UC-NRLF B M 7fll MfiD IKEE PUBLIC MUSEUM S. A. BARRETT LIBRARY tMtVCRSITY OF CAUfQVNIA DSJTHROPOLOGY MILWAUKEE PUBLIC MUSEUM FROM S. A. BARRETT 8, A. BARRET! SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOLUME 59, NUMBER 1 THE NATIVES OF KHARGA OASIS, EGYPT WITH THIRTY-EIGHT PLATES BY DR. ALES HRDLICKA 1 Curator, Division of Physical Anthropology, U. S. National Museum 1 |PER\ ~ x -t? 65 vT 7 OHI 1 w (PUBLICATION 2071) CITY OF WASHINGTON PUBLISHED BY THE SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION 1912 BALTIMORE, MD., U. S. A. A zr -y // 77 ANTHROP. LIBRARY CONTENTS PAGE 1. Introduction I 2. Geographical and historical notes on the Great Oasis 3 3. Recent data on the Kharga Oasis people 7 4. General observations and information gathered by the writer 9 Environment 9 Social and medical records 13 5. Vital statistics of the Kharga Oasis 16 Population in 1907 16 Births and Deaths 17 Vital statistics of Kharga Village for five years 17 Vital statistics of Gennah Village for five years 18 Vital statistics of Boulac and Beris for one year 18 Sex rate 19 Vital statistics of Kharga and Gennah by quarters 20 Births and deaths at Kharga by months 21 Resume of vital statistics 21 6. Physiological observations on the Kharga Oasis natives 22 Pulse 23 Respiration 24 Temperature 26 Pulse, respiration, and temperature in relation to age 27 Pulse, respiration, and temperature in relation to extremes of stature 28 Pulse, respiration, and temperature in relation to vigor 28 Muscular strength 29 Pressure force in hands 30 Traction force 30 Muscular strength according to age 31 Resume of principal physiological observations 32 7. Observations on the body 32 Color 32 Hair 33 Features of the head 34 Facial features 34 Body and limbs . . . 36 Concluding remarks on non-instrumental observations.... 36 8. Measurements 36 Stature , 36 Height sitting . . 38 Relation of height sitting to stature 40 Height and height sitting in the shortest and the tallest 42 Head 42 Length 42 Breadth 43 Relation of length and breadth of head to stature 44 in 067 IV CONTENTS PAGE Cephalic index 47 Mean cephalic index in various North- African groups . . 48 Height 48 Cephalic Module 5 2 Relation of size of head to stature . . ....... .. 54 Relation of size of head to form of head 57 Face '...'..' 58 Height, total 58 Height of forehead 60 Height, chin-nasion 61 Relation of height of face and of height of forehead to stature, head length, head form, and age 64 Breadth . . 66 Relation of breadth of face to breadth, form, and size of head 68 Physiognomic index 69 Anatomic index 70 Relation of facial (anatomic) with cephalic index 7 2 Nose ." . 73 Height 73 Relation of the facial and nasal height in those of short- est and those of longest faces 75 Breadth 75 Relation of the facial and nasal breadth in those of shortest and those of longest faces 76 Nasal index 77 Nasal index in the living non-negroid peoples of North- Africa 78 Dimensions of nose in cases of lowest and highest nasal index 81 Nasal measurements and index in relation to age 82 Nasal index in adults between 27 and 54 years of age. . 84 Relation of nasal index to nasal height and breadth, to facial height, breadth and index, and to cephalic index 85 Secondary facial measurements 86 Diameter frontal minimum 86 Relation of diameter frontal minimum to breadth of face and breadth of head 87 Mouth, width 87 Relation of the width of mouth to breadth of face, breadth of nose, and to age 88 Diameter bigonial 89 Relation of diameter bigonial to breadth of face and breadth of head 90 Ears 91 Height of left ear 92 Breadth of left ear 92 Ear index 93 Dimensions of ears according to age 94 CONTENTS V PAGE Additional measurements 95 Hand, left, length 95 Breadth 96 Index 96 Foot, left, length 96 Breadth 97 Index 97 Relation of the length of the hands and feet and of their indices to stature and age 98 Leg, girth 100 Summary of the main results shown by measurements 100 Tables of comparison 100 Comparison of measurements of the Kharga natives and various other groups of Egyptians and Nubians.... 101 Comparison of the measurements of the Kharga men with those of Soudanese and other negroes , 102 9. Conclusions 102 10. Bibliography 104 11. Appendix : Detailed measurements 106 LIST OF PLATES PLATE 1. The Village of Kharga. 2. A typical street in Kharga Village with women's and children's quarters on roofs. 3. A street in Kharga Village. PORTRAITS OF KHARGA OASIS NATIVES 4. Shek Moustafa Hanadi, the Omdeh of the Oasis (his ancestors came, many generations ago, from Arabia). 5. Young man. 6. Young men ; approach Nubian types in physiognomy. 7. Young men; one on right quite blind. 8. Young men, unusually dark, possibly slight negro admixture. 9. Young farmer, ordinary type of physiognomy. 10. Two young men, showing ordinary facial features in outline. 11. Two young men. 12. A young farmer, typical oasis physiognomy. 13. Young farmer, somewhat asymmetric features. 14. Two men with physiognomy of Mediterranean type. 15. A man near 40 years of age. 16. A farmer, ordinary oasis physiognomy. 17. Man about 40, somewhat Semitic type of face. 18. Man of strong physique, ordinary Kharga physiognomy. 19. One of the better conditioned. 20. Two farmers. 21. Two agricultural natives, side view. 22. Man about 45 years of age. 23. Man approximately 50 years of age. 24. Two middle-aged men. 25. Middle-aged agricultural laborer. 26. Middle-aged man. 27. Middle-aged man of somewhat better class. 28. Middle-aged farmer, somewhat Semitic physiognomy. 29. A farmer. 30. Man about 55 years of age. 31. A slightly ageing farmer, typical Kharga physiognomy. 32. A somewhat ageing man, fine Semitic physiognomy. 33. Man near 60 years of age. 34. Ageing farmer, typical Kharga features. 35. Man about 65 years of age. 36. Somewhat aged man (loss of teeth). 37. Aged but still quite robust man. 38. Aged man. VI THE NATIVES OF THE KHARGA OASIS, EGYPT BY DR. ALES HRDLICKA CURATOR, DIVISION OF PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY, U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM (WITH THIRTY-EIGHT PLATES) 1. INTRODUCTION For a number of years important and very careful archeological researches have been conducted in Egypt under the auspices of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City. These researches have been carried on by Mr. A. M. Lythgoe, Curator of the Egyptian Department in the Metropolitan Museum, and his able assistants, Mr. A. C. Mace, and Mr. Herbert E. Winlock. They have extended, thus far, principally to certain pyramids and cemeteries of the Xllth Dynasty, and to the temple of Hibis as well as the large early Chris- tian necropolis at the Great or Kharga (= Eastern) Oasis. The dynastic monuments and cemeteries actually under exploration by the Expedition are those of Amenemhat I. and Usertesen I., the first two kings of the Middle Empire. They are situated on the western margin of the desert bordering the Nile valley, near the native town of Lisht, some thirty miles south of Cairo. The research is being directed in part toward the clearing of the great pyramid temples, and in part to the examination of what remains of the contents of the graves, particularly in the numerous and remarkable burial pits located about the more northern of the two pyramids. The excavations have been attended from the beginning by the recovery of skeletal remains dating especially from the Xllth, but also from the XVIIIth to the XXIst Dynasties. In view of the fact that a large amount of this skeletal material could be definitely identified from a chronological standpoint, and because of the great scarcity of Egyptian skeletal remains in American collections, the writer endeavored to bring about a saving of such crania and bones for the U. S. National Museum, and eventually, due to the generosity of the authorities of the Metropolitan Museum and the aid of Mr. Lythgoe, an arrangement to that effect was perfected by the two Institutions. As a result of this arrangement, the National Museum is already in possession of more than three hundred well dated SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS, VOL. 59, No. t. 2 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 59 Egyptian crania, with a large quantity of other osseous parts ; and it is hoped that as the field work goes on, this collection will increase to important proportions and form a study and reference series unique on this continent and of the highest scientific value. The Metropolitan Museum's explorations at the Kharga Oasis resulted also in the unearthing of a considerable number of bodies, in this case proceeding from the Coptic burials of the second and third centuries A. D. This material is also destined for the U. S. National Museum. It comes mostly in the shape of natural mummies in a remarkably good state of preservation, and will be of especial value for comparisons and in the study of the entire skeletons. Some of the bones and mummies from the Oasis have already reached the National Museum, while another collection awaits trans- portation. The co-operation of the two Institutions, however, soon developed the fact that for a more thorough understanding of the conditions, and also for the purpose of utilizing favorable local opportunities in the study of the living remnants of the Egyptians, particularly at the Great Oasis, a personal visit to the field by an anthropologist was desirable. Toward the end of 1908, the means provided for the Metropolitan Museum expedition rendering such a visit feasible, the writer was detailed by the National Museum for the journey. He spent ten weeks in Egypt, partly at Cairo, where, due to the courtesies of Prof. G. Elliot-Smith, he was able to study the skeletal remains from several important periods, especially the invaluable early pre-dynastic, Naga-el-Der, collection ; partly at the Lisht exca- vations, where numerous Xllth Dynasty crania and other skeletal parts were collected; and partly at the Great Oasis, where, besides some work on the mummies and skeletal remains, measurements and observations were made on 150 of the living adult male inhabitants. The present paper deals only with the last named investigations. The value of the studies on the Kharga Oasis natives lies in the fact that these people have received as yet no scientific attention ; and that, due to their isolation, and their former adherence to the Copts, they may be regarded as purer representatives of the old inhabitants of that region than the people of many parts of the valley are of their more ancient predecessors. Moreover, results of the observa- tions ought to prove of special interest medically, due to the isolation of the people and their peculiar environmental conditions. The studies were restricted to individuals of normal (that is, non- pathological) development, who did not show by their hair or fea- NO. I NATIVES OF KHARGA OASIS HRDLICKA 3 tures negro admixture. The selection on the last mentioned basis is of particular importance, for an inclusion of those who are visibly part negro would necessarily vitiate the outcome of the observations. Even with the precaution taken some individuals were doubtless included who were not free from negro blood, but the influence of such unrecognizable cases on the results must be small. The mixture with the negro at the Oasis is on the whole less extensive than in some parts of the valley. It is also in general more modern and more easily eliminated. The women of the Oasis, regrettably, could not be studied, due to the restrictions of the Mohammedan religion. 2. GEOGRAPHICAL AND HISTORICAL NOTES ON THE GREAT OASIS The Kharga Oasis lies 1 130 miles west from Luxor, the ancient Thebes ; the nearest point on the Nile, however, is less distant. For the last four years it has been connected with the Nile valley by a railroad ; before that time it was reached only by from three to five days' journey across the desert with camels. The Oasis is a great but shallow and flat depression, over 3,000 square kilometers in extent, in the Libyan Desert, which in these regions is absolutely barren. It extends roughly between the paral- lels of 26 to 24 north latitude and forms the eastern portion of an immense shallow natural excavation, the western part of which is the Western or Dakhla Oasis (fig. i) . The Kharga Oasis has been peopled since early dynastic if not pre-dynastic times. It yields ancient stone implements, is mentioned in some of the oldest Egyptian records, and contains the remains of numerous old settlements as well as of several temples. It also has the best preserved Coptic necropolis. At the present time, as probably always in the past, a great part of the Oasis depression is desert. The habitable portions are those that contain flowing, generally artificial wells. These parts, several in number, are separated by the sands and barrens and are the real oases in the great arid desert depression. Each of these smaller or larger watered areas is represented by a village or town, the main of which, from north to south, are known as Kharga, Gennah, Boulac or Bulaq, and Beris. In addition there following, in the main, J. Ball, "Kharga Oasis: its Topography and Geology." Geological Survey Report. Survey Department, Egypt, 1899; 8. Cairo, 1900; and Beadnell, H. J. L An Egyptian Oasis, 8, London, 1909. SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 59 are several settlements of minor importance, and a number of places that are occupied only for a time each year, during the growing or gathering of crops. The total number of the present inhabitants of the Great Oasis, including some Bedouins, is somewhat less that 10,000. Their 28' Longitude mit from 30 c Gnanwlch FIG. i. Sketch map of Egypt, showing the position of the oases. (After Ball.) ethnic origin and the time of their immigration into the Oasis are both uncertain. The earliest record thus far discovered relating directly to the Oasis dates from the Xllth Dynasty, or a little less NO. I NATIVES OF KHARGA OASIS HRDLICKA 5 than 2000 years B. C. 1 It narrates that " Ikudidi, a steward of Sesostris I., was dispatched by him to the great oasis of El Khargeh on the west of Abydos, whence the caravans started thither " ; which would seem to indicate that the Oasis already formed a component part of upper Egypt and was in frequent communication with that country. There is in existence, however, a much earlier and very suggestive record, which possibly implies a still more ancient suzerainty of Egypt over the southwestern settlement, and may contain a dew to the ethnic derivation of the early inhabitants of the Oasis. It dates from the reign of Mernere, of the 6th Dynasty, or from about 2500 years B. C., and speaks of a general of that king dispatched to the " distant Yam," which is identified by Egyptologists as a part of Nubia lying between the second and third cataracts. 2 Arriving in Yam, Harkhuf, the general in question, " found its chief engaged in a war with the southernmost settlements of the Temehu tribes, related to the Libyans, on the west of Yam. Harkhuf immediately went after him and had no difficulty in reducing him to subjection." ' If the tribes west of the Yam people were of the Temehu, related to the Libyans or Berbers, then it is quite probable that the Kharga Oasis people, dwelling approximately 300 miles more northward of the Yam country, in the Libyan desert and in the line of migration from the Libyan lands in the north, were of the same extraction. It is even possible that the mention referred directly to the southern Oasis (Kharga and Dakhla), in which case the record would also imply that the Oasis inhabitants were at that time subjects of Egypt and as such received protection. As to references in foreign authors, Herodotus writes (Thalia) that the Persian troops of Cambyses " who were sent against the Ammonians, leaving Thebes, followed their guides, and appear to have reached the city Oasis, which those Samians, who are said to be of the Aeschrionian tribe, inhabit, distant from Thebes seven days' journey across the sand." This can, its seems, refer only to the Great Oasis ; but it is not clear who were meant by the Aeschrionians. Edmonstone * mentions a passage from Josephus contra Apionem, 1 Breasted, J. H. : Ancient Records of Egypt, Vol. I, Chicago, 1905, pp. 524- 528; A History of Egypt, 2d ed., 8 N. Y., 1909, p. 182. 