ever thot to do, and be ready to grasp in one minute, what the lesser minds would in five minutes. We must plan while those who are ignorant of the laws of life, and Nature, are sleep- ing. We must act while dull minds are planning. This requires a resolute determination to "Dare", to "Do", to "Be". To die if necessary, in the attempt to stand by our convictions, when we know the right, and bring forth to the honor and glory of God, mentally and physically, thus glorify the body of woman until it is transfigured into Immortality for the body, mind and soul of the world. A MAHATMA says: "Throughout all past ages one fatal thought has vitiated every attempt of man on this planet to establish a civilized state. This destroying thought has been the wrong interpretation of sex. The male has assumed that he was Lord of all Life, whereas the opposite fact is nearer the truth ; if there be any dis- tinction the female element of Nature is the higher. Man by his false assumption has brought repeated ruin upon all his attempts to build a lasting civilization." The dominant idea of supremacy the past thirteen thousand years has been a fatal one, indeed. Crime and Christianity have gone hand in hand, disease, insanity and penitentiary victims ever on the increase. Man- 30 WOMAN OF THE HOUR made laws cannot stem the tide. If these laws have been a failure in the past, it is now time for woman to come to the front and assert her Divine Rights, not altogether as a suffragette, but as a wife, a mother and redeemer of the race, and thereby build a new body, free from dis- ease and crime, a New Civilization. Sciences and Religions must come together on one platform to demonstrate every claim as valid. The ques- tion of Right and Wrong will be decided upon its own merits. No other way. The world religions in all ages have placed mothers and loyal women in a dependent position, making the sons of the race subservient tools of those dominant powers, ready at their command to shoot down a common brotherhood, filling the nations with widows and or- phans. Why such carnage, to prevent a nation's honor? So the world resumes her old sway of repeated history of cruelty, of wars, premature deaths, until the mothers of the race awaken to take up the study of Nature, then to teach their children those laws and the terrible con- sequence of their violations, which heretofore she has not known. She could not give to her family that of which she had never heard. Wars can never cease until woman finds herself, and lives by the highest within, for it is this power in wom- an which can quench the Satanic spirit of war, as water quenches fire. Woman has never known herself in the Divine plan. There is no part of the present system of society bearing the impress of woman's identity. All is from the mascu- line standpoint, but in the upward spiral of evolution, woman must step into places which hitherto man has filled. Long, long, women have measured themselves by men. The self-centered power of the true woman soul is yet hidden, but this will be found, will be established and poised, for she will rise above emotions. Her Word will become Law, tho she is aware of the fact that it is no easy task to oppose that which would burn at the PASTPRESENT FUTURE 3 1 stake witches, because they were women who knew things intuitively. The great Woman Movement means more than the ballot, more than Equal Rights. It means a reconstruc- tion of society. It means that human beings shall be considered of more value than property. It means a state of society in which all that tends to physical, men- tal, moral welfare of gestating mothers shall be consid- ered of more value than bank accounts, palaces and ca- thedrals, or any other place or power held at the expense of the people, and keeping them in oppression. It means a universal law which will give every woman Divine Rights, then asylums and state institutions will not be needed. There will be no unwilling mothers, no degrad- ing diseases with flames and tortures, wide spread and terrible in the extreme. It requires the Wisdom of the student of Nature, and all Bible allegories to prove woman's claims for herself. These must be quoted because they shadow forth that which "like attracts like" confirms, for the time has passed when those who think for themselves can be bound by: "Thus saith the Lord." We know the mean- ing of "Lord" is Law. Law is Uncreate, Eternal, Providential, can never be changed, for its authority is the Absolute. Unchangeable in its demands, disobey and we suffer the consequences. Such is ever the language of Law, and in its knowledge and Wisdom lies our only hope for a future race, as well as for the present inharmonious conditions. We have questioned physicians, keepers of asylums, all state institutions, and many progressive scientific minds, and have yet to find one dissent from our views upon the matter of ignorance regarding the law of propa- gation. Sad, but true. Where these laws have not been known, kept or given any attention, there we have the most gross barbarism in regard to the body, and the most darkened intellects imaginable. The slaughterings of the dark ages do not compare with some of the exist- ing conditions on every hand in this our "Christian Age", and who can explain the cause? Only those who 32 WOMAN OF THE HOUR can recognize the truths within the inner consciousness, and become fearless enough to remove the covering from the sacred truths hidden in all Bibles and history of woman and the Law, since time immemorial. It has been found that in not one instance where the parents and children have kept the God-given Nat- ural Laws, and the command "To be temperate in all things" for fifteen years, has there been a case of first or second death rating, disease, insanity or criminality. "Behold the axe is laid at the foot of the tree (knowledge) and every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit (humanity) is cast into the fire", meaning chaos, confusion, inharmony with Nature. Like Jacob, woman must wrestle with the principle where life is generated, for it is said: "For now thou hast power with God and man, and shall prevail." We must remember it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the God of Life, but when woman comes to realize her position as the embodiment of a Creator, co- partner with God, the "Bride of the Lamb", the Intui- tional-Christ Principle, and acts upon it from her re- generate plane, there shall be no more sorrow. A "New Heaven and a New Earth will appear", therefore a new understanding, and a glorified body, where we live, move and have being. In these days with the "Son of Man in the heavens", Aquarius, a complete revolution is taking place in all the world. We are face to face with the truth of woman's place as never before. Nothing can be hidden in the Air Age, of Aquarius. Artificial standards are being torn to pieces, to be crushed out of existence. The married and single alike are being compelled to face the great problem of overcoming the lesser by the greater. Nature is asserting herself, for she is stronger, more true to the law of growth than are intellectual and educational standards. "The Wisdom of man is as fool- ishness with God." It is the God- Wisdom in woman that is gradually pushing the race to the desired goal, as we shall prove. PAST -PRESENT FUTURE 33 The mother-heart of woman covers the rocks of false teachings which made her a slave to worldly ideas in all ages. Heavy blows in the knowledge of Cause and Ef- fect must be struck, false ideas must be drilled with sharp-pointed weapons, for "The Word of God is a two- edged sword". Intuition will balance and protect the principle so rudely trampled upon in all past, for out of the darkness shall come a statue of Liberty enlighten- ing the world with the sacred knowledge of the "HOLY OF HOLIES", The Regenerate Woman. While the Dark-Forces or Black-Magicians are de- termined to keep all humanity in ignorance and subjec- tion, the Celestials have said: "All heavens are open, and the gates of hell are held back, that the Divine Il- lumination may shine down to the very depths." The Aquarius Man of the Zodiac is the ruling sign over the earth now in the heavens, and is said to be "MINOS THE JUDGE" (Greek Mythology), who pours out of his Vase rewards for the Just and retribution for the Evil-doers. Now is the time long ago predicted, the "BATTLE OF GOG AND MAGOG", (mind, positive and negative) dual forces, troublesome times, but not without its har- bingers. The powers of darkness and ignorance are drawn up in battle-array, for it is also the war of "Arma- geddon" spoken of in Revelations, war with Self, the voice of seven angels (cycles) pouring out the vial into the Air Age. The "Great City" spoken of as ruling the kings of the earth, is woman, divided into three distinct parts, each acting with all intensified strength, supported by the un- seen forces of all of each kind gone on before. One part represents the "Great Red Dragon" which must go down and out with the in-human souls. One part the embodi- ment of indifference, sensuality and selfishness. Last, but not least, is the awakened City-Woman, wherein the seed of Righteousness is springing up, from which a mighty harvest will be gathered in this, the "Golden Age". 34 WOMAN OF THE HOUR "This Dragon" (a great red dragon) is a dragon for strength, a dragon for terror, a dragon for fierceness and cruelty, as having seven heads, placed on seven horns, divided into seven provinces, as the Roman Em- pire was by Caesar, with seven Crowns upon his head. Daniel saw this Beast without a Name, and spelled it "666", which in these days is mammon, greed, lust, mon- archy, royalty, hierarchy, autocracy. Every beast has its co-partner on the animal plane, therefore the very worship of the beast in all phases has reached its apex; something is happening which the world knows not of. Who can doubt this is the "Beast" tho we cannot take it literally, but the problem has been solved by the great World War. The great question now is, Pagan or Papal, Protestant, Autocracy or Democracy in all things ? A climax is reached. "Paganism never seduced her kings to join in her idolatries, never intoxicated the inhabitants with the wine of her fornications. She ruled with an iron rod, and left them to ancient usages and worships, imported the idols and vices of conquered nations and thus became flatly conquered." The Christ Principle is the dividing line between two extremes, its coming broke the link in the chain which bound and held the divine woman to the material world plane. Standing as a spectator, looking upon the degraded conditions of perverted laws in the wake of agonizing suffering, mental and physical, we recall the statement in the Book of Books: "The elements of the earth (body) shall melt with fervent heat, that the world with all its works therein shall be burned up." Such a destiny seems to have fitted all past ages and extends far into the present. The question of growth is a question of enlarged consciousness. In fact there is nothing but conscious- ness. Consciousness embraces and includes all there is, is simply graded planes of the One Life, One Love, One Eternal Law. PAST-PRESENT-FUTURE 35 It is said that we as humans even with the most brilliant intellect and world accomplishments have but one-tenth of the Universal Consciousness in activity, without the Light of regeneration upon our path of material life. The past Dispensation has been called one of ma- teriality, or the law of competition in activity in its ex- tremes, and looking about into social life with its com- mercial dealings, into gaiety with its cares and extremes of fashions, into the churches, societies and sciences, even with their accumulations of service, forms, cere- monial magic, etc., it seems that all mankind are en- gaged in a monstrous undertaking which absorbs body, mind and estate, so that life has become a chase after wealth, social prestige, vain-glory and ostentation. All this in its limitlessness, employs but one-tenth of the One All-Consciousness. But as in the days of Elijah the Father has reserved a remnant to himself, as we shall know. If we study that history of the world given in all Bibles, examine every age described in the writings of man, study every form of life in the mineral, vegetable and animal kingdoms, it will be found that ever and al- ways the horde, mass or majority has worked out its own destruction, because of the lack of degree in con- sciousness. But in every case, and every age, a select few has been chosen to be the seed of higher life and existence by an Overshadowing Power. As every individual soul is plus that which he brings into earth life with him, it is easy to determine the plane of an individual, as everything in the universe carries its history with it. What is true of the universe is also true of humanity. Only a little study of humanity proves who the re-generate, and "chosen", and "a remnant" are. Many members and students of our Order have asked : What is Regeneration ? Who are the regenerate ? The answer is almost wholly contained in the fact that the individual has been aroused out of the common world consciousness, to ask the question, "What is Regener- 36 WOMAN OF THE HOUR ation?" It shows a wrestling of the spirit to lead the soul into a higher consciousness. Re means raised. Regeneration, therefore, means raised to the God-Consciousness within, the "Temple of the Living God". Generation is of the material world. The re-generate are those who are raised to Thinking for themselves, and are no longer a "weak minded gen- try" swayed by opinions of others. Regeneration is the awakening of the higher faculties or other degrees in Consciousness. We cannot know re- generation, however, until we know and understand gen- eration and the laws governing the universe. Emerson says: "Man is the Universe." "Know Thyself, know there is a Law that knows you". "Know Thyself and you may know others". The regenerate include all who know the Esoteric Philosophy, Occultism, Mysticism, Alchemy, Hermetic, or Divine Wisdom. Esoteric means hidden truths. Occultism deals with the hidden forces of Nature. The Occultists study, con- template, discover, see the Divine in Nature and all hu- manity. The Alchemists are the refiners, refining the "Crude into Gold", in other words are those who are able to transmute the essences of life up to a higher con- sciousness to be refined into the "Divine Wisdom" Gold. "Alchemy", "AL" or "EL" (Hebrew) the deity name commonly translated "GOD" meaning "Mighty" or Supreme. The chemist-fire, or God and patriarch. Sensation beginning in the physical world, it is in the world of physics we begin to know Occult Laws. The "Mystic" is one who is able to enter into full possession of the Inner-Life, who seeks the Truth and finds his higher-soul in the center of himself, that divine consciousness and realization Nirvana Perfect Bliss. "In the world but not of the world." The most ancient teachings in the world are Her- metic. "As above so below" recognizing a correspond- ence in the heavenly bodies with all things on earth. These Hermetic teachings have been handed down to custodians from prehistoric times and were the doc- PAST PRESENT FUTURE 37 trines accepted and taught in the schools of the Magi in ancient Chaldea and in Egypt. The Masters of this school penetrated the innermost recesses of all Nature, grasping her arcane secrets and making her forces sub- servient to the Imperial Will. Perhaps at no time since those days have occult sciences been so well understood. In later ages to preserve their knowledge for posteri- ty, and at the same time to keep it from the hands of a fast degenerating priesthood, who would likely use it for self-aggrandizement, this Brotherhood made their or- ganization secret. No one could be initiated into this school or Brotherhood until they had proven indisputa- bly that they were worthy and well qualified to receive such priceless Wisdom. In the year 2,440 B. C. this Order separated from the Theocracy of Egypt, and thru all subsequent time as a secret organization has been preserved, exerting its beneficent influence upon the Western World. To this Hermetic School we are indebted for the foundation of every science upon which advanced teach- ings rest. At this time Women were admitted to these schools as equals of men. The Greek Philosophers, Thales, Pythagoras, Plato and many others famed for learning, received initiation directly at the service of the Egyptian members of the Fraternity. All ancient philosophers were famed for their intuitional insight. At a later date this revered Order gave that impulse to learning in Alexandria which made that city so justly famed. It was one of the Brotherhood, the noble Hypatia, who after the decline of the Colleges of that city was the last to withstand the onslaughts of superstition and ig- norance, dying in the endeavor to spread the Light of ancient Wisdom. It was this Order that preserved the taper of learning from complete extinguishment during the dark ages, and was responsible for kindling with it the fires of Sciences and Philosophy in Europe even in the face of relentless persecutions. 38 WOMAN OF THE HOUR Hypatia, with her father was a great mathematician and philosopher, a martyr of Pagan times, standing for the knowledge and truth meant for an oppressed people. Born in Alexandria 350 A. D. She studied in Athens, be- came a lecturer and expounder, and was at the head of the Neo-Platonic Schools. People were fascinated by her eloquence and charm of modesty and beauty. She had remarkable intellectual and intuitional gifts, and drew about herself a distinguished following. She was an ob- ject of fear and hatred to the Monks, and a fanatical Christian mob by whom she was ultimately murdered, stripped and cut her to pieces with oyster shells. Thus she gave her life for a Truth, and for the Light that is burning upon the hearthstone of every sincere conscious- ness in these days. From Clinton's "Egypt, Cradle of Ancient Masonry", we read : "It was in the City of Alexandria on the steps of the Ceasereurn, that Hypatia, the maiden philosopher, was murdered by order of the Christian Archbishop Cyril in the year 415. She had been lecturing to the as- sembled thousands in the immense auditorium of this magnificent structure upon her favorite questions, Whence? Why? and Whither? By her eloquence and subjects chosen, she drew immense numbers to hear her, and at the same time evoked the envy and wrath of the Christians, which eventually led to her destruction, and the suppression of the Greek School. The death of Hy- patia, and the destruction of the Alexandrian libraries, resulted in the stamping out of the glorious Theosophi- cal and Philosophical Truths, gave great power into the hands of the early Church fathers, and turned the Euro- pean world into the dark night of Christian barbarism that hung over the world and the people like a deadly peril for 1200 years." The "Chosen" are those who are Overshadowed from age to age, and at the present time the members of this renewed ancient Wisdom are using their power for prac- tical altruistic purposes, and are directing their potent forces toward the preservation of philosophical equilibri- um between two dangerous extremes gross materialism PAST PRESENT FUTURE 39 on the one hand, which leads to soul annihilation; and uncritical mysticism on the other, ultimately to fanatical superstition, because of the truth of the sayings in evi- dence on every hand: 'Tor there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets; and shall show great signs and wonders; insomuch that if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect." There exists an Occidental School of Occultism, Her- metic Wisdom, a Western Fraternity of Esoteric Stu- dents, who are brothers and sisters of Light, and who realizing the sacred truth of Universal Brotherhood are devoting their energies to the physical, moral, mental, and spiritual uplift of humanity. They investigate all the realms of Nature that the latent and unseen active forces may be discovered, and subjected to a well bal- anced Will, thereby becoming Masters, rather than slaves to circumstances and environments. This Wisdom teaches that the physical is not to be ignored, that to do perfect work on the physical life plane there must be a perfect instrument-body with which to work. It proves that the intellectual develop- ment should not be slighted, acknowledging reason to be the balance wheel of the soul, and that the proper cul- tivation of this power is necessary as a guard against credulity and consequent fanaticism. It advocates the systematic cultivation of soul powers to the end that all humanity may attain to Self-Conscious Immortality. Therefore, "Those who seek shall find" this Divine Wis- dom. For, "Ask and ye shall receive". WISDOM SCHOOL. Each member pledges himself to utilize all his pow- ers and possibilities to alleviate the physical and mental sufferings of humanity, to make every effort to dispel the darkness of ignorance, prejudice and superstition wherever found in the world. To become efficient in the work each member strives for individual perfection thru the harmonious develop- ment of intellect and soul, recognizing equality with all, whatever the degree attained, proving themselves 40 WOMAN OF THE HOUR worthy of Divine Wisdom, as Xenophon quoted: "Ren- der thyself deserving of those divine secrets". And the Great Jehovah demanded: "Study and show thyself ap- proved unto God, and be not ashamed to rightly divide the Word of Truth." Often in this twentieth century, the very mention of Occult Fraternity is associated with dreary Oriental speculation, and ascetic practices ; with the mysticism of mediaeval Christianity, or with teachings of such pres- ent day investigators as have attempted to remodel past theories and mystics to harmonize with one another, as well as with the later developments of sciences. The name of such Fraternities is "Legion". SECOND CHAPTER DUAL LAW "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts higher than your thoughts." Isaiah. "I form the light and create darkness I make peace and create evil, I, the Lord, do all these things." Isaiah. "The Word of God is quick and powerful, and sharper than any two edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart." Hebrew. "Now the parable is this: The seed is the word of God." Luke. "And Esau hated Jacob and said, I will slay my brother Jacob." Genesis. "By the sword thou shalt live. And it shall come to pass when thou shalt have dominion that thou shalt break his yoke from off thy neck." Genesis. "And Jacob gave Esau bread and pottage of lentiles; and he did eat and drink, and rose up, and went his way. Thus Esau de- spised his birthright." Genesis. HE visible phenomena of the Universe is bound by the universal law of Cause and Effect. The effect is visible or perceptible, while the invisible cause is imperceptible. We are overwhelmed and lost in wonder as we trace the hand of God in the marvelous way in which He has always dealt with His own in the Law of Duality, guid- ing thru mystical paths, chastening sorely to teach hu- manity His way, but how slow have the people in all ages been to learn that "God is Love". When man began to look about for a solution to the many problems of life, he was bewildered, and seemed to be in a maze of contradictions, in a labyrinth of confu- sion, and wondered: "Who AM I, and What am I here for?" He may have looked around in every direction, 41 42 WOMAN OF THE HOUR delved deep into the mysteries of geology, consulted the stars, reveled in the wonders and beauties of Nature, en- joyed the analysis of the vegetable kingdom, in the study of botany, pondered and experimented in the chemical laboratory, exhausted the resources of the electrician, reviewed the progress of mechanics and of every inven- tion of modern times, still he is bewildered, but at last he comes to know the fact that the evolution of all sci- ences and their achievements was possible only thru the evolution of humanity and in the knowledge of the Law of Creation in its dual form. This Dual Law in its great diversity of forms has ever been the subject of the deepest interest to think- ing and rational beings. Poets have sung of its joys and its sorrows, its bril- liant phantasies and harsh realities ; and some have thot it nothing more than a stupendous force, a farce, a delu- sion of the senses. Philosophers have spent their lives in vain attempts to solve its marvelous mysteries. Occultists have sought to impress humanity with the truth, that dual-life is real and teeming with grave responsibilities. Physiologists have busied themselves with observing the phenomena of this dual-force, learning from the study of Nature something of the great law of cause and effect, action and reaction. Psychologists have found that the "Holy of Holies" is embodied in all the attributes of the dual-law in the perfect blending of God's highest creations: The man and the woman in the law. We may look on every side of life and see the mani- festations of this dual force. In the animal world, veg- etable, mineral world, or kingdoms, in every species of humanity, both perfect and imperfect. Physical science proves that the hugest beasts of the forests are no more living creatures than the smallest insects. The largest tree and the tiny blade of grass are alike imbued with a something we call life, which is dual-life in everything, from the leaves on the trees to the countless sands on the seashore, hence thru every- PAST PRESENTFUTURE 43 thing dependent upon Air, the Breath of Life, for exist- ence. Even the very earth and all the rocks are filled with this dual-life, and are constantly undergoing changes thru the unceasing efforts of this which we call duality. Who has discovered its origin? Who can ex- plain its mystery? It is of the Absolute, we can only know, IT IS. The microscope reveals whole worlds of dual-life which were unknown before the discovery of this won- derful aid to human vision. Whole tribes of living or- ganisms exist, each of which tho insignificant in size, possesses organs as perfect and as useful to it in its sphere, as do animals of greater importance. Under a powerful magnifying glass, a drop of water from a stagnant pool is found peopled with curious ani- mated forms. Slime from a damp rock or a speck of green scum from the surface of a pool, presents a mu- seum of living wonders. Proceeding with this law of dual-life in accordance with all sciences in the analysis of the forms of earthly creatures, as we ascend to higher and higher forms we find humanity at the very summit of the scale of ani- mated existence, the most delicate and intricate living mechanism of all creations. We can trace Nature's order until we can conceive the thot that all we call space is peopled with worlds, and systems of worlds interior to other worlds, until there shall be no such thing as space, and in this which we call space, were our eyes sufficiently refined to see and comprehend all phases of matter, we could perceive millions and millions of worlds interior to still other worlds, all interpervaded by one great essence of Being, which we may call "God". This is Life, dual-life, the One-Life, One-Law, One Mother-Love, Eternally-Fem- inine. We are bewildered, indeed, when we seek to under- stand, but when going out into length, breadth and depth, the vastness of all creation in thot and imagina- tion we can see that all systems are governed by a defi- nite Law of Order, controlling everything, the Sun, the 44 WOMAN OF THE HOUR Moon, the Stars, and all earth life. Not a plant can grow, not an organic life can exist except by the Law of Order. We can easily see everything in the Universe, wheth- er seen or unseen, was created for a special purpose ; and more, we can know that each is mutually dependent upon the other for help and support. This is the law of ma- terial life. Unity and Duality are inseparable laws. Unity could not manifest except by the law of duality. To ignore duality is to lose Unity, or the hope of obtaining it. Without Consciousness we could not know or realize the "I AM" principle, which demands reason in the dual- law. The two states of the One, or Unity, is of the Absolute Life, latent. Like must produce Like, an immutable law. Abso- lute Life cannot produce an inorganic atom, whether simple or complex. Two like poles always repel each other, while the negative and positive are naturally at- tracted. Duality is the very essence of the manifested universe. Spirit and Matter are but aspects of One Unity. Good and Evil are two relative terms; the existence of one depends upon that of the other. Good cannot, exist with- out Evil, and Evil cannot exist without being related to Good. When the Creator created what He called "Good", He must have created Evil, or we could not have known of the good, from what we call evil. As such we must admit that the Creator, call Him what we will, of good and evil, sat at the same time to create this world, which is a mixture of both good and evil, as it is said: "The only planet of struggles". The Positive pole acts in the manifested world of Matter, while the Negative pole is lost in the Unknowable, Absoluteness of Being, the Eternally-Feminine. If Evil disappeared from the earth life, Good would go with it. Existence is the seen and the unseen. Time embraces the past and the future. We can only know Unity thru the door of duality. To Humanity, standing on the threshold of a New Dispensation, there will come PAST PRESENT FUTURE 45 a New Unity, which in reality is the figure 4, Four, or Harmony, the Square embracing the Trine, included in the sign of the planet Jupiter, meaning "Brotherhood" 10, Nature's whole, man and woman, positive and nega- tive. In this we have the Elohim of the World, Jehovah- God, represented by the English letters I-H-V-H, origi- nally meaning the "POWERS THAT KNOW" Law and mathematical order. 1 plus 2 equals 3, 3 plus 3 equals 6, Gplus 4 equals 10. Showing Jupiter to be one of the coming realizations, or man and woman in Truth, Unity, Love, Purity, Justice, Liberty. The spirit of the New Age, or the Outpouring of the Spiritual, "Knowledge shall cover the earth as the waters cover the sea." Our Bible often speaks of devils, and one of the com- missions given by the Master to His followers was to cast out devils. The word used for the devil is in Greek "Diabolos", and in the Hebrew, "Satan", both having the same general meaning of the principle of negation; but individual devils are called in Hebrew, "sair", a hairy one, and in the Greek, "daimon", a spirit, or shade, and these terms indicate evil spirits having personal identity. In consequence of ignorance the affirmative power has been attributed to the Negative, and as earth is called negative to the Sun, and earth is called Mother, while the Sun is called Father, it now becomes clear why wom- an is called Evil, and of the devil, or tempted of Satan. Again, we are told that the devil is Satan. This name appears to be another form of "Saturn", a heavenly body, and may also be connected with the root, "sat" or "seven", Saturn being in the old symbolical astronomy the outermost or seventh planet. In that system the centre is occupied by Sol or the Sun, which represents the life-giving principle, and Saturn represents the oppo- site extreme, or Matter at the point furthest removed from Pure Spirit. Now, taken in due recognition, Matter or Concrete Form is as necessary as spirit itself, for without it there could be no manifestation of Spirit, in other words no existence whatever. Seen from this point of view, there is nothing evil in the sense of association with the fern- 46 WOMAN OF THE HOUR inine, or Woman, and on the contrary it might be com- pared to a lamp which concentrates the light, and gives it a particular attraction of direction, and in this aspect Matter is called "Lucifer" or the "Light Bearer". Matter, then, may be called "Eternally Feminine", the co-partner with God All Good. Evolution is a continuous process of building up, the successive building of more and more complex organ- isms, both physically and mentally, thus expressing more and more the life of Supreme Intelligence by means of the unfolding individual consciousness. Why, then, should not the power which is able to carry on the race, incarnation after incarnation, as a perpetually improv- ing expression of itself do the same with humanity? That is the question with which we have to deal, in other words, Why need there be wars, contention, di- vorces, disease, jealousy, hate? Why should the world not go on in perpetual expansion and harmony? This question may seem absurd in the light of past history. Those who believe in blind forces, answer that it is all a law of Nature, and those who believe in Christian teachings, answer that it is the appointment of God. The truth is that the dual-law ever in action is Provi- dential Law and can never be changed. Common-sense teaches that ultimately there can be only ONE Power in the universe, which must be the Building-Power, so there can be no such thing as nega- tive and positive except as a dual-manifestation. But we must not make the mistake of supposing that because there actually is no universal devil in the same sense as there IS Universal God, therefore there are no individual devils. Jesus said when talking to the Pharisees, (the worldly) "Is it not written in your Law, I said, Ye are Gods." And again: "The harlots shall see the kingdom of God before you." Job says : "There is a spirit in man and the inspiration of the Almighty giveth them under- standing." This action of spirit is duality, and it is true that the negative is the formative and of the Eternally- Feminine, therefore a negative state of thots operating PAST PRESENTFUTURE 47 in the mind without the action of the positive, attracts of its kind. To dwell in self-pity, censure, hate, jealousy, envy, is to attract obsession, disease, sickness, poverty and all sorts of inharmonious relations with Nature. On the other hand, to dwell in negative, receptive thots with the positive ever in mind, the "I AM that I AM", the voice that spoke to Moses, in the lead, the creations for Good, to the honor and glory of God, are limitless. "Take thy shoes from off thy feet", yes, these are "sacred grounds". Thots are in spirals, and when sent out come back to the sender heavy with the world thots, attracted of the planes, or elementals of their kind. The action of dual-law "Like attracts Like". Could the veil of ignorance be lifted, and we be al- lowed to look into the great storehouse of Wisdom, such as the prophets and seers looked upon, "could we climb where Moses stood and view the landscape o'er", could we say as Paul said: "I know not whether I was in the body, or out of the body", then we could be able to com- prehend all that which now seems not for us. But the time is come when the positive and negative dual-forces are to balance, and bring forth creations never yet dreamed of. Humanity will bring forth understandingly in the "Law of Good and Evil". God created darkness that there might be Light, created Night and Day, Heat and Cold, Earth and Air, Water and Fire, "male and female created He them". We have the whole story in Fiction and Facts, com- bined in the Concrete and Abstract: Adam, red-earth; Eve, Life, "Mother of all living". From these come Cain and Abel, Moses and Pharoah, Sarah and Hagar, Jacob and Esau, Ruth and Boaz, Rehoboam and Jero- boam, all of the Twelve Tribes of Israel in the Dual Law. Few have understood and differentiated between the Concrete and the Abstract, the one of the Objective, and the other of the Subjective senses, dual, for matter op- poses spirit, in the concrete, the abstract operations in Reason and Intuition, dual, for reason enslaves intuition 48 WOMAN OF THE HOUR until the Christ Principle raises, (re-generates) man- reason. The Old Testament, "Letter of the Law" and the New Testament, "Spirit that maketh alive" are dual. The Masonic Order and every secret organization, found- ing of governments, every Nation's Flags are based upon the Dual-Law. All Nature is dual. Every Truth is dual. Truth Cabalistically defined means the Cross. The letter on each end of the word represents the Cross. TH, in He- brew, is the Cross; R stands for discrimination; U stands for self -protection. "Truth crushed to earth shall rise again". "IF YOU HAVE THE TRUTH, THERE SHALL BE A BEATEN PATH TO YOUR DOOR". This Truth in the Cross signifies struggle for its own place. Truth is dual in religions, politics, nations and governments. The truth to one individual or nation, could be an absolute untruth to another. TRUTH is that SOMETHING the Egyptians called "Hermetic Wisdom". A seal placed upon everything in the Universe. Orpheus of Greece discovered it and called it "Music". Pythagoras was first to call it "Cos- mos". Zoroaster of Persia called it "Power". Buddha of India called it "Real-Law". Socrates of Athens called it "Spirit". Jesus of Palestine called it "Love". Paul called it "The Christ". Emerson called it "Over-Soul". Shakespeare called it "Soul". Walt Whitman called it "Consciousness". Mesmer called it the "Law of Sug- gestion". Therefore Truth, in its many phases is a dual-law, and Law is a method by which we live, move and have Being. Every individual is a law unto himself, and asleep with the world soul, until quickened into consciousness of the whole Truth, then he lives the truth, and loves to live, and "lives to love". Thus step by step we measure, and weigh, whatever we are in consciousness, that we are in God, the Knower, Knowing, Known. Recognizing Adam and Eve as the race, and not as a man and woman, we can readily understand the alle- gorical story of Cain killing Abel, as fitting to all ages PAST PRESENT FUTURE 49 and all humanity. In the law of generation the stronger always overpowers the weaker. Moses represents the Law, and Pharoah's hosts rep- resent the crude creating of the appetites and passions in the letter of the law. Sarah represents the lawful wife in the purity of the Law, while Hagar represents the "Bond Woman" or un- cleanness of the Law. Esau sold his birth-right to Jacob, then afterward despised it. Esau represents woman in the law. Feet, understanding, Heel, feminine. Showing woman gives the Divine force to the masculine, but after receiving the knowledge, Scorpio re-creates, re-generates. Ruth, the Moabitess, was beautiful to behold, gleaned in the field of Boaz's consciousness, thus received her reward for the purity of heart, virtue and soul, after de- claring to Naomi: "Thy people shall be my people, and thy God my God". Rehoboam and Jeroboam are the good and wicked kings over the Twelve Tribes of Israel, (twelve faculties of the body). Before Jesus came, the Gentiles worshipped the "sun- god" Jupiter, and the Jews looked upon them with awe, as they knew not the God of the Gentiles, nor His Laws. They had the knowledge of the "Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil" and lost it. The Gentiles never had it. Thus the Jews are still wanderers upon the face of the earth, persecuted and driven hither and yon, having no God, no country, no flag, only money. In Boston, U. S. A., the year 1915, seventy thousand of the orthodox kind met, and set up a new dominant Key, by three claps of the hands, and three vibratory words all in one harmonic sound: "Palestine Is Ours." Which will pave the way back to their ancient City, to begin as from the begin- ning. The "Two Witnesses" spoken of in the Scriptures are the Jew and the Gentile, forever at war with each other. At the present time one-fourth of the Jews have accepted the Christ, and one-sixth of the Gentiles have accepted the Law. "Woe to the man by whom the of- fenses come". "He who knows the Law is judged by the 50 WOMAN OF THE HOUR Law, and he who knows not the Law is judged by the motive in the act". If the motive be selfish gains it ultimately attracts to itself degrading and inharmonious conditions, strengthened by the earth-bound entities op- erating the black forces, according to the plane and in- tensity of the selfishness. One who knows the Law with its cause and effects set up by the individual finds satisfaction in the higher laws of justice and in the courts of consciousness where he realizes that to be just and charitable to himself, bal- ancing in the law, is to be just to others, for the first law of Nature is "self-preservation" and the first law of Psychology, Soul, is "Confidence", by which we are safe to balance in all things, as the numerical value of Na- ture is 6, meaning two ways, two trines, positive and negative, male and female in generation. The numerical value of Confidence is 10, meaning Nature's Whole, Knowledge and Wisdom. Marriage, without the knowledge and wisdom in the Natural Law, causes the "Orange Blossoms of the Al- tar" to become blasted with the white frosts of domestic wretchedness and the bridal robes to turn into a shroud, as it were, as ghastly as could be woven of the fibers in the chemical impurities, mentally and physically, with the blending of two in Nature, the dual-law of propa- gation. The feminine is the Initiate, always drawing unto herself thru the law of cohesion, therefore is able to lead to the lowest depths, and to the highest pinnacle, wher- ever her plane of consciousness radiates. In the dual- force it is electro-magnetic creative activity, both con- structive and destructive. With the decline of feminine dignity, delicacy and moral rectitude must come the inevitable destruction of the race, for this saps the very life-blood, essence of life, and drives to despair. What of the taints of heredity, so-called? Think of the wretched babes nourished by vitiated blood, neglect- ed by the drug-dominated brains of some mothers. What crime greater than to bring offsprings into the world PAST-PRESENT FUTURE 5 1 already cursed by parental offenses? The female drunk- ard reeling homeward is not a more deplorable, nor real- ly more pitiable object, than the morphine and chronic drug user. The "smart" society woman is more often a greater secret drug and cigarette fiend than we could imagine. The expression of her eyes and her general appearance, tho clothed with costly apparel, shows she cares for noth- ing. Her mind is a vague, horror-haunted chamber filled with dead hopes, dishonored love, lost friendships, and disappointments. She lives only in the hope to be re- newed with an extra cup filled with languid delights, strange dreams, and delicious inactivity, but she soon ceases to combat the desire as it seizes her afresh after each decline. Vulgarity is not easily uprooted, the taints are there, its influence wide-spread. Wealth cannot purchase im- munity from sins of taste, nor the offenses of mind and morals, or lack of delicacy of feeling. The world society in general, however, seems to have declared: "We can not only overlook these defects, but we must imitate them and keep pace with the demands'*. On the other hand it is woman who can ascend to the highest thru the virtue and Godliness of the divinity of womanhood, motherhood, Godhood, in the Eternally- Feminine of herself, and become* the "head and not the tail" and lead the kings of the earth to heights unat- tained by them in any age. For pure, true and holy Woman-Love is not a wild, strong, fiery, impetuous pas- sion. It is on the contrary calm, deep and clear-seeing, and in its search it looks thru all that is merely exter- nal to the very heart and soul of the universe. Herein we give a few extracts from Hermetic books: "And now I show you a Mystery and a New Thing, which is part of the Mystery of the Fourth-Day of Cre- ation. "The WORD which shall come to save the World, shall be uttered by a Woman. "A Woman shall conceive, and shall bring the Tid- ings of Salvation. 