UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES SCHOOL OF LAW LIBRARY GIFT OF Professor Addison Mueller c-^- c C'Syi'y iTiCjm O-^'" LIBRARY OF CONGRESS COPYRIGHT IN CONGRESS 1789-1904 A Bibliography, and Chronological Record of all Proceedings in Congress in relation to Copyright from April 15, 1789, to April 28, 1904, First Con- gress, 1st session, to Fifty-eighth Congress, 2d session Prepared by THORVALD SOLBERG Register of Copyrights Copyright Office Bulletin No. 8 WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE February, 1905 Copy 7^ EDITION, 3500 (2) CONTENTS Page. PREFATORY NOTE 5 INTRODUCTION: 1 . Revision of the Copyright Laws 7 2. Proposed Legislation 8 3. FuLiv Texts of Pending Copyright Bills and Ac- companying Reports 12 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF COPYRIGHT IN THE CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1789- 1904. (First Congress, First Session, to Fifty-eighth Congress, Second Session) 1 . Bills 29 2. Reports 74 3. Resolutions 83 4. Laws: {a) Public 84 ( b ) Private 93 5. Petitions, Memorials, messages, and miscellaneous copyright documents 96 CHRONOLOGICAL RECORD OF ALL PROCEEDINGS IN CONGRESS IN RELATION TO COPYRIGHT, FROM APRIL 15, 1789, TO APRIL 28, 1904. (First Congress, First Session, to Fifty -eighth Congress, Second Session) .... 112 Note.— During the printing of this Bulletin the record of Congressional action has been brought down to January 27, 1905, inclusive. (3) PREFATORY NOTE Copyright Office, Was/i2ngto7i , D. C, October i^, 1904.. The copyright legislation of the United States has ex- tended over more than a hundred years, the first Federal law having been enacted in 1790 and the last in 1904, while prior to the passing of the first Federal statute (between 1783 and 1786) all but one of the original thirteen states had enacted laws to secure the rights of authors. During this period of considerably more than a century of Federal legislation, twenty-five public acts relating wholly or in part to copyright have been passed, together with nine private copjTight acts. In addition to the bills intro- duced which thus became laws, a great man}' copyright measures have been presented to Congress which were never enacted. This proposed legislation is very interest- ing, and a careful study of it is recommended in relation to the suggested codification of our present copyright statutes. Altogether more than two hundred cop>Tigbt bills have been laid before Congress for its consideration. Some of these bills have received no attention, others have been given some regard, while a few have secured considerable attention and discussion. Public interest in these proposed measures- is shown and has been made known to Congress by numerous petitions and memorials relating to copyright from private individuals, business and labor organizations, teachers, college professors, librarians, and representatives of the press. In the following pages is presented an attempt at a com- plete bibliography of all the bills relating to copyright which have been introduced to Congress, the resolutions and laws which have been enacted, and those reports, peti- tions, memorials, messages, and miscellaneous copyright (5) 6 CopyrigJit in Congress^ ijSg to 1904 documents which have been printed, together with a com- plete chronological record of all action taken in Congress in any way relating to the subject of copyright, showing how each proposal has been dealt with. In order to make the record as complete as possible, such bills as have been introduced in this present Congress and which are still pending are reprinted in full with their accompanying reports. I desire to publich' acknowledge here the constant friendly assistance received in connection with all questions relating to bills, reports, and other Congressional docu- ments from Mr. Amzi Smith, the long-time superintendent of the Senate document room. It is a pleasure also to express my cordial appreciation of the admirable spirit in which the tedious and laborious work of compilation has been carried out by the members of the Copj^right Office force who have been more directly concerned in its prepara- tion, especially Mrs. Harriet deK. Woods, Miss Anna C. Kelton, and Miss Pearl Goodman, also Miss Laddon, who has prepared the excellent index. Thorvald Solberg, Register of Copyrigiits. Hkreert Putnam, Librarian of Co7igress. P. S. — During the printing of this Bulletin the record of Congressional action has been brought down to January 27 , 1905, inclusive. T. S. INTRODUCTION I. REVISION OF THE COPYRIGHT LAWS It is generally admitted by those most concerned that our new legisi^- copyright laws need revision. The fact that no less than five distinct copyright measures were brought before Con- gress at its last session is evidence of this need. The ques- tion arises how the defects and limitations of the present statutes, as well as such changes as may be deemed desira- ble, can best receive the careful and adequate consideration required. It is doubtful if the enactment of further merely partial or temporizing legi.slation will afford satisfactory remedies for the insufficiencies and inconsistencies of the present laws. The subject should be dealt with as a whole, and the insufficient and antiquated laws now in force be replaced by one consistent, liberal, and adequate statute. The laws as they stand fail to give the protection required, are difficult of interpretation, application, and administration, leading to misapprehension and misunder- standing, and in some directions are open to abuses. Dur- ing more than a century of legislation upon this subject a highly technical copyright system has been developed, under which valuable literary and artistic propert}^ rights have come to depend upon exact compliance with statutory for- malities which have in reality nothing to do with the equi- table rights involved, and the defense of such property against infringement may be rendered nugatory by reason of failure to fully comply with purely arbitrary require- ments. This necessity of explicit compliance with certain statutory stipulations as a prerequisite to protection dis- tinguishes our copyright legislation from that of all other countries, and the question should be met whether this con- dition ought to be continued. Many other important and difficult questions arise in relation to the amendment of the (7) 8 Copyright in Congress^ 17S9 to 1(^04 copyright laws, and it is again recommended that Con- gress appoint a commission, adequately representing the different interests concerned, to prepare a draft of a satis- factory codified copyright statute to be submitted for its consideration. II. PROPOSED LEGISLATION In addition to the Interim Copyright Bill, which was passed and approved on January 7, 1904. five distinct copy- right measures were presented to the present Congress for its consideration. These were treated in various bills and reports, but failed of enactment into law. The provisions of these bills may be briefly summarized as follows: a. Copyright protection for ti-anslations of foreigii books Senate bill, no. Qn November 16, 1903, Senator Piatt, of Connecticut, introduced "A bill to amend chapter forty-nine hundred and fifty-two of the Revised Statutes,'' which was read twice, referred to the Senate Committee on Patents, and printed as Senate bill no. 849. This bill proposes an amendment to .section 4952 of the Revised Statutes, relating to copyrights, to the effect that in the case of a book orig- inally published abroad in a foreign language, if the author obtains a copyright for a translation of it within twelve months after the first publication of the book, he shall thus obtain for the term of the copyright — "the sole libert}' of printing, reprinting, publishing, vend- ing, translating, and dramatizing the said book, and, in the case of a dramatic composition, of publicly performing the .same, or of causing it to be performed or represented by others." Senate bill, no. All crror having occurred in the first page of this bill as "^^ originally printed, it was ordered reprinted on December 8, 1903, as Senate bill no. 2229,^' and was reported by Senator Clapp, from the Senate Committee on Patents, on January 8, 1904, with the recommendation "that it pass without amendment." * House bill, no. This Same measure was introduced in the House of Rep- * '' resentatives by Mr. Currier, of New Hampshire, on Decem- « For full text of this bill see pp. 12, 13. 6 Senate report no. 188; see p. 13. Proposed Legislation 9 ber 9, 1903, and was referred to the House Committee on Patents and ordered to be printed as House bill no. 64S7, entitled "A bill to amend chapter forty-nine hundred and fifty-two of the Revised Statutes. ' ' The bill was reported to the House by the Committee on Patents on March i, 1904, with amendments, and was referred to the House Calendar and ordered printed, and was reprinted without change of number," the report being also printed as House report no. 1287.^ The amendment proposed by the Com- mittee on Patents (in addition to the shifting of some commas, and the changing of ''chapter 4952" to ''section 4952" in the title of the bill) is the addition of a proviso to the effect that the act — "shall only apply to a citizen or subject of a foreign state or nation when such foreign state or nation permits to citi- zens of the United States of America the benefit of copyright on the same basis as is given to its citizens by this act." Congress adjourned without further action by either House on this bill.'^ b. Free text-books A bill to establish a series of free text-books to be used Housebiii, no. in the public schools of the United States was introduced 9*97 by Mr. Knapp, of New York, on January 8, 1904, and was referred to the House Committee on Education and ordered printed. It appears as House bill no. 9297 of the Fifty- eighth Congress, second ses.sion, and is printed in full on pages 18-20. The bill was not reported back to the House. c. Checks, vouchers, certificates, or other bjisiness forms Mr. Bartholdt, of Missouri, introduced, on January 8, House biUs, 1904, "by request," "A bill to amend title sixty, chapter "°^- ^234, "450 three, of the Revised Statutes of the United States, relating to copyrights," which was referred to the Committee on Patents and ordered printed. It appeared as bill no. 9324, and on January 30 was reintroduced, slightly altered, and reprinted as House bill no. 11450.'' The pur- a For full text of this bill see pp. 14, 15. '' For full text of this report see pp. 15-1S. <• Favorably reported to the House of Representatives, December 14, 1904, see p. 377; favorably reported to the .Senate, with an araendinent, January 27, 1905, see p. 386. ''For full text of this bill see pp. 20-22. 13355 lO Copyright iji Congress^ 17S9 to 1904 pose of this bill is to secure the insertion in the list of the subject-matters of copyright of the following articles: "An}' check, voucher, certificate, or other business form entireh' or partly printed." Congress has taken no further action on this bill.« d. Affidavit that copyright books Jiave been type set in the United States House bill, no. Qu Marcli 2, 1904, Mr. Tawney, of Minnesota, intro- duced "A bill to amend the copyright laws," which was referred to the House Committee on Patents and ordered to be printed. The bill appeared as House bill no. 13355/^ and proposes a proviso to section 4956 of the Revi.sed Statutes, w^hich requires the deposit of American-made copies in the case of books, photographs, chromos, and lithographs, that such copies be accompanied b}- an affidavit that they have been thus produced in the United States. The bill was reported with an amendment on April 26, 1904, referred to the House Calendar, and ordered to be reprinted. The bill as amended provides: "That accompanying the two copies of the book, photo- graph, chromo or lithograph required to be delivered or deposited, as herein pro\'ided, there shall be an affidavit under the official seal of any officer authorized to administer oaths within the United States, duly made by the person desiring the said copyright or by his duly authorized agent or representative residing in the United States, setting forth that the two copies required to be so deposited have been printed from tj'pe set within the limits of the United States or from plates made therefrom, or from negatives or draw- ings on stone made within the limits of the United States or from transfers made therefrom; * * * and the place within the limits of the United States at which such type was set, or plates or negatives were made, and by whom." A second section of the bill further provides: "That any person violating any of the provisions of this act or who shall be guilty of making a affidavit as to his having complied with the conditions thereof for the purpose of obtaining a copyright shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be pun- ished by a fine of not more than one thousand dollars, and a Hearing. House Committee on Patents, Tuesday, Januarj- lo, 1905. f> For full text of this bill, see pp. 22-24. Proposed Legislation 1 1 all of his rights and privileges under said copyright shall thereafter be forfeited." The bill was reported hy Mr. Otis, of New York, from the House report, House Committee on Patents, on April 26, and the report "°' ^^^^ was referred to the House Calendar and ordered to be printed as House report no. 2857." I'he report states that the present law, which requires the deposit of two copies of a copyright publication printed from type set within the United States, does not require any proof to be filed that such books have been so printed, nor impose any penalty for failure to comply with this condition, and continues: "After investigation your committee have reason to be- lieve that it is not only possible, but that in some instances the present law has been evaded and violated to the injury of American labor, and that this can be done with compara- tive ease under the existing law: that there is no remedy and no means of enforcing this condition as to printing from type set by American labor and within our own country. That being the case, your committee is of the opinion that the person applying for a copyright should be required as a condition precedent to furnish proof in the form of an affi- davit that all of these conditions with respect to the labor employed in the printing and the place of printing the copies of books to be deposited have been complied with, and in the event that any false statement is made in said affidavit concerning a material fact, and upon conviction thereof, the person thus attempting to obtain a copyright should be punished and the copyright forfeited." The committee recommended that, as amended, the bill should pass, and it was passed by the House on the same day. It was presented to the Senate and referred to the Committee on Patents on December 6, 1904. e. Co7isent of copyright proprietor to importation of copyright books Senator Piatt, of Connecticut, introduced, on March 30, Senate bin, no. 1904, "A bill to amend title sixty, chapter three, of the Revised Statutes, relating to copyrights," which was read twice and referred to the Senate Committee on Patents, and printed as Senate bill no. 5314.'' The purport of this bill is to add to the provisions of section 4956 of the Revised a For full text of this report see pp. 24-26. ^ l-'or full text of this bill, see pp. 26-28. 12 Copyright in Congress, i/8g to 1904 Statutes, relating to copyrights, a proviso to the effect that ' ' the privilege accorded to certain institutions under para- graph five hundred and fifteen of section two [of the tariflf act of October first, eighteen hundred and ninety] , to import free of duty not more than two copies of books, maps, lithographic prints, and charts, shall apply to the importa- tion of books, maps, lithographic prints, and charts which have been copyrighted in the United States, only when the holders of the American copyrights thereof in writing con- sent to such importation," and that the exception to the prohibition of importation in favor of persons purchasing for use and not for sale, who import, subject to the duty thereon, not more than two copies of a book at any one time, such importation shall be only ' ' with the written consent of the holders of the American copyrights." Congress adjourned before this bill was reported from the committee. III. FULL TEXTS OF PENDING COPYRIGHT BILLS AND ACCOMPANYING REPORTS [S. 2229. Calendarno. 188. Report no. 188. Fifty-eighth Congress, second session. In the Senate of the United vStates. December 8, 1903] Mr. Piatt, of Connecticut, introduced the following bill; which was read twice and referred to the Committee on Patents. [January' 8, 1904, reported by Mr. Clapp, without atnendment.] A BILL to amend chapter forty-nine hundred and fifty-two of the Revised Statutes. Senate bill, no. Bc it C7iactcd bv the Senate and House of Representatives of ^"^ tlie United States of America in Congress assembled, That section forty-nine hundred and fiftj'-two of the Revised Statutes be, and the same is hereby, amended so as to read as follows: "Sec. 4952. The author, inventor, designer, or proprietor of any book, map, chart, dramatic or musical composition, engraving, cut. print, or photograph or negative thereof, or of a painting, drawing, chromo, statue, .statuary, and of models or designs intended to be perfected as works of the fine arts, and the executors, administrators, or assigns of Pending Copyright Bills 13 any such person shall, upon complying with the provisions of this chapter, have the sole liberty of printing, reprinting, publishing, completing, copying, executing, finishing, and vending the same, and in the case of a dramatic composition of publicly performing or representing it or causing it to be performed or represented by others; and authors or their assigns shall have exclusive right to dramatize and translate any of their works for which copj^right shall have been obtained under the laws of the United States. ' ' Whenever the author or proprietor of a book in a foreign language, w^hich shall be published in a foreign country before the day of publication in this country, or his execu- tors, administrators, or assigns, shall, within the twelve months after the first publication of such book in a foreign country, obtain a copj-right for a translation of such book in the English language, which shall be the first copyright in this country for a translation of such book, he and they shall have, during the term of such copyright, the sole lib- ert}^ of printing, reprinting, publishing, vending, translat- ing, and dramatizing the said book, and in the case of a dramatic composition, of publicly performing the same, or of causing it to be performed or represented by others." [vSenate Report no. i8S. Calendar no. i88. Fifty-eighth Congress, .second session.] AMENDING CHAPTER 4952, REVISED STATUTES [Januarj' 8, 1904. — Ordered to be printed.] Mr. Clapp, from the Committee on Patents, submitted senate report, the following report [to accompany S. 2229] : The Committee on Patents, to whom was referred the bill (S. 2229) to amend chapter 4952 of the Revi.sed Statutes, have given the same careful consideration and recommend that it pass without amendment. 14 Copyright ?';/ Cotigrcss^ ^7^9 ^^ ^904 [H. R. 6487. Report no. 12S7. Fifty-eighth Congress, second ses- sion. In the House of Representatives, December 9, 1903.] Mr. Ctirrier introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Patents and ordered to be printed. [March i, 1904. Reported with aniendments, referred to the House Calendar, and ordered to be printed.] A BILL to amend chapter forty-nine hundred and fifty-two of the Revised Statutes. House bill, no. Bc it enacted by tlie Senate and House of Represeiitatives of ^ ^ t/ie United States of Avie^'ica in Congress assembled, That section forty-nine hundred and fifty-two of the Revised Statutes be, and the .same is hereby, amended so as to read as follows: "Sec. 4952. The author, inventor, designer, or proprietor of any book, map, chart, dramatic or musical compo.sition, engraving, cut, print, or photograph, or negative thereof, or of a painting, drawing, chromo, statue, statuary, and of models or designs intended to be perfected as works of the fine arts, and the executors, administrators, or assigns of an}^ such person shall, upon complying with the provisions of this chapter, have the sole libertj^ of printing, reprinting, publishing, completing, copying, executing, fini.shing, and vending the same; and, in the case of a dramatic composi- tion, of publicly performing or representing it, or causing it to be performed or represented by others. And authors or •their assigns shall have exclusive right to dramatize or trans- late an}- of their works for which copyright shall have been obtained under the laws of the United States. ' ' Whenever the author or proprietor of a book in a for- eign language, which shall be published in a foreign countrj^ before the day of publication in this countr}^ or his execu- tors, administrators, or a.ssigns, .shall, within twelve months after the first publication of .such book in a foreign country, obtain a copyright for a translation of such book in the English language, which shall be the first copyright in this country for a translation of such book, he and they shall have, during the term of such copyright, the .sole liberty of printing, reprinting, publishing, vending, translating, and dramatizing the said book, and, in the case of a dramatic Pending Copyright Bills 1 5 composition, of publicly performing the same, or of causing it to be performed or represented by others .• Provided, That this act shall 07ily apply to a citizen or siibject of a foreign state or nation tvhen such foreign state or nation permits to citizens of the United States of America the benefit of copyright on the same basis as is giveii to its citizens by this act.'" Amend the title so as to read: "A bill to amend section forty-nine hundred and fifty-two of the Revised Statutes. ' ' [House Report no. 1287, Fifty-eighth Congress, second session.] AMENDING SECTION 4952 OF THE REVISED STATUTES [March i, 1904.— Referred to the House Calendar and ordered to be printed.] Mr. Currier, from the Committee on Patents, submitted House report, the following report [to accompany H. R. 6487] : "°' "^^ The Committee on Patents, to whom was referred the bill (H. R. 6487) for the amendment of section 4952 of the Revised Statutes, submit the following report: This bill deals solely with books, and the purpose of the measure is to secure for the authors or owners of the copy- rights of books in languages other than English the same measure of protection as is at present accorded to works by American authors or to works by British authors which have been entered for copyright under the American law. Some legislation of this kind is not only required to make good the intention of the act of March 3, 1891, to secure copyright protection in the United States to foreign authors, but also to insure that international reciprocity in relation to copyright which the enactment of the international copy- right law was expected to bring about. The act of March 3, 1891 (26 Stat. L., 1106), provides that the citizens of any foreign country in whose favor a copyright proclamation has been made can obtain copyright in the United States. Such proclamations have been issued in favor of the citizens of fourteen foreign countries.^' The « Proclamations have been issued by the President of the United States, by which copyright protection is granted in the United States to works of authors who arc citizens or subjects of tlie following coun- tries: Belgium, Chile. China, Costa Rica, Cuba, Denmark, France, Germany, Great Britain and her possessions. Italy, Mexico, The Netherlands and her po.ssessions, Portugal, Spain, and Switzerland. i6 Cflpvright in Congress, ryS^ to ipo^ authors of those countries, therefore, may secure the priv- ileges conferred b\- the copyright laws of the United States upon complying with the following statutory formalities: 1. File for record in the Copyright Ofhce the titles of their books on or before the day of first publication. 2. Deposit in the Library of Congress two copies of such books not later than the day of first publication, printed from type set within the limits of the United States, or from plates made therefrom. 3. Print in ' ' the several copies of every edition published ' ' the .statutory notice of copyright. This statute had for its avowed purpose the concession of the copyright protection of the American law to authors who were not citizens or not residents of the United States, in so far as such authors were citizens of States the laws of wdiich granted a reciprocal protection in their own territo- ries to x\merican authors. While copyright entries have been made under the proc- lamations referred to above to secure protection upon for- eign works of art, music, dramas, engravings, etc., there have been scarcely any entries for books by the living au- thors of continental Europe. The reason for this is that foreign authors of books in other languages than English have found it practically impossible to comply with the statutory provisions set out above. Under the conditions provided for in the law a work to secure copyrights must be printed and published in this country not later than the date of its publication in any other country. The editions published in this country must be manufactured from type set within the limits of the United States. It is obviously difficult for a foreign author to decide in advance whether his book may count upon .such a sale in the United States as to warrant the printing of a separate edition here, and the almost complete failure of authors of books in other languages than to take advantage of the cop3^- right laws is due to this difficulty of arranging to make the deposit of American type-set copies before the publication of the original editions of their books. On account of this difficulty foreign authors, except Eng- Pending Copyright Bills 17 lish authors, have secured practically no advantage from the international provisions in the present copyright statute. The ob\nous remedy would be to allow a reasonable period of time during which the foreign author might arrange to comply with the requirements of American manufacture. H. R. 6487 proposes in this direction to provide that in the case of the author of a book in some language other than English who has not been able to comply with the present statutory formalities before the publication of his work abroad, and has thus failed to secure a United States cop3^right for his original work, he may still obtain that right if within twelve months after the first publication of his work abroad he is able to produce an authorized trans- lation of his book into English, printed from t5^pe set in the United States or from plates made therefrom; provided, however, that his translation is the first translation regis- tered for copyright since the publication of his original book. The increasing dissatisfaction on the part of the authors of the continent has caused several attempts to be made, particularly in Germany and in France, for the repeal of the copyright conventions now in force between the United States and the states of Europe. Unless this well-founded grievance on the part of the continental authors can be remedied, or can at least be less- ened, these international copyright arrangements, which it has taken the labor of half a centurj' or more to bring about, will be repealed on the ground that thej^ are not giving to the authors of the continent the protection that was promised or that is the offset of the protection accorded to American authors in the continental countries. The change proposed in the present bill provides simply that, when a translation has once secured the protection of the law, the production of any unauthorized translations of the same work shall be prohibited. Under the provisions of this bill the author, in order to secure the benefit of copyright, must be the first to file a translation, even during the twelve months' term provided by the bill. The third amendment proposed by the committee to the bill provides that the rights and privileges granted to for- 10469 — No. 8 — 05 2 1 8 Copyright in Cougi'css^ ^7^9 to ipo^ eign authors shall be applicable only to citizens of countries which give our citizens a similar privilege. Accordingly, your committee recommend that the bill do pass with the following amendments: On page i, in line 7, after the word "composition," in- sert a comma. On page i, in line 10, strike out the comma after the word " fine." Add at the end of the bill the following: ''Provided, That this act shall only apply to a citizen or subject of a foreign state or nation when such foreign state or nation permits to citizens of the United States of America the benefit of copyright on the same basis as is given to its citizens by this act." Amend the title by striking out the word "chapter" and inserting the word ' ' section ' ' in place thereof. 9297 [H. R. 9297. — Fifty-eighth Congress, second session. In the House of Representatives. January 8, 1904.] Mr. Knapp introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Education and ordered to be printed. A BILL to establish a series of free text-books. House bill, no. j]g n enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America i7i Congress assembled, That the United States Commissioner of Education shall forthwith ob- tain as nearly as he can a full list of the latest and best editions of text-books used in the public schools of the United States, with the name and address of the owner of the copyright of each of said books, and shall then request of said owner a sealed bid stating the price at which he will sell said copy- right to the United States, said bid to stand until the action and decisions of the school text-book commission described in this act have been considered and passed upon by the Congress of the United States. He shall also advertise at an expense of not more than five hundred dollars for .sealed bids on the same conditions for furnishing compilations of school text-books equal or .superior to those now used in the schools of the countrv. Pending Copyright Bills 19 Sec. 2. That within sixty days from the passage of this act the Secretary of the Interior shall request the governor of each State to appoint one member of a school text-book commission to meet in Washington, District of Columbia, at a date to be specified in such request, which shall not be less than three nor more than six months after the passage of this act. He shall also provide a place for holding the sessions of said commission, of which he shall be a member and the president, and the Commissioner of Education a member and the secretar3\ The commission maj' choose from its members a temporary president, who shall act as president in the absence of the Secretary of the Interior. Sec. 3. That when the text-book commission is assem- bled and organized the Commissioner of Education shall open and lay before it the bids for furnishing copyrights and compilations which he may have received, and the commission shall proceed to select therefrom such copy- rights and compilations or bids for furnishing compilations, as will in its judgment best supply the public schools of the country with one series of text-books in each of the studies commonly pursued in said .schools, the intention of this act being that the right to publish said books and revisions thereof shall, when secured by the Government, be given free to all persons or parties in the United States. If the commission fails to find in the bids made the materials at a reasonable cost for a full series of text-books, it may report by bill or otherwise such measures as it deems best to secure the filling of said series and the future revision from time to time of any books selected and adopted. Sec. 4. That when the text-book commission shall have completed its labors, the Secretary of the Interior shall report its action and decisions to the President of the United States, for submission by him at the earliest opportunity to the Congress of the United States wath such recommenda- tions as he may deem advisable. Sec. 5. That each member of the commission, excepting the president and secretary, shall receive ten dollars for each day on which he attends its sessions, and shall receive ten cents per mile one way for each mile from his place of residence to Washington, by the shortest public route. 20 Copyright in Congress^ 1789 to 1904 For incidental expenses, hall for meeting, stationery, clerk hire, and so forth, the commission shall be allowed not to exceed five thousand dollars. All payments shall be made from any moneys in the Treasury not otherwise appropri- ated, on orders signed by the president and secretary of the text-book commission. Sec. 6. That this act shall take effect immediately. 11450 [H. R. 1 1450. Fifty-eighth Congress, second session. In the House of Representatives. January 30, 1904.] Mr. Bartholdt introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Patents and ordered to be printed. A BILL to amend title sixty, chapter three, of the Revised Statutes of the United States of America, relating to copyrights. House bill, no. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of tlie United States of America in Cong7'ess assembled, That section fort3'-nine hundred and fiftj'-two of chapter three of title sixty of the Revised Statutes of the United States as amended by act of March third, eighteen hundred and ninety-one, be, and is hereby, amended .so as to read as follows: ' ' Sec. 4952. The author, inventor, designer, or proprietor of any check, voucher, certificate, or other business form entirely or partly printed, or of any book, map, chart, or dramatic or musical composition, engraving, cut, print, or photograph or negative thereof, or of a painting, drawing, chromo, statue, statuary, and of models, or designs intended to be perfected as works of the fine arts, and the executors, administrators, or assigns of any such person shall, upon complying with the provisions of this chapter, have the sole liberty of printing, reprinting, publishing, completing, copy- ing, executing, finishing, and vending the same; and, in the case of dramatic compositions, of publicly performing or representing it, or causing it to be performed or represented by others; and authors or their assigns shall have exclusive right to dramatize and translate any of their works for which copyright shall have been obtained under the laws of the United States." Pending Copyright Bills 21 Sec. 2. That section forty-nine hundred and sixty-five of chapter three of title sixty be, and is hereby, amended so as to read as follows: "Sec. 4965. If any person after the recording of the title of any check, voucher, certificate, or other business form entirely or partly printed, or of any map, chart, or dramatic or musical composition, cut, print, engraving, or photograph, or chromo, or of the description of any paint- ing, drawing, statue, statuary, or model or design intended to be perfected and executed as a work of the fine arts, as provided by this act, shall, within the term limited, con- trary to the provisions of this act, and without the consent of the proprietor of the copyright first obtained in writing, signed in presence of two or more witnesses, engrave, etch, work, copy, print, publish, dramatize, translate, or import, either in whole or in part, or by varying the main design, with intent to evade the law, or, knowing the same to be so printed, published, dramatized, translated, or imported, shall sell or expose to sale any copy of such map or other article, as aforesaid, he shall forfeit to the proprietor all the plates on which the same shall be copied, and every sheet thereof, either copied or printed, and shall further forfeit one dollar for every sheet of the same found in his possession, either printing, printed, copied, published, imported, or ex- posed for sale; and in case of a painting, statue, or statuary he shall forfeit ten dollars for every copy of the same in his possession or by him sold or exposed for sale: Provided, how- ever, That in case of any such infringement of the copyright of a photograph made from any object not a work of the fine arts, the sum to be recovered in any action brought under the provisions of this section shall be not less than one hun- dred dollars nor more than five thousand dollars: And pro- vided further , That in case of any such infringement of the copyright of a painting, drawing, statue, engraving, etch- ing, print, model, or design for a work of the fine arts, or of a photograph, or of a work of the fine arts, the sum to be recovered in any action brought through the provisions of this section shall be not less than two hundred and fifty dollars, and not more than ten thousand dollars. One half 22 Copyright in Congress^ 1789 to igo^ of all the foregoing penalties shall go to the proprietors of the copyright and the other half to the use of the United States." 13355 [H. R. 13355. Report No. 2857. Fifty-eighth Congress, second ses- sion. In the House of Representatives. March 2, 1904.] Mr. Tawney introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Patents and ordered to be printed. [April 26, 1904, reported with an amendment, referred to the House Calendar, and ordered to be printed. Omit the part bracketed and insert the part in italics.] A BILL to amend the copyright laws. House bill, no. Be it e7iacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That section forty-nine hundred and fifty-six of the Revised Stat- utes be, and the same is hereby, amended so as to read as follows: "Sec. 4956. No penson shall be entitled to a copyright unless he shall, on or before the day of publication, in this or any foreign country, deliver at the office of the Librarian of Congress, or deposit in the mail within the United States, addressed to the Ivibrarian of Congress, at Washing- ton, District of Columbia, a printed copy of the title of the book, map, chart, dramatic or musical composition, engrav- ing, cut. print, photograph, or chromo, or a description of the painting, drawing, statue, statuary, or a model or de- sign for a work of the fine arts, for which he desires a copj'- right; nor unless he shall also, not later than the day of the publication thereof, in this or any foreign country, deliver at the office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington, District of Columbia, or deposit in the mail within the United States, addressed to the Librarian of Congress, at Washington, District of Columbia, two copies of such copy- right book, map, chart, dramatic or musical compo.sition, engraving, chromo, cut, print, or photograph; or, in case of a painting, drawing, statue, statuary, model, or design for a work of the fine arts, a photograph of the same: Pro- vided, That in the case of a book, photograph, chromo, or lithograph, the two copies of the same required to be de- Pending Copyright Bills 23 livered or deposited as above, shall be printed from type set within the limits of the United States, or from plates made therefrom, or from negatives or drawings on stone made within the limits of the United States, or from transfers made therefrom. During the existence of such copyright, the importation into the United States of any book, chromo, lithograph, or photograph so copyrighted, or any edition, or editions thereof, or any plates of the same not made from type set, negatives or drawings on stone made within the limits of the United States shall be, and is hereby, prohibited except in the cases specified in paragraphs five hundred and twelve to five hundred and sixteen, inclusive, in section two of the act entitled 'An act to reduce the revenue and equalize the duties on imports, and for other purposes,' approved October first, eighteen hundred and ninet}"; and, except in the case of persons purchasing for use and not for sale, who import subject to the duty thereon not more than two copies of such book at any one time; and, except in the case of newspapers and magazines, not containing in whole or in part matter copyrighted under the provisions of this act unauthorized by the author which are hereby exempted from prohiliition of importation: Provided^ nevertheless. That in the case of books in foreign languages, of which ovXy trans- lations in English are copyrighted, the prohibition of impor- tation shall apply only to the translation of the same, and the importation of the books in the original language shall be permitted: And provided further, [That accompanying the two copies of a book, photograph, chromo, or lithograph, required to be delivered or deposited as above, there shall be an affidavit under the seal of a registered notary public of the United States, and made by the person desiring the said copyright, or his United States agent or representative, setting forth that the two copies required to be so deposited have been printed from type set within the limits of the United States, or from photos made therefrom, or from negatives or drawings on stone made within the limits of the United States or from transfers made therefrom: Provided, also, That a penalty of not less than one thousand dollars nor more than five thousand dollars shall be imposed for the violation of any of the provisions of this section] That 24 Copyright in Co7igress^ ^7^9 ^o 1904 accompanying the two copies of tlie boo/c, plioto, chronio, or litJio- graph required to be delivered or deposited, as herein provided, there shall be an affidavit nnder the official seal of any officer authorized to administer oaths 7vithin the United States, duly made by the person desiri^ig the said copyright or by his duly authorized agent or representative residing in the United States, setti7ig forth that the two copies required to be so deposited have been printed from, type set within the limits of the United States or from plates made therefrom or from negatives or drawings on stone made within the limits of the United States or from transfers made therefrom,; and the place within the limits of the U?iited States at which such type was set, or plates or negatives were made, and by whom.''' Sec. 2. TJiat any person violating any of the provisions of this act or who shall be guilty of making a false affidavit as to his having complied with the conditions thereof for the purpose of obtai7ihig a copyright shall be deemed guilty of a mis- demeaiior, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a ^ne of not more than one thousa^id dollars, and all of his rights and privileges under said copyright shall thereafter be forfeited. [House Report no. 2857. Fifty-eighth Congress, second session.] AMENDMENT OF COPYRIGHT LAW [April 26, 1904. — Referred to the House Calendar and ordered to be printed.] House report, Mr. Otis, from the Committee on Patents, submitted the no. 2 57 following report [to accompany H. R. 13355] • The Committee on Patents, to whom was referred the bill (H. R. 13355) to amend the copyright laws, beg leave to report the same back to the House with an amendment as follows: Strike out all after the word "further," in line 14, page 3, and insert the following: "That accompanying the two copies of the book, photo, chromo, or lithograph required to be delivered or deposited, as herein provided, there shall be an affidavit under the official seal of anj' officer authorized to administer oaths within the United States, duly made by the person desiring the said copyright or by his duly authorized agent or repre- sentative residing in the United States, setting forth that the PendiJig Copyright Bills 25 two copies required to be so deposited have been printed from type set within the Hmits of the United States or from plates made therefrom or from negatives or drawings on stone made within the Hmits of the United States, or from transfers made therefrom, and the place within the limits of the United States a-t which such type was set or plates or negatives were made and by whom. "Sec. 2. Any person violating an}- of the provisions of this act, or who shall be guilty of making a false affidavit as to his having complied with the conditions thereof for the purpose of obtaining a copyright, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be pun- ished b)^ a fine of not more than one thousand dollars, and all of his rights and privileges under said copyright shall thereafter be forfeited." This bill is a reenactment of section 4956 of the Revised Statutes, and is the same in every particular as that sec- tion now reads in the statutes, containing no new matter whatever except that contained in the amendment above proposed. The law now provides that no person shall be entitled to a copyright unless he shall on or before the day of publica- tion in this or any foreign country deliver at the office of the Librarian of Congress or deposit in the mail within the United States addressed to the Librarian of Congress a printed copy of the title of his publication or other matter for which he applies for copyright. He is also required by the existing law, not later than the day of publication, to deposit with the Librarian of Congress two copies of such copyright book, map, chart, etc., and the law expressly provides that these two copies ' ' shall be printed from type set within the limits of the United States, or from plates made therefrom, or from negatives or drawings on stone made within the limits of the United States, or from trans- fers made therefrom." The law which thus requires the deposit of two copies of the publication and that the same shall be printed from type set within the limits of the United States, etc., before a copyright can be obtained, does not require any proof to be filed that such books have been thus printed within the limits of the United States, nor does it impose any penalty whatever upon an author or publisher 26 Copyright in Congress^ '7^9 to 1904 who obtains a copyright without having first complied with this condition as to the printing from type set within the Hmits of the United States. After investigation your committee have reason to beHeve that it is not only possible, but that in some instances the present law has been evaded and violated to the injury of American labor, and that this can be done with comparative ease under the existing law; that there is no remedy and no means of enforcing this condition as to printing from type set by American labor and within our own country. That being the case, your committee is of the opinion that the person applying for a copyright should be required as a con- dition precedent to furnish proof in the form of an affidavit that all of these conditions with respect to the labor em- ployed in the printing and the place of printing the copies of books to be deposited have been complied with, and in the event that any false statement is made in said affidavit con- cerning a material fact, and upon conviction thereof, the person thus attempting to obtain a copyright should be punished and the copyright forfeited. The bill as amended, therefore, provides merely for the filing of this proof and for a penalty for the making of false proof or willful failure to comply with the conditions of the pre-sent law. as contained in section 4956 of the Revised Statutes. Therefore your committee recommends that, as amended, the l)ill do pass. [S. 5314. Fifty-eighth Congress, second session. In the Senate of the United States. March 30, 1904.] Mr. Piatt, of Connecticut, introduced the following bill; which was read twice and referred to the Committee on Patents. A BILL to amend title sixty, chapter three, of the Revised Statutes of the United States, relating to copyrights. Senate bill, no. Be it aiactcd by the Se7iate and House of Represe^itatives of tlie United States of America iii Congress assembled. That section forty-nine hundred and fifty-six of the Revised Stat- Pending Copyright Bills 27 utes of the United States be, and the same is hereby, amended, so that it shall read as follows: "Sec. 4956. No person shall be entitled to a copyright unless he shall, on or before the day of publication in this or any foreign country, deliver at the office of the Librarian of Congress, or deposit in the mail within the United States, addressed to the Librarian of Congress, at Washington, District of Columbia, a printed copy of the title of the book, map, chart, dramatic or musical composition, engraving, cut, print, photograph, or chromo,' or a description of the paint- ing, drawing, statue, statuary, or a model or design for a work of the fine arts for which he desires a copyright, nor unless he shall also, not later than the day of the publication thereof in this or any foreign country, deliver at the ofiice of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington, District of Columbia, or deposit in the mail within the United States, addressed to the Librarian of Congress, at Washington, Dis- trict of Columbia, two copies of such copyright book, map, chart, dramatic or musical composition, engraving, chromo, cut, print, or photograph, or in case of a painting, drawing, statue, statuary, model, or design for a work of the fine arts, a photograph of the same: Provided, That in the case of a book, photograph, chromo, or lithograph, the two copies of the same required to be delivered or deposited as above shall be printed from type set within the limits of the United States, or from plates made therefrom, or from negatives or drawings on stone made within the limits of the United States, or from transfers made therefrom. During the exist- ence of such copyright the importation into the United States of any book, chromo, lithograph, or photograph, so copyrighted, or any edition or editions thereof, or any plates of the same not made from type set, negatives, or drawings on stone made within the limits of the United States, shall be, and it is hereby, prohibited, except in the cases specified in paragraphs five hundred and twelve to five hundred and sixteen, inclusive, in section two of the act entitled 'An act to reduce the revenue and equalize the duties on imports, and for other purposes,' approved October first, eighteen hundred and ninety; but the privilege accorded to certain institutions under paragraph fi\-e hundred and fifteen of 28 Copyright in Congress^ i'/8^ to 1904 section two of said act, to import free of duty not more than two copies of books, maps, lithographic prints, and charts, shall apply to the importation of books, maps, litho- graphic prints, and charts which have been copyrighted in the United States, only when the holders of the American copyrights thereof in writing consent to such importation; and except in the case of persons purchasing for use and not for sale, who import subject to the duty thereon and with the written consent of the holders of the American copy- rights, not more than two copies of such book at any one time; and except in the case of newspapers and magazines, not containing in whole or in part matter copyrighted under the provisions of this act, unauthorized by the author, which are hereby exempted from prohibition of importation: Provided, nevertheless, That in case of books in foreign lan- guages, of wiiich only translations in English are copyrighted, the prohibition of importation shall apply only to the trans- lation of the same, and the importation of the books in the original language shall be permitted. ' ' BIBLIOGRAPHY OF COPYRIGHT I. BiLi^ FIRST CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION lySg (Jime 2j). — A bill to promote the progress of science h. r. bui, no. and useful arts by securing to authors and inventors the '° exclusive right to their respective writings and inventions. Presented by Mr. Benjamin Huntington, of Connecticut. H. R. bill, no. lo. Printed, ii pp. 4°. (1) Note. — This was the first Federal copyright bill. Its presentation followed the filing of petitions from various well-known authors urg- ing Congress to enact a law to protect books and maps (see Chrono- logical Record, p. 114). This bill included also patents, the larger part of the bill relating to the latter subject. Later on, in the second session of the first Congress, separate bills were introduced for copy- rights and patents. This bill as amended became the first Federal copyright law, approved May 31, 1790. FIRST CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION 1790 {^Ja7iuary 28). — A bill for securing the copy-right "• ^- '''"' "°- of books to authors and proprietors. Presented by Mr. ^^ ^danus Burke, of South Carolina. H. R. bill, no. 39. (2) Note. — Reported from committee on February i, with amendments; on February 2, ordered to be recommitted, and a substitute bill ( ist Cong., 2d sess., H. R. bill, no. 43) presented on February 25. lygo {February 2^). — A bill for the encouragement of h. r. bui, no. 1-1 -1 • r 1 11 , 43- ist Federal learnnig, by securmg the copies of maps, charts, books, and copyright law other writings, to the authors and proprietors of such copies, during the time therein mentioned. Presented b}' Mr. Elias Boudinot, of New Jersey. H. R. bill, no. 43. (3) Note. — This bill was passed by the House of Representatives on April 30, 1790, and by the Senate on May 14, with amendments, which were agreed to by the House on May 17, and the act was approved by the President on May 31, 1790, and became law on that date, being the first Federal copyright law. (29) 30 Copyright in Congress^ lyS^ to 1904 FIRST CONGRESS, THIRD SESSION H. R. bill, no. ijQi {February {January i^). — A bill to amend an act entitled "An act to revise, consolidate, and amend the statutes relating to patents and copyrights," approved July eighth, eighteen hundred and seventy. Presented by Mr. Morrill, of Maine. Senate bill, no. 1369. Printed, i p. 4°. (69) Note. — Referred to the Committee on the Library and ordered to be printed. Reported, with amendments, on Februar%' 3; see next entry. i8ys {February j). — A bill to amend an act entitled "An act to revise, consolidate, and amend the statutes relating to patents and copyrights," approved July eighth, eighteen hundred and seventy. Reported by Mr. Morrill, of Maine. Senate bill, no. 1369. (An amended issue of previous bill of same number.) Printed, 2 pp. 4°. (70) Note. — Reported by Mr. Morrill, of Maine, from the Committee on the Library; considered in Committee of the Whole, Senate; amended and passed, February 17. No action by House of Repre- sentatives on this bill is recorded. H. R. bill, no. J^S^j (February ip). — A bill to amend an act entitled °°'' "An act to revise, consolidate, and amend the statutes relating to patents and copyrights," approved July eighth, eighteen hundred and seventy. Reported b}' Mr. Leonard Myers, from the Committee on Patents. H. R. bill, no. 4004. Printed, 7 pp. 4°. (71) Note. — Of this bill lines 118 to 149 only relate to copyrights. Ordered to be printed and recommitted to the Committee on Patents; see no. 72. FORTY-THIRD CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Revised sta- iSj J {December I) . — Revi.sed Statutes, Title 60. Patents, ates, title 60, ^^^^^j^^j.^.^ ^^^ copyrights. lu "The Revised statutes hap. 3 ' ^-' ° of the United States, passed at the first session of the Forty- Bibliography^ I. Bills 45 third Congress, 1873-74." Second edition, 8°. Washing- ton, 1878, pp. 945-960. (72) Note. — Senate bill no. 59 of the first session of the Thirty-ninth Congress, introduced January 5, 1866, provides for the appointment of three commissioners to revise and consolidate the statutes of the United States. It was passed by the Senate on April 9, by the House of Representatives on June 22, and was signed by the President on June 27 of that year. The preliminary drafts of the commissioners' text of the title covering patents, trade- marks, and copyrights were printed in 1868, 1869, and 1872 (see above), and the final revision, including all the laws in force December i, 1873, was reported in House bill no. 12 15, on Januarj- 14, 1874, passed by the House on April I, by the Senate on May 27, and was signed by the President on June 20, 1874. In this final revision the laws relating to copy- rights became "title sixty, chapter three," of the Revised Statutes. A second edition of the Revised Statutes, revised by Mr. George S. Boutwell, appointed "Commissioner" for that purpose, was printed in 1878. iSjs (^December /) . — A bill to amend the act entitled "An h. r. biii, no. act to revise, consolidate, and amend the statutes relating to^^ patents and copyrights," approved July eighth, eighteen hundred and seventy. Presented by Mr. Myers. H. R. bill, no. 68. Printed, 7 pp. 4°. (73) Note. — Of this bill, lines 118 to 149 alone relate to copyrights. Referred to the Committee on Patents. No further action on this bill is recorded. iSjs (^December ^) . — A bill to amend the act entitled "An h. r. biii, no. act to revise, consolidate, and amend the statutes relating to '^^ patents and copyrights," approved July eighth, eighteen hundred and seventy. Presented by Mr. Henry B. Sayler. H. R. bill, no. 135. Printed, 4 pp. 4°. (74) Note. — Of this bill, sections 2 to 4 only relate to copyright. Re- ferred to the Committee on Patents. No further action on this bill is recorded. 1874. {January 20) . — A bill to amend the act entitled "An h. r. bin, no. act to revise, consolidate, and amend the statutes relating to '^^^ patents and copyrights," approved July eighth, eighteen hundred and seventy. Presented by Mr. Henry B. Sayler. H. R. bill, no. 1392. Printed, 6 pp. 4°. (75) Note.— Of this bill, sections 4 to 6 only relate to copyright. Re- ferred to the House Committee on Patents, but was not reported from that committee. 46 CopyrigJit in Congress^ ^7^9 to 190^ H. R. bill, no. i8j^ (^February g). — A bill extending to authors, in ' ^^ certain cases, the rights, privileges, and protection given inventors by the laws of the United States. Presented b}- Henry B. Banning, of Ohio. H. R. bill, no. 1825. Printed, 2 pp. 4°- (76) Note. — Referred to the House Committee on Patents, but was not reported from that committee. Senate bill, no. jg"/^ { February i6) . — A bill amendatory of an act to 494 • ' revise, consolidate, and amend the statutes relating to pat- ents and copyrights. Presented by Mr. Ferry, of Connecti- cut. Senate bill, no. 494. Printed, i p. 4°. (77) Note. — Passed by the Senate February 19, 1874; referred to the House Committee on Patents March 21. No further action recorded. H. R.biii no. ^sj^ {May 27).— K bill for the relief of William Tod 3506. 8th private 1 t ^ ^ / / copyright act Heluuith, of Ncw York. Presented by Mr. Schumaker. H. R. bill no. 3506. Printed, 2 pp. 4°. (78) Note.— Passed by the House of Representatives June 20, 1874; by the Senate June 22; signed by the President June 23, on which day it became law. H. R.biii, no. 18J4. {Mar sS^.—K bill to amend the act to amend, 3525 / 7^ \ ^ / 1 revise, and consolidate the statutes relative to copj^rights, approved July eighth, eighteen hundred and seventy. Reported by Mr. Conger, from the Committee on Patents. H. R. bill, no. 3525. Printed, 5 pp. 4°. (79) Note.' — Ordered to be printed, and recommitted to the House Com- mittee on Patents; was not reported from that committee. H. R.biii, no. j8j^ {Mar 28). — A bill to amend the law relating to 3527 ' patents, trademarks, and copyrights. Presented by Mr. Conger. H. R. bill, no. 3527. Printed, 3 pp. 4°. (80) Note. — Referred to the House Committee on Patents; was not reported from that committee. Senate bill, no. i8j^ {Juuc I). — A bill to amend the law relating to 876. Amenda- , , . t 1 1 -i -r-. •■■.■., tory act: Copy- Patents, tradc-marks, and copyrights. Reported by Mr. right of prints Wadleigh, from the Committee on Patents. Senate bill, and labels ,, , __ no. 876. (81) NoTE.^Passed by the Senate June i, 1874; by the House of Rep- resentatives, with an amendment, June 11; signed by the President June 18, on which day the bill became law. Senate bill, no. jgy^ {Jiuu ijj.—X bill for the relief of William Tod Helmuth, of Xew York. Reported by Mr. Howe, from Bibliography, I. Bills 47 the Joint Committee on the Library. Senate bill, no. 956. Printed, 2 pp. 4°. '^82) XoTE.— Read a first time, and passed to a second reading. No further action recorded. FORTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION 1882 {March ij).—A bill amending " An act to amend h. R.biii, no. the law relating to patent.s, trade-marks, and copyrights." Presented by Mr. Buck. H. R. bill, no. 5056. Printed, I p. 4°- ^83^ Note.— Referred to the House Committee on Patents. No further action recorded. 1882 {March 27). — A bill to declare and define two species h. r. bin, no. of personal rights of property in literary articles; to declare^"* ^ and define national rights and international rights which the Government of the United States, for the people thereof, possesses in literary articles; to provide for the protection of such personal rights and of such national and interna- tional rights; to declare any violation of such personal rights and of such national and international rights to be a species of crime; to classify such species of crime into degrees; to fix the punishment for each degree of such crime; and for other purposes. Presented by William E. Robinson, of New York. H. R. bill, no. 5463. Printed, 73 pp. 4°. (84) Note. — Referred to the House Committee on Patents. No further; action recorded. 1882 (March 27).— A bill to amend the statutes in rela- senate biii,no. ^ I ■' _ 1582. Amenda- tion to copyright. Presented by Mr. Hoar. Senate bill, tory act: Notice no. i5§2. Printed, i p. 4°' ^^^^°' "ir/'l^-ll: ^ ' i T^ molded articles Note. — Referred to the Senate Committee on Patents; reported from that committee by Senator Hoar April 6, and passed ; passed by the House of Representatives July 27; signed by the President, August I , on which day the bill became law. 1882 {April i). — A bill to amend acts relating to copy- »• R. bin, no. right. Presented by Mr. Ranney. H. R. bill, no. 5583. " ^ Printed, i p. 4°. (86) Note. — Referred to the House Committee on Patents; reported, without amendment, from that committee on July i, with report no. 1547, and bill and report referred to the House Calendar and ordered printed; see Bills, July i, 1882. 48 Copyright in Congress^ ^7^9 to 1904 H. R. bill, no. jgg2 {April j). — A bill to amend the acts concerning copy- rights. Presented b)^ Mr. Morse. H. R. bill, no. 5610. Printed, i p. 4°. (87) Note. — Referred to the Joint Committee on the Library. No further action recorded. Senateact,no. 1882 {April 27) . — An act to amend the statutes in rela- '582 tion to copyright. Passed the Senate April 6, 1882. Senate act, no. 1582. Printed, i p. 4°. (88) Note. — For chronological record, see previous entry. Senate bill. no. 1582, March 27, 1882. H. R. bill, no. 1882 {July i^. — A bill to amend acts relating to copy- 5583 right. Reported by Mr. Ritchie. H. R. bill, no. 5583. (A second issue of previous bill of same number. ) Printed, I p. 4°- (89) Note. — Originally presented on April i, 1S82, and referred to House Committee on Patents; .see Bills, April i, 1882. FORTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION H. R. bill, no. 1883 {Jamiary 2j). — A bill giving copyrights under cer- '^*' tain conditions to journalistic articles. Presented by Mr. PvOse- crans. H. R. bill, no. 7341. Printed, 2 pp. 4°. (90) Note. — Referred to the House Committee on Patents. No further action recorded during that Congress, but reintroduced December 10, 1883, as H. R. bill, 48th Cong., ist sess., no. 62. FORTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION H. R. bill, no. i88j {December /a). — A bill giving copj'right under cer- 62 . . .... tain conditions to journali.stic articles. Presented b}' Mr. Rosecrans. H. R. bill, no. 62. (Same as H. R. bill, 47th Cong., 2d sess., no. 7341.) Printed, 2 pp. 4°. ' (91) Note. — Referred to House Committee on Patents. No further action recorded. H. R. bill, no. i88j {December I o^ . — A bill to extend the privileges of ^^° the copyright acts to persons not citizens of nor domiciled in the United States. Presented by Patrick A. Collins, of Massa- chusetts. H. R. bill, no. 770. Printed, 5 pp. 4°. (92) Note. — Referred to the House Committee on Patents. No further action recorded. H. R. bill, no. 1884. {Jatuiary 8). — A bill granting copyrights to citizens **'^ of foreign countries. Presented by William Dorsheimer, of New York. H. R. bill, no. 2418. Printed, 3pp. 4°. (93) [A second (amended) print was ordered February 5, 1884, Bibliography, I. Bills 49 4 pp., and a third print, with original and amended texts, was ordered, April 16, 1884, 6 pp. The text of the original bill is printed in "The Publishers' Weekly," v. 25, 8°. N. Y., 1884, p. 59, and the text of the amended bill, pp. 204, 205; while comments from all sources are printed, pp. 39, 59-61, 91-95, 169-175, 198-207, 230-242, 261-274, 294-303, 323-329, 347-351. 380-390, 464-465. 488, 572-573, 595-596, 666.] Note. —Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary; reported Feb- ruary 5, with amendments, and ordered to be reprinted; see Bills, February 5, 1884. 188^ {January 29).— ^ bill to authorize the title of a ^^^- ^- '''"' "°- newspaper to be copj^righted. Presented b}^ Mr. Abram S. Hewitt. H. R. bill, no. 4160. Printed, i p. 4°. (94) Note.— Referred to the House Committee on Patents. No further action is recorded. 1884 {February 3).— K bill granting copyrights to citi- ^ h. r. bin, no. zens of foreign countries. H. R. bill, no. 2418. (An amended is.sue of previous bill of same number.) Printed, 4 pp. 4°- (95) XoTE.— Reported by Mr. Dorsheimer from the Committee on the Judiciary, with amendments; ordered that amended bill and report be printed, and referred to the House Calendar. On February 18 motion to make this bill a special order for February 27 was not carried, two- thirds not voting in favor thereof. 1884. {March 4.). — A bill giving copyright to newspapers. Senate biu, no. Presented by Mr. Sherman. Senate bill, no. 1728. Printed, ''' I p. 4°. (96) Note. — Referred to the Committee on the Library. Introduced in House of Representatives March 10, and referred to House Commit- tee on the Judiciary as H. R. bill, 48th Cong., ist sess., No. 5850. Reported by Committee on the Library to Senate, April 18, with recom- mendation that it do not pass. 1884 [March 10).— K bill granting copyright to new.s- h. r. bui, no. papers. Presented by Mr. Tucker. H. R. bill, no. 5850. (Same as vSenate bill, 48th Cong., ist sess., no. 1728.) Printed, i p. 4°. (97) Note.— Referred to the House Committee on the Judiciary. No further action is recorded. 1884. {Apul t6). — A bill granting copyrights to citizens h. r. bin, no. of foreign countries. H. R. bill, no. 2418. (An amended"*'^ 1046Q — No. 8 — 05 4 1728 50 CopyrigJit in Congress^ I7^9 ^^ ^9^4 issue of previous bill of same number in the nature of a substitute.) Printed, 6 pp. 4°. (98) Note. — On motion of Mr. Dorsheinier, by unanimous consent, it ■was ordered that the bill be reprinted with an amendment in the nature of a substitute, as recommended by the Conunittee on the Judi- ciary. No further action recorded. Senate bill, no. i88^ { April i8 ) . — A bill giving copyright to newspapers. Reported by Mr. Sherman. Senate bill, no. 1728. (A second i.ssue of pre\aous bill of same number.) Printed, I p. 4°- (99) Note. -Reported, without amendments, from Committee on the Library, with recommendation that it do not pass. FORTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS, SECOND ."-r -SIGN H. R. bill, no. i88^ ( [cDijiary 5). — A bill granting copyrights to citizens '^^° of foreign countries. Presented by William E. English, of Indiana. H. R. bill, no. 7850. Printed, 3 pp. 4°. (100) Note. — Referred to the House Committee on the Judiciary. No further action recorded. Senate bill, no. i88^ (January 6). — A bill to establish an international copyright. Presented by Joseph R. Hawley, of Connecticut. Senate bill, no. 2498. Printed, 2 pp. 4°. (101) [The text of this bill is printed in ' ' The Publishers' Weekly," v. 27, 8°. N. Y., 1885, p. 28 ; and editorial and quoted comments, pp. 49-52, and v. 29, 1886, pp. 20-23, 74-75, 105-107.] Note. — Referred to the Senate Committee on the Judiciary. Pre- sented again by Senator Hawley on December 8, 1S85; ordered referred to the same Committee, and printed as Senate bill, no. 191. Presented to the House on January 6, 18S6, by John Randolph Tucker; referred to the House Committee on the Judiciary, and printed as H. R. bill, no. 2493. FORTY-NINTH CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Senate i88^ (December 8 ). — A bill to establish an international ^"* copyright. Presented by Mr. Hawley. Senate bill, no. 191. (Same as S. bill, 48th Cong., 2d sess., no. 2498.) Printed, 2 pp. 4°. (102) Note. — Referred to the Senate Committee on the Judiciary. On December 14 that committee was discharged from the further con- sideration of the bill, and it was referred to the Senate Committee on Patents. On January 13, 1886, a vSenate resolution was passed auUior- izing the committee to take testimony relative to the subject-matter of 2498 Bibliography^ I. Bills 51 Senate bill 191, and to print 250 copies thereof for the use of the com- mittee and the Senate. 1886 (^January 6). — A bill to establish an international h. r. bin, no. copyright. Presented by John Randolph Tucker, of Vir- ginia. H. R. bill, no. 2493. (Same as S. bill, 48th Cong., 2d sess. , no. 2498 and vS. bill, 48th Cong., 2d sess., no. 191.) Printed, 2 pp. 4°. (103) Note. — Referred to the House Committee on the Judiciary. No further action recorded. 1886 (^January 21). — A bill to amend title sixty, chapter senate bui, no. three, of the Revised Statutes of the United States. Pre- "^8 sented by Jonathan Chace, of Rhode Island. Senate bill, no. 1 178. Printed, 4 pp. 4°. (104) [The text of this bill is printed in ' ' The Publishers' Weekly," v. 29, 8^. N. Y. , 1886, pp. 232-233; and com- ments, pp. 140, 233, 778-779.] Note. — The first presentation of the "Chace" bill, which was finally enacted as the so-called "International Copyright law" of March 3, 1891. Referred to the Senate Committee on Patents, from which committee the bill was adversely reported on May 21, 1S86, and it was ordered to be postponed indefinitely, a substitute bill, (Senate, no. 2496) being presented by Senator Chace. 1886 i^May 21). — A bill to amend title sixty, chapter Senate three, of the Revised Statutes of the United States. Pre- ^"^ sented by Mr. Chace. Senate bill, no. 2496. (S. bill, 49th Cong., istsess., no. 1178, amended.') Printed, 5 pp. 4°. (105) Note. — Reported from the Senate Committee on Patents as a sub- stitute for Senate bill, no. 1178; report no. 1188. On December 12, 1887, reintroduced by Mr. Chace, referred to the Senate Committee on Patents, and printed as Senate bill, no. 554. FIFTIETH CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION 1887 (^December 12). — A bill to amend title sixty, chapter Senate bin, no. three, of the Revised Statutes of the United States. Pre- ^^^ sented by Mr. Chace. Senate bill, no. 554. (Same as S. bill, 49th Cong., ist sess., no. 2496.) Printed, 4 pp. 4°. (106) [Several di.stinct prints of this bill, with suggested amendments, were prepared by the Authors' and Publishers' Copyright Leagues.] , Note. — Referred to the Senate Committee on Patents. 52 Copyright j?i Congress^ ^7^9 to 1904 H. R. bill, no. 1888 {Ja7i2ia>y 16). — A bill to amend section forty-nine *^^ hundred and sixty-five of the Revised Statutes of the United States. Presented by Mr. Bryce. H. R. bill, no. 4995. Printed, 3 pp. 4°. (107) Note. — Referred to the House Committee on Patents. Reported from that committee on September 13, 1888, with amendment (report H. R. no. 3434); ordered, that said bill, amendment, and report be printed and referred to the House Calendar. No further action recorded. H. R. bill, no. 1888 {February 6). — A bill for the seizure and destruc- ^ tion of forfeitable imported books. Pre.sented by Mr. Long. H. R. bill, no. 6645. Printed, i p. 4°. (108) Note. — Referred to the House Committee on the Judiciary. No further action recorded. 554 Senate bill, no. /888 {Ma?rh ig). — A bill to amend title sixty, chapter three, of the Revised Statutes of the United States. Re- ported by Mr. Chase [i. e., Chace] . Senate bill, no. 554. (An amended is.sue of previous bill of same number.) Printed, 6 pp. 4°. (109) Note. — Reported with amendments, Senate report, no. 622. On April 10 made the special order for Thursday, the 12th, but was not taken up on that day. Bill was considered, reported amendments agreed to, further amended, debated on April 24, April 30, and May 9, and passed by the Senate on this latter date. H. R. bill. no. f888 {March ig). — A bill to amend title sixty, chapter 8715 three, of the Revised Statutes of the United States. Pre- sented by Mr. Breckinridge, of Kentucky. H. R. bill, no. 8715. (Same as Senate bill, 50th Cong., ist sess. , no. 554.) Printed, 5 pp. 4°. (110) Note. — Referred to the House Committee on the Judiciary, and ordered to be printed. April 21, an amended bill reported, with Report, no. 1875; bill, amendments, and report referred to the House Calendar, and ordered to be printed; see next entry. 1888 {April 21). — A bill to amend title sixty, chapter three, of the Revised vStatutes of the United States. Re- ported by Mr. Collins, from the Committee on the Judiciary. H. R. bill, no. 8715 [amended edition]. Printed, 5 pp. 4°. (Ill) Note. — Bill, amendments, and report (House report, no. 1875) referred to the House Calendar, and ordered printed. No further action recorded. Bibliography, I. Bills 53 1888 {May 24).— An act to amend title sixty, chapter __^senate act, no. three, of the Revised Statutes of the United States. [Passed ■* by the Senate May 9, 1888. Senate act, no. 554. Ordered printed by House of Representatives. 5 pp. 4°. (112) [The text of this act was reprinted in ' ' Text of the Copy- right law of the United States as amended by the Chace Bill, passed by the Senate May 9, 1888," prepared by Thor- vald Solberg. 7 pp., 8°. Washington, 1888. This docu- ment was reprinted in the " Congres.sional Record," 50th Cong., 2d sess., v. 20, no. 70, for March 6, 1889, pp. 2975-2977, and was translated into French and printed in "Journal general de rimprimerie et de la librairie." 8°. Paris, 77*" annee, 2"" serie, no. 32, 11 aout 1888, pp. 157-160.] Note.— Reported from the House Committee on the Judiciary with- out amendment, and recommending its passage (House report, no. 231 1 ), INIay 24. Referred to the House Calendar and ordered printed. On January 31, 1889, 1,000 additional copies were ordered printed. No further action recorded. 1888 U^aie 14).— A bill to amend section forty-nine ^Senate bin,no. hundred and sixty-five of the Revised Statutes of the United States. Presented by Mr. Hale. Senate bill, no. 3167. Printed, 3 pp. 4°. (113) Note.— Referred to the Senate Committee on Patents. No further action recorded. 1888 (September 13).— A bill to amend section forty-nine h. r. bin, no. hundred and sixty-five of the Revised Statutes of the United'*^' States. Reported by Mr. Vance, from the Committee on Patents. H. R. bill, no. 4995. (An amended issue of previous bill of same number. ) Printed, 3 pp. 4°. (114) Note.— Reported from Committee on Patents with amendment (report H. R. no. 3434); ordered, that said bill, amendment, and report be printed and referred to the House Calendar. No further action recorded. FIFTY-FIRST CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION 1889 (December 4).— K bill to amend title sixty, chapter ^^senatebui, no. three, of the Revised Statutes of the United States, relating"" to copyrights. Introduced by Mr. Piatt. Senate bill, no. 232. Printed, 7 pp. 4°. (115) [The text of Senate bill 232 was one submitted, by request, by Thorvald Solberg to the Conference Committee .332 54 Copyright in Congress^ ^7^9 ^o 1904 of the Authors' and Publishers' Copyright Leagues and the Tj^pothetae, and passed upon on October 24, 1889. Of the seventeen amendments suggested, thirteen were approved, three disapproved, and one withdrawn. The subject-matter of the bill occurs for the first time in its title in this print of it.] Note. — Referred to the Senate Committee on Patents. On Jan- uarj' 21, 1890, I\Ir. Piatt, from the said committee, reported adversely, and it was ordered, "that it is postponed indefinitely." H. R. bill, no. i8go {Jamiar}' (5). — A bill relating to patents, trade- 3812 marks, and copyrights. Presented by Mr. Simonds. H. R. bill, no. 3812. Printed, 3 pp. 4°. (116) Note. — The only portion of this bill which relates to copyright is the final clause of section 5 which amends section 3 of the act of June 18, 1874, by erasing all after the word " arts." Referred to the House Committee on Patents. Reported, with amendments, February 6 (H. R. report, no. 27), and bill, amendments, and report ordered to be printed and recommitted to the same committee. No further action recorded. H. R. bill, no. i8go {Jaiuiary 6). — A bill to amend title sixty, chapter ^^^^ three, of the Revised Statutes of the United States, relating to copyrights. Introduced by Mr. Breckinridge, of Ken- tuck5^ H. R. bill, no. 3853. (Practically same as Senate bill, 51st Cong., ist sess., no. 232.) Printed, 7 pp. 4°. (117) Note. — Referred to the House Committee on the Judiciary. On February 15 Mr. Adams, from that committee, reported a substitute, H. R. bill, no. 6941, with report ( H. R. report, no. 65). H. R. bill, no. fSpo {January ($). — A bill to amend title sixty, chapter ^^"* three, of the Revised Statutes of the United States, relating to copyrights. Introduced b}- Mr. Butterworth. H. R. bill, no. 3914. (Same as Senate bill, 51st Cong., ist sess., no. 232.) Printed, 7 pp. 4°. (118) Note. — Referred to the House Committee on Patents. Reported. February 18, by Mr. Simonds, from the said committee, as substitute bill (H. R. no. 7213), with report (H. R. no. 290); bill and report referred to the House Calendar. 2221 Senate bill, no. jgg^ {January 21). — A bill to amend title sixty, chapter three, of the Revised Statutes of the United States, relating to copyrights, and for other purposes. Reported by Mr. Piatt. Senate bill, no. 2221. (Practically same as Sen- Bibliography^ I. Bills 55 ate bill, 51st Cong., ist sess., no 232.) Printed, 6 pp. 4°. (119) Note. — Submitted by Senator Piatt, of Connecticut, with report (Senate no. 142). No further action recorded. i8go (^February 6). — A bill relating to patents, trade- h. r. bin, no. marks, and copyrights. Reported by Mr. Simonds. H. R. ^ " bill, no. 3812. (An amended issue of previous bill of same number.) Printed, 3 pp. 4°. (120) Note. — Ordered recommitted to House Committee on Patents. Reported, with amendments, February i8, by Mr. Simonds (H. R. report, no. 27); ordered that bill, amendments, and report be referred to the House Calendar. No futher action recorded. i8go {February 75). — A bill to amend title sixty, chapter h. r. bin, no. three, of the Revised Statutes of the United States, relating ^^^' to copyrights. Reported by Mr. Adams, from the Com- mittee on the Judiciary, as a substitute for H. R. 3853. H. R. bill, no. 6941. Printed, 9 pp. 4°. (121) [This bill was printed in full in the ' ' Congressional Record: containing the proceedings and debates of the 51st Congress, ist session." Vol. 21, pt. 5, 4°. Washington, 1889 [-'90], pp. 4104-4105.] Note. — Bill and report (H. R. no. 65) referred to the House Calen- dar. Considered and amended on May i and 2, but the question of engrossing and third reading was voted in the negative. i8go {February 18). — A bill to amend title sixty, chapter h. r. bui, no. three of the Revised Statutes of the United States, relating''*'^ to cop3^rights. Reported by Mr. Simonds, from the Com- mittee on Patents, as a substitute for H. R. 3914. H. R. bill, no. 7213. (Same as H. R. bill, no. 6941.) Printed, 9 PP- 4°- (122) Note. — This substitute bill and the. accompanying report (H. R. no. 290) were referred to the House Calendar. No further action recorded. i8go {February 21). — Amendment intended to be pro- senate bin, no. , . 2221. Am end- posed by Mr. Piatt to the bill, Senate 2221. (A substitute m^nis bill, same as H. R. bill. no. 6941.) Printed, 9 pp. 4°. (123) Note. — An amendment having been proposed by Senator Piatt, of Connecticut, it was ordered that the further consideration of the bill be postponed until next day, but no action on that day is recorded. 56 CopyrigJit in Congress, ijSg to 190^ H. R. bill, no. jg^Q (May 16). — A bill to amend title sixty, chapter 10254 three, of the Revised Statutes ot the United States, relating to copyrights. Introduced by Mr. Simonds. H. R. bill, no. 10254. Printed, 10 pp. 4°. (124) Note. — Referred to the Committee on Patents. On June to a sub- stitute bill was reported (H. R. bill, no. io88r), accompanied by a report (H. R., no. 2401), and bill and report were referred to the House Calendar. H. R. bill, no. 10881 i8qo {Jujie 10). — A bill to amend title sixty, chapter three, of the Revised Statutes of the United States, relating to copyrights. Reported b}' Mr. Simonds, from the Com- mittee on Patents, as a substitute for H. R. 10254. H. R. bill, no. 1 088 1. Printed, 10 pp. 4°. (125) [This bill was reprinted in the "Congressional Record: containing the proceedings and debates of the Con- gress, 2d session." Vol. 22, pt. 1,4°. Washington, 1891, P- 33-] Note. — Bill and report (H. R., no. 2401) were referred to the House Calendar. Passed the House on December 3; see next entry. FIFTY-FIRST CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION H. R. act, no. i8go {December j) . — An act to amend title sixty, chapter tionai-copy- three, of the Revised Statutes of the United States, relating right act to Copyrights. [Passed by of Representatives Decem- ber 3, 1890.] H. R. act, no. 1088 1. Printed, 10 pp. 4°. (126) [A second edition of the House of Representatives act was ordered printed on December 9, 1890. 10 pp. 4°.] Note. ^Discussed in the House on December 2 and 3, and passed. On latter date presented to the Senate and read the first and second times, and, after consideration and debate from day to day between February 10 and 18, was passed by the Senate on the latter date. On March 2 and 3 both houses debated the conference reports on amend- ments, and on the latter date came to an agreement and passed bill finally. vSigned by President on same day, to go into effect July i, 1891. 18^0 (^December p). — An act to amend title sixty, chapter three, of the Revised Statutes of the United States, relating to copyrights. H. R. act, no. 10881. (A second print of previous House act of same ntunber.) Printed, 10 pp. 4°. (127) Note. — On motion of Mr. Simonds, this reprint was ordered on the above date. Bibliography, I. Bills 57 1890 (December 29). — A bill to provide for the compensa- senate biii, no. tion of foreign authors for the use of copyright in the United ''^^' States. Introduced (by request) by Mr. Teller. Senate bill, no. 4751. Printed. 4 pp. 4°. (128) Note. —Referred to the Senate Committee on Patents. On February 28, 1891, presented by Mr. Payson in the House of Representatives, during the discussion of H. R. bill, no. 10881, as an amendment to that bill, but was not voted. 1891 {January f). — Amendments intended to be proposed h. r. bin, no. by Mr. Teller to the bill H. R. 1088 1. Printed, i p. 4°. '^^^-^ ^"'""'^- (129) iSpi {February 18"). — An act to amend title sixty, chapter three, of the Revised Stattites of the United States, relating to copyrights. Passed by the Senate, February 18, 1891. (H. R. act, no. 10881, with amendments.) Printed, 11 pp. 4°. (130) Note.— On motion of Senator Piatt, of Connecticut, on above date, the bill was ordered reprinted as it passed the Senate. FIFTY-SECOND CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION i8gp {January 11). — A bill for the reHef of authors. Pre- h. r. bin, no. sented by Mr. Hooker, of Mississippi. H. R. bill, no. 2703. '7°3 Printed, 2 pp. 4°. (131) Note.— Referred to the House Committee on the Post-Office and Post-Roads. No further action recorded. 1892 {Februarv IS )■ — A bill to amend section forty-nine senate bin, no. hundred and fifty-six of the Revised Statutes of the United "^^ States, relating to copyrights. Presented by Mr. Vilas. Senate bill, no. 2185. Printed, 4 pp. 4°. (132) XoTE. — Referred to the Senate Committee on Patents. No further action recorded. 1892 {February ij). — A bill to amend .section forty-nine h. r. bin, no. hundred and fifty-six of the Revised Statutes of the United "" States, relating to copyrights. Presented by Mr. Mitchell. H. R. bill, no. 5975. Printed, 4 pp. 4°- (133) Note. — Referred to the Committee on Patents of the House of Representatives. No further action recorded. 1892 ( June ^(/). — A bill to amend .section forty-nine hun- h. r. bin, no. dred and fifty-two of the United States Revised Statutes. ^^^® 58 Copyright in Cong7'ess^ I7^9 ^^ ^9^4 Presented by Mr. Dungan. H. R. bill, uo. 9398. Printed, 2 pp. 4°. (134) Note. — Referred to the House Committee on Patents. No further action recorded. FIFTY-SECOND CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Senate bill, no. iggj { Febncafv 2j) . — A bill relating to copyrights. Pre- ^ ' sented by Mr. Gordon. Senate bill, no. 3881. Printed, 2 pp. 4°. ^ (135; Note. — Referred to the Senate Committee on Patents. Reported from that Committee on March 2, with an amendment; passed by the Senate and by the House of Representatives on March 3, and signed by the President on the same day, becoming law on that date. i8pj {March 2) . — A bill relating to copyrights. Reported by Mr. Kyle. Senate bill, no. 3881. (An amended issue of previous bill of same number.) Printed, 2 pp. 4°. (136) FIFTY-THIRD CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION H. R. bill. no. fSp^ {April 24.'). — A bill to amend title sixty, chapter ^ three, of the Revised Statutes of the United States, relating to copyrights. Presented by Mr. Cummings. H. R. bill, no. 6835. Printed, 2 pp. 4°. (137) Note. — Referred to the House Committee on Patents. Reported, June 29, with amendments, by Mr. Covert, and referred to the House Calendar (H. R. report, no. 1191). Considered in House, July 28, without action. Senate bill, no. 1894 {May s). — A bill to amend title sixty, chapter ^^' three, of the Revised Statutes of the United States, relating to copyrights. Presented by Mr. Hill. Senate bill, no. 1991. Printed, 2 pp. 4°. (138) Note. — Referred to the Senate Committee on Patents. Reported, May 24, by Senator Piatt, without amendment. No further action recorded. 1894. {May 24). — A bill to amend title sixty, chapter three, of the Revised Statutes of the United States, relating to copyrights. Reported bj^ Mr. Piatt. Senate bill, no. 1991 . (A second issue of previous bill of same title. Printed, 2 pp. 4°. (139) H. R. bill, no. 1894. {Jiuic 2g) . — -^ bill to amend title sixty, chapter three, of the Revised Statutes of the United States, relating to copyrights. Reported by Mr. Covert. H. R. bill, no. Bibliography^ I. Bills 59 68 35. (An amended issue of previous bill of same number. ) Printed, 3 pp. 4°. (140) i8g^ ijt^ly 31)- — A bill to amend section forty-nine hun- "• R-''>i'' n°- dred and fifty-six and section eleven following section forty- nine hundred and sixty-seven of the Revised Statutes of the United States, relating to copyrights. Presented bj- Mr. Hicks. H. R. bill, no. 7853. Printed, 4 pp. 4°. (141) Note. — Referred to the House Committee on Patents. Reported (H. R. report, no. 1471 ) on August 23, and referred to the House Cal- endar. No further action recorded. 1894. (August 2j). — A bill to amend section forty-nine hundred and fift3'-six and section eleven following section forty-nine hundred and sixty-seven of the Revised Statutes of the United States, relating to copyrights. Reported by Mr. Hicks. H. R. bill, no. 7853. (A second issue of pre- vious bill of same number. ) Printed, 4 pp. 4°. (142) FIFTY-THIRD CONGRESS, THIRD SESSION. i8g5 {January 8). — A bill to amend section forty-nine h. r. bin, no. hundred and sixty-five, chapter three, title sixty, of the^^°7- Amenda- ■^ _ ^ _ -^ _ tory act: In- Revised Statutes of the United States, relating to copyrights, fringement of Presented by Mr. Covert. H. R. bill, no. 8407. Printed, p^"*"^^?^^^ ' ' and works of 2 pp. 4°. (143) art Note. — Referred to the House Committee on Patents. Reported by Mr. Covert (House report. No. 1733) January 31, and referred to the House Calendar. Considered in House March 2, amended, and passed. Passed by Senate and signed by President same day (March 2), and became law. i8g5 {Jaimary 22). — A bill to amend section forty-nine h. r. bin, no. hundred and fifty-two of the Revised Statutes, relating to^^*^ copyrights, as amended hy the act of March third, eighteen hundred and ninety-one. Presented by Mr. Hooker. H. R. bill, no. 8618. Printed, i p. 4°. (144) Note. — Referred to the House Committee on Patents. No further action recorded. i8g5 ijan7iaryji). — A bill to amend section forty-nine h. r. bin, no. hundred and sixty-five, chapter three, title sixty, of the ''°^ Revised Statutes of the United States, relating to copyrights. Reported by Mr. Covert. H. R. bill, no. 8407. (An amended issue of previous bill of same number.) Printed, 3 pp. 4°. (145) 6o Copyright in Congress, ij8g to 1904 Senate bill, no. jg^^ {^February 28 ) . — A bill to amend section forty-nine hundred and sixty-five, chapter three, of the Revised Statutes of the United States, relating to copyrights. Presented by Mr. Piatt. Senate bill, no. 2807. Printed, 2 pp. 4°. (146) Note. — Referred to the Senate Conmiittee on Patents. No further action recorded. FIFTY- FOURTH CONGRESS. FIRST SESSION Senate bill, no. i8g§ {December ^^ . — A bill to provide for the regi.ster of ''^^ copyrights. Presented b}' Mr. Morrill. Senate bill, no. 425. Printed, 2 pp. 4°. (147) Note. — Referred to the Joint Committee on the Library. Reported, with amendments, by Mr. Wetmore, February 20, 1896. No further action recorded. H. R. bill, no. iS^^ (December lo) . — A bill to provide for the register of copyrights. Presented by Mr. Bankhead. H. R. bill, no. 1243. Printed, 3 pp. 4°. (148) Note. — Referred to the Joint Committee on the Library. No further action recorded. H. R. bill, no. jggc (December 12 ) . — A bill to amend title sixty, chapter 1434 three, of the Revised Statutes of the United States, relating to copyrights. Presented by Mr. Cummings. H. R. bill, no. 1434. Printed, 3 pp. 4°. (149) Note. — Referred to the House Committee on the Judiciary. No further action recorded. H. R. bill, no. i8g^ (December I j). — A bill to amend title .sixty, chap- ter three, of the Revised Statutes, relating to cop^'rights. Presented by Mr. Cummings. H. R. bill, no. 1978. Printed, 3 pp. 4°- (150) Note. — Referred to the House Committee on Patents. Reported, with amendments, March 12, 1896, by Mr. Draper (House report, no. 741); referred to the House Calendar. No further action recorded. H. R. bill, no. 18^^ (December 2o) . — A bill to amend the act of Congress '^°^ relating to patents, trade-marks, and copyrights. Presented by Mr. Bennett. H. R. bill, no. 2304. Printed, 2 pp. 4°. (151) Note. — Referred to the House Committee on Patents. No further action recorded. H. R. bill, no. i8g>6 (January 21). — A bill to amend the act approved ^ ^ June eighteenth, eighteen hundred and seventy-four, to Bibliography^ I. Bills 6i change the cop3'right law. Presented by Mr. Black, of New York (by request). H. R. bill, no. 4464. Printed, 2 pp. 4°. (152) Note. — Referred to the House Committee on Patents. No further action recorded. i8g6 (^February ij). — A bill to provide for the conimis- ^- k. biii, no. 5976 sioner of copyrights and to revise the copyright law. Pre- sented by Mr. Treloar. H. R. bill, no. 5976. Printed, 20 pp. 4°- ■ (153) Note. — Referred to the House Committee on Patents. No further action recorded. i8(p6 {^February 2y). — A bill to amend title sixty, chapter Senate biii, no. . , _ , . . , 2306. Amenda- three, of the Revised Statutes, relating to copyrights. Pre- tory act: Pen- sented bv Mr. Hill (by request). Senate bill, no. 2306. ^^^'^^ ^°' ""^"- thorized repre- Printed, 3 pp. 4°. (154) sentation Note. — Referred to the Senate Committtee on Patents. Reported, with amendments, April 24, by Senator Piatt, of Connecticut. Passed by the Senate May 20. Referred to the House Committee on Patents May 22. Reported, without amendment, December 7, by Mr. Draper (House report, no. 2290), and referred to the House Cal- endar. Passed by the House December 10, with amendments. House amendments agreed to by Senate, December 14 ; signed by the President, Januarj' 6, 1897, on which day it became law. i8g6 {March 12). — A bill to amend title sixty, chapter h. r. bin, no. three, of the Revised Statutes, relating to copyrights. '^^ Reported by Mr. Draper. H. R. bill, no. 1978. (An amended issue of previous bill of same number.) Printed, 8 pp. 4°. (155) i8p6 {April ij). — A bill to provide for the commissioner h. r. bin, no. of copyrights and to revise the copyright law. Presented by Mr. Treloar. H. R. bill, no. 821 1. Printed, 16 pp. 4°. (156) Note. — Referred to the House Committee on Patents. No further action recorded. i8p6 {April 24.). — A bill to amend title sixty, chapter Set>atebiii,no. three, of the Revised Statutes, relating to copyrights. Reported by Mr. Piatt. Senate bill, no. 2306. (An amended i.ssue of previous bill of same number.) Printed, 3 pp. 4°. (157) 1896 {May 6). — A bill to amend .sections forty-nine hun- "• ^- '''"• "°- dred and .sixtj'-five and forty-nine hundred and seventy. 62 Copyright in Congress, lySg to igo^ chapter three, title sixty, of the Revised Statutes of the United States, relating to copyrights. Presented by Mr. Wilson, of New York. H. R. bill, no. 8734. Printed, 3 pp. 4°. (158) Note. — Referred to the House Committee on Patents. No further action recorded. Senate act, no. i8g6 {May 22). — Au act to amend title sixt3^ chapter *^° three, of the Revised Statutes, relating to copyrights. Passed the Senate May 20, 1896. Senate act, no. 2306. Printed, 3 pp. 4°. (159) FIFTY- FOURTH CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION i8g6 {December y ) . — An act to amend title sixty, chap- ter three, of the Revised Statutes, relating to copyrights. Reported by Mr. Draper. Senate act, no. 2306. (A sec- ond issue of previous act of same number.) Printed, 3 pp. 4°. (160) H. R. bill, no. iggj {January 22). — A bill to amend the copyright law. 10x07 Presented by Mr. Fairchild. H. R. bill, no. 10107. Printed, 2 pp. 4°. (161) Note. — Referred to the House Committee on Patents. No further action recorded. Senate bill, no. iSgj {February i). — A bill to amend section forty-nine ^ ^^ hundred and sixty- five of the Revised Statutes of the United States. Presented by Mr. Piatt. Senate bill, no. 3631. Printed, 3 pp. 4°. (162) Note. — Referred to the Senate Committee on Patents. No further action recorded. H. R. bill, no. iSp"/ {Fcbriiary j) . — A bill to amend title sixty, chapter tory^act'^Faiset^^^^^' *^^ ^^^^ Rcviscd Statutcs of the United States, relating notice of copy- to copyriglits. Presented by Mr. Fairchild. H. R. bill, no. 10223. Printed, 2 pp. 4°. (163) Note. — Referred to the House Committee on Patents. Reported, with amendments, February 5, 1897, by Mr. Draper (House report no. 2813); bill and report referred to the House Calendar. Passed by House, with amendments, February 9; act referred to the Sen- ate Committee on Patents F'ebruary I o. Reported, with amendments, F^ebruary 20, by Senator Piatt, of Connecticut; passed by Senate March 3, with amendments. Senate amendments agreed to by House March 3; signed by President INIarch 3, on which day the bill became law. Bibliography, I. Bills 63 1897 {February ^).— A bill to amend title sixty, chapter ^^senate bin, no. three, of the Revised Statutes of the United States, relating to copyrights. Presented by Mr. Hill (by request). Sen- ate bill, no. 3657. Printed, 2 pp. 4°. (164) Note.— Referred to the Senate Committee on Patents. No further action recorded. 1897 {February s).— A bill to amend title sixty, chapter ^^«^^- ^'"' °°- three, of the Revised Statutes of the United States, relating to copyrights. Reported by Mr. Draper. H. R. bill, no. 10223. (An amended issue of previous bill of same num- ber.) Printed, 2 pp. 4°. (165) 1897 {February 70).— An act to amend title sixty, chap- ^^;^-^^^' ""• ter three, of the Revised Statutes of the United States, relat- ing to copyrights. Passed the House of Representatives February 9, 1897. H. R. act. no. 10223. Printed, 2 pp. 4°. (166) 1897 {February 20). — An act to amend title sixty, chapter three, of the Revised Statutes of the United States, relating to copyrights. In the Senate. Reported by Mr. Piatt. H. R. act, no. 10223. (An amended issue of previous act of same number. ) Printed, 2 pp. 4°. (167) 1897 {February 23).— K bill to amend section forty-nine^^^- ^- '''"' °°- hundred and sixty-five, chapter three, title sixty, of the Revised Statutes of the United States. Presented by Mr. Bull. H. R. bill, no. 10348. Printed, 3 pp. 4°- (168) Note.— Referred to the House Committee on Patents. No further action recorded. FIFTY-FIFTH CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION 1897 {March 75).— A bill to amend section forty-nine ^^"- ^- '''"• "*'• hundred and sixty-five, chapter three, title sixty, of the Revised Statutes of the United States. Presented by Mr. Bull (by request). H. R. bill, no. 21. Printed, 3 pp. 4°. (169) Note.— Referred to the House Committee on Patents. No further action recorded. 1897 {March 19).— A bill to amend sections forty-nine ^^J^- '^^ ^'"' "°' hundred and sixty-five and forty-nine hundred and seventy, chapter three, title sixty, of the Revised Statutes of the United States, relating to copyrights. Presented by Mr. 64 Copyright in Congress, lySg to igo^ Wilson, of New York. H. R. bill, no. 1080. Printed, 3PP- 4°- ^70) Note. — Referred to the House Committee on Patents. No further action recorded. FIFTY-FIFTH CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION H. R. bill, no. jggy { Dccoubcr I J ). — A bill for the relief of Jud.son Jones. "^"•^ Pre.sented by Mr. McCleary. H. R. bill, no. 4847. Printed, I p. 4°. (171) Note. — Referred to the House Committee on Patents. On Decem- ber 16 reported, with amendment, by IVIr. Hicks, from that committee (House report no. 62), and referred to the Private Calendar. Passed by the House on December 17. vSee December 18, 1897. Senate bill, no. i8^y {December 75). — A bill to amend sections forty-nine 2818 . / hundred and forty-eight, forty-nine hundred and fifty-six, and forty-nine hundred and fifty-nine of the Revised Stat- utes, relating to copyrights. Presented by Mr. Perkins. Senate bill, no. 2818. Printed, 3 pp. 4°. (172) Note. — Referred to the Senate Committee on Patents. No further action recorded. H. R. bill, no. iS^y {Deccmbcr i§) . — A bill to prevent unlawful combi- nations or agreements to control the price of books, maps, or pamphlets. Presented by Mr. Wheeler. H. R. bill, no. 5016. Printed, 2 pp. 4°. (173) Note. — Referred to the House Committee on Patents. No further action recorded. H. R. act, no. i8gy {December i8 ) . — An act for the relief of Judson Jones. Passed the House of Representatives December 17, 1897. H. R. act, no. 4847. Printed, 2 pp. 4°. (174) Note. — Read the first and second times and referred to the Senate Committee on Patents. Reported, with amendments February 2, 1898, by Senator Piatt, from that committee (Senate report no. 534); see February 2, 1898. Senate bill, no. jggg {January 5). — A bill to amend title sixty, chapter 2939 f. . ' three, of the Revised Statutes, relating to copyrights. Pre- sented by Mr. lyodge. Senate bill, no. 2939. Printed, 2 pp. 4°. (175) Note. — Referred to the Senate Committee on Patents. No further action recorded. Bibliography^ I. Bills ' 65 1898 {January 6). — A bill to amend the act concerning h- R- bin, no. copyright. Presented by Mr. Shafroth. H. R. bill, no. 5866. Printed, 2 pp. 4°. (176) Note. — Referred to the House Committee on Patents. No further action recorded. 1898 {January 11). — A bill to amend section forty-nine h. r. bin, no. hundred and sixty-five, chapter three, title .sixty, of the^'^'*^ Revised Statutes, relating to the recording of the title to any map, chart, dramatic or musical composition, and so forth. Presented by Mr. Hicks. H. R. bill, no. 6348. Printed, 3 pp. 4°. (177) Note. — Referred to the House Committee on Patents. No further action recorded. i8g8 {January i^). — A bill for the relief of Judson Jones. Senate bin, no. Presented by Mr. Davis. Senate bill, no. 3172. Printed, ^'^^^ I p. 4°. (178) Note. — Referred to the Senate Committee on Patents. On Feb- ruary 2, Senator Piatt from that committee reported the bill adversely. i8p8 {January 21). — A bill to amend title sixty, chapter h. r. bin, no. three, of the Revised Statutes, relating to copyrights. ^"'^ Presented by Mr. John Murray Mitchell. H. R. bill, no. 7015. Printed, 2 pp. 4°. (179) Note. — Referred to the House Committee on Patents. Reported by Mr. Hicks from that committee, with amendments (House report, no. 1289), on May 11, 1898, and referred to the House Calendar. The amended bill was reprinted; see May 11, 189S. i8p8 {January 28). — A bill to amend title sixty, chapter h. r. bin, no. three, of the Revised Statutes of the United States, relating ^^^^ to copyrights. Presented by Mr. Hicks. H. R. bill, no. 7398. Printed, 3 pp. 4°. ' (180) Note. — Referred to the House Committee on Patents. No further action recorded. i8p8 {February 2). — An act for the relief of Jud.son h. r. act, no. Jones. Reported by Mr. Piatt, of Connecticut. H. j.^ 4847. gth private " r J 1 copyright act act, no. 4847. Printed, 2 pp. 4°. (181) Note. — Reported, with amendments, by Senator Piatt, from the Senate Committee on Patents (Senate report, no. 534); considered and passed by the Senate on February 1 1 ; House agreed to Senate amendments on February 15; signed by the President on February 17, on which date it became law. 10469 — No. 8 — 05 5 66 CopyrigJit ni Coiii^rcss, lySc^ to igo^ H. R. bill, no. jg^g (^FcbriiarY24.).—\ bill to amend the Act of Con- 8583 . - TJ gress relating to patents, trade-marks, and copyrights. Presented by Mr. Bennett. H. R. bill, no. 8582. Printed, 2 pp. 4°. (182) Note. — Referred to the House Committee on Patents. No further action recorded. H. R. bill, no. 1898 {February 24).— \ bill to amend the Act of Con- 8620 . ' gress relating to patents, trade-marks, and copyrights. Presented by Mr. John Murray Mitchell. H. R. bill, no, 8620. Printed, 5 pp. 4°. (183) Note. — Referred to the House Committee on Patents. Reported, with amendment, March 10, by Mr. Hicks (House report, no. 691); bill and report referred to the House Calendar; see IVIarch 10, 1898. senatebiii,no. jg^g {February 25).— \ bill to amend the Act of Con- 3956 gress relating to patents, trade-marks, and copyrights. Presented by Mr. Piatt (by request). Senate bill, no. 3956. Printed, 3 pp. 4°. (184) Note.— Referred to the Senate Committee on Patents. No further action recorded. H. R. bill, no. i8(p8 {March 10). — A bill to amend the act of Congress relating to patents, trade-marks, and copyrights. Reported by Mr. Hicks. H. R. bill, no. 8620. (An amended issue of previous bill of same number. ) Printed, 3 pp. 4°. (185) Note. — Reported with amendments (House report, no 691) and referred to the House Calendar. No further action recorded. Senate bill, no. i8g8 {March 28). — A bill to e.stablish a high court of pat- ents, trade-marks, and copyrights. Presented by Mr. Hans- brough. Senate bill, no. 4256. Printed, 9 pp. 4°. (186) Note. — Referred to the Senate Committee on the Judiciary. No further action recorded. H. R. bill, no. /8p8 {April // ). — A bill to amend section forty -nine hun- ^ ^ dred and .sixty-five, chapter three, title .sixty, of the Revised Statutes of the United States, relating to copyrights. Pre- sented by Mr. John Murray Mitchell. H. R. bill, no. 9865. Printed, 3 pp. 4°. (187) Note. — Referred to the House Committee on Patents. No further action recorded. H. R. bill, no. 1898 (May If). — A bill to amend title sixty, chapter '"** three, of the Revised Statutes, relating to copyrights. Re- 86ao 4256 Bibliography^ I. Bills 67 ported by Mr. Hicks. H. R. bill. no. 7015. (An amended issue of previous bill of same number.) Printed, 2 pp. 4°. (188) Note. — Introduced on January 21, iSgSjbyJohn Murray Mitchell and referred to the House Committee on Patents. On May 1 1 reported, with amendments, by Mr. Hicks, from that committee, ordered reprinted, and referred to the House Calendar. No further action recorded. i8g8 {May 18). — A bill to amend section forty-nine hun- h. r. bin, no. dred and sixt^'-five, chapter three, title sixt}*, of the Revised '°^ ^ Statutes of the United States, relating to copyrights. Pre- sented by Mr. John Murray' Mitchell. H. R. bill, no. 10382. Printed, 3 pp. 4°. (189) Note. — Referred to the House Committee on Patents. No further action recorded. FIFTY-SIXTH CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION iSpQ {December ^). — A bill to amend section forty-nine h. r. bui, no. hundred and sixty-five, chapter three, title .sixty, of the ^^ Revised Statutes of the United States, relating to copyrights. Presented by Mr. Bull. H. R. bill, no. 119. Printed, 3 pp. 4°- (190) Note. — Referred to the House Committee on Patents. No further action recorded. i8q^ {December I p). — A bill to establish a high court of Senate bui, no. patents, trade-marks, and copyrights. Presented by Mr. Hansbrough. Senate bill, no. 1883. Printed, 9 pp. 4°. (191) Note. — Referred to the Senate Committee on Patents. No further action recorded. I poo {January 4.). — A bill to establish a high court of h. r. biu, no. patents, trade-marks, and copyrights. Presented by Mr. Sulzer. H. R. bill, no. 5294. Printed, 9 pp. 4°. (192) Note. — Referred to the House Committee on Patents. No further action recorded. I goo {March 12). — A bill to amend .section fortj'-nine h. r. bin, no. hundred and sixty-five, chapter three, title sixty, of the**^ Revised Statutes of the United States, relating to copyrights. Presented by Mr. Bull (by request). H. R. bill, no. 9494. Printed, 2 pp. 4°. (193) Note. — Referred to the House Committee on Patents. No further action recorded. 68 Copyright in Congress^ ^7^9 ^o 1904 H. R. bill, no. j goo {Jl/arch 26). — A bill to amend section fortj'-nine htm- 9993 dred and sixty-five, chapter three, title sixty, of the Revised Statutes, relating to copyrights. Presented by Mr. Ctini- mings. H. R. bill, no. 9993. Printed, 3 pp. 4°. (194) Note. — Referred to the Committee on Patents. No further action recorded. Senate bill, no. igoo {Marc/i 2y). — A bill to amend section forty-nine ^ "■* hundred and .sixt3'-five, chapter three, title sixty, of the Revised Statutes of the United States, relating to copy- rights. Presented by Mr. Piatt, of New York. Senate bill, no. 3804. Printed, 3 pp. 4°. (19«^) Note. — Referred to the Senate Committee on Patents. No further action recorded. H. R. bill, no. /goo (April 2^). — A bill to amend the law relating to copyrights. Presented b}^ Mr. Cummings. H. R. bill, no. 10994. Printed, 3 pp. 4°. (196) Note. — Referred to the House Committee on Patents. No further action recorded. Senate bill, no. j^qq (April 2^). — A bill to amend an Act entitled " An Act to amend title sixty, chapter three, of the Revised Stat- utes of the United States, relating to copyrights," approved March third, eighteen hundred and ninety-one. Presented by Mr. Lodge (by request) . Senate bill, no. 4325. Printed, 3PP- 4°. (197) Note. — Referred to the Senate Committee on Patents. No further action recorded. FIFTY-SIXTH CONGRESS, SECOND vSESSION H. R. bill, no. igoi (Febr2iary 2 1) . — A bill to amend the law relating 14249 ^Q copyrights. Presented by Mr. Da^^ton. H. R. bill, no. 14249. Printed, 3 pp. 4°. (198) Note. — Referred to the House Committee on Patents. No further action recorded. H. R. bill, no. igoi (Marcii /). — A bill to amend an act entitled "An ^^^^'' act to amend title sixty, chapter three, of the Revised Stat- utes of the United States, relating to copyrights," approved March 3, 1891. Presented by Mr. Driggs. H. R. bill, no. 14337. Printed, 3 pp. 4°. ( 199) Note. — Referred to the House Committee on Patents. No further action recorded. 4325 Bibliography^ I. Bills 69 FIFTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION igoi {December 10). — A bill to amend the law relating h. r. bin, no. to copyright. Presented by Mr. Dayton. H. R. bill, no. 5777. Printed, 3 pp. 4°. (200) Note. — Referred to the House Committee on Patents. No further action recorded. 