2 See map at the end of the volume in Breasted's History of Egypt, cited in the preceding foot-note. 3 Breasted, J. H. : Ancient Records of Egypt, Vol. I, pp. 333-336; History of Egypt, 1909, p. 138. 4 Edmonstone, A. : A Journey to Two of the Oases of Upper Egypt. 8. London, 1822, pp. 133-134. 6 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 59 Lib. 2, which indicates that in the time of Josephus the population of those remote tracts was considered as pure Egyptian. In attack- ing Apion, Josephus accuses him of wishing to be considered a Greek, when he is an Egyptian, and says " He believes himself [a Greek], and that too, being born in the Oasis of Egypt whence he is, as one would say, the first of all Egyptians." During the periods of the Persian, Greek, and Roman dominions of Egypt, the Oasis was evidently regarded as an inherent part of Egypt and its inhabitants as not differing from the Valley Egyptians. It suffered, as it probably did before, invasions of the more southern and more warlike tribes, which, however, did not result in coloniza- tion. Edmonstone thus quotes (pp. I 39-140) * two letters of the bishop Nestorius, referring to later times, particularly to destructive raids on the Oasis by the " Blemmyes " and other more southern tribes : " After the Oasis was, as I mentioned above, taken by the bar- barian (Blemmyes), and completely laid waste and devastated by fire, they who, for what cause I know not, carried me off, suddenly took compassion and dismissed me, adding threats, however, if I did not instantly leave the country, for they said the Maziei were to take possession as soon as we left it." The Blemmyes, according to Strabo (Xylandri, L. 17, p. 786), were subject to the Ethiopians, and inhabited " both sides of the Nile, on the borders of Egypt, to which country, being a nomad race, they became very troublesome neighbors." These raids have in all probability repeatedly reduced the population of the Oasis, but did not alter its ethnic nature. There are a few later records concerning Kharga, touching on its famous wines, on its tributes to Egypt, on its being used as a place of banishment (particularly during the early centuries of the Chris- tian era) and on its temples, its Christians (Copts), and its garri- sons, 2 but these contain nothing of anthropological interest except the indication of the affluence to the Oasis, through those who were banished thither and through the garrison personnel, of foreign 1 From Evagrius, Hist. Eel., Lib. I, cap. 5. * The references apply in some of the cases to the oases in general. Thus, for instance, the " Notitia dignitatum," composed under the sons of Theo- dosius the Great and mentioned by Schweinfurth in his " Notizen zur Kennt- niss der Oase El-Chargeh " (Petermann's Mittheilungen, 1875, P- 385), speaks of the garrisons of the oases as having been composed of Quades, Armenians and Ahasges. And when the Great Oasis is spoken of separately it doubt- less includes mostly Dakhla as well as Kharga, for these were not always distinguished as two separate territories. NO. I NATIVES OF KHARGA OASIS HRDLICKA 7 racial elements, some of which doubtless mixed or fused with the population j 1 but the total effect of these mixtures on the physical status of the Oasis people was probably only moderate. The inscrip- tions on the temple of Hibis, at Kharga, refer to the oases, according to Beadnell, under the comprehensive name " Set-ament," or " the Western Lands," without any further distinction or information. The above is about all that can be said about the Oasis from the anthropological standpoint up to the time of the Arab invasion con- cerning which there are no details. After the coming of the Arabs, however, and the introduction of the camel, there followed the estab- lishment, or more probably an increase in importance, of the Soudan- Assiout and other caravan routes, which lead across the Oasis. The Soudan route then became the artery of extensive black slave traffic and this introduced gradually into the Oasis a supply of Soudanese negro slaves, and influenced to an important degree the racial char- acter of the natives. The slaves were obtained from the caravans in exchange for animals or goods, or as leavings in cases of sickness or accident, and were eventually embodied into the population. In the course of several hundred years, this negro admixture accumulated to such a degree that today nearly one-third of the inhabitants of the Oasis show more or less pronounced traces of negro admixture. Some of the negro admixture is recent, or well remembered in the families, other admixture is older and more difficult to trace ; but very nearly all is post-Coptic, for the mummies and bones recovered from the great Coptic necropolis present almost exclusively hair and features of a non-negroid character. There doubtless also came into the Oasis in the course of time some settlers from the Nile valley. How strong the Arab and the Valley accessions may have been, particularly in periods of partial depopulation of. the Oasis by epidemics or enemies, it is impossible to say, yet it is probable that not many were attracted to the isolated, exposed, initially quite unhealthful, and especially poor region, and that the bulk of the population maintained or renewed itself princi- pally through natural augmentation. 3. RECENT DATA ON THE KHARGA OASIS PEOPLE Modern references to the Egyptians of the Great Oasis are almost as scarce as those of the older times, and what there are, with one or two exceptions, touch only indirectly on the people themselves. The 1 During the writer's examination a man was found whose family claims descent from a Roman soldier married to a native woman; and there are said to be several such cases in the Oasis. 8 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 59 literature is given in the bibliography. A few data of especial interest are as follows : Browne, who passed through the Oasis in I793, 1 mentions the acquiring by the inhabitants of Nubian negro slaves (p. 261) : " When we came to Beiris we were met by a Cashef, who welcomed the lelabs with an exhibition of fireworks ; on this occasion .he treats the chief merchants with coffee, and presents to each a benish of coarse cloth, worth about a guinea, expecting, however, in return a slave from each, worth at least ten guineas." Quatremere, 2 in 1811, mentions a new devastation of the Great Oasis by the Blemmyes. In 1835, tne Kharga Oasis was visited by Hoskins, and in the. description of his journey, published in 1837," the author says (p. 81) : "The inhabitants of this town (Khargeh), and indeed of all the Oasis, have (with some exceptions), not such strongly marked features as the Arab of the Nile, and their complexion is lighter than that of the peasants of Egypt in the same latitude. But they are chiefly remarkable for the pallid and unhealthily hue of their countenances., just such a tint, or rather expression, allowing for the difference of color, as distinguishes the inhabitants of the Pon- tine marshes ; a languid and sickly appearance ; a listlessness in their manner ; a sluggishness in their movements ; a total want of energy and vivacity all proofs of the insalubrity of the climate, and the wretched effects of a baneful malaria. This pallid hue is most remark- able in their children and women ; the men, exposed to the influence of a tropical sun, have an appearance somewhat less unhealthy." On pp. 82-83 Hoskins mentions the presence at the Oasis of malaria and ophthalmia ; on pp. 86-88 he says " the women are not obliged to cover their faces or live in the seclusion of harem " conditions now quite changed. The women, he thinks (p. 87), with their " pale complexion " are better looking than those of the Valley and have more regular features. Finally, on page 89, he estimates the population of the whole Oasis at 4,300, of Kharga alone at 3,000. Caillaud, Schweinfurth, Brugsch, Golenischeff, and Ball give valuable data on the archeology of the Kharga Oasis, and the last 1 Browne, W. G. : Travels in Africa, Egypt and Syria. 4. 2d ed., London, 1806. 8 Quatremere, E. : Memoires geographiques et historiques sur 1'Egypt, etc., 2 Vols., 8, Paris, 1811. 8 Hoskins, G. A. : Visit to the Great Oasis of the Libyan Desert. 8, Lon- don, 1837. NO. I NATIVES OF KHARGA OASIS HRDLICKA 9 named, as well as Beadnell, quotes the Egyptian census statistics as to its population respectively in 1897 and 1907. Brugsch, Sayce, and Beadnell also give historical data concerning the Oasis. The original inhabitants are regarded as of Libyan (Berber) origin. Beadnell's work, 1 as also that of Ball, contains much interesting data concerning the Kharga wells and underground water tunnels, but no special observations are recorded on the inhabitants of the Oasis. The few references accorded them in this and other publications represent them as rather a backward, mild, and somewhat impotent people. The physical anthropology of the Kharga people, especially, is as yet a virgin ground. But there is also a dearth of scientific informa- tion on the living Egyptians of the valley, though valuable series of observations on the latter have been published by Chantre and more recently by Myers of Cambridge. 4. GENERAL OBSERVATIONS, AND INFORMATION GATHERED BY THE WRITER ENVIRONMENT The shallow depression of the Kharga Oasis is an uneven, barren, predominantly sandy waste, partly surrounded or cut into by equally barren rocky scarps or hills. It is covered over a great area with moving sand-dunes, and spotted with smaller or larger patches of green within the waste : the watered ground and native settlements. Some of these patches are near enough each other to be within sight, but others are separated by large areas of the desert, forming really separate oases. The largest of these inhabited and cultivated portions is that of the principal village or town, named also Kharga, and it was in this village and the neighborhood that the writer made his observations. The life in the Oasis depends entirely on the water obtained from artesian wells, which are of native and to a large extent of ancient make, and which tap deep supplies in the Nubian sandstone that forms the floor of the whole depression. The water thus obtained makes possible the existence of a few moderate groves of date palm and of some gardens with olive as well as orange trees, and it serves for the irrigation of a limited extent of ground used for agricul- Beadnell, H. J. L. : An Egyptian Oasis, 8, London, 1909, pp. 66-67. IO SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL, 59 ture. 1 On the irrigated fields the natives raise a variety of barley, rice, and some wheat, with a little sorghum and a few vegetables. The land is generally poor and, as at Ball's visit, over a decade ago, what is raised, excepting the dates, barely suffices for the home con- sumption. A quantity of the dates is exported to the Valley. The climate is that of the Libyan desert in general, subtropical, except that the air, due to local evaporation, is less dry. Rain is very rare. The predominating winds are from the north, although during a part of the summer season sultry winds blow from the south. Sand storms are frequent at certain times of the year and are very troublesome. The wells in the condition in which they are kept are by no means an unmitigated blessing. They are all open and many form pools, overflows, and marshy spots, which are instrumental in the genera- tion of great numbers of mosquitoes of several varieties, including that which disseminates malaria. The Oasis is also infested, especially in the spring and the summer months, with great numbers of small and ordinary-sized flies, which possess the annoying and dangerous instinct of trying to feed on the moisture or discharges of the eyes, nose, and mouth. They are the transmitters of trachoma and doubtless of other pathological condi- tions. Curiously they are decidedly more numerous and troublesome outside than inside the villages. In April of each year there appears at the watered places, in addition to the common varieties, a larger fly, which bites camels, inoculating them with a disease that often has a fatal result. Occasionally this fly also bites men, but in this case the bite is not dangerous. The Oasis harbors also several poisonous reptiles/ The Oasis natives live, as mentioned above, principally in four villages (Kharga, Gennah, Boulac, and Beris), though tHere are six other smaller settlements. These villages are of considerable inter- est from the standpoint of primitive architecture. By far the largest and most populous is Kharga, which is inhabited by about one-half of the total population of the Oasis, and deserves a brief special description (plates 1-3). 1 The number of taxable palm trees in 1897, according to Ball (1. c. p. 46), was rather less than eight to each head of population, while the total taxed water supply per person amounted to about 15 cubic meters per day. These conditions have changed but little, if any, since then. The cultivated area of land was, in 1907, less than 19 square kilometers, or a little over half an acre to a person, out of the total oasis area of considerably over 3,000 square kilometers. 2 Further details are given under notes on pathology. SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS KHARGA OASIS: A TYPICAL STREET IN KHARGA VILLAGE WITH WOMEN'S AND CHILDREN'S QUARTERS ON ROOFS SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS KHARGA OASIS: A STREET IN KHARGA VILLAGE NO. I NATIVES OF KHARGA OASIS HRDLICKA II Kharga may be called a great Egyptian village, modified in a peculiar manner by local requirements. It is constructed with special regard to protection from the sun, heat, and winds, and also for easier defense against invaders, an important precaution in the past. It is built of mud and sun-dried bricks ; the posts of the dwellings are of palmwood, the ceilings of palm leaf ribs and mud. The main part of the village is a maze of narrow, sinuous, intri- cate streets. Futhermore, in the case of most of the narrower pas- sages the upper stories of the houses have been built completely across to the opposite side, converting the street into a tortuous, very dark, tunnel or gallery, five to seven feet high, which is always cool, quiet and free from blowing sand, and in which defense would be easy. A visitor can not find his way through these passages without a guide. The houses are one to two stories high, in style like those of the poorer classes in the Valley. They are mostly small, irregular and piled together, as everywhere in Egypt. In many instances there is an open air living room on the top of the dwelling, fenced in by a hedge of dry palm leaves or ribs ; this room is made use of mainly by the women and children (plate 2) . The dwellings as well as the streets are now kept, due to govern- ment regulations, in a neat condition, but formerly are said to have been filthy. There is, of course, no system of sewers and the dis- posal of sewage is primitive. Water is carried to the dwellings principally from a small open reservoir located within the town and fed by a surging well. It is distributed in goat-skins, and curiously, by blind men who, notwithstanding their defect, are said to be mas- ters of all the intricacies of the streets and tunnel-like passages. The apartments, so far as seen, are of very moderate dimensions and often lacking in light. There are also only poor provisions for the escape of smoke ; but the inside rooms are quite fireproof and afford good protection against heat as well as cold, and against the winds and sands. The people are in general poor. In occupation, the large majority are agriculturists, and they gain only enough for the bare necessi- ties. They dress cheaply and lightly, in the main much like the fellaheen (agricultural workers) of the Nile Valley. The ordinary external robe or garment does not differ much in the two sexes; vests and inner garments, however (where worn), and also the outer garments of better quality, as well as decorations, are dis- tinctive. Some of the women wear a metal ring which pierces one 12 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 59 of the alae of the nose and hangs down to the lips. The head in men, closely cropped or even partly shaved, is covered with a closely fitting cap, or is lightly turbaned, that of the women at home