52 WOMAN OF THE HOUR "For the reign of Adam is at its last hour; and God shall crown All Things by the Creation of Eve. "Hitherto the Man hath been alone, and hath had dominion over the earth. "But Woman shall be created, God shall give her the Kingdom; and she shall be first in rule and highest in dignity. "Yea, the last shall be the first, and the elder shall serve the younger. "So that Man the manifestor shall resign his office; and Woman the Interpreter shall give Light to the World. "She is the Eyes which enlighten; the Power which draweth inward to God, and Her Kingdom cometh; the Day of Exaltation of Woman. "For the Woman is the Crown of Man, and the final manifestation of Humanity. "But the creation of Woman is not yet complete; but shall be complete in the time at hand." This prophecy is to the effect that Woman being the last created form must be an improvement on Man, and in due time her superiority will be demonstrated. This is a very difficult doctrine to accept for those whose thots have crystalized in the world ideas, reli- gions, and dominant rule, with the woman ever subserv- ient, and ready to bow to her would-be superiors. This is, however, the "Great-Mother", Shekinah, the Eter- nally-Feminine, speaking. The "Word of God sharper than a two-edged sword" is the Eternally-Feminine manifestation on earth in the dual-law. The "Consuming Fire", Spiritual substance, hence is the essence back of all forms of life, for absence of fire is death. On all planes Fire is a manifestation of Deity, wheth- er as the "consuming fire", the Destroyer, or as the burning zeal of purity, an unseen fire but with all its characteristics, the nearest conception of the powers of the God-head that can be grasped. Woman alone of all creations has the power to use, and in a sense, understand the earthly garment of this PASTPRESENT FUTURE 53 mysterious element. It is the "Flaming Sword of Puri- ty" which turned every way, barred the Adam and Eve Principle from the fruit of the "Tree of Life", which is of the re-generate "Woman of the Hour". Agni, "Fire", is the most perfect reflection of Purity in Heaven as on Earth of the "One Flame". It is life and death, the ori- gin and end of every material thing, "It is Divine Sub- stance". "For our God is a consuming Fire". Of the woman of the world it may be said: "And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colours, and decked with gold and precious stones, and pearls, having a gold- en cup in her hand full of the abominations and filthi- ness of her fornication" Revelations. This is the dual story of Hercules, of whom it is said: "As Hercules was traveling along life's pathway where two roads met, from each there came a young woman, beautiful to behold. One of the world, and one a "Vestal Virgin". One was bedecked with jewels rare, and wore a costly robe of scarlet and fine linen. The other was clad in spotless white. While Hercules paused, not knowing which way to turn, the jewel-bedecked woman said to him, "Follow me, Hercules, the path I tread is strewn with flowers. There are beautiful shade trees along the way, and lusci- ous fruits of every kind, free for those who follow me. I will gratify every desire of your soul, and you may en- joy pleasures of every kind, as leisurely we walk along, if you will but follow me." Her voice was so rich and mellow, her beauty so bewitching, Hercules was about to turn and follow her, when the other young woman, whose robe was spotless white, stepped to him and pointed up the path from which she came, and said: "Hercules, will you follow me up the mountain side? I cannot promise that every desire of your soul will be gratified, for those who travel this way experience privations of every kind. I cannot tell you that the way is pleasant, for there are thorns and thistles, and the road I travel is precipitous and steep, and you will be foot-sore and weary if you follow. And there may be days when you will wish you had never seen my face, but keep climbing, climb on, 54 WOMAN OF THE HOUR tho you may stumble and fall as you try to make your way through the entanglement of shrub and underbrush, strewn along the way, but keep climbing. Climb on until you reach the top and all the treasures of the temples of the gods shall be yours". As she spake she pointed to the top of Mount Olym- pus, and Hercules shading his eyes from the blazing sun, caught a glimpse of the 'Temple of Fame". Turn- ing away from the first young woman, whose name was "VICE", and following the woman "VIRTUE", whose robe like her soul was spotless white, Hercules climbed the mountain of fame, reached the Temple of the Gods, and was crowned the greatest hero the world has ever known, or produced." Sometimes from the immeasurable gulf that has buried in its depths the secret of our origin, a waif drift- ing on the bosom of time finds its way to the limits of the historical epoch, (conception) and reveals something that was, and is lost. Thus we may learn from even the waifs, as we wander upon the trackless shores of a "sil- ent sea" (inner-self) and bring from the drift-wood and rocks all that can be gathered. Much we may learn by every symbolically illustrated picture story of life, by which sooner or later every soul is tested and tried as by Fire. To compare our present day Initiations with those of Moses, Pythagoras, and others, carries us into the ancient Egyptian religious mysteries, that were long before the Christian era. The candidate for these initiations is always dazzled by the physical evidence of Egypt's glory, but this is not all that he is seeking. The initiate is seeking the knowledge of the gods and his soul is working towards Divine Wisdom, therefore re-generation is essential and this must come thru the law of generation. Thus the story runs: "The Esoteric Initiate must withstand the Test of Fire' when he is compelled to cross a seemingly impass- able furnace, which melts into an optical delusion at his approach, (mastery over desires). Then follows the Test by water' (mastery over appetites and passions). PAST PRESENT- -FUTURE 55 After which he is met by two attendants who dry, an- noint and clothe him in fine linen, (knowledge of law). Lulled to a doze in the coverings of a bed by strains of music, he is awakened by an intoxicating vision of life, represented in a beautiful woman of the world, clad in gauze of transparent purple, (her magic wand). She offers him the goblet of happiness, but woes to him when he acecpts the drink therefrom, for it is a poison fungi. After awakening from the profound slumber induced thereby, he is greeted by the Hierophant-High Priest, who tells him that, tho he had passed thru the first test unscathed, still he had not been able to conquer himself, and is therefore condemned, under penalty of death, to remain a slave to the temple (body). Had he withstood the temptress (physical woman), he would in the presence of 12 attendants, (12 brain faculties) under the most terrible penalties, have sworn the oaths of Silence and Submission, and been greeted as a brother and future Initiate. Yet even then he was only reach- ing the very threshold of Truth, for now long years of study and apprenticeship are to begin (the knowledge of the Tree of Good and Evil). Time must be spent in his cell (body) in meditation, to the end, not only 'in knowledge' but 'becoming'. "So passes months and years, and gradually the In- itiate feels transformation, and complete metamorphosis in himself. After one of the long silent prayers he is approached and told by the Hierophant that the final test of death and resurrection is to take place. Placed in an open marble sarcophagus, he falls asleep and during this sleep his past life passes before him. He sees the five- rayed stars with its rainbow colors. He sees Isis, (mother of Wisdom), papyrus scroll in hand, who bends over him and says: 'I am thy invisible sister, thy divine soul, and this is the book of thy life containing blank pages for the future'. A frightful rending takes place, he returns to consciousness and is greeted by the Priest who gives him a cordial to drink and welcomes him as a full initi- ate into the Mysteries of Hermes. ('As it is above so it is below'). So do the philosophers of Egypt transmit 56 WOMAN OF THE HOUR their mysteries of life to the Initiates of the present day." It was Pythagoras, the inspirer of Plato's philosophy, who spent twenty years of his life to attain to full honor of an Egyptian Initiate, and he considered the time well spent, as it enabled him to give the world his profound humanitarian principles. How different with the modern initiate, who is apt to believe when having gone thru physical ceremonies he should be a full fledged member of the order of initiates. All must find the real initiate within himself. Never despise the body, but purify it. Never despise the pas- sions, but elevate them, and try to realize that nothing on earth is really great but humanity. Herein lies the knowledge of generation, and re-generation. "Knowl- edge is absolute". True Initiation enables one to become a Master, and then a god. The wicked obey the law thru fear, the wise keep the law thru knowledge. The most ancient records known are those of this great School, or work of Initiation. The Esoteric, (hidden knowledge) which holds the founda- tion of all truths. Our real initiation begins after we have come into consciousness that there is something more than physi- cal existence proves, and we have signed with the High- er-Self, then should we build up to our ideals. Then should we realize that intellectual development and spir- itual discernment should accompany and follow the physical ceremonies. Otherwise we shall lack that per- fect balance so necessary to peaceful, happy life. There- fore, we are to search until we find the Real Initiation within the Self. As the Spartan Chylo said: "KNOW THY SELF". Fraternity has been defined as bringing into being of fellowship, or brotherly sympathy, the admonitions of the divine attributes of fraternal love, not only to- ward fellow members but to all humanity. Herein lies the secret of true harmony with all Nature, which is the answer to the riddle, a peaceful terrestrial life on earth, thru understanding of Nature's Laws. PAST PRESENT FUTURE 57 IN THE KORAN BIBLE we read of an initiation: 'Then came Mary with a babe to her people bearing him. They said : '0 Mary, now hast thou done a strange thing. sister of Aaron, thy father was not a man of wicked- ness, nor unchaste thy mother'. And she made a sign to them pointing toward the babe. They said: 'How shall we speak with him who is in the cradle, an infant?' It, (the babe) said: 'Verily, I Am the servant of God; He hath given me the Book, and He hath made me a pro- phet; and He hath made me blessed whither I may go, and hath enjoined me prayer and alms-giving so long as 1 shall live; and to be dutious to her that bare me; and He hath not made me proud, depraved. The Peace of God was on me the day I was born, and will be the day I shall die, and the day I shall be raised to life.' ' This is Jesus the son of Mary; this is a statement concerning the truth which they doubt. It is said Noah talked and conversed when first born, also that Zoroaster preached and sang hymns. Great has been the mystery of meeting God face to face in His representatives. At the time of the coming of those "Chosen" to rep- resent the Most-High on earth, the Rome of the Caesars had destroyed all the Sanctuaries of Initiation (to keep the masses in ignorance). To the eyes of the Imperial Power, the different Occult Universities could not be anything but centers of rebellion that were urgent to de- stroy. The brutal forces of the Caesars were uppermost, and it seemed that their power could never be destroyed. There remained only a few secret societies of lay in- itiates of Pythagorian origin, some Essenians, and a few Oriental Initiates, especially Buddhists. It was with these elements that a Roman St. Paul forms his group- ing. It is said the Romans had a peculiar idea of Chris- tianity. Some of the Christian mysteries had reached the ears of the Pagans. They heard that "Christians" meant "to eat somebody" and at once they accused them of killing and eating children. This news frightened and 58 WOMAN OF THE HOUR excited the Romans, who then arrested and condemned to death all the Christians they could find. We may wade thru history from its very beginning and always see two dual forces in operation, each op- posed to the other and struggling for supremacy. What is true of nations is true of the individual, as in the case of the German Kaiser who was responsible for the pres- ent "World War" in all its horrors and devastation. It is proven that the great spirit, Lucifer, dwells in the Kaiser, as surely as the Christ dwelt in the man Jesus. There have always been wars, and the dark forces have always found bodies to possess and obsess that they may overpower the spirit, Michael, All Good, and have possession of the earth. But this can only be for a "Time" and "Times". The "HALF-TIME" is for those who have overpowered the opposing spirit, and have set up a New Kingdom on earth, of which we are now in the beginning, "The Golden Age". Lucifer must be regarded not altogether as a Man, but a planetary God, tho a fallen one, one who has be- come Satanic, and the God of the Sun; think then, of him as a traveler from one embodiment to another, and of the millions of years he has been free to gather unto himself all the influences like unto him, and has gath- ered them together from the whole Solar System, and even beyond. If only we could understand the strength of this evil spirit that obsesses this man, the Kaiser, and its powers over all elements then we might better un- derstand the effects of a great Cause, always in cre- ative activity. Lucifer before his fall was only three Degrees from the Solar-Logos, God of the Sun. With his undying memory, and his knowledge of all the stages in evolu- tion, he has been cast forth, and until he can come back to self-sacrifice, and in humility can lift his eyes to the great Solar-God and say: I Am Thy child, and I have sinned thru selfishness, he shuts himself out. Not yet has he attained unto the perfect knowledge of Justice, else never could he have fallen so low as to have busied PAST PRESENT-FUTURE 59 himself in all the clever devics, poisons and powder, that caused the whistling, bursting, tearing, shrieking In- ferno, and swept the Divine Mother's sons by thousands into premature graves, all to overpower the Lucifer Kaiser of the twentieth century. Subtle temptation caught him, and ever keeps him working in outer dark- ness to fulfill the Lucifer mission and opposing forces in the dual nature working in all things. Hermes Trismegistus, II., writing on "Reincarnation" in the Azoth Magazine, of the Kaiser's Akashic Record, sees the Ex-Kaiser of Germany in many past embodi- ments, always in the same deadly devastating plane of mind, planning the destruction of every good to his own benefit. He says: "We may say that he, (the Kaiser) was virtually the author of the subsequent degenerate prac- tices of the Babylonians and Phoenicians descendants of the Atlantians among whom to comparatively re- cent times persisted the lascivious worship of Semitic tribes, particularly the Carthaginians. Jival, (as was this ego's name, which we know as the Kaiser) reigned in Atlantis about 15,000 B. C. at the period in which it was at the very heighth of its glory; but the evil re- sulting from placing a dissolute priesthood in power honey-combed the foundation of the empire, so that it later tottered and fell, just as Assyria, Babylon, India, Egypt and Rome fell weakened by debaucheries, under cloak of Religion and Law". So the Kaiser appears in all his pomp claiming the God-Power of the Universe, but his body carries an em- blem of past lives, as well as the present, that of a withered arm, a symbol of his fall, and final surrender to all allied powers for good. A Black Magician, versed in all the immutable, and infallible laws of Nature, the Kaiser brought with him the knowledge of past lives with which he was able to operate even more successfully than ever before, and beyond the comprehension and evil doings of any other mortal who has ever lived. He was able with the black magic forces to attract 60 WOMAN OF THE HOUR and by poison gases, etc., the Bubonic plague germs stored in the Astral since the times of the Egyptians, to sieze the people at the present time with what is called "Influenza" so that its killing has been even great- er than the devastations of war, if it could be possible. Well he knew the laws of Nature, knew the infallible law that every male is conceived in the dark of the Moon, so sent his army of illegitimates on a furlough in the dark of the Moon to impregnate every possible wom- an, that his army of men might be strengthened to that degree of power which he must have to accomplish his ends. Thus as a Savant of old, he was able to hypnotize and use all the powers of men and women. THE PERVERTED SAVANT'S USE FOR WOMAN. "The Savant, (men of learning) who wished to re- ceive stronger magnetic forces in order to create on the mental plane instead of on the physical plane, for his own aggrandizement or power for selfish reasons, pre- meditatedly and purposely sought for a woman who had strong passions, and one who would be hypnotized into the belief that he loved and desired her above all other women for his companion. Having found the object of his search he then, snake-like, tempts her in every way possible. He excites her sexual passions by his atten- tions, actions, insinuations, suggestions and deceptive fondlings or pretense of affection, at the same time re- serving his own potent forces for the purpose of mani- festing on a higher plane of action. He excites her in different ways. In this method on account of her recognition of this partial non-committal of his force to fully respond, and to satisfy her cravings for a fuller display of his affection, she in desperation, throws out her own magnetic desire emanations so force- fully and earnestly to secure some spontaneous return of emotions, and for satisfaction, that she loses her forces without receiving anything in return, and there- fore adds fuel to the Creative Fire in him, and he by absorbing her desire emanations and thots, willingly and purposely takes them to his own "River of Fire" which gives him equilibrium of forces and which he then trans- PAST PRESENT FUTURE 6 1 mutes, giving him power to create on a higher plane for his own selfish benefit, and at her expense without giv- ing her satisfaction in full in any way physically or mentally. Thus she loses her forces to him, helping him to her own everlasting detriment. So he usurps her rights in every sense of the word. All this can be accomplished on account of her ignor- ance of humanity and of the Law as well as his decep- tive perversion of intent. This theft of forces may be accomplished with or without physical contact, if he is perfect master of his own emotions, and can transmute the energies aroused in himself as well as those which he received from her. Thus the Soma Juice and Butter are united, producing the higher spiritual potency, alcohol, but which is prac- tically confined by the mixtures, so will not give illumi- nation thru the Fire of the White Light, except in a confused way, never reaching the pure Spiritual illumi- nation which reveals only Truth, and which will have to be generated thru gaining equilibrium of forces in one's own self. Not selfishly depending upon anyone, even if the forces and processes seem to be slower, for it is the only true way and will therefore be more consistent and potent at the "Round up" where Right must prevail". It can readily be seen that any and every prejudice against women of the present age had its settings in ancient times, when the lust for power to rule in selfish- ness overwhelmed every feminine effort to fill her true place. Therefore this argument would not necessarily include the man, or men, husband, father or son, of the present time, as the promoters and rulers of the long ages of superiority over woman. It belongs to the an- cient hierarchy, the Savants, the Lords and rulers who were able to oppress the good people of their time, and establish a sentiment of inferiority for woman, and thereby rob her of her divine rights. C. G. Muskat, of Alhambra, California, comes to the front with his opinions and proofs, in his "THE GOS- PELS ARE FORGERIES". A ten-cent pamphlet with enough sentiment against the Bible to wage a war 62 WOMAN OF THE HOUR against every good the whole world has hoped for in a power of redemption to the coming ages, and names thirty-two great thinkers and writers with him as pro- nouncing the Four Gospels of the New Testament unhis- torical, sectarian fiction, copied from Epictetus, Seneca, Philo, Aratus, Cleanthus; Menander, the Septuagint, Tal- mud, The Greek drama, "Prometheus Bound", from the Stoics, from Paul's Epistles, and other writings. With this extensive argument Mr. Muskat asks: "Why have the Christians killed Hypatia, Bruno, Savan- arola, Servetus, the Hugenots, the Waldenses, and many others?" The true answer can only be given in the common sense way. They who killed were not Christians in the true sense of the word; it also may be explained as we would illustrate Mr. Muskat's ideas by a natural phe- nomenon with the Musk Ox. At a certain and regular time of the year, the oil of musk discharges from the navel of the Musk-deer, and when the animal detects the odor he begins to hunt. He travels round and round without sleep or food for days, hunting the odor from within himself, until the natives capture and secures the treasures, for commercial gains, for every perfume made is more or less per cent musk, from the Musk Ox. So with the majority of expounders, of what to them is Truth, the real truth which they propose to explain and make clear is hidden within themselves, and they know it not. They catch the vibrations from the true spirit, which is asleep within the bosom of every Child of God, until aroused into action. They measure its coloring and per- fumes from the plane of their own intellectual short- sightedness, and like the "blind leading the blind" have never caught a ray of the pure truth which is the Cause of every Effect upon humanity, for nothing is without a cause, nothing comes that it is not sent. When these learned intellectual philosophers come to measure by the Abstract Principles, and know they can- not obtain the highest expressions in their own work un- PAST PRESENT FUTURE 63 less they recognize the Eternal Principles, Eternally Feminine in all Nature, which represents the Christ, and begin to see Intuitively rather than altogether intellec- tually they shall then know the full truth. What matter when Jesus the Christ lived, or whether he was Appolonius of Tyana, or Jesus of Nazareth. To try to pick to pieces the concrete manifestations of the Supreme Architect of the Universe whether it be in the form of the Bible, its writers, woman, or creations of any plane, will never change the order of the Almighty Jehovah, or the Abstract laws of the universe. They are Providential, nothing can change, make or mar. Not many seem to understand the difference between the Abstract and the Concrete, and when misplacing one for the other they get into deep water with their own argument, and lacking the power of the Abstract in knowledge, wisdom and the Intuitional, they hang in the balance of dissatisfaction, and disappointments, until they often commit suicide. BIBLE CALL FOR MANHOOD. From the Evangelist Minister, F. M. D. Hill. Regarding Woman and the Bible. Published in THE BURNET, TEXAS, BULLETIN, Aug. 23, 1918. L. C. Chamberlain, Proprietor. "We must build the same loyalty to the Bible that we are building to the Flag. We have learned to interpret moving pictures; let us take one from the Bible, Zech., 5th Chap.: "Two men appear, the angel says to the prophet, What sees thou?' 'I see a flying roll'. This is the curse that goeth forth over the face of the whole earth. What is it? This is ephah, (described as a weight of darkness) that goeth forth. This is their resemblance thru all the earth. Then there came out two women, a politician and an ordained preacher. When the preacher came alone God silenced her but lead could not stop the mouth of the politician. She brought forth to the front. And they lifted up the ephah between earth and heaven. Next 5 Chap. Zech. Which is the country around Baby- lon, that wicked city. God made no provision for it. The House of Darkness will be built in our own America, un- less manhood asserts itself. We are building. 64 WOMAN OF THE HOUR "We must view political questions from the Bible standpoint. In Woman's Suffrage we are confronted with a problem that will never be settled until it is set- tled right. Two negroes were discussing "the evening and the morning were first day' and failed to agree on which came first, the night or day. It was left to the scholarship of the 'Fesser'. When put up to him, he said: 'It is wise either the night followed the day or else, vice versa, the other way*. "Woman Suffrage is a question of Either or Else, and one on which we can't afford to make an uncertain sound. It is either eternally right or else eternally wrong. When God made the heavens and the earth and all living creatures, He then made man and gave him full dominion over all that the earth possessed. As the world advanced, however, in every place where a ruler was needed, in the Wisdom of God a Man was chosen. When He gave His written Law, He placed it in the hands of a man. Thru centuries of divine priesthood every official at the altar was a man. When Christ came to preach His own Word His path was made straight by 'a Man sent from God'. In preparing material as a foun- dation for His Church for every pillar He chose Men. That Spirit guided by His Spirit for the office of deacons chose seven Men. Not one word or act of God the Fa- ther, Jesus Christ, or His Apostles was in favor of Woman Leadership. "Our government was established on that Bible Prin- ciple, man as leader in public life, and woman as helper and home-keeper. Following the Divine Pattern a gov- ernment, of the people, as it was the most stable govern- ment the world had ever known. A monument to God, an honor to its founders, an example to ancient mon- archy, a blessing to civilization, and as the flag-staff of Liberty enlightening the world, it rose supreme, the brightest orb of all the political skies. BUT HUSHED IN HORROR, I PAUSE TO SAY A CLOUD HANGS OVER OLD GLORY TODAY. The storm is raging, we are drifting, there are breakers ahead, and our only safety is back to the Bible. PAST -PRESENT FUTURE 65 "Paul, the greatest of all apostles, walking so close to God that he was permitted to see thru His glasses, looked down the ages to the 20th century and saw a Suf- fragette, arrayed as Solomon never was. He immedi- ately got busy and wrote personal letters to both Timo- thy and Titus. Says there is trouble ahead, 'the time is coming when they will not endure sound doctrine. Wom- en ought to keep silent. You must go into every church and tell those blessed Godly mothers of Israel. It is going to fall to your lot to save the kingdom. God had a place for woman, one that becometh holiness. You must be teachers of good things, teach young women to put on modest apparel, not too much head-gear, but to be sober, marry, bear children, guide the home, love their husbands, be discreet, chaste, Keepers at Home, good and obedient to their own husbands'. "No man capable of thot would question woman's intellect. In many homes she is man's superior, but God knows that better than we, and His Wisdom gave woman her place, and God, the same yesterday and today and forever, has never ordered her removal. Neither has it been the work of man, but the woman clamoring for 'OUR RIGHTS' is trying to remove herself, and when man harkens to her voice, as Adam did, it is only to sin and invite God's wrath. "This modern move is not the work of the woman alone, it is that of the Old Serpent, with the same old trick of Eden fame, 'deceive the woman to catch the man'. The deceiver points to the greatest President our country ever had, and the white flag of prohibition in many states as the product of Woman Suffrage. He is trying to sugar-coat Woman Suffrage with the sweets of peace and prohibition, and get the religious world to swallow the whole pill, but as sure as God lives there is poison on the inside. "I challenge the Bible readers of the world to point out one instance where the Spirit of God who gave wom- an a vote in the church ever directed the vote of a church to elect and ordain a Woman to office and place her with equal rights with men. One Bible example will 66 WOMAN OF THE HOUR establish a Bible Principle, but the proof of the pie is under the crust. Leaders must either show the Bible Principle or acknowledge departure from Bible ground. An honest public, and a just God will demand it. Any man can reject the Bible, but the whole world cannot change it. "My Bible is Anti-Suffrage, written in box letters, from Genesis to Revelations. Its author, the fullness of God-head bodily, came in the form of a Man. Its great- est enemy, the opposing power, was clothed as a Scarlet Woman. Let Wisdom take warning. Suffrage is not the result of Bible research, it was brought out and popular- ized by political women, then accepted by preachers. Twenty-five years ago no Bible student advocated it, and it is offered now only as a necessity by the cunningness of woman who being deceived was in the transgression. When the deceiver mobilized the suffragettes to fight the saloon he broke his own records for tricks and traf- fic. He saw prohibition was coming as a storm and rec- ognized the most strategic hour in the world's history to push Woman Suffrage to the front with three invit- ing calls, prohibition, patriotism, and scarcity of men. As he must lose the liquor traffic, if he can gain Woman Suffrage, it is the best deal he ever made in the daylight. He placed in woman's hand a club to pound preachers into line, 'lest they line up with the saloon'. But remem- ber Solomon said, 'in vain is the trap set in sight of any bird'. The wisest saw his trick, trap and trigger, and are ready to meet him. It takes gray matter, grit and the grace of God to beat the Devil. With seventeen years' experience in the practice of medicine I go on record with this statement: 'The first step toward Suf- frage was rebellion against God's command, 'be fruitful, multiply and replenish the earth'. Woman said, 'No', and rebellion planted in the hearts, watered by decep- tion, brought forth Woman Suffrage. "Ask God why has Israel fallen? 'As for my people, children are oppressors, and women rnle over them'. Children have become such oppressors to this age that cradles are a curiosity. PAST-PRESENTFUTURE 67 "Universal Suffrage is the shortest route and the surest way to race extinction; the most diabolical form of German propaganda that the devil ever offered as a camouflage. Stop child birth in America, and force it in Germany until the Kaiser conquers the world. "The first curse of the world received was when man harkened to Woman's voice. History repeats itself. The Serpent has beguiled woman, she has persuaded man, he has harkened to her voice, and the curse has gone forth. "Woman Suffrage is the first issue ever presented that so nearly swept the ministerial world from its Bible foundation. All because of woman's persuasion. Instead of woman purifying politics, she has corrupted the pul- pit by persuading preachers to champion her cause against the Bible. This and rebellion against child-birth are the sins that woman of this age must answer to God for. "I charge the modern apostle William Jennings Bry- an with harkening to the woman's voice, and by his sil- very tongue, sky-scraping oratory, turning our country preachers and all against the inspired apostle Paul. Ex- cept he repent and help to turn this nation back to God, he had just as well call for the rocks and mountains to fall on him and hide him from the face of Him who sits on the Throne. God's judgment rests on the world to- day and leaders must bear their responsibility. Moses went wrong, and God buried him as a lesson to all lead- ers of all ages. God walks the earth in His wrath, pleading His own cause. Somebody must stand for the Bible. "Hear Wilson : The hand of God is laid upon the Na- tions'. A speaker in the Capitol said: The Texas Legis- lature has righted the wrong so long done woman'. But it takes war, famine and pestilence to right the wrong that has over-ridden the Bible Principles. The country calls for men. God calls for manhood. It takes more courage and real manhood to stand for right against popular sentiment than it does to face a cannon. Are you a man? "I tried to get men of the legislature to stay with the 68 WOMAN OF THE HOUR Bible, but they are pledged to woman. God leaves men on their honor to vote right, but women make him sign up to vote wrong. Be ware of her politics. "Let us take one look at the militant form of Suf- frage; with one woman in Congress, the jails were filled with prospective candidates running on the aggressive ticket, starvation or rule. The recent suffragette play staged in Washington ought to be an eye-opener to the world. God said, 'I suffer not a woman to usurp au- thority over men'. Give her equal suffrage and she has a right to be a President and hold authority over all the men of this Nation, and she has threatened to do it, or starve. "I appeal to men, thinking men, let's not be found wanting anywhere that a man is needed. I appeal es- pecially to Godly men, let's not be found napping at the gates of Gethsemane, while inspiration is struggling for justice at the courts of loyalty. "A father walking across a Texas ranch saw his child stoop to pick up a flower, and he saw beneath it a ser- pent. He could not reach the child but he raised a club and came down on the serpent just in time to save the child, but he spoiled the flower. Thru the ages woman has been plucking the most beautiful flowers that grew, and we have never been able to give her boquets enough, but finally she saw one seemingly more beautiful than all others, 'Equal Rights with Men'. She reaches her white innocent hand to pluck it, but the Father looking down saw beneath it the serpent. As it is impossible for Him to stop woman, He will raise His club of Eternal Truth and come down on that Old Serpent just in time, but will spoil the flower". WOMAN A FRIEND. Extract from a daily paper: "Charles Gray Shaw, professor of philosophy at New York University, who has devoted considerable time and effort in research work on the problem of 'Can a woman be a friend; if not, why not?' says: 'She cannot be a friend, for al- though the word is given in both genders, the fact alone PAST PRESENT FUTURE 69 is masculine. The reason for this state of unfriendli- ness in woman is that to be a friend a clear-cut person- ality, and a disinterested outlook on life are required. Woman lacks both of these. Woman is never a friend because she is never an individual, and to be an individ- ual one must stand alone. Woman is a planet a satel- lite well adapted to revolving around some center, but not organized to stand alone. Men's clubs, of which they are so proud, are combinations made for killing time, and fostering laziness. On the other hand, the woman's club is an attempt to generate feminine friendship. It is a hot-house for tender plants". The Proverbs of all nations are full of statements and aphorisms of men of very doubtful compliment to wom- en. They would almost make a volume, and certainly seem to prove the doctrine of the depravity of the males. In this sense many proverbs hurled at women by the lords of creation would prove boomerangs. What of these as samples? A German national Proverb reads: "There are only two good women in the world; one of them is dead, and the other cannot be found." The Spanish Proverb reads: "A Woman's advice is no great thing, but the man who does not take it is a fool." Probably because he will get a curtain lecture. The Chinese Proverb on Woman is: "A Woman's Sword is her tongue, and she does not let it rust." Rawlin, an old writer of the twelfth century, says: "The distinctive difference between men and women is disclosed in the story of their origin. Man was made of dust. Now if you take a bag of earth, what gravity and quietude you have. Woman was made out of bone, and if you have a bag of bones, what an awful clatter, clat- ter there is." Almost every degraded condition of the world may be traced to such sentiments and influences of men against women. The white slave traffic is one of the most awful, al- most unbelievable things. The simplest statements of its facts are beyond the comprehension or belief of those 70 WOMAN OF THE HOUR who are mercifully spared from contact with the dan- gerous and hideous secrets of the "under world" of the large cities. Thousands of innocent girls imported to this country every month by the scum and degenerates of this and other countries, all for the money god, and to know these fiends are aided by a class of women in their villainous crime is enough to destroy the confidence of the world in woman. It is appalling to know the degraded conditions to which the Vivisectionists can descend. Its origin by the black forces over the earth is believed by many to be to the interest of race betterment. Vivisection is the cutting up, burning and miscel- laneous torturing of live animals. So pitiless and hard- ened do vivisectors become that according to their own published testimony, they watch the most terrible agony which they themselves have caused with feeling of pleas- ure, patience and joyful excitement. Often these help- less creatures are tortured and left in great agony for days and weeks, and in some cases even months, before death releases them. One surgeon relates how he first made a dog fond of him and then began a process of gradual mutilation, for the purpose of ascertaining how long it would take to turn the dog's love to hate. He cut off one paw at a time, and then the ears. After this animal had endured much torture, he did grow to hate his tormentor, and growled as soon as he saw him. Whereupon this devotee of science proceeded to destroy the dog's eyes in order to observe whether it would still show signs of hate. Then he poured hot lead into the dogs ears, and so the awful practice is carried on with the sanction of the laws said to be founded on the Bible. But it might be consoling if scientific experi- ments were confined to the testimony of the poor dumb animals alone. These things are promoted and licensed by man- made laws. THIRD CHAPTER BIBLE LAW "Where there is no vision the people perish; but he that keepeth the Law, happy is he." Proverbs. "Write the vision and make it plain upon the tables that he may run that readeth it." Habbakuk. "There shall not be left here one stone upon another that shall not be thrown down." Matthew. "As the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be." Matthew. "For the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea." -Habbakuk. "The lofty looks of man shall be humbled and the haughtiness of men shall be bowed down, and the Lord alone shall be exalted in that day."; Isaiah. "For not the hearers of the law are just before God, but the doers of the law shall be justified." Romans. the Jew the Bible is a Book of History. To the Gentile the Bible is a Book of Faith. To Israel, the New Humanity) the Bible is Law and Supply. There are many Bibles in the world. The Zenda- vesta of the Persians, the Five Kings of the Chinese, the Three Vedas of the Hindoos, the Tri-Pitikas of the Buddhists, the Scriptures of the Christians, and the Zohar, which it is said should have been given in place of the Christian Bible. The Koran is the most recent of these sacred writings, dating from the 7th century, and had a beginning or introduction in America about 1850. Zendavesta is a Zoroastrian Bible dating back thousands of years before the time of the Nazarene. The Oahspe Bible is believed by many at the present time to be incomparably superior to any other yet re- ceived by the inhabitants of this planet earth. All things hinge upon what is valuable. Value is the inherent worth of anything, and as a means of securing satisfaction to justify the subjects involved, we may use 71 72 WOMAN OF THE HOUR three ways to find value. By the way of Science, the way of Ethics, and the way of Religion. Science is a knowledge of facts and forces. Science classifies, science differentiates, science finds a series of causes, and only refers to the principle as unity under- lying the whole system of causes. Ethics, "the science that treats of principles of hu- man morality and duty", is concerned with production. Ethics, morals and science of duty finds a cause to rest in. Religion wants a clear perception of things, dogmas and ideas within the grasp of the imagination fitting to the plane of concept. Ethics finds the value and uses both science and religion, which are now coming together in Unity on one basis; this is called "New Psychology", the Soul-Sense, that Inner Law of the Self, a knowledge which liberates from all bondage and limitations. Thus from the Soul-Sense, not a literal sense, we deal with the many links in the chain that has connected us with the past, and will so continue to build into the end- less eternity, for the "Book of Life" has been opened, and it is known that the "John, (feminine) to the seven churches", is the body of humanity, man. "He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit sayeth unto the churches: "Love, Virtue, Patience, Fidelity, Gratitude, Devotion, Truth, and our answer is: "I will praise Thee, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; marvellous are Thy works". We have found the Truth, "The King- dom of heaven is within you". One noted writer has said: "There are good things in all Bibles but upon the whole they are not worthy of comparison with the Christian Scriptures, to take them as they are". Gentile, indeed. As this is pre-eminently the age of sciences, the greatest cry is for things knowable, reasonable and prov- able, and if we turn to the Word, with the keys in hand, we shall find: "these things were written that ye shall know". As the world advances in sciences, literature and inventions, greater are the demands to know the truth hidden in the Christian Bible that must prove PAST PRESENTFUTURE 73 themselves and eventually merge into One Truth, fitting to all. Sir Isaac Newton, the greatest Christian philosopher, says: "The Scriptures of God are the most sublime philosophy." Milton said: "There are no songs to be compared to the songs of Zion, no oratory equal to that of the pro- phets, no politics like those the Scriptures teach. " And Ruskin: "I attribute all my vigor of thought and ex- pression to the fact that my mother taught me the Bible, and especially that she made me learn the first eight chapters of Proverbs." What could our fore-parents have done without their Christian Bible? It has been the cradle that rocked them into the Faith necessary to endure all the hard- ships that go with pioneer struggles. None could do without our Christian Bible. Starv- ing for the Truth there is no place on earth where we would be more sure to find it, but you say: "Why did not our fore-parents know of these truths that are being given out at this time?" Because the "Book was sealed" and the "Silver Key" could not be given until the "Golden Age". In our search, we may go to Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Songs of Solomon, and find Wisdom. We may go to Isaiah, Ezekiel and Jeremiah and find the "Lost Ten Tribes of the House of Israel". The first four Books of the Old Testament contain the Law. The fifth Book gives the penalty for the viola- tion of the Law of generation, "Letter of the Law". Dove-tail these with the first four Books of the New Testament and we have "Re" raised, to re-generation, to the Spirit of the Christ teachings, for the "Latter days", "That day", "When the sign of the son of man in the heavens appears", and now the Christ has come to manifest in the hearts of His true followers. We now understand when we read: "To the Law and to the Tes- timony, if they speak not according to this Word, the Light is not in them", thus Israel are they who know the Old Testament to be a Lamp holding the Oil, ((essences) 74 WOMAN OF THE HOUR of Life, and the New Testament to represent the wick which produces the Flame of Truth. The Master said: "I came not to destroy the Law, but to fulfill it". The heavens and the earth shall pass away before one jot of the Law of generation shall pass unfulfilled. We may note he said: "generation". Again He said: "If ye then being evil know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your Heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit, to them that ask him". And in regard to the Law of Moses, He said: "If ye had believed in Moses ye would believe in me for he wrote of me". Also, "If ye had known the Scripture, I will have mercy and not sacrifice". The Gentiles believe the Old Laws have passed away, and that there should not be any regard whatsoever placed upon them. In short, they assert that these are old and obsolete, and have been put away, "nailed to the Cross when Jesus was crucified". What were nailed to the cross were the ceremonial laws, which were for the forgiveness and remission of sins, sacrifices of red-heifers, pigeons, etc. But the Christ Love came and did away with all such sacrifices. "And shall take away the daily sacrifice." The Supreme Jehovah God said: "My Word shall not return to me void." "They looked for health and no good came, they looked for peace, and behold, trouble. Why, because ye have turned your back upon me saith the Lord", Law. If we have read the 12th and 15th Chapters of Leviti- cus setting aside the sacrificial laws, we may know the Law which the Master said He had not come to destroy, but to fulfill, are for Israel of today, as of old, for are not the "Ten Tribes" lost, yet to be gathered, until all are gathered into the fold? These Scriptures explain why a child could be called a "transgressor of the womb". The "Vision" to this Age, is to save the remnant, gather the "Lost Tribes", and restore the Woman-Israel, to her right place in the Divine Plan. The Master cried: "O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, which killest the prophets, and stonest them that are sent unto PAST PRESENTFUTURE 75 thee; how oft would I have gathered thy children to- gether, as a hen doth gather her brood under her wings, but ye would not." Now, Jerusalem in Hebrew signifies inheritance, or possession of peace, the foundation of peace, which can be found only in unity, understanding and wisdom of purpose and intent, for the "Commandment is a Lamp, and the Law is a Light. I will utter things which have been kept secret from the foundation of the world." Closing the door of immortality, Jesus said: "That ye write unto them that they abstain from pollutions of idols, and from blood, and from fornication, and from things strangled. That ye abstain from meats offered to idols, and from blood, and from things strangled and from fornication, from which if ye keep yourselves, ye shall do well". Thus four commands. "Fare ye well". Upon these four commands hang all the laws of life. History does not show these laws fulfilled. All thru the Scriptures we may read of the Jew, the Gentile, and the Israelite; the three churches or three parts of the Divine Plan. Paul says: "Give none offense, neither to the Jew, nor to the Gentile, nor to the Church of God." Many have wondered how we got our Bible. We must keep in mind that the Old Testament books were originally written in Hebrew, and the New Testament books were written in Greek. It is said that the revisers of the Version of our Bible were surprised at finding some passages of the Old Bible rendered so as quite to change their meaning, some verses entirely omitted which they had always regarded as part of the inspired Word of God, and the questions constantly arose when the New Version was talked of. "What fresh information has come to these Bible Re- visers? By what right do men, 1800 years after the time of our Lord, venture to meddle with the words of His revelation?" Which led to still further questions as to the sacred origin of our present Scriptures, and the way in which the Scriptures have come down to us. It is a good thing that people should be aroused by any 76 WOMAN OF THE HOUR cause to ask questions concerning the origin of the Christian Bible. It is not any wonder such questions should arise con- cerning our Bible, with its mistranslations, superfluous and omitted words compared with the first and oldest manuscripts, which were written, and in capital letters, thus : NOWWHENJSWASBORNINBETHLEHEMOFJ. Interpreted: Now when Js was born in Bethlehem of j. (given in "How we got our Bible", by Smyth.) It is evident that the Truth has been covered to suite the hierarchy, savants and priesthood of old. The word YEHVEH, meaning, "I Will Be What I Will To Be", occurring over sixty-four hundred times in the Hebrew Bible and but three times in the Christian Bible is still more evidence. Who among the masses have dared to come forward and say, "I Will Be What I Will To Be"? The martyrs of past ages only could testify. Regarding the validity of the translations of the Christian Bible, Rev. James M. Gray, D. D., says : "For the first eight or ten years of my ministry I did not know my English Bible, a fact to which my own spir- itual life and the character of my pulpit ministrations bore depressing witness. Nor was I so fortunate as to meet with more than one or two brethren in the minis- try who knew their English Bible very much better than I knew mine. "They all declare that the theological seminaries did not teach the English Bible. That the Bible was not given to scholars, but to the people. They taught much about the Bible of great importance for ministers to know, such as the Hebrew and Greek tongues, but in the words of some of the ministers, 'while we had some spe- cial lessons in one or two of the epistles, several of the psalms, in some of the prophecies, and in a few select portions of the gospels, others and vastly more impor- tant parts of the Bible were left out altogether/ "We had nothing on the Book of Revelation, no elab- orate study of the Mosaic ritual and its profound system of types, and especially were left uninitiated into the PAST PRESENT FUTURE 77 minute and wonderful co-ordination of parts in the vari- ous books of the Old and New Testaments, which dis- close a stupendous divine plan running through the whole, linking them all together as an indissoluble unit and carrying with them an amazing power of conviction." Of the Woman, Rev. Gray says: "An incidental cen- sus taken recently discloses the fact that one-third of the male students on the roll of the Moody Bible Insti- tute in this country, and Spurgeon's College in London, with their almost countless offspring and imitators everywhere, were college trained ; one may safely hazard the opinion that in the woman's department the propor- tion of college trained students should have been still larger." "The first practical help I ever received in the mas- tery of the English Bible was from a layman. We were fellow students at a convention. I saw something in his Christian life to which I was a comparative stranger a peace, a rest, a joy, a kind of spiritual poise I knew little about. One day I ventured to ask him how he had become possessed of the experience, when he replied: 'By reading the Epistle to the Ephesians.' I was sur- prised, and to think of an 'ordained' minister sitting at the feet of a layman to learn the most important secret of his trade." This noted minister and writer calls his ordained ministry "a trade". Our Bible, the grandest of all libraries, as we have it symbolically written, is not, of course, the work of an individual or a generation. It is rather like an oak, bursting from its tiny acorn, and adding century by cen- tury, to its growth, its majesty and its might. The acorn was the rude Anglo-Saxon verse, into which Caedmon wrought the story of the Hebrew and the Greek Scriptures, as preserved in the yulgate of Jerome, for the English Bible like English history had its genesis in the songs of the people. So deficient was Caedmon in sense of song, that when the harp was passed to him at the monastic board, he would rise and go out to tend his cattle in the stables. One night a voice spoke to him as he slept, saying: "Sing Caedmon, 78 WOMAN OF THE HOUR some song to me. You shall sing to me." Caedmon an- swered: "I cannot sing, Oh, what shall I sing?" and the voice said: "The beginning of created things". Caedmon did sing of the creation in all the history of Israel ; sang of the birth of Jesus, His resurrection and ascension, of where He was the seventeen years that the Christian Bible does not mention or know, of the "Immaculate Conception", including an Essene father, from the gen- eration of the "loins of Jacob". What Caedmon sang was an introduction of what we may sing today. It was not, however, only the peasants who needed this simple theology; the church was filled with the "sacerdotes idiotae", as Bede terms them, by which he meant priests who knew no Latin. His first choice fell on the gospel of John, and so it came about that fourth gospel was the first book in the Bible known to have been translated into English; an incident not without significance, in view of the fact that this Book has since become the storm center of the canon. A momentous change was taking place within the church, as early as 664, the Whitby conference had de- cided the struggle for supremacy between Celtic and Latin Christianity. The Norman conquest completed the victory of the latter. The language of the Mother Church became Latin, and its repeated chants all down the ages have welded together a people, bred and born in the ignorance and lack of the knowledge which is con- tained in a single sentence. The Bible, if we may be permitted to put it so, ceased to be the book of the peo- ple before it had become so. It was the very subtleties of scholastic philosophy which in an age of intellectual torpor, raised the schol- ars who made Oxford, the second school of the church, and the menace of the papacy. Ockham had already raised the standard of revolt, when the great Wycliffe, a reformer before the "Reformation" came upon the scene. Latin was flung aside for the tongue and under- standing in which we speak at the present time. Wycliffe, it is supposed, himself translated the New Testament, while Hereford completed that of the Old PAST PRESENT FUTURE 79 Testament. For centuries thereafter the intellectual life of the country lay in a state of stupor regarding Biblical questions, but gradually thru the mist of battle came the dawn of the Renaissance. Columbus discovered a New World, as history gives. Luther nailed his theses to the cathedral doors. Tyndale's New Testament was pub- lished, and the story of this Bible is one of the most dramatic in the history of the world. It was 1523 that this poor scholar came to London to endeavor to interest the Catholic hierarchy in his object for translating the Bible. His reputation had preceded him. To the papacy he said: "If God spare my life, ere many years I will cause a boy that driveth the plow to know more of the Scriptures than thou doest". Tyndale's appeal fell on deaf ears. Neither the clownish priest, nor his revolu- tionary opinions were calculated to appeal to the courtly prelate. From London he fled to Hamburg, saying there was no place in all England to translate the New Testament. However in the spring of 1525, 3000 copies of the New Testament were printed, as far as the gospel of Mark. The work of smuggling into England soon began, hidden in bales of merchandise of every description, Tyndale testaments came pouring into the country. Thus we have something of the Bible origin of what is our Chris- tian Bible in its struggles for existence. Seeking for a Truth we may live by in these days of the transforming and renewing of the mind, regarding these things, and in keeping with the times, the sound- ing of a New Key with the Universe, we no longer need the Methodism of the Wesleys; the Presbyterianism of Calvin; or the Episcopalianism of Henry the 8th. We are face to face with the Truth in all its crosses, squares and triangles. Truth is not popular, but is essential. The struggle against cant, hypocrisy and injustice must go down in history with the other warring things for supremacy. John, the Revelator, is found to be the "Woman clothed with the Sun", Knowledge of Law. The intellectual life will not lie dormant for centuries, as of old, for the spirit has quickened that which was cut out 80 WOMAN OF THE HOUR in ancient days that the positive could overpower the negative. The Third Eye, the Sixth Sense, is opening, the In- tuitional, that which God took from Adam, AU-DAUM, red-earth, (Hebrew) to make woman, will now awaken the man placed in a deep sleep, out of which as yet there has been no awakening, even tho the thunderings of Mount Sinai have rocked and shattered the foundations, for this is the "Stone the Builders Rejected", "The Cor- ner that has become the Head", the "Serpent of Wis- dom", the "Awakening of the Dead". Many Bible critics have been perplexed because of writings shown to have been written by the woman, Thecla. Up to a certain time in history of the Bibles since the 15th Century various readings due to so many causes and differences of opinions constantly became more and more numerous ; but the number of independent readings which could arise and be accepted was limited by vari- ous circumstances. A general similarity necessarily pre- vailed in associating groups of copies which were either derived from the same archetype, or written by the same copyist. Causes combined with local peculiarities of style and taste, and with the fact that the New Testa- ment like Christianity itself was sent forth from the central Mother-Church to