1^02 {January 75). — A bill to amend the copyright law. senate bin, no. Presented by Mr. Piatt, of Connecticut. Senate bill, no. 2894. Printed, 6 pp. 4°. (201) Note. — Referred to the Senate Committee on Patents. No further action recorded. FIFTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION igos {February 26). — A bill to prevent and to punish the ^- ^- ^'"' "°- misuse of the copyright privilege of the United States, to prevent and punish the misuse of names, signs, symbols, and other things concerning Government publications, and for other purposes. Reported by Mr. Heatwole, from the Committee on Printing. H. R. bill, no. 17551. Printed, 2 pp. 4°. * (202) Note. — Bill H. R. 17551 was reported as a substitute for H. Res. no. 373, which was introduced on January 8 by Mr. Henry C. Smith, relating to " Messages and Papers of the Presidents," and was referred to the Committee on Rules. On January 9 the Committee on Rules was discharged from further consideration of this resolution, and it was referred to the Committee on Printing, from which committee H. R. bill no. 1755 1 proceeded as a substitute. FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION i^oj {November 16^. — A bill to amend chapter forty-nine senate bin, no. hundred and fifty-two of the Revised Statutes. Presented ^^^ by Mr. Piatt, of Connecticut. Senate bill, no. 849. Printed, 2 pp. 4°. (203) Note. — Referred to the Senate Committee on Patents. An amended issue of this bill reintroduced in the next session as Senate bill no. 2229. 190J {November 27). — A bill to afford protection to h. r. bin, no. exhibitors of foreign literary, artistic, or musical works at^°^^ the Louisiana Purchase Exposition. Presented by Mr. Tawney. H. R. bill, tio. 5059. Printed 4 pp. 4°. (204) Note. — Referred to the House Committee on Patents; reported Dec<-niber 17 (House report no. 12). yo CopyrigJit in Congress, lySp to 1904 Senate bill, no. ^ ^ {December /).— A bill to afford protection to exhib- 2022. Interim. -^^ ^ ^ j^ copyright act itors of foreign literary, artistic, or musical works at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition. Presented by Mr. Cock- rell. Senate bill, no. 2022. Printed, 4 pp. 4°. (205) Note. — Referred to the Senate Committee on Patents. Passed by the Senate on December 17; by the House on December 18. vSigned by the President on January 7, 1904, on which day it became law. FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION ^^senatebiii,no. ^^^j [December 8).—K. bill to afford protection to exhib- itors of foreign literary, artistic, or musical works at the Louisiana Exposition. Presented by Mr. Lodge. Senate bill, no. 2153. Printed, 5 pp. 4°. (206) Note. — Referred to the Senate Committee on Patents. No further action on this bill; but see Senate bill, no. 2022, above, December i, 1903. Senate bill, no. igoj { December 8) . — A bill to amend chapter fortv-nine 2229 ' hundred and fifty-two of the Revised Statutes. Presented by Mr. Piatt, of Connecticut. Senate bill, no. 2229. Printed, 2 pp. 4°- (207) Note. — Referred to the Senate Committee on Patents. Reported, without amendment, by Mr. Clapp from that committee, January 8, 1904. H. R. bill, no. i^oj {December g). — K bill to amend chapter forty-nine ^^ ^ hundred and fifty-two of the Revised Statutes. Presented by Mr. Currier. H. R. bill, no. 6487. Printed, 2 pp. 4°. (208) Note. — Referred to the House Committee on Patents. Reported March i, 1904, with amendment, by Mr. Currier from that committee (House report, no. 1287) and referred to the House Calendar. H. R. bill, no. igo3 {December ij). — A bill to afford protection to exhib- ^°^^ itors of foreign literary, artistic, or musical works at the Loui.siana Purchase Exposition. Reported by Mr. Sulzer. H. R. bill, no. 5059. (A .second issue of previous bill of same number.) Printed, 4 pp. 4°. (209) Note. — Reported from the House Committee on Patents (House report, no. 12), referred to the House Calendar. Considered by the House on December 18, and by unanimous consent Senate bill, no. 2022, substituted. /po^ {January 8) . — A bill to amend chapter fortv-nine 2229 hundred and fifty-two of the Revised Statutes. Reported Bibliography, /. Bills 71 b}^ Mr. Clapp. Senate bill, no. 2229. (A second issue of previous bill of same number. ) Printed, 2 pp. 4°. (210) Note. — Reported from the Senate Committee on Patents, without amendment. On February 8 this bill was announced as ' ' next in order," but as no members of the Committee were in the cham- ber, it was ordered to go over without prejudice. No further action recorded. For full text of this bill see pp. 12-13. 1^04. {Jajinary 8). — A bill to e.stablish a .series of free h. r. bin, no. text-books. Presented by Mr. Knapp. H. R. bill, no. ^^^^ 9297. Printed, 3 pp. 4°. ' ('211) Note. — Referred to the House Committee on Education. No fur- ther action recorded. For full text of this bill see pp. 18-20. ipo^ {January 8). — A bill to amend title sixt5% chapter h. r. bin, no. three, of the Revised Statutes of the United States, relating 93^4 to copyrights. Presented by Mr. Bartholdt (by request). H. R. bill, no. 9324. Printed, 3 pp. 4°. (212) Note. — Referred to the House Committee on Patents. No further action recorded. H. R. bill, no. 11450 presented as a substitute, see no. 213. igo^ {Jajiuary jo). — A bill to amend title sixt3^ chapter ^- R- bin, no. three, of the Revised Statutes of the United States of America, relating to copyrights. Presented by Mr. Bar- tholdt. H. R. bill, no. 1 1450. Printed, 3 pp. 4°. (213) Note. — Referred to the House Committee on Patents. Substitute for H. R. bill, no. 9324. Hearing, January 10, 1905. No further action recorded. For full text of this bill see pp. 20-22. TQOif. {March i). — A bill to amend chapter forty-nine h. r. bin, no. hundred and fifty-two of the Revised Statutes. Reported "* ^ by Mr. Currier. H. R. bill, no. 6487. (A second issue of previous bill of same number.) Printed, 3 pp. 4°. (214) Note.— Reported, with amendment, from the House Committee on Patents (House report, no. 1287), and referred to the House Calendar. Passed the House (58th Cong., 3d sess. ) December 14, 1904. For full text of this bill see pp. 14-15. 1904 {March 2). — A bill to amend the copyright laws. h. r. bin, no. Presented by Mr. Tawney. H. R. bill, no. 13355. Printed, '3355 4 pp. 4°- (215) Note. — Referred to the Committee on Patents. Reported, with amendment, by Mr. Otis, on April 26 ( House report, no. 2857), and referred to the House Calendar. For full text of this bill see pp. 22-24. 1904 {March jo). — A bill to amend title .sixty, chapter three, of the Revised Statutes of the United States relating ^^''' 72 Copyriglit in Congress^ ^7^9 ^o 1904 to copyrights. Presented by Mr. Piatt, of Connecticut. Senate bill, no. 5314. Printed, 3 pp. 4°. (216) Note. — Read twice by its title and referred to the Committee on Patents. No further action recorded. H. R. bill, no. ipo^ (April 26 ) . — A bill to amend the Copyright laws. Re- 13355 ported by Mr. Otis. H. R. bill, no. 13355. (An amended issue of previous bill of same number.) Printed, 4pp. 4°. (217) Note. — Reported from the Committee on Patents (House report, no. 2857), referred to the House Calendar, and passed. Presented in Senate and referred to Committee on Patents, 58th Cong., 3dsess., December 6, 1904. FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS, THIRD SESSION H. R. act, no. /po^ {December 6). — An act to amend the copyright laws. ^^^^ Passed the House of Representatives April 26, 1904. H. R. act, no. 13335. Printed, 4 pp. 4°. (218) Note. — Presented in Senate, read twice and referred to the Com- mittee on Patents. Senate bill, no. ^9^4 {December 12). — A bill for the promotion of educa- 5967 tion. Presented by Mr. Senate bill, no. 5967. Printed, i p. 4°. (219) H. R. act, no. ^9^4^ {December //). — An act to amend section 4952 of the ^87 Revised Statutes. Passed the House of Representatives De- cemberi4, 1904. « H.R. act, no. 6487. Printed3pp. 4°- (220) General Note. — During the period from 1871 to 1886 bills were introduced bearing titles including the word "copyrights," in connection with patents and trade-marks. An examination of these several bills, however, shows, on a careful scrutiny, that their pro- visions deal only with patents and trade-marks, and hence they have been omitted in the Bibliography and Chronological Record. These bills are as follows: FORTY-FIRST CONGRESS, THIRD SESSION Patent or 1871 {February //). — Bill H. R. 3001, entitled "A bill to amend 'An trademark bills act to revise, consolidate, and amend the statutes relating to patents and cop3^rights. ' " 1871 {February 18). — Bill S. 1356, entitled "A bill to amend an act to revise, amend, and consolidate the .statutes relating to patents and copyrights." FORTY-SECOND CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION 1871 {March 7). — Bill S. 14, entitled "A bill to amend an act to revise, consolidate, and amend the statutes relating to patents and copyrights." a Favorably reported to the Senate, with an amendment, January 27, 1905 (Senate report, no. 3380). For text of report see note 34, p. 386. Bibliography, I. Bills 73 1571 [March /(5).— Bill S. 240, entitled "A bill to amend 'An act to revise, amend, and consolidate the statutes relating to patents and copyrights.' " FORTY-SECOND CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION 1572 {February s)-—^^'^^ S. 583, entitled "A bill to amend an act entitled 'An act to revise, consolidate, and amend the statutes relating to patents and copyrights.' " FORTY-SECOND CONGRESS, THIRD SESSION 1872 {December 19).— BiW S. 1281, entitled "A bill explanatory of the act approved July eighth, eighteen hundred and seventy, entitled 'An act to revise, consolidate, and amend the statutes relating to pat- ents and copyrights. ' ' ' FORTY-THIRD CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION 1873 {Decembers).— Bill H. R. 245, entitled "A bill explanatory of section 25 of 'An act to revise, consolidate, and amend the statutes relating to patents and copyrights.' "' 1874 {January 9).— Bill H. R. 1040, entitled "A bill to amend an act entitled 'An act to revise, consolidate, and amend the statutes relating to patents and copyrights,' approved July 8, 1870." 1874 {April 27).— Bill H. R. 3156, entitled "A bill in addition to the statutes relating to patents and copyrights." 1874 {May 20).— Bill H. R. 3418, entitled "A bill to amend the act entitled 'An act to revise, consolidate, and amend the statutes relating to patents and copyrights.' " /S74 {June 7^).— Bill H. R. 3675, entitled "A bill to amend the act entitled 'An act to revise, consolidate, and amend the statutes relating to patents and copyrights. ' ' ' FORTY-FOURTH CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION 1876 {January 28).— Bill S. 365, entitled "A bill to revise, consoli- date, and amend the statutes relating to patents and copyrights." FORTY-FIFTH CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION 1878 {January 28).— Bill H. R. 2729, entitled "A bill to revise, con- solidate, and amend the statutes relating to patents and copyrights." FORTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION 1882 {April //).— Bill S. 16S2, entitled "A bill explanatory of the twenty-fifth section of the act approved July 8, 1870, entitled 'An act to revise, consolidate, and amend the statutes relating to patents and copyrights, and of the 4887th section of the Revised Statutes of the United States.'" FORTY-NINTH CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION 1886 {January 12).— Bill S. 1034, entitled "A bill to amend the law relating to patents, trade-marks, and copyrights." 1886 {February /j).— Bill H. R. 5570, entitled "A bill to amend the law relating to patents, trade-marks, and copyrights." 1886 {April 27).— Bill H. R. 8323, entitled "A bill to amend the law relating to patents, trade-marks, and copyrights." j886 {March 9).— Bill S. 1813, entitled "A bill to amend the law retating to patents, trade-marks, and copyrights." 74 Copyright in Congress^ 17^9 to ipo^ II. Printed Reports FIRST CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION H. R. report ijS^ {April 2o) . — Report, bv Mr. Tuclcer, froiii the sclcct committee to whom was referred the petitions of John Churchman and David Ram.say. Printed, i p., in "Journal of the House of Representatives of the United States, being the ist session of the ist Congress, begun and held at the city of New York, March 4, 1789." 8°. Washington, 1826, p. 18. (1) FIRST CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION H. R. report j-jgo {Jamiary II). — Report, by Mr. Boudinot, from the committee appointed to examine the Journal of the last session, and to report therefrom all such matters of business as were then depending and undetermined. Printed, in "Journal of the House of Representatives of the United States, being the 2d session of the ist Congress, begun and held at the city of New York, January 4, 1790." 8°. Washington, 1826, pp. 137-138. (2) SECOND CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION H. R. report j'jg2 {February i). — Report, by Mr. Page, from the select committee to whom was referred the petition of John Churchman, praying . . . and that the penalties provided by the act for the encouragement of learning, etc., be increased. Printed, i p., in "Journal of the House of Rep- resentatives of the United States, being the ist session of the 2d Congress, begun and held at the city of Philadelphia, October 24, 1791." 8°. Washington, 1826, p. 524. (3) TWENTY- FIRST CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION H. R. report i8jo {December ly). — Report, by Mr. Ellsworth, from W: \ worth) ^'the Committee on the Judiciar}', to which was referred a bill (H. R. bill, 2ist Cong., ist , no. 145) to amend and consolidate the acts respecting copy-rights. Printed, 2 pp., in ' ' Reports of committees of the House of Representatives, at the 2d session of the 21st Congress, begun and held at the city of Washington, December 6, 1830." 8°. Wash- ington, 1831, no. 3. (4) Bibliography^ 11. Reports 75 TWENTY-FOURTH CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION i8s7 (^February 16). — Report, by Henry Clay, of Ken- Senate report tucky, from the Select Committee to whom was referred' ' ^^' the address of certain British and the petition of certain American authors concerning international copyright. Printed, 3 pp. , in " Public documents printed by order of the Senate of the United States, 2d session of the 24th Congress, begun and held at the city of Washington, December 5, 1836." Vol. 2, 8°. Washington, 1837, doc. no. 179. (5) Note. — Mr. Clay's report is reprinted, with comments upon each paragraph, in " Remarks on literary property. By Philip H. Nicklin." 16°. Philadelphia, 1838, pp. 27-38, and noticed in "The American quarterly review," v. 21, 8°. Philadelphia, no. 41, March, 1837, pp. 214-229. It was also reprinted by the Publishers' Copyright League. 4 pp. 8°. [Washington, 1889.] TWENTY-FIFTH CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION i8j8 {June 2y). — Report by John Ruggles, of Maine, Senate report from the Committee on Patents and the Patent Office, to *-^' ^"seies) whom was referred a bill (Senate bill, 25th Cong., 2d sess., no. 32) to amend the act entitled "An act to amend the several acts respecting copyright." Printed, 7 pp., in ' ' Public documents printed by order of the Senate of the United States, 2d session of the 25th Congress, begun and held at the city of Washington, December 4, 1837." Vol. 6, 8°. Washington, 1838, doc. no. 494. (6) 1838 {July 7). — Report, by Mr. Robertson, of Virginia, h. r. report from the Committee on the Judiciary, to which was referred ^•'' the petition of Hodijah Meade, administrator of Peyton Randolph, deceased, and guardian of one of his children; to accompany bill (H. R. bill, 25th Cong., 2d sess., no. 885). Printed, i p., in [" Reports of committees of the House of Representatives, at the 2d session of the 25th Congress, begun and held at the city of Washington, December 4, 1847." Vol. 4. 8°. Washington, 1838], no. 1052. (7) TWENTY-SIXTH CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION 18^0 {June 6). — Exchange of books. Mr. Tillinghast, h. r. report from the Committee on the Library, submitted the follow- ^^^^^' ' ''"^ ing report: to accompany bill H. R. no. 447 and Joint 76 Copyright in Congress, lySg to 1904 Resolution no. 14. Printed, 26 pp., in ["Reports of Com- mittees of the House of Representatives for the ist ses- sion of the 26th Congress. " ' Vol. 3, 8°. Washington. 1 840] , no. 586. (8) Note. — This report contains a paragraph on page 2, suggesting the amendment of the copyright laws to provide for the deposit of three copies of every publication. THIRTIETH CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION H. R. report 1 8 4.8 (Mav I?) .—Lox'i YL. Qox^oxi. Mr. Joseph R. Inger- U. R. Ingersoll) t \ , / J J f & soil, from the Committee on the Judiciary, made the follow- ing report: to accompany bill H. R. no. 493. Printed, 2 pp., in [Reports of committees of the House of Representatives for the ist session of the 30th Congress. Vol. 3, 8°. Wash- ington, 1848], no. 613. (9) THIRTY-SECOND CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Senate report i8jj {February 2). — Report, by Mr. Davis, from the avis) Committee on Commerce, to whom was referred the petition of Selina Stimner, wife of Thos. H. Sumner, late a master mariner; to accompany bill S. no. 604. Printed, 9 pp., in ' ' The Reports of committees of the Senate of the United States for the 2d session of the 32d Congress, i852-'53." 8°. Washington, 1853, no. 396. (10) THIRTY-THIRD CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Senate report /cJj/ {February 2). — Report, by Mr. Seward, from the ^^^ ' Committee on Commerce, to which was referred the petition of Selina C. Sumner; to accompan}- bill S. 181. Printed, I p. , in " The Reports of the committees of the Senate of the United States for the ist session, 33d, 1853- '54." Vol. I, 8°. Washington, 1854, no. 77. (11) FORTIETH CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION H. R. report 1868 {February 21). — International copyright. Report, ij: D. Baidwinq^^. ^jj. Baldwin, from the Committee on the Library, who were instructed "to inquire into the subject of international copyright, etc. , and to report by bill or otherwise. ' ' Printed, 6 pp. , in " Reports of committees of the of Representa- tives for the 2d ses.sion of the 40th Congress, i867-'68." Vol. I, 8°. Washington, 1868,110. 16. (12) Bibliography, II. Reports 'J'] FORTY-FIRST CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION 1870 (June j^/).— Report, by Mr. Morrill, of Maine, from (jf^^^'yjP°7 the Committee on the Library, to accompany bill (S. no. 1870) 703) entitled "A bill for the encouragement and protection of dramatic compositions designed and suitable for public representation, by securing to the authors and proprietors of the same certain rights during the time herein mentioned." Printed, 3 pp., in " Reports of the committees of the Senate of the United States for the 2d session of the 41st Congress. ' ' 8°. Washington, 1870, no. 209. (13) FORTY-SECOND CONGRESS. THIRD SESSION 1873 {February 7).— Report, by Mr. Morrill, of Maine, ^^^""^^^ ^^^°^^ from the Joint Committee on the Library, on the resolution ,873) directing them to inquire into the practicability of securing to authors the benefit of international copyright. Printed, 8 pp. , in " Reports of committees of the Senate of the United States for the 3d session of the 42d Congress. i872-'73." Vol. 1,8°. Washington, 1872, no. 409. (14) Note. — Mr. Morrill's report is reprinted in full, with editorial note at end, in The Publishers' Weekly, v. 3, 8°. New York. no. 58, Feb- ruary 22, 1872, pp. 191-195. Also reprinted in full in ' ' Correspondence respecting Colonial Copyright, presented to both Houses of Parlia- ment, July, 1874," fol., [London, Parliamentary Papers, v. 44: Accounts and papers, v. 10, session, 1874], pp. 10-16; and in the "Congressional Record," 50th Cong., ist sess., v. 19, pt. 4, 4°. Washington, 1888, pp. 3509-3511; and ibid., 51st Cong., 2d sess., V. 22, pt. 3,4°. Washington, 1891, pp. 2845-2847. FORTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION 1882 { fuly /). — Amendment of copyright law. Mr. «■ ^•^."p°''' ^ J -' ' i ^ tj 1 1 - 1 (J- M- Ritchie I Ritchie, from the Committee on Patents, submitted the fol- lowing report: to accompany bill H. R. 5583. Printed, i p. , in " Reports of Committees of the House of Representa- tives for the ist session of the 47th Congress. i88i-'82." Vol. 5, 8°. Washington, 1882, no. 1547. (15) FORTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. FIRST SESSION 1884. {February 5). — Copyright to citizens of foreign h. r. report countries. Mr. Dorsheimer, from the Committee on the'^- Dorshei- mer) Judiciary, submitted the following report. Printed, 3 pp.. 78 Copyright in Congress^ ^7^9 to ipo^ in ' ' Reports of committees of the House of Representatives for the ist session of the 48th Congress, i883-'84." Vol. i, 8°. Washington, 1884, no. 189. (16) Note. — Mr. Dorsheimer's report is reprinted in The Publishers' Weekly, v. 25, 8°. New York, 1884, pp. 261-262. FORTV-XINTH CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Senate report t886 (May 2i). — International copyright. Mr. Chace, ace, I J £j.Qjjj |.jjg Committee on Patents, submitted the following report: to accompany bill S. 2496. Printed, viii, 133 pp., in ' ' Reports of committees of the Senate of the United States for the ist session of the 49th Congress, 1885-86." Vol. 7, 8°. Washington, 1886, no. 1188. (17) Contents. — Report of the committee, including text of title 60, chap. 3, Revised Statutes; and S. bill (49th Cong., ist sess.) no. 2496: "A bill to amend title sixty, chapter three, of the Revised Statutes of the United vStates," pp. i-viii. Statements made before the Committee on Patents of the United States Senate relating to the bill (S. no. 191) and the bill (S. 1178), pp. 1-133. — The testimony is prefaced by the text of S. bill no. 191, p. i; and S. bill no. 1178, pp. 1-2; following which are the statements of Howard Crosby, pp. 3-4; Senator Joseph R. Hawley, pp. 4-6; A. G. Sedgwick, pp. 6-8; Henry Holt, pp. 8-14; George 'Walton Green, pp. 14-15; S. L. Clemens ("Mark Twain"), pp. 15-17; George Ticknor Curtis, pp. 17-20; Wil- liam Henry Browne, pp. 20-21; Horace E. Scudder, pp. 21-27 (all of January 28); James Lowndes, pp. 27-28; Gardiner G. Hubbard, pp. 28-33; James Russell Lowell, pp. 34-44; James Welsh, pp. 44-53; Dana Estes, pp. 53-5S; R. R. Bowker, pp. 58-60 (of January 29). — Brief presented by the American Copyright League: "International Copyright. Memorandum in behalf of Senate bill no. 191 and H. R. bill no. 2493," PP- 60-68. — Statement of Henry C. Lea, pp. 68-73; statement of Roger Sherman (February 12), pp. 74-86; additional statement of Dana Estes (February 12), pp. 86-90; statement of Josiah R. Sypher (February 12), pp. 90-111; additional statement of R. R. Bowker, pp. 111-115; statement of Henry Carey Baird, pp. 115-120; statement of Ainsworth R. Spofford (March 11), pp. 120-130; statements of George Haven Putnam, pp. 130-131; Harper & Brothers, pp. 131-132; John W. Lovell Co., p. 132; George Munro, pp. 132-133. FIFTIETH CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Senate report 1 888 (March I o) . — International Copyright. Mr. Chace, from the Committee on Patents, submitted the following report : to accompany bill S. 554. Printed, 2 parts, 52 pp., 140 pp., in "Reports of committees of the Senate of the Bibliog7'aphy\ II. Reports Jf^ United States for the ist session of the 50th Congress. 1887-88." Vol. 2,8°. Washington, 1888, no. 622. (18) Contents. — [Part i.] Report of the committee, pp. 1-2: Hearing before the Committee on Patents, United States Senate, Friday, March 9, 1888, on the bill S. 554, pp. 3-52. Part 2, Appendix: Senate re- port no. 1 188, 49th Cong., 1st sess.. May 21, 1886, pp. 1-8; statements made before the Committee on Patents relating to the bill (S. no. 191) to establish an international copyright, and the bill S. 1178, pp. 9-140. Contents as given above. 7c?r/7 ^7 ).— Amendment of Revised Statutes. Mr. «• ^.- '•«P°''t ^ -r J (P. A. Collins, CoUins, from the Committee on the Judiciary, submitted the Apr. 21, 1888) following report: to accompany bill H. R. 8715. Printed, 2 pp., in "The Reports of committees of the House of Representatives for the ist session of the 50th Congress. 1887-88." Vol. 6, 8°. Washington, 1888, no. 1875. (19) 1888 (May 24). — Amendment of the Revised Statutes. "• ^- '"^p""'^ ^ ^ ^^ . (P. A. Collins, Mr. Collins, from the Committee on the Judiciary, submitted May 24, isss) the following report: to accompany bill S. 554. Printed, i p. , in ' ' The Reports of committees of the House of Representa- tives for the ist session of the 50th Congress. 1 887-' 88." Vol. 7, 8°. Washington, 1888, no. 231 1. (20) 1888 {September ij). — Copyrights. Mr. Vance, from the h. r. report Committee on Patents, submitted the following report: to*^ ■'■ ^""^^^ accompany bill H. R. 4995. Printed, i p., in "The Reports of committees of the House of Representatives for the ist session of the 50th Congress, 1 887-' 88." Vol. 10, 8°. Washington, 1888, no. 3434. (21) FIFTIETH CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION i88p {January ji). — Mr. Manderson, from the Com- c^^p^^J^^nder* mittee on Printing, submitted the following report: to acconi- son) pany Senate resolution to print 1,000 extra copies of Senate bill no. 554, to amend title 60, chapter 3, of the Revised Statutes of the United States. Printed, i p., in "Reports of committees of the vSenate of the United States for the 2d session of the 50th Congress. i888-'89." Vol. i, 8°. Washington, 1889, no. 2525. (22) 8o Copyright in Congress^ ^^9 ^^^ ^9^4 FIFTY-FIRST CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION (o^'h'V'um! ^^^"^ Uamcary ^/ ).— Mr. Piatt, from the Committee on 18901 Patents, submitted the following report: to accompany bills S. 232 and S. 222 \i. e. 2221]. Printed, i p., in "Reports of committees of the Senate of the United States for the ist session of the 51st Congress. iSSq-'qg." Vol. i, 8°. Washington, 1890, no. 142. (23) H. R. report fSpo {Fcbrica?y 6). — Trade-marks and copyrights. Mr. (W:E.Simonds, c,. , ^ , ^ . ^ . Feb. 6, 1890 ) Simonds, from the Committee on Patents, submitted the fol- lowing report: to accompanj- bill H. R. 3812. Printed, 4 pp. , in " The Reports of committees of the House of Rep- resentatives, for the ist session of the 51st Congress. i889-'9o." Vol. I, 8°. Washington, 1891, no. 27. (24) H. R. report 1 8 (po {February i^ ) . — Amendment of Revised Statutes of (G: E. Adams) .1 tt •. i <~\ , 1 • • ■• the United States relating to copyrights. Mr. Adams, from the Committee on the Judiciary, submitted the following report: to accompany bill H. R. 6941. Printed, 5 pp., in " The Reports of committees of the House of Representa- tives for the 1st .session of the 51st Congress. i889-'90." Vol. I, 8°. Washington, 1891, no. 65. (25) H. R. report iggo (^February 18). — Amendment of Revised Statutes. Feb. 18, S? ^' ^Ir. Simonds, from the Committee on Patents, submitted the following report: to accompany bill H. R. 7213. Printed, i p.. in " The Reports of committees of the House of Representatives for the ist session of the 51st Congress. i889-'9o." Vol. 2, 8°. Washington, 1 89 1, no. 290. (26) H. R. report i8go {June lo) . — International copyright. Mr. Simonds, juneio, 1T90" ^'froni the Committee on Patents, submitted the following report: to accompany H. R. 10881. Printed, 25 pp., in ' ' The Reports of committees of the House of Representa- tives for the I St session of the 51st Congress. 1 889-' 90." Vol. 7, 8°. Washington, 1891, no. 2401. (27) FIFTY-THIRD CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION (j^w^'coXr ^^^"^ ihine ^p;.— Amending copyright law. Mr. Covert, 1894 'from the Committee on Patents, .submitted the following report: to accompany H. R. 6835. Printed, 3 pp., in '-The Reports of committees of the House of Representatives for the 2d session of the 53d Congress. i893-'94." Vol. 4, 8°. Washington, 1894, iio- HQi- (28). Bibliography, 11. Reports 8i 1894. {August 23).— "to amend an act relating to copy- ^^h^ r^ repon rights. Mr. Hicks, from the Committee on Patents, sub- ^gg^, ' mitted the following report: to accompany H. R. 7853. Printed, 2 pp., in "The Reports of committees of the House of Representatives for the 2d session of the 53d Congress. i893-'94." Vol. 4, 8°. Washington, 1894, no. 147 1. (29) FIFTY-THIRD CONGRESS, THIRD SESSION 1895 0«««rj/ jt).— Amending copyright law. Mr. ^^h^r. jjx>rt Covert, from the Committee on Patents, submitted the fol- ,895) lowing report: to accompany H. R. 8407. Printed, 2 pp., in ' ' The Reports of committees of the House of Representa- tives for the 3d session of the 53d Congress, i894-'95." Vol. I, 8°. Washington, 1895, no. 1733. (30) FIFTY-FOURTH CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION 1896 {March /2) .—Copyright law. Mr. Draper, from the ^^. ^-^^^^^^^ Committee on Patents, submitted the following report: to ^^^ ^^ ^396) accompany H. R. 1978. Printed, 2 pp., in ["Reports of committees of the House of Representatives for the ist ses- sion of the 54th Congress. 1895-96." Vol. 3, 8°. Wash- ington, 1896], no. 741. (3^) FIFTY-FOURTH CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION 1896 {December 7 J. —Copyright law. Mr. Draper, from ^Jh. J|^-^-p-^ the Committee on Patents, submitted the following report: Dec. 7, 1896) to accompany S. 2306. Printed, 2 pp. , in [' ' Reports of com- mittees of the House of Representatives for the 2d session of the 54th Congress. i896-'97." Vol. i, 8°. Washing- ton, 1897], no. 2290. (32) 1897 {February 5).— Amending copyright law. Mr. h. r. report ' -^ ^ 1 -ii. 1 4-1 (W: F. Draper, Draper, from the Committee on Patents, submitted the p^^^^^g^^^ following report: to accompany H. R. 10223. Printed, i p., in ["Reports of committees of the House of Representatives for the 2d session of the 54th Congress. 1 896-'97- ' ' Vol. 3, 8°. Washington, 1887], no. 2813. (33) * FIFTY-FIFTH CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION 1897 {December /d).— Judson Jones. Mr. Hicks, f^om ^^h^r^ report the Committee on Patents, submitted the following report: \^^^^ ' to accompany H. R. 4847- Printed, 2 pp., in ["Reports of 10469 — No. 8 — 05 6 82 Copyright in Congress^ ^7^9 ^^ 1904 committees of the House of Representatives for the 2d session of the 55th Congress. iSgy-'gS." Vol. i, 8°. Washington. 1898], no. 62. (34) Senate report jSgg {February 2). — Tiid.son Jones. Mr. Piatt, of Con- (O. H. Piatt, . . ', ^ . ^ 1898) necticut, from the Committee on Patents, submitted the following report: to accompany H. R. 4847. Printed, 2 pp., in [" Reports of committees of the Senate of the United States for the 2d session of the 55th Congress. i897-'98." Vol. I, 8°. Washington, 1898], no. 534. (35) H. R. report iSpS (Marc/iio) . — Patents, trade-marlcs, etc. Mr. Hicks, Mar. io, 1898 /' ^'"O"^ the Committee on Patents, submitted the following report: to accompany H. R. 8620. Printed, 3 pp., in [' ' Reports of committees of the House of Representatives for the 2d session of the 55th Congress. i897-'98. ' ' Vol. 3,8°. Washington, 1898], no. 691. (36) H. R. report jSpS {May II ). — Amending Revised Statutes relating to Mayii, i898)'^'^opy"gl^ts. Mr. Hicks, from the Committee on Patents, submitted the following report: to accompany H. R. 7015. Printed, 5 pp., in [" Reports of committees of the House of Representatives for the 2d session of the 55th Congress. i897-'98." Vol. 5,8°. Washington, 1898], no. 1289. (37) FIFTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION H. R. report jgoj {February 26). — Misuse of the copyright privilege (j.D.Heatwoie;^^ the United States, etc. Mr. Heatwole, from the Com- mittee on Printing, submitted the following report: to accompany H. R. 17551. Printed, i p., in [" Reports of committees of the House of Representatives for the 2d ses- sion of the 57th Congress. i902-'o3." Vol. 3, 8°. Wash- ington, 1903], no. 3892. (38) FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Senate report igoj {December ij). — Protection to exhibitors at the ( . . c o"'^^) i^ouiyiana Purchase Exposition. Mr. McComas, from the Committee on Patents, submitted the following report: to accompany S. 2022. Printed, 2 pp., in ["Reports of com- mittees of the Senate of the United States for the 2d session of the 58tli Congress." 8°. Washington, 1904], no. 142. (39) H. R. report ipoj {December ij). — Protection to exhibitors at the " ^^^^ Louisiana Purchase Exposition. Mr. Sulzer, from the Bibliography, III. Resolutions. 83 Committee on Patents, submitted the following report: to accompany H. R. 5059. Printed, 2 pp., in ["Reports of committees of the House of Representatives for the 2d session of the 58th Congress." 8°. Washington, 1904], no. 12. (40) ipo^ {January 8). — Amending chapter 4952, Revised Senate report Statutes. Mr. Clapp, from the Committee on Patents, sub- ' " ^''^ mitted the following report: to accompany S. 2229. Printed, I p. , in [" Reports of committees of the Senate of the United States for the 2d session of the 58th Congress." 8°. Washington, 1904], no. 188. (41) Note. — For text of this report see p. 13. igo4 (March /).— Amending section 4952 of the Revised ^- R- '■eport Statutes. Mr. Currier, from the Committee on Patents, submitted the following report: to accompany H. R. 6487. Printed, 3 pp., in [" Reports of committees of the House of Representatives for the 2d session of the 58th Congress." 8°. Washington, 1904], no. 1287. (42) Note. — For text of this report see pp. 15-18, and for the text of Sen- ate report, no. 3380, on same bill, submitted January 27, 1905, see p. 386. 1904 (April 26). — Amendment of copyright law. Mr. "• ^- Report Otis, from the Committee on Patents, submitted the follow- ing report: to accompany H. R. 13355. Printed, 2 pp., in [' ' Reports of committees of the House of Representatives for the 2d session of the 58th Congress." 8°. Washington, 1904], no. 2857. (43) Note. — For text of this report see pp. 24-26. III. Resolutions FORTY-SECOND CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION i8j2 (February 12). — International copyright. Resolu- h. r. resolu- tion relating to international copyright. Presented by Mr. 1^°" ^^' °" ^*'" Kelley. Referred to the Joint Committee on the Library and ordered to be printed, i p. , in "The Mi.scellaneous docu- ments printed by order of the House of Representatives during the 2d session of the 42d Congress." Vol. 2, 8°. Washington, 1872, doc. no. 80. (1) FIFTY-THIRD CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION iSg^ {Janiiarv 22). — Joint resolution for the purpose of Senate resoiu- , ' . , , .,• . ^ , ,. tion (J. McMil- insurnig the .security and the utilization of duplicate copy-iam Senate resolu tion (G: Gray) 84 Copyright in Congress^ 17^9 io 1904 righted books in the Congressional Library. Presented by Mr. McMillan. Senate resolution, no. 52. Printed, i p. 4°- (2) 1894. ^May 22). — Joint resolution for the purpose of insur- ing the security and the utilization of duplicated copyrighted books in the Congressional Library. Presented by Mr. Gray. Senate resolution, no. 88. Printed, i p., 4°. (3) IV. Laws (a) Public Laws FIRST CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Original copy- jypo {May ji'). — An Act for the encouragement of learn- right act . , . . . ing, by securing the copies of maps, charts, and books to the authors and proprietors of such copies, during the times therein mentioned. (Approved May 31, 1790. ist Cong., 2d sess., chap. 15.) In "The Public statutes at large of the United States of America, from the organization of the government in 1789 to March 3, 1845. Edited by Richard Peters." Vol. i, 8°. Boston, 1845, pp. 124-126. In "Copyright enactments, 1783-1900." 8°. Washington, 1900. (Copyright Office Bulletin, No. 3), pp. 30-32. In Curtis (G: Ticknor). A Treatise on the law of copyright. 8°. Boston, C: C. Little & J. Brown, 1847, Appendix, pp. 85-88. See Bibliography, I. Bills, no. 3; Chronological Record, pp. 119-123. (1) Original copyright act. Repealed by section 14 of the act of Feb- ruary 3, I S3 1. SEVENTH CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Copyright of 1802 {April 2p). — Au Act supplementary to an act, inti- tuled "An act for the encouragement of learning, by secur- ing the copies of maps, charts, and books to the authors and proprietors of such copies during the time therein men- tioned," and extending the benefits thereof to the arts of designing, engraving, and etching historical and other prints. (Approved April 29, 1802. 7th Cong., sess., chap. 36.) In "The Public statutes at large of the United States of America, from the organization of the government prints Bibliography^ IV. Laws 85 in 1789 to March 3, 1845. Edited by Richard Peters." Vol. 2, 8°. Boston, 1845, pp. 171-172. In "Copyright enactments, 1 783-1 900." 8°. Washington, 1900. (Copy- right Office Bulletin, No. 3), pp. 32-34. In Curtis (G: Ticknor.) A Treatise on the law of copyright. 8°. Bos- ton, C: C. Little & J. Brown, 1847, Appendix, pp. 89-91. See Bibliography, I. Bills, no. 6; Chronological Record, pp. 127-130. (2) Repealed by section 14 of the act of February 3, 1831. FIFTEENTH CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION. i8ig {Febr2iary i^). — An Act to extend the jurisdiction jurisdiction in of the circuit courts of the United States to cases arising '^"^'^"^ under the law relating to patents. (Approved February 15, 1819. 15th Cong., 2d sess., chap. 19.) In "The Public statutes at large of the United States of America, from the organization of the government in 1789 to March 3, 1845. Edited by Richard Peters." Vol. 3, 8°. Boston, 1846, pp. 481-482. In "Copyright enactments, 1 783-1900." 8°. Washington, 1900. (Copj^right Office Bulletin, No. 3), pp. 34-35. In Curtis (G: Ticknor.) A Treatise on the law of copyright. 8°. Boston, C: C. Eittle & J. Brown, 1847, Appendix, p. 92. See Bibliography, I. Bills, no. ii; Chronological Record, pp. 132-134. (3) Circuit courts shall have cognisance of all actions arising under any law granting or confirming to authors or inventors the exclusive right to their respective writings, inventions, and discoveries. Repealed by act of July 8, 1870. TWENTY-FIRST CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION i8ji {February j). — An Act to amend the several acts First general respecting copyrights. (Approved, February 3, 1831. 21st '^^^'^'°" Cong., 2d sess., chap. 16.) In "The Public statutes at large of the United States of America, from the organiza- tion of the government in 1789 to March 3, 1845. Edited by Richard Peters." Vol. 4, 8°. Boston, 1846, pp. 436- 439. In "Copyright enactments, 1 783-1900. " 8°. Wash- ington, 1900. (Copyright Office Bulletin, No. 3), pp. 35- 39. In Curtis (G: Ticknor.) A Treatise on the law of copyright. 8°. Boston, C: C. Little & J. Brown, 1847, 86 CopyrigJit i)i Cotigress, lySg to 1904 Appendix, pp. 93-99. See Bibliography, I. Bills, uos. 16- 18; Chronological Record, pp. 141-142, 143-145. (4) First general revision. Repealed hy act of July 8, 1870. TWENTY-THIRD CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Assignmentof iS^^. {Juiie jo) . — An Act Supplementary to the act to copyng s amend the several acts respecting copyrights. (Approved, June 30, 1834. 23d Cong., ist sess. , chap. 157.) In ' ' The Public statutes at large of the United States of America, from the organization of the government in 17S9 to March 3, 1845. Edited by Richard Peters." Vol. 4, 8°. Boston, 1846, p. 728. In "Copyright enactments, 1783- 1900." 8°. Washington, 1900. (Copyright Ofhce Bul- letin, No. 3), pp. 39-40. In Curtis (G: Ticknor). A Treatise on the law of copyright. 8°. Bo.ston, C: C. Little & J. Brown, 1847, Appendix, p. 100. See Bibli- ography, I. Bills, no. 19: Chronological Record, pp. 146-148. (5) Requiring the recording of assignments of copyright. Repealed by act of July 8, 1870. TWENTY-NINTH CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Smithsonian i8^6 {A7igHst TO). — An Act to establish the ''Smithson- institution -^^^ Institittion," for the increase and diffusion of knowledge among men. (Approved, August 10, 1846. 29th Cong., ist sess. , chap. 178, sec. 10. ) In " The Statutes at large and treaties of the United States of America, from December i, 1845, to March 3, 185 1. Edited by George Minot." Vol. 9, 8°. Boston, 185 1, p. 106. In "Copyright enactments, 1783-1900." 8°. Washington, 1900. (^ CopjTight Office Bulletin, No. 3), p. 40. See Chronological Record, p. 166. (6) Requiring the delivery of one copy of book, etc., to the Hbrarian of the Smithsonian Institution and one copy to the Librarian of Congress. THIRTY-THIRD CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Post Office 7^55 (March J). — An Act making appropriations for the postage service of the Post-Office Department during the fiscal year ending the thirtieth of June, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-six. Approved, March 3, 1855. 33d Cong., 2d Bibliography^ II'. Laws 87 sess., chap. 201, sec. 5. In "The Statutes at large and treaties of the United States of America, from December i, 1851, to March 3, 1855. Edited by George Minot." Vol. 10,8°. Boston, 1855, p. 685. In " Copyright enactments, 1 783- 1 900." 8°. Washington, 1900. (Copyright Office Bulletin, No. 3), p. 40. See Chronological Record, pp. 176-177- C7) Providing that all copyright deposits may be sent through the mails free of postage. THIRTY-FOURTH CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION 18^6 (^August 18) .—An Act supplemental to an act entitled refenmion ^^^ "An act to amend the several acts respecting copyright," approved February third, eighteen hundred and thirty-one. (Approved, August 18, 1856. 34th Cong., ist sess., chap. 169.) In "The Statutes at large and treaties of the United States of America, from December 3, 1855, to March 3, 1859. Edited by George Minot and George P. Sanger." Vol. 11, 8°. Boston, 1859, pp. 138-139. In "Copyright enact- ments, 1783-1900. " 8°. Washington, 1900. (Copyright Office Bulletin, No. 3), p. 41. See Bibliography, I. Bills, No. 39; Chronological Record, pp. 177-179. (8) Securing the sole right of representation in the case of a dramatic composition. Repealed by act of July 8, 1S70. THIRTY-FIFTH CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION i8§g {February ^). — An Act providing for keeping and Removal of distributing all public documents. (Approved, Februarys, posft"^^' '^^' 1859- 35th Cong., 2d sess., chap. 22, sec. 8.) In "The Statutes at large and treaties of the United States of America, from December 3, 1855, to March 3, 1859. Edited by George Minot and George P. Sanger." Vol. 11,8°. Boston, 1859, pp. 380-381. In "Copyright enactments, 1 783-1900." 8°. Washington, 1900. (Copyright Office Bulletin, No. 3),pp.4i-42. See Chronological Record, pp. 179-180. (9) Providing for the removal of all copyright deposits and records from the Department of State to the Department of the Interior. Repealed by the act of July 8, 1870. 88 CoPyrigJit i?i Congress^ ^7^9 ^o 1904. THIKTV-SIXTH CONGRESS. SECOND SESSION Appeal of 186 1 (^February 18). — An Act to extend the right of copyrig "^^^ appeal from decisions of circuit courts to the Supreme Court of the United States. (Approved, February 18, 1861. 36th Cong., 2d sess., chap. 37. J In "The Statutes at large, treaties, and proclamations of the United States of America, from December 5, 1859, to March 3, 1863. Edited by George P. Sanger." Vol. 12, 8°. Boston, 1863, pp. 130-13 1. In " Copyright enactments, 1 783-1900." 8°. Washington, 1900. (Copyright Office Bulletin, No. 3), p. 42. See Bibliography, I. Bills, no. 44; Chronological Record, pp. 182-185. (10) Provides for the appeal of copyright cases to the Supreme Court of the United Stales. Repealed by act of July 8, 1870. THIRTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Copyright of 1865 {March J). — An Act supplemental to an act entitled "An Act to amend the several acts respecting cop5'right," approved February third, eighteen hundred and thirty-one, and to the acts in addition thereto and amendment thereof. (Approved, March 3, 1865. 38th Cong., 2d sess., chap. 126.) In "The Statutes at large, treaties, and proclama- tions of the United States of America, from December, 1863, to December, 1865. Edited by George P.Sanger." Vol. 13,8°. Boston, 1866, pp. 540-541. In " Copyright enact- ments, 1783-1900." 8°. Washington, 1900. (Copyright Ofiice Bulletin, No. 3), pp. 42-43. See Bibliography, I. Bills, no. 49; Chronological Record, pp. 187-188. (11) Extending copyright protection to photographs and photographic negatives. Repealed by the act of July 8, 1870. THIRTY-NINTH CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Failure to de- /86y { February 18 ). — An Act amendatory of the several posit copies acts respecting copyrights. (Approved, February 18, 1867. 39th Cong., 2d sess., chap. 43.) In "The Statutes at large of the United States of America, from December, 1865, to March, 1867. Edited by George P. Sanger." Vol. 14, 8°. Boston, 1868, p. 395. In "Copyright enactments, 1783- 1900." 8°. Washington, 1900. (Copyright Office Bulle- Bibliography^ IV. Laws 89 tin, No. 3), pp. 43-44. See Bibliography, I. Bills, no. 51; Chronological Record, pp. 192-194. (12) Imposing of penalty of $25 for failure to deposit copies in the Library of Congress, and providing for the free transmission by mail of "copyright matter." Repealed by the act of July S, 1870. FORTY-FIRST CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION 1870 i July 8). — An Act to revise, consolidate, and amend second gen- I ^J -^ ■' . eral revision the statutes relating to patents and copyrights. (Approved, July 8, 1870. 41st Cong., 2d .sess., chap. 230, sees. 85-110.) In ' ' The Statutes at large and proclamations of the United States of America, from December, 1869, to March, 1871. Edited by George P. Sanger." Vol. 16, 8°. Boston, 1871, pp. 212-215. In "Copyright enactments, 1783-1900." 8°. Washington, 1900. (Copyright Office Bulletin, No. 3, pp. 44-49.) See Bibhography. I. Bills, nos. 59-62; Chronological Record, pp. 197-199, 200-204. (13) Second general revision. Replaced by Title LX, chapter 3, of the Revised Statutes, in force December i, 1873. FORTY-THIRD CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION i8j3 {December i). — Revised Statutes, Title 60, Chap- Revised stat- ter 3. Copyrights. In "The Revised .statutes of the^.'^^^^^ ^"p^' United States, passed at the first session of the Forty-third Congress, 1873-74." Second edition, 8°. Washington, 1878, pp. 957-960. In "Copyright enactments, 1783- 1900." 8°. Wa.shington, 1900. (Copyright Office Bulle- tin, No. 3), pp. 49-53. In Drone (Eaton Sylvester). A Treatise on the law of property in intellectual produc- tions. 8°. Boston, Eittle, Brown & Co. , 1879- PP- 698-704. See Bibliography, I. Bills, nos. 52, 54, 64, 72; Chronological Record, p. 210. (1^) Section 4948 amended by the appropriation act of February 19, 1897. Section 4952 amended by act of June 18, 1874, .section 3; further amended by the act of March 3, 1891 , .section i . Section 4954 amended by act of March 3, 1891, section 2. vSection 4956 amended by act of March 3, 1S91 , section 3. See also act of March 3, 1 893. Section 4958 amended by act of June 18, 1874, section 2; further amended by the act of March 3, 1S91, section 4. Section 4959 amended by act of March 3, 1S91, .section 5. Section 4962 amended by act of June 18, 1874, section r; August i, 18S2. vSection 4963 amended by act of March 3, 1891, section 6; further amended by act of INIarch 3, 1897. 90 CopyrigJit in Congress^ ^7^9 to 1Q04 Section 4964 amended by act of March 3, 1891, section 7. Section 4965 amended by act of March 3, 1891, section 8; further amended by act of March 2, 1895. Section 4966 amended by act of January 6, 1897. Section 4967 amended by act of March 3, 1891, section 9. Section 4971, repealed by act of March 3, 1891, section 10. Copyright of j.gj. (Tune 18). — An Act to amend the law relating to Prints and La- , , , . , , . , ? beis patents, trade-marks, and copyrights. (Approved, June i8, 1874. 43d Cong., ist sess., chap. 301.) In "The Statutes at large of the United States, from December, 1873, to March, 1875." Vol. 18, part 3, 8°. Washington, 1875, pp. 78-79. In " Copyright enactments, 1783-1900." 8°. Washington, 1900. (Copyright Office Bulletin, No. 3)' PP- 53~54- 111 Drone (Eaton Sylvester). A Treatise on the law of property in intellectual productions. 8°. Boston, Little, Brown & Co., 1879, pp. 704-705. See Bibli- ographv, I.Bills, no. 81; Chronological Record, pp. 214-216. (15) Section 1 relates to the notice of copyright, amending section 4962 of the Revised Statutes, which was further qualified by the act of August I, 1882; section 2 relates to copyright fees, amending section 4958 of the Revised vStatutes; section 3 relates to the registration of labels and prints for articles of manufacture, modifying section 4952 of the Revised Statutes. FORTY-FIFTH CONGRESS, THIRD SESSION Post- Office i8jg {Maf'chj). — An Act making appropriations for the tioni violating service of the Post-Office Department for the fiscal year copyright ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and eighty, and for other purposes. (Approved, March 3, 1879. 45th Cong., 3d, chap. 180, sec. 15.) In "The Statutes at large of the United States of America, from October, 1877, to March, 1879." Vol. 20, 8°. Washington, 1879, p. 359. In "Copyright enactments, 1 783-1900." 8°. Washing- ton, 1900. (Copyright Office Bulletin, No. 3), pp. 54-55-. See Chronological Record, p. 217. (16) Provides against transmission through mails of any publication which violates copyright. FORTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Notice of 1882 {August i). — An Act to amend the statutes in rela- MoLVdfcorll^^o" ^« copyright. (Approved, i, 1882. 47th tive articles Coug. , ist sess. , chap. 366.) In "The Statutes at large of Bibliogi-apJiy, W. Laivs 91 the United States of America, from December, 1881, to March, 1883." Vol. 22, 8°. Washington, 1883, p. 181. In " Copyright enactments, 1783-1900." 8°. Washington, 1900. (Copyright Office Bulletin, No. 3), p. 55. See Bibli- oo-raphy, I. Bills, no. 85; Chronological Record, pp. 220-223. (17) Relates to the position of notice of copyright in the case of molded decorative articles, etc. , amending section 4962 of the Revised Statutes. FIFTY-FIRvST CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION 1891 (March 3). —An Act to amend title sixty, chapter JJ^^^^YghTLa^'" three, of the Revised Statutes of the United States, relating to copyrights. (Approved March 3, 1891. 51st Cong., 2d sess., chap. 565.) In "The Statutes at large of the United States of America, from December, 1889, to March, 1891." Vol. 26, 8°. Washington, 1S91, pp. 1106-1110. In "The Publishers' weekly." Vol. 39, 8°. New York, no. 997, Mar. 7, 1891, pp. 367-370. In "The Critic." Vol. 15, 4°. New York, no. 473, Mar. 14, 1891, pp. 142-143. In "Copyright enactments, 1783-1900." 8°. Washington, 1900. (Copyright Office Bulletin, No. 3), pp. 55-59- See Bibliography, I. Bills, nos. 125-127, 129-130; Chronolog- ical Record, pp. 287, 292-297, 301-323. (18) The so-called international-copyright act, extending copyright in certain cases to works by foreign authors. Amends sections 4952, 4954, 4956, 4958, 4959, 4963, 4964. 49^5, and 4967 of the Revised Stat- utes, and repeals section 4971. FIFTY-SECOND CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION 1893 (March 3).— Kn Act relating to copyrights, (^p- .^^"^°^'^'°'j':°^Pg proved, March 3, 1893. 52d Cong., 2d sess., chap. 215.) act" In "The Statutes at large of the United States of America, from December, 1891, to March, 1893." Vol. 27, 8°. Washington, 1893, p. 743. In "Copyright enactments, 1783-1900." 8°. Washington, 1900. (Copyright Office Bulletin, No. 3), p. 60. See Bibliography, I. Bills, nos. 135-136; Chronological Record, pp. 326-327. (19) Enabling act, amendatory of section 4956 of the Revised Statutes, giving the same effect to copies deposited prior to March i, 1893, as to copies deposited "on or before publication." 92 Copyright in Congress^ ^7^9 io 1904 FIFTY-THIRD CONGRESS, THIRD SESSION Government i8g§ {^January 12). — Au Act providing for the public copyHghtabie" printiug and binding and the distribution of pubHc docu- ments. (Approved, January 12. 1895. 53d Cong., 3d sess., chap. 23, sec. 52.) In " The vStatutes at large of the United States of America, from August, 1893, to March, 1895." Vol. 28, 8°. Washington, 1895, p. 608. In "Copyright enactments, 1783- 1900." 8°. Washington, 1900. (Copy- right Office Bulletin, No. 3), p. 60. See Chronological Record, p. 327. (20) Providing that no Government publication shall be copyrighted. Penalties for /c5'p5 {March 2). — An Act to amend section forty-nine pVo'toT^ra"ph°s^^""^^^^ ^^^ sixty-fivc, chaptcr three, title sixty, of the and original Revi.sed Statutcs of the United States, relating to copy- ^°^ ^° rights. (Approved, March 2, 1895. 53d Cong., 3d sess., chap. 194.) In " The Statutes at large of the United States of America, from August, 1883, to March, 1895." Vol. 28, 8°. Washington, 1895, p. 965. In " Cop^^right enactments, 1783-1900." 8°. Washington, 1900. (Copj-right Office Bulletin, No. 3), pp. 60-61. See Bibliography, I. Bills, nos. 143-145; Chronological Record, pp. 332-334. (21) Amending section 4965 of the Revised Statutes, imposing penalties in the case of infringement of photographs and of original works of art. FIFTY-FOURTH CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Penalties for JSpj {January 6). — An Act to amend title sixty, chapter nau t h oriz e < representation unauthorized ^.j^^gg^ of the Rcviscd Statutcs relating to copyrights. (Ap- proved, January 6, 1897. 54th Cong., 2d, chap. 4.) In " The Statutes at large of the United States of America, from December, 1895, to March, 1897." ^o\. 29, 8°. Washington, 1897, PP- 481-482.. In "Copyright enact- ments, 1783-1900." 8°. Washington, 1900. (Copyright Office Bulletin, No. 3), pp. 61-62. See Bibliography, I. Bills, nos. 154, 157, 159, 160; Chronological Record, pp. 336, 337, 338-341- (22) Amending section 4966 of the Revised Statutes, enacting that unauthorized representation, willful and for profit, of any dramatic or musical composition, is a misdemeanor, punishable by imprisonment. Register of iSgj {February /p). — An Act making appropriations for copyrights ^j^^ legislative, executive, and judicial expenses of the Bibliography^ IV. Lazvs 93 Government for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, and for other purposes. (Approved, February 19, 1897. 54th Cong., 2d sess., chap. 265. — Copyright Department.) In "The Statutes at large of the United States of America, from December, 1895, to March, 1897." Vol. 29, 8°. Washington, 1897, p. 545. In "Copyright enactments, 1783- 1900." 8°. Washington, 1900. (Copyright OflBce Bulletin, No. 3), pp. 62-63. See Chronological Record, p. 341. (23; Amending section 4948 of the Revised Statutes, providing for the appointment of a Register of Copyrights, "who shall, under the direction and supervision of the Librarian of Congress, perform all the duties relating to copyrights," etc. i8gy {March j). — An Act to amend title sixty, chapter False claim of three, of the Revised Statutes, relating to copyrights, "^"p^"^- ' (Approved March 3, 1897. 54th Cong., 2d sess., chap. 392.) In "The Statutes at large of the United States of America, from December, 1895, to March, 1897." Vol. 29, 8°. Washington, 1897, PP- 694-695. In "Copyright enactments, 1 783-1 goo." 8°. Washington, 1900. (Cop}-- right Office Bulletin, No. 3), pp. 63-64. See Bibliography. I. Bills, nos. 163, 165-167; Chronological Record, pp. 342-344- ^24 ) Amending section 4963 of the Revised Statutes, providing penalty for printing false claim of copyright and prohibiting the importation of articles bearing false claim of copyright. FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION 1904. {January y). — An Act to afford protection to exhib- interim copy- itors of foreign literary, artistic, or musical works at the"na Purchase Louisiana Purchase Exposition. (Approved January 7, Exposition 1904. 58th Cong., 2d sess., public No. 2.) See Bibli- ography, I. Bills, no. 205; Chronological Record, pp. 369, 370-373- (25j (b) Private Lazes TWENTIETH CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION 1828 ( May 24). — An Act to continue a cop^'right to John Relief of j: ' Rowlett Rowlett. ( Approved May 24, 1828. 20th Cong., ist sess., chap. 145.) In "The Public statutes at large of the 94 Copyright in Congress^ ^7^9 ^o 190^ United States of America, from the organization of the government, in 17S9, to March 3, 1845. Edited by Richard Peters." Vol. 6, 8°. Boston, 1846, pp. 389-390. In "Copyright enactments, 1 783-1900." 8°. Washington, 1900. (Copj'right Office Bulletin, No. 3 J, pp. 64-65. vSee Bibliography, I. Bills, no. 13; Chronological Record, pp. 137-139- ^26) TWENTY-FIRST CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Relief of J: i8jo {February 11). — An Act to amend "An act to con- Rowiett tinue a copy-right to John Rowlett." (Approved Febru- ary II, 1830. 2ist Cong., ist sess., chap. 13.) In "The Public statutes at large of the United States of America, from the organization of the government in 1789 to March 3, 1843. Edited by Richard Peters." Vol. 6, 8°. Boston, 1846, p. 403. In "Copyright enactments, 1783-1900." 8°. Washington, 1900. (Copyright Office Bulletin, No. 3), p. 65. See Bibliography, I. Bills, no. 15; Chronological Record, pp. 140-142. (27) TWENTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS, THIRD .SESSION Relief of J: 184.3 {March j^. — An Act supplemental to the act of the °^ ^ 24th May, 1828, to continue a copyright to John Rowlett. (Approved March 3, 1843. 27th Cong., 3d sess., chap. 140.) In "The Public statutes at large of the United States of America, from the organization of the government in 1789 to March 3, 1845. Edited by Richard Peters." Vol. 6, 8°. Bo.ston, 1846, p. 897. In "Copyright enact- ments, 1 783-1900." 8°. Washington, 1900. (Copyright Office Bulletin, No. 3), pp. 65-66. See Bibliography, I. Bills, no. 29; Chronological Record, pp. 161-163. (28) THIRTIETH CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Relief of Levi jg^^ {February 19). — An Act for the relief of Levi H. Corson, and for other purposes. (Approved February 19, 1849. 30th Cong., 2d sess., chap. 52. j In "The Statutes at large and treaties of the United States of America, from December i, 1845, to March 3, 1851. Edited by George Minot." Vol. 9, 8°. Boston, 1851, p. 763. See Bibli- ography, I. Bills, no. 33; Chronological Record, pp. 167-169. (29) Bibliography^ IV. Laws 95 THIRTY-THIRD CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION iS^i). {August 2). — An Act for the purchase of the copy- Relief of se- right of a work pubhshed by Thomas H. Sumner, wherein he describes his new method of ascertaining a ship's posi- tion at sea. (Approved August 2, 1854. 33d Cong., ist sess., chap. 187.) In "The Statutes at large and treaties of the United States of America, from December i, 1 851, to March 3, 1855. Edited by George Minot." Vol. 10, 8°. Boston, 1855, p. 810. See Bibliography, I. Bills, nos. 36, 37; Chronological Record, pp. 172-176. (30) THIRTY-FIFTH CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION 1859 {January 2§). — An Act for the relief of Mistress Relief of Mrs. H: F craft Henry R. Schoolcraft. (Approved January 25, 1859. 35th ^= ^- ^^^°°' Cong., 2d sess., chap. 16.) In "The Statutes at large and treaties of the United States of America, from December 3, 1855, to March 3, 1859. Edited by George Minot and George P. Sanger." Vol. 11,8°. Boston, 1859, pp. 557-558. See Bibliography, I. Bills, no. 42; Chronological Record, pp. 180-181. (31) THIRTY-NINTH CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION. 1866 {May 24). — An Act for the relief of Mrs. Wilhani Relief of Mrs. L. Herndon. (Approved May 24, 1866. 39th Cong., ist sess., chap. 99.) In "The Statutes at large of the United States of America, from December, 1865, to March, 1867. Edited by George P. Sanger." Vol. 14, 8°. Boston, 1868, p. 587. See Bibliography, I. Bills, no. 50; Chronological Record, pp. 188-191. (32) FORTY-THIRD CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION 1874. {June 2j). — An Act for the relief of William Tod Relief of w: Helmuth, of New York. (Approved June 23, 1874. 43d 'r°'i "^"""^'^ Cong., ist sess., chap. 534.) In "The Statutes at large of the United States, from December, 1873, to March, 1875." Vol. 18, part 3, 8°. Washington, 1875, p. 618. In " Copy- right enactments, 1783-1900." 8°. Washington, 1900. (Copyright Office Bulletin, No. 3), pp. 66-67. See Bibli- ography, I, Bills, no. 78; Chronological Record, pp. 213-214, 216-217. (33) 96 Copyright in Congress^ ^7^9 to 190^ FIFTY-FIFTH COXGRESS, SECOND SESSION Relief of jud- 1898 (February ij). — An Act for the relief of Judson son Jones joncs. (Approved February 17, 1898. 55th Cong., 2d sess., chap. 29.) In "The Statutes at large of the United States of America, from March, 1897, to March, 1899." Vol. 30, 8°. Washington, 1899, p. 1396. In " Copj-right enactments, 1783- 1900." S°. Washington, 1900. T Copy- right Office Bulletin, No. 3), p. 67. See Bibliography, I. Bills, nos. 171, 174, 181; Chronological Record, pp. 345, 346. 348-349- '34) \'. Petitions, Memorials, Messages, and Miscella- neous Printed Copyright Documents FIRST congress, SECOND SESSION Speech of Pres- ijQo ( January 8). — Speech of the President of the United idem Washing- g^^^^^ [George Washington] to both Houses of Congress. ton 2d session of ist Congress. Printed, 4 pp., in "State papers and publick documents of the United States." 2d ed. Vol.1, 8°. Boston, 18 1 7, pp. 13-16. In "A Compilation of the messages and papers of the Presidents. 1 789-1897. By James D. Richardson." Vol. i. 8°. Washington, 1896, pp. 65-67. (House miscellaneous documents, 2d sess. of 53d Cong. Vol. 37.) (Contains paragraph on the promotion of science and literature, p. 15.) (1) TWENTY-FOURTH CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION PetitionofBrit- jgj-j {February 2). — Petition of Thomas Moore and [55] *Feb. 2! 1837 r"^^ other authors of Great Britain, praying Congress to grant to them the exclusive benefit of their writings within the United States. Printed, 4 pp., in "Public documents printed by order of the Senate of the United States, 2d ses- sion of the 24th Congress, begun and held at the city of Washington, December 5, 1836." Vol. 2, 8°. Washing- ton, 1837, doc. no. 134. (2) Memorial of jgjy {February ^). — Memorial of a number of citizens of citizens of U. S. ,.,.,_. . , rii i^ the United States, praying an alteration of the law regulat- ing copyrights. Printed, 2 pp., in "Public documents printed by order of the Senate of the United States, 2d ses- Bibliography^ I ' Miscellaneous Documents 97 sion of the 24111 Congress, begun and held at the city of Washington, December 5. 1836." Vol. 2, 8°. Washing- ton, 1837, doc. no. 141. (3j i8:i7 {February i:t'). — Address of certain authors of Great AddressofBrit- \. • r 1 TT • 1 cA ish authors Britain to the House of Representatives of the United States (peb. 13, 1837) in Congress assembled. Printed, 4 pp. , in [Executive doc- uments of the House of Representatives, 2d session of 24th Congress. Vol. 4, 8°. Washington, 1837] , doc. no. 162. (^) Note. — This address is the same as the petition presented to the Senate on February 2, 1837, both of which were signed by the follow- ing English authors: Charles Babbage, Joanna Baillie, Sir Charles Bell; Lucien Bonaparte, Prince de Canino; John Bostock, William Buckland; William Henry Lytton Earle Bulwer, baron Bailing and Bulwer; Edward George Earle Lytton Bulwer-Lytton, ist baron Lyt- ton; Thomas Campbell, Thomas Carlyle, John Hobart Caunter, Thomas Chalmers, Henry Fothergill Chorley, Allan Cunningham; Benjamin Disraeli, Earl oi Beaconsfield ; Isaac Disraeli, Maria Edgeworth; IMaria Dundas Graham, Lady Callcott; Gerald Griffin, Thomas Shuttleworth Grimshawe, Anna Maria Fielding Hall, vSamuel Carter Hall, Henry Hallam, Abraham Hayward, Mary Botham Howitt, William Howitt, George Payne Rainsford James, Thomas Keightley, William Kirby, Edmund Lodge, John Claudius Loudon, Sir Charles Lyell, Charles Macfarlane, Anne Caldwell Marsh, Harriet Martineau, Henry Hart Milman, Mary Russell Mitford, James Glontgomery, Thomas Moore, Sir Roderick Impey Murchison, Amelia Alderson Opie, Julia Pardoe, John Phillips Potter; Marguerite Power, Countess of Blessington; William Prout, Samuel Rogers, Peter INIark Roget, George Skinner, Mary Fairfax Somerville, Robert Southey, Lady Emmeline Charlotte Elizabeth Stuart- Wortley, Edward Tagart, Sir Thomas Noon Talfourd; Sir Grenvile Temple, bart.; Robert Vaughan, William Whewell, Charles White. This address is reprinted, with remarks upon the dif- ferent paragraphs, in " Remarks on literary property. By Phihp H. Nicklin." 16°. Philadelphia, 1S38, pp. 13-26. Also in the " Congres- sional Record," 50th Cong., ist sess., v. 19, pt. 4, 4°. Washington, 1888, p. 3241. i8j7 {February 20). — Memorial of G. Furman and other Memorial of g. public writers, praying the passage of an international ^'^^^^ ^therT^" ^"'^ of copyright. Printed, 3 pp., in "Public documents printed by order of the Senate of the United States, 2d ses- sion of the 24th Congress, begun and held at the city of Washington, December 5, 1836." Vol. 2, 8°. Washing- ton, 1837, doc. no. 192. (5) iS^7 (February 20). — Petition of the professors of the Petition of ^' ^ ' . . professors of University of Virginia, praying an alteration of the laws university of respecting copyrights. Printed, 3 pp., in "Public docu- '^■'■e'"'* 1 0469- -No. 8 — 05 7 98 Copyrii^Jit ni Cojigrrss, lySp to 1904 ments printed by order of the Senate of the United States, 2d session of the 24th Congress, begun and held at the citj- of Washington, December 5, 1836." \o\. 2, 8°. Wash- ington, 1837, doc. no. 193. (6) TWENTY- FIFTH CONGRESS, SECOND SE.SSION Memorials of i8j8 ( January i§ ). — Memorial of a number of citizens of citizens of Phil- t-,, -i i i i • " • . .1 r adeiphia Philadelphia against the passage of an international copy- right law. Printed, 4 pp., in "Public documents printed by order of the Senate of the United States, 2d session of the 25th Congress, begun and held at the city of Washing- ton, December 4, 1837." "^^ol- 2, 8°. Washington, 1838, doc. no. 102. ( 1) i8j8 {Januajy /j). — Pennsylvania. Memorial of inhab- itants of Philadelphia against an international copyright law. Printed, 4 pp., in [Executive documents of the House of Representatives. 2d session of 25th Congress. Vol. 5, 8°. Washington, 1838], doc. no. 117. (8) TyTorr°ajrhica°f '^^8 {February 7? ).— Memorial of the Columbia Typo- societies graphical Society of the city of Washington against the enactment of an international copyright law. Printed, i p., in "Public documents printed by order of the Senate of the United States, 2d session of the 25th Congress, begun and held at the city of Washington, December 4, 1837." Vol. 3, 8°. Washington, 1838, doc. no. 190. (9) 1838 {March ij). — Memorial of the New York Typo- graphical Society against the passage of an international copyright law. Printed, 5 pp., in "Public documents printed by order of the Senate of the United States, 2d ses- sion of the 25th Congress, begun and held at the city of Wa.shington, December 4, 1837." Vol. 4, 8°. Washing- ton, 1838, doc. no. 296. (10) Memorials of j^jg {MarcJi lo). — Memorial of Peter S. Du Ponceau and P: S. Du Pon- , . ^ others praying Congress to appoint committees of inquiry on the subject of copyright, and to await their report before acting on the subject. Printed, 2 pp., in "Public docu- ments printed by order of the Senate of the United vStates, 2d session of the 25th Congress, begun and held at the city of Washington, December, 4, 1837." "^ol- 4. 8°. Wash- ington, 1838, doc. no. 309. (11) 1838 {March ig). — Petition of Peter S. Du Ponceau and ceau citizens of Bos- ton Bibliography^ I '. AIisccUa)icoHs Dociinictits 99 fort^'-eight others, citizens of Philadelphia, against the inter- national copyright law. Printed, 2 pp., in [Executive documents of the House of Representatives. 2d session of the 25th Congress. Vol. 8, 8°. Washington, 1838], doc. no. 260. (Same as Senate memorial [25th Cong., 2d sess., V. 4, no. 309,] except that the name of Jacob K. Switz is substituted for that of Jacob R. Amett.) (12) 18 j8 {April 10). — Memorial of Richard Penn Smith and Memorial of others against the passage of the bill (S. bill no. 32, 2d others ""'* sess. of 25th Cong. ) to establish an international copyright law. Printed, 4 pp. , in " Public documents printed by order of the Senate of the United States, 2d session of the 25tli Congress, begun and held at the city of Washington, De- cember 4, 1837." Vol. 4, 8°. Washington, 1838, doc. no. 369- (13) i8j8 {April 16). — Memorial of the book-sellers of Boston, Memorials of Mass., against the passage of the international copyright law. Printed, 2 pp., in [Executive documents of the House of Representatives. 2d session of the 25th Con- gress. Vol. 10, 8°. Washington, 1838], doc. no. 340. (14) r8j8 {April 24). — Memorial of a number of citizens of Boston praying the passage of an international copyright law. Printed, 4 pp., in "Public documents printed by order of the Senate of the United States, 2d session of the 25th Congress, begun and held at the city of Washington, December 4, 1837." Vol. 5, 8°. Washington, 1838, doc. no. 398. (15) j:8j8 {April 2^). — Memorial of a number of citizens of Memorial of New York praying the passage of an international copyright yo'/k"^ ° ^"^ law. Printed, 8 pp., in "Public documents printed by order of the Senate of the United States, 2d session of the 25th Congress, begun and held at the city of Washington, December 4, 1837." Vol. 5, 8°. Wa.shington, 1838, doc. no. 399. (Same as Senate doc. no. 398, 2d sess. of 25th Cong., but with different list of signatures.) (16) 1838 {April 24). — Memorial of a number of citizens of Memorials of -ni -1 J 1 1 • • i !• • -I citizens of Phil- Philadelphia praying the pa.s.sage of an international copy- adeiphia right law. Printed, 3 pp., in " Public documents printed by order of the Senate of the United States, 2d session of loo Copyright in Congress^ ^7^9 to igojf. the 25th Congress, begun and held at the city of Washing- ton, December 4, 1837." Vol. 5, 8°. Washington, 1838, doc. no. 400. (17) r8j8 {May 21). — Citizens of Philadelphia, etc. Memo- rial of citizens of the United States, principally resident in Philadelphia, asking for the extension of the advantage of copyright to all native or foreign residents or nonresidents. Printed, 3 pp., in [Executive documents of the House of Representatives. 2d session of the 25th Congress. Yo\. 10, 8°. Washington. 1838], doc. no. 383. (Same as Senate doc. 398, 2d sess. , of 25th Cong., without the signa- tures.) (18) Remonstrance jg^g ( hinc d) . — Massacliusctts, Inhabitants of. Remon- of inhabitants of . . . . Massachusetts straucc of uiliabitants of Massachusetts against the pas.sage of an international copyright law. Printed, 3 pp., in [Execu- tive documents of the House of Representatives. 2d .session of the 25th Congress. Vol. 10, 8°. Washington, 1838], doc. no. 416. (19) Memorial of J: ^g^ (Jiuu c?) .—Memorial of John A. Brevoort and O. S. A. Brevoort and ^ \J -' J o. s. Fowler Fowlcr, praying an extension of the l^enefits of copyright and patent laws to artists engaged in taking busts, castings, and modelings in plaster, porcelain, &c. Printed, i p., in ' ' Public documents printed b)- order of the Senate of the United States, 2d session of the 25th Congress, begun and held at the cit}- of Washington, December 4, 1837." Vol. 6, 8°. Washington, 1838, doc. no. 475. (20) TWENTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Message of fg^2 {April p). — International copyright. Message from President Tyler the President of the United States [John Tyler] transmitting the correspondence between the Governments of the United States and Great Britain in relation to the international law of copyright. Printed, 4 pp., in [Executive documents of the House of Representatives. 2d session of 27th Congress. Vol. 4, 8°. Washington, 1837], doc. no. 187. In"ACom- pilation of the messages and papers of the Presidents. 1789-1897. By James D. Richardson." Vol. 4, 8°. Wash- ington, 1897, P- ^50- (House miscellaneous documents. 2d sess. of 53d Cong. Vol. 37.) (21) Bibliography^ V. Miscellaneous Documents loi i8j.2 ( June /?). — Memorial of a number of persons con- Memorial of ^ -^ '^ ^ . . ^ printers and cerned in printing and publishing, praying an alteration in publishers the mode of levying duties on certain books, and remon- strating against the enactment of an international copy- right law. Printed, 4 pp. , in [Public documents printed by order of the Senate of the United States, 2d .ses.sion of the 27th Congress, begun and held at the city of Washington, December 6, 1841. Vol. 4, 8°. Washington, 1842], doc. no. 323. . (22) TWENTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION 18^3 {December 16). — Copyrights: Memorial of citizens Memorial of of the United States for an international copyright law. united states Printed, 3 pp. , in [Executiv^e documents of the House of Representatives. session of the 28th Congress. Vol. i, 8°. Washington, 1844], doc. no. 10. The same, reprinted in " Miscellaneous documents printed by order of the House of Representatives during the ist session of the 30th Congress, begun and held at the city of Washington, December 2, 1847." 8°. Washington, 1848, doc. no. 76, pp. 13-15. (23) 184.4. {Jajiiiary /j). — Memorial of Nahum Capen, of Memorial of . Nahum Capen Boston, Mass., on the .subject of international copyright. Printed, 10 pp., in [Executive documents of the House of Representatives, ist session of the 28th Congress. Vol. 3, 8°. Washington, 1844], doc. no. 61. (24) THIRTIETH CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION 1848 (March 22). — International Copyright. Memorials Memorials of of John Jay and of William C. Bryant and others, in i^-^ox^^^l^^^^''^' of an international copyright law. Printed, 33 pp., in " Miscellaneous documents printed by order of the House of Representatives during the ist session of the 30th Con- gress, begun and held at the city of Washington, December 2, 1847." 8°. Washington, 1848, doc. no. 76. (25) Contains. — John Jay's memorial. New York, March 18, 1848, pp. 1-13. Appendix A : Memorial of citizens of the United States for an international copyright law {i. e.. Executive documents of the House of Representatives, 28th Cong., ist .sess., no. 10), pp. 13-15. Appen- dix B: Catalogue of American books published in Great Britain, pp. 16-31. Memorials of W. C. Bryant and others, pp. 32-33. Note. — Reprinted in the "Congressional Record," 50th Congress, 1st session, Vol. 19, pt. 4, 4°. \Va.shington, 188S, pp. 3237-3239. I02 Copyright in Congress^ ^7^9 to 190^ THIRTY-SECOND CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Petition of 18^2 {Juh iQ). — [Petition of Washington Irving, James Washington Ir- ^ . ' . . n t-. • i • i ving, and others I'enimore Looper, and others.] Printed without signatures, in the "Congressional Globe, new series, containing the debates, proceedings, and laws of the ist session of the 32d Congress." Vol. 24, pt. 3, 4°. Washington, 1852, p. 1832. (26) THIRTY-SECOND CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Petition of se- ^^j^ (December 14). — Petition of Selina C. Sumner, lina C. Sumner . .. ... -,,. praying a gratuity 111 consideration or the discovery by her husband, Thomas H. Sumner, of a new method of finding a ship's position at .sea. Printed, 8 pp., in "Miscellaneous documents printed by order of the Senate of the United States during the 2d session of the 32d Congress, 1 852-' 53. ' " 8°. Washington, 1853, doc. no. 3. (27) Message of ^^^53 (February i8). — Message from the President of the President Fill- United States [Millard Fillmore] . transmitting, with a view more j o to its ratification, a convention concluded between the United States and Great Britain for the establishment of interna- tional copyright. In "A Compilation of the messages and papers of the Presidents. 1 789-1 897. By James D. Rich- ardson." Vol. 5, 8°. Washington, 1898, p. 189. (House miscellaneous documents, 2d of 53d Cong., vol. 37.) (28) THIRTY-THIRD CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Message of ^8^4 (February 2j). — Message from the President of the President United States [Franklin Pierce] , transmitting, with a view to ratification, an additional article to the convention for the establishment of international copyright between the United States of America and Her Britannic Majesty. In "A Compilation of the messages and papers of the Presidents, 1789-1897. By James D. Richardson." Vol. 5, 8°. Washington, 1898, pp. 230-231. (House miscellaneous documents, 2d sess. of 53d Cong. Vol. 37.) (29) FORTY-SECOND CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Speech of ste- ^^-^ (March 2j). — International copyright. Speech of venson Archer, *, . r,,ii-,TT r jr. Hon. Stevenson Archer, jr., of Maryland, m the House or Representatives, Saturday, March 23, 1872, on the bill Bibliography, I '. Miscc/lancons Documents 103 (H. R. 470;. Printed in "The Congressional Globe, con- taining the debates and proceedings of the 2d session, 42d Congress." Pt. 3, 4°. Washington, 1872, pp. I93i-i935- (30) 1872 04/^// zj).— International copyright. Speech of g^Speechofj.B. Hon. J. B. Storm, of Pennsylvania, in the House of Repre- sentatives, Saturday, April 13, 1872, on the bill ( H. R. 470). Printed in the ' ' Congressional Globe, containing the debates and proceedings of the 2d session, 42d Congress." Pt. 3, 4°. Washington, 1872, pp. 2410-2412. (31) FORTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION 1881 (December 6^. — Message of the President [Chester Message of . , , XT c r\ President Ar- A. Arthur] , communicated to the two Houses of Congress, ^^^^ ist session of the 47th Congress. In ' ' Executive documents of the House of Representatives for the ist session of the 47th Congress." Vol. i, 8°. Washington, 1882, doc. no. I, pp. i-xxxii. In "A Compilation of the messages and papers of the Presidents. 1 789-1897. By James D. Rich- ardson." Vol. 8, 8°. Washington, 1898, pp. 37-65- (House, miscellaneous documents, 2d sess. of 53d Cong. Vol. 37.) (Contains paragraph relating to negotiations for an international copyright convention, p. iv.) (32) FORTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION i88d (February /8 {^January 2o) . — Copyright entries. Letter from the Ucations* ^^ 'Librarian of Congress, transmitting the annual report of the number and description of copyright publications for which entries have been made during the year. Printed, 2 pp., in [ miscellaneous documents. 2d session of the 55th Congress. Vol. 51, 8°. Washington, 1898], doc. no. 239. (62) FIFTY-SIXTH CONGRESS, FIRvST SESSION Copyright of- jgoo {May lo). — Copyright enactments, 1783-1900; fice bulletin, no. .. , ., ,. c ■> ^ ■> • ■> r^ 3 comprisnig the copyright resolution of the Colonial Con- gress, 1783; the copyright laws of the original States, 1783-1786; the constitutional provision concerning cop3'- right legislation, and the public and private copyright laws enacted by Congress from 1790 to 1900, together with the Presidential proclamations regarding international copyright. Compiled by Thorvald Solberg. 83 pp. 8°. Wa.shington, Government Printing Office, 1900. (63) Note. — Presented to Congress on I\Iay 10, 1900, see Chronological Record, p. 354. FIFTY-SIXTH CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Report of c. jg^j {January 12). — A report on the effect of the inter- D. Wright, . •' -^ ^ Commissioner national Copyright law in the United States. Made in com- of Labor pliance with the resolution of the United States Senate of Bibliography^ V. Miscellaneous Docunic7its 1 1 1 January 23, 1900. By Carroll D. Wright. Printed, 99 pp. 8°. Washington, Government printing office, 1901. In [Senate documents. 2d session of 56th Congress. Vol. 5, 8°. Washington, 1901], doc. no. 87. (64) FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION 1 90 J {December S). — Report on copyright legislation by Report on the Register of Copyrights [Thorvald Solberg]. 159 pp. |^°t^o"^^^ '^^'^" 8°. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1904. (65j Contents. — Report on present legislation and need for revision, pp. 7-32. Appendix A. — List of all United States copyright enact- ments, 1783-1904, pp. 33-42. Appendix B. — The Revised Statutes, title 60, chapter 3 relating to copyright, with notations of provisions of the act of July 8, 1870, and all subsequent enactments, pp. 43-82. Appendix C. — Bibliographical list of foreign copyright laws in force, pp. 83-159. Note. — This report formed Part III of the Annual Report of the Librarian of Congress which was presented to Congress on December 8, 1903, and printed as Senate document no. 10, pp. 437-600. /po/ {Jajmary 18). — The public printing. Letter from Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, directing attention to certain f;^"""^^"/^"^*^^ suggestions and recommendations relating to proposed changes in the law governing the public printing. Printed, 9 pp., 8°. 2d session of the 58th Congress, H. R. doc. no. 420. (66) Contents.— I. Letter from Leslie M. Shaw, Secretary of the Treas- ury, January 16, 1904. 2. Letter from J. J. Couch, deputy collector of customs, New York, February 6, 1903. 3. Memorandum from Thorvald Solberg, Register of Copyrights, January 11, 1904. All relate to the publication of the Catalogue of Copyright Entries. CHRONOLOGICAL RECORD COMPILED FROM THE OFFICIAL JOURNALS OF CONGRESS, 1 789-1 904. 1ST CONGRESS, FIRST CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION 1ST SESSION Petition of /ySp (ApHl i^) ^ Wednesday . House of Representatives. — A petition of David Ramsay, of the State of vSonth Carolina, was presented to the House and read, setting forth that he has at a great expense of time and money, pubHshed a book, entitled ' ' The History of the Revolution of South Carolina, from a British Province to an Independent State; " that he has also prepared, and purposes shortly to publish another book, under the title of the ' ' History of the American Revolu- tion," and praying that a law may pass for securing to the petitioner, his heirs and assigns, for a certain term of years, the sole and exclusive right of vending and disposing of the said books within the United States .... Ordered, That the said petitions be referred to a committee of three, and that Mr. Tucker, Mr. White, and Mr. Huntington, be the said committee. (Journal of the House of Representatives, ist sess. of ist Cong. 8°. Wa.shingtou, 1826, p. 14). 1789 {April 16), Thursday. Se7iate. — The petition of David Ramsay, that a law might pass, securing to him and his heirs an exclusive right of vending, etc. , his ' ' History of the American Revolution," was read. (Journal of the Senate, ist sess. of ist Cong. 8°. Washington, 1820, P- 13)- 178^ {April 20^, Monday. House of Representatives. — Mr. Tucker reported from the committee to whom was referred the petitions of . . . and David Ramsay, that the committee had, according to order, had the .said petitions under their consideration, and agreed to a report thereupon, which he delivered in at the Clerk's table, where the same was twice read, and debated by clauses The third clause, in the words following, to wit: "On the subject of (112) CJironological Record^ lySp 113 the petition of Doctor David Ramsa}', your committee report istcongress. it as their opinion, that a law should pass to secure to him the exclusive right of publishing and vending, for a term of years, the two works mentioned in the petition," was read, and, on the question put thereupon, agreed to by the House. On motion, Ordered, That a bill or bills be brought in, mak- ing a general provision for securing to authors and inventors the exclusive right of their respective writings and discov- eries, and that Mr. Huntington, Mr. Cadwalader, and Mr. Contee, do prepare and bring in the same. (Journal of the House of Representatives, istsess. of ist Cong. 8°. Wash- ington, 1826, p. 18.) See Bibliography, II. Reports no. i. lySp {May 12), Tuesday. House 0/ Representatives. — Petition of je- The Speaker laid before the the petition of Jedidiah '^''^'^'' "^""^ Morse, .stating that he has, at great labor, expense, and risque, compiled and published a geographical and histor- ical of the United States, entitled "The American Geography, or a View of the present Situation of the United States of America," embellished and illustrated with two original maps, and praying that an exclusive right may be secured to him, of publishing the same for a limited time. (Journal of the of Representatives, ist sess. of ist Cong. 8°. Washington, 1826, p. 33.) ijSp (May z^), Thursday. House of Representatives. — Ordered, That the petition of Jedidiah Morse, which lay on the table, be referred to Mr. Huntington, Mr. Cadwalader, and Mr. Contee; that they do examine the matter thereof, and report the same, with their opinion thereupon, to the House. (Journal of the House of Representatives, ist .sess. of ist Cong. 8°. Washington, 1826, p. 35.) 1789 {June 8), Monday. House of Representatives. — A Petition of petition of Nicholas Pike, of Newburyport, in the State of Ma.s.sachu.setts, was presented to the House, and read, pray- ing that an exclusive privilege may be granted him for a limited time, in the publication of a work which he had lately written, entitled "A new and complete System of Arithmetic. ' ' Ordered, That the .said petition be referred to Mr. Huntington, Mr. Cadwalader, and Mr. Contee; that they do examine the matter thereof, and report the same, with their opinion thereupon, to the House. (Journal of 10469 — No. 8 — 05 8 114 Copy rig Jit in Congress^ ^7^9 ^^ ^9^4 isr CONGRESS, ).j^g jjQ^^j^g of Representatives, ist sess. of ist Consf. 8°. 1ST SESSION' Washington, 1826. p. 46.) H. R. bill, no. i-jSg {June 2j), Tuesday . Hoiise of Representatives. — Mr. Huntington, from the committee appointed, presented, according to order, a bill to promote the progress of science and useful arts, by securing to authors and inventors the exclusive right to their respective writings and discoveries; which was received, and read the first time. ( Journal of the House of Representatives, ist sess. of ist Cong. 8°. Washington, 1826, p. 52). See Bibliography, I. Bills, no. i. lySp {June 2^), Wednesday. House of Representatives. — A bill to promote the progress of science and useful arts b}- securing to authors and inventors the exclusive right to their respective writings and discoveries, was read the second time and ordered to be committed to a Committee of the Whole House on Monday se'nnight. (Journal of the House of Representatives, ist sess. of ist Cong. 8°. Washing- ton, 1826, p. 52.) 1789 {July 6, Monday, to August i^, Saturday ) . House of Representatives . — The order of the day for the House to resolve itself into a Committee of the Whole House on the bill to promote the progress of science and useful arts b}- securing to authors and inventors the exclusive right to their respective writings and discoveries, was read and post- poned [from day today until August 15]. (Journal of the House of Representatives, ist sess. of ist Cong. 8°. Washington, 1826, pp. 58, 59, 61, 62. 63, 70, 71, 72, 73, 79, 80.) Petition of ijSg { July 22) , Wednesday. House of Representatives. — Hannah Adams . . . r tt i \ i • i i • A petition or Hannah Adams, praying that an exclusive privilege may be granted her for a limited time to publish and vend a work w^hich she has compiled, entitled "An alphabetical compendium of the various sects which have appeared in the world from the beginning of the Christian era to the present day, with an appendix, containing a brief account of the different schemes of religion now embraced among mankind ' ' [was presented to the House, with others, and read] : Ordered, That the said petitions do lie on the table. (Journal of the House of Representatives, ist sess. of ist Cong. 8°. Washington, 1826, p. 64.) Chronological Reco7^d^ ijpo 115 /•/Sg {August ly), Monday. House of RcprcseJitatives. — ist congress, r^ -1 1 r , " 1 r , -TT , IST SESSION On motion, the order of the da}- for the House to resolve itself into a Committee of the Whole House on the bill to promote the progress of science and useful arts, by securing to authors and inventors the exclusive right to their respec- tive writings and discoveries, was postponed until the next session of Congress. (Journal of the House of Representa- tives, ist sess. of ist Cong., 8°. Washington, 1826, p. 80.) FIRST CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION 1790 {January 8), Friday. Senate. — The Senate assem- President bled: present as yesterday. Ordered, That the House of a^drlsl"^*"" ^ Representatives be informed that the Senate are ready to meet them in the Senate Chamber, to receive any communi- cation the President of the United States may be pleased to make to the two Houses of Congress; and that the usual seats will be assigned them. The House of Representatives having accordingly taken their seats, the President of the United States came into the Senate Chamber, and addressed both Houses of Congress as followeth: ''Fellow Citizens of the Senate and Hoiise of Representatives: . . . Nor am I less persuaded that you wall agree with me in opinion, that there is nothing which can better deserve your patronage than the promotion of science and literature. Knowledge is, in every country, the surest basis of public happiness. In one in which the measures of government receive their impres- sion so immediately from the sense of the community as in ours, it is proportionably es.sential. To the security of a free constitution it contributes in various ways: By convinc- ing those who are intrusted with the public administration that every valuable end of government is best answered by the enlightened confidence of the public; and by teaching the people themselves to know and to value their own rights; to discern and provide against invasions of them; to dis- tinguish between oppression and the necessary exercise of lawful authority; between burthens proceeding from a dis- regard to their convenience, and those resulting from the inevitable exigencies of society; to discriminate the spirit of liberty from that of licentiousness, cherishing the first, avoiding the last, and uniting a speedy but temperate vigi- ii6 Copyright in Congress^ 1789 to 1904 isTcoNGREss, lancc agalnst encroachments, with an inviolable respect to the laws. Whether this desirable object will be best pro- moted by afiFording aids to seminaries of learning already established, by the institution of a national university, or by any other expedients, will be well worthy of a place in the deliberations of the legislature . . . George Washing- ton, United States, January 8, 1790." The President of the United States having retired, and the two Houses being separated: Ordered, That Messrs. King, Izard, and Pater- son, be a committee to prepare and report the draft of an address to the President of the United States, in answer to his speech delivered this day to both Houses of Congress in the Senate Chamber. (Journal of the Senate, 2d sess. of ist Cong., 8°. Washington, 1820, pp. 102, 103, 104; State papers and publick documents of the United States, 2d ed., V. I, 8°. Boston, 1817, p. 15.) See Bibliography, V. Mis- cellaneous, no. I. 1790 (y January 8), Friday. House of Represeyitatives. — A message from the Senate, by Mr. Otis, their secretary. Mr. Speaker: . . . The Senate are also now ready in the Senate Chamber to attend this House in receiving the com- munication from the President of the United States. And then he withdrew. Mr. Speaker, attended by the members of this House, then withdrew to the Senate Chamber for the purpose expres.sed in the message from the Senate; and being returned, Mr. Speaker laid before the House a copy of the Speech delivered by the President of the United States to both Houses of Congress, in the Senate Chamber, as followeth: [here follows the identical text given above under Senate for January 8]. On motion, Resolved, That the said Speech be committed to the consideration of a Committee of the Whole to-morrow. (Journal of the House of Representatives, 2d sess. of Cong. 8°. Wash- ington, 1826, pp. 134-136; "State papers and publick docu- ments of the United States," 2d ed., v. i, 8°. Boston, 1817, p. 15.) See Bibliography, V. Miscellaneous, no. i. Note. — On January 9 it was resolved in the Committee of the Whole that an answer should be prepared by the House to the Speech of the President of the United States, and :\Ir. Smith, of vSouth Caro- lina, Mr. Clymer, and Mr. Lawrance were appointed a committee to prepare an address. On January 1 1 Mr. Smith presented the draft of CJironoIogical Record^ lygo 117 the proposed address, which was read and committed to the Conmiit- ist congress; tee of the Whole for the next day. ^^ session lygo {January 11^, Monday. SeJiate. — yix. King, on Answer to behalf of the committee, reported an address to the Presi- dress dent of the United States, in answer to his speech to both Houses of Congress, which, being amended, was adopted as followeth: '"To the Presideiit of the United States: . . . Literature and science are essential to the preservation of a free constitution; the measures of government should, there- fore, be calculated to strengthen the confidence that is due to that important truth ..." (Journal of the Senate, 2d sess. of ist Cong. 8°. Washington, 1820, pp. 104, 105.) lypo {January J i^, Mo7iday. House of Representatives. — Copyright pe- Mr. Boudinot, from the committee appointed [Januarj^ 7] to examine the Journal of the last session, and to report therefrom all such matters of business as were then depend- ing and undetermined, made a report, which was read, and is as followeth: ' ' It appears to your committee that the sev- eral petitions of David Ramsaj^ . . . Jedidiah Morse, . . . Nicholas Pike, . . . Hannah Adams, . . . respectively, praying for exclusive privileges, as authors ... of some useful work . . . were ordered to lie on the table, and so remained during the session ... It also appears to your committee that there were postponed by this Hovise, for further consideration, until the present session, the several bills following, to wit: A bill to promote the progress of science and useful arts, by securing to authors and inventors the exclusive right to their respective writings and discoveries . . . Ordered, That the said report do lie on the table. (Journal of the of Representatives, 2d sess. of I. St Cong. 8°. Washington, 1826, pp. 137, 138.) See Bibliography, II. Reports, no. 2. I y go {January 12), Tuesday. House of Represeyitatives. — Answer to The House, according to the order of the day, resolved itself dress into a committee of the Whole, on the Address to the President of the United vStates, in answer to his Speech to both Hou.sesof Congress. Mr. Speaker left the chair. Mr. Baldwin took the chair of the committee. Mr. Speaker resumed the chair, and Mr. Baldwin reported that the com- mittee had, according to order, had the .said Address under ii8 Copyriglit in Congress^ 17*^9 ^^ ^9^4 1ST CONGRESS, (>Qngj(jgj.atiou, and made no amendment thereto. Resolved 2D SESSIOr^ unanimously , That this House doth agree to the said Address in the words following, to wit: "Sir: . . . We concur with you in the sentiment that . . . the promotion of science and literature will contribute to the security of a free Gov- ernment ; in the progress of our deliberations we shall not lose sight of objects so worth}' of our regard." (Journal of the of Representatives, 2d sess. of Cong. 8°. Washington, 1826, p. 139.) lygo (yjamiary i^), Friday. House of Represeyitatives. — The House, then, according to the .standing order of the day, resolved itself into a Committee of the Whole House on the state of the Union. . . . Mr. Baldwin reported that the committee had, according to order, had the state of the Union under consideration, and had come to a resolution thereupon; which he delivered in at the Clerk's table, where the same was read, and is as followeth: ''Resolved, That it is the opinion of this committee that the several matters rec- ommended by the President of the United States, in his speech to both Houses of Congress, relating to . . . and to the promotion of science and literature, ought severally' to be referred to select committees, to be appointed by the House, to prepare and bring in a bill or bills providing for each particular purpose." (Journal of the House of Rep- resentatives, 2d sess. of Cong. 8°. Washington, 1826, p. 141-) Copyright ijpo {January 2j) , Monday. Ho2ise of Representatives. — committee ap- q^^ niotion, Ordered, That a committee be appointed to pointed ' ' ^^ prepare and bring in a bill or bills, making a general pro- vision for securing to authors and inventors the exclusive right to their respective writings and discoveries; and that Mr. Burke, Mr. Huntington, and Mr. Cadwalader do pre- pare and bring in the .same. (Journal of the of Representatives, 2d .sess. of ist Cong. 8°. Washington, 1826, p. 146.) H. R. bill, no. rjc^o {Jamiary 28 ) , Thursday. House of Representatives. — 39 Mr. Burke, from the committee appointed, presented, accord- ing to order, a bill for securing the copy right of books to authors and proprietors; which was received and read the first time. On motion, Ordered, That it be an instruction Chronological Record^ 1/90 119 to the committee appointed to prepare and bring in a bill or ist congress, , 2D SKSSION bills for securing to authors and inventors an exclusive right to their respective writings and discoveries; that they do insert a clause or clauses for giving effectual encourage- ment to the introduction of useful arts from foreign coun- tries. (Journal of the House of Representatives, 2d sess. of I St Cong. 8°. Washington, 1826, p. 149.) See Bibli- ography, I. Bills, no. 2. ijpo {Jamia)y 2g), Friday. House of Representatives. — A bill for securing the copy-right of books to authors and proprietors was read the second time and ordered to be com- mitted to a Committee of the Whole House on Monday next. (Journal of the House of Representatives, 2d sess. of ist Cong. 8°. Washington, 1826, p. 149. j 1790 {February I )., Monday . House of Representatives. — The House, according to the order of the day, resolved itself into a Committee of the Whole House on the bill for securing the copyright of books to authors and proprie- tors. Mr. Speaker left the chair. Mr. Baldwin took the chair of the committee. Mr. Speaker resumed the chair, and Mr. Baldwin reported that the committee had, accord- ing to order, had the said bill under consideration, and gone through the same, and made several amendments thereto ; which he delivered in at the Clerk's table ; where the same were severally twice read, and agreed to by the House. Ordered, That the said bill, with the amendments, be engrossed, and read the third time to-morrow. (Journal of the House of Representatives, 2d sess. of Cong. 8°. Washington, 1826, p. 150.) I y go {February 2~), Tuesday. House of Representatives. — An engrossed bill for .securing the copy-right of books to authors and proprietors was read the third time, and, on a motion made, ordered to be recommitted to Mr. Boudinot, Mr. Sherman, and Mr. Silvester. (Journal of the of Representatives, 2d of ist Cong. 8°. Washing- ton, 1826, p. 151.) lygo {February ^5), Thursday. House of Representa- h. r. bin, no. tives. — Mr. Boudinot, from the committee to whom the bill'*^ for securing the copy-right of books to authors and pro- prietors, was recommitted, presented an amendatory bill I20 Copyright in Congress^ ^7^9 ^<^ ^904 1ST CONGRESS, fQj. ^\^q. eiicoiiragenient of learning, by securing the copies 2D SESSION of maps, charts, books, and other writings, to the authors and proprietors of such copies during the times therein mentioned ; which was received, and read the first time. (Journal of the House of Representatives, 2d sess. of ist Cong. 8°. Washington, 1826, p. 163.) See Biblio- graphy, I. Bills, no. 3. I /go {February 26), Friday. House of Representatives. — A bill for the encouragement of learning, by securing the copies of maps, charts, books, and other writings, to the authors and proprietors of such copies, during the times therein mentioned, was read the second time, and ordered to be committed to a Committee of the Whole House on Wednesday next. (Journal of the House of Representa- tives, 2d sess. of ist Cong. 8°. Washington, 1826, p. 164.) ijpo (Mare/i J, Wednesday ., to Marcii g, Tuesday^. Honse of Representatives. — The several orders of the day for the House to resolve itself into a Committee of the Whole ... on the bill for the encouragement of learning, by securing the copies of maps, charts, books, and other writings, to the authors and proprietors of such copies, during the times therein mentioned ; was read and postponed [from day to day until March 9] . (Journal of the House of Representatives, 2d sess. of I St Cong. 8°. Washington, 1826, pp. 168, 169, 171, 172.) ij^o {Ajjril 2p), T/iitrsday. House of Representatives. — The House, according to the order of the day, resolved itself into a Committee of the Whole House on the bill for the encouragement of learning, by .securing the copies of maps, charts, books, and other writings to the authors and proprietors of such copies, during the times therein men- tioned. Mr. Speaker left the chair. Mr. Seney took the chair of the committee. Mr. Speaker re.sumed the chair, and Mr. Seney reported that the committee had, according to order, had the said bill under con.sideration, and made several amendments thereto; which he delivered in at the Clerk's table, where the same were .severally twice read, and agreed to by the House. Ordered, That the said bill, with the amendments, be engrossed, and read the third time Chronological Record^ lygo 121 to-morrow. (Journal of the House of Representatives, 2d 'st congress, 2D SESSION sess. of ist Cong. 8°. Washington, 1826, p. 205. ) ijgo {April jo), Friday. House of Representatives. — An engrossed bill for the encouragement of learning, b}- secur- ing the copies of maps, charts, books, and other writings, to the authors and proprietors of such copies, during the times therein mentioned, was read the third time, and the blanks therein filled up. Resolved, That the said bill do pass, and that the title be ' ' An act for the encouragement of learning, by securing the copies of maps, charts, books, and other writings, to the authors and proprietors of such copies, during the times therein mentioned." Ordered, That the Clerk of this House do carry the .said bill to the Senate, and desire their concurrence. (Journal of the House of Representatives, 2d of ist Cong. 8°. Washington, 1826, pp. 205-206.) 1790 {April jo), Friday. Senate. — A message from the of Representatives, by Mr. Beckley, their clerk: Mr. Presideiit: The House of Representatives have passed ... a bill entitled ' ' An act for the encouragement of learning, by securing the copies of maps, charts, books, and other writings, to the authors and proprietors of such copies, during the times therein mentioned;" ... to which they request the concurrence of the Senate . . . And he withdrew. . . . The bill, entitled "An act for the encouragement of learning, by securing the copies of maps, charts, books, and other writings, to the authors and proprietors of such copies, during the times therein men- tioned," was read the first time. Ordered, That this bill have the second reading on Monday next. (Journal of the Senate, 2d .sess. of ist Cong. 8°. Washington, 1820, p. I35-) ijgo {May 4.), Tuesday. Senate. — The Senate proceeded to the second reading of the bill entitled "An act for the encouragement of learning, by securing the copies of maps, charts, books, and other writings, to the authors and pro- prietors of such copies, during the times therein mentioned. ' ' Ordered, That it be committed to Me.ssrs. Read, Paterson, and John.son. (Journal of the Senate, 2d of ist Cong. 8°. Washington, 1820, ]x 137. ' 122 Copyright in Congress^ 17S9 to igo^ ISTCOXGRESS 21) SESSION ijpo {May 12), IVedncsday. KS<'/za/d\ — Mr. Read reported Committee re- from the Committee appointed Ma}' 4 on the bill entitled P"""' "An act for the encouragement of learning, by securing the copies of maps, charts, books, and other writings, to the authors and proprietors of such copies, during the times therein mentioned," the consideration of which report was postponed. (Journal of the Senate, 2d sess. of ist Cong. 8°. Washington, 1820, p. 140.) 1790 {May /j), Thursday. Senate. — The Senate pro- ceeded to consider the report of the committee on the bill entitled "An act for the encouragement of learning, by securing the copies of maps, charts, books, and other writ- ings, to the authors and proprietors of such copies, during the times therein mentioned;" which report was agreed to as amendments to the bill. Ordered, That to-morrow be assigned for the third reading of the bill. (Journal of the Senate, 2d sess. of ist Cong. 8°. Washington, 1820, p. 140.) lypo [May 7^), Friday. Senate. — Agreeably to the order of the da}-, the Senate proceeded to the third reading of the bill entitled "An act for the encouragement of learning, by securing the copies of maps, charts, books, and other writ- ings, to the authors and proprietors of such copies, during the times therein mentioned." Resolved, That this bill do pass, with amendments. Ordered, That a message be sent to the House of Representatives, to request their concur- rence in the amendments. (Journal of the Senate, 2d sess. of ist Cong. 8°. Washington, 1820, p. 140.) IJQO {May i^), Friday. House of Representatives. — A me&sage from the Senate, by Mr. Otis, their secretary: Mr. Speaker: The Senate . . . have also passed the bill en- titled "An act for the encouragement of learning by secur- ing the copyrights of maps, charts, books, and other writ- ings, to the authors and proprietors of such copies, during the times therein mentioned," with several amendments, to which they desire the concurrence of this House. And then he withdrew. (Journal of the House of Representa- tives, 2d sess. of ist Cong. 8°. Washington, 1826, p. 216.) 1790 { May 17 ) , Monday. House of Representatives. — The House proceeded to consider the amendments of the Senate to the bill entitled "An act for the encourag-ement of Curoiiological Record^ ij()0 123 learning, bv securing the copies of maps, charts, books, ist congress. , , . . . r , 2D SESSION and other writings, to the authors and proprietors of such copies, during the times therein mentioned;" Whereupon, Resolved, That this House do agree to the said amendments. Ordered, That the Clerk of this House do acquaint the Senate therewith. (Journal of the House of Representa- tives, 2dsess. of istCong. 8°. Washington, 1826, p. 217.) 1790 {May 18), Tuesday. Seriate. — A message from the House of Representatives, b}- Mr. Beckle}-, their clerk: Mr. President: The House of Representatives have agreed to all the amendments proposed by the Senate to the bill entitled "An act for the encouragement of learning, by- securing the copies of maps, charts, books, and other writ- ings, to the authors and proprietors of such copies, during the times therein mentioned." (Journal of the Senate, 2d sess. of ist Cong. 8°. Washington, 1820, p. 141. ) Note. — This bill was enrolled and signed by the Speaker and the Act of May 31, President of the Senate on May 25, 1790, and laid before the President '^^° of the United States for his signature on May 27, 1790. It was signed by the President on May 31, the House of Representatives being notified of that fact on the same day and the Senate on June i, 1790. (Journal of the House of Representatives, 2d sess. of ist Cong. v. i, 8°. Washington, 1826, pp. 221, 225, 226, 231. Journal of the Senate, 2d sess. of 1st Cong. 8°. Washington, 1820, pp. 145, 147, 149.) See Bibliography IV. Laws, no. i. FIRST CONGRESS, THIRD SESSION IJ90 {^December 16)^ Thursday . House of Representa- Petition of j. lives. — A petition of John Churchman, praying that the ""^"^ ^^°' application he made at the first session of Congress for permission to undertake a voyage to Baffin's Bay at the public expense [and the petition that the penalties provided by the act for the encouragement of learning, etc., be increased] . Ordered, That the said petitions do lie on the table. (Journal of the House of Representatives, 3d sess. of ist Cong. 8°. Washington, 1826, p. 338.) 1790 (^December 2j), Thursday. House of Represenla- tives. — Ordered, That the petition of John Churchman, which was presented on Thursday last, be referred to Mr. Huntington. Mr. Madison, and Mr. Heister; that they do examine the matter thereof, and report the same, with 124 Copyright in Congress^ ^7^9 ^o 190^ 1ST CONGRESS, tjjgjj- opinion thereupon, to the House. (Journal of the 3D SESSION -TT r T-. • i House of Representatives, 3a sess. of ist Long. 8 . Washington, 1826, p. 341. ) 1791 {Janua}'y 6 ) , Thursday . House of Representatives. — Mr. Madison, from the committee to whom was referred the petition of John Churchman, made a report; which was read, and ordered to lie on the table. (Journal of the House of Representatives, 3d sess. of ist Cong. 8°. Washington, 1826, p. 350.) 