PC-NRLF SB Mb 273 WIRELESS ELEGRAPHY BY ELMER E.BUCHER MECPANICSDEPT. V Practical \Vireless Telegraphy A COMPLETE TEXT BOOK for STUD E NTS of RADIO COMMUNICATION BY ELMER E. BUCHER Instructing Engineer Marconi Wireless Telegraph Co. of America Member Institute of Radio Engineers Fully Illustrated Revised Edition 5000 copies printed July, 1917 5000 copies printed October, 1917 5000 copies printed February, 1918 5000 copies printed March, 1918 5000 copies printed May, 1918 5000 copies printed June, 1918 25 ELM STJ^ftJEMlDBlklNEW ORK MBCPANICS COPYRIGHT, 1917 BY WIRELESS PRESS, INC. /\ Library AUTHOR'S NOTE In preparing this volume, the author has endeavored to give the non-technical student and the practical telegraphist an understanding of the functioning of present day commercial wireless telegraph apparatus, and he has varied the usual procedure followed in text books by covering first in a general way the fundamentals of electricity, electromagnetic induction, the dynamo, the motor, the motor generator, storage batteries, charging panels, etc., a knowledge of which is quite as essential to the practical wireless worker as the more com- plicated phenomena of radio-frequency circuits. It was not possible in the space available to treat the elements of electricity and magnetism in detail, but an effort was made to cover some of the more important prin- ciples to prepare the student to understand the functioning of radio telegraph apparatus. As in the case of the ordinary electrician working in the more common branches of electrical practice, one of the first" essentials in training a wireless telegraphist in the practical operation of a radio set is to instil in his mind a thorough understanding of electrical circuits, i. e., the wiring of electrical apparatus, for only as this all important knowledge is assimilated is the learner qualified to take charge of a commercial wireless station ; hence this book is largely devoted to describing the circuits of practical radio sets together with a simple explanation of the basic principles of the apparatus associated therewith. No attempt therefore has been made to treat the subject with rigid scientific accuracy or completeness. The idea has been rather to show the student wtfat the apparatus consists of and how it is manipulated. Only general notions of how and why it operates are presented and neither completeness of treatment nor rigidly scientific as distinguished from popular and non-technical use of terms have been attempted. In selecting the apparatus to be described the author has chosen that which is most widely in commercial use and such other apparatus as is of general interest. In line with this policy, systems using radio frequency alternating and direct current arc transmitters have been treated and chapters on undamped oscillation receivers and Marconi trans- oceanic wireless telegraph apparatus have been included. The attention of prospective wireless operators is directed to the series of questions in the Appendix (Section F), which bear particularly on the salient points of a practical operator's course and* which were prepared as a guide for the beginner to qualify him to take the examination for a Government license certificate. The student who has knowledge of electrical circuits and requires instruction only in the details of commercial wireless apparatus is advised to read Chapters Four to Twelve inclusive, but those who only require a working knowledge of the ship apparatus used in the American Marconi* Company's service are directed to Chapters Nine and Twelve. ^ One of the first questions often asked by a beginner who has had no previous elec- trical training or experience is "What is the object of the study of the elements of elec- tricity and magnetism" or "Why is such instruction required previous to taking up the subject of wireless apparatus proper?" To this it may be answered that the functioning of wireless telegraph apparatus is based upon fundamental electrical and magnetic principles and consequently, when the simple laws of the magnet and electrical currents are thoroughly understood the ground is at least two-thirds gone over. The primary object of the elementary work is to prepare the student step by step to understand the apparatus Tor the production of radio-frequent currents the currents of extremely high frequency by which the electric waves of wire- less telegraphy are set into motion. The second object is to explain and describe the apparatus by which the energy of these currents can be radiated in the form of electric waves and detected at a distant receiving station, and to explain the apparatus by which such currents are finally made audible in a telephone receiver or some sort of telegraphic recording apparatus. The author desires to acknowledge his indebtedness to the Marconi Wireless Telegraph Co. of America, the Crocker- Wheeler Manufacturing Co. and the Electric Storage Battery Com- pany for the loan of photographs, cuts, blue prints, wiring diagrams and literature which have greatly assisted in the preparation of this work. He has also freely consulted the columns of the Wireless Age and the Proceedings of the Institute of Radio Engineers. E. E. B. New York City, N. Y. 735783 CONTENTS PART I. MAGNETISM. THE MAGNETIC CIRCUIT. Natural Magnet. 2. Flux. 3. Polarity. 4. Magnetic Induction. 5. Permanent and Temporary Magnets. 6. Laws of Magnetic Poles. 7. Magnetic Circuit ,.'.. 1 PART II. THE PRODUCTION OF ELECTROMOTIVE FORCE. ELECTRIC CURRENT AND CIRCUITS. 8. Electrical Current. 9. Classification of Currents. 10. Electromotive Force. 11. Conductors and Insulators. 12. Production of Electromotive Force. 13. Electricity by Friction (Static Elec- tricity). 14. Electricity by Chemical Action (Primary or Secondary Batteries). 15. Secondary Cell. 16. Current Strength and Quantity. 17. Electrical Resistance. 18. Grouping of Electrical Cells. 19. Ohm's Law and Practical Application. 20. Divided Circuits. 21. Electrical Work. 22. Electrical Horsepower. 23. Definition of Electrical Units. 24. Current Output and Voltage of Various Current Sources 4 PART III. ELECTROMAGNETIC INDUCTION. THE DYNAMO THE FLOW OF ALTERNATING CURRENT. 25. Electromagnetism. 26. Magnetic Field About Two Parallel Conductors. 27. The Solenoid. 28. Induced Currents. 29. Mutual Induction. 30. Self-induction. 31. Value of Induced E. M. F. 32. The Dynamo. 33. Determination of Frequency. 34. Strength of Magnetic Field. 35. Diagram of an Alternating Current Dynamo. 36. Direct Current Dynamo. 37. Shunt, Series and Compound Wound Dynamos. 38. The Electric Motor. 39. The Effect of Counter Electromotive Force. 40. Motor with Differential Field Winding. 41. Dynamo and Motor Armatures. 42. Development of Armature Windings. 43. The Alternating Current Transformer. 44. Electrostatic Capacity. 45. Reactance and Impedance. 46. Capacity Reactance. 47. Lag and Lead of Alternating Current. 48. Effective Value of Alternating E. M. F. and Current. 49. Measuring Instruments or Electric Meters. 50. Induction Coil. 51. Practical Electric Circuits 16 PART IV. MOTOR GENERATORS. HAND AND AUTOMATIC MOTOR STARTERS. 52. The Motor Generator. 53. Field Rheostats. 54. Dynamotor and Rotary Converter. 55. The Motor Starter. 56. Automatic Motor Starters. 57. Protective Condensers. 58. Care of the Motor Generator. 59. How to Remove Motor Generator Armature ,,...,., 51 PART V. STORAGE BATTERIES AND CHARGING CIRCUITS. 60. The Necessity for a Storage Battery in a Radio Installation. 61. General Construction and Action. 62. The Charging Process. 63. The Fundamental Actions of a Storage Cell. 64. The Electrolyte. 65. The Hydrometer. 66. How the Capacity of a Storage Cell is Rated. 67. Funda- mental Facts Concerning the Storage Cell. 68. How to Charge a Storage Cell. 69. How to Determine the Value of the Charging Resistance. 70. Lamp Bank Resistance. 71. The Use of the Ammeter and the Underload Circuit Breaker. 72. The Ampere Hour Meter. 73. Over- charge. 74. How to Charge a Battery When the Voltage Exceeds That of the Charging Gen- erator. 75. How to Determine the Polarity of the Charging Generator. 76. Determination of the State of Charge and Discharge of a Battery. 77. Keeping the Level of the Electrolyte. 78. Pro- tecting the Cells from Acid Spray. 79. General Instructions for the Portable Chloride Type of Accumulators. 80. General Operating Instructions for the Exide Cell. 81. The Edison Storage Battery. 82. The Charge and Discharge of the Edison Cell 67 vi PRACTICAL WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. PART VI. THE RADIO TRANSMITTER. CONDENSERSOSCILLATION GENERATORS RADIATION OF ELECTRICAL WAVES- DAMPING OF OSCILLATIONS. 83. Methods of Generating Radio Frequency Current. 84. The Condenser. 85. Connections for Con- ^ densers. 86. How to Place a Charge in a Condenser. 87. Analysis of a Spark Discharge. 88. Effect of Resistance on Oscillations. 89. Electrical Resonance. 90. The Open Circuit Oscillator. 91. The Length of the Electric Wave. 92. The Determination of Wave Length From the Inductance and Capacity. 93. Logarithmic Decrement of the Oscillations. 94. Methods of Exciting Oscillations in an Aerial. 95. The Reaction of Coupled Circuits. 96. The Standard Waves of Commercial Wireless Telegraphy. 97. Fundamental Circuit of a Complete Radio Transmitter. 98. Simple Explanation of the Circuits. 99. Numerical Values for a Standard Radio Set , , , ,, ,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,, 80 PART VII. APPLIANCES FOR A RADIO TRANSMITTER. SPARK DISCHARGERS OSCILLATION TRANSFORMERS CONDENSERS TRANSFORMERS. 100. In General. 101. Spark Dischargers for Radio Telegraphy. 102. Adjustment of the Spark Note. 103. Oscillation Transformers. 104. Aerial Tuning Inductance. 105. The Short Wave Condenser. 106. High Potential Condensers. 107. High Frequency "Choking" Coils. 108. High Voltage Transformers. 109. Reactance Regulators. 110. Aerial Changeover Switch. 111. Transmitting Keys . , . ... 101 PART VIII. AERIALS OR ANTENNAE. 112. Function of the Aerial. 113. Determination of the Wave Length From the Dimensions of an Aerial. 114. Fundamental Considerations. 115. Various Types of Aerials. 116. Directional Aerials. 117. Standard Marconi Aerial. 118. The Deck Insulator. 119. Installation of the Aerial. 120. Earth Connection. 121. Radiation. 122. Antenna Decrement. 123. Transmis- sion Range 116 PART IX. RECEIVING CIRCUITS, DETECTORS AND TUNING APPARATUS. STANDARD MARCONI RECEIVING SETS. 124. In General. 125. The Problem. 126. Simple Receiver. 127. The Inductively Coupled Re- ceiver. 128. Other Methods of Coupling. 129. The Carborundum Detector and Tuning Cir- cuits. 130. Adjustment of the Inductively Coupled Tuner. 131. The Action of the Car- borundum Crystal. 132. Adjustment of Crystal Detectors. 133. Detector Holders. 134. Classi- fication of the Receiving Detectors. 135. Fleming Valve Detector and Tuning Circuits. 136. Marconi Type 107-A Tuner. 137. Marconi Magnetic Detector and the Multiple Tuner Circuits (English Marconi Company). 138. Th Marconi Type 106 Receiving Tuner. 139. Marconi Receiving Tuner Type 101 (American Marconi Company). 140. The Marconi Universal Re- ceiving Set (English Marconi Company). 141. Electrolytic Detector. 142. The Three Element Valve Detector. 143. A Repeater Vacuum Valve Circuit. 144. The Vacuum Valve Amplifier. 145. Amplification of Radio Frequencies. 146. The Effects of Distributed Capacity. 147. The "End Turns" of a Receiving Tuner and End Turn Switches. 148. The Variation of a Radio Frequency Inductance. 149. Buzzer Excitation Systems. 150. Receiving Telephones. 151. Mi- crophonic Relays or Sound Intensifies. 152. Brown Amplifying Relay. 153. Atmospheric Electricity. 154. The Marconi Balanced Crystal Receiver (English Marconi Company). 155. Type I Aerial Changeover Switch. 156. Marconi Type 112 Receiving Tuner. 156A. General Advice for the Manipulation of a Receiving Tuner.,. t .,,.,,.,..,,.,,, 129 PART X. AUXILIARY APPARATUS OR EMERGENCY TRANSMITTERS. 157. Statute Requirements. 158. Tuned Coil Set. 159. The Electric Storage Battery Company's Accumulators and Charging Panel 179 CONTENTS. y jj PART XL PRACTICAL RADIO MEASUREMENTS. MEASUREMENT OF WAVE LENGTH DECREMENT CALIBRATION TRANSMITTING AND 160. The Importance of Electrical Resonance. 161. Indicators of Resonance. 162. Uses of the ^ Wavemeter. 163. Simple Use of the Wavemeter. 164. General Instructions for Tuning a Radio Transmitter. 165. Tuning by the Hot Wire Ammeter. 166. Tuning the 2 K. W. 500 Cycle Panel Transmitter. 167. Determination of Coupling. 168. Plotting of Resonance Curves. 169. Measurement of the Logarithmic Decrement of Damping. 170. Calculation of the Decre- ment of the Wavemeter (or Decremeter). 171. Wavemeter as a Source of High Frequency Oscillations. 172. Calibration of the Secondary and Primary Circuits of a Receiving Tuner. 173. Calibration of the Open and Closed Circuits Simultaneously. 174. Measurement of the Natural Oscillating Period of a Coil. 175. Measurement of Electrostatic Capacity. 176. Meas- urement of the Effective Inductance of a Coil at Radio Frequencies. 177. Calculation of In- ductance from the Constants of the Coil. 178. Measurement of the Effective Inductance and Capacity of an Aerial. 179. Calibration of a Wavemeter from a Standard. 180. Measurement of Mutual Inductance at Radio Frequencies. 181. Comparative Measurement of the Strength of Incoming Signals. 182. "Tight" and "Loose" Coupling. 183. Measurement of High Voltages. 184. Tuning and Adjustment Record 188 PART XII. STANDARD MARINE SETS OF THE AMERICAN MARCONI COMPANY. PANEL TRANSMITTERS COMPOSITE TRANSMITTERS. 185. Panel Transmitters. 186. Details of Type P-4 Panel. 187. Description of Apparatus. 188. Complete Adjustment of Type P-4 Set. 189. Type P-5 Panel Transmitter. 190. Description of Apparatus. 191. Complete Adjustment of the Type P-5 Set. 192. How to Remove the Arma- ture of the y 2 K. W. Motor Generator. 193. The 1 K. W. Non-Synchronous Discharger Transmitter. 194. Description oi the Set. 195. Installation. 196. Adjustment of the 1 K. W Set. 197. Type "E-2" One-half Kilowatt, 120 Cycle Panel Transmitter. 198. Details of the Circuits and Apparatus. 199. General Instructions for Tuning and Adjusting. 200. Marconi 2 K. W. 240 Cycle Transmitter. 201. Type P-9 # K. W. Cargo Transmitting Set. 202. Aerial Current and Reduction of Power. 203. General Instructions for the Panel Sets 223 PART XIII. MARCONI DIRECTION FINDER OR WIRELESS COMPASS AND ITS APPLICATION. 204. In General. 205. Description of Equipment. 206. The Direction Finder Aerials. 207. The Circuit Complete. 208. The Tuned Buzzer Tester. 209. How Current is Induced in the Looped Aerials. 210. Direction of Magnetic Forces Within the Goniometer. 211. General Instructions for Operation of the Direction Finder. 212. To find the Direction of a Radio Station 255 PART XIV. | TRANSMITTERS OF UNDAMPED OSCILLATIONS. ARC GENERATORS RADIO-FREQUENCY ALTERNATORS PLIOTRON OSCILLATOR. 213. In General. 214. The Arc Generator. 215. Signalling with the Arc Transmitter. 216. The Alexanderson High Frequency Alternator. 217. Goldschmidt Radiot-'Frequency Alternator. 218. The Joly System for the Protection of Undamped Oscillations. 219. Marconi's System for the Production of Continuous Waves. 220. The Pliotron Oscillator 264 PART XV. RECEIVERS FOR UNDAMPED OSCILLATIONS OR CONTINUOUS WAVES. 221. The Problem. 222. The Tikker. 223. The Heterodyne System. 224. The Vacuum Valve as a Source of Radio- Frequency Oscillations. 225. Vacuum Valve as a Combined Detector, Amplifier and Beat Receiver. 226. Oscillating Vacuum Valve Detector Circuits of the U. S. Navy. 227. The Goldschmidt Tone Wheel. 228. Marconi System for Reception of Undamped Oscillations 277 PART XVI. MARCONI TRANSOCEANIC RADIO TELEGRAPHY. 229. Marconi Development and General Considerations. 230. Marconi's Duplex System. 231. The Balancing Out Aerial. 232. Glace Bay-Clifden Stations. 233. Marconi Directional Aerial. 234. Marconi Transoceanic Stations. 235. Marconi Tubular Masts. 236. Radio-Frequency Circuits of the Damped Wave Transmitters. 237. Other U. S. High Power Stations. 238. Long Distance Receiving Sets. 239. Condensed List of High Power Stations , , 288 viii PRACTICAL WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY PART XVII. LOCATION OF TROUBLE MAINTENANCE REPAIRS. 240. In General. 241. General Precautions. 242. Makeshift Testing Apparatus. 243. Checking Up the Transmitter. 244. The Faults of the Transmitter. 245. Possible Faults of the Motor Gen- erator. 246. Trouble in the Receiving Apparatus. 247. Improvised Transmitters and Receivers. APPENDIX. Section A. Complete Data for Standard Marine Commercial Sets. Section B. Wave Length Range of Marconi Receiving Tuners. Section C. Correction Factor for Formula. Section D. Induc- tivity Values for Different Dielectrics. Section E. Conversion of \ = to \ = 59.6 V L C. N Section F. Part I Magnetism. Part II Elementary Electricity and Simple Circuits. Part III Electromagnetism ; Electromagnetic Induction ; Electrical Measuring Instruments ; The Flow of Alternating Current. Part IV Motor Generators and an Automatic Motor Starter. Part V Storage Batteries. Part VI Condensers, Oscillation Generators and Radio Transmitters. Part VII Appliances for the Radio Transmitter. Part VIII Aerials or Antennae. Part IX Receiv- ing Apparatus. Part X Emergency Apparatus and Auxiliary Transmitters. Part XI Practical Radio Measurements. Part XII Marconi Transmitters. Part XIII Marconi Direction Finder. Part XIV Undamped Oscillation Generators. Part XV Receivers of Undamped Oscillations; Location of Trouble ; International Regulations and U. S. Laws and Regulations. Section G. The Relation of Spark Gap Action to Coupling and Purity of the Radiated Wave. Section H. Im- portant Remarks on the Design, Adjustment and Use of Receiving Transformers. Section I. Phase Relation of Currents in Balancing-out Aerial. Section J. y 2 K. W. Motor Starter. Practical Wireless Telegraphy PART I. MAGNETISM, : . THE MAGNETIC CIRCUIT. 1. NATURAL MAGNET. 2. FLUX. 3. POLARITY. 4. MAGNETIC INDUCTION. 5. PERMANENT AND TEMPORARY MAGNETS. 6. LAWS OF MAGNETIC POLES. 7. MAGNETIC CIRCUIT. Because the flow of an electrical current is invariably accompanied by a mag- netic field, ' a brief explanation of the phenomena surrounding the simple bar magnet will be given. This is to be followed in a successive chapter by a descrip- tion of the electromagnet. 1. Natural Magnet. A substance which has the property of attracting bits of iron or steel is called a magnet. Natural magnets found in various parts of the earth are known as lodestone and a piece of lodestone dipped into a pile of iron or steel filings exhibits this property of attraction to a considerable degree. If a bar of hard steel be rubbed with a piece of lodestone the steel is found to be magnetized and is then known as an artificial magnet. If the same bar is dipped into a pile of iron filings, the majority of the filings cling to the tips of the bar, there being no tendency towards attraction at the center. Since the strongest magnetism exists at the ends of the bar, these ends are known as the poles of the magnet. 2. Flux. If a piece of paper, over which iron filings have been sprinkled, is placed above and parallel to a bar. magnet, the filings will arrange themselves ^ v- ^^ into a series of well defined lines as in ^"*^ ^^x Fig. 1. These may be said to show the ' ^^--*- ^T.^ S \ general direction of the magnetic force. * i '" \ I ' These lines indicate that the space about \ . * i, ^--*---- x f. * the poles of a magnet is in a state of \ \ \ i. ? / / / , stress or strain, and therefore, they are called the magnetic lines of force or x x simply lines of force. The space sub- > N jected to this strain is called the mag- \ \ netic field and the total lines of force / x \^ s * \ crossing a given space or field are \ ^^--__--^ / termed the magnetic flux. ^"- ^ ^'" 3. Polarity. A magnetic needle Fig. i-Fieid ol a simple Bar Magnet. suspended or pivoted as in a compass and left to swing freely will, as is well known, point in the direction of the north magnetic pole. The end which points in that direction is known as the north pole of the magnet and the opposite end, the south pole. PRACTICAL WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY 4. Magnetic Induction. A piece of soft iron placed in the magnetic field of another magnet, becomes temporarily magnetized and will have two unlike poles. Magnetism thus induced in a piece of soft iron is said to be due to magnetic induction. If, for example, the north pole of a steel bar magnet be placed near to a bar of soft iron, the end of the iron bar nearest to the magnet will exhibit south magnetism and the opposite end north magnetism. It should be understood that magnetism can be induced in the iron bar whether in direct contact with the inducing magnet or slightly separated from it but when the exciting magnet is removed, the induced magnetism will practically disappear. 5. Permanent and Temporary Magnets. Because a bar of soft iron re- tains its magnetism only w/hile- under. th the total number of lines of force; p = number of field poles. In a commercial dynamo, the only factors in this equation which are variable, 26 PRACTICAL WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. are (1) the density of the magnetic field and (2) the speed of the dynamo arma- ture per second. We see from this that the voltage of any generator may be increased by increase of the speed of the armature or by increase of the strength of the magnetic field surrounding the armature coils. Commercial generators are built usually for constant speed. Regulation of the voltage is obtained by means of the field rheostat. 35. Diagram of an Alternating Current Dynamo. The essential parts of an alternating current dynamo are: (1) Field Magnets. (2) Armature. (3) Collector Rings. The diagram of Fig. 23 is merely intended to show the general details of the construction and connections of an alternating current dynamo. The field poles which are firmly bolted to the circular iron frame are represented by N, S, N, S, the armature at M and the collector rings at E, F. The field poles are wound alternately in opposite directions so that the current circulates about the turns in opposite directions, giving the poles alternately north and south polarity. The armature M is built up of a number of slotted sheets of soft iron which are pinned together and mounted on a common shaft, the copper conductors lying lengthwise of the core in such a way that the coils will be filled and emptied with magnetic flux (coils not shown). If these coils are properly connected together, the currents induced therein (by the change of flux) will flow in the same gen- eral direction, the voltage of one coil being added on to that of the next coil. It is to be especially noted that the source of continuous or direct current for exciting the field poles of an alternator is generally supplied from an external source which may be either a small direct current dynamo known as an exciter or a battery of storage cells. In most cases encountered in wireless working, the E. M. F. of the direct current source is 110 volts and the turns of the field winding are of such nttmber that the correct amount of current flows with small amounts of resistance in series at the rheostat R. As already explained, this resistance is known as the Held rheostat or field regulator. When the armature M revolves at a uniform rate, an alternating current is induced in the coils which is collected by the brushes E, F in contact with 2 collector rings, the volt- tage varying with the design of the machine. For purposes of wireless telegraphy the voltage of the generator may vary from 110 to 500 volts and the frequency of the current may vary from 60 to 500 cycles standard frequencies being 60, 120, 240 and 500 cycles. If the armature of Fig. 23 were revolved 1800 revolutions per minute, current at a frequency of 60 cycles per second would be obtained from its armature. Remembering the formula given for determining the frequency we see that in a complete revolution of the armature any point passes through four fields which would set up four reversals of current. If the armature revolves at the rate of 1800 revolutions per minute, corresponding to 30 revolutions per second, there will be 4 X 30 or 120 reversals of current, or a frequency of 60 cycles. If the genera- tor had 32 field poles, the frequency will be 32 X 30 or 960 alternations correspond- ing to 480 cycles. The student should understand that the foregoing description and drawing simply show in an elementary way the construc- tion and functioning of a generator. The diagram is merely intended to indicate the connections of the machine, the direction of the magnetic lines of force and the method by which the voltage generated by Fig. 24.-Showing the Function of a Simple Commutator, the armature is regulated. ELECTROMAGNETIC INDUCTION. 27 36. Direct Current Dynamo. Direct current is obtained from dynamo coils by a commutator, which is placed on one end of the armature driving shaft. In simple form it consists of a split brass or copper ring of two parts, C, D, which is thoroughly insulated from the armature shaft (shown in Fig. 24). The circuit from the loop A, B is completed through the contact brushes E and F through an external load as at R. The function of the commutator should be clear from the following explanation: As- sume the coil A, B to be in rotation in the direction of the arrow; then in the particular position shown in Fig. 24, the segment D will be a (-}-) pole and segment E a ( ) pole. The current will therefore flow in the external circuit from brush F to brush E. When A, B turns completely over so that side B goes under the south pole and side E under the north pole, the current will flow in B as it did formerly in side A, that is, towards the brush F. Similarly, when A is in the north field, the current will flow away from brush E. Therefore, the current will flow in the external circuit in the same direction as in the first case. We see also that in the second position mentioned, the current in B is flowing oppositely to that when B was cutting through the north field, but we must keep in mind that com- mutator segment B now makes contact with brush F instead of brush E. Thus the cur- rent will flow in one direction in the external circuit irrespective of the rate at which A, B revolves. A steady flow of current like that obtained from a battery of chemical cells cannot be obtained from the dynamo ; the latter in reality generates a pulsating current. If the dynamo armature is composed of a great number of coils, the pulsations are so minute and follow each other so rapidly that the current is practically continuous. That is, these pulsations are made to overlap one another by mounting a number of loops of the armature and connecting them in series so that immediately one set of coils passes the position of maximum cutting of the lines of force, another set will take their place. The greater the number of the armature coils the greater will be the number of commutator segments required. In fact, commutators in commercial .dynamos may have from 50 to 150 segments depending upon the design of the dynamo. 37. Shunt, Series, and Compound Wound Dynamos. We have already explained that continuous or direct current must flow through the field windings of an alternating current dynamo and that this current is obtained from an external source. In the direct current dynamo, the current for excitation of the field is obtained from its own armature. When the terminals of the field winding are tapped across the brushes of a direct cur- rent dynamo, it is called a shunt wound dynamo. The circuit for this machine is shown in the diagram, Fig. 25, where the terminals of the field winding are tapped across the arma- ture circuit at points C and D. A regulating rheostat connected in series with the field circuit at R permits an increase or decrease of the strength of the current flowing. The field winding of the shunt dynamo is composed of a large number of turns of com- paratively fine insulated wire, the actual number of turns being governed by the flux required, whereas the armature coils have comparatively coarse wire. Two paths are presented to the current as it flows from the armature of this machine, one being the field circuit and the other, the external circuit. In well designed shunt dynamos, the re- sistance of the shunt circuit is always greater than the resistance of the armature and external circuit, but the strength of the current flowing in the shunt coil is in fact comparatively small even in the larger types of generators. The student may question how current is set up in a machine of this type when it is first put into motion. The fact is that the initial building of the current is due to residual magnetism in the field cores. When . pig. 25 Circuit of Shunt Wound D. C. Generator. PRACTICAL WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. a piece of soft iron has been magnetized, no matter how soft the iron may be, a certain num- ber of magnetic lines of force are retained when the magnetizing current has been turned off. These lines are known as the residual lines of force and the cores of the field winding are said to possess residual magnetism. When the dynamo armature is first set into rotation, the residual lines of force pass in and out of the armature conductors through the core, generating therein a feeble current which flows to the field winding and increases the number of lines of force threading through the armature coils. This induces a stronger current in the armature conductors which con tinually adds to the strength of field until the normal voltage of the dynamo is established. The complete process usually requires from 10 to 50 seconds. After the generator armature attains its normal speed, the voltage across its terminals may be raised or lowered by the rheostat R. If the resistance of R is increased, the voltage diminishes, or if the resistance of R is decreased, the voltage increases. A diagram of a series wound generator appears in Fig. 26. The field magnets of this type are wound with a few turns .of thick wire joined in series with the armature brushes and all of the cur- rent generated by the armature passes through the coils of the field magnet to the external circuit. The current in passing through the windings of the field magnet, energizes them and strengthens the weak field due to the residual magnetism of the cores which results in a gradual building up of the magnetic field. The important char- acteristic of this machine is its ability FIELD to furnish current at increased voltage ARMATURE as the load increases for it is clear from previous explanations that the greater the strength of the field current, the greater the strength of the magnetic field from pole to pole. The strength of the field current flowing through a series wound generator, and therefore the voltage across its armature is reg- ulated by cutting out turns of the field Fig. 26-Circuit of Series Wound D.C. Generator. through the me dium of a multi-point switch or as may be done in the case of any type of generator, the voltage can be regulated by variation of the speed of the armature. The compound wound dynamo combines the desirable characteristics of both the series and shunt wound machine, and it gives a better regulation of voltage on circuits of varying load than is possible with a dynamo of either type. A suitable diagram of connections appears in Fig. 27. The field magnets of the. compound dynamo are wound with two sets of coils, one set being connected in series with the armature as shown at R, and another set in shunt to the armature and external circuit as shown at V. The function of the series winding is to strengthen the magnetic field by the current taken through the external circuit, and thus automatically sustain the voltage under variation of a load. In the case of the shunt wound dynamo, as the external load is increased, the potential difference at the armature terminals will fall, but in the case of the compound wound gen- erator, this fall of pressure is counteracted by the series winding, the current which flows in it increasing with the load and causing the pressure to rise. The number of turns of each winding and the relative strength of current is proportioned so that a practically constant pressure is maintained under varying load. Initial adjustments of the voltage can of course be secured by means of a field rheostat such as shown at R-l. The student should note carefully that current must circulate in both the ELECTROMAGNETIC INDUCTION. 29 series and shunt windings in the same general direction in order that the re- sultant magnetic fields may have the same general direction. 38. The Electric Motor. A motor is a machine for converting electrical energy into mechanical energy. There is essentially no difference between a motor and a dynamo. Any dynamo connected to a source of electric power will run as a motor and any motor driven by mechanical power such as a steam engine, etc., will generate a current of electricity. The differences between the two machines are mainly mechanical. The fundamental operating principle of the motor is as follows: A wire carrying a current placed in a magnetic field will tend to move in a direction at right angles both to the direction of the field and to the direction of the current. For example, if the plane of a given coil of wire lying be- tween the poles of a magnet is parallel to a magnetic field, and a current is passed through the coil, it will tend to turn or to take up a position at a right angle to the magnetic field. If the current is reversed when it has reached this position, the coil will continue to revolve. The action of the motor can be simply explained by the diagram of Fig. 28 where a motor armature, commutator and brushes as well as the field poles, are represented in a conventional manner. If the terminals G, H, be connected to a source of direct current, part of the current will circulate through the field windings and part through the coils of the armature between the two brushes. If the current flowing through Fig. 27 Circuit of Compound Wound D. C. Generator, the armature coils bears the correct direction to that flowing through the field winding, a state of magnetism such as shown in Fig. 28 may be produced. The upper half of the arma- ture core above the imaginary line X, will be a south pole and the lower half a north pole. The lower half of the armature will then be attracted by the south field pole and repelled by the north field pole and the upper half will be repelled by the south field pole and attracted by the north field pole. This may be stated in another way by stating that the coils of the armature tend to turn until they enclose the greatest number of lines of force from the field poles. The general strain of this attraction and repulsion is seen to be clockwise. The movement of the armature will be continuous because the commutator acts to main- tain in the same direction the flow of current through the two sides of the armature always. Consequently, the upper half of the armature will always be a south pole while the lower half will be a north pole, irrespective of the speed at which the armature revolves. Now it would have no effect on the general direction of rotation if the connections from the source of current to the motor were reversed because the polarity of the flux in both the armature and the field poles would be reversed accordingly and be- cause the strain of the two magnetic fields would have the same general direction the motor would revolve in the same di- rection as before. Careful consideration of this fact reveals that in order to change the direction of rotation of the armature, the flow of current must be reversed independently in either the ,,0 VOLT OC armature or field poles. Fig. 28-SimpIe Diagram Showing the Attraction and . , Like f^rators, motors may have Repulsion of Magnetic Fields in a Motor. either series, shunt, or compound wmd- TO-LOAD FIELD 30 PRACTICAL WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. ings. The type known as the differential wound motor appears in Fig. 29 and will be described further on. 39. The Effect of Counter Electromotive Force. When a motor armature is set into motion by an external current, the loops of wire composing its coils cut through the magnetic field and induce a reverse electromotive force counter to that which originally caused the motion. This back pressure is known as counter electromotive force which gov- erns directly the speed of a motor. The difference between the impressed and the counter voltage determines the actual flow of current in the armature and the counter voltage is proportional to the speed of the armature, the number of armature wires and the strength of the magnetic field which is enclosed. The speed of a motor supplied with current at constant pressure varies directly with the counter electromotive force and in any given machine the stronger the field, the slower will be the speed of the armature. If the field of a motor be weakened by inserting re- sistance in the excitation circuit, the armature will increase its speed up to a certain point, or until the increased speed of the armature increases the counter E. M. F. to such an extent as to cut down the armature current. Up to this point, however, the speed of any given motor can be varied by simply increasing or de- creasing the field strength. The pull* of the motor armature is di- rectly proportional to the strength of the armature current and to the strength of the magnetic field. In the case of the shunt wound motor where the field is of constant strength, the pull of the arma- ture depends upon the amount of current through its winding. Hence if we weaken the field, the reduced counter E. M. F. will permit increased flow of current in the armature, and therefore, will increase its speed. The speed of a shunt wound motor is self-adjusted in the following manner: If a load is thrown on suddenly, the armature will have a tendency to slow down, but this decreases the reverse electromotive force and there- fore increases the current flowing through the armature winding. This causes the motor to return to its normal speed of rotation. We see from the foregoing that the speed of a motor can be regulated in two ways: (1) by connecting a variable resistance coil known as a field rheostat in series with the field winding; (2) by connecting a variable resistance of large current-carrying capacity in series with the external circuit or in series with the circuit to the armature itself, The motors of the motor generators used in wireless telegraphy are designed to permit variation of the speed 20% above and below the normal speed. 40. Motor with Differential Field Winding. As we have explained, the speed of a motor is increased or decreased by regulation of the strength of the magnetic field and any reduction of field flux of a given machine will increase the speed of the armature. By the use of the differential field winding shown in Fig. 29, the flux of the shunt field is automatically weakened in accordance with the external load and the speed therefore self-regulated. Confining our vision strictly to the windings of the field poles, two distinct set of coils will be seen, one a series winding (SR) in series with the armature and the other a shunt winding (SH) connected across the main power line. If the current in these two windings circulates in opposite directions, a differential field is produced and the resultant field will be of greater or less intensity according to the current *The term "torque" is applied to the twisting force produced in the armature when the current is turned on. "Torque" is the result of "pull" and "leverage." 110 VOLT D.C Fig. 29 Motor with Differential Field Winding. ELECTROMAGNETIC INDUCTION. 31 taken by the armature. A suddenly applied load will tend to slow the armature down, and this will reduce the counter E. M. F. of the armature coils; accord- ingly increased current will flow through the series winding, which will reduce the counter E. M. F. to a still lower figure, permitting such increase of armature current as will restore the motor to normal speed. Through use of the differential winding motors may be designed to give very close speed regulation and are therefore distinctly suitable to drive the A. C. generators for wireless telegraphy. If we keep before us the fact that the counter electromotive force developed in a motor armature acts effectively as a resistance to the flow of current, and that this reverse electromotive force increases with the speed, it is easily seen that a considerable difference must exist between the armature resistance when standing still and its effective resistance when in rotation. If such a motor armature were started by connecting its terminals directly to the power mains an excessive current would flow which would do injury to the windings or the commutator. A device known as a motor starter is, therefore required to reduce the starting current to a safe value. Motor starters will be treated in detail in Part IV, paragraphs 55, 56 and 57. 41. Dynamo and Motor Armatures. Armatures may be classified with particular reference to their shapes, the two principal types being known as the drum wound and ring wound armatures. The diagram, Fig. 30, shows the general outline of the drum wound armature, the core of which is made up of a number of thin sheets of soft iron mounted on the shaft B to form the support for armature Fig. 30-General Outline of Drum Wound Armature. coilg The coils for ^ armature are placed lengthwise in slots, one coil being shown as at A, B. One terminal, A, B, is con- nected to a segment of the commutator and the winding continues through a slot to the rear of the armature core underneath a south pole, and returns in the case of a four-pole dynamo or motor about 90 away or underneath the north pole where the second terminal is attached to the next adjacent commutator segment. A number of these coils are con- nected in series, taps being brought from the terminals of each coil to the successive seg- ments of the commutator. The iron punchings of the core are insulated from one an- other by shellac or varnish to prevent the induction of current in the core as well as in the armature coils. A solid core would occasion great energy losses in this way. An armature coil constructed of thin discs or punchings is said to be laminated. The field poles and armatures of both dynamos and motors are laminated to prevent induction losses. In the ring wound armature shown in Fig. 31, the armature conductors are wound about a ring-shaped iron core, separated from one another and equally spaced, the term- inals of each coil being connected to ad- jacent segments of the commutator. Be- cause the conductors on the outside surface of the core only are active in cut- f\ \^ \ / ^/^ y^ yy ting the lines of force, the ring wound armature is more or less wasteful and is seldom encountered in wireless telegraph installations. 42. Development of Armature Windings. The subject of arma- ture windings is too comprehensive to be treated in detail here. These windings are exhaustively covered in many textbooks on dynamo engi- neering which should be referred to for additional details. The drum Fig 31 _ General Ou tiine of Ring wound Armature. 32 PRACTICAL WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. armature windings may be classed into two principal types, the lap winding and the wave winding. The development of the lap winding is shown in Fig. 32, where a number of armature coils, numbered 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, etc., successively, are assumed to be mounted on the armature of a dynamo and to cut through the magnetic fields of the poles N,"S, N, S. The arrow indicates the direction of rotation, and the letters correspond to the segments of the com- mutator. The position of the positive (-J-) brush of the armature is shown. In this diagram, an armature having 18 conductors revolves in a four pole field and the flow of current will be observed to have the following direction. If we start from com- mutator segment I, the point where the current enters the armature through the negative brush, then the current flows through conductor 17, to commutator segment A, through con- ductors I and 6, and out at segment B. Tracing in the opposite direction, current flows through 2, through 15 to segment H, through 18 and 13 and finally comes out at G. The current is thus seen to take two paths from the negative brushes through the armature coils to the positive brushes. And it will be clear also that one side of a given armature coil lies underneath a north pole and the opposite side underneath a south pole 90 distant. The student should note carefully the direction of the flow of current in all coils of the armature winding, taking particular note of the fact that in parts of the armature, the current is flowing Fig. 32 Development of Lap-Wound Armature. towards the positive brushes and in other parts, away from the negative brushes. The coils composing the armature winding are connected so that the voltage induced in one adds on to that of the next coil, hence, current flows in the same general direction through various groups of coils although the sides of a given coil are under magnetic fields of opposite polarity. It is to be noted that the brush shown in Fig. 32 short circuits a particular coil of the armature, which lies in the neutral magnetic field. It is self-evident that if a given armature coil were short circuited by a brush when the coil occupies a position other than the neutral position, it would be surrounded by a magnetic field and current of great strength would be induced therein. This would overheat or melt the conductors or at least would cause destruc- tive sparking at the commutator. If the armature wiring in Fig. 32 is carefully traced out, it will be observed that the winding, so to speak, laps back upon itself. It is therefore termed the lap winding. In a four-pole generator, four brushes would be required for this winding and in a six-pole generator, six brushes. In the diagram of Fig. 32 the coils of the armature are shown as consisting of a single turn of wire but they may have several turns between segments as ELECTROMAGNETIC INDUCTION. 33 shown in Fig. 33 where a single coil is connected to commutator segments B and C. Fig. 34 shows the development of the so-called wave winding. The path of the current is as follows: Current enters commutator segment I, continuing through conductor 17, or to segment E, continuing through conductors 9, 14, finally coming out at segment A. The current having passed through a conductor under each field pole, it returns to the commutator segment A, the one adjacent to segment I, at which it originally started. There are but two paths for the current through the armature, hence but two contact brushes are required. The majority of motors encountered in wire- less work have lap wound armatures. The general construction of a drum-wound armature is shown in Figs. 35 and 36. Fig. 35 shows a complete Crocker- Wheeler motor generator armature. It should be observed that the D. C. armature coils lie lengthwise in slots on the iron core and their terminals are soldered in slots at the end of each commutator segment. Fig. 36 shows the terminals of the armature coils placed in the slots ready for soldering. The construction of the commutator should be noted. It is made up of a number of copper bars separated by fiber insulating material. 43. The Alternating Current Transformer. We Flg . 33-Snnpie Armature Cod. haye shown in paragra * hs 2 8 and 29 how a varying magnetic field threading in and out of a coil of wire wound over an iron core can induce a flow of current into another coil wound about it. Mention was made of the fact that direct current flowing through the first coil must 'be interrupted or its strength changed periodically to induce a current in the second coil. It is clear from Fig, 19, that the lines of force produced by winding P cut each turn in S just once, and, therefore, the pressure or electromotive force induced I B I C I | COMMUTATOR Fig. 34 Development of Wave Winding. in winding S increases or decreases accordingly as the number of turns in S are greater or less than in P (see paragraph 31). -.The apparatus built upon this principle is known as a transformer and the different types are called step-up or step-down with respect to the ratio of the primary -and secondary turns. 34 PRACTICAL WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. The essentials of a transformer are: (1) A primary winding; (2) A secondary winding; (3) An iron core. In order that the current may be induced in the secondary of a transformer, the primary winding must be traversed by either a pulsating or interrupted direct current or an alternating current. Fig. 35 Construction of Crocker Wheeler Motor Generator Armature. Fig. 36 Showing Crocker Wheeler Motor Armature with Coil Terminals Unsoldered. Alternating current transformers for the production of high voltages may be broadly classified under two general types : (1) The constant current transformer; (2) The constant voltage transformer. In terms of the ratio of transformation, they may be classified as: (1) Step-up transformer; (2) Step-down transformer. According to the design of the coils and the core or magnetic circuit, they may be classified as : (1) Open core transformer; (2) Closed core transformer; (3) Auto transformer; (4) Air core transformer. Fig. 37 is an elementary diagram of a closed core, step-up, constant voltage transformer. The primary and secondary windings P and S respectively, are supported by a rectangular iron core built up of strips of sheet iron. The primary winding, for example, may consist of one or two layers of comparatively coarse wire such as No. 10 or No. 12 B. & S. gauge. The secondary winding S may have several thousand turns of fine wire such as No. 30 or No. 32. The process of transformation is as follows: The alternating current flowing from a dynamo through the primary winding P magnetizes the iron core periodically, causing a ELECTROMAGNETIC INDUCTION. 35 15000 VOLTS 500CYCU5 s rs-i varying flux to flow through the iron core in accordance with the alternations of current. This varying flux induces an E. M. F. in the secondary which will cause a current to flow if the secondary circuit is closed. The current in the secondary circuit flows in the opposite direction from that in the primary circuit and as it increases, it sets up a ilux in opposition to that already in the core, reducing its strength. This reduces the self-induction of the primary, permitting more current to flow in the primary and in this way the transformer becomes self-regulating a rise of the secondary current causing an increase in the primary current. If, for example, current at 110 volts, 500 cycles, flows through winding P, the flux will alternate through the core 1,000 times per Second, Setting U P> 1,000 altema- Fig . 3 7-Magnetic Circuit of Step-up Closed Core tions Of Current in Winding S. Transformer. Since S consists of a great number of turns, the voltage of the current induced in S will be very much greater than the voltage of the current in winding P In fact, it is found that the voltage in the secondary winding is almost a direct ratio of the primary and secondary turns, e. g., E-s _T-s E-p T-p where T-p = the current in the primary; where T-s =the current in the secondary; E-p and E-s = the voltage in the primary and secondary circuits respectively. Fig. 38 shows the open core, step-up voltage, constant current transformer employed m radio work. C, the core constructed of a bundle of fine iron wires or of sheet iron is covered with several layers of insulating cloth followed by one or two layers of coarse copper wire. An insu- lating tube (not shown) is placed over the primary. It is made of some mate- rial which will withstand the heat and possess the requisite insulating qualities. Over this tube is placed a secondary winding which consists of several thousand turns of fine wire wound up in the form of pancakes as at S-l, S-2, S-3. There is little magnetic reaction of the / secondary upon the primary in this type of transformer owing to the lack of a continuous iron path for the flux and the self-induction of the primary therefore remains nearly constant. The transform- er will draw practically the same current when the secondary is on short circuit as when it is open. The closed core transformer can be designed to have this operating characteristic when fitted with a magnetic leakage gap shown by the dotted line, Fig. 37. Through the leakage provided by this gap, the self-inductance of the primary winding remains nearly constant under all variations of the secondary load. Both the open and closed core transformers are employed in wireless telegraphy to generate current at voltages between ten thousand and fifty thousand volts at power inputs varying from Y 4 K. W. to 500 K. W. The ratio of transformation in the open core transformer is not exactly in proportion to the turns, due to magnetic leakage. The design is, therefore, altered to meet these conditions. Generally the secondary is given more turns than the usual transformer equation would require. The so-called auto transformer with a step-up ratio of turns is shown in Fig. 39. In this type the primary and secondary windings have turns in common, a single coil being Fig. 38 Open Core Transformer. 36 PRACTICAL WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. SECONDARY PRIMARY ALTERNATOR Fig. 39 Auto Transformer, copper strips, the tubing being from used for both circuits. A portion of the current flowing in the secondary winding is in- duced by the passing of the flux through the core from the primary turns, but another portion flows into the secondary circuit by direct conduction. Although transformers of this type are not employed for the production of high voltages (with low frequency currents), they are frequently used as step-down transformers to obtain 10 to 30 volts of alternating cur- rent from a 110-volt source. Without an iron core, auto transformers are used in the circuits of radio frequency in both the transmitting and receiving apparatus of wireless telegraphy. The air core transformer in Fig. 40 is used principally in radio-frequency cir- cuits for transferring oscillations at ex- tremely high frequencies from one circuit to another, and when used in this man- ' ner it might properly be called a radio- frequency transformer. For such a trans- former if used in the transmitting ap- paratus of a radio set, winding P is made of a few turns of coarse copper tubing or to y^ inch in diameter for the small size sets. Wind- ing S may have several turns, a dozen or more of insulated wire or small copper tubing. On the other hand, if the auto transformer is used in receiving sets, winding P may consist of several hundred turns of No. 24 B. & S. wire, and winding S may have several hundred turns of No. 32 B. & S. wire. Whether or not the voltage of the sec- ondary circuit will be greater or less than in the primary, in radio-frequency transforma- tion, depends upon the values of capacity included in either circuit as well as the ratio of the turns. Owing to the phenomenon of resonance and the effects of capacity, a step- up ratio of turns may be the equivalent of a step-down voltage or vice versa. When the primary circuit of an open core transformer is supplied with interrupted di- rect current, it is called an induction coil. This coil will be described in detail in Para- graph 50. 44. Electrostatic Capacity. In or- der that certain phenomena involved in the flow of alternating current may be understood, it will be necessary to con- sider another quality of an electric cir- cuit known as electrostatic capacity. We have mentioned two qualities of an electric circuit, i. e., resistance and inductance. The third quality, capacity, is of particular importance in wireless telegraph apparatus and will now be defined. Further on, we shall show how these three qualities govern the flow of an alternating current. Capacity may be defined as that property of a conductor or circuit by which energy can be stored up in electrostatic form. The electrostatic capacity of a conductor is measured by the quantity of electricity in coulombs with which it must be charged to raise its potential to one volt. SECONDARY I'M' 30.000 TO r = 1,000.000 p C - PRIMARY CYCLES sH CV ^ ' w^ '/ ' v :- Fig. 40 Radio Frequency Transformer. - 15 AMP tFFECTIVE VALUE 10 5 AMP Fig. 41 Rise and Fall of Alternating Current. ELECTROMAGNETIC INDUCTION. 37 STATIC FIELD Fig. 42 Simple Condenser. A device for storing up energy in the form of an electrostatic field is known as a condenser. When two copper sheets or other conducting material are separated by a small air space as in Fig. 42, and a source of direct or alternating current connected to the two plates, the intervening space fills up with electrostatic lines of force. If the charging source be disconnected, and the terminals of the condenser be recon- nected to a galvanometer, the latter will give a momentary deflection indicating the passage of an electric current. This experiment proves that the electrostatic field within a condenser will, when re- leased, set up a flow of an electric current. The unit for expressing the ca- pacity of a con'denser is the farad which is a condenser of such dimen- sions that one volt of electricity will store up in it a charge of one coulomb. The farad is too large for practical measurements, hence the micro- 1 farad is in general use. One (1) microfarad ^farad 1,000,000 The quantity of electricity that can be placed in a condenser is directly proportional to its capacity and the difference of potential between its plates, or Q = C X E. Hence, a condenser of .000002 farad capacity, charged to a potential of 10,000 volts would have stored up in it 10,000 X .000002 = .02 coulomb. When current flows into a condenser, its potential difference rises uniformly until the E. M. F. of the condenser and that of the charging source are equal. At any instant. Q the E. M. F. of the condenser is proportional to but since the charging process is uniform C E the average E. M. F. = . 2 The work done in joules in placing a quantity of electricity into a condenser = 'the quantity of electricity multiplied by the average E. M. F., hence the work in joules = Q X 2 Since Q = therefore W = E X C E X = 2 C E a Where W = the work in joules. Now if a condenser is charged N times per second, the power is expressed: C E* P = X N 2 Where N = the number of charges per second ; C = the capacity of the condenser in farads ; E = the potential difference in volts. Hence if a condenser of .002 microfarad capacity were charged to a potential of 30,000 volts by a 500 cycle alternator, the power expended in watts would be: .000000002 X 30,000 2 X 1,000 = 900 watts. 2 A condenser of concentrated capacity always consists of: (1) Two or more opposing surfaces; (2) An insulating medium between the plates which may be air or any of the well- known insulating materials, such as glass, micanite, hard rubber, waxed paper, etc. 38 PRACTICAL WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. This medium is known as the dielectric. The capacity of a condenser is found to vary : (1) Directly as the area of the opposed surface and the ability of the dielectric to conduct electrostatic lines of force; (2) Inversely as the separation of the plates. This may be written: K X A X 2248 T X 10 10 Where C = the capacity of the condenser in microfarads ; A = the area of the opposed surfaces in squares inches ; K a certain constant ; T = the separation of the opposed surfaces, or the thickness of the di-electric. It can be proven that different di-electric mediums conduct static lines of force with more or less ease depending upon their nature. Air is taken as unity and all other insulating mediums are compared to it. Certain grades of glass are said to have a dielectric constant of 9, meaning that a condenser with a plate of glass between conducting surfaces will permit 9 times the quantity of electricity to be stored up as with air at ordinary pressure. In the same way, the dielectric constant of micanite is said to be 5, paraffin paper 2, etc. (Note complete table in the Appendix). Condensers cf large capacity are made by taking a number of sheets of tin or brass foil and separating them with thin sheets of waxed paper or other insulating material, alternate sheets of foil being connected together on either side, so there is no direct con- nection between them. This constitutes a condenser of concentrated capacity which may store up temporarily considerable amounts of energy in electrostatic form. Condensers may be classified with respect to their dielectric strength which may be defined as the ability of the dielectric to resist puncture when subjected to electric pressure. Condensers which will withstand high voltages without rupture of the dielectric are termed high potential condensers and conversely those which will withstand low voltages only are called low potential condensers. High voltage condensers are used in circuits of several thousand volts pressure. Low voltage condensers are employed in circuits of less than 500 volts pressure. We have mentioned that a condenser when first connected to a charging source, has zero potential, and as the current flows, the potential difference rises until the voltage of the condenser is equal to voltage of the charging circuit ; the flow of current then stops. If the applied potential is decreased, the condenser will start to discharge and current will flow out in the opposite direction to which it was charged. The voltage of the condenser is thus seen to set up a back pressure which tends to drive the charging current back. We have already seen how inductance tends to prolong the flow of current in a circuit and we now see that the condenser tends to extinguish it or drive it back. Thus the back pressure of the condenser opposes that set up by an in- ductance coil. We shall now see how these counter E. M. F.'s govern the flow of alternating current. The effects of self-inductance will first be noted. 45. Reactance and Impedance. When a coil of wire is connected to a source of direct and then to a source of alternating current of the same voltage, the flow of current (in amperes) will be considerably greater with the former connection than with the latter. This is due to the fact that the counter E. M. F. of self-induction in a direct current circuit is only momentary, the effects being observed when the current is turned on and off, whereas in a circuit carrying alternating current, the effects of self-induction are continuous and the back pressure resulting therefrom must always be considered to determine the strength of current. The flow of a direct current through a given circuit is opposed only by the ohmic resistance, but the flow of alternating current is impeded by the counter electromotive force of self-induction as well as by the ordinary resistance. The ELECTROMAGNETIC INDUCTION. 39 extra resistance of self-induction is termed reactance, and is expressed in equiva- lent ohms. The combined opposition of reactance and resistance in any circuit is termed impedance, and accordingly the flow of current through a circuit carrying alternating current is governed by the impedance and not alone by "the ohmic resistance. It should be understood that the counter E. M. F. of self-induction entails no loss of energy in an electric circuit as does resistance (where the energy is lost in the form of heat), but a higher voltage is required in that circuit to force a given value of current through it. The flow of alternating current is nearly always controlled by coils of high self-induction which are termed reactance coils or "choking" coils. The reactive pressure occasioned by a circuit loaded with inductance is termed in- ductance reactance. It is expressed: Reactance = 6.28 X N X L Where N =the frequency in cycles per second, L = the inductance in henries. If the coil L of Fig. 43 has inductance of .055 henry, and it is connected to a 60- cycle alternator, the inductive reactance = 6.28 X 60 X .055 = 20 ohms. If the frequency be increased, the reactance (in ohms) increases in the direct ratio; thus if N = 100,000 cycles, the frequency of radio-frequency alternator, then the 60 CVCLES A C A 0- reactance of coil L = 34,540 ohms. The flow of current through L is governed both by the reactanc^ and the Fig. 43 Alternating Current Circuit with Concentrated resistance, and the impedance of such 3 circuit is expressed as follows: Impedance = V RS-j-X* Where R = the resistance of the coil in ohms; X = the reactance of the coil in ohms. Then if the coil L of Fig. 43 had inductance of .055 henry, resistance of 10 ohms and reactance of 20 ohms, then Impedance = V 20 2 + 10 2 = 22.3 ohms approximately. E For direct or continuous current, Ohm's law is expressed I = , but for alternating R E current the formula is modified to, I = . If the pressure of the alternator is 110 volts, Z 110 then there will flow through L, = 4.9 amperes nearly. 22.3 46. Capacity Reactance. We have shown how a condenser connected in series with an alternating current circuit acts as an effective resistance and exerts a back pressure on the charging E. M. F., and also that this back pressure opposes that set up by inductance. To distinguish these counter E. M. F.'s, the reactance occasioned by inductance is expressed as positive reactance and that by a con- denser as negative reactance. The capacity reactance of a condenser is determined as follows : 1 Capacity reactance = 6.28 X N X C Where N = the frequency of the current in cycles per second ; C the capacity of the condenser in farads. The important point to be noted from this formula is that a large condenser will have a small value of reactance and conversely a small condenser will have a large value of reactance. 40 PRACTICAL WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. If the condenser C connected in series with the 60 cycle alternator of Fig. 44 has capacity of .00013 farads, and the frequency of the alternator is 60 cycles, then 1 Capacity Reactance = ; = 20 ohms approximately. 6.28 X 60 X .00013 If the frequency of the alternator is 100,000 cycles, then, 1 Capacity Reactance = = .012 ohms. 6.28 X 100,000 X -00013 It is clear that by proper selection of capacity and inductance values in the alternator circuit of Fig. 45, the counter electromotive forces can be made to balance and the reactance there- 1 60 CYCLES A C M fore reduces to zero, or 2tr N, L = N,C The circuit then acts as if neither induct- ance or capacity were present and the flow of current is governed solely by the ohmic resistance of the circuit. If capacity reactance overbalances in- ductance reactance, then the resultant value takes the notation of the predom- inating figure, e. g., if the capacity react- Fig. 44 Alternating Current Circuit with Condenser in an ce exceeds the inductance reactance, the difference between the two will be ex- pressed in ohms, and the circuit said to have so many ohms capacity reactance. In case inductance reactance predominates, the opposite statement applies. We see from all this that a much greater current can be made to flow through the circuit from the alternator by the use of a condenser and a coil than if but one of these were used. Reviewing the foregoing, it is clear that the reactance of a given coil for frequencies in excess of 100,000 cycles per second (as compared to lower frequencies) may attain a rather large value. It is therefore nec- essary in such circuits to insert a cer- tain amount of concentrated capacity to build up the current. In the radio- frequency circuits of wireless telegraph apparatus, current flows at frequencies between 20,000 and 1,000,000 cycles per second and if this current is to be trans- ferred by magnetic induction from one circuit to another, the second circuit must contain a certain amount of in- ductance and capacity of such values that inductance reactance and capacity reactance neutralize one another. The 60 CYCLES A.C Fig. 45 Showing How Resonance Is Obtained in Alter- nating Current Circuits. second circuit is then said to be resonant to the impressed frequency and the flow of current is governed solely by its resistance. Straight wires possess both capacity and inductance, which are said to be dis- tributed rather than concentrated as in the case of a condenser or a coil of wire. The laws of electrical resonance, in general, apply to such circuits as well as those having concentrated capacity and inductance. 47. Lag and Lead of Alternating Current. A certain phenomenon, in- volved in the flow of alternating current throughout a given circuit, is termed phase displacement. Given a circuit in which inductance reactance predominates, it is found that when a given alternating electromotive force is applied thereto, the pressure and current do not reach their maximum values simultaneously. The current lags behind the impressed voltage by a certain degree dependent upon the self-induction of the circuit and such a circuit is said to have a lagging phase. As it is convenient to express a complete cycle of current in terms of the degrees of a circle, % cycle being equivalent to 90, ^2 cycle to 180, and so on, we express the lag of the current in terms of the degrees of the circle. Hence, a certain circuit is said to have ELECTROMAGNETIC INDUCTION. 41 an angle of lag of 35 or some other degree dependent upon the constants of the circuit. (All this is explained in any strictly theoretical text book on alternating current). In a circuit wherein capacity reactance predominates, the opposite condition is obtained, e. g., the current leads the voltage reaching its maximum value before the impressed E. M. F. A circuit of this type is said to have a leading phase. The point to be brought out here is tJiat in circuits having either lead or lag, the actual power consumption in -watts cannot be determined from the reading of a voltmeter or ammeter. To illustrate : When a voltmeter or ammeter are connected in the primary wind- ing of a high voltage transformer of the type used in wireless telegraph transmitters, the voltmeter may indicate 110 volts and the ammeter current strength of 14 aniperes. Apply- ing the power formula in simple form the apparent reading in watts would be 110 X 14 = 1,540 watts, but a wattmeter connected in this circuit may indicate a reading of 1,000 watts which is the true reading because the wattmeter is constructed to read correctly inde- pendently of the degree of phase displacement. The result obtained by multiplying the pressure by the current is only an apparent reading of watts; but the true reading is always obtained by the meter. The ratio of the true watts to the apparent watts is ex- pressed by the term, the power factor. In the circuit taken as an example, the power 1000 factor = , or approximately 65%. 1540 R The power factor can also be obtained from the ratio of , that is if the impedance Z and resistance are known, and the value of the former is divided by the latter, the power factor of "the circuit is obtained. The formula for power in direct current circuits, W = I X E is changed in the case of an alternating current circuit wherein the current lags behind the voltage to read: W = I X E X Cos. 0. The cosine is the power factor expressed as a function of an angle of a circle and R as mentioned, is equal to . Hence if the total resistance of a given circuit is known, also Z the total impedance and the reading of current and E. M. F. is obtained by an ammeter and voltmeter respectively, we can determine the true 'power in watts in any circuit without the use of a wattmeter. 48. Effective Value of Alternating E. M. F. and Current. It is self- evident from the alternating current, curve of Fig. 41 that the current constantly changes in value as well as reversing its direction. Hence, to express the effectiveness oi a given electromotive force in such circuits, we must employ some value other than the maximum E. M. F. or maximum current per alternation. Take, for example, any given circuit in which the maximum current for each alternation amounts to 15 amperes (as in Fig. 41), it is evident that at all points off maximum during the complete cycle, the strength of the current is less than 15 amperes. It is clear that we must take some sort of an average value in order to determine the effectiveness of an alternating current. Since the heating effects of direct current in a given circuit are uniform, the effectiveness of an alternating cur- rent is expressed in terms of the strength of a given amount of direct current which would produce the same power or heating effect. To illustrate: If 15 amperes of direct current pass through a resistance of 2 ohms, the power of the current converted to heat will be I 2 X R = 15 2 X 2 = 450 watts. Now if we pass an alternating current through the same wire and adjust its strength until 450 watts are consumed in the form of heat, we would then have 15 amperes of alternating current flowing. This is the so-called effective value of the alternating current which in the case of a sine wave curve is found to be .707 of the maximum value per alternation. Suppose, the maximum value of current per alternation in the curve of Fig. 41 is 15 amperes, then the effective value will be 15 X .707 = 10.5 amperes. That is, the current rises and falls uniformly between a value of +15 amperes and 15 amperes producing the same heating effect as a direct current of 10.5 amperes. Now an ammeter connected in such a circuit would indicate 10.5 amperes because these instruments are constructed to indicate the effective value of current and not the maximum value per alternation. Similarly, voltmeters indicate the effective voltage in a given circuit. All this means that the maximum voltage per cycle of an alternating current supplied from power mains at 42 PRACTICAL WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. pressure of 500 volts, is somewhat greater, in fact, is 500 X 1.41 = 705 volts. Similarly the maximum voltage per alternation in 110 volt alternating current circuits is 155 volts. (This is only true when the wave form of the current follows the curve of sines.) When speaking of the pressure of the high voltage transformers used in wireless telegraphy, the secondary voltage is generally given as the maximum voltage per cycle and not the effective value. The student will see from the foregoing that the problems of alternating current circuits are largely different than those of direct current circuits and that the flow of current is governed by conditions other than the ohmic resistance. Also the actual power consumption in watts depends upon whether or not the pressure and current in a given circuit are in exact phase. 49. Measuring Instruments or Electric Meters. The principle measuring instruments employed in connection with a wireless telegraph transmitter are : (1) The voltmeter; (2) The ammeter; (3) The wattmeter; (4) The frequency meter; (5) The hot wire ammeter. In the circuits of a radio-transmitter, these instruments occupy the positions fol- lowing: The voltmeter is joined across the terminals of the alternator; the ammeter is connected in series with the primary winding of the transformer; the wattmeter is connected in the circuit from the alternator to the transformer; the frequency meter is shunted across the terminals of the alternator; the hot wire ammeter is used prin- cipally in circuits of radio-frequency, and to some extent, in circuits of lower frequency. Before entering into a description of these meters, we shall explain the workings of the current-detecting instrument know the galvanometer. This instrument may take one of several forms, but the type shown in Fig. 46 is the least difficult to understand. A rectangular coil of sev- eral turns of copper wire D is suspended between the poles of a horse shoe permanent magnet, P, P. Between the poles is the stationary iron core C.* The coil is suspended from the screw F and the current to be measured enters at the wire A and leaves by the wire B. When current is passed through the coil B, it tends to turn so as to include the greatest number of lines of force but is resisted by the torsion of the suspending wires. If a pointer and suitable scale are attached to this coil, comparative readings of the strength of current may be made. In- struments of this construction are sen- sitive and will easily measure a current of .000001 of an ampere. It is an impor- tant instrument to demonstrate the ele- mentary principles of electromagnetic induction, and should be a part of all students' equipment. Now if the coil D had several matt mill 1 1 i Fig. 46 Simple Galvanometer. thousand ohms resistance, the galvanometer might be calibrated in volts and em- ployed as a voltmeter. If, on the other hand, coil D were wound with a few turns of relatively coarse wire, it might be calibrated in amperes and would, therefore, be known as an ammeter. As an ammeter it would be connected in series with the circuit under measurement. The Core C intensifies the field across the air gap P to P. ELECTROMAGNETIC INDUCTION. 43 WVW (a) The voltmeter may be constructed along the lines of galvanometer. A simple drawing of the Weston voltmeter appears in Fig. 47. A rectangular coil of fine wire, A, B, is mounted on the metal bobbin G. It is supported by jewelled bearings and held in the zero position of the scale by the spiral springs, S-l and S-2, through which the circuit of the coil is com- pleted. When the pointer is in zero po- sition, the coil rests at a slight angle to the pole pieces of a permanent magnet, N, S. When current is flowing through the coil, the normal field from N to S is "lengthened" out and in trying to "shorten" themselves, the lines of force actually "twist" or turn the coil. When the tension of the spring is equal to the pull of the magnetic field, the pointer comes to rest and the reading of the instrument may then be observed. An external resistance coil, R, is connected in series with the winding of the bobbin to reduce the flow of cur- rent to a minimum value. This coil may have resistance of 100,000 ohms and may be provided with two taps making the meter a double scale instrument. There is essentially no difference in Fig. 47-Mechanism of Voltmeter. ^ he construct i on o f t h e ammeter and the voltmeter except the resistance of the windings and the calibration. The coils of the ammeter have relatively low resistance whereas the voltmeter as already mentioned, has high resistance. The windings of an ammeter may be proportioned to carry a small amount of current, but the meter can be used to measure very large values by connecting its terminals across an external shunt as in Fig. 48. This shunt consists of a number of metal /""^ AMMETER strips of comparatively low resistance stretched between two large copper lugs. A potential difference exists across the terminals of the shunt which causes a certain amount of the current to sub- divide and flow through the meter. An increase of current through the shunt will increase the flow of current through the instrument, and the meter, therefore, , , ... , , Fig. 48 Showing the Use of a Shunt with an Ammeter, may be calibrated to read very large values of current, although but small values pass through the instrument itself. Such instruments are generally supplied with a certain length of connecting leads between the shunt and the instrument. The length of these leads must not be altered or the calibration of the instrument will be interfered with. In electrical diagrams, both the voltmeter and the ammeter may be designated by the symbol of Fig. 49. One type of meter for use in alternating current circuits is shown in Fig. 50. Coil W is a spool of wire with several layers .like the winding of an electromagnet. The shaft carrying the pointer P has the semi-cylinder of iron A surrounded by the brass cylinder B. Outside B is another semi-cylinder of iron C. When current is flow- ing through the coil W, the semi-cylinder A tends to move into the unfilled space of C, but is resisted by the spiral springs S. If coil W is wound with fine wire and has a coil of high resistance connected in series, it is a voltmeter, but if W has a coarse wire winding, the instrument becomes an ammeter. (b) The wattmeter is a positive necessity for determining the power flowing SHUNT 44 PRACTICAL WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. Fig. 49 Symbol for Measuring Instru- ment. in an alternating current circuit because, as already explained, the product of the volts multiplied by the amperes does not give the true reading of watts. Due to the self-induction of the circuit, the E. M. F. and current do not reach their maxi- mum values simultaneously. The current in fact, lags behind the impressed E. M. F., and there- fore the. product of volts multiplied by amperes gives what is known as an apparent reading of watts. This lagging of the current behind the E. M. F. is known as phase displacement. Wattmeters are constructed to be independent of phase displacement and they will give true readings of power consumption over the range for which they are designed. The student will always recognise the wattmeter by it having four binding posts; two very large binding posts which are connected in series with the apparatus under measurement and two small binding posts which are connected in shunt to the terminals of this apparatus. The general design for this instrument is shown in Fig. 51. Coil A, called the current coil, is connected in series with the load; coil B, called the voltage coil, is connected in shunt to the load but a large resistance R is connected in series. The position of the coil A is fixed, but coil B is mounted on bearings and fitted with a pointer P which is held in the zero position by a spiral spring S. When current is passed through these two coils, two magnetic fields are set up, which act mutually to pull the movable coil B parallel to the coil A. The current in the pressure coil will vary as the potential difference between its terminals and the current through the series coil will vary as the current in the circuit in which it is inserted. The force acting upon the movable coil will be proportional to the product of the current and potential difference. That is, the deflection of the coil is proportional to the power of the current flowing in the circuit, and the scale of the instrument may be calibrated directly in watts. In the diagram binding posts C, C, are for the current coil, and posts L, L, are for the pressure coil. (c) Frequency meters are not ex- tensively supplied to commercial wire- less telegraph sets, but one of these in- struments is always a part of the radio inspector's testing equipment. The Hartmann & Braun meter is shown in Fig. 52. It has much the appearance Flg ' SO-Mechanism of Alternating Current Ammeter. of a voltmeter, and, like that instrument, it is connected in shunt to the terminals of the alternator. In this diagram the single elongated magnet winding M has joined in series with it the coil R ; the two terminals E, E are shunted across the circuit under measurement. The soft iron piece, P, P, completes the magnetic circuit for the poles of the horse- shoe magnet, N, S, N, S, etc. A number of small vibrating reeds are placed directly in the path of the flux between the soft iron piece and the poles of the magnet. Each of these reeds have a different period of mechanical vibration and, consequently, are only set into vibration by the flux of the magnet when it alternates at such rates as to correspond to the natural mechanical period of the reed. Four permanent horse-shoe magnets, N, S, N, S, etc., keep the core in a constant ELECTROMAGNETIC INDUCTION. 45 SOURCE state of magnetization, but when alternating current flows through winding M, the reed having a natural period corresponding to the particular frequency of the current flowing will be set into violent oscillation. The scale reading corresponding to this particular reed is the frequency of the cir- cuit under measurement. The instrument will perhaps be better understood from the side elevation, Fig. 52. Frequency meters of this type are very accurate. (d) The mechanism of one type of hot wire ammeter is shown in Fig. 53. Meters of this construction are particularly suitable for measurement of the current at radio-frequencies. It should be self-evident that measure- ment instruments having bobbins or coils of wires are totally unsuited to this work, first, because the current of high voltage and high frequency would burn out the coil, and, second, the length of the windings would seriously affect the oscillating prop- erties of the circuit. The self-induc- tion of the hot wire in a hot wire meter is practically zero, and there- fore there is no danger of burn-out or short circuit. In the diagram, Fig. 53, a steel plate P is made to pull against the wire C, D, by the spring S-l. One end of the wire C, D is attached to the plate P, passed about the pulley K, and again attached to P at point R where it is insulated. The pulley K carries the arm S with two prongs between which is stretched a silk thread T wound around the shaft X. X carries the pointer P 1 , which moves over the scale. The current to be measured enters the wire at point A and leaves at the shaft K; as the current flows, the temperature of the wire rises, causing it to expand, but owing to the tension of S-l, the slack is taken up at the side and equilibrium can be re- stored only when the pulley K rotates sufficiently to equalize the pull on the spring. The rotation of K carries S with it, and S in moving causes the silk fiber to rotate the shaft which carries the indicating needle. When the hot wire ammeter is used to measure large values of current, a shunt must be supplied to sub-divide the current flow, but an inductive shunt, even with one-half a turn of wire can- not be employed to measure current at radio-frequencies because the inductance of the shunt would vary with each change of frequency. Consequently, hot wire meters are constructed after the de- sign of Fig. 54, where several resistance Flg ' 52-Mechamsm of Frequency Meter, wires are stretched in parallel between two large copper blocks, B, B 1 . All of these wires are of small diameter, such as No. 36 or No. 40 B. & S. gauge, hence they offer practically the same resistance to current of radio-frequency as to a direct current; that is, irrespective of the frequency of the current, the reading in amperes will be accurate. One of the wires, C, D, is selected to work the indicating mechanism in the Fig. 51 Mechanism of Wattmeter. 46 PRACTICAL WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. DAMPING 1 ' DISC Fig. 53 Mechanism of Hot Wire Ammeter. following manner: A wire, E, F, is attached to the center of C, D, and a silk thread attached to it at K, which is wound about the shaft in such a way as to work against the tension of the spring S which, normally, would cause the pointer to move to the full scale position. However, by means of the thread, it is drawn to the zero position of the scale. When current is flowing through C, D, the expansion of the wire releases the pull of the thread which allows the pointer to move across the scale ac- cording to the degree of expansion and the tension of the spring. The fundamental principle of another instrument for measuring radio-frequency currents, used by the Marconi Company, is shown in Fig. 55. The complete details for construction are not opened for pub- lication, but briefly, the operation is as follows: The current of radio-frequency flows through several wires stretched be- tween blocks B and B 1 . A thermo- couple mounted on one of these wires as indicated at C, D, is heated by the current of radio-frequency flowing be- tween the copper blocks. As is well known, this junction sets up a direct current which flows through the meter A. The latter is a sensitive di- rect current instrument with magnetic windings and is calibrated directly in amperes. The production of E. M. F. by a thermo-couple may be better understood from Fig. 56. If a piece of bismuth B and antimony A be soldered or welded together and their ends connected to a galvanometer, then if the temperature of the junction is raised higher than the remainder of this circuit, a current flows in the external circuit from antimony to bismuth. If the junction is cooled below temperature of the rest of the circuit, current will flow in the opposite direction. There are a number of other metals which when joined and heated will produce a direct E. M. F. undei change of temperature, notably copper and iron, which are frequently used as a thermo- junction. 50. Induction Coil. We have shown how an alternating current can be raised to a pressure of several thousand volts by means of the alter- nating current transformer. In a somewhat similar manner, a direct current of low voltage can be changed to an alternating current of many thousand volts by an apparatus known as an induction coil. Fig. 57 is a diagrammatic sketch of an induction coil. P is the primary winding and S the secondary winding. B is a piece of spring brass fitted with a soft iron button that may be attracted by the core C. A is an adjustable thumb screw, platinum tipped, which makes contact at C 1 , closing the circuit of the battery through winding P. In practice sole- noid S is wound about C. When the battery circuit is closed at K, the core becomes saturated with magnetism and attracts the armature B. B being drawn to the end of the iron core, the flow of current is broken at C 1 . Since the current is now cut off from P the magnetic field disappears and the tension of the spring causes the circuit to be closed again at C 1 . This process is repeated continuously, resulting in from 30 to 100 breaks per second. 54 Hot Wire Ammeter with Internal Shunt. ELECTROMAGNETIC INDUCTION. 47 MILL1AMMETER The coil P generally has 1 or 2 layers of coarse insulated copper wire of different sizes (the size varying with the current) which are thoroughly insulated from the core C. Winding P is covered with an insulating tube which supports winding S. The secondary winding may have many JUNCTION thousand turns of very fine wire which are wound in the form of pancakes and connected in series. Thus the electromo- tive force at the terminals of winding S Fig. 56 Production of Thermo-Electric Current. may be as great as 150,000 volts when the pressure of the current through P is 20 to 30 volts. The student should note that, al- though the interrupted direct current in winding P induces an alternating current in the winding S, the induced pressure (in winding S) is considerably more in- tense at the "break" of the primary cur- rent than at the "make." This is due to the more rapid change of flux thread- ing through the winding S when the lines of force collapse than when they rise; in Fig. 55-Aerial Ammeter with Thermo-Couple. Qther words> ^ requires a longer period to saturate the iron core with lines of force than to empty it. The wave form of the induced current is shown in Fig. 58. MAGNETIC AMMETtR B-i I K linn Fi gt 57_Fundamental Diagram of Induction Coil. 48 PRACTICAL WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. Fig. 58 Wave Form of Secondary Induced Currents. (a) Interrupters. In addition to the magnetic interrupter shown in Fig. 59 there are several types of interrupters for induction coils, but since they are seldom used in modern wireless systems, they will not be described. The electrolytic interrupter is frequently employed but not extensively. A diagram of connections and a sketch is shown in Fig. 59. A lead plate of convenient size is immersed in a dilute solution of sul- phuric acid together with a platinum electrode covered with a porcelain sleeve. The amount of platinum ex- posed to the action of the acid is closely regulated according to the conditions of the circuit. When the interrupter is connected in series with the primary winding of the induction coil the action is as follows: The current flowing through the solution from, platinum point to the lead plate sets up an electrochemical action which form a gas bubble on the tip of the platinum electrode. This gas bubble insulates the platinum exposed, thereby opening the primary circuit. The cur- rent flow having discontinued, there is nothing to sustain the gas bubble, which accordingly collapses again, allowing the current to flow through the winding, when the above action is repeated. A rather high rate of in- terruption is thus secured which in- duces a rapidly pulsating current in the secondary winding. Interrupters of this type frequently give 1,000 breaks of the primary current per second of time. They will not function well on potentials less than 80 volts direct cur- rent. Fair results are obtained with alternating current. 