newly formed communities all around, gave a decided local coloring to text-principles current in certain regions, so that we are still able to speak in a general way of an Alexandrian, a Western Byzantine, and perhaps of an Asiatic text. The comparison of copies became more and more ex- tended in range as the Church grew and consolidated into a homogeneous form; and tho old readings which had obtained a firm hold in certain communities were not easily eradicated, it became almost impossible for any important new error to escape detection. Most vari- ations of any consequence which are found in existing MSS, are known to be as old as the 4th Century, and other readings existed then which no MSS is known to contain. PAST PRESENT FUTURE 81 The variations of early copies were most completely smoothed into uniformity in the later Byzantine MSS, after the Mahometan conquest had overthrown Greek learning in Syria and Egypt. The scribes of Constanti- nople spent great pains on the text, in accord with their own notion of what was proper, and gave it a form smoother, more correct, and more uniform than the old MSS. But these peculiarities show that this is remote from the original shape of the New Testament writings, and compel us to seek the true text by study of early MSS, especially of the still existing copies. The Manuscripts are of six classes, which collectively have made the basis of the Christian Bible, dating back to the 3rd, 4th and 5th Centuries. In the 2nd Century several attempts were made to pronounce a better Greek of the Old Testament. Aquila, a Jew, was an excellent master of Greek, who corrected many clumsy readings, but was inclined too much to paraphrase or use his own characteristic and bold ex- pressions. Some of these old MSS were of extremely short frag- ments, and some were too huge a work to be trans- cribed and circulated, and these were only occasionally consulted by advanced scholars, thus these texts became so mixed up with the real Truth that modern critics are sometimes tempted to forget how much the Eastern Church owes to its first attempt to go back to the He- brew Old Testament. In Rome the literary use of Greek extended into the 3rd Century, and in the early days of the Roman Church Greek was the language of public worship. Most critics date the versions of the Christian Bible from the 2nd Century. The Old Testament taken from Hebrew, of twenty-two letters, was the work of Jewish scholars. These Wisdom religions, and the Immaculate Con- ception dogma caused enmity between Mystic Fraterni- ties and the Roman Church. The truth of the birth of Jesus, and of where he was the seventeen years the Christian Bible does not mention him, is accurately given in writings from the Essene Schools to the stu- 82 WOMAN OF THE HOUR dents of Divine Wisdom at this time, both in the Eastern and Western world. It is said the direct author of St. James' Version was a murderer of the wickedest type. He paved his way to the throne thru the blood of martyrs, boiled his wife alive in oil, with uncounted similar deeds until his history of crime is among the greatest of his kind. So much has been suppressed by historians regarding the colossal criminal, Constantine, that it is difficult to know the truth. Flavius tells us that our Bible was compiled early in the 4th Century out of revenge. We give his chronolo- gy : "Constantine's place of birth seems unknown, some say Asia, some say Balkan States. It is known he mur- dered all who stood in his path. He murdered Maxen- tius, and his two sons, in A. D. 310, his wife in 314, a son in 319, a nephew in 320, a brother in 321, and two others in 325 and 326. After this he applied for ad- mission into "The Mysteries", and being refused on ac- count of his crimes, he then with the assistance of a magician operating the black forces, in the personage of Athanasius, compiled and gave to the world a Bible, having been told by the priests that there was no for- giveness of crime like those of which he was guilty. And the Roman Emperor devised the plan of salvation in order that the blood of an innocent Christ might save him from eternal damnation. An easy way for this mon- ster, and others, with the Napoleon of finances, compe- tition and wars from Pharaoh to the present-day rulers, whose thrones and sceptres lie scattered and broken along the highway of nations, and who represent the "False Christs", and Anti-Christs "showing great signs and wonders." "Here the Vassal and King, side by side lie withering ; Here the sword and sceptre rust. Earth to Earth, and Dust to Dust." Great has been the controversy regarding Bibles, re- ligions and politics. It would seem every ambitious in- PAST-PRESENT FUTURE 83 dividual has a personal god, and he sets the standard of that god unto himself, attracting all the forces of its kind from the astral world to the earthly plane until it becomes a mighty living monster. To some it is the god of Mammon, money; to others the god of religion; to others the god of medicine, drugs, narcotics. Again to others the god of astrology, another astronomy, others sensuality, limitless indeed, as the souls on earth, inhuman, animal, human, and spirit souls, each are they of its kind breathing the same Mighty Breath of God. Treating the subject from two extremes that we may find the Truth in the "happy medium" of things, no apology is offered. We can deal with facts only as they are, as the subject of woman in all history is but dimly perceived. Nowhere in the historic records, Biblical or national, can we find her of any special importance ex- cept as the physical mother and birth-place for all planes that have made history. In all ages to the present century woman has been so glamored she could not know there is a law of evolution for woman as for man. God caused a sleep to come upon man, and it was man who put woman to sleep to her own powers. She has accepted everything offered, has fostered and fed, even supported the churches and their leaders, tho in all the teachings of the Nazarene there is not mention of a church or a church organization. Jesus came and gave His life to relieve the op- pressed thru teachings the church in the majority has not adopted, to say nothing of states, nations and indi- viduals. He was the only person who ever lived to teach the truths offered in this work. His explanations were misunderstood, His definitions were misinterpreted, His directions were not heeded, His doctrines have been covered up and its principles hidden by a mass of rub- bish thru which only an occasional ray has sparkled, and been caught dimly by such minds as Newton, Emerson, and those of their plane. Not yet sixty years since woman was allowed a Col- lege education. Lucy Stone, of Boston, was the first to ask permission to speak in public, and very reluctantly 84 WOMAN OF THE HOUR the pastor of her church consented, after strenuous op- positions of his parish. He introduced her in the follow- ing manner when about to close his service: "A HEN WILL CROW FROM THIS PULPIT ON NEXT WED- NESDAY NIGHT, TO SEE IF SHE CAN CROW LIKE A ROOSTER. ARISE AND RECEIVE THE BENE- DICTION." When Wednesday night came the little sub- urban church was filled to its capacity. Lucy Stone took the rostrum and started the link in the endless chain of evolution for the woman of the future races. Her argu- ment was overwhelming and it struck her audience with awe. After the discourse, she passed silently down the aisle as from a funeral. A Congressman met her at the door and said: "Lucy, you did nobly; I never heard a better argument, but Lucy, I would rather go tonight and bury both my wife and my daughter in Greenwood, than to see them do as bold a thing as you have done." At this time Margaret Fuller, a friend of Lucy Stone, conceived an idea that there was a place in God's Kingdom for women. She began to go to the library to search for proof, and to read books supposed not to be for women. Soon the finger of scorn in all Boston was turned upon Margaret, and as she passed down the way it happened that the people would exclaim: "THERE GOES THE WOMAN WHO READS IN THE LIBRARY WITH THE MEN." Among the many deprivations as well as privileges in those days for women, all England declares, Woman shall not be admitted to the Bar. Only recently Justice Mo- rean of a New York court in giving a father the custody of a nine years old son, despite the mother's pleadings, comments: "A mother is not necessary to her children. All children are selfish, their minds are on their own pleasures, once away from the mother they very quick- ly forget her. She effects their lives only as she can serve them, they grow just as well without her." This is in connection with William R. Thompson, of Jefferson, L. I., divorcing his wife in 1917. So we may numerate woman with man, the church and all history PAST PRESENT- -FUTURE 85 from Jezebel and Deborah of the Bible, and from the under-world to the Saints of the present day. Saint Teresa, of the 15th Century, one of the noblest of characters in history, declared she would build a con- vent, and so began the edifice at Toledo, having but four ducats, (a ducat, two and one-half dollars in American Money). She was laughed to scorn. "You, Teresa, build a convent with four ducats?" "Yes, God, Teresa, and four ducats suffice for the accomplishment of the undertaking." Saint Teresa demonstrated the spirit of the New Age. It was also in the 15th Century after a thirty years war, another demonstration was given by a woman in Queen Elizabeth, who settled the question of freedom for Pro- testantism from Catholicism. It was Elizabeth of England who filled with ability the most responsible position in the world, was forced to contend with gigantic difficulties, but in spite of them her reign is a record of increasing national power, of vast strides of civilization, of new inventions, of benefi- cient laws of development and internal resources, the fostering of art and literature, and her establishing of Protestantism as a free religion of the land is proof that God raises up women as well as men to do his mighty work. The reign of but one other English sovereign will compare with that of Queen Elizabeth, and that is the long, equally progressive reign of Queen Victoria, who lived to see the Light upon her path, and to trace her heritage back to Jacob. We should not omit to mention many other grand and noble women of their times. Madam De Stael was banished from France by Napoleon because of her up- f . lifting spiritual influences with women. Praise to Anna Gould, Rosa Bonheur, and George Eliot, each a brilliant star in history whose lives have helped to dissipate the darkness out of the world. Had we time and space vol- umes might be gleaned in behalf of women of our own times. We can always see by reading a little of history, woman in profane as well as sacred history who have 86 WOMAN OF THE HOUR exerted powerful influences for good. Even Cleopatra of Egypt, intellectual and beautiful, was interesting in spite of her vicious qualities; had she lived in a Chris- tian Era, a very different story might have been written of her. It is not hard to believe her influences live to- day in the bare arms, shoulders, transparency on the lower limbs, cosmetics, high heels, with the extremes of fashions and society. All activity shows a wrestling of the spirit, an awak- ening of the consciousness into new ventures necessary for unfoldment into spiritual understanding. Woman is always impregnated with the spirit of Divine Mother in- stinct. If woman falls, (the world idea) she falls by what is highest and noblest in her, even tho cast down as a defiled and ruined thing. It is the strength and intensity of a woman's affection that sometimes gives a man a fatal power over her, tho morally she is the stronger. If the man falls, and he be rich and titled, he soon finds friends to assist him to the drawing room, where society minds not his base willingness to accept at another's bitter cost, what the world agrees to lay to Woman's weakness. "ALL IS SPIRIT" said Socrates, back in the 4th Cen- tury B. C. The people of Athens began to say : "This man Socrates has defiled the youth of Athens, to declare 'all is spirit', he must be made away with". Socrates pleading his own case, they found no charges sustained, and then he drained the deadly cup of hemlock, said to them: "Do with me what you will, kill me if you like, and bury me if you can catch me." A Something that cannot be buried, or even caught, is coming into ex- pression. Something is happening. Socrates left his teachings to the world as a heritage thru Plato and Aristotle, two great philosophers, whose teachings are the basis of our Western world philosophy of today. It was in Italy in the 14th Century there was a great Renaissance movement, and Dante was the great soul. In 1517 Martin Luther awoke all Europe, and that was our Renaissance. Martin Luther was, of course, only half emancipated from the medieval spirit. He was su- PAST PRESENT FUTURE 87 perstitious to the last degree, believing in witchcraft and all the black arts. But his greatness lay in his sin- cerity, honesty and frankness to stop the sale of little indulgences which had been the most lucrative of all business. He gave us the all he had. In 1688 Pope wrote his famous essay on Man, "All are but parts of one stupendous whole, whose body Na- ture is, and God the Soul." Wordsworth and Coleridge traveled to Germany and found the truth of this philos- ophy, carried it to England to put it into poetry. Thomas Carlyle put it into his own glowing prose. Emerson brought the Truth across the Atlantic in 1838, and addressing the Harvard College astonished that faculty by declaring that "it is possible for man to become like Christ." At that time Theodore Parker de- clared there are no miracles, that All is Law, nothing supernatural. Thus the Renaissance movement goes on. The great Supreme Architect of the Universe began to make ready for the New Dispensation in 1844 when the Bab, or the "Door" was opened to the Bahais for the Revelation of Baha-ullah. Then was published to the world, "Nature's Divine Revelations," a massive work giving the origin and philosophy of the material, intellectual and spiritual universe, considered by many critics and scholars the greatest philosophical work of the ages. It was given in 153 Trance Lectures by Andrew Jackson Davis, a 19-year-old youth, uneducated, known in history as the Great Seer of Poughkeepsie, and the Father of the Spiritual Philosophy. Davis thus became the Father, also, of the Liberal Thought of the age, since nearly all the teachings of New Thought, Evolution, Christian Science and Theosophy are clearly taught in his Har- monial Philosophy, or latent therein. The Fox Sisters in 1848 had demonstrations in the Hydesville Cottage that startled the world and soon became wide-spread in America and Europe, and soon millions of people became followers of Davis and of these marvelous demonstrations. WOMAN OF THE HOUR In 1866 Mary Baker G. Eddy came to be known to the world and her teachings have called together the multi- tude it was intended for. The letter G no longer appears in the founder's name, by which we may infer by the symbolism in the significance of the letter G Trine, Triad, that there will be a change in its name and num- ber as a coming in its order. In 1875 was the birth of the Theosophical Society with Madame Blavatsky at its head, also the writer of the Secret Doctrines. The true interpretation of Theoso- phy is Divine Wisdom, therefore the teachings of The- osophy are founded on the basic fundamental principles of Wisdom as old as time immemorial. It will be seen that a Trine of three women were chosen of the great law to open the dawn of a New World, asking for a new definition of God, a new inter- pretation of the Bibles, and a new Revelation. Three women have made a Trine free from Orthodoxy, as Elizabeth in her time decreed freedom from Catholocism, spoken from the lips of a queen. This Trine is to be set in a Square, the Square represents Reason, showing woman will embrace the strength of both Positive and the Negative forces, thus a body of women will com- pose the Trine and the Square in the New Dispensation to lead the world. This is the body spoken of by Sir Isaac Newton, the great Christian Philosopher. "A body will be raised up when the 'sign of the son of man ap- pears' and will proclaim these truths with much clamor and opposition." Everything tends toward woman, and nothing disap- proves it. We are no longer in need of reformers or re- vivalists. We are in the days of education and enlight- enment, the teachers will be sent of the great law as we need them, and they will ask no following, but will Point the Way, that each may find his own path. The noted Rev. Billy Sunday reached the apex of all hell and depravity teachings, and was the crest of the wave of Evangelistic Orthodoxy, and his thots came out of the dark ages, backed by all the spirits who have held these beliefs. Mr. Sunday was powerful in his electro- PAST PRESENT FUTURE 89 magnetic influences over those who listened to his false conceptions given in the Name of Divine Truth. "It shall be borne in mind, that no translations of our Bible made by men, in themselves are inspired, and hence none is either, or can be infallible, or absolutely perfect. Translations that are confessedly imperfect, or faulty in most respects, may be better than none. No one good scholar will deny that it might be greatly im- proved as to clearness and accuracy, and many doubt if it could be bettered, or done without greater divisions and confusion, and thus do more harm than good." En- cyclopaedia-Britannica. THE PROPHET WOMAN. When the prophet Ezekiel was led by the Spirit into the wilderness, he saw a valley full of bones. No two of them were touching anywhere. Each was lying off by itself alone, lifeless and dry. At the command of God, the prophet began to preach to those dry bones and tell them that the God of the universe said they must get together. They heard and began to run together, and the Bible tells us there was a mighty rattling of those dry bones; bones that had felt themselves too im- portant to be anywhere but in the head, were content to take a place in the foot or limb, and as they began to accumulate, each one was willing to take a place any- where it would best fit, and articulate anywhere it could render the most service. Ezekiel continued to preach, and the strength of those united bones caused sinews and muscles, and blood vessels and nerves to grow out and bind them into human forms, and when Ezekiel opened his eyes, to his astonishment, he observed them in grace and beauty. He continued to preach, and a thrill of inspiration was sent from bone to bone through- out the entire valley. Breath began to come from the four winds of heavens; the bones became vivified and each supporting the other in a mighty effort to rise, they stood upon their feet, and an army of living men and women were ready to battle for the Lord, and help to establish His Kingdom. 90 WOMAN OF THE HOUR Now the type of the prophet's vision was the children of humanity, but we mothers may, with propriety and benefit, take it to ourselves. Our failure in life may be traced more often to a lack of council than to any other one thing. Bones are indicative of strength, but their strength is useless unless they are united and bound to- gether with ligaments and inspired with vitality. Esther went unto the King in behalf of her people, though she knew it against the Law, and said, "If I perish, I perish." So the mother principle in this God's good time will go unto the king of its household, the husband and father, with the Law of understanding, and divine intelligence, for "A Kingdom divided against itself cannot stand." And there will be a people to erect a Spiritual reign of which we may if we will get a glimpse at the present time of the coming Kingdom in this a new era, which as Solomon built his temple, without the sound of a ham- mer, is unfolding, though the world heeds it not. Thus it is the mothers who have the greatest mission in the work of preparing a people for the goal prepared for them in the beginning. As a spark from an engine will set a flame for a for- est fire, so the "Woman Movement" is the force that will thunder through the silence and shake the world to its circumference. ("Suggestion is any impression received consciously or unconsciously through the senses.") As "Vibration is repeated motion," and "Like attracts Like," Nature's equilibrium will become restored to the degree of an accepted belief in the statement or promise in Matt. XVIII, 19: "If two are agreed on earth as touching one thing they may ask, it shall be given them of My Father which is in Heaven." It would seem the first step to be taken for the un- folding of the spiritual influences of womanhood, is in a personal consideration, "To know thyself is to know others". And "To conquer self is better than to take a city." Our Saviour said : "He that would be greatest among you, let him be servant of all." The mother who can clearly realize her duty to the unborn will not neglect PAST PRESENT-FUTURE 9 1 her duty to the living, and children who have imbibed the teachings of purity in all things from the mother will be powers for good wherever destiny places them. When character building begins in the cradle, and is given the greatest prominence in all educational work, then shall principle rather than policy dominate the lives of men and women, and truth and justice, twin attributes of character, sit enthroned in human consciousness. The masculine and feminine qualities of man and woman are as essential in the maintenance of an un- broken circulation of the currents of life as the positive and negative poles of an electric battery are necessary for the production of currents of electricity. Woman being the negative to whatever realm her nature is joined, the life currents from that realm will flow through her to another life with whom she has influ- ence, and will become the means through which man draws inspirations from the realm of the light of under- standing woman's place in the Divine plan, for woman is the "Tree of Knowledge". The twelve spies who were sent out to explore the promised land (that land being symbolical of the fem- inine nature) brought back the report that there were giants there in whose sight they were as grasshoppers (appetites, passions). We mothers cannot hope to possess the promises in our children and homes until meeting these giants face to face, we conquer and make away with them out of our present state of mind and body, now "groping in the darkness at noon day". In the Second Chapter of Genesis we are told that man was placed in the Eden of God; and that he was disobedient and driven out from that condition, since which time he has wandered in sickness, sorrow and death. Man, Humanity, has now arrived at the entrance of the Garden of God, (in consciousness) the arrival means the developing of the mind and soul powers, the unfold- ing of the latent forces where they will love Law and Harmony with all that is natural, and pure more than 92 WOMAN OF THE HOUR the gratification of sense desires, and being able to grasp the Divine Purpose will put themselves in harmony with it. Already the New Humanity are hearing the words of Revelation XX, 14: "Blessed are they that do his com- mandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city." (city feminine; gates within the knowledge.) MOTHERHOOD. . Motherhood means that pure love that should be in every heart. Yet how few mothers realize their power- ful influence and that they alone hold the keys to the world's problems. Some one has said in a Mothers' Congress: "Motherhood means hearts full of love for every living creature, kind words of co-operation for all working for the betterment of humanity; faith in the possibility of human nature; courage to go steadily for- ward; patience under adverse criticism or misapprehen- sion, and humility in the midst of triumphs." President Roosevelt said in addressing a mothers' congress: "The standard of a nation's strength is found in its homes and the heart of the true mother principle." And it was Lincoln who said: "All I am and all I ever hope to be I owe to a sainted mother." Ignorance of the Law of Motherhood is the cause and the curse of all the misery in earth life. There was a time when mothers threw their girl babies into the Ganges River as a sacrifice to their God. They looked upon the water as being holy and as the girl babies were considered of not much value they fed the river with them. In some other countries women are harnessed up like a horse beside an ox and she pulls her part while the man, her husband, perhaps, walks along beside the cart and drives them. In some of the heathen countries men catch and skin animals and birds and the women must then take the skins and chew them all over, until they are thoroughly soft and the blood all sucked out, and the fat and the filth scraped off with their teeth, and then make them PAST PRESENT FUTURE 93 up into garments, and do other work which men consider beneath their dignity. Again, in some other countries women are regarded as animals to bunch up into a pen and are fed and watered much as we would attend our horses, and kept there as concubines to gratify the lust of the animal man, and when their owners become tired of them, they sell to another man and get a new sup- ply. These are not new things, they have been prac- ticed thousands of years; the Bible shows us much on these subjects as to the way woman has been regarded, a sort of machine or necessary convenience. Many of such poor and oppressed women have been the mothers of the races from which the more enlight- ened souls of our times have sprung, but the impressions stamped upon the sub-conscious mind of past ages bear the indelible signs on the faces, features and bodies of humanity today, to those who know. In Pagan times only immoral women were educated, (as a rule) but even in those dark times there were women and mothers who rose above their degraded con- ditions and surroundings, and are accounted among the benefactors of their times. Deborah, of Bible times, led an army of ten thousand men to victory over King Jabin, when his hosts ran from her field of battle like whipped curs, thus Deborah's people were rid of their oppressors and for forty years thru her skill and courage they were privileged to sit under their own vines and fig trees, with none to molest, or make them afraid. ORIGIN OF HELL. Words of Jonathan Edwards, a celebrated theologian and metaphysician, born 1703, lived fifty-five years (died in the same plane of consciousness in which he lived, no doubt). After more than twenty-three years of rigid service and teachings, he was dismissed from the church by his congregration because of the severity with which he sought to exercise the church discipline. He then went as a missionary among the Indians. In 1758 he was chosen president of Princeton College, Ma&e-:, and died 94 WOMAN OF THE HOUR of small-pox soon after. It is said of him: "His freedom of Will is a masterpiece of metaphysical argument". "The world will probably be converted into a great lake or liquid globe of fire, in which the wicked shall be overwhelmed, which shall always be in tempest, in which they shall be tossed to and fro, having no rest day or night, vast waves or billows of fire continually rolling over their heads, of which they shall ever be full of a quick sense, within and without; their heads, their eyes, their tongues, their feet, their hands, their loins and their vitals shall forever be full of a glowing, melting fire, enough to melt the very rocks and elements. Also they shall be full of the most quick and lively sense to feel the torments, not for ten millions of ages, but for ever and ever, without any end at all." Jonathan Ed- wards. "The damned shall be tormented in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb, so will they be tormented also in the presence of the glori- fied saints. Hereby the saints will be made more sensi- ble how great their salvation is. The view of the misery of the damned will double the ardour of the love and gratitude of the saints in heaven." Jonathan Edwards. We approach a very warm and lurid subject with a somewhat lowered temperature of enthusiasm because the traditional hell, once a real belief as quotations from Edwards testify, is now somewhat out of date, and out- of-date things are not inspirational. The subject involves fortunately certain practical elements worthy of our consideration. In regard to a belief in hell, people may be roughly divided into three classes: First, a large and growing class to whom hell is a jest. They do not take it serious- ly because they do not believe in it, and they cannot and be intellectually honest. There is a second class who, in a vague and reluctant way, believe in hell. But they have reduced its temperature and modified its horrors. At best it is with them little more than a mild winter resort, or compared to the old-fashioned hell, a future PAST- -PRESENT FUTURE 95 Florida or a Southern California. Moreover, the tradi- tional theology has been sending so many bright minds and sweet natures to hell from Plato and Socrates to the sweet-souled Emerson, that the traditional place of pun- ishment has lost its terrors through the prospect of good companionship. Judge Story once said that hell might not be very comfortable for climate, but for good com- panionship he was inclined to prefer it to the other place. So this class of people believe in hell in a mild way. It is a left-over traditional impression rather than a rea- soned belief. They would be rather startled to hear their minister deny the existence of a hell, and yet in the main they are quite willing to have the subject relegated to the list of uninteresting topics. Then there is a third class of theologians, stalwarts, who have a right royal belief in hell. They are inclined to take it literally, fire and all. This is not a large class, we suspect, but there is such a class. There are a few belated ministers in all cities, no doubt, who preach the old hell now and then with unc- tion, and are glad to believe that the old hell of Jona- than Edwards still exists, at least for some of their neighbors. Like nearly every Calvinistic mental monstrosity, the doctrine rests upon a solid substratum of truth. The Calvinistic doctrine of predestination rests upon a well known fact that some people are born into better con- ditions than others. Some born to advantage, and some to disadvantage. This known fact, dimly seen by theo- logians, was mixed up in the doctrine of predestination. The doctrine of an original sin, carried to an absurdity by the church, was nevertheless a crude, vague, grasp- ing after modern scientific doctrine of heredity. That some souls are born into this world with a heredity bias toward evil is an accepted scientific fact. We suspect that the basis for the belief in hell is a true basis. Now let us see. Thru long years of experience, rather than by ethical intuition, men came finally to differentiate between what 96 WOMAN OF THE HOUR helped them and what harmed them. They called the things which injured them evils, and the things which benefited them virtues. So certain people who benefitted society were called good people, and those who injured it were known as evil people. Good actions came to be known as right actions, and evil actions as wrong ac- tions. So Right and Wrong became established. Furthermore, a sense of justice rapidly grew declar- ing that the good actions deserved some recompense, and wrong actions deserved some penalty. It did not seem fair that the bad man should go unpunished. In social affairs some sort of punishment was found to be necessary for social defense. Hence grew our legal sys- tem, with their accompanying penalties and vast penal machinery. Upon this deeply established ethical conception that evil deserved punishment rests the doctrine of hell. First, it was conceived that in addition to sins against society men could and did sin against a Supreme Being, against God. God must have His own plan of punishment. Sec- ondly, it was noticed that many bad men did not seem to get adequate punishment in this world, either for their sins against society or against God. Bad men lived and prospered, good men lived and fared badly. Hence the idea of future rewards and punishments. Man's sense of justice, not satisfied with the punishment which bad people received in this world, he imagined a future condition where things would somehow get evened up. A punishment, then, for sins, especially for sins against God, was the first step in the psychological process by which hell was established. By a somewhat similar psychological process the lo- cation and nature of hell became fixed. No sooner did it become an established belief with men that people who were not punished for their evils here would get that punishment in the future, than the question arose: "Where is this future place of punishment?" It must be a local place. Just as men located their courts of justice and their places of punishment here in this world, hell must be conceived of as a location. Looking into the PAST-PRESENTFUTURE 97 beauty of the heavens, softened by dawn or twilight, the source of sunshine and life-giving moisture, men said, "No, hell is not there." Then they looked into the yawn- ing caverns of the earth, from whence came noisome vapors, and where winds sobbed through sunless cav- erns like the moan of lost souls, and they said: "Hell is there." Heaven was above, hell beneath. As Andrew D. White says in his "Warfare of Science With Theolo- gy": "Heaven became a loft, hell a cellar." Then there are some other interesting steps in the process of completing the traditional conceptions of hell. Having gotten it located, the proposition was then how to punish people who were consigned there. Naturally the old torture chamber instruments for pain-making were simply transferred to this universal and unending prison house called hell. To this were added as the case required any other instruments of torture which pleased or terrified the popular imagination. Pitchforks were much in evidence. Every soldier who had rushed on the bare spear could understand so keen an argument for being a good Christian as a trim tined pitchfork. Fire was known to be, in expert hands, a most exquisite means of torture, and so it was much in evidence in the traditional hell. Just as punishment was inflicted by the worst tor- tures known to the practice and imaginations of men, so the officials of hell were not naturally thot of as being saintly men, but monsters of most hideous mien, with horns, hoofs and tails and a wicked upturn of the mus- tache. The devil thus adorned was not an original cre- ation with Christianity, but was no doubt borrowed from the Pagan god, Pan. To understand more fully what the traditional hell became in popular imagination one should carefully read Dante's "Inferno". And finally to crown this hell with its final horror, the old theologians made it endless. Al- most any sort of pain might be endured, relieved by the hope of its finally ceasing. But an endless pain is an- other proposition. Suso, one of the Mediaeval mystics, set down his attempt to define endlessness of future 98 WOMAN OF THE HOUR punishment in suitably impressive terms. Says the old mystic: "Imagine, a granite stone as thick as the earth, and with a circumference so vast that it touches the heavens on either side. Then imagine a little bird com- ing once in a hundred thousand years and with its tiny bill removing from this granite mass a grain one-tenth the size of a millet (one of the smallest of grains), and that at the end of another hundred thousand years the bird should repeat this operation until at the end of a million years it had removed an equivalent of one grain of millet. Now," said the grim old mystic, "if we could only hope that our pains in hell would endure only dur- ing the time that it would take the bird to remove the entire stone, we would rest content. But alas!" added the old thinker, "it cannot be". Thus, while the belief in hell is being relegated to the growing museum of theological monstrosities, the doc- trine itself indicates the attempts of unscientific and credulous minds, encouraged possibly by unscrupulous ministers of the church, to express their conviction that justice required a punishment for sin, either here or hereafter. Around a small nucleus of truth gathered most monstrous errors. But with many anxious minds the further question arises: "Does the Bible teach that there is such a hell as the traditional theology has for centuries taught?" Reading our English version literally one is impressed by certain passages and expressions that the N. T. espe- cially teaches a literal hell of endless torment for the unsaved. Now, I have a great admiration for the Bible. I believe it a treasury of great moral truths and spir- itual inspirations. But, if upon examination, it should be found that the N. T. teaches such an unjust doctrine as the traditional doctrine of hell, I should not hesitate a moment before rejecting such a teaching as unjust and untrue. Such a doctrine would not prove the truth of the doctrine of hell, but merely convict the Bible of error. If Jesus taught such a doctrine, I should still hold the right to dispute it, as every thoughtful and in- dependent mind ought to do. The doctrine of an endless PAST PRESENT FUTURE 99 hell is so essentially unjust and unethical that if Jesus taught it, the fact merely convicts Jesus of certain lim- itations as a religious teacher. Truth always rests upon some deeper fact than the person who presents it. To those who have lingering doubts about the Bible teachings on this matter, we venture the assertion that neither the Old, nor the New Testament, nor any sayings of Jesus teach any such doctrine as the traditional church has maintained about future punishment. There is not a word in the Bible from Genesis to Revelation that can possibly mean "hell" in the sense held by the traditional orthodox church. And as for the doctrine of endless damnation, there is no warrant of it, in our Bible or Zendavesta, or Koran, or the Zohar, Bibles of authority. Modern scholarship, startled by the injustice of end- less punishment, begins a systematic study of our Bible for its confirmation or denial, not satisfied with our English version, scholars have gone back to the original Hebrew and Greek for the meaning of the words at the time of their original use, which, when the Bible was translated into English were translated hell, damnation, eternal. The original languages have quite a different story to tell than is told by our English translations. First, there is but one word in the Old Testament Hebrew that there is ever translated hell. That is the word "sheol" and there is no reason in all the world why it should be translated hell. Sheol in Hebrew simply means the "unseen world" or the "world beyond the grave". It is translated grave in thirty-three instances. The old translators translat- ed it hell when it suited their convenience, or seemed to support their theological contentions of an endless hell. Sheol could not have meant to the Hebrew mind what translators have made it mean, for the Jews never be- lieved in hell, much less in an endlessness of punishment. Talmudic scholars assure us that the Talmud does not teach everlasting punishment, and the Talmud faith- fully reflects the belief both of the ancient Hebrew, and 100 WOMAN OF THE HOUR later Jewish church. It is very doubtful if the Jews in the Old Testament times believed in a future life at all. Consulting the New Testament we find three words sometimes translated hell, and sometimes rendered by some more appropriate words. The first of these is the word Tartarus. It is found only once in the N. T. and that in second Peter II., 4. It is always translated hell, though in the revision a marginal note renders it by the word dungeons. Canon Farrar insists, however, that it cannot be fairly translated hell because "it refers to an intermediate state preceding judgment". The second word in the N. T. translated hell is the Greek word "hades", which is nothing more than the Greek translation of the Hebrew word sheol, and carried no further meaning in the time of Jesus than did the word of which it was a translation. It means nothing more than the unseen world and is used to denote a place both for the good and bad. The King James version translates it by the word hell, in the new version it is often left untranslated, but when it is translated, for the sake of the good old doctrine it is translated hell. The third word, and the word with a single exception used by Jesus only, is Gehenna. To interpret this word as meaning what the term hell has come to mean, or as having any reference to future punishment of any kmd, is to overlook the simplest historical facts. Gehenna is the Greek form of the Hebrew Gehinom, the name of a beautiful valley near Jerusalem. Originally a place of beauty it became desecrated by the worship of idols. Moloch worship in particular flourished there, making it religiously unclean to the Jew and an accursed and pol- luted place. Later it became the common sewer of the city, the corpses of criminals were thrown in there un- buried and fires were kept lighted to burn the refuse and purify the contaminated air. In a secondary sense it implied the severest judgment which a Jewish court could inflict upon a criminal, the casting forth of his dead body into the polluted valley of Hinom. But to the Jew the idea of a future punishment much less of a hell of fire was never connected with reference to this place PAST PRESENT FUTURE 1 1 of evil, nor was it used as a type of a future hell. To hold that Jesus or his disciples used the term to denote a future hell of fire is as unscholarly and absurd as it would be for the people of a thousand years later to maintain that the people of Chicago of the present time believed in a literal hell of fire, because preachers were accustomed to refer to a burning garbage heap main- tained in the city. Now the conclusion is beyond ques- tion that the word hell ought not to appear in our Bible at all. Old terms were made to carry new doctrines. The horrors of the Inferno of Dante were thrust upon the harmless words of previous ages. Jesus, talking to the Jews, would not have used such common terms with well established meanings to teach doctrines practically unknown to his hearers. If the average reader had before him the original words used in the N. T. Greek with original meanings, the doctrines of hell would disappear from the New Tes- tament. Take a single instance, this sentence from Mat- thew: "How can ye escape the damnation of hell"? This is the way we get it in our English translation, even in the new version. Now what is the actual Greek? Sim- ply this: "How can ye escape the Judgment of Gehen- na"? If our translators had contented themselves with repeating the original words with explanations of their original meanings no one would ever have dreamed that the N. T. taught the doctrine of a future hell. And finally there is the word everlasting, which has so potently added to the orthodox doctrine of hell. The Hebrew word so translated is "olam" and means simply age long, and nothing more. The idea of endlessness is not native to the word. The New Testament word is "aionios," and also means age lasting. The idea of endlessness does not in- here in the term any more than in the Hebrew term word "olam." In New Testament use it is a word of quality rather than a word of duration. "Eternal life" refers to the quality of the life rather than to the length 102 WOMAN OF THE HOUR of it. "Aionios," usually translated everlasting, might with safety be translated eternal, only that term has come to mean endlessness in theological language. The safe way would have been to leave "aionios" untranslat- ed or to translate it age long. Certain it is that neither the Old Testament nor the New contains a word which can be rightfully translated by the word everlasting. Like the words hell and damnation, everlasting has taken on a theological meaning, which is absolutely unwar- ranted by the original Hebrew or Greek word of which it is a translation. The average Bible reader is the vic- tim of our English translations. Reading literally and with no knowledge of the Greek or Hebrew he is im- pressed with ponderous phrases burdened with "hell," "damnation" and "everlasting," and he is naturally forced to the conclusion that the Bible teaches the old- fashioned hell, fire and all. He must, he thinks, either accept the doctrine or reject the truth of the Bible. Thousands of thinking people have accepted the latter alternative. To abandon the Bible has seemed to them less an evil than to accept the horrible doctrine of an endless hell. The fact is that a theological doctrine of hell, developed quite independent of the Bible, fixed in Mediaeval fancy by Dante, and in the English mind by Milton, seeking to find corroboration in the Bible, forced itself into Hebrew and Greek words which never meant, could not have meant, what the biased translators of the Sixteenth Century made them mean. One cannot escape the conviction that sins and evils ought in justice to receive punishment. Physiological and psychological science is demonstrating beyond ques- tion that such sins and evils do feel the lash of out- raged laws. Diseased bodies, atrophied minds, moral rottenness and the stings of conscience work their way sooner or later with the wrongdoer. Mark the haggard face of the debauchee, the bleared gaze of the inconti- nent who have dethroned every fine sense in the strife of lust; see your woman, her womanly crown flung in the gutters of vice, reeling on and on down the fatal path which leads to physical suffering and disgraceful PAST PRESENT FUTURE 103 death. Note the soul lashed by conscience, crazy with remorse, and say if you can that God has not made scourges for sin and evil, quite different from the ortho- dox hell, but scarcely less terrible and significant be- cause based not upon theological fancy, but upon physi- ologic and psychologic law of Cause and Effect. Will such infraction of divine laws carry over into another world? Is there a future punishment? Why not. If soul and mind live, and we trust they do, can they shake off the memory of the past ? Will the plunge through the wierd portals of death cure the mind weak with years of dissipation, or the soul sick with decades of sinful thoughts and practices? The very idea of a perpetuation of our individuality carries the conviction that if the law has not had its full way with a man in this world it will have it in the next. Not in some arbi- trary and endless hell, but in spiritual forces working out, through suffering, the soul's redemption. Through suffering shall we be saved. "But the body is dead," say some. "No stripes can be laid upon it." "The sins of the body perish with the body." Not so. Every physical sin leaves a scar on the undying soul. Every physical excess which ruins the body, wounds the spiritual na- ture. Bury the body, but if the soul lives it will carry the sins of the flesh into eternity. Sins of body do not stand in one category and sins of soul in another. They are intertwined and are knit to each other for good or evil through the law and fact of action and reaction. Sin then is a real thing and punishment is a real thing. What is hell then? Hell is not a place. Hell is a quality of soul. Hell is remorse, hell is a stricken con- science, hell is suffering born out of evil. Not all suf- fering is hell. Some suffering is heaven. When Jesus sweat great drops of blood in the garden of sorrow, angels came and ministered unto Him. In the old Florentine prison, Savonarola with limbs broken on the rack, with the vision of the scaffold hang- ing on the edge of the next day's dawn, and weary shud- dering with pain, smiled in his sleep as tho visions of heaven were vouchsafed him in agony. FOURTH CHAPTER. GOD GEOMETRIZING "The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament showeth his handiwork. Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night showeth knowledge." "There is no speech nor language where their voice is not heard. "Their line is gone out thru all the earth, and their words to the end of the world. "In them hath he set a tabernacle for the sun." 19th Psa. "The Lord, is my shepherd; I shall not want." 23rd Psa. "He that dwelleth in the secret places of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty." 91st Psa. "The stone which the builders refused is become the head stone of the corner." 118th Psa. "O give thanks unto the Lord; for he is good; because his mercy endureth forever." 