1J91 { January 28), Friday. House of Representatives. — The House proceeded to consider the report of the commit- tee to whom was referred the petition of John Churchman: Whereupon, a motion being made and .seconded "That the petition of the said John Churchman be complied with, so far as to enable him to make a voyage to Baffin's Bay, for ascertaining his discoveries relating to the magnetic circles;" it passed in the negative. Ordered, That a bill or bills be brought in to increase the penalties provided b}' the act for the encouragement of learning, &c. , .so far as the said pen- alties appl}' to maps and charts and to books of calculation; and that Mr. Huntington, Mr. Madison, and Mr. Heister do prepare and bring in the same. (Journal of the House of Representatives, 3d sess. of ist Cong. 8°. Washington, 1826, p. 366.) H. R. bill, no. I ygi {February gi), Wednesday . House of Representatives. — Mr. Huntington, from the committee appointed, presented, according to order, a bill for increasing the penalty contained in an act passed the second session of Congress, entitled ' ' An act for the encouragement of learning, by securing the copies of maps, charts, and books to the authors and pro- prietors of such copies during the times therein mentioned;" which was received, and read the first time. (Journal of the House of Representatives, 3d sess. of ist Cong. 8°. Wash- ington, 1826, p. 373. ) See Bibliography, I. Bills, no. 4. lygi {February 10), Thursday. House of Representa- tives. — A bill for increasing the penalty contained in an act passed the second session of Congress, entitled "An act for the encouragement of learning, by securing the copies of maps, charts, and books to the authors and proprietors of such copies during the times therein mentioned," was read Chronological Record, iyg2 125 the second time, and ordered to be committed to a Com- ^J^^^^^^^J.''^^^' mittee of the Whole House on Saturday next. (Journal of the House of Representatives, 3d sess. of ist Cong. 8°. Washington, 1826, p. 374.) NoTp:.— Under the proceedings of the House for vSaturday, February 12, there is a statement that ' ' The several orders of the day were further postponed until Monday next," and a similar statement is to be found for each succeeding day of this session. SECOND CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION lygi {December jo), Friday. House of Representatives.— .^^^^"-^^^^^^ A memorial of John Churchman was presented to the man and read, praying the patronage of Government to enable him to undertake a voyage to Baffin's Bay, for the purpose of making discoveries to confirm his new theory of the varia- tion of the magnetic needle: Also, that the penalties imposed ' by the act entitled ' 'An act to promote the progress of useful arts," maybe increased. Ordered, That the said memorial do lie on the table. (Journal of the House of Representa- tives, istsess. of 2d Cong. 8°. Washington, 1826, p. 483.) z/p^ {January 6), Friday. House of Representatives. — Ordered, That the petition of John Churchman, which lay on the table, be referred to Mr. Page, Mr. Wadsworth, and Mr. Wayne; that they do examine the matter thereof, and report the same, with their opinion thereupon, to the House. (Journal of the House of Representatives, ist sess. of 2d Cong. 8°. Washington, 1826, p. 489.) 1J92 {^February i), IVedfiesday. House of Representa- tives. — Mr. Page, from the committee to whom was referred the petition of John Churchman, made a report; which was read, and ordered to lie on the table. (Journal of the House of Representatives, istsess. of 2d Cong. 8°. Washington, 1826, p. 500.) See Bibhography, II. Reports, no. 3. i'jg2 {February 2g), Wednesday. House of Representa- tives.— 't\i^ House proceeded to consider the report of the committee to whom was referred the petition of John Church- man: Whereupon, Resolved, That this House doth agree to the said report, in the words following: [The first portion of this report relates wholly to Mr. Churchman's discoveries with the magnetic needle, and the committee's findings thereon. The latter portion of the report relating to copy- 126 CopyrigJit in Congress, ijSc^ to 1904 2D CONGRESS 1ST SESSION 170 right is as follows.] "As to that part of the memorial which states that, in the act for the encouragement of learning, by securing the copies of maps, charts, and books to their authors and proprietors, the penalty annexed to the offences of copying such maps and charts was too small, and by no means adequate to the offence, and praying for an act to amend the same; the committee are of opinion that the prayer of the memorialist is reasonable and that the copy- right of maps, charts, tables, and prints ought to be secured to their respective authors, or their assigns, b}- greater pen- alties than those declared in the act aforesaid." Ordered^ That a bill or bills be brought in pursuant to the said report, and that Mr. Page, Mr. Goodhue, and Mr. Gregg do pre- pare and bring in the same. (Journal of the House of Rep- resentatives, ist .sess. of 2d Cong. 8°. Washington, 1826, P- 524-) H. R. bill, no. iyp2 (March f) , IVedfiesdaj'. House of Representatives. — Mr. Page, from the committee appointed, presented, accord- ing to order, a bill to amend the act, entitled "An act for the encouragement of learning, by securing the copies of maps, charts, and books, to the authors and proprietors of such copies, during the times therein mentioned:" Also a bill ' ' to enable John Churchman to prosecute certain obser- vations and discoveries relative to the Northern magnetic point;" which were received and read the first time. (Jour- nal of the House of Representatives, sess. of 2d Cong. 8°. Washington, 1826, p. 530.) See Bibliography, I. Bills, no. 5. iyg2 {MarcJi 8). Thursday. House of Representatives. — A bill to amend the act, entitled "An act for the encourage- ment of learning, by securing the copies of maps, charts, and books, to the authors and proprietors of .such copies, during the times therein mentioned," was read the second time, and ordered to be committed to a Committee of the Whole House on Wednesday next. (Journal of the House of Representatives, ist .sess. of 2d Cong. 8°. Washington, 1826, p. 530.) Note. — Under the proceedings of the House of Wednesday, March 14, there is a statement that "The several orders of the day were further postponed until to-morro^v, " ' and a similar statement is to be found for each succeeding day until the end of the session. Chronological Record^ i8o2 127 TTH CONGRESS, SEVENTH CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION 1ST SESSION 1802 {March 22), Monday. Se?iate. — Mr. Bradley noti- fied the Senate that to-morrow he should ask leave to bring in a bill supplementary to the act, entitled "An act for the encouragement of learning, by securing the copies of maps, charts, and books, to the authors and proprietors of such copies, during the times therein mentioned." (Journal of the Senate, ist sess. of 7th Cong. 8°. Washington, 1821, pp. 194-195.) 1802 {March 24), Wednesday. Senate. — Agreeably to Senate bin, notice given on the 2 2d instant, Mr. Bradley had leave to bring in a bill supplementary to an act, entitled "An act for the encouragement of learning, bj- securing the copies of maps, charts, and books, to the authors and proprietors of such copies, during the times therein mentioned;" and the bill was read. Ordered, That it pass to the second reading. (Journal of the Senate, ist sess. of 7th Cong. 8°. Washington. 1821, p. 195.) See Bibliography, I. Bills, no. 6. 1802 {March 25), Thursday. Senate. — The bill supple- mentary to the act, entitled " An act for the encouragement of learning, by securing the copies of maps, charts, and books, to the authors and proprietors of such copies, during the times therein mentioned," was read the second time. Ordered, That it be referred to Messrs. Bradley, Morris, and Tracy, to consider and report thereon. (Journal of the Senate, ist sess. of 7th Cong. 8°. Washington, 1821, p. 196.) 1802 {March 2g), Monday. Senate. — Mr. Bradley, from the committee to whom was referred, on the 25th instant, the bill supplementary to the act, entitled "An act for the encouragement of learning, by securing the copies of maps, charts, and books, to the authors and proprietors of such copies, during the times therein mentioned," reported amendments to the said bill, and further that the committee are of opinion that any additional provisions in the act to promote the progress of useful arts are unnecessar>-. (Journal of the vSenate, ist sess. of 7th Cong. 8°. Wash- ington, 1821, p. 198. j 128 CopyrigJit in Congress^ ^7^9 to 190^ 7TH CONGRESS, jgo2 (April /), Tluirsdav. Senate.— "Th.^ Senate took 1ST SESSION into consideration the amendments reported by the committee to the bill supplementary to the act, entitled "An act for the encouragement of learning, by securing the copies of maps, charts, and books, to the authors and proprietors of such copies, during the times therein mentioned;" and having agreed thereto, Ordered, That the bill pass to the third reading as amended. (Journal of the Senate, ist sess. of 7th Cong. 8°. Washington, 1821, p. 201.) 1802 {April 2^, Friday. Senate. — The bill supplementary to the act, entitled " An act for the encouragement of learn- ing, b}- securing the copies of maps, charts, and books, to the authors and proprietors of such copies, during the times therein mentioned," was read the third time and further amended, by adding to the end' of the fourth section these words: ' 'Provided always, That, in ever)' case for forfeitures hereinbefore given, the action be commenced within two years from the time the cause of action ma}' have arisen." And by filling the blanks in the first, second, and third sec- tions, with the wordsy?r5/ ^r\d Jayiicary , respectively, and in the last section with the words ojie hundred. Resolved, That this bill do pass, that it be engrossed, and that the title thereof be "An act supplementary to an act, entitled 'An act for the encouragement of learning, by securing the copies of maps, charts, and books, to the authors and pro- prietors of such copies, during the times therein mentioned, ' and extending the benefits thereof to the arts of designing, engraving, and etching historical and other prints." Or- dered, That the Secretary desire the concurrence of the House of Representatives in this bill. (Journal of the Sen- ate, istsess. of 7th Cong. 8°. Washington, 1821, p. 202.) 1802 {April 2), Friday. Honse of Representatives. — A message from the Senate, by Mr. Otis, their secretarj-: Mr. Speaker: The Senate have passed a bill, entitled "An act supplementary to an act, entitled 'An act for the encouragement of learning, by securing the copies of maps, charts, and books to the authors and proprietors of such copies, during the times therein mentioned,' and extending the benefits thereof to the arts of designing, engraving, and etching, historical and other prints;" to which they desire Chroiological Record^ 1802 129 the concurrence of this House. And then he withdrew. 7th congress, /TH . 1 , .„ , , ,- • ^ . ^, . , 1ST SESSION The said bill was read the first time. On motion, The said bill was read the second time, and ordered to be committed to a Committee of the Whole House on Monday next. (Journal of the House of Representatives, ist sess. of 7th Cong. 8°. Washington, 1826. p. 175.) 1802 {April 26), Monday. House of Represeyitatives. — The House, according to the order of the day, resolved itself into a Committee of the Whole House on the bill sent from the Senate, entitled "An act supplementary to an act, enti- tled 'An act for the encouragement of learning, by securing the copies of maps, charts, and books to the authors and proprietors of such copies, during the times therein men- tioned,' and extending the benefits thereof to the arts of de- signing, engraving, and etching historical and other prints;" and after some time spent therein, Mr. Speaker resumed the chair and Mr. Lewis R. Morris reported that the committee had, according to order, had the said bill under considera- 'tion, and made no amendment thereto. Ordered, That the said bill be read the third time to-morrow. (Journal of the House of Representatives, ist sess. of 7th Cong. 8°. Washington, 1826, p. 221.) 1802 {Api'il 2y), Tuesday. House of Representatives. — The bill sent from the Senate, entitled "An act supplemen- tary to an act, entitled 'An act for the encouragement of learning, by securing the copies of maps, charts, and books to the authors and proprietors of such copies during the times therein mentioned, ' and extending the benefits thereof to the arts of designing, engraving, and etching historical and other prints," was read the third time; and, on the question that the same do pass, it was resolved in the affirma- tive. Ordered, That the Clerk of this House do acquaint the Senate therewith. (Journal of the House of Represent- atives, ist sess. of 7th Cong. 8°. Washington, 1826, pp. 223-224). 1802 {April 2y), Tuesday. Senate. — A message from the House of Representatives, by Mr. Beckley, their clerk: Mr. President: The House of Representatives . . . have passed the bill, entitled "An act supplementary to an act, entitled ' An act for the encouragement of learning, by 10469 — No. 8—05 9 130 CopyrigJit in Congress^ J 7^9 io igo^ 7TH CONGRESS, gg(>yj-j Jig ^j^g copics of maDs, charts, and books, to the 1ST SESSION . ,,.,.,. authors and proprietors of such copies, during the times therein mentioned, and extending the benefits thereof to the arts of designing, engraving, and etching historical and other prints." . . . And he withdrew. (Journal of the Senate, ist .sess. of 7th Cong. 8°. Washington, 1821, p. 223. ) Act of April 29, Note. — This bill was enrolled and signed by the vSpeaker and the ' ^ President of the Senate on April 28, 1802, and laid before the Presi- dent of the United States for his signature on .\pril 29, 1802. It was signed by the President on the same day, and the Senate and House of Representatives were notified of that fact on April 30, 1802. (Journal of the House of Representatives, ist sess. of 7th Cong. 8°. Washington, 1826, pp. 225, 226, 229. Journal of the Senate, ist sess. of 7th Cong. 8°. Washington, 1821, pp. 225, 226, 228.) See Bibli- ography, IV, Laws, no. 2. TENTH CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION iSoy {A^ovembcr ij) , Ticesday. House of Representatives. — On motion of Mr. Jo.seph Cla\', Resolved, That a committee be appointed to consider whether any and, if any, what alterations are necessary in the .several acts for the encour- agement of learning and promotion of the useful arts, and that the committee be authorized to report by bill or other- wise. Ordered, That Mr. Joseph Clay, Mr. Macon, Mr. Nicholas, Mr. Mosely, and Mr. Crowninshield be appointed a committee, pursuant to the .said resolution. (Journal of the of Representatives, ist sess. of loth Cong. 8°. Wa.shington, 1826, p. 34.) H. R. bill, no. j8oS {March 7), Monday. House of Representatives. — Mr. Joseph Clay, from the committee appointed on the seven- teenth of November, presented, according to order, a bill for the encouragement of learning and for the promo- tion of the useful arts, which was received and read the first time. On motion, the .said bill was read the second time, and ordered to be committed to a Committee of the Whole on Friday next. (Journal of the of Representatives, .sess. of loth Cong. 8°. Wa.shington, 1826. p. 209. J See Bibliography, I. Bills, no. 7. NoTK. — In the proceedings of the House for Friday, INIarch 11, the Journal states: "The several orders of the day were further po.stponed until to-morrow," and a similar clause is to be found for each succeed- ing day until the close of the session. 75 CJii'onoIogical Record^ iSio 131 ELEVENTH CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION iith congress, 2n AND 3D SES- i8og {Dece^nber 11), Mo7iday. House of Representatives. — ^' On motion of Mr. Bacon, and seconded. Resolved, That a committee be appointed for the purpose of inquiring whether any, and what, alterations or amendments are necessary to be made in the act entitled "An act to promote the prog- ress of useful arts, and to repeal the act heretofore made for that purpose;" and that said committee have leave to report by bill, or otherwise. Ordered, That Mr. Bacon, Mr. Kenan, Mr. Gold, Mr. Breckenridge, and Mr. Seybert be appointed a committee, pursuant to the said resolution. (Journal of the House of Representatives, 2d sess. of nth Cong. 8°. Washington, 1826, p. 123.) i8og {December 28), Thursday. House of Representa- tives. — On motion. Ordered, That Mr. Macon and Mr. Dana be added to the committee appointed, on the eleventh instant, for the purpose of inquiring what amendments are necessary in the ' 'Act to promote the progress of useful arts. ' ' (Jour- nal of the House of Representatives, 2d sess. of nth Cong. 8°. Washington, 1S26, p. 147.) 1810 {faiiuary 18), Thursday. House of Represefita- h. r. bin, no. tives. — Mr. Bacon, from the committee appointed on the eleventh December, presented, according to order, a bill for the encouragement of learning and for the promotion of the useful arts; which was received and read the first time. On motion, the said bill was read the .second time and com- mitted to a Committee of the Whole House on Monday next. (Journal of the of Representatives, 2d sess. of nth Cong. 8°. Washington, 1826, p. 179.) See Bibliography, I. Bills, no. 8. Note. — In the proceedings of the House for Monday, January 22, the Journal states, "The several orders of the day were further post- poned until to-morrow," and a similar clause is to be found for each succeeding day until the close of the session. ELEVENTH CONGRESS. THIRD SESSION 1810 {December 12), Wednesday. House of Representa- tives. — On motion of Mr. Mitchill, Resolved, That a com- mittee be appointed to inquire whether any, and what, amendments ought to be made in the several acts securing 132 CopyrigJit in Congress^ ^7^9 to 1904 nTH CONGRESS, ^-Q incHviduals exclusive privileges in their several inventions 3D SESSION . . and discoveries; and that they report thereon a bill, or otherwise. Mr. Mitchill, Mr. Stephenson, and Mr. Kennedy were appointed a committee, pursuant to the said resolution. (Journal of the House of Representatives, 3d sess. of nth Cong. S'^. Washington, 1826, p. 443.) H. R. bill, no. i8ii { January I (^) , Saturday. House of Representatives. — Mr. Mitchill, from the committee appointed on the 12th ultimo, presented a bill for the encouragement of learning, and for the promotion of the u.seful arts; which was re- ceived, and read the first time. On motion, the said bill was read the second time, and committed to a Committee of the Whole House on Moiida\' next. (Journal of the House of Representatives, 3d sess. of nth Cong. 8°. Washington, 1826, p. 493.) See Bibliography, I. Bills, no. 9. Note.— In the proceedings of the House for Monday, January 21, the Journal makes no mention of any discussion on this bill, and no further mention of it is to be found during the session. FIFTEENTH CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION H. R. bill, no. i8 18 {December 2g) , Ttiesday. House of Representatives. — '^ Mr. Nelson, from the same committee [Committee on the Judiciary] also reported a bill concerning suits on copyrights; which was read the first and .second time, and ordered to lie on the table. (Journal of the House of Representatives, 2d sess. of 15th Cong. 8°. Washington, 1818 [-'19]. p. 140.) See Bibliography, I. Bills, no. 10. 18 1 g (yfanuayy 5), Tuesday. Senate. — Mr. Otis gave notice that to-morrow he should ask leave to introduce a bill to extend the jurisdiction of the circuit courts of the United States to cases arising under the law relating to patents [and copyright.s] . (Journal of the Senate, 2d .sess. of 15th Cong. 8°. Washington, 1818 [-'19], p. 121.) Senate bill, no. i8j^ {January 6), IVed/iesday. Senate. — Agreeably to notice given, Mr. Otis asked and obtained leave to introduce a bill to extend the jurisdiction of the circuit courts of the United States to cases arising under the law relating to patents [and copyrights] ; and the bill was read. Ordered, That it pass to the .second reading. ( Journal of the Senate, Chronological Record, i8 19 I33 2d sess. of 15th Cong. 8°. Washiugton, 18 18 [-'19]. P- ^^''.^ 126.) See Bibliography, I. Bills, 110. 11. 1819 [January 7) , Thursday. Senate. — The bill to extend the jurisdiction of the circuit courts of the United States to cases arising under the law relating to patents [and copy- rights] was read the second time. (Journal of the Senate, 2d sess. of 15th Cong. 8°. Washington, 1818 [-19], P- 130-) 18 1 9 { January .25), Monday. Seriate. — The Senate re- sumed, as in committee of the whole, the consideration of the bill to extend the jurisdiction of the circuit courts of the United States to cases arising under the law relating to patents [and copyrights] ; andno amendments having been made thereto, the President reported the bill to the House; and on the question, "Shall this bill be engrossed and read a third time?" it was determined in the affirmative. (Journal of the Senate, 2d sess. of 15th Cong. 8°. Wash- ington, 18 18 [-'19], p. 186.) 18 1 g {Jamiarv 26), Tuesday. Senate. — The bill to ex- tend the jurisdiction of the circuit courts of the United States to cases arising under the law relating to patents [and copyrights] , having been reported by the committee correctly engrossed, was read a third time. Resolved, That this pass, and the title thereof be "An act to extend the jurisdiction of the circuit courts of the United States to cases arising under the law relating to patents. ' ' Ordered, That the Secretary request the concurrence of the House of Representatives in this bill, (Journal of the Senate, 2d sess. of 15th Cong. 8°. Washington, 18 18 [-'19] , p. 191.) 1819 {January 2j), Wednesday. l/ouse oj Representa- tives.— K message from the Senate, by Mr. Cutts, their sec- retary: Mr. Speaker: . . . They [the Senate] have also passed bills of the following titles, to wit: . . . and "An act further to extend the jurisdiction of the circuit courts of the United States to cases arising under the law relating to patents; " in which amendments and bills they ask the concurrence of this House. And then he withdrew. . . . The bill from the Senate entitled "An act to extend the jurisdiction of the circuit courts of the United States to cases arising under the law relating to patents ' ' was read the first CONGRESS, 2D SESSION 134 Copyright in Congress, lySg to 1904 15TH CONGRESS, ^Q(j second times and also referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. (Journal of the House of Representatives, 2d sess. of 15th Cong. 8°. Washington, 1818 [-" 19] , pp. 213. 214.) 18 19 { lanuary 29), Friday. House of Reprcsaitatiirs. — Mr. Hopkinson, from the Committee on the Judiciary, to which was referred the bill from the Senate, entitled "An act to extend the jurisdiction of circuit courts of the United States to cases arising under the law relating to patents," reported the .same without amendment. Ordered, That the said bill be read a third time to-morrow. (Journal of the House of Representatives, 2d .sess. of 15th Cong. 8°. Washington, 181 8 [-'19], pp. 217-218.) 18 1 g (Ja)niaryjo) , Saturday. House of Representatives. — The bill from the Senate entitled "An act to extend the jurisdiction of the circuit courts of the United States to cases arising under the law relating to patents ' ' was read the third time and passed. Ordered, That the Clerk acquaint the Senate therewith. (Journal of the of Represent- atives, 2d sess. of 15th Cong. 8°. Wa.shington, 1818 [-" 19] , p. 221.) 18 1 g {February /), Monday. Senate. — A message from the House of Representatives, by Mr. Dougherty, their clerk: Mr. President: . . . They [House of Representa- tives] have passed the bill which originated in the Senate, entitled "An act to extend the jurisdiction of the circuit courts of the United vStates to cases arising under the law relating to patents." . . . And he withdrew. (Journal of the Senate, 2d of 15th Cong. 8°. Washington, 1818 [-'19], p. 208.) Act of Febru- NoTE. —This bill was enrolled and signed by the Speaker and the ary 15, 1819 President of the Senate on February 12, 1819, and laid before the Pres- ident of the United States for his signature on February 13, 1S19. It was signed by the President on February 15, the House of Represent- atives being notified of that fact on February 16 and the Senate on February 17, 1819. (Journal of the House of Representatives, 2d sess. of 15th Cong. 8°. Washington, i8i8[-' 19], pp. 260, 266, 276. Journal of the Senate, 2d sess. of 15th Cong. 8°. Washington, i8i8[-'i9], pp. 256, 257, 258, 259, 274.) See Bibliography, IV. Laws, no. 3. Chronological Record, 1S26 135 EIGHTEENTH CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION i8th congress, 1ST SESSION 182^ [March 22), Monday. Senate. — Mr. Lowrie gave notice that he would, to-morrow, ask leave to bring iu a bill extending the benefit of copyright to the authors of paint- ings or drawings. (Journal of the Senate, ist sess. of i8th Cong. 8°. Washington, 1823 [-'24], p. 244.) 1824. {March 23), Tuesday. 6"<';/a/t'.— Agreeably to notice senatebiii,no. given, Mr. Lowrie asked and obtained leave to bring in a bill extending the benefit of copy-right to the authors of paintings or drawings; which was read. Ordered, That it pass to a second reading. (Journal of the Senate, ist sess. of 1 8th Cong. 8°. Washington, 1823 [-'24] , p. 245.) See Bibliography, I. Bills, no. 12. 182:^ {March 24), Wednesday. Senate. — The bill extend- ing the benefit of copyright to the authors of paintings and drawings was read the second time; and, on motion, Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee on the Judiciary, to consider and report thereon. (Journal of the Senate, ist sess. of i8th Cong. 8°. Washington, 1823 [-'24], p. 250.) /82j^ {A/arch jo), Tuesday. Senate. — Mr. Van Buren, from the Committee on the Judiciary, to whom were referred the bills extending the benefit of copyright to the authors of paintings and drawings, and . . . reported them severally without amendment. (Journal of the Senate, ist sess. of i8th Cong. 8°. Washington, 1823 [-'24], p. 259.) 1824 { April 12 ) , Monday . Senate. — The Senate proceeded to consider, as in Committee of the Whole, the bill extending the benefit of copyright to the authors of paintings or drawings; and no amendment having been made thereto, it was reported to the Senate; and, on the question, "Shall this bill be engrossed and read a third time?" it was determined in the negative. (Journal of the Senate, ist sess. of i8thCong. 8°. Wa.shington, 1823 [-'24], p. 289.) NINETEENTH CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION 1826 {January 6), Friday. House 0/ Representatives. — Resolution on y-s • !• ' n 1 t-r\ ^ \ • amendment of On motion of Mr. Verplanck, Resolved, That the Commit- copyright laws tee on the Judiciary be instructed to inquire and report on 136 CopyrigJit in Co7igrcss, ijSg to J^o^ 19TH CONGRESS, ^]^g expediency' of so amending the laws regulating copv- IST SESSION . . , . rights as to give greater extension and seciint}' to the rights of authors and proprietors. TJournal of the House of Representatives, ist sess. of 19th Cong. 8°. Washing- ton, 1825 [-'26], p. 125.) TWENTIETH CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Petition of J: 1828 { January 2^), Thursday. Seiiatc. — Mr. Barnard °^ ^ presented the petition of John Rowlett, of Penns^'lvania, author of a book entitled " Rowlett's Tables of Discount or Interest, ' ' praying that the cop\'right to said book may be secured to him by law; and Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. (Journal of the vSenate, ist sess. of 20th Cong. 8°. Washington, 1827 [-'28], p. 117.) Petition of 1828 (^February /p), Tuesday. Senate. — Mr. Van Buren an°d others ^ ^' prescnted the petition of Noah Webster and others, praying that the existing laws respecting copyrights may be so amended as to give to authors and their heirs the exclusive 2M^ perpetual propertj* in their works; and. Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. ^Journal of the Senate, ist sess. of 20th Cong. 8°. Washington, 1827 [-'28], p. 173.) Memorial of 1828 (February 22), Friday. Senate. — Mr. Marks pre- sented the memorial of Henry S. Tanner, of Philadelphia, employed in constructing and publishing maps, charts, and geographical works, praying that the laws on the subject of copjTights may be so amended as to secure to authors the full benefit of their works; and Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. (Journal of the Senate, ist sess. of 20th Cong. 8°. Washington, 1827 [-'28], p. 180.) Memorial of JS28 {February 26), Tuesday. Senate. — Mr. Dickerson presented the memorial of Thomas Gordon, of New Jerse>', who has prepared for publication an accurate map of that State, praying that the existing laws in relation to copy- rights may be so amended as effectually to secure to authors and proprietors of maps and charts the full benefit of their labors; and, Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee 141 Chronological Record^ j8 28 137 on the Judiciary. (Journal of the Senate, ist sess. of 20th 2oth congress, "^ ^ ^ " I ST SESSION- Cong. 8°. Washington, 1827 [-28], p. 189.) 1828 {April 17), Thursday. Senate.— ^x. Seymour, ^^^enate bin, no from the Committee on the Judiciarj^, to whom was referred the petition of John Rowlett, reported a bill to continue a copy- right to John Rowlett, which was read; and. Ordered, That it pass to a second reading. (Journal of the Senate, ist sess. of 20th Cong. 8°. Washington, 1827 [-'28], p. 304.) See Bibliography, I. Bills, no. 13. 1828 {April 21), Monday. Senate. — The bill to continue a copy-right to John Rowlett was read the second time and considered as in Committee of the Whole; and, on motion by Mr. Seymour, Ordered, That it lie on the table. (Jour- nal of the Senate, ist sess. of 20th Cong. 8°. Washing- ton, 1827 [-'28], p. 318.) 1828 {May 77), SatiU'day. Senate. — On motion by Mr. Seymour, the Senate resumed, as in Committee of the Whole, the bill to continue a copy-right to John Rowlett; and no amendment having been proposed, it was reported to the Senate; and, on the question, "Shall this bill be engrossed and read a third time?" it was determined in the af&rmative. (Journal of the Senate, ist sess. of 20th Cong. 8°. Washington, 1827 [-'28]. p. 430.) 1828 {May ip), Monday. Senate. — The bill to continue a copy-right to John Rowlett having been reported by the committee correctly engrossed, was read the third time; and, Resolved, That it, and that the title thereof be as afore- said. On motion by Mr. Chambers, one of the majority, That the Senate reconsider the vote on the passage of the last mentioned bill, it was determined in the negative: Yeas, 17; nays, 24. On motion by Mr. Webster, the 3'eas and nays being desired by one-fifth of the Senators present, those who voted are . . . [Here follow the names of those voting.] Ordered, That the Secretary request the concur- rence of the House of Representatives in the last -mentioned bill. (Journal of the Senate, ist .sess. of 20th Cong. 8°. Washington, 1827 [-'28], pp. 433-434.) 1828 {May ig), Monday. House of Representatives. — A message from the Senate by Mr. Lowrie. their secretary: . . . TheSenate have also pas.sed a bill [No. 141] , entitled 138 Copyright in Congress, lySg to 1904 20TH CONGRESS, "An act to continue a cop3--right to John Rowlett; ' m ^BT SESSION i cj »/ 7 which . . . last mentioned bill I am instructed to ask the concurrence of this House. (Journal of the House of Rep- resentatives, ist sess. of 20th Cong. 8°. Washington, 1827 [-'28]. pp. 780, 781.) 1828 ( May 20) , Tuesday. House of Represe7itafives. — The bill from the Senate [No. 141], entitled "An act to con- tinue a copy-right to John Rowlett," was read the first and second time, and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. (Journal of the House of Representatives, ist sess. of 20th Cong. 8°. Washington, 1827 [-'28]. p. 792.) 1828 (May 22), Thursday. House of Representatives. — Mr. Wickliffe, from the Committee on the Judiciary, to which was referred the bill from the Senate [No. 141], entitled "An act to continue a copy-right to John Rowlett," reported the same, without amendment. Ordered^ That the said bill do lie on the table. (Journal of the House of Rep- resentatives, ist sess. of 20th Cong. 8°. Washington, 1827 [-28], p. 816.) 1828 {May 2j), Friday. House of Representatives. — Ordered, That the bill from the Senate [No. 141], entitled "An act to continue a copy-right to John Rowlett," be read the third time to-day. . . . The bill from the Senate [No. 141], entitled "An act to continue a copy-right to John Rowlett," was read the third time: and, after debate thereon, the previous question was called for b}' Mr. Moore, of Alabama; and was demanded b}' a majorit\' of the mem- bers present: When, a motion was made by Mr. Sprague that the said bill do lie on the table: which motion being disagreed to by the House, the previous question was put, viz: Shall the main question be now put? and passed in the affirmative. The said question was then put, viz: "Shall the bill pass?" and pas.sed in the affirmative. Ordered, That the Clerk acquaint the Senate therewith. (Journal of the House of Representatives, ist sess. of 2otli Cong. 8°. Washington, 1827 [-'28], pp. 838, 839. J 1828 [May 2j), Friday. Senate. — A message from the of Representatives, by Mr. Clarke, their clerk : Mr. President : The House of Representatives have passed bills from the Senate of the following titles, viz : , . . and Chronological Record, 1829 i39 20TH CONGRKSS, ST SESSION "An act to continue a copy-right to John Rowlett." ■ (Journal of the Senate, ist sess. of 20th Cong. 8°. Wash- ington, 1827 [-28], pp. 464. 465-) NoTE.-This bill was enrolled and signed by the President of ^^'^ ^^I'^'^^lW Senate and the Speaker of the House and laid before the President of ^^^^^^^^ the United States for his signature, on May 24, 1828. It was signed by the President on the same day, the Senate and House of Repre- sentatives being notified of his signature on that day also. (Journal of the Senate, ist sess. of 20th Cong. 8°. Washington, 1827 [-'28], pp. 464, 465, 471. 474- 478, 479- Journal of the House of Representatives, ist sess. of 20th Cong. 8°. Washington, 1827 [-'28], pp. 849, 854, 855, 870, 871.) See Bibliography, IV. Laws, no. 26. TWENTIETH CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION 1828 (^December 22), Monday. House of Representatives.— Mr. Sterigere presented a letter addressed to him by John Rowlett, asking that certain alterations and amendments may be made in the act passed at the last session of Con- gress renewing his copyright in certain tables or calcula- tions of interest; which letter was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. (Journal of the of Represent- atives, 2d sess. of 20th Cong. 8°. Washington, 1828 [-'29], p. 83.) 1829 January 9), Friday. House of Representatives Mr. Philip P. Barbour, from the Committee on the Judiciary, reported a bill [No. 359] explanatory of an act to continue a copyright to John Rowlett; which was read the first and second times, and ordered to be engro.ssed, and read the third time to-morrow. (Journal of the House of Represent- atives, 2d of 20th Cong. 8°. Wa.shington, 1828 [-'29], p. 137.) See Bibliography, I. Bills, no. 14. 1829 {January 12), Monday. House of Representatives.— Engrossed bills of the following titles, viz: . . . and No. 359. An act supplementary to an act to continue a copy- right to John Rowlett; were .severally read the third time and passed. Ordered, That the Clerk request the concur- rence of the Senate in the said bills. (Journal of the of Representatives, 2d sess. of 20th Cong. 8°. Wa.shing- ton, 1828 [-29], p. 149.) 1829 {January 12), Monday. Senate.—^ message from H. R. bill, no. 359 140 Copy rig Jit hi Congress, ijSg to i^o^ 20TH coxGREsS, ti^g House of Representatives, by Mr. Clarke, their clerk: 2D SESSION Mr. President: . . . The House of Representatives have passed . . . and a bill entitled "An act explanatory of 'An act to continue a copyright to John Rowlett ; ' " in which . . . bills they request the concurrence of the Senate. The two last mentioned bills were severally read; and, Ordered, That they pass to a second reading. (Journal of the Senate, 2d sess. of 20th Cong. 8°. Washington, 1828 [-'29], p. 73.) iS2p (^January ij), Tuesday. Sc7iate. — The bill entitled "An act explanatory of 'An act to continue a copj'right to John Rowlett ' ' ' was read the second time and considered as in Committee of the Whole; and. Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. ( Journal of the Senate, 2d sess. of 20th Cong. 8°. Washington, 1828 [-29], p. 74.) i82p (^February p), Monday. Senate. — Mr. Berrien, from the Committee on the Judiciar}^ to whom was referred the bill entitled "An act explanator}' of an act to continue a copyright to John Rowlett," reported it with amendments. (Journal of the Senate, 2d sess. of 20th Cong. 8°. Wash- ington, 1828 [-'29], p. 112.) TWENTY-FIRST CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION i82p {December i^) , Tuesday. House of Representatives. — On motion of Mr. Sterigere, Ordered, That the letter of John Rowlett, presented on the 2 2d December, 18 28, be referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. ( Journal of the House of Representatives, ist sess. of 21st Cong. 8°. Washington, 1829 [-"30], p. 39.) H. R. bill, no. 7 i82g {December 21) , Monday. House of Representatives. — Mr. Buchanan, from the Committee on the Judiciary, reported a bill [No. 7] to amend the act to continue a copyright to John Rowlett; which was read the first and second time and committed to a Committee of the Whole House. (Journal of the House of Representatives, ist sess. of 21st Cong. 8°. Washington, 1829 [-'30], p. 72.) See Bibliography, I. Bills, no. 15. 18 2g {December 2j), Wednesday . House of Representa- tives. — The House resolved itself into a Committee of the Whole on . . . and No. 7. The bill to amend an act to Chronological Record, iSjo 141 2IST CONGRESS, 1ST SESSION continue the copyright to John Rowlett; . . . and, aftei some time spent therein, the Speaker resumed the chair, and Mr. Wilde reported the said bills without amendment. Ordered, That the said bills be engrossed and severall)- read a third time to-morrow. (Journal of the House of Repre- sentatives, ist sess. of 21st Cong. 8°. Washington, 1829 [-30], p. 91- ) 1829 {^December 24), Thursday. House of Representa- tives. — Engrossed bills of the following titles, viz: . . . and No. 7. An act to amend an act to continue the copyright of John Rowlett; . . . were severally read the third time and passed. Ordered, That the Clerk request the concur- rence of the Senate in these bills. (Journal of the House of Representatives, I st sess. of 21 st Cong. 8°. Washing- ton, 1829 [-'30], p. 96.) 1829 {December 24.), Thursday. Senate. — A message from the House of Representatives, by Mr. Clarke, their clerk: Mr. President: The House of Representatives have pa.s.sed bills of the following titles, in which they request the concurrence of the Senate, viz: . . . and "An act to amend 'An act to continue a copyright to John Rowlett.' " . . . The said bills were severally read; and. Ordered, That they pass to a second reading. (Journal of the Senate, ist of 2ist Cong. 8°. Washington, 1829 [-'30], p. 47-) 1829 {December 28), Monday. Se7iate.—T\ie bill from the House of Representatives, entitled "An act to amend 'An act to continue a copyright to John Rowlett,'" was read the .second time and con.sidered as in Committee of the Whole ; and. Ordered, That it be referred to the Com- mittee on the Judiciary. (Journal of the Senate, ist .sess. of 2ist Cong. 8°. Washington, 1829 [-'30], p. 50.) i8jo {January 11), Monday. Senate. — Mr. Rowan, from the same committee [Committee on the Judiciary] , to whom had been referred the bill entitled "An act to amend an act to continue a copyright to John Rowlett ; . . . reported them severally without amendment. ( Journal of the Senate, I.St sess. of Cong. 8°. Wa.shington, 1829 [-'30], p. 76.) i8jo {January 21), Thursday. House of Represcnla- H. R. bin, no. tives. — Mr. Ellsworth, from the .same connnittee [the Com- '*^ 142 Copyright in Congress^ 0^9 ^^ ^9^4 2IST CONGRESS, mittce on the Judiciary], reported a bill (No. 145 ) to amend 1ST SESSION ' and consolidate the acts respecting copyrights; which was read the first and second time and committed to a Com- mittee of the Whole House to-morrow\ CJournal of the House of Representatives, ist sess. of 21st Cong. 8°. Washington, 1829 [-'30], p. 192.) See Bibliography, I. Bills, no. 16. Note. — In the proceedings of the House for Friday, January 22, the Journal makes no mention of an}' discussion in the Committee of the Whole House. H. R. bill, no. i8jo {February § ) , Friday. Senate. — The following bills 7 in ena e from the Housc of Representatives were severally considered, as in Committee of the Whole, viz: ..." An act to amend 'An act to continue a copyright to John Rowlett; ' "... and no amendment having been proposed, they were reported to the Senate; and. Ordered, That they severally pass to a third reading. (Journal of the Senate, ist sess. of 21st Cong. 8°. Washington, 1829 [-'30], pp. 124, 125.) 1830 {Febriiary S), Monday. Senate. — The following bills from the House of Representatives, viz: . . . " An act to amend an act to continue a copyright to John Rowlett;" . . . wereseverally read the third time; 2in&, Resolved, That they pass. Ordered, That the Secretary notify the House of Representatives accordingl3\ (Journal of the Senate, ist sess. of 2ist Cong. 8°. Washington, 1829 [-'30], p. 128.) i8jo (February 8^ , Monday. House of Representatives. — A message from the Senate, by Mr. Lowrie, their secretary: Mr. Speaker: . . . And the Senate have also passed bills of this House of the following titles, viz: . . . No. 7. An act to amend an act to continue a copyright to John Rowlett; . . . without amendment, and then he withdrew. (Journal of the House of Representatives, ist sess. of 21st Cong. S°. Washington, 1829 [-'30], pp. 271, 272.) Second private NoTE. — This bill was enrolled and signed by the Speaker and the copyright a c t pj.ggj(jg,j^ ^f ^^ Senate on February 10, 1830, and laid before the approved President of the United States for his signature on February 11, 1830. It was signed by the President on February 11, the House of Repre- sentatives being notified of that fact on the same day and the Senate on February 15, 1830. (Journal of the House of Representatives, ist sess. of 2ist Cong. 8°. Washington, 1829 [-'30], pp. 2S1, 2S4, 286. Journal of the Senate, ist sess. of 21st Cong. 8°. Washington, 1829 [-'30], pp. 133, 138, 139.) See Bibliograph}-, IV. Laws, no. 27. Chronological Record, jSji 143 1830 {May 14), Friday. House of Representatives.— ^^l^^^^l^^^- Ordered, That the Committee of the Whole House to which is committed the bill (No. 145) to amend and consolidate the acts respecting copyrights be discharged. (Journal of the House of Representatives, ist of 21st Cong. 8°. Washington, 1829 [-'30], p. 650.) TWENTY-FIRST CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION T830 (December 14 ) . Tuesday. House of Representatives. — ^^^^^^^^^^^ "°' On motion of Mr. Ellsworth, Ordered, That the Committee of the Whole House to which is committed the bill (No. 1 45) to amend and consolidate the acts respecting copy- rights be discharged, and that the said bill be recommitted to the Committee on the Judiciary. (Journal of the of Representatives, 2d sess. of 21st Cong. 8°. Washing- ton, 1830 [-31], p. 61.) 1830 (December I J), Friday. House of Representatives . — Mr. Ellsworth, from the Committee on the Judiciary, to which was recommitted the bill (No. 145) to amend and consolidate the acts respecting copyrights, reported an amended bill, accompanied by a report [Report No. 3] in writing; which bill was committed to the Committee of the Whole House on the .state of the Union. (Journal of the House of Representatives, 2d sess. of Cong. 8°. Washington, 1830 [-'31], p. 76; Reports of committees of the House of Representatives, 2d sess. of Cong. 8". Washington, 1831, No. 3.) See Bibliography, I. Bills, no. 17, and II. Reports, no. 4. 1831 {f actuary 3) , Wednesday. House of Representatives. — On motion of Mr. Ellsworth, Ordered, That the Committee of the Whole House, to which is committed the bill (No. 145) to amend and consolidate the acts respecting copyrights, be discharged from the consideration thereof. (Journal of the of Representatives, 2d sess. of 21st Cong. 8°. Wa.shington, 1830 [-'31], P- i47-) 1831 (fanuarv 6 1 , Thursday. House of Representatives. — The proceeded to the consideration of the bill (No. 145) to amend and con.solidate the acts re.specting copyrights; and on motion of Mr. Ellsworth, the said bill was amended," when a motion was made by Mr. Hoffman "See note i, page 378. 144 Copyright in Co)igress^ ^7^9 ^o igo^ 2IST CONGRESS, further to amend the same by striking out the words 2D SESSION J fy '' twenty-eight years,'' being the period proposed in said bill for the duration of a copyright, and inserting the words ' ' fourteen years;" and the question being put, it was decided in the negative. Ordered, That the said bill be engrossed and read a third time to-morrow. (Journal of the House of Representatives, 2d sess. of 21st Cong. 8°. Washington, 1830 [-'31], pp. 154-155.) 1831 {Ja7i7tary y), Friday. House of Representatives. — An engrossed bill (No. 145) entitled "An act to amend the several acts respecting copyrights" was read the third time and passed. (Journal of the House of Representa- tives, 2d sess. of 21st Cong. 8°. Washington, 1830 [-'31], P- I57-) H. R. bill no. jgjj^ (January 10), Monday. Senate. — A message from 145. read in Sen- ^ .^ .^ y ^ o ate the House of Representatives, by Mr. Clarke, their clerk. Mr. President : The House of Representatives have passed a bill entitled "An act to amend the several acts respecting copyrights," in which they request the concurrence of the Senate. The bill was read; and Ordered, That it pass to a second reading. (Journal of the Senate, 2d sess. of 21st Cong. 8°. Washington, 1830 [-'31], p. 78.) See Bibli- ography, I. Bills, no. 18. 1831 (^January 11), Tuesday. Senate. — The bill entitled "An act to amend the several acts respecting copyrights" was read the second time and considered as in Committee of the Whole; and. Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. (Journal of the Senate, 2d sess. of 2ist Cong. 8°. Washington, 1830 [-'31], p. 82.) 1831 {_ January I g), Wednesday. Senate. — Mr. Webster, from the Committee on the Judiciary, to whom was referred the bill entitled ' ' An act to amend the several acts respect- ing copyrights," reported it without amendment. (Journal of the Senate, 2d .sess. of 21st Cong. 8°. Washington, 1830 [-31], p. 97-) 1831 { Jamiary 28), Friday. Se7iate. — The Senate re- sumed, as in Committee of the Whole, the bill entitled " An act to amend the several acts re.specting copyrights;" and no amendment having been proposed it was reported to the Senate; and, Ordered, That it pass to a third reading. Chronological Record^ i8j2 145 (Journal of the Senate, 2d sess. of 21st Cong. 8°. Wash- /J^^^"'^^.''^"'' ington, 1830 [-31], p. 117- ) 183 1 {January 2g), Saturday. Senate. The bill entitled ' ' An act to amend the several acts respecting copyrights was read the third time; and, Resolved, That it pass. Ordered, That the Secretary notify the House of Represen- tatives accordingly. (Journal of the Senate, 2d sess. of 2ist Cong. 8°. Washington, 1830 [-31], p. 118.) i8ji ( Jamiary ^p) , Saturday. House of Representatives. — A message from the Senate, by Mr. Lowrie, their secretary: Mr. Speaker: The Senate have passed bills of this House of the following titles, viz: No. 145. An act to amend and consolidate the acts respecting copyrights . . . And then he withdrew. (Journal of the House of Representatives, 2d sess. of 2 1 St Cong. 8°. Washington, 1830 [-'31], p- 229.) Note.— This bill was enrolled and signed by the Speaker on Feb- Act of Febru- ruary t, 1S31, signed by the President of the Senate on February 2, a^y 3- 1831 and laid before the President of the United States for his signature on that day. It was signed by the President on February 3, 1831, the House of Representatives and the Senate being notified of that fact on March 2) 1831. (Journal of the House of Representatives, 2d sess. of 2ist Cong. 8°. Washington, 1830 [-'31], pp. 240, 256, 395. Jour- nal of the Senate, 2d sess. of 21st Cong. 8°. Washington, 1830 [-'31], pp. 125, 127, 218.) See Bibliography, IV. Laws, no. 4. TWENTY-SECOND CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION 18:12 (April 14), Saturday. House of Representatives.— Resolution or "r^/TATM i/~v -1. recording of as- On motion of Mr. Verplanck, Resolved, That the Commit- ^jg^^^nts tee on the Judiciary be instructed to inquire and report on the expediency of giving security to property in copyrights by providing for the recording of transfers or assignments thereof in the offices of the clerks of the district courts of the United States. (Journal of the of Representa- tives, ist .sess. of 22d Cong. 8°. Washington, 1831 [-'32], p. 589.) 1832 (April 20), Friday. House of Representatives. — On motion of Mr. Ellsworth, Ordered, That the Conunittee on the Judiciary, which was in.structed, on the 14th instant, "to inquire and report on the expediency of giving further security to property in copyrights by providing for the 10469 — No. 8—05 10 146 CopyrigJit in Congress^ jySg to igo^ 22DCONGRESS, j-ecording of transfers or assignments thereof in the offices 1ST SESSION of the clerks of the district courts of the United States' ' be discharged from the further consideration of the subject. (Journal of the House of Representatives, ist sess. of 22d Cong. 8°. Washington, 1831 [-'32], p. 615.) TWENTY-THIRD CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION 18 J4 {March ./), Tuesday. House of Representatives. — On motion by Mr. Binney, by leave, Resolved, That the Committee on the Judiciarj^ be instructed to inquire into the expediency of providing by law for the registry of assignments or transfers of copyrights. (Journal of the House of Representatives, ist sess. of 23d Cong. 8°. Washington. 1833 [-34], p. 375-) H. R. bill no. i8^^ [ April g), Wednesday. Ho2ise of Representatives. — ^ Mr. Bell, of Tennessee, from the Committee on the Judi- ciary, reported a bill (No. 419) supplementary to the act to amend the several acts respecting copyrights; which bill was read the first and second time. (Journal of the House of Representatives, ist sess. of 23d Cong. 8°. Washington, 1833 ["'34]. P- 505-) See Bibliography, I. Bills, no. 19. iS^-l- {April 10^, Thursday. House of Representatives. — On motion of Mr. Vinton, Resolved, That the Committee on the Judiciar}- be instructed to inquire into the expediency of revising the laws for granting copyrights to authors so far as relates to the reports of judicial decisions of the courts of the United States and of the several States, and of dis- tributing the reports of the judicial decisions of the Supreme Court of the United States along with the acts of Congress, wherever the latter are required by law to be annually .sent. (Journal of the House of Representatives, ist of 23d Cong. 8°. Wa.shington, 1833 [-34], p. 5i3-) iSj.;. (May 7), Wednesday. House of Representatives. — Ordered, That the consideration of the bill (No. 419) sup- plementary to the act to amend the several acts respecting copyrights be postponed until Saturday next, the loth in.stant. (Journal of the of Representatives, ist sess. of 23d Cong. 8°. Wa.shington, 1833 [-'34], p. 592.) Note. — There was no session of Congress on May 10, 1834. i8j4 {fune 27), Friday. House of Representatives. — Ordered, That the bill (No. 419) .supplementary to the act CJironological Record^ ^^34 ^47 to amend the several acts respecting copyrights, be engrOvSsed 23dcon-gress, 1ST SESSION and read the third time to-day. (Journal of the House of Representatives, ist sess. of 23d Cong. 8°. Washington, 1833 [-34]. P- 863.) 1^34 ijiifit-'' 28) , Saturday. House of Representatives. — Engrossed bills, of the following titles, viz: . . . No. 419. An act supplementary to the act to amend the several acts respecting copyrights; . . . were severally read the third time, and passed. Ordered, That the Clerk request the concurrence of the Senate in the said bills. (Journal of the House of Representatives, ist sess. of 23d Cong. 8°. Washington. 1833 [-'34], pp. 871, 872.) i8j4 (June 28), Saturday. Seriate. — A message from the House of Representatives by Mr. Franklin, their clerk: Mr. President: The House of Representatives . . . havepas.sed bills of the following titles, in which the}^ request the con- currence of the Senate, viz, . . . [and] 10. " An act sup- plementary to the act to amend the several acts respecting copyrights ; " . . . The thirteen bills last mentioned were severally read twice by unanimous consent, and considered as in Committee of the Whole; and. Ordered, That . . . the tenth ... be referred to the Committee on the Judici- ary; Mr. Clayton, from the Committee on the Judiciary, to whom had been referred " An act supplementary to the act to amend the several acts respecting copj- rights ; " . . . reported them without amendment. (Journal of the Sen- ate, ist sess. of 23d Cong. 8°. Washington, 1833 [-'34] PP- 371. 379, 380.) Note. — The Journal gives this matter as under date of June 27, but this must be a typographical error as the bill did not pass the House until June 28, so that the House message could not have been previous to the 28th. i8j:/. (June jo), Monday. Senate. — The following bills of the House of Representatives, viz: . . . "An act supple- mentary to the act to amend the several acts respecting copyrights;" . . . were severally considered as in Com- mittee of the Whole; and no anieudment having been pro- posed, they were reported to the Senate; and. Ordered, That they pass to a third reading. The .said bills were then read the third time; and, Resolved, That they pass. Ordered, That the Secretary notify the House of Repre- 148 Copyright in Congi'ess, ij8g to 1904 23DcoNGREss,ygi^tatives accordingly. (Journal of the Senate, ist sess. of 1ST SESSION ' ,, r . T \ 23d Cong. 8 . Washington, 1833 L~ 34j - P- 403-) i8j4 ^Junc 30), Monday. House of Represe7itatives. — A message from the Senate, by Mr. Lowrie, their secretary: Mr. Speaker: The Senate have passed bills of this House of the following titles, viz: . . . No. 419. An act supple- mentary to the act to amend the several acts respecting copyrights. (Journal of the House of Representatives, ist sess. of 23d Cong. 8°. Washington, 1833 [-'34], p. 913) Act of June 30. NoTE. — This bill was enrolled and .signed by the Speaker and the ^^34 President of the Senate and laid before the President of the United States for his signature on June 30, 1834. It was signed by the Pres- ident on the same day, the Senate and House of Representatives being notified of his signature on that day also. (Journal of the House of Representatives, ist sess. of 23d Cong. 8°. Washington, ^833[-'34], pp. 918, 920, 921, 922, 925, 926. Journal of the Senate, ist sess. of 23d Cong. 8°. Washington, i833[-'34], pp, 407, 408, 409, 412.) See Bibliography, IV. Laws, no. 5. TWENTY-FOURTH COXGRESS, SECOND SESSION Address of jSj^ {February 2), T/ntrsday. Se/mte.— Mr. Clay pre- Briush aut °''s ^^^^^.^^^1 ^^^ address of certain authors of Great Britain, repre- senting the injury in their reputation and property to which they have long been exposed from the want of a law to secure to them, within the United States, the exclusive right to their respective writings, and requesting, in behalf of the authors of Great Britain, a legislative remedy. On motion by Mr. Clay, Ordered, That the address be referred to a select committee. It was agreed that the President appoint the committee; and Mr. Clay, Mr. Preston, Mr. Buchanan, Mr. Webster, and Mr. Ewing of Ohio, were accordingly appointed. (Journal of the Senate, 2d .sess. of 24th Cong. 8°. Wa.shington, 1836 [-'37], p. 192; Pubhc documents printed by order of the Senate of the United States. 2d sess. of 24th Cong. v. 2, 8°. Washington, 1837, doc. no. 134.) See Bibliography, V. Mi.scellaneous. no. 2. iSjy (February ^), Saturday. Seriate. — Mr. Clay pre- sented additional signatures to the address of certain authors, presented the 2d instant, in relation to copy-right; which were referred to the committee on the subject. Mr. Clay presented the petition of W. A. Duer and others, citi- zens of the United States, praying that such changes may Chronological Record, iSjy ^49 ,j i-„ 24TH CONGRESS, be made in the existing copy-right law as would ensure to _^ ,„fhors a safer interest in their property; to the writers oi th United States ei.eouragenient; and to foreigners a t sonle protection; which was referred to the sel^-t com mittee appointed on the subject. On motion .by ^r. Clay an addittonal member was added to the committee^ It was !!reed that the appointment be made by the President; and Mr Ru'gles was appointed accordingly. (Journal of the Senaf;fd sess. of .4thCong. 8°. Washington 1836 [-37], p 203- Public documents printed by order of the Senate !d sesL of .4th Cong. v. a. 8°. Washington, ,837, doc. no 141.) See Bibliography, V. Miscellaneous, no. 3- Vstr (February ,3), Monday. House of RepresentaUves.- Mr Cambreleng presented a memorial of certain hterary authors of Great Britain, praying for the passage of an act by which the copyright of their respective wntings may be secured to themselves in the United States. Ordered That aM memorial be referred to the Committee on the Judiciao^ (Tournal of the House of Representatives, 2d sess. of 24th Cong 8°. Washington, 1837. V- 40o; Executive docu- ment' of the House of Representatives. 2d sess. of 24th Cong., v. 4, 8°. Washington, 1837. doc. no. 162.) bee TtiWincrraohv V. Miscellaneous, no. 4. ^S^jU^eLary ,6) . Thursday. S«./..-Mr. Clay, from Se„.u ....,«. thefeLct committee to whom were referred the address of certain British and the petition of certain American authors submitted a report, accompanied by a bill (S. 223) to amend he act entitled "An act to amend the several acts respect^ ng copyrights.- The bill was read the first and second ttaes by unanimous consent. Ordered, That the report be printed and that one thousand additional cop-s be sent to the Senate. (Journal of the Senate, 2d sess. of 24th Cong, go Washington, .836 [-'37]. P- ^58; Public documents printed by order of the Senate of the United States, 2d «.ss of 24th Cong. V. 2. 8». Washington. .837, doc. no. 179) See Bibliography, I. Bills, no. 20a. and II. Reports, no. 5. t)ee rilUiiugicipiij^ , , c- , tv/t^ PIiv nre- Copyright pe- j8:i7 (February 20), Monday. Senate.-Ur. Clay V^^ JJ^.\^^,^ sented the petition of a number of the pubHc writers and ^,,,ers, etc. friends of Hterature in the United States, praying a modifi^ cation of the existing law of copy-right. Ordered, Tha it ifeo" the table, and be printed. ... Mr. Rives presented 150 Copyright in Co7igress^ 17S9 to 1904 24TH CONGRESS, thg petition of W. B. Rogers and others, professors of the University of Virginia, pra^'ing a modification of the law of copyright. Ordered, That it He on the table, and be printed. (Journal of the Senate, 2d sess. of 24th Cong. 8°. Washington, 1836 [-'37], pp. 266, 267; Public documents printed by order of the Senate, 2d sess. of 24th Cong. v. 2, 8°. Washington, 1837, docs. 192, 193.) See Bibliography, V. Miscellaneous, nos. 5-6. TWENTY-FIFTH CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Senate bill, no. fSj"/ {Decctubcr ij ) , ]Ved)icsday. Soiatc. — Agreeably to notice, Mr. Clay asked and obtained leave to bring in a bill (S. 32) to amend the act entitled "An act to amend the several acts respecting copy-right; " which was read the first and second times, by unanimous consent, and referred to the Committee on Patents and the Patent Office. (Jour- nal of the Senate, 2d sess. of 25th Cong. 8°. Washington, i837[-'38], p. 44.) See Bibliography, I. Bills, no. 20b. Copyright jg^S (January i^), Monday. Senate. — Mr. Buchanan ""'cuTzenl' of presented the memorial of a number of citizens of Philadel- phiiadeiphia phia against the passage of an "international copyright law;" which was ordered to be printed. (Journal of the Senate, 2d sess. of 25th Cong. 8°. Washington, 1837 [-'38] , p. 139; Public documents printed by order of the Senate, 2d sess. of 25th Cong. v. 2,8°. Washington, 1838, doc. no. 102.) See Bibliography, V. Miscellaneous, no. 7. 1838 (January 15) , Monday. House oj Representatives. — Mr. Toland presented a memorial of inhabitants of the city of Philadelphia, remon.strating against the passage of an Inhabitants of " international copyright law." Mr. Cambreleng presented New York ^ memorial of inhabitants of the city of New York, praying for the passage of an international law of copyright with the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. Ordered, That the said petitions and memorials be referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. (Journal of the House of Representatives, 2d sess. of 25th Cong. 8°. Washington, 1837 [-'38], p. 279; Executive documents of the House of Representatives, 2d .sess. of 25th Cong. v. 5, 8°. Wash- ington, 1838, doc. no. 117.) See Bibliography, V. Mis- cellaneous, no. 8. CJironological Record^ i8j8 151 i8j8 {January 25), Thursday. Seriate. — Mr. Niles pre- 25TH congress, sented a memorial of D. F. Robinson and others, who are d. f. Robin- engaged in the book publishing, bookbinding, printing, ^°" ^""^ "^^^''^ and papermaking business, in the city of Hartford, Conn., against the passage of an international cop3^right law; which was referred to the Committee on Patents and the Patent Office. (Journal of the Senate, 2d sess. of 25th Cong. 8°. Washington, 1837 [-'38], p. 171.) i8j8 {February i), Thursday. Senate. — Mr. Buchanan EdmundGreen presented a memorial of Edmund Green and others, remon- strating against the passage of an international cop3Tight law; which was referred to the Committee on Patents and the Patent Office. (Journal of the Senate, 2d sess. of 25th Cong. 8°. Washington, 1837 [-'38]- P- i94-) 18^8 {February ij), Tuesday. Senate. — Mr. Norvell Columbia Ty- pre.sented a memorial of the Columbia Tj-pographical Societ}' ci°e^y^^ of the City of Washington, praying that an international copyright law may not be passed; which was referred to the Committee on Patents and the Patent Office. (Journal of the Senate, 2d sess. of 25th Cong. 8°. Washington, 1837 [-'38], p. 223; Public documents printed by order of the Senate, 2d sess. of 25th Cong. v. 3, 8°. Washington, 1838, doc. no. 190.) See Bibliography, V. Miscellaneous, no. 9. 1838 {March /j), Tuesday. Senate. — Mr. Wright pre- New York sented a memorial of the New York Typographical Society sod^ty'^^'' against the passage of an international copyright law ; which was referred to the Committee on Patents and the Patent Office, and ordered to be printed. (Journal of the Senate, 2d sess. of 25th Cong. 8°. Washington, 1837 [-'38], p. 287; Public documents printed by order of the Senate, 2d sess. of 25th Cong. v. 4, 8°. Washington, 1838, doc. no. 296.) See Bibhography, V. Miscellaneous, no. 10. 1838 {March /p), Monday. Senate. — Mr. Buchanan pre- p: s. du Pon- sented a memorial of Peter S. Du Ponceau and others, pray- ing that a connnittee of inquiry may be appointed for the purpose of examining the expediency of an international copyright law, before that measure shall be adopted. Ordered, That it He on the table, and be printed. (Journal ceau 152 Copyright in Congress^ ^7^9 to 1^04 25TH CONGRESS, of the Senate, 2d sess. of 25th Cong. 8°. Washington, 1837 ["'38]' P- 296; Public documents printed by order of the Senate, 2d sess. of 25th Cong. v. 4, 8°. Washington, 1838, doc. no. 309.) See Bibliograph}-, V. Miscellaneous, no. II. Citizens of i8j8 {MarcJi ip), Mondaj'. House of Representatives. — e p la ^j^. 'PqJ^j^jJ presented a memorial of citizens of the city of Philadelphia, praying the passage of an international copy- right law ; which memorial was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. (Journal of the Senate, 2d sess. of 25th Cong. 8°. Washington, 1837 [-'38], p. 632; Executive documents of the House of Representatives, 2d sess. of 25th Cong. V. 8, 8°. Washington, 1838, doc. no. 260.) See Bibliography, V. Miscellaneous, no. 12. Representa- igjg {Marc/i 26), Monday. House oj Representatives. — doiph Mr. Robertson presented a petition of the repre.sentatives of Peyton Randolph, deceased, of the State of Virginia, praying a renewal of the copyright of the Reports of the Court of Appeals in the State of Virginia; which said petition was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary-. (Journal of the House of Representatives, 2d sess. of 25th Cong. 8°. Wash- ington. 1838, pp. 655-656.) i8j8 i^Hfarch 2p), Thursday. >S'^;2a/^.- — On motion by Mr. Buchanan, Ordered, That the memorial of Peter S. Du Pon- ceau and others, on the subject of an international copy- right law, presented the 19th instant, be referred to the Committee on Patents and the Patent Ofhce. (Journal of the Senate, 2d sess. of 25th Cong. 8°. Washington, 1837 [-38], P- 327-) R: P. Smith i8j8 {April jo) , Tucsday. Senate. — Mr. Buchanan pre- .sented a memorial of Richard Penn Smith and others, against the passage of an international copy -right law; which was referred to the Committee on Patents and the Patent Office, and ordered to be printed. (Journal of the Sen- ate, 2d sess. of 25th Cong. 8°. Wa.shington, 1837 [-'38], p. 349; Public documents printed by order of the Senate, 2d sess. of 25th Cong. v. 4, 8°. Washington, 1838, doc. no. 369.) See Bibliograplw, V. Miscellaneous, no. 13. Citizens of 1838 {April i6) , Monday . House of Representatives. — Mr. Fletcher, of Massachu.setts, presented a memorial of citizens Chronological Record^ i8 ^8 153 of Boston, iu the State of Massachusetts, eneraged as pub- 25TH congress, '^ '^ -^ 2D SESSION lishers and booksellers, remonstrating against the passage of a law securing to foreign authors the copj^right of their books published in this countr}-. Ordered, That the said petitions, resolutions, and memorials do lie on the table. (Journal of the House of Representatives, 2d sess. of 25th Cong. 8°. Washington, 1837 ["'3^]- P- 776; Executive documents of the House of Representatives, 2d sess. of 25th Cong. V. 10, 8°. Washington, 1838, doc. no. 340.) See Bibliography, V. Miscellaneous, no. 14. 1838 {April 24), Tuesday. Senate.-— Mr. Clav, of Ken- citizens of 1 11 -ip^T ^111 New York, etc. lucky, presented the memorial of Henry Ogden and others, citizens of New York, in favor of an international copyright law; which was referred to the Committee on Patents and the Patent Office, and ordered to be printed. Mr. Rives presented the memorial of Edward Everett and others, of Boston, praying that the laws regulating literary property may be so amended as to extend to all authors writing in the English language the privilege of copyright for works originally and simultaneously printed and published in this country; which was referred to the Committee on Patents and the Patent Office, and ordered to be printed. On mo- tion by Mr. Rives, Ordered, That the petition of the pro- fessors of the University of Virginia on the files of the Senate, relating to the copyright law, be referred to the Committee on Patents and the Patent Office. Mr. Preston presented the memorial of W. Marshall & Co. and others, of Philadelphia, praying the extension of the privilege of copyright to foreign authors; which was referred to the Committee on Patents and the Patent Office, and ordered to be printed. (Journal of the Senate, 2d sess. of 25th Cong. 8°. Washington, 1837 [-'38] p. 374; Public documents printed by order of the Senate, 2d sess. of 25th Cong. v. 5, 8°. Washington, 1838, docs. nos. 398, 399, 400.) See Bibliography, V. Miscellaneous, nos. 15-17. i8j8 {May 2) , Wed7iesday. Senate. — Mr. Buchanan pre- ai exander sented a memorial of Alexander Eawson and others; a me- morial of Robert Lindsay and others; a memorial of John Fagan and others; and a memorial of Peter M. Pitcher and others, severally praying that an international copyright 154 Copyright in Congress^ 1789 to 1904. 25TH CONGRESS, law fjjay not pass; which were referred to the Committee on 2D SESSION Patents. (Journal of the Senate, 2d sess. of 25th Cong. 8°. Washington, 1837 [-'38]. P- 384.) Ci t i z e n s of ^g^g ( j/^ ^, ^i)^ Moiida )'. Housc of Representatives.— Islr. Pennsylvania ^ , , j r Toland presented a memorial of citizens of the State of Penn- sylvania, remonstrating against the passage of an interna- tional copyright law; which memorial was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. . . . Mr. Toland presented four petitions of citizens of Philadelphia against an international copyright law. Mr. Toland presented a petition of citizens of Philadelphia and its vicinity praying the extension of the advantage of copyright to all native or foreign residents or nonresidents. . . . Ordered, That the said petitions and memorial be referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. (Journal of the House of Representatives, 2d sess. of 25th Cong. 8°. Washington, 1837 [-'38], pp. 915, 924. Exec- utive documents of the House of Representatives, 2d sess. of 25th Cong. V. 10, 8°. Washington, 1838, doc. no. 383.) See Bibliography, V. Miscellaneous, no. 18. Citizens of jgjS ( Jiinc / ) , Monday. House of Representatives. — Mr. Calhoun, of Ma.ssachusetts, presented a memorial of the inhabitants of the State of Massachusetts, remonstrating the passage of an international copj'right act, and . . . Ordered, That the said petitions do lie on the table. (Journal of the House of Representatives, 2d sess. of 25th Cong. 8°. Wa.shington, i837[-'38], pp. 1027, 1028. Ex- ecutive documents of the House of Representatives, 2d sess. of 25th Cong. v. 10, 8°. Washington, 1838, doc. no. 416. ) See Bibliography-, V. Mi.scellaueous, no. 19. J: A. Brevoort i8j8 [June 8), Friday. Senate. — Mr. Tallmadge pre- an^ ■ ■ °^' sented the memorial of John A. Brevoort and O. S. Fowler, praying that the principle of copyright may be extended to artists engaged in taking busts, castings, and modellings in plaster, porcelain, and wax; which was referred to the Com- mittee on the Judiciary. (Journal of the Senate, 2d sess. of 25th Cong. 8°. Washington, 1837 [-'38] , p. 451 ; Public documents printed by order of the Senate, 2d sess. of 25th Cong. V. 6, 8°. Wa.shington, 1838, doc. no. 475.) See Bibliography, V. Miscellaneous, no. 20. Chronological Record^ 1 8 j8 155 1838 { hine 18), Monday. Senate .—^Ix . Buchanan pre- ^sth congress, ^ -^ ' ^ 2D SESSION sented a memorial of S. D. Ingham and others, praying that s. d. ingham an international copyright law may not be passed ; which ^"^ others was referred to the Committee on Patents and the Patent Office. (Journal of the Senate, 2d sess. of 25th Cong. 8°. Washington, 1837 [-'38], p. 477.) i8j8 {June 25), Monday. Senate. — Mr. Ruggles, from Senate bin, no. the Committee on Patents and the Patent Office, to whom was referred a bill (S. 32) to amend the act entitled "An act to amend the several acts respecting copyright," reported it without amendment. Mr. Ruggles also submitted a spe- cial report on the subject; which was ordered to be printed. (Journal of the Senate, 2d sess. of 25th Cong. 8°. Wash- ington, 1837 [-'38], p. 491; Public documents printed by order of the Senate of the United States, 2d sess. of 25th Cong. V. 6, 8°. Washington, 1838, doc. no. 494.) See Bibliograph3^ II. Reports, no. 6. 1838 {July 7) , Saturday. House of Representatives. — Mr. "• ^- '''"^' "°^- Robertson, from the Committee on the Judiciary, reported two bills, viz: no. 884. A bill for the relief of the heirs of Peyton Randolph, deceased; and no. 885. A bill to amend the acts for the encouragement of learning, by securing the copies of maps, charts, and books to the authors and propri- etors of such copies; accompanied by a report at length in relation to said bills; which bills were committed to a Com- mittee of the Whole House to-morrow. (Journal of the of Representatives, 2d sess. of 25th Cong. 8° . Wash- ington, 1837 [-'38], p. 1 271; Reports of committees of the House of Representatives, 2d sess. of 25th Cong. v. 4, 8°. Washington, 1838, no. 1052.) See Bibliography, I. Bills, nos. 21-22, and II. Reports, no. 7. Note. — in the proceedings of the House for Monday, July 9, the last day of the session, no mention is made of any discussion on these bills. TWENTY-FIFTH CONGRESS, THIRD SESSION 1838 {December ly), Monday. Senate. — Agreeably to Senate bin, no. notice, Mr. Clay, of Kentucky, asked and obtained leave ^ to bring in a bill (S. 75) to amend the act entitled "An act to amend the several acts respecting copyrights; " which was read the first and second times, by unanimous consent, and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. (Journal 156 Copyright in Congress^ 17S9 to igo^ 25TH CONGRESS, of the Senate, 3d sess. of 25th Cong. 8°. Washington, "ID SESSION 1838 [-'39], p. 51.) See Bibhography, I. Bills, no. 23. 18^8 (^December ig), IVednesday. Senate. — On motion by Mr. Clay, of Kentucky, Ordered, That the several peti- tions in relation to the subject of an international copyright law, on the files of the last session, be referred to the Com- mittee on the Judiciar}'. (Journal of the Senate, 3d sess. of 25th Cong. 8°. Washington, 1838 [-'39], p. 55.) 7- ng the enactment of an international copynght law. was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. (Journal Tthe Senate, 2d sess. of 27th Cong. 8«. Washington, "]' ^"'(*i'i- Tn-rsday. House of Representatives.- „^°,V;„'/„- On motion of Mr. McKeon, it was Resolved, That the Pres ,.o,...b,i.- ident of the United States be requested to communicate to- h House, if not incompatible with the public interests, all CO rrespond;nce between this Government and the Govern- ment of Great Britain, in relation to an international law of copyright. (Journal of the House of Representatives, 2d sess of 27th Cong. 8°. Washington, 184. [-•42], PP- '''^^m^'i April 12), Tuesday. House of Representatives.- The following message, in writing, heretofore received from the President of the United States, was read viz: /" the House of Representatives of the United States: I ^..^^^^'^'^ herewith, to the House of Representatives, a report from the Secretary of State, with a copy of the correspondence requested by their resolution of the 7* ;"^7';;. °f^ Tyler. Washington, April 9. >842." Orrf.;-.rf, That he said message be referred to the committee appointed on the memorial of Washington Irving and others, on the subje t of an international copyright law. (Journal of the House of Representatives. 2d sess. of 27th Cong^ 8=. Wasiing- ton. .84. [-'4^]. P- 7°°^ Executive documents of the House of Representatives, 2d sess. of 25tn Cong. v. 4. » • Washington. ,837, doc. no. 187.) See Bibhography, V. Miscellaneous, no. 21. NOTE.-Correspondence with the British Government relative to the international copyright treaty. ,842 Uune /J), Monday. Senate.-Mr. Buchanan pre- ^cc.™.>„xm.. sented a memorial from C. Sherman and others, and a,.„. memorial from T. and J. W. Johnson and others -veraUy -■ praying an alteration in the mode of laying [sic. levjing] Philadelphia 1 60 CopyrigJit in Congress^ ^7^9 to 1904 27THCON-GRKSS, (ji^i^igg qjj iniDorted books, and urging the inexpediency of 2D SESSION . . . , , ^ J I ATA, an international cop}- right law. Ordered, That so much or the memorials as relates to a change in the mode of laying [sic. levying] duties, be referred to the Committee on Manufactures, and that so much thereof as relates to an international copyright, be referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. On motion by Mr. Buchanan, that the memorial of T. and J. \V. Johnson and others be printed, Ordered, That the motion be referred to the Committee on Printing. (Journal of the Senate, 2d sess. of 27th Cong. 8°. Washington, 1841 [-'42], p. 394. Public documents printed by order of the Senate, 2d sess. of 27th Cong. v. 4, 8°. Wa.shington, 1842, doc. no. 323.) See Bibliogra- phy, V. Miscellaneous, no. 22. Citizens of 184.2 ijuiic ij), Monday. House of Representatives. — The undermentioned petitions and memorial were laid on the Clerk's table, under the order of the 29th March, to wit: . . . Bj' Mr. Toland: Two memorials of citizens of Philadelphia, engaged in printing and selling books, pra}-- ing that the pound duty on imported books be restored, and remonstrating against an international copj-right law; the latter branch of which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary, and the former to the Committee on Manu- factures. (Journal of the House of Representatives, 2d sess. of 27th Cong. 8°. Washington, 1841 [-'42] , p. 951.) 18^2 {June /j), Wednesday. Senate. — Mr. Crafts, from the Committee on Printing, reported in favor of printing so much of the memorial concerning the duties on imported books and an international copy-right law as relates to a national copy-right law, and against printing the residue of the memorial. The report was concurred in. (Journal of the Senate, 2d of 27th Cong. 8°. Washington, 1841 [-'42], p. 399.) TWENTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS, THIRD SESSION 184.2 {December 12) , Monday. Senate. — See note 3, p. 378. Memorial of jg^2 {December Id) , Wednesday. Ho2ise of Representa- Washington . .^ . p Irving and oth- tivcs. — Ou luotioii of Mr. Joliu P. Kennedy, Ordered, That *" the memorial of Washington Irving and others, presented at the last session of Congress, praying the pa.ssage of an act CJu'onological Record, 184J 161 upon the subject of international copyrights, be referred to '''!^^^^^^^^^^ a select committee. Mr. John P. Kennedy. Mr. Winthrop, Mr. Brockvvay, Mr. McKeon, and Mr. Gushing, were ap- pointed said committee. On motion of Mr. Gushing, Resolved, That the select committee on the petition of Wash- ington Irving and others be empowered and instructed to consider of the propriety of amendments generally in the existing law of copyright. (Journal of the House of Repre- sentatives, 3d sess. of 27th Gong. 8°. Washington, 184.3, p. 64.) 184.2 (December 20), T/iursday. Ho2ise of Reprcscnta- Petition of ^ ^ ' . . John Rowlett tives. — Under the order of the 2gth of March, 1842, petitions and memorials were presented as follows: . . . and ^y Mr. Gharles J. Ingersoll: A petition of John Rowlett, of the city of Philadelphia, praying an extension of the copyright of his "Interest Tables;" which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. (Journal of the House of Representatives, 3d sess. of 27th Gong. 8°. Washington, 1843, p. 113.) 184.3 {January 7), Saturday. House of Represe7itatives. — "• ^- *=*"• "°- Mr. Gharles J. Ingersoll, from the Gommittee on the Judi- ciary, to which was referred the petition of John Rowlett, for a renewal of his copyright of his book of Tables of Dis- count and Interest, reported a bill (No. 657) supplemen- tary to the act of 24th May, 1828, to continue a copyright to him; which bill was read a first and second time, and committed to a Gommittee of the Whole House to-morrow. At a subsequent period of this day, the Gommittee of the Whole was discharged, and this bill was ordered to be en- grossed and read a third time; and, being engrossed, the bill was read a third time and passed. Ordeird, That the Clerk request the concurrence of the Senate in the said bill. (Journal of the House of Representatives, 3d sess. of 27th Cong. 8°. Washington, 1843, p. 150.; See Bibliogra- phy, I. Bills, no. 29. 184J {January p), Monday. Senate. — A message from the House of Representatives, by Mr. Clarke, their clerk: Mr. President: The House of Representatives . . . have passed bills of the following titles: . . . and H. R. 657. An act supplemental to the act of the 24th May, 1828, to continue a copyright to John Rowlett. (Journal of the 10469 — No. 8 — 05 II 1 62 CopyrigJit in Congress^ ^7^9 to igo^ 27TH CONGRESS, Senate, 3d sess. of 27th Cong. 8°. Washinj^ton, 1842 3D SESSION ^ ^ " ri ' — r [-43], pp. 82, 83.) 184J {January 10^, Tuesday. Senate. — The bills yesterday received from the House of Representatives were severally read the first and second times, by unanimous consent. Ordered^ That bills numbered . . . and 657, be referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. (Journal of the Senate, 3d .sess. of 27th Cong. 8°. Washington, 1842 [-'43], p. 86)." J84.J {January 20), Friday. Senate. — Mr. Berrien, from the Committee on the Judiciary, to whom the following bills were referred: . . . and H. R. 657. An act supplemental to the act of the 24th of May, 1828, to continue a copyright to John Rowlett; reported them severally without amend- ment. (Journal of the Senate, 3d sess. of 27th Cong. 8°. Washington, 1842 [-'43], p. 116.)" i8^j {MarcJi /), Wednesday. Senate. — The Senate pro- ceeded to con.sider, as in Committee of the Whole, the fol- lowing bills and resolutions: . . . and H. R. 657. An act .supplemental to the act of the 24th of May, 1828, to continue a copyright to John Rowlett; . . . and no amendment being made, they were severally reported to the Senate. Ordered, That they pass to a third reading. The said bills were sev- erally read a third time. Resolved, That they pass. Ordered, That the Secretary notify the House of Representatives accordingly. (Journal of the Senate, 3d of 27th Cong. 8°. Washington, 1842 [-'43], pp. 257, 258, 259.) T84.S {Marcli 2 ) , Til ursday. House oj Representatives. — A message from the Senate, by Mr. Dickins, their secretary: Mr. Speaker: The Senate have passed, without amendment, bills and joint resolution of this House of the following titles, viz: . . . and No. 657, An act .supplemental to an act to continue the copyright of John Rowlett. (Journal of the of Representatives, 3d sess. of 27th Cong. 8°. Wa.shington, 1843, pp. 513, 514.) 3d private NoTE.— This bill was enrolled and signed by the Speaker and the copyright act President of the Senate and laid before the President of the United approve States for his signature on March 2, 1843. It was signed by the President on March 3, 1843, the Senate and the House of Representa- tives being notified of that fact on the same day. (Journal of the House of Representatives, 3d sess. of 27th Cong. 8°. Washington, « See also note 3, page, 378. Chronological Record^ ^^43 163 1842 [-"43], pp. 520, 521, 536, 537, 553. Journal of the Senate, 3d 27TH congress, sess. of 27th Cong. 8°. Washington, 1842 [-'43], pp. 268, 269, 270, ^'^ ^'^^^^'"^ 276, 286, 287. ) See Bibliography, IV. Laws, no. 28. TWENTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION iSifS ( December 7 ) , Thursday . House of Representatives . — Mr. Charles J. Ingersoll gave notice of leave to introduce a bill in relation to copyright. (Journal of the House of Representatives, ist sess. of 28th Cong. 8°. Washington, 1844, P- 30-) 184.J {December 75), Friday. Senate. — Mr. Choate pre- Memorial of American pub- sented the memorial of certain American publishers andiishers booksellers, praying the passage of an international copy- right law; which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. On motion by Mr. Choate, that it be printed, Ordered, That the motion be referred to the Committee on Printing. (Journal of the Senate, sess. of 28th Cong. 8°. Washington, 1843 [-'44], p. 33.) Note. — According to the Congressional Globe, Mr. Choate presented to the Senate a memorial from D. Appleton and others, booksellers and publishers in the United States, praying the passage of a law on the subject of literary propert}-, which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. 1843 {December 16), Saturday. House of Representa- tives. — Mr. John Quincy Adams presented a memorial of American publishers and booksellers, praying the pa.ssage of an international copyright law, for the purpose of secur- ing to the authors of all nations the sole right to dispose of their compositions for publication in the United States. Ordered, That the said memorial be referred to a select committee; and Mr. Winthrop, Mr. Adams, Mr. C. J. Ingersoll, Mr. E. J. Black, Mr. Reuben Chapman, Mr. Herrick, Mr. Leonard, Mr. Bowlin, and Mr. Potter of Ohio, were appointed the said committee. (Journal of the House of Representatives, ist sess. of 28th Cong. 8°. Washington, 1844, P- 58; Executive documents of the House of Representatives, ist sess. of 30th Cong, v, i. 8°. Wa.shington, 1844, doc. no. 10.) See Bibliography, V. Mi.scellaneous, no. 23. /c?/j {December 18), Monday. Senate. — Mr. Fairfield reported from the committee in favor of printing the 164 Copyright in Congress, ijSg to igo^ 28TH CONGRESS, j^gj^Qj-j^l of jj number of publishers and booksellers, pre- sented the 15th instant; and, Ordered, That the memorial be printed. (Journal of the Senate, ist sess. of 28th Cong. 8°. Washington, i843[-'44], p. 37.) 184.4 {January j), Wednesday. Hotise of Representa- tives. — In pursuance of previous notice, Mr. Charles J. Ingersoll asked for, obtained leave, and introduced a bill (No. 9) relating to copyright; which was read a first and second time, and referred to the select committee on that subject. (Journal of the House of Representatives, ist sess. of 28th Cong. 8°. Washington, 1844, p. 150.) See Bibliography, I. Bills, nos. 31a, 31b. Petition ofNa- fS^^ (Januajy ij ) , MoJiday . House of Representatives. — humcapen \]x\d(tr the 24th rule of the House, petitions, memorials. and documents were handed to the clerk, as follows: . . . By Mr. Winthrop: A petition of Xahum Capen, of Boston, praying the enactment of an international copyright law'; referred to the select committee on that subject, appointed on the i6tli of December (Journal of the House of Representatives, sess. of 28th Cong. 8°. Washington, 1844, pp. 236, 238. Executive documents of the House of Representatives, ist sess. of 28th Cong. v. 2, 8°. ington, 1844, doc. no. 61.) See Bibliography, V. Miscel- laneous, no. 24. H. R. bill, no. iS^^ ( Marcli 28) , TImrsday. House of Represe?itatives. — *'^ Mr. Burke, from the Committee on the Library, reported a bill (No. 277) extending the privilege of copyright to the authors of the Narrative and Account of the Exploring Expe- dition: which bill was read a first and second time, and remains upon the Speaker's table. (Journal of the House of Representatives, of 28th Cong. 8°. Washing- ton, 1844, p. 698.) See Bibhography, I. Bills, no. 32. i844.i^April 12), Friday. House of Representatives. — The proceeded to the consideration of the bill (No. 277) extending the privilege of copyright to the authors of the Narrative and Account of the Exploring Expedition; the question being. Shall the said bill be engros.sed and read a third time to-day? And, after debate, a motion was made by Mr. Joseph R. Ingersoll. that the said bill be postponed until Friday next; which motion was agreed to by the CJiroiiological Record^ i8^^ 165 House. ( Journal of the House of Representatives ,ist sess. 28th congress, 1ST SESSION of 28th Cong. 8°. Washington, 1844, p. 783.) Note. — In the proceedings of the House for Friday, April 19, the Journal makes no mention of any discussion on this bill. /<. — The Speaker annotniced as the business first in order the motion made by Mr. Phoenix, on Saturday last, and pending when the House adjourned, to reconsider the vote by which the 1 66 CopyrigJU ifi Congress^ J 7^9 to 1904 28TH CONGRESS, bill of tijis House (No. 277; " extending the privileges of ISX SESSIOr^ copyright to authors of the Narrative and Account of the Exploring Expedition," was laid upon the table. On motion of Mr. Barnard, Ordered, That the said motion to reconsider be postponed until Monday next. (Journal of the House of Representatives, ist sess. of 28th Cong. 8°. Washington, 1844, P- 999-) NoTK. — In the proceedings of the House for Monday, June 10, the Journal makes no mention of any reconsideration of this bill. TWENTY-NINTH CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Smithsonian iSd^ {Deccvibe) lo), Friday. House of Representatives. — Institution t^ v ^/ , j r In pursuance of previous notice, Mr. Owen asked, obtained leave, and introduced a bill (No. 5) to establish a Smith- sonian Institution: which bill was read a first and second time. Mr. Owen moved that the said bill be referred to a select committee of seven members. And the question being put, it was decided in the affirmative. Ordered, That Mr. Owen, Mr. John Quincy Adams, Mr. Jenkins, Mr. Marsh, Mr. Alexander D. Sims, Mr. Jefferson Davis, and Mr. Wilmot be the said committee. (Journal of the House of Representatives, I st sess. of 29th Cong. 8°. Washington, 1 845-' 46, p. 137.) Note. — Section 10 of this bill as finally passed provided that one of the two deposited copies of copyright books should be delivered to the Librarian of the Smith.«onian Institution. The discussion on this bill extended from Februar\- 28 to August 10, 1846. It was passed by the House on April 29 and by the Senate on August 10, and was signed by the President on August 10. See Bibliography, IV. Laws, no. 6. 18^6 (^January 22), TJuirsday. Senate. — On motion by Mr. Johnson, of Maryland, Ordered, That the several memo- rials on the subject of copyright on the files of the Senate be referred to a select committee to consist of five members, to be appointed by the Vice-President, and Mr. Cass, Mr. Berrien, Mr. Dix, Mr. Johnson, of Maryland, and Mr. Pen- nybacker were appointed. (Journal of the Senate, ist sess. of 2Qth Cong. 8°. Washington, i845-'46, p. 115.) Chronological Record^ 18^8 167 THIRTIETH CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION 30TH congress, 1ST SESSION 1848 {March 22) , Wed^iesday. House of Representatives. — Memorials of ■»*■ ATA 1 r- 1 i 1 • f JohnJayandW: Mr. T. Butler King, by leave, presented a memorial of John cuuen Bryant Jay and also the memorial of William C. Bryant and others, all of the city of New York, praying for the passage of an international copyright law: which memorials were ordered to be referred to a select committee. ( Journal of the House of Representatives, ist sess. of 30th Cong. 8°. Washing- ton, 1 847-' 48, p. 595; Miscellaneous documents printed by order of the House of Representatives, ist sess. of 30th Cong. 8°. Washington, 1848, doc. no. 76.) See Bibliog- raphy, V. Miscellaneous, no. 25. 1848 {May i), Monday. House of Repy^esentatives. — The Memorial of following petitions, memorials, and other papers were laid ^^^' "' ^°"°° on the Clerk's table, under the 24th rule of the House, to wit: ... By Mr. Rumse}': The memorial of Levi H. Cor- son, of Bath, in the State of New York, prapng for the passage of an act securing to him the copy-right of a per- petual calendar or almanac, of which he is the original and sole author; which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. (Journal of the House of Representatives, ist sess. of 30th Cong. 8°. Washington, 1 847-' 48, p. 753.) 184.8 {May 8), Monday. Seiiate. — Mr. Davis, of Massa- chusetts, submitted the following resolution; which was con- sidered, bj' unanimous consent, and agreed to: Resolved, That the Committee on the Library be instructed to inquire whether the provisions of the law requiring of publishers who take out a copy-right to place the work in the Library of Congress need amendment. (Journal of the Senate, ist sess. of 30th Cong. 8°. Washington, i847-'48, p. 322.) 1848 {^May ly) , Wednesday. House of Representatives. — h. r. bin, no. Mr. Joseph R. IngersoU, from the Committee on the Judi- ''^^ ciary, reported a bill (No. 493) for the relief of Levi H. Corson, and for other purposes, accompanied by a report in writing: which bill was read a first and second time, com- mitted to a Committee of the Whole House, made the order of the day for to-morrow, and the report and bill ordered to be printed. (Journal of the House of Representatives, ist sess. of 3otli Cong. 8°. Washington, iS47-'48, p. 808; [Reports of committees of the of Representatives, ist 1ST SESSION 1 68 Copy rig Jit in Congress, Jj8c) to igo^ rJL';°'!l^^^^' ^^ss- °^ 3°^^^ Cong., V. 3, 8°. Washington, 1848] , no. 613.) See Bibliograph}', I. Bills, no. 33, and II. Reports, no. 9. 18^8 (May 26 ), Friday. House of Representatives. — Mr. John A. Rockwell moved that the House re.solve itself into a Committee of the Whole House, for the consideration of private bills; which motion was agreed to. The House accordingly resolved itself into a Committee of the Whole House, for the consideration of private bills; and, after some time .spent therein, the Speaker resumed the chair, and Mr. McClelland reported that the Committee had had under consideration sundry private bills, and had directed him to report bills of the following titles, viz: . . . No. 493. A bill for the relief of Levi H. Corson, and for other; severally without amendment. . . . The House proceeded to the consideration of the said bills; when . . . the said bills, . . . and 493, reported without amendment, were severally ordered to be engrossed and read a third time; and being engrossed, they w'ere severally read the third time, and passed. Ordered, That the Clerk request the concurrence of the Senate in the said bills. (Journal of the House of Representatives, ist sess. of 30th Cong. 8°. Washington, i847-'48, pp. 833, 834.) 184.8 {May 2p), Monday. Senate. — A message from the House of Representatives, by Mr. Campbell, their clerk: Mr. President: The House of Representati\'es have passed bills of the following titles: . . . H. R. 493. An act for the relief of Levi H. Corson, and for other purposes; . . . in which they request the concurrence of the vSenate. . . . The bills this day received from the House of Represent- atives w^ere severally read the first and second times, by unanimous consent. Ordered, . . . that the bill numbered 493 be referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. CJournal of the Senate, ist of 30th Cong. 8°. Washington, i847-'48, pp. 357, 358, 359.) 184.8 {Jmie /), TJiursday. Seriate. — Mr. Butler, from the Committee on the Judiciary, to whom was referred the bill (H. R. 493j for the relief of Levi H. Corson, and for other purposes, reported it without amendment. (Journal of the Senate, ist sess. of 30th Cong. 8°. Washington, i847-'48, p. 366.; Chronological Record^ 1^51 169 THIRTIETH CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION 30TH congress, 2D SESSIOX i8^g {^February 2), Friday. Senate. — The Senate pro- ceeded to consider, as in Committee of the Whole, the bill (H. R. 493) for the relief of Levi H. Corson, and for other purposes; and no amendment being made, it was reported to the Senate. Ordered, That it pass to a third reading. The said bill was read a third time. Resolved, That this bill pass. Ordered, That the Secretary notify the House of Representatives accordingly. (Journal of the Senate, 2d sess. of 30th Cong. 8°. Washington, 1849, p. 178.) i8^g {February 6^ , Tuesday. House of Representatives. — A message from the Senate, by Mr. Dickins, their secre- tary. Mr. Speaker: . . . The Senate have passed a bill of the House entitled. No. 493. An act for the relief of Levi H. Corson, and for other purposes. (Journal of the House of Representatives, 2d sess. of the 30th Cong. 8°. Wash- ington, i848-'49, ^. 383.) Note. — This bill was enrolled and signed by the Speaker on Feb- 4th private ruary 9, 1849, by the President of the Senate on February 12, and was copyright act laid before the President of the United States for his signature on ^^^ °^* February 17, 1849. I^ was signed by the President on February 19, 1849, ^^ House of Representatives and Senate being notified of that fact on the same day. (Journal of the House of Representatives, 2d sess. of 30th Cong. 8°. Washington, i848-'49, pp. 414, 464, 470; Journal of the Senate, 2d sess. of 30th Cong. 8°. Washington, 1849, pp. 200, 204, 230, 233.) See Bibliograph}^, IV. Laws, no. 29. THIRTY-FIRST CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION 1850 {July i), Monday. Senate. — Mr. Clay presented the copyright pe- • • !■ r\ -r-r • • i r TITIONS: petition ot G. Huntington, praying the enactment of an G.Huntington international copyright law; which was referred to the Committee on Patents and the Patent Office. (Journal of the Senate, ist sess. of 31st Cong. 8°. Washington, i849-'50, p. 431) THIRTY-FIRST CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION i8§i {February /), Saturday. Sefiate. — Mr. Winthrop American presented the memorial of the American Medical Association ^iation at Cincinnati, praying the enactment of an international copyright law; which was referred to the Committee on the 170 CopyrigJit in CoiigrcsSy lySg to 190^ 31.ST CONGRESS, jjj^j(;,iaj-y Qi^ motion b}- Mr. Winthrop that it be printed, 2D SESSION -V , J ArVi • 1 (■ i ^ • t-. • • Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee on Printing. (Journal of the Senate, 2d sess. of 31st Cong. 8°. Wash- ington. i85c>-'5i, p. 137.) THIRTY-SECOND CONGRESS. FIRST SESSION Washington ^g^^ (JuIy /p), Monday. Senate.— Wr. Sumner pre- Fenimore Coop- sented two petitions of Washington Irving and J. Fenimore *"'• Cooper and others, authors, publishers, booksellers, printers, editors, and paper dealers, citizens of the United States, praying the enactment of an international copj^right law ; which were referred to the Committee on the Library. (Journal of the Senate, ist sess. of the 32d Cong. 8°. Washington, i85i-'52, p. 535; Congressional Globe, istsess. of 32dCong., V. 24, pt. 3. 4°. Washington, 1852, p. 1832.) See Bibliography, V. Miscellaneous, no. 26. THIRTY-SECOND CONGRESS, vSECOND SESSION. Petition of Se- ^^^^ (December I/) , Tuesday. Senate. — Mr. Davis pre- lina C.Sumner , , . . /^ ,• r, • • seiited the petition of Seliiia C. Sumner, praying a gratuity, in consideration of the discovery by her husband, Thomas K. Sumner, of a new method of finding a ship's position at sea; which was referred to the Committee on Commerce. On motion by Mr. Davis, that the petition be printed. Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee on Printing. (Journal of the Senate, 2d sess. of 32d Cong. 8°. Wa.shington, 1852 [-'53], p. 35; Miscellaneous documents printed by order of the Senate of the United States, 2d of 32d Cong. 8°. Washington, 1853, doc. no. 3.) See Bibliog- raphy, V. Miscellaneous no. 27. iS^2 (^December 16), Thursday. Senate. — Mr. Borland, from the Committee on Printing, to whom was referred the motion to print the petition of Selina C. Sumner, reported in favor of printing the petition; and the report was con- curred in. (Journal of the Senate, 2d sess. of 32d Cong. 8°. Washington, 1852 [-53], p. 39.) Petition of un- jgc:> { famiarv ig), Wednesday. Senate. — Mr. Davis derwriters and ^J^J ^ X/. J ship-owners presented a petition of underwriters and shipowners of New York, praying that some assistance may be extended to the CJiroiioIogical Record^ ^^^3 171 wife of Thomas H. Sumner, in consideration of the valuable 320 congress. discovery made by him of a new method of ascertaining a ship's position at sea; which was referred to the Committee on Commerce. (Journal of the Senate, 2d sess. of 32d Cong. S°. Washington, 1852 [-'53], p. in.) i8jj {February 2), Wednesday. Seriate. — Mr. Davis, Senate bin, no. 604 from the Committee on Commerce, to whom were referred the petition of Selina C. Sumner and a petition of under- writers and ship-owners of New York, submitted a report (No. 396), accompanied by a bill (S. 604) for the of the copyright of a work published b}^ Thomas H. Sum- ner, wherein he describes his new method of a.scertaining a ship's position at sea. The bill was read, and passed to a second reading. Ordered, That the report be printed. (Journal of the Senate, 2d sess. of 32d Cong. 8°. Wash- ington, 1852 [-'53], p. 157; Reports of committees of the Senate, 2d sess. of 32d Cong. 8°. Washington, 1853, no. 396.) See Bibliography, I. Bills, no. 34, and II. Reports, no. 10. THIRTY-THIRD CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION iS^j {December 6^ , Tuesday. House of Representatives. — The following notices were given, under the rule, of motions for leave to introduce bills . . . and by Mr. Chandler: A bill to amend an act entitled "An act supplementary to an act to amend the several acts respecting copyrights," approved February 3, 1831. (Journal of the House of Representatives, ist sess. of 33d Cong. 8°. Washington, i853[-'54], P- 40.) 185 J (December i^), Wed?iesday. House of Representa- h. r. bin, no. tives. — Mr. Chandler, on leave, introduced a bill (H. R. 39)^^ supplementary to an act entitled "An act to amend the several acts respecting copyrights," approved February 3, 1831 ; which was read a first and second time, and referred to ♦ the Committee on the Judiciary. (Journal of the House of Representatives, ist sess. of 33d Cong. 8°. Washington, i^53[~'54]. P- 92-) See Bibliography, I. Bills, no. 35. 185s {December 20), Tuesday. Senate. — Mr. Seward Petitions . . against copy- presented a petition of citizens of Rochester, N. Y., remon- right treaty: strating the ratification of an international copv- ^^'^^^"^ °^ . . . Rochester, N.Y. right treat V with Great Britain; which was referred to the 172 Copyright i)i Congress^ J 7^9 to 190^ 33D CONGRESS. (^Qn^jj^j^-j-gg QQ Foreign Relations. (Journal of the Senate, 1ST SESSION F ■, r^ oti- ist sess. of 33d Cong. 8 . Washington, 1853 ["'54]' P- 48.) ^^54- {Jantiary 26), Thursday. Senate. — On motion by Mr. Everett, Ordered, That the petition of Seliua C. Sum- ner, on the files of the Senate, be referred to the Connnit- tee on Commerce. (Journal of the Senate, ist .sess. of 33d Cong. 8°. Washington, 1853 [-'54]. P- 130.) Senate bill, no. jg^^ {February 2), Thursday. Senate. — Mr. Seward, from the Committee on Commerce, to whom was referred the memorial of Selina C. Sumner, and a petition of under- writers and ship-owners of New York, submitted a report (No. 77), accompanied by a bill (S. 181) for the purchase of the copy-right of a work published by Thomas H. Sum- ner, wherein he describes his new method of ascertaining a ship's position at sea. The bill was read and passed to a second reading. Ordered, That the report be printed. (Journal of the Senate, ist sess. of 33d Cong. 8°. Wash- ington, 1853 [-'54], pp. 150-151; Reports of the committees of the Senate, ist sess. of 33d Cong. v. i, 8°. Washing- ton, 1854, no. 77.) See Bibliography, I. Bills, no. 36, and II. Reports, no. 11. COPYRIGHT PE- 1854. {tebruary p), Thursday. Senate. — Mr. Cass pre- citizens ofscntcd a petition of citizens of Pennsylvania, remonstrating Pennsylvania against the ratification of any treatj^ by which a reciprocal international copyright is proposed to be established between the United States and Great Britain; which was referred to the Committee on the Librar}'. (Journal of the Senate, ist sess. of 33d Cong. 8°. Washington, 1853 [-'54], p. 170.) Citizens of /8^^ (Tebruary ij) , Monday. Senate. — Mr. Seward pre- ^^ °^ .sented three petitions of citizens of New York, remonstrat- ing against the ratification of any treaty by which it is proposed to establish an international copyright between the United States and Great Britain. Ordered, That they lie on the table. (Journal of the Senate, ist sess. of 33d Cong. 8°. Washington, 1853 [-'54], P- i75-) i8§4. {February I .f.), Tuesday. Senate. — Mr. Seward pre- sented a petition of citizens of New York, remonstrating against the ratification of any treaty by which it is proposed to establish an international copyright between the United Chronological Record^ ^^54 173 States and Great Britain. Ordered, That it lie on the table. 33D congress, (Journal of the Senate, ist sess. of 33d Cong. 8°. Wash- ington, 1853 [-54]. P- 182.) 1834. {February 2y), Monday. Senate. — Mr. Weller pre- citizens of . . - . . I- T-« 1 • Pennsylvania sented a petition of citizens of Pennsylvania, remonstrating against the ratification of any treaty hy which it is proposed to establish an international copyright between the United States and Great Britain. Ordered, That it lie on the table. Mr. Chase presented two petitions of citizens of Ohio, re- monstrating against the ratification of any treaty for the es- tablishment of an international copyright between the United States and Great Britain. Ordered, That they lie on the table. (Journal of the Senate, ist sess. of 33d Cong. 8°. Washington, 1853 [-'54], p. 216.) Note. — According to the Congressional Globe, the petition pre- sented by Mr. Chase was that of Joseph H. Reiley and others, citizens of Ohio, remonstrating against the passage of a treaty for the recip- rocal interchange of copyright; which was ordered to lie on the table. (Congressional Globe, Vol. 28, pt. i, p. 485.) 1834. {March /), Wednesday. Senate. — Mr. Cass pre- Citizens of sented a petition of citizens of Michigan, remonstrating "^ '^^" against the ratification of any treaty by which it is proposed to establish an international copyright between the United States and Great Britain; which was referred to the Com- mittee on Foreign Relations. (Journal of the Senate, ist sess. of 33d Cong. 8°. Washington, 1853 [~'54)> P- 225.) 1854. {March 10), Friday. Senate. — The bill (S. 181) for the purchase of the copyright of a work published by ' ' '^°"^' ^^^ Thomas H. Sumner, wherein he describes his new method of ascertaining a ship's position at sea, was read the second time and considered as in Committee of the Whole; and no amendment being made, it was reported to the Senate. On the question, Shall the bill be engrossed and read a third time? It was determined in the affirmative: Yeas, 25; nays, 8. On motion by Mr. Hamlin, the yeas and nays being de- sired by one-fifth of the senators present, those who voted are . . . [Here follow the names of those voting.] Ordered, That the bill be engrossed and read a third time. The said bill was read the third time, by unanimous con- sent. Resolved, That it pass, and that the title thereof be as aforesaid. Ordered, That the Secretary request the con- 174 Copyright iit Congress^ ^7^9 io 1904 33DCONGRESS, currence of the House of Representatives therein. (Jour- nal of the Senate, istsess. of 33d Cong. 8°. Washington, 1853 [-54]. PP- 248-249.) COPYRIGHT PE- jg^^ (MaKck ij) , Mondo}'. Senate. — Mr. Seward pre- ^'cmzens ofsented a petition of citizens of Onondaga Count}', N. Y., re- New York, etc. monstrating against the ratification of any treaty by which it is propo.sed to estabhsh an international copyright between the United States and Great Britain; which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. . . . Mr. Toucey pre- sented a petition of citizens of Connecticut, remonstrating against the ratification of any treaty by which it is proposed to establish an international copyright between the United States and Great Britain. Ordered, That it lie on the table. . . . Mr. Sumner presented a memorial of citizens of Mas- sachusetts, remonstrating against the ratification of a treaty for a reciprocal international copyright between the United States and Great Britain. Ordered, That it lie on the table. (Journal of the Senate, ist sess. of 33d Cong. 8°. Wash- ington, 1853 [-54]. PP- 250, 251.) / P- 263.) Senate bill, no. /(?5'/ {March J/), Friday. House of Representatives. — This being private bill day, the House proceeded to the con- sideration of private business on the Speaker's table; when bills of the Senate of the following titles, viz: . . . S. 181 in House Chronological Record^ i8 ^4 ^75 1 8 1 . An act for the purchase of the copyright of a work pub- jst sess^ox^^^' hshed by Thomas H. Sumner, wherein he describes his new method of ascertaining a ship's position at sea; . . . were severally read a first and second time, and referred as follows, viz: ... S. 1 8 1, to the Committee on Com- merce. (Journal of the House of Representatives, ist sess. of 33d Cong. 8°. Washington, 1853 [-'54] , pp. 586-587.) 1854. {April 25'), Tuesday. Senate. — Mr. Cooper pre- Petitionofciti- ..... . -p^ , . . zens of Pennsyl- sented a petition or citizens 01 Pennsylvania, remonstrating vania against the ratification of an international copyright treaty with Great Britain. Ordered, That it lie on the table. ' (Journal of the Senate, ist sess. of 33d Cong. 8°. Wash- ington, 1853 [-'54], P- 343-) Note. — According to the Congressional Globe, this petition was from Washington J. Jackson, W: J. McElroy, and other citizens of Phila- delphia. (Congressional Globe, v. 28, pt. 2, p. 984.) 18^4 {July 11), Tuesday. House of Representatives . — Mr. Senate bin, no. Tappan Wentworth, by unanimous consent, from the Com- mittee on Commerce, to whom was referred the bill of the Senate (S. 81) [sic. 181] entitled "An act for the purchase of the copyright of a work published by Thomas H. Sum- ner, wherein he describes his new method of ascertaining a ship's position at sea," reported the same without amend- ment. Ordered, That the said bill be committed to a Com- mittee of the Whole House, made the order of the da}' for to-morrow, and printed. (Journal of the rfouse of Repre- sentatives, ist sess. of 33d Cong. 8°. Washington, 1853 [-'54], p. 1124.) See Bibliography, I. Bills, no. 37. 18^4 {Jtdy 2§), Tuesday. House of Representatives. — h. r. bin, no. Mr. Frederick P. Stanton, from the Committee on the Ju- diciary, reported a bill (H. R. 500) supplemental to an act entitled "An act to amend the several acts respecting copy- right," approved February 3, 1851 [sic. 1831]; which was read a first and second time, committed to the Committee of the Whole House on the state of the Union, and ordered to be printed. (Journal of the House of Representatives, ist sess. of 33d Cong. 8°. Washington, 1853 ["'54]' P- 1203.) See Bibliography, I. Bills, no. 38. 