51. Practical Electric Circuits. With the sole purpose of conveying to elementary students an idea of the wiring and certain fundamental facts surrounding practical electrical circuits, a few examples are herewith appended. In the circuit of Fig. 60, direct current at pressure of 110 volts enters at the terminals A, B, flows through the fuses F, F, through the switch blades D, D, and thence on to -the bank of lamps assumed to consist of 8 lamps connected in parallel or in shunt to the terminals of the power line. If the lamps have resistance each of 220 ohms,, one-half ampere will pass through the individual lamps; hence, 8 la.mps will pass 4 amperes. Now the voltage of this circuit may be measured by the voltmeter V which is an instrument of high resistance, taking a very small amount of current, and the current can be measured by the o o o-o o Q P p O O -3 :0 6 O V O o-o o o ' o_ o o o' o o IIOV. D.C LEAD' PLAflNUM Fig. 59 Electrolytic Interrupter Connected to an Induction Coil. ammeter A which conversely is an instrument of low resistance. In the prdblem cited, ammeter A should indicate current of 4 amperes, and meter V pressure of 110 volts. The power in watts = 4 X HO = 440 watts = 0.44 K. W. (o) Fuses. Fuses are required at points; tf?, F jto] protect the., generator connected to terminals 'A, B, from accidental short circuit or overload. These consist of lead or com- position alloy wire which melts when more than a predetermined number of amperes pass through them. In order to protect the circuit of Fig. 60, the fuses should have current ELECTROMAGNETIC INDUCTION. LAMP5 carrying capacity of 5 or 6 amperes. Then if current in excess of this value is drawn, the alloy wire melts, completely cutting off the current. In the power circuits of the Marconi wireless system, enclosed fuses are employed ex- clusively. These consist of a strip of fusible material of the requisite current capacity, stretched between two brass lugs and en- closed within a fiber cylinder. A second example of a practical circuit is shown in Fig. 61 where the terminals connect to a 550 volt direct current generator. Assume that only 110- volt incandescent lamps were available for light- ing purposes; then to prevent the lamps being burned out by excessive voltage they are connected in series. The complete cir- cuit will pass y& ampere of current at a pressure of 550 volts. A voltmeter con- nected around any of the lamps would in- dicate approximately 110 volts. Should any v *rv_c- i P ,. rv> of the lamps burn out > the circuit will be Fig. 60-Snnple Power Qrcuit. broken an(J ^ Qnly be estab , ished when a new lamp is substituted for the burnt one. Since the potential across the entire bank of lamps is 550 volts, and the current ^ ampere, the bank of lamps would require % X 550 = 275 watts or a little more than y K. W. A third example of a practical circuit is shown in Fig. 62 wherein alternating current is transmitted, let us say, from a central power station at 2200 volts pressure, passed through the primary winding of the trans- former P which is of relatively high re- sistance. By electromagnetic induction, a current is induced in the secondary wind- ing at a pressure of 110 volts with a corre- sponding increase of current as compared with that flowing in the primary winding. This current may be employed convenient- ly for lighting a bank of lamps such as indicated at L. Assume the bank of lamps in this draw- ing to consist of 8 lamps connected in parallel; they will require 4 amperes of . current and the fuses at F-l should have Flg ' a- 1 -*- - Se <* " 550 _ v< " 5 c ''<- capacity of 5 or 6 amperes. On the other hand, the strength of the current in the primary winding P is relatively low and much smaller fuses will be employed to protect this circuit. When electrical energy is transferred from the primary winding to the secondary wind- ing, certain losses due to resistance, heating of the core and magnetic leakage take place, hence, the total power flowing through P exceeds that taken from S. If winding S t fcO li 1 tt F P S 1100 VOLTS C 1 I M F > A.C. C ^ f ^ " I c B F 1 110 VOLTS A.C A' Fig. 62 Showing Use of Step-Down Transformer. and the circuits associated therewith take 440 watts we may assume a value of 500 watts for the circuit P. Since the number of watts in a given circuit = I X E, then (assuming W 500 no phase displacement) I = or for winding P, I =' == 0.22 amperes, the approxi- E 2200 mate value of the current flowing through winding P. A one ampere fuse would therefore protect the primary circuit from overload. 50 PRACTICAL WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. The installation of all types of a power or radio equipment are made in accordance with certain definite rules or regulations which have been adopted by the National Association of Electrical Inspectors. These rules vary slightly in different cities of the United States, but are generally in accordance with the national code. The installation of power or wireless apparatus should not be undertaken until these rules have been carefully gone over. The foregoing explanations and examples explain but partially the problems of ordinary electric circuits, but they serve to show certain fundamental facts which should be of some value to the elementary student of radio-telegraphy, Fig. 62a. A High Power Radio Station in the Tropics. PART IV. MOTOR GENERATORS. HAND AND AUTOMATIC MOTOR STARTERS. 52. THE MOTOR GENERATOR. 53. FIELD RHEOSTATS. 54. DYNAMOTOR AND ROTARY CONVERTER. 55. THE MOTOR STARTER. 56. AUTOMATIC MOTOR STARTERS. 57. PROTECTIVE CONDENSERS. 58. CARE OF THE MOTOR GENERATOR. 59. How TO REMOVE MOTOR GENERATOR ARMATURE. 52. The Motor Generator. The required high voltage current for the operation of a radio-transmitter is obtained from (1) a source of alternating cur- rent, (2) an alternating current step-up transformer; but practically all vessels that have been fitted with radio sets to date have a direct current dynamo making it necessary to install a motor generator to obtain an A. C. source of supply. A motor generator is simply a motor and a dynamo coupled together on a com- mon cast iron base, the motor being set into rotation by direct current, the dynamo in turn generating an alternating current of the required voltage and frequency. Such machines may have two or four bearings, two for the motor armature and two for the generator armature or the shaft may be strengthened at the center and have both armatures mounted on it. In this case the shaft has two bearings. GEN FIELD A.C. Fig. 63 General Construction of Motor Generator. A general outline of the construction of a motor generator is shown in Fig. 63 where a direct current motor is mounted on the left of the cast iron base, the alternating current generator on the right. The motor receives direct current at pressure of 110 volts (gen- erally) and the dynamo generates alternating current at frequencies from 60 to 500 cycles and at voltages varying from 110 to 500 volts according to the design. The student should note from Fig. 63 that (1) the generator field windings receive current from the same source as the motor, e. g., in the case of a ship installation, from the ship's dynamo; (2) both the motor and generator field windings are connected across the D. C. power line. 52 PRACTICAL WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. For the operation of radio-transmitters, a motor generator is required that will give: (1) Constant speed under variable load; (2) Constant alternating current voltage under variable load. For the quenched spark transmitter, a constant current generator having a falling voltage characteristic under a load is preferred. When a motor generator is connected to a wireless transmitter, it is subjected to an intermittent load following the closing of the transmitting key, and there- Mo/erfie/d Generator F/e/ TELEGRAPHY. C-i EARTH poles bringing the armature to a quick stop. Reviewing the foregoing: When the handle of the type SH aerial changeover switch (or any other type) is thrown to a transmitting position, the motor generator is automatically started, provided the main D. C. line switch is closed. It will be brought to a quick stop when the antenna switch is placed in the receiv- ing position, provided the switch 17 remains open. If the switch 17 is closed, the motor generator can be kept in a continuous state of operation during the receiving period. The speed of acceleration of the starter arm can be very closely regulated by means of an adjusting screw attached to the bottom of the vacuum chamber. It usually requires 12 seconds to bring the starter up to the full running position. When it becomes necessary to make repairs or adjustments to the generator or the A. C. power circuits, the generator field switch 26 should be open. When the motor generator is to remain idle for an indefinite period, the main D. C. line switch should be opened to break the circuit to the field winding of the motor. In the diagram of Fig. 76 the complete circuit of a differentially wound motor coupled to a simple alternating current generator is shown, including the connection of the field rheostats and the hand starter. The student should give this diagram careful con- sideration as it serves to show the complete funda- mental circuit of various types of motor generators in the Marconi service. This diagram should be used in answer to the Government examination query regarding the fundamental circuits of the motor generator. 57. Protective Condensers. When a wireless telegraph transmitter is in operation, a powerful Fig. 77 Protective Condensers. electrostatic field is set up in the region about the aerial wires. // the power apparatus is installed in such a manner that the low voltage wires leading to the motor generator or other apparatus, lie parallel or in proximity to the antenna wires, currents of very high potential will be induced in the power wires which may puncture the insulation. A path is then afforded for the low voltage current which may cause an arc, com- pletely short-circuiting the windings of a motor generator. In other words, this induction sets up a difference of potential between the various windings or between the windings and the frame of a motor generator which may result in a disastrous burnout. The low voltage wires can be well protected by installing them in iron con- duit, the latter in turn, being thoroughly connected to the earth. The induced currents will flow on the surface of the pipe and be neutralized by the earth connection, and thus do no harm to the power wiring. The power wires of commercial radio in- stallations are either installed in iron conduit or in lead-covered cables, but in addition to this protec- tion, protective devices known as protective con- densers or protective resistances are employed. Protective condenser units consist of two one-half microfarad condensers connected in series mounted on an insulating support as in Fig. 77. The middle connection is extended to the earth and the remaining terminals connected across the field or armature windings of a motor generator or between these windings and the frame. Differences of potential that may be induced in such windings are thereby neutralized and reduced to zero through the earth connection. Carbon or graphite rods of high resistance are often employed for protective purposes as shown in Fig. 78. A single graphite rod having resistance of about 5,000 ohms is mounted on an insulating support and connected to earth at the middle point. The two remaining terminals are connected to the windings of the motor generator to be protected. These rods i EARTH Fig. 78 Protective Resistance Rod. MOTOR GENERATORS. 65 current but PRO CONO have sufficient resistance to prevent appreciable leakage of the low voltage possess sufficient conductivity to pass the induced current of high voltage. Protective rods or protective condensers are connected: (1) In shunt to the motor armature. (2) In shunt to the generator armature. (3) In shunt to the field windings of the motor. (4) In shunt to the field windings of the generator. The diagram of Fig. 79 shows how protective condensers are attached to the motor gen- erators in modern Marconi sets. Condensers A, B, C and D are of J^ or 1 microfarad ca- pacity each. One terminal is connected to a binding post and the other terminal to the frame of the motor generator. The frame of the motor generator is connected to the earth at the binding post or at any other convenient point. These condensers are generally mounted in a containing rack on the top of the motor generator and pro- tected from injury by a cast iron case. In naval radio systems, fuses are con- nected in series with the protective con- densers to protect the power mains in case of puncture of the dielectric. 58. Care of the Motor Generator. When first coming in contact with a motor generator of any type, the stu- dent should note particularly how the brushes are held in the rocker arm and how the connections are attached to and between the various brush holders. He should also note the connections inside the frame from the motor to the generator. Particular observance should be made of the thrust bearing mounted on the end of the shaft to take up the "end play" In the case of the 2 K. W. 500 cycle motor generator, the method of attaching the rotary Fig. 79 Showing How Protective Condensers are Con- nected to Marconi Motor Generators. spark gap to the end of the generator shaft should be carefully gone over. Proper care of the motor generator is assured if the following general rules are observed : (1) Keep motor brushes clean and free from copper dust. Use sand paper only, avoid emery cloth. - (2) Clean commutator occasionally with a fine grade of sand paper. (3) Oil bearings frequently. Open up petcocks occasionally, to assure that oil container has the necessary supply. (4) Make sure that all petcock valves are tight so that they will not loosen by vibration. (5) Wipe off frame of motor generator, brush holders, and rocker arm occa- sionally to prevent accumulation of carbon dust and grease. (6) Do not overspeed motor. Normal speed can be observed by the reading of the frc rcncy meter or by applying a speed indicator to the end of the motor generator shaft. Observe either wattmeter or ammeter occasionally to insure that the normal load of the generator is not exceeded. (7) When removing armature from motor generator, it is generally more con- venient to take off the generator end plate. (8) Be careful not to injure commutator by scraping against the field poles. (9) See that protective condensers are at all times properly connected. (10) Punctured condensers should be removed or disconnected from the circuit. 66 PRACTICAL WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. (11) In the case of the 2 K. W. 500 cycle motor generator, adjust overload relay for 35 amperes. (12) If a single resistance coil in either the hand starter or' the automatic starter burns out, close the circuit by placing a jumper around the burned out portion. (13) If field rheostat burns out, close the circuit by a jumper. If burned beyond repair, substitute 3 or 4 16 C. P. lamps, connected in parallel. (14) Tighten up all connections frequently. These should be gone over once per month. 59. How to Remove Motor Generator Armature. In case it becomes necessary to remove the armature of the Marconi 2 K. W. 500 cycle motor generator for the purpose of repairs, it is necessary first to remove the casing of the spark gap. Follow this by Fig. 79a 1 K. W., 60-cycle Motor-generator (Two Bearing Unit). taking out the wedge-shaped key in the end of the generator shaft. If the rotary disc is given a slight tap with the hammer, the key will be released and the disc may be removed from the shaft. After this, the bearing bracket can be removed ^f rom the generator end. The brushes should then be removed from the commutator and the collector rings. After these operations have been gone through, the armature can be pulled out and a new one inserted, if necessary. When the armature is replaced, the oil rings should be held up to permit the shaft to pass through the bearings. Care should be taken to 1 see that the oil rings are working properly and that the bearings are thoroughly oiled for the initial test. Before starting the motor generator careful inspection should be made to see that all parts are properly secured and in working order. It should be noted that the mica of the commutator of this machine is undercut about 1-32 inch, and before it gets flush with the commutator bars, the mica should be cut out again. PART V. STORAGE BATTERIES AND CHARGING CIRCUITS. 60. THE NECESSITY FOR A STORAGE BATTERY IN A RADIO INSTAL- LATION. 61. GENERAL CONSTRUCTION AND ACTION. 62. THE CHARGING PROCESS. 63. THE FUNDAMENTAL ACTIONS OF A STORAGE CELL. 64. THE ELECTROLYTE. 65. THE HYDRO- METER. 66. How THE CAPACITY OF A STORAGE CELL Is RATED. 67. FUNDAMENTAL FACTS CONCERNING THE STORAGE CELL. 68. How TO CHARGE A STORAGE CELL. 69. How TO DETERMINE THE VALUE OF THE CHARGING RESISTANCE. 70. LAMP BANK RESISTANCE. 71. THE USE OF THE AMMETER AND THE UNDER- LOAD CIRCUIT BREAKER. 72. THE AMPERE HOUR METER. 73. OVERCHARGE. 74. How TO CHARGE A BATTERY WHEN THE VOLTAGE EXCEEDS THAT OF THE CHARGING GENERATOR. 75. How TO DETERMINE THE POLARITY OF THE CHARGING GENE- RATOR. 76. DETERMINATION OF THE STATE OF CHARGE AND DISCHARGE OF A BATTERY. 77. KEEPING THE LEVEL OF THE ELECTROLYTE. 78. PROTECTING THE CELLS FROM ACID SPRAY. 79. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE PORTABLE CHLORIDE TYPE OF ACCUMULATORS. 80. GENERAL OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE EXIDE CELL. 81. THE EDISON STORAGE BATTERY. 82. THE CHARGE AND DISCHARGE OF THE EDISON CELL. 60. The Necessity for a Storage Battery in a Radio Installation. The International Radio-Telegraphic regulations require that an auxiliary source of direct or alternating current be available for operation of the motor generator or a low powered emergency transmitter in. case of an accident to a vessel at sea which might put out of action the ship's generator. The United States regulations (Act of August 13, 1912) require that the auxiliary radio transmitter be capable of transmitting to a distance of 100 miles. A small A. C. or D. C. generator operated by a gasoline or oil engine is permissi- ble as a source of current supply under the United States statute, but the general custom is to employ a battery of storage cells for direct operation of the motor generator or emergency transmitter. Two general types of storage cells are used in connection with emergency transmitters the lead plate, sulphuric add cell such as the "chloride" and "exide" types manufactured by the Electric Storage Battery Company and the Edison nickel iron-alkali cell. Certain fundamental facts concerning the charge and dis- charge of storage cells and the standard circuits for their use will now be con- sidered, which is to be followed in another chapter (Part X) by a complete de- scription of the charging panels employed in commercial marine radio instal- lations. 68 PRACTICAL WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. 61. General Construction and Action. It is not really electricity which is stored up in a storage cell, but the flow of current from a direct current dynamo through the cell from plate to plate performs a certain amount of chemical work. Whenever required this stored up chemical energy can be released in the form of an electric current which will pass from plate to plate through an external circuit. The common type of lead cell comprises a set of prepared lead plates immersed in a dilute solution of sulphuric acid, but a certain electrochemical process known as "charging" must be gone through in order that the cell may deliver a current of electricity. There are two general methods by which the lead plates for a storage cell may be prepared : (1) A paste of litharge or oxide of lead mixed with a dilute solution of sulphuric acid may be applied to perforations in a lead grid, and then by means of a current of electricity and a suitable electrolyte the surface of some of these plates may be coated with peroxide of lead while other plates become simply spongy. (2) Large lead plates may be immersed in a certain electrolyte and connected to the terminals of a dynamo. By repeated charge and discharge, some of the plates may be coated with peroxide of lead while the others simply be- come spongy. Reviewing the development of the storage battery, we find: (1) That the earlier types of storage cells comprised two lead plates immersed in a dilute solution of sulphuric acid. The terminals of the plates were con- nected to a direct current dynamo for a period of several weeks. By repeated charges and discharges, the surface of the plates received a coating of so-called "active material." (2) Later it was determined that the formation of the plates could be hastened by chemical means previous to the charging process and the manufacture of the plates was accordingly cheapened. (3) In certain types of present day cells, for instance, the exide lead cell, the active material is applied to the plates mechanically, in the form of a paste. 62. The Charging Process. In general the charging process of a storage cell is as follows: When two ordinary lead plates or sets of plates are placed in a dilute solution of sulphuric acid of the correct proportion and a direct current of electricity from a dynamo passed from one plate through the solution to the other, the resulting chemical decomposition deposits a coating of peroxide of lead on one plate while the other plate becomes gray and spongy or porous. When one set of plates is fairly well cbated with lead peroxide and the other set becomes spongy, the cell is said to be "charged." If the terminals of these plates are now joined together by a conductor (the charging generator having been disconnected), a cur- rent of electricity will flow from plate to plate. The plate coated with lead peroxide is known as the positive plate of the storage cell and the other, the negative plate. When joined together by a copper conductor, current flows in the external circuit from the positive to the negative plate and the resultant^ chemical change undoes the work of charging, e. g., part of the peroxide of lead of the positive plate and the active material on the negative plate is converted to lead sulphate which covers the surface. When the plates are fairly well coated with sulphate, the cell is said to be discharged. In order that current may be drawn from the cell again, the plates must be connected to a source of direct current and the charging process repeated. The processes involved in the charge and discharge of storage cells may be better understood from the explanation given by the Electric Storage Battery Company in the following paragraph. 63. The Fundamental Actions of a Storage Cell. When a lead storage cell is put on discharge, the current is produced by the acid of the solution going into and combining with the porous part of the plate called "active material." In the positive plate, as stated before, the active material is lead peroxide and in the negative plate it is metallic lead in a spongy form. STORAGE BATTERIES AND CHARGING CIRCUITS. 69 When the sulphuric acid in the solution combines with the lead in the active material, a compound known as "lead sulphate" is formed. As the discharge progresses, the solution becomes weaker by the amount of the acid used in the plate, which incidentally produces the compound of acid and lead called "lead sulphate." This sulphate continues to increase in quantity and bulk, thereby filling the pores of the plate. As the pores of the plate become filled with sulphate, the free circulation of acid in the plate is retarded, and since the acid cannot then get into the plate fast enough to maintain the normal action, the battery becomes less active, as is indicated by a rapid drop in voltage. During the charging period direct current must pass through the cells in the direction opposite to that of discharge. This current will reverse the action which took place in the cells during discharge. It will be remembered that during discharge the acid of the solution went in and combined with the active material, filling its pores with sulphate and causing the solution to become weaker. Reversing the current through the sulphate in the plate restores the active material to its original condition and returns the acid to the solution. Thus, dur- ing charge, the solution gradually becomes stronger as the sulphate in the plate decreases, until no more sulphate remains and all the acid has been returned to the solution, when it will be of the same strength as before the discharge and the same acid will be ready to be used over again during the next discharge. Since there is no loss of acid by this process, none should ever be added to the solution. The whole object of charging therefore is to drive from the! plates the acid which is now absorbed by them during discharge. 64. The Electrolyte. The liquid in a storage cell is known as the elec- B ELECTROLYTe L trolyte which in the case of the lead cell is a 20 per cent, solution of sulphuric acid. It is important to have the electrolyte of the right strength or the cell will not func- tion properly. The strength of the electrolyte or the proportion of the acid to water is expressed in terms of specific gravity. The specific gravity of a compounded solution is a measure of its density or weight as compared to that of chemically pure water. If water be taken as unity (or 1) it is found that certain compounded solutions of acid, etc., are heavier than water by a certain amount^ Thus the specific gravity of the electrolyte of one type of lead plate storage cell is approximately 1.215, meaning that if a cubic centimeter of water weighs one gram, one cubic centimeter of the electrolyte weighs 1.215 grams. It is, therefore, evident that the greater the proportion of the acid in the electrolyte of a storage cell, the higher will be the reading of the specific gravity. 65. The Hydrometer. The gravity of the solu- tion of a storage cell is measured by an instrument known as a hydrometer, a sketch of which is shown in Fig. 80. The long glass rod A-B has the bulb at one end loaded with shot or mer- cury. When dropped into a solution of acid it sinks to a certain depth, depending on the weight of the liquid. If placed in chem- ically pure water, the hydrometer would sink to the bottom or at least below the level of the liquid, but if it is placed in a dilute solution of sulphuric acid, a part of the tube protrudes above the surface. The reading of the hydrometer scale at the surface of the solution is a measure of the specific gravity. The specific gravity of the chloride portable storage cell varies between 1.205 and 1.215 and for the various exide cells between 1.280 and 1.300. 66. How the Capacity of a Storage Cell Is Rated. The capacity of a storage cell is rated in amperehours. The amperehour is the unit employed to express the equivalent quantity of current represented by current of one ampere flowing through a given circuit for an hour of time. The storage cells used with commercial radio sets are rated at 60 to 224 ampere hours Fig. 80 The Hydrometer. 70 PRACTICAL WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. capacity according to the power of the particular installation. The cells of larger capacity are used for auxiliary lighting service as well as for operation of the radio-transmitter. A clearer interpretation of the practical application of the term amperehour as applied to the rating of storage cells may be obtained from the following explanation. For ex- ample, the chloride type of cell is rated on an 8 hour basis and the exide cell on a 4 hour basis. Thus if the chloride cell is rated as having capacity of 60 amperehours, the normal discharge rate is determined by simply dividing the rating 60 by 8 or 7*/ 2 amperes, which is the normal current in amperes to be taken from the cell during discharge, and in the same manner the normal discharge rate of a 60 amperehour exide cell is found to be 15 amperes. The normal discharge rate of the chloride lead cells (in use in the Marconi Service) is also the normal charging rate, but different charging rates are given for the exide lead cell according to the rated capacity of the battery. Generally at the beginning, the batteries are charged at a heavy rate, but as the charge progresses the charging current is reduced. ^/Ti VOLTAGf REGULATOR -p VWWV [-; no v - )sov Fig. 81 Simple Charging Circuit. 67. Fundamental Facts Concerning the Storage Cell. The student should bear in mind certain facts concerning the storage cell: (1) It has low internal resistance and therefore delivers a very strong current. (2) Due to the absence of polarization, as in the primary cell, the current output does not decrease as rapidly. (3) The "charging" process requires considerable time a matter of hours to convert the surface of the plates to so-called "active material." (4) During the charging period, a stated number of amperes must pass through the cell the actual value being designated by the maker. (5) A normal rate of discharge is given by the manufacturers which must not be exceeded except in special types. (6) The fully charged voltage of the lead cell averages 2.1 volts on open circuit, values as high as 2.5 or 2.6 volts being obtained with the charging current flowing. (7) The lead cell is said to be discharged when the voltage of the individual cell falls to 1.7 or to 1.8 volts provided the reading is taken at normal rates of discharge current. (8) The fully charged voltage of the Edison cell is 1.2 volts. (9) The Edison cell is said to be discharged when the voltage of the cell, at normal discharge rates, falls to .9 volts. (10) The Edison cell and the lead cell differ both in material, general con- struction, and electrolyte. 68. How to Charge a Storage Cell. A storage battery is "charged" by connecting the positive terminal of the battery to the positive terminal of a direct current dynamo, and the negative terminal of the battery to the negative terminal of the dynamo, but a resistance or regulating rheostat must be connected in series with the charging circuit, otherwise, an excess of current will flow and the battery and perhaps the generator put out of commission. This is due to the fact that the storage cell possesses very low internal resistance. An elementary charging circuit is shown in Fig. 81 where the brushes of the generator STORAGE BATTERIES AND CHARGING CIRCUITS. 71 E, F, are connected to the positive and the negative terminals of a 30 volt battery with a regulating resistance R connected in series. The resistance of R varies as the normal charg- ing rate of the particular battery under charge, from 5 amperes in the smaller types of cells to 50 or 100 amperes in the larger types. The resistance coil may be of fixed or variable value. It is sometimes fitted with a single blade switch, permitting a portion of the coil to be short circuited, to provide two values of charging current. It is made up of a resistance wire alloy, constructed to withstand continuous flow of current at the normal rating of the bat- tery without overheating. When the circuit from the charging generator is closed, current flows from plate to plate through the electrolyte until the surface is converted to "active material," the process requiring several hours, according to the degree to which the cell has been discharged. In any case the charging should continue until there is no further rise in either the specific gravity or the voltage. Fig. 82 Diagram of Simple Charging Circuit Including Lamp Bank Resistance and Underload Circuit Breaker. It should be kept in mind that THE VOLTAGE OF THE CHARGING DYNAMO MUST ALWAYS EXCEED THE MAXIMUM VOLTAGE OF THE STORAGE BATTERY BECAUSE THE VOLTAGE OF THE BAT- TERY EXERTS A BACK PRESSURE OR COUNTER E. M. F. ON THE CHARGING SOURCE AND IF THE VOLTAGE OF THE DYNAMO IS LESS THAN THAT OF THE BATTERY THE LATTER WILL NOT BE CHARGED. 69. How to Determine the Value of the Charging Resistance. The resist- ance of the series charging rheostat for a given battery may be determined by Ohm's law. Assume that the battery, Fig. 81, has, when fully charged, a voltage of 30 volts, that the normal charging rate as given by the manufacturer is 6 amperes and the voltage of the generator 110 volts; then the battery exerts a back pressure of 30 volts on the generator and the net effective voltage is 110 30 volts or 80 volts. For ordinary direct current circuits according to Ohm's law, E but in this case the value of R is determined by E-e where E = the voltage of the charging generator, e the fully charged voltage of the battery, I = the normal charging current as given by the manufacture. Then in the example cited, 110 30 R = - =13.3 ohms. 72 PRACTICAL WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. Fig. 83 Motor of Ampere Hour Meter. 70. Lamp Bank Resistance. A bank of 16 or 32 C. P. lamps are frequently employed to adjust the flow of current through a battery undergoing charge. A circuit of this type is indicated in Fig. 82. Since the resistance of the battery is small compared to that of the lamps, the flow of current through the cells is governed by resistance of the lamps. A 16 C. P. incandescent lamp having a carbon filament passes y 2 ampere under an E. M. F. of 110 volts hence 15 such lamps connected in parallel will pass 7^ amperes, about the correct value for the smaller types of lead cells. The strength of the charging current car be regulated in small steps by turning on or off a certain number of lamps. 71. The Use of the Ammeter and the Underload Circuit Breaker. To per- mit the charging current to be carefully regulated, the charging circuit should include an ammeter as at A, Fig. 82. A very important protective mechanism for a storage battery charging circuit is an underload circuit breaker. The function of this breaker is to open the charging line when the voltage of the charging generator falls below the voltage of the battery. The battery is thus protected from discharge in case the charging generator is stopped without first disconnecting the batteries. A very simple type of underload breaker used on the small panel sets of the Marconi Company is shown in Fig. 82. A solenoid winding W is connected in series with the charging circuit and carries the full value of the charging current, the resulting flux acting upon the plunger P which carries the crossbar and the copper contacts S-l and S-2. When pushed up by hand, plunger P closes the circuit from the charging generator to the battery. The winding W is thus magne- tized and holds the iron plunger in this position until the charging circuit is actually interrupted or the voltage of the generator falls below the battery. In event of either happening, the plunger drops downward, breaking the circuit. 72. The Ampere-Hour Meter. A particularly useful instrument for denoting the state of "charge" or "discharge" of a storage battery is the ampere-hour meter, which in essence is a specially constructed small motor connected in series with the charge and discharge of a storage battery. The motor is geared to a pointer moving Over a dial Calibrated in Fig. 84 Sketch Showing the Direction of Fluxes in ampere hours, and therefore per- Amp ^ re Hou ^ Meter Motor ' mits a direct reading of the quantity of current flowing during the discharge of a storage cell. A diagram of the motor of the Sangamo ampere hour meter is given in Fig. 83. It consists of a copper disc D, floated in a pan of mercury between the poles of a permanent magnet to which current is lead by the contacts C-l, C-2. The current of electricity enters the contact C-l, passes through the comparatively high resistance mercury H, to the edge of the low resistance copper disc D, across the disc to the mercury H, and out at contact C-2. The magnetic flux cuts across the disc on each side from N to S, making a complete circuit through M-l and M-2. The relative directions of the magnetic flux and the current of electricity as well as the resulting motion are shown in Fig. 84. According to the laws of electromagnetic induction, if a current-carrying conductor cuts a magnetic field at right angles, a force is exerted upon the conductor tending to push it STORAGE BATTERIES AND CHARGING CIRCUITS. 73 at right angles to both the current and the flux; hence the disc of the meter revolves at a uniform rate. When fitted with an eddy current damper or generator which requires a driving force directly proportional to the speed of rotation, the mercury motor generator becomes a meter. The speed of such a meter is a measure of the current or the rate of flow of the electricity through the motor element and each revolution of the motor corresponds to a given quantity of electricity. Then by connecting a revolution counter to this motor gen- erator we have a means of recording the total quantity of electricity in ampere hours that is passed through the meter. CIRCUIT BREAKER WITH TRIPPING WAGNET I II 1 111,- BATTERY CHARGING GENERATOR Hi H-i DISCHARGE TO LOAD Fig. 85 Fundamental Charging Circuit with Overload and Underload Circuit Breaker and Ampere Hour Meter. During discharge of a storage battery the pointer of the ampere hour meter moves from the zero position of the scale in a clockwise direction toward the full scale reading, but when the battery is placed on charge the pointer moves in a counter-clockwise direction toward the zero division of the scale. When it has reached this point, the contacts A and B Fig. 85, are closed and the circuit breaker is tripped by the no voltage release magnet M. This cuts off the charg- ing current. Current flows through winding M only during the time required to throw the breaker, the current being turned off automatically, through a set of contacts, by the breaker armature. The circuit for the no-voltage release magnet is closed when the circuit breaker proper is set by hand. Fig. 85 is a fundamental diagram of the charge and discharge circuit of a storage battery installation having a Sangamo ampere hour meter. The meter is connected in the circuit in such a way as to indicate the quantity of current taken in by the battery during the charging period and that taken out by the motor generator or auxiliary lights on discharge, 74 . PRACTICAL WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. The direction of the current through the ampere hour meter on discharge is opposite to that when the battery is on "charge" hence the movement of the motor is reversed accord- ingly. For sake of clearness the necessary switches for placing the battery on charge or dis- charge have been omitted. The short arrows, Fig. 85, indicate the direction of the charging current while the bat- teries are on charge and the long arrows indicate the direction of current during discharge. This diagram is not intended to convey a description of the mechanical construction or operation of the circuit breaker, but merely serves to show the complete fundamental charg- ing circuit. 73. Overcharge. Theoretically we should be enabled to draw the same quantity of current from a storage battery upon discharge as put into it on charge, but practically this cannot quite be done. The plates of the battery must be given an occasional overcharge to keep them in good working condition, that is, there must be put into the bat- tery under normal conditions a greater quantity of current than is taken out of it. Ampere hour meters are constructed to take care of the required overcharge auto- matically by a device known as a resistor which cannot be explained in detail here. Briefly it causes the pointer of the ampere hour meter to move to the zero position of the scale from a given higher reading, at a slower rate than that which brought it to the maximum reading thus giving the requisite overcharge. But with all this, the readings of the ampere hour meter can not quite keep pace with the state of the storage battery, hence, it is necessary from time to time to move the pointer of the ampere hour meter from the zero position to a reading corresponding to from 20 to 50 ampere hours, after which the battery is placed on charge until the pointer again returns to the zero position. 74. How to Charge a Battery when the Voltage Exceeds that of the Charg- ing Generator. As mentioned in a previous paragraph, the voltage of the charging generator must exceed the combined fully charged voltage of the cells. Since the auxiliary battery for a radio set consists of 60 cells, and their voltage combined is 126 volts, they cannot be charged in series from a 110 volt source of direct current. The battery must be split into two units of 30 cells each, which are connected in parallel and finally to the terminals of a charging generator, but on discharge the cells are connected in series. A completely satisfactory diagram of this connection appears in Fig. 86, where the four- blade switch, when thrown to the "charge" position, connects battery A and battery B in parallel, but in the discharge position reconnects them in series giving approximately 126 volts for the operation of a standard motor generator. This diagram shows (1) the position of the charging resistance and the underload circuit breaker in the charging circuit, (2) the voltage of the generator, (3) the voltage of the individual battery units and (4) the final discharge voltage of the cells. The charging dynamo in the case of a marine radio installation is the ship's generator, which is situated at some point in the ship's engine room. It has been mentioned that two values of charging current are employed for the exide type of cells, a heavy value for the start of the charge and a lesser value at the completion of the charge, but no special appliances are fitted to the Electric Storage Battery Company's Fig. 85a Portable Exide Storage Cell, Supplied with Marconi Emergency Sets. STORAGE BATTERIES AND CHARGING CIRCUITS. 75 76 PRACTICAL WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. POSITIVE PLATE ships charging panel whereby these two values can be obtained. The flow of charging current is automatically taken care of by the battery, the counter E. M. F. of which rises as the charge progresses. This gradually reduces the charging current without extra appliances. 75. How to Determine the Polarity of the Charging Generator. We have mentioned that during charge the positive pole of the storage bat- teries must be connected to the positive pole of the dynamo. The polarity of the charging mains may be determined in three ways: (1) By a direct current voltmeter of the magnetic type; (2) By an electrochemical polarity indicator; (3) By dipping the terminals of the dynamo in a glass of plain or salt water. Direct current voltmeters with magnetic mechanism have a (+) and ( ) mark on the binding posts. If connected improperly to a source of direct current the pointer instead of swinging in the direction of the full scale position will move to the left of the zero position, but when connected properly, the pointer moves from left WOOD SEPARATOR Fi, 86a-D.aU of Exide M. V. So rage CcU. of the voltmeter is the positive wire and the other, of course, the negative wire. Chemical polarity indicators have a solution of iodide of potassium mixed with starch sealed in a glass tube provided with terminals. When connected to the terminals of a charging line, current flows through the liquid and decomposes the solution, turning the positive terminal of the tube blue. The ^ polarity of the charging source may be ascertained by dipping the terminals of a D. C. line in a glass of plain water as in Fig. 87 or preferably salt water. Bubbles will appear at the nega- tive terminal of the line. The negative wire should be connected to the negative pole or terminal of the battery. 76. Determination of the State of Charge and Discharge of a Battery. The following instructions apply to the lead plate cell. It is not difficult to determine the state of charge and discharge of a storage battery if the circuit in- cludes an amperehour meter. To illustrate the utility of this instrument, assume a 60 ampere- hour battery which is being discharged through the windings of a motor generator. Fully BUBBLES charged, the pointer of the amperehour meter Fig. 87 Method of Determining the rests at zero but as the discharge progresses the pointer gradually moves in a clockwise direction and if it then rests at 40, it is an indication that 40 amperehours of current have been taken from the battery which, of course, is not completely discharged. In order that the battery may be ready always for emergency use, the changeover switch on the charging panel should be immediately thrown to the "charge" position, the underload circuit breaker closed, whereupon the pointer of the amperehour meter will, as the charge progresses, move counter clockwise or towards the zero position of the scale. STORAGE BATTERIES AND CHARGING CIRCUITS. 77 When this position is reached the charging current is thrown off automatically by means of the no voltage release magnet attached to the underload circuit breaker.* In event the equipment is not fitted with an amperehour meter, the full charged condition of the chloride cell may be determined, by charging at normal rates for two hours after gassing begins and for the exide cell, one hour after gassing begins. Each cell should then indicate 2.08 volts on open circuit and the gravity of the solution should have reached a maximum value. The operator should understand that a storage cell is considered to be fully charged when during charging there is no further rise in either gravity or voltage ; and that in any case a maximum value of voltage and gravity should be aimed for rather than a final value. The state of a storage battery may be obtained in another way by placing it on discharge at normal rates and observing the reading of the voltmeter with the current flowing. If the reading per cell is less than 1.8 volts, the battery should be placed on charge immediately. It should be kept in mind that the specific gravity of the electrolyte falls on discharge and rises on charge, hence a hydro- meter may be used in place of the amperehour meter for determining the condi- tion of a cell but the amperehour meter is the most convenient for the purpose. In large isolated battery units, a temperature correction table is given to permit changes in temperature to be accounted for when taking readings of the specific gravity, but such tables are not furnished for the battery sets employed in marine radio sets. 77. Keeping the Level of the Electrolyte. There is no loss of electrolyte in the charge or discharge of a battery, except the loss due to spraying. The acid does not evaporate but the water does. Hence from day to day enough water must be added to keep the electrolyte at a level of l / 2 to 24 inches above the plates. Replenishing of the water is more important and must be attended more frequently in hot climates than in temperate zones. 78. Protecting the Cells from Acid Spray. At the completion of a charge, all cells should be thoroughly wiped off first with a damp cloth followed by a dry cloth. Surface leakage of the current is thus prevented. The cells should also be protected from salt spray, the accumulation of dirt and dust, etc. Contacts and connections must be kept scrupulously clean and should be thoroughly examined from time to time. 79. General Instructions for the Portable Chloride type of Accumulators. The following instructions apply to the portable "chloride" accumulator of the Electric Storage Battery Company: , The proper polarity having been obtained, charge the battery at the rate given on the name plate until there is no further rise in the voltage of each cell of the battery and each cell has been gassing or bubbling freely for at least two hours and there is not further rise in the specific gravity of the electrolyte over the same period. If the temperature of the electrolyte rises to 100 deg. Fahrenheit during the charge, the current should be reduced or stopped until it lowers. The voltage at the end of the charge may be between 2.4 and 2.6 volts per cell, depend- ing on their temperature and age. The higher voltages are obtained on new batteries with low temperature; on all bat- teries at high temperatures, the lower voltages are obtained. It therefore must be understood that in determining the completion of a charge, a fixed or definite voltage is not to be considered, but rather a maximum voltage as indicated by there being no further rise in the voltage over a period of two hours. It is of the utmost importance that the charge be complete. Great care must be taken not ta bring a naked flame near the openings in the top of the battery during or immediately following a charge. The proper specific gravity of the electrolyte at the end of charge is 1.210, but a varia- tion of from 1.205 to 1.215 is allowable. *As already explained the battery must be given a small overcharge occasionally and therefore when the pointer has returned to the zero position, it is moved by hand to point 15 or 20 (or possibly higher depending upon the capacity of the battery) the battery being again placed on charge until the pointer returns to the zero position. 78 PRACTICAL WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. Do not adjust the specific gravity except when the battery is fully charged. In ordinary use, there is no occasion to adjust the electrolyte of the cell oftener than once in every three or four years. After adjusting, charge for an hour in order to thoroughly mix the liquid just added with the electrolyte. By all means do not add electrolyte until it is determined that the specific gravity can- not be brought up to the proper point by charging. The sediment which gradually accumulates in the bottom of the jars must not be allowed to touch the bottom of the plates as if it does serious injury may result. It is best to overhaul the cells and remove the sediment at least once a year. If the battery is not to be used for a considerable period, care should be taken that it is charged once every two months and that the plates are kept covered by regularly adding water. If it is not possible to charge at least once every two months, the battery may be taken entirely out of service as follows: Fully charge the battery, remove the vent caps, pour out the electrolyte by turning the case upside down, fill with fresh, pure water and allow to stand 12 or 15 hours. Then pour off the water, wipe the case dry, grease the terminals and the battery can stand indefinitely. 80. General Operating Instructions for the Exide Cell. The following instructions apply specifically to the Exide cells supplied to marine radio sets, particularly the 60 cell M. V. 11 type. (E. S. B. Co.) Keep the level of the electrolyte always above the top of the plates by replacing evapora- tion with pure, fresh water (never anything else) to a height of one-half inch (not more) above top of plates. The best time for adding water is just before a charge. Do not use metallic receptacles for holding the water. Keep flames of all kinds . (match, candle, lantern, cigar, etc.) away from battery at all times. Battery is to be "floated" at all times, except when charging or discharging. When floating, both lamps on battery switchboard will burn dimly. If either lamp goes out, immediately replace it with another of same rating. Twice each month, preferably when in port, charge the battery by opening the 6 pole switch, closing the circuit breaker, and again closing the 6 pole switch to the charge side. Move the needle of the ampere hour meter back to about 50 and charge until the pilot cell gravity and the voltage of each side have remained constant for one hour and all cells have been gassing or bubbling freely for the same length of time. This means that, under normal floating conditions, the charge will be of about one and one-quarter hours' dura- tion. After the charge reset the needle of the ampere hour meter to zero. Raise the cover of the battery box during this charge. After a discharge of any kind immediately put the battery on charge and continue the charging until the needle of the ampere hour meter has returned to zero. In order to check the generator polarity and to guard against the battery becoming accidentally discharged through the reversal of the generator, read the voltmeter frequently with the voltmeter plug in openings marked "Bus." If the polarity has changed, throw over the switch marked "Reversing Switch." Before the semi-monthly charge, read and record the specific gravity of each cell of the battery. On the day of the semi-monthly charge, after the charge has been completed, read and record the specific gravity of the pilot cells. On other days read and record the specific gravity of the pilot cells at the same time each day. These readings will indicate the state of charge of the battery and will be a check on the "Floating." On the semi-monthly charges the vent plugs should be replaced after charges are com- pleted. If the gravity of any cell shows a marked falling off relative to the rest of the cells, promptly investigate the cause and correct it. If a jar develops a leak, promptly replace it. If a cell becomes "dead" from a leaky jar, cut it out of circuit by opening up the con- nector and restore the circuit with a jumper. When charging, keep the bus voltage at 110 volts, as if it is low the charging rate will be reduced and the time required to charge correspondingly increased. Keep everything about the battery clean and dry. STORAGE BATTERIES AND CHARGING CIRCUITS. 79 Keep terminals and connections tight and free from corrosion. Do not allow any impurities to get into a cell. 81. The Edison Storage Battery. The Edison cell differs from the lead cell both in the construction of the plates and the electrolyte. The active mate- rials of this cell are iron oxide and nickel hydrate. The electrolyte is a 21 per cent, solution of potassium hydrate mixed with a small amount of lithium hydrate. The negative plate consists of a nickel-plated steel grid, into the pockets of which are hydraulically pressed, perforated, corrugated steel pockets which have been filled and packed with iron oxide, to which has been added a small amount of metallic mercury. The positive plate consists of a nickel-steel grid to which are secured perforated steel tubes reinforced by seamless steel springs. These tubes are filled with alternate layers of nickel hydrate and very thin plate nickel firmly and carefully packed by a loading machine. 82. The Charge and Discharge of the Edison Cell. The process taking place in an Edison cell during charge and discharge is as follows : The first charging of an Edison cell reduces the iron oxide to a metallic iron, while converting the nickel hydrate to a very high oxide, black in color. On discharge, the metallic iron goes back to iron oxide and the high nickel oxide goes to a lower oxide, but not to its original form of green hydrate. On every cycle thereafter the negative charges to metallic iron and discharges to iron oxide while the positive plate charges to a high Fig. 87a. Group of Electric Storage Battery Co.'s Portable Chloride Storage Cells. nickel oxide. Current passing in the direction of charge or discharge, decomposes the potassium hydrate of the electrolyte and the oxidation and reduction of the electrode are brought about by the action of its elements. An amount of potassium hydrate equal to that decomposed is always reformed at one of the electrodes by a secondary chemical reaction, in consequence there is none of it lost and its density remains constant. The final result of charging is, therefore, the transference of oxygen from the iron to the nickel electrodes and that of discharging is the transference back again. A hydrometer reading of this cell is not required as the specific gravity of the elec- trolyte does not change with the state of charge or discharge and consequently che only direct method to measure the state of charge is with an ampere hour meter, the hydrometer being of no use. PART VI. THE RADIO TRANSMITTER CONDENSERS OSCILLATION GENERATORS RADIATION ELECTRICAL WAVES DAMPING OF OSCILLATIONS. OF 83. METHODS OF GENERATING RADIO FREQUENCY CURRENT. 84. THE CONDENSER. 85. CONNECTIONS FOR CONDENSERS. 86. How TO PLACE A CHARGE IN A CONDENSER. 87. ANALYSIS OF A SPARK DISCHARGE. 88. EFFECT OF RESISTANCE ON OSCIL- LATIONS. 89. ELECTRICAL RESONANCE. 90. THE OPEN CIR- CUIT OSCILLATOR. 91. THE LENGTH OF THE ELECTRIC WAVE. 92. THE DETERMINATION OF WAVE LENGTH FROM THE INDUC- TANCE AND CAPACITY. 93. LOGARITHMIC DECREMENT OF THE OSCILLATIONS. 94. METHODS OF EXCITING OSCILLATIONS IN AN AERIAL. 95. THE REACTION OF COUPLED CIRCUITS. 96. THE STANDARD WAVES OF COMMERCIAL WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. 97. FUNDAMENTAL CIRCUIT OF A COMPLETE RADIO TRANS- MITTER. 98. SIMPLE EXPLANATION OF THE CIRCUITS. 99. NUMERICAL VALUES FOR A STANDARD RADIO SET. Fig. 88 Oscillations of Constant Amplitude. CONSTANT AMPLITUDE The electric waves for commercial wireless telegraphy are set into motion by alternating currents or electrical oscillations at frequencies varying from 25,000 to 1,000,000 cycles per second. We shall confine this chapter to an explanation of the apparatus for the production of damped electrical oscillations which are employed almost universally for wireless ship to shore communication. 83. Methods of Generating Radio Frequency Current. In order to distin- guish alternating currents of the order of frequency employed in wireless teleg- raphy from those of a lower frequency corresponding to audible vibrations, the following arbitrary terms are in use; an alternating current of fre- quency in excess of 10,000 cycles per second is termed a current of radio- frequency; below 10,000 cycles per second, it is called a current of au dio-frequency. A current of radio-frequency may consist of either continuous or discontinuous oscillations. A group of oscillations of continuous ampli- tude are shown in Fig. 88; a group of discontinuous oscillations appear in Fig. 89. Continuous oscillations are gen- Fig. 89 Oscillations of Decreasing Amplitude. Crated : DECREtolNQ AMPLITUDE THE RADIO TRANSMITTER. 81 (1) By the radio frequency alternator; (2) By some form of the D. C. arc generator; (3) By a battery of vacuum tube bulb. Discontinuous oscillations are generated: (1) By the charge and discharge of a Leyden jar or battery of condensers. Electric waves set into motion by alternating current of constant amplitude are called continuous or undamped waves and those set into motion by discon- tinuous oscillations occurring in groups are called discontinuous waves. Electrical oscillations of decaying amplitude are also called damped oscillations. Since damped oscillations are generated by the periodic charge and discharge of some form of condenser, certain fundamental facts concerning the condenser will now be considered. 84. The Condenser. The condenser may be defined as a device to store up electrical energy in electrostatic form and the ability of any material to do this, is termed its electrostatic capacity or simply capacity. The most common form of condenser used in wireless systems is the Leyden jar shown in Fig. 90. A glass jar having walls about one-eighth of an inch in thickness is coated with tin-foil to within two inches of the top, both inside and outside, connection being made to the inner coating by means of a chain or copper strip. Modern jars are coated with a deposit of silver or copper by an electrolytic process. Another type of condenser consists of a flat plate of glass coated with tinfoil or copper immersed in oil. Condensers for radio telegraphy may be generally classified under two headings: (1) High Potential Condensers; (2) Low Potential Condensers. Those in the first category have an insulating medium be- tween opposed conducting surfaces of glass, micanite, ebony, or the plates may be sealed in an air-tight chamber pumped to a pressure of 250 pounds. Those in the second category have an insulating medium of paper, thin sheets of hard rubber, or specially impregnated cloth. High potential condensers are employed in circuits where the pressure is several thousand volts, while low potential con- densers are generally used in circuits having less than 500 volts, the latter figure being an arbitrary one. Fig. 90 Simple Copper Plated Leyden Jar. A number of condenser jars or Leyden jars connected together are termed a battery of condensers. 85. Connections for Condensers. Condensers may be connected either in series or in parallel. If connected in parallel as in Fig. 91 the total capacity is determined by adding together the individual values, or: C = C-l + C-2 + C-3. Thus the jars in Fig. 91 have combined capacity of .002 + .003 + .004 or .009 microfarad. A series connection is shown in the diagram, Fig. 92, where the outer coating of one jar is connected to the outer coating of the next, the inner , coating of this jar connected to the inner coating of the next jar and so on. If the jars have equal values of capacity, their combined capacity is obtained Fig. 91 Condenser Jars in Parallel. 82 PRACTICAL WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. by^ merely dividing the capacity of one jar by the number of jars in the cir- cuit, but if the jars have unequal values, the formula of reciprocals applies: 1 C = - .002 MFD. 1 1 1 C-l C-2 C-3 Therefore the capacity of the jars 1 of Fig. 92 =. 1 1 1 Fig. 92 Condenser Jars in Series. .002 .003 = .00092 microfarads. .004 86. How to Place a Charge in a Condenser. The condenser of a radio transmitter may be charged from two sources: (1) By the step-up voltage induction coil; (2) By the alternating current step-up transformer. The alternating current transformer is almost universally employed in radio sets to charge the condenser, because it overcomes the limitations of the magnetic interrupter. A transformer can convert a practically unlimited amount of power into high voltage current whereas the induction coil with a magnetic interrupter is limited to about 1 K. W. A condenser can be given a heavy charge by the apparatus shown in Fig. 93. A high- voltage A. C. transformer, 10,000 to 30,000 volts, is connected to the terminals of three condenser jars, and when the current is turned on, a violent discharge takes place a,t the gap S-l. CHARGING CURRENT -i 10 VOLT * AC. i . -t- T j | i -r 3= > s! > 8-1 si ~^ C S-, Fig. 93. Apparatus for Production of Radio Frequency Oscillations. In the diagram Fig. 93 P is the primary winding of an alternating current transformer taking in current at the pressure of 110 volts, which is transformed in the secondary wind- ing S to a pressure of 20,000 volts. C is a battery of condensers and L a radio-frequency coil consisting of a few turns of rather coarse wire or copper tubing (without an iron core). S-l is the spark discharge gap, the usual form being two brass or zinc rods about */ 2 inch or less in diameter. When current is flowing through the primary winding P, with correct separation of the spark gap electrodes, a violent spark discharge will take place following each alternation THE RADIO TRANSMITTER. 83 of the charging current or at the points, A, B, C, D, E and F shown. The discharge upon analysis is found to consist of groups of radio-frequent oscillations which alternate through the condenser and inductance at an extremely rapid rate* per second of time. More dearly, if the frequency of the charging current is 500 cycles per second (or 1,000 alternations), the condenser C will be charged 1,000 times per second and 1,000 spark discharges will take place at the gap S. This will result in the flow of 1,000 groups of radio-frequent oscillations through the discharge circuit. b c d e Fig. 94 Complete Cycle of Events in the Discharge of a Condenser. The term spark frequency is employed to designate the number of spark dis- charges bridging the gap per second of time. In certain types of radio sets the spark frequency equals the alternations of the charging current, but in other types the frequency of the sparks may vary in accordance with the general design of the apparatus (to be explained in the chapter following). 87. Analysis of a Spark Discharge. A spark discharge such as that created by the condenser Fig. 94 consists of a series of cycles of alternating cur- rent of constantly decreasing amplitude, the frequency of which may be very great. These are known as damped oscillations, a single group of which are shown in Fig. 89. The complete cycle of events in the discharge of a condenser may be summarized as follows: Referring to the diagrams, Fig. 94-a-b-c-d-e : Just previous to the first discharge the charge in the condenser takes the form of an electrostatic field which is stored up between the plates as in Fig. 94a. The strain is such that a spark leaps from the positive electrode to the negative electrode of the gap, that is the collapse of the electrostatic field causes a current to flow across the spark gap through the inductance L which sets up a magnetic field around the coil L and connecting leads as in Fig. 94b. Since all of the electrostatic field is converted to current, the magnetic lines of force collapse back upon the coil L (and connecting leads), the induced current resulting therefrom recharging the condenser to the opposite polarity as in Fig. 94c. Although charged in the opposite sense, a quantity of electricity less than that of the initial charge is stored between the plates, some of thejenergy having been expended by the resistance of the circuit and the production of heat, light and sound. The condenser now discharges across the spark gap in the direction opposite to that indicated in 94b and the coil L once more is surrounded by a field (Fig. 94d), but which is opposite in polarity to that of Fig. 94b. These lines of force collapse and recharge the condenser to the polarity indicated at the beginning of the cycle in Fig. 94a, but a charge less in quantity is stored between its plates than at the beginning of discharge. All this may be summed up by saying that when an isolated charge of elec- tricity is applied to a condenser, and the plates are connected together by an external circuit, their charges do not completely neutralize at the first instant of discharge but, in fact, several alterations of current take place before equilibrium is restored. This gradual extraction of energy from the oscillations set up by the condenser is termed the damping of the oscillations and the decrease in amplitude of the successive cycles can be expressed in a logarithmic percentage. In the oscillation circuits of a commercial radio-transmitter a number of complete * The student should compare the time period of a single cycle in a condenser discharge to that of a 500 cycle alternator. A complete cycle takes place in the circuit of the latter in of a second but a single cycle in a group of oscillations of a condenser discharge may take place in various fractions of a second varying from of a second to of a second. 25,000 2,000,000 84 PRACTICAL WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. cycles of current may take place, before the charge originally placed in the condenser is com- pletely dissipated. The frequency of the oscillations in a condenser discharge circuit may be very great, in 1 fact, a single cycle may take place in of a second, or, in other words, at the rate of 1,000,000 1,000,000 cycles per second, or at even higher frequencies. The frequency of the oscillations during the discharge of a condenser varies inversely as the square root of the product obtained in multiplying the inductance of the circuit in henries by the capacity in farads, or N* = LC If L be converted to centimeters and C to microfarads, the formula becomes : 5,033,000 N = V LC As an example, assume that the condenser C, Fig. 95, has capacity of .001 microfarads and the coil L inductance of 25,000 centimeters (or 25 microhenries) then the frequency 5,033,000 N = = 1,000,000 cycles per second approximately. V 25,000 X -001 The quotient of this problem does not imply that 1,000,000 cycles of current actually took place in one second but that during the period of oscillation, the condenser discharged through the inductance at this rate. It must be remembered that the condenser is being charged by an alternating current and in the case of the 500 cycle alternator it will be charged 1,000 times; hence in one second there are a number of idle periods during which the condenser receives no charge. The student should not confuse the actual number of oscillations in a circuit such as shown in Fig. 95 with the frequency of the oscillations. As has just been explained the oscillation frequency is determined by the dimensions 24000 CID5. (inductance and capacity) of the oscillatory circuit whereas the number of oscillations per single spark is a function of the total damping of the circuit. It should be under- stood that an oscillation circuit like that of Fig. 95 if charged by an alternating current always will produce, during discharge, oscillations of constantly decreasing ampli- tude or damped oscillations. A circuit like that of Fig. 95 is termed a circuit of radio-frequency. The complete apparatus may be called ^ Fig. 95-ciosed Oscillation circuit an oscillation generator and the sue- cessive cycles of current are termed high frequency or radio-frequency electrical oscillations. When this apparatus is employed to generate oscillations of radio-frequency for the production of electric waves, the circuit is denoted as the closed oscillatory circuit to distinguish it from the open or radiating circuit. 88. Effect of Resistance on Oscillations. If in any given oscillation circuit, * If the effective resistance of R of an oscillatory circuit be taken into account, the formula for 1/1 R 2 frequency becomes N== \l but in the closed oscillation circuits of a practical radio telegraph 2,r * LC 4L transmitter, the value 'of R is rather small and is usually ignored. THE RADIO TRANSMITTER. 85 a certain critical value of resistance is exceeded, the discharge of the condenser will not be oscillatory. The relation between the resistance of a circuit and the non-oscillatory condition is expressed as follows: If the resistance R is greater than 2 V -j=r- the circuit is non-oscilla- tory; if resistance is equal to 2 V the circuit is just oscillatory. If the resistance is less than 2 V ^ the circuit will be oscillatory and will be suitable for the production of radio- frequency oscillation. \ In this equation R is expressed in ohms, L in henries, and C in farads. The value of 2 Y is seen to be the critical resistance to cause a given circuit to be non-oscillatory. The elements of a closed oscillation circuit in a radio-transmitter are connected together with very heavy stranded copper v/ire or copper tubing which, excluding the resistance of the spark gap and other losses, tends to keep the resistance at a minimum ; in fact, practical oscil- lation circuits do not have anywhere near the critical value of resistance. Fig. 96 Circuits for Demonstrating the Phenomenon of Resonance. Assuming the resistance of the oscillation circuit of Fig. 95 to be negligible, the frequency of the oscillations can be varied over given practical limits by variation of either the capacity or the inductance. If turns are added at the coil L, the current oscillates through the circuit at a lower frequency; but if turns are taken out at L, the frequency of the oscillations in- creases. In a similar manner, increase of capacity at the condenser C will reduce the fre- quency of the oscillations and decrease of capacity will increase the frequency of the oscilla- tions. In a radio transmitter the capacity of the condenser C is a fixed quantity, and there- fore, the frequency of the oscillations is changed by the variable inductance. 89. Electrical Resonance. The phenomenon of resonance is very striking in circuits of radio-frequency. In order that the energy of the oscillations flow- ing in one circuit may be transferred most effectively by electromagnetic induc- tion, the two circuits must have the same natural frequency of oscillation. In the diagram of Fig. 96 two circuits of radio-frequency, L, C, S and L 1 , C 1 , A are magnetically coupled at the coils L and L 1 . If circuit L, C, S is set into oscilla- tion and the inductance of L 1 , C 1 , A carefully adjusted, a point will be found where the hot wire ammeter gives a maximum deflection. At all other points on the inductance L, the hot wire ammeter will show a lower reading. It can be shown that the adjustment of the second circuit where the deflection of the ammeter is maximum, is such that the two circuits have substantially the same period of oscillation or the same natural frequency, and it is under such adjust- ments only that large values of current can be induced in the circuit L 1 , C 1 , A. 86 PRACTICAL WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. It was shown in paragraphs 45 and 46 that a much greater current will flow in an alternat- ing current circuit if it contains inductance and capacity of such value that the reactance of capacity and the reactance of inductance are equal and opposite. This condition exists in the circuit L 1 , C 1 , A of Fig. 96 when the ammeter gives the maximum deflection, e. g., the reactance of the inductance L 1 equals the reactance of the condenser C 1 and therefore the flow of current in circuit L 1 , C 1 , is governed by its frictional resistance. The maximum amount of energy will be obtained under these conditions. Two or more circuits of radio-frequency are said to be in electrical resonance when the product of the inductance multiplied by the capacity gives a like figure in each. Or, stated in another way, two circuits are in resonance when they have the same oscillation constant. This factor is obtained from the V L C. Circuits having like oscillation constants will have the same discharge frequency when set into oscillation, and, therefore, they are in electrical resonance. Applying this s-i, II Fig. 97a Plain Aerial Excitation. Fig. 97b Showing Position of Short Wave Condenser and Aerial Tuning Inductance. Fig. 97c Illustrating the Effective Capacity of an Aerial. to the circuit of Fig. 96 we see that no matter how large or how small the values of L and C, L 1 and C 1 may be, if V L C = V L 1 C 1 , the circuits are in sub- stantial resonance. As an example: If in Fig. 96, L = 25,000 centimeters; C = .001 micro- farads; L 1 = 5,000 centimeters and C 1 = .005 microfarads; then L X C = L 1 X C 1 (for VLlTor yU~C r = 5). 90. The Open Circuit Oscillator. In the closed oscillation circuits of figures 95 and 96, the capacity of the condenser and the inductance of the coil are said to be concentrated, the static field being stored up mainly between the plates of the condenser and the magnetic field mainly about the coil. An open circuit oscillator*, such as shown in Fig. 97a, may have distributed inductance and capacity or both distributed and concentrated" values of inductance and capacity as in Fig. 97b. The capacity of this vertical wire lies in its ability to store up static lines of force and the inductance lies in its ability to store up magnetic lines of foice. THE RADIO TRANSMITTER. 87 In these diagrams a vertical wire* 100 ft. or more in length extends into space and is connected to earth at the opposite end. A spark gap is included in the circuit at S-l. Although the inductance and capacity of this circuit are dis- tributed throughout its length, it remains a circuit of radio-frequency capable of being set into oscillation. If the spark gap S-l, Fig. 97a, is connected to a source of high voltage S such as the secondary winding of a transformer, an electrostatic field will be stored up in the region about the wire and a discharge will take place across the spark gap. This discharge will consist of radio- frequency oscillations like those of closed oscillation circuits with the exception that a certain amount of the energy will be radiated in the form of electro- magnetic waves. As in the closed circuit, the fre- quency of the antenna oscillations can be increased or decreased by change of inductance or capacity, but since the vertical conductor has fixed dimen- sions, the oscillation frequency in prac- tice is changed by artificial means at the base of the aerial. For example, in the apparatus of Fig. 97b, the fre- quency of the oscillations can be re- duced by increase of inductance at L or it may be increased by inserting a condenser at C. In the diagram of Fig. 97c, the effective capacity of an antenna is represented by a condenser in dotted lines. This in no measure illustrates the true conditions of affairs in the region about a vertical wire, but it may serve to make the oscillating properties of a vertical conductor more or less self-evident. An open circuit oscillator in radio-telegraphy is known as an aerial or an antenna, and it is said to be a radiator of electromagnetic waves. In commercial practice, aerials may have 2, 4 or 6 wires connected in parallel. / /' - / if A 1 1 / ! / / / / BM i YA \ + + + * + * + + Fig. 98 Electrostatic Field About Aerial Previous to Spark Discharge. / ^ / 'h n // ^, fM V \ i N v > ^\ \'> r s >i tlfli LENGTH OF LENGTH OF WAVE WAVE Fig. 99 Detached Loops of Electrostatic Strain. The complete process of radiation of electromagnetic waves is a complex subject which will only be treated in a popular manner here. The vertical wire of Fig. 98 and the earth may be considered as two sides of a condenser having a certain capacity, and when the spark gap is connected to a source of high voltage, electrostatic lines of force will be stored up in the space surrounding the aerial and when the maximum charge has been reached, a discharge takes place across the spark gap. Immediately the spark discharges, part of the electrostatic field is converted into current and the remainder into a wave motion. The wave motion consists of an expanding static field (as shown in Fig. 99) which is PRACTICAL WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. <:(. \ I 7 \/ t accompanied by a magnetic field both being radiated at right angles to each other and to the direction of propagation. (The magnetic field for a single cycle of current in the oscillator is shown in Fig. 100). This wave motion is propagated through space at a velocity of 186,000 miles per second corresponding to 300,000,000 meters. At a distance from the aerial system and near to the earth we may crudely represent the fluxes of this wave motion by the circles and arrows of Fig. 101. The vertical arrows represent the electrostatic field and the small circles the magnetic field. If these two fluxes act upon another vertical conductor (or elevated ca- pacity) of identical natural frequency of oscillation as the transmitter aerial, a feeble current will be induced which can be de- tected by several methods. If means are provided to control the energy of the radiating station in the form of the dots and dashes of the tele- graph code and if appropriate d e - vices are supplied at the receiving station whereby the received en- ergy can be inter- preted or made audible, we then have a complete system of wireless telegraphy. * I 4-4^4 It *l k |gi oi^ olo olo el* ' Fig. 100 Magnetic Field around an aerial for three alternations of current. Fig. 101 Aerial in Path of Advancing Electromagnetic Wave. 91. The Length of the Electric Wave. If we were to determine the length of a single wave, in a wave motion like that of the diagram Fig. 102, we would simply measure the physical distance between two points in the successive waves where the disturbance is at a maximum or a minimum, as from A to B or C to D, or between any two points of equal disturbance. Similarly the distance between two points in two> successive electric waves oNEWAyE__^ o where the electrostatic or the elec- LFN&TH tromagnetic field is maximum and in the same direction would be the wave length of the electromagnetic wave. The distance from A to B in Fig. 99 represents the length of one complete wave, which can be ex- pressed in feet or in meters. The standard wave lengths of commercial radio-telegraphy are 300, 450 and 600 meters corresponding approximately to 1,000, 1,500 and 2,000 feet. The relation between the velocity of electric waves, the length of a single wave and the number generated per second, can be explained as follows: Assume, for example, that 1,000,- 000 waves pass a given point in a second of time and that each wave is of 300 meters length ; then the distance through which the first wave has travelled in one second will be equal to the number of waves multiplied by the length of one wave or 1,000,000 X 300 or 300,000,000 meters. In other words, the distance travelled by the wave motion in one second is the velocity of the wave. This may be written : Fig. A l J3NE WAVE LENGTH - -' LENGTH 102. Showing Measurement for the Length Single Wave. of a THE RADIO TRANSMITTER. 39 Velocity = (Number of waves) X (Length of a single wave), which may also be written: the velocity of electric waves Length of a single wave = the number of waves It has been proven by experiment that the velocity of electromagnetic waves is practically the same as the velocity of light which may be taken as 186,000 miles per second or the equivalent of 300,000,000 meters. Keeping in mind that a single cycle of current in an open circuit oscillator sets into motion a single electric wave, the foregoing formula can be written : 300,000,000 Length of one wave = frequency of the oscillations I fence if a vertical conductor oscillates at a frequency of 500,000 cycles per second, the length 300,000,000 of one wave in the resultant wave motion will be = 600 meters. 500,000 If the wave length is expressed by the symbol \ the velocity of electric waves by V and the frequency of the oscillations by N, the formula may be written: V X=_ N A table of standard wave lengths corresponding to various oscillation frequencies follows : Wave Length in Meters. Frequency in Cycles per Second. 200 1,500,000 300 1,000,000 450 666,666 600 500,000 1000 300,000 2000 150,000 3000 100,000 6000 50,000 8000 37,500 10000 30,000 92. The Determination of Wave Length from the Inductance and Capacity. The length of the wave radiated from an open circuit oscillator can be calculated directly from knowledge of the effective* inductance and the effective capacity of the aerial. The formula may be written : Wave length = 38 X V^TT where L = the inductance in centimeters ; and C = the capacity in microfarads. If an inductance coil is introduced at the base of an aerial, the formula must be modified to read : 6.2832 , Wave length = X 9.5 X V L C K where K a certain correction factor (see appendix, section C). The wave length of a straight vertical aerial of the type indicated in Fig. 97a can be determined approximately from the physical dimensions. The length of the wave radiated from a grounded vertical oscillator is found to be approximately 4.3 to 4.5 times its length. Therefore if the vertical wire of Fig. 97a is 100 ft. in length, a single electric wave would have length of 4.3 X 100 430 ft. and since 1 meter = 3.25 feet, the wave length is approximately 132 meters. If the aerial consists of several wires connected in multiple, the factor 4.3 does not apply owing to the increase in the capacity of the aerial system. However, in the case of a 4 wire aerial, the wires being spaced about 2^ ft. apart, we may assume the factor of 4.4 to 4.8 which multiplied by the total length of the aerial in feet or meters gives an approximation of the fundamental wave length. *The effective capacity is the capacity of the aerial as an element of an oscillation circuit, This value varies with each change of V 90 PRACTICAL WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. When we speak of the wave length of a closed oscillation circuit reference is made to the particular frequency at which the circuit oscillates and to the length of a single wave in the resultant wave motion if the circuit were radiative. Thus if the frequency of a given closed oscillation circuit is 500,000 cycles per second, it would correspond in the case of an open circuit oscillator to a wave length of 600 meters. Hence, we would state that the wave length of the closed oscillation circuit is 600 meters. The wave length of a closed oscillation circuit may be computed as follows : Wave length = 59.6 X V~L~tT where L = the inductance of the circuit in centimeters ; and C = the capacity of the condenser in microfarads. We see from this that if a given closed oscillation circuit had inductance of 10,000 centimeters and capacity of .01 microfarads, the wave length would be 59.6 X V 100 = 596 meters. 93. Logarithmic Decrement of the Oscillations. When electrical oscilla- tions are created in an antenna or other circuit by means of condensers discharges, each electric spark dis- charge creates a train of oscillations which die away. The oscillations are assumed to decay away according to the law that the ratio of any oscillation to the one preceding is constant. This constant ratio is called the damping of the oscillation and the Naperian loga- rithm of the ratio of one oscillation to the preceding one is called the ^ p* m-H, g h ly Damped Osc,i,a,,on, logarithmic decrement. Thus in the group of oscillations of Fig. 103, the maximum amplitudes of successive alternations are represented by A 1 , A 2 , A 3 , A 4 , etc., and ,V__A 3 _ A^ A 3 ~~ A 5 ~~ A 7 ' C In terms of logarithms we may write where base of the Naperian system of logarithms ; 8 a constant termed the logarithmic decrement. By transposition 8 Ino A* A 3 If we assume that the oscillations in a circuit are extinguished when the ampli- tude of the last oscillation is .01 of the initial oscillation, the complete number of oscillations (M) in a spark discharge can be computed as follows: A* log -- h 5 A* If we denote the last oscillation by A x then = 100, and since the Logarithm of 100 4.605 A^ then 4.605 + M= -- _ THE RADIO TRANSMITTER. 91 Hence in a group of oscillations Where 8 = 0.1 4.605 + 0.1 = 47 complete oscillations. 0.1 The tuning qualities of a train of electric waves from any given transmitting station depend greatly upon the decrement of the oscillations and, therefore, the determination of the quantity is an important measurement. It is found Fig. 104 Feebly Damped Oscillations. ^ y experiment that a transmitter having less than 24 complete oscillations in the antenna circuit per single spark discharge, possesses undesirable tuning qualities and will interfere with the operation of other radio stations not tuned to the same wave length. A group of 24 complete oscillations corresponds to a decrement of 0.2 for a complete oscillation which is the arbitrary figure enforced by U. S. Statutes. This means that if the oscillations in a given antenna circuit have a decrement A* of 0.2, the logarithm of the ratio of AS will be 0.2. '(The number corresponding to the logarithm 0.2 is 1.2, hence the ratio A 1 of must be 1.2 for a decrement of 0.2.) AS A group of oscillations of feeble damping are shown in Fig. 104; a highly damped group in Fig. 105. If the conditions of damping de- picted in Fig. 104 apply to an open circuit oscillator at any given radio station, the energy of the radiated wave is largely confined to a single frequency and the effect at the receiving apparatus is termed in operators' language "sharp tuning" meaning that very careful adjust- ment is required at the receiving station to place the receiving apparatus in resonance with the distant transmitter, i. e., the transmitting apparatus is said to be "sharply tuned." But with the conditions of Fig. 105 the transmitter is "broadly tuned" and the radiated wave said to have "excessive damping" These trade expressions are more or less comparative because the damping of the receiver is not taken into account. However, the terms may be applied in a practical way. In any given transmitter, oscillations of great amplitude or strength but of feeble damping are really desired, but in certain types of ap- paratus the conditions favorable to one offset the conditions favorable to the other; hence we are required to effect a compromise. The exact meaning of the logarithmic decrement of the oscillations in radio-telegraphy may be better understood by considering the oscillating movements of a pendulum in me- chanics. Suppose for example a plumb bob is attached to the end of a string and suspended freely as in Fig. 105a; drawn to one side and released, the bob will vibrate to and fro until the oscillation is completely damped out. If a piece of cardboard, for instance, were attached to the string, the oscillations of the pendulum would come to a stop in a much shorter period, e. g., they would be said to be highly damped. This corresponds to the damping of the oscil- lations in a radio oscillation circuit having considerable resistance. Now the time period of one complete oscillation of the pendulum can be obtained by counting the oscillations for one minute and dividing their number by 60. Hence if 60 corn- Fig. 105 Oscillations with Excessive Damping. 92 PRACTICAL WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. plete oscillations took place per minute, the time period of one oscillation would be one second. This could be easily arranged if the string of the pendulum had a certain length and the bob a certain weight. Assume that the bob oscillated in front of a scale calibrated in inches as in Fig. 105a and that at the beginning of the first oscillation it was drawn from the zero position out- ward to a distance of 15 inches. On ac- count of wind friction, at the end of one- half oscillation the bob would not have travelled 15 inches from the zero position. Under suitable conditions it would move outward, let us say, 14.2 inches and in the return swing, its movement would be still less, say 13.5 inches. That is, the swing of the second oscillation would be \ l / 2 inches less than the initial oscillation. If we observe the length of the succes- sive swings and plot the results as in Fig. 104, we would obtain a group of decaying oscillations which would bear the following ratio to one another. If the horizontal axis A, B is divided into seconds, and the ampli- tude of the right and left swings of the pendulum shown by the notations on the vertical axis, (0 to 15, in either direction) then the amplitude at the termination of a complete period or at any partial period of oscillation will be as follows: at the end Fig. 105a Pendulum for Illustrating Damping. of the first half period, the amplitude of the oscillation will be 14.2; at the end of a complete period, 13.5. After the pendulum has been in oscillation for \y 2 seconds, the amplitude will be 12.8 and at the end of two seconds, 12.1 and so on. It is to be especially noted that the ratio of the amplitude of the successive oscillations is constant, e. g., 15/13.5 = 1.11; 13.5/12.1 = 1.11, and so on. This ratio will be constant to the end of the swings of the pendulum because it is a law of all mechanical oscillating motions, that the oscillations will die away at such rates that the ratio of successive amplitudes remains constant. This is the condition assumed to exist in the spark discharge circuits of radio transmitters. It should now be clear that if the friction to the oscillation of the pendulum were increased by attaching a cardboard damper to the pendulum, the swings would die out more rapidly and the ratio of the successive amplitudes would take a higher figure. The damping of the oscillations would thus be increased. We see from this that slow damping corresponds to a great number of swings of the pendulum whereas rapid damping corresponds to a small number of swings of the pendulum. Now the ratio of the amplitude of two successive oscillations is called the damping factor and the logarithm of this ratio is called the logarithmic decrement. In the problem cited the ratio is 1.11 and if reference is made to any table of Naperian logarithms, the logarithm of 1.11 will be found to be approximately 0.10. Similarly if the ratio were 1.22, the logarithmic decrement would be 0.2, the limit allowed by law. The decrement of the oscillations flowing in the aerial of a modern radio-transmitter is 4.605 + .05 frequently .05 per complete cycle, hence for each spark there will be or 92 complete .05 oscillations. It is now apparent that the feebler the decrement, the greater will be the number of oscillations per spark and provided their amplitude does not fall too much, the stronger will be the current induced in the receiving aerial per spark of the transmitter. This combined with the favorable tuning qualities of a feebly damped transmitter brings about very desirable conditions. THE RADIO TRANSMITTER. 