118th Psa. HO is God? What is God? Where is God? are questions under discussion at the present time, as never before in all history. The Idea of a God has possessed all nations and all classes. Beings so low in the scale of unfoldment as to have no idea of God, like the American Indians, called Him "The Great Spirit." Why this should be would be a difficult question to answer, were it not that at the very foundation of all being there is a Something, oft- times vague and indefinite that nevertheless gives a con- sciousness of an Infinite and Over-Power upon which hu- man beings in necessity may rely, unto which they may pray, or offer sacrifices, propitiate by destroying ene- mies, or anger by neglect or scorn of its powers. Esoteric Scientists tell us that we cannot understand, or even think of anything with which we have not some correspondence within ourselves. We understand that the Positive and Negative create from the spirit plane, 106 PAST- -PRESENT FUTURE 107 and that they are the spiritual manifestations in Matter and Intelligence. Negative-Positive is always Destruc- tive, and Positive-Negative is always Constructive. Nega- tive is strongest in matter, and acts formatively. Every- thing must pass thru Mother-Earth, matter principle, before the Father-God principle can be recognized and understood. At this time, in the cycles of time, there comes the Feminine-Positive formative principle to redeem the earth in the form of Woman, as the Christ came in his time and was androgenous, to redeem the world. Up to this time all Avatars were men of the positive masculine principle, therefore the creations of God have been of the Negative-formative with a dominant power in the lead. All things being permitted, we are to understand that it is God geometrizing, or working in cycles fulfill- ing His laws to teach us of Himself. To have the Idea of God placed firmly in the Con- sciousness we may have a demonstration by holding in the mind the thots of the right hand holding Matter and Intelligence as God. And in the left hand holding what God expresses in Life, Love, Activity, Power, Wisdom, Construction, and Destruction, knowing God as dual, "Dual Being". Again, by recognizing the fact that God IS, and God fills all space, is in, and of everything. Study the ocean and know that one drop of water from that vast body is of the component parts of the whole body of the ocean. So with everything in existence. Individually we repre- sent and are in God as one drop of the ocean of God, and as the drop that came from the ocean, we are a drop from God. Each and every individual born into the world pos- sesses two distinct selves; dual selves, for convenience we will call the "Higher Self' and the "Little Self. All laws of Nature are powerful laws of attraction and repul- sion and have their positive and negative poles. The higher-self, the positive and central point, from which unlimited possibilities may be derived, is measured by 108 WOMAN OF THE HOUR the ability to comprehend the nature and power of the law of attraction for good. There is a positiveness, how- ever, which is but a high sense of fear not founded on true self trust, which carries its power, but not for good. The little-self makes hard work of everything, and is inclined to believe only the five physical senses, while the higher-self is ever conscious of power to possess thru trust in the law of supply, hence is incapable of fear, failure, poverty, sickness or want. That which the little-self would call trouble and judg- ment, the higher-self measures as a part of the great plan, something to be gained from every experience. Therefore reverses stimulate the power to rise above present conditions, and many times are "blessings in dis- guise". Knowledge and new forces will come out of the silent mysteries of divine self-trust, potential from the Infinite as we come to recognize all is Law. We will then understand and appreciate the inspired thots and mind of such as Edgar Allen Poe in his revelation: "All Power is Spirit God God alone. He is here, He is everywhere. Thou great Infinite power Thou great flame of life of which I am but a spark. Oh, Spirit ; the one birthless, deathless Omnipotent in whose ocean of life I am but a drop, let me feel Thy presence and power resting upon me." Analyzing ourselves we find that our composition is Matter and Intelligence. All Intelligence is God, Spirit, there must be substance, Matter thru which to express, therefore God is Matter and Intelligence, the answer to the questions: Who? What? Where is God? To determine the nature and attributes of God, is to determine the nature and attributes of all humanity. We should keep in mind the fact that there is a vast differ- ence between the composition of God and the attributes of God, and become fully conscious that God is Matter and Intelligence, is everywhere, All in All. Is where we live move and have our being, as naturally as fish live in the ocean, and as naturally as fish love the water we should love Matter and Intelligence as we live and oper- ate in law. God is Law. God operates Law, geometrizes. PAST PRESENT FUTURE 1 09 THE LAW OF CYCLES. The Zodiac in an imaginary belt in the heavens called the "Path of the Suns", (of which there are millions of suns) passing thru each of the Signs of the Zodiac about every twenty-eight days, also called the "Heavenly Man", each Sign ruling some part of the human body. The Zodiac with its twelve Signs should not be con- fused with the Constellations, or groups of stars of the same names. The Ursa-Major, Big Dipper; Ursa-Minor, Little Dipper; Constellations in the heavens are also called "Big-bear" and "Little-bear". These, it is said have especial influence over this planet Earth, as all life, and all force is transmitted to its inhabitants thru entities back of these stars, and this group of stars cor- respond to all planets in the system. Thus we say: "The Word of God out of the Heavens." Only a little research will disclose the fact that the Christian Bible is symbolically written, and geometrical- ly calculated from the heavenly bodies, their cycles and fulfillment. Everything great or small, from a universe of starry galaxies to the electronic system of a molecule is subject to cyclic law. All life is under its dominion be that life the feeble amoeba, the intellectual genius of man, or the exalted existence of an archangel. Stars are created, live and die; worlds roll on in space; Nations rise, de- cline and suffer extinction; individuals are born, reared, reach the climax of their development and sink into the decreptitude of old age and finally die ; all with rhythmic- like precision due to cyclic law. Cycles are spaced off portions of eternity that each measure the duration of some force, potency, energy or orbit of motion. These vary proportionally with the thing whose duration of activity they mention. Thus we are all familiar with the diurnal motion of the earth which is one of the smaller cycles of Nature. This cycle meets out the direct proportion and duration of terrestial activity and rest. All things terrestial have periods of sleep and awaking, and these bear relation to 110 WOMAN OF THE HOUR the earth motion. Minerals expand in the warmth of the sun, and contract as the cold of night overtakes them. Vegetables breath oxygen at night, the same as man, but when the atmosphere becomes polarized by the rising sun they change from sleep to new activity and breathe carbon-dioxide, which is detrimental to human and ani- mal life and thus they purify the air to make it possible for man to live and thrive. Animals mostly sleep at night and move about in the day time, but some reverse this, yet all bear relation to the succession of the dual law, day and night. And so, too, man finds sleep and re- pose at night and spends the day in active work. Thus it is seen that the diurnal rotation of the earth on its axis is the cycle that measures terrestrial activity and repose. A cycle of larger duration with which all are fa- miliar is the motion of the Moon. This is the cycle most affecting the magnetic conditions of the world. The magnetic condition of the spherical envelope of the earth has a powerful affect upon the brain. Thus in insane asylums the patients are always more violent at the full of the moon. So, too, crops planted when the moon is decreasing in light, consequently the magnetic strength is diminishing, will spend most of their strength in their roots, while if the moon be increasing in light their energies will produce greater growth above the ground. No one will deny the effect of the moon upon the tides nor that this cyclic effect can be predicted with certain- ty. So also the moon governs gestation. If the time of conception be known any good astrologer can predict to the very minute and day in which the child will be born and the gender by lunar calculations. Likewise the period of gestation in animals is solely ruled by the moon, and stock-breeders take care to know within a day or two when their horses, cattle, and sheep will have their young. Thus the lunar cycle is the precise measure of magnetic conditions, of the tides, and of the period of gestation. Another cycle of longer duration with which we are just as well acquainted is the annual journey (appar- PAST- -PRESENT FUTURE 111 ently) of the sun. Not only does the earth in its yearly pilgrimage about the sun measure off time in years, but it governs the amount and quality of the life force re- ceived. We do not need to wait until July to determine that the weather will be warm then, nor are we in any doubt that in January it will be cool in the Northern hemisphere. We have come thru experience to expect a stormy, windy period about the 22nd of March owing to the Vernal equinox, and in the Fall certain other con- ditions obtain. In conformity to this cycle our crops are planted in the Spring and are reaped in the Fall, and aside from these more commonly recognized facts is the one that the life force diifers as each sign is passed in the Zodiacal circle, so that the life force and aspirations of one born in one month is entirely different from those born in other months. Thus there can be no doubt that the periodic motion of the earth yearly about the sun is the exact measure of the life force received by this planet. There are other cycles of immense duration which measure out to the earth its evolutionary forces, its pe- riods of construction and destruction relative to the Planetary periods, Human Rounds, Races and Sub-races. One of the most important exactly recorded cycles is the processional cycle which makes the equinoxes appar- ently move slowly around the Zodiac. It is this move- ment which is referred to when we speak of the sun be- ing now in Aquarius, for it is the motion that apparently moves the sun around the entire Zodiac in 25,920 years. Dividing 25,920 by 12 we have 2,160 years which is the time the sun remains in each sign. Now this cycle is the exact measure of the quality of mental and spiritual force received by mankind, so by tracing backwards the sun thru its course we can determine the enlightenment of prehistoric nations at any given time in history. Also simultaneous with its movement thru certain signs, National events such as great wars and cataclysms take place. Poseidonis, the last portion of Atlantis, sank 9564 years B. C. The sun entered the sign Leo, which is a 112 WOMAN OF THE HOUR violent and disruptive sign, one in which earthquakes most frequently occur at the present day, in the year 11,079 B. C., and was in that sign until 8,919 B. C., so that the last of Atlantis was sunk while the sun was in the sign Leo. From 8919 B.C. to 6759 B.C. the sun was in the sign Cancer, which is an inspirational, emotional, medi- umistic and watery sign. Consequently the chief activi- ties of the highest of our globe's activities in that period was given to psychic development and spiritual inter- course, while the great part of the world was interested in commerce, shipping, and the raising of food stuffs. From the year 6759 B. C. to 4599 B. C. the sun was in the intellectual, executive, scientific sign, Gemini. At that time the highest of the worlds' brains were turned into scientific channels. It was at that period that the Hermetic teachings were formulated as now taught, and Hermes Trismegistis placed his doctrines in writing. It was the greatest period of intellectual development; al- chemy and the allied occult sciences including astrology and magic were made the subject of serious study by all the educated people. It was also a period of bartering and intercourse with other nations, but not in the same manner as during the previous period, for the thing now most highly prized was knowledge. From the year 4599 B.C. to 2439 B.C. the sun was in the laborious, earthy, persistent, plodding sign, Taurus. The Bull was worshiped in many countries, and the most gigantic enterprises were undertaken. The wisdom formulated and garnered in the preceeding pe- riod was now placed in stone to preserve it for future generations. This was the time the Pyramids and the Sphinx were built. It was a time of agricultural inter- est among the common people, and many were made slaves to those of more learning. From the year 2439 B. C. to 279 B. C. the sun was in the fiery, aggressive sign Aries. It was at this period that the worship of Baal (the Bull) gave place to the worship of the Lamb (Aries). Aries is an intellectual sign, but it is pre-eminently military in character. So PAST PRESENT FUTURE 113 we find this to be the period of great military achieve- ment. It was during this time that Troy fell and the great Hellenic wars took place which have come down thru history. Egypt also fell to the Persian Cambyses, and war was the order of the day. But as it is also an intellectual sign, we find the mental achievements scarce- ly less than the military. During this epoch was the time of Greek Philosophy, Poetry and Art, and the great Alexandrian Library was founded in Egypt. From 279 B. C. to 1881 A. D. the sun was in the Dark, negative, watery, sacerdotal sign, Pisces. So the great libraries of the world were soon destroyed and the priesthood began to suppress all individual intellectual research. The sun was in the water, and truth could not be seen. It was the period of greatest darkness that always precedes dawn. Commerce alone made many strides. America was discovered, and other notable voy- ages made, but all intellectual progress was at a stand- still. Pisces as the night-house of Jupiter is a priestly sign, so the Inquisition flourished and many shady trans- actions occurred with the sanction of the church. In 1881 the sun entered the sign Aquarius, and will remain in it until the year 4041. Aquarius is the sign of the perfected man, it is an airy, intellectual, occult, scientific sign. Nothing can be hidden in the air, and so all truth will soon be clear during the cycle of Aquarius. Aquarius is ruled by the planet Uranus, who governs Occultism, and is closely associated with all inventions, particularly those where electricity is employed. So dur- ing the New Aquarian age now dawning, humanity will rise to the height of material perfection. They will be- come masters of the occult forces of Nature, and will become supremely wise. Already we have a foreshadow- ing of the mighty results to follow, for while steam was at last employed during the Pisces age, electricity has come to the fore since 1881. Also most of the New Thought and Occult movements have only made progress since that time. During the watery age of Pisces man was interested in ships and commerce by water, but dur- ing the airy reign of Aquarius he will master the Air 114 WOMAN OF THE HOUR and it will become the general highway of travel. Liquid air will also become available for motive power, and many other potent agents of nature will be discovered and utilized to perform man's will. History proves that at the close of one cycle and the commencement of another there is always a stormy period resembling the storms of the Vernal Equinox when the sun crosses to a new hemisphere. Thus the great world war and the religious agitation are due to our now passing thru that period of transition, and while it is very severe yet when the calm comes the out- look will be very bright for we are now in an age when spiritual and occult forces of humanity are capable of receiving their highest development. The old religions will lie moldering in ruin before another fifty years, and the Wisdom Religion will be accepted by all thinking people. THE FALL OF MAN. "Every religion under the sun has had an astrological foundation, and every science the human mind is capa- ble of elaborating, springs from, returns to, and ulti- mately becomes lost within the starry realms of Urania." So likewise all human beliefs, oral, traditional, monu- mental, or sacerdotal that have come down to us thru antiquity point to the fact that the human soul once lived in a state of spiritual perfection in Paradisical realms, from thence was tempted to fall into material conditions, and must ultimately win its way back to the lost state of perfection. Not only the Holy Bible, but also the Zendavesta of the Persians, the Vedas of the Hindoos, and the monu- ments of Egypt, show the universal primitive belief that man once lived in higher spheres, tho without possessing either Love or Wisdom. These together with power can only be attained thru experience. This was not only a belief, but was in reality a memory of these primitive people whose psychic senses had never lost a faint con- sciousness of the pristine realm from which they fell PAST-PRESENT FUTURE 1 1 5 and toward which their spiritual aspirations constantly prompted them to endeavor to ascend. Astrology is the key to all of the allegories of the ancients, so we need not be surprised to find the story of man's fall beautifully and truly pictured in the Bible, and when interpreted with the aid of the astral key it reveals a page from the past history of the soul. It first must be remmebered that the earth plane be- ing but a reflection of the Spiritual world when we wish to give spiritual interpretations to the Zodiac we must reverse the signs, just as they become reversed if seen in a mirror. Aries is always the first sign of the Zodiac and has to do with creative energy. It is the creator and ener- gizer, so it corresponds to Genesis 1:27: "God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he them" etc. Also Gen. 2:7. The second act in the drama describing the Fall is depicted beginning Gen. 2:8: "And the Lord God planted a garden eastward in Eden and there he put the man whom he had formed." Now the sign Taurus is a labori- ous sign much given to agriculture pursuits, for it is an earthly sign, so also it is situated at the East side of the heavens. And man was put to work tending the garden, but must not eat of the tree of good and evil. The third act is related in Chap. 2, verses 18, 21, 22, and 23. It is not good for man to be alone. So he is put to sleep in order that Eve may be created. The third sign is the sign of the twins, so it is here naturally that the sexes are created. Before this, man was an andro- genous being, but now he has become two, male and fe- male, Adam and Eve. This corresponds to the sign Gemini. All this time they were steadily climbing the celestial chart of the heavens. And the next sign being Cancer, which is an inspirational, aspirational sign, one always associated with the home and with parents, we find it mentioned in Chapters 24, 25, of Genesis: "Therefore shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall cleave 116 WOMAN OF THE HOUR unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh." Also as a result of their spiritual nature they were pure and not ashamed. The next sign, Leo, was anciently symbolized by a serpent and still preserves the semblance in its charac- ter. Sun worship and serpent worship were closely allied devotions, and Leo is the sign of the sun. Also the sign Leo being the natural fifth sign is the sign ruling gen- erally pleasures, desires, children, love affairs, and things that affect the heart and emotions generally. So Chap- ter 3 of Genesis, 1st verse, refers to the sign Leo, or desire, which was the tempting influence and which cre- ated the desire for the primitive Eve to descend into more gross conditions in order that thru experience she might taste of the tree of knowledge of good and evil and become wise. In the 4th verse, Chapter 3, Eve is represented as the sign of the Virgin, or Virgo, for while yet pure and un- sullied, yet she has listened to, and argued with the voice of desire, the tempting serpent Leo, which is dragging her down toward the lower. She has already left the state of purity denoted by Cancer, and is now weighing the matter in her mind previous to decision. See verses 4 and 5. Libra is the sign of judgment, also of union. As the seventh sign it is the sign naturally ruling marriage and partnerships. So at this point the Virgin has decided that union is good and pleasant to the eyes, verse 7, so she begins to yield. The serpent is still below her tempting her to still lower states. He has now become the subtle sign, Scorpio, who is the most treacherous and sensual of all the signs. Scorpio is the sign of gen- eration and reproduction, so we find the serpent Scorpio tempting Eve to eat of the forbidden fruit of earthly generation, and Eve who is weighing the matter in the balance of Libra decides to take the advice of the temp- ter and plunge into physical generation for the benefit of experience. Thus the soul in order to enter and con- tact matter must enter it thru the avenue of generation. In a spiritual sphere, apart from contact with matter, PAST PRESENT FUTURE 1 1 7 as was the state indicated by Cancer, no knowledge of external life could be known. So in order that wisdom might be developed it was necessary for the soul to be born into a material body thru the process ordained by Nature, generation. And no sooner had the primitive souls been born into material form, symbolized by the generative sign Scor- pio than their eyes were opened, and they began to know good from evil. They were no longer pure and innocent, and incapable of knowledge, but they were beginning to be wise. So we find in verse 8 that the eyes of them both were opened and they sewed fig leaves together and made themselves aprons. These fig leaves indicate that the bodies occupied by the first race of humanity were not dense like those of today, so they are represented as being only scantily clothed. The next sign of the Zodiac is the sign Sagittarius, which is pre-eminently the religious sign. As the ninth house it rules religious beliefs and communion with un- seen beings, and inspiraton and prophecy. So verses 8, 9, 10 and 11 have to do with the conscience of primitive man. The awakening of the religious mind to the possi- bilities before it, and the dictates of conscience. The Lord is represented as walking in the garden in the cool of the day. When the sun is in the sign Sagittarius our winter begins, so of course being in the cool of the day is appropriate. After quizzing and reproving, represent- ing the action of conscience, we come to the next phase where Adam lays the blame onto Eve. This is the sign Capricorn, which is essentially diplomatic in its nature, and also is the sign of the goat whence the custom of laying the sins of a nation on a scape-goat and sacri- ficing it to carry away the sins of all. The 12th, 13th and 17th verses represent the sign Capricorn and its nature. The apples held in the hands of Hercules in the celestial atlas are near this point, showing why the fruit was represented as an apple. So the next step we find the primitive souls in the 118 WOMAN OF THE HOUR form we know them and subject to all the trials of the flesh, verse 16. And to represent them as now living in physical bodies similar to those of the animals, it says, verse 21, the Lord made coats of skin and clothed them. Thus in the sign Aquarius they became as we find them today. Aquarius is the sign of the Man, and in that sign man will rise to intellectual perfection, and will conquer all the lower realms of matter, and will domi- nate the earth. Yet there is still one more sign before the whole circle of the Zodiac has been gone thru. In Aquarius man has become as one of the gods to know both good and evil. Now what is the remaining step? Verse 22, Chapter 3, reveals it, for man having come to know good and evil is there stated to have the possi- bility of stretching forth his hand and partaking also of the tree of life which will enable him to live forever. But what is this tree of life? The last sign of the Zodiac is the sign Pisces. In its lower aspect it is negative and superstitious, and rules sacerdotalism. But in its higher aspect Pisces is the ruler of the highest type of love and is pictured in the celestial atlas as two fishes bound together by the cord of pure affection. The tree of life therefore pertains to the love nature of man and woman. Aquarius will bring them the highest type of knowledge and is slowly lifting them out of the pit and materialism indicated by Capri- corn, back toward the starting point in their pilgrimage. But Wisdom alone is not enough, for before they can ever reach the pure and tranquil heights of the Para- disical realms from which they fell they must learn true unalloyed love. Pisces is the ideal love, purged of earth- ly dross and contamination, it is the marriage of the Lamb referred to in Revelations, a marriage of souls rather than of bodies. When humanity shall become truly unselfish and real- ize the Pisces ideal which in its general form is Univer- sal Brotherhood, and become purified of the lusts and passions of the flesh, then we shall expect the millenium. And humanity will regain all it lost of spiritual heights. PAST-PRESENTFUTURE 1 1 9 and shall have an additional asset which will be greatly to its advantage and pleasure, for previous to the fall humanity had no real knowledge, and practically no con- sciousness. It was for the purpose of developing Love and Wisdom that the cyclic journey was undertaken, and unless there had been the fall, Self-Conscious Im- mortality would have been impossible. So now that we have reaped the harvest of material experience it is our endeavor to win our way back to the pure spiritual heights of Angelic Bliss from which we fell, and to carry with us the knowledge gained thru the succession of material experiences. SIGNIFICANCE OF NUMBERS. Numbers are founded on facts, and evolution has ad- vanced to the degree of Intuitional capacity, in feeling and far-sight. Nature on all planes has evolved to a higher consciousness, therefore our bodies are becoming more highly organized in orderly and rhythmic precision corresponding to the higher mind plane, thru the un- derstanding of creative thot action in repeated or spiral motion which makes for life. The law holds that any topic is of real and persistent interest to humanity in proportion to the amount of obvious and conventional things said about it. Nothing before the world's questioning of the day is more investigated, and thoroughly analyzed than the law of repeated history, cycles, cause and effects, vibration, significance of letters, numbers, names, etc., and nothing can prove more than the law of Numbers. This is the time spoken of thruout the entire Bibles by the prophets and seers of old: "in that day", "the latter days", "when the sign of the son of man in the heavens shall appear". And many other sayings per- taining to the present New Dispensation. The Great Sun, (sun back of our sun) has finished a complete Zodiac Circle of twenty-four thousand eight hundred and fifty-seven years, traveling from Pisces, feet, to Aquarius, head, making a start in 1881 and ar- 120 WOMAN OF THE HOUR riving at his place, or home, 1912, after a stay of 2520 years in Pisces. In Aquarius, head, he is to remain over two thousand years, when a New Kingdom in the Air-Age, in which "the things that have been hid since the foundation of the world will be revealed." Now, the "Son of man" is the Man in the Zodiac. Every individual born into the world must be born in some one sign of the Zodiac, and he must represent the "Grand Man". His sign then is a direct point of contact with the Universal man, and when he understands him- self he may understand the Whole Man, or Universe, its cycles, and numbers, in relation to himself. Esoteric, or Hidden Wisdom, in its broadest sense is true individualism. Esoteric virtues are Divine Mother Love. Everything builds upon the Christ foundation by working thru the density of material blindness. James says: "faith without work is dead',, our work at the present time is faith thru understanding the Intuitional or Christ Principle, and its numerical value. The Great Master said: "Ye which have followed me into the regeneration when the Son of Man shall sit upon his throne, ye shall sit upon twelve thrones, and judge the twelve tribes of Israel", meaning that we may become master of the twelve brain centers, (tribes) and with Jacob declare, "My name is no longer Jacob but Israel", for Israel is of the re-generate, and Eternally Feminine in the law. The Zohar says: "At the death of Moses the Sun was eclipsed, and the Written Law lost its splendor." This is a symbol of the rejected law of Moses, and to which the Master referred, as the regeneration in His own time. "At the death of David the Moon diminished, and the Oral Law was tarnished." Moses, the Law-giver, stands for menses, moon, every twenty-eight days, and when its darkness or absence is upon us, it is in its cleansing time, but for which nothing in all Nature could be per- fected in beauty and grandeur. Woman is the law of menses, Moon, womb-man, "House of Bread", in Hebrew called "Bethlehem". Thus PAST PRESENT FUTURE 1 2 1 Jerusalem above is of the regenerate; Jerusalem below of the generate, applies to the new and growing moon, as the regenerate in the knowledge of law, and the old and darkness of the moon bringing forth in the ignor- ance of law, thus unto disease, inharmony and death. We know of no one who has given a more accurate statement and proof regarding these laws than Dr. George W. Carey, of Los Angeles, California, in his many writings and teachings on Bible Alchemy, 'The Wonders of the Human Body", "The Anti-Christs", "Tree of Life", etc., which should be in every home, not only for adult readings, but for the children who are to make our future history. Dr. Carey says : "Our body takes in an average of five and a half pounds of food and drink each day, which amounts to one ton of solids and liquid nourishment annually, so that in seventy years a man eats and drinks 1000 times his own weight. "There is not known in all the realms of architecture or mechanics one little device which is not found in the human organism. The pulley, the lever, the inclined plane, the hinge, the 'universal joint', tubes, and trap doors; the scissors, grind-stone, whip, arch, girders, filters, valves, bellows, pump, camera, and Aeolian harp; and irrigation plant, telegraph and telephone systems all these and hundreds of other devices which man thinks he has invented, but which have only been tele- graphed to the brain from the Solar Plexus, (cosmic- center) and crudely copied or manifested on the objec- tive canvas. "No arch made by man is perfect as the arch formed in the upper ends of two legs and the pelvis to support the weight of the trunk. No palace or cathedral ever built has been provided with such a perfect system of arches and girders. "No waterway on earth is so complete, so commodi- ous, or so populous as that wonderful river of life, the "Stream of Blood". The violin, the trumpet, the harp, the grand organ, and all other musical instruments, are mere counterfeits of the human voice. 122 WOMAN OF THE HOUR "Man has tried in vain to duplicate the hinges of the knee, elbow, fingers, and toes, altho they are a part of his own body. "Another marvel of the human body is the self-regu- lation process by which Nature keeps the temperature at 98 degrees. Whether in India, with the temperature at 130 degrees, or in the Arctic regions, where the rec- ords show 120 degrees below the freezing point, the temperature of the body remains the same, practically, steady at 98 degrees, despite the extreme to which it is subjected. "It is said that 'All roads lead to Rome.' Modern sci- ences has discovered that all roads of real knowledge lead to the human body. The human body is an epitome of the universe ; and when man turns the mighty search- ings of reason and investigation within, that he has so long used without, the "New Heaven and Earth" will appear. "Around the dynamo of God you may see the Beasts that worship before the Throne, day and night, saying, 'Holy, holy art Thou, Lord God Almighty/ The Beasts are the twelve plexuses of nerve centers, telegraph sta- tions, like unto the twelve Zodiac Signs that join hands in a fraternal circle across the gulf of space. "At last we have seen the Travail of the Soul and are satisfied/ No more temples of the Magi now, but instead the glorious human Beth. At last we have found the true church of God, the human body. In this body, or church spirit operates like some wizard chemist or electrician. No more searching thru India's jungles or scaling the Himalayan heights in search for a master, a mahatma, or ancient priest, dwelling in some mys- terious cave where occult rites and ceremonies are sup- posed to reveal the wisdom of the past. But, instead, we have found the Kingdom of the Real within the Temple that needs no outer Sun by day, nor Moon or Stars by night to lighten it. And here the enraptured Soul be- comes conscious that the stone has been rolled away from the door of material concept, where it has slept, and it now hears the voice of the Father within saying, PAST PRESENT FUTURE i 23 'Let there be Light', and feels the freedom that comes with Knowing that Being is One." "Behold the tabernacle of God is with men. He will dwell with them and they will be his people, for then there shall be no more death, neither crying nor sor- rowing, for all former things have passed away." "The whole body shall be filled with Light." "And every one had four faces," representing the Lion, the Bull, the Eagle and the Man, in other words the four ways, Fire, Earth, Water, Air. Air-Age, Aquarius has begun. How can we know these things except we know God geometrizes? The hairs of our head are numbered. The greatest Teacher said to go to the lilies of the field to learn the story of life. There we find all the component parts of the body, the white a symbol of purity, the yel- low a symbol of spirit in matter, and the green repre- senting the chemicals of earth within everything in the earth and of the earth, also representing three-in-one, body-soul-spirit, Trine, triad, godhead. How wicked to deny, pervert, or neglect the body, "Temple of the living God." "He that is born of God doth not sin, for his seed remaineth in him." John. Thus no wasted forces, no time lost in denials, in the ignorance of the immutable laws, for God IS, Life IS, Law IS. When we call to mind the ages man lived upon this planet, and delved into the earth, before he was able to read the records written in the rocks by the finger of the Almighty, telling of the mathematical orderly pro- cesses employed and the immense period of time re- quired in its formation, it no longer seems incredible, as otherwise it might, that learned theologians, and philos- ophers, should have critically analyzed and compared every word and letter in the Scriptures, and yet never caught a glimpse of the real significance of those root meanings which in this work are shown to reveal the identity of the Eternally Feminine, Great-Mother Prin- ciple, governing all creations in the domain of Mind and Matter. 124 WOMAN OF THE HOUR The heavens have been searched, and the forces of earth, air and sea closely investigated, and carefully classified revealing the many and mighty fixed princi- ples operating thru Nature in all its forms, yet no one outside of the students of geology has discovered or dreamed that the Moon controls all conceptions and births, as it governs the tides, and all departments of earth life. Therefore the Moon represents the Law, and the Law is feminine, creating for weal or for woe. This gives us the principle Key to all creations, and reveals the cause of all planes of manifestation in the Law of Good and Evil, so-called. Constantine and his priests discovered the law of the feminine activity, and reasoned: 1, is the Absolute; 2, is the Feminine; 3, is the Trine, triad; 4, is the Square, Man-Reason. And so on, asking where is woman? but not finding her until in the mystical number 13, ex- claimed: "Ah, thirteen, Intuition, Woman, here she is, 1 and 3 placed together make the letter B, Beth, (He- brew) birth-place, a house, or temple. Intuition shall lead Reason." Thus it was a Constantine who placed the idea of a mystery around the number 13. Anything mystical, or misunderstood, is soon feared, and fear be- ing the mother of superstition we may see the trine or seal placed upon the Number 13 as unlucky, and know its origin. There were Thirteen Constantines. It is said: "The Mystery of Thirteen Unveiled is the Operation of Wisdom, and all Laws of Nature may be reduced to Thirteen", the Divine Feminine, Intuition, the Christ. The mystical Thirteen, means Beth, a Temple, sym- bolically used in the Scriptures as , B-ody, Birth place, B-reed, B-reath, B-uild. To create, to revolve, to repeat, to erect, to form. Beth is used in Hebrew, both as prefix, and suffix. "Bethel a House of God, Eliza-beth, house of Eliza, the City of Balbec." In Micah, 2-5, we read: "But thou Beth-lehem, tho thou be little among the thousands of Judah, yet out of thee shall he come forth unto me, to be a ruler in PAST PRESENT FUTURE i 25 Israel whose goings forth have been from old, from everlasting." This is Woman, Beth, feminine. We must remember that all Bibical statments cannot be taken literally, nor can they be understood as refer- ring to located places or historical events. Real facts lire veiled under figures of speech, and tho language is used that to us seems contradictory, yet it is not so intended, nor so in reality. When we understand, all is made clear. Bethlehem, means literally, "house of bread," fruit- ful. There is a little town by the name Bethlehem just south of Jerusalem, which is said to be the birth-place of Jesus. Spoken of in Matt., Gen., Ruth, and 2nd Sam. Using this key we will learn that there Ruth met her lover, Boaz, also that David in a certain battle longed for the water of a certain well by the "gate of Bethlehem." "David was a man after God's own heart." Why was the place called a "House of Bread," and why fruitful? Who was He that was to come forth a ruler? What ruler on the earth fulfills this descrip- tion? It would be a narrow view-point to interpret this to mean a particular dominant rule. HE, is feminine in Hebrew. Sir Isaac Newton said, about 1725, "A body will be raised up, When the sign of the son of man in the heavens shall appear' to pro- claim this Truth with much clamor and opposition." "Whence comes he, if not from the fruitful House of Bread?" Thirteen is made plain when we understand the Intuitional as feminine, and the Church Principle, evolved above the 12, "Measure full," Twelve Disciples, Jesus Thirteen, and with the parable of the loaves and fishes, there were twelve baskets left over after Jesus had blessed, and fed the multitude. The multitude is the earth plane of action in the twelve Signs of the Zodiac, proving every individual to represent a "basket" which he must bless, and feed the multitude, (himself) with the loaves and fishes of Truth, else he can never rise to the Christ degree of 126 WOMAN OF THE HOUR Consciousness, Thirteen, Intuition. By this we may know of the "Second Coming of Christ." The mystery of Thirteen is revealed in the Zodiac, and in all Nature, in the plan of Salvation, in the Day of Judgment, and the human body. Thirteen Moon's in 365 days. The United States of America, standing as the dual Gemini principle, is also Thirteenth degree of the Zo- diacal Sign, as Cancer was rising July 4th, 1776, when the Declaration of Independence was signed. Cancer represents the breast, mother sign, or woman. M, from MEM, the thirteenth letter of the Hebrew alpha- bet, and means woman, "Manasseh holds the strong gates.." Gates means within the Knowledge of the law. "United States commenced her individuality as a nation with Thirteen States." "In 1782 the obverse side of the United States Seal was made and contained Thirten Stars, Thirteen Stripes, and the eagle with quiver contained Thirteen arrow-heads in one talon, and an olive-branch, (sym- bol of woman), with Thirteen leaves in the other. And the Motto, "E pluribus unum," contains Thirteen let- ters/ 3 The base of the Pyramid of Egypt covers Thir- teen acres of earth, and there are Thirteen steps, or terraces. The motto over the pyramid, "Annuit Coep- tis," contains Thirteen letters, and is Latin for "Pros- per us in our undertakings." Our Solar System has passed out of the Sign Pisces, after two thousand years of darkness, now in the light of the Truth, thus occurred the "end of the world," Thirteen letters. "So the great fleet of planets, and flag-ship Sun, is now in the Air or 'spiritual sign/ Thirteen letters." "WOODROW WILSON," Thirteen letters, and so it shall come to pass on the morrow that America will sit at the "Peace-Table" (10, Nature's Whole), and then head the procession of nations redeemed, and march to the 'Promised Land' of the New Order sandled with PAST-PRESENTFUTURE 127 righteousness, and crowned with victory and rejoicing." SO MOTE IT BE. It is said there is to be a New Religion spelled with Thirteen letters in this the New Dispensation. WOMAN OF THE HOUR, represents the numerical value of 5, the Number of Humanity, U-N-I-T-Y. Thus is ful- filled the Scripture: "I will set up an altar, (altar is woman), in the midst of Egypt, (darkness, ignorance) on the border thereof." Dr Carey says: 'The science of numbers, weights, measures, geometry, astronomy, astrology, physiology, and the mystery of the body, soul and Spiritual Ego, of man are symbolized, in this incomparable Altar." There is an altar in every heart to an unknown God, from which the rubbish shall be cleared away, the old inscriptions erased, and a new one inscribed to the personal Christ. This, the workings of Law in evolu- tion, and as nothing can be evoluted until first invo- luted, we are to understand, "There is a natural body and a spiritual body." These are understood only as the Altar of the Soul of the Universe, Woman of the Hour, is recognized as the Soul of the New Humanity. As our Solar System moves further and further into Aquarius, the sign of the Zodiac known as "The Sign of the Son of Man," we shall come to know our Number in the Universe and will respond accordingly, for every individual is numbered, and like signing our name before we may receive a registered letter, we will sign with the Mind if the Law, Moses, will call upon Aaron, Reason to interpret the laws of life, then the King of Salem, the Will, will decree the Illumina- tion of Melchizedec, or the Christ, the Intuitional will reign supreme, Heaven on Earth. In Moses, Aaron, King of Salem, and Melchizadec, we have the symbol of the Trine in the Square, repre- senting the Compass and the Square of the Holy Bible, held by the Candidate in his left hand as he kneels before the Altar, in the Second Degree of Masonry, symbolizing the Divine Feminine supporting the Uni- verse Man, Woman and the Law. 128 WOMAN OF THE HOUR Seven times 7, equals 49, 4 and 9 equals 13, "Eter- nally Feminine," which is proven by 49 Keys of this work. The digit of 13 is 4, representing the Square, also the Cross, All perpendicular lines in letters, num- bers and designs standing for the positive masculine principle, and the horizontal lines, curves and circles stand for the feminine principle in all Nature and sym- bolism. Jesus on the Cross between two thieves represents the crucifixion of the Intuitional, or Higher-Self, to the law of the senses on the material plane. There is a mystical meaning in numbers, and the ancients used them in connection with their alphabet so that their written words expressed secrets accord- ingly; and this Key is now being discovered, and it is claimed by those who have studied it, that the whole Bible is dove-tailed and locked together by numbers Which reveal the marvellous wisdom of God in dealing with hidden points. Seven is a peculiar number; it will balance when placed in a straight line or a circle. Lay down seven silver dollars in a straight line, one will act as the center and have three on each side of it. Let the cen- ter one lie any place the other six around it, so that each of the six will touch it and also touch each other; then draw a pencil mark around all of them while so arranged, and we will have a perfect circle, with the center of the center dollar as the exact center of the circle. No other number will form a circle and at the same time fill up the center. A circle is a complete thing; it has neither beginning nor end, it is perfec- tion, and goes on and on forever. Christ was the com- plete One, as represented by the circle which was com- posed of the 7 parts herein shown, and therefore he has neither beginning nor end. Rev. 1:17, 18. "I am the first and the last; I am alive forevermore." The object of considering the Mystical numbers, or the 7 Creative Principles, is to bring us into mental con- dition where we shall cease to see evil as an absolute PAST -PRESENT FUTURE 129 principle, and recognize the useful and good in every- thing. Some one has looked at this mystic number and writes it out as follows: "John to the 7 churches ; 7 candlesticks ; the mystery of the 7 Stars; the 7 Spirits of God; on the 7th day God ended His work; on the 7th month Noah's Ark touched ground. In 7 days a dove was sent forth; Abraham pleaded 7 times for Sodom. Jacob served 7 years for Leah, and 7 more for Rachel. Jacob mourned 7 days for Joseph. Jacob was pursued 7 days journey by Laban. An abundant season of 7 years and a famine of 7 years were fortold in Pharaoh's dream of 7 fat and 7 lean beasts and 7 full and 7 thin ears of corn. On the 7th day of the 7th month the children of Israel fasted 7 days, and remained 7 days in their tents. Every 7th year the land rested. Every 7th year all bondmen were set free. Every 7th year the law was read to the people. In the destruction of Jericho, 7 priests bore 7 trumpets 7 days, on the 7th day they surrounded the wall 7 times, blew 7 blasts, and at the end of the 7th round the walls fell. Solomon was 7 years building the Temple, and fasted 7 days at its dedication. In the Tabernacle were 7 lamps, and the Golden Candlestick had 7 branches. Naaman washed 7 times in the River Jordan. Our Saviour spoke 7 times from the Cross, on which he hung 7 hours, and after his resurrection appeared on 7 different occasions. In the Lord's Prayer there are 7 petitions, containing 7 times 7 words." LAW OF NUMBERS. From time immemorial it has been the custom of the human family to set apart one day in seven for recreation, rest and worship. This day has been called the Sabbath, which we will find by reference, does not designate the day so much as it does the institution. Our Ancient Brethren consecrated Saturday as this 130 WOMAN OF THE HOUR day of contemplation, rest, worship, and preparation for another week of labor. This, however, was the day ruled by Saturn, and is somewhat typical of the view held by the ancient Jews as to Jehovah. To them, the Deity ruled with a rod of iron. He stood ready to help them to stay the hand of their enemies, and to strengthen them and to slay and overthrow all who at- tacked their armies. It is only for us to reflect upon the nature of Saturn, to understand how aptly this day fitted the ideas which the Jews had of their God, their Jehovah, the living and the avenging God. Let us re- member what Saturn rules over. He rules over all manner of agriculture, fruit and vegetables, forests, dens and caves, holes in the earth, cattle, all dark and gloomy places and objects. Now the Jews were par- ticularly interested in the foregoing occupations, and those were what they desired most to be successful. As a class they were very material and grasping for wealth, and it is probable that the fight for existence thru that long period of forty years in the wilderness entailed a liking for those qualities that have made the Hebrew present reputation for sharpness on a bargain and constituted him a most successful trader and banker. The Christion changes all this by creating the first day of the week as the day of rest and wor- ship, the day ruled by the Sun, thence called Sunday, it being pronounced the day of the resurrection, when Jesus having lain three days in the tomb, arose and came forth, so that when the two Marys reached the Sepulchre they were astonished to find the stone rolled away and that Jesus had departed. The Spiritual essence of a higher conception of the Infinite Creator was then introduced into the Sun- day, the day when the all glorious orb of light (our sun), which we know as the creative and energizing force, bears rule typical of the great first Infinite source of all we recognize as substance, or matter. This is a vastly different influence from that of Saturn, and under it men should develop more thor- oughly and rapidly in their mentality and spirituality, PAST-PRESENTFUTURE 131 their knowledge of their true relation to each other and to the eternal world of spirit. We look back 1200 B. C. to the time of Zoroaster and declare him a Sun Worshiper, but no less so are we. Who is there among us that does not waken with joy and thankfulness in his heart to see the sun shining, especially on these cool mornings, because the sun is the giver of life and warmth and strength, and if there is any place where it is appropriate to worship the sun and where such worship is suggested, it is in Southern California. We can worship the great First Cause of God only through the expressions of nature. We can seek to grasp an idea of God as an entitty absolute and sep- arated from what we can see, and hear and feel and what can be called tangible, and we either bring God down to a human and material conception, or we loose the concept, and have to fall back on the result of the Infinite Wisdom and Power and Goodness as seen in the sun, the moon and the stars. Can we gather any higher understanding of God than by gazing at the host of stars, each of which is the central sun of some vast universe like ours or perhaps superior to this in which we are whirling with such rapidity? Then again, is there any class of people whose minds should be more closely in touch with a Divine spark of infinite love than we who are students of the vibrations that are sent out and are interchanging from one of the celestial dyna- mos to the other with the sun as the central power? We are supposed to be studying the laws that govern the whole system of differentiations in each individual that comes into being, whether it be in form or men- tality. There seems to be no way but that the ether is composed of a mass of globules capable of being jostled by the vibrations of the planets, so that the force once started goes on and on like the waves of electricity. The position of Saturn tells us where the natural impediment in the circulation exists, and this, together with the house of sickness, the sun and the accident, tell us the weakest portion of the body, that needs 132 WOMAN OF THE HOUR to be stimulated when the nature is attacked. The position of Mars shows unnatural heat, force, over- stimulation, fever, and what is a remedy for one might be poison for another. In this connection it is found that people born with the sun in Virgo should avoid drugs almost entirely as the system absorbs poisons quickly, which becomes a subsequent source of a se- rious disturbance. We discover astrology to be inval- uable as a guide in all the various experiences of life on this planet, apparently given to humanity for assist- ance in the very earliest stages, as a reasoning entity. It fits us to be unbiased and unprejudiced workers along the lines marked out by Jesus, as bearers of one an- other's burdens. As we understand the reason for the defects in human character, we become more sympa- thetic and tolerant, and our charity is called forth, when otherwise we might have feelings of enmity, scorn and contempt. It should be the duty of the teacher to ad- vise each individual to study the esoteric defects of his own character and seeking to correct them as he would develop a limb that was weak, or cure a wound on his body. When we discover that we are prone to certain appetites, or to indulge our selfish natures we learn what forces to restrain and conquer. The thought which next occurs in this consideration, is, how can any student of the science of Astrology fail to possess the very highest conception of the power which is back of all these intricate and wonderful dem- onstrations of a master plan and limitless