18^4 {fuly 28), Friday. House of Representatives. — On motion of Mr. Edgertou, the House resolved itself into a 176 Copyright in Cojigrcss, lySg to igo^ 33D CONGRESS, Qojyin^ittee of the Whole House; and, after some time 1ST SESSION spent therein, the Speaker resumed the chair, and Mr. Enghsh reported that the committee having, according to order, had the private calendar under consideration, had directed him to report bills and resolutions of the following titles, viz: ... S. 181. An act for the purchase of the copyright of a work published by Thomas H. Sumner, wherein he describes his new method of ascertaining a ship's position at sea; . . . .severally without amendment. . . . The House then proceeded to the consideration of ■ the said bills and resolutions. When . . . the following bills of the Senate, severally reported without amendment, viz: . . . 181, . . . were ordered to be read a third time. They were accordingly read the third time and pas.sed. Ordered, That the Clerk acquaint the Senate therewith. (Journal of the House of Representatives, istsess. of 33d Cong. 8°. Washington, 1853 [-'54], pp. 1229, 1230, 1231.) 18^4. {July 2p), Saturday. Senate. A message from the House of Representatives by Mr. McKean, chief clerk: Mr. President: The House of Representatives have passed the fol- lowing bills of the Senate: * * * S. 181. An act for the purchase of the copyright of a work published by Thomas H. Sumner, wherein he describes his new method of ascer- taining a ship's position at sea. (Journal of the Senate, ist sess. of 33d Cong. 8°. Washington, 1853 [-'541- P- 595-) 5th private NOTE. — This bill was enrolled and signed by the President of the copy right act Agnate and the Speaker of the House on July 31, 1854, and laid before approve ^^^ President of the United States for his signature on August i . It was signed by him on August 2, 1854, the Senate being notified of that fact on the same day and the House of Repre.sentatives on Aug- ust 3. (Journal of the House of Representatives, ist sess. of 33d Cong. 8°. Washington, 1S53 [-'54]. PP- 1241, 1242, 1246, 1269; Journal of the Senate, ist sess. of 33d Cong. 8°. Washington, 1853 [-'54]- PP- 607, 608-609, 612, 624.) See Bibliography, IV. Laws, no. 30. THIRTY-THIRD CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Post-office ap- /i'j/ { December 22) , Friday . Hoiise of Representatives. — propnations ^j.^ Houstou, by uuanimous consent, reported from the Com- mittee on Ways and Means abill(H. R. 594 )makingappropria- tions for the .service of the Post-Oflfice Department during the fiscal year ending the 30th of June, 1856; which was read a first and second time, committed to the Committee of the Whole House on the state of the Union, and ordered to be printed. Chronological Record^ 18^6 177 (Journal of the House of Representatives, 2d sess. of 33d ^^330 congress. Cong. 8°. Washington, 1854 [-'55]- P- 102.) Note. — Section 5 of this bill provided that all cop3right deposits intended for delivery at the Library of Congress could be sent through the mails free of postage. The discussion on this bill lasted from December 27, 1854, to March 3, 1855, when it was passed by both Houses of Congress and signed by the President of the United States. See Bibliography, IV. Laws, no. 7. THIRTY-FOURTH CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION 18^6 {April 10), TJiursday. Senate. — Mr. Seward asked Senate bin, no. and, by unanimous consent, obtained leave to bring in a bill^^^ (S. 239) supplemental to an act entitled "An act to amend the several acts respecting copyright, ' ' approved February 3, 1831; which was read the first and second times, by unani- mous consent, and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. (Journal of thcvSenate, ist sess. of 34th Cong. 8°. Wash- ington, 1856, p. 243.) See Bibliography, I. Bills, no. 39. 1856 {July 16), Wednesday. Senate. — Mr. Bayard, from the Committee on the Judiciary, to whom was referred the bill (S. 239) supplemental to an act entitled "An act to amend the several acts respecting copyright," approved February 3, 1831, reported it with an amendment. « The Senate proceeded to consider the said bill as in Committee of the Whole; and the reported amendment having been agreed to, and the bill further amended, it was reported to the Senate, and the amendments were concurred in. Ordered, That the bill be engrossed and read a third time. The said bill was read the third time. Resolved^ That it pass and that the title thereof be as aforesaid. Ordered, That the Secretary request the concurrence of the House of Representatives therein. (Journal of the Senate, ist sess. of 34th Cong. 8°. Washington, 1856, p. 456.) ^^5^ {J'^^y ^7)> Thursday. Seriate. — On motion by Mr. Bayard, the vote on passing the bill (S. 239 ) .supplemental to an act entitled "An act to amend the several acts respect- ing copyrights," approved February 3, 1831, was recon- sidered. The Senate resumed the consideration of the said bill, and having been amended,'' on the motion of Mr. Bay- ard, by unanimous con.sent. Resolved, That it and that the title thereof be as aforesaid. Ordered, That the Secre- « See notes 4 and 5, respectively, page 380. 10469 — No. 8 — 05 12 178 CopyrigJit in Congress, I'jSg to ipo^ 34TH CONGRESS, ^^j-y request the concurrence of the House of Representa- IST SESSION ; , . , ^ 1 r , r> r ^ tives therein. (Journal ot the Senate, ist sess. or 34th Cong. 8°. Washington, 1856, pp. 457-458.) i8_^6 {July I J), Thursday. House of Rep) escntativcs. — A me.s.sage from the Senate, h\ Mr. Dickins, their secretary: Mr. Speaker: The Senate have pa.s.sed bills of the following titles, viz: S. 239. An act supplemental to an act entitled "An act to amend the several acts respecting copyright, approved February 3, 1831;" and . . . (Journal of the House of Representatives, ist sess. of 34th Cong. 8°. Washington, 1855 [-'56], p. 1223.) 18^6 (August 2) , Saturday. House 0/ Representatives. — By unanimous con.sent, bills of the following titles, viz : . . . and S. 239. An act supplemental to an act entitled "An act to amend the .several acts respecting copyright," approved February third, eighteen hundred and thirty-one; . . . were severally taken from the vSpeaker's table, read a first and .second time, and referred as follows, viz: . . . S. 239, to the Committee on the Judiciary. . . . (Journal of the House of Representatives, ist of 34th Cong. 8°. Washington, 1855 [-'56], pp. 1352, i353-} 18^6 (August 16 ), Saturday. House of Representatives. — On motion of Mr. Simmons, the rules having been sus- pended for that purpose, the Committee on the Judiciary were discharged from the further consideration of the bill of the Senate (S. 239) entitled "An act supplemental to an act entitled 'An act to amend the several acts respecting copyright,' approved Februarj- 3, 1831," and the House proceeded to its consideration. Ordered, That the .said bill be read a third time. It was accordingly read the third time and pa.ssed. Ordered, That the Clerk acquaint the Senate therewith. Mr. Wheeler moved that the vote last taken be reconsidered, and also moved that the motion to recon- sider be laid on the table; which latter motion was agreed to. . . . (Journal of the of Representatives, ist sess. of 34th Cong. 8°. Washington, 1855 [-'56], p. 1490.) i8§6 {Aiigust 16), Saturday. Senate. — A message from the House of Repre.sentatives by Mr. Cullom, their clerk. Mr. Presidejit: . . . They [House of Representatives] have pas.sed the following bills and joint resolution of the Senate: . . . and S. 239. An act .supplemental to an act entitled Chronological Record^ 18^8 179 "An act to amend the several acts respecting copyright," 34th congress, 1 r 1 rV ' ' ^''" SESSION- approved Februar)' 3, 1831. (Journal of the Senate, ist sess. of 34th Cong. 8°. Washington, 1856, pp. 618, 619.) Note. — This bill was enrolled and signed by the Speaker and the ^'^'^ of August President of the Senate and laid before the President of the United ^ ' ' ^ States for his signature on August 16, 1856. It was signed by the President on August 18, 1856, the Senate and House of Representa- tives being notified of that fact on the same day. (Journal of the House of Representatives, ist sess. of 34th Cong. 8°. Washington, 1855 [-'56], pp. 1506, 1522, 1538. Journal of the Senate, ist sess. of 34th Cong. 8°. Washington, 1856, pp. 627, 628, 636, 643, 644.) See Bibliography, IV. Laws, no. 8. THIRTY-FIFTH CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION 185 J (^December 10), Thursday. House of Representa- tives. — Notices were given, under the rule, of motions for leave to introduce bills, as follows, viz: . . . By Mr. Edward J03' Morris: A bill to provide for an international copy-right law. (Journal of the House of Representatives, ist sess. of 35th Cong. 8°. Washington, 1857 [-58], pp. 53, 54-) i8_58 {fanuarv 18), Monday. House of Representatives.— "• ^- **'"> °°' ■' _ ■ 82 Bills and joint resolutions were introduced, and read a first and second time, as follows, viz: ... By Mr. Edward J. Morris: H. R. 82. A bill to provide for an international copy- right; which was referred to the Joint Committee on the Library of Congress. (Journal of the House of Representa- tives, ist sess. of 35th Cong. 8°. Washington, 1857 ["'58], PP- 189, 190.) See Bibliography, I. Bills, no. 40. 18^8 {May 10), Monday. Senate. — Mr. Sebastian pre- Memorial of sented a memorial of H. R. Schoolcraft, praying compensa- (.^3^ " tion for the collection of the facts and materials embodied in the History, Statistics, Condition, and Prospects of the Indian tribes of the United States, prepared and published by him; which w^as referred to the Committee on Indian Affairs. (Journal of the Senate, ist sess. of 35th Cong. 8°. Washington, i857-'58, p. 426.) 1858 {May 27), Tliursday. House 0/ Representatives.— ^l^^^'" '*°'="- Mr. Winslow, by unanimous consent, from the Joint Com- mittee on the Library of Congress, reported a bill (H. R. 583) providing for keeping and distributing all public docu- ments; which was read twice, recommitted to the said com- mittee, and ordered to be printed. (Journal of the House i8o Copyright ui Cougress^ 1789 to igo^ 35TH CONGRESS, of Represeutatives, ist sess. of 35th Cong. 8°. Washing- IST SESSION ton, 1857 [-'58], p. 933-) Note. — Section 8 of this bill provides that registration of title, deposit of copies and preservation of the records in regard to all copyright material shall be removed from under the control of the Department of State and placed under the control of the Department of the Interior. The discussions on this bill lasted from May 27, 1858, until January 25, 1S59, when the bill passed the Senate with amendments. The amended bill passed the House on February i and was signed by the President on February 5, 1859. See Bibliog- raphy, IV. Laws, no. 9. Senate bill, no. JS^S {Jiinc S) , Ttiesdaj . Se7iatc. — Mr. Sebastian, from '♦''3 the Committee on Indian Affairs, to whom was referred the memorial of H. R. Schoolcraft, reported a bill (S. 443) for the relief of Henrj- R. Schoolcraft; which was read and passed to a second reading. (Journal of the Senate, ist sess. of 35th Cong. 8°. Washington, i857-'58, p. 634.) See Bibliography, I. Bills, no. 41. THIRTY-FIFTH CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION iS^g {^Januaiy 20), Thursday. House of Representa- tives. — The following petitions and other papers were laid upon the Clerk's table, under the 23d rule of the House, to wit: ... By Mr. Russell: The petition of Mrs. Henry R. Schoolcraft, asking that a patent ma}' issue securing to her the exclusive right to publish the book entitled ' ' His- tory', Statistics, Condition, and Prospects of the Indian Tribes of the United States;" which was referred to the Committee on Indian Affairs. (Journal of the House of Representatives, 2d sess. of 35th Cong. 8°. Washington, 1858 [-'59], pp. 221, 222.) H. R. bill, no. r8§c^ ( faiiuarv 2T), Friday. House of Representatives. — '^ Mr. Russell, from the Committee on Indian Affairs, to whom was referred the petition of Mrs. Henry R. Schoolcraft, reported a bill (H. R. 813) for her relief; which bill was read a and second time. Pending the question on its engrossment, Mr. George W. Jones moved to amend the same by striking out the word "patent," in the fourth line, and inserting the word "copyright" in lieu thereof; which motion was agreed to. Ordered, That the bill be engrossed and read a third time. Being engros.sed. it was accordingly read the third time and pas.sed. Mr. McQueen Chronological Record^ i860 181 moved that the vote last taken be reconsidered, and also 35th congress, moved that the motion to reconsider be laid on the table; which latter motion was agreed to. Ordered, That the Clerk request the concurrence of the Senate in the said bill. (Journal of the House of Representatives, 2d sess. of 35th Cong. 8°. Washington, 1858 [-'59], p. 235.) See Bibli- ography, I. Bills, no. 42, and note 6, p. 380. 1859 {^January 21), Friday. Senate. — A message from the House of Representatives, by Mr. Allen, their clerk: Mr. President: The House of Representatives have passed a bill (H. R. 813) for the relief of Mistress Henry R. School- craft; in which they request the concurrence of the Senate. The bill (H. R. 813) for the relief of Mistress Henry R. Schoolcraft was read the first and second times, by unani- mous consent, and considered as in Committee of the Whole; and, no amendment being made, it was reported to the Senate. Ordered, That it pass to a third reading. The said bill was read the third time, by unanimous consent. Resolved, That it pass. Ordered, That the Secretary notify the House of Representatives thereof. (Journal of the Senate, 2d sess. of 35th Cong. 8°. Washington, i858-'59, pp. 173-174.) iS^g (^January 22) , Saturday. House of Represe7itatives. — A message from the Senate, by Mr. Dickins, their Secretary: Mr. Speaker: . . . The Senate have passed a bill of this House of the following title, viz: H. R. 813. An act for the relief of Mrs. Henry R. Schoolcraft, without amend- ment. (Journal of the House of Representatives, 2d sess. of 35th Cong. 8°. Washington, 1858 [-'59], P- 239.) Note. — This bill was enrolled and signed by the Speaker and the 6th private President of the Senate, on January 24, 1859, and by the President of copyright act the United States on January 25. The House of Representatives was^^'"^"^^ notified of the President's signature on January 25 and the Senate on January 27, 1859. (Journal of the House of Representatives, 2d sess. of 35th Cong. 8°. Washington, 1858 [-'59], pp. 243, 256; Journal of the Senate, 2d sess. of 35th Cong. 8°. Washington, i85S-'59, pp. 177, 180, 183, 207.) See Bibliography, IV. Laws, no. 31. THIRTY-SIXTH CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION i860 (^February 1 1) , Saturday. House of Representatives . — Notices were given, under the rules of motions, for leave to introduce bills, as follows, viz: ... By Mr. Edward Joy Morris: A bill establishing an international copyright law. 1 82 Copyright in CoJtgrcss^ 17^9 io igo^ 36TH CONGRESS, (Journal of the House of Representatives, ist sess. of ^6th 1ST SESSION ^ ^ Cong. 8 . Washington, 1859 [-'60], p. 253.) ^H. R. bill, no. j86o {February 13), ]Ved?icsday. House of Representa- tives. — Mr. E. Joy Morris introduced a bill ( H. R. 32 ) to provide for an international copyright law; which was read a first and second time, and referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. (Journal of the House of Representatives, ist sess. of 36th Cong. 8°. Washington, 1859 [-'60], p. 295.) See Bibliography, I. Bills, no. 43. H. R. bill, no. 1860 {April 2) , Mouday . Hotise of Representatives . — Mr. ^^ Hickman, from the Committee on the Judiciary, reported bills of the following titles, viz: . . . and H. R. 554. A bill to extend the right of appeal from decisions of circuit courts to the Supreme Court of United States; which bills were severally read a first and second time, committed to the Committee of the Whole House on the state of the Union, and ordered to be printed. (Journal of the House of Representatives, ist sess. of 36th Cong. 8°. Washing- ton, 1859 [-60], p. 643.) See Bibliography, I. Bills, no. 44. H. R. bill, no. 1S60 {June i) , Friday . House of Representatives. — Mr. Reynolds, by unanimous consent, from the same committee [the Committee on the Judiciarj^] , reported a bill (H. R. 803) further to amend the several acts respecting copy- rights; which was read a first and second time, committed to the Committee of the Whole House on the state of the Union, and ordered to be printed. (Journal of the House of Representatives, ist sess. of 36th Cong. 8°. Washing- ton, 1859 [-'60], p. 971.) See Bibliography, I. Bills, no. 45. THIRTY-SIXTH CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION. i860 {December 20), Tliursday. House of Representa- tives. — On motion of Mr. John H. Reynolds, by unanimous consent. Ordered, That the Committee of the Whole House on the state of the Union be di.scharged from the further consideration of the bill of the House (H. R. 554) to extend the right of appeal from decisions of circuit courts to the Supreme Court of the United States, and that its considera- tion be postponed until Thursday next, the 27th instant. (Journal of the of Representatives, 2d sess. of 36th Cong. 8°. Washington, i860 [-'61], pp. 106-107.) Note. — In the proceeding.s of the House for Thursday, Dec. 27, the Journal makes no mention of any discussion of this bill. no. CJu-ojiological Record, i86t 183 1861 {January 7), Mo?iday. House of Representatives. — 36thcongress • rTir/-\ • -il-n 2D SESSION On motion of Mr. Cox, by unanimous consent, the bill of h. r. bin, the House (H. R. 554) to extend the right of appeal from 554 considered decisions of circuit courts to the Supreme Court of the United States was taken up and the House proceeded to its consideration. Ordered, That the said bill be engrossed and read a third time. Being engrossed, it was accordingly read the third time and passed. Mr. Cox moved that the vote last taken be reconsidered, and also moved that the motion to reconsider be laid on the table; which latter motion was agreed to. Ordered, That the Clerk request the concurrence of the Senate in the said bill. T Journal of the House of Representatives, 2d sess. of 36th Cong. 8°. Washington, i860 [-'61], p. 152.) 1861 {Jafiiiary p), JVed?iesday. Senate. — A message from the House of Representatives by Mr. Hayes, chief clerk: Mr. President: The House of Representatives have passed the following bills, in which they request the concurrence of the Senate. H. R. 554. An act to extend the right of appeal from decisions of circuit courts to the Supreme Court of the United States: . . . The bill ( H. R. 554) to extend the right of appeal from decisions of circuit courts to the Supreme Court of the United States was read the first and second times, by unanimous consent, and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. (Journal of the Senate, 2d sess. of 36th Cong. 8°. Washington, r86c>-'6i, pp. 84, 85.) 1S6/ {February 2), Saturday. Senate. — Mr. Baj^ard, from the Committee on the Judiciary, to whom was referred the bill (H. R. 554) to extend the right of appeal from decisions of circuit courts to the Supreme Court of the United States, reported it with amendments.'' The Senate proceeded to consider the .said bill as in Committee of the Whole; and the reported amendments having been agreed to, the bill was reported to the Senate and the amendments were concurred in. Ordered, That the amendments be engrossed and the bill read a third time. The said bill, as amended, was read the third time. Resolved, That it pass. Ordered, That the Secretary request the concurrence of the House of Repre.sentatives in the amendments. (Journal of the Senate, 2d sess. of 36th Cong. 8°. Washington, i86o-'6i, p. 178.) a See note 7, page 380. 184 Copyright hi Congress^ ^7^9 io 1904 36TH CONGRESS, 1861 i February ^), Tuesday. Senate. — On motion b\- Mr. 2D SESSION ^ y ^ ^ -' _ J Bayard, that the Senate reconsider the vote on the passage of the bill (H. R. 554) to extend the right of appeal from decisions of circuit courts to the Supreme Court of the United States. Ordered, That the further consideration thereof be postponed to to-morrow. (Journal of the Senate, 2dsess. of 36th Cong. 8°. Washington, i860-' 61, p. 189.) 1 86 1 {February 6), Wednesday. Senate. — On motion by Mr. Bayard, the Senate proceeded to consider the motion 3'es- terday submitted by him to reconsider the vote on the passage of the bill (H. R. 554) to extend the right of appeal from decisions of circuit courts to the Supreme Court of the United States; and, on the question to agree to the motion, it was determined in the affirmative; and, on motion by Mr. Bayard, Ordered, That the bill be recommitted to the Com- mittee on the Judiciary. (Journal of the Senate, 2d sess. of 36th Cong. 8°. Washington, i86o-'6i, pp. 190-191.) 1861 {February 11), Monday. Senate. — Mr. Baj'ard, from the Committee on the Judiciary, to whom was recom- mitted the bill (H. R. 554) to extend the right of appeal from decisions of circuit courts to the Supreme Court of the United States, reported it with amendments." The Senate resumed, as in Committee of the Whole, the consideration of the said bill, and the amendments reported b}' the com- mittee having been agreed to, the bill was reported to the Senate, and the amendments were concurred in. Ordered, That the amendments be engrossed and the bill read a third time. The said bill, as amended, was read the third time. Resolved, That it pass. Ordered, That the Secretary request the concurrence of the House of Representatives in the amendments. (Journal of the Senate, 2d sess. of 36th Cong. 8°. Washington, i86o-'6i, p. 212.) 1861 {February 11) , Monday. House of Representatives. — A message from the Senate, by Mr. Patton, one of their clerks: Mr. Speaker: The Senate have passed a resolution and a bill of this House of the following titles, viz: . . . H. R. 554. An act to extend the right of appeal from deci- sions of circuit courts to the Supreme Court of the United States, with amendments, in which I am directed to ask the a See note 8, page 380. Chro7iological Record^ 1862 185 concurrence of the House. (Journal of the House of ^^th congress, 2D SESSIOX Representatives, 2d sess. of 36th Cong-. 8°. Washington, i860 [-61], p. 303.) 1 86 1 {February 16) , Saturday. House of Representatives . — On motion of Mr. Cox, by unanimous consent, the bill of the House (H. R. 554) to extend the right of appeal from decisions of circuit courts to the Supreme Court of the United States, with the amendments of the Senate thereto, was taken up, and the said amendments concurred in. Ordered, That the Clerk acquaint the Senate therewith. (Journal of the House of Representatives, 2d sess. of 36th Cong. 8°. Washington, i860 [-'61], p. 331.) 1 86 1 {February 16), Saturday. Senate. — A message from the House of Representatives, by Mr. Forney, its clerk: Mr. President: The House of Representatives has agreed to the amendments of the Senate to the bill (H. R. 554) to extend the right of appeal from decisions of circuit courts to the Supreme Court of the United States. (Journal of the Senate, 2d sess. of 36th Cong. 8°. Washington, i86o-'6i, p. 241.) Note. — This bill was enrolled and signed by the Speaker on Feb- ^^"^ °^ Febru- ruary 16, 1861, signed by the President of the Senate, laid before the ' President of the United States for his signature and signed by him on February 18, 1861. The House of Representatives was notified of the signature of the President on February 19, and the Senate on Feb- ruary 21, 1 86 1. (Journal of the House of Representatives, 2d sess. of 36th Cong. 8°. Washington, i860 [-'61], pp. 334, 335, 351. Journal of the Senate, 2d sess. of 36th Cong. 8°. Washington, i860 [-'61], pp. 241, 251, 278.) See Bibliography, IV. Laws, no. 10. THIRTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION 1862 {February 14.^, Friday. House of Representatives . — Transfer of Mr. Noble, by unanimous consent, submitted the following commissioner re.solution; which was read, considered, and agreed to, viz: °^ ^**^"*^ Resolved, That the Committee on Patents be requested to inquire into the propriety of making a change in the manner of securing copyrights to authors of books and publications, so as to require the application therefor to be made to, and acted upon, by the Commissioner of Patents, instead of the clerks of the district courts of the United States, as hereto- fore; and that said committee report by bill or otherwise. 1 86 Copyright in Congress, lySg to igo^ 37TH CONGRESS, (joumal of tlic House of Representatives, 2d sess. of 37th 2D SESSION" Cong. 8°. Washington, 1862, pp. 311-312.) H. R. bill, no. jg(^2 {March 6), Thursdav. House of Representatives.— 343 , ' Mr. Noble, b}- unanimous consent, introduced a bill (H. R. 343) to amend the act respecting copyrights, approved February 3, 1831; which was read a first and second time and referred to the Committee on Patents. (Journal of the of Representatives, 2d sess. of 37th Cong. 8°. Washington, 1862, p. 415.) See Bibliography, I. Bills, no. 46. 1862 {Marc/i 28), Friday. House of Representatives. — On motion of Mr. Noble, bv unanimous con.sent. Ordered, That the bill of the House (H. R. 343) to amend the act respecting copyrights, approved February 3, 1831, be printed. (Journal of the of Representatives, 2d sess. of 37th Cong. 8°. Washington, 1862, p. 487.) Petition of 1862 (May 12) , Mouday . Senate. — Mr. Latham pre- pubhshers, etc. ggj^^-gjj ^ petition of publishers, artists, and others, citizens of the United States, interested in the subject of copyrights, remonstrating against the removal to Washington of the offices for entering and recording the titles of books and prints and issuing of certificates of copyright; which was referred to the Committee on Patents and the Patent Office. (Journal of the Senate, 2d sess. of 37th Cong. 8°. Wash- ington, i86i[-'62], p. 468.) Senate biii,no. jg^2 {filly lo), TJinrsday. Senate. — Mr. Cowan asked, and by unanimous consent obtained, leave to bring in a bill (S. 389) supplementary to an act entitled "An act to amend the several acts respecting copyrights, ' ' approved February 3, 1831; which was read the first and second times, by unanimous consent, and referred to the Committee on Patents and the Patent Office. (Journal of the Senate, 2d sess. of 37th Cong. 8°. Washington, 186 1 [-'62] , p. 789.) See Bibliography, I. Bills, no. 47. THIRTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION H. R. bill, no. i86^ { fune 6) , Monduy . House of Represeiitatives. — Mr. ^°^ Jenckes introduced a bill (H. R. 505) in addition to the act to amend the several acts respecting copj'rights; which was read a first and second time, and referred to the Com- Chronological Record^ 1 86^ 187 mittee on Patents. (Journal of the House of Representa- sSth congress, 1ST SESSION tives, istsess. of 38th Long. 8 . Washington, 1863 [-'64] , p. 749.) See Bibliography, I. Bills, no. 48. THIRTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION 1865 {February 22), 'Wed7iesday. Senate. — Mr. Cowan, Senate bin, no. from the Committee on Patents and the Patent Office, to"* whom the subject was referred, reported a bill (S. 468) to amend the acts of Congress respecting copyrights; which was read the first and second times, by unanimous consent, and considered as in Committee of the Whole; and no amend- ment being made, it was reported to the Senate. Ordered, That it be engrossed and read a third time. The said bill was read the third time, by unanimous consent. Resolved, That it pass, and that the title thereof be as aforesaid. Ordered, That the Secretarj^ request the concurrence of the House of Representatives therein. (Journal of the Senate, 2d sess. of 38th Cong. 8°. Washington, 1864 [-'65] , p. 214.) See Bibliography, I. Bills, no. 49. 186^ {February 22'), IVedjiesday. House of Represeiita- tives. — -A message from the Senate, b}- Mr. Hickey, their chief clerk. Mr. Speaker: . . . The Senate have also passed a bill of the following title, viz: S. 468. An act supplemental to an act entitled "An act to amend the sev- eral acts respecting copyrights, ' ' approved February 3, 1831 , and to the acts in addition thereto and amendment thereof; in which I am directed to the concurrence of this House. (Journal of the House of Representatives, 2d sess. of 38th Cong. 8°. Wa.shington, 1865, P- 309-) 186^ (March 2), Thursday. Hotise of Representatives. — Bills of the Senate of the following titles, viz: S. 468. An act supplemental to an act entitled "An act to amend the several acts respecting copyrights," approved February 3, 1 83 1, and to the acts in addition thereto and amendatory thereof; . . . were severally taken from the Speaker's table, read three times, and passed. Ordered, That the Clerk acquaint the Senate therewith. (Journal of the House of Representatives, 2d sess. of 38th Cong. 8°. Washington, 1865, p. 402.) 1 88 Copyright in Congress, ijSg to igo^ 38TH CONGRESS, 1865 {March j), Friday. Senate. — A message from the 2D SESSION . i-»r-«T-i-.i 1-11 House of Representatives, by Mr. McPherson, their clerk: Mr. President: The House of Representatives have passed the following bills of the Senate: . . . S. 468. An act sup- plemental to an act entitled "An act to amend the several acts respecting copyright," approved February 3, 1831, and the acts in addition thereto and amendment thereof. (Journal of the Senate, 2d sess. of 38th Cong. 8°. Wash- ington, 1864 [-'65], pp. 298, 299.) Act of March NoTE. — This bill was enrolled and signed by the Speaker and the 3. 1865 President of the Senate and laid before the President of the United States for his signature on March 3, 1865. It was signed by the Presi- dent on the same day, the Senate and House of Representatives being notified of his signature on that day also. (Journal of the Senate, 2d sess. of 38th Cong. 8°. Washington, 1864 [-'65], pp. 307, 308, 315, 319. Journal of the House of Representatives, 2d sess. of 38th Cong. 8°. Washington, 1864 [-'65], pp. 411, 450.) See Bibliography, IV, Laws, no. 11. THIRTY-NINTH CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Revision of i866 { Ja7tua?y ^) , Friday . Senate. — Mr. Sumner asked, and b}' unanimous consent obtained, leave to bring in a bill (S. 59) to provide for the revision and con.solidation of the statutes of the United States; which was read the first and second times, by unanimous consent, referred to the Com- mittee on the Judiciary, and ordered to be printed. ( Jour- nal of the Senate, ist sess. of 39th Cong. 8°. Wash- ington, 1865 [-'66], p. 62.) Note. — This bill became law on June 27, 1866, and led to the ap- pointment of three commissioners to revise and consolidate the laws of the United States, including the copyright laws; see January 14, 1874. H. R. bill, no. 1866 {Ja7i2ia?y 26) , Friday, House of Representatives. — Mr. Brooks, by unanimous consent, introduced a bill (H. R. 193) for the relief of Mrs. William L. Herndon; which was read a first and second time. Ordered, That it be engro.ssed and read a third time. Being engro.s.sed, it was accordingly read the third time, and passed. Mr. Brooks moved that the vote last taken be reconsidered, and also moved that the motion to reconsider be laid ou the table; 193 Chronological Record^ 1866 189 which latter motion was agreed to. Ordered, That the 39th congress, . 1ST SESSION' clerk request the concurrence of the Senate m the said bill. (Journal of the House of Representatives, ist sess. of 39th Cong. 8°. Washington, 1866, p. 193.) See Bibliography, I. Bills, no. 50. 1866 {January 2p), Monday, Se?iate. — A message from the House of Representatives, by Mr. McPherson, their clerk : Mr. President: The House of Representatives have passed a bill (H. R. 193) for the relief of Mrs. William L. Herndou, in which they request the concurrence of the Senate. . . . The bill (H. R. 193) for the relief of Mrs. William L,. Herndon was read the first and second times by unanimovis consent, and referred to the Committee on Pat- ents and the Patent Office. (Journal of the Senate, ist sess. of 39th Cong. 8°. Washington, 1865 [-'66], p. 116.) 1866 ( February I g), Monday. Senate. — Mr. Morgan pre- Petitions for , . . r • • c -».-r -cT 1 • 1 international sented a petition 01 citizens or New York, praying the enact- copyright: ment of an international cop^-right law; which was referred ^'*'^^"^°f'^^'^ to the Committee on Foreign Relations. (Journal of the Sen- ate, ist sess. of 39th Cong. 8°. Washington, 1865 [-'66], p. 164.) 1866 {March 2), Friday. Senate. — Mr. Sumner presented ^- CuUen Bryant and H: the memorial of William Cullen Bryant and others, and the w. Longfellow memorial of Henry W. Longfellow and others, praying the enactment of an international copyright law; which were referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. (Journal of the Senate, ist sess. of 39th Cong. 8°. Washington, 1865 [-66], pp. 196-197.) 1866 (March y), Wednesday. Senate. — Mr. Sumner pre- citizens of 1 .. !••• ri-rT-i<-v • United States sented two petition?^ of citizens of the United States, praying the enactment of an international copyright law; which were referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. (Journal of the Senate, ist .sess. of 39th Cong. 8°. Washington, 1865 [-'66], p. 209. j 1866 {MarcJi ij), Tuesday. Senate. — Mr. Sumner pre- sented a petition of citizens of the United States, praying the enactment of an international copyright law, which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. (Journal 190 Copyright in Congress^ I7^9 ^^ ^9^4 39TH CONGRESS, of tiie Senate, ist sess. of 39th Coug. 8°. Washington, 1ST SESSION. ^ ^ o ' 1865 [-'66], p. 227.) 1866 {March ip), Holiday. Senate. — Mr. Sumner pre- sented two petitions of citizens of the United States, pray- ing the enactment of an international copj^right law; which were referred to the Connnittee on Foreign Relations. (Jour- nal of the Senate, ist sess. of 39th Cong. 8°. Washing- ton, 1865 [-'66], p. 243.) 1866 {March 2'/), Tuesday. Seriate. — Mr. Sumner pre- sented a petition of citizens of the United States, praying the enactment of an international copyright law; which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. (Journal of the Senate, ist sess. of 39th Cong. 8°. Washington, 1865 [--66], p. 271.) 1866 {April 2), Monday. Senate. — Mr. Sumner presented a petition of citizens of the United States, praj^ing the enact- ment of an international copj-right law; which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. (Journal of the Senate, ist sess. of 39th Cong. 8°. Washington, 1865 [-'66], p. 291.) 1866 {April 4.^, Wednesday. Sc?iate. — Mr. Sumner pre- sented a, petition of citizens of the United States, praying the enactment of an international copyright law; which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. (Journal of the Senate, ist sess. of 39th Cong. 8°. Washington, 1865 [-66], p. 304.) 1866 {April 10), Tuesday. Senate. — Mr. Sumner pre- sented a petition of citizens of the United States, praying the enactment of an international copyright law; which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. (Journal of the Senate, ist sess. of 39th Cong. 8°. Washington, 1S65 [-66], p. 323.) H. R. bill, no. /<$'<5(5 {April 2^), Wednesday. Senate. — Mr. Cowan, from the Committee on Patents and the Patent Office, to whom was referred the bill (H. R. 193) for the relief of Mrs. Wil- liam L,. Herndon, reported it without amendment. (Journal of the Senate, .sess. of 39th Cong. 8°. Washington, 1865 [-66], p. 371. J CJironological Record^ i86y 191 1866 (May 22), Tuesday. Senate. — On motion by Mr. 39th congress, "^ ' TST SESSION" Conness, the Senate proceeded to consider, as in Committee of the Whole, the bill (H. R. 193) for the relief of Mrs. William L. Herndon; and no amendment being made, it was reported to the Senate. Ordered, That it pass to a third reading. The said bill was read a third time. Re- solved, That it pass. Ordered, That the Secretary notify the House of Representatives thereof. (Journal of the Sen- ate, ist sess. of 39th Cong. 8°. Wa.shington, 1865 [-'66], p. 458.) 1866 (May 22), Tuesday. House of Representatives — A message from the Senate, by Mr. Forney, their .secretary: Mr. Speaker: The Senate have passed bills of the House of the following titles, viz: H. R. 193. An act for the relief of Mrs. William L,. Herndon; without amendment. (Jour- nal of the of Representatives, ist sess. of 39th Cong. 8°. Washington, 1866, p. 738.) Note. — This bill was enrolled and signed by the Speaker and the 7th private President of the Senate on May 23, 1866, and was laid before the Pres- copyright act ident of the United States for his signature. It was signed by the ^PP''°'^^ President on May 24, the House of Representatives being notified of that fact on May 28 and the Senate on May 30. (Journal of the House of Representatives, ist sess. of 39th Cong. 8°. Washington, 1866, pp. 740, 748, 760; Journal of the Senate, ist sess. of 39th Cong. 8°. Washington, 1865 [-'66], pp. 461, 466, 476.) See Bibliography, IV. Laws, no. 32. THIRTY-NINTH CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION i86y (Ja?iuary y) , Monday . Senate. — Mr. Cres well asked, Senate bin, no. and by unanimous consent obtained, leave to bring in''^ a bill (S. 491) amendatory of the several acts respecting copyrights; which was read the first and second times by unanimous consent, referred to the Committee on the Li- brary, and ordered to be printed. (Journal of the Senate, 2d sess. of 39th Cong. 8°. Washington, 1867, p. 62.) See Bibliography, I. Bills, no. 51. 1 86^ {January 21), Monday. Senate. — Mr. Cowan pre- Petition of cit- sented a petition of citizens of Penn.sylvania, praying thatsyivania the law of copyright may be extended to trade-marks; which 491 reported 192 Copyright in Congress^ 17S9 to 1904 39TH CONGRESS, ^y^g j-gfgj.j-gfj ^Q the Committee on Patents and the Patent 2D SESSION Office. (Journal of the Senate, 2d sess. of 39th Cong. 8°. Washington, 1867, p. 121.) Senatebiii,no. i86y {January 28), Monday. Senate. — Mr. Creswell. from the Committee on the Library, to whom was referred the bill (S. 491) amendatory of the several acts respecting copyrights, reported it with an amendment." The Senate proceeded to con.sider the said bill as in Committee of the Whole, and the reported amendment having been agreed to, the bill was reported to the Senate and the amendment was concurred in. Ordered, That the bill be engrossed and read a third time. The said bill was read the third time. Resolved, That it pass, and that the title thereof be as afore- said. Ordered, That the Secretary request the concurrence of the House of Representatives therein. (Journal of the Senate, 2d sess. of 39tli Cong. 8°. Washington, 1867, pp. 151-152.) iSdj {January 28~), Monday. House oj Represeyitatives. — A message from the Senate, by Mr. Hamlin, one of their chief clerks. Mr. Speaker: . . . The Senate have passed a bill of the following title, viz: S. 491. An act amendatorj- of the several acts respecting copyrights, in which I am directed to ask the concurrence of the House. (Journal of the House of Representatives, 2d sess. of 39th Cong. 8°. Washington, 1867, p. 280.) 186^ {Jamiary ji), TJmrsday. Seriate. — On motion by Mr. Willey, Ordered, That the Committee on Patents and the Patent Office be discharged from the further considera- tion of the petition of citizens of Pennsj'lvania, praying that the law of copyright may be extended to trade-marks, and that it be referred to the Committee on Manufactures. (Journal of the Senate, 2d sess. of 39th Cong. 8°. Wash- ington, 1867, p. 181.) i86j {Febrjiary 6), Wednesday. House oJ Representa- tives. — On motion of Mr. Hayes, by unanimous consent, the bill of the Senate (S. 491) amendatory of the several acts respecting copyrights, was taken from the Speaker's table and read a first and second time. Pending the question on a See note 9, page 381. Chronological Record, 1867 I93 1 »,/l*v,^n<- a 39TH CONGRESS, its third reading, Mr. Hayes submuted an amendment, ^^^^^^^^ which was agreed to. Ordered, That the bm be read a «,i d time. It was accordingly read the th.rd and passed. Ordered, That the Clerk request the con-"ence of the Senate in the said amendment (Journal of the House of Representatives, 2d sess. of 39th Cong. 8 • Washington, 1867, p. 338-) ,867 ( February 6), Wednesday. Senate. ~K message from the House" of Representatives, by Mr. Lloyd, ch.ef clerk Mr President: The House of Representat.ves have passed the bill of the Senate (S. 49x) amendatory of the several acts respecting copyrights, with an amendment, m which they request the concurrence of the Senate; and . (Journal of the Senate. 2d sess. of 39th Cong. 8 . Wash ington, 1867, p. 217.) ,867 (February 7). Thursday. Sena/e.-The Senate proceeded to consider the amendment of the House of Representatives to the bill of the Senate (S. 49-) ^'•"^"da- tory of the several acts respecting copyrights; and, on motion by Mr. Willey. Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee on Patents and the Patent Office. (Journa of the Senate, 2d sess. of 39th Cong. 8». Washmgton, 1867, pp. 217-218.) ,S67 ^February ii), Monday. Senate.-Ur. Creswell from the Committee on the Library, to whom was referred the amendment of the House of Representatives to the bill of the Senate (S. 490 amendatory of the severa acts respecting copyrights, reported it without amendmen and with a recommendation that the Senate agree thereto. (Jour- nal of the Senate, 2d sess. of 39th Cong. 8°. Washington, 1867, p. 239.) NOTE.-The Journal makes no mention of change of committee. 1867 {February 13), Wednesday. Scnafe.-On motion by Mr Creswell, the Senate proceeded to consider the axiiend- ments of the House of Representatives to the bill ot the Senate (S. 491 ) amendatory of the several acts respecting copyrights; and, on motionbyMr ^reswell, Resolved, That a See note lo, page 381. 10469— No. 8—05 13 194 Copyright in Congress^ ^7^9 ^^ 1904 39TH CONGRESS, ^\^^ Senate agree to the amendments of the House of Rep- 2D SESSION . .,,.,, ^ 1 /TM rA resentatives to the said bill. Ordered, That the Secretarj- notif}' the House of Representatives thereof. (Journal of, the Senate, 2d sess. of 39th Cong. 8°. Washington, 1867, p. 261.) i86y (^February //), Thursday. House of Representa- tives. — A message from the Senate, by Mr. Forney, their secretary. Mr. Speaker: . . . The Senate have agreed to the amendment of the House to the bill of the Senate (S. 491 ) amendatory of the several acts respecting copyrights. (Journal of the House of Representatives, 2d sess. of the 39th Cong. 8°. Washington, 1867, p. 380.) Act of Febru- NoTE. — This bill was enrolled and signed by the Speaker and the ary 18, 1867 President of the Senate on February 14, 1867, and laid before the President of the United States for his signature on February 16. It was signed by the President on February 18, the Senate and House of Representatives being notified of that fact on February 19, 1867. (Journal of the House of Representatives, 2d sess. of 39th Cong. 8°. Washington, 1867, pp. 382, 438. Journal of the Senate, 2d of 39th Cong. 8°. Washington, 1867, pp. 266, 267, 286, 306.) See Bibliography, IV. Laws, no. 12. iSdy {February 28) , Thursday. Senate. — On motion by Mr. Sumner, Ordered., That the Committee on Foreign Re- lations be discharged from the further consideration of sun- dry petitions, praying the adoption of an international copyright law. (Journal of the Senate, 2d sess. of 39th Cong. 8°. Washington, 1867, p. 374.) FORTIETH CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Resolution on 1868 {Ja7iuary i6) , Thursday . House of Representatives. — copyright Mr. Amcll, b}' unanimous consent, .submitted the following resolution ; which was read, considered, and agreed to, viz : Resolved, That the Committee on the Library is hereby instructed to inquire into the subject of international copy- right and the best means for the encouragement and advancement of cheap literature and the better protection of authors, and to report to this House by bill or otherwise. (Journal of the of Representatives, 2d sess. of 40th Cong. 8°. Washington, 1868, p. 197.) Chronological Record, jS6p i95 ^ „ , , i:.„^ 40TH CONGRESS, J868 (February 2n , Friday. House of Representatives.- ^^ Mr Baldwin, by unanimous consent, from the Jojn Com- ^.. k. .n. no. mittee on the Library of Congress, reported a bill (H. R^ ^^Wor securing to authors in certain cases the benefit ^ftteniat onal copyright, advancing the development of Am^Ln Hteratur;, and promoting the interests of pub^ ithe s and book buyers in the United States, accompany d b a report in writing thereon (Report no. i6; ; which bill 'L rea' a first and second time, recommitted to the said committee, and the bill and report ordered to be printed. Mr Elihu B. Washburne moved that the vote last taken be ^considered, and also moved that the motion to reconsider be laid on the table; which latter motion was agreed to^ On motion of Mr. Pruyn, by unanimous -^^'^^''''''\;;^' granted to the minority of said committee to -bmit heir views on the said bill. (Journal of the House of Repre- sentatives, 2d sess. of 40th Cong. 8°. Washington, 1868, p 379 ; Reports of committees of the House of Representa- L^s 2d sess. of 40th Cong. v. x, 8°. Washington, 1868 no. 16.) See. Bibliography, I. Bills, no. 53, and H. Re- ports, no. 12. FORTIETH CONGRESS, THIRD SESSION ,S69 (Februarys), Monday. Senate.-Ur. Morgan asked and by unanimous consent obtained, leave to bring m a bill (S Q14) to secure the copyright of paintings, drawmgs statuary, and models; which was read the first and second times by unanimous consent, referred to the Joint Com- mittee on the Library, and ordered to be printed. (Journal of the Senate, 3d sess. of 40th Cong. 8°. Washington, 1869, p. 2X8.) See Bibliography, L Bills, no. 55- ^ ^ ^^^^^^ 1869 {February 22), Monday. House of Representatives.— ^^^;^^ ^^ ^,, The following memorials, petitions, and other papers were laid upon the Clerk's table, under the rules, and referred, as follows- . . and bv Mr. Pruyn; A joint resolution (H. Res 462) relative to copyright, to the Joint Committee on the Library of Congress. (Journal of the of Repre- sentatives, 3d sess. of 40th Cong. 8°. Washington, 1869, p. 413-) 196 Copyright in Congress^ ij8q to igo^ 40TH CONGRESS, 1860 {Febriiary 2^), Tuesday. Senate. — On motion by 3D SESSION AtA Mr. Morgan, Ordered, That the Committee on the Library be discharged from the further consideration of the bill (S. 914) to secure the copyright of paintings, drawings, statuary, and models. (Journal of the Senate, 3d sess. of 40th Cong. 8°. Washington, 1869, p. 321.) FORTY-FIRST CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Petition of W: i86g {March 8), Mo7idav. Seriate. — Mr. Sumner pre- I. Hi ■ others sented a petition of William M. Hunt and others, artists, of 61 Boston, praying that the copyright law may be so amended as to include works of art; which was referred to the Com- mittee on Patents. (Journal of the Senate, ist sess. of 41st Cong. 8°. Wa.shington, 1869, p. 17. ) Senate bill, no. i86p {March p) , Tucsday. Senate. — Mr. Sumner asked, and by unanimous consent obtained, leave to bring in a bill (S. 61) to secure the copyright of paintings, drawings, statuary, and models; which was read the first and second times, by unanimous consent, referred to the Committee on Patents, and ordered to be printed. ( Journal of the Senate, ist sess. of 41st Cong. 8°. Washington, 1869, pp. 25-26.) See Bibliography, I. Bills, no. 56. FORTY-FIRST CONGRESS. SECOND SESSION H. R. bill, no. i8yo {February 7), Monday. House 0/ Representatives. — ^'^ By unanimous consent, a joint resolution and bills of the following titles were introduced, read a first and second time, and referred as follows: . . . and by Mr. Beck: A bill (H. R. 1 168) to so amend the existing laws relative to patents and copyrights as to allow the Government of the United States to adopt all patents and copj-rights hereafter granted, issued, or renewed (except those for war purposes only), for the use of the Government, and to authorize the things as patented and copyrighted to be manufactured and printed, upon such terms and by such persons, for Govern- ment purposes, as the proper officers of the United States may designate and agree to, to the Committee on Patents. (Journal of the House of Representatives, 2d sess. of 41st Chronological Record^ i8yo 197 Cong. 8°. Washington, 1870, pp. 279, 280.) See Bibliog- 4ist congress. . 2D SESSION raphy, I. Bills, no. 57. i8yo '^February ly), Thursday. Senate. — On motion by Mr. Willey, Ordered, That the Committee on Patents be discharged from the further consideration of the bill (S. 61) to secure the copyright of paintings, drawings, statuary, and models, and that it be referred to the Joint Committee on the lyibrary. On motion hy Mr. Willey, Ordered, That the Committee on Patents be discharged from the further consideration of the petition of artists of Boston, praying that the laws of copyright be amended so as to include works of art, and that it be referred to the Joint Committee on the Librarj'. (Journal of the Senate, 2d sess. of 41st Cong. 8°. Washington, 1870, p. 260.) iSyo {March 24), Thursday. Senate.— ^Mr. Trumbull Senate bill, no. asked, and by unanimous consent obtained, leave to bring in a bill (S. 703) for the encouragement and protection of dramatic compositions designed and suitable for public rep- resentation, by securing to the authors and proprietors of the same certain rights during the time herein mentioned; which was read the first and second times, by unanimous consent, referred to the Committee on the L,ibrary, and ordered to be printed. (Journal of the Senate, 2d sess. of 41st Cong. 8°. Washington, 1870, p. 408.) See Bibliography, I. Bills, no. 58. i8yo (April _§ ), Tuesday. House of Representatives. — On motion of Mr. Hoar, the Committee on the Revision of the Laws were discharged from the further consideration of the statutes relating to patents and copyrights, and the same were referred to the Committee on Patents. (Journal of the House of Representatives, 2d .sess. of 41st Cong. 8°. Washington. 1870, p. 580.) 1870 (April 7), Thursday. House of Representatives.— ^ "• ^- ^'"' °°' Mr. Jenckes, by unanimous consent, from the Committee on Patents, reported a bill (H. R. 17 14) to revise, consoli- date, and amend the .statutes relating to patents and copy- rights; which was read a first and second time, recommitted to the said committee, and ordered to be printed. (Journal 2U SESSION 198 Copyright in Congress, ij8<^ to 1904 41STCONGRESS, Qf tj^g House of Representatives, 2d sess. of 41st Cong. 8°. Washington, 1870, p. 589.) See Bibliography, I. Bills, no. 59. iSjo {April ij), Wednesday. House 0/ Representatives. — Mr. Jenckes, from the Committee on Patents, to which was referred the bill of the House (H. R. 17 14) to revise, con- solidate, and amend the statutes relating to patents and copyrights, reported the same with amendments. Pending the question of its engrossment, Ordered, That the said bill and amendments be printed and recommitted to the said com- mittee. (Journal of the House of Representatives, 2d sess. of 41st Cong. 8°. Washington, 1870, p. 614. ) See Bibli- ograph)^ I. Bills, no. 60. i8jo {April i^), Thursday. House of Representatives. — The Speaker having announced, as the regular order of business, the call of committees for reports. Mr. Jenckes, from the Committee on Patents, to which was referred the bill of the House (H. R. 17 14) to revise, consolidate, and amend the statutes relating to patents and copyrights, reported the same with amendments. Pending the ques- tion on agreeing to the said amendments, after debate, the morning hour expired. (Journal of the House of Rep- resentatives, 2d sess. of 41st Cong. 8°. Washington, 1870, p. 619.)" 18'jo {April 20), Wednesday. House of Represe7itatives. — The House then resumed, as the regular order of business, the consideration of the bill of the House (H. R. 17 14) to revise, consolidate, and amend the statutes relating to pat- ents and copyrights, the pending question being on the amendments reported from the Committee on Patents. After debate, amendments were submitted by Mr. Peters,* Mr. Cleveland, and Mr. Benjamin F. Butler; which were severally agreed to. Mr. Cleveland submitted an additional amendment. Pending which, the morning hour expired. (Journal of the House of Representatives, 2d .sess. of 41st Cong. 8°. Washington, 1870, pp. 650-651.) "For discussion see Cong. Globe, 2d sess. of 41st Cong., pt. 3, 1870, pp. 2679-2680; 2683-2684. bSee note 11, page 381. Chronological Record^ i8yo 199 1870 (April 21^, Thursday. House of Representatives. — 4ist congress, '■* J i 2D SESSION* The House then resumed, as the regular order of business, the consideration of the bill of the House (H. R. 1714) to revise, consolidate, and amend the statutes relating to pat- ents and copyrights; the pending question being on amend- ments [relating exclusively to patents] . All of the said amendments were disagreed to. Ordered^ That the bill be engrossed and read a third time. Being engrossed, it was accordingly read the third time and passed. Ordered, That the Clerk request the concurrence of the Senate therein. (Journal of the House of Representatives, 2d sess. of 41st Cong. 8°. Washington, 1870, p. 654.) 18 JO (^April 2_^), Monday. Senate. — A message from the House of Representatives, by Mr. Lloyd, chief clerk: Mr. Preside7it: The House of Representatives has passed the fol- lowing bill and joint resolution: H. R. 17 14. An act to re- vise, consolidate, and amend the statutes relating to patents and copyrights . . . The bill and joint resolution last received from the House of Representatives for concurrence were severally read the first and second times by unanimous consent. Ordered, That the bill (H. R. 17 14) be referred to the Committee on Patents. (Journal of the Senate, 2d sess. of 41st Cong. 8°. Washington, 1870, pp. 545, 546.) See Bibliography, I. Bills, no. 61. i8yo {May ji), Tuesday. Senate. — Mr. Willej', from the Committee on Patents, to whom was referred the bill (H. R. 1 7 14) to revise, consolidate, and amend the statutes relating to patents and copyrights, reported it with amend- ments. (Journal of the Senate, 2d sess. of 41st Cong. 8°. Washington, 1870, p. 732.) See Bibliography, I. Bills, no. 62. i8yo {June 10^, Friday. Senate. — Mr. Sumner presented Copyright me- three memorials of citizens of the United States, remonstrat- ing against the transfer of the business relating to copyrights from the clerks' offices of United States courts to the Office of the Librarian of Congress. Ordered, That they lie on the table. . . . Mr. Trumbull presented the memorial of authors, artists, and publishers of the United States, remon- 200 Copyn'o-Iif ill Cono-rcss, lySg to 1904 41ST CONGRESS, gtj-ating against the transfer of the business relating to copv- 2U SESSION 00 ^ y,j rights from the clerks' offices of United States courts to the office of the Librarian of Congress. Ordered^ That it lie on the table. (Journal of the Senate, 2d sess. of 41st Cong. 8°. Washington, 1870, p. 781.) jgyo {Junc 1 1) , Saturday. Senate. — Mr. Morrill, of 703 reporte Maine, from the Committee on the Library, to whom was referred the bill (S. 703) for the encouragement and pro- tection of dramatic compositions designed and suitable for public representation, by securing to the authors and pro- prietors of the same certain rights during the time herein mentioned, reported it without amendment, and that it ought not to pass; and also submitted a report (No. 209J thereon. (Journal of the Senate, 2d sess. of 41st Cong. 8°. Wash- ington, 1870, p. 788; Reports of the committees of the Sen- ate, 2d sess. of 41st Cong. 8°. Washington, 1870, no. 209.) See Bibliography, IL Reports, no. 13. Memorial of jSjo {Jiiue i8 ) , Saturday. Senate. — Mr. Yates presented publishers the memorial of authors and publishers of the United States, remonstrating against the transfer of the business in relation to copjTight from the clerks' offices of United States courts to the office of the Librarian of Congress; which was referred to the Committee on Patents. (Journal of the Senate, 2d sess. of 41st Cong. 8°. Washington, 1870, pp. 837-838.) H.R bill, no. jgjo (June 2d), Friday. Sejiate.— On motion by Mr. 1714 in Senate .,/ Willey, the Senate proceeded to consider, as in Committee of the Whole, the bill (H. R. 17 14) to revise, consolidate, and amend the statutes relating to patents and copyrights; and the amendments" reported by the Committee on Patents having been agreed to in part, and in part disagreed to, and the bill further amended, it was reported to the vSenate, and the amendments were concurred in. Ordered, That the amendments be engrossed, and the bill read a third time. The said bill, as amended, was read the third time. Re- solved, That it pass. Ordered, That the Secretary request the concurrence of the House of Representatives in the a See note 12, pages 381-382. Chronological Record^ 1870 201 amendments. (Journal of the Senate, 2d sess. of 41st Cong. 4isTcoNr, 2D SESSION 8°. Washington, 1870, p. 884.) iSyo {June 2^), Saturday. House of Representatives. — A message from the Senate, by Mr. Gorham, their secretary : Mr. Spea/cer: The Senate have passed bills and a joint reso- lution of the House of the following titles, viz: . . . and H. R. 1 7 14. An act to revise, consolidate, and amend the statutes relating to patents and copyrights; with amend- ments, in which I am directed to ask the concurrence of the House. . . . On motion of Mr. Jenckes, by unanimous consent, the bill of the House (H. R. 17 14) to revise, con- solidate, and amend the statutes relating to patents and copyrights, with the amendments of the Senate thereto, was taken up, and the said amendments w'ere disagreed to. Ordered, That the House request a conference with the Senate on the disagreeing votes of the two Houses thereon. Ordered, That the Clerk acquaint the Senate therewith. (Journal of the House of Representatives, 2d of 41st Cong. 8°. Washington, 1870, pp. 1089, 1090, 109 1.) 18 JO {June 28) , Tuesday. House of ReprescJitatives . — The Speaker announced that he had appointed as mana- gers on the part of the House as follows, viz: . . . and on the bill of the House No. 17 14, Mr. Jenckes, Mr. Calkin, and Mr. Kellogg. Ordered, That the Clerk acquaint the Senate therewith. (Journal of the House of Represent- atives, 2d sess. of 41st Cong. 8°. Washington, 1870, p. 1 104.) i8'/o {June 2g), Wednesday. Seriate. — A message from the House of Representatives, by Mr. McPherson, their clerk: Mr. President: . . . The House of Representatives have disagreed to the amendments of the Senate to the bill of the House (H. R. 17 14) to revise, consolidate, and amend the statutes relating to patents and copyrights; the}- ask a con- ference on the disagreeing votes of the two Houses thereon, and have appointed Mr. Jenckes, Mr. Calkin, and Mr. Kellogg managers at the same on their })ari; and . . . The Senate proceeded to consider their amendments to the bill of the House (H. R. 17 14) to revise, consolidate, and amend 202 Copyright in Congress^ ^7'^9 io 1904 41STCONGRE.SS, ^.j^g statutes relating to patents and copyrights, disagreed to 2D SESSION . 1-0 o by the House of Representatives; and, on motion by Mr. Willey, Resolved, That the Senate insist upon their amend- ments to the said bill disagreed to by the House of Repre- sentatives, and agree to the conference asked by the House on the disagreeing votes of the two Houses thereon. Ordered, That the conferees on the part of the Senate be appointed by the Vice-President; and the Vice-President appointed Mr. Willey, Mr. Carpenter, and Mr. Hamilton, of Mary- land. Ordered, That the Secretary notify the of Representatives thereof. (Journal of the Senate, 2d sess. of 41st Cong. 8°. Washington, 1870, pp. 908, 909.) i8jo (Jinie 2g), JVednesday. House of Representatives. — A message from the Senate, hy Mr. Sympson, one of the clerks: Mr. Speaker: . . . The Senate also insist upon their amendments disagreed to h\ the to the bill f H. R. 1 7 14) to revise, consolidate, and amend the statutes relat- ing to patents and copyrights ; have agreed to the confer- ence asked b\' the House on the disagreeing votes of the two Houses thereon, and have appointed Mr. Willey, Mr. Car- penter, and Mr. Hamilton, of Maryland, conferees on the part of the Senate. (Journal of the House of Representa- tives, 2d sess. of 41st Cong. 8°. Washington, 1870, p. 1 109.) H. R. bill, no. i8yo { Julj 2), Saturday. Senate. — Mr. Willey, from the 1714: Conference • e r-\ c -ii- report Committee or Conference on the disagreeing votes of the two Houses on the bill (H. R. 17 14) to revise, consolidate, and amend the statutes relating to patents and copyrights, sub- mitted the following report : The Committee of Conference on the disagreeing votes of the two Houses on the amend- ments to the bill (H. R. 1714) to revise, con.solidate, and amend the .statutes relating to patents and copyrights, hav- ing met, after full and free conference have agreed to rec- ommend, and do recommend, to their respective Houses, as follows : That the Senate recede from their amendments numbered i, 7, and 13. That the House recede from their disagreements to amendments numbered 2, 5, 6, 9, 10, 14, 15, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 34' 35' 36, 37- 38, and 39; and agree to the same. . . . ChroJiolo congress, 2D SESSION interests of publishers and book buyers in the United States, to the Committee on the lyibrary, and ordered to be printed. (Journal of the House of Representatives, 2d sess. of 42d Cong. 8°. Washington, 1872, pp. 37, 38.) See Bibliog- raphy, I. Bills, no. 63. 1871 (December 1 1) , Monday . House of Representatives. — Resolution on " international Mr. Cox moved that the rules be suspended .so as to enable copyright him to introduce, and the House to consider and pass, the following resolution, viz: Resolved, That the Committee on the Library be directed to consider the question of an inter- national copyright, and to report to this House what, in their judgment, would be the wisest plan, by treaty or law, to secure the property of authors in their works without injury to other rights and interests; and if, in their opinion, congressional legi.slation is best, that the}- report a bill for that purpose. Pending which, on motion of Mr. Dawes, . . . the House adjourned. (Journal of the House of Representatives, 2d of 42d Cong. 8°. Washington, 1872, p. 59-) i8ji {December 18) , Monday. House of Representatives. — The Speaker having proceeded, as the regular order of busi- ness, to call the States and Territories for bills on leave, bills and joint resolutions were severall}^ introduced, read a first and second time, ordered to be printed, and referred as follows, viz: . . . All the States and Territories having been called for bills on leave, the House proceeded to the con- sideration of the motion of Mr. Cox, which was pending when the morning hour of Monday last expired, that the rules be suspended so as to enable him to submit, and the House to consider and, the following resolution, viz: Resolved, That the Committee on the Library be directed to consider the question of an international copyright, and to report to this House what, in their judgment, would be the wisest plan, by treaty or law, to secure the property- of authors in their works, without injury to other rights and interests, and if, in their opinion, congressional legislation is the best, that they report a bill for that purpose: And the question being put. It was decided in the affirmative (two- thirds voting in favor thereof) . So the rules were suspended 2o6 Copyright in Congress^ ^7^9 ^o 1904 42D CONGRESS, and thc resolutioii agreed to. (Journal of the House of Representatives, 2d sess. of 42d Cong. 8°. Washington, 1872, pp. 80, 88.) H. R. bill, no. i8y2 {Jatuiurv 2j) , Tuesday. House of Representatives. — Mr. Cox moved that five hundred copies of the bill of the House H. R. 470 (copyright bill) be printed; which motion was referred to the Committee on Printing. (Journal of the House of Representatives, 2d sess. of 42d Cong. 8°. Wash- ington, 1872, p. 207.) i8y2 {February 7), Wednesday. House of Representa- tives. — Mr. Beatty, from the Committee on Printing, re- ported the following resolutions; which were severally read, considered, and agreed to, viz: Resolved, That five hundred extra copies of the copyright bill (H. R. 470) be printed for the use of the House. (Journal of the House of Repre- sentatives, 2d sess. of 42d Cong. 8°. Washington, 1872, p. 286.) Memorial of jg^2 {February /.?), Monday. Senate. — Mr. Scott pre- citizens of Phil- .",-.. r -ni -i i i i • t. adeiphia seutcd a memorial of citizens 01 Philadelphia, Pa., remon- strating against the passage of an international copyright law; which was referred to the Committee on the Library. (Journal of the Senate, 2d sess. of 42d Cong. 8°. ington, 1872, p. 224.) H. R. resoiu- 1872 { February 12) , Mo?idav. House of Represefitatives. — tion(W:D.Kel- ' l\ , . ' , . , , ^ ,, . ley, Mr. Kelley, by unanimous consent, submitted the rollowmg preamble and resolution; which were read, referred to the Committee on the Library, and ordered to be printed, viz: Whereas it is expedient to facilitate the reproduction here of foreign works of a higher character than that of those now generally reprinted in this country; and whereas it is in like manner desirable to facilitate the reproduction abroad of the works of our own authors; and whereas the grant of monopoly privileges, in case of reproduction here or else- where, must tend greatly to increase the cost of books, to limit their circulation, and to increase the already existing obstacles to the dissemination of knowledge: Therefore, Resolved, That the Joint Committee on the Library be, and it hereby is, instructed to inquire into the practicability of arrangements by means of which such reproduction, both Chronological Record^ iSyz 207 here and abroad, may be facilitated, freed from the great 420 congress, f 1 1 '--ii , r :-'^^ SESSION disadvantages that must inevitably result from the grant of monopol}' privileges such as are now claimed in behalf of foreign authors and domestic publishers. (Journal of the House of Representatives, 2d sess. of 42d Cong. 8°. Washington, 1872, p. 330.) See Bibliography-, III. Reso- lutions, no. I. 1872 {February I ^), Wednesday. Seriate. — Mr. Scott pre- Memorials sented two memorials of citizens of Pennsylvania, remon- ^^^.'"^ -' ' national copy- strating against the passage of an international cop3-right right law; which were referred to the Committee on the Library-. (Journal of the Senate, 2d sess. of 42d Cong. 8°. Wash- ington, 1872, p. 239.) 1872 {February ig), Monday. Senate. — Mr. Scott pre- sented a memorial of citizens of the United States, remon- strating against the passage of an international copyright law; which was referred to the Committee on the Library. (Journal of the Senate. 2d sess. of 42d Cong. 8°. Wash- ington, 1872, p. 252.) 18^2 (February 21), Wednesday. Senate. — Mr. Scott senate bin, no. presented a memorial of citizens of Pennsylvania, remon- strating against the passage of an international copy- right law; which was referred to the Committee on the Library. . . . Mr. Sherman asked, and by unanimous consent obtained, leave to bring in a bill (S. 688) for secur- ing to authors in certain cases the benefit of international copyright; which was read the first and second times by unanimous consent, referred to the Joint Committee on the Library, and ordered to be printed. (Journal of the Senate, 2d sess. of 42d Cong. 8°. Washington, 1872, pp. 264, 266.) See Bibliograph)', I. Bills, no. 65. 1872 (February 21), Wednesday. House of Representa- h. r. bin, no. lives. — By unanimous consent, bills were introduced, read a^ '' first and second time, ordered to be printed, and referred as follows, viz: By Mr. Beck: A bill (H. R. 1667 ) provid- ing the terms on which copyrights ma}' be granted to for- eign authors; to the Committee on the Library. (Journal of the House of Representatives, 2d sess. of 42d Cong. 8°. Washington, 1872, p. 384. ) See Bibliography, I. Bills, no. 66. 2o8 Copyright in Congress^ 1789 to 190^ 42DCONGRESS, jgj2 {Februarv 2j), Friday. Senate. — Mr. Scott pre- 2D SESSION .',... '.,T^.,_ MEMORiALsSeuted a memonal or citizens or the United btates, remon- AGAiNST INTER- stfatlng agalust the passage of an international copj-right NATIONAL COPY- , • , r 1 -t r-\ ■ 1 t M right: \2i\\\ which was referred to the Lommittee on tlie Library. Citizens of the (Journal of the Senate, 2d sess. of 42d Cong. 8°. Wash- United States ingtoii, 1872, p. 272.) Citizens of 1872 (February 27), Tuesday. Se?iate. — Mr. Cameron Philadelphia ' , ..... ' r -r., ■, i i i ■ t^ presented a memorial of citizens of Philadelphia, Pa., remon- strating against the passage of an international copyright law; which was referred to the Committee on the Library. (Journal of the Senate, 2d sess. of 42d Cong. 8°. Wash- ington, 1872, p. 285.) Citizens of ^^ (,]/,?; r// /), Mo7idav . Seriate .—^Ix . Scott presented Pennsylvania / - 7^ > _ i a petition of citizens of Pennsjdvania, remonstrating against the passage of an international copyright law; which was referred to the Committee on the Library. { Journal of the Senate, 2d sess. of 42d Cong. 8°. Washington, 1872, P- 317-) Citizens of the i8'/2 (Marcli ig), Tuesday. Senate. — Mr. Cameron pre- United States , . , . . . . , ..^ . , ,, sented two memorials of citizens or the United States, remonstrating against the passage of an international copy- right law; which were referred to the Committee on the Library. (Journal of the Senate, 2d sess. of 42d Cong. 8°. Washington, 1872, p. 394.) H. R. bill, no. i8j2 (May 22), Wedjiesday . House of Representatives. — Mr. Leonard Myers, b\- unanimous consent, from the Com- mittee on Patents, reported a bill (H. R. 2857 ) to amend an act entitled "An act to revise, consolidate, and amend the statutes relating to patents and copyrights; " which was read a first and .second time, ordered to be printed, and recommitted to the said committee. (Journal of the House of Representatives, 2d of 42d Cong. 8°. Washing- ton, 1872, p. 928. ) See Bibliography, I. Bills, no. 67. FORTY-SECOND CONGRESS, THIRD SESSION i8y2 ( December 10 ) , Tuesday. House of Representatives. — On motion of Mr. Leonard Myers, by unanimous consent. Ordered, That there be printed for the use of the House the usual number of copies of the bill of the House (H. R. 2857) to amend an act entitled "An act to revise, consoli- Chronological Record, i8jj 209 i. „.^A r^r^r^i' 42 D CONGRESS, date and amend the statutes relating to patents and cop> - ^^ ^^^^^^^ ri-hts ' • (Journal of the House of Representatives, 3d sess. of%2dCong. 8°. Washington, 1873. P- 58-) SeeBibliog- raphy, I. Bills, no. 68. senate biii,no. J873 {January 15). Wednesday. Senate.-yir. Morrill, of ^^^ Maine asked, and bv unanimous consent obtained, leave to brino- hi a bill (S. 1369 ) to amend an act entitled "An act to revise, consolidate, and amend the statutes relating to pat- ents and copyrights," approved July 8, 1870; which was read the first and second times, by unanimous consent, referred to the Committee on the Library, and ordered to be printed. (Journal of the Senate, 3d sess. of 42d Cong. 8° . Washing- ton, 1873, P- H9-) See Bibliography, I. Bills, no 69. 1873 {February j), Monday. Senate. -Wr. Morrill, of Maine, from the Committee on the Library, to whom ^^^s referred the bill (S. 1369) to amend an act entitled An act to revise, consolidate, and amend the statutes relating to patents and copyrights," approved July 8, 1870 reported it with amendments." (Journal of the Senate, 3d sess. of 42d Cong. 8°. Washington, 1873, P- 262.) See Bibliog- raphy, L Bills, no. 70. H R. report. 1873 {February 7), Friday. Senate.-Ur. Morrill, of „^ ^^^ Maine from the Committee on the Library, to whom were referred sundrv papers relative to international copyright submitted a report (No. 409) thereon. Mr. Morrill, of Maine from the Committee on the Library, to whom was referred the bill (S. 688) for securing to authors m certain cases the benefit of international copyright, reported it without amendment, and that it ought not to pass. The Senate proceeded to consider said bill as in Committee of the Whole- and no amendment being made, it was reported to the Senate. On motion by Mr. Morrill, of Maine, . Ordered That the said bill be postponed indefinitely. (Journal of the Senate, 3d sess. of 42d Cong. 8° . Washing- ton 1873 p. 300; Reports of committees of the Senate, 3d sess. of 42d Cong. v. 1,8°. Washington. 1872, no. 40Q ) See Bibhography, IL Reports, no. 14. ' %s ( February 17) , Monday. Senaie.-Tl.. Senate pro- ^ --:--• ceeded to consider, as in Committee of the Whole, the bill a See note 12. page 382. 10469— No. 8—05 14 2IO Copvri^lit ill Congress^ i'^9 to igo^ 42D CONGRESS, (^^g^ J 369 ) to ameiicl an act entitled "An act to revise, con- 3D SESSION solidate, and amend the statutes relatinj^ to patents and copyrights," approved May [sic July] 8, 1870; and the reported amendments having been agreed to, and the l)ill having been further amended on the motion of Mr. Edmunds, it was reported to the vSenate and the amendments were con- curred in." Ordered, That the billlie engrossed and read a third time. The .said bill was read the third time. Resolved, That it, and that the title thereof be as aforesaid. Ordered, That the Secretary the concurrence of the House of Representatives therein. (Journal of the Senate, 3d sess. of 42d Cong. 8°. Washington, 1873, p. 392.) i8jj {February 18), Tuesday. House of Representatives. — A message from the Senate, by Mr. Sympson, one of their clerks: . . . The Senate have pas.sed bills of the following titles, viz: . . . S. 1369. An act to amend an act entitled "An act to, consolidate, and amend the .statutes re- lating to patents and copyrights," approved July 8, 1870; ... in which I am directed to the concurrence of the House. ( Journal of the House of Representatives, 3d sess. of 42d Cong. 8°. Washington, 1873, p. 428.) H. R. bill, no. fSjj (February 19), Wednesday. House of Representa- tives. — Mr. Leonard Myers, by unanimous consent, from the Committee on Patents, reported a bill (H. R. 4004) to amend an act entitled "An act to revise, consolidate, and amend the statutes relating to patents and copyrights," approved July 8, 1S70, accompanied by a report in writing, thereon; which bill was read a first and .second time and, with the report, was ordered to be printed and recommitted to the said committee. (Journal of the House of Repre- sentatives, 3d sess. of 42d Cong. 8°. Washington, 1873, p. 431.) See Bibliography, I. Bills, no. 71. FOKTY-THIRD CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Revised Stat- igjj {December i). — Note. — The Revised Statutes in "*" force December i, 1873, including Copyrights (title sixty, chapter three), were enacted June 20, 1874, under House bill no. 1 2 15 (43d Cong., ist sess.). See January 14, 1874. See Bibliography, I. Bills, no. 72; IV. Laws, no. 14. a See note 13, page 382. 4004 Chronological Record, 1874 211 1873 (December 4), Thursday. House of Representatives.- ^^^l^^Z^' ' By unanimous consent, bills and joint resolutions were fur-^H^.R.buis,nos. ther introduced, read a first and second time, ordered to be printed, and referred as follows, viz: ... By Mr. Myers: Also, a bill ( H. R. 68) to amend an act entitled "An act to revise, consolidate, and amend the statutes relating to patents and copyrights," approved July 8, 1870, to the Committee on Patents. ... By Mr. Henry B. Sayler: A bill (H. R. 135) to amend an act entitled "An act to revise, consoHdate, and amend the statutes relating to patents and copyrights," approved July 8, 1873 [sic 1870], to the Committee on Patents. (Journal of the House of Repre- sentatives, ist sess. of 43cl Cong. 8°. Washington, 1873 r-'74l pp. 47, 5^-^ See Bibliography, I. Bills, nos. 73, 74- J73 {December r8), Thursday. House of Representa- J^^^-^^ °^ ti.jcs.—By unanimous consent, resolutions were submitted, read, considered, and severally agreed to as follows, viz: By Mr. Lawrence: Resolved^ That the Committee on the Judi- ciary be, and are, instructed to inquire whether, under existing copyright laws, the publishers of periodicals and newspapers can copyright their respective publications by the payment of one fee to the Librarian of Congress for each volume of a periodical or newspaper, or whether the fee is required for each number published; and if the latter, then that said committee inquire into the expediency of so amending the law as only to require one fee for each vol- ume; and that said committee report by bill or otherwise. (Journal of the House of Representatives, ist sess. of 43d Cong. 8°. Washington, 1873 [-'74], PP- 161-162.) 1874 {January 14), Wednesday. House of Representa- ^^^^^^^^^^ncftuc tives.— Mr. Poland, from the Committee on the Revision of the Laws, reported a bill (H. R. 1215) to revise and con- solidate the statutes of the United States in force on the first day of December, A. D. 1873; which was read a first and second time. Pending the question on its engrossment, after debate, on motion of Mr. Poland, by unanimous con- sent. Ordered, That the further consideration of the said bill be postponed until Wednesday evening next, at the hour of 7.30 o'clock p. ni., and that the House will hold a session on the succeeding evening, and on Wednesday and 1392 212 Copy rig Jit in Cofigress, lySg to 1^04 43D CONGRESS, 'j^l^yj-gfjay evenings of each week thereafter, for the consid- eration of the same until it be disposed of. (Journal of the House of Representatives, ist sess. of 43d Cong. 8°. Washington, 1873 [-74]. PP- 236-237.) NoTK. — This bill was passed by the House on April i, and by the Senate on May 27, and was signed by the President on June 20, 1874, thus putting into force the Revised Statutes of the United States in force December i, 1873, as prepared by the Commissioners appointed under the act of June 22, 1866. Title sixty, chapter three, of this revision covers Copyrights. H. R. bill, no. j8j4 {January 2 o) , Tuesday. House of Representatives . — By unanimous consent, bills were introduced, read a first and second time, ordered to be printed, and severally referred to the Committee on Patents, as follows, viz: . . . By Mr. Henry B. Sayler: A bill (H. R. 1392) to amend an act entitled "An act to revise, consolidate, and amend the statutes relating to patents and copyrights, ' ' approved July 8, 1870. (Journal of the House of Representatives, ist sess. of 43d Cong. 8°. Wa.shington, 1873 [-'74], p. 279.) See Bibliography, I. Bills, no. 75. H. R. bill, no. /~v 1 1 1 mittee on the Library. . . . Mr. bchumaker, by unani- mous consent, introduced a bill (H. R. 3506) for the relief of William Tod Helmuth, of New York; which was read a first and second time, ordered to be printed, and referred to the Joint Committee on the Library. (Journal of the House of Representatives, I St sess. of 43d Cong. 8°. Washington, 1873 [-'74], pp. 1037-1038, 1041.) See BibHography, \. H.R.bills.nos. Bills, no. 78. 3525 and 3527 jg^^ {A/ar 2S), Thursday. House of Representatives.— By unanimous consent, bills were introduced, read a first and second time, ordered to be printed, and severally referred as follows, viz: . . . Mr. Conger, by unanimous consent, from the Committee on Patents, reported a bill (H. R. 3525) to amend an act to amend, revise, and consolidate the stat- utes relative to copyrights, approved July 8, 1870; which was read a first and second time, ordered to be printed, and recommitted to the said committee. . . . Mr. Conger, by unanimous consent, introduced a bill (H. R. 3527) to amend the law relating to patents, trade-marks, and copyrights; which was read a first and second time, ordered to be printed, and referred to the Committee on Patents. (Journal of the House of Representatives, ist sess. of 43d Cong. 8°. Washington, 1873 [-'74], pp. 1048, 1058.) See Bibliog- Senatebill, no. raphy, I. Bills, llOS. 79, 80. ^^^ 1 8-/ 4 {June /), Monday. Senate.— Islx. Wadleigh, from the Committee on Patents, reported a bill (S. 876) to amend the law in relation to patents, trade-marks, and copyrights; which was read the first and second times by unanimous consent, and considered as in Committee of the Whole; and no amendment being made, it was reported to the Senate. Ordered, That it be engrossed and read a third time. The said bill was read the third time by unanimous consent. Resolved, That it pass, and that the title thereof be as afore- said. Ordered, That the Secretary request the concurrence of the House of Representatives therein. (Journal of the Senate, ist sess. of 43d Cong. 8°. Washington (1873 [-'74], p. 650.) See Bibliography. L Bills, no. 81. i8'/4 {Jime i), Monday. House of Representatives. — A message from the Senate, by Mr. Symp.son, one of their Chronological Record^ ^^74 215 clerks: Mr. Speaker: . . . The Senate have passed bills of 43D congress, 1 r 11 • ■ 1 • r~> \ 11 '''''" SESSION the following titles, viz: S. 876. An act to amend the law relating to patents, trade-marks, and copyrights ... in which I am directed to ask the concurrence of the House. (Journal of the House of Representatives, ist sess. of 43d Cong. 8°. Washington, 1873 [-'74], p. 1077, 1078.) iS^4 {June II), Thursday. House of Representatives. — The bill of the Senate (S. 876) to amend the laws relating to patents, trade-marks, and copyrights was taken up and read a first and second time. Pending the question on its third reading, Mr. Conger submitted an amendment,'^' which was agreed to. Ordered, That the bill be read a third time. It was accordingly read the third time, and passed. Ordered, That the Clerk request the concurrence of the Senate in the said amendment. (Journal of the House of Representa- tives, istsess. of 43d Cong. 8°. Washington, 1873 [-'74], p. 1158.J 18 j^ {June II), Thursday. Senate. — A message from the House of Representatives, by Mr. McPherson, their clerk: Mr. President: The House of Representatives have passed the following bills of the Senate: . . . They have passed with an amendment, in which the}^ request the concurrence of the Senate, the bill of the Senate (S. 876) to amend the law relating to patents, trade-marks, and copyrights. (Journal of the Senate, ist sess. of 43d Cong. 8°. Washington, 1873 [-74], P- 728.) 18J4. {June 12), Friday. Senate. — The vSenate proceeded to consider the amendment of the House of Representatives to the bill of the Senate (S. 876) to amend the law relating to patents, trade-marks, and copyrights; and on motion by Mr. Wadleigh, Resolved, That the Senate agree thereto. Ordered, That the Secretary notify the of Represent- atives thereof. (Journal of the Senate, ist .sess. of 43d Cong. 8°. Wa.shington, 1873 [-'74], p. 730.) iSy^ {June 12), Friday. House of Representatives. — A message from the Senate, by Mr. Sympson, one of their clerks: Mr. Speaker: The Senate have agreed to the amend- ment of the House to the bill of the Senate (S. 876) to amend the law relating to patents, trade-marks, and copy- a. See note 15, page 383. 2i6 Copyright in Congress^ n"^? ^^ ^9^4 43D CONGRESS, rights. (Journal of the House of Representatives, ist. sess. of 43d Cong. 8°. Washington, 1873 [-'74], p. 1168.) Act of June 18, NoTK. — This bill was enrolled and signed by the Speaker on June 1874 12, 1S74, b}' the President of the Senate on June 13, and laid before the President of the United States for his signature on June .15. It was signed by the President on June 18, the Senate being notified of that fact on the same day and the House of Representatives on June 19, 1S74. (Journal of the House of Representatives, ist sess. of 43d Cong. 8°. Washington, 1873 [-'74], pp. 1168, 1240. Journal of the Senate, ist sess. of 43d Cong. 8°. Washington, 1S73 [-'74], pp. 744, 751, 778, 800.) See Bibliography, IV. Laws, no. 15. Senate bill, no. iSj^ {Juuc 7/ ) , Wednesday. Senate. — Mr. Howe, from ^^ the Joint Committee on the Library, reported a bill (S. 956) for the relief of William Tod Helmuth, of New York; which was read and passed to a second reading. (Journal of the Senate, sess. of 43d Cong. 8°. Washington, 1873 [-'74], p. 778.) See Bibliography, I. Bills, no. 82. H. R. bill, no. 18J4. ( Juiie 2o) , Saturday. House of Representatives. — House O" motion of Mr. Schumaker, the Committee on the Library were discharged from the further consideration of the bill of the House (H. R. 3506) for the relief of William Tod Helmuth, of New York; and the same was ordered to be engrossed, read the third time, and passed. Ordered, That the Clerk request the concurrence of the Senate therein. (Journal of the House of Representatives, ist sess. of 43d Cong. 8°. Washington, 1873 [-'74]- PP- 1281-1282.) 18J4. {hine 22), Monday. Senate. — A message from the House of Representatives, by Mr. McPherson, their clerk: Mr. President: . . . The House of Representatives have passed a bill (H. R. 3506) for the relief of William Tod Helmuth, of New York, in which they request the concur- rence of the Senate. . . . The following bills and joint reso- lutions received from the House of Representatives for con- currence were .severally read the first and .second times, by unanimous consent, and considered as in Committee of the Whole; and no amendment being made, they were severally reported to the Senate. H. R. 3506. An act for the relief of William Tod Helmuth, of New York. . . . Ordered, That they to a third reading. The .said bills and joint resolutions were severally read the third time, by unanimous Chronological Record, iSjg 2 1 7 consent Resolved, That they pass. Ordered, That the ^;;--=;j;=^^' Secretary notify the House of Representatives thereo (Journal of the Senate, ist sess. of 43d Cong. S . Wash incrton, 1873 [-74]- PP- 848,849.) \j, (/"/..). Monlay. Hon. of,aU.cs.--K Biessate from the Senate, by Mr. Sympson. one of their clerks ../.. Spcaka-: The Senate have passed without amend- nfent joint resolutions and bills of the House of the foUow- ■ g tiles, vi^: . . . H. R. 3506. An act or the rehef of Wnham Tod Helmuth. of New York (Journal of the House of Representatives, .st sess. of 43d Cong, h . Wash- '"tTH;-T"sMl"ie'ronef aL signed b, the BP"^- -*^*%r.r "•" P,-eside„. of the Senate on June ... ■«74„ " ^ ^ J^l Ho!L f"-""' dent of the United States on June 23, 1874, the benate ana Celntatives being notified of his signature on the ^me day. UoLnal of the House of ^^eP----- "f 7„;, ,t rienate; Washington, 1S73 [-74], PP- 1296, 1326, I33i- J"^"^ istsess. of 43d Cong. 8°. Washington, 1873 [-'74], PP- 863, 895, 897-) See Bibliography, IV. Laws, no. 33. FORTY-FIFTH CONGRESS, THIRD SESSION 1870 {January 23^. Thursday. House of Representa- J^l^^^l^^' lives -Mr. Blount, from the Committee on Appropriations, reported a bill (H. R. 6143) making appropriations for the service of the Post-OfBce Department for the fiscal year end- ing June 30, 1880, and for other purposes; which was read twice, ordLd to be printed, and committed to the Commi - tee of the Whole House on the state of the Union. (Jour- nal of the House of Representatives, 3d sess. of 45tb Cong. 8° Washington, 1878 [-79]. P- 256-) NOTE -Section 15 of this bill provides that although foreign ne™^and other periodicals shall be adnntted to -cond-cla^ TnV leges in the United States, subject to the direction of the Post- Tal er'oeneral, nothing in this act shall be so construed as to allow any violation of the copyright laws, ^he discussions on Is nil continued from January 23 until March 3, 1879, when the conference epor o" the bll was passed by both Houses of Congress, .uid was signed by the President of the United States. See Bibliography, IV. Laws, no. 16. 2i8 Copyright ni Congress^ J 7 '^9 ^'^ ^9'^4 46TH CONGRESS, FORTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. THIRD SESSION 3D SESSION COPYRIGHT ^^^^ . December 6 ) , Mo7iday. House of Representatives. — PETITIONS: ^ ^ ' -^ J r The following memorials, petitions, and other papers were laid on the Clerk's desk, under the rule, and referred as Theodore D- follows, viz: . . . Bv Mr. Chittenden: The petition of Woolsey and others Theodore D. Woolsey and others, representing the indus- tries connected with the book and printing trade, for the passage of a bill extending the privileges of cop3'right in the United" States to foreign authors, compo.sers, and de- signers; to the Committee on the Library. . . . and by Mr. Vance: The petition of Theodore D. Woolsey and others, representing the industries connected with the book and printing trade, for the passage of a bill extending the priv- ilege of a copyright in the United States to foreign authors, composers, and designers; to the Committee on the Library. (Journal of the House of Representatives, 3d sess. of 46th Cong. 8°. Washington, 1S80 [-'Hi], pp. 35, 36.) 1880 {December 8), IVediiesday. House of Representa- tives. — The following memorials, petitions, and other papers were laid on the Clerk's desk, under the rule, and referred as follows, viz: . . . By Mr. Ballou: The petition of Theo- dore D. Woolsey and others, representing the industries connected with the book and printing trade, for the passage of a bill extending the privilege of copyright in the United States to foreign authors, composers, and designers; to the Committee on the Librarj'. (Journal of the House of Rep- resentatives, 3d sess. of 46th Cong. 8°. Washington, 1880 [-'81], p. 40.) Citizens of the ^gg^ {December p), TImrsday. Senate. — M.x. Paddock United States .... , presented a petition of citizens of the United States, pray- ing the passage of a law to extend the privileges of copy- right in the United vStates to foreign authors, composers, and designers; which was referred to the Committee on the Library. (Journal of the Senate, 3d sess. of 46th Cong. 8°. Washington, i88o[-'8i], p. 40.) 1880 {December I J), Monday. Senate. — Mr. Cameron, of Pennsylvania, presented a petition of citizens of the United States, praying the pa.ssage of a law extending the privilege of copyright in the United States to foreign authors, com- Chronological Record, 1881 219 ^ ■ ». d.6TH CONGRESS, posers and designers; winch was referred to the Comm.ttee ^„ ^^,,„, rn'he Library. (Journal of the Senate, :A -s. ot ,6th Cone 8°. Washington, 1880 [- 8i J , P- 44- 1 r%i ( lanuary ,0), Monday. House of Rcprcsmtat.-.c..- Tl flol o<: ing Memorials, petitions, and other papers were ^^11 the cferk-s desk, utrder the rule, and - e"ed as fo - lows viz- . By Mr. Casey Young . . . also, the pet, rn olTheodore D. Woolsey and others, representn.g ^e rurtries connected with the book and pnntmg trade for he lage ot a bill extending the privilege of copyr.ght m he United States to foreign authors, contposers^^ndd signers- to the Committee on the Library (Journal ot Z House ot Representatives, 3d sess. ot 46th Cong. 8 . Washington, i88o[-8.], pp. 140. 145-146-) FORTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION )reien re- rSS, (December 6). Tuesday. Senale.-Ur. Hoar sub- ,_,_, fitted the following resolution; which was co-d-ed, b unanimous consent, and agreed to; T^^t '^'^ Con. mittee on Patents be instructed to consider and report what k^TatL is necessary to protect owners of American copy- rights against the introduction, through the mails or other- wise of foreign reprints of works copyrighted in this conn ry^ Mr. Anthony, from the joint committee -PPo-'^d to ^^^^^^^^^ ^^ wait upon the President of the United States -"! -f°™ "^l ^ — — that a quorum ot each house is assembled, and that Congress s ready to receive any communication he may be P ease tir Spooner: Petition of Boston Handel and Haydn Society HH Darby, of Saint Louis, and many others, e.ti.ens of "le United States, for the passage of the Dorsheimer bill, or al^rr international copyright bill; '° *^ Coinnnttee on the Judiciary. (Journal of the House of Representatives, .d sess. of 48th Cong. 8°. Washington, .884 [-85]. ^' " FORTY-NINTH CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION ,SSS (DeccnbcrS), Tuesday. &»<-/..-BiUs and joint s......m,„o. resoltnions were introduced, read the first and second times by unanimous consent, and referred as follows, viz. . . . By Mr. Hawley: A bill (S. .9.) to estabhsh an interna- Snal copyright: to the Committee on the Jnd.y (Journal of the Senate, ist sess. of 49th Cong. 8 . Wa h ington, .885 [-86], PP- 46, 55) See Bibliography, I.Bills, ^°'ms (Deccuicr 8), Tuesday. Sc„aU.-Ur. Edmunds —•-; I from the committee appointed to wait upon the Presicknt o „„„,. the United States and inform him that a q"orum of e^ch House is assembled and that Congress is ready to rece ve fny communication he may be pleased to make, reported ttot they had performed the duty assigned them, and that they had been^nstructed by the President to say that he would immediately make a communication to each ho^ u writing. Whereupon the following message was recened tarn the President of the United States, by Mr Pruden. his secretary: To the Congress of the United States: . .An 1 niatLnal copyright conference was held at Berne ,n Sep^ tember on the invitation of the Swiss Government. The rw of the United States attended as a delegate, Vn.t refrained from committing this Oovernment to the results, 232 Copyright in Co7igrcss^ ^7^9 to igo^ 49TH CONGRESS, gygj^ |-,y signing the recommendatory protocol adopted. 1ST SESSION ^, . . , . , . ' . . , The interesting and important subject or international copy- right has been before you for several years. Action is cer- tainly desirable to effect the object in view. And while there may be question as to the relative advantage of treat- ing it by legislation or by specific treaty, the matured views of the Berne conference can not fail to aid your consideration of the subject. . . . Grover Cleveland, Washington, Decem- ber 8, 1885. (Journal of the Senate, ist .sess. of 49th Cong. 8°. Washington, 1885 [-"86] , pp. 9, 17. ) See Bibliography, V. Miscellaneous, no. 36. 188^ {December 8), Tuesday. House of Representatives. — A message in writing was received from the President of the United States, by Mr. Pruden, one of his secretaries; which the Speaker laid before the House, as follows, viz: [Here follows the identical text given above under Senate for December 8.] (Journal of the House of Representa- tives, ist sess. of 49th Cong. 1886, v. i, 8°. Washington, 1886, pp. 17, 25; Executive documents of the House of Rep- resentatives, ist sess. of 49th Cong. v. i, 8°. Washing- ton, 1886, doc. no. I.) See Bibliography, V. Miscellaneous, no. 36. 1883 {December 14), Mo?iday. Senate. — On motion by Mr. Hoar, Ordered, That the Committee on the Judiciary be discharged from the further consideration of the bill (S. 191) to establish an international copyright, and that it be referred to the Committee on Patents. (Journal of the Senate, ist sess. of 49th Cong. 8°. Washington, 1885 [-'86], p. 80.) H. R. bill, no. 1886 {January 6), Wednesday. House of Representa- 2493 tives. — The Speaker then resumed (under the previous order of the House) the call of States and Territories for the introduction of bills and resolutions; when bills and joint resolutions of the following titles were introduced, severally read twice, and referred as follows, viz: ... By Mr. John Randolph Tucker, of Virginia: . . . Also, a bill (H. R. 2493) to establish an international copyright; to the same committee [the Committee on the Judiciary] . (Jour- nal of the House of Representatives, ist sess. of 49th Cong. Chronological Record^ 1886 233 1886, V. 1,8°. Washington, 1886, pp. 236, 270.) See 49thcoxgress. Bibliography, I. Bills, no. 103. 1886 {January IS), Wednesday. Seriate. — Mr. Piatt sub- Testimony on . ,. 1-1 -iji Senate bill, no. mitted the following resolution; which was considered, byigi unanimous consent, and agreed to: Resolved, That the Com- mittee on Patents is hereby authorized to take testimony relating to the subject-matter of Senate bill 191, "to estab- lish an international copyright," and to print 250 copies thereof for the use of the committee and the Senate. (Jour- nal of the Senate, ist sess. of 49th Cong. 8°. ington, 1885 [-'86], p. 169.) 1886 ( January 21), Thursday. Senate. — Bills and a joint Senate biii,no. resolution were introduced, read the first and second times" by unanimous consent, and referred as follows: By Mr. Chace: ... A bill (S. 1178) to amend Title lx, Chapter III, of the Revised Statutes of the United States; to the Committee on Patents. (Journal of the Senate, ist sess. of 49th Cong. 8°. Washington, 1885 [-'86], p. 196.) See Bibliography, I. Bills, no. 104. 1886 { January 22), Friday. House oj Representatives. — copyright ATM r 11 ■ ' ■ • 1 ' 1-1 1 /-M 1 PETITIONS: The following petitions and papers were laid on the Clerk s desk, under the rule, and referred as follow^s, viz: ... By Mr. Wise: Resolution of District Assembly no. 84, Knights Knights of of Labor, Richmond, Va., in reference to international copy- right; to the Committee on Patents. (Journal of the House of Representatives, ist sess. of 49th Cong. 1886, v. i, 8°. Washington, 1886, p. 441.) 1886 {January 25), Monday. 5^wa/^'.— Petitions, memo- ..J^^^^^'^^'''"' rials, etc., were presented and referred as follows: . . . By Mr. Cameron: A memorial of the Tj-pographical Union, no. 14, of Harrisburg, Pa., remonstrating against the passage of the bill to an international copyright; to the Committee on Patents. (Journal of the Senate, ist sess. of 49th Cong. 8°. Washington, 1885 [-'86], p. 199.) 1886 {Ja7iuary 2^) , Mofiday. House oJ Representatives. — The following petitions and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk, binder the rule, and referred as follows, viz: . . . By Mr. Bound: Petition and remonstrance of Typographical Union, no. 14, Harrisburg, Pa., against the passage of an international copyright law; to the Committee on the Judi- unions 234 Copyrio^ht in Congress^ ^7^'9 fo ipo^ 49TH CONGRESS, (,j^j-y_ (Joumal of tlic House of Representatives, ist sess. 1ST SESSION r ' 1 r^ n ttt of 49th Cong. 1886, V. 1,8. \\ ashnigton, 1886, p. 447.) 1886 {January 26), Tuesday. House of Rcpresejitatives. — The following petitions and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk, under the rule, and referred as follows, viz: . . . By Mr. Wait: Resolution of the Norwich Typographical Union, of Norwich, Conn., protesting against the passage of any bill giving foreign books and publications the benefit of our copyright laws unless printed and manufactured in the United States; to the Committee on the Judiciary. (Jour- nal of the House of Representatives, Lstsess. of 49th Cong. 1886, V. I. 8°. Washington, 1886, p. 456.) Music Teach- 1886 { January 27 ) , Wednesday. Senate. — Petitions, me- ers' National Association uiorials, ctc. , wcrc presented and referred as follows: . . . By Mr. Aldrich: A petition of the Music Teachers' Na- tional Association, prajdng the passage of an international copyright law; to the Committee on Patents. . . . By Mr. Typographical Cameron: A memorial of the Typographical Union, no. 77, of Erie, Pa., remonstrating against the passage of an inter- national cop^Tight law; to the Committee on Patents. (Journal of the Senate, ist .sess. of 49th Cong. 8°. Wash- ington, 1885 [-'86], p. 210.) 1886 {January 28^, Thursday. Se7iate. — Petitions, me- morials, etc., were presented and referred as follows: . . . By Mr. Frye: A memorial of the Portland Typographical Union, remonstrating against the passage of an interna- tional copyright law; to the Committee on Patents. (Jour- nal of the Senate, ist sess. of 49th Cong. 8°. Washing- ton, 1885 [-'86], p. 217.) Central Labor jgg^ {Jautiary 2g), Friday. House oj Representatives. — Union of Phila- ,^ . ,, . . . , i • i i /~vi i deiphia The following petitions and papers were laid on the Clerk s desk, under the rule, and referred as follows, viz; By Mr. Bingham: . . . Also, resolutions of the Central Labor Union of Philadelphia, prote.sting against the passage of Senate bill no. 191 providing for an international copyright law; to the Committee on Patents. (Journal of the House of Representatives, ist sess. of 49th Cong. 1886, v. i, 8°. Washington, 1886, p. 501.) Typographical 1886 [February 2), Tuesday. Seyiate. — Petitions, me- morials, &c., were presented and referred as follows: . . . unions Chronological Record, iSS6 235 CONGRESS, SESSION By Mr Hale: A memorial of the Portland Typographical ;;-^«;- Union, remonstrating against the passage of an international copyright law; to the Committee on Patents. (Journal ot the Senate, ist sess. of 49tli Cong. 8°. Wa.shington, 1SS5 [-86], p. 233.) . . JS86 ^February 11), Thursday. 5^«a/.'. -Petitions, me- morials &c., were presented and referred as follows: . . . By Mr Cullom: A memorial of the Chicago Typographical Union, remonstrating against the passage of an international copyright law; to the Committee on Patents. (Journal ot the Senate, ist sess. of 49th Cong. 8°. Washington, 1885 [-'86], p. 277.) 1886 {^Feh nary 13). Saturday. House of Representatives.— The following petitions and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk under the rule, and referred as follows, viz: • • ■ By Mr Price: Protest of Typographical Union of Milwaukee acrainst the passage of Senate bill No. 191; to the Commit- tee on Patents. (Journal of the House of Representatives, ist sess. of 49th Cong. 1886, v. i. . 8°. Washington, 1886, ^'^llo^February 15), Monday. Senate. --Fetiiiou., me- ^cuuensof nu- morials &c., were presented and referred as follows: . . . By Mr Lo<-an: . . . A memorial of the citizens of Illinois, remon-strathig against the passage of an international copy- right law to the Committee on Patents. • (Journal of the Senate, ist sess. of 49th Cong. 8°. Washington, 1885 [-'86], p. 282.) . . Citizens of r886 (February 23.) Tuesday. Senate. -"Petitions, me- ^^^^ morials, &c., were presented and referred as follows: . . . By Mr Wilson, of Iowa: A memorial of citizens of Iowa, remonstrating against the passage of the bill for the estab- lishment of an international copyright; to the Committee on Patents. (Journal of the Senate, ist sess. of 49th Cong. 8°. Washington, l885[-'86], p. 3I«) Typographical i886{Februarv23), Tuesday. House oj Repiesentativcs.- ^^.^^ The following petitions and prayers were laid on the Clerk s desk under the rule, and referred as follows, viz: . . • By Mr Lyman: Resolutions of Typographical Union of Council Bluffs Iowa, protesting against the passage of the niterna- tional copyright bill now pending in the Senate; to the 236 Copyright in Congress^ J 7^9 to 190^ 49TH CONGRESS, Committee on Patents. (Journal of the House of Represent- 1ST SESSION atives, 1st sess. of 49th Cong. 1886, v. i, 8°. Washing- ton, 1886, pp. 716, 720-721.) t886 {February 2:f.), Wednesday. Senate. — Petitions, me- morials, &c., were presented and referred as follows: . . . By Mr. L,ogan: ... A memorial of the Chicago Typo- graphical Union, remonstrating against the passage of the bill for an international copyright ; to the Committee on Pat- ents. (Journal of the Senate, ist sess. of 49th Cong. 8°. Wa.shington, 1885 [-'86], p. 328.) 1886 {March 12), Friday. House of Representatives. — The following petitions and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk, under the rule, and referred as follows: ... By Mr. Ermentrout: . . . Also, resolutions of Typographical Union No. 86, of Reading, Pa. , opposing the pas.sage of Senate bill 191; to the Committee on the Judiciary. (Journal of the of Representatives, ist of 49th Cong. 1886, V. I, 8°. Washington, 1886, pp. 905, 906.) 1886 {MarcJi 20), Saturday. House of Representatives. — The following petitions and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk, under the rule, and referred as follows, viz: ... By Mr. Guenther: Resolutions b}' Typographical Union No. 211, of Oshkosh, Wi$. , relating to the international copy- right bill; to the Committee on the Judiciary. (Journal of the of Representatives, ist sess. of 49th Cong. 1886, V. I, 8°. Washington, 1886, pp. 993, 994.) 1886 {Marcli 22), Monday. Senate. — Petitions, memori- als, &c., were pre.sented and referred as follows: . . . By Mr. Sawyer: A memorial of the Typographical Union No. 211, of O.shkosh, Wis., remonstrating the pa.s.sage of the bill S. 191, for the establishment of an international copyright law, and praying the passage of the bill S. 1178, upon the same subject; to the Committee on Patents. (Jour- nal of the Senate, sess. of 49th Cong. 8°. Washing- ton, 1885 [-'86], p. 455.) Citizens of 1886 {Marc/i 2j ) , Tuesday. Senate. — Petitions, memori- als, &c. , were presented and referred as follows: By the President pro tempore: A memorial of citizens of Ohio, remonstrating against the passage of the bill for the estab- lishment of an international copyright; to the Committee Chronological Record^ 1886 237 on Patents. (Journal of the Senate, ist sess. of 49th Cong. 49th congress, - f- -. IST SESSION 8 . Washington, 1885 [-86], p. 462.) KnightsofLa- 1886 (March 2g), Monday. Senate. — Petitions, niemori- ''°'' als, &c., were presented and referred as follows: . . . B}- Mr. Spooner: . . . and a memorial of Knights of Labor, of Wisconsin, remonstrating against the passage of the bill for the establishment of an international copj-right; to the Committee on Patents. (Journal of the Senate, ist of 49th Cong. 8°. Washington, 1 885 [-86], p. 485.) 1886 {May 21), Friday. Senate. — Mr. Chace, from the Senate bin, no. Committee on Patents, to whom was referred the bill S. '^^ 1 178, .submitted a report (No. 1188), accompanied by a bill (S. 2496) to amend title 60, chapter 3, of the Revised Stat- utes of the United States; which was read the first and sec- ond times, by unanimous consent. Mr. Chace, from the Committee on Patents, to whom was referred the bill (S. 1 178) to amend title 60, chapter 3, of the Revised Statutes of the United States, reported adversely thereon. Ordered, That it be postponed indefinitely. (Journal of the Senate, ist sess. of 49th Cong. 8°. Washington, 1885 [-'86], p. 771; Reports of committees of the Senate, ist sess. of 49th Cong, v. 7. 8°. Washington, 1886, no. 1 188.) See Bibliography, I. Bills, no. 105, and II. Reports no. 17. 1886 {Julyp), Friday. Senate. — The following message Correspond- was received from the President of the United States, by ^xovisx copyright Mr. Pruden, his .secretary: To the Senate and House of Rep- resentatives: I transmit herewith for your information a report from the Secretary of State inclosing the correspond- ence which has been exchanged between the Department of State and the Governments of Switzerland and Italy on the subject of international copyright. Grover Cleveland. Executive Mansion, July 9, 1886. The message was read. Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations and be printed. (Journal of the Senate, ist sess. of 49th Cong. 8°. Washington, 1885 [-86], p. 1076.) See Bibliography, V. Miscellaneous, no. 37. 1886 {July 10), Satiirday. House of Representatives. — The Speaker laid before the House the following messages from the Pre.sident of the United States; which were ordered to be printed and referred, respectively, to the Committees on 1ST SESSION 238 Copyright in Congress^ lySp to 1^04 46TH CONGRESS, , and the Judiciary, viz: . . . [Here follows the iden- tical message as given above under Senate for July 9.] (Journal of the House of Representatives, ist sess. of 49th Cong. 1886, V. 2, 8°. Washington, 1886, p. 2161; Executive documents of the House of Representatives, ist sess. of 46th Cong. V. 35, 8°. Washington, 1886, doc. no. 354-) See Bibliography, V. Miscellaneous, no. 37. FORTY-NINTH CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION President 1886 {DcccDibcK <5), Monday. Senate. — Mr. Edmunds, ;i e vel message e V e a n s ^^^^^ ^.j^^ committee appointed to wait upon the President of the United States and inform him that a quorum of each house is assembled, and that Congress is read}- to receive any com- munication he ma>- be pleased to make, reported that they had performed the duty assigned them, and that the President had requested them to say to their respective houses that he congratulated them upon their safe return to the Capitol, their speedy organization, and readiness to proceed to busi- ness, and that he would immediately communicate with each house in writing. Whereupon, the following message was received from the President of the United States, by Mr. Pruden, his secretary: To the Congress of the United States: . . . The drift of sentiment in civilized communities to- ward full recognition of the rights of property in the crea- tions of the human intellect has brought about the adoption, by many important nations of an International Copyright Convention, which was signed at Berne on the i8th of Sep- tember, 1885. Inasmuch as the Constitution gives to Con- gress the power ' ' to promote the progress of science and useful arts by .securing for limited times to authors and in- ventors the exclusive right to their respective writings and discoveries," this Government did not feel warranted in becoming a signatory pending the action of Congress upon measures of international copyright now before it, but the right of adhesion to the Berne Convention hereafter has been reserved. I trust the subject will receive at your hands the attention it deserves, and that the just claims of authors, so urgently pres.sed, will be duly heeded. . . . Grover Cleveland. Washington, December 6, 1886. (Journal of Chronological Record, 1886 239 the Senate, 2d sess. of 49th Cong. 8°. Washington, 1887. ^^^^"^^r.""' DP 10 17.) See Bibliography, V. Miscellaneous, no 38. 