93 The damping of a circuit of a radio-frequency depends upon the effective capacity, in- ductance and resistance of that circuit. These quantities are related in the following manner : Where R 1 = high frequency resistance in ohms, C = capacity in farads, L = inductance in henries, 8 = decrement per semi-oscillation. C The ratio of changes the values of R 1 but we may state generally that increase of L or L decrease of C will reduce the damping of the oscillations, e. g., decrease the logarithmic decrement. Assume a circuit of .ol microfarads capacity, inductance of 10,000 centimeters and resistance of 3 ohms, then 8 = 1.57 X 3 X V- .00000001 .= 0.148 .00001 Practical measurement of the logarithmic decrement will be described in Part XI. 94. Methods of Exciting Oscillations in an Aerial. The antenna circuit can be set into oscillation in ordinary spark telegraphy in several different ways as follows: (1) By direct excitation (plain aerial connection) ; (2) By inductive coupling to a closed oscillation circuit; (3) By conductive coupling to a closed oscillation circuit; (4) By capacitive coupling to a closed oscillation circuit; Direct excitation of the aerial has been shown in Fig. 97a, where the spark gap is connected directly in series with the antenna circuit. The winding S is the secondary of an induction coil wherein the pressure of the current is several thousand volts. This coil is generally fitted with a magnetic interrupter and energized by a 15 to 30 volt storage battery. The advantage of this method of excit- ing oscillations in the aerial lies in the sim- plicity of the connections but there are sev- eral objections to its use. The principal objection is the fact that the oscillations are rapidly damped out and the waves radiated from the aerial will interfere with the reception of signals at other stations even when not tuned to the frequency of this transmitter. The second disadvantage is that the insulation of the aerial is sub- jected to an abnormal strain caused by the high voltage necessary and by the low fre- quency current of the induction coil being superposed on the radio-frequent oscilla- tions. The oscillations in the antenna circuit of the plain aerial transmitter will be damped out less rapidly if fair amounts of induct- ance are inserted at the base as at L, Fig. 97b. Under these conditions, the decrement of the oscillations may compare favorably with modern methods of excitation. Indirect methods of antenna excitation are shown in Figures 106, 107 and 108. Tin principal advantage of these methods of coupling lies in the fact that the closed circuit con- denser acts as a reservoir of energy and since the capacity of the condenser ^in the closed oscillation circuit is generally several times that of the capacity of the aerial, it permits the closed circuit to use large amounts of power for the same wave length, spark frequency and Fig. 106 Inductively Coupled Transmitter. 94 PRACTICAL WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. voltage which results in the production of more powerful oscillation. Then by proper adjust- ment of coupling, these oscillations may be transferred to the antenna systems at a certain rate and radiated in the form of electro-magnetic waves. Inductive coupling of the open and closed oscillation circuits is shown in the diagram, Fig. 106. The spark gap S is now placed in the closed oscillation circuit, the oscillations generated in the latter are transferred to the antenna through the oscillation transformer, L, L-l. When the condenser discharges through L, the lines of force cut through L 1 , setting up in the aerial circuit oscillations of similar frequency provided the aerial circuit is carefully tuned to the closed circuit. Winding L is seen to serve the double purpose of governing the frequency of the oscillations in the condenser circuit and transferring them by magnetic induction to the aerial circuit. If L and L 1 are closely coupled, the oscillations in the aerial system will be damped out rapidly due to a part of the energy being retransferred back to the spark circuit, but if L and L 1 are loosely coupled (drawn apart) the oscillations in the aerial circuit will be damped out less rapidly. We see from this that the tuning qualities of the transmitter are largely controlled by the coupling of the oscillation transformer. It is usual to ad- just the coupling to a degree that will give oscillations of fairly feeble damping pro- vided the flow of the current in the an- tenna circuit is not seriously reduced thereby. Conductive coupling of the closed and open oscillation circuits is shown in Fig. 107, where an auto transform- er is employed to transfer the oscilla- tions to the antenna. In this diagram the turns from A to B constitute the primary winding and the turns from C to D, the secondary winding. When condensers C-l, C-2, discharge through winding P, an alternating magnetic field threads through S, which follows the primary current. Oscillations of radio-frequency are thus induced in the secondary circuits. The advantage of this method of coupling lies in the simplicity afforded by the use of a single helix for transforming the oscillations. The inductively coupled sys- tem, on the other hand, requires a primary and secondary helix with the necessary mechanical arrangements for adjust- ment of the coupling. There is little difference in the degree of efficiency obtained by these two methods of coupling; but the coupling between the closed and open oscillation circuits can be more easily adjusted by the inductive transformer than by the conductive transformer. If the earth connection to the helix in Fig. 107 is fitted with a contact clip, the turns included from C to D can be placed at a distance from the Fig. 107 Conductively Coupled Transmitter. turns in use between A and B and in this manner the coupling between the Fig. 108 One Method of Capacitive Coupling. THE RADIO TRANSMITTER, 95 two circuits can be closely adjusted, but, of course, with greater difficulty than in the inductive system. In the capacitive coupling shown in Fig. 108, a condenser C-2 is connected in series with the aerial system and is also placed between the plates of the condenser C-l, which is a part of the closed oscillation circuit. Part of the elec- trostatic field of C-l is transferred to C-2 and accordingly oscillations will flow in the aerial circuit.* The majority of radio stations employ the inductive method of coupling. 95. The Reaction of Coupled Circuits. We might expect that when the open and closed oscillation circuits of a radio-telegraph transmitter are adjusted independently to a frequency corresponding to a wave length of 600 meters and afterwards the circuits are coupled for the transference of energy, the radiated wave would be of the same length but this may not be the case. Under certain conditions of coupling, oscillations of two frequencies occur in the antenna circuit. For example, if the closed and open circuits are set for the wave of 600 meters, we may find (by means of a wavemeter) two waves being radiated from the aerial, one 630 meters in length and the other 570 meters in length, corresponding to two distinct frequencies of oscilla- tion. These two frequencies are caused by the reaction of the magnetic field of the open circuit upon the closed circuit, and vice versa, that is, the oscillations flowing to and fro throug 1 ! the primary circuits induce currents in the secondary circuit and the magnetic field of the secondary currents tends to react and induce currents in the primary. This interchange of energy goes on un- til the current in the primary can no longer bridge the spark gap when the process stops. This interlinkage of the lines of force of the two windings causes the effective self-induction of the an- tenna coil either to increase or decrease according to which of the two circuits is driving the other, and results in the production of two sets of oscillations. The resulting oscillations of coupled circuits may be shown by the dia- gram of Fig. 109, where two groups of oscillations in the closed and open cir- cuits are represented. It will be noted that the oscillations in the closed cir- cuit have maximum amplitude when those in the open circuit have minimum amplitude, and vice versa. In the sense of a second of time the two sets of oscillations take place simultaneously, but in the sense of a fraction of a second they do not reach their maximum amplitude simultaneously. When the antenna oscillates at two distinct frequencies, two waves of different length are set into motion. This is an undesirable condition, (1) because the receiving apparatus gen- erally can be tuned only to one of the radiated waves, the energy of the other being lost; (2) a needless amount of interference is caused thereby to the operation of other radio stations. The true coefficient of coupling between two circuits of this character is determined by the following formula: M K= where Lj and L, = self-inductance of the primary and secondary circuits respectively, M = coefficient of coupling. It is the custom to determine the coupling from actual measurement of the radiated waves, or *This is coupling by electrostatic induction. Direct or conductive electrostatic induction may also be used. Fig. 109. Showing Complex Oscillations in Im- properly Adjusted Transmitter. 96 PRACTICAL WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. X 2 a -{- X 2 i Where X2 = longer wave, Xi = shorter wave. Also if X g equals the wave length to which the primary and secondary circuits are ad- justed independently, then Xa Xs V 1 + K Xi = Xs V 1 K In other words, if the value of the coupling K is known, the two wave lengths can be calculated before actual measurement. When the primary winding of the oscillation transformer is placed close to the second- ary winding, perhaps partially telescoped into it, the set is said to have "tight coupling'' or "close coupling" but when these two windings are drawn apart the coupling is said to be "loose." Now if oscillations of two frequencies flow in an aerial system, and afterward the coupling is gradually reduced, the two sets of oscillations gradually merge into oscillations of a single frequency and generally with this adjustment, the radiated wave is feebly damped or of low decrement; i. e., it has the damping of the antenna circuit. The student should note this carefully: With the plain spark discharger in the closed circuit, "close coupling" of the primary and secondary windings generally causes a "broad wave" to be radiated from the aerial system, while "loose coupling" results in the radiation of a "sharp wave." The terms are, of course, merely relative. (See Appendix, Section G.) o , o / T-2 L-J FOR 300 METERS OPEN S-i AND REDUCE INDUCTANCE AT T-i T-2 \ Fig. 110 Diagram Showing Changes Necessary to shift from 600 meter to 300 meter Wave. 96. The Standard Waves of Commercial Wireless Telegraphy. The rules , of the International Radio-Telegraphic Convention require the use of two stand- ard waves for the dispatch of commercial wireless traffic, namely 300 and 600 meters. Either of these waves must be employed for calling another station but THE RADIO TRANSMITTER. 97 after communication is established, waves of any length between 300 and 600 meters may be used. The rules also specify that by special license vessels may employ waves in excess of 1600 meters. For ordinary marine traffic, naval stations of the United States employ waves varying in length from 600 to 1600 meters. High power naval and commercial stations use waves varying from 1600 meters to 10,000 meters. The United States regulations limit amateur stations to the use of a 200 meter wave with power input of 1 K. W. If the amateur station is located within five miles of a naval station their sets are limited to an input of YZ K. W. The standard marine radio sets of the Marconi Wireless Telegraph Company of America vary in power from ^ K. W. to 2 K. W. and are designed for three waves of 300, 450 and 600 meters length. The average ship's aerial in the Marconi service has a fundamental wave length of 325 meters, capacity of approximately .001 microfarads and inductance of 70,000 centimeters. In order that the standard waves of 300 and 600 meters may be radiated, an extra inductance must be included at the base for the 600 meter wave and a condenser must be connected in series for the 300 meter wave. This coil and condenser are called: (1) the aerial tuning inductance; (2) the short wave condenser. The aerial tuning inductance varies from 20,000 to 80,000 centimeters inductance and the short wave condenser usually is of fixed capacity, approximately .0005 microfarads. The position occupied by these devices in the antenna circuit is shown in Fig. 110. The condenser is shunted by a switch S-l which is closed for the 600 meter wave. The tuning inductance L-3 is fitted with a plug contact permitting one turn or a fraction of a turn to be inserted in the circuit at A 1 . The method of shifting from one standard wave to the other in a commercial set is shown in Fig. 110. Assume the open and closed circuits to be set for the 600 meter wave: Then if the circuits are to be adjusted for 300 meters, trie following procedure is involved: (1) The variable contact T-l at the primary winding of the oscillation trans- former is set at a lesser value of inductance (as indicated by the dotted lines) ; (2) Similarly the variable contact of the aerial tuning inductance L-3; (3) The switch S-l shunting the short wave condenser is opened. If the condenser of the closed circuit exceeds .015 microfarads capacity, its capacity must be reduced for the 300 meter wave, to say, .006 microfarads. When a condenser is connected in series with an open circuit oscillator, the total capacity is affected just as it is when two ordinary condensers are connected in series, i. e., the capacity is reduced and the resulting value will be less than the capacity of the smallest condenser in the circuit. We have already shown that the wave length of an open circuit oscillator = 38 V LC; hence a decrease of the value of C will decrease the length of the radiated wave. The equation for the wave length of the open or antenna circuit then becomes: 59.6 X = VLC Where K = a correction factor the ratio of the capacity of the short wave condenser to that of the aerial or Ci The table for this ratio value of K appears in Section C of the appendix. This section also includes LI the values of K for the ratio of L 2 Where Lj = the distributed inductance of the aerial; and La = the inductance of the loading coil at the base. (See Par. 92). If very large values of concentrated inductance are inserted at the base of the aerial, the correction factor may for all practical purposes be ignored. 97. Fundamental Circuit of a Complete Radio Transmitter. We have shown how alternating current can be obtained from a generator and how it can be raised to a pressure of several thousand volts by a step-up transformer. It has been explained that this current of high pressure can be stored up temporarily 98 PRACTICAL WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY THE RADIO TRANSMITTER. 99 in a condenser and discharged through the closed circuit in the form of radio- frequent oscillations, and that these oscillations can be transferred to an aerial circuit, where a part of their energy is radiated in the form of an electromagnetic wave. We see, then, that the principal parts of a radio-transmitter are : (1) The alternating current generator; (2) The alternating current step-up transformer; (3) The condenser; (4) The oscillation transformer; (5) The aerial or antenna; (6) The short wave condenser; (7) The aerial tuning inductance; (8) The transmitting key. (9) The spark gap. The student should now focus his attention on the diagram of Fig. Ill where direct current enters the motor at the left of the drawing but eventually at the extreme right, an alternating current of radio-frequency flows in the antenna circuit. A complete transmitting set consists of the following apparatus: (1) A motor generator to convert direct current to alternating current. (2) A starting box to regulate the flow of current through the motqr armature during the starting period. (3) Field rheostats to regulate the frequency and the voltage of the generator. (4) A step-up transformer to raise the voltage of the alternating current to a value in excess of 10,000 volts. (5) An ammeter to measure the current flowing through the transformer. (6) A voltmeter to measure the voltage at the terminals of the alternator. (7) A wattmeter to measure the power input to the transformer. (8) A reactance regulator to regulate the flow of current through the primary winding of the* transformer. (9) A telegraph key to permit the current to be interrupted in the form of the dots and dashes of the Morse code. (10) A battery of condensers for the production of radio-frequent oscillations. (11) A spark discharge gap to discharge the energy stored up in the condenser. (12) An oscillation transformer to transfer current at radio frequencies from the condenser circuit to the aerial circuit. (13) An aerial ammeter to determine conditions of resonance between the con- denser circuit and the aerial circuit. (14) A short wave condenser to decrease the time period of oscillation of the antenna circuit (15) An aerial tuning inductance to increase the time period of oscillation of the antenna circuit. (16) An aerial change-over switch to shift the aerial alternately from the trans- mitting apparatus to the receiving apparatus. (17) An aerial to radiate energy in the form of electromagnetic waves. 98. Simple Explanation of the Circuits. A simple explanation of the functioning of this apparatus follows: Direct current, at pressure of 110 volts, enters the motor armature through the starting box and sets it into rotation. The alternator in turn generates alternating current at pressures varying from 110 to 500 volts according to the design of the machine. When the telegraph key is closed, current flows from the generator armature through the primary winding of the transformer setting up magnetic lines of force which intersect or cut through the secondary winding inducing therein a current at pressures varying from 10,000 volts to 25,000 volts. Now the voltage and the frequency of the alternating current can be adjusted by the generator field rheostat and the motor field rheostat. For example, if re- sistance be added at the motor field rheostat, the motor will increase its speed and, accordingly, the frequency of the generator will be increased. This will also tend to increase the voltage of the generator. If resistance be added at the generator 100 PRACTICAL WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. field rheostat, the voltage of the generator armature will be reduced and con- versely if the resistance of this rheostat is decreased, the voltage of the generator will increase. The terminals of the secondary winding of the high voltage transformer are connected to the terminals of a battery of condensers where the energy is stored up temporarily in the form of electrostatic lines of force. When the limit of charge for each alternation of charging current has been reached, the condenser will discharge across the spark gap^ through the primary winding of the oscillation transformer, the discharge consisting of a number of radio-frequent oscillations. The frequency of the oscillations will decrease if inductance is added at the primary winding or increase if the inductance be reduced. An increase or de- crease of the capacity of the condenser affects the frequency in the same manner, e. g., a reduction of capacity will increase the frequency of the oscillations while an increase of capacity will reduce the frequency of the oscillations. The oscillations flowing in the closed circuit are transferred to the aerial cir- cuit through the oscillation transformer and a portion of the energy is radiated from the antenna in the form of electromagnetic waves. In a simple single wire aerial system, the wave length of this wave motion will be approximately 4.3 times the length of the oscillator. The length of the radiated wave in fact varies inversely as the frequency of the oscillation. The higher frequencies such as 500,000 and 1,000,000 cycles per second correspond to the shorter waves 600 meters and 300 meters respectively, while lower frequencies of oscil- lation from 30,000 to 100,000, for example, correspond to the longer waves from 10,000 meters down to 3,000 meters. If a receiving aerial be erected at a distant station and its natural time period of oscillation adjusted to the frequency of the oscillations flowing in the trans- mitter aerial, feeble currents will be induced in it which by appropriate devices may be heard in the receiving telephone. More clearly, the fluxes of the advancing wave will induce currents in the receiving aerial having substantially the fre- quency of the oscillations in the transmitting aerial. By appropriate devices within the station, these currents can be translated into the language of the sender. 99. Numerical Values for a Standard Radio Set. In order to familiarize students with the power consumption, the capacity and inductance of the various elements in a Marconi transmitting set, the following data is presented. The motor of the 2 K. W. 500 cycle panel transmitting set takes 4.3 H. P., the generator delivers 2 K. W. Current enters the motor armature at 110 volts D. C., but the voltage developed at the generator armature is approximately 380 volts on open circuit and approximately 120 volts when the transmitting key is depressed. The frequency of the generator is 500 cycles (this frequency is now standard). The transformer is of the closed core type ; the secondary potential is 14,500 volts. The capacity of the condenser for the 450 and 600 meter waves is .012 microfarads, but for the 300 meter wave it is reduced to .006 microfarads. The primary winding of the oscillation transformer has maximum inductance of ap- proximately 10,000 centimeters correspondingly lesser values being used for the shorter waves. The secondary winding has approximately 30,000 centimeters while the two aerial tuning inductance coils have combined inductance of about 80,000 centimeters. The aerial ammeter has range 0-25 amperes, the wattmeter, 0-3 kilowatts. For the standard ^ K. W. set the motor is rated at 1 H. P., the generator at */*, K. W. The voltage at the transformer is about 15,000 volts and the capacity of the closed circuit condenser .004 microfarads. The inductance of the primary at the wave of 600 meters is approximately 25,000 centimeters. Lesser values are, of course, employed for the 300 and 450 meter waves. The secondary inductance would, of course, be the same as with the 2 K. W. set. PART VII. APPLIANCES FOR A RADIO TRANSMITTER SPARK DISCHARGERS OSCILLATION TRANSFORMERS CON- DENSERS TRANSFORMERS. 100. IN GENERAL. 101. SPARK DISCHARGERS FOR RADIO TELEG- RAPHY. 102. ADJUSTMENT OF THE SPARK NOTE. 103. OSCIL- LATION TRANSFORMERS. 104. A^I^L-' TUNING; TBJPUCTANCE. 105. THE SHORT WAVE CONDENSER. 106. HIGH 'POTENTIAL CONDENSERS. 107. HIGH FREQUE^CV /'|CHOi^iN^^6i^. 108. HIGH VOLTAGE TRANSFORMERS. 109. REACTANCE REGULATORS. 110. AERIAL CHANGEOVER SWITCH. 111. TRANSMITTING KEYS. 100. In General. Although the apparatus of the radio transmitter has been described and discussed in a fundamental way, certain important parts of the complete set will require more detailed treatment. Principal among these are the various types of spark gaps, condensers, oscillation transformers, sig- nalling keys, etc., each of which may take one of several designs or may differ in their mode of functioning. 101. Spark Dischargers for Radio-Telegraphy. The functions of the spark gap in a radio-transmitter are: (1) to keep the closed oscillation circuit idle until the con- denser is fully charged; (2) to discharge the energy stored up in the condenser in the form of radio-frequent oscillations; (3) to quench the spark, i. e., to restore the gap to its non-conducting state, when the energy has once been transferred to the antenna. The ideal gap would be one of in- finite resistance during the charging period of the condenser but of zero F, g . 112-s.mpie Spa* ihscharger. resistance during discharge-a con- dition partially realized in the rotary gap but not completely fulfilled. The transmitting sets of the Marconi Company employ four general types of spark dischargers as listed below: (1) Plain spark discharger; (2) Non-synchronous rotary discharger; (3) Synchronous rotary discharger; (4) Quenched spark or multiple plate discharger. (a) In its most common form the plain spark discharger is composed of two brass, zinc, or copper rods about ^ or ^ inch in diameter slightly rounded at the discharge tips and mounted on an insulated base as in Fig. 112, appropriate means being supplied whereby the length of the gap may be carefully and closely regulated. By careful adjustment of the condenser capacity, the voltage of the generator, and the length of the gap, a single spark discharge for each alternation of the charging current can frequently be obtained, but it is somewhat difficult to 102 PRACTICAL WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. maintain this state of adjustment; in fact, in the majority of cases, multiple dis- charges are found. The chief difficulty with the plain gap is the tendency to form an arc with consequent impurity of the oscillation. Various methods have been devised to prevent the gap arcing such as the use of several gaps in series, or the applying of an air blast either at right angles to the discharger or through hollow electrodes to the center of the spark discharge. The latter method is particularly successful for not only is arcing prevented but a very clear spark note is obtained as well. Gaps of this construction are generally used in transmitting sets employing 60 cycle current transformers or induction coils as a source of high voltage current. (See Section G, Appendix.) (b) The non-synchronous rotary spark discharger generally consists of a circular disc of metal or some insulating material fitted with 8 or 10 metal spark- ing points equally spaced about the circumference, the disc being mounted on the shaft of a direct current motor with a speed controlling rheostat connected in series. The disc revolves between two stationary spark electrodes which can be carefully regulated in respect to the revolving electrodes. When the two stationary electrodes are connected in series with the closed oscillation cir- cuit of a transmitter, the spark will discharge whenever an electrode of the disc comes opposite the station- ary electrodes and the pitch of the note will vary as the speed of the motor. The non-synchronous rotary dis- charger is usually fitted to 60 cycle alternating current transmitting sets, to produce a spark discharge of musical pitch, but it may be employed with alternating current transmitters of any frequency as well. C Fig. 113 Non-synchronous Rotary Discharger. ROTOR The construction of the non-synchronous gap is shown in the drawing, Fig. 113, where an insulated disc D is mounted on the shaft of the motor M. Equally spaced about the periphery are the spark electrodes, E, E, which extend through the disc. Two stationary electrodes, D 1 , D 1 , are mounted on a base and are connected to the corxienser and inductance as shown. At the moment one of the electrodes on the disc comes be- tween the stationary electrodes, the spark will discharge and owing to the equal spacing of the spark points, the spark note partakes of a musical pitch. Experiments with this gap indicate that the most ef- fective results are obtained (with 60 cycle current) when the disc is driven at a speed that will give from 200 to 300 spark discharges per second. The discs are fitted with the correct number of spark elec- trodes to give a spark of this frequency when driven by a motor at speeds varying from 1,800 to 2,400 revolutions per minute. A modified type of the non-synchron- ous gap is shown in Fig. 114 where ten stationary sparking points are mounted on two brass sectors. A light contact arm, A, B, carrying two .spark discharge points is attached to the shaft of a high speed motor. The advantage of this design is Flg ' 114 ~ Another T e of Non-synchronous Dis- APPLIANCES FOR A RADIO TRANSMITTER. 103 that the spark discharge shifts rapidly from one set of stationary electrodes to the other thereby preventing the discharge points from overheating. Other modified types of this .discharger are in use but they operate on the same fundamental principle. The principal advantage of the non-synchronous discharger is that it produces a musical spark tone from a source of low frequency alternating current. As will be seen from the diagram of Fig. 115, although the condenser is discharged at a uniform rate, suc- cessive discharges are not of constant amplitude. In Fig. 115 the successive maximum amplitudes of the charging current are indicated at points a, b, c, d, e, f, g, etc., and the instant during the cycle at which the A C C ^ spark discharges by the mark X. It is easily seen that the spark frequency is very much greater than the frequency of the charging current, but the suc- cessive spark discharges are not of constant power; but since they are timed uniformly, a semi-musical note composed of fundamental tones coupled with a number of overtones is pro- Fig. 115 Showing how the Spark Discharge is Super- duced, having a pitch far more pleasing poseJ on Charging Current.^ to the ear than that obtained by the plain discharger. By very careful adjustment of the speed of the rotor, a non-synchronous gap can be made to discharge the condenser at points of equal amplitude during successive alternations of the charging current. This results in a more uniform spark note than that obtained by ordinary adjustments. (c) For several well defined reasons the synchronous rotary spark discharger has found almost universal favor. Contrary to the non-synchronous type, the disc is mounted on the shaft of the alternating current generator to permit the dis- charge of the condenser to be accurately timed with the alternations of the charg- ing current. The disc of the synchronous discharger may be either of metal or of some insulating material that will withstand the peripheral strain but for mechanical reasons, the metal disc is preferred. This is firmly keyed to the generator shaft but not necessarily insulated* therefrom. The disc always will have discharge electrodes of the same number as the field poles of the generator, and if the sta- tionary electrodes are arranged so that they can be shifted through a small arc, then by careful adjustment a high pitched "screeching" spark note will be secured. A note of this characteristic is particularly desirable for copying signals through the interference of static discharges at the receiver; particularly if the frequency of the charging current is 500 cycles per second. In event that the frequency of the charging current is 500 cycles, the condenser will be charged and discharged 1,000 times per second, and the resultant spark note will have a musical pitch corresponding thereto. The construction of the disc discharger supplied with the 2 K. W. 500 cycle sets of the Marconi Company is shown in Fig. 116, where a heavy steel disc carrying 30 copper spark electrodes is firmly keyed to the motor generator shaft. The disc is enclosed in a steel muffling drum which also acts as a support for the two stationary electrodes A, B, which are thoroughly insulated therefrom. In addition, this drum is designed so that it can be shifted through an arc of approximately 25 by the adjusting rod R. This adjustment permits the most favorable sparking point to be located and results in synchronous dis- charges, giving a clear, musical spark note. Not only must the correct position of the stationary electrodes be found for successful working, but they must be adjusted to give the shortest possible dis- charge gap without the electrodes actually touching. In the Marconi gap, the stationary electrodes can be lowered .003 of an inch at a time, and the electrodes locked in position to prevent actual contact with the revolving disc. The muffling drum is thoroughly ventilated by a set of air scuppers cast on the disc which supply a uniform blast of air for cooling the quenched gap of the Marconi panel sets as well. *The disc of the rotary gap, in the 2 K. W. 500 cycle set of the Marconi Company is connected to earth. 104- PRACTICAL WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. The necessity for mounting the disc discharger on the shaft of the alternator will be at once apparent for if the disc were mounted on an independent motor, any variation in the line voltage would cause the "coming together of the electrodes" and the alternations of the charging current to fall out of step, but when the disc is mounted on the shaft any reduction of the frequency of the charging current will be immediately compensated for by the simultaneous reduction of the speed of the disc. In the diagram of Fig. 116, the moving electrodes (mounted on the disc) are shown at 1, 2, 3, 4, etc. The spark, for example, passes from stationary electrode A to an electrode on the disc, through the disc and out at electrode B. The effective length of the rotary discharge gap is much greater than the actual distance between the stationary and revolving electrodes would indicate; actually the spark discharge begins long before the electrodes MUFFLING DRUM Fig. 116 2 K. W. Synchronous Disc Discharger of the American Marconi Company. are directly opposite. Hence for favorable working the minimum distance between the electrodes should be about .005 inch. This will give a clear spark discharge and will not subject the condenser to abnormal strain. One great advantage of the synchronous discharger is that it permits the handling of very large powers. In fact, the Marconi Company have constructed and successfully operated such dischargers at 500 K. W. with marked results. An additional advantage of this gap is that it prevents the oscillations in the aerial circuit being retransferred to the closed circuit resulting in more efficient radiation ; in other words the quenching is reliable. The one-half kilowatt sets of the American Marconi Company are fitted with APPLIANCES FOR A RADIO TRANSMITTER. 105 synchronous dischargers which are practically a duplicate of the larger size gaps such as furnished with the 2 K. W. sets. (d) The construction of the quenched spark discharger is shown in Fig. 117 where a number of heavy copper plates separated by fiber insulating washers micanite, or other insulating material, are placed in an iron rack and compressed by means of a pressure bolt. The thickness of the washers is chosen so that the space between the sparking surfaces of a single set of plates does not exceed .01 inch. A groove is cut in each plate over which the inside edge of the washer rests. This prevents the spark discharging at the very edge of the washer which would Fig. 117 Modern Quenched Spark Disckarger with Motor Blower. soon cause a short circuit. The insulating washers are specially treated so that the discharge surface is airtight. This not only aids in quenching out the primary oscillations, but gives a noiseless discharge as well. It will be noted from the photograph, that the gap is cooled by a small motor-driven blower mounted on the base which forces a draught of air through the base of the rack against the cooling flanges of the plates. Since the quenched discharger had been found to be effective with comparatively low voltages, the potential of the transformer secondary rarely exceeds 15,000 volts, pressures as low as 6,000 volts being frequently employed. Approximately 1,200 volts are required for each gap and the number that will be used in any case depends upon the voltage of the transformer. The great advantage of the quenched gap lies in its ability to prevent the energy of the oscillations induced in the aerial circuit being retransferred to the condenser circuit, even when the oscillation transformer is closely coupled. Therefore the antenna oscillates 106 PRACTICAL WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. at single fundamental frequency and will radiate a single wave. The ideal spark gap is one which permits the closed circuit to oscillate for a period of just sufficient length to build up the oscillations in the aerial circuit to their maximum amplitude. Then the oscillations in the condenser circuit should cease permitting the antenna to continue in oscillation until its energy is dissipated. If the coupling between the open and closed circuits is sufficiently loose, quenching of the primary oscillations will be obtained with practically any type of gap but the advantage of this particular type lies in the fact that quenching is secured with very close coupling, which gives increased values of antenna current. The precise action taking place in a transmitter employing a quenching gap can be shown as in Fig. 118 where a group of oscillations in the open and closed circuits of a transmitter appear. It will be seen that the closed circuit oscillates for a very brief period, or until the oscillations in the aerial circuit reach their maximum amplitude after which the oscillations in the closed circuit will be "quenched" out. Summarizing the foregoing, it will be seen that the quenched gap offers sev- eral advantages, if used in properly designed and tuned circuits: (1) It is noiseless in operation; (2) Has no moving parts; (3) Permits the use of low voltage transformers; (4) Gives synchronous discharges (when properly adjusted); (5) Gives very large values of antenna current because of closer coupling. The quenched discharger has not been found satisfactory for very high powers and in such installations some form of the Marconi disc discharger is employed. 102. Adjustment of the Spark Note. It is highly important that the spark gap of any radio transmitter be ad- justed to give a uniform discharge, having, if possible, a musical pitch. A uniform spark discharge not only permits the sig- nals to be more easily deciphered at the re- ceiving station through atmospheric or static discharges, but also permits better formation of the characters of the tele- graph code on the part of the sending oper- ator. In addition, the pitch of the note has a marked effect on the response of the re- ceiver telephone diaphragm, there being a critical spark frequency for maximum re- sponse with different types of telephones. In the case of the plain spark discharger, the pitch of the note while governed primarily by the frequency of the alter- nator, is also dependent upon other factors such as, (1) The length of the gap; (2) The voltage of the generator; (3) The capacity of the condenser; (4) The design of the spark electrodes; (5) The nature of the surrounding medium whether gas or air. Now the capacity of the condenser in the usual radio set is a fixed quantity, hence, the correct note for this gap is found by increasing or decreasing the length of the discharge gap or by adjustment of the transformer voltage. Blunt discharge electrodes give an ir- regular spark note whereas sharp pointed electrodes give a high pitched note, but they generally diminish the amplitude of the CLOSED OPEN Fig. 118 Showing the Oscillations in Closed and Open Circuits of a Properly Adjusted Transmitter. oscillation. A compromise between all these conditions is usually effected. The correct spark tone for the rotary gap is obtained by adjusting the position of the APPLIANCES FOR A RADIO TRANSMITTER. 107 stationary electrodes until synchronous discharges are obtained, and also by regulating the length of the gap and the voltage of the transformer. The note of the quenched gap is adjusted by variation of the number of gaps or by regu- lation of the generator voltage. By proper adjustment, synchronous discharges are readily obtained as will be evidenced by the uniformity of the note. (See Appendix, Section G.) 103. Oscillation Transformers. The functions performed by the oscilla- tion transformer of a radio-transmitter may be summed up as follows : (1) Transfers energy from the closed circuit to the open circuit; (2) Permits the wave length of either circuit to be increased or decreased (by variation of the self inductance of either coil) ; (3) Permits some adjustment of the damping of the oscillations flowing in the aerial system. The degree of coupling between the primary and secondary circuits of an oscillation transformer can be altered in three ways: (1) By drawing the windings apart mechanically; (2) By variation of the self inductance of either winding; (3) By turning one winding at a right angle to the other. All three methods are in use. The oscillation transformer used in the 2 K. W. 240 ^ . ..- .; j Fig. 119 Type A Oscillation Transformer of the American Marconi Company. Fig. 120 Showing the Effect of Turn- ing Secondary at Right Angles to Primary. cycle sets and the 60 cycle sets of the Marconi Company is shown in Fig. 119. The primary winding has eight turns of copper tubing approximately 15 inches in diameter, spaced 1 inch apart, the tubing being about ^ inch in diameter. The adjacent turns of the primary winding are well insu- lated by means of specially designed porcelain insulators. The secondary is made up of heavy stranded insulated copper cable wound on a hard rubber spool. Since the inductance of the secondary is fixed, variation of the fre- quency of the oscillations is secured by adjustment of the aerial tuning inductance. The secondary winding is mounted so that it can be turned at a complete right 108 PRACTICAL WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. angle to the primary or at any required intermediate position, which permits close regulation of the transformer coupling. The effect of tilting the secondary at a right angle to the primary is shown in Fig. 120 where the coupling is practically zero. It will be seen that the lines of force of the primary are parallel with the COPPER STRIP, Fig. 121 Showing Position of Maximum Coupling of Type A Oscillation Trans- Oscillati former. Fig. 122 Pancake Type Oscillation Transformer. turns of the secondary and therefore no induc- tion takes place in the secondary but in the posi- tion, Fig. 121, the lines of force cut the secondary turns at a right angle and the coupling is maxi- mum. In all transmitting sets it is advantage- ous to have the inductance of the primary or the secondary winding continuously va- riable, i. e., the construction must be such that the entire inductance can be gone over inch by inch with a sliding contact. An oscillation trans- former of this type is shown in Fig. 122. The primary and secondary windings consist of a spiral of copper ribbon placed edgewise on an insulating disc. The handle is fitted with a sliding contact which permits any amount of inductance to be inserted in the circuit, inch by inch. The same handle that varies the induct- ance is used to draw the primary and the secondary windings apart, thus varying the coupling. In a certain foreign radio system, an inductance element known as a variometer inductance is employed to change the de- gree of coupling between the closed and open circuits of radio-frequency. Briefly, it consists of the windings A and B, Fig. 123, comprising two coils which can be magnetically opposed to each other. The coils are connected in series and when di- rectly opposite the inductance is at a mini- mum value, but when B is drawn away from A the inductance gradually increases, maximum inductance being obtained when they are drawn completely apart. If the variometer is connected in the aerial system as in Fig. 124, and its self- inductance gradually increased, the mutual induction between the open and closed circuits will be increased and therefore the coupling. To be efficient and to have a minimum resistance, variometers must be wound with stranded copper cable made of a great number of small strands each of which is insulated from neighboring ones. A stranded cable made in this way is called "Litzendraht" which Fig. 123 Showing Fundamental Principle of the Vario- meter. APPLIANCES FOR A RADIO TRANSMITTER. 109 Fig. -Showing How Coupling is Changed by Vario- meter. affords a conductor of maximum con- ductivity for high frequency currents. Oscillation transformers may have fixed values of inductance for both the primary and secondary windings as in Fig. 125. In ne type, the primary has a single turn of copper cable wound around 6 or 8 turns of smaller cable, constituting the secondary winding. The coupling is rather loose about 8 per cent, for the average aerial. The necessary changes of wave length are obtained by variation of the capacity of the condenser in the closed circuit and the inductance of the aerial circuit. 104. Aerial Tuning Inductance. The aerial inductance coil may be of the continuously variable type having a sliding contact which bears on an edgewise copper strip as in Fig. 126, or of the round barrel type made of stranded copper cable COPPER STRIP t Fig. 125 Square Coil Type Oscillation Transformer. as in Fig. 127. The inductance of the latter type is altered by means of a plug contact. It is, of course, essential that adjacent turns be well insulated from one another and separated so that there will be no sparking between them. Also the coil must be mounted on an insu- lated base or on specially devised insulators to prevent the high volt- age current leaking to nearby con- ductors, or conducting material. 105. The Short Wave Con- denser. One form of this con- denser as constructed by the Mar- coni Company, has four glass plates 15 by 15 inches covered with tinfoil 12 by 12 inches. Each plate has a pig. 126 Continuously Variable Aerial Tuning Inductance. 110 PRACTICAL WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. v capacity of approximately .002 mfds. and since four are connected in series, the resulting value is .0005 mfds. A very recent type of short wave condenser manufactured by the Marconi Company is shown in Fig. 128. Four copper plated glass jars are mounted on a metal rack and connected together as follows: Con- nection is made from the binding post E of the left hand inside jar A to the aerial system. The outer coating of jar A rests on the inside coating of the jar B. The outside coating of jar B makes contact with the outside coating of the jar D through the metal rack. The circuit con- tinues on from that point in just the re- verse direction, to that cited in the first case, finally ending at the binding post of jar C. The four jars are thus connected in series and have combined capacity of Fig. 127 Drum Type Aerial Tuning Inductance. .0005 mfds. The short wave condenser may be connected in series with either the aerial wires or the earth lead. 106. High Potential Condensers. The Ley den jar type of condenser has been described in paragraph 84. The assembly of the flat plate condenser is shown in Fig. 129 where three banks of condenser plates are connected in series. The student should note from this diagram how the connecting tabs are brought out from the sheets of tinfoil and the manner in which the plates are stacked up. It will be seen from the detail that a left hand tab plate is stacked up against a right hand tab plate and so on until the required capacity is ob- tained. When one group is com- plete, the entire unit is bound with canvas tape and immersed in a tank of oil. The tinfoil is first attached to the condenser plates by means of a good grade of fish glue after which it is al- lowed to dry. The plate is then coated with shellac or hot paraffin and after dry- ing again is ready for use. Owing to the general inconvenience of assembling, an oil condenser of this type and the bother of replacing a broken plate, in case of breakdown, it is grad- ually being eliminated from ship sets. In case of accident, the copper plated Ley- Fig. 128 Short Wave Condenser Company. American Marconi den jar affords a distinct advantage be- cause a broken jar can be replaced within a few minutes. In event the charging current exceeds 15,000 volts a series parallel connec- tion of condenser plates is required. This connection divides the voltage between the two banks and thereby reduces the strain on the dielectric. Compressed air condensers are in use but the expense of construction does not warrant their general adoption. Briefly, the construction is as follows: A number of interleaved steel plates are enclosed in a cylindrical tank, one set of plates being insulated from the structure. The tank is pumped to pressure of 250 pounds air pressure which has sufficient dielectric strength to withstand potentials of 25,000 volts. The dielectric losses in a con- denser of this type are, of course, zero and a permanent rupture of the dielectric medium is not possible. The tanks are very cumbersome and some difficulty is experienced in keeping them air tight. 107. High Frequency "Choking" Coils. During the charge and discharge APPLIANCES FOR A RADIO TRANSMITTER. 30,000 VOLTS 111 <<\ 5 5tC j- ) III \ r- 5 Fig. 133- x" / Magnetic -Closed Core Transformer with Leakage Gap. 114 PRACTICAL WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. WINDING i If the primary power is to be reduced by steps a reactance regulator is required with any type of set. 109. Reactance Regulators. The flow of current through an alternating current transformer is preferably regulated by a "choking" coil of high self -inductance rather than by a variable resistance. These coils, which are termed choking coils or reactance regulators, generally con- sist of a few turns of heavy insu- lated copper wire wound over an iron core. Two types are shown in Figs. 134 and 135. When an alternating current passes through the coil, the correspond- ing magnetic lines of force rise and fall with the current, but the collapse of the field sets up a counter E. M. F. which acts as an effective resistance. The flow of current can be raried by a multi- point switch as in Fig. 134, or by draw- Fig. 134 Primary Reactance Coil. ing the iron core in and out of the windings as in Fig. 135. In the design of Fig. 135 a "U" shaped iron core is inserted in two windings connected in series. The self-induction of the coil is varied by moving the core in and out the windings. Certain types of high potential transformers are designed for direct connection to the power mains, and therefore they do not require a reactance regulator. 110. Aerial Changeover Switch. The object of the aerial switch is to connect the aerial alternately from the transmitting to the receiving apparatus. Because of the potentials of the transmitting apparatus, the receiving apparatus must be completely disconnected from the transmitting aerial by a switch with a break of at least 6 inches in length. An aerial switch of recent design, the type S. H. switch of the Marconi Company is indicated in Fig. 136 with the necessary diagram of connections for a commercial radio installation. When the handle of the switch is thrown upward, the apparatus is connected for receiving, but in the down- ward position the transmitting apparatus functions. The switch controls several Fig. 135-U Shaped Reactance Coil. other important ^^ as wel j as the aerial circuit connection. Thus when the switch is thrown to the transmitting position, (1) Contacts A, B, close the D. C. circuit to the generator field; (2) Contacts C, D, close the circuit to the automatic motor starter or to a motor driven blower; (3) Contacts E, F, close the circuit to the primary winding of the power trans- former; (4) The spring contacts R, R, spring together and connect the transmitting apparatus to the aerial system. (5) The circuit to the primary winding of the receiving tuner is broken between G and K; (6) Contacts L and M place the detector on short circuit; (7) Contacts N and O short circuit the telephones. The reverse connections and disconnections, of course, take place when the switch is thrown to th receiving position. APPLIANCES FOR A RADIO TRANSMITTER. TO AUTOMATIC STARTER TRANSMITTER Fig. 136 Connections of a Modern Aerial Changeover Switch. It will be evident from the foregoing that during the sending period at a given station, the receiving tuner is thoroughly disconnected from the antenna and during the receiving period the circuit to the field winding of the generator is interrupted because otherwise the current flowing to the meters will induce interfering currents in the receiver which may swamp out the radio signals from a far distant station. Other types of aerial change-over switches are described in Part IX. 111. Transmitting Keys. The sig- nalling keys for radio telegraphy are of heavier construction than those used in landline telegraphy because they are required to interrupt large values of cur- rent. It is found possible to break cur- rent up to 35 amperes by a hand manipulated key, but for current in ex- cess of this value, a magnetically operated relay type of key is employed. One type manufactured by the Mar- coni Company appears in Fig. 137. Earlier types had platinum points for Fig. 137 A Hand Manipulated Telegraph Key. 11*1 J *-** J.J.\^A L- Y L/ V-fcJ XJ.C4.VJ. UF1CL L.J.l..I.l4.X.a.J, iyV_/lllLO J.VSJ. breaking the current, but silver contacts of increased area have proven a satis- factory substitute. The circuit of an electromagnetic key is shown in Fig. 138. A pair of magnets M, M 1 are wound to approxi- mately 150 ohms resistance and con- nected to 110 volts D. C. through a small W. U. sending key. Extra large contacts A, B are mounted on the arma- ture and stationary posts which may break 50 or 60 amperes without arcing. Another type has a solenoid winding with a plunger extending into a box of oil. ^The contacts make and break the circuit under oil, reducing arcing to a minimum. In certain high power stations spe- cially constructed electromagnetic keys interrupt the circuit from the secondary 1 10 VOLT D.C. TO TRANSFORMER, Fig. 138 Circuits of Magnetic Key. winding of the transformer instead of the primary. 500 kilowatts can be broken in this manner. PART VIII. AERIALS OR ANTENNAE 112. FUNCTION OF THE AERIAL. 113. DETERMINATION OF THE WAVE LENGTH FROM THE DIMENSIONS OF AN AERIAL. 114. FUNDAMENTAL CONSIDERATIONS. 115. VARIOUS TYPES OF AERIALS. 116. DIRECTIONAL AERIALS. 117. STANDARD MAR- CONI AERIAL. 118. THE DECK INSULATOR. 119. INSTALLA- TION OF THE AERIAL. 120. EARTH CONNECTION. 121. RADIA- TION. 122. ANTENNA DECREMENT. 123. TRANSMISSION RANGE. 112. Function of the Aerial. The function of the aerial or antennae of any given radio station is two-fold: (1) To radiate energy in the form of electromagnetic waves; (2) To absorb part of the energy radiated by the distant transmitter. The stations employing two aerials, one for transmitting and one for re- ceiving are few in number; in fact, the great majority of wireless stations employ a single antenna for both purposes, which in its simplest form consists of a wire of silicon bronze, copper or aluminum supported vertically by an insulator from a mast or tower. The aerials for present day ship use consist of 2, 3 or 4 wires connected in parallel with adjacent conductors placed from 2*/ 2 to 3^ feet apart. Not all aerials, however, are supported vertically; the great majority have a Hat top portion which extends horizontally to a distance varying from 40 to 6,000 feet, the length depending upon the use to which the aerial is to be put or to the power of the station. Experimentation and reasoning show that the various types of aerials do not radiate with equal intensity in all directions. A certain type, for instance, has a distinctly directive characteristic and will radiate its energy more strongly in a given direction. Still another type confines the greater part of its radiation to two opposite directions. Not only does the factor of radiation require to be taken into account but added to this are the tuning qualities of the radiated wave, which are somewhat affected by the design of the aerial. It is, therefore, well to review at once the factors governing the type of aerial adopted in any particular case. Chief among the controlling factors are : (1) The space available for erection; (2) The total expense of installation; (3) The radiating properties; (4) The desired characteristic of the radiated wave (whether "sharp," "broad" or "directional"). Without regard to the foregoing considerations, the dimensions of an aerial are governed: (1) By the length of the wave to be radiated; (2) By the space available for erection. As we have shown, an aerial possesses both distributed capacity and induct- ance which combined give it a defined period of oscillation when a charge of electricity is applied to it. These oscillations will set up a wave motion the length of which is related to the capacity and inductance of the system in the AERIALS OR ANTENNAE. 117 following manner: If the capacity (C) be measured in farads and the inductance (L) in henries, the length of the wave will be equal to 4 X V X V LC, where V = the velocity of electric waves in ether (300,000,000 meters per second). Now the length of the radiated wave can be increased by connecting a coil of wire (aerial tuning inductance) at the base of the aerial, or decreased by con- necting a condenser in series at the base, but there are certain limitations in either direction as will be presently explained. Moreover with concentrated inductance at the base of the aerial we can no longer use the simple formula above for de- termining the length of the wave which must now be modified to read, wave 2* length = XV X V LC, where K is a certain correction factor the ratio of K the inductance of the coil to the total inductance of the aerial. Experiment indicates that it is not advisable to load an aerial with inductance to radiate a wave more than four times the natural wave length, because the insertion of greater amounts will reduce the flow of current considerably and thereby reduce the range of the trans- mitter. In fact, the maximum transmitting range is obtained in every case, when the aerial radiates at a wave length near to its fundamental wave. The use of localised induc- tance decreases its de- crement, but does not add to the energy of the oscillations. Hence, large amounts of load- ing inductance are, in transmitter aerials, to be avoided. The addition of inductance in the antenna circuit up to a certain point is favorable to the tuning qualities of the radiated wave, but beyond this point, unless the capacity of the aerial be increased; the flow of current will be reduced considerably. A small amount of inductance is, of course, inserted at the base of the aerial to act as the secondary winding of the oscillation transformer, but, generally, it need not exceed 10,000 to 15,000 centimeters. In all cases, the length of an aerial is governed principally by the length 6f the wave to be radiated, but to permit the insertion of the secondary inductance, the dimensions should be such that its natural wave length will be less than the length of the radiated wave. It is easily seen that if the length of the aerial be increased, both the inductance and capacity will be increased and the radiated wave accordingly. Hence, if the aerial is found after erection to be too long for the required wave, either the length of the aerial can be reduced or the length of the wave can be artificially reduced by means of a series condenser. Increased flow of antenna current will be obtained in any case if an aerial is selected, the dimensions of which will permit the required wave to be obtained without the series condenser, but aboard ship an aerial of the correct dimensions cannot always be obtained ; in fact, a short wave condenser is generally used for the 300 meter wave and a small amount of induct- ance for the 600 meter wave. 113. Determination of the Wave Length from the Dimensions of an Aerial. The fundamental or natural wave length of an aerial can be computed directly from the dimensions, the most notable contributions to the determination having been made by Prof. G. W. Howe* and Dr. L. Cohen; but generally these formulae are too complicated for the practical worker; hence, the following approximate method may be used. First, it may be *cTw. Howe, Wireless World, Dec., 1914, Jan., 1915. Fig. 139 Vertical or Fan Aerial. 118 PRACTICAL WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. 5ULKTORS mentioned that the natural wave length of a four-wire horizontal aerial with the wires spaced about 2y* feet apart will be approximately 4.4 to 4.8 times the total length of the aerial, that is, the length from the extreme end down to the apparatus at the station house. This factor is, of course, extremely approxi- mate, for it does not take into account the presence of nearby conductors, such as chimneys, metal roofs, mast guys, trees, etc., some of which have the effect of in- creasing the capacity of the system. For an aerial system comprising, let us say, four wires spaced 2 l / 2 feet apart, the natural wave length is not much greater than that of a two-wire aerial with equiva- lent spacing, because although the addition of wires increases the capacity slightly, it also decreases the total inductance of the system, and generally these two factors nearly offset each other. Thus, in a given instance, a two-wire aerial with wires spaced 8 feet apart had a natural wave length of 325 meters, and the addition of two wires (inserted between) merely in- Fig. 140 Umbrella Type Aerial. creased the wave length to 345 meters. If the wires of an aerial are widely spaced apart, the capacity is greatly increased, and the total inductance somewhat increased, due to the diminishing of the mutual inductance between adjacent wires. But the increase of capacity exceeds the decrease of inductance, and the natural wave length will therefore be increased considerably. In practice, it is the custom to space the wires so they will be mutually inductive, the distance between adjacent wires not exceeding three feet. 114. Fundamental Considerations. In the design of a wireless aerial the important points to be considered are: (1) The aerial wires must possess great tensile strength and be of good conductivity; (2) There should be several parallel wires; (3) Adjacent wires should be spaced 2 to 3 feet; (4) The wires must be thoroughly insulated at all points of support; (5) If possible, the aerial should be erected in a clear space and at least a half-wave length from all metallic structures. The matter of antenna insulation is extremely important; the antenna insula- tors should not only possess high specific resistance, but they should also be of considerable length to prevent the high voltage current discharging over them to some nearby metallic conductor. Particular care must be taken to insulate the free end of an aerial because, owing to the fact that the voltage and current are not uniformly distributed in vertical aerials, a very much greater potential exists at the top than at the base. This non-uniform distribution exists to some extent in all types of aerials, but is less manifest in the flat top aerials than in vertical types. Hence any conductors at the top or the free end of the aerial that would tend to start leakage of the high voltage current should be widely separated and thor- oughly insulated from the aerial wires. 115. Various Types of Aerials. Four general types of aerials are in use: (1) The vertical or fan aerial; (2) The umbrella aerial; (3) The inverted "L" flat top aerial; (4) The "T" aerial. (a). The vertical aerial shown in Fig. 139 consists of a fan or harp of copper or silicon bronze wires held vertically into space by a wooden mast, a steel tower or any convenient structure of sufficient height. The wires of the harp may or may not be joined at the top. All wires, however, must converge at the lower end AERIALS OR ANTENNAE. 119 where they enter the station house and are connected to the apparatus. The free end of the vertical aerial must be well insulated to prevent direct leakage to the supporting halyards or stays, and at the lower end the wires must be stayed to take the strain off the station house roof insulator. Although the ver- tical aerial is ac- knowledged to be the best radiator of electromagnetic waves practically equal results can be obtained from a flat top aerial (of increased d imen- sions) with a less expensive supporting Fig. 141 Inverted "L" Flat Top Aerial. Structure. Irrespec- tive of the degree of efficiency obtained, a vertical aerial could not possibly be used aboard vessels on account of the derrick booms, mast guys and smoke funnels which take up the space that would be required for erection. (b). The umbrella aerial shown in Fig. 140 receives its name from its general shape and similarity to an umbrella. It will be noted in this diagram that a number of wires spread radially in several directions from a common center at the top of the mast, and that a wire extends therefrom to the apparatus in the station house. The ribs of the umbrella generally are about two-thirds the length of the mast, but the guying out wires must be six to seven times the length of the vertical part. Although it has been found to be of some value for portable military sets, the umbrella aerial is scarcely employed in commercial working except in certain high power stations designed and erected by German engineers. (c). The inverted "L" Hat top aerial of Fig. 141 is almost universally em- ployed for ship service. It consists of a number of parallel wires stretched between two masts and attached on either end to wooden or metal spreaders, which are thoroughly insulated from the supporting halyards. The horizontal wires A to B are called the "Hat top portion" and the vertical wires, the "lead-ins" The lead-in wires, which should have equal conductivity to the wires in the flat top, are attached to one end of the horizontal wires, then passed through a deck insulator and finally connected to the apparatus within the station. The flat tops of the ships under control of the Marconi Wireless Telegraph Company of America vary from 75 to 250 feet in length and the lead-ins from 70 to 150 feet. If the lead-ins are attached to the center of the flat top, as in Fig. 142, the aerial is said to be of the "T" type. Either "T" or "L" aerials are almost universally employed on vessels, princi- pally because they are more convenient to install. Those in the Marconi service have 2, 4 or 6 wires; the majority, however, have four wires spaced from 2y 2 to Zy 2 feet. The fundamental wave length of the "T" aerial is invariably less than that of the inverted "L" type of the same dimensions. When the lead-ins of a given aerial are removed from the end of the flat top and attached to the center, the total in- ductance will be less than with the previous connection, and since by this change, the capacity of the system remains practically unchanged, the length of the radiated wave will be less than in the case of the "L" aerial. This is easily understood if viewed in the following manner : Beginning at the point where the lead-ins are at- tached, the two ends of the flat top may be considered as two aerials in parallel, ind, as is well known, the inductance of two parallel conductors is less than that 120 PRACTICAL WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. Fig. 142 "T" Flat Top Aerial. of either taken separately ; therefore, the total inductance of the antenna will be reduced and the radiated wave accordingly. To illustrate the point: A four-wire inverted L type of aerial, 100 feet in length, 60 feet in height, has capacity of .0004 microfarads, and inductance of 62,000 centimeters. A "T" aerial of the same dimensions has capacity of .0004 microfarads, and inductance of 37,000 centimeters. Keeping in mind the simple formula (X = 38 x VLC) for computing the wave length of a radiative oscillator, the change in wave length brought about by this connection is easily determined. The wave length of the "L" aerial will be approximately 188 meters and of the "T" aerial, approximately 145 meters. Since the standard transmitters of the Marconi Company ar& designed for the use of the 300, 450 and 600 meter wave, the precaution must be taken to select an aerial of such dimensions that a moderate degree of efficiency will be obtained on the two shorter waves and the maxi- mum degree of effi- ciency at the longer wave; that is, we must provide an aer- ial that will give the highest possible aer- ial current for each of the three standard waves. An aerial having a fundamen- tal wave length ap- proximating 325 me- ters gives good values of antenna current at the 450 meter and 600 meter adjust- ment, and a fair value at the 300 meter wave adjustment, but an aerial of correct dimensions for this fundamental wave length obviously cannot always be erected. On certain large vessels, the distance between masts is so great that if the wires were suspended the total length between them, a series condenser would be required for the 600 meter wave. Be- cause the wave length of an aerial can never be reduced by a series condenser to less than one-half its natural length, the 300 meter wave could not be obtained in a case of this kind, and it would there- fore become necessary to cut off a por- tion of the horizontal wires, to keep the radiated wave within limits. It is usual in such cases to stretch the wires from mast to mast and insert an insulator about 50 to 100 feet from one end or at such distance as will permit the required length of wave to be obtained. On the other hand, the aerials of small vessels, such as tugboats, etc., have to be loaded with large amounts of inductance to ob- tain the 600 meter wave. On such ves- sels the aerial is frequently made up of eight wires in order to obtain the maxi- mum possible capacity. With few exceptions, ships' aerials in the Marconi Service require a short wave series condenser for the 300 meter wave, but should the aerial be found upon measurement of its wave length to require a series condenser for the 450 meter wave, either the length of the flat top would be reduced to OQQOQ/ SPARK GM> ft J CON&. Fig. 143 Bellini-Tosi Directional Aerial. Length of Height of No. of Natural wave Capacity flat top. flat top. wires. length. mfds. 208ft. 96ft. 6 374 .00128 200 125 6 368 .00145 150 87 4 355 .00115 250 95 4 412 .0015 200 90 6 360 .0015 120 100 6 325 .00132 130 92 4 285 .00075 250 150 4 426 .00096 200 90 6 360 .0023 125 55 6 230 .00085 151 110 6 290 .0009 200 98 6 425 .0024 170 85 4 380 .00082 AERIALS OR ANTENNAE. 121 or the lead-ins be attached to the center. The general rule adopted by the American Mar- coni Company is as follows : If the length of the flat top is less than 125 feet, the inverted L aerial is employed, but if it exceeds 125 feet, the lead-ins are attached to the center. This permits the use of the three standard waves, gives good values of antenna current and affords a very favorable decrement of the oscillations. As a matter of general information we may cite examples of actual measurements of the wave length of commercial ships' aerials. This data appears in the following table: Type. L T L T-Imp. L L T T L L T L L We see from this table that the capacity of some aerials is rather large, but generally this increase is due to the presence of nearby metallic structures of some sort, such as mast guys, derrick booms, or steel masts. We may sum up the advantages or disadvantages of the various types of aerials briefly, as follows: The vertical aerial is a very efficient radiator of electric waves; but if large amounts of energy are to be radiated, a large aerial and a very high supporting structure are required; the cost of the latter may be prohibitive. The umbrella aerial does not quite possess the radiating properties of the vertical aerial and due to the fact that the ribs of the umbrella must be guyed out several hundred feet from the base of the supporting mast, a large area is required for its erection. But with this disadvantage, the umbrella aerial is found to be of some value in portable military stations, where the ribs of the aerial act as guy supports as well as radiators of the electric waves. The "L" and "T" aerials also do not radiate quite as efficiently as the simple vertical aerial of the same dimensions, but they have slightly lower natural decrements, and therefore, radiate a sharp wave with less localized inductance. Flat top aerials can be erected at much less expense than vertical aerials of much less length and they prove to be just as effective at less initial expense. Over all, it must be kept in mind that irrespective of the degree of efficiency obtained, the flat top aerial only can be conveniently employed aboard ship. Wave Distortion. Better signals are frequently obtained from a given transmitter by the use of a receiver aerial, a part of which is horizontal such as the "L" and "T" types. This may be accounted for in the following way: It has been assumed by several investigators that the lower end of the loops of force or ether strain radiated by an aerial are retarded in their propagation over dry earth, e. g., the lower part travels more slowly than the upper part, which causes the field of the radiated wave, so to speak, to be tilted against the direction of movement. In any receiver aerial the greatest amount of energy is taken from the passing wave when the wires are at right angles to the magnetic field and parallel to the static field. It necessarily follows that if the loops of force radiated from the aerial of Fig. 99 do not hold their vertical position but are tilted forward, better distances would be covered, in fact, more energy would be induced in the receiver aerial, if part of it were vertical and part horizontal. 116. Directional Aerials. It has been definitely proven by Marconi that a horizontal aerial in which the length of the Hat top largely exceeds the height will radiate more strongly in the direction opposite to the free end. Also the strongest signals will be obtained at the receiver by an aerial, the free end of which points in the direction opposite to the free end of the transmitting aerial. Taking full advantage of the unsymmetrical radiation from such aerials, the high power transoceanic stations of the Marconi Company employ directional aerials exclusively. The PRACTICAL WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY AERIALS OR ANTENNAE. 123 flat tops of such aerials are from 3,000 to 6,000 feet in length, and from 300 to 450 in height. The fundamental wave length is close to 10,000 meters. The greater part of the energy radiated from a transmitter may be confined to a given direction by the use of the Bellini-Tosi aerial shown in Fig. 143. A triangular aerial A, B, C, is supported by a vertical mast. The two sides of the triangle A, C, and B, C make an angle of 30 with the vertical, and the third side is horizontal to the earth with the coil L-l inserted at the center. L-l is inductively coupled to a spark transmitter and tuned to syntony. An aerial of this type will radiate its energy with greatest intensity in the direction of its own plane, the radiation in a direction perpendicular to the triangle being zero. In any direction making an angle with the plane of the triangle, the intensity of the radiation varies as the cosine of the angle . The triangular aerial may be usec for receiving purposes as well, and if the aerial be arranged so that it can be turned or its axis the greatest strength of signal will be obtained when the plane of the antenna points in the direction of the wave front. In modified form these aerials are made use oi in connection with the Marconi direction finder, which will be described in Part XIII. 117. Standard Marconi Aerial. Now that the fundamental design of the various aerials has been shown, the construction of a standard Marconi ship'* aerial (American Marconi Company) will be described in detail. It will be notec from the diagram of Fig. 144 that the flat top contains six silicon bronze wires, eacr containing 7 strands, No. 18 wire. The wires are preferably equally spaced anc are attached to spruce spreaders from 14 to 18 feet in length which in turn an attached to the running halyards by a bridle which is made up of strop insulators These insulators consist of ^ inch Russian boat rope which is partly covered by c hard rubber tube. The space between the tube and the rope is filled with hoi sulphur which when cold, hardens and keeps out moisture. Both ends of the bridle terminate in a heart-shaped shackle to which a galvanized steel halyard wire foi raising and lowering the aerial is attached. To prevent the spreaders from swaying, side stays are attached to the ends (oi the spreader) and fastened to the mast. Twenty- four-inch hard rubber rod insu- lators are inserted ir the rope to prevem leakage of the cur- rent in wet weather It will be seen alsc that each wire of the aerial is insulated b) a 2- foot hard rubbei rod which is at- tached to the spread- er by an eyebolt. The lead-in wires are attached to one end of the flat tof and fastened to the deck or cabin insu- lator. To remove the strain from this insulator, two hard rubber rod insulators are attached to the aerial and fastened to the deck by a wood screw as shown in the drawing. Positive connection is made between the lead-ins and the flat top by means of a Mclntyre connector shown in the detail of Fig. 144A The general design shown in Fig. 144 is not always duplicated in detail, bul wherever possible it is adhered to. 118. The Deck Insulator. The transmitting aerial must be well insulated at the point where it enters the radio operating cabin by an insulator that will with- stand at least 30,000 volts. One form of deck insulator is shown in Fig. 145. A FLAT TOP WIRE MAC INTYRE SLEEVES. DOUBLE TUBE fOR 7-18 WIRE SOLDERED NOT TWISTED Fig. 144a Mclntyre Sleeve Connector. 124 PRACTICAL WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. Fig. Cro 145 Bradfield Type Insulator. Deck long hard rubber tube T about 2 inches in diameter has a brass rod extending through it which terminates at each end in a wire connecting lug, W. The tube is threaded at the center to take two wooden blocks A, B, one of which is placed above the deck, the other under- neath. After these blocks are drawn up tightly, the wood screws are inserted. To insure a watertight joint, a piece of canvas strip is placed underneath the blocks and thoroughly covered with white lead. A metal hood, H, fastened to the exposed end of the tube pro- tects it from dampness. The latest type of deck insulator is shown in Fig. 146, wherein a large electrose insulator has a heavy brass rod moulded securely into it which terminates at either end in a connecting lug. The outside of the insu- lator is threaded, and after it is inserted in the hole in the deck, it is drawn up tight by the collar, R, which is threaded on the inside. Other types of deck insulators are in use, but those just described are indicative of modern practice. 119. Installation of the Aerial. The aerial of a ship should be installed, if possible, in such a way that the lead-ins will be free and clear of all mast guys or derrick booms. The further removed they are from parallel conductors of any kind, the less will be the danger of induced currents. In measuring off the length of the flat top wires, approximately ten feet must be al- lowed at each end for the bridle, the insulators and the reef block; hence 20 feet must be subtracted from the distance between masts at the start. The distance between masts can generally be obtained from the ships' plans or by actual measurement from mast to mast on the deck. Each wire is accurately meas- ured between two points marked off on the deck and the wire cut and attached to the insulators. Six or eight inches must be al- lowed for serving the wire through the eye of the antenna insulator. All connections are thoroughly made on the deck, after which the halyards are passed through the reef block and fastened to the shackle on the bridle. The aerial is then pulled into space, it being freed from all obstructions by three or more assistants. 120. Earth Connection. The con- nection from the transmitting apparatus to the earth plate should be direct as pos- sible and the conductor should be one of high conductivity. In marine installa- tions the earth wire is simply fastened to the metal bulkhead by a bolt, the earth connection being thus made through the hull. Usually this connection is not more than two or three feet in length. On wooden vessels connection is made to the propeller shaft in the engine room BRASS ROD LUfii 146 Electrose Moulded Insulator. AERIALS OR ANTENNAE. 125 or to the water drip at the smoke funnels. Installations grounded or earthed in this manner generally do not transmit as far as those on vessels with steel hulls. Occasionally a wooden vessel is placed in drydock and 200 or 300 feet of copper or yellow metal nailed on the bottom for an earth capacity. A strip of copper is then led from it to the radio cabin. The earth plate for the land station is sometimes very elaborate and may consist of a great number of copper or zinc plates buried in moist earth to a depth of several feet. In addition a number of wires are spread radially from the station in all directions, being laid particularly directly underneath the flat top portion of the aerial. If the station is located on rock or dry soil, the earth wires are merely laid on the surface of the ground under- neath the aerial. All wires are then joined to a common terminal and connected to the apparatus in the station. The earth plates and connections at the Marconi trans-atlantic stations are very elabo- rate and expensive. A number of zinc plates are laid in a circle of 100- foot radius, the transmitting station being situated at the center. About 250 copper cables connect from the transmitting apparatus to each of the zinc plates. A number of copper cables stretch out radially from the zinc plates, some of which lie directly underneath the aerial. In addition, a number of wires may be laid directly underneath the aerial on the surface of the ground. If the ground is particularly damp or marshy, modified arrangements may be used. 121. Radiation. As shown by Fleming and other investigators, the power of the waves radiated from an aerial may be expressed as follows : h 2 W = 1578 X X I a X 3 where W = energy radiated in watts ; h = height of aerial in meters; X = wave length of aerial in meters ; I = current in amperes at the base of the aerial. For example, if an aerial 40 meters (130 feet) in height, radiates at the wave length of 600 meters and the aerial current is 10 amperes, the energy thrown off in the form of 402 electric waves = 1578 X X 10 2 = 694 watts. 600 2 This equation is based on the assumption that the current is uniformly distributed throughout the oscillator, which is not strictly true in all types, the distribution varying widely according to the form of the antenna. Hence, in order that the power of the radiation may be determined with any degree of accuracy, the average value of the current must be determined, and this, of course, will be less than the current at the base of the aerial. 2 1 The average value depends upon the form of the antenna, varying from to times if 2 the current at the base. If we denote the form factor of the aerial by the notation F the above formula should be written; h* W = 1578- F I* X* This can be written : s V i, ^ W = 1578 X -- ' XI ' In this equation (F h) is the effective height of the aerial (the form factor multiplied by the height) and in the case of the flat top antenna, the value of h is taken as the height of the vertical portion only; also the form factor (F) merely takes into account the average value of current in the vertical part of the aerial. The student will note that if the average value of current in the antenna circuit remains constant, the amount of energy radiated from a given aerial system depends directly upon the effective height and inversely upon the length of the radiated wave. 126 PRACTICAL WITLESS TELEGRAPHY. The following formula* is applicable for calculation of the form factor of any flat top aerial oscillating near its natural period: / L \ / h \ = 0.6371 H I Sin I 190 V h/ Vh + L/ where L = length of the horizontal part for inverted L aerials and equals one-half total length flat top for T aerials, h = height of vertical portion. For example, if we had an aerial 100 feet in length, 60 feet in height, the value of the form factor, 100 v S 60 , 100. / 60 \ = 0.637/1 -f- | Sin! 190 \ 60 / \60-J-100 7 .60+ 100 / = 0.637 X 2.6 X Sin (0.375 X 90,) = 0.92 Now, if this aerial is worked near to its fundamental wave length, say 320 meters, and the current oscillating in the aerial circuit is 6 amperes, the power thrown off in electric waves, = 1578 X f - 92 x la4 V X 36 = 150 + watts. V 320 ) 122. Antenna Decrement. The damping of the oscillations flowing in the transmitting aerial is principally due to: (1) Energy lost by radiation; (2) Energy lost by resistance of conductors and earth plate; The energy lost by radiation, is useful energy because it goes to make up the wave motion, but the other two losses detract from the efficiency of the set and therefore should be reduced to the lowest possible value. The resistance of the aerial conductors can be reduced to a minimum by using a number of stranded copper wires connected in parallel and in the average case the high frequency re- sistance will then not exceed two or three ohms. The earth plate resistance is reduced by an extended net work of conductors preferably buried in moist earth. With an improperly adjusted transmitter there will be an additional source of antenna damping due to the re-transference of energy to the spark gap cir- cuit. This may be prevented by properly adjusting the spark gap and coupling at the oscillation transformer. The decrement dfle to radiation is usually determined by the insertion of localized inductance and the amount of inductance required for a given radia- tion decrement varies slightly with the construction, i. e., the form factor of the antenna. The antenna is so designed that an inductance which will give the correct wave length will also give the desired decrement when a properly adjusted transmitter is employed. Since the energy radiated in the form of electric waves causes damping of the oscilla- tions in the aerial circuit, the loss of energy by radiation may be expressed as an effective resistance or, in short, "radiation resistance/' which, of course, will be expressed in ohms. The radiation resistance is the quantity which multiplied by the square of the average cur- rent in the aerial enables us to determine the power of the radiated waves. The radiation resistance of a flat top aerial is expressed, Where R = resistance in ohms ; Fh = effective height of aerial; X = wave length in meters. Hence an aerial, the effective height of which is 40 meters, operated at the wave length of 600 meters, will have radiation resistance of *A. S. Blatterman, Oct., 1916, issue of the Wireless Age. AERIALS OR ANTENNAE. 127 40 2 1578 X = 6.9 ohms. 6002 We see from this formula that the radiation resistance of an aerial depends directly upon its effective height and inversely as the length of the radiated wave. It is also clear that increase of the height will increase the wave length as well, and, therefore, the increase of the power of the radiation will not be so large with an increase of height as might be expected at first sight. The radiation resistance (or radiation coefficient) of the vertical or fan aerials is gen- erally higher than that of the flat top aerials, but, as mentioned previously, the flat top aerials are less expensive to erect, more convenient to install and since the radiation resist- ance should in any case be reduced by inductance, they are more desirable. We want the radiation resistance of an aerial to be as high as possible so long as it does not seriously damp out the oscillations and spoil the tuning qualities of the wave; on the other hand we want the frictional resistance (including the con- ductors and the earth plate) to be as low as possible. The oscillations of the antenna circuit will be less feebly damped, if a certain amount of inductance is inserted at the base but after a certain critical value is reached, the flow of antenna current will be reduced which will reduce the power of the radiated waves. The critical value can be determined in any case by noting the reading of the aerial ammeter and determining the decrement of the oscillations by a decremeter. If a feeble decrement is obtained at the expense of antenna current, the efficiency of the set will be reduced. If the effective capacity (C), the effective inductance (L) and the effective resistance (R) of an aerial are known, the decrement per complete oscillation of the antenna circuit can be calculated by the formula previously given. Sz=7T where C= capacity in farads; L, = inductance in henries. Now L and C can be measured by a wavemeter as will be shown in Part 11 and the effective value of R can be determined in the following manner : A closed oscillation circuit containing a quenched spark discharger is inductively coupled to the antenna circuit with an ammeter connected in series. At any particular value of primary power, the reading of the aerial ammeter is observed. A closed oscillation circuit having inductance and capacity of the same value as the aerial is now connected across the secondary winding of the oscillation transformer with the ammeter and a variable resistance in series. The closed circuit is set into oscillation and the resistance is adjusted until the ammeter gives the same reading as when connected in the antenna circuit. Obviously the value of R equals the total effective resistance of the aerial. The student having had some experience in radic will recognize this last circuit as the usual "dummy aerial" which is employed in the laboratory to make experimental determinations. Assume for example that an aerial has effective capacity of .001 microfarads, effective resistance of 7 ohms and effective inductance of 100,000 centimeters, then ,/.000,000,001 \ ~ ,.,, Decrement = 3. 1416 X 7 X \ ~ QQQJ = .068 per complete oscillation. A decrement of this magnitude is very favorable to non-interference of radio stations and is easily obtained with properly adjusted spark transmitters. 123. Transmission Range It has been found that for a given length oi wave radiated from the transmitter, there are certain heights of sending and receiving aerials, which will give the best signals over a given distance. The equation express- ing the relationship of these quantities is as follows: . _ 635xIsXh.Xh r -0.0762 xd XXd CV X Where ! = current in sending aerial in amperes ; I r = current in receiving aerial in milliamperes ; h and h P = height of sending and receiving aerial in feet; X wave length of transmitter and receiver ; d = distance between in miles. 128 PRACTICAL WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. The value of the receiver current I* is that to be obtained when the resistance of the receiving aerial is 25 ohms. If the resistance is greater or less, the factor 635 will be changed accordingly. The factor 0.0762 is the coefficient of absorption which denotes the rapidity with which ether waves are absorbed when travelling over sea water. If we assume that 10 micro-amperes of current in the receiving aerial will create a just, audible signal and 40 micro-amperes, a readable signal, the required antenna current at the sender for a given strength of signal in the receiver is readily obtained if the remaining factors in the equation are known. The formula is still the subject of considerable debate. Fig. 146a 3 Kilowatt Non-Synchronous land station type of transmitter (American Marconi Company). PART IX. RECEIVING CIRCUITS, DETECTORS AND TUNING APPARATUS STANDARD MARCONI RECEIVING SETS. 124. IN GENERAL. 125. THE PROBLEM. 126. SIMPLE RECEIVER. 127. THE INDUCTIVELY COUPLED RECEIVER. 128. OTHER METHODS OF COUPLING. 129. THE CARBORUNDUM DETECTOR AND TUNING CIRCUITS. 130. ADJUSTMENT OF THE INDUCTIVELY COUPLED TUNER. 131. THE ACTION OF THE CAR- BORUNDUM CRYSTAL. 132. ADJUSTMENT OF CRYSTAL DETECT- ORS. 133. DETECTOR HOLDERS. 134. CLASSIFICATION OF THE RECEIVING DETECTORS. 135. FLEMING VALVE DETECTOR AND TUNING CIRCUITS. 136. MARCONI TYPE 107-A TUNER. 137. MARCONI MAGNETIC DETECTOR AND THE MULTIPLE TUNER CIRCUITS (ENGLISH MARCONI COMPANY). 138. THE MARCONI TYPE 106 RECEIVING TUNER. 139. MARCONI RECEIVING TUNER TYPE 101 (AMERICAN MARCONI COMPANY). 140. THE MARCONI UNIVERSAL RECEIVING SET (ENGLISH MARCONI COMPANY). 141. ELECTROLYTIC DETECTOR. 142. THE THREE ELEMENT VALVE DETECTOR. 143. A REPEATER VACUUM VALVE CIRCUIT. 144. THE VACUUM VALVE AMPLIFIER. 145. AMPLIFICATION OF RADIO FREQUENCIES. 146. THE EFFECTS OF DISTRIBUTED CAPACITY. 147. THE "END TURNS" OF A RECEIVING TUNER AND END TURN SWITCHES. 148. THE VARIATION OF A RADIO FREQUENCY INDUCTANCE. 149. BUZZER EXCITATION SYSTEMS. 150. RECEIVING TELE- PHONES. 151. MICROPHONIC RELAYS OR SOUND INTENSIFIERS. 152. BROWN AMPLIFYING RELAY. 153. ATMOSPHERIC ELEC- TRICITY. 154. THE MARCONI BALANCED CRYSTAL RECEIVER (ENGLISH MARCONI COMPANY). 155. TYPE I AERIAL CHANGE- OVER SWITCH. 156. MARCONI TYPE 112 RECEIVING TUNER. 156 A. GENERAL ADVICE FOR THE MANIPULATION OF A RECEIV- . ING TUNER. 