bare, in public covered with an outer garment. The neck as a rule is uncovered. A large majority of individuals of both sexes go bare- footed, except on special occasions. The family life appears to be the same as that of the poor Egyptian of the Valley. Except the few who are better to do, the people sleep on the floor, on thin palm-strip mats, and, according to the village authorities, often without covers ; not because they do not need the latter (though the rooms are probably never very cold), but because they have none. The meals are generally only two a day, morning and evening; and among the majority of the population there is but little variety in the food. The predominant and often exclusive articles of diet are rice, in rice time ; barley, in barley time ; and dates, in date time. There is scarcely any milk and no butter. There are small tough chickens and their small eggs, but these go in a large part to the better conditioned and now in a measure also to the Valley. Meat among the ordinary people is not eaten more than perhaps, on the average, once a month, and then it is usually not of the best quality. They eat cats and probably dogs, though the latter are scarce, there being now only about a score in the whole village. The Kharga natives used to eat household animals of all kinds. They even ate camels that were diseased, butchering them just before they died, but this practice is now prohibited by the government. Domestic animals consist of donkeys, a few cows, goats, and sheep. Donkeys are the most common. All these animals are diminutive in size and often poorly nourished. The few families who are better off financially own one or more camels, which alone of the domesti- cated Oasis animals are usually in a fairly good condition. The occupation of the natives, as already mentioned, is almost exclusively agricultural work. 1 Industry and manufactures are lim- x ln census of 1907, the occupations of the Kharga people are given as follows : Ma ] e Female Agriculture 2,170 .... Cotton industry 5 Straw industry 42 3 Silk industry 2 Basket making 96 Miscellaneous 48 n Transport and trade 55 Police and other parts of Civil Service 66 Religious 69 .... Midwives 8 Housework or no occupation 1,899 3.9 I NO. I NATIVES OF KHARGA OASIS HRDLICKA 13 ited, the latter consisting of the production of mats, baskets, a variety of cloth, and some pottery. Of trade there is but little, and buying and selling has been and is still mostly by barter. Yet there are now several stores in which simple necessities can be purchased for money, and regular trade with the Valley is increasing. The Kharga Oasis natives are not great workers, which, as will be seen further on, has its physiological and medical reasons. SOCIAL AND MEDICAL RECORDS As to social and medical matters, a few details were learned from the Omdeh (local head official), the Maowen (government head official) and the government physician. According to this informa- tion, there is in the Oasis scarcely any serious crime. The people do not like to fight and do not kill. They do not beat women or chil- dren. When anything is stolen, which is infrequent, a flag is put up as a sign that the property has been placed in the protection of a " sheikh," a dead holy man, in or near the place where the object was stolen, and this will often lead the thief to return the property. As to family life, girls are married from nine years onward. They commence to menstruate mostly at from eleven to thirteen, and generally bear children soon after. Marriage is not greatly binding. Among the poor they often marry when there are plenty of dates or other food ; when the food supply has run low or been exhausted and the man can no longer support his wife, they separate. Next year, the parties may re-unite or marry others. Plurality of wives is said to be rare, they can not be provided for. The number of children born is large (see Statistics), but there is also a high infant mortality. From the medical standpoint, the people, while not robust, can not be said to be very sickly. Only little, however, could be learned in this respect about the women, who are forbidden to associate t with or even show their face to strangers. 1 The government doctor is not called to confinements. 2 He is not called to treat women at all. They are left when ill to nature, and their own devices. There are no native " doctors " and there is but little folk-medicine. Written passages from the Koran often take the place of medicines. Curiously enough, there are traces or remnants of some medical 1 The only opportunity the writer had of seeing the women with faces un- covered and in a larger number was during funerals which they are in the habit of attending, in fact, conducting. 2 There are several native midwives. 14 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS ' VOL. 59 usages of European origin, which must have been brought to the country by the Arabs. One of these is a vaccination which the natives, particularly the Bedouins, perform one on the other. It is a direct vaccination, some of the pus from the sores of a subject attacked with smallpox being introduced into an abrasion produced by a razor in the skin of the one to be protected. The wound is made preferably on the leg. The most interesting condition is the apparent absence among these poor and mostly under-nourished people of tuberculosis, which recalls a similar condition among the poor Jews. No case of any variety, including scrofula, was seen at the Oasis by the writer, and none was seen by the government physician during his twelve months' stay at the village of Kharga or in other places in the Oasis. The physician declared, however, that he found tuberculosis of the lungs in several cases in camels. Neither the doctor nor the civil authorities of the Kharga village could recall a single case of well marked rachitis, and no instance of the condition was encountered. There have been no epidemics recently in the Oasis, with the exception of measles, in 1908. Children die principally from gastro-enteritis, broncho-pneumonia, and of measles. The epidemic of the latter disease in 1908 carried off many infants. There were seen no evidences of syphilis or gonorrhoea, but the diseases are said to exist as they do in the Valley. Malaria is not very frequent, except in the date season (Sep- tember-October), when there are also extraordinary numbers of flies and mosquitoes. It is occasionally of a very dangerous form. Typhoid is rare. A most prevalent disorder is trachoma. There are great numbers of blind, 1 and in many more the eyes are more or less affected by various forms of inflammation. * A frequent condition, due probably in most if not all cases to trachoma is trichiasis (contraction due to inflammatory changes of the ventral surface of the lids, and consequent direction of the eye- lashes inward, so that they irritate the cornea). This condition is usually observed in the upper lid. 1 According to the returns of the 1907 Egyptian census there were at the Kharga Oasis 196 blind in both eyes and 432 blind in one eye, or nearly 75 per thousand of the total population blind in one or both eyes. In the United States the percentage of those partly and completely blind is less than one per thousand of the population (in 1900, U. S. Census, 0.85 per thousand). NO. I NATIVES OF KHARGA OASIS HRDLICKA 15 Insanity, the authorities of the village declared, is very rare ; within the last decade they knew in the village of Kharga of but one case, and that in a negro. 1 Imbecility and also epilepsy of lower grades, exist, but no definite data could be obtained as to their frequency. No one knew of any instance of advanced idiocy. The presence of albinism is not certain. Two cases were reported of brown children with blue eyes, but they were not seen. Leuko- derma or patch-albinism was found in a man of about 55 with Semitic features. Very premature greyness, of probably different etiology from the preceding, was seen in one man about 30 years of age; it was limited to the scalp. Leprosy occurs, but the cases are isolated and rare. 2 Fractures of bones and dislocations are very infrequent. Scorpion bites occur each year. They are said to be occasionally fatal in children and sometimes also in adults, when the sting pene- trates a blood vessel. There are two varieties of scorpion a small yellow one which is found about the houses and a larger greenish one in the desert and hills. There are in the Oasis at least two and possibly three varieties of poisonous snakes, including the ordinary sand viper, the horned viper, and possibly also a cobra. The last named, if it exists at all, is very rare. Several viper bites happen every year. Within the last twelve months the physician in the Kharga village treated three such, all in adult men. One of the bites was in the hand and the patient died in three days ; the other two men recovered. The treat- ment in the fatal case consisted of incision, injection of permanga- nate of potash and bandaging. In the other two (one being in a hand and one in a foot) it consisted of incisions with bandages and the administration of antitoxin. The fatal case showed great swell- ing of the limb without any petechige, then failing vitality with weak- ening pulse and respiration. The poison acted, apparently, as a nervous depressant. The before-mentioned camel fly, which comes in April and causes the death of camels unless these are driven away into the desert, will also occasionally bite man. The wound is painful, but no further consequences have been observed. Nothing definite was learned concerning parasitism, particularly internal, nor about numerous other conditions which require ex- tended and detailed medical observation. lf rhere were, in 1907, according to the census returns, two insane in the Oasis. * In 1907 four cases of leprosy were reported to the census from the whole Kharga Oasis. l6 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 59 5. VITAL STATISTICS OF THE KHARGA OASIS POPULATION IN 1907 The following data are based mainly on records furnished to the writer by the Kharga authorities, 1 and on the last two Egyptian censuses. In 1897 the total population of the Oasis, according to the Egyptian Census of that year, 2 was 7,220. At the beginning of 1907, it was 8,424, and at the beginning of 1909, near 8,495. 3 The increase for the decade to 1907 amounted to 16.7 per cent, but during the last four years of the period it was in all probability, due to the absence of epidemics and hence lesser mortality, more rapid, being equal to 22 per cent per decade. This last is a rate of natural increase not equalled in any of the larger territorial groups of whites ; but even the rate of 16.7 (or 16.1 per cent), is a very high one, being reached among the whites only in some localized areas in Germany and one or two other countries. But this rate is almost exactly like that of Egypt as a whole, the net increase of population in that country from 1897 to 1907 being 16 per cent. This relatively rapid augmentation in numbers of the Oasis people is due, as will be seen from later tables, on one hand to a large birth-rate and on the other to an unexpectedly moderate death-rate, in years free from epidemics. The distribution of the population according to the four districts of the Khar.ga Oasis, and the population per dwelling, was in 1907 as follows : POPULATION OF THE KHARGA OASIS, AT THE BEGINNING OF 1907, ACCORDING TO THE DISTRICTS TV . Total number of Total number of houses inhabitants Kharga 1,285 5,322 Gennah 97 520 Boulac 195 1,016 Beris 452 1,566 Total 2,029 dwellings. 8,424 inhabitants. (A little over 4.1 to a dwelling.) x The writer is especially indebted in this connection to M. Mohammed Cherif, the Maowen of the Oasis. The data were said to be entirely accurate. 'Recensement general de 1'Egypte, Vol. 2, Le Caire, 1898, pp. 215, 274, etc. Ball (1. c., p. 46) and after him Beadnell ("An Egyptian Oasis," etc., p. 61), give 7,856. The difference between the number given by the census and that of Ball is not explainable, but the census number, judging by the increase of the population from 1904 to 1908, is the more correct. 'The 1907 census of Egypt (4, Cairo, 1909), gives 41 less or 8,383, which would correspond to an increase for the decade of 16.1 per cent. As the figure given to the writer is substantiated by the detailed data on births and deaths, it will be used in preference. The difference, after all, is small. NO. I NATIVES OF KHARGA OASIS HRDLICKA The above shows principally that overcrowding of dwellings is not, in general, prevalent at the Oasis. As to the proportion of sexes in the Kharga population, the actual conditions could not be determined. The Egyptian census of 1897, however, gave 3,671 males and 3,549 females, or 967 of the latter to each 1,000 of the former, and exactly the same proportion was found at that date in the whole of Egypt. The 1907 Egyptian census un- fortunately seems to be less accurate. It gives for the Kharga Oasis 4,356 male and only 4,027 female individuals, which yields the ratio of but 925 females to 1,000 males, while for whole Egypt the same ratio was at the same date 992 to 1,000. The figures applying to the Oasis are evidently erroneous. They would indicate the existence of 108.2 males to each 100 females, which great disproportion is in no way sustained. It disagrees greatly with the data of the previous census. It is unequalled in Egypt or elsewhere, except in regions that have received immigrations of males, or at least an excess of males, which has not occurred in the Oasis. And it is opposed by the detailed birth and death records given in the following pages. It has been already shown that the 1907 census figures as a whole differ from those furnished by the Oasis authorities, and they are evidently also unreliable in regard to the numbers of males and females in the population. BIRTHS AND DEATHS The details concerning the vital statistics of the Kharga Oasis, received from the local authorities, are not very extensive, nor equally complete for all the districts, nevertheless they show several interest- ing conditions. VITAL STATISTICS OF THE KHARGA VILLAGE FOR FIVE YEARS Population at the be- B orn Per 1,000 r lied Per i .000 Year ginning of the year Males Females lation Males Females lation 1904 1905 1906 IOOQ 4,978 5,094 5,209 5,322 5,471 S-j-jfi 121 I2 9 135 103 113 119 147 114 254 234 248 282 217 51.0 45.9 47.6 53.0 39.7 .'62 73 61 192 "J& 72 160 138 119 i35 133 352 27.7 23.4 25.9 25.5 64. 3 1 Total. 4 88 2 493 2 1235 3 3 388 2 35i 2 877 3 Avg.. (5,215) 10047: CT CT 122 123 247 47.4 97 88 i75 3 131 33.7 s 25.4 o 1 ;) 1 1 Epidemic of measles. 2 For 4 years. 8 For 5 years. i8 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 59 VITAL STATISTICS OF THE GENNAH VILLAGE FOR FIVE YEARS Year Population at the be- ginning of the year Born Total Per 1,000 of popu- lation Died Total Per i.ooo of popu- lation Males Females Males Females 1904 498 22 44.2 8 16.1 1905 512 9 12 21 41.0 7 9 16 31.2 IQ06 517 4 8 12 23.2 5 10 15 29.0 1907 520 5 12 17 32.7 7 4 n 21.2 I9O8 526 12 10 22 41.8 3 5 8 15.2 1909 540 Total. ... 30 l 42 l 94 2 22 l 28 58* Avg.. 5i5 a 7-5 10.5 19 36.9 5-5 7 n.6 22.5 1 For 4 years. 2 For 5 years. VITAL STATISTICS OF THE VILLAGES BOULAC AND BERIS FOR ONE YEAR, APRIL 1, 1907, TO APRIL 1, 1908 Joint population at the beginning of 1907. .. .2,582 Joint population at the beginning of 1908. .. .2,638 Born : Males 44 Females 45 Total 89 Rate, per 1000 of population, near 34.5 Died: Males 17 Females 22 Total 39 Rate, per 1000 of population, near 15.1 For 18 months, to October i, 1908 l 73 66 i39 35-5 63 114 29-5 The birth-rate at the Kharga Oasis, it is seen, is very high. It is higher than anywhere in Europe, except in some parts of Russia and in the Hungary group of nationalities. 2 It harmonizes, however, with that of Egypt in general, where it averaged, among the native 1 With an epidemic of measles in May at Beris. 2 In Europe the birth-rate ranges, according to the most recent statistics, from approximately 22 per looo in France to a little over 40 in some of the groups of peoples under Hungary and to well over 40 in many parts of Russia. The death-rate ranges from a little less than 17 in Sweden to 29.9 per thousand (reports of 1904) in Russia, and the natural yearly in- crease per 1000 population from 0.7 in France to 14.0 in Germany. In the United States the birth-rate, while not exactly known, is probably less than 30 per 1000 ; the death-rate (in the registration area) approximately 18; and the yearly increment a little over 12 per 1000. NO. I NATIVES OF KHARGA OASIS HRDLICKA IQ Egyptians of the principal towns and for the seven years from 1901 to 1907, 43.4 per looo population. 