1886 {Decembers). Monday. House A message in writing was received from the Presulent of fhe United States, by Mr. Pruden, one of |^- -f-^; which message was laid before the House by t- ^^P-^- and read by the Clerk, as follows, viz: LHere follows the identical text given above under Senate ^^ D--^^^ ^^^^ (Journal of the House of Representatives, 2d sess. of 49tb Cong 8°. Washington,i886,pp. 10,17; Executive docu- ments of the House of Representatives, 2d sess. of 49th Con- V. I, 8°. Washington, 1887, doc. no. i, p. xn. ) SeeBibliography,V. Miscellaneous, no. 38. , ,,■ correspond- 1886 (December 15) . Wednesday. Senate.-T\i^ tollmMU ^^^^ ^^ .„^^^„^. message was received from the President of the Uniteduonai copyright States by Mr. Pruden, his secretary: To the Senate and House of Represe7itatives: I transmit herewith for your f formation a report from the Secretary of State^ in« the correspondence which has passed between the Depart- ment of State and the Governments of Switzerland and France on the subject of international copyright since the date of my message of July 9, 1886, on this question. Grover Cleveland. Executive Mansion, December 15, 18S6. The message was read. Ordered, That it be referred to he Committee on Foreign Relations and printed^ ^{^^^^^^f the Senate. 2d sess. of 49tb Cong. 8°. Washington, 1887, 6 ^ See Bibliography, V. Miscellaneous, no^39- 1886 {December 15). Wednesday. House of Representa- tives -A message in writing was received from the President of the United States, by Mr. Pruden, one of his secretaries; which was laid on the Speaker's table. Subsequently the Speaker by unanimous consent, laid the said message before :i;e House, which was read, referred to the Coiinn^^ tee on the Judiciary, and ordered to be printed, viz: Here follows the identical text given above under Senate for December 15.] (Journal of the House of R^^^^^' .d sess. of 49th Cong. 8°. Wa.shmgton, 1886 [- 87], P- mo- Executive documents of the House of Representatives, 2d sess. of 49th Cong. v. 20, 8°. Washington, ,887, doc. no 37 ) See Bibliography, V. Miscellaneous, no. 39- 240 Copy rig Jit in Coiigi'ess^ 17S9 to 1904 50TH CONGRESS. FIFTIETH COXGRESS, FIRST SESSION 1ST SESSION Senate bill, no. 1887 {December 12) , Mo?iday. Seyiate. — Bills and joint ^^ resolutions were introduced, read the first and second times by unanimous con.sent, and referred as follows: . . . By Mr. Chace: A bill (S. 554) to amend title 60, chapter 3, of the Revised Statutes of the United States; to the Commit- tee on Patents. (Journal of the Senate, ist sess. of 50th Cong. 8°. Washington, 1887 [-'88]. pp. 26,48.) See Bibliography, I. Bills, no. 106. Memorial of /887 (December ig) , Afouday . Senate. — Petitions, memo- citizens of the ,,,,,,, _, United States rials, etc. , wcre presented and referred as tollows: ... By Mr. Hale: A memorial of citizens of the United States, praying the passage of a law for the establishment of an international copyright law; to the Committee on Patents. (Journal of the Senate, ist sess. of 50th Cong. 8°. Wash- ington, 1887 [-'88], p. 79.) H. R. bill, no. j888 {Ja7iuary 16), Monday. House of Representatives. — ''^^ The Speaker then proceeded, as the regular order of busi- ness, to call the States and Territories for the introduction and reference of bills and resolutions of a public nature; When, Bills and joint resolutions of the following titles were introduced, severally read twice, ordered to be printed, and referred as follows, viz: ... By Mr. Bryce: A bill (H. R. 4995) to amend section 4965 of the Revised vStatutes of the United States; to the Committee on Patents. (Journal of the House of Representatives, ist sess. of 50th Cong. 1888, V. I, 8°. Washington, 1888, pp. 417, 422.) See Bibliography, I. Bills, no. 107. Copyright i888 {January 18), IVednesday . Senate. — Petitions, me- PETiTioNs: morials, etc., were presented and referred as follows: . . . Facu Ity of ' ' ^ Haverford Col- By Mr. Cameroii: A petition of the faculty of Haverford '^^^ College, Pennsylvania, praying the pas.sage of an interna- tional copyright law; to the Committee on the Library. (Journal of the Senate, ist sess. of 50th Cong. 8°. Wash- ington, 1887 [-'88], p. 177.) 1888 {January 18), IVednesday. House of Representa- tives. — The following petitions and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk, under the rule, and referred as follows: . . . By Mr. Darlington: Petition for an international copyright Chronological Record, 1888 241 /T 1 ^f flio 50TH CONGRESS, law; to the Committee on «<- J"diciarv Journal „ the ,„_.„^. House of Representatives, ist sess. of 50" Cong. .8b», ^. ,, 8°. Washington. 1888. pp. «3. 454-) ^, ^m (>»««'-/ •'!'). ra^r.rfoj. 5<.«afe.-Pet.t,ons,memo ^^^^^ ^^^^ rials etc were presented and referred as follows; . . . By ^,,00, M ntar- A petition of the faculty of the Swan, Free ^chod of New Bedford, Mass., praying the passage of an ■ ternational copyright law; to the Comnnttee on Parents (Journal of the Senate, sess. of 50th Cong. 8 . Wash ington, 1887 [-'88] • P- '^SO Represmtalive,.- B„cu„=n oni. ,S8S {January 20), Friday. Hmcse "/A J clerk's"""" The following petitions and papers were la>d on the Uerk s rtesk under the rule, and referred as follows. . . • B> Mr. Pat, . Also, petition of Bucknell Umvers.ty, of rewisburg. Pa., in favor of "'-'f »-; ^'f ^'j;:; 1° to the Committee on Patents. Journal of the House o Representatives, ist sess. of 50th Cong. 1888, s. ., 8 . Washington, 1888, pp. 474. 477-) ,,„,,■,„._ Hob.rtcoii.6= ,S88ljanuary.,),Saiuriay. Hous.of Refinscntatu^s. The following petitions and papers vvere la d on the Clerk's desk, under the rule, and referred as follows . . . Bv Mr Davenport; Petition of Hobart College, for the pas- sage of an Tnte'national copyright law; to the Comnnttee on Patents (Journal of the House of Representatives .st fetof 50th Cong. .888, v. .. 8». Washington, ,888, ^^ml\tnlary .j). Monday. 5.«.^..-Petitions. praying ^--,,.-'- the pf-.e of-: law for the -tablish,nent of an mte^na .,„, tional copyright, were presented as follows. By Mr. far ^e" A petitfon of the faculty of Lake Forest Umvers.ty Tl Lis By Mr. Sherman; A petition of the faculty of H "cHberg College, Tiffin, Ohio, and a pet.t.on of the fee nltv of the Ohio University at Athens, Oh,o. By Mr. His c«k A petition of the faculty of Wells College, Aurora, NY By Mr. Tnrpie; A petition of the faculty of Han- L^CoUege, Indiana. By Mr. Hampton; A petition of the fac, Ity o tl e South CaroUna College. By Mr. Spooner; A pethion of the faculty of Milton College Wisconsn. By Mr Evarts; A petition of the faculty of Hobart College Geneva! N. Y. By Mr. Cockrell; A petition of the faculty 10469— No. 8—05 16 242 Copyright in Congress^ I7'^9 to igo^ 50THCONGRESS, Qf Christian University, Canton, Mo., and a petition of the ISX SESSIOX faculty of Central Wesleyan College, Warrenton, Mo. By Mr. Vance: A petition of the faculty of Davidson College, North Carolina. Ordered, That they be referred to the Committee on Patents. (Journal of the Senate, ist sess. of 50th Cong. 8°. Washington, 1887 [-'88], pp. 192-193.) Ohio univer- 1888 {January 2j) , Monday . House of Representatives. — sity and others — ^, -,,.".. , ",., , ,^, , , The follownig petitions and papers w ere laid on the Clerk s desk, under the rule, and referred as follows: . . . By Mr. Grosvenor: Memorial of Dr. Charles W. Super, president of the Ohio University, at Athens, Ohio, and the facult}-, for an international copj'right law; to the Committee on Patents. . . . By Mr. Matson: . . . Also, petition of Rev. Dr. A. T. Slatt, president, and other members of the faculty of Franklin College, Franklin, Ind., in favor of an international copyright law; to the Committee on Patents. . . . By Mr. Nutting: Petition of E. T. Frisbee, president of Wells College, New York, and ii others of the faculty', in favor of international copyright; to the Committee on Patents. . . . By Mr. Ryan: Petition of the State Normal School at Emporia, Kans. , for an international copyright law; to the Committee on Patents. . . . B}- Mr. Seney: Petition of Rev. Dr. George W. Willard, president of Heidelberg College, Tiffin, Ohio, and others, in favor of an international copyright; to the Committee on Patents. . . . By Mr. Wilkins: Petition for an international copyright law; to the Committee on Patents. (Journal of the House of Representatives, ist sess. of 50th Cong. 1888, v. i, 8°. Washington, 1888, pp. 500, 501, 502, 503.) Madison Uni- i888 {Jamiary 2^), Tuesday. Senate. — Petitions, pray- ing the passage of a law for the establishment of an inter- national copyright, were presented as follows: By Mr. Morgan: A petition of the faculty of Madison University, Alabama. By Mr. Davis: A petition of the faculty of Carleton College, Minnesota. By Mr. George: A petition of the faculty of Mississippi College, Mississippi. Ordered, That they be referred to the Committee on Patents. (Jour- nal of the Senate, ist sess. of 50th Cong. 8°. Washington, 1887 [-'88], p. 203.) versity and oth ers Chronological Record, 1888 243 1888 ( January 21) , Tuesday. House of Represe7iiatives. — 50TH congress, . . ■■ 1 -J .-L /^1 1 ' 1ST SESSION The following petitions and papers \yere laid on the Llerk s christian um- desk, under the rule, and referred as follows: ... By Mr. versity Hatch: Petition of faculty of Christian University, Canton, Ohio, for international copyright law; to the Committee on Patents. (Tournal of the House of Representatives, ist sess. of 50th Cong. 1888, v. i, 8°. Washington, 1888, P- 521.) 1888 {January 25), Wednesday. Senate.— Y^\:\\:\o\\?>. ^f^^'^^^^^^^l^^ praying the passage of a law for the establishment of auers international copyright, were presented as follows: By Mr. Cameron: A petition of the faculty of Bucknell University, Pennsylvania. By Mr. Evarts: A petition of the faculty of the Rochester University, and a petition of the faculty of Vassar College, New York. Ordered, That they be referred to the Committee on Patents. (Journal of the Senate, ist sess. of 50th Cong. 8°. Washington, 1887 [-'88], p. 209.) 1888 '{January 25), Wednesday. House oj Representa- ^^^^^^^^y ^^^^ fives. — The following petitions and papers were laid on the others Clerk's desk, under the rule, and referred as follows: . . . By Mr. Baker, of New York: Petition of Dr. M. B. Ander- son, president, and others of the faculty of the University of Rochester, New York, in favor of an international copy- right law; to the Committee on Patents. ... By Mr. Hooker: . . . Also, petition for an international copy- right law; to the Committee on Patents. ... By Mr. Ketcham: . . . Also, petition of Professor James M. Taylor and 23 others of the faculty of Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, N. Y., for the -speedy enactment of an inter- national copyright law; to the Committee on Patents. (Journal of the House of Representatives, ist sess. of 50th Cong. 1888, V. I, 8°. Washington, 1888, pp. 535- 537-^ 1888 {Jamiary 26), Thursday. Senate. — Petitions, pray- o 1 1 e r b e i n ing the passage of a law for the establishment of an inter- "'''^'■^' ^ national copyright were presented as follows: By Mr. Sherman: A petition of the faculty of Otterbein University, and a petition of the faculty of Denison University, of Ohio. By Mr. Coke: A petition of the faculty of Agricultural and Mechanical College, of Texas. By Mr. Evarts: A peti- 244 CopyrigJit i>i Congress^ J 7^9 io igo^ 50TH CONGRESS, tJQii Qf ti^e faculty of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, of 1ST SESSION ^ ,,, ^'^,^ . •• r-ir, Troy, N. Y. By Mr. Quay: A petition of the faculty ot Franklin and Marshall College, of Pennsylvania. By Mr. Frye: A petition of the faculty of Bowdoin College, of Maine. Ordered, That they be referred to the Committee on Patents. (Journal of the Senate, ist sess. of 50th Cong. 8°. Washington, 1887 [-88], p. 216.) Buchtei Col- jggg f Tayuiary 26), T/mrsday. House of Representa- lege and others ' -^ -^ . . "^^ , f, fives. — The following petitions and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk, under the rule, and referred as follows: . . . By Mr. Crouse: Petition of O. Cone and 12 others, profes- sors in Buchtei College, at Akron, Ohio, for international copyright; to the Committee on Patents. . . . By Mr. Greenman: Petition of 10 citizens of Rensselaer County, N. Y., in favor of international copyright law; to the Committee on Patents. ... By Mr. Outhwaite: Petition of Henry Gerst and the faculty of Otterbein University, at We-sterville, Ohio, in favor of an international copyright law; to the Committee on Patents. ... By Mr. Reed: . . . Also, petition of the president and faculty of Bowdoin College, in favor of international copyright; to the Com- mittee on Patents. ... ^y Mr. Stewart, of Texas: Peti- tion of sundry citizens of Brazos County, Tex., in favor of international copyright; to the Committee on Patents. (Journal of the House of Representatives, ist sess. of 50th Cong. 1888, v. I, 8°. Washington, 1888, pp. 549, 550, 55I-) North West- 1888 {^January 2j), Friday. House of Representatives. — others The followiug petitions and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk, under the rule, and referred as follows: ... By Mr. Plumb: Petition of Henry H. Ras.sweiler, president of Northwestern College, of Naperville, 111., and seven others of the same college, for an international copyright law; to the Committee on Patents. (Journal of the House of Rep- resentatives, ist sess. of 50th Cong. 1888, v. i, 8°. Washington, 1888, p. 564.) ArkansasUni- jggg {January ^o) , Monday. Senate. — Petitions praying versity and . . . , . , , , others the passage of an international copyright law were presented as follows: By Mr. Jones of Arkansas: A petition of the Chronological Record^ 1888 245 faculty of Arkansas University, of Arkansas. By Mr. Blair: soth congress, 1ST SESSIOV A petition of the faculty of Dartmouth College, of New Hampshire. By Mr. Cullom: A petition of the faculty of the Northwestern College of Illinois. By Mr. Payne: A petition of the faculty of Buchtel College, of Ohi,o. By Mr. Plumb: A petition of the faculty of the State University of Kansas. By Mr. Spooner: A petition of the faculty of Be- loit College, of Wisconsin. By Mr. Teller: A petition of the facult}' of the Denver University, of Colorado. By Mr. Sherman: A petition of the faculty of the Ohio State Uni- versity. Ordered, That they be referred to the Committee on Patents. (Journal of the Senate, ist sess. of 50th Cong. 8°. Washington, 1887 [-'88], p. 227.) 1888 {January 30 ) , Mojiday. House of Representatives.— ^^'°'' College Ar»i f ,1 • . . ' and others The followmg petitions and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk, under the rule, and referred as follows: ... By Mr. Caswell: Petition of Edward D. Eaton, president, and H. M. Whiting and others, professors of Beloit College, Wiscon- sin, for an international copyright law; to the Committee on Patents. . . . ByMr. Compton: . . . Also petition for the enactment of an international copyright law; to the Com- mittee on Patents. ... By Mr. Dalzell: Petition of the Western University of Pennsylvania, in favor of interna- tional copyright; to the Committee on Patents. . . . By Mr. Funston: . . . Also a petition of the faculty of the State University of Lawrence, Kans., for international copy- right law; to the Committee on Patents. . . . By Mr. Guen- ther: Petition of the faculty of Ripon College, of Ripon, Wis., in favor of an international copyright law ; to the Com- mittee on Patents. . . . By Mr. Hiestand: Memorial of the faculty of Franklin and Marshall College, Pennsylvania, in favor of an international copyright law; to the Committee on Patents. . . . By Mr. Outhwaite: Petition of Prof . Wil- liam H. Scott and faculty of Ohio State University, for pas- sage of an international copyright law; to the Committee on Patents. (Journal of the House of Representatives, ist sess. of 50th Cong. 1888, v. i, 8°. Washington, 1888, pp. 581, 582, 583, 585.) 1888 {Jamiarv 31), Tuesday. 5"<'«a/r.— Petitions prav- R>p°" College , - ^ ^ \ ' i- and others ing the passage of an international copvright law were pre- 246 Copyright in Congress^ 17S9 to 1904 50THCONGRESS, sented as follows: By Mr. Sawyer: A petition of the faculty 1ST S£SSION of Ripon College, Wisconsin. By Mr. Quay: A petition of the faculty of the Western University of Peinisylvania. By Mr. Vest: A petition of the faculty of Drury College, Spring- field, Mo. Ordered, That they be referred to the Commit- tee on Patents. (Journal of the Senate, 1st sess. of 50th Cong. 8°. Washington, 1887 [-88]. p. 238.) Faculty of jS88 {^Jamiarv ji ) , Tuesday. House of Representatives. - Princeton Col- r n • • • i i ■ -i i .^, i lege The follownig petitions and papers were laid on the Clerk s desk, under the rule, and referred as follows: ... By Mr. Buchanan: Petition of the faculty of the College of New Jersey (Princeton, N. J.), in behalf of an international copyright law; to the Committee on Patents. . . . By Mr. Peel: . . . Also, petition of faculty of State University of Arkansas, for an international copyright; to the Committee on Patents. . . . By Mr. Symes: . . . ALso, petition of citizens of Denver, Colo., for international copyright; to the Committee on Patents. (Journal of the House of Repre- sentatives, I St sess. of 50th Cong. 1888, v. i, 8°. Wash- ington, 1888, pp. 605, 607, 609.) 1888 {February /), Wednesday . Senate — Petitions, me- morials, etc., were presented and referred as follows: . . . By Mr. McPher.son: ... A petition of the faculty of Princeton College, New Jersey, praying the passage of an international copyright law; to the Committee on Patents; (Journal of the Senate, ist sess. of 50th Cong. 8°. Wash- ington, 1887 [-'88], p. 248.) Faculty of 1 888 { February I ) ^Wednesday . Ho2ise of Representatives. — Bethel College ^y^^ following petitions and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk, under the rule, and referred as follows: . . . By Mr. Hunter: . . . Also, petition of the faculty of Bethel Col- lege, at Russellville, K3'., for an international copyright law; to the Committee on Patents. (Journal of the House of Representatives, ist sess. of 50th Cong. 1888, v. i, 8°. Wa-shington, 1888, pp. 623, 624.) Faculty of 1888 {February 2), TJiursday. Senate. — Petitions pray- Adeibert Col- -^ ^^ pas.sage of an international copvright law w^ere lege and others e> r o r . r-, presented as follows: By Mr. Sherman: A petition of the faculty of Adelbert College, Cleveland, Ohio. By Mr. Coke: A petition of the faculty of the University of Texas. By Chronological Record^ 1888 247 Mr. Walthall: A petition of the faculty of the University of soth congress, ^ 1ST SESSION Mississippi. Ordered, That they be referred to the Com- mittee on Patents. (Journal of the Senate, ist sess. of 50th Cong. 8°. Washington, 1887 [-88], p. 257.) 1888 (February 2^, Thursday. of Representatives. — University of -^ ' ' -^ . Mississippi The following petitions and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk, under the rule, and referred as follows ... By Mr. Morgan: Petition of Prof. John L. Johnson and others, members of the faculty of the University of Mississippi, for an international copyright law; to the Committee on Pat- ents. (Journal of the House of Representatives, ist sess. of 50th Cong. 1888, V. I, 8°. Washington, 1888, pp. 634, 636.) i888i February 4), Satitrday. House of Representatives. — Faculty of -^ ^ ^ ' -^ J r K.\n%, College The following petitions and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk, under the rule, and referred as follows: ... By Mr. Butler: Petition of members of the faculty of King College, of Tennessee, for the speedy enactment of an international copyright law; to the Committee on Patents. (Journal of the House of Representatives, ist sess. of 50th Cong. 1888, V. I, 8°. Washington, 1888, pp. 657, 658.) 1888 (^February 6), Monday. Senate. — Petitions, memo- rials, etc., were presented and referred as follows: . . . By Mr. Harris: A petition of the faculty of King College, Bristol, Tenn., praying the passage of an international copyright law; to the Committee on Patents. (Journal of the Senate, ist sess. of 50th Cong. 8°. Washington, 1S87 [-'88], p. 263.) 1888 [February 6), Monday. House of Representatives.— '^""">' ^°'- -^ ^ ' -^ . '6ge and others The following petitions and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk, under the rule, and referred as follows: .... By Mr. Henderson, of North Carolina: Petition of the president and faculty of Trinity College, North Carolina, for an inter- national copyright law; to the Committee on Patents. . . . By Mr. Wise: Petition of members of the faculty of Rich- mond College, Richmond, Va. , for an international copy- right law; to the Committee on Patents. . . . Bills and h. r. bin, no. joint resolutions of the following titles were introduced, sev- ^^ erally read twdce, ordered to be printed, and referred as fol- 248 Copy rig Jit i?i Congress, ij8g to igo^ 50TH CONGRESS, lo^^.g, viz: ... By Mr. Long: A bill (H. R. 664O for 1ST SESSION . . ' . . - the seizure and de.struction of forfeitable imported books; to the Committee on the Judiciary. ( Journal of the House of Repre.sentatives, sess. of 50th Cong. 1888, v. i, 8°. Washington, 1888, pp. 670, 673, 674, 675.) See Bibliog- raphy, I. Bills, no. 108. copYRiGHTPE- 1888 {February 7), Tuesday. Seriate. — Petitions, memo- TITIONS: . Northwestern rials, etc. , Were presented and referred as follows: ... By University ^,[^ Farwell: A petition of the faculty of the Northwestern University, of Evanston, 111., praying the passage of an international copyright law; to the Committee on Patents. (Journal of the Senate, I St sess. of 50th Cong. 8°. Wash- ington, 1887 [-'88], p. 273.) University of 1888 {February 7) , Tuesday. House of Representatives. — Georgia and ,^, - ,, . others The following petitions and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk, under the rule, and referred as follows: ... By Mr. Carlton : Petition of the faculty of the University of Georgia, at Athens, for the passage of an international copyright law; to the Committee on Patents. ... By Mr. O'Ferrall: Petition of the Faculty of the University of Virginia, for the enactment of a copyright law; to the Committee on Patents. (Journal of the House of Representatives, ist sess. of 50th Cong. 1888, v. i, 8°. Washington, 1888, pp. 689, 690, 691.) FacuityofRut- 1888 {February 8) , JVedfiesday. Senate. — Petitions, memo- gers o ege j-ials, ctc, wcrc presented and referred as follows: ... By ' Mr. McPherson: A petition of the faculty of Rutgers College, New Brunswick, N. J., praying the passage of an international copyright law; to the Committee on Patents. (Journal of the Senate, ist sess. of 50th Cong. 8°. Wash- ington, 1887 [-88], p. 281.) Faculty of / 888 ( February 8) , lVed?iesday. House of Representatives.— ■Wesleyan Uni- ,_ . . versity The following petitions and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk, under the rule, and referred as follows: ... By Mr. French: Petition of the faculty of Wesleyan University, at Middletown, Conn., for the speedy enactment of an inter- national copyright law; to the Committee on Patents. (Journal of the House of Representatives, ist sess. of 50th Cong. 1888, V. I, 8°. Washington, 1888, pp. 713. 714.) Chronological Record^ 1888 249 1888 (Febrnary o), Tliursday. Senate.— V&i\t\ons, me- soth congress, " 1ST SESSSION morials, etc., were presented and referred as follows: . . . Richmond coi- By Mr. Daniel: ... A petition of the faculty of the Rich- '^^e and urn- versity of Vir- mond College, Virginia, and a petition of the faculty of thcginia University of Virginia, praying the passage of an interna- tional copyright law; to the Committee on Patents. ' (Jour- nal of the Senate, ist sess. of 50th Cong. 8°. Washington, 1887 [-88], p. 288.) 1888 {February p) , Thursday. House of Representatives. — Faculty of Rut- The following petitions and papers were laid on the Clerk '.s desk, under the rule, and referred as follows: . . . 'Qy Mr. Kean: . . . Also, petition of the faculty of Rutgers Col- lege, New Brunswick, N. J., for an international copyright; to the Committee on Patents. (Journal of the House of Rep- resentatives, I St sess. of 50th Cong. 1888, v. i, 8°. Washington, 1888, pp. 725, 726.) J 88 8 {February 10), Friday. House of Representatives. — Lawrence The following petitions and papers were laid on the Clerk's ^^^'J//^''^ ^"'^ desk, under the rule, and referred as follows: . . . By Mr. Clark: Petition of citizens of Lawrence University, of Ap- pleton, Wis. , for an international copyright law; to the Com- mittee on Patents. . . . By ]\Ir. Gifford: Petition of the fac- ulty of the university at Grand Forks, Dak., for an inter- national copyright law; to the Committee on Patents. . . . By Mr. Rowland: Petition of the faculty of Davidson Col- lege, North Carolina, for the enactment of an international copyright law; to the Committee on Patents. (Journal of the House of Representatives, ist .sess. of 50th Cong. 1888, V. I, 8°. Washington, 1888, pp. 739, 740, 741, 743.) 1888 {February ij), Monday. Seriate. — Petitions, pra)-- vanderbiit ing the passage of an international copyright law, were pre- "^ers"**^ ^^^ sented as follows: By Mr. Bate: A petition of the faculty of the Vanderbiit University, Tennessee. By Mr. Sawyer: A petition of the faculty of Lawrence University, Wiscon- sin. Ordered, That they be referred to the Committee on Patents. (Journal of the Senate, ist sess. of 50th Cong. 8°. Washington, i887[-'88], p. 299.) 1888 {February I j^^ Monday. House of Representatives. — Lebanon vai- The following petitions and papers were laid on the Clerk's 1^^^]^^^°"^^^ desk, under the rule, and referred as follows: ... By Mr. 250 Copyright ifi Congi'ess^ ^7^9 ^o 190^ 50TH CONGRESS, Boun^i. Petition of the faculty of Lebanon Valley College, 1ST SESSION rTi T-,r • "-i -ii , or Lebanon, Pa., tor an international copj^nght law; to the Committee on Patents. ... By Mr. Rayner: . . . Also, petition of members of the faculty of the Johns Hopkins University, of Baltimore, for an international copyright law; to the Committee on Patents. ... By Mr. Washington: . . . Also, petition of Vanderbilt Universit}-, Nashville, Tenn., asking enactment of copyright law; to the Commit- tee on Patents. (Journal of the House of Representatives, I St sess. of 50th Cong. 1888, v. i, 8°. Washington, 1888, PP- 754, 760. 762.) Johns Hopkins jggg {February id), Ttiesday. Senate.— ^edWous, pray- University and. ^ .^ ■^ ^ ' -^ ' r .; others mg the passage of an international copyright law, were pre- sented as follows: By Mr. Gorman: A petition of the faculty of Johns Hopkins University, and a petition of the faculty of Frederick College, of Maryland. By Mr. Wilson, of Iowa: A petition of the faculty of Amity College, of Iowa. Ordered, That they be referred to the Committee on Pat- ents. (Journal of the Senate, ist of 50th Cong. 8°. Washington, 1887 [-'88], p. 310.) Faculty of i888 {February 1 1^) .Wednesday . Senate. — Petitions, me- Wesleyan Uni- . ^ ^'^ ^ , versity iiiorials, ctc, wcrc presented and referred as follows: . . . By Mr. Hawley: A petition of the faculty' of the Wesleyan University of Connecticut, praying the passage of an inter- national copyright law; to the Committee on Patents. (Journal of the vSenate, ist of 50th Cong. 8°. Wash- ington, 1887 [-'88], p. 317.) University of 1 888 { February i6) , Thursday. Senate.— V^WWow^, me- Georgia morials, etc., were presented and referred as follows: . . . By Mr. Brown: A petition of the faculty of the University of Georgia, praying the passage of an international cop\'- right law; to the Committee on Patents. (Journal of the Senate, ist sess. of 50th Cong. 8°. Washington, 1887 [-88], p. 325.) Amity College jggg {February 16), Thursday. House of Representa- and others ^ . . J I tives. — The following petitions and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk, under the rule, and referred as follows: . . . By Mr. Anderson, of Iowa: Petition of the faculty of Amity College, College Springs, Page County, Iowa, favoring fuller security to literary property, and asking the speedy CJiroiioIogical Record^ 1888 251 enactment of an international copyright law; to the Com- sothcoxgress, T-. -rvT^^ ■,■, ^^ ■ ■ ^ , 1ST SESSION mittee on Patents. ... By Mr. Caswell: Petition of the faculty of Racine College, for the passage of an interna- tional copyright law; to the Committee on Patents. . . . By Mr. Laird: . . . Also, petition of same [faculty of Doane College, Crete, Nebr.], for an international copy- right law; to the Committee on Patents. . . . By Mr. Mc- Comas: Petition of the faculty of Frederick College, Mary- land, for an international copyright; to the Committee on Patents. (Journal of the House of Representatives, ist sess. of 50th Cong. 1888, v. i, 8°. Washington, 1888, pp. 811, 813.) 1888 tempore [Mr. John J. Ingall.s] • ""''on,' A petition of the Pressmen's Union, No. i , of the District of ^"'^ °^''' Columbia. By Mr. Allison: A petition of the Faculty of Iowa College, at Grinnell, Iowa. Ordered, That they lie on the table. (Journal of the Senate, ist sess. of 50th Cong 8°. Washington, 1887 [-'88], p. 584.) 1888 {April 2), Monday. House of Representatives —The ^ew England following petitions and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk, ZlZ^LV^^' under the rule, and referred as follows: ... By Mr. Col- lins: Petition of the New England Women's Press Asso- ciation, in favor of an international copyright law; to the Committee on the Judiciary. (Journal of the House of Representatives, ist sess. of 50th Cong. 1888, v. i, 8°. Wa.shington, 1888, p. 1395.) 1888 {April j), Tuesday. ^^«a/^.— Petitions, prajdng Pressmen-s the passage of an international copyright law, were pj-e- ""'°"'"°-'''^°d sented as follows: By Mr. Cameron: A petition of the Press- °'^''' men's Union No. 4, of Philadelphia, Pa. By Mr. Cullom- A petition of Typographical Union No. 59, of Quincy. 111. By Mr. Allison: A petition of Typographical Union No. 68, of Keokuk, Iowa. Ordered, That they lie on the table.' (Journal of the Senate, ist sess. of 50th Cong. 8°. Wash- ington, 1887 [-'88], p. 590.) 1888 {April 3), Tuesday. House of Representatives. —"The Typographical following petitions and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk ""'""^^"'i °th- under the rule, and referred as follows: ... By Mr. Ran- '" dall: Resolutions of Philadelphia Typographical Union No 2, indorsed by the Pres.smen's Union, No. 4, of Philadelphia for an international copyright law; to the Committee on Patents. (Journal of the House of Representatives, i st sess of 50th Cong. 1888, V. I, 8°. Washington, 1888, pp 1418, 1422.) 1888 {Aprils), lVed7iesday. House of Representatives. — The following petitions and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk, under the rule, and referred as follows: ... By Mr. Dunham: . . . Also, petition of Typographical Union No. 16, of Chicago, favoring the Cliace copyright bill; to tlie Committee on Patents. . . . By Mr. Rvan: Resolutions of unions 256 Copy rig lit in Congress, i']8g to 190^ 50TH CONGRESS, tj^g Topeka (Kansas) Typographical Union, in favor of an international copyright law: to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. . . . By Mr. Conger: Resolutions of Typographical Union No. 118. of Des Moines, Iowa, for the pas.sage of the Chace international copyright bill; to the Committee on Patents. ... By Mr. Houk: . . . Also, petition of certain citizens of Nashville, Tenn., in favor of international copy- right law; to the Committee on Patents. ... By Mr. Adams: Petition for the international copyright bill; to the Committee on Patents. ... By Mr. Randall: Petition of Charles L. Hamilton and others connected with industries engaged in the production of books, favoring the passage of the international copyright bill of Senator Chace; to the Committee on Patents. (Journal of the House of Repre- sentatives, ist sess. of 50th Cong. 1888, v. i, 8°. Washing- ton, 1888, pp. 1493, 1494, 1508, 1523, 1579, 1583.) Jyp°e''*P^'"' 1888 {April s), Thursday. Senate.— ^Ix. Sherman pre- sented a petition of the Typographical Union, No. 5, of Columbus, Ohio, praying the passage of an international copyright law. Orde?'ed, That it lie on the table. (Journal of the Senate, ist sess. of 50th Cong. 8°. Washington, 1887 [-88], p. 606.) 1888 {April 6), Friday. Senate. — Petitions, praying the passage of an international copyright law, were presented and referred as follows : By Mr. Cullom : A petition of the Chicago Typographical Union, No. 16. By Mr. Harris: A petition of the Memphis Typographical Union, No. 11. Ordered, That they lie on the table. (Journal of the Sen- ate, sess. of 50th Cong. 8°. Washington, 1887 [-'88], p. 612.) 1888 {April p) , Monday. Senate. — Petitions, praying the passage of an international copyright law, were presented as follows : By the President pro tempore [Mr. John J. Ingalls] : A petition of Topeka, Kans. , Typographical Union, No. 121. By Mr. Wilson, of Iowa : A petition of Typographical Union, No. 118, of Des Moines, Iowa. B}- Mr. Sherman: A peti- tion of the Typographical Union, No. 3, of Cincinnati, Ohio. By Mr. Palmer: A petition of the Typographical Union, No. 99. By Mr. Allison : A petition of the Typographical Chronological Record^ 1888 257 Union, No. 118, of Des Moines, Iowa. By Mr. Harris: A sothcongress, 1ST SESSION petition of the faculty of the Central Tennessee College, and central Tenn- a petition of the Typographical Union, No. 20, of Nashville, ^^^^^ ^""^^^ Tenn. Ordered, That they lie on the table. (Journal of the Senate, ist sess. of 50th Cong. 8°. Washington, 1887 [-'88], p. 624.) 1888 (April 10), Tuesday. Senate. — On motion by Mr. Chace, Ordered, That the bill (S. 554) to amend title 60, chapter 3, of the Revised Statutes, to be made the special order for Thursday, the 12th instant, at 3 o'clock, p. m., two-thirds of the Senators present agreeing thereto. . . . Petitions, praying the passage of an international copj^right law, were presented as follows : By Mr. Cullom : A petition Typographical of Typographical Union, No. 107, of Rock Island, 111. By Mr. Quay : A petition of Typographical Union, No. 2, of Pennsylvania, and a petition of Pressmen's Union, No. 4, of Philadelphia, Pa. Ordered, That they lie on the table. (Journal of the Senate, ist sess. of 50th Cong. 8°. Washington, 1887 [-'88], pp. 637, 632.) Note. — In the proceedings of the Senate for Thursday, April 12, the Journal makes no mention of any discussion of this bill. 1888 {April I r^ , lVed?iesdaj'. Senate. — Petitions, praying the passage of an international copyright law, were pre- sented as follows: By Mr. Stockbridge: A petition of Typo- graphical Union, No. 81, of Bay City, Mich.; and A petition of Typographical Union, No. 99, of Philadelphia, Pa. \_sie, i. e. Jackson, Mich.]. By Mr. Sherman: A petition of Typographical Union, No. 199, of Zanesville, Ohio. By Mr. Cockrell: Two petitions of citizens of Missouri. Ordered, that they lie on the table. (Journal of the Senate, ist sess. of 50th Cong. 8°. Washington, 1887 [-'88], p. 639.) 1888 {April 12), Thursday. Senate. — Petitions, praying the passage of an international copyright law, were pre- sented as follows: By Mr. Cullom: A petition of Typo- graphical Union, No. 74, Chicago, 111. By Mr. Wilson, of Iowa: A petition of Tj^pographical Union, No. — , Ottumwa, Iowa. By Mr. Palmer: A petition of Typographical Union, No. 81, Bay City, Mich. By Mr. Chace: Three petitions of citizens of the United States. Ordered, That they lie ou 10469 — No. 8 — 05 17 258 Copyright in Congress^ ^7^9 ^o igojf. 50TH CONGRESS, t|;jg table. (Journal of the Senate, ist sess. of 50th Cong. 1ST SESSION „ ,, , . „^ r ,^^n 8°. Washington, 1887 [-88], p. 649.) Note. — In the list of the Committee of the Typographical unions, the Union of Chicago is designated as No. 16 instead of No. 74. 1888 {April /J), Friday. House of Representatives. — The following petitions and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk, under the rule, and referred as follows: ... By Mr. Shively: Petition of Typographical Union, No. 128, of South Bend, Ind., in favor of the Chace copyright bill; to Faculty o f the Committee ou Patents. . . . By Mr. Wade: Petition of Drurycouege ^j^^ president and professors of Drury College, Springfield, Mo., for an international copyright law; to the Committee on Patents. (Journal of the House of Representatives, ist sess. of 50th Cong. 1888, v. 2, 8°. Washington, 1888, pp. 1593. I594-) Typographical 1 888 {April i6), Monday. House of Representatives. — "n"do"hers°' ^^ The following petitions and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk, under the rule, and referred as follows, viz: . . . By Mr. Dunham: Resolutions of Typographical Union, No. 74, of Chicago, favoring the Chace copj-right bill; to the Com- mittee on Patents. ... By Mr. Ermentrout: . . . Also, petition of John A. M. Passmore, of Philadelphia, Pa., for the passage of the international copyright bill; to the Com- mittee on Patents. (Journal of the House of Representa- tives, ist sess. of 50th Cong. 1888, v. 2, 8°. Washington, 1888, p. 1634.) Note. — In the list of the Committee of the Typographical unions, the Union of Chicago is designated as No. 16 instead of No. 74. Citizens of the jggg {April //), Tuesday. Senate. — Mr. Chace pre- sented a petition of citizens of the United States, praying the pas.sage of an international copyright law. Ordered, That it lie on the table. (Journal of the Senate, ist sess. of 50th Cong. 8°. Washington, 1887 [-88], p. 670.) Citizens of 1888 {April i8) , Wednesday . Senate. Petitions, memo- rials, etc., were presented and referred as follows: . . . Mr. Allison presented a petition of citizens of Iowa, praying the passage of an international copyright law. Ordered. That it lie on the table. (Journal of the Senate, ist sess. of 50th Cong. 8°. Washington, 1887 [-'88], p. 681.) Chronological Record^ 1888 259 1888 {April 2/ ), Saturday. House of Represeittatives. — soth congress, The following petitions and papers were laid on the Clerk's '^Typographical desk, under the rule, and referred as follows, viz: . . . By""**'"^ Mr. Voorhees: Resolutions of Typographical Union, No. 193, of Spokane Falls, and of No. 202, of Seattle, Wash, indorsing the Chace bill for international copyright; to the Committee on Patents. ... On motion of Mr. Blanchard, the call of committees for reports was dispensed with (two- thirds voting in favor thereof). On motion of Mr. Bu- chanan, by unanimous consent, Ordered, That reports author- ized by committees be filed with the clerk. Under the foregoing order, . . . Mr. Collins, from the Committee on h. r. the Judiciary, to which was referred the bill of the House ^^'^ '"^p"'"*''** (H. R. 8715) to amend title 60, chapter 3, of the Revised Statutes of the United States, reported the same with amend- ments, accompanied by a report (no. 1875) in writing thereon. Ordered, That said bill, amendments, and report be referred to the House Calendar and printed. (Journal of the House of Representatives, ist sess. of 50th Cong. 1888, V. 2, 8°, Washington, 1888, pp. 1706, 1710; Reports of com- mittees of the House of Representatives, ist sess. of 50th Cong. V. 6, 8°. Washington, 1888, no. 1875.) See Bib- liography, I. Bills, no. Ill, and II. Reports, no. 19. 1888 {April 23 ) , Monday. Senate.— VoWWons, praying the passage of an international copyright law, were presented as follows: By Mr. Cullom: A petition of the Trades and Labor Assembly of Quincy, 111. By Mr. Reagan: A petition of Typographical Union No. 138, of Austin, Tex. Ordered, That they lie on the table. ... On motion by Mr. Chace, Senate the Senate proceeded to consider, as in Committee of ^j^^ 554 considered Whole, the bill fS. 554) to amend title 60, chapter 3, of the Revised Statutes; and the reported amendments having been agreed to, and the bill further amended on the motion of Mr. Chace, from the Committee on Patents, and a further amendment having been proposed by Mr. Morrill, pending debate [the Senate then took up the consideration of other business]. (Journal of the Senate, ist sess. of 50th Cong. 8°. Washington, 1887 [-'88], pp. 699, 706; Cong. Record, V. 19, pt. 4, 1888, pp. 3231-3245)- See Bibliography, V. Miscellaneous, no. 40. 26o Copyright in Congress, ij8g to 1^04 50TH CONGRESS, 1888 (^ April 24.), Tuesday. Senate. — Petitions, memorials, etc., were presented and referred as follows: . . . Mr. Morgan presented a petition of citizens of Alabama, praj'ing the passage of an international copj'right law. Ordered, That it lie on the table. ... On motion by Mr. Chace, the Senate resumed, as in Committee of the Whole, the consider- ation of the bill (S. 554) to amend title 60, chapter 3, of the Revised Statutes, and the question being on the amendment proposed by Mr. Morrill," pending debate [the Senate then proceeded to take up the consideration of other business] . (Journal of the Senate, ist sess. of 50th Cong. 8°. Wash- ington, 1887 [-'88], pp. 707, 714.) Petition of 1888 {April 25^, Wednesday. House of Representatives. — Typographical . . , ., , ~^. . , Union no. 148 The followuig petitions and papers were laid on the Clerk s, under the rule, and referred as follows: ... By Mr. Peters: Resolutions of Typographical Union No. 148, of Wichita, Kans., favoring the Chace bill; to the Committee on Patents. (Journal of the House of Representatives, ist sess. of 50th Cong. 1888, v. 2, 8°. Washington, 1888, pp. 1747, 1748.) Senatebiii,no. ^ggg (April ?o), Monday. Senate. — On motion by Mr. 554 considered ^ r .j ^ , ^a j Chace, and by unanimous consent, the Senate resumed, as in Committee of the Whole, the consideration of the bill (S. 554) to amend title 60, chapter 3, of the Revised Statutes, and, the question being on the amendment pro- posed by Mr. Morrill, Mr. Chace. on behalf of Mr. Morrill, withdrew the amendment. The bill having been further amended on the motion of Mr. Chace, ^' on motion by Mr. Jones, of, to amend the bill by striking out from the beginning of line 22, section 2, page 4, to the end of the section as follows: "During the existence of such copyright the importation into the United States of any book or other article so copyrighted .shall be, and it hereby is, prohibited, except in the cases specified in section 2505 of the Revised Statutes of the United States, and except in the case of per- sons purchasing for use and not for sale, who import not more than two copies at any one time, in each of which cases the written consent of the proprietor of the copj'right, a See notes i6 and 17 respectively, page 3S3. Chronological Record^ 1888 261 signed in the presence of two witnesses, shall be furnished soth congress, ° ^ 1ST SESSION with each importation : And provided^ That any publisher of a newspaper or magazine may, without such consent, import for his own use, but not for sale, not more than two copies of any newspaper or magazine published in a foreign coun- try. All officers of customs and postmasters are hereby required to seize and destroy all copies of such prohibited articles as shall be entered at the custom-house or otherwise brought into the United States, or transmitted through the mails of the United States. In the case of books in foreign languages, of which only translations in English are copy- righted, the prohibition of importation shall apply only to the translation of the same, and the importation of the books in the original language shall be permitted." The yeas were 14, and the nays were 19. On motion by Mr. Kenna, the yeas and nays being desired by one-fifth of the Senators present, those who voted are . . . [Here follows a list of those voting] . The number of Senators voting not constituting a quorum, on motion by Mr. Harris, . . . the Senate adjourned. (Journal of the Senate, ist sess. of 50th Cong. 8°. Washington, 1887 [-88], p. 742.) 1888 {May i), Tuesday. Hoiise of Represejitatives. — The p j.^*g*g°^^g ^^ ," following petitions and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk, union no. 27 and under the rule, and referred as follows: . . . By Mr. Far-° quhar: Resolutions of Pressmen's Union No. 27, of Buffalo, N. Y., favoring the passage of the Chace international copyright bill; to the Committee on Patents. (Journal of the House of Representatives, ist sess. of 50th Cong. 1888, V. 2, 8°. Washington, 1888, p. 1789.) 1888 {May p) , Wednesday . Senate. — Petitions, memorials, etc., were presented and referred as follows: . . . Mr. Mitchell presented a petition of Typographical Union No. 58, of Portland, Oreg. , praying the passage of an international copyright law. Ordered, that it lie on the table. ... On Senate biii,no. 554 considered motion by Mr. Chace, the Senate resumed, as in Committee of the Whole, the consideration of the bill (S. 554) to amend title 60, chapter 3, of the Revi.sed Statutes, and the question being on the amendment proposed by Mr. Jones, of Arkansas, viz: Strike out all after line 21, section 2, down to and in- cluding the word "permitted," in line 40, and l)eing put, 262 CopyrigJit in Congress^ ^7^9 fo T904 ;,oTH CONGRESS, thg yg^s wcrc II, atid the nays 26. The yeas and nays 1ST SESSION ,.,, p 111 i'l having been heretofore ordered, those who voted are . . . [Here follows a list of those voting]. The number of Sen- ators voting not constituting a quorum, the President />;r» tcvi- pore directed the roll to be called, when, forty-eight Senators answered to their names, a quorum being present. Mr. Jones, with the consent of the Senate, withdrew his amend- ment. On motion by Mr. Vance to amend the bill by striking out all after the word " effect," in line 4, section 4, down to and including the word "and," in line 6, same .section, and in lieu thereof in.serting the following: Provided, Tiiat iiews- papcrs, ?)iagazi7ies, and periodicals shall not be entitled to copy- right as herein provided, it was determined in the negative: Yeas, 12; nays, 28. On motion by Mr. Vance, the yeas and nays being desired by one-fifth of the Senators present, those who voted are . . . [Here follows a list of those voting] . So the amendment was not agreed to.*^ No further amendment being proposed, the bill was reported to the Senate and the amendments were concurred in. Ordered, That it be engrossed and read a third time. The said bill was read the third time. On the question. Shall the bill pass? it was determined in the afl&rmative: Yeas, 35; nays, 10. On motion by Mr. Vance, the yeas and nays being desired by one-fifth of the Senators present, those who voted are . . . [Here follows a list of those voting] . So it was Resolved, That the bill pass, and that the title be as afore- said. Ordered, That the Secretary request the concurrence of the House of Representatives therein. (Journal of the Senate, ist sess. of 50th Cong. 8°. Washington, 1887 [-'88], pp. 791, 796-797-) 1888 {May 10), Thursday. House of Represe^itatives. — A message from the Senate, by Mr. McCook, their secretary: Mr. Speaker . . . The Senate have passed . . . bills of the following titles, in which I am directed to request the con- currence of the House of Representatives, viz: . . . S. 554. An act to amend Title lx, chapter 3, of the Revised Statutes of the United States. (Journal of the House of Representa- tives, ist sess. of 50th Cong. 1888, v. 2, 8°. Washington, 1888, pp. 1870, 1871.) a See note i8, page 383. CJironological Record^ 1888 263 1888 {May II), Friday. House of Represeiitatives. — The soth congress, following petitions and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk, copyright under the rule, and referred as follows: ... By Mr. Cox: ^^'^"'°^'^- \ Century Asso- Memonal of the Centurj^ Association of New York, accom- elation of New panied by a letter from Hon. John Bigelow, in favor of the^"'"'' recognition of literary property and its rights; to the Com- mittee on the Judiciary. . . . The Speaker laid before the House a bill and joint resolution of the Senate of the follow- ing titles; which were severally read twice and referred as follows, namely: S. 554. An act to amend Title lx, chapter 3, Revised Statutes; to the Committee on the Judiciary. (Journal of the House of Representatives, ist sess. of 50th Cong. 1888, V. 2, 8°. Washington, 1888, pp. 1872, 1874.) 1888 {May 17), Thursday. Hoiise of Represeyitatives.— ^^ll^ll'^l^°[ The following petitions and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk, under the rule, and referred as follows: . . . By Mr. Conger: Petition of citizens of Adair County, Iowa, for the passage of the international copyright bill; to the Committee on Patents. (Journal of the House of Representatives, ist sess. of 50th Cong. 1888, v. 2,8°. Washington, 1888, pp. 1915, 1916.) 1888 {May 22), Tuesday. 5^;za/^.— Petitions, memorials, „^.^ ^ " I*/ ° J ^ ' ^ ' -^ ' ' University of etc., were presented and referred as follows: . . . Mr. Stan- California ford presented a petition of the faculty of the University of California, praying the passage of the international copy- right bill. Ordered, That it lie on the table. (Journal of the Senate, ist sess. of 50th Cong. 8°. Washington, 1887 [-88], p. 856.) 1888 {May 2^), Thursday. House of Representatives. — rr.^reported Tn On motion of Mr. Blount, by unanimous consent, Ordered, House That reports authorized by committees be filed with the Clerk. Under the foregoing order, Mr. Collins, from the Committee on the Judiciary, to which was referred the bill of the Senate (S. 554) to amend title 60, chapter 3, of the Revised Statutes of the United States, reported the same without amendment, accompanied by a report (no. 231 1 ) in writing thereon. Ordered, That said bill, amend- ment, and report be referred to the House Calendar and printed. (Journal of the House of Representatives, ist sess. 264 Copyright in Congress^ ^7^9 to 1904 50TH CONGRESS, of 50th Cong. 1888, V. 2, 8°. Washington, 1888, p. 1986; 1ST SESSION Reports of committees of the House of Representatives, ist sess. of 50th Cong. v. 7, 8°. Washington, 1888, no. 231 1.) See Bibliography, I. Bills, no. 112, and II. Reports, no. 20. Copyright i888 'yfinic /), Friday. House of Representatives. — The ^^w^T^^eard foUowing petitions and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk, and others Under the rule, and referred as follows: . . . By Mr. Ran- dall: Petition of W. T. Beard and others, for the passage of the Chace copyright bill; to the Committee on the Judiciary. (Journal of the House of Representatives, ist sess. of 50th Cong. 1888, V. 2, 8°. Washington, 1888, pp. 2031, 2032.) Typographical iSSS {Jiiue 2) , Saturday. House of Representatives. — The following petitions and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk, under the rule, and referred as follows: . . . By Mr. Mc- Cormick: Petition of Typographical Union, No. 2, of Phila- delphia, for the passage of the international copyright bill; to the Committee on Patents. . . . By Mr. Randall: Memo- rial of T^^pographical Union, No. 2, of Philadelphia, in behalf of the pa.ssage of the Chace international copyright bill; to the Committee on Patents. . . . By Mr. Yost: Peti- tion of Joseph Welch for T^'pographical Union, No. 2, of Philadelphia, for the passage of the international copyright bill; to the Conmiittee on Patents. (Journal of the House of Representatives, ist sess. of 50th Cong. 1888, v. 2, 8°. Washington, 1888, pp. 2042, 2043.) Faculty of In- 1888 { fuue 1 1) , Wednesday. House of Representatives . — v^rsuy*^** "''The following petitions and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk, under the rule, and referred as follows: ... By Mr. Matson: . . . Also, petition of the faculty of the Indiana State University, for an international copyright law; to the Committee on Patents. (Journal of the House of Representatives, ist sess. of 50th Cong. 1888, v. 2, 8°. Washington, 1888, p. 211 1.) 1888 ( fune 14.), Tlucrsday. Senate. — Bills were intro- duced, read the first and second times by unanimous con- sent, and referred as follows: ... By Mr. Hale: A bill (S. 3167) to amend section 4965 of the Revised Statutes of the United States; to the Committee on Patents. (Journal of the Senate,, ist sess. of 50th Cong. 8°. Washington, 1887 [-'88], p. 972.) See Bibliography, I. Bills, no. 113. 3167 unions Chronological Record^ 1888 265 1888 {June ij), Friday. House of Represoitatives. — The 5oth congress, following petitions and papers were laid on the clerk's desk, '^copyrTght under the rule, and referred as follows: ... B}^ Mr. Mat- petitions: son: Petition of J. A. Woodburn and 7 others, for an inter- ai,f overs''""' national copyright law; to the Committee on Patents. (Journal of the House of Representatives, ist sess. of 50th Cong. 1888, V. 2, 8°. Washington, 1888, p. 2138.) i888{Jime ig), Tuesday. House of Representatives. — The Typographical following petitions and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk, under the rule, and referred as follows: ... By Mr. Kennedy: Petition of Typographical Union, No. 717, of Springfield, Ohio, for the international copyright bill; to the Committee on Patents. (Journal of the House of Rep- resentatives, I St .sess. of 50th Cong. 1888, v. 2, 8°. Wash- ington, 1888, p. 2155.) Note.— In the list of the committee of the Typographical unions, the Union of Springfield, Ohio, is designated as No. 117 instead of 717. 1888 ijune 21), Thursday. House of Representatives. — The following petitions and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk, under the rule, and referred as follows: ... By Mr. Peniugton: Petition of Typographical Union, No. 2, in favor of the Chace-Breckinridge international copyright bill; to the Committee on Patents. (Journal of the House of Rep- resentatives, ist sess. of 50th Cong. 1888, v. 2, 8°. Wash- ington, 1888, p. 2175.) 1888 {June 30"), Saturday. House of Represe7itatives. — The following petitions and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk, under the rule, and referred as follows: ... By Mr. Voorhees: Resolution of Typographical Union, No. 202, of Washington Territory, in favor of the Chace international copyright bill; to the Committee on Patents. (Journal of the House of Representatives, ist of 50th Cong. 1888, v. 2, 8°. Washington, i888, pp. 2245, 2246.) 1888 {July 7 ) , Saturday. House of Representatives. — The following petitions and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk, under the rule, and referred as follows: ... By Mr. Symes: Petition against the passage of the international copyright bill; to the Committee on Patents. (Journal of the House of Representatives, ist of 50th Cong. 1888, V. 2, 8°. Washington, 1888, p. 2292.) 266 Copyi'ight in Congress^ ^7^9 ^o 190^ 50TH CONGRESS, jggg Uidv Id), Saturday. House of Representatives.— 1ST SESSION " The following petitions and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk, under the rule, and referred as follows: ... By Mr. Nelson: Petition of the Minneapolis Typographical Union, No. 42, in favor of the international copyright bill; to the Committee on Patents. (Journal of the House of Repre- sentatives, ist sess. of 50th Cong. 1888, v. 2, 8°. \\^ash- ington, 1888, pp. 2347, 2348.) 1888 {Jtily 24}, Tuesday. House of Representatives. — The following petitions and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk, under the rule, and referred as follows: . . . Bj- Mr. Wilson, of Minnesota: Petition of Typographical Union, No. 42, of Minneapolis, Minn., in favor .of international copyright bill; to the Committee on Patents. ( Journal of the Houseof Representatives, ist sess. of 50th Cong. 1888, V. 2, 8°. Washington, 1888, pp. 2442, 2444.) 1888 {fuly 25) , Wednesday. House of Representatives. — The following petitions and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk, inider the rule, and referred as follows: . . . By Mr. Shively: Petition of South Bend (Indiana) T3'pographical Union, No. 128, in favor of the Chace copyright bill; to the Committee on Patents. (Journal of the House of Rep- resentatives, ist sess. of 50th Cong. 1888, v. 2, 8°. Wash- ington, 1888, pp. 2457, 2458.) 1888 (August 21), Tuesday. House of Representatives. — The following petitions and papers w^ere laid on the Clerk's desk, under the rule, and referred as follows: . . . By Mr. J. J. O'Neill: Memorial of the Saint Louis Typographical Union, No. 8, in favor of the Chace international copj-right bill; to the Committee on Patents. (Journal of the House of Representatives, ist .sess. of 50th Cong. 1888, v. 2, 8°. Washington, 1888, p. 2630.) H. R. bill, no. 1888 (September I j) , Thursday. House of Representa- 4995repore tives. — On motiou of Mr. Springer, by unanimous consent, the morning hour was di.spensed with and leave was granted to file reports, authorized by committees, with the Clerk. Under such leave bills of the House of the following titles referred to the committees named below were .severalh' re- ported therefrom without amendment, accompanied by re- ports in writing thereon, and it was ordered that .said bills Chronological Record^ i88p 267 and reports be printed and referred as follows, viz: . . . sote congress, ■.TTT 1- ,1^ • T-. ■, • , 1ST SESSION Mr. Vance, from the Committee on Patents, to which was referred the bill of the House (H. R. 4959) [sic. 4995] to amend section 4965 of the Revised Statutes of the United States, reported the same with amendment, accompanied by a report (No. 3434) in writing thereon. Ordered, That said bill, amendment, and report be printed and referred to the House Calendar. (Journal of the House of Represen- tatives, ist sess. of 50th Cong. 1888, V. 2,8°. Washington, 1888, p. 2770; Reports of committees of the House of Repre- sentatives, ist sess. of 50th Cong. Vol. 10, 8°. Washing- ton, 1888, no. 3434.) See Bibliography, I. Bills, no. 114, and II. Reports, no. 21. FIFTIETH CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION i88g {^January 2j), Wednesday. Seriate. — Mr. Chace Senate bin, no. submitted the following resolution; which was referred |-q 554 repnnte the Committee on Printing: Resolved, That there be printed for the use of the Senate 1,000 copies of the bill (S. 554) to amend Title lx, chapter 3, of the Revised Statutes of the United States. (Journal of the Senate, 2d sess. of 50th Cong. 8°. Washington, 1888 [-'89], p. 200.) 1889 {January ji^, Thursday. Senate. — Mr. Mander- son, from the Committee on Printing, to whom was referred the resolution submitted by Mr. Chace on the 23d instant to print 1,000 copies of the bill (S. 554) to amend title sixty, chapter three, of the Revised Statutes of the United States, reported it without amendment, and submitted a report (No. 2525) thereon. The Senate proceeded, by unanimous consent, to consider the said resolution; and. Resolved, That the Senate agree thereto. ( Journal of the Senate, 2d sess. of 50th Cong. 8°. Washington, 1888 [-'89], pp. 235-236; Reports of Committees of the Senate, 2d sess. of 50th Cong. V. I, 8°. Washington, 1889, no. 2525.) See Bibliography, II. Reports, no. 22. FIFTY-FIRST CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION i88q {December j), Tuesday. Senate. — Mr. Edmunds, President Har- r ^1 • L • . t • i-r-.-i . rison's message from the committee appointed to wait upon the President of the United States and inform him that a quorum of each 268 CopyrigJit in Cons^resSy i/Sg fo igo^ 51ST CONGRESS, j^QUgg ig assembled, and that Congress is ready to receive 1ST SESSION ... 11-1 1 1 any communication he may be pleased to make, reported that they had performed the duty assigned them and that they had been instructed by the President to .say that he would immediately make a communication to each House in writing. Whereupon, the following message was received from the President of the United States, bj' Mr. Pruden, his secretar}': To the Senate and Hotise of Representatives: . . . The subject of an international copyright has been frequently commended to the attention of Congress by my predecessors. The enactment of such a law would be eminently wise and just. . . . Benj. Harri.son, Executive Mansion, Washington, December 3, 1889. (Journal of the Senate, ist of 51st Cong. 4°. Washington, i88g [-'90], pp. 5, 8.) See Bibliography, V. Miscellaneous, no. 42. iSSp {December J ) , Tuesday. House of Representatives. — A message in writing was received from the President of the United States, by Mr. Pruden, one of his secretaries, which was read from the Clerk's, and was as follows, viz: [Here follows the identical text given above under Senate for December 3d.] (Journal of the House of Representa- tives, ist sess. of Cong. 4°. Washington, 1890, pp. 7, 10; Executive documents of the of Represent-' atives, ist sess. of Cong. v. i, 8°. Washington, 1890, doc. I, p. xvi.) See Bibliography, V. Miscellaneous, no. 42. Senate bill, no. 1 88 g {December ^) , Wednesday. Senate. — Bills and joint ^ were introduced, read the first and second times by unanimous consent, and referred as follows . . . By Mr. Piatt: A bill (S. 232) to amend title 60, chapter 3, of the Revised Statutes of the United States, rel'ating to copy- right; to the Committee on Patents. (Journal of the Sen- ate, ist sess. of 51st Cong. 4°. Washington, 1889 [-'90], pp. 14, 17.) See Bibliograph}', I. Bills, no. 115. H. R. bills, i8g)0 {fanuaryd), Monday. House of Representatives. — 3 12, 3853, t^^^ Speaker thereupon proceeded, in accordance with the foregoing resolution, to call the States and Territories; when bills and joint resolutions of the following titles were introduced, severally read twice, ordered to be printed, and referred as follows, viz: ... By Mr. Simonds: A bill 39J4 Chronological Rccoi'd, iSpo 269 (H. R. 3812) relating to patents, trade-marks and copy- sistcongress, rights; to the Committee on Patents. . . . B\' Mr. Breckin- ridge, of Kentucky: A bill (H. R. 3853) to amend Title lx, chapter 3, of the Revised Statutes of the United States, relating to copyrights; to the Committee on the Judiciary. ... By Mr. Butterworth: A bill (H. R. 3914) to amend Title LX, chapter 3, of the Revised vStatutes of the United States relating to copyrights; to the Committee on Patents. (Journal of the House of Representatives, ist sess. of 51st Cong. 4°. Washington, 1890, pp. 90, 91, 92.) See Bib- liography, I. Bills, uos. 116-118. Note.— The only portion of bill (H. R. 3S12) which relates to copy- rights is the final clause of section 5, which amends section 3 of the act of June 18, 1874, by erasing all after the word "arts." iSqo {Jainiary S) , Monday. Senate. — Petitions, memo- copyright rials and papers were presented and referred, as follows: . . • ^"^Ji^z^^ns ^f By Mr. Vest: A petition of citizens of Missouri, praying Missouri the pa.ssage of the bill (S. 232) to amend the law relating to copyrights; to the Committee on Patents. (Journal of the Senate, ist sess. of 51st Cong. 4°. Washington, 1899 [-90], p. 60.) i8go {/a7i7ia7y g), Thursday. Senate. — Petitions, memo- CoiumbusTy- rials, etc., were presented and referred as follows: . . . Byfj,°if'^^^ '" Mr. Sherman: . . . and a memorial of Columbus Typo- graphical Union, No. 5, praying the passage of the bill relating to copyright; to the Committee on Patents. (Jour- nal of the Senate, ist sess. of 51st Cong. 4°. Washing- ton, 1889 [-'90], p. 69.) i8go (yjamiary ij^, Monday. Senate. — Petitions, memo- citizens of rials, etc., were presented and referred as follows: ... By Mr. Payne: Three petitions of citizens of Ohio; praying the passage of the bill (S. 232) relating to copyrights; to the Committee on Patents. (Journal of the Senate, ist sess. of 51st Cong. 4°. Washington, 1899 [-'90], p. 71.) i8go ( January ij ) , Monday. House of Representatives. — Typographical The following petitions and papers were laid on the Clerk's ""'°"^, under the rule, and referred as follows: ... By Mr. Evans: . . . Also, petition of Typographical Union, No. 89, asking passage of Senate bill No. 232; to the Committee on Printing. ... By Mr. Williams, of Ohio: Petition of 270 Copyright in Congress^ lySg to 1904 51ST CONGRESS, j)ay ton Typographiccil Union, favoring Senate bill 232; to the Committee on Printing. (Journal of the House of Representatives, ist sess. of 51st Cong. 4°. Washington, 1890, pp. 117, 118.) Citizens of i8g>o {Ja7itiarv 14), Tuesday. Senate. — Petitions, pray- a^nd"o"thers''^"'^ing the passagc'of the bill (S. 232) relating to copyrights, were presented as follows: By Mr. Cameron: A petition of citizens of Pennsylvania. By Mr. Sherman: A petition of citizens of Ohio. By Mr. Plumb: A petition of citizens of Kansas. By Mr. Quay: A petition of citizens of Pennsyl- vania. Ordered, That they be referred to the Committee on Patents. (Journal of the Senate, ist sess. of 51st Cong. 4°. Washington, 1889 [-'90], p. 75.) Citizens of iSgo (^January i^^ , Wednesday . Senate. — Petitions, pray- Kansas and oth- .^^ the pas.sage of the bill (S. 232) relating to copyrights, were presented as follows: By Mr. Ingalls: A petition of citizens of Kansas. By Mr. Cameron: A petition of citizens of Pennsylvania. Ordered, That they be referred to the Committee on Patents. (Journal of the Senate, ist sess. of 51st Cong. 4°. Washington, 1889 [-'90], p. 77.) Wichita Ty- i8go {Jaiiuarv 15^, Wednesday. House of Representa- \oT^^ '^^ ^' fives. — The following petitions and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk, under the rule, and referred as follows: . . . By Mr. Peters: Memorial of Wichita Typographical Union, No. 148, Kansas, for the passage of the Chace international copyright bill; to the Committee on Printing. (Journal of the Senate, ist sess. of 51st Cong. 4°. Washington, 1889 [-'90], pp. 125, 126.) Citizens of fSpo (January i6) , T/inrsday. Senate. — Petitions, memo- rials, etc., were presented and referred as follows: By Mr. Hawley: . . . and two petitions of citizens of Con- necticut, praying the passage of the bill (S. 232) relating to copyright; to the Committee on Patents. (Journal of the Senate, ist sess. of 51st Cong. 4°. Washington, 1889 [-90], p. 79-) T yp o g ra ph- ^g / fanuarv 16 ) , TJmrsday. House of Represeiitatives. — ical unions y ^ j ^ ^ > -^ j i^ Mr. Snider presented sundry memorials; which were sever- ally referred as follows, viz: . . . Memorial of the St. Paul Typographical Union, No. 30, requesting the enactment of a law giving non-residents of the United States benefits of Chronological Record^ i8go 271 the cop3'right law, and prohibiting importation of foreign sistcoxgress, books in certain cases; to the Committee on the Judiciary. . . . The following petitions and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk, under the rule, and referred as follows: . . . By Mr. Clunie: Memorial of San Jose Typographical Union, No. 231, relative to passage of Senate bill no. 232; to the Committee on the Judiciary. ... By Mr. Snider: . . . Also, memorial of St. Paul Typographical Union, No. 30, relative to copyright law; to the Committee on the Judiciary. (Journal of House of Representatives, ist sess. of 51st Cong. 4°. Washington, 1890, pp. 127, 128, 129.) ^^90 (^January 77), Friday. House of Representatives. — The following petitions and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk, under the rule, and referred as follows: ... By Mr. Gear: Petition of Burlington Typographical Union, No. 75, relative to a copyright law; to the Committee on Printing. (Journal of the House of Representatives, ist sess. of 51st Cong. 4°. Washington, 1890, p. 133.) ^890 {Jajmary 20), Mo?iday. Senate. — Petitions, memo- citizens 01 rials, etc., were presented and referred as follows: . . . By^""^* Mr. Wilson, of Iowa: A petition of citizens of Iowa, praying the passage of the bill (S. 232) relating to copyrights; to the Committee on Patents. (Journal of the Senate, ist sess. of 51st Cong. 4°. Washington, 1889 [-'90], p. 82.) i8po {January 20), Monday. House of Representatives. — Typograph- The following petitions and papers were laid on the Clerk's '"'""'°°^ desk, under the rule, and referred as follows: ... By Mr. Cogswell: Petition of Typographical Union, No. 38, Haver- hill, Mass., for an international copyright law; to the Com- mittee on the Judiciary. ... Mr. Outhwaite: Memorial of Typographical Union, No. 5, Columbus, Ohio, relative to copyright law; to the Committee on the Judiciary. (Jour- nal of the House of Representatives, ist sess. of 51st Cong. 4°. Washington, 1890, pp. 141, 142.) ^^90 {Janicary 21), Tuesday. 5 P- 192.) Citizens of the jg^^ {Marc/i 28) , Friday. Senate. — Petitions, memorials, etc., were presented and referred as follows: . . . The Vice-President [Mr. Levi P. Morton] laid before the Senate a petition of citizens of the United States, praying the pas- sage of an international copyright law. Ordered, That it lie on the table. (Journal of the Senate, ist sess. of 51st Cong. 4°. Washington, 1889 [-'90], p. 194.) National Edu- jggo {Marcli 28), Friday. House of Representatives. — cational Associ- r -r* i i r ii • •■ • i ation Under clause i of Rule 22, the follownig petitions and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk, and referred as fol- lows: . . . By Mr. Harmer: . . . Also, memorial of the National Educational Association, in favor of the passage of the international copyright bill; to the Committee on Patents. (Journal of the House of Representatives, ist sess. of 51st Cong. 4°. Washington, 1890, p. 402.) Citizens of i8go {AlareJi 2g), Sattirday . Senate. — Petitions, memo- rials, etc., were presented and referred as follows: . . . Mr. Ingalls presented a petition of citizens of Kansas, prat- ing the passage of an international copyright law. Ordered, That it lie on the table. (Journal of the Senate, ist sess. of 51st Cong. 4°. Washington, i889[-'9o] , p. 195.) 1 8 go (Marc/i ji), Monday. Senate. — Petitions, memori- als, etc., were presented and referred as follows: . . . Mr. Plumb presented a petition of citizens of Topeka, Kans., praying the passage of an international copyright law. Ordered, That it lie on the table. (Journal of the Senate, istsess. of 51st Cong. 4°. Washington, i889[-'9o] p. 198.) Teachers of i8go {April ^), Friday. House of Representatives. — vans on, . Uj-^^^gj- dause I of Rulc 22, the following petitions and papers were delivered to the Clerk, and referred as follows: By Mr. Adams: Memorial of teachers in Evanston, 111., in favor of copyright bill; to the Committee on the Judiciary. (Journal of the House of Representatives, ist sess. of 51st Cong. 4°. Washington, 1890, p. 436.) H. R. bill, no. i8go (May I), Thursday. House of Representatives. — 94iconsi ere ^^^ McKiuley, as a privileged question, from the Commit- tee on Rules, submitted the following report, viz: The Committee on Rules, to which was referred sundr}- resolu- Chronological Record^ i8go 281 tions relating to bills before the Judiciary Committee, sjst congress, " 1ST SESSION respectfully report the following resolution as a substitute, and recommend that it do pass: Resolved, That immedi- ately after the passage of this resolution the House proceed to consider, in the order named, . . . : House bill 6941, relat- ing to copj'rights . . . and then such other bills as the Judi- ciary Committee may call up, to continue until the close of the session of Frida}-. The House having proceeded to its consideration, and the question being on agreeing to the said resolution, Mr. McKinley demanded the previous ques- tion, and the question being put. Shall the previous ques- tion be now ordered? It was decided in the affirmative: Yeas, 152; nays, 72; not voting, 103. The j^eas and na^'s being desired by one-fifth the members present, those who voted are . . . [Here follow the names of those voting.] . . . And so the previous question was ordered. . . . The Speaker laid before the House as the next bill in order the bill of the House (H. R. 6941) to amend Title lx, chap- ter 3, of the Revised Statutes of the United vStates, relating to cop3^rights. The House having proceeded to its consid- eration, and the question being on agreeing to an amend- ment reported to said bill by the Committee on the Judiciary, after debate ... on motion of Mr. Kerr, at 5 o'clock and 15 minutes p. m., the House adjourned. (Jour- nal of the House of Representatives, ist sess. of 51st Cong. 4°. Washington, 1890, pp. 555, 557; Cong. Record, v. 21, pt. 5, i889-'90, pp. 4104-4108.) See Bibliography, V. Miscellaneous, no. 47. 18^0 {May 2), Friday. House of Representatives . — Under the special order of yesterday, Mr. Adams called up the bill of the House (H. R. 6941) to amend Title lx, chap- ter 3, of the Revised Statutes of the United States, relating to copyrights. The House having proceeded to its con- sideration, Mr. Adams, b}- unanimous con.sent, moved that the previous question be considered, as ordered on the said bill and amendments at 4 o'clock p. m., the time until that hour to be evenly divided between the friends and opponents of the bill; which motion was agreed to. Mr. Adams moved to amend the said bill as follows, viz: Strike out lines 7 to 16, inclusi\e, in section 4, and in.sert the following: i. For recording the title or description 282 CopyrigJit in Congress^ ^7^9 io 1904 51ST CONGRESS, of any copyn'p-hf book or other article, ko ce^its. 2. For every 1ST SESSION 7 r /- T ,, copy laider seal of such 7-ecora actually given to the person claiming the copyright, or his assigfis, 50 cents. 3. For recording and certifying any instrument of writing for the assigyiment of a copyright, $1 . 4. For every copy of an as- signment, $1. Ill section 4, line 30, strike out "section 2 of." In section 5, line 4, strike out the words "two of this act" and insert ^933 of the Revised Statutes. In sec- tion 7, Hue 6, strike out the word " chapter" and insert the word act. In section 8, Hne 5, after the word "chart," insert the words dramatic or; and in Hne 9 strike out the word ' ' chapter ' ' and insert the word act ; which said amend- ments were severally read and agreed to. Mr. Pa^'son moved to further amend the said bill as follows, viz: In section 2, page 3, strike out from the word "during" in- clusive, in the twenty-sixth line, to the word "permitted," inclusive, in the forty-sixth line, on page 4. In section 4, page 6, strike out from line 39, inclusive, to line 44, inclu- sive. After "United States," in line 33, page 4, insert the following: And except in the case of newspapers and periodi- cals, li'hich are hereby exempted from prohibition of importa- tion. After section 11, in.sert the following: Sec. 12. That whenever any foreign coitntry shall by its lazvs, by convention , or by treaty, grant to citi2:ens of the United States rights, properties, and privileges equal to those hereby granted to citizens of foreign coimtries, the President of the United States shall make public proclamation thereof; and from and after date of such proclamation the citizens of tlie foreign cojintry or countries therein named shall be entitled to the rights, properties, and privileges hereby granted. Sec. ij. That the provisions of this act shall not apply to a citizen of any foreign country ivJiich shall not by its laws, by convention , or by treaty, have granted to citizens of the United States rights, properties, and p7'ivileges equal to those hereby granted to citizens of foreign countries, nor until such foreign country shall have been named i7i a ptiblic proclamation by the President of the United States as provided in section 12 of this act. Sec. 14. TJiat whenever any foreign country shall cease to grant the said rights, prop- erties, and privileges to citizens of tJie United States, the 1ST SESSION Chronological Record^ i8po 283 citizens of such foreign country shall thereafter cease to enjoy sist congress, the rights, properties, and privileges hereby granted. And then, after debate, the hour of 4 o'clock having arrived, the question was first taken on the amendment of Mr. Pa^'- son, to insert after section 11 the following, viz: Sec. 12. That whenever any foreign country shall, by its laws, by con- vention, or by treaty, g7'ant to citizens of the United States rights, properties, and privileges equal to those hereby grajited to citizens of foreign comitries, the President of the United States shall make public proclamation thereof; and from and after date of such proclamation the citizens of the foreig7i coun- try or countries therein named shall be entitled to the rights, properties, and privileges hereby granted. Sec. ij. That the provisions of this act shall not apply to a citizen of any foreign country which shall not by its laws, by convention , or by treaty, have granted to citizens of the United States rights, proper- ties, and privileges equal to those hereby granted to citizens of foreign countries, nor until such foreign coimtry shall have been named in a public proclamation by the President of the United States as provided in sectio7i 12 of this act. Sec. i^. That whenever any foreign co7cntry shall cease to gra7it the said rights, properties , a7id privileges to citize7is of the United States the citize7is of siich foreig7i cou7it7y shall thereafter cease to e7ijoy the rights, prope7'ties, aiid privileges hereby gra7ited. And the said amendment was agreed to. The question being next taken on the remaining amendments of Mr. Payson, viz: In section 2, page 3, strike out from the word "during," inclusive, in the twenty-sixth line, to the word "permitted," inclusive, in the forty-sixth line, on page 4. In section 4, page 6, strike out from line 39, inclusive, to line 44, inclusive. After "United States," in line 33, page 4, in.sert the following: A7id except i7i the case of 7iewspapers a7id periodicals, zvhich are hereby exe77ipted f7'0)7i prohibitio7i of i7nportatio7i. The said amendments were agreed to. The question being on the engrossment and third reading of the said bill, and being put, Shall the bill l)e now engrossed and read the third time? It was decided in the negative: Yeas, 99; nays, 125; not voting, 103. The yeas and nays being desired by one-fifth of the mem- 10254 284 CopyrigJit z?i Congress^ ^7^9 io igo^ 51ST CONGRESS, i^ers present, those who voted are . . . [Here follow lists of those voting] . So the House refused to order the said bill to be engrossed and read the third time. Mr. Breckin- ridge, of Kentucky, moved to reconsider the vote by which the House refused to order the said bill to be engro.ssed and read the third time, pending which, Mr. Hopkins moved to lay the .said motion to reconsider on the table, pending which . . . the hour of 5 o'clock p. m. having arrived the Speaker/;-^ tempore (Mr. Peters) announced that the would take a recess until 8 o'clock p. m. (Journal of the House of Representatives, of 51st Cong. 4°. Washington, 1890, pp. 561, 562; Cong. Record, v. 21, pt. 5, iBSq-'qo, pp. 4135-4157.) See Bibliography, V. Miscellaneous, no. 47. H. R. bill, no. i8go {May 16), Friday. House of Representatives. — Under clause 3 of Rule 22, bills and a joint re.solution of the following titles were introduced by the following- named members, by delivery to the Speaker for reference; which said bills and joint resolution were severally read twice and referred as follows, viz: . . . By Mr. Simonds: A bill (H. R. 10254) to amend title 60, chapter 3, of the Revised Statutes of the United States, relating to cop}-- rights; to the Committee on Patents. (Journal of the House of Representatives, sess. of 51st Cong. 4°. Washington, 1890, p. 620.) See Bibliography, I. Bills, no. 124. Petitions of li- jg^p {May 77), Saturday. House of Representatives. — brarians for in- _, p-ni'ii-ii- t e rnationai Under clausc I ot Rulc 22, the following petitions and copyright papers were laid on the Clerk's desk and referred as follows: ... By Mr. Stewart, of Vermont: Petition of Abbie M. McNeil and Edward T. Fairbanks, librarians at St. Johns- bury, Vt. , for an international copyright law; to the Committee on the Judiciary. (Journal of the House of Representatives, ist sess. of 51st Cong. 4°. Washington, 1890, pp. 629, 630. ) iSgo {May /p), Mo7iday. House of Representatives. — Under clause i of Rule 22, the following petitions and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk and referred as follows: ... By Mr. Cooper, of Indiana: Petitions from Edwin Post, librarian of De Pau Univ^ensity, and others, asking for the pas-sage of the pending international copyright bill; to CJironological Record^ i8go 285 the Committee on the Judiciary. Also, petitions from sist congress, ISX SESSION W. W. Spangler, librarian of the Indiana University, and others, asking for the passage of the pending international copyright bill; to the Committee on the Judiciary. . . . By Mr. De Lano: Petitions from librarians and libraries of New York, praying the passage of the international copy- right law; to the Committee on the Judiciary. ... By Mr. Grosvenor: Petition of Eli Dunkle, librarian of Ohio University, of Athens, Ohio, praying for the passage of the pending international copyright bill; to the Committee on the Judiciary. Also, a petition of John M. Newton, librarian of Young Men's Mercantile Library A.ssociation, Cincinnati, Ohio, for the same measure; to the Committee on the Judi- ciary. Also, petition of Mary P. Smith, librarian of Lane University, in the same city, for the same measure; to the Committee on the Judiciary. Also, petition of J. L- Grover, librarian of public library and reading room, Columbus, Ohio, for the same measure; to the Committee on the Judi- ciary. Also, petition of W. F. Whittock and Joseph R. Dickinson, librarian and a.ssi.stant librarian of Ohio Wes- leyan University, Delaware, Ohio, for the same measure; to the Committee on the Judiciary. Also, petition of Emma E. Wright, librarian of Kenyon College, Gambler, Knox County, Ohio, for the same measure; to the Committee on the Judiciary. Also, petition of Azariah S. Root, librarian of Oberlin College, Oberlin, Ohio, for the same measure; to the Committee on the Judiciary. Also, petition of R. C. Woodward, librarian of public library, Springfield, Ohio, for the same measure; to the Committee on the Judiciary. Also, petition of Carrie M. Ellis, librarian of Antioch Col- lege, Yellow Springs, Ohio, for the same measure; to the Committee on the Judiciary. . . . By Mr. Snider: Petition of Prof. W. N. Folwell and others, citizens of Minnesota, favoring international copyright law; to the Committee on the Judiciary. . . . By Mr. Waddill: Petitions of librarians from University of Virginia, in favor of copyright ]>ill; to the Committee on the Judiciary. (Journal of the House of Representatives, ist .sess. of 51st Cong. 4°. Wa.shington, 1890, pp. 633, 634, 635, 636.; 286 Copyright in Co7igrcss^ 17S9 to io {May 21), Wednesday. House of Represe^itatives. — Copyright Under claiise I of Rule 22, the following petitions and petitions: papers were laid on the Clerk's desk and referred as follows: Citizens of By Mr. Tavlor, of Illinois: Petition from citizens of Illinois . . . ' Illinois, asking that international copyright law^ be passed; to the Committee on Printing. (Journal of the House of Representatives, ist sess. of 51st Cong. 4°. Washington, 1890, pp. 647, 649.) Citizens of jg (Mav22), Thursday. House of Representatives.— Massachusetts ^ .- ^ ^ j s Under clause i of Rule 22, the following petitions and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk and referred as follows: . . . By Mr. Rockwell: Petitions of citizens of Massachu- setts, for the passage of an international copyright bill; to the Committee on the Judiciary. (Journal of the House of Representatives, ist of 51st Cong. 4°. Washington, 1890, pp. 652, 653.) Faculty of i8go {May 2 j) , Friday . House of Representatives. — Under University of r -i~. i i r • California clausc I of Rulc 22, the followmg petitions and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk and referred as foUow's: . . . By Mr. Morrow: Petition of members of the faculty of the University of California for an international copyright law; to the Committee on the Judiciary. Also, petition of other members of the same faculty, for the same purpose; to the Committee on the Judiciary. (Journal of the House of Representatives, sess. of 51st Cong. 4°. Washington, 1890, pp. 659, 660.) J. A . Vandyke iSgo { fu7ie 6 ) , Friday. House of Representatives. — Under and others ■' j x ' .y . j r clause I of Rule 22, the following petitions and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk, and referred as follows: . . . By Mr. Bunnell: Petition of J. A. Vandyke, and 6 others, of Plain View, Minn., in favor of international copyright bill; to the Committee on the Judiciary. . . . B}^ Mr. Hill: Petition of superintendent and teachers of Wilmington, 111., in favor of an international copyright bill; to the Committee on Patents. Al-so, petitionof the superintendent and teachers of Coal City, 111., in favor of same measure; to the Com- mittee on Patents. . . . By Mr. Lacey: . . . Also petition of Amelia Ehlers and others, of Oskalodsa, Iowa, in favor of the international cop^^ight bill; to the Committee on Patents. ... By Mr. Taylor, of Illinois: Petition of citi- Chronological Record^ i8po 287 zens of Illinois, asking that an international copyright law 5ist congress, 1ST SESSION be passed; to the Committee on Patents. (Journal of the Houseof Representatives, ist sess. of 51st Cong. 4°. Wash- ington, 1890, pp. 712, 713.) iSqo (June 7), Saturday. House of Representatives. — Teachers of ^ ^J '" -* . ^ Oshkosh, Wis,, Under clause i of Rule 22, the following petitions and and others papers were laid on the Clerk's desk and referred as follows: ... By Mr. Clark, of Wisconsin: Petition of the super- intendent and teachers of Oshkosh, Wis., public schools, urging the passage of the copj^right bill; to the Committee on the Judiciary. By Mr. Comstock: Petition from Morris, Minn., praying pas.sage of international cop^^right bill; to the Committee on the Judiciary. Also, petition from Morris, Minn., praying for the passage of international copyright bill; to the Committee on the Judiciary. (Journal of the House of Representatives, ist sess. of Cong. 4°. Washington, 1890, p. 716.) i8go { J tine p), Monday. House of Representatives. — Teachers of Under clause i of Rule 22, the following petitions and inland others papers were laid on the Clerk's desk and referred as follows: . . . By Mr. Brookshire ( by request ) : Petition of the teachers in the schools of Terre Haute, Ind., favoring the passage of the international cop3Tight bill; to the Committee on the Judiciary. . . . B}- Mr. Smith, of Illinois: Petition b}' citizens of Cairo, 111., for international copyright; to the Committee on Patents. (Journal of the House of Repre- sentatives, ist sess. of 51st Cong. 4°. Washington, 1890, pp. 722, 723.) i8go {June 10), Tuesday. House of Representatives. — h. r. bin, no. 10881 Mr. Sunonds, from the Committee on Patents, to which was referred the bill of the House (H. R. 10254) to amend title sixty, chapter three, of the Revised Statutes of the United States, relating to copyrights, reported a substitute therefor, accompanied by a report (No. 2401) in writing thereon; which .said substitute (H. R. 1088 1) to amend title sixty, chapter three, of the Revised Statutes of the United States, relating to copyrights, was read twice, and, with the accompanying report, referred to the House Calendar. (Reports of committees of the House of Representatives, ist sess. of 51st Cong. v. 7, 8°. Washington, 1891, 288 CopyrigJit in Congress, i/Sg to 1904 51ST CONGRESS, QQ 2401.) See Bibliography, I. Bills, no. 125, and II. 1ST SESSION Reports, no. 27. Copyright Under clause I of Rule 22, the following petitions and Teachersoi La papcrs Were laid on the Clerk's desk and referred as follows: cygne, Kans.. gy jyj^ Fiuiston: . . . Also petition of R. A. Hamp- and others shire and others, teachers of the public schools of La Cj^gne, Kans. , favoring the international copyright bill; to the Com- mittee on Patents. ... By Mr. Hall: Petition of citizens of Minnesota for international copyright bill; to the Com- mittee on Patents. ... By Mr. Parrett: . . . Also peti- tion of E. J. Elliote and 5 others, of New Harmony, Ind., in favor of international copyright law; to the Committee on the Judiciary. Also petition of J. W. Robinson and 12 others, citizens of Oakland City, Ind., in favor of the same measure; to the Committee on the Judiciary. . . . By Mr. Shively: Petition of the teachers in the public schools of South Bend and Mishawakee, Ind., in favor of the inter- national copyright bill; to the Committee on the Judiciary. Also petitions of the teachers of Michigan City, Ind., in favor of an international copyright law; to the Committee on the Judiciary. ( Journal of the House of Representatives, ist sess. of 51st Cong. 4°. Washington, 1890, pp. 728, 729, 730.) Teachers of i8go {Jiuic ii), Wednesday. House of Representatives. — Kans., and Under clause I of Rule 22, the following petitions and others papcrs Were laid on the Clerk's desk and referred as follows: By Mr. Anderson, of Kansas: Petition of teachers of Belle- ville, Kans., for passage of international copyright law; to the Committee on Patents. ... By Mr. Springer: . . . Also petition of Ira William Davenport, superintendent of public schools, Jacksonville, 111., and others, for international copyright bill ; to the Committee on the Judiciary. (Journal of the House of Representatives, ist sess. of 51st Cong. 4°. Washington, 1890, pp. 733, 734.) H.L.Richard- i8go (Jimc 12), Tiiursday. House of Representatives. — Under clause i of Rule 22, the following petitions and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk and referred, as follows: By Mr. Barwig (by request): Petition of H. I,. Richardson and 10 others, of Ripon, Wis., in favor of international copyright bill; to the Committee on the Judiciary. (Journal Chronological Recoi'd^ i8po 289 of the House of Representatives, istsess. of 51st Cong. 4°. 5istcongress, 1ST SESSION Washington, 1890, p. 740.) i8po {lime 16), Mo7iday. House of Representatives. — Teachers of Lincoln, Nebr. Under clause i of Rule 22, the following petitions and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk and referred, as follows: ... By Mr. Connell: Petition of 75 teachers and superin- tendents of public schools of Lincoln, Nebr., in favor of an international copyright bill; to the Committee on Patents. (Journal of the House of Representatives, ist sess. of 51st Cong. 4°. Washington, 1890, p. 750.) 1800 {Tune 17), Tuesday. House of Representatives. — ^- ^- ^°ster ^ > I ^' -^ J I and others, li- Under clause i of Rule 22, the following petitions andbrarians papers were laid on the Clerk's desk and referred, as follows: ... By Mr. Spooner: Petition of William E. Foster and others, librarians, for international copyright law; to the Com- mittee on the Judiciary- . (Journal of the House of Repre- sentatives, ist sess. of 51st Cong. 4°. Washington, 1890, PP- 755, 756.) i8go {hine 18), Wednesday. House of Representatives. — Teachers of Under clause i of Rule 22, the following petitions and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk and referred, as follows: ... By Mr. Henderson, of Illinois: Petition of A. W. Hurseyand 6 others, superintendents and teachers of public schools at Tiskilwa, 111., for the support of the international copyright bill now pending in Congress; to the Committee on the Judiciary. (Journal of the House of Representa- tives, ist sess. of 51st Cong. 4°. Washington, 1890, pp. 757- 758.) 1890 {June I g), Thursday. House of Representatives. — Carios Trayer Under i of Rule 22, the following petitions and^° papers were laid on the Clerk's desk and referred, as follows: ... By Mr. Morrow: Petition of Carlos Trayer, librarian of California Academy of Sciences, and 18 others, for tlie passage of the international copyright bill; to the Commit- tee on the Judiciary. (Journal of the House of Representa- tives, ist sess. of 51st Cong. 4°. Washington, 1890, pp. 7(>3. 764-) 1 8 go {July n), Friday. Senate. — The following message ^^P°^t °f i"- was received from the President of the United States, by Am'^eHcan °c"on- Mr. Pruden, his secretary: To the Senate a7id House ^ference 10469 — No. 8 — 05 19 290 Copyright i)i Congress^ lySg to 1^04 ^isr cosG-R^ss, j^gpy(,sentatives: I transmit herewith a communication from 1ST SESSION ^^^ Secretary of State, including a report of the action of the International American Conference, lately in session in this city, concerning the protection of patents, trade-marks, and copyrights in commerce between the American Republics, to which I invite your attention. Benj. Harrison. Exec- utive Man.sion, Washington, July 11, 1890. The message was read. Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations and be printed. (Journal of the Sen- ate, ist .sess. of Cong. 4°. Washington, 1889 [-'90]. p. 422; Executive Documents of the Senate, ist sess. of 51st Cong., V. II, 8°. Washington, 1890, doc. no. 177.) See Bibhography, V. Miscellaneous, no. 49. i8go {July 12), Saturday. House of Representatives. — The Speaker also laid before the House the following mes- sage from the President of the United States; which was read, referred to the Committee on Patents, and ordered to be printed, viz: [Here follows the identical text given above under Senate for July 11.] (Journal of the House of Rep- resentatives, ist sess. of 51st Cong. 4°. Washington, 1890, P- 854-) i8go {July 24), Thursday. Senate. — On motion by Mr. Sherman, Ordered, That the Committee on Foreign Rela- tions be discharged from the further consideration of the message of the President of the United States, transmitting a report of the International American Conference concern- ing patents, trade-marks, and copyrights, and that it be re- ferred to the Committee on Patents. (Journal of the Sen- ate, ist sess. of 51st Cong. 4°. Washington, 1889 [-'90], P- 437-) Copyright i 8 po .{Jzily 2^) , Friday . House oj Representatives. — Un- "i"^ernationaider clausc I of Rulc 22, the followiug petitions and pa- Typographicaipgj-g ^gre laid ou the Clerk's desk and referred, as follows: other^" ^" By Mr. Buchanan, of New Jersey: Petition of International Tj'pographical Union, for the copyright bill; to the Com- mittee on the Judiciary. Also, petition of Plate Printers' Association, of New York, for same measure; to the Com- mittee on the Judiciary. (Journal of the House of Repre- sentatives, ist sess. of 51st Cong. 4°. Washington, 1890, p. 898.) Chronological Record^ 18^0 291 iSqo (Aup-iist 8), Friday. House of Representatives. — sist congress, "^ -' ^ 1ST SESSION Under clause i of Rule 22, the followiug petitions and Typothetae of papers were laid on the Clerk's desk and referred as follows: Philadelphia . . . By Mr. Reyburn: Petition of the Typothetae of Philadelphia, favoring a copyright law; to the Committee on the Judiciar3^ (Journal of the House of Representa- tives, ist sess. of 51st Cong. 4°. Washington, 1890, P- 935-) 18 go {September s), Wednesdaj'. House of Representa- ^^^^^^^^^^°-_ tives. — Under clause i of Rule 22, the following petitions ers and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk and referred as follows: ... By Mr. Hitt: Memorial and resolution of Western Association of Writers, in favor of copyright bill; to the Committee on Patents. (Journal of the House of Representatives, ist sess. of 51st Cong. 4°. Washington, 1890, p. 1013.) i8go ( September ig) , Friday. House of Representatives. — Trenton Typo- Under clause i of Rule 22, the following petitions and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk and referred as follows: . . . By Mr. Buchanan ,' of New Jersej^: Petition of Trenton (N. J.) Typographical Union, No. 71, in favor of interna- tional copj^right bill; to the Committee on Patents. (Journal of the House of Representatives, ist sess. of 51st Cong. 4°. Washington, 1890, p. 1066.) FIFTY- FIRST CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION i8go (December i) , Monday . Senate. — Mr. Cullom, from PresidentHar- the Committee appointed to wait upon the President of the "^°" ^ message United States and inform him that a quorum of each House is assembled, and that Congress is ready to receive any com- munication he may be pleased to make, reported that they had performed the duty assigned them, and that the}- had been instructed by the President to say that he would imme- diately make a communication to each House in writing. Whereupon, the following message was received from the President of the United States, b}^ Mr. Pruden, his secre- tary: To the Senate and House of Representatives: ... I also renew my recommendation in favor of legislation afford- ing just copyright protection to foreign authors, on a foot- ing of reciprocal advantage for our authors abroad. . . . 292 Copyright in Congress^ i7<^9 i(^ 1904 51ST CONGRESS, ggjjj Harrison. Executive Mansion, December i, 1890. (Journal of the Senate, 2d sess. of 51st Cong. 4°. Wash- ington, i89o[-'9i], pp. 4, 9.) See Bibhography, V. Mis- cellaneous, no. 50. i8go (yDecember I ), Monday . House of Representatives. — A message in writing was received from the President of the United States, by Mr. Pruden, one of his secretaries, which said message was laid before the House and read, as follows, viz : [Here follows the identical text given above under Sen- ate for December i] . (Journal of the House of Representa- tives. 2d sess. of 51st Cong. 4°. Washington, 1890 [-'91] , pp. 5,10; Executive documents of the House of Representa- tives, 2d sess. of 51st Cong. v. i, 8°. Washington, 1891, doc. no. I, p. xxvi.) See Bibliographj', V. Miscellaneous, no. 50. H. R. bill, no. i8^o {December 2 ) , Tuesaay. House of Representatives. — The Speaker then proceeded at i o'clock and 25 minutes p. m. to call the committees under clause 4 of Rule 24 . . . The Committee on Patents having been called, Mr. Simonds, on behalf of said committee, called up the bill of the House (H. R. 10881 ) to amend Title lx, chapter 3, of the Revised Statutes of the United States, relating to copyrights, on the House Calendar. Mr. Payson raised the question of consideration and the question being put, viz : Will the House now consider the said bill ? It was decided in the affirmative : Yeas, 132 ; nays, 74 ; not voting, 124. The 3^eas and nays being desired by one-fifth of the members present, those who voted are . . . [Here follow the names of those voting] . So the House decided to con- sider the said bill. Pending which, Mr. Blount moved to reconsider the vote by which the House decided to consider the said bill. And the question being taken, it was decided in the negative: Yeas, 71; naj's, 119; not voting, 140. The yeas and nays being desired by one-fifth of the members present, those who voted are . . . [Here follow the names of those voting] . So the motion to reconsider was disagreed to. The question being on the third reading of the bill, and Mr. Simonds having been recognized by the Speaker, Mr. Hopkins moved that the House adjourn. The Speaker held the motion out of order on the ground that Chronological Record^ i8go 293 Mr. Hopkins had not the floor, Mr. Simonds having been 5 ist congress, . . . r 1 n TV «• 2D SESSION recognized and being m possession of the floor. Mr. Simonds thereupon submitted the following amendment, viz : Amend by adding the word one at the end of line 2, section 1 2 , making it read : ' ' That this act shall go into effect on the ist day of July, A. D. 1891." While Mr. Simonds was addressing the House Mr. Kerr, of Iowa, made the point of order that Mr. Simonds was speaking on the merits of the bill and not discussing the amendment, when Mr. Simonds withdrew the said amendment. Mr. Kerr, of Iowa, having objected to its withdrawal, the Speaker ruled that Mr. Simonds had a right to withdraw the same, there having been no decision thereon. Thereupon Mr. Simonds renewed the said amendment and demanded the previous question on the said bill and amendment, pending which Mr. Kerr, of Iowa, moved that the House adjourn. And the question being put, it was decided in the negative : Yeas, 82; nays, 124; not voting, 124. The yeas and nays being desired by one-fifth of the members present, those who voted are . . . [Here follow the names of those vot- ing] . So the House refused to adjourn. . . . The ques- tion recurring on the demand of Mr. Simonds for the pre- vious question ; pending which, Mr. Hopkins moved to lay the bill and amendment on the table. Mr. Spinola made the point of order that the said motion was not in order, being a dilatory motion. The Speaker overruled the said point of order. And the question being put on the said motion of Mr. Hopkins, it was decided in the negative : Yeas, 90; nays, 128; not voting, 112. The yeas and nays being desired by one-fifth of the members present, those who voted are . . . [Here follow the names of those vot- ing] . So the House refused to lay said bill and amendment on the table. The question recurring on the demand for the previous question. Pending which, Mr. Blount moved to reconsider the vote by which the House refused to lay the said bill and amendment on the table. And the ques- tion being put, it was decided in the negative: Yeas, 83; nays, 123; not voting, 124. The yeas and nays being desired by one-fifth of the members present, those who voted are . . . [Here follow the names of those voting]. 294 Copyright in Congress^ I'jSg to igojf. 51ST CONGRESS, So the motion to reconsider was rejected. The question 2D SESSION . . ,111-1 again recurring on the demand tor the previous question, pending which, Mr. Richardson moved that the House adjourn. And the question being put, it was decided in the negative: Yeas, 81; nays, no; not voting, 139. The 3'eas and na5^s being desired by one-fifth of the members present, those who voted are . . . [Here follow the names of those voting]. So the House refused to adjourn. The question again recurring on the demand for the previous question, and being put, it was decided in the affirmative : Yeas, 106 ; nays 73 ; not voting, 151. The j^eas and nays being desired by one-fifth of the members present, those who voted are, . . . [Here follow the names of those voting] . So the previous question was ordered on the said bill and pending amendment, pending which, on motion of Mr. Simonds, at 5 o'clock and 5 minutes p. m., the House adjourned. (Journal of the House of Representatives, 2d sess. of 51st Cong. 4°. Washington, 1890 [-'91], pp. 14-17; Cong. Record, v. 22, pt. i, 1891, pp. 32-38.) See Bibliography, V. Miscellaneous, no. 51. 18 go {^December j), Wediiesday. House of Represent- atives. — The Speaker announced as the regular order the further consideration of the bill of the House (H. R. 10881) to amend Title lx, chapter 3, of the Revised Statutes of the United States, relating to copyrights, on which said bill and pending amendment of Mr. Simonds the previous ques- tion was ordered on yesterday when the House adjourned. The House having proceeded to the consideration of the said-named bill and amendment, and the question being on agreeing to the following amendment submitted b^-^ Mr. Simonds, viz: Amend by adding the word one at the end of line 2, section 12, making it read: "That this act shall go into effect on the ist day of July, A. D. 1891." After debate (40 minutes having expired), under Rule 28 the said-named amendment was agreed to. The said-named bill as amended was then engrossed and read the third time, and the question being on the passage thereof, pend- ing which, Mr. Peters moved that the said-named bill as amended be recommitted to the Committee on Patents, with instructions to make the limit of the copyright fourteen years; pending which, Mr. Breckinridge, of Arkansas, 2D SESSION Chronological Record^ i8po 295 moved to amend the said motion of Mr. Peters by addino- 5ist congress, thereto the words: That the committee shall provide for the hnportation of books of foreign authors at the rates now pro- vided by law. And the question being put, it was decided in the negative: Yeas, 95; nays, 140; not voting, 95. The yeas and nays being desired by one-fifth of the members present, those who voted are . . . [Here follow the names of those voting] . So the amendment submitted by Mr. Breckinridge to the motion of Mr. Peters was rejected. The question recurring on the motion of Mr. Peters to recommit the said bill with the said instructions, and being put, it was decided in the negative: Yeas, 96; nays, 138; not voting, 96. The yeas and nays being desired by one- fifth of the members present, those who voted are . . . [Here follow the names of those voting] . So the motion to recommit with instructions was rejected. The question recurring on the passage of the said bill, as amended, and being put, viz: Shall the said bill pass? it was decided in the affirmative: Yeas, 139; nays, 95; not voting, 96. The yeas and nays being desired by one-fifth of the members present, those who voted in the affirmative are: Adams, Allen of Michigan, Andrew, Arnold, Atkinson of West Virginia, Baker, Banks, Bartine, Bayne, Beckwith, Belden, Belknap, Bingham, Boothman, Boutelle, Breckinridge of Kentucky, Brosius, Brunner, Buchanan of New Jersey, Burrows, Burton, Butterworth, Bynum, Caldwell, Campbell, Carter, Caswell, Cheadle, Cheatham, Chipman, Clancy, Clark of Wyoming, Cogswell, Coleman, Comstock, Cooper of Ohio, Covert, Craig, Culbertson of Pennsylvania, Cuni- mings, Cutcheon, Dalzell, Dargan, Darlington, Dingley, Dorsey, Bunnell, Dunphy, Evans, Farquhar, Fitch, Flower, Geissenhainer, Gibson, Greenhalge, Grout, Hansbrough, Harmer, Hemphill, Hermann, Houk, Ketcham, Kinsey, La Follette, Laidlaw, L,angston, Lansing, Lawler, Laws, Lee, Lester of Georgia, Lodge, Magner, Maish, McAdoo, McCarthy, McComas, McDuffie. McKenna, McKinley, Miles, Miller, Moffitt, Moore of New Hampshire, Moray, Morrow, Morse, Mudd, Mutchler, O'Donnell, O'Neil of Massachusetts, O'Neill of Pennsylvania, Osborne, Owen of Indiana, Payne, Penington, Post, Price, Quackenbush, 296 Copyright in Congress^ 1789 to 190^ 5isTcoNGREss,Quijin, Randall, Reilly, Reybiirn, Rusk, Russell, Sawyer, Scull, Sherman, Shively, vSimonds, Smyser, Snider, Spinola, Spooner, Stephenson, Stewart of Vermont, Stivers, Stone of Pennsylvania, Sweet, Tarsney, Taylor of Tennessee, Taylor (E. B.), Townsend of Colorado, Towusend of Pennsylvania, Tracey, Tucker, \'andever. Van Schaick, Vaux, Waddill, Wade, Walker. V/allace of New York, Wiley, Willcox, Williams of Ohio, Wilson of Washington, Wilson of West \''irginia, Voder. Those who voted in the negative are: Abbott, Atkinson of Pennsylvania, Barnes, Bergen, Bland, Blount. Breckinridge of Arkansas, Brewer, Brickner, Brookshire, Brown (J. B.), Buchanan of Virginia, Candler of Georgia, Cannon, Clements, Cobb, Cooper of Indiana, Crisp, DeLano, Dibble, Dockery, Dolliver, Edmunds, Enloe, Finley, Flick, Forman, Forney, Fowler, Gest, Goodnight, Hare, Hatch, Haugen, Hays (Edward R. ), Haynes, Heard, Henderson of Illinois, Henderson of Iowa, Henderson of North Carolina, Herbert, Holman, Hooker, Kelley, Kerr of Iowa, Kilgore, Lacey, Eane, Lanham, Lester of Virginia: Mansur, Martin of Indiana, Martin of Texas, McClellan, McCreary, McMillin, McRae, Mills, Montgomery, Moore of Texas, Morrill, Norton, Gates, O'Ferrall, O'Neall of Indiana, Owens of Ohio, Paynter, Paj'son, Peel, Perkins, Perry, Peters, Pierce, Ray, Reed of Iowa, Richardson, Rock- well, Rogers, Sayers, Skinner, Smith of Illinois. Smith of West Virginia, Springer, Stewart of Texas, Stone of Ken- tucky, Sweney, Taylor (J. D.), Thomas, Turner of Georgia, Wheeler of Alabama, Whitelaw, Whiting, Wike, Williams of Illinois, Wilson of Alissouri. ... So the said bill as amended was passed. Mr. Simonds moved to reconsider the vote last taken, and also moved that the motion to recon- sider be laid on the table; which latter motion was agreed to. Ordered, That the Clerk request the concurrence of the Senate in said bill. (Journal of the House of Representa- tives, 2dsess. of 51st Cong. 4°. Washington, 1890 [-'91], pp. 19-21; Cong. Record, v. 22, pt. i, 1891, pp. 55-60.) See Bibliography, V. Miscellaneous, no. 51. 18 go {December j), Wednesday. Senate. — A message from the House of Representatives, by Mr. McPherson, their clerk: Mr. President: The of Representatives . . . have passed a bill (H. R. 108S1 j to amend title sixty, chap- Chronological Record^ i8po 297 ter three, of the Revised Statutes of the United vStates, relat- sistcoxgress, • 1 • 1 ■ 1 1 r^^ SESSION ing to copyrights; in which they request the concurrence of the Senate. The bill (H. R. 10881) last received from the House of Representatives for concurrence was read the first and second times by unanimous consent. Ordered, That it lie on the table. (Journal of the Senate, 2d sess. of 51st Cong. 4°. Wa.shington, 1S90 [-'91], p. 14.) See Bibli- ography, I. Bills, no. 126. i8po {^December g) , Tuesday. House of Representatives. — On motion of Mr. Simonds, by unanimous consent, Ordered^ That the bill of the House (H. R. 10881 j to amend title 60, chapter 3, of the Revised Statutes of the United States, re- lating to copyrights, as it passed the, be reprinted. (Journal of the House of Representatives, 2d sess. of 51st Cong. 4°. Wa.shington, 1890 [-'91], p. 37.) See Bibli- ography, I. Bills, no. 127. 