124. In General. Told in brief, the function of the receiving aerial is to absorb a certain amount of energy from the advancing electromagnetic wave in the form of radio-frequent oscillations; but more specifically, the wave motion induces radio-frequent oscillations in the receiving aerial, and a part of their energy is made to operate some sort of signal making instrument within the station. We have already shown an electromagnetic wave to be composed of an electro- static and an electromagnetic field, the former being radiated (in the case of the vertical aerial) perpendicular to the earth and the latter at right angles to the transmitting aerial and horizontal to the earth. It appears that the maximum induction would be obtained at the receiving station if the aerial were of such shape or lay in such position that it would be at right angles to the magnetic field and parallel with the static field. But if we take into account that the radiated 130 PRACTICAL WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. V I 7 A U Li J wave is distorted when propagated over dry earth, for example (base travelling slower than top), it is easily seen that an aerial having a part horizontal and a part vertical will receive the maximum induction therefrom. The necessity for electrical resonance in circuits of radio-frequency in which energy is transferred by coupling magnetically one to the other, has been explained in detail. In fact, for the maximum induction, it is just as essential that \ / 'two apen circuit oscillators be adjusted to substantial resonance as two \ / closed circuit oscillators. Only by tuning the receiver aerial to the natural frequency of the transmitter aerial will the oscillations induced in the receiver antennae attain their maximum amplitude; at all other adjustments (of the receiver aerial) the strength of the induced current will be less, depending upon the amount of detuning at the receiver. Now the dimensions of receiver aerials differ widely, and, as may be expected, the circuit of the receiver antenna contains appli- ances whereby the oscillating period may be artificially increased or decreased to conform with the frequency of the advancing wave motion. These tuning devices are known as : (1) The aerial tuning inductance; (2) The short wave condenser. By proper adjustment of these tuning elements the receiver aerial can be electrically tuned to the wave radiated by the distant transmitter. The advancing wave will then induce currents at a rate tending to build up the amplitude of the receiver current that is, each half wave will have completed its work on the receiver aerial before the next half wave acts. But under conditions of dissonance between the transmitter and receiver aerials, the react- ance of the receiving antenna circuit will not permit the induced cur- rent to build up to its maximum strength. The position occupied in the antenna circuit by these tuning elements is shown in Fig. 147, where the aerial tuning inductance is indicated at L-2 and the short wave condenser at C. The third CQ -j j n ^-g di a g rani) L_i ? is employed to transfer the oscillations induced in the antenna circuit to a local detecting circuit, where they are translated into intelligible signals. Just as in the case of the transmitter aerial. the aerial tuning inductance increases the fundamental period of oscillation of the receiver aerial, but in this case makes it responsive to long waves, while the short wave condenser decreases the fundamental oscillating period, making it respon- sive to waves shorter than the fundamental wave of the receiver aerial. Starting at the transmitting apparatus, the entire process involved in the induction of oscillating currents in a receiver aerial may be summed up as follows : Assume a transmitter at the sending station of the 500-cycle synchronous spark type, giving 1,000 sparks per second. Each spark discharge will induce in the transmitter aerial a single group of radio-frequent oscillations, and each group will consist of from 25 to 100 complete oscillations, varying in number as the decrement. These oscillations will radiate a part of their energy in the form of a wave motion, and the length of a single wave will be equal to their velocity per second, divided by their number. If the receiver aerial is adjusted to electrical resonance with the oscillations of the transmitter, 1,000 groups of radio-frequent oscillations will be induced therein per second, and by appropriate devices they can be made to operate some sort of a signal making instrument, such as a telephone receiver. The coils L-l and L-2 and the variable condenser C are often termed the frequency determining elements of the receiving system, because they permit the natural oscillation frequency of the receiving aerial to be changed over certain given limits. In contrast to the coils of the transmitting aerial circuit, the induct- ances L-l and L-2 are made of fine wire rather than copper tubing or heavy stranded cable. A typical variable condenser of the type employed in the Marconi wavemeter and Deceiving tuners is shown in Fig. 147a. Fig. 147 Di- agram Showing Apparatus In- cluded in the ipara ded m < eceiving Set. Open circuit of a R RECEIVING CIRCUITS, DETECTORS, TUNING APPARATUS. 131 125. The Problem. The relationship between the wave length (A.) the oscillation frequency (N) and the velocity of electric waves (V) has already been explained, namely: N = X 300,000,000 Hence for the 600 meter wave N = = 500,000 cycles per second, 600 and accordingly for 300 meter waves N = 1,000,000 cycles per second. Then, to be placed in resonance with the transmitter aerial, the receiver aerial must be adjusted in a way that if it were transmitting electric waves, the corresponding oscillation frequency, in the case of the 600 meter wave, would be 500,000 cycles, and for the 300 meter wave, 1,000,000 cycles. Assume that the receiver antenna has been adjusted to the frequency of the transmitting station by means of the variable elements of Fig. 147, then the prob- Fig. 147a Variable Condenser for Receiver Circuits. lem remaining is to make audible the feeble currents induced in the receiver aerial or at least to make known their presence by some sort of a current indicator. The ordinary magneto telephone receiver is a very sensitive indicator of electric cur- rent, but experiment teaches that the maximum response is obtained from this instrument when an alternating current or an equivalent fluctuating direct current of a frequency varying between 300 and 500 cycles per second flows through its windings. In fact, at fre- quencies in excess of 10,000 cycles per second the movements of the telephone diaphragm are inaudible to the human ear which will not respond to vibrations in excess of 20,000 per second. Another factor working in opposition to connecting the telephone in the antenna circuit directly, is the fact that the impedance of the telephone winding will not permit high frequency currents to pass. Hence we are compelled to either convert the current of radio-frequency into a uni-directional pulsating current or into an alternating current of a frequency within the range of the human ear. Currents of radio-frequency induced in receiver aerials may be made audible by means of a simple rectifier a device which will permit the preponderance of current to flow through a given circuit in one direction only. If a rectifier is placed in series with a circuit 132 PRACTICAL WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. RADIO FREQ. OSCILLATIONS A A A A RECTIFIED CURRENT Afln n n TELEPHONE CURRENT in which a current of radio-frequency is flowing, the latter will be converted into a direct or pulsating current. Numerous minerals and compounded elements, notably among these carborundum, have been found to possess the property of rectification, and hence a group of incoming oscillations such as shown in Fig. 148a may have either their positive or negative currents cut off as in Fig. 148b, and if a head telephone is connected in series with the rectifier, pulsating direct current will traverse the windings as shown in Fig. 148c. Now, if continuous oscillations of unvary- ing amplitude were in- duced in the receiver aerial, the rectified current would merely displace the telephone diaphragm and hold it in this position until the current is turned off, but since in the damped systems of radiotelegraphy, the oscillations are dis- continuous, or occur in groups, the current falls to zero at the end of each group, and, hence, the diaphragm of the telephone is re- Fig. 148a, b, c Showing how Incoming Oscillations are converted to i J /Woti'ncr a ci'n Direct Current Pulses. leased, creating a sin- gle sound. 126. Simple Receiver. The circuits of a simple radio receiver appear in the diagram of Fig. 149, wherein a crystal rectifier D, connected in series with the antenna A, is shunted by the receiving telephone P. The action of this apparatus during the reception of signals may be explained as follows: A train of waves radiated by the trans- mitter induces an alternating current in the aerial circuit which will flow freely through the crystal in one direction, but will be opposed in the opposite direction. In one direction, let us say, the current passes from the earth upward through the crystal, and thus places a charge on the aerial wires, but the return current is op- posed; hence the rectified oscillations (for each spark of the trans- mitter) accumulate a charge on the antenna wires, which at the termination of a wave train leaks to earth through the head tele- phone, creating a single sound for each group of incoming oscillations. Because of its resistance, the crystal impedes the free flow of oscillations and, therefore, to some extent, destroys the tuning qualities of the aerial circuit. Hence, to enhance the tuning prop- erties of the antenna system, the crystal is removed therefrom and connected in a second circuit, termed the "local detector" circuit. 127. The Inductively Coupled Receiver. The two circuit receiver is shown in the diagram of. Fig. 150, where- in a coil L-l, connected in the antenna circuit, performs the double function of adjusting the frequency of the antenna system to resonance with the transmitter and transferring the induced oscillations to a secondary circuit, consisting of the coil L-2 shunted by the variable condenser C-2. More clearly, the second circuit is coupled inductively to the first simple Radio Cl Receiver! circuit. A crystal rectifier, D, and head telephone, P, joined Li RECEIVING CIRCUITS, DETECTORS, TUNING APPARATUS. 133 in series, are connected across the terminals of the secondary condenser. The two circuits are distinguished in the following manner : The circuit comprising the aerial and the primary winding of the receiving tuner L-l is called the open oscillation circuit, and the circuit comprising the V^ 7 secondary coil L-2 and the variable Mr . . . - condenser C-2, is called the closed oscillation circuit. They are also termed the primary and secondary cir- cuits, respectively. The current induced in the receiving aerial is made audible in the receiving telephone in the following manner: When oscillations flow in the receiving aerial, an alternating current passes through L-l and a corresponding alternating magnetic field cuts through the turns of L-2, induc- ing therein a current of radio-frequency which is built up in amplitude by placing the two circuits in electrical resonance. The variable condenser C-2 not only permits the closed circuit to be adjusted to resonance with the open circuit, but also permits a closeness of adjustment which the usual secon- dary inductance changing switch does not afford. If the coupling between the primary and secondary windings is relatively "loose," rather large amounts of capacity and small amounts of inductance are em- ployed in the closed circuit, for the best strength of signal, but if the coupling be- tween the windings is close, small values of capacity and rather large values of in- ductance are the factors which contribute to the maximum strength of signal. The oscillations built up in the sec- ondary circuit by adjusting it to reso- nance with the antenna circuit, overflow to the shunt detector circuit, where part of the current is rectified by the crystal detector D and stored up in the con- denser C-l. The charge accumulated in 150. Fundamental Diagram of the Inductively Coupled Receiver. ~^ Conductlvel y Cou P led Receiver - the latter during the time of a single train of oscillations, discharges through the head telephone P, causing the telephone diaphragm to vibrate at a rate corresponding to the spark frequency of the transmitter. 128. Other Methods of Coupling. If the open and closed oscillation cir- cuits of a receiver are coupled through an auto-transformer as in Fig. 151, the two circuits are then said to be di- rectly or conductively coupled. In this system part of the turns of a single coil constitute the primary cir- cuit and part the secondary circuit; the turns between the points A and B may be considered as the primary winding of the tuner, while those from B to C may be said to constitute the secondary winding. Now the oscillation frequency of the an- tenna circuit can be increased or decreased p. by the variable contact A and similarly Fig. 152 The Capacitively Coupled Receiver. I *i_- . j *. , /~T- for the detector circuit by contact C. Fun- damentally the operation of this apparatus is similar to the inductively coupled receiver with the exception that part of the current induced in the antenna circuit flows directly through the shunt path afforded by the detector circuit. The disadvantage of this method 134 PRACTICAL WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. of coupling is that any change of wave-length adjustment of the open and closed circuits changes the coupling, but this can be prevented by connecting an aerial tuning inductance in series with the primary winding. The primary and secondary windings may be "loosely" coupled at any particular wave length adjustment, by adding turns at the aerial tuning inductance and taking them out at the primary winding. This will decrease the mutual inductance of the two circuits and therefore will reduce the coupling. The method termed the capacitive coupling is shown in the diagram of Fig. 152. The primary and secondary coils shown at L-l and L-2 are not in direct inductive relation. P. B* 'A' "C* Fig. 153a, b, c Complete Circuit for the Carborundum Rectifier and Receiving Tuner. They are said to be electrostatically coupled through the condensers C-l and C-2. In practice, the condensers C-l and C-2 are mounted on a single shaft and their capacity varied simultaneously by a single control knob. It is claimed that since a fixed potential exists across coil L-l the energy transferred to the secondary circuit varies as the capacity of condensers C-l and C-2. Now the greater the coupling the greater will be the transfer of energy from the antenna to the detector circuit and hence the coupling* between the *The author has had practically no experience with the capacitive receiver and therefore cannot speak authoritatively on the working of this circuit. RECEIVING CIRCUITS, DETECTORS, TUNING APPARATUS. 135 circuits varies as the capacity of the coupling condensers. It is claimed this circuit possesses the advantage that a fixed degree of coupling between the primary and secondary windings can be held while the wave length adjustment of the antenna and local detector circuits is being varied throughout the range of the tuner. It is probable, however, that this statement requires qualification. In general the student will note from the foregoing that in any complete wireless telegraph system four circuits must be adjusted to or tuned to the same frequency of oscillation in order that communication may be established, as follows: At the transmitting station the closed and open oscillation circuits are adjusted for resonance. At the receiving station the receiving aerial circuit is adjusted to the frequency of the oscillations of the transmitter and the local or secondary circuit adjusted to resonance with the receiving aerial circuit; and for maximum response, the receiving detector must be adjusted to its maximum state of sensitiveness. 129. The Carborundum Detector and Tuning Circuits. The most widely used of all detectors is the carborundum crystal rectifier, the tuning circuits for which are shown in Fig. 153a, b, c. These diagrams indicate as well the apparatus included in a modern receiving set. In addition two modified circuits showing the connection of the potentiometer in various modern tuners, are presented. Before proceeding with an explanation of the circuits of Fig. 153a, the function of the potentiometer will be explained. The application of a weak battery current to the carborundum crystal and head tele- phone circuit has been found to have a marked effect on the intensity of the incoming signals, but the strength of the current must be carefully and closely regulated and must be passed through the crystal in a definite direction to secure the maximum response. Ignoring for the moment an explanation of the function of the local current in a radio receiver, the reader should note the diagram, Fig. 154, showing 2 VOLTS r '"-CARBORUNDUM B wwwwvwww 4 VOLTS the connections of the potentiometer to a local battery. A resistance coil A, D, is connected to the terminals of a 2 or 4 volt bat- tery B-l. The crystal has the variable connection B which is generally a slid- ing contact. According to the law of divided circuits, the maximum E. M. F. is maintained across the crystal when Fig- 154 Connections^ of Potentiometer for Crystal ill B-l Detector. B is shifted to the end D, but in the direction opposite or towards A, the E. M. F. gradually reduces to zero. In the circuit originally adopted for the carborundum crystal, the poten- tiometer and detector were connected as in Fig. 153-a, but the modified circuits of Fig. 153-b and Fig. 153-c are also in use. In Fig. 153-b the telephone and potentiometer are shunted across the stopping condenser C-3 but in Fig. 153-c the potentiometer is connected in series with the crystal rectifier. Since the resistance of the crystal exceeds that of the potentiometer by several thousand ohms, the resistance of the latter has little effect on the strength of the incoming signal. Although practically equal results are obtained with either connection, the circuit of Fig. 153-b is pointed out by some investigators to be the one which gives the maximum response. 130. Adjustment of the Inductively Coupled Tuner. During the reception of wireless telegraph signals the inductive receiving tuner may be adjusted to resonance with the sending station in the following manner : If the secondary circuit is calibrated in wave lengths corresponding to various positions of the secondary condenser and inductance switch, and a table of wave lengths supplied, 136 PRACTICAL WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY the secondary circuit may be set directly to the wave length of the incoming signal, taking care to select large values of inductance and small values of secondary capacity for any particular wave. The secondary winding should then be placed in partial inductive relation to the primary winding, followed by varying the capacity and inductance of the antenna circuit until response is obtained. This is to be followed by adjusting the sliding contact on the potentiometer and trying new points on the crystal rectifier until the loudest signals are obtained in the head telephone. Because the capacity and inductance of ships' aerials differ considerably it is evident that a given primary winding will afford different wave length adjustments with different aerials, consequently, the primary inductance changing switch cannot be calibrated directly in wave lengths previous to installation. But after the receiver is installed, the primary and secondary circuits both can be readily calibrated by comparison with a wavemeter and the adjustment for any particular wave length quickly duplicated whenever required. In event that a receiving tuner is not calibrated, the receiver can be tuned to a given transmitter in the following manner: (1) Set the secondary circuit approximately to the required wave length using large values of inductance and small values of capacity; (2) Place the secondary inductance in close inductive relation to the primary inductance; (3) Add inductance in the antenna circuit until response is obtained in the head telephones; (4) Adjust detector to maximum degree of sensibility by potentiometer; (5) Then reduce coupling between primary and secondary windings; (6) Try new values of inductance and secondary condenser, also new values in the aerial circuit; (7) Adjust in this manner for maximum strength of signals or until interfer- ence is eliminated. (a) Theory of adjustment. Part of the energy of the oscillations induced in the receiver aerial is lost by the resistance of the antenna conductors, part by re-radiation of the energy in the form of a wave motion and the remainder through transference to the local detector circuit. The energy imparted to the detector circuit is useful energy because it produces the response in the head telephone, but the energy extracted in this manner also has a marked effect on the tuning qualities of the receiving antenna, which must be taken into account. This may be explained as follows: If the secondary circuit is coupled loosely to the primary circuit, small amounts of energy will be extracted from the antenna oscillations; hence, the antenna will oscillate with greater persistence and will only respond with free- dom to electric waves, the frequency of which coincides with its natural frequency of oscillation. On the other hand, if the primary and secondary circuits are coupled closely, a greater amount of energy will be extracted from the incoming oscillations and they will therefore be damped out more rapidly than under conditions of loose coupling. The re- ceiving aerial will, under these conditions, respond to waves, the frequency of which may be somewhat greater or less than the natural frequency of the aerial circuit. Thus it is seen that if the two circuits are closely coupled, the receiver circuits will tune "broadly" or if coupled loosely, the circuits will tune "sharply," that is to say, when the receiving transformer coils are loosely coupled, a small change of inductance or capacity will eliminate the signals of a given station, but when the receiver is "tightly" coupled, a much larger change of inductance or capacity will be required to eliminate the signals. This can be stated in another way by saying that the change of coupling between the primary and secondary circuits alters the effective resistance of the antenna and, therefore, has direct influence on the damping of the antenna oscillations. It has been shown by several investigators that maximum response is obtained in a receiving apparatus so adjusted that the resistance of the primary and secondary circuits are equal and since the effective resistance of any receiving system varies widely according to the design of the aerial, the earth plate resistance and the type of receiving apparatus, it is clear that some particular degree of coupling of the tuner will give the maximum response in the head telephone. The two circuit receiver with inductive coupling permits the receiving operator to eliminate the signals from interfering stations; in fact by judicious adjustment (of the coupling) signals of the same wave length can be eliminated provided they have different decrements. Generally an advancing wave of feeble decrement permits the primary and RECEIVING CIRCUITS, DETECTORS, TUNING APPARATUS. 137 0- secondary circuits to be loosely coupled and conversely a highly damped wave requires the receiver circuits to be closely coupled. The antenna circuit at any receiving station can be made to tune more sharply by connecting a variable condenser in series and adding inductance until the wave length adjustment for resonance is obtained. This decreases the natural decrement of the re- ceiving aerial but generally results in decrease of the strength of signals but the loss of signal strength is more than compensated for by the degree of selectivity obtained. The sharpest tuning or the highest degree of selectivity is obtained in the local detector circuit when the variable condenser in shunt to the secondary winding is worked at small values of capacity with correspondingly large values of inductance for a given wave length; but if loose coupling is employed greater values of capacity and lesser values of inductance may increase the selectivity. As will be seen from the foregoing explanations, interference can be prevented * ., , <* at the receiving station: (1) by employ- X-X ^^^ ing loose coupling between the primary I ii.. ^^ and secondary windings; (2) by inserting a condenser in the antenna circuit and adding inductance until resonance is se- cured for a given ivave length. Irrespective of the selectivity obtained by radio-frequency tuning, spark trans- mitters having different spark notes tend Fig. I54a Circuit for Determining Volt-ampere to prevent interference. By skill obtained Characteristic of a Given Conductor. . .. J . . through practice, the receiving operator can pick out a spark note of particular pitch and translate the signals through the inter- ference of one or more stations, the more so if the spark note of the station desired has a distinctive pitch. Occasionally interfering stations can be tuned out by detuning the closed and open circuits, but signals will only be received in this way when the receiving station is situated near to the transmitting station. 131. The Action of the Carborundum Crystal. Before proceeding with an explanation of various detectors and the circuit best adapted to their operation, we will briefly consider a generally accepted explanation of the operation of the carborundum de- tector and the function of the local battery current during the reception of radio signals. The student is now aware that if we have a circuit such as shown in Fig. 154a, consisting of a variable source of direct current B to which is connected a VOLTS Fig. 155 Characteristic Curve of Ordinary Re- sistance. resistance R and an ammeter A in series and if the voltage at B is progressively increased, the flow of current as indicated by the ammeter, increases in the direct ratio in accordance with Ohm's law. Furthermore, if we plot the results of this experiment in the form of a graph on cross section paper, as in Fig. 155, we find that a line drawn common to all co-ordinate points located in accord- ance with the data, will be straight and uniform. Let it be noted from this curve that if the voltage be doubled, the current is doubled and so on. Now if we substitute for the resistance R a crystal of carborundum D as in Fig. 156, T' y we find first, that the current in one direc- tion with a given impressed voltage is ^ much greater than when passed through the crystal in the opposite direction and second, that if the current flows in the Fig. 156 Apparatus for Determining Volt-ampere Characteristic of Carborundum Rectifier* 138 PRACTICAL WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. direction of best conductivity and the voltage again progressively increased, the results do not accord with Ohm's law as the curve, Fig. 157, clearly indicates, e. g., the current is not proportional to the voltage. It will be seen that in the first part of the curve a progressive increase of voltage 4oes not cause much increase in current, but after a certain critical voltage is passed the current increases more rapidly. The resistance of the crystal is, therefore, not steady. A curve of this type is said to have a rising characteristic. We may now assume this curve to apply to the detector circuit of Fig. 153a and that signals are being received from a given station. Let the E. M. F. of the battery be three volts. From the curve, 20, 1334 VOLTS Fig. 157 Characteristic Curve of Carborundum Rectifier. Fig. 157, we note that, the corresponding cur- rent is 6 microamperes. Now let the alternating current of radio-fre- quency (the incoming signal) have for pur- poses of illustration a potential of one volt and let it be superposed upon the battery current flow- ing through the crystal. Then in one direction 1 volt will be added to 3 volts and from the curve, the current corre- sponding to 4 volts is 16 microamperes. But when the alternating current flows in the opposite direction it op- poses the local battery and the resultant E. M. F. is 2 volts. Reading from the curve we obtain a current value of 2.5 microamperes. It will thus be seen under the influence of the impressed alternat- ing E. M. F. that the cur- rent in the local battery circuit varies between 2.5 and 16 microamperes, but the sound produced by the head telephone, as will be explained, is proportional to the difference between the normal current flowing through the crystal and the average value of current flowing when an external oscillating voltage is applied. This, perhaps, can be more clearly explained by means of the curves shown in Fig. 157a, where the effect of superposing the antenna oscillations on the local battery current over the duration of a single train of incom- ing oscillations is shown. As shown in Fig. 157, the normal current flowing through the head telephone, when no oscillating voltage is applied, is 6 microamperes (the voltage of the battery being 3 volts), but when an oscillating current of 1 volt is added on that of the local battery, the maximum amplitude of the initial oscillation (Fig. 157a) in the wave train is 16 microamperes, and, of course,, successive maxima will be of lesser amplitude according to the decay of the wave train (as shown by the series of decaying maxima). We see also that the suc- cessive reductions of the normal battery current (shown below the line A, B) are rela- tively small because, as shown in Fig. 157, for all voltages less than 3 volts the flow of current (in microamperes) through the local circuit is relatively weak. The result of this is seen to be a series of positive maxima of gradually decreasing amplitude to which the telephone diaphragm cannot respond individually but which produce an average effect in the receiver. The average current in the case of Fig. 157a may be considered for mere illustration to be 9 microamperes and the difference between the normal current 6 micro- amperes and the average current 9 microamperes (or 3.5 microamperes) is the current RECEIVING CIRCUITS, DETECTORS, TUNING APPARATUS. 139 which produces audible sound in the receiving telephone. We may state the foregoing in another way by saying that the added voltage due to the oscillating E. M. F. being im- C-0 APPROXIMATE AVERAGE TELEPHONE CURRENT A- 5 NORMAL BATTERY CURRENT BALL J01MT Fig. 157a. Curves Showing the Fluctuations of the Local Battery Current flowing through the Carborundum Rectifier during the Reception of Signals. pressed upon the crystal is greater than the subtracted voltage and that the final effect of this is an increase of current through the head telephone circuit over the duration of one wave train. From the foregoing explanation it is apparent that when an operator at a given receiving station adjusts the position of the sliding contact on the potentiometer for maximum signals, he adjusts the flow of cur- rent through the crystal and head telephone to correspond to the critical point on the characteristic curve, or, in other words, to that point on the curve where the super- position of a slight antenna E. M. F. upon the local E. M. F. causes a relatively large change in the strength of the local battery cur- rent. And it also follows that the steeper the characteristic curve of a given crystal, the greater will be the change of current for a given impressed alternating voltage. In other words, the crystal with a steep curve will give the loudest signals and is said to be "more sen- sitive'' to incoming oscillations. 132. Adjustment of Crystal Detectors. No specific rule for lo- cating the sensitive spot on a crystal rectifier can be laid down; in fact, the pressure and position of the opposing contact for maximum signals can only be determined by experiment. Car- Fig. 158 Carborundum Detector Complete. CARBORUNDUM /CRYSTAL L STEtL CONTACT POINT 140 PRACTICAL WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. Z INCITE Fig. 159 The Zincite Bornite Detector. borundum crystals as a whole require greater pressure at the opposing contact than crystals of galena, silicon, etc., although certain crystals under observation have required exceed- ingly light contact pressure. With all crystals employing a local battery, it is important that the local current flow in a certain direction and that its strength be carefully regulated. This means in practice that either the connections to the battery must be reversed, or the crystal must be turned about in the holder and left at the position in which the loudest signals are obtained from a given sending station. The potentiometer, of course, must be adjusted simultaneously. The circuit of Fig. 153-b is suitable for the zincite-bornite detector provided a fixed resistance of about 2,000 ohms is connected in series with the battery B-l and the poten- tiometer P-l. Certain crystals of this combination respond better with a local battery while others do not require it, but with practically any crystal it aids at least in obtaining the sensitive adjust- ment to employ a local battery, e. g., the sensitive spot can be more quickly located. If the test buzzer to be described further on is employed, a crystal can be adjusted to sensitiveness whether or not the distant transmitter is in opera- tion. 133. Detector Holders. Two types of crystal holders appear in figs. 158 and 159. The first is suitable for the carborundum crystal which is mounted in a small brass cup with some form of soft metal such as Wood's metal. A small point, such as a steel phonograph needle, is mounted on the movable arm and makes contact with the crystal. During adjustment this point is "jabbed in" at various points on the crystal until a sensitive spot is located. A detector holder suitable for the zincite-bornite detector is shown in Fig. 159. The large cup is filled with 5 or 6 zincite crystals while the opposite cup carries a crystal of bornite. The cup is fastened to the end of the arm with the universal joint. The crystal of bornite may thus be placed in contact with the surface of any of the zincite crystals being shifted from one to the other until the adjustment for maxi- mum strength of signals is found. A variety of crystals holders have been designed for crystals of galena, sili- con, cerusite, etc. One type appears in Fig. 160, where the crystal is held in a small cup by three screws. A light wire contact mounted on the movable arm bears with slight pressure on the surface of the crystal. Fig. 160 Detector Holder for Galena and Silicon Crystals. 134. Classification of the Receiving Detectors. The receiving detectors of wireless telegraphy differ greatly both in point of mechanical construction and mode of operation, and, in addition, they possess widely varying degrees of sen- sitiveness. Certain types, for instance, are highly sensitive to electrical oscilla- tions but are difficult to keep in permanent adjustment; others are less sensitive but possess marked degrees of stability. Still others are in the nature of a com- promise and may occupy approximately a position midway between the two extremes. Some receiving detectors rely upon the principal of rectification (as we have already shown) and will convert an alternating current of radio-frequency to a uni-directional current; others have the property of rectification combined with the ability to vary a local source of battery current in a manner much similar to the working of an ordinary telegraph relay. The operation of certain other detec- tors is based upon the influence of electrical oscillations upon magnetised iron or RECEIVING CIRCUITS, DETECTORS, TUNING APPARATUS. 141 upon the ability of these oscillations to cause certain granulated metals to cohere. Perhaps the most highly developed of all receiving detectors are the vacuum tube rectifiers which are extremely sensitive and possess the important property of amplifying the signals when connected in cascade. Certain types of vacuum amplifiers will remain in a sensitive state of adjustment over an indefinite period, or throughout their length of life. It should be kept in mind that the most sensitive receiving detector is not always the one most convenient or the most practical for commercial use. For instance, extremely sensitive amplifying detectors may require intricate apparatus, having so many points of adjustment that its manipulation may call for the services of a highly skilled engineer and further the circuits may be of such a type that the apparatus cannot be quickly changed from one wave length to another. In event of the latter, the tuner would be of little value for marine service which requires the receiver to be one capable of quick adjustment to land stations operating at various wave lengths. Furthermore, extremely sensitive de- tectors bring in a certain amount of interference from far distant stations which would not be heard on less sensitive detectors. The most practical detector for commercial working is one that combines a fair degree of efficiency with ruggedness and stability of adjustment, and so far among the crystal detectors none has, in this respect, excelled the carborundum rectifier. The Marconi mag- netic detector is universally recognized as being the most stable and "foolproof" of all re- ceivers but it lacks sensitiveness on the shorter waves. The vacuum valve detectors, on the other hand, are considered to be the most sensitive among commercial receivers, but they possess the disadvantage of requiring complicated circuits for best results. To impress upon the reader's mind the utility of the various types of receiving detectors, we may classify them under five general headings. Under the first heading we may name the detectors which require no local battery and under the second heading, those detectors in which the response in the telephone depends upon the application of a local battery current as well as upon the current of the incoming oscillations.* Certain detectors may be classified under both headings because they may function to some extent with or without a local battery. In addition we may note under a third heading the detectors considered as rectifiers of radio-frequent currents and in a fourth and fifth headings, those suitable for response to either damped or undamped oscillations respectively. It is to be noted that a few types come under all headings. Detectors Functioning f Galena Silicon Zincite Bornite Carborundum (sat- Without Local Battery. ] isfactory for short distance receiving) Fleming Valve L (filament battery only). Detectors which depend f upon the combined effects of J Carborundum Zincite Bornite (sometimes used with received energy and local | local battery) Fleming Valve (with local battery) battery current. [ Three Element Valve Silicon. Galena Silicon Carborundum Cerusite Zincite- Detectors having the Prop- erty of Rectification. Detectors of Damped Os- cillations. Bornite Fleming Valve Three Element Valve Electrolytic. Galena Silicon Zincite Bornite Carborundum Fleming Valve Three Element Valve Marconi Magnetic (Tikker, Tone Wheel and Heterodyne sys- tem will give some response from spark transmitters, but are not satisfactory for such reception). Detectors of Undamped/ Tikker Tone Wheel Heterodyne Receiver Vacuum Oscillation. \ Valve Oscillator. 135. Fleming Valve Detector and Tuning Circuits. A receiving detector of notable merit is the Fleming oscillation valve the action of which is primarily * We should be careful to distinguish between oscillation detectors requiring a "local battery" and requiring a local "source of energy." For example, the Tikker, the Tone Wheel and the Marconi Magnetic detectors require a local driving force, which in reality take the place of the local battery; also the Heterodyne receiver requires a local source of radio-frequent currents upon which the response in the receiver depends as well as the current induced in the receiver aerial. 142 PRACTICAL WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. PRIM: SEC. based on the emission of electrons from highly heated metals in vacua. In its commercial form it consists of a highly exhausted glass bulb, Fig. 161, containing a 4 or 12 volt lamp filament, F, of carbon, platinum or tungsten surrounded by a metal plate or cylinder P-2 of copper, nickel, etc., from which a connection is extended to the outside of the bulb. When the filament is brought to a state of incandescence by a battery B, negative electricity can pass from the filament to the plate, but not in the opposite direction, hence when the terminals of the closed or secondary cir- A.TI. OB1KV srt . cuit of a receiving tuner are connected to the nega- tive side of the filament and to the plate of the valve, the alternating cur- rent of radio-frequency flowing in the receiver circuits will be converted into a uni-directional cur- rent which may affect a head telephone or other recording instrument. More clearly, the oscilla- tions flowing in the re- Fig. 161 Fleming Oscillation Valve and Tuning Circuits. ceiver circuits during the time of a complete group will be rectified by the valve placing a charge in the condenser C-2 (Fig. 161), which afterwards discharges through the head telephone, creating a single sound for each group. The adjustment of the Fleming oscillation valve is extremely simple and the stability of the device particularly marked, in fact it is only necessary to adjust the incandescence of the filament until loud response from a given station is obtained in the head telephones. This is accomplished by the rheostat R which normally is of 10 or 15 ohms resistance. Fig. 162 Fundamental Circuit of Marconi Valve Tuner. The Fleming valve gives signals of greatest strength when the secondary circuit is designed for a minimum value of shunt capacity and a maximum value of inductance for a given wave length or frequency, hence the secondary con- denser is always worked at low values of capacity. Many valves are more sensitive if an added potential is applied between the filament RECEIVING CIRCUITS, DETECTORS, TUNING APPARATUS. 143 and the plate. Like the carborundum detector, the Fleming valve has a rising char- acteristic and when an E. M. F. is applied to the space between the plate and the fila- ment the current may be adjusted to the critical point on the characteristic curve so that the addition of a slight antenna voltage causes a large increase of the local battery current flowing through the head telephones. A satisfactory diagram appears in Fig. 162 wherein a potentiometer P-l is shunted across the filament battery and a portion of the current flows through the head telephones and the detector. With this arrangement of circuits ad- vantage is taken of the particular volt-ampere characteristic of the valve and a relay action due to a local source of energy is obtained. For the maximum strength of signals with this circuit it is necessary to adjust the position of the sliding contact on the potentiometer as well as the incandescence of the filament, until the desired results are obtained. The diagram, Fig. 162, shows the fundamental circuit of the widely used Marconi-Fleming valve receiver. The open circuit comprises: (1) The aerial tuning inductance L-l, (2) The short wave condenser C-l, (3) The primary winding L-2, (4) The shunt impedance R-l, (5) The change-over switch S-l, S-2, S-3. The intermediate circuit comprises : (1) The winding L-3 in inductive relation to L-2, (2) The winding L-4 in inductive relation to L-5, (3) The variable condenser C-2. The secondary circuit comprises : (1) The secondary winding L-5, (2) The billi condenser C-3, (3) The Fleming valve F, P, (4) The battery B (or four volts generally), (5) The 10 ohm rheostat R. (6) The 400 ohm potentiometer P-l, (7) The fixed condenser C-4, (8) The head telephone P-2. Inductances L-2, L-3, L-4, L-5, L-6 are of fixed value, but L-l is variable through the medium of a multi-point switch. When the D. T. three blade switch S-l is CRYSTAL thrown to the right, primary winding L-2 is connected in series with the aerial circuit which brings the intermediate circuit into use, but the switch, thrown in the opposite direc- tion, disconnects L-2 and connects L-6 in series with the aerial. L-6 being wound tightly about the turns of L-5, the open and closed circuits are closely coupled. This in- creases the damping of the receiving system and makes the set responsive to waves of dif- ferent length at one set of adjustments, but, of course, does not give the strength of sig- nals that can be obtained by resonant adjust- ments. The position of the switch corresponding to "close coupling" is marked "Stdbi," an ab- breviation for the word "standby." The switch is placed in this position when a particular receiving station awaits a call from one of several sending stations which are not exactly tuned to the same wave length. In the opposite position, the changeover switch is marked "tune" and with the circuits Fl * W3 ~^ r3 t0 TENSION ADJUSTOR COMTACT POINT VALVE SOCKET 144 PRACTICAL WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. of this connection, sharp resonant adjustments can be obtained. The wave length of the intermediate circuit is increased or decreased by the variable condenser C-2 only and simi- larly the wave length of the secondary or detector circuit, by the condenser C-3. The coupling between the inductances of the intermediate circuit and inductively related coils is varied simultaneously by means of a shaft (and knob) upon which both coils, L-3 and L-4, are mounted. The impedance coil R-l prevents the accumulation of high voltages upon the dielectric of the variable condenser, which may be punctured in case the windings of the tuner should come in direct contact with the high voltage wires of the transmitting apparatus. The American Marconi Company has developed a crystal holder to fit in the Fleming valve socket as shown in Fig. 163. The circuit' for the crystal detector is practically identical with that of the oscillation valve with the exception that the lighting battery is connected to the potentiometer instead of to the lamp filament. SECONDARY CONDEN5QR - ELEMENTARY - -DIAGRAM OF CONNECTIONS - 107-A TUNER - Fig. 164 Complete Circuits of Type 107a Tuner (American Marconi Company). The valve tuner was original designed to be responsive to waves varying be- tween 300 and 1,650 meters in length, but the circuit has been modified to respond to waves up to 2,500 meters, as in Fig. 164. 136. Marconi Type 107-a Tuner. (American Marconi Company). The various connections and arrangements of circuits of the Marconi type 107-a tuner are shown in Figs. 165-a, 165-b and 165-c. The principal change over the Ordinary valve circuit lies in the special six point double throw switch (marked "change-over switch"} which disconnects the condenser of large capacity (.01 microfarads) across the intermediate circuit and places it in shunt to the second- ary winding and the billi-condenser (see Fig. 165-a). With the increased capacity of this condenser in shunt, the secondary circuit will respond to a wider range of wave lengths than the original design of the tuner would permit. RECEIVING CIRCUITS, DETECTORS, TUNING APPARATUS, 145 For the reception of wave lengths exceeding 1,500 meters, the D. P. D. T. switch is thrown to the "standby" position and the intermediate circuit cut out. For wave lengths below 1,000 meters, either the "standby" or "tune" circuits can be employed at the discretion of the operator. It is to be noted, although the 107-a tuner is designed for the carborundum detector, an extra set of posts is provided for an additional crystal such as Fig. 165a "Standby" Long. Wave Adjustment of Marconi Type 107a Tuner. cerusite. When the latter detector is employed, the potentiometer is out of the circuit. Observance next should be made of the binding posts from which wires are connected to the receiver circuits and to the contacts of an aerial change-over switch. The latter, when open, protect the detector and head telephones from the induced potentials of the local transmitter. Fig. 165b "Tune" Circuits of Type 107a Tuner. In the diagram, Fig. 165-b, L-l is the aerial tuning inductance, the value of which is altered by means of a multi-point switch mounted on the left hand front of the tuner. C-l is the short wave variable condenser connected in series with the aerial system. In the full scale position it short circuits itself and is thus cut out of the antenna circuit. This condenser is mounted on the left hand side on the top of the tuner, L-2 is the primary winding of the receiving tuner and has a fixed value of inductance (not variable). 146 PRACTICAL WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. Coil L-3, condenser C-2, coil L-4 comprise the intermediate circuit. L-3 is of fixed value and is in inductive relation to L-2. L-4 has the same dimensions as L-3, but it is in in- ductive relation to coil L-5. The wave length of this circuit is varied by means of a condenser C-2. C-3 Fig. 16Sc "Standby" Short Wave Circuits of 107a Tuner. Coils L-3 and L-4 are wound on balls or spheres, mounted on a shaft so they can be turned at a right angle to L-2 and L-5, simultaneously. This is effected by means of the xmpling knob mounted on the right hand end of the tuner, and thus the coupling between the intermediate circuit and the antenna and detector circuits is varied as required. SHORT WAVE DETECTOR 5NTRMOIAT Fig. 166 Type 107a Tuner (Modified Valve Tuner). Coil L-5 and condenser C-3 constitute the secondary circuit. L-5 is of fixed value and C-3 is the well known "billi" condenser, having a value of about .0001 microfarad. C-4 is the telephone condenser of approximately .003 microfarad capacity. RECEIVING CIRCUITS, DETECTORS, TUNING APPARATUS. 147 R is a sliding contact potentiometer of 400 ohms, mounted on the left hand side of the tuning box. B is a dry cell battery of 1.5 to 3 volts, while D is the usual carborundum crystal. The inductance coil, L-7, is an inductive static leak for preventing the accumulation of large static charges upon the plates of the short wave variable condenser to prevent the rubber dielectric from puncturing. During adjustment of the carborundum crystal, the connection from the battery to the potentiometer must be reversed until the best response is obtained. The intermediate circuit of either of the foregoing tuners is employed in case of ex- cessive interference from nearby stations. Of course it is difficult to distinguish between stations operating on the same wave length except as the signals from the desired station are very much louder than those from the interfering station-; but transmitters operating on the same wave length and having different degrees of damping can often be tuned out or in by proper adjustment of the coupling. It will be apparent from the preceding diagrams that either the valve or the 107a tuner is tuned to resonance with the incoming signal by condensers only, with the exception of the aerial tuning inductance which is variable in steps through a multipoint switch. A photograph of the 107a tuner appears in Fig. 166. In adjusting this tuner, the following general instructions should be observed: (a) Operation. With the connection ("Tune") indicated in Fig. 165b the tun- ing is extremely sharp and the circuits will not respond to wave lengths in excess of 1,000 meters. For general work the coupling knob is set at 90. The billi condenser is set at the zero position on the scale and one or two points of the aerial tuning inductance connected in the circuit. The setting of the intermediate condenser, C-2, is altered until response is secured. Correct setting for the potentiometer is Fig 166a _ Marconi Disc Variable condenser, obtained by means of a buzzer tester or by listening to the signals of a distant station. Follow this by reversing the connections from the battery to the tuner until the loudest signals are obtained. For tuning to waves up to 1,000 meters, three or four points of inductance should be added at the aerial tuning inductance, but for the wave lengths shorter than 600 meters, the short wave condenser should be used at smaller values of capacity. The Lilli condenser permits the detector circuit to be tuned to waves from 450 meters to 1,000 meters in length. (b) "Stand-by" Position. When the double throw knife blade switch is thrown to the left "stand-by" position the circuits are altered as in Fig. 165c. With this connection the primary winding L-2 is disconnected from the antenna circuit and a second primary wind- ing, L-6 connected instead. L-6 is an inductance of fixed value wound tightly around the winding L-5, giving a close degree of coupling between the aerial and detector circuits. From the diagram it will be plain that coil L-4 of the intermediate circuit is still in inductive relation to L-5 and unless the precaution is taken to turn the coupling knob to the zero position, considerable energy will be absorbed from the detector circuit, thereby re- ducing the strength of the incoming signals, particularly if the intermediate circuit is in resonance with the antenna and the detector circuits. For tuning to waves up to approximately 1,000 meters with the "Stdbi" connection, only the billi condenser is employed in shunt to the secondary winding, but for longer wave lengths the small six-point, double throw switch, mounted on the top of the tuner (marked change-over switch in Fig. 164), is placed in the "Stdbi long wave" position, whereupon the intermediate condenser, C-2, is connected in shunt to the billi condenser C-3. This connec- tion permits waves in excess of 3,000 meters to be adjusted to in the secondary circuit. 148 PRACTICAL WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. The complete circuit for this connection is indicated in Fig. 16Sa. Note carefully that the intermediate circuit is not employed. It is important to note also that the type 107-a tuner is fitted with four binding posts (at the rear) from which connections extend to the type S aerial changeover switch. When the antenna switch is placed in the transmitting position, the circuits of the 107-a tuner are interrupted at the points A and B (Fig. 165b), thus breaking the circuit to the detector and the head telephones. The contacts at this switch must have careful inspection from time to time, for, unless they close properly, the apparatus positively will not function. Should these contacts be broken, a permanent jumper should be placed across the bind- ing posts to keep the circuit closed. Type 107-a tuner should be used with the type S or type I aerial changeover switches only. The complete circuits for the tuner are shown in detail in Fig. 165a and with the fore- going explanation, the functions of the various elements should be clear without further instruction. (c) General Instructions. For "stand-by" tuning or broad adjustment at wave lengths up to 1,000 meters (see Fig. 165c), place the double throw knife switch to the left. Set the condenser switch on "tune." . . i- k Set the coupling knob at zero. Carefully \ / adjust the billi condenser. Connect in a \1/ few points of the aerial tuning inductance. Vary the capacity of the short wave con- denser. For long wave lengths (in excess of 1,000 meters) place the condenser switch on "stand-by long wave" position. Vary carefully the capacity of the intermediate condenser. Add inductance at the aerial tuning inductance. For sharp tuning on the shorter wave Fig. 167-Marcotu's Magnetic Detector. ^^ (bdow ^ meters)> place the double throw knife switch to the "tune" position. Place the condenser switch on the "tune" position. Set the coupling knob at from 70 to 90. Adjust carefully the intermediate con- denser. Add two or three points of inductance at the aerial tuning inductance. Follow this by variation of the capacity of the short wave condenser. In this position, all the variable elements of the complete tuner are in use. 137. Marconi Magnetic Detector and the Multiple Tuner Circuits (Eng- lish Marconi Company). The magnetic detector shown diagrammatically in Fig. 167 is an oscillation detector of unvarying stability. A description of the detector and an explanation of its functioning follow: A continuous band made up of a group of fine iron wires revolves on the ebony grooved wheels W which are turned by clockwork in the base of the instrument. The band passes through the glass tube G, which has a small single layer of fine wire comprising 6 to 10 turns through which the radio-frequent oscillations flow. Directly over this wind- ing is placed the small bobbin of wire S which has approximately the resistance of the head telephones P-l. Two horseshoe permanent magnets with like poles adjacent are mounted immediately above the tube and near to it. Some argument exists concerning the action of this detector during the reception of signals but it is sufficient to say that when the iron band passes underneath the two permanent magnets it undergoes a cyclic change in magnetism and is extremely sensitive to an impressed external magnetic field such as that generated by a radio-frequent current flowing through the winding G. When electrical oscillations induced in a receiver aerial by a distant transmitter pass through the winding P, one complete group of oscillations sets up an alternating magnetic field which causes a single movement or a change in the position of the flux in the iron band. The bobbin S being in the path of the flux, it is acted upon inductively, a current being induced in the windings which flows through the head telephone creating a single sound for each group of incoming oscillations. The note of the transmitter is faithfully reproduced, because each group of oscillations radiated by the transmitter has a cumulative effect on the change of flux in the iron band, which causes a single movement of the tele- phone diaphragm. Although the magnetic detector lacks the sensitiveness of the crystal RECEIVING CIRCUITS, DETECTORS, TUNING APPARATUS. 149 detector throughout the shorter range of wave lengths, as between 300 and 600 meters, for waves around 2,500 meters, it compares favorably with the most sensitive crystal rectifiers. The magnetic detector may be connected directly in series with the aerial system, but it func- tions best in the circuits of the Mar- coni Multiple Tun- er (English Mar- coni Company)' in Figs. 168 and) 169. In general, the circuits of this tuner appear simi- lar to that of the valve tuner, but the secondary winding for the magnetic Fig. 167a Marconi Multiple Tuner. detector has Very few turns as compared with the secondary of the valve tuner. The magnetic detector has low resistance compared with crystal detectors and, in consequence, the stopping condenser of the usual detector circuit becomes an active element of the closed oscillation circuit and must therefore be of variable capacity. In fact, placing the detector in series with the secondary circuit not only calls for a wind- ing of low inductance but one of low resistance as well. Hence the secondary coil is usuallv wound with rather coarse wire, such as No. 18 or No. 20 B. and S. . ( C4- d IN SERIES A * 60 TO ISO MtTEFW Cs-Ct 1 C-C ( C. IN SERIES WITH AERIAL \ Ci ACROSS INTERMEDIATE CIRCUIT I C IN 5EWES WITH MAGNETIC DETECTOR Fig. 168 Fundamental Circuit Marconi's Multiple Tuner. A fundamental wiring diagram of the Marconi multiple tuner appears in Fig. 168 and a more detailed diagram showing approximately the position of the apparatus in the tuner in Fig 169. Like notations are used in both drawings. Since this tuner is adjustable to wave lengths between 80 and approximately 3,000 meters, a specially constructed series of multi-point switches S-l, S-2 and S-3 (Fig. 169) control the inductance and capacity of the primary, intermediate and secondary circuits for a progressive increase or decrease in wave length. The particular wave length adjustment corresponding to any position of the switch is clearly marked on the operating handle. 150 PRACTICAL WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. When the small D. P. D. T. switch is placed in the "standby" position, the magnetic detector is connected directly in series with the aerial and the necessary tuning adjustments are made at inductance L-l and condenser C-l, but when this switch is thrown to the "tune" position, the aerial circuit continues through the primary winding L-2, the oscilla- tions being transferred from thereon to the intermediate coil L-3, built up in amplitude by condenser C-2 and finally transferred to L-5 by induction from L-4. The function of the switches S-l, S-2 and S-3 will be clear from the drawings and the following explanation, describing the connections of the various fixed and variable capaci- ties for the complete range of wave lengths. TO MAGNETIC DETECTOR Fig. 169 Detailed Wiring Diagram of Multiple Tuner. For wave lengths from 80 to 150 meters. Condensers C-4 and C-l are in series. Condensers C-5 and C-2 are in series. Condensers C-6 and C-3 are in series. For wave lengths from 150 / Condenser C-l is in series with the antenna. to 600 meters I Condenser C-2 is in shunt to the intermediate circuit. I Condenser C-3 is in series with the magnetic detector. f Condenser C-l may be in or out of the aerial circuit as from I required. 1 Condenser C-7 is in shunt to condenser C-2. ^ Condenser C-8 is in shunt to condenser C-3. f f Condenser C-l is in or out as required. 1 Condenser C-9 is in shunt to condenser C-2. L Condenser C-10 is in shunt to condenser C-3. For wave lengths 1,600 to 2,000 meters. 2< to 2600 meters 2,000 to 2,60 The switch S-l in the foregoing drawings selects such values of inductance at L-2 as will give the correct degree of coupling at all wave lengths. The protective leak inductance R prevents the accumulation of heavy charges in the condenser C-l. The coupling be- tween L-2 and L-3, and L-5 and L-4, is varied simultaneously by a single knob on the side of the box. A protective gap R protects the primary circuit of the tuner should by accident the circuits come in contact with the high voltage wires of the transmitter. Because of the small secondary winding, this tuner is not suitable in the "tune" position RECEIVING CIRCUITS, DETECTORS, TUNING APPARATUS. 151 for a crystal detector, but will give some response on the "standby" side in which connec- tion the crystal is connected in series with the aerial. It has frequently been observed that the magnetic detector gives better response to 500 cycle transmitters when the iron band revolves at a speed about twice that used in receiving from 60 cycle transmitters. Normally the band travels at a very low speed a few feet per minute. Fig. 170 Type 106 Receiving Tuner (American Marconi Company). 138. The Marconi Type 106 Receiving Tuner. (American Marconi Com- pany). A receiving set of particular excellence combining mechanical and electrical features of merit is the type 106 tuner of the American Marconi Com- pany. This set is of the panel type, the necessary controlling switches being mounted on the front of the board as shown in photograph 170, the coupler, variable condensers, potentiometer, etc., being mounted on the rear as in photo- graph 171. The coupling between the primary and secondary windings is varied by means of a special rack and pinion adjustment which is in turn controlled by a knob on the front of the panel with a scale marked from zero to 10 (marked "coupling"). The inductance of the primary winding is changed by means of two multi- point switches, one of which operating in conjunction with a barrel switch discon- nects the unused portions of the primary winding for any particular adjustment of wave length. That is, the primary winding is divided into four groups which are cut into the circuit as the wave length is progressively increased. The con- nections to the separate aerial tuning inductance connected in series with the antenna system are included in the "tens" switch of the primary winding. The "unit" switch controls 10 single turns of the primary winding permitting any number of turns from one to maximum to be included in the circuit (as will be explained in paragraph 191). The aerial circuit includes a short wave variable condenser which in the 180 position short circuits itself automatically by means of special contacts fitted to the movable and stationary plates. The secondary coil divided into 10 groups 152 PRACTICAL WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. is fitted with an end-turn switch which splits the winding into three complete groups. The secondary winding is shunted by a variable condenser which in the zero position is completely disconnected from the circuit, thereby cutting off the Fig. 171 Rear View Type 106 Receiving Tuner. capacity effect between the opposite plates (of the variable condenser) in the so-called zero position of capacity. A special wire wound potentiometer is supplied, having a resistance of about 450 ohms, the value of which is adjusted by a rotary multipoint switch. The receiving de- tector, placed in a ver- tical position to the front of the panel, consists of a contact point with spring pressure mounted on a universal joint which may be placed in contact with the sensitive spot on one of several crystals mounted in a cup di- rectly underneath. A fundamental dia- gram of the type 106 tuner is shown in Fig. 172, which, as will be observed, is somewhat similar to the connec- tions of Fig. 153b. The part of this dia- gram to be given par- ticular attention is the SHORT WAVE VARIABLE TESTER Fig. 172 Fundamental Circuit Diagram 106 Tuner, connection of the RECEIVING CIRCUITS, DETECTORS, TUNING APPARATUS. 153 potentiometer, the head telephones and the fixed condenser C-3, and the group- ing of the primary and secondary turns. The buzzer excitation system shown will be described in detail in paragraph 149. The reader should note that the 106 tuner is constructed so that only the used turns of the primary and secondary windings are in direct inductive relation, that is, the unused turns of either winding do not overlap and consequently when the primary and secondary are set at low values of inductance, care must be taken to have these two windings in the correct inductive relation. For instance, by a little consideration, it will be evident that if the secondary winding is placed too far inside the primary coil the coupling is decreased just as it is when the secondary winding is drawn out of the coil. The general instructions for the adjustment of the inductive receiving tuner given in paragraph 130 are thoroughly applicable to the type 106 tuner. An increase of inductance in the antenna circuit for adjustment to a given wave length should be followed by an increase of the secondary inductance to maintain resonance. Also with each change of wave length there is a critical degree of coupling which gives the louder signals in the head telephone. Under conditions of loose coupling the secondary variable condenser is of some use to reduce interference, but under conditions of close coupling the condenser is preferably set near to zero values of capacity. The short wave variable condenser is employed to tune the antenna circuit to signals the wave length of which is below the natural wave length of the receiving antenna. Response to shorter waves is obtained at capacities near to the zero position of the condenser scale. With this condenser in circuit, the wave length of the antenna system will be progressively increased (that is, the oscillation frequency decreased) as the control handle is moved in the direction of maximum capacity. In case of severe interference, the damping of the receiv- ing antenna may be decreased in the following manner: For a given wave length set the short wave variable condenser at a certain value of capacity and obtain resonance by adding inductance at the aerial tuning inductance until maximum response is obtained. Care must be taken to select the correct values of inductance and capacity, which, of course, vary with each aerial. If excessive values of inductance are added, variation of capacity will have little effect on the incoming signals. The fact is that signals would not be heard under these conditions unless the transmitting station is near to the receiving station. Correct values of inductance and capacity are assured if a slight change in con- denser capacity eliminates the signals. G Fig. 173 Type 101 Receiving Tuner (American Marconi Company). We may resume the function of the elements of the tuner as follows: The small push button marked "Test" immediately to the right hand side of the receiving tuner closes the circuit from the battery to the buzzer which permits the manipulator to obtain the best adjustment of the crystal. When turned to the right this button is locked in position. The two switches on the front of the Type 106 tuner marked "transformer primary" vary the inductance of the primary circuit. The switch marked "Units" cuts in a single turn at a time. The switch marked "Tens" varies the primary inductance in groups of ten turns at each point of contact. 154 PRACTICAL WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. The primary condenser has minimum capacity in the zero position but if turned to the 180 mark it is shunted by a special set of contacts (attached to the movable plates and thus cut out of the aerial circuit All control handles attached to the inductance changing s-witches and variable condensers of the primary and secondary circuits should be turned counter clockwise for increase of their values. Fig. 174 Rear View Type 101 Receiving Tuner (American Marconi Company). The switch marked "transformer secondary" and the control handle marked "secondary condenser" control the inductance and capacity of the secondary circuit. The wave length adjustment of the circuit can be increased by turning the switch or the knob of the con- denser counter clockwise. Different values of inductance and capacity can be employed in this circuit while holding the same wave length. This changes the damping of the circuit and proper proportioning (of inductance and capacity) may give increased strength of signals during the reception of signals from certain stations. The control handle marked "potentiometer" varies the flow of current through the de- tector crystal. Close adjustment of the potentiometer is necessary when the incoming signals are comparatively weak. The switch marked "battery" turns the local battery cur- rent on and off. The terminals marked "battery" connect to four dry cells in a separate box and the terminals marked "telephones" are the binding posts for connection to 2,000 ohm receivers. As the transmitter operates at approximately the wave length to which the secondary circuit of the receiver is adjusted, it produces exceedingly strong signals which are liable to impair the sensitive condition of the crystal. To obviate this, connections are made with the antenna switch so that when the antenna switch is in the transmitting position the terminals of the detector and the secondary condenser are short-circuited. Care should be taken to see that the antenna switch, with which this receiver is to be used, is so con- structed as to perform the above operations. If this is done, the transmitter has very little or no effect on the sensitiveness of the crystal and it will, therefore, be in a sensitive condition for receiving immediately after transmission. (See diagrams, Figs. 201, 202 and 203.) In addition to paragraph 130 the student should read the general instructions in paragraph 156a. 139. Marconi Receiving Tuner Type 101 (American Marconi Company). The type 101 receiver consists of an inductively coupled transformer with two solid rectifier detectors and the necessary accessory apparatus mounted on a hard rubber panel and enclosed in a mahogany case. The front elevation of this set is shown in photograph, Fig. 173, the rear elevation in Fig. 174, and a funda- mental diagram in Fig. 175. The aerial is connected to the binding post "antenna" and the earth connection is made to the binding post marked "ground." The circuit between these two points is adjusted to resonance with the incoming signal by variation of the two transformer primary switches, the primary loading coil switch, the primary condenser, and the primary condenser switch which is marked "out" "series" and "shunt." The purpose of this switch is to connect the primary condenser in series or in parallel to the aerial or to disconnect the condenser entirely. RECEIVING CIRCUITS, DETECTORS, TUNING APPARATUS. 155 Thus for long wave lengths the condenser is placed in shunt to the primary winding and for waves below the fundamental period of the aerial the condenser is thrown in series with the primary winding. The function of the three other primary switches is to vary the number of turno of inductance in the aerial circuit. The secondary circuit contains the transformer secondary coil, the inductance of which is varied by the transformer secondary switch, the secondary condenser, the cerusite and the carborundum detectors, the switch for connecting either of these two in the circuit, the potentiometer, and the switch marked "sent," "receive." EXTRA, /''/ANTENNA SW. B CONNECTION* TO NAVY TYPE AHT.SW. B. AC" NOT SHOWN Fig. 175 Fundamental Diagram Type 101 Receiving Tuner. The transformer secondary is moved in or out of the transformer primary coil by means of the handle marked "coupling." The capacity of the. secondary condenser is varied by rotation of its handle, and the potential across the carborundum detector is varied by the rotation of the potentiometer handle* Supplied with this set is a mahogany box containing four dry cells having three binding posts, marked 1, 2, and 3. Nos. 1 and 2 connect to the two binding posts on the receiver immediately under the word "battery," while No. 3 is connected to the post at the extreme right on the same level with "test" switch. This post completes the circuit from the battery to the test tuner. Since the detectors work better with the battery current flowing in a certain direction, it is necessary to determine experimentally which binding post to connect to the carbon and which to the zinc electrode. The head telephones are connected to the binding post "telephones." The binding posts marked "antenna switch A," posts 1 and '2, and "antenna switch B and C," posts 1, 2, and 3, are for connection to a specially designed navy type antenna switch. When the navy switch is not used, posts Al and A2, B2 and B3, Cl and C2, and B3 and Bl are short circuited with pieces of thick copper wire. (Not shown in figure 175.) The posts marked "extra detector" are for connection with an outside detector. If the outside detector requires battery, place the detector switch in the position marked "car- borundum," if not place it in position marked "cerusite." The test buzzer is mounted within the metal cup directly over the secondary condenser and can be adjusted if necessary by removing the two cap screws. Since the satisfactory operation of the set depends to a great extent on the switch blades making perfect connection with the switch studs, it is necessary to see that there is always good firm pressure between them. If for any reason this pressure becomes too weak, remove the screw in the handle, take off the handle, and remove the two screws 156 PRACTICAL WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. holding the switch blades in place. The blades can then be bent slightly so that when replaced they will make positive contact. The complete adjustment of this tuner is as follows: Set the primary condenser switch to position "Out," place coupling pointer at about 7 on the scale, detector switch to "ceru- site," secondary condenser pointer to position "Out," potentiometer to O, "send" and "re- ceive" switch to "receive" (if used with navy switch or break system relay, leave in "send" position always), turn test switch to "In" position, which starts the buzzer; then adjust Cerusite Detector point on crystal surface until loudest response is heard. This crystal requires very light pressure for maximum sensitiveness and the point may be screwed up or down by turning the hard rubber knob to left or right. Having found a sensitive point in the crystal, vary the inductance of the two primary Xi WAVE LENGTH D CHANGING SWITCH a Fig. 176 Wiring Diagram Marconi Universal Receiver. transformer switches until the desired signal is heard, then loosen the coupling by rotating coupling handle to the right until the signal is just audible, then try other points of trans- former secondary switch and rotate secondary condenser handle to the left until a com- bination is found which gives maximum response. The primary should then be readjusted more accurately until the best setting is found and the coupling then adjusted until the maximum strength of signal is obtained. The longer the wave length the greater the number of turns of inductance necessary in primary and secondary circuits. If more inductance is necessary for a particular signal and cannot be obtained by adjustment of transformer primary switch, place this in position marked "Out" and rotate the primary loading coil switch from its position "Out" until sufficient turns are in the circuit. If the wave length of the incoming signal is shorter than can be reached with primary condenser switch in the "Out" position, place it in the series position, set the ten turn trans- former primary switch at zero, the unit turn transformer primary switch at 10 and rotate primary condenser handle until maximum response is obtained. RECEIVING CIRCUITS, DETECTORS, TUNING APPARATUS. 157 Placing the primary condenser switch in the "Shunt" position increases the wave length of the aerial circuit corresponding to any given setting of the inductance switches. This may be done at any time instead of increasing the inductance. Generally speaking, the method of varying inductance is preferable and gives a louder response, but in exceptional cases the reverse is true and in any particular case a trial of the two methods can be made to find out which is the better. The best secondary setting for maximum response to any particular wave length is that of maximum inductance and minimum capacity, but the greatest selectivity will be obtained with smaller inductance and greater capacity. When the carborundum detector is in use it will be necessary to adjust the potentiometer to a point which gives the greatest sensitiveness. It should be noted that when using the Cerusite detector during the reception of very weak signals the potentiometer should always be in zero position, but for signals of mod- erate intensity it does not matter particularly what position this may happen to be in. In order that the operator may be able to measure approximately the wave length of the incoming signals, calibrations of the secondary are given with each tuner, it being under- stood that these are correct only when the secondary is coupled very loosely to the primary. With the 101 receiver are supplied adjustable head telephones which are tuned to the group frequency of the transmitter. Also the electrical circuit through the telephones and the stopping condenser is tuned to the same group frequency. It is advisable occasionally to insert a piece of paper between the spark points of the antenna and ground binding posts and telephone binding posts to make sure they are not short-circuited. 140. The Marconi Universal Receiving Set (English Marconi Company). The complete circuits of the Universal Crys- tal Receiver are indi- cated in the diagram, Fig. 17, and a photo- graph of the finished instrument in Fig. 177, the tuner having been designed for wave lengths between 300 and 3,000 meters. The circuits are ap- plicable to all types of crystal rectifiers, par- ticularly those of car- borundum, z i n c i t e, Fig. 177 Universal. Crystal Receiver (English Marconi Company). bornite, etc. The usual aerial tun- ing inductance is represented at L-l, the short wave condenser at C-l, and the primary winding of the tuning transformer at L-2. L-2 has three tappings, which are varied by means of the switch. The secondary circuit of the receiving tuner is divided into three units, the following range of wave lengths being obtained with each: L-5 has the correct values for all wave lengths up to 600 meters; L-4 for waves between 600 and 1,600 meters, and L-3 for waves between 1,000 and 3,000 meters. The necessary change of inductance is obtained by the wave length changing switch D, which completely disconnects the unused turns from the circuit. The functioning of the switch is as follows: In one position the switch blade D is connected ta the high potential end of winding L-5 through contact point A; but a longer wave length adjustment is obtained by placing the switch on point B, which connects the receiving detector to the high potential end of L-4, and at the same time the lower right hand contacts alongside the switch spring together, joining the high potential end of L-5 to the low potential end of L-4. The same function is performed by switch point C and the upper right hand set of contacts. The secondary condenser shown at C-3 possesses at maximum very low capacity. The potentiometer P-2 is shunted across the battery B-2. A protective choke is indicated at P-4 and a safety gap at R. The telephone condenser C-2 is of fixed capacity. A novel feature of this tuner is the magnets M-l and 'M-2, which are joined to battery 158 PRACTICAL WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. Fig. 178 ShSed Upon the local battery current. How- ever, the radio-frequent oscillations (repeated in the local battery circuit) produce no sound, but the audio frequency variation of the continuous current in that circuit does create an audible sound of a pitch determined by the spark frequency of the transmitter. The process involved in the detection of oscillations induced in the receiver by a distant transmitting station can be shown by the curves of Fig. 180, which indicate first: the oscillations of the incoming signals; second, the potential of the grid circuit with respect to the filament; third, the decrease of the wing cur- rent and the superposed oscillations of radio-frequency, and finally, the result- ing fluctuation of current in the head telephone. Either the current of radio- or audio-frequency reproduced in the lo- cal circuit of the vacuum valve can be increased in amplitude by special con- nections on the same valve or by con- necting a number of valves in cascade. In the first method, the current of radio- or audio-frequency is repeated back to the grid circuit by special radio- or audio-frequency transform- ers, but in the second method, a trans- former is connected in the local battery circuit and its secondary terminals con- nected to the grid and filament of a second valve by which the incoming radio signal is amplified by repetition of the action shown in Fig. 180. Fig. 181 "Repeater" or "Regenerative" Vacuum Valve Circuit. RECEIVING CIRCUITS, DETECTORS, TUNING APPARATUS. 161 The three element vacuum valve connected in a simple tuning circuit for the reception of spark signals is adjusted for the maximum strength of signals as follows: (1) The incandescence of the lamp filament is carefully adjusted by the filament rheostat; (2) The voltage of the local battery is varied until the maximum strength of signals is obtained. To protect the filament and assist adjustment, modern sets have a small ammeter connected in series with the lamp filament by which the degree of incandescence is definitely fixed. 143. A Repeater Vacuum Valve Circuit. A method for repeating the current of radio frequency flowing in the telephone circuit back to the grid circuit of the same bulb appears in Fig. 181. This system has been found to be particularly successful in operation and gives increased strength of signals from a^given sta- tion. Part of the energy of the oscillations of radio-frequency flowing in the telephone circuit is repeated back to the secondary circuit through the coupling coils (of radio-frequency) L-l and L-2, and the amplitude of the grid oscillations thereby increased. The amplified grid oscillations then react upon the telephone circuit, producing still greater variation of the local current, thus further reinforc- ing the oscillations of the system. Fig. 182 Audio-Frequency Repeater Circuit. Fig. 183 Tuned Regenerative Vacuum Valve Circuit. The complete process does not interfere with the action of the valve as a detector, which at the same time charges the grid condenser in the usual fashion, but with in- creased strength, due to the repeating action of the system. To permit the oscillations of radio-frequency to flow across the telephones, the con- denser C-3 is connected in shunt. This circuit will function without the condenser C-3, the necessary capacity being found in the parallel cords of the telephone. The current of audio-frequency flowing in the local telephone circuit may be repeated to the grid circuit by the method shown in the diagram of connections, Fig. 182, where a coil of audio-frequency (one of large inductance values) L-l is coupled inductively to a similar coil, L-2, which is connected in series with the secondary winding of the receiving tuner. C-4 permits the oscillations of radio-frequency to pass to the grid and filament and also serves to tune the circuit L-2, C-4 to the audio-frequent current of the local circuit. Although in this case an audio-frequent current is also dealt with, the action is identically the same as in repeating back currents of radio-frequency. A circuit has been evolved by Armstrong where both the radio- and audio- frequent currents can be simultaneously repeated back to the grid circuit and although considerable amplification of the incoming signals is thus obtained, the system has been found difficult to keep in stable operation. Referring again to the circuit diagram, Fig. 181 (where the current of radio- frequency in the local telephone circuit is repeated back to the grid circuit), an improvement can be effected by the connections shown in the diagram, Fig. 183, where the local circuit is tuned to resonance with the grid or secondary circuit by the tuning coil L-4. The condenser C-3 shunts the head telephone and battery, while the coil L-l repeats the oscillations of radio-frequency back to the grid circuit through the coil L-2. The circuit is suitable for the reception of damped or undamped oscillations, and has been found to magnify the incoming signal several hundred times. 162 PRACTICAL WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. C4 It will be noted from the foregoing diagrams, Figs. 179 to 183, and the explanations given, that three principal circuits, which may be termed the primary, secondary and tertiary cir- cuits, must be placed in resonance, the tertiary circuit being the local telephone circuit, with its tuning coils and condensers. The C-i HX three circuits are not only adjusted (in the case of the reception of spark signals) to substantial resonance, but in addition the coupling of the repeating transformer must be carefully adjusted, as well as the coupling between the primary and secon- dary windings. Correct values of induc- tance and capacity must be selected in each of the three circuits for any particular wave length. Beyond the tuning of the third circuit, the general mode of opera- tion is practically the same as with the ordinary radio-frequency tuners. Fig. 184 Simple Regenerative Circuit. T . / , , . J , . . t It should not require explanation that with the amplification of signals obtained by the circuits shown in Figs. 179 to 183 the useful range of transmitting apparatus has been considerably increased. Another circuit for the amplification of incoming radio signals is shown in the diagram, Fig. 184, wherein the principal point to be observed is the connection of the secondary terminals of the receiving tuner to the vacuum valve. One terminal is connected through the grid condenser to the grid and the opposite ter- i i VALVE 1 VALVE 2 VALVE 5 B. I ^|||| fe B$ t-l L-t ~~LS L4 Fig. 185 Vacuum Valves Connected in Cascade. minal to the plate of the valve instead of to the filament. The local battery B-2 and the head telephone P, are shunted by a condenser C-3, and an additional condenser C-4 is connected between the grid and filament of the valve. The mode of operation of this circuit probably does not differ from the repeating circuits previously described, because, as will be seen,. there is a certain amount of electrostatic and magnetic coupling between the second- ary and tertiary (local telephone circuit) circuits. The system is adjusted in the fol- |[y VALVE *i VALVE *z lowing manner : The secondary circuit, in- CLJ~T/M eluding the secondary condenser, is tuned to resonance with the primary circuit and the incoming wave. The condenser C-l is set at very low values of capacity, and the capacity of C-3 varied, also C-4, until maximum response in the head telephone circuit is obtained. Like ordinary vacuum, valve circuits, the potential of the battery B-2 must be carefully regulated and the valve worked below the charac- teristic "blue glow" point. The vacuum PHONES Fig. 186 Cascade Connection of Vacuum Valve with One Lighting Battery. valve connected in this manner is suitable for the reception of either damped or undamped oscillations. RECEIVING CIRCUITS, DETECTORS, TUNING APPARATUS. 163 144. The Vacuum Valve Amplifier. The incoming signals made audible by the simple vacuum valve circuit shown in Fig. 179, may be amplified consider- ably by connecting several oscillation valves in cascade as per the diagram, Fig. 185. The fluctuations of current in the local circuit are impressed upon the grids of a second and third valve where due to the relaying or trigger action of the bulb, progressive amplification is obtained. LS L RADIO FREQUENCY TRANSFORMER Fig. 187-~Circuit for Cascade Amplification of Radio Frequencies. In the diagram, Fig. 185, in which the left-hand part of the circuit starts with the sec- ondary winding of the receiving transformer, the telephones are removed from the local battery circuit and replaced by an iron core inductively coupled transformer of audio-fre- quency dimensions. The primary winding L-l is connected in series with the battery B-2, but the terminals of the secondary winding L-2 are connected to the grid and filament of the second vacuum valve. The circuit continues in this manner throughout several bulbs, but generally the fluctuations of current in the third or fourth step are strong enough to paralyze the valve, particularly if the vacuum is not sufficiently good. Usually this system does not function well above the third step. To prevent the accumulations of extra high potentials on the grids of the amplifying valves, an extremely high resistance, R (of from 500,000 to 1,500,000 ohms resistance) may be connected from the grid to the filament. It is, of course, understood that the incandescence of the filament of each vacuum valve will be carefully regulated by a small rheostat and the voltage of the local battery regulated until the best operating condition for the individual bulb is obtained. If the diagram of connections, Fig. 186, are adopted, a single storage battery may be employed to light all valve filaments. It will be noted that the secondary circuit of the audio-frequency transformer L-2, L-3 is conductively open, and although it is somewhat difficult to explain exactly how this transformer functions, good results are reported to be obtained by means of it. Either of the foregoing types of amplifiers may be used to step up the signals of an ordinary wire telephone as well as the signals of wireless telegraphy. 