1 The large birth-rate at the Oasis indicates, outside of its significant relation to that of the Valley, two interesting conditions. It shows that the people are very prolific, notwithstanding the seemingly un- favorable factors of poor nourishment, the Oasis climate, the pre- valent seclusion of the women, the very early marriages, with con- siderable intermarriage. It also shows that the people are well acclimatized to the locality, and suggests that the latter is probably not as unhealthful as unattractive. The death-rate of the Oasis is also high when compared with that of the more civilized countries of white man. But it is not much higher than in those regions of Europe where the birth-rate is equally or nearly as high as it is at the Oasis, and is almost identical with that of Egypt as a whole. The similarity of birth-rate and death-rate, and hence of natural increase in population, between the Oasis people and the rest of the Egyptians, is a fact of considerable importance. It indicates strongly a fundamental similarity of environmental and social con- ditions, and also a probable close similarity, at the present time at least, of the ethnic elements in the two regions. The birth and death statistics afford also a closer insight into the proportion of sexes at the Oasis. During the 1905-08 period, cov- ered by the detailed data, the proportion of males to females at birth and death has been as follows : SEX RATE AT THE KHARGA OASIS Sex rate at birth Sex rate at death Year Villages (Females = 100) (Females = 100) 1905 Kharga and German districts... 104 104.5 1906 Kharga and Gennah districts... 104.7 I 09-9 1907 All districts, near 98 101.8 1908 All districts, near 98 101.8 Evidently the relation of males to females, both born and died, differs to quite an extent from year to year, and also the same year i Birth-rate pei 1,000 in the Death-rate per 100 in the Natural Increase per Year principal towns of Egypt principal towns of Egypt 1,000 population 1901 42.3 33-3 9-0 1902 42.7 36.7 - 1903 42.5 32.0 10.5 1904 44-1 38.2 5-9 1905 43-8 34-2 9.6 1906 447 33-9 IO - 1907 437 36.7 Average 43-4 35-O 8 -4 "Births and Deaths in the Principal Towns of Egypt During the Years 1901-1906 (and 1907)," Fol. Cairo, i9O7-'o8. 20 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 59 in the different villages as it does occasionally among smaller groups of other peoples. But the whole of the data shows conditions in favor of the relative numbers of the females, which must be regarded, from what is known on the subject, as a favorable breeding condition. The average proportion of males to females at birth among the whites ranges between 105 and 106 to loo, 1 or, in round numbers, there are 94 to 95 females to each 100 males. In the American negro, however, the proportion rises to 99.1 females to every 100 males, which is the highest proportion thus far recorded for any people. 2 In the principal towns of Egypt, in 1909, the pro- portion of sexes at birth among the native population was 103.3 males to each 100 females, or 96.8 females to each 100 males, which is probably very near to the average condition for the last decade at Kharga. The next tables give the movement in population in the Kharga village month by month, and that in Kharga and Gennah by the quarter of the year. It will be observed that births predominate somewhat in April- June, corresponding to conception in August- October, which latter is a season of the date harvest and relative plenty at the Oasis, and that the least proportion occurs in the January-March quarter ; yet the differences are not great, especially if the probable errors of the data be discounted. More definite seasonal differences, however, are observed in the mortality, which is greatest in the last and then in the first quarters of the year, and least from July to September. The sudden rise from the late summer and early fall minimum to the subsequent winter maximum was not known of during the writer's stay at the Oasis and hence the causes of the fact were not inquired into; but they are doubtless in the main of environmental origin. VITAL STATISTICS OF THE KHARGA AND GENNAH VILLAGES FROM 1905 TO 1908, INCLUSIVE, BY QUARTERS Births Deaths Average per month Average per month January-March 19.9 n.i April-June 8 23.8 10.4 July-September 21.1 9.9 October-December 22.8 14.0 1 Nichols, J. B. : The Numerical Proportion of the Sexes at Birth. Mem. Anthrop. Assoc. Vol. I, part 4, Lancaster, Pa., 1907, pp. 249-300. 1 It would be interesting to ascertain whether or not this is a racial trait, or one applicable also to the Soudanese and Nubians, in which case the ad- mixture of the latter into the Egyptian and the Kharga Oasis people might possibly account for the relatively high female birth-rate among these. 3 The three months epidemic of 1908 at Kharga, which will be noticed in the next table, excluded. NO. I NATIVES OF KHARGA OASIS HRDLICKA 21 BIRTHS AND DEATHS AT THE KHARGA VILLAGE FOR FOUR YEARS BY MONTHS BIRTHS 1905 1906 1907 1908 Month J v ' 73 V r; "rt 1 2 -^ j J j j 2 1 i H S H " h H " fa H January 1 1 20 14 T C 13 75 Q 12 27 February 24 g X 16 14 22 6 70 March c 18 8 1 1 19 8 72 5 77 April . 8 2J 8 12 20 H 17 24 8 II 79 May 12 12 24 T-J 12 25 IO H 30 16 June ... ... II 14 25 13 6 79 14 10 12 22 July.. 7 6 7J 10 18 14 14 28 6 27 August .... c 7 72 12 8 20 14 23 7 76 September . . 14 7* 1 o\ M 00 I I $ Number of cases 12 18 -I -I 18 A Per cent 12 8 19 2 35 1 19 2 9 6 43 1 Sitting, at rest. The numerical relation of the pulse-beats to respiration averages 4.13, which is practically the same as in whites. In regard to age, the youngest adults of the series examined show (see table on page 27) a slightly greater average (+ 0.4 per minute) than the oldest ones. A similar condition was observed by the writer in the Indians and it also exists in the whites. As a result of this and of the frequently observed more rapid pulse in old age, the pulse-beat: respiration ratio is slightly higher in senility than earlier in adult life. As to stature, the shortest healthy men up to 50 years of age gave a lower average by nearly one breath a minute than the taller ones (for details see table on page 28). This stands again in correlation with the lower average pulse in those of short stature, but it is not possible to say whether the condition is characteristic of the people of the Oasis, or is merely an accidental feature of this group. How far it may be true of other ethnic groups is as yet uncertain. The pulse-respiration ratio in the two groups remains almost iden- tical (4.18 for the short, 4.16 for the tall), showing that there has been a harmonious response in this line of the two functions. A similar condition to that in the shortest adult prevails also in those who are weakest muscularly the series give a perceptibly lower average rate of respiration (as they did of pulse-rate) than that of the strongest individuals (see details in table on page 28). The difference of the averages amounts to 0.7 of a respiration per minute in favor of the strongest. The rate in the latter is also 26 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 59 higher than the general average. The pulse-respiration ratio, how- ever, is relatively small in the " strongest," amounting to only 3.97 (in the weakest = 4.07). This condition of subaverage pulse-rate with above-average respiration-rate in the Kharga " strongest " group is not understood. As a great many individual elements enter into every expression of these series and as the latter are not large enough to submerge the effects of all such conditions, the discrep- ancy may be accidental. It is regrettable that no detailed extensive data of similar nature exist as yet on the whites, the subject being far from exhausted in that race alone. TEMPERATURE The temperature of the body was taken in every case with verified thermometers, under the tongue, with the subject sitting, and with the instrument in place for at least five minutes. All the tests were made between 9 A. M. and 5 P. M. and were about equally dis- tributed over the intervening hours. The results are as follows : XHARGA OASIS, MEN: TEMPERATURE Number of observations : 95. Average: 98.6 F. (ist series of 47: 98.7; 2d series of 48: 98.5.) Median: 98.7. Mode: 2 groups, 98.5, 98.9. Minimum: 96.2. Maximum: 99.9. Table of frequencies : o ON o Os q\ q\ ON tx ON od Ov ON ON o Q ON ON 01 IT) Q < to ' o to 4 4 0^ t>x ON *& % g ' Number of cases i 2 4 12 14 29 25 8 Per cent 2 1 2 1 4 2 J2 <5 14 7 30.5 26.3 6 22.3 Minimum 26 21 14 Maximum 49 45 35 31-40 years Number of subjects (20) (20) (19) Average 3&-5 33-7 24.6 Minimum 29.5 26 16 Maximum 46 45 33 41-50 years Number of subjects (35) (35) (35) Average 33-2 31-0 21.6 Minimum 24 21 14 Maximum 46 44 3O-5 51-60 years Number of subj ects (17) Average 3i-6 29.1 21.2 Minimum 25 24 Maximum 42 4* 33 1 Details in writer's " Physiological and Medical Observations, " etc., p. 143 et seq. The tests on the Indians were equally made by the same method and instrument. 2 All records in kilograms. 32 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 59 As to the relation of strength with stature, the 15 healthy tallest Kharga men gave the average right hand pressure of 36.5 kg., the 20 shortest ones 33.9 kg., a decided advantage for those of higher stature. Everything indicates that those of the lowest statures at the Oasis are also those who present a greater general weakness, as well as subnormal metabolism, while with those of the highest statures these conditions are reversed. From this it seems safe to conclude that short and tall statures, in this locality at least, are not pure racial characteristics, but that they are largely due to the state of health and nourishment of the individual during growth, and hence to en- vironment ; and it can be assumed that when the economic and hy- gienic conditions of the Oasis shall ameliorate, as they are bound to do with the advance of civilization, the population will respond to an important degree by better physical development. RESUME OF THE PRINCIPAL PHYSIOLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS The Kharga Oasis men show on the average, in comparison with the European whites, a perceptibly faster pulse ; a slightly faster respiration ; a perceptibly lower temperature ; and decidedly lower muscular power. The differences in these functions according to age and stature follow in general the same laws as among whites, American Indians, and other races. The principal defects observed in the Kharga natives in these tests are evidently not anthropological characteristics, but local and temporary phenomena, attributable in the main to the immediate environment, particularly nutrition, and are in all probability largely remediable. 7. OBSERVATIONS ON THE BODY COLOR The skin of the Kharga natives, like that of the Egyptians of the Valley, is predominantly more or less brown. The color is, in the main, quite the same as that of the American Indian of the moderate zones. Individually it ranges from tawny and light brown to medium brown ; darker shades in those who show no evidence of negro mixture are rare. The records show that lighter shades of yellow-brown or brown existed in 18 per cent; moderate brown in 81 per cent, and dark brown in but i per cent of the men examined. The secondary shadings of different parts of the body are, so far as NO. I NATIVES OF KHARGA OASIS HRDLICKA 33 observed, in no way particular, and the exposed parts, as elsewhere, are generally darker than those habitually covered. On the head, which is always covered, the skin is occasionally nearly as white as in brunet Europeans. The color of the eyes is generally medium to dark brown. HAIR The hair is as a rule black, and in those who are not mixed with the negro it is generally straight or approaching straight. It runs thus in 88 per cent of the men examined ; in 6 per cent it was black and distinctly wavy ; in 5 per cent black with a tendency to curl ; and in I individual it was dark brown and straight. In women, where the hair is much longer (many of the men clip the hair short or even shave the head), it is, so far as could be observed, generally more or less wavy, with occasional tendency to curl ; in children it is straight, wavy or slightly curly. The Coptic mummies at El Baguat showed in general hair that was black and straight to moderately wavy. A decidedly curly hair in Kharga natives was as a rule found associated with thick lips and other negro features. It appears, in fact, as if the tendency to curly hair was one of the most lasting effects in the progeny of one-time negro admixture. Grey hair, to any appreciable extent, was only seldom noticed before the 4Oth year, and occasionally men of 48-50 years of age showed hair that was nearly all black. At 55 and above greyness was as a rule advanced. As to beard, conditions were found as follows : In 94 per cent of the men examined the color of the hair on the face was black, while in 6 per cent it was dark but not quite black; and in a number of additional cases the moustache showed a trace lighter than the rest of the beard which was black. The quantity of the moustache was fair in 8, moderate in 49 and scanty in 43 per cent of the individuals ; the chin beard was fair in quantity in 5, moderate in 30, scanty in 49 and absent (naturally) or nearly so in 16 per cent of the cases. The total absence of beard was noticed however, with a very few exceptions, only in those below 30 years of age. In form the hair of the face, when longer, shows generally more or less tendency towards waviness. This is especially true of the chin beard and of the more distal parts of both beard and moustache. Greyness of moustache was found to begin somewhat later and to be generally less advanced than that of the hair of the scalp ; that of the chin beard was seen to begin about the same time as that of the head. 34 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 59 . No instance was found of a well developed baldness of the top of the head; in 26 of the men (17 per cent) there was more or less of a loss in the front, so that the original height of the forehead could not be determined. In no case, however, did this calvitia reach near to bregma. Abnormal hairiness of the body was not noticed in any instance. FEATURES OF THE HEAD The head was observed to be generally of moderate size. No instance of either artificial or pathological deformation came to notice. In shape it is generally oblong and with either an elliptical, somewhat ovoid, or pentagonal outline of the norma superior. On the whole the head of the average Kharga native is much like that of the ordinary non-negroid Egyptian, and lacks all distinctive negro features. The forehead in 86 per cent of the cases was found comparable with the average form in the whites ; in 5 per cent it was high (naturally), in 6 low and in 2 per cent sloping. The supraorbital ridges were large in I case; they were about as developed as in average white males in .27 per cent, of a submedium to very small development in 71 per cent, and wholly absent in one of those examined. The occiput was in no case especially protruding, the external occipital protuberance or ridges in no case pronounced. The ears were found to be generally fairly well formed, lying normally near the head or but moderately abstanding, and both in size and shape quite like those of whites, but unlike the charac- teristic ear of the negro, 1 which only appeared occasionally in the mixed-bloods. The separation of the lobule is occasionally more or less deficient. FACIAL FEATURES The outline of the face is generally near elliptical or ovoid, with the lower portion occasionally angular. The eyes, or more properly eye-slits, were in 97 per cent of the examined horizontal or nearly so, as in Europeans ; in I case they were perceptibly oblique with the distal canthi higher, and in 2 cases they were oblique with the distal canthi lower than the proximal. The nasion depression was but