1800 (December 16), Tuesday. Senate. — Mr. Evarts pre- copyright ^ -^ . _ -^ petitions: sented two petitions of citizens of New York, pra3dng the citizens of pa.ssage of the international cop3'right bill. Ordered, That^^^ ^"'"'^ they lie on the table. (Journal of the Senate, 2d sess. of 51st Cong. 4°. Washington, 1890 [-'91], p. 31.) i8go (^December ip), Friday. Senate. — Mr. Frye pre- Citizens of sented a petition of citizens of Maine, praying the passage of an international cop^^ight law. Ordered, That it lie on the table. (Journal of the Senate, 2d sess. of Cong. 4°. Washington, 1890 [-'91], p. 37.) iSgo {December 20), Saturday. Senate. — Mr. Wilson, of j^^^ '^^"^ Iowa, presented a petition of citizens of Iowa, praying the passage of an international copj^right law. Ordered, That it lie on the table. (Journal of the Senate, 2d sess. of Cong. 4°. Washington, 1890 [-'91], p. 39.) 1800 (December 20), Monday. Senate. — Petitions, pray- citizens of ^ ^ •^^.' / . ' r -^ Washington, ing the passage of an international copyright law, were pre- d.c, and others sented as follows: By Mr. Paddock; A petition of citizens of Washington, D. C. By Mr. Cameron: A petition of citizens of Pennsylvania. By Mr. Stockbridge: A petition of citizens of Michigan. B3' Mr. Evarts: Two petitions of citizens of New York. Ordered, That they lie on the table. . . . Bills and a joint resolution were introduced, senatebiii,no. 4751 read the finst and second times by unanimous consent, and 298 Copyright in Cojigress^ ijSg to igojf. 51ST CONGRESS, j-ef erred as follows: ... By Mr. Teller: A bill rS. 47"; i) 2D SESSION . . . . . . . -ri ^ to pro\aae for the compensation of foreign authors for the use of copyright in the United States; to the Committee on Patents. (Journal of the Senate, 2d .sess. of 51st Cong. 4°. Washington, 1890 [-'91], pp. 50, 51.) See Bibliog- raphy, I. Bills, no. 1 28. Copyright i8go {December jo^ , Tuesday. Senate. — Mr. Wilson, of petitions: ..... Citizens of Iowa, presented a petition of citizens of Iowa, praying the '°^^ passage of an international copjTight law. Ordered^ That it lie on the table. (Journal of the Senate, 2d sess. of 51st Cong. 4°. Washington, 1890 [-'91], p. 52.) Citizens of jggj {January 5), Monday. Senate. — Mr. Evarts pre- New York sented a petition of citizens of New York, praying the pas- sage of an international copyright law. Ordered, That it lie on the table. (Journal of the Senate, 2d sess. of 51st Cong. 4°. Washington, 1890 [-'91], p. 55.) AmericanFed- 1891 {January 8) , Thursday. Senate. — The Vice Presi- eration of Labor .■r->-,;r ni-i,/- •■ ^ dent [Mr. Levi P. Morton] laid before the Senate a memo- rial of the American Federation of Labor, praying the pas- sage of an international copyright law. Ordered, That it lie on the table. (Journal of the Senate, 2d sess. of 51st Cong. 4°. Washington, 1890 [-'91], p. 59.) Citizens of i8pi {Jauuaiy p), Friday. Senate. — Mr. Sherman pre- °^'° sented a petition of citizens of Ohio praying the passage of an international cop3'right law. Ordered, That it lie on the table. (Journal of the Senate, 2d sess. of 51st Cong. 4°. Washington, 1890 [-'91], p. 61.) International jggi {January lo), Saturday. Senate. — The Vice ciation President [Mr. Levi P. Morton] laid before the Senate a memorial of the International Copyright Association, remonstrating against [sic. praying for] the passage of an international copyright law. Ordered, That it lie on the table. (Journal of the Senate, 2d sess. of 51st Cong. 4°. Washington, 1890 [-'91], p. 65.) Citizens of the ^g j { jamiary 12), Monday. Se7iate.—Mx. Piatt pre- United States '' j .y / ^ ^ r sented a petition of citizens of the United States, praying the passage of an international copyright law. Ordered, That it lie on the table and be printed. (Journal of the Senate, 2d sess. of 51st Cong. 4°. Washington, 1890 [-'91] , p. 68.) CJironological Record^ iSpi 299 i8gi (Jaiuiary i^), Tliursday. Senate. — Petitions, pray- sist congress, ing the passage of an international copyright law, were pre- sented as follows: By Mr. Paddock: Two petitions of citi- zens of the United States. By Mr. Voorhees: A petition of citizens of Indiana. Ordered, That they lie on the table. (Journal of the Senate, 2d sess. of 51st Cong. 4°. Wash- ington, 1890 [-91], P- 74-) i8g£ {January ig), Monday. Senate. — Petitions, pray- Citizens of ing the passage of an international copyright law, were pre-Q^^rrs sented as follows: By Mr. Evarts: A petition of citizens of New York. By Mr. Vest: A petition of citizens of Missouri. By the Vice President [Mr. Levi P. Morton] : A petition of the United Labor League of Philadelphia, Pa. Ordered, That they lie on the table. (Journal of the Senate, 2d sess. of 51st Cong. 4°. Washington, 1890 [-'91], p. 84.) i8gT {January 22^, Thursday. Senate. — Petitions, pray- United Labor ing the passage of an international copyright law% were pre- ers sented as follows: By Mr. Quay: A petition of the United Labor League of Philadelphia, Pa. By Mr. Piatt: Three petitions of citizens of the United States. Ordered, That they lie on the table. (Journal of the Senate, 2d sess. of 51st Cong. 4°. Washington, 1890 [-'91], p. 93.) i8gi {January 2"/), Tuesday. Senate. — Petitions, praying Cincinnati the passage of an international copyright law, were pre- ^^^'"^^'^ °[ ^ o r -r o ; IT Commerce and sented as follows: By Mr. Sherman: A petition of the others Chamber of Commerce of Cincinnati, Ohio. By Mr. Far- well: Two petitions of citizens of Illinois. By Mr. Cam- eron: A petition of citizens of Pennsylvania. By Mr. Evarts: A petition of citizens of New York. By Mr. Frye: A petition of citizens of Maine. Ordered, That they lie on the table. (Journal of the Senate, 2d sess. of 51st Cong. 4°. Washington, 1890 [—91], p. 96.) i8gi {Ta^iuary 20), Tlnirsday. Senate. — Petitions, pray- citizens of mg the passage of an international copyright law, were pre- of Texas sented, as follows: By Mr. Evarts: A petition of citizens of New York. By Mr. Coke: A petition of citizens of Texas. Ordered, That they lie on the table. (Journal of the Sen- ate, 2d sess. of 51st Cong. \^ . Washington, 1890 [-'91], p. 100.) 300 Copyright in Congress^ ^7^9 io 1904 51STCONGRESS, j^gj (^Jaymary J i^, Saturday. Senate. — Petitions, pray- citizens ofing the passage of an international copyright law, were phiiadeiphiapj.gggjj|.g^^ as follows: By Mr. Casey: A petition of citizens and others j ^ i. of Philadelphia. By Mr. Paddock: A petition of citizens of the United States. Ordered, That they lie on the table. (Journal of the Senate, 2d sess. of Cong. 4°. ington, 1890 [-'91], p. 103.) Citizens of 1 8 ni ( February 2^ , Mo7iday. Senate. — Mr. Plumb pre- New York ..... sented a petition of citizens of New York, prajnng the passage of an international copyright law. Ordered, That it lie on the table. (Journal of the Senate, 2d sess. of 51st Cong. 4°. Washington, 1890 [-'91], p. 108.) Citizens of i8gi {February 5), Thursday. Senate. — Mr. Sherman presented a petition of citizens of Ohio praying the passage of an international copj'right law. Ordered, That it lie on the table. . . . The Vice-President [Mr. Levi P. Morton] laid before the Senate a memorial of representatives of cer- tain art associations remonstrating against the proposed amendment to the international copyright bill, under which the copyright on foreign designs and w^orks of art are restricted to those the production of which are made in the United States. Ordered, That it lie on the table. (Journal of the Senate, 2d sess. of 51st Cong. 4°. Washington, 1890 [-'91], p. 113.) Citizens of iSgi [February 6 ) , Friday. Senate. — Mr. Quay presented Philadelphia ^ petition of citizcns of Philadelphia, Pa., praying certain amendments to the bill for the establishment of an inter- national copyright. Ordered, That it lie on the table. (Journal of the Senate, 2d sess. of 51st Cong. 4°. Wash- ington, 1890 [-'91], p. 116.) American Li- i8^i {February j), Saturday. Senate. — The Vice-Presi- Ji'tTn^ ^^'°"^" ^^^^^ [^^^- Levi P. Morton] laid before the Senate a peti- tion of the American Library Association praying the passage of an international copyright law. Ordered, That it lie on the table. (Journal of the Senate, 2d sess. of 51st Cong. 4°. Washington, 1890 [-'91], p. 119. j Business or- jg^j {February o), Monday. Senate. — The Vice-Presi- ganizations ^ dent [Mr. Levi P. Morton] laid before the Senate several memorials of business organizations and business men of the United States, remonstrating against any amendment of Chronological Record^ i8gi 301 the pending copyright bill. Ordered, That they lie ^^^ ^l^^^^^^^^^^' the table. ... On motion by Mr. Piatt, the Senate pro- h. r. biii, no. ceeded to consider as in Committee of the Whole, the bill "S^^ '" Senate (H. R. 1088 1 ) to amend title 60, chapter 3, of the Revised Statutes of the United States, relating to copyrights; and on motion by Mr. Frye, to amend the bill as follows: In section 3, line 23, after the word "book," insert map, chart , dramatic or musical compositio7i, engraving, cut, print, photograph, chromo or lithograph, so as to read: ''Provided, That in the case of a book, map, chart, dramatic or musical composition, engraving, cut, print, photograph, chromo, or lithograph, the tw'o copies of the same required to be delivered or deposited as above shall be printed from type set within the limits of the United States, or from plates made therefrom." In section 3, line 26, after the word "therefrom," insert or from engravings, cuts, negatives, or drawings on sto7ie, made within the limits of the United States, or from transfers made therefrom; so as to read: ' ' The two copies of the same required to be delivered or deposited as above shall be printed from type set within the limits of the United States or from plates made therefrom, or from engravings, cuts, negatives, or drawings on stone made within the limits of the United States, or from trans- fers made therefrom." In line 28, in the same section, after the word "book," insert map, chart, dramatic or vm- sical cojnposition, engraving, chromo, or lithograph , cut, print, or photograph; so as to read: " During the existence of such copyright the importation into the United States of any book, map, chart, dramatic or musical composition, engrav- ing, chromo or lithograph, cut, print, or photograph, so copyrighted, or any edition or editions thereof, or any plates of the same not made from type set within the limits of the United States, shall be," etc. In section 3, line 29, after the word "set," insert engravirigs, negatives or drawings on stone made; so as to read: " Or any plates of the same not made from type set, engravings, negatives, or drawings on stone made within the limits of the United States, shall be," etc. In section 3, line 35, after the w^ord"book," insert map, chart, dramatic or musical composition, engraving , cut, print , photograph, chromo, or lithograph; so as to read: "And 302 Copyright in Congress^ 17S9 to igo^ 51STCONGRKSS, except in the case of persons purchasing for use and not for 2D SESSION , -1 • 1 -rill sale, who import not more than two copies or such book, map, chart, dramatic or musical composition, engraving, cut, print, photograph, chromo or lithograph at any one time, in each of which cases the written consent of the pro- prietor of the copyright, signed in the presence of two wit- nesses, shall be furnished with each importation." It was determined in the affirmative: Yeas, 27; nays, 24. Ou motion by Mr. Gorman, the yeas and nays being desired by one-fifth of the Senators present, those who voted are, . . . [Here follows a list of those voting] . So the amendment was agreed to. A further amendment having been pro- posed by Mr. Sherman, pending debate, a motion was made to adjourn, which was determined in the negative. But the hour of 6 o'clock p. m. having arrived, the Senate took a recess. (Journal of the Senate, 2d sess. of 51st Cong. 4°. Washington, 1890 [-'91], pp. 124, 125-126; Cong. Record, v. 22, pt. 3, 1891, pp. 2378-2396.) See Bibliog- raphy, V. Miscellaneous, no. 53. H. R. bill, no. 1 8 pi {February I o) , Tuesday. Senate. — The Vice-Presi- dent [Mr. Levi P. Morton] laid before the Senate a tele- gram from the president of the Boston University, remon- strating against any amendment of the international copy- right bill. Ordered, That it lie on the table. . . . The Senate resumed, as in Committee of the Whole, the consid- eration of the bill (H. R. 10881) to amend title 60, chapter 3, of the Revised Statutes of the United States relating to copyrights. Pending which, . . . the Senate adjourned. (Journal of the Senate, 2d sess. of 51st Cong. 4°. Wash- ington, 1890 [-'91], pp. 126, 129.) i8gi {^February Ji), lVed?iesday. Senate. — Mr. Sawyer presented a petition of citizens of Milwaukee, Wis., praying certain amendments to the pending copyright bill. Ordered, That it lie on the table. . . . The Senate resumed, as in Committee of the Whole, the con.sideration of the bill (H. R. io85i) to amend title 60, chapter 3, of the Revised Stat- utes of the United States, relating to copj^rights; when, on motion by Mr. Piatt, at 5 o'clock and 50 minutes p. m., the Senate adjourned. (Journal of the Senate, 2d sess. of 51st Cong. 4°. Washington, 1890 [-'91], pp. 130, 133.) i8gi {February 12), Thursday. Senate. — The Senate Chronological Record^ i8gi 303 resumed, as in Committee of the Whole, the consideration 5 ist congress, 2D SESSION of the bill (H. R. 10S81 ) to amend title 60, chapter 3, of the Revised Statutes of the United States, relating to copy- rights." Pending which, on motion by Mr. Allison, the Senate proceeded to the consideration of executive busi- ness. (Journal of the Senate, 2d sess. of 51st Cong. 4°. Washington, 1890 [-'91], p. 137.) i8gi {^February ij), Friday. Seriate. — The Vice-Presi- dent announced that the hour of 12 o'clock had arrived, and laid before the Senate the unfinished business at their adjournment j-esterda}-, viz, the bill (H. R. lobSi) to amend title 60, chapter 3, of the Revised Statutes of the United States relating to copyrights; and the Senate re- sumed, as in Committee of the Whole, the consideration of the bill; and the question being on the amendment pro- posed by Mr. Sherman, viz: In line 31, page 4, strike out the word ' ' prohibited ' ' and in lieu thereof insert subject to the duties provided by law. After debate, it was determined in the affirmative: Yeas, 25; nays, 24. On motion bj' Mr. Gorman, the yeas and nays being desired by one-fifth of the Senators present, those who voted are . . . [Here fol- lows a list of those voting] . So the amendment was agreed to. A further amendment having been proposed by Mr. Reagan, '^ pending debate, [the Senate proceeded to the con- sideration of other business] . (Journal of the Senate, 2d sess. of 51st Cong. 4°. Washington, 1890 [-'91], p. 139; Cong. Record, v. 22, pt. 3, 1891, pp. 2601-2618.) See Bibliography, V. Miscellaneous, no. 53. i8pi {February 14.), Saturday. Senate. — Mr. Daniel pre- Petition of um- /.,-• • -... versity of Vir- sented a petition of the University of Virginia, praying the ginia passage of the international copyright bill. Ordered, That it lie on the table. ... On motion by Mr. Piatt, the Senate "• ^- ''"'• "°- 10881 considered resumed, as m Committee of the Whole, the consideration of the bill (H. R. 1088 1 ) to amend title 60, chapter 3, of the Revised Statutes of the United States relating to copy- rights; and the question being on the amendment proposed by Mr. Reagan, viz: Strike out in sections 3 and 4 certain words. On motion by Mr. Carlisle, to amend the part pro- po.sed to be stricken out in section 3, by striking out from line 31 to line 46, page 4, the following words: "Except in a See notes 20 and 21. respectively, pages 383-384. 304 Copyright in Congress^ 1789 to 190^ 51STCONGRESS, ti^g cases specified in section 2505, of the Revised Statutes of the United States, and except in the case of persons pur- chasing for use and not for sale, who import not more than two copies of such book, map, chart, dramatic or musical composition, engraving, cut, print, photograph, chromo, or lithograph, at any one time, in each of which cases the written consent of the proprietor of the copyright, signed in the presence of two witnesses, shall be furnished with each importation: Ajid provided, That any publisher of a newspaper or magazine may, without such consent, import for his own use, but not for sale, not more than two copies of any newspaper or magazine published in a foreign countrj': Provided, nevertlieless, That in the case of books in foreign languages of which only translations in English are copy- righted, the prohibition of importation shall apply only to the translations of the same, and the importation of the books in the original language shall be permitted," and in lieu thereof inserting the following: Provided, TJiat 7iotliing herein s/tall be so construed as to subject to duty any article now admitted free znider the laws of the United States; and if any person shall, in the United States, print or cause to be printed, either for sale or exportation, any book, map, chart, or dra- m,atic or musical composition, in which there shall be a subsist- ing copyright, withotd the consent in writing of the proprietor thereof, or shall make or cause to be made, either for sale or exportation, any eyigraving , cut, print, lithograph, or photo- graph or 7iegative thereof, or statue or statiiary in which there shall be a subsisting copyright, without the consent of the pro- prietor thereof, or shall knowingly import, for sale or hire, any such article having been so unlawfully printed or made with- out such consent, as aforesaid, or knowing siich article to have been unlawfully printed, made, or imported, shall sell or hire or expose for sale or hire, or catise to be sold or hired or ex- posed for sale or hire, or shall have in his possession for sale or hire any such article so 2inlawfully printed, made, or im- ported, without such consent as aforesaid, such offender shall be liable in damages to the proprietor of sjcch copyright, and upon conviction, shall also be subject to a fine not exceedijig $1 ,000. It was determined in the affirmative: Yeas, 29; nays, 24. On motion by Mr, Harris, the yeas and nays being desired Chronological Record^ iSgr 305 bv one-fifth of the Senators present, those who voted are 5 jst congress, 2D SESSION . . . [Here follows a list of those voting] . So the amend- ment was agreed to. The question recurring on the amend- ment proposed by Mr. Reagan as amended. Mr. Reagan, with the consent of the Senate, having modified the same, on the question to agree to the amendment as modified, as follows, viz, after the word "same," in line 23, page 3, strike out the following words: ''Provided, That in the case of a book, map, chart, dramatic or musical composition, engraving, cut, print, photograph, chromo, or lithograph, the two copies of the same required to be delivered or de- posited as above shall be printed from type set within the limits of the United States, or from plates made therefrom, or from engravings, cuts, negatives, or drawings on stone, made within the limits of the United States, or from trans- fers made therefrom," and after the word "book," in line 26, page 5, strike out the following words: "Printed from type set within the limits of the United States, in accord- ance with the provisions of this act and by the deposit of two copies of such other articles made or produced in the United States. " It was determined in the negative: Yeas, 16; naj-s, 39. On motion by Mr. Reagan, the j-eas and nays being desired by one-fifth of the Senators present, those who voted are . . . [Here follows a list of those voting] . So the amendment was not agreed to. No further amend- ment being proposed, the bill was reported to the Senate, and on the question to concur in the amendments made in Committee of the Whole, it was determined in the negative: Yeas, 29; nays, 31. On motion by Mr. Piatt, the yeas and nays being desired by one-fifth of the Senators present, those who voted are . . . [Here follows a list of those voting] . So the amendments were not concurred in. An amendment to the bill having been proposed by Mr. Daniel, pending debate, . . . the Senate adjourned. (Journal of the Senate, 2d .sess. of 51st Cong. 4°. Washington, 1890 [-'91], pp. 140, 142-143; Cong. Record, V. 22, pt. 3, 1891, pp. 2664-2668; 2670-2677.) See Bibliography, V. Miscellaneous, no. 55. i8gi {February 16), Monday. Senate. — Mr. Paddock Petition of presented a petition of citizens of the United States praying united^st°ates ^ the pa.ssage of an international copyright law. Ordered, 10469 — No. 8 — 05 20 3o6 Copyright in Congress^ ijSg to 1904 51STCONGRESS, That it lie on the table. (Journal of the Senate, 2d sess. of 2D SESSION ^ _,,-,. „r.n 51st Cong., 4 , Washington, i89o[- 91 J, p. 144.) H. R. bill, no. jSqi (February 17), Tuesday. Senate. — The Senate 10881 considered xv ^// r,-,, .t resumed the consideration of the bill (H. R. 10881) to amend title 60, chapter 3, of the Revised Statutes of the United States relating to copyrights; and the question being on the amendment proposed by Mr. Daniel, viz: After the word "therefrom," in line 26, page 3, \\vr>^r\. or shall be oth- erwise prod^iced in the United States from process executed i?i the United States. After debate, it was determined in the negative: Yeas, 19; nays, 27. The yeas and nays being desired by one-fifth of the Senators present, those who voted are . . . [Here follows a list of those voting] . So the amendment was not agreed to. The bill having been amended on the motion of Mr. Edmunds,*^ on motion by Mr. Vance to further amend the bill as follows: On page 4, line 33, after the word "States," insert a7id except in the case of fiewspapers and periodicals, which are hereby exempted from prohibition of importation , and after the word "importation, in line 38, page 4, strike out the following words: ''And provided. That any publisher of a newspaper or magazine may, without such consent, import for his own use, but not for sale, not more than two copies of any newspaper or magazine published in a foreign country."" It was deter- mined ill the negative: Yeas, 19; nays, 27. On motion by Mr. Piatt, the yeas and nays being desired by one-fifth of the Senators present, those who voted are . . . [Here fol- lows a list of those voting] . So the amendment was not agreed to. A further amendment having been proposed by Mr. Power, pending debate, on motion by Mr. Hale, at 5 o'clock and 50 minutes p. m., that the Senate adjourn, it was determined in the affirmative. (Journal of the Senate, 2d sess. of 51st Cong. 4°. Washington, 1890 [-'91], p. 150; Cong. Record, v. 22, pt. 3, 1891, pp. 2790-2797.) See Bibliography, V. Miscellaneous, no. 55. 18^1 (^February 18), Wednesday. Senate. — On motion by Mr. Piatt, the Senate resumed the con.sideration of the bill (H. R. 10881) to amend title 60, chapter 3, of the Revised Statutes of the United States relating to copyrights; and the question being on the amendment yesterday proposed a See notes 22 and 23, respectively, page 384. Chronological Record^ i8gi 307 by Mr. Power, viz, after the word "Drohibited," in line 31, sistcongress, " 7 7- , 2D SESSION page 4, insert: Except that all books, maps, charts, dramatical or musical compositions, engravings, cuts, prijits, lithographs, or photographs, or negatives thereof, or any paintings, draw- ings, chromos, or anj statues or statuary so copyrighted, the author, inventor, designer, or proprietor of which shall be a citizen, subject, or reside?it of a foreign country, may be imported into the United States tipon the payment of duties, if any, imposed by law at the time of such importation, it was determined in the affirmative: Yeas, 36; nays, 24. On motion by Mr. Carhsle, the yeas and nays being desired by one-fifth of the Senators present, those who voted are . . . [Here follows a list of those voting] . So the amendment was agreed to. On motion by Mr. Frye to amend the bill as follow\s: In section 3, line 23, page 3, after the word "book," insert map, dramatic or musical compositio7t, engrav- ing, cut, print, photograph, chromo, or lithograph; in section 3, line 26, page 3, after the word "therefrom," insert or from engravings, cuts, negatives, or drawings on stone made witlmi the limits of the United States or from transfers made therefrom; in section 3, line 28, page 3, after the word "book," insert map, dramatic or nuisical composition, engrav- ing, chromo or lithograph, cut, print, or photograph; in section 3, line 29, page 3, after the word "set," insert engravings, negatives, or drawings on sto7ie, made; and in section 3, line 35, page 4, after the word "book," insert map, dramatic or imisical coinposition , engraving, cut, print, photograph, chromo, or lithograph, it was determined in the affirmative: Yeas, 41; nays, 24. On motion by Mr. Carlisle, the yeas and naj^s being desired by one-fifth of the Senators present, those who voted are . . . [Here follows a list of those voting]. So the amendment was agreed to." The bill having been further amended" on the motion of Mr. Ingalls, the motion of Mr. Daniel, the motion of Mr. Piatt, and the motion of Mr. Carlisle, on motion by Mr. Daniel to further amend the bill by striking out in section 3, line 5, the words "on or before" and inserting the words within six months after; and in line 14 by striking out the words "the day of" and inserting within six months after," it was determined in the negative: Yeas, 17; nays, 37. On motion a See notes 24, 25, and 26, respectively, pages 3S4-385. 2D SESSION 308 Copyright in Congress, lySg to 1904 51ST CONGRESS, by Mr. Daniel, the yeas and nays being desired by one-fifth of the Senators present, those who voted are . . . [Here follows a list of those voting] . So the amendment was not agreed to. On motion by Mr. Daniel to amend the bill by striking out after the word "same," in line 23, page 3, the following words: ''Provided, That in the case of a book, map, dramatic or musical composition, engraving, cut, print, photograph, chromo, or lithograph, the two copies of the same required to be delivered or deposited as above shall be printed from type set within the limits of the United States, or from plates made therefrom, or from engravings, cuts, negatives, or drawings on stone made within the limits of the United States, or from transfers therefrom. During the existence of such copyright the importation into the United States of any book, map, dramatic or nuisical composition, engraving, chromo, or hthograph, cut, print, or photograph, so cop3Tighted, or any edition or editions thereof, or any plates of the same, not made from type set, engravings, negatives, or drawings on stone made within the limits of the United States, shall be, and it is hereby, prohibited, except that all books, maps, charts, dramatic or musical compositions, engravings, cuts, prints, lithographs, or pho- tographs, or negatives thereof, or any paintings, drawings, chromos, or statues, or statuary, so copyrighted, the author, inventor, designer, or proprietor of which shall be a citizen, subject, or resident of a foreign country, may be imported into the United States upon the payment of the duties, if any, imposed by law at the time of such importa- tion, and except in the case of persons purchasing for use and not for sale, and except in the case of news- papers and periodicals, which are hereby exempted from prohibition of importation: Provided, yievertheless. That in the case of books in foreign languages, of which only trans- lations in English are copyrighted, the prohibition of importa- tion shall apply only to the translations of the same, and the importation of the books in the original language shall be permitted," it was determined in the negative: Yeas, 17; nays, 31. On motion by Mr. Piatt, the yeas and nays being desired by one-fifth of the Senators present, those who voted are . . . [Here follows a list of those voting] . So the amendment was not agreed to. On motion by Mr. Chronological Record, iSgi 309 Pasco, to amend the bill hv striking out all after the enact- 5 'st congress, P . . . ,, . 2D SESSION ing clause and m lieu thereof inserting the following: Sec. I . That the privileges of copyright granted under and by Title LX, chapter j, of the Revised Statutes, to authors and others ivho are citizens of the United States or residents tiicrcin, shall be, and they arc hereby, extended to authors and others named in section 4.95^ • 1 r rison's message ironi the committee appomted to wait upon the President of the United States and inform him that a quorum of each House is assembled and that Congress is ready to receive any communications he may be pleased to make, reported that they had performed the duty assigned them, and that they had been instructed by the President to say that he would immediately make a communication to each House in writing. Whereupon, the following message was received from the President of the United States by Mr. Pruden, his secretarj^ : To the Senate and House of Representatives: . . . International copyright has been secured, in accordance with the conditions of the act of March 3, 1891, with Belgium, France, Great Britain and the British Possessions, and Swit- zerland, the laws of those countries permitting to our citi- zens the benefit of copyright on substantially the same basis as to their own citizens or subjects. With Germany a spe- cial convention has been negotiated upon this subject, which will bring that country within the reciprocal benefits of our legislation. . . . Benj. Harrison. Executive Mansion, De- cember 9, 1891. (Journal of the Senate, ist sess. of 52d Cong. 4°. Washington, 1892, pp. 5, 8.) See Bibhogra- phy, V. Miscellaneous, no. 59. i8gi {December p), Wedjiesday. House of Representa- tives. — A message in writing was received from the President of the United States by Mr. Pruden, one of his secretaries; which was laid before the House by the Speaker and read by the Clerk, as follows, viz: [Here follows the identical text given above under Senate for December 9]. (Journal of the House of Representatives, ist sess. of 5 2d Cong. 4°. Washington, 1892, pp. 6, 9; Executive documents of the House of Representatives, ist sess. of 52d Cong. v. i, 8°. Wa.shington, 1892, doc. no. i, p. xv.) See Bibliogra- phy, V. Miscellaneous, no. 59. H. R. bill, no. 324 Copyn'ight in Congress^ 1789 to igo^ 52D CONGRESS, jgr,2 iJa7iiiarvii),Mo7iday. House of Representatives. — 1ST SESSION , • • ' , • • 1 r 11 Bills and joint resolutions ot the rollowmg titles were intro- duced, severally read twice, and referred as follows, viz: . . . H. R. bill, no. gy j^ir. Hooker, of Mississippi: A bill (H. R. 2703) for the 2703 relief of authors; to the Committee on the Post-Office and Post-Roads. (Journal of the House of Representatives, ist sess. of 52d Cong. 4°. Washington, 1892, pt. 2, pp. 42, 44.) See Bibliography, I. Bills, no. 131. ^^Senatebiii,no. ^g^^ {Febniajy /j), Monday. Senate .—^\\\^ and joint resolutions were introduced, read the first and second times by unanimous consent, and referred, as follows: . . . By Mr. Vilas: A bill (S. 2185) to amend section 4956 of the Revised Statutes of the United States, relating to copyrights; to the Committee on Patents. (Journal of the Senate, ist sess. of 52d Cong. 4°. Washington, 1892, p. 107.) See Bibliography^ I. Bills, no. 132. T8g2 {February /y) , Monday. House of Representatives. — Under clause 3 of Rule 22, bills, resolutions, and memo- rials of the following titles were introduced and severally referred as follows : By Mr. ]\Iitchell : A bill (H. R. 5975 ) to amend section 4956 of the Revised Statutes of the United States, relating to copj'rights; to the Committee on Patents. (Journal of the House of Representatives, ist sess. of 52d Cong. 4°. Washington, 1892, pt. 2, p. 132.) See Bibliog- raph}', I. Bills, no. 133. Publication in j^^^ {April lo), Tuesday. Senate.— Ur. Sanders sub- Congressional , _ Record iiiitted the following resolution for consideration ; which was ordered to be printed: Resolved, That the Committee on the Judiciary be instructed to inquire whether the publi- cation in the Congressional Record, without the consent of the proprietor, of a copjTighted book is an infringement of the right granted to such proprietor of the sole liberty of printing, reprinting, publishing, completing, copj'ing, exe- cuting, finishing, or vending the same, and whether the pub- lication therein subjects any person who shall sell or expose to sale the Congressional Record containing such reprint to the penalties prescribed in section 4964 of the Revised Stat- utes of the United States, and whether any person is liable to the owner of such copyright book for damages for such publication ; and if so, what person, and what action, if an}-, Chronological Record^ i8p2 325 is desirable to be taken in view of the publication of copy- 52D congress. right books in the Congressional Record ; and that said com- mittee have leave to report by bill or otherwise. (Journal of the Senate, ist sess. of 52d Cong. 4°. Washington, 1892, pp. 225-226.) i8p2 {April 20), Wed7iesday. Senate. — The Vice-Presi- dent laid before the Senate the resolution yesterda^^ sub- mitted by Mr. Sanders, to inquire whether the publication in the Congressional Record, without the consent of the proprietor, of a copyrighted book, is an infringement of the rights of such proprietor ; and after debate, on motion by Mr. Wilson, Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee on Patents. (Journal of the Senate, ist sess. of 52d Cong. 4°. Washington, 1892, p. 228.) iSg2 {June 2p), Wednesday. House of Representatives. — h. r. bin, no. Under clause 3 of Rule 22, bills and a resolution of the following titles were introduced and severallj- referred as follows: ... By Mr. Dungan : A bill (H. R. 9398) to amend section 4952 of the Revised Statutes of the United States; to the Committee on Patents. (Journal of the House of Representatives, ist sess. of 52d Cong. 4°. Washing- ton, 1892, pt. 2, p. 400.) See Bibliography, I. Bills, no. 134. FIFTY-SECOND CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION i8p2 {December 6), Tuesday. Seriate. — The following President message was received from the President of the United "^'""^°"'^'""" States, by Mr. Pruden, his secretary: To the Senate and House of Representatives: . . . International copyright has been extended to Italy by proclamation in conformity with the act of March 3, 1891, upon assurance being given that Italian law permits to citizens of the United States the benefit of copyright on substantially the same basis as to sul)jects of Italy. By a special convention, proclaimed January 15, 1892, reciprocal provisions of copyright have been applied between the United States and Germany. Ne- gotiations are in progress with other countries to the same end. . . . Benj. Harrison, Executive Mansion, Decem- ber 6, 1892. (Journal of the Senate, 2d sess. of 52d Cong. 4°. Washington, 1893, PP- 4, 7-) See Bibliography, V. Miscellaneous, no. 60. sage 326 Copyright in Congress^ 1789 to 1904 52DCONGRESS, i8g2 {Decefnber 6), Tuesday. House of Representatives. — A message from the President of the United States was communicated to the House by Mr. Pruden, one of his sec- retaries. The Speaker thereupon laid before the House the annual mes.sage of the President of the United States; which was read by the Clerk, as follows: [Here follows the identical text given under Senate for December 6.] (Journal of the House of Representatives, 2d sess. of 52d Cong. 4°. Washington, 1893, pp. 5, 8-9; Executive documents of the House of Representatives, 2d sess. of 52d Cong. v. i, 8°. Washington, 1893, doc. no. i, pp. xv-xvi.) See Bibli- ography, V. Miscellaneous, no. 60. ^^^^ {February 23), Thursday. Se7tate —^\\\s were introduced, read the first and second times by unanimous consent, and referred as follows: By Mr. Gordon: A bill (S. 3881) relating to copyrights; to the Committee on Patents. (Journal of the vSenate, 2d sess. of 52d Cong. 4°. Washington, 1893, p. 127.) See Bibliography, I. Bills, no. 135. i8pj {March 2), Thursday. Senate. — Mr. Kyle, from the Committee on Patents, to whom was referred the bill (S. 3881) relating to copyrights, reported it with an amend- ment. (Journal of the Senate, 2d sess. of 52d Cong. 4°. Washington, 1893, P- H^-) See Bibliography, I. Bills, no. 136. i8gj ( March j ) , Friday. Senate. — The Senate proceeded to consider, as in Committee of the Whole, the bill (S. 3881) relating to copyrights; and the reported amendment '^' having been agreed to, the bill was reported to the Senate and the amendment was concurred in. Orde^'ed, That it be en- grossed and read a third time. The said bill was read the third time. Resolved, That it pass and that the title thereof be as aforesaid. Ordered, That the Secretary request the concurrence of the House of Representatives therein. ( Jour- nal of the Senate, 2d sess. of 5 2d Cong. 4°. Washington, 1893, p. 158.) iSgj {March j), Friday. House of Represe?itatives. — A message from the Senate, by Mr. McCook, their secretary. . . . The message also announced that the Senate had passed a See note 27, page 385. Chronological Record^ i8gj 2) -7 the bill (S. '?88i ) relating to copyrights, in which the concur- 520 congress, 1 . P 2D SESSION rence of the House was requested. . . . On motion of Mr. Cockran, by unanimous consent, the bill (S. 3881) relating to copyrights was considered, was read three times, and passed. Ordered, That the Clerk notify the Senate thereof. (Journal of the House of Representatives, 2d sess. of 52d Cong. 4°. Washington, 1893, pp. 137, 139; Cong. Record, V. 24, pt. 3, 1893, p. 2579.) 18 pj {March j), Friday. Senate. — A message from the House of Representatives, by Mr. Towles, their chief clerk: Mr. President: The House of Representatives has passed without amendment the bill of the Senate (S. 3881) relating to copyrights. (Journal of the Senate, 2d sess. of 52d Cong. 4°. Washington, 1893, P- 160.) Note. — This bill was enrolled and signed by the Speaker and the Act of March President of the Senate and laid before the President of the United 3' ^^93 States for his signature on March 3, 1893. It was signed by him on the same day, the Senate and House of Representatives being notified of his signature on that day also. (Journal of the House of Repre- sentatives, 2d sess. of 52d Cong. 4°. "Washington, 1S93, pp. 145, 147; Journal of the Senate, 2d sess. of 52d Cong. 4°. Washington, 1893, pp. 161, 167.) See Bibliography, IV. Laws, no. 19. FIFTY-THIRD CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION i8gj {September 6), Wednesday. House of Representa- Public docu- tives. — Under clause 3 of Rule 22, bills and resolutions of '"^"^^ the following titles were introduced, and severally referred as follows: ... By Mr. Richardson, of Tennessee: A bill (H. R. 214) providing for the public printing and binding and the distribution of public documents; to the Committee on Printing. (Journal of the House of Representatives, ist sess. of 53d Cong. 4°. Washington, 1893, PP- 3i> 35-^ Note. — H. R. bill no. 2650 was substituted for H. R. bill 214 on September 12, 1893. Section 52 of the act as passed provides that while the public printer may supply, to any person applying, dupli- cate stereotype or electrotype plates from any Government publication at a fixed charge, it stipulates that no publication re])rinted from such stereotype or electroty])e plate and no other (rovernment publication can be copyrighted. The discussion on this measure lasted until Oc- tober 23, 1893, when the measure passed the House of Representatives. It passed the Senate with amendments July 30, 1894. The conference report was agreed to by the on December 5, 1894, by the Sen- ate on December 6, 1894, and it was signed by the President January 12, 1895. See Bibliography, IV. Laws, no. 20. 328 Copyriglit in Congress^ jySp to 1904 53DCONGRESS, FIFTY-THIRD CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION 2D SESSION President igns (December J.) , Moudav . Senate.— Ur. McPherson, Cleveland's XJV t/' -^ message froHi the Committee appointed to wait upon the President of the United States and inform him that a quorum of each House is assembled, and that Congress is ready to receive any communication he may be pleased to make, reported that they had performed the duty assigned them, and that the President had replied that he would immediately make a communication to each House in writing; whereupon the following message was received from the President of the United States by Mr. Pruden, his secretary: To the Con- gress of the United States: . . . Upon proof that the legisla- tion of Denmark secures copyright to American citizens on equal footing with its own, the privileges of our copyright laws have been extended by proclamation to subjects of that country. . . . Grover Cleveland. Executive Mansion, Washington, December 4, 1893. (Journal of the Senate, 2d sess. of 53d Cong. 4°. Washington, 1894, pp. 4, 6.) See Bibliography, V. Miscellaneous, no. 61. i8pj {December 4.^, Monday. House of Representatives. — A message in writing from the President of the United States was communicated to the House by Mr. Pruden, one of his secretaries. The Speaker laid before the House the said message, which was read by the Clerk, as follows: [Here follows the identical text given above under Senate of December 4.] (Journal of the House of Representa- tives, 2d sess. of 53d Cong. 4°. Washington, 1894, pp. 5, 8; Executive documents of the House of Representa- tives, 2d sess. of 53d Cong. v. i, 8°. Washington, 1895, doc. no. I, p. xiii.) See Bibliography, V. Miscellaneous, no. 61. Petition of citi- 18^4. {fayiicaiy 22) , Mo7iday . Senate. — Petitions, memo- rials, etc., were presented and referred as follows: ... By Mr. McMillan: A petition of citizens of Michigan, praying that all books printed in the English language be admitted free of duty; to the Committee on Finance. . . . Bills and a joint resolution were introduced, read the first and second times by unanimous consent, and referred as follows: . . . By Mr. McMillan: A joint resolution (S. R. 52) for the zens of Michi gan Chronological Record^ 1^94 329 purpose of insuring the securit}' and the utiHzation of 53D congress. duphcated copj^ight books in the Congressional Library; " senate resoiu- to the Committee on the Library. (Journal of the Senate, ^*°"' "°- s^ 2d sess. of 53d Cong. 4°. Washington, 1894, PP- 54> 55- ) See Bibliography, III, Resolutions, no. 2. 1894. {March 5), Monday. Senate. — Petitions, memo- Petition of citi- rials, etc., were presented and referred as follows: . . . By nia Mr. White: ... A petition of citizens of California, pray- ing that all books and other publications printed in the English language be placed on the free list; to the Com- mittee on Finance. (Journal of the Senate, 2d sess. of 53d Cong. 4°. Washington, 1894, P- loi.) iSg^f {April 24.), Tuesday. House of Representatives. — h. r. bin, no. Under clause 3 of Rule 22, bills and a resolution of the^^^^ following titles were introduced and severally referred as follows: ... By Mr. Cummings: A bill (H. R. 6835) to amend Title lx, chapter 3, of the Revised Statutes of the United States, relating to copyrights; to the Committee on Patents. (Journal of the House of Representatives, 2d sess. of 53d Cong. 4°. Washington, 1894, P- 354-) See Bibliography, I. Bills, no. 137. iSg^ {May j), Thursday. Senate .—BiWs were intro- /j^"^'^'''"'"°- duced, read the first and second times by unanimous con- sent, and referred as follows: ... By Mr. Hill: A bill (S. 1 991) to amend Title lx, chapter 3, of the Revised Statutes of the United States, relating to copyrights; to the Committee on Patents. (Journal of the Senate, 2d sess. of 53d Cong. 4°. Washington, 1894, p. 175.) See Bibhog- raphy, I. Bills, no. 138. 1894. {May 22) , Tuesday. Senate.— B\\\s and a joint ,. s-"^*««^°"^- ^ ' •> tion, no. 88 lution were introduced, read the first and second times by unanimous consent, and referred as follows: . . . Bj- Mr. Gray: A joint resolution (S. R. 88) for the purpose of insuring the .security and the utilization of duplicated copy- righted books in the Congressional Library; to the Com- mittee on Patents. (Journal of the Senate, 2d sess. of 53d Cong. 4°. Wa.shington, 1894, p. 203.) See Bibliog- raphy, III. Resolutions, no. 3. 1894 {May 2d), Tlmrsdav, .Srw^/^.— Mr. Piatt, from the ' iggi reported Committee on Patents, to whom was referred the l)ill ( S. 330 Copyright in CoJigress^ 17S9 to 190^ 53DCONGRESS. jgoj) to amend Title lx, Chapter 3, of the Revised Stat- 2D SESSION - . i. ^ utes of the United States, relating to copyrights, reported it without amendment. Journal of the Senate, 2d sess. of 53d Cong. 4°. Washington. 1894, P- 206.) See Bibliog- raphy, I. Bills, no. 139. H. R.biii, no. j^g. (Time 29), Friday. House of Representatives. — 6835 reported . " J r Committees were called for reports: When, bills were re- ported, reports thereon ordered to be printed, and referred to the calendars, as follows: . . . By Mr. Covert, from the Committee on Patents, with amendments, the bill (H. R. 6835) to amend Title lx, chapter 3, of the Revised Stat- utes of the United States, relating to copyrights (Report No. 1191 ); to the House Calendar. (Journal of the House of Representatives, 2d sess. of 53d Cong. 4°. Washington, 1894, p. 458; Reports of committees of the House of Rep- resentatives, 2d sess. of 53d Cong. v. 4, 8°. Washington, 1894, no. 1191.) See Bibliography, I. Bills, no. 140, and II. Reports, no. 28. i8g SESSION the Revised Statutes, be, and the same is hereby, amended so as to read as follows: ' ' Sec. 4970. The circuit courts, and district court's having the jurisdiction of circuit coiirts, shall have potver , upon bill in equity , filed by any pa7'ty aggrieved, to grant in- junctions to prevent the violation of any right secured by the laws respecting copyrights, according to the course and princi- ples of courts in equity, on such tertJis as the courts may deem reasonable. A^iy writ of attachment issued in such cases from the said courts in any district against the defendayit in any proceeding for contempt may run throughout the United States; and till marshal of said district, or his deputies, may execute the said writ zvherever in the United States the said defendant, or defendants, may be found; and before issuing such writ of attachment, the court may in its discretio7i require a bond from the plaintiff, iii such amount as to the court may seem proper, with sufficient surety or sureties, to the satisfaction of the court, conditioned to pay to the defendant or defendants the damages the said defendants may sniffer from stich arrest, in case the same be 7iot founded on probable or reasonable caiise. ' ' Pend- ing which, On motion of Mr. Bland, the House adjourned. (Journal of the House of Representatives, 2d sess. of 53d Cong. 4°. Washington, 1894, pp. 518-519; Cong. Record, V. 26, pt. 8, 1894, pp. 7974-7977-) i8g4. {fuly 31). Tuesday. Ho7ise of Representatives. — h. r. bui, no. Under 3 of Rule 22, bills of the following titles ^^^ were introduced and severally referred as follows: . . . By Mr. Hicks: A bill (H. R. 7853) to amend .section 4956 and section 1 1 following section 4967 of the Revised Statutes of the United States, relating to copyrights ; to the Committee on Patents. (Journal of the House of Representatives, 2d sess. of 53d Cong. 4°. Washington, 1894, p. 525.) See Bibliography, I. Bills, no. 141. 1894. {August 23), Thursday. House of Representatives. — The committees were called for reports; when, bills and resolutions were reported, the reports thereon ordered to be printed, and referred to the Calendars as follows: ... By Mr. Hicks, from the Committee on Patents, the bill (H. R. 7853) to amend section 4956 and section 1 1 following 4967 of the Revised Statutes of the United States relating to copy- 332 Copyright in Congress^ ijSg to 1904 53D CONGRESS, fights (Rcport No. 147 1 ) ; to the House Calendar. (Journal 2D SESSION of the House of Representatives, 2d sess. of 53d Cong. 4°. Washington, 1894, p. 578; Reports of committees of the House of Representatives, v. 4, 8°. Washington, 1S94, no. 1471.) See Bibliography, I. Bills, no. 142, and II. Reports, no. 29. FIFTY-THIRD CONGRESS, THIRD SESSION H. R. bill, no. i8g5 {Jaiiuary 8) , Tuesday. House of Representatives. — Under clause 3 of Rule 22, bills and a joint resolution of the following titles were introduced and severally referred as follows: . . . By Mr. Covert: A bill (H. R. 8407 ) to amend section 4965, chapter 3, Title lx, of the Revised Statutes of the United States, relating to copyrights ; to the Com- mittee on Patents. (Journal of the House of Representa- tives, 3d sess. of 53d Cong. 4°. Washington, 1895, p. 52.) See Bibliography, I. Bills, no. 143. H. R. bill, no. iSg^ (yjauuary 22), Tuesday. House of Representatives. — Under clause 3 of Rule 22, bills and a resolution of the following titles were introduced and severally referred as follows: ... By Mr. Hooker, of Mississippi: A bill (H. R. 8618) to amend section 4952 of the Revised Statutes, relating to copyrights, as amended by the act of March 3, 1891; to the Committee on Patents. . . . Under clause i of Rule 22, the following petitions and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk and referred as follows: ... By Mr. Hooker, of Mi.ssissippi: Petition to accompan}- House bills 8618 and 8619 relative to copjTight and postage ; to the Committee on the Post-Office and Post- Roads. (Journal of the House of Representatives, 3d sess. of 53d Cong. 4°. Washington, 1895, p. 79.) See Bibliography, I. Bills, no. 144. H. R. bill, no. iSg^ { fanua)yji), Thursday. House of Representatives. — 3407 reported q^ motiou by Mr. Reilly, by unanimous consent, leave was granted to committees to submit reports by delivering thtm to the Clerk; when bills and a joint resolution were reported, reports thereon ordered to be printed, and referred to the Calendars or otherwise disposed of as follows: . . . B5' Mr. Covert, from the Committee on Patents, the bill (H. R. 8407) to amend section 4965, chapter 3, Title lx, of the Revised Statutes of the United States, relating to copyrights Chronological Record, i8gfi 333 (Report No. 1733); to the House Calendar. T Journal of j^^J^g "oT'"'^' the House of Representatives, 3d sess. of 53d Cong. 4°. Washington, 1895, p. 97; Reports of committees of the House of Representatives, 3d sess. of 53d Cong. v. i, 8°. Washington, 1895, no. 1733.) See Bibliography, I. Bills, no. 14s, and II. Reports, no. 30. ^, 7 r- , T.-11 ■ Senate bill, no. i8g5 {February 28), Tlnirsday. Senate. — Bills were m- ^goy troduced, read the first and second times by unanimous con- sent, and referred as follows: ... By Mr. Piatt: A bill (S. 2807) to amend section 4865 [sic. 4965], chapter 3, Title LX, of the Revised Statutes of the United States, relating to copyrights; to the Committee on Patents. (Jour- nal of the Senate, 3d sess. of 53d Cong. 4°. Washington, 1894 [-'95], p. 160.) See Bibliography, I. Bills, no. 146. 1895 {March 2), Saturday. House of Rcprese7itativcs.— ^^^^^;^^^^^^''^°^ On motion of Mr. Covert, by unanimous consent, the bill (H. R. 8407) to amend section 4965, chapter 3, Title lx, of the Revised Statutes of the United States, relating to copyrights, was considered and was read twice. The amend- ment recommended by the Committee on Patents was agreed to as follows: Insert the following proviso: Provided, Iiow- ever, TJiat in tlie case 0/ any suck infri7igement of tJie copy- right of a photograph made from any object not a ivorlz of fine arts, t/ie sum to be recovered in any action brought tinder tiie provisions of tJiis section shall be not less than one hundred dollars nor more than five thousand dollars: And provided further, That in case of any such infringement of the copyright of a painting, drawing, stattie, engravijig, etching, print, or model, or design not a work of fine arts, or of a photograph of the work of the fine arts, the sum to be recovered in any action brought through the provisions of this section shall not be less than two hiuidred and fifty dollars and not more than ten thou- sand dollars. As amended, the bill was ordered to be en- grossed, was read a third time, and passed. A motion by Mr. Covert to reconsider the vote taken was, on his motion, laid on the table. Ordered, That the Clerk request the concurrence of the Senate in said bill. (Journal of the House of Representatives, 3d sess. of 53d Cong. 4°. Wash- ington, 1895, p. 192.) 334 Copyright in Congress^ ^7^9 to 1904 53DCONGRESS, 180^ (March 2), Satiirdav. Senate. — A messaee from the 3D SESSION »TV House of Representatives, by Mr. Towles, their chief clerk: Mr. President: . . . The House of Representatives have passed the following bills and joint resolution, in which they request the concurrence of the Senate: . . . H. R. 8407. An act to amend section 4965, chapter 3, Title i,x, of the Revised Statutes of the United States, relating to copy- rights. . . . The bills, . . . and H. R. 8407, . . . this day received from the House of Representatives for con- currence, were severalh^ read the first and second times by unanimous consent and ordered to lie on the table. . . . The Senate proceeded to consider, as in Committee of the Whole, the following bills; and no amendment being made, they were severally reported to the Senate: . . . H. R. 8407. An act to amend section 4965, chapter 3, Title lx, of the Revised Statutes of the United States, relating to copyrights; . . . Ordered, That they pass to a third read- ing. The said bills were severally read the third time by unanimous consent. Resolved, That they pass. Ordered, That the vSecretar}- notify the House of Representatives thereof. (Journal of the Senate, 3d sess. of 53d Cong. 4°. Washington, 1894 [-'95], pp. 185, 187.) 1 8^5 {March 2), Saturday. House of Representatives. — A message from the Senate, by Mr. Piatt, one of their secre- taries, announced that the Senate had passed, without amendment, bills and a joint resolution of the following titles: . . . H. R. 8407. An act to amend section 4965, chapter 3, Title lx, of the Revised Statutes of the United States, relative to copyrights. (Journal of the House of Representatives, 3d sess. of 53d Cong. 4°. Washington, 1895. P- 196.) Act of March NoTE. — This bill was enrolled and signed by the Speaker and the President of the Senate, and laid before the President of the United States for his signature on INIarch 2, 1895. It was signed by the Presi- dent on the same day, the Senate and House of Representatives being notified of his signature on that day also. (Journal of the House of Representatives, 3d sess. of 53d Cong. 4°. Washington, 1895, pp. 197, 198; Journal of the Senate, 3d sess. of 53d Cong. 4°. Washing- ton, 1894 [-'95], pp. 1S9, 192.) See Bibliography, IV. Laws, no. 21. Chronological Record^ ^^95 335 FIFTY-FOURTH CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION 54TH congress, 1ST SESSION 7 ^ j i ^ Under clause 2 of Rule 13, bills and resolutions were sev- erally reported from committees, delivered to the Clerk, and referred to the several Calendars therein named as follows: . . . Mr. Draper, from the Committee on Patents, to which was referred the bill of the House ( H. R. 10223) to amend Title LX, chapter 3, of the Revised Statutes of the United States, relating to copyrights, reported the same with amendment, accompanied by a report (No. 2813}; which said bill and report were referred to the House Calendar. (Journal of the House of Representatives, 2d sess. of 54th Cong. 4°. Washington, 1S97, p. 145; Reports of com- mittees of the House of Representatives, 2d sess. of 54th Cong. V. 3, 8°. Washington, 1897, no. 2813.) See Bib- liography, I. Bills, no. 165, and II. Reports, no. 33. i8gy (Febmajy g), Tuesday. House of Representatives. — Pursuant to clause 4, Rule 24, the committees were called. . . . The Committee on Patents was called; when, on motion of Mr. Draper, on behalf of said committee, the bill (H. R. 10223) to amend Title lx, chapter 3. of the Revised Statutes of the United States, relating to copyrights, was considered , and was read twice . The amendment" recom- mended by the Committee on Patents was agreed to. The a See note 31, page 386. Chronological Record^ iS^j 343 bill as amended was ordered to be engrossed, was read a 54th congress, cto o 2D SESSION third time, and passed. A motion by Mr. Draper to recon- sider the vote last taken was, on his motion, laid on the table. Ordered, That the Clerk request the concurrence of the Senate in said bill. (Journal of the House of Repre- sentatives, 2d sess. of 54th Cong. 4°. Washington, 1897, pp. 159-160.) iSgy {February 10), Wednesday. Senate. — A message from the House of Representatives, by Mr. Browning, their chief clerk. Mr. President : . . . The House of Represent- atives have passed the following bill and joint resolutions, in w^hich they request the concurrence of the Senate: H. R. 10223. An act to amend Title lx, chapter 3, of the Revised Statutes of the United States, relating to copy- rights. . . . The bill and joint resolutions last received from the House of Representatives for concurrence were severally read the first and second times by unanimous con- sent. Ordered, That the bill H. R. 10223 be referred to the Committee on Patents. (Journal of the Senate, 2d sess. of 54th Cong. 4°. Washington, 1897, pp. no, m.) See Bibliography, I. Bills, no. 166. iSpy (February 20), Sattirday. Senate.— Ms. Piatt, from the Committee on Patents, to whom was referred the bill (H. R. 10223) to amend Title LXii [.sic. lx] , chapter 3, of the Revised Statutes, relating to copyrights, reported it with amendments. (Journal of the Senate, 2d sess. of 54th Cong. 4°. Washington, 1897, p. 137.) See Bibliography, I. Bills, no. 167. 1897 {February 23 ) , Tuesday. House of Representatives.— ^^-^ ^- '''"' "°- Under clause 3 of Rule 22, bills, resolutions, and memo- rials of the following titles were introduced and severally referred, as follows: . . . By Mr. Bull: A bill (H. R. 10348) to amend section 4965, chapter 3, Title lx, of the Revised Statutes of the United States; to the Committee on Patents. (Journal of the House of Representatives, 2d sess. of 54th Cong. 4°. Washington, 1897, p. 211.) See Bibliography, I. Bills, no. 168. 1897 ( ^^^''^^' 3 ) . lVed7iesday. Senate. -Th^ Senate pro- ^^"^ ^^ ^i^;^^- ceeded to consider, as in Committee of the Whole, the fol- lowing bills, and the reported amendments having been 344 CopyrigJit in Congress^ I7^9 to 190^ 54TH CONGRESS, j^or,-eed to, tlic bills were severally reported to the Senate 2D SESSION ' and the amendments were concurred in: . . . H. R. 10223. An act to amend Title lx, chapter 3, of the Revised Statutes, relating to copyrights. . . . Ordered, That the amendments be engrossed and the bills read a third time. The said bills as amended were severally read the third time. Rcsolzrd, That they pass. Ordered, That the Secretar}- request the concurrence of the House of Representatives in the amendments. (Journal of the Senate, 2d .sess. of 54th Cong. 4°. Washington, 1897, p. 180.) iSgiy {March j), Wednesday. Hojise of Representatives. — A message from the Senate, by Mr. McEwan, their chief clerk, announced that the Senate had passed . . . bills of the following titles, with amendments, in which the concur- rence of the House was requested, to wit: H. R. 10223. An act to amend Title lx, chapter 3, of the Revised Statutes of the United States, relating to copyrights. . . . The Speaker laid before the House the bill (H. R. 10223 ' entitled "An act to amend Title lx, chapter 3, of the Revised Statutes of the United States, relating to copy- rights," with Senate amendments thereto. The amend- ments were concurred in. A motion by Mr. Fairchild to reconsider the vote last taken was, on his motion, laid on the table. Ordered, That the Clerk notify the Senate thereof. (Journal of the House of Representatives, 2d sess. of 54th Cong. 4°. Washington, 1897, pp. 249, 251.) Act of March NoTE. — This bill was enrolled, signed by the Speaker and the Pres- ^' ' ^^ ident of the Senate, and laid before the President of the United States for his signature on March 3, 1897. It was signed by the President on the same day, the Senate and House of Representatives being notified of that fact on March 4, 1S97. (Journal of the House of Representatives, 2d sess. of 54th Cong. 4°. Washington, 1897, pp. 252, 255. Journal of the Senate, 2d sess. of 54th Cong. 4°. Wash- ington, 1897, pp. 184, 189.) See Bibliography, IV. Laws, no. 24. FIFTY-FIFTH CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION H. R. bill, no. iggj {Marcli 75), Monday. House of Representatives. — Under clause 3 of Rule 22, bills, resolutions, and memo- rials of the following titles were introduced and .severally referred as follows: ... By Mr. Bull: A bill (H. R. 21 ) to amend section 4965, chapter 3, Title LX, of the Revi.sed Chrojiological Record, j8pj 345 Statutes of the United States; to the Committee on Patents. 55th congress. 1ST SESSION (Journal of the House of Representatives, ist sess. of 55th Cong. 4°. Washington, 1897, pp. 8, 9.) See Bibhogra- ph}', I. Bills, no. 169. i8pj {March ig), Friday. House of Representatives. — "• R- bin, no. Under clause 3 of Rule 22, bills, resolutions, and memo- rials of the following titles were introduced and severally referred, as follows: ... By Mr. Wilson, of New York: A bill (H. R. 1080) to amend sections 4965 and 4970, chapter 3, Title lx, of the Revised Statutes of the United States, relating to copyrights; to the Committee on Patents. (Journal of the House of Representatives, ist sess. of 55th Cong. 4°. Washington, 1S97, pp. 26, 27.) See Bibliog- raphy, I. Bills, no. 170. FIFTY-FIFTH CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION i8gy {December I j^ , Monday . House of Representatives. — h. r. bui, no. Under clause i of Rule 22, private bills and resolutions of the following titles w'ere introduced and severally referred as follows: ... By Mr. McCleary: A bill (H. R. 4847) for the relief of Judson Jones; to the Committee on Patents. (Journal of the House of Representatives, 2d sess. of 55th Cong. 4°. Washington, 1898, pp. 36, 37.) See Bibliog- raphy, I. Bills, no. 171. 1897 {December 15), Wednesday. Senate.— ^\\\s ^yere ^^^J"^'" '''"• "°- introduced, read the first and second times by unanimous consent, and referred as follows: . . . By Mr. Perkins: A bill (S. 2818) to amend sections 4948, 4956, and 4959 of the Revised Statutes, relating to copyrights; to the Committee on Patents. (Journal of the Senate, 2d sess. of 55th Cong. 4°. Washington, 1898, p. 25.) See Bibliography, I. Bills, no. 172. iSgj {December ij), Wednesday . Honse of Representa tives. — Under clause 3 of Rule 22, bills, resolutions, and memorials of the following titles were introduced and sev- erally referred as follows: ... By Mr. Wheeler, of Ken- tucky: A bill (H. R. 5016) to prevent unlawful combinations or agreements to control the price of books, maps, or pam- phlets; to the Committee on Patents. (Journal of the House H. R. bill, no. 346 Copyi'ight in Congress, ij8g to 1904 55TH CONGRESS, Qf Reprcseutati vcs, 2d sess. of 55th Cong. 4°. Washing- 2D SESSION ^ ^ ^., ,. , -. „.,, ton, 1898, p. 44.) See Bibliography, I. Bills, no. 173. H. R. bill, no. jggj (^December 16), Tliursday. House of Representa- 4 yrepor e ^^v,^,^ — Under clause 2 of Rule 13, Mr. Hicks, from the Com- mittee on Patents, to which was referred the bill of the House (H. R. 4847 ) for the relief of Judson Jones, reported the same with amendment, accompanied by a report (No. 62) ; which said bill and report were referred to the Private Cal- endar. (Journal of the House of Representatives, 2d sess. of 55th Cong. 4°. Washington, 1898, p. 48; Reports of committees of the House of Representatives, 2d sess. of 55th Cong. v. 1,8°. Washington, 1898, no. 62.) See Bibh- ography, H. Reports, no. 34. i8qj {Dccevibcr ly ) , Friday. House of Representatives.— On motion of Mr. Hicks, by unanimous consent, the bill (H. R. 4847) for the relief of Judson Jones, on the House Calendar, was considered, was read twice. The amend- ments" recommended by the Committee on Patents were agreed to. The bill as amended was ordered to be engrossed, was read a third time, and passed. \ motion by Mr. Hicks to reconsider the vote last taken was, on his motion, laid on the table. Ordered, That the Clerk request the concurrence of the Senate in said bill. (Journal of the House of Representa- tives, 2d .sess. of 55th Cong. 4°. Washington, 1898, p. 53.) iSgy {December 18) , Saturday. Senate. — A message from the House of Representatives, by Mr. W. J. Browning, their chi^icX^r^: Mr. President: . . . The House of Representa- tives have passed the following bill and joint resolution, in which they request the concurrence of the Senate: H. R. 4847. An act for the relief of Judson Jones. . . . The bill (H. R. 4847), this day received from the House of Representatives for concurrence, was read the first and second times by unan- imous consent and referred to the Committee on Patents. (Journal of the Senate, 2d of 55th Cong. 4°. Wash- ington, 1898, p. 32.) See BibHography, I. Bills, no. 174. i8g8 (^January 5), Wednesday. Senate. — Bills were in- Senatebiii,no. troduced, read the first and second times by unanimous con- '^^^ sent, and referred as follows: ... By Mr. Lodge: A bill (S. 2939) to amend Title lx, chapter 3, of the Revised Stat- aSee uote 32. page . Chronological Record^ i8g8 347 utes, relating to copyrights; to the Committee ou Patents. 55th congress, 2D SESSION (Journal of the Senate, 2d sess. of 55th Cong. 4 . Wash- ington, 1898, pp. 37, 38.) See Bibliography, I. Bills, no. 175. i8g8 (^January 6), Thursday. House of Representatives. — -gg' ' ' • "°' Under clause 3 of Rule 22, bills, resolutions, and memorials of the following titles were introduced and severally referred as follows: ... By Mr. Shafroth: A bill (H. R. 5866) to amend an act concerning copyright, section 4965, chapter 3, Title 60 of the Revised Statutes; to the Committee on Pat- ents. (Journal of the House of Representatives, 2d sess. of 55th Cong. 4°. Washington, 1898, p. 70. ) See Bibliog- raphy, I. Bills, no. 176. 1 8 g8 {^January II), Tuesday. House of Representatives. — h. r. biii, no. Under clause 3 of Rule 22, bills, resolutions, and memorials of the following titles were introduced and severally referred as follows: ... By Mr. Hicks: A bill (H. R. 6348) to amend section 4965, chapter 3, Title 60, of the Revised Stat- utes relating to the recording of the title to an}- map, chart, dramatic or musical composition, etc.; to the Com- mittee on Patents. (Journal of the House of Representa- tives, 2d sess. of 55th Cong. 4°. Washington, 1898, p. 84.) See Bibliography, I. Bills, no. 177. 1898 {January 14), Friday. Se7iate.—B\\\s and joint reso- fl""^^^ ''"'' "°- lutions were introduced, read the first and second times b}' unanimous consent, and referred as follows: . . . By Mr. Davis: . . . A bill (S. 3172) for the relief of Judson Jones; to the Committee on Patents. (Journal of the Senate, 2d sess. of 55th Cong. 4°. Washington, 1898, pp. 49, 50.) See Bibliography, I. Bills, no. 178. i8g8 {January 20), Tlmrsday. House oj Representatives . — ^^^°'^ht°d Executive and other communications were, pursuant to publications clause 2 of Rule 24, referred as follows: A letter from the Librarian of Congress, transmitting the annual report of the number and description of copyrighted publications for which entries have been made during the year; to the Committee on Patents [and ordered to be printed] . (Journal of the House of Representatives, 2d sess. of 55th Cong. 4°. Wash- ington, 1898, p. 116; mi.scellaneous documents, 2d of 55th Cong. v. 51, 8°. Washington, 1898, doc. no. 239.) See Bibliography, V. Miscellaneous, no. 62. 348 Copyright in Congress^ 17S9 to 1904 55THCONGRESS, jggg (^January 21), Friday. House of Representatives. — " H. R. bill, no. Under clause 3 of Rule 22, bills, resolutions, and memorials ^c's of the following titles were introduced and severally' referred as follows: By Mr. Mitchell: . . . Also, abilUH. R. 7015) to amend Title 60, chapter 3, of the Revised Statutes, relating to copyrights; to the Committee on Patents. (Journal of the House of Representatives, 2d sess. of 55th Cong. 4° . Wash- ington, 189S. p. 122.) See Bibliography, I. Bills, no. 179. r8g8 {January 28), Friday. House of Representatives. — H. R. bill, no. •j^Tjjj-igj. clause X of Rule 22, bills, resolutions, and memo- 7398 " rials of the following titles were introduced and severally referred as follows: ... By Mr. Hicks: . . , Also, a bill (H. R. 7398) to amend Title 60, chapter 3, of the Revised Statutes of the United States relating to copyrights; to the Committee on Patents. (Journal of the House of Repre- sentatives, 2d sess. of 55th Cong. 4°. Washington, 1898, pp. 147, 148.) See Bibliography, I. Bills, no. 180. 18^8 {February 2), Wednesday. Senate. — Mr. Piatt, of H. R. bill, no. Couiiecticut, from the Committee on Patents, to whom was referred the bill ( H. R. 4S47) for the relief of Jud.son Jones, reported it with amendments and submitted a report (No. 534) thereon. Mr. Piatt, of Connecticut, from the Com- mittee on Patents, to whom was referred the bill (S. 3172) for the relief of Jvidson Jones, reported adversely thereon. Ordered, That it be po.stponed indefinitely. (Journal of the Senate, 2d sess. of 55th Cong. 4°. Washington, 1898, p. 85; Reports of committees of the Senate, 2d sess. of 55th Cong. V. I, 8°. Washington, 1898, no. 534.} See Bibliography, I. Bills, no. 181, and H. Reports, no. 35. i8p8 {February 11 ), Friday. Senate. — On motion by Mr. Davis, the Senate proceeded to consider, as in Commit- tee of the Whole, the bill ( H. R. 4847) for the relief of Judson Jones; and the reported amendments" having been agreed to, the bill was reported to the Senate and the amendments were concurred in. Order-ed, That the amend- ments be engrossed and the Ijill read a third time. The said bill as amended was read the third time. Resolved, That it pass. Ordered, That the Secretary request the concurrence of the House of Representatives in the amend- a See note 33. page 386. Chronological Record, i8p8 349 ments. (Journal of the Senate, 2d sess. of 55tli Cong. 55thcongress, '' ^^ j> 2D SESSION 4°. Washington, 1S9S, p. loi.) 18 p8 ( February 14.), Monday. House of Representatives. — A message from the Senate by Mr. Piatt, one of their sec- retaries, announced . . . that the Senate had passed bills of the House of the following titles, with amendments, in w'hich the concurrence of the House was requested: H. R. 4847. An act for the rehef of Judson Jones. (Journal of the House of Representatives, 2d sess. of 55th Cong. 4°. Washington, 1898, p. 200.) 1 8g8 {February 15), Tuesday. House of Representatives. — The Speaker laid before the House the bill (H. R. 4847) for the relief of Judson Jones, with Senate amendments thereto. The amendments were agreed to. Oj^dered, That the Clerk notify the Senate thereof. (Journal of the House of Representatives, 2d .sess. of 55th Cong. 4°. Washing- ton, 1898, p. 207.) ' rSpS {Febrjiary 75), Tuesday. Senate. — A message from the of Representatives, by Mr. Browning, their chief clerk: . . . The of Representatives have agreed to the amendments of the Senate to the bill (H. R. 4847) for the relief of Judson Jones. (Journal of the Senate, 2d sess. of 55th Cong. 4°. Washington, 1898, p. 108.) Note. — This bill was enrolled and signed by the Speaker on Febru- 9th private ary i6, 1898, and by the President of the Senate on February 17. it <=°Py'g^': ^^"^ , approved was signed by the President of the United States on the same daj-, the House of Representatives being notified of that fact on February 23 and the vSenate on February 25, 1S9S. (Journal of the House of Rep- resentatives, 2d of 55th Cong. 4°. Washington, 189S, pp. 213, 249. Journal of the Senate, 2d sess. of 55th Cong. 4°. Washington, 1898, pp., 112, 126.) See Bibliography, IV. Laws, no. 34. 1808 {February 21), Thursday. House of Representa- H.R.biiu.nos. ^ -> + " ' , J f 8582 and 8520 lives. — Under clause 3 of Rule 22, bills, resolutions, and memorials of the following titles were introduced and sever- ally referred as follows: . . . By Mr. Bennett: AbilKH.R. 8582) to amend the act of Congress relating to patents, trade- marks, and copyrights; to the Committee on Patents. . . . By Mr. Mitchell: A bill ( H. R. 8620) to amend the act of Congress relating to patents, trade-marks, and copyrights; to the Committee on Patents. (Journal of the House of Representatives, 2d sess. of 55th Cong. 4°. Washington, 350 Copyright in Congress^ ^7^9 to 1904 55TH CONGRESS, J 3gg^ pp. 254, 255.) Scc Blbliography , I. Bills, iios. 182, 2D SESSION 183. Senate bill, no. i8g8 (February 2^) , Fridav . Senate. — Bills were intro- 395^ duced, read the first aud second times by uuauimous con- sent, and referred as follows: . . . By Mr. Piatt, of Connecticut: A bill (S. 3956) to amend the act of Congress relating to patents, trade marks, and copyrights; to the Committee on Patents. (Journal of the Senate, 2d sess. of 55th Cong. 4°. Washington, 1898, p. 128.) See Bibli- ography, I. Bills, no. 184. H. R. bill, no. jg g (Marcli lo) , Tliiirsdav . House of Representatives. — 8620 reported ^ ^ ' "^ J r Under clause 2 of Rule 13, bills and resolutions of the following titles were severally reported from committees, delivered to the Clerk, and referred to the several Calendars therein named, as follows: Mr. Hicks, from the Committee on Patents, to which was referred the bill of the House (H. R. 8620) to amend the act of Congress relating to patents, trade-marks, and copyrights, reported the same with amendment, accompanied by a report (No. 691); which said bill and report were referred to the House Calendar. (Journal of the House of Representatives, 2d sess. of 55th Cong. 4°. Washington, 1898, p. 312; Reports of com- mittees of the House of Representatives, 2d sess. of 55th Cong. V. 3, 8°. Washington, 1898, no. 691.) See Bibliography', I. Bills, no. 185, and 11. Reports, no. 36. ^s^ ^g^g (^^farc/i 28 ) , Monday. Senate.— ^\\\s and joint reso- lutions were introduced, read the first and second times by unanimous consent, and referred as follows: ... By Mr. Hansbrough: A bill (S. 4256) to establish a high court of patents, trade-marks, and copyrights; to the Committee on the Judiciary-. (Journal of the Senate, 2d sess. of 55th Cong. 4°. Washington, 1898, p. 186.) See Bibliography, I. Bills, no. 186. Petition of i8p8 (April T) , Friday . House of Representatives. — Under cameta^aub'"" ^^^^^^ ^ ^^ Rulc 22, the followiug petitions and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk and referred as follows: . . . B}^ Mr. Bell: . . . Also, resolutions of the Grand Junction Camera Club, of Grand Junction, Colo., protesting against the passage of the antiphotography copyright bills; to the Committee on Patents. (Journal of the House of Repre- Chronological Record^ iSgg 351 (CONGRESS, sentatives, 2d sess. of 55th Cong. 4°. Washino^ton, 1898, 55th( ^" o -r '^ 2D SESSION pp. 413, 414.) 1898 {April 14), riiursday. House of Representatives.— h. R. bin, no. Under clause 3 of Rule 22, bills, resolutions, and memorials of the following titles were introduced and severally referred as follows: ... By Mr. Mitchell: A bill (H. R. 9865) to amend section 4965, chapter 3, Title lx, of the Revised Statutes of the United States, relating to copyrights; to the Committee on Patents. (Journal of the House of Repre- sentatives, 2d sess. of 55th Cong. 4°. Washington, 1898, p. 457.) See Bibliography, I. Bills, no. 187. i8g8 {May II), Wednesday. House of Representatives. — h. r. bin, no. Under clause 2 of Rule 13, bills and resolutions of the fol- lowing titles w^ere severally reported from committees, deliv- ered to the Clerk, and referred to the several Calendars therein named, as follows: Mr. Hicks, from the Committee on Patents, to which was referred the bill of the House (H. R. 7015) to amend Title 60, chapter 3, of the Revised Statutes, relating to copyrights, reported the same with amendment, accompanied by a report (No. 1289); which said bill and report were referred to the House Calendar. (Journal of the House of Representatives, 2d sess. of 55th Cong. 4°. Washington, 1898, p. 549; Reports of commit- tees of the House of Representatives, 2d sess. of 55th Cong. V. 5, 8°. Washington, 1898, no. 1289. ) See Bibliography, I. Bills, no. 188, and II. Reports, no. 37. i8p8 {Afay 18), Wedjiesday. House of Representatives. — h. r. bin, no. Under clause 3 of Rule 22, bills, resolutions, and memorial-s '°'^ ^ of the following titles were introduced and severally re- ferred as follows: . . . By Mr. Mitchell: A bill (H. R. 10382) to amend section 4965, chapter 3, Title 60, of the Revised Statutes of the United States, relating to copyrights; to the Committee on Patents. (Journal of the House of Repre- sentatives, 2d sess. of 55th Cong. 4°. Washington, 1898, p. 569.) See Bibliography, I. Bills, no. 189. FIFTY-SIXTH CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION 1899 {December f), Monday. House of Representatives. — h. r. bin, no. Under clause 3 of Rule 22, bills, resolutions, and memorials '^ of the following titles were introduced and severally referred 352 Copyright in Congress^ 17S9 to 1904 36TH CONGRESS, ji^ follows: . . . By Mr. Bull: . . . Also, a bill (H. R. 1 19) to amend section 4965, chapter 3, Title i.x, of the Revised Statutes of the United States relating to copyrights; to the Committee on Patents. (Journal of the House of Repre- sentatives, ist sess. of 56th Cong. 4°. Washington, 1900, pp. 7, 9.) See Bibliography, I. Bills, no. 190. Senate iSgQ { December ig) , T^iesday. Senate. — Bills and a joint ^ resolution were introduced, read the first and second times by unanimous consent, and referred as follows: ... By Mr. Hansbrough: A bill (S. 1883) to establish a high court of patents, trade-marks, and copyrights; to the Committee on Patents. (Journal of the Senate, ist sess. of 56th Cong. 4°. Washington, igoo, p. 54.) See Bibliography, I. Bills, no. 191. H. R. bill, no. I goo { January ^^ , Thursday. House of Representatives. — Under clause 3 of Rule 22, bills, resolutions, and memorials of the following titles were introduced and severallj^ re- ferred as follows: ... By Mr. Sulzer: A bill (H. R. 5294) to establish a high court of patents, trade-marks, and copy- rights; to the Committee on Patents. (Journal of the House of Representatives, ist sess. of 56th Cong. 4°. Washington, 1900, pp. 130, 131.) See Bibliography, I. Bills, no. 192. Investigation I goo {January 2j), Tuesday. Senate. — Mr. Kjde sub- e^ofTa'br/'""" "fitted the following resolution; which was considered by unanimous consent and agreed to: Resolved, That the Com- missioner of Labor be, and is hereby, directed to investigate the effect upon labor, production, and wages of the interna- tional copyright act approved March 3, 1891, and report the results of his inquiries to the Senate, or through the Bulle- tin of the Department of Labor: Provided, That the inves- tigation hereby authorized shall be carried out under the regular appropriations made for the Department of Labor. (Journal of the Senate, ist sess. of 56th Cong. 4°. Wash- ington, 1900, p. 95.) H. R. bill, no. J goo { March 12), Monday. House oj Representatives. — ^^^ Under clause 3 of Rule 22, bills, resolutions, and memorials of the following titles were introduced and severally referred as follows: ... By Mr. Bull (by request): A bill (H. R. 9494) to amend section 4965, chapter 3, Title lx, of the Oinmological Record^ /goo 353 Revised Statutes of the United States, relating to copyrights; s-^th congress, 1ST SESSION to the Committee on Patents. (Journal of the House of Representatives, ist sess. of 56th Cong. 4°. Washington, 1900, pp. 341, 342.) See Bibliography, I. Bills, no. 193. I poo (March 26), Monday. House of Representatives. — k. r. bin, no. Under clause 3 of Rule 22, bills, resolutions, and memorials of the following titles were introduced and severally referred as follows: ... By Mr. Cummings: A bill (H. R. 9993) to amend section 4965, chapter 3, Title lx, of the Revised Statutes, relating to copyrights; to the Committee on Pat- ents. . . . Under i of Rule 22, the following peti- tions and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk and referred as follows: ... By Mr. Cummings: Petition of A. J. Dit- tenhoefer relating to the copyright law, to accompany House bill Xo. 9993; to the Committee on Patents. (Journal of the House of Representatives, ist sess. of 56th Cong. 4°. Washington, 1900, p. 405, 406.) See Bibliography, I. Bills, no. 194. igoo {March 27), Tuesday. 5^;/^/^.— Bills were intro- ^Senate bin, no. duced, read the first and second times by unanimous con- sent, and referred as follows: ... By Mr. Piatt of New York: A bill (S. 3804) to amend section 4965, chapter 3, Title LX, of the Revised Statutes of the United States re- lating to copyrights; to the Committee on Patents. (Jour- nal of the Senate, ist sess. of 56th Cong. 4°. Washington, 1900. p. 229.) See Bibliography, I. Bills, no. 195. I poo {April 24.), Tjiesday. House of Representatives. - Under clause 3 of Rule 22, bills, resolutions, and memorials of the following titles were introduced and severally referred as follows: ... By Mr. Cummings: A bill (H. R. 10994) to amend the laws relating to copyrights; to the Conunittee on Patents. (Journal of the House of Representatives, ist sess. of 56th Cong. 4°. Washington, 1900, p. 503.) See Bibhography, I. Bills, no. 196. 1900 {April 23), Wedjiesday. ^^-wa/^.— Bills were intro- senate bin, no. duced, read the first and second times by unanimous consent, and referred as follows: By Mr. Lodge: A bill (S. 4325) to amend an act entitled "An act to amend Title LX, chapter 3, of the Revised Statutes of the United States, relating to copyrights," approved March 3, 1891; to the Committee on 10469 — No. 8 — 05 23 H. R. bin, no. 10994 354 Copyright in Congress^ ^7^9 ^o rpo^ 56TH CONGRESS, Patents. (Journal of the Senate, ist sess. of 56th Cong. 4°. Washington, 1900, p. 303.) See BibHography, I. Bills, no. 197. Copyright igoo (May lo), Thursday. Senate. — The President pro OfficeBulle-^-^ "^ ' tin, no. 3. tempore laid before the Senate a letter of the Librarian of Congre-ss, transmitting a compilation embodying the enact- ments relating to copyrights from 1783 to 1899 [sic 1900]; which was referred to the Committee on Printing. (Journal of the Senate, sess. of 56th Cong. 4°. Wa.shington, 1900, p. 344.) See Bibliography, V. Miscellaneous, no. 63. I goo {May ly), Thursday. Se?iate. — Mr. Piatt of New York, from the Committee on Printing, reported the follow- ing resolution; which was considered by unanimous consent and agreed to: Resolved by the Senate: That there be printed of the document relating to copyrights, submitted by the Librarian of Congress, 3,000 copies, of which number 500 shall be for the use of the Senate, 1,000 for the use of the House of Representatives, and 1,500 for the use of the Library of Congress, said documents to be bound in cloth. (Journal of the Senate, ist sess. of 56th Cong. 4°. Wash- ington, 1900, p. 369.) Petition of W: igoo {June ^) , Monday . House of Representatives. — Un- others^^ ^^ dcr clausc I of Rule 22, the following petition and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk and referred as follows: . . . By Mr. Driggs: Petition of William Dean Howells and 11 other citizens, authors, editors, and publishers, asking tor perpetual copyright; to the Committee on Patents. (Jour- nal of the House of Representatives, ist .sess. of 56th Cong. 4°. Washington, 1900, p. 673.) FIFTY-SIXTH COXGRESS, SECOND SESSION Report of Com- /po/ {January 12), Saturday. Senate. — The Presiding Labor Officer [Mr. Perkin.s] laid before the Senate a communication from the Commissioner of Labor, submitting, in answer to a resolution of the.Senate of Januarj' 23, 1900, a report on the effect of [the] international copyright [law] in the United States; which was referred to the Committee on Patents and ordered to be printed. (Journal of the Senate, 2d sess. of 56th Cong. 4°. Washington, 1 90 1, pp. 71-72.) See Bibli- ography, \'. Miscellaneous, no. 64. Chronological Record^ igo2 355 igoi (February 21) , Thursday. House of Representatives. — s^thcongress, ' . 2D SESSION- Under clause 3 of Rule 22, bills, resolutions, and memorials of the following titles were introduced and severally referred ^- ^- ^>"' °°' 14249 as follows: ... By Mr. Dayton: A bill (H. R. 14249) to amend the law relating to copyrights; to the Committee on Patents. (Journal of the House of Representatives, 2d sess. of 56th Cong. 4°. Washington, 1901, p. 255.) See Bib- liography, I. Bills, no. 198. igoi {Mareh i), Friday. House of Representatives. — h. r. biii, no. Under clause 3 of Rule 22, bills, resolutions, and memorials of the following titles were introduced and severally referred as follows: ... By Mr. Driggs : A bill (H. R. 14337) to amend an act entitled " An act to amend Title 60, chapter 3, of the Revised Statutes of the United States, relating to copyrights," approved March 3, 1891; to the Committee on Patents. (Journal of the House of Representatives, 2d sess. of 56th Cong. 4°. Washington, 1901, p. 335.) See Bibliography, I. Bills, no. 199. FIFTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION I go I {^December 10) , Tuesday. House of Representatives. — h. r. biii, no. Under clause 3 of Rule 22, bills, resolutions, and memorials of the following titles were introduced, and severall}^ referred as follows: ... By Mr. Dayton: A bill (H. R. 5777) to amend the law relating to copyright ; to the Committee on Patents. (Journal of the House of Representatives, ist sess. of 57th Cong. 4°. Washington, 1902, pp. 97, 100.) See Bibliography, I. Bills, no. 200. 1 002 ( January 7^, Tuesday. House of Representatives. — copyright pe- 7 \J .1/1 ^ .' .r^ TITIONS: Under clause i of Rule 22, the following petitions and papers Keystone were laid on the Clerk's desk and referred as follows : . . . t""°"'f '°" °^ Philadelphia By Mr. Adams : . . . Also, petition of Ke5'Stoiie Association of Philadelphia, in opposition to amending the copyright law; to the Committee on the Library. ... By Mr. Graham : . . . Also, resolution of the Keystone Association of Phila- delphia, Pa., in opposition to the passage of the House bill amending the law relating to copyright ; to the Com- mittee on the Library. (Journal of the House of Rc]ire- sentatives, of 57th Cong. 4°. Washington, 1902, pp. 186, 187, 188.) 356 CoPyrigJit in Congress^ 17S9 to igo^ 57TH CONGRESS, fgo2 {Jayi uary 8) , \Ved7iesday . House of Representatives . — 1ST SESSION - - , , . Under clause i of Rule 22, the following petitions and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk and referred as follows: . . . By Mr. Connell: . . . Also, petition of Keystone Associa- tion of Philadelphia, in opposition to amending the copyright law; to the Committee on the Librarj-. (Journal of the House of Representatives, ist sess. of 57th Cong. 4°. Wash- ington, 1902, pp. 193, 194.) D: McKay and f^o2 {Januai'v lo) , Friday. House of Representatives. — others Under clause i of Rule 22, the following petitions and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk and referred as follows: . . . By Mr. Young: . . . Also, letter of David McKay, of Phila- delphia, Pa.; of E. J. Sweeney & Co., of Philadelphia, Pa.; and of George W. Steinmetz, of Philadelphia, Pa., opposing bill to amend copyright law; to the Committee on the Library. (Journal of the House of Representatives, ist sess. of 57th Cong. 4°. Washington. 1902, pp. 207, 209.) Keystone As- jpo2 {fajiuaiy I j) , Monday . House of Representatives. — Philadelphia Under clause i of Rule 22, the following petitions and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk and referred as follows: . . . By Mr. Young: . . . Also, resolution of the Keystone Asso- ciation of Philadelphia, Pa., in opposition to the passage of House bill amending the law relating to copyright; to the Committee on the Library. (Journal of the House of Rep- resentatives, sess. of 5 7tli Cong. 4°. Washington, 1902, pp. 215, 218. ) Senate bill, no. IQ02 {fojiiiary /j), JVed?iesday. Senate. — Bills were ^^^ introduced, read the first and .second times by unanimous consent, and referred as follows: . . . By Mr. Piatt, of Connecticut: A bill (S. 2S94) to amend the copyright law; to the Committee on Patents. (Journal of the Senate, of 57th Cong. 4°. Washington, 1902, pp. 90, 91.) See Bibliography, I. Bills, no. 201. Copyright j go 2 ( February d) , Ttiesday. House of Representatives. — PETITIONS : .,... Lithographers' Under I of Rule 22, the following petitions and papers Protective and ^^.gj-^ j^jj q^ ^.j^g Clerk 's dcsk and referred as follows : . . . Beneficial Asso- . . - . . , elation By Mr. Sulzer: Petition of Lithographers' Protective and Beneficial A.ssociation, in opposition to bill No. 5777, amending the copyright law; to the Committee on Patents. Chronological Record^ igo2 357 (Tournal of the House of Representatives, ist sess. of 57th s-th congress ^ -^ ■"• ST SESSION Cong. 4°. Washington, 1902, pp. 306, 308.) igo2 (^February /p), Wednesday. House of Representa- tives. — Under clause i of Rule 22, the following petitions and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk and referred as follows: ... By Mr. Sulzer: Petition of Lithographers' Protective and Beneficial Association, in opposition to House bill No. 5777, amending the cop}- right law; to the Com- mittee on Patents. (Journal of the House of Representa- tives, ist sess. of 57th Cong. 4°. Washington, 1902, PP- 369, 371 •) 1^02 (^February 26), Wednesday. House of Representa- tives. — Under clause i of Rule 22, the following petitions and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk and referred as follows: ... By Mr. Sulzer: Petition of Lithographers' Protective and Beneficial Association , in opposition to House bill No. 5777, amending the copyright law; to the Commit- tee on Patents. (Journal of the House of Representatives, ist sess. of 57th Cong. 4°. Washington, 1902, pp. 393, 394-) igo2 {^February 28), Friday. House of Representatives. — Under clause i of Rule 22, the following petitions and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk and referred as follows: ... By Mr. Snook: Resolution of Lithographers' Inter- national Beneficial Association No. 19, in opposition to House bill No. 5777, amending the copyright law; to the Committee on Patents. (Journal of the House of Repre- sentatives, ist sess. of 57th Cong. 4°. Wa.shington, 1902, pp. 403, 405.) I go 2 {March j), Monday. House of Representatives. — Bridgeport Ty Under clause i of Rule 22, the following petitions and ion and oth papers were laid on the Clerk's desk and referred as follows: ... By Mr. Hill : . . . Also, resolution of Bridgeport Typographical Union, No. 252, of Bridgeport, Conn., in oppo.sition to bill No. 5777, amending the copyright law; to the Committee on Patents. ... By Mr. Schirm: Resolution of Lithographers' International Beneficial A.sso- eiation No. 18, Baltimore, Md., in opposition to bill No. 5777, amending the copyright law; to the Committee on Patents. (Journal of the of Representatives, ist ers 35^ CopyrigJit in Congress^ ^7^9 to iQo^ 57TH CONGRESS, sess. of 57th Coiig. 4°. Washington, 1902, pp. 413, 415, 416.) Lithographers' jpo2 {Murch /), Tucsday. Hoiisc of Representatives. — Union Under clause i of Rule 22, the following petitions and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk and referred as fol- lows: . . . By Mr. Bell: . . . Also, resolution of L,itho- graphers' Union of Denver, Colo., in opposition to House bill No. 5777, amending the copyright law; to the Com- mittee on Patents. (Journal of the House of Representa- tives, 1st sess. of 57th Cong. 4°. Washington, 1902, p. 421. ) Lithographers- igo2 (Mavcli 6) , Tliursday. House of Represe7iiath'es.— Protective and ;' \ / ' ^ j r Beneficial Asso- Under clause I of Rule 22, the following petitions and papers ciation were laid on the Clerk's desk and referred as follows: . . . B}- Mr. Otjen: Petition of Subordinate Association No. 7, Lithographers' Protective and Beneficial Association, Mil- waukee, Wis., in opposition to House bill No. 5777, amend- ing the copyright law; to the Committee on Patents. (Journal of the House of Representatives, ist sess. of 57th Cong. 4°. Washington, 1902, pp. 431, 433.) Typographical igo2 {March 8), Saturday. House of Represeyitatives. — Under clause i of Rule 22, the following petitions and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk and referred as follows: . . . By Mr. Sulzer: . . . Also, petition of Greatfalls Typo- graphical Union, No. 256, Greatfalls, Mont , and Charles- ton (S. C. ) Typographical Union, urging the defeat of House bill No. 5777 and Senate bill No. 2894, amending the copyright law; to the Committee on Patents. (Journal of the of Representatives, istsess. of 57th Cong. 4°. Washington, 1902, pp. 441, 443.) igo2 {Mairh 10), Monday. House of Representatives. — Under clause i of Rule 22, the following petitions and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk and referred as follows: . . . By Mr. Sulzer: Resolutions of Boise City Tj^pographical Union No. 271, of Idaho, against the passage of bills amend- ing the copyright law; to the Committee on Patents. (Jour- nal of the House of Representatives, ist sess. of 57th Cong. 4°. Washington, 1902, pp. 448, 450.) igo2 {March ii), Tuesday. Sefiate. — Memorials remon- strating against the passage of the bill to permit the copy- righting in the United States of prints and electrotypes unions unions Chronological Record^ ipoj 359 made in foreign countries were presented as follows: By 57th coxgress, Mr. McMillan: A memorial of the Typographical Union of Kalamazoo, Mich. By Mr. Heitfeld: A memorial of the Typographical Union of Boise City, Idaho. Ordered, That they be referred to the Committee on Patents. (Journal of the Senate, I st sess. of 57th Cong. 4°. Washington. 1902, pp. 218, 219.) 1002 {March 1 2), Wednesday. Senate. — Memorials remon- Citizens of Montana and stratmg against the passage of the bill to permit the copy- others righting of prints and electrotypes made in foreign countries and imported into the United States were presented as fol- lows: By Mr. Clark, of Montana: A memorial of citizens of Montana. By Mr. Quarles: A memorial of citizens of Wisconsin. By Mr. Spooner: Two memorials of citizens of Wisconsin. Ordered, That they be referred to the Com- mittee on Patents. (Journal of the Senate, ist sess. of 57th Cong. 4°. Washington, 1902, p. 223.) igo2 {March 12), Wednesday. Hojcse of Representatives. — ,Ji^^°^'^^^^**^*' Under clause i of Rule 22, the following petitions and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk and referred as follows: . . . By Mr. Cromer: . . . Also, resolutions of Typographical Union No. 332, of Muncie, Ind., against the passage of bills amending the copyright law; to the Committee on Patents. (Journal of the House of Representatives, ist sess. of 57th Cong. 4°. Washington, 1902, p. 460.) igo2 {March ij^, Thiirsday. Ho2ise of Represe7itatives. — Under clause i of Rule 22, the following petitions and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk and referred as follows: . . . By Mr. Driscoll: Protest of Typographical Union No. 55, of Syracuse, N. Y. , against the passage of House and Senate bills relating to the copyright law; to the Committee on Patents. . . . By Mr. Mutchler: Resolution of Typograph- ical Union No. 256, of Greatfalls, Mont., in opposition to House bill No. 5777, amending the copyright law; to the Committee on Patents. ... By Mr. Sherman: Resolutions of Trades Assembly of Utica, N. Y., protesting against the pas.sage of Senate bill No. 2894 ^"<^^ House bill No. 5777, amending the copyright law; to the Committee on Patents. (Journal of the House of Representatives, ist of 57th Cong. 4°. Washington, 1902, pp. 467, 468, 469.) 360 Copyright in Congress^ ^7^'9 io 1^02 57TH CONGRESS, jg,Q2 {Mcircli 7^), Friday. House of Representatives. — 1ST SESSION Under clause i of Rule 22, the following petitions and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk and referred as follows: . . . By Mr. Russell: Petition of Typographical Union No. 100, Norwich, Conn., urging the defeat of House bill No. 5777 and Senate bill No. 2894, amending the copyright law; to the Committee on Patents. (Journal of the House of Rep- resentatives, sess. of 57th Cong. 4°. Washington, 1902, pp. 473, 475.) ipo2 {March 75 ), Saturday. House of Representatives. — Under clause i of Rule 22, the following petitions and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk and referred as follows: . . . By Mr. Currier: . . . Also, resolutions of Typographical Unions of Boise City, Idaho, and Charleston, S. C, in oppo- sition to House bill No. 5777, amending the copyright law; to the Committee on Patents. ... By Mr. Young: . . . Also, petition of the Philadelphia Printing Pressmen's Union No. 4, protesting against the passage of Senate bill No. 2894 and House bill No. 5777, amending the copyright law; to the Committee on Patents. (Journal of the House of Representatives, I St sess. of 57th Cong. 4°. Washing- ton, 1902, pp. 482, 484.) 1^02 (March ij). Monday. House of Representatives. — Under clause i of Rule 22, the following petitions and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk and referred as follows: . . . By Mr. Steele: . . . Also, resolution of Typographical Union No. 77, of Peru, Ind., in opposition to House bill no. 5777, amending the copyright law — to the Committee on Patents. (Journal of the House of Representatives, ist sess. of 57th Cong. 4°. Washington, 1902, pp. 486, 488.) Note. — In the list of the committee of the Typographical unions, the Union of Peru, Ind., is designated as No. 97 instead of 77. Citizens of I po2 (March I ^) , Wednesday . Senate. — Memorials remon- and^o^her" ^ stratiug against the passage of the bill to amend the copy- right law so as to permit the copyright in the United States of plates, prints, and electrotypes imported from foreign countries were presented as follows: By Mr. Hoar: A me- morial of citizens of Massachusetts. By Mr. Foraker: Two memorials of citizens of Ohio. Ordered, That they be referred Chronological Record, jgo2 361 to the Committee on Patents. (Journal of the Senate, ist ^^^^^^^^^JJ^;^''""' sess. of 57th Cong. 4°. Washington, 1902, pp. 248, 249.) igo2 {March 19) , Wednesday. House of Representatives.— JZT^'^'''^^' "Under clause i of Rule 22, the following petitions and pa- pers were laid on the Clerk's desk and referred as follows: . . . B}^ Mr. Otjen: . . . Also, resolution of Typograph- ical Union No. 23, of Milwaukee, Wis., in opposition to House bill No. 5777, amending the copyright law; to the Committee on Patents. ... By Mr. Sulzer: Resolutions of Typographical Union No. 228, of Norwood, Mass., in opposition to House bill no. 5777, amending the copyright law; to the Committee on Patents. (Journal of the House of Representatives, ist sess. of 57th Cong. 4°. Washing- ton, 1902, pp. 499, 500, 501.) ipo2 (March 20), Thursday. House of Representatives.— ^l^l^,^^Z°!.o. Under clause i of Rule 22, the following petitions and papers 5, and others were laid on the Clerk's desk and referred as follows: . . . By Mr. Bartholdt: Resolution of Fennimore Association, No. 5, of St. Louis, Mo., in opposition to House bill No. 5777, amending the copyright law; to the Committee on Patents. ... By Mr. Mutchler: . . . Also, resolution of Typographical Union No. 228, of Norwood, Mass., in oppo- sition to House bill No. 5777, amending the copyright law; to the Committee on Patents. ... By Mr. Sulzer: . . . Also, resolution of Typographical Union No. 198, of Fort Worth, Tex. , in opposition to House bill No. 5777, amending the copyright law; to the Committee on Patents. (Journal of the House of Representatives, ist sess. of 57th Cong. 4°. Wa.shington, 1902, pp. 503, 505, 506.) 1902 {March 21), Friday. Senate. -UemorioXs "^ ^^-^on- oHo llll^hL strating against the passage of the bill to amend the copy- right law in relation to the importation of foreign prints, plates, and electrotypes, were presented as follows: By Mr. Hanna: Two memorials of citizens of Ohio. By Mr. Fair- banks: A memorial of citizens of Indiana. Ordered, That they be referred to the Committee on Patents. (Journal of the Senate, ist sess. of 57th Cong. 4°. Washington, 1902, pp. 254, 255.) f902 {March 21), Friday. House of Representatives.- Jj^^^^^-^^'^^ Under clause 1 of Rule 22, the following petitions and papers ers 362 Copyright in Congress^ lySg to igo2 57TH CONGRESS, ^yere laid on the Clerk's desk and referred as follows: . . . 1ST SESSION By A^ir. Lanham: Resolution of Typographical Union No. 198. of Fort Worth, Tex., in opposition to House bill No. 5777, amending the copyright law; to the Committee on Patents. ... By Mr. Sulzer: Protest of Sedalia Typo- graphical Union No. 206, of Sedalia. Mo., and of St. Louis Mailers' Union, No. 3. of St. Louis, against the passage of House bill No. 5777 and Senate bill No. 2894; to the Com- mittee on Patents. ( Journal of the House of Representa- tives, ist sess. of 57th Cong. 4°. Washington, 1902, pp. 509, 510.) Citizens of ( March 2d.), Monday. Senate. — Petitions. memo- New York y ^ , ', r J r 1, -r. rials, etc., were pre.sented and referred as lollows: . . . By Mr. Piatt, of New York: . . . and two memorials of citi- zens of New York, remonstrating against the passage of the bill to amend the copyright law so as to permit the copyrighting of foreign prints, plates, and electrotypes; to the Committee on Patents. (Journal of the Senate, ist sess. of 57th Cong. 4°. Washington. 1902. p. 259.) Citizens of j(^q2 {March 25), Tuesday. Senate. — Petitions, memo- ^"^^ ^" rials, etc., were presented and referred as follows : ... By Mr. McComas : . . . and two memorials of citizens of Maryland, remonstrating against the passage of the bill to permit the importation of foreign prints, plates, and electro- types with the privilege of copyright; to the Committee on Patents. (Journal of the Senate, ist sess. of 57th Cong. 4°. Washington, 1902, p. 264.) stereotypers I go 2 (March 2^) , Tuesday. House of Representatives. — mon, no. I Under clause i of Rule 22, the following petitions and pa- pers were laid on the Clerk's desk and referred as follows: ... By Mr. Sulzer : . . . Also, resolution of Stereotypers' Union No. i, of New York City, N. Y., in opposition to House bill No. 5777, amending the copyright law; to the Committee on Patents. (Journal of the House of Repre- sentatives, ist sess. of 57th Cong. 4°. Washington, 1902, PP- 523- 524-) Citizens of Tgo2 (March 26) , IVednesday. Senate. — Petitions, memo- rials, etc., were presented and referred as follows: ... By Mr. Wellington: . . . and a memorial of citizens of Mary- land, remonstrating against the passage of the bill to permit Chronological Record, 1902 363 the copyrighting in the United States of printed matter and ^^;^"^'°';'^';^^''' electrotypes made in foreign countries; to the Committee on Patents. (Journal of the Senate, ist sess. of 57th Cong. 4°. Washington, 1902, p. 267.) ipo2 {March 26) , Wednesday. House of Representatives.— J;'^^^"^;;;'^"'' Under clause i of Rule 22, the following petitions and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk and referred as follows: ... By Mr. McCall: Resolution of Lithographers' Union No. 3, of Boston, Mass., in opposition to House bill No. 5777, amending the copyright law^; to the Committee on Patents. (Journal of the House of Representatives, ist sess. of 57th Cong. 4°. Washington, 1902, pp. 527, 528.) igo2 {March 27), Thursday. 5^?^/^.— Petitions, memo- ^^j^^^'^Ys' ' " ' °^ rials, etc. , were presented and referred as follows : ... By Mr. Cullom: A memorial of citizens of Illinois, remonstrat- ing against the passage of the bill to permit the copyrighting of plates, prints, and electrotypes imported from foreign countries into the United States; to the Committee on Pat- ents. (Journal of the Senate, ist sess. of 57th Cong. 4°. Washington, 1902, p. 269.) ipo2 {:March 27) , Thursday. House of Representatives. — ^^^^°^^l^^^l[ Under clause i of Rule 22, the following petitions and papers sociation and were laid on the Clerk's desk and referred as follows: . . . °^'^^^^ By Mr. Cassingham:' Resolutions of Subordinate Associa- tion No. 19, Lithographers' Protective Association of the United States, in opposition to the passage of House bill No. 5777; to the Committee on Patents. ... By Mr. Sulzer: Resolution of Typographical Union No. 17, of New Orleans, La., in opposition to House bill No. 5777, amend- ing the copyright law; to the Committee on Patents. (Journal of the House of Representatives, ist sess. of 57th Cong. 4°. Wa.shington, 1902, pp. 533, 534, 535-) 1902 {March 21). Friday. House of Representatives.— ^^^^^'^^^^^^ Under clause i of Rule 22, the following petitions and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk and referred as follows: . . . By Mr. Fowler: . . . Also, resolution of Typographical Union No. 235, of Rahway, N. J., in oppo.sition to House bill No. 5777, amending the copyright law; to the Com- mittee on Patents. (Journal of the House of Representa- 364 Copyright in Congress, lySg to igo2 57TH CONGRESS, tj^gs, ist sess. of 57th Cong. 4°. Washington, 1902, pp. 1ST SESSION , 542, 543.) Citizens of fgo2 {Murc/i ji) , Mo7iday . Senate. — Petitions, memorials, New lersev etc., were presented and referred as follows: . . . By Mr. Kean: A memorial of citizens of New Jersey, remonstrating against the passage of the bill to permit the copyrighting of plates, prints, and electrotypes imported into the United States from foreign countries; to the Committee on Patents. (Journal of the Senate, ist sess. of 57th Cong. 4°. Wash- ington, 1902, pp. 275, 276.) Citizens of /po2 {April i) , Ticcsday . Senate. — Petitions, memorials, etc., were presented and referred as follows: ... By Mr. Hanna: . . . and a memorial of citizens of Ohio, remon- strating against the passage of the bill to permit the copy- righting of plates, prints, and electrotypes imported into the United States; to the Committee on Patents. (Journal of the Senate, ist sess. of 57th Cong. 4°. Washington, 1902, pp. 280, 281.) Typographical igo2 {April f) , Monday . Senate. — Petitions, memorials, etc., were presented and referred as follows: ... By Mr. Piatt of New York: . . . and a memorial of Typographical Union, No. 6, of New York, N. Y., remonstrating the adoption of certain proposed amendments to the copy- right law; to the Committee on Patents. (Journal of the Senate, ist .sess. of 57th Cong. 4°. Washington, 1902, p. 296.) ipo2 {April 8), Tuesday. House of Representatives. — Under clause i of Rule 22, the following petitions and papers w^ere laid on the Clerk's desk and referred as follows: By Mr. Achcson: . . . Also, resolution of Typographical Union, No. 2, of Philadelphia, Pa., in opposition to House bill No. 5777, amending the copyright law; to the Commit- tee on Patents. . '. . By Mr. Martin: Resolution of Typo- graphical Union, No. 218, of Sioux Falls, S. Dak., in oppo- sition to House bill No. 5777, amending the copyright law; to the Committee on Patents. (Journal of the House of Representatives, ist sess. of 57th Cong. 4°. Washington, 1902, pp. 580, 581.) Citizens of ioo2 {April (^) , lVed?iesday. Senate. — Memorials remon- Montana and . . r ,i i -ii ^ -^ ^i others strating against the passage of the bill to permit the copy- Chronological Record, Tgo2 365 righting of plates, prints, and electrotypes imported into 57thcongress, the United States were presented as follows: By Mr. Clark of Montana: A memorial of citizens of Montana. By Mr. Kittredge: A memorial of citizens of South Dakota. By Mr. Quay: A memorial of citizens of Pennsylvania. Ordered, That they be referred to the Committee on Patents. (Jour- nal of the Senate, ist sess. of 57th Cong. 4°. Washing- ton, 1902, p. 303.) igo2 (April g), Wednesday. House of Representatives. — Typographical Under clause i of Rule 22, the following petitions and papers""*""^ were laid on the Clerk's desk and referred as follows: B3' Mr. Adams: Resolution of Typographical Union, No. 2, of Phila- delphia, Pa., in opposition to House bill No. 5777, amend- ing the copyright law; to the Committee on Patents. . . . By Mr. Mutchler: . . . Also, resolution of Typographical Union, No. 2, of Philadelphia, Pa., in oppo.sition to House bill No. 5777, amending the copj'right law; to the Com- mittee on Patents. (Journal of the House of Representa- tives, ist sess. of 57th Cong. 4°. Washington, 1902, pp. 583. 584-) igo2 {April 10), Thursday. Senate. — Memorials remon- Citizens of strating against the passage of the bill to permit the ^^J ^° lers copyrighting of plates, prints, and electrotypes imported into the United States from foreign countries were pre- sented as follows: By Mr. McComas: A memorial of citizens of Maryland. B3' Mr. Fairbanks: A memorial of citizens of Indiana. By Mr. Gamble: A memorial of citi- zens of South Dakota. Ordej-ed, That they be referred to the Committee on Patents. (Journal of the Senate, ist sess. of 57th Cong. 4°. Washington, 1902, pp. 305, 306.) ipo2 (April II), Friday. House of Representatives. — Typographical Under clause i of Rule 22, the following petitions and ""'°"^ papers were laid on the Clerk's desk and referred as follows: . . . By Mr. Foerderer: . . . Also, petition of Typograph- ical Union, No. 2, of Philadelphia, Pa., urging the defeat of House bill No. 5777 and Senate l^ill No. 2894, amending the copyright law; to the Committee on Patents. (Journal of the House of Representatives, ist of 57th Cong. 4°. Washington, 1902, p. 590.) 