145. Amplification of Radio Frequencies. By means of a cascade connec- tion^of vacuum valves, we may amplify the oscillations of radio frequency, trans- ferring them from one bulb to another until the desired increase of signal is ob- tained. A satisfactory diagram of connections appears in Fig. 187. The circuits of radio-frequency are similar to those of any receiver, with the exception that a small value of potential from a local battery is applied to the filament and grid of each vacuum valve, the E. M. F. being adjusted by the potentiometers P-l and P-2. The in- coming oscillations amplified by the first vacuum valve are transferred into the second vacuum valve through the radio-frequency transformer L-5, L-6. The circuit of L-5 is tuned to resonance with the incoming oscillations by the condenser C-5 and the secondary circuit L-6, C-6 tuned to the same frequency by means of C-6. By proper adjustment of the volt- ampere characteristic of the second bulb (by the potentiometer P-2) the effect of the in- coming oscillations is to place a charge in the condenser C-7 in shunt to the head telephones, 164 PRACTICAL WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. which in turn discharges through the windings of the telephones, causing a single sound.f More in detail, by proper adjustment of the potentiometer in the grid circuit of the last valve, the amplitude of the positive half of the radio-frequent current repeated in the tertiary or local telephone circuit exceeds the amplitude of the negative half, and, due to this fact, more current flows in one direction than in the other; accordingly, the telephone condenser C-7 becomes charged over a period corresponding approximately to that of the duration of a wave train and then probably discharges in one direction through the head telephones at rates corresponding to the spark frequency of the transmitter.* 146. The Effects of Distributed Capacity. Every coil of wire possesses a certain amount of distributed capacity (sometimes termed self-capacity), e. g., energy is stored up between adjacent turns during the flow of oscillations in the form of electrostatic lines of force, which produce an effect similar to connecting a small condenser in shunt to the coil. Thus a tuning coil of given dimensions, having considerable self -capacity, will have a V denned time period of oscillation and will r. rig "Dead-end" or "End" Turns of a Receiver Tun- ing Coil. 189 Showing the Turn Fig. Position of an End Switch. respond more freely to one impressed frequency than to another. Now, it is found by experiment that a crystal de- tector, such as the carborundum rectifier, gives the loudest response in the receiv- ing telephone when the maximum possi- ble voltage for a given group of incoming oscillations is impressed upon it, and gen- erally a secondary receiver circuit in which inductance predominates gives the maximum possible voltage. Then if a secondary circuit minus a shunt condenser is constructed so that its natural oscilla- tion frequency accords with the frequency of the oscillations flowing in the trans- mitter aerial, maximum response is se- cured. All this may be summed up by saying that a secondary receiver circuit lacking a shunt variable condenser functions similar to one in which it is supplied, the necessary capacity being found in the self-capacity of the coil. A primary winding having distributed capacity is somewhat objectionable for use in tuning circuits, because an appre- ciable amount of current will oscillate through the unused turns, particularly if the fre- quency of the incoming signal equals the natural frequency of the coil. Coils made of fine wire or those wound irregularly tend to reduce the effects of distributed capacity. 147. The End Turns of a Receiving Tuner and End Turn Switches. In the preceding paragraph the effect of distributed capacity in the windings of a tuning coil was discussed, and the fact mentioned that a coil of given dimensions may have a well-defined time period of oscillation and may therefore oscillate more freely to an impressed current of a particular frequency. Assume that such a coil is connected in series with the antenna circuit shown in Fig. 188 and that for resonant adjustment to the wave length of 600 meters the turns between points A and B only are required. The remaining turns from B to C are therefore useless for this particular wave length, and should the coil have a natural time period of oscillation corresponding to the wave of 600 meters, an appreciable amount of current would oscillate backward and forward through the unused or end turns. This in effect amounts to placing a secondary circuit in resonance with the antenna circuit and results in the absorption of some of the energy of the oscillations. If the antenna system were only to be tuned to the maximunxwave length of 600 meters, the additional turns on the coil B to C would not be required, but inasmuch as the aerial system may have to be tuned to various wave lengths up to 3,000 or 4,000 meters, the full number of turns are required for the winding. If then, for example, the coil A, C, is interrupted at the point D, E, as shown in Fig. 189, the unused turns of the winding are conductively disconnected from the used turns and * Note also the radio-frequency amplifier described in paragraph 226. Note also diagram Fig. 296. * Explanation according to Armstrong. RECEIVING CIRCUITS, DETECTORS, TUNING APPARATUS. 16S TAPS FOR STUDS UNDER BLADE Fig. 190 Sketch Showing the Construction of "End Turn" Switch. therefore a considerable amount of current which heretofore oscillated through the unused turns is now converted to a more useful purpose. All this leads to the point that the maximum dtegree of efficiency and selectivity is obtained from a receiving tuner having properly located "end turn" switches fitted to the primary and secondary coils. It should, however, be remembered that merely dis- connecting the unused turns does not completely prevent the absorption of energy by that part of the circuit, but it tends to reduce the absorption to a minimum. An "end-turn" switch may take one of several designs but the fundamental con- struction of the type used in the latest tuners manufactured by the American Marconi Company is shown in the dia- gram, Fig. 190, where the successive groups of a primary or secondary tuning coil are represented at 1, 2, 3 and 4. Mounted on a hard rubber drum are the copper segments S-2, S-3 and S-4, which are slightly offset so that the successive units of the tuner winding are connected in the circuit when the knob is turned counter clockwise. The circuit is com- pleted by brushes A and B which make contact with segments S-2 and brushes C and D which make contact with S-3 and so on. In addition the switch blade S-l makes contact with the taps of a multipoint switch (not shown) which cuts in groups, 10 turns at a time. For example, when the switch S-l has been turned, let us say, counter clockwise until all the turns of section No. 1 are cut into the circuit then segment S-4 makes contact with brushes E and F, connecting section No. 2 in the circuit. The blade of the multipoint switch S-l then progresses across the contacts connected to the turns of section 2 and when the last stud has been passed, the circuit is completed through the next group by brushes C, D, which make contact with segments S-3. The switch blade S-l then pro- gressively cuts in the additional turns of section No. 3 and so on until S-2 cuts in group No. 4. In the design of a commercial re- ceiving tuner, the primary or second- ary winding is interrupted at points suitable to the standard wave lengths. For example, if sections 1, 2, 3 and 4 are the secondary units of a receiving tuner, the winding is interrupted be- tween 1 and 2 at such a point that the wave length of the closed circuit (with small values of capacity in shunt) will be slightly above 600 meters. The next interruption of the circuit will be made at a point where the wave length adjustment is slightly above 1,000 meters, the next for 2,500 meters, and so on. The foregoing selections are those agreeable to American practice where ships communicate with naval or Marconi ship and shore stations. 148. The Variation of a Radio Frequency Inductance. In the earlier types of receiving tuners, the inductance of the radio-frequency coils was varied by mounting a sliding contact on a brass rod, the contact passing over successive turns of bare wire. It is obvious that such a design is mechanically incorrect be- Fig. 191 Showing How the Inductance of the Radio Tuning Coil Can Be " ' ' ' One Turn at a Time. Frequency Tuning Coil Can Be Varied by Tu 166 PRACTICAL WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. cause the sliding contact soon cuts through the wire either actually breaking the turns or short circuiting adjacent turns. By the method shown in the diagram, Fig. 191, the inductance of a single layered coil can be progressively varied from one turn to the maximum number simply through -the use of two multipoint switches doing away with the sliding contact. For purposes of illustration, assume a winding having 110 turns. Then the first 10 single turns are connected to the contact points of the switch S-2 and the remaining turns are connected in groups of 10 to the contact points of the switch S-l. An odd number of turns can be selected in the following manner : If 87 turns are required for resonance in any particular circuit, switch S-l is set at the eightieth contact point and switch S-2 on contact point 7, making 87 com- plete turns. One turn of inductance, for instance, can be selected by setting S-l at zero and S-2 at contact point 1. This is the method by which the inductance of the primary winding of the Marconi type 106 receiving is varied. It is not usual to vary the inductance of the secondary circuit of a receiving tuner in this manner. The method gen- erally employed is to vary the inductance by groups of 10 or 15 turns at a time, the necessary closeness of adjustment between groups being obtained by the shunt variable condenser for sharp tuning.-)- Extremely close variation of the inductance of a radio-frequency cir- Fig. !92-The Construction of the Variometer. "jit Can be obtained by the instfU- ment termed the variometer, the principle of which has already been explained in connection with the transmitter. A variometer* suitable for receiving apparatus is shown in Figs. 192 and 193, where a stationary coil A has mounted within it a ball winding B which rotates on a metal shaft. A knob and pointer is attached to the shaft and a suitable scale supplied. The ball windings A and B are connected in series and if, in one concentric position, they are :onnected so that their magnetic fields op- pose the inductance of the variometer will be practically zero, but if the inner ball is turned on its axis, the inductance will gradually increase, maximum inductance being obtained, when the inner coil has completely changed sides with respect to the outer coil. For receiving apparatus, the inner and outer balls are generally wound with No. 24 B. and S. wire if connected in the antenna circuit and with No. 32 B. and S. wire, if connected in series with the secondary or detector circuit. Although the variometer is a very useful instrument for tuning the re- ceiver, it possesses the disadvantage of offering considerable resistance to the passage of radio-frequent cur- rents when used at inductance values near to zero. That is to say, a sim- '6INDING POST POINTED SCALE Fig. 193 The Tuning Variometer Complete. See paragraph 30; also fig. 18. tSee section H appendix. RECEIVING CIRCUITS, DETECTORS, TUNING APPARATUS. 167 PHONES PUSH 6UTTON Fig. 194 Buzzer Excitation System. pie tuning coil of the same value of inductance, would obviously possess less resistance. 149. Buzzer Excitation Systems. If any part of an active vibrating buzzer (energized by a battery) is placed in inductive relation to either the open or closed circuits of a receiving set, the fluctuations of the battery current act inductively on the receiving circuits and set up therein feeble currents which are rectified and made audible in the head telephone. Maximum response in the head telephone is obtained when the crystal rectifier is adjusted for the best degree of rectification, hence the buzzer affords a ready means for readjustment of a receiv- ing detector of any type. A perfect reproduction of the tone of the buzzer is obtained in the head telephones, the pitch varying in accordance with the interruptions of the vibrator. In one method a wire is extended from some part of the buzzer circuit, preferably the contact points, and is con- nected directly to either the earth lead of the receiving tuner or to one terminal of the secondary circuit, but the better method is* to place some part of the cir- cuit leading to the buzzer in inductive relation to the antenna system as in the diagram, Fig. 194. In this diagram a small coil L-2 of 6 or 7 turns of wire (about \ l / 2 inches in diameter) connected in series with the antenna system has wound around it, 7 turns comprising the coil Lrl. Coil L-l is in series with the battery and the buzzer, and consequently when the buzzer is set into action, a change of flux takes place through L-l which sets up a difference of potential across L-2 and, therefore, charges the antenna system, causing it to oscillate at the particular frequency to which it is adjusted. Then, when the secondary circuit of the receiving tuner is adjusted to resonance with the antenna circuit and the crystal detector adjusted for the most sensitive operating condition, the louder sound will be obtained in the head telephone. With supersensitive receiving apparatus it is sometimes necessary to place the buzzer excitation circuit several feet from the windings of the receiving tuner to prevent the sound in the head telephone from becoming of un- bearable intensity. Although various means have been devised to shield crystalline detectors from the local transmitting apparatus at a given station, none have as yet afforded the desired protection. Hence, it is generally necessary at the close of a period of transmission to readjust the re- ceiving detector to its maximum degree of sensitiveness. If the receiving tuner is fitted with a test buzzer the detector can be quickly readjusted by setting the buzzer into action and changing the position of the opposing contact on the crystal until the loudest signals are ob- tained. The ordinary vibrating buzzer can be put to a variety of uses in radio telegraph systems, such as exciting the circuits of a wavemeter or setting up oscillations in an aerial system for radio telegraph meas- urements. Such circuits will be described in the chapter following. 150. Receiving Telephones. The flux generated by a given electromagnet 194 -3,000-Ohm Head Telephone Receiver. 168 PRACTICAL WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. is determined by the product obtained in multiplying the strength of the current by the number of turns, e. g., the ampere turns determine the magnetizing flux. Hence, if a feeble current only is available, a magnet wound with a large number of turns of fine wire will generate the greatest magnetizing flux. Now the local circuit of the average telephone receiver, such as shown in Fig. 194a, is traversed by feeble currents, and therefore the magnets of the telephones should be wound with a great number of turns of rather fine wire such as No. 36 or No. 40 B. and S. Such a winding necessarily has considerable resistance, but a greater magnetizing force will result therefrom than would be ob- tained by a winding of a few turns of coarser wire. The resistance of the average telephone receiver for reception of radio signals is 2,000 to 3,000 ohms. These receivers are generally more sensitive than the type employed in land line telephony; but it should be borne in mind that it is not alone the magnetizing flux gen- erated that determines the volume of sound produced by the telephone, but the overall con- struction influences its sensitiveness as well. This includes particularly the weight of the diaphragm which in radio receivers is generally lighter than the diaphragm used in the ordinary wire telephone receiver. A series of experiments conducted by Dr. Austin indicate that the average tele- phone produces the greatest volume of sound when the frequency of the alternat- ing current passed through the windings varies from 300 to 500 cycles per second. Frequencies in excess of 500 cycles de- crease the amplitude of vibration of the telephone diaphragm and hence produce less sound. In view of the foregoing, a transmitter having a spark frequency of 600 to 1,000 sparks per second gives better response in the head telephones than one of lower frequency. Part of this is due to the fact that the human ear is more responsive to the higher frequencies than to those of lower pitch. Telephones of 75 to 150 ohms resist- ance, if used with the magnetic detector, the tikker, and the three element vacuum valve gives good response, but other re- ceiving detectors, such as the crystal recti- fiers, require telephones of at least 2,000 ohms resistance. Telephones of 15,000 ohms resistance have been constructed but such a winding is not required for the average radio receiver. A telephone receiver possessing a notable -B- -C- -D- Fig. 195a, b, c, d. Construction and Magnetic Circuit of the Baldwin Telephone. degree of sensitiveness has been recently developed in the United States by T. Baldwin. The essential parts of this receiver are indicated in the diagram, Fig. 195a, where a ring shaped horseshoe magnet with poles N and S is fitted with two "U" shaped soft iron pieces, P-l and P-2. The telephone winding W, placed longitudinally between these pole pieces, has a slot in the center in which is placed a soft iron armature balanced on the pivot P-3. One end of the soft iron armature is connected by the brass wire R to the mica RECEIVING CIRCUITS, DETECTORS, TUNING APPARATUS. 169 or isinglass diaphragm M which is screwed under the receiver cap as in the ordinary telephone. During the passage of a fluctuating current through the winding W the soft iron armature A is thrown into vibratory motion and the vibrations transferred to M. A prominent feature of this receiver is the fact that the armature A is under no magnetic strain until a fluctuating current flows through the winding W. The fundamental principle of operation is as follows: The diagram, Fig. 195b, shows the direction of the lines of force of the permanent magnet through the pole pieces, and as will be observed the flux divides equally between both sides of the "U" shaped poles and continues through the magnet. Due to this division of flux, there is no strain on the armature A, a condition just opposite to that found in the ordinary telephone receiver. where the diaphragm is drawn toward the core of the magnet and held under considerable tension. If current flows through the winding in a given direction and the permanent magnet were removed, the resultant flux would have the direction indicated by the arrows, Fig. 195c, that is, the direction of the flux would be lengthwise of the winding and would cir- culate in the direction shown. Under such conditions, the armature would be equally attracted to the lower and upper pole pieces and remain in a neutral position. If a direct current, let us say, circulates through the winding from an external source, as in Fig. 195d, then the lines of force issuing from the permanent magnet and from the electromagnet will oppose in some parts of the magnetic circuit, but in other parts of the circuit they will flow in the same general direction. In the particular example cited, the fluxes will oppose on the left hand side of the upper pole piece and in consequence the lines of force will flow to the right hand pole piece and from that point on circulate through the core of the perma- nent magnet, as shown by the long arrows. The effect of this will be to attract the armature A to the left hand side of the lower pole piece and to the right hand side of the upper pole piece and the mica diaphragm will then be deflected up- ward. If current is passed through the winding in the opposite direction, the actions just Fig. 196 Diagram Showing the Principle of Microphonic Relay. described will be re- versed and the dia- phragm will be deflected in the opposite direction. The entire action is thus seen to be much similar to a polarized relay. The sensitivity of this telephone can be accounted for first, by the fact that the magnetic circuit is one of low reluctance; second, the armature of the magnet is under no strain until current passes through the receiver winding, hence a greater deflection of the dia- phragm is obtained; third, the armature is acted upon at both ends and since the flux is produced differentially like that in a polarized relay, the deflection for a given magnetizing current is accordingly increased. 151. Microphonic Relays or Sound Intensifies. A microphonic relay has been developed for intensifying the currents flowing in the local circuit of a wire- less telegraph receiver, but owing to the difficulty experienced in maintaining the instrument in a permanent state of adjustment, it has not been commercially adopted. A working idea of the relay may be obtained from diagram, Fig. 196, wherein the tele- phones are removed from the local circuit of a given receiving set and the microphonic relay winding W substituted. Immediately in front of the magnet is placed a diaphragm which may be tuned mechanically to the spark frequency of the transmitter. The diaphragm carries the carbon button A; the second carbon button B is attached to an adjustable screw, the two buttons being placed in light contact with each other. A local battery of 1^ to 6 volts is joined in series with the microphonic contact 170 PRACTICAL WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. Fig. 197a Brown Amplification Relay for Increasing Radio Signals. and the circuit continues through the head telephones P-l. During the reception of radio signals the vibration of the diaphragm P causes greater vibration of the diaphragm of the head telephone P-2 due to the larger value of current flowing through the local circuit than through the circuit of B-l. If a number of these relays are connected in cascade, the signals will be increased from 20 to 30 times their original strength. Extremely careful adjustment of the microphonic contacts is required for the best response. 152. Brown Amplifying Relay. A particularly successful microphonic relay has been developed by S. G. Brown. This relay has been employed by the Marconi Company for trans- oceanic communication in connection with carborundum crystals with good results. The approximate mechanical construc- tion and the electrical circuit of one type is shown in Fig. 197a, where the soft iron cores K, K, are magnetized by a perma- nent magnet with the poles N and S. A fine wire winding W-l encircles the upper end of the core and a larger magnet wind- ing W-2 the lower end. Directly above the core of W-l is a steel vibrating tongue R carrying the contact D, which touches lightly contact C, the latter being adjust- able by a screw. The contact mounted on the screw adjustment is made of a special osmium-iridium alloy and the other contact is a button of carbon which, when pressed lightly against the upper point constitutes a microphone. Winding W-2, telephone P, dry cell battery B, are all connected in series with the microphonic contact. The current to be amplified enters winding W-l at A and C and the resulting change of flux in the core of the magnet moves the vibrating tongue R, which, in turn, varies the current of B, causing sounds in the head telephone. The amplitude of the vibration of R is increased by the current of battery B cir- culating through the winding W-2. In other words, the fluctuating microphone current is repeated back to the magnet through winding W-2 and the vibrations of R magnified accordingly. If three or four of these relays be connected in cascade considerable ampli- fication of the incoming signal will be ob- tained. For the cascade connection, the telephones are removed from the local cir- cuit of the first relay and another winding of the second relay like that of W-l con- nected in its place, and so on throughout the series. A small milliameter M is connected in series with the telephone and when the current flow is 8 to 12 milliamperes, the relay is in the most sensitive adjustment. A Brown relay of another type is shown in Fig. 197b, where M is a microphone chamber filled with carbon granules, the pressure on which can be carefully regulated by means of an adjusting screw. The vibrating tongue R is acted upon by the flux of the poles A, B, and the corresponding fluctuations of the battery B-2 not only circulate through the wind- ings W-2 and thereby amplify the vibrations of R, but these currents also pass through a step-up transformer, having the primary winding P and the secondary winding S. The current induced in S flows to the condenser C (of about 2 microfarads capacity) and through the head telephones. The battery B-2 is one of about 6 volts pressure. Fig. 197b Supersensitive Brown Amplification Relay. RECEIVING CIRCUITS, DETECTORS, TUNING APPARATUS. 171 Like the first type described, several of these relays may be connected in cascade for progressive amplification of the incoming radio signals. 153. Atmospheric Electricity. When the aerial wire of a radio station is suspended above the earth, it not only absorbs a certain amount of energy from passing electric waves, but it will be set into oscillation by irregular discharges of so-called atmospheric electricity which is termed throughout the United States "static" and in foreign countries "at- mospherics" or "strays" During the spring, summer and autumn in the northern zones of the United States the potential of the air seems to be higher than that of the earth and in consequence a discharge takes place through the aerial conductors to earth at irregular intervals. This induced current causes a crackling, irregular sound of more or less intensity in the telephones of the receiving set which may interfere to a marked extent with the reception of radio signals. Widely varying theories exist as to the probable origin of static discharges, but a considerable amount of this interference is quite likely set up by nearby or far distant electric storms. Just as the transmitter of Fig. 1 9 7c Details Brown Relay. a radio station sets up electrical oscilla- tions of more or less damping, in the re- ceiver aerial, so also the discharge of lightning between two oppositely charged clouds or between the clouds and the earth sets up a highly damped electric wave which will set practically any receiving aerial into vibration at whatever frequency it happens to be adjusted. Static electricity is especially prevalent in tropical countries and in the northern zones of the United States during the summer months of the year, but during the night hours it is apt to be strong in the northern zones during the colder months of the year. To reduce the interference of static the transmitting apparatus is designed to produce a spark note of high pitch having a more or less musical tone. The dots and dashes can then be readily distinguished at the receiving station due to the difference in the pitches of the interfering static discharges and that of the spark at the transmitting station. Modern transmitters employing current of 500 cycles produce a musical spark permitting communication to be carried on under conditions when it would not be possible with a spark note of irregular pitch such as is obtained with irregularly acting spark gaps. When the receiving apparatus is connected to very large aerials, severe static discharges are obtained day or night throughout the year and in order to carry on communication through this interference, a transmitter of very great power that will permit the signals to be heard above the static discharges is employed. Various local appliances have been devised to overcome the interference of static, but none have been so far highly successful. Balancing circuits have been devised by the Marconi Company with which they -have achieved good results (described in following paragraph). With ordinary receiving apparatus, the operator, at any given radio station, may partially reduce static interference by employing the least possible degree of coupling be- tween the primary and secondary windings of the receiving tuner, the respective windings being mechanically drawn apart to a distance consistent with the strength of signals in the head telephones. Occasionally static interference can be minimized! by throwing the primary and secondary circuits out of resonance or in case a carborundum rectifier is employed as the detector, by the application of an abnormal local E. M. F. With sensitive receiving apparatus, such as the repeating three-element oscilla- 172 PRACTICAL WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. Fig. 198 Circuits of Marconi's Balanced Crystal Receiver. (English Marconi Company.) tion valve or the step-up valve amplifier, the static signals are enormously amplified and the good effects of these receivers are aften thus offset. Hence when atmospheric electricity is especially severe, radio traffic may be more readily dispatched from station to station by means of a less sensitive receiving detector, such as the carborundum rectifier or by the Marconi magnetic detector. An interesting aspect of the static interference is the fact that it does not persist at certain months of the year in certain localities, being strong for a period of several days and then sometimes disappearing for a space of a week or more. This may be fol- lowed by a period of several days, during which the interference from this source is exceptionally strong, but, as stated previously, the high pitched note of modern transmitters to a large extent overcomes the difficulty. 154. The Marconi Balanced Crystal Receiver (English Marconi Company). No apparatus or circuit has so far been devised to completely eliminate the in- terference of static discharges. However, communication can be effected by the circuits of the Marconi balanced crystal receiver when with ordinary circuits it would not be possible. In fact, the balanced crystal tuner often reduces the inter- ference from this source to a marked degree. The complete circuits of the balanced crystal receiver are shown in the diagram, Fig. 198, where the secondary winding of the receiving tuner is represented by the coil L-l, the secondary condenser at C-l, the opposed crystals at D-l and D-2, the potentiometers at P-l and P-2, the bat- tery at B and the tele- phones at P. 20- To carry out the fun- damental principle of this receiver, crystals D-l and D-2 must have like volt-ampere characteris- tics, and, accordingly, I4 _j CURRENT OF B" OPPOSES CURRENT OF "A," crystals are specially se- lected for the purpose. Briefly, the action of this circuit can be de- scribed as follows: If crystals D-l and D-2 are adjusted to the same degree of sensitiveness, their currents will act equally and oppositely upon the telephone P, and no signals will result. If, however, D-2, let us say, is adjusted to a high degree of sensitiveness and D-l to a lesser de- gree, signals will be re- ceived. 12- A- CHANGE OF CURRENT IN 0-2 FOR NORMAL CHANGE OF CURRENT IN 0-1 FOR NORMAL SIG.NAI VOLTS Fig. 199 Curve Showing Principle of Balanced Crystal Receiver. Under these conditions, if an extra severe discharge of static excites the aerial circuit, almost equal effects are produced in the head telephone P by both crystals, and the crashing sounds ordinarily experienced are partially eliminated. RECEIVING CIRCUITS, DETECTORS, TUNING APPARATUS. 173 The real effect of the balanced crystal receiver is to limit the sound produced in the head telephones, advantage being taken of the peculiarities of the volt-ampere characteristic curve. This can best be explained by the curve, Fig. 199, where the point X represents the adjust- ment of the potentiome- ter P-2 for the crystal D-2, that is, it is the point where the addition of a slight antenna E. M. F. will cause the cur- rent in the head tele- phone circuit to increase to the point Y. On the other hand), point X 1 (lower down on the curve) is the adjust- ment corresponding to the crystal D-l, where it will be seen that the same value of antenna voltage which will cause a large increase of cur- rent in detector D-2 will cause but a small in- Fig. 200a Plan of Type I Aerial Changeover Switch. (Amn. Marconi Co.) crease of the current through the local circuit of detector D-l. The current corresponding to D-l, is shown at Y 1 on the curve (which is really a negative current). Hence the current of crystal D-2 predominates, and although signals will be received from any given station, they will not equal in strength the signal to be obtained by the use of one crystal. If an extra severe discharge of static strikes the receiving aerial, due to its extraordinary intensity, the current in the local circuit of detector D-l reaches approximately the same maxi- mum as in D-2, or, in CONNECTOR TO OSCILLATION TRANSFORMER AND AERIAL CIRCUIT TO TRANSFORMER / PRIMARY CLOSED HERE other words, the current I increases to approxi-j mately point Y on the curve, but the current of D-l opposes that of D-2, and hence both detectors act almost equally and oppositely on the receiv- ing telephone, and the crash of the static dis- charge will be largely annulled. The intensity of strong radio signals will be reduced in the same manner. The adjustment for ob- taining the best operat- ing characteristic of this combination is readily obtained by a skilled op- erator. First, the sensi- tive spots on crystals D-l Fi g . ZOOb-Elevation of Typo I Aerial Changeover Switch. fowed ^^orrespotdbg variation of the sliding contacts of the potentiometers P-l and P-2. 155. Type I Aerial Changeover Switch. A plan view and side elevation of this switch appear in Figs. 200-a and 200-b, respectively. Several steel discs, B, which make connection with the spring contacts C on either side of the rod, are mounted on a hard rubber rod R. When the handle A is thrown downward a long 174 PRACTICAL WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. RECEIVER TYPE N 106 BATTERY BOX steel bar F closes the circuit to the primary winding of the power transformer through the contacts 11 and 12. In the opposite position the bar separates the spring contacts M, M 1 200-a, which disconnects the transmitting oscillation trans- former from the aerial during the pe- riod of reception, preventing the in- coming oscillations leaking to earth. The various circuits closed by the discs mounted on the hard rubber rod place the detector and head telephone on short circuit during the period of transmission. They may also be em- ployed to start and stop a motor blower or an automatic motor starter. The type I switch is supplied with Marconi transmitting sets up to 5 K. W. ca- pacity. For the use of operators in the Marconi service, the circuit diagrams, Figs. 201, 202 and 203, are published, showing the con- nections in Fig. 201 of the type I antenna switch to the external binding posts of the type 106 receiving tuner, and in Fig. 202 the connections of the type S, H, aerial changeover switch to the external binding posts of the type 106 tuner. The diagram, i ^ Fig. 203, shows the connections of the type | f I antenna switch to the external binding AMTCMHA SWITCH posts of the type 107-a receiving tuner. I'' '*] TYPCHM l n t he diagram, Fig. 201, binding posts | \*_"/ | 2, 4 and 5 of the type I antenna switch short circuit the crystal detector and the head telephones during transmission. Bind- ing post No. 1 connects to aerial binding post No. 1 of the type 106 tuner. Contacts 11 and 12 close the circuit to the primary winding of the transformer. The binding posts 6, 7, 8 and 9 of the type 106 tuner are connected to the four binding posts of the battery box as shown. In the diagram, Fig. 202, posts 1, 2, 4 and 5 of the type S. H. antenna switch lead to contacts which place the head telephone and detector of the type 106 tuner on short circuit. Binding posts 11 and 12 close the circuit to the primary winding of the transformer. In the diagram, Fig. 203, posts 2, 4 and 5 of the type I switch lead to contacts which short circuit the receiving detector and the receiving telephones. These diagrams should be care- fully studied and in event that the wiring is taken down, the connections shown should be carefully duplicated. 156. Type 112 Receiving Tuner. This receiving tuner was pri- marily designed for use with the special % K. W. cargo type transmit- ter developed by the Marconi Com- pany and fundamentally is similar to the type 101 and type 106 tuner, but the construction is considerably simpli- fied. A front view is shown in Fig. 203-a and a side view in Fig. 203-b. As will be seen in the wiring diagram, Fig. 203-c, the circuits are similar to those shown in Fig. 153-b, the potentiometer, battery and head phones being shunted TO KEY TO CHARGING PANEL Fig. 202 Type S H Switch Connected to Type 106 Receiving Tuner. Fig. 201 Type I Switch Connected to Type 106 Receiving Tuner. RECEIVING CIRCUITS, DETECTORS, TUNING APPARATUS. 175 around the fixed condenser. A buzzer test circuit is placed in inductive relation to the earth lead and the buzzer is thrown into operation by means of a small push button mounted on the front of the panel. The receiving transformer is of the inductively coupled type consisting of a two-layer primary and a two-layer secondary winding, the inductance of the primary winding being regulated by a "tens" switch and a "units" switch. The "unit" switch cuts in ten single turns in the primary winding and the "tens" switch ten -turns at a time The inductance of the secondary winding is altered by a simple multi-point switch. The secondary shunt condenser consists of two concentric brass tubes, which are telescoped by a small knob in the slot on the top of the panel. 2 CELLS DRY 6ATTERY TO CHARGING PANEL * ' ' * T KEyf Fig. 203 Type I Switch Connected to Type 107a Receiving Tuner. The coupling between the primary and secondary windings is altered by a knob sliding in the lower slot to the front of the panel. When the knob is placed to the extreme left the coupling is maximum, lesser degrees being obtained by moving this knob in the opposite direction. The series antenna condenser is thrown in the aerial circuit by means of the switch marked "condenser-in-out." This condenser is of fixed value, the necessary adjustment for resonance being obtained at the primary inductance. The type 112 tuner is fitted with a carborundum detector, the latter being mounted immediately to the front of the panel. The local battery current for the crystal is turned on and off at the switch marked "battery-on-off." This switch should always be in the 'off" position when the receiver is not in use. 176 PRACTICAL WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. A sensitive spot is found on the crystal by pressing the push button and "feeling about" on the crystal with the pointed contact until the loudest response is obtained, simultaneous adjustment being made of the potentiometer. The receiving transformer is adjusted to the incoming signal as follows: (1) Adjust detector by buzzer tester. (2) Place the coupling knob as far to the left as possible. (3) Vary inductance of the primary and secondary windings progressively until the desired station is heard. (4) When signals are heard decrease the coupling slightly. (5) Then retune primary and secondary circuits, using slight values of capacity at the secondary condenser. (6) Then slightly vary the coupling until loud signals are obtained or until an interfering signal is eliminated. DETECTOR &UZ2EH TESTER v V * /^ m * POTENTIOMETER Fig. 203a Front View of the Marconi Type 112 Receiving Tuner (The American Marconi Company). 156a. General Advice for the Manipulation of a Receiving Tuner. While learning to manipulate a receiving tuner of any type, the student should first study a complete fundamental wiring diagram of the set and note the corre- sponding parts on the actual equipment. He should observe particularly the direction in which the inductance, changing switches and the variable condenser control knobs are moved for an increase of their values. It should always be borne in mind that any increase or decrease of wave length adjustment in the antenna circuit should be followed by a similar increase or decrease in the secondary circuit. Also a change of coupling slightly influences the effective self-inductance of the primary and secondary windings, and therefore if the inductance of either winding is adjusted for a given wave length, and after- ward the coupling decreased to minimize interference, a new value of inductance must be selected at the primary and secondary coils; or, if the period of these circuits is varied by means of variable condensers, a slight change in capacitance should be made. RECEIVING CIRCUITS, DETECTORS, TUNING APPARATUS. 177 (a) It should be remembered in adjusting a station for the first time that the adjust- ments of any given tuner will vary with different aerials. If the tuner is also strange to the operator, the best method to pursue is to tune first to the standard 600 meter wave, using a rather large amount of inductance and relying upon the series condenser to vary the antenna wave length to pick up signals, thereafter reducing the inductance and eliminating the short wave condenser until the maximum strength of signals is obtained. (b) If a call is expected from one of several wireless stations not accurately tuned to the same wave length, close coupling should be employed between the primary and secondary windings and the shunt secondary condenser set at zero, but after communi- cation is established, lesser values of coupling should be employed to prevent interference. (See Section H appendix.) SECONDARY CQNDtHSER 5ECOHDA1W COIL Fig. 203b Rear View of Marconi Type 112 Receiving Tuner (The American Marconi Company). (c) Due to the fact that the wave length of the average ship's aerial lies between 300 and 600 meters, only a few turns of inductance are required to adjust the antenna system to the wave length of 600 meters. On the other hand, the short wave variable condenser must invariably be employed to obtain the 300 meter wave with a ship's aerial. (d) If the tuner is fitted with a primary shunt condenser, increased selectivity may "be obtained by proper selection ofi capacity values, but generally with decreased strength of signals. (e) Severe discharges of atmospheric electricity may temporarily or permanently destroy the sensitiveness of a receiving detector, hence frequent readjustment is neces- sary during an operating schedule. These remarks, however, do not apply to a highly exhausted three-element vacuum valve, the magnetic detector, the Fleming oscillation valve, or others which possess a marked degree of stability. (f) Frequent use of the test buzzer will indicate whether or not the crystal detector is in adjustment. It has been observed that the adjustment of the crystal detector giving good response to a buzzer is not necessarily the most sensitive adjustment for a far distant station, and similarly with most types of receiving detectors, the adjust- 178 PRACTICAL WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. ment giving maximum response to nearby stations, is not the most sensitive adjust- ment for a far distant transmitting station. (g) Not all carborundum crystals possess equal degrees of sensitiveness; conse- quently those giving maximum response to far distant stations should be used. (h) The maximum degree of selectivity is obtained in receiving circuits of radio- frequency when the loosest coupling which will give a readable signal is employed and when inductance is used to tune the aerial circuit and some capacity is used in shunt to the secondary coil. WIRES 1,1,4,5 CONNECT TO TYPE I AERIAL SWITCH Fig. 203c Complete Wiring Diagram of the Type 112 Receiving Tuner (The American Mar- coni Company). (i) The diaphragms of receiving telephones should frequently be removed and carefully wiped to prevent the formation of rust. Bent diaphragms should be imme- diately replaced by new ones. The diaphragm should not touch the surface of tho magnet. (j) If in doubt concerning the continuity of the circuits of a receiving tuner, a testing circuit comprising a dry cell battery and a head telephone connected in series should be applied to the primary and secondary coils to ascertain if the circuit is in conductive condition. PART X. AUXILIARY APPARATUS OR EMERGENCY TRANSMITTERS. 157. STATUTE REQUIREMENTS. 158. TUNED COIL SET. 159. THE ELECTRIC STORAGE BATTERY COMPANY'S ACCUMULATORS AND CHARGING PANEL. 157. Statute Requirements. The United States Statute (Act of August 13, 1912), requires that all vessels carrying radio equipment be fitted with an emer- gency transmitter which can be operated independently of the ship's generator. This sender must have a daylight transmission range of at least 100 miles, and must be capable of functioning continuously for a period of four hours. If an independent emergency transmitter is not supplied, a source of auxiliary power of sufficient capacity to operate the motor generator independently of the ship's generator must be available. The regulations of the International Radio Tele- graphic Convention require the emergency apparatus to be capable of functioning for at least six hours, and to have a minimum range of 80 nautical miles in case of a ship having constant radio service, and 50 miles where the ship's station has a service of limited duration. Certain vessels of the American Marconi Service are fitted with a 60 cell stor- age battery of capacity varying from 60 to 224 ampere hours. The batteries of lower capacity simply furnish current for the operation of the motor generator, but those of higher capacity are employed to operate a few emergency lights as well. The 60 cell battery generally the property of the Steamship Company is under the direct supervision of the Chief Engineer, but the operators of the Marconi Com- pany must have sufficient knowledge of the circuits and the manipulation of the charging panel to keep the batteries in a fully charged condition. If for any reason, a 60 cell battery is not supplied, an emergency transmitter developed by the Marconi Company is employed. This sender consists of a 10- inch induction coil operated by a 30-volt storage battery, the induction coil being employed to excite the condenser of the power set in place of the usual high voltage transformer. The auxiliary transmitter, originally planned by the Marconi Company, is shown in Fig. 204, where the spark gap of a 10-inch induction coil is connected directly in series with the aerial system, the primary winding being energized by a storage battery of 24 to 30 volts. Provision was made on some ships whereby these coils could be operated either directly from 110 volts D. C., with a special rheostat connected in series or from the storage battery. The apparatus shown in the circuit of Fig. 204 has been termed the "plain aerial set" because the spark gap is connected directly in series with the antenna circuit. The use of the plain aerial transmitter is not allowed by the United States regulations except in case of emergency, because when no extra inductance is inserted at the base of the antenna system, a highly damped wave^ is radiated which will interfere with the dispatch of traffic between other stations. 180 PRACTICAL WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. 158. Tuned Coil Set. When the induction coil is employed to excite the closed circuit condenser as in Fig. 205, it is called the "tuned coil set." The great advantage of this connection lies in the fact that the antenna oscillations will be damped out less rapidly than with the "plain aerial" connection, and the radiated wave will cause less interference to the operation of other stations. A description of the circuits follows : The apparatus of the power set is represented by the alternator armature A, C, the primary winding of the closed core transformer P, the circuit including the wattmeter W. The secondary circuit comprises the secondary winding of the transformer S, the high potential condenser C-l, spark gap G and the primary winding of the oscillation transformer P-l. The aerial circuit is represented by the secondary winding S-l, the short wave condenser C-2 and the aerial tuning inductance S-2. The circuit of the emergency induction coil extends from the D. C. switch at the left of the drawing, though the underload circuit breaker B, through the regulating resistance R, to a 24-30-volt storage battery shunted by a small voltmeter V. The charging resistance R is proportioned to pass from 6 to 7 amperes through the storage battery during the charging process. The function of the underload circuit breaker has been described in Part V, and it is sufficient to say here that it automatically opens the circuit in case the voltage of the generator falls below that of the storage battery. E4YOLT STORAGE BATTERY & V. 6V. Fig. 204 "Plain Aerial" Emergency Transmitter. (a) Adjustment and Tuning of the Set. To place the storage battery on charge, the D. C. switch is closed and the plunger U of the underload circuit breaker pushed upward by hand, the charging circuit thereby being closed through the contact points E, E. The circuit from the battery to the induction coil may be traced through the telegraph key, through the primary winding of the induction coil P-3, and thence through the interrupter I, the vibrator condenser being represented at K. In order that a uniform spark discharge may be obtained, careful adjustment must be made of the stationary contact of the interrupter I until a discharge free from arcing is secured, but generally at its best the pitch of the note produced by these coils will be rather low. In case of accident to the power apparatus, such as the burning out of the motor generator or the high potential transformer, the emergency transmitter is put into action in the follow- ing manner: The switch H-2 is placed in the downward position. This connects the tele- graph key in series with the primary winding of the induction coil. Next the plug contact AUXILIARY APPARATUS OR EMERGENCY TRANSMITTERS. 181 R-4 is removed from the connector R-l and plugged into R-3, thereby connecting the secon- dary winding of the induction coil to the condenser C-l. (A single blade double-throw high voltage switch is often used instead of the flexible plug connector.) After these connections have been made, the telegraph key is pressed and the vibrator of the induction coil adjusted simultaneously until uniform interruptions are secured. Generally with this connection, it becomes necessary to reduce the length of the spark gap G, and in case a quenched spark gap is employed, to use no more than two or three plates. If a rotary gap is included in the power transmitter, it must be stopped with the spark electrodes in such position as will afford a dis- charge gap of the correct length for the coil. Since the closed and open oscillation circuits of the transmitter are already adjusted to resonance, the complete process of tuning need not be gone over again, with the exception that the coupling between the primary winding P-l and the secondary winding S-l may have to be increased. The ammeter connected in the antenna circuit of this set should read from 2 to 3 amperes, depending upon the electrical dimensions of the circuits of radio-frequency, or, in other words, the type of set. The range of transmission varies from 125 to 225 miles in daylight. AUXILIARY TRANSMITTER CIRCUIT Fig. 205 Tuned Coil Emergency Transmitter. The coil transmitters are generally supplied with the portable chloride type D-5 accumulator of the Electric Storage Battery Company, but later installations are equipped with another type known as the 5 K. X. portable accumulator, either battery being of 60 ampere hours capacity. The general instructions given for the chloride battery in Part V, apply to the batteries of these sets, and should be carefully observed. It will be noted from the diagram of Fig. 205 that the battery can be placed on charge with the induc- tion coil in operation. As a safety measure, to prevent the meter being burned out by electrostatic induction from the transmitter, the voltmeter circuit contains a small strap key, which must be closed to take a reading of the voltage of the cells. 159. The Electric Storage Battery Company's Accumulators and Charging Panel. The type and rating of the Exide cells furnished by the Electric 182 PRACTICAL WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. Storage Battery Company for auxiliary power is shown in the following table : TYPE 60 cell 7 PV 60 cell 11 NV 60 cell 13 MV 60 cell 17 MV RATING 72 ampere hours; 140 168 224 Type 7 PV battery is employed in connection with the y 2 -kilowatt panel trans- mitting set, type P-5 of the Marconi Company. The other types are for opera- tion of the 2-kilowatt, 500-cycle motor generators furnished with Marconi type P-4 set and also for auxiliary light aboard {he vessel. A photograph of the E. S. B. Co.'s charging panel is shown in Fig. 206, and a fundamental diagram of the connections from the board to the batteries and motor generator in Fig. 207. The latter diagram includes the complete connec- tions of the Marconi 2-K. W. 500-cycle Crocker-Wheeler type of motor generator, and the automatic starter. Fig. 208 shows a rear view of the wiring of the panel. Fig. 205a Charging Panel Used with Marconi Tuned Coil Sets. In the diagram of connections, Fig. 207, the connections for the voltmeter and the double-pole double-throw switch and other switches for auxiliary lighting service are purposely left out to simplify the drawing, but a detail of the volt- meter connection appears in Fig. 208. Returning to the diagram of Fig. 207: All apparatus concerned in the charge and dis- charge of the batteries appear to the left of the drawing, and the circuits of the automatic starter to the right, including the wiring of the motor generator. A six-pole double-throw switch, with knife-blades, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, when thrown up in the drawing or to the left on the actual charging panel, places battery units A and B on charge, but in the opposite position, on discharge, the circuits from the battery continuing through the blades 5 and 6 to the auto- matic starter and motor generator. The resistance coils R-l, R-2 and R-3 are connected in the charging circuit of battery A, through the knife blades 1 and 2 and coils R-4, R-5 and R-6, through the blades 3 and 4 to battery B. The overload circuit breaker K is connected in series with the common charging lead of battery units A and B. The winding of the no-voltage release magnet for this breaker indicated at N has the series protective resistance R-l. Contacts C-l and C-2 mounted on AUXILIARY APPARATUS OR EMERGENCY TRANSMITTERS. 183 LEAK LAMP VOLTMETER SWITCH AMPERE HOUR METER POLARITY REVERSING SWITCH CHARGING POSITION UGHT5 FROM GENERATOR UNDERLOAD AMD ~ EfUQAD bKEAKER OLTMETER _JISCHARGE SIDE OF SWITCH LIGHTS FKOM "BATTERY Fig. 206 Standard Charging Panel Supplied by the Electric Storage Battery Company for Marine Use. 184 PRACTICAL WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. AUXILIARY APPARATUS OR EMERGENCY TRANSMITTERS. 185 the circuit breaker open the circuit of the no-voltage release magnet when the breaker trips. It should be thoroughly understood that this breaker will open the charging circuit in case of an overload during the charging period, or in case the voltage of the generator falls below the voltage of the battery. The breaker will also open when the pointer on the ampere-hour meter touches the contact point at the zero position (during the charging process). CHARGING RESISTANCES FOR BATTERY W CHARGING RESISTAHCES FOR. BXTTERY fig. 208 Rear View Actual Wiring Diagram of Electric Storage Battery Company's Charging Panel. P-l and P-2 are 25-watt incandescent lamps which are shunted around the circuit breaker and the resistance units. Through these, a small value of charging current con- stantly flows through the cells, compensating for local losses, such as may be caused by local action or a slight surface leakage of the cell. 186 PRACTICAL WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. An important part of this apparatus is the double pole double throw reversing switch placed in the upper left-hand corner of the drawing. Should the connections from the ship's generator to the switchboard be reversed, say, during repair or rewiring, the correct polarity can always be obtained by plugging in the voltmeter connection to the power line, followed by closing this switch. If the pointer of the meter moves in the proper direction or across the scale, the polarity of the charging mains is correct. If the pointer moves in the wrong direction, the double-pole switch must be thrown in the opposite direction. Pro- tective fuses are inserted in the battery charge and discharge circuits to open the circuit in case of overload. The general operating instructions for the Exide cells given in Part V should have careful attention. The operator should aim to keep the batteries in a fully charged condition at all times, or confining the remarks to daily practice, the pointer of the amperehour meter should always be near to the zero position and if after use of the battery the pointer indicates that a given quantity of current has been taken out, it should be placed immediately on charge and allowed to remain so until the pointer returns to the zero position of the scale of the ampere- hour meter. One part of this circuit may require explanation. It will be observed that the ampere- hour meter is merely connected in series with one of the battery units (Battery A) when on charge. The neces- sity for this connection will be evident from the following explanation : If the meter were con- nected in series with both battery units, the pointer of the ampere- hour meter would travel across the scale at dou- ble the rate of the actual charging current flowing to each battery unit for the reason that the bat- teries are connected in parallel. As an exam- ple, if the amperehour meter were connected in series with both battery groups on charge and further that a quantity equal to ten ampere hours of current passed from the generator to the battery, each set of cells actually would re- DISCHARGE MAINS 60 CELLS IN SERIES vFUSE BATTERY UNIT "A" r > ( 3 } Tl < ACROSS SHIPS GENERATOR > 1 ^ t _^ J ' > 7 \ > 4 5 > 1 6 BATTERY UNIT "B" Fig. DETAIL VOLTMETER" CONNECTION E.S.B.Co. CHARGING PANEL 209 Detail Voltmeter Connection, Electric Storage Battery Com- pany's Charging Panel. ceive but five amperehours of the charging current, or, in other words, the meter would indicate a value actually double the charging current supplied to each group of cells. Hence the amperehour meter is simply connected in series with one unit on charge, but in series with both units on discharge, the assumption being made that the two battery units are in identical states of charge. Any dissimilarity in the two groups of cells can easily be de- termined by the readings of the voltmeter during load and proper correction made therefor. In actual commercial practice, no difficulty is found in keeping both battery units in the same state of charge from month to month. A detailed diagram of the voltmeter plug switch is shown in Fig. 209. It will be noted that a small push button key, connected in series with the voltmeter, must be closed in order to take the reading. A small resistance or multiplier is connected in series as the drawing indicates. Plugs 1 and 2 connect to the terminals of the 60-cell battery with "all cells connected in AUXILIARY APPARATUS OR EMERGENCY TRANSMITTERS. 187 series. Plugs 3 and 4 connect across the terminals of battery unit A. Plugs 5 and 6 con- nect to the mains from the ship's generator. Plugs 7 and 8 connect to the terminals of battery unit B. Although the circuits of the motor generator and automatic starter indicated in Fig. 207 have been gone over in the chapter on motor generators, the notations in Fig. 207 for the same circuits will now be explained. S-l is the motor starting switch which may be closed by auxiliary contacts on the aerial changeover switch or by a small push button switch near to the transmitting key of the operator. R-3 is the fixed resistance in series with the automatic starter winding W-l, which is thrown in the circuit when the starter is in the full running position, that is to say, it is connected in by the upward movement of the plunger. Resistance R-2 is connected in series with the relay winding W-2 to prevent an excessive flow of current. Relay wind- ing W-3 is connected in series with the motor armature and in case of an overload, auto- matically opens the solenoid winding W-l through the contacts 'C-5 and C-6. R-4 is the electrodynamic brake resistance thrown in shunt to the armature when, the plunger of the automatic starter drops downward. F-l is the shunt field of the motor, the regulating rheostat R-5 being connected in series. F-2 is the generator field winding with the regulating rheostat R-6 connected in series. This circuit is closed by the automatic starter at point 5, or, in other words, current does not flow through the generator field winding tmtil the motor has attained normal speed. It is believed that with the information supplied in this and Chapter 5 at hand, commercial operators will fully understand the circuits of emergency battery panels and transmitters and will be enabled to handle them successfully in commercial working. Vessels fitted with radio apparatus by affiliated Marconi companies may have storage cells and charging panels which differ in mechanical construction, but fundamentally they operate along the same general principles. Specific instruc- tions for each type of cell or panel are, of course, furnished to marine radio installations by the manufacturer. Operators of the Marconi Service should observe carefully the following rules: (1) Keep battery plates covered with pure water at all times. (2) Keep the batteries fully charged. (3) Do not place battery on charge when ship's generator is not running. (4) Watch the polarity of the charging line and throw reverse switch on charging panels accordingly. (5) Examine the connections between all battery cells frequently. In reply to the query of the United States Government operators' license examination for a diagram of an auxiliary transmitting set, the student should show the circuits of the charging panel of a 60 cell storage battery unit, since the diagram of the tuned coil emer- gency transmitter will not be accepted by the U. S. examiners. The diagram, therefore, of Figure 207 to which should be added the voltmeter connec- tions of Figure 209 will be entirely satisfactory. The student should bear in mind that Figure 207 includes the circuits of the Marconi 2 K. W. 500 cycle motor generator and automatic motor starter as well as the fundamental connections of the charging panel. PART XL PRACTICAL RADIO MEASUREMENTS. MEASUREMENT OF WAVE LENGTH DECREMENT CALIBRA- TION TRANSMITTING AND RECEIVING APPARATUS. 160. THE IMPORTANCE OF ELECTRICAL RESONANCE. 161. INDI- CATORS OF RESONANCE. 162. USES OF THE WAVEMETER. 163. SIMPLE USE OF THE WAVEMETER. 164. GENERAL INSTRUC- TIONS FOR TUNING A RADIO TRANSMITTER. 165. TUNING BY THE HOT WIRE AMMETER. 16,6. TUNING THE 2 K. W. 500 CYCLE PANEL TRANSMITTER. 167. DETERMINATION OF COUP- LING. 168. PLOTTING OF RESONANCE CURVES. 169. MEASURE- MENT OF THE LOGARITHMIC DECREMENT OF DAMPING. 170. CALCULATION OF THE DECREMENT OF THE WAVEMETER (OR DECREMETER). 171. WAVEMETER AS A SOURCE OF HIGH FRE- QUENCY OSCILLATIONS. 172. CALIBRATION OF THE SECONDARY AND PRIMARY CIRCUITS OF A RECEIVING TUNER. 173. CALIBRA- TION OF THE OPEN AND CLOSED CIRCUITS SIMULTANEOUSLY. 174. MEASUREMENT OF THE NATURAL OSCILLATING PERIOD OF A COIL. 175. MEASUREMENT OF ELECTROSTATIC CAPACITY. 176. MEASUREMENT OF THE EFFECTIVE INDUCTANCE OF A COIL AT RADIO FREQUENCIES. 177. CALCULATION OF INDUCTANCE FROM THE CONSTANTS OF THE COIL. 178. MEASUREMENT OF THE EFFECTIVE INDUCTANCE AND CAPACITY OF AN AERIAL. 179. CALIBRATION OF A WAVEMETER FROM A STANDARD. 180. MEASUREMENT OF MUTUAL INDUCTANCE AT RADIO FRE- QUENCIES. 181. COMPARATIVE MEASUREMENT OF THE STRENGTH OF INCOMING SIGNALS. 182. "TIGHT" AND "LOOSE" COUPLING. 183. MEASUREMENT OF HIGH VOLTAGES. 184. TUNING AND AD- JUSTMENT RECORD. 160. The Importance of Electrical Resonance. It is essential that the open and closed oscillation circuits of both the radio-transmitter and receiver be substantially adjusted to the same natural frequency of oscillation. To place cir- cuits of radio-frequency in resonance or to adjust them to any desired frequency of oscillation, standard resonating circuits known as wave meters are employed. In a previous chapter we have explained that a hot wire ammeter may be employed for determining conditions of electrical resonance in two coupled circuits, but there is a disadvantage in this method of tuning, for unless the inductance and capacity of each circuit are known, the resulting frequency of wave length corre- sponding thereto, cannot be determined ; hence the utility of the wave meter. A circuit like that shown in Fig. 210a, consisting of a radio-frequency inductance L and a variable condenser C constitutes an oscillating circuit of variable frequency, the actual value for any particular setting of the variable condenser being determined by the equation : 5,033,000 V LC PRACTICAL RADIO MEASUREMENTS. 189 where L and C are expressed in centimeters and microfarads respectively. Hence at each division of the condenser scale, we might mark the particular frequency at which the circuit oscillates when set into excitation. But since a given frequency of oscillation corresponds to a wave of definite length (if the oscillator were radiative), we can calibrate the scale of the instrument directly in wave lengths rather than in oscillation frequencies. fe -k LAMP Fig. 210a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j Methods for Determining Resonance Between Wave- meter and Circuit Under Measurement. If either the inductance of the coil or the capacity of the condenser in the circuit, Fig. 210a, is variable, we may fit the variable element with a scale of wave lengths and the instru- ment will then be called a wavemeter. Now if the coil L is placed in inductive relation to any part of an active oscillation circuit, such as the closed or open circuit of a radio transmitter, radio-frequent oscillations will be induced in the circuits of the wavemeter when it is adjusted to the frequency of the gen- 190 PRACTICAL WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. WAVE METER crating circuit. Some indicator of maximum flow of current or maximum voltage must now be inserted in the circuit (of the wavemeter) in order that the exact point of resonance on the variable element may be located. 161. Indicators of Resonance. That the wavemeter is in resonance with the circuit under measurement, may be determined by one of several instru- In Fig. 210b a milliammeter M, range 0-200 milliamperes, is connected in series with the wavemeter for determining the adjustment of maximum current flow. In Fig. 210c, a small hot wire wattmeter W, range .01-0.1 watts, is connected to the secondary winding S, of a small step down transformer, the primary P being connected in series with the wavemeter. In Fig. 210d, a small glow lamp G (2 or 4 volt battery lamp), is connected in series with the wavemeter, the resonant adjustment being determined when the lamp glows brightest (with the wavemeter in a fixed position). In Fig. 210e, a thermo-couple A, B, is attached to a heating wire C, D, the latter being connected in series with the wavemeter. The terminals of the thermo-couple are connected to a sensitive milli-voltmeter which may be calibrated in milliamperes. In Fig. 210f, a rectifying detector D is connected in series with a galvanometer G, both being shunted across the condenser C. The currents of radio-frequency are converted by , the rectifier to direct current and the resonant adjustment is determined by the maximum deflection of the galvanometer. In Fig. 210g, an electrostatic telephone P is connected in series with the wavemeter, the telephone being an active part of the oscillation circuit. The telephone contains a winding of three or four turns placed underneath a copper diaphragm. The max- imum sound is obtained when the wave- meter is in resonance with a given oscilla- tion circuit, the copper diaphragm moving with the group frequency of the transmitter. In Fig. 210h, a tube N, filled with neon gas, has sealed-in terminals at either end. When shunted across the terminals of the wavemeter condenser, the tube glows bril- liantly at resonance. In Fig. 210i, a crystal rectifier D is connected in series with a 2,000 ohm telephone P, the final two terminals being shunted across the condenser C. The maximum of sound is obtained in the telephone at resonance. The connection of 210j is often preferred because the calibra- tion of the wavemeter is not affected by the presence of a shunt detecting circuit as in 210i. The uni-polar connection of the detector has the disadvantage that the wavemeter must be placed in closer inductive relation to the circuit under test than with the cornection of 210i. The inspectors of the American Marconi Company prefer either the hot wire wattmeter, or the crystal detector and head phones as indicators of resonance above all others. 162. Uses of the Wavemeter. The wavemeter may be employed: (1) To place two or more circuits of radio-frequency in resonance; (2) To measure the wave length of the closed or open oscillation circuits of a radio transmitter. (3) To determine the percentage of coupling between the closed and open cir- cuits of a transmitter; (4) To determine the decrement of damping; (5) To calibrate a receiving set (by means of an exciting buzzer) ; (6) To determine the wave length of a distant transmitting station at the receiving station. (7) To determine the purity of the wave emitted from the antenna. 163. Simple Use of the Wavemeter. A simple use of the wavemeter is shown in the diagram, Fig. 211, wherein the natural wave length of an aerial is to be measured. In the diagram, Fig. 21 1, S is the secondary winding of an indue- Fig. 211 Diagram for Measuring the Natural Wave Length of an Aerial. PRACTICAL RADIO MEASUREMENTS. 191 tion coil fitted with a vibrator, S-l a spark discharge gap of simple design con- nected in series with the aerial A-l. L is the inductance coil of the wavemeter; C the variable condenser; D a crystal rectifier, and P the head telephone. When the induction coil is set in opera- tion a spark discharge takes place at S-l, the aerial circuit being traversed by groups of oscillations at a frequency determined by the distributed values of inductance and capacity of the aerial, or, 1 4 V~TC and a corresponding wave motion is prop- agated through space. Now if the coil of the wavemeter L bears the correct inductive relation to the aerial wire, preferably placed near to the earth lead, oscillations of maximum ampli- tude will be induced in the wavemeter cir- cuits when the wavemeter and the aerial circuit are in exact resonance. With the spark discharging at S-l the capacity of the Fig. 212 Showing How an Aerial May Be Set Into Excitation by Buzzer. wavemeter condenser is varied until a clear distinct sound is heard in the head telephones at a definite setting (of the condenser). The wave length tabulated on the scale underneath the pointer is that of the circuit under test. Generally the resonant adjustment of the wavemeter is sharply defined, so that a slight change in capacity will cause the signals to disappear. During this measurement, the operator should take care to distinguish between the currents induced in the wave- meter by the oscillations flowing in the antenna circuit and those set up by electro- static induction from the induction coil. The sounds in the telephone due to the radio-frequent oscillations are heard $t a distinct setting of the wavemeter con- denser, but the sounds caused by simple transformer induction can usually be heard over the entire condenser scale. More ac- curate readings can be obtained by placing the coil of the wavemeter close to the earth lead of the transmitter although when measuring the fundamental wave length of the usual ships aerial, by use of a sensitive crystal rectifier, the wavemeter can be placed 200 or 300 feet from the aerial, pro- vided the inductance coil bears the correct inductive relation to the antenna. 164. General Instructions for Tuning a Radio-Transmitter. In order to tune a radio-transmitter to the international standard wave lengths, the following measurements must be taken : Fig. 213 -Another Method for exciting OscUlations in an Antenna by Buzzer. (1) The natural or fundamental wave length of the aerial; (2)tThc wave length of the closed oscillation circuit; (3) The wave length of the radiated wave. After the open and closed circuits have been coupled, we must determine : 192 PRACTICAL WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. Fig. 214 Buzzer Excitation Circuit Inductively Coupled to an Aerial. (1) Purity and sharpness of the radiated wave; (2) The decrement of damping. (a) Measurement of the Open Circuit. One method of setting the aerial into excitation and measuring the natural or fundamental wave length was shown in Fig. 211, but there are several alternative methods by which the antenna may be set into oscillation. In the method shown in the diagram, Fig. 212, a condenser C of one microfarad capacity is connected in series with the aerial and also across the vibrator of a buzzer B-l energized by the battery B-2. The counter E. M. F. of the buzzer windings places an electrostatic charge on the aerial which dis- charges at practically its natural frequency. The capacity of C being very large compared to that of the aerial, the wave length of the system is not appreciably altered. With the buzzer adjusted for clear tones, the wavemeter, fitted with a crystal rectifier, X^J p 1 $ ^ B ^~ is placed in inductive relation to the earth x*~*- /**^ \tB.d and the capacity of the wavemeter con- *T~ B * ((&)) (vSn denser varied until a maximum of sound is \SxxJp7 obtained in the telephone. I ) In the diagram, Fig. 213, a few turns of wire are inserted at L-l through which the circuit of the battery and buzzer is com- pleted. When the current flowing from B-2 is interrupted by the buzzer, a change in the strength of the magnetic field takes place about L-l, placing a charge on the aerial system which discharges at its natural frequency. A somewhat similar arrangement is shown in Fig. 214, wherein the buzzer circuit is in- ductively coupled to the aerial circuit through the transformer P, S, the winding S, consisting of a few turns of wire. The wavemeter is placed in inductive relation to some part of the open circuit and the wave CLOSED CIRCUIT length noted by adjusting the wavemeter to reson- ance. The aerial frequently is set into excitation by connecting the antenna and earth wire of an aerial system across the vibrator of a buzzer, but this method of excitation is not as satisfactory as the connections of the two methods shown pre- viously. To tune the aerial in either of the foregoing diagrams to the standard wave of 600 meters, turns of inductance are added at winding L-2 until the wavemeter indicates the wave length to be 600 meters. Generally from Fig. 215 Showing How the Wave Length of a Closed Oscillation Circuit is Measured. 10 to 20 microhenries of inductance are included at L-l to constitute the secondary winding of the oscillation transformer, the additional turns required for any standard wave being added in the aerial tuning inductance. The aerial is tuned to the 300 meter wave by connecting the short wave condenser in series with the aerial system. A reading is then taken on the wavemeter, to note the reduc- PRACTICAL RADIO MEASUREMENTS. 193 tion of wave length. If the length of the wave exceeds 300 meters, turns are taken out at I, -2 until the standard wave is obtained. Certain aerials encountered in practical radio have excessive length for radiating the 300 meter wave even with the aerial tuning inductance cut out. In a case of this kind, the aerial must be reduced in length or the lead-ins attached to the center of the flat top rather than to one end. The correct number of turns for the 450 meter wave are found in the same manner as for the 300 and 600 meter waves. Generally the short wave condenser is cut out of the circuit at this adjustment. (b) Measurement of the Closed Circuit. The closed circuit is tuned to the standard waves by placing the wavemeter in inductive relation to the primary winding of the os- cillation transform- er, care being taken to disconnect the open circuit from the secondary winding. The spark is then discharged in the regular man- ner and the wave length for a given value of primary inductance found on the wavemeter by means of any of the resonance indi- cators described in paragraph 161. A diagram of con- nections for this measurement is shown in Fig. 215. Contact "T" is connected in at various points on the coil until the re- quired wave is found. With transmitting sets of larger rating the capacity of the closed circuit con- denser may have to be reduced to obtain the 300 meter wave, (r) Measure- ment of the Radi- ated Wave. The W T WATTMETER. Fig. 216 Showing Method of Determining Length of the Radiated Wave. next step in tuning is to ascertain if the emitted wave is pure and sharp in ac- cordance with the U. S. statute requirements. To determine this, the closed and open oscillation circuits are tuned, inductively coupled and set at the coupling, giving the highest ammeter reading. (Fig. 216.) Next a test is made to determine if the aerial radiates all its energy at one wave length. If the antenna oscillates at two frequencies, two resonant adjustments will be obtained on the wavemeter and the relative amplitude of the two frequencies can be measured by a watt- meter "W" connected in the circuit of the wavemeter. With the wavemeter in a fixed posi- tion relative to the antenna, the meter is adjusted to resonance and the relative power at the two frequencies of oscillation observed. Unless this measurement is taken with caution, the wattmeter may burn out if the wavemeter is placed too close to the circuits of radio- frequency. 194 PRACTICAL WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. According to the U. S. regulations, the radiated wave is considered as being pure, when (if the antenna oscillates at two frequencies} the amplitude of the energy corresponding to the smaller wave is 10 per cent, or less than that in the greater wave. To determine the relative power of the radiated waves, the capacity of the wavemeter condenser must be carefully varied, the two maximum readings of the wattmeter correspond- ing to the two oscillation frequencies being particularly noted. If the wattmeter indicates 0.1 watt at the longer wave, and 0.01 watt or less at the shorter wave, the wave is pure ac~ cording to the United States regulations. If the amplitude of the shorter wave exceeds 0.01 watt, the coupling between the primary and secondary windings must be reduced until the correct current amplitudes are obtained or until a single wave emission results. It is usual to reduce the coupling until the antenna radiates a single wave. That two waves are being radiated from an aerial can be determined by a crystal rectifier and telephone as well as by the wattmeter, but the relative power of the waves cannot be determined in this way* If a sensitive vacuum valve detector is connected to the wavemeter, the latter can be placed several hundred feet from the aerial. The wave length can be measured with a greater degree of accuracy due to the "looseness" of coupling. When a ship's aerial is tuned to the standard waves, near to a building with a steel or iron frame, the effective resistance and the natural wave length are ap- preciably altered; hence, to secure the maximum flow of antenna current, the aerial tuning inductance must be slightly readjusted (when the ship is at sea) until the ammeter indicates a maximum. Similar effects are observed when a ship lies near to another vessel equipped with an aerial, particularly if the aerial of the other vessel is connected to earth. It is preferable to tune a transmitting set at a distance of at least a half wave length from large metallic structures. We have defined a pure wave according to the U. S. regulations as being one in which, if the antenna oscillates at two frequencies, the energy of the lesser wave will not exceed by 10 per cent, the energy in the greater wave. According to the same regulations, a sharp wave is one in which the decrement of damping per complete oscillation is 0.2 or less. The measurement for the decrement will be described in paragraph 169. 165. Tuning by the Hot Wire Ammeter. The open and closed circuits of a transmitting set can be tuned to resonance as follows : Set the closed oscillation circuit to a definite wave, or to one of the three standard waves, by means of a wavemeter. Place the secondary winding of the oscillation transformer in inductive relation to the primary winding. Follow it by cutting in and out turns at the aerial tuning inductance until the aerial ammeter indicates a maximum of current. Next change the coupling and leave the primary and secondary coils at that position, where a fair value of antenna current is obtained, with the wave emission complying with the law in respect to sharpness and purity. (The latter is determined by the decremeter.) The method can be reversed as follows : Set the open circuit to a standard wave by the wavemeter and place the primary winding of the transmitting oscillation transformer in inductive relation to the antenna coil. With the spark discharging at normal power con- sumption, add or subtract primary turns until the highest possible reading of the aerial ammeter is obtained. A small glow lamp, such as a 2, 4 or 6 volt battery lamp, shunted by a semi-loop of wire, serves as an indicator of resonance between the open and closed circuits and is often used in case of emergency. 166. Tuning the 2 K. W. 500 Cycle Panel Transmitter. Detailed in- structions for the tuning of the standard panel sets of the Marconi Company will be given in Part XII. The process is quite similar to the tuning of any set, with the exception that the closed oscillation circuit is tuned to the three standard waves at the Marconi factory and outside of the determination of the logarithmic decrement all tuning aboard ship can be done by the aerial ammeter alone. The particular feature of this set is the wave length changing switch, which in a simple operation permits either the 300, 450 or 600 meter waves to be radiated, the necessary changes of self -inductance, condenser capacity, and coupling being selected by a set of blades making contact with studs leading to various parts of the circuit. The method of tuning this set will be clear if the following facts are kept in mind: PRACTICAL RADIO MEASUREMENTS. 195 (1) For any particular wave length adjustment of the transmitter, a critical degree of coupling between the primary and secondary windings gives the maximum aerial current, *(2) The coupling for the quenched spark discharger can be closer than for the rotary discharger, if the quenched gap is in perfect condition. (3) The coupling between the primary and secondary circuits of an oscillation transformer can be varied by increase or decrease of the self-induction of either coil as well as by drawing the coils apart. When the quenched discharger is in use, the primary winding bears a fixed mechanical posi- tion to the secondary winding, but the oscillation transformer is constructed so that they can be drawn apart for use of the rotary gap. For the quenched gap, the requisite coupling for each standard wave is secured, by variation of the secondary inductance, turns being added at the aerial tuning inductance to maintain resonance. The process of tuning these sets not only consists of adjusting the open and closed cir- cuits to resonance, but also in locating the proper secondary inductance for the maximum aerial current. It is more or less a cut and try method, but the skill obtained through practice enables an inspector to complete the tuning in half an hour. The exact location of the secondary contact clips can be found more rapidly by turning the coupling handle on the front of the panel set, and thereby mechanically placing the primary winding closer to the secondary or farther away. If the primary, for instance, is drawn away from the secondary and the aerial ammeter registers an increase of current, it is an indication that the coupling for the final fixed position of the windings is too close. Hence the primary winding is brought back to its original position and turns taken out at the secondary, followed by adding turns at either of the aerial tuning inductances until resonance and maximum read- ing of the ammeter is secured. The set should be tuned for the three standard waves, with approximately three turns cut in at the continuously variable aerial tuning inductance. After the position of. the taps for the secondary winding and the plug aerial tuning inductance are once located, no further adjustment is required, unless some change in the antenna is made. With these sets the complete tuning process can be carried out by observation of the aerial ammeter alone, but the wavemeter should be employed to measure the decrement and to note if two waves are being radiated. The tuning of the l / 2 k. w. set is similar to that of the 2 k. w. set. In the tuning of a quenched spark transmitter, two or even three points of coupling for maximum reading of the aerial ammeter are frequently obtained for a given wave length; the coupling to be finally selected is that giving the maximum value of aerial current. When the rotary gaps of these sets are in use, the primary and secondary windings are separated by a space of 8 to 13 inches, but the coupling position may have to be altered slightly for each of the three standard waves. 167. Determination of Coupling. It is customary, in- transmitting systems employing the plain spark discharger, to express the degree of coupling between the open and closed oscillation circuits in terms of a percentage rather than in terms of the true co-efficient of coupling. The percentage of coupling is obtained by placing the wave- meter in inductive relation to the aerial and observing the length of the radiated waves. If the readings of the longer and shorter waves are squared and their values inserted in the following formula, the coupling is obtained, or : X 100 Where X g =r longer wave, X x = shorter wave. The true coefficient of coupling is obtained from the following formula: M K = Where M =mutual inductance of the oscillation transformers Lj =self-inductance primary, L, =self-inductance secondary. Statements (1), (2) and (3) apply to all coupled transmitters of the American Marconi Company. 196 PRACTICAL WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. 168. Plotting of Resonance Curves. A calibration of the closed and open circuits of a radio-transmitter is frequently desired to determine, let us say, the variation of frequency or wave length occasioned by the insertion of a certain amount of inductance. The results of such measurements are plotted on cross- section paper in the form of a curve (or perhaps a straight line). The principal advantage of such plotting lies in the fact that it enables one to take a character- istic set of readings at two or more decisive points and thus determine interme- diate values by following the general outline of the curve. AERIAL TUNING INDUCTANCE WATTMETER, Fig. 217 Complete Apparatus for Measuring Decrement of Antenna Oscilla- tions and Plotting a Resonance Curve. The resonance curve of the radiated wave of a transmitter is a graphic way of showing the relation between the amplitude of the current and the frequency or wave-lengths at and near the fundamental frequency. The value of the plotting lies in the fact that it enables the experimenter to obtain, in a general way, the over-all distribution of energy in the emitted wave, the decrement of damping and the relative power of the two waves, if present. To plot the resonance curve of the radiated wave, a wavemeter is required, in series with which is connected either a hot wire milliammeter or a hot wire wattmeter. The milliammeter should have a range of, say 40 to 240 milliamperes, while the wattmeter may have a scale reading of .01 to .1 watt. The latter instrument is preferably connected to the secondary winding of a step-down transformer, the primary winding of which is connected PRACTICAL RADIO MEASUREMENTS. 197 in series with the circuit of the wavemeter. This transformer, as a rule, is made up of Litzendraht wire, the primary consisting of ten turns wound on a wooden spool, about \ l /2 inches in length by 1 inches in diameter. The secondary winding consists of five turns of the same wire wound directly over it with a single layer of empire cloth between. The wattmeter having been connected in the circuit of the wavemeter, a few preliminary trials are made to determine the proper inductive relation between the coil of the wavemeter and the antenna circuit. Care must be taken that the wattmeter is not burned out at the point of resonance. The proper inductive relation having been obtained by trial, the coil of the wavemeter is placed in such position as to give a near maximum scale deflection of the -wattmeter at the resonant adjustment for the longer wave. If maximum deflection of the wattmeter is obtained at resonance, it is evident that the current will decrease at wave- lengths off resonance, the reduction being dependent upon the decrement of the oscillations. Readings of the indicating instrument having been observed at resonance, another read- ing is taken at a point off resonance where the wattmeter shows a small scale deflection, say, .01 watt. Similar observations are made at other wave lengths approaching resonance and beyond resonance until a full set of calibrations are secured ; that is to say, the observations 'are continued to a point beyond resonance where a nearly zero deflection of the wattmeter is obtained. A diagram of connections and the relative positions of the apparatus for this de- termination are shown in Fig. 217, where the closed oscillatory circuit of a radio transmitter is represented by the primary winding, the high potential condenser and the rotary spark gap. The antenna system in- cludes the secondary winding, the aerial tun- ing inductance and the earth wire, which pref- erably has a single turn of wire, L-l, inserted in series. The coil of the wavemeter, L, is placed in inductive relation to L-l and is in series with the primary winding of the step-down transform- > 'Phones. Fig. 225 Showing How Open and Closed Oscillation Circuits of a Receiving Tuner May Be Calibrated. 173. Calibration of the Open and Closed Circuits Simultaneously. The most satisfactory method of calibrating a receiving tuner or adjusting the re- ceiving system to a standard wave length with a given aerial, is to place a wave- meter in inductive relation to the antenna at all times as in Fig. 225. Since a change of coupling changes the tuning of the open and closed circuits, the exact adjustment of the circuits for the loudest response with any degree of coupling can be de- termined by setting the wavemeter into excitation and causing it to act inductively upon the open circuit. This should be followed by variation of the inductance and capacity in both the open and closed circuits until a sharp maximum is obtained in the head telephones of the receiver. The loudest response, of course, is secured when the wavemeter, the closed, and the open circuit are all in electrical resonance. At the same time, the crystal rectifier can be adjusted to maximum sensitiveness. Care should be taken, during this calibration, to vary the values of inductance and capacity PRACTICAL RADIO MEASUREMENTS. 207 of the closed and open circuits in a progressive manner, e. g., an increase of inductance in the an- tenna circuit calls for a corresponding increase in the closed or detector circuit, or vice versa. Using solid rectify- ing detectors, the in- ductance of the wave- meter can only be placed an inch or so from the earth lead, but with a sensitive vacuum valve amplifier, the wave- meter may be placed several feet from that lead. L WAVEMETER 8, Fig. 226 The Measurement of the Natural Wave Length of a Simple Tuning Coil. Ri 174. Measurement of the Natural Oscillating Period of a Coil. The natural wave length of a tuning coil, as a simple open circuit oscillator, may be measured by the circuit and apparatus shown in Fig. 226. The radio-frequency coil A, B, is set into excitation by an aperiodic buzzer circuit which includes the 1 mfd. condenser C-l and the resistance R of 2,000 ohms. The wavemeter, fitted with a sensitive detector D, is placed in inductive relation to the coil in the usual manner. If the coil possesses a fair value of distributed ca- pacity, the resonant point on the wavemeter will be sharply defined, but, lacking this, the point of resonance may be some- what difficult to locate. . 175. Measurement of Electrostatic Ca- pacity. (a) Capac- ity at low voltage and audio-frequencies. We may measure the sim- ple electrostatic ca- pacity of a condenser or an aerial by the bridge method of Fig. 227. The condenser of unknown capacity is shown at C-x, and a standard variable condenser calibrated in microfarads at C-n. R-l and R-2 are non- inductive resistances of low value such as found in the usual Sliding wire bridge, P Fig. 227 Diagram for the Measurement of Electrostatic Capacity. 