slight in 12, moderate or medium 1 See Hrdlicka, A. : Anthropological Investigations on One Thousand White and Colored Children, etc. 8, New York, 1899. NO. I NATIVES OF KHARGA OASIS HRDLICKA 35 (as compared with whites) in 86, and pronounced in 2 per cent of the cases. The nose is generally not of great size or prominence. The bridge was found straight in 42, slightly convex in 41, convex in 3, con- cavo-convex in 10 and slightly concave in 4 per cent. It may be said then to be in general straight or slightly convex. The nasal septum is prevalently horizontal or somewhat inclined downward. It was horizontal in 62 per cent, slightly inclined down- wards (distal end lower than proximal) in 18, very perceptibly inclined downward in 9, and slightly inclined upward (distal part higher than proximal with head in natural position) in n per cent of the cases. The alse of the nose are seldom broad and in the unmixed never show the characteristics of those in the negro. The lips were found to be of about medium size, or not exceeding the ordinary dimensions of lips in white males, in 83 per cent of the men, while they were perceptibly to moderately thicker in 17 per cent. Prognathism on the whole is somewhat more marked than in the average Europeans, but in a pronounced form is rare ; the conditions in this respect were about as the mean in white men, or but slightly more marked, in 78 per cent, moderately more pronounced in 19 per cent, and decidedly more pronounced than in average whites in 3 per cent of those examined. The chin was in 85 per cent of the cases of medium proportions and form, compared with the whites ; in 13 per cent of the individ- uals it was more or less angular or " square," in I man it was un- usually pointed and in I unusually long. The angles of the lower jaw showed in 84 per cent of the individuals medium development, in 14 per cent they were above average in size or prominence, and in 2 per cent they were perceptibly below such average. The malar regions showed about medium size (as compared with whites) and moderate prominence in 78 per cent, were sub-medium in both these features in 4 per cent and above medium in 18 per cent of the cases. Among the 150 men who were specially examined, there was no one with any marked asymmetry of face or with any anomalies of importance. The neck is usually of medium development and quite cylindrical ; in the younger men it is frequently rather high. 36 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 59 BODY AND LIMBS So far as could be determined without undressing the subjects, 96 per cent of them presented a body of medium development and without marked abnormalities ; none were obese, but 4 per cent were unusually thin, though not decrepit. No special differences were observed in the various parts of the body from the normal or most common type in whites. The hands and feet are generally fairly well formed and not large. No anomaly of fingers came to notice. The fingers and toes are not long. The toes were normal in 95 per cent, in 5 per cent of the individuals they presented some peculiarities. 1 They were only very rarely seen markedly separated, as they are frequently in the Indian. In those who work and go bare-footed the toes are generally thickened. CONCLUDING REMARKS ON NON-INSTRUMENTAL OBSERVATIONS The features of the Kharga natives are in general much like those of the fellaheen of the Valley who do not show an admixture with the negro. Nevertheless the physiognomy of the Oasis men seems somewhat distinctive. They could be easily told from the often finely shaped Berberine or Barabra of upper Egypt, and the student comes to believe that he could recognize them even from the natives of the neighboring parts of the valley; but the differences would not be easy to define. The Egyptians of the Valley, however, present a larger number of individuals of a decidedly Semitic type of face. Beyond the Valley, the physiognomy of the Oasis people is close to that of the Arab and the north African non-negro native in general. The various characteristics of the head, face, and body, barring the color, when closely scrutinized, are found to be closely related to those of the white race and to have nothing in common with what is distinctive of the negro. 8. MEASUREMENTS STATURE The height of the Kharga Oasis men is unusually small, averaging barely 163.8 cm. (5 ft. 4^ in.). The exact conditions were as follows : 1 The principal anomalies were as follows: (a) The 4th and 5th left toes, especially the latter, turned outward and downward; (b) the 5th left toe is di- minutive; and (c) the great toe shows a small toe-like (nailless) growth on its inner side and near the end. NO. I NATIVES OF KHARGA OASIS HRDLICKA 37 KHARGA OASIS, MEN: STATURE Number of individuals measured: 150. Average: 163.8 cm. 1 (ist 50: 164.3; 2d 50: 162.3; 3d 50: 164.9 cm.) Median 164.0 cm. Modes: 161.5 (161-162) and 168 (167-168) cm. Minimum : 150.6 cm. Maximum : 174.6 cm. Table of frequencies : in oi m m in tx. m n VO 5 IN. R ji ' a V 1 5 ~ t fci vo " i i T E '0 ^ . u & in m m tx m 3 ^ ^o R R Number of cases 3 2 O 2^? 24 25 30 21 8 5 Per cent ? 1 ? 6.0 75 ? 76 7 ^ 5 ? Probable error = 0.269 ; standard deviation, height sitting 0.091. NO. I NATIVES OF KHARGA OASIS HRDLICKA 39 KHARGA OASIS, MEN: HEIGHT SITTING Number of individuals measured : 150. Average 84.0 cm. 1 (ist 50 : 84.7 cm ; 2d 50 : 82.7 cm. ; 3d 50 : 84.5 cm.) Median: 84. 1 cm. Modes: 84.0 (83.1-85.0) cm.; 86.5 (86.1-87.0) cm. Minimum : 75.1 cm. Maximum : 90.4 cm. Table of frequencies: S Q g rf 00 00 g C 1^ o <-> 13 o ~ S e - 6 u T g - 6 y oo fc eg 00 08 0^ ^8 & rt Number of cases 2 II 28 -JT -7C Per cent 1.3 7 J J& 4>E t^E o>S iE ^t . Tf . rf . 10 . ( CO M 1-1 5 N O TS "fr ** ss "* vi 1 SI N CO CO CO co CO Tj- ^- Tf ^- ^ to l ~ l Number of cases. I 2 7 13 IQ 25 27 28 14 5 4 2 Per cent 0.7 2.0 1.3 4.7 8.7 12.7 16.7 18.0 18.7 9.J J.^ 2.7 1 Probable error = dr 0.025 ; standard deviation, ^ J n- rt Tj- IO IO 10 10 to g ii I 1 i i i JH is J2 <-> VO U lx 00 O\ O O HH U 04 O ro Tf TJ- M 3 Zf 10 M IO to to Number of cases. I I 2 5 10 10 15 I? 15 Per cent 7 7 J 3 J 3 6 7 6.7 10.0 11.3 10.0 1O V vo t-^ 00 ON HH N IO IO IO IO IO vo VO NO Is Tf is IO O is \o o 1 t^ u i 00 Ea ON SB o o Ee <-* u IO IO IO IO IO IO VO VO Number of cases IT. 18 15 14 6 3 2 I Per cent 8.7 12.0 10.0 9.3 4.0 2.0 1.3 ^.(7 1 Diameter antero-posterior max. + diameter lateral max. + auricular line bregma height 3 2 Probable errors 0.018; standard deviation, m o . 10 . vO . VO . t^ . tx . oo 00 . ON . ON . . \o u : vO 7 HH O T vo T M U ^o u r HH O T E VO r Ja \O o TT in to VO vo tX tx 00 00 O\ ON Number of cases. Per cent I o 8 I o 8 2 T 6 8 6 5 22 17. Q 21 I7.I 3 2 20. 24 10. 5 6 4.9 5 4. I n 8 1 In 26 individuals of the series of 150 there was more or less pronounced frontal loss of hair and in one another defect prevented the measurement. * Probable error = 0.035 ; standard deviation, standard deviation, bo C O c < N (A S d 43 o v-^ 1 bo . rt O A -M O 5 ro s T " ^ v ID f T- / ^x x- ,/ ^* x^* ^* t^ r^ <* V T- m Ifi 0) a x / ^ *r ^ \ ^ X \ ^ \ fi ^ ^-i --. ===, ~ . . -^. -~. 1 . -- ^-. - Sii. . ^ ^ "^Si 1 distributio 4> 43 c \ O 43 w < u r-i | V- OF CASES od o % o O in o 1 1 w 64 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 59 The height of the face is believed to be to some extent directly related to the length of the head, and, as shown in the following table, the condition holds good in general for the Kharga natives ; the average length of the head in the 17 men with the shortest faces is, in absolute figures, decidedly lower than that in the 16 men with the highest faces. But the height of the face and length of the head do not retain the same relations from the minimum to the maximum grades of the dimensions. The average height of the face amounts to 60. 1 per cent of .the average length of the head; but the average of the series of 17 shortest faces stands only in the proportion of 55.1 to ico to the head length of the same individuals, while in the 1 6 men with the longest faces the proportion rises to 65.3 per cent. Or, if we express the relation in another way, the length of the head is to the height of the face in those with average height of the latter as 166.5, m those with the absolutely lowest faces as 181.5, and in those of absolutely highest faces as 153.2 to ico. The height of the face therefore does not preserve throughout the series equal pro- portions with the length of the head, but augments at a more rapid rate. The causes of this phenomenon, which will probably be found in all ethnic groups, offer a field for further investigation. The height of the head averages exactly as much in the Kharga men with the lowest as in those with the highest faces, and there- fore these two dimensions in this particular ethnic group influence each other, if at all, only immaterially. The relation of face height to head form is disappointingly small ; it is such that the average of the series of lowest faces corresponds to a slightly higher (by 1.2 points) average cephalic index than that of the highest faces ; but in the individual cases there are many irregularities. These data, and those spoken of in the preceding paragraph, show that in the Kharga Egyptians a correlation exists in a plainly evident form only between the height of the face and the length of the head which agrees with other observations on the sub- ject; and that no regular correlation appears between the facial height and the head height or head breadth. The height of the face shows apparently also, it is seen in the next table, a certain relation with the stature. The series of individuals with the lowest faces is marked by a very perceptibly lower average stature than that of the highest faces. A high stat- ure, therefore, carries with it, in general, a higher face. It how- ever also carries with it, as seen in previous sections, a longer or rather larger head, and it is the latter with which the facial height is, NO. I NATIVES OF KHARGA OASIS HRDLICKA KHARGA OASIS, MEN: RELATION OF HEIGHT OF FACE (CHIN-NASION) , AND OF HEIGHT OF FOREHEAD, TO STATURE, HEAD LENGTH, HEAD FORM AND AGE 17 Shortest Faces of the Series Height efface chin to nasion point Height of fore- head: nasion point to hair- line Stature Length of the head Height of the head Cephalic index Approximate age of sub- ject cm. cm. cm. cm. cm. cm. Years 9.6 5.8 163.7 18.0 12.5 77-8 38 9-8 6.0 165.2 19.2 13.0 77.1 45 9.9 6.4 156.3 18.2 13.0 76.9 40 10. 7.2 163.0 19.0 13.4 80.0 45 10. 1 S-o 157.5 l l' 7 13.2 73*4 25 10.4 6.9 159.7 18.4 12.7 75-0 24 10.5 6.7 152.3 18.0 13.3 79-4 50 10.5 4.1 169.4 18.5 12.6 72.4 50 10.5 6.1 158.8 18.4 12.8 76.1 21 10. 5 5-6 161.9 18.9 12.9 75-7 55 10.5 ? 165.9 18.5 13.4 78.4 40 10.6 6.2 166.2 19.2 13.2 72.9 28 10.6 5-9 164.7 19.6 13.3 72.4 32 10.6 6.3 167.3 19.1 13.2 70.2 50 10.6 ? 167.5 19.0 13.6 78.9 45 10.6 6.2 l6l.5 19.0 12.7 74.2 30 10.6 6.0 167.5 18.6 13.4 75-3 55 Averages (16 individuals): 10.5 (9.6-10.6) 6.0 (4.1-7-2) 162.8 (152.3- 169.4) 18.7 (17-7- 19.6) 13-1 ( I2 -5~ 13-6) 75*7 (70.2- 80.0) 39-6 (21-55) 16 Longest Faces of the Series Height of face chin to nasion point Height of fore- head: nasion point to hair- line Stature Length of the head Height of the head Cephalic index Approximate age of sub- ject cm. cm. cm. cm. cm. cm. Years 12. 1 6.4 163.1 19.0 12.8 71.6 26 12. 1 6.2 160.7 18.8 12.7 7i-3 55 12. 1 6.2 168.9 19.0 13.0 74-7 32 12. 1 ? 170.5 19.2 13.1 76.6 45 12. 1 7-4 172.7 18.9 13.4 79-4 50 12.2 ? 165.0 19.7 13.3 75-0 55 12.2 6.0 164.5 18.6 12.3 75'& 52 12.3 5.6 172.4 18.6 12.8 75-3 32 12.4 ? 163.2 19.5 13.4 75-4 55 12.4 5-8 168.3 18.7 12.9 72.7 50 12.5 5-3 159.6 19.1 13.8 74-3 28 12.6 6-7 166.1 20.0 13.4 72.5 28 12.7 6.8 161.7 18.8 13.3 76.1 40 12.7 7.0 169.4 20.0 13.7 73-5 30 12.9 ? 166.1 19.2 12.8 73-4 45 13.9 p 165.6 19-3 13.2 74-6 45 Averages (16 individuals): 12.5 6.3 166.1 19.15 I3.i 74-5 4L7 (12.1-13.9) (5.3-7.4) (I59-6- (18.6- (12.3- (71-3- (26-55) 172.7) 20.0) 13-8) 79-4) 66 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 59 in the main, directly correlated. The correlation of the dimensions of the facial parts with stature is wholly indirect, and it is scarcely suitable or useful to compare the two measurements. The lack of direct connection between the facial height and stature is illustrated by the fact that in the series under consideration the percental ratio of the average stature to the average facial height amounts in those of shortest faces to 1581, while in those with the longest faces it is only 1329. No definite correlation appears, further, between the height of the face and that of the forehead. Breadth of the Face (Diameter bizygomatic maximum.) The greatest or bizygomatic breadth of the Kharga men shows the very moderate average of 13.15 cm., and the rather small range of variation of 22 mm., or db 0.083 P er umt f tne average. It is considerably less variable than the chin-nasion height of the face (0.189 P er umt f tne mean) (fig. 9). KHARGA OASIS, MEN: BREADTH OF FACE (DIAMETER BIZYGOMATIC MAXIMUM) Number of observations : 150. Average: 13.15 cm. 1 (ist 50: 13.18; 2d 50: 13.16; 3d 50: 13. 12 cm.) Median 13.2 cm. Mode 13.4 cm. Minimum 11.8 cm. Maximum 14.0 cm. Table of frequencies : o n N* . 10 oi . t>s o\ fO IO t^ Ov 7 - 00 CJ ~i E HH se il vo cj < ^e 7 11 11 V E vo w ^1 n N N M N 01 C<5 ro CO ro f) Tf Number of cases I 3 8 12 23 24 24 27 16 10 2 Percent 0.7 2.0 5.3 8.0 15. 3 16. 16.0 18.0 10.7 6.7 1.3 1 Probable error = 0.023 ; standard deviation, T-E A ' u CO U Tf y \O t>. u 00 .0 IO "> 10 10 IO IO IO IO 18 17 7 5 6 3 J J I Per cent 12.0 JJ.J -#.7 J.J ^.i7 2.0 (?i7 ^7.7 0.7 , Probable error = 0.018 ; standard deviation, ff, =0.330, 0.013; co- efficient of variability, C, =6.78, 0.264. NO. I NATIVES OF KHARGA OASI< -HRDLICKA 75 A comparison with the other facial measurements shows that, as in other ethnic groups, so in the Kharga Egyptians the nasal height bears a close correlation with the height of the face. This condi- tion is brought out very plainly in the following table. The nasal height does not, however, rise exactly proportionately with the facial height, but shows a slight retardation ; this indicates an in- crease, with advancing height of face, not only in the absolute, but also in the relative height of the subnasal region. KHARGA OASIS, MEN: RELATION OF THE FACIAL AND NASAL HEIGHT IN THOSE OF THE SHORTEST AND THOSE OF THE LONGEST FACES 17 shortest faces of the series 16 longest faces of the series Height of face, chin-nasion point Height of nose Height efface chin-nasion point Height of nose cm. cm. cm. cm. 9.6 4-5 12. 5.0 9.8 4.2 12. 4-8 9.9 4.4 12. 5-5 IO.O 4.6 12. 5.1 10. 1 4-6 12. 5.3 10.4 4.0 12.2 5-0 10.5 4-5 12.2 5-2 10.5 4-5 12.3 5-2 10.5 4-5 12.4 5.8 10.5 4-7 12.4 5.05 10.5 4-6 12.5 4.7 10.6 4-4 12.6 4-7 10.6 4.5 12.7 5-5 10.6 4-5 12.7 5-3 10.6 4-7 12.9 5.0 10.6 4-4 13-9 5-7 10.6 4-6 10.3 4.5 12.5 5.2 (4.0-4.7) (4-7-5.8) (Nose height face height index 43.7} (Nose height face height index 41.6} Nasal Breadth The breadth of the nose averages in the Kharga men 3.73 cm., and the range of variation is larger than that of the nasal height, extend- ing over 1 6 mm., or 0.216 per unit of the average. Eighty-nine per cent of the cases fall between 3.4 and 4.15 cm. 7 6 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 59 KHARGA OASIS MEN: BREADTH OF THE NOSE Number of individuals measured : 150. Average: 3.73 cm. 1 (ist 50: 3.8; 2d 50: 37; 3d 50: 37 cm.) Median: 3.7 cm. Mode: 3.6 cm. Minimum : 2.9 cm. Maximum : 4.5 cm. Table of frequencies: m o\ X lO S m r*5 m TT m vo IO ^0 lO r^ 7 6 ^ oi ? S 4 CO 7> H-l W CO 7>S A w ro ?s CO 7> vi " ro T^e ^ CO Number of cases. Per cent I 0-7 I 0-7 4 2.7 J.J 9 6.0 18 12-0 26 17.3 20 7J.^ oo a o 3 3 X CO ^ p CO g co g rrg Tj-g Tj-g TT f a o OO U 4 M . u ^ C0 t 4 Number of cases 21 16 15 8 3 i i Per cent 14.0 10.7 10-0 5-J 2.0 0.7 0.7 1 Probable error ;= 0.014 ; standard deviation, 4* ^ 4 ^ in ^ co ^ ^ ^ *** ^ ^>J ^ * *^ <. -- *- x^ s j > X * ^ / *. ++ ... 