366 Copyright in Congress^ I7^9 ^o 1^02 57TH CONGRESS, I go2 { A pril 1 2 ) , Saturdav. House of Representatives. — 1ST SESSION Under clause i of Rule 22, the following petitions and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk and referred as follows: ... By Mr. Green of Pennsylvania: Petition of Typo- graphical Union of Philadelphia, Pa., urging the defeat of bill No. 5777 and Senate bill No. 2894, amending the copyright law; to the Committee on Patents. (Journal of the House of Representatives, ist sess. of 57th Cong. 4°. Washington, 1902, p. 597.) Citizens of igo2 (April i^) , Mo?iday . Senate. — Petitions, memorials, ew ersey ^^^^ were pre.sentcd and referred as follows: . . . B}- Mr. Dryden: . . . and a memorial of citizens of New Jerse}-, remonstrating against the passage of the bill to permit the copyrighting in the United States of foreign-made plates, prints, and electrotypes; to the Committee on Patents. (Journal of the Senate, ist sess. of 57th Cong. 4°. Washington, 1902, p. 316.) Typographical ^ (April /f), Tuesday. 5r;m/d'. — Petitions, memo- Union, no. 206 ^ ^ ^^' -^ rials, etc., were presented and referred as follows: . . . By Mr. Cockrell : . . . and a memorial of Typographical Union, No. 206, of Sedalia, Mo., remonstrating the passage of the bill to permit the copyrighting in the United States of foreign-made plates, prints, and electrotypes ; to the Committee on Patents. (Journal of the Senate, i.stsess. of 57th Cong. 4°. Washington, 1902, pp. 319, 320.) Citizens of igo2 (April 2^) , Wcdjiesdav . Senate. — Petitions, memo- Pennsylvania r v y ^ / » rials, etc. , were presented and referred as follows: . . . By Mr. Penrose : . . . and a memorial of citizens of Penn- sylvania, remonstrating against any change in the present copyright laws ; to the Committee on Patents. (Journal of the Senate, ist sess. of 57th Cong. 4°. Washington, 1902, P- 345-) CentraiTrades igo2 (April 2j^ , Wcdjiesduy. House of Representatives. — an a or °""- ^jj^j^j. da^j^g j of Rule 22, the followiug petitions and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk and referred as follows : ... By Mr. Davey of Louisiana : Resolution of Central Trades and Labor Council of New Orleans, La., against the passage of House bill No. 5777, amending the copyright laws ; to the Committee on Patents. (Journal of the House Chronological Record^ igo2 367 of Representatives, ist sess. of 57th Cong. 4°. Washing- 5Jth^coxgress. ton, 1902, p. 637. ) igo2 {April 28), Monday. 5^;^ a /^. — Petitions, memo- ^^^^^^^^ " " °^ rials, etc. , were presented and referred as follows : . . . By Mr. Clark of Montana : A memorial of citizens of Mon- tana, remonstrating against the passage of the bill to change the existing copyright laws in relation to the copyrighting of foreign-made plates, prints, and electrotypes; to the Committee on Patents. (Journal of the Senate, ist sess. of 57th Cong. 4°. Washington, pp. 359, 360.) 1902 [April 28), Monday. /^^'^^^ ^/ ^^/^^^^'^^^^^■^^'^^•- .Srs^anfo'S Under clause i of Rule 22, the following petitions anders papers were laid on the Clerk's desk and referred as follows: By Mr. Sulzer: . . . Also, resolutions of Baltimore Typographical Union, No. 12, and of Central Trades and Labor Council of New Orleans, La., against the passage of House bill No. 5777, amending the copyright laws; to the Committee on Patents. (Journal of the House of Repre- sentatives, ist sess. of 57th Cong. 4°. Washington, 1902, pp. 658, 659.) ipo2 {April ^^o), Wednesday, ^-^vm/-?.— Petitions, memo- rialss, etc., were presented and referred as follows: . . . By Mr. Beveridge: . . . and a memorial of the Typo- graphical Union of Anderson, Ind., remonstrating against the passage of the bill to amend the copyright law so as to permit the copyrighting of foreign-made plates, prints, and electrotypes; to the Committee on Patents. (Journal of the Senate, ist .sess. of 57th Cong. 4°. Washington, 1902, pp. 365, 366.) jpo2 { April J o ) , Wednesday. House of Reprcscn tatives. — Under clause i of Rule 22, the following petitions and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk and referred as follows: . By Mr. Moody of Oregon: . . . Also, resolution of Multnomah Typographical Union, No. 58, of Portland, Oreg., against the pa.ssage of bill No. 5777, amend- ing the copyright laws; to the Committee on Patents. (Journal of the of Representatives, ist sess. of 57th Cong. 4°. Washington, 1902, pp. 664, 665.) igo2 {May li). Wednesday. ^^'^«/'^-— Petitions, memo- p^J-J^^J^;. J rials, etc., were presented and referred as follows: By Mr. union 368 Copyright in Congress, lySp to 1904 57THCONGRESS, Wctmore ! A memorial of the Printing Pressmen's Union of 1ST SESSION „ . , ^ ^ . -1 r 1 Providence. R. I., remonstratmg aganist the passage or the bill to permit the copyright of foreign-made plates, prints, and electrotj^pes in the United States; to the Committee on Patents. (Journal of the Senate, ist sess. of 57th Cong. 4°. Washington, 1902, p. 404.) FIFTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. SECOND SESSION H. R. bill, no. I go^ ( February 26) .Thursday . House of Representatives. — ^"^^^^ " Under clause 3 of Rule 22, bills, resolutions, and memorials of the following titles were introduced and severallj^ referred as follows: ... By Mr. Heatwole, from the Committee on Printing: A bill (H. R. 17551) to prevent and to punish the misuse of the copyright privilege of the United States, to prevent and punish the misuse of names, signs, symbols, and other things concerning Government publications, and for other purposes; to the House Calendar. . . . Mr. Heat- wole, from the Committee on Printing, ... to which was referred the bill of the House (H. R. 17551) to prevent and punish the misuse of the copyright privilege of the United States, to prevent and punish the misuse of names, signs, symbols, and other things concerning Government publica- tions, and for other purposes, reported the same without amendment, accompanied by a report (No. 3892); which said bill and report were referred to the House Calendar. (Journal of the House of Representatives, 2d sess. of 57th Cong. 4°. Washington, ,1903, p. 342; Reports of commit- tees of the House of Representatives, 2d sess. of 57th Cong. V. 3,8°. Washington, 1903, no. 3892.) See Bibliography, I. Bills, no. 202, and II. Reports, no. 38. Note. — Bill H. R. 17551 was reported as a substitute for H. R. Reso- lution 373, which was introduced on January 8 by Mr. Henry C. vSmith, relating to " Messages and Papers of the Presidents," and was referred to the Committee on Rules. On January- 9 the Committee on Rules was discharged from the further consideration of this resolution, and it was referred to the Committee on Printing, from which committee H. R. bill no. 17551 proceeded as a substitute. FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Senate bill, no. TQC^ (^November t6), Monday. Senate. — Mr. Piatt of ^*^ Connecticut introduced a bill (S. 849) to amend chapter H. R. bill, no. 5059 Chronological Record, igoj 369 4.QS2 of the Revised Statutes; which was read twice by its sSthcongress, . ^ • -r^ . //-A 1ST SESSION title and referred to the Committee on Patents. (Congres- sional Record, 58th Cong., ist sess. v. 37, 4°. Washing- ton, 1903, p. 245.) See Bibliography, I. Bills, no. 203. igoj {November 27) , Friday. House of Representatives. Under clause 3 of Rule 22, bills, resolutions, and me- morials of the following titles were introduced and sev- erally referred as follows: ... By Mr. Tawney: A bill (H. R. 5059) to afford protection to exhibitors of foreign literary, artistic, or musical works at the I^ouisiana Pur- chase Exposition; to the Committee on Patents. (Congres- sional Record, 58th Cong., ist sess. v. 37, 4°. Washing- ton, 1903, p. 495.) See Bibliography, I. Bills, no. 204. igos {December i), Tuesday. Se7iate.—Ur. Cockrell Senate introduced a bill (S. 2022) to afford protection to exhibitors'''"^ of foreign literary, artistic, or musical works at the Louisi- ana Purchase Exposition; which was read twice by its title, and referred to the Committee on Patents. (Congressional Record, 58th Cong., ist sess. v. 37, 4°. Washington, 1903, p. 502.) See Bibliography, I. Bills, no. 205. FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION /oo? (Decembers), Tuesday. Senate.— Mr. Lodge intro- senate biiis ^ ^ ^ -^ nos. 2153 and duced a bill (S. 2153) to afford protection to exhibitors of 2229 foreign literary, artistic, or musical works at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition; which was read twice by its title and referred to the Committee on Patents. . . . Mr. Piatt of Con- necticut introduced a bill (S. 2229) to amend chapter 4952 of the Revised Statutes; which was read twice by its title and referred to the Committee on Patents. (Congressional Record, 58th Cong., 2d sess. v. 38, pt. i, 4°. Washington, 1904, pp. 31, 32.) See Bibliography, I. Bills, nos. 206-207. iQoj {December p), JVednesday. Honse of Represcnta- h. r. bin, no. tivcs. — Under clause 3 of Rule 22, bills, resolutions, and^''^^ memorials of the following titles were introduced and sev- erally referred as follows: . . . By Mr. Currier: A bill (H. R. 6487 ) to amend chapter 4952 of the Revi.sed Statutes; to the Committee on Patents. (Congressional Record, 58th Cong., 2d sess. v. 38, pt. i, 4°. Washington, 1904, p. 85.) See Bibliography, L Bills, no. 208. 10469 — No. 8 — 05 24 370 Copyright m Congress^ ^7^9 to igo^ 58TH CONGRESS, I go^ {December ly), Thursday. Senate. — Mr. J\fcCo))ias: Senate I aiii instructed b}^ the Committee on Patents, to whom was 20" referred the bill (S. 2022; to afford protection to exhibitors of foreign literary, artistic, or musical works at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, to report it favorably with an amend- ment striking out one word. The bill is a unanimous report from the Committee, and I ask for its present consideration. The President pro tempore. The bill will be read. Mr. McConias. Would it be in order to .state the substance with- out reading? Afr. Berry. Oh, no; let it be read. Tiie President pro tempore. It will be read. The Secretary read the bill. Mr. Cockrell. I hope unanimous consent will be given for the consideration of the bill. It has been approved by the Committee on Patents of both the Senate and House, and was prepared by the Librarian of Congress. It affects only foreign publications. The Senator from Massachusetts [Mr. Lodge] introduced a similar bill. The President pro tempore. Is there objection to the present consideration of the bill? Mr. Gorman. There will not be any objection if the bill is to pass through without debate in the morning hour. I have no objection to the bill; but if it elicits debate, I shall feel constrained to object. The Senate, by unanimous consent, proceeded to consider the bill. The amendment of the Committee on Patents was, in section i, page I , line 14, to strike out the word ' ' and ' ' before the word ' ' upon; ' ' so as to make the section read: ' ' That the author of any book, map, chart, dramatic compo.sition, musical composition, engraving, cut, print, chromo, lithograph, or photograph published abroad prior to November 30, 1904, but not regi.stered for copyright protection in the United States copyright office, or the heirs and assigns of such, author, shall have in the case of any such book, map, chart, dramatic composition, musical composition, engraving, cut, print, chromo, lithograph, or photograph intended for exhi- bition at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition the sole liberty of printing, reprinting, publishing, copying, and vending the .same within the limits of the United States for the term herein provided for upon complying with the provisions of this act." The amendment was agreed to. The bill was reported to the Senate as amended, and the amendment w^as Chronological Record^ ipoj 371 concurred in. The bill was ordered to be engrossed for a sSth congress, 1-1 ^• 11 1-1- 1 1 ^^ 2D SESSION third reading, read the third time, and passed. (Congres- sional Record, 58th Cong., 2d sess., v. 38, pt. i. 4°. Wash- ington, 1904, pp. 313-314; [Reports of committees of the Senate, 2d sess. of 58th Cong. 8°. Washington, 1904], no. 142.) See Bibliograph}', II. Reports, no. 39. igoj ' {December 17), Thursday. House of Represenia- h. r. bin, no. 5059 reported lives. — Under clause 2 of Rule 13, bills and resolutions of the following titles were severally reported from com- mittees, delivered to the Clerk, and referred to the several Calendars therein named, as follows: Mr. Sulzer, from the Committee on Patents, to which was referred the bill of the House (H. R. 5059) to afford protection to exhibitors of foreign literary, artistic, or musical works at the Louis- iana Purchase Exposition, reported the same without amend- ment, accompanied by a report (No. 12); which said bill and report were referred to the House Calendar. (Con- gressional Record, 58th Cong., 2d sess., v. 38, pt. i. 4°. Washington, 1904, p. 355; [Reports of committees of the House of Representatives, 2d sess. of 58th Cong. 8°. Washington, 1904], no. 12.) See Bibliography, I. Bills, no. 209, and II. Reports, no. 40. 1903 {December 18), Friday. House of Representatives. — Senate bui, no. A message from the Senate, by Mr. Piatt, one of their ^°"'" clerks, announced that the Senate had passed bills and resolu- tions of the following titles; in which the concurrence of the House of Representatives was requested: S. 2022. An act to afford protection to exhibitors of foreign literarj^ artistic, or musical works at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition . . . Mr. Sulzer. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent for the present consideration of the bill (H. R. 5059) to afford pro- tection to exhibitors of foreign literar}-, artistic, or musical works at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition. The Speaker. The gentleman from New York asks unanimous consent for the present consideration of the following bill, which the Clerk will report. The Clerk read as follows: [Here fol- lows the text of the bill.] The Speaker. Is there objection to the present consideration of the bill? Mr. Payne. Mr. Speaker, reserving the right to object, I would like to make some inquiry of the gentleman from New York. Tliis is a 372 Copyright ni Congress^ 17S9 to igo^ 58TH CONGRESS, ygj-y important ])ill, embracing a good many subjects, a bill 2D SESSION ' , . , . , , . . ' under which, it seems to me trom listening to the reading, people can bring in books and works of art, photographs, etc., that could not now be copyrighted under the law, under pretense of exhibition at St. Louis, and get a cop}'- right for a full term. I would like to ask if the committee had any opinion from the Librarian of Congress on this sub- ject? Mr. Taivncy. If the gentleman from New York will allow me, the bill is one prepared by the Librarian of Con- gress, and the letter of the Register of Copyrights is in the report. Mr. Sulzcr. Mr. Speaker, I ask to have the report I made on this bill read; that will give all the information that the gentleman from New York desires. The Clerk read as follows: [Here follows the text of H. R. report no. 12.] Mr. Sulzcr. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent to substitute the Senate bill (S. 2022) for the bill. The bills are identical, and the Senate bill passed the Senate unanimously 3'esterday afternoon. Tlic Speaker. The gentleman from New York asks unanimous consent to sub- stitute the Senate Ijill, which is on the Speaker's table, for the House bill. Mr. Payne. I want to ask the gentleman from New York if the bills are identical. Mr. Sulzer. The bills are identical. The Speaker. Is there objection? [After a pause.] The Chair hears none. The question now is on the third reading of the Senate bill. The question was taken; and the bill was ordered to a third reading. The bill was read the third time. The Speaker. The question now is on the passage of the bill. [Here follows a short statement by Mr. Robinson of Indiana in regard to the recognition of the minority's opinion.] The Speaker. The question is on the pas.sage of the bill. The que.stion was taken; and the bill was passed. (Congressional Record, 58th Cong., 2dsess., v. 38, pt. i, 4°. Washington, 1904, pp. 380, 387-389. ) 190J {December 18), Friday. Scfiate. — A message from the House of Representatives, by Mr. W. J. Browning, their chief clerk, announced that the House had passed the bill (S. 2022) to afford protection to exhibitors of foreign lit- erary, artistic, or musical works at the Louisiana Purchase Chronological Record, jgo4 373 Exposition. (Congressional Record, 58th Cong., 2d sess., ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ V. 38, pt. I, 4°. Washington, 1904, p. 371.) Note.— This bill was enrolled and signed by the Speaker on Jan- Act of January uary 5, 1904, and by the President of the Senate on January 6. It 7' '^^ was signed by the President of the United States on January 7, the Senate being notified of that fact on January 1 1 , 1904. ( Congressional Record, 58th Cong., 2d sess., v. 38, pt. i, 4°. Washington, 1904, pp. 477, 486, 599.) See Bibliography, IV. Laws, no. 25. 1904 {January S), Friday. Sena^e.-Mr. Clapp, from J-^^^^^;"--- the Committee on Patents, to whom was referred the bill (S. 2229) to amend chapter 4952 of the Revised Statutes, reported it without amendment, and submitted a report thereon. (Congressional Record, 58th Cong. , 2d .sess. , v. 38, pt. 1,4°. Washington, 1904, p. 552; [Reports of commit- tees of the Senate, 2d sess. of 58th Cong. 8°. Washington, 1904], no. 188.) See Bibliography, I. Bills, no. 210, and II. Reports, no. 41. JQ04 (January "^ addition to lines 26-27, already proposed to be stricken out. (Cong. Record, V. 22, pt. 3, pp. 2606-2607.) See page 303 and also page 305 for action on these amendments. Note 22. i8gi {February ij). Seriate. — The amendments proposed by Mr. Edmunds to H. R. bill no. loSSr, which were agreed to, were as follows: {a) To insert the words " or subject " after the word " citi- zen, "in sec. 13, line I. {b) To strike out all after the word "citizens," in sec. 13, line 4, to the end, and in lieu thereof to insert: " The existence of the condition aforesaid shall be determined by the President of the United States by proclamation made from time to time, as the purpose of this act may require." (f) To insert the word "or" after the word "dramatic," in line 5 of sec. 8, which latter amendment was merely textual. (Cong. Record, V. 22, pt. 3, PI). 2793-2794.) See page 306. Note 23. iSgr {February //), Senate. — Mr. Vance also proposed a second amendment to H. R. bill no. 10881, which was afterwards withdrawn, namely, at the end of sec. 3, after the word " permitted," 10 add as a proviso the clause: ^^ And provided further. That copies of an}- book printed abroad, in an)- country which becomes a party to this law, and which had been duly copyrighted thereunder in such country, ma}- be imported into the United States on payment of the duties required by law." (Cong. Record, v. 22, pt. 3, pp. 2795.) See page 306. Note 24. iSgi {February 18), Senate. — Mr. Hoar also offered an amendment to H. R. bill no. 10881, which was an amendment to Mr. Frye's amendment, namely: In sec. 3, line 23, after the word "book," to insert the words "photograph, chromo, or lithograph; " in sec. 3, line 26, after the word "therefrom," to insert "or from nega- tives or drawings on stone made within the limits of the United States, or from transfers made therefrom;" in sec. 3, line 28, after the word "book," to insert "chromo or lithograph or photograph; " in sec. 3, line 29, after the word "set," to insert "negatives or drawings on stone," and in .sec. 3, line 35, after the word "book," to insert " pho- tograph, chromo, or lithograph." This amendment, after further discussion, was withdrawn. (Cong. Record, v. 22, pt. 3, p. 2838.) See page 307. Note 25. i8gi {February 18), Senate. — The amendments further proposed to H. R. bill no. 10881 on this day were as follows: The amendment of Mr. Ingalls was to strike out lines 38-41 of sec. 3 and to insert the words " and except in the case of newspapers and periodicals, which are hereby exempted from prohibition of importa- tion." The amendment was agreed to. Notes 385 The amendment of Mr. Daniel was to strike out in sec. 3, line 34, sist congress. the words beginning with " who import " to and including "importa- tion " in line 38. The amendment was agreed to. The amendment of Mr. Piatt was to strike out after the word " pro- hibited " to and including the words " United States," lines 31-33 in sec. 3. The amendment was agreed to. The amendment of Mr. Carlisle was to strike out the words " copy- righted under this act during the term of the copyright ' ' in lines 40-41, sec. 4, and to insert in lieu thereof the words "prohibited by this act." The amendment was agreed to. (Cong. Record, v. 22, pt. 3, pp. 2840-2842.) See page 307. Note 26. /8gi {February /S), Senate. — The Congressional Record, V. 22, pt. 3, p. 2843, in alluding to the amendment of Mr. Daniel to sec. 3, line 14, of H. R. bill no. 10881, gives the amendment simply as the insertion of the words "six months after," so as to make the clause read, "nor unless he shall also, not later than six months after the day of publication thereof," etc. See page 307. Note 27. iSgs {March 3), Senate. — The amendment to S. bill no. 52D congress, 3881 reported from the Committee on Patents on March 2d and 20 session agreed to on March 3d was to strike out all after the enacting clause and to insert: "Any author, inventor, designer, or proprietor of any book or other article entitled to copyright, who has heretofore failed to deliver in the office of the Librarian of Congress, or in the mail addressed to the Librarian of Congress, two complete copies of such book, or descrip- tion or photograph of such article, within the time limited by Title LX, chapter 3, of the Revised Statutes, relating to copyrights, and the acts in amendment thereof, and has complied with all other pro- visions thereof, who has, before the ist day of March, A. D. 1893, de- livered at the office of the Librarian of Congress, or deposited in the mail addressed to the Librarian of Congress, two complete printed copies of such book, or description or photograph of such article, shall be entitled to all rights and privileges of said Title LX, chapter 3, of the Revised Statutes and the acts in amendment thereof. (Cong. Record, v. 24, pt. 3, p. 2501.) See page 326. Note 28. i8g6 {May 8), Senate. — In the account of the day's pro- 54TH congress ceedings for May Sth the Record states as follows: The bill (S. No. ist session 425 ) to provide for the register of copyrights was announced as next in order, but, on motion of Mr. Cockrell, it was allowed to pass over without losing its place. (Cong. Record, v. 28, pt. 5, p. 4965-) See page 338. Note 29. 1896 {May 20), Senate.— The amendments of the Commit- tee on Patents to S. bill no. 2306 reported on April 24th and agreed to on May 20th were as follows: In line 7, before the word ' ' composition, ' ' to strike out "operatic" and to insert "musical;" in line 9, before "composition," to strike out "operatic" and insert "musical; " in line 14, to strike out "and if it be determined that such unlawful per- forming and representation was willful and for profit, in addition thereto," and to insert " if the unlawful performance and repre- sentation be willful and for profit;" in line 18, after the word "and," 10469 — No. 8 — 05 25 386 Copyrii^ht in Congress^ ^7^9 ^<^ ^9(^4 54TH CONGRESS, to strike out "liable to imprisonment" and insert "upon conviction 1ST SESSION ijg imprisoned;" inline2i, before the word "judge," strike out " any " and insert "a;" in line 23, before the word "composition," to strike out " operatic " and insert "musical;" in line 31, before the word "composition," to strike out "operatic" and insert "musical;" and in line 32, before the word ' ' such, ' ' to insert ' ' upon. ' ' ( Cong. Record, V. 28, pt. 6, p. 5464. ) See page 338. Note 30. iSg6 {June 8), House of Representatives. — In the account of the day's proceedings for June 8th the Record states that Mr. Draper moved to suspend the rules and pass S. bill no. 2306. The bill was read at length. No action was recorded because the original bill was not at the desk. (Cong. Record, v. 28, pt. 7, p. 6292.) See page 338. Note 31. iSgj {February p), House of Representatives. — The 54TH CONGRESS, amendment recommended by the Committee on Patents to H. R. bill 2D SESSION j^Q 10223, which was agreed to, was to strike out sec. 3 of the bill, reading: "That this bill shall go into effect on the ist day of July, 1S97." (Cong. Rec, v. 29, pt. 2, p. 1685.) See page 342. 55TH CONGRESS, Note 32. iSgj {December ly), House of Representatives.— 1\\& 2D SESSION amendments of the Committee on Patents to H. R. bill no. 4847, which were agreed to, were to insert in line 13, after the word " copyright," the words "obtained thereon;" in line 14, to strike out the word " succeeding; " and also in the same line to strike out the words " ob- tained thereon " and to insert " following the said irth day of Janu- ary, 1893." (Cong. Record, v. 31, pt. i, p. 284.) See page 346. Note 33. iSgS {February 11), Senate. — The amendments from the Committee on Patents to H. R. bill no. 4847, reported on February 2d and agreed to February nth, were: In line 11, after the word "time," to strike out " between " and to insert " within ninety days after," and in line 12, after the word "act," to strike out "and the nth day of January, 1898;" which amendments, summed up, provide for a period of ninety days after the passage of the act within which filing of the title of the book in question would be considered valid. (Cong. Record, v. 31, pt. 2, p. 1667.) See page 348. 58TH CONGRESS, Note 34. Senate report, no. 3380, 58th Congress, 3d session. Amend- 3D SESSION jj^g section 4952 of the Revised Statutes. (January 27, 1905. — Ordered to be printed. ) Mr. Kittredge, from the Committee on Patents, sub- mitted the following report to accompany H. R. 6487: The Committee on Patents, to whom was referred the bill ( H. R. 6487) for the amendment of section 4952 of the Revised Statutes, recommend that said bill do pass with the following amendment: Strike out the words ' ' benefit of copyright on the same basis as is given to its citizens by this act," lines i and 2, page 3 of the printed bill, and insert in lieu thereof the words "benefit of copyright on sub- stantially the same basis as to its own citizens." The following letter is submitted in support of this favorable report: Library of Congress, Copyright Office, JVashington, D. C, January 26. igo^. Sir: In compliance with your request of January 23 for an expression of opinion from this oflSce on House bill 6487, to Notes 387 amend section 4952 of the Revised Statutes, relating to copy- 58TH congress, rights, I beg to report as follows: 3d session 1 . That the purpose of this bill appears to this ofl&ce equitable and unobjectionable. 2. That the proviso passed by the House in the way of an amendment to the original bill would seem to require some slight alteration in order to bring its provisions into harmony with the act of March 3, 1891. This alteration should be that in lines i and 2, on page 3, the words "benefit of copyright on the same basis as is given to its citizens by this act," should be changed to read, "benefit of copyright on substantially the same basis as to its own citizens." 3. The bill provides for a period of one year within which to comply with the requirement that the work shall be typeset within the limits of the United States, but this term of twelve months is allowed only when the book is originally published in a foreign language. In equity there would seem to be no reason why the allowance should not equally extend to all books originally pub- lished abroad. 4. That the words in lines 16 and 17, page 2, reading "which shall be the first copyright in this countr}' for a translation of such book," would cause difficulty of construction, and, if con- strued literally, are calculated to nullify the benefit proposed by the bill. They should, we think, be stricken out. Conflicting claims between translations entered for copyright would require to be settled b}' the courts as other matters of dispute. This is not to object to the present bill, but to suggest that it might go further with advantage. Very respectfully, Thorvald vSoIvBERG, Register of Copyrights. Hon. AI.FRED B. KiTTREDGE, Chairman Committee on Patents, United States Senate. Approved and transmitted. Herbert Putnam, Librarian of Congress. Your committee deem it inadvisable at this session to enlarge the scope of this bill to extend to all books originally published abroad. It is the purpose of your committee to attempt a codification of the copyright laws at the next session of Congress. (Senate Rept. no. 3380, 58th Cong. , 3d sess. ) Library of Conoress, FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS, THIRD SESSION. An Act to amend Section forty-nine hundred and fifty-tivo of the Revised Statutes. Be it enacted by the Seriate and House of Representatwes of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That section forty-nine hundred and fifty-two of the Revised Statutes be, and the same is hereby, amended so as to read as follows : "Sec. 4952. The author, inventor, designer, or proprietor of any book, map, chart, dramatic or musical composition, engraving, cut, print, or pho- tograph, or negative thereof, or of a painting, drawing, chromo, statue, statuary, and of models or designs intended to be perfected as works of the fine arts, and the executors, administrators, or assigns of any such person shall, upon complying with the provisions of this chapter, have the sole liberty of printing, reprinting, publishing, completing, copying, executing, finishing, and vending the same ; and, in the case of a dramatic composi- tion, of publicly performing or representing it, or causing it to be performed or represented by others. And authors or their assigns shall have exclusive right to dramatize or translate any of their works for which copyright shall have been obtained under the laws of the United States. ** Whenever the author or proprietor of a book in a foreign language, which shall be published in a foreign country before the day of publication in this country, or his executors, administrators, or assigns, shall deposit one complete copy of the same, including all maps and other illustrations, in the Library of Congress, Washington, District of Columbia, within thirty days after the first publication of such book in a foreign country, and shall insert in such copy, and in all copies of such book sold or distributed in the United States, on the title page or the page immediately following, a notice of the reservation of copyright in the name of the projjrietor, together with the true date of first publication of such book, in the following words : 'Published , nineteen hundred and . Privilege of copyright in the United States reserved under the Act approved March third, nineteen hundred and five, by ,' and shall within twelve months after the first publication of such book in a foreign country, file the title of such book and deposit two copies of it in the original language or, at his option, of a translation of it in the I'^nglish language, printed from type set within the limits of the United States, or from plates made therefrom, containing a notice of copyright, as provided by the copyright laws now in force, he and they shall have during the term of twenty-eight years from the date of recording the title of the book or of the English translation of it, as provided for above, the sole lib- erty of printing, reprinting, publishing, vending, translating and dramatizing the said book : Provided, That this Act shall only apply to a citizen or subject of a foreign State or nation when such foreign State or nation permits to citizens of the United States of America the benefit of copyright on substan- tially the same basis as to its own citizens. ' ' Approved, March 3, 1905. SUMMARY. Senate hill, no. j-ji^. ^^^^ which bccamc law on March 3, 1905, originated in a measure introduced during the 57th Congress, ist session, on January 15, 1902, by Senator O. H. Piatt, of Connecticut, and was printed as Senate bill no. 2894. It was referred to the Senate Committee on Patents, but no further action on it is recorded. (See Bulletin No. 8, p. 69, Bibliography, I. Bills, no. 201.) scnatcbiiis, nos. During the 58th Congress, ist session, on November 16, 1903, Senator O. H. Piatt presented a substitute measure for Senate bill no. 2894, con- siderably altered, as Senate bill no. 849 (see Bulletin No. 8, p. 69, Bib- liograi)hy, T. Bills, no. 203), but to correct an error it was reintroduced by Senator (). H. I'latt in the next session, on December 8, 1903, as Senate bill no. 2229. On lanuary 8, 1904, bill no. 2229 was reported from the Senate Committee on Patents (Senate report, no. 188) without amendment. (See Bulletin No. 8, pp. 70 and 83, Bibliography, I. llills, nos. 207 and 210; II. Reports, no. 41, and, for fiill text of bill and rei)ort, pp. 12-13.) ^^" January 30, 1905, Senator (). H. Piatt moved that in lieu of this bill H. R. bill no. 6487, introduced in the House on December 9, 1903, be taken up and considered, which was agreed to. "04S- '""' ""■ A^ already stated, in the 58th Congress, 2d session, on December 9, 1903, Mr. F. D. Currier, of New Hami)shire, introduced H. R. bill no. 6487, to amend section forty-nine hundred and fifty-two of the Revised Statutes. (See Bulletin No. 8, p. 70, Bibliography, I. Bills, no. 208.) On March i, 1904, it was reported with an amendment from the House Committee on Patents (House report, no. 1287). During the next session, on December 14, 1904, the bill passed the House and was presented to the Senate the next day. (See Bulletin No. 8, pp. 71, 72, 83, Bibliography, I. Bills, nos. 214 and 220; n. Reports, no. 42, and, for the full texts of bill and report, pp. 14—18.) It was favorably reported to the Senate (Senate report, no. 3380) by the Senate Committee on Patents, on January 27, 1905. (For full text of report see Bulletin No. 8, pp. 386-387. ) On January 30, 1905, it was reached by the Senate and, after discussion participated in by Senators O. H. Piatt, H. C. Lodge, A. O. Bacon and A. P. Gorman, an amendment to the bill was suggested by Senator Bacon to provide for the printing of a notice of the reservation of copyright in all copies of the first foreign edition of the works sought to be protected by the act. Senator O. H. Piatt submitted such an amendment as a substitute on February 2, 1905, and the bill, thus materially changed, was taken up, read and agreed to, and passed by the Senate on February 25th following. The House concurred in the Senate amendments on Tuesday, February 28th, and on Wednesday, March ist, the measure was duly enrolled and signed by the Speaker and the President of the Senate. On Thursday, March 2, 1905, it was laid before the President of the United States for his signature, and was approved by him on the following day. (See full text above. ) HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES BILL NO. 13355. During the 58th Congress, 2d session, on March 2, 1904, Mr. James h. r. bin, no. A. Tawney, of Minnesota, introduced a bill (H. R. 13355) to amend the copyright laws, which was referred to the House Committee on Patents. (See Bulletin No. 8, p. 71, Bibliography, I. Bills, no. 215.) On April 26, 1904, it was reported by Mr. N. P. Otis, from the Committee on Patents, with amendments (House report, no. 2857) and was passed, and during the next session, on December 6, 1904, it was presented to the Senate and referred to the Committee on Patents. (See Bulletin No. 8, pp. 72, 83, Bibliography, 1. Bills, nos. 217 and 218; II. Reports, no. 43, and, for full text of bill, pp. 22-24, ^"d of report, pp. 24-26.) Subsecjuently (beyond the record contained in ]3ulletin No. 8) Senator T. C. Piatt, of New York, presented a memorial of the .Vmerican [Authors'] Copyright League, of New York City, remonstrating against the passage of H. R. bill no. 13355, which was referred to the Committee on Patents. On Februaiy 15, 1905, Senator A. B. Kittredge, from the Committee on Patents, reported the bill with amendments and submitted the following report thereon, indicating the proposed changes in the text of the bill, which virtually restrict the provision as to an affidavit solely to books : **"no! 39^''"'^'^' Senate report, no. 3908, 58th Congress, 3d session. To amend the copy- right laws. (February 15, 1905. — Ordered to be printed.) Mr. Kittredge, from the Committee on Patents, submitted the following report, to accompany H. R. 13355: The Committee on Patents, to whom was referred the bill (H. R. 13355) to amend the copyright laws, recommend that said bill do pass with the following amendments : Strike out the words "photo, chromo, or lithograph" in line 15, page 3, of the printed bill. Strike out the words "or from negatives or drawings on stone made within the limits of the United States or from transfers made therefrom" in lines 24 and 25, page 3, and line 1, page 4, of the printed bill. Strike out the words "or negatives" in line 2, page 4, printed bill. At the end of section 1 (page 4, printed bill), insert the words "the affida- vit herein required does not apply to periodicals." Strike out the words "violating any of the provisions of this act or" appearing in lines 4 and 5. section 2, page 4, of the printed bill. In line 6, page 4, of the printed bill, strike out the word "thereof" and insert the words "of this Act." This bill is a reenactment of section 4956 of the Revised Statutes to the words "And provided further," in line 13, page 3, of the printed bill. The remainder of the bill requires that an affidavit accompany the two copies of the book mentioned in said section, stating that such book has been printed from type set within the limits of the United States or from plates made therefrom. The second section of the bill declares that the making of a false affidavit is a misdemeanor and punishes the offender by a fine, and his rights and privileges under the copyright are forfeited. It has seemed best to the committee to limit the proposed addition to existing law to books, except periodicals. The reason for the amendment to existing law is that, in the judgment of your committee, it is not only possible but in some instances it has been made clear that the present law has been evaded and violated, to the injury of American labor. Under existing law this can be done, and there is no remedy or practical way of enforcing the condition requiring that the type be set within the United States or from plates made therefrom. On March 3, 1905, the bill H. R. 13355 ^^^^ called as next in order, but was voted to go over. ADDENDA TO rorVRTGHT OFFICE BULLETIN NO. S. bringing it up to the end of the 58th Con- gress, March 3, 1905. (30, iii, 190.')-3,.o00.) INDEX [The abbreviations H. R. and S. in this index indicate House of Representatives and Senate.] Page Acheson (Ernest F. ), of Pennsylvania, 57th Cong 364 Acts. {See haws.) Adair County, Iowa, citizens of. " Petition, H. R., May 17,1888. 263 Adams (George Everett), of Illinois, 5oth-5ist Cong 54, 55, 80, 256, 272, 275, 280, 281, 295, 320 Adams (Hannah). Petition, H. R., July 22, 1789 114, 117 "An alphabetical compendium of the various sects," copy- right of 114 Adams (John Quincy), of Massachusetts, 28th Cong 163, 166 Adams ( Robert, /r.), of Pennsylvania, 57th Cong 355, 365 Addresses. {See Petitions and memorials.) Adelbert College, faculty of. Petitions, S., Feb. 2; H. R., Feb. 21, 1888 246,251 AflSdavit of American manufacture, bill to require, in case of books, chromos, lithographs, and photographs. . . 10, 22-26, 374, 375 Alabama, citizens of. Petition, S., Apr. 24, 18S8 260 Aldrich (NelsonWilmarth), of Rhode Island, 48th-49th Cong . 230, 234 Allen (John Beard), of Washington, 51st Cong 272, 278, 319 Allison (William Boyd), of Iowa, 5oth-5istCong. 255, 256, 258, 277, 303 .imerican Copyright League. Brief presented at S. copyright hearing, Feb. 12, 1886 78 American Federation of Labor. Memorial, S., Jan. 8, 1891 . . . 298 American Library Association. Petition, S., Feb. 7, 1891 300 American manufacture, bill to require affidavit of, in case of books, chromos, lithographs, and photographs. . 10, 22-26, 374, 375 American Medical Association, Cincinnati. Memorial, S., Feb. I, 1851 169 American publishers. Memorials, S., Dec. 15; H. R., Dec. 16, 1843 101, 163, 166 Amity College, faculty of. Petitions, S., Feb. 14; H. R., Feb. 16, 188S 250 Anderson (Albert R. ), of Iowa, 50th Cong 250 Ander.son (John A. ), of Kansas, Cong 288 Anthony (Henry B.), of Rhode Island, 47th Cong 219 nin all cases where reference is made to any petition, memorial, etc., for full information see Petitions and memorials. (389) 390 Copyright in Congress^ 1789 to 1904 Page Appleton (Daniel), and others. {See American publishers.) Archer (Stevenson, yr. ). Speech on international copyright, H. R., Mar. 23, 1872 102 Arnell (Samuel M.), of Tennessee, 40th Cong 194 Art associations, representatives of. Memorial, S., Feb. 5, 1891 . 300 Arthur (Chester Alan). Annual messages: 1881 (Dec. 6). Paragraph on international copyright con- vention 103, 219, 220 1884 (Dec. i). Paragraph on international copyright . 103,229,230 Augusta, Ga., citizens of. Petition, S., Mar. 22, 188S 253 Babbage (Charles). Included in address of British authors, S., Feb. 2; H. R., Feb. 13, 1837 96, 97, 148, 149 Bacon (Ezekiel), of Massachusetts, nth Cong 31, 131 Baillie (Joanna). Included in address of British authors, S., Feb. 2; H. R., Feb. 13, 1837 96, 97, 148, 149 Baird (Henry Carey). Statement before S. copyright hearing. Mar. II, 1886 78 Baker (Charles Simeon), of New York, 50th Cong 243 Baldwin (Abraham), of Georgia, ist Cong 117, iiS, 119 Baldwin (John Denison), of Massachusetts, 40th Cong. ... 40, 76, 195 Ballon (Latimer W. ), of Rhode Island, 46th Cong 218 Bankhead (John Hollis), of Alabama, 54th Cong 60, 335 Banning (Henry B. ), of Ohio, 43d Cong 46, 212 Barbour (Philip Pendleton), of Virginia, 20th Cong 32, 139 Barnard (Daniel Dewey), of New York, 27th-28th Cong .... 166, 380 Barnard (Isaac D.), of Pennsylvania, 20th Cong 136 Bartholdt (Richard), ofMissouri,57th-58thCong. 9, 20, 71,361,373,374 Barwig (Charles), of Wisconsin, 51st Cong 288, 321 Bate (William Brimage), of Tennessee, 5oth-5ist Cong. . 249, 310, 319 Bayard (James A.), of Delaware, 34th, 36th Cong. . . 177, 183, 184, 38c' Beaconsfield (Benjamin Disraeli, Earl of). Included in ad- dress of British authors, S., Feb. 2; H. R.,Feb. 13, 1837. 96,97, 148, 149 Beard, (W. T.) and others. Petition, H. R., June i, 188S 264 Beatty (John), of Ohio, 4ist-42d Cong 206 Beck (James B. ), of Kentucky, 4ist-42d Cong 41, 43, 196, 207 Bell {Sir Charles). Included in address of British authors, S., Feb. 2; H. R., Feb. 13, 1837 96, 97, 148, 149 Bell (John), of Tennessee, 23d Cong 33, 146 Bell (John C), of Colorado, 55th, 57th Cong 350, 358 Belleville, Kans., teachers of. Petition, H. R., June 11, 1890. 288 Beloit College, faculty of . Petitions, S., Jan. 30; H. R., Jan. 30, 1888 245 Bennett (Charles Goodwin), of New York, 54th-55th Cong. ... 60, 66, 336, 349 Berrien (John Macpherson), of Georgia, 20th, 27th Cong 36, 140, 162, 166, 378" Berry (James Henderson), of Arkansas, 51st, 58th Cong 309, 3'". 319. 370 hidex 391 Page Bethel College, faculty of. Petition, H. R., Feb. i, 1888 246 Beveridge ( Albert J. ) , of Indiana, 57th Cong 367 Bigelow (John). (kS(?(? Century Association of New York.) Bills: 1st Cong., ist sess.. House of Representatives, no. 10 29 Reported from special committee, June 23, 1789 114 Referred to Committee of Whole House, June 24, 1789. 1 14 Read and postponed, July 6-Aug. 17, 17S9 114, 115 Reported as unfinished business, H. R., Jan. 11, 1790. 117 1st Cong., 2d sess.. House of Representatives, no. 39 29 Reported from special committee, Jan. 28, 1790 118 Referred to Committee of Whole House, Jan. 29, 1790. 119 Considered and discussed, Feb. i, 1790 1 19 Recommitted to nevf special committee, Feb. 2, 1790. . 119 ist Cong., 2d sess.. House of Representatives, no. 43 29 Reported from special committee, Feb. 25, 1790 119 Referred to Committee of Whole House, Feb. 26, 1790. 120 Read and po.stponed. Mar. 3-9, 1790 120 Considered and discussed, Apr. 29, 1790 120 Passed by H. R., Apr. 30, 1790 121 Presented to S., Apr. 30, 1790 121 Referred to S. special committee, May 4, 1790 121 Reported by special committee, May 12, 1790 122 Considered and discussed. May 13, 1790 122 Passed b}' S., May 14, 1790 122 Approved, May 31, 1790 84; Note, 123 1st Cong., 3d sess., House of Representatives, no. 123 30 H. R. special committee appointed to prepare, Jan. 28, 1791 124 Reported from special committee, Feb. 9, 1791 124 Referred to Committee of Whole House, Feb. 10, 1791. 124 Postponed, but no further action recorded Note, 125 2d Cong., 1st sess.. House of Representatives, no. 170 30 H. R. special committee appointed to prepare, Feb. 29, 1792 125 Reported from special committee. Mar. 7, 1792 126 Referred to Committee of Whole House, Mar. 8, 1792. 126 Postponed, but no further action recorded Note, 126 7th Cong., 1st sess., Senate, no. 8 30 Notice of introduction, Mar. 22, 1802 127 Introduced by Mr. Bradlej-, Mar. 24, 1802 127 Referred to special committee, Mar. 25, 1802 . 127 Reported b}- special connuittee. Mar. 29, 1802 127 Considered and discussed, Apr. i, 1802 128 Passed by S., Apr. 2, 1802 128 Presented to H. R., and referred, Apr. 2, 1802 128 Considered and discu.ssed, Apr. 26, 1802 129 392 Copyright in Congress^ ^7^9 ^^ ^9^4 Bills — Contijiued Page 7th Cong., 1st sess. , Senate, no. 8 — Continued Passed by H. R., Apr. 27, 1S02 129 Approved, Apr. 29, 1802 84; Note, 130 loth Cong., 1st sess., House of Representatives, no. 75 31 H. R. special committee appointed to report, Nov. 17, 1807 130 Reported from special committee and referred. Mar. 7, 1808 130 Postponed, but no further action recorded Note, 130 nth Cong., 2d sess., House of Representatives, no. 66 31 H. R. special committee appointed to report, Dec. ir, 1809 131 Additional members appointed, Dec. 28, 1809. . . 131 Reported from special committee and referred, Jan. 18, 1810 131 Postponed, but no further action recorded Note, 131 nth Cong., 3d sess., House of Representatives, no. 182. .. . 31 H. R. special committee appointed to report, Dec. 12, 1810 131 Reported from special committee and referred, Jan. 19, 1811 132 No further action recorded Note, 132 15th Cong., 2d sess.. House of Representatives, no. 254. ... 31 Reported from Committee on Judiciary, Dec. 29, 1818 . 132 15th Cong., 2d sess.. Senate, no. 22 32 Notice of introduction, Jan. 5, 1819 132 Introduced by Mr. Otis, Jan. 6, 1819 132 Read the second time, Jan. 7, 1819 133 Con.sidered and discussed, Jan. 25, 1819 133 Passed by S., Jan. 26, 1819 133 Presented to H. R. and referred, Jan. 27, 1819 134 Reported by H. R. Committee on Judiciary, Jan. 29, 1819 134 Pas.sed b}- H. R., Jan. 30, 1819 134 Approved, Feb. 15, 1819 85; Note, 134 iSth Cong., 1st sess.. Senate, no. 77 32 Notice of introduction. Mar. 22, 1824 135 Introduced by Mr. Lowrie and referred. Mar. 23, 1824. 135 Reported by Committee on Judiciary, Mar. 30, 1S24. . . 135 Considered and question of third reading determined adversely, Apr. 12, 1824 135 20th Cong., 1st sess.. Senate, no. 141 32 Reported from S. Committee on Judiciary, Apr. 17,1828. 137 Considered and discussed, Apr. 21 and May 17, 1828 . . 137 Passed by S., May 19, 1828 137 Presented to H. R., May 19, 1828 137 Referred to H. R. Committee on Judiciary, May 20, 1828 ." 138 Index 393 Bills — Continued Page 2oth Cong., 1st sess., Senate, no. 141 — Continued Reported by Committee on Judiciary, May 22, 1S28. . . 138 Passed by H. R., May 25, 1828 138 Approved, May 24, 1828 93; Note, 139 20th Cong., 2d sess., House of Representatives, no. 359. ... 32 Reported from Committee on Judiciary, Jan. 9, 1829 . . 139 Read third time and passed by H. R., Jan. 12, 1829. . . 139 Presented to S., Jan. 12, 1829. 140 Considered and referred, Jan. 13, 1829 140 Reported by S. Committee on Judiciary, Feb. 9, 1829. . 140 2ist Cong., 1st sess.. House of Representatives, no. 7 32 Reported from Committee on Judiciary and referred, Dec. 21, 18^9 140 Considered and discussed, Dec. 23, 1829 140 Passed by H. R., Dec. 24, 1829 141 Presented to S., Dec. 24, 1829 141 Considered in S. and referred, Dec. 28, 1829 141 Reported by Committee on Judiciary, Jan. 11, 1830 . . . 141 Considered and discussed, Feb. 5, 1830 142 Passed by S., Feb. 8, 1830 142 Approved, Feb. 11, 1830 94; Note, 142 2ist Cong., 1st sess., House of Representatives, no. 145. ... 33 Reported from Committee on Judiciary and referred, Jan. 21, 1830 141 Committee of Whole House ordered discharged. May 14, 1830 143 Recommitted to Committee on Judiciary, Dec. 14, 1830. 143 Amended bill reported and referred, Dec. 17, 1830 (H. R. Report, no. 3) 33, 74, 143 Committee of Whole House discharged, Jan. 5, 1831 . . 143 Considered and di.scussed, Jan. 6, 1831 . 143, 378 Pas-sed by H. R., Jan. 7, 1831 . 33, 144 Presented to S., Jan. 10, 1831 33, 144 Considered in S. and referred, Jan. 11, 1831 144 Reported by S. Committee on Judiciary, Jan. 19, 1831 . 144 Considered and read third time, Jan. 28. 183 1 144 Passed by S., Jan. 29, 1831 ll^^A^ Approved, Feb. 3, 1831 85; Note, 145 23d Cong., 1st sess., House of Representatives, no. 419. ... 33 Reported from Committee on Judiciary, Apr. 9, 1834 . . 146 Consideration po.stponed, May 7, 1834 146 Engrossed and read third time, June 27, 1834 147 Passed by H. R., June 28, 1834 147 Presented to S., considered, referred, and reported, June 28, 1834 147 Passed by S., June 30, 1834 147 Approved. June 30, 1834 86; Note, 148 394 Copyright in Congress, ij8g to 1904 Bills — Continued Page 24th Cong., 2<' sess., vSenate, no. 223 34 Reported from select committee ( appointed Feb. 2, 1837), Feb. 16, 1837 (H. R. Report, no. 179) 75-149 25th Cong., 2d sess., Senate, no. 32. .* 34 Introduced by Mr. Clay and referred, Dec. 13, 1837 . . . 150 Reported by Committee on Patents, June 25, 1838 (S. Report, no. 494) 75. I55 25th Cong., 2d sess.. House of Representatives, no. 884. ... 34 Reported from Committee on Judiciary and referred, July 7, 1838 155 25th Cong., 2d sess.. House of Representatives, no. 885. ... 34 Reported from Committee on Judiciary and referred, July 7. 183S (H. R. Report, no. 1052) 75. I55 No further action recorded Note, 155 25th Cong., 3d sess., Senate, no. 75 34 Introduced by Mr. Clay and referred, Dec. 17, 1838. . . 155 26th Cong., 1st sess., Senate, no. 129 34-35 Introduced by Mr. Clay and referred, Jan. 6, 1840 .... 156 Reported by Committee on Judiciary, Jan. 8, 1840 .... 156 Considered and postponed, Apr. 15, 1840 156 Considered and ordered to lie on table, July 17, 1840. . 158 26th Cong., 1st sess., House of Representatives, no. 447 ... 35 Reported from Committee on the Library, June 6, 1840 (H. R. Report, no. 586) 75. I57 Considered, engrossed, and referred, June 11, 1840. . 157, 37S 26th Cong., 2d sess., Senate, no. 227 35 Introduced by Mr. Preston and referred, Jan. 28, 1841 . 158 Reported by Committee on Judiciary, Mar. 3, 1841 ... 35, 158 27th Cong. , 2d , Senate, no. 115 35 Introduced by Mr. Clay and referred, Jan. 6, 1842 .... 158 27th Cong., 3d sess.. House of Representatives, no. 657. . . . 35-36 Reported from the Committee on Judiciary, referred and passed by H. R., Jan. 7, 1843 161 Presented to S., Jan. 9, 1843 161 Referred to S. Committee on Judiciary, Jan. 10, 1843. 162 Reported by Committee on Judiciary, Jan. 20, 1843 .... 162 Considered and passed by S., Mar. i, 1843 162 Approved, Mar. 3, 1843 94; Note, 162 27th Cong. , 3d sess. , Senate, no. 70 36 Reported from Committee on Judiciary, Jan. 10, 1843 Notej,2,7S Considered and discussed in S. , Jan. 20, 1843. . . . Note 3, 379 Read third time and pa.ssed byS., Jan. 24, 1843. . Note s^ 379 Presented to H. R., Jan. 24, 1843 Note s, 379 Read in H. R. and referred, Jan. 28, 1843 Note 3, 2i79 Reported by Committee on Judiciary, Feb. 9, 1843. Note 3, 380 28th Cong., 1st sess.. House of Representatives, no. 9 36 Notice of introduction, Dec. 7, 1843 163 Introduced by Mr. Ingersoll and referred to select com- mittee (appointed Dec. 16, 1843), Jan. 3, 1844 164 Index 395 Bills — Contimied Page 28th Cong., 1st sess., House of Representatives, no. 277 ... 36 Reported from Committee on Library, Mar. 28, 1844. . . 164 Considered and postponed, Apr. 12, 1S44 164 Discussed in H. R., June i, 1844 165 Reconsideration postponed, June 3, 1844 165 29th Cong., 1st sess., of Representatives, no. 5 86 Introduced by Mr. Owen and referred to select com- mittee, Dec. 19, 1845 166 Discussed in both Houses, Feb. 28-Aug. 10, and ap- proved, Aug. 10, 1846 Note, 166 3nth Cong., 1st sess.. House of Representatives, no. 493 ... 36 Reported from Committee on Judiciary and referred. May 17, 1848 (H. R. Report, no. 613) 76, 167 Considered and passed by H. R., May 26, 1848 168 Presented to S. and referred. May 29, 1848 168 Reported by S. Committee on Judiciary, June i, 1848. . 168 Considered and passed by S., Feb. 2, 1849 169 Approved, Feb. 19, 1849 94". Note, 169 32d Cong., 2d sess.. Senate, no. 604 37 Reported from Committee on Commerce and passed to second reading, Feb. 2, 1853 (S. Report, no. 396). . 76, 171 33d Cong., ist sess., House of Representatives, no 39 37 Notice of introduction, Dec. 6, 1853 171 Introduced by Mr. Chandler and referred, Dec. 14, 1853 • 171 33d Cong., 1st sess.. Senate, no. 181 37 Reported from Committee on Commerce and passed to second reading, Feb. 2, 1854 (S. Report, no. 77). . . 76, 172 Considered, read third time, and passed by S., Mar. 10, 1854 37, 173 Presented to H. R., Mar. 13, 1854 174 Read and referred to H. R. Committee on Commerce, Mar. 31, 1854 174 Reported by Committee and referred, July 11, 1854 ... 175 Considered,reported,andpassedby H.R., July28, 1854 37, 176 Approved, Aug. 2, 1854 95; Note, 176 33d Cong., 1st sess.. House of Representatives, no. 500. ... 37 Reported from Committee on Judiciary, referred, and ordered printed, July 25, 1854 175 33d Cong., 2d .sess.. House of Representatives, no. 594 .... 86 Reported from Committee on Ways and Means, referred, and ordered printed, Dec. 22, 1854 176 Discussed in both, Dec. 27, 1854-Mar. 3, 1855, and approved, Mar. 3, 1855 Note, 177 34th Cong., 1st sess., Senate, no. 239 3S Introduced by Mr. Seward and referred, Apr. 10, 1856. 177 Reported, considered, and passed, July 16, 1856 .... 177, 380 Reconsidered and passed by S., July 17, 1856 177, 380 Presented to H. R., July 17, 1856 178 Referred to H. R. Committee ou Judiciary, Aug. 2, 1856. 178 396 Copyright in Congress^ 17S9 to 1^04 Bills — Continued Page 34th Cong., 1st sess., Senate, no. 239 — Continued Committee discharged ; considered and passed, by H. R. , Aug. 16, 1856 178 Approved, Aug. 18, 1856 87; Note, 179 35th Cong., 1st sess.. House of Representatives, no. 82 ... . 38 Notice of introduction, Dec. 10, 1S57 179 Introduced by Mr. Morris and referred to Joint Com- mittee on the Library, Jan. i8, 1858 179 35th Cong., 1st sess.. House of Representatives, no. 583 ... 87 Reported from Joint Committee on the Library, recom- mitted and ordered printed. May 27, 1858 179 Discussed in both Houses, May 27, 1858-Jan. 25, 1859; passed and approved, Feb. 5, 1859 87; Note, 180 35th Cong., 1st sess., Senate, no. 443 38 Reported from Committee on Indian Affairs and passed to second reading, June 8, 1S58 180 35th Cong., 2d sess., House of Representatives, no. 813. ... 38 Reported from Committee on Indian Affairs, considered and passed by H. R., Jan. 21, 1859 180, 380 Presented to S., considered and passed, Jan. 21, 1859. . 181 Approved, Jan. 25, 1859 95; Note, 181 36th Cong., 1st sess.. House of Representatives, no. 32 ... . 38 Notice of introduction, Feb. 13, i860 181 Introduced by Mr. Morris and referred, Feb. 15, i860 . . 182 36th Cong., 1st sess., House of Representatives, no. 554. ... 38 Reported from Committee on Judiciary and referred, Apr. 2, i860 182 Committee discharged; consideration postponed, Dec. 20,1860 182 Considered and passed by H. R., Jan. 7, 1861 183 S. amendments presented to H. R., Feb. 11, 1861 184 Concurred in by H. R., Feb. 16, 1861 185 Presented to S. and referred, Jan. 9, 1861 183 Reported, considered, and passed by S., Feb. 2, 1861 . 183, 380 Motion to reconsider vote postponed, Feb. 5, 1861 .... 184 Agreed to, and bill recommitted to S. Committee on Judiciary, Feb. 6, 1861 184 Reported, considered, and passed by S., Feb. 11, 1861 . i84, 380 Approved, Feb. 18, 1861 88; Note, 185 36th Cong., 1st sess., House of Representatives, no. 803 ... 39 Reported from Committee on Judiciary, referred and ordered printed, June i, i860 182 37th Cong. , 2d sess. , House of Representatives, no. 343 ... 39 Introduced by Mr. Noble and referred, Mar. 6, 1862 . . 186 Ordered printed. Mar. 28, 1862 186 Index 397 Bills— Cotiiinued Page 37th Cong., 2d sess., Senate, no. 389 39 Introduced by Mr. Cowan and referred to Committee on Patents, July 10, 1862 186 38th Cong., ist sess., House of Representatives, no. 5"5 ■ • • 39 Introduced by Mr. Jenckes and referred to Committee on Patents, June 6, 1864 186 38tli Cong., 2d sess.. Senate, no. 46S 39 Reported from Committee on Patents, considered and passed by S., Feb. 22, 1865 187 Presented to House of Representatives, Feb, 22, 1865. 187 Read three times and passed by H. R., Mar. 2, 1865. . 187 Approved, Mar. 3, 1865 88; Noie, 188 39th Cong., ist sess., vSenate, no. 59 Note, 45 Introduced by Mr. Sumner, referred and ordered printed, Jan. 5, 1866 188 Became law, June 27, 1866 Noie, 188 39th Cong., ist sess.. House of Representatives, no. 193 ■• • 4o Introduced by Mr. Brooks, read and passed by H. R., Jan. 26, 1866 188 Presented to S., read and referred, Jan. 29, 1866 189 Reported by S. Committee on Patents, Apr. 25, 1866. . 190 Considered, read third time and passed by S., May 22, 1866 191 Approved, May 24, 1866 95; ^ote, 191 39th Cong. , 2d sess.. Senate, no. 491 4° Introduced by Mr. Creswell and referred, Jan. 7, 1867. 191 Reported, considered, and passed by S. , Jan. 28, 1867 . 192, 381 H. R. amendment presented to S., Feb. 6, 1867 193, 381 Referred to S. Committee on Patents, Feb. 7, ^867 . 193 Reported by S. Committee on Library, Feb. 11, . 1867 193 Considered and agreed to by S., Feb. 13, 1867. 193 Presented to H. R., Jan. 28, 1867 192 Amended and passed by H. R., Feb. 6, 1867 i93 Approved, Feb. 18, 1867 88; Note, 194 40th Cong., 2d sess.. House of Representatives, no. 779- • • 4o Reported from Joint Committee on Library, read, re- committed, and ordered printed, Feb. 21, 1868 (H. R. Report, no. 16) 76, i95 40th Cong., 3d sess.. Senate, no. 914 4i Introduced by Mr. Morgan and referred, F'eb. 8, 1869. 195 Committee on Library discharged, Feb. 23, 1869 196 41st Cong., ist sess.. Senate, no. 61 4i Introduced by Mr. Sumner and referred. Mar. 9, 1869. 196 Committee on Patents discharged; referred to Joint Committee on Library, Feb. 17, 1870 i97 398 Copyright in Congress^ ^7^9 to 1904. Bills — Continued Page 41st Conji., 2d sess., House of Representatives, no. 116S . . 41 Introduced by Mr. Beck and referred to Committee on Patents, Feb. 7, 1S70 196 41st Cong., 2d sess., Senate, no. 703 41 Introduced by Mr. Trumbull and referred. Mar. 24, 1870. 197 Reported by Committee on Library, June 11, 1870 (S. Report, no. 209) 77, 200 41st Cong., 2d sess., House of Representatives, no. 1714 . . 42 Reported from Committee on Patents, read and re- committed, Apr. 7, 1870 197 Reported and recommitted, Apr. 13, 1S70 42, 198 Reported, with further amendments, Apr. 14, 1870. . . . 19S Considered and discussed, Apr. 20, 1870 198, 381 Considered and passed by H. R.. Apr. 21, 1870 42, 199 vS. amendments presented and disagreed to, June 25, 1870 201 H. R. conferees appointed, June 28, 1S70 201 H. R. conferees reported; report agreed to, July 2, 1S70. 203 Presented to S. and referred, Apr. 25, 1870 42, 199 Reported by S. Connnittee on Patents, May 31, 1870. 42, 199 Considered, amendments agreed to, and passed by S., June 24, 1870 42, 200, 3S1 S. conferees appointed, June 29, 1870 201 S. conferees reported; report agreed to, Juh' 2, 1870 . . 202 Approved, July 8, 1870 89; Note, 204 42d Cong., 2d sess.. House of Representatives, no. 470 .... 42 Introduced by Mr. Cox and referred, Dec. 6, 1871 .... 204 Motion to print 500 copies referred to H. R. Committee on Printing, Jan. 23, 1872 206 Resolution agreeing thereto, reported, Feb. 7, 1872. 206 42d Cong., 2d sess.. Senate, no. 688 43 Introduced by Mr. Sherman and referred, Feb. 21, 1872 . 207 Reported, considered, and postponed indefinitely, Feb. 7, 1873 (S. Report, no. 409) 77, 209 42d Cong., 2d sess.. House of Representatives, no. 1667 ... 43 Introduced by Mr. Beck and referred to Committee on the Library, Feb. 21, 1872 207 ' 42d Cong., 2d sess.. House of Representatives, no. 2857 ... 43 Reported from Committee on Patents, ordered printed, and reconmiitted. May 22, 1872 208 Copies for use of House ordered printed, Dec. 10, 1872. 44, 208 42d Cong., 3d sess., Senate, no. 1369 44 Introduced by Mr. Morrill and referred, Jan. 15, 1873. 209 Reported by Committee on the Library, Feb. 3, 1873. 44, 209 Considered, amended, and passed by S., I'^eb. 17, 1873. 209, 382 Presented to H. R., Feb. iS, 1873 210 Index 399 Bills — Continued Page 42d Cong., 3d sess., House of Representatives, no. 4004 ... 44 Reported from Committee on Patents, ordered printed, and recommitted, Feb. 19, 1873 210 43d Cong., 1st sess., House of Representatives, no. 68 45 Introduced by Mr. Myers and referred to Committee on Patents, Dec. 4, 1873 211 43d Cong., 1st sess.. House of Representatives, no. 135. .. . 45 Introduced by Mr. Sayler and referred to Committee on Patents, Dec. 4, 1873 211 43d Cong., 1st sess.. House of Representatives, no. 1215 Note, 45 Reported from Committee on Revision of Laws, con- sidered, and postponed, Jan. 14, 1874 211 Passed by H. R., Apr. i; S., May 27, and approved, June 20, 1874 Note, 45, 212 43d Cong., 1st sess., House of Representatives, no. 1392. . . 45 Introduced by Mr. Sayler and referred to Committee on Patents, Jan. 20, 1874 212 43d Cong., 1st sess.. House of Representatives, no. 1S25. . . 46 Introduced by Mr. Banning and referred to Committee on Patents, Feb. 9, 1874 212 43d Cong., 1st sess., Senate, no. 494 46 Introduced by Mr. Ferry and referred, Feb. 16, 1S74. . 212 Reported, considered, amended, and passed by S., Feb. 19. 1874 213, 383 Presented to H. R., Feb. 19, 1874 213 Referred to H. R. Committee on Patents, Mar. 21, 1874. 213 43d Cong., 1st sess.. House of Representatives, no. 3506. . . 46 Introduced by Mr. Schumaker and referred, May 27, 1874 213 Committee on Library discharged; read third time and passed by H. R., June 20, 1874 216 Presented to S., considered, and pa.ssed, June 22, 1874 . 216 Approved, June 23, 1874 95; Note, 217 43d Cong., 1st sess.. House of Representatives, no. 3525. . . 46 Reported from Committee on Patents, ordered printed, and recommitted, May 28, 1874 214 43d Cong., 1st sess.. House of Representatives, no. 3527 ... 46 Introduced by Mr. Conger and referred to Coinmittee on Patents, May 28, 1874 214 43d Cong., sess.. Senate, no. 876 46 Reported from Committee on Patents, considered, and pa.s.sed by vS., June i, 1874 214 H. R. amendment presented to S., June 11, 1874. . . . 215, 383 Considered and agreed to by S. , June 12, 1874 215 Presented to H. R., June i, 1S74 214 Read, amended, and pa.sse(l by II. R., June 11, 1874. . . 215 Approved, June iS, 1874 90; Note, 216 400 Copyright in Congress^ ^7^9 to IQ04 Bills — Contitnied Page 43cl Conj^. , 1st sess. , Senate, no. 956 46 Reported from Joint Committee on Library and passed to second reading, June 17, 1874 216 45th Cong., 3d sess., House of Representatives, no. 6143 ... 90 Reported from Committee on Appropriations, printed, and referred, Jan. 23, 1879 217 Discussed in both Houses, Jan. 23-Mar. 3; passed and approved. Mar. 3, 1879 90; Note, 217 47th Cong., 1st .sess., House of Representatives, no. 5056. . . 47 Introduced by Mr. Buck and referred to Committee on Patents, Mar. 13, 1882 220 47th Cong., sess.. Senate, no. 1582 47, 48 Introduced by Mr. Hoar and referred, Mar. 27, 18S2 . . 220 Reported, considered, and passed by S., Apr. 6, 1882 . . 221 Presented to H. R., Apr, 7, 1882 222 Considered in H. R. and passed, July 27, 1882 222 Approved, Aug. i, 1882 90; Note, 223 47th Cong., 1st sess.. House of Representatives, no. 5463 . . 47 Introduced by Mr. Robinson and referred to Commit- tee on Patents, Mar. 27, 1S82 220 47th Cong., 1st sess.. House of Representatives, no. 5583. . 47,48 Introduced by Mr. Ranney and referred, Apr. i, 1882. . 221 Reported, referred to House Calendar, and ordered printed, July i, 1882 (H. R. Report, no. 1547). . 48, 77, 222 47th Cong., 1st sess.. House of Representatives, no. 5610. . 48 Introduced b}' Mr. Morse and referred to Committee on the Library, Apr. 3, 1882 221 47th Cong., 2d sess.. House of Representatives, no. 7341 ... 48 Introduced by Mr. Rosecrans and referred to Commit- tee on Patents, Jan. 23, 1883 223 48th Cong., 1st sess., House of Representatives, no. 62 ... . 48 Introduced by Mr. Rosecrans and referred to Com- mittee on Patents, Dec. 10, 1883 223 4Sth Cong., 1st sess.. House of Representatives, no. 770 ... 48 Introduced by Mr. Collins and referred to Committee on Patents, Dec. 10, 1883 224 48th Cong., 1st sess.. House of Representatives, no. 2418 . . 48, 49 Introduced by Mr. Dorsheimer and referred, Jan. 8, 1884 224 Reported, referred to House Calendar, and ordered printed, Feb. 5, 1884 (H. R. Report, no. 189) ... 49, 77, 224 Motion to make special order for Feb. 27th, debated and di.sagreed to, Feb. 18, 1884 103, 225 Ordered reprinted, with amendment, Apr. 16, 1884 . . 49, 227 48th Cong., 1st sess.. House of Representatives, no. 4160 . . 49 Introduced by Mr. Hewitt and referred to Committee on Patents, Jan. 29, 1884 224 Index 401 Bills — Continued Page 48th Cong., I St sess., Senate, no. 1728 49, 50 Introduced by Mr. Sherman and referred, Mar. 4, 1884. . 225 Reported by Committee on the Library, Apr. 18, 1884. 50, 228 48th Cong., 1st sess., House of Representatives, no. 5850 . . 49 Introduced by Mr. Tucker and referred to Committee on Judiciary, Mar. 10, 18S4 226 4Sth Cong., 2d sess.. House of Representatives, no. 7S50 . . 50 Introduced by Mr. English and referred to Committee on Judiciary, Jan. 5, 1885 230 48th Cong., 2d sess., Senate, no. 2498 50 Introduced by Mr. Hawley and referred to Committee on Judiciary, Jan. 6, 1885 230-231 49tli Cong., 1st sess.. Senate, no. 191 50 Introduced by Mr. Hawley and referred, Dec. 8, 1885. . 231 Committee on Judiciarj' discharged; referred to Com- mittee on Patents, Dec. 14, 1885 232 S. resolution to print 250 copies, Jan. 13, 1S86 233 49th Cong., 1st sess.. House of Representatives, no. 2493 . 51 Introduced by Mr. Tucker and referred to Committee on Judiciary, Jan. 6, 1886 2j2 49th Cong., 1st sess.. Senate, no. 11 78 51 Introduced by Mr. Chace and referred, Jan. 21, 18S6 . . 233 Reported and postponed indefinitely, substitute bill S., no. 2496 being submitted, May 21, 1886 78, 237 49tli Cong., 1st sess., Senate, no. 2496 51 Reported from Committee on Patents as substitute for S. bill, no. 1178, May 21, 1886 (S. Report, no. 1188). . . 78, 237 5olh Cong., 1st sess.. Senate, no. 554 51, 52, 53 Introduced by Mr. Chace and referred, Dec. 12, 1887. . 240 Reported by Committee on Patents, Mar. 19, 1888 (S. Report, no. 622 ) 52, 78, 252 Made special order for Apr. 12th, Apr. 10, 1888 257 No mention of discussion on Apr. 1 2th . Note, 257 Discussed in S., Apr. 23-May 9, 1888 105, 259-262, 383 Amended and passed by S., May 9, 1888 262 S. resolution to print 1,000 copies referred to Commit- tee on Printing, Jan. 23, 1889 267 Reported and agreed thereto, S., Jan. 31, 1S89 (S. Report, no. 2525 ) 79, 267 Presented to H. R., May 10, 1888 262 Referred to H. R. Committee on Judiciary, May 11, 1888 \ 263 Reported, referred to House Calendar, and ordered printed. May 24, 1888 (H. R. Report, no. 2311) . . 53, 79, 263 50th Cong., 1st sess.. House of Representatives, no. 4995 . . 52, 53 Introduced by Mr. Bryce and referred, Jan. 16, 18S8. . . 240 Reported, ordered printed, and referred to House Cal- endar, Sept. 13, r88S (H. R. Report, no. 3434) ... 53, 79, 266 10469 — No. 8—05 26 402 Copyright in Congress^ ^7^9 io 1904 Bills — Continued Page 50th Cong., 1st sess., House of Representatives, no. 6645 . . 52 Introduced by Mr. Long and referred to Committee on Judiciary, Feb. 6, i88S 247-248 50th Cong., ist sess., House of Representatives, no. 8715 . . 52 Introduced by ]\Ir. Breckinridge and referred, Mar. 19, 1888 253 Reported, referred to House Calendar, and ordered printed, Apr. 21, 188S (H. R. Report, no. 1875) ■ • 52, 79. 259 50th Cong., 1st sess., Senate, no. 3167 53 Introduced by ]\Ir. Hale and referred to Committee on Patents, June 14, 188S 264 51st Cong., 1st sess., Senate, no. 232 53-54 Introduced by Mr. Piatt and referred, Dec. 4, 18S9 268 Reported by Committee on Patents and postponed indefinitely, Jan. 21, 1890 (S. Report, no. 142) 80, 272 51st Cong., 1st sess.. House of Representatives, no. 3812. . . 54, 55 Introduced bj- Mr. Simonds and referred, Jan. 6, 1890. 269 Reported, ordered printed, and recommitted, Feb. 6, 1890 (H. R. Report, no. 27) 55, 80, 274 Reported by Committee on Patents and referred to House Calendar, Feb. 18, 1S90 276 51st Cong., 1st sess., House of Representatives, no. 3853. . . 54 Introduced by Mr. Breckinridge and referred, Jan. 6, 1890 269 Substitute bill, H. R., no. 6941, reported by Committee on Judiciary and referred to House Calendar, Feb. 15, 1890 275 51st Cong., 1st sess., House of Representatives, no. 3914. . . 54 Introduced by Mr. Butter-worth and referred, Jan. 6, 1890 269 Substitute bill, H. R., no. 7213, reported by Committee on Patents and referred to House Calendar, Feb. 18, 1890 276 51st Cong., 1st sess., Senate, no 2221 54-55 Reported from Committee on Judiciary, Jan. 21, 1S90 (S. Report, no 142) . . 80, 272 Considered in S. and postponed, Feb. 21, 1890. . . 55, 277, 383 No further action recorded Note, 277 51st Cong., ist sess., House of Representatives, no. 6941 ... 55 Reported (H. R. Report, no. 65) and referred to House Calendar, Feb. 15, 1S90 80, 275 Resolution to consider agreed to, May i, 1890 280-281 Considered, discussed, and amended, but engrossment not agreed to. Ma}- 2, 1890 106, 281-284 51st Cong., 1st sess., House of Representatives, no. 7213. . . 55 Reported (H. R. Report, no. 290) and referred to House Calendar, FeV). 18, 1890 80, 276 Index 403 Bills — Co7itiniied Page 51st Cong., 1st sess., House of Representatives, no. 10254 . 56 Introduced by Mr. Simondsand referred, May 16, 1890. 284 Substitute bill, H. R., no. 10881, reported by Committee on Patents and referred to House Calendar, June 10, 1890 287 51st Cong., 1st sess.. House of Representatives, no. 10881. . 56, 57 Reported (H. R. Report, no. 2401 ) from Committee on Patents and referred to House Calendar, June 10, 1890 80, 287 Called up for action and discussed, Dec. 2. 1890. 108, 292-294 Considered, amended, and passed by H. R., Dec. 3, 1890 56, 294-296 Ordered printed, Dec. 9, 1890 56, 297 S. message asking conference with H. R., Feb. 19, 1891 . 310 S. amendments discussed and not agreed to; H. R. con- ferees appointed, Feb. 28, 1891 108, 310-314 H. R. conferees reported; report considered. Mar. 2, 1891 109, 314-317 S. messages regarding conference report. Mar. 3, 1891 . 318, 320 Conference report considered and agreed to, Mar. 3, 1891 109, 320-321 Enrolled and approved. Mar. 3, 1891 91; Note, 322-323 Presented to S., Dec. 3, 1890 296-297 Considered and discussed in S., Feb. 9-18, 1891 108, 301-310, 383-385 Amended and passed by S., Feb. 18, 1891 57, 306-310 S. conferees appointed, Feb. 18, 1891 ... 310 H. R. message to S., agreeing to conference, Feb. 28, 1891 314 H. R. message to vS. , agreeing to report of Conference Committee, Mar. 2, 1891 317 S. conferees reported; report considered. Mar. 3, 1891 109, 317-318 Conference report considered and agreed to by S. , Mar. 3, 1891 318-320 H. R. message, agreeing to conference report, Mar. 3, 1891 321-322 Enrolled and approved, Mar. 3, 1891 91; Note, 322-323 51st Cong., 2d sess., Senate, no. 4751 57 Introduced by Mr. Teller and referred to Committee on Patents, Dec. 29, 1890 298 52d Cong., 1st sess., House of Representatives, no. 2703. . . 57 Introduced by Mr. Hooker and referred to Committee on the and Post- Roads, Jan. 11, 1892 ... 324 52d Cong., 1st sess., vSenate no. 2185 57 Introduced by Mr. Vilas and referred to Committee on Patents, Feb. 15, 1892 324 404 Copyright in Congress^ ^7^9 to 1904 Bills — Continued Page 52cl Cong., 1st sess., House of Representatives, no. 5975. . . 57 Introduced by Mr. Mitchell and referred to Committee on Patents, Feb. 15, 1892 324 5 2d Cong., sess., House of Representatives, no. 9398. . . 57-58 Introduced by Mr. Dungan and referred to Committee on Patents, June 29, 1892 325 52d Cong., 2d sess., Senate no. 3881 58 Introduced by Mr. Gordon and referred, Feb. 23, 1893. 326 Reported by Committee on Patents, Mar. 2, 1893 .... 58, 326 Considered, amended, and passed by S., Mar. 3, 1893 . 326, 385 Presented to H. R., considered, and passed, Mar. 3, 1893 326-327 Approved, Mar. 3, 1893 91 ; Note, 327 53d Cong., 1st sess.. House of Representatives, no. 214. .. . 92 Introduced by Mr. Richardson and referred to H. R. Committee on Printing, Sept. 6, 1S93 327 H. R. bill, no. 2650 substituted, Sept. 12, 1893 Note, 327 Discussed in both Houses to Oct. 23, 1893; passed by both Houses, and approved, Jan. 12, 1S95 .... 92; Note, 327 {See provisions of sec. 52 of the bill. ) Note, 327 53d Cong., 2d. sess.. House of Representatives, no. 6835. . . 58, 59 Introduced byMr. Cummingsand referred, Apr. 24, 1894. 329 Reported by Committee on Patents and referred to House Calendar, June 29, 1894 (H. R. Report, no. 1 191 ) 58, 80, 330 Considered and discussed, July 28, 1894 330-33^ 53d Cong., 2d sess.. Senate, no. 1991 58 Introduced by Mr. Hill and referred, May 3, 1894 329 Reported by S. Committee on Patents, May 24, 1894. 58, 329-330 53d Cong., 2d sess.. House of Representatives, no. 7853 ... 59 Introduced by Mr. Hicks and referred, July 31, 1894. . 331 Reported by H. R. Committee on Patents and referred to Calendar, Aug. 23, 1894 (H. R. Report, no. 1471) 59.81,331 53d Cong., 3d , House of Representatives, no. 8407 ... 59 Introduced by Mr. Covert and referred, Jan. 8, 1895 . . 332 Reported and referred to House Calendar, Jan. 31, 1895 (H. R. Report, no. 1733 ) 59, 81, 332 Con.sidered, amended, and passed by H. R., Mar. 2, 1895 333 Presented to S., con.sidered, and passed. Mar. 2, 1895. . 334 Approved, Mar. 2, 1895 92; Note, 334 53d Cong., 3d sess., of Representatives, no. 8618 .. . 59 Introduced by Mr. Hooker and referred to Committee on Patents, Jan. 22, 1895 332 53d Cong., 3d sess.. Senate, no. 2807 60 Introduced by Mr. Piatt and referred to Committee on Patents, Feb. 28, 1895 333 Index 405 Bills — Continued Page 54th Cong., 1st sess., Senate, no. 425 60 Introduced by Mr. Morrill and referred, Dec. 5, 1895. . 335 Reported by Joint Committee on the Library, Feb. 20, 1896 336 Taken up and allowed to pass over. May 8, 1896 385 54th Cong., 1st sess.. House of Representatives, no, 1243. . 60 Introduced by Mr. Bankhead and referred to Joint Committee on the Library, Dec. 10, 1895 335 54th Cong., 1st sess.. House of Representatives, no. 1434- • 60 Introduced by Mr. Cummings and referred to Com- mittee on Judiciary, Dec. 12, 1895 335 54th Cong., 1st sess.. House of Representatives, no. 1978. . . 60, 61 Introduced by Mr. Cummings and referred, Dec. 17, 1895 335 Reported by Committee on Patents and referred to House Calendar. Mar. 12, 1896 (H. R. Report, no. 741) 61,81,337 54th Cong., 1st sess., House of Representatives, no. 2304 . . 60 Introduced by JNIr. Bennett and referred to Commit- tee on Patents, Dec. 20, 1895 33^ 54th Cong., 1st sess., House of Representatives, no. 4464. . 60-61 Introduced by Mr. Black and referred to Committee on Patents, Jan. 21, 1896 33^ 54th Cong., 1st sess.. House of Representatives, no. 5976 . . Introduced by Mr. Treloar and referred to Committee on Patents, Feb. 13, 1896 336 54th Cong., ist sess.. Senate, no. 2306 61, 62 Introduced by Mr. Hill and referred, Feb. 27, 1896 . . . 336 Reported by vS. Committee on Patents, Apr. 24, 1896 . 61, 337 Considered, amended, and passed by S., May 20, 1896. 338, 385 H. R. amendments presented and agreed to by S., Dec. 14, 1896 340 Presented to H. R., May 21, 1S96 338 Referred to H. R. Committee on Patents, May 22, 1896. 62, 338 Read in H. R., June 8, 1896 386 Reported and referred to House Calendar, Dec. 7, 1896 (H. R. Report, No. 2290) 81, 338 Considered, amended, and passed hy H. R., Dec. 10, 1896 339-340 S. message, agreeing to H. R. amendments, Dec. 14, 1896 340 Approved, Jan. 6, 1897 92; Note, 340-341 54th Cong., 1st sess.. House of Representatives, no. 821 1 .. 61 Introduced by Mr. Treloar and referred to Committee on Patents, Apr. 15, 1896 337 54th Cong., 1st .sess.. House of Representatives, no. 8734. . . 61-62 Introduced by Mr. Wilson and referred to Committee on Patents, May 6, 1896 337 4o6 Copyn'ight in Congress^ ^7^9 ^<^ ^9^4 Bills — Continued Page 54th Cong., 2d sess., House of Representatives, no. 9643. . . 92 Reported from H. R. Committee on Appropriations and referred to Committee of Whole House. Dec. 15, 1896 (H. R. Report, no. 2331) 341 Discussed in both Houses to Dec. 22, 1896; passedbyboth Houses, and finally approved, Feb. 19, 1897 Nott\ 341 (Provision of section relating to Library' of Con- gress ) Note, 341 54th Cong., 2d -sess.. House of Representatives, no. 10107. . 62 Introduced by INIr. Fairchild and referred to Committee on Patents, Jan. 22, 1897 341 54th Cong., 2d sess., Senate, no. 3631 62 Introduced by Mr. Piatt and referred to Committee on Patents, Feb. i, 1897 341 54th Cong., 2d sess.. House of Representatives, no. 10223. . 62,63 Introduced by Mr. Fairchild and referred, Feb. 3, 1897. 342 Reported and referred to House Calendar, Feb. 5, 1897 (H. R. Report, no. 2813) 63,81,342 Considered, amended, and passed by H. R., Feb. 9, 1897 342-343, 386 S. amendments presented and agreed to by H. R., Mar. 3, 1897 344 Presented to S., and referred, Feb. 10, 1897 63, 343 Reported by S. Conmiittee on Patents, Feb. 20, 1S97 . 63, 343 Considered, amended, and passed by vS., Mar. 3, 1897. 343-344 Approved. Mar. 3. 1897 93; Note, 344 54th Cong., 2d sess.. Senate, no. 3657 63 Introduced by INIr. Hill and referred to Committee on Patents, Feb. 4, 1897 342 54th Cong., 2d sess., House of Representatives, no. 10348. . 63 Introduced by Mr. Bull and referred to Committee on Patents, Feb. 23, 1897 343 55th Cong., 1st sess.. House of Representatives, no. 21. . . . 63 Introduced by Mr. Bull and referred to Committee on Patents, Mar. 15, 1897 344 55th Cong., 1st sess.. House of Representatives, no. 1080. . 63-64 Introduced by Mr. Wilson and referred to Committee on Patents, Mar. 19, 1897 345 55th Cong., 2d sess., House of Representatives, no. 4847. . . 64, 65 Introduced by Mr. McCleary and referred, Dec. 13, 1897 345 Reported and referred to Private Calendar, Dec. 16, 1897 (H. R. Report, no. 62) 81, 346 Con.sidered, amended, and passed by H. R., Dec. 17, 1897 64, 346, 386 S. amendments presented to H. R., Feb. 14, 1898 349 Agreed to by H. R., Feb. 15, 1898 349 Presented to S. and referred, Dec. 18, 1897 346 Index 407 ^\\\s— Continued ^^^e 55th Cong., 2d sess., H. R., no. i,^/^,']— Continued Reported by S. Committee on Patents, Feb. 2, 1898 (S. Report, no. 534) 65, 82, 348 Considered, amended, and passed by S., Feb. 11,1898. 348,3^6 H. R. message, agreeing to S. amendments, Feb. 15, 1898 349 Approved, Feb. 17, 1898 96; Note. 349 55th Cong., 2d sess.. Senate, no. 2818 64 Introduced by Mr. Perkins and referred to Committee on Patents, Dec. 15, 1897 345 55th Cong., 2d sess., House of Representatives, no. 5016 ... 64 Introduced by Mr. Wheeler and referred to Committee on Patents, Dec. 15, 1897 345 55th Cong., 2d sess., vSenate, no. 2939 64 Introduced by Mr. Lodge and referred to Committee on Patents, Jan. 5, 1898 34^ 55th Cong., 2d sess.. House of Representatives, no. 5866. . . 65 Introduced by Mr. vShafroth and referred to Committee on Patents, Jan. 6, 1898 347 55th Cong., 2d sess.. House of Representatives, no. 6348. . . 65 Introduced by Mr. Hicks and referred to Committee on Patents, Jan. 1 1 , 1898 347 55th Cong. , 2d sess , Senate, no. 3172 65 Introduced by Mr. Davis and referred, Jan. 14, 1898. . . 347 Reported by Committee on Patents and postponed indefinitely, Feb. 2, 1898 348 55th Cong., 2d sess., House of Representatives, no. 7015 . 65, 66-67 Introduced by Mr. Mitchell and referred, Jan. 21, 1898 . . 348 Reported by Committee on Patents and referred to House Calendar, Mav n, 1898 (H. R. Report, no. 12S9) 66,82,351 55th Cong., 2d sess.. House of Representatives, no. 7398. . . 65 Introduced by Mr. Hicks and referred to Committee on Patents, Jan. 28, 1898 348 55th Cong., 2d sess., House of Representatives, no. 8582. . . 66 Introduced by Mr. Bennett and referred to Committee on Patents, Feb. 24, 1898 349 55th Cong., 2d sess.. House of Representatives, no. 8620. . . 66 Introduced by Mr. Mitchell and referred, Feb. 24, 1898 . 349 Reported by Committee on Patents and referred to House Calendar, Mar. 10, 1898 (H. R. Report, no. )i) 66, 82, 350 55th Cong., 2d sess., Senate, no. 3956 66 Introduced by Mr. Piatt and referred to Committee on Patents, Feb. 25, 1898 35° 55th Cong., 2d sess., Senate, no. 4256 66 Introduced by Mr. Hansbrough and referred to Com- mittee on Judiciary, Mar. 28, 1898 35° 4o8 Copyj'iglit in Cojigi^ess^ ^7^9 fo 190^ Bills — Continued Page 55th Cong., 2d sess.. House of Representatives, no. 9865. . . 66 Introduced by Mr. Mitchell and referred to Committee on Patents. Apr. 14, 1898 351 55th Cong., 2d sess.. House of Repre.sentatives, no. 10382. . 67 Introduced by INIr. INIitchell and referred to Committee on Patents, May 18, 1898 351 56th Cong., 1st sess., House of Representatives, no 119. . . . 67 Introduced by Mr. Bull and referred to Committee on Patents, Dec. 4, 1899 351-352 56th Cong., 1st sess., Senate, no. 1883 67 Introduced by Mr. Hansbrough and referred to Com- mittee on Patents, Dec. 19, 1899 352 56tli Cong., 1st sess.. House of Representatives, no. 5294 . . 67 Introduced by Mr. Sulzer and referred to Committee on Patents, Jan. 4, 1900 352 56th Cong., 1st sess.. House of Representatives, no. 9494 . . 67 Introduced by Mr. Bull and referred to Committee on Patents, Mar. 12, 1900 352 56th Cong., 1st sess.. House of Representatives, no. 9993 . . 68 Introduced by Mr. Cummings and referred to Commit- tee on Patents, Mar. 26, 1900 353 56tli Cong., 1st sess.. Senate, no. 3S04 68 Introduced by Mr. Piatt and referred to Committee on Patents, Mar. 27, 1900 353 56th Cong., 1st sess.. House of Representatives, no. 10994. . 68 Introduced by Mr. Cum.mings and referred to Commit- tee on Patents, Apr. 24, 1900 353 56th Cong., 1st sess.. Senate, no. 4325 68 Introduced b}- Mr. Lodge and referred to Committee on Patents, Apr. 25, 1900 353 56th Cong., 2d sess., House of Representatives, no. 14249 . . 68 Introduced by Mr. Dayton and referred to Committee on Patents, Feb. 21, 1901 355 56th Cong., 2d sess.. House of Representatives, no. 14337. • 68 Introduced by Mr. Driggs and referred to Committee on Patents, Mar. i, 1901 355 57tli Cong., 1st sess.. House of Representatives, no. 5777. . 69 Introduced by Mr. Dayton and referred to Committee on Patents, Dec. 10, 1901 355 57th Cong., 1st sess.. Senate, no. 2894 69 Introduced by Mr. Piatt and referred to Committee on Patents, Jan. 15, 1902 356 57th Cong., 2d sess.. House of Representatives, no. 17551. . 69 Reported from Committee on Printing, referred, re- ported and referred to House Calendar, Feb. 26, 1903 (H. R. Report, no. 3892) 82, 368 Substitute for H. R. Res. 373 (Jan. 8, 1903) Note, 36S Index 409 Bills — Continued Page 58th Cong., 1st sess., Senate, no. 849 69 Introduced by Mr. Piatt and referred, Nov. 16, 1903 . 8, 368-369 Summary of provisions 8 Full text [see S. bill, no. 2229, 58th Cong., 2d ) 58tli Cong., 1st sess.. House of Representatives, no. 5059 . . 69, 70 Introduced by I\Ir. Tawney and referred, Nov. 27, 1903. 369 Reported and referred to House Calendar, Dec. 17, 1903 (H. R. Report, no. 12) 70, 82, 371 Considered in H. R. and substituted by S. bill, no. 2022, Dec. 18, 1903 371-372 58tli Cong., 1st sess.. Senate, no. 2022 70 Introduced by Mr. Cockrell and referred, Dec. i, 1903. 369 Reported by Committee on Patents, amended, and passed by S., Dec. 17, 1903 (S. Report, no. 142) . 82, 370-371 Presented to H. R., Dec. 18, 1903 371 Substituted for H. R. bill, no. 5059, considered and passed by H. R., Dec. 18, 1903 371-372 Approved, Jan. 7, 1904 93; Note, 373 58tli Cong., 2d sess.. Senate, no. 2153 70 Introduced by Mr. Lodge and referred to Committee on Patents, Dec. 8, 1903 369 58th Cong., 2d sess., Senate, no. 2229 70, 71 Introduced by Mr. Piatt and referred, Dec. 8, 1903. . . . 369 Reported by Committee on Patents, Jan. 8, 1904 (S. Re- port, no. 188) 8, 70, 83, 373 Called up for action and ordered to go over without prejudice, Feb. 8, 1904 374 Summary of provisions (^see S. bill, no. 849, 58th Cong., 1st sess. ) Full text 12-14 58th Cong., 2d sess.. House of Representatives, no. 6487. 70, 71, 72 Introduced by Mr. Currier and referred, Dec. 9, 1903. 8-9, 369 Reported and referred to House Calendar, Mar. i, 1904 (H. R. Report, no. 1287) 9, 71, 83. 374 Reported by Committee on Patents, amended, and passed by H. R., Dec. 14, 1904 377 Presented to S., read twice, and referred, Dec. 15, 1904. 377 Summary of provisions 9, 377 Full text of bill and report 14-18, 386 58tli Cong., 2d sess.. House of Representatives, no. 9297 . . 71 Introduced by Mr. Knapp and referred to Committee on Education, Jan. 8, 1904 9, 373 Summary of provisions 9, 373 Full text 18-20 58th Cong., 2d sess.. House of Repre.sentatives, no. 9324 . . 71 Introduced by Mr. Bartholdt and referred to Com- mittee on Patents, Jan. 8, 1904 9, 373 Full text {^see H. R. bill, no. 1 1450, 58th Cong. , 2d sess. ) 4IO CopyrigJit iti Congress^ ^7^9 to 1904 Bills — Continued Page 58th Cong., 2(i sess., House of Representatives, no. 11450. . 71 Introduced by Mr. Bartholdt and referred, Jan. 30, 1904. 9, 374 Summary of provisions 9-10 Full text 20-22 58th Cong., 2d sess., House of Representatives, no. 13355. . 71, 72 Introduced by Mr. Tawney and referred, Mar. 2, 1904. 10, 374 Reported and referred to House Calendar, Apr. 26, 1904 (H. R. Report, no. 2857) 10, 72, 83, 375-376 Considered and passed by H. R., Apr. 26, 1904 376 Presented to S., read twice, and referred, Dec. 6, 1904. 376 Sunnnary of provisions lo-i i, 375 Full text 22-26 58th Cong., 2d sess., Senate, no. 5314 71-72 Introduced by Mr. Piatt and referred to Committee on Patents, Mar. 30, 1904 11, 374 Summary of provisions 1 1-12 Full text 26-28 58th Cong., 3d sess.. Senate, no. 5967 72 Introduced by Mr. Penrose and referred to Committee on the Library, Dec. 12, 1904 376 Bingham (Henry Harrison), of Pennsylvania, 49th, 54th Cong. 234, 341 Binney (Horace), of Pennsylvania, 23d Cong 146 Black (Edward J. ), of Georgia, 28th Cong 163 Black (Frank Swett), of New York, 54th Cong 61, 336 Blair (Henry William), of New Hampshire, 50th Cong 245 Blanchard (Newton Crain), of Louisiana, 50th Cong 259 Bland ( Richard Parks), of Missouri, 53d Cong 331 Blessington (^Marguerite Power, Countess of). Included in address of British authors, S., Feb. 2; H. R., Feb. 13, 1837. . 96, 97, 148, 149 Blount (James H.), of Georgia, 45th, Cong 217, 292, 293, 296 Bonaparte (Lucien), Prince de Canino. Included in address of British authors, S., Feb. 2; H. R., Feb. 13, 1837. ... 96, 97, 148, 149 Books, affidavit of American manufacture of. Bill to require. . 10, 22-26, 71, 72, 83, 374, 375 Borland (Solon), of, 32d Cong 170 Bostock (John). Included in address of British authors, S., Feb. 2; H. R., Feb. 13, 1837 96, 97, 148, 149 Boston, artists of. {See William M. Hunt and others.) Boston, citizens of: Memorial, H. R., Apr. 16, 1838 99, 152 Memorial, S., Apr. 24, 1838. {See Edward Everett and others. ) Boston Handel and Haydn Society. Petition, H. R., Feb. 19, 1885.... ' 231 Boston University, President of. Petition, S., Feb. 10, 1891 .. 302 Boudinot (Elias), of New Jersey, ist Cong 29, 74, 1 17, 1 19 Bound (Franklin), of Pennsylvania, 49th-5otli Cong 233, 230 Index 4^1 Page Boutwell (George Sewell), of Massachusetts, 38th-4ist Cong.^ i\ote, 45 Bowdoin'college',' faculty of. Petitions, S., Jan. 26; H. R., ^^^ Tan. 26, 188S •' V.^ ^ Bowker (Richard Rogers). Statement before S. copyright hear- ing, Jan. 29, 1886; also, Mar. 11, 1886 7 Bowli'n (James Butler), of Missouri, 28th Cong 1^3 Boyle (Charles E.), of Pennsylvania, 48th Cong 226 Bradley (Stephen Row), of Vermont, 7th Cong 30, 127 Brazos Co., Tex., citizens of. Petition, H. R., Jan. 26, 188.V . . 244 Breckenridge (James), of Virginia, nth Cong ^31 Breckinridge (Clifton Rhodes), of Arkansas, srst Cong 294, 295, 296, 321 Breckinridge (William Campbell Preston), of Kentucky, 50th- . rr S2, S4, 253, 269, 284, 295 51st Cong ^ .' ^/' ^^' ^' Brevoort (John A.) and Fowler (O. S.). Memorial, S., June 8, 1838 100,154.156 Brice (Calvin Stewart), of Ohio, 54th Cong 333 Brockway (John H.), of Connecticut, 27th Cong I5», i^i Brooks (James), of New York, 39th Cong • • • 4o, ib» Brookshire (Elijah Voorhees), of Indiana, 51st Cong . . . 287, 296, 321 Brown (Joseph E. ), of Georgia, 50th Cong 250 Brown (R. M. ) and others. Petition, S., Mar. 16, 1854 I74 Browne (Thomas H. Bayly), of Virginia, 51st Cong 274, 320 Browne (William Henry). Statement before S. copyright hear- ^ ing, Jan. 28, 1886 _ ' ' ' Brvant (William Cullen) and others. Memorials, H. R., Mar. 22, 1848; S., Mar. 22, 1866 ^°i' ^67, 189 Bryce (Lloyd S. ), of New York, 50th Cong 52, 240 Bryn Mawr College, faculty of. Petition, S., Mar. 7, 1888 .... 252 Buchanan (James), of New Jersey, 5oth-5ist Cong 246, 259, 276, 290, 291, 295, 314, 316, 317. 319- 320 Buchanan (James), of Pennsylvania, 21st, 24th-25th, 27th > Con- 33> 140, T48, 150, 151. 152, 153, 155. 159. 160 Buchtel College, faculty of. Petitions, H. R.. Jan. 26; S., Jan. ,QQq 244,245 30, ibhb Buck (John R. ), of Connecticut, 47th Cong 47- 220 Buckland (William). Included in address of British authors, S.,Feb.2; H.R.,Feb. 13, 1837 96, 97, M^. '49 Bucknell University, faculty of. Petitions, H. R., Jan. 20; S., ^, ,000 241,243 Jan. 25, 1888 Bull (Melville), of Rhode Island, 54th-56th Cong. . 63, 67, 343- 344, 352 Bulwer (William Henry Lytton Earle), baron Dalling and Bul- wer Included in address of British authors, S. , Feb. 2 ; H . R . , Feb. X3, 1837 ;•■■.>;■''•?';/'''''' Bulwer-Lytton (Edward George Earle Lytton), ist baron Lyt- ton Included in address of British authors, S., Feb. 2; H. R., , ," o ... 96, 97, 148, 149 Feb. 13, 1837 y .v/' ■+ 412 CopyrigJit in Congress^ ^7^9 ^o ^904 Page Burke (Aedanus), of South Carolina, ist Cong 29, ii8 Burke (Edmund), of New Hampshire, 28th Cong 36, 164, 165 Business forms, bill to secure cop3"right of 9, 20-22, 71, 374 Business organizations. Memorials, S., Feb. 9, 1891 300 Butler (Andrew Pickens), of South Carolina, 30th Cong 168 Butler (Benjamin Franklin), of Massachusetts, 41st Cong. . . 198, 381 Butler (Roderick R. ), of Tennessee, 50th Cong 247 Butterworth (Benjamin), of Ohio, 51st Cong 54, 269, 295, 320 Cadwalader (Lambert), of New Jersey, ist Cong 113, 118 Cairo, 111., citizens of. Petition, H. R., June 9, 1890 287 Calhoun (William B. ), of Massachusetts, 25th Cong 154 California, citizens of. Petition, S. , Mar. 5, 1894 329 Calkin (Hervey C. ), of New York, 41st Cong 201, 203 Calkins (William H. ), of Indiana, 48th Cong 228 Callcott (Maria Dundas Graham, Lady). Included in address of British authors, S., Feb. 2; H. R., Feb. 13, 1837. . 96, 97, 148, 149 Cambreleng (Churchill C), of New York, 24th-25th Cong. . 149, 150 Cameron (James Donald), of Pennsylvania, 46th, 49th-5ist Cong 218, 233, 234, 240, 243, 251, 252, 253, 255, 270, 271, 297, 299 Cameron (Simon), of Pennsylvania, 42d Cong 208 Campbell (Thomas). Included in address of British authors, S., Feb. 2; H. R., Feb. 13, 1837 96, 97, 148, 149 Canino (Lucien Bonaparte, Prince of). Address of British " authors, S., Feb. 2; H. R. Feb. 13, 1837 96, 97, 148, 149 Capen (Nahum). Petition, H. R., Jan. 15, 1844 loi, 164 Carleton College, facult}' of. Petition, S., Jan. 24, 1888 242 Carlisle (John Griffin), of Kentucky, 51st Cong. . 303, 307, 310, 319, 385 Carlton (Henry Hull), of Georgia, 50th Cong 248 Carlyle (Thomas). Included in address of authors, S., Feb. 2; H. R., Feb. 13, 1837 96, 97, 148, 149 Carpenter (]\Iatthew H.), of Wisconsin, 41st Cong 202 Casey (Lyman R.), of North Dakota, 51st Cong. 300, 319 Cass (Lewis), of Michigan, 29th-33d Cong 166, 172, 173 Cassingham (John W. ), of Ohio, 57th Cong 363 Ca.swell (Lucien B. ), of Wisconsin, 5oth-5ist Cong. 245, 251, 295, 320 Catchings (Thomas Clendinen), of Mississippi, 51st Cong 321 Catalogue of Title Entries, in regard to 1 1 1, 373 Caunter {Rev. John Hobart). Included in address of British authors, S., Feb. 2; H. R., Feb. 13, 1837 96, 97, 148, 149 Central Labor Union of Philadelphia. Petition, H. R., Jan. 29, 1886 234 Central Tennessee College, faculty of. Petition, S., Apr. 9, 1888 257 Central Trades and Labor Council of New Orleans, La. Reso- lutions of, H. R., Apr. 23 and 28, 1902 366, 367 Central Wesleyan College, faculty of. Petitions, vS., Jan. 23; H. R., Feb. 21, 1888 242, 251 Century Association of New York. Memorial, II. R., May 11, 1888 26-, Index 413 Page Certificates, bill to secure copyright of 9, 20-22, 71, 374 Chace (Jonathan), of Rhode Island, 49th-5oth Cong 51, 52, 78, 233, 237, 240, 252, 253, 254, 257, 258, 259, 260, 261, 267, 383 Chalmers (Thomas). Included in address of British authors, • S., Feb. 2; H. R., Feb. 13, 1837 y-;, 97, 14S, 149 Chambers (Ezekiel F. ), of Marj^land, 20th Cong 137 Chandler (Joseph R.), of Pennsylvania, 33d Cong 37, 131 Chapman (Reuben), of Alabama, 28th Cong Note, 163 Chase (Salmon Portland), of Ohio, 33d Cong 173, 174 Checks, bill to secure copyright of 9, 20-22, 71, 374 Chicago Trade and I^abor Assembly. Memorial, H. R. Mar. 31, 1884 226 Chittenden (Simeon B.), oi New York, 46th Cong 21S Choate (Rufus), of Massachusetts, 28th Cong 163 Chorley (Henry Fothergill). Included in address of British authors, vS., Feb. 2; H. R., Feb. 13, 1837 96, 97, 148, 149 Christian University, faculty of. Petitions, S., Jan. 23; H. R., Jan. 24, 1888 242, 243 Chromes, affidavit of American manufacture of. Bill to require. 10, 22-26, 71, 72, 83, 374, 375 Churchman (John) 74 Petition, H. R., Dec. 16, 1790 123 Memorial, H. R. , Dec. 30, 1791 125 Cincinnati Chamber of Commerce. Petition, Jan. 27, 1S91. . . . 299 Clapp (Moses Edwin), of Minnesota, 58th Cong 8, 13, 71, 83, 373 Clark (Charles B. ), of Wisconsin, 5oth-5ist Cong .... 249, 287 Clark (William Andrews), of Montana, 57th Cong 359, 365, .^67 Clarke (John B.). Petition, H. R., Apr. 9, 1884 227 Clarke (John B.) and others. Petition, H. R., Apr. 14, 1884. . . . 227 Clay (Henry), of Kentucky, 24th-27th, 31st Cong 34, 35, 75, 148, 153, 156, 158, 159, 169 Clay (Joseph), of Pennsylvania, loth Cong 31, 130 Clayton (John Middleton), of Delaware, 23d Cong 147 Clayton (Thomas), of Delaware, 26th Cong 35, 158 Clemens (Samuel Langhorne). Statement before vS. copyright hearing, Jan. 28, 1S86 78 Cleveland (Grover). Messages of: 1885 (Dec. 8). Annual message (paragraph on Berne Con- vention) 104, 231, 232 1886 (July 9). Regarding correspondence with Switzer- land and Italy 104, 237, 238 1886 (Dec. 6). Annual message (paragraph on interna- tional copyright) k>4-io5, 238, 239 1886 (Dec. 15). Regarding correspondence with Switzer- land and France 105, 239 1893 (Dec. 4). Annual mes.sage (paragraph on copyright treaty with Denmark) no, 328 Cleveland (Orestes), of New Jersey, 41st Cong 198, 381 414 Copyright in Congress^ J 7^9 to 190^ Page Clunie (Thomas Jefferson), of California, 51st Cong 271 Clymer (George), of Pennsylvania, ist Cong 116 Coal City, 111., teachers of. Petition, H. R., June 6, 1890 286 Cockran (William Bourke), of New York, 520! Cong 327 Cockrell (Francis Marion), of Missouri, 50th, 57th-58th Cong 70, 241, 257, 366, 369, 370, 385 Cogswell (William), of Massachusetts, Cong 271, 295, 320 Coke (Richard ), of Texas, 5oth-5ist Cong 243, 246, 299, 310, 319 Colfax (Schuyler), of Indiana, 35th Cong 380 Collins ( Patrick A. ), of Massachusetts, 48th, 50th Cong 48, 52, 79. 224, 255, 259, 263 Colorado, citizens of. Petition, H. R., Feb. 4, 1S90 274 Columbia Typographical Society, AVashington, D. C. Memo- rial, S., Feb. 13, 1838 98, 151, 156 Compton (Barnes), of Maryland, 50th Cong 245 Comstock (Solomon G.), of Minnesota, 51st Cong 287, 295, 320 Conger (Edwin Hurd), of Iowa, 5oth-5ist Cong. . . . 256, 263, 277, 383 Conger (Omar D.), of Michigan, 43d Cong 46, 214, 215 Connecticut, citizens of. (^if^ Petitions and memorials.) Connell (William), of Penn.sylvania, 57th Cong 356 Connell (William J. ), of Nebraska, 51st Cong 289 Conness (John), of California, 39th Cong 191 Connolly (James Austin), of Illinois, 54th Cong 340 Contee (Benjamin), of Maryland, ist Cong 113 Converse (George L. ), of Ohio, 48th Cong 227 Cooper (George W^illiam), of Indiana, 51st Cong 284, 296, 321 Cooper (James), of Pennsj^lvania, 33d Cong 175 Cooper (James Fenimore) and others. Petition, S., July 19, 1852 102, 170 Copyright: Petitions for and against. {See Petitions and memo- rials. ) Copyright acts, (^if^* Laws.) Copyright articles, bill to require consent of proprietor to im- port II, 26-28, 71, 72, 374 Copyright enactments, 1 783-1900 (Cop. Of. Bulletin no. 3) . . . no, 354 Transmitted to S. and referred, May 10, 1900 354 S. resolution to print 3,000 copies, May 17, 1900 354 Copyright Office, reorganization of Note, 93, 341 Copyright Oftice, Publications of: Bulletin no. 3 ( 1900) 110,354 Catalogue of Title Entries in, 373 Report on Copyright Legislation ( 1904) in Copyright relations of the United vStates with other countries. 9, 15. 18,337 Copyrighted puljlications, annual report of entry of, for 1897: Transmitted to H. R. and referred, Jan. 20, 1898 no, 347 Corson ( Levi H. ). Relief of 36, 94, 167-169 Memorial, H. R., May I, 184S 167 Index 415 Page Couch (Joseph J. ) 1 1 1 Covert (James W.), of New York, 53d Cong. . . 58, 59, 81, 330, 332, 333 Speech on international copyright, H. R., May 2, 1890. . . . 107 Cowan (Edgar), of Pennsylvania, 37th-39th Cong. 39, 186, 187, 190, 191 Cowles (W. H. H.), of North Carolina, 51st Cong 314, 317, 321 Cox (Samuel Sullivan), of Ohio, 35th-38th Cong.; later of New York, 4ist-42d, 50th Cong 42, 183, 185, 204, 205, 206, 263 Crafts (Samuel Chandler), of Vermont, 27th Cong 160 Creswell (John A. J.), of Maryland, 39th Cong 40, 191, 192, 193 Cromer (George Washington), of Indiana, 57th Cong 359 Crosby (Howard). Statement before S. copyright hearing, Jan. 28, 1886 78 Crouse (George W. ), of Ohio, 50th Cong 244 Crownin.shield (Jacob), of Massachusetts, loth Cong 130 Cruzan (Charles L. ) and others. Petition, H. R., Mar. 17, 1884. 226 Cullom (Shelby Moore), of Illinois, 49th-5ist, 57th Cong 235, 245, 254, 255, 256, 257, 259, 278, 279, 291, 309, 319, 363 Cummings (Amos J. ), of New York, 53d-56th Cong 58, 60, 68, 329, 335, 353 Speech on international copyright, H. R., May 2, 1890. . . . 107 Cunningham (Allan). Included in address of British authors, S., Feb. 2; H. R., Feb. 13, 1837 96, 97, 148, 149 Currier (Frank Dunklee), of New Hampshire, 57th-58th Cong. 8, 14, 15, 70. 71, 83. 360, 369. 374, 377 Curtin (Andrew Gregg), of Pennsylvania, 48th Cong 227 Curtis (George Ticknor). Statement before S. copyright hear- ing, Jan. 28, 1886 78 Cushing (Caleb), of Massachusetts, 27th Cong 161 "Daily Times," Huron, S. Dak. {Sec Newton T. Smith.) Dalling and Bulwer (William Henrj- Lytton Earle Bulwer, baron). Included in of British authors. ... 96, 97, 14S, 149 Dalzell (John), of Pennsylvania, 50th Cong 245, 295, 320 Dana (James D. ). Bibliography, I. Bills, no. 32 Note, 36 Dana (Samuel Whittlesey), of Connecticut, nth Cong 131 Daniel (John Warwick), of Virginia, 5oth-5ist Cong 249, 303. 305, 306, 307, 308, 310, 319, 385 Speech on international copyright, S., Feb. 13, 1891 108 Darby (H. H.) and others. Petition, H. R., Feb. 19, 1885 231 Darlington (Smedley), of Pennsylvania, 5oth-5ist Cong .... 240, 295 Dartmouth College, faculty of. Petition, vS., Jan. 30, 1888 .... 245 Davenport (Ira), of New York, 50th Cong 241 Davenport (Ira William) and others. Petition, H. R., June 11, 1890 288 Davey (Robert Charles), of Louisiana, 57th Cong 366 Davidson College, faculty of. Petitions, vS., Jan. 23; II. R., Feb. 10, 1 888 242, 249 Davis (Cushman Kellogg), of Minnesota, 5oth-5ist, 55th Cong. 65, 242, 275, 347, 348 41 6 Copyright in Congress^ ^7^9 ^o 190^ Page Davis (George R. ), of Illinois, 4Sth Cong 226, 228 Davis (Jeflferson), of Mississippi, 29tli Cong i66 Davis (John), of Massachusetts, 30th, 32d Cong . . 37, 76, 167, 170, 171 Dawes (Henry L. ). of Massachusetts, 41st Cong 205 Dayton ( Alston Gordon ) , of West Virginia, 56th-57th Cong . 68, 69, 355 De Lano (Milton), of New York, 51st Cong 285, 296, 320 Denison University, faculty of. Petition, S., Jan. 26, 1S88 .... 243 Denver, Colo., citizens of. Petition, Jan. 31, 1S8S 246 Denver University, faculty of. Petition, S., Jan. 30, 1888 245 Dibble (vSamuel), of South Carolina, 4Sth, 51st Cong 227, 296, 321 Dickenson (Mahlon), of New Jersey, 20th Cong 136 Dickinson (Joseph R. ) . {See \\. F. Whittock. ) Disraeli ( Benjamin ) , Earl of Beaconsfield. Included in address of British authors, S., Feb. 2; H. R., Feb. 13, 1837. . . 96, 97, 148, 149 Disraeli (Isaac). Included in address of British authors, S., Feb. 2; H.R., Feb. 13, 1837 96, 97, 148, 149 Dittenhoefer (Abram Jesse). Petition, H. R., Mar. 26, 1900 .... 353 Dix (John Adams), of New York, 29th Cong 166 Doane College, faculty of. Petition, H. R., Feb. 16, 1888 251 Dorsheimer (William), of New York, 48th Cong 48, 49, 78, 224, 225, 227, 230, 231 Draper (William Franklin), of Massachusetts, 54th Cong 60, 61, 62, 63, 81, 337, 338, 339, 340, 342, 343, 386 Driggs (Edmund Hope), of New^ York, 56th Cong 68, 354, 355 Driscoll (Michael Edward), of New York, 57th Cong 359 Drury College, faculty of. Petitions, S., Jan. 31; H. R., Apr. 13, 1888 246, 258 Dryden (John Fairfield), of New Jersey, 57th Cong 366 Duer (W. A.) and others. Petition, S., Feb. 4, 1837 96, 148 Dungan (Irvnne), of Ohio, 52d Cong 58, 325 Dunham (Ransom W.), of Illinois, 50th Cong 255, 258 Dunkle (Eli). Petition, H. R., May 19, 1890 285 Dunnell (Mark Hill), of Minnesota, 51st Cong 286, 295, 320 Du Ponceau (Peter S.) and others. Memorial, S., Mar. 19, 1838 98, 151, 152, 156 Edgerton (Alfred P.), of Ohio, 33d Cong 176 Edgeworth (IMaria). Included in address of British authors, vS., Feb. 2; H. R., Feb. 13, 1837 96, 97, 148, 149 Edmunds (George Franklin), of Vermont, 42d, 48th-49tli, 51st Cong 211, 231, 238, 267, 296, 306, 309, 319, 321, 322, 382, 384 Ehlers (Amelia) and others. Petition, H. R., June 6, 1890. . . . 286 Elliote (E. J.) and others. Petition, H. R., June 10, 1890 .... 288 Ellis (Carrie M.). Petition, H. R., May 19, 1890 285 Ellsworth (William M.), of Connecticut, 2ist-22d Cong 33, 74, 141, 143, 145, 378 English (William E.), of Indiana, 48th Cong 50, 230 English (William H. ), of Indiana, 33d Cong 176 Index 417 Page Ermentrout (Daniel), of Pennsylvania, 48th-5oth Cong 228, 236, 253, 254, 258 Estes (Dana). Statement before S. copyright hearing, Jan. 29, 1886; also Feb. 12, 1886 78 Evans (Henry Clay), of Tennessee, 51st Cong 269, 295, 320 Evanston, 111., teachers of. Memorial, H. R., Apr. 4, 1890. . . . 280 Evarts (William Maxwell), of New York, Cong 241, 243, 254, 297. 298, 299, 309 Everett (Edward), of Massachusetts, 33d Cong 172 Everett (Edward) and others. Memorial, S., Apr. 24, 1838. 99, 153, 156 Everhart (James Bowen), of Pennsylvania, 48th Cong 226 Ewing (Thomas), of Ohio, 24th Cong 148 Fagan (John) and others. Memorial, S., May 2, 1838 153, 156 Fairbanks (Charles Warren), of Indiana, 57th Cong 361, 365 Fairbanks (Edward T. ). {^See Abbie M. McNeil. ) Fairchild (Benjamin Lewis), of New York, 54th Cong. 62, 341, 342, 344 Fairfield ( John) , of Maine, 28th Cong 163 False affidavit of American manufacture, penalty to be imposed for making 10, 22-26, 374, 375 Farquhar (John McCreath), of New York, 5oth-5ist Cong. 261, 295, 320 Farwell (Charles Benjamin), of Illinois, 5oth-5ist Cong 241, 248, 27S, 279, 299, 309, 319 Fennimore Association, No. 5, St. Louis, Mo. Petition, H. R., Mar. 20, 1902 361 Ferry (Orris Sanford), of Connecticut, 42d-43d Cong. ... 46, 212, 213 Fillmore ( Millard ) . Message to Congress regarding treaty with Great Britain, Feb. 18, 1853 102 Fitch (Ashbel Parmelee). vSpeech on international copyright, H. R., May 2, 1890 106 Fletcher (Richard), of Massachusetts, 25th Cong 152 Foerderer (Robert Hermann), of Pennsylvania, 57th Cong. . . . 365 Folwell (W. N.) and others. Petition, H. R., May 19, 1890. ... 285 Foraker (Joseph Benson), of Ohio, 57th Cong 360 Foran (Martin Ambrose), of Ohio, 50th Cong 251 Foreign books, translation of: Made within twelve months after publication, l)ill to secure copyright in United States 8, 13, 14, 17, 369, 374, 377 Provision regarding, to be restricted 9, 15, 18, 377 Foreign languages, importation of books in 28, 374 Forms, business or blank, bill to secure copyright of. . 9, 20-22, 71, 374 Foster (William Eaton) and others. Petition, H R., June 17, 1890. 289 Fowler (Charles Newell), of New Jersey, 57th Cong 363 Fowler (O. S.). {Hec Brevoort, John A., and Fowler.) Franklin College, faculty of. Petition, H. R., Jan. 23, 1888. ... 242 Franklin and Marshall College, faculty of. Petitions, vS., Jan. 26; H. R., Jan. 30, 1888 244, 245 Frederick College, faculty of. Petitions, S., Feb. 14; H. R., Feb. 16, 1888 250, 25 1 10469 — No. 8 — 05 27 41 8 Copyright in Congress^ ^7^9 ^o 1904 Page Free text-books, bill to establish use of, in public schools 9, 18-20,71,373 French (Carlos), of Connecticut, 50th Cong 248 Frye (William Pierce), of Maine, 49th-5ist Cong 234, 244> 297, 299, 301, 307, 309, 319 Fuller (William E. ). of Iowa, 50th Cong 251 Funston (Edward Hogue), of Kansas, 5oth-5ist Cong 288, 320 Furman (G.) and others, (^l?^ United States, writers of. ) Gamble (Robert Jackson), of South Dakota, 57th Cong 365 Gear (John Henry), of Iowa, 51st Cong 271 George (James G. ), of Mississippi, 50th Cong 242 Georgia, citizens of. Petition, S., Mar. 31, 1888 254 Gerst (Henry). {See Otterbein University, faculty of.) Giff ord ( Oscar Sherman ) , of South Dakota, 50th Cong 249 Gold (Thomas R. ) , of New York, i ith Cong 131 Goodhue (Benjamin), of Massachusetts, 2d Cong 126 Gordon (John Brown), of Georgia, 52d Cong 58, 326 Gordon (Thomas ). Memorial, S., Feb. 26, 1828 136 Gorman (Arthur P.), of Maryland, 5oth-5ist, 58th Cong 250, 302,303,319,370 Graham i Maria Dundas), Lady Callcott. Included in address of British authors, S., Feb. 2; H. R., Feb. 13, 1837. . 96, 97, 148, 149 Graham (William Harrison), of Pennsylvania, 57th Cong 355 Grand Junction Camera Club. Petition, H. R., Apr. i, 1898. . 350 Gray (George), of Delaware, 53d Cong. . 84, 310, 316, 317, 318, 319, 329 Great Britain, authors of. Addresses, S., Feb. 2; H. R., Feb. I3> 1837 96, 97, 148, 149 Green (Edmund) and others. Memorial, S., Feb. i, 1838. . . 151, 156 Green (George Walton). Statement before vS. copyright hear- ing, Jan. 28, 1SS6 78 Green (Henry Dickinson), of Pennsylvania, 57th Cong 366 Greenman (Edward W.), of New York, 50th Cong 244 Gregg (Andrew), of Pennsylvania, 2d Cong 126 Griflfin (Gerald). Included in address of British authors, S., Feb. 2; H. R., Feb. 13, 1837 96, 97, 148, i49 Grimshawe (Thomas Shuttleworth). Included in address of British authors, S., Feb. 2; H. R., Feb. 13, 1837. ... 96, 97, 148, 149 Grosvenor (Charles Henry), of Ohio, 5oth-5ist Cong . . . 242, 285, 321 Grout (William W.), of Vermont, 5oth-5ist Cong 254, 320 Grover (J. L. ). Petition, H. R., May 19, 1890 285 Guenther (Richard), of Wisconsin, 49th-5oth Cong 236, 245 Hale (Eugene), of Maine, 49th-5ist Cong 53, 235, 240, 264, 306 Hale (Horatio). Bibliography, I. Bills, no. 32 Note, 36 Hall (Anna Maria Fielding). Included in address of British authors, S., Feb. 2; H. R., Feb 13, 1837 96, 97, 148, 149 Hall (Darwin S. ), of Minnesota, 51st Cong 279, 288, 320 Hall (Samuel Carter). Included in address of British authors, S., Feb. 2; H. R., Feb. 13, 1837 96, 97, 148, 149 Index 419 Page Hallam (Henry). Included in address of British authors, S., Feb. 2; H. R., Feb. 13, 1S37 96, 97, 148, 149 Hamilton (Charles L.) and others. Petition, H. R., Apr. 4, 1888. 256 Hamilton (William T. ), of Maryland, 41st Cong 202, 203 Hamlin (Hannibal), of Maine, 33d Cong 173 Hampshire (R. A.) and others. Petition, H. R., June 10, 1890. 288 Hampton (Wade), of vSouth Carolina, 50th Cong 241 Hanna (Marcus Alonzo), of Ohio, 57th Cong 361, 364 Hanover College, faculty of. Petition, S., Jan. 23, 1888 241 Hansbrough (Henry Clay), of North Dakota, 55th-56th Cong . 