208 PRACTICAL WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. and S are the primary and secondary windings respectively of an ordinary tele- phone induction coil. A buzzer and battery are connected in series with P. This apparatus affords a source of electromotive force for obtaining balance of the bridge. To carry out the measurement, the buzzer is set into vibration and the values of R-l and R-2 varied until complete silence or a minimum of sound is heard in the telephone P-l. The various quantities are then related as folows : C-x R-2 R-2 = or C-x = XC-n ,-- C-n R-l R-l If condensers C-x and C-n have different dielectrics, complete silence cannot be obtained, hence a minimum of sound is an indication of balance. To carry out the measurement for low values of capacity, the total resistance of the sliding wire bridge, need not exceed 110 ohms. If the aerial and earth wire of an antenna sys- tem be substituted for the condenser C-x, its elec- trostatic capacity may thus be determined, but it should be borne in mind that the simple electrostatic capacity of an aerial and its "ef- fective" capacity when traversed by alternating current of radio-fre- quency are of different value. This is due to the non-uniform distribution Fig. 228 Measurement of Electrostatic Capacity at Radio Frequencies. of current and voltage throughout the open cir- cuit which causes the capacity to vary with the applied frequency. Generally the effective capacity is less than the simple electrostatic capacity. (The latter value is the capacity obtained by considering the aerial merely as one plate of a condenser, the earth the opposite plate and with uniform current and voltage distribution.) A standard of capacity for the bridge may be constructed from flat brass plates of rectangular form and its capacity may be calculated by the following formula : A C = mfds. 47r T 900,000 where A area in sq. cms. of the dielectric covered by the plates, T = separation of the plates in cms. (b) Measurement of Capacity at Radio-Frequencies. The capacity of the condensers used in receiving circuits may be determined by the method shown in diagram of Fig. 228. A wavemeter L, C (or any variable condenser and induct- ance within the required range) is set into excitation by the buzzer B-2. The resulting oscillations are caused to act upon the second circuit of vari- able frequency, L-l, C-x or L-l, C-n. C-n is a standard variable con- denser calibrated in microfarads, and C-x the condenser, the capacity of which is to be determined. A crystal rectifier connected uni-later- ally at D is shunted by the telephone P. A double pole double throw 990 ,, switch permits either condenser to 229 Measurement of Capacity by Means of a , " . , . Wavemeter. be connected into the circuit. Fig. PRACTICAL RADIO MEASUREMENTS. 209 With the buzzer in vibration, inductance L-l is varied until resonant response is obtained in the telephone or when L, C = L-l, C-x. The D. P. D. T. switch is then thrown to C-n, and its capacity altered until circuit L-l, C-n, is again in resonance with L, C. Obviously, the capacity of C-x is that of C-n, which is already known. For accuracy, the coupling between L and L-l should be reduced to a degree consistent with the strength of signals. To bring the two circuits in resonance, it may be necessary with certain condensers to vary the capacity of C. Another method for quickly determining the capacity of a condenser is shown in Fig. 229. A standard wavemeter, L, C-n, has the condenser of known capacity C-n and the crystal rectifier D connected unilaterally. The wavemeter is tuned to resonance with any spark transmitter such as L-l, C-l, S-l, and the capacity of C-n noted. With the spark still dis- charging at S-l, C-x is connected in shunt to C-n and the capacity of C-n reduced until resonance is obtained again. For example, if the capacity of C-n in the first measurement is .007 mfds., and in the second test, .002 mfds., the capacity of C-x must be the difference of the two readings, or .005 mfds. Circuit L-l, C-l, S-l may be replaced by a wavemeter and buzzer. 176. Measurement of the Effective Inductance of a Coil at Radio Frequencies. The effective inductance of a given coil can be determined by the connections and arrangement of apparatus in Fig. 228. Assume that the in- ductance of L-l is required and condenser C-n is connected in shunt; then L, C, and L-l, C-n, are tuned to resonance with very loose coupling. Then if L.C, is a standard wavemeter, the wave length of L-l, C-n is at once obtained. Then, L-l= 3,552 X C-n where L = the inductance of the coil in centimeters. 177. Calculation of Inductance from the Constants of the Coil.* The Nagaoka formula for calculating the inductance of a single layered coil is expressed as follows : a n L = 4ir* - K, b where L = inductance in centimeters, a = mean radius of coil in centimeters, n = total number of turns, b = length of coil in centimeters, 2 a K = a constant varying as the ratio - . 2a b Values of K for appears in the curves of Fig. 230. b If the dimensions of the coil are given in inches, the student can convert them to centi- meters by multiplying by 2.54 (1 inch = 2.54 centimeters). Also the radius is one-half the 2a diameter, hence the ratio of is readily obtained, and the corresponding value of K from the b 2a curve. Thus if = 1.35, then K = 0.84. b (a) Example 1. Assume a coil of 10 turns with mean diameter of 18 inches, and overall length including the insulation (if any) of 12.5 inches. The inductance is calculated as follows : n = 10 turns ; b = 31.75 centimeters ; a = 22.9 centimeters ; 2a 18 = =1.44 and from Fig. 230 K = 0.826. b 12.5 (22.9)' X (10)* Therefore L = ^ -- X 0.826 or 53,825 centimeters. 31.75 'Presented by Wm. H. Priess in the August, 1915, issue of the Wireless Age. 210 PRACTICAL WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. tr 2:e'"" > arr o< "'"3"0""3a. , 3.-$ Fig. 231 Curves Showing the Value of a Constant for the Ratio of the Diameter of a Wire to Its Pitch. In the curves of Fig. 230, values of K are given for coils lying between those of infinite length and those where the diameter is 9^2 times the length. This covers all conditions encountered in practice. (c) Correction factor. For practical calculation the foregoing formula is sufficiently accurate, but for greater precision a correction factor must be applied. In fact, the inductance values obtained in examples 1 and 2 are termed the "current sheet" inductance, based upon the assumption of a coil wound with infinitely thin tape, the turns of which are assumed to touch but not to be in electrical contact. Dr. Rosa of the Bureau of Standards has given an expression for circular sectioned non- magnetic wire as follows : If the true inductance is designated as L, and the current sheet inductance as L-s, then, L = L-s L-c. where L-c is the correction value, and, L-c = 4* a n (I& + I&) where Ka and Ks are constants of the coil. (See B. of S., vol. 8, pp. 197 and 199). d Now K> is a constant plotted to the parameter of which is the ratio of the diameter 212 PRACTICAL WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. I DO JO 0-00' ^0-10 O.I5 O.2.O 0-25 ^0-30 0-55 Fig. 232 Showing the Values of a Correction Factor for Determining the True Inductance of a Coil PRACTICAL RADIO MEASUREMENTS. 213 of bare wire to its pitch in a given winding and for any given value of a value of K D appears in Fig. 231. It should be noted that Ka may be positive, negative or zero; that is, on the left of the zero line Kz is positive and on the right hand side negative. Ks is another factor plotted against the number of turns in the coil as in Fig. 232 where it will be seen that K> is zero for one turn and 0.3365 for 1,000 turns. (d) Corrections for Example 1. We shall now calculate the value of L-c for example 1. d Assuming the wire of the helix to have a diameter of J4 inches with spacing of one inch, .250 D = .025 and from the curve, Fig. 231, Ka = 0.8 (of negative value). 1.000 Since N = 10, then from the curve, Fig. 232, Ks 0.266, hence, L-c = 47r X 22.9 X 10 (0.8 + 0.266), L-c = 12.566 X 22.9 X 10 (0.534) cms. hence L-c = 1,540 cms. and L = 53,825 (1,540) = 55,365 cms. (?) Correction for Example 2. The diameter of bare No. 26 B. and S. wire is .01790 inches and of D. S. C. No. 26, .02014 inches, hence, d .01790 = = 0.889 D .02014 From Ka curve, Ka = -f-0.441 a nd since n = 397, therefore Ks = 0.335 approx. Therefore L-c = 4* x 3.81 X 397 (0.441 + 0.335) cms. L-c = 14,750 cms. L = 3,820,000 14,750 = 3,805,250 cms. L-c and == 0.38 per cent, the correction factor. L The correction factor is thus quite appreciable for some coils and rather negligible for others. With currents of radio-frequency there is an altered current distribution in the con- ductor which affects the inductance, giving a lesser value than in circuits where the current is uniformly distributed throughout, but the finer the wire, the smaller will be the change of inductance due to increase of frequency. A table of the diameter of various sized wires in the B. and S. gauge follows: TABLE NO. 1. Silk and Cotton-Covered Annealed Copper Wire. Diameter in Mils. B.&S. Gauge Bare Single Cotton Double Cotton Single Silk Double Silk 20 31.961 37.861 42.161 34.261 36.161 21 28.462 34.362 38.662 30.762 32.662 22 25.347 31.247 35.547 27.647 29.547 23 22.571 28.471 32.771 24.871 26.771 24 20.100 26.000 30.300 22.401 24.300 25 17.900 23.800 28.100 20.200 22.100 26 15.940 21.840 26.140 18.240 20.140 27 14.195 20.095 24.395 16.495 18.395 28 12.641 18.541 22.841 14.941 16.841 29 11.257 17.157 21.457 13.557 15.457 30 10.025 15.925 20.225 12.325 14.225 31 8.928 14.828 19.128 11.228 13.128 32 7.950 13.850 18.150 10.250 12.150 33 7.080 12.980 17.280 9.380 11.280 34 6.304 12.204 16.504 8.504 10.504 35 5.614 11.514 15.841 7.914 9.814 36 5.000 10.900 15.200 7.300 9.200 37 4.453 10.353 14.653 6.753 8.653 38 3.965 9.865 14.165 6.265 8.165 39 3.531 9.431 13.731 5.831 7.731 40 3.144 9.044 13.344 5.344 7.344 214 PRACTICAL WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. This data is essential in the calculation of the inductance of the coils in radio-frequency circuits, particularly the tuning coils of the PHONES. Fig. 233 Diagram of Connections for Measuring Inductance and Capacity of an Aerial. Xi 2 L 1 the receiving apparatus. Knowing the length of the winding and the diameter of the wire, the total number of turns is obtained in dividing the former by the latter. Multi- plying this by the circumference of the coil, the number of feet of wire required for a given winding is at once obtained. 178. Measurement of the Ef- fective Inductance and Capacity of an Aerial. To measure the ef- fective inductance of an aerial, a standard wavemeter and a standard of inductance is required. The latter can be made up of Litzendraht wire and calculated from the inductance formula in the foregoing paragraph. The aerial is set into excitation by an induction coil or transformer S, Fig. 233, and the wavemeter placed in inductive relation. The reading of the natural wave length thus obtained may be designated as Xi. We next insert the standard induct- ance L 1 and take a second reading of the wave length which may be designated by Xs. then L = (\2 2 Xi 2 ) where L inductance of the aerial in microhenries ; L 1 = inductance of the standard in microhenries. To determine the effective capacity of an aerial, first measure the natural wave length Xi then insert a condenser C 1 of .001 microfarads capacity and take a second measurement of wave length X2. Obviously X2 is less than Xi. Then the capacity C = V X C 1 . where C = capacity of the aerial in microfarads. 179. Calibration of a Wavemeter from a Standard. If a calibrated wave- meter can be procured, the wave- meter described at the beginning of this chapter can be calibrated from it in a simple manner, as shown in Fig. 234. Here, L and C respec- tively, are the inductance coil and condenser of a standard wavemeter which is set into excitation by the buzzer, H, and the batteries B. The winding of the magnets of the buzzer are shunted by a condenser K, of about 1 microfarad capacity, for which may be substituted, if Fig. 234 Simple Method of Calibrating a Wavemeter desired, a non-inductive resistance of about 100 ohms. These are in- tended to absorb the counter electromotive force of the buzzer winding. When the buzzer is set into operation, the wavemeter L C becomes a miniature trans- mitting set, radiating waves corresponding to a definite frequency of oscillation which will be recorded on the wavemeter L-l, C-l, when it is in resonance with L, C. The standard PRACTICAL RADIO MEASUREMENTS. 215 wavemeter L, C is then set at various wave lengths and the buzzer put into operation, being carefully adjusted for clear tones. The capacity of the condenser C-l, is then altered until a maximum of sound is heard in the head telephones. Obviously, L-l, C-l has the same wave length as L, C, and a record of the setting is made accordingly. Thus if six or eight readings are taken, covering the entire scale of C-l, the data can be plotted on cross-section paper in the form of a curve. Intermediate values of wave lengths are readily determined from the curve. For accuracy during calibration, the degree of coupling between L and L-l must be kept as low as is consistent with the strength of signals. If response* is not secured readily at the wavemeter, L-l, C-l, it may be that the values of inductance and capacity are such that the circuit is out of resonance with the standard wavemeter L, C. If so, different values of inductance or capacity must be selected until a resonant response is secured. It is not necessary for the crystal rectifier, shown in Fig. 234, to be connected unilaterally to the wavemeter. It may be shunted around the circuit as in the usual receiving set. Fig. 235- Three Way Calibration of Wavemeter for Greater Accuracy. To eliminate all possibility of error in calibration due to the added capacity effect of the shunt excitation circuit of the foregoing connection, a three-way method may be employed as shown in Fig. 235. Herein, B is an accurately calibrated standard wavemeter with a crystal detector and head telephones connected unilaterally. The wavemeter under calibra- tion is represented at C and also has a detector connected unilaterally. At A are the circuits comprising the fixed inductance L, the condenser C, the buzzer, the battery, and the shunt condenser. By means of the calibration chart furnished with the wavemeter B, .the condenser C-l can be set at any wave length within the range of the meter. The buzzer having been put into operation, the capacity of the variable condenser of the oscillation circuit, A, is changed until maximum response is secured at the head telephones of the wavemeter B. During this operation the coupling between the coils, L and L-l, should be as loose as is consistent with the strength of signals in the head telephones. The point of resonance having been determined, the coil L-2, of the wavemeter, C, is placed in inductive relation to L. The capacity of the condenser, C-2 is then altered until a resonant response is secured in the head telephones. Obviously, the wave length of the wavemeter C, is now identical with that of the wavemeter B. 216 PRACTICAL WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. This process is repeated until a complete set of calibrations are obtained. If desired, the crystalline detectors connected to the wavemeters, B and C, may be connected in series with the head telephone and then in shunt to the condenser. The connection shown, how- ever, affords greater accuracy because the calibration of the wavemeter is not so seriously affected. 180. Measurement of Mutual Inductance at Radio Frequencies. As- sume that two coils such as the primary and secondary windings of a receiving tuner, L-2 and L-3, Fig. 236, are in inductive relation and the mutual in- ( ductance is required. With the binding posts A, B and C, D connected together by a jumper, the C-l wavemeter is tuned to resonance with the spark gap circuit, L, C, S. The capacity of the wavemeter condenser C-l is ob- served and may be designated as C-2. Inductances L-2 and L-3 are now con- nected in series and a new value of C-l obtained for resonance, designated as C-3. Then when the magnetic fields of the two coils are in the same direction, a large value of inductance is obtained Fig. 236 Showing the Connections for Measuring the Mutual Inductance of Two Coils at Radio Frequencies. 2M, and in terms of the two condenser capacities observed which is equal to L-2 -{- L- on the wavemeter, L-2 + L-3 + 2M = / C ' 2 \ ( -- 1 | V C-3 / L-l where L-l inductance of the wavemeter in microhenries. After this value is obtained, the connections from L-3 to C, D are reversed (as shown by the dotted lines) and the measurement gone through again. Then if this is the smaller value of inductance, / c - 2 ^ L-2 4- L-3 2M = I 1 1 L-l V C-4 / Where C-4 = capacity of the condenser at resonance with the connections to C, D reversed. The two values of inductance having thus been obtained, the mutual inductance L-5 L-6 M = 4 Where M = the mutual inductance in microhenries ; L-5 = larger value of total inductance ; L-6 = smaller value of total inductance. 181. Comparative Measurement of the Strength of Incoming Signals. The human ear is not to be relied upon to judge the strength of incoming signals at a given receiving station when they vary in intensity by values less than 25 per cent, and since the comparison of the signals from one or more transmitting stations is often desirable for purposes of record or adjustment, more accurate means must be provided. The ideal way to measure the strength of the incoming signals would be to place a galvanometer in the receiver circuits, but this is not feasible, particularly when the receiving station is far distant from the transmitter or in case discharges of atmospheric electricity are rather severe. Hence the measurement is carried out by means of a calibrated shunt resistance connected across the receiving telephone. The measurement of the signal intensity is carried out as follows: A given transmitter is tuned to maximum strength of signals at the receiver, followed by connecting a variable resistance across the telephones, the resistance being reduced until the signals just disappear or are barely audible. If we designate the value of the telephone current in microamperes required to make the least audible signal as C-a, it has been shown that PRACTICAL RADIO MEASUREMENTS. 217 C = X C-a R where C = current in the telephone without the shunt ; R r=r resistance of the shunt for the least audible signal ; T resistance of the telephone. Now the value of C-a for the least audible signal varies with the frequency of the current flowing through the telephone, the impedance of its windings, and the sensi- tiveness of the human ear to weak sounds. Hence at a given station the value of C-a is ignored and the strength of the signal spoken of as being so many times audi- bility. Thus as in the diagram, Fig. 237, if the value of R for the least audible signal is 50 ohms, and the resistance of the tele- phone 2,000 ohms, then 2,000 + 50 C = C-a = 41, C-a, e. g., 50 tt /wwwwv Fig. 237 Fundamental Circuit of the Audibility Meter. the signal is 41 times that required to make an audible sound in the telephone. It is clear that the results obtained by this method vary at each station according to the type of apparatus and the keenness of the observer, hence the audibility factor cannot be used at two different receiving stations to compare the effectiveness of a given transmitter. It does, however, permit an approximation which is superior to mere guesswork. Fig. 238 Audibility Meter (American Marconi Company). Shunt resistance boxes are manufactured for this purpose and are termed audibility meters. The resistance coil is fitted with a multipoint switch and the contact studs are calibrated in terms of the audibility of the received signals as compared to the current corresponding to the least audible signal with the particular telephone supplied with the meter. The type manu- factured by the Marconi Company of America is shown in Fig. 238. 218 PRACTICAL WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. A typical chart* of the relative strength of signals received at different hours of the day from the Marconi station at Ketchikan, Alaska, at the receiving station at Astoria, Ore., is shown in Fig. 239. These readings were taken on a Marconi audibility meter. m Ketchikan the distinct *Curve A, Fig. 239, shows the signal audibility throughout the 24 hours of the day fro to Astoria. Curve ^S shows the intensity of atmospheric electricity. It is interesting to note rise in both the signal and "static" intensity near to midnight and the distinct drop during the early nours ot the morning. The rise of the peak is found to occur at approximately the same hour in observations taken over several months duration. PRACTICAL RADIO MEASUREMENTS. 219 aoo 900 600 700 WAVE LENGTH IN METERS Fig. 240 Curves Showing the Effect on the Radiated Wave By Progressive Reduction of the Coupling at the Oscillation Transformer. 182. "Tight" and "Loose" Coupling. The adjustment of 'the coupling of an oscillation transformer is important because if the primary and secondary are closely coupled, oscillations of two frequencies occur in the antenna circuit as shown by the curve A, Fig. 240. If the coupling be reduced (by drawing the primary and secondary windings apart) and a second resonance curve obtained, the two frequencies tend to merge into one as shown by curve B, Fig. 240. Further reduction of coupling brings about the condition shown by curve C in which the energy radiated is confined to practically a single frequency of oscillation. The wave C may be of greater or lesser amplitude than waves A and B, according to conditions, X Fig. 241 Showing How Loose Coupling Can Be Obtained With an Auto Transformer. Fig. 242 ATJ other Method for " Obtaining Loose Coupling With an Auto Transformer. A popular opinion seems to exist that the required loose coupling for radiating a pure and sharp wave can only be obtained by use of the inductively coupled oscillation transformer. Contrary to this belief, however, a pure wave can be obtained by other methods of coupling as well. Take, for example, the auto-transformer shown in Fig. 241. By the use of three 220 PRACTICAL WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. contact clips, the turns for the aerial circuit can be included between C and D and for the primary circuit between A and B. With the taps in this position, the mutual inductance is reduced and the coup- ling in accordance. Form 1 The radiated wave S S.-JP.A.R.P.yNA D^teJ5.."..!.P.lV.^. Tuned by' ? &.COLLESON may therefore possess TUNING RECORD Call Letters .J&..O Type of Equipment .-?-&W._500_^ J& a damping factor as low as that obtained with the inductively Aerial Type- - T. No. of Wires .. Aerial Natural- 5.5.!..... _ coupled system. WAVE-LENGTH 3OO 45O 60O If the coupling re- Primary- /4 'A - ---AV -Turns quires still further re- Secondary .,- - ~V& /\& " Aerial Capacity duction, contacts C Loading Coil (Fixed) - A .4A.__ !? .A, "" ~ M'f'ds and D are moved up- 14 " (Var.) _3jL._ - 5*.-. -SJL. " ward and away from 'Short Wave Condenser JN....^ ....^...PUT , PUT..] nor Out Condenser A, B, care being taken i O 'II 14 5 ^ ars A OB A \f\ AC*T "^00 3 to keep the same number of turns be- Decrement ,...r.9 ; V?5_.., r .....0 t \p_. .055 ? tween C and D in Radiation Rotary ?.-P - 7,Q !.Q,Q Amperes 45 ~' I order to maintain res- Decrement ...0,15 0,10 _.X)55.._ ^00-^ = onance. Coupling ...? .FOR ftUtNCHED &..FpR...RQTARY..... __ Loose coupling can be obtained as shown Fig. 243 Ship Tuning Record (American Marconi Company). m J "7 g> 242 ^here the such capacity that to obtain resonance with the antenna circuit only one-half turn is required between A and B. Hence, the mutual inductance between the open and closed circuits is small and the radiated waves approach unity. 183. Measurement of High Voltages. The maximum voltage per alter- nation of a high voltage current can be obtained by the sphere gap method. Two brass spark balls, two centimeters in diameter, are mounted on an insulating base and arranged so that the length of the gap can be increased or decreased by a micrometer adjustment. The gap is then connected to a' given source of high voltage current and the gap length- ened until sparking just ceases. For a given separation of the electrodes, the voltage corre- sponding thereto is shown in the following table: Spark Length in Millimeters. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 Voltage. 4,700 8,100 11,400 14,500 17,500 20,400 23,250 26,100 28,800 31,300 33,300 35,500 38,700 Spark Length in Millimeters. 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 Voltage. 41,300 44,700 47,400 49,800 52,000 54,000 55,800 57,500 59,000 60,400 61,800 63,000 64,200 184. Tuning and Adjustment Record. After a radio transmitter of any type has been adjusted by a Marconi Inspector, a complete tuning record is posted in the operating room. A typical record is shown in Fig. 243, which, as will be observed, indicates the number of turns in the primary and secondary windings of the oscillation transformer, also in the loading coils for each of the three standard wave lengths. In the event of repairs being made, the adjustments noted on this record must positively be duplicated. PRACTICAL RADIO MEASUREMENTS. 221 In counting the helix turns for any standard wave, the operator should note first, the point on the helix at which the circuit begins and also the general direc- tion of the turns for an increase of inductance. He should then be sure to count the number of complete turns of inductance and not merely the bonds on the helix. TURNS COUPLING' I] TURNS COMMON 3 TURNS COUPLING | TURN COVMON -=- ,6 COUPLING: 8 INCHES OR IF GRADUATED SCALE GIVE READINGX THUS: COUPLING i SCALE 14 I 2 TURNS COUNTING FROM OUTSIDE TURNS TURNS COUPLING 4 INCHES OR IF .GRADUATED SCALE rT/ GIVE READING THUS! ' COUPLING SCALF 14.5 ZjTURMS COUPLING NO COMMON TURNS. J TURN BETWEEN P.&S. Zj TURNS 2 TURNS COUPLING 4 INCHES OR IF GRADUATED SCALE.GIVE READING THUS. COUPLING SCALE 4.6 G TURNS OR IF GRADUATED MUPLING SCALE IS PROVIDED. INDICATE THUS COUPLING SCALE 45 Fig. 244- -The Method of Checking up Coupling and Turns of a Helix as Authorized by the U. S. Government. The tuning adjustments of the quenched spark discharger are invariably rather critical and, therefore, the settings of inductance noted on the tuning cards must be more closely duplicated than for sets employing simple types of spark dischargers. A slight variation of the antenna inductance is permissible from time to time to compensate for detuning occasioned by sagging of the wires. 222 PRACTICAL WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY; The coupling reference at the bottom of the card refers to the coupling of the primary and secondary windings on the panel sets shown by the scale attached to the coupling handle. The notation "8 for rotary" means that the coupling for the rotary gap is less than for the quenched gap or at least the primary and secondary windings have greater separation than for the quenched gap. The notation condenser jars refers to the number of jars in use in the closed circuit. MARCONI WIRELESS TELEGRAPH COMPANY OF AMERICA Dat 10 20 30* 40 50 60 70 60 SECONDARY SCALE SETTINGS. Fig. 245 Curve Showing Reduction of Current by Turning the Secondary Winding of the Type A Oscillation Transformer at Right Angles to the Primary Winding. Diagrams showing the different ways Government Inspectors record the coupling and the number of primary and secondary turns for the standard wave lengths are shown in Fig. 244 which is a duplicate of the drawings printed on the back of the Government tuning record (form 766). Duplicates of these sketches are drawn in on the Government tuning record by the Government Inspectors and the exact number of turns for the standard waves in either circuit plainly marked for operator's reference. In certain standard types of Marconi apparatus, a diagram showing the turns in use is not required; the inspector merely marks the number of turns for the standard waves in both the primary and secondary windings. We have shown in paragraph 103 how the coupling of the type A oscillation transformer is reduced by turning-the secondary winding at an angle to the primary. It is also mentioned in paragraph 202 that the antenna current can in this way be progressively increased from zero to maximum. In the curve shown in Fig. 245 the antenna current corresponding to various angles of the secondary winding is plotted in the form of a curve. Such records are posted in the operating room. It will be observed in Fig. 245 that when the secondary winding bears an angle of 90 to the primary winding, the antenna current is zero, but, as the secondary winding is turned towards maximum coupling, the antenna current gradually increases to 8]/2 amperes. By giving careful attention to the data shown in Fig. 245 the operator is enabled to communicate with ship or shore stations with the minimum of interference, using such values of antenna current only as will enable the desired distance to be covered. There is no hard and fast rule to lay down for determining the correct value of antenna current for transmitting over a given distance, but after a few experimental trials with various stations, the minimum current for a given range is easily found out. PART XII. STANDARD MARINE SETS OF THE AMER- ICAN MARCONI COMPANY. PANEL TRANSMITTERS COMPOSITE TRANSMITTERS. 185. PANEL TRANSMITTERS. 186. DETAILS OF TYPE P-4 PANEL. 187. DESCRIPTION OF APPARATUS. 188. COMPLETE . ADJUSTMENT OF TYPE P-4 SET. 189. TYPE P-5 PANEL TRANS- MITTER. 190. DESCRIPTION OF APPARATUS. 191. COMPLETE ADJUSTMENT OF THE TYPE P-5 SET. 192. How TO REMOVE THE ARMATURE OF THE y 2 K. W. MOTOR GENERATOR. 193. THE 1 K. W. NON-SYNCHRONOUS DISCHARGER TRANSMITTER. 194. DESCRIPTION OF THE SET. 195. INSTALLATION. 196. ADJUSTMENT OF THE 1 K. W. SET. 197. TYPE "E-2" ONE- HALF KILOWATT, 120 CYCLE PANEL TRANSMITTER. 198. DETAILS OF THE CIRCUITS AND APPARATUS. 199. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR TUNING AND ADJUSTING. 200. MARCONI 2 K. W. 240 CYCLE TRANSMITTER. 201. TYPE P-9 J4 K. W. CARGO TRANSMITTING SET. 202. AERIAL CURRENT AND REDUC- TION OF POWER. 203. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE PANEL SETS. 185. Panel Transmitters. In point of efficiency, general utility, economy of space, and ease of installation, the panel transmitter units of the Marconi Company of America excel. Three types are now supplied for marine service known as Type P-4, P-5 and P-9. The first has a normal power consumption of 2 K. W., the second y 2 K. W. and the latter >4 K. W. The 2 K. W. set has a daylight range of 450 to 650 miles, 1,500 to 2,500 miles after dark. The l / 2 K. W. set has a daylight range varying from 250 to 400 miles, 600 to 1,500 miles after dark. Panel transmitter type P-4 is furnished for vessels of large tonnage requiring the maximum possible transmitting range, but type P-5 is particularly suitable for small yachts, cargo-carrying vessels and tug boats. It should be kept in mind, however, that set P-5 or type P-9 have sufficient range to comply with the inter- national regulations on vessels of any tonnage. Although the y 2 K. W. and 2 K. W. panel transmitters are now standard for ship service, a number of vessels in the American Marconi Company's service are still fitted with com- posite sets popularly known as the "1 K. W. non-synchronous set" and the "2 K. W. 240 cycle set." Several vessels are fitted with a J4 ! K. W. 120 cycle panel transmitter (Type E-2) but the manufacture of this type has been discontinued. In this chapter, all sets now in use in the ship service will be described in de- tail and such information will be supplied as will enable the operator to adjust the apparatus to its maximum degree of efficiency. The 2 K. W. panel set will first be described. 9 STANDARD MARINE SETS OF AMERICAN MARCONI CO. 225 186. Details of Type P-4 Panel. The complete 2 K. W. panel set comprises the following apparatus : (1) Panel Transmitter consisting of the necessary power measuring instru- ments, oscillation transformer, condenser, variable and plug type aerial tuning inductance, quenched spark gap, motor and generator field rheostats, wave length changing switch, several resistance units and a compensating reactance regulator. (2) Crocker- Wheeler or General Electric 2 K. W. 500 Cycle Motor Generator with synchronous rotary spark gap mounted on the generator shaft, pro- tective condensers, starting resistance, automatic motor starter and neces- sary controlling appliances. (3) Type 106 Receiving Tuner with crystal rectifier and head telephone receiver. (4) Type I Aerial Change-Over Switch with necessary appliances for protect- ing the receiving apparatus from the transmitter. (5) Type C Transmitting Key. (6) High Potential Closed Core Transformer. In addition to the foregoing apparatus, the owners of the vessel supply a 60 cell storage battery and a charging panel fitted with the necessary appliances for controlling the charging circuits. With an aerial equipment like that described in paragraph 117, the foregoing ap- paratus completes a standard marine wireless telegraph equipment. A simple fundamental diagram of the complete circuits of the type P-4 transmitter and receiver is shown in Fig. 246, a front view of the panel in Fig. 247, a side view in Fig. 248 and a rear view in Fig. 249. 187. Description of Apparatus. The motor generator consists of a 4 H. P. 110 volt 2 pole direct current motor connected directly to a 2 K. W. 500 cycle alternator. The motor is specially constructed to operate with little variation of speed on pressures varying from 95 to 115 volts. The generator is of the rotating armature type, having a normal open circuit voltage of 350 volts, and a working or load voltage of 140 volts. The voltage of the generator is varied by a rheostat of the sliding contact type mounted on the right hand side of the panel, and the speed of the motor by a similar rheostat on the left hand side of the panel. (See Fig. 247.) An automatic motor starter is provided which permits the motor to be controlled from a distant point in the operating room. The starter is of the magnetic plunger type having a piston which travels through a cylinder compressing the air on one side and cre- ating a vacuum on the other. The speed of the armature accelerates uniformly and the time of completing the circuit may be varied by a special adjustment screw attached to the starter. The starter is fitted with an electro dynamic brake which comprises a resistance coil thrown in shunt to the armature when the current to the motor is turned off. By means of this brake, the motor is brought to a standstill within ten seconds. An overload relay switch connected in series with the armature automatically opens the D. C. circuit to the starter solenoid when current in excess of a certain number of amperes passes through the motor windings. In case of overload, the plunger of the starter drops down breaking the main circuit to the motor armature. The circuit of the solenoid then remains open until the main D. C. line switch is opened by hand. If a short circuit exists in any part of the wiring and the power switch is closed again, the relay will open the circuit once more and continue to do so until the trouble is located. The relay is generally adjusted to open at 35 amperes. Each terminal post of the motor generator is connected to one terminal of a protective condenser to neutralize differences of potential that may be set up by electrostatic induction from the transmitting apparatus. The opposite .terminal of the condenser is connected to the frame of the motor generator and then to earth (see Fig. 79). Six protective condensers are provided for each motor generator, and enclosed in a metallic case. The frame of the motor generator and also the lead covered wires connecting to the apparatus on the panel are thoroughly connected to earth. 226 PRACTICAL WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. AERIAL AMMETER MOTOR RHEOSTAT WATTMETER GENERATOR RHE05TAT AERIAL TUNING "" INDUCTANCE COUPLING ADJUSTER WAVE LENQTH CHANGING SWITCH MOTOR GENERATOR \ QUENCHED ' f- GAP OVERLOAD '' RELAY ROTARY GAP Fig. 247 Front View Marconi 2 K. W. 500 Cycle Transmitting Set. STANDARD MARINE SETS OF AMERICAN MARCONI CO. ^SLIDING CONTACT CONT1NOUSLY VARIABLE TUNING INDUCTANCE PLUG AERIAL TUNING INDUCTAtKE 227 SECONDARY ^OSCILLATION TRANSFORMER PR1M.WAVE LENGTH SWITCH SPARK GAP CHANGING SWITCH STATIONARY ELECTRODE ROTARY GAP WAVE. LENGTH SECONDARY SWITCH MOTOR 'STARTER RESISTANCE STEP UP TRANSFORMER Fig. 248 Side View Marconi 2 K. W. 500 Cycle Transmitting Set 228 PRACTICAL WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. AERIAL TUNING INDUCTANCE EC. WAVE LEK6TH CHANGING SWITCH The circuit from the alternator to the transformer includes a direct reading wattmeter for indicating the power consumed by the transformer. The current coil of this instrument is connected in series with the transformer primary and the potential coil is connected across its terminals. The high voltage transformer, of the closed core type, is immersed in a semi-liquid grease. The primary wind- ing is connected to the con- trol panel by means of lead- covered wires which have their covering grounded to the transformer case and to the panel frame. The sec- ondary terminals of the transformer are brought out through two insulators and are mounted thereon. A protective spark gap is pro- vided which permits a dis- charge in case the voltage exceeds a certain critical value. The secondary po- tential is approximately 12,- 500 volts. The secondary terminals of the transformer are connected directly to the terminals of the high poten- tial condenser of the closed oscillation circuit. Gener- ally, the transformer is screwed to the floor imme- diately to the rear of the control panel. The transmitting con- denser comprises six copper- plated glass jars of .002 microfarads capacity each, three of which are connect- ed in parallel for the 300 meter wave, and six in parallel for the 450 and 600 meter wave. These are mounted in a metal rack, placed directly underneath the oscillation transformer and connected thereto with a multipoint switch to be explained later. Fig. 249 Rear View Marconi 2 K. W. 500 Cycle Transmitting Set. The . oscillation trans- former is of the inductively coupled type, the primary and secondary windings consisting of a strip-copper, spiral wound edgewise on a rectangular insulating support. The secondary turns for the three standard waves are selected by means of three flexible plug connections, but the three taps on the primary inductance for the 300, 450 and 600 meter waves are soldered fast in position, connections being shifted from one wave to the other by means of a multipoint wave-length changing switch. Two aerial tuning inductances are provided, one being a continuously variable inductance having a sliding contact which can be revolved by a handle in the front of the panel, per- mitting the inductance to be increased or decreased inch by inch. The second aerial tuning inductance, connected in series with this one, is fitted with three plug connections which are placed at positions on the coils corresponding to the 300, 450 and 600 meter waves. The short wave condenser, which consists of 2, 3 or 4 copper-plated jars connected in MOTOR GENERATOR MOTOR STARTER RESISTANCE TRANSFORMER STANDARD MARINE SETS OF AMERICAN MARCONI CO. 229 series, mounted in a metallic rack, is shown connected in the aerial circuit in Fig. 246. When not in use, the jars are shunted by a flexible conductor or by a switch. The aerial ammeter is a direct current instrument, range 0-20 amperes, its terminals being connected to a thermo-couple which is in turn mounted on a heating wire, the latter being connected directly in series with the antenna system. (See Fig. 53.) The Type I Aerial Change-Over Switch is fitted with the necessary contacts for opening and closing the transformer primary circuit and for protecting the receiving tuner circuits during the periods of transmission. It also discon- nects the secondary winding of the oscillating trans- former from the transmitter aerial during the re- ceiving period, interrupts the field circuit to the gen- erator, and starts and stops the motor generator. This switch is described in detail in paragraph 155. The predominant feature of the 2 K. W. 500 cycle set is the specially designed wave-length changing switch, the function of which will be fully described in paragraph 188, section d. This switch auto- matically shifts the coupling, inductance and capacity values for the three standard waves, the entire opera- tion being performed by merely throwing a handle mounted on the front of a panel. To meet the government requirements, provision is made for transmitting at low power. A fixed re- sistance connected in series with the generator field permits the voltage of the generator to be reduced to the lowest operative condition. The switch marked "low power" shunts this resistance coil, and, when open, only one or two gaps of the quenched dis- charger are to be employed. Type P-4 set is equipped with a synchronous rotary gap, having 30 sparking points, mounted on the shaft of the motor generator, the disc being thor- oughly connected to earth ; also a quenched spark gap consisting of 15 plates mounted in a metal rack and insulated therefrom. The disc of the rotary gap is fitted with air circulating vanes which force air at uniform pressure through a specially designed air duct to the plates of the quenched gap. 188. C.omplete Adjustment of Type P-4 Set.- (a) Plunger Control Auto- matic Starter. The plunger of the automatic motor starter should be adjusted to reach the full running position within 12 seconds. A small regulating screw P, Fig. 251, is placed directly underneath the plunger chamber and, if turned to the right, the plunger moves up slowly, but to the left, rapidly. The contacts F, G, H, I, J, which make connection with the crossbar on the plunger K, should be adjusted to complete the circuit to the armature in progression; e. g., one is placed a little bit higher than the other as shown. Set screw U should be adjusted until lever of the overload relay is opposite 30 or 35 amperes. This is approximately the correct setting for average working. The tension on the springs attached to the upper contacts of the automatic starter should be adjusted for firm contact with bar K. The circuit to the solenoid N is opened and closed at T-l while contact T closes me cir- cuit to a special magnet winding holding lever O upward in case of short circuit in the power circuits. Contacts Y and Z throw a small resistance coil in series with the solenoid winding after the starter has reached the full running position. A simple fundamental wiring diagram of this starter appears in Fig. 75. (&) Adjustment of the Spark Note. In the adjustment of the note of the quenched spark discharger, it is to be understood that the pitch depends upon conditions of resonance between the open and closed oscillation circuits as well as upon the voltage of the generator. Careful regulation of the voltage, however, is the principal adjustment and the one to be undertaken first (provided the set has been tuned). 250 Special Submarine Type Transmitter (American Mar- coni Company). 230 PRACTICAL WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. The operator should select a certain number of gaps, say eight, and follow it by varying the generator voltage. After the set has been tuned for maximum antenna current, the voltage should be slightly readjusted until the sp.ark is clear. It is easily seen that if the note is clear and the secondary circuit is thrown out of resonance, less energy will be withdrawn from the closed oscillation circuit, which will increase the voltage across the gap. The pitch of the note will therefore be destroyed. The rule to be followed is, tune the set first; afterwards adjust the gaps and -voltage until the note is clear and the wattmeter indicates 2 kilowatts. The synchronous rotary gap is adjusted for a high pitched note by the small brass rod R and knob, Fig. 116, which moves the muffling drum carrying the stationary spark elec- trodes through a 25-degree arc. It is also essential that the A. C. voltage be carefully regulated. But the operator should take care that the reading of the wattmeter in no case exceeds 2 K. W. Also he should adjust the length of the discharge gap until the stationary electrodes and the rotary elec- trodes are separated no more than .01 of an inch. The complete process will perhaps be clearer from the detailed drawing, Fig. 252. OVERLOAD RELAV o o o o o P-6 O P-7 o P10 o Ml o p. is o P-14 O P-15 Fig. 251 Automatic Starter Panel (2 K. W. 500 Cycle Transmitter). It is important that this adjustment be not undertaken until the motor is stopped. Then one stationary electrode is lowered down by means of the milled screw S until it touches one of the electrodes on the disc. The electrode is then raised to just miss the rotating electrodes ivhen the disc is turned over by hand. Similarly the other stationary electrode must be lowered until it touches the disc electrodes and then raised until it clears the entire set of spark points on the disc. Each turn of the nut S represents a radical movement of .037 of an inch and as there are eight holes equally spaced in the face of the nut (which engage the pin P), the movement of one hole represents a radial movement of approximately .005 of an inch. The length of the spark discharge gap is adjusted correctly when the electrodes on the disc and the sta- tionary electrodes are separated .005 of an inch to .01 of an inch, and, after they have been so adjusted, the muffling drum should be shifted backward or forward until a uniform clear spark note is obtained. (c) Details of Quenched Gap. A detailed front view of this spark gap partly in section is shown in Fig. 253. The quenched gap consists of a number of copper discs or plates such as O, O, having circular sparking surfaces J separated by paper washers which are specially treated with an insulating varnish. These plates are set in a trough and clamped together with such pressure that the space enclosed between the discs is airtight. A disc or insulating material F is placed against the end plates to insulate the gap from brackets K and C. Con- tacts P and Q, which extend to the condenser and oscillation transformer, may be plugged into the cooling flanges of any of the plates. Nuts D, D brace the end castings K and C. Operators of the Marconi service should give the following instructions careful consider- STANDARD MARINE SETS OF AMERICAN MARCONI CO. 231 INSULATING /BUSHING ation : In setting up the quenched gap care should be taken to keep the spark surfaces J absolutely clean and smooth. The paper discs or washers N should also be scrupulously clean. Fifteen plates are stacked up in the rack and pressure applied through the pressure bolt B, which is locked in position by the nut A. This screw should be taken up with a 10-inch monkey wrench. // the gap is not airtight the spark note will be irregular. This is a positive indica- tion that the gap is leaking and it should therefore be taken apart and the sparking surfaces cleaned and reassembled, using new gaskets if necessary. The gap should not be used over an extended period if it once starts leaking. In case one of the gaps become defective it can be short-circuited by means of a metal contactor which is furnished especially for that purpose. The defective gap can be de- tected by means of a short circuiting contact mounted on an insulating rod called a test rod. The gaps can be successively short- circuited and the defective one will be located by there being no sparking at the tips of the contactor. In event the gap is taken apart, before being reassembled, the sparking surfaces of the copper plates must be cleaned and smoothed off by means 'of very fine sand- paper. Care should be taken to keep the sur- faces perfectly flat during the cleaning so that the opposing surfaces will be parallel when they are placed in the rack. When the gap is in proper working condition, the sparking surfaces show a uniform coloring over the whole area. If the surfaces of the plate are black or dark colored, it is an indi- cation that the gap is not airtight. If it becomes necessary to disassemble the gap, after reassembly, the spark must be dis- charged through the series of plates con- tinually for one or two hours. In fact, the note will not be clear until the gap is thus "seasoned." (d) Tuning and Wave-Length Changing Switch. It has long been the desire of radio engineers to fit the trans- Fig - ? 52 showi - n i Ho u w the St ^ tionar y ? ctr f2 es of mitting apparatus with appliances the Marconi Synchronous Gap are Adjusted. 1 , f < 1 r i whereby the wave-length of the trans- mitting set could be quickly changed by merely throwing a switch, but the re- quirements of radio-frequency circuits would not permit this to be done without certain mechanical and electrical considerations. For example: With the potentials employed in radio-telegraph transmitters, the switch to perform these functions must possess first-rate insulating qualities. The associated circuits and leads thereto must be widely separated and in addition they must not be of too great length in order that the length of the radiated wave may be kept within restrictions. Again the component parts of the complete switch cannot be placed in any convenient mechanical position but must perform their functions near to the portion of the circuit in conjunction with which they operate. Additional considerations are involved obvious to the radio engineer, but not of sufficient importance to be gone over in detail. The complete process of tuning of the 2 K. W. 500 cycle set, and the locating of the taps STATIONARY ELECTRODE ELECTRODE OH DISC 232 PRACTICAL WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. on the secondary turns of the oscillation transformer may appear difficult to the unskilled operator, but is easily accomplished by the trained engineer or inspector. The function of the wave length changing switch and the tuning of the 2 K. W. 500 cycle set will be described in detail and reference should be made particularly to Fig. 246 showing the complete circuits of the apparatus. First it should be noted that when the quenched spark discharger is cut in the circuit, the coupling betiveen the primary and secondary windings is varied by varying the number of turns in the secondary winding only, the primary and secondary coils being placed in a fixed mechanical position, but for the synchronous rotary spark gap they are drawn apart to whatever degree of separation is necessary to radiate a pure wave. In certain installations the primary and secondary windings may be placed in a fixed mechanical position for the rotary discharger as well as for the quenched gap. (1) Explanation of the circuits. It will be observed from the diagram, Fig. 246, that these sets are fitted with a change-over switch which permits either the rotary disc discharger or the quenched spark discharger to be cut in the circuit. The gaps are connected in series and to change from one to the other, it is only necessary to shift the position of the switch K. When the quenched discharger is in use, a compensating inductance L, Fig. 246, makes up for the length of leads connected from contacts 58 and 59 to the rotary disc discharger, thereby keeping the wave-length of the closed oscillatory circuit constant. When the rotary Fig. 253 Detailed Sketch of Marconi Quenched Spark Gap. discharger is connected in the circuit, the flexible leads attached to the quenched gap plates must be connected together. In the diagram, Fig. 246, the high potential transformer of the set is represented by the primary and secondary windings P and S respectively; the high potential condensers at C-l and C-2; the primary winding of the oscillation transformer at P-l, the secondary at S-l ; also an aerial tuning inductance S-2 with flexible contacts A, B and C, and, in addition, a continuously variable tuning inductance S-3. The antenna system further includes the series condenser C-3 and the aerial ammeter. The distinctive feature of this apparatus is the primary wave-length changing switch W-l operated simultaneously by a single handle in conjunction with the switch W-2. It will be observed that when W-l is in contact with point 39, 'a single unit of the condenser C-2 (three jars in parallel of 0.002 microfarads each) is connected in series with the primary winding of the oscillation transformer at point A, i.e., the adjustment for 300 meters. Similarly, W-2 closes the aerial circuit to contacts 44 and 45, which connect in the correct number of turns to radiate the 300 meter wave. Contacts A, B and C of S-l and S-2 may be plugged in at any point on the secondary coil, but they are permanently attached to the coil after the set has been tuned to the three standard waves. Further movement of the handle connects together contacts 40 and 41, which not only connects in the correct number of primary turns for the wave-length of 450 meters, but also connects the condenser units C-l and C-2 in parallel, giving a total condenser capacity of 0.012 microfarads. Still further movement of the switch closes contacts 42 and 43, also contacts 48 and 49, which connect in STANDARD MARINE SETS OF AMERICAN MARCONI CO. 233 the correct number of turns, in both the open and closed oscillatory circuits, for the standard 600-meter wave. (2) The Process of Tuning. Before undertaking to tune a set of this type, the student should thoroughly consider the following facts: (1) In order to obtain the maximum flow of antenna current, a different degree of coupling at the oscillation transformer must be found for each of the standard waves. (2) In order that the radiated waves can be rapidly changed by simply throw- ing a switch, the primary and secondary windings of the oscillation transr former must remain in a fixed position mechanically. (3) The coupling of the oscillation transformer is then varied for each standard wave by changing the self-inductance of the secondary, i. e. cutting in or out turns. Now the correct number of turns for the secondary winding is determined for" each of the standard waves experimentally, as follows : For preliminary determination at a standard wave-length, say 600 meters, a trial number of turns (4 to 6 turns) is selected at the secondary winding S-l through the flexible plug contact C. This having been done, a second trial number of turns, say 4 turns, are cut in at S-2. Turns are added or subtracted at the aerial tuning coil S-3 (with the spark gap discharging) until the aerial ammeter indicates a maximum deflection. The adjustment for resonance having thus been located, the windings P-l and S-l are drawn apart or placed closer to ascertain if an increase of antenna current will result. If separation of P-l and S-l increases the antenna current, it indicates that too many turns have been included at S-l for the mechanical position of the coupling coils selected at the start ; and, in consequence, turns must be taken out at S-l and additional turns cut in at S-2 or S-3, until resonance is secured. The primary winding P-l must, however, first be placed in its original fixed posi- tion relative to S-l. The correct number of turns must now be found out for the standard waves of 450 and 300 meters, that is, the correct number of turns must be selected and the coupling adjusted until the maximum antenna current for each wave is secured with P-l remaining in a certain fixed position to S-l. At first sight, it may seem difficult to locate the correct position for contacts, A, B and C, on S-l and S-2, but from the experience obtained by tuning several sets, approximately correct inductance values may be selected at sight. It should be understood that the positions of A, B and C on the primary and secondary coils shown in Fig. 246 do not necessarily represent their relative positions in actual commercial practice. With aerials of different capacity, inductance, and resistance, decidedly different positions must be located. For example : At the wave-lengths of 450 and 600 meters, less inductance may be required at point C than at point B for these two wave-lengths, or vice versa. Careful consideration of the foregoing procedure will reveal that (1) the continuously variable inductance S-3 aids in locating the number of turns to be finally connected in at S-2; (2) S-3 gives a fineness and quickness of adjustment which the coil S-2 with a flexible contact does not afford; (3) the mechanical variation of the coupling between P-l and S-l permits the correct number of turns to be selected much more quickly than by experimental trials with the plug contacts. It is now clear that after the set has been completely tuned, in order to change from one standard wave-length to the other, the operator needs only to shift the handle of the switches W-\ and W-2, with the exception that on the 300-meter wave, the short wave condenser C-3 must be connected in series with the aerial system. In certain ship installations, the con- denser C-3 is connected in series with the lead from contact 45 to the aerial tuning induct- ance S-2 and when so connected is automatically thrown in series with the antenna system whenever the switch blades W-l and W-2 are shifted to the 300-meter position. Because of the perfect quenching secured with this particular type of gap P-l may remain in a fixed mechanical position relative to S-l throughout the series of wave-lengths, but when the rotary disc discharger is employed, unless a complete new set of positions is located for contacts A, B and C of S-l and S-2, P-l must be drawn away from S-l to secure a pure wave. P-l might have to be placed from eight to ten inches away from S-l to radiate a pure wave with the rotary gap. The primary and secondary wave-length changing switch performs another function which has not been mentioned : When the switch is in the 300-meter position, a reactance coil is automatically connected in series with the primary winding of the power transform?? 234 PRACTICAL WIRELESS -TELEGRAPHY. TERMINAL to reduce the power to a value commensurate with the decreased secondary condenser capacity. The transformer then consumes 1 k. w. During the tuning of these sets it has been observed that if initial adjustments are made near to metallic dock buildings, the effective antenna resistance is altered, and, in conse- quence, the tuning adjustments for maximum antenna current, need to be changed slightly when the ship is at sea. Generally it is only necessary to vary slightly the inductance of S-3 for maximum aerial current. After the set has been tuned in this manner, the purity of the wave and decrement of the oscillations is measured by means of a wavemeter with a current indicating instrument connected in series, such as a wattmeter. The commercial value of a transmitting set equipped with these features cannot be over- estimated. The operator having at his disposal three standard wave-lengths, any of which may be brought instantly into play, can literally pick his way through the con- gested radio atmosphere, changing from one wave-length to the other as operating conditions may require. - m (?) Type 106 Tuner. The working and adjustment of this tuner is completely cov- ered in paragraph 138 of Part IX. (/) Short Wave Condenser. This con- denser consists of 2, 3 or 4 jars connected in series. Owing to the variation in the capacity of commercial aerials, the correct capacity for the short wave condenser is best determined by experiment. Two standard jars in series have capacity of .001 mfds.; three in series .00066 mfds., 4 in series .0005 mfds. Aerials having a natural wave-length of 250 meters do not require a short wave condenser for three JAR 254 One Type of Marconi Short Wave Condenser. (See Fig. 128) standard waves. A side view of one type of short wave condenser is shown in Fig. 254. (g) Spark Gap Change-Over Switch. To change from the quenched to the rotary gap, a small D. P. D. T. switch is connected in the circuits of radio-fre- quency. When the rotary gap is connected in the circuit, the quenched gap is placed on short-circuit by connecting together the contact clips. 189. Type P-5 Panel Transmitter. In many respects this set duplicates the type P-4, but there are certain mechanical modifications. The motor gen- erator and the transformer are mounted on the panel frame together with the remainder of the equipment. Both the rotary synchronous discharger and the quenched discharger are supplied. A compensating inductance joined to the change-over switch permits the use of either spark discharger without change of the wave-length of the closed oscillation circuit. A fundamental circuit diagram of the automatic starter for this set has been shown in Fig. 74 and a more detailed diagram is now presented in Fig. 255. The circuits of radio- frequency are shown in Fig. 256; a front and side view of the panel in Fig. 257 and Fig. 258 and a rear view in Fig. 259. 190. Description of Apparatus. The motor generator comprises a 110 volt direct current motor directly connected to a l / 2 K. W. 120 volt 500 cycle alternator. The motor is designed to operate on pressures between 95 and 115 volts with little change of speed. The initial speed is controlled by a rheostat mounted on the left hand side of the panel. The generator is of the inductor type having a stationary armature and field winding, the flux being varied by a rotor of soft iron. (See photo, Fig. 67.) The open circuit voltage STANDARD MARINE SETS OF AMERICAN MARCONI CO 235 D.C. LINE D.C. FIELD RHEOSTAT AUTOMATIC STARTER. l.C.Co. D.C. i K.W. 110 VOLT, TYPE'?" WITH DYNAMIC BRAKE. Fig. 255 Fundamental Wiring Diagram of the Automatic Starter Furnished With the Marconi J4 K. W. 500 Cycle Transmitter. (See Fig. 74 and Section J in Appendix) of the generator is approximately 350 volts and the load voltage about 120 volts. The normal speed of the machine is 2,500 R. P. M. The voltage at the armature terminals can be varied by the field rheostat mounted on the right hand side of the panel. The low power circuits are protected by the usual set of protective condensers. A closed core transformer having a secondary potential of 14,500 volts is supplied and is fitted with an appropriate safety gap. 236 TACTICAL WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. QUENCHED GAP f GROUND CONNECTION HELD IN PLACE UNDER FLANGE NUT' Fig. 256 Radio Frequency Circuits of the */ 2 K. W. 500 Cycle Transmitter. The circuits of radio-frequency (Fig. 256) are similar to the 2 K. W. set with the excep- tion that a condenser of fixed capacity is employed throughout all wave lengths. Also the secondary winding is moved away from the primary for change of coupling, which is the reverse of the method employed in the 2 K. W. set. However, the change of wave-length is accomplished in the same manner by a special switch and the primary and secondary wind- ings remain in a fixed mechanical position for all wave-lengths. The transmitter condenser consists of 4 copper-plated small Leyden jars connected in parallel having capacity of .001 mfds. each. These are mounted in a metal rack behind the panel. This set is also fitted with a single pole double throw high potential switch which either connects the aerial to the transmitter or connects it directly to earth for protection against lightning. This switch operates independently of the antenna changeover switch. The automatic starter supplied with this set has been shown diagrammatically in Fig. 74, but the diagram, Fig. 255, outlines the circuits more as they appear on the actual panel. The starter consists essentially of two magnets fitted with armatures, one of which con- nects the motor armature to the D. C. line through a single resistance coil and the other cuts out this resistance thereby connecting the motor direct to the D. C. line. Appropriate resist- ance coils are connected in series with the solenoid windings automatically, when the starter MOTOR RHEOSTAT AERIAL TUNING INDUCTANCE " WAVE LENGTH SWITCH ~~ AUTOMATIC- MOTOR STARTER GENERATOR RHEOSTAT X LOW POWER SWITCH AERIAL AMMETER LIGHTNING < SWITCH COUPLING ADJUSTER QUENCHED GAP ROTARV GAP * Fig. 257 Front View of the Marconi J4 K. W. 500 Cycle Transmitter. 238 PRACTICAL WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. Z6" INDUCTANCE WAVE LENGTH . CHANGING SWITCH PRIMARY SECONDARY TUNING STEP UP TRANSFORMER MOTOR GENERATOR -ROTARY GAP Fig. 258 Side View of the Marconi tf K. W. 500 Cycle Transmitter. STANDARD MARINE SETS OF AMERICAN MARCONI CO. 239 4fRlAL TUNIHQ INDUCTANCE KQTARY SPARK GAP ~~~~ is in the full running position. This prevents the magnet windings over- heating as the potential difference across the motor armature rises. A dynamic brake attached to the motor starter consists of a shunt armature resistance, which is connected across its terminals by a special set of con- tacts attached to the starter. A 2-pole single-throw switch dis- connects the motor from the power line. A single-pole switch permits the circuit of the generator field to be interrupted as a matter of safety dur- ing adjustment of the set and a sec- ond D. P. S. T. switch breaks the circuit from the generator to the transformer. The remainder of the equipment consists of a Type I aerial switch, Type 106 receiving tuner and flush switch for starting and stopping the motor generator from a distant point. Also an aerial ammeter, range 0-10 amperes, and a direct reading watt- meter, 0-750 watts. 191. Complete Adjustment of the Type P-5 Set. (a) Tun- ing. The tuning of this set, the ad- justment of the frequency and the voltage of the alternator and the ad- justment of the rotary gap is prac- tically the same as the 2 k. w. 500 cycle set described in previous para- graphs. The adjustment of the quenched gap is identical with the method described for the 2 k. w. set in section b, paragraph 188. (fc) Motor Starter. The opera- tion of the y 2 k. w. starter shown in Fig. 260 is as follows: The cut-out switches of the automatic starter are energized by direct current from the main D. C. line and operated by a distant control switch. When this switch is closed, the solenoid "A" is energized and moves the contact arm C radially in a vertical plane, perpendicular to the board, which cuts in the single resistance unit mounted in the re- sistance box behind the panel. As the speed of the motor generator in- creases, the current falls off, and the poten- tial difference across the armature rises. When it reaches normal value, the solenoid B is energized and draws the contact arm F, cut- ting out the resistance. This connects full line voltage across the Fig. 260 Automatic Starter Panel (J4 K. W. 500 Cycle Transmitter). motor. Fig. 259 Rear View of the Marconi Panel Transmitter. K. W. 500 Cycle O.C.UNC GEN FIELD AC GEN. ITT>4 ?s Pi PT 246 PkACficAL WIRELESS CUT OUT FOR SHORt WAVE CONDENSER IOADIN6 COIL' MOTOR FIELD GENERATOR RHEOSTAT FIELD RHEOSTAT ARE M 5 MOUNTED INSULATORS. 'D' 15 PLUG THIS IS TO CHANGE OVER FROM COIL TO POWER AND VICE VERSA 12 CELLS STORAGE BATTERY Fig. 261 Complete Wiring Diagram of Marconi 1 K. W. 60 Cycle Non-synchronous Transmitter. The time of closing the contacts of the automatic starter is regulated by the set screw E, Fig. 260, attached to the bottom of the starter arm B. Both solenoids should perform their functions within six seconds from the time the starting switch is closed. Like in the 2 k. w. set, the motor starter is controlled by a special set of contacts mounted on the aerial change- over switch or the motor may be held in a continuous state of operation by closing the flush switch mounted near to the antenna switch. In the later models of this set, when the starter is in full running position, resistances are cut in automatically at G and H to prevent the solenoid windings overheating. (See Section J Appendix). 192. How to Remove the Armature of the ^ K. W. Motor Generator. To remove the armature for purpose of repair or replacement, it is necessary first to remove the casing of the spark gap, then remove the disc, after which the bearing bracket can be removed from the generator. Next remove the motor brushes after which the armature can be pulled out. When replacing the armature the oil rings should be held up to permit the shaft to pass through the bearings. The oil rings should then be placed in their slots making sure that they move freely. To remove the disc of the rotary gap, the small machine screw in the shaft key should be unscrewed until it turns freely. A slight tap at the hub will then loosen the key which may be removed by a pair of pliers. After this a slight tap on the hub of the disc will loosen the other half of the key which may then be removed. The disc should then slip off readily. Sf ANDARD MARINE SETS OF AMERICAN MARCONI CO. 241 193. The 1 K. W. Non-Synchronous Discharger Transmitter. Certain ships in the Marconi service are fitted with a type of transmitter which originally was designed to be operated from a 60 cycle motor generator, with a plain spark gap, but the set is now fitted with a non-synchronous rotary discharger by which the effectiveness and range has been materially increased. A complete circuit diagram of this set is shown in Fig. 261 and the lay-out of the transmitter and receiver in a silence cabin in Fig. 262. 194. Description of the Set. The motor generator for this set is the "Standard" Robbins and Meyers type. The motor is shunt wound for 110 volt direct current. The generator is of 1 K. W. capacity and has an accumulative compound field winding which tends to maintain a constant A. C. voltage under variable load. The generator delivers current at 110 volts, 60 cycles. (See Fig. 65; also Fig. 79a.) The circuit to the transformer is interrupted by a type C standard transmitting key. The power transformer is of the open core type and is designed to operate on 110 volt 60 cycle circuits without external reactance. The secondary voltage is approximately 18,000 volts. Fig. 262 The Installation of a 1 K. W. Transmitter in a Silence Cabin. A hand-operated motor starter and two rotary field rheostat's are supplied. The latter are the Cutler-Hammer type. The high potential condenser comprises 6 copper-plated jars of .002 mfds. each, con- nected in parallel, mounted in a metal rack and insulated from the operating table by corru- gated porcelain insulators. Connection between the outside coatings is established through the frame of the rack. Only four jars are required, the remaining two being used as spares. The oscillation transformer has been illustrated in Fig. 119. The primary winding is made of copper tubing mounted on porcelain insulating supports. Tappings may be taken from the primary inductance by means of special spring contact clips. The secondary wind- ing has a fixed number of turns wound about an insulating drum which slides vertically on a brass tube. One terminal of this winding is connected to the tube and the opposite terminal to a terminal of the aerial tuning inductance. The aerial tuning inductance consists of a number of turns of copper cable wound on and insulated from a wooden frame. The required number of turns for any particular wave- length are cut in by means of a contact clip attached to a flexible lead. The short wave condenser consists of four copper-plated jars mounted on a rack insulated 242 PRACTICAL WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY STANDARD MARINE SETS OF AMERICAN MARCONI CO. 243 by corrugated porcelain insulators. Each jar has capacity of .002 mfds., consequently the four in series have capacity of .0005 mfds. The remainder of the equipment consists of a Type 106 Tuner, head telephone, Type I aerial change-over switch, and the necessary aerial equipment. 195. Installation. The component parts of the closed oscillation circuit being mounted separately, short connecting leads must be employed to connect up the con- denser, oscillation transformer and spark gap. Otherwise, it will be difficult to secure the wave-length of 300 meters. Perhaps the best arrangement of the apparatus is that shown in Fig. 262, where the transmitting apparatus is installed in a silence cabin, the operating room having the receiving tuner, the motor starter, rheostats, the transmitting key and the aerial change-over switch. In the transmitting cabin, the rotary gap is mounted atop the high potential transformer ; the oscillation transformer and condenser on the table immediately above. The motor starter should be installed where it is convenient to the left hand of the operator. Lead-covered cable is used to connect up the power circuits, No. 10 S. B. R. C. being used for the circuits carrying heavy current, and No. 14 S. B. R. C. for the field circuits and rotary-gap motor. Copper tubing is generally used for the radio-frequent circuits and copper ribbon for the earth wire. The receiving tuner is connected to the aerial switch by No. 18 fixture wire. 196. Adjustment of the 1 K. W. Set.- (a) Regulation of Voltage and Fre- quency. Care should be exercised not to overload this set by the use of abnormal voltages at the generator. These machines are constructed so that when MO volts D. C. is supplied to the motor 110 volts A. C. is supplied by the generator. The contact on the generator field rheostat should occupy an approximate midway position for the correct voltage while the motor rheostat should be set at the zero position; e. g., all resistance cut out of the circuit (when the voltage of the ship's generator is normal). () Rotary Gap. The arm of the rotary gap should be driven at approximately 2,400 R. P. M., but should be regulated according to the pitch of the note; in other words, the speed giving the clearest note is the one to use. A small speed controlling rheostat is mounted in the instrument room convenient to the operator. The adjuster should work in the direction of obtaining a note of high pitch with low values of voltage at the generator rather than with excessively high voltages. The gap between the points of the rotor and those on the stationary arm should be adjusted to a minimum length. (c ) Tuning. The tuning of this set is accomplished by first tuning the closed circuit to one of the standard waves with a wavemeter, followed by a similar adjustment of the aerial circuit. The better method is to excite the antenna with a spark coil or vibrating buzzer and in this manner measure the natural wave length of the aerial, then add turns at the aerial tuning inductance until the wave-length of 600 meters is obtained. Proceed similarly for 300 meters, but the short wave condenser must be connected in series with the aerial and perhaps another selection of turns made at the aerial tuning inductance. The degree of coupling and the consequent purity of the radiated wave may be adjusted by raising or lowering the secondary winding in respect to the primary winding, on the vertical rod or post. The secondary winding may be clamped permanently at the correct position of coupling. (d) The type 106 receiving tuner circuits and adjustment are completely covered in para- graph 138, Part IX. (e) Tuned Coil Emergency Transmitter. The student should note that the diagram, Fig. 261, contains the complete circuits of the Marconi tuned coil emergency transmitter. The diagram includes the wiring of the induction coil and the charging panel. When the left hand, two blade switch on the charging panel is closed, the main D. C. line to the batteries is closed, but current will not flow through the batteries until the plunger of the underload circuit breaker is pushed up by hand. If there are no loose con- nections ^in the charging circuit, the plunger will remain in this position until the charging current is cut off or until the voltage of the generator drops below that of the batteries (note position of these switches in Fig. 205a, Chapter 10). In order to take readings of the battery voltage, a small strap key placed alongside the underload circuit breaker must be closed. 244 STANDARD MARINE SETS OF AMERICAN MARCONI CO When the right hand double pole double throw switch is thrown to the upper set of con- tacts, the transmitting key is connected in series with the power transmitting set, but if thrown in the opposite position the key is in series with the primary circuit of the induction coil. To place the coil transmitter into operation, the flexible plug contact attached to B should be removed from A and connected into C. The arm of the rotary gap should be stopped in such position that a gap of the correct length is provided for the induction coil. The student should also trace out (in this diagram) the circuit of the rotary-gap motor which includes the two-blade starting switch and the series rheostat. In practice the rheostat is adjusted until a clear musical tone is obtained at the gap. The motor starter shown in this diagram is the standard General Electric Company's hand starter, the circuits of which are fully shown in Fig. 72. 197. Type "E-2" One-Half Kilowatt, 120 Cycle Panel Transmitter. A number of vessels in the American Mar- coni service are equipped with ^ k. w., 120 cycle panel transmitters fitted with a quenched gap but unlike the type "P-4" and type "P-5," this set is de- signed for the two standard wave- lengths only, namely, 300 and 600 meters. For emergency use, a rotary spark gap is mounted on the end of the motor generator shaft, which may be used in place of the quenched gap when- ever required. A complete circuit dia- gram of the type E-2 set appears in Fig. 263, a front view in Fig. 264 and rear views in Figs. 265 and 266. A number of spare parts, such as an extra motor generator armature, motor blower armature, quenched gap plates, condenser jars, etc., are supplied, positively insuring against all possibility of breakdown. 198. Details of the Circuits and Apparatus. Explanation of the de- tailed wiring diagram shown in Fig. 263 fol- lows : Llpr ROTAKY The motor generator is of the Eck type, '..;. , ot *5___'*^." A * < ' eR j having a two pole shunt wound motor and a simple shunt field winding for the generator. The speed of the motor is regulated by the sliding contact rheostat R and the voltage of the generator altered by the rheostat R-l. The generator field circuit may be broken by the small switch shown in the drawing. The receiving apparatus is thus protected from "hum- ming" noises due to induction from the A. C. generator circuit. The motor starter is the Cutler-Hammer single step type and is constructed somewhat differently than the types employed in the 2 K. W. and ^ K. W. 500 cycle panel transmitters. When the main D. C. line switch is closed, the resistance coil S is connected in series with the D. C. armature. Owing to the almost complete absence of counter electromotive force, the potential difference across the terminals of the armature at the start of the motor is low ; hence insufficient current flows through the solenoid windings W,. to draw up the plunger P. As the speed of the armature increases, the counter electromotive force rises, and accordingly the difference of potential increases ; finally sufficient current flows through the solenoid W to draw up the plunger P, whereupon the contacts C and C-l are short- circuited, shunting the resistance coil S out of the circuit. The motor is now connected directly to the D. C. line. The plunger P also separates the contacts D and D-l connecting the resistance coil S-l in series with the winding W to protect the latter from overheating or burning out. Fig. 264 Front View of the Marconi */ 3 K. W. 120 Cycle Transmitter. STANDARD MARINE SETS OF AMERICAN MARCONI CO. 245 The transformer of the closed core type is denoted by the primary winding T and the secondary winding T-l. Just previous to pressing the key, the voltage of the generator is about 300 volts, but immediately drops to approximately 110 volts when the primary circuit of the transformer is closed. The secondary voltage of the transformer with the con densers in shunt is about 14,700 volts. A safety discharge gap is connected to the secondary winding terminals for the protection of the condensers and transformer in case one of the leads from the regular discharge gap should become disconnected. The wattmeter of the ordinary switchboard type range 0-750 watts is connected in the circuit from the alternator to the transformer primary. The resistance coil N placed in series with the potential coil of the meter is mounted at the front base of the switchboard. The condensers are of the tubular Leyden jar type plated inside and outside with copper. The average capacity of each jar is .0015 mfd. The actual value is accurately measured and marked directly on the glass of each jar. In case of puncture a condenser jar of like capacity must be substituted. The seven Ley- den jars connected in parallel give a total capacity of about .011 mfd. The inside and T'" *"1 outside terminals of the condensers are con- i *NDU*TW':'E NC nected directly to the secondary winding of the transformer. The oscillation transformer consists of a primary and secondary winding of the pancake type, which are indicated at L and L-l re- spectively. Each winding consists of a single coil of copper ribbon properly mounted and spaced on an insulated base. The secondary winding L-l, mounted on a movable base, permits the coupling between it and the primary winding L to be quickly and easily adjusted. The wave-length changing switch, operated by the handle H, has two single blade contacts which when thrown to the right simultaneous- ly connect such values of inductance in the antenna circuit and closed oscillation circuit as to give each circuit a period corresponding to 600 meters. When thrown to the left both circuits are giyen a wave-length of 300 meters, provided the short-circuiting switch of the short wave condenser X is open. The correct number of primary and second- ary turns for the 300 and 600 meter waves are determined by means of a wavemeter and con- nection therefor made through the flexible connectors E and E-l. The taps on the sec- ondary inductance are located in the same Fig. 265 Rear View of the Marconi y 2 K. W. ,T, * f . , F ,i l^U Cycle 1 ransmitter. manner. Two values of inductance for the standard wave lengths are selected through the flexible conductors F and F-l. The spark discharger is of the multiple plate series type (quenched gap), consisting of fifteen plates giving fourteen gaps. No more than eight of these are generally required, leaving a number of spares. The discharge plates are of copper carefully ground, presenting an absolutely smooth and uniform sparking surface. Th plates are separated by specially treated fibre washers. Cooling is effected by means of a small direct current blower J. The motor circuit includes a switch for starting and stopping purposes. The synchronous rotary gap discharger Y is mounted on the end of the motor generator shaft. The rotating member has six discharge electrodes, while the stationary electrodes are two in number. The stationary electrodes may be shifted through a small arc, thereby permitting a spark discharge for each alternation of the charging current. This produces a discharge of uniform pitch having a musical characteristic. The group frequency of this set is 240 sparks per second. 246 PRACTICAL WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. The aerial tuning inductance of the continuously variable type, represented at L-2, is con- nected in series with the earth lead and consists of a single spiral of copper ribbon having a sliding contact U which allows connection to be made at any point on the spiral. The aerial changeover switch for shifting the antenna from the sending to the receiving apparatus consists of a single blade double throw switch. When thrown to the right, the antenna is connected directly to the terminals of the receiving tuner; when thrown to the left, connection is made direct to the secondary winding of the transmitting oscillation trans- former. These sets may be supplied with the type S, S, H, or I aerial changeover switch as well. The aerial ammeter of the Roller-Smith type, having a range of zero to 10 amperes, is permanently connected in the aerial circuit and is used for obtaining the maximum value of current and to indicate conditions of resonance between the open and closed oscillation circuits. The short wave condenser is of the standard Marconi type and may consist of either four flat plates of glass connected in series or four IB Leyden jars connected in series, giving a re- sultant capacity of .0005 mfd. The low potential power circuits are pro- tected from electrostatic induction by pro- tective condensers of large capacity. Two of these condensers are connected in series and earthed at the middle point. These protective units are connected across the generator field windings, the motor field windings, the arma- ture of the blower motor and the alternating current armature. The frame of the motor generator is connected directly to earth. 199. General Instructions for Tun- ing and Adjusting. The following general instructions should be carefully observed by inspectors and operators: (a) Regulation of Voltage and Frequency. Connect the D. C. line (110-120 volts) to the lower terminal of the fused switch marked "D. C. Line," the aerial to the binding post marked "A" on the back of the antenna change- over switch and ground either one or both of the terminals of the iron frame which sup- ports the panel. The slider of the generator field rheostat should be placed near the lower end, the an- tenna switch turned to "Send" position and about eight or nine gaps of the quenched gap connected in the circuit. Next observe that none of the leads be- tween the double two-point wave length switch and the oscillation transformer are discon- nected. Close the D. C. line switch which starts the motor generator through the automatic starter. Then close the "generator field" and the "blower motor" switch ; finally close the "A. C. line" switch. (6) Tuning. The complete set is now ready for tuning. Disconnect the antenna and tune the closed oscillatory circuit to the desired wave length by means of a wavemeter. Set the two-point switch indicator at "300." Adjust the tap leading from the front coil of the oscillation transformer to switch point marked "300" to the 300 meter wave length. Then turn the indicator to "600" and adjust the tap to the higher wave length. Next connect the set with the" antenna, tune the secondary or open circuit to the closed circuit and locate taps for each of the two standard wave lengths. The coupling as well as the sliding contact which travels over the turns of the aerial tuning inductance, should be varied while locating the wave-length tap, to find the best posi- Fig. 266 Rear View of the Marconi */ 2 K. W. 120 Cycle Transmitter. STANDARD MARINE SETS OF AMERICAN MARCONI CO. 247 tion of both the coupling and flexible connection. The circuits are in resonance when the aerial ammeter shows the highest possible reading. With the average ship's aerial it is possible to locate the correct number of turns at the secondary winding of the oscillation transformer so that the radiated wave can be changed from 600 meters to 300 meters by simply throwing the changeover switch to the proper posi- tion. When this switch is in the 300 meter position, the short wave condenser which is placed in series with the earth lead must have its short-circuiting strap removed. Generally speak- ing, the aerial tuning inductance tap is placed at a fixed point for either the 600 meter or 300 meter wave. (c) Adjustment of the Spark Note. Either a receiver or a wavemeter may be used to indi- cate the quality of the note. If the note is not clear vary the generator voltage, the number of gaps and the transformer coupling, until it is clear or has a pitch of about 240 sparks per Fig. 266a 2 K. W. 240 Cycle Motor Generator With Synchronous Disc Discharger. second. If the generator voltage is too high or too low, the note will either be rough or else have the wrong pitch. The note may also be judged by the tone of the brush discharge of the condensers. Maximum antenna current does not indicate maximum efficiency. The note must also be kept clear and the gap not worked above the antenna current at which the clearness is not maintained. ' The wattmeter should indicate about 500 watts and the number of gaps used should be between eight and twelve. The power of the set varies in the square of the number of gaps ; that is, if the ten gaps represent full power the power would be 10 2 100. The set is designed to carry a load of 500 watts. Any overload is liable to develop volt- ages that may break down the condensers or cause trouble elsewhere in the set. (rf) Adjustment of the Quenched Gap. The quenched gap should not be taken apart until absolutely necessary. When the circuits are in resonance, but the antenna current is less than 5 to 7 amperes or the wattmeter reading falls below its usual value, or when unable to get a clear note, the gaps should be opened and the spark surfaces examined. If the gap becomes short-circuited it can be determined by the use of the "gap tester" Can insulated rod having a brass piece inserted in one end), which will indicate no spark when bridged across two adjacent spark discs. To open the gap, loosen the set screw in the left hand of the gap with a wrench which is supplied with the set. Then lift out the plates. 248 PRACTICAL WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. If the plates and gaps stick together take care when forcing them apart not to injure the gasket or the sparking surfaces. Should the gasket become injured or cling to the metal, clean the plate off carefully and insert a new gasket. The sparking surface of the plate should have a light, pink color with a somewhat dull finish. If a plate has a rough, black appearance, it indicates that the gap was not airtight and the sparking surfaces should be carefully cleaned with a very fine emery cloth. Do not operate the set unless the blower motor of the gap is running, otherwise the heat may destroy the gaskets. Never touch any circuit which may be alive without first opening the field switch or the generator main switch, or possibly both. 200. Marconi 2 K. W. 240 Cycle Transmitter. A number of vessels in the Marconi service are fitted with a 2 k. w. synchronous spark transmitter consisting of several isolated instruments mounted on an operating table in a convenient way. The motor generator is a special Eck machine which takes current at the motor at 110 volts and generates current at 500 volts at frequency of 240 cycles. The motor is of the interpole type which gives sparkless commutation and constant speed regulation under variable load. A synchronous rotary spark discharger, mounted on the generator shaft, consists of a fiber disc carrying twelve spark points connected together by a copper strip. The stationary electrodes, two in number, are mounted on a wooden muffling drum which encloses the disc. Synchronous discharges are obtained by shifting the drum carrying the stationary electrodes, one way or the other, until a uniform spark note is secured. Simultaneous adjustments of the generator voltage must be made noting the reading of the ammeter to insure that normal power consumption is not exceeded. The complete motor generator and spark gap is shown in Fig. 266a. The condenser may be either of the flat plate glass or copper-plated jar type. The oscillation transformer is the type mentioned in connection with the 1 k. w. 60 cycle sets and shown in the photograph, Fig. 119. An open core transformer is employed taking current in the primary at 500 volts and delivering at the secondary, current at pressure of 15,000 volts. The receiving equipment may consist either of type 107a or a type 106 tuner connected to a type I or type S. H. aerial changeover switch. Either a General Electric Company or Cutler-Hammer Hand Starter may be supplied with the motor generator. Since the process of tuning of radio sets has been gone over repeatedly in connection with other sets of the Marconi Company and particularly in paragraph 164, it is not deemed necessary to repeat the instructions again. Briefly, the rotary gap is adjusted for a clear spark note after which the closed circuit is tuned to the standard wave by a wavemeter and the antenna circuit is adjusted to resonance by a hot wire ammeter or by the wavemeter if desired. 