adjustment. Call this Great First Cause what we will, there it re- mains, unseen, incomprehensible, only known by the result, the magnificent adaptation of one part to an- other, all working in perfect harmony, so that the laws of influence never vary, and it is just as possi- ble to arrive at a definite result of certain positions of planets and luminaries today as it was thousands of years ago, when the Chaldean made astrology his religion, as it represented to him a fixed plan so won- derful that nothing less than the Supreme Power and Wisdom could have controlled it. The astronomer could PAST PRESENT FUTURE 1 33 scarcely fail to be constantly filled with awe and rev- erence, even with his cold calculating system of weights and measures, of new discoveries and physical laws of magnetic attraction, but when we add to these the finer forces which give quality to all these planetary bodies as well as to the group of fixed stars, how can we fail to unite with the sentiments of the Psalmist when he exclaims, 'The heavens declare the glory of God, and the firmament showeth his handiwork Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unti night showeth knowledge." If then we recognize this as a God-given science and guide to the children of men, those who are born with a peculiar fitness for unravelling the starry mys- tery have a tremendous duty to perform. First of all, perhaps, they should seek to disillusion the minds of the general public who regard astrology as a miserable subterfuge to obtain money from the gullible individuals who are unfortunate enough to indulge in such super- stition. This is a frank statement of the case and is the attitude taken today by our City Government. It may be a slow process by which we are to overcome this attitude, but it must and shall be accomplished. There is a power, mightier than man-made law, which can do it. The slow but severe working of scientists is to crush out all opposition to the progress of truth and justice. We talk today about ignorance along lines of edu- cation, but the general public is groping in darkness regarding some of the vital laws of their being. They do not understand the necessity for a proper selection of their business associates and their marriage part- ners. They do not regard time or adaptation in enter- ing upon business enterprises. Even Solomon thous- ands of years ago could have told the necessity for that, for in Eccl. Ill, 1 to 8, he says, "To very thing there is a season, and a time for every purpose under heaven. A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted; a time of war, and a time of peace." It sometimes appears as 134 WOMAN OF THE HOUR if the world in the ascending spiral of development from the dark ages is a long way below the point of understanding even of those ancient days, and yet there has been marvelous advancement in the last twentyfive years tho the West has not the oppor- tunity that has been given the East. The dignity of the science has much to do with the general standard of its practitioners, hence, integrity of conduct, har- mony of association and high quality of work are es- sential to give force and character to our efforts. The churches have been persistent enemies to as- trology, and here again is an evidence of ignorant op- position, for if the minister of the gospel really knew the truth about the handwriting on the wall, he would be as favorably impressed with it as he is with the use of the barometer to indicate sudden storms and violent changes in the weather, or the U. S. Weather Bureau, whose scientific instruments are supposed to indicate meterological conditions and changes. The truth, however, is that the weather bureau is sadly off the course often times in its predictions and if tne well-read astrologer of today made as many mistakes in his forecast of a human life as the weather bureau, it would not be strange that the public attention was called to inefficiency of the science and the unrelia- bility of its calculations. Then, too, with regard to the science of medicine, experience as a student and prac- titioner enables one to assert that no physician or sur- geon should be allowed to practice until he has at- tained a reputable knowledge of astrology, for it is scarcely possible without this knowledge to understand the peculiar physical construction of the individual case. To operate when the sign is in the heart the patient is almost sure to die, tho the operation may be called a success. While on the other hand if the sign is below the vital organs under the same condi- tions the patient may thrive and add years to his life. Only those who know something of the sciences of astrology, cycles and geometrical calculations can un- derstand. PAST PRESENT FUTURE 135 To the neglect or detriment of others we should not blindly submit to this state of things, but take our- selves in hand and exercise our free will to change the course of our life. The theory of astrology is often objected to because it recognizes destiny, or a natural course of events that was marked out for us when we came into being and which are bound to be experienced if left to ourselves. The old Calvinism taught the law of fore-ordination and predestination which was a fixed condition for each individual soul. Some were were born to be saved and others were to be punished everlastingly. A tinge of this idea has fastened it- self upon astrological science, except that we limit the law of this physical existence to a quiescent submission to natural consequences. Our position in regard to destiny gives the native a right thru the mental and spiritual force to overcome the diverse conditions under which he was born. A celebrated writer has wisely said "Thoughts build char- acter, and environment comes from action. Aspiration, desire for the highest, become capacity. Repeated thoughts become tendencies. Will to perform becomes action, experience becomes conscience/' There is a whole book in these statements and it will be well for each one of us to analyze the meaning of these words and apply them to our own case and situation in life. Let us remember in dealing with others, that each soul has its own status in the long line of education, commencing, perhaps, many centuries back in its pro- gress to a goal, we know not where, and it has to be led along by easy stages, not in the same path as we travel perhaps, but by its own individual course, and it needs a religion, a creed, a form that comes within its own concept as the highest and best for it. On the same principle all different religions have their special adapta- tion to the era in which they had their origin. It is easy enough for us to say that such a religion is not true according to our standard and needs, but all the religions of the day possess value to certain minds that can grasp nothing higher, and if there are 136 WOMAN OF THE HOUR minds that need a crutch to lean upon that we can not look upon as more than an ugly and crooked stick let them have it and wish them well until they outgrow the need of it. Again, in all our differences along other educational lines, we must remember that if we all thought alike there would be no growth or progress. Honest differences of opinion that have a reason for the stand taken are the best means for advanced ideas. And so, in this work for humanity let us try to realize the highest standard of moral and truly religious principle, unbound and unhampered by any ism, but committed to an exposition of natural law as we have had it revealed to our inner understanding and borne out by years of experience. It is the habit of certain men eminent in the ranks of material science to sneer at the occult sciences, as- trology in particular. They discountenance that which they fail to understand. And the most grevious part of their blunder is that they lead others astray; for the majority think them the bulwarks of knowledge, owing to their attainment in material research. As a matter of fact, they are incompetent to judge of occult matters, for almost without exception they condemn without taking the trouble to investigate. Because they can find no adequate theory to account for occult man- ifestations they conclude such manifestations do not exist; and proclaim from the housetop there is no truth in Astrology, and that Magic and Alchemy are exploded sciences. In spite of the preconceptions of these wiseacres, occult as well as material science must stand or fall upon facts experimentally demonstrated. Any person of average intelligence who will take the time and trouble to make himself familiar with the principles of astrology can readily demonstrate for him- self that the heavenly bodies do have an influence upon human life. He can prove indisputably that certain positions of the planets at a person's birth always coin- cide with certain characteristics, and that certain move- ments of the planets after birth always coincide with given events in the person's life that externalize at a PAST PRESENT FUTURE 1 37 time that can be predetermined. These are not theories, but Facts; and no amount of theoretical skepticism nor the air of superior learning assumed by the worldly wise will refute Stubborn Facts. Neither are Alchemy and Magic exploded sciences as so many think; but are sciences dealing with the cause of things rather than the effects, the latter being the domain of material science. These three great occult sciences are taught in all their branches today as of yore, and those who have the inclination to delve deeply into the occult sciences are referred for further authority and infor- mation to Mr. E. Benjamin, Box 1525, Los Angeles, Calif. THE MYSTERY OF THE LORD'S PRAYER AS- TROLOGICALLY INTERPRETED. From the manuscript writings of "Zariel." "Even the Lord's prayer is symbolical of the pass- ing of the sun thru the twelve signs of the Zodiac, and this little remnant of proof is left to show that Christ understood and was a priest of the Order of Mel- chizedec. The Sun is termed OUR FATHER IN HEAVEN as a salutation. HALLOWED BE THY NAME, as the Sun enters Aries, the first sign or ascendant, which gives the name of a person. THY KINGDOM COME as the Sun enters Taurus, as earth sign or kingdom. THY WILL BE DONE, as it passes into the air sign Gemini, or sign of Mercury, governing the will. ON EARTH, in Cancer, ruled by the Moon, which governs earthly things. AS IT IS IN HEAVEN, as the Sun enters Leo, its own Heavenly sign, or Throne of God. GIVE US THIS DAY OUR DAILY BREAD, as the Sun passes into Virgo, a virgin carrying five wheat heads in her hand. 138 WOMAN OF THE HOUR AND FORGIVE US OUR TRESPASSES AS WE FORGIVE THOSE WHO TRESPASS AGAINST US, as the Sun passes into Libra, the Scales, which are still used as an emblem of Justice. AND LEAD US NOT INTO TEMPTATION, as the Sun enters Scorpio, the serpent, the tempter, and this fact ought to satisfy those who always wonder why any- one should even suggest such a thing as that God should think of ever leading anyone into temptation. BUT DELIVER US FROM EVIL, as the Sun passes into Sagittarius, with its bow and arrow of deliver- ance. FOR THINE IS THE KINGDOM, as it enters Capri- corn, another earth or kingdom sign, AND THE POWER, as it enters Aquarius, the powerful magnetic house of Uranus, which rules the world during the present cycle, AND THE GLORY, as it enters Pisces, the sign of reincarnation, or passing from one life to another. FOR EVER AND EVER, AMEN, and so the Sun goes on for ever and ever each year." HINDOO INTERPRETATION. "Our Father who art in the Over World, intoned be thy name, Thy Will arise, the Realm return, as in the Firma- ment so on this Earth. That Bread of the Coming Day unto us give this day and from all obligations free us, as we have freed those under obligations to us: Lead us through Death into Life Immortal, and deliver us from indolence: For Thine is the Force, the Power and the Ra- diance throughout the Life Circle forever All Praise, all Glory and Adoration unto Thee, 0, Eternal One, let all men do Him Reverence. PAST PRESENT FUTURE 139 THE DISCOVERY OF GOD A soul struggling up to the Sunlight, Up from the mire and clay, Fighting thro' wars and Jungles, And sometimes learning to pray; And sometimes a king with a scepter, And again a slave with a hod; Some people call it karma, And others call it God. A beggar ragged and hungry, A prince in purple and gold, A palace gilded and garnished, A cottage humble and old; And one's hopes are blighted in blooming And one gathers the ripened pod; Some call it fate or destiny, And others call it God. Glimmering waters and breakers, Far on the horizon's rim, White sails the sea gulls glinting Away till the sight grows dim, And shells spirit-painted with glory, Where sea weeds beckon and nod; Some people call it ocean, And others call it God. Cathedrals and domes uplifting, And spires pointing up to the sun. Images, altars and arches, Where kneeling and penance are done; From organs grand anthems are swelling, Where the true and faithful plod; Some call it superstition And others call it God. Visions of beauty and splendor, Forms of a long lost race, Sounds and faces and voices From the fourth dimension of space; And on through the universe boundless Our thoughts go lightning-shod; Some call it imagination, And others call it God. HO WOMAN OF THE HOUR Acids and alkalis acting, Preceding and acting again, Operating, transmuting, fomenting, In throes and spasms of pain; Uniting, reacting, atoning, Like souls passing under the rod; Some people call it chemistry, And others call it God. Vibrations of Etheric Substance Causing light thro regions of space, A girdle of Something, enfolding And binding together the race; And words without wires transmitted, Aerial-winged, spirit sandaled and shod; Some call it electricity, And others call it God. Earth redeemed and made glorious, Lighted by Heaven within, A co-operative commonwealth, No selfish war nor sin; Lion and lamb together In flowers that sweeten the sod; Some of us call it brotherhood, And others call it God. And now the sixth sense is opened, (The seventh embraces the whole). And clothed with oneness of Being, We acknowledge dominion of Soul; And in life's phases and changes, And along all new paths to be trod, We will recognize only one power; One present Omnipotent God. PAST PRESENT FUTURE 1 4 1 MEDITATION "O ye who seek to solve the knot, Ye live in God, yet know it not. Ye sit upon the river's brink, Ye crave in vain a drop to drink, Ye dwell beside a boundless store, Yet perish, hungry at the door. "The riddle of the world is understood Only by him who feels that God is good, As only he can feel who makes his love The ladder of his faith, and climbs above On the rounds of his best instinct. "Who never ate his bread with tears, Nor thru the sorrow-laden hours Sat nightly face to face with fears, He knows you not, ye heavenly powers. "The rounded world is fair to see, Nine times folded in mystery; Tho baffled seers cannot impart The secret of its laboring heart. Throb thine with Nature's throbbing breast, And all is clear from east to west." CONCENTRATION (INNER LIFE) 'Never less alone than when alone." Cicero. 'I find it well to come for deeper rest to this still room; For here the habit of the soul feels less the outer world's control, And from silence multiplied, be these still forms on every side, The world that time and sense have known falls off and leaves us, God, alone." FIFTH CHAPTER. REPEATED HISTORY "That which has been is now, and that which is to be hath already been; God requireth that which is past." Ecclesiastes. "The thing that has been it is that which shall be, and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun." Ecclesiastes. "God calleth those things which be not as tho they were." Romans. "But beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day." 2nd Peter. "Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the Scriptures is of any private interpretation." 2nd Peter. "I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich, and white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear; and anoint thine eyes with eyesalve; that thou mayest see."- -Revelation. "And in that day seven women shall take hold on one man, saying, We will eat our own bread, and wear our own apparel; only let us be called by thy name to take away our reproach." Isaiah. INGE the world of today is built upon the world of yesterday, it behooves us to understand the great past, the very foundation upon which our present civilization is founded. Plato tells us that Egypt possessed the stored wis- dom of fifty thousand years. The study of ancient history thru the Root Races, gleaned from many his- toric sources, presents to the reader facts for basic proof of the entire work under consideration. A brief outline, given by Madame Blavatsky in sen- timent, but not altogether in her words, is here given, as we can only reason from analogy and historical re- search, and while there may be more or less speculation, 142 PAST PRESENT FUTURE 143 we find much to make one conclude that humanity has evolved thru innumerable cycles, Spirit is the Master of matter, guides it, shapes it, and unless the spiritual pedigree is known, humanity remains an insoluble prob- lem. Spirit descends, there is a triple evolution, and the union makes humanity what it now is. The subject is complex and can only be understood in detail by a study of Globes and Rounds. However, this is not necessary to develop spiritual facilities. Man or Humanity is Body, Soul and Spirit, and to separate one from the other would be to study in part only. It is well to have firmly fixed in the mind that all is Unity or One. Unity in action is "Dual." We have as our first manifestation, The Great Creative Trinity, Creator, Preserver and Destroyer. Then comes the seven Great Hierarchies (Authority of Sacred Things). These are the Planetary Logoi, or the seven Spirits in the Sun identified with the seven sacred Planets which are their "Physical Bodies." Around these are the Twelve Creative Orders symbolized by the signs of the Zodiac. From these mighty Hierarchies, the Spiritual intelligence sent forth the Monads on their journey. The Races in number are seven Root Races and seven sub-races in each Root Race. The "Human Monad" is an occult term for Man, and Man in the Uni- verse is that being in the Universe, in whatever part of the Universe he may be, in whom Highest Spirit and lowest matter are joined together by intelligence. Man is not always the form we now see him. "Man" is the battle ground of Spirit and Matter. The first Root Race which were huge forms, sense- less and passive, show vaguely the sense of hearing and a dim consciousness of Fire. Because such con- sciousness as it touched them was of a lofty char- acter they are called the "Race of the Gods." Mul- tiplication was by fission or budding (a study of the Amoeba will make this clear). They do not die, but merge into the second Root Race, responding slightly to the buddhic consciousness, becoming conscious of 144 WOMAN OF THE HOUR Water as well as Fire and also Touch. Their color was a Golden Yellow, sometimes Orange, sometimes a Lemon Yellow. Two main types appear in the beginning of Second Root Race. There is no trace of Sex. They multiplied by expansion and budding like the first race. As their form became harder reproduction was through the skin, called the sweat born. Later in the Race a faint shadow of two sexes is seen and spoken of as latent Androgynes (double sexed). It is claimed from "Germs" thrown off by this "Race," the Mammalian Kingdom was developed in its great variety of forms. The Great Mother travailed harder for the Third Race and it is said her waist and "Navel" appeared above the Water. We must remember in the evolution of the Races that the Earth as well as Man was evolv- ing. The commentary from "Secret Doctrine" says: It was the belt, the Sacred Himavat, which stretched around the "World" Lemuria which was the cradle of the Race in which human intelligence appeared as Lemuria disappeared. And about the middle of the Second Root Race a vast change of climate occurred, which slew the remnants of the Second Root Race, and their progeny of the Third Root Race. The Third Race showed three strongly marked types, which are called the early, middle and later third. The First Type in touch with "Atma" showed a "Unity," the Second, in touch with "Atma-Buddhi," a duality, the Third in touch with Atma-Buddhic-Manah showed triplicity. First Type mode of representation was extrusion of soft viscuous bodies, the sweat born. These bodies hardened during the second sub-Race, the drops became hard and round. The Sun warmed it, the Moon cooled and shaped it, and the wind fed it until its ripeness, and took the form of eggs, the ovum, which even to this day is the natal form of the "Germ." The second sub-race evolved into definite Androgynous creatures, distinctly human in type. In type two, the middle of the third Root Race in PAST PRESENTFUTURE 145 third sub-race evolved double sexual organs, and when born by the breaking of the envelope fully developed and able to walk around and run, they were the Her- morphrodites and became the Lords of "Wisdom." In the fourth sub-race reproduction was still by eggs, but gradually one sex began to predominate over the other until from the eggs male and female were born. As this went on the bodies became more helpless and could no longer walk at birth. The trace of sex duality never dis- appears, this is noticeable in both male and female up to the present time. The type thru the later third, the fifth sub-race, reproduced by eggs, but gradually the egg is retained in the Mother. It is here in the fourth sub-race of the Third Root Race that separation of the sexes took place, like all forms on earth. Humanity was gigantic in bulk, organs of vision were evolved in Third Root Race, first the single eye in the forehead, later called the third eye, and then two eyes, these were used but little until the seventh sub-race. The third eye retreated inward to become the Pineal Gland, before the two eyes became the normal organs of vision. The color of third race is Red varying much in shades. It was during the fourth sub-race of the third Root Race that the sons were told to create their images, one-third refuse, two-thirds obey, the curse is pronounced. They that refused will be born in the Fourth Root Race, suffer and cause suffering, for a time they remain behind. The significant number is "Four." "Once you have the key, the key of the cycles then you can turn it in the lock." The truth is stated in a way which needs explanation to the uninitiated. The Key is given when the man is ready. Those who refuse have the doom of rebirth upon them. Those who obeyed were the children of Venus. When they came to our Earth they brought various types of seeds, not only seeds of life spiritual and life intellectual but physical life as it exists on Venus. Remember that humanity was aided in its evolu- tion by Beings of a high order called Divine Instruct- 146 WOMAN OF THE HOUR ors. The Atlantian was the first truly human race, beginning with the Fourth Root Race. We must bear in mind that all the races overlap. The most intellect- ually developed and the most robust and dense in body were chosen by the "Mann" of the fourth and were led away northward, to the Imperishable Sacred Land to be instructed, isolated and evolved and to settle on leaving that cradle of the races on the northern parts of Asia, unaffected by the Great Lemurian Catastro- phies. The Lemurians selected as the Parents of the At- lantean stock separated into groups, occupying the seven zones or promontories of the land. The Third Race gave birth to the Fourth Race. They were born under the Moon and Saturn. To Saturn was partly due the development of the concrete mind. They were called the children of Padmapani, the flower of the "Lotus," being the symbol of "Generation." An allusion to the fact that the Fourth Race was produced by a union of the sexes. The Toltecs brought the Fourth Race civilization to its most tremendous fall. Atlantis was by convulsion of nature rent into seven Great Islands. This convulsion destroyed the greater part of the first and second sub-race, leaving rem- nants. The first sub-race of the fourth root race drifted northward, declined into barbarism. They dwindled in statue. The second sub-race went south and east, in- termarried with the Lemurian Races still left in the district into which they went; this gave rise to the Dravidian People. Flesh like rocks, nerves like steel wires, would in a way describe these bodies of the sub- races. Traces of these physical peculiarities still remain in many of their descendants, namely, The North Amer- ican Indians. Their stature was gigantic. The Easter Island statures run to about twenty-seven feet in height. The first Root Race said to be 173 feet high, the second Root Race, the sweat born, 120 feet, the Third Root Race, the sweat born, 60 feet, and the fourth and fifth much smaller. PAST-PRESENTFUTURE 147 The Dragons of Wisdom choose out of the turbu- lent fifth sub-race of the Fourth Root Race, the Sem- itic, the seeds of the Fifth Root Race and lead them to the Imperishable Sacred Land, the cradle of every Root Race. The sixth sub-race of the Fourth Root Race were the Skkadians, the Pelasgians, the Etruscanes and the Carthaginians. The seventh sub-race of the Fourth Root Race were the Mongolians, the Malays, Tibetans, Hungarians, Finns and Esquimaux. Some of these offshoots mixed with the Toltecs in North America and thus the Red Indians have in them some Mongolian blood; the majority of the inhabitants are fourth race people. Those who seem to have a future are the Japanese and Chinese. It is claimed that Seventh Root Race people will be mind born. America is said to be the home of the Sixth Root Race. The Seventh Root Race will be about where South America now is. No one can know the enormity of the stupendous causes set up by men of all ages that has made our history, until making a study of history in, and thru the root races. Few there are who will make the ef- fort for a Truth not found in the surface of things. ATLANTIS AND THE FOURTH RACE. BEGINNING OF OUR RACE. A record of the world's progress during the period of the Fourth or Atlantean Race, must embrace the his- tory of many nations and register the rise and fall of many civilizations. The Lemuria Race was destroyed by fire; Atlantis by water. "Secret Doctrines", Vol. 2, 330. The destruction of Atlantis was accomplished by a series of catastrophes, varying in character from great cataclysms in which whole territories and populations perished, to comparatively unimportant land slips such as occur on our own coasts today. Four of the great ones stand out above the rest in magnitude. The first took place in the Miocene period 148 WOMAN OF THE HOUR about 800,000 years ago. The second of minor impor- tance occurred about 200,000 years ago; the third about 80,000 years ago was a very great one. It destroyed all that remained of the Atlantean continent with the exception of the island to which Plato gave the name Poseidonis, which in its turn was submerged 9564 B. C. (The flood of the Bible) (Plato lived 400 B. C.) Coincident with the sinking of Atlantis, the Alps were elevated. All the continents which now exist were once under water. There can be no question that the Australian Archipelago is of these. The Third or Toltec Race was of magnificent devel- opment. It ruled the whole continent of Atlantis for thousands of years, in great material power and glory. Hundreds of thousands of years later we find one of their remote family races ruling magnificently in Mexico and Peru, long ages before their degenerate descendents were conquered by the fierce Aztec tribes from the North. This race was more copper colored than the Tlavtli, tall, about 8 feet, straight and well marked, not unlike the ancient Greek. It was the Toltec Race who developed the highest civilization, and organized the most powerful Empire of any of the Atlantean peoples, and it was then that the principle of hereditary succession was for the first time established. To many minds Atlantis has been a fabled country, a part of the interesting Mythology of the Eastern world, and an inexhaustible subject from the days of Plato. From Plato's Dialogue, "Timaeus," or "Concerning Nature," the following facts, as stated by an old Egyp- tian Priest, are secured: "Athens was destroyed by a singularly powerful army which came from an island larger than Lybia, and even Asia, lying in the Atlantic Ocean, beyond the strait called the Pillars of Hercules (strait of Gibralter). From this island one could easily pass to other islands, and from them to the entire continent which surrounds the interior sea. In the island of Atlantis reigned many PAST PRESENT FUTURE 1 49 Kings, of amazing power, having under their dominion several other islands also, and some parts of the conti- nent as well as Lybia, as far East as Egypt, and Europe as far as the Tyrrhenian Sea. All this power was once united to subjugate Athens, but the Athenians stopped the invasion and restored all the nations living on that side (East) of the Pillars of Hercules to independence. "Later with great earthquakes and inundations, in a single day and one fatal night, all those who had been warriors against Athens, were swallowed up, and the Island of Atlantis disappeared beneath the waves." It may be that the dimensions of the Island of At- lantis are exaggerated here, but we must remember that the Egyptian priest did not know the immensity of Asia. In another Dialogue, Plato describes the famous island: "According to the Egyptian tradition a common war arose 9000 years ago, between the nations on this side of the Pillars of Hercules and the nations coming from beyond." On the one side it was Athens, on the other the King of Atlantis. We have already said this island was larger than Asia and Africa, but that it became submerged fol- lowing an earthquake, and that its place is no longer met with, except as a sandbar which stops navigators and renders the sea impassable. That part of the Atlantic Ocean known as the Sar- gasso Sea, which lies between the mouth of the Med- iterranean and the coast of Brazil, is avoided by marin- ers, for it is a region of calms where currents converge, carrying with them great quantities of sea wead, that impede and indeed prevent the progress of ships. At- tempts have been made at times to fish up from the bottom of the Sargasso Sea what might be found there, and fragments of pottery have been obtained which in- dicate that the story of Atlantis is not a fable. Thru the expeditions of the British and American gunboats, "Challenger" and "Dolphin," the bed of the whole Atlantic Ocean is now mapped out. The ocean bed, particularly near the Azores, has been the scene of volcanic disturbances on a gigantic scale. 150 WOMAN OF THE HOUR The earliest pioneers of the Fourth Race were not At- lanteans, nor yet were they human Asuras, and the Rackshasas which they became later. The Greek allegories give to Atlas, or Atlantis, Seven daughters, i. e., Seven sub-races: Maia, Electra, Tay- geta, Asterope, Merope, and Celerno. We recognize the same under the following names, which are the Seven sub-races of the Fourth Great Root Race: 1, Rmoahal; 2, Tlavtli; 3, Toltec; 4, First Turanian; 5, Original Semite; 6, Akkadian; 7, Mongolian. Of the first two sub-races there are hardly any traces left. The Third Chapter of Genesis refers to the closing Third and the commencing Fourth Races. In the beginning conception was as easy for Woman as it was for all animal creation. Nature never intended that Woman should bring forth in sorrow. During the Fourth Race there came enmity between its Seed and the Serpent's Seed, the product of Karma and Divine Wisdom, by turning the holy mystery of pro- creation into animal gratification. Yet it is from the Fourth Race that the early Aryans received their knowledge of the "bundle of won- derful things". It is from them they learned Aeronautics, (flying in air vehicles) Meteorography and Meteorology. It is from them again that the Aryans inherited their most valuable sciences of Mineralogy, Geology, Physics and Astronomy. The Fourth Race had its periods of the highest civilization known to the planet. Greek, Roman, and even Egyptian civilizations are as nothing compared to that of the Atlanteans. The Rmoahal race came into existence between four and five million years ago; at which period large por- tions of the great Southern continent of Lemuria still existed, while the continent of Atlantis had not as- sumed the proportions it ultimately attained. They were a dark race, a sort of mahogany brown, a race of giants, we are told, being 10 to 12 feet in height. Thru the cen- PAST PRESENT FUTURE 1 5 1 turies their stature gradually diminished or dwindled, as did that of all the races in turn. They migrated to the southern shores of Atlantis, where they were en- gaged in constant warfare with the Sixth and Seventh sub-races of the Lemurians then inhabiting that coun- try. They intermarried with these black Lemurian aborigines, and it was from these dark races that the Toltec conquerors drew their supply of slaves. A large part of the tribe, however, eventually moved North and dwelling there for untold centuries, became lighter in color. The origin of the Tlavtli, or Second sub-race, was an island off the coast (West) of Atlantis. They were a powerful and hardy race of a red-brown color, not as tall as the Rmoahals, whom they drove still further North. Humanity for the most part was still possessed of psychic attributes and had attained various stages of initiation, some reaching Adeptship. For thousands of years the Divine Dynasty ruled not only all the kingdoms into which Atlantis was divided, but the islands on the West, and the Southern portion of the land lying to the East. The power was handed down from father to son, and during all this period these Initiate Rulers retained connection with the Oc- cult Hierarchy which governs the world, submitting to its laws, and acting in harmony with its plans. This was the Golden Age of the Toltec Race. After about 100,000 years of this Golden Age, de- generacy set in and then began the decay of the Race. Personal aggrandizement, the attainment of wealth and authority, the humiliation and ruin of their enemies, became more and more the objects towards which their occult powers were directed. Partly thru their psychic faculties, which were not yet quenched in the depth of their materiality to which the race afterwards descended, and partly thru their scientific attainments, during this culmination of At- lantean civilization, the most intellectual and energetic members of the race gradually obtained more and more 152 WOMAN OF THE HOUR insight into the working of Nature's laws, and more and more control over some of her hidden forces. Now the desecration of their knowledge and its use for selfish ends is what constitutes Black Magic. This Black Magic reached its zenith during the Fourth Root Race. "The Kings of Light have departed in wrath, (Divine Sovereigns are called Kings of Light in all old records, "Secret Doctrines".) the sins of man have become so black that earth quivers in her agony. The Azure Seats remain empty. Who of the Brown, who of the Red, or yet among the Black (Races) can sit in the Seats of the Blessed? The Seats of Knowledge and Mercy? Who can assume the Flower of Power, the Plant of the Golden Stem, and the Azure Blossom?" (Copied from stone tablets.) They had become bereft of their Azure (Celestial) Kings, "and they of the Deva hue, the moon-like com- plexions" and they of the "refulgent" (golden) face have gone to the "Land of Bliss", the land of Fire and Metal, or to the lands lying North and East, from whence the great Waters have been swept away, sucked in by the earth and dissipated by the air. The wise races had perceived the "black storm dragons", called down by the "Dragons of Wisdom", and had fled, led on by the shining protectors of the most Excellent Land, the Great Ancient Adepts. (This is a description of the final destruction of At- lantis, when the seed people were carried to the North- east corner of Asia, there to become the ancestors of the Aryans, the great Fifth Race, to which we all belong.) They of the Yellow hue are the forefathers of the Turanians, the Mongols, Chinese and other ancient na- tions, and the land they fled to was no other than Asia. Nearly two-thirds of a 1,000,000 years have elapsed since that period, or nearly 700,000 years, consequently we see many changes in these races. The civilization of the Atlanteans was greater than even that of the Egyptians. When we have it before PAST PRESENT FUTURE 1 53 our eyes, that for 6,000 years, mankind in Europe, Asia and Africa, even when led by great nations, and illumi- nated by great minds, did not advance one inch beyond the arts of Egypt, we may conceive what lapses of time it must have required to bring man to that condition of refinement and civilization possessed by Egypt when it first comes within the purview of history. There are two great divisions of mankind, the civ- ilized and the savage, and as "all roads lead to Rome", so all the converging lines lead to Atlantis. History is said to repeat itself; certainly races follow the track of preceding races. The most important and populous part of all the North American colonies of Atlantis had its habitat west of the great chain now known as the Rocky Mountains, so also in the future will the grandeur of America be upheld by the Western and South-western States of the American Union. In those days the vast glaciers of the North were in the retreating stage, and the great plains of the United States had a far different appearance from that which they bear today. Egypt traces her civilization back to the Great Lodge of Initiates, taken from the Toltec Race of the Atlan- teans, after the first great catastrophe. .At that time the "Black Arts" were becoming more and more accen- tuated and widely spread. Purer surroundings for the White Lodge were needed and Egypt was chosen and some time during the 10,000 years that led up to the second great catastrophe, the two Great Pyramids of Egypt were built. The Semites furnished the nucleus for our Great Fifth or Aryan Race, lawless, vigorous and energetic. The Original Semite or Fifth Sub-race had its origin in the mountainous country which formed the more southerly of the two northeastern peninsulas, now rep- resented by Scotland and Ireland. They were a turbu- lent, discontented race, always at war with their neigh- bors, especially the Akkadians. The Akkadians or Sixth Sub-race were a great trad- ing, sea-going, and colonizing people, and they estab- lished many centers of communication with distant 154 WOMAN OF THE HOUR lands. This race made great advances in both astronomy and astrology. The Mongolian or Seventh Sub-race was distinctly and directly developed from descendents of the Tu- ranian race on the wide Steppes of Eastern Siberia, and never had any touch with the mother continent. The Temple of Stonehenge in England was founded by the Akkadian Initiates about 100,000 years ago. The Hungarians and Malays are offshoots of the Seventh or Mongolian race, ennobled in the one case by a strain of Aryan blood, degraded on the other by mixture with the Lemurian. But the interesting fact is that its last family race is still in full force, the Japanese Nation. The power to raise to philosophic heights of thot was, of course, wanting to the masses of those days as it is similarly wanting to the great majority of man- kind today. The nearest approach in attempting to convey an idea of the nameless and all pervading essence of the Kosmos was in the form of Symbols. Sun and Fire worship were celebrated in the mag- nificent Temples. A survival of the worship of the Sun Disk may be instanced in the Shinto ceremonies of Japan. Finally they became so debased, however, so selfish, that they believed there was nothing in the Uni- verse greater or higher than themselves. Every true religious idea that has ever entered into the mind of man has been consciously suggested to him by the Divine instructors, who, throughout all the ages have been the guardians of the Divine Mysteries, and of the facts of the super-sensual states of consciousness, Our misconceptions of truth can all be traced to our own lower nature, therefore the masses are not fit to be trusted with the Knowledge veiled by Symbols. With the practice of Sorcery they became aware of powerful elementals animated by their own powerful wills, which being directed toward selfish ends, nat- urally produced malignant things. They actually adopted and worshipped these semi-conscious creations of their own malignant thot. PAST PRESENT FUTURE 1 55 Their ritual was blood-stained from the start, and every sacrifice offered at their shrine gave vitality and persistence to these vampire-like creatures. A small minority, however, aspired to initiation, and had touch with the higher spiritual life. They knew that good will towards all mankind, control of thot and purity of life and action, were the necessary requisites to ex- pansion of consciousness. BEFORE ROOT RACES. EVOLUTION OF RELIGIOUS IDEAS. At the inception of all events it is well to consider the cause, in order to determine the results. In order to find our true place in the onward march of human progress, at this time it becomes necessary to retrace our steps back thru the seven cycles of the Christian Era, or Fifth Race of humanity, to the Fourth or ma- terial race, that we may observe the cause of this im- portant work that we are endeavoring to establish. Commencing with the fall of the Atlantis, an event that makes the closing scene of the Fourth race of men, an event which has ever been termed the flood of Chris- tian history, but instead of the waters rising over the face of the earth's surface, Atlantis Continent, now the Azores opposite Spain, sank beneath the surface of the mighty deep, leaving only a portion of the far East, Central America, and the mountain tops which form the Islands of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. This historic event marks an epoch in the evolution of material and religious progress, that changes the cur- rent events of the future civilization to such an extent as to make it a complete starting point in the chain of events up to the present time. The highest religious thought attained at the close of the Fourth race of humanity was Sun Worship. Ideality had not unfolded far enough for the race to to perceive anything beyond material vision. But seeing that all things expressed and unfolded under the benefi- cent rays of the Sun, men bowed in adoration and praise 156 WOMAN OF THE HOUR of it, as the God of All Life. Thus at the completion of the Fourth Root Race humanity had progressed from Idolatry to Sun-Worship. The going down of the Atlantis marks one of the greatest events of modern history. Because civilization was about lost, and the only civilization that remained was on that portion of the earth known as the Far-East, Central America. When Atlantis sank beneath the wa- ters, Africa, North and South America rose to the sur- face and three new Continents were formed and hu- manity stood at the doorway opening on new conditions, materially and intellectually gained by new circum- stances and environments, requiring a complete change in all life's activities at the beginning of the first cycle of the Christian Era. At the close of the first cycle, Ideality had unfolded so that humanity began to perceive a force in all Nature beyond the Sun, and Mythology, the religion of many gods, was another link added to the chain of experiences and progress of the human race in religious thot. At the close of the fourth cycle, Paganism, the wor- ship of greater or lesser gods, was the next link added to the religious thot of that time. Then at the close of the fifth cycle the religious thot of the world seemed to have passed thru a complete change. Humanity returned again to worship of One God, but this time it was Je- hovah, the spirit of Yo-wa-wa, who had fulfilled his seventh incarnation, and had fulfilled his material ex- pression. Hence he became a leader of his people. In his sixth incarnation he was King in Atlantis, under the Sun worshippers. His fifth was a King of the mountain warriors under the Fire Worshippers. Therefore, as a leader he had a knowledge of the Astrological co-relation and co-operation in all material expressions, and he placed his people in harmony with Astrological lore, which placed the Jewish people closer in touch with Na- ture's principles, materially, than all other religions of the past. They have retained the gems of the Truth that has led mankind to progress thru the different cycles of life's activities. They have always proclaimed that PAST PRESENT FUTURE 1 57 the Jew would inherit the earth, meaning that earth life would again be brought into harmony with the Divine Principles of Nature thru the knowledge of Astrological Law, and hence by living the higher divine law which is the science of all life, ruling all beneath it. This was the work of the Jehovah God, giving to men the knowl- edge which would work a New Heaven and a New Earth, give Peace on Earth, Good Will to Men. "For this came I into earth-life to bring Peace and Power." The close of the sixth cycle and the commencement of the seventh and last cycle before the Christian Era, is marked by the first great upheaval in the religious thot which changed the current of events and turned the tide of civilization over to that which is termed the birth of Christ or the Son of God. That is called the Christian God, different from other Gods, because of necessity, for if they had many gods they would be Mythologists, worshippers of greater and lesser gods. They would be Pagans. If they had only One God, they would be Jews. Hence the necessity of Three-in-One, which proved a complete trine Father, Mother, Son, Holy Ghost, Ideal God, the first to be recognized that was beyond mental vision, founded on the I AM Princi- ples, which was a necessity for men must first learn to care for themselves individually before they can care for others and man became the living embodiment of that one thot, selfishness. About two hundred and fifty years after this date those three roots broke thru the surface of material worship and founded a new religion which was called Catholicism, which bound the trunk of a religious tree, from which all religions were formed and are the out- growth or limbs, drawing life force out of Nature. And ideal life thru the roots and trunk of this tree branches out until today we have on earth four thousand branches or religions on this plane. Being formed upon a trine it became a power and has fulfilled its work well. First Fear, Belief, then Faith, are the different stages or planes thru which the unf oldment of humanity has evolved, until they began to perceive that God's at- 158 WOMAN OF THE HOUR tributes were more than the past teachings had attribu- ted to the Father God, for humanity sought after that divine, or mother love, tender, kind, sympathetic, for- giving love and affection, which is of the feminine. Then a new branch budded and grew out of the top- most limb. Faith and almost knowledge, formed and founded on the Mother-Love Principle, termed Christian Science, the sum-total of all the experiences and unfold- ment of all below the apex of its accomplishments, the embodiment of the Fifth school, completed, finished. The Second Coming of the Christ which has been pro- claimed by both poet and sage is divinely true. He has come in the Air, that God-like intelligence is vibrating earthward, silently and unseen by mortal eyes, but un- derstood by the inner consciousness, and humanity is progressing as never before. Intelligence is burning up the ignorance and superstition of the past which was the dungeon in which reason has long been locked down thru the ages of the past. The light of the intelligence has unbolted the doors and emancipated reason, thus humanity is rising to the height of his genius because the trine of fear, belief and faith have produced knowl- edge, and humanity stands the embodiment of this com- bination of experiences. Now we have arrived at the open doorway of the New Dispensation leading the higher planes of intelligence thru the unity of Father and Mother God, founded on the trine of Justice, Liberty and Truth. The unfoldment of the true principle, that what is beneficial for man is beneficial for woman, will cultivate the true unity that shall exist within the human family. The new religious thoughts, born of the mental ac- tivities of the male and female co-operations on the in- tellectual plane, will be evolving thot expressed by posi- tive and negative forces, co-operative and powerful in all life. The Father-God Idea was monarchy and do- minion, revengeful, making all beneath its power slaves. The Mother-God Idea is drawing, protecting, loving but the embodiment of selfishness, and in order to enjoy the mother kindness you had to enter the portals of her PAST-PRESENTFUTURE 159 home and there remain under her direction and guid- ance. Her power is negation, but work will be a great blessing, for it is a part of the education necessary in the progressive school of life and is Good. But in order to enter the planes Justice, Liberty, Truth, and Unity, the God Power must be in conformity and complete, in order to build upon the principles as a foundation, a God of Unity must be established in the understanding of man in order to harmonize with all science of life. We all, as traveling souls have gone thru those past days, and the experiences with the results accumulated make up the character largely of what we now possess. May we in our present unfoldment help our race in its progress forward. Worlds pass away the same as humanity and other things on earth. The Earth planet reached the apex in its descending spiral in the Fourth Race. From ether it came and to ether it must return. The earth on its ascending spiral is approaching the period when hu- manity will drop the dense material senses. There is no possibility of lifting a dying race, (like the Mexican). Those associated with them go down with them, nor is there use of sending missionaries to a dying race. Egypt is a dying country. The Fifth race will change very rapidly. California is the cradle of the New Race. Our children are beautiful, intellectual and matured mentally, for they are of the Sixth Race Children; they will de- mand a new religion instead of a dogma foisted upon mankind by evil doers. Our school girls are beautiful to behold, because they radiate the splendor of the com- ing Virgin-Motherhood. The real age of our world has long been in doubt for Western investigators, who up to the present have shown a singular unwillingness to take instructions from the records of the Orient so much older than the West. Bible institutes send Bibles to the supposed Heathens to teach them about God. We are told they accept them, use the covers to mend their shoes, and destroy the contents. 