4 . V **^ V ** ^^ ***^ <^. K> \ \ 'O 's *\ k > ^s ^ < ^ J* '2 h- s ^ u 2? A Of. c 7 c a 42 adults between 35 6-v and 45 years of age.. 40.O 4.85 99.2 3.72 99.7 76.7 c^ A 4Q7 102 1 ind f\ JO y/ 9 These figures show that the average nasal measurements and in- dex in the adults in the " best " years agree very closely with the general averages of the entire series ; and that both the measurements and the index are smaller in the youngest and larger in the oldest adults than in those of mean age or in the Kharga series as a whole. These conditions, notwithstanding individual exceptions and varia- tions, are so regular and well marked that they can not be regarded as accidental. They bear evidence to the fact .that in general the nose grows both in length and breadth even after a fully adult life is reached, apparently even after 45 years of age; they show that the growth is perceptibly greater in the breadth than in the length ; and as a result of these alterations the mean nasal index increases with age, advancing towards platyrhiny. Judging from the writer's experiences with the Indian, the augmentation in length ceases some- where before the age limit of the present series, and later on the dimension may diminish; but the breadth seems to increase slightly or retain its maximum proportions unless affected by emaciation or pathological conditions, to the end of the life. A series of the oldest individuals in the Kharga Oasis would, it can be confidently ex- pected, show a nasal index of still higher value than that shown by the group of the oldest men that were measured. The differences in the mean nasal index in the youngest and that in the oldest men in the present series, suggested that the age factor might be responsible for what irregularities there were observed in the distribution of the index. But eliminating the " youngest " and " oldest " groups had actually the opposite effect, accentuating the main mode at 72.6-75, as well as the tendency towards a second mode at 77.6-80 and not influencing appreciably the third grouping at 85.1-87.5. And the large variability of the series is not dimin- ished. In this manner the curve of distribution of the index ap- proaches that obtained by Myers in the Valley and the probability grows that the irregularity is due to admixture, which otherwise passed undetected at Kharga, of the platyrhinic Soudanese. 8 4 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 59 KHARGA OASIS, MEN: NASAL INDEX IN ADULTS BETWEEN 27 AND 54 YEARS OF AGE in m i-O IO m rC. m | i | | 1 V m i NO R R m Men 27-54 years of age j j j I e 6 12 18 12 Per cent 1 1 2 9 1.0 4.8 5.8 77.5 77. J 77.5 Whole series (150) I I I 6 g 19 23 21 Per cent 7 7 2.7 0.7 6.0 75. J m m m f f m a NO f | CN* ON f CN^ o m ,^ Q 04 m * OD 00 00 00 ON ON ON Men 27-54 years of age (104 cases) 17 7 8 7 2 2 I Per cent 76 3 6 7 4 5 7 7 2.9 7.9 7.9 7.0 Whole series (150) 21 14 6 12 5 3 3 I Per cent 74.0 J.J 2.0 0.7 It remains to inquire into the relations of the nasal index to that of the face, and to the cephalic index. In detail these relations appear as shown below. The first important point observed is that low or high nasal in- dices are in adults, before senility becomes established, not due as a rule to excess or defect in one of the measurements from which the index is determined, but to concurrent and to a large extent correlative excess in one and defect in the other. Low nasal index, as has already been shown in other connections, goes with a greater than average height and a subaverage breadth of the organ, while high index is conditioned by a less than average height and greater than average breadth of the nose. And in both categories of cases, that is, in low as well as high nasal indices, the differences in the measurements from the general mean of the same dimensions are quite alike for the length and the breadth. Thus in the group of the lowest nasal indices the height of the nose stands to the general average of the measurement in the Kharga series (4.87 cm.) in round figures as 107 to 100, or +7, and the breadth as 92 to 100, or 8; while in the group of the highest indices, similar proportions are respectively 92, or 8, and 108, or +8, to 100. NO. I NATIVES OF KHARGA OASIS HRDLICKA KHARGA OASIS, MEN: RELATION OF THE NASAL INDEX TO NASAL HEIGHT AND BREADTH, TO FACIAL HEIGHT, BREADTH AND INDEX, AND TO CEPHALIC INDEX 20 Lowest Nasal Indices; below 68.0 Nasal index Nasal height Nasal breadth Height of the face Breadth of the face Facial index Cephalic index 56-7 5-2 2-95 12.3 13-2 93-2 75-3 60.0 5-0 3-0 ' II.Q 13-2 90.1 73-8 61.4 5-7 3-5 13-9 14.0 99-3 74-6 6l.8 5-5 3-4 n-5 13-3 86 5 79-5 62.3 5 3 3-3 10.9 12.5 87.2 75-5 62.5 5-2 3 25 n-5 I3-I 87.8 75 8 64.0 5-0 32 11. 8 13-0 90.8 75-4 66.0 5-5 5-3 3-6 3-5 12.7 ii. 5 13-4 13-2 94-8 87.1 76.1 77-9 66.3 5-2 3-45 11.7 12.7 92. i 73-3 66.7 5-4 3-6 12. 13.4 89.5 79-8 66.7 5-4 3.6 II-9 13.4 88.8 76.1 63.7 4.9 3-3 H-S 12.6 91-3 68.2 67 6 5-1 3-45 II. 2 12.9 86.8 71:8 68.0 5-0 3-4 ii. 8 12.9 91-5 77-4 68.0 50 3-4 II. 2 13 2 84.8 7i 6 68.3 5-2 3-55 II.4 13-0 87.7 74 2 68.7 69.1 4.8 4-7 3-3 3-25 II. 10.9 13.0 ii. 8 84.6 92.4 jfc* 69.1 5-5 3-8 12. 1 13.5 89.6 74-7 Averages: 65.4 (56.7- 69-1) 5.2 (4-7- 5-8) 3.4 (2.95- 3-8) 11.7 (10.9- 13-9) 13.1 (n. 8- 14.0) 89.8 (84.6- 99-3) 75.2 (68.2- 79-8) 21 Highest Nasal Indices, 84.0 and above Nasal Nasal Nasal Height of Breadth of Facial Cephalic index height breadth the face the face index index 86.4 86.4 4-4 4-4 3-8 3-8 10.8 12.0 12-7 13-4 85.0 89.5 77-5 71.6 86. 3 5-1 4.4 12.0 13-2 78.5 86.7 4-5 3-9 10.6 12.6 84 9 75-0 86.9 4.2 3-65 10.7 12.6 84'.! 70-2 87.0 4-6 4.0 10.9 13-3 81.9 74-7 87.0 4-6 4.0 II. I3.I 84.0 72.7 87.2 4-7 4.1 10.9 13-6 80 I 73-2 87.5 4.0 3-5 10-4 I3.I 79-4 75-0 88.0 4.6 4 05 10.6 13-2 80.3 75-3 88.2 5-i 4-5 12.0 I3-I 77-1 76.4 88.4 4-3 3-8 10.8 14.0 91.6 75-1 88.9 4-5 4.0 10.5 12.8 82.0 79-4 89.8 4-4 3-95 10.6 12.9 82.2 74.2 90.7 4-3 3-9 II. 2 13.3 84.2 77-6 91.1 4-5 4.1 II. I 13.3 83.5 72.4 92-3 4-55 4.2 ii-5 12.9 89.1 73-0 92.9 4.2 3-9 9.8 12.6 77-8 77.1 93-3 4-5 4-2 10.5 13.2 79-5 72.4 94.6 4.6 4-35 10.7 13.2 Bz.i 71-3 95-1 4.1 3-9 10.8 12.0 90.0 70.7 Averages: 88.9 4.5 4.0 10.9 13.1 83.7 74.4 (86.4- (4-0- (3-5- (10.4- (12.6- (77-I- (70.2- 95-1) 5.i) 4-5) 12. 0) 14.0) 91.6) 79-4) 86 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 59 The influence of the facial height on the nose is again seen to be pronounced. It affects primarily the nasal height, secondarily the nasal index. The higher the face, the higher, as a rule, the nose and the lower the nasal index ; and vice versa. The breadth of the face, notwithstanding the correlation with it of the nasal breadth, evidently influences the facial index only sec- ondarily and very irregularly. This is unexpected, but so far as this particular ethnic group is concerned, the lack of correspondence, at least for the cases with the lowest and the highest nasal indices, is very plain. As to the relation of the nasal with the cephalic index in the Kharga men, the results are negative. It is seen in the two groups representing the extremes of the nasal index that not only the mean corresponding cephalic index but even the range of variation are quite alike. SECONDARY FACIAL MEASUREMENTS Diameter Frontal Minimum The smallest frontal breadth, determined in 100 of the Kharga men, averages 10.26 cm., and varies to the moderate extent of 18 mm. or 0.087 per unit of the average. The distribution of the measurement is fairly regular. Its anthropological value is not great. KHARGA OASIS, MEN: DIAMETER FRONTAL MINIMUM Number of individuals measured : 100. Average: 10.26 cm. (ist 50: 10.3; 2d 50: 10.2 cm.) Median : 10.2 cm. Mode : 10.2 cm. Minimum : 9.4 cm. Maximum : 11.2 cm. Table of frequencies: ,_, CO 10 ^ ON N 10 . tx o O . O . o . o . O . M ? ?l 51 00 7 e o o T ^ . o o o M Number and per cent of cases 3 5 11 18 2J J5 Jd 8 7 The correlations of the smallest frontal breadth with the greatest breadth of the head and that of the face are shown in the next table. A broader forehead is seen to correspond in general to a broader head as well as face ; but on the average the breadth of the forehead increases in this series at a more rapid rate than either of the dimensions with which it is compared. NO. I NATIVES OF KHARGA OASIS HRDLICKA KHARGA OASIS, MEN: RELATION OF DIAMETER FRONTAL MINIMUM TO BREADTH OF FACE AND BREADTH OF HEAD 19 narrowest foreheads : less than 10.0 cm. 19 broadest foreheads: 10.7 cm. and above Diameter Diameter Greatest Diameter Diameter Greatest frontal bizygomatic breadth frontal bizygomatic breadth minimum maximum of head minimum maximum of head cm. cm. cm. cm. cm. cm. 9-4 12. 1 13 o 10.7 13-6 14.6 9-4 13-7 I4.I 10-7 12.9 14.2 9 4 13-8 14.4 10 7 13-4 I4.I 9.6 12.8 13-4 10.7 136 13-9 9.6 12.0 13-2 10.7 13-4 15-0 9-7 12-9 13 8 10.7 13-4 14.2 9-7 13-3 14.0 10.7 13-3 13-9 97 12 6 13-8 10.7 I3-I 14.4 9.8 13-0 14.4 10.7 I3-I 14.2 9.8 13 2 13-4 10.7 13-9 14-3 9.8 13-8 13-4 10.8 12.8 14.7 9-8 13-0 13-3 10.8 13-9 I4.I 9.8 13-8 14.2 10.8 13-4 I4.O 9.8 12.6 14.0 10.8 12.9 13-4 9.8 12 5 13-6 10.9 13.0 14.0 9.9 12.5 13 9 10.9 13-7 14.2 9-9 12.6 14.8 10.9 13-2 14.4 9 9 13-0 14-5 10.9 13-6 14-6 9 9 13-1 13-9 II. 2 13-4 14-3 Averages : 9.7 (9.4-9.9) 13.0 (12.0-13.8) 13.8 (13.0-14.8) 10.8 (10.7-11-2) 13.35 (12.8-13-9) 14.2 (13.4-15.0) Per cent : 100 74.6 70 3 100 80.9 76.1 Averages and per cent that would exist if the rela- tion of the measurements were the same as in the group with lowest foreheads. (14-5) (83.1} (15-4) (78.3} Width of the Mouth 1 One hundred observations on the Kharga men concerning this feature give the average of 5.4 cm., representing a medium dimen- sion. The range of variation is not very large, extending over 13 mm. which represents 0.12 per unit of the average. The distri- bution is regular. 1 Between the extremities of the oral fissure with the mouth closed and face at rest. 88 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 5Q KHAEGA OASIS, MEN: WIDTH OF THE MOUTH Number of individuals measured : 100. Average: 5.4 cm. (ist 50: 5.4; 2d 50: 5.4 cm.) Median : 5.4 cm. Mode : 5.3 cm. Minimum : 4.7 cm. Maximum : 6.0 cm. a g a B o u u o o B ON hH fO to tx ON g o 4 IO IO to to IO tx Jo c^ * NO 00 Tf TJ- 10 to to to to VO Number and per cent of cases . ' 5 75 w 27 18 7(5 4 The breadth of the mouth, as will be more clearly seen from the succeeding figures, bears to some extent a direct relation with the breadth of the nose, the breadth of the face and especially with age. KHAEGA OASIS, MEN: EELATION OF WIDTH OF MOUTH TO BEEADTH OF FACE, BEEADTH OF NOSE, AND TO AGE 23 narrowest mouths: 5.1 cm. and less 20 widest mouths: 5.8 cm. and more Width of mouth Breadth of face Breadth of nose Age of ndividual Width of mouth Breadth of face Breadth of nose Age of individual cm. cm. cm. Years cm. cm. cm. Years 4-7 I2.g 3-4 36 5-8 13.0 3-6 24 4-7 13-0 3-8 38 5.8 13-0 3-6 26 J:2 12.9 11. 8 3-35 3.25 26 23 5-8 5-8 13.5 13-9 3-9 3.65 40 45 4.8 13.0 3-3 24 5-8 13.7 3-8 40 4-9 12.9 3.65 25 5-8 12.9 4.0 58 4.9 13.2 3-55 32 58 12.0 3*9 40 4.9 13.1 3-5 24 5.8 13.0 3*8 50 5-0 12.5 3.65 45 5-8 13-9 3.65 48 5-o 12.9 4.0 28 5.9 13.6 3.6 27 5-o 13-2 3-7 24 5-9 12.8 3-6 50 5-0 13-8 3.8 50 5-9 13-6 3-2 40 5-0 13-4 3-55 28 5-9 13.8 4-15 50 5-0 13-4 3-7 55 5-9 I3-I 4.0 50 5- 12.9 3.5 5-9 13.6 4.1 55 5- 13-4 3-9 60 5-9 12.9 4.0 55 5- 13-4 3-7 30 6.0 13.2 4.1 40 5- 13-0 4.0 48 6.0 13.2 4-35 55 5. 13-0 3-7 38 6.0 13.6 4.1 50 5- I3-I 3-7 24 6.0 13-9 3.8 50 5. 12.9 3-45 26 5- 13.2 3-5 28 5- 13-3 3-55 54 Averages: 5.0 13.05 3.6 35 5.9 13.3 3.85 44 (II. 8- (3.25- (23-60) (I2.O- (3-2- (24-58) 13-8) 4.0) 13.9) 4-35) NO. I NATIVES OF KHARGA OASIS HRDLICKA The older adults at Kharga ha-ve in general broader mouths than the young adults, and a correspondence is frequently noticeable between broad noses and faces and broad mouths. The nose and mouth influence each other probably but very little, if at all, but both are affected alike by age and breadth of face. The Bigonial Diameter of the Lower Jaw The greatest lower facial breadth, or diameter bigonial, presents in .the Kharga men the very moderate average of 10.3 cm. Weis- bach 1 obtained in the Patagonians 13.0; Australians 11.5; Maori 11.4; northern Slavs and Roumanians 11.3; Tagalogs n.i ; southern Chinese, Magyars n.o; Javanese 10.9; Gypsies 10.8; Hawaiians 10.7; Jews 10.6; Siamese, northern Chinese, Congo negroes 10.4; Japanese 10.2; Kaffirs 10.1 ; and Hottentots 9.2 cm. The range of variation of the measurement in the Kharga series is 3.2 cm., equalling 0.156 per unit of the average, which is not above the ordinary. The distribution of the measurement is some- what irregular, which is doubtless due to functional causes, or more directly, to uneven development of the masseters. KHARGA OASIS, MEN: DIAMETER BIGONIAL OF LOWER JAW Number of individuals measured: 100. Average: 10.3 cm. (ist 50: 10.4; 2d 50: 10.2 cm.) Median : 10.4 cm. Modes : 10 and 10.6 cm. .Minimum : 8.9 cm. Maximum : 12. 1 cm. Table of frequencies: B c^ Tf VO 00 H M d <^- i VO . 00 . g o . O . O . . HH H-l . W i 7 s o 1 o ?l ?l y 7 AS to u XI 3J S AS 9 s M . *? "? t" . o O o o M M Number and per cent of cases 1 3 3 6 8 ^^ 11 Ji7 19 13 6 5 J The bigonial diameter bears a direct relation with the greatest breadth of the face and an indirect one with that of- the head. But, as in the case of the breadth of the forehead, the dimension aug- ments within the series at a greater rate than those with which it is compared, in other words it is enlarged to some extent through other agencies than the correlation with the breadth of the upper face . c., pp. 279-280. SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 59 and the more distinct one with the head. These conditions are seen clearly in the following table. The increase of the measurement with the increase in the breadth of the head is due on one hand to the correlation with the latter of the breadth of the upper face, which in turn influences the lower jaw ; and on the other to .the effect of the broad base of such a skull on the condyles and the ascending rami of the lower jaw. Broaden- ing of the bigonial diameter independent of these factors is due almost entirely to the action of the masseters, which in some instances results in a marked eversion of the lower portion of the jaw at the angle. KHARGA OASIS, MEN: EELATION OF DIAMETER BIGONIAL TO BREADTH OF FACE AND BREADTH OF HEAD 17 narrowest jaws: 9.7 cm. and below 14 broadest jaws: 10.9 cm. and above 1 n;, _ Diameter -ass* Greatest breadth of head Diameter bigonial Diameter bizygomatic maximum Greatest breadth of head cm. cm. cm. cm. cm. cm. 8.9 12. 1 13.0 10.9 13 5 14.2 9.1 12.6 14.8 IO.9 13.1 14.4 9.1 n.8 14.0 10.9 13.0 14-5 9.2 12.8 14.7 10.9 13-4 14.4 9-3 13.0 14.0 II.O 13-8 14.2 9-3 13.4 14.2 II. O 13-9 14.4 9-4 13.2 13-9 II. I 13.7 14.2 9-5 13-0 13.3 II. I 13-5 14.4 9-5 12.9 13-4 II. I 13-4 13.7 9-5 13-1 13-9 II. 2 13.8 13-4 9-6 12.8 13-4 II. 2 12.6 13-8 9.6 12.9 13-8 11.4 13.6 13-9 9-6 12. 13.2 11.8 13.2 14.6 9-7 12.9 13.6 12. 1 13.6 14.6 9-7 I3-I 13-6 9-7 13-6 14.2 9-7 13-3 13.6 Averages : 9-4 (89-9-7) 12.85 (11.8-13-6) 13.8 (13.0-14-8) 11.2 (10.9-12.1) 13.4 (12.6-13.9) 14.2 (13.4-14.6) Per cent : 100 73.1 68.1 100 83.6 78-9 Averages and per cent that would exist if the rela- tion of the measurements were the same as in the group with narrowest jaws. (15-3) (87.1) (16-4) (81.1) NO. I NATIVES OF KHARGA OASIS HRDLICKA QI The Ears The dimensions of the ears possess certain anthropological value; the small ear of the negro is clearly separable from the larger one of the white, and there are probably other racial differences. The writer measures invariably the left ear, which to a right- hand observer is more easily approachable with the instruments than that on the opposite side, and the measurements taken are the maxi- mum height and the maximum breadth. 1 The average height of the ear obtained in Kharga men amounts to 6.3 cm., a relatively large proportion. Two hundred and fifteen ears ( right and left) of Alsatian and German males from 20 to over 80 years of age gave Schwalbe the average ear height of 6.59; but the 125 of these ears from individuals between 20 and 59 years of age, representing a more suitable group for comparison than the total Schwalbe series which includes the ears of many old individuals, give the average of 6.33 cm. much the same as at Kharga. The Alsatians and Germans are, however, of decidedly taller mean stature than the Kharga natives, and stature exercises a certain amount of direct influence on the size of the ears irrespective of other conditions. As to further comparative data, Weisbach records the ear height of 6.4 in the Javanese, 6.3 in the Japanese, 6.2 in Hawaiians, 6.1 in northern Chinese, Jews and Slavs, and 5.9 cm. in Gypsies and Kaffirs; while the writer obtained the average of 5.99 cm. in 20 apparently full-blood American negroes, and 6.76 cm. in 76 American Indians all males. The short Kharga natives have therefore evi- dently an ear somewhat above the general average in length and differing very perceptibly in this respect from that of the negro. The range of variation of the dimension amounts to 2.0 cm., or 0.159 per unit of the average. The distribution of the measure- ment is regular. 'They are the same as those of Topinard (Elements d'Anthropol. gen., Paris 1885, p. 1004 et seq.), Weisbach (Zeit. f. Ethnologic. IX, Supplement, Berlin, 1878), and Schwalbe (Beitrage zur Anthropologie des Ohres, Vir- chow's Festschrift, 1891, p. 95 et seq.) The breadth is measured at right angles to the height; the fixed branch of the sliding compass being applied, with some pressure, parallel to the long axis of the ear and so as to touch the anterior subcutaneous limit of the cartilaginous helix, while the movable branch is brought to touch the most posterior part of the skin of the pinna. SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 59 KHARGA OASIS, MEN: HEIGHT OF LEFT EAR Number of individuals measured : 105. Average : 6.3 cm. (ist 50 : 6.33 ; 2d 50 : 6.28 cm.) Median : 6.3 cm. Modes : 6.2 and 6.4 cm. Minimum : 5.4 cm. Maximum : 7.4 cm. Table of frequencies: B B B B EJ g B g u u g* u u o g u u c vo 00 o CNI Tf vo 00 o w 5-7 The breadth of the ear in the Kharga natives averages 3.7 cm. In the above referred to Schwalbe's series of Alsatians and Germans the same measurement averaged 3.97 cm., or, if we take only the group of 125 ears of individuals from 20 to 59 years of age, which is more comparable with the Kharga series, the mean breadth was 3.91 cm. The Kharga men have, evidently, an ear about equally as long, or only a trace shorter than the Alsatian and German whites, but one which is distinctly more narrow. The group of 20 American negroes measured by the writer, and who, notwithstanding their taller stature have been shown to possess a very noticeably shorter ear than the Kharga natives, gave a nearly equal breadth (3.69 cm.), as the latter, showing that their ear is relatively broader ; while in the 76 Indians the measurements averaged 3.87 cm. The range of variation in the breadth of the ear in the Kharga men extends n mm., which amounts to 0.149 per unit of the average. The distribution of the measurement is less uniform than that of the height of the ear. KHAEGA OASIS, MEN: BREADTH OF LEFT EAR Number of individuals measured: 105. Average: 3.7 cm. (ist 50: 3.77; 2d 50: 3.66cm.) Median: 3.7 cm. Mode: j./cm. Minimum : 3.3 cm. Maximum : 4.4 cm. Table of frequencies: g B B B B B E B g B B u u w u u 10 If) IO 10 10 10 10 1O 1O 10 10 m CO ' ^ ? A S ON to JN,, O^ ^O to fs^ * to 10 to to 10 VO VO VO Number of cases 2 1-9 2 1.9 7 6-7 15 74. J 21 0.0 22 -?i7.9 ;5.7 "1 J0.5 4.5 I 1.0 Per cent 1 First group comprises indices to 50.5, second from 50.6 to 52.5, etc. 94 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 59 The dimensions of the ear differ in the whites, it was shown by Schwalbe, 1 with age, both the height and the breadth, but especially the former, increasing up to at least the 7Oth year of age. The module and ear index modify accordingly, the module increasing, the index decreasing; in the words of the just mentioned author, 2 "the ear in the aged is on the average absolutely longer and broader, but relatively narrower, than that in the young adult. The same condi- tions were found by the writer in the Indians, and they also exist among the Kharga Egyptians. As seen from the following table, the average height of the ear in the seventeen oldest men of the series is to that of the seventeen youngest adults as 109.9 to 100; the breadth is as 104.2 to 100; the module or mean diameter as 107.7 to 100; while the cephalic index is but as 94.6 to 100. We are dealing here evidently with morphological conditions of wide extension, in which racial or tribal differences are restricted to degree and other secon- dary features of the phenomena. KHARGA OASIS, MEN: DIMENSIONS OF EARS ACCORDING TO AGE 17 youngest men: 21-26 years 17 oldest men: 55-65 years Age of subject Height of left ear Breadth of left ear Ear index Age of subject Height of left ear Breadth of left ear Ear index years cm. cm. years cm. cm. 21 6-0 3-55 59-2 55 7-i 4-3 60. 6 22 6.1 3-85 63.1 55 6-2 3-3 53-2 23 58 3-8 65-5 55 6-65 3-9 58.6 23 5-4 3-45 63-9 55 6.3 3-9 61.9 24 6.1 3-3 54-1 55 6.1 3-9 63.9 24 6.0 3-6 60.0 55 6.7 3-75 56.0 24 6.4 38 59-4 55 5-8 3-6 62-1 24 5-7 3-3 57-9 55 7-o 3-8 54-3 24 6.4 3-75 58.6 55 6-3 3-5 55^6 25 5-4 3-5 64.8 55 6.2 3-5 56.4 25 5-9 3-3 55-9 55 7-3 4.2 57-5 3 6.0 6-45 3-75 3-65 62.5 56.6 58 60 1:1 3-5 4.0 49-3 58.0 26 6-3 3-7 58.7 60 7-3 3-7 50.7 26 6.2 3-65 58.9 60 6.4 3-5 54.7 26 6.4 3-7 57-8 60 6-5 3-5 53.8 26 6-5 3-5 53-8 65 7-4 3-8 5L3 Averages : 24.4 6.05 3-6 59-5 57 6.65 3-75 56.3 (21-26) (5-4-6-5) (3-3- 3-85) (53-8- 65-5 (55-65) (5-8-7-4) (3-3-4-3) (49-3- 63-9 Module : 4.8 cm. 5.2 cm. General averages of the whole series (105) : Height 6.3; breadth 3.7; module 5.0 cm.^index 58.9. c., pp. 123-124 et seq. 2 Ibid., p. 144. NO. I NATIVES OF KHARGA OASIS HRDLICKA ADDITIONAL MEASUREMENTS 95 It was, regrettably, impracticable to secure at Kharga any meas- urements of the covered parts of the body. It was observed that the chest, abdomen and pelvic regions are in general moderately developed, and so far as could be perceived they present no uncom- mon features. It was possible, however, to measure the hands, feet and the calf of the leg, with the following results. The Hand On the hand the writer takes two measurements, the length and breadth. The length is taken in full extension of the hand from the middle of a straight line connecting the proximal boundaries of the thenar and hypothenar eminences, to the tip of the longest finger. The line frequently, but not always, coincides with a delimiting folding or wrist line in the skin. The breadth measured is the maximum breadth of the palm, taken, in full extension of the hand, from the angle between the thumb and the palm across the latter at right angles to the length. These measurements secure, the writer believes, the expression of the racial features of the hand better than others. And in view of the fact that the right hand is often more modified by the work or habits of the individual than the left, measurements are restricted to the latter. At Kharga the left hand was measured in 100 men, and the fol- lowing two tables show the results. KHARGA OASIS, MEN: LENGTH OF LEFT HAND Number of individuals measured : 100. Average: 19.0 cm. (ist 50: 19.1; 2d 50: 18.9 cm.) Median : 18.9 cm. Modes : 18.6 and 19.7 cm. Minimum: 17.2 cm. Maximum: 21.7 cm. Table of frequencies : in o in g o m o m o n t^ . 00 00 . ON o\ . o o . ,_, H 11 | r e vi 1% CM I 1% 1 1% u tx t*+ lx 00 00 ON o\ o ?\ Number and per cent of cases. . 1 11 18 26 15 19 6 2 1 1 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 59 KHAEGA OASIS, MEN: BREADTH OF LEFT HAND Number of individuals measured : 100. Average 8.8 cm. ( I st 50 : 8.9 ; 2d 50 : 8.7 cm. ) Median : 8.9 cm. Mode : 9.1 cm Minimum : 7.7 cm. Maximum : 9.8 cm. Table of frequencies: o E g E o E u E o E u u U 00 0) Tj- *o 00 OJ Tt M3 00 I "2 % 3 1 I J CO J 2! ^ ^ 00 00 00 00 00 ON o\ ON Number and per cent of cases 2 1 8 o 7? 27 19 J7 9 A j? It is seen that the average length and especially the average breadth of the hand are moderate. The range of the variation is proportionate, extending for the length over 4.5 cm., or o 118 per unit of the mean, and for the breadth over 1.9 cm., or 0.108 per / T i T) unit of the mean. The hand module ' "" hand index B f - } averages 13.9, the 46.3. The Foot Conformably with the practice of measuring the left ear and especially the left hand, the writer measures also the left foot. The dimensions ascertained are the maximum length and maximum breadth (back of the toes), while the foot reposes so lightly on the floor that there is no deformation. The results of such measure- ments on 103 of the Kharga men are as follows : KHAKGA OASIS, MEN: LENGTH OF LEFT FOOT Number of individuals measured : 103. Average: 25.4 cm. (ist 50: 25.6cm.; 2d 50: 25.2 cm.) Median : 25.5 cm. Modes : 24,6 and 26.2 cm. Minimum: 20.3 cm. Maximum: 28.4 cm. Table of frequencies: IO y 10 o 1O u 10 o m u *t u n u t^ ?s hH V S v& fs -H U 1 is t-t U I !i tx 5 tx . 7E HH O 4 !e 8 SI 0? PO M ot ct % * ^ l-x 01 tx 0< Number of cases. i 2 3 7 18 IS 13 16 9- 5 3 2 Per cent 1.0 1.9 2.9 8.7 6.8 17.5 14.6 12.615.5 8.7 4.9 2.9 7.9 NO. I NATIVES OF KHARGA OASIS HRDLICKA 97 KHARGA OASIS, MEN: BREADTH OF LEFT FOOT Number of individuals measured : 103. Average: lo.ocm. (ist 50: 10.1 ; 2d 50: 9.9 cm.) Median: 10.0 cm. Mode: 10.1 cm. Minimum: 8.S cm. Maximum: u. d t> o d d M . ~ Number of cases. 3 2 4 4 13 14 14 14 14 8 8 3 2 Per cent 2.9 1.9 J.5> 12. 6 7J.6 JJ.(5 JJ.6 7.8 7.8 ^.9 7.9 The preceding data show that the foot of the Kharga men, like the hand, is of moderate proportions. The individual variation is but slightly larger than in the hand ; it extends for the length over 8.1 cm., or 0.159 P er umt of the average, and for the breadth over 2.4 cm. or 0.120 per unit of the average. The mean module of the foot (Jt-+_B_\ I?I) the mean index / B_>^joo\ ^^ \ 2 / \ _L, / These dimensions will be mainly useful for future comparisons. An inquiry as to the bearing of stature on the absolute and rela- tive dimensions of the hands and feet, brings out interesting results. As will be seen from the following figures, there is a clear, direct correlation between the height of the body and length (as well as breadth) of the hands as well as the feet; but the index in each case shows but little alteration. The correlation between the stature and the hand and foot length is so close that proportions of the latter to the stature are almost identical in the shortest and the tallest groups of the series, and the little change in the index shows that the same must be true of the breadth of the two parts. Another inquiry was directed into the effects on the hand and foot dimensions of age, and the results of this are wholly negative. The differences in the mean hand and foot length (as well as breadth) and their indices between the group of the youngest and that of the oldest men (both groups showing nearly equal average of stature), are so small as to be quite negligible. 9 8 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 59 KHARGA OASIS, MEN: RELATION OF THE LENGTH OF THE HANDS AND FEET, AND OF THEIR INDICES, TO STATURE AND AGE Length and Indices of Hands and Feet in Shortest and Tallest Individuals 17 SHORTEST MEN: 158.5 CM. AND BELOW Stature Length of left hand Hand index Length of left foot Foot index cm. cm. cm. 152.3 18.8 47- 3 23.7 40-5 153-6 18.3 47.0 20.3 46.8 154-5 44-3 23.3 37*8 155-2 18.3 47.2 24.1 42.7 155.7 18.0 50.6 24.6 44.2 155.7 155-9 18.3 18.6 44.8 45-2 24.2 24.9 40.1 39-8 ^S 7 156.0 18.3 45-9 23.5 38.3 156.5 18.6 43-0 24.7 36.4 157-5 18.1 47.0 23.9 36.8 157.6 18.9 46.0 25.1 39.8 157-8 158.3 17.9 18.4 43-0 47-3 23.2 23.9 40.1 41.0 158.3 18.2 46.7 24.2 40.5 158.4 18.8 46.8 24.7 42.1 158.5 158.5 18.3 18.6 45-4 44.1 24.1 25.4 37.7 39-8 Averages; 156-5 (152.3-158.5) Proportion to stature (5=1000) 18.4 (I7.6-I8.9) H7-5 46.0 (40.3-50.6) 2.4.0 (20.3-25-4) 153-4 40. 3 (36.4-46-8) 17 TALLBST MEN: ABOVE 168.5 CM. Stature Length of left hand Hand index Length of left foot Foot index cm. cm. cm. 168.6 19.9 49.2 28.4 38.4 168.6 20. o 45.5 26.3 39.4 168.8 19.4 45-9 25.2 38.5 168.8 21.7 40.5 27-7 37.6 168.9 19.9 46.7 26.2 38.5 169.4 18.6 44.6 25.0 38.0 169.4 169.4 18.6 20.4 47.8 45-6 24.8 26.2 38.3 38.2 170.5 19.7 45.7 27.2 38.4 171.3 19.6 46.4 26.9 39-7 172.2 18.5 48.1 25-5 41.9 172.4 19.7 48.7 25.7 42.0 172.4 20.1 47.3 26.9 38.7 172.5 19.4 46.9 26.2 38.5 172.7 19.9 46.2 25-9 40.1 173.8 21-5 44.6 27.2 39.3 174.5 19.4 48.4 27.1 38.7 Averages: 170.8 (168.6-174.5) 19.8 (18.5-21.7) 115.9 46.4 (40.5-49.2) 26.4 (24.8-28.4) 154.6 39-1 (37.6-42.0) NO. I NATIVES OF KHARGA OASIS HRDLICKA 99 KHARGA OASIS, MEN: RELATION OF THE LENGTH OF THE HANDS AND FEET, AND OF THEIR INDICES, TO STATURE AND AGE Continued Length and Indices of Hands and Feet in Youngest and Oldest Individuals 17 YOUNGEST MEN: 21 TO 26 YEARS OF AGE Approximate age Length of left hand Hand index Length of left foot Foot index Years cm. cm. 21 18.4 46.2 23-7 42.1 22 19.1 47.6 24-7 38.8 23 19.3 43-5 25-7 38.5 23 17.9 43-0 23.2 40.1 24 18.9 47-6 25.2 42.1 24 18.7 44.2 25-7 37-3 24 21.7 40.5 27.7 37.6 24 19.0 47-9 26.2 38.2 24 17.9 47.5 22.7 43.2 25 18.1 47-0 23.9 36.8 25 17.6 46.6 22.7 40.5 19.4 43-8 25.8 39.1 26 18.9 50.3 26.2 39.3 26 20.3 46.3 27.2 38.2 26 18.6 47.8 24.8 38.3 26 19.6 . 44-4 25.0 37-2 26 19.7 46.2 27.6 39-1 Averages; 24.4 (21-26) 19.0 (17.6-21.7) 45-9 (40-5-50-3) 25.2 (22.7-27.7) 39.2 (37.2-43.2) 17 OLDEST MEN: 55 TO 65 YEARS OF AGE Approximate age Length of left hand Hand index Length of left foot Foot index Years cm. cm. 55 18.6 44.1 23-9 41.0 55 55 18.5 18.7 48.1 49-7 3j 41.9 4 i'i 55 19.0 45.8 25.8 38.8 55 18.0 47.8 24.9 40.6 55 18.6 43-0 24-7 36.4 55 18.9 46.0 25-1 fyl 55 17.9 45.8 25-4 38.6 55 18.3 44.8 24.2 4O.I 55 18.3 49.7 25-5 38.4 20.7 44-9 26.7 41.2 58 18.5 45.9 24.6 39-0 60 19.1 49-2 25.6 40.2 60 19.7 45.2 25-9 40.1 60 19.0 45.8 25-7 39-3 60 18.7 45-4 24.8 38.3 65 17.2 . 47.1 23.6 39-4 Averages: 57 (55-65) 18.7 (17.2-20.7) 46.4 (43.0-49-7) 25-2 (23-6-26.7) 39.7 (36-4-41-9) The average stature of the 17 youngest men is 162.5 cm., that of the 17 oldest i6i.8cm. no influential difference. 100 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 59 Girth of the Leg The maximum girth of the leg is a measurement which in the main indicates the individual development of the musculature of the part, but collectively is also of some anthropological significance, for regardless of age, health, nourishment and exercise of the part, all of which agencies affect its dimension, there are certain peoples, such as the Indian's for instance, who have in general a smaller calf than the whites. The average maximum circumference of the left leg, which is measured by the writer, amounts in white men less than 50 years of age, to about 36 cm., in the Indian the writer obtained, on 200 indi- viduals in good state of bodily preservation, 34.0 cm., and in 20 apparently full-blood American negroes 36.9 cm. One hundred and eleven Kharga men in good condition gave the mean of only 32.0 cm., and in more than a half the measurement was smaller. The sig- nificance of this relatively poor record is doubtless in the main not racial, but connected with the poor nutrition of the majority of the Oasis people and their consequent subnormal development, which was shown already by other determinations. KHAKGA OASIS, MEN: MAXIMUM GIRTH OF LEG Number of observations: in. 1 Average: 32.0 cm. (ist 50: 32.1; 2d 50: 3 1.9 cm.) Median : 31.5 cm. Mode : 31.0-32.0 cm. Minimum : 27.3 cm. Maximum : 37.0 cm. Table of frequencies: E B B B B B B 8 E B o o o u o o o oo ff o ro s 55 JO VO Pj M HL JL 1 *"? M i i HH 04 <$ $ & CO a ^0 CO ? 3 ^ Number of cases 2 3 ii 22 23 20 17 Q 3 I Per cent 1.8 2-7 p.p 19-8 20.7 18.0 J5.J 8.1 2- 7 ^. 9 *No cases of plain emaciation, senile or otherwise, included. SUMMARY OF THE MAIN RESULTS SHOWN BY MEASUREMENTS; TABLES OF COMPARISON The Kharga men are, on the average, of short stature ; the head is of moderate size, medium height and dolicho- to mesocephalic in form ; the face is rather narrow, the nose mesorhynian, the mouth of fair size; the ears are rather long and narrow, the hands and feet of medium proportions, the legs small. In general the measure- ments indicate a rather poor physical development. NO. I NATIVES OF KHARGA OASIS HRDLICKA 101 The principal available data for comparison of the measurements are gathered in the following tables. The first of these shows the close relations of the Kharga natives with the Copt, Fellaheen and the non-negro Nubian ; the second demonstrates the important dif- ferences between the Oasis men and the Nubian, Soudanese and the other negroes. COMPARISON OF MEASUREMENTS OF THE KHARGA NATIVES AND VARIOUS OTHER GROUPS OF EGYPTIANS AND NUBIANS (MALES) Head Males Author Stature Length Breadth Cephalic index 150 Kharga Oasis Hrdlicka cm. 161 8 cm. 18 9 cm. I A T 74 9 127 Copts Chantre 166.0 i8-8c. 14-2 75-2 91 Fellaheen Chantre 168 4 19 -O I A . 