201. Type P-9, % K. W. Cargo Transmitting Set. One of the latest types of transmitters developed by the Marconi Wireless Telegraph Company of America is the type P-9 set which was primarily intended for cargo vessels or ships of small tonnage. Although the apparatus of this set is not placed on a panel board as the types P-4 and P-5, the component parts are mounted in a convenient way in an angle iron frame as shown in the photographs, Figs. 266-b and 266-c. Fig. 266-d is a complete wiring diagram of the set. It is to be noted first that the lower part of the frame holds the motor generator, the high voltage condenser and a step-up closed core transformer. On the upper shelf is placed the oscillation transformer, the aerial tuning inductance, the short wave condenser, the lightning switch and a resonance indicator for purposes of tuning. A hand-operated motor starter is mounted to the side of the panel and immediately under- neath a terminal board for making connections to the power mains, the aerial changeover switch and the telegraph key. This set was designed with the utmost simplicity of construction and operation in view and is one that can be placed in unskilled hands without fear of breakdown. Unlike the Marconi transmitters previously described, type P-9 is not fitted with a variable field resistance or an aerial ammeter. Fixed resistance coils are connected in series with both the motor and generator field windings and conditions of resonance between the STANDARD MARINE SETS OF AMERICAN MARCONI CO. 249 open and closed oscillation circuits are determined by a small glow lamp shunted by a semi- loop of wire. It is to be observed also that the coupling between the primary and secondary windings is changed by moving the primary at right angles to the secondary. (a) Description of the Set. The motor generator is a % K. W. 500 cycle machine of the Crocker-Wheeler type, the load voltage of the alternator being about 120 volts. PRIMARY OSCILLATION TRANSFORMER ROTARY GAP \ CLOSED CORE TRANSFORMER Fig. 266b The Marconi l / 4 K. W. Cargo Type Transmitting Set Complete. The motor has a differential field winding for maintaining a constant speed under variable load and it is designed for connection to a 110 volt direct current circuit. The motor starter is one of the Industrial Controller Company's hand-operated type with the usual connections to the motor. (See- wiring diagram, Fig. 266-d.) Protective y 2 microfarad condensers are attached to the motor generator circuits to neutralize any differences of potential that may be set up by the transmitter. One terminal of these condensers is connected to a binding post of the machine and the other terminal to the frame of the motor generator, which, in turn, is thoroughly connected to earth. The high voltage transformer is one of the closed core type (Fig. 266b), which is im- 250 PRACTICAL WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. mersed in a semi-liquid grease. A small fixed reactance coil is connected in series with the primary winding for regulation of the current. The high voltage condenser consists of two small sized copper-plated jars of .001 micro- farads each, which are shunted across the secondary terminals of the transformer. The oscillation transformer has two flat spiral coils made of copper strip wound edgewise, the primary winding being connected in series with the spark gap circuit and the secondary winding in series with the antenna circuit The correct number of turns in either winding AERIAL TUNING INDUCTANCE SECONDARY OSCILLATION TRANSFORMER PRIMARY MOTOR STARTER TERMINAL 5GARO Fig. 266c The Marconi K. W. Cargo Set showing the General Arrangement the Apparatus. of for the standard waves is obtained by means of a small clip contact attached to a flexible lead. The positions of the 300, 450 and 600 meter waves at the primary winding are clearly marked and the contact clip must be shifted by hand for each change of wavelength. The aerial tuning inductance also consists of a flat spiral copper strip wound edgewise on an insulating base, the inductance being varied by a flexible lead and contact clip. Instead of an aerial ammeter, a resonance indicator is connected in series with the antenna circuit. It consists of a small glow lamp shunted by a loop of wire upon which bears a sliding contact. By regulating the length of the shunt circuit, the proportion of current flowing through the lamp can be carefully regulated. STANDARD MARINE SETS OF AMERICAN MARCONI CO. 251 The short wave condenser consists of two .001 microfarad condensers connected in series which are shunted out of the circuit by a knife blade switch. This switch also connects the aerial to earth for protection against lightning. The type I aerial changeover switch furnished with this set is fully described in Para- graph 155. This switch in the transmitting position: (1) Closes the alternating current circuit to the transformer; (2) Closes the field circuit to the generator; (3) Disconnects the aerial from the receiving tuner primary; (4) Places the detector, head telephone and secondary of the receiving tuner on short circuit Fig. 266d Complete Wiring Diagram of the YA, K. W. Cargo Transmitting Set with Type 112 Receiving Tuner and Type I Aerial Changeover Switch. In the receiving position the reverse operations are performed. The remainder of the type P-9 equipment comprises a type C transmitting key, type 112 receiving tuner and a pair of 2,000 ohms D. H. receivers. In addition, lead-covered wire, rubber-covered wire and copper tubing is supplied for connecting up the apparatus. The type 112 receiving tuner is described in detail in Paragraph 156. (&) Installation. The main D. C. line to the motor generator and hand starter is inter- rupted by a 30 ampere knife blade switch which is fused for 20 amperes. This is placed in a position convenient to the operator. The blades of the switch are connected to studs No. 1 and No. 2 of the terminal board with No. 14 lead-covered wire. Stud No. 3 of the terminal board connects to one terminal 252 PRACTICAL WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. of the type C key; the other key terminal connects to terminal No. 12 of the type I switch. Terminal No. 11 (type I switch) connects to stud 6 of the terminal board. Stud No. 4 of the terminal board connects to terminal No. 10 of the type I switch. Terminal No. 7 of the type I switch connects to stud No. 5 of the terminal board. In order to conduct induced currents to earth, the lead coating of the wires is thoroughly connected to the earth wire. The antenna lead-in insulator is connected to the type I switch contact marked "ANT C'K'T" by means of quarter-inch copper tubing. The type I switch contact marked "OSC C'K'T" is connected to the switch blade terminal of the short wave condenser. All other connections to the type I switch are firmly soldered in special lugs provided for the purpose. The copper tubing is supported by two standard lighthouse type of insulators supplied by the Marconi Company. The ground stud on the frame work of the transmitting apparatus is connected to earth by a zinc strip one-half inch in width. Terminal No. 1 of type I switch is connected to binding post marked "Aerial" or "ANT" on the receiving tuner. The tuner binding post marked "Ground" or "GND" is connected directly to the earth. The left telephone binding post is connected to the terminal No. 5 of the type I switch. The right telephone binding post is connected to terminal No. 2. On the type 112 receivers with serial numbers from 2 to 13 inclusive, the small binding post marked "Detector" (located beside the primary tap switch) is to be connected to terminal No. 4 of the type I switch ; but on receiving tuners with serial numbers from 14 up, the binding post marked "Detector" or "DET" opposite the telephone binding post is to be con- nected to terminal No. 4 of the type I switch. The three dry cells are connected to the battery binding posts oh the receiver as shown in Fig. 266d. The receiving apparatus is connected with No. 18 rubber-covered solid wire. (c) Adjustment. After the transmitting set is connected to the power mains, aerial switch, etc., the first adjustment is to be made at the electrodes of the rotary gap. (1) Lower the stationary electrodes by unscrewing the adjusting nut at the top (one at a time) until they touch the electrodes on the disc; then turn the adjusting screw to the right until the electrodes just clear those on the rotary disc, when the latter is turned over by hand. The proper separation is from .005 to .01 of an inch. Be sure that the engaging pin on the stationary electrode is properly seated. (2) Next close the main D. C. line switch and start the motor generator by drawing the starting handle over slowly. (3) Close transmitting key and shift the muffling drum carrying the stationary spark electrodes until the note is clear and musical. (cO Tuning. The set is tuned to the three standard waves as follows: (1) Set contact clip on the primary coil of the oscillation transformer at the desired wave length (the position of the tap for each of the three standard waves is plainly marked on the coil). (2) To insure accuracy, check back the wave length of the closed oscillation circuit by a wavemeter. (3) Set the primary coil of the oscillation transformer at an angle of about 50 to the secondary. (4) Cut in 4 or 5 turns at the secondary winding. (5) Add turns at the aerial tuning inductance until the resonance indicator glows brightly. (6) If glow lamp becomes excessively incandescent, turn the small shunt switch counter clockwise. (7) Continue changing the antenna inductance until the indicator shows a sharp maximum. (8) Then draw the primary winding further away from the secondary and slightly retime the antenna circuit. (9) The set generally will be properly tuned when a slight change in coupling or antenna inductance causes a decrease of the antenna current. (10) If the coupling proves too close with the primary winding at right angles with the secondary, cut out turns in the secondary and add turns at the aerial tuning inductance until resonance is obtained. STANDARD MARINE SETS OF AMERICAN MARCONI CO. 253 When connected to aerials having natural wave lengths between 250 and 300 meters, these sets will give antenna current of from 3 to 4 amperes, which will permit communication over several hundred miles. 202. Aerial Current and Reduction of Power. In order to familiarize operators with the approximate values of aerial current to be expected from the different Marconi transmitters at the three standard waves, the following table is appended. Different values will be obtained with different aerials but those given may be considered as a good average: Type of Transmitter. 300 meters. 450 meters. 600 meters. 2 K. W. 500 cycle 3 to 5 amperes 9 to 13 amperes 12 to 17 amperes i^ K. W. 500 cycle 2 to 4^ amperes 5 to 7 amperes 5^ to 8 amperes IK. W. 60 cycle 1^ to 3 amperes 5 to 7 amperes y z K. W. 120 cycle 1% to 3 amperes 5 to 7 amperes 2 K. W. 240 cycle 1^ to 3 amperes 5^ to 8 amperes ^ K. W. 500 cycle Ito2 amperes 3 to 4 amperes (a) Reduction of Power. The International Regulations require that the transmitter be constructed to permit the power to be reduced progressively from maximum to zero. The United States regulations permit the power to be reduced in certain types of sets by reduction of the coupling between the primary and secondary windings, which reduces the antenna current. In the quenched gap sets, the power is reduced (1) by cutting out the gaps, (2) by reduction of the generator voltage or (3) by lowering the coupling if necessary. The power of the synchronous spark sets is reduced by reduction of the coupling between the primary 'and secondary windings of the oscillation trans- former (thereby reducing the antenna current) or by lowering the generator voltage. In order to secure a uniform spark discharge under reduced power, it may be necessary with synchronous spark sets to slightly readjust the position of the stationary electrodes. Certain types of transmitting sets are provided with primary or secondary reactance coils which reduce the primary or secondary current to a minimum value, but there is an objection to reducing the power in this way because a total readjustment of the gap and secondary voltage is required for clear tones. In sets like the Marconi 2 K. W. 240 cycle transmitter or the 1 K. W. 60 cycle transmitter, the antenna current is reduced by turning the secondary winding of the type A oscillation transformer at right angles to the primary winding or at any intermediate position. (See curve Fig. 245A). 203. General Instructions for the Panel Sets. Operators in the Marconi service are urged to give careful attention to the following general instructions for the care and maintenance of the panel transmitters : (1) Observe the oil containers of the generator and motor bearings frequently and keep them well supplied with oil. Open small petcock occasionally for test. (2) Keep close watch on the spring contacts of the aerial changeover switch for looseness of contact. (3) Wipe the insulating rods of the panel board frequently with a slightly oiled cloth to prevent the accumulation of dust or moisture. (4) Make daily test of the reading of the aerial ammeter. Vary the in- ductance of the aerial tuning inductance slightly to compensate for vary- ing sag of the wires. (5) Make daily test of the auxiliary battery or auxiliary set. Keep batteries fully charged. (6) Tighten up all nuts and bolts on the panel board frequently. (7) Take up the adjusting nut on the quenched gap a fraction of a turn now and then. (8) Keep brushes on the motor clean. 254 PRACTICAL WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. (9) Keep close watch on the dead-end switch spring contacts of the receiving tuner. Also keep metal sectors on the rubber rod and the brushes clean. (10) If aerial ammeter burns out, disconnect it completely from the thermo couple. If necessary place a shunt around the heater terminals. (11) If the resistance coils in series with the solenoid windings burn out, substitute two 16 C. F. lamps connected in parallel. Should the plunger on the automatic starter not rise when the starting switch is closed, raise it by hand and block it in position with a stick of wood, for temporary operation. At an opportune time examine the resistance coil in series with the solenoid winding. (12) Oil bearings and gear wheels of wave length and coupling adjustment with a few drops of thin oil. (13) In so far as possible protect set from moisture at all times. When sparking takes place at the safety gap, readjust rotary gap or use less plates at the quenched gap. (14) Do not under any circumstances exceed the power rating of the set. (15) For broad interfering wave use close coupling and full power input Although the circuits and description of the various parts of a complete panel transmitter when treated in detail may appear rather complicated to the beginner, he should bear in mind that these senders are entirely automatic in operation. In fact, during practical operation, in order to change the apparatus from a transmitting to a receiving position, the operator is only required to shift the position of the antenna changeover switch. Moreover with the panel sets, the length of the radiated wave can be instantly changed from one to the other of the three standard waves (300, 450 and 600 meters) by merely throwing a switch. One skilled in the knowledge of telegraphy could learn to manipulate a transmitter and receiver within a day's practice, but more detailed knowledge of the circuits is required on the part of the operator, in order that he may be able to cope with such troubles as may arise at sea. PART XIII. MARCONI DIRECTION FINDER OR WIRE LESS COMPASS AND ITS APPLICATION. 204. IN GENERAL. 205. DESCRIPTION OF EQUIPMENT. 206. THE DIRECTION FINDER AERIALS. 207. THE CIRCUIT COM- PLETE. 208. THE TUNED BUZZER TESTER. 209. How CUR- RENT Is INDUCED IN THE LOOPED AERIALS. 210. DIRECTION OF MAGNETIC FORCES WITHIN THE GONIOMETER. 211. GEN- ERAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR OPERATION OF THE DIRECTION FINDER. 212. To FIND THE DIRECTION OF A RADIO STATION. 204. In General. The radiogoniometer or direction finder is a specially designed receiving apparatus for determining the direction of a wireless tele- graph transmitting station at a given receiving station. The device was primarily intended as an aid to navigation, enabling the officer of a vessel to make observa- tions and establish his position independent of weather conditions, such as fog, etc. It is applicable in many other ways also and can be employed to advantage by armies and navies; by means of it a hostile wireless station may be definitely located, or the direction of the enemy's battleships while in radio communica- tion, "sensed." Government inspectors are likewise enabled to "round-up" interfering ama- teur stations by using the direction finder. The apparatus is even of considerable value for ordinary receiving purposes (short range work), for it allows the re- ceiving operator, when the ether in a given locality is congested, to "screen out" unwanted wireless telegraph signals. The Marconi direction finder is an adaptation of the apparatus originally evolved by Messrs. Bellini and Tosi; however, the device as produced by these inventors was not adapted to ship work. Improvements were made by the Marconi Company and equip- ment is now turned out in a form en- tirely satisfactory for use by naviga- tors, giving, as it does, a high degree of accuracy. 205. Description of Equipment. The complete equipment consists of a goniometer with the necessary appliances for control as in Fig. 267, a tuned wire- less telegraph receiver shown in Fig. 268, a tuned buzzer tester as in Fig. 269, and an angle divider as in Fig. 270. Fig. 267 The Radio Goniometer. 256 PRACTICAL WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. 206. The Direction Finder Aerials. A distinctive feature of the direction finder equipment is the use of two closed circuit looped aerials having the form of an isosceles triangle as shown in Fig. 271. These aerials bisect each other at right angles and also hold an angle of 45 with the bow and stern line of the vessel. It is important that the aerials be placed in a somewhat clear space on the deck and that the two loops have identical dimensions. The wires should be held taut and firmly in place. The current col- lected by the aerials, from the advancing electromagnetic waves, is made to flow through a specially designed set of excita- tion coils, setting up a magnetic Held which acts upon a third coil known as the ex- ploring coil. The latter coil carries a pointer which moves over a 360 scale and gives the sense of direction of any trans- mitting station. This portion of the ap- paratus is known as the goniometer, the windings for which are clearly shown in the photograph, Fig. 272. It will be re- ferred to again hereafter. Fig. 268 The Tuned Receiver for the Direction Finder. The sketch, Fig. 273, is a plan view of the two triangular aerials as previously described, showing their relative positions to the bow and stern line of a given vessel (marked B and S). Before entering into a detailed explanation of the circuits, the diagram in Fig. 274 should have consideration. Let A and B represent two sides of a single loop of the direc- tion finder aerial, and the arrows, the direction of the flux in a passing wireless wave; then, this loop receives the maximum induction when its plane bears the position, to the passing wave, shown. Furthermore, a little study of the diagram will show that the current set up by this flux in side A, is in op- position to that set up in side B ; but if the two sides of the loop are spaced a certain distance apart, the current in- duced in side B will attain maximum amplitude an instant later than in side A; hence, an electric current, the re- sult of the two E. M. F.'s flows around the loop A, B. The magnetic flux generated thereby, in the coil L, acts inductively upon the exploring coil L-2 the resulting oscillations being rectified by the detector nd associated appa- ratus, and made audible in head tele- phones in the usual manner. It is plainly evident that both sides Fig. 270 Angle Divider. Fig. 269 Tuned Buzzer Tester. DIRECTION FINDER OR WIRELESS COMPASS. 257 of the loop A, B, are acted upon equally and at the same instant when its plane is at a right angle to the plane of the advancing wave. Equal and opposing electromotive forces will, there- fore, be induced in both legs, resulting in no flow of current. If, however, the loop A, B, is acted upon at any other angle than a right angle, an elec- tromotive force will be induced, the intensity of which varies as the co- sine of the angle which the advancing flux makes with the loop. The description just given does not take into account the phenomena involved when both loops are employed and the consequent effect on the goniometer coil. This will be explained in a later paragraph. We shall first proceed to a description of the direc- tion finder complete. 207. The Circuit Complete. Careful inspection should 1 be made of the diagram of connections in Fig. 275. The triangular loop aerial, A, B, is connected in series with the vari- able condenser K and to the excitation coil L. The loop aerial C, D, is The condensers K and TO RtCElVER Fig. 271 The Triangular Aerial Employed Direction Finder. in Connection With the connected in series with condenser K-l and the excitation coil L-l. K-l have identical values of capacity and their capacities are altered simultaneously by a handle mounted on the top of the box as shown in Fig. 267. Fig. 273 Diagram Showing the General Layout of Fig. 272 Detail of the Radio Goniometer. the Direction Finder Aerials. 258 PRACTICAL WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. The magnetic field produced' by the coils L and L-l combine and act upon the exploring coil L-2, the position of which will be more clearly understood from the photograph, Fig. 272, which also shows the rectangular coils to be connected to the loops of the aerial. The ex- ploring coil is placed inside the antenna coils and is turned by the handle on the top of the set. The oscillations induced in L-2 by the oscillatory current flowing in the coils L and L-l is transferred to the inductance coil of the local detector circuit L-4 by the coil L-3. The coil L-2, the variable condenser V, and the coil L-3, constitute an inter- mediate circuit similar to that employed in the well-known Marconi valve tuner. The coupling between the coils L-3 and L-4 is varied by a knob mounted on the side of the tuned receiver. The detector circuit consists of the in- ductance coil (of fixed value) L-4; the billi-condenser V-l in shunt; the fixed condenser and the head telephones H; the potentiometer P and the battery B. Two detectors are employed for this set ; one a crystal of carborundum, the other a crystal of cerusite; either one of which may be connected in the circuit as de- sired. When the cerusite detector is in use, the battery and potentiometer are cut out of the circuit. 208. The Tuned Buzzer Tester. The direction finder equipment also in- cludes a tuned buzzer tester which may be set to radiate waves either 300 or 600 meters in length. The buzzer box has four holes, one in each corner, through which the four leads from the two looped aerials pass. These holes are marked S F (Starboard Forward), S A (Starboard Aft), P A (Port Aft) and P F (Port Forward). Care should be taken to bring the corresponding leads from the loop aerials through the proper holes. The leads for both aerials are now in inductive relation to the tuned buzzer circuit ; hence, the aerials and in fact the entire apparatus may be preadjusted to the two standard wave lengths, assuring that a sender transmitting on one of these waves will be heard. It is sufficient for the time being to say that for the practical operation of the apparatus, the aerial circuit, the intermediate circuit, and the local detector circuit must be accurately tuned to resonance and to the incoming waves. The exploring coil is then turned on its axis until the maximum strength of signals is secured in the head telephones. The pointer attached to the coil L-2 will then lie in the direction of the transmitting station. We shall now explain the induction of current in the two looped aerials by an advancing electromagnetic wave. 209. How Current is Induced in the Looped Aerials. -If the waves from a given transmitting station, Fig. 273, advance in the general direction E, oscillating cur- rents will be induced in the loop C, D, but none in loop A, B. To obtain the maximum induction from these oscillations, the exploring coil must, in this case, lie parallel to the goniometer excitation winding connected to the terminals of the loop C, D. Again, if the waves advance in the direction E-l, the induction on the loop A, B is maxi- mum and on C, D nil. Hence, the exploring coil must now lie parallel to the goniometer winding connected to the loop A, B to receive the maximum induction, and the pointer will lie along the direction E-l. If the waves advance in the direction E~2, both loops are acted upon simultaneously and Fig. 274 Receiver Connected Aerial. Single Loop DIRECTION FINDER OR WIRELESS COMPASS. 259 AERIALS TUNED BUZZER CIRCUIT TUNED DETECTOR 0000 14 CERUS1TE ^ CAR&ORUNDUM \i ..L i if Fig. 275 Complete Wiring Diagram of the Marconi Direction Finder. 260 PRACTICAL WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. equally, and an oscillatory current Hows through both excitation windings of the goniometer. The magnetic fields set up by the two coils combine and produce a resultant Held from which the maximum induction will be obtained in the detector circuit, when the pointer of the exploring coil lies parallel to a line drawn midway between C and D, A and B (dotted line}. But let the waves arrive in the direction E-3 ; in this case the loop A, B will receive the maximum induction of the advancing wave while the loop C, D will be acted upon feebly. To obtain the maximum induction from the resulting magnetic field, the goniometer coil will be in such position that the pointer will lie along the direction E-3. 210. Direction of Magnetic Forces Within the Goniometer. Fig. 277 outlines the production of the magnetic field within the goniometer when both aerials are acted upon by the advancing wave simultaneously. It should be remembered that in order to induce the maximum current in the detector circuit, the exploring coil is always at right angles to the magnetic field within the goniometer windings. This is shown in the diagram, Fig. 276, which is in fact a plan view looking down from the top on a single coil connected to one of the loop aerials. The direction of the magnetic lines of force with a given direction of current and the corresponding position of the exploring coil for maxi- mum induction is clearly mapped out as well as the position of the pointer on the scale and its mounting relative to the coils. Fig. 277 is a plan view looking down from the top on the two coils of the goniometer showing, by the dotted lines, the resultant magnetic field when both aerials are acted upon simultaneously and with equal intensity. If current flows in the coil A, B only and in the direction shown, the corresponding magnetic lines of force will take the general direction of the inside loops (the N and S polarity being as indicated). And again, if only the loop C, D is acted upon by the advancing waves, then the general direction of flux in the corresponding goniometer coil will be that shown. But when current Hows in both coils at the same time, it is clearly seen that the corresponding fluxes are at right angles and a resultant field is produced which will take the paths F and F-l and the pointer on the coil, for maximum induction, will lie in the direction P and P-\. The exploring coil must, there- fore, be in the position shown to receive the maximum induction from the resultant mag- netic field. 211. General Instructions for Operation of the Direction Finder. (1) As a matter of convenience, the box containing the goniometer coils and the variable condenser, should be so placed that the zero position on the scale coincides with the bow and stern line of the vessel. (2) The tuned buzzer circuit is then set into operation at either 300 or 600 meters, de- pending upon which wave-length it is desired to receive. (3) The coupling knob on the tuned receiver is turned to 90. (4) With the buzzer in operation, the condenser connected' across the intermediate circuit and the billi-condenser are altered in capacity (simultaneously adjusting the de- fector) until maximum response is secured in the head telephones. (5) When the foregoing adjustments have been made, the capacity of the condenser in the antenna circuit is altered by the knob on the top of the goniometer box until a still greater response in the head telephones is obtained. It may then become necessary to slightly readjust the values of capacity in use at the intermediate circuit condenser and the billi-condenser. (6) When the two loop aerials are in use and the buzzer is in operation, the loudest signals are obtained from the buzzer when the pointer is at zero. The signals should gradually decrease in strength as the pointer is moved toward the 90 position. (7) When the two aerials are in use, zero signals should be obtained when the pointer is in the position 90-90. (8) When one of the aerial loops is disconnected by means of the switch on the top of the goniometer box, the maximum signal is received with the pointer at 45-135 in one direction and the zero signal with the pointer 45-135 in the opposite direction. The re- verse condition takes place when the second loop is in use alone. (9) If, when the loops are thus tested singly, it becomes necessary to alter the capacity of the intermediate or the billi-condenser for maximum response, it is a positive indication that the loops are unsymmetrical and therefore out of balance. Identical positions of con- denser capacity should be obtained on both loops. Steps should be taken immediately to DIRECTION FINDER OR WIRELESS COMPASS. FLUX 261 AERIAL Fig. 276 Showing the Magnetic Flux Within a Single Coil of the Goniometer Under Given Conditions. TO AERIAL EXCITATION COIL DIRECTION Qf : ADVANCING WAVE B TO AERIAL Fl*. 277 Showing the Resultant Flux Set Up in the Two Excitation Coils of the Goniometer. 262 PRACTICAL WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. correct this error which undoubtedly lies in the aerial. A slight compensation for this un- symmetrical condition may be made at the variable condensers inside the box by means of two small adjusting screws. (10) The strength of the signals in one loop should be identical with that in the other. If not, a bad connection probably exists in one of the aerials. 212. To Find the Directions of a Radio Station. (1) The station whose direction is to be determined if not already in the act of sending, should be called and requested to send a test letter for two or three minutes, making sure to disconnect the two looped aerials of the direction finder by switches mounted on the top of the goniometer box during the sending period. (2) When a reply is received (on the ordinary receiving equipment), the ship's trans- mitter and receiver are put out of action, even to the disconnecting of the flat top aerial from the earth, which, if left in the circuit, will seriously affect the accuracy of the goni- ometer reading. (3) Next close the two switches for the loop aerials and swing the direction finder handle until the maximum strength of signals is obtained in the head telephone. This should not be a difficult adjustment, as the apparatus has previously been adjusted to the maximum degree of sensitiveness and to the standard wave length adjustment by means of the test buzzer. The pointer will now indicate on the goniometer scale the general direction of the transmitting station from which signals are being received, that is to say, it shows the direction with respect to the bow and stern line of the vessel. (4) If the signals received are not sharply denned, having about equal strength over a considerable portion of the goniometer scale, the positions should be noted where the signals fall to zero (above and below maximum) and a mean of the two readings taken. The mean reading is obtained by the angle divider furnished with the set. (5) Before transmission is again resumed, care should be taken to disconnect the two loop aerials from the goniometer by means of the switches previously described, and also to put the detector switch at zero. It should be understood that the direction finder only gives the sense of direc- tion in reference to the bow and stern line of a vessel and not the geographical direction of the wireless station, which, of course, must be obtained by the readings of the standard ship's compass. More clearly, the direction finder gives the angle which the advancing wave from the transmitting station makes with the center line of the vessel. For instance, if the pointer of the direction finder indicates that the general direction of the transmitting station is 20 off the port bow, it does not show whether that station is 20 to the port bow or 20 to the starboard quarter. In the case of land stations there need be no doubt concerning this, as it is generally known whether the station is to the port or starboard side of the vessel. There can never be much doubt as to whether a ship is approaching or receding from a land station, for by the reverse interpretation, the land station would be located at sea an obvious absurdity. If, in case of a heavy fog, the signals from another ship indicated that it bore a direc- tion over the bow and stern line of the vessel, and the signals from the ship became of gradually increasing intensity, it, of course, indicates that the ships are approaching each other, but does not show whether bow-on, or in the same general direction. A wireless message sent to the ship asking her course, would of course, remove all doubt and enable the navigator to avoid a collision. Readings may be taken simultaneously of two land stations, and the position of the vessel located by well known navigation methods. Readings may be taken from a single station and the ship moved forward in a straight course to a definite distance and a second observation made. The data obtained in this manner is sufficient to establish the position of the vessel. An interesting application of the direction finder is the assistance it gives in locating a distressed vessel in foggy weather or after darkness. After the distress signals have been received 1 , the position of the distressed vessel transmitted and certain information given to the relief vessel to enable the commander to know what direction he shall take, the distressed vessel is then asked to make the test letter "V", or any other prearranged signal. The direc- tion finder of the relief vessel is then put into operation and the general direction of the signals of the distressed vessel obtained. DIRECTION FINDER OR WIRELESS COMPASS. 263 The relief vessel is then swung by the helm until the bow and stern line of the vessel coincide with the position of the pointer on the direction finder where maximum signals are obtained. In this manner, the relief vessel can be kept on a direct course and the distressed vessel located in the quickest possible manner. When entering ports" like New York harbor, where the atmosphere is at times congested with wireless traffic, the direction finder has been employed in a most efficient manner for eliminating unwanted signals. First one loop is thrown in the circuit ; if the station desired is not heard, the second loop is thrown in and' a test made. If the signals are received on this loop, 50 per cent, of the local interference under some conditions may be wholly elimi- nated, or at least detuned to such an extent as to be negligible. Or, if desired, both loops of the direction finder may be employed, and the pointer of the goniometer set in the direc- tion of the station from which signals are being received. It is certain that in this direction the maximum strength of signals will be received, and those of all other stations not on the same general line will be reduced or wholly excluded. Under favorable conditions, bearings may be taken with the direction finder within two or three degrees of accuracy ; the error due to the instrument itself does not exceed 1 degree. The range of this apparatus with a carborundum detector is from 40 to 50 miles, but with a cerusite detector it may be extend'ed to 160 or 170 miles, which is ample for navigation purposes. The direction finder has been found applicable to the reception of long wave length signals over great distances. Recent tests with this aerial were carried out by the Marconi Wireless Telegraph Company of America, at their transatlantic receiving station, located at Belmar, N. J., U. S. A. The direction finder loop aerials were erected on a 450-foot mast, and the receiving apparatus designed to be responsive to waves inclusive of 10,000 meters. With a receiver responsive to undamped oscillations, daylight signals were re- ceived from the Marconi Stations at Carnarvon, Wales, and Clifden, Ireland ; also from the German stations at Nauen, Germany, and Hanover, Germany. The direction of these stations was readily found with a notable degree of accuracy. Fig. 277a The Direction Finder Complete with Fleming Oscillation Valve. PART XIV. TRANSMITTERS OF UNDAMPED * OSCILLATIONS. ARC GENERATORS RADIO-FREQUENCY ALTERNATORS- PLIOTRON OSCILLATOR. 213. IN GENERAL. 214. THE ARC GENERATOR. 215. SIGNAL- LING WITH THE ARC TRANSMITTER. 216. THE ALEXANDERSON HIGH FREQUENCY ALTERNATOR. 217. GOLDSCHMIDT RADIO- FREQUENCY ALTERNATOR. 218. THE JOLY SYSTEM FOR THE PROTECTION OF UNDAMPED OSCILLATIONS. 219. MARCONI'S SYSTEM FOR THE PRODUCTION OF CONTINUOUS WAVES. 220. THE PLIOTRON OSCILLATOR. 213. In General. Progress in the United States in the development of sustained oscillation generators has been particularly marked during the past few years. In fact, by the use of undamped wave apparatus the transmitting range of high-power stations has been materially increased; and in view of the wide- spread interest in continuous wave equipment, the fundamental circuits and operation of some of the more important systems will be briefly described and explained. Sustained waves are defined as the waves radiated from a conductor in which alternating current flows. The terms "undamped" "sustained" and "continuous" are often employed synonymously and are presumed to indicate oscillations of continuous amplitude and constant formation in contrast to "discontinuous" oscillations which occur in groups of 200 to 1,000 per second, and are obtained by the recurring charge and discharge of a condenser across a spark gap. A slight distinction in the use of these terms should be made," as electrical oscillations may be continuous in the sense that they are not broken up into distinct groups but the successive cycles may vary in amplitude, an example being the type of oscillations generated by the arc. Continuous waves are set into motion by: (1) The radio-frequency alternator such as the Alexanderson and Goldschmidt types. (2) The Poulsen or Duddell arc generator. (3) A battery of vacuum valve tubes, such as the General Electric Pliotron oscil- lators. At the writing of this volume, marine wireless telegraph sets are fitted with discontinuous wave transmitters, almost exclusively, but high power stations employ either continuous or discontinuous wave apparatus. One reason why continuous wave transmitters have not been universally adopted for ship service is accounted for by the fact that the apparatus for the production of continuous oscillations (or waves) generally involves mechanical and electrical problems difficult to surmount or else the apparatus is too intricate or cumbersome to be installated aboard ship. It is therefore safe to predict that discontinuous wave apparatus will be employed in this branch of radio communication for some time to come. TRANSMITTERS OF UNDAMPED OSCILLATIONS. 265 214. The Arc Generator. A simple system for generating continuous oscillations is the arc generator, the circuits of which are shown in Fig. 278, where an arc gap of copper and carbon electrodes A, B, is shunted to the terminals of a 500 volt direct current dynamo. In this diagram C-l and C-2 are iron core inductances which prevent the oscillations of radio-frequency discharging back into the generator. C is the usual con- denser of the closed oscillation circuit and L the variable inductance. In the usual manner, the oscillations generat- ed in this circuit are transferred to the antenna circuit by means of an oscilla- tion transformer. The functioning of this apparatus is as follows : When the electrodes of the arc A, B, are first placed in contact and then given the correct separation, considerable difference of potential exists across the terminals as can be shown by a volt- meter. Accordingly a certain amount of current flows into the condenser C which receives a charge. The charge taken by the condensers robs the arc of some of its current, which Fig. 278 Fundamental Diagram of the Poulsen Arc Generator. Fig. 279 Complete Circuits of a Modern Arc Transmitter. further increases the potential across the arc and places a still greater charge on the con- denser. When fully charged, the condenser discharges across the arc gap and lowers the arc voltage. This decrease of arc voltage also assists the discharge of the condenser mate- 266 PRACTICAL WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. daily and due to the inertia of the oscillation circuit, the condenser will continue to discharge in the opposite direction, or, in other words, an alternating current will flow through the oscillation circuit. Due to the fact that direct current is constantly supplied to the arc and condenser, this process of charge and discharge continues so long as the arc is in operation, and the resultant frequency of oscillation is approximately that due to the inductance, capacity, and resistance of the condenser circuit. The oscillations flowing in this circuit are transferred to the aerial wires from which part of their energy is radiated in the form of continuous waves. It is found that enclosing the arc gap in an airtight chamber and feeding it with hydrogen gas, alcoholic vapors or even steam tends to increase the potential difference as well as to prevent the arc blowing out. It has been determined further that powerful electromagnets mounted at a right angle to the arc, tend to increase the potential difference and, at the same time, cause the arc electrodes to burn more evenly. For continuous operation, and to prevent overheating, the containing chamber and the arc electrodes must be cooled by water circulation. In the latest naval installations, the arc gap is connected directly in series with the antenna circuit as shown in Fig. 279, which is a duplicate of the con- nections of the U. S. Naval Station at Radio, Va., and other naval stations. It is claimed that con- YI10 VOLTS * 4* necting the arc in this D.C. L___ Xj3, way has increased the J range of such trans- f mitters to a remark- r KEY a bi e degree, and that the operation of the system as a whole has been simplified. Referring to the dia- gram (Fig. 279) : The choking inductances are indicated at C-l and C-2; the regulating resistance for the arc shown at R is connected in series with the blow-out mag- nets placed at right angles to the arc. A source of direct current of 500 volts is connected to the arc gap, the plus pole of which is constructed of copper, the minus pole of carbon. An arc transmitter of this type is adjusted for operation as follows : The arc is struck at low voltage by connecting large values of resist- ance in the circuit at R. The gap is then length- ened out and the voltage increased until the aerial ammeter indicates a maximum reading. It is noted that a critical length of arc gap gives the maximum value of antenna current and this is the adjustment always to be aimed for. The condenser shunted across the arc (Fig. 279) acts as a by-pass for the radio-frequent currents flowing in the antenna circuit. Fig. 280 Details and Connections of the Alexanderson Radio Frequency Alternator. TRANSMITTERS OF UNDAMPED OSCILLATIONS. 267 215. Signalling with the Arc Transmitter. It is obvious that a telegraph key cannot be placed in series with the arc gap for signalling and, in consequence, the formation of the Morse characters is usually effected by changing the in- ductance of the antenna circuit at coil L-l, Fig. 279. When the lever of the key K is released, the radiated wave, for example, is 6,900 meters in length, but upon pressing the key, a few additional turns of wire are inserted in the antenna circuit ; the wave length thus is increased to 7,000 meters. Now if the receiver is tuned to the wave radiated by the transmitter when the key is closed (7,000 meters), the wave radiated, when the key is open (or when the key lever is up), will not be heard in the receiving telephone, hence the Morse characters are formed at the sender and easily distinguished at the receiver. The wave radiated when the key is released is termed the "compensation" wave, but the second wave is termed the "signalling wave." In stations employing this system of signalling, it is difficult to distinguish the signals of the sending wave unless very careful resonant adjustments are made at the receiver, otherwise a mixture of the two radiated waves is obtained, which cannot be deciphered. An important feature of the arc system is the ease by which the length of the radiated 100,000 CYCLE ALTERHATOR DIRECT CURRENT MOTOR SPEED 20,000 R. P.M. -. ilOV.OLT 2QOC R.f.M. Fig. 280a The 2 K. W. 100,000 Cycle Alexanderson Alternator. wave can be changed. This can be instantly effected by simply adding or subtracting turns at the aerial tuning inductance. Undamped wave transmitters of the arc type operate most efficiently at wave lengths in excess of 3,000 meters, and, in fact, the majority of arc stations operate at wave lengths in excess of 6,000 meters. Satisfactory tests have been carried or.t between the Darien Isthmus of Panama and San Diego, Cal., naval stations with arc sets at the wave length- of 18,000 meters. Arc generators of 100 kilowatts capacity are in daily use. The radio station at Tucker- ton, New Jersey, under U. S. Navy control, employs a TOO K. W. arc set which, at the wave length of 7,400 meters, gives antenna current of 150 amperes. Communication is effected with the corresponding station at Hanover, Germany, during the favorable hours of the day. The U. S. Naval Station at San Diego, Cal., is fitted with a 200 K. W. arc transmitter giving an antenna current of 120 amperes; other naval stations are fitted with 30 K. W. and 60 K. W. transmitters. The naval station under construction at Cavite, Philippine Islands, will be fitted with a 350 kilowatt arc set giving an antenna current of 200 amperes. Daylight communication between Radio, Va., and Darien Isthmus of Panama, and San Diego, Calif., has been carried on for a number of months. 268 PRACTICAL WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. Certain battleships in the U. S. navy are fitted with 20 or 30 kilowatts arc transmitters operating at the wave length of 4,000 meters. These sets can intercommunicate over dis- tances of 2,000 miles in daylight. 216. The Alexanderson High Frequency Alternator. A 2 K. W. alter- nator (Fig. 280-a) has been developed by the General Electric .Company which generates current at a frequency of 100,000 cycles per second, the rotor of the alternator being driven at a speed of 20,000 R. P. M. In this particular type of generator both the armature and field windings are stationary, the rotor consist- ing merely of a steel toothed disc. Current at 15 amperes and 130 volts is obtained from the 2 K. W. machine, which may flow directly into the antenna circuit or may be induced therein by an oscillation transformer. In the inductive method, shown in Fig. 280, currents of radio-frequency flow through the primary winding of the oscillation transformer P, the secondary S being connected in series with the antenna. Signalling is accomplished by placing a telegraph key in series with the field winding of the alternator or by variation of the localized inductance in the antenna circuit, as with the arc system. In the diagram, Fig. 280, the excitation field winding, F, consists of a single coil, wound inside the frame of the entire ma- chine. The rotor is a toothed disc with 300 projections, the space between teeth being filled with a non-magnetic material to cut down wind friction. The armature coils, R, R, consist each of a single turn of wire wound zigzag in slots, and any consecutive pair may be said to constitute a pair of coils of one turn each. Current is induced in the armature coils as follows: When a tooth on the rotor comes opposite the armature cores, A, B, the magnetic flux passes through windings R, R, but a minimum of flux threads through the coils, when the tooth lies be- tween two armature coils. Thus an oscil- latory current is induced in R, R, the fre- quency of which is determined by the speed RADIO FREQUENCY ALTERNATOR Fig. 281 Showing the Fundamental Circuit of Radio-Frequency Control Device Developed by the General Electric Company. of the rotor and the number of field poles. A unique method for controlling the antenna current of an undamped transmitter has been developed by the engineers of the General Electric Company, the fundamental prin- ciple of which is shown in Fig. 281. In this system, a specially constructed, magnetically saturated, amplifying coil is connected in shunt to the radio-frequency alternator, and if a telegraph key is inserted in the direct current circuit as at K and proper adjustment made of the circuit connected to battery B, the effect of opening and closing the key is as follows : When the telegraph key, K, is up (the contacts at the rear of the lever closed), the iron core, by proper selection of ampere turns of the coil M-2, becomes magnetically satu- rated, and the self-inductance of the winding M-l is practically that of a simple coil without an iron core. When the telegraph key is pressed and the control circuit of battery B opened, the iron core, in respect to the winding M-l becomes magnetic, and its self-induction is at a maximum. In this position of the telegraph key, the voltage across the terminals of the radio-frequency alternator is maximum and maximum current flows in the antenna circuit. In this way the dots and dashes of the Morse telegraph code can be readily formed, and in fact, the signals may be transmitted at an extremely high speed with a practically non- arcing control. Practically no current is induced in the winding M-2 (the control winding) because it includes both legs of the core of winding M-l. It is necessary in this system that the ampere turns of windings M-l and M-2 be practically equal. 'Alternate arrangements of this circuit are in use, which are fully described in the April, 1916, Proceedings of the Institute of Radio Engineers. TRANSMITTERS OF UNDAMPED OSCILLATIONS. 269 270 PRACTICAL WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. For the transmission of speech, a microphone transmitter may be connected in the circuit of B and wireless telephony carried on at large powers. A photograph of a 75 K. W. high frequency alternator of the Alexanderson type appears in Fig. 282. So far, alternators of this capacity have been used for laboratory experiments only, but there is no reason to believe that they will not prove a commercial success, at least at high power land stations. Radio-frequency alternators for the production of lower frequencies, in the region of 30,000 cycles per second, are less difficult to construct than the type just described, on ac- count of the reduced peripheral speed of the armature. An alterna- tor, for example, gen- erating current at a fre- quency of 30,000 cycles per second would excite an aerial having a natur- al wave length of 10,000 meters and provided the proper output could be obtained would be of great use for land station work, but an alternator having a normal speed of 20,000 revolutions per minute obviously is not practical for continuous service at either ship or shore stations where a twenty-four-hour oper- ating schedule is in ef- fect. It is just, however, to state that high speed alternators such as the Alexanderson type are monuments of engineer- ing skill, and many me- chanical and electrical vwww "w problems, heretofore considered impossible of Fig. 283 Complete Circuit of the Goldschmidt Alternator. solution, have been com- pletely solved. 217. Goldschmidt Radio-frequency Alternator. By adopting the simple principles of electrical resonance, Dr. Goldschmidt has designed an alternator which, by the use of a single armature, generates radio current at frequencies from 30,000 to 75,000 cycles per second. The great advantage of this alternator is the low speed of the armature, which, even in the 200 K. W. sizes, does not exceed 3,100 R. P. M. It will be observed from diagram, Fig. 280, that in addition to the stator and rotor windings of the usual alternator, a number of external inductance coils and condensers are connected in both the shunt and rotor circuits, which are employed for tuning these circuits to several frequencies. In fact, by correctly proportioning the inductance and capacity, current at a frequency of 60,000 cycles per second can be taken from the field winding, and if made to flow in a properly tuned antenna circuit will radiate waves, 5,000 meters in length. Tn the diagram, Fig. 283, the field windings of the alternator are represented at F (gen- erally referred to as the stator) and the armature winding at A known as the rotor. The armature inductance A and the condenser C-4 are shunted by the inductance L-3 and the condenser C-5. Similarly, L-3 and C-4 are shunted by condenser C-3. The values of C-4, L-3, C-5 and A are so chosen that either C-4 and A, or C-5 and L-3 are in resonance to the initial frequency of the generator, that is to say, C-4 and A or C-5 and L-3 have identical TRANSMITTERS OF UNDAMPED OSCILLATIONS. 271 time periods and since they are connected in parallel, the period of the circuit remains unchanged and in resonance with the initial frequency of the alternator. The function of inductance L-3 and condenser C-4 is to place the armature on short-circuit at a given frequency. In fact, it would not be possible to completely short-circuit the rotor winding for radio-frequent currents by merely placing a short piece of wire across the terminals. However, by placing another circuit containing inductance and capacity of identical time period in shunt to the rotor, a complete short-circuit is effected. The circuit of the stator F, C-l, L-2 and C-2, are similar to those of the rotor A, but this circuit is tuned to twice the fundamental frequency of the alternator. Also, the distributed capacity of the antenna system takes the place of the condenser, C-3, of the rotor circuit The field winding of the stator, F, primarily magnetized by the source of direct current, B, has the choking coil, L-l, connected in series to prevent the oscillations of radio-frequency flowing back to the exciter B. A regulating rheostat R permits close variation of the field current. It will assist the student to gain an understanding of the operation of this generator, if he will but consider the following well-known phenomenon : If a common alternating cur- rent generator armature revolves at such speed as to generate an initial current at a fre- quency of 60 cycles per second, and the field coils, for example, are mechanically rotated in the opposite direction at a similar speed, it is plain that the relative motion is doubled and therefore the frequency will be doubled. It is also established that we might dispense with the revolving appliances for the field coils, and pass an alternating current of a given frequency through a stationary field winding. If the speed of the armature is N 1 revolutions per second and the frequency of the field current N cycles per second, there will be induced in the armature E. M. F.'s of two fre- quencies, one of N -f- N 1 , and another of N N 1 . In case N and N 1 are just equal, then, the frequency of the current induced in the arma- ture will be N -f N 1 or 2N, and N N 1 or zero. Hence, if current of 60 cycles flows through a four pole field winding and the armature is driven at 30 revolutions per second, current at a frequency of 120 cycles per second will be generated in the armature. The student, having some knowledge of the fundamental principles of the induction motor, is well familiar with the fact that a rotating magnetic field is produced by an alter- nating current flowing through a stationary field winding. Such a current flowing through the stator of a generator, for instance, will give rise to two oppositely rotating magnetic fields of angular velocity corresponding to the frequency of the current, and if the speed of the armature is carefully adjusted to the velocity of the field, it will cut through one of these fields and thereby double the frequency, but it will be stationary in respect to the other field. By employing several generators to step-up the frequency, this principle might be ex- tended further. For instance, current of a certain frequency generated in the armature of generator No. 1 could be passed through the field winding of generator No. 2 and by proper selection of armature speeds, the frequency would be doubled in the second generator, and so on. But, owing to the number of steps involved in such frequency transformation, there would be serious current losses which could not be compensated for. However, Gold- schmidt's alternator accomplishes this in a single armature and by adoption of the principles of electrical resonance, several frequencies are generated in the armature and field windings. The current of one of these frequencies is selected and diverted to the antenna system where part of the energy is radiated in the form of electromagnetic waves. The design of Goldschmidt's alternator is such that when driven at normal speed, the initial frequency of the current generated in rotor A is 15,000 cycles per second. Since the inductance and capacity of the rotor circuit are selected to give it a natural time period of oscillation suitable to the fundamental frequency, an alternating current of considerable intensity flows (in the armature windings A, C-4, L-3, C-5). The field of the rotor corresponding to this frequency is composed of two component magnetic fields of equal intensity, which rotate in opposite directions in respect to the wind- ings of the rotor. The velocity of one of these fields is zero in respect to the rotor, but the other travels at twice synchronous speed and therefore induces in the circuits of the stator an E. M. F. at a frequency of 30,000 cycles per second (and zero frequency) (N + N and N N or 2N and 0). And since the circuit F, C-l, L-2 and C-2 is tuned to this frequency, current of considerable amplitude flows. Now the E. M. F. of 30,000 cycles, induced in the stator, induces in the rotor two fre- quencies, one of 45,000 cycles per second and another of 15,000 cycles (2n -f- N and 2N N 272 PRACTICAL WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. or 3N and N). The current of 45,000 cycles flows through the condenser C-3, but the current of 15,000 cycles can, by proper design of the circuits, be made to nearly neutralize the former current of 15,000 cycles in the rotor. There remains, therefore, in the rotor, an E. M. F. at a frequency of 45,000 cycles per second which flows through the condenser C-3, and due to a well-defined resonant adjustment, a powerful current flows. DIRECTION OP CURRENT CYCLED (0000 D=20,000~ OR 30,000^ n= 10,000- row Fig. 284 The Joly-Arco Undamped Wave Transmitter. The current of 45,000 cycles flowing in the rotor, will induce in the winding of the stator, current at 30,000 cycles per second and 60,000 cycles (3N N and 3N + N or 2N and 4N). This current of 30,000 cycles nearly neutralizes the former current of 30,000 cycles, leaving in the circuits of the stator, current at a frequency of 60,000 cycles, to which the antenna is carefully tuned. Because the impedance of L-2, C-2, is considerably greater than that of the antenna, the current of 4N oscillates in the antenna circuit. Signalling is accomplished in the Goldschmidt system by placing a key in the exciter cir- cuits, the circuit being alternately opened and closed. An alternator of this type installed at the radio station, Tuckerton, New Jersey, U. S. A., is employed for transatlantic communication with a corresponding station located at Han- TRANSMITTERS OF UNDAMPED OSCILLATIONS. 273 over, Germany. Although capable of generating 200 K. W., it is normally used at 100 to 150 K. W. The driving motor is of 250 H. P. capacity, operated from 220 volts direct current and has a speed of 4,000 R. P. M. The armature of the generator is constructed of very thin laminated iron and revolves within 1-32 of an inch from the field poles. Oil is pumped to the bearings at considerable pressure and afterwards cooled through a refrigerating machine. Operated at the wave length of 7,400 meters with a generator input of 175 K. W., 135 amperes flow into the antenna at the Tuckerton station. When atmospheric electricity is not severe, communication is maintained with Hanover, Germany, but the stations operate at a disadvantage because they are not duplexed as are the Marconi Transoceanic stations. 218. The Jply System for the Production of Undamped Oscillations. The U. S. Radio station at Sayville, Long Island, employs the Joly-Arco system for the produc- tion of continuous waves. In this system a specially designed generator having an initial frequency of 10,000 or 15,000 cycles per second is connected to two transformers having magnetically saturated iron cores which are designed to double or triple the frequency of the alternator. A fundamental circuit diagram of this system is shown in Fig. 284, wherein an alternator N having an initial frequency of 15,000 cycles per second is connected to the two specially designed transformers, T and T-l. Transformer T has the excitation winding S, which saturates the core fully, a similar winding S-l being provided for the transformer T-l. A source of direct current for the excitation windings S and S-l is indicated at B with the regulating rheostat, R, connected in series. The current generated by the alternator N flows through the primary windings C and A, the complete primary circuit being tuned to resonance with the initial frequency of the alternator by the variable inductance and the variable condenser connected in series with the circuit. The secondary circuit, or antenna system, embraces the windings D and B connected in series with the antenna inductance L, the earth connection E and the aerial wires W. The hot wire ammeter M is connected in series with the earth lead to determine conditions of resonance. As intimated previously, the transformers T and T-l are fully saturated, the magnetization being brought to the knee or bend of the characteristic saturation curve by carefully regulating the rheostat R. To illustrate the functioning of this apparatus, let us assume that the primary coils are wound on the cores so that the direction of the magnetic lines of force will be that indicated by the full-line arrows; furthermore, assume that at a particular half cycle of current from the alternator, the direction of the current through the primary winding is such that the corresponding magnetic flux flows in the direction indicated by the broken-line arrows ; then the normal flux of the core T will not be increased because this core is already saturated fully, the added flux flowing in the direction of the core flux, but the normal flux of the core T-l will be opposed by the flux of the winding A and the total lines of force flowing through the core, therefore, reduced. This reduction of flux, followed by subsequent rise to normal saturation upon the completion of an alternation from N, causes two changes of flux through coil B of transformer T-l, resulting in the production of two alternations in that winding for one alternation of current from N. The final effect is to induce current of double frequency in the antenna system. Let the next half cycle of the alternator N be completed through windings A and C; then, the change of flux takes place in the core of the transformer T, rather than in T-l, resulting in the induction of two alternations of current in the secondary winding D. Sum- ming up the foregoing, a complete cycle of current from the generator N will induce two alternations of current in the coil B, followed by two alternations of current in the coil D, thereby doubling the initial frequency of the generator current. This current flows in the antenna circuit which has been carefully tuned to resonance, and part of the energy is con- verted into electric waves. By an additional set of transformers, the current of double frequency generated by the first set of the transformers may be again doubled, but the efficiency of the apparatus, as a whole, decreases considerably as the steps of transformation are increased. Another system of transformation has been evolved by Joly, in which the frequency of the generator may be tripled by a single set of transformers, which are adjusted to have when A. C. current flows unequal degrees of saturation. In this system the D. C. excita- tion winding for the transformer is dispensed with. In systems of this type in order that resonance between the alternator current and the antenna system may be maintained, it becomes important that the fre- 274 PRACTICAL WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. quency of the alternator may remain constant; in consequence, the speed of the driving motor must be carefully governed and to this end several devices have been brought forth, the principal one being a signalling key fitted with a special set of contacts which, just previous to the closing of the key, add resistance in the motor field circuit, maintaining a practically uniform speed of rotation. ^g ^ Fig. 285 Marconi's Method of Generating Continuous Oscillations. Signalling is accomplished, in the Joly system, by inserting a key in series with the direct current excitation winding, or by interrupting the generator circuit to the primary winding of the transformers by a special electromagnetic key, or by cutting in and out a few turns of the aerial tuning inductance. The first-named method is the one in use at present. The alternator at the Sayville station has a capacity of 100 kilowatts and gives antenna current of about 140 amperes. Fair communication is effected with the station at Nauen, Germany, throughout the 24 hours of the day, but the best results have been obtained during the dark hours. At present the Sayville station operates at the wave length of 9,400 meters, the antenna frequency being slightly above 30,000 cycles per second. 219. Marconi's System for the Production of Continuous Waves. Signer Marconi and his engineering staff have developed an ex- ceedingly novel method for generating continuous oscilla- tions, doing away with many of the problems encountered in the construction of intricate high frequency alternators. The fundamental principle upon which the system is based is disclosed in the diagram, Fig. 285, wherein a number of disc dis- chargers, D-l, D-2, D-3, D-4, are mounted on a common shaft, each of which is connected to an oscillation circuit, such as P-l and C-l, P-2 and C-2, etc. The main condensers, C-l, C-2, C-3, C-4, are charged by a source of high potential direct current, indi- cated at G, consisting of two 5,000 volt generators connected in series. The disc dischargers, D-l, D-2, etc., are set on the shaft so that the condensers discharge and recharge at regular intervals in succession, and if the velocity of the discs is adjusted so that the interval between the beginning of the discharge of one condenser and the beginning of the discharge of the next condenser is equal to the period of the oscillations in the antenna circuit, or an exact multiple thereof, the oscillations flowing in the antenna circuit will overlap, producing continuous oscillations of practically constant amplitude, as shown in Fig. 286. To insure that each condenser discharges at the right moment and that the successive groups of oscillations induced in the antenna circuit are in phase, the discharge circuit is provided with an auxiliary timing rotary disc discharger, known as the trigger or timing disc (not shown in the drawing), which performs the function of setting off the main spark discharge at the proper time. Fig. 286 Showing How Groups of Damped Oscil- lations Can Be Made to Overlap One Another. TRANSMITTERS OF UNDAMPED OSCILLATIONS. 275 A modified form of the timed-spark oscillation generator is shown in U. S. Patent 1,136,477 of 1915, one arrangement being that shown in Fig. 287. Here a direct current generator is indicated at G and a choking coil at L-l. Since G has an electromotive force of about 10,000 volts, condensers K-l and K-2 receive a charge which enables them to discharge across the spark gap. A terminal of either condenser is connected to the disc dischargers, D-l and D-2, and the studs of the latter are placed so that condensers C-l, C-2 and C-3 are alternately and successively charged, let us say, through inductance L-2 and successively discharged and recharged through L-3. The oscillations set up in L-2 or L-3 are made to act inductively on an intermediate circuit, L-4, L-5 and C-4, and if the discs be revolved at a certain speed and are properly timed, the trains of oscillations induced in the intermediate circut overlap one another, re- sulting in a continuous flow of oscillations in the antenna circuit, A-l, E. Fig. 287 One Type of Marconi Continuous Wave Generator. In this system, signalling is accomplished by inserting a high tension relay key in series with the source of direct current from the generator or by closing the circuit of the timing disc. The apparatus for this system has been developed further by the Marconi's Wireless Telegraph Company, Ltd., and is not used at present as shown in either Figs. 285, 286 or 287. The details of the more modern apparatus cannot be published for the present, but it may be remarked that a transmitting set of this type is in daily use at the great Marconi station at Carnarvon, Wales, England, and a similar set will be installed in the transoceanic station at Marion, Mass., U. S. A. With a power input of less than 100 K. W., the author has copied the signals from the Carnarvon station in New York City during the daylight hours with an aerial 100 feet in length. The signals were considerably stronger than those obtained from other foreign 276 PRACTICAL WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. stations using radio-frequency alternators of greater power. The wave length employed during these tests was close to 10,000 meters. 220. The Pliotron. Oscillator. Highly exhausted two or three element vacuum valves of enlarged dimensions can be employed to generate current at audio- or radio- frequencies. In the form designed by the engineers of the General Electric Company, the device has been termed a "Pliotron." The Pliotron bulb contains a tungsten filament F (hot cathode) brought to a state of incandescence by 110 or 220 volts direct current, a grid of tungsten, G, and a tungsten plate, P, (anode), as indicated in Fig. 288. The filament F is brought to incandescence by a source of direct current, A, B, which source also supplies current for the anode circuit between the filament and the plate. The radio-frequency inductance of the anode circuit, indicated at L, is shunted by the condenser C-l. L-2, the radio-frequency inductance of the grid circuit, also has the shunt condenser C-2. By variation of the capacity of C-l and C-2, the grid circuit and anode circuit may be tuned to resonance and the oscillations flowing in the anode circuit repeated back to and reinforced through the grid circuit by inductively coupling coil L to L-2. By means of a third winding, L-3, coupled to either L or L-2, current of any desired frequency can be gen- erated by proper varia- tion of inductance and capacity; in fact, cur- rent at frequencies from 60 to 1,000,000 cycles per second can be ob- tained. The radio-frequent currents generated in the circuits of the Pliotron can be trans- ferred to the antenna system by connecting the terminals of the coil L-3 to the antenna and earth wire, the precaution being taken to tune the aerial cir- cuit to resonance with the local current. A number of Pliotrons may be connected in parallel and direct cur- rent at any desired power converted into oscillations of radio- frequency. The Pliotron vacuum Fig. 288 The Pliotron Oscillator Connected for the Production of Radio- bulb Can also be Used to Frequency Oscillations. yary the ampHtude of the oscillations in an antenna system traversed by undamped oscillations. If properly con- nected, it is applicable for radio-telephony as well as telegraphy. If the anode of the Pliotron is connected to a point 6f high potential in the antenna system and the negative side of the filament to earth, and the grid potential of the Pliotron is strongly^ negative, no leakage to earth takes place, but if the negative potential is decreased, sufficient energy will be with- drawn from the antenna to strongly damp the oscillations. In fact, practically all the energy of the antenna oscillations can thus be diverted to earth. If an external electromotive force of the correct value is impressed upon the grid through a small telegraph key, the. dots and dashes of the Morse code are formed by simply closing the circuit and thus va/ying the grid potential. HllllIlK no VOLTS PART XV. RECEIVERS FOR UNDAMPED OSCILLA- TIONS OR CONTINUOUS WAVES. 221. THE PROBLEM. 222. THE TIKKER. 223. THE HETERO- DYNE SYSTEM. 224. THE VACUUM VALVE AS A SOURCE OF RADIO-FREQUENCY OSCILLATIONS. 225. VACUUM VALVE AS A COMBINED DETECTOR, AMPLIFIER AND BEAT RECEIVER. 226. OSCILLATING VACUUM VALVE DETECTOR CIRCUITS OF THE U. S. NAVY. 227. THE GOLDSCHMIDT TONE WHEEL. 228. MARCONI SYSTEM FOR RECEPTION OF UNDAMPED OSCILLATIONS. 221. The Problem. If an ordinary crystal rectifier be connected to a receiving set tuned to a continuous wave transmitter, owing to the lack of discon- tinuity in the advancing wave, a continuous pulsating current flows through the receiving telephone. These pulsations take place at such rapid rates that the diaphragm of the telephone is either held down continuously or repelled continu- ously resulting in no sound except at the beginning or end of the flow. To make undamped oscillations audible, we are compelled to break up the oscillations of either the transmitter or receiver into groups suitable for maximum response in the head telephone or to supply other means at the receiver to make them audible. The receivers at present in use are: (1) The Poulsen tikker or chopper; (2) The "Heterodyne" system; (3) The Goldschmidt Tone Wheel; (4) The Regenerative Vacuum Valve (used as a "beat" receiver). The mode of func- tioning of these detectors is briefly described as follows : The Poulsen tikker interrupts the cir- cuits of the receiving tuner at a uniform rate per second (approxi- mately 300 to 600 times) ; the heterodyne system is based upon the interac- tion of two radio-fre- quent currents in the receiving aerial, resulting in the production of an audio-frequent current in the telephone circuit; the Goldschmidt tone wheel converts the current of radio-frequency (the in- coming oscillations} into an audio-frequent current and the regenerative "beat" receiver employs PHONES Fig. 289. The Simple Poulsen Tikker and Circuit 278 PRACTICAL WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. the vacuum valve as an oscillator at radio-frequencies to produce the "heterodyne" effect. This, combined with the well-known relaying action of the vacuum valve and its ability to repeat currents of radio-frequency, makes a receiver of unusual sensitiveness. 222. The Tikker. In its commercial form the tikker consists of a com- mutator interrupter, the principal of which is shown in Fig. 289. A disc D mounted on the shaft of the motor M has a number of teeth filled in between with insulating material such as fibre. The radio-frequent currents flow from brush B to A through the disc which interrupts them from 300 to 1,000 times per second. The charge built up in the condenser, C-l, by resonance with the aerial system discharges into the telephone condenser, C-2 (Fig. 289), at regular intervals. Condenser C-2, in turn, discharges through the head telephone creating a single sound for the charge accumulated. Due to the fact that the tikker discharges C-l at various potentials, or we might say, at different points on the cycle of the incoming oscillations, a non-uniform note is produced lacking the desired musical pitch for reading through atmospheric electricity. However, the tikker suffices as a simple receiver and good results have been obtained by its use at several ship and shore stations. A favored form of circuit interrupter for the reception of undamped oscillations is the sliding wire or slipping contact detector, shown in Fig. 290. In the diagram a small brass wheel, W, mounted on the shaft of the motor, M, is in contact with the brush B. The terminals of the slipping contact, B, are connected in the circuit of the tuner as the tikker, D, of Fig. 289. The cir- cuit is completed through the brush, B-l, in contact with the wheel W. When the wheel is in rotation, there is a constant slipping and gripping of the brush B on the wheel which makes a contact of vari- able resistance, causing the charge accumulated in the telephone con- denser to vary in ac- cordance. The note in the telephone will have a pitch in accordance. Both the tikker and the slipping contact de- tectors are considered Fig. 290 The "Slipping Contact" Detector for Reception of Undamped Oscillations. as "current operated" devices, meaning that they function best in a tuning circuit which affords a maximum of current rather than a high voltage. The coils of the tuner for these oscillation detectors are wound with Litzendraht wire or conductors of equal high frequency conductivity. These detectors are applicable to the reception of damped oscillations or discontinuous waves, but, owing to the discontinuity of the wave trains, an irregular note, much similar to the discharges produced by atmospheric electricity, is obtained. ^ 223. The Heterodyne System. The functioning of the heterodyne* re- ceiver is based upon the interaction of alternating currents of two frequencies in some part of the receiver circuits. For example, if an alternating current of 50,000 cycles per second flows through a given circuit, and there is superposed on it another current having frequency of 49,000 cycles per second, a "beat" current will result having a frequency equal to the numerical difference of the two applied frequencies or 1,000 cycles per second. The same frequency would be obtained by superposing a current of 51,000 cycles upon another current of 50,000 cycles; in fact, in any case, the frequency of the beat current could be the difference of the two applied frequencies. By adoption of this principle we are afforded ready means for making audible undamped oscillations from a given transmitter at the receiver. One method is shown in Fig. 291, *Abroad, this receiver is called the "local interference" receiver. RECEIVERS FOR UNDAMPED OSCILLATIONS OR WAVES. 279 RECEIVER JL D UNDAMPED OSCILLATION GENERATOR where the receiver circuits are indicated by L-l, L-2, the crystal rectifier D, etc. An un- damped oscillation generator consisting of the D. C. arc gap A, B, the variable condenser C and inductance L are shown at the base of the drawing. By means of this generator, a steady stream of oscillations is supplied to the aerial system through the coupling coil L-3, the frequency of which can be altered either by the condenser C or by the induct- ance L. Now, if the receiving tuner, for ex- ample, is tuned to the wave length of 6,000 meters corresponding to an oscilla- tion frequency of 50,000 cycles per second (which may be the wave length of a given transmitting station), and the arc genera- tor adjusted to generate oscillations at a frequency of 49,500 cycles per second, a beat current of a frequency of 500 cycles per second will flow in the circuit of the receiver where it will be rectified by the detector, D, and made audible in the head telephone P. By carefully adjusting the local fre- quency, the beat note can be varied from a pitch equivalent to that of a 200 cycle alternating current up to the limits of and beyond audibility. The interaction of these two frequencies in the receiving system not only makes undamped oscilla- tions audible but also amplifies the re- ceived signal to a marked degree. Even damped oscillations may be amplified by this means, but in this case the normal note of the spark transmitter is distorted, the resultant note being of lower pitch. The note of the local beat current generated by the heterodyne receiver has the most uniform pitch when the sending station employs a radio- frequency alternator; although flute- like tones are obtained from arc trans- mitters, the "beat" current does not have anywhere near the musical pitch that can be obtained from the radio- frequency alternator. The arc gener- ator of Fig. 291 might be replaced by a radio-frequency alternator of small output or by a buzzer excitation sys- tem, but a generator giving genuinely undamped oscillations is preferred. The precise actions taking place in the heterodyne receiver of Fig. 291 can be explained by the series of curves in Fig. 292. The oscillations O-l, indi- cated on the upper line, are those in- coming at a given station (without the local arc generator in operation) while those on the second line O-2 corres- pond to the frequency of the arc gen- erator and are of a lower order of frequency than the incoming oscilla- tions. The third curve O-3 indicates the resultant "beat" current due to the in- teraction of the local frequency and that of the incoming signal. This cur- Fig. 291 Early Form of Heterodyne Receiver. Fig. 292 Curves Showing the Functioning of the Heterodyne rent haS Zer . X &lue whe the tWO Receiver. groups of oscillations oppose and max- 280 PRACTICAL WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. RECEIVER CIRCUIT imum value when they assist or are in phase, and the frequency of the beat current is the numerical difference of the frequency of the incoming oscillations and that of the local generator. , When rectified by the crystal, the successive cycles of the beat current take the form of the curve O-4, where the negative halves have been cut off and the positive halves remain, for operation of the telephone, as shown by the curves of line O-5. 224. The Vacuum Valve as a Source of Radio-Frequency Oscillations. If a three element vacuum valve is connected up as in Fig. 293 with the correct values of inductance for the coils L-4, L-5, L-6 and L-7, and for the condensers, C-3, C-4 and C-5, oscillations of radio-frequency flow through L-4, the periodicity of which may be varied principally by C-3 and C-5. Connected in this manner, the vacuum valve becomes a gen- erator of sustained oscillations which may interact with the incoming oscillations for the production of "beat" currents. For the maximum strength of signals, the coil L-4 bears a certain critical coupling to L-3, and the coupling between L-5 and L-6, V I / also requires care- \ / ful adjustment for steadi- ^ ness and constancy. The "beat" current set up in the receiver wind- ings L-2 and condenser C-2 is rectified by the crystal rectifier D, and made audible in the head telephone P. Increased strength of signal is obtained by the use of a single three ele- ment vacuum valve or a triple valve amplifier in place of the crystal recti- fier D. Since the reception of very long wave lengths is involved in a system of this type, the inductances L-7 and L-8 are of the order of 90,000 micro- henries each. It has been found possible to design a beat receiver tuner hav- ing fixed values of in- ductance throughout, the required changes in fre- quency for "heterodyn- ing" being obtained by variable condensers. 225. Vacuum Valve as a Combined Detector, Amplifier and Beat Receiver. Much of the record-breaking, long distance transmission effected, of late, is due to the vacuum valve being employed as a combined detector and "beat" receiver. One circuit of this type is shown in Fig. 294, wherein it will be observed that the secondary circuit, L-4, L-3, C-2 and L-5, can be placed in resonance with the tertiary circuit, L-6, L-7 and C-4, and when the filament is brought to the correct degree of incandescence by the rheostat R, the discharge of condenser C-4 through L-7 and L-6 starts the flow of undamped oscilla- tions which are transferred to the secondary circuit through L-5 and L-6. Due to the relaying action of the valve, the oscillations are repeated back to the grid (of the valve) through L-5 and L-6 and accordingly amplified. Now if the antenna circuit, L-l, L-8 and L-2, is adjusted to the frequency of the incom- ing oscillations, and the secondary, as well as the tertiary circuit, adjusted to a slightly VACUUM VALVE GENERATOR Fig. 293 The Vacuum Valve Heterodyne Receiver. RECEIVERS FOR UNDAMPED OSCILLATIONS OR WAVES. 281 different frequency of oscillation, a beat current is set up in the secondary circuit, which is amplified in the local telephone circuit by the charge placed upon the grid. As explained by Armstrong, the incoming oscillations are transferred from the antenna circuit to the secondary circuit in the usual manner, and due to the repeating action of the valve, they are reproduced in the tertiary circuit, coupled back to the secondary circuit through the coupling transformer, L-5 and L-6, and re-enforced, all this taking place while the valve is generating oscillations locally. Simultaneously, beats are produced by the interaction of the local oscillations and the incoming oscillations, the effect being to alter- nately increase and decrease the amplitude of the oscillations in the complete system. \/ 'BEAT' RECEIVER FOR DAMPED AND UNDAMPED OSCILLATIONS. L-a . 72 Fig. 294 Complete Circuits of a. Beat Receiver. An increase in the amplitude of the grid oscillations, increases the negative charge in the grid condenser, producing a decrease in the average value of the B-2 battery, and, therefore, a decrease in the telephone current, but a decrease in the amplitude of the local oscillations allows some of the negative charge in the grid condenser to leak off and thereby permit an increase of the telephone current. The result of all this is the production of an alternating current of audio-frequency, which is practically a simple harmonic current. (a) Operation and Adjustment. For wave lengths between 6,000 and 10,000 meters, the tuning for the secondary and tertiary circuits is done principally at the condensers, C-2 and C-4. Also the coupling between L-5 and L-6 must be carefully adjusted for maximum response. Careful regulation must be made of the voltage of the B-2 battery, which normally varies from 50 to 150 volts, depending upon the type of valve in use. The vari- ometer inductance L-8 is a useful element of the antenna system for variation of its natural 282 PRACTICAL WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. frequency. It affords a close adjustment of inductance between the taps of the multi-point switch, and also permits variation of the frequency of the beat current. It facilitates the preliminary adjustment of this receiver if access can be obtained to an accurate wave-meter. The wave-meter, shunted by a buzzer excitation circuit, is placed in inductive relation to the earth lead of the antenna system, and the signals at any particular wave length of the wave-meter are recorded on the receiving apparatus. In this manner a precalibration is effected, eliminating all guesswork. It is not difficult, however, to tune the apparatus to an undamped transmitter without a wave-meter, if certain precautions are observed. To begin with, the coil L-5 is placed in slight inductive relation to L-6. L-4 is placed about half way inside L-2 and the coil L-7, generally, is used at its maximum value. The condenser, C-3, is used at an exceedingly small value of capacity (very near to zero). The condensers, C-2 and C-4, are varied simultaneously in capacity until a peculiar "thump- ing" sound is heard in the head telephone. Near to this point the secondary and local telephone circuit are in oscillation and in resonance. It is found that the vacuum valve having less than the maximum amount of exhaustion, oscillates far below the characteristic "blue glow" point. On the other hand, this glow is not evident, in the highly exhausted valves, regardless of the locally applied voltage. The correct adjustments throughout, in this type, are determined by experiment. We may resume the complete process of tuning a receiving set of this type as follows: The antenna system is tuned to resonance with the incoming wave, but the secondary and tertiary circuits are set into oscillation at a slightly different frequency. Due to the inter- action of the two currents, "beat currents" within the limits of audibility are produced and by variation of the local frequency, the pitch of the note in the head telephone may be varied over a considerable range. In manipulating this apparatus it is shown, during the reception of undamped oscillations, that proper adjustment has been attained when, if the variable elements (the coils and condensers) of either of the associated circuits of the complete tuner are altered in value, the pitch of the note changes accordingly. During the initial adjustment, and afterward the body of the manipulator must be kept at a considerable distance from the high potential ends of the tuning coils, otherwise the circuits will be thrown out of resonance and the signals will disappear. With the apparatus of the foregoing type, signals have been received in New York City from a certain transmitting station at Honolulu at a distance of approximately 6,500 miles. Dimensions of a receiving set of this type, adjustable to wave lengths up to 10,000 meters, which has been tried and tested experimentally, follow: Referring to the diagram, Fig. 294, the high voltage battery, B-2, consists of from 50 to 100 miniature flashlight cells adjustable in steps of three at a time or preferably singly. The filament battery B-l generally does not exceed four volts, although valves have been con- structed having 12 volt filaments. The rheostat R has resistance varying from 10 to 20 ohms. It is essential that it be closely adjustable. The inductance coil of the local telephone circuit, L-7, is 26 inches in length and 5^ inches in diameter, wound closely with No. 28 S. S. C. wire. The coil, L-6, is 6 inches in diameter by 6 inches in length, wound closely with No. 26 S. S. C. wire. The coil, L-5, is also 6 inches in length by S l / 2 , inches in diameter and mounted so it can be placed in variable induc- tive relation with L-6. It is rarely necessary to place L-5 completely inside of L-6, but the coupler should be constructed to permit the coupling between the two coils to be adjusted over a fair range. The coil, L-5, is also wound with No. 26 S. S. C. wire. The secondary winding of the receiving tuner, L-4, is 5 inches in diameter by 14 inches in length, covered with No. 28 S. S. C. wire. The secondary loading coil, L-3, has similar dimensions to the coil L-7, each of which may be wound on a cardboard form or hard rubber tube. The secondary condenser, C-2, has maximum capacity of .0005 microfarads and preferably is constructed so that the zero position on the condenser scale actually represents zero capacity. The grid condenser, C-3, has the same capacity as the condenser, C-2. Both condensers should be fitted with handles at least 12 inches in length, in order that the constants of the circuit are not changed by the body of the manipulator. The condenser, C-4, should have a maximum capacity of .002 microfarads. The primary winding, L-2, is 5 l / 2 inches in diameter by 12 inches in length, covered with No. 24 S. S. C. wire. It is somewhat difficult to give complete dimensions for the aerial tuning inductance, L-l, unless the inductance and the capacity of the antenna with which it is to be employed is known, but for receiving work with an aerial having a natural period of 450 meters, it may be 28 inches in length by S]/ 2 inches in diameter, wound 'closely with RECEIVERS FOR UNDAMPED OSCILLATIONS OR WAVES. 283 No. 22 S. S. C. wire. A tap-off should be taken every inch and led to the contacts of a multiple point switch. The leads to the switch from the tap-off should not be "bunched" but spaced as far as possible. 