160 WOMAN OF THE HOUR MANASSEH. In a MSS. copied from a Masonic book, we gather some wonderful information regarding the House of Manasseh, who came out and separated themselves from the House of Ephraim, bearing the same name and iden- tity, speaking the same language, bearing the same cross and proclaiming the same Christianity. Some of the prophecies concerning Manasseh are truly wonderful. God had said to this Thirteenth Tribe of the children of Israel that He would guard them as the Eagle guardeth her young. So when they settled down to independence they placed the Eagle upon their banner with Thirteen Stars. They filled it up with Stripes, for it is written "by their stripes we are healed". More curious, this was suggested by Sir John Bart, an Englishman, to John Adams, American Min- ister to the court of St. James, and was adopted by Con- gress in 1782. On one side of the great Seal of the United States, we have an Eagle, and in his beak a scroll with the motto: "E Pluribus Unum", meaning "one out of many", as Manasseh was taken. Over the head of the Eagle is a bunch of clouds, and we have the prophecy: "I will be a cloud around about you in camp". There is a parting in the cloud and we see Thirteen stars, or the number of the Tribe. In his right talon is an olive branch, and in his left a bunch of Thirteen arrows. Turning the Seal over we find the reverse side still more wonderful, for here we have the Egyptian Pyramid, and over the Pyramid the All Seeing Eye, with the words: "He prospers our beginning". Under the Pyramid is the motto: "A new era in the Ages". When we remember that Manasseh, the Thirteenth Tribe which is represented on all the flags and on our Great Seal, was born in Memphis at the foot of the Pyramid, we cannot fail to see how Providence and Prophecy agree. Certain Symbols and Signs have always gone with certain Races and Tribes, and this same MSS. tells us that wherever we find the Quail and the Honey Bee, there we find Israel. They were as distinctly marked PAST -PRESENT FUTURE 161 out for Israel as the frog and locust were for Egypt. God had sent the Quail to Israel while they wandered in the wilderness and the country was filled with wild honey. The quail and the honey bee go no further than the Anglo-Saxon race. Not until the first white man crossed the Mississippi River did the first swarm of bees cross. When the Indians saw the bee, they sounded the alarm: "The white man is among us, and we must leave the graves of our fore-fathers and depart." These signs and wonders belong to Israel only. Books might be written upon the identification of the lost sheep of the house of Israel and the Anglo-Saxon, but let every one be persuaded in his own mind. History tells us that the first swarm of bees crossed the Mississippi about 1797, and in the next 14 years they travelled westward about 600 miles. The government of this new country was founded upon Masonry, which contained the old Wisdom religion of fire worship, and was the connecting link between the Orient and the Occident, and under law should have been passed on to the people of Manasseh. We know how this has been done. Our pious fore-fathers, the Pilgrims, fleeing from persecution in England, did not forget to bring with them the instruments of torture and set them up in this new land, and the history of our colonization is the his- tory of the crimes of Europe. Slavery flourished in this new land just as it had flourished in all lands before. The business of shipping women and children to America from Europe is a very ancient and honorable one. Our common histories contain accounts of the shipment to Virginia in 1619 of a shipload of young English girls who were sold to the planters as wives for 120 pounds of tobacco, or about $80 in cash. The same year a Dutch ship sold in Virginia the first negro slaves, and the same year a shipload of convicts from English jails was landed, and the convicts were sold into servitude. Thus black and white slavery in the United States date from the same year of our Lord A.D. 1619. 162 WOMAN OF THE HOUR White women, convicts, and negroes, so they are catalogued even to this day; with the exception that the negroes were given the ballot at the end of the Civil War, 53 years ago, and the white woman is still asking for it. Considering causes, we might here ask how many readers really know the difference between a black man and a colored man. It is known that in the days of slavery the slave own- ers held out and fulfilled the idea that it was perfectly legitimate to bring forth from the black women. This then was the defying of the laws of both God and man, for the white man's seed passed thru the black woman and produced a colored race. The soul of the white man's seed crying out from the block for supremacy, power and freedom, echoed to the far North, thus came the war of '61. The black man has never aspired to more than a job, and his pay, while the colored race, thru the seed of the white slave trader brought forth the noted Negro Educator and Sociologist, Booker T. Washington, a living example in principle of what education and training will do for the degenerated seed of all the races. When the good North and South began to realize the wrong that had been committed in establishing slavery, they began to tremble and pray, not knowing that even prayer is powerless to stave off the consequences of such degeneracy, hence it was that a nation must suffer. It is not generally known that the validity of the famous Thirteenth Amendment was seriously ques- tioned by no less a personage than Abraham Lincoln himself. In almost his last words before his death, Mr. Lincoln contended that the ratification by three-fourths of all the States included those in rebellion, and was necessary to the validity of a constitutional amendment. In August, 1619, there came to Jamestown, Virginia, a Dutch slave trader, with twenty negroes for sale. The settlers bought them, and then and there began the trouble which was to worry the whole nation nearly two PAST- -PRESENT- -FUTURE 163 and a half centuries. The price was a million of lives and billions of treasure. It is not difficult to realize with the facts fresh in our consciousness of the terrible 'World War", that Autocracy might have had a similar cause, somewhere, somehow in degeneracy. It is said the ruling nations of the whole earth cringe in the sight of Money Kings; all because of the power that has been given to man thru money rule. He has made it a "Golden Calf" and fallen down before it and worshipped. He has not put it in its place as servant, but has called it master, and in turn it has made him a slave. Now we ask, is it possible that the whole world groans under the money burden alone? Students of Natural Laws know there is a giant monster hanging heavily upon the bodies of the Adam-world, echoing the long ages of perverted propagating law, until the very earth (body) groans, and thunders from the awful, but silent tombs of ignorance and selfishness, "Sowing to the winds, and reaping in the whirlwinds", the essences and the vital principles of life, until humanity is struck dead, and like grass before a lawn-mower, is cut down; cast into premature graves by the mighty millions, all because of this monster, lust in the flesh. When the creative forces are degraded they attract astral monsters whose effects bring destruction to body, mind and soul. It is admitted that Egyptian civilization flourished many centuries ago, and as there are no living Egyptian schools of ancient learning to offend modern pride, and perhaps because the Jews "came out of Egypt" to fasten the Mosaic misunderstood tradition upon modern prog- ress, the inscriptions cut in rocks, and written on papyri obtain little more credit today than the living thot and record of the Hindus. For the latter are still among us, and it would never do to admit that a poor and conquered race possesses Knowledge respecting the age of man and his world 164 WOMAN OF THE HOUR which the Western flower of culture, war, and annexation knows nothing of. Ever since the ignorant monks and theologians of Asia Minor and Europe succeeded in imposing the Mosaic account of the genesis of the earth and man upon the coming Western evolution, the most learned even of our scientific men have stood in fear of the years that elapsed since Adam, or have been warped in thot and perception whenever their eyes turned to any chronology different from that of a few tribes of the sons of Jacob. When the early Christians came into Egypt, they were sorely distressed to find there the carved image of Isis, the Virgin mother of Heaven, with her aureoled infant in her arms. Disturbed by this revelation, they covered over the tell-tale carvings with plaster and ce- ment, and so preserved them for a later age. The recent excavations in Egypt have enabled re- searchers to reconstruct the civilization of those won- derful ancient Egyptians. Our most skillful surgeons today could not bandage a body as the Egyptians bandaged their mummies, nor could we erect the buildings the Egyptians erected. Plato wrote over the door of his academy: "Let no one enter here unless he is well versed in mathematics." Pythagoras demanded the additional knowledge of music. They meant to say that he who wishes to in- vestigate the hidden mysteries of Nature must be able to draw logical conclusions from his observations and attune his soul to the divine harmonies of the Universe. Dr. Alfred Russell Wallace has said : "Man has shown no improvement either in intellect or morals, from the days of the earliest Egyptians and Assyrians, down to the keel-laying of the latest Dreadnaught." Egypt had other Gods who persisted on the papyri of all the Dynasties. Ra, the Sun, symbol of the eternal progress of the soul. Ra was the lord of the celestial boat. He was the God of life, and the God of re-incarnation, "the Sun that sets will rise again". (The Sun himself is moving ever forward and on- PAST PRESENT FUTURE 1 65 ward, as he travels in his own orbit of immeasurable and inconceivable dimensions around a circle so vast that it is inconceivable.) Ra carried the souls of the dead into the underworld to be judged in the Halls of Amenti, and before the 42 assessors. Then there was the Great God Thoth, (Thought), he with the Ibis head, and who carries the Stylus and the Tablets; is the Scribe and the Recorder, and upon his Tablets he writes every deed of man upon earth. THE MESSAGE OF THE SPHINX. In the Secret Doctrine, Blavatsky, 11,543, we read: "The whole essence of truth cannot be transmitted from mouth to ear. Nor can any pen describe it, not even that of the Recording Angel, unless man finds the answer in the sanctuary of his own heart, in the inner- most depths of his divine Intuition. It is the great Seventh mystery of Creation, the first and the last, it can be represented only in its apparent objective form, like the eternal riddle of the Sphinx." Far back in the beginning of recorded history the Aquarian Age was marked in imperishable stone. The age when the "Lord of Light" should again declare the things which are hidden, was symbolized and foretold in the majestic image of the Sphinx. Age after age has rolled by, race after race has come and gazed and gone, ever seeking to answer the mys- terious questions expressed in that mighty recumbent figure. Yet the great riddle is still mutely propounded: "Man, Whence? Why? Whither? What is the meaning of evolution? What is the promise of the Great Day to come? What wait I for ?" Altho at present buried so deeply in the sand that little more than its head and forepaws are visible, the great Sphinx of Giza at one time stood upon a high hill and formed the roof of a sacred temple. Even today between its paws a temple has been found dedicated to the Sun-god, Horus, the "Great Light of the World." But ere the Aquarian Age has entered upon its second 166 WOMAN OF THE HOUR decanate ,the sand that now so nearly buries it will be removed, and many wonders and facts confirming the truths destined to be brought to light in this New Age will be found as predicted in Secret Doctrines, many years ago, and will be fully demonstrated before the end of the next century. The very name of Sphinx identifies it as a Bearer of Light. In this mighty figure we see symbolized the Foundation Stone of the Universe, the Cosmic Cross, composed of the four Signs of the Zodiac, of which Aquarius the Man is the head and ruler, its hind quar- ters are those of the Ox, (Taurus) ; its fore quarters are those of the Lion, (Leo) ; its head and breasts those of a human being, (Aquarius) ; its wings those of an Eagle, and its tail that of the Scorpion. That this figure was meant to prophesy an age when these four Zodiacal Signs should occupy the place they do in the heavens to- day, and point to the true Man, Aquarius, as the one who could read the riddle of the Sphinx, is indicated in the many examples of Egyptian and Greek art, in which the Sphinx is seen either devouring, seizing, standing upon, or tearing man to pieces. For so must these eternal truths seize humanity, and thru the ages tear from them all lower propensities that the true inner- man may come forth. In the Egyptian Sphinx the wings are folded, for the learned priests knew well the length of time that must elapse ere humanity as a whole could open the density which encased its wings, unfold those wings into higher realms of consciousness. The folded wing cases there- fore indicate the covering that has been placed oyer all that is symbolized by the uplifting and transmuting of the Scorpion into the Eagle. This stupendous symbol was carved out of single rock 189 feet long, at a time so remote that in an in- scription of The Fourth Dynasty (4700 B. C.) mentioned as a monument found by chance, its origin is lost in the night of time. It rises out of the pyramid field and faces due East, gazing steadfastly thru the ages out over the Nile valley toward the Source of Light. PAST PRESENT FUTURE 167 Just as that stony figure, with its imperishable mes- sage to humanity has stood upon the border of the desert enduring the fierce heat and storms of the ages without disintegration, so has the teachings of the Christian Mystics endured thruout the ages. Again and again have the terrific sand storms of worldly criticism and opposition beat upon it until it seems almost extinct, and its message distorted and lost sight of. Yet as its day dawns in each cycle the winds of heaven blow away the accumulated sands, and those who belong to its tribe are gathered under its banner, and are once more thrilled, enlightened and fed by its mystic messages. As Woman stands upon the threshold of the New Dispensation the cruel blast of tongues may sweep over her, for it is written: 'Tor every kind of beasts and birds and of serpents, and of things in the sea, is tamed and hath been tamed of mankind: But the tongue can no man tame ; it is an unruly evil, full of deadly poison/' James. (And Martin Luther would keep James out of the Bible.) Like the Sphinx we who are feeling the great "Cos- mic Urge" have stood on Egyptian sands, and have given up our lives for the Cause now manifesting in so many ways, thru the aim of Woman's Suffrage, Metaphysics, Theosophy, Life after Death, and almost every conceiv- able idea in the mind of seekers, which some unseen force, in keeping with the times, has stirred and awak- ened to consciousness above the bondage of the old re- ligions into the freedom of thinking for the Individual Selfhood. Let us for a moment push out in our imaginations, follow them up, they are creations, and see ourselves assembled in that ancient Egypt crypt or vault beneath the Sphinx. If we listen we will hear the tones of the Celestial Teacher, the Christ Principle, as He comes again to tell us that the task then outlined is now to be accomplished; that the thing that symbolized in Stone, (that which the Builder rejected) is almost ready to ex- press in a statue in living flesh and blood; in a unity- 168 WOMAN OF THE HOUR body of faithful followers of the Law, which fulfills that which was foreshadowed then in stone, now to be taught by "The Woman of the Hour". Let us examine this mighty symbol, this something that stands for a living principle so long hidden and see what it holds for us, of the New Humanity. The flanks of the Ox, give us the power to Do. Is not Woman at the present time resting upon those flanks and the power to Do? Has she not toiled and labored thru the ages, and been bowed with burdens to the earth, with the burdens of the hearts of its children? Has she not crouched on the edge of the desert of life, buffeted by storms, ignored by the masses, almost buried in the sands of worldly conditions, yet thru it all never has for- gotten the fact that even tho a very Ox indeed, it is yoked with the divine Christ whose command ever is, "Take my yoke upon you and learn of me". "Let the dead bury the dead, come thou and follow me." Its fore quarters give the power to LOVE and to DARE. It has given the courage to seek Wisdom. The great and powerful Divine-Mother Love, symbolized by the higher aspects of the Lion, has been the support and balance that has awakened the New Humanity into action. Where the Eagle soars has been given the power to "Keep the SILENCE", to "be still and know that I am God". Looking at this mighty symbol, the Wings, we may see the transmutation of the Scorpion into the Eagle, thru lifting of the veil to the Mystery of Cre- ative Life, lifted up thru the Word of Purity. We should not be impatient if the world does not respond at once, on hearing this message, if it runs after other gods, or follows where the drums beat loud- est, even "a reed shaken with the wind". The power of the black magicians lives today as in the days of Moses, but the wings of time can bear it, and we must wait pa- tiently the fulfilling of Law, and rest in the infinite knowledge, and calm confidence that tho nations rise and fall the Great Law moves upward. PAST PRESENTFUTURE 1 69 THE MOTHER IDEA. From Eugene R. Elison, M. D., we get noble ideas, as he asks: "Why the Mother is everything to us, and why her love transcends all love and affection which the animal and human world know of. It is because we from the day of birth look into her loving and endearing eyes, and her embrace is felt by the whole world. Is it be- cause she nurses, protects and teaches us? Is it because she loves us when we are good, and suffers when we are bad, yet loves us the more? Is it because she rejoices in our aspirations and happiness? Or is it because she seeks to right us when we are wrong? When we are condemned, despised, and forsaken by our friends, she is the only one who still believes, shields, and pities us. Or is the reason more significant and deeper than that? Yes, she is the root and substance of our very nature, the inseparable essence of life, and we the fac-simile of her. Her purpose, virtue and function are written everywhere by the great Universal Mother. The universal genetic purpose is distinctly motherly, constructive and conservative. Each cell-seed bespeaks the Universal Mother-Idea. Science proclaims motherhood in the biologic mother- cell; chemistry in the mother-crystal; philosophy in the primordial mother-substance; philology in mother- tongue; business in mother-pearl, and religions in mother-gods. In Holy Writ, the first chapter of Genesis introduces us to Eve, Man's Mother. Woman's name is love and reverence from the first to the last breath of life, and her influence is felt in the very marrow of our being. Is it a wonder that from time immemorial, art, science and literature worship at her shrine? Everywhere her image in form, color, sound, are set up. In fact thru all avenues of sense, emotion, mind and spirit, we praise her. How to recon- cile this fact? Only by the knowledge that thru mother- ing the progress of cosmic evolution is furthered. Un- less we grasp the Truth, there is no reasonable, or in- telligent explanation of the purpose of evolution and 170 WOMAN OF THE HOUR generation. Mothering is and must be a universal di- vine creative impulse. In the mother, as in the child, the future mother, both past and present blend into a radiance of hope, trust and immortality. This is why all living beings love the Mother. It is something we feel we are. It is the all-ness or wholeness of her. It is she who inspires divinity in us, and lifts clay unto gods. Wherever she is, we think of God. In the tongue of flame, in the rushing water, in the smile of a cooing babe, her voice is known. Heaven and Earth is her abode, and where she goes her memory is linked to eternity. Man may say, "I know not my father", but of his mother he cannot deny. Upon his breast and navel, he bears the double maternal sign which he cannot deny. It proclaims from whom he issued and to whom he is attached. In the human species, even before consciousness, as we know or understand it, as early as the fifth month of pregnancy, the child has been heard to seek vocal expressions with its premonitory cry of A-I-M, a yearn- ing lamenting sound of the unborn soul, meaning Mother, in the Hebrew tongue. In the Universal language A-I-M is Mother. In fact it is the first sound uttered by babies A-IM or E-M-M. Later thru human reflection mirrored upon the optic and accoustic conception, it spells back Ma-Mere Mother-Mutter, etc. This thirteenth letter of the He- brew alphabet, M, is the plane of manifestation in the prenomenal world and truly mothers all beings. In pain or agony, what crying sound awakens more pity, com- passion, sympathy, than A-I-M? Few dream of its origin and deep significance. Who could endow us with the wonderful strength, endurance, patience, sacrifice, of mothering life after life but A-I-M God-Mother?" The following remarkable poem describes Duality in its magnetic and electric expression: PAST-PRESENTFUTURE 171 A MODERN HAGAR By Edna Erie Wilson. ITH all my soul I loved him! There Was not one smallest part of me That I held back. So full of love Was I, so great my need to give. No game of give and take knew I; I was a child of natural law, Untaught in all love-barter ways. I loved. I gave. That was my life. As sun gives to the earth so gave I unto my lord. As flowers give to The bees, so gave I, top, desiring Only to be loved Ah, life Was sweet to me. One day my lord Did take a wife, a woman cold And white, as I am dark and warm. When they did tell me, I did laugh, And swear it was not true. My lord? A wife ? Ah, no, it could not be ! For I remembered words of his: "I love no one but you. I never Have, I never will, world without End." And he had kissed me on The forehead for a seal of love. Ah, no, it could not be! But it Was true. At last I knew its truth. Oh, would that he had killed me first! Had plunged a knife into this heart Of mine! Oh, would that he had died Before he did this thing; Oh, God, The agony of living on And knowing that SHE lives and loves My lord! 172 WOMAN OF THE HOUR All night I lie alone And feel her head upon his heart Where mine was wont to rest, and feel His lips on hers Always, always I see her where I'd thought to be With him. And, when I think that she Will be the mother of his sons, I pray that God will let me die. "Oh, quickly, quickly, God!" I pray. For pain has brought the mother-ache. No wilderness that Hagar knew Could equal this, my wilderness Of loneliness and hurt and hate. And there is not a little son, No Ishmael of his and mine, But only I and memories That burn as fire on naked flesh! SIXTH CHAPTER. UNFOLDING CONSCIOUSNESS "For when we were in the flesh, the motions of sins, which were by the law, did work in our members to bring forth fruit unto death." "But now we are delivered from law, that being dead wherein we were held: that we should serve in the newness of the spirit: and not in the oldness of the letter." "What shall we say then? Is the law sin? God forbid. Nay, I had not known sin, but by the law: for I had not known lust ex- cept the law had said, Thou shalt not covet." "For I was alive without the law once: but when thy com- mandment came, sin revived, and I died." "I find then, a law, that when I would do good, evil is present with me." "For I delight in the law of God after the inward man." "But I see another law in my members, warring against the law of my mind, and bringing me into captivity to the law of sin which is in my members." To these seven keys we would add: "And so all Israel shall be saved, as it is written, there shall come out of Zion the Deliverer, and shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob." Also "0 the depth of riches both of Wisdom and Knowledge of God : how unsearchable are his judgments, and his ways past finding out." "For who hathi known the mind of the Lord? or who hath been his counsellor?" N OUR studies and seekings, we should follow the example of the Indian Swan, who, when a cup of milk mixed with water is placed before it, knows how to separate the milk from the water and drink only the milk. In the same manner we must learn to take the real essence from the material evi- dence, and to apply it, not in dry intellectual details, but the realization of spirit. If we would benefit by the lives of great souls, we must give attention, and open ourselves to the inspiring influences and words of the many Avatars, or Christs, and seek to apply their characters to our own lives, thus 173 174 WOMAN OF THE HOUR become better able to judge all souls in their proper place in evolution. The life of Zoroaster as a Deliverer takes us back to a period of history which is dim to the human mind, because we must depend more on tradition than actual historical facts. A Deliverer is one who manifests the attributes of God, and not of men. The Saviours of humanity do not come to be worshipped. They come lowly, humbly, as servants and stewards of God. There is a profound rea- son why devout souls reach out for a mediator to offer them worship. It is impossible for us with our finite mind to conceive of an Infinite Spirit and its workings, because whatever we might imagine would fall far short of the Ideal as shown in the life of a Christ or a Buddha. It is said there are many greater, and many lesser Saviours and Deliverers. There existed, it is said, six philosophers of the name of Zoroaster, but of all these the one who is recognized as Zarathushtra, the Law- giver of the Parsees, is the supreme one. His teach- ings are written in the Avesta language, and the Zenda- Vesta Bible, 1,300 B.C. For 566 years after the fall of the Xayamian Dynasty, the religion of Zoroaster de- clined until revived in 226 A. D. It flourished again until the Arabs invaded Persia in 651 A. D., and Kalif Omar destroyed the books. From 'The Channel" Magazine we glean the story of a great Deliverer to the people of his time, and like the living representatives of the Mohammed religion of today Zoroaster has his representatives as the "Sun Worshippers" in our midst, tho their origin is not gen- erally known. "In the City of Rae in Media, there lived many years ago a pious couple; the man's name was Pourushaspa, (or Parshasp) and his wife's, Dogdho. They were very happy together, but had no children, and their great wish was to have a son, whom they wished to become a great teacher of the Law, for there was much idolatry practiced in the whole land. Pourushaspa was in deep meditation, praying ardent- PAST- -PRESENT- -FUTURE 175 ly for a son. It is said that an angel came and brought him a cup of wine or thome- juice, which he drank and then received the promise of a son to be born to him as a reward for his piety. Dogdho also prayed for a son, and one night she dreamed a tragic dream, but which ended in delight: She looked up to heaven and saw a big cloud arising, dark and threatening. It was as the Judgment Day had come. Dogdho trembled with fear. There came forth from the cloud tigers, wolves, bulls, wild horses, dra- gons, and big birds of prey, and in their midst there stood a demon fierce and wild. The demon rushed to Dogdho and tore a sweet smiling child from her lap, but the child was not frightened, but laughed. Awaken- ing, she saw a child resting on her breast. Wonder of wonders, it whispered, "Do not fear, God is my Pro- tector, and no demon or wild beast will hurt me. I shall conquer them all. Watch for my Second Coming." Then the babe was gone. The mother looking up to heaven again, a bright light burst forth, shining like the sun, an angelic form appeared, holding in its right hand a wand, from which dazzling light came forth. All demons seeing this light fled in terror. The shining figure with the blazing wand had conquered them all. Again a sweet whisper from the heavenly child: "Be comforted, my mother, none can injure me; I con- quer them all. Arise and pray for the mercy of the Heavenly King; I shall be born thy son. In future ages the people shall bless thee for my sake. Protected and sent by Ahura-Mazda, no harm can come to me, till my mission is fulfilled." Dogdho awoke, the heavenly mes- senger was gone. Dogdho told her wonderful dream to her husband. They then both wandered forth to find a sage to inter- pret it. The Sage looked awed, and bowing, said to Dogdho: "The stars tell me thou shalt be a mother to a wondrous child. He will scatter with his shining wand all foes of mankind. He will be a Teacher of the world, inspired of God, and his teachings will last for centuries. Purity will be the foundation of all his Scrip- 176 WOMAN OF THE HOUR tures; and a great righteous King will come, who will accept his teachings, and his Wisdom will spread over the known world. I shall not live to see his greatness, but myself and my belongings I sacrifice to him." Humbly bowing down, the pious couple left the Sage. They pondered over his prophecy, and over the vision of the night. In awe and wonder Dogdho awaited the birth of her son. When the time drew near that a child was to be born to Dogdho, her friends became anxious, for she seemed strange, still she was calm and joyous, for she ever remembered her vision, and the words that the Sage had spoken. It was midnight when the babe was born. He was a beautiful child and strange to say, when he saw the moon shining full upon the couch, he burst out into a silvery laugh, instead of a wail. He stretched out his little arms, smiled and looked about. Friends stood in fear and awe. The magicians who were very powerful in the land, became afraid for they knew that the parents of the newly-born child were high caste. They feared their power might be lost; for what kind of man would he become who laughed when he was born? He must not live, they all agreed, then made a plot against the babe. At the head of the magicians, and the king of the country, was then Daran-Sarun, wicked, but learned. When he heard of the wonderful birth of Zoroaster, he became alarmed for he knew of his illustrious descent from Spitama, of the Dynasty of Persia. Fearing that he might aspire to the throne, he made up his mind that the child should die before he reached manhood. He mounted his horse and rode swiftly to the place where the babe was, and demanded to see it. The king saw with the eye of his mind that his dark magical powers would fade away if the child should grow up, for the light of Ahura-Mazda was in the steady eyes of the wonderful child. "He must not live," the king murmured. "Take him from his cot," cried the angry king, and drew his dagger, but lo, his hand with- PAST PRESENT FUTURE 177 ered, his dagger fell to the ground, and he fled in terror. But all the magicians instigated by the king plotted the destruction of the child. They stole the child and bore it to the desert to burn it alive. They piled up wood, and put in camphor and yellow brimstone and lighted the fire. Placed the sleeping infant on the pile and left him. Reported to the king what they had done, and all rejoiced. What happened to child, Zoroaster? A miracle took place. The flames fanned the sleeping child. He slept on, was found by the distracted mother, who clasped him to her breast, saying : "The King of all the heavens shel- tered thee, my babe, my son, for thou art pure and holy. Thus God will shelter all those who are pure," the happy mother whispered. The magicians found out the child lived, and they made another plot. They enticed the father away and made the mother sleep, then took the child where the village cattle always passed in the early morning. The cruel magicians thought the child would surely be tram- pled to death. But a strange thing occurred. The leader, a savage bull, stood still and bellowed as he saw the child, thus stopped the whole herd from following him. He stood over the child, thus the frantic mother found her babe again. Foiled in his evil designs, the King Daran-Sarun now made a special concoction in which the magicians dipped their cloaks to make themselves invisible, to beguile the watching mother. They stole the child once more, and threw him under the feet of wild horses, but a beautiful mother of a lively foal, stood over and protected it. Thus the magicians helped even by demons could not hurt the divinely-protected future Teacher. Daran-Sarun, again disappointed, sent his followers to kill all the cubs in a den of wolves, to make the wolves especially fierce. The child stolen did not scream, but smiled and called out the name of Ahura-Mazda. The she-wolves stopped as if commanded, sat in a circle, but did not touch the child; at last the mother seeking her child heard a sweet cooing sound, bending back the 178 WOMAN OF THE HOUR bushes her Zoroaster was seen playing and talking to the wolves. Was ever such a sight seen? She sank to her knees and prayed, lifted her child and bore it home. The parents were convinced that their child must be hidden out of reach of enemies. The child was then taken to the hermitage of a trusted friend, where he lived until he was seven years of age, was brought back to his parents who greatly rejoiced. But soon the king Daran-Sarun heard the child was alive, he ordered a wizard to teach Zoroaster black- magical rites, so that the wise child, instead of becoming a great white magician, might learn the black art, and become a destroyer instead of a Redeemer. Even though a child, Zoroaster realized their aims, his soul remained pure, for he knew of their evil designs, as it brought illness, and the magicians knowing of the illness tried to poison Zoroaster, pretending to bring medicines to cure him. The child recognized his old teacher in the friendly supposed astrologer, poured the medicine on the floor, and said: "I know you, vile sorcerer. I shall always know you in whatever form you come. Ahura- Mazda teaches me to know your signs." They went away in anger, only to make new plots, lies and threats, but Zoroaster stood forth and said: 'Thy lies do not injure me. I shall utter truths day after day, and thou shalt lose thy honor, even thy health will fail, and thou wilt become powerless, thou shalt no longer lead thy followers to destruction. Go!" The ma- gicians left in awe and anger, for though a child Zoroas- ter looked a prophet. From that day the magicians lost power and died from a low fever. Up to the fifteenth year Zoroaster's life was sorely tried. He was attacked by the magicians in spirit and in body. Zoroaster was said to have lived in a cave, which he dedicated to Mithra, the first emanation of Ahura-Mazda. Here he received divine instructions during his solitary life of meditation. Whenever he left the cave he jour- neyed about teaching the poor and rich, and whoever was searching for Truth. PAST-PRESENT FUTURE 179 It was a period of degenerate eclipse when Zoroaster was born. It is now accepted that his birth occurred in the Seventh century before Christ. Many supernatural happenings accompanied Zoroaster's advent, the Avesta and other records tell us. All stories show a striking similarity to those told in India of the miraculous es- capes of the Baby Krishna from cruel persecutors of the wicked King Kamasa several centuries earlier. We read in certain of the Pahlavi writings, those very sorcerers who had so long plotted against Zoroas- ter, are openly rebuked and confounded by the boy in much the same way as Christ put to confusion the learned Rabbis in the Temple of Jerusalem. At fifteen he was given the holy-thread, which must have been a very ancient Aryan rite, making the spir- itual birth. It was in his thirtieth year that his first revelation came to him. While standing at dawn on the bank of a river, he beholds a resplendent figure, bear- ing in hand a shining staff. This archangel after bid- ding him cast off his mortal garments leads him before the Lord Ahura-Mazda, and Zoroaster offers his wor- ship to the Deity. Throughout his time, we learn from the Avesta, the prophet is constantly tempted, assailed by the Evil One, or devil of the Zoroastrian Bible; but through his faith and devotion to Ahura-Mazda he over- comes the Tempter, as did Christ in the Wilderness, and Buddha under the Bodhi tree. Now, Zoroaster is not the name of a single individual, just as Christ is not the name of a single individual. It means a state, a Principle. Zoroaster signifies "Right- eous". Some say, "Holy Singer", one who came to dedi- cate his life to singing the glory of Ahura, the Lord of Light. The truths this great prophet brought still live, they are of the fullness and purity of the law of creations, Love, and Unity, Good Thots, Good Words, Good Deeds, uplifting to community, and races. The story of the life of Zoroaster, and all other Avatars or "chosen of God", is the story in substance of every Initiate. 180 WOMAN OF THE HOUR Woman, the candidate and subject for the New Dis- pensation, might be symbolically explained as the "Winged Victory". We cannot even surmise what she might have been, and all the highest ideals that have come down to us from Greece have made none worthy of that place. We know it must have been marvelous blendings of majesty and gentleness, to have roused the conquering Persians to such wrath that they severed it from the trunk. It was the symbol of the Highest, the head of Adonai upon a woman's body, with wings of an eagle representing two natures, and the power of attaining the heights. Will the artist ever again be born who can execute such con- ceptions? It is a relief to come back to commonplace life, and forget chaos, gladiators, and wars for a time, and to lose ourselves in such lore. But this is not of Woman; she is a superior being, a living power, not to be loved as the world knows love. Views of life are not what they were before meeting this being. Surely if we have a right to be inspired by Venus in cold marble, why not by one in flesh and blood ? If we could sit in the Halls of Truth and Learning, what floods of light would come. We feel the spirit of the mighty past almost breathing from those sculptured forms. Is not Isis, Mother, speaking of her Lost Word, and Osiris, Father, bidding us ponder well the mystery of life and death, which he holds within his grasp? It is the sacred Lotus that is the connecting link between us and our ancient mother, Isis. French excavators working four years in 1863 to 1867, found the statue Nike of Samothrace, an Island. There is a goddess of Victory, the Temple of Nike at Athens, built on a high stone platform towering in majesty, a symbol which will be understood and recog- nized as a power severed from the body of womankind, now renewing itself. Nike of Sam-0-Thrace, a Hellenistic Statue in the Louvre, representing Victory, moving onward up the prow of a ship, erected in memory of a naval victory PAST PRESENT- -FUTURE 1 8 1 over the Egyptians about 306 B. C., is no less a symbol of triumph over the ignorance of womankind, as to her true place in creations. Samothrace, or the Island of Samos, rocky and mountainous, has come down to us from the age of myth, connected with the mystic and sacred rites of the Cabeiri. This mysterious and Silent Order grew from the Greek desire of perfect humanity, and no one was admitted into this Fraternity who had not been born of an archetypal man and woman. All that belonged to mere externals they held in contempt riches, self and ordinary marriage. They held that the mystery of their goddess, (which cannot be imparted by words), the love of Truth, the love of Humanity, and the love of God, are all that should be given out. The third way of life was their basic principle. The Winged Victory repre- sented the attainment of their highest ideals, and so angered the Persians, by representing the head of Adonai on a woman's body. We may sit mentally in the atmosphere of Venus de Milo, and with the ancient Greeks, the "Winged Victory" of Samothrace, headless form, seems to reach out to meet us, then it is we are face to face with the "Woman of the Hour" holding in her hands the mystery of a mighty power; crowned by centuries, awaiting her time of recognition, as she sits facing the eternities. To the eyes of the seer, endless throngs of worshippers are bowed at her knees praying to be admitted into the mystic Temple, hidden somewhere in the breasts of her Divine Mother-Love. Dr. Peebles, a grand and Godly man, noted traveler, writer, and historian, has given thru his experiences and researching, perhaps more than the average on these subjects. He is demonstrating at the age of ninety-seven years that pure and immaculate life few have attained. Says in his pamphlet, "Was Jesus Con- ceived of the Holy Ghost" ? "It has been my good fortune during years of ex- tensive travels in this and foreign lands, to meet a num- ber of almost superhuman beings who were absolutely 182 WOMAN OF THE HOUR begotten of the Holy Ghost, begotten with a purpose, and under the highest spiritual influence. . For want of space I will relate but one case as an illustration. The fact I learned from the man himself. Like Alfred R. Wallace, he was a naturalist, and at the age of thirty- eight was married to a school teacher, thirty-one years of age. Soon after this happy marriage the young wife sighed for motherhood, and accordingly they talked the matter over candidly, and with the moral conscience of two royal souls. They frankly said: "We want a son, a musical son," because they were both fond of music, and, woman-like, the good wife exclaimed, "we want a handsome son." Thereupon the husband meditated, and studying the fixedness of Nature's laws, he reasoned thus: "The sun in the heavens is positive, the sun sheds the shimmer- ing beams upon the earth fructifying it with life, where- upon the grasses spring up, the buds unfold and the harvest comes in due time. So we will obey Nature's Laws. Our conception of this child must be one of purpose, and prayer; it must occur when the sun is reaching the noon-day meridian", (fullness of the law) and the wonderful event of this conception did occur at that time. Then the good husband graciously decorated the wife's sleeping room with beautiful paintings of cherubs, and the lovliest scenery, so that she might behold these beauties the last thing at night, and the first thing in the morning. They had separate sleeping rooms, and during this period of gestation they enjoyed home, mu- sic and attended fine public concerts. They lived in that deep harmony which should constitute all married life. In their walks they admired the grandeur of Nature; and at length with only a trifle pain, a child was born. It was a son, a bright, beautiful, healthy infant. And when but eight years of age he was almost an adept in music. Now there was a child begotten of the Holy Ghost, (purity of the law of the Moon) begotten under a PAST PRESENT- -FUTURE 1 83 healthy, happy and spiritual influence. Before he had passed his teens he was a youth six feet and two inches high, and having inherited no desire for lust and licen- tiousness, he repudiated tobacco, wines and liquors, and eating of animal flesh. In brief he was a hale, happy and self -poised young man, begotten like the man Jesus, by or under a heavenly influence. And here we feel to say that the great American Emancipator, Abraham Lincoln, was begotten in the same way, or manner. Those who have read the history of his ancestors back to the third generation, need not be informed of this, for the family was a happy one, harmonious, religious and prayerful. Consequently this great man with the stroke of his pen freed millions of slaves, and he was no narrow-minded patriot, no creedal sectarian. In proof of this statement we submit the following lines from his own pen: "I never united my self to any church because I found difficulty in giving my assent without mental reservation to the long complicated statements of Christian Doc- trines which characterized their articles of belief and confession of faith." "When any Church will inscribe over its altar as a sole qualification for membership, the Saviour's con- densed statement of the substance of both Law and Gos- pel, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and thy neighbor as thy self, that Church will I join with all my heart and all my soul." WOMAN THE SOUL OF MAN. It is shown a great cycle in 1881, and a great and long cycle entered which is the sign of the coming per- fected humanity on earth. It is the "Golden Age" y the Air Age, and nothing can be hidden in the Air Age, thus all the hidden truths are to be revealed. The great "Sign of the Son of Man in the heavens" is ruled by Uranus, who governs Occultism, and the Mystics of the Truth of the Immaculate Conception of Christ, and His Second Coming. 