2 74- 7 134 Bedouins Chantre 167.8 10-27 14-2^ 73-9 81 Ababdeh Chantre 166 o 18 9 14 I 74 .6 64 Barabra Chantre 168-2 18-9 14.4 76-4 78 Bicharieh Chantre 16?. -O 18-1 14 "3 79 '0 369 Egyptian Moslems, selected 44 Copts selected. Myers Myers about (171.0) ( 171 O } 19.46 TQ. -30 14-43 14- "*! 74.26 74.0 Fa ce Nose Males Chin- nasion height Diameter bizy- gomatic maximum Height Breadth Nasal index Mouth breadth 150 Kharga Oasis II . -JET cm. IT. . 1C cm. 4-87 cm. 3.73 76.6 c.4 127 Copts 1^-2^ 4.7)1 3.6 (77.6 5-2 91 Fellaheen I2.Q3 4.6) 3.7 (81.0 C.I 134 Bedouins.... 13.2 4-65-) 3-56 (76.6 5-1 81 Ababdeh I3-I (4-5) 3-7 (82.2 5-2 64 Barabra 13-0 (4-69) 3.8 (81-1 5-3 78 Bicharieh 12-7 (4-6) 3.5 (76.1 5.0 369 Egyptian Moslems, selected 44 Copts, selected n-45* 11-47 14. 3 6 3 13. 66 5 4-83 4.78 3-66 3.59 75. & 7J-7/ r* r6 1 All Chantre's measurements of the height of the nose are evidently too low; no such low averages of nasal height have been reported on non-negro populations of North Africa by any other observer. 2 595 individuals. 6 33 individuals. 3 698 individuals. 6 Of 42 individuals. 4 Of 349 individuals. 102 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 5Q COMPARISON OF THE MEASUREMENTS OF THE KHARGA MEN WITH THOSE OF SOUDANESE AND OTHER NEGROES Peoples (males) Kharga Oasis Negroes: Nilotic group Negroes: Nubian group Negroes: American (full blood) Observers Hrdlicka Chantre Chantre Hrdlicka ICQ 2C 26 20 AO 36 2 163.8 174. 1 169.0 Height sitting, per cent of total height m .26 CI .AT. Head: 18 o l8-Q4 18.98 IQ-6 14* I T7 .QC 14- 1 JCQ Bi-meatus line-bregma height cm 1*1.2 I -3 . C 74.9 73.66 74.53 76.3 15-4 16-0 Per mille relation of cephalic mod- 04-0 Q5-0 Face; Chin-nasion cm ... . . IT . 1C n.Q 17.6 17.05 6.2 A / yo O-O5 Diam. bizygomatic max., cm 13-15 86.3 13-3 I3-26 13-97 85- 1 74-7 73.5 Nose: Height cm A 8? 4.08 4. 2 4.0 Breadth , cm 1.7-J 4.3 4-42 4- 57 Index 76-6 105-4 105.0 92.5 Diam frontal min cm TO * jo. 6 10. T 10.8 Mouth, widtn, cm C.4 5.3 C.2 5.7 Left ear: Height, cm 6.3 5-90 Breadth, cm 3.7 o yy 3-69 58.9 61 .6 Left hand: ig.Q 20-0 O Q 9. 1C 46.3 45-7 Left foot: 25 .4 26.8 IO-0 10-3 39.4 J.J Left leg, circumference cm 1.2. ^6-9 9. CONCLUSIONS The Kharga Oasis Egyptians are people in general of somewhat subnormal physical development, due principally to long lasting defective nutrition. The majority of the people are as yet but little mixed with the negro. NO. I NATIVES OF KHARGA OASIS HRDLICKA 103 Those who are not mixed with the blacks, show a fairly uniform physical type. This type is characterized by medium brown skin, horizontal brown eye, black and straight hair (with a tendency to wave when longer), black, straight, wavy or slightly curly and often scanty beard, moderate stature, dolicho- to mesocephalic and medium high head, oblong and meso- to orthognathic face, mesorhinic nose, rather long and narrow ear, and moderately proportioned chest, pelvis, hands and feet. They give somewhat higher pulse and respiration than the average in whites, but perceptibly lower tem- perature, and decidedly lower muscular force. The type of the Kharga natives is radically distinct from that of the negro. It is according to all indications fundamentally the same as that of the non-negroid Valley Egyptians. It is in all probability a composite of closely related northeastern African and southwestern Asiatic, or " hamitic " and " Semitic " ethnic elements, and is to be classed with these as part of the southern extension of the Mediter- ranean subdivision of the white race. Judging from the mummies of the Oasis inhabitants from the 2-5 centuries A. D., exhumed at El Baguat, the type of the present non-negroid Kharga natives is substantially the same as that of the population of the Oasis during the first part of the Christian era. The nature of the population of the Oasis in more ancient times can only be determined by skeletal material from the ancient cemeteries. In order to facilitate the general use or more extended analysis of the data, the detailed measurements are appended. There is also added a bibliography relating or referring to the Kharga Oasis population. IO4 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 59 10. BIBLIOGRAPHY RELATING OR REFERRING TO THE KHARGA OASIS POPULATION (For older bibliography see works cited in the text.) BALL, J. Kharga Oasis: Its Topography and Geology. Public, of the Sur- vey Dept, Cario, 1900 (on cover ==" Geological Survey Report, 1899"). i vol. 8. Gives archeological survey (locations), also population statis- tics and bibliography. BEADNELL, H. J. L. An Egyptian Oasis. 8, London, 1909. General observa- tions on the Kharga Oasis people. Census data. The Oases and the Geology of Egypt. In "The Nile in 1904," by Sir Wm. Willcox. 8, London, 1904. BEAU DE ROCHAS, A. Oasis et Soudan. I vol. gr. in 8, Paris, 1888, pp. 1-64. BROWNE, W. G. Travels in Africa, Egypt, Syria. 4, 2d ed., London, 1806. Kharga = p. 197 et seq. Observations on Dar-Fur. Speaks of the caravan from Assiut across the Oasis to Dar-Fur, and of acquisition of slaves by the Oasis people nothing at all about people themselves. BRUGSCH BEY, H. A History of Egypt. 2d. ed., 2 vol. 8, London, 1881. Banishment to the Gr. Oasis during the XXI Dyn. vol. II, 201, 203. Reise nach dem grossen Oase el Khargeh in der Libyschen Wuste, 1878. CAILLAUD, F. Voyage a 1* oasis de Thebes et dans les deserts situes a 1'orient et a 1'occident de la Thebaide, fait pendant les annees 1815 a 1818. Redige et public par Jomard. Paris, Imprimerie Royale, 1821-1862, 2 vol. gr. in folio, en feuilles. DROVETTI. Itinerary of an Excursion to the Valley of Dakel. New Voyages and Travels, Vol. 7, London, 1822. EDMONDSTONE, A. A Journey to Two of the Oases of Upper Egypt. 8, London, 1822. Contains references to ancient writers who mentioned the Oasis but little of value. No personal observations on the people. GOLENISCHEFF. GUEST, A. R. The Oases of the Mudirieh of Assyut. Geogr. Journ., Vol. 16, London, 1900. HERODOTUS. Thalia. HOSKINS, G. A. Visit to the Great Oasis of the Libyan Desert. 8, London, 1837. Limited notes on the Kharga people nothing of great importance. HUME, W. F. The South-Western Desert of Egypt. The Cairo Scientific Journal, Vol. 2, August-Sept., 1908. DE MORGAN, J. Recherches sur les origines de 1'Egypte. 8, Paris, 1897. " Paleoliths " found on the Oasis and between it and Abydos. LYONS, H. G, Notes sur le Geographic physique des Oasis de Khargueh et de Dakhel. Bull. Soc. Khed. de Geogr., Fourth Series, No. 4, Cario, 1894. MASPERO, G. Histoire ancienne des peuples de 1'Orient classique. 3 vol. in gr. 8, Paris, Vol. I. 1895; Vol. 2, 1897; Vol. 3, 1908. References to Oasis of Kharga I, 431-432, Vlth Dyn., Hirkhouf's expedition. Nothing more than Breasted. NO. I NATIVES OF KHARGA OASIS HRDLICKA IO5 QUATREMERE, E. Memoires geographiques et historiques sur T Egypte, et sur quelques contrees voisines. 2 vol. in 8., Paris, 1811. Gives all known about the " Blemmyes " Vol. 2 ; Nothing on the Oasis except mention of its devastation by the Blemmyes. SAVARY, C. E. Lettres sur 1'Egypte. 3 vol. in 8., 1777. English translation, 2 vol., 8., London, 1887. Mention in Vol. 2 the fact of exiles being sent to the Oases, but nothing on inhabitants. SAYCE, A. H. History of the Egyptian Oases. The Egyptian Gazette, April 6, 1905. SCHWEINFURTH, G. Notizen zur Kenntniss der Oase El-Chargeh. Peter- mann's Mittheilungen, Vol. 21, 1875, Heft 10, pp. 384-393. Notes on archaeological remains of the Oasis, including El Baguat. Nothing on the people or their history. ZITTEL, K. Beitrage zur Geologic and Palaeontologie der Libyschen Wuste. Rohlfs'sche Expedition. 8vo., Cassel, 1883. io6 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 59 II Pi < * xapui UOJSEUOJ }q3pq -.asojsj .*> oiuiouSoisAqj DHUOlBUy XBUI -UIo3X/iq 'U1BJQ (UOIUUD-UOISBU) peaqwoj jo 'iqpH uoiuuD-uoiuaj^ sA ajnpoui ajnpoiu oi|Bqdao EmSaaq 01 ijEaul -pn 'jaq au xapui 3ipsqd:3 Q jsod -JOB -p :peH OVO t^ tx ON *-OOO ^^ H^ o ^O '"^ 00 tx VO i * C^ C^ \O tx ^f ro ro I s * Ox OxOO 00 OxOO 00 OxOO 00 O HH (^ f^QO Ol xo 00 Ox O\00 00 00 OxOO t^ oq qx TJ- HH qxoq CxJ OxOO i-i 00 tx l>. Ox ; 00 to XO voxo voxo vo vo xo vo O ioxo xo PO Ox tx rf 00 00 01 Tt Ox ^00 "tOO HH 00 Tf O O 1-1 xo oo oq tx vo Tt- vooq co TJ- M oq voxq q\oq qxxo_ q xq M tx tx TJ- O xo' QxxO ^O OlOOOQxo I^^t"O txcxj Ox^OO* vocs'xo' ON Ox Ox OxOO ON Ox Ox OxOO OxOO OxOxONOxOxOxOxOxOxON 00 vo tx CO vo tx tx COOO co O co 01 00 vo txOO O O ^~xO HH O COONI-H i-iQOxo OxOl covo 1X00 XO vr> vo vo vo vo vo vo voxo' vo vo voxO* TJ-VOTJ-VOVOVOVOVOVO OxVO OxOO OxOO 0000 OxOxO OxOOO OxOO OxOO 00 00 Ox Ox Ox Ox qj3u3[ J^joj jo | (<| JU3D jad JqSpq Suilltg 000 voO O OxOJ roxo xO Ox T}- CO HH 01 --t O fO >-i rotxcoi-ixo jq2pq 3uuJtS s qx qxvq oo -^- qx xq c^ vo txoq rt co vo cs rt TJ- cooq M co y? y^yz'A cc'cc'x'oc'oc'x yz-cyzy^ N tx OJ co co K, CXOo O t-i "-. CN ^J ^.XD N,C O ^, O NO -> ^ O^ ^ <\| Qx IN. ^ O ^C IN. ^h O n-, IN. H rj-K.o "i ^t- n-. ir> ^ w%so O O ^ O *> <^ CXO ^i CX O O <\S O Ox ^ vq 04 vq o; IN. q >oq\ tNvq o> to q\ q . 10 IN, r^ *o cvj \q "-> TT ci r>. 6 vo ^' 06 <"o 1000 -006 to *o *s p* *Q 'oNfo^^focxipoc^ds t> t^ t^oo t^ t^ i^ rx txvo t^O -txt>t^r^r^ i^r^txr^t-x txoo IN. IO trj IT) VO IO IO tO cc -^ ^ccoc "|AO oq vq up q 01 Tt o< 1000 M up q\ M oq iovq -^ q vq oq q\ IN\O vq u-> HH q\ rN ir> io -^- LO O\ rovo* fOOJrQfOTfd-ro-^-M Q\ t^^o 00 OQ t^. 6\OQ ^f tN IX ts. ON t^OO r}- i-I 0\00 00 00 00 t^OO 00 Ov fxOO O OO 00 00 OsOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO t^OO 00 00 00 00 00 00 ON IN. TJ- oj rt- 01 oq vq ooq u-jq\upq >- ^. T}- IN. \d 10 iovd ""i^d * IN tN. \d vd 10 ^f vd oq rooq io>o woo tt ti *o oo M 00 M *n -qc^ rooq tN oj <-> 000*0 'ooq oq IN tN IN. lx\O IN -rf INOO vd tx IN IN. IN. tNvd O\ ' ON ON -00 tNvd vd IN. lOOO 00 00 q\ tN Tt CNJ u-> up tNoq IN q 01 up Tj-vq >-< IN tN q vq CN^ qvvq ro up q upoq vq >-< M co upvq q\ oj ^ M d d I-H' I-H* d M oi M IH d oJ d oi ^ ^ ON M c^J oJ i-I d d *OOO O txVO lOVO tx.\O Tf^ ^3" ^1" ""Nl" O> ^ OJ Os t^O OJ O 01 HH fO tN. ON w OJ OJ lOOO GO 1 s * (vi ro *O f5 ^O tN, d ON O tx i-OOO ^ ^O OJ ^-O ON ^O to OJ f*O OJ tx tx. ^" to '^VO ^O | ~t 4 s * O^ t^* Q\ ON ON ON ON ONOO ONONONONONONONONON. ONONONONONON O\00 ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ONOO 00 OO tNOO tN co OJ 04 04 OJOOlNiOOOOOOrororOOOtNO K o < 5\' N J (V V'O HCX << - f> O fv iJN.< v 5 fv lHtx l OH < <5- ^OC IN. ^- HH CNJ HH v u rt Tt \ TJ- (N co o \ -*t -i ro^OOl Ojvo rOtNn-i CO " 00 ^ ^ M ^ " " 00 M ^ "^ *-> oq 01 up HH 04 tNoq HH Tj-ir}u^ . u^uou^u^u^u^u^u^ir)u^u^iou^u^Tj-ir}u^ HI q TJ- oj "pvq qwq oq HH oq q upoq ONOO qv u ?. "P^ . . "puptNuprofooj #%*&> $&% * g. 9 5 ^ ^fa'sTs, % 33& io8 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 59 xapui CX Ov^t-^ 1 ^ !^o* tx.oo XBUI 'qJpiAv 1-1 t^OO ^O 1-1 to i-t tx Tf rr C^QQ "- O 00 00 04 01 tOVO -HHw DIUIOlBUy ^q q 00 Oo" ON ONOO* 00 0?OO ON r^Oo"oO t^ t^ ONOO 00 00 XBUI -moSAziq -UIBIQ ONI- OOO fO (UOIUIJD-UOISKU) ' J 00 OO 01 O VO -i OO tN.00 t-iio 01 VO O tx -Ov 1 - 1 ^ .vo to tovo vo' NO* -NO tovo NO VO txvo NO" NO" vO uotuiao-uojuaj^ tx. 10 ts. ts. ^vo* vo" 'vdoovotx *vdiN.tN.t>. "r>. r>.oo 06 txoo Tf O OO ON ONOO fx ff) 01 tx to Ol ONNO t^OO O HH Tj-QO VO 01 1^ to jqSpq SA 3[npoin oq ON 01 oq tx^q vq vq 01 cr> ONOO ^p tooq >-> >-> O* ^" <*"> 1006 to HH ^*O* "^vo O <^ *> ON ON ON ON ON ON ON O ON ON ON ON O ON ON t^O 01 t^O t^Ol txlxtotoO 01 t^ OVOVO TfOlNO t^.vo ONOO ON O 01 O -pn totO O POOVO lO to to CO 01 01 01 to to to to ro Ol' 01 XBUI IBJJI *Q ooooCTto^ ONOO o o 01 o Tfvo TJ- r^oo -^-vo 1-1 oo I-. jsod -JUB 'p vo t^ t^oq oqvqoo 01 01 qN^f^^f^ ^ "- 1 ^q ^ ^ **' t^OO 00 l^. ON CJNOO ONOO' 00 00 ON ON ONOO ON O\ ONOO O 00 OO 00 00 1BJOJJO Jpq 3uiu;s jq3pq 3ujjii S VOOOOOOO coo -! 01 txcoONtOi-H fxONONOlvO OVOVOOO O 01 o^"oc oo r^oo oo oo oo oo oo t^oo t^oo i^oo oooooooooooooooo ^t -^-oo oo oo q 01 vq rt-oo 01 tx 01 ON cooq to tN. -^ tx to to co 01 r>. ON tx -^- ovo' to cood 06 I-H* tovo to tooo 6 o> cood -4-od "-" vo vo to tovo to 10 to to to tovo tovo tovo vo tx tovo tovo tovo NO. I NATIVES OF KHARGA OASIS - HRDLICKA OQ Ov txO cvj >~i >-i XD crj o^ >-H O < > ^OvOv^O vr >^h O ^h oo tx N! tx txx5 XD txoo tx IT) IO IO tO tO tO O If) fo vo v oo t^ 00 O M 00 OO M t^ fOMD O^OO t^Ol O\iOO OsOO tx tx to O tx Tt Qi coOO ON OJ vq up 10 Tt-oq co tx q rt- ^nq tx ; vq . q^oq : ; ; ^900 q q ** co q\ ro q M tx rf * co O*N M VO* CS to ON fOOO Tt-^TJ-IlxoJ I I *. *roC^TJ-a\rotN.rooio\tN. txtx -txt>xlxtxtx .txtxt^txlx -tx -rxfx . -txtx txvO tx tx tx tx fx tx \f) 10 IO otoi M co \^ MCOC*MI^*HOOS too vo t^oo ooo oo 3 ooS'oo oo^o^oo oo"oo oS oo^oo o\oo oo oo tx R!OO oo"oo a? o^oo c oo o? oo^oo M c \ I-H v c^ TJ- 1-1 o >-< cotoo* Tttototxd <- C\ ON O\ O\ OsOO O>ONONONONONO\O\ONO\^O\ONOvONO\ONONOvOAO\O\O\ON OvOO ON ON M tx O "? N ^f? 1 ^ to to to to to 10 to to to to to to to Ttoq q q q\ to q vq vq oq covq ^"^q^^ t >^. "P^^ "* ^^ ^t "^ ' cocococooi cocoo* 0* oj coCS co o ex o -> to to to oj q\oq 01 q q\ to q to co^q q\ CJNOO 00 OvOO* 00 OO 00 0\OO ONOO OvOO OO O\CC 00 00* 00 00 00 OsOO 00* O"N O* 00* O*N O*NOO* OO 00 OO ON i- i- o H ON M HH ONQtoiOQ OtoOtoONCNjOO TfOO OOOOO-^-OtOO toOO txO txtoO tocoONO CN| 1Q1QQ) TftQCOtOtOtN CQTj-Cq rj-lQtOlQ IQVQ tQ-^-Tj-tOTtCOM CQCN fN tOtQCpOj tQ 22 S S - - no SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 59 xapui IBSB^[ CK^^CX o oo ^ 10 ON 01 00 Ov^O t^ OMO O 00 UOISBU o) jqSpq : HHVO fO OVO Tj- H-I M ON 01 O fCOO ON M CO O ^ DiuiouSoisAqj . O>-'t"*NO-< H-< TJ- ON vo Tf VONO" ON ON O ON 01 04 I-H O VQ co Ol ON t^ ON T}- t^vQ coOO IN. O CCOOOO CO 00 ONOO 00 00 ON f^OO OO GO 00 OO 00 00 00 ON XBIU UIoSA'ziq 'UIFIQ O rj- tx vo tv. fO 04 co ON N vo (uoinuD-uotsBu) J o t^vo HH q vo 01 ONVO vo vo q oq q oq vq 01 vo vovo vo r^ v -orxoiTt-tHoi ^qv VO txoo OO ON V O t^ t^vo tx OO tx oo oo r^oo t^OO VO O^OOO O oq oq vo vo -^- vooq VO "^VO ^o O co t*^ vovO 01 Tt* ( OO VO vo HH O co lx ONOO VQ VO ON oooooooooooooooooooooooo r^oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oc 6(5 t^ jq8ia H s2v aicuiixoaddy co q oq q vo ONOO ONOO vo ONOO r^ q vq ON co M !>. Tf ^ O t^. oi vovo rf CO M M 1000 txOO 01 TJ- vo o' Ix. CJN 6 VO VO vo ^OVO vO *^i i-O^O vo I s * t"xvo vo ^O NO. I NATIVES OF KHARGA OASIS HRDLICKA III 00 VO O I-H 0) OMO *-< O i O 00 i^ O t-H (^ ONOOOOOOOO ON M v Tto v o . ^o HH tx q\ q\ Tj-vq w q vq q\ rx o M d co d\ w M M w 6 o M 10 q q\ co T}- "poo 01 -3- co 10 rfvo I-H oj HH I-H -! 6 tx O\ OOO ON ON ON ON ON ON (^ ONOO q c^ o< co . tv. 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I NATIVES OF KHARGA OASIS HRDLICKA 113 to to to toto 10 to to to OOO t^-vo rtfxlxtoOvi-iOO to tovo tx O t^OO tx tovo VO 00 O\ tx toOO OMO tx O 00 fO q ^r u-> 04 9* "t 9* *> "! . . "? "t 9 ^^ *? *1 M . T N oq H ! t >91"9 T t hH . 9 v to iovo \o tovd tovd vd vd vd vd vd vd vd tovd vd vd vd txvd (NiVO vd VO to $ \O 10 N M too- s I-H IN. .VO . to u-> rv v cvo tooo v to >-H w v 0,MI-H0404l-H W 04 W I-H 04 .04040404l-H.- 1 |-HhH04l-ll-H . 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QsOQ QQ ^ co ^- rf Tf covO tN, H-I 01 ON ON ONVO Ol O\ ON tN.vo M ^ r *' o< _ S 2 s ^ P^'S ' coo --o ONto HH v >-> co rx 10 to tx o -i 1-1 ONOO tool ^NOI oitN.\ cooiv HH co Tf tovo t-NOC ON O ^01 co rf io\O lN.00 O\ O ^ Ol co Tf iO\O IN.QO ON O >-< 01 co ~T O n6 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 59 g q,p*;>.. a JJj jqSpH .2 u . pq 'i i i * esent state of health "So I 3 aj--i i u-i-H i UH i i h ; 4- ; : : : PH "o 1 11 E H uop^dsaH asm j -qns) aaniBjadinaj, xeui 'uinDap '3i yaq xapui jooj qjptAv 'jooj ysq qiSuaj 'jooj yaq xapui puBu qipiM 'pueq yaq qj3ui 'punq yaq tl,p.m'q,no W Iiao3iq -IULMQ aim ^aoaj -mina J3 quin K \O t^OO O\ O "-< oi co Tj- irjvp t^OO ON O >-i 01 co Tf iOVQ t^OO O Hii-.t-ii-ioiOlOlOl'NOlOlOlOlOlcocococococococococo NO. I NATIVES OF KHARGA OASIS HRDLICKA Il8 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 59 The following series of plates illustrate the Kharga natives from the nearly adult to the aged, showing the principal physiognomic variations. ^^^^^^^^^^^1 JJessff^' 7 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED ANTHROPOLOGY LIBRARY This publication is due on the LAST DATE and HOUR stamped below. FEB14S8 DEC 8 1969 MAR 30 1976 DEC 11 1906 SFP 19 1Q7R DEC 8196Z MAY 26 199' RB 17-50m-7,'65 (F5759slO)4188 General Library University of California Berkeley / r * C0373SDbflb MILWAUKEE PUBLIC MUSEUM FROM S. A. BARREIT