226. Oscillating Vacuum Valve Detector Circuits of the U. S. Navy. A modified vacuum valve circuit for the reception of undamped oscillations by the produc- tion of "beats," is described by Dr. Austin in the Proceedings of the Institute of Radio Engineers. It is a duplicate of the circuit developed at the Naval Laboratory and employed at Naval stations throughout the United States and outlying possessions. It will be noted from the diagram, Fig. 295, that a certain similarity exists between this circuit and the one described in the previous paragraph, both generating a "beat" current by the superposition of locally generated oscillations upon those of the incoming wave. It .is to be noted, first, that the two terminals of the secondary winding are connected to the grid and plate of the vacuum valve rather than to the grid and filament, the more usual connection; and, upon close examination, the secondary and tertiary circuits are found to be electrostatically and electromagnetically coupled through the condenser C-5 and head telephone P respectively. And, as in the former circuit, the incoming oscillations and the final audio-frequent currents are reinforced by repeating them back to the grid. Simultane- ously, by adjustment of condensers, C-5, C-l and C-2, the valve generates oscillations locally at a frequency determined by the constants of the secondary and tertiary circuits. A novel feature of this circuit is the placing of the head telephone in shunt to the battery, B-2, rather than in series, but it is claimed by Dr. Austin that this con- nection results in a decrease of interference from atmospheric electricity. An important adjunct to this system is the so-called "sensitising circuit" L-4, C-3. It is advanced by Dr. Austin that this cir- cuit reduces the amplitude* of the local oscillations and therefore increases the strength of the received signals from three to four times. It also permits looser coupling between the primary and second- ary circuits of the system, thus cutting down the interference of static. A different and more plausible explana- tion is advanced by Armstrong for the action of the "sensitizing" circuit. Accord- ing to this investigator, when the grid cir- cuit of the vacuum valve is set into oscilla- tion at a frequency differing from the in- coming oscillations, the reactance of the circuit to the local oscillations is zero, but the reactance and therefore the impedance to the incoming oscillations is considerable and results in a loss of energy (due to the. dissimilarity of the wave length adjustment of the primary and secondary circuits). Now the effect of coupling the "sensitizing" circuits to the grid circuit, is to give the latter two frequencies of oscillation differing by 1,000 to 1,500 cycles. By adjusting the system to oscillate at one of the resulting frequencies and having the other coincide with that of the incoming oscillations, zero reactance is obtained and the signal strength accordingly increased. Owing to the severe discharges of atmospheric electricity experienced at the U. S. Naval Stations, it has been found necessary to connect the grid of the valve to earth through a small variable condenser; for, otherwise, communication between the naval stations could not be maintained. No explanation of the function of the audio-frequency impedance coils, with the iron cores, has been advanced. It is needless to say that many other circuits, when used in connection with the *This is an important consideration in the operation of the heterodyne, namely, that the amplitude of the locally generated oscillations be carefully regulated for maximum response. Fig. 295 Beat Receiver Circuits as Employed at U. S. Naval Stations. 284 PRACTICAL WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. vacuum valves, have been found suitable to the reception of undamped oscillations; in fact, the majority of these circuits are equally well adapted for the reception of damped oscilla- tions, but, as mentioned previously, the normal note of a spark transmitter is distorted when the maximum amplification is obtained. (a) G. E. Amplification Relays. One system of connecting magnifying relays for the purpose of first increasing the amplitude of the oscillations of radio-frequency is set forth in ..j. Fig. 296, which is a method of connection particularly suited to the pliotron oscillators of the General Electric Com- pany. ^ It is to be observed that the usual grid con- denser is excluded from the circuit of all valves except the last one. The oscillations of radio-frequency are re- peated from one bulb to the other, and in the last bulb they are made audi- ble by being rectified, PHONE RAD10FREGUENCY TRANSFORMER RADIO fREOUCNCY TRANSFORMER Fig. 296 Showing the General Electric Company's Cascade Connection of Electron Relays. e. g., each group of oscillations places a charge in the grid condenser which has a relaying effect upon the battery circuit of bulb No. 3 (over the duration of a wave train), causing a single sound for each spark of the distant transmitter. The foregoing explains the functioning of this circuit during the reception of damped oscillations, and it should be mentioned that this system for repeating radio-frequencies affords a marked degree of selectivity. For example, if each of the tuned circuits is adjusted to give response to the incoming signal which has 20 times the strength of an interfering signal and furthermore the desired signal is amplified ten times by each oscillation valve, it is self-evident that the interfering signal will practically disappear in the circuit of the last bulb. The circuit of Fig. 296 can be made responsive to undamped oscillations if the tertiary circuit of valve No. 3 is shunted by an inductance and capacity. With this connection the amplified incoming oscillations interact with the locally generated oscillations and produce a beat current in the usual manner. The student should note that the valves in Fig. 296 have a source of direct current electromotive force in series with the grid to fix definitely the potential of the latter in respect to the filament and also that the third valve has a source of E. M. F. in shunt to the grid condenser to prevent the accumulation of excessive potentials on the latter. This pre- caution is usually necessary with extremely highly exhausted vacuum valves. The transformers, P-l and P-2, shown in the diagram, are radio-frequency transformers shunted by variable condensers of small capacity for obtaining conditions of resonance. 227. The Goldschmidt Tone Wheel. The mode of operation of this detector during the reception of undamped oscillations will be more readily understood by reviewing certain facts in connection with the functioning of the ordinary tikker. When the tikker interrupts (periodically) the secondary circuit of a receiving transformer tuned to a distant transmitter, the interruptions do not take place in synchrony with the incoming oscillations. The telephone condenser, therefore, receives an irregular charge which, at one instant, may be taken at the peak of the charge accumulated in the secondary condenser, and, at another instant, at a charge of lesser value, the final result being the production of a note in the telephone of irregular pitch which is not highly pleasing to the ear. The Goldschmidt tone wheel overcomes this defect by converting the incoming oscillations into an audio-frequent current. To illustrate its mode of operation we may assume that signals are being received from the high-power station at Tuckerton, New Jersey, the normal wave length of which is 7,400 meters corresponding to an oscillation frequency of 40,540 cycles per second. Now, if a specially constructed mechanical circuit interrupter giving 40,540 interruptions per second is connected in the receiver circuit in place of the usual tikker, the positive half, let us say, of each successive cycle will be interrupted at the peak, such as A, B, C, D, E, etc., Fig. 297, and the current of successive negative halves only will be admitted to the receiving telephone. There will then pass per second through RECEIVERS FOR UNDAMPED OSCILLATIONS OR WAVES. 285 the receiving telephone 40,540 pulses of direct current, but, owing to their rapid rate, these pulses do not individually affect the receiver diaphragm, except when the current is turned on and off. If the circuit interrupter be driven to give, for example, 39,540 interruptions, the result will be that indicated in the curves, Fig. 298a (not scaled) where alternation A is inter- rupted directly at the peak, al- 6 c D E r ternation B further down the peak, alternation C still further down, and so on. Now, when a positive alter- nation is interrupted at the peak, the full amount of nega- tive current is admitted to the head telephone and when a negative alternation is inter- rupted at the peak, the full amount of the positive current Fig. 297 Effect of the Goldschnridt Tone Wheel When Driven Synchronously. is admitted to the telephone (note also Fig. 298b). As the positive alternation is interrupted at points off the peak, a smaller amount of negative current and a larger amount of positive current will be admitted and the net result of this will be a decrease of telephone current as the zero axis (Fig. 298a) is approached. When the interruption of the incoming oscillation takes place at the zero axis, equal amounts of positive and negative current (G and G-l, Fig. 298a) will be admitted to the telephone and there will be no deflection of the telephone diaphragm. As the interruptions con- tinue beyond this point, positive current of grad- ually increasing strength will be admitted to the telephone until the full A' B c 1 D' i' r 6' amount of positive cur- Fig. 298a Effect of the Tone Wheel When Driven As-synchronously. rent flows. There is thus seen to flow through the telephone, an audio-frequent current which rises, falls and reverses uniformly at a frequency which is the numerical difference of the interruptions of the tone wheel and the frequency of the incoming oscillations. The resulting note in the telephone is found to have a musical pitch which can be varied over a range equivalent to frequencies lying between 200 and 3,000 cycles per second. In the diagram, Fig. 298b (not scaled), the interruptions of the positive and negative incoming oscillations are shown by the curve A, D, and the amplitude of the telephone current by curve B, C. The peak of the dotted curve is the point at which a positive alternation is interrupted at the peak, and, as shown by the peak B, the audio-frequent current is negative and at a maxi- mum. The peak D is the point where a negative Fig. 298b-Showmg Superposed Audio-frequent Current. alternation is interrupted at the peak and the telephone current, as shown by peak C, is seen to be positive and at a maximum. At all other points on the curve, the strength of the periodic telephone current will be less varying as the relative amounts of positive and negative current admitted to the telephone by the tone wheel. To produce a note of audio-frequency from the Tuckerton transmitter at its present wave length, a toothed wheel interrupter having 800 contact segments revolving approximately at 3,000 revolutions per minute would be required. This would interrupt the receiver circuit 39,450 times per second, which would give a note equal to the pitch of 1,000 per second. 286 PRACTICAL WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. The tone wheel is frequently termed a frequency transformer because it converts me- chanically the oscillations of radio-frequency into current of audio-frequency. It is superior to the ordinary tikker, first, because it produces a musical pitch so highly desirable for aurul reception, and, second, it converts more energy of the incoming oscillations into useful sound than does the tikker. A photograph of the Goldschmidt tone wheel appears in Fig. 299. The commutator disc of this detector is driven at speeds approximating 4,000 revolutions per minute. Fig. 299 The Tone Wheel Installed at the Tuckerton Station. 228. Marconi System for Reception of Undamped Oscillations. The diagram of connections, Fig. 300, covers the systems for the reception of un- damped oscillations, developed by Signer Marconi and H. J. Round. Tckphont Fig. 300 Marconi's System for the Reception of Undamped Oscillations. The circuit in general contains the fundamentals of the Marconi balanced crystal re- ceiver, and, as explained in a previous paragraph, if crystal No. 1 and crystal No. 2 are adjusted independently to the maximum degree of sensitiveness, they will produce practically equal and opposite effects, resulting in the production of no sound in the head telephone. If potentiometer P-2, let us say, is adjusted so that crystal No. 2 is in a non-conductive state to signals, they will be received at moderate strength on crystal No. 1. However, very strong RECEIVERS FOR UNDAMPED OSCILLATIONS OR WAVES. 287 impulses of static or atmospheric electricity will cause both crystals to become equally con- ductive resulting in the almost complete elimination of this interference. To make this apparatus receptive to undamped oscillations, a circuit J, C-l, C-2, C-3, C-4, is provided, which is acted upon by the buzzer energized inductance B. The voltage set up in J alters the conductivity of the crystals in the following manner : Crystals No. 1 and No. 2 are adjusted to oppose one another in the usual manner, but the potentiometer voltage is adjusted so that only very strong signals can be recorded. Now if circuit B is adjusted to a very short wave, the electromotive force induced by the buzzer acts for short intervals on the two crystals, making them conductive for a brief period, and thereby releasing the energy stored up within the condenser K, in accordance. Condenser K is, of course, constantly charged by the undamped oscillations induced in the receiving aerial. If the groups of waves from the buzzer have a slightly different period or a submultiple of the initial fre- quency of the incoming oscillations, an audio-frequent current will flow in the head telephone. For example, if the frequency of the incoming oscillations is 50,000 cycles per second and the buzzer produces 4,900 groups of oscillations per second, the result will be a musical tone in the head telephones having a pitch equal to 1,000 per second. These circuits have been used by Marconi and his assistants for the reception of signals over very great distances. Fig. 300X Wireless Station Erected at Cape Hatteras, N, C,, U, S. A., in 1902. PART XVI. MARCONI TRANSOCEANIC RADIO TELEGRAPHY. 229. MARCONI DEVELOPMENT AND GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS. 230. MARCONI'S DUPLEX SYSTEM. 231. THE BALANCING OUT AERIAL. 232. GLACE BAY-CLIFDEN STATIONS. 233. MARCONI DIRECTIONAL AERIAL. 234. MARCONI TRANSOCEANIC STA- TIONS. 235. MARCONI TUBULAR MASTS. 236. RADIO-FRE- QUENCY CIRCUITS OF THE DAMPED WAVE TRANSMITTERS. 237. OTHER U. S. HIGH POWER STATIONS. 238. LONG DISTANCE RECEIVING SETS. 239. CONDENSED LIST OF HIGH POWER STATIONS. 229. Marconi Development and General Considerations. The greater share of credit for establishing radio communication over extremely great dis- tances, is directly due to the energetic and painstaking experimenters, Marconi and his staff of engineers. Realizing at an early date that the commercial utility of wireless telegraphy was not confined to ship to shore communication alone, Sig- nor Marconi began the con- struction of powerful sta- tions on both sides of the Atlantic as early as 1901. The first high power sta- tions for trans-oceanic com- munication were established at Poldhu, Cornwall, England, and South Wellsfleet, Cape Cod, U. S. A., but, as was antici- pated, these stations were re- quired solely for the dispatch of traffic to ships at great dis- tances at sea and, therefore, other sites were selected as soon as possible at Glace Bay, Nova Scotia, and Clifden, Ireland. A number of experiments were carried out at this station, seemingly insurmountable ob- stacles were overcome and, by continued application and research, an efficient transmitter and receiver were finally developed, which could be depended upon for 24-hour communica- tion between these two points. An unfortunate fire at Glace Bay, Nova Scotia, in 1909, delayed the further use of these stations for several months, but in the process of rebuilding a more efficient station was con- structed, which has been in commercial service continually since that time. The work of designing wireless stations such as the Marconi Company have erected for trans-oceanic work is essentially an enlargement of the work in con- nection with the sets of only a few kilowatts used for ship and shore stations. The engineer cannot, however, sit down with a slide rule and multiply the figures Fig. 300a iiany Marconi Station at Glace Bay, Nova Scotia. MARCONI TRANSOCEANIC RADIO TELEGRAPHY. for his calculations relating to the small stations by a hundred or so, and have as a result a station that will work over a long range. Many problems present them- selves in a large radio installation which require much care and experimentation adequately to cope with the requirements of high power transmitters and which, in smaller sets, are of so little importance as to be practically negligible. The reader, to assure himself that the construction of the high power stations is an engineering proposition of the highest order, need only consult the accompanying photo- graphs showing in a very small part, the apparatus in use at certain of the Marconi Sta- tions in the United States and abroad. Not only were the technical problems encountered in their construction broad in their scope and somewhat unusual, but the erection of masts and building, the transportation of materials, the furnishing of water supply, sanitation, the provision for power, the housing of employees, etc., each brought their individual prob- lem which required most painstaking calculations and, in some cases, the provision of new means to overcome. It is not adequately possible in the space at our disposal to go over the details of con- struction of the various Marconi high power stations, but a brief description of the equip- ment will be given, together with such additional information as may make clear the general plan of these stations and the method of operation. As explained in Chapter XIV, both continuous and discontinuous wave systems are employed for long distance radio communication, and we should add that either system has its advantages. It cannot be denied that undamped oscillations give better syntonic effects at the receiver, but almost equal selectivity can be ob- tained by feebly damped oscillations. Generally, undamped wave transmitting apparatus requires very careful adjust- ment and is not continuously operative over extended periods without very frequent attention, whereas the spark transmitters, even of 500 K. W. capacity, can func- tion over very extended periods with only nominal care. The general trend of development in the United States, however, seems to be in the direction of undamped wave transmitters which, more and more, are being put to commercial use. The final result of experimentation in this direction cannot be foretold, but the results already obtained seem to indicate that even short wave undamped oscillation generators may shortly be available. 230. Marconi's Duplex System. A complete resume of the series of ex- periments which made trans-oceanic communication possible, would in itself con- stitute a volume of no small proportions, but one of the unique features of the Marconi high power stations, which has doubled the volume of traffic that can be handled from continent to continent, with a given set of stations and has con- tributed to the prevention of traffic interruption by outside interference, is Mar- coni's Duplex System, combined with his "balancing out" aerial. The mode of operation of his Duplex System can perhaps be better understood by citing a particular example of commercial use. As already mentioned, the Mar- coni high power station at Glace Bay, Nova Scotia, transmits to another high power station at Clifden, Ireland, but in order that traffic may be dispatched in both directions simultaneously additional receiving stations have been erected on both sides of the Atlantic, a few miles distant from either transmitting station. This separation of stations would not in itself prevent interference between the trans- mitter and receiver, but by combining this plan with the balancing out aerials inter- ference is wholly prevented. The transmitter at Glace Bay, Nova Scotia, is approximately 30 miles north of the receiving station located at Louisburg, Nova Scotia, while the receiving station for the opposite side is at Letterfrack, Ireland, approximately 12 miles north of the transmitter at Clifden, Ireland. With this separation of transmitter and receiver, Glace Bay station, for instance, may dispatch messages to Letterfrack freely and not interfere with Louisburg station receiving from Clifden, Ireland. Not ohly may this system be used for simultaneous transmission in both directions, but it can be used as a "break-in" system as well, permitting the receiv- 290 PRACTICAL WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. ing operator to break in on the sending operator, asking for the repetition of a word, a letter or a sentence if necessary. Now that the general plan of the Duplex System has been explained, the reader should refer to the diagram, Fig. 301, showing in a more detailed manner the operation of the Duplex System in a specific instance, viz., as employed on the Glace Bay-Clifden route. The 150 K. W. transmitter at Glace Bay, Nova Scotia, connected to aerial A, B, is designated as station No. 1. Operated at the wave length of 8,000 meters, this station transmits to Letterfrack, Ireland, direct, designated as station No. 2. The transmitter at Clifden, station No. 4, transmits to Louisburg station No. 3 at the wave length of 5,500 meters. LETTERFRACK IRELAND RECEIVER STATION JJWV IVIl- I l_l\ VHMVU LOUISBURG N. S. RECEIVER STATION CLIP DEN IRELAND TRANSMITTER STATION N4 Fig. 301 Marconi's Duplex High Power Transmitter Scheme With Balancing Out Aerials. Stations No. 1 and No. 3 are connected by wire line, similarly, stations No. 2 and No. 4. The sending operator for station No. 1 is located at station No. 3, the transmitter at No. 1 being actuated by a manually operated key or automatic sender, the circuit of which ex- tends over the wire line connecting the two stations. Similar arrangements are in use on the opposite side of the Atlantic, the transmitter at Clifden, Ireland, being controlled by an operator stationed at Letterfrack. Both the transmitting and the receiving operators may thus work side by side, traffic being dis- patched freely in both directions. But to positively insure against interruptions of service, the transmitting stations are equipped with receiving sets, to be employed in event of a breakdown at the regularly appointed receiving stations.* *The general scheme and mode of operation of the high power stations herein described is that originally planned. This is not necessarily the way these stations are now operated. Changed conditions due to the European war have required some re-arrangement of the original plan and method. MARCONI TRANSOCEANIC RADIO TELEGRAPHY. 291 231. The Balancing Out Aerial. It will be well to understand that al- though transmitting stations No. 1 and No. 4, Fig. 301, operate at wave lengths of 8,000 meters and 5,500 meters respectively, some of the energy of the 8,000 meter wave is apt to induce oscillations of its own frequency in the receiving aerial, C, D, station No. 3, when the latter is adjusted to the wave length of 5,500 meters. In the same manner, station No. 4 would induce oscillations in the receiving aerial at No. 3, setting up no small amount of interference, were it not for the use of the balancing out aerials, E, F, and E 1 F 1 at stations No. 3 and No. 2, respectively. These balancing aerials are generally located at a right angle to the main receiving aerial in such a way as to receive the maximum induction from the nearby transmitter and the minimum induction from the far distant transmitter. The circuit of the balancing aerial is tuned to the interfering wave and inductively op~ posed to the interfering oscillations induced in the main receiving aerial at the secondary winding. Then by proper adjustment of coupling and phase relation of currents, the energy induced by the interfering wave is electro- magnetically balanced out, leaving the main receiver aerial free to receive from the far distant transmitter.* In the diagram, Fig. 301, aerial C, D, for instance, at station No. 3, is favor- ably disposed for the reception of signals from aerial A 1 , B 1 , and the balancing aerial E, F, receives the maximum induction from A, B, and the minimum from A 1 B 1 . Similarly, balancing aerial E 1 , F 1 , re- ceives the maximum induction from A 1 , B 1 , and the minimum induction from A, B. If oscillations be induced in C, D, by the 8,000 meter wave from A, B, and thereby ca*use interference to the recep- tion of signals at the wave length of 5,500 meters from A 1 , B 1 , the balancing aerial E, F, is tuned to 8,000 meters and its circuit inductively opposed to the secon- dary of the tuner connected to C, D. Proper adjustment of coupling and de- crement permits the oscillations (induced by the 8,000-meter wave in each) to be brought opposite in phase, and the inter- fering signals thus balanced out, signals being received all the while from A 1 , B 1 . In practice, this system has been found to work well, preventing the transmitter <^ C3 B B Ll r~ DISC DISCHARGER Fig. 302 Fundamental Circuit of the Glace Bay Typ of Transmitter. and receiver from interfering with each other, although separated no more than 8 or 10 miles. 232. Glace Bay-Clifden Stations. We have already intimated that the installation and the subsequent successful operation of the Glace Bay and Clifden high power stations opened up a new era in long-distance communication. In view of the pioneer work performed at these two points, it may be of interest to de- scribe fundamentally the transmitters in use. " Contrary to previous installations, the condensers were charged by 14,000 volts direct current, the source of which was a battery of 6,000 storage cells connected in series. These batteries in turn are charged by three 5,000-volt generators (A, B, C, Fig. 302), of very special construction, connected in series and then to the terminals of the battery. As will be seen from the fundamental diagram, Fig. 302, the energy stored up in the condenser C-3 is discharged through the usual oscillation transformer and Marconi's studded disc discharger. This discharger consists of a large steel disc several feet in diameter, with sparking electrodes mounted thereon and which pass closely to the fixed electrodes B, B. *See Section I Appendix. 292 PRACTICAL WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. The electrodes B, B, in reality revolve slowly, and therefore present constantly cooled surfaces to the path of the spark discharge. Protective chokes C-l and C-2 protect the generator from the discharge of the condenser. The principal advantage of the disc discharger is the quenching effect obtained when the disc is driven at a certain velocity. This prevents the re-transference of energy to the spark gap circuit, and in consequence, the antenna oscillations have a decrement as low as .03 per complete cycle. In addition a spark or grpup note of distinct musical pitch is obtained which has been found extremely desirable for aural reception through atmospheric electricity. The high potential condensers at both of these stations are of unusual construction and dimensions. Consisting of a number of large steel plates suspended from the ceiling on special insulators, they are separated sufficiently to prevent the spark discharging between plates, and the required capacity is found in connecting a large number of such plates in parallel. Beyond the size of this condenser, the oscillation transformer comes in for attention, principally because of its dimensions. The primary winding has but two turns, consisting of a specially constructed cable, one foot in diameter. Owing to the large amounts of power in use, a cable of these dimensions is positively required, and good surface conduc- tivity is among the chief considerations. Signalling is not effected by interruption of the primary circuit as in small-sized Marconi transmitters. In these sets, specially constructed high voltage relay switches (S-2), in turn controlled by a small telegraph key and source of D. C. current, interrupt the high voltage circuit from the battery to the condenser. Arcing is prevented by forcing an extra heavy air blast on the contact points by specially designed motor blowers. The receiving apparatus at these stations may either consist of a Marconi balanced crys- tal receiver, employing the carborundum rectifier, or a set of Fleming vacuum tubes of special design, type and construction. Through a set of microphonic relays, connected in cascade, the signals may be amplified considerably and either deciphered in an ordinary ear telephone or the pulsations of current may be indented on the wax records of a dictaphone. 233. Marconi Directional Aerial. The great success of Signer Marconi's Trans-oceanic system is in no small measure due to the use of the horizontal direc- tional aerial* Fully convinced by a series of quantitative experiments that the flat top aerials radiate more freely in the direction opposite to which the free end points, particularly if the length of the flat top exceeds the length of the vertical portion by four or five times, Signer Marconi decided that the adoption of this aerial would not only permit the transmission of messages over great distances with small powers but also on account of its directional properties would prevent a considerable amount of interference to the operation of other stations. In the same series of experiments, it was determined that a Hat top aerial receives with greater intensity when the free end points in the direction opposite to the free end of the transmitter aerial. Irrespective of its selective directional properties, a horizontal aerial of given capacity and inductance for any required wave length, is less expensive to erect than a vertical aerial of similar electrical dimensions; hence, from this consideration alone, the flat top aerial is the one that would be adopted. In order to radiate the energy of a 300 K. W. transmitter, the aerial should have a fundamental wave length of at least 6,000 meters ; in fact the greatest distances are covered when such aerials radiate near to their fundamental wave length. The great Marconi station at New Brunswick, New Jersey, U. S. A., for example, has an aerial of 32 wires connected in parallel, 5,000 feet in length. The aerial is supported by 12 tubular steel masts, 400 feet in height, arranged in two rows of six each. The funda- mental wave length is approximately 8,000 meters, but the initial transmitting experiments were carried on at the wave length of 15,000 meters. The receiving aerial for this station at Belmar, New Jersey, consists of two wires 6,000 feet in length, suspended on six tubular masts, 400 feet in height. The aerial has a general direction favorable for reception from the giant transmitting station at Carnarvon, Wales. 234. Marconi Transoceanic Stations. By far the greater number of high power radio stations here and abroad have been designed and erected by the *An explanation of the cause of the unsymmetrical radiation of an inverted L aerial appears in Page 167 of Fleming's Elementary Manual of Radio Telegraphy. MAkCONI TRANSOCEANIC RADIO TELEGRAPHY. 293 Marconi Company. In fact, their stations only have maintained a continuous operating schedule from day to day f from continent to continent. Individual con- cerns may have carried out spectacular experiments here and there, but nothing has been evolved by them that would tend to make long-distance communication a success commercially. The mere fact that a message may, for instance, be sent across the ocean by a low-powered transmitter and received on a small aerial at certain hours of the day is no indication that such equipment could be used for continuous 24-hour service, because experiment reveals that very large powers are required for continuous operation, when the sender and receiver are 3,000 miles apart. Those who are familiar with the great globe-girdling scheme of the Marconi Company cannot help but be impressed with the stupendous undertaking involved in the construction of their high power stations, for not only is the task of designing the apparatus, buildings and power machinery one of extraordinary undertaking, but the actual installation pf such has, in many instances, called for painstaking labors and effort largely due to the location, the nature of the soil, and the topography of the surrounding country. In view of the universal interest manifested by students of radio in behalf of high power radio stations of the Marconi Company, a brief description of their equipment will be pre- sented, together with such additional information, as will make clear the general plan and mode of operation. First let it be explained that although these stations could all be made intercommunicative, it is more usual to construct a pair of stations to cover a specific route or to join together two continents only. With the idea in view of showing which of these stations was intended for communication with the other, they shall be grouped into "radio circuits" or routes, as follows: CIRCUIT NO. 1. Stations sep- f GlaCe B ^ a V / ****' * ' tranSmitS t0 ' ' ' Letterf rack ' ] Stations sap- arated aboutj Louis burg, No ; a Scotia. . .receives f rom . . . Clif den, r ara jf about 30 miles. [ Ireland. } 12 Imles ' Since the apparatus for the Glace Bay station has been very briefly described in para- graphs 274 and 275, it will not be gone over again, except to mention that the Duplex Sys- tem has been installed and thoroughly tested. Because these two stations established the first successful trans-oceanic commercial radio service, they are purposely grouped at the head of the list. CIRCUIT NO. 2. Ncw Brunswick, N. J., U. S. A transmits to >* " The transmitting station at New Brunswick is of 300 K. W. capacity and can be operated at various wave lengths from 7,000 to 15,000 meters. Power is taken in the station from a commercial power house at 1,100 volts, 3 phase 60 cycle alternating current, stepped down to 440 volts and led to the terminals of a 60 cycle, 440-volt 3 phase- 550 H. P. motor, which drives a 300 K. W. 120 cycle generator. The current is led from the generators to a bank of high voltage transformers, the sec- ondaries of which may be connected in series or in parallel according to the power required. In the usual manner the current from these transformers charges a large bank of high voltage oil plate condensers which, in turn, discharge through an oscillation transformer and rotary disc discharger of uncommon proportions. As in the Glace Bay Station, the circuit from the transformer secondaries to the condenser is interrupted by a specially designed set of high tension relay keys which, in turn, are actuated by a small sending key and a source of direct current. Arcing at the contacts of the main signalling key is prevented by a heavy blast of air forced directly at the contact points by specially designed motor blowers. The advantages 294 PRACTICAL WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. derived in interrupting of the high voltage current, lies in that it permits 300 K. W. to be handled at various speeds of transmission up to 100 words per minute without error. A more detailed description of certain apparatus of the circuits of radio frequency for the New Brunswick station and others with like equipment (damped wave apparatus) will be given in paragraph 236. Fig. 303 Power House of the Trans-Atlantic Marconi Station at Carnarvon, Wales. The transmitting aerial at the New Brunswick station is of the inverted L type, consist- ing of 32 wires with a flat top approximately 5,000 feet in length. It is supported on two rows of steel tubular masts (6 masts in each row), which are approximately 400 feet in height. The two rows of masts are separated about 250 feet. in length, consisting of 2 wires supportedin length, consisting of 2 wires supported on six tubular masts, each 400 feet in height Fig. 304 Motor Blowers at Carnarvon Station. The transmitter at Carnarvon, Wales is substantially a duplicate of the New Bruns- wick transmitter, the source of power being a 300 K. W., 150 cycle motor generator MARCONI TRANSOCEANIC RADIO TELEGRAPHY. 295 with step-up transformers, oil condensers, etc. Of late, a 150 K. W. timed spark discharger, excited by 5,000 volts continuous current, has been employed as well, and with which par- ticularly successful results have been obtained. Operated usually at the wave length of 10,000 meters, daylight communication has been established with the U. S. A., the strength of signals being equal to that obtained from other foreign stations of much greater power. (For a more detailed explanation of timed spark discharger sets see paragraph 219.) Some idea of the construction of the Marconi high power stations may be ob- tained from the following description: The power house of the transmitting section of the Wales Transoceanic station at Car- narvon, Wales, is shown in Fig. 303, wherein the aerial and ground leads of the great antenna which transmits messages to the Belmar, New Jersey, station appear prominently in the foreground. This building measures approximately 100 feet by 83 feet, and is divided into three sections, known as the main machinery hall, the annex, and the extension. The Fig. 305 Three Hundred Kilowatt 150 Cycle Generators at Carnarvon Station. transmitting sets, switchboard, transformer room, stores, offices and emergency operating room are located in the main machinery hall. The auxiliary plant is placed in the annex, consisting essentially of D. C. generators, electrically driven blowers and ventilating fans, and some small motor generator sets used in the signalling circuit. An office for the engi- neers and a fitting shop are also provided for in the annex. The extension is devoted entirely to experimental apparatus. All trans-Atlantic wireless messages transmitted from this station will be handled automatically from London, through the receiving section at Towyn, sixty-two miles away, and received at Belmar for automatic transmission to New York. This station is therefore of great interest to Americans 'as the communicating links with the New Jersey stations in the Marconi globe-girdling chain. In Fig. 304 are shown the blowers which furnish air under considerable pressure, to blow out the spark at the disc discharger and keep the disc elements cooled. These are also used to blow out the sparks at the signalling switches which relay the dots and dashes to the aerial wires. In Fig. 305, the 300 K. W. 150 cycle motor generators at the Carnarvon station are shown as installed ready for use. In the photograph, Fig. 306, are shown the signalling motor gen- erators and the disc motor starters at Carnarvon. One of each is a spare. The signalling motor generator supplies current to work the high speed relay switches through which the station is enabled to transmit from a distant operating station at the rate of 100 words a minute. The motor starters shown on the right control the 75 H. P. motors, which drive the 296 PRACTICAL WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. disc discharger when it is disconnected from the main generator for as-synchronous working. Photograph, Fig. 307, gives a view of the high voltage transformers and primary induc- tances. All the current from the generators passes through the transformers, where it is stepped up to a voltage sufficient to charge the condensers. The low frequency inductances shown to the right of the drawing permit a large range of adjustment in the primary power cir- cuits, thereby permitting the radiated energy to be controlled in accordance with the requirements. Fig. 308 shows the switchboard at the New Brunswick, New Jersey, station. This board con- trols the generator , cir- cuits, blower machinery and all controlling appli- ances within the station. The receiving station at Belmar, New Jersey, is completely equipped with a Marconi balanced crystal receitnng set, Brown amplifying relays, a balancing out aerial for eliminating interference, dictaphone receivers, and a set of telegraphic instruments for connection with the land line telegraph and telephone companies. These transmitting and receiving stations not only have the necessary buildings for the hous- ing of the apparatus, but hotels and individual dwellings are supplied for the employees as well. CIRCUIT NO. 3. Fig. 306 Special Signalling Generators at Carnarvon Station. ab S o J Marion > Mass .. transmits to ..... Naerboe, Norway, 30 miles 1 Chatham > Mass receives from . . Stavanger,* Norway. arated about 30 miles. At the writing of this volume, this group of stations are under construction and very nearly completed. They will be used for 24-hour commercial working and will permit com- munication with Northern European countries, independent of all existing routes, obviating the necessity for a number of intermediate relay points. The transmitter at Marion will be a 150 K. W. Marconi timed-spark continuous wave generator, energized by a 300 K. W. 5,000 volt D. C. generator. The transmitter at Stavanger will be substantially a duplicate, with ultimate capacity of 300 K. W. Since they have been found the most economical and practical for the purpose, the aerials at these stations are supported by tubular steel masts. As usual, the stations are constructed for Duplex working, Marion and Chatham as well as Stavanger and Naerboe stations, being con- nected together by land line control. These stations will be placed in commercial operation within a very short time. CIRCUIT NO. 4. to...Koko Head, sep- fBolinas, Calif transmits arated about J Hawaiian Islands, 40 miles 1 Marfehalls>( Calif.. . .receives from . . . Kahuku, Ha- L waiian Islands. CIRCUIT NO. 5. fKahuku, Hawaiian Islands. . .transmits to...Funa- bashi, Japan, Stations sep- arated about 25 miles. Stations sen- * , . , , fin -i. 1 Koko Head, Hawaiian Islands,., receives from... miles< t Funabashi, Japan, ^Station i? located st Hinna. MARCONI TRANSOCEANIC RADIO TELEGRAPHY. 297 Because the transmitter at Kahuku is duplexed for simultaneous transmission to Japan and the U. S. A., the two circuits, No. 4 and No. 5, have been grouped together. Beginning with the Bolinas station, the transmitter is of 300 K. W. capacity, current for its operation being supplied by duplicate 500 H. P. steam turbine driven generators delivering current at 180 cycles per second. In the usual manner, this current is stepped up by closed core trans- formers to approximately 50,000 volts and employed to charge a bank of high voltage oil plate condensers. Although normally operated at from 75 to 150 K. W. the full 300 K. W. can be employed whenever necessary. The aerial for receiving from Bolinas, Cal., is nearly a mile in length erected on two rows of tubular steel masts in the usual manner. The receiving aerial at Marshalls, Cali- fornia, has 7 masts, each of which are 330 feet in height. The receiving station at Koko Head, Hawaiian Islands, has two distinct receiving aerials, together with balancing out aerials, one being employed for reception from Bolinas, Calif., and the other from Funabashi, Japan. Fig. 307 Bank of High Voltage Trans- formers at Carnarvon Station. Fig. 308 The Switchboard of the New Brunswick High Power Transoceanic Station. The aerial for receiving from Bolinas extends southwestward from the operating house and is carried on five 330 feet masts to an anchorage on the beach. The aerial for reception from Japan extends from the operating room almost due east. The first two masts for this aerial are of the standard sectional type 430 feet in height ; the first is on level ground and the second is on the hillside. From this point the aerial makes a long span of over 2,000 feet to the top edge of Koko Head (an extinct volcano) at an elevation of 1,194 feet above the sea level ; here there is not enough room to erect a sectional mast, only about 40 square feet being available for a self-supporting structural tower 150 feet in height. The tail end anchorage for this aerial is far down the volcano on the inside of the crater. The balanc- ing aerial, which is employed for both receiving aerials, is erected on self-supporting towers, each of which i$ JOO feet high. All this will be clear from the diagram, Fig. 309, wherein a 298 PRACTICAL WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. complete lay-out of the receiving station at Koko Head appears showing the relative posi- tions of the balancing out aerial, the location of buildings, etc. It is to be noted that the balancing out aerial is 5,700 feet in length, and is arranged to be favorable for the absorp- tion of energy from the two transmitting stations at Kahuku. Because it is duplexed for the simultaneous transmission of messages to Japan and the United States, especial interest attaches to the Marconi station at Kahuku, Island of Oahu, Hawaiian Islands. Not only is this station fitted with two 300 kilowatt transmitting sets but a third emergency set has been installed as well, which in event of breakdown can be con- nected either to the Japan or the United States aerial. The general layout of the antennae and buildings at Kahuku is shown in the diagram, Fig. 310, wherein it will be noted that the free end of these aerials point in a direction RECEIVING STATION KOKO HEAD ISLAND of OAHU Fig. 309 Plan and General Layout of the Receiving Aerials at Koko Head, Hawaiian Islands. favorable for the particular continent with which communication is to be established, being designated as the "Japan" aerial and the "San Francisco" aerial. From the power house as a center, the California transmitting aerial extends southwest- ward, supported by twelve masts, 325 feet in height; the Japan aerial extends to the south- east, supported by fourteen masts, 475 feet in height. These masts are the largest that have been yet constructed on the Marconi system of sectional cylinders. The power house con- sists of boiler room, engine room and condenser room. The boilers are oil-fired and will feed three 500 H. P. turbines, which drive the special 300 K. W. alternators and Marconi disc discharger. The necessary condenser capacity for all three transmitting sets is found in 768 large oil tank type condensers, which are conveniently arranged for uniform distribution of current to all connecting bus bars. The automatic sending and receiving apparatus plays an important part in the service between the Occident and the Orient. The sending machine consists of a Wheatstone auto- matic transmitter and special perforator, which makes possible the transmission of more MARCONI TRANSOCEANIC RADIO TELEGRAPHY. 299 than 100 words a minute. Under the automatic system, ten or 100 messages can be filed at the same time at the office of the Marconi Company in Honolulu. They will be distributed among the necessary number of operators and the dots and dashes punched in a paper tape by a typewriter perforator This tape is fed into an automatic sender and the signals conveyed by land line to Kahuku, where the dots and dashes actuate a high voltage sending key, automatically energizing the aerial instantaneously with the feeding of the tape in the station, thirty miles or more away. At the transmitting station the dots and dashes operate the magnets of the high power sending key in the main energy circuits and the signals are TRANSMITTING STATION KAHUKU ISLAND Of - OAHU Fig. 310 General Plans of Transmitting Aerials at Marconi Station, Kahuku, Hawaiian Islands. flashed to whichever destination the message calls for either Marshalls or Funabashi. If the message is destined for Marshalls it will be received on a specially constructed dicta- phone machine, each cylinder, as soon as it is indented with dots and dashes, being handed to an operator, who transcribes it into a typewritten message by means of a reproducing dictaphone machine, running at normal speed. The Imperial Japanese Government station at Funabashi, Japan, is equipped with a 200 K. W. quenched spark transmitter, but complete details of the equipment are not yet available. 235. Marconi Tubular Masts. One of the most interesting features of the original construction work at the Marconi high power stations was the erection of the steel tubular masts, the successive stages of erection being shown in Figs. 311, 312, 313, 314 and 315. The mast is made up of steel cylinders (Fig. 311), constructed in quarter sections, flanged vertically and horizontally and secured together by bolts stayed with steel cables. These stand in a concrete foundation. Surmounting the main steel column was a wooden top mast, the lower part of which is squared and set in square openings in the plates between 300 PRACTICAL WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. Fig. 311 Showing Steel Semi-Cylinders for the Marconi Tubular Mast. the steel cylinders. The hoisting arms attached to the upper end were fitted with blocks and hoisting cables. Attached to these arms were chain hoists supporting a square wooden cage (Fig. 312) for the workmen, which was lowered or raised as the demands of the work required while the sections were being bolted together. The wooden topmast was the keynote of this novel system of construction, operating like a man who pulls himself up by his boot- straps. The lower half of this topmast is of square section and is guided by a square hole in the diaphragm plates between each section. The topmast was fitted with a set of hoisting arms which carried blocks through which reaved the material hoisting ropes. A square wooden cage was suspended from the hoisting arms by four chain hoists so that the work- men in it could move themselves up and down to bolt the sections together. This is more clearly shown in Fig. 314. Assume that two cylinders have been bolted to the bed plate, the mast rising through the center. The sec- tions of the third cylinder were raised by a steam winch and bolted in place by the workmen. Then a heavy flexible steel rope was temporarily anchored at the top of this last cylinder. Attached to the top of the steel section, this cable led down inside the cylinders and around a wheel in the foot of the wooden topmast; then it was carried up again on the other side and around a sheave to the top of the steel, thence to the winch. By pulling on -this rope the topmast was raised the length of one cylinder and pinned through holes in both steel and wooden masts. With the addition of a new cylinder, the topmast was raised again, the pin supporting it until this was brought about (Fig. 313). The stays were attached at the required points as the erection of the mast progressed. The stays, by means of which each mast is supported, are made of heavy plough steel cable, possessing great tensile strength. For each mast thousands of feet of this cable were used, great care being taken to see that the elastic extension of these stays was not so great as to result in the vibration of the mast during heavy winds. It was essential to break each stay into short lengths connected with great porcelain insulators in order that the electrical energy might not be absorbed, led to the earth by the stays and lost for purpose of wireless operation. For all connections at the masts, insulators and anchorages, special bridge sockets were designed. This did away with the necessity for splicing and permitted a perfect and straight pull, thereby developing the strength of the cable. Heavy concrete blocks were used as anchorages for the stays. The completed mast is shown in Fig. 315. In addition to the antennae stretched between the masts, great quantities of wire were placed in the ground about the stations in order to provide an efficient earthing system or ground connec- tion. Told in brief, a circle of zinc plates is buried in a trench, bolted together and jointed to the wireless circuits of the power house by copper wires. Wires radiate from the zinc plates in the ground to a set of outer plates, from which extend another set of earth wires placed in trenches running the full length of the aerial. The general scheme for the earth connection is shown in Fig. 320. 236. Radio-Frequency Circuits of the Damped of construction 1 ! Wave Transmitters. A description will now be given Fig. 312 Showing Workmen's Cage Which is Carried to the Top During the Process of Erection. MARCONI TRANSOCEANIC RADIO TELEGRAPHY. 301 of certain apparatus of the radio-frequency circuits of the high power transmitting stations employing apparatus for the production of damped waves. As in the small station, the principal circuits are simple, but it is easily seen that when about three hundred kilowatts are to be carried in the circuits and turned into high frequency currents, the problem must be handled with care. Some of the special arrangements made to use this large amount of current safely and efficiently may be of interest to the student. r- . -* . . -. , , The closed oscillating circuit is of in- terest because of the size and construction of its various elements. The discharger is of the rotating-disc type, and is directly connected to the shaft of the alternator. The foundation upon which it rests is a solid block of concrete weighing about seven tons, supported by piles of insulat- ing compound in such a manner that the framework of the discharger is well pro- tected. The coupling for the alternator is also insulated, the only live part being the discs which serve as the poles between which the studs pass. The spark dis- charge is well quenched by a blast of air under high pressure. In order that the I Fig. 314 Showing the Cage and the Top Mast Several Hun- dred Feet from Earth. Fig. 315 Completed Mast (Guys Not Shown). phase relation between the alternator current and the spark may be varied to the most advantageous point, the alternator is built with the armature frame, the machine being of the rotating field type, mounted in a secondary outside frame, with a track machined in its inside circumference. On this track the armature frame may be rotated through an arc equal to the angle between the poles, by means of a hand wheel. Thus the spark may be made to discharge the condenser at any desired point of the sine wave. The dischargers are set in sound muffling rooms and the leads run up through the ceiling to the oscillation trans- formers mounted on the floor above. These rooms are exhausted by motor-driven blowers 302 PRACTICAL WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. SIDE: vie.w OSCILLATION TRANSFORMER Fig. 316 Side View of 300 Kilowatt Oscillation Transformer. of capacity sufficient to keep the air fresh and to draw out the air, which is admitted by the high pressure blast used for quenching the spark. One of the precautions taken to provide an uninterrupted service is to duplicate any and all pieces of apparatus which are at all likely to be disabled. Thus, two generators and two disc dischargers are supplied for each station, and a ready means provided to connect either one to the bus and the oscillation transformer. cr C K )i } VIE.W OSCILLATION TRANSFORMER, Fig. 317 Plan View 300 Kilowatt Oscillation Transformer Showing High Tension Bus-Bar. MARCONI TRANSOCEANIC RADIO TELEGRAPHY. 303 As the oscillation transformers are worthy of note, a sketch of them accompanies this Chapter (Figs. 316, 317 and 318). It will be seen that the coils are mounted on a horizontal axis and supported on a wooden frame. The primary coil is in series in the closed circuit. It consists of four turns, each turn being almost a complete ring of about 345 degrees. These turns are connected by heavy copper plates, making the equivalent of a helix of four turns. The helix is five feet in diameter (See Fig. 318), and the section of the turns one foot in diameter. The turns are made of a wooden former, upon which the conductors are grouped. They follow along the length of the former, but have a long pitch in a spiral direction laid upon it in such a way that the length of each wire is the same starting from one connect- ing plate to the next, that is, through the arc of 345 degrees. All the conductors are, in them- selves, made up of stranded insulated copper wire. The secondary coil of the oscillation transformer is wound on a wooden former, com- posed of two end plates with wooden rods, upon which are mounted porcelain spools. On these spools the con- ductor is wound; it consists of fourteen turns of a specially built high frequency cable. The cable is made by winding thirty-six small con- ductors around a hemp center core, each conductor being made of seven double, cotton covered wires. There is a cotton cover over the whole cable, which is about three inches in diam- eter. In mounting this secondary coil on the frame, the barn-door type of roller bearings is em- ployed. This makes a device that can be constructed totally of wood, and for close adjustment a wooden hand screw is used, which will clamp the coil on the supporting bar of the frame, as well as furnish the means for adjustment. From the oscillation transformer, the buses (Fig. 317) are led to the center of the con- denser room, and as the transformer is on the second floor of the powerhouse, the main leads are carried horizontally about fourteen feet above the condenser room floor. The condenser bank is divided into four groups, each group being fed from the overhead buses. Each group is then subdivided into four sections of twenty-four tanks. They are connected in parallel series, three tanks being in each series and eight rows of three tanks each in parallel in each section. From the central point of the room the overhead buses lead radially to points directly over the center of each section. Here the leads are carried down to a level with the con- denser tops. From this point the sections are fed. The main bus is made of twenty-four inch wide copper, bent in trough shape, the return lead being supported under the other. At every point where the leads divide, a smaller size conductor is used, and all the leads are so arranged that the distance between them can be adjusted, in order that the inductance (of the leads) can be varied as the requirements of the circuits demand. By using this system of distribution, the path of the current from the oscillation transformer to any tank in the entire bank of three hundred and eighty-four is exactly the same. This is very im- portant, in order that no one tank will be required to work on a greater current than any other. Each section of twenty-four tanks is set on a sloping floor, and from each section runs an oil drain, under the floor, to a single receiver. The condenser tanks at the high power stations are modifications of the Poldhu type shown in Fig. 319. They consist of stoneware tanks, thirty inches high by seventeen inches wide, by seven inches thick. The design was adopted for the purpose of keeping in view Fig. 318 The 300 Kilowatt Oscillation Transformer Installed at the Marconi High Power Station at Kahuku, Hawaiian Islands. 304 RAC?iCAL TELEGRAMY. the necessity of the quick and easy replacement of plates. All the elements of a tank can be lifted out bodily and new plates of glass readily inserted. A fibre sling carries thirty-one glass plates and twenty-nine zinc plates, every alternate zinc plate being connected to the buses. As will be seen in the sketch, the plates are connected to the terminals by flexible strips, which compensate for any inequalities in the depth of the tanks. The covers are thoroughly oil-sealed, and the whole tank is filled with a high grade mineral oil. As the slightest trace of moisture in the oil renders its insulating value inadequate, and as oil is highly hygroscopic, it is quite essential to use only very dry oil. To obtain this, a filter press is installed in each station. Fig. 319 Details of Condenser Tanks for High Power Stations. If any tank fails or is broken down, the section of which it is a unit is cut out of the bank, and the spare section cut in. Then a portable derrick is run over the section, and by means of a block and tackle, which it carries, the contents of the tank are lifted out. To do this, a pair of tongs are run down through the small holes in the center of the cover, and the hooks inserted in the holes in the fibre sling. Thus the contents of the tank can be lifted out with the cover attached, and a new set of elements put in very quickly, without lifting the tank itself. After this, repairs can be made to the elements at leisure, MARCONI TRANSOCEANIC RADIO TELEGRAPHY. 305 EARTHING SYSTEM HiH POWER TRANSMITTINO STATION tur GCNKRAU SCHEME =mmt~*> Fig. 320 General Scheme of Earth Connections for Higk Power Stations. Fig. 321 The Aerial Tuning Inductances at Kahuku High Power Station. 237. Other U. S. High Power Stations. In addition to the Mar- coni High Power Stations just described, two additional stations have been erected in the United States for transocean communi- cation, which are now under the control of the United States Government. One is lo- cated at Sayville, Long Island, and the other at Tuckerton, New Jersey. In the original installation, the Sayville transmitter con- sisted of a 100 K. W. quenched spark set operated at the wave length of 4,800 meters, but in the past two years a 100 K. W. Joly-Arco undamped transmitter has been in use and has been operated at a wave length of 10,000 meters. During the favor- able hours of the day, communication has been established with a corresponding sta- tion located at Nauen, Germany, the latter station being fitted with a powerful un- damped wave transmitter. The station at Tuckerton, New Jersey, is equipped with a 200 K. W. Goldschmidt radio-frequency alternator and a 100 K. W. Poulsen arc type of transmitter, both of which are employed for communication with a corresponding station at Hanover, Germany, the latter station being fitted with a 200 K. W. Goldschmidt alternator. 306 PRACTICAL WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. Both the Sayville and Tuckerton stations employ the umbrella type of aerial, erected on masts of great height. The Tuckerton tower, in fact, is 850 feet in height, while the tower at Sayville is approximately 550 feet high, and, as is to be expected, the aerials sup- ported by these towers require a great deal of space for erection. In initial experiments at Tuckerton, New Jersey, the Goldschmidt tone wheel was employed as a receiver, but of late a modified form of the- oscillating vacuum valve has been in use, which gives increased strength of signals. The receiving appara- tus at Sayville is of the vacuum valve oscil- lating type, various circuits being used, generally the type favored by the particular electrician in charge. 238. Long Distance Receiving Sets. Various types of long dis- tance receivers have been developed by the Marconi's Wireless Telegraph Company, Ltd., both for the reception of damped and undamped oscillations. The high power stations in the United States are fitted with balanced crystal or Fleming valve receivers, the local circuits of which are connected to 3 or 4 microphonic amplifying relays, con- nected in cascade. By means of these a considerable amplification of the incoming signals is obtained, which, in fact, can frequently be heard with the receivers lying on the table with the transmitting station 3,000 miles distant. Marconi trans-oceanic receiving stations are also completely equipped with dictaphone receivers which are arranged so that immediately one wax ^record is indented with signals, a second dictaphone receiver is automatically connected in the circuit, and so on. The use of these records permits traffic to be dispatched across the ocean at speeds up^ to 75 words per minute, which is afterwards transcribed on the typewriter by ^ the receiving operator at speeds varying from 30 to 40 words per minute. Obviously ^ this system will permit a greater amount of traffic to be handled between two stations and it will, therefore, be employed when atmospheric electricity is not too severe. 239. Condensed List of High Power Stations. Some of the long distance transmitting stations of the Marconi Company, their locations, systems and power are shown in the following table: Fig. 322 Bank of Hi at ign Voltage Transformers Kahuku. Location Carnarvon, Wales Clifden, Ireland Glace Bay, Nova Scotia Stavanger, Norway Marion, Mass. New Brunswick, New Jersey Bolinas, California Kahuku, Hawaii System Continuous and discontinuous waves Discontinuous waves Discontinuous waves Continuous waves Continuous Continuous waves Discontinuous waves Discontinuous waves Discontinuous waves waves and discontinuous Power 100-300 K.W. 75-150 K.W. 75-150 K.W. 150 K.W. 150 K.W. 150-300 K.W. 300 K.W. 300 K.W. 300 K.W. Wave Length in Meters 6,000 to 10,000 5,500 8,000 8,000 to 15,000 6,000 to 10,000 6,000 to 12,000 6,000 to 12,000 Location Sayville, Long Island Tuckerton, New Jersey MARCONI TRANSOCEANIC RADIO TELEGRAPHY. 307 OTHER TRANSOCEANIC STATIONS. System Power Wave Length Joly-Arco (continuous waves) 100 K.W. 9,400 meters Goldschmidt High Frequency Alternator (continuous waves) gene,, arc Fig. 323 U. S. Naval Radio Station at Radio, Va. (Arlington). PART XVII. LOCATION OF TROUBLE-MAINTENANCE -REPAIRS 240. IN GENERAL. 241. GENERAL PRECAUTIONS. 242. MAKE- SHIFT TESTING APPARATUS. 243. CHECKING UP THE TRANSMITTER. 244. THE FAULTS OF THE TRANSMITTER. 245. POSSIBLE FAULTS OF THE MOTOR GENERATOR. 246. TROU- BLE IN THE RECEIVING APPARATUS. 247. IMPROVISED TRANSMITTERS AND RECEIVERS. 240. In General. Unless the student can apply in a practical way the fun- damental knowledge of radio which he has gained in the class-room, he is hardly qualified to operate commercial wireless telegraph equipment. The ability to lo- cate troubles in radio apparatus as they arise constitutes one of the most im- portant essentials of a first-class operator's qualifications. The author would not create the impression that the radio telegraphist may expect to encounter an inordinate amount of trouble when he takes charge of a ship's wireless station, because modern wireless apparatus if properly cared for gives a minimum of trouble ; but nevertheless, it would be well to point out here those parts of a wire- less telegraph set which are most apt to be at fault in event of an unexpected breakdown. What to do at the critical moment in event of emergency is the subject which concerns us most in this chapter. The ability to weed out troubles in electrical circuits and apparatus comes naturally to some, but with others it must be gained by careful study coupled with or followed by practical operation of the apparatus. Unlike the wire telegraph or wire telephone operator, the radio telegrapher is thrown strictly on his own resources. There is no skilled engineering or maintenance staff at hand, when at sea, to locate troubles or to offer advice. The operator is required to exercise his own initiative, and the manner in which he handles a particular problem will disclose his knowledge of the art in general. The student should always bear in mind that he deals in radio telegraphy in the main, with high frequency, high voltage currents, hence many trouble-finding tests which would be perfectly proper for ordinary telegraph or telephone circuits would be entirely useless in radio. We should take into consideration that wireless apparatus is subjected to conditions at sea which are not met with in the factory, the laboratory, or the land station such as moisture, vibration, salt spray, etc., which tend to weaken the delicate parts or to destroy the insulation. Hence, one of the most important rules to obey is, KEEP THE AP- PARATUS DRY AND DO NOT ALLOW DIRT TO ACCUMULATE UPON IT. When a wireless operator searches for trouble in a radio set, we may say, in gen- eral, that he will look for one of three things: (1) A short-circuit. (2) An open circuit (3) A leak im insulation. And, if he will go about the work in an orderly manner keeping thoroughly in mind the function of each part of the set, his success is assured at the outset LOCATION OF TROUBLES 309 241. General Precautions. A few words of advice may be offered here which may prevent future troubles. The following rules apply generally to radio sets: (1) Keep the bearings of the motor generator well oiled and inspect the oil gauges or oil wells at least once a week. (2) Clean the motor brushes as often as they require it. (This will prevent copper dust imbedding in the carbon, which causes excessive wear on the commutator.) (3) Go over the transmitting apparatus with a slightly oiled rag at least twice per week to prevent the accumulation of moisture on the insulating parts. Do this oftener if the moisture or humidity is excessive. (4) Keep all switch contacts well polished and switch blades thoroughly tightened. (5) Go over the nuts and bolts of the panel sets with a small spanner wrench from time to time (they loosen by vibration). (6) Keep the aerial wires taut and take up all side sway. (7) Inspect the aerial from time to time to insure that it does not swing into contact with some nearby conductor. (8) Keep the storage batteries fully charged at all times. (9) Keep the plates of the cells covered with water at least one-fourth of an inch. (10) Inspect the connections between cells frequently. 242. Makeshift Testing Apparatus. 1 10 VOLTS T Fig. 324 Simple Test Lamp Circuit for Determining an Open Circuit in a Coil. A convenient and practical trouble finding apparatus is the simple incan- descent lamp which may be used to locate open circuits or short-circuits in certain types of electrical apparatus. The lamp, if connected as in Fig. 324 to a source of 110 volts D.C. will light to full brilliancy if the circuit is closed at A, B, through some device which is not of too high resistance. If the resistance of the coil of wire L, for example, does not exceed, say, 50 ohms, the lamp will light to a fair degree of brilliancy if the circuit is continuous, but, obviously, if. the coil is broken at any point the lamp will not light, and an open circuit will therefore be indi- cated. It is easily seen from this simple problem alone, that the would-be trouble finder must have some knowledge of the electrical constants of the circuit with which he deals in order that he may apply the proper testing apparatus. To illustrate, if the coil L had resistance of, say, 500 ohms, the lamp would not glow even if the circuit were electrically com- plete. Hence, we would have to devise another type of testing apparatus to locate this trouble. The arrangement shown in Fig. 325 would suffice. Here an ordinary tele- phone receiver P is connected in series with the dry cell C and the coil L, and if the circuit is complete, a distinct "click" due to the battery current will be heard when the testing circuit is opened and closed; but if the circuit is open this characteristic sound will not be heard. It should be kept in mind that the telephone is an exceedingly sensitive instrument and will detect PHONES very feeble currents flowing in any cir- cuit in which it is placed. Fig. 325 Testing Circuit Made by a. Battery and Head Telephones. 31 () PRACTICAL WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY Certain operators in the commercial radio service, in attempting to locate an open circuit in the windings of a receiving transformer, have committed the error of connecting a bell- buzzer and a battery in series with the coil, and have assumed, because the buzzer did not vibrate, that the circuit was open. The fact is, that in this particular instance the resistance of the tuning coil would not permit sufficient current to pass to actuate the buzzer. In a case of this kind the telephone and the battery should be employed. The simple testing apparatus just described is only applicable to the troubles of ordinary low-voltage circuits. Other methods for testing high-voltage radio-frequency circuits will be described in the order of their importance. The student should bear in mind that the text of this chapter will bear only on practical ways of testing apparatus when the ship is at sea, wider conditions where an elaborate testing system is not available. 243. Checking up the Transmitter. Each ship's radio installation is furnished with a tuning chart showing the number of turns in use in the open and closed radio-frequency circuits and in the aerial tuning inductances. This data also includes the setting of the coupling for the best efficiency and any other special instructions which may pertain to the adjustment and operation of a particular installation. Suppose, upon entering the wireless cabin for the initial trip, the operator desires to test the apparatus, as he is expected to do, before sailing. He first checks up the position of the clips on the oscillation transformer by the data given on the tuning chart, and assures him- self by careful inspection, that all circuits are complete. He then dons the receivers, places the aerial cnangeover switch in the "receiving" position, and then carefully adjusts the receiving detector to the maximum degree of sensitiveness by means of the test buzzer. Next, he carefully tunes the receiver to any station which may be in operation within range, and observes the nature of the traffic being dispatched to assure himself that any testing which he may do with his transmitter will not interfere with the operation of commercial or naval stations. In certain ports, it will become necessary to request permission by radio from the nearest naval or commercial station before any testing whatsoever is carried out. Of course, in times of war, no such work will be allowed except by special permission from the Govern- ment authorities. Feeling assured that he will not interfere with the traffic of other stations, the operator starts the motor generator, places the aerial changeover switch in the transmitting position, presses the key, and notes the reading of the aerial ammeter. Suppose the aerial ammeter reads but 7j^ amperes when the normal reading, according to the tuning chart, should be 14 amperes. If the wattmeter reads normal power, say 2 K. W., such as the Type P-4 standard Marconi set, there is either leakage in the antenna circuit or there has been some error in placing the clips of the oscillation transformer or the aerial tuning inductance. The turns should again be carefully checked up and if there has been an error in the original setting, it should be at once corrected. This trouble may also be caused by an improperly working spark gap. For instance, some of the gaps in the quenched gap may be short-circuited, but, generally, this would be shown by reduced reading of the wattmeter. In the case of the rotary gap, this may be the result of the lack of synchronous adjustment, which should be immediately attended to. It is noted in modern Marconi transmitting sets, that the tuning of the antenna circuit is often seriously affected by the presence of a nearby metallic structure, such as a metal dock building, another ship with an aerial nearby, or parallel derrick cables which may have been erected temporarily for hoisting purposes. If the reduction of aerial current in the foregoing example is due to one of the latter causes, normal antenna current will be obtained when the vessel returns to sea. But it is hardly possible that a reduction of current as great as that above mentioned will be occasioned in this way. 244. The Faults of the Transmitter. Assume that spark fails to discharge at the gap when the transmitting key is closed. Unless the apparatus has been actually injured by an accident, the operator should ask himself: (1) Is the alternator generating current? (2) Is the generator field open? (3) Is the primary or the secondary winding of the high voltage transformer open or on short circuit? (4) Are the high potential condensers punctured? (5) Is there a leakage in the walls of the spark gap muffler? (a) Test for the Alternator. If the radio set contains a voltmeter and the meter itself is not at fault, and furthermore, if it is placed in shunt to the A. G line and no reading Fig. 32 5 A Scout Airplane Equipped With Wireless Apparatus. Fig 325B Oscillating Valve Wireless Telephone Set Developed by Marconi's Wireless Telegraph Co., Ltd. 312 PRACTICAL WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY AMMETER is obtained from it when the generator is in operation, it may be due to one of the following causes : (1) An open circuit in the armature. (2) An open circuit in the field windings. (3) The field current may have been cut off. If the generator fields are fed with 110 volts D. ., whether or not the field current is "on" can be determined simply by placing a 110-volt incandescent lamp in shunt to the field terminals. If any doubt exists as to the continuity of the field circuit, a test can be made by placing a 110-volt lamp in series with the field coils, and if the filament does not glow it indicates that the circuit is open. If the circuit is continuous the lamp will glow dimly. If the voltage of the alternator under normal operating conditions is known, whether or not the armature is generating current can be determined by placing an incandescent lamp (or perhaps a bank of lamps) in shunt to the brushes. For example, if the potential of the alternator is 380 volts on open circuit (such as the alternator furnished with the Marconi 2 K. W. 500 cycle transmitting set), then four 110-volt lamps should be connected in series and if the armature is generating current the lamps will light to a fair degree of brilliancy. A bank of lamps connected in series makes a very practical voltmeter for approximate determinations of potentials. (&) Test for the High Voltage Transformer. In the earlier radio systems a short- circuit due to a puncture between layers of the primary winding would be indicated by blowing the fuses between it and the generator when the transmitting key is closed; but in modern motor generators, a short-circuit would not be evidenced in this way owing to the high synchronous impedance of the armature circuit. In fact, in modern Marconi motor generator sets no fuses are inserted in the generator circuit. In transformers of the former type the continuity of the primary winding can be determined by placing an ammeter in series and if the normal current in- take is known, and an excessive reading is obtained, a partial or complete short- circuit is indicated. The circuit for this test is shown in Fig. 326. The condition of the secondary coils may be determined by a flash test. The secondary terminals of the transformer, Fig. 326, are separated by a space of say Y of an inch, and normal current sup- plied to the primary winding. If a heavy flash is not secured at the gap when the transmitting key is closed, it is an indication that some of the secondary coils are short-circuited. Generally, the burned out section can be observed, by smoking which will take place at the short-circuited section. The injured secondary section should be removed and replaced by a spare which is furnished to all ships. (c) Test for the High Foliage Condensers. A punctured leyden jar can generally be located on sight upon closing the telegraph key, provided the remainder of the transmitting set functions properly. A flaming arc will take place between the coatings through the walls of the jar. A punctured plate in an oil plate glass condenser can be determined in the same way. (d) Leakage in the Muffler Box. Whether or not there is leakage over the walls of the muffler box can be determined by disconnecting the condenser discharge circuit from the spark gap and making another temporary discharge gap outside the muffler. If a normal spark discharge is now obtained, but an intermittent or partial discharge when the circuit is re-connected to the spark gap proper, it is obvious that severe leakage exists. ( inductively coupled, adjustment of 135 Marconi multiple 148, 149, 150 Marconi type 101 154, 155, 156 Marconi type 106 151, 152, 153, 154 Marconi type 107-a 144, 145, 146, 147 selectivity in 136, 137 theory of adjustment of 136, 137 Marconi type 112 174, 175, 176 Tuning 188 aerial inductance for 109, 110 by hot wire ammeter 194 continuously variable inductance for 109 general instructions for radio transmitter. 191 measurement of the closed circuit 193 measurement of the open circuit 192 measurement of radiated wave 193, 194 of the 2 K. W. 500 cycle panel trans- mitter 194, 195 Tuning Records Marconi 220 U. S. Government 2.21 UNDAMPED OSCILLATIONS *Alexanderson alternator for 268 arc generator of 265 beat receiver for 280, 281 Goldschmidt alternator for 270,271 heterodyne system for 278, 2> Joly-Arco system for 273, 274 336 PRACTICAL WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. Page Marconi's system for 274, 275 Marconi's receivers for 286 methods of generating. 264, 265 Navy beat receiver for. 283 receivers for 277 tikker receiver for 278 tone wheel for 284 transmitters of 264 Units, Electrical 14, 15 of current 7, 8 of electromotive force 7, 14 of power 14, 15 prefixes of 15 of quantity 8, 15 of resistance 9, 14 VALVE, OSCILLATION adjustment of 161 amplifier circuits for 163 as combined detector, amplifier and beat receiver 280, 281 as source of radio-frequency oscillations. . 280 audio-frequency repeater for '. 161 circuits for Fleming 143 Fleming 141, 142 operation of 3 element valve 160 radio-frequency amplifier 163 regeneiative circuits for 162 repeater circuit for 161 Page three element 159 U. S. Navy circuits for 283 Variometer for receiver 155 for transmitter ' ) .* JQ8 Voltmeter 42 WATTMETER 43, 44 Wavemeter as a source of high-frequency oscillations. 205 calibration of 214, 215 measurement of natural wave length by 190, 191 resonant adjustment of 190, 191 uses of 190 Waves damped 81 distortion of 121 method of changing length of 97 Naval standard length of. 97 standard commercial wireless 96, 97 sustained 264 sustained, apparatus for.... 265, 266, 267, 268 undamped 81 Wave Lengths commercial standard 96 correction factor for 319, 320 MEMORANDA MEMORANDA MEMORANDA Other Books by the Same Author HOW TO CONDUCT A RADIO CLUB New Edition Revised and Enlarged Completely revised and enlarged, this useful volume is once more presented to the great and growing field of radio students. It is a complete guide for the forma- tion of a radio club or class, and an excellent manual for experimenter's shop work. It also contains a wealth of information that is indispensable to the radio student in commercial, navy, or army work. Tutors in army and navy schools and commercial radiotelegraphic schools will find in this volume in- struction of an advanced character in the design of certain parts of radio- telegraphic equipment. The opening chapters review the amateur situation, showing what is ex- pected of the amateur operator, and the requirements of a first-class ama- teur station. Another chapter is de- voted to instruction in the telegraphic code, showing how to wire up a code practice table for the production of artificial radio telegraphic signals for one or more students at a time. Vari- ous modifications of buzzer practice systems are described. The text matter rapidly leads into more advanced experiments, complete data being given, for instance, for the construction of a wavemeter, and in- structions for its use under all condi- tions. This includes tuning, the meas- urement of inductance capacity of a wireless telegraph aerial, and general methods of calibration. The measure- ment of the logarithmic decrement is treated in a way easily understood by the beginner. The design and work- ing drawings for several types of low power transmitters are included, cover- ing the construction of a quenched spark gap and apparatus associated therewith. The receiving apparatus and detec- tors of wireless telegraphy are treated at length, practically every type of de- tector in use being described, together with the circuits best suited for the operation of each. The two-electrode and three-elec- trode vacuum valves are described and every known circuit for their use is shown. This includes complete cas- cade amplification circuits, regenera- tive and beat receivers, heterodyne re- ceivers, etc. Long distance receiving apparatus for the reception of long waves which will permit the recording of signals over 6,000 miles are shown by diagram and by a complete set of dimensions. The experimenter is shown how to construct a receiving tuner for any range of wave lengths; how to design a receiving tuner specifically for the reception of Arlington time signals; how to make use of the balancing- out aerial for the elimination of inter- ference; one chapter is devoted to the construction of variometers in various forms. The amateur is told how to construct a simple wireless telephone by use of a battery of vacuum valve oscillators. Numerous experiments are described, showing how to get the best out of a given transmitter and receiver. This book will be found to be a first-rate reference work for students and amateurs. It presents the latest developments in the wireless art up to and in- cluding the latter half of the year 1917. 8vo. 6%x9%. 134 Illustrations. Price 50c net. With One Tear's Subscription to the Wireless Age $3.00 HOW TO PASS U. S. GOVERNMENT WIRELESS LICENSE EXAMINATIONS Fifth Edition Largely Revised and Extended CONTENTS Explanation of Electrical Sym- bols Definitions of Electrical Terms Part I. Transmitting Apparatus Part II. Motor Gen- erators Part III. Storage Batteries and the Auxiliary Set Part IV. Antenna or Aerials Part V. Receiving Apparatus Part VI. Radio PRICE 50c net. 142 Questions and Answers. Laws and Regulations Part VII. General In- formation Concerning Operator's License Ex- aminations Practical Equations for Radio Telegraphy ^Equations for Ordinary Power Work. With one year's subscription to THE WIRELESS AGE, $2.00. WIRELESS PRESS, Inc., 25 Elm Street, New York, N. Y. RADIO TELEPHONY By Alfred N. Goldsmith, Ph. D. Fellow of the Institute of Radio Engineers Member of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers Director of the Radio Telegraphic and Telephonic Laboratory of the College of the City of New York This complete text on radio telephony is intended for radio engineers, radio electricians in the Navy, men in the Signal Corps and especially men in the Aviation Service who handle radio equipment. Amateurs and others who desire to be clearly informed concerning this newest and most interesting branch of electric communication will want this book. It is written in clear style, and presupposes very little knowledge of radio. The text deals largely w r ith the practical aspects of radio teleph- ony and its future. It is copiously illustrated with wiring diagrams and previously unpublished photographs of "wireless telephone" apparatus. IT IS THE ONLY BOOK TREATING THE SUBJECT OF RADIO TELEPHONY IN ALL ITS ASPECTS. Among" the unusual features of the book are a description of how radio telephony was carried on over a distance of more than 5,000 miles ; an illustrated description of an airplane radio telephone set ; an illustrated description of a large ship radiophone set; numerous illustrated sections on smaller ship "wireless telephone" transmitters; land station radio telephone sets of all sizes. Another noteworthy feature is a description of the method of trans- mitting a radio telephone message to a ship at sea, or across continent or ocean, including the number of persons involved. This material is in dialogue form and so worded as to require no previous knowledge of the subject. Among the topics treated are : the construction and operation of the Armstrong oscillating audion circuits ; the construction and use of bulb amplifiers ; the construction of the great alternators of the Alexanderson and Goldschmidt systems and how they are controlled, especially for radio telephony. The book is very complete, practically every aspect of radio teleph- ony being covered in detail. There are over 400 separate topics listed in a carefully prepared index. 8vo. 256 pages. 226 illustrations. Full cloth, stamped in gold. Price $2.00 net. Specialists in M/iv/J^cc Pvooo I 25 ELM ST * Wireless Literature W lieicSS I IcSS, 1I1C. NEW YORK, N. Y. MILITARY SIGNAL CORPS MANUAL By Major J. Andrew White Chief Signal Officer of the American Guard, Member Institute of Radio Engineers, Acting President National Wireless Association This manual, the first of its kind and the only complete work on the broad subject of army signaling, is indispensable to those responding to the call to the colors. Primarily prepared for Signal Corps men, it is a necessity for the proper understanding of apparatus and the tactical employment of troops and equipment. Officers of infantry and artillery will find the volume oi great utility, a proper conception of the enormously enlarged Service of Information being indispensable to all commissioned men. Its contents include administration and government of military units tactics of the division on the march, at rest and in engagement function and operations of the Signal Corps and its relation to the line of the army drill instruction, mounted and dismounted, for telegraph companies, radio and outpost companies, and battalions of Signal Corps signaling by telegraph, heliograph, night lantern and flags, radio and service buzzer camp and field telephones and their uses radio apparatus of the Signal Corps scouting, patrolling and tactical employment of field lines. Prepared with the full co-operation and approval of the Chief Signal Officer, U. S. Army. CONTENTS Part I. Organization The Signal Corps, An Auxiliary Branch of the Army. The Signal Corps' Relation to the Line of the Army. Aircraft. Government and Administration. Military Courtesy. Personnel. Proficiency Test for Companies of Signal Troops. Part II. Drill Instruction General Principles. Definitions. Commands and Signals. School of the Soldier. Physical Training. School of the Squad. Instruction with Arms. The Company Dismounted. The Soldier Mounted. Elementary Collective Instruction Mounted. Field Signal Troops. The Wire Company. The Radio Company. The Outpost Company. The Field Battalion. Telegraph Signal Troops. The Tele- graph Company. The Telegraph Battalion. Base Line Signal Troops. Depot Signal Troops. Ceremonies. Reviews. Inspections. Funeral Escort. The Standard. The Guidon. Manual of the Saber. Part III. Technical Instruction and Apparatus Telegraphy and Telephony. The Voltaic Cell, Ohm's Law, and Primary and Secondary Batteries. The Camp Telephone and the Buzzer. Induction Telegraph Set. Radio-telegraphy. Radio Apparatus of the Signal Corps. Visual Signaling Equipment. Flag Kits. The Heliograph. 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Officially approved by The Mar- coni Wireless Telegraph Company of America, Brief Summary of Records Lesson No. Title I International Morse Code and Conven- tional signals. 2 International Morse Code, etc., continued. 3 Easy sentences and periods. 4 Easy sentences and periods. 5 Marconi Press, South Wellfleet station. 6 Messages with static interference. 7 Press with static. 8 Messages with erasures, etc. 9 Press with interference from second sta- tion. 10 Groups of figures. II Ten-letter dictionary words. 12 Ten-letter code words. A set of six double-faced Victor Records, complete in a container with instruction man- ual, specially priced at $5.00. WIRELESS PRESS, Inc. 25 Elm Street, NEW YORK CITY THE WIRELESS AGE offers a series of Practical Training Courses in the following branches, of which there is urgent need. 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These courses are conducted exactly The cost of similar instruction in as lecturers give them to their classes, regular training schools would be The printed diagrams and charts take Aviation $75. the place of regular blackboard exer- Uf^TeleKW' :::::::::::: cises, and the text, covering descrip- Navigation $100. tion, principles and application, pro- Total $3lF gresses step by step through elemen- tary instruction, apparatus and prac- Offered in THE WIRELESS AGE tical operation. for $2.00. SPECIAL CLUB RATES FOR CLASSES, ASSOCIATIONS AND SOCIETIES If you are enlisted, eligible for enlistment or interested in any young man who would be benefited by a knowledge of the fundamentals of any one of these branches of skilled and remunerative work SUBSCRIBE TODAY Issued Monthly. $2.00 per year. Foreign postage 48c extra. WIRELESS PRESS, Inc. 25 ELM STREET NEW YORK UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY BERKELEY Return to desk from which borrowed. This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. 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