184 WOMAN OF THE HOUR Uranus since 1912 has been his own House of the Zodiac alone, the first time for twenty-six thousand years, and as his stay in each House is but seven years, he will move on in February, 1919, when the great "Brotherhood of Man" shall be established, with Uranus in the home of Jupiter, the Sign of Pisces, foundation, and we are to see the chaos of conditions transformed into the Cosmos of Spiritual understanding of all cre- ations. Then we may rightly expect the Millennium, and we shall know it was for the purpose of unfoldment, the developing of latent Love and Wisdom, that the cyclic journey was to be traveled by mortal souls. There is not the slightest doubt but that the races in origin were androgynous. It is also evident that the androgynous race came nearer to the feminine than to the masculine. The greatest knowledge, and changes on the spiral of evolution have come about within the last seventy years. The greatest is yet to come, for "Old things are passing away, and all things becoming new". "Behold I show you a mystery in that day, a woman shall encompass a man." "Behold I bring you (woman) tidings of great joy, even your emancipation shall be to all people." "Behold I saw a great sign in the heavens (head, understanding) a woman clothed with the Sun, (knowl- edge) and the Moon under her feet, (Law of creation) on her head a crown of twelve stars, (developed facul- ties)." The mystery is plain, man can never redeem himself without the help of woman. The ancient Hindoo allegory gave the true symbol that a rib was taken from the woman to make a helpmate, man, Woman, the Mother, (Mar-y, mare) mother, Eve, Life. We read, "God breathed into man the breath of life", made him a living, conscious being. The creation of man in God's image must of necessity made man a dual being; because it says: "Male and female created he them, and called their name Adam", this was before Eve was formed, a separate being. God both male and female, yet One God, so man at this time created in God's image was two, yet one man. PAST PRESENT FUTURE 1 85 As there is always an effect follows a cause the pro- cess of withdrawing the female spirit, (symbolically called rib) from Adam produced the sleep which God said he caused to fall upon Adam. Now, what did God take from Adam? As we ana- lyze it chemically and alchemically, we find that rib is bone, bone is petra, petra is rock, rock is Intuition, the Christ Principle, Eternally-Feminine. "Upon this Rock, Intuition, I will build my Church", in these days "When the son of man in the heavens is appearing". We are not informed that God ever awakened Adam from his sleep. Therefore man is asleep, and has slept ever since God caused the sleep to come over Adam, and he will never, nor can he awake from that sleep until woman, who became the cause of his sleep by being withdrawn from him, arouses the man from his sleep by returning to the place from whence she was taken, and that cannot be until man recognizes his weakness, and thru his separation restores woman to her birthright, co-equal with the man. Man worships at the Shrine of Woman, and knows it not, or would he, in his present environment, be likely to acknowledge it. Man lost his soul (woman) when she was taken from him, and Woman, (soul) is lost to man, because she has lost her original abiding place, the divine heart of man, and man has thruout the past unconsciously demonstrat- ed his loss by the frantic efforts he has put forth to regain by fair means or foul, principally thru force, his long lost soul, embodied in the female form, which he has desired for his personal and selfish associations. Solomon longed for and sought for her as perhaps no other man rightly could, as significantly portrayed in the "Song of Solomon." Symbolically, the Sun is Sol- O-Man, shedding its rays over Mother Earth. Were it not for the earth, feminine, the Sun would burn itself up. Were it not for the Sun, masculine, the earth would grow cold and die. Thus man and woman. Man without his soul (woman) is but a mere animal- man, consequently uses brutal animal methods, thru his 186 WOMAN OF THE HOUR natural instinct to subjugate the woman (who was by God created as a helpmeet), to all the animal pas- sions with which he is so plentifully endowed. Thus the woman has brought forth in this misunderstanding of herself, in such a manner that the earth is inhabited by every possible monstrosity of form and diseased con- ditions, physically and mentally. Woman, altho being the soul of man, consequently on a higher plane, the co-partner with God in all crea- tions, but possessing the weaker body, has always al- lowed him, (on account of her mother instinct) to so dominate her very being that she completely lost sight of her divine place, and has groped in the dark- ness since pre-historic ages. But thanks to the God of Israel, and the "Second Coming of the Christ," she will soon throw off the shackels that has bound her from the knowledge of Law, and she will come to realize she is "the Knowledge of both Good and Evil." If the man had not been asleep thru all these ages, he never would have committed such hideous blunders. Could we ever imagine the harvest in its immensity from what has been sown in inhumanity to woman, and injustice to the Creator? The Law is immutable, "Ten to ninety fold," the harvest is now, "the wheat is being separated from the tares ,that shall be burned in bundles." Wheat is symbolical of those who love the Law of Equality, and the tares mean those who dis- regard the laws of Nature. Woman has been the Burden Bearer, since time on earth, every woe that was ever named and countless thousands unnamed, have been her lot. Her cry has at last reached the throne of justice, and the great ruler, (Higher-Self) directing affairs, has heard. Woman lost her Light, (conscious realization) in the middle of the third round, or sub-race, and went down into degradation with the man, where they to- gether have been bringing forth in dishonor, until the kings of the earth with their princes, the rich and the strong, the bond and the free, will now hide in the rocks, (feminine) for the "Great Day of their PAST PRESENT-FUTURE 1 87 wrath is come, and who can stand?" Uranus is in the heavens, to both destroy and rebuild. When woman lost sight of her guiding light, the Wisdom-Father, androgynous, God of Love, Venus, in the heavens, was the only personified Truth in evidence. She had only the Cross, (phallus) for her enlighten- ment and support, thus it was woman who helped to establish the first worship as a religion, the worship of the Sun, and from these came the Fire worshippers, and from these came the Pagans worshipping many gods, until "drunken in the blood of iniquity." In the middle of the fourth sub-race a five-pointed star appeared in the heavens, representing Divine In- telligence above, and the Cross below in earth life. In- telligence held up by Mercury (Mind) gave evidence of the coming of the Christian Era, and of the turning point of the upward arc in evolution; but yet there was no unity between the man and the woman, for they were in darkness and ignorance of the divine laws. At this time a new Day-Star has appeared out of the "Fourth Dimension" of space, (Higher-Self) show- ing the soul above with divine intelligence. Intuition, and the spirit of the New Age in the lead to welcome the New Humanity. This star has six points. Truth at the top, Unity at the bottom, Love at the right, Purity at the left; with right foot angle for Justice, and the left foot angle for Liberty. The Moon, Law, below the Cross on earth is the pedestal, or foot-stool of evolution, symbolizing the Father-Mother God, Elohim, making ready to pour out the spirit in the great law of re-generation, which in past ages has been suppressed by the Powers of Darkness. With only a little far-sight we may see the Woman of the Hour standing exalted in the mid-heavens, (un- derstanding) before the open door of the New Dispen- sation as Virgo, Virgin, watching the embryo in Cap- ricorn, (earth) that she conceive of the Spirit in the Law, Libra, balance, to give birth in Aquarius, the Air and spiritual sign, where Woman is at the apex 188 WOMAN OF THE HOUR of her attainment, exalted in the purity of Mother- hood, facing the door to her future eternity. We are now coming into the sixth sense, when we may understand the parable: "The Kingdom of Heaven is like unto a man seeking goodly pearls, who, when he had found one pearl of great price, (his soul, wom- an), went and sold all he had and bought it," Purity of the law will light the lamp of intuition that was darkened by ignorance and superstition, then woman will "enter the door to the marriage supper of the Lamb, (perfect union) for "Behold her bride- groom cometh/' Water will be turned into wine, (re- generation) wisdom and morality will shine forth in radiance, and spirituality will be born of true spirit. Illumination will be in the hearts of every sincere soul, because of the woman having found her Light. The "Lost Word" knowledge, redeemed. Dr. Franz Hartman says: "Woman represents the body, and Man represents the Spirit. Man creates images. Woman renders these images substantial. "Man without Woman is like a wandering spirit, a shadow without substance seeking to embody itself in a corporeal form. "Woman is like a flower, a bud opening in the light of the Sun, but sinking into darkness when Man, her light, departs. "The Divine-Man is male and female in one. Di- vinity may be reflected in man and woman alike, as man is like the Sun, and woman resembles the Moon re- ceiving her light from the sun." "EVERY ONE OF US, HOWEVER LOWLY, WHO HEARS A CLEAR WORD OF GOD, AND SENDS IT ON WITHOUT A LISP, IS A PROPHET." THE SEED OF WOMAN. There is so much of the profoundest Hermetic Wisdom contained in the opening chapters of Genesis that, of course, has not been grasped by those not familiar with the Hermetic Doctrines underlying the PAST PRESENT FUTURE 1 89 the statements. One passage in particular that we wish to call attention to is, where the Lord is rep- resented as saying to the Serpent, when the Curse was placed upon him, that He would put enmity be- tween him and the woman, and between his seed and her seed, and that the Seed of the Woman should bruise the head of the Serpent. Mark, it is not the Seed of Man, but the Seed of the Woman that is to bruise the head of the Serpent. The Christians believe that this Seed of the Woman is Jesus Christ, but it is evident that Jesus did not bruise the head of a Serpent, no matter what may be expected in the future. The entire matter will become clear when we under- stand the meaning of the Serpent and the nature of the "Fall of Man." In the first place EVE is not a woman in the sense in which this is ordinarily under- stood, but is in reality the entire body of the Woman- hood of the Race after the separation of the Sexes. At this time humanity had no Gross Physical Body, but lived in the Etheric or Magnetic Body as their lowest vehicle of consciousness. The Serpent of the story is the Kundalini-Force, the Magnetic Force which accumulates in the Sacral- Plexus, at the base of the Spinal Column. In other words, it is the force that has been left over after the needs of the body have been supplied. The "Tree of Life" is the 144,000 Nadis, radiating from the Navel, the Navel being the root, the Umbi- licus Cord, the trunk, and the diverse Nadis the branches of the tree. This is to say, those Nadis, which are the currents of magnetic flow to every por- tion of the body and directing every function, con- stitute the "Tree of Life" when the Kundalini Force flows into the Umbilicus and vitalizes the Nadis with its power. The "Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil" is the system of nerve currents when the Life Force is turned outward in the form of Sensation. It is to be borne in mind, that at the time of which we speak there were no physical, or Gross Bodies, 190 WOMAN OF THE HOUR and hence no nerves, and no Umbilicus, but only the Etheric Body. The center of action existed which corresponded to those physical channels as we have them at the present time. The "Garden of Eden" is the Etheric Realm in which man lived at that time, he not yet having been de- graded to the plane of Gross Matter. The tempting of Eve means the awakening of the Kundalini Force in Woman so that it was thrown outward and produced sensation of a physical nature. The result was that Woman led man by magnetic attraction into the act of embrace on the physical plane, (the plan of God) which was the act of eating of the "Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil." (Good when in the cleanness of the Law, and Evil when in the uncleanness of the Law of propagation, as shown in Lev. 15th Chapter.) Some may say, "This is old and obsolete; passed away with the coming of Christ." Jesus, the Christ, who came to relieve oppression, rather than remissions of the sins of the world, said, "Had ye believed in Moses (Law) ye would believe in me, for he wrote of me." John 5, 46. The Mosaic law teaches of woman cleansing herself every 28 days, also of the penalty for man coming in contact with her in the uncleanness of the law, and "seven days after menstruation, forty days after tne birth of a male, eighty days after the birth of a fe- male." It is impossible to get a clean thing out of an unclean condition, therefore the result is disease, monstrosities, penitentiary victims, imbeciles, insanity and premature death. Thus my Message to the World. Prove it by history, statistics and all Bibles, then we Know these things. We cannot get a more accurate statement from any teacher or book on earth, than in our Bible. Note, "after the seventh day, woman is cleansed." We now understand the Sin which brought about the "Fall." There is but one sin, and that sin is Selfishness, or of the "desire body." The expulsion from Eden, (perfect androgenous state) was the degrading of the most divine power, PAST PRESENT FUTURE 191 thus the race has long been in bondage to the one sin. It is impossible for humanity to be free so long as this idea is bound to the body and the physical senses, and this alone is what has constituted enmity between woman and the principle of dominant rule, for she has seen no way in which it might be separated from her body, thus has sunk deeper and deeper, as time has gone on, until a limit is now reached, and she is to have the knowledge which leads to Wisdom. We may readily see that the woman of the world leading a sensual, unlawful life is a product of the uncleanness, which has been a bondage in all ages. Generation after generation we have seen the "heel of the woman's seed bruised by the Serpent, or in other Words all of our physical defects are the result of the outward expression of this law of Woman, and the same is true of our heartaches, and sufferings, mental and physical. At last as was promised, woman is to bear seed, (have knowledge) that will crush the head of the Serpent, and in this way will liberate all humanity from the dominant rule of the desire-body. This means triumph over appetites, and the misunderstood emo- tions called passions, thus Woman will pave the way back to the Eternal realms from whence she came. Obviously, the seed that is to bruise the head of the Serpent is not the same that had its heel bruised by the Serpent, tho spoken of as tho it were. Further- more it is not some person but rather a type of hu- manity that is to be born of the regenerate woman, (not the woman of flesh attractions) in the purity of the Law of propagation. In a word, it is the New Hu- manity, both men and women, who are to triumph over the serpent, and partake of the "Tree of Life," abundantly, which is harmony, health, success, plenty, with the Key to life and its mysteries. This New Humanity has now appeared on earth in the "Children of Light" or Nature, who know the law as incarnated consciousness living from the spiritual store-house, which transcends all laws of ordinary flesh, 192 WOMAN OF THE HOUR building a body of people infinitely beyond the reach of crude creating, and haphazard conceptions, mental and physical. This is "transfiguration," the physical body will come to know nothing of weariness, age, dis- ease, decay or death, for this is one with that which is Eternal. He that overcometh is one who overcomes the Serpent, or masters this vital force. To elevate and not degrade is to be "born again." It is this Saviour-Race, that is to save the world from the "curse" in the "lat- ter days." This Seed must be born; seeds cannot create them- selves, thus we are to take this into consideration, it is a most vital point. Further, it cannot be born in the usual manner, for if so such seeds would be partakers of the fallen condition. Yet, there can be no re-generation without a union of the two, male and female, on the spiritual plane of understanding. In other words, all births must be the result of all forces being turned upward or transmuted to the higher un- derstanding of the Will of the Creator, and to his honor and glory. These things are not taught in the world, or ever have been except to the "Few." "In the world but not of the world." How could a woman and mother teach her children that of which she knows nothing? Church or State have never taught these things, yet have sworn by the Christian Bible, and known not of its hidden truths, which from cover to cover con- tains these Laws of God for man and woman alike. Woman can only first know the laws of her be- ing, then wisely teach them to men. It has been dem- onstrated that there are men who are ready for these great truths, and will accept them pleasantly given out by the woman with wisdom in that soft touch of the divinely feminine which only the true woman can give, and only the moral and progressive woman can teach and demonstrate. This Seed of the Woman must be born in people who are already living on earth, so that they will PAST -PRESENT FUTURE 193 become twice born; in a word, it is the re-generate Seed, and not the seed of generation which is to crush the head of the Serpent. How is this to be brought about? We must bear in mind that in the case of Woman, all of the interior principles act formatively; that is, there is a Formative Process going on all the time within the diverse energies of her being. These energies we might describe under the common name of her Will-Force, and this formative process is the Will to Form in harmony with Nature. This formative aspect is the expression of the Fem- inine, Thots and Emotions. All feminine ideas, thots and emotions express themselves formatively. The result is the entire life of Woman is a Creative Life as all her life-force is but a process of Creative Activity. Owing to the fact of woman living on the creative plane, the average woman makes use of this creative-energy only in the generation of the off-spring, because she has never known the Psychological use to make of her God-given gifts. However, when woman ceases to generate in a haphazard manner, redeemed by knowl- edge of Law, she begins to conserve her Creative- Forces, and to draw it upward consciously in the re- generate life, her Creative Energy accumualtes and the vital-centers become centers for the storing up and radiation of this Creative Energy. When this Energy has been re-generated her generative centers are merely the instruments of her Astral Creative Energy, which operates thru them. Owing to the tendency of Creative Energy to ra- diate from the centers where it has accumulated, a woman who is leading the Re-generate Life will be sending streams of this Energy thru the Astral-Light, magnetizing it with her Creative Energy on the Higher Plane. Those streams of Creative Energy will come in contact with the Astral Bodies of humanity and act- ing formatively upon them, will transform to such an extent that they will pass thru a process of gestation and will in the end be altogether different, as they are acted upon by this higher Creative-Energy. In this 194 WOMAN OF THE HOUR way they will, in reality, be born again, mentally and physically, thru this peculiar function of woman lead- ing the Re-generate Life. No man can accomplish this work of redeeming the race, or can woman alone. It is for this reason that this twice born Race are called the Seed of the Woman, and not the Seed of the Man. When one has been born in this way the Astral Body will have been completely transformed, and re- generated. As a result it will express none of the vibrations engendered by the outward sensations, and as the Astral Body is the vehicle of Desire it will follow that he will never have desires for outward Sensations, unnaturally, and out of the order of Law, hence there will be nothing to cause or express energy selfishly. Not only so, but this will react upon the body so that in the course of time this will also be re- deemed from physical generation. In this way there will be born a race of people to whom the Re-generate Life will come naturally, be- cause of the understanding of the Law of Woman; it being impossible to create a clean thing out of an unclean thing, therefore the Law of her cleansing time. Our thots and actions are as much our children, as the children we really give a physical birth. It is to be borne in mind that every woman who will lead the re-generate life, naturally expresses her Creative En- ergy in this way. At the same time there will be women who understand the task which lies before them as mothers of the Woman's Seed, and take upon them- selves to demonstrate this understanding, and will protect their Creative Energy for that specific pur- pose; therefore will consciously create re-births for others seeking these truths, which does not mean they will know who they are acting upon in this way. They simply consecrate their lives to the work of Creating the New Type of humanity, and their Creative Energy will go forth in pure Love Vibrations of the mental plane, for that special purpose. It is this way that the Seed of Woman is to be produced, and as this Seed will crush the head of the Serpent, or in other words, PAST PRESENT FUTURE 195 elevate the creative-force above the plane of the body, and bring it into subjection to the Intelligence, and they will thus save the future generations from the Fall into generation as of the past. As the world in the New Age is to be created by women who lead the Re-generate Life, who will there- fore be the mothers of the saved, it follows that Woman is the Savior of humanity, and that salvation is im- possible until there are enough women leading in the re-generate life to Create the New Seed. It is in this sense that women will be saved in child bearing and suffering, for the natural Mother in Nature bears her offspring naturally like the Native woman. In this Occult bearing of Spiritual-Children thru the re-gen- eration of her Creative Divine Love Energy, it is only thru woman that this can be accomplished, therefore, man can only be saved by Woman. These Re-generate Women will bear Re-generate Daughters as well as sons, it being the Seed of Woman, and in no sense the Seed of Man. Those who are consecrating them- selves, men and women, to the work of re-generating humanity thru this Creative Law of Woman, are in- deed, living the Divine Truth, and are the Saviors of the Race. WRITTEN WITH THE FINGER OF GOD. "And he gave unto Moses, when he had made an end of communing with him upon Mount Sinai, two tables of testimony, tables of stone, written with the finger of God." Exodus 31, 18. "Therefore, the Kabalists say correctly that "Man becomes a stone, a plant, an animal, a man, a spirit, and, finally, God." Thus accomplishing his cycle or circuit and returning to the point from which he had started as the "Heavenly Man." The Secret Doctrines, Blavatsky. This Point has now been reached, or the cycles com- pleted which as the "Heavenly Man" is now the In- tuitional, Eternally-Feminine, God. 196 WOMAN OF THE HOUR KARMA. CAUSE. The world today is in the shadow of the types set up ages ago, therefore "types and shadows," but we cannot remain long in the shadow of perverted laws, in this the Air and Mind Age. We know there are things in a sense more difficult to cope with than those things ever undertaken before, because, while it is easy to speak of right and justice, it is most difficult to work them out in practice. There is required purity of motives, unselfishness, and true love which the world has never known and witnessed before in the councils of nations and individuals. The distinguishing fact of the great "World War" is that great empires have gone to pieces with devas- tating ruins, arts and the life works of great geniuses, untold wealth and grandeur of past ages. They are to be classed with the lives of the noblest of our times who made the supreme sacrifice, all because of a Cause not generally understood. Underhanded plots of complicated nature, political, commercial, forced laws in religions or marriage, not of Natural Law, have reached their apex. The bands are now being broken, every link in the chain of bond- age has rusted out, and a new alchemical sub- stance transmuted into human thought which is in- dependence, and recognition of individual identity for every soul, a cement, on the other hand, to hold God's children together in the purity of the Law, to set up a new psychology, therefore, a new earth. Heavy is the burden of Karma upon us. Some one says let us paint you a picture: "You are the apex of an inverted pyramid. You bear upon either shoulder an ancestor. These in turn bear upon their shoulders two other more remote ancestors, and so ad infinitum. This man at the apex is burdened with the weights of generations of ancestral heritage, and cannot get from under. In holy writ we read: "the sins of the parents shall be visited upon the children to the third and fourth generation/ "We can readily imagine some sinewy armed, PAST PRESENT FUTURE 1 97 hoary-headed old ancestral sinner equipped with a long blacksnake whip, provided with a keen, scorpion-tipped lash, viciously scourging the bare back of his unfor- tunate descendant who is compelled to stand Atlas-like at the apex of this inverted pyramid and bear the an- cestral burden. There is an ancient Greek legend that pictures the malignant furies pursuing families from generation to generation, rendering them desolate and wretched. The furies of the Greeks are the vices and hereditary diseases of today." We must confess physical degeneracy is in nearly the same ratio, and goes hand and hand with civilization and knowledge in the intellectual world. As we emerge from barbarism and advance to a higher civilization and mental power, physical degeneracy and suffering are our ghostly companions. Yet what world scientist can tell the avenue of escape from the heritage of woe? How can we separate the chaff from the wheat in our composition and winnow it away? How can we drain off the piosonous pollutions from the blood? Blood poison is common, but a disease which kills is not so fearful as the disease which wrecks both mind and body, robs its victim of all that health and hap- piness can bring, makes its blight a legacy for future generations, a disease which makes love a villainy, and parentage a crime. Many loathsome diseases are called "blood poison." When Adam (red earth) fell from his high estate into the world of matter he began to feel and know of this Karmic Law, tho he was a being free as the air until the desire-body exercised itself, and he longed to know the world of sense and matter. From that hour he was banished from the garden and forced to work for daily bread, experiencing a world life. This desire-body was his Karma, as it is ours. A cause he, as an ego, had set up, and must suffer the effects which have lasted to the present day, a warfare ever going on between the man of spirit and the man of sense, only to be settled when the higher nature shall have won back its rightful place with the Mother 198 WOMAN OF THE HOUR of God, for in the unseen there is a perfect oneness between God and all humanity, and this is the cause of the universal belief of the fall of man from his high estate. So with the story of Cain and Abel, the former slew the latter; the flesh kills the spirit, by no will of Jehovah, but by Karmic-cause Law. The curse that followed could not be averted, all things are permitted, and this is the sign that is with all the world, and will be until all debts are paid to the "uttermost farthing." Karmic Law runs thru all Bibles, and all adepts, sages and Masters teach it. The desire-body is of the animal-soul, which must be differentiated from the human, and spirit soul. In Genesis I, 29, we read of man's first food, but after the fall and separation, came flesh eating. Aside from all occult reasoning and belief in astral influences, the pen- dulum will soon swing to the opposite extreme, not altogether because it is wrong to take life, or that meat eating builds up the animal and pulls down the spiritual, as many proclaim, but because of the animal instincts transferred to the human. This is now un- derstood, and to be acknowledged. To eat of the swine animal, or any of the unclean meats, of which there are three: "the cloven footed, that cheweth not the cud, the webbed footed, and the scaleless fishes," taken into the system by assimilation gives the desire and nature of the animal, the lowest rate of vibratory life. When we see the hunters with their full outfit, guns, dogs, etc., starting for a prey, we may be sure they have a large amount of animal nature within the man, which will cause a mighty struggle before the balance can be reversed to the moral man. The whole world might be classed Karma, or Cause and Effect. It often occurs that our own physical children are instruments of Karmic law. In many instances we have seen the children of saintly parents as their "Task-Masters," again as their "Adversary." Job said, "Mine adversary had written a book : Surely I would take it upon my shoulders, and bind it as a PAST PRESENTFUTURE 199 crown to me." Job was the greatest of Alchemists. He understood the law of Karma upon him, he under- stood why his wife told him to "go and curse God and die." Job's trials and boils are upon the people today, as of his day. The fifth chapter of Matthew explains the Karmic law, tells of the danger of judgment, and to leave our gifts of good deeds before the world, to be recon- ciled to our fellowman and all our afflictions, "then come and offer thy gifts, and go thy way." "Agree with thine adversary quickly whilst thou art in the way with him." This accomplished, all holy books of life, (humanity) shall evermore begin with the story of the "perfect race," with the body, soul and spirit complete. All the former things will sink into the shades of the night of time. Revelations 21-1. "Earth, Fire, Air, Water, Space, Mind, Understand- ing and Egoism. This is the lower form of my nature, and higher than this which is animate. you of mighty arms by which the Universe is upheld, all this is woven upon me like pearls upon a thread." Bhagavadgita. "SERPENT OF WISDOM." Karma might be called a Mythological story of the Serpent, or Caduceus. Greek mythology explains how the Wand was given to Hermes, the god of Thought, by Apollo, the Sun-god, the source of all creative force and fire, as divine Light and Love. Many are the myths associated with the Magic Wand of Hermes, who saw two serpents fighting, (sep- arated, divided) and placed his rod (an olive branch) between them, when they immediately twined about it in everlasting concord. Woman as the olive branch, is an emblem of the Divine Mind, which thru regeneration attains the balance of equilibrium, proves man and woman must develop together, with the divine feminine principle in the lead, neither can attain equilibrium alone. Hermes Caduceus, (two serpents) is spoken of as the brazen-serpent which Moses lifted up in the wild- 200 WOMAN OF THE HOUR erness for the healing of those who were wounded by the stings of the serpents, (not literal serpents, but desire of the flesh). To lift up, he reversed the po- sition of the rod, and turned the current of creative force upward, to symbolize what was to take place in the wilderness of ignorance when the sign of the son of man appeared, at this age of evolution, when hu- manity would look upon it with the eyes of under- standing and become healed, body and soul. The Caduceus is interpreted by occultists as the symbol of Immortality and Divine Knowledge, which cannot be attained except thru the "Wisdom of the Serpent/' "Behold I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves; be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves." Wolves have always been used to symbolize the fierce animal nature, whilst the ser- pent is used as a mystical interpretation of knowledge and wisdom. BREATH. True serpentine wisdom is not a thing of memory and intellect, names and appearances, it is of the in- terior and the beginning of things. We may resolve it all into Breath, "the breath of the Almighty hath given me life." The serpent lifted up represents the White Magic, or Divine Breath. Great power is accom- plished in the consciousness that Breath is Life, Breath is Desire. Desire, Consciousness, and Breath are of God, and breathing upon a thot-form positively sets in action the serpentine force in the spinal column (tree of life) and if the thots are of high degree the whole body is magnetized and electrified into vibrations above the Solar Plexus, and great transfigurations take place for fuller and larger life. By this means the inner sense opens to the Over-Soul, or ocean of being, wherein is reflected the Celestial Mystery, of the spirit of truth, which the ordinary breather knows not of. As the body would die without air, so the soul will perish without breath, for soul is breath. Everything that breathes has a soul, but everything that breathes is not endowed with consciousness. Breath is the pres- PAST PRESENT FUTURE 20 1 ence of God, continually conversing with his own. Breath is Involution, and Evolution. We are involuted into the world before we can evolute in it. So with all ideas placed in the consciousness, they grow with un- folding consciousness, and are nourished by the desire plane, guided by the Will, reflecting back upon our lives, thus "the Spoken Word is made flesh, and dwells among us." Karmic law must have living, tangible, and sense conditions to operate in. Therefore, it is plain how it could be that those nearest and dearest in life are the cause of our greatest anxieties, distress and troubles. They are our own, we have created them, sometime, somewhere, thus the saying: "my own shall come to me," is of deeper significance than we have realized. Breathing is a mighty law based upon vibratory action and underlies all attainments for higher powers. Centering the thots in the mind, of Peace, Poise, Power a center will be found from which henceforth by the Will all thots and actions will radiate. TIME, PA- TIENCE, SILENCE, DRILL, is the Watch-Word, and what conscious breathing means to the Child of the Most High. The glandular system of the physical body is a di- rect point of contact with the astral body or world, and is of deep occult significance which the scientific, intellectual world has never known. Job says, "The glittering sword cometh out of its gall." It is not known except to the students of Divine Symbolism of Nature that the gall-sac is intrinsically of more value than an imperial purse, diamond filled. It operates with precious minerals which can never be bought, or abso- lutely understood and known. It is known that the gall-bladder is a sac attached to the undersurface of the liver, a gland, the organ itself a marvel in action. The liver is, indeed, alive, sometimes called the great sugar factory of the system. In the foetus the liver performs vicariously the function of the lungs, nearly all the foetal blood that comes from the placenta being purified by passing 202 WOMAN OF THE HOUR thru the liver. Marvellously wonderful are the work- ings of Nature, as she reveals her mysteries. Breath is the celestial mystery of the conception of spiritual truths, the portal of the knowledge of God, it is the Law of the Universe and the mystery of God's great love wherein he operates. To make a habit of forcing the breath out vigorously thru the lips (like whistling) and at the same time pressing down upon the diaphragm from the ribs, back and abdomen, with a vivid mental picture of System Cleansing, opens all the avenues, the Solar-Plexus, and points of contact with the Universal Life, and Health laws, which are closed to the ordinary shallow breather and thinker. This is the Mind Age, and we are to mind the age, or suffer the natural consequences of in- difference to Nature's demands. A habit is a fixed thing, "the most fixed thing in life." Three times a day, morning, noon and night, is a sealed trine, operating all creations. To force the breath out, and hold out a few seconds, means to fol- low with a full deep breath, (without special effort) of the Atmosphere, in which is contained all the chem- istry of life, therefore, Health, Plenty, Prosperity, Love, Wisdom, Benevolence, Charity, seven vital principles for building of perfect life on earth. Thus the "Golden Key" of existence must in time pay all debts of Karmic suffering, and establish a Cause which lives above chaos and confusion, in the harmony of perfect under- standing of the laws of life and death. These facts should be burned upon the mind in letters of fire, that we remember them day and night. "A cloud by day, a pillar of fire by night." There is no individual living who can imagine and can desire it from the purest motives, but God has placed within his soul the power to attract untold blessings by right desire and breath. "My thoughts like golden serpents in a fire, Fed by the fir cones and cedar trees Leap to expression through the blazing pyre Like a flame of whirling melody." PAST-PRESENTFUTURE 203 "Note the goings of the fire as it creepeth, serpen- tineth, riseth, shrinketh, broadeneth. Note it red- dening, glowing, whitening. Tremble at its face dilat- ing; at the meaning that is growing into your con- sciousness. One, two, three sparks come; faster, and faster and fire squadrons follow, until in a short while a whole possible army of that hungry thing for su- premacy. Think that it is outside of all things, and that thou, and thy word are only the thing between. Reverence fire, tremble at its meaning, tho in the earth it is chained, and the foot of the Archangel Michael be upon it. Observe the uniform shape of fire, the flame, the wreaths, the spires, the stars, the spots, the cascades and the mighty falls that roar like Niagara. Think what it is; what it can do. It is a letter of the great alphabet. In each stone flinty, and chilling as the outside is, is a heat of flame. Wonder then that the ancient Parsee saw in Fire, the ALL." What a mag- nificent tribute to Fire. Agni, Eternally Feminine. Life is endless fire, it is electricity, it is the light of Eternity, that light we see in the darkness. It is that light revealed to Zoroaster, the Nazarene, and all the sages and avatars. Is it any wonder that men like Paracelsus devote their lives to this great principle? It was Paracelsus who spent many years trying to create a human being without the aid of a woman, and gave it up with the discovery that Creation is fire, Agni-feminine, This fire is "the fire that cometh down from heaven/ 'that fire of the "Wrath of God" when laws are disobeyed, which express disease, suffering and inharmony with Nature. With the understanding of this creative fire, we may sing the song of "Moses and the Lamb," then it is the "Lion and the Lamb will eat together." "What is it that ever was? the germ in the root. What it it that ever cometh and goeth? Breath. What is it that ever is? Space. Then there are three es- sentials. No, Three in One, that which ever is, ever was, ever being, and ever becoming is One, and this is 204 WOMAN OF THE HOUR Space." One is an unknown circle. One is the in- divisible point found nowhere, perceived everywhere. Light in Darkness, and darkness in Light." Upani- shad. "God is a consuming fire." Elijah called down the fire of God. "Now we shall find this transcendental beyond limit of knowledge. Belief of the Fire-God is to be laid hands upon in all countries and continents and worlds. As is in the East so in the West; as in the Old so in the New; as in pre-Adamic so in the modern world; in rites, in hieroglyphics, in symbols, we decry the mysterious sacredness of Fire." The Rosicrucians. AZOTH AS FIRE, ASTRAL LIGHT, THE FIRE OF THE PHILOSOPHERS. Cabalistically speaking all magical science is com- prised in the word Azoth, written Cabalistically, and in the monogram of Christ, embroidered on the La- barum, interpreted by the word ROTA, of which the Adepts have formed their Tarot, thus signifying the Wheel of Ezekiel or Tarot, then it is synonymous with the word Azoth of the Hermetic Philosophers. It is formed of the characters of the monogram of Christ according to the Hebrew and the Greek. The Latin R, the Greek P, is found between the Alpha and Omega of the Apocalypse, the sacred Tau. In the Doctrine of "Transcendental Magic," we read: "A great magical agent, termed by some the Astral- Light, by others, the Soul of the Earth, designated by the old alchemists under the name of Azoth and Mag- nesia, Electro-magnetic force." This occult, unique and indubitable force, is the key of all empire, the secret of all power, the winged dragon of Medea, the serpent of the Edenic mystery, the universal glass of visions, the bond of sympathies, the source of love, prophecy and glory. To know how to avail one's self of this agent is to be the trustee of God's power. The numerical value of the name Azoth is 7, the PAST PRESENT FUTURE 205 number of creation completed, the Mystic Number, Oc- cult meaning, to direct, to lead, Victory, Osiris, the Sun, Great desire for knowledge and expression. Seven is the letter Z, (Rainbow colors), and means Spirituality. It is changed from the even number 6 to a higher vibration. Number 7 stands for the physi- cal senses, with Inspiration and Aspiration added. As- piration of the mental, Inspiration of the Spiritual; hence the number 7 stands for the recognition of the oneness of the physical, mental and Spiritual being. Number 7 is the mysterious figure holding within itself the octave of Force, struggles on the material plane. It cannot divide itself. It is like a complete building or temple standing alone. Thus we find the embodiment of the name Azoth embracing the 7 colors of the rainbow with its 120 shadings; also the vibra- tion of the 22 letters of the Hebrew Alphabet, with the Rota-Cross of the Tarot. A standing for Ambition, Aspiration and Purity; Z standing for Unity, Strength and Victory; O standing for Concentration and Will- Power; Th standing for the cross of Experiences, Gen- eration and Re-generation. The Cross of Truth, show- ing a cross on each side, the beginning and the end. Thus T, is the struggle, R, Discrimination, U, self- protection, Th, Receptivity and Struggle for the Truth which is hidden in AZOTH. To learn the mysteries of Azoth is to worship at the altar of Azoth; to rightly serve Azoth this is the Vestal's destiny. "Be not a prisoner bound by the chains of self. Thou wilt walk the avenue of the Sphinxes in the land of the Nile under the guiding hand of Azoth." Min- ister in the Temple of Humanity. We are all bound together in the bonds of a great faith. We fell strong enough for an encounter with his Satanic Majesty. The pendulum never swings half way; we cannot develop on one side only. In the "Riddle of the Sphinx" the question is asked: "What is it that walks on four legs in the morning, two legs at noon, and three legs at night?" The an- 206 WOMAN OF THE HOUR swer is MAN Humanity. In the morning of life the animal needs four legs. In the mid-day of life In- tellect and Reason are the support, while in the even- ing of life man comes to know himself, and the riddle of life is solved, as he is the Microcosm, and should be the "Image and likeness of God," as a Body, Soul and Spirit. "Make ready for the rites of Azoth." This means travail of soul and constant labor fed by the heart's desire. The secret of Azoth is no idle thing, and few have the hardihood to seek its meaning. To know is to be enlightened, to be enlightened is to have power first over self, then the world. It is the choice of Solomon obeying the words: "My son, get Wisdom; wisdom is the principal thing, but with all thy getting, get Understanding." The words of the Spartan mothers of old were: "My son go forth to battle, either come home proudly bear- ing your shield before you, or upon it." Mothers of the New Humanity are saying: "My son, go forth in the name of the Higher-Self, God-Self and be fear- less in a cause, whatever the call may be, which would put down a nation or an individual whose only God is the god of war, barbarianism, destruction and de- generacy." PAST PRESENT FUTURE 207 THE MASTER IS COMING They said "The Master is coming To honor the town to-day, And none can tell at whose house or home The Master may choose to stay." I thot, while my heart beat wildly, What if He should come to mine? How would I strive to entertain And honor the guest divine? Straightway I turned to toiling To make my house more neat; I swept and polished and garnished And decked it with blossoms sweet; I was troubled for fear the Master Might come ere my task was done, I hastened and worked the faster, And watched the hurrying sun. But right in the midst of my duties A woman came to my door, She had come to tell me her sorrows, My comfort and aid implore. I said, "I cannot listen Nor help you to-day, I have greater things to attend to," Then the pleader turned away. But soon there came another, A cripple, thin, pale and grey And said, "Oh let me stop and rest Awhile in your house I pray. I have traveled far since morning, I am hungry, faint and weak; My heart is full of misery, Your comfort and help I seek." I said, "I am grieved and sorry, But I cannot help you today, I look for a great and noble guest," And the cripple turned away. The day wore on swiftly, My task was nearly done. A prayer was in my heart That the Master to me might come. 208 WOMAN OF THE HOUR I thot I would spring to meet Him And serve Him with utmost care, Then a little child stood by me With a face so sweet and fair Sweet, but marred with tear-drops, And his clothes were tattered and old, A finger was bruised and bleeding, And his little bare feet were cold. I said, "I am sorry for you, You are sorely in need of care, But I cannot stop to give it, You must hasten other where." And at my words a shadow Swept o'er his blue-veined brow; "Some one will feed and clothe you, dear, But I am too busy now." At last the day was ended, And my toil was over and done; My house was swept and garnished, And I watched in the dark, alone; Watched but no foot fall sounded; No one paused at my gate, No one entered my cottage door, I could only pray and wait. I waited till night had deepened, The Master had not come; "He has entered some other door," I cried, And gladdened some other home. My labor has been for nothing, I bowed my head and wept; My heart was sore with longing, But in spite of it all I slept. Then the Master stood before me, And his face was grave and fair; "Three times to-day I came to your door, And craved your pity and care; Three times you sent me onward Unhelped and uncomforted, The blessing you might have had was lost, And your chance to serve has fled." "Lord, dear Lord, forgive me! How could I know it was Thee?" My very soul was ashamed and bowed In the depths of humility. Then He said, "The sin is pardoned, But the blessing is lost to thee; Not comforting the least of mine, Ye have failed to comfort me." SEVENTH CHAPTER. WOMAN OF THE HOUR. ISIS. DIVINE-MOTHER, ETERNALLY FEMININE. "Behold I send my messenger, and he shall prepare the way before me: and the Lord, whom ye seek, shall suddenly come to his temple, even the messenger of the covenant, whom ye delight In: behold, he shall come, saith the Lord." Malachi. "For this Melchisedec, king of Salem, priest of the Most High God, without father, without mother, without descent having neither beginning of days nor end of life; but made like unto the Son of God: abideth a priest continually." Hebrews. "And there shall appear a Sign of the Son of man in heaven: And then shall the tribes of the earth mourn. And he shall send his angels with a great sound of trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other." Matthew. "Behold I lay in Zion for a foundation a stone, a tried stone, a precious corner stone, a sure foundation." Isaiah. "And he gave unto Moses, when he had made an end of com- muning with him upon Mount Sinai, two tables of testimony, tables of stone written with the finger of God." Exodus. "This is the bread that cometh down from heaven that a man may eat thereof and not die." John. "And there appeared a great wonder in the heavens; a woman clothed with the Sun, and the Moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars." Revelation. "Time will bring to light whatever is hidden; it will cover up and conceal what is now shining in splendor." "Where the flame burns blue, where the flame burns red, There shall come a tree; it shall guard the dead." "In Nature's Book of Secrecy, a little I can read." "I have lived before. Where? that I cannot tell, Nor how, nor when. Of those forgotten years Only vague echoes from the darkness swell Bringing familiar murmurs to my ears. "This is my heritage of sorrow now, That veiled an unknown form of which once I were, I cannot fathom when, nor where, nor how, I only know that I have lived before." 