66, 67, 350, 352 Harmer (Alfred C. ), of Pennsylvania, 51st Cong 280, 295, 320 Harper & Brothers. Statement before vS. copyright hearing, May 21, 1886 78 Harris (Isham G. ), of Tennessee, 5oth-5ist Cong 247, 256, 257, 304, 310 Harrison (Benjamin). Messages of : 1889 (Dec. 3). Annual message (paragraph recommending international copyright law) 105, 268 1890 (July 11). Report of International American Confer- ence 107, 289 1890 (Dec. i). Annual message (paragraph renewing recom- mendation for international copyright) 107, 291 1891 (Dec. 9). Annual message (paragraph on International Copyright Act) 109, 323 1892 (Dec. 6). Annual message (paragraph regarding copy- right treaties with Italy and Germany) icg, 325, 326 Hartford, Conn., citizens of. {See D. F. Robinson and others. ) Hatch (William Henry), of Missouri, 5oth-5ist Cong . . . 243, 296, 321 Haverford College, faculty of. Petition, S., Jan. 18, 1888 240 Hawley (Joseph Roswell), of Connecticut, 48th-5ist Cong 50, 231,250,270,275,309,319 Statement before S. copyright hearing, Jan. 28, 18S6 78 Hayes (Rutherford Birchard), of Ohio, 39th Cong 192, 193, 381 Haynes (Martin A.), of New Hampshire, 48th, 51st Cong 226, 296, 321 Hayward (Abraham). Included in address of British authors, S., Feb. 2; H. R., Feb. 13, 1837 96, 97, 148, 149 Heard (John T.), of Missouri, 5oth-5ist Cong 252, 296, 321 Heatwole (Joel Prescott), of Minnesota, 57th Cong 69, 82, 368 Heidelberg College, faculty of. Petitions, S., Jan. 23; H. R., Jan. 23, 1888 241, 242 Hei.ster (Daniel), of Penn.sylvania, ist Cong 123, 124 Heitfeld ( Henry ), of Idaho. 57th Cong 359 Helmuth (William Tod). Relief of 46, 95, 213, 214, 216. 217 Petition, H. R., May 27, 1874 213, 214 Henderson (David Bremner), of Iowa, 5oth-5ist Cong 254, 296 420 Copyright in Congress^ 17S9 to igo^ Page Henderson (John Steele), of North Carolina, 5oth-5ist Cong. 247, 296 Henderson (Thomas Jefferson), of Illinois, 51st Cong 289, 296 Herndon (Mrs. William L.). Relief of 40, 95, 18S, 189, 190 {See Bills: H. R., no. 193, 39th Cong., ist sess. ) Herrick (Joshua), of Maine, 28th Cong 163 Hewitt (Abrani Stevens), of New York, 48th Cong . 49, 224 Hickman ( John), of Pennsylvania, 36th Cong 38, 182 Hicks (Josiah D. ), of Penn.sylvania, 53d, 55th Cong 59, 64, 65, 66, 67, Si, 82, 331, 346, 347, 348, 350, 351 Hiestand (John A.), of Pennsylvania, 50th Cong 245 Hill ( Charles Augustus), of Illinois, 51st Cong 286 Hill ( David Bennett), of New York, 53d-54th Cong 58, 61, 63, 329, 336, 342 Hill (Ebenezer), of Connecticut, 57th Cong 357 Hiscock (Frank), of New York, 5oth-5ist Cong 241, 310,316,317,318,319,320 Hitt (Robert Roberts), of Illinois, 51st Cong 279, 291 Hoar (George Frisbie), of Massachusetts, 4ist-44th, 47th, 49th- 51st, 57th Cong. 47,197,219,220,221,232,241,273.275,309,319,360,384 Hobart College, faculty of. Petitions, H. R., Jan. 21; S., Jan. 23, 1888 241 Hoffman (Michael), of New York, 21st Cong 143 Holman (William S.), of Indiana, 41st, 51st Cong 279, 296, 321 Holt (Henry). Statement before S. copyright hearing, Jan. 28, 1886. .'. 78 Hooker (Charles Edward), of Mississippi, 50th, 52d-53d Cong. 57, 59, 243, 296, 321, 324, 332 Hopkins (Albert), of Illinois, 51st Cong 284, 292, 293, 316 Hopkinson (Joseph), of Pennsylvania, 15th Cong 134 Houk (Leonidas C), of Tennessee, 5oth-5ist Cong 256, 295 Houston (George Smith), of Alabama, 33d Cong 176 Howe (Timothy O. ), of Wisconsin, 4ist-43d Cong 46, 216, 382 Howells (William Dean) and others. Petition, H. R., June 4, 1900 354 Hewitt (Mary Botham ) . Included in address of British authors, S., Feb. 2; H. R., Feb. 13, 1837 96, 97, 14S, 149 Howitt (William). Included in address of British authors, S., Feb. 2; H. R., Feb. 13, 1837 . . 96, 97, 148, 149 Hubbard (Gardiner Greene). Statement before S. copyright hearing, Jan. 29, 1886 78 Hudd (Thomas R.). Speech on international copyright, H. R., Mar. 2, 1889 105 Hulick (George Washingtan), of Ohio, 54th Cong 339 Hunt (William M.) and others. Petition, S., Mar. 8, 1869. . 196, 197 Hunter (W. Godfrey), of Kentucky, 50th Cong 246 Huntington (Benjamin), of Connecticut, ist Cong 29, 30, 112, 113, 114, 118, 123, 124 Index 421 Page Huntington (G.). Petition, S., July i, 1850 169 Hursey (A. W.) and others. Petition, H. R., June 18, 1890. . . 289 Hutton (John E. ), of Missouri, 50th Cong 251 Illinois, citizens of. {See Petitions and memorials.) Importation of copyright books. Bill to require consent of proprietor n, 26-28, 71-72, 374 Indiana, citizens of. Petitions, S., Jan. 15, 1891; Mar. 21 and .\pr. 10, 1902 299, 361, 365 Indiana University, faculty of. Petition, H. R., June 11, 1888. . 264 Indiana University, librarian of. Petition, H. R., May 19, 1890. 285 Ingalls (John James), of Kansas, 5oth-5ist Cong 255, 256, 270, 278, 280, 307, 319, 384 Ingersoll (Charles J. ), of Pennsylvania, 27th-2Sth Cong 36, 161, 163, 164 Ingersoll (Joseph Reed), of Pennsylvania, 28th, 30th Cong 36, 76, 164, 167 Ingham (S. D.) and others. Memorial, S., June 18, 1838 . . . 155, 156 Interior, Secretary of. Letter asking appropriations for trans- fer of copyright books from the Department of State to the Department of the Interior, H. R., Mar. i, 1859 87 International American conference 106, 107, 275, 290 International copyright. Countries with which the United States have established copyright relations Note, 15 International copyright. Memorandum in behalf of S. bill, no. 191, and H. R. bill, no. 2493. {See American Copyright League.) International copyright. Petitions for and against. {See Pe- titions and memorials. ) International copyright. Testimony on, before H. R. Com- mittee on Judiciary, H. R.. Feb. 9, 1890 106 International Copyriglit Association. Petitions, H. R., Mar. 29, 1888, and Feb. 17, 1890; S., Jan. 10, 1891 254, 276, 298 International Copyright Association, No. 2. Memorial, H. R., Mar. 23, 1888 253 International Typographical Union. Petition, H. R., July 25, 1890 290 Iowa, citizens of. {See Petitions and memorials.) Iowa College, faculty of. Petition, S., Apr. 2, 1888 255 Irving (Washington). Petition, S., July 19, 1852 102, 170 Irving (Washington) and others. Petitions, H. R. , Mar. 14; S., Mar. 30, 1842 158, 159, 160-161 Izard (Randolph ), of South Carolina, ist Cong 1 16 Jackson (Washington J.) and others. Petition, S., Apr. 25, 1854 Note, 175 Jacksonville, 111., citizens of. {See Ira W. Davenport and others. ) James (George Payne Rainsford). Included in address of British authors, S., Feb. 2; H. R., Feb. 13, 1837 96, 97, 148, 149 422 Copyright in Congress^ 1789 to 1904 Page Jay (John). :Meniorial, H. R., Mar. 22, 1S48 loi, 167 Jenckes (Thomas A. ), of Rhode Island, 3Sth, 41st Cong 30, 42, 186, 197, 198, 201, 203, 204 Jenkins (Timothy), of New York, 29th Cong 166 Johns Hopkins University, faculty of. Petitions, H. R., Feb. 13: S., Feb. 14, 1888 250 Johnson (Reverdy), of Maryland, 29th Cong 166 Johnson (T. and J. W. ) and others. Memorial, S., June 13, 1842 159-160 Johnson (William Samuel), of Connecticut, ist Cong 121 Jones (George W. ), of Tennessee, 35th Cong 180 Jones (James Kimbrough), of Arkansas, 5oth-5ist Cong 244, 260, 261, 262, 310 Jones ( Judson ) . Relief of 64, 65, 95, 346, 347, 348, 349 {See Bills: H. R. no. 4847, 55th Cong., 2d sess.) Kansas, citizens of. Petitions, S., Jan. 14, 15, and Mar. 29, 1890 270, 280 Kansas State Normal School, Emporia, Kans. Petition, H. R., Jan. 23, 1888 242 Kean (John), of New Jersey, 50th, 57th Cong 249, 364 Keightley (Thomas). Included in address of British authors, S., Feb. 2; H. R., Feb. 13, 1837 96, 97, 148, 149 Kelley (William D.), of Pennsylvania, 42d Cong 83, 206 Kellogg (vStephen W. ), of Connecticut, 4ist-42d Cong 201, 203 Kenan (Thomas), of North Carolina, nth Cong 131 Kendall & Ladd. Petition. H. R., Apr. 19, 1884 227 Kennedy (John P. ), of Maryland, 27th Cong 158, 160, i6r Kennedy ( Robert Patterson), of Ohio, 5oth-5ist Cong 265, 321 Kennedy (William), of North Carolina, nth Cong 132 Kerr (Daniel), of Iowa, 51st Cong 293, 296, 316, 321 Ketcham (John Henry) , of New York, 5oth-5ist Cong. . 243, 295, 320 Keystone Association of Philadelphia. Petitions, H. R., Jan. 7, 8, and 13, 1902 355, 356 King (Rufus), of Massachusetts, ist Cong 116, 117 King (Thomas Butler), of Georgia, 27th, 30th Cong 167, 379 King College, faculty of. Petitions, H. R., Feb. 4; S., Feb. 6, 1888 247 Kirby (William). Included in address of British anthors, S., Feb. 2; H. R., Feb. 13, 1837 96, 97, 148, 149 Kittredge (Alfred Beard), of South Dakota, 57th Cong 365 Knapp (Charles Luman), of New York, sSth Cong .... 9, 18, 71, 373 Knights of Labor (Wisconsin). Memorial, S., Mar. 29, 1886. . 237 Knights of Labor, Assembly No. 84, Richmond, Va. Petition, H. R., Jan. 22, 1886 233 Kyle (James Henderson), of South Dakota, 52d, 56th Cong. ... 58, 326, 352 Index 423 Page Lacey (John Fletcher), of Iowa, 51st, 54th Cong. . . . 286, 296, 321, 339 Iva Cygne, Kans. , teachers of. {See R. A. Hampshire and others. ) Lagan (Matthew D. ), of Louisiana, 50th Cong 252 Laird (James), of Nebraska, 50th Cong 251 Lake Forest College, faculty of. Petition, vS., Jan. 23, 1888 ... 241 Lanham (vSamuel William Tucker), of Texas, 57th Cong 362 Latham (Milton S. ), of California, 37th Cong 186 Lawrance (John), of New York, ist Cong 116 Lawrence (William), of Ohio, 43d Cong 211 Lawrence University, faculty of. Petitions, H. R., Feb. 10; S., Feb. 13, 1888 _ 2 1,9 Laws (copyright): Public: 1790 (May 31). Original copyright act 84, 123 1802 (Apr. 29) . First amendatory copyright act 84, 130 1819 (Feb. 15). Second amendatory copyright act . . . 85, 134 1831 (Feb. 3). First general revision 85, 145 1834 (June 30). Requiring recording of copyright as- signments 86, 148 1846 (Aug. 10). Establishing the Smithsonian Institu- tion: Deposit of copyright books 86, 166 1855 (Mar. 3). Providing free transmission for copy- right deposits 86, 176 1856 (Aug. 18). Securing sole right of representation of dramatic compositions 87, 179 1859 (Feb. 5). Providing for removal of copyright de- posits from the Department of State to the Depart- ment of the Interior 87, 180 1861 (Feb. 18). Extending right of appeal to Supreme Court in copyright cases 88, 185 1865 (Mar. 3). Extending copyright protection to pho- tographs 88, 188 1867 (Feb. 18). Imposing penalty for failure to deposit copies and providing for free transmission of "copy- right matter " 88, 194 1870 (July 8). Second general revision 89, 204 1873 (Dec. i). Revised Statutes, Title 60, Chapter 3. 89, 210 1874 (June 18). Notice of copyright required: Prints and labels: Fees, etc 90, 216 1879 (Mar. 3). Providing against transmission of pub- lications violating copyright 90, 217 1882 (Aug. i). Notice of copyright on decorative arti- cles 91), 223 1891 (Mar. 3). International Copyright Act 91, 322 1893 (Mar. 3). Enabling act, giving same effect to copies deposited prior to Mar. i, 1893, as to copies deposited "on or before publication " 91, 327 424 Copyright in Congress^ lySg to 1904 Laws — Continued Page Public — Continued 1895 (Jan. 12). Providing against copyrighting Govern- ment publications 92, 327 1895 (Mar. 2). Providing damages for infringement of works of art 92, 334 1897 (Jan. 6). Providing penalty for unauthorized rep- resentation 92, 340 iS97(Feb. 19). Providing for a Register of Copyrights. 92,341 1897 (Mar. 3). Providing penalty for false claim of copyright and prohibiting importation of works bearing such claim ^ 93, 344 1904 (Jan. 7). Interim Cop3-right Act affording pro- tection to foreign exhibitors at the Louisiana Pur- chase Exposition 93, 373 Private: 1828 (May 24). Act to continue copyright to John Row- lett 93. 139 1830 (Feb. 11). Act to amend act to continue copy- right to John Rowlett 94, M2 1843 (Mar. 3). Act .supplemental to act to continue copyright to John Rowlett 94, 162 1849 (Feb. 19). Act for the relief of Levi H. Corson. 94, 169 1854 (Aug. 2). Act for the purchase of copyright work of Thomas H. Sumner 95, 176 1859 (Jan. 25). Act for the relief of Mistress Henry Rowe .Schoolcraft 95, 181 1866 (May 24). Act for the relief of Mrs. William L. Herndon 95, 191 1874 (June 23). Act for the relief of William Tod Hel- muth 95, 217 1898 (Feb. 17). Act for the relief of Judson Jones . . " 96, 349 Lawson (Alexander) and others. Memorial, S., May 2, 1838. . 153 Lea (Henry Charles). Statement before S. copyright hearing, Feb. 12, 1886 78 Lebanon Valley College, faculty of. Petitions, H. R., Feb. 13; S., Feb. 20, 1S88 250, 251 Legi-slation pending during the 58th Cong.: House bill, no. 64S7, Dec. 9, 1903. 8, 14-18, 70-72, 83, 369, 374, 377 Senate bill, no. 2229, Jan. S, 1904. 8, 12-14, 70, 71, 83, 369, 373, 374 House bill, no. 9297, Jan. 8, 1904 9, 18-20, 71, 373 House bill, no. 11450, Jan. 30, 1904 9, 20-22, 71, 374 bill, no. 13355, Mar. 2, 1904 . . 10, 22-26, 71, 72, 83, 374^ 375 Senate bill, no. 5314, Mar. 30, 1904 11, 26-28, 71, 72, 374 Senate bill, no. 5967 Dec. 12, 1904 72, 376 Leonard (Moses G.), of New York, 2Sth Cong 163 Letters. {See Petitions and memorials. ) Lincoln, Nebr., teachers of. Petition, H. R., June 16, 1890 .. . 289 hidex 425 Page Lindsay (Robert) and others. Memorial, S., May 2, 1838 153 Lithographers' International Beneficial Association: No. 18. Petition, H. R., Mar. 3, 1902 357 No. 19. Petition, H. R., Feb. 28, 1902 357 Lithographers' Protective and Beneficial Association. Petitions, H. R. Feb. 4, 19, and 26, 1902 356, 357 Subordinate Association No. 7. Petition, H. R., Mar. 6, 1902 358 Subordinate Association No. 19. Petition, H. R., Mar. 27, 1902 363 Lithographers' Union of Boston, INIass. Petition, H. R., Mar. 26, 1902 303 Lithographers' Union of Denver, Colo. Petition, H. R., Mar. 4, 1902 35^ Lithographs, affidavit of American manufacture of. Bill to require 10, 22-24, 7i, 72, 83, 374, 375-376 Lodge (Edmund). Included in address of British authors, S., Feb. 2; H. R., Feb. 13, 1837 96, 97, 148, i49 Lodge (Henry Cabot), of Massachusetts, 55th-56th, 58th Cong. 64, 68, 70, 320, 346, 353, 369, 370 Logan (John A.), of Illinois, 49th Cong 235, 236 Long (John Davis), of Massachusetts. 50th Cong 52 248 Longfellow (Henry Wadsworth) and others. Memorial, S., Mar. 2, 1866 189 Loudon (John Claudius). Included in address of British authors, S., Feb. 2; H. R., Feb. 13, 1837 96, 97, US, I49 Louisiana Purchase Exposition. Protection granted to foreign exhibitors 8, 93, 369, 370, 371, 372 Lovell (John W.) Co.. Statement before S. copyright hearing. May 21, 1886 78 Lowell (James Russell). Statement before S. copyright hear- ing, Jan. 29, 1886 78 Lowndes (James). Statement before S. copyright hearing, Jan. 29, 1886 78 Lowrie (Walter), of Pennsylvania, iSth Cong 32, I35, I37 Lyell {Sir Charles). Included in address of British authors, S., Feb. 2; H. R., Feb. 13, 1837 96. 97, 148, I49 Lyman (Joseph), of Iowa, 49th Cong 235 Lytton (Edward George Earle Lytton, Buhver-Lytton, ist baron). Included in address of British authors 96, 97, 14S, 149 McCall (Samuel Walker), of Massachusetts, 57th Cong 363 McCleary (James Thompson), of Minnesota, 55th Cong 64, 345 McClelland (Robert), of Michigan, 30th Cong 168 McComas (Louis Emory), of Maryland, 50th, 57th-58th Cong. 82, 251,295-320,362 McCord (Myron H.), of Wisconsin, 51st Cong 273 McCormick (Henry C. ), of Penn.sylvania, 5uth Cong 264 426 Copyright i?i Congress^ 1789 to 1904 Page McElroy (William J.). Petition, S., Apr. 25, 1854 Note, 175 MacFarlane (Charles). Included in address of British authors, S., Feb. 2; H. R., Feb. 13, 1837 96, 97. 148, I49 McKay (David). Petition, H. R., Jan. 10, 1902 356 McKenna (Joseph), of California, 5oth-5ist Cong 252, 295, 230 McKeon (John), of New York, 27th Cong 158, 159, 161 McKinley (William, Jr.), of Ohio, 51st Cong 280, 281, 295, 321 McMillan (James), of Michigan, 53d, 57th Cong 83, 328, 359 McNeil (Abbie M.) and Fairbanks (Edward T.). Petition, H. R., May 17, 1890 284 McPherson (John Rhoderic), of New Jersey, 5oth-5ist, 53d Cong 246, 248, 310, 314, 328 McQueen (John), of vSouth Carolina, 35th Cong 180 McRae (Thomas Chipman), of Arkansas, 51st Cong .... 273, 296, 321 Macon (Nathaniel), of North Carolina, loth-iith Cong 130, 131 Madison (James), of Virginia, ist Cong 123, 124 Madison University, Ala., faculty of. Petition, S., Jan. 24, 1888. 242 Mailers' Union, No. 3, St. Louis, Mo. Petition, H. R., Mar. 21, 1 902 362 Maine, citizens of. Petitions, S., Dec. 19, 1S90; Jan. 27, 1891. 297, 299 Manchester, N. H., publishers of. (See John B. Clarke and others. ) Manderson (Charles F.), of Nebraska, 5oth-5ist Cong. . . 79, 267, 279 Mark Twain. {See Samuel L. Clemens. ) Marks (William), of Pennsylvania, 20th Cong 136 Marsh ( Anne Caldwell ) . Included in address of British authors, S., Feb. 2; H. R., Feb. 13, 1837 96, 97, 148, I49 Marsh (George Perkins), of Vermont, 28th Cong 166 Marshall (W.) & Co., and others. Memorial, S., Apr. 24, 183S. 99, 153, 156 Martin (Eben Wever), of South Dakota, 57th Cong 364 Martineau (Harriet). Included in address of British authors, S., Feb. 2; H. R., Feb. 13, 1837 96, 97, 148, 149 Maryland, citizens of. Memorials, S., Mar. 25, 26, and Apr. 10, 1902 362, 365 Massachusetts, citizens of. {See Petitions and memorials. ) Matson (Courtland C. ), of Indiana, 50th Cong 242, 264, 265 Mead (William Rutherford) and others. Petition, H. R., Apr. 18, 1884 228 Meade (Hodijah). {See Peyton Randolph, representatives of.) Media, Pa., citizens of. Petition, H. R., Mar. 20. 1884 226 Memorials. (.S>(? Petitions and memorials.) Messages and speeches. {Hee Presidents, messages of. ) Michigan, citizens of. Petitions, S., Mar. i, 1854; Dec. 29, 1890; Jan. 22, 1894 174, 297, 328 Michigan City, Ind., teachers of. Petition, H. R., June 10, 1890 288 Index 427 Page Milman (Henry Hart). Included in address of British authors, S., Feb. 2; H. R., Feb. 13, 1S37 96, 97, 148, 149 Milton College, faculty of. Petition, S., Jan. 23, 18S8 241 Milwaukee, Wis., citizens of. Petition, S., Feb. 11, 1891 302 Minnesota, citizens of. Petitions, S., Feb. 14; H. R., May 19 and June 10, 1890 275, 285, 288 Mishawakee, Ind., teachers of. {See South Bend, etc.) Mississippi College, faculty of. Petition, S., Jan. 24, 1888. . . . 242 Missouri, citizens of. {See Petitions and memorials.) Mitchell (John H. ), of Oregon, 51st Cong 261 Mitchell (John Landrum), of Wisconsin, 52d Cong 57, 324 Mitchell (John Murray), of New York, 55th Cong 65, 66,67,348,349,351 Mitchill (Samuel Latham), of New York, nth Cong 31, 131, 132 Mitford (Mary Russell). Included in address of British authors, S., Feb. 2; H. R., Feb. 13, 1837 96, 97, 148, 149 Montana, citizens of. Memorials, S., Mar. 12; Apr. 9 and 28, 1902 359, 365, 367 Montgomery (James). Included in address of British authors, S., Feb. 2; H. R., Feb. 13, 1837 96, 97, 148, 149 Moody (Malcolm Adelbert), of Oregon, 57th Cong 367 Moore (Gabriel), of Alabama, 20th Cong 138 Moore (Thomas). Included in address of British authors, S., Feb. 2; H. R., Feb. 13, 1837 96,97, 148, 149 Morey (Henry Lee), of Ohio, 48th Cong 227 Morgan (Edwin D. ), of New York, 39th-4oth Cong. . 41, 189, 195, 196 Morgan (James Bright), of Mississippi, 50th Cong 247 Morgan (John Tyler), of Alabama, 50th Cong 242, 260 Morrill (Justin Smith), of Vermont, 42d, 5oth-5ist, 54th Cong. 60, 259, 260, 296, 310, 319, 335, 383 Morrill (Lot M. ), of Maine, 4ist-42d Cong 43, 44, 77, 200, 209 Morris (Edward Joy), of Pennsylvania, 35th-36th Cong 38, 179, 181, 182 Morris (Lewis R. ), of Vermont, 7th Cong 127, 129 Morris, Minn., citizens of. Petitions, H. R., June 7, 1890 287 Morrow (William W. ), of California, 51st Cong 286, 289, 295 Morse (Jedidiah). Petition, H. R., May 12, 1789 113 "The American Geography," copyright of 113 Morse (Leopold), of Massachusetts, 47th Cong 48, 221 Morton (Levi P. ), of New York 280, 298, 299, 300, 302 Mosel}' (Jonathan Ogden), of Connecticut, lotli Cong 130 Munro (George). Statement before S. copyright hearing. May 21, 1886 78 Murchison {Sir Roderick Impey). Included in address of Brit- ish authors, S., Feb. 2; H. R., Feb. 13, 1837 96, 97, 148, 149 Music Teachers' National Association. Petitions, S., Dec. 19, 1884; Jan. 27, 1886 104, 230, 234 428 Copyright in Congress, I'jSg to 1^04 Page Music Teachers' National Association and others. Petition, H. R., Dec. 8. 1884 230 Mutchler (Howard), of Pennsj'lvania, 57th Cong 359, 361, 365 Myers (Leonard), of Pennsylvania, 42d-43d Cong 43, 44, 45, 208, 209, 210, 211 Nashville, Tenn., citizens of. Petition, H. R., Apr. 4, 1888 256 National Educational Association. Memorial, H. R., Mar. 28, 189c. 280 Nebraska, citizens of. Petition, S. , Mar. 27, 1890 279 Nelson (Hugh), of Virginia, 15th Cong 31, 132 Nelson ( Knute), of Minnesota, 50th Cong 266 New England Women's Press Association. Petition, H. R., Apr. 2, 1888 255 New Haven Typothetae. Petition, H. R., Mar. 22, 1890 279 New Jersey, citizens of. Memorials, S., Mar. 31; Apr. 14, 1902 364,366 New York, citizens of. [^See Petitions and memorials.) New York, librarians and libraries of. Petitions, H. R. , May, 19, 1890 285 New York Plate Printers' Association. Petition, H. R., July 25, 1890 290 New York Typographical Society. Memorial, S., Mar. 13, 1838. 98, 151. 156 Newark. Ohio, publishers of. {See J. H. Newton and others.) Newton (J. H.) and others. Memorial, H. R., Apr. 12, 1884.. 227 Newton (John M.). Petition, H. R., May 19, 1890 285 Nicholas (Wilson Carey), of Virginia, loth Cong 130 Niles (John Milton), of Connecticut, 25th Cong 151 Noble (Warren P. ), of Ohio, 37th Cong 39, 185, 186 North Western College, faculty of. Petitions, H. R., Jan. 27; S., Jan. 30, 1888 244, 245 Northwestern University, faculty of. Petition, S., Feb. 7, 1888. 248 Norvell (John), of Michigan, 25th Cong 151 Nutting (Newton M. ), of New York, 50th Cong 242 O'Ferrall (Charles T. ), of Virginia, 5oth-5ist Cong .... 248, 296, 321 Ogden (Henry) and others. Memorial, vS., Apr. 24, 1838. 99, 153, 156 Ohio, citizens of. {See Petitions and memorials. ) Ohio State University, faculty of. Petitions, S., Jan. 30; H. R., Jan. 30, 1888 245 Ohio University, facult}- of. Petitions, S., Jan. 23; H. R., Jan. 23, 1888 241, 242 O'Neill (John J. ), of Missouri, 50th Cong 266 Onondaga County, N. Y., citizens of. Petition, S., Mar. 13 , 1854. 174 Opie (Amelia Alderson). Included in address of British authors, S., Feb. 2; H. R., F^eb. 13, 1837 96, 97, 148, 149 Organizations, business. Memorials, S., Feb. 9, 1891 300 Osborne (Edwin S. ), of Pennsylvania, 50th Cong 253, 295 Index 429 Page Oshkosh, Wis., teachers of. Petition, H. R., June 7, 1890 287 Otis (Harrison Gray), of Massachusetts, 15th Cong 32, 132 Otis (Norton P.), of New York, 58th Cong. . 11, 24, 71, 72, 83, 375, 376 Otjen (Theobold), of Wisconsin, 57th Cong 35^, 3^1 Otterbein University, faculty of. Petitions. S. and H. R., Jan. 26, 1888 243 Outhwaite (Joseph H.), of Ohio, 5oth-5ist Cong 244, 245. 271 Owen (Robert Dale), of Indiana, 29th Cong i56 Paddock (Algernon S.), of Nebraska, 46th, 51st Cong 218, 279,297, 299,300,305,310 Page (John), of Virginia, 2d Cong 30. 74, 125, 126 Palmer (Thomas Witherell), of Michigan, 50th Cong 254, 256, 2.S7 Pardoe (Julia). Included in address of British authors, S., Feb. 2; H. R., Feb. 13, 1837 96, 97, MS, i49 Parrett (William F. ), of Indiana, 51st Cong 288, 321 Pasco (Samuel), of Florida, 51st Cong 309, 3io. 3i9. 322 Passmore (John A. M.). Petition, H. R., Apr. 16, 18SS 258 Patents: Bibliography, I. Bills General note, 72-73 Patents and copyrights, statutes Note, 45 H. R. Committee on Revision of the Laws discharged from consideration of, and referred to Committee on Patents, Apr. 5, 1870 197 Paterson (William), of New Jersey, ist Cong 116, 121 Patton (John), of Pennsylvania, 50th Cong 241 Payne (Henry B. ), of Ohio, 5oth-5ist 245, 269, 295. 321 Payne (Sereno Elisha), of New York, 58th Cong 371-372 Payson (Lewis E.), of Illinois, 51st Cong 57. 282, 283, 292, 296 Peace Union of Philadelphia (Feb. 13, 1890) 275 Peale (Titian R.). Bibliography, I. Bills, no. 32 Note, 36 Peel (Samuel W. ), of Arkansas, 5oth-5ist Cong 246, 296, 321 Penington (John B.), of Delaware, 5oth-5ist Cong 265, 295, 321 Pennsylvania, citizens of. {See Petitions and memorials.) Pennybacker (Isaac S.), of Virginia, 29th Cong 166 Penrose (Boies), of Pennsylvania, 57th-5Sth Cong 72, 336. 376 Perkins (George Clement), of California, 51st, 55th Cong. 64, 296, 321 Peters (John Andrew), of Maine, 41st Cong 19S. 3'^J Peters (Samuel Ritter), of Kansas, 5oth-5ist Cong 260, 270, 284, 294, 295, 296 Pktitions and memori.\ls: Accompanying H. R. bills nos. 8618-8619. H. R., pre- sented by Mr. Hooker and referred, Jan. 22, 1895 332 Adair County, Iowa, citizens of. H. R., May 17, 188S— Referred 263 Adams (Hannah). H. R., July 22, 1789— Laid on table . . 114 Reported as unfinished business, Jan. 11, 1790 117 Adelbert College, Cleveland, Ohio, faculty of: S., Feb. 2, 1888— Referred to Committee on Patents. . . 246 H. R., Feb. 21, 1888— Referred to Committee on Patents. 251 #' 430 Copyright in Congress, ij8g to 1^04 Petitions and memorials — Continued Page "The Advocate," Newark, Ohio. {Seel. H. Newton and others. ) Against international copyright bill. H. R., presented by Mr. Symes and referred, July 7, 1888 265 Against news-copyright bill. House of Representatives: Presented by Mr. Rogers and referred, Apr. 9, 1884. . . 227 Presented by Mr. Reed and referred, Apr. 12, 1884. . . . 227 Presented by Mr. Morey and referred, Apr. 14, 1884. . . 227 Presented by Mr. Springer and referred, I\Iay 31, 1884. 229 Alabama, citizens of. S., Apr. 24, 1888 — Laid on table 260 American I-'ederation of Labor. S., Jan. 8, 1891 — Laid on table 298 American Librarj- Association. S., Feb. 7, 1891 — Laid on table 300 American Medical Association, Cincinnati. S., Feb. i, 1851 169 Referred to Committee on Judiciary, and motion to print to Committee on Printing 170 American publishers: S., Dec. 15, 1843 — Referred to Committee on Judiciary, and motion to print to Committee on Printing 163 Reported and ordered printed, Dec. 18, 1843 163 Referred to S. select committee, Jan. 22, 1846 166 H. R., Dec. 16, 1843 — Referred to H. R. select com- mittee loi, 163 Bibliography, V. Miscellaneous, no. 23 loi Amity College, College Springs, Iowa, faculty of: S., Feb. 14, 1888 — Referred to Committee on Patents. . 250 H. R., Feb. 16, 1888— Referred to Committee on Patents. 250 Appleton (Daniel) and others. {See American publishers. ) Art Associations, representatives of. S., Feb. 5, 1891 — Laid on table 300 Augusta, Ga., citizens of. S. Mar. 22, 1888 — Laid on table. 253 Beard (W. T.) and others. H. R., June i, 1888— Referred. 264 Bellville, Kans., teachers of. H. R., June 11, 1890 — Referred 288 Beloit College, Beloit, Wis., faculty of: S., Jan. 30, 1888 — Referred to Committee on Patents. . 245 H. R., Jan. 30, 1888 — Referred to Committee on Patents. 245 Bethel College, Russellville, Ky., faculty of: H. R., Feb. I, 1 888-^ Referred to Committee on Patents. 246 Bigelow (John). {See Century Association of New York.) Boston, artists of. {See William M. Hunt and others.) Boston, citizens of: H. R., Apr. 16, 1838— Laid on table 79, 152-153 S., Apr. 24, 1838 Edward Everett and others... 153 Index 431 Petitions and memorials — Continued Page Boston Handel and Haydn Society. H. R., Feb. 19, 1S85— Referred 231 Boston University, President of. S., Feb. 10, 1891— Laid on table 302 Bowdoin College, Brunswick, Me., faculty of: S., Jan. 26, 1 888— Referred to Committee on Patents. 244 H. R., Jan. 26, 1888— Referred to Committee on Pat- ents 244 Brazos County, Tex., citizens of. H. R., Jan. 26, 1888— Referred 244 Brevoort (John A.) and Fowler (O. vS.). S., June 8, 1838— Referred 100, 154, 156 Brown (R. M.) and others. S., Mar. 16, 1854— Laid on table 174 Bryant (William Cullen) and others: H. R., Mar, 22, 1848 — Referred to select committee. loi, 167 S., Mar. 2, 1866 — Referred to Conmiittee on Foreign Relations 189 S. Committee discharged, Feb. 28, 1867 194 Bryn Mawr College, Bryn ISIawr, Pa., faculty of: S., Mar. 7, 1888 — Referred to Committee on Patents. . 252 Buchtel College, Akron, Ohio, faculty of: H. R. , Jan. 26, 1888— Referred to Committee on Patents . 244 S., Jan. 30, 1888— Referred to Committee on Patents. . 245 Bucknell University, Lewisburg, Pa., faculty of: H. R. , Jan. 20, 1888— Referred to Committee on Patents. 241 S., Jan. 25, 1888— Referred to Committee on Patents. . 243 Business organizations. S., Feb. 9, 1S91 — Laid on table . . 300 Cairo, 111., citizens of. H. R., June 9, 1890— Referred 287 California, citizens of. S., Mar. 5, 1894 Referred 329 Capen (Nahum). H. R., Jan. 15, 1844— Referred to H. R. Select Committee on Copyright (appointed Dec. 16,1843). 101,164 Carleton College, Northfield, Minn., faculty of: S., Jan. 24, 1888— Referred to Committee on Patents . . 242 Central Labor Union of Philadelphia. H. R., Jan. 29, 1886 — Referred to Committee on Patents 234 Central Tennessee College, Nashville, Tenn., faculty of: S. , Apr. 9, 1888— Ordered to lie on table 257 Central Trades and Labor Council of New^ Orleans, La. : H. R., Apr. 23, 1902 — Referred to Committee on Patents. 366 H. R., Apr. 28, 1902— Referred to Committee on Patents. 367 Central Wesleyan College, Warrenton, Mo., faculty of: S., Jan. 23, 1888— Referred to Committee on Patents. . . 242 H. R., Feb. 21, 1888— Referred to Committee on Patents. 251 Century Association of New York. H. R., May 11, 1888— Referred to Conmiittee on Judiciary 263 432 CopyrigJit /;/ Congress^ ^7^9 to 1904 Petitions and memorials — Co)i tinned Page Chicago Trade and Labor Assembly— H. R., Mar. 31, 1884 — Referred to Committee on Judiciary 226 Christian University, Canton, Mo., faculty of: S., Jan. 23, 1888 — Referred to Committee on Patents. . 242 H.R., Jan. 24, 1888— Referred to Committee on Patents. 243 Churchman (John): House of Representatives, Dec. 16, 1790 123 Referred to .special committee, Dec. 23, 1790 123 Reported by special committee, Jan. 6, 1791 124 Considered and passed in the negative, Jan. 28, 1791 . 124 House of Representatives, Dec. 30, 1791 125 Referred to .special committee, Jan. 6, 1792 125 Reported by special committee, Feb. i, 1792 125 Considered and bill ordered thereon, Feb. 29, 1792 . 125 {See Bills: H. R., no. 123, ist Cong., 3d sess. ) Cincinnati Chamber of Commerce. S.,Jan. 27,1891 — Laid on table 299 Clarke (John B.). H. R., Apr. 9, 1884— Referred 227 Ciarke (John B. ) and others. H. R., Apr. 14, 1884 — Referred 227 " Clinton Democrat." [See Helen M. Whaley.) Coal City, 111. , teachers of. H. R. , June 6, 1890— Referred . . 286 Colorado, citizens of. H. R. , Feb. 4, 1890 — Referred 274 Columbia Typographical Society, Wash., D. C. S., Feb. 13, 1838 — Referred to Committee on Patents 98, 151 Referred to S. Committee on Judiciary, Dec. 19, 1S38. . 156 Committee discharged, Mar. i, 1839 156 Connecticut, citizens, of. Senate: Mar. 13, 1854 — Ordered to lie on the table 174 Jan. 16, 1890 — Referred to Committee on Patents 270 Jan. 30, 1890 — Ordered to lie on the table 273 Feb. 4, 1890 — Ordered to lie on the table 274 Feb. II, 1890 — Ordered to lie on the table 275 Cooper (James Fenimore) and others. S., July 19, 1852 — Referred 102, 1 70 Corson (Levi H.). H. R., May i, 1848— Referred 167-169 [See Bills: H R., no. 493, 30th Cong., ist sess.) Cruzan (Charles L. ) and others. .H. R., Mar. 17, 1884 — Referred 226 " Daily Times," Huron, S. Dak. {See Newton T. Smith.) Darby (H. H.) and others. H. R., Feb. 19, 1885— Referred. 231 Dartmouth College, Hanover, N. H., faculty of: S., Jan. 30, 188S — Referred to Committee on Patents . . 245 Davenport (Ira William) and others. H. R., June 11, 189a— Referred 288 Davidson College, David.son, N. C, faculty of: S., Jan. 23, 1SS8— Referred to. Committee on Patents. . 242 H. R., Feb. 10, 1888 — Referred to Committee on Patents. 249 Index 433 Pe;titions and memorials — Continued Page Denison Universit}-, Granville, Ohio, faculty of: S., Jan. 26, 1888— Referred to Committee on Patents. . 243 Denver, Colo., citizens of. H. R., Jan. 31, 188S — Referred. 246 Denver University, Denver, Colo., faculty of: S., Jan. 30, 1S88 — Referred to Committee on Patents. . 245 Dickinson (Joseph R.). {See W. F. Whittock. ) Dittenhoefer (Abram Jesse). H. R., Mar. 26, 1900— Re- ferred 353 Doane College, Crete, Nebr., faculty of: H. R., Feb. 16, 1888— Referred 251 Drury College, Springfield, Mo., faculty of: S., Jan. 31, 1888 — Referred to Committee on Patents . . 246 H. R., Apr. 13, 1888 — Referred to Committee on Patents 258 Duer (W. A.) and others. S., Feb. 4, 1837 — Referred to S. select committee (appointed Feb. 2, 1837) 96, 148 Reported by select committee, Feb. 16, 1837 149 Dunkle (Eli). H. R., May 19, 1890— Referred 285 Du Ponceau (Peter S.) and others. S., Mar. 19, 1838 98, 151 Referred to S. Committee on Patents, Mar. 29, 1838. . . 152 Referred to S. Committee on Judiciary, Dec. 19, 1838 . 156 Committee discharged. Mar. i, 1839 ^5^ Ehlers (Amelia) and others. H. R., June 6, 1890 — Referred. 286 Elliote (E. J.) and others. H. R., June 10, 1S90— Referred. 288 Ellis (Carrie M.). H. R., May 19, 1890— Referred 285 Evanston, 111., teachers of. H. R., Apr. 4, 1S90 — Referred. 280 Everett ( Edward ) and others. S.,,Apr. 24, 1838 — Referred to Committee on Patents and ordered printed 99, ^53 Referred to S. Committee on Judiciary, Dec. 19, 1838 . 156 Committee discharged. Mar. i, 1839 156 Fagan (John) and others. S., May 2, 1838 — Referred 153 Referred to S. Committee on Judiciary, Dec. 19, 1838 . 156 Committee discharged, Mar. i, 1839 156 Fennimore Association No. 5, St. Louis, Mo. H. R., Mar. 20, 1902 — Referred to Committee on Patents 361 Folwell (W. N.) and others. H. R., May 19, 1890— Referred 285 For international copyright. House of Representatives: Presented by Mr. Darlington and referred, Jan. 18, 1888 ' 240 Presented by Mr. Wilkins and referred, Jan. 23, 1888. . 242 Presented by Mr. Hooker and referred, Jan. 25, 1888. . 243 Presented by Mr. Compton and referred, Jan. 30, 1888. 245 Presented by Mr. Adams and referred, Apr. 4, 1888 . . . 256 Foster (William Eaton) and others. H. R., June 17, 1890 — Referred 289 Fowler (O. vS.). {See Brevoort, John A., and Fowler.) 10469 — No. 8 — 05 28 434 Copyright in Cofigrcss^ 17S9 to 1Q04 Petitions and memorials — Continued Page Franklin College, Franklin, Ind., faculty of: H. R., Jan. 23, 1S88 — Referred to Committee on Pat- ents 242 Franklin and ^Marshall College, Lancaster, Pa., faculty of : S., Jan. 26, 1 888 — Referred to Committee on Patents. . 244 H. R., Jan. 30, iSSS— Referred to Committee on Pat- ents 245 Frederick College, Frederick, Md., faculty of: S., Feb. 14, 1SS8 — Referred to Committee on Patents. . 250 H. R., Feb. 16, 18S8— Referred to Committee on Pat- ents 25 1 Furman (G. ) and others. {Sec United States, writers of.) Georgia, citizens of. S., Mar. 31, 1888 — Laid on table .... 254 Gerst (Henry). {See Otterbein University, faculty of.) Gordon (Thomas). S., Feb. 26, 1828— Referred 136 Grand Junction Camera Club. H. R., April i, 1898 — Re- ferred 350 Great Britain, authors of 96, 97, 148, I49 S., Feb. 2, 1837 — Referred to select committee 148 Additional signatures presented, Feb. 4, 1837 149 Reported by select committee, Feb. 16, 1837 149 H. R., Feb. 13, 1837 — Referred to Committee on Judi- ciary 149 Green (Edmund) and others. S., Feb. i, 1838 — Referred. . 151 Referred to S. Committee on Judiciary, Dec. 19, 1838. . 156 Committee discharged. Mar. i, 1839 156 Grover (J. L.). H. R., May 19, 1890— Referred 285 Hamilton (Charles L.) and others. H. R., Apr. 4, 1888— Referred 256 Hampshire (R. A. j and others. H. R., June 10, 1S90 — Re- ferred 288 Hanover College, Hanover, Ind., faculty of: S., Jan. 23, 1888 — Referred to Committee on Patents. . 241 Hartford, Conn., citizens of. {See D. F. Robinson and others. ) Haverford College, Haverford, Pa., faculty of: S., Jan. 18, 1888 — Referred to Committee on Library. . 240 Heidelberg College, Tiffin, Ohio, faculty of: ,S., Jan. 23, 1 888 — Referred to Committee on Patents. . 241 n. R., Jan. 23, 1888 — Referred to Committee on Pat- ents 242 Helmuth (William Tod). H. R., May 27, 1874— Re- ferred 213, 214, 216, 217 {See Bills: H. R. no. 3506, 43d Cong., ist sess.) Hobart College, Geneva, N. Y., faculty of: H.R.,Jan.2i, 1 888 — Referred to Committee on Patents . 241 S., Jan. 23, 1S88 — Referred to Committee on Patents. . 241 Index 435 Petitions and memorials — Continued Page Howells (William Dean) and others. H. R., June 4, 1900 — Referred to Committee on Patents 354 Hunt (William M.) and others. S., Mar. 8, 1869— Referred to^S. Committee on Patents 196 Committee discharged and referred to Joint Com- mittee on the Library, Feb. 17, 1870 197 Huntington (G.). S., July i, 1850 — Referred 169 Hursey ( A. W. ) and others. H. R. , June 18, 1890 — Referred . 289 Illinois, citizens of: Senate: Feb. 15, 1886 — Referred to Committee on Patents. 235 Mar. 29, 1888 — Ordered to lie on the table 254 Mar. 3, 1890 — Ordered to lie on the table 278 Mar. 10, 1890 — Ordered to lie on the table 278 Mar. 24, 1890 — Ordered to lie on the table 279 Mar. 25, 1890 — Ordered to lie on the table 279 Jan. 27, 1891 — Ordered to lie on the table 299 Mar. 27, 1902 — Referred to Committee on Patents. 363 House of Representatives: May 21, 1890 — Referred to Committee on Printing . 286 June 6, 1890 — Referred to Committee on Patents. . 287 Indiana, citizens of. Senate: Jan. 15, 1891 — Ordered to lie on the table 299 Mar. 21, 1902— Referred to Committee on Patents 361 Apr. 10, 1902 — Referred to Committee on Patents 365 Indiana University, Bloomington, Ind., faculty of: H. R., June 11, 1888 — Referred to Committee on Patents 264 Indiana University, librarian of: H. R. , May 19, 1890 , 285 Ingham (S. D. ) and others. S., June 18, 1838 — Referred. 155 Referred to S. Committee on Judiciary, Dec. 19, 1838 . 156 Committee discharged. Mar. i, 1839 156 International Copyright Association: H. R., Mar. 29, 1888— Referred to Committee on Patents 254 H. R., Feb. 17, 189CJ — Referred to Committee on Judi- ciary 276 S., Jan. 10, 1891 — Ordered to lie on the table 298 International Copyright Association, No. 2. H. R., Mar. 23, 1888 — Referred to Committee on Patents 253 International Typographical Union. H. R., July 25, 1890 — Referred to Committee on Judiciary 290 Iowa, citizens of. Senate: Feb. 23, 1886 — Referred to S. Committee on Patents. . 235 Mar. 31, 1888 — Ordered to lie on the table 254 Apr. 18, 1888— Ordered to lie on the table 258 436 CopyrigJit in Congress^ 1789 to 1904 Petitions and memorials — Continued Page Iowa, citizens of. Senate — Continued Jan. 20, 1890 Referred to S. Committee on Patents. . . . 271 Feb. 17, 1890 — Referred to S. Committee on Patents.. 276 Feb. 19, 1890 — Referred to S. Committee on Patents. . 277 Feb. 24, 1890 — Ordered to lie on the table 277 Dec. 20, ^690 — Ordered to lie on the table 297 Dec. 30, 1890 — Ordered to lie on the table 298 Iowa College, Grinnell, Iowa, faculty of. vS., Apr. 2, 1888 — Ordered to lie on the table 255, Irving (Washington). S., July 19, 1S52 — Referred 102, 170 Irving (Washington) and others: H. R. , Mar. 14, 1842 — Referred to select committee. . . 158 Referred to second H. R. select committee, Dec. 14, 1842 160-161 vS., Mar. 30, 1S42 — Referred to Committee on Judiciary. 159 Jackson (Washington J.) and others. S., Apr. 25, 1854 , Note, 175 Jacksonville, 111., citizens of. {See \ra. W.Davenport and others. ) Jay (John). H. R., Mar. 22, 1848 — Referred 101,167 Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md., faculty of: H. R., Feb. 13, 1888— Referred to Committee on Patents 250 S., Feb. 14, 1888 — Referred to Conmiittee on Patents. . 250 Johnson (T. and J. W. ) and others. S., Juno 13, 1842 — Referred to Committee on Judiciary, and motion to print to Committee on Printing 159-160 Reported by Committee on Printing, June 15, 1842. . . . 160 Bibliography, V. Miscellaneous, no. 22 loi Kansas, citizens of. Senate: Jan. 14, 1890— Referred to S. Committee on Patents.. 270 Jan. 15, 1890 — Referred to S. Committee on Patents. . 270 Mar. 29, 1890 — Ordered to lie on the table 280 Kansas State Normal School, Emporia Kans. H. R., Jan. 23, 1888 — Referred to Comn;ittee on Patents 242 Kendall & Ladd. H. R., Apr. 9, 1884— Referred 227 Keystone Association of Philadelphia. House of Repre- sentatives: Jan. 7, 1902 — Referred to Committee on the Library. . 355 Jan. 8, 1902— Referred to Committee on the Library. . 356 Jan. 13, 1902— Referred to Committee on the Library. . 356 King College, Bri.stol, Tenn., faculty of: H. R., Feb. 4, 1888— Referred to Committee on Patents. 247 S., Feb. 6, 1888 — Referred to Committee on Patents. . . 247 Knights of Labor, Wisconsin. S. , Mar. 29, 1886 — Re- ferred 237 Assembly No. 84, Richmond, Va. H. R., Jan. 22, i886~Referred 233 Index 437 Petitions and memorials — Continued Page La Cygne, Kans., teachers of. {See R. A. Hampshire and others. ) Lake Forest College, Lake Forest, 111., faculty of. S., Jan. 23, 1888— Referred to Committee on Patents 241 Lawrence University, Appleton, Wis., faculty of: H. R., Feb. 10, 1888— Referred to Committee on Patents . 249 S., Feb. 13, 1888— Referred to Committee on Patents. . 249 Lawson (Alexander) and others. S., May 2, 1838— Referred . 153 Referred to S. Committee on Judiciary, Dec. 19, 1838. . 156 Committee discharged, Mar. i, 1839 156 Lebanon Valley College, Pa., faculty of: H. R., Feb. 13, 188S— Referred to Committee on Patents 249 S., Feb. 20, 1 888— Referred to Committee on Patents. . 251 Lincoln, Nebr. , teachers of . H. R., Junt 16, 1 890— Referred 289 Lindsay (Robert) and others. S., May 2, 1 838— Referred. 153 Referred to S. Committee on Judiciary, Dec. 19, 1838. . 156 Committee discharged Mar. i, 1839 156 Lithographers' International Beneficial Association: No. 18. H. R., Mar. 3, 1902 Referred to Committee on Patents 357 No. 19. H. R., Feb. 28, 1902— Referred to Committee on Patents 357 Lithographers' Protective and Beneficial Association: H. R., Feb. 4, 1902 — Referred to Committee on Patents 356 H. R., Feb. 19, 1902 — Referred to Committee on Patents 357 H. R., Feb. 26, 1902— Referred to Committee on Patents 357 Subordinate Assoc, No. 7. H. R., Mar. 6, 1902— Re- ferred 358 Subordinate Assoc, No. 19. H. R., Mar. 27, 1902— Re- ferred 363 Lithographers' Union of Boston, Mass. H. R., Mar. 26, 1902— Referred to Committee on Patents 363 Lithographers' Union of Denver, Colo. H. R., Mar. 4, jgo2 — Referred to Committee on Patents 35^ Longfellow (Henry Wadsworth) and others. S., Mar. 2, 1866— Referred to Committee on Foreign Relations 189 Committee discharged, Feb. 28, 1867 I94 McElroy (William J.). S., Apr. 25, 1854 Note, 175 McKay (David). H. R., Jan. 10, 1902— Referred 356 McNeil (AbbieM.) and Fairbanks (Edward T. ). H. R., May 17, 1890— Referred to Committee on Judiciary 284 Madison University, Alabama, faculty of. S., Jan. 24, 1888— Referred to Committee on Patents 242 Mailers' Union, No. 3, St. Louis, Mo. H. R., Mar. 21, 1902— Referred to Committee on Patents 362 Maine, citizens of. Senate: Dec. 19, 1890— Ordered to lie on the table 297 Jan. 27, 1891— Ordered to lie on the table 299 438 Copyi'igJit in Congi-ess^ 17S9 to 1904 Petitions and memorials — Continued Page Manchester, N. H., publishers of. {See John B. Clarke and others. ) ' ' Manchester Mirror. ' ' ( See John B. Clarke. ) " Manchester Weekly Budget." {See Kendall & Ladd. ) Marshall (\V.) & Co., and others. S., Apr. 24, 1838— Referred to Committee on Patents and ordered printed. 99, 153 Referred to vS. Committee on Judiciary, Dec. 19, 1838. . . 156 Conmiittee discharged, INIar. i, 1839 156 Maryland, citizens of. Senate: Mar. 25, 1902 — Referred to Committee on Patents 362 Mar. 26, 1902 — Referred to Committee on Patents- 362 Apr. 10, 1902 — Referred to Committee on Patents 365 Massachusetts, citizens of: House of Representatives: June 4, 1838 — Ordered to lie on the table 100, 154 May 22, 1890 — Referred to Committee on Judiciary . 286 Senate : Mar. 13, 1854 — Ordered to lie on the table 174 Jan. 27, 1890 — Ordered to lie on the table 273 Feb. 14, 1890 — Ordered to lie on the table 275 Mar. 19, 1902 — Referred to Committee on Patents. . 360 Mead (William Rutherford) and others. H. R., Apr. 18, 1884— Referred 228 Meade (Hodijah). {See Peyton Randolph, representa- tives of. ) Media, Pa., citizens of. H. R., Mar. 20, 1884 — Referred . . . 226 Michigan, citizens of. Senate: Mar. I, 1854 — Referred to Committee on Foreign Rela- tions 173 Dec. 29, 1890 — Ordered to lie on the table 297 Jan. 22, 1894 — Referred to Committee on Finance 328 Michigan City, Ind., teachers of. H. R., June 10, 1890 — Referred to Committee on Judiciary 288 Milton College, Milton, Wis., faculty of: S., Jan. 23, 1888 — Referred to Committee on Patents .... 241 Milwaukee, Wis., citizens of. vS., Feb. 11, 1891 — Referred. . 302 Minnesota, citizens of: S., Feb. 14, 1890 — Ordered to lie on the table 275 H. R., May 19, 1890— W. N. Fohvell and others 285 H. R., June 10, 1890 — Referred to Committee on Patents 288 Mishawakee, Ind., teachers of. {See South Bend, etc.) Mississippi College, Clinton, Miss., faculty of: S., Jan. 24, 1888— Referred to Committee on Patents . . 242 Missouri, citizens of. vSenate: Apr. II, 1888 — Ordered to lie on the table 257 Jan. 8, 1890 — Referred to Conunittee on Patents 269 Index 439 Petitions and rn.&mox'm\s— Continued Page Missouri, citizens of. Senate — Continued Mar. 13, 1890 — Ordered to lie on the table 27S Jan. 19, 1891— Ordered to lie on the table 299 Montana, citizens of. Senate: Mar. 12, 1902 — Referred to Committee on Patents 359 Apr. 9, 1902 — Referred to Committee on Patents 365 Apr. 28, 1902 — Referred to Committee on Patents 367 Morris, Minn., citizens of. H. R., June 7, 1S90— Referred . 287 Morse (Jedidiah). H. R., May 12, 1789 113 Referred to H. R. special committee. May 14, 1789 113 Reported as unfinished business, Jan. 11, 1790 117 Music Teachers" National Association: S., Dec. 19, 1884— Referred to Committee on Library. 104, 230 S., Jan. 27, 1886— Referred to Committee on Patents . . 234 Music Teachers' National Association, and others. H. R., Dec. 8, 1884— Referred to Committee on Judiciary 230 Nashville, Tenn., citizens of. H. R., Apr. 4, 1888— Re- ferred 256 National Educational Association. H. R., Mar. 28, 1890 — Referred to Committee on Patents 280 Nebraska,' citizens of. S., Mar. 27, 1890— laid on table 279 New England Women's Press Association. H. R., Apr. 2, 1888— Referred to Committee on Judiciary 255 New Harmony, Ind., citizens of. {See E. J. Elliote and others. ) New Haven, Conn., Typothetse. H. R., Mar. 22, 1890— Referred 279 New Jersey, citizens of. Senate: Mar. 31, 1902 — Referred to Committee on Patents 364 Apr. 14, 1902 — Referred to Committee on Patents 366 New York, citizens of: Seriate: Apr. 24, 1838— Henry Ogden and others 99-153 Feb. 13, 1854— Ordered to lie on the table 172 Feb. 14, 1854— Ordered to lie on the table 172 Feb. 19, 1866— Referred to Committee on Foreign Relations 189 Committee discharged, Feb. 28, 1867 I94 Dec. 16, 1890— Ordered to lie on the table 297 Dec. 29, 1890— Ordered to lie on the table 297 Jan. 5, 1891— Ordered to lie on the table 298 Jan. 19, 1891— Ordered to lie on the table 299 Jan. 27, 1891— Ordered to lie on the table 299 Jan. 29, 1891— Ordered to lie on the table 299 Feb. 2, 1 89 1— Ordered to lie on the table 300 Mar. 24, 1902— Referred to Committee ou Patents. 362 440 Copvris^Jit in Congress, lySg to igoj. Petitions and memorials — Continued Page New York, citizens of — Contiuiied House of Representatives: Jan. 15, 1838 — Referred to Conmiittee on Judiciary. 150 Mar. 22, 1848— William Cullen Bryantand others, kji, 167 New York, librarians and librariesof. H. R., May 19, 1890 — Referred 285 New York Plate Printers' Association. H. R., July 25, 1890— Referred to Committee on Judiciary 291) New York Typographical Society. S., Mar. 13, 183S — Referred 9^. 15 1 Referred to S. Committee on Judiciary, Dec. 19, 1838. . 156 Committee discharged, Mar. i, 1839 156 Newark, Ohio, publishers of. {See J. H. Newton and others. ) Newton (J. H. ) and others. H. R., Apr. 12, 1884 — Referred. 227 Newton (John M.). H. R., May 19, 1890 — Referred 285 North Western College, Naperville, 111., faculty of: II. R., Jan. 27, 1888 — Referred to Committee on Patents. 244 S., Jan. 30, 18S8 — Referred to Committee on Patents. . 245 Northwestern University, Evanston, 111., faculty of: S., Feb. 7, 1888— Referred to Committee on Patents . . 248 Oakland City, Ind., citizens of. {See^. W. Robin.son and others. ) Ogden (Henry) and others. S., Apr. 24, 1838 — Referred to Committee on Patents and ordered printed 99, 153 Referred to S. Committee on Judiciary, Dec. 19, 1S38. 156 Committee discharged. Mar. i, 1839 156 Ohio, citizens of. .Senate: Feb. 27, 1854 — Ordered to lie on the table 173 Mar. 23, 1 886 — Referred to Committee on Patents 236 Jan. 13, 1890 — Referred to Committee on Patents 269 Jan. 14, 1890 — Referred to Committee on Patents 270 Jan. 9, 1891 — Ordered to lie on the table 298 Feb. 5, 1891 — Ordered to lie on the table 300 Dec. 16, 1895 — Referred to Committee on Patents 335 Mar. 19, 1902 — Referred to Committee on Patents 360 Mar. 21, 1902 — Referred to Committee on Patents 361 Apr. I, 1902 — Referred to Committee on Patents 364 Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, faculty of: S., Jan. 30, 1888 — Referred to Committee on Patents . . 245 H. R., Jan. 30, 188S — Referred to Committee on Patents 245 Ohio University, Athens, Ohio, faculty of: S., Jan. 23, 1888— Referred to Committee on Patents . . 241 H. R., Jan. 23, 1888 — Referred to Committee on Patents 242 Onondaga County, N. Y., citizens of. S., Mar. 13, 1854 — Referred 1 74 Index 441 Petitions and memorials — Continued Page Organizations, business. S., Feb. 9, 1891 — Laid on table. . 300 Oshkosh, Wis., teachers of. H. R., June 7, 1890— Referred 287 Otterbein University, Westers'ille, Ohio, faculty of: S., Jan. 26, 1888 — Referred to Committee on Patents . . 243 H. R., Jan. 26, 1888 — Referred to Committee on Patents 244 Passmore (John A. M.). H. R., Apr. 16, 1888— Referred. . 258 Pennsylvania, citizens of: Senate: Feb. 9, 1854 — Referred to Committee on Library. . 172 Feb. 27, 1854 — Ordered to lie on the table 173 Apr. 25, 1854 — Ordered to lie on the table 175 Jan. 21, 1867 — Referred to Committee on Patents. . 191 Committee discharged, and referred to Com- mittee on Manufactures, Jan. 31, i867 192 Feb. 14, 1872 — Referred to Committee on Library . 207 Feb. 21, 1872 — Referred to Committee on Library. 207 Mar. 4, 1S72 — Referred to Committee on Library. . 208 Mar. 20, 1888 — Ordered to lie on the table 253 Jan. 14, 1890 — Referred to Committee on Patents . 270 Jan. 15, 1890 — Referred to Committee on Patents . 270 Jan. 22, 1890 — Ordered to lie on the table 272 Dec. 29, 1890 — -Ordered to lie on the table 297 Jan. 27, 1891 — Ordered to lie on the table 299 Apr. 9, 1902 — Referred to Committee on Patents. . 365 Apr. 23, 1902 — Referred to Committee on Patents. 366 House of Representatives: May 21, 1838 — Referred to Committee on Judiciarj'. 154 Philadelphia, citizens of: Senate: Jan. 15, 1838 — Ordered printed 98, 150 Referred to Committeeon Judiciary, Dec. 19, 1838 156 Committee discharged. Mar. i, 1839 '5^ Apr. 24, 1838 — W. Marshall & Co., and others. . . 99, 153 Feb. 12, 1872 — Referred to Committee on Library. 206 Feb. 27, 1872 — Referred to Committee on Library. 208 Jan. 31, 1891 — Ordered to lie on the table 300 Feb. 6, 1891 — Ordered to lie on the table 300 House of Representatives: Jan. 15, 1838 — Referred to Committee on Judi- ciary 98, 150-151 Mar. 19,1838 — Referred to Committee on Judiciary 98, 152 May2i,i838 — Referred to Committee on Judiciary 100, 154 June 13, 1842 — Referred to Committee on Judiciary loi, 160 Philadelphia TypotheUi'. H. R., Aug. 8, 1890 — Referred.. 291 Pike (Nicholas). H. R., June 8, 1789 — Referred 1 13 Reported as unfinished business, Jan. 11, 1790 117 442 Copyright in Congi'css^ lySg to 1904 Petitions and memorials,— Con ti u iied Page Pitcher ( Peter M. ) and others. S. , May 2, 1838— Referred . 153 Referred to Committee on Judiciary, Dec. 19, 1S38. . . . 156 Committee discharged, Mar. i, 1839 156 Post (Edwin) and others. H. R., May 19, 1890 — Referred. 284 Pressmen's unions: No. I. District of Columbia. S., Apr. 2, 1888 — Laid on table 255 No. 4. Philadelphia, Pa.: vS. Apr. 3, 1888— Laid on table 255 S., Apr. 10, 1888— Laid on table 257 H. R., Mar. 15, 1902 — Referred 360 No. 27. Buffalo, N.Y. H. R.,May i, 1888— Referred. . 261 Of Providence, R. I. S., May 14, 1902— Referred 368 Princeton University, Princeton, N. J., faculty of: H. R. , Jan. 3 1 , 1888 — Referred to Committee on Patents . 246 S., Feb. I, 1 888 — Referred to Committee on Patents. . . 246 Racine College, Wisconsin, faculty of: H. R. , Feb. 16, 1888 — Referred to Committee on Patents . 251 S., Feb. 20, 18S8 — Referred to Committee on Patents. 251 Ramsaj' ( David ) : H. R., Apr. 15, 1789 — Referred to special committee . . 112 Reported by committee, Apr. 20, 1789 11 2-1 13 Reported as unfinished business, Jan. 11, 1790. ... 117 S., Apr. 16, 1789 112 Randolph (Peyton), representatives of. H. R., Mar. 26, 1838— Referred 152 Reiley (Joseph H. ) and others. {See Petitions and memo- rials: Ohio, citizens of. S., Feb. 27, 1854.) Rensselaer County, N. Y. , citizens of. H. R. , Jan. 26, 1888 — Referred to Committee on Patents 244 Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, N. Y, faculty of: S., Jan. 26, 1888— Referred to Committee on Patents. . 244 Renville, Minn., teachers of. H. R., Mar. 24, 1890 — Referred 279 Rhode Island, citizens of. S., Mar. 20, 1888 — Laid on table 253 Richardson (H. L.) and others. H. R., June 12, 1890 — Referred 288 Richmond (George H.). H. R., Apr. 9, 1884— Referred. . 227 Richmond College, Richmond, Va., faculty of: H. R. , Feb. 6, 1888— Referred to Committee on Patents . 247 S., Feb. 9, 1888 — Referred to Committee on Patents. . 249 Ripon, Wis., citizens of. {See H. L. Richardson and others. ) Ripon College, Ripon, Wis., faculty of: H. R., Jan. 30, 1888 — Referred to Committee on Patents. 245 S., Jan. 31, i888 — Referred to Committee on Patents. . 246 Index 443 Petitions and memorials — Co7i tinned Page Robinson (D. F. ) and others. S., Jan. 25, 1838— Referred. 151 Referred to vS. Committee on Judiciary, Dec. 19, 1838. 156 Committee discharged, Mar. i, 1839 156 Robinson (J. W.) and others. H. R., June lu, 1890- Referred 288 Rochester, N. Y., citizens of . S., Dec. 20, 1853— Referred. 172 Root (Azariah Smith). H. R., May 19, 1890— Referred . . 2S5 Rowlett (John): S., Jan. 24, 1S28— Referred to Committee on Judiciary . 136 Reported by Committee, Apr 17, 1828 i37 {See Bills: S., no. 141, 20th Cong., ist sess.) H. R., Dec. 22, 1828— Referred to Committee on Judiciary ^39 Referred to Com. on Judiciary, Dec. 15, 1829 140 [See Bills: H. R., no. 7, 21st Cong., ist sess.) H. R., Dec. 29, 1S42 — Referred to Committee on Judi- ciary ^"^ Reported by Committee, Jan. 7, 1843 161 [See Bills: H. R., no. 657, 27th Cong., ist sess.) Rutgers College, New Brunswick, N. J., faculty of: S., Feb. 8, 1888— Referred to Committee on Patents . . 248 H. R. , Feb. 9, 1888— Referred to Committee on Patents . 249 Schoolcraft (Henry Rowe). S., May 10, 1 858— Referred . 179. 180 {See Mrs. Henry Rowe Schoolcraft. ) Schoolcraft (Mrs. Henry Rowe). H. R., Jan. 20, 1S59— Referred to Committee on Indian Affairs 180 {See Bills: H. R., no. 813, 35th Cong., 2d sess.) Sherman (C. ) and others. S., June 13, 1843— Referred. . 100, 159 Short (John W.) and others. H. R., Mar. 24, 1890-Re- ferred 279 Smith (Mary P.). H. R., May 19, 1 890— Referred 285 Smith (Newton T.). House of Representatives: Apr. 21, 1884— Referred to Committee on Judiciary 228 Apr. 23, 1884— Referred to Committee on Judiciary 228 Smith (Richard Penn) and others. S., Apr. 10, 1838— Re- ferred to Committee on Patents and ordered printed ... 99, 152 Referred to S. Committee on Judiciary, Dec. 19, 1838. . 156 Committee discharged, Mar. 1 , 1839 156 Snowden (Yates) and others. H. R., Apr. 14, 1884-Re- ferred 227 South Bend and Mishawakee, Ind., teachers of. H. R., June 10, 1890— Referred to Committee on Judiciary 288 South Carolina College, Columbia, S. C, faculty of: S., Jan. 23, 1888— Referred to Committee on Patents. . 241 South Dakota, citizens of. Senate: Apr. 9, 1902— Referred to Committee on Patents 365 Apr. 10, 1902— Referred to Committee on Patents 365 444 Copyright in Congress^ ^7^9 ^o 1904 Petitions and memorials — Continued Page Southern Press Association. H. R., Apr. 18, 1884— Re- ferred 228 Spangler (W. W. ) and others. H. R., May 19, 1890 — Re- ferred 285 Steinmetz (George W. ). H. R., Jan. 10, 1902 356 Stereotypers' unions: No. I. New York City. H. R., Mar. 25, 1902 — Re- ferred 362 No. 4. Chicago, 111. H. R., Jan. 25, 1890 — Referred. . . 272 Sumner (Selina C): S., Dec. 14, 1852 — Referred to Committee on Commerce and motion to print to Committee on Printing . . . 102, 170 Reported by Committee on Printing, Dec. 16, 1852. 170 Referred to Committee on Commerce, Jan. 26, 1854 172 {See Bills: S., no. 181, 33d Cong., sess.) Swain Free School, New Bedford, Mass., faculty of: S., Jan, 19, 1888— Referred to Committee on Patents. . 241 Sweeney (E. J.) & Co. H. R., Jan. 10, 1902 356 Talcott (William C.) and others. H. R., Apr. 18, 1884— Referred to Committee on Judiciary 228 Tanner (Henry S.). S., Feb. 22, 182S— Referred 136 Terre Haute, Ind., teachers of. H. R., June 9, 1890— Re- ferred 287 Texas, citizens of. vS., Jan. 29, 1891 — Laid on table 299 Texas Agricultural and Mechanical College, College Sta- tion, Tex., faculty of: S., Jan. 26, 1888 — Referred to Committee on Patents. . 243 Tiskilwa, 111. , teachers of. {See A. W. Hursey and others. ) Topeka, Kans., citizens of. S., Mar. 31, 1890 — Laid on table 280 Trades and Labor Assembly of Quincy, 111. S., Apr. 23, t888 — Ordered to lie on the table 259 Trades Assembly of Utica, N. Y. H. R., Mar. 13, 1902 — Referred 359 Trayer (Carlos) and others. H. R., June 19, 1S90 — Re- ferred 289 Trinity College, Durham, N. C, faculty of: H. R., Feb. 6, 1888— Referred to Committee on Patents. 247 Tulane University, New Orleans, La., faculty of: H. R. , Mar. 3, 18S8 — Referred to Connnittee on Patents . 252 Typographical unions: No. 2. Philadelphia, Pa.: S., .•\pr. 10, 18SS— Laid on table 257 , H. R., Mar. 21, 1888— Referred 253 H. R., Apr. 3, 1888— Referred 255 H. R., June 2, 18S8— Referred 264 Index 445 Petitions and memorials — Continued Page Typographical unions — Cotitinued No. 2, Philadelphia, Pa. — Continued H. R., June 21, 1 888— Referred 265 H. R., Apr. 8, 1902— Referred 364 H. R., Apr. 9, 1902 — Referred 365 H. R., Apr. II, 1902 — Referred 365 H. R. , Apr. 12, 1902 — Referred 366 No. 3. Cincinnati, Ohio. S., Apr. 9, 1888 — Laidon table. 256 No. 5. Columbus, Ohio: S., Apr. 5, 1888— Laid on table 256 S., Jan, 9, 1890 — Referred 269 H. R., Jan. 20, 1890 — Referred 271 No. 6. New York City, N. Y. vS., Apr. 7, 1890— Re- ,, ferred 364 No. 8. St. Ivouis, Mo. H. R., Aug. 21, 1888— Referred. 266 No. 10. Louisville, Ky. H. R., Apr. 12, 1S84 — Referred. 227 No. II. Memphis, Tenn. S., Apr. 6, 1888— Laid on table 256 No. 12. Baltimore, Md. H. R., Apr. 28, 1902 — Referred. 367 No. 14. Harrisburg, Pa. : S., Jan. 25, 1886 — Referred 233 H. R., Jan. 25, 1886— Referred 233 No. 16. Chicago, 111.: ■ S., Feb. II, 1886— Referred 235 S., Feb. 24, 1886— Referred 236 S., Apr. 6, 1888— Laid on table 256 S., Apr. 12, 1888— Laid on table. {See Note) . . . 257-258 H. R., Apr. 4, 1888— Referred 255 H. R., Apr. 16, 1888— Referred. {See Note) 258 No. 17. New Orleans, La. H. R., Mar. 27, 1902 — Referred 363 No. 20. Nashville, Tenn.: S., Apr. 9, 1888— Laid on table 257 H. R., Feb. 10, 1890— Referred 274 No. 22. Dubuque, Iowa. H. R., Mar. 29, 1888 — Re- ferred 254 No. 23. Milwaukee, Wis.: H. R., Feb. 13, 1886— Referred 235 H. R., Mar. 19, 1902 — Referred 361 No. 29. Peoria, 111.: H. R., Mar. 13, 1890— Referred 278 H. R., Mar. 15, 1 890— Referred 278 No. 30. St. Paul, Minn. H. R., Jan. 16, 1890— Re- ferred 270, 271 No. 36. Oakland, Md. H. R., Feb. 28, 1890— Referred. 277 No. 38. Haverhill, Mass. H.R., Jan. 20, 1890— Referred. 271 446 Copyright in Congress^ ijSg to 1(^04 Petitions and memorials — Continued Page Typographical unions — Continued No. 39. Grand Rapids, Mich. S., Mar. 27, 1SS8— Laid on table 254 No. 42. Minneapolis, Minn.: H. R., July 14, 1SS8— Referred 266 H. R., July 24, 1888— Referred 266 No. 43. Charleston, S. C: H. R., Mar. 8, 1902— Referred 358 H. R., Mar. 15, 1902 — Referred 360 No. 47. New Haven, Conn. H. R., Jan. 30, 1S90 — Referred 273 No. 55. Syracuse, N. Y. H. R., Mar. 13, 1902— Re- ferred 359 No. 57. Dayton, Ohio. H. R., Jan. 13, 1890 — Referred. 270 No. 58. Portland, Oreg. (Multnomah): S., May 9, 1888— Laid on table 261 H. R. , Apr. 30, 1902 — Referred 367 No. 59. Ouincy, 111. S., Apr. 3, 1888— Laid on table. . 255 No. 60. Roanoke, Va. H. R, Feb. 3, 1890 — Referred . 274 No. 66. Portland, Me. : S., Jan. 28, 1886— Referred 234 S., Feb. 2, 1886— Referred 235 No. 68. Keokuk, Iowa. S., Apr. 3, 1888— Laid on table 255 No. 71. Trenton, N. J. H. R., vSept. 19, 1890— Re- ferred 291 No. 73. Ottumwa, Iowa. S., Apr. 12, 1888— Laid on table 257 No. 75. Burlington, Iowa. H. R., Jan. 17, 1890 — Re- ferred 271 No. 77. Erie, Pa. S., Jan. 27, 1S86— Referred 234 No. Si. Bay City, Mich.: S., Apr. II, 1888— Laid on table 257 S., Apr. 12, 1888— Laid on table 257 No. 86. Reading, Pa. H. R., Mar. 12, 1 886— Referred. 236 No. 89. Chattanooga, Tenn. H. R., Jan. 13, 1890— Re- ferred 269 No. 92. Little Rock. Ark. H. R., Jan. 28, 1890— Re- ferred 273 No. 97. Peru, Ind. H. R., Mar. 17, 1902— Referred. {See Note) 360 No. 98. Brooklyn, N. Y. \_sic, i. e., Bedford, Ind.]: S., Mar. 26. 188S— Laid on table 254 No. 99. Philadelphia, Pa. \_sic, i. e., Jackson, Mich.]: vS., Apr. 9, 188S— Laid on table 256 S., Apr. 1 1 , 188S— Laid on table 257 Index 44-7 Petitions and memorials — Continued Page Typographical unions — Cotititiued No. loo. Norwich, Conn.: H. R., Jan. 26, 1886— Referred 234 H. R., Mar. 14, 1902 — Referred 360 No. 107. Rock Island (Tri-City), 111. S., Apr. 10, 1888— Laid on table 257 No. 112. Scranton,Pa. H. R., Jan. 22, 1890— Referred. 272 No. 117. Springfield, Ohio. H. R., June 19, 1888— Re- ferred. {See Note) 265 No. 118. Des Moines, Iowa: H. R., Apr. 4, 18S8— Referred 256 S., Apr. 9, 1888— Laid on table 256, 257 H. R., Feb. 18, 1890 — Referred 277 No. 121. Topeka, Kans. : H. R., Apr. 4, 1888— Referred 256 S., Apr. 9, 1888— Laid on table 256 No. 122. Kalamazoo, Mich. S., Mar. 11, 1902— Referred. 359 No. 127. Hartford, Conn. H. R., Jan. 30, 1890— Re- ferred 273 No. 128. South Bend, Ind. : H. R., Apr. 13, 1888— Referred 258 H. R., July 25, 1888— Referred 266 No. 138. Austin, Tex. S. , Apr. 23, 1888— Laid on table . 259 No. 147. Ashland, Ariz. H. R., Jan. 27, 1890— Re- ferred 273 No. 148. Wichita, Kans.: H. R., Apr. 25, 1888— Referred 260 H. R., Jan. 15, 1890 — Referred 270 No. 185. Bradford, Pa. S., Jan. 21, 1890— Referred. . . 271 No. 193. Spokane Falls, Wash. H. R., Apr. 21, 1888— Referred 259 No. 198. Fort Worth, Tex.: H. R., Mar. 20. 1902 — Referred 3^1 H. R., Mar. 21, 1902 — Referred. 3^2 No. 199. Zanesville, Ohio. S., Apr. 11, 1888— Laid on table 257 No. 202. vSeattle, Wash.: H. R., Apr. 21, 1888— Referred 259 H. R., June 30, 1888— Referred 265 No. 203. Council Bluffs, Iowa. H. R., Feb. 23, 18S6— Referred 235 No. 206. Sedalia, Mo. : H. R., Mar. 21, 1902 — Referred 3^2 S., Apr. 15, 1902 — Referred 3^6 No. 211. Oshkosh, Wis.: H. R., Mar. 20, 1886— Referred 236 S. , Mar. 22, 1886— Referred 236 448 Copyright in Congress^ 17^9 to igo^ Petitions and memorials — Continued Page Typographical unions — Continued No. 213. Rockford, 111. H. R., Mar. 24, 1890— Re- ferred 279 No. 218. vSioux Falls, S. Dak. H. R., Apr. 8, 1902— Re- ferred 364 No. 228. Norwood, Mass.: H. R., Mar. 19, 1902 — Referred 361 H. R., Mar. 20, 1902 — Referred 361 No. 231. San Jos^, Cal. H. R., Jan. 16, 1890 — Re- ferred 271 No. 235. Rahway, N. J. H. R., Mar. 21, 1902 — Re- ferred 363 No. 252. Bridgeport, Conn. H. R., Mar. 3, 1902 — Re- ferred 357 No. 256. Greatfalls, Mont. : H. R., Mar. 8, 1902 — Referred 358 H. R., Mar. 13, 1902 — Referred 359 No. 271. Boise City, Idaho: H. R., Mar. 10, 1902 — Referred 358 S., Mar. II, i902^Referred 359 H. R., Mar. 15, 1902 — Referred 360 No. 284. Anderson, Ind. S., Apr. 30, 1902 — Referred. 367 No. 332. Muncie, Ind. H. R., Mar. 12, 1902 — Referred. 359 Underwriters and ship-owners of New York. S., Jan. 19, 1853— Referred to Committee on Commerce 171 Union County, Ind., teachers of. {See John W. Short and others. ) United Labor League of Philadelphia. S., Jan. 19 and 22, 1891 — Ordered to lie on the table 299 United States, authors and publishers of: S., May 12, 1862 — Referred to Committee on Patents. . 186 S., June 10, 1870 — Ordered to lie on the table 199 S., June 18, 1870 — Referred to Committee on Patents. . 200 United States, citizens of. vSenate: July 19, 1852 — James Fenimore Cooper and others 170 May 12, 1862 — Referred to Committee on Patents (86 Mar. 7, 1866 — Referred to Com. on Foreign Relations. . 189 Mar. 13, 1866 — Referred to Com. on Foreign Relations . 189 Mar. 19, 1866 — Referred to Com. on Foreign Relations. 190 Mar. 27, 1866 — Referred'to Com. on Foreign Relations. . 190 Apr. 2, 1866 — Referred to Com. on Foreign Relations. . 190 Apr. 4, 1866— Referred to Com. on Foreign Relations. . 190 Apr. 10, 1866 — Referred to Com. on Foreign Relations. 190 S. Committee on Foreign Relations discharged, Feb. 28, 1867 194 June 10, 1870 — Ordered to lie on the table 199 Feb. 19, 1872 — Referred to Committee on the Library. . 207 Index 449 Petitions and m&xaor'xsXs— Continued Page United States, citizens of. Senate— Continued Feb. 23, 1872 — Referred to Committee on the Library. . 208 Mar. 19, 1872— Referred to Committee on the Library . . 208 Dec. 9, 1S80— Referred to Committee on the Library. . 218 Dec. 13, 18S0— Referred to Committee on the Library. . 218 Dec. 19, 1887— Referred to Committee on Patents 240 Apr. 12, 188S— Ordered to lie on the table 257 Apr. 17, 1888— Ordered to lie on the table 258 Mar. 28, 1890 — Ordered to lie on the table 280 Jan. 12, 1891— Laid on table and ordered to be printed. 298 Jan. 15, 1 891— Ordered to lie on the table 299 Jan. 22, 1891— Ordered to lie on the table 299 Jan. 31, 1891 — Ordered to lie on the table 300 Feb. 16, 1891— Ordered to lie on the table 305 United States, writers of. S., Feb. 20, 1837— Printed 97, 149 University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, Ark., faculty of: S., Jan. 30, 1888— Referred to Committee on Patents . . 245 H. R., Jan. 31, 1888— Referred to Committee on Pat- ents 246 University of California, Berkeley, Cal., faculty of: H. R., Feb. 24, 1888— Referred to Committee on Pat- ents 252 S., May 22, 1888— Ordered to lie on the table 263 . H. R., May 23, 1890 — Referred to Committee on Judi- ciary 286 University of Georgia, Athens, Ga., faculty of: H. R., Feb. 7, 1888— Referred to Committee on Patents. 248 S., Feb. 16, 1888— Referred to Committee on Patents. . 250 University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kans., faculty of: S., Jan. 30, 1888— Referred to Committee on Patents . . 245 H. R., Jan. 30, 1888— Referred to Committee on Pat- ents 245 University of Mississippi, University, Miss., faculty of: S., Feb. 2, 1888— Referred to Conmiittee on Patents. . . 247 H. R. , Feb. 2, 1888— Referred to Committee on Patents . 247 University of Missouri, Columbia, Mo., faculty of: S., Feb. 24, 1888— Referred to Committee on Patents. . 252 H. R., Feb. 24, 1888— Referred to Committee on Pat- ents 252 University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, N. D., faculty of: H. R., Feb. 10, 1 888— -Referred to Committee on Pat- ents 249 University of Rochester, Rochester, N. Y., faculty of: S., Jan. 25, 1888— Referred to Committee on Patents . . 243 H. R., Jan. 25, 1888— Referred to Committee on Pat- ents 243 10469 — No. 8—05 29 450 CopyrigJit in Congress^ ^7^9 io 1904 Petitions and memorials — Continued Page University of Texas, Galveston, Tex., faculty of: S., Feb. 2, 1888 — Referred to Committee on Patents. . . 246 University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Va., facultj' of: S., Feb. 20, 1837 — Laid on table and ordered printed. 97, 150 Referred to Committee on Patents, Apr. 24, 1838. . 153 H. R., Feb. 7, 1888 — Referred to Committee on Patents. 248 S., Feb. 9, 1888 — Referred to Committee on Patents . . 249 S. , Feb. 14, 1891 — Ordered to lie on the table 303 University of Virginia, librarians of: H. R., May 19, 1890 — Referred to Conmiittee on Judi- ciary 285 Upper Iowa University, Fayette, Iowa, facultj- of: H. R., Feb. 17, 188S— Referred to Committee on Pat- ents 25 r Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tenn., faculty of: S., Feb. 13, 1888 — Referred to Committee on Patents. . 24c H. R., Feb. 13, 1888— Referred to Committee on Pat- ents 250 Vandyke (J. A.) and others. H. R., June 6, 1890 — Referred. 286 Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, N. Y., faculty of: S., Jan. 25, 1888- — Referred to Committee on Patents. . 243 H. R., Jan. 25, 1888— Referred to Committee on Pat- ents 243 Vattemare (Alexandre). Memorial, H. R., June 6, 1S40 — Reported by Committee on the Library 157 Washington (State), citizens of: S. , Jan. 23, 1890 — Ordered to lie on the table 272 vS., Mar. 3, 1890 — Ordered to lie on the table 278 Washington, D. C, citizens of. S. , Dec. 29, 1890 — Laid table 297 Webster (Noah). S., Feb. 19, 1828— Referred 136 Welch (Joseph). H. R., June 2, 1888 264 Wells College, Aurora, N. Y., faculty of: S., Jan. 23, 1888 — Referred to Committee on Patents. . 241 H. R., Jan. 23, 1888 — Referred to Committee on Pat- ents 242 Welsh (James). H. R., Mar. 23, 1888 253 Wesleyan University, Middletown, Conn., faculty of: H. R., Feb. 8, 1888— Referred to Committee on Patents. 248 S. , Feb. 15, 1888 — Referred to Committee on Patents. . 250 Western Association of Writers. H. R., Sept. 3, 1890 — Referred 291 Western University of Penn.sylvania, Allegheny, Pa., faculty of: H. R., Jan. 30, 1888 — Referred to Committee on Pat- ents 245 S. , Jan. 31, 1888 — Referred to Committee on Patents. . 246 Index 451 Petitions and memorials — Cojitinued Page Westmoreland County, Pa., citizens of. {See Charles L. Cruzan and others. ) Whalej' (Helen M.). H. R., Apr. 14, 1884— Referred 227 Whittock (W. F.) and Dickinson (Joseph R.). H. R., May 19, 1890 — Referred to Committee on Judiciary 285 Wilde (Richard Henry). S., Dec. 12, 1S42 378 {See Bills: S., no. 70, 27th Cong., 3d sess. ) Wilmington, 111. , teachersof. H. R., June 6, 1890 — Referred . 286 Wisconsin, citizens of: S., Jan. 27, 1890 — Ordered to lie on the table 273 S., Mar. 12, 1902 — Referred to Committee on Patents. 359 Woodburn (James Albert) and others. H. R., June 15, 1888— Referred 265 Woodward (R. C). H. R., May 19, 1890— Referred 285 Woolsey (Theodore Dwight) and others: H. R., Dec. 6, 1880 — Referred to Committee on Library. 218 H. R., Dec. 8. 1880 — Referred to Committee on Library. 21S H. R., Jan. 10, 1881 — Referred to Committee on Librarj' . 219 Wright (Emma E.). H. R., May 19, 1890— Referred 285 Zimmerman (E.). {See William C. Talcott and others.) Petrikin (David), of Pennsylvania, 26th Cong 157, 378 Philadelphia, citizens of. ( 6>^ Petitions and memorials. ) Philadelphia Typothetae. Petition, H. R., Aug. 8, 1890 291 Phoenix (J. Phillips), of New York, 28th Cong 165 Photographs, affidavit of American manufacture of. Bill to require 10, 22-26, 71-72, 83, 374, 375 Pierce (Franklin). Message to Congress regarding treaty with Great Britain, Feb. 23. 1854 102 Pike (Nicholas). Petition, H. R., June 8, 1789 113, j 17 " A new and complete system of arithmetic," cop3-right of. 113 Pitcher (Peter M.) and others. Memorial, S., May 2, 1838. . 153, 156 Plate Printers' Association of New York. Petition, Julv 25, 1890 290 Piatt (Orville Hitchcock), of Connecticut, 49th, 5ist-58thCong. 8, II, 12, 26, 53, 54, 55, 57, 58, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 68, 69, 70, 72, 80, 82, 233, 268, 271, 272, 273, 274, 277, 298, 299, 301, 302, 303, 305, 306, 307, 308, 310, 316, 317, 318, 319, 320, 329, 333, 334,337, 340,341.343, 348, 349, 350, 356, 362, 368, 369, 371, 374,383-3^5 Piatt (ThomasCollier), of New York, 56th-57th Cong. 353, 354, 362, 364 Plumb (Preston B.), of Kansas, 5oth-5ist Cong 245, 270, 280, 300, 310, 319 Plumb (Ralph), of Illinois, 50th Cong 244 Poland (Luke P.), of Vermont, 41st, 48th Cong 211, 227 Post (Edwin) and others. Petition, H. R., May 19, 1890 284 Post ( Philip Sidney), of Illinois, Cong 278, 295 Potter (Emery D. ), of Ohio, 28th Cong 163 452 Copyriglit hi Congn'ss^ 1789 to 190^ Page Potter (John Philips). Included in address of British authors, S., Feb. 2; H. R., Feb. 13, 1837 96, 97. US, 149 Power (Marguerite), Countess of Blessington. Included in ad- dressof British authors, vS., Feb. 2; H. R., Feb. 13,1837. 96,97, 148, 149 Power (Thomas C), of Montana, 51st Cong 306 Presidents, mess.\ges of: Washington (George). Si)eech of: 1790 (Jan. 8). On promotion of science and litera- ture 96, 115-116 S. committee appointed to prepare reply ii6 Repl}' reported and adopted, vS., Jan. 11, 1790 .... 117 ■ Speech presented to H. R. and referred, Jan. 8, 1790 116 H. R. committee appointed to prepare reply, Jan. 9, 1790 116 Reply reported by H. R. committee, Jan. ii, 1790. 116 Considered and adopted, H. R., Jan. 12, 1790 117 Tyler (John). Message of: 1842 (Apr. 9). Transmitting correspondence with Great Britain relative to international copyright 100, 159 Read in H. R. and referred, Apr. 12, 1842 159 Fillmore (Millard). Message of: 1853 (Feb. 18). Regarding treaty with Great Britain. . 102 Pierce (Franklin). Message of: 1854 (Feb. 23). Regarding treaty with Great Britain. . 102 Arthur (Che.ster Alan). Annual mes.sages of: 1881 (Dec. 6). Paragraph on international copyright convention. S. and H. R 103, 219, 220 1884 (Dec. i). Paragraph on international copyright. S. and H. R 103, 229, 230 Cleveland (Grover). Messages of : 1885 (Dec. 8). Annual message (paragraph on Berne Convention). S. and H. R 104, 231, 232 1886 (July 9). Regarding correspondence with Switzer- land and Italy — Read in S. and referred 104, 237 Read in H. R. and referred, July 10, 18S6 237-238 1886 (Dec. 6). Annual message (paragraph on interna- tional copyright). S. and H. R 104, 238, 239 1886 (Dec. 15). Regarding correspondence with Switz- erland and France — Read in S. and referred 105, 239 Read in H. R. and referred, Dec. 15, 1886 239 1893 (Dec. 4). Annual message (paragraph on copy- right treaty with Denmark). S. and H. R no, 328 Harrison (Benjamin). Mes.sages of : 1889 (Dec. 3). Annual message (paragraph recom- mending international copyright law). S. and H. R 105, 268 Index 453 Presidents, messages of — Continued Page Harrison ( Benjamin ) — Continued 1890 (July 11). Report of International American Con- ference : Read in S. and referred 107, 289 Connnittee discharged and referred to S. Com- mittee on Patents, Jul}^ 24, 1S90 290 Read in H. R. and referred, July 12, 1890 290 1890 (Dec. i). Annual message (paragraph renewing recommendation for international copyright ) . S. and H. R 107, 291-292 1891 (Dec. 9). Annual message (paragraph on inter- national copyright act). S. and H. R 109, 323 1892 (Dec. 6). Annual message (paragraph on copy- right treaties with Italj' and Germany). S. and H. R 109, 325. 326 Pressmen's unions: No. I. Di.strict of Columbia. Petition, S., Apr. 2, 1888 ... 255 No. 4. Philadelphia, Pa. Petitions, vS., Apr. 3 and 10, 1888; H. R., Mar. 15, 1902 255, 257,360 No. 27. Buffalo, N. Y. Petition, H. R., May i, 1888 261 Of Providence, R. I. Memorial, S., May 14, 1902 368 Preston (William Campbell), of South Carolina, 24th-26th Cong 35, 148, 153, 158 Price (William T. ), of Wisconsin, 49th, 51st Cong 235, 321 Princeton University, faculty of. Petitions, H. R., Jan. 31; S., Feb. I, 1888 246 Prout (William). Included in address of British authors, S., Feb. 2; H. R., Feb. 13, 1837 96, 97, 148, 149 Pruyn (John V. L,. ), of New York, 40th Cong 195 Putnam (George Haven). Statement before S. copyright hear- ing, May 21, 1886 78 Quarles (Joseph Very), of Wisconsin, 57th Cong 359 Quay (Matthew Stanley), of Pennsylvania, 5oth-5ist, 57th Cong 244, 246, 257, 270, 272, 299, 300, 365 Racine College, faculty of. Petitions, H. R., Feb. 16; S., Feb. 26, 1888 251 Ramsay (David) 32, 33, 36, 74, 112, 113, 117 " Histor)' of the American Revolution," copyright of 112 "History of the Revolution of South Carolina," copyright of 112 Petitions, H. R., Apr. 15; S., Apr. 16, 1789 112 Randall (vSamuel J.), of Pennsylvania, Cong 255, 256, 264, 296, 321 Randolph (Peyton), representatives of 34, 152, 155 Petition, H. R., Mar. 26, 1838 152 " Reports of the Court of Appeals in the State of Virginia," renewal copyright of 152 454 Copyright in Congress, i-/8<.) to 1904 Page Ranney (Ambrose A.), of Massachusetts, 47th Cong 47. 221 Ray (Ossiaii), of New Hampshire, 48th, 51st Cong 227, 296, 321 Raymond (John Baldwin), of Dakota Territory, 48th Cong 228 Rayner (Isador), of Maryland, 50th Cong 250 Read (George), of Delaware, ist Cong 121 Reagan (John Henninger), of Texas, 5otli-5ist Cong 259, 303. 305.3 io> 383. 384 Reed (Thomas Brackett), of Maine, 48th, 50th Cong 227, 244 Register of Copyrights, creation of office N^ote, 93, 341 Reiley (Joseph H.)- Petition, vS., Feb. 27, 1854 Note, 173 Rensselaer County, N.Y., citizens of. Petition, H. R., Jan. 26, 1888 244 Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, faculty of. Petition, S., Jan. 26, 1888 244 Renville, Minn., teachers of. Petition, H. R., Mar. 24, 1890. . 279 Report on copyright legislation 1 1 1 Reports: 1789 (Apr. 20). H. R. On petition of David Ramsay 74, 112 1790 (Jan. 11). H. R. On unfinished business of previous session; H. R. committee appointed Jan. 7, 1790 74. "7 1792 (Feb. i). H. R. On memorial of John Churchman. . 74,125 1830 (Dec. 17). H. R. no. 3. On H. R. bill no. 145, 21st Cong. , sess 74. I43 1837 (Feb. 16). S. no. 179. On petitions of British and American authors 75. ^49 1838 (June 25). S. no. 494. On S. bill no. 32, 25th Cong., 2d sess 75. 1 55 1838 (July 7). H. R. no. 1052. On H. R. bill no. 885, 25th Cong., 2d sess 75. ^55 1840 (June 6). H. R. no. 586. On H. R. bill no. 447, 26th Cong., 1st sess 75. I57 1848 (May 17). H. R. no. 613. On H. R. bill no. 493,30th Cong., 76, 167 1853 (Feb. 2). S. no. 396. On vS. bill no. 604, 32(1 Cong., 2d sess 76. 1 7 1 1854 (Feb. 2). S. no. 77. On vS. bill no. 181, 33d Cong., sess 76, 1 72 1868 (Feb. 21). H. R. no. 16. On H. R. bill no. 779, 40th Cong. , 2d sess 7^. I95 1870 (June 11). S. no. 209. On vS. bill no. 703, 41st Cong., 2d sess 77, 200 1873 (Feb. 7). S. no. 409. On international copyright, sundry papers referred to Com. on the Library 77, 209 1873 (Feb. 19). H. R. On H. R. bill no. 4004, 42d Cong., 3d sess 44, 2 10 1882 (July i). H. R. no. 1547. On H. R. bill no. 5583, 47th Cong. , I St sess 77, 222 1884 (Feb. 5). H. R. no. 189. On II. R. l)ill no. 2418, 48th Cong., 1st sess 77. 224 Index 455 Reports — Continued Page 1886 (May 21). S. no. 1188. On S. bill no. 2496, 49th Cong. , ist sess 78, 237 188S (Mar. 19). S. no. 622. On S. bill no. 554, 50th Cong., 1st sess 78, 252 1888 (Apr. 21). H. R. no. 1875. On H. R. bill no. 8715, 50th Cong., 1st sess 79, 259 188S (May 24). H. R. no. 2311. On S. bill no. 554, 50th Cong. , 1st sess 79, 263 1888 (Sep. 13). H. R. no. 3434. On H. R. bill no. 4995, 50th Cong. , 1st sess 79, 267 1889 (Jan. 31). S. no. 2525. On S. bill no. 554, 50th Cong., 1st sess 79, 267 1890 (Jan. 21). S. no. 142. On vS. bill no. 2221, 51st Cong., I st sess 80, 272 1S90 (Feb. 6). H. R. no. 27. On H. R. bill no. 3S12, 51st Cong. , ist sess 80, 274, 276 1890 (Feb. 15). H. R. no. 65. On H. R. bill no. 6941, 51st Cong. , 1st sess 80, 275 1890 (Feb. 18). H. R. no. 290. On H. R. bill no. 7213, 51st Cong. , 1st sess 80, 276 1890 (June 10). H. R. no. 2401. On H. R. bill no. 10881, 51st Cong., 1st sess 80, 287 1894 (June 29). H. R. no. 1191. On H. R. bill no. 6835, 53d Cong. , 2d sess 80, 330 1894 (Aug. 23). H. R. no. 147 1. On H. R. bill no. 7853, 53d Cong., 2d sess 81, 331 1895 (Jan. 31). H. R. no. 1733. On H. R. bill no. 8407, 53d Cong., 3d 81, 333 1896 (Mar. 12). H. R. no. 741. On H. R. bill no. 197S, 54th Cong,, 1st sess 81, 337 1896 (Dec. 7), H. R. no. 2290. On S. bill no. 2306, 54tli Cong. , 2d sess 81, 339 1896 (Dec. 15). H. R. no. 2331. On H. R. bill no. 9643, 54th Cong. , 2d sess 34 1 1897 (Feb. 5). H. R. no. 2813. On H. R. bill no. 10223, 54th Cong., 2d sess 81, 342 1897 (Dec. 16). H. R. no. 62. On H. R. bill no. 4847, 55th Cong., 2d sess 81, 346 1898 (Feb. 2). S. no. 534. On H. R. bill no. 4847, 55th Cong. , 2d sess 82, 348 1898 (Mar. 10). H. R. no. 691. On H. R. bill no. 8620, 55th Cong. , 2d sess 82, 350 1898 (May 11). H. R. no. 1289. On H. R. bill no. 7015, 55th Cong. , 2d sess 82, 35 1 1903 (Feb. 26). H. R. no. 3892. On H. R. bill no. 17551, 57th Cong. , 2d sess 82, 368 1903 (Dec. 17). S. no. 142. On S. bill no. 2022, 5Sth Cong., 2d sess 82, 370 456 Copyright in Congress^ ijSg to 190^ Reports — Continued Page 1903 (Dec. 17). H. R. no. 12. On H. R. bill no. 5059, sSth Cong., 2d sess 82, 371 1904 (Jan. 8). S. no. 188. On vS. hill no. 2229, sSth Cong., 2d sess 83, 373 Summary of 8 Full text of 13 1904 (Mar. i). H. R. no. 1287. On H. R. bill no. 6487, 58tli Cong., 2d — Referred to House Calendar. 9, 71, 83, 374 Full text of 15-18 1904 (Apr. 26). H. R. no. 2857. On H. R. bill no. 13355, 58th Cong., 2d sess. — Referred to House Calendar . . 72, 83, 375 Summary of 11, 375, 376 Full text of 24-26 1905 (Jan. 27). S. no. 3380. On H. R. bill no. 6487, full text. 386 Resolution.s: 1790 (Jan. 15). H. R. On the preparation of a copyright bill. H. R. committee appointed to prepare, Jan. 25, 1790. 1 18 {See Bills: H. R. no. 39, ist Cong., 2d sess.) 1826 (Jan. 6). H. R. On expediency of amending copy- right laws 135-136 1832 (Apr. 14). H. R. On expediency of recording copy- right assignments 145 H. R. Committee on Judiciary discharged, Apr. 20, 1832 145-146 1834 (Mar. 4). H. R. On expediency of registering copy- right assignments 1 46 1834 (Apr. 10). H. R. On revision of copyright laws relat- ing to court decisions 146 1842 (Apr. 7). H. R. On international copyright; request- ing transmittal of correspondence with Great Britain. . . . 159 Message received and referred, Apr. 12, 1842 159 1842 (Dec. 14). H. R. On propriety of generally amend- ing copyright laws 160-161 1848 (May 8). S. On amending provision requiring deposit of work in the Library of Congress 167 1862 (Feb. 14). H. R. On a bill requiring application for copyright to be made to Commissioner of Patents 185 1868 (Jan. 16). H. R. On international copyright 194 1869 (Feb. 22). Joint. H. R. 462. Relative to copyright. 195 1871 (Dec. 18). H. R. On international copyright: Com- mittee to report bill. Introduced by Mr. Cox, Dec. 11, 1871 204, 205 1872 (Feb. 12). H. R. 80. On international copyright. . . 83, 206 1873 (Dec. 18). H. R. On copyright fee of periodicals or newspapers 211 1881 (Dec. 6). vS. On protecting American proprietors against importation of foreign reprints 219 Index 457 Resolutions — Continued Page 1886 (Jan. 13). S. On international copyright: Testimony on S. bill, no. 191, 49th Cong., ist sess 233 1892 (Apr. 19). S. On puVjlication of copyright books in the Congressional Record — Ordered printed 324 Submitted to Senate and referred, Apr. 20, 1892 325 1894 (Jan. 22). Joint. S. 52. On insuring security and util- ization of duplicate copyright books in Congressional Library 83, 328 1894 (Maj' 22). Joint. S. 88. On insuring security and utilization of duplicate copyright books in Congressional Librarj- 84, 329 1900 (Jan. 23). S. On the effect of International Cop}-- right Act of Mar. 3, 1891: Commissioner of Labor ordered to report upon 352 Reported and referred; ordered printed. Jan. 12, 1901. 354 Revised Statutes: Title 60, chapter 3. Dec. i, 1873; June 20, I874 40, 42, 43, 44, 210, 211, 212 Revision of the copyright laws recommended 7 Reyburn (John Edgar), of Pennsylvania, 51st Cong 291, 296 Reynolds (John H. ), of New York, 36th Cong 39, 182 Rhode Island, citizens of. Petition, S., Mar. 20, 1888 253 Rich (William). Bibliography, I. Bills, no. 32 Note, 36 Richardson (H. L. ) and others. Petition, H. R., June 12, 1890 288 Richardson (James Daniel ) , of Tennessee, 5 ist, 53d Cong . 294, 296, 327 Richmond (George H.). Petition, H. R., Apr. 9, 1884 227 Richmond College, Va., faculty of. Petitions, H. R. Feb. 6; S., Feb. 9, 1S8S 247, 249 Ripon, Wis., citizens of. {See H. L. Richardson and others. ) Ripon pollege. Wis., faculty of. Petitions, H. R.,Jan. 30; S., Jan. 31, 1888 245, 246 Ritchie (James Monroe), of Ohio, 47th Cong 48, 77, 222 Rives (William Cabell), of Virginia, 25th Cong 149, 153 Robertson (John), of Virginia, 25th Cong 34> 75 Robinson (D. F. ) and others. Memorial, S., Jan. 25, 1838 . . 151, 156 Robinson (J. W.) and others. Petition, H. R., June 10, 1890. . 2S8 Robin.son (James M. ), of Indiana, 58th Cong 372 Robinson (William E. ), of New York, 47th Cong 47, 221 Rochester, N. Y., citizens of. Petition, S., Dec. 20. 1853 172 Rockwell (Francis W. ), of Ma.ssachusetts, 51st Cong 286, 296 Rockwell (John A. ), of Connecticut, 30th Cong 168 Rogers (Samuel). Included in address of British authors, S., Feb. 2; H. R., Feb. 13, 1837 96, 97, 14S, 149 Rogers (W. B. ) and others, professors. University of Virginia. . 150 Rogers (William Findlay), of New York, 48th, 51st Cong. . . 227, 321 Roget (Peter Mark). Included in address of authors, S., Feb. 2; H. R., Feb. 13, 1837 96, 97, 148, 149 Root (Azariah Smith). Petition, H. R., May 19, 1890 285 458 CopyrigJit in Congress, lySg to 1904 Page Rosecrans (William vStarke), of California, 47th-48th Cong. . . 48, 223 Rowan (John), of Kentucky, 21st Cong " 141 Rowland (Alfred), of North Carolina, 30th Cong 249 Rowlett (John). Relief of 32-33, 35. 93-94, 136-142, 161-162 Petitions, vS., Jan. 24, 1828; H. R., Dec. 22, 1828; Dec. 29, 1842 136, 139, 161 Renewal of copyright, letter requesting 139 Renewal of copyright, "Tables of Discount " 136, 161 Ruggles (John), of Maine, 24th-25th Cong 75, i49 Runisey (David), of New York, 30th Cong 167 Russell (Charles Addison), of Connecticut, 51st, 57th Cong . . . 273, 279, 296,321,360 Russell (William F. ), of New York, 35th Cong 38, 180 Rutgers College, N. J., faculty of. Petitions, S., Feb. 8; H. R., Feb. 9, 1888 248, 249 Ryan (Thomas) , of Kansas, 50th Cong 242, 255 Sanders (Wilbur Fisk), of Montana, 52d Cong 324, 325 Sawyer (Philetus), of Wisconsin, 49th-5ist Cong 236, 246, 296, 302, 310, 319, 321 Sayler (Henry B.), of Indiana, 4^d Cong 45, 211, 212 Schirm (Charles Reginald), of Maryland, 57th Cong 357 Schoolcraft ( Henry Rowe). Relief of 38, 179, 180 "History, Statistics, Condition and Prospects of the Indian Tribes," copyright of 179, 180 Memorial, S., May 10, 1858 179 {See Mrs. Henry Rowe Schoolcraft, Relief of.) Schoolcraft (Mrs. Henry Rowe). Relief of 38, 95, 180-181, 380 Petition, H. R., Jan. 20, 1859 180 {See Bills: H. R., no. 813, 35th Cong., 2d sess.) Schumaker (John G.), of New York, 43d Cong 46, 213, 214, 216 Scott (John), of Pennsylvania, 42d Cong 206, 207, 208 Scranton (Joseph A. ), of Pennsylvania, 51st Cong 272 Scudder (Horace Elisha). Statement before S. copyright hear- ing, Jan. 28, 1886 '. 78 Sebastian (WMlliam K.), of Arkansas, 35th Cong 38, 179, 180 Sedgwick (Arthur George). Statement before S. copyright hearing, Jan. 28, 1886 78 Seney (George E.), of Ohio, 5oth-5ist Cong 242, 321 Seney ( Joshua), of Marj-land, ist Cong 120 Seward (W'illiam Henry), of New York, 33d-34th Cong 37, 38,76, 172, 174, 177 Seybert (Adam), of Pennsylvania, nth Cong 131 Seymour (Horatio), of Vermont, 20th Cong 32, 137 Shafroth (John F. ), of Colorado, 55th Cong 65, 347 Shaw (Leslie M. ), Secretary of the Treasury in, 373 Sherman (C.) and others. Memorial, S., June 13, 1842 100, 159 Sherman (James Schoolcraft), of New York, 57th Cong 359 Index 459 Page Sherman (John), of Ohio, 420!, 4Sth, 5oth-5rst Cong 43, 49, 50, 207, 225, 228, 229, 241, 243, 245, 246, 256, 257, 269, 270, 290, 296, 298, 299, 300, 302, 303, 317, 319, 321, 323, 383 Sherman (Roger), of Connecticut, ist Cong 119 Sherman (Roger). Statement before S. copyright hearing, Feb. 12, 1886 7S Shields (Benjamin G. ) , of Alabama, 27th Cong 159 Ship-owners and underwriters of New York. {See Under- writers. ) Shively (Benjamin F.), of Indiana, 5oth-5ist Cong 258, 266, 288, 296, 321 Short (John W. ) and others. Petition, H. R., Mar. 24, 1890. . 279 Silvester ( Peter H. ) , of New York, ist Cong 119 Simmons (George A. ), of New York, 34th Cong 178 Simonds (William Edgar), of Connecticut, 51st Cong . . 54, 55, 56, 80, 268, 274, 276, 284, 287, 292, 293, 294, 296, 297- 3", 313.314,316,317,319.320,321 Speech on international copyright, H. R., Dec. 3, 1890. . . . 108 Sims (Alexander D.), of South Carolina, 29th Cong 166 Skinner ( Rev. George ) . Included in address of British authors, S., Feb. 2; H. R., Feb. 13, 1837 96, 97, 148. I49 Slayden (James L. ), of Texas, 58th Cong 375 Smith (George W. ), of Illinois, 51st Cong 2S7, 296, 321 Smith (Henry Cassorte), of Michigan, 57th Cong Note, 69 Smith (Mary P. ). Petition, H. R., May 19, 1890 285 Smith (Newton T.). Petitions, H. R., Apr. 21 and 23, 1884. . . 228 Smith (Richard Penn) and others. Memorial, S., Apr 10, 183S. 99, 152. 156 Smith (William), of vSouth Carolina, ist Cong 116 Snider (Samuel Prather), of Minnesota, 51st Cong 270, 271, 285, 296, 321 Snook (John S. ), of Ohio, 57th Cong 357 Snowden (Yates) and others. Petition, H. R., Apr. 14, 1S84. . 227 Solberg ( Thorvald) 53, 1 10, 1 1 r Edition of copyright law. Bibliography, I. Bills, no. 112. . 53 Report on Copyright Legislation ( 1904 ) 1 1 1 Text of S. bill, no. 232, 51st Cong., ist sess 53-54 Somerville (Mary Fairfax). Included in address of British authors, S., Feb. 2; H. R., Feb. 13, 1837 96. 97. U^, I49 South Bend and Mishawakee, Ind., teachers of. Petition, H.R., June 10, 1890 28S South Carolina College, faculty of. Petition, S., Jan. 23, 1888. 241 South Dakota, citizens of. Memorials, S., Apr. 9 and 10, 1902. 365 Southern Press Association. Memorial, H. R., Apr. 18, 1884. . 228 Southey (Robert). Included in address of British authors, S., Feb. 2; H. R., Feb. 13, 1837 96, 97, U8, 149 Spangler (W. W.) and others. Petition, H. R., May 19, 1890. 285 Speeches. {See under name of each speaker. ) 460 CopyrigJit in Congress, ijSg to 1904 Page Spinola ( Francis B. ), of New York, 51st Cong 293, 296, 321 SpofTord (Ainsworth Rand). Statement V)efore S. copyright hearing, Mar. 11, 1886 78 Spooner (Henry J. ), of Rhode Island, 48th, 51st Cong 230, 231,273,289,296,319 Spooner (John Coit), of Wisconsin, 49th-5ist, 57th Cong 237, 241,245,251,321,359 Sprague (Peleg), of Maine, 20th Cong 138 Springer (William McKendree), of Illinois. 4Sth, 5oth-5ist Cong 229, 266, 28S, 296, 316, 321 Stanford (Leland), of California, 50th Cong 263, 310, 319 Stanly (Edward), of North Carolina, 27th Cong 158 Stanton (Frederick P.), of Tennessee, 33d Cong 37. I75 State, Secretary of 106, 107, 290 Communication transmitting sundry reports on copyright, etc., prepared for the International American Conference and referred, S., Feb. 13, 1890 275 Steele (George W. ), of Indiana, 57th Cong 360 Steinmetz (George W.). Petition H. R., Jan. 10, 1902 356 Stephenson (James), of Virginia, i ith Cong 132 Stereotj'pers' unions: No. I. New York City. Petition, H. R., Mar. 25, 1902 362 No. 4. Chicago, 111. Memorial, H. R., Jan. 25, 1S90 272 Sterigere (John B.), of Pennsylvania, 2oth-2ist Cong 139, 140 Stewart (Charles), of Texas, 50th Cong 244, 296 Stewart (John W.), of Vermont, 51st Cong 284, 296, 321 Stockbridge (Francis B. ), of Michigan, 5oth-5ist Cong 257, 297.310,321 Storm (J. B.). Speech on international copyright, H. R., Apr. 13, 1872 103 Stuart-Wortley (Lady Ennneline Charlotte Elizabeth). In- cluded in address of British authors. S., Feb. 2; H. R., Feb. 13, 1837 96, 97. 148, 149 Sulzer (William), of New York, 56th-58th Cong 67, 70, 82, 352, 356, 357, 358, 361, 362, 363, 367. 371, 372 Sumner (Charles), of Massachusetts, 32d-33d, 39th, 41st Cong. 41, 170, 174, 188, 189, 190, 194, 196, 199 Sumner (vSelina C). Relief of 37, 95. 102, 170, 172 Petition, S., Dec, 14, 1852 loi, 170 {See Bills: S., no. iSi, 33d Cong., ist sess. ) Sumner (Thomas H.) 37, 95. 102, 170, 171, 172, 174, 175, 176 (5if^ Selina C. Sumner. ) Swain Free School, faculty of. Petition, S., Jan. 19, 1888 241 Sweeney (E. J.) & Co. Petition, H. R., Jan. 10, 1902 356 Symes (George G.), of Colorado, 50th Cong 246, 265 Sypher (Josiah R.). Statement before S. copyright hearing, Feb. 12, 1886 78 hidex 461 Page Tagart (Edward). Included in address of British authors, S., Feb. 2; H. R., Feb. 13, 1837 96, 97, US, 149 Talcott (William C.) and others. Petition, H. R.. Apr. 18, 1884. 228 Talfourd (5"/;- Thomas Noon). Included in address of British authors, S., Feb. 2; H. R., Feb. 13, 1837 96, 97. US, i49 Tallmadge ( Nathaniel P. ) , of New York, 25th Cong 154 Tanner (Henry vS.). Memorial, vS., Feb. 22, 182S 13S Tappan (Benjamin), of Ohio, 27th Cong 379 Tawney (James A. ), of :\Iinnesota, 58th Cong 10, 22,69, 71,369.372, 374 Taylor (Abner), of Illinois, 51st Cong 286 Teller (Henry Moore), of Colorado, 5oth-5ist Cong 57, 245, 298, 374, 383 Temple (5/;- Grenville, hart.). Included in address of British authors, S., Feb. 2; H. R., Feb. 13, 1S37 96, 97, 148, I49 Terre Haute, Ind., teachers of. Petition, H. R., June 9, 1890 . 287 Texas, citizens of. Petition, S., Jan. 29, 1891 299 Texas Agricultural and Mechanical College, faculty of. Peti- tion, S., Jan. 26, 1888 243 Text-books, free, bill to establish use in public schools 9, 18-20, 71, 373 Tillinghast (Joseph L. ), of Rhode Island, 26th Cong. . 35, 75, 157, 378 Tiskilwa, 111., teachers of. {See A. W. Hursey and others.) Toland (George W.), of Pennsylvania, 25th, 27th Cong 150, 152, 154, 160 Topeka, Kans., citizens of. Petition, S., Mar. 31, 1890 280 Toucey (Isaac), of Connecticut, 33d Cong I74 Townsend (Hosea), of Colorado, 51st Cong 274, 296, 321 Tracy (Uriah), of Connecticut, 7th Cong 127 Trade-marks. Bibliography, I. Bills General note, 72-73 Trades and Labor Assembly of Quincy, 111. Petition, S., Apr. 23, 1888 259 Trades A.ssenibly of Utica, N. Y. Petition, H. R., Mar. 13, 1902 359 Translation of foreign books: Made within 12 months after publication, bill to secure copyright in the United States 8, 13, 14, 17, 369, 374, 377 Provision regarding, to be restricted 9, 15, 18, 377 Trayer (Carlos) and others. Petition, H. R., June 19, 1S90 ... 289 Treasury, Secretary of. Letter relating to law governing public printing; referred and ordered printed, H. R., Jan. 18,1904. 111,373 Catalogue of Title Entries of Books Note, 1 1 1, 373 Treloar (William M.), of Missouri, 54th Cong 61, 336, 337 Trinity College, N. C, faculty of. Petition, H. R., Feb. 6, 1888 247 Trumbull (Lyman), of Illinois, 41st Cong 41, i97, I99 Tucker (John Randolph), of Yirginia, 48th-49th Cong 49, 50,51, 226, 232 462 Copyright in Congress^ ijSg to 1904 Page Tucker (Thomas Tudor), of South Carohna, ist Cong 74, "2 Tulane University, La., faculty of. Petition, H. R., Mar. 2, i888 252 Turpie (David), of Indiana, 50th Cong 241 Twain (Mark). {See Samuel L. Clemens.) T}'ler (John). Message of. Transmitting correspondence with Great Britain relative to international copyright, H. R., Apr. 9, 1842 100, 159 Typographic.\l unions: No. 2. Philadelphia, Pa. Petitions and memorials: S., Apr. 10, 1888 — Ordered to lie on table 257 H. R., Mar. 21, 188S— Referred 253 H. R., Apr. 3, 1S88— Referred 255 H. R., June 2, 1888— Referred 264 H. R., June 21, 188S— Referred 265 H. R., Apr. 8, 1902 — Referred 364 H. R., Apr. 9, 1902 — Referred 365 H. R. , Apr. 1 1 , 1902 — Referred 365 H. R., Apr. 12, 1902 — Referred 366 No. 3. Cincinnati, Ohio. Petition, S., Apr. 9, 1888 356 No. 5. Columbus, Ohio. Petition and memorials: S., Apr. 5, 1888— Ordered to lie on table 256 S. , Jan. 9, 1890 — Referred 269 H. R., Jan. 20, 1890 — Referred 271 No. 6. New York, N. Y. Memorial, S., Apr. 7, 1902 364 No. 8. St. Louis, Mo. INIemorial, H. R., Aug. 21, 1888 ... 266 No. 10. Louisville. Ky. Petition, H. R., Apr. 12, 1884 ... 227 No. II. Memphis, Tenn. Memorial, S., Apr. 6, 1888 256 No. 12. Baltimore. Md. Petition. H. R., Apr. 28, 1902 .. . 367 No. 14. Harrisburg, Pa. Petition and memorial: S., Jan. 25, 188S— Referred 233 H. R., Jan. 25, 1888— Referred 233 No. 16. Chicago, 111. Petitions and memorials: S., Feb. 1 1 . 1886— Referred 235 S., Feb. 24, 1886— Referred 236 S., Apr. 6, 1888— Ordered to lie on table 256 S., Apr. 12, iSSS — Ordered to lie on table {See Note ) . 257-258 H. R., Apr. 4, 1888— Referred 255 H. R., Apr. 16, 188S— Referred {See Note) 258 No. 17. New Orleans, La. Petition, H. R., Mar. 27, 1902 . 363 No. 20. Nashville, Tenn. Petition and memorial: vS., Apr. 9, 1888— Ordered to lie on table 257 H. R., Feb. 10, 1890 — Referred 274 No. 22. Dubuque, Iowa. Petition, H. R.,Mar. 29, 1888 .. 254 No. 23. Milwaukee, Wis. Petitions of: H. R., Feb. 13, 1886— Referred 235 H. R., Mar. 19, 1902 — Referred 361 Index 463 Typographical unions— Co fifi lined Page No. 29. Peoria, 111. Petitions of: H. R. , Mar. 13, 1890— Referred 278 H. R., Mar. 15, 1890 — Referred 278 No. 30. St. Paul, Minn. Memorial, H. R., Jan. 16, 1890. 270, 271 No. 36. Oakland, Md. Petition, H. R., Feb. 28, 1890 .... 277 No. 38. Haverhill, Mas.s. Petition, H. R., Jan. 20, 1890 . . 271 No. 39. Grand Rapids, Mich. Petition, S., Mar. 27, 1888 . 254 No. 42. Minneapolis, Minn. Petitions of: H. R., July 14, 1888— Referred 266 H. R., July 24, 1888— Referred 266 No. 43. Charleston, S. C. Petitions of: H. R., Mar. 8, 1902 — Referred 358 H. R., Mar. 15, 1902— Referred S^o No. 47. New Haven, Conn. Petition, H. R., Jan. 30, 1S90. 273 No. 55. Syracuse, N. Y. Petition, H. R., Mar. 13, 1902. . . 359 No. 57. Dayton, Ohio. Petition, H. R., Jan. 13, 1890 270 No. 58. Portland, Oreg. (Multnomah). Petitions of : S., May 9, 1888— Ordered to lie on table 261 H. R., Apr. 30, 1902 — Referred 3^7 No. 59. Quincy, 111. Petition, S., Apr. 3, 1888 255 No. 60. Roanoke, Va. Memorial, H. R., Feb. 3, 1890 .... 274 No. 66. Portland, Me. Memorials of: S., Jan. 28, 1886— Referred 234 S., Feb. 2, x886— Referred 235 No. 68. Keokuk, Iowa. Petition, S., Apr. 3, 1888 255 No. 71. Trenton, N. J. Petition, H. R., Sept. 19, 1890. ... 291 No. 73. Ottumwa, Iowa. Petition, S., Apr. 12, 1888 257 No. 75. Burlington, Iowa. Petition, H. R., Jan. 17, 1890 . 271 No. 77. Erie, Pa. Memorial, S., Jan. 27, 1886 234 No. 81. Bay City, Mich. Petitions of: S., Apr. II, 1888— Ordered to lie on table 257 S., Apr. 12, 1888— Ordered to lie on table 257 No. 86. Reading, Pa. Petition, H. R., Mar. 12, 1886 236 No. 89. Chattanooga, Ten n. Petition, H. R., Jan. 13, i^go- 269 No. 92. Little Rock, Ark. Memorial, H. R., Jan. 28, 1890. 273 No. 97. Peru, Ind. Petition, H. R., Mar. 17, 1902 (.V^^-Note) . 360 No. 98. Brooklyn, N. Y. [sir, i. e. Bedford, Ind.]. Petition, S., Mar. 26, 1888 • 254 No. 99. Philadelphia. Pa. [su; i. e. Jackson, Mich.]. Peti- tions of: S., Apr. 9, 1888— Ordered to lie on table 256 S., Apr. II, 1888— Ordered to lie on table 257 No. 100. Norwich, Conn. Petitions of: H. R., Jan. 26, 1886 — Referred 234 H. R., Mar. 14, 1902— Referred 3^0 No. 107. Rock Island, 111. Petition, S., Apr. 10, 1888 257 No. 112. Scranton, Pa. Petition, S., Jan. 22, 1890 272 464 Copyright in Congress, f/8g to 1904 Typograpliical unions — Continued page No. 117. Springfield, Ohio. Petition, H. R., June 19, 1888. {See Note) 265 No. 118. Des Moines, Iowa. Petitions of: H. R., Apr. 4, 1888— Referred 256 H. R., Feb. 18, 1890- Referred 277 S., Apr. 9, 1888 — Ordered to lie on table 256, 257 No. 121. Topeka, Kans. Petitions of : S., Apr. 9, 1888 — Ordered to lie on table 256 H. R., Apr. 4, 1888— Referred 256 No. 122. Kalamazoo, Mich. Memorial, S., Mar. 11, 1902.. 359 No. 127. Hartford, Conn. Petition, H. R., Jan. 30, 1890. . 273 No. 128. South Bend., Ind. Petitions of: H. R., Apr. 13, 1888— Referred 258 H. R., July 25, 1888— Referred 266 No. 138. Austin, Tex. Petition, S., Apr. 23, 1888 259 No. 147. Ashland, Ariz. Memorial, H. R., Jan. 27, 1890.. 273 No. 148. Wichita, Kans. Memorials of: H. R., Apr. 25, 1888— Referred 260 H. R., Jan. 15, 1890— Referred 270 No. 185. Bradford, Pa. Petition, S., Jan. 21, 1890 271 No. 193. Spokane Falls, Wash. Petition, H. R., Apr. 21, 1888 259 No. 198. Fort Worth, Tex. Petitions of: H. R., Mar. 20, 1902 — Referred 361 H. R., Mar. 21, 1902 — Referred 362 N«. 199. Zanesville, Ohio. Petition, S., Apr. 11, 1S88 257 No. 202. Seattle, Wash. Petitions of: H. R., Apr. 21, 1888— Referred 259 H. R., June 30, 1S88— Referred 265 No. 203. Council Bluffs, Iowa. Petition, H. R. , Feb. 23, 1886. 235 No. 206. Sedalia, Mo. Memorials of: H. R., Mar. 21, 1902 — Referred 362 S., Apr., 15, 1902 — Referred 366 No. 211. Oshkosh, Wis. Memorials of: H. R., Mar. 20, 1886— Referred 236 S., Mar. 22, 1886— Referred 236 No. 213. Rockford, 111. Petition, H. R., Mar. 24, 1S90 . . . 279 No. 218. Sioux Falls, S. Dak. Petition, H. R., Apr. 8, 1902. 364 No. 228. Norwood, Mass. Petitions of: H. R., Mar. 19, 1902 — Referred 361 H. R., Mar. 20, 1902 — Referred 361 No. 231. vSan Jo.s^, Cal. Memorial, H. R., Jan. 16, 1890.. 271 No. 235. Railway, N. J. Petition, H. R., Mar. 21, 1902 . . 363 No. 252. Bridgeport, Conn. Petition, H. R., Mar. 3, 1902. 357 No. 256. Greatfalls, Mont. Petitions of: H. R., Mar. 8, 1902 — Referred 35S H. R., Mar. 13, 1902 — Referred. 359 Index 465 Typographical nnions — Continued Page No. 271. Boise City, Idaho. Memorials of: H. R. , Mar. 10, 1902 — Referred . . .• 358 S. , Mar. 1 1 , 1902 — Referred 359 H. R., Mar. 15, 1902 — Referred 360 No. 284. Anderson, Ind. Memorial, vS., Apr. 30, 1902 .... 367 No. 332. Muncie, Ind. Petition, H. R., Mar. 12, 1902. . . . 359 Underwriters and ship-owners of New York. Petition, S., Jan. 19' 1853 170 {See also Bills: S., no. 181. 33d Cong., ist .sess. ) Union Co., Ind., teachers of. (See John W. Short and others. ) United Labor League of Philadelphia. Petitions, S., Jan. 19 and 22, 1891 299 United States, authors and publishers of: Petitions, S., May 12, 1862; June 10 and iS, 1870 ... 186, 199, 200 United States, citizens of. {See Petitions and memorials.) United States, writers of. Memorial, S., Feb. 20, 1837 97, 149 University of Arkansas, faculty of. Petitions: S., Jan. 30, 1888 — Referred to Committee on Patents 245 H. R., Jan., 31, 1888 — Referred to Committee on Patents. . 246 University of California, faculty of. Petitions: H. R., Feb. 24, 1888 — Referred to Committee on Patents . . 252 S., May 22, 1888— Ordered to lie on table 263 H. R., May 23, 1890 — Referred to Committee on Patents . . 286 University of Georgia, faculty of. Petitions: H. R., Feb. 7, 1888— Referred to Committee on Patents ... 248 S., Feb. 16, 1S88 — Referred to Committee on Patents 250 University of Kansas, faculty of. Petitions: S. , Jan. 30, 1888 — Referred to Committee on Patents 245 H. R., Jan. 30, 1888 — Referred to Committee on Patents. . . 245 University of Mississippi, faculty of. Petitions: S., Feb. 2, 1888 — Referred to Committee on Patents 247 H. R., Feb. 2, 1888 — Referred to Committee on Patents . . . 247 University of Missouri, faculty of. Petitions: S., F'eb. 24, 1888 — Referred to Committee on Patents 252 H. R., Feb. 24, 1888 — Referred to Committee on Patents . . 252 University of North Dakota, faculty of. Petition: H. R., Feb. 10, 1888 — Referred to Committee on Patents . . 249 University of Rochester, N. Y., faculty of. Petitions: S., Jan. 25, 1888 — Referred to Committee on Patents 243 H. R., Jan. 25, 1888 — Referred to Committee on Patents. . . 243 University of Texas, faculty of. Petition: S., Feb. 2, 1888 — Referred to Committee on Patents 246 University of Virginia, faculty of. Petitions: S., Feb. 20, 1837 — Ordered to lie on table and be printed . . 97, 150, 153 H. R., Feb. 7, 1888— Referred to Committee on Patents ... 248 S., Feb. 9, 1888 — Referred to Connnittee on Patents 249 S., Feb. 14, 1891— Ordered to lie on table 303 10469 — No. 8 — 05 30 466 CopyrigJit in Congress^ ^7^9 ^^ ^904 Page University of Virginia, librarians of. Petition: H. R., May 19, 1890 — Referred to Committee on the Judi- ciary 285 Upper Iowa University, faculty of. Petition: H. R., Feb. 17, 18SS — Referred to Connnittee on Patents . . 251 Van Buren (Martin), of New York, iSth, 20th Cong 135, 136 Vance (Joseph), of Ohio, 28th Cong 165 Vance (Robert Brank), of North Carolina, 46th Cong 218 Vance (Robert J.), of Connecticut, 50th Cong. ... 53, 79, 262, 267, 383 Vance (Zebulon B. ), of North Carolina, 5oth-5ist Cong. . 242, 306, 384 Vanderbilt University, Tenn., faculty of. Petitions, S., Feb. 13; H. R., Feb. 13, 1888 249, 250 Vandever (William), of California, 51st Cong 277, 296, 321 Vandyke (J. A.) and others. Petition, H. R., June 6, 1S90. . . 286 Vassar College, N. Y., faculty of. Petitions, S. Jan. 25; H. R. Jan. 25, 1888 243 Vattemare (Alexandre). Memorial, H. R., June 6, 1840 157 Vaughan {Rev. Dr. Robert). Included in address of British authors, S., Feb. 2; H. R., Feb. 13, 1837 96, 97, 14S, 149 Verplanck (Gulian C), of New York. 19th, 22d Cong 135, 145 Vest (George Graham), of Missouri, 5oth-5ist Cong. ... 246, 252, 269,299,310,383 Vilas (William Freeman), of Wisconsin, 52d Cong 57, 324 Vinton ( Samuel F. ), of Ohio, 23d Cong 146 Voorhees (Charles Stewart), of Washington, 50th Cong. . . . 259, 265 Voorhees (Daniel W.), of Indiana, 51st Cong 299 Vouchers, bill to secure copyright of 9, 20-22, 71, 374 Waddill ( Edmund,/;-. ), of Virginia, 51st Cong 285, 296, 321 Wade (William H. ), of Missouri, 50th Cong 257, 296, 321 Wadleigh (Bainbridge), of New Hampshire, 43d Cong. . . 46, 214, 215 Wadsworth (Jeremiah), of Connecticut, 2d Cong 125 W'ait (John Turner), of Connecticut, 49th Cong 234 Wall (Garret D. ), of New Jersey, 25th-26th Cong 156 Walthall (Edward Cary), of Mississippi, 50th Cong 247, 319 Warner (Charles Dudley-). Report on copyright (Feb. 13, 1890) Notes, 106, 275 Washburne (Elihu Benjamin), of Illinois, 40th Cong 195 Washington (George). Speech of Jan. 8, 1790 96, 115-116 (See Presidents, messages of. ) Washington (Joseph E. ), of Tennes.see, 5oth-5ist Cong. . 250, 274, 321 Washington [State), citizens of. Petitions, S., Jan. 23, Mar. 3, 1890 272, 278 Washington, D. C, citizens of. Petition, S., Dec. 29, 1890. . . . 297 Wayne (Anthony), of Georgia, 2d Cong 125 Webster (Daniel), of Massachusetts, 2oth-2ist, 24th Cong 137, 144, 148 Webster ( Noah). Petition, vS., Feb. 19, 1828 136 Welch (Joseph). Petition, H. R., June 2, 1888 264 Index 467 Page Weller (John B.), of California, 33d Cong 173 Weller ( Luman H. ) , of Iowa. 48th Cong 228 Wellington (George L. ), of Maryland, 57th Cong 362 Wells College, N. Y., faculty of. Petitions, vS., Jan. 23; H.R., Jan. 23, 1888 241, 242 Welsh (James). Petition H. R., Mar. 23, 1888 253 Welsh (James). Statement before S. copyright hearing, Jan. 29, 1886 78 Wentworth (Tappan), of Massachusetts, 33d Cong 37. I75 Wesleyan University, Conn., faculty of. Petitions, H. R., Feb. 8; S., Feb. 15, 1888 248, 250 Western Association of Writers. Memorial, H. R., Sept. 3, 1890. 291 Western University of Pennsylvania. Petition, H. R., Jan, 30; vS., Jan. 31, 1888 245, 246 Wetmore (George Peabody), of Rhode Island, 54th, 57th Cong. 60, 336, 368 Whaley (Helen M.). Petition, H. R., Apr. 14, 1884 227 Wheeler (Charles Kennedy), of Kentuck}', 55th Cong 64,345 W^heeler (John), of Nevv^ York, 34th Cong 178 Whewell (William). Included in address of British authors, S., Feb. 2; H. R., Feb. 13, 1837 96, 97, 148, 149 White (Alexander), of Virginia, ist Cong 112 White (Charles). Included in address of British authors, S., Feb. 2; H. R., Feb. 13, 1S37 96, 97, 148, 149 White (Stephen Mallory), of California, 53d Cong 329 Whittock (W. F.) and Dickinson (Joseph R.). Petition, H. R., May 19, 1890 285 Wickliffe (Charles A. ), of Kentucky, 20th Cong 138 Wilde (Richard Henry), of Georgia, 21st Cong 141 Petition, S., Dec. 12, 1842. Bill, S. no. 70, 27th Cong., 3d sess 36, 378-380 Wilkes (Charles). Bibliography, I. Bills, no. 32 Note, 36 Wilkins (Beriah), of Ohio, 50th Cong 242 Willey (Waitman T. ), of West Virginia, 39th, 41st Cong 42, 192, 193, 197, 199, 200, 202, 203, 381 Williams (Elihu Stephen), of Ohio, 51st Cong 269, 296, 321 Willis (Albert S. ), of Kentucky, 48th Cong 227 Wilmington, 111., teachers of. Petition, H. R., June 6, 1890. . . 286 Wilmot (David), of Penn.sylvania, 29th Cong 166 Wil.son ( Francis Henry), of New York, 54th-55th Cong. 62, 64, 337, 345 Wilson (James F.), of Iowa, 49th-52d Cong 235, 250, 254, 256, 257, 271, 276, 297, 298, 310, 325 Wilson (Thomas), of Minnesota, 50th Cong 266 Winslow (Warren), of North Carolina, 35th Cong 179 Winthrop (Robert Charles), of Mas.sachusetts, 27th-28th, 31st Cong 158, 161, 163, 164, 169, 170 Wiscon.sin, citizens of. Petitions, S., Jan. 27, 1890; Mar. 12, 1902 273, 359 468 Copyright in Congress^ i7^9 ^^ ^9^4 Page Wise (George D.), of Virginia, 49th-5oth Cong 233, 247 Woodburn (James Albert) and others. Petition, H. R., June 15, 1888 265 Woodward (R. C). Petition, H. R., May 19, 1S90 285 Woolsey (Theodore Dwight) and others. Petitions, H. R., Dec. 6 and 8, 1880; Jan. 10, 1881 218, 219 Wortley ( Lady Enimeline Charlotte Elizabeth Stuart). Included in address of British authors, S., Feb. 2; H. R., Feb. 13, 1837. 96, 97, 148, 149 Wright (Carroll Davidson). Report on effect of international copyright, S., Jan. 12, 1901 no Wright ( Emma E. ). Petition, H. R., May 19, 1890 285 Wright (Silas), of New York, 25th Cong 151 Yates (Richard), of Illinois, 41st Cong 200 Yost (Jacob), of Virginia, 50th Cong 264 Young (Casey), of Tennessee, 46th Cong 219 Young (James Rankin), of Pennsylvania, 57th Cong 356, 360 Zimmerman (E. ). {See William C. Talcott and others.) o University of Caiifornia SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY 405 Hilgard Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90024-1388 Return this material to the library from which it was borrowed.