209 210 WOMAN OF THE HOUR "God moves in a mysterious way His wonders to perform; He plants his footsteps in the sea, He rides upon the storm." "And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophecy, your old men shall dream dreams, and your men shall see visions." ORKING thru the Chaos of Creations toward the Cosmos of Illumination in the Knowledge and Wisdom of the Infinite Laws, we are now ready to accept the "Hermetic Wisdom", One Law, One Principle, One Truth, One Word, for "LOVE LIETH AT THE FOUNDATION." Our thots come down to simple ordinary topics, but not to remain long. As a bird touches the ground for a few moments, that it may fly higher, so sometimes the human mind needs rest and relaxation. Thots travel thru space far beyond countries and people, or even earth itself, until they find themselves with the Immortals of all ages. A voice is saying: "Listen only to the voice that is soundless, hold fast to that which has neither sub- stance nor existence. Look only on that which is alike to the inner and outer sense." The Light of Truth kindles in the soul and, like every flame that ever burned, it turns toward the heavens. Each individual is his own day-star, and the soul that can render an honest identity, commands all life, all influences, all fate; nothing comes too early or too late. We carry our life history with us, thus a shadow for good or ill walks with us. The gods of old lived on nectar and ambrosia, "the fabulous drink, sweet and pleasant to the taste, the food which was supposed to confer immortality upon those who partook of it, consisting of anything and everything pleasing to the taste, smell, and sense." The sign expresses the thing; the thing is the vir- tue or meaning of the sign. To pronounce a word is to invoke a thot, and make it present. The word or PAST-PRESENTFUTURE 2 1 1 speech of every individual is unconsciously a blessing or a curse until he knows the law consciously. Out of a speechless race the voices came that since have filled the world with music and power. "He maketh a path for the sun and stars; he causeth the moon to wax and wane, He giveth the waters feet to run; and hath traced the vein in every leaf." Nothing, not even a thot or a word is ever lost. Everything is registered, and everything is reflecting upon its own sounding board. Truth once revealed must prevail. The old story of Galileo over again, but woman will never bow her head to earth and declare to herself that which she would not tell to the world, for she is of the Moon Fathers and Mothers, at this time coming in her order to proclaim a true standard which will equalize the world. Even the Moon has taken on a new relation and ap- pearance since we look upon her with understanding. No man's face in the moon, any more, see, it is the face of a beautiful woman with a throat like that of a swan, facing in opposite direction. In the Occult Catechism, we read: "The Pitris were Moon-Fathers, sometimes called Dyhan-Chohans t They descend from the material worlds, and at each new Manvantura fashion physical man." There are seven classes of Pitris, and one endows man with what he has to give. Each and every planet has its representatives, and the influences over the earth of Venus, Love, Jupiter, Brotherhood, Saturn, satanic, Mars, aggression, war, are markedly different, and go to make up the struggles. Souls while yet unclothed by a body were still with the Moon-Mothers, and were only the germs of what they would become by future development in material forms. The hierophants, (teachers) never came to earth, but took charge of the spiritual embryo until it was sufficiently matured to descend and build about itself an earthly body. The fact that other worlds are inhabited is be- 212 WOMAN OF THE HOUR lieved by all great scientists. Newton, Kant, Goethe, and many others of all ages, held this truth, but never went so far as to know the Moon was the birth-place of our race. The Hierophant says: "Bring forth humanity, give them inner forms and mother earth will build cover- ings, or bodies." Now, the hierophants were of seven classes, and each could give out from his own source. In reality the moon has greater control over earth children than has the sun with its powerful light and magnetic rays. Many plants respond to the moonlight, more than to the sun. And it is known that the moon controls conceptions, gestation, and birth of every- thing in the material world, from the least to the great- est. All vegetation depends upon the moon, as upon the sun, the air and water for development. In the year 1688 Swendenborg came into promi- nence, measured the depths of the sea, and discovered that the Moon governs the tide. Place a board or plank upon the ground, shingle a house, or set posts, in the light of the moon, and the corners and sides will warp and turn up. On the other hand, to do this in the dark of the moon, the influences of the earth keep order with Nature. Plant a wheat field in the dark of the moon, and the result is, but about one-tenth of the shafts are filled, while on the contrary, to plant a field in the light, or third day of the new moon, every cell is filled and a mighty harvest is reaped, for the law is "ten to ninety fold," therefore a "seed time and harvest." "A time to plant, a time to pluck up that which is planted." Eccl. 3. What is true in all Nature is true of the individual in Nature. Generations of wrong teachings have not alto- gether been lost upon the race. A sentence from Hermes Trismegistus : "The Father of that one thing (man) is the Sun; its mother the Moon. The wind carries it in its bosom, and the spirit is its nurse." There was a time when the Moon was the fruitful mother, and earth was without inhabitants. All great PAST PRESENT- -FUTURE 2 1 3 philosophers agree that the Moon was the cradle of the earth children, and that the earth is subject to the breath of its mother, the moon, also that the tide that breathes inward, and outward, is the influence of the moon. It is said all the emotional nature of hu- mans is of the moon. Eugene Del Mar, noted authority, and writer, on the subjects of Higher Thoughts, says: "Emotion is a love attribute, whether constructive or destructive, good or evil. "Every emotion is in conscious harmony, or in love either with constructive good or evil, pleasant or painful. "Emotion without thought is power uncontrolled, undirected, undefined, unshaped, unmoulded. "Emotion is the spiritual bow that speeds the men- tal arrow of thought. Emotion has its basis in the subconscious, and thought in the conscious; emotion is of the feminine and receptive, while thought is of the masculine and positive, and creation attends their union. Thought creates its god and devil, its heaven and its hell, its angel and demons, its beautiful and ugly, always ever it creates, whether its creations are constructive or destructive, uplifting or degrading, good or evil. Man re-makes his world as he develops his consciousness, and this he does thru the control of emotions." There are volumes in these truths we all may profit by, if we but will. All is a continual revolution of an upward spiral. A past and future lie enwrapped in everything from the tiny cell to the greatest soul. We still live in those who follow us. Our knowledge and wisdom are perpetuated in the brains that succeed us. Some believe those who have left our mundane, or physical sphere, still continue to be interested in our lives, and that we are guided in all we do. We all be- lieve that those who were once here on earth still live somewhere, for there is no death, all is life, and there is always a life to fill every vacancy. All progressive thinkers believe in the travel of the 214 WOMAN OF THE HOUR soul, and from a personal viewpoint, there is not a law in all Nature that disputes or contradicts Reincarnation into earth life, again and again until all the twelve brain-cell, points of contact with the great Universal Consciousness are developed. In the present state of unfoldment few there are, who are altogether natural. Every thot is more or less crippled in expression by cold conventionality, operating in the law of competition. The world is sense, not spirit. In the sense relation we have learned how it is that "the parents have eaten of sour grapes, and the children's teeth are on edge", how the Holy of Holies has been defiled, yet placed upon a pinnacle for worship, "Temple of the Living God", marred, abused, "River of life at a low ebb", the "sap of the tree of life drained unto death". "Every tree which bringeth not forth good fruit, is hewn down and cast into the fire." The Master said: "Woe unto you Scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites, for ye are like unto whited sepulchres, which indeed ap- pear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead men's bones". We understand what Jesus means in John 8:44, as the basis of his teachings were to impress upon the people the penalty of the perverted laws of life. The Pharisees, scribes, and hypocrites were the world in those days, and of those who will not accept the sayings of the Nazarene in these days. The baptism of the Truth prepares us for the Wise Man's teachings. What power comes by the inbreathing of the rising sun of understanding and all its presence of spiritual truth. To feel that as the palpable rays of that luminary bring us living atoms for bodily life, so from the great Sun of Truth on auric wave, there comes at the same moment actual breathing atoms that enter into the waiting, longing soul, to vivify, and enrich with knowledge and wisdom which will make a new world of the old earth, and we walk its places as "Children of the Most High". Grand is the majesty of a presence found rarely among the sons of men, as are those who have attained to Wisdom in knowledge of the feminine in all Nature. PAST PRESENT FUTURE 2 1 5 Such an one might be as Moses on the Mount of God; or when he saw the "Burning Bush" which to him was a symbol of his burning heart inflamed with love and desire to deliver the people from material slavery, and free their souls from the law of oppression. The flames did not consume, and are still burning to those who know law. In a letter written by Moses to his brother Aaron, when he was about to leave Egypt and all his titles, he said: "It is true I have lost much in many respects, but I have also gained in the affections of my newly dis- covered kindred. My heart groans with heaviness as I behold the thousands of my oppressed countrymen toil- ing slaves under the lash of their taskmasters; what can I do for them in my powerless condition, myself an exile, and flying from the land ? May the prophecy which exists among you, my people, soon be fulfilled. This bondage cannot continue; there is not room in Egypt for two nations." Under the satanic reign, we who have gained in our newly discovered relationship to our kindred in the schools of prophecy, the New Humanity, can say with Moses, representing the Law, "my heart aches with heaviness as I behold humanity, over the whole earth, slaves under the taskmasters in sickness, and the lack of knowledge to free body, mind and soul." What can we do in our helplessness except to trust in a higher power? The Master said: "He that would be greatest among you let him be servant to all." The brave hearts of the warriors of Truth are en- shrined in the female forms, led thru joy and sorrow to this hour of covenant. The "Children of Light" must be baptized before the Stone, (knowledge) can be worn which was rejected by the "Builders" long ages ago; for it is this Truth that is destined to become the "head of the Corner". The time has come when all that is hidden shall be revealed, the sons and daughters of Light are ordered to march forward as "Torch Bearers" of the Truth. They are chosen from the ends of the earth; as it is written: "Ye were chosen before the 216 WOMAN OF THE HOUR foundation of the earth/' "They shall come from North and South, East and West, and sit down in the Kingdom of Heaven." Thus the Learners in the Temple of Truth will arise and purify themselves of all dross and selfish- ness, to serve all with the food for Thot, according to the plane and comprehension of the Thinker. The Temple of Truth is the Temple of Humanity. The stone the Builders rejected is the stone of sacri- ficing, which no one understands until its meaning and glory are revealed. "Hail, thrice hail, ye 'Children of Light', and Fiery- Powers, here ye see the domain ye inhabit. Incense upon burning coals will rise in heavy masses. Coal, the darksome thing of earth, becomes glowing at the fiery- breath. Clouds arise when the passions and selfishness burn out, but from the consuming goes forth precious perfume, from which comes the spirit of the divine. As this flame ascends to be reunited with its primal source, so have risen for years from the altar of the hearts, devout longings for the Spirit of Love and Wis- dom that is now waiting to descend. Thus is the Spirit born into power." The earthly must rise into longing to meet the quickening from above. Never again can we go back from knowledge to ignorance. There is a path to enter, a world to conquer, a work to do, it is for this the "Woman of the Hour" is born in the Trine of Love, Wisdom and Service. Before the mountains were created this was decreed and foretold. In all ages the Children of the Highest have been enlightened, but the world was dark, the lights few in number. The school of prophecy has never been without its disciples, but until now their lesson had been to learn Wisdom, and Wait. Many generations have longed, waited and died, and saw no sign, but now the hermitage, and the sign of the altar appear, symbolically. "A raised altar stands beneath a sky-lit dome, and up seven steps of stone that leads to it, all must walk. Rays of light reflected from the steps in all the colors of the prism, on the altar of wood are most beautifully carved images. It seems showers of arrows come from PAST PRESENT FUTURE 2 1 7 the dome to pierce the innermost being. Upon the altar seven candles lighted, with one brighter and taller than the rest, standing in the center. A bronzed tripod, at the side of the altar, of curious workmanship and quaint device, part Greek, and part Egyptian, holds blazing coals. Before it stands the prophet. A picture never to be forgotten by those who are permitted to behold. Draw near and worship. "0 Thou, most merciful, All- Wise Providence, in whose hands are all the experiences of life, kindle Thy Flame of Love and Light on our hearts, we pray Thee. May it burn all dross. Burn us, O Father, burn us, but let us not be consumed. Make us rejoice in all tribulations that will lead us nearer to Thee. hear our cry for the sake of the Man of Sor- rows, who endured to the end, AMEN." Strange vibra- tions fill the heart. From the Prophet at the altar we hear the message: "The human Brotherhood is coming, these and many others shall have a place at the 'marriage supper of the Lamb'; the 'Lost Word' is again to be given to the race. Woman is taking her place in the rank and file of life on earth. "When all the vibrations are hushed and the Holy Angels of the Most High attune them to more exquisite harmony, and when the Music of the Spheres enters the Heart of Hearts, then will be planted in the brains the seeds of Thought that shall grow by those vibrations, and into lovely vines that will bloom in beauty, and visions shall enlighten the world. 'He that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High, shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty/ Be not astounded at these words for our generations have been many, and our souls have passed through many outward stages. We have come to rule in place of kings, and to serve as sub- jects always to do the Will of God. Our lives will be misunderstood, and mistaken for we are knit together by true Motherhood-Love, born of Flame. So through the spirals of time our souls have been wrought and kindled into expression, touched by the Spirit, warmed by the vibrations of the Spiritual Sun to go forth to 218 WOMAN OF THE HOUR warm and gladden the dark places of earth, and at last be swallowed up in Divine Feminine Light and Wisdom. The Seal is upon us. 'He will never leave nor forsake us/ We are now under covenant and have 'received the stone of the Seal that hath its place in the Walls of the New Jerusalem/ It is not by arbitrary law that Woman is chosen. It is the self-elected choice of fitness, and that fitness is Purity in the desire of Wisdom and the power of Over- coming. "As it has been so must it ever be." The mar- tyrs of the future must be the martyrs of the past. Easier was it to be torn by lions, or roasted in a furnace, than it will be in the coming time to hold the Torch of Truth, amid the confusions of the world when war rages, for it is not only the war of Armageddon upon us, but the "Battle of Gog and Magog." The time is at hand, thousands of years of inherited curses, lust of greed, power, senses, Mammon have brought forth "hun- dred headed serpents" that are stinging the race to death, and sufferings no tongue can describe. Self will not die at a single blow, "an hundred Hydra" and it sways a sceptre that is universal. When great battles are raging, then the "Child of God" can do his work. Among the ruins of the past will be the upbuilding of the permanent future. The cry of the poor in the land of plenty and luxury, will be no longer be heard, for then the poor man shall be the ruler, and the rich man the laborer. "The ear of God hath heard, and the fiat has gone forth, that their wrongs are to be avenged." A great wave of cycles in circumstances has washed upon our shores of time. It has rolled time, and times, toward woman in other cycles, leaving some precious gift to enrich the world. It now comes again and will leave the "gift of all gifts", The Knowledge of the Law of Good, God. It will open the great Book of Nature, (humanity) and its pages will be studied as never before. Real knowledge could not come thru personal teach- ers, tho they may be helpers. Books are the embodi- PAST PRESENT FUTURE 2 1 9 ment of the plane of the writer. Good writings are to the sincere reader like making new acquaintances, new friends, and comrades, tho the personality is never real- ly known. The greatest teacher is always with the student of Nature, analyzing, debating, communing with the Higher-Self. This is of the real, and moves out- ward from within. We can never determine where the fascination of woman lies, until we look back into her character, that something engraved or inscribed in the individuality, ex- pressing in the personality those strongly marked dis- tinctive qualities which are of the soul plane, of the intellectual plane, of the moral plane. But what is the moral meaning of life toward which we are aiming? Certainly not happiness alone, for we know earth life is a struggle. No, the moral meaning of life is not hap- piness, it is Character. There is no way to develop courage without the possibility of danger, or enemies. We cannot have true virtue without the power to sin. If we cannot choose between right and wrong we are not virtuous. Temptations and hardships should be considered a blessing in disguise, for they develop Char- acter. There are great moral laws, just as there are great laws in sciences. The Woman of the Hour regards her word as Law, therefore, looking into the character of this woman we find not only morality but the highest phase of spirituality and strength. In the moral and religious life women have been tra- ditionally faithful. The New Humanity is characterized by feminine leadership of Philanthropic and Progressive Thot institutions. Still more significant is the gradual establishing of a common code of morals for both men and women. Character then, is destiny. Thots build character. The common world thots could not build a character fitting to the Woman of the Hour, for this superior woman is never depressed, never over exhili- arated, but like the sun poised in the heavens, shines with a steady light at all times. Like the fire of an opal, she radiates a something that comes from her soul. Her 220 WOMAN OF THE HOUR classic head, well poised on neck and shoulders, is like a cameo cut against a dark background. A voice deli- cate and sensitive that nothing but refinement could have polished so beautifully. It is the index of the soul, because she is soul, the soul of man. Ages and ages the guiding hand of destiny has been developing this superior being. We have been led over oceans and worlds of experiences to meet her face to face and soul to soul. The Woman of the Hour is never humbled. In her own eyes of wisdom in the law, all her acts stand ap- proved of God. Her pride is invulnerable, for she has all good traits of character. Nature has done all for her, she has made herself unconscious of her magnetic attraction by heritage, thus she towers head and shoul- der above material planes. This is the Divine Mother who has been with us all when we did not know, and now we know her we will never allow her out of our consciousness. This is the woman of great patience who holds a secret for all humanity. Unseen intelligence has ordered it so, and soon all will be made clear, for the reader is gleaning between the lines. The cycle of the soul is on and on. Where the lowest intelligence now is, we all have been, and where we have attained, they, too, will come; and still to some the goal is far beyond. But to think of one soul as inferior to another in the great Law is absurd. As well scorn a child in kindergarten because he could not solve a mathematical problem. The Masters who seem to stand at the very summit of the attainable were once humans like ourselves, but they have passed thru the stage where we are now standing; and between them and us there is no break in the chain of evolution, for every step or link was taken, the bitter experiences met and overcome. When the wondrous light of the Truths of the Higher planes grows less dazzling to us, we begin to see that even beyond the level and plane of the Masters there are still great heights. Above all stands the Christ, Buddhas and others of whom we know nothing except PAST PRESENT FUTURE 22 1 that they exist, and even at their elevation unknowable to us, they form a part of the same mighty chain. The whole of the past lies in the present. Seeing and understanding the inevitableness of the destiny we have made, we come to realize it is quite useless to re- sist the call from higher spheres, and it would seem that the individuality of woman is the one and only road marked out in the present New Age, for in this is as- sured happiness and peace, that "Peace on earth and good will to men" long ages sung in the vibrations of Easter Time, which has never been understood or real- ized. The greatest Teacher said: "I came not to send peace, but a sword." And, "All that take the sword shall perish with the sword." Tracing the thread from pre-Adamic realms it is made clear that altho the feminine Principle expresses largely thru the female, we are to remember there are three planes to consider. There are many men who ex- press more of the divine Motherhood than do some physical mothers, for motherhood in its spiritual sense is that yearning loving desire to bring forth and cherish something more ethereal and spiritual than has yet been manifested in the selfish and material woman. There are many women who are not true to their divine birth- right, this being due to the lack of consciousness; we excuse them for they are not yet ready to give up their crude creating and take their place with the Divine Mothers. Both men and women are waking up to a realization of the possibility of living higher and fuller lives; that higher ideals may manifest, and that unity in its full- ness will express equality. And just as the unquencha- ble desire of the divine feminine Principle of love in the purity of Law separated the souls in the early ages, so today the same unquenchable longing will result in a more definite separation, independence and freedom for woman, because instead of her forces being directed downward into matter, this great urge of the divine mother force is projected upward for higher ideals for the race. 222 WOMAN OF THE HOUR We may note the feminine aspect of creation in each of its planes of expression is sweeping the earth like a forest fire. Once again there is poured out upon hu- manity a great wave of mother-love sent from on high, calling to her children to awaken to the possibilities be- fore them. This realization is but the separating of the true mother-love from the masculine-intellect with understanding in the law, which heretofore has blinded the eyes of both men and women who are in ignorance, and have not seen that they, directly, are the cause of all misery on earth. For this blindness it is said: "Humanity must tread the weary seven hundred and seventy-seven incarnations, the time of slow and painful progress and uncertainty, until awakened into the regenerate life which is the second great important turning point in evolution. The task is difficult; disappointments and failures heap up like mountains, but to him who perseveres victory is absolutely a scientific certainty, however many times seeming failure; no number of failures can daunt those who know of the Higher Laws." A long, long way we, as souls, have wandered from the true path ; it is a long way back again, but with the Intuitional light of the Woman of the Hour, knowing herself the co-partner with God, we come to know the true path is the way of the Eternally-Feminine, Great- Mother Principle, now reaching out to gather all hu- manity in her arms to feed each soul with the milk of loving kindness, by which is fulfilled the symbol of the physical mother feeding from her breasts the milk of life sustenance that her babe may live. The Mahatmas, or Adepts, teach that the spirit of life is the spirit of fire, the body of fire is the flame, and de- structive, but the unseen and unknown force that kin- dles it, is life itself. To the Adepts, man is the product of three fires, viz., that which is produced by friction forming the body; solar fire, enkindling the soul; and electric fire, creating the immortal spirit. For it represents to them the One, the All. From the beginning to the end of our Sacred PAST PRESENT FUTURE 223 Book, there is a hidden meaning teaching the same truth. The presence of Deity is always recognized by the appearance of Fire, from the sacrifice of Abel to the vision of John, we have a continual illustration of this. Moses, Elijah, the Day of Pentecost, are some of the most familiar instances. Fire is the first, the last, the lowest, the highest, the mysterious All. Everything is said to be permeated by Fire, yet not such fire as we know on the physical plane, that will burn. Thus we are to try to think of fire which does not burn, but is known as a liquid form. This was known to the followers of Zoroaster, for they had this, a sacred fire, on their altars. The greatest feat of the Alchemists is to separate Heat from Light. AGNI FIRE MASCULINE. USHAS . . . .DAWN. . . .FEMININE. The conjunction of Agni, Fire, and Ushas, Dawn, produces the Morning Star, Mitra A. U. M. Light, Heat, Flame, the Trine, vibrating to the Seven Sounds of Music. Could we understand this Trine, we might rate with the Adepts and Masters. An earth seer says: "When the spiritual fire of light has become ignited in the darkness, (having burned thru all eternity) the great mystery of divine power and knowledge, becomes eternally revealed therein, because in the fire all the qualities of Nature appear exalted into spirituality." The language of earth's greatest Mystics may not be understood at first, but the student of Nature meditating on the subject will unravel its meanings. The law of use cannot be broken, for when once the torch is kindled, and the inner senses have been trained, the neophyte must leave a sheltered life and go among the children of earth to serve. Here lies the test. The soul that loves to serve is safe, for the feet are walking the path that once was trod by Him of Nazareth. When God created the first manifestation out of Cosmos, the Eternally-Feminine Principle of Light and 224 WOMAN OF THE HOUR Fire became manifest. The spirit of Consciousness has its origin in Fire, from thence it passes thru the Light, and becomes the anguish of Love by which the wrath of God is extinguished. This comes not of the woman of the world, but of the WOMAN OF THE HOUR. EARTH, WATER, AIR, FIRE. Man, the superior, and physically the stronger, has conquered the Earth, the Water, the Air. He has spanned the earth with his telegraph lines, built great cities, dams and bridges, separated continents, delved into the earth and brought forth her treasures, bridged chasms, penetrated the jungles and the primeval for- ests, tamed the wild animals, subjugated and domesti- cated them. He has hewn down huge mountains and filled the valleys, reclaimed the swamps, harnessed elec- tricity, made the deserts blossom like roses, soared into the empyrean heights with the Air-Ship, rested on the bottom of the ocean with the Submarine, girdled the world with railroads and steamships, sent the wireless around the globe in thirteen seconds, given us the phonograph, the movies, wonderful machinery to lighten all labor, etc. But notwithstanding all this, man is the clay in the feminine potter's hands. Woman sets the standard of the world, and shapes man's destiny for good or ill. Limitless her power with Knowledge of Law. Man has yet to understand woman, and conquer Fire, "Agni-Fire." We are all in the school of training in matter, whether we accept it or not. We believe we are choos- ing our own way many times, but in the end find our choosing a part of the great plan. All unconsciously we learn the lessons especially for us, as we could not grow and unfold without them, thus to "count all joy" is the wisest way. In the Dweller on Two Planets we read: "Before our eyes can see God, they must be incapable of shed- ding tears for any sufferings of your own. Before your ears can hear, they must have lost sensitiveness. Your voice may not speak eternal Wisdom until it has no power to wound. Before yourself can stand in the pres- PAST PRESENT FUTURE 225 ence of the Eternal, your feet must have been bathed in the blood of suffering, penance, restitution. Then kill the ambition to excel in the poor paths of Fame. Cease to regard this life as your best possession. Then work for God as others work for Mammon." We cannot get away from these teachings. These teachers are everywhere, and wherever the neophyte goes he takes them with him. Whether in the crowded cities or alone in the forests, we are in the school of life. These lessons have to do with the planes of hu- manity, and we all must learn earth's lessons in the present life, or be sent back of the hierophant law to climb again to the normal plane, where we may under- stand. Evolution is always and everywhere, the one abiding Law, but this for the soul as for the body, we must not confound the kernel and the shell, the body and the soul, for Soul is Fire, Eternally Feminine. Josephus says: "Souls are pre-existent in the world of emanations", and Philo says: "The air is full of souls; and they descend to be tied to mortal bodies, be- cause of the human form, and in it they will become progressive beings." If the microcosm cannot show that he can govern all lower creatures, and the very elements that fill the macrocosm, he has not yet reached the heights. In every human there lies beneath the ashes the buried glowing coal ; it may be buried so deep beneath the Self that its presence is not known, but some day the 'golden law' of liberty, necessity and opportunity will give it air, and lo, the upward path is well begun. Thrice blessed are they who lead the flame forth from its dark prison, and hasten it on its way to God. Woman's mission is to help, to guide, to lead to bet- terment, this ever giving out to others as did the Master of old. Woman is the soul, the soul is the flame, the flame is the soul. Thus it is the work of woman to search for the latent fire, and fan it into a blaze for service. Woman must build the "Jasper Walls"; each individual is a stone now in the quarry, and women are workmen, chiseling, filing and shaping each precious 226 WOMAN OF THE HOUR jewel to its place to become a brilliant light, and shine thru eternity. Joy lies in work, peace lies in conscience. Love is turned into higher channels. Something is com- ing to make us glad. The Inner-Voice never speaks falsely. "Seek and ye shall find", says the Master. All healing, all knowledge, all wisdom, all re-generate life will eventually come thru the Woman of the Hour. JOHN'S VISION OF THE APOCALYPSE. Perhaps in all the range of Bible Lore, there is no Book so rich in hidden meaning as the Revelation of St. John. Compare the inferior world of the Roman Empire with John's world of that time in Patmos. Sometimes John left his body and went out into other worlds winged by divine inspirations, that carried him beyond the earth and the cruelty of emperors, into the realm of endless time. Which was the prisoner? Which was the King? Surely in this Book of Revelation we may find the Key to all Knowledge, and all Mysteries, for John in Hebrew represents the Feminine. The Roman Emperor had his part to play in the im- portant work with John, and in banishing him to Pat- mos fulfilled a divine purpose. It has been given thus: "On the Island lying on the peaceful bosom of the Mediterranean are caves that lie beneath the sea, where from any part of the earth are carried by waves sounds of air and water as nowhere else. In one of these cav- erns lay the Apostle, a prisoner of Rome, in a cavern beneath the sea. The Emperor and his satellites danced the mad dance of death, to the music of Rome's legions ; and around and around they whirled in the vortex they called life. Laughing, if they thought at all, at the prisoner in far off Patmos, banished to darkness and silence. Where was God's child now? "In that rocky cavern, alone with the unseen, John laid his head upon a rock, and looking up he beheld a wondrous vision. From the silence of the Alone, he heard wondrous voices. Instead of darkness, the cavern was full of light; and in the midst of seven golden candlesticks was one like unto the Son of Man, holding PAST PRESENT FUTURE 227 in his hand seven stars. The cavern was filled with beings of another world, and the voices that he heard uttered were words of Wisdom. Vision followed vision. The great White Throne, and the River of Life, the sea of glass, and the rainbow of many colors; the four and twenty elders, and the Book of Life; the four beasts full of eyes ; the Lamb with seven horns, and seven eyes ; the angels around the Throne, thousands, and thou- sands; the White Horse, and its conquering rider; the White Robed Immortals, the girt of God; the great dragon, and the Woman Clothed with the Sun with the Moon under her feet, all appeared before him." Symbolically, Moses represents the Law; the Moon, Woman. The "Woman clothed with the Sun" and all the wondrous visions which came to John on the Isle of Patmos, represent the Woman of the Hour, leading the world "in that day". "And then shall they see the Son of Man, (Aquarius) coming in the clouds in great power and glory." St. Mark, 13:26, 27. By all this we are to understand that those who can hear are to have a higher message than earth has ever before known, the message of the Great Mother, the Eternally Feminine of Heaven and Earth, for the time is when humanity as a whole has passed the lowest and densest point, and is on the upward arc into more spir- itual conditions of understanding the divine plan. Thus according to the law of cycles and repeated history, we now expect a spiritual separation of birth; and as woman was born of the Adam-man, she again will be born from man, but now upon the mental plane, yet born not of woman thru the gate of physical birth, but born from the outpourings of the Eternally Feminine Force from both man and woman, and thus comes the pattern type of birth set forth in the beginning. This will be the "Second Coming" of Christ, born not of the ordinary physical woman, but of the Woman of the Hour, the Re-generate Woman. Humanity shall bring forth a Child, and shall call His Name Emmanuel, "God with us". And he shall dwell with us forever. 228 WOMAN OF THE HOUR THE MOTHER OF GOD. VIRGIN MOTHERHOOD. THE CHRIST CHILD. The "Mother of God" conception has been held among divers people from the remotest ages, not origi- nally a Christian conception, but in common with every- thing sacred comes out of the Mysteries. We must guard against the mistake of considering her as the Mother of the Supreme God, as the Catholic Church has taught. She is in the true sense the Mother of the Divine Principle, the Eternally-Feminine, and in another sense she is the Mother of the gods, or Divine Manifestations of the Divine Essence, and is dual, hence its feminine aspect which in this sense is the Divine Mother. Also there is the sense of the mother of the gods, in which sense she is the physical mother, as it is of the Formative process in the akasa of chaos. She is the Circle of beginning, the place of birth for all that comes forth in the material world. This Formative process is that which specializes all things formatively, and also specializes all the modes of energy, of which there are seven, and all material forms and planes of energy are the results of their gestative action. All activities of the Mental and Astral worlds are separate products of the formative action, and as such are her children, gods, demi-gods, genii, (deity) etc. All these have their own formative side, hence the Mother Principle. This leads us to the conclusion that there is a ma- ternal hierarchy, each degree of which is the child of a higher degree, at the same time the mother of a lower degree, This then, is the continued succession of the Mother of the Gods, or the Hierachical Mother Princi- ple, not the mother of a personal God, but rather the Maternal Principle in Divinity which is perpetually en- gendering forms and modes of gods out of itself. Not, however, confined to the mental and astral worlds, but true of the physical world extending to the world of gross matter. The expression "Mother Earth" is common. As we understand, the earth is the mother only in the sense PAST PRESENT FUTURE 229 of material alchemical blendings of untold millions of these Mother Principles in activity. Every grain of sand, every leaf, whether of a rose or a thistle, has its mother soul, for everything breathes. Thus we see that the substance side of all things is but the blending of these Mother Essences, that one degree is born from another, and in turn gives birth to another. Hence when we speak of the Mother of God we must keep in mind that she is not a person, but rather a system of Principles of Evolution, and that this law of Causation is material, and this maternal hierarchy is the modus of Evolution operating thru the feminine in all Nature. Therefore no Occultists, or Progressives, can have the slightest ob- jection to the Idea of a Mother of God. Some one has given an appropriate definition of God: "There is above an incorruptible Flame always spark- ling; the springs of Life, the formation of all things, and original of all Beings. This Flame produces all things, and nothing perisheth but what it consumeth. It makes itself known by itself. "This Fire cannot be contained in any place, it is without Body and without Matter. It encompasseth the Heavens, and there goeth out from it little sparks which make all the fires of the Sun, and of the Moon and of the Stars. "Behold what I know of God. Strive not to know more of Him, for that is beyond thy capacity, how wise soever thou art. As to the rest, know that the unjust and wicked cannot disguise anything from His piercing eyes, either by excuse, subtility or disguise; nor hide from God's presence. All is full of God, and God is All. "There is in God an immense profundity of Flame; nevertheless the Heart should not fear to approach this adorable Fire, or to be touched by it. You will never be consumed by the sweet Fire whose mild and tranquil heat maketh the binding, the harmony and the duration of the world. "Nothing subsisteth but by this Fire, which is God, Himself. No person begat Him, He is without mother. He knoweth all things and can be taught nothing. He 230 WOMAN OF THE HOUR is infallible in His designs, and His Name is unspeaka- ble, ineffable. "Behold now what God is: As for us who are His Messengers, we are but a part." When the feminine has taken form it continues to be the feminine, and to act formatively. That is to say, the Soul and Mental body of a woman is just as ma- ternal, and hence as formative, as is the same substance in the cosmical state. This being true, woman is essen- tially a mother in all her actions. This does not alto- gether apply to her giving birth to physical children. Every instant of woman's life she acts the part of a mother, that is she is bearing children. This could not be otherwise, as at all times her principles are acting formatively, hence must be engendering forms. Her mental body thru its formative action is giving birth to Thot-forms, thus her thots are as much her children as the children she gives a physical birth. These thot- forms pass out into the Mental World, and there begin their course in Evolution. Thus the story of Eve, the mother of all Life, and every woman in reality is the mother of gods. A step farther. Woman by reason of the effect which the gods born of her has upon the composition of the hierarchy, is in reality mothering the hierarchy, hence is a mother of the hierarchy, that is the Mother of God. On whatever her plane of unfolding Consci- ousness she is acting as a Universal Mother, and even on the physical plane her body is performing the same function. She is perpetually giving birth to new lives. It is said woman's Body and Soul are the "Vase of Art" in which is created and gestated all things. Thus it is woman who in reality evolves the universe. In this way is human consciousness reflected in Nature, above all a woman's Art. 'Tis true, man has been produced by Nature, but now the education and training of Nature is committed to man, but still more so to Woman, for woman is the Tree of Knowledge. If woman forms an Ideal for a particular type of humanity or a world of a particular style, she has sent PAST-PRESENTFUTURE 231 a wave of force into the hierarchy, (dominion or au- thority in sacred things) that will in time become an Arch-type, and create that which she desires. In a word, she will actually give birth to a true god. In this way the gods are the children of women. The Nazarene understood this perfectly, and said: "Other things have I to tell you, but ye are not ready for them/' The time has come when woman will become con- scious of herself as woman, will set free her Will, and there will be a most wonderful thing happen, for the Will of woman, when poised in her Higher-Self, is cre- ative in the Divine and absolute sense, and for that reason is Supreme. Nothing can stand before it, for that which Wills to Be, is already created. And in this one mission of woman, to free her Will, and attain con- sciousness that she may use it consciously, she becomes the Alchemist of the Will, and of all that she Wills. This tremendous power of the awakened woman is dimly, if at all, sensed by man, for which reason he has done all in his power to keep her in what he believes to be her place, knowing full well that when she is truly awakened, and has strengthened, and wisely directed her Will, he then is as clay in the Potter's hands before her, and she is henceforth his destiny for a Higher plane, as well as for her own. However, she is awakened, and at last her Will is being set free, and she is impregnated of the Spirit of Good, God, is in embryo for the New Birth to the gods. The Awakened Woman is able to so polarize her men- tal influences with the Cosmos that she will not only generate the germ of a God, but will actually gestate it thru the constant formation going on thru her mental, that it will be born not as an embryo, but as a true god. It is said that "a good God is the nobles work of man", this is true in a deeper sense than we can realize. Thus the duty of woman is to individualize the gods, to train, and give them individuality thru the purity of herself as the "Tree of Knowledge of good". In this way it is only the woman that can Spiritualize the Uni- verse. 232 WOMAN OF THE HOUR Not only this, but she can cause Avatars to come at Will, in fact Woman is the Avatar for the present Dis- pensation, the "Second Coming", in response to human longings, and it is known that an Avatar is suited to the times, and is sent at the time most needed. The Circle is formed, the Vortex is prepared, the Matrix is created, and Lo, the Avatar is here. The New Humani- ty, The Children of Light, the Second Hermes placing the "Seal" upon all things. "AS ABOVE SO BELOW." VIRGIN MOTHERHOOD. As has been stated the essential nature of woman is maternal. Woman is living her truly feminine life only as she is acting as a mother. From this it would ap- pear that every woman's life is a failure, except when she is fulfilling the function of motherhood. It must be borne in mind that every true religion has at all times held forth the idea of virginity as far superior to the family life. This leads to one of two conclusions, either woman is as such an inferior being, and the spiritual life can only be led in proportion as she forsakes her fem- ininity, or else she can be a virgin and a mother at the same time. This course is the only one thinkable, there- fore the true life of woman is to be found in Virgin Motherhood. Woman is the true Alchemist, her body is above all things God's Laboratory* by Alchemists called "Vase of Art". The greatest of all mistakes is the failure to recognize and realize the transcendant value of the physical body. We are ready to see the value of the soul and the mind, and in some instances, the astral, but to see the body as the "Temple of the Living God", in its true sense, seems quite impossible because it has been defiled, called "Mortal Error", Adam, a Dam, an obstruction to Truth", of the devil, of evil, a thing to be despised, etc. This is all wrong. Regeneration can only be attained thru the redemption of the body, and this redemption will be brought about thru the re- generation of the body, or transfiguration of the body thru the purity of the law governing it. Thru this PASTPRESENT FUTURE 233 understanding the body becomes more highly organized, etheralized, and spiritualized, because it is raised above the animal soul, to the spiritual soul of Illumination. When the mystery of purification is understood, we no longer heap shame upon the body, we have the Key to our Matter, which is the Key to Life. The first matter produced by Purification is that which contains the "Seed of Gold". The Seed of Gold, (purity of the law) must be deposited within the "Egg" and Woman is the Mystic Egg, wherein at the moment of the conception of a human being a perfect prism of colors appear in the center of every nerve force and flow like a golden stream into the newly awakened atoms of life, and when this blending of two souls in the law of Nature has been planned, premeditated, and fulfilled, in the rights of a child to be well born, a Great Soul enters, and a Perfect Unity is formed. At last the "living water" has rendered volatile all of the impure matter in the chalice, and the Egg has now become one of Golden-Light, Wisdom, and this Egg of Light, has become the Hermetic "Oil of Gold", and therefore places the seal of Purity. After self -regeneration, the body of the virgin wom- an becomes God's Laboratory, indeed. She has been her own mother, and is now her own daughter. More of a woman than ever, her nature essentially that of a mother. Alchemically speaking: "Those virgin mothers have Wisdom, and each one says this one of my Golden Heart, is indeed my son, but he is at the same time a son of each of you, and yet of the Great Mother, also. His heart he gained from the Sun, his mind came from the Feathered Serpent, his life from the Great Mother, and his Will from the White Swan, but it is we who gave him form, and therefore he is our son also. He is our son, and he shall be our Sun, likewise. He shall take away our reproach from us, for he was Virgin- Born. Thus Virgin Mothers who really give birth to the Principle of Re-generation, give birth to a Saviour of the race. 234 WOMAN OF THE HOUR THE CHRIST CHILD. There is presented to the student of Mystical Mani- festations at the present time a peculiar phenomenon. It is that of a number of women each of whom lays claim to the distinction of being the one who is to give birth to the Christ Child for the New Age. This is the result of a vibratory wave of Divine Motherhood as the effects of Natural Lav/ in its unfolding cycle. It is evident that many women cannot become the mother of one child in the physical sense of the word. This being the case we are to seek for a Cosmical application of this idea, thus we must guard against giving a sectarian interpretation to this consideration of a Christ-Child. There is no reason why we should look upon this birth as another incarnation of Jesus. Whatever the Christ- Child may mean, it certainly does not mean the re- incarnation of Jesus, or the Second Coming of Christ, in the Christian sense of the term. A Christ is utterly inconceivable unless we under- stand that a Christ is the Incarnation of a Principle. "The Christos is the Avatara, and the Christ is the Avatar in whom the Avatara is incarnate." This being true, the coming of Christos to the earth is also subject to universal law, and hence we should not look for one Christ alone, but rather for as many Christs as this Law may produce from those who are of the regenerate. Just what is the Christos of the Mysteries? Pri- marily it is none other than the Mystery of the Uni- verse, the Universe conceived as the Sequence of Cre- ative Evolution, the self- engendering, and self again consuming process of Evolution. It is the Universe ever dying that it may give birth to itself. It is for this reason that he is the Man Crucified, the Universe ever dying upon the Cross being the Phallic Symbol of Life thru conception, and thru one union of two forces, Cos- mically. Thus the crucifix has ever been the symbol of the Universe. The Cross in its various methods or arrangements has been a symbol for thousands of years. A symbol of Life, of Death, and of Immortality. An ancient people PAST PRESENT FUTURE 235 of Italy, living long ages ago, used the Cross as a symbol of their Wisdom, and beneath that emblem carved on stone their dead still rest. It then symbolized Life, the God-Agni, or Fire. Among the ancients the Cross was a common instru- ment of capital punishment, especially was this mode of death adopted for slaves and criminals by the Romans. The Sign of the Cross as an emblem having certain religious and mystic meanings attached to it was used long before the Christian era. The Cross has been extensively used as ornaments in the architectural plans of the Christian Churches. The Cross was very generally used during the middle ages in a sort of charm, offering security against evil spirits. The most important forms are the Greek, Latin and St. Andrews Cross. The St. Andrews as the Scottish Ensign is blended with the Cross of St. George on the "Union Jack". In the Thirteenth Century there was erected a structure called the "Cross of St. Paul", adjoining St. Paul's Church in London. The Crucifix is the Man of the Sun, the Virgin of the Zodiac containing the Sacred Host, which one sees in the Roman Catholic Mass. His symbol in this ca- pacity, thus the Man of the Sun, The Man born of the Virgin, for the Virgin is ISIS, the Virgin of the world. It is this that gives Immaculate Conception. The Sun is the symbol of the god, and therefore much of His symbol is borrowed from the Sun. It is thus He dies at the time of the Winter Solstice, and three days later is resurrected to New Life. His twelve apostles are the twelve Signs of the Zodiac. We may easily see how it is that all this symbolism was developed, seeing that the Christos Principle was both the Universe and the Sun, and of what use it has been to those who under- stood, and of misunderstanding it has been to those who were never taught the true meaning of the Mystical Christ. Are we to conclude nothing in the life of Christ 236 WOMAN OF THE HOUR as we know Him ever took place with reference to hu- man history? The early Fathers of the Church were Initiates of these Mysteries, hence understood thoroughly the Mys- tery of the Christos. No matter how much we investi- gate along these lines, all goes to show that the birth of a Christ is not an arbitrary matter, but is the result of Law, and is an event that under the operation of the Law must transpire from time to time. Thus it is that Christ Children must come into the world, and must come thru the fulfilling of this Law of the "Holy Ghost". Returning to the mothers of the Christ Child. "Com- ing events cast their shadows before" and the fact that there are those who are accepting this Law proves that the time is at hand for the birth of Christ, or the "Sec- ond Coming". The process of incarnation and re-em- bodiment is ready to begin. The process has already taken place in the sense that a Circle has formed on the Mental and the Astral planes. And as has been shown that all feminine vibrations act creatively, and that they re-act upon the principles of Nature in that way, the woman who made herself the embodiment of the purity of the law, mentally and physically, becomes the Mother of the Christ Principle, which is again come to proclaim the Truths taught by the Nazarene. "Awake thou that sleepest, Arise from thy tomb, Descend from thy cross, Ascend to thy throne. Rend the veil of the Temple, Stand out in the light, Let the Holy of holies no more be in night. Join hands with the Masters, The Great Brothers above Who labor forever thru greatness of love. Man know thy Redeemer, He dwelleth within; Buried deep within thy body, Now gross from thy sin Is the only True Savior, The Christ-Spirit, within." OM, MANI PADME, HUM. ("Oh, the Jewel in the Lotus.") PAST PRESENT FUTURE 237 AUTHORITIES CONSULTED. Helps from Esoteric and Occult Societies, heartily recommended to all seekers for Knowledge and Wisdom. Society of the Christian Israelites. Bible Interpreta- tions, Greek and Hebrew Translations. Proving Woman the Tree of Knowledge. England. Esoteric Masonry and Divine Symbolism. From a Supreme Initiate. Laura K. Hey. The Order of the Christian Mystics. 880 West 181st St., New York City. The Brotherhood of Light. Hermetic Wisdom. E. Benjamine, P. 0. 1525, Los Angeles, Cal. Theosophy. History of Races. Karma. Madame Blavatsky. The Tree of Life. Mysteries Revealed. Wonders of the Human Body. Dr. George W .Carey, P. 0. 293, Los Angeles, Cal. Official Organ of the Hermetic Brotherhood. Temple Talks. San Francisco, Cal. Messenger of the East. Swami Paramananda. Ve- danta Center. Boston. Occult Magazine AZOTH. 1400 Broadway, New York City. Science of Numbers. Higher Mathematics. Burgoyne. The Great Mother. C. H. A. Bjerregaard. Zenia the Vestal Virgin. Born of Flame. Margaret B. Peek. Hell. What is it? Where is it? Rev. R. A. White, Universalists Church, Stewart Ave., Chicago. AND OTHERS. Morris Correspondence School PHYSICAL AND METAPHYSICAL EDUCATION, Natural Laws and Natural Healing. APPLIED PSYCHOLOGY. OCCULT GEOMETRY. SYMBOLOGY. BIBLE ALCHEMY. ESOTERIC WIS- DOM. THEOSOPHY, OR DIVINE WISDOM. DEGREES OF STUDY Psychology of Nature. Gives the Keys to Health, Prosperity and Success. Knowledge of Nature in each individual demand. Foods, physical, mental. Numerology. "Man Revealed." Science of Numbers. Significance of Names and Birth days. Place and life work for every soul born to the world. Initiation. Chemistry and Color. Character Reading. Divine Symbolism. Hermetic Wisdom. Alchemy. The Tarot. Initiation. 33 Degrees. Exoteric and Eso- teric. Significance of 22 Letters of Hebrew. Esoteric Masonry. Symbology. The Tarot. Her- metic Wisdom. 33 Degrees. Illumination. Occult Arts. Bible Alchemy. The Secret Doctrines in Israel. The Philosopher's Stone. Isis Unveiled. 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Woman standing at the Open Door of the New Dis- pensation. Woman the "Corner that has become the head", The Maternal Hierarchy. Woman the Savior of the Race. The Coming Avatar. DEAR SISTER IN ETERNAL PROGRESS If these subjects appeal to your intelligence, please write a frank and confidential letter, (enclosing a stamped envelope) as to a mother or a true friend, and I will answer. Also explain my plans for study, and all particulars regarding the Order and School. Ernest delvers into the "Mysteries of Nature" need but little explanation as to what these teachings em- brace. Each subject and degree is an Art as well as a Science, proved by mathematics. However, in the Law of Numbers is contained the hidden meaning of each of the letters in the Hebrew Alphabet, applied to our lan- guage and individual lives, explaining Initiation, and the Keys to the Physical and Spiritual Universe. Numberscopes geometrically calculated. Including one year forecast, Astrologically calculated. $5.00. By mail only. DR. ELSIE LOUISE MORRIS, Teacher. Writer. Speaker. 229 South Alexandria Ave., Phone 56329. Los Angeles, California. THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE STAMPED BELOW AN INITIAL W,LU INCREASE TO So DAY AND TO O OVERDUE. ^4 1934 25 